Project Gutenberg's A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan, by John U. Wolff

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Title: A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan

Author: John U. Wolff

Release Date: June 24, 2012 [EBook #40074]

Language: English

Character set encoding: ASCII


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Transcriber’s Note

This dictionary uses letters with Unicode combining diacritics, such as ā́, an a with a macron and an acute accent. These may not render correctly on older browsers, resulting in the top-most accent being placed over the next letter.



The Southeast Asia Program was organized at Cornell University in the Department of Far Eastern Studies in 1950. It is a teaching and research program of interdisciplinary studies in the humanities, social sciences, and some natural sciences. It deals with Southeast Asia as a region, and with the individual countries of the area: Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

The activities of the Program are carried on both at Cornell and in Southeast Asia. They include an undergraduate and graduate curriculum at Cornell which provides instruction by specialists in Southeast Asian cultural history and present-day affairs and offers intensive training in each of the major languages of the area. The Program sponsors group research projects on Thailand, on Indonesia, on the Philippines, and on the area’s Chinese minorities. At the same time, individual staff and students of the Program have done field research in every Southeast Asian country.

A list of publications relating to Southeast Asia which may be obtained on prepaid order directly from the Program is given at the end of this volume. Information on Program staff, fellowships, requirements for degrees, and current course offerings will be found in an Announcement of the Department of Asian Studies, obtainable from the Director, Southeast Asia Program, 120 Uris Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14850. [i]

Cornell University, Southeast Asia Program
Linguistic Society of the Philippines




This work is a dictionary of Cebuano Visayan, the language of the central part of the Philippines and much of Mindanao. Although the explanations are given in English, the aim of this work is not to provide English equivalents but to explain Cebuano forms in terms of themselves. It is meant as a reference work for Cebuano speakers and as a tool for students of the Cebuano language. There is a total of some 25,000 entries and an addenda of 700 forms which were prepared after the dictionary had been composed.

This dictionary is the product of eleven years work by more than a hundred persons. The work was edited by me and is my responsibility, but the sources are entirely native, and all illustrations are composed by native speakers. The personnel who wrote up the entries are listed in Section 2.1, p. ix. The manuscript went through five versions, the final on an IBM selectric composer. The whole composition was done in Cebu City in five months’ time by Pacifico Briones, Nicolasito Catingan, Florecita Florido, Donata Laingo, and Grace Mendoza. The drafting and splicing were done by Carlito Gubaynon and Felismeno Simplicio. The proofreading and editing was done by me together with Mrs. Elizabeth Say, Mrs. Fe Cuenca, Richard Quiñanola, and my wife Ida Wolff. In the earlier stages of gathering, transcribing, and indexing materials a huge number of people participated, too numerous to mention by name. The entire dictionary through the final composed product was compiled from notes on index cards in the course of twenty-six months. My thanks go especially to the staff listed above and on p. ix for their cooperative spirit. Without their willingness to work overtime, this dictionary could not have been completed.

The work was supported from 1963 to 1966 by funds from Cornell University faculty research grants; 1966–7 by Office of Education contract No. 1-7-002672-2040; 1967–1968 by a Cornell University faculty research grant; 1968–1969 by a grant from the American Council of Learned Societies and by a grant from the Cornell University Philippine Project; 1969–1971 by Office of Education Contract No. 0-9-097718-3350. My trip to the Philippines was financed in 1966–1969 and again in 1970–71 by a Fulbright-Hayes faculty research grant. Without these sources of funds this dictionary could not have been completed.

This dictionary by no means exhausts the Cebuano language, and we hope in future years to produce an expanded and improved version with illustrations. To this end we welcome and would be most grateful for suggestions for corrections and additions.


Southeast Asia Program
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York
August 1971 [iv]



The Southeast Asia Program takes particular pleasure in helping to make this Cebuano dictionary available. The language is, of course, of importance in itself, not only because of its wide use in the Philippines, but also because of its value to linguists and historical research.

In addition, we are especially pleased that this dictionary is a joint publication of the Southeast Asia Program and the Linguistic Society of the Philippines. We owe a special debt of gratitude to the Rev. Teodoro Llamzon, S. J., president of the Linguistic Society of the Philippines, for his gracious help and cooperation in attending to the many details involved in such a cooperative venture. We are also grateful to the Asia Foundation, which provided a partial subsidy to make publication possible.

We are confident that Professor Wolff’s research on Cebuano and the compilation of this work, covering a period of eleven years, has resulted in a useful reference work and in an important contribution to our knowledge of Philippine languages and cultures and to linguistics in general.

Robert B. Jones

Ithaca, New York
December, 1971 [v]






a, adj. adjective voc. vocative
Culu- prefix consisting of the initial consonant of the root followed by ulu x- x is a prefix
dat. dative -x x is a suffix
gen. genitive -x- x is infixed after the initial consonant
k.o. kind of x1, x2 there are two roots with the shape x, members of different morphemes
-l- infix consisting of l followed by the initial vowel of the root x-y x is a prefix, and y is a suffix
lit. literally x(y) y can be substituted for x with virtually no difference in meaning
n noun x-/y- x or, alternatively with no change in meaning, y
nom. nominative root
r- prefix consisting of the initial consonant followed by the first vowel of the root = alternative pronunciation. Defined under the form listed on the right
s.o. someone (→) shift to right: when an affix is added the vowel of the penult is shortened (Section 5.11, p. xii)
s.t. something (←) shift to left: when an affix is added the vowel of the penult is lengthened (Section 5.11, p. xii)
s.w. somewhere additions added to the entry on pp. 1140 ff.
v verb * root which is not used alone





1.0 Cebuano

This work is a dictionary of Cebuano Visayan, here called Cebuano for short. Cebuano is spoken in the central portions of the Philippines: on the islands of Cebu and Bohol, on the eastern half of Negros, western half of Leyte, along the northern coasts of Mindanao, and on smaller islands in the vicinity of these areas. A large portion of the urban population of Zamboanga, Davao, and Cotabato is Cebuano speaking. Cebuano is also widely spoken throughout the lowland areas of the entire eastern third of Mindanao, where it is spreading at the expense of the native languages (most of which are closely related to Cebuano). Cebuano is the trade language in most places in Mindanao where Cebuano-speaking populations and populations speaking other languages are in contact.

Cebuano is also called Sugbuanon and is one of more than a dozen languages or dialects which are given the name Bisayan or Visayan. Other types of Visayan are spoken in areas surrounding the Cebuano-speaking area on the north, east, west, and southeast. This dictionary is confined to Cebuano forms and does not include forms which are not Cebuano from other languages called Visayan spoken outside of the area we have delineated.

In the areas where Cebuano is native and, to a large extent, also in areas where Cebuano is a trade language, it is used for almost every aspect of daily life and for most formal occasions: radio-TV, social life, religious life, business, and the first two grades of school. Cebuano is also largely used in the later grades, although English is supposed to be the medium of instruction. In these areas Cebuano language publications enjoy a wide readership.

Somewhere between one-quarter and one-third of the population of the Philippines speaks Cebuano natively.1 But despite its numerical importance and wide use Cebuano lags far behind Tagalog (Pilipino) in prestige and development as a means of literary and scientific expression. In the schools the emphasis is almost entirely English: Cebuano composition is not a school subject, and students read nothing in Cebuano after the first two grades. In prestige Cebuano is losing ground: for the upper and middle class elite, with isolated praiseworthy exceptions, eloquence in Cebuano is not admired. In fact it is almost a matter of pride not to know Cebuano well. Thus, despite a phenomenal increase in literacy and in the total number of potential contributors and participants in Cebuano literature, output has declined in quantity and quality at an ever increasing rate over the past two generations. The cultivation and development of Cebuano is left to the least influential segments of the population, to whom English education and exposure to English publications are minimally available. These people still compose the vast majority of the population, but the influential classes that have grown up knowing only a dilute and inarticulate Cebuano are ever increasing in number, proportion, and prestige.

1.1 Dialects

The Cebuano language is remarkably uniform. There are differences, to be sure, but these differences are no greater than the differences found among the various varieties of English spoken around the world. There are scattered places within the Cebuano area which use a speech widely aberrant from what we describe here: Surigao, Bantayan Islands, and the Camotes Islands. Forms peculiar to those areas we have simply omitted except for a few widely used forms which tend to find their way into standard Cebuano as spoken by natives of these areas. Such forms are listed, but marked ‘dialectal’. Otherwise whatever forms we have found we have listed without comment, whether or not they are in current use throughout the Cebuano speech area. [viii]

1.12 Correct and incorrect speech

A happy consequence of the low regard which Cebuano speakers have of their own language is that the doctrine of correctness has never gained foothold. Dialectal differences are purely local, not social,2 and speakers regard whatever forms they are familiar with as correct. We have followed the same principle in this dictionary: no attempt is made to prescribe which forms or usages are appropriate, but rather we try to show which forms and usages occur. The various meanings of a given form are listed in such a way that their relation is readily discernible: meanings which are derived by extension or specialization from an original meaning are listed under subheadings of the original-meaning.3

Occasionally annotations such as ‘slang’, ‘euphemism’, ‘humorous’, ‘coarse’, and the like, are given. These annotations signal only that Cebuano speakers tend to regard these forms as such and that they occur only in styles of speech appropriate to these forms.4 We use the following terminology: Biblical, literary, metaphorical, humorous, euphemism, coarse, colloquial. The designation BIBLICAL indicates a form confined to liturgical language or the Bible; LITERARY indicates a form confined to high-flown styles, not ordinarily spoken; METAPHORICAL indicates a meaning recognized as metaphorical in some way (not necessarily confined to literary style); HUMOROUS, a meaning commonly given to a form, but not the primary meaning, which gives the feeling of an oft-repeated joke; EUPHEMISM, a form that is used to avoid saying s.t directly, the meaning of which is readily understood but not as jarring as if it had been said directly; COARSE, a form that clearly would jar the hearer and that is confined to speech used in anger or used as a sign of intimacy or disrespect; SLANG indicates a form confined to intimate speech among people of similar occupations or life styles; COLLOQUIAL indicates forms avoided in formal discourse or writing, but commonly used in normal speech even among non-intimates.


2.0 Basis of this work

This dictionary is a comprehensive listing of approximately 25,000 Cebuano roots with English explanations of their meanings and uses and an indication of the affixational system to which each root is subject, with ample illustrations. Most of the forms here listed are taken from written sources or from taped oral sources of Cebuano of nearly a million words, gathered from all over the Cebuano speech area and covering a wide range of topics and styles. The written sources are some 400 issues of Cebuano publications: Bisaya, Silaw, and Bag-ong Suga, a few novenas, novels, and other collections that have been published.5 About ninety percent of the forms here listed come from these oral or printed sources. Forms which did not occur in these sources but which were well known to me or at least one of the members of the staff that composed this dictionary are also included. Further, any form which occurred in our sources which was not known to our personnel was not included.6 Although there are numerous published sources of Cebuano forms—dictionaries and anthropological and biological studies, we have not taken any forms from them that could not be confirmed directly from our texts or informants. [ix]

2.1 Personnel

The collection, transcription, and classification of the texts was carried out by a large staff in Cebu City, originating from all over the Cebuano speech area. The final stage, the writing up of the definitions, was carried by a small staff, exclusively native speakers of Cebuano now resident in Cebu: Miss E. Agapay, of Malitbog, Leyte, but also a long time resident of Talibon, Bohol, and in Guihulngan, Negros Oriental; Nicolas Ampatin, of Malitbog, Leyte; Abel Angus, of Tudela, Camotes; José Dioko, of Malaboyoc, Cebu; Mrs. E. Emnace, of Dumanjug, Cebu; Atty. A. Estorco, of Guihulngan, Negros Oriental; Everett Mendoza, of Maasin, Leyte; Mrs. D. Ag. Villondo, of Dumanjug, Cebu, but also a long time resident of Ozamis City, and Molave, Zamboanga del Sur.

2.2 Other sources

The scientific names for plants and shells are based upon specimens which were gathered and identified with their Cebuano names by reliable informants. The specimens were compared against the available literature, and where identification was certain, scientific names were given. Our scientific names for plants are taken from the following sources (in order—plants not listed in the first were referred to the second, those not in the first or second were referred to the third, and so forth): Brown, Quisumbing, Merrill, Steiner. For shellfish, we give no scientific names but follow the English terminology of Abbott, 1962. For the fishes and birds, we relied mainly on pictures for Cebuano identification. For fish available in the local markets, we could examine actual specimens. The scientific names of fish follow those given by Herre (1953) and for birds by Delacour and Myer.

We made heavy use of the anthropological sources listed in the bibliography but independently checked all information incorporated and used terminology listed in them only insofar as we could corroborate it.


3.0 Phonology and transcription

The following chart gives the Cebuano phonemes and the articulation:

bilabial apico-alveolar palatal dorsal glottal
voiceless stops p t c k ʔ
voiced stops b d j g
nasals m n ŋ
spirants s h
liquids w l, r y
high- or mid-front low central high- or mid-back
i a u

In addition there is a fourth mid-central vowel which occurs dialectally (Bohol, Southern Leyte, Southern Cebu, and other scattered areas) but is not found in the dialect of Cebu City and is not transcribed here.7 The palatal stop /j/ in many dialects does not contrast with the cluster /dy/. In the dialect of the Camotes Islands there is also a voiced spirant /z/ which derives historically from /y/ but contrasts with /y/ currently.

Vowels may be long or short. Contrast between long and short vowels occurs only in the final and the penultimate syllable of the word: káun [kā́ʔun] ‘eat’ and nagdá [nagdā́] ‘is bringing’. Further, there is only one long vowel per word. There is also a phoneme of stress which has a very low contrastive function. For the most part stress can be determined by the phonological make-up of the word: 1 stress falls on the long vowel of the word if the word has a long vowel: nagdá [nagdā́], káun [kā́ʔun]. 2 for words that have no long vowel, stress is on the penultimate if it is [x]closed: tan-aw [tánʔaw] ‘see’; mugbù [múgbuʔ] ‘short’. If the penultimate is open and short, stress is on the ultimate: mala [malá] ‘dry’. Occasionally, in words with a closed penult the final syllable is stressed (marked here with a wedge): mandǎr [mandár] ‘order’; dughǐt [dughít] ‘instrument for poking’. In words with a long vowel in the ultimate syllable there is, in some dialects, a contrast between the stress on the first mora and stress on the second mora of the long vowel: nahū́g [nahúug] ‘fell’; húg [huúg] ‘woof’. This contrast does not obtain in all dialects.

3.2 Transcription

The transcription here adopted adheres as closely as possible to the spelling found in Cebuano publications and at the same time is strictly phonemic—that is, each phoneme is indicated, and no phoneme in a given environment is given more than one transcription. Our transcription follows the phonemic symbols given in the Chart 3.0 with the exceptions listed in the following sections.

3.21 Vowels

We write only three vowels: i, u, a. In Cebuano publications /i/ is sometimes written i, sometimes e, but with no consistency; and /u/ sometimes is written u, sometimes o (again with no consistency). But here the letters e and o are not used.

Long vowels are indicated with an acute accent: nagdá [nagdā́] ‘is bringing’, lána [lā́na] ‘coconut oil’. (Cebuano publications occasionally indicate long vowels by doubling them, but most frequently long vowels are ignored.)

Stress is not indicated if the placement is according to the rules given in Section 3.0, above. Where a word with a closed penult has a stress on the final syllable, this fact is indicated by a wedge: mandǎr [mandár] ‘order’. For words with a long vowel in the final syllable where the stress is on the final mora, the acute accent indicates the long vowel and stress on the final mora: húg [huúg] ‘woof, trák [traák] ‘bus’. For words with a long vowel in the final syllable where the stress is on the first mora, the stress on the first mora and length are indicated by a combination of a long mark and acute accent: nahū́g [nahúug] ‘fell’, ang-ā́ng [ʔangʔáang] ‘not quite’.

3.22 Glottal stop /ʔ/

In Cebuano publications /ʔ/ is only sometimes indicated.8 Here we indicate /ʔ/ in word or syllable final position with a grave accent written over the vowel which precedes the glottal stop: walà /waláʔ/ ‘no’, bàbà /báʔbaʔ/ ‘mouth’, làhib /láʔhib/ ‘slice’. (In Cebuano publications the glottal stop of these words is never indicated.)

In post-consonantal position we indicate /ʔ/ with a hyphen, as is done in most Cebuano publications: tan-aw /tanʔaw/ ‘see’. In other positions—that is, intervocalically and in word initial position, glottal stop is not written, as is also the usual practice in Cebuano publications: writing of two adjacent vowels or initial vowel serves to indicate a glottal stop:9 maáyu /maʔā́yu/ ‘good’, alas /ʔalás/ ‘ace’.

3.23 /ŋ/, /c/, /j/, /dy/, /ty/

The phoneme /ŋ/ is transcribed ng, as in Cebuano publications: bángun /báŋun/ ‘get up’. The sequence /ng/ is transcribed n-g: san-glas /sanglas/ ‘sunglasses’.

/c/ is transcribed ts, as in Cebuano publications: tsinílas /cinílas/ ‘slippers’10. The sequence /ty/ is transcribed ty (as in Cebuano publications): tyanggi /tyánggi/ ‘market’.

The phoneme /j/ is transcribed initially and medially as dy: dyíp /jíp/ ‘jeep’, dyus /jus/ ‘juice’. (In Cebuano publications /j/ is sometimes written dy, sometimes diy: diyip or dyip—i.e. the spelling of /j/ is no different from that of /dy/.) In final position /j/ is transcribed ds, following the usage in Cebuano publications: dyurds /jurj/ ‘a name—George’.11 The sequence /dy/ is transcribed [xi]diy: diyus /dyus/ ‘god’. (This sequence is spelled diy or, alternatively, dy in Cebuano publications.)12

3.24 Ciy and Cy; Cuw and Cw; ayi and ay; awu and aw

The contrast between /Ciy/ and /Cy/ and between /Cuw/ and /Cw/ (where C is any consonant) obtains only in the position where the /y/ or /w/ precedes a vowel of the final syllable (e.g. paliya [paliyá] ‘k.o. vegetable’ vs. palya [pálya] ‘fail’). When the /y/ or /w/ precedes a vowel of the penultimate or earlier syllable, the contrast does not obtain. If one consonant precedes the /y/ or /w/ we write Cy and Cw; biyà ‘leftovers’ but hibyaan /hi-byà-an/ ‘be left behind’; guwà ‘go out’, higwaan ‘gone out from’. If two consonants precede the /y/ or /w/ we write Ciy and Cuw respectively: pinsiyunáda ‘one who receives a pension’, nagkuwarisma ‘have a sad expression’ (but Kwarisma ‘Lent’).

Similarly, the contrast between /Vyi/ and /Vy/ or /Vwu/ and /Vw/ (where V is any vowel) obtains only when the /y/ or /yi/, /w/ or /wu/ are final in the word: bay ‘term of address’ vs. bayi ‘female’; mabaw ‘shallow’ vs. hibawu (or hibáwu) ‘know’. In closed final syllables or penultimate or earlier syllables the contrast does not obtain. We write Vyi and Vwu in closed syllables and Viy and Vuw in open syllables: bayinti ‘twenty’ but ayta ‘give me’; dawunggan ‘ear’ but awtu ‘car’.


4.0 Listing of Entries

Cebuano is a language with a complex system of affixation and comparatively simple morphophonemic alternations. For this reason the listing of forms is strictly by root.13 Forms of the sort where the root is not really evident are listed with a cross-reference to the root. The order is strictly alphabetical with no regard to diacritical markings (hyphens or accent marks) except that forms without diacritical markings precede forms with diacritical markings.

The order of presentation is always root alone or root plus verbal affixes (Section 6.1f.) followed by verbal derivations (Section 6.2), followed by nominal and adjectival derivations, listed in alphabetical order (Section 7.0). Most roots occur as several parts of speech, and the determination of whether a root is basically a noun, adjective, or verb depends upon a series of morphological and syntactic criteria the details of which cannot be presented here.14 Roots which are basically adjectives are defined first as adjectives, then as nouns and verbs. Roots, basically nouns, are defined first as nouns, then as adjectives and verbs; and roots, basically verbs, are defined first as verbs and then as nouns and adjectives. For verbal forms a formula indicating the conjugation (set of inflectional affixes which may be added to them) is given. The formulas are explained in Sections 7.1ff. and 7.2ff. below.

The entries are liberally illustrated, with the primary aim of clarifying the meaning and with a secondary aim of exemplifying the morphological characteristics of the affixed forms. [xii]


5.0 Alternations

5.1 Morphophonemic alternations

Since the listing in this dictionary is strictly by root, an outline of the important morphophonemic alternations is given here. In the entries nonpredictable morphophonemic alternations are indicated by writing the affixed forms out.

5.11 Shift of stress

The general rule is that an affixed form has the stress on the same syllable as the root alone. Where this general rule is broken, there is said to be SHIFT OF STRESS. When an affixed form has final stress where the root had penultimate stress, there is said to be SHIFT TO THE FINAL SYLLABLE, indicated by the symbol (→):

káun /kā́ʔun/ eat + nag-(→) = nagkaun /nagkaʔún/ is eating
tugnaw /túgnaw/ cold + -un(→) = tugnawun /tugnawún/ be cold

When an affixed form has penultimate stress where the root had final stress, there is said to be SHIFT TO THE PENULTIMATE SYLLABLE, indicated by the symbol (←):

sakay /sakáy/ ride + nag-(←) = nagsákay /nagsā́kay/ ride together

In many cases an unaffixed root has both final stress and penultimate stress (depending on the meaning). Whichever stress occurs with the prefix MU- (see the entry under MU-) is taken to be the stress of the root. Thus, the formation of the unaffixed root with a different stress pattern is said to be by the addition of an affix consisting of shift of stress alone:

inúm15 /ʔinúm/ drink + (←) = ínum /ʔī́num/ drink heavily
búnal /búnal/ beat + (→) = bunal /bunál/ club
5.12 Dropping of vowels

When a suffix is added to a root with a stressed final syllable, the tendency is to drop the vowel of the final syllable of the root:

dakup /dakúp/ arrest + -an = dakpan /dákpan/ be arrested
pisik /pisík/ splash + -an = piskan /pískan/ be splashed
lakat /lakát/ go + -unun = laktunun /laktunún/ errand

This occasionally also happens to roots with stressed penults:

kalímut /kalímut/ forget + -i = kalimti /kalímti/ forget it
5.13 Adding of /h/ or /ʔ/ to roots ending in a vowel when a suffix is added

Some roots which end in a vowel add /ʔ/ before a suffix, some roots add /h/, other roots add either /ʔ/ or /h/ (depending on which suffix):

bása /bása/ read + -un = basáhun /basáhun/ be read
adtu /ʔádtu/ go + -un = adtúun /ʔadtū́ʔun/ gone to get
kabaláka /kabaláka/ worry + -an = kabalak-an /kabalákʔan/ s.t. to worry about (with the vowel of the final syllable of the root dropped—5.12).
sulti /súlti/ talk + -un = sultíhun /sultī́hun/ talk it out
sulti /súlti/ talk + -ánay = sultiánay /sultiʔā́nay/ conversation
5.14 Metathesis

In affixed forms, the sequences /ʔC/ and /hC/ (where C is any consonant) almost always become /Cʔ/ and /Ch/:16

káun /káʔun/ eat + -a = kan-a /kánʔa/ eat it (with the final syllable of the root dropped).[xiii]
luhud /luhúd/ kneel + -an = ludhan /lúdhan/ kneel on (with the vowel of the final syllable of the root dropped).

The sequences /ʔVh/ usually becomes /hVʔ/ (where V is a vowel):

túu /túʔu/ believe + -an = tuhúan /tuhū́ʔan/ believable (where /h/ is intercalated by the rule of 5.13).

Sequences of a liquid or /s/ plus a consonant tend to be metathesized when a suffix is added if the vowel of the final syllable of the root is dropped.

ngálan /ŋálan/ name + -an = nganlan /ŋánlan/ be named
sulud /sulúd/ enter + -un = sudlun /súdlun/ enter it
inum /ʔinúm/ drink + -a = imna /ʔímna/ drink it
putus /putús/ wrap + -un = pustun /pústun/ wrap it
lusut /lusút/ go through + -an = lutsan /lū́can/ go through it

These alternations also manifest themselves in competing root forms: alhu /ʔálhu/ and hal-u /halʔu/ ‘pestle’; kalamunggay and kamalunggay ‘k.o. tree’.

5.15 Change of /r/ or /l/ to /d, g, h/

Intervocalically, /d/ usually becomes /r/ or, less frequently, /l/:

búkid mountain + ka-an = kabukíran or, alternatively, kabukílan mountains

Vice versa, in roots with intervocalic /l/ or /r/, the /l/ or /r/ may change to /d/ when final or abutting on a consonant.

walà /waláʔ/ be lost + -un = wad-un /wadʔun/ lose s.t. (with loss of the final vowel of the root).
hurut /hurút/ use up + -un = hutdun /hútdun/ use s.t. up (with metathesis).

When a /d/, /l/, or /r/ comes to abut on velar consonant it tends to change to /g/:17

pálung /páluŋ/ extinguish + -an = pagngan /págŋan/ extinguish it
haluk /halúk/ kiss + -an = hagkan /hágkan/ kiss it

/r/ or, occasionally, /l/ at the end of a root may change to /h/ when suffixes are added. These are almost always words of Spanish provenience.

mantinil make do with + -an = mantinihan make do with it
imbitar invite + -un = imbitahun invite him

5.2 Competing forms

Because of sound changes which took place over portions of the Cebuano-speaking areas but did not spread over the entire area and the subsequent spread of forms which reflect these changes, there are numerous competing forms which are of the same etymology and which usually (but not always) have the same meaning.18

Forms which are the same in meaning and which are related to each other in that one underwent the sound change and the other did not are defined only once and cross reference is made. Some sound changes are so common and regular that only the older form is listed, and it is to be taken for granted that the form which shows the sound change also normally occurs unless a statement to the contrary is made. [xiv]

5.21 Dropping of /l/
5.211 Intervocalic /l/

Most (but not all) roots which contain an /l/ between /a/’s and /u/’s compete with roots which lack /l/. The forms without /l/ are used generally in the Northeastern portion of the Cebuano area: all areas east of Cebu (Bohol, Masbate, Leyte and islands in between) and on the northern half of Cebu. In the Southwestern areas (Negros, southern half of Cebu and most of Mindanao, the /l/ forms predominate.

Between like vowels /l/ is dropped and the vowel is usually lengthened: kalabaw or kábaw ‘water buffalo’; balay or báy ‘house’; tutulu or tutú ‘three’. In closed syllables or in the case of /l/ beginning the antepenult, no compensatory lengthening takes place: kalatkat or katkat ‘climb’; kalamunggay or kamunggay ‘k.o. tree’.

Between /a/ and /u/ or /u/ and /a/, /l/ becomes /w/: lalum or lawum ‘deep’; sulab or suwab ‘blade’. The sequence /alu/ in the antepenult and penult or earlier in the root becomes /u/ in Cebu and northern Leyte but /awu/ in Bohol and southern Leyte: dalunggan or dunggan or dawunggan ‘ear’.

This alternation is for the most part confined to the root.19 Otherwise, it is so regular that only the forms containing /l/ are listed, and the presumption is made that the /l/ may be dropped unless a note is made to the contrary.20

5.212 Post-consonantal /l/

There is a tendency to drop post-consonantal /l/ usually (but not always) with compensatory lengthening of the vowel of the penult: kinahanglan or kinahángan ‘need’; aplud or apud ‘astringent in taste’; danglug or dángug or dangug ‘slippery’. The /l/-less forms are most common in the areas which drop intervocalic /l/. The dropping of post-consonantal /l/ is by no means as widespread as dropping of intervocalic /l/, and alternative forms are listed.

5.213 Final /l/

In Bohol and southern Leyte there is a tendency for /al/ at the end of a word to become /aw/ and /ul/ to become /u/: bagal or bagaw ‘shell’. In this case alternative forms are listed.

5.214 Change of /l/ to /y/

Historically, intervocalic /l/ in isolated dialects became /y/. Forms with /y/ for /l/ have spread throughout the Cebuano-speaking area, and some are in competition with /l/-retaining forms: tingáli or tingáyi ‘perhaps’; kalugpus or kayugpus (also kugpus—by the rule of 5.211) ‘fold the arms’. In this case, competing forms are listed with cross reference.

5.22 Assimilation and metathesis

There is a tendency for nasal consonants which abut on consonants to be assimilated: bungdul or bundul ‘poke’; hingbis or himbis ‘scales’; amgid or anggid (also ambid) ‘like’. This alternation is sporadic, and competing forms are listed.

There is some competition between forms with voiced and forms with voiceless consonants, where the competition derives from assimilation: tikbas or tigbas ‘strike with a blade’; bukdu or bugdu ‘bulging out’. Again the competing forms are listed.

There is also competition between forms which differ by virtue of metathesis: bungdul or dungbul (and dumbul) ‘poke’; itsa or ista ‘throw’; bàgu /baʔgu/ or bag-u /bagʔu/ ‘new’. (Cf. Section 5.14.) Competing forms that differ by virtue of metathesis are listed except for forms containing a sequence /Cʔ/ which invariably compete with forms containing /ʔC/.

5.23 Change of vowels

The vowel of the antepenult sporadically may change to /a/: kumusta or kamusta ‘how are, is’; batíis or bitíis ‘leg’. Occasionally /a/ or /u/ is assimilated to a following /y/ or an /i/ in the following syllable: biyà or bayà ‘leave’; musimus or misimus ‘lowly’. In these cases competing forms are listed. [xv]

5.24 Change of /y/ to /dy/

In Bohol and Southern Leyte /y/ becomes /j/ (written dy). Some forms with dy have spread throughout the Cebuano speech area or occur only in the Bohol-Southern Leyte speech. Such forms are listed with dy.21 Other forms with dy are listed as with y, and the reader may conclude that these forms have /dy/ in Bohol and Southern Leyte.

5.25 Competing forms where no sound change is involved

Roots which are not relatable by the above rules are given separate definitions. The exception to this rule is equivalent names of flora and fauna and technical terms which refer to exactly the same cultural forms: e.g. gwayabanu, labanu, malabanu, síku karabaw are all the same plant (Anona muricata); humagbus and hinablus both refer to the same relationship.


6.1 Inflection

Verb forms are subject to the addition of a small list of affixes which we call INFLECTIONAL AFFIXES. The inflectional affixes specify three tenses: PAST, FUTURE, and SUBJUNCTIVE; four cases or voices: ACTIVE, DIRECT PASSIVE, LOCAL PASSIVE, and INSTRUMENTAL PASSIVE; and two modes: POTENTIAL and NONPOTENTIAL. The nonpotential forms are further broken down into two aspects: PUNCTUAL and DURATIVE. The punctual-durative distinction exists in all voices but is observed only in the active voice.22 In the passive voices punctual forms are used for all meanings, except for literary or dialectal styles where the durative-nondurative distinction is maintained. The following chart shows these affixes. Their meanings are listed and exemplified in entries in the dictionary listed under mu-, mag-1, maka-1, -un1, ma-1, -an1, i-1. 23 In the following [xvi]chart commas indicate forms which are in free variation (nearly synonymous and mutually substitutable). A preceding hyphen indicates a suffix, following hyphen a prefix, and hyphen in the middle, a circumfix. Dialectal affixes are not listed. The asterisks mark forms which are not normally used in colloquial speech.

Future Past Subjunctive
Punctual mu- mi-, ni-, ning-, ming- mu-
Durative mag-, maga- nag-, naga-, ga- mag-, maga-
Potential maka-, ka- naka-, ka- maka-, ka-
Direct Passive
Punctual -un gi- -a
Durative paga-un* gina-* paga-a*
Potential ma- na- ma-
Local Passive
Punctual -an gi-an -i
Durative paga-an* gina-an* paga-i*
Potential ma-an, ka-an na-an ma-i, ka-i
Instrumental Passive
Punctual i- gi- i-
Durative iga-* gina-* iga-*
Potential ma-, ika- na-, gika- ma-, ika-

6.2 Verbal derivation

The inflectional affixes are added not only to roots (forms containing no other affixes) but also to derived bases (forms containing further affixes). The productive affixes which are added to roots to form bases which in turn may have inflectional affixes added to them are -ay, -an, pa-, paN-,24 ka-, hi-, ha-, hiN-, pakig-, paki-, panggi-, pani-, paniN-24. These affixes are given entries in the dictionary and exemplified there.

When the active inflectional affixes are added to verb bases which contain some of these derivative prefixes, they undergo morphophonemic alternations as shown in the following chart:

together with prefix ni- (mi-, ning-) becomes mu- becomes
paN- naN- maN-
pakig- nakig- makig-
paniN- naniN- maniN-
pani- nani- mani-
panggi- nanggi- manggi-

These affixes are given entries and defined there.


7.0 Classification of roots according to their system of affixation

With the rich system of derivational and inflectional affixations to which Cebuano roots are subject, there are literally hundreds of different affixed forms for any given root. Since it is manifestly impossible to list exhaustively all affixations for any given root, we follow the principle here that PRODUCTIVE FORMATIONS are generally not listed unless there is s.t. especial [xvii]about their meanings or morphophonemics. By PRODUCTIVE FORMATIONS we mean affixes which are added to all, or almost all, members of a certain group of roots. For example, the affix ka-an2 is added to any root which refers to a plant to form a collective noun referring to a place where a group of that type of plant is found. The formation, ka-[plant]-an, is not listed except in cases where there is s.t. special about the affixation, as for example kalubinhan ‘coconut grove’ (from lubi) which undergoes special morphophonemics or kabaknitan ‘thicket’ (from baknit ‘k.o. vine’), where the meaning of the affixed form is not predictable from the meaning of the base and the affixes. The following productive affixes are listed only occasionally. For their meanings and a description of the type of roots to which they are added, see the entries: pa-1,2; paN-1a,c, panggi-, hi-/ha-; hiN-1; -ay/-anay; paka-2, doubling or Culu-; -in-1, -in2, ka-an2, -in-an1, -in-an2, ma-2.

The inflectional affixes which may be added to a given verb base in a given meaning are indicated by means of a formula which is explained in the following subsections. The derivational affixes paN-1a,c, pakig-, and ka- are also indicated with these formulas.

Our classification of verbs consists of two parts separated by a semicolon: the active and the passive. The active classes are indicated by capital letters A, B, C and numbers indicating subclasses; and the passive classes are indicated by minuscules a, b, and c followed by numbers indicating subclasses. E.g. palit ‘buy’, which is in class A; a, takes the active affixes listed for A (Section 7.11) and the passive affixes listed for a (Section 7.21). In the following subsections the verbs mentioned as examples of each conjugation class are listed with examples for all the relevant affixations.

7.1 Active verb classes

7.11 Class A conjugation, the action verbs

Verbs of class A refer to an action. If they are the predicate of the sentence, the subject is the agent of the action. If they are in attribute construction, the head is the agent of the action. They occur with mu-, meanings 1 and 225 (and thus also with mi-, ni-, etc.), mag-, meanings 1 and 2 (and thus also with nag-, naga-, maga-, etc.), maka- in all meanings (and thus also with naka-, ka-, etc.). (See the entries under these affixes for further illustration and explanation.) The entry for palit ‘buy’ illustrates this class; the entry for bisiklíta ‘bicycle’ indicates this class with verbs derived from noun roots, and the entry for hapit,2 ‘drop in s.w.’ illustrates this class referring to verbs of motion.

7.111 Subclasses of the class A conjugation

The numbers which follow the letter A indicate nonoccurrence of affixes. The symbol A1 indicates verbs of the A conjugation which do not occur with the punctual-active set, mu- (mi-, etc.). An example of a verb of this type is ikspidisiyun ‘go on an expedition’. The symbol A2 indicates that the base does not occur with the durative-active set, mag- (nag-, etc.). A verb of this class is sángit ‘catch, snag s.t.’. The symbol A3 indicates that the base does not occur with the potential-active set, maka- (naka-, etc.), e.g. habhab,3 ‘eat away a portion of s.t.’. Two numbers following the letter A indicate the absence of two of the three active affixes. E.g. A12 indicates a base which occurs only with maka- (naka-, etc.) but not with mu- and mag-, e.g. salà.

The symbol A13 indicates lack of mu- and maka- but occurrence of mag-, e.g. dahum ‘expect’.

The symbol S following a number indicates that the base occurs with the prefix represented, but that there is shift (Section 5.11). E.g. dalágan ‘run’ is in class A2S: it occurs with all three sets, but the penult is short when the durative affixes, mag-, etc., are added. Dáwat ‘receive’ is in class A3S: it occurs with all three active sets, but the penult is short when the potential affixes, maka-, etc., are added.

The symbol P following the letter A indicates that the unaffixed root and the root plus pa- have exactly the same meaning and are used interchangeably with the active affixes: e.g. mala ‘dry’.

The symbol A3P indicates that the root occurs with both maka- (naka-) and, alternatively, with makapa- (nakapa-) with no difference in meaning. Further, the base occurs with nonpotential [xviii]affixes, but with the nonpotential active affixes, pa- cannot be added to the base without changing the meaning. The symbol A123P means that the root occurs only with potential-active affixes (i.e., does not occur with mu- or mag-), but it does occur with maka- and also with makapa- having the same meaning as maka-, e.g. malarya ‘get malaria’.

The symbol N following A or A plus the numbers indicates that the prefix paN- can be added to the base together with the punctual-active affix, mu-, and with the potential-active affix maka- (naka-) but not with the durative affixes, and that the root alone is synonymous with the base plus paN-. That is to say, the form mu- (mi-)[root] and maN- (naN-)[root]26 are synonymous, and maka- (naka-)[root] is synonymous with nakapaN-[root] and makapaN-[root]. An example of a root of the AN conjugation is sanghid ‘ask permission’.

7.12 Class B conjugation, the stative verbs

Verbs of class B refer to s.t. that happened to s.o. or s.t. If they are the predicate of the sentence, the subject is the thing to which the event happened. Verbs of class B occur with mu- (mi-, etc.), meaning 3, mag- (nag-, etc.), meaning 3, ma- (na-, etc.), meaning 3, maka- (naka-, etc.) or, alternatively, makapa- (nakapa-) with a meaning ‘cause s.t. to become [so-and-so]’, and with magka-2 (nagka-, etc.). The entry for pula ‘red’ illustrates this conjugation. The entry for duktur ‘doctor’ illustrates a verb of this class formed from a noun root.

7.121 Subclasses of verbs of the B conjugation

Verbs of class B1 lack mu-, e.g. págud ‘get burnt’. Verbs of class B2 lack mag-, e.g. palanas ‘be eroded’. Verbs of B3 occur with maka- but have a meaning ‘become [so-and-so]’, e.g. laun ‘age’. Verbs of class B3(1) occur with maka- in two meanings: (1) become [so-and-so], and (2) cause to become [so-and-so]. In the latter meaning it also occurs with makapa- (nakapa-), e.g. lup-ut2 ‘thicken’. Verbs of class B4 lack na- (ma-). E.g. laúsag ‘got worse and worse’. Verbs of class B5 lack maka- (naka-) and verbs of class B6 lack magka-2, e.g. paliyar ‘for an engine to malfunction’. Many verbs in the class B conjugation have one or more of these conjugational features. E.g. duktur as a verb ‘become a doctor’ is in class B16,—i.e. it lacks mu- and lacks magka-.

The symbols S and N are used just as with the verbs of the A conjugation. The symbolization B2S indicates that the penult is short with the durative affixes (mag-, etc.), e.g. lúya ‘get weak’. A symbol BN indicates that paN- may be added to the base with the volitional affix (mu-) and that the root plus mu- (mi-, etc.) does not differ in meaning from the root plus maN- (naN-).26 An example of a verb of conjugation BN is pula.

7.13 Class C conjugation, the mutual action verbs

Verbs of class C refer to an action which two or more agents engage in mutually. Verbs in this class usually have a long penult and shift the stress to the penult if the final syllable of the unaffixed root is stressed. Verbs of this class occur with the durative prefixes, mag-1, (nag-, etc.), meaning 5, with the potential prefix magka-1 (nagka-), and with the prefix makig- (nakig-). The entry for sábut ‘come to an understanding’ (under sabut (←)) illustrates a verb of class C conjugation.

7.131 Subclasses of the class C conjugation

The symbol C1 refers to verbs which lack the durative set, mag-. The symbol C2 refers to verbs which lack the potential set, magka-. The symbol C3 refers to verbs which lack the set makig-. The listing for balíus ‘miss each other’ exemplifies a verb of class C13 (missing both mag-1 and makig-). The entry púyù ‘live together’ illustrates a verb of class C2 (lacking the potential form magka-1).

7.2 Passive verb classes

7.21 Class a verbs

Verbs of class a occur with direct passive affixes (see the entry for -un1), and the direct passive [xix]verb refers to a FOCUS27 which is the recipient of the action (see -un1, meaning 1). Verbs of class a normally also occur with the local passive affixes (see -an1) referring to a focus which is the place or beneficiary of the action (-an1, meaning 1). They also occur with the instrumental passive affixes (see i-1) in the instrumental, beneficial, and temporal meanings (i-1, meanings 2, 3, and 4). Palit ‘buy’ illustrates a verb of class a. Hapit ‘drop in’ and dalágan ‘run’ illustrate verbs of class a that refer to motion. Ábut (under ábut) ‘meet with each other’ illustrates a verb of class a conjugation referring to mutual action. Dakù illustrates an adjective with class a conjugation. Bisiklíta and duktur illustrate two different kinds of nouns with class a conjugation.

7.211 Subclasses of the class a conjugation

Verbs in class a1 lack a local passive; verbs in class a2 lack an instrumental passive (except in the benefactive and temporal meanings [-i1, meanings 3 and 4], to which all verbs in the language are subject). Verbs in class a12 lack both the local and the instrumental passive. The verb daug, 1 ‘overcome’ exemplifies this conjugation. Verbs in class a3 have only potential passive affixes, e.g. dungug, 1 ‘hear’. Verbs in class a4 refer to a focus which is the thing suffering from or affected by the thing referred to by the verb (-un1, meaning 2), e.g. malarya ‘get malaria’.

7.22 Class b verbs

Verbs of class b occur with a local passive affix, and the local passive refers to a focus which is the recipient of the action (see -an1, meaning 2). Verbs of this class also normally occur with the instrumental passive affixes (see i-1) in the instrumental, beneficial, and temporal meanings (i-1, meanings 2, 3, and 4). Haluk ‘kiss’ illustrates a verb of class b conjugation.

7.221 Subclasses of class b

The symbol b(1) indicates verbs of class b which lack the instrumental passive conjugation (in any but the benefactive and temporal meanings [i-1, meanings 3 and 4], to which all verbs in Cebuano are subject). An example of a b(1) verb is bantay ‘watch’.

The symbol b1 indicates verbs the local passives of which refer to a focus which is the place of the action (-an1, meaning 1) or, in another meaning, to the recipient of the action (-an1, in meaning 2). Laba ‘wash’ illustrates a verb of this type.

The symbol b2 indicates verbs of the a conjugation, the local passive of which refers to the place of the action, but which also occur with the affix hi-an(→) (hi-i), meaning 2, to refer to the accidental recipient of the action. Bása ‘read’ illustrates a verb in class ab2.

The symbol b3 indicates verbs the local passive of which refers to the reason for the action (-an1, meaning 5). Dalágan ‘run’ illustrates this class. The symbol b3(1) indicates verbs of class b3 which occur only with potential affixes (ma-/na-an/-i or, alternatively, gika-/ka-an/-i). Hadluk ‘be afraid’ illustrates a verb of b3(1).

The symbol b4 indicates verbs the local passive of which refers to a focus which is the thing affected by the action or the thing this verb refers to (-an1, meaning 4). Buntag, 3 ‘be overtaken by morning’ illustrates a verb of this class. The symbol b4(1) indicates verbs of class b4 which have only potential affixes. Walà ‘lose’ illustrates a verb of this class.

The symbol b5 refers to verbs the local passive and the direct passive of which are synonymous, i.e. occur with -un1, in meaning 1, and -an1, in meaning 2, where there is no difference between the two sets of affixation.28 Abli,2 ‘open’ illustrates a verb of this class.

The symbol b6 refers to verbs which have no passive other than the local passive and the instrumental passive in the benefactive or temporal meanings (-i1, meanings 3 and 4), and, further, the [xx]local passive refers to a focus which is the place or the beneficiary of the action (-an1, meaning 1), or, in the case of adjectives, refers to a focus which is the person who considered s.o. to be [adjective]. Kulumbítay ‘hang’ is an example of a verb of class b6. The symbol b6(1) refers to verbs of this sort which also occur with an instrumental passive in the instrumental meaning—i.e. the focus of the instrumental passive is the instrument with which the action of the verb is carried out (i-1, meaning 2). Dagkut, 1 ‘light’ is an example of a verb of class b6(1).

The symbol b7 indicates verbs the local passive of which refers to a focus which is s.t. diminished or added to (-an1, meaning 2a). Kúhà ‘take’ illustrates a verb of this conjugation.

The symbol b8 indicates verbs which have only potential local passives. Kamau ‘know’ (listed under mau) is a verb of class b8.

7.23 Class c verbs

Verbs of class c have instrumental passive affixes which refer to a focus which is the thing conveyed by the action or the direct recipient of the action (see i-1, meaning 1). Verbs of class c normally also occur with the local passive affixes (-an1) referring to a focus which is the place or the beneficiary of the action (-an1, meaning 1). Lábay ‘throw away’ illustrates a verb of this type. Dalágan,1 illustrates a verb of class c which refers to motion.

7.231 Subclasses of class c verbs

The symbol c1 indicates verbs for which the direct and the instrumental passive are synonymous (i.e. occur with -un1 in meaning 1 and with i-1 in meaning 1; and the meaning of the form composed of i- plus the base is synonymous with -un plus the base).29 Most verbs derived from adjectives are in class c1.

The symbol c2 indicates verbs for which the local and the instrumental passive forms are synonymous, where with the local passive and the instrumental passive forms refer to a focus which is the recipient of the action (-an1, meaning 2, and i-1, meaning 1). An example of a verb in class c2 is dusù ‘shove’.

The symbol c3 indicates verbs the instrumental passive of which refers to a focus which is the recipient of the action (i-, meaning 2), but which occur only with the potential affixes ika-, gika-. A verb in class c3 is isturya ‘talk to’.

The symbol c4 refers to verbs which optionally take a prefix ig-1 for the future instrumental passive nonpotential form and igka-1 for the future instrumental passive potential form. Dúngug,3 (listed under dungug (←)) ‘hear from’ is an example of a verb in class c4.

The symbol c5 refers to verbs the instrumental passive of which refers to a focus which is the reason on account of which the agent came into [such-and-such] a state (-i, meaning 5, and ika-1, meaning 2). Lípay ‘be happy’ is an example of a verb with c5 conjugation.

The symbol c6 refers to verbs of class c which do not occur with local passive affixes.

1 We arrive at this figure by totalling the population of towns and villages in Cebuano-speaking areas in the Census of 1960 (about seven and a half million). There are no accurate figures as to language affiliation for the population in the Philippines.

2 Use of English and to some extent, Spanish, has the function of distinguishing the upper classes from the ordinary folks, rather than class dialect.

3 Thus, for example, in our definition of danggit (a name given to a small fish) we define as follows: 1 name given to small species of Teuthis with dots. 2 by extension, name given to any small specimen or any species of Teuthis. This definition reflects the usage of fishermen who call any small dotted species of Teuthis, genuine danggit (danggit nga pyúr), but any species of Teuthis with no dots are called aberrant forms of the danggit—other related fish are called danggit sa hunásan ‘the danggit of the tidal flats’ or danggit nga ngisingisi ‘the danggit like the ngisingisi fish, etc.) Further, by fishermen these other species of Teuthis are given their own names: danghili and lilu kan; but among housewives and in the market all these fish are called danggit.

4 Just as in an English dictionary we must indicate that the term ‘vagina’ is appropriate to a family-planning lecture, whereas, ‘cunt’ is not, so in Cebuano we must indicate that the term kinatáwu sa babáyi ‘female genitalia’ is fine for a family planning lecture but bilat ‘cunt’ is not. We do this by characterizing kinatáwu sa babáyi as a euphemism and characterizing bilat as coarse. We do not wish to say that one of these alternative forms is better than the other, nor do we mean to say that ‘coarse’ forms in Cebuano are taboo. (They are not taboo in the same way that the English four-letter words are, even though for formal occasions they are avoided.)

5 Aside from a few catechisms and novenas, there are practically no specimens of Cebuano extant which antedate this century, and even prewar literary productions are extremely difficult to come by. Aside from the forms marked ‘Biblical’, everything here listed is contemporary speech.

6 Approximately five percent of our data is not included for lack of reliable informants. These are mainly forms of only local currency, a large portion of them from Bohol.

7 In the Cebuano of Cebu City and most Cebuano-speaking areas, the mid-central vowel falls together with /u/. Nice as it would have been to include information on which forms with /u/ are with a mid-central vowel dialectally, such information is extremely difficult to come by, and so we reluctantly had to leave this information to be supplied in future editions.

8 The glottal stop in post-consonantal position is usually indicated in Cebuano publications by a hyphen (as we do): tan-aw /tánʔaw/ ‘see’, spelled tan-aw (but sometimes also as tanaw). Between vowels a glottal stop is occasionally indicated, again with a hyphen: maáyu /maʔáyu/ ‘good’, spelled maayu, maayo, ma-ayo, or ma-ayu.

9 In initial position there is no contrast between /ʔ/ and its absence, and phonetically the [ʔ] is always articulated. Intervocalically there is no contrast between successive like vowels and like vowels separated by a /ʔ/ (between [aa] and [aʔa]; [uu] and [uʔu]; [ii] and [iʔi]), and phonetically the [ʔ] is always present. Between unlike vowels there is either a [ʔ] or a [w] or [y] glide.

10 [ts] does not contrast with [c]. Morphologically, when a suffix -s is added to a base which ends in /t/ the combination ts automatically becomes [c]: Rit ‘name’ plus -s ‘diminutive suffix’ = Rits [ric].

11 A sequence [ds] or [dy] does not occur in final position. When a suffix -s is added to a base ending with d the combination ds automatically becomes [j]: Pid ‘name’ plus -s ‘diminutive suffix’ = Pids [pij].

12 Our transcription of diy for /dy/ is unequivocal, as I have come across no case where [diy] occurs in contrast to [dy].

13 The exception to this rule is forms which contain dead affixes—affixes which are not part of the productive or even live Cebuano morphological (inflectional and derivational) systems. Examples are takílid ‘turn the back’, bakilid ‘slope’, which obviously have prefixes ta- and ba- respectively and are connected with the root kílid ‘side’. But since ba- and ta- are not part of the active Cebuano derivational system, we list them under takílid and bakilid (with a cross reference to the root kílid). Such forms behave like roots, and it would only complicate the task of the user if they were not to be listed with their dead affix.

14 One difference which sets off roots that are basically verbs from roots that are basically nouns and adjectives is that verb roots may occur unaffixed with the meaning ‘action of [doing so-and-so]’ whereas nouns and adjectives may not: Thus, lakaw ‘walk’, túyuk ‘turn’ are verbs because they occur unaffixed as nouns meaning the action of walking, turning: káda lakaw níya, ‘each time he walked’; káda túyuk níya, ‘each time he turned around’; but karsúnis ‘trousers’, ayruplánu ‘airplane’ are not because they do not occur in this meaning. (To express ‘action of wearing trousers’ the prefix pag- must be added to the noun karsúnis: Gidilì ang pagkarsúnis dinhi, ‘It is forbidden to wear pants here.’ Similarly a pag- must be added to ayruplánu to make a noun meaning ‘action of ...’: Ang pag-ayruplánu makapadali sa byáhi, ‘Taking a plane hastens the trip.’

Roots that are basically adjectives are distinguished from noun roots in that they occur with a prefix ka- in exclamations to mean ‘how very [adjective]!’ whereas nouns do not. Thus buguy ‘tramp’ is an adjective because it occurs with ka- in this meaning: kabuguy níya ‘what a tramp he is’, whereas kutsi ‘car’ is not. (To express, ‘what a car!’ the suffix -a(←) is used, not ka-: Ngilngígang kutsíha uy! ‘My! What a car!’)

15 The root is taken to be inum because the form containing mu- is muinum ‘will drink’.

16 However, this is true only of the Cebu City dialect. Other dialects retain /ʔC/: kàna /káʔna/ ‘eat it’.

17 Dialectally they change to /d/: hadkan, padngan.

18 In the strictest sense, of course, no two forms are the same in meaning: in English, for example, rather pronounced to rhyme with father is different in meaning from rather pronounced [ræd̵ər]. One is a strange or affected word and the other is a normal word. But which form is normal is all a matter of what part of the country one comes from, and a dictionary which is not regionally biased must list them as synonymous. Similarly, in Cebuano for any given speaker, where several forms compete, usually only one form is normal; but, as in the case of the two rather’s in English, the two competing forms are most often synonymous from the dictionary’s point of view.

19 The existence of forms similar in meaning with initial l and initial vowel, e.g. láragárag ‘for leaves to fall off’, shows that this sound change also crossed morphological boundaries when it was in effect.

20 Thus, for example: salámat ‘thanks’ is everywhere with /l/ and a notation to this effect is made in the listing of salámat. But for balay ‘house’, for example, we make no entry for báy because from the listing of balay with no further comment alone the reader may deduce a form báy.

21 There are also forms with dy (/j/) which do not come from an older /y/, e.g. pangadyi ‘pray’.

22 The occurrence of the tense affixation is predictable: a verb form which occurs with a given voice-mode affix in one tense occurs also in the same voice and mode in the other tenses. The voice, mode, and aspect affixes, however, are not predictable. Some verbs occur in one, some in two, some in three, some in all four voices; some occur only in the potential mode, some with only durative active affixes, and so forth.

23 These affixes are the future forms shown in the chart of this section. The entries define the voice and mode differences exhaustively. The difference in tense meanings (between future, past, and subjunctive) are described in this note. The forms designated FUTURE refer to future time (as the name suggests):

Palitun ku ang isdà, I will buy the fish.
Akuy mupalit ug isdà, I will buy some fish.
Kinahanglang palitun nímu, You must buy it.

They also may refer to habitual actions and general statements.

Maáyu siyang mulútug kík, He bakes cakes well.
Mupalit kug isdà káda adlaw, I buy fish every day.
Mupula ug lutúun, If you cook it, it will turn red or When you cook it, it turns red.

They may also refer to exhortations:

Palitun ta! Let’s buy it!
Mupalit tag isdà, Let’s buy some fish.

The forms designated PAST refer to past actions.

Gipalit ku ang isdà, I bought the fish.
Nakatilaw na kug isdà, I have already tasted fish.
Sa nagpalit kug isdà, As I was buying fish.

They also refer to actions still going on.

Naghilak ang bátà, The child is crying.
Naglútù pa siya sa isdà, He is still cooking the fish.

The forms designated as SUBJUNCTIVE occur in a phrase and following a form which itself indicates time: e.g. kagahápun ‘yesterday’, walà ‘not (past)’, anus-a ‘when (future)’, sa miáging Duminggu ‘last Sunday’, adtu ‘there (future)’, túa ‘there (present)’, and the like.

Ugmà níya palita, He will buy it tomorrow.
Anus-a nímu palita ang isdà? When will you buy the fish?
Didtu níya palita, He bought it there.
Sunud Duminggu níya palita, He will buy it next Sunday.
Walà níya palita, He did not buy it.

The passive subjunctive forms are also used as imperative forms:

Palita ang isdà! Buy the fish!
Ayaw lutúa, Don’t cook it.
Limpiyúhi ninyu! You (plural) clean it.

Further examples of the tense differences can be found in the definitions of the future case-mode affixes listed as entries in the dictionary. The listing under untà, 2a illustrates the use of the future and past in the apodosis of conditions contrary to fact.

24 The phonemic value of the morphophonemic symbol N is given in the following chart:

For roots beginning with N plus the initial consonant after root produces
p, b m
t, d, s n
k, ʔ (written as initial vowel), ng ng
l ngl or, alternatively, nl
other consonants or clusters of consonants ng plus initial consonant

Examples: palit + paN- = pamalit ‘buy’; baligyà + paN- = pamaligyà ‘sell’; tindug + paN- = panindug ‘stand’; dala + paN- = panala ‘bring’; sulud + paN- = panulud ‘enter’; kúhà + paN- = pangúhà ‘take’; ábang + paN- = pangábang ‘rent’; ngisi + paN- = pangisi ‘be intent on’; lútù + paN- = panglútù, panlútù ‘cook’; hisus + paN- = panghisus ‘exclaim Jesus!’.

25 See the entry for mu-.

26 maN- is analyzed morphophonemically as mu- plus paN-, and naN- as mi- plus paN-. See Section 6.2.

27 The term FOCUS is given to the word to which the verb refers. If the verb is the head of the predicate of the sentence, the FOCUS is the subject (in bold face in the following examples):

Gipalit níya ang pán, He bought the bread.

If the verb is the subject of the sentence, the FOCUS is the predicate:

Pán ang íyang gipalit, It was bread that he bought.

If the verb modifies a noun (is attribute to a noun), the noun is the FOCUS:

Ang pán nga íyang gipalit, The bread he bought.

28 In cases of bases which occur with direct passive affixes in the direct meaning (-un1, 1) and with local passives in the direct meaning (-an1, in meaning 1), but the two are not synonymous, the verb is classed ab.

29 If a base occurs with the direct and the instrumental passive, where i- has the meaning 1, but the direct and instrumental passive forms are not synonymous, the verb is said to be in class ac, e.g. lábay ‘throw’. Dalágan ‘run’ is an example of a verb referring to motion in the ac conjugation.




a n letter A. walay — illiterate.

-a subjunctive direct passive affix. see -un.

-a(←) 1 affix added to nouns forming words which refer to a specific one of several: Kanang isdáa, dílì kadtu, That fish there, not that one further over. Háing baláya ang íla? Which house is theirs? 1a added to possessive pronouns: the particular one that belongs to [so-and-so]. Dakù ang amúang balay, gamay tung iláha, Our house is large, and theirs is small. 2 affix added to adjectives to form exclamation. Dakúa uy! My! How big it is! Patyun tikaw, irúa ka! I’ll kill you, you dog you! Ngilngígang awtúha à! That’s some car!

á particle used as a pause word before starting to speak. 1 as a filler. Á, muanhi ka ugmà? Um, are you going to come here tomorrow? 2 deprecating or showing unimportance of what just preceded. Á, paríha ra nákù, Oh, it’s all the same to me. Á, nagkumidiya lang siya, Oh, he’s just joking. 3 showing mild disapproval. Á, dì nà mahímù, Oh, you can’t do that. 4 recalling or conceding s.t. Á, duha diay tu, Oh, yes. There were two of them, weren’t there. 4a preceding s.t. just found out. Á, Lítu diay ímung ngálan, Oh, so your name is Lito. Á, kanindut, Oh, how nice! 5 expressing relief. Á, nahuwasan ku, Ah, what a relief!

à particle preceding or following a sentence with an adjective predicate. 1 dismissing s.t. as impractical, too easy, impossible, etc. À, mu ra diay nà? Kasayun à! Oh, is that all there is to it? How easy it is! À, ása man ku mutúu nímu, Hm, you think I could believe you? 2 showing disapproval. À, hináya nímung mulíhuk, Hm! You sure work slowly! 3 showing surprise. À, kanindut nímug sinínà, How come you have such a beautiful dress on!

ā̀ = álà.

aba1 n breast of fowls.

aba2 exclamation of pleasure and surprise. Aba! Nakadaug ku, My! I won!

ábà tuy (from sábà dihà untuy) shut up! Ábà tuy, maáyu ka lang sa tayáda, wà kay tadtad, Shut up! You’re great at talking, but let’s see you do s.t.

abaa particle indicating disapproval (literary). Abaa! Mahū́g ka gánì dihà! Stop that! You might fall!

*abab taga- n hillbilly. pakataga- v [A13; a12] act, treat like, consider a hillbilly. Gipakatagaabab lang ku ninyu. Ihása, You just think I’m a hillbilly. Don’t try to fool me. — disáya a be the boss and not henpecked.

ab-ab v [A; a] 1 chew to pieces. Ab-ábun sa irù ang íyang hikut, The dog will chew up his rope. 2 eat away, erode. Ang pagluib ni Maríya nag-ab-ab sa íyang balatían, Maria’s infidelity ate away at his insides. Giab-ab ang íyang pinútì sa tayà, His sword was eaten away by rust. 3 fester. Ang nag-ab-ab kung núka, My festering wound.†

abad n abbot.

ábag v [A; b] give material help, help do work. Kinsa may mag-ábag nímu sa ímung pag-iskuyla? Who will help pay for your schooling? Abági ku áring pagsilhig, Help me sweep. n help given. ka- n helper.

abaga n sweet potatoes growing from the outer vines and not from the main root.

abága n shoulder. v [A2SN; b5] 1 take financial responsibility. Abagáhun (pangabagáhun, pangabagáhan) ni Mánuy níya ang galastúhan sa pag-iskuyla, His brother will shoulder his school expenses. 2 take responsibility for accomplishing s.t. Kita giyuy muabága (mangabága) áning prugramáha, We must undertake to carry out this program. (→) = abága, v. paN- n right-hand-man. abagáhun a broad-shouldered.

*abáhu — kunsidirasiyun, dispusisiyun n bound by s.o.’s will. Abáhu (báhu) kunsidirasiyun ku sa ákung bána, I am bound by my husband’s decisions.

abaka n 1 abaca plant: Musa textilis. 2 abaca fiber. abakahan, abakanhan, abakal n abaca plantation. v [A3] own an abaca plantation.

abakáda n alphabet.

abakal see abaka. [2]

abal n = balbal. v = abat.

abalu n assessed value. v [AB56; b5c] assess, be assessed at. Ug ikaw muabalu sa ákung yútà, ayawg dak-a, If you assess my land, don’t set it too high. Ang yútà miabalu (giabalu, giabaluhan) ug singkwinta mil, The land was assessed at fifty thousand pesos.

abalwasiyun n assessment. Purus dagkug abalwasiyun ang mga yútà dinhi sa syudad, The lots in the city all have high assessments.

abandunar v [A3P; c1] abandon, neglect. Nag-abandunar na lang siya sa íyang kaugalíngun sukad mamatay ang íyang asáwa, He neglected himself entirely after his wife died. Ayaw abandunaha (iabandunar) ang ímung pamilya, Do not abandon your family. abandunádu a 1 abandoned. 2 neglectful. v = abandunar.

abandúnu = abandunar.

ábang v 1 [A2S; b] rent. Ang usa ka kwartu giabángan sa tigúlang, The old man rents one of the rooms. 2 [b] hire a prostitute. 3 [A2; c] make an offering to a supernatural being for the use of land which is thought to be in his possession. Iábang ni nákung baktína álang sa uma, I will sacrifice this pig as rental for the land. n 1 rent paid. Pilay ábang nímu sa libru? How much rent did you pay for the book? 2 money paid a prostitute. 3 toil taken by supernatural beings. Kadtung nalumus dinhi ábang kunu tu sa ingkantu, The man who drowned here is said to have been the rent collected by the supernatural spirit. paN- v [A2] patronize a prostitute. -an(→)1 1, 2, 3 = ábang, n. 4 haunted place, place where departed spirits take a toll or rent. Abangan kunu kanang baláya. Náa giyuy mamatay káda túig, That house is haunted (lit. has a rental on it). Each year s.o. dies there.

abangan2 n k.o. rattan used as anchor rope for a búbu fish trap.

abánid v [A; c1] do s.t. step by step, and in sequence. Iabánid (abaníra) kini pagpintal arun dílì magkampat, Paint it one square at a time so it will come out even. a done in succession, order. Abánid ang íyang pagsukut sa mga istudyanti, He asked the students one after another in turn.

abaníku n 1 folding fan. 1a fan of any sort for fanning oneself. 2 blackberry lily, k.o. bulbous ornamental: Balamcanda chinensis. It is so called because the leaves are arranged like an opened fan. 3 = baníku. 4 kurta di- see kurta1. v 1 [a12] make into a fan. 2 [A; b6] fan s.o. paN- v [A2] fan oneself. inabaníku n s.t. made in such a way that it can be folded for storage, e.g., a folding chair, jackknife.

abansáda a exposed to the wind. v [B12; c1] for s.t. to be directly open to the wind. Naabansáda sa hángin ang ákung bukubuku, maung gisip-un ku, My back was directly exposed to the wind. That’s why I caught cold. Ayaw abansadáha (iabansáda) sa hángin ang inyung bintánà, Don’t put a window right where it catches the full breeze.

*abansi miting di — grand rally immediately prior to an election.

abansin v [A] advance, for a body of people to move forward. Ang mga Hapúnis miabansin sa pátag sa Lusun, The Japanese advanced over the plains of Luzon.

abanti a 1 forward, ahead. Abanti ka rang milingkud, You took a seat too far to the front. 2 ahead in score. v 1a [A2; c] move forward. Muabanti kag diyútay, matambug ka sa bangag, If you move forward any more, you will fall into the hole. Iabanti nang ímung awtug diyútay, Move your car forward a bit. 1b [A; a] be ahead, have more points in a game. Naabantíhan mu námug diyis puntus, We were ten points ahead of you. 2 [A2; a12] keep up with s.t. Dì ku makaabanti sa galastúhan sa iskuylahan, I cannot keep up with the school payments. 3 [A2; a12] endure work. Dì ku makaabanti sa pagdáru kay dautun ku, I can’t keep up with the plowing because I’m sickly. 4a [A] ask part payment in advance, especially in salary. 4b [c] give s.o. a cash advance on his salary or other payment. n 1 front wheel(s). Nahiyus ang abanti sa mutur, The front tire of the motorcycle is flat. 2 forward gear. 3 front seat in a car. atras — see atras.

abánu n factory-made cigar. v 1 [A; a12] make into a cigar. 2 [A123S] have, obtain a cigar. paN- v [A2] smoke a cigar.

abat n 1 any supernatural being or human with supernatural powers which shows itself in an unexpected and startling way. 2 one who is ‘it’ in games. v 1 [A2; a2] head off s.o. Maapsan pa nímu siya ug ímung abatun sa iskína, You can still catch up with him if you head him off at the corner. 2 [AN; a12] frighten s.o. by appearing suddenly or otherwise startling him. Ig-ági níya, abta siya, When he comes by, give him a scare. alabtan, abtanan a haunted, place where things appear suddenly. alabtun s.o. to whom spirits tend to show themselves. abat-ábat n game of tag. v [A13] 1 play tag. 2 try to meet without succeeding. Wà giyud mi magkítà, nag-abat-ábat lang, We just kept missing each other. [3]

ábat1 v [A2S; b6] hold on to s.t. fixed to support oneself. Ang tigúwang miábat sa pasamánu paingun sa táas, The old man held on to the bannister while going upstairs. -an(→) n a railing in shape of a ladder for baby to cling to when he starts to walk.

ábat2 v 1 [A; a1] feel with the hands, esp. to find s.t. out. Nag-ábat siya sa yáwi sa íyang bulsa kung wà ba hibyai, He felt for the key in his pocket to see if he hadn’t left it behind. Abátun ku ang íyang agtang ug hilanatun ba, I’ll touch her forehead to see if she is feverish. 2 [A123S; a12b2] feel s.t. with the sense of touch. Nakaabat ku sa kabugnaw sa sinihan, I felt the coolness of the movie house. Abátun gánì nímu ang kasakit, musamut giyud, If you think about the pain, it will get worse. 3 [A123S; b2] happen to notice, sense s.t. Nakaabat kung mu rag may misaka sa ámung báy, I sensed that s.o. had entered our house.

abay v 1 [AC; b6] move along together with s.t. moving. Lagmit hiligsan ang bátà kay nag-abay sa tartanilya, The child is likely to be run over because he is running alongside of the rig. Silang duha nag-ábay paglanguy, The two swam side by side. 1a — ug sawa have a snake born at the same time one is born. The snake is called one’s twin (kalúha) and is supposed to bring him and his family luck. Pagkatáwu sa ákung iyaan, giabayan (giabyan) ug sawa. Mau nang nadátù ang íyang inahan, When my aunt was born, a twin snake was born with her, and so her mother became rich. 2 [A2; c] go in with s.o. who buys or invests in s.t. Ug mupalit kag usa ka sákung humay muabay kug lima ka gantang, If you buy a sack of rice, I will go in with you for five ganta’s worth. Giabyan níyag singku písus ang ákung pusta, He went in for five pesos on my bet. 3 [AN] go in together in a fishing operation which requires several hands. 4 [c1] attach a gaff in the abay way (see abay, n 4). n 1 money paid as a share in a purchase or investment. Ang ákung abay bálig dus písus ra, My share is two pesos’ worth. 2 bridesmaid or best man. 3 man’s male friend. 3a title used by males of the same age to each other. short form: bay. Ása man ning dyípa, bay? Where is this jeep headed for, driver? 4 manner of tying a gaff to a cock level with and parallel to the spur to offset any advantage it may have over its opponent. maN-l-(←), maN-r- n persons who go in together in a fishing operation. -an, abyanan n life saver. abyan n 1 friend, companion. Alang kaníya walà siyay láing abyan kun dílì álak, He has no other friend except liquor. 2 supernatural being that provides a shaman or sorcerer with his power. v [C1] 1 be friends. Kita lay mag-abyan, Let’s be friends. 2 indulge in a bad habit. Walà siya makig-abyan sa huguyhúguy, He did not indulge in roaming about.

abgaw = adgaw. -un n k.o. snapper with a yellow streak along the body: Lutianus sp.

abhak v [A; b5] diminish s.t. by taking away or destroying part of it. Naabhak (naabhákan) ang íyang abága sa bála, The bullet tore a huge piece out of his shoulder. n hole left when s.t. is chopped off, out. Dakù kaáyu ang abhak sa káhuy, There’s a big cut in the tree. a done in such a way that s.t. is chopped off. Abhak nga pagkabuldúsir ang inyung nataran, Your yard was bulldozed clean.

abhul = abhung.

abhung a musty and flat in smell: damp clothing, rice, sweet potatoes, salted fish, et al. v [B; b6] be, become musty. -un(→) a of a musty kind.

abi = abir 1, 2.

ábi 1 [gen.] [gen.] thought, took for granted. Ábi nákug tinúud, I thought it was true. — nímu You know what? Ábi nímu? Nakit-an ku siya nga láig kúyug, You know what? I saw him going out with s.o. else. 2 — kay just because. Ábi kay nakadaug sa byúti kuntis midakù na ang úlu, Just because she won the beauty contest she thinks she is s.t. 3 — na lang s.o. might think that. Súkul. Ábi na lang, daug. Fight back. They might think you give up.

abiábi v [A; a12] show hospitality to. Mu giyud ning táwung iládu, abiabíhun giyud sa mga tagilungsud, The townspeople show hospitality to any famous visitor. maabiabíhun, manggiabiabíhun a hospitable.

abíba, abibar v [A; b5] cheer one on, encourage to do. Nag-abíba sa mga bátag binúang, Egging the children on in their naughtiness. n encouragement, egging on. maabibáhun a giving encouragement, egging on.

abíhid = alabíhid.

abilay = sambilay.

abilidad n ability, capacity or skill to accomplish s.t. v [A12] obtain a certain ability. abilidaran a skilled, able. Abilidaran nà si Tunyu. Bansayng mutínis, Tony has talent. He plays tennis well.

abilyána a tan-colored shoes. n tan polish. v [A13] polish shoes with a light tan polish, color them tan. Abilyanáha (abilyanáhi) ning sapátus kung putì, Dye these shoes of mine tan. Wà kuy bitung itum. Abilyanáhi [4]lang, I don’t have any black polish. Just put tan polish on them.

ábin v [A2C; b] 1 engage in an enterprise or game together. Mag-ábin ta sa pamaligyag pagkáun, Let’s become partners in selling food. 2 ally on oneself with. Mga hakug sa gahum ang miábin kaníya, People who were greedy for power allied themselves with him. Nakig-ábin aku kaníya sa íyang mga panglantaw sa unáhan, I share his views of the future. n partner in business or game. Ug siyay ákung ábin sa bíku kanúnay ming mudaug, When she is my partner in hopscotch, we always win. ka- n = ábin.

abintúra n 1 adventures. 2 adventure film, story. Makítà siya sa mga lílas abintúra, He appears in adventure films. v [A; b5] 1 try going s.w. for the adventure of it. Nag-abintúra mig katkat sa Manunggal, We went on an expedition to Mt. Manunggal. 2 = abinturar.

abinturar v [AN; b5] try one’s luck. Miabinturar (nangabinturar) lang siyag aplay básig madáwat, He tried his luck in applying in hopes he might be accepted. Abinturahi (abinturaha) lang si Maríyag hangyù, Try your luck with Maria and ask her. abinturíru, -a = abinturista. abinturista a adventurous, tending to try things out without knowing the outcome. Dì ku mugugul ug kwarta niánà kay dì ku abinturista. Básig dì musalir, I won’t invest my money on that because I’m not daring. It might just fail.

abir 1 particle used in calling attention to a point in contention. Ang diyus makagagáhum. Abir, unsáun man nímu pagpangutána diin siya manukad, God is almighty. All right then, how can you ask where He comes from? 1a particle used in inciting a person to do s.t. Abir, sulayi ug musalir ba nang paagíha, O.K. Just see if that procedure works out. Abir, sumbága kunu ku kay isumbung tikaw ni Pápa, All right, just try hitting me, and I’ll tell Daddy on you. 2 pause word expressing hesitation when one doesn’t know how to do s.t. Abir, lisúa nag hínay dúngan sa pagtulbuk ári, Let’s see now, turn that slowly and press this at the same time. 3 = ambi. 4 v [AN; ac] try one’s luck, take a stab at. Nangabir (miabir) lang siyag panlútù. Dì hinúun siya kamau, He just took a try at cooking. He doesn’t really know how. Abirun unyà nákug hangyù si Maríya, I’ll just take a stab at asking Maria. Iabir kunu ni sa ahinsiya ug dawátun ba, Try taking this to the pawnshop and see if they will accept it.

abirids n 1 average, the usual size or quantity. 2 average rating in school. Pasar ku kay utsinta ákung abirids, I passed because my average was eighty. v [A] 1 average so and so much. Makaabirids mig lima adlaw-adlaw, We can sell on the average five every day. 2 have an average grade of.

abiríya a be broken, inoperative. v [B] 1 for an engine to break down. Kining trak dílì magámit. Nag-abiríya man, This truck cannot be used. It is broken. 2 be under the weather. Naabiríya aku kay nagkalíbang aku gahápun, I’m not feeling well because I had diarrhea yesterday.

abirtu = abyirtu.

abis v [A; ab7] slice with a curved blade, cut a small or thin part from a bigger piece. Abisig diyútay nà, Slice a piece off of it. paN- v [A2] slice the terminal portion of a coconut bud to induce sap flow. Kaduha sila mangabis káda adlaw, They make an incision in the bud twice a day.

abísu n announcement of s.t. to come. v 1 [A; c] announce s.t. to come. Nag-abísu ang radyu nga adúnay bagyung umaábut, The radio announced that there is a typhoon coming. 2 [A12] receive an announcement. Nakaabísu ming way túbig ugmà, We received the announcement that there would be no water tomorrow.

abitsuylas = habitsuylas.

abitu n habit, a distinctive apparel worn by devotees, priests, monks, and the like. v [A] wear a habit.

abíyu n food, provisions, money, supplies for daily consumption. v [A; c] provide food, etc. Báhin sa mga kinahanglanun matag adlaw akuy muabíyu, As far as your daily needs go, I will provide. Abyúhan ta lang mug usa ka sákung humay matag búlan, We’ll supply you with one sack of rice a month.

abiyun n airplane. ka-an(←) n group of airplanes.

abkay v [A; a] dig up, out. Abkáyun ku ang kwarta nga ákung gilubung dinhi, I will dig up the money that I buried here.

abla v [A; c] speak to s.o. with some purpose in mind. Abláhi kunu si Máma, básin pag musugut, Try to talk mother into it. She might let us. n 1 persuasive talk. Dílì ka sugtun niánang bayhána kun walà kay abla, That woman will not accept you if you don’t sweet-talk her. 2 big talk. Abla lay nagdaghan. Walay líhuk, It was all just big talk. No action. paN- n art or technique of expressing one’s viewpoint. Malampúsun siyang abugádu kay maáyu siya sa pangabla, He is a successful lawyer because he has a [5]good technique in talking.

abládu n 1 delivered in spoken fashion. Ang kúru abládu, dílì kantáhun, The chorus is spoken, not sung. 2 lines of a play. v [A] speak lines.

ablása = abrása.

abli v [AB; b5] 1 open s.t., be open. Ikaw bay nag-abli sa pultahan? Were you the one who opened the door? Sulud lang kay nag-abli ang pultahan, Just come right in. The door is open. 2 begin, start a class, business, etc. Muabli ang klási sa Hunyu, Classes begin in June. Ablíhag (ablíhug) sayu ang klási sunud túig, Classes will open early next year. 3 found, establish an enterprise. Anus-a man ablíhi (ablíha) ang inyung iskuylahan sa panahì? When will you open your sewing school? n 1 opening. Dakug abli nang tarúha, That can has a big opening. 2 opening of classes. a 1 open. Abli ang bintánà. Sirhi ra gud, The window is open. Please close it. 2 be started. Abli na ang tindáhan. Palit ngadtug kapi, The store is open now. Go buy some coffee.

Abr. abbreviation for Abril, ‘April’.

abrap a 1 sudden. Abrap ra kaáyu nang ímung pag-anhi, Your coming is very sudden. 2 brusque. v [B12; c1] 1 be sudden, do s.t. by plunging right into it. 2 be brusque. Naabrap ra tu nímu pagkatubag, You answered in a brusque way.

abrása v [AC; bc3] walk side by side with. Hulat kay muabrása kug lakaw ninyu, Wait for me. I’m going to walk next to you. Dílì ta mag-abrásag lakaw sa karsádang hagip-ut, We shouldn’t walk side by side on a narrow street.

abrasadur n = tangdayan. v = tangday, 2.

abrasíti v [C2; c2] promenade arm in arm or side by side. Nakit-an kung ímung bánang may giabrasíting (giabrasitíhang) babáyi, I saw your husband walking arm in arm with a woman (with a woman holding on to his arms).

abrasyíti = abrasíti.

abri1 = abli. -dur n opener.†

abri2 = abyirtu2.

abrigána n s.t. that stimulates the appetite. Maáyung abrigána ang bír, Beer is good to stimulate the appetite.

abrigáwu n 1 apprentice on a ship. 2 one who works on a boat for his passage. v [A1; a12] 1 be an apprentice, apprentice s.o. to. 2 work in lieu of paying passage.

abrígu n shawl. v [A1; a] wear, make, receive a shawl.

Abril n April. v [a] 1 do s.t. in April. Magbakasyun mu sa Hunyu? Ah, Abrila lang, Will you take your vacation in June? Oh, just make it in April. 2 write down April in a document. Máyu ímung nabutang? Abrila lang hinúun, Did you write May? It should be April.

abriláta n can opener.

absin v [A2; b6] 1 absent, fail to attend work or class. Absínig kas-a nang klasíha nímu, Just miss your class this one time. 2 mark one absent. Absínan tikaw, I’ll mark you absent. n absence, time away from class. Daghag absin nímu Dyú, lagmit ka mahagbung, How many absences you have, Joe! You’re likely to flunk. hiN-, pala-, absiníru, absinus a given to missing classes. Anus-a gud nà siya makapasar nga absinus man nà sa klási, How can he pass if he always misses classes? — mayindid a absent-minded.

absinus see absin.

absulusiyun n absolution. v [b6] give absolution. Gilubung siya nga walà gánì kaabsulusyuni, He was buried without having received absolution.

absuwiltu n acquitted in court. v [A3P; a12] acquit.

abtik a 1 nimble, quick in reaction. Ang musáyaw sa tinikling kinahanglang abtik ug tiil, Whoever dances the tinikling has to have nimble feet. 2 fast, live in action. Mahuman ni dáyug abtik lang mutrabáhu, It will get done right away if you work rapidly. 3 cunning, sly. Abtik giyud siya kay midáwat imbis mubáyad, He sure is sharp. Instead of paying as he should have, he got paid. v [B] 1 get to be nimble. 2 get to be fast in action. Muabtik (maabtik) lagi ang íyang panglíhuk basta pakit-ug sápì, He’ll get moving fast as long as you show him money. 3 [B12] get to be cunning, sly. 4 [b4(1)] outsmart. Naabtikan sad ku sa bátà, The child put one over on me. paN- v [A2; b6] engage in chicanery. Ayaw kug pangabtíki kay suhítu ku, Don’t try to put a fast one over on me, because I know my way around.

abtung n rope used for tying the plow to the crosstree.

abu n 1 ashes. 2 = alabúhan. v 1 [A; a12] make ashes. Abuha nang mga palwa ug gam-ang sabun, Make the palm stems into ashes to make soap out of. 2 [B1256] be razed or burned to the ground. Pag-abut nákù naabu na ang balay, When I arrived, the house was already burned to the ground. ka-(←) v [A13] get ashes all over one. Nagkaábu ku kay misum-uk ku sa nasunúgan, I got ashes all over me because I went into the burned-out area. alabúhan n stove or [6]any place a fire for cooking is built. abuhun n ash-colored. Manuk nga abuhun, Gray-colored cock.

abuábu n k.o. fish.

*abubhu paN- v [A2; b6] be jealous of a loved one. n jealousy. abubhuan a jealous. Abubhuang bána, A jealous husband. mapangabubhúun a of a jealous type. Mapangabubhúun nga pasiklap, A jealous glance.

abud, ábud1 v [A; c] 1 throw grains, throw grains to. Ang bukbukung mais mauy iábud sa manuk, Throw the beetle-infested corn to the chickens. 2 drop grains into a hole in planting. Mag-abud sila sa ílang baul, They will plant their field. 3 feed grain into a mill. Ímu síging abdan (abúran) ang galingan, Keep feeding grains into the mill. 4 supply a factory with raw materials. Kanang kumpaniyáha mauy tig-abud sa mga papil sa imprinta, That company supplies paper to the printing press. 5 feed news, gossip. Aha! Ikaw diay nag-abud sa mga nutisya, So you were the one who spread the news! n 1 feed for fowls. 2 one’s turn to throw grains. Ákù na rung abud, It’s my turn to feed (the chickens). alabdan = abud, n 2.

ábud2 n ornamental bulbous plant: Eurycles amboinensis. The leaves are applied over the bladder to facilitate urination.

ábud3 n k.o. head louse lighter in color and with a longer and more slender body than the ordinary head louse (kútu).

abug1 n dust. v 1 [B46; a4b4(1)] become dusty. Muabug ang karsáda ug dúgayng uwanun, The road gets dusty if the rains come late. Giabug ang ámung balay kay dúgay na nga wà puy-i, Our house became all dusty because it hadn’t been lived in for a long time. Tabúni ang libru arun dílì maabugan, Cover the books so they won’t get dusty. 2 [B1256] turn into dust. Sa kadugáyan kitang tanan maabug, In the end we will all turn to dust. ka-(←) v [A13] get dust all over it. Nagkaábug ang ákung buhuk tungud sa byáhi, My hair is all covered with dust because I’ve just gotten off the bus. -un a dusty. -l-an(←) exposed to dust. Kining kwartúha alabúgan. Duul man gud sa karsáda, This room is exposed to dust. It’s close to the street.

*abug2 paN- euphemism for pangabughu. see *abubhu.

ábug1 v [A; a] 1 chase, drive, drive away. Abúga ang bábuy ngadtu sa tangkal, Drive the pig into the pen. Abúgi sa lángaw ang lamísa, Drive the flies away from the table. 2 drive s.o. to do s.t. Ang kaúlaw mauy nag-ábug kanákù pagpaháwà sa ámung lungsud, Shame drove me to move out of town. (→) n stick with strips of paper, plastic, etc., attached on one end, used to chase flies away. -an(→) n an enclosure of the fish corral into which the fish are driven before being caught.

ábug2 = abyug.

abugáda n female lawyer.

abugádu n lawyer. v 1 [B16; a2] be, become a lawyer. 2 [A; b] speak for s.o. Abugadúhan ta lang ka kay wà kay pangabla, I’ll speak for you because you don’t have the knack of saying what you want. abugaduhun a lawyer-like. Abugaduhung pangatarúngan, Lawyer-like reasoning.

abugágu n dumb lawyer (play on the words abugádu ‘lawyer’ and gágu ‘stupid’).

abugar = abugádu, v 2.

abugasíya n 1 law course. 2 law profession. Sa abugasíya kinahanglan mamakak ug panalagsa, In the law profession it is necessary to lie once in a while.

abughu, abughù = *abubhu.

abukádu n avocado or alligator pear: Persea sp. It is usually eaten with sugar and milk.

abúkay n k.o. white cockatoo, often kept as pet: Cacatua haematuropygia. (→), abúkay v [A] for babies to make noises like a cockatoo.

abunansiya = abunda.

abunda a 1 abundant. Abunda ang bugas karun, There’s plenty of rice now. 2 have plenty. Ug abunda ka sa sápì, mamalit kag yútà, If you have lots of money, you should buy land. v [B] be, become abundant. Unyà ra ta mamalit ug mangga ug muabunda (maabunda) na, We will buy mangoes later when they become abundant. n abundance.

abundansiya = abunda.

ábung1 v [A; c] bar, block the way. Abúngan ta ning karsádag dakung batu, Let’s block the road with a big stone. n k.o. fishing equipment consisting of dried coconut leaves tied to a raft. (→) n s.t. which blocks the way. Ang káhuy nga abung sa pultahan, The wood that was blocking the door. a in the path of the wind, smoke, smells, and the like. Abung sa hángin, Exposed to the wind. Abung ka kaáyu sa íyang dautang tingúhà, You are very much exposed to his evil powers. pa-(→), pa- v 1 [A13; ac] put in an exposed position. Ug magpaabung ka sa sílit sa túbig, mahumud ka, If you put yourself in the path of a jet of water, you’ll get wet. Paabungig asu ang mangga, (Make the fire so that) the mango tree will be in [7]the path of the smoke. n k.o. fishing whereby a net is set across the path of a fish. 2 [a] give allowance in measuring s.t. Paabungan ug diyútay ang sukud ígù pagsipilya, Measure it with a little allowance for planing. Mutíru gánì kag langgam nga naglupad paabungig diyútay, If you shoot at a flying bird, aim a little ahead. paN- v [A2] do s.t. in anticipation of a favor or reward. Buútan nà siya run kay nangábung man nga hitagaan ug diyis, He’s obedient this time because he’s anticipating getting a dime. n preparation of oil and plants medicinal roots and herbs used as a protection against some evil.†

abungaw1 n k.o. tiny, light brown insect which swarms over food and the like, similar in appearance to a fly. v [a4] be infested with abungaw.

abungaw2 = bungaw.

abúnu n 1 fertilizer. 2 transfusion or infusion. Nagkinahanglan siyag abúnu kay gisulgan sa dugù, He needs a transfusion because he lost a lot of blood. v [A; c] 1 put fertilizer on. Abunúhi ang rúsas, Put fertilizer on the roses. 2 give a transfusion or infusion. 3 supplement, fill in. Ikaw bay mag-abúnu sa kúlang? Will you make up the lack? Ang gísu mauy iabúnu sa batsi, They use limestone to fill the rough spots in the road.

aburídu a — ang úlu, pangísip, etc. be upset, irritable. v [B] be upset. Kadtung ímung tahù nakaaburídu (nakapaaburídu) sa ákung úlu, Your news got me all upset.

abusáda = abusádu (female).

abusádu a tending to take advantage, infringe on rights. Abusádu ang mga kutsíru dinhi. Basta muulan, pabayrun ta nílag dubli, The rig drivers are abusive. If it rains, they double the fare. Nagníwang lang nà siya kay abusádu man gud sa íyang láwas, He is thin because he neglects his body. v [B126] become abusive.

abusar v 1 [A3; b(1)] a do s.t. one is not entitled to, take advantage of s.o. by infringing on his rights. Nag-abusar siya paggáwì sa makinilya nga way pananghid, He took the liberty of using the typewriter without permission. Giabusahan sila sa magbabaligyà kay way kumpitinsiya, The storekeeper took advantage of them because there was no competition. b mistreat one’s health. Nag-abusar ka lang sa ímung láwas sa ímung pag-inum, You’re abusing your health with all your drinking. 2 [A] do s.t. to a superfluous degree. Wà na nà magkaun; nag-abusar na nà, That is not eating; that is excessive indulgence.

abúsu n taking advantage, acting beyond one’s rights. Ang pagdáwat sa suburnu usa sa mga abúsu, Taking bribes is one of their abuses. v = abusar.

abut v 1 [A; a12] arrive, reach a place. Dì pa makaabut (maabut) ang suwat, The letter won’t have arrived yet. Duul ra. Maabut ug lud-an, It’s close by, within spitting distance (can be reached by spitting). 1a [A; ac] lead to and reach a place. Muabut ba ning karsadáha sa subà? Does this road reach the river? Kining lugára dílì abutun sa táub, The tide doesn’t get as far as this place. 1b [A; ac] reach s.t. with the arms. Maabut ba nímu ang sanga? Can you reach the branch? Iabut kunu nang ímung kamut sa bungbung, Reach your hands out to the wall. 1c [B; b4] reach an amount, last a certain length. Ang ákung swildu dílì muabut ug dus mil, My salary doesn’t reach two thousand. Walà abtig duha ka adlaw ang bugas, The rice did not last two days. 1d — sa hunàhúnà come to the mind. 1e [b4] receive money. Abtan (abutan) ku tingálig kwarta rung hápun, I’ll probably get my money this afternoon. 2 [a4] have a feeling come over one. Giabut siyag kakulbà, A feeling of terror came over her. 3a [A23; b4] catch s.o. doing s.t. Si Turyuy nakaabut nílang nagháluk, It was Torio who came upon them kissing. 3b [b4] be overtaken. Abtan kag gabíi sa dálan, You will be overtaken by night on the road. 4 [A2; b4] come to an orgasm. Dílì giyud muabut ang lamì, She won’t have an orgasm. (The delicious feeling will not arrive.) Abtan ra gihápun síya basta maningkámut ang duruha, She will have an orgasm if both try their best. 5 [A23] for an event or season of the year to come around. Dì na madúgay muabut na ang Pasku, It won’t be long before Christmas comes. 6 [A12; b] be on time for s.t. Nakaabut ka ba sa panahun sa Katsílà? Do you go back as far as the Spanish times? Maabtan pa nímu ang barku, You can still catch the boat. 7a [A12; a1] afford to pay for s.t. Dì ku makaabut ug palit niánà, I can’t afford to buy that. Wà siyay ikaabut sa báyad, He has no funds to meet the payments with. 7b [a3] can be done, reached. Tabángan tikaw kútub sa ákung maabut, I’ll help you as much as I can. 8 [A; b6] stay temporarily some place. Háin man ka mag-abut run? Where are you staying now? n 1 s.t. or s.o. that has arrived s.w. Dílì ni karáan uy. Bag-u ning abut, This is not old stock. It just arrived. Bag-u kung abut dinhi. Wà pa ku kadumdum, I am a newcomer here. I don’t [8]know how to get there. 2 yield, proceeds from an effort, income, harvest. Pilay abut sa yútà káda túig? How much does the land yield each year? Gamay rag abut ang munisipyu, The town has a small income. (←) v [C; ac] 1 meet together. Abútun nákù ang duha ka tumuy, I will make the two ends meet. Mau kadtung lugára ang ámung gikaabútan (gipanag-abútan), That is the place where we met. 2 overlap in time. Nag-ábut na man gánì ang sinanggì karun ug sa miáging túig, This year’s corn crop overlaps with last year’s. (I.e., this year’s crop was harvested before last year’s crop had been used up.) 3 [A13] — ang ginháwa be panting for breath (gasps of breath overlap). Giúyug siya sa ubu. Nag-ábut ang íyang pagginháwa, He was shaken by his coughing fit. He was panting for breath. pa-(←) v [A; a] wait in expectation for. Dì na ku mupaábut sa kumbira, I won’t wait for the party. Paabútun tikaw hangtud sa alas kwatru, I’ll wait for you until four o’clock. abut-abut v [A3; b6] arrive in close succession. Nag-abut-abut ang mga bisíta, Visitors came one after another. abut-ábut v [A3; b6] go every now and then. Nag-abut-ábut nà siya sa Hungkung, She goes to Hong Kong often. siN- v [A13] 1 for a time, event to approach. Nagsingabut ang pista, The fiesta is approaching. 1a for one’s time of the month to approach. Nagsingabut na, maung saputun, She’s in a bad mood because her time of the month is approaching. 2 be in expectations of, look forward to. Nagsingabut ku nga mahuman ang trabáhug sayu, I’m expecting to finish the work early. -l-un(←) n 1 subject to periodic attacks of an illness. 2 s.o. who has the fortune of getting a large yield from an effort. alabtan, abtanan n place one usually stays temporarily. -l-an-(←) n 1 = abtanan. 2 place one meets s.o. else. um-r-(←), um-l-(←), tali-, tali-(←), sali-, sali-(←) n about to arrive. May umaábut (umalábut, taliabut, taliábut, saliabut, saliábut) nga mga bisíta, There are some visitors about to arrive.†

abwag v [AP; c1] break up, scatter. Miabwag ang mitambung sa ráli pag-ulan, The people at the rally scattered when it started to rain. Abwagun (iabwag) nátù ang mga papil, Let us scatter the pieces of paper.

abyadur n aviator. v [B156; a12] be, make into an aviator.†

abyan see abay.

abyasiyun, abyasyun n aviation.

abyirtu1 a open. Abyirtu ang ganghaan, The door is open. v [A2PB; c1] open s.t.; be opened.

abyirtu2 n seventh chord. v [A2; c1] play a seventh chord. Iabyirtu (abyirtúha) ang tapuy ig-abut sa dapit nga muingun ‘Matam-is uyámut’, When you get to the part that goes ‘How very sweet ...’ play a seventh chord.

abyug v [A; c1] rock s.t. hanging back and forth. Abyúga (iabyug) lang ang bátà sa dúyan kun muhílak na, Just rock the baby in the hammock if he starts to cry. n action of rocking s.t.

A.D. Anno Domini.

ád1 v [A; ac] add up. Ádun (adun) nátù ni, Let’s add this up. Iád ang kwatru ári, Add the four to this column.

ád2 = álad.

ada 1 particle showing that s.t. is not important. Ada, irù ra gud tu. Kahadluk na man nímu! Heck, that was just a dog. What a scaredy cat you are! 2 particle expressing annoyance. Ada! Sábà na, Oh, be quiet! — uruy = ada, 1. — uy particle expressing exasperation at being unable to cope with s.t. (used only by women). Da uy, lisud kaáyu, Oh dear! That is so hard!

áda n mythological beings represented as beautiful maidens living in forests, streams, etc. v [B126] become an áda.

adá = ada.

ad-ad v [A; a] slice into thin, but not long pieces. Ang baláni ad-árun únà iláwug sa bábuy, The banana trunk is chopped up finely before it is fed to the pigs. ad-aran n slicing board.

Adan name: Adam.

adbans n advance payment on a salary, debt, etc. v 1 [AP; cP] give an advance. Adbansan ka nákug singku, I’ll advance you five pesos. 2 [A; a] ask for an advance. Muadbans akug singku pára sa kumpra, I would like to have five pesos in advance for shopping. 3 [A; c] for soldiers to advance. Miadbans ang mga Hapun, The Japanese advanced. Ílang giadbans ang mga kanyun, They put the artillery on the front line. — gard n 1 a contingent sent ahead to the front. 2 s.t. sent s.w. to prepare the way (humorous metaphor). Nag-una ang mga adbans gard kay silay magpriparar, The advance guard has gone ahead because they will get things ready.

adbaysir n adviser. v [A13; b6] act as class adviser in school. Giadbaysíran ku ang primíru anyu, I am adviser to the freshmen. klas — class adviser in school. idituryal — editorial advisor.

adbintista n a Seventh Day Adventist. v [B1256] [9]be, become a Seventh Day Adventist.

adbirbiyu n adverb.

Adbiyintu n Advent.

adgaw n k.o. small tree: Premna odorata. The leaves are fragrant and used medicinally.

adía short form: día 1 is here (nearer me than you). Adía sa táas ang lamísa, ikanáug, The table is up here. Bring it downstairs. 2 in narration: now, at this juncture. Nalípay siya kay, día, nadátù na man pud siya, He was happy because, here he was, he managed to become rich in turn.

ádik n drug addict. v [B1256] become a drug addict.

adilantádu a 1 developed, advanced. Adilantádu ang Pilipínas sa Aprika sa panguma, The Philippines is ahead of Africa in agriculture. 2 for a watch to be advanced.

adilantar = adilantu.

adilantu v [B2] become better. Dílì ta muadilantu niánang pangitáa, Our financial situation won’t improve if that is the only way we can make our living. kaadilantúhan n improvement. Pára sa kaadilantúhan sa átung panimúyù, For the improvement of our standard of living.

adilpa n oleander, k.o. highly poisonous, tall ornamental shrub with showy pink or white flowers: Nerium indicum.

adimas furthermore, besides. Adimas utúkan man sab siya, Besides, he’s intelligent, too.

adingmasin n adding machine. v [a12] add up on a machine. Adingmasina lang ni arun way sayup, Add this up on the machine, so there won’t be any mistakes.

adinúwid n adenoids. v [a4] have adenoid trouble.

adisir, adísir before [so-and-so] happens. Adisir ka muadtu, pagtilipunu úsà, Before you go there, phone him first.

adiyus, adiyús 1 farewell (literary). 2 — na lámang never mind, forget about s.t. expended for nothing. Ug mupahulam ka níyag kwarta, adiyus na lang, If you lend him money, you might as well kiss it goodbye. 3 exclamation at the unpleasant consequences of s.t. one has observed taking place. Adiyús nabásag na hinúun, Oh Jesus! It broke! Adiyús nalimtan nákù ag pitáka, Jesus! I forgot my purse!

adlaw n 1 sun. 2 day. May adlaw nga magbásul ka, The day will come that you will be sorry. 2a day, as opposed to night. pila ka — it won’t be long. Pila ka adlaw makapánaw ta sa búwan, Soon we’ll be able to take trips to the moon. 2b one’s day for winning. Ímu tanang adlaw, You get all the breaks. 3 birthday. 4 amount earned in a day. Singku ra may íyang adlaw niánà, He only gets five pesos a day from it. — sa minatay All Soul’s Day. Mahal nga — Holy Week. v 1 [A3; b6] receive a certain amount daily. Muadlaw kug tagduha ka líbu ka písus, I net two thousand pesos a day. Adláwi lang siyag tag-diyis, Pay him ten pesos per day. 2 [A; b6] celebrate a birthday. Adtu nyà sa ámù kay mag-adlaw ku, Come to my house for my birthday party. adlaw-adlaw every day. -an a for it to be daylight. Ayaw úsà pagpaúli. Adláwan pa bítaw, Don’t go home yet! It’s still daylight anyway. -an(→) n food used to celebrate a birthday with. Iháwa na ang adlawan, Slaughter the birthday pig. -in- a 1 daily, by the day. 2 lukewarm (lit. put in the sun). Túbig inadlaw, Warm water. v 1 [A; a2] do on a daily basis. Inadlawun (inadláwun) ka nákug dúaw, I will visit you daily. 2 [A; c1] make water warm. -in-an n birthday present. ka-an n birthday, day of patron saint. ka-un n dawn. Mugíkan ku ugmà sa kaadláwun, I’ll leave tomorrow at dawn. pang- n 1 s.t. used during daytime. Sanínang pang-adlaw, Dress for daytime wear. 2 day shift work. tala-an n diary. ti- 1 = ting-. 2 a sunny. Sa buntag tiadlaw, apan sa hápun nag-ulan, In the morning it was sunny, but in the afternoon it rained. ting- n dry season.†

adlib2, adlip1 ad lib in music. v [A; b6(1)] perform music ad lib.

adlip2 v [A; ab27] slice into long pieces. Adlípa ang mangga sa makatulu, Slice the mango into three pieces. Hiadlipan ákung tudlù, My finger got cut as I was slicing s.t. n slice.

adlù n k.o. fish.

administradur n 1 administrator of an estate. 2 head of a government agency. v [A; a2] be an administrator.

administrasiyun n the administration incumbent at a certain period. Sa administrasiyun ni Garsíya, During Garcia’s administration.

administratíbu n administrative.

admirar v [A; b] admire. Ug buhátun nà nímu, admirahan ka giyud, If you do that, people will admire you for it.†

admisiyun n 1 general admission section in a theater or stadium. 2 cost of admission in a theater or stadium. 3 admission slip to an exam.

admitar v 1 [A; b(1)] admit, concede a point. Admitahi lang nà, Just admit it. 2 [A; a12] admit to a hospital.

admitídu n one who has conceded a point, admitted s.t. Admitídu siya nga siya nakadawat [10]sa sulat, He admits that he has received the letter.

admitir = admitar.

adngan n k.o. small fish.

adpan v [B1; a4] be slightly scorched to the point of being discolored. Naadpan (giadpan) ang ákung pánit, My skin became tanned. -an a tending to get easily tanned.

adris n address. way — n tough guy, police character (lit. one who does not have an established residence). Ikaw nga maistru makigbúnù ánang way adris, You, a teacher, want to fight with that police character? v [A; c] write an address. Unsay ákung iadris sa suwat? What address shall I put on the letter?

adtu1 1 there (far away, future). Adtu ku higdà sa íla, I will sleep there at their house. 2 will go s.w. far. Adtu ku sa Karbun, I’m going to the market. 3 there he (she, etc.) goes doing it (although he shouldn’t be). Adtu nanghambug na sad, There he goes again, showing off. v 1 [A2; b3c] go, bring to a place. Nakaadtu na ku didtu kas-a, I went there once. Unsa mang lugára ang giadtúan ninyu? What place did you go to? Iadtu kini ngadtu sa íla, Go bring this to their house. 2 [A13; a2] go get s.t. Ikaw bay nag-adtu kang Pidru arun paanhíun siya? Were you the one who went to Pedro’s to tell him to come? Ug dì ka manáug ánang kahúya adtúun tika, If you do not come down from that tree, I’ll come up after you. hi-/ha- v [B1256; b6] happen to go. Diyútay ra kaáyu ang mahiadtu sa mga táwu, A very small amount seeps down to the people. adtuan v [A13] always go s.w. Mag-adtuan ku sa íla káda buntag, I always go see them every morning. adtuúnun, aladtúun n things one has to get. a hard to get to. Dì ku muadtu sa inyu kay aladtúun kaáyu, I won’t go to your place because it is hard to get to. umaadtúay, umaadtu n about to go. kaadtuun a feel very much like going s.w.

adtu2 1 short for niadtu. 2 short for kaniadtu. 3 = kadtu (dialectal).

adtut = adtu (colloquial).

adubádu = adubáwu.

adubáwu1 n meat cooked in salt, vinegar with spices then fried, with fat or liquid leftover. v [A; a] cook adubáwu. Átù lang adubawúhun ning bábuy, We’ll just make adubáwu out of this pork.

adubáwu2 = kútil, n, v1.

adúbi n adobe, bricks made of clay. v [A; a12] build s.t. with adobe.

adúbu n meat fried in salt and vinegar. v [A; a] cook adúbu.

adul a mentally deficient. Dì giyud kasabut ang adul bísag unsáug isplikar, No matter how you explain it to the imbecile, he will never understand.

*adult n — idyukisyun adult education.†

adultiryu n adultery.

ad-un = adúna (dialectal).

adúna short form: dúna there is, are, will be. Dúnay libru sa lamísa, There is a book on the table. -y [subject] [subject] has. Dúnay libru si Huwan, John has a book. paka- v [A; a] 1 strive to have s.t. Bisag wà kuy kwarta, pakaadunáhun giyud aku nímu, Even though I have no money, you want to force me to get some. 2 = pakaadunáhan. adunáhan a wealthy. Usa siya sa mga adunáhan sa ámung lungsud, He is one of the wealthy people in our town. pakaadunáhan v [A13; a12] pretend to be wealthy, consider to be wealthy. Nagpakaadunáhan siya bisag way nahut, He pretends to be rich even though he hasn’t got a penny. Gipakaadunáhan ba aku nímu? Do you think I’m rich?

aduptǎr v [A; a12] adopt a child.†

adurnu n decoration. v [A; c] decorate. Nindut kaáyu ang kapilya nga giadurnúhan ug búlak, The chapel was beautifully decorated with flowers. paN- v [A2] make oneself up, put on s.t. special. Nangadurnu ang mga dalága, The girls are getting themselves all fixed up.

adwána n customs.†

*adyà -an a selective, choosy. Adyaan man gud nang bayhána; mau nga wà maminyù, That woman is choosy; that is why she did not get married. v [B12] become choosy.

adyaks n 1 a brand name for a dish cleanser. 2 prostitute (slang).

adyas v [A; c] put at a specific setting, adjust. Ákung adyasun (iadyas) ang pabílu sa sugà, I’ll adjust the lamp wick.

adyinda n agenda. v [A; c] put on the agenda. Iadyinda nà sa sunud míting, Put that in the agenda for the next meeting.

adyinumútu n brand of monosodium glutamate. v [A; bc] cook with Ajinomoto.

ag short form: g subject marker for specific or past time subject (dialectal). Ag táwung gibukbuk sa buguy namatay ganíha, The man that was mauled by the ruffian died a while ago. — sa past time substitute for sa. Pwirting uwánga ag sa irù, My, how that dog barked.

agaab v [A2; b3] cry out loudly. Miagaab ang bátà kay giilúgan sa íyang duláan, The child cried loudly when his toys were [11]snatched away.

agáak = akáak.

*agad — ug, y it would be a good thing if such-and-such were the case. Agad pag magtuun ka imbis magdúlà, It would be better for you to study instead of playing. Agad pa untay nagduktur ka sa kaping mag-abugádu, It would have been nice if you had become a doctor instead of a lawyer. — nga it was good enough as it was before a change took place. Agad siyang natúlug, ngánu pa mang ímung gipúkaw? He was doing all right sleeping. What did you have to go and wake him up for?

ágad = alágad. paN- v [A2; b6] for a prospective bridegroom to stay in the girl’s place just prior to the marriage ceremony in order to serve the family. Pangagáran úsà nímu ang ginikánan arun kauyúnan ka níla, You serve the girl’s parents so that they will come to like you. -um- n son-in-law. v [A23S; a12] take as a son-in-law. umagarun n prospective son-in-law.

agad-ad1 a slightly rubbery, but soft to chew. Ang alud-ud sa manuk agad-ad kaúnun, Chicken cartilage is soft to chew.

agad-ad2 v [A] grunt contentedly. Muagad-ad ang anay ug magpasúsu sa íyang mga baktin, A sow grunts when nursing its litter. n prolonged grunt of contentment emitted by pigs.

ag-ag = alag-ag.

*agagang hi-/ha- v [B1256] hesitate doing s.t. due to indecision or confusion. Nahiagagang siya pagdáwat sa rigálu, She hesitated before accepting the present.

agáhad v [A; b6] clear one’s throat. Miagáhad siya, unyà nangluwà, He cleared his throat, then spat. n action of clearing the throat.

ágak v 1 [A; a12] give the hand to lead or lend support. Akù siyang agákun tapun sa karsáda, I’ll help him cross the street. 2 [A; a12] guide s.o. in moral principles. Kitang mga hamtung angayang muágak sa mga batan-un, We older folks should guide the younger generation. -ay = ágak. mag-r-(→), mag-r- n trainer, one who guides others in learning s.t. -l-un(→) a weak, to be led when walking. Gúlang na táwun si Lúlu alagakun ug mulakaw, Grandpa is so old that he is to be led when he walks.†

agak-ak v [A] 1 for chickens to make the clucking sound of being disturbed. Miagak-ak ang manuk kay nasangkilan, The chicken squawked when s.o. touched it. 2 cackle, squawk with laughter.

agálun (from ágad) n master, boss. v 1 [A123S] happen to get a master. Nakaagawun akug dagmalan, I happened to work for a cruel master. 2 [A2SN] for animals or possessions to allow only the owner to make use of it. Nag-agawun kining ákung kabáyù, aku ray makakabayù, My horse is choosy. I’m the only one who can ride on him. paN- v [A2S; b(1)] work for a master. Mangagálun lang kug way láing kapangabuhían, I’ll work as a servant if I can’t find any other job. Insik ang íyang gipangagawunan, He worked for a Chinese.†

agan-an n sand-like pellets which are the droppings of a k.o. wood-boring insect. v [a4b4] be infested with wood-borers. -un(→) a having agan-an.

agáng 1 exclamation uttered upon experiencing pain. Agáng sakíta! Ouch, how painful! 2 exclamation of disbelief or disgust. Agáng, ikaw na lang nawnga ang manlangyaw? Tapulan! Humph! The likes of you immigrating? You’re too lazy.

agang-agang v 1 [A; b(1)] hesitate before doing s.t. Miagang-agang kug palit, mau nga naunhan aku, I hesitated before buying, so s.o. got it before me. Dílì ku nímu ángay nga agang-agangan, You should not hesitate (to ask) me. 2 [AN23; a12] shoulder work, responsibility, and other duties which ought to be done by s.o. else. Dílì maáyu nga ang mga inahan mauy muagang-agang (mangagang-agang) sa trabáhu sa balay ug dagkù na ang mga anak, It’s not good for a mother to do the household chores when her children are big. -un a tending to shouldering work, responsibilities, and the like which should be done by other persons.

agap a 1 in a great hurry to do s.t. Agap ka ra kaáyung misudyà níya, You were much too quick to remind him he was wrong. 2 intensely interested in obtaining s.t. Aku nga agap ug salapì mihátag sa ákung láwas, Greedy for money, I surrendered my body. v [A13; a12] 1 make haste to. Agapun nátù pagtabuk únà magbálud, Let’s make haste to cross before the waves rise. 2 be after s.t. Nagpabulubuútan uruy nà siya kay nag-agap man ug dulsi, He is pretending to be well-behaved because he is interested in getting candy.

agápang n k.o. mullet.

agára v [A; a2] claim as his own s.t. owned in common with s.o. else or belonging to s.o. else. Hasta ang ákung tutbras ímung agaráhun, You want to lay claim to my toothbrush, too? Giagaráhan mig yútà sa asindíru, The landowner laid claim to our land.

agaray ouch! Agaray! Bídang sakíta nímung [12]mangusì! Ouch! That pinch hurt. v [A] say ‘ouch’.

ágas v [A2S; b6] flow from an opening. Nag-agas na ang túbig, There is water now. (Lit. The water is flowing now.) Giagásan ang dálan ug gasulína, Gasoline flowed over the street. (→) a leaky. Agas kaáyu ang táru, The can is leaky. — ug pálad spendthrift (lit. having leaky hands).

agaw short form: gaw title for people who are cousins. Anía si Agaw Tídu, Here is Cousin Tido. ig-(←) n cousin: children of one’s parent’s sibling or parent’s ig-ágaw. ig-(←) igtagsa first cousin, children of a parent’s siblings. ig-(←) igtagurha second cousin, children of a parent’s ig-ágaw igtagsa. ig-(←) igtagutlu third cousin, children of a parent’s ig-ágaw igtagurha. ig-(←) sa kasingkásing n a lover one pretends is his cousin in public. mag-(←), manag-(←) n people who are ig-ágaw with each other. pag-agáwan, panag-agáwan n sa — related by virtue of being ig-ágaw to the (grand)parents or (grand)children of one’s cousin. Uyuan ku siya sa panag-agáwan, He is my uncle by being a cousin of my parents. Pag-umangkun ku siya sa panag-agáwan, She is my niece by being a daughter of my cousin.†

ágaw v [A, A3S; a] take s.t. away from s.o. Ayawg agáwa ang duláan sa bátà, Don’t take the toy away from the child. -an(→) a fond of snatching. Babáying agawag bána, A woman that is a husband snatcher. maN-r- n one who snatches.

agáwun = agálun.

agay ouch!

ágay v [A2S; b6] flow from a faucet, in a stream. Dílì muágay ang túbig kay gisiradúhan ang grípu, The water won’t flow because the faucet is closed. Nag-ágay ang íyang mga lúhà, Her tears flowed.

agay-ay1 = agan-an.

agbat v 1 = ábat1, v. 2 [A; ab2] go after s.o. to catch up with him. Dalì, agbata si Tátay, Quick, go catch up with Father. Maagbatan pa nímu ang íyang grádu, You can still catch up to him in your grades.

agbáti = alugbáti.

agbaw = adgaw.

agbay = alagbay.

agbun n fine particles of soil or ashes. v 1 [A] fly in fine particles. Ayawg isagudsud ang ímung tiil kay muagbun ang abug, Don’t drag your feet because dust will fly. 2 [B12] turn to dust. Nagkaagbun na ang mga karáang mga papílis, The old papers are turning into dust.

agda v [AN; a12] invite s.o. to do s.t. Miagda (nangagda) ku níya ug pakigkalígù, I invited him to join me in going swimming. Paghulat lag agdáhun kag káun, Just wait until you’re invited to eat. n request, invitation to s.o. to do s.t. alagdahun, agdahúnun n one who has to be told to do things. Ang alagdahung binatunan maáyu dáyung ilísan, A servant that needs a special invitation to work should be immediately replaced.

agdul = arul, v 2.

agh written representation of throaty sound produced in uttering a gasp of pain or in clearing the throat.

aghad = ughad.

aghat v 1 [A; a12b2] challenge s.o. to a fight. Aghátun siya nátug sumbagay, Let’s challenge him to a fight. 2 [A3P; a12] induce, prompt s.o. to do s.t. Ang kapubri makaaghat (makapaaghat) nátù sa pagpangáwat, Poverty can drive us to steal. Aghátun tikaw sa pagbása sa libru, I will urge you to read the book. ma-un a provoking, inviting. Nadápit ku pagdúul níya sa maaghátun niyang pahiyum, I was drawn to her by her inviting smile.

aghud v [A3; b(1)] force oneself to bear with a backbreaking task. Ngánung nag-aghud ka mag-uma nga tigúlang ka na man? Why are you breaking your back farming when you are old?

aghup a tender in feelings or treatment. ma- a tender. v [a12] do in a tender way. Giaghup ku silag buyag, I scolded them tenderly.

aghuy1 n supernatural being which does good, does not show itself, and puts itself at the service of a single sorcerer and no other person. He cures sick persons and sorcery victims only through the intercession of this sorcerer. He also acts as a spy for the sorcerer. -an n a sorcerer with an aghuy.

aghuy2 v [A; ab5] shout over distance to attract attention. Adtúa na lang; ayaw na lang aghuya (aghuyi), Just go to him; don’t shout to call his attention. n a shout over a distance.

agi 1 oh my!, expression of surprise. Agi, kadakù ánang isdáa! Oh my! How big that fish is! 1a expression of revulsion to s.t. perceived. Agi, kangilngig naadtu! My! how terrible that was! 1b expression of objection to s.t. different from what is desired. Agi! Dì man nà mau! My! That is not the one I asked for. 1c expression of happiness at s.t. found out. Agi, kanindut, kun tinúud, My! How nice, if it’s true. 2 expression of sudden pain. Agi! Sakíta, Ow! That hurts.

ági v [A2S3S; b6] 1 go by, through a place. [13]Dílì ku muági dihà kay náay irù, I won’t go that way because there’s a dog there. 1a [A2S; c] for food to be cooked in s.t. Dì ku makakáug sud-an nga giági ug mantíkà, I can’t eat food that was cooked in fat. 2 for time to go by. Nakadaug aku sa swipstik sa miáging simána, I won the sweepstakes last week. Sa nag-aging mga búlan, nagkaluya pud siya, As the months went by, he became steadily weaker. 3 gone through one’s hands, had experience with one. Pila na ka babáyi ang niági kaníya? How many women have gone through his hands? Daghan na ang ispisyalista nga miági kaníya, Many specialists have examined her. 4 have experienced s.t. Nakaagi na ku sa pagpamutsatsu, I have already experienced being a servant. 5 [A23] for a writing instrument to work. Dì na muági ning bulpína, This ballpoint pen doesn’t write any more. n 1 path traversed. Mibálik siya sa íyang ági, He retraced his steps. 2 result of the action of some instrument. Ági sa gabas, The kerf of the saw. Ági sa lápis, The imprint of the pencil. Ági sa makina, Stitches of the sewing machine. Ági sa bunal, Welts made by a whip. Ági sa dáru, Furrows. 3 handwriting. 4 output, work accomplished. Gamay kaáyu siyag ági kay tapulan, He has little output because he’s lazy. 6 profits. Dakù siyag ági sa pagpahulam, He made big profits from his usury. 7 transient. Ági lang ang íyang kasukù, His anger will soon pass. 8 — ug, sa by way of, as an expression of. Kining rilu ágig handumánan nátù, This watch is by way of remembrance. (→) v [A; ac] pass by to pick up or leave s.t. on the way. Agiun tika unyà, I’ll stop by to pick you up. Iagi ang karsunsilyu sa ka Pidru, Bring the shorts to Pedro’s on your way. a leaky. Tárung agi, A leaky can. v [B1256] become leaky. pa- v 1 [A; ac] cause to go in a certain way. Unsáun man nátù pagpaági nga dílì mailhan? How will we do it so it won’t be recognized? Ang íyang gugma gipaági níya sa suwat, He made his love known through letters. n way. Unsay maáyung paági sa paglútug bam-i? What is a good way to prepare noodles? pina- n means. Nabuksan ang kandádu pinaági sa yáwi, The lock was opened by means of a key. paN- v [b4] for an expectant mother to have her bag of waters break. Gipangagían na siya piru wà pa magbatì, Her bag of waters has broken, but she is not in labor yet. agiánan n 1 passageway. Makalapus ka ngadtu kay náa may agiánan, You can pass through there because there is a passageway. 2 a means to an end or accomplishment. Kanang hulamhúlam ug libru mauy usa ka pasángil, agiánan sa panagsulátay níla, Borrowing each other’s books was a means for them to write each other. alagían n = agiánan. a near a place people pass. Ang ílang balay alagían kanang paingun ta sa lungsud, Their house is right on the way when we go to town. -um-r-, -um-l- n 1 about to pass. 2 of a passing character. Umaági (umalági) ra ning ulána, This is just a passing rain. ka- n an event, happening, or experience. Ang súnug usa ka kaági nga dílì malimtan, The conflagration is an unforgettable event. kaaginhun, maaginhun a full of history, eventful.†

ágid = amgid.

agigísing n temples, hair on the temples.

agíik n creak, squeak. v [A; c1] creak, squeak. Nag-agíik ang íyang mga túhud, His knees creaked. Ayawg agiíka (iagíik) ang sira, Don’t let the door creak.

agik-ik v [A; b6] laugh, but not openly. Nag-agik-ik sila pagpangutut sa maistra, They snickered when the teacher broke wind.

agil v [AN; b5] shave hair off (not beard). Ug mangagil (mangágil) ka sa bábuy ayawg samári ang pánit, When you shave the pig, do not damage the skin. Ayaw ug agila (agili) ang patilya, Don’t shave the sideburns. n razor. ig-l-(←) n razor to shave pig bristle.

agila n eagle.

agímud v [AN; c1] stick out the lips in pouting or in displeasure. Muagímud (mangagímud) man lang ug átung sugúun, He just puckers his lips when we ask him to run an errand.

*aginaldu mísa di- = mísa digalyu.

agíngay n k.o. tall hairy grass of open fields used as forage.

aginsud = agínud.

agínud v [A2S; a] 1 move dragging s.t. on the ground. Nag-agínud ang bakul padúng sa simbahan, The cripple dragged himself to the church. 2 move forward slowly but steadily. Miagínud ang barku pagsulud sa dungguánan, The boat slowly moved into the dock. n slow, dragging movement. Agínud sa hálas, The creeping of a snake. Ang agínud sa mga úras, The slow passing of the hours.

agipu n piece of wood with a glowing or burning tip.

agiri 1 ouch! 2 exclamation of jubilation.

agis-is n white scales on skin of the type which develop when the skin is dry. v [B6; a4] develop whitish scales on skin. Muagis-is (maagis-is, agis-isun) ang íyang bagtak, Her legs develop whitish scales. [14]

agit-it1 n squeaking strident sound made by two surfaces rubbing against each other. v [B] squeak stridently, become squeaky. Kasábà sad íning siráha, muagit-it (nag-agit-it) man, How noisy this door is! It squeaks.

agit-it2 n 1 white streaks of dirt or dried up perspiration. 2 dirt that sticks to things or the skin. v [a4b4] be begrimed with agit-it. Giagit-itan (giagit-it) ang ímung líug, Your neck is streaked with dirt. -un(→) a covered with agit-it.

agítung a burnt to charcoal. v [B2; c1] get burnt to become charcoal. Miagítung (naagítung) ang mais nga ákung gisugba, I broiled the corn on the cob until it turned to charcoal. (→) n fire kept burning low over a long period of time so that it won’t have to be rekindled.

ágiw n fine, white ashes. v [AB2; a12] burn to white ashes, cause to burn to ashes. Muágiw (maágiw) na gánì nang úling tayhúpi, When the charcoal turns to ashes, blow some of them away. Mag-ágiw kug tabákù nga itambal, I’ll make some tobacco ashes to use as medicine. pa- v 1 [A; c1] let s.t. turn into ashes. Ayaw ipaágiw (paagíwa) ang úling, Don’t let the charcoal burn to ashes. 2 [A; ac] have s.o. make ashes. -l-an, -anan n ash tray.

agkut = hagkut.

aglidulsi = limunsítu.

aglípay, aglipayánu n member of the Aglipayan religious sect. v [B1] become an Aglipayan.

agmang n k.o. eel.

agmud n grunting, snorting noises. v [AN; c1] grunt, snort. Ígù lang siyang miagmud (nangagmud) sa ákung pagpananghid, He just grunted when I asked his permission.

agngan n = adngan.

agni v [A; a12] urge s.o. to do s.t. Giagni siya sa pagpaúlì sa asáwa, He was urged to return to his wife.

agnus n holy charm or relic affixed to the body to ward off evil. v [A1; b] wear an agnus.

agpan = adpan.

agpang n a thin piece of bamboo, three or four inches in length used to set the size of the hole in weaving fish nets.

agpas v [A; a12b2] 1 go after s.o. to catch up with him. Agpása, kay wà tu siya kabayad, Go after him. He hasn’t paid. 2 meet a seller’s offer. Dì pud ku muagpas ug baynti ánang sapatúsa, I would not even give you twenty for those shoes. 3 catch up in time. Dì na nákù maagpas ang trabáhu, taudtaud na kung naabsin, I can’t catch up with the work. I’ve been absent too long. 4 be after, interested in obtaining s.t. Kwarta lay íyang giagpas, All she’s after is money. 5 [A12; b5] a catch a meaning. Wà siya kaagpas sa lísu, He didn’t catch the joke. b know the cause or defect. Wà ku kaagpas unsay dipiktu íning mutúra, I can’t figure out what is wrong with this motorcycle. 6 [AN; c] think of s.t. to say. Walà nay ikapangagpas (ikaagpas) ang dalága sa pagpamalíbad, The girl could think of no more excuses for refusing him. n highest price offered in buying s.t. Pila man giyuy agpas mu? What is the highest price you offer? pa- v [A; c] say s.t. additional as an afterthought. Mipaagpas siyag túgun sa paglakaw nákù, He called after me to ask me to do s.t. for him as I was leaving. paN- v [A] 1 go after s.t. and take advantage of it in time. Mangagpas ta sa higayun samtang barátu pa, Let’s take advantage of the opportunity while it is still cheap. 2 figure s.t. out. May nangagpas nga láin siyag túyù, S.o. figured out that he had evil intentions. n 1 interpretation of a situation. 2 a second planting to replace seeds that did not do well. Namatay ang ubang tanum. Pangagpas ning tanúma, Some of the plants died. This planting is to replace them.†

agrabiyar v [A2] have a complaint about treatment. Makaagrabiyar ka pa uruy nga nakabintahà ka man, You claim you’re being treated unfairly, though before, you had the advantage.

agrabyádu a 1 taking offense. Agrabyádu ku sa ímung gisulti, I feel offended at what you said. 2 having a grievance, reason for complaint.

agrabyu v [A2; a2b3] have a complaint about a treatment. Ayaw agrabyúha ning ákung gibúhat, Don’t complain about what I did. n s.t. which gives rise to grievances. Ang agrabyu sa mga Pilipínu gíkan sa mga Katsílà walà na maagwanta, The Filipinos could no longer endure their grievances against the Spaniards.

agri, agridulsi = limunsítu.

agrigáwu = abrigáwu.

agrikultúra n agriculture. agrikulturista n agriculturist. v [B156] be an agriculturist.

agriminsur n land surveyor. v [B156] be a land surveyor.

agrísib = agrisíba, agrisíbu.

agrisíba a 1 = agrisíbu, (female). 2 aggressive, eager for sex. Agrisíba kunu ang mga mistísa, They say the mestiza girls are sexually aggressive. v [B12] be sexually aggressive. [15]

agrisíbu a aggressive. v [B1; b] be aggressive. -in- a in an aggressive manner. v [A13; a12] do s.t. aggressively. Inagrisibúhun nátù pag-aplay ang trabáhu, Let’s be aggressive in our application for the job.

agsa1 v [A; b5] work on s.t. and be paid with half of product. Muagsa ku sa ímung tíkug kay wà kuy puhúnan, I will work with your material for half the output, as I have none of my own.

agsa2 = igtagsa. see agaw.

agsing v [A; b2] for a missile to graze s.o. Ígù lang nakaagsing ang bála sa íyang agtang, The bullet just grazed his forehead.

agtà n 1 supernatural man of dark complexion and extraordinary size, said to inhabit trees, cliffs, or empty houses. He is said to play practical jokes on people, kidnap them. He has a large cigar in his mouth. 2 name occasionally given to Negritos.

agtang n 1 forehead. 2 region just above the genitalia (humorous metaphorical). (→) v [A; a12] hit at the forehead. Agtangun tika run, I will hit you on the forehead. -un a having a prominent forehead.

agtì v [BN] 1 become very dark due to heat. Miagtì (nangagtì) íyang nawung sa ínit, His face has become black because of the sun. 2 be dry and brittle. Ning-agtì ang káhuy, The wood became dry and brittle.

agú exclamation of woe or pain: ouch! Agú! Kalisud sa way inahan, Woe, how difficult it is to have no mother. v [A2] exclaim agú.

Agu. abbreviation for Agustu, August.

agū̀ = agúlù.

agubhub n hollow thudding sound. v [A] resound with hollow thudding sound. Miagubhub ang platapurma nga ílang gisayáwan ug tiniil, The platform they were dancing on in their bare feet resounded with a thudding sound.

agub-ub1 a crunchy and hard to chew, like hardtack. Agub-ub kaúnun ang sinángag pasì, Fried corn grains are crunchy to eat. v [A4] make crunchy sound.

agub-ub2 n mold. v [A123P; a4b4] be moldy. Giagub-ub (giagub-uban) ang surísu nga dúgayng gitagúan, The sausages have become moldy because they were kept too long.

agud = arun1 (dialectal).

agúha n 1 big sewing needle for sewing up sacks. 2 name given to any large needle or safety pin.

aguhilya n 1 U-shaped hairpin. 2 a small needle bigger than the ordinary sewing needle, but smaller than the agúha. 3 hypodermic needle. v 1 [A; a] use an aguhilya. Aguhilyáun lang ni nátung gisì sa sáku, Let’s sew the sack with a large needle. Ug dílì ka mukáun, maaguhilyáan ka sa duktur, If you refuse to eat, the doctor will have to use his needle on you. 2 [a12] make an aguhilya.

agúhù n Australian pine: Casuarina equistifolia. Lumber and ornamental tree. The roots and bark have medicinal uses. Young specimens are used as Christmas trees.

aguk-uk v [A; b3] laugh vigorously in suppressed or stifled laughter. Muaguk-uk giyud kug katáwa kun mahinumdum ku, I break into suppressed laughter when I think about it. n vigorous but suppressed laughter. n k.o. grunt: Pomadasys hasta.

agúkuy see alagúkuy.

agul a with the hair completely shaved off. v = agil.

agulang see gúlang.

agúlù v [A2S] groan, moan. Ngánung nag-agúlù man ka, may sakit ka ba sa tiyan? Why are you groaning? Do you have a stomach ache? n groan.

agum = lagum.

águm v [B1256; b4(1)] 1 undergo a bitter or painful experience. Naágum sa dakung kapildíhan ang lungsud adtung bagyúha, The town suffered a great loss in that storm. 2 get full use out of some benefit s.o. bestows on one. Makaminyù ka na kay naágum na ku sa ímung kabudlay, I allow you to get married because I made use of your labor (while you were single). pa- v [A12] cause one to learn a lesson. Ang dakung pildi nakapaágum nákù, Losing a large amount taught me a lesson. hi-/ha- = águm. ka-an n bitter experience.

agumáa n chub or striped mackerel: Rastrelliger sp.

agúmud v [A2; c] grunt. Nag-agumud ang bábuy nga naglúnang, The pig was grunting as he wallowed in the mud.

agum-um n k.o. large dove.

águng n gong. v [A; a] sound a gong.

agúngal n corn cob.

agung-ung1 n loud sound that reverberates. v [AB46] reverberate, make s.t. reverberate. Muagung-ung na gánì ang ayruplánu, When the roar of the airplane resounds.

agung-ung2 v [A; b3] whine in a somewhat suppressed way, as in pain. Nakaagung-ung sa kasakit ang irù nga gibunálan, The dog he whipped whined in pain.

agúnguy n prolonged wail of grief or pain, any wailing-like sound. Agúnguy sa ambulansiya, The wail of the ambulance. v [A; b3] wail. Dì man angayang agungúyan nang [16]samára, That wound is nothing to wail about.

aguníyas n death knell at a funeral; also the knell on Good Friday to indicate the hour of Christ’s death. v [A; b6] sound the death knell.

aguntù v [A] emit a short grunt when hit in the pit of the stomach or when exerting an effort. Miaguntù siya dihang naigù sa kutukutu, He groaned when he was hit in the pit of the stomach. n short grunt.

agup-up n mildew, mold. v [a4b4] get mildewed, moldy. Ayawg paumgi ang ímung dintru arun dílì agup-upun, Don’t let your shirt get moist so that it won’t get mildewed. Giagup-up (giagup-upan) na ang sud-ang hikalimtan, The food they forgot about got all moldy. -un(→) a mildewy, moldy.

aguruy ouch! Aguruy, ngánung namáak man ka? Ouch! Why did you bite me? v [A] cry ‘ouch’.

águs v [A2S] ooze, flow out slowly. Miágus ang nánà, The pus oozed out.

agusahis n k.o. shrub or small tree. The leaves have rough upper surface and are used as sandpaper: Ficus odorata and ulmifolia. v [A13; b(1)] sand s.t. with agusahis leaves.

Agustu n August. v see abril.

agus-us n 1 delicacy made of cornstarch mixed with sugar, water, and sometimes other ingredients made into cylindrical rolls with banana leaves and broiled. 2 delicacy made of sweet potatoes and pork wrapped in coconut leaves. v [AC12; a2] make agus-us.

agut a 1 simple-minded. Dalì mutúu ang agut, The simple-minded fool believes anything you tell him. 2 slow, stunted in growth. Agut ka man. Hilabwan na man lang ka sa ímung manghud, You are stunted. Your little brother is taller than you are. v 1 [B; a] be ignorant, simple-minded. Makaagut man diay ning mag-istar ug búkid, Staying in the mountains makes you simple-minded. 2 be stunted in growth. -un a of a stunted or simple-minded sort. Agutun mig kalíwat, We are a family of short people.

agút a gritty. Agút ang ginamus sa bás, The fish paste is gritty with sand. v [B; b] become gritty.

agútay n k.o. wild banana, producing 2″ long seedy fruit with a yellowish peel and sweet orange meat when ripe.

aguting n 1 k.o. tobacco blight which makes the leaves turn whitish and curl up when they are dried. 2 k.o. banana blight which forms spots and makes the meat hard and inedible. v [a4] be affected with aguting.

agutíut n squeaking, creaking sound produced by two surfaces rubbing against each other. v [A] for surfaces to squeak, creak. Muagutíut man ning ákung sapátus, My shoes squeak.

agutnga v [A; b6] emit a somewhat prolonged grunt as when one is lifting a heavy load or has suffered pain. Miagutnga siya sa kabug-at sa íyang gipas-an, He groaned under the load he was carrying. n grunt.

agut-ut1 n squeaking sound like that made by chewing on meat. v [A] make a squeaking sound.

agut-ut2 a stunted in growth. v [B; a] be stunted in growth. Nagkaagut-ut ang mga tanum kay kúlang na sa tambuk ang yútà, The plants are coming out stunted because the soil is infertile.

agut-ut3 a painful in a throbbing, gnawing way. v [B46; b4] be throbbingly painful. Nag-agut-ut ang ákung hubag, My boil is giving me a gnawing pain. Muhílak ku ug agut-utan ku sa ákung upirasyun, I cry if the wound from my operation gnaws painfully.

agúut a for s.t. soft or smooth to have a sandy, gritty texture because of improper cooking or some hard materials mixed in with it. Agúut pa kaáyu ning kan-un, pataudtauri pa, This rice is still hard in the center. Leave it on a little longer. v [B; b6] be gritty. Nag-agúut ang ginamus sa balas, The fish paste is gritty because of the sand.

aguy 1 ouch! Aguy, sakíta! Nasuyuran kus buyug, Ouch! It hurts. I was stung by a wasp! 2 particle expressing pleasant surprise. Aguy! Dúna diay kuy bag-ung sapátus, Yipee! I have a new pair of shoes! v [A] shout aguy.

aguyangyang1 n a k.o. poisonous field spider with a red tip at the abdomen.

aguyangyang2 n k.o. wild annual vine that bears small, poisonous beans which are hard and red with a black tip. The beans are used ornamentally and medicinally: Abrus precatorius.

agwa n perfume, lotion. — bindíta n holy water. v 1 [A; b6] apply perfume to s.o. 2 [A12] get perfume. paN- v [A2] use perfume. Humut ka dà. Nangagwa ka ba? You smell nice. Are you using perfume? agwahan n perfume atomizer. — uksináda n hydrogen peroxide.

agwáda v [A; a2] fetch water. Agwadáhan lang tikag túbig, I’ll fetch water for you. paN- v [A2] fetch water for a fee. n the occupation of fetching water. Makasapì pud siyag diyútay sa pangagwáda, He can earn a little money in fetching water.† [17]

agwádu a watery, of a thin mixture. Pagkaagwádu sa ímung tsukuláti, mu rag hinúgas, How watery your chocolate is. It is like dishwater. v [A; a12] make a thin mixture.†

agwadur n water vendor. v [B156] be a water vendor.

agwanta v 1 [A; a12] endure, put up with. Walay pawntinping muagwanta ánang ímung ginawian, No pen can last the way you are using it. Dì kung kaagwanta níya, I cannot stand her. Agwantahun lang nátù ang kagútum, We’ll just endure our hunger. 2 [A; b5] put up with. Bisag bagìbian ang asáwa, agwantahan (agwantahun) ku na lang, My wife is a shrew, but I’ll just put up with her. — nga how very. Agwantang lisúra, My! How difficult it is! — muy Can you imagine! Agwanta mu bay mupalit ug kadilak mukás dáyun! Can you imagine? He bought a Cadillac for cash! -du, -dur(→) a able to endure. Agwantadur ang tagabaryu sa trabáhu, Village folk can endure hard work. see alsomaríya.

agwardiyinti n refined alcohol, usually used in making liquor.

agwas n public water system. Ámung túbig gíkan sa agwas, Our water comes from the public supply. — putablis = agwas.

agwasil n = alguwasil.

agwásun n k.o. large poisonous snake, black on the back and yellow-bellied.

ah particle expressing rejection or denial. Ah! Dílì kanà mahímù, Oh! That’s impossible. Ah, dì ku. Kápuy, Oh, I don’t want to. It’s too much like work.

aha aha! Aha! Nasakpan ka na giyud, Aha! At last I’ve caught you!

aháan n k.o. blue-lined snapper: Lutianus rivulatus.

áhag v [A; a] 1 sift fine particles from coarser ones. Ahágun ku ang ginaling kapi, I’ll sift the ground coffee. 2 shake the remaining grains out of rice straw. Ahága ang uhut, Shake out the straw. 3 choose the best or biggest from a group. Ikaw bay muáhag sa maáyung klásing isdà, You choose the best fish. -an n sifter for milled corn.

áhak a crazy (used only in exclamations). Aháka sad nímu uy! You’re nuts! v [a4] be crazy. Gipabáyad kag singku? Giáhak, She made you pay five pesos? Is she out of her mind? Wà ku nímu sugta. Ahákun ka pa untà, You don’t accept me? I hope you go mad.

áhas1 v [A; a] 1 haul in a fishing net. Ahásun ni Durik ug sayu ang íyang púkut, Doric will haul in his net early. 2 get s.t. from s.t. Wà tay maáhas ug mangasáwa tag way kanghu, There’s no profit in marrying a poor woman.

áhas2 v [A12; c1] separate husked from unhusked rice. Ahása (iáhas) pag-alig-ig ang gilubuk, Separate the husked from the unhusked rice by shaking it.

ahat a 1 done before the proper time. Ahat nga kamatáyun, Premature death. 2 forced. Ahat nga pahiyum, A forced smile. Ahat nga pagkaminyù, Forced marriage. v 1 [A23] do s.t. suddenly and unexpectedly. Giunsa man nímu tung bátà nga miahat maghílak? What did you do to the child that it cried suddenly? 2 [B3(1); a12] a do s.t. before the proper time. Kinsa may nag-ahat ug pùpù sa mangga? Who picked the mango prematurely? Naahat siyag pagkabut-an pagkamatay sa íyang amahan, He had to become a grown-up before his time, when his father died. b do s.t. at an inopportune time. Nakaahat lang kug katáwa. Nangutut man gud ka! I couldn’t help laughing. You broke wind! 3 be forced into doing s.t. by circumstances. Miahat kug huwam ug kwarta, I was forced to borrow money. athanay v [C3] force each other to do s.t.

ahaw a lacking entirely. Ahaw sa tanum ang yútà nga palanas, The rocky area is bare of plants. Ahaw ang bátà sa pagpanggà sa inahan, The child lacks a mother’s love. n vegetable cooked with no meat or other condiments except, perhaps, tomatoes, onions, and salt. v 1 [B1; b6] be empty, lacking. Nag-ahaw ang ákung kinabúhì sukad aku papháa sa trabáhu, My life has been empty ever since I was fired. Giahawan aku sa ímung pangatarúngan, I consider your reasoning to be empty. 2 [A13; a] cook vegetables plain. Ahawun ku ang útan, I will cook the vegetables plain.†

ahay exclamation expressing utter tiredness or frustration. Ahay, kapait ning walay ginikánan, My! How bitter it is not to have parents.

ahidris n chess set. v [AC3; c3] play chess. -an(→) n chessboard.

ahinghu n tiny shrub grown in flower pots, not native to the Visayas: Crossostephium chinense.

ahinsiya n 1 pawnshop. 2 agency. Ahinsiya sa trabáhu, Employment agency. v [A13] open up a pawnshop.

ahinti n agent, one who sells on commission. Níay ahinti sa sabun, There’s a man selling soap here. v [BN56; b6] be a salesman on commission. Ahintíhan ku ning ímung yútà, I’ll be your agent in selling the land. — sa bábuy one with an AB (humorous). [18]

ahítu n marigold.

áhù = ákù; see aku. idyaidya ahuáhù see idyaidya.

áhug v [AC; ac] mix s.t. moist or wet with s.t. dry. Nag-áhug ang gátas ug harína, The flour and the milk are mixed together. (→) n mixture. Gátas, harína, kámay. Hustu giyud nang ahug, Milk, flour, sugar are just the right mixture.

áhus n garlic. (→) v [c] season with garlic. Dì ba nímu ahusan ang tinúlang isdà? Are you not going to season the stewed fish with garlic? -an(→) n garlic patch. ahus-áhus n = awrúra2. ahus-ahus n ornamental vine with purple flowers which smells somewhat like garlic. — nga putì n k.o. ornamental bulb with white flowers.

ak word used in writing to represent the sound of a blow.

akáak v [A] make a cracking sound, loud creaking sound. Miakáak ang pultahan sa pag-abri námù, The door creaked (went aak) when we opened it.

ákab = abhak.

akadimíya n academy.

ak-ak v [A; a2] peel, rip off, usually s.t. not flexible. Ikaw bay muak-ak sa pánit sa káhuy? Will you strip the bark off the tree? Naak-ak ang lapalapa sa ákung sapátus, The sole of my shoe came off.

ákal a bulging and bulky in the pocket or pocketbook. v [B] be bulgy. Nag-ákal ang íyang bulsa sa batu, His pocket was bulging with rocks.

akasya n monkey-pod tree, a large tree extensively planted as shade tree and producing excellent lumber: Samanea saman. akasyahan n acacia tree stand.

akata, akatar v [A; b5] look after, take care of. Kinsa may muakatar sa tigúlang ug muuban ku nímu? Who will look after the old man if I go with you? Ang táwung kasámuk ray akatahan (akatahun) dì giyud muhangtud, A man that has nothing to do except look for trouble will not live long.

akawntant n accountant. v [B16] be an accountant.

akba v 1 [B3(1); c] lean on the chest with the arms hanging over the edge. Nag-akba siya sa pasamánu samtang nagtambù sa sílung, She was leaning over the banister as she looked downstairs. 2 [A; c1P] carry s.o. with his chest just below or against the shoulder. Iakba (akbaha, ipaakba) ang bátà arun manug-ab, Pick up the child with his chest facing you to burp him.

akbay = alagbay.

akbù v [A; a] lean on the lower arms. Nag-akbù siya sa bintánà, She’s in the window leaning on her arms. Ayaw ug akbúi nang balabag, Don’t lean on that rail. -anan n rail over which one usually leans. Akbuánan sa kumpisyunaryu, Confessional rail.

akhab = abhak.

akin = nakinnákin.

akip v [B6; c1] be included, include oneself in s.t. Ang bátang mag-akip ug sulti sa dagkù way batásan, A child who joins in an adults’ conversation is ill-mannered. Kinsay nakaakip ug kúhà sa ákung papílis? Who accidentally took my papers along with his? akip-akipun a tending to include oneself in on things.

aklas v [A; a2] go on strike. Ug dílì ta tugtan, aklásun nátù, If our demands are not met, we’ll strike. Giaklásan ang kumpaníya, They went on strike against the company. n strike of workers.

akmù = akbù.

akni n acne.

aknit v [A; a2] peel s.t. flexible off in such a way that it does not get torn. Akníta ang silyu, Peel the stamps off carefully.

aksì v [A; a] tear off flexible material attached or pasted to s.t. Wà níya aksía ang pahibalu nga gitaput sa bungbung, He didn’t rip off the poster pasted on the wall.

aksidinti n 1 accident. 2 accident, happenstance. Aksidinti lang nga nagkítà mi, We just met by accident. v [B126] have an accident. Naaksidinti si Pidru, Pedro had an accident.

aksidu n acid, usually hydrochloric acid. v [A] put acid. Aksiduhan nímug diyútay ang batiríya, Put a little acid in the battery. ka-(←) v [A13] get covered with acid.

aksintu n accent, mark. v [A3; b6] put an accent, mark.

aksiyun n 1 action, movement. 2 interest or part owned in a business. May aksiyun siya sa Maníla Iliktrik, He has part interest in the Manila Electric Company. Usa lang ka aksiyun sa swipstik, One share of a lottery ticket. v [A2; b] make a move to, show signs of doing s.t. Wà makaaksiyun ug pamúlak ang tanum, The plants haven’t shown any signs of flowering yet. Giaksiyunan ku siyag pátid, I made a move to kick him. -ista n one who has an interest or share in a business.

aksul n axle. v [A13; a] make into, supply with an axle. Giaksúlan níya ang karumátag káhuy, He put a wooden axle on the cart.

akta n minutes of a business meeting.

aktibidádis n activities. [19]

aktibista n political activist.

aktíbu a active, energetic. Aktíbu kaáyu ang inyung mga bátà, Your children are very active. Aktíbung mimbru, An active member. Bulkan nga aktíbu, An active volcano. Ingridiyinting aktíbu, An active ingredient. v [B2; b6] get to be active.

akting n 1 acting, functioning in a temporary capacity. 2 way of acting. Layhan ku sa akting ni Gluriya Rumíru, I like Gloria Romero’s acting.

aktitud n attitude. Ang aktitud sa mga táwu báhin sa prisidinti, The people’s attitude towards the president.

aktris n actress. v [B156] be an actress. -l-un(→) a having the looks or character of an actress. Musalir sa pilikula si Tirya kay alaktrisun ug hitsúra, Terry will do well in the film because she has the appearance of an actress.

aktu n 1 the act of doing s.t. Ang tanang mga aktu sa simbahan pagabayran na, You have to pay for every church ceremony now. Nasakpan siya sa aktu, He was caught in the act. 1a acts in the church. Aktu sa pagbásul, kuntrisiyun, Act of Contrition. 2 the time that s.t. happens. Sa aksidinti tulu ang namatay sa aktu, In the accident three died on the spot. Ang táwu nga náa sa aktu sa kamatáyun dílì mamakak, A man does not lie when he is at the point of death. 3 acts of a legislative body. 4 acts of a drama. v 1 [b4(1)] be caught in doing an act. Hiaktuhan siyang nangáwat, He was caught in the act of stealing. 2 [A] a engage in some action. Ug muaktu siyag dautan, singgit, If he acts suspiciously, scream. b show signs of dying. Ug muaktu na, ipatawag ku, If he shows signs of dying, send for me.

aktur n actor on stage or screen. v [B156] be an actor. -l-un(→) a be like an actor. — kantur n actor-singer.

aktuwal n sa — 1 at the very moment. Sa aktuwal na giyud siya midágan, gitirúhan dáyun, The very moment he made to run away, he was shot. 2 in person, in real life. Sa aktuwal batan-un pa kay sa litrátu, He is younger looking in real life than in his picture. Isturiya lang nà. Dílì sa aktuwal, It’s just a story, not real.

aku I, me. Aku lang, Let me do it. Short form: ku. Adtu na ku (aku), I’m going now. ay — nímu expression of helpless frustration at s.o.’s incompetence. Ay ku nímu, undù. Mag-unsa man lang ka ug wà na ku, My God, son. What will you do when I am not around any more! tig-akuaku a always say ‘aku’. Tig-akuaku ka man bisag dílì ka kamau, You don’t know how, but you keep saying ‘lemme’. ákù 1 preposed gen.: me, my. Ákung anak, My child. Ákung gibása, I read it. 2 be mine. Ákù nà, That is mine. Unsa may ákù niánà? What do I get out of that? v [B1256] become mine. Maákù ka na giyud, At last you will be mine. — na May I have to keep? Ákù na nang kindi, ha? May I have that candy? Ang — gud 1 what worries me. Ang ákù gud ug dì siya kaanhi, What worries me is if he can’t come. 2 all I am concerned with, interested in. Ang ákù gud nga makatinir kug pruyba, All I care about is that I can have proof. maakuakuun a tending to want things for oneself. akúa mine as opposed to other things that are not. Akúa nà, That one (as opposed to the others) is mine. kanákù dat.: me. Ihátag kanákù, Give it to me. Nagtan-aw siya kanákù, He was looking at me. ku 1 nom. (short for aku). 2 gen.: = nákù. nákù 1 gen.: my, by me. Anak nákù, My son. Gibása nákù, I read it. — ug (short for gipakaingun nákù) I thought. Nákug muadtu ka, I thought you would go. 2 short for kanákù.

áku (from aku) v [A12] 1 stand to do s.t. Dì ku kaákug tan-aw nímu, I cannot stand to look at you. 2 = paN-. paN- v 1 [A2] have nerve to do s.t. Walà giyud ku makapangáku (makaáku) sa pagbuyag kang Maríya, I couldn’t gather the nerve to admonish Maria. 2 [A2; b5] do s.t. on one’s own responsibility. Dílì ku mangáku sa pagpaandar sa makina, I will not take it on myself to start the engine. Ngánung gipangakúhan (gipangáku) man nímu nag-istrungkar? Why did you take it on yourself to take that apart? n particular responsibility or task. Dakù kaáyung pangáku sa lungsud ang pagtúkud sa simbahan, It was a great responsibility which the town undertook to build the church. kaakúhan, kapangakúhan n responsibility. Kaakúhan (kapangakúhan) sa usa ka amahan, A father’s responsibility. akuakuhan, maakuakuhan, manggiakuakuhan a tending to take things on oneself one should not. Akuakuhan kaáyu siya manlísù sa twirka, He likes to take it on himself to mess around with the screws. v [B12] get to be so that one takes on things one should not.

akub v [AC; ac] fit s.t. over s.t. else face to face so that the edges meet, or the edge of the cover overlaps the edges of the thing covered. Kinsa may nag-akub sa nígu sa tabig? Who covered the clothes basket with a winnowing tray? Ang duha ka bagaw sa imbaw nag-ákub, The two shells of the clam fit together precisely. Akúba ang duha [20]ka papil, Lay the two papers face to face with the edges even. Akbi ang pawntinpin, Put the top on the fountain pen. (←) n things that fit against each other with the outer edges matching. Duha ka ákub ang ílang kík, Their cake has two layers.

ákud1 a for the chest to be tight or heart to be heaving. Nagsubsub ang ákud sa íyang dughan. Gihúbak na sad, Her wheezing fits in her chest intensified. She was having another asthma attack.

ákud2 v [AB126; b5] disable, be disabled. Naákud ang táwu nga nabalían sa páa, The man who broke his thigh became crippled. Akúrun (akúran) tikaw run yawáa ka, I’ll disable you, you devil. (→) n cripple.

akúdi v [A; b5c] mind, take care, look after. Maakúdi (maakudíhan) nákù ang tanan kung mga anak bísag wà kuy katábang, I can take care of all my children even without a helper. Akudíha, akudíhig maáyu nang ímung kabílin, Take good care of your inheritance.

akulitu n 1 altar boy, server in a mass. 2 one who is at a person’s beck and call and kowtows to him. Ása man nà mudáut ni Markus. Akulitu man nà siya, He would never talk against Marcos. All he is is his yes-man. v [B56] be a server.

akumpaniing n one who stays with a patient in a hospital to look after his needs. Kaning katríha pára sa akumpaniing, This bed is for the one who stays in the room with the patient to attend to him. v [B; a] be, become the one who stays with a patient in a hospital to attend to his needs. Giakumpaniing ku sa ámung silíngan nga naaksidinti, I went to the hospital to stay in the room with our neighbor that met an accident.

akumpaniyamintu n accompaniment in music.

akumpaniyar v [A; b] 1 accompany s.o. in music. Akumpanyahi aku sa ímung sista, Accompany me with your guitar. 2 go with s.o. Akumpanyahi ku didtu bi, Accompany me there.

akumplísi n accomplice.

akup-akup v [A3; a12] monopolize a job, possession, or enjoyment of s.t. Kinsay layhan mutábang nga muakup-akup man siya sa mga trabahuun? Who likes to help when he monopolizes all the work? Ayaw akup-akupa ang tanang duwáan, Don’t monopolize all of the toys.

akurdiyun n accordion. v [A] play the accordion.

akusádu see akusar.

akusar v [A; b5c1] accuse. Ayaw ku akusaha (akusahi, iakusar), Don’t accuse me. akusádu n one accused, defendant. akusasiyun n accusation.

akwaryum n aquarium.

akwintans n acquaintance. — parti n get-acquainted party.

akyut a acute, critical sickness. v [B] for a sickness to become acute. Naakyut ang íyang apindisaytis, His appendicitis has gotten acute.

*ala (not without l) — úna 1 one o’clock. 2 going once (in auction). Dusintus. Ala úna, alas dus, alas tris, sirtu, Two hundred. Going once, going twice, gone. v [B5; b] see alas1.

Ála (not without l) n Allah.

alà v [A13P; c6] avoid engaging in certain activities, esp. eating proscribed foods. Dì gánì ka mag-alà sa ímung pagkáun, dì ka giyud mamaáyu, If you don’t avoid eating proscribed foods, you will never get better. Kining ákung balatían mauy nakaalà (nakapaalà) nákù sa pagkalígù sa dágat, My ailment has kept me from bathing in the sea. walay — not avoiding things, esp. in eating. Wà siyay alà. Mukáun bisag unsa, He’s not choosy. He’ll eat anything. paN-(←) v 1 [A; b] for pregnant women to conceive an intense desire for or dislike for s.t. Si Íli nangálà sa ímung ilung, básin pag muliwat ang bátà, Ely has a great liking for your nose. Maybe her baby will get that nose. Manggang hilaw ang íyang gipangaláan, She had an intense craving for green mangoes. 2 [A] be in the early months of pregnancy. Bag-u pa siyang nanganak, nangálà na pud, She just had a baby, but she’s pregnant again.

álà v [b] be mistaken for another person. Naaláan ku siyang kawatan, I mistook him for a thief.

alabádu (not without l) v [AN; c1] say the final prayer in a novena, on any day. Hápit na mahuman ang pangadyì kay nag-alabádu na, The prayer is about to end because they are offering the final prayer.

alabanit = rabanit.

alabíhid n wild tree in same genus as siriguylas with sour leaves and fruits: Spondias pinnata. The leaves and fruits are used in stews, and the leaves have medicinal uses.

alabútun see abut.

álad n 1 wooden fence, enclosure. 2 pig sty. v [A1; a] enclose in a fence. Alára ning babúya, Put this pig in an enclosure. Alári ang mga tinanum, Put a fence around the plants.

alagad v [A13; a12] wait for s.o. to do s.t. Muagad lang ku sa inyung hukum, I am guided by your decision. Panahun ray ákung [21]agdun, I will let time decide. ulualágad, agad-ágad v 1 [A13; c1] put off doing s.t. temporarily until s.t. else happens. Mag-agad-ágad ku sa pag-abut ni Tátay úsà ku mulakaw, I am waiting for Dad to get here before I go. Iagad-ágad (agad-agára) lang úsà ang báyad, Put the payment off awhile. 2 [a12] put off doing s.t. to wait for s.o. Agad-agára ku kadiyut arun magkúyug ta, Wait a second for me, so we can go together.

alágad (not without l) n 1 servant, employee. — sa baláud law officer. 2 service rendered. Mapasalamátun kami sa alágad sa Krus nga Pula, We are grateful for the services of the Red Cross. v [A; c] 1 serve, be a servant or employee. Dílì siya layhang mualágad sa pamilya nga daghag kasíra, She doesn’t like to serve in a household with lots of boarders. Nag-alágad siya sa gubyirnu, He works for the government. Dúgay ku níyang gialagáran, ningbíyà na lang ku sa tindáhan, It took her a long time to wait on me, so I just left the store. 2 attend to, care for. Aku ang mualágad sa bátà samtang túa pa sa huspital ang inahan, I will take care of the child while the mother is in the hospital. kaalagáran n duty. maalagárun a serving conscientiously. Kanímu maalagárun, Your faithful servant. alagdun a requiring intensive care. Alagdung masakitun, Patients who require intensive care.

alag-ag v [A; a] sift. Ag-águn ta ni rung buli, Let’s sift the buri flour. -l-un(→) n powdered matter ready for sifting. -an(→) n a device for sifting.

alagási n k.o. small tree of thickets producing soft wood: Leucosyke capitellata.

alagaw = adgaw.

alagay v [A; b3] groan in pain. Nag-alagay siya sa kasakit, He groaned in pain.

alagbáti = alugbáti.

alagbay v [AC; c] to put one’s arm around s.o.’s shoulders. Miagbay ang ryumáhun sa nars, The rheumatic patient put his arm around the nurse’s shoulders. Ayaw ku agbáyi, Don’t put your arm around my shoulder.

alagúbay = bagaybay.

alagúkuy n k.o. light orange crab living in holes along the shore. It is about an inch across, and one claw is much bigger than the other.

aláhas (not without l) n jewelry. maN-r-(→), alahíru n jewelry dealer.

alahíru = mangangalahas. see aláhas.

álak (not without l) n liquor, strong alcoholic beverage.

alakáak n k.o. edible mollusk resembling the chiton, about an inch in length.

alakri (not without l) n sealing wax, for package, letters, etc. v [b] seal s.t. with sealing wax.

alaksiw (not without l) n hard liquor of the cheapest sort.

al-al1 a adult, full-grown birds. Lisud tudlúag sulti ning al-al nga piríku, It’s hard to teach a full-grown parrot to speak. v [B15] become full-grown. Samtang nagkaal-al ang langgam nagsúgud pud ug kapakápa, As the bird was growing up it began to flap its wings.

al-al2 n childish in action, particularly in speech and articulation. Kadakù na nímu. Al-al gihápun kang musulti, How big you are, but you still talk like a child! v [B] become, consider childish. Mual-al giyud ang bátà basta labihan sa paráyig, A child will stay immature as long as he is spoiled.

alálay (not without l) n one who helps or supports s.o. in doing s.t. (slang). Dì siya mahadluk mamarigla kay daghan mag alálay, He is not afraid to maul anybody without provocation because he has plenty of supporters. v [A; b(1)] help s.o. (slang). Alaláyan ta ka sa pag-iksplikar, I’ll help you explain.

*álam (not without l) ka- n knowledge of some special field, specific know-how. Wà kuy kaálam sa pagpanghílut, I have no expertise in massage. kinaadman n 1 general knowledge. Lalum siyag kinaadman, He is deeply learned. 2 special magical knowledge. ma- a know how to [do]. Maálam siya nga mutukar ug pyánu, He knows how to play the piano. ma-un, manggi-un, makinaadmánun a wise, knowledgeable. Nahibúlung ang mga tigúlang sa makinaadmánun nga tubag ni Hisus, The old men were amazed at Jesus’ wise answers. pakama-un, pakamanggiun, pakamakinaadmánun v [A13; a12] pretend to be, consider wise.†

alámag n 1 reflected, luminescent light. Ang alámag nga ímung makítà sa túbig gíkan sa sugà sa mga mananagat, The light you see in the water is from the fishermen’s lamps. 2 may, walay — (l not dropped) a be informed, uninformed. Walà siyay alámag sa baláud, He is ignorant of the law. b have awareness of a happening. Pagbisíta námù sa uspital walà na siyay alámag, When we visited him in the hospital he had no awareness of his surroundings. v (l usually dropped) 1 [AP2S; b2S] gleam, cause to gleam, usually with reflected light. Ang kaháit sa suwab miámag, The blade gleamed because [22]of its sharpness. Mialámag ang íyang mata sa túmang kalípay, Her eyes gleamed with joy. Ang mga sugà nag-ámag (nag-amag, nagpaámag) sa túbig, The water reflected the lights. 2 [APB; c] enlighten, make aware. Mialámag sa ákung panumdúman ang hustung tubag, The correct answer presented itself to my mind. Kun alamágan lang sa Diyus ang Santu Pápa, If God would only enlighten the Pope. paN- v [A; b5] stay up late in doing s.t. Nangalámag aku pagpanahì, I stayed up late sewing. (→) n 1 k.o. glowing toadstool. 2 k.o. fish. amag-amag, amagan n k.o. small fish.

alam-álam v [A; c] 1 coax s.o. to do s.t. he does not want to do. Alam-alámi siya, Coax him. 2 mollify or assuage s.o. by comforting him. ma-un a 1 coaxing. 2 assuaging. ‘Dì bitaw ka nákù unsáun,’ maalam-alámun níyang sulti, ‘I’m not going to hurt you,’ she said, mollifying me.

alambíhid, alambíhud = alabíhid.

alambri1 n wire. -ng pinutus insulated wire. -ng tunukun barbed wire.

alambri2 = alambrilyu.

alambrilyu n name given to several ornamental ferns, e.g., Adiantum capillus-veneris.

alambríru (not without l) n the rigger in logging. v [B6; c1] be, make s.o. the cable man in logging.

alampad v [A12C; ac] go up alongside, be side by side. Miampad siya sa ákung sakayan, He tied up alongside of my boat. Nagkaampad mi ug lingkud sa sini, We happened to sit side by side in the movie. n being beside. ka- n one who is alongside of one.

alampat n intelligence, brilliance of mind. Alampat sa pagbálak, Brilliance in writing poetry.

álan a having a bitter taste similar to that of half-cooked kamunggay leaves. v [B; b6] be bitterish in taste. Muálan ang kamunggay ug haúnun kun dì pa lútù, Kamunggay leaves become somewhat bitter if you fail to cook them well.

álang (not without l) for the sake of. Kini álang kanímu, This is for you. Álang kanákù dílì nà ángayng ikasukù, As far as I’m concerned, that’s nothing worth getting angry about.

alangáang n for weather to be oppressively hot and moist with no wind. Alangáang kaáyu; tingáli muulan, It is very hot and muggy; maybe it’s going to rain. v 1 [B2S] be muggy. 2 [B2S3] ache with heat. Mualangáang (maalangáang) ang ímung kamut ug makahikap kag dugà sa síli, Your fingers will hurt if you let hot pepper juice get on them.

alang-álang a 1 not quite time, unseasonable. Ang-ā́ng na run igikan. Dì na ka kaabut, It’s no use going now. You’ll never make it. Ang-ā́ng iadtu run kay sayu pa, No use going so early. 2 not quite the right amount. Alang-álang pa ning kwartang ilukat sa prinda, This money is insufficient to pay off the mortgage. Ang-ā́ng ning panaptúna pára karsúnis, This is not enough cloth for a pair of pants. 3 not up to a certain level. Ang-ā́ng pagkapanday, It was poorly done. Sumbágun ta untà ka, apan ang-ā́ng ka ra nákù, I would love to fight you, but you’re too small for me. 4 somewhat, but not quite. Ang lamì alang-álang nangkà, alang-álang pinya, The taste is somewhat like jackfruit, somewhat like pineapple. n 1 it would be silly if, it would be the wrong thing to do if. Ang-ā́ng dílì dawátun. Gihátag man, It would be silly not to accept it. It was given to you, wasn’t it? Ang-ā́ng akuy manghúgas nga náa may masúgù, Why should I do the dishes when there’s s.o. I can tell to do them. 2 of course. ‘Malígù ka?’—‘Ang-ā́ng. Mau bitaw nay átung gianhi,’ ‘Are you going to swim?’—‘Of course, that’s what we came here for, isn’t it?’ v [A; b5c1] 1 do s.t. poorly, halfway. Ug alang-alángun (alang-alángan, ialang-álang) nà nímug búhat, ay na lang, If you’re going to do a poor job, never mind. 2 do s.t. at an inopportune time. Dílì pa ku run mualang-álang ug minyù nga walà kuy salapì, I’m not going to go and get married at this time when I don’t have any money. 3 [B256N; b4(1)] arrive a little too late or early for s.t. Mangang-ā́ng kug larga, I’ll leave a bit ahead. 4 [b4] lacking s.t. Naang-ángan ku sa kwarta, I am short of money. 5 [ab2] be put in a difficult situation by s.t. inopportune. Ímu kung alang-alángug pangutána nga náa may láing namátì, You put me in a difficult situation asking that question when s.o. else is listening. 6 [A23] have hesitations about doing s.t. Dílì giyud aku mualang-álang nímug pangutánag dílì pa tinúud, I wouldn’t have reservations about asking you if it weren’t true. 7 [b6] consider s.t. alang-álang. Giang-ā́ngan aku sa íyang hitsúra, I consider his looks not up to par. Giang-ā́ngan akug hangyù níya, It’s a bad time for me to ask him. (→) = alang-álang, v, a3. paN- v [A2; c6] eat a single heavy meal in between mealtimes to make one do for two. Mangalang-álang lang ta kay kúlang tag bugas, Let’s eat two meals in one because we don’t have enough rice. n single [23]meal eaten in place of two.

alangíing a giving off intense and penetrating heat in the atmosphere. v [B2S] be very hot. Basta ting-init mag-alangíing ang adlaw sa palis, During summer the sun gets to be stinging hot in the early afternoon.

alangílan n k.o. medium- to large-sized tree which produces a multitude of fragrant flowers, esp. in May and June: Cananga odorata. The flowers are made into flower necklaces, and a scented oil is extracted from them which is made into perfume.

alangísig = alingísi.

alangitngit n woody herb of open waste places; used as a poultice: Ehretia microphylla.

alangsúhan n a medium-sized forest tree: Alphitonia philippinensis.

alapáhap n k.o. fish.

alap-alap v [BN16] be in doubt, uncertain of. Nagpangalap-alap (nag-alap-alap) ku nga muanhi pa siya, I doubt if he is still coming.

alap-ap n k.o. fungus skin disease characterized by white splotches on the skin. v [a4] be infected with alap-ap. Giap-ap ang íyang pánit, She had ap-ap on her skin. -un(→) a covered with or infected with alap-ap.

alarma (not without l) n 1 alarm, sound notifying danger. 2 report of danger. May alarma nga náay púga, There was an alarm out that there was a jailbreak. v 1 [A; b6] give an alarm. Alarmáhan ta sa gwardiya ug muabut ang kuntra, The guard will give us a warning when the enemy arrives. 2 [A; c] report danger. Walà pa ialarma sa pulisíya ang túlis, The police has not been given an alarm about the robbery.†

aláru (not without l) n arrowroot: Maranta arundinacea.

*alas1 (not without l) [number] [so-and-so] o’clock. Alas dus na ba? Is it two o’clock yet? Alas sayis ang puntaríya sa pusil, The sight of his gun is at six o’clock. Ala úna, — dus, — tris (in auction) going once, going twice, gone! túlin pa sa — kwatru faster than blazes. v [B5; b4(1)] be [so-and-so] o’clock. Nialas tris na lang, wà gihápun, It got to be three and he still did not come. Sa nag-alas dus na, nagsúgud na sila, When it was two o’clock, they began. Ug maalas kwatru na, ayaw na lag lakaw, If it gets to be four, don’t bother going. Pagkaala úna na, namatay, By one o’clock he was dead. Nagkaalas dúsi na lang, It was getting toward twelve o’clock. Naalasnuybihan mig mata, We didn’t wake up until nine. (We were overtaken by nine o’clock in waking up.) Alas dusa (ialas dus) ang pagsúgud, Have it start at two. ika- at [so-and-so] o’clock. Sa ikaalas singku ang taknà, At five o’clock. (At the fifth o’clock hour.)

alas2 (not without l) n ace, a card or die marked with a single spot. v [B23; a12] be an ace, draw an ace. Mualas (maalas) gánì ning ákung mahulbut, pildi ka, If I draw an ace, you lose.

alasan (not without l) n chestnut-colored horse with small white speckles.

alas dúsi n name given to various ornamental plants, the flowers of which tend to open at noon or midnight.

alasíman = ulasíman.

alasiwsiw = alisiwsiw.

alas kwatru = marabilyas.

alas utsu n k.o. ornamental climbing cactus the fragrant flowers of which open around eight in the evening and close within two or three hours: Hylocereus sp.

alasúus n k.o. fish: Sillago sp.

alat n big and tall wide-mouthed basket with loose hexagonal mesh weave. v [A] make into an alat.

álat1 (not without l) n cop (slang).

álat2 (not without l) n salted eggs.

alatan n k.o. grunt: Plectorhynchus sp.

aláut (not without l. from dáut) a unfortunate, wretched. Aláut nga biktima sa bagyu, The unfortunate victims of the typhoon. v [APB12] make, become wretched.

alaw (not without l) v [A; a12] 1 watch s.o. from hiding unobserved. Iring nga nag-alaw sa pisù, The cat that is stalking the chick. Alawa ag bátà ug unsay buhátun, Spy on the child and see what he does. 2 watch for, wait for. Pag-alaw didtu ug taksi, Watch for a taxi. 3 [A3; a12] be after s.t. with a hidden motive. Ang íyang kadátù ray alawun sa mangulitáwu, Her suitors are only after her wealth. alaw-álaw v [A; b5] try to get to see s.o. hard to see by catching him s.w. Dúgay kung gaalaw-álaw ánang pulitikúha arun irikumindar ku, I have been trying for the longest time to run into that politician so he will recommend me.

álaw (not without l) not have (slang for walà). Álaw kuy bugas, I don’t have anything to eat.

aláwans (not without l) n 1 allowance, amount of money given regularly. 2 leeway, extra space. v [A; c6] 1 give or receive an allowance. Mualáwans akug singku písus, I will get an allowance of five pesos. Mualáwans ku nímug singku, I will give you an allowance of five pesos. 2 give allowance, leeway. Mag-aláwans kag purgáda arun dì [24]háyan mamabà, Leave an inch allowance so it won’t come out too short.

alawíhaw = aluwíhaw.

alawiswis (not without l) n 1 bamboo stem an inch around or less: the top part of a stem or a young stem. 2 the top part of a palm frond.

aláyun n group of people who work together on jobs on a more or less permanent basis. The person for whom the job is done has an obligation to repay each worker with an equal amount of time. v 1 [A2C; b5c4] work on the aláyun basis. Alayúnun (alayúnan) nátù ang pagpananggì, We’ll harvest on the mutual help basis. Alayúnan tika karun, ug impas na, I’ll work for you now, and we’re all square. 2 [A3; b6(1)] do s.t. as a favor. Nag-aláyun siya nákug hatud ngadtu, He did me the favor of taking me there. Alayúni siyag panghúgas, Do him the favor of helping him wash the dishes. Ialáyun kug kúhag túbig, Please get me some water. 2a please. Aláyun, ambi ra nang libru, Please, give me that book. ka- n one with whom one has an aláyun arrangement. -an n work obligation one has.

alayupiyup = aliyupyup.

alba n alb, a type of priest’s garment. v [A; a] wear an alb, make into an alb. -in- n dress shaped like an alb. v [A; a] wear, make into a dress of this sort.

albaháka n name given to several herbs with a sweet mint-like aroma used as a condiment, medicinally, and for delousing fowls. 1 Ocimum basilicum. 2 = kalugungkugung.

albangku clear away from the sides of the billiard table. Albangku, mga mirun, Spectators, get out of the way.

albáti = alugbáti.

albínu n albino.

albularyu = arbularyu.

album n album, scrapbook. v 1 [A; c] put in an album. Albúmun ku ning ákung mga ritrátu, I’ll collect these pictures in an album. 2 [A12] get or obtain an album.

algudun n cotton as manufactured, commercial cotton.

alguwasil n 1 s.o. employed as a general office boy-janitor combination in offices in Spanish times. 2 constable. v [B6; a] be an alguwasil.

alhíbi n a large water container with a faucet at the bottom.

alhu n pestle. v 1 [A12] make into a pestle. 2 [a12] hit with a pestle. Alhúun tika run, I’ll hit you with a pestle.

áli v [A; c] block a path, prevent passage, be a barrier. Ang bahà nakaáli sa ámung pagtabuk, The flood prevented us from crossing to the other side. Gialíhan ku ang íyang dálan, I blocked his way. Kiring kaban iáli sa pultahan, Put this trunk as a barrier behind the door. (→) n 1 barrier. 2 a gill net set as a barrier to catch stunned fish.

*alibagbag pa- v [A; b6] avoid answering or seeming to heed by speaking off the topic, or pretend to be doing s.t. else in order to avoid the embarrassment of a confrontation. Ayaw paalibagbag ug basabása myintras gisultíhan ka nákù, Don’t sit there reading while I am talking to you. Gialibagbágan (gipaalibagbágan) ku níyag tubag kay dì man siya muadmitir nákù, He answered me off the topic to avoid admitting it.

alibangbang n 1 butterfly. 2a butterfly fish: Chaetodon sp. 2b by extension, angel fish: Holacanthus sp. 3 k.o. seashell. -un butterfly fish.

alibángu a bothering others by being noisy. v [B1; b6] bother s.o. by being noisy. Gialibangúhan ku sa ímung pangyawyaw, I find your grumbling bothersome.

alibay1 n excuse for failing to do s.t. v [A; c] give an excuse. Ialibay nga namatyan kag lúla, Give the excuse that your grandmother died.

alibhat v [A; b5] head s.o. off. Mualibhat lang ta sa parid, Let’s catch up to the parade by heading it off. Alibháti (alibháta) siya. Didtu ági sa luyu, Head him off by going around the other way.

alíbi = alhíbi.

alibusbus n k.o. winged large red house ants that come in swarms, esp. during rainy days, and hover around bright lights.

alibwag v [AB3(1); aPc] disperse, scatter in all directions, scatter s.t. Mialibwag ang báhù sa kasuuksuukan, The smell spread to every corner. Kinsay nag-alibwag sa duldul? Who scattered the kapok all over the place? Alibwágun ang punduk sa tirgas, The tear gas will disperse the crowd.

alibyu n 1 alleviation, improvement of an affliction. 2 improvement. Walay alibyu ang ámung kahimtang, Our financial condition is no better. v [APB; b3c5] get better, make s.t. get better in health. Ang biks mualibyu (mupaalibyu) sa sip-un, Vicks alleviates a cold. Mialibyu ang ákung ubu, My cold got better.

alid-an, alid-i see alíli.

alig-alig v [AP; b(1)] 1 do s.t. which is not one’s ordinary duty, take s.t. on oneself. Ngánung gialig-aligan man nà nímug táud nga wà pa man mahuman ug pintal? Why [25]did you go and put it up when we hadn’t finished painting it? 2 undertake a task which one is not up to doing. Bisag dì kamau mudrayib, mualig-alig nà siyag maníhu, He doesn’t know how to drive, but he takes it on himself to do so.

aligasiyun n allegation.

aligatu n fiery particles carried off from a fire by the updraft. v [A; b6] give off flaming particles. Piligru ug aligatuhan ang atup nga nípà, It’s dangerous if flying embers hit the roof because it is palm thatch.

aligáya v [A; b6] take a nap. Nag-aligáya siya sa dúyan, He is taking his nap in the hammock.

aligi n the yellow fat of crabs. v [A13; b4] 1 for crabs to have fat in abundant quantities. Kasag nga gialigihan, Crabs with plenty of fat. 2 for dirt to be present in thick rolls like fat on a crab. Nag-aligi ang buling sa ímung líug, You have deep rolls of dirt on your neck.

alig-ig v [A; a] 1 separate coarse and fine grains by shaking them on a tray. A jerking motion is made in one direction so that the heavier grains collect at one end of the tray. Alig-íga ang ginaling, Shake out the ground corn. 2 rock vigorously from side to side. Makusug nga línug nga mialig-ig sa Manílà, A strong earthquake that rocked Manila. Pastilan níyang nakaalig-ig sa samput dihang hápit na, My, how she moved her buttocks from side to side when she was about to come. 3 shake up personnel. Kinsay gialig-ig ni Markus? Who did Marcos dismiss (from his cabinet)? -in-ay n shake-up of personnel. Human sa iliksiyun, dakù giyung inalig-ígay, After the election, there will be a big shake-up. -un(→), -unun n ground cereal to be winnowed.

aligri a lively, gay. Aligri ang ílang piging, Their party was gay. Aligring ikúyug si Pingping, Pingping would be fun to take along. v [B; a] be or become gay or lively. aligrihun a of a lively type.

aliguríya n parable, allegory. v [A2; c1] speak by way of allegory.

aligutgut1 n a prayer imploring the saving of a soul recited or sung in recitation-response style at the end of a novena.

aligutgut2 n rancor, deep abiding anger. v [B; b3] feel rancor, bitterness, or hatred. Gialigutgútan níya si Pidru, He feels rancor towards Pedro. Ang ímung pagbutar sa píkas mauy íyang gikaaligutgútan pag-áyu, What embittered him most is that you voted for the other side. ka- n = aligutgut2.

alihid v [B; c16] lean to one side. Nag-alihid ang balay sa kadáan, The house is leaning to one side from age. Nagkaalihid ang linaktan sa táwung nagdalag bug-at, The man is walking leaning to one side because of the burden he’s carrying.

alíid v [A2S; a12] stagger under a heavy load. Nag-aliid ang bátà ug pas-an sa táru, The child is staggering under the weight of the can of water. Nag-aliid siya sa túmang kawad-un, He was staggering under the burden of his poverty.

alikabu = abug1.

alikási a nervously restless. v [B; b6] be nervous and restless. Mualikási (maalikási) kug maduul na ang ting-iksam, I get nervous when exams approach.

alikáti n long-nosed pliers. v [a12] do s.t. with a long-nosed pliers. Gialikáti ang paglarut sa ákung ngípun, My tooth was extracted using a long-nosed pliers.

alikáti sa múrus n k.o. herb of waste places, growing to 2′, widely used as a poultice for wounds. It has alternate ovate leaves with dentate margins, decreasing in size toward the ends of the branches and multiple branching, with a branch growing in the axils of the larger leaves. Flowers are in axillary spikes, colored green, with small, tri-segmented fruit in the calyx, bearing tiny rounded seeds.

alikúmù (from kúmù) n k.o. sea crab with roundish bulging body, 2″ in length, yellowish green, with fat stubby claws and appendages for paddling. Not usually eaten.

alikún n k.o. fish.

alikway n 1 shoots of the taro (gabi) before they develop leaves. 2 k.o. vegetable eaten by the Suban-un.

alíli v [AC; ac2] swap, exchange. Kinsay mualílig kabáyù sa ákung kábaw? Who will swap a horse for my carabao? Nagkaalíli kami sa ámung pawntinpin, We took each other’s pens by mistake. Alilíhun ta ning síya ug kulumpiyu, Let’s put the chair where the rocking chair is and put the rocking chair here where the chair is.

alíling n k.o. ant, slightly bigger than the red ant (umígas), dark orange, somewhat translucent. It does not bite and is found swarming in all directions over sugar.

alílis = alíli.

alilúya n 1 alleluia, song in the church. 2 the name given to the child playing the role of the angel in the pageant performed on Easter Sunday dawn depicting the meeting of Mary and the Lord Jesus (súgat). The child is suspended from an arch which is placed in the spot where Mary and Jesus [26]are to meet after their separate processions from the cathedral. 3 name of this pageant.

alilúyuk n whirlpool. v [B46; b(1)] form a whirlpool. Mualilúyuk ang subà ug magbahà, The river forms a whirlpool when it floods.

álim1 v [APB2S] heal, make s.t. heal. Muálim (maálim) ning ákung samad, My wound will heal. Kining tambála muálim (mupaálim) sa ímung núka, This medicine will heal your sore. Panahun ray makaálim (makapaálim) sa ímung kaguul, Only time will assuage your sorrow. pa- v [A; a] allow s.t. to heal.

álim2 = álum.

alíma (from líma) v [A; b] take care of s.o. by administering to his needs. Alimáhi ang ímung manghud, Take good care of your younger brother. n hand (dialectal).

alimadmad = alimatmat.

aliman n German.

alimángu n k.o. edible crab of tidal swamps, black on the back, but lighter on the inside and on claws. It has large meaty claws, is round in shape, thick-shelled, without spikes and occasionally reaches 10″ in diameter. alimanguhun a having large lower arms and small biceps like a crab.

Alimanya n Germany.

alimása v [A; a] wash the body, esp. the lower limbs. Akuy mualimása (mag-alimása) sa mga bátà, I’ll wash the children. paN- v [A] wash oneself.

alimásag n k.o. edible crab.

alimatmat v [A12; b8] 1 regain consciousness. Dihà na ku makaalimatmat ug buut sa uspital, I was in the hospital when I regained consciousness. 2 have earliest awareness of life. Sukad ku makaalimatmat ug buut wà pa ku hibunali, I have not been spanked since the earliest time I can remember.

alimátuk n leech. v [a4b4] be infested with leeches. ka- v [A13] covered with leeches. -an(→) n place infested with leeches.

alimbrilyu = alambrilyu.

alimbúkad (from bukad) v [A2S] 1 expand in an upward direction, well upwards. Mialimbúkad ang asu pagkasúnug sa asíti sa baril, The smoke welled up as the oil in the barrel burned. 2 for feelings to well up. Mialimbúkad sa íyang kahiladman ang kahínam, A feeling of eager expectations welled up inside him. 3 pull in the cheeks and stick out the lips slightly in an expression of distaste. n an underwater source of a lake from which water rushes into the lake.

alimgas n tobacco seed. -an(→) n tobacco seed container.

alimgat = alinggat.

alimpatakan n 1 the mind as the seat of thinking processes. Isilsil pag-áyu sa inyung alimpatakan arun dì giyud ninyu hikalimtan, Imprint it indelibly in your mind so you don’t forget it ever. 2 cranium. Dakdákan ku nang ímung alimpatakan, I’ll knock you on your skull.

alimpúlu n 1 crown, part of the skull in the back where the hair forms a whorl. 2 topmost part of a mountain. 3 = alimpúlus. alimpulúhan n place where the crown is or place analogous to it. Nakatungtung siya sa alimpúhan sa dakung batu, He was perched on the topmost part of the rock. kinaalimpuluhan n the very spot at the center of the back of the head.

alimpúlus n small whirlwind. v [B346; a4b4] for there to be a whirlwind. Naukab ang ámung atup nga nípà dihang mialimpús, Our thatched roof was blown away when there was a small whirlwind.

alimpuyang = luy-aluy-a. see luy-a.

alimpuyas n k.o. plant similar to luy-aluy-a, the rhizomes of which are used medicinally: Curcuma zedoaria.

alimpuying = luy-aluy-a. see luy-a.

alimugmug = limugmug.

alimúkaw n 1 state of semiconsciousness just before falling asleep or awakening. Ang íyang gisulti búnga lang sa íyang alimúkaw, What he said was the product of his semiconsciousness. 2 action of the sort performed by fully conscious persons performed in one’s sleep. Wà ka nákù tuyúag igù. Alimúkaw lang kadtu, I didn’t mean to strike you. I did it in my sleep. v [b4] do s.t. in one’s sleep of the sort one normally does awake. Nanáug siya tungang gabíi. Gialimukáwan diay, He went downstairs in the middle of his sleep.

alimúkun n k.o. wild dove with white ears and light brown feathers speckled with black: Phapitreron leucotis.

alimúngaw (from bungaw) = alimúkaw.

alimungáwung n s.t. faintly similar to s.t. else in appearance. Alimungáwung ang hitsúra sa plurdilis sa ahítu, The zinnia is faintly like a marigold in appearance. v 1 [BC13; b6] come to resemble faintly. Mialimungáwung (naalimungáwung) ang bátang sinagup kaníla, The adopted child came to look like them. 2 [A12; b8] faintly discern a resemblance. Nakaalimungáwung ku nímu kay may-ungmay-ung ka sa ímung igsúun, I recognized you because you look like your brother. Hing-alimungawúngan siya sa bantay [27]nga mauy nangáwat sa kwarta, The guard faintly recognized him as the one who stole the money.

alimúsan n k.o. fish raised in fishponds: Paraplotosus albilabris.

alimúut (from púut) a confining, oppressive so as to make people feel uncomfortably hot. Alimúut nang naylung isul-ub, Nylon is oppressively hot to wear. Alimúut sa Magalyánis, way hángin, It’s oppressively hot downtown. There’s no wind. — ug nawung 1 sour-faced. 2 be so ugly as not to have one redeeming feature in one’s face. v [B; b3] be oppressively warm. Mualimúut (maalimúut) ang kwartu ug mahápun, It gets hot (might get hot) in the room in the afternoon. Gialimuútan (gialimut-an) ka? Do you feel hot?

alimyun n sweet smell, fragrance. Ang alimyun sa mga búlak, The fragrance of the flowers. paN- v [A; b(1)] smell sweet, give off fragrance. Nangalimyun ang mga dalága nga nagpadúng sa bayli, The girls that were headed for the dance smelled sweet.

alindáhaw n drizzle. v [A; b4] drizzle.

alindánaw (from danaw) n dragonfly.

alindánga a hot and sticky. v [B; b4] become hot and sticky. Hukásun ku ning ákung swítir kay gialindangáhan ku, I’ll take my sweater off because I feel hot and sticky.

alindángay a slightly feverish, uneasy in the body because of a slight fever. Dì ku mutarbáhu run kay mu rag alindángay ang ákung láwas, I won’t work today because my body is somewhat feverish. v [B; a4] have a slight fever, be restless. Nag-alindángay ang bátà kay gihilantan, The child is restless because he has a fever.

alindasay v [B46] uneasy, restless in place one is lying. Nag-alindasay ang bátang taas kaáyug hilánat, The child was restless because of his high fever.

alinga v [A; b5] give one’s attention to, care for. Walà siya mag-alinga sa daghang táwung nagpaábut kaníya, He paid no attention to the people waiting for him. Alingaha (alingahi)g maáyu ang mga bátà samtang wà ku dinhi, Watch the children carefully while I’m not here.

alingabngab v [B; b6c1] for s.t. to be wide open. Mualingabngab (maalingabngab) nang ímung samad ug dì tahiun, If you don’t stitch that wound, it will gape. Nag-alingabngab ang ímung pitáka, wà kasirhi, Your bag is wide open. You didn’t close it. Ayaw alingabngaba (ialingabngab) ang ímung bàbà arun dì masudlag lángaw, If you open your mouth wide like that, flies will get in it.

alingagngag n upper part of throat and back part of oral cavity, including the soft palate. -an(→) n the general area where the alingagngag is.

alingása1 a annoyingly noisy. Alingása ang bátà, The child is annoyingly noisy. Alingása ang íyang pandungug, His ears are full of a disturbing din. v [B1; a2] be noisy. ka- n noise.

alingása2 a feeling hot and humid. Alingása kining sinináang isul-ub, This shirt is hot to wear. v [B; b6] be hot. Ug maalingása (mualingása) ang panahun, mulupad ta sa Bagyu, When it gets hot, we fly to Baguio. n = ka-. ka- n heat.

alingásu (from asu) a smoky. v [B; b6] get filled with smoke. Ug magsugba ka dinhi, mualingásu (maalingásu) ang kwartu, If you broil food here, the room will get filled with smoke. n smokiness. Ang alingásu mauy nakalagum sa pintal, Smoke tarnished the paint. alingasúhun a of a somewhat smoky sort.

*alingawngaw1 pa- v [A; b6] pretend not to hear or see or know about s.t. one knows very well about. Mipaalingawngaw siyag basabása labun síging pasiplat, She pretended to be absorbed in her reading, but she kept on peeping out from the corner of her eyes. Mipaalingawngaw ang mangingilad dakù nga wà siya makautang nákù sa maung kantidad, The swindler denied knowing anything about the money he owed me.

alingawngaw2 n a k.o. very small gnats that swarm over leftover foods. v [a4] have alingawngaw swarming over it. Gialingawngaw ang kan-un, The food had gnats all over it.

alinggánay = linggánay.

alinggat v [A12; b8] be aware, take notice of s.t. Nakaalinggat ka ba nga niwangniwang na run si Tasya? Have you noticed that Tasia is a little thinner now? Hialinggatan nákù nga wà na ang táwu, I noticed that the man was gone.

alingíing = alangíing.

alingísi a making a piercing, screeching noise. Alingísi siyag tíngug, She has a piercing voice. v [B; a2] be noisy. Naalingísi ang tíngug sa kutsi sa gibríkan, The car screeched as the brakes were put on.

alingísig = alingísi.

alingisngis a making very high-pitched and drawn out piercing noise. Ayaw ug ikágis ang ímung kuku sa pisára kay alingisngis, Don’t run your fingernails over the blackboard because it’s screechy. v [B; c1] be high-pitched and screeching. Nag-alingisngis ang sín nga gigúyud, The iron sheeting they [28]are dragging is making a screeching sound.

alingit a short-tempered, irritable. v [B; ab3] be irritable. Pakatulga nang bátà ug udtu arun dílì mualingit (maalingit), Have the child take an afternoon nap so he won’t be irritable later. Mauy ialingit (alingitan) níya ug hilabtan ang íyang gamit, If you touch his things it will make him mad.

alingiting n intense dry heat, greater than alangíing. v [B; b6] be exceedingly hot. Ang adlaw mag-alingiting lang, basta kwarisma, The sun is scorching during Lent.

alingkawas = lingkawas.

alingugngug a noisy in a constant drumming way. Alingugngug kaáyu ang tíngug sa tambul, The drum made an annoying sound. v [B] be annoyingly noisy. n constant noise which drums in the ears.

alinsúub a warm, moist and stuffy without wind. Alinsúub ang panahun. Kauwanun tingáli, The weather is hot and stuffy. It’s probably going to rain. v [B; b6] be hot and airless. Nag-alinsúub lang ang barungbárung, The shanty is cramped and poorly ventilated.

alintabu v [B; c1] turn over, producing a loud turmoil. Nagkaalintabu ang mga balud, The waves churned more and more vigorously. Nag-alintabu sa hilabihang kayugut ang ákung kahiladman, I was in complete turmoil within myself because of my great anger. Alintabuhun (ialintabu) ku ning mga gamit nátù ug dílì ka musugut, I’ll turn this house upside down if you don’t agree. n noise produced by things turned upside down with a crash.

alinupung (from túpung) v [A3; a] 1 for vertical things to be almost the same height, esp. for children to be so close together they are almost the same height. Ug alinupungun ninyu ang inyung anak, magsangkiig mu, If you have your children one after another, you’ll reel under the burden. 2 coming one after another (figurative). Nag-alinupung nga suliran, Problems that come one after another.

alipadnu n k.o. edible fresh-water limpet of dark olive green to grey color, oblong, growing to 1″. It clings to stones.

alipadsay v [B; c1] 1 for good-sized things to be scattered. Ang ímung mga butang nagkaalipadsay lang sa kwartu, Your things are scattered all over the room. Alipadsáyun (ialipadsay) ang mga papílis sa hángin, The papers will be scattered by the wind. 2 for s.t. to be consumed rapidly as if scattered. Kadalì rang mualipadsay ang kwarta karun, How quickly money vanishes these days. Gialipadsay lag kausa ang mga pagkáung giaray sa lamísa, The food that was heaped on the table vanished in one fell swoop.

alipanti = ilipanti.

alipasa v [B46; b4] for a child lying in bed to be restless due to discomfort, worry, etc. Ang bútud sa tiyan mauy makaalipasa (makapaalipasa) sa bátà, Gas pains can cause a child to become restless.

alipáta, alipátà n k.o. medium-sized tree of the seashore, the ashes of which are used for soap making. Ingredient for a broth to counter bárang: Excoecaria agallocha.

alipatpat a for vision to be blurred. v [BN] become blurred or bleary. Mialipatpat (nangalipatpat) ang ákung panan-aw sa dúgay nákung binása, My vision became blurred from reading too long.

alip-ip1 n 1 person’s back reaching from the shoulders as far as the waist. 2 waist, part on the side directly beneath the lower rib.

alip-ip2 v [AP] 1 hide by making oneself as small as possible behind s.t. Mialip-ip (mipaalip-ip) ang kawatan sa bungbung, The robber pressed himself against the wall so he couldn’t be seen. 2 peer or look furtively from behind s.t. Ang sanlahun mialip-ip (mipaalip-ip) lang ug tan-aw sa luyu sa bintánà, The leper peered furtively from behind the windows.

alipúlu = alimpúlu.

alipúlung v [b4] feel dizzy. Alipudngan ku ug gutmun ku, I feel dizzy when I’m hungry.

alipunga, alipungà n 1 eczema caused by allergy. 2 athlete’s foot. v [a4] get a rash or athlete’s foot. Alipungahun ku ug malígù kug sayu sa buntag, I get a rash when I bathe early in the morning.

alipúnga1 a having difficulty in breathing. v [BN; a4b4] have difficulty in breathing. Nangalipunga ang ákung gininháwa kay gibutdan aku, I had a hard time breathing because of the gas in my stomach.

alipúnga2 a noisily bothersome. Alipúnga ning batáa, síging hílak, The child is very bothersome. He keeps crying. v [BN; b6] be noisily bothersome.

aliputu, alipútu a short tempered because of s.t. which is weighing on the mind. Alipútu run nà siya kay napildi sa súgal, He is in an irritable mood because he lost in gambling. v [B; a2c5] get to be in a bad mood. Gialipútu na sad ku níya sa íyang mga binúang, He irritated me with his foolishness.

alíraw = líraw.

alirdyik a 1 allergic. 2 tending to react to s.t. nice more than usual (humorous). Alirdyik kus mga gwápa, Good-looking girls turn me [29]on. v [B12; a4b3(1)] be allergic. Ug mutúu kang alirdyik, maalirdyik ka núun, If you think you’re allergic to s.t. you will be allergic. Gialirdyik kug pasáyan, I’m allergic to shrimps. Unsay ímung kaalirdyíkan? What caused your allergy?†

alírung v [AB3(1); c] gather around s.t. Nag-alírung ang mga táwu sa sugálan, The people stood around the gambling table. Nag-alírung siya sa silya sa lamísa, He put the chairs around the table. n 1 people gathered around. 2 the surroundings, the space around. Ang mga gángis lámay nagtingug sa alírung, Only the crickets were chirping in the area.

alisbu n bad smell permeating the air. Ang alisbu sa patayng irù, The stench of the dead dog. v [BN46; b4(1)] give off a bad smell. Naalisbuhan ku sa báhù sa íhì, The stench of the urine reached me.

alisbung = alisbu.

alisdan, alisdi = ilisdan/-i.

alisiwsiw n k.o. grasshopper about 25 to 30 mm. long, abounding in open grasslands, light yellow-green dorsal side and yellowish dirty gray underside, not glossy. Not migratory or destructive to crops.

alisngaw v [A; b6] 1 evaporate, give off steam. Mualisngaw ang alkuhul, The alcohol will evaporate. Ínit pa diay ang túbig kay nag-alisngaw man, The water is still hot, then, because it’s giving off steam. 2 for anger to vent itself. Mualisngaw na ning ákung kasukù, I’m going to blow up in a minute. n steam or evaporation given off. paN- v [A; b6] give off a smell. Nangalisngaw ang tanglad, The lemon grass gave off a pleasant smell. -in- n 1 thing given off as steam or evaporation. 2 shadow, small portion of a character trait which is exuded. Ug daghan may natuntu níya, inalisngaw lang tu sa íyang kamaldítu, He cheated lots of people, but that was just a fraction of his mischief. Kadtung kasábà inalisngaw lang tu sa ákung kasukù, The scolding was just a faint shadow of what I really felt.

alistu a 1a energetic. Alistu siyang mutrabáhu, He works energetically. b agile. Alistu siyang milikay, He dodged agily. 2 shrewd, clever. Alistu siyang musabut, He understands things readily. Alistu, apuntin, puygu! Ready, aim, fire! 3 do s.t. well. Alistu siyang mulútù, She cooks well. v 1 [B2] be energetic, agile. Mualistu (maalistu) ka man lang ug makakità ug kwarta, You only move if you see money. 2 [B1] be clever, smart. Ug makig-úban ka sa mga abtik maalistu ka giyud, If you go around with shrewd people, you’ll become shrewd, too. Alistu ka lang kay itug-an tikang Pápa, Better watch out because I’ll tell Father on you. 3 [b4(1)] be outsmarted. Naglágut ku kay naalistuhan kung Husi, I’m mad because Jose put one over on me.

alisuksuk = saluksuk2.

alitundan n k.o. banana with light yellow skin, which grows to six inches. One of the most important commercial bananas, it is eaten uncooked.

aliwálang = alíling.

aliwarus v [A13] be restless in expectation of s.t. Nag-aliwarus siyang nagpaábut sa íyang trátu, She nervously awaited her sweetheart.

aliwárus a nuisance, annoyance caused by noise and motion. Ang daghang pidikab mauy nakaaliwárus (nakapaaliwárus) sa karsáda, The large number of pedicabs are a nuisance in the streets. Maaliwárus lang ang balay kun magdagandágan ang mga bátà, The house will just be in commotion if the children keep running about.

alíwas n large monkey, ape. -un a ape-like.

aliwasa, aliwása v [B2S; a4b34] restless because of discomfort or worry. Nag-aliwasa siya kay nagabin-an ang íyang bátà, She was restless because her child came home late.

aliyupyup n shrub of clearings: Pseuderantheum bicolor. The leaves are used for uterine bleeding and roots and trunk for stomach ache.

alkabála n fee charged for the use of a space to vend. v [A; c] charge a fee for that. Alkabaláhan kag bayinti, You will be charged twenty centavos for a place in the market.

alkaldi n mayor. v [B126] be mayor.

alkampur n 1 camphor wood. 2 name of a folk dance. -adu, asayti -adu, di- camphorated oil.

alkansi a losing, without gain or advantage. Alkansi kaáyu kug singkwintay ibáyad mu, I lose a lot if you pay fifty. Alkansi aku niya sa pagkáun, I lose on his food. Alkansi aku níya sa báhin, I lose out the way it is divided. n 1 loss. Dakù silag alkansi sa ílang nigusyu, They incurred a big loss in their business. 2 lacking in amount. Dus mitrus alkansi sa sukud pára sa usa ka páris karsúnis, Two meters is not enough material for a pair of pants. Alkansi ning ímung gihátag sa pagpangumpra, You haven’t given me enough shopping money. v [B; c] 1 incur a loss. Alkansíhan aku nímug diyútay, You will take a small loss on me. 2 cause to take a loss. Alkansíhun aku nímug singkwinta [30]ray ímung ihátag, You will make me take a loss if you only give me fifty pesos. 3 [AP; a] cause to get insufficient return from an investment. Ug siyay ímung suluguun, mag-alkansi lang siya sa káun, If he is your servant, you lose out on his food. — sa lutaw v [APB] cause to have a small amount of freeboard, have less freeboard. Ang karga mualkansi sa lutaw sa sakayan, The cargo lessens the amount of freeboard which the boat has.

alkansíya n container for saving coins, piggy bank. v [A; a2c] make, obtain, put in a piggy bank. Ialkansíya ang kwartang ímung hikit-an, Put the money you found into the piggy bank.

alkaydi n = alkaldi.

alkila = arkila.

alkitran n mixture of tar and creosote painted on wood to preserve it. v [AN; a1b] apply, make into tar of this sort.

alkúba n 1 ceiling. Amákan ang alkúba sa ílang balay, The ceiling of their house is made of woven bamboo. 2 space between the ceiling and roof, attic. Isang-at sa alkúba ang mga ginámit nga kahun, Put the used boxes in the attic. 3 canopy of a bed. v [A; b6(1)] put a ceiling.

alkuhíris n mosaic disease that affects abaca and bananas. v [a4] get mosaic disease.

alkuhul n alcohol. -íra n alcohol container with a pouring spout.

alkumbra n 1 rug. 2 k.o. tall ornamental ginger plant with soft velvety leaves: Costus speciosus.

alkuntra n s.t. put behind s.t. else which is to be hammered in order to absorb the blow, acting as a counterpoise. v 1 [a] make into a counterpoise. Alkuntráhig pintul dinhing pikása ug paknga ug martilyu sa píkas, Put a piece of wood on this side to absorb the blow and strike it with a hammer on the other side. 2 [A; c1] react in opposition to s.t. Ang pagkagastadur sa asáwa gialkuntráhan (gialkuntra) sa katihik sa bána, The husband’s tightfistedness acted as a counterpoise (was used as a counterpoise) to the wife’s spending.

almagri n powder put on materials to dye them red or brown prior to applying finish. v [A; b6] apply almagri powder. Átung almagríhan ang simintu arun mapula, We’ll dye the cement so that it gets red.

almamátir n Alma Mater.

almanáki n almanac. v 1 [a12] do by means of an almanac. Ug lisdan kag hunàhúnag ngálan, almanakíhun na lang nátù, If you have a hard time thinking of a name, let’s find one in the almanac. 2 [A12] obtain an almanac.

almasíga n almaciga, a large forest tree producing lumber, balaw, and the dammar resin important in trade since prehistoric times: Agathis philippinensis. v [A; a12] make s.t. of almaciga wood.

almasin n 1 dry goods store. Sapían siya kay dakug almasin, He is rich because he has a big store. 2 a k.o. thick cloth with large prints, not locally woven, formerly sold in stores. Ang panaptung almasin naúsu sa mga mil nuybi sintus bayinti, The almasin cloth was widely used in the twenties.

almindras n almonds.

almiranti n admiral. v [B156; a12] be an admiral.

almiris n a small mortar used in cooking or pharmaceutical work. v [a12] make into a small mortar.

almirul n prepared starch used for clothing. v 1 [AN; b] starch clothes. Ímu na bang gialmirulan ang karsúnis? Have you starched the pants yet? 2 [a12] make into starch.

almismutyimpu occupying a certain position concurrently. Prisidinti siya, almismutyimpu tisuríru, He’s president and at the same time treasurer.

almuháda n uterus of female animals.

almuhadun n cushion. v [a] make into a cushion.

almundigas n dish consisting of meat balls with plain sauce. v [A1; c1] make this dish.

almunída n bargain sale. v [A; c] sell at a cheap price. Gialmunidáhan aku ug balay, I was offered a house for sale at a low price.

almuránas n hemorrhoids. v [a4] be afflicted with hemorrhoids. Kanà kunung hingaug síli lagmit almuranásun, They say people who eat hot peppers tend to get hemorrhoids.

alpa n harp. v [A1; a12] make a harp. paN- [A; b6] play the harp.

alpabitayis v [A; a12] alphabetize. Alpabitayisa kunu ring lista sa mga ngálan, Please alphabetize this list.

alpáka n alpaca cloth.

alpalpa n alfalfa. alpalpahan n alfalfa field.

alpilir n safety pin. v [A; b6] put a safety pin in s.t. Ímu lang alpiliran ang karsúnis kay wà nay butúnis, Just put a safety pin in the trousers because they have no buttons. paN- v [A] pin oneself up with a safety pin. Mangalpilir ku arun dì mahushus ang ákung sáya, I’ll use a safety pin so my skirt won’t slip down. — dinágum = dinágum. see dágum.

alpiril, alpirin = alpilir.

alpirisíya n k.o. children’s disease. [31]

alpumbra n rug, carpet. v [b6] put or spread a carpet on.

alpunsínu n style of haircut where the hair is short at the side, but enough is left on the top to part in the middle (the style worn by King Alfonso of Spain). v [a12] cut the hair in the alpunsínu style.

alput n prostitute (euphemism for púta). v [B16; a12] become, make into a prostitute.

alsa v 1 [A; a12] lift s.t. from underneath. Alsáhun nátù ning lamísa, Let’s lift the table. 2 [A2] rise in rebellion. Mialsa ang mga Pilipínu bátuk sa Katsílà, The Filipinos rose against the Spaniards. 3 [A] for dough to rise in baking. Ug mualsa na gánì ang minása, When the dough rises. 4 [A6; b4] — ang kabúhì for the kabúhì to rise out of its place from fright. Gialsáhan ku sa kabúhì sa pagbutu, I had a severe case of fright when it exploded. n 1 action of having lifted. Tulu ka alsa, kutasan na ku, If I do three lifts, I’m out of breath. 2 load that can be carried in a trip. Pila ka alsa úsà matiwas ug hákut? How many loads till it’s all delivered? — butang v [B1456; c6] for various medicines to be applied in succession without waiting for results. -in- n k.o. haircut where the top of the head has hair and the sides cropped short. -du — ug kabúhì a easily frightened. Alsádu ra pud nímug kabúhì, kasíkas ra tu sa dáhun, How jittery you are. It was only the rustling of leaves. v [B12] get to be easily frightened. Naalsádu ang ákung kabúhì sukad ku makatunub ug bitin, Ever since I stepped on a snake, I have been jittery. — ug kamut quick to lift the hand in anger. v [B12] be quick to lift the hand in anger. -myintu n uprising, revolt. Ang alsamyintu bátuk sa Katsílà, The uprising against the Spaniards. v [A; a12] rise up. Dílì ni madala ug kumpirinsiya, alsamyintúhun lang nátù ni, A conference is no good. We’ll have to revolt in this case.

*alta — prisyun n high blood pressure. v [B12; a4] have high blood pressure. Ayawg hingárig káug tambuk kay alta prisyunun (maalta prisyun) ka, Don’t keep eating fat because you will get (might get) high blood pressure. — susyidad high society. di- n dignitaries. Ang prisidinti gitagbù sa mga dialta, The president was met by the dignitaries. a suitable for high society. di- mar a high-class, luxurious.

altar n altar.

altu1 v [A3P; b(1)] halt. Mialtu siya pagkabatì sa mandar, He halted on hearing the command. Gialtúhan úsag kadiyut ang trabáhu karun sa mína, The work in the mine has come to a stop for the moment.

altu2 n alto voice, part, or instrument. v [A; b6] play or sing the alto part. Altúhi ang átung áwit, You sing the alto to our song.

*alu (not without l) aluálu v [A; a12] tease. Ug mag-aluálu kas irù, paakan ka, If you tease the dog, you will get bitten. Ayaw alualúha ang bungì, Don’t tease the harelip. n act of teasing. alualuhan a fond of teasing. v [B12] get to be fond of teasing. maalualuhun a of a teasing nature. aluhánay n game of tag where everybody chases everybody else. v [C; c3] play tag.

álù n channel in tidal flats.

alubíhid = alabíhid.

alud-ud n 1 s.t. which has the chewing quality of soft bones: the tender part of a stem, the husk of young coconuts near the bud, bone cartilage. Nahíwì ang íyang ilung kay napislat ang alud-ud, His nose got crooked because the cartilage was squashed. 2 top half of the coconut bud which is soft and edible with a somewhat bitter taste. -un a having the quality of alud-ud.

alug v [A; a] go down to get water. Mag-alug ang tagabúkid ug túbig, The mountaineers will be going down to get water.

alugbáti n k.o. vine, the leaves of which are widely used as a vegetable. Wild and cultivated, it has cordate leaves which come in green and purple-tinged varieties, slightly mucilagenous when cooked: Basilla rubra. v [A1; b6] cook alugbáti.

alug-ug v [A; c] shake in short jerky motions. Gialug-ug níya sa butilya ang túbig, He sloshed the water around in the bottle.

aluhánay see *alu.

aluhípan = ulahípan.

alukaba n eggshell.

alukabhang n 1 shell of eggs, sea shell, cartridge shell. 2 housing, skeletal structure of s.t. Maáyung pagkahimulbul. Alukabhang na lay nahibilin, It was completely stripped down. The only thing that remained of the car was the frame of the body.

alúla (not without l) n cylindrical basket made of coconut leaves, holding about two bushels, container for buláhan. v 1 [A; a] make an alúla. 2 [A; bc1] put s.t. into an alúla. Aluláhun (ialúla) nátù ning buwáhan arun itúmud, We will put the lanzones in the alúla to bring them to market.

alum n mole. -an a having a mole. (←) n snappers which have dorsal moles on the side just in front of the tail: Lutianus sp. -un a having lots of moles.

álum n k.o. small tree, with itchy leaves which are used as a poultice: Melanolepis [32]multiglandulosa.

aluminum (not without l) n aluminum metal. — rápir n aluminum foil.

alumínus (not without l) [so-and-so] (which is not desirable) is better than for s.t. else to happen. Pangayúun, pangayúun. Alumínus hulaman nga dílì iúlì, If you want it, ask for it. Better than borrowing s.t. without giving it back. Puwis palitan ta ka. Alumínus maghásul ka, All right, I’ll buy you some. Better than you bothering me all the time.

alumnus (not without l) n breed of large, meaty pig with a short snout, broad face, and roundish body.

alum-um a for the sky to be overcast. v 1 [B] become overcast. Mialum-um ang búwan, The moon became covered with a thin veil of clouds. 2 [b7c1] dim s.t. Alum-úmi (alum-uma, ialum-um) ang síga sa pulawan, Turn the night lamp down. 3 [b] be surpassed, put into the shadow by s.t. better. Gwápa siya apan naalum-uman siya ni Tidang, She is beautiful, but she is overshadowed by Tidang.

álun n long rolling wave, swell. v [B46; a4] for there to be big waves. Miálun sa dágat paghuyup sa amíhan, The sea had big waves when the northwind blew. Manday dinhà na mi sa píliw giálun hinúun mi, Just as we reached the shallow waters we were buffeted by big waves.

alundris1 (not without l) n sewing thread. v 1 [b6] thread a needle. Ákung gialundrísan ang makina, I threaded the machine. 2 [a1] make into sewing thread.

alundris2 n wild vine with a disagreeable odor, the berries of which are edible: Passiflora foetida.

álung1 v [A; b6] cast a shadow over s.t. Ang taas káhuy nag-álung sa ákung gardin, The tall tree casts a shadow over my garden. Ang íyang panganduy alúngan sa kahadluk, His hopes are overshadowed by fear. n place that is overshadowed. Muayun sa áwung ang kapi, Coffee plants do best in the shade.

álung2 v [A2; b6] be attracted to go near s.t. Ang dinagkutan nga kandílà gialúngan sa mga anunugba, The moths were attracted to the lighted candle. n fish attracted to the light in fishing that uses lights. Mga tugnus ang mga álung nákù, The fish attracted to my light were sardines. alung-álung v [ANP; b5] secretly keep watch on s.o. in hopes of getting a chance to see him. Ang laláking nangulitáwu níya pirming muawung-áwung (mangawung-áwung, mupaawung-áwung) níya sa dálan, The man who is courting her keeps waiting in the street for a chance to talk with her.

alungáing n jaw, mandible. -un a having a prominent jawbone.

alungaug a having a heavy feeling in the head from lack of sleep, hangover, blow, etc. v [BN] for head to be heavy. Mialungaug (naalungaug, nangalungaug) ang ákung úlu sa íyang kusug nga sumbag, I got a headache after she smacked me one.

alungnan = unlan. see ulun.

álup v [B] 1 for light, sense of sight to become dim. Nag-álup man nang ímung kaláyu, Your fire is low. Nagkaálup na ang íyang panan-aw, His sight is getting dim now. 2 for sounds to dim. Sa nagkalayù siya, nagkaálup pud ang íyang tíngug, As she got further away, her voice grew fainter. (→) a dim. Alup ang sugà, The light is dim.

alupaup = álup, 1.

alupì (from lupi) n k.o. tidbit made from grated young corn, optionally with milk or coconut milk, wrapped in corn husks and boiled. v [A; a12] make into an alupì.

alup-up, alupuup = álup, 1.

*álus pa- v [A; b5] stretch one’s patience, control oneself when provoked or distressed. Dì ku makapaálus sa mga táwung gágu, I can’t tolerate morons. Paalúsa (paalúsi) lang nang ímung bána ug masukù kay daghan mag prublíma, Just be patient with your husband when he gets angry because he is beset with many problems.

alusíman = ulasíman.

alut v [AC2; b(1)] 1 shave the head. 2 cut hair. Aluti ku, Cut my hair. 3 [A; b7] eat a portion of food intended for s.o. else. Ubang míd muawut sa litsi sa bátà, There are maids that help themselves to the baby’s milk. n 1 shaved bald. 2 haircut. Wà kay alut, You need a haircut. pa- v [A1; b(1)] get a haircut, have s.o. get a haircut. Magpaalut ku, I’ll get a haircut. Paalutan ku si Pidru, I’ll have Pedro get a haircut.

aluwíhaw n k.o. tree of second growth forest bearing small, depressed, globular yellow fruit, edible but acidic.

aluy1 (not without l) subjunctive passive verb [so-and-so] almost happened. Aluy siya hiligsi, He was almost run over.

aluy2 n k.o. large mackerel or tuna.

áluy (not without l) n money (slang).

aluyan = ayayan. see ayay.

alúyuk (not without l) n part of the skull where the hair forms a whorl. -an a having a whorl on the head. Gwápu si Pidru kay aluyúkan sa buna, Pedro is handsome because he has a whorl on the front of his [33]head. kina-an(→) n topmost or innermost part of s.t. Ang mga Magahat túa magpuyù sa kinaaluyukan sa lasang, The Magahats live in the very center of the forest. see úyuk.

alyádu n 1 ally. 2 employee (humorous). Alyádu siya nákù sa upisína, He’s an employee of mine in the office. v 1 [AC; b5] ally with, to become an ally with. Maáyung alyadúhun (alyadúhan) ang Pilipínas, It is good to make an ally of (ally oneself with) the Philippines. 2 [A; c1] have an employee.

alyádus = alyádu.

alyansa n alliance. v [C2; b(1)] have an alliance. Ang Amirika gialyansáhan sa Pilipínas, The Philippines had an alliance with America.

alyas n alias. v [B1; c] give, have an alias. Alyásan ka ug Rúhas, You’ll be given the name Roxas as an alias.

alyin n aliens (euphemism for Chinese).

*ama — námù n the Lord’s Prayer. short form: manámù. paN- v [A; b5] go to s.o. as if he were one’s father to ask for help. Kinsay inyung gipangama (gipangamahan) sa pagkasúd sa inyung bátà sa trabáhu? Who did you approach to get a job for your son? amaáma n stepfather. amaáma sa buti n the first single eruption of smallpox before spreading. amahan n father. — námù n the Lord’s Prayer. v [A1] act as, have a father. Dimálas nga nakaamahan kag mangtas, It is unfortunate that you have a beast for a father. pangamahan v 1 [A2] act as a father. Siya na lang ang nangamahan sa mga bátang ilu, He was the only one left to act as a father to the orphaned children. 2 [A2; b(1)] sponsor. Ang balaudun gipangamahan ni Briyúnis, The bill was sponsored by Briones. 3 = pangama. amáun n godfather in any ceremony.

amá (from ama) expression uttered when frightened: help! Amá! Náay sawa! Help! There’s a snake!

ámag = alámag, v, n1.

amaga n k.o. forest tree: Diospyros sp.

amag-amag (from alámag) n k.o. fish that stays near the shore and glows.

amagan see alámag.

amagus n small, black, fresh-water shrimp that has a small white stripe on the back. a black-complexioned.

amágus n k.o. shrub bearing juicy dark red berries, 1 cm. in diameter with a nauseous taste: Homonoia riparia.

amahan see *ama.

amahung n k.o. bivalve of sea, greenish brown in color, oblong, 2″ in length, with orange meat. Found clinging to rocks. Popularly eaten preserved in salt.

amákan n bamboo matting woven with a k.o. twill weave, commonly used for walling. The weft is passed over two and under two warp pieces. The successive weft is passed over two and under two warp pieces again, but such that the second weft passes over one and under one of the warp pieces that the first weft had passed over, and over one and under one of the warp pieces that the first weft had passed under. v [A; a12] weave amákan. -in- n s.t. woven like amákan.

am-am v [B1256] 1 be open-mouthed from having eaten s.t. spicy. Naam-am (nahaam-am) ang ákung bàbà sa síling kulikut, I opened my mouth wide when I ate the hot peppers. 2 feel stung by words of derogation which are true. Nahaam-am (naam-am) ku pag-ingun níya nga tapulan kaáyu ku, I got stung by her words that I was very lazy. hi-/ha- = am-am.

am-ám = alam-álam.

amamahung = amahung.

amamakul n k.o. edible mushroom that grows on decayed banana stalks. It has a slender stem, thin skin, and is dark grey in color.

amamaliw (from baliw) n s.o. incestuous who gets struck by a thunderbolt as divine punishment. v [B126] become an amamaliw.

amamangkas n k.o. thick-bodied and thick-shelled, edible, fresh-water crab growing to 3″, found in rivers and rice paddies. They are so called because they climb on water lilies and ride them (angkas) to the sea.

amamangluy n insect similar to the katydid. It makes a chirping sound in the evening.

amamangpang n k.o. fish of shallow waters.

amamaylan = baylan.

amang a 1 mute. Unsáun pagtubag ni Pidru ug amang siya? How can Pedro answer if he is mute? 2 silent. Ang bungbung ray amang nga saksi sa ílang gibúhat, The walls were the mute witnesses to their deeds. v [B123(1)] become mute, struck speechless. Naamang si Pidru sa pagkadungug sa balità, Peter was struck speechless upon hearing the news. -in- n pantomime, in sign language.

amang-amang v [A; b(1)] have the nerve to do s.t. which an ordinary person wouldn’t dare do. Mu ra nay ímung abilidad, unyà mag-amang-amang kag pangulitáwu sa anak sa ímung manidyir? You are a nobody, but you dare propose to your manager’s daughter? [34]

amangtan n k.o. fish of shallow waters.

*amanti prinsipi — Prince Charming.

amánus a equal, even stevens. Pildi kug diyis, pildi sad kag diyis, dì amánus na ta, I lost ten pesos and you lost ten pesos, so that makes us even. v 1 [B1C; c1] make things come out even. Amanúsun (iamánus) ku lang ang ímung útang sa útang ni Máma kanímu, You owe me the same amount my mother owes you, so I’ll call it even. 2 [C; c1] call it quits, declare a tie. Amanúsun (iamánus) ta ning átung tsis, Let’s call our chess game quits.

amapúlun n blood clots in the womb after delivery. v [b4] have blood clots in the womb after delivery. Giamapúnan ku mau nga misakit ang ákung tiyan, I had blood clots in my womb so I had stomach pains.

amapúng n wild vine with round leaves and bell-shaped white axillary flowers. The leaves are cooked as a vegetable.

amargúsu = paliya.

amarilyu a yellow. v [B; a] be, color s.t. yellow. Ug dulaw ipulug, maamarilyu ang buluk, If you dye it with turmeric, it will come out yellow.

amaspas n sawfish.

amasúna n amazon.

amat a bad, ugly, poor in quality. Amat ang klási ning panaptúna, This cloth is of poor quality. Amat siyag batásan, She has bad ways about her. v [B; a2] be poor in quality, bad, ugly. Ayawg amata nà pagbúhat, Don’t do it untidily.

ámat n sweet potato sprout, esp. those which come from potatoes missed in the harvest. paN- v [A2; b(1)] dig out the leftover sweet potatoes that have sprouted. Nangámat silag kamúting ílang isugba, They looked for leftover sweet potatoes to broil.

amátung n method of catching crabs by using shredded coconut as bait. v [A; a] catch land crabs by strewing coconut around.

amatyur n 1 singing contest for amateurs. Muapil ka sa amatyur sa diway-arsi? Will you take part in the singing contest over DYRC? 2 amateur singer, athlete, etc. v [A1; b(1)] hold an amateur contest.

amáun see ama.

amaw n feeble-minded. Ang amaw maglisud ug sabut sa mga túgun, The feeble-minded person has a hard time understanding instructions. v [B12] be, become feeble-minded. -un a of a feeble-minded sort.

ámay n 1 marrow of the bones. 2 outermost layer of the timber next to the bark. v [c1] make s.t. out of this material.

amáyung a gloomy, lightly overcast. v [B] be or become gloomy, lightly overcast. Muamáyung gánì hipúsa ang binulad nga humay, If it gets overcast, gather the rice grains.

ambà v [A; b3] low, moo. Nag-ambà ang báka, The cow is lowing.

ambáhan v [A; b(1)] go s.w. in a large group. Nag-ambáhan ang mga táwung nanagbù sa bag-ung kardinal, The people trooped in to greet the new cardinal. n large moving group.

ambak1 v [A; c] jump down to a lower place. Ang túbig nga nag-ambak sa línaw gíkan sa humayan, The water that falls into the pool comes from the ricefield. Giambakan ku sa ungguy, The monkey jumped down on me. Iambak nang písì didtu, Throw that rope down there. ambak-ambak1 v [A; b(1)] jump up and down.†

ambak2 n headhunters in Negros of former times who killed strangers to bury with their dead.

ambak-ambak2 n k.o. fish.

ambalang n k.o. edible seaweed found in tidal flats. It is green, soft, and has short straight branches similar to corals.

ambáng = ambalang.

ambangul = umbangul.

ambas a equal in some way. Ambas si Pidru ug Husi ug abilidad, Pedro and Jose are equal in ability. v [BC3; b] be equal in quality or ability. Muambas ang tíngug mu sa kang Husi, Your voice is just like Jose’s. Dílì kaambásan kining pintúra, This paint job cannot be matched.†

ambaw n a k.o. small mouse.

ambi 1 give it to me. Ambi ra gud ang butilya, Let me have the bottle. 2 particle used in making a request or asking permission. Ambi, tugtúga kunu tung ‘Sa Kabukíran’, Here, play ‘In the Mountains’. Ambi, pasimhúta kunu ta, Here, let me take a whiff. 3 here, let’s give it a try. Ambi, átung basáhun áring pahináha. Día tingáli, Here, let me take a look at this page. It’s probably here. 4 particle expressing a concession for the sake of argument. Ambi, ug walà pa ka dinhi, dì tà ka hikit-an, All right, if you were not here, nobody could have seen you, right?

ambid, ambig = amgid.

ambihas, ambíhas a two things parallel or face to face but one slightly behind or to the side. Ambíhas ang duha ka gawang, The two doors are opposite but not face to face. v 1 [B56; a12] for things to be parallel but not face to face or in line. Ug muambíhas ang paglátid muhíwì ang bungbung, If the measurements are out of line, [35]the wall will turn out crooked. Ambihása pagbutang ang duha ka silya arun makakità ang maglingkud sa luyu, Stagger the two chairs so that whoever is at the back can see. 2 [C] pass each other while travelling in opposite directions along the parallel routes. Ang duha ka trín nagkaambíhas, The two trains passed each other.

ambilay v [A; c1] carry s.t. with a strap slung over the shoulder. Nag-ambilay siya sa íyang kamira, He is carrying his camera slung over his shoulder. Iambilay nang ripli, Carry your rifle slung over your shoulder.

ambir = abir.

ambisiyun n ambition, aspiration. Mu ray íyang ambisiyun ang pagkamaistru, Being a teacher is his only ambition. v [A1N] aspire. Nag-ambisiyun (nangambisiyun) siyag palit ug awtu, He has ambitions of buying a car.†

ambisyúsu a ambitious. Kining búang nga ambisyúsu kaáyu nangulitáwu sa prinsísa, This ambitious fool is courting the princess. v [B12] become ambitious.

ambit v 1 [A; a2b7] get a share. Kiri rang usa ka kílu ákung ambítun, I’ll take only this one kilogram as my share. Ambítan tag duha ka gantang ning ímung humay, I’ll take six quarts as my portion of your rice. Ambíti kug gamay, Let me have a small share. — sa kasubù, kalípay share in one’s sorrow, happiness. 2 [A2; a2] get in on gossip. Diin na pud ka makaambit ánang tabía? Where did you hear that gossip?

ambù v [AN; acP] overlook, look from a high point, tower over. Ambúa tung táwu sa sílung, Look down at the man downstairs. Ang gamayng balay giambúan sa dakung balay, The large house towered over the small one.

ambug v 1 [Ab2; ac] go, bring down from the mountains to the lowlands. Unsay ímung ambúgun? What are you going down to get? Iambug ning kamúti arun ibaligyà, Bring these sweet potatoes down to sell them. 2 [A13] looking over. Ang káhuy nag-ambug sa ngilit sa pangpang, The tree is overlooking the edge of the cliff. pa- v [a] build s.t. so it overlooks. Gipaambug ku ang ámung payag sa ngilit sa pangpang, I built my hut looking over the edge of the cliff.

ambúhut v [A] belch forth smoke. Nag-ambúhut ang asu, Smoke is billowing up. pa- v [A; b(1)] blow smoke from cigarette. Gipaambuhútan níya ang ákung nawung, He blew smoke into my face. -an n whale.

ambulansiya n ambulance. v 1 [A13; a12] go by ambulance. Ambulansiyáhun nátù ang angul, Let’s take the injured person in an ambulance. 2 [a12] make into an ambulance.

*ambung1 -an a beautiful, handsome. Ambúngan kaáyu ka ánang sinináa, You are very handsome in that shirt. v [B12] become beautiful, handsome. ka- n beauty, handsomeness. Ang kaambung ni Maríya walay ingun, Mary’s beauty is unequalled.

*ambung2 -an a giving the illusion of bigness or bulk. Ambúngan kang tan-áwun ánang sinináa, piru wà ka muángay, You look impressively big in that dress, but you don’t look good in it. v [B2] look impressively big and bulky. Nagkaambungan ang labadúra nga ákung gihurnu, The batter that I am baking is beginning to rise.

ambus v 1 [AN; b(1)] ambush, waylay. 2 [A2] go meet a girl at her place of work or study to accompany her home. Nía na pud si Pidru nangambus sa íyang giulitawhan, Here comes Pedro to meet his girl friend and take her home. 3 join a group with food or other provisions to avail oneself of them (colloquial). Nangambus lang ku sa ílang bálun, I just joined them and got some of their picnic food. Makaambus ku sa ímung hábul? Can I use part of your blanket?

ambut I don’t know. Ambut ug kinsa nang bayhána, I don’t know who that woman is. [gen.] it’s up to [gen.]. Ambut nímug pilay ihátag, It’s up to you how much we should give. — sa lángaw, lagung, kágang I don’t know and I don’t care (it’s up to the fly, crab). Ambut sa lángaw ug muanhi, I don’t know if he’s coming, and I don’t care. paN- v [A] say ‘I don’t know’. Ug pangutan-un, mangambut lang, If you ask him, he just says he doesn’t know.

ambuy1 n a nickname of Pablo. a 1 a slow-witted person. Ambuy ka man diay, ngánung ímu nang gikaun? What did you eat that for, you fool? 2 penniless. Ayaw nà sugta, ambuy nà, Don’t marry him. He doesn’t have a penny. v 1 [AB; a] be, become slow-witted, make a fool of s.o. Ang gugma mauy nakaambuy (nakapaambuy) sa ákung anak, Love has dulled my son’s wits. 2 [B12; a1] be short of cash, penniless.

ambuy2 n a style of men’s sport shirt the lower end of which extends below the level of the buttocks and with two tapering slits on the sides, close-fitting around the waist. v 1 [A] wear this sort of shirt. 2 [c1] tailor into this sort of shirt.

amgid a similar. v 1 [BC; ac1c3] be similar. [36]Miamgid (naamgid) ang istatuwa sa mudílu, The statue grew to be more and more like the model. Ngánung nagkaamgid ang inyung tubag? Why were your answers similar? Iamgid (amgíra) lang ang ímung sinulat sa ákù, Make your composition like mine. 2 [A2; b] imitate. Ang mga Insik maáyung muamgid sa mga búhat sa Hapun, The Chinese imitate the Japanese products well. Giamgiran (giamgíran) sa arkitiktu ang dibúhu sa katidral, The architect imitated the sketch of the cathedral. 3 [A; ac] compare. Amgíra sila kung háin ang maanyag, Compare them to judge which one is most beautiful. Ang íyang kaanyag ikaamgid sa bitúun, Her beauty can be compared to the stars. n one’s double. Ákung kalúha nang ákung amgid, The fellow that looks just like me is my twin brother. ig-, ka- = amgid, n.

amgu v [A12; b8] be aware of s.t. Mauy ákung naamguhan nga dinhay miabli sa bintánà, All I was aware of was that s.o. opened the window. paghi-, pagka- upon reaching consciousness. Paghiamgu (pagkaamgu) níya, dihà na siya sa uspital, When he regained consciousness, he was in the hospital.

amíga n 1 close friend (female). 2 girl friend (circumlocution to avoid saying trátu ‘fiancée’). miga (vocative) friend.

amígas = hulmígas.

amígu n 1 close friend. 2 boy friend (circumlocution). v 1 [C; a12] be friends. Mag-amígu ta, Let’s be friends! Amigúha siya kay makatábang nátù, Befriend him, because he can help us. 2 [A123S] get as a friend. Nakaamigu kug tagaadwána, I managed to make friends with s.o. in the customs. paN- v [A23] become friends. Ayaw pangamígug buguy, Do not become friends with those no-goods. migu (vocative) friend. Ása ka, migu? Where are you going, friend?

amíhan n wind from the north. paN- v [A23] blow from the north. Kun Nubimbri mangamíhan, The northwind blows in November. n northeast monsoon time. Uktubri hangtud sa Disyimbri mauy pangamíhan, It’s the northeast monsoon from October to December. -an(→) n north, northern. Milálin sila sa Amihanang Lusun, They moved to Northern Luzon.

amimihid, amimihig (from bihig) n fiddler crab, k.o. small crab of tidal flats with one large red claw bigger than the other which moves in a fiddling-like motion.

amimislun n kidney of animals.

amimitas (from bítas) n k.o. large biting black and red ants with long pincers, found in rotten wood.

amin amen. v 1 [A; b(1)] kiss the hand or take a hand to the forehead. Amini si Tiyù mu, Kiss your uncle’s hand. 2 [A3; b(1)] give in, concede, surrender. Human sa ámung panagbúngul miamin siya kanákù, After we had not been on speaking terms, he gave in to me. Ang mayur lang kunuy íyang aminan, He says he will surrender only to the mayor. amin-ámin n food prepared for the last day of the novena (slang). v [A13; b] prepare some food for the guests on the last day of a novena. Mutambung ta sa katapúsan ug mag-amin-ámin sila, We will attend the last day of the novena if they prepare s.t. pa- v [A; a] have s.o. kiss the hand. Paaminun tikaw áring kinúmù! I’ll let you kiss my fist (i.e. smack you one).†

amindar v [A; a] 1 amend. Muamindar sa baláud ang Kungrísu, Congress will amend the law. Nag-amindar ang hunta sa mga lagdà niíni, The board is amending its policies. 2 make amends for. Nakaamindar giyud siyas íyang mga salà, He was able to make amends for his offenses. 3 restore good feelings. Giamindar níya ang nagúbà nílang panaghigalaay, He patched their broken friendship up.

Amirika n America.

Amirikána short forms: Amirkána, Mirkána. n 1 American woman. 2 sport or suit jacket. v [A; a] wear, make into, get a jacket. Mag-amirkána ka ba sa bayli? Will you wear a jacket to the dance?

amirikanayis a Americanized. v [B12] become Americanized. Nagkaamirikanayis ang ininglisan ni Prid, Fred’s way of speaking English is becoming Americanized.

Amirikánu short forms: Amirkánu, Mirkánu. n American. -in- v [A; c1] speak English.

amirul = almirul.

amistad n amnesty.

amitu n amice.

ampa v [AC2; b6] want to have just as much work and not a bit more than the others. Ang mga suluguun dì paalkansi. Gustu giyung makig-ampa sa trabáhu, Helpers insist on a fair deal. They argue about who has the most work. Unsang trabahúa nang inyung giampáhan? What work are you bickering about? ampaampa = ampa.

ampad = alampad.

ampáhan n k.o. good-sized carangoid fish that fetches a high price.

ampaláya = paliya.

ampapángig = apapángig.

ampara v [A; a12] interrupt a wedding ceremony by objecting. Wà makaampara sa kasal ang puyùpúyù, The common-law wife [37]couldn’t interrupt the wedding.

ampaw n delicacy consisting of puffed rice coated with caramel and stuck into bricks. v [A1; a12] make ampaw.

ampay a 1 favorite. Ampay ku ang mangga, Mangoes are my favorite. 2 much to one’s liking. Ampay kaáyu níya nga tawgun siya ug lúlu, He likes it very much if they call him ‘granddad’.

ampáyir n umpire. Si Pidru bay ampáyir sa buksing? Is Pedro the umpire in boxing? v [A; b(1)] be the umpire. Ampayíri ring dúlà, Umpire this game.

amping v [A; b(1)] treat s.t. with care, be careful with s.t. Mag-amping ka arun dílì ka masámad, Be careful so you don’t get hurt. Ampíngi nang makinilya, Be careful with that typewriter. ma-un, ma-in-un a careful. Maampíngun (mainampíngun) siyang nanáug sa dakung káhuy, He was careful in going down the big tree.†

ampityatru n amphitheater. v [A1] make an amphitheater. -in- n an amphitheater. v [B1456; a12] be constructed into an amphitheater.

ampiyun1 n opium. v [A12; a12] obtain opium, make opium. Ang lísu mauy ampiyunun, They make opium from the seeds. paN- v [A2; b(1)] smoke opium. Kasagáran sa mangampiyun Insik, It’s usually Chinese who smoke opium. -íru n opium addict. v [B126] be, become an opium addict.

ampiyun2 n a small tree that bears large yellow flowers and large black pods reaching 40 cm. The pulp found in the pod is used to cure stomach pains: Cassia sp.

ampli n short for amplipáyir.

amplipáyir n amplifier, public address system. v [A1] use a public address system. -an n possessing, having a public address system.

ampù v [A; c] 1 pray, worship. Dílì mu ampúan ang mga diyusdíyus, Don’t worship false gods. Birhin Maríya, ig-ampù mu kami, Virgin Mary, pray for us. Giampù ku ang ímung kalampúsan, I pray for your success. 2 adore. Giampúan ku ang ímung kaanyag, I worship your beauty. 3 [A2; b6] surrender, turn oneself in to the authorities. Mamatay ku úsà ku muampù, I’ll die before I will turn myself in. 3a admit one was wrong or ask for forgiveness in order to make up. Dì ku muampù nímu kay wà kuy salà, I won’t take steps to make up with you because I didn’t do anything wrong. -l-anan n 1 altar, place one worships. 2 thing worshipped. ma-un, ma-in-un, ma-l-un a prayerful. mag-r-, mag-l- n one who prays on behalf of another. Ang mga santus mauy mag-alampù (mag-aampù), The saints are the intercessors.

ampúngul n head of octopus or squid (including the tentacles of the squid).

amu = mau (dialectal).

ámu vocative short form: mu n master, employer. Makagáwì ba ta sa ímung tilipunu, mu? May I use your phone, boss? v [A123S] happen to have a master, employer. Lisud ning makaamu tag istriktu, It’s difficult if you happen to have a strict employer. paN- v [A2] have s.o. as an employer. Nakapangámu na ku ug Katsílà, I have already experienced having a Spaniard as employer. maistru — n one who oversees the preparation of s.t., e.g. the head chef on a boat or the quality controller in a factory.

amù n monkey, ape. Pubri pa sa amù, Poorer than a monkey (which has what looks like two one-centavo coins in its buttocks). inúlug — waxing gibbous moon. v [B126; b6] get broke (get to be like a monkey that has only two centavos) (colloquial). a broke. -ay(←) n Mr. Monkey. Si Amúay nangáwat sa ságing ni Baúhay, Mr. Monkey stole Mr. Turtle’s bananas. -l-an(←) n place infested with monkeys.†

ámù see kami.

amul a for a blade to be very dull. Amul ang sundang, The machete is dull. v [B12; a12] become dull. -an, -un a of dull kind.

amúma v [A; b5] take care of s.o. and guide him. Giamúma (giamumáhan) siya sa inaína sáma sa kaugalíngung anak, Her stepmother took care of her like her own child.

*amumun — lumban sa dágat n sundials, k.o. sea shell.

amumúng v [a4] lose one’s way under spell of evil spirit. Kun amumúngun ka baliha lang ang ímung sinínà arun makatultul kag bálik, If you lose your way, put your clothes on inside out, and you’ll find your way back.

amumunggut = tibalas.

amumungpung n k.o. edible top shell reaching an inch, pyramid-shaped.

amumuntag n k.o. octopus which tends to come out when the moon rises.

amung v [A; c1] drag s.t. to perdition, bring s.t. to ruin together with it. Ang mga latang kamátis makaamung sa uban, The rotten tomatoes can ruin the others that are packed together with them. Ayaw ku iamung (amunga) sa inyung kabúang, Do not involve me in your foolishness. Sa pinusílay naamung ang inusinting bátà, During the gunfight an innocent child was hit in the crossfire. paN- v [A2] 1 exert bad influence. 2 try [38]s.t. on a long shot. Nangamung siyag pangulitáwu, básig sugtun, He tried his luck at courting her in hopes of succeeding. amung-ámung v [A; b(1)] 1 inflict malicious, needless harm. Ang mga tulisan nag-amung-ámung pa giyud níya, The bandits raped her as well. Giamung-amungan tingáli ang masitíra sa irù kay nangabúak man, The dogs probably messed up the flower pots, because they are broken. 2 tease maliciously. Giamung-amúngan níla ang irù paghikut ug láta, They teased the dog by tying a can to it. amung-amungan, maamung-amungun a maliciously destructive.

amunistal v [A; c6] register for marriage in the church. n payment for church services in marriage. Mahal ang amunistal sa kasal nga ispisyal, The payment for the church services in a special marriage is dear.

amur n liking. Wà giyud kuy amur sa dayuk, I cannot bring myself to like salted fish innards. Gitugkan siyag amur kang Birtu, She developed a liking for Bert. — prupiyu amor propio.

amurádu n k.o. red, thick, sweet banana, eaten raw. It is starchier than the yellow bananas usually sold commercially in the States.

amural v [A; a12] 1 speak one’s love to. Giamural níya si Maríya, piru wà sugta, He proposed to Maria, but she turned him down. 2 speak out one’s purpose asking for s.t. Nag-amural kung Tiyù pára sa ákung karsúnis, I am asking my uncle for money to buy a pair of pants.

amur sikrítu n bleeding heart, k.o. ornamental vine with heart-shaped flowers: Clerodendrum thomponae.

amursíku n k.o. crab grass with long towering stems bearing barbed spikelets which adhere to the clothes: Andropogon aciculatus. ka- v [A13] be full of amorseco spikes. Nagkaamursíku ang ákung sinínà, My dress has amorseco all over it.

amurtisasiyun n amortization. v 1 [A1] be amortized. Ang ákung útang nag-amurtisasiyun ug dusyintus matag búlan, The amortization on my debt is two hundred every month. 2 [ac] pay off an amortization. Amurtisasyunan ku ang útang ug katungà, I’ll amortize half of my debt.

amurúsu n delinquency in paying off an obligation. Upat ka búwan ang ákung amurúsu sa bangku, I’m four months delinquent in my payments to the bank. v [B1256] be delinquent in paying off an obligation.

ámut n contribution. Pilay ámut sa salusálù káda usa? How much is each person’s contribution to the party? v [A; c] 1 contribute. Daghan siyag ikaámut sa kauswágan sa násud, He has much to contribute to the development of the country. 2 contribute to increase the intensity or quality. Ang kaígang nakaámut sa íyang kapungut, The heat contributed to making his anger worse. -l-an, -l-an(→) n contribution. Pagkadaghag alamútan (alamutan) sa iskuylahan, makapubri! You can go broke with all the contributions you have to make in school.

amúti = kamúti.

ámuy1 n 1 icon. 2 the name of God used in speaking to small children. Ayaw pangáway kay masukù ang ámuy, Don’t quarrel because God will get angry.

ámuy2 n term of address for very old men of respectability. Kanà si Ámuy Militun kapitan sa panahun sa Katsílà, Amoy Meliton was a village head during the Spanish times. v [a12] call s.o. Amoy.

amyun v [BN] emit a sweet fragrance. Miamyun (nangamyun) ang kahumut sa mga búlak, The flowers emitted a sweet fragrance. ka- n sweet smell.

-an1 local passive verb affix, future. (past gi-an; subjunctive -i. Potential forms: past na-an; future ma-an or, alternatively, ka-an; subjunctive ma-i or, alternatively, ka-i.) Not all verbs occur with this affix, and those that do may occur with only one or two or all of the meanings. 1 [do] for, at, on, in. Palitan ku siyag kík, I will buy him cake (or buy cake from him). Gipalitan ku siya, I bought some for (from) him. Wà ku siya paliti, I didn’t buy any for (from) him. Mapalitan (kapalitan) ku siya, I can buy some for (from) him. Napalitan ku siya, I managed to buy some for (from) him. Wà ku siya mapaliti (kapaliti), I couldn’t buy any for (from) him. 1a with noun bases: give, provide s.o. [noun]. Sirúhan ka nákù, I will give you a zero. Sapatúsan ku ang bátà, I will put shoes on the child. 2 [do] directly to s.o. or s.t. Hagkan ku ikaw, I will kiss you. Bantayan ninyu ang prísu, Watch the prisoner. 2a [do] to part of s.t. Kuháan ku ang ímung kík ug gamay, I will take a little of your cake. Kunhúran ku ang prisyu, I will take a little off the price. 3 with verbs from adjectives: consider s.t. as. Lisdan siya sa átung sinultihan, He will find our language difficult. Gipilahan ka lang uruy niánà? Do you consider that a small amount? 4 have [verb] happen to one. Naulanan aku, I was caught in the rain. Labdan ka sa úlu, You will get a headache. (It will happen to you that your head will ache.) 5 [39][do] because of, due to. Unsay gihilákan mu? What is it you are crying about? Dílì nà ángayng kabalak-an, That is not worth getting worried over. 6 do in [such-and-such a manner]. Usaan nà nákug alsa, I will lift that with one (hand). Datadatáhan ku nag báyad, I will pay for that in installments. 7 work off a debt, pay for by [do]ing. Mahímù nímung trabahúan ang ímung útang nákù, You may work off your debt to me. Buk-an kug lubi kining bugas, I’ll pay for this rice by splitting coconuts.

-an2 suffix forming verb bases to which the prefixes mag-, tig- and pag- may be added. The verb with these affixes always has stress on the final syllable and means ‘[do] s.t. at a certain place habitually’. Mag-anhian siya dinhig maduminggu, He comes here on Sundays. Siyay tig-anhian dinhi, He comes here often. Sa ímung pag-adtuan didtu, nakailaíla kag usa ka Mang Tiryu? In the times you’ve been going to that place, did you ever meet a certain Mang Terio?

-an3 noun forming affix. 1 forming nouns which refer to a place where s.t. is found, done, held, located. Humayan, Rice field. Tubaan, Place where toddy is sold. Baskitbulan, Place basketball is played. Habagatan, West (place from which the habágat ‘west wind’ blows). Bairan, Sharpener (thing on which one sharpens). Tindáhan, Store (place one sells). 2 forming nouns which refer to a person possessed of a certain power. Nouns of this sort always have long penults. Tambálan, Folk doctor. Hilútan, Doctor specializing in massage. Barángan, A sorcerer with magic insects at his disposal.

-an4 adjective forming affix. 1 forming adjectives which mean ‘characterized by being [so-and-so]’. Words of this sort have the stress on the final syllable. Langasan, Of a noisy type. Talawan, Cowardly. Gahian, Of a hard sort. 2 added to nouns to form adjectives which mean ‘having [so-and-so]’. Utúkan, Brainy. Kwartáhan, Moneyed.

-an(→) short for hi-an(→).

-an- infix optionally added to all forms with the prefixes nag-, mag-, pag-, indicating that affixed forms refer to more than one person. Nanagsábut sila, They made (plurally) an agreement. Duha ka managsúun, Two brothers. Ang ílang panagsábut, Their (plural) agreement with each other.

anā̀ 1 expression of surprise. a at s.t. pleasant. Anā̀, kanindut sa ímung ariyus, Oh what beautiful earrings you have! b at s.t. which causes worry. Anā̀! Nabuak, Oh-Oh! It broke. 2 expression chiding s.o. Anā̀! Nagpabuyag man ka! My! You’re making a nuisance of yourself.

ánà = niánà. see kanà.

anáa short form: náa. 1 be there (near you). Náa ba dihà ang yáwi? Do you have (is there) the key? 1a be employed at, work at. Náa siya sa Atlas, He works for Atlas. Náa ra siya sa báy, He is always at home. 2 there is. Náay suwat pára nímu, There is a letter for you. 3a dat. [dat.] has. Náa kaníya ang yáwi, He has the key. 3b it depends upon [dat.]. Náa ra nímug muadtu ta, It’s up to you if we should go. 3c be menstruating. Dílì mudúul ang bána ug náa sa asáwa, A husband cannot have intercourse with his wife when she is menstruating. 4 unsa may — niánà, sa [noun]? what does that, [noun] have to do with it? Unsa ba guy náa sa idad? And what does age have to do with it? pagka- n the state of being there. Ang íyang pagkaanáa sa balay, His presence in the house. paka- v [A13; a12] strive to have s.t. Ímu kung pakaanaáhun bisan wà kuy nahut, You try to get s.t. from me even though I haven’t anything. anaáhun a well-to-do.

ánab (from bána) n husband (slang).

anabu n k.o. shrub or small tree which produces strong bark fiber of commercial importance: Abroma augusta.

anabyung = hinagdung.

ánad v 1 [B23(1); b(1)] take to, become fond of. Pakúgus ang bátà nga nakaánad na nímu, A child that has become fond of you will want you to carry him. 2 [B2S; b8] get accustomed, get in the habit of doing s.t. Muánad (maánad) siyag panghilabut sa ákung butang, He will (might) get used to touching my things. Naandan na níya ang pamakak, She is accustomed to lying. Ang naandan nga paági, The usual way. 2a [b8] treat s.o. too familiarly. Hiandan ka lang; ábi níla maáyu ka man, They’re just abusing you; they think you’re nice. Naandan ka níya ug kumidiya, He has gotten in the habit of joking with you (when he should not have). (→) a 1 accustomed to, familiar with s.t. Anad kaáyu ku ug byáhi, I am accustomed to travelling. 2 tame. Anad ang langgam, The bird is tame. Kaanad nga batáa bísan kinsa makakúgus níya, That child is not afraid of people. Anybody can hold him. v [B12] become accustomed. Ug maanad ka na ánang trabahúa, dì ka na lisdan, When you get used to the work, you won’t find it hard. anaran a having a special appeal to animals, children, etc. so that they feel immediately at home. [40]

ánag v [A; a12b(1)] broil crops to eat. Anága ang mais nga húmuk, Broil the soft corn. -in- n broiled crop. -un(→) n young corn. Gitanuk níla ang anagun, They broiled the young corn. v [B3] for corn to be at an edible but not yet full-grown stage. Nag-anagun na ang mais. Hápit na ang sanggì, The corn is growing ears. Harvest time is near. anagunan n field of corn with young ears.

anagási = alagási.

anagu, anágu n hazy, unclear image. Ang anágu sa dálan gibantayan pag-áyu sa draybir, The driver paid close attention to the blurred outline of the road. v [B2S] appear hazily. Nag-anagu ang balay sa bungtud tungud sa gábun, The house on the hill was hazy because of the mist.

anahà n k.o. small ant with a light tan color and with a black spot on the body and which takes to sugar. It inflicts a mild bite. v [B125; a4] be infested with anahà ants. Sus, nagkaanahà (gianahà) ang asúkar! Heavens! The sugar is swarming with ants.

anáhaw n k.o. palm with fan-shaped leaves: Livistona rotundifolia. The leaves are used for mats, hats, etc. Potted anáhaw are widely used for ornamental purposes. — lagwis = anáhaw. — mubù ornamental palm similar in appearance to anáhaw: Licuala spinosa.

anak n son, daughter. — sa búhat 1 laborer. 2 accustomed to hard work. Way báli kanà, kay anak man aku sa búhat, I don’t mind that, because I’m used to hard work. 3 poor people. Lisud ang panginabúhì sa mga anak sa búhat, Life for the poor is very difficult nowadays. — sa bunyag godson or daughter at baptism. — sa gawas illegitimate child. — sa húlaw short person (son of the dry, lean times). — sa kágang exclamation of discomfiture: My! Anak sa kágang! Ngánu nga naílad ka man! My heavens! Why did you let them cheat you! — sa sápì child that has been adopted by purchase. v [AN; cN] 1 give birth. Dì na muanak (manganak) nà si Kurdapya kay gúlang na, Cordapia will not have any more children because she’s old. Nag-anak siyag kalúha, She had twins. Ang banig nga gianakan (giangkan, gipanganakan), The mat she gave birth on. Diin ka ianak (ipanganak)? Where were you born? 2 [A12] happen to have for a child. Nakaanak si Pidru ug abilidaran, Pedro had a genius for a son. (←) n in prayers: Son of God. Sa ngálan sa Amahan, sa Ának, sa Ispiritu Santu ..., In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost ... pa- v 1 [A; a2] assist in childbirth, cause s.t. to be born. Mananabang ang nagpaanak kanákù, A folk-midwife assisted me in childbirth. Paangka siya sa matirniti, Let her have her baby in the clinic. 2 [A; b(1)] make pregnant. Ang mutsatsa gipaangkan sa kutsíru, The rig driver got the maid pregnant. palaangkanan n delivery table. pinaangkan n 1 illegitimate child. 2 one who gave birth out of wedlock. (Cf. paangkan v 1, below.) paN- v 1 = anak, v. 2 [A] sponsor in a baptism. Aku ang nanganak ni Bíbi sa bunyag, I was Baby’s godfather in her baptism. paN-(←) n pebble in game of pungga. pinanganak n godson or daughter. anak-ának n 1 adopted child. Anak-ának ra man nà si Kadyu kay walay bátà ang magtiáyun, Cadio is just an adopted child because the couple is childless. 2 in a child’s game, the pretend child. angkan a having given birth. Yàyà ug láwas ni si Kurdapya mu rag angkan, Cordapia’s body is flabby like a woman that has just given birth. Angkan na siyang dakù pagkaminyù níla, It was well known that she had had a child before they got married. paangkan v [A13] make s.o. pregnant. Kinsa may nagpaangkan sa labandíra? Who made the laundry woman pregnant? pinaangkan n one who gave birth to an illegitimate child. angkánun a for people to be prolific in childbirth. Angkánun (palaának) kaáyu si Maríya. Manganak káda túig, Maria is prolific. She gives birth every year. alangkan n delivery room. hinangkan, hingangkan n hen that has raised a brood. ig-(←) n relative of any sort. v [A12; c1] be related. Naig-ának siya sa mga Blangku kay naasáwa man níya ang anak, He became related to the Blancos because he married the daughter. ig-alának n 1 child in the womb. 2 in a condition about to give birth. Ig-alának na kaáyu ang íyang tiyan, Her stomach looks as though she’s about to give birth. -in- n 1 godson, daughter in any ceremony. Inanak ku siya sa kasal, He is my godson because I sponsored his wedding. 2 child born. Bag-ung inanak, Newly born child. mag-alának, taliának, umaának n about to give birth. -un(←) 1 = inanak. 2 = pag-umangkun. pala-(←) a 1 for people or animals to be prolific in childbirth. Palaának ang ákung anay, My pig is very prolific. 2 prolific in output. see also pag-umangkun, mantiának, taguangkan.†

anam v 1 [A; c1] take care of s.t. as fast or before the next comes around. Anamun (ianam) ku nig hákut sa táas, I will take these upstairs as fast as they arrive. 2 [A23] become gradually. Samtang sila nag-ínum, [41]nag-anam kapula ang íyang nawung, As they were drinking, his face gradually got redder and redder. pa- [A] waste time. Dì ku paanam sa úras, I won’t waste time.

-anan1 affix added to verbs to form nouns which have meanings analogous to the meanings of the local passive verbs. Cf. -an1. 1 place or person for whom s.t. is done. Palitánan sa bugas, Place one buys rice. Lingkuránan, Seat. Hatagánan sa limus, Persons to whom the alms are given. 2 thing to which s.t. is to be done. Labhanan, Wash to be done. Handumánan, Keepsake (thing which one thinks back on).

-anan2(→) alternant of -an2 used with roots that have a short penultimate vowel that is dropped on suffixation. Maghagkanan sa tiil sa birhin, They kiss the feet of the Virgin.

an-an n k.o. small tree of thickets: Buchanania arborescens.

ananaklaw (from saklaw) n k.o. tiny house spider that jumps on its prey.

ananakyud (from sakyud) n k.o. bird of the seashore that moves its buttocks up and down.

ananamsi n k.o. small timber tree.

anananggal n k.o. unglù who, when under his supernatural spell, detaches the portion of his body above the waist from the lower portion and flies away with trailing intestines in search of his prey, leaving the lower portion. This detachment occurs only at night, and the anananggal dies if the sun strikes any portion of the separated body. He can also be killed by putting salt on the lower portion. see also tanggal.

ananangkil (from sangkil) n k.o. small hawk with black and brown speckles on a light brown and white background.

anapug n 1 k.o. soft shale. 2 soft coral rock. -an n place where there is shale or coral rock. -un a full of shale, coral rock.

ánas v [B; c1] landslide. Muánas (maánas) gánì kanang búkid, malubung giyud mung búhì, If there is a landslide on that mountain, you’ll be buried alive. Kun mukusug ang ulan, iánas kanang ímung baul, If it rains hard, your field will be washed down.

ánaw1 v [A; a12] determine truth by careful deliberation. Anáwa ang tahù úsà ipublikar, Verify the report before publishing it.

ánaw2 n area of the surface of the sea which has a different texture from the surrounding area, usually visible when the sea is calm.

anawnsir n 1 announcer. 2 dispatcher of buses and jeeps (slang). v [A13; a12] be, make into an announcer.

anay1 (from ina) n 1 sow. 2 woman that is a mother. Dílì ka ángay nga mag-istiwardis kay anay ka na, You are not fit to be a stewardess because you are a mother now. -un, -un(←) n pig raised to bear a litter. v [A; a12] raise to be a sow. Anayúnun ni nátung baktin, Let’s use this piglet for a sow. -l-un(←), -unun(←) a for a woman that is nursing to be thin like a sow that has been nursing her litter.

anay2 (from ina) exclamation uttered in fear. Anay! Náay íhu! Help! Sharks!

ánay1 n termite. v [a4b4] be infested with termites. Gianáyan (giánay) ang balay, The house was infested with termites.

ánay2 = únà (dialectal). paN- n 1 first born. Mu ni si Bingbing ámung pangánay, This is Bingbing, our eldest child. 2 one who bears a child for the first time. Pangánay ka ra ba ayaw paghárig katúlug, This is your first time to bear a child. Don’t sleep too much.

-anay alternant of -ay1.

anay-anay n k.o. small fish of shallow water belonging to the family Blennidae.

anda1 give me. Anda ug súpas bi kay gigútum ku, Give me some cookies because I’m hungry.

anda2 be gone! leave! (Biblical usage). Anda, Samuel sa paglakat, Be gone, Samuel. Be on your way.

andadur n walker on rollers for a baby to learn to walk on. v [A1; a12] obtain, make into, use a walker. Makalakaw na siya apan mag-andadur, He can walk, but only with a walker.

*andak paN- v [A] boast that one can do s.t. Nagpangandak siya nga musúkul siya nímu bísan anus-a, He was boasting that he would stand up to you any time. n boasting that one can do s.t. -an(→) a boastful about things one can do. v [B12] get to be boastful. Nagkaandakan siya samtang nagkasuhitu sa pag-áyu sa makina, He got so he claimed he could do more and more as he grew better at fixing engines. mapaN-un, maN-un a over-confident. Mapangandákung tingúhà, Over-ambitious in one’s aims.

andam a prepared. Andam ka na sa pagtubag? Are you prepared to answer? Andam na ang tanan, Everything is ready. v [A; c1] prepare s.t. Kinsay muandam sa pagkáun? Who will prepare the food? Mag-andam ka sa kamatáyun, Prepare for death. n preparation for a banquet. Dílì dakù ang andam níla sa kumbira, They did not make big preparations for the banquet. paN- v [A] 1 prepare. 2 get ready for, be on guard. [42]Pangandam sa banhig, Be ready for an attack. n preparation. mapaN-un a watchful.

andamyu n gangplank. v [A1; a] make into, put a gangplank to s.t.

andána n 1 storey. 2 deck of a multi-decked ship. v [b6] construct a house in storeys.

andar v 1 [A] for s.t. mechanical to run. Dílì muandar ang awtu, The car won’t start. 2 [A2] for a peculiar trait to show itself. Miandar na pug íyang pagkahinugsū́g, His fondness for teasing is making its appearance again. 3 [A2; b2] make trouble. Giandaran níya ang tindíra, He made trouble for the salesgirl. n the way an engine runs. Maáyu ug andar ang ákung makina, My machine runs well. hiN- a fond of making trouble.

andarul n 1 k.o. chair for an infant suspended from a springpole or from springs in which the baby can bounce around. 2 = andadur.

andas n a stretcher-like contraption used to carry a corpse. v [A12] make into, carry in a stretcher-like contraption. Andásun níla ang minatay, They will carry the body in a stretcher.

*andaw tuli — circumcised naturally from birth, born with the glans penis exposed.

andáyag n medicine of snake feces, herbs, bark for stomach complaints.

andáyun = undayun.

anding n title for an older female to whom one is related.

andir a 1 short for andir dibúnal, bakyà, sáya be dominated, subjugated to one’s wife. 2 subordinate to. Andir ku ni Kapitan Santus, Captain Santos is my superior. 3 be a student of. Andir ku ni Lúpis sa mat, I studied math with Lopez. 4 under the net in tennis, volleyball, etc. v 1 [A; a12] dominate. Dì giyud ku maandir, I will not be henpecked. 2 [B1256] get to be under s.o., student of s.o. 3 [B1256] for the ball to be under the net. 4 in phrases: — dibakyà, búnal, sáya = andir, 1. — ditíbul n s.t. given under the table. Ug way andir ditíbul dì mulusut ang ímung papílis, Your papers won’t get through without s.t. given under the table. v [A; c1] bribe. — grawun n underground place, cellar. Dúnay andir grawun ámung balay, Our house has a cellar. — gul n 1 the area directly beneath the goal in basketball. 2 being directly beneath the basket. Ayawg syát ug way andir gul, Don’t shoot if there is no one in the area under the basket. 3 a shot from directly beneath the basket. v 1 [A] man the area beneath the basket. 2 [A; c6] make a shot from directly beneath the basket. Inigpása nákù nímu iandir gul dáyun, When I pass you the ball, shoot from directly beneath the basket. — ids underage. v [B1256] be underage. — kúbir n undercover agent. v [B156] be an undercover agent. — pas n underpass. — tayim undertime in job. v [B6; b] do undertime.†

andu, andù1 v 1 [A1; a12] expect to realize s.t. out of s.t. Mag-andu kag hángin ánang pangitáa, You will get exactly nothing from that sort of livelihood. Unsay maandu mu ánang pagpúnay ug katúlug? What do you expect to get out of sleeping all the time? 2 [A; a] sum up, make an account of. Nag-andu siya sa mga butang nga wà gánì níya mahímu, She is counting up things for credit to get credit for them, when she hasn’t even done them. Ayaw kug paningli, kay ug andúhun nátù ag ákung nagastu nímu, dì ka kabayad, Do not try to collect what I owe you, because if we sum up all that I spent on you, you could never pay. 3 [A; b4(1)] lay open one’s cards. Kun makaandu na ka, dì ka na makapunù, When you have already laid your cards on the table, you cannot add any more cards. 3a pag- (inig-) pa but actually, when it came (comes) to the test (when the cards were laid on the table). Sígi siyang hangyù. Pag-andù pa, dì diay gustu, He kept begging, but when I finally agreed to it, he didn’t want to. Padatùdátù siya. Pag-andù pa, pubri kaáyu, He pretended to be rich. But when it came to the test, he turned out to be poor. n way — not certain. Wà pay andu ug maghíkay ba mi sa pyista, We’re undecided as yet whether to prepare for the fiesta. andúhay n confrontation. v [C] have a confrontation. Mag-andúhay ta arun mahúsay ang tanan, Let’s have it out to settle everything. anduhúnun n matter to be decided. Anduhúnun pa ning ákung pagpaiskuyla nímug midisína, I’m not sure whether we will send you to medical school.

andù2 n k.o. tall wild tuber the corm of which is eaten in times of famine: Amorphophallus campanulatus.

andù3 = angdù.

andúhaw = agumáa.

andúhay see andu.

ang short form: ng 1 subject marker. Nawálà ang libru, The book is lost. 2 marker for definite predicate. Ang íyang libru mauy nawálà, It was his book that was lost. 3 following a form meaning including, together with. Sitinta ang ábang, apil ang túbig, The rent is seventy pesos including the water. 4 preceding forms referring to quantity or measurement: each. Ang ábang, sitinta ang [43]búlan, The rent is seventy a month.

ánga1 n the fry of some kinds of goby.

ánga2 = ángal.

angáang = alangáang.

ángal v [B; b3] find s.t. to complain about. Unsa may angálan nímu sa trabáhu ug sayun man gáling? What is there to complain about when the job is so easy? -an a given to complaints.†

angalaskálas n k.o. green crab with splotches of dirty yellow between, 2½″–3″ in diameter, commonly found on wharves.

angan-ángan v [A; b5c1] delay awhile. Muangan-ángan ku ug pila ka minútu, I will wait for a few minutes more. Angan-angána (angan-angáni, iangan-ángan) ang ímung paglarga, Put off your departure.

ang-ang n 1 steps of stairs, ladder. 2 grade or year of a course. Náa pa siya sa ikaduhang ang-ang sa abugasíya, He is still in the second year of his law course. v [A3; a1] put steps into, make into steps. Ang-ángan lang nímug tulu ang hagdan, Just put three steps in the stairs. -an(→) n = ang-ang.

angat1 n teeth marks. Angat sa pinaakan sa hálas, Teeth marks of a snake.

*angat2 — sa as [such-and-such] approaches. Ínit ang kampanya angat sa iliksyun, The campaign went into high gear as elections approached. v [B145] for an event to approach. Nag-angat na ang pista, Fiesta time is approaching.

ángat v [A; ac] go, bring up a hill or place in the hills. Angátun sa mga turista ang bulkan sa Mayun, The tourists are going to climb Mount Mayon. Iángat ni nátù sa bū́d, We will bring this up the hill. paN- n tool for mountain-climbing. angatun a steep to climb.

ángay ought to. Ángay kang magtuun arun makapasar ka, You ought to study if you want to pass. Dì nà ángay nímu ikabaláka, You should not worry about that. a 1 fitting, proper, right time or situation. Ángay ni nímung kulúra, This color suits you. 2 evenly cut, equally spaced. Ángayng pagkaputul ang mga pánid, The pages are evenly cut. Ángayng pagkatisuk ang mga pásuk, The stakes are evenly spaced. v 1a [B3S6; b8] be appropriate. Miángay ang ímung ilung sa ímung nawung, Your nose goes well with your face. 1b [A23S] like s.t., consider s.t. suitable to one’s taste. Dílì ku muángay ánang tubà nga initlugan, I don’t like toddy mixed with eggs. 2a [A; a] make s.t. equal, even. Angáya ang káyu, Make the flame even. 2b [A; a12] tune a musical instrument. Angáyun ta ning pyánu, Let’s tune this piano. 2c [C; a12] treat each other equally, do s.t. equally to several people. Mag-ángay mig káun sa ámù. Way pinihig, We all eat the same food at home. Nobody gets anything special. Angáyun ta mug dukduk sa úlu, I will knock you all on your heads. 2d [C; b] be in agreement. Nag-ángay ang ílang mga disisyun, They were in agreement in their decisions. (→) walay —(→) a unbecoming, ugly. v [B12] be unbecoming, ugly. Mawalà kay angay ug itum isul-ub, It will not become you if you wear black. pa-, pahi- v [A; c] 1 put, place carefully in order. Gipaángay (gipahiángay) níya ang búlak sa bukag, He placed the flowers carefully in the basket. 2 furnish. Gipaangáyan mig pridyidir, We were furnished a refrigerator. pa-(→) v [A; b] make s.t. even. Paangayi ang linung-ag, Let the food get cooked evenly. -an(→) a for a person to be becoming, proper. v [B] get to be becoming. Nagkaangayan ka sa ímung úban, Your grey hairs become you more and more. ka-an n just, equal treatment. ma-un n just, equal. Maangáyung pagbáhin sa kabílin, A just division of the inheritance. maki-un a tending to be on equal terms with everyone.

angdù v [A; a12] consent. Dílì siya muandù ánang paagíha kay lángan, He won’t consent to doing it that way because it’s too slow. Andúun ka lang ug dílì siya mubúhat sa gisúgù, He will just say yes to you and then won’t do what you told him to. ma-un a readily giving one’s consent.

anggà n nickname. Si Bituy ang ákung anggà, My nickname is Bitoy. v [A; c] give a nickname. Gianggáan siya ug pakà, They nicknamed him ‘frog’.

anggal n 1 birds that have their full feathers but cannot fly yet. 2 for children to be nearly grown up. Ayaw paghulat nga hungitun ka sa ímung inahan, anggal ka na, Don’t wait for your mother to feed you. You’re grown-up now. a grown-up and still unable to speak properly.

anggid = amgid.

angguy n familiar term of address for boy or man much younger than speaker: sonny, lad. Purbída, angguy, lisud nà kung masukù, If he gets angry, lad, he is hard to control. v [A13; a12] call s.o. angguy.

anghal v [B] become ajar. pa- v [b5] keep s.t. ajar. Paanghála (paanghali) ang pultahan arun makítà sila, Keep the door ajar so we can see them.

anghaw = anghal.

anghil n 1 angel. 2 short for — magbalantay. [44]Gibyáan siya sa íyang anghil, Her guardian angel left her. v [A12; b2] save s.o. like a guardian angel. Ang paghut sa irù nakaanghil kay nakamata ku, The dog’s barking saved me in the nick of time because I woke up. — magbalantay n guardian angel.

anghilika n k.o. flowering herb, cultivated and wild, which has large succulent, ovoid, undulating leaves from which new plants sprout: Bryophyllum pinnatum.

anghinghu = ahinghu.

anghit a smell bad like the body, rancid meat, milk, goats, cows. v [B; b6] get to smell bad. Muanghit ang rípridyirítur ug butangan ug karni sa kanding, The refrigerator will smell if you put goat meat into it. ka- n foul smell. Ang kaanghit sa litsi dílì kaáyu ísug, Milk does not have a terribly strong smell.

angíing = alangíing.

angílan = alangílan.

ángin v [A; c1] bring s.t. to ruin together with it. Ang ínum nakaángin sa ákung pagtuun, Drinking brought my studies to ruination. Daghang kinabúhing naángin pagkahúlug sa trák, Many people lost their lives when the bus fell.

angitngit = alangitngit.

angka v 1 [B4] for s.t. to get loose, give way. Muangka dáyun ang tikud sa sapátus, The heels of the shoes will come off right away. Miangka ang silya tungud sa íyang kabug-at, The chair gave way because she was too heavy. 2 [c1] remove s.t. to leave a gap. Ayaw iangka (angkáha) ang tabun sa kaldíru, Do not lift the cover off the pot. 3 [A23; b3] quit doing s.t., a job. Muangka ka na nga wà pay úras? You’re quitting now, when it hasn’t even been an hour? Hápit na mamatay, piru wà gihápun muangka ang ugis, The white cock was nearly dead, but he didn’t desist.†

angkab v [A; ab7] take a big bite. Angkábun (angkában) ku ug kausa ning ímung mansánas, May I take one big bite from your apple? n bite, result of the bite. Dakug angkab ang irù, The dog has a big bite.

angkas v 1 [A; b] ride mounted on s.t. Bátang nag-angkas ug kábaw, A child mounted on a water buffalo. 2 [AC; c] ride double on a cycle or horse. Nag-angkas sila sa mutur, They rode one behind the other on the motorcycle. Iangkas ta ka sa bisiklíta, I’ll take you on the back of my bicycle. -anan n carrier at the back part of the bicycle.

angkat v [A; a12] take s.t. for resale on credit. Angkátun sà run nákù ang isdà kay walà kuy puhúnan, I’ll take the fish on credit this time because I have no capital. n amount for which s.t. is taken on credit. Dì ni ikabaligyà ug tris kay kwatru ang angkat áni, I can’t let you have it for three because I had to pay four for it. maN-l-, maN-r- n one who obtains things for sale on credit.

angkla n 1 anchor. 2 anchor-type contraption used for fishing for squid. v [A12; a12] obtain, make into an anchor.

angkub n a covering over the opening of a small boat, the analogue of a deck on large boats. v 1 [AN; b5] make, put a cover for a boat. Ílang angkubun (angkuban) ang sakayan ug playwud, They will make a plywood cover for the boat. 2 [AN; ac] fill s.t. in to cover up a deficiency. Angkúba ra ang lab-ang sa ímung pinintálan, Fill in the spots you missed painting. Angkúbi ang kúwang sa ákung twisyun, Make up the balance of my tuition fees. Iangkub kining usa ka gantang humay arun mahustung usa ka bákid, Add this one ganta of rice to make it one cavan. a 1 for boats to be covered, having an angkub. 2 complete, nothing lacking. Angkub ang ímung paghátag kanámù sa diriksiyun, You gave complete directions.

angkun v [A; a12] claim as one’s own, admit authorship of an act. Dì siya muangkun nga siyay may salà, He will not admit that he is wrong. Kinsay nag-angkun nga iyáha ning libru? Who is claiming that this book is his? 2 [A2; a12] acquire, get as one’s portion, share or luck. Mau niy pálad ákung naangkun, This is my lot in life. 2a [A23] be in a certain situation. Dílì siya gustung muangkun sa kinabúhing pinubri, He does not want to lead the life of a poor man. 3 [A3; a12] take as one’s share of contributions or responsibility. Akuy muangkun sa ilimnun, I’ll take care of the drinks. Angkúnun ku ang panghúgas sa plátu, I’ll take care of washing the plates. n share claimed, turn being claimed. Ákung angkun ning lutíha, This lot is my share. Ákung angkun sa pag-adurnu sa simbahan ugmà, It’s my turn to decorate the church tomorrow. maN-r- n one who lays claim to things that are not his. hiN-, -íru a fond of claiming as one’s own.

anglit n small earthen pot. Anglit ray lung-ági kay duha ra ta, Just cook in the small earthen pot because there is only two of us. v [A12; a12] get, make into a small earthen pot.

angsu a smelling of urine. Angsu ang ílang kasilyas, Their toilet smells. v [BN; b6] become smelly. ka- n foulness. angsúhan n 1 k.o. small ash-grey shark that has an odor [45]like urine. 2 = alangsúhan.

angsud a 1 having body odor. Kalígù na kay angsud ka na kaáyu, Take a bath. You have awful b.o. 2 = angsu. v [BN] have b.o.

angtad a be in line of sight. Angtad ra sa bintánà ang tíbi, You can watch TV through the window. Maigù giyud nà siya kay angtad kaáyu siya sa ákung punting, I can hit him because he is in my line of fire. v [B; c1] be where one can see it. Naangtad (miangtad) sa ákung mga mata ang ugdu sa íyang dughan, Her bulging breasts were right in my line of sight. Ug ímung ibutang ang sámin dinhi muangtad (maangtad) sa sílaw sa adlaw, If you put the mirror here, the sun’s rays will be reflected directly off of it. pa- v [A; ac] put s.t. in the line of sight. Ang nawung bayà sa nagpaangtad, mu ra ug gwápa, Some nerve of her to make herself the center of attention, as if she were beautiful.

angtud a having the smell of burnt hair, cloth, or flesh without fat. v [BN; b6] smell of burnt hair. Náay nangangtud kay nagsúnug siya sa balhíbu, S.t. smells bad because he is burning feathers. angturun a smelling somewhat of burnt feathers.

anguangu v [a4] be senile. Gianguangu ka na, You’re getting senile. anguanguhun a somewhat senile.

angul, ángul v [B126] be injured to the point of incapacity. Tulu ang naángul sa aksidinti, Three people were injured in the accident. (→) n injured and incapacitated persons or animals. Ang mga angul giíhaw, The injured animals were slaughtered. Angul nga bitiránu, Incapacitated veteran. angul-angul v [A13; a12] satisfy only partly. Angul-angulun man ku nímu sa diyútay nga pagkáun, I won’t get full with just a little food.

angulunkulun n k.o. large black hornet, the dwelling of which looks like a clay pot (kúlun).

angus = angsu.

angut, ángut1 a disfigured by pockmarks or large scars. v [B2] be disfigured by thick pockmarks or large scars.

ángut2 v [A2; c1] 1 last long. Makaángut kahà nang nagpinal hangtud matígum ang tanang anak? Can the dying man last until all his children get here? Iángut (angúta) ang ginamus hangtud tápus búlan, Make the salted fish last until the end of the month. 2 persevere, have strength to endure. Dì na ku makaángut ug saka sa hagdan, I don’t have the strength to climb the stairs.

anhà there, far from the first person, near the second person; or near s.t. remote in time but just referred to. Anhà ibutang ang mga mangga, Put the mangoes down near you. Anhà ra bítaw nà, You’ll get it (lit. it will be there) in good time. — pa that’s the only time [so-and-so] will happen. Anhà pa ku makaawtu ug makadaug ku sa swipstik, I could get a car only if I were to win the sweepstakes. — ku I bet on. Anhà ku sa putì, I will bet on the white cock. v 1 [A2; b3c] go there. Muanhà ku dihà, I will go there. 2 [A13; a2] go get s.t. Kinsa may nag-anhà nímu dihà gahápun? Who went to get you yesterday? Anháun ku nà rung hápun, I will go to your place for it this afternoon. anhaan v [A13] habitually go s.w. hi-/ha- v [B1256; b8] happen to go, be brought. Nahaanhà sa inyu ang librung ipaari untà nákù, The book which was supposed to be sent to me, wound up in your place. kaanhaun a feel like going s.w.

anhi 1 here, in this place. Anhi ibutang ang síya, Put the chair here. 2 let’s get to [such-and-such] a matter. Karun anhi kita báhin sa túbig nga gawíun sa panimalay, Now let’s get to the matter of water for household use. v 1 [A2; b3c] come, bring here. Muanhi ka ba ugmà? Will you come here tomorrow? Ianhi nà dinhi, Bring it here. 2 [A13; a2] come to get s.t. Nag-anhi ku sa libru, I came for the book. Anhíun ta ka rung hápun, I’ll come here to get you this afternoon. anhian v [A13] habitually go s.w. hi-/ha- v [B1256; b8] happen to come, be brought here. Nahianhi lang mi dinhi sa ámung libutlíbut, In our wandering, we wound up here. kaanhiun a feel like coming here.

anhin, anhing the late. Si anhing Uy, The late Uy. v [B1256; a12] be, become dead, kill. Anhíngun ta ka run ug magbinúang ka nákù, I will kill you if you make a fool of me.

anhuy a smell of boiled starchy foods which have been burnt. v [BN; a2] for boiled starchy foods to smell burnt. Ang kamúti maanhuy ug pahubsan, The sweet potatoes will get a burnt odor if you let the water boil away.

áni v [A; a12] 1 harvest (usually rice, but by extension, other crops). 2 get benefit from s.t. Way maáni sa ímung pagsúgal, You can get no benefit from your gambling. n harvest. Dakù mig áni nga humay rung tuíga, We had a big rice harvest this year. -in- n harvested rice or millet.

anía short form: nía is here, where you and I are. Anía si Pidru sa Sibu, Pedro is here in Cebu. Aníay dus písus, Here is two pesos. Mau kanay nía sa ákung hunàhúnà, That is [46]what is (here) in my mind. — kanákù 1 I have. 2 I’m menstruating.

aniag = taniag.

ánib1 n 1 chapter in a book. 2 a span of time in one’s life. Ang panahun sa gúbat mauy usa ka maitum nga ánib sa ákung kinabúhì, The war period was a dark chapter in my life.

*ánib2 ka- allies. Ang mga huk kaánib sa mga kumunista, The Huks are allies of the Communists. v [C2; c] be allies.

aníbal n syrup. v [A; a1] make, have syrup.

anibirsaryu n anniversary. v [A; b6] celebrate one’s anniversary. Anibirsaryúhan giyud níla ang pitsa sa kasal, They will celebrate their wedding anniversary.

aníbung n fishtail palm: Caryota spp. It is found in forests and used as flooring.

anig-ig v [B46] for a stream to flow slowly and gently. Nag-anig-ig ang sapà kay taudtaud na mang way ulan, The brook is flowing slowly and gently because it has not rained for some time.

aníhag (from síhag) v 1 [A; c1] peer or look through s.t. transparent. Dihay mianihag (nag-anihag) sa bildung takup, S.o. peered through the glass shutter. 2 [B26] be clearly visible through s.t. transparent. Muanihag ang mga isdà kun tin-aw ang túbig, You can see the fish clearly when the water is clear. Maanihag ang íyang láwas sa nipis nga sinínà, Her body showed through her flimsy dress. 3 [B] become clear or transparent. Muanihag (maanihag) ang bildu kun trapúhan, The glass will become transparent if you wipe it. 4 [B4N] become bright and clear. Mianihag (nanganihag) na ang kadaúgan sa kandidátu, The candidate’s victory is already clear. Nagkaanihag na ang lángit, The sky is getting clearer. n crystal ball.

anii n shade tree: Erythrina fusca.

anikad = aninikad.

anílaw n name given to trees of the genera Columbia and Grewia. The anílaw are small trees or shrubs found in second growth forests.

anilyu n 1 game in which a number of one-inch rattan or metal rings with ribbons are suspended at a height within reach of a player riding a bicycle. The contestants speed towards them holding a dart, trying to hook a ring with it. 2 the ring used in such a game. v [A13; b6] play anilyu.

animal n vile, brutal person. Buhíi ku, animal! Let me go, you beast! v [B] become a vile person.

animar v [A; b5] encourage. Ikaw giyuy nag-animar níla sa binúang, You encouraged them to be naughty. Akù siyang gianimar (gianimahan) sa pagpaninda, I encouraged her to open a small store.

animas a 1 for a person to be emaciated and ugly in appearance. Pagkasakit níya sa tísis, daut siya kaáyu daw animas, When he got sick with TB he became thin, like a skeleton. 2 term of reproach: You beast! Paháwà dihà animása ka! Get out of there, you beast, you! paN- v [A2; b6(1)] say a prayer for the dead when the church bells ring at eight o’clock in the evening.

animasiyun n animation.

anímik, animiku n anemic. v [B] become anemic.

animu n consciousness, awareness. Nawad-an siya sa animu, She lost consciousness. Walà intáwuy animu ang bána sa gibúhat sa asáwa, The husband has no idea of what his wife is doing.

animya n anemia. v [a4] get anemia. Káun ug atay arun dílì ka animyáhun, Eat liver so you won’t get anemia.

anínag v [BN; b6] become visible. Mianínag ang usa ka hanap nga pahíyum sa íyang mga ngábil, A faint smile appeared on her lips. Wà pa manganínag ang adlaw, The sun had not yet appeared. Ang íyang nawung naaninágan sa ispat, Her face appeared in the rays of the flashlight.

anínaw v 1 [A; a12] observe carefully. Gianínaw níya kun natúlug na ba ang tanan únà manáug, She looked carefully to see, listened carefully to hear, if everybody was asleep before going out. 2 [A12; a3] come to sense s.t. Samtang natagpilaw siya, nakaanínaw siyag kasíkas sa píkas lawak, As he was dozing off to sleep, he noticed a rustling sound in the next room. Naanínaw ku nga buntag na diay, I became aware that it was already morning. n observation. Sa ákung anínaw wà siyay gustu nímu, I notice that she doesn’t like you.

anindut short form: nindut a nice, beautiful. Nindut ímung bistídu, You have a beautiful dress on. Kanindut sa pagkáun, What nice food! — nímu à sarcastic expression of disapproval. Nindut nímu à, ímung gilingkúran ang ákung kálù! How nice of you to sit on my hat! v [APB; a2] become, make s.t. beautiful. Kinsay munindut (mupanindut) sa intabládu? Who will beautify the stage? Nindúta ang ímung diskursu, Make your talk fancy. ma- a nice, beautiful.

aninikad (from síkad) n k.o. edible small conch which moves forward with a kicking-like [47]motion.

aniningsing (from singsing) n ring finger.

aniníput (from kíput) n firefly. Makaiksplikar ka ngánung musíga ang aniníput? Can you explain why the firefly lights up? kità ug — see stars. Suntuk nga nakapakakità nákug aniníput, A blow that made me see stars. paN- v [A23] see stars. Nanganiníput ákung panan-aw sa nasumbagan ku níya, I saw stars (lit. fireflies formed in my sight) when he struck me.

anínu n shadow. dakù ug — important, prominent person. v [A; a2] cast a shadow on. Muanínu ang káhuy sa tanáman, The tree will cast a shadow on the garden. paN- v [A2] reflect a certain feeling, for a feeling to reflect itself. Nanganínu ang kamatáyun sa íyang panagway (sa kamatáyun ang íyang panagway), Her face showed that she was a dying woman.

anipay n k.o. vine producing oval pods covered with irritating hairs: Mucuna nigricans.

anis n fennel. v [B6] cook s.t. with fennel. -ádu n flavored with fennel. v [a12] flavor s.t. with fennel.

ánis, ánist a 1 honest. 2 in earnest. Ánis ka, way klási? You’re not kidding me, are you? There’s no classes today? v [B12] be honest. Maánist man lang nà siya ug arayan ug bunal, He is honest only when they show him the whip. anisay v [A13] play without a referee, agreeing to call the points honestly. Mag-anisay lang ta kay wà may muripiri, We’ll just play honestly since there’s no referee. n playing without referee.

anis-is a immaculately white and smooth. Anis-is nga pamánit, Smooth, fair complexion. Anis-is ang lángit, The sky is smooth and white. v [B] become, make smooth and white. Muanis-is ang bisting putig labhag Tayid, White clothing becomes immaculate if you wash it with Tide.

anislag n k.o. shrub or small tree used for firewood: Securinaga flexuosa.†

anistisya n anesthesia. v [A; a12] anesthetize. Parabir ka upirahan, anistisyáhun úsà ka, Before you are operated, you will be anesthetized.

ánit n leather. Ang bag nga ánit mas lig-un kay sa plastik, A bag made of leather is much stronger than one of plastic. v [A; b] remove the skin, peels.†

anítu n supernatural beings which do not show themselves and do good to people. Ang mga anítu mag-uban kanímu sa inyung pánaw, May the good spirits accompany you in your trip!

aníyu n the short rope passed through the nose of a carabao to which the tether rope is joined. v [A; b] put an aníyu, use as an aníyu.

anlit n = anglit.

ansir n answer. v [A; c] answer a letter, question, problem. Ansíran ku na ba nang sulat? Shall I answer that letter? Unsay ákung iansir? What answer shall I give?

*ansiyánu n — sa simbahan church elder.

ansu = angsu.

ansuy v [A123P; b4] get infected. Ang húgaw nga túbig mauy nakaansuy (nakapaansuy) sa íyang samad, The dirty water caused his wound to get infected. Ansúyan ang samad, The wound will get infected.†

antad = angtad.

antagunismu n antagonism. Ang antagunismu tálì sa duha ka tríbu, The antagonism between the two tribes.

antáhay v [A3P; b1] hesitate, have second thoughts about doing s.t. Ang maldítung anak dì muantáhay sa súkul bisag ginikánan, The naughty child doesn’t hesitate to talk back to his own parents. Wà nà nákù antaháyig palit, I had no hesitations about buying that.

antak v [A; b36] stamp one’s foot. Ayaw kug antáki sa tiil, Don’t stamp your foot at me. Ayaw ug antáki ang kartun, Don’t stamp on the cardboard box.

antaw a for things at a distance to be visible. Ang Buhul antaw sa Talísay, Bohol is visible from Talisay. v [B156] be visible. Sa unáhan ang íyang balay nag-antaw, His house is visible in the distance. pa- v 1 [A; b6] be at a distance. Gipaantáwan níla ang namúhì ug dinamíta, They kept their distance from the dynamiters. 2 [A13] look at s.t. from a distant, detached point of view. Magpaantaw lang siya sa mga katarúngan ug dílì muapil sa lantúgì, He just takes a detached view of the reasons and doesn’t get into the argument. 3 [A13] be aloof. Sa mga tígum si Lúlit magpaantaw ug dílì muapil sa kulukabildu, At parties Lolette would keep to herself and not join in any of the conversations.

anti1 n k.o. erect branched weed, the leaves of which have a peppery taste and are used as a vegetable: Solanum nigrum.

anti-2 anti-. Anti-Amirikánu, Anti-American.

anti3 n 1 aunt, parent’s or grandparent’s sisters or their female cousins of any degree. 2 title given to such a relation.

antibayutiku n antibiotic.

antígu a know how to. Dì ku antígung mupasipála, I don’t know how to harm others. v [B123; b8] know how to do s.t. Makaantígu [48]ka ba nga mukuskus ug sista? Do you know how to play the guitar? Unsay ímung naantiguhan sa tantu nímung tuuntúun? What have you learned to do after studying so much? -in-(→) a requiring skill or know-how. Ang pagdala ug awtu sa syudad inantigu, It takes skill to drive a car in the city.

antíhay v 1 [A; c] dodge a blow. Wà níya iantíhay ang íyang kamut, mau nga naigù, He did not get his hand out of the way in time, so it was hit. 2 [A; b6] avoid a fight because of cowardice. Ikaw na lay ákung antiháyan? Do you think I would avoid a fight with you?

antikristu n anti-Christ.

antimánu v 1 [A; b5c1] do s.t. early before s.t. else happens. Muantimánu kug lakaw arun dílì hiabtan sa ulan, I will leave early before I get caught in the rain. Antimanúhun (antimanúhan) ta sila ug sulti arun dílì hiunhan, Let’s tell them early before s.o. else does. 2a [A3P; a12] kill s.t. with a single blow. Wà nímu maantimánug patay ang bábuy, You didn’t kill the pig at the first blow. 2b [A3P; b5c1] do s.t. immediately with finality. Iantimánu (antimanúhun, antimanúhan) giyud ang pagbalíbad arun dílì na magbalikbálik, You should refuse him with finality then and there so that he will not keep coming back. a for a killing to be done with one blow.

antína n antenna, aerial. v [A; a] put, make into an antenna.

anting-anting n a charm, amulet. Naghábak siya ug anting-anting arun dì siya madutlan sa bála, He is wearing an amulet so that bullets cannot penetrate him. v [A1; a] wear, have, make into an amulet. Gianting-antíngan ang igtalarì, The cock had a charm tied to it.

antipára n 1 eyeglasses. 2 diving goggles. v [AN; a] make into, wear eyeglasses or diving goggles.

antipas n mask covering the eyes. v [A1; ac] wear, obtain, make into a mask. Walà giyud mailhi ang kawatan kay nag-antipas man, They could not recognize the thief because he was wearing a mask.

antipatiku n antagonistic. v [B12; a] be, make s.o. antagonistic. Ayawg adtu sa íla kay giantipatikuhan ka sa íyang ginikánan, Don’t go to their house because her parents are antagonistic to you.

antipúlu n k.o. toilet with a long hole dug as the receptacle for waste.

antipun = awrúra1.

antipúna n a prayer in a novena or rosary, read by the leader.

antirábis n anti-rabies vaccine.

antis before doing s.t. Antis nímu lung-ága nà, hugási úsà, Wash it before you cook it.

antisiptiku n antiseptic.

antisípu n advance payment. Díay singku nga sabtun antisípu sa ímung kabáyù, Here is five pesos as down payment for your horse. v [A; c] give down payment.

antitirhi n genital organs (derogatory). Pagtárug lingkud arun dílì makítà ang ímung antitirhi, Sit properly so you don’t display your genitalia to the whole world.

antiúhus, antiyúhus n eyeglasses. v [AN2; a] wear, make into, get eyeglasses. Kadtung nag-antiyúhus si Pidru, The one wearing eyeglasses is Pedro.†

antū̀ = antúlu.

antúan n medium-sized tree of second growth forests: Pittosporum pentandrum.

antúbung n k.o. large, branching coral.

antud a = angtud.

antug1 v [A; c] 1 toss the coin in a coin-tossing game (hantak). Ayaw ug antúgi ning batúha, Don’t toss coins on this stone. 2 slam s.t. down as a coin is slammed down. Iantug ta ka run, I’ll throw you on the ground (said to a child one is holding in his arms). 3 shoot the ball in a basketball game. Inigkagunit níyag búla muantug dáyun, The moment he gets hold of the ball, he shoots it right away. n turn to toss the coin. -an(→) n place on which coins are thrown in hantak. -un(→) n coins used in hantak.

antug2 a rather heavy to lift. Antug ra kanang malíta nímu, That suitcase is too heavy for you. Antug nga káhuy, Dense and heavy wood. v [B2] become heavy.

antúhuy = anhuy.

antúlang (not without l) n k.o. big bivalve, the empty shells of which are used for decorative purposes.

antulánga n hibiscus. — nga lut-ud n double or triple petaled hibiscus. — nga asul n a blue hibiscus, cultivated as an ornamental: Hibiscus syriacus.

antulíhaw n k.o. small yellow-colored bird. -un a having the yellowish color of this bird.

antúlù v [B2] pause in surprise, be taken aback. Miantū̀ (naantū̀) siya sa pultahan pagkadungug sa singgit sa sulud, He paused in surprise at the door when he heard the cry within.

antus v [A; a1] 1 endure, stand. Mag-antus arun masantus, Endure if you are to become a saint. Makaantus ka ba sa kabahù sa lápuk? Can you stand the stench of the mud? [49]Antúsun ku na lang ang íyang mga pagtámay kanákù, I will just endure his words of disparagement. 2 suffer. Nag-antus siyag dúgay úsà mamatay, She suffered for a long time before she died. -l-un a needing endurance, perseverance. Alantúsun kaáyu ning batáa kay mahilak, This child needs patient handling because he is very sensitive. ma-in-un, ma-un a patient, persevering. Ang mainantúsun nga kinaíya ni Husi mauy makapalampus níya, Jose’s patient nature will make him succeed.

antutu v [B46; b6] pour forth smoke in quantities. Dakù giyung hikáya kay nag-antutu ang kusína, It must be a big feast because their kitchen has been belching forth smoke.

antuwánga = antulánga.

anu = unsa (dialectal).

ánud v [AP; c1] for the current to carry s.t. off. Ang bahà nag-ánud (nagpaánud) sa ílang balay, The flood washed their house away. Walà siya anúra (iánud) sa lawud, He wasn’t carried off into the deep. (→) n 1 things carried away by floodwater. 2 a person who just drifted s.w. or into s.t. Usa lang siya ka anud sa pulitika, He is s.o. who just drifted into politics. 3 = pa-(→). pati- v [A; c1] allow oneself to go with the current, but with control. Kun kapúyun siya sa paglinánguy mupatiánud lang siya sa sulug, When she becomes tired of swimming, she just lets herself drift in the current. Patianúrun (ipatiánud) námù sa luyu sa sakayan ang bugkus sa káhuy, We will let the bundle of wood be carried along behind the boat. pa-(→) n drift net which is left to float in the sea and catches fish by the gills. paN- n cloud. kapanganúran n clouds. panganúrun n spirits of children that have died unbaptized that are believed to be wafted in the skies.

anugas n k.o. small tree which is a violent contact poison: Semecarpus cuneiformis.

anúgun short form: núgun (from hinúgun) what a pity, it is a waste. Anúgun sa ímung nawung, I expected more of you. (Lit. Your nice face is just being wasted.) Anúgun nga walà siya dinhi, What a pity he’s not here! v [B1256; b6] consider s.t. a waste. Naanúgun na lang ang kwarta, The money just went to waste. Gianugnan ku sa mga patátas nga gipanglábay, I considered it a waste that the potatoes should be thrown away. paN- v [A12] feel bad about s.t. wasted. Nanganúgun ku sa kwartang giusíkan, I feel bad about the money that went to waste.

anugut n torch made from dried coconut blossom sheaths.

anúhus = anúus.

*anuk, *ánuk pa- v [A3; b(1)] keep cooked food over the embers so that it will be evenly cooked. Ayaw haúna inighubas, paanuki úsà, Don’t remove the pot when the water evaporates. Let it stay over the fire.

anular v [A; a12] annul, void. Anulahun ang kuntrátu kay walay pirma, The contract will be annulled because it has no signature.

anumalíya n anomaly, usually said euphemistically of fraudulent transactions.

-anun adjective forming affix added to roots which are nouns and which usually occur in the alternant -nun, with the a of the penult dropped. 1 having the characteristics of [noun]. Hariánun nga balay, A palatial (lit. kingly) house. Yawan-ung hunàhúnà, Devilish thoughts. 2 being from [such-and-such] a place or like s.t. from that place. Dagatnun nga mga binúhat, Creatures of the sea. Bul-ánun, One from Bohol. Bukidnun, A mountaineer.

an-un = unsáun (dialectal). see unsa.

anúnang1 n name given to sharks that look like sawfishes and guitarfishes.

anúnang2 n k.o. small tree with a yellow-white fruit like a cherry, round and with a single pit: Cordia dichotoma. The fruit is mucilaginous and is used for paste. A sticky sap in the inner portion of the bark is scraped off for poultices.

anúnas n k.o. heart-shaped fruit similar to átis: Anona reticulata.

anunimus n anonymous person. Anunimus ang nagpadala sa sulat, The person who sent the letter remained anonymous.

anunsiyu n announcement. v [A; c] announce. Ianunsiyu sa radyu, Announce it over the radio.

anunugba (from sugba) n moth that gathers around a light at night. v [B1256] be, become a moth.

anunugbu (from sugbu) n k.o. brown edible fresh-water crab reaching 3″ in diameter, usually used as bait in bantak fishing.

anupug = anapug.

anup-up = alup.

ánur a an honor student. v [B1236] make the honor roll. Nakaánur (naánur) ku kas-a, I made the honor roll once. — rul honor roll. v = ánur.

anus-a when? (future). Anus-a nímu dad-a? When will you bring it? Anus-a pa gud ku mutúu! I certainly would not believe that! (Lit. When would I ever believe that?)

anut n second growth. v [B13(1)6; b4] become a second-growth forest. Ang kaíngin [50]kaniadtu hápit na pud maanut, What was once a clearing is now practically a jungle again.

anutasiyun n annotation.

anúus n soot. anak sa — a very dark-complexioned person. v [A23; b(1)] give off soot. Ug muanúus ang sugà, pagamyi ang pabílu, If the lamp gives off soot, shorten the wick.

anuwal n a school yearbook. v [A1] publish, get a yearbook.

anyag a for s.t. in nature or women to be beautiful. v [AB2; b5] become, make beautiful. Naanyag si Maríya human siya mamulbus, Maria became beautiful after she powdered herself. ka- n beauty. Ang kaanyag sa palíbut, The beauty of the surroundings. ma- a beautiful.

anyil n bluing for wash. v [A; b6] put bluing in wash.†

anyu n 1 a certain year. Unsang anyúha ka matáwu? What year were you born? 2 [such-and-such] a grade, year in school. Ang ákung bátà sigundu anyu na sa hayskul, My son is already a sophomore in high school. — nuybu New Year. v 1 [AN] celebrate New Year’s. Manganyu nuybu (mag-anyu nuybu) ku dinhi, I will celebrate New Year’s here. 2 [B256] get to be New Year’s.

anyus following a number of Spanish origin: [so-and-so] many years. Bayinti anyus na ku dinhi, I have been here for twenty years.

apa = apla.

ápa n thin pastry of the sort used as ice cream cones or wrappers of egg rolls. 1a ice cream cone. 1b by extension, crackers. v [A1; a12] make, make into thin pastry.

apáhap = alapáhap.

apáli n k.o. oval-shaped, smooth-textured yam, cultivated and growing wild: Dioscorea esculenta.

apan1 but, on the contrary. n defect in a person. Táwu nga walay apan, A person without defect. v [A12] constitute the defect in s.o. or s.t. Maáyu ang lawlaw. Ang nakaapan bukugun, Salted sardines are good; the only thing wrong with them is that they are boney. apan-ápan v [A13; b6] keep saying ‘but’ to avoid doing s.t. Lakaw na, way apan-ápan, Get going, no but’s about it. Mag-apan-ápan siyag sugúun, He keeps saying ‘but’ when you tell him to do s.t.

apan2, apan-apan1 = alisiwsiw.

apan-apan2 n dish prepared from the young stems of kangkung cut into strips, cooked with spices and vinegar. v [A; c1] prepare apan-apan.

ap-andawun n the situation in a game of mahjong where to obtain mahjong (go out) the player needs to complete only a single straight (sequences of three pieces in numerical order) such that either the lower number of the higher number will complete the sequence. E.g., if a player is complete for mahjong except for one straight for which he has only the pieces five and six, he needs either seven or four to make the straight complete and get mahjong, and thus he is in the ap-andawun situation.

ap-ap = alap-ap.

apapángig n jaws. v [a12] hit in the jaw. -un a have prominent jaws. v [B1246] get a prominent jaw.

aparadur n wardrobe, cupboard. Ibutang ang sud-an sa aparadur, Put the food in the cupboard. v [a12] make into cupboard, wardrobe.

aparátu n apparatus.

aparisyun n apparition.

apartmin, apartmint n apartment. v [A1; a2] get, make, make into apartments.

ápas v 1 [A2; a12b2] follow and catch up with. Muápas níya ang íyang asáwa sa Rúma, His wife will join him in Rome. 2 [A; a12] go after s.o. to bring him home. Apása siya sa iskuyláhan, Go get him at school. 3 [A; a12] go as high as [such-and-such] an amount in buying s.t. Dílì ku muápas (muapas) ug bayinti sa ímung bábuy, I will not go as high as twenty for your pig. n 1 amount offered in bargaining after an original offer was made. Kwatru ni. Dì mahímug tris. Pilay ímung ápas? This costs four pesos. Three is not enough. How high will you offer? 2 s.t. uttered to s.o. leaving as a reminder. Ápas pahinumdum, A reminder as he is leaving. 3 — sumpay n sequel. Ang ‘Fili’ ni Risal ápas sumpay sa íyang ‘Noli’, Rizal’s ‘Fili’ is a sequel to his ‘Noli’. (→) 1 = ápas, 3. 2 [A12; b(1)] catch up, overtake. Dì ku makaapas nímu sa lumbà, I can not overtake you in a foot race. Hiapsan ku sa ulan, I will be caught in the rain. 3 [A12; a3] get meaning of. Dílì nákù maapas ang íyang gisulti, I cannot get what he’s talking about. 4 [A12; a2] keep up with work. Dílì siya makaapas ug utaw sa ákung paglaba, He cannot keep ironing as fast as I wash. Apasun ku ning trabáhu, I will keep up with the work. 5 effect s.t. Dílì maapas sa tambal, The medicine cannot help. 6 [A13; a12] be after s.t. Nag-apas ka lang sa íyang sápì, You’re only after her money. apas-apas v [A] keep doing one after another. Nag-apas-apas ug abut ang mga bisíta, The [51]visitors kept coming, one after another. apas-ápas v [A; a12] run after. Giapas-ápas siya sa íyang trátu, Her boyfriend ran after her. pa- = paagpas. see agpas. apsunun, alapsunun a requiring instant attention. Ayaw kug langána kay apsunun ning trabáhu, Don’t delay me because this work needs instant attention.

apat [so-and-so] would be, would have been better. Apat magtuun ka kay sa magdúlà, You’d do better to study than to play. Apat pag ímung gipalit ug baktin, You would have done better to buy a pig with the money. — kay the situation was fine except s.t. happened to make it bad. Apat kay wà tà tu maghilak, ímung gihilabtan, He wasn’t crying. What did you have to mess with him for? Apat kay dì ku muuban, gipugus. Naapil ku sa kasábà, I didn’t want to go with you, but you forced me. Now I got in trouble along with you. n action of saying ‘apat’. Walay apat nga mag-una, The apat (‘it would have been better’) always comes afterwards.

ápaw v [B23(1); b(1)] for the surface level of water to rise above s.t. Wà maápaw ang túbig sa bugas, The water was not enough to submerge the rice. Muápaw ang bahà sa taytáyan ug mukusug ang ulan, The flood will rise above the bridge if there is a downpour. Giapáwan sa sabaw ang sálad, The salad was submerged in the sauce.

apay1 n salad made of sweet potato tops. v [A; a] prepare a salad of sweet potato tops.

apay2 a pale-complexioned. Apay siya kay anímik, He is pale because he is anemic. v [B2N; b3] become pale. Miapay (naapay) siya sa kahadluk, She grew pale in fright.

apáyud n fan. v [A; b] 1 fan s.t. Ikay muapáyud sa kaláyu, You fan the fire. Apayúri ra ang mga bisíta, Fan the visitors. 2 make into a fan. paN- v [A13] fan oneself. Nangapáyud siya kay giinítan, She fanned herself because she felt hot.

apdu n 1 gall, bile. 2 s.t. bitter to endure. Apdu sa kamatuúran, The bitter truth. ispísu ug — brave.

ápid v [A; c1] arrange things of approximately the same size in a neat stack. Akuy muápid sa mga pinalantsa arun dì malum-it, I will stack the ironed clothes neatly so that they do not get crumpled. apid-apid 1 be stacked. 2 numerous. Apid-apid na ang íyang útang, He has debts to the ceiling. v [A; c1] 1 stack. 2 be numerous. Giapid-apid man gud níya ang íyang trátu, He has numerous sweethearts (lit. stacked them up).

apidábit n affidavit.

apíki a 1 inadequate in space. Apíki ang gamayng balay pára kanámung tanan, A small house is inadequate for all of us. 2 be in a tight financial position. 3 having little time. Apíki ang panahung itiwas sa trabáhu, There wasn’t enough time to finish the job. 4 homely to the point that one is hard put to find any redeeming feature. Apíkig nawung tanan íyang mga bátà, His children are all homely. 5 too near s.t. Apíki sa karsáda ang balay, The house is too near the street. 6 near. Apíki sa simbahan ang ámù, We live near the church. v 1 [B12; b(1)] get to be short of space, money, time. Ang pyánu nakaapíki (nakapaapíki) sa sála, The piano took up too much space in the living room. Hing-apikihan ku sa kwarta karun, I happen to be short of money now. 2 [A; a12b2] press s.o. by not giving him time or room for maneuver. Ayaw ku apikíha, dì lagi ku, Don’t try to force me. I told you I won’t. Dílì sila mubáyad ug dílì apikíhun, They won’t pay if you don’t press them. Naapikhan ku sa ahinti, mipalit na lang ku, The agent cornered me, so I just bought one.

apikta = apiktǎr.†

apiktǎr v [A; b(1)] affect. Dílì ku apiktahan (apiktaran) ug usa lang ka básu nga ram, One glass of rum isn’t enough to affect me.

apil a be included. Ang ábang sitinta apil ang sugà, The rent is seventy including light. walay — [subject] [subject] is not included. Wà kay apil sa dúlà, You are not included in the game. v 1 [A13; c1] include, put s.t. with s.t. else. Kinsay nag-apil sa ákung bulpin didtu sa sagbut? Who threw my ballpoint pen out with the trash? Apilun (iapil) ku ni ug lútù karung gabíi, I will include this in our dinner tonight. 2 [B26; b6] participate, take part in. Muapil ka sa ámung dúlà? Will you take part in our game? Maapil ka unyà sa kasábà, You might get scolded as well. apil-apil v [A] include oneself when one shouldn’t. Dílì ka muapil-apil ug isturya sa mga tigúlang, You must not insinuate yourself in the grown-ups’ conversation. manggiapil-apilun a given to including oneself in conversations. maN-r-(←) n participants.

apilar v [A; c] appeal to a higher court. Iapilar nátù ang kásu ug mapildi ta, We will appeal our case if we lose. apilasiyun n appeal to a higher court. Kurti diapilasyúnis n Court of Appeals.

apílu v [A2; b(1)] take sides with s.o. Ngánung muapílu ka man níya nga sayup man níya? Why do you take his side when he is [52]at fault?

apilyídu n surname. v [A1; c] have, give [such-and-such] a surname. Unáhun pagtawag ang nag-apilyídug Abad, Those who are named Abad will be called first. Giapilyidúhan siyag Krus gikúhà gíkan sa nagkúgus sa bunyag, He was surnamed Cruz, after his sponsor in baptism.

apindiks n the appendix in the body.†

apindisaytis n appendicitis. v [A123P; a4] cause, be afflicted with appendicitis.

áping n 1 cheek. 2 surface (metaphorical). Ang sakayan mitadlas sa áping sa dágat, The boat traversed the surface of the sea. paN- v [A2] for the cheeks to fill out. Uy katambuk na ni Lári. Nangáping na, Larry has gained weight. His cheeks have filled out. ka-an n the cheeks.

apínig v [A2; b(1)] side with. Apinígan nátù si Magsaysay karung iliksiyun, We’ll support Magsaysay this coming election.

apir n social affair.

ápir n 1 short for ápir baks upper box in a theater, boxing ring. 2 short for ápir kat upper cut in boxing. v [A2] hit with an upper cut. Pagbantay kun muápir si Balug, Watch out when Balug hits you with an upper cut.

ápir baks n upper box of a theater or boxing ring.

ápir kat n uppercut in boxing. v [A; a12] hit with an uppercut. Ápir katun bítaw siya ug sagunsun, plat lagi, He was hit repeatedly with an uppercut, and so he fell flat.

apirmatíbu a affirmative.

apisiyun n 1 craze for s.t. May apisiyun siya sa dyás, She is crazy about jazz. 2 have a knack for doing s.t. Wà kuy apisiyun sa panggansilyu, I have no great ability at crocheting. -áda, -ádu n having a passion for s.t. Apisyunádu siya sa baksing, He is a boxing fan. v [B12] develop a passion for s.t. Naapisyunáda siya sa bayli human makatilaw kas-a, She became passionate over dancing after she tried it once.

apítung n name given to three species of primary forest trees, source of timber and balaw resin: Dipterocarpus spp.

apla a 1 = aplud. 2 having a flat, insipid taste like tahuri beans. v [B; b6] become apla in taste.

aplay v 1 [A; b6] apply for a job. Giaplayan ba nímu ang trabáhu? Did you apply for the job? 1a try one’s hand at courting a girl (humorous). Ug wà pa kay trátu, muaplay ku, If you have no boy friend, I’d like to apply. 2 [AN; b6] apply cosmetics. Dì ka ba muaplay (mangaplay) ug mik-ap? Aren’t you going to put make-up on?

áp lay upsy-daisy. Íyang giaswat ang bátà ug miingun ‘áp lay’, He lifted the child and said ‘upsy-daisy’.

aplikasiyun n application.

aplud a having an insipid to slightly bitter taste with an astringent effect, such as unripe bananas. v [B; b6] get to have an aplud taste and texture. Ang tungug mauy makaaplud (makapaaplud) sa tubà, Mangrove bark is what gives the palm toddy its astringent taste.

Aprika n Africa. -na n African woman. -nu n African man.

aprindis, aprintis n apprentice. v [B136; a2] be, make into an apprentice.

apríta v [A; a2b2] 1 force s.o. to do s.t. by pressuring him. Hing-apritahan siya pagpatug-an, He was pressured into revealing the information. 2 [A; a12] hurry up, rush doing s.t. Mag-apríta tag lakaw kay umuúlan, Let’s walk fast because it’s about to rain. -du a pesteringly insistent.

apritáda (from prítu) n dish made of sauteed meat, peppers, peas, and potatoes or bananas. v [A; b2] make apritáda.

aprubar v [A; b(1)] approve a request. Aprubahan ku lang ning hangyù, I’ll just approve this request. aprubádu a 1 approved. 2 be in favor of s.t. Háin may ímung gustu? Aprubádu ka íning planúha? Which do you like? Are you in favor of this plan? 3 proven to be good. Ang Linimintu Sluwan aprubádu nga maáyu sa panakit sa kalawásan, Sloan’s liniment is proven the best for body pains. v [B1256] get to be approved. Ug maaprubádu ang ákung lún, If my loan is approved.

aptan see atup.

apu n grandchild. paN- v [A2] have grandchildren. Unsang idára ka nangapu? At what age did you have grandchildren? apuhan n grandparent. — sa sungkud, túhud, matag bagul Great, great-great, great-great-great grandchild, respectively.

ápù v [APB2S; c1P] pierce into or go into a hole as far as it will go, cause s.t. to do so. Siyay miápù (mipaápù) sa lansang, He drove the nail all the way in. Nag-apù ang gasulinadur ug kusug ang dágan, The accelerator was all the way down and it went fast. Nagkaapù na ang táwu sa lungag nga íyang gikubkub, The man is getting hidden beneath the hole he is digging. a gone all the way into a hole.

apud = aplud.

ápud v 1 [A; b5c] give each. Apúrun (apúran) [53]ta mu ug tagurha ka libru, I will give each of you two books. 2 [B15] to have [so-and-so-many] each. Nag-ápud silag pusil, They each have a rifle. 3 [A12] be enough for each to have a share. Kining prútas dílì makaápud kanátù, These fruits are not enough for all of us. maN- n cost one centavo each. Ang dulsi mangápud, The candies are one centavo each. pang- n distribution. Gipadayúnan ang pang-ápud sa humstid, They continued giving out homestead sites. apud-apud v [AN; c] distribute, divide among. Ang pusta giapud-apud sa daghang táwu, The bet was divided up among many people.

ápug1 n lime made from burnt seashells. v [A; a12] make lime. Mag-ápug ta pára mam-un, Let’s make lime for our betel chewing. -l-an n 1 lime container for tobacco or betel chewers. 2 lime factory.

ápug2 ‘no win’ in a kind of lottery where a black piece of paper, indicating no win, may be drawn. Walà pay nakadaug, pulus ápug ang nahulbutan, No one has won because all the numbers drawn turned out to be ápug. v 1 [B1256; a12] turn out to be ápug. 2 [B12] for a business to fail. Nagkaapug ang íyang nigusyu tungud sa íyang pagkasugarul, His business is failing because of his gambling.

ápul1 n coagulated blood. Dinhay daghang ápul namilit sa sundang, A lot of coagulated blood was sticking to the bolo. v [B3(1); b6] for blood to coagulate. Dílì makaápul (maápul) ang dugù kay atimanun ug trápu sa nars, The blood cannot coagulate because the nurse keeps wiping it away.

ápul2 n apple.

apung v 1 [A; b6] keep watch, wake over s.t. Miapung siya sa masakitun, She kept watch over the patient. Nag-apung ang purman sa nagtrabáhu, The foreman was watching the workers. Giapungan níla ang minatay, They kept wake over the body. 2 [A13; b6] stand around looking at s.t. Nag-apung siya ni Maríyang wà mutíngug níya, He was standing by, watching Maria, but she didn’t say anything. 3 [A3] be s.w. without doing anything, hang around a place. Nía ka na sad mag-apung sa tubaan, Here you are again, hanging around the toddy stand.

ápung v [A2; b(1)] for fish to gather in a mass. Sugà nga giapúngan sa mga bulinaw, Light that the anchovies were attracted to. n mass of fish.

apuntadur n prompter in a drama. v [B156] be the prompter.

apuntasiyun n prompting in a drama.

apunti v [A; c] record, list s.t. down. Akuy muapunti sa ímung gikúhà, I’ll write down the amount you borrowed.

*apuntin Alistu, —, puygu Ready, aim, fire!

apúpa a in the path of s.t. that comes from a general direction: rain, wind, smell, etc. Ang Sibu apúpa sa bagyu, Cebu is in the path of the storm. Apúpa ang ákung gilingkúran sa báhù, The place I’m sitting is right in the path of the smell. v 1 [B1256] get into the path of. 2 [cP] put in the path of. Ayaw iapúpa (ipaapúpa) ang bátà dihà. Banlásan námù ang salug, Don’t put the child in the way of the water we are going to splash over the floor. pa- v 1 [A; a1c] go into the path of. 2 [A; b6] place oneself in full view of s.o. Nagpaapúpa si Kurdaping sa mga laláki samtang nalígù, The fairy stood where the boys could look at him while he was bathing.

apura v [A; c1b2] hurry s.o., s.t. up. Mag-apura kug tuun, I’ll study quickly. Ayaw apuraha ang draybir kay piligru tag mabanggà, You must not tell the driver to hurry because we might have an accident. Apuraha (iapura) ang panihápun. Gigútum na ku, Hurry the dinner up. I’m hungry. -du(←) a wanting things done in a hurry. Apurádu kaáyu siya kay gustu siya nga mahuman dáyun, He always rushes people up because he wants things done right away. v [B1256] wanting to do things in a hurry.

apúru n facing, piece of cloth added to a material to allow for a hem or any turning. v [A; a2] add, make into facing.

apus n string for spinning a top. v [a12] hit s.t. with, make into the string for a top. Apsun (apusun) nímu ang kasing arun magsígi ug úgung, You hit the top with the string so that it will continue to spin.

apustrupi n apostrophe.

apustǔl1 n apostle.

apustǔl2 n k.o. paddy rice with elongated white grains. v [A; a2] plant apustǔl. Apustulun námù ámung basakan, We will plant our paddy to apustǔl.

apustulis n 1 apostle. 2 persons who take part in a tableau of the Last Supper presented on Holy Thursday.

apuwintmint n 1 appointment to a job or office. 2 date, appointment to meet with s.o.

apuy n boil which goes deep into the flesh and develops slowly, esp. around the knees.

apúya n pulpy, fibrous material left after extracting the juice of s.t. Apúya sa amirul nga balanghuy, The pulpy material left after starch has been extracted from the cassava. Apúya sa kapi, Coffee grounds. v [54][b6] consider pulpy. Giapuyáhan na ku ning nilugáwa kay wà na may lanut, This porridge is all pulp because there is no water.

apuyus n maggots. v [a4] be maggotty. Ang kusáhus giapuyus kay dílì maáyung pagkabulad, The jerked meat is full of maggots because it was not well-dried.

apyu n variety of celery with a thin body and light green leaves.

apyug n 1 general debility brought about as a result of sickness or malnutrition. Human sa tákig gitaptan siya sa apyug, After his malaria a general debility settled over him. 2 weakling. v [a4] get to be weak. -un(→) a weak, debilitated. v [B12] get to be weak, debilitated.

árà = anáa (dialectal).

árab1 v [AB; c1] burn s.t. with a rapid bright flame and then die down. Ang kaláyu miárab sa kakugnan, The fire burned the cogon grass. (→) a burning readily. Kining tabakúa barut kay arab, This is a poor k.o. tobacco because it burns fast.

árab2 v [AP; b5P] cut s.t. without hesitating or caring much about the result. Kinsay nag-árab sa ákung karsunisun? Nadáut na, Who did such a sloppy job of cutting my trousers? Now, they are ruined. Giarában (giárab) lang nímu ang ákung buhuk, You cut my hair too short and in a careless way.

arabi n tall breed of horse with a white coat and slender body.

arabun n k.o. special sticky rice used for the preparation of confections.

arabya = gwayabanu.

aradur n full-grown male carabao.

árag v [BN] for leaves to fall off. Mangárag ang dáhun sa arbul ug ting-init, The poinciana loses its leaves in the hot season.

arang 1 possible and fitting. Arang himúung upisína kining baláya, This is a good house to make into an office. Wà kuy arang ikabáyad, I don’t have enough to pay the debt. Dì tà nà arang isulti níya, That is not a fitting thing to say to him. Kinsay arang mugámit niíni? Who has the right to use this? 2 walay, kinsay — no one has, who has more right and power. Kinsay arang sa Diyus? Who is more powerful than God? Walay arang nákù dinhi. Ákù ning tanan, No one has more rights around here than I have. All this belongs to me. 3 followed by exclamation: My, how! Arang paíta! My! How bitter it is! v [B256] fit, be accommodated. Muarang ning pirnúha ánang bangag? Will this bolt get into that hole? Maarang ba tang tanan sa dyíp? Can all of us get into the jeep? kun ma- please. Kun maarang ayaw ug sábà, Please don’t make any noise. (←) = arang, 3. -an a presentable, all right. Arangan tà siyag hitsúra apan tagabúkid, She looks all right, but she’s a mountain girl. arang-arang, maarang-arang a a bit better. Arang-arang (maarang-arang) ning ákung sapátus sa imúha, My shoes are a bit better than yours. v [B] get better. Miarang-arang (naarang-arang) na ang ákung památì, I’m feeling a bit better now. Nagkaarang-arang na ang ílang kahimtang, Their financial situation is improving. ka-an n being well-off financially.

árang v [A13; a12] call off a game. Arángun ta ning dáma kay sígi ku nímung limbúngan, We’ll call off this checker game because you keep cheating.

arangka1 v [A; b(1)] speak seriously in order to convince. Arangkáhi si Tasing, básig musugut, Speak seriously to Tasing. She might accept.

arangka2, arangkǎr v [A; a12] 1 force s.t. open, by prying s.t. off. Ug way yáwi dì arangkáhun! If there’s no key, then force it open! 2 disassemble a machine. Siyay nag-arangkar sa makina, He was the one who disassembled the engine.

aransil n 1 church fees. 2 schedule posting church fees.

aranya, aranyas n 1 chandelier. 2 teardrop-shaped pieces of crystal that hang on a chandelier. 3 earring with a pendant shaped like a teardrop. 4 k.o. hanging fancy hibiscus: Hibiscus schizopetalus. 5 = tahuri (so called because the tahuri is teardrop-shaped).

arapal (from dápal) n a cactus similar to the prickly pear, but thornless: Nopalea cochinellifera. v [A13] appear in distinct rounded lumps like a cactus. Nag-arapal nga pangánud, Billowing clouds.

aráru = aláru.

áras1 n coins used in a marriage ceremony.

áras2 n tars produced by burning s.t. v [A13] form, produce tar. Ang kwáku kusug muáras, The pipe collects lots of tars. -un a producing tar. Ang byatilis arásung kahúya, The ipil-ipil is a tree that forms lots of tars.

áras3 = káras1.

*arasti paN- v [A2; b6(1)] 1 venture to do s.t. which one is incapable of doing satisfactorily. Nangarasti kag gubà niánà, ug karun unsa, dì na ka makaúlì? You took it on yourself to take that thing apart, and now you can’t get it back together again? 2 take a long chance on s.t. Pangarastíhi lang siyag hangyù. Básig musugut, Try and ask her. [55]She might just agree.

arastri n loading, unloading, transshipping service of goods shipped from abroad.

árat1 a 1 for throat to be sore. 2 for citrus to have an acrid taste. v 1 [B3N; a2b4] for the throat to be sore. Nangárat ang ákung tutunlan sa pagsinyágit, My throat became sore from shouting. Arátan ka gánì sa tutunlan ubhun ka, If your throat becomes sore, you are going to catch cold. 2 [B; b6] turn out to have an acrid taste.

árat2 n actions to impress others. Bídag árat ning tawhána, My, how that man puts on. pa- v [A1; b(1)] do s.t. to impress s.o. Dì ku kapaarátan níya. Wà siyay ikapaárat nákù, He can’t impress me. There’s nothing he can do that will impress me.

arawkarya n k.o. ornamental tree similar to a fir but with bright green needles and with fewer branches.

aray1 = agay.

aray2 v [AP; cP] set s.t. out before s.o. Giarayan (gipaarayan) ku siya ug tulu ka butilya, ug mikanta dáyun, I put three bottles in front of him, and he sang at once. Pagkáun nga giaray (gipaaray) kaníla, The food that was set before them.

arayis n skipper of small boats. v [B156] become, make into skipper.

arbul1 v [AN; b5] join s.o. in s.t. they have to eat, drink, ask for a smoke. Mangarbul (muarbul) na sad nig sigarilyu, He’ll probably come over to get a cigarette from us.

arbul2 n the royal poinciana tree: Delonix regia.†

arbularyu n a folk doctor who deals with plants. v [B156] be, become an arbularyu. pa- v [A1; b6(1)] have s.o. treated by an arbularyu. Paarbularyúhi na lang nà, kay dì madá sa duktur, Let an arbularyu treat it because a regular doctor can do nothing.

argabyádu = agrabyádu.

argabyu = agrabyu.

argardulsi = limunsítu.

argh word used in writing to represent sound of coughing.

argulya n 1 metal ring. 2 k.o. merry-go-round consisting of a wheel mounted on a pole from which metal chains with rings at the end dangle. To operate this contrivance the child holds on to a ring and runs around generating momentum until he can swing around holding on to the ring. Other children can ride by holding rings suspended from the other chains.

argumintu n 1 arguments for or against s.t. 2 argument, discussion. v [C; a12] argue with s.o. about s.t. Nagkaargumintu mi mahitungud sa báyad, We had an argument about the payment. Argumintúhun nátù ni ug dílì ta magkaúyun, We will argue this out if we can’t make each other see eye to eye.

ari 1 here (near speaker but not near person spoken to). Ari ibutang ang lamísa, Put the table over here. Ari na mi, We’re on our way (lit. will be over here) now. 2 let’s go over to the following point. Karun ari ta sa ikaduhang ánib sa libru, Now, let’s turn to the second chapter of the book. v 1 [A2; c] come over here, bring here. Makaari ka sa Lúnis? Can you come over on Monday? Iari nákù ang bátà kay akuy bantay, Bring the child over here and I’ll watch (him). 2 [A13; a2] come to get. Kinsa may mag-ari diri sa libru? Who is going to come here to get the book? Aria diri ang libru, kay dì ku makahatud, Come here to get the book, because I have no time to deliver it. umari ka, marika come here (said by superiors to inferiors). Marika ra gud Pidung, Come here, Pedong. (←)1 = ari. hi-/ha- v [B1256; b6] wind up here. arian v [A13] always come here. ariúnun, alaríun n things one has to come here to get.

ári2 = niíri. see kiri.

aríba1 n a percentage deducted by the operator of a gambling game from the proceeds of the winner. Bayri úsà ang aríba arun makítag pilay limpiyu, Pay the rake-off first so we can determine the net winnings. v [A; b6(1)] pay the owner his rake-off. Aribáhan úsà nátù ang bulangan únà bahína ang daug, We’ll pay the arena’s percentage first before we divide the winnings. -dur(→) 1 one who rents out gambling devices for a percentage of the winnings. 2 one who gambles with s.o.’s gambling equipment and pays a percentage to him. v [B16; a12] be, become a gambling device operator.

aríba2 v [A; c1] hoist, lift. Wà makaaríba pagdúngan ang mga nanaglálung sa balay, The persons who were moving the house didn’t lift it together. Iaríba (aribáha) ang láyag, Hoist the sail.

aríba3 v [A; b] block the way. Kuháa nang nakaaríbang batu, Remove that stone blocking the way. Giaribáhan nákù ang awtu, I blocked the path of the car.

aribáda v [A2; c] go, put s.w. for refuge or safekeeping. Didtu mi nakaaribáda sa simbahan pagbagyu, We took refuge in the church during the typhoon. Ug dúnay Hapun iaribáda sa lángub ang mga babáyi, Hide the women in the cave when the Japanese [56]soldiers come.

arigláda = arigládu, 1.

arigládu a 1 neat, orderly. Arigládu siyang mamisti, She dresses neatly. Arigládu na ang ímung kwartu, Your room is in order now. 2 prepared, ready. Arigládu na ang papílis pára sa ímung byáhi, The papers for your trip are all in order. Arigládu na ang panihápun, Dinner is ready now. 3 in agreement. Arigládu na. Adtu ta ugmà, It’s all arranged. We’ll go tomorrow. 3a for a quarrel to be settled. Arigládu na ang ílang áway, Their fight is settled now. 3b surely; it’s all right. Makagáwì ku sa ímung tilipunu? Arigládu, May I use your phone? Surely. v [B1256] get neat, in order, reconciled.

ariglǎr v [A; a12] 1 arrange, put in good order. Tabángi ku pag-ariglǎr sa ákung buhuk, Help me fix my hair. Nakaariglǎr ka na ba sa ákung katri? Have you made my bed yet? 2a attend to, take care of. Wà ku kapanglaba kay nag-ariglǎr ku sa mga bátà, I wasn’t able to do the washing because I was looking after the children. 2b [A3; a12] take charge of, assume responsibility for. Ariglahun ku ang mga gastus sa ímung pag-iskuyla, I will take charge of your school expenses. 3 [A; a12] settle a case, quarrel. Ariglaha na lang ang inyung áway, Settle your dispute. 4a [a12] beat s.o. up (lit. put him in order). Ariglahun ta ning limbungan, Let’s beat this cheater up. 4b do away with s.o. Giingun nga ariglahun si Bituy sa mga buguy, The thugs said they would liquidate Bitoy. 5 [AN; a12] treat an illness with ariglǎr. n treatment in folk medicine with special water made magic by having had a piece of paper with a magic formula (urasiyun) put into it. The water is either drunk or applied directly over the diseased part, and the person under this treatment is prohibited from uttering curse words. paN- v [A2] groom oneself nicely. Nangariglǎr na siya kay mamisíta man ni Tíba, He is grooming himself carefully because he is going to visit Tiba.

ariglu n settlement, compromise. Maáyu pa ang ariglu nga alang-álang kay sa burúka, A poor compromise is better than a court case. v [A; a12] settle by arbitration. Ariglúhun mu sa kapitan sa baryu, The barrio captain will arbitrate between you two.

arikmitik = aritmitik.

arimadur n the one who brings the fighting cocks into the arena when they are ready.

arimar v [A; b5] enliven, help cheer up. Ang kumidiyanti mauy mag-arimar sa dúlà, The comedian brings a note of comedy to the play. Arimáha (arimáhi) ang subù nímung inahan, Cheer up your mother because she is sad.

arína = harína.

arindu n lease on land or s.t. that produces an income. Ang arindu sa ímung yútà mulungtad ug lima ka túig, The lease on your land will last for five years. Mil písus ra ang arindu sa ákung yútà pára lima ka túig, The lease on my land is a thousand pesos for five years. v [A; b(1)] lease. Giarindúhan ku ang ílang panágat, I leased their fishing equipment.

aringkil n clattering sound. Ang aringkil sa mga táru, The clattering of the cans. v [A] clatter, clink. Miaringkil ang mga butilya dihang gipamakling sa iring, The bottles clattered when the cat knocked them over.

arinúla n chamber pot. v [b6] provide with a chamber pot.

*arisgǎr paN- v [A; b6] try s.t. regardless of the consequences. Mangarisgǎr kug panágat bisag dakù ang balud, I will venture out to sea even though there are big waves. Nagpangarisgǎr siyag tindug bisag lúya pa ang láwas, He’s trying bravely to get up even though his body is weak. arisgádu a daring, bold. Ug arisgádu ka pa, mulátay ka sa usa ka bulus kawáyan, If you are daring, you will cross over on a bamboo pole. v [B12] become daring.

aristǎr v [A; a12] put under arrest. Aristahun ta ka, I’ll put you under arrest. aristádu be under arrest. Aristádu ka. Ayawg líhuk, You’re under arrest. Don’t move. v [B1256] be arrested. Kun maaristádu ka gánì, ayaw giyud pagsúkul, If you are ever arrested, don’t resist.

*aristu mandamyintu di- warrant of arrest.

aristukrata a snooty, snobbish in behavior. v [B12; b6] become condescending, snooty.

árit (from tíra) v [AC; a2b2] have sexual intercourse (slang). Kuyugkúyug pa sa ímung trátu ug magabíi hing-aritan unyà ka, Keep going with that boy at night, and you’re going to wind up in bed with him.†

arítis = ariyus.

aritmitik n arithmetic. v [A2; a12] figure things out. Maáyung muaritmitik ning bat-ána, swítung way Santa Kláwus, This child figures things out fast. He knows there is no Santa Claus.

aritmitika, aritmitiku = aritmitik.

arítus = ariyus.

aríya1 v 1 [A; b7c1] lower. Ariyáhi ang písì ug dupa, Pay out a fathom of rope. Iaríya [57](ariyáha) na ang láyag, Lower the sail. 2 [A; c] 2a unload cargo. Iaríya na ang mga kargang humay, The rice cargo will be unloaded now. 2b throw overboard. Iaríya tanang mga karga arun masalbar ta, Throw the cargo overboard so that we may be saved. 3 [a2] come out, be released. Miaríya na ang tumatub, The bag of waters has broken. 4 [A; c] dispose of s.t. by sale. Iaríya dáyun ang abut inigprisyu, Sell the produce at once when the price rises. 5 [A; c] move from one place to another. Muaríya mi íning baláya kay mahal ug ábang, We will move from this house because the rent is too high.†

aríya2 v [A; b(1)] beat up thoroughly or rape. Giariyáhan ang impurmir sa mga ismaglir, The smugglers mauled the informer.

ariyádu timber (the tree is falling)!

ariyus n 1 earrings. 2 seal made of metal fastened to s.t. with wire which locks it. v [A; a] 1 put on, make into earrings. Kinsay nag-ariyus sa bátà? Who put earrings on the child? 2 put a seal on s.t. Dì mahilabtan ang kuntadur kay giariyúsan, Nobody can tamper with the meter because it has a seal on it. paN- v [A2] wear earrings. Ang laláki karun mangaríyus na, Men are wearing earrings these days.

ark word used in writing to represent sound of infliction of pain.

arka n 1 Noah’s ark. 2 ark of the covenant. v [A; a] make, make into the ark.

arkabála = alkabála.

arkanghil n archangel. Si San Migil Arkanghil, St. Michael the Archangel.

arkaydi = alkaldi.

arkila v [AN; b] rent. Inarkilahan lang kining baláya, We’re just renting this house. n amount of rent. Pilay arkila sa dyíp? How much is the rent for the jeep?

arkitiktu n architect. v [B156; a12] become, make into an architect. -ra n architecture course, subject.

arku n 1 arch placed over a thoroughfare to commemorate s.t. 2 arc. v [A13; a12b(1)] 1 make, put an arch s.w. 2 [A] form an arc. Miarku ang ági sa kwítis, The fireworks formed an arch.

arkuhul = alkuhul.

arkus = arku.

armáda n armada.

armádu aarmed. Usa ka grúpung armádu ang mitúlis sa bálu, An armed group robbed the widow. v [B1256] be, become armed.

armamintu n armament. Lumbà sa armamintu, Armament race.

armar v [A; c] set up s.t. folded or in pieces, or set s.t. in its proper place so it may be operated. Nag-armar siya sa ulutáwan, He is setting up the ironing board. Nag-armar mig mga kanyun líbut sa planta, We emplaced cannons around the plant. Ang bumba sa túbig iarmar duul sa kanal, Emplace the water pump near the canal.

armas n 1 arms, weapon. 2 penis (humorous euphemism). — dimánu bladed weapons. — dipuygu firearms.

armatyur n armature of an electric motor or generator. v [b(1)] put the armature on a motor.

armi n army.

armikat n crew cut. pa- v [A13] get a crew cut. Magpaarmikat ku kay mag-ar-utísi mi ugmà, I will get a crew cut because we have ROTC tomorrow.

armirul = almirul.

armistisyu n armistice. v [A1; b(1)] have an armistice. Mag-armistisyu sila sa Bitnam, They will have an armistice in Viet Nam.

armunyum, armunyun n harmonium. v [AN13] play the harmonium.

arníbal = aníbal.

arnika1 n = anghilika.

arnika2 n arnica. tintúra — tincture of arnica.

arnis v 1 [A; b(1)] throw s.o. off balance by tripping or shoving. Ug ímung arnísan ang ímung kadúlà mapáwul ka, It’s a foul if you trip your fellow player. 2 [C; c3] fence using sticks. n fencing with sticks.

arpa = alpa.

arpilir, arpiril = alpilir.

arsa = alsa.

arsii n RCA, abbreviation for the Philippine Government Rice and Corn Administration. Bugas arsii, Rice from the RCA.

arsubispu n archbishop. v [B16; a12] be, make into an archbishop. arsubispádu n archbishopric.

art. n abbreviation for artikulu.

artal = altar.

arti n art. Arti sa pamálak, Art of poetry. may, walay — be (not be) artistic. May arti siyang mukanta, She sings artfully. a 1 affected. Arti kaáyu nga manulti ning buánga, mu rag unsay nakamauhan, The fool speaks in an affected way. You’d think he knew s.t. 2 affected in dress. Pastilang artíhang mamisti ning bayhána, My! That woman sure does overdress. v [B3N; a2] 1 for speech or behavior to be affected. 2 overdress, have too much make-up on. 3 [A23] put on an act. Maáyu muarti, makalingaw sa naguul, He puts on a good act which could entertain people who are sad. artiarti v [A; b6] do s.t. unessential and unnecessary [58]just to put on a big show. Tuhi, muartiarti pa nà siyag pamaláyi bísag dúgay na nílang púyù, Phooey, he puts on a show of asking for the girl’s hand, as if they hadn’t already been living together for a long time. n action of doing unnecessary things just for show. Ug náay mangasáwa nákù, minyù dáyun sa way daghang artiarti, If s.o. asks me to marry him, I’ll say yes, without fuss and bother. pa- v [A; b6] make a show of doing s.t. Magpaarti silag hulgà nímu, piru ayawg tagda, They will put a big show of threatening you, but pay no attention. paN- n things one wears for vanity’s sake. Nangáyù siyag lipstik, ariyus ug uban pang mga pangarti, She asked for lipstick, earrings, and other vanities. di- a artistic. Panulat nga diarti, Artistic writings.

artikulu n 1 article, a piece published. 2 article of a law.

artiliyiríya n artillery.

artipisyal a 1 artificial, affected and not natural. Dalágang syudadnun nga púlus artipisyal ang panglihuk, City girls that always put on. 2 not naturally occurring, contrived. Ang kangihit sa humay artipisyal dílì tungud sa húlaw, The scarcity of rice is artificial and not due to the drought. v [B; a12] become, make artificial.

artista n actor, actress. v [B15; a12] be, become an actor. Gustu siyang mag-artista sa Haliwud, She wants to become an actress in Hollywood. -in- v [A; a1] put on an act. Nag-inartista siyag hangyù, He’s putting on an act while he is asking for it.

*artisyánu púsu — artesian well.

*árù ka- v [A13] be in varied profusion. Nagkaárù ang mga pagkáun nga giaray, Food was set before them in lavish profusion. pa- v 1 [A; c] ask for s.t. to one’s heart’s desire. Nagpaárù na sad siya sa mga pahindik, She is asking for cosmetics to her heart’s desire. 2 [A; c1] lavish on s.o. to his heart’s content. Gipaarúan na lang siyag unsay gustu, They gave him whatever he wanted to his heart’s content.

aruk n money (slang). -an a having money (slang).

arul v 1 [A3; b6] shave the hair off the head. Giarulan ang binilanggung patyunun, The condemned prisoner had his hair shaved off. 2 [BN; b6] lose hair, feathers. Muarul (mangarul) ang manuk ihás ug mating-init, Wild chickens shed their feathers in the hot season.

arúma n spiny shrub or small tree similar to ipil-ipil, used for firewood. Said to be the plant from which Christ’s crown of thorns was made: Acacia farnesiana.

arun1 in order to. Mupaúlì siya arun pag-utaw (nga mangutaw), She is going home to iron. kay — in order to, so that. Magtígum ku kay arun makapalit kug awtu, I will save so that I can buy a car. — ingnun in order to be said, to be mistaken for. Nagpulupangutána siya arun ingnun walà masáyud, He keeps asking questions so they will think he does not know. pa-, paka- ingnun v [A13] make false pretenses. Adtu siya magpakaarun-ingnun (magpaarun-ingnun) nga dakung táwu, There he goes making pretenses that he is an important person. paarun-árun v [A13] do s.t. under pretenses. Nagpaarun-árun siya ug diskursu bísan ug dílì siya kamau, He made pretensions of delivering a speech though he doesn’t know how.

arun2 (from karun) 1 particle calling s.o.’s attention when he is being spoken to. Arun, Pidru, gitawag ka, Hey, Pedro! S.o. is calling you! 2 particle introducing a new subject. Arun, muadtu ka sa Amirika? Now, are you going to America?

árun see karun.

arunsa v 1 [A; c] move, move s.t. over. Iarunsa ngari ang kahun, Move the box this way. 2 [B] advance, progress. Muarunsa ang táwu ug magkúgi, A person who works hard will prosper. 3 [b7c1] advance, move s.t. ahead in time. Arunsáhun (iarunsa, arunsáhan) nátù ang adlaw sa kasal, Let us advance the date of the marriage. 4 [B] become more and more. Nag-arunsa siya pagkaabusáda, She is getting more and more abusive. 5 [APB; b7c1] raise, rise. Muabut na ang bag-u nátung isták, mag-arunsa (magpaarunsa) ta sa prisyu, When the new stock arrives, let’s raise the price. Muarunsa ang prisyu sa humay, The price of rice will rise. n progress, advancement. Gamay ang arunsa sa íyang swildu, He received a very small increase in pay.

arus1 v [A; a] cut a growth short: hair, grass, hedge; strip the leaves, fruits, or flowers from a plant. Kinsay miarus sa mga rúsas? Who picked all of the roses? Naarus ang íyang kílay dihang mikalit pagsiláub ang kaláyu, Her eyebrow was singed off when the flame suddenly flared up. Giarusan ku siya kay gikutu, I cut her hair short because she has lice.

*arus2 — ala balinsiyána n Arroz a la Valenciana. — kaldu n rice porridge with chicken. — kun kamarun n rice with shrimp. v [A] prepare a rice dish.

ar-utísi n ROTC. v [A] hold, attend ROTC. Dílì ku muar-utísi rung hápun kay sakit [59]ákung tiil, I will not attend ROTC drill this afternoon because my foot hurts. Mag-ar-utísi ba ta ugmà? Will we have ROTC tomorrow?

aruwákà n 1 k.o. ornamental plant with flowers that bloom at midnight. 2 prostitute. v [B; b6] become a prostitute.

aruy = agay.

arya = aríya.

aryat a for women to be vain, choosy, affected, and coquettish. v [B1N; b6] be aryat. Nangaryat na sad ang byúda, The widow is putting on airs. -in- v [B4; a] act in a vain, affected way. Kuntra ku giyud nang mag-inaryat ug sinultihan, How I hate those women that are affected in their speech.

aryindu = arindu.

asa v [A3; b6] pay attention to, take s.o.’s word or behavior seriously. Ayawg ashi (asahi) ang sulti sa hubug, Don’t take a drunk’s words seriously.

ása1 1 where? (future). Ása ka muiskuyla? Where will you go to school? 1a going where? Ása ka? Where are you going? 2 which (of several) will... Ása kang siníha mutan-aw? Which movie will you go to see? 3 [verb] how could [so-and-so] ever happen? Ása gud siya mutúu nímu? How could she ever believe you? 4 (short for mahi-) What ever happened to...? Ása na man tung ákung bulpin? Now, where did my pen go to? 5 such-and-such a thing is likely to be there in due time. Ása man nang bisiklítag madakù ka, It’ll be time enough to get a bicycle when you get big. (Lit. Where will your bicycle be when you grow up.) Ayaw pangulitáwu. Ása ra man nà ug matituládu ka, Don’t propose yet. She’ll still be there (lit. where will she be) after you have graduated. Ása ka ra man unyà. Magkítà ra ta, You’ll be right there (where I can get you). We’ll meet again some day. i- what can you do with, of what use will it be? Iása man nà nímung mga dáang papil? What good are those old papers to you? ‘Gustu ka?’—‘Iása.’ ‘Do you want it?’ ‘No. What good is it to me?’ ma- 1 = ása, 5. 2 = mahi-. hi-/ha- v [B1256] where did/will it wind up at. Bísag mahiása ku, mabúhì, Wherever I wind up, I can survive.

ása2 v [A; b5] keep doing s.t. Inay gipahílum miása hinúun, We told her to stop crying, but she kept on. Wà kay búhat nga mahímù ug mag-ása kag hinuktuk, You won’t accomplish anything if you keep brooding. Asáhan (asáhun) bítaw námù ug tan-aw, midukù lagi, We kept staring at her until she finally bowed her head.

ása3 v [ab(1)] hope. Makaása ba mi sa ímung pagbálik? Can we hope for your return? Si Dun Magnu ang ílang giasáhan nga muluwas kaníla, They hoped Don Magno would save them.

asádu a roasted, broiled rare. v [B1256; a12] roast, broil rare. Ayawg lutúa, asadúha lang, Don’t cook it through. Just broil it rare.

asal v [A; a] roast over hot coals (not said of sea food). Kinsay nag-asal íni nga kagubkub man? Who roasted this pig that it is so crisp? aslunun, alaslun n a pig of the size right for roasting. -in- n roast pig.

asamblíya n the assembly, the lawmaking body of the Philippine Commonwealth.

as-as a for leaves to be very dry. v [B2; a12P] for leaves to become very dry. Nagkaas-as ang patayng dáhun nga nabulad, The leaves are getting dried out well under the sun.

asáwa n wife. — sa banig good-for-nothing wife (lit. good only in bed). v [A123S; a3] happen to get for a wife, can marry. Nakaasawa siyag iridíra, He got an heiress for a wife. Maasáwa ku siya, I can marry her. paN- v [A1; a12] for men to get married. Dì ku siya pangasaw-un, I refuse to marry her. pa-, papaN- v [c4] be married off to. Ipaasáwa (ipapangasáwa) ba gud siya nákù ánang hubug? Would I allow her to marry that drunk? maN-l- n bridegroom-to-be. igpaN-r-(→) n 1 s.t. used for marriage. Ang kang Lúlit ang gugma igpapangasawa, As far as Lolet was concerned love (i.e. sex) was s.t. reserved for marriage. Igpapangasawa ning bábuy, This pig is to be slaughtered at his wedding. 2 desirous of getting married. Igpapangasawa na kaáyu ang ákung ginháwa, I am very ready to get married. pangasaw-unun, pangalasaw-un wife-to-be.†

asayti n lubricating oil. v [A1; b] apply lubricating oil. Asaytíhig diyútay arun dílì muígut, Apply a little lubricating oil so that it won’t squeak. — dibakalaw cod liver oil. — dikastur castor oil. — diulíbu olive oil.

asbistus n asbestos. v [b(1)] put asbestos sheets on s.t.

asdang v [A; a] move forward to attack, face in battle. Asdángun ta ang mga Hapun, We will attack the Japanese. n advance, attack.

asgad a very salty. v [B; a] become salty. Ug asin sa lawlaw iasgad, mudúgang sa lamì ug muasgad gihápun ang sabaw, If you salt the soup with fish salt, the soup will become more delicious and get salty at the same time. -in- n salt pork.

ási 1 expression needling a person for pretending. Ási, patulugtúlug. Bákun na dihà, [60]Ha, pretending to sleep, are you? Get up! Ási, padilìdílì, apan gustu uruy, Ha, you pretend you don’t want any, but you do. 2 chiding a person jokingly for s.t. one notices for the first time. Ási, bag-u ta run ug sapátus, My! I see we have new shoes today. Ási, kúyug man lagi ka, Ah, I see you are going out with him! 3 chiding a person for acting beyond his station. Ási, pasugùsúgù pa man siya nákù! Hey! Where do you get off ordering me around! asiasi v [A; b5] 1 rush in to do s.t. without thought. Dì ni maáyung asiasihung (asiasihang) trabahúa, This isn’t the sort of thing you should rush in to do without thinking. 2 presume to do s.t., taking a person for granted. Nag-asiasi ka lang ug kúhà sa ákung mangga sa way pupananghid nákù, You presumed to take a mango without bothering to ask my permission. Dì nà nímu maasiasing tawhána, He isn’t the sort of man you can take for granted (rush into doing anything you want him to do on the spur of the moment). 3 [AP; b5] presume to do s.t. one cannot do. Nag-asiasi (nagpaasiasi) ka mang mag-istrungkar íning makinilya. Na karun, iúlì, You presumed to take the typewriter apart. Now let’s see you put it back together. manggiasiasihun, maasiasihun, asiasihun a presumptuous, taking for granted.

asidu n acid. Kining tambála makalínis sa asidu, This medicine can dissolve the acid. v [b(1)] apply acid to s.t. Asiduhi ang labábu, Apply acid to the wash bowl.

asikásu v [A; a12] 1 pay attention to. Wà na lang asikasúhi níya ang mga biaybíay, He just paid no attention to the words of derision. 2 attend to. Wà siya mag-asikásu sa íyang pamisti, She didn’t pay attention to her appearance. Dì ku makaasikásu sa ákung papílis, I cannot attend to my papers. Asikasúha ang mga bisíta, Tend to the visitors. 3 make an issue out of s.t. Ug mag-asikásu ka ánang diyútayng tabì, If you make an issue out of that small gossip.

asiláda n a girl student who works for her board and lodging in a dormitory run by nuns. v [B16; a12] be an asiláda. Nakaiskuyla ku kay nag-asiláda man ku, I was able to study because I had a job in a dormitory.

asílu n asylum for orphans, destitute people.

asíman = ulasíman.

asin n salt. walay — without substance, unbelievable. Walay asin ang íyang mga púlung, His words cannot be believed. v 1 [A] form salt. Muasin ang túbig sa dágat ug itúsun, Sea water forms salt if you boil it. 2 [A; b(1)] make salt. Nag-asin siya, He’s making salt. 3 [A; a12] preserve food with salt. Asinun ta ning karni, Let’s preserve this meat with salt. 4 [A; b(1)] season with salt. Asini ang sabaw, Put salt in the soup. -in- n food preserved in salt. -l-an(←) n salt factory. pang-an(←) n salt beds.

asin-ásin n rice or corn cooked to a mushy consistency. v [A; a] boil rice or corn grits soft, but not watery. Asin-asína ang sampuraduhun, Cook the rice and chocolate into a pudding.

asinda n plantation. asindíru n plantation owner. v [B56] become a plantation owner.†

asinsiyun n Ascension Day.

asinsu v [A; a12] improve economically. Dílì ka makaasinsu ánang panginabuhía, You can not better yourself financially in that line of work. n improvement in economic situation. Walay asinsu kining lungsúra, This town hasn’t shown any improvement.

*as-ip pa- v [A1; b(1)] pretend to be what one is not. Magpaas-ip bayà siyang dátù unyà pubri diay, She is pretending to be well-off although she is poor.

asir v 1 [A2] come out successfully. Sulayi lang ning tambála básig muasir, Just try this medicine. It might be effective. 2 [AN; c1] assert. Kinahanglan giyud nga mangasir ka sa ímung katungud sa pagkaasáwa, You’ve got to assert your rights as a wife. pa- [A; c] prove s.t. by making it come out. Ipaasir sab ang ímung pagkaduktur, dílì kay dukturduktur lang, Prove to them that you are a genuine doctor, not just a quack.

asíras n sidewalk. v [A1; b(1)] put a sidewalk. Maáyung asirásan ang kílid sa kalyi, It’d be good to put a sidewalk at the side of the street.

asiráwu a for a steel to be mild-tempered, soft. Asiráwu nang kutsilyúha kay dalì rang mahábul, That knife is mild-tempered because it easily gets dull. v [B12; a12] for steel to come out mild-tempered.†

asíru n 1 steel. 2 steel wire leader of fishlines. v [A13; b(1)] attach a steel wire leader.

asistinsiya n financial assistance given in social or civic programs.

asistǐr v [A; c] 1 give aid in doing work. Muasistir sila sa pagtúkud sa balay, They will help build the house. 2 assist at a mass.†

asíti = asayti.

asitíra n oil can. v [a12] make into an oil can.

asitun n acetone. v [b(1)] put or apply acetone. Asitunan lag diyútay ug mahuswà ang kútiks, Just apply a little acetone on it, and the nail polish will come off. [61]

aslay v [A3P; b6] splash up, for grains to bounce up. Ayawg ibundak ang baldi kay muaslay ang túbig, Don’t bang the pail down because the water will splash out. Ang humay nag-aslay tungud sa ímung linubkan, The way you are pounding it is making the rice fly up.

aslum a 1 sour. 2 cross, sour in facial expression. v 1 [B; a12] be, become sour. Way kaláki ang tubà nga nag-aslum lang, The palm toddy is no good because it is sour. Aslúmun nátù ang kahiláda, Let’s make the lemonade good and sour. 2 [BN; a12] be sour-faced. Mangaslum dáyun íyang nawung ug badlúngun siya, Her face gets a sour expression if she is told to stop doing s.t.

asnat v [A; a1] lift s.t. heavy. Asnáta ang lamísa arun dì magasgas ang salug, Lift the table when you carry it so you don’t scratch the floor.

asnu n ass.

aspaltu n asphalt. v [A; a12] apply asphalt. Aspaltúhun ang baskitbulan, The basketball court will be asphalted. aspaltádu a paved with asphalt.

asparagus n asparagus. — irmúsu ornamental herb with leaves like asparagus.

aspíra ultima n = mansanilya.

aspiranti n aspirant for a position. v [B] become an aspirant. Dì ku mag-aspiranti sa pagkaprisidinti kay hikuntrahan ta, I don’t want to be a candidate for president because I will make enemies.

aspirasiyun n aspiration. v [b(1)] aspire. Ang pagkaduktur mauy íyang giaspirasyunan, He aspired to be a doctor.

aspirin, aspirína n aspirin.

asta = hasta.

astri n ash tray. v [a12] make into an ash tray.

astrunawta n astronaut.

astrunumíya n astronomy.

astrunumu n astronomer. v [B1256; a12] be, become an astronomer.

astrunut n astronaut. v [B1256; a12] be, become an astronaut.

asu n 1 smoke. Way asu nga makumkum, You can’t hide smoke in your fist. (No secret can be kept for long.) 2 fumes. v 1 [A] give off smoke, fumes. Ngánung nag-asu man ang dapug? Why is the hearth giving off smoke? 2 [b4] be in path of smoke. Ayawg dáub dihà kay maasuhan mi diri, Don’t build a fire there because we’re right in the path of the smoke. 3 [B1246] go up in smoke, be for naught. Ang kwartang gigugul nímu naasu lang, The money you invested was for naught. pa- v [A; b6] fumigate, apply smoke to plants to make them bear. Paasuhi ang mangga arun mamúwak, Smoke the mango tree so it will bloom. asuasu v 1 [A] give off smoke continuously. 2 [A3; b(1)] come fast and thick, in rapid succession. Miasuasu ang íyang kúmù, The blows from his fists came fast and furiously. alasúhan a exposed to smoke. n chimney.

ásud v 1 [A2C; ac] for two or more people to pound cereal in mortar together and in synchronization. Asúra (iásud) ang mga lubuk, Do your pounding alternately—when one lifts, the other comes down. 2 [A13; b(1)] come one after another in rapid succession, like several people pounding rice on one pestle. Nag-ásud ang pangutána sa mga piryudista, The newspapermen’s questions came in rapid succession. Giasúran ug haluk ang bátà sa mga dalága, The girls smothered the baby with kisses. asud-asud v [A13; b(1)] = ásud, 2.

asúgi n head of a match.

asúkal = asúkar.

asúkar n refined sugar. v 1 [A13B23] make into, become sugar. Ang sintral nag-asúkar sa tubu, The mill is making refined sugar. Ug muasúkar na ang binúkal nga dugà, When the boiled juice forms sugar. 2 [c] put sugar into s.t. Giasukaran ba nímu ang kapi? Have you put sugar in the coffee? asukaríra n sugar container for table use.

asul a blue. — marína, marínu navy blue. v [BN; a1] be blue. Nag-asul ang lawud, The deep part of the sea looks blue.

asunting n k.o. erect branching shrub, wild but occasionally planted as ornamental. The leaves are used in treating skin fungi: Cassia alata.

asuntu n 1 court case. 2 matter, concern to be reckoned with. Asuntu sa kasingkásing, A matter of the heart. v [C2; a12] have a court case. Asuntúhun pa ba nátù kini nga gamay ra man? Shall we make a court case out of this small matter?

asupli n sulphur. v [b6] put sulphur on s.t. Asuplíhan kunu nang núka, Put sulphur on the sores.

asupri = asupli.

asus = hisus, 2.

asusasiyun n association, organization.

asusíluy n k.o. black and white songbird, the magpie robin: Copsychus saularis.

asusína = asusínas, 1.

asusínas n 1 k.o. bulbous ornamental plant with spikes of fragrant white flowers, borne in pairs: Polianthes tuberosa. 2 k.o. dried banana blossoms used as a spice. v [b6] spice with banana blossoms. [62]

asusisyun = asusasiyun.

asusyit v [A2C12; b(1)] associate with people. Maáyu nà siyang datúa kay muasusyit (makig-asusyit) sa mga pubri, That rich man is a fine man because he associates with the poor. n associate. — iditur associate editor.

asutíya n open porch. Adtu mi manglingkud sa asutíya ug walay ulan, We sit on the porch when it doesn’t rain. v [A13; b6] construct, attach an open porch.

asúus = alasúus.

ásuy v [A; c1] tell, relate. Lisud asúyun (iásuy) ang ákung kaági, It is hard to relate my experiences. Památì, asúyan ta kag isturya, Listen, I’ll tell you a story. Ang naásuy nga tigúlang, The old man I mentioned just now. n story, narration. hiN- n conversation. Ang ílang hingásuy milungtad sa gabíi, Their conversation lasted into the night. v [A1; b6] engage in story-telling. Naghingásuy siya sa kaági níya sa gíra, He was telling stories about his experiences in the war. -l-un a be a long story.

aswang = unglù.

aswas (from asáwa) wife (slang).

aswat v 1 [A; a1] lift s.t. heavy. Aswáta ang malíta, Pick up the suitcase. 2 [A12; a12] lift part of one’s body. Aswáta ímung tiil bi, Please lift your foot.

Asya n Asia.

asyinda n 1 plantation. 2 department of finance in government. v [a12] make into a plantation. Asyindáhun ug tubu ang yútà, Turn the land into a sugar plantation.

asyíti = asayti.

asyus a finicky, fussy. Asyus kaáyu siya. Dì mukáun ug munggus, dì muhigdag salug, magsingárig ílis, He’s terribly finicky: he doesn’t eat beans, won’t sleep on the floor, and keeps changing clothes. paN- v 1 [A] be overly finicky. 2 [A2] dress up. Nangasyus man ta run, náa bay mamisíta? We are all dressed up today, aren’t we? Is s.o. coming over?

asyúsa = asyúsu, (female).

asyúsu a 1 = asyus. 2 choosy about whom one is friendly with. Asyúsu kaáyu. Dì na mutagad námù, He’s very hoity-toity. He doesn’t notice us any more. v [B12; b6] become finicky or choosy.

asyútis n k.o. small tree, the seeds of which produce a reddish-brown dye: Bixa orellana.

át = alat.

átà n ink of squids and similar creatures. wà nay — be out of semen (lit. ink). Magminyù pa giyud ang tigúwang bisag wà nay átà, The old man is going to marry again, even though his semen is all dried up. v [B1456] be black as ink. Nag-átà ang kagabhíun, The night was pitch-dark. ka- v [A13] get ink from the squid all over oneself. Nagkaátà ang ímung dintru, You got ink from the squid all over your shirt.

átab1 v [A13] for the mouth to move vigorously in eating or talking. Nag-átab ang ímung bàbà ug úsap sa mani, Your mouth is moving vigorously chewing peanuts. pa- v [A1; b(1)] engage in idle talk. Nagpaátab siya ug tabì nga ikaw pinaangkan, He spread the word around that you are an illegitimate child. Ug paatában ka gánì sa íyang pagkadátù, If he gives you big talk about his being rich. pasi-, pasi-(→) v [A; c] boast. Nagpasiátab siyang daghang trátu, He is boasting that he has lots of girl friends.

átab2 (from bátà) n girl friend (slang). v [A12] get a girl friend. Makaátab kahà ning hitsúra ku? Do you think s.o. with my face can get a girl friend?

atábay n open well. v [A3S; b6] dig a well.

átad v [A13; b(1)] be spread in profuse disarray. Wà makítà ang yútà nga giatáran sa mga dáhun, You couldn’t see the ground for all the leaves scattered over it.

atádu = atáru.

atáhu = muhun.

átak v 1 [APB3(1); a] for s.t. which is of some weight and attached to s.t. to fall off. Ug muátak (mupaátak) kug búnga, bantayig ása tugdun, If I knock one down, watch where it lands. Naátak sa kaínit ang mga tuytuy, The buds fell off the tree because of the heat. 2 [B12; b8] for the eyes to bulge out, a symptom of a fatal disease caused by sorcery. Namatay siya. Naatákan man sa mata, He died because he got the bulging eye disease.

atakar v [A2; a12] 1 for a sickness to attack one. 2 dare to approach s.o. Unyà na atakara ug báli kun maáyug buut, Approach him for a cash advance later when he’s in a good mood.

atáki v 1 [A; a12] attack, assault. Atakíhun nátù ang Hapun, We will attack the Japanese. 2 [A; a12b2] attack s.o. personally. Ug manuburnu ka atakíhun ka sa mga piryudista, If you give bribes, the newspapers will attack you. 3 [a12] be attacked by a sickness. Giatáki sa kasingkásing si Pápa, Dad had a heart attack. n 1 attack, assault on s.t. 2 attack of a disease. — silibrǎr n cerebral thrombosis.

atáman v [A; a3] manage to keep up with a large quantity. Dì na maatáman ang daghang asayinmint, I can’t keep up with all [63]the assignments.

atang v 1 [A; b(1)] watch, but not carefully, keep an eye on. Atngi (atangi) ang linung-ag arun dílì muáwas, Keep an eye on the rice so it won’t boil over. 2 [A; b(1)] watch for s.t. or s.o. to pass. Ímu tang atngan ang trák arun makasakay ta, You should watch for the bus so that we can get on. (←)1 [A; b(1)] ambush. Ang mga girilya nag-átang sa mga Hapun, The guerillas are ambushing the Japanese. 3 [A2N] meet one’s girl friend at her place of work or study to accompany her. Túa siya nangátang sa íyang trátu, There he is, waiting for his girl friend to bring her home. n ambush.

átang2 n shelf set next to a stove at the same height with it to hold the pots and pans. Haúna ang tinúla ug ibutang sa átang, Take the fish stew off the stove and put it on the sideboard. v [A13; a12b(1)] put a sideboard next to a stove.

atáru v [A; a2] make s.t. into portions for sale. Atarúha sa tagdus písus ang bábuy, Cut the pork into pieces and put them together into portions worth two pesos each. n a portion for sale. Ang tabákù tagdiyis ang atáru, The tobacco leaves are ten cents a bundle.

átas v 1 [B126] be sickly, retarded in growth after being made to do s.t. before reaching the proper age. Maátas ang baktin kun sayung lutásun, The piglet will be stunted if you wean it prematurely. 2 [A; a12] wear out a razor blade. (→) a worn out dull. v [B] get worn out. Muatas ang labáha, The razor will get dull.

at-at1 v 1 [A; a] make an opening by pushing two sides apart. Midakù ang lungag sa kural kay íya mang giat-at ang alambri, There is a big hole in the fence because he pushed the wire strands apart. 2 [A; c1] bring s.t. to public knowledge by telling the whole story. At-átun (iat-at) ku nang tanang líhuk nímu ngadtu ni Tátay, I’ll tell Father everything you did. 3 [AB12; a] find out in complete detail, be found out. Ang ditiktib miat-at sa hinungdan sa súnug, The detective investigated in detail the cause of the fire. Nagkaat-at na ang mistiryu sa íyang pagkawā̀, The mystery of her disappearance is gradually coming to light.

at-at2 = ak-ak.

atatalu = hantatalu.

atay n 1 liver. 2 liver as the seat of emotions. makapakitbì, makapakúlù sa — makes the blood curdle. makapadakù sa — make s.t. go to one’s head. 3 bàbà sa — n pit of the stomach. v [a1] hit in the liver. Giatay siya pagdunggab, He was stabbed in the liver.

atay-átay n 1 pit of the stomach. 2 the hollow or fleshy part of the palm and its analogue in the foot. Natunuk siya sa atay-átay sa íyang tiil, He got a thorn in the arch of his sole. 3 k.o. ornamental shrub with mottled red or green elliptic leaves and smooth margins: Graptophyllum pictum. v [A3; a12] be hit on the solar plexus or on the fleshy part of the palm or sole of the foot.†

átay n illness of chicken. v [a12] 1 be affected with chicken cholera. Walà ba atáya ang inyung manuk? Are not your chickens affected with chicken cholera? Atáyun ka untà, Why don’t you drop dead? 2 [a4] be, act in a way that arouses annoyance and disapproval. Giátay nang bayhána. Miápas na pud, That damn woman. She followed me again. 2a gi- Damn! Giátay, mabdus na sad ku! Damn, I’m pregnant again! -l-un, -unun a susceptible to chicken cholera.

atbang (from atubang) across, opposite. Ang íla atbang sa ámù, Their place is across from ours. — sa hángin where one can get the full benefit of the breeze. v [C; ac] 1 be in the place across. Mag-atbang ang ílang balay, Their houses are across from each other. Atbángun ta silag lingkud, Let’s have them sit opposite each other. 2 be opponents. Atbángan ta ka bísag unsay partídu mu, I’ll be your opponent whatever your party is. pa- v [A; b(1)] go to a place opposite s.o. so he can see you. Gipaatbángan ni Kurding ang gwápung laláki, Cording took a seat opposite the handsome young man. ka- n opponent, rival. Kinsay ímung kaatbang sa tínis, sa pangulitáwu níya? Who is your opponent in tennis, rival in courting her?

atbu v [A; b6P] 1 for emotions to surge up and burst forth. Miatbu ang ákung kalípay, My heart leaped with happiness. Bantay. Hiatbuhan ka unyà sa ákung kasukù, Watch out. I’ll blow up in anger at you. 2 for very fine particles to fly up and be scattered in the air. Nag-atbu ang duldul sa unlan, The kapok flew out of the pillow. Giatbúhan (gipaatbúhan) lang ku níya sa asu. Wà giyud mutubag, He just blew smoke in my face. He didn’t reply at all.

atbug v [A; b(1)] 1 fly up in thick quantities. Miatbug ang lángaw pag-itsa nákù sa basúra, The flies rose in a swarm when I threw out the garbage. 2 for emotions to burst forth.

athag = kulangkulang. see kúlang. [64]

atibás = tibalas.

átik (from bulátik) a show-off, boastful. v [AP; b6] get s.t. from s.o. by flattery or other verbal chicanery. Kahibáwu siyang muátik (mupaátik) ni Lúla, He’s good at getting things out of Grandma. Ayawg hátag kay giatíkan ka lang, Don’t give him any. He’s just putting you on to get s.t. from you. n 1 s.t. said to get s.t. from s.o. 2 pocket money (slang). atik-átik = átik, v. pa- v 1 = átik. 2 [A; c] show off. Ipaátik níya ang bag-u níyang kutsi, He will show off his new car.

atiman v [A; a12] 1 give s.t. the attention that it requires. Dì siya makaatiman sa mga bátà, She cannot look after the children. Atimana ang ímung pagtuun, Tend to your studies. 2 keep up doing s.t. Dì ku maatiman ning labhanan, daghan kaáyu, I can’t keep up with all this laundry.

atimúya n k.o. large fruit similar to the guayabana, but with yellowish flesh and a flat taste: Anona sp.

atin v [A2; b(1)] attend classes or a meeting. Dì ku muatin sa klási, I won’t attend classes.

atindan, atindant n hospital attendant. v [B16; b(1)] be a hospital attendant.

atindída = atindídu (female).

atindídu a 1 attentive, courteous. Atindídu siya sa íyang pamisti, He dresses carefully. Atindídu siya sa mga bisíta, She attends to the visitors courteously. 2 paying attention to things that are not one’s business. Atindídu kaáyu nà siya sa sayup sa uban, He is very observant of other peoples’ mistakes.

atindir v 1 [A2; b6] attend classes or a meeting. Kumpirinsyang ákung giatindiran (giatindihan), The conference I attended. 2 [A; b5] give one’s attention to s.t. Dúna kuy asuntu nga atindihan (atindihun), I have a court case to attend to. Atindihi (atindiha) ang mga bisíta, Attend to the visitors.

atinsiyun n 1 attention, special care. Nagkinahanglan ug atinsiyun ang masakitun, The patient needs special attention. 2 attention! Atinsiyun mga sinyúris, Attention, Ladies and Gentlemen!

átip v [A; c1] 1 join pieces by sewing, welding, or pasting. Maátip pa kahà nang maáyu mang pagkagidlay? Do you think it can still be put back together in one piece? It is completely torn up. 2 put a crazy person in a kapok tree stock to cure him. Atípa ang búang sa duldul, Put the crazy man in the stocks.

atipú, atipúlu n name given to several large wild trees of the breadfruit family which have small to medium fruits, the seeds of which are eaten: Artocarpus spp.

átis n 1 sugar apple, a widely planted sweet fruit with numerous black seeds: Anona squamosa. 2 bruise, cussing out, or anything unpleasant that can be inflicted on one (slang). Unsa bay sígig tagawtaw dihà. Mangáyù ka bag átis? What are you grumbling about. You want me to box you? Si Nanit hinúun walà kaáyu makatilaw ug átis, Nanette, however, escaped the cussing-out.

atlíta n athlete.

atmuspíra n atmosphere surrounding the earth.

atnga, atngal n 1 teat, nipple. Gisakitan siya sa atngal human magpasúsu, Her nipples hurt after she suckled the baby. 2 the lower right-angled corner of a sack or one of the four corners of a pillow. Ug mag-aswat mug sáku usa ninyu maggunit sa atngal, If you lift a sack, one of you hold the lower corner.

atngaw = atngal.

atráka v [A; a12] 1 get close to s.t. not easy to approach. Mu rag dílì muatráka sa kaláyu ang mga bumbíru, It looks as though the firemen will not get close to the fire. Dì ku kaatráka níya kay dátù, I feel ashamed to approach her because she is rich. 2 attack a job with dispatch. Ug dílì ka muatráka sa trabáhu, wà kay umintu, If you don’t do your work with dispatch, you won’t make progress. Atrakáha lang siya pagpaningil, Get in there and press her to pay you. 3 [A2; a12] hold one’s own in a conversation. Burung. Dì kaatrákag kukabildu, She lacks social grace. She can’t keep a conversation going.

atraksiyun n attraction, s.t. that appeals. Ang Luníta usa sa mga atraksiyun sa Manílà, The Luneta park is one of the attractions in Manila. Bisag unsáug arti, wà giyud kay atraksiyun, No matter how much you put on, you still don’t have sex-appeal.

atraktíbu a attractive. v [B12] become attractive.

atras n 1 rear wheel. Nahyúsan mi sa atras, We had a flat tire in the rear. 2 rear part of vehicles. Adtu ikarga sa atras, Load it in the back. 3 reverse gear. Ang kambiyu dílì musulud sa atras, The gear won’t shift into reverse. — abanti a sewing machine capable of forward and backward movement. v [A] 1 back up a vehicle. Iatras ang trák, Back the truck up. 2 back out of an agreement. Dì ku muatras sa átung sábut, I will not back out of our agreement. 3 give way, back off from. Dì ta ka atrásan, I won’t [65]give ground to you.†

atrasádu a late, not on time. Alas nuybi na, atrasádu ka kaáyu, It’s nine o’clock now. You’re very late. v [B123(1)6; a2b3] be, late. Atrasadúhun nátù ang átung paglarga, Let’s start late.

atrasar v [AP; a2b3] delay s.t. Ayawg atrasara ang ákung paniudtu, Don’t delay my lunch. Unsa kahay naatrasahan ni Pípi? What could have delayed Pepe?

atrasáwu = atrasádu.

atrásu v [AP; a12P] 1 = atrasar. 2 cause s.t. to become delayed or get behindhand in fulfilling an obligation. Ug maatrásu ta ug duha ka adlaw, dakù ang multa, There is a big fine if you are two days delinquent. 3a [A12] have done a wrong to s.o. which requires retribution. Nakaatrásu ka nákù, panimaslan ta ka, You have done me a wrong. I’ll get revenge. 3b have a debt which one has failed to pay. n 1a delay. Ang atrásu nakapaalkansi námug dakù, The delay caused us great loss. 1b fine imposed for a delay. 2 wrong done to s.o. Unsay atrásu nákù nímu? What wrong have I done you?

atribídu see atribir.

atribir v [A3] do s.t. one has no business doing. Kinsay nag-atribir ug arangka niíni? Who went and took this apart? paN- v touch s.t. one has no business touching, mix into things not of one’s business. Nangatribir ka pud sa ákung butang, ha? So you dared to touch my things, did you? atribídu a doing things one has no business doing. Atribídu ka bisag dílì kamau, You take it on yourself even if you don’t know how. Atribídu ka sa mga áway bisag wà kay lábut, You mix into quarrels that are none of your business. v [B12] get to be atribídu.

atril1 n music stand, lectern. v [A; c1] use, use for a music stand, lectern. Muatril ka pa nga namimurya na man nímu ang písa? Will you use a music stand even if you’ve memorized the piece?

atril2 v [B46; a12] for dust, dirt to be thick. Miatril ang abug paglabay sa trák, Dust filled the air when the bus passed. Nag-atril ang buling sa ímung tangkúgù, You have thick dirt on your nape.

atripisyu, atripisyun n s.t. one is occupied with temporarily or one’s work. Pagpanágat mauy íyang atripisyu, Fishing is his occupation.

atsa n axe, hatchet. v 1 [A23; a12] hit, chop s.t. with an ax. Aku lay muatsa ánang irúa ug mabúang nà, I will hit that dog with an axe if it has distemper. 2 [a12] make into an axe.†

atsaatsa v [B1] be hard pressed doing s.t. because of its being more than one can handle. Nagkaatsaatsa kug pangítag ikabáyad sa ákung mga útang, I am going crazy trying to look for money to pay my debts.

atsal n 1 pickles made of shredded green papaya and various other vegetables cut in slivers. 2 name given to various varieties of large peppers, e.g., sweet pepper, long hot pepper: Capsicum annuum. v 1 [A; a12] make papaya pickles. 2 [A1; b6] cook sweet pepper, put sweet peppers into s.t.

atsar = atsal.

atsára = atsal, 1.

atsay1 n 1 kept woman, paramour (coarse). 2 maid of all work, servant (coarse). v 1 [A12B; a2] become a mistress, manage to get a mistress. Nakaatsay na kug mistísa, Dung, Let me tell you, son, I have already had a mistress of Spanish blood. Giatsayan ka lang nákù. Tinúud kung asáwa, arun ka masáyud, You think I’m your mistress? Well, in case you didn’t know, I’m your wife. 2 [A3; a2] be paid female help. Nakaatsay na ku sa tagasinyur istap, I’ve already tasted what it’s like to be a helper to the Senior Staff.

*atsay2 gi- euphemism for giátay, an expression of displeasure at s.o.’s behavior. Giatsay ka ba nga natúlug ka man dihà? What are you doing sleeping there? Are you crazy?

atsi1 n name of letter H.

atsi2 n sneeze, act of sneezing. v [A2N; b6] sneeze. Ug muatsi (mangatsi) ka, panap-ung sa ímung bàbà, If you sneeze, cover your mouth.

atsuytis = asyútis.

atu v [A12; a12] keep up doing s.t. to things as they come up. Makaatu ka ba sa mga balayranan sa iskuyláhan? Can you keep up with the school fees? Atuhun nímug laba ang mga bulingun, You should wash the soiled clothes as soon as they get dirty.

átu = adtu.

átù see kita.

atúa short form: túa is there, far away. Atúa (túa) pa ba siya puyù sa Manílà? Does he still live (there) in Manila? Tua na. Bag-u pa siyang milakaw, He’s gone (lit. over there). He just left.

átub1 n 1 stone prison cell. 2 pile of stones put s.w. to attract fish and crabs and get them where they can be readily found. 3 pit with a flimsy top for trapping animals. v 1 [A1; a] construct an átub. 2 [A2N; a1] trap in a pitfall. Nakaátub (nakapangátub) mig bábuy ihálas, We trapped a wild pig in [66]a pitfall.

átub2 v [A; b5] soak maguey leaves in the sea to soften them. Atúban (atúbun) ang magay unyà labhan, Maguey leaves are soaked and the flesh is washed off.

átub3 v [A3; b6] fall in great quantities. Miátub ang bumba sa syudad, Bombs rained on the city. Nag-átub ang ulan, The rain was pouring down. pa- v [A3] 1 expose oneself to a downpour. 2 expose oneself to danger. Hiilugan ka sa búlag magpaátub ka, They’ll get the ball away from you if you just stand there.

atubang v 1 [A; c1] face towards. Sígi ka lang nag-atubang sa ispíhu, You’re always looking at yourself in (lit. facing) the mirror. Iatubang ang ispíhu ngari, Face the mirror this way. 2 [A2; a12] set oneself to doing s.t. as it needs to be done. Daghan akung buluhatung atubangun, I have lots of work to do. Atubangun kug báyad ang instulmin, I’ll pay the installments as they come up. (←) v 1 [A3C; c3] be face to face with s.o. Nag-atúbang silag lingkud, They were sitting face to face. 2 [A3; a12] receive, entertain visitors. Kinahanglan atubángun ang mamisíta, If s.o. visits you, you have to receive him. 3 [AN2; a12] go see s.o. to talk things over. Ikaw bay muatúbang (mangatúbang) sa hípi? Will you go to see the chief to talk things over? Kinsay ákung atubángun (pangatubángun)? Who shall I go to see to talk it over with? 3a speak for a girl’s hand. Sa pamaláyi ang dakung táwu mauy mangatúbang, In arranging a marriage, the intermediary will speak to her parents. pa- towards, in a direction to. v [A; c1] go in a direction to (lit. make oneself face). Nagdagan si Pidru nagpaatubang sa baybay, Peter was running toward the shore. Paatubanga ang barútu sa píliw, Head the boat for the shallows. -ay v [C] meet face to face in a confrontation. -an n genitalia usually female (euphemism). -an(←) 1 place in front of, in the face of. Wà giyud siya mag-usab atubángan sa mapait nga kalisud, He hasn’t changed in the face of bitter difficulties. Ang irù túa gihukut sa atubángan, The dog is tied in the front yard. Gibundak níya ang libru sa ákung atubángan, He banged the book down in my presence. 2 = atubangan.

átud particle showing displeasure (euphemism for giátay). Átud, nawà man ta, Darn! We are lost. gi- darn! Giátud ka bang nangindiyan ka man, Darn you! You didn’t show up for our date.

atug n clitoris. taas ug — having a shrill voice (humorous).

atug-atug v [AP; a] presume to take responsibility or present oneself and one’s services unasked. Nakaatug-atug (nakapaatug-atug) si Píli pagtábang sa táwu kay nalúuy siya, Fely forced her help on the man unasked because she pitied him.

atul coincide in time. Ang íyang adlaw atul sa bag-ung túig, His birthday coincides with New Year’s. v 1 [A2C; c1] do s.t. at the same time as s.t. else happens. Dì ka muatul ug labang ug dúnay awtung muági, Do not cross at the same time that there’s a car coming. Nag-átul mig pamisíta sa ka Lusing, We happened to visit Lucing at the same time. Atulun (iatul) nílag pangáun ang pamisíta, They make their visits coincide with mealtime. 2 [b2] for s.t. to happen to one coincidentally with s.t. else. Hiatlan mig ulan sa Magalyánis, We were caught in the rain downtown. Naatlan níya si Bin nga bugnaw ang úlu, This time, she chanced to come on Ben while he was cool-headed.

atuli n 1 earwax. 2 materials like earwax. a yellow paste. b tobacco tars. c yellow, hardened grease sticking in corners of machinery. v [A; ac1] make, apply paste to. Nagkayabkáyab nang mga drúwing sa bungbung. Iatuli (atuliha) ra, The drawings are flapping up and down on the wall. Paste them down. (←) = atuli, 2a. paN- v = panghiN-. hiN- n instrument for getting earwax out. v [A; b(1)] remove earwax. Akuy muhingatuli sa bátà, I will remove the child’s earwax. panghiN- v [A2; b(1)] remove one’s earwax. Dílì maáyung manghingatuli sa kadaghánan, It’s not good to remove one’s earwax in public.

átum1 n atom.

*átum2 atum-atum 1 = atug-atug. 2 [A; a] attach undue importance to s.t., pay s.t. heed which is not worth it. Ang muatum-atum sa sulti sa gamayng bátà buang, Whoever gives importance to everything a child says is a fool. Sigíhan man kug súngug, nakaatum-atum ku, They teased me mercilessly, so I rose to the bait. 3 = pangarasti. see *arasti. atum-atumun a tending to give undue importance to s.t. -ay v [A; ab5] give s.t. careful and diligent attention. Kinahanglan atumáyun ang mga ginikánan sa ílang pagkatigúlang, One should give good care to his parents in their old age. Láin man ang ímung giatumáyan (giatúmay), dílì ang gisúgù nímu, Instead of sticking to your chores, your attention was elsewhere.

atumátik n 1 s.t. automatic. Atumátik ning ákung kamira, My camera is automatic. 2 [67]automatic pistol. 3 snap fastener for clothing. v [A; b6(1)] attach, close a snap fastener. Atumatíki ang likud, Put a snap fastener on the back (or snap the back).

*atúmik — bam atom bomb. — ids atomic age.

atumika a atomic, nuclear. Bumba atumika, Atomic bomb.

atung = atang.

atup n 1 roof. 2 paper covering for a kite. v [A; c] 1 put a roof. Aptan (atpan) tag sín ímung balay, We’ll put a galvanized iron roof on your house. 2 cover a kite.

atup-atup1 n k.o. roundish sea crab around nine square inches in size with scalloped edges.

aturga, aturgǎr v [AN; b5] take on responsibility, assume work without being asked to. Giaturgǎr (giaturgaran, giaturgahan) nákù ang pagdáwat sa urdir, I took on the responsibility of receiving the order.

aturni n 1 public attorney, lawyer. 2 short form: turni title of address for lawyers. Maáyung buntag, turni, Good morning, Attorney. v [B15] be, become an attorney.

atutung n blackening of the teeth. v [A123P; a4] get blackened teeth. Ug dì ta manipilyu atutungun ta, If you don’t brush your teeth, you’ll get black spots on them. ka- v [A13] having black spots on the teeth. Nagkaatutung íyang ngípun, His teeth has black places all over them.

aw, àw 1 particle preceding a statement made to correct oneself. Tagdus písus, aw, dus singkwinta diay, It’s two, I mean, two-fifty. 1a particle preceding an afterthought. Aw kanà lang diay, ímu na nà, Oh that. You can have that. 2 particle preceding a statement or question meaning ‘is that so?’ and shows surprise. Aw, mau diay nà? Oh! Is that so! 3 pause word before starting to speak. Aw, makahímù ba tag gáwì sa ímung tilipunu? Er, may I use your phone? 4 particle preceding a predetermined answer: ‘of course’. Aw, ú. Mabalibáran ba gud nà nákù? Yes, of course. How could I refuse that!

áwà1 n k.o. fish, the ten-pounder: Elops hawaiensis.

áwà2 v 1 [B126; b5c1] envy, be jealous. Ngánung maáwà ka man sa ímung igsúun? Why should you be jealous of your sister? Makaáwà man nang ímung kahimtang, Your circumstances inspire envy. Dílì man nà ángay awáun (awáan, iáwà), That is not worth envying. 2 [B1; b5c1] be worried. Mag-áwà man ka nga wà may nahinabù? Why are you worried when nothing terrible has happened?

awáaw a deserted place. Giatángan sila sa dapit nga awáaw, They were ambushed at the remote and lonely spot. v [B] be, become deserted and lonely.

awahi = ulahi.

áwak n continuous vaginal bleeding, severe or slight. v [A123P; a4b4] have continuous vaginal bleeding. Giáwak (giawákan) ka na ba sukad? Did you ever suffer continuous vaginal bleeding?

awang1 n space between the upper two front teeth. In folk belief, a woman is thought to be oversexed if she has this gap. v [b4] for s.o. to have a wide gap between the two front teeth. Birgatinya kunu ang babáying awangan, They say that a woman is oversexed if she has a wide gap between her two front teeth.

awang2 n k.o. small fresh-water crab that is edible.

áwas v 1 [A2S; b6] for liquid to boil over, spill over the top of a container. Muáwas ang sabaw, The soup will boil over. Nag-awas ang túbig sa baldi, The water in the pail is running over. 1a [b4] have wet dreams. Awásan siyag magabíi, He has wet dreams at night. 1b [B256] — sa kalindaryu pass thirty (Lit. go over the number in the calendar—slang). Miáwas (naáwas) na lang síya sa kalindaryu, wà pa giyud maminyù, She is past thirty and still hasn’t gotten married. 2 [A2S] for blows to miss the mark. Muáwas lang ang kúmù kay maáyung mulikay ang kuntra, Since his opponent dodge well his fist won’t hit the mark. pa- v [A; a12] parry, ward off blows. Paawásun níya ang pipila ka sukmag úsà siya mubálus, He will ward off several blows before he retaliates. (→) a abundant to overflowing. Ang Hapun karun awas sa mga pruduktu, Japan has products in abundance. —, -an(→) ug pálad spendthrift, extravagant. -an(→) sa apdu k.o. sickness. awasánan n down spout of a roof gutter.

awat, áwat1 v [A; ac] imitate, follow after. Kusug kitang muawat sa múda sa mga kanù, We are quick to imitate American fashions. Awata ang ákung linaktan, Imitate my way of walking. Iawat ang ímung linihukan sa ákù, Make your movements be like mine.

áwat2 v [A; a12] part or disengage persons fighting. Awáta sila kay magpatyanay unyà, Break them up because they might kill each other.

aw-aw v [A; ab2] bark. Ay lag dágan ug aw-áwun (hiaw-awan) ka sa irù, Don’t run if the dog barks at you. n dish prepared from dog meat (slang). Aw-aw ang ílang gisumsum, [68]They had dog meat to go with their drinks.

áway v [AC; a12b3] quarrel, fight. Awáyun ta ka run, I will quarrel with you. Ug dì madalag sulti, átù ning awáyun, We’ll fight it out if we can’t talk it out. Unsa may inyung giawáyan? What are you two quarreling about? Ang pátag nga ílang gipanag-awáyan, The plains where they did battle. Gikaáway ku siya, I had a fight with him. n fight, quarrel. -an(→) n in a game, a piece used to hit off others or used to determine the first performer of the game. ka- n enemy. pala-(→) a quarrelsome. Dì ku makigdúlà nímu kay palaaway ka, I will not play with you because you’re quarrelsome. v [B12] become quarrelsome.

awdisyun n audition. v [A; a12] audition.

awditíbu n telephone receiver.

awditur n auditor.

awdituryum n auditorium.

awgid = amgid.

awhag v [A; b5] urge s.o. to do s.t. Miawhag námù ang pulis sa pagpadágan ug hínay, The police urged us to drive slowly. Awhágun (awhágan) ta mu sa pagdagínut, I urge you to economize. ma-un a persuasive, urging. Maawhágung mga púlung, Words of persuasion.†

awhu n k.o. barracuda.

awíhaw = aluwíhaw.

áwil v [A; b] paddle a boat to make it stay in place. Awíli ang sakayan arun dílì ta iánud, Paddle the boat in place so we won’t be carried away.

áwit v 1 [A; a] sing. Unsa may íyang awítun? What will she sing? Awítan ta ka, I will sing you a song. 2 [A2; b6] sing, squeal (slang). Hibaw-an na mung tanan kay nakaáwit na ang dinakpan, You are all known because the suspect has squealed. 3 [A; b6] scold. Hastilang nakaáwit ni Nánay mu, naghápun man lang, How your mother scolds. It lasts till afternoon. 4 [b] demand a person’s possessions (slang). Pagsulud níyas prísu, giawítan dáyun ang íyang púlu, As soon as he entered the prison, they demanded his shirt right away. n song. karáang — old, oft-repeated story.

awlà n k.o. fish.

*awra — mismu right then and there. Awra mismung gipapaháwà ang kiriwan nga mutsatsa, They dismissed the maid on the spot because she was a thief. Anus-a ta mulakat? Awra mismu? When shall we leave? Right away?

awrúra1 n 1 religious procession held in time of pestilence in the early morning or late evening hours for the purpose of preventing further pestilence. 2 religious procession held on eight consecutive evenings before the feast day of saints. This procession is held after the novena. v [A; b6] hold a procession of this sort.

awrúra2 n name given to several k.o. ornamental bulbous plants.

Awstriyanhun n Austrian.

awsud n k.o. barracuda.

awtburd n outboard motor or motorboat.

awting n outing. v [A1; b6] have or hold an outing. Ang klási mag-awting sa Talísay ugmà, The class will have an outing at Talisay tomorrow.

awtlit n 1 drain for liquids. Naglúmung ang túbig dinhi kay walay awtlit, Water stagnates here because there is no outlet. 2 electric outlet. v 1 [b(1)] supply with a drain for water or electric outlet; make an outlet.

awtu n car. v [A13; a] go by, get a car. Dílì maawtu, You can’t go there by car. awtúhan a having an auto. v [B1256] getting to have a car.

awtugrap n autograph book, book of dedications. v [A; b(1)] write in an autograph book.

awtumátik, awtumatiku = atumátik.

awtumubil = awtu.

awtunumíya n autonomy.

awtupsi, awtupsíya n autopsy. v [A; b5] perform an autopsy. Awtupsiyáhun (awtupsiyáhan, awtupsíhun) ang minatay antis ilubung, The cadaver will be autopsied before it is buried.

awtur n 1 author of a book. 2 author of an act.

awturidad n 1 authority, right to do s.t. Wà kay awturidad sa pagpapaháwà nákù áning yutáa, You have no authority to eject me from this land. 2 governmental authorities. Ang awturidad nag-awhag sa mga táwu sa pagpabáyad sa mga buluhísan, The authorities are enjoining the people to pay their taxes. Gipangítà siya sa awturidad, He is being hunted by the authorities. 3 authority, expert in s.t. Si Manang usa ka awturidad sa madyung, Manang is an authority on mahjong. v [B1256] be an authority on s.t.

awturisar v [A; b6] authorize, empower.

awturisasyun n authorization.

awu- see also alu-.

áwug1 v [A3; c] furnish s.t. for free or as a privilege. Giawgan siyag dyip sa gubyirnu, The government furnishes him with a jeep. Walay buhis ang mga baligyang iáwug sa Amirika sa íyang mga sundálu, The goods [69]that America furnishes her soldiers are tax-free.

áwug2 n magical charm hung on fruit and vegetable plants to protect them from thieves. This charm may harm the culprit who eats it or give him some illusion which prevents him from leaving the place until he gets caught. v [A; b] apply a charm of this sort. Awgi ang kalbásà arun way mangáwat, Hang a charm on the squash so nobody will steal it. -in-an n fruit trees on which a charm has been hung; fruits from such trees.

áwuk = unglù.

awuk-uk = uk-uk.

awul v [A2; b6] go awol. Ug dílì ku tugtan, muawul na lang ku, If they don’t give me permission, I will go awol.

awumbak n dried piece of banana trunk.

áwut1 a 1 be out in a ball game. 2 be out of a place, out of stock, etc. — ab bawuns, lak, istak, etc. out of bounds, luck, stock, etc. Awut ab tápik ka, You are out of order, off the subject. v 1 [A3P; a2] make s.o. or s.t. out in ball games. Nakaáwut na ang pitsir ug duha, The pitcher has already struck two batters out. Hiawtan silag duha, They have had two outs. 2 [B56] get to be out of a place, out of luck, stock, etc. Muáwut ku ugmà, I’ll get out of this place tomorrow. Maáwut ang búla, The ball will go out of bounds.

áwut2 = alut.

awutsayid n out of bounds. v [B12; a12] go out of bounds. Ug maawtsayid ang búla ning sirbíha, pildi ta, If the ball goes out of bounds on this serve, we lose.

áwuy n k.o. shrub that bears umbels of black pellet-sized berries which are edible. The leaves are used as a fish poison and are applied to wounds to stop bleeding: Calliocarpa eriochlona. — agkut k.o. áwuy that is hairy: Calliocarpa formosana.

awyan = ayayan. see ayay.

ay1 1 expression dismissing what follows as unimportant. Ay kanà, ihátag na lang nà, Oh that! Just give it away. 2 particle showing exasperation or frustrated helplessness. Ay, Inday. Wà pa giyud ka makat-un? Goodness, my dear. Can’t you ever learn? Ay, ulahi ka na, nahurut na ug kahálin, Oh you are too late. They’re all sold out. Ay, kapait ning kinabuhía, My, how difficult life is. 3 particle preceding an exclamation of delight. Ay, kanindut sa búlak! Oh, what a beautiful flower.

ay2 particle following s.t. which calls attention to s.t. Si Pidru ay, Mam. Nanghíwì nákù, Teacher, Pedro was making faces at me. Pagkabuta nímu. Túa sa iskína ay, How blind you are! It’s right there at the corner! Kining bataána ay. Nagsígi lag dúlag lápuk, My, this child. He keeps playing in the mud. únu, dus, —, tris one, two, three, go!

ay3 = ayaw.

ay4 n a pair of mahjong pieces of the same number and design. In order to get mahjong, a set must contain an ay.

-ay1 affix forming verbs which refer 1 to reciprocal actions. Naglalisay sila, They argued back and forth. Nagtutukay sila, They stared at each other. Naghigugmáay sila, They were in love with one another. 2 to intense actions. Naghilákay sila, They cried and cried. Naghikayay sila kay pista ugmà, They were busy preparing because the fiesta was the following day.

-ay2 affix added to verbs to form nouns referring to manner in which s.t. is done. Maghúlin ta, bihagay, Let’s play marbles for keeps (in the manner of bíhag ‘capture’). Magtínis ta, sirbisahay, Let’s play tennis. The loser buys beer (lit. in the beer manner). Tagsingkwinta ang gatus, way piliay, They cost fifty a hundred, but no choosing.

ayà = wayà.

ayaan = iyaan. see iyà.

ayáay n time when water is slack at low tide before rising or at high tide before ebbing. v [B; b4] become slack tide. Maáyung ipamúkut ug muayáay ang dágat, A good time to go net fishing is when the water is slack.

ayad1 v [A; b(1)] 1 refuse to go through with s.t., have second thoughts, esp. about buying. Walay makaayad áning prisyung kubus, No one can have second thoughts about buying it at this low price. 2 reject an offer. Ikaw pa lay miayad sa ákung panábang, You’re the only one so far who has refused my aid. Pagkaaláut ning gugmang ímung giayran, Pity the one whose love you spurned. 3 avoid, refrain contact with. Nangayad siya sa mga pagkáun kay nanamkun, She couldn’t stand food because she was pregnant. Giayran siya sa mga táwu human siya mabangkarúta, People avoided him after he went bankrupt. 4 particle expressing eagerness. ‘Mukáun kag mangga?’—‘Ayad!’ ‘Do you want to eat mangoes?’—‘Sure thing. (Lit. Would I avoid them?)’ inayran n s.t. spurned, avoided. Inayran sa katilingban, Spurned by society.

ayad2 v [A; a12] repair s.t. Ayrun nákù ang munyíka nga natangtángag kamut, I’ll fix [70]the doll that lost one of its arms.

áyag v [A; a12] sift, separate the coarse from the fine. Ayágun ang bugas arun malain ang pínu, The rice is sifted so the fine particles can be separated. -an(→) n sifter, sieve.

ayágak = iyágak.

áyam v [A; a] 1 for a dog to chase s.t. Háin íning irúa ang nag-áyam sa manuk? Which dog chased the chicken? 2 hunt with dogs where the dog keeps track of the spoor. Bakatin ang ílang giáyam, They are hunting for wild pigs. paN- v [A] go hunting with dogs. Nangáyam sila sa lasang, They went hunting in the forest. n 1 occupation of hunting with dogs. 2 s.t. used to hunt. 3 hunting trip. -an(→) n place one hunts. ig-l-(→) = paN-, 3. maN-r-(→) n hunter. pinaN-an n s.t. caught hunting.

ayang-ang a in full view, uncovered. v [B] be open to full view. Muayang-ang gánì ang pultahan, musulud dáyun ang irù, If the door is open, the dog will get in. Nag-ayang-ang ang mga pinalit sa mga bukas nga bukag, The goods they bought were in full view in the open baskets. pa- v [A; ac2] expose s.t. to full view. Magpaayang-ang lang nà siya bísan ug daghang táwu, She sits in such a way that she exposes her crotch, even when there are a lot of people around. Nakapaayang-ang siya sa íyang kasukù, She exposed her anger. Paayang-anga lang nang pultahan sa ímung kwartu, Leave your door partly open. Ayaw paayang-angi ang sud-an, Don’t leave the food exposed. -un, -an a careless of speech and ways.

ay-ar payib n IR5, k.o. recently-introduced strain of rice.

ayaw short form: ay don’t do! Ayaw ug syágit. Ayaw pagsiyágit, Do not shout. Ayaw ug kabaláka, ayaw kabaláka, ayaw pagkabaláka, Don’t worry. — lang 1 never mind doing. Ayaw lang ug sirhi nang pwirta, Don’t bother closing the door. ‘Gustu ka?’—‘Ayaw lang,’ ‘Do you want any?’—‘No, thanks.’ 2 don’t (it’s a small thing to ask). Ay lang ingna ánà, Don’t do like that! — na stop doing. Ayaw nag hílak, Stop crying. Ayaw na, Tay. Dì na ku muusab, That’s enough, Dad. I won’t do it again. — na lang don’t bother doing what you’ve started or made a motion to do. Ay na lang kug ihatud, Don’t bother taking me home. — na lang ku ánà don’t give me that reason. Ay na lang ku ánà. Nakabatì na ku ánang rasúna, Don’t give me that. I’ve heard that line before. — na ku, ta (nímu) don’t try to fool me. Ay na lang ku nímu, Syu. Swítu na kaáyu ku nímu, Don’t try to put one over me, Cio. I know you too well already.

áyaw v [A2; b6] for a child to cry when not allowed to go with s.o. Natural, ang bátà muáyaw sa inahan, It’s natural for a child to cry when he’s not allowed to go with his mother.

ayawan = awayan. see áway.

ayáwat = iyáwat.

ayay particle 1 expressing pleasant surprise. Ayay, kanindut! Yippie. How nice! 2 expressing pain. Ayay, kasakit, Ouch. How painful. -an a overly sensitive and easily incapacitated by pain or sickness. Ayayan kaáyung batáa maung dì magpaindiksiyun, This child is a terrible sissy. She won’t let them give her a shot. v [B12] be a big sissy.

aybru n 1 eyebrow. 2 eyebrow pencil. v [A; b6] apply eyebrow pencil on s.o. paN- v [A2] apply eyebrow pencil on oneself.

ayda n kerosene pressure lantern (so called from the brand name).

aydi n identification card.

ayhà1 v [A; ac] talk s.o. into doing s.t., esp. buying. Ayháun ku siya sa ámù, I’ll persuade her to stay at our place. Singsing nga kináwat ang giayhà sa táwu, They offered the man a stolen ring.

ayhà2 before [so-and-so] happens. Mikáun siya ayhà mulakaw, He ate before he left the house. — na only then will, does [so-and-so] happen. Ayhà na ka bayri ug maintrígu mu ang risíbu, You get paid only when you hand over the receipt. — pa only then did [so-and-so] happen. Hápit na mahurut ayhà pa ku tagái, I wasn’t given any until they were almost all gone.

ayhab v [a4] menstruate (euphemism). Giayhab ka? Are you menstruating?

ayis n ice. — bag n ice bag. v [b6] apply an ice bag to. — baks n refrigerator. — drap n popsicle. v [A; a12] make, make into a popsicle. — kap = ayis bag. — kindi n ice candy. — krim n ice cream. v [A13; a12] make, make into ice cream. — kiyub n ice cubes. — pik n ice pick. v [a1] use an ice pick on, stab with an ice pick. v 1 [a] make ice. Maáyu muayis ang ripridiyirítur, The refrigerator makes ice well. 2 [B3; c1P] freeze. Dalì rang muayis (maayis, mag-ayis) ang ayis kindi kun ibutang sa prísir, The ice candy will freeze quickly if you put it in the freezer. 3 [A; b5] preserve s.t. with ice. Inaysan ba nang isdà? Has that fish been kept with ice?

ayis-ayis v 1 [AC; a1] flirt with the eyes. Maistra man diay tung ákung giayis-aysan, I just found out that the lady I was making eyes at was a teacher. 2 [A; b5] eye s.o. [71]or s.t. for a purpose. Nakaayis-ayis ku niánang sinináa, I have been eyeing that dress. n flirtation with the eyes.

ayri n air that gets into s.o.’s body causing disorder. Kuyaw sa ayri nang paságad lag indiksiyun, If you’re careless in giving shots, there is danger of air getting into the body. v 1 [B246; b4] for air to get into the body. Ayawg pahangin humag kalígù kay ayrihan ka, Don’t expose yourself to the wind after you bathe, for air might get into you. 2 [A; b6] admit air into a kerosene pressure lamp. Ayríhag hínay arun dílì musiláub, Let air into it slowly so it won’t flare up. 3 [A2; c] get on a bicycle by stepping on the pedal which is in an up position, so that the wheel is propelled as one steps on the pedal. Iayri ang bisiklíta inigsakay nímu, Pump the pedal as you get on the bike. 4 [A; b6] mount a woman (slang). Nindut ayríhan nang bayhána, It’d be nice to have intercourse with that woman.

ayruplánu n airplane. — nga báyut n light plane. v [A13; a12] go by, ride a plane. Ayruplanúhun ta lang ang Manílà, Let’s go to Manila by airplane.

aysyid n eye shadow. v [A; b6] apply eye shadow on s.o. Aysíran kang manang mu, Big sister will apply eye shadow on you. paN- v [A2] apply eye shadow on oneself.

ayta1 n Aeta, the Negritos.

ayta2 short form for tagái ta ‘give me’. Ayta duha kabuuk bi, Let me have two, please.

áyu v 1a [A13; a12] do s.t. well. Ayúha nig limpiyu, Clean this carefully. Gitan-aw níya pag-áyu ang sulud, He looked carefully into the insides. 1b do s.t. to an intense degree. Giáyu siya ug kastígu, He was severely punished. Nasukù siya pag-áyu, He got very angry. 2 [A3] do well in a given situation. Muáyu ang mais dinhi kay hustu sa ulan, Corn will do well here because there is enough rain. 3 [A; a12] repair, restore into working order. Ikay muáyu sa awtu kay ikay nakadáut, You repair the car because you ruined it. Ayúha ning ákung mutur, Repair my motorcycle. 4 [B12] get better. Naáyu na ku. Wà na ku hilanti, I am well now. I don’t have a fever any more. — ang buut v [B4] be in a good mood. Muáyu ang íyang buut ug bisitáhan siya ni Piduy, She gets in a good mood when Pedoy visits her. Giayúhan siya sa buut, She is in a good mood. 5 [A23; b6] treat s.o. nicely. Muáyu ka lang nákù ug magkinahanglan kag sápì, You treat me nicely only if you want money. Ug dì ka níla ayúhan, ayawg tagda, If they don’t treat you nicely, never mind. 6 [c] be on good terms with one another. Nagkaáyu na ba mung duha? Have you two gotten to be on good terms yet? ma- a short forms: maay, máyu 1 nice, good, well. Maáyu ning librúha, This book is good. Maáyu siyang magkinatsilà, He speaks Spanish well. 2 -ng buntag, hápun, etc. Good morning, afternoon, etc. -ng Pasku Merry Christmas. 2a greeting upon arriving at s.o.’s premises (short for maáyung buntag, etc.). Maáyu. Uy wà may táwu, Hello! Oh, there’s nobody home. 3a — nga bátà beautiful. Maáyung bátà ang íyang asáwa, He has a beautiful wife. 3b — láki of exceptional ability in s.t. Si Tiryu maáyung láki sa pamálak, Terio has exceptional ability in poetry. 4 ug ma- done well, to an intense degree. Gilimpiyuhag maáyu, It was well cleaned. Gibunálag maáyu, Got a good beating. v [B] be good, better. Ug mumaáyu ang guwà, padayúni, If it gives a good outcome, continue with it. Ug mamaáyu ang íyang tíngug sa mayik, dawáta pára sa amatyur, If his voice turns out good with the microphone, accept him for the singing contest. Namaáyu na ku sa sakit, I recovered from the sickness. Nagkamaayu ang íyang ági, His penmanship is getting better. Nagmaáyu ang tilimad-un ug walay kapakyásan, The indications are good, and it won’t fail. mina-(→) a in a good way. ayuáyu v 1 [A13] behave properly. Mag-ayuáyu ka sa ímung paglakaw, You behave properly on your trip. pag- goodbye, be careful on your trip. 2 [A23; b5] treat nicely. Ayuayúhun (ayuayúhan) ka lang níya pagkakarun, He is just treating you nice for now. pahi-/paka- v [A13; a12] cure an illness. Didtu siya magpakaáyu (magpahiáyu) sa Manílà sa íyang sakit, He was in Manila to get treated for his sickness. paayuáyu v [A13] pretend to be nice. Nagpaayuáyu ang libakíra, The scandalmonger is pretending to be nice. ka-, kama- how nice, well. Kaáyu (kamaáyu) nímung manista, How nicely you play! Kaáyu gyung latiguhun nímu, How nice it would be to whip you! ka- short forms: kaay, káyu very, very much. Mahal kaáyu, It’s very expensive. Gustu ku kaáyu, I want to very much. alayúhan n repair shop. alayuhun n s.t. to be repaired. kaayúhan n benefit.

ayù (from káyù) a asking for trouble. v [A13] ask for trouble. Nag-ayù ka ug kasab-an? Are you asking for a scolding?

ayúda v [A; b] 1 help. Ayudáhi kug alsa ári, Help me lift this. 2 give s.t. as a help. Ang mga Láyuns nag-ayúda ug kinahun nga sardínas, The Lions gave boxes of sardines as [72]aid. n aid, help given. — dikampu aide-de-camp. -nti n 1 helper. Ayudanti sa imprinta, A helper in the printing press. 2 aide-de-camp. v [B; a12] be, become a helper, aide-de-camp.

ayudi n intra-uterine device (I.U.D.) pa- v [A] have an I.U.D. installed.

áyum v [APB3(1); a12] 1 for a wound to be healed or cured. Dalì rang miáyum (naáyum) ang samad, It took only a short time for the wound to heal. 2 free from troubles, grief, evil habits. Ang panahun muáyum (mupaáyum) sa kaguul, Time will make us forget our sorrows. 3 [A; a12] repair, mend, fix. Muáyum siyag sapátus gubà, He repairs torn shoes. Ayúma ang ímung sinínà kay hugut da, Fix your dress because it’s too tight. ayum-áyum v 1 [A1; c1] fix s.t. up quickly in a makeshift way. Nag-ayum-áyum siya sa kunut sa íyang sinínà, She hurriedly smoothed over her wrinkled dress. Kini makaayum-áyum sa ímung kagútum, This will alleviate your hunger temporarily. Ayum-ayúma (iayum-áyum) lang nang hiwì sa bukag, Just straighten out the crooked basket quickly. 2 [AP; b6P] make do with s.t. Maáyu siyang muayum-áyum (mupaayum-áyum) sa tinábas sa pagtahì ug bistídu, She is good in making do with remnants in sewing her dresses. 3 [AP; bP] put up with s.t. temporarily. Ayum-ayúmi (paayum-ayúmi) lang ang íyang kasábà, Tutal, ági man lang nà, Try to put up with her scolding. Anyway, it won’t last.

ayun moving dragged along with s.t. Midágan ang barútu ayun sa súg, The boat is travelling along with the current. v 1 [B2] go with, for s.t. to harmonize with s.t. else. Kining dintrúha muayun sa ímung karsúnis, This shirt goes well with your pants. 2 [A2C3; b(1)] like, come to like. Ug ákung kaayunan ang buluk, ákung palitun ang panaptun, If I like the color, I will buy the cloth. Wà magkaáyun ang magtiáyun, maung nagkabúlag, The couple couldn’t get along very well so they separated. pa- = pahi-. pahi- v 1 [A2; c6] make s.t. fit with, conform to s.t. else. Ang balay gipahiayun sa ílang gustu, The house was built exactly according to their wishes. 2 [A; b6] put up with s.t., adjust oneself to s.t. Pahiayunan ku lang ang ílang hukum, I will just go along with their decision. ti- see tiáyun.

áyun = aláyun.

*ayup pa- v [A13; b(1)] let s.t. cook over low heat before taking it off the stove. Paayupi ang linung-ag kadiyut úsà haúna, Let the rice stay on the fire awhile before you take it off.

ayup-up = álup, 1.

ayus v [A; b(1)] refuse to have intercourse with one’s new husband. Ang bána nga giayusan sa asáwa, The husband whose wife refused to sleep with him.




ba 1 question marker used in questions with no interrogative. Muanhi ka ba ugmà? Will you come here tomorrow? 1a with indirect questions: whether. Pangutan-a si Husi ug nahinumdum ba siya, Ask José if he remembers it. 1b was it [so-and-so]? Písus ba tu ímung gihátag nákù? Was it a peso you gave me? 2 dì, dílì — 2a isn’t that the case? Mulikù ta sa tuu, dì ba? We turn right, don’t we? 2b [so-and-so] is surely going to be the consequence. Hilabti nang makinilya. Dì ba latiguhun tika, Just touch that typewriter. You think I’m not going to smack you one? 3 with interrogatives: particle indicating impatience or a strong questioning tone. Pila bay plíti? How much is it now? unsa — what do you say? how about it? Unsa ba, palitun nátù tung awtu? How about it? Shall we buy that car? — gud particle indicating disbelief. Mangáwat ba gud ku? Do you think I would steal? 4 shall we say? Muanhi ka ug sayu ugmà, mga alas sayis ba, Come here early tomorrow, shall we say, six o’clock? 5 X — Y — either X or Y. Muanhi ka dáyun. Pagkaugmà ba, sa sunud adlaw ba, Come here as soon as possible. Either the next day or the day after that. 6 particle asking if the hearer understands. Si Mistir Krus tu, ag maistru ba, That was Mr. Cruz, the teacher, you know. Sugkáyun, pára ba maáyung pagkaságul, Stir it so, you know, it will get well-mixed. [73]7 in exclamations: 7a how unbelievable that it is that way! Pagkabúang ba gayud nákù, How could I be so foolish! 7b though. Itusmaw sa ínit nga túbig? Pagkamakalulúuy ba sab, Throw it into boiling water? How pitiful! laliman ka — can you beat that! Laliman ka ba niánà! Bayran ang tulu ka awtu ug kás! Can you beat that! Paying cash for the three cars! tíaw mu — Just imagine. Tíaw mu bay latiguhun sa publiku! Imagine! Being whipped in public! ra — see ra.

1 = báli, 2 (dialectal). 2 = bála2.

*bà (from sábà) — dihà it is not true, despite what you say. Bà dihà! Gustu lagi ku nímu, Oh, come on. I do so like you! Bà dihà uy. Wà ka man lagi manghúwat, Oh, shut up! You did not wait for me.

báag1 v [APB; c1] 1 make, become embers. Nagbáag (nagpabáag) akug igpaplantsa, I’m making embers for the iron. Nabáag na ang tibuuk balángay únà mahiabut ang bumbíru, The whole village was already in embers before the firemen arrived. 2 heat s.t., become hot. Nagkabáag ang kaínit sa mga táwu nga nagkaduul ang iliksyun, The people are becoming more and more heated up as the election approaches. Baága (ibáag) ra ning gátas, Please heat this milk. n heat. Ang báag sa adlaw mauy nakaitum kanákù, The heat of the sun has made me black. (→), baagbaag v [B; c] for actions to become incoherent, aimless. Nabaagbaag (nabaag) ang íyang diklarasiyun, His declaration became senseless and incoherent. Nagkabaagbaag siyag panghangyù ug pakitábang, She went around everywhere asking for help. baagbaagun a of an incoherent sort.

baang, báang1 v 1 [B3; c] plug up a hole. Sagbut ang nakabaang sa imburnal, Garbage has choked up the sewer. 2 [A; c] stuff s.t. into the mouth. Pakit-ag kan-unun dì ba mubáang dáyun, Show him s.t. to eat and he’ll shove it into his mouth instantly. n action of opening the mouth to shove food into it.†

báang2 v [A; a] extract starch from the buri palm. (→) n buri starch.

báat = baláat.

báb = babhir.

baba, bába = bála2.

bàbà n 1 mouth. 2 any mouth-like opening. Bàbà sa lángub, Mouth of the cave. Bàbà sa butilya, Mouth of the bottle. — sa atay pit of the stomach. v 1 [A12; a12] hit in the mouth. Bàbaun (bàbáun) ku siyag pátid, I’ll kick him in the mouth. 2 [A; b6(1)] put a mouth-like opening. Bàbáan ku ang alkansíya, I’ll saw a slit on the piggy bank. 3 [b2] utter a truth without even knowing that one is doing so. Hibàbaan nákù siya nga nangáwat, I hit on him as the thief without even knowing it. paN- v 1 [A1; b6] rant at or scold s.o. in a loud voice. Nagpamàbà na sad ang maldíta níyang asáwa, His termagant wife is ranting at him again. 2 [A23] say words glibly. Maáyu siya mamàbà mau nga daghang trátu, He is glib. That is why he has many girl friends. 3 [A2; b6(1)] say special prayers to ward off evil. Manágan giyud ang mga dautang ispiritu ug pamàbáan nákù, The evil spirits will run away from me if I utter special prayers against them. n 1 ranting. 2 gift of gab. 3 prayers to ward off evil. -in- n oral. Nahagbung ku sa pasúlit nga binàbà, I failed in the oral examination. -an, -un a tending to rant in a loud voice. tigpaN- n spokesman, press relations officer. Ang tigpamàbà sa wilgista abugádu, The strikers have a lawyer as their spokesman.†

babad v [A; c1] 1 turn around on its axis. Wà makababad ang pála sa pambut kay nagápus sa sámù, The boat propeller would not turn because seaweeds were entangled in it. Ibabad (babara) ang ímung kayril, Twirl your key chain. 2 brandish. Nagbabad ang pildírung kaáway sa bandírang putì, The defeated enemy waved the white flag.

bábad1 v 1 [A; c1] make a torch by binding dry strips of coconut leaves, coconut sheaths, or similar materials together. 2 [c1] swing a torch made in this way to cause it to flare up. Ibábad (babára) ang sû arun mudakù ang síga, Swing the torch to fan up the light.

bábad2 v [A; c] immerse or soak in liquid. Dì ku mubábad sa túbig kay dalì ra kung tugnawun, I won’t immerse myself in the water because I easily catch chills. Gibábad ang karni sa túyù, The meat was soaked in soy sauce.

bábag1 = balábag, v1, 2, 3, n1, 3.

bábag2 a for meals to be irregular and scanty. v 1 [A] eat meals on an irregular and scanty basis. Mahibalu bayà gud ku mubábag ug káun, I know how to make do with irregular and scanty meals. 2 [B] for meals to become irregular and scanty. Nabábag ang ílang káun sa nasakit ang amahan, Their meals got to be irregular and scanty when their father got sick.

babaw n place up s.w. hiN-/haN-(←), hiN-/haN- v [B5] get to be almost full. Muhimábaw (muhimabaw) na gánì ang baldi, sirhi ang grípu, When the pail is almost full, close the faucet. i-, i-(←) n 1 place high up. Si [74]Guryu túa sa ibábaw nangáhuy, Goryo is in the hills gathering firewood. 2 place on top of s.t. Ibabaw (ibábaw) sa lamísa, On top of the table. Ibabaw sa patay kung láwas, Over my dead body. i- a high. Ibabaw ra ang inyu sa ámù, Your place is higher than ours. Ibabawng balay balauránan, Senate. — pa niánà in addition to that. v [b6P] 1 put s.t. on top of s.t. else. Giibabwan (gipaibabwan) ku sa ákung sinínà ang ímung libru, I placed my clothes on top of your book. 2 put s.t. higher. Ibabwi (paibabwi) lag diyútay, Just elevate it a little. pai- v 1 [A] soar up. Mipaibabaw ang uwak nga gilútus sa banug, The crow soared up because it was pursued by the hawk. 2 [B125] be the part on top. Ang nawung sa panaptun mauy maibabaw, The right side of the cloth should be on the outside. tig-(←) v [A23P; b6P] 1 go to surface. Mitigbábaw (mipatigbábaw) ang submarínu sa dágat, The submarine surfaced in the sea. 2 came out distinctly. Mitigbábaw (mipatigbábaw) giyud ang íyang tíngug bísan sa kasábà, His voice came out distinctly despite the noise. 3 prevail. Sa katapúsan mutigbábaw (mupatigbábaw) gayud ang katarúngan, In the end justice prevails. Ang gibátì níya kang Túni gitigbabáwan (gipatigbabáwan) sa gibátì níya kang Prid, Her feelings for Fred prevailed over her feelings for Tony. patig- v 1 = tig-. 2 [A; c] air out a sentiment, heave a prayer, etc. to s.o. above. Ipatigbábaw ang inyung pasalámat ngadtu kang Hiyúba, Offer your prayers of thanksgiving to Jehovah.

bábay bye-bye. v [A; b6] for a child to say bye-bye. hiN- a fond of waving bye-bye.

babáyi see bayi.

babaylan = baylan.

babha n slash. v [B; b5] have a wide slash in it. Nagbabha ang íyang kílid, His side was slashed wide open.

babhir n bobbed hairstyle. v 1 [A; c] bob hair. 2 [A13] wear one’s hair bobbed.

babil a be bothered with s.t. s.o. is carrying. Ayaw pagdalag mga bátà kay babil ka unyà kaáyu, Don’t take the children. They’ll be a nuisance. (←), babil v [A; a] be a burden. Nakababil (nakabábil) sa ákung paghigdà kining pistúla sa ákung luyu, This pistol in my hip pocket bothered me as I lay down to sleep. ka-(←) v [A13] 1 have difficulty in carrying more than one can. Nagkabábil kug dala sa mga kartun, I was having a hard time carrying all the different cartons. 2 be in great disorder. Nagkabábil ang kwartu kay way nanghípus, The room was in great disorder because no one picked it up.

bábit1 n heavy metal or stone used by a deep-sea diver to weigh him down. v [A; c6] use a weight in diving. Ang mga mananawum ug pirlas magbábit inigsáwum níla, The pearl divers use a weight when they dive.

bábit2 n female sex organ (slang).

bábul gam n bubble gum. v 1 [A1] chew, get bubble gum. 2 [A13; b6] put bubble gum s.w.

babung, bábung a good-looking girl (slang).

babuy v [a4] have an epileptic fit. Mibuwà íyang bàbà dihang gibabuy siya, He was frothing when he had an epileptic seizure. -un n epileptic.

bábuy1 n pig, pork. Mahal ang bábuy karun, Pork is high now. — ihálas, sulup wild pig. v 1 [A12] obtain a pig. Nakabábuy aku ug tulu ka buuk sa pagbatun ku sa íyang anay, I got three pigs for taking care of his sow. 2 [AP; a2] a corner, pin down. Nakabábuy (nakapabábuy) ang mga Písi sa mga Múrus sa pulù, The P.C. blockaded the Moros on the island. Nabábuy kami tungud sa dakung bahà, We were blocked in because of the great flood. b checkmate (in chess). Babúyun nákù ang ímung piyun, I’m going to checkmate your pawn. c [AP; c1] tie up capital. Ang ákung kwarta nabábuy sa nigusyu, My money is tied up in business. a piggish, dirty. — ug balatían swinish, having no moral qualms. paka- v [a12] consider, treat like a pig. Gipakabábuy lang ku nímu, You just treat me like a pig. -an(→) n piggery. v [A1] have, obtain a piggery. -in- a 1 like a pig. 2 for a scolding to be abusive. v [A; a12] 1 treat like a pig. Gibinábuy ku nílag hikut, They hog-tied me. 2 be mercilessly scolded. Gibinábuy ku níyag kasábà, He scolded me abusively. mag-r-(→) n pig-dealer.

bábuy2 n bulge in a muscle which results from a blow. v [B246] have a muscle bulge. Mibábuy ákung buktun, My arm got a charley horse.

babuybabuy n 1 k.o. louse which hides in crannies and lives in damp places. 2 k.o. cowrie. v [a4] infested with wood lice. Gibabuybabuy ang hugasan, The sink is infested with wood lice. 3 = bábuy2.

bad-ay v 1 [B1] be placed transversely across. Nagbad-ay ang buktun sa bána sa tiyan sa íyang asáwa, The husband’s arm lay across his wife’s stomach. 2 [AN] appear prominently in a bulge along the surface. Mibad-ay (namad-ay) sa yútà ang gamut sa akasya, The roots of the monkeypod tree stick out along the ground. Barikus nga namad-ay (mibad-ay) sa bitíis, Varicose veins [75]appearing prominently on the legs. paN- v [A23] be strewn about. Pagkahū́g sa trák namad-ay ang daghang patay, When the truck fell, dead bodies were strewn all about.

badaybaday = baraybaray.

badbad1 v 1 [AB123; a] untie, get untied. Nakabadbad ang bábuy sa íyang gihigtan, The pig got loose from where he was tied. Badbára na ang bindáhi, Undo the bandage. 2 [A; a] liquidate a debt. Badbárun (badbarun) ku ang ákung útang, I will pay off my debts. 3 [A; a] solve a problem. Badbárun ra nátù ang prublíma, We’ll solve the problem. 4 [A; a] translate. Ang ubra ni Línin wà pa mabadbad sa Binisayà, The works of Lenin have not been translated into Visayan. a resolved, paid off. badbaran n skein holder, a device to hold a skein of thread as it is being reeled.

badbad2 n k.o. thorny tree.

badigard n bodyguard. v [B; b] 1 be, become a bodyguard. 2 watch over. Gibadigaran si Tasyug maáyu sa asáwa kay himabayi, Tacio’s wife watched him closely because he is fond of women.†

badingding n term of endearment to a baby. Kumusta ang ákung badingding? How is my little darling? a very dear. Badingding kaáyu ning ákung anak, This baby is very dear to me. v [A23; a12] make s.o. his little darling.

badlipánis a 1 badly punished in boxing. Badlipánis siya sa siks ráwun, He was badly punished in the sixth round. 2 have undergone sexual intercourse. v [AP; a12] 1 maul s.o. in boxing. 2 have heavy sexual activity with a woman. Nabadlipánis siya sa íyang bána, Her husband gave her a good sexual going over.

badlis v 1 [AB3; a] draw a line, for a line to show itself. Mibadlis sa íyang agtang ang dagkung ugat, His forehead was prominently lined with veins. Mibadlis sa íyang nawung ang kahadluk, Fear was written all over his face. Kinsay nagbadlis sa átung bungbung? Who drew a line on our wall? 1a cross out the mark made by a bettor in cockfighting as an indication that the bet is taken on. Misulud aku sa galyíra ug gibadlísan ku ang naglugrug tris-idus, I went into the arena and I took on the bet of three to two. 2 [A; b6] set limits to a person’s behavior. Badlísan ku ning tawhána kay nagdahan ang batásan, I will put a stop to this guy because he’s getting worse and worse. n 1 lines in the skin. 1a — sa pálad, kinabúhì n fate. Mau tingáli giyuy badlis sa íyang pálad nga maminyù siyag kriminal, Perhaps it was her fate to marry a criminal. 2 line drawn. 3 Ash Wednesday. — Myirkulis, ting- = badlis, 3. -an a 1 having lines. 2 name given to k.o. danggit and sapsap that have light vertical lines on the upper sides.

badlit = kadlit.

badlun n name given to various k.o. crevalles and pompanos: Caranx compressus, stellates; Gnathanodon speciosus, etc.

badlung v [A; a12] tell s.o. to stop doing s.t., admonish. Ang kanáway mubadlung sa tímug, The west wind makes the east wind stop blowing. Badlúngun nímu ang himabáyi nímung bána, You should admonish your husband because he chases after women. n admonishment not to do s.t. pa- v [A; ac] 1 allow s.o. to admonish one. Dì giyud nà siya pabadlung, He won’t obey (allow anyone to tell him to stop). 2 act in such a way as to cause admonishment. Nagpabadlung na pud ka, You’re making a nuisance of yourself again. -un(→) a deserving to be told to stop, troublemaker. ma-un a admonishing. Mabadlúngung tinan-awan, An admonishing look.

badmintun n badminton. v [A; a] play badminton.

badúduy n children’s word for genitalia.

bad-un = balad-un. see balà1.

badung n k.o. long sword made by Muslims.

badut = barut.

badútu = barútu.

badyang1 n k.o. tuberous plant with arrow-shaped leaves reaching 4′ and more. Edible but itchy root, grown as ornamental and wild: Alocasia macrorrhiza.

badyang2 = báyang1.

badyángun n k.o. fish, a small bulgan.

badyi = bayi.

badyibadyi = bayingbaying.

badyikdyik a for a girl to be sexy (slang). Badyikdyik kaáyu, She’s very sexy. n s.o.’s mistress. v 1 [B2; b6] become sexy. 2 [a12] make into one’s mistress. -an a keeping a woman. Badyikdyíkan siya kay kwartáhan, He keeps a woman because he’s got lots of dough.

badyit1 n budget. Ang badyit sa Pilipínas mikábat nag duha ka bilyun, The budget of the Philippines has reached two billion. v [A] budget, allocate money. Kamau ka bang mubadyit sa ímung kítà? Do you know how to budget your income?

badyit2 = kadlit.

badyù a for sweet potatoes to have a rotten, sour taste. Badyù ang lamì sa kamúti nga giúlud, Sweet potatoes that are infested with [76]worms taste rotten. v [a4] get infested with rot. Gibadyù ang tanan nílang mga kamúti, Their sweet potatoes are all infested with rot. -un a of a rotten and sour quality.

badyung n prolonged humming, droning, buzzing sound. v 1 [A] make a droning sound. Magdalì ta kay mibadyung nang ayruplánu, Let’s hurry because the airplane has started to drone. 2 [A; b6] strike close to s.t. so as to cause a whizzing sound without actually hitting it. Badyúngan ku sa ákung kúmù ang ímung nawung, I’ll make your face feel the whizzing sound of my fists.

bag word used in writing to indicate the sound of a blow.

bág n 1 bag, pocketbook. 2 kitty in a mahjong game. 3 = indibág. v [A] have, obtain a bag. Babáying nagbág ug putì, A lady with a white bag.†

bága n embers. mukáug — be a tough character (eat live embers). v 1 [AB; a2] make, become embers. Nabága (mibága) ang úling, The charcoal turned into embers. Bagáha ang úling kay mangutaw ku, Make embers because I’m going to iron. 2 [A2S] glow. Nagbaga ang plantsa, The iron is glowing. (→) v [A; b56] broil small dried fish by putting them in a plate with embers and shaking them. Bagaha (bagahi) ang bulinaw, Broil the anchovies. (→) n k.o. red fish. bagabaga n 1 name given to various k.o. fish with bright red scales; soldier fish, esp. Holocentrus spp. and Myripristis spp. 2 k.o. centipede with bright red body. bagahan a having live coals. baghanan n grill.

bagà a 1 thick in dimension. Ang ámung lamísa hinímù sa bagà nga tabla, Our table is made of thick wood. 2 dense. Bagà kaáyu ang duut sa táwu, A dense crowd of people. 3 rich (from — ug bulsa ‘fat walleted’). — ug búang misbehaving in an unusual way. Bagà ug búang si Línu kay nanglìlì samtang nalígù ang íyang maistra, Lino is very naughty because he peeped while his teacher was taking a bath. — ug gwatsi making subtle pranks which are not easily seen through. — ug nawung brazen. Bagà ug nawung ning tawhána. Bisan ug wà gustuhi mangulitáwu lang gihápun, This man sure has a lot of nerve. Even though she does not like him, he still continues to court her. v [B; a] 1 thicken. Undángi ug mubagà (mabagà) na ang pintal, Stop when the paint thickens. 2 become dense. Mibagà ang panun sa táwu pag-abut sa prisidinti, The crowd became dense when the president arrived. 3 become rich. Nabagà (mibagà) siya pag-intra níya sa pulitika, He became rich when he entered politics. 4 — ang búang misbehave seriously. Mubagà ang íyang búang kun mahubug, He misbehaves seriously when he is drunk. 5 — ang nawung be completely brazen. Nagbagà lang ang nawung ánang bayhána. Bisag dílì kaíla pangayúan, That woman is completely shameless. She asks for things from complete strangers. pa-(←), pa- sa nawung v [A; c] do s.t. despite the shame it might bring. Nagpabágà lang siya ug hangyù nga papangasáwa, She swallowed her pride and begged him to marry her. kabalag-un, gibag-un n thickness. kinabag-an n thickest.

bágà n lungs.

bagaang v [B156] be burdened, loaded with a heavy responsibility. Aku ang nagbagaang ug gastu sa ímung pagtuun ug pagbuguybúguy hinúuy ímung ibálus? I bore the burden of your schooling, but how do you repay me? You bum around. Ikaw ang nabagaang sa tanang mga buluhatun, All the household responsibilities are shoved onto you.

bagáang v [B1256] 1 feel a burning pain upon eating hot, spicy food. Nabagáang ku sa síli pagkáun nákug sálad, When I ate the salad I felt the hot sting of the peppers. 2 be stung by insulting words which are true. Nabagáang ku sa insultu sa maistru, I was stung by the teacher’s insulting remarks.

bagàbà n edible seaweed found clinging to offshore rocks, roughly cylindrical, branching and hard as bone cartilage. paN- v [A2; b] gather this seaweed.

bagákay n k.o. thin bamboo with long internodes in yellow and green varieties, used for baskets, flutes, etc.: Schizostachyum lima and some other non-climbing species. -un a 1 having a yellowish color. 2 long and thin like bagákay. 3 = bugawísan.

bagal1, bágal1 a 1 lumpy. Bagal kaáyu ang yútà pagdáru níla, The soil was very lumpy when they plowed the field. 2 have s.t. protruding in a lump. Bágal ang íyang kílid kay dihà may pistúla, There was s.t. protruding on his side because he had a pistol. 3 = bagul, a. n impacted, chunky earth. Dagkù kaáyu ang bagal sa yútà sa daruhan, The lumps of earth in the fields are very big. v [B] 1 become lumpy. 2 be protruding. 3 = bagul, v. bagalbagal v [B] become lumpy. Ang kapi mibagalbagal kay ang túbig wà pa man mubúkal, The powdered coffee was full of lumps because the water was not boiling.

bagal2, bágal2 n shell of eggs, cartridges, and [77]all shellfish but shrimps. Bagal sa mga kinhasun, Shells from the sea animals. Bagal sa blastingkap, Empty shells of a dynamite blasting cap. (←), -an(←) n k.o. shrimp of tidal swamps, growing to 3″ with a thick transparent shell.

bagalnga n small tree of thickets: Melia azedarach.

bagamundu a 1 vagrant. 2 a variation of the game kulilísi in which two groups, each with their own leader, complete in verse, the one group trying to gain the privilege of being admitted to the wake where they can join the other group in the game. v 1 [B16] become a vagabond. Nabagamundu si Uskar kay way pirmaninting pinuy-ánan, Oscar became a vagabond because he has no permanent place to stay. 2 [A; b6] play the game bagamundu.

bagan = mau ra ug (dialectal). see mau.

bagánaw n pool of water left after rain or after water has been washed over a dry area. v [B; c] become a pool of water. Ang kusug nga ulan nakapabagánaw (nakabagánaw) sa túbig, The heavy rain has turned the puddle into pools.

bágang n 1 k.o. beetle found on coconuts. 2 k.o. brown beetle commonly found in the Australian pine (agúhu).

bag-ang n molars. Mikágut ang íyang bag-ang sa labihang kalágut, He gritted his teeth in extreme anger. v 1 [a12] hit in the molars. 2 [a3] be hit by the truth of a statement that hurts. Nabag-ang siya sa ákung sulti kay hingmatud-an, My words hit him in a vital spot because they happened to be true. -an a 1 having molars. 2 be completely outstanding because of some possessions. Siya mauy bag-ángang dátù sa ámù, He is well-known for his wealth in our town. v [B12] become rich, powerful.

bag-ángan n 1 spotted eagle ray: Aetobatus narinari. 2 k.o. red and black porgy: Lethrinius rhodopterus.

bagansiya n vagrancy. v [a3] charged with vagrancy. Nabagansiya si Rus kay nasakpan nga namampam, Rose was charged with vagrancy because she was caught engaging in prostitution.

bag-as v [B12] 1 for animal tissue to decay and dry up. Ug mabag-as, dílì na bahù, Once it has decayed and dried, it doesn’t smell. 2 for tough guys to die (slang). Nabag-as na ang matun, The tough guy kicked off.

bagási, bagásu n bagasse, dried pulp of the sugar cane. bagasíru n employee in a sugar mill who gathers the pulp. v [B6; a2] be, become a pulp-gatherer.

bágat v 1 [AC; ac] meet, esp. on the sea. Nagbágat ang duha ka barku, The two ships met on the sea. Adtu níla ikabágat ang matahum nílang kaugmáun, There they will meet their rosy future. 2 [AC; ac2] barter products (from the notion that one goes to meet a fisherman and exchanges s.t. for his fish). Átung bagátun ang isig nátù kaabut, We will exchange our products with each other. Bagátan (ibágat) ku ning ákung humay ug isdà, I will barter my rice for fish.

bagatúngul = balbangáan.

bagaw1 as if (dialectal).

bagaw2 = bagal2.

bag-aw v [B1256] be kept waiting. Nabag-aw man lang kug pinaábut nímu, You kept me waiting for a long time.

bágay a 1 befitting, becoming. Bágay kaáyu sa íyang nawung ang antipára, His glasses are very becoming on his face. 2 for instruments to be in tune. Bágay na nang ímung sista, Your guitar is tuned now. 2a for voices to be blended. Bágay kaáyu ang ílang mga tíngug, Their voices are well blended. v 1 [B2C] harmonize with, match. Mibágay sa kurti sa íyang láwas ang íyang sinínà, Her dress is very good for her sort of body. Nagbágay ang íyang bag ug sapátus, Her bag and shoes match. 2 [A; a] tune musical instruments. Mubágay pa ku sa sista, I’ll tune the guitar first. 3 [B2; a1c3] for words to rhyme. Ang púlung ‘úlud’ dílì mubágay sa ‘pálad’, The word ‘worm’ doesn’t rhyme with ‘palm’. paN- n rhyming, verse-making.

bagaybay n fat in a fish that develops into eggs. v [B34; b4] develop bagaybay. Mau rung panahúna ang bangrus mubagaybay, This is the time the milkfish develops egg fat. -un a 1 having bagaybay. 2 big-stomached. Bagaybáyun ug tiyan ang mga táwung tambuk, Obese people have big stomachs.

*bagbag pati- = alibagbag.

bagdal a for a face to be too chubby to be pretty. v [BN] be, become too chubby. Mubagdal nang ímung nawung ug manambuk ka, Your face will be too chubby if you grow stout. Ang íyang nawung namagdal sa hupung, Her face swelled with edema.

bagduk v 1 [A; b5] puncture, make a small hole in. May mibagduk tingáli sa ligid kay mihiyus man, S.t. must have punctured the tire because it is flat. 2 [AB] for s.t. with a pointed tip to pierce and stick into s.t., cause it to do so. Ang tumuy sa kutsilyu nga nahúlug mibagduk sa yútà, The knife fell and the tip stuck into the ground. n 1 puncture. [78]2 s.t. pierced into s.t.

*bagduy táwung — one who roams about without purpose. bagduybagduy v [A; b1] roam around purposelessly instead of doing what one is supposed to do. Nagbagduybagduy lang nà siya. Wà giyud nà siyay nahímù, He just roams about. He hasn’t done anything. -an a fond of roaming about.

baghak n k.o. medium-sized grouper.

baghas1 = hashas, 1.

baghas2 a having offensive, rude manners. v [B2; b6] get to be crude, offensive. Nagkabaghas siya sukad muintrag ínum, He has become cruder since he took to drinking.

baghud a tough, hard in feelings, character. Ang íyang pahíyum mudani bísan kinsa nga baghud ug balatían, Her smile wins over the hardest of hearts.

baghut v 1 [A; b6] prompt s.o. to think ill about s.t. Kinsay nibaghut sa átung ámu nga ipabalhin ku? Who talked against me to have prompted the boss to transfer me? 2 [A; b3c] rant loudly in anger or complaint. Pangutána únà unsay hinungdan. Dílì kay mubaghut ka lang dihà dáyun, Find out what the matter is before you go ranting and raving right away. n s.t. said to s.o. against s.o. else to influence him.

bagìbì v [A; b6] talk foolishly, rant often with no one present. Nagbagìbì si Maríya kay walà pa gihápun ang íyang bána, Mary is ranting because her husband still isn’t home. -an(→) n given to ranting and raving. v [B1256] become a ranter.

bag-id v [AB46; ac] rub back and forth against. Mibag-id ang bábuy sa batu kay gikatlan, The pig brushed itself against the stone because it itched. Kamau ka bang mubag-id ug kawáyan arun mukáyu? Do you know how to rub two sticks together to make fire? Nabag-iran ang ákung dyíp, Some car grazed my jeep. Gibag-id níya ang íyang áping sa ákù, He rubbed his cheek against mine. n sticks to make fire.

báging v [A; a12] work out with a punching bag. Bagíngun ta ning ímung pansing bag, I’ll have a workout on your punching bag.

bágis1 a 1 be completely careless of all rules of decorum, esp. proper dress. Bágis kaáyu siya kay magtiniil lang ug musimba, He is a hippy because he goes to church barefooted. 2 be grossly misbehaved in general. 3 be a tough, ruffian. v [B12] get to be grossly misbehaved. -in- v 1 [A; a2] appear unkempt. Bisan ug makabinágis ka ug kausa itsapuyráhun ka, If you appear unkempt just once you will get kicked out. 2 [A] act as if one doesn’t care what others say. Ug aku diay binagísan níya, hilatiguhan giyud, If he misbehaves toward me, I’ll give him a beating.

bágis2 = badlis.

bagit v 1 [A13] invite or provoke a bad outcome. Nagbagit ka giyud sa ímung kadaútan, You are certainly courting disaster for yourself. 2 [AP] cause to be aroused or stimulated. Kining pamisti nímu nagbagit (nagpabagit) sa yawan-ung hunàhúnà sa mga laláki, The way you dress arouses devilish passions in a man. bagitbagit v [A13; a12] provoke s.o. into action. Nagbagitbagit ka giyud sa ímung bána niánang ímung pagkasabaan, You’re provoking your husband to anger with your nagging. mabagitbagitun a provocative. Pahíyum nga mabagitbagitun, Provocative smile.

bagíyus n loud hissing or whizzing sound. v [A; b6] whizz loudly. Mibagíyus ang hángin tungud sa bagyu, The wind whizzed because of the typhoon. Nagbagíyus ang trák nga kusug kaáyung nagdagan, The truck roared as it moved rapidly.

baglis = badlis.

bagnas = bagnus.

bagnid v [A; c1] shred papaya, cassava, and things of similar consistency. Bagníra (ibagnid) na ang kapáyas kay átung kiláwun, Shred the papaya because we are going to pickle it.

bagnud v [A; b6(1)] rub s.t. solid against s.t. hard and even. Kinsay nagbagnud ug plurwaks sa sawug? Who applied wax to the floor?

bagnus v [A; c] rub s.t. on s.t. with force. Nagbagnus mi ug kandílà sa plantsa arun dílì tay-an, We rub a candle against the iron so it won’t get rusty. Ayawg bagnúsi ang ákung bukubuku, paghíri lang, Don’t rub my back hard, just wipe it on gently.

bagnut v [A; a] pull out by the roots with great force. Nagbagnut siya sa dakung káhuy, He pulled a big tree out by the roots. n weeds. Adtu ang mga manuk mangitlug sa tag-as nga mga bagnut, The chickens lay their eggs in the tall weeds. a 1 weedy. 2 of no use, a parasite. Bagnut siya sa ílang pamilya. Dílì siya mutábang sa buluhatun, He is a parasite in their family. He doesn’t help with the chores. -un(→) a 1 weedy. 2 untidy. Bagnutun kaáyu ang íyang hitsúra. Walay sudlay ang buhuk, Her appearance is very untidy. She didn’t comb her hair.

bagransiya = bagansiya.

bagrung n racing sound of engines, wind. v [A] roar. Mibagrung ang awtu, The car roared. Nagbagrung ang hángin mu rag bagyu, [79]The wind is roaring like a storm.

bagsak1 v [B; c] 1 fall heavily on the ground. Mibagsak ang lubi sa ákung tungud, A coconut fell in front of me. Ibagsak ku ning ákung gidala sa ímung tiil, I will drop this thing I’m carrying on your feet. Nabagsak ang dyít sa lasang, The jet plane crashed in the forest. 2 fail in school. Nabagsak siya kay way tuuntúun, He failed because he did not study.

bagsak2 v [A; c] give a bribe. Bagsáki lang ang supirbisur arun ka masulud, Just give the supervisor a bribe so you can get a job. n s.t. given as a bribe. hiN- a fond of giving bribes.

bagsak3 n scare lines in fishing gear to drive the fish back into the net.

bagsang = balagsang.

bagtak n calf of the leg. -un a having prominent calves.

bagtas1 = baktas.

bagtas2 n part of the beach with a broad strip of sand usually not reached by the tide. -un = bagtas2.

bagtì a bone-dry. Ang bagtì nga káhuy maáyung isugnud kay sigaun, Bone-dry wood is good for fuel because it burns easily. v [BN] become very dried out because of heat. Namagtì (mibagtì) ang yútà sa kaínit, The earth is cracking with heat. -an n place where earthenware is fired for final seasoning.

bagtik a hard because of being full. v [B; a] get hard. Bagtíkun nátù ang búla arun kusug muuntul, Let’s pump the ball hard so that it bounces well. n 1 hardened sap of the píli tree (Canarium luzonicum) used for caulking in the walling of small boats. 2 = balaw, 1. -an a of a hard sort.

bagting n ringing noise. Ang bagting sa rilu nakapúkaw nákù, I was awakened by the alarm clock. dì kadungug, kabatì ug — easily insulted, quick to take offense. Dì nà siya kabatì ug bagting, dáyun siyag kasukù, He can’t take it. He gets angry if he hears s.t. he doesn’t like. — sa kampána, lángit point in childbirth where the baby crowns and the mother feels the most intense pain. v 1 [APB; a] ring, make s.t. ring. Akuy mubagting (mupabagting) sa kampána sa tingpamúhì, I ring the bell for dismissal. Mubagting ang kampána sa alas diyis, The bell will ring at ten. 2 [B246] reach the point of highest pain in childbirth.†

bagtuk a hardened, crystallized. v [APBN] become, make hard. Namagtuk (mibagtuk) ang lápuk, The mud hardened. Ang túbig bugnaw mubagtuk (mupabagtuk) sa aníbal, Cold water will make the syrup crystallize. -un n a k.o. corn in which the young grains harden instead of developing.†

bagtus n small children. Duha na ka bagtus ang ákung pakan-un, I have two children to feed.

bágu n small wild tree the leaves of which are used as a vegetable: Gnetum gnemon.

bagù1 n disease characterized by general debility, swelling in the region of the stomach, and yellowish skin. It commonly occurs in swampy areas and is thought to be caused by snails or mosquitoes. v [a4] get bagù.

bagù2 n responsibility, lookout. Ulahi ka man, wà nay pagkáun. Ímu nang bagù, You are late and the food is gone. That’s your problem. Dakù kug bagù sa bangku, I owe a lot of money to the bank.

bag-u a 1 new. -ng Túgun New Testament. 2 modern. Ang mga batan-un sa bag-ung panahun agrisíbu, The youth nowadays is aggressive. -ng túbù the modern generation. -ng túig New Year. 3 recently, just now. Bag-u siyang abut, He is a new arrival here. Bag-u pa siyang milakaw, He just left. Bag-u pang gabíi pagsaka sa kawatan, It was early evening when the thief entered. karung — recently, of late. Gidugù siya karung bag-u, She recently menstruated. v 1 [B2] be, become new. Mubag-u (mabag-u) nga tan-áwun ang sapátus basta limpiyáhan, Shoes will look new if you clean them. 2 [AP1B1; a] change s.t. for the better, become better. Dì ka gánì magbag-u, If you don’t reform. Nagbag-u sila sa ílang panagway, They made their faces over anew. 3 [A12; c] obtain s.t. new. Nakabag-u siyag awtu pagkadaug sa swipstik, He got a new car when he won the sweepstakes. Bag-úhan (baghúan) kug ligid ang ákung dyíp, I’ll buy new tires for my jeep. Unsa mang gumáha ang ímung ibag-u? What brand of tires are you going to replace them with? 4 [b4] feel strange, unaccustomed. Naglísud pa siya kay gibag-úhan pa sa trabáhu, He’s having a hard time because he’s unaccustomed to the work. 5 -ng túig [B256; b4(1)] for it to be New Year’s. paN- nga túig v [A2; c] celebrate New Year’s. Didtu mi sa Hungkung mamag-ung túig, We celebrated New Year’s in H. K. -in- a modern. Ang binag-ung paági sa panguma, The modern way of farming. v [B15] change. Nagbinag-u nga nadátù, He changed when he became rich. mabinag-úhun a fond of modern things. bag-úhay a short while ago. Bag-úhay pa lang giyud tung nilakaw si Ramun, Ramon left just a while ago.† [80]

bagubhu n deep, hollow sound produced by rapping s.t. v [B46] make a deep, hollow sound. Mibagubhu ang ákung bukubuku nga íyang gipukpuk, He pounded me on my back with a thump.

Bagúbu, Bagúbù, Bagùbù n Bagobo tribe of Davao and their language.

bagudlus n a roaring sound of the sea or wind. v 1 [A] roar. Inighurus sa tímug, magbagudlus ang hángin, When the east wind blows, the wind roars. 2 [A1] run fast. Nagbagudlus kug dágan sa dihang gigukud kug irung búang, I ran fast when the mad dog chased me.

bagukbuk n k.o. weevil that eats lumber and secretes round and very fine waste matter.

bagul1 n 1 coconut shell. 2 head (slang). Gamíta ang ímung bagul, Use your head. a uncomfortable to have weigh on one or put one’s weight on because of things which protrude. Ang lantay bagul higdáan, It is uncomfortable to lie on bamboo slats. v [B] become uncomfortable. Ug butangan nímug kamúti ang sáku mubagul lukdúhun, If you put sweet potatoes into the sack, it will become uncomfortable to carry. (←) n a child’s game played with coconut shells or slippers where one child puts his shell on the ground and the other child (under various impediments) throws his own shell and tries to hit the first child’s. v [AC; ac] play bágul. bagulbágul n skull. Buk-un ku ang bagulbágul nímu, I’ll crack your skull. ka-an n place where there are many scattered coconut shells. sam-(←) n = bágul.

bagulbul v [A; b3c5] grumble, complain about a grievance. Ngánung magbagulbul ka man nga giángay ta man mug hátag? Why are you grumbling when I gave you all the same amount? n grumbling. Ang mga bagulbul sa katawhan nakapabalísa sa pamúnù, The grumbling of the people had the President worried. -an(→) a given to grumbling.

bagumbáyan n snack made of old bread, sugared and fried.

bagun n 1 wheelbarrow. 2 railroad freight car. Tulu ka bagung tubu, Three freight cars full of sugar cane. v [c1] transport in a wheelbarrow, freight car. Bagunun (ibagun) ta lang ning balas, Let’s carry this sand in the wheelbarrow.

bágun = balágun.

bagunbun a for containers to be bulging. v [B46] become bulging with content. Nagbagunbun ang íyang bursa sa kwarta, His pocket is bulging with money.

bagunbúnun n k.o. grey and brown coloration of chicken feathers, cock having that color feathers.

bagung1 = bagun, 2.

*bagung2 pa- v [A13] fail to show reaction to s.t., stay put and be unmoved. Bisan ug unsáun nákug búnal ang kabáyù, nagpabagung na lang, No matter how much I struck the horse, it just stayed put.

bag-ung = balag-ung.

bagungun, bagúngun n k.o. small edible cerith shell of swamps. v [A12] obtain bagungun. paN- v [A2] get this shellfish.

bagunul a for a surface to be lumpy. Bagunul ang karsáda kay walà mapisun, The road is not smooth because it hasn’t been rolled. v [B] become lumpy.

bagurus = bagudlus.

bágus1 v [A; b(1)] smooth a piece of wood with a knife. Bagúsan ku ang kawáyan sa kurta, I’ll smooth the bamboo with the knife. -in-, -in-an n s.t. smoothed.

bágus2 n 1 tong, protection money. 2 one who dodges or evades the payment of s.t. Bágus nà siya. Wà mubáyad ug buhis, He is a tax evader. He did not pay taxes. v 1 [A12N; b6c1] get money by extortion. Ang pulis mamágus sa tindáhang Insik, The police extorts protection money from the Chinese stores. 2 [A12N; a] avoid payment, enjoy s.t. without paying. Nakabágus (nakapamágus) siya sa trák kay pulis man, He didn’t have to pay bus fare because he is a policeman. paN- v 1, 2 = bágus, v. 3 [A2] play truant. Nahagbung siya kay pirming mamágus, He flunked because he is always truant. maN-r-(→) n truant.

bagutbut v [A; b3c5] mumble under one’s breath in complaint. Ígù ra siyang makabagutbut. Dì man siya makaáku sa pagtubag, All he could do was grumble under his breath. He didn’t dare answer. n mumbling. -an(→) a tending to grumble under one’s breath.

bagúud v [B12S46] be heavily burdened. Nagbaguud siya sa usa ka alat nga mangga, She was staggering under the load of a basketful of mangoes. Nagbaguud ku sa mga útang, I’m staggering under the burden of my debts.

bagúung n salted and fermented fish paste.

bagwísan n k.o. fish.

bagyang = badyang1.

bagyu n typhoon. v [A; a4] for there to be a typhoon. Nagbagyu run sa Batánis, There’s a typhoon now in the Batanes Islands. Bagyuhun gánì ta, manglúpad giyud ang átung nípang atup, If a typhoon hits us, our thatched roof will surely be blown off. talibagyu, bumabagyu, balagyuhun n about [81]to have a typhoon.†

bagyu bins n green and wax beans, the pods of which are eaten: Phaseolus vulgaris.

*báha kamara — Lower House of Congress.

bahà n flood. v [B46; b4] 1 flow in a flood, flood over. Mibahà ang sapà sa kakusug sa ulan, The river flooded over because of the heavy rain. Gibahaan (gibaháan) ang ámung sílung, The lower portion of our house was flooded. 2 come in great quantity, experience in great intensity. Mubahà ang sápì karung iliksiyun, Money will flow this coming election. Gibaháan ang ákung galamhan sa túmang kalípay, I was overwhelmed with joy. 3 [a4] sneeze. Bahaun (bàhun) ka ug mutan-aw kas adlaw, You will sneeze if you look at the sun. bahàbáhà v [A1] go, come in throngs and swarms. Nagbahàbáhà ang mga táwu sa kadalánan kay musúgat sa Santu Pápa, People are flooding the streets to meet the Pope. balaháan, bahaánan n subject to floods.

báhad v [A; bc] 1 threaten to do s.t. Nagbáhad síyang ikíha ka, He was threatening to sue you. 2 make up one’s mind to do s.t. one is really not in a position to do. Dúgay na nákung gibaháran nang awtúhang palitun, I have been threatening to buy that car for the longest time. n 1 threat. 2 mutual agreement to meet s.w. for a fight or contest. May báhad silang magsumbagay sa plása, They have an agreement to have a fight in the plaza. mabahárun a threatening.

baháda a 1 downhill grade. 2 for a price to be low. Baháda ang prisyu sa mais run, The price of corn is low now. v 1 [A] go downhill on a road. Kusug kaáyu ning dyípa kun magbaháda, This jeep runs fast when it goes downhill. 2 [B] go down in price.

bahádu a 1 below normal, low. May bagyung umalábut. Bahádu ang barumítru, A typhoon is coming. The barometer is below normal. Bahádu ang prisyu sa kupras, The price of copra is low. 2 in a bad mood. Pagbantay mu. Bahádu bayà ang átung maistra run, Better be careful. Our teacher is in a bad mood today. v [B2] be in a bad mood, go down below normal.

bahag n G-string. Dì masaghirag bahag bayhána, That woman is terribly fertile. (Lit. You can’t brush a g-string against her without her getting pregnant.) v [A; a] wear, make a g-string. Gibahag níya ang íyang kamisin, He made a g-string out of his undershirt. — ang íkug v [B] 1 tuck the tail between legs. Mabahag ang íkug sa irù basta daug, A defeated dog tucks his tail between his legs. 2 run away in cowardice. Mibahag ang íyang íkug nga gigúkud sa íyang kaáway, He turned tail when his enemy pursued him. bahagbahag n harmless k.o. long thin jellyfish, semi-transparent, resembling a snake. Used in sorcery called sampal.

baháhà n bleat of sheep and goats. v [A; b6] bleat.

báhak 1 = baláhak. 2†.

bahakhak v [A] laugh boisterously. n boisterous laughter.

bahal n palm toddy one or two days old. v [A1PB26; a2] make, become bahal. Ibaligyà ta ning tanan kay bahalan unyà ta, Let’s sell all of this, otherwise, our toddy will turn into bahal on us. a for palm toddy to be aged two or three days. — nga syíti birnis = síti birnis. see birnis.

bahálà n in charge of, responsible for. Aku nay bahálà sa tanan, I’ll take care of everything. — na I don’t care what happens, come what may. Bahálà nag unsay mahitabù basta makabawus lang ku, I don’t care what happens as long as I can get even. paN- v [A2] 1 say one doesn’t care. Ákù siyang giingnan ayaw pagminyù, namahálà lang, When I told him not to get married, he just said he didn’t care. 2 assume responsibility for. Akuy mamahálà sa balayranan, I’ll take charge of the payments.

bahalína n coconut toddy aged for several months. v [A1; a12] make aged palm toddy. Bahalináun ta ning tubáa, Let’s have this palm toddy age.

báhan n 1 team of militia workers. Tulu ka báhan sa písi, Three teams of constabulary men. 2 type of net fishing with a large group of people. v [A; a12] tie in a row, large groups. Itángag ang púkut didtu sa búkung ug bunut. Unyà bahánun, Put the net on top of the shells and husks; then tie them in a row to the net. bahanbáhan v [C] gang around. Nagbahanbáhan na pud ang mga batan-un sa átung baryu, The youngsters are running around in gangs in our neighborhood. Dílì ku mutúgut nga makigbahanbáhan ka sa mga buguy, I don’t like you to gang around with those good-for-nothing fellows.

bahandì n wealth, treasure. maN-, maN-r- n treasurer. Mamahandì (mamamahandì) sa lungsud, The treasurer of the town. -ánun a wealthy. Kun dì ka bahandiánun, dì ka mapílì, If you are not wealthy, you will not get elected.

bahar a be low-priced at a certain season. Bahar ang mangga ug maabril, In April the price of mangoes is low. v [B] go down in price. pa- v [ab7] lower the price. Pabaharan [82]ang prisyu unyà, The price will go down after a while.

bahas = bahasbáhas. bahasbáhas v [A3; cP] go back and forth over an area rapidly. Ang dyit mibahasbáhas sa nahagsáan, The jet flew back and forth swiftly over the crash site. Dílì ka makakità sa tubag ug ímu lang ibahasbáhas (ipabahasbáhas) ang tinan-awan sa panid, You will never find the answer if you just let your eyes roam over the page.

báhas v [A; c1] 1 put an end to. Áway ang nagbáhas sa bayli, A quarrel ended the dance early. Sila ang nakabáhas sa pagkáun sa walà pa muabut ang mga bisíta, They consumed all the food before the visitors arrived. 2 cancel. Mubáhas giyud siya sa ímung lisinsiya, He will cancel your license. Ibáhas (bahásun) ang mga byáhi kun magbagyu, They cancel the flights if there is a storm.

bahaulu = bahuulu.

báhaw1 v [A; c1] put food out to eat. Pagbáhaw na, Serve the dinner now. Ibáhaw (baháwa) ang kan-un sa panay, Put the rice on the clay plate. -an(→) n 1 plate for an individual serving. 2 home plate in tubigtúbig game, the area behind the last guarded line or pair of squares. v [A1; c] use s.t. as a plate.

báhaw2 a 1 left over from before and not quite fresh. Ayaw aku sirbíhig báhawng pán, Don’t serve me old bread. Alisdi kanang túbig kay báhaw, Change this water. It’s left over from before. 2 old, stale news. Báhaw na nang balitáa, That’s old news. 3 fighting cock set out to fight a second time within a day or two after having fought. Báhaw na nang manúka. Lagmit bun-un nà, That cock is stale. Most likely he’ll be defeated. v [A1; a2b4] reserve food for some later time. Baháwun ta ning bibingka, Let’s put these rice cakes aside for later. Kanúnay lang ming baháwan káda káun, We always have food left over each meal. paN- n 1 breakfast. 2 late afternoon snack consisting of rice or corn. v [A2; c6] eat breakfast, late afternoon meal. pamahawbahaw v [A2; c2] take a snack from the leftovers. Dúna ba tay ipamahawbahaw dihà? Do we have any leftovers to have as a snack? bahawbahaw n k.o. small insects that swarm over leftover food or garbage. v [a4] be infested with this sort of insect.

bahay1 n rice which got wet before having been threshed. Bahay nga gilung-ag búsà dílì mutúbù, You cooked slightly spoiled rice, so it won’t rise. v [B2; a] become spoiled through getting wet.

bahay2 n k.o. forest tree, the tuberous roots of which are eaten in times of famine.

bahayan n 1 rope sewn to the edge of a net to make it stiff and as a place to attach floats. 2 longline in longline fishing (palangri) to which several leaders with hooks are attached. v [A3; c1] put rope on edge of net.

báhì n 1 the hard portion of a palm trunk. 2 cane or club made of a palm trunk.

bahig v [A; a12] sort, separate according to different classes or sizes. Bahigun nátù ang lubi sa tulu ka grúpu, We will sort the coconut into three groups.

bahignit a flirtatious, trying to attract a man’s attention. Bahignit kaáyu. Mangúnag kablit, She’s flirtatious. She nudges men to get their attention. n term of endearment of infants.

bahíhì, bahihì, bahìhì n 1 neighing of a horse, bleating of a sheep or goat. 2 sound like neighing. v [A; c1] neigh, bleat.

bahikhik v [A; b3] high-pitched, somewhat restrained laughter. Mibahikhik sila nga namátì sa malaw-ay nga isturya, They snickered as they listened to the dirty stories.

bahilya n complete set of dishes.

báhin v 1 [A; ac] divide into shares. Bahínun ta ni sa upat, Let’s divide this into four pieces. Gibahínan ku níyag upat ka isdà, He shared four fish with me. 2 [A3S] get a share. Makabahin kag daghang isdà ug magbuntag ka, You get a larger share of fish if you stay until morning. n 1 share. Átung hiwáun sa upat ka báhin, Let’s cut it into four shares. 2 section, portion. Dúnay báhin nga binisayà ang Príman, The Freeman has a Visayan section. Báhin sa tulumanun, Section in the program. 3 turn. Ákung báhin nga pakantáhun, My turn to sing. 4 role in a play. Kumidiyanti ang ákung báhin sa dráma, My role in the play is that of a comedian. 5 regarding. Unsay ímung ikasulti báhin niánà? What do you have to say concerning that? sa ákung — for my part. Sa ákung báhin wà kuy ikasulti niánà, As for me, I have nothing to say about that. sa láing (luyung) — on the other hand. Mupatúu siya apan sa láing (luyung) báhin magpadáyun sa pagluib, He makes you believe he is loyal, but behind your back he continues his treachery. -ay(→) n the manner of sharing. Nalípay ang mga saup mahitungud sa bahinay sa bag-ung baláud, The tenants are happy about the division of the crops under the new law. ka- n 1 person with whom one shares s.t. Kabáhin ka sa ákung kalípay ug [83]kasákit, You share my happiness and sorrows with me. 2 = báhin, 5. ka-anan n inheritance. Ang pinaangkan may katungud sa kabahinánan sa ílang ginikánan, Illegitimate children have a right to an inheritance from their parents.

bahirig a tilted, leaning to one side. v [B; c1] lean to one side. Nagbahirig ang mga tanum tungud sa kusug nga hángin, The plants are leaning because of the strong wind. Ayaw ibahirig (bahiriga) pagtáud ang halígi, Don’t install the post in a leaning position.

bahis v [A2] go back and forth. Nagbahis ang mga pulis sa dálan nga nangítà sa mga tulisan, The policemen are going back and forth over the streets looking for the bandits. (←) v [A13] go back and forth without regard to anyone or anything else. Nagbáhis na ang buáya; walà siyay gikahadlúkan, The crocodile went about where he chose. He feared no one.

bahista n bass fiddle, guitar player. v [A] be a bass player.

bahíya n bay. Ang bahíya sa Manílà, Manila Bay.

báhu1 no wonder, it is not surprising considering that [subject] is what it is. Báhu ning tapulan, diyútay rag ági, No wonder this fellow doesn’t accomplish anything. He’s so lazy.

báhu2 n 1 bass singer. 2 bass instrument. v [A; b6(1)] play, sing bass.

báhu3 see abáhu.

báhu4, bàhu = baw-u.

bahù a 1 odorous, ill-smelling. Limpiyúhi ang kasilyas kay bahù kaáyu, Clean the toilet because it stinks. 2 having been ‘it’ in a game for a long time. (←) n smell, odor. Ang báhù sa litsun abut sa ámù, The smell of the roast pig reaches our place. — nga smell of. Báhung singut, Smell of sweat. — nga paryinti having some sort of distant tie of kinship. Walà miy báhù nga paryinti. Nagkaparíha lang ang ámung apilyídu, We are not related. We just happen to have the same name. v 1 [B; a2] be, become smelly. Mubahù ang banig kay giihían man sa bátà, The mat will become smelly because the child urinated on it. 2 [A12] a smell. Nakabahù ka ba átung humut nga rúsas? Did you smell the fragrance of the roses? b = paniN-, 3. 3 (→) 1 [B12; a] for meat and fruits to rot, spoil. Nabahù ang karni kay walà nímu malútù gahápun, The meat became spoiled because you did not cook it yesterday. 2 [a12] cause coconut milk to ferment in making oil. Bahúa úsà ang túnù unyà lanáha, You first ferment the coconut milk, then make it into oil. tiN- v [A12; b8] perceive odor. Nakatimahù ka ba ug patay nga ilagà? Do you smell a dead rat? paniN-(←) v 1 [A23] emit odor. Nanimáhù kang nangkà, You smell of jackfruit. 1a -ng kandílà death is near (lit. the odor of candles is being emitted—facetious usage). Lúya na kaáyu ang masakitun. Nanimáhù nang kandílà, The patient is weak. You can smell the funereal candles. 2 [A] smell, perceive odor. Midágan ang lagsaw dihang nakapanimahù ug táwu, The deer ran when it perceived the odor of man. 3 [A2] find out, get wind of. Nanimáhù ug unsang kumbiráha maáyu níyang suhútan, He’s finding out what party is good to attend. Ag tuntu nakapanimahù (nakabahù) sa ámung mga plánu, The fool got wind of our plans. ig-(←) n — nga paryinti be in any way a relative of. Dílì ka igbáhù nga paryinti ni Títa. Makaminyù mu, You are in no way related to Tita. You two can get married. ka- n stench. Ang kabahù sa yánang dílì maagwanta, I can’t endure the stench of the pool of mud.†

báhud v [B2] for wounds to swell and redden. Mibáhud ang íyang núka kay hiinitan man, His wound became swollen because it was exposed to the sun. Ug musúd kag mintiryu mubáhud ang ímung kabahung, If you go into a cemetery your wound might swell and redden.

bahug v [A; c] 1 put liquid or fat into the staple food. Mubahug lang siyag mantíkà kay dì mukáun ug útan, He mixes lard with his corn because he doesn’t eat vegetables. 2 feed leftovers to. Ibahug na lang ang pán ngadtu sa ítik, Toss the bread to the ducks. -in-, -in-an n food mixed with soup, lard, or water. Ang íyang binahug (binahugan) gikaun sa irù, The dog ate his food mixed with soup. bahugbáhug v [A; b] 1 do s.t. in large amounts. Nagbahugbáhug kamig katáwa sa íla, We had a barrel of laughs at their house. 2 have a free-for-all fight. n 1 s.t. done in plentiful quantities. Bahugbáhug ang ínum sa kasal, There was drinking done on a large scale at the wedding. 2 free-for-all fight.

bahùlu = bahuulu.

bàhun see bahà, v3.

bahut a boastful, talking about one’s accomplishments or abilities in too obvious a manner. Kadaghan ku nang nabátì kanang bahut nímung isturya, How many times have I already heard your boastful stories! v [B12] become boastful.

bahuulu n k.o. crevally: Caranx melampygus.

báid v [A3P; a] 1 rub s.t. on s.t. else to sharpen [84]it to make it shiny. Baírun ku ang sanggut, I’ll sharpen the scythe. Ibáid sa simintu ang batu arun masínaw, Rub the stone on the cement floor so that it will get shiny. 2 perfect s.t. Nagbáid siya sa mananayaw sa hustung panlíhuk, He helped the dancer perfect her steps. Ang diksiyunaryu mauy nakabáid (nakapabáid) sa ákung ininglis, The dictionary sharpened my English. bairan n s.t. to sharpen s.t. baidbáid v [A13C; c] brush or rub s.t. against s.t. lightly as if sharpening. Nagbaidbáid siya sa íyang mga kamut, He rubbed his palms together.

baíid v [A; c1] brush one’s body or part of the body lightly against s.t. Gibaiíran ku sa ákung iring, My pet cat rubbed itself on me.

bail a for fruit or root crops to be hardened due to exposure to heat or mishandling. Bail ang kamúti kay nabuwad sa ínit, The sweet potatoes are hard because they were left in the sun. v [B2; b6] get hardened. — ug náwung a shameless. Bail ug náwung bayhána kay dì lang mubáli ug insultu, That woman certainly is shameless because she doesn’t mind insults. pa-, pa-(←) v [A; b6c1] do s.t. despite the shame it brings. Nagpabail (nagpabáil) siyag pangáyug hinábang kay way kadangpan, He swallowed his pride to ask for help because he has no one to turn to.

bais n k.o. large, edible fresh-water eel of brown color, growing to 4′ and more: Anguilla sp.

baíwas v [C3] for two persons to fail to meet because one had left when the other arrived. Nagkabaíwas ta kay pag-abut nákù mu say paglakaw nímu, We missed each other because when I arrived, you had left.

baka v [A; b(1)] bleach clothing under the sun. Gibakhan (gibakahan) níya ang mga hábul, She spread the sheets under the sun to bleach.

báka1 n cow, beef. -ng túru bull. bakahan n cattle ranch. — (ng) litsíra n 1 source of financial support. Ang iyaan kung sapían mauy báka litsíra sa ákung pagtuun, My rich aunt supported me in my studies. 2 one who constantly gives money to s.o. who is playing him for a sucker. v [B1256] become a provider or be played for a sucker.

báka2 1 it doesn’t matter, never mind if. Báka mu lang ug pilay magastu mu sa uspital basta maáyu ka lang, It doesn’t matter how much you will spend for your hospitalization, as long as you are cured. Báka ug dì ka musugut nákù. Náa may daghang babáyi, I don’t care if you don’t accept me. There are plenty of fish in the ocean. 2 = baláka.

bákà v [A13] walk with the legs apart. bakàbakà v [A] walk with the legs apart.

bakaang v [B] walk with legs spread apart. Nagbakaang siya tungud sa hubag, He walked with his legs spread apart because of his boil. a having legs spread apart in walking.

bakabáka= kinalabaw, 1. see kábaw.

bakag = baklag.

bakagan n k.o. bony, reddish, flat fish, as wide as the palm and about 1′ in length. v [B2] become thin and bony. Nabakagan siya sa pagkapilian sa pagkáun, She is thin and bony because she is choosy in her food.

bakak a be a lie, false. Bakak kaáyu nang íyang diklarasiyun, His allegation is a big lie. v [A; c] tell a lie. Dì ku mubakak nímu, I won’t tell you a lie. Ang mga numiru dílì mamakak, Figures don’t lie. panghiN- v [A; b15] deny, show s.t. to be false. Mapanghimakak (kapanghimakakan) nákù ang ímung tabì, I can prove your gossip false. -un(←) a liar.

bakalaw n codfish. panimáhung — v [A23] smell bad. Nanimáhù kang bakalaw, You smell terrible.

bakáling n k.o. ring-like contrivance used to steady round-bottomed pots when put s.w. v [A13; a] make into a steadying ring. Bakalíngun nímu ang sáku arun katungtúngan sa kúlun, We’ll fix this sack so that you can put the round-bottomed pot on it.

bakan n k.o. fish. bakanbákan n k.o. goatfish.

bákan n k.o. tree important for driving away the unglù: Litsea sp.

bakanan = balakanan.

bakang a 1 bowlegged. 2 deprecatory term for the Japanese. v [B] become bowlegged. Mabakang (mubakang) ang bátà kun punáyan ug tambid, A child becomes bowlegged if he is always carried astride. (←) v [B125] get tired out from looking for s.t. Diin ka ba nga nabákang man kug pinangítà nímu? Where have you been? I’ve gotten so tired (lit. become bowlegged) looking for you.

bakanti n 1 vacancy. Wà na mi manáwat ug bag-ung kawáni kay way bakanti, We’re not accepting new employees because there’s no vacancy. 2 vacant place. Nangítà mig bakanting lingkuránan, We were looking for a vacant seat. 3 piece of land left to lie fallow. v 1 [B126; b(1)] for a vacancy to open up, leave s.t. vacant. Magubà ang balay nga bakantíhag dúgay, A house that is left vacant for a long time will go to pieces. 2 [B126] for a piece of land to lie fallow.

bak-ap v [A; b5] shoulder expenses. Bak-apan (bak-apun) ku ang tanang balayran, I’ll [85]take care of all the expenses.

bákas n one who contributes capital to a venture. Ang ákung bákas dakug gipuhúnan sa ámung nigusyu, My partner has chipped in a sizeable capital to our partnership. v [C; ac] be partners. Dílì na sila magkumpitinsiya. Bakásun níla ang ílang nigusyu, They will join their businesses in a partnership. Kanang ímu usa ka líbu ibákas na lang sa átung puhúnan, Add your one thousand to our capital. ka- = bákas, n.

bakasi = balakasi.

bakasiyun n vacation. v [A; b6] take, spend vacation. Adtu ku sa Hungkung bakasiyun, I will spend my vacation in H. K. -ista n one who is taking a vacation. Ang Bagyu nagsugwak sa mga bakasyunista, Baguio is crowded with vacationers.

bakat n k.o. hamper, a woven container about 2′ high with a top. -in- k.o. large, round, smooth tomato.

bakatin n wild pig.

bakatya v [A; a1] 1 subject s.o. to hard, severe treatment. Kusug mubakatyag súgù nang agalúna, That master drives (his servants) to work very hard. Gibakatya siyag bukbuk sa mga buguy, He was severely mauled by the roughnecks. 2 discipline s.o. wild, unruly. Mabuútan ang irù ug dúnay makabakatya íni, A dog will become meek if s.o. disciplines it.

bakawan = bakhaw1.

bákay v [A2; c] 1 move the line from which one starts, shoots, puts, etc. in a game. Mubákay siya kay ang íyang dyúlin simpig man sa bungbung, He moved his shooting line because his marble was right against the wall. Ibákay lang níya ang búla sa gulp kay natambug man sa línaw, He will just move his golf ball because it landed in a pond. 2 move, move s.t. from its place. Mibákay siya dihang dihay miági, He moved to make room when s.o. passed by. Layù silag gibakáyan ug puyù, The place they have moved to now is far away.

bakaybakay n k.o. dark brown and brittle starfish with narrow rays.

bakbak1 n frog, toad.

bakbak2 n path of hardened dirt. v [B1256] harden from being trod upon. Nabakbak ang tugkaran sa ímung pagbinalikbálik, The yard got all trampled down the way you kept going back and forth through it.

bakbak3 n abaca hemp made from the outer stalks of the abaca.

bakbak4 n 1 piece of metal or precious stone used to ornament a surface, usually a comb. 2 sole of footgear. Pánit ang bakbak sa íyang sapátus, His shoes have leather soles. v [A; b] 1 inlay with precious metal, stones. Sudlayng binakbákan ug sinúbung, A comb plated with gold. 2 put soles on footgear.

bakbak5 = balakbak.

bakgráwun n 1 background, past experience, origin. Sutáa únang íyang bakgráwun únà sugta, Verify his background first before you accept his proposal. Wà kaáyu siyay bakgráwun. Dì siya makaapas sa liksiyun, He doesn’t have a very good background. He cannot catch on to the lesson. 2 background of painting or picture. 3 one who is staying out of the limelight. 4 one who assists in a performance in a lesser role. Mas maáyung mukanta ang bakgráwun kay sa istar, The background sings better than the star. 5 attendant on a public performer, manager of a sportsman. Gitunúlan ang buksiadur ug tualya sa íyang bakgráwun, The manager gave the boxer a towel. 6 one who supports another in a fight, provides fire cover for another. v [A; b1] be the background in performing, attending a public performer, support s.o. in a fight. Bakgrawnan ta kag mukanta ka, I’ll accompany you if you sing. Bakgrawni aku inigtabuk nákù, Cover me when I cross over to the other side of the street. pa- v [A] stay out of the limelight. Pabakráwun lang siya kay maúlaw siya níla, He will just stay in the background because he is shy.†

bakgut v [A; b5c] cut s.t. off with a motion in the direction of the agent, usually with a sickle. Dì ka makabakgut sa búlig sa ságing, You cannot cut the bunch of bananas down. Bakgutan (bakgutun) ku nang líug sa irù, I will slit that dog’s neck. n stroke, action of cutting.

bakhad v [B1; b6] for s.t. tied to get undone. Mabakhad ang higut ug dì nímu ayúhun ug bángan, The string will get undone if you don’t tie it tight.

bakhaw1 n mangrove tree: Rhizophora spp.

bakhaw2 n k.o. dish made of blanched greens or raw meat or fish garnished with onions, tomatoes, and vinegar. v [A; a] make bakhaw. -in- = bakhaw2.

bakhù v [A; b36] sob. Gibakhúan ku níya sa íyang mga kaguul, She sobbingly poured out her sorrows to me. n sob. ma-un a full of sobs. Sa mabakhúung tíngug, In a sobbing voice.

bakhuy n doll of cloth or plastic.

bakì n frog.†

bákid n cavan, a measure for grain equivalent to 25 gantas (approximately three bushels). [86]

bakig a very thin, emaciated. v [B] become emaciated.

bakik joking euphemism for bakak.

bakikaw a awkward, graceless. Ang walhun bakikaw tan-áwun nga manahì, A left-handed person looks graceless when he sews. v [B1; a] become clumsy, do s.t. clumsily, awkwardly. Bakikawun gánì nímug kúgus ang bátà mahúlug giyud nà, You’ll drop the child if you carry it in such a clumsy way.

bakíki = balakíki.

bakilid a steeply sloping. Bakilid kaáyu ang ámung gitúngas, We’re climbing a very steep slope. n slope. kabakildan n slopes.

báking1 n backing, material put in back of s.t. to give it support. v [A; a] provide with a backing.

báking2 v [A; c] back up, put a vehicle in reverse. Ibáking ang dyíp, Back the jeep up.

bakintul v [B] miss one’s step, walk with a limp because s.t. is wrong with one’s shoe or the path one is traversing. Mibakintul ku kay nakatunub kug gamayng batu, I missed my step because I stepped on a small rock. Nagbakintul kug lakaw kay nawálà ang píkas kung tikud, I walk unevenly because one of my heels got lost. Culu- v [A1] walk unevenly.

bákir n backer in an application, financial undertaking. Bákir siya nákù sa ákung nigusyu, He is my backer in my business. v [B6; b(1)] become a backer, back s.t.

bakíru v [A; b6] pasture. Gibakirúhan nákù sa uma ang kanding, I pastured the goat in the fields. n shepherd, cowherd.

bakíta n plunger of a child’s toy as, for example, of a popgun.

bakíya n young female carabao or cow ready to reproduce.

baklà a homosexual. v [B] be a homosexual. Ug makig-uban-úban kag mga baklà, mabaklà sad ka, If you pal around with fairies, you’ll become one, too. paN- v [A23] engage in male prostitution.

baklag a having a putrid odor of rotten food or decayed flesh. v [B2] become putrid. Nabaklag na lang ang ilagà wà gayud níla ilubung, They did not bury the rat even though it has become putrid.

baklarit n stew made from dog’s meat, spices, and vegetables. v [A; a] make, obtain dog stew. Baklaritun ta nang inyung irù, Let’s butcher your dog and make him into stew.

baklaw n bracelet. v [A; a] wear, make into, get a bracelet.

baklay v [A; ac] go on foot. Bakláyun ta lang ang piyir, Let’s just walk to the pier.

bakliad, baklíad v [B; c1] bend one’s body far backward. Mubaklíad gánì ang bátà hayan mahúlug, If the baby bends too far back, it is likely to fall. Ibaklíad (bakliára) ug maáyu ang ímung láwas, Bend your body far back.

baklid v [A; a12] pin s.o.’s hand behind his back. Siyay mibaklid sa ákung kamut samtang gikuláta ku sa íyang mga kaúban, He pinned my arms behind me while his companions pummelled me. panghiN-, paniN- = -in-, v 1. -in- a folded behind the back. Milakaw siya binaklid ang íyang mga kamut, He walked away with his hands folded behind his back. v 1 [A] fold one’s hands behind one’s back. Mibinaklid (nanghimaklid, nanimaklid) siyang nagpasupásu sa hawanan, He paced the courtyard with his hands folded behind his back. 2 [a12] = baklid.

baknal a 1 too big for the thing it was put in. Baknal kaáyu ang pistúla sa háwak, There is no room for the pistol in the waist. 2 be too big for the situation. Baknal ang kaniyun nga gigámit didtu sa Bitnam, The cannons they use in Viet Nam are too big for the job they have to do. v 1 [AB; a2] bulge out, make s.t. bulge out. Unsa man nang nagbaknal sa ímung bulsa? What is making your pocket bulge? 2 [A; c] put s.t. which juts up on a road to block it or cause passers-by to stumble. Átung baknálan ang agiánan ug dakung batu, We’ll block the road with a huge stone. 3 [b6] consider s.t. too big. n s.t. bulging or which prevents easy passage. -an = bakal, a2.

baknit n k.o. wild, thorny vine with yellowish, inedible berries. ka-an n thicket. v [B12] become a thicket. Nakabaknitan ang uma nga gibyáan, Our abandoned farm grew into a thicket.

bakpi n back pay. v [A12] collect one’s back pay.

bakráyid v [A; c] ride at the back of a bicycle or motorcycle. Gibakráyid níya ang íyang anak, He carried his son on the back of his bicycle.†

baksan see bakus.

baksidur n boxer. v [B16; a12] become a boxer. Magbaksidur ka gánì kinahanglan lig-un kag túhud, If you want to become a boxer, you must have strong legs.

baksing n boxing. v 1 [A; b6] have a boxing match. 2 [a12] box s.o. Baksingun ta ka run, I’ll box you one now. -an n boxing ring.

baksir = baksidur.

baksiwà a contrary, nonconforming. Baksiwà [87]nga pagkabátà, A contrary child. v [AC; c1] 1 be contrary to, be not in conformity. Mubaksiwà giyud nà siya sa gustu sa ámung inahan, She always does s.t. contrary to our mother’s wishes. Nagkabaksíwa ang ílang pangatarúngan, Their reasons did not tally. Baksiwaun (ibaksiwà) man gud nímug sabut ang ákung sulti, You always place a wrong meaning on what I say. 2 put in a head to toe arrangement. Nagbaksíwà sila paghigdà, They lay down beside each other with their heads on opposite ends. Ibaksiwà (baksiwáun) nákù ang pagpahimútang sa káhuy, I will arrange the wood so that the bigger ends are next to the smaller ends. 3 [C13] pass by one another without seeing each other. Wà sila magkítà kay nagkabaksíwà lang sila sa dálan, They did not meet because they just passed each other on the road. (←) [B] be intertwining. Bágun nga nagbaksíwà, Intertwining vines.

baktas v [A; a2] 1 traverse on foot. Taas pa ang ákung baktásun arun matúman ku ang ákung ginadamgu, I still have a long road to traverse if my dreams are to be realized. 2 cut across. Gibaktásan ku ang daruhan, I took a short cut across the plowed field. -ay(→) n walkathon. Siyay nakadaug sa baktasay, He won the walkathon. v [C] have a walkathon.

baktin1 n 1 piglet. 2 children, kids (familiar usage). Nag-iskuyla na ang ákung mga baktin, My kids go to school now. v [A12] obtain piglet. Nakabaktin kug duha pagbatun ku sa íyang anay, I got myself two piglets for rearing his sow. -ay v [C] bet with piglets. Baktinay ta, kinsay mudaug, Let’s bet piglets as to who will win.

baktin2 v [B46; b6] get a charley horse. Namaktìn (mibaktin) ákung buktun, My arms got a charley horse. baktinbaktin n bulging part of the calf or biceps.

baktirya n bacteria.

bakù a stoop-shouldered. v [B; a] become hunched. Makabakù (makapabakù) nímu ang magsígig dúkù nga magsulat, You’ll become stoop-shouldered if you bend like that when you write.

bakud v [AC2; c1] run in a gallop. Mibakud ang kabáyù, The horse galloped away. Nakigbakud siya sa mga bátà, He ran around with the children.

bákud1 v [AB25; ac1] 1 get up from lying position, make s.t. lying erect. Mibákud siyag sayu, He got up early. Dì ku kabákud sa halígi, I cannot raise the post. Bakúrun sa nars ang masakitun, The nurse will make the patient get up. Wà ku ibákud (bakúra) ang halígi, I did not raise the post. 2 — ug nigusyu v [A; c1] start a business. Dì ta makabákud ug nigusyu ug way puhúnan, We cannot start a business if we don’t have capital. 3 [AP; a12] save one’s name or honor from public humiliation. Kamung mga anak mau na lay mubákud (mupabákud) sa átung apilyídu nga gihugawhugawan ug maáyu sa inyung amahan, Only you, the children, can save our family name which your father has sullied.

bákud2 v [A; c1] tie s.t. together, fasten to s.t. Nakabákud na siya sa mga káhuy, She has tied the firewood into bundles. Gibákud siya sa halígi, He was tied to the post. Bakúra (ibákud) ang mga papil, Tie the papers in bundles. (→) n bond, fetters.

bakudbakud n k.o. wrasse.

bakukang n 1 k.o. large rhinoceros beetle, found in coconut trees. 2 name given to small brown beetles or to june bugs (= daging). 3 — sa úlu have difficulty in understanding. Bakukang ang sulud sa ímung úlu kay dì ka kasabut, Your head is full of beetles because you can’t understand. v [a4] be infested with beetles.

bakúku n k.o. fish.

bakúkun v [AB; c1] coil, roll into a loop. Mibakúkun akug lukay arun dúna kitay ikasulù, I coiled up some palm fronds to give us s.t. to use as a torch. Mibakúkun ang baksan, The python coiled itself up. n coil.

bakul a crippled in the leg. v (←) [B126] become crippled.

bákul n belt buckle. v [A; b] put a buckle on s.t.

bakúlan n k.o. mullet with small scales.

bakulaw n ugly-faced supernatural being said to abduct small children and hide them from their parents. Ayaw pagsábà kay tingálig dad-un ka sa bakulaw, Be quiet or the bakulaw will get you.

bakulkul n trap to catch wild fowl with a noose. paN- v [A2] catch chickens and birds with a bakulkul.

bakulud n rounded stone found in the sea and exposed at low tide.

bakulung n a loop, usually made of cloth, put under things carried on the head. v [A; a] make into a buffer, put a buffer on the head.

bákun = bákud1.

bakúna v [A; b] vaccinate. Akuy mubakúna sa mga bátà, I will vaccinate the children. n vaccination. -dur(→) n one who administers vaccine. v [B156] be the one who innoculates.

bakunáwa n a monster that is said to swallow [88]the sun or moon during an eclipse. The bakunáwa is said to be disturbed by noise and will release the sun or moon if noise is made.

bákung1 n k.o. common rice with white grains of average length.

bákung2 = pagiyun.

bakúngan n k.o. sea cucumber (balat).

bakúngun n k.o. talisáyun-colored cock with dark green feathers interspersed with yellow feathers on the wings, sides, and breast.

bakus n 1 belt. 2 champion’s title in sports like boxing. Upat ka túig níyang kuput sa bakus pagkakampiyun, He held the championship title for four years. — sa amù n a belt believed to be worn by female monkeys during pregnancy and shed after delivery. A woman who happens to find it should wear it during pregnancy to give her an easy delivery. hugut sa — v [A1C12; c1] take measures to meet a difficult situation, tighten the belt in the face of financial difficulties. Hugtun (ihugut) nátù ang átung bakus, kay naapikihan ta sa kwarta, Let’s tighten our belts because we’re short of money. v [A; c] 1 wear a belt. 2 tie around the waist. Gibakus níya sa háwak ang íyang bálun, He tied his provisions around his waist. 3 [A; ab2] whip with a belt. Baksun ka gayud ni Tátay, Father will surely whip you with a belt. baksan n k.o. python with bands.

bàkus n small rope used to prevent a yoke from slipping. It is tied to both ends of the yoke and runs under the neck.

bákut = gipakaingun (dialectal). see ingun1.

bakutut v [B46] 1 stagger under a load that is too heavy. Makabakutut (makapabakutut) man sad ang kabug-at niíning baskíta, The weight of this basket can make one stagger. 2 stagger under the burden of debts.

bakwì v [A2; a12] take back what one said. Bakwía ang ímung gisulti, Take back what you said. n retraction. Ang bakwì ni Risal mahitungud sa tinuhúan, Rizal’s retraction of what he said about religion.

bakwit v [A; b2c] flee s.w. in war time. Didtu mi mubakwit sa búkid, We evacuated to the mountains. n war refugee. Napunù sa bakwit ang kampu, The camp is full of war refugees.

bakyà1 n 1 k.o. slipper with wooden sole. 2 k.o. boxfish. v 1 [A; a] wear, make into wooden slippers. Nagbakyà siya ngadtu sa tyanggihan, She wore wooden slippers to the market. Kining kahúya maáyung bakyáun, This wood is good for bakyas. 2 [A; a12] beat with a wooden slipper. Bakyaun siya sa asáwa ug mahubug, His wife beats him with wooden slipper when he’s drunk.

bakyà2 a appealing to the bakyà crowd (the proletariat). Bakyà kaáyung salidáha, A movie very appealing to the proletariat. v [B12; b6] get to be appealing to the proletariat. — krawud n proletariat (those wearing bakyà).

bakyánu a skillful, adept. Bakyánu nang batáa sa pamakak, That child fibs pretty well. v [B1] be skillful, adept. Magbakyánu ka sa pagmakinilya arun makaimpliyar ka dáyun, Get adept at typing so you can find a job right away.

bakyaw v [A; c] swing the arm to strike a blow.

bala, bála1 (not without l) n 1 bullet. 2 staples. 3 money. v [A; c] 1 load gun, stapler. Maáyu lang kang ibála sa kaniyun, You are just good for cannon fodder. 2a put s.t. in s.t. to make it appear bigger or weightier. Ang kupras baláhag balas, The copra was mixed with sand. 2b mix s.t. in with s.t. else to hide it. Ang pinaldung panaptun gibaláhag sigarilyu, The bales of cloth had cigarettes hidden inside of them. balahan a loaded. Pagbantay kay balahan nang pistúla, Be careful. That pistol is loaded.

bála2 v [A; a12] carry s.t. on the back, not tied. Akuy mubála nímu inigtabuk sa sapà, I’ll carry you piggy-back when we cross the river. Baláha (balha) kanang sáku, Carry that sack on your back. gi- gilukdu full of happiness, mischief, worries, and other emotions (lit. carried on the back and on the head). Ang gwatsi ánang tawhána gibá gilukdu, That man is chock-full of mischief.

balà1 (not without l) v [A; a12] find out information about an event that has happened (who stole s.t., where s.t. stolen or lost is, who committed a crime, etc.) by means of an egg. The egg is made to stand on its end on the edge of a tumbler. Then a yes-no question is put to it. If the answer is yes, the egg remains upright. If the answer is no, the egg falls. Balaun ang bábuy kay sigúrung gikáwat tu, We’ll divine information about the pig, because it surely was stolen. balad-un n omen, a sign which prophesizes s.t. Ang kumíta mauy usa ka bad-un nga may umaábut nga kagúbut, A comet is a sign of a forthcoming war. tiking balad-un phrase used to address the gecko (house lizard) in asking him to foretell whether s.t. will happen. The question is put to the gecko before he sounds. After he sounds the question is repeated. If the gecko sounds [89]an odd number of times the answer is affirmative. If even, the answer is negative. Tiking balad-un, muulan ugmà? Prophet gecko, will it rain tomorrow?

balà2 = balálà.

bálà (not without l) v [A; c] warn so as to prohibit certain actions. Gibaláan na man mu, You have been warned and prohibited. Úsà ka mamusil sa háyup ibálà úsà, Before you start shooting stray animals, make a warning prohibiting it. n warning that prohibits.

baláan a holy, sacred. Gahum sa mga baláan, Power of the saints. paka- v [a12] considered sacred. Gipakabaláan sa mga bumbay ang báka, The Hindus considered the cow a sacred animal. -un saintly. Balaánun ang ákung tingúhà kanímu, I have noble intentions toward you.

baláat v [A; a] tie s.t. around s.t. Baátun ta ning sugnud, Let’s bundle the firewood. Baáti íyang bàbà arun dì kasyágit, Gag her mouth so she can’t shout. n s.t. tied around s.t.

balábag v [A2S; c1] 1 lie across a path. Balabágun (ibábag) nátù pagbutang ang káhuy, Let’s put the tree across the road. Gibabágan ang agiánan sa mga batu, The path was blocked by rocks. 2 block s.o.’s way. Ikaw ray nakabábag sa ákung kalípay, You are the only one who stands in the way of my happiness. 3 for a fetus to be in a transverse position. Naglísud siya pag-anak kay nagbalábag (nagbalabag) ang bátà, She had a hard labor because the child was in a transverse position. n 1 a piece of wood or metal which lies across s.t. Ang balabag mauy naglambing sa duha ka kasku, The crossbeam holds the two hulls of the boat together. 2 cross (not without l in this meaning). Gilansang si Hisus sa balábag, Jesus was nailed to a cross. 3 s.t. which bars the way. Dílì balábag sa hangtúray nílang panaghigála, It is not a bar to their eternal friendship. (→) n = balábag, n. -an(→) n fishes with a transverse line, e.g., k.o. snappers.

balabála n a children’s game played by hitting a ball one tosses himself with a stick. If another player catches the ball, he comes up to bat. v [A1] play this game.

baladaw = balaraw.

baladbad = badbad1.

baládin (not without l) n wooden container for palm toddy in the shape of a tapered cylinder. v [A13; a12] make a wooden container for palm toddy.

balad-un see balà1.

bálag v 1 [A123S; b8] find s.t. by running across. Nakabalag silag mga ismaglir sa lawud, They ran into some smugglers on the high seas. 2 [AC; a] go meet s.o. Balága siya didtu sa piyir, Go meet him at the pier. balagbalag v [A13] go around everywhere looking for s.o. or s.t. Nagbagbág ang inahan ug pangítag kwarta, The mother went around everywhere looking for money. hi- v [A2C; ac] encounter, meet s.o. Nahibálag ku na gayud siya, At last I found him. Maghibálag ra gayud ta, We will certainly meet.

balaghuy a lanky, ungracefully tall and thin. v [B] be lanky. Nagbalaghuy ang láwas sa tin-idyir, Teen-agers have lanky bodies.

balagsang a for like things in a row to lack pieces, having pieces missing. Balagsang ang mais kay pagawpaw ang gitamnan, The ears of corn lacked grains because the land was infertile. v [BN] for pieces in a row to fall out, come out having pieces missing. Kanang baratuhung klási sa sudlay dalì rang mamagsang, It doesn’t take long for the teeth to fall out of cheap combs. -un(→) a characterized by having members missing.

balagtásan (not without l) n contest of reasoning between two men consisting of spoken dialogue in high-flown language. v [AC2] hold such a contest.

balagtuk n rat.

balagúlà, balagúlan (not without l) n three quarters of a coconut shell used as container for water to wash the vagina.

balágun n vine. v [B2S46] grow like a vine.

balag-ung n animal trap that clasps, snares, or encloses the animal. v [A; ab2] 1 catch with, set a balag-ung. Ákung gibalag-úngan ang sawa, piru wà mabalag-ung, I set a trap for the snake, but I did not catch it. 2 entrap s.o. into doing s.t. Bantay kay balag-úngun ka sa pagpatug-an, Watch out! You’ll be trapped into revealing it. 3 [a12] make s.t. into a balag-ung.

baláhak n deep festering sore, bigger than a kabahung. v [B12; a4] get to be, get a large sore. Nabáhak ang íyang samad, His wound became a festering sore. Gibáhak siya kay wà níya tambáli ang íyang samad, He developed a festering sore because he left his wound unattended.

balahálà n gods and goddesses (poetic).

balahíbu = balhíbu.

bálak v [A; c1] recite verses. Balákun (ibálak) nákù ang ultimu adiyus ni Risal, I am going to recite Rizal’s ‘Last Farewell’. n poem. paN- v [A23] write poetry. n poetry. mag-r- n poet. -nun a poetic. v [B12] become poetic. [90]

baláka v [B1256; b3c5] be concerned, worried. Ayaw kabaláka kay akuy mahibalu sa tanan, Don’t worry because I’ll take care of everything. Unsa may ímung gikabalak-an? What are you worrying about? mabalak-un, mabalakhun a characterized by concern, worry. Mabalakhung tíngug, Worried voice. — ku, ka what do I care. Baláka kug mabaklag siya. Dílì giyud aku muápas níya, I don’t care if she rots. I won’t run after her.

balakanan n doorsill.

balak-ang n = balat-ang. v [B; c1] stand, squat with the thighs apart. Nagbalak-ang ang tindíra ug mani sa íyang paglingkud, The peanut vendor squatted with her legs apart.

balakasi n k.o. small eel. Husi balakasi, tadtárun muliksi. Tadtárun mukubul, paryintis tubul, José is an eel, strike him with a knife and he will jump. If you strike him and he tautens up, he’s akin to hard feces. (Teasing rhyme said to children named José, in reference to the actions of the balakasi when struck.)

balakbak n 1 cloth or similar material to lie, walk, sit on. Duguun ang bakbak nga giangkan, The sheets on which she lay when she gave birth are all bloody. 2 diaper. v 1 [A; a] put material under s.o. to be on. Gibakbákan ug puting panaptun ang tumbanan sa bag-ung kinasal, The newly-weds had a white cloth spread for them to walk over. 2 underlay, be the thing in which s.t. is rooted. Ang íyang panáad gibakbákan ug mga pasálig, His promises were backed up by assurances. Lúhà ug singut ang gibakbak sa ákung paglampus, My success is rooted in sweat and tears. 3 put a diaper on. Bakbáki ang bátà, Put a diaper on the baby.

balakíki n a chicken colored black with white speckles, and sometimes with other colors. balakikíhun n fish colored black with speckles (sharks, rays, et al.)

balalà a 1 slow to comprehend. Balà kaáyu siya sa klási, He is very dull in class. 2 very inferior in quality, roughly or hurriedly done. (←) v 1 [B2] become dull. Mubalálà (mabalálà) kag dì ka magtuun, You’ll become dull if you do not study. 2 [B1] get to be inferior in quality. Nagkabalà ang íyang tinahian nga nagkadaghan ang íyang súkì, Her sewing is getting to be more and more inferior in quality since she started to get lots of customers.†

balalantì n small tree, the leaves of which have a medicinal use. The wood is of magical importance, esp. in sorcery. If food cooked by its fire is stolen, the thief suffers.

balalátuk n k.o. woodpecker.

balalaw (not without l) n stiff loop or hoop. v [A; a12] make, make into, put a loop.

balanà n crack in s.t. that has absolutely no give. Walà na nay dáta ang íhi kay may balanà, That axle is useless because it has a crack. v [B] get a crack in it. Mubalanà (mabalanà) ang básu basta butangan ug ínit túbig, The glass will crack if you put hot water in it. -un a having a crack.

balának n general name for large mullets: Mugilidae. -un a flat-headed, like a mullet: term for fishes, snakes, people.

balanban1 n k.o. half beak: Hemirhamphus spp.

balanban2 n a branching reed, the main stem of which is split and used in weaving and in sewing nipa shingles: Donnax cannaeformis.

balandra (not without l) n 1 barrel with rounded sides. 2 large, flat-bottomed boat mainly used for carrying logs or rocks. 3 fat woman shaped like a barrel. 4 wooden slippers (bakyà) which are poorly made and clumsy to wear. Balandra man nang ímung bakyà, Your slippers are like a boat. v [BN] become fat like a boat or barrel.

bal-ang = lab-ang.

balángas n mange, skin disease of dogs. v [a4] have mange. -un(→) a mangy. v [B125] become mangy. Mabalangasun ang irù ug pakan-un ug alukabhang sa kasag, The dog will become mangy if you feed it crab shells.

balángaw (from dángaw) n rainbow. v [AN; b6] for there to be a rainbow. Dílì na mag-ulan basta mamángaw (mubángaw), It will not rain any more if there’s a rainbow. -an n 1 k.o. leech with a rainbow-like stripe on its back. 2 bulinaw (anchovy) with a stripe through the middle.

balángay (not without l) n 1 barrio, the smallest unit of self-government. 2 k.o. large boat. -nun n pertaining to the barrio. tagi- n resident of a barrio. katagi- n fellow resident of a barrio.

balangbalang (not without l) v [A; a12] pummel by several persons. Gibalangbalang sa mga silíngan ang kawatan, The neighbors pummelled the thief.

balangbálang n a child’s game played by two groups whereby they try to capture each other by a process of guessing.

balanghitaw n small crocodile.

balanghútan n k.o. lizard fish, family Synodontidae.

balanghuy = bulanghuy.

balangúbang n k.o. medium-sized soft wood tree, the bark of which is used for walling: Shorea negrosensis. [91]

balangus (not without l) v [A; c] eat voraciously. Ayaw ibalangus ang ímung pagkáun arun dílì ka hituk-an, Do not gobble your food or you’ll choke.

baláni1 n 1 trunk of a banana or abaca plant. 2 pieces of the banana trunk.

baláni2 see batu1.

balansi (not without l) n 1 accounting. 2 balance. Nawad-an siyag balansi, He lost his balance. v 1 [A; a2] make an accounting of. Balansíhan ta ka sa ímung útang, I’ll make an accounting to you of your debts. 2 [A] 2a maintain one’s balance. 2b sway from side to side in keeping in an upright position. Nagbalansi ang barku sa dakung balud, The ship rocked back and forth in the high waves.

balansíkul n k.o. small tuna.

balantak n a small woven fish or eel trap with inwardly slanting tines to allow entrance but no exit. v 1 [A12; a12] catch with a balantak. 2 [A; a12] make into such a trap. 3 [c] put out a balantak. paN- v [A2] fish with a balantak. Namantak sila sa sapà, They are trapping fish in the river.

balantì = balalantì.

balantígun n k.o. bird.

balantíyung n varieties of climbing squashes, long, sausage-shaped or jar-shaped: varieties of Lagenaria leucantha.

balanus (not without l) v 1 [A13; b(1)] mourn. Kaming mahabilin magbalanus, Those of us who are left behind will grieve. 2 [A1] repent. Magbalanus ka sa kaulahían, You will repent in the end. n 1 grief, mourning. 2 repentance.

balaraw n k.o. dagger. v [a12] make into, strike with a dagger.

balas n sand. v 1 [A3; b6] put sand s.w. 2 [B3(1)] form sand-like particles. Mubalas ang dugù ug dugáyun sa káyu, Blood stew forms grains if you leave it over the fire too long. ka-(←) v [A13] have sand all over it.

balasbas v 1 [AN; cP] go along parallel to s.t. Ibalasbas (ipabalasbas) pagdala ang káhuy sa asíras, Go along the sidewalk when you carry the wood. 2 [A; c1] put s.t. in a row parallel to s.t. Ibalasbas (balasbása) ug tanum ang kapáyas sa ímung kural, Plant papayas along your fence. n ornamental planted along walks ( = atay-átay. see atay.)

balaslúkun a naughty, mischievous. Balaslúkun kaáyu ning batáa. Kusug kaáyung mupahílak sa íyang mga manghud, The naughty child enjoys making his younger brothers and sisters cry. v [B12] be, become naughty.

balasúbas (not without l) n one who avoids meeting his obligations. Balasúbas kaáyu siyang muswildu. Utsu ang sábut, dus ray báyad, He is immoral in the way he pays wages. He promises eight pesos, but two is all you get. v [B12] be a person who avoids meeting obligations.

balat n 1 sea cucumber. 2 one considered not to count for anything. Ngánung wà man ku nímu bahíni? Unsa ku, balat lang? Why didn’t you give me any? Don’t I count for anything? — hanginan k.o. sea cucumber that shrinks up when taken out of the water so much that it seems to disappear. — úwak n k.o. black sea cucumber edible when dried.

balat-ang n the hips and pelvic region. v [a4] have pains in the pelvic region. Balat-ángun siya ug magrigla, She has pains in the pelvic region when she menstruates. -un a having prominent hips.

balátik1 n trap consisting of a trip rope which releases a spear. v 1 [A; ab2] catch with, set a balátik. Hingbalatikan ang irù, The dog got speared in the trap. 2 [A; b6] set a balátik. Balatíkan nákù ag maisan, I will put a trap in the cornfield. 3 [a12] make a balátik.

balátik2 n name of a constellation having three stars in a row.

balátung n k.o. string bean, reaching more than a foot and less than an inch around. The most commonly grown string bean: Vigna sesquipedialis. sintas — n a variety longer than ordinary balátung. batungbatung n k.o. wild vine with a bean similar to the balátung, but inedible. -in-(→) n k.o. banana the fruit of which is light yellowish green, long and thin, eaten raw when ripe.

balatwánun n k.o. small sea fish: Gerres sp.

baláud v [A; c] 1 issue an order. Gibalaúran kung Tátay sa dílì na pagtabakù, Father ordered me not to smoke. 2 give a warning. Gibalaúran tang may bagyung taliábut, We have been warned that there’s a typhoon coming. n 1 (not without l) law, rules and regulations. Ayaw supáka ang baláud, Do not break the law. 2 warning. batakang — constitution. balauránan n place where laws are passed. Ubus, ibabaw balauránan, Lower, upper house. mag-r-(→) n lawmaker, -un(→), balaurun, balaudnun n bill, future law.

balaúngun = buluungun.

balaw (not without l) n 1 a resinous preparation used to caulk and waterproof a boat, obtained from the sap of the apítung and almasíga. 2 k.o. timber tree, light species of trees called apítung. 3 reddish-brown color [92]in feathers of fowls. v [A; c] waterproof a boat with balaw. Balawan nímu ang tibuuk kílid, Caulk the seams and put resin all over the sides.

bálaw v 1 [B12] get tired of doing s.t. which takes a long time. Nabálaw kug pinaábut nímu, I got tired of waiting for you. 2 [B1] be satisfied to the point of not desiring any more, do as much as one wants to. Magbálaw akug bayli karung gabíi, I will dance to my heart’s content this evening. Nabálaw na kug kináug karni, I got tired of eating meat. ka-an, ka-un(→) n ending up by being completely satiated. Walay kabaláwan ang íyang kagútum, There is no satisfying his hunger.

balawbaw v 1 [A; c] put s.t. over s.t. else. Ang kík gibawbáwan ug aysing, The cake was topped with icing. Ibawbaw ang báhaw sa bag-ung kan-un, Put the leftover rice on top of the newly-cooked rice. 2 [A; a] skim off the topmost portion of s.t. Bawbáwun ku ang ispúma sa sabaw, I’ll skim off the foam from the soup.

balay n 1 house. — alampuánan house of worship. — sa lawàlawà spiderweb. — sa ligwan, putyúkan beehive, hornet’s nest. — lungsud city hall. — patigáyun business firm. 2 home base in games. v [A; b] build a house. Nagbalay siya daplin sa baybáyun, He built a house near the shore. Balayan kung ímung lúti, I’ll build a house on your lot. (←) v [A; a] form a thought, compose a song. Mubálay kug bálak, I’ll compose a poem. Baláya ang ímung tubag sa ímung hunàhúnà, Work your answer out carefully in your mind. -an n 1 home base in a game of hide and seek or in baseball. 2 network of bamboo strips mounted like a platform for climbing plants. v [A2] reach home in baseball, touch base in hide and seek. Ug mubayan kag úna sa búang, libri ka, If you reach the goal ahead of the one who’s it, you’re free. -anan n 1 matchbox. Isulud ang palítu sa bayanan, Place the matchsticks in the matchbox. 2 shell of eggs, sea animals. Bayanan sa itlug, Egg shells. Bayanan sa pawíkan, Turtle shell. Bayanan sa kinhasun, Clam shell. 3 = -an. 4 — sa utut female genitalia (humorous slang). ka-an n group of homes. paN- n 1 housing project, group of homes. Ang pruyiktu sa pamalay álang sa mga kabus, The housing project for the poor. 2 s.t. used in the house. Pamalay na lang ning sinináa, This dress is only for house use. 3 roof framework of a house. paniN- n 1 household. Buluhatun sa panimalay, Household chores. 2 home. Ang asáwa mauy hára sa panimalay, The wife is the queen of the home. tag-, tag-(←) n owner of the house. tig-un(←) n 1 framework of a house. Hápit na mahuman ang tigbáyun sa ákung balay, The framework of my house is almost finished. 2 framework of one’s thoughts. Natumpag ang tigbáyun sa ákung mga damgu, The framework of my dreams collapsed. gam-(←) see gambálay. panum- see tungbálay.†

balaybay v [A; c1] put in a row. Balaybáyun (ibalaybay) nátù ang misitíra sa agiánan, Let’s put a row of flower tubs along the walk. n things put in a row. paN- v [A2; b6] go in, along a certain line. Namalaybay sila sa asíras, They walked on the sidewalk.

baláyung n large hardwood tree with a short trunk and long branches. The wood is deep, dark cordovan and is very hard and highly resistant to deterioration.

balbag v [A3P; a12] break into pieces due to an impact. Nabalbag ang bagul nga gimartilyu, The coconut shell got smashed when I hammered it.

balbakúwa n dish composed of beef or carabao legs, tails, ears, and skin, stewed with bones and with spices and peas. v [A; a] make beef, carabao stew.

balbal n k.o. possessed person (unglù) that has a need to go after sick people’s blood or livers. paN- v [A2] for the balbal to go out and perpetrate his evil deeds.

balbangáan a for fruits to be in the stage where they are just about to ripen but still hard. v [B] reach the ripening stage.

balbas n 1 beard. 2 instrument for shaving. v 1 [A; b6(1)] shave s.o. Balbásan ta nang ímung bigúti, Let’s shave your mustache off. 2 [A12] shave oneself. Makabalbas kag way saminsámin? Can you shave without a mirror? paN-, panghiN- v [A2] shave oneself. Wà pa ku mamalbas (manghimalbas), I haven’t shaved yet.

balbíru = barbíru.

balbula = barbula.

balda v [A; a] 1 disable, maim. Baldáha ang tiil arun dì kadágan, Break his legs so he can’t run away. Gibaldáhan ang táwu nga misúkul sa pulis, The man who resisted the policeman was maimed. 2 disturb, prevent s.o. from doing s.t. properly. Ang mga tin-idyir mubaldag apil-apil sa sáyaw, The teenagers that get into the act keep us from dancing properly. Baldáhun ku sa makadiyut ang inyung panagsulti, May I disturb your conversation a minute? n s.t. that disturbs. -du a crippled, maimed. Pagkatáwu níya, baldádu na siyag kamut, He was [93]born with a crippled hand. v [B12; a] get maimed, maim. Baldadúhun ta ka run, I’m going to cripple you, you damn ...

baldi n 1 pail. 2 storm signal consisting of a cone made of canvas raised by day in combination with a ball. v [A; b6] fetch water in a pail. Magbaldi aku didtu ug túbig, I’ll go there to fetch a pail of water.

baldíyu v [A; b6] flood with water for the purpose of cleaning. Nagbaldíyu mi sa kusína, We flushed water over the kitchen.

baldúsa n tile. v [a12] make s.t. of tile. Baldusáhun ta ning átung salug, Let’s have a tile floor.†

balhas n 1 perspiration. 2 prickly heat. v [B24; a4] perspire. Mubalhas ku ug mulampásu sa sawug, I’ll perspire if I scrub the floor. Gibalhas ku human pag-inum sa aspirin, I sweated after taking aspirin.

balhíbu n hair on the body, but not pubic hairs, hair of animals, feathers. Bagà ang balhíbu sa íyang íluk, He has thick hair in his armpits. Hámis ug balhíbu ang iring, The cat has soft fur. Putì ang balhíbu sa ákung hiniktan, My fighting cock has white feathers. sámag, paríhug — similar in traits. Ang mga táwung susámag balhíbu magkaúyun giyud, Birds of a feather flock together. (→) v [A12; b8] 1a better in feather coloration. Ang tubaung parísag buyugun makabalhibu, Toddy-colored feathers win over honey-colored ones. 1b beat invariably in a competition. Nabalhibuan mung mga tagabaryu námung mga tagasyudad, We city people can outdo you country people. 2 overawe, impress s.o. to the extent that he gets flustered or completely eats out of one’s hands. Nabalhibuan ku niánang bayhána. Dílì ku makabungat sa ákung túyù, I was overawed by that woman. I couldn’t say what I wanted to. 3 for one’s heart to soften to one. Nabalhibuan ku ánang tihíka. Aku ray makapangáyù níyag kwarta. Way láin, That old skinflint has a soft spot in his heart for me. I can ask him for money, but no one else can. paN- v [A2] 1a select fighting cocks on the basis of feather coloration. Mamalhíbu ku sa ímung bayungbáyung kay maghukut kug igtalarì, I’ll make a selection from your young cocks to raise into a fighting cock. 1b size up an opponent’s cock by the feathers. 2 [A2S] grow feathers. Namalhíbu na ang kuyabug, The nestlings are growing feathers now. lúpig sa balhibuay come off the worse when it comes to comparing feathers. Lúpig ka sa balhibuay kun itárì nímu ang ugis sa tubaun, Don’t pit your white cock against a toddy-colored one because you lose just from the color combination. balhibuun a hairy. -un ug dílà tending to backbite. -un ug kamut tending to swipe things.

balhin (from halin) v 1 [A; c1] 1a move s.t. from one place to another. Balhínun (ibalhin) ta kini didtu sa kusína, Let’s transfer this to the kitchen. 1b move domestic animals to the shade, to a new grazing area. Talina, ang kábaw balhína (ibalhin), Move the carabao, Talina. 2 [AP] move, emigrate from one place to another. Mibalhin kami sa dakbayan, We moved to the city. 3 [B] become changed. Nabalhin (mibalhin) ang íyang taras sa nagkadakù siya, His character changed as he grew older. ka-an n change. May kabalhínan ang íyang kinaíya sa nadátù na, His character changed after he became rich. ma-un a changeable. Ang babáyi mabalhínun sáma sa bagyu, Women are fickle like typhoons. -un(→), balhinbalhin n k.o. movable fish corral.

balhug v 1 [A; c] insert s.t. long in a place under s.t. or between s.t. Akuy mibalhug niánang linipak ngadtu sa binugkus, I inserted those bamboo slats into the bundle. Ibalhug iláwum sa katri ang malíta, Slip the valise under the bed. 2 [A3P; a] put into an enclosure. Akuy mibalhug sa manuk sa tangkal, I put the chicken in the cage. Gibalhug siya sa karsil, He was thrown in jail.

balhun n 1 rope tied from one end of the yoke to the other end, passing below the neck, so the yoke won’t slip off. 2 bellyband of harness. v [A; b] apply, use as bellyband or yoke rope.

bali1 a reversed, backwards. Bali ang pagkasul-ub nang ímung sapátus, You put your shoes on backwards. v 1 [A; a12] turn s.t. over. Balihun nátung sinugbang isdà, Let’s turn the fish we’re broiling over. 2 [A; a12] plow the field the second time to turn the clods over (in place of harrowing—pagkaras). Magbali ta run arun kapugas ta ugmà, Let’s plow the field the second time so we can plant tomorrow. 3 [A2] for wind to change direction, switch party loyalty. Mibali ang hángin, The wind changed direction. Kun wà ku makabali sa Libiral, pildi ku, If I hadn’t changed to the Liberal Party, I would have lost. 4 [a12] be reversed, wrong side out, backwards. Dì na mabali ang ákung hukum, My decision cannot be reversed. Nabali na ang kalibútan kay ang babáyi mau nay mangulitáwu, The world has turned upside down because it’s the women who court the men now. Nabali na [94]ba nímu ang punda? Have you turned the pillow cases inside out? 5 [A23] — ug pangutána respond to a question with another question instead of answering it. 6 [C; a] be placed in opposite directions from each other. Nagbáli silag higdà, They were lying head to foot. Balíhun nátù pagbutang ang sapátus sa kartun, Let’s put the shoes tip to toe in the box. paN- v 1 [A23] put clothes on wrong side out or shoes backwards. Namali ka man sa ímung sinínà, You have your clothes on inside out. 2 turn cloth wrong side out. Namali ku sa mga linabhan arun dílì hilubaran, I turned the wash inside out so it wouldn’t fade. balibáli v [A; a12] do first on one side and then on the other. Ang íyang amahan mauy mibalibálig sagpà níya, Her father slapped her on both cheeks. Gibalibáli níyag pas-an ang sag-ub, As he carried the water container he kept shifting it from shoulder to shoulder. — ug kasábà scold severely. Balibalíhun bítaw siyag kasábà wà katíngug, He never said a word when he was scolded severely. a reversible. Ang ákung dyákit balibáli, I have a reversible jacket. -in- v [A; a] speak in secret code, way. Antígu ka ba nga mubinali? Do you know how to speak Hog Latin?†

báli a 1 be worth it (not used negatively). Písus ang palit nímu sa isdà? Báli sad, You paid a peso for the fish. It was worth it. — walà unimportant, worth ignoring. 2 serves one right. Nadagmà ang bátà. Báli, The child fell. Serves him right. 3 — ug worth, in the amount, quantity, duration of. Bálig písus nga bugas, One peso’s worth of rice. Pabukálag bálig tungà sa taknà, Boil it for half an hour. 4 — nga with exclamation: how very much! Báling buánga nímu, How very naughty of you. mas — nga it would be better if. Mas báli nga mamatay, It would be better to die. walay — it doesn’t matter. Way bálig mahal, basta maáyung klási, It doesn’t matter if it costs a lot, as long as it is good. v 1 [a12] 1a dílì, walà, ayaw — not pay s.t. any mind. Ayaw balíha ang mga tabì, Don’t pay attention to the gossip. 1b gi- walà ignored, treated as insignificant. Gibáli walà na siya ni Armi, Armi just ignored her from then on. 2 [A; ab1] a sign a chit for goods taken in a store. Mubáli lang kug bugas, I’ll just sign a chit for some rice. b ask for an advance. Si Uskar ang átung balíhan, Let’s ask for an advance from Oscar. n 1 a chit signed for goods taken in a store. 2 amount taken in advance from wages. May báli kung trayinta písus sa ákung ámu, I had an advance of thirty pesos from my boss.†

bálì v [A; a] break s.t. long. Mibálì siyag sanga, He broke off a twig. Nabálì ang ákung buktun, I broke my arm. Túhud lay ibálì ánà, Break it off with your knee. — ang súngay put s.o. in his place. Balían ku siya sa íyang súngay arun dílì na mag-abusar, I’ll put her in her place so she won’t be so abusive any more. (→) a 1 for an elongated thing to be broken. 2 s.o. who is new at s.t., ignorant. Balì ka pang mumaníhu, You’re still just learning how to drive. Balì siyag linaktan, He carries himself like a greenhorn. 3 foolish in trying to do s.t. one doesn’t even know how to do. Balì ning tawhána. Midrayib sa dyíp, unyà dì diay kamau, He’s a fool. He tries to drive the jeep when he doesn’t even know how to. balìbálì n 1 k.o. rifle that is bent when cocked, usually a double-barreled gun. 2 = bulinaw.†

baliad a in a motion with the back bent. Baliad na run ákung daybing, Now I will do a back dive. v [B3; c1] bend one’s body backward with a rapid motion, do s.t. on one’s back. Nagbaliad siya paglanguy, He was swimming on his back.

baliálà (not without l) n the Malaysian fantail, a small bird that moves its tail up and down while perched: Rhipidura javanica. -un a characterized by constant moving around or changing positions, fidgety.

balíbad v 1 [A2S; c] refuse s.o. or s.t. Balibáran gánì ku nímu, patyun ta ka, If you turn me down, I’ll kill you. 2 [AN2] give an excuse for not doing s.t. Mibalíbad (namalíbad) siyang dì musulti kay pagaw siya, He got out of giving the speech with the excuse that he was hoarse. n 1 refusal. Ang ímung balíbad way kapuslánan kun tiúnan kag pusil, No use trying to refuse when s.o. points a gun at you. 2 excuse. Nakadawat mig balíbad níya nga dì siya makaanhi, We already received his excuse that he couldn’t come. paN- v [A] say s.t. is not the case. Namalíbad siya nga wà siya mahigugma kaníya, She said she did not love him. balibaran a fond of giving excuses.

balibag v [A; c] throw s.t. away, get rid of, throw. Ayaw nag ibalibag. Magámit pa man, Don’t throw it away. We can still use it.

balibay = balibag.

balíbud1 v [A3P; ab16(1)] wind s.t. around s.t. Ibalíbud (balibúra) ang hílu sa káhuy arun dì magubut, Wind the thread around the stick so it will not get tangled up.

balíbud2 v [A; c] scatter grains, small solids over an area. Balibúrig sibúyas ang sabaw, Sprinkle onions on the soup. Ibalíbud ning [95]pulbus sa salug, Sprinkle this powder on the floor.

balibul n 1 volleyball. 2 volleyball style of playing billiards: the table is divided into two territories, and each player must make a carom inside his territory. v [A; b6] play volleyball. -an n volleyball court.†

balibung v [A; c] cover the space between the upper edges of the roof at the ridge. Sín ang maáyung ibalibung sa atup, Galvanized iron is a good material to put over the ridge of the roof. -an n 1 ridge of the roof. 2 the material which covers the ridge.

balidbid v [A; b6] trickle down in drops, clinging to s.t. Íyang gipahíran ang lúhà nga mibalidbid sa íyang áping, She wiped the tears that trickled down her cheeks.

balidikturyan n 1 valedictorian. 2 one who excels in s.t. Basta mahitungud na gánì sa babáyi, balidikturyan siya ánang buháta, He’s an expert when it comes to women. v [B3; a12] become the valedictorian.

balighù n different from the expected. Dakung balighù, gipusil siya apan wà dutli, How strange! He was shot but was not hurt. Siya ray anak nga balighù sa ginikánan, He is the parent’s problem child.

balighut n bow, loop, that can be easily untied by pulling one end of the string. v [A; b6(1)] tie a knot on s.t. Akuy mubalighut sa listun sa bátà, I’ll tie the child’s shoelace. Balighúti ang kumingking arun dì malímut, Tie a string around his little finger so he won’t forget.

baligkawang = balat-ang.

baligkus = balighut.

baligsálà = balinsálà.

baligtad a 1 wrong side out, up. Baligtad nang pagkatahì kay nailáwum ang karaygan, It was sewed with the wrong side out because the material that was meant to face is on the inside. 2 contrary to what is expected. Baligtad ang nahitabù kay inay silútan, gigantíhan na hinúun, Just the opposite happened: instead of being punished, he was rewarded. v [A; c1] put wrong side up or out. Nagbaligtad ang kahun ay, básig mahùhù ang sulud, The box is upside down. The contents might fall out. Ayaw ibaligtad (baligtára) pagladlad ang mga magasin, Do not display the magazines upside down.

baligtus n 1 tight knot that won’t come undone. 2 thumb-sized bundle of sorted abaca fiber for weaving, knotted at one end. v 1 [A; c1] tie in a knot. Baligtúsa (ibaligtus) makaduha arun masigúru, Tie the knot twice to make it secure. 2 [A; a12] tie abaca fiber into a bundle as thick as one’s thumb by knotting the end. Baligtúsa ang sinudlay nga iskuhídu, Bundle the sorted fine abaca fiber.

baligwat v 1 [A13; c6] use s.t. as a crowbar to move s.t. else. Ayaw ug ibaligwat ang páyung sa ríhas, Don’t use the umbrella as a crowbar to move the grill. 2 [a12] break one’s arm or leg by moving it accidentally after it has been wedged tight in place (i.e. having it act like a crowbar). Nabálì íyang tiil kay nabaligwat sa pagkabulásut níya sa bangag, He broke his leg when he stepped into the hole because when he fell, his leg was wedged on the edge of the hole. n crowbar.

baligyà v [A; c] sell. Gibaligyáan ku níyag sigarilyu, He sold me some cigarettes. n merchandise, wares for sale. Nagpátad ang daghang baligyà sa asíras, The sidewalks are teeming with things for sale. Dílì kini baligyà. Ákù ni, This is not for sale. It’s mine. palit — buying and selling. Nanginabúhì ku sa palit baligyà, I make my living by buying and selling. maN-ay, maN-r- n one who sells for a living.

bálik v 1 [A2; b5] go, come back, come back to get s.t. Kanus-a ka man mubálik? When will you come back? Balíkun (balíkan) nákù ang ákung nahikalimtan, I’ll come back for the things I forgot. 1a [A13; c] put, give s.t. back. Ibálik ra ni ngadtu, Put this back. 2 [B23; b6] return to his former state. Mibálik (nabálik) na ang kangayà sa íyang panagway, Her happy expression returned to her face. Balíkan ang yútà sa íyang katambuk kun abunúhan, The soil will regain its fertility if you add fertilizer. 3 [b4] have a relapse. Gibalíkan siya sa íyang sakit kay nangalsag bug-at, He had a relapse because he carried s.t. too heavy for him. 4 [A; b5c] [do] again. Balíki (balíka) nig tahì, Sew this over again. Balíkun ku ikaw ug pangutána, I will ask you again. Maúlaw ku ug ibálik nag pangutána, I would be embarrassed if that question were asked a second time. 4a [a12] revive. Naghandum sila nga untà balíkun ang pilikulang Binisayà, They’re thinking about reviving Visayan movies. n subject repeated in school. balikbálik v [B2; ac2] 1 do again. 2 come back again. Balikbálik unyà mu, ha? Bye. Come back and see us again, will you? balikbalik n 1 k.o. small tree used in countersorcery because of its magical powers to cause evil to return to the perpetrator. 2 k.o. small bird. sum-(→), tum-(→) see sumbalik. [96]

balíkas n curses. v [A; a1c] curse. Mubalíkas giyud aku nímu ug mahitabù, I’ll curse you if it happens. Ayawg balikása (balikasa) ang mga binatunan, Don’t curse the servants. -an(→) a foul-mouthed, fond of uttering indecent words. v [B126] become foul-mouthed.

balikawang = balat-ang.

balikhaw n collarbone. v [BN2] have prominent collarbones. Namalikhaw siya pagguwà níya sa uspital, You could see his collarbones when he got out of the hospital.

balikid = balilikid.

balikig 1 euphemism for balikug, 2 (= balikù, 2). 2 = balikù.

balíkis v [A; c] coil, put around s.t. else. Mibalíkis ang baksan sa bábuy, The python coiled around the pig’s body. Nakabalíkis ang íyang kamut sa ákung háwak, He managed to put his arm around my waist. Ayaw ug ibalíkis ang písì sa halígi, Don’t coil that rope around the post. n k.o. itchy and fast-spreading skin disease which spreads around the body in the area of the hips.

baliktad = baligtad.

baliktus v 1 = baligtus. 2 [B] be wrapped around, coil oneself around. Mibaliktus (nabaliktus) ang hálas sa sanga, The snake was coiled around a branch. Ang íyang mga buktun nagbaliktus sa líug sa kawatan, He wrapped his arms around the thief’s neck. n bundle. Paliti akug usa ka baliktus káhuy, Buy me a bundle of wood.

balikù a 1 crooked, not straight. 2 crooked, dishonest. Balikung pulitiku, Crooked politician. v [AB; a12] be, make s.t. crooked. Balikuun ta ning túbu, Let’s bend this water pipe. — nga lyábi n wrench with a socket head to fit over a bolt.

balíkud v [A3; b6c1] coil, make a circular loop of. Ibalíkud (balikúra) ang alambri, Coil the wire up.

balikug = balikù.

balikugkug a for wires or string-like things to be curled or twisted inwards at the end. Balikugkug ang udlut sa paku, The fern frond is curled at its tip. v [APB; a] curl or twist s.t. at the tip with a general direction pointing to the base, be curled or twisted at its end. Mibalikugkug (nabalikugkug) ang dáhun sa túmang kaínit sa adlaw, The leaves curled in the intense heat of the sun.

balíkus = balíkis.

balikutkut v [AB3; a] bunch, fold, curl up in an irregular way, cause s.t. to do so. Ang úlud nga gihíkap mibalikutkut, The worm curled up when s.o. touched it. Ayaw balikutkúta ang písì. Ibalibud ug káhuy, Don’t just bunch up the rope. Wind it around a stick. a folded up in an irregular way. Dì ku mupalit niánang balikutkut nga sín, I won’t buy that wrinkled galvanized iron sheet.

balikutsa n candy made of the hardened syrup obtained from coconut milk and sugar. v [A; a2] make balikutsa.

balikwaut a lacking in grace, balance, euphony. Balikwaut pamináwun ang litiral kaáyung pagkahúbad, A literal translation lacks euphony. v [B6; a2] be awkward. Mibalikwaut (nabalikwaut) ang linaktan sa dalágang gitihulan sa kalakin-an, The girl walked awkwardly when the boys whistled at her. Balikwautun ku pagtágik unyà han-áyag maáyu, I’ll compose it in a rough way, then rearrange it well.

balikwit = bakwit.

balíla n wolf herring: Chirocentrus dorab.

balíli n general name for grasses that do not grow tall. — tsína k.o. purple ornamental grass grown popularly in hanging pots. kabalilinhan n grassy area.

balilikid, balilíkid v [A; b5] 1 turn around, look back. Gibalilíkid (gibalilikdan) nákù ang táwung mitawag nákù, I turned back to the man who was calling me. 2 look back to one’s past or people behind, below in rank. Ug masapían ka na, dílì ka na mubalilikid sa ímung gigikánan, When you become rich, you won’t turn back to where you came from.

balimbúgay n k.o. bivalve.

balimbing = balingbing.

báling n large fish net operated by several people. v 1 [AN; a] catch fish with a large net. Makúhà ang bansíkul ug balíngun, Mackerel can be caught with a net. 2 [A12; b8] catch in a police dragnet. Sa katapúsan nabalingan ra gayud ang tulisan, At last the robbers were caught in the dragnet. 3 [A2N3PC; a1] trap, capture by stratagem. Ang ímung sinultihan mauy makabáling (makapabáling) kanímu, Your speech will entrap you. 3a [A3SN; a12] for two parties to make a secret agreement in gambling in order to bilk a third player. Dakù ang ákung pildi kay nabáling man ku, I lost heavily because they duped me. 4 [A23PC; ab2c] capture one’s attention, affections. Nagkabáling ang ílang tinan-awan, Their eyes met. Balíngun níya ang ímung pagtagad, He will capture your attention. Wà níya ibáling ang íyang pagtagad ngadtu sa uban, He did not turn his affections to the others. (→) n = báling. paN- v [A; b6] fish with nets. n fishing with nets. hiN-, maN-r-(→) a one who likes to ensnare people. Dalì rang ikítà [97]ug áway, himáling (mamamaling) tuhù, She looks for trouble. She likes to ensnare people. n 1 fish caught with nets. 2 s.t. captured by stratagem.

balingag a careless, inattentive to what one is about. Balingag ka man gud, mu nang nakalimtan nímu ang malíta, You’re careless. That’s why you forgot the suitcase. v [B1] 1 be careless and forget s.t. 2 mistake s.o. for s.o. else. Nabalingag ku nímu kang Husi, maung gisampit ta ka, I mistook you for José. That’s why I called you.

balingay v [A; bc1] hook s.t. at the back of the shoulder, esp. the bamboo palm-toddy container (kawit). Balingaya (ibalingay) ang kawit, Carry the toddy tube hooked on your shoulder.

balingbing n carambola, a small cultivated tree with oblong fruit having longitudinal angular lobes. The fruit is fleshy and acidic and consumed fresh or pickled: Averrhoa carambola.

balíngit = tukaw.

balingkágas v [B2; b6] become skinny because of overindulgence in vice. Makabalingkágas (makapabalingkágas) nang pagsilábig pamutakal, Overindulgence in women can make one skinny.

balingkawang = balat-ang.

balingkút a hard to please. Pagkabalingkút bayang tawhána. Dílì madalag paayun-áyun, How stubborn he is. No matter how hard you try, you can’t persuade him. v [B] become hard to please.

balingug = balingag.

balinsalà, balinsálà n k.o. small edible bivalve clam.

balinsay n k.o. game of tossing a handful of small objects, usually cowries, to be caught by the back of the hand, and then tossed again caught on the palm. The pieces that fall to the floor are paired off. In each pair one is made to hit the other by flicking it. If the player misses or hits more than one piece, he’s burnt (pasù) and loses his turn. The object is to get rid of the pieces without losing one’s turn. v 1 [C2; ac] play balinsay. 2 [A] toss things in the air as if playing balinsay. Dì balinsáyun ang kwarta kay makagábà, Don’t flip money in the air because it will bring you divine retribution.

balinsáyaw = sayaw.

balinsiyána n 1 Arroz a la Valenciana. 2 type of stitch whereby the seam is sewn twice in such a way that it won’t frazzle and is invisible. v [A; a] 1 make into Arroz a la Valenciana. 2 sew with a double stitch.

balinsuguan see súgù.

balinsúngag v [B1; c1] be placed with the ends in a random disorderly way. Ayaw balinsungága (ibalinsúngag) pagbutang ang mga sugnud arun dílì muílug ug lugar, Don’t stack the firewood in any old way so it won’t occupy too much room. ka- v [A13] be completely topsy-turvy. Nagkabalinsúngag ang mga patayng sundálu sa nataran sa panggubátan, The soldiers were lying about in every which way on the battlefield.

balintang = balintung2.

balintawak n 1 a woman’s dress consisting of a blouse with puffed butterfly sleeves, a long striped skirt, and a piece of cloth overlaid. v [A; a] wear, make into a balintawak. 2 = linambid. see lambid.

balintayins n one’s Valentine on Valentine’s day. — dí n Valentine’s Day. — kard Valentine’s greeting card. — parti Valentine’s party. v [A1; c6] hold a Valentine’s party.

balintung1 n k.o. mackerel or tuna.

balintung2 v [A1B2; c1] get knocked down, fall down from a standing position with force. Mibalintung (nabalintung) siyang naigù sa ákung kúmù, He came down with a crash when I hit him with my fist. Kinsay nagbalintung sa mga síya? Who knocked the chairs down? Culu- v [A13] 1 turn over writhing. Unsa bay nakáun mung nagbulubalintung ka man dihà? What did you eat that makes you writhe? 2 somersault.

balintúwad v [B] 1 fall headlong on the face. Pagkasángit sa ákung tiil sa bágun, nabalintúwad ku, My foot tripped on a vine, and I tumbled forward. 2 [a] pick s.o. up by the feet and hold him upside down. Musúkul ka gánì balintuwárun ta ka, If you defy me, I’ll turn you upside down.

balirung1 n fishing trap of tidal flats consisting of stones piled waist-high arranged in a large rectangle, with a hole for entrance but no easy exits, such that when the tide goes out the fish are bunched in the tidal pools. v [A; a] make a balirung. paN- v [A; b1] catch fish with the balirung.

balirung2 v [A; ac] throw a stick such that it spins in flight. Ug dílì nímu maabut ang búnga, balirunga lang, If you cannot reach the fruit, throw a stick at it to get it down. Ibalirung kining putput sa irù, Throw this stick at the dog. n stick used for throwing at s.t.

balirúsu a stubborn, not open to advice and reproach. v [B12; b6] become stubborn; consider s.o. as such. Nabalirúsu nang batáa kay way disiplína, That child became wilful because of lack of discipline.

bal-is n hand tool used to strip abaca. v [A; c1] make an abaca stripper. [98]

balísa v [B126; b3(1)c5] be anxious, apprehensive. Ang wà níya pag-ulì nakabalísa (nakapabalísa) nákù, His failure to come home worried me.

balisádà, balisálà = balinsálà.

*balisbis -an n 1 eaves, overhanging portion of a roof. 2 place beneath the eaves where rain drops to. Kanali ang balisbísan, Make a canal beneath the eaves where rain drops to. 3 narrow yard close to the house. paN- v [A12] walk along the sides of a house. Mamalisbis lang ta arun dílì mahumud sa ulan, Let’s walk along the sides of the houses so we won’t get wet. paN-an = paN-.†

balísing v [A; c1] 1 transfer an activity elsewhere. Ibalísing (balisíngun) ni nátung átung ínum, Let us move our drinking spree s.w. else. 2 move a piece in a game of marbles from an obstructed place to s.w. else the same distance from the goal. 3 [A; b4(1)] have s.o. take a base in baseball. Nagbalísing ba ang ampáyir sa bátir? Did the umpire tell the batter to take a base? Nabalisíngan ang ílang pitsir ug upat ka bátir, That pitcher had four batters take a base on him. 4 [A2; b6] for a husband to turn his attention elsewhere. Hustis sa nayitklab ang gibalisíngan sa bána, The husband turned his attentions to a night club hostess. hiN-, hiN-(→) a inclined to move one’s piece in a game.

baliskad v [A; a1] 1 turn inside out. Akuy mibaliskad sa linabhan, I turned the wash inside out. Binaliskad ang baráha, Cards, face up on the table. 2 undo a knot. Baliskára ang higut, Untie the knot.

baliskug v [B2] become curled up, rolled. Ang ínit ang nakabaliskug (nakapabaliskug) sa pláka, The heat has caused the record to curl.

balista v 1 [B26; a] flip over backward. Mibalista siya pagkaigù sa ákung kúmù, He fell over backward when he got the full force of my blows. Balistáha siya, makahímù ka ba, Flip him over backward if you can do it. 2 [A; c1] turn s.t. inside out. Bisag balistáhun (ibalista) pa ning ákung bulsa, wà giyuy tayà, You may turn my pocket inside out, but you won’t find a penny.†

balísung1 a exactly the contrary. Balísung kanà sa ákung nadungug, That is just the opposite of what I heard. Balísung ang ílang paghigdà, They were lying head to foot. Dakung balísung: ang babáyi magkarsúnis ug ang laláki magbistída, It’s completely backwards: the women wear pants and the men wear dresses. v [AB; c1] become just the opposite, turned around; turn s.t. around. Kun mubalísung ang íyang buut, dì siya muanhi, If he changes his mind, he won’t come. Mubalísung ang dáut sa nagpadala niíni, The sorcery will boomerang on the person who sent it. Ayaw balisúnga (ibalísung) ang húnus sa lamísa, Don’t put the drawer in the table backwards.

balísung2 n jackknife. v [a] make into a jackknife, stab with a jackknife. Gibalísung siya sa íyang asáwa, His wife stabbed him with a jackknife.

balità n 1 news. 2 bad omen, esp. portending death. 2a oath: it is true (lit. may it be a bad omen). dakù nga — sensational news. v 1 [A; c] tell news. Ikaguul mu kining ákung ibalità, You will feel sad about the news that I’m going to tell you. 1a [A12] receive news. Nakabalità ka nga minyù na ku? Have you heard that I’m married now? 2 [A13; b(1)] appear as a bad omen. Nagbalità si Pidru kay sa walà pa mi masáyud sa íyang kamatáyun dihay nagpat-akpat-ak nga dugù sa salug, Pedro appeared to us with a bad omen, because before we learned of his death, we saw spots of blood on the floor.†

balit-ad a inside out, belly-side up, front-side back. Balit-ad pagkasul-ub ang ímung kamisin, You have your undershirt on backwards (or inside out). v [ABN; a] be, make wrong-side up, out. Ang hiwing pulitiku mubalit-ad sa tinúud, The crooked politician twists the truth. Mibalit-ad (nabalit-ad, namalit-ad) ang atup sa kusug nga hángin, The wind turned the roof upside down.

balitang n 1 short piece of wood or metal. Also the name given to pieces of wood which serve a purpose. 1a whippletree of a plow. 1b wood used in stripping abaca, around which the end of the abaca is wound and which is pulled to force the abaca through the stripper. 1c wood used in fishing with a net that is pulled: the people who pull the net hold on to the balitang and hold it in a vertical position so that the top edge is directly above the bottom edge of the net. 2 piece of bone, vein, or tendon supposed to lie across the vagina which obstructs the easy birth of a child. v 1a [A; a] hurl a short stick at. Balitanga ang manuk, Hurl the stick at the chicken. 2 [A; a] make into wood used as whippletree, net holder, etc. 3 [A123P; a4b4] have an obstructing bone in the vagina. Gibalitang (gibalitangan) man si Títa, galisud ug anak, Tita had an obstruction in her vagina so that she had a difficult delivery. 4 [AN; a] make a whippletree for a plow or piece of wood for a [99]net.

balítang n female sexual organ.

balítaw a 1 an improvised courtship song consisting of stanzas sung alternately by a boy and the girl he is asking the hand of (in practice by their spokesmen). The stanza consists of four rhymed lines, in any rhyme scheme, with the last two repeated. Each line ideally consists of twelve syllables, though this number is often not strictly adhered to. In modern times the balítaw is not used in courtship, but for social occasions where people show their skill at improvisation. 2 = bítaw. v [A; a] sing a balítaw.

balíti = dalakit.

balituk v [A; b6] 1 do a back somersault, flip over backwards. Maáyung mubalituk ang sirkadur, An acrobat flips over backwards with ease. 2 go back on a promise. Mibalituk siya sa íyang sáad, He took back his promise. 3 switch party loyalty. Ang Nasyunalista mauy íyang balitukan, He’ll defect from (or defect to) the Nacionalista Party. 4 [B26] for a contribution to be returned to the author. Mibalituk ang íyang tampu, His article was rejected.

balitùtù a very tightly tied. Bugtúa na lang kay balitùtù pagkabaligtus, Just cut it because it is knotted tight. v [A; c1] make a knot very tight. -in- n knot tied in such a way that it is hard to undo.

baliug (from líug) v [A; c] wear s.t. around the neck. Nagbaliug siyag panyù, He wore a handkerchief around his neck. n band around the neck.

balíus v [C13; c3] pass one another going in different directions. Nagkabalíus mi kay pag-abut nákù mu say íyang paglakaw, We missed each other because when I arrived, he had just left.

baliw n 1 k.o. tall pandanus, the leaves of which are used for coarse mats and baskets: Pandanus copelandii. 2 mat made from this pandanus.

báliw n divine punishment, usually for incest, consisting of being struck by lightning and turned into stone. Báliw ímung maánig pahimuslan mung ímung anak, You’ll earn divine wrath if you make love with your daughter. v [a4] 1 be struck with lightning and turned into stone. 2 be hit by lightning. Gibáliw ang lubi, The coconut was hit by lightning. 3 be crazy. Wà ka balíwa. Tigúwang ka na makigminyug diyisisayis? Are you out of your mind? At your age you want to marry a sixteen-year-old?

baliwag, balíwag a inverted, inverse, in the opposite direction, not straight. Baliwag man kag tinan-awan, You are shifty-eyed. v [AB; c1] shift, turn to opposite direction, be shifted. Nagbaliwag ang íyang tubag sa ámung gipanagsultíhan, Her answer was far from the subject of what we were talking about. Baliwagun (ibaliwag) ta ning láyag, Let us shift the sails.

balíwas = balíus.

baliwliw v [AB3; ac1] turn around on itself in the air, cause s.t. to do so. Mibaliwliw (nabaliwliw) ang ayruplánu sa hángin sa pagkamatay sa makina niíni, The plane spun in the air when its engine stopped. Ibaliwliw (baliwlíwa) nang káhuy, Throw that stick so that it whirls. Baliwlíwun tika, I will throw a stick at you. n stick thrown in a game of sátung.

baliyug1 a crooked, not straight. v [B1; a2] be, become crooked, not straight. Nagkabaliyug na ang punúan sa lubi samtang nagkataas, The coconut tree trunk is getting more and more crooked as it grows taller.

baliyug2 n necklace (coined word). v 1 [A; b6(1)] wear a necklace. 2 [a12] make into a necklace.

balkun n front porch. v [A; b6] put a front porch to s.t.

balkunáhi = balkun.

balkuni n balcony in a moviehouse.

balsa n 1 sled consisting of a shaft hitched to a draft animal and a platform dragged along the ground. 2 raft. v 1 [A; ac1] bring s.t. with a sled or raft. Balsáha ang mabdus sa lungsud, Let the pregnant woman ride the sled to town. Ibalsa (balsáha) ang lubi sa tabuk, Send the coconuts across on a raft (or by tying them together into a raft). 2 [A] do work with a sled or raft. 3 [A1; a] go s.w. on a sled, raft. Mabalsa ba ang tabuk? Can you reach the other side with a raft? 4 [A; a] carry or lift a load. Makabalsa giyug daghang makáun si Tátay basta makadaug sa búwang, Father brings home a load of goodies when he wins at the cockfights. Gibalsa sa bána ang asáwa ug gibundak sa katri, The husband lifted his wife and threw her on the bed.

balsamu n ointment for the muscles of the type sold through SE Asia under the brand ‘Tiger Balm’.

balsi n waltz. v [A; a] waltz.

balu I don’t know. Balu lag háin siya, I don’t know where he is. v = hi-/ha-. hi-/ha- v 1 [B1236; b] know s.t., how to do s.t. Kahibalu ka bang mulanguy? Do you know how to swim? Nakahibáwu ku nga nagdaut ka, I found out you were sick. Dì ku gustung [100]hibaw-an (hibal-an) ang tinagúan, I don’t want the secret to be known. 2 [B1236] take care of a problem. Akuy mahibalu sa tanan, I’ll take care of everything. hibal-anay, hibaw-anay v [c3] know s.t. about each other. Naghibaw-anay kami sa ámung sikrítu, We know each other’s secrets. pahi- v [A; ac] inform, announce. n announcement. May pahibalu nga walay klási, There’s an announcement that there’ll be no classes. kahi- n knowledge. May kahibalu aku sa makina, I have knowledge about engines. manggihibalúun a learned.

bálu1 n widow, widower. v [B126] lose one’s spouse. manggibalúhan a widow or widower that tends to lose her or his spouse.

bálu2, balù1, bálù1 v [A12] feel shame and hurt from not being given s.t. Nabálù ku kay aku ray wà tagái, You hurt me because you gave some to everybody but me. ka- feeling of shame and hurt for not being given s.t.

balù2 n garfish with upper and lower beaks of approximately the same size: Ablennis hians, Tylosurus crocodilus.

balù3 n a knot that easily comes undone by pulling at one end of the string. v [A] tie into a slip knot. Baluun kug higut ang listun, I’ll tie the lace in a slip knot.

bálù2 v [A; a1] for supernatural beings, or persons acting like such to appear suddenly to frighten people. Baw-un nátù siya sa may dákit, Let’s scare him near the banyan tree.

baluarti = balwarti.

balubálu 1 [so-and-so] seemed unlikely, but that is what happened. Maáyu nátung libak níya. Balubálu dinhà ra sa átung luyu, We were talking about him. We didn’t expect it, but there he was in back of us. 2 actually, when in fact, the truth is otherwise. Pasukùsúkù kaáyu, balubálu nahigugma diay, She pretends to be angry when in fact she’s in love. Kusug kaáyung manulti, balubálu talawan, He talks big, but actually he is a coward. 3 despite the fact. Balubálung dakug grádu way batásan, You might be highly-educated, but you are ill-mannered.

balùbalù, balùbálù = balubálu, 3.

balud n waves. a curved, curled in a single upward curve. Balud siyag piluk, She has curly eyelashes. v 1 [a] be struck by waves. Malúnud nang sakayánag balurun ug kusug, That boat will sink if it is struck by big waves. 2 [A; a] curl s.t. upwards. Balura ang ímung kamut, Make your fingers bend upwards. (←) a having high waves. Bálud run kay dúnay bagyu, There’s a huge surf because there’s a storm. v 1 [B; b6] for there to be huge waves. Magbálud kag maglínaw manágat giyud siya, He goes to sea, whether there are huge waves or whether it is calm. 2 [a4] be caught in high seas. Gibálud kami didtu sa kinalawran, We were overtaken by high seas far out from shore.

bálud n k.o. cream-colored wild pigeon: Ducula bicolor.

balug a s.t. elongated that is bent or curved. Bawug kanang tubúha, That water pipe is bent. Ang balug mung piluk, Your curly eyelashes. n s.t. that is characteristically bent: a bow, the crosspiece of a kite, spring for a trap. (←) v 1 [AB3(1); a] bend into a curve, be bent. Magbáwug ku ug uway, I’ll bend some rattan. Mubáwug (mabáwug) ang káhuy basta hibug-atan sa búnga, The tree becomes bent if the fruits on it are too heavy. 2 [A; a] make, use a bow or crosspiece of a kite, spring for a trap.

balugbug n k.o. small tree bearing pods with three to six marble-sized and shaped seeds. v [BN5] be like marbles in size. Namawugbug ang íyang singut sa pagtinarbáhu, He was sweating marbles from working so hard.

báluk n 1 layer of fluffy fibrous material that sticks to the lower end of the palm frond, used as a compress for open wounds or tinder. 2 tinder consisting of this material and charred coconut husks. v [b(1)] put báluk on s.t.

balúkag n 1 bristle from plants or animals. Balúkag sa bábuy, Pig’s bristle. 2 pubic hair (vulgar). 3 corncobs.

balukanad n k.o. forest tree.

balúkat v 1 = lúkat, v. 2 [AN; a12] dig into one’s past. Dílì ku gustung mubalúkat (mamalúkat) sa ímung mapait nga kagahápun, I do not like to dig into your bitter past.

balukbáluk n k.o. shade tree of the seashore.

balukbuk1 v [A; b] dig up the soil around the lower portions of a small plant. Bukbúki ang rúsas, Dig up the soil around the roses. n soil dug up around a plant.

balukbuk2 v 1 [A; a] pound s.t. into very fine particles or powder. Bukbúkun ku ning bugas nga iamirul, I’ll pound the rice for starch. 2 [A; a1b2] maul, rain blows on s.o. Hibukbukan siya sa mamarigla, The hoodlums mauled him.

balukbuk3 n 1 k.o. weevil that bores in grains, like corn. 2 k.o. worm that bores into root crops. v [A123P; a42] be infested with these insects. -un of a type infested with these insects. v [B126] become infested with balukbuk.

balukbuk4 n 1 finishing touches. Balukbuk [101]na lang ning átù kay human na ang trabáhu, All we have to do is the finishing touches because the work is done. 2 seasoning for foods. Mulamì ang sud-an bísan way balukbuk kun maáyu kang mulútù, Food tastes good even without seasoning if you are a good cook. v 1 [A3; b(1)] do finishing touches. 2 [A3; b(1)] add a little to s.t. to enrich it or season it. Balukbúkan tag balas ang simintu kay húmuk da, Let’s add sand to the cement because it’s too watery.

baluktut a hunchbacked. v [B1; a2] 1 make, become hunchbacked. 2 be overly burdened. Nabuktut akug pinangítà ug inyu rang inúmun, I have been staggering under the burden of earning money, and all you do is drink it up.

balúkun = bakúkun.

balúkut v [A3P; b6] 1 wrap up in a blanket, mat, or the like. Nagbúkut kug hábul kay tugnaw, I wrapped myself in a blanket because it was cold. Balukúti ug bakbak ang bátà, Wrap the child in a diaper. 2 for darkness, silence, and the like to surround or cover one entirely. Gibukútan sa kahílum ang sam-ang, The cemetery was enveloped in silence.

balúlang (not without l) n breed of fighting cock which runs away when wounded. a one who quits when hurt. Balúlang nang baksidúra kay muundang ug masámad, That boxer is chicken because he quits when he is hurt. mistísu — ugly person of mixed blood.

balun1 (not without l) n 1 balloon. 2 wide bicycle tire of American type bicycles. — tayir = balun, 2.

balun2 n pad of paper.

bálun n food, money to take along on a trip. Ma, ambi na ang bálun, bi, Mom, can I have my spending money for school? v 1 [A; a] take along food or money. Mubálun ku sa trabáhu, I bring my lunch to work. 2 [A1; a] harbor emotions. Balúnun ku sa lubngánan ang átung gugma, I’ll carry our love to the grave. pa- v [A; ac] 1 give s.t. to s.o. to take along. 2 give s.t. in addition to s.t. else which was already sufficient. Humag sagpà gipabalúnan pag kasábà, Not only was he slapped, he was administered a sound scolding as well. n 1 thing given to s.o. who leaves, or to a retiring employee. Ang pabálun sa tigúlang bayinti mil písus, The old man was given twenty thousand pesos as retirement pay. 2 prayer said for the soul of the dead on the night of the day of burial. 3 food brought by the Chinese to the cemetery at funerals or on special days for the use of the departed soul. balunbálun = pa-an. -anan(→), -anan n lunch box, picnic basket. r-an, pa-an, -anan(→) n 1 sides of the monkey’s mouth where food to be chewed later is stored, crop of fowls. 2 stomach (slang). balunbalúnan n Adam’s apple.†

balunábid n k.o. dwarf herring: Dussumieri sp.

balúnas v [A; c] clean s.t. by flushing water on it and scrubbing it. Ákung gibalunásan ang banig nga giihían, I washed the mat that the child wet.

balunbalúnan see bálun.

balungag n hunk of s.t. paN- v [A2; c6] mouth a large hunk of food. À! Ipamungag man lang nímu ang karni! My! You sure eat your meat in large hunks.

balúngan n k.o. banana similar in flavor to the bángan but longer and green when ripe: Musa sapientum var. suaveolens.

balungbálung n shanty, roughly built wooden house. v [A1; a] build a shanty. Nagbalungbálung sila daplin sa dálan, They built a shanty at the edge of the street.

balúngus n pubic hairs. kuskus — see kuskus1. -un a adult, big enough to have pubic hair.

balúnus n 1 k.o. forest liana, the bark of which is used as shampoo: Entada phaseolides. 2 name also given to other vines which have bark containing saponin.

balur n value. Pilay balur ning singsínga? How much is this ring worth? v [A] be worth [so-and-so] much. pa- v [A; c] show off. Ipabalur dáyun nang íyang pagkaabyadur, He boasts about his ability as an aviator.†

bálus v 1 [A3S; b1c] do back to s.o. what he did to the agent. Mibálus akug pahiyum, I smiled back at her. Wà pa ku makabálus (makabalus) sa ímung suwat, I haven’t had the chance to answer your letter. Balúsan (baslan) ku ang ímung kaáyu, I will repay your goodness. Balúsan (baslan) ku ikaw, I will repay you. Pagka walay igabálus mu, How ungrateful (repaying nothing) you are! 2 [A; a] for s.t. to happen one way and then the opposite way. Balúsa pagtahì ang kílid, Sew the seams twice: once inverted and then the right way around. Ang kalípay balúsan (baslan) ug kasákit, Happiness is followed by sorrow in turn. 3 [C3] for a brother and sister to marry people that are also brothers and sisters. n 1 thing done in return or response to s.t. 2 person whose sibling of the opposite sex is married to a sibling of the spouse. paniN-(→) v [A2; c] take vengeance on, avenge. Panimaslan ku [102]ang kamatáyun sa ákung igsúun, I’ll avenge my brother’s death. n revenge. pamalusbálus v [A23S; c] return a favor, repay a moral obligation. balaslan, baslanan, pamaslan n 1 things to be done to repay a debt. 2 days owing in the aláyun. -in-an n plaid in design. paN- n hind toe of a fowl which is bent backwards. Ang langgam nga way pamálus dì makabátug, A bird that has no hind toe cannot perch.

balusbus v [A3P; c1] rip, slit s.t. open. Nabusbus ang sáku kay gidasuk ang sulud, The sack burst open because it had been stuffed too full. Busbúsi ang sáku, gilit ang ibusbus, Slit the sack with a blade. n place s.t. has been ripped open.

baluskag v 1 [A; a] unravel, loosen s.t. Kinsa ang mibaluskag niíning putus? Who untied this bundle? Nagbaluskag mi ug midiyas arun gamítun ug usab ang hílu, We unraveled socks to use the thread again. Baluskagun nátù ang íyang bakus, Let’s loosen her girdle. 2 [B] for flowers to blossom forth.

balut (not without l) n duck eggs that have been allowed to develop, but not hatch, and then cooked. v [A1; a] cook, make into balut.

balúta n ballot for election, contest.

balútu (not without l) = barútu.

baluybuy n general name for olive shells.

balúyut n bag made of straw (buli or tíkug). v [a] make into a straw bag.

balwarti n 1 political stronghold, place where a politician gets most of the votes. 2 territory of a gang, turf. Balwarti sa mga buguy, Territory belonging to the ruffians.

balyákag n wild vine with a tuberous, edible root, in the same genus as apáli, said to be the food of supernatural people that inhabit the forest: Dioscorea esculenta. paN- v [A2] gather balyákag. Ang mamalyákag maghílum, When you gather balyákag keep silent.

balyína n whale.

balyu = baylu.

bám n bomb. atúmik, haydrudyin, kúbalt — atomic, hydrogen, cobalt bomb.

bamba a for women to be fat. Bamba kaáyu nà siya kay way tihiktíhik nga mukáun, She is very stout because she eats without restraint. v [B2; b6] for a woman to become very stout.

bamban = banban1, 2.

bambu1 n bamboo, one of the suits in mahjong that has a design consisting of two bamboo nodes, colored green.

bam-i n k.o. dish made of fine noodles, chicken, shrimps, and spices. v [A; a] make bam-i.

báming v [A; ab2] rain blows on s.o. Bamíngun nátù ang kawatan, Let’s rain blows on the thief.

bámir1 n one whose position in a volleyball game is to spike the ball. v [B1256; c6] be the spiker.

bámir2 n bomber. a for a woman to be extremely obese like a bomber (humorous). Bámir kaáyu ang íyang trátu, His sweetheart is extremely obese. v [B2] be, become extremely obese.

bampir n bumper of a motor vehicle. v [A] make into, put a bumper.

bampíra n vampire. v [B156] become a vampire.

bámus come on, let’s go. Bámus mga bátà, adtu ta sa simbahan, Come on, children. Let us go to church.

bána n husband. v [A123S; a12] get, take for a husband. Si Dína nakabana ug Nigru, Dina was married to a Negro. Usa ka hingpit nga laláki ang ákung banáhun, If I get married, it will have to be a complete gentleman. paN- v [A23S; a] for women to get married. Uy Pilar, mamána ka na, Pilar, you should get married now! pamanhunun n husband-to-be. banabána n common-law husband. v [A12; c1] have, take a common-law husband.

*banà1 ka-, paka- v [A13; c] dílì, walà — fail to pay attention, remain unconcerned. Walà siya magkabanà (magpakabanà) sa ákung mga prublíma, He did not pay any attention to my problems. Walà giyud níya ikabanà (ipakabanà) ang nahitabù nákù, He remained unconcerned about what happened to me. banàbánà n estimation. Sa ímung banàbánà, maáyu ba siyang táwu? Do you size him up as a good man? v [A; a12] make an estimate. Banàbanáa kun pila, Estimate how much it will cost.†

banà2 = balanà.

banáag n ray of light. Ang banáag sa adlaw, The sun’s rays. v [A2S; c] give a bright light. Sulù ang gibanáag níya sa dálan, He lighted the way with a torch. a bright. Banáag kaáyu ang síga sa pitrumaks, The petromax gave off a bright light.

banaba n medium-sized tree of the secondary forest, also planted for its lilac or pink flowers. The leaves are commonly used as a tea for kidney and stomach disorders: Lagerstroemia speciosa.

banag n k.o. woody, spiked vine found in thickets, the tips and fruit of which are used medicinally: Smilax bracteata. [103]

banagan n lobster. paN- v [A2] catch lobsters.

banagbánag n daybreak. v [AN] 1 daybreak. Mibanagbánag (namanagbánag) nang kabuntágun, The day broke. 2 for a solution to dawn upon one. Mibanagbánag (namanagbánag) nang kasulbáran sa ákung suliran, The solution of the problem dawned on me.

banáhaw = anáhaw.

banahían n 1 entrails of a human. 2 human genitalia (coarse term).

bának = balának.

banal a hardened, pressed solid. Banal na ang dálan nga kanúnayng agiagíag sakyanan, The road that the vehicles keep passing over has been pressed down hard. v [B; a2] be hardened, pressed solid and firm. Banala ang ímung láwas sa bug-at nga trabáhu, Harden your body by heavy work.

banásay n k.o. small, brightly-colored fish.

banáta n 1 section, flat piece cut from a whole. Nanglatas kami sa lagpad nga banáta sa pilapilan, We traversed the wide sections of the rice field. 2 division in a cabinet or room. Sa kinaubsang banáta sa aparadur, On the lowest shelf of the cabinet. Ang banáta nakapangitngit sa kwartu, The partition made the room dark. 3 sheet of woven cloth, a fathom wide. v [A; c1] 1 divide into sections, partition. Arun way sámuk ibanáta (banatáha) ang yútà, So there will be no disagreement, divide the land. 2 do s.t. by pieces. Banatáhun (ibanáta) ku pagpalit ang panaptun, I will buy the cloth cut into pieces. 3 [A; c] put a shelf, section.

bánaw v 1 [APB; c] for liquids to be spread over an area, spread liquids. Daghang dugù ang mibánaw sa kalsáda, The road was streaming with blood. Kinsay nagbánaw (nagpabánaw) sa túbig sa salug? Who poured the water over the floor? -an(→) n container of water for fowl to drink or bathe in.

banawug, banáwug1 n k.o. coral that looks like a leafless shrub. The body is sponge-like in consistency and tough. The color varies: black, red, orange, dark brown.

banáwug2 n 1 strand of hair that grows by itself in a place where there is no other hair. 2 a similar characteristic of chickens, a wire-like feather that is said to give a cock special fighting abilities. 3 the vine of the balyákag which climbs up bamboos and other tall plants. banawgan a possessing a banáwug.

bánay1 n tassel of plants. paN- v [A] growing tassels. Namánay na ang mais, The corn is growing tassels now.

bánay2 n 1 immediate family consisting of parents and their children. 2 family consisting of ascendants, descendants, and lateral relations as well. ka- n one who is related by blood. ka-an n group of people related by blood.

bánay3 = ubánay. see uban.

banban1, 2 = balanban1, 2.

banbánun1 a 1 a white and brown striped color of cats. 2 cats tending to steal food. 3 persons going to parties and taking as much food as they can get at. Banbánun sad nímug simud! Wà may pistang palabyun, You sure are greedy! You don’t miss a fiesta. 4 be greedy for women. Banbánun sad nang lakíha. Bísan kinsa man lang, What a sex maniac he is. Anyone will do.

banbánun2 n k.o. centipede with a light green body.

banda1 v [B3(1); c1] for s.t. heavy to strike and bounce off s.t. Nabanda (mibanda) ang batu sa bungbung, The stone bounced off the wall. tris bandas n shot in billiards in which the ball bounces three times against the edges of the table before hitting the ball aimed at. bandabanda v [B1] bounce back and forth, reverberate. Nagbandabanda ang íyang tíngug sa dapit nga mamíngaw, His voice reverberated in the lonely place.

banda2 n band of musicians. v [a2] make a band.

banda3 n band, strip of cloth. 1 cloth worn diagonally in front of one as a mark of having obtained a certain honor or rank. 2 band wound around a sack filled with s.t. v [A; c] put a band on s.t. binandáhan n banded sack full of copra.

bandála (not without l) n similar items stacked neatly, usually in staggered fashion. v [A; a12c] stack into neat piles. Ibandála ning tabakúa didtu sa iskína, Stack this tobacco up at the corner.

bandána n bandana or scarf worn over the head as a protection. v [A; a] wear, make into a bandana.

banday = bangday.

bandì n large, closely woven bamboo hamper with or without a cover for clothes or farm produce. v [a12] make into a hamper.

bandída = bandídu (female).

bandídu n bandit, highwayman. v [B; a12] be, become a bandit.

bandíha n 1 food or drinks brought to a party. Magdala giyud kag bandíha sa pagpangunggu, [104]You must bring food when you go to ask for a woman’s hand. 2 food given to the leader of prayers by the family sponsoring the prayers. 3 = bandihádu. v [A; c] contribute food to a feast, give food to a prayer leader. Píkas sa bábuy ang ílang gibandíha sa katapúsan, They brought half of a pig to the feast concluding the novena. -du large platter, large shallow serving dish. -wu n 1 precious stone, oval in shape (like a platter). Bandiháwu ang íyang singsing brilyanti, The diamond in her ring is shaped like a platter. 2 one who receives the food offering after leading prayers for a family. Bandiháwu giyud ang mananabtan, The person who leads a novena receives some gifts.

bandi klak n time clock.

bandílà = bandíra.

bandilyu v [A; c] cry out an announcement. Nagbandilyu ang písi nga kurpyu alas nuybi, The P.C. announced that the curfew was at nine. n public announcement.

bandíra n 1 flag, banner. 2 s.t. flapping like a flag, visible for all to see. Bitára ang ímung kamisun kay nagdayag ang ímung bandíra, You pull your slip up because it (lit. flag) shows. v 1 [a] make into a flag, put a flag on. 2 [AB6; c] put s.t. in view; brandish a weapon, be in full view. Bandiráhan ku bítaw sa pinútì, dágan lagi, He ran away when I brandished my sword at him. Ímu mang gibandíra ang ímung kadautan, You are brandishing your wickedness for all to see. 2a [B6] be very much above, ahead of everyone else. Labihan siyang namandíra (mibandíra) sa indigay, She was very much in the lead in the contest.

bandíra ispanyúla n ornamental tuberous plant, name given to species of sagingsaging (Canna spp.) which have large orange, red, or white flowers.

bandíyu = bandyu.

bandmidyurit n band majorette. v [B; a12] become a band majorette.

bandu1 v [A; ac] spin a top, throw a spinning top. Ayaw bandúha ang ákung kumagkù, Don’t throw the top on my toe.

bandu2 n group of people united for a common purpose.†

bandul n bundle of things tied together. Tagpíla ang bandul sa rilip? How much does a bundle of second-hand clothing cost? v [A; a] tie in a bundle. Bandúlun tang sugnud, Let’s bundle the firewood. -in- n bank roll.

bandung1 n large boat to bring the net and fishermen out to the fishing grounds, consisting of a pair of smaller boats or a wide boat so made that a platform can be placed across it.

bandung2 n k.o. spotted sea eel.

bandurin = banduríya.

banduríya, bandurya n 1 stringed instrument with 4 to 8 pairs of strings, played with a plectrum, with a long neck, a round steel-rimmed sound box covered with skin, and with a wooden resonator. 2 k.o. fish. v [A; a] play a banduríya. banduryáhun n k.o. shark that resembles a bandurya when viewed from above.

banduy = bagduy.

bandyu n musical instrument similar to the banjo, but with 6 double strings and a shorter neck, about 10″ long. v [A] play this instrument. bandyubandyu n k.o. fish with long spines and a roundish body that resembles a banjo: Argyrops spinifer.

bang n word used in writing to indicate the sound of an explosion.

banga a boring. v [B1246; a4b4] become bored, be fed up. Makabanga ning búhat nga mau ra gihápun adlaw-adlaw, Doing the same thing day after day makes one bored. Gibanga (gibanghan) na kaáyu kug kináun niíning isdà sa tibuuk simána, I am fed up eating this same fish the whole week long. ka- n boredom, weariness.

bangà1 a 1 slow in comprehension, incompetent. 2 poor in quality. Bangà ning awtúha, This car is no good. v [B; b6] be of poor quality. Ngánung mibangà (nabangà) man ang íyang inawayan karun? Why is his style of fighting lousy today?

bangà2 n k.o. water jar with an obovate body and a narrow neck.

bangáag v [A2S] cry loudly with the mouth wide open. Mibangáag ang bátà nga giindiksyunan, The child howled when he was given a shot.

bángag v [AB2; a] make a hole, have a hole in it. Nabángag (mibángag) ang íyang ngípun kay sígig káug karmilítus, He got lots of holes in his teeth because he keeps eating hard candies. Mibángag ang ilagà sa bungbung, The rat made a hole in the wall. (→) n 1 hole into s.t. or through s.t. 2 woman’s genitalia (coarse). — sa ímung ina, ubù, Damn you! (Lit. You are your mother’s cunt.) -un a having holes.

bángal1 v [A12; b8] come across s.t. in the sea. Hibangalan ang mga pasahíru sa barkung nalúnud, They came across the survivors of the ship that sunk. paN- v [A2] go to the sea to look for s.t. Namángal silag lubi human sa bahà, They went to the sea to look for coconuts after the flood. Mamángal tag sud-anun, Let’s meet the fishermen [105]to buy s.t. for dinner (lit. look for s.t. on the sea for dinner).

bángal2 v [A; c] shove s.t. big into the mouth. Ibángal lang níya ang usa ka buuk kamúti, He will just shove a whole sweet potato into his mouth.

bangalga = bagalnga.

bángan1 v [A; a] 1 tie a bunch of long things together. Bangánun nátù ang lipak arun sayun pas-ánun, Let’s tie a string around the bamboo slats to make them easy to carry. Bangáni ang ímung buhuk kay hángin, Tie s.t. around your hair because it’s windy. 2 tie s.t. around s.t. long. n long things tied together. Tagpíla ang bángan sa káhuy? How much does a bundle of wood cost? (→) string used to tie around s.t. Ang bangan nga ímung gibugkus nabugtù, The string you tied it with snapped. bangnanan n makeshift roofed shed into which small boats are placed.

bángan2 n k.o. sweet yellow banana, longer than alitundan, very much like those sold in the States. It is eaten raw and more difficult to digest than the alitundan: Musa sapientum var. lacatan.

bangánga v [A1; c1] open one’s mouth wide. n distance the mouth opens. Dakù siyag bangánga kun manghuy-ab, He opens his mouth wide when he yawns.

bángas1 n hair on the chest, arms, and cheeks. v [a4] get hair on these parts. -un a hairy.

bángas2 1 interjection directed at s.o. who does s.t. disgusting or annoying, said good-naturedly. Bángas ka! Nasakpan na hinúun ta niíni dà! Darn! Now we’re caught. 2 good-natured expression of disbelief. Bángas ka! Ikaw na lay mupasar sa bár? What! The likes of you pass the bar exam?

bangáti n k.o. wild tree.

bángaw1 = balángaw.

bángaw2 n party with lots of food. v 1 [A2N; a2] attend a feast. Ása man ka mamángaw (mubángaw) inigpista? What parties are you going to during the fiesta? 2 [A1] hold a feast. -an(→) n place or house where a feast is held.

bangawug n a small valley with an easy slope, a low, flat area between hills. v [B1256] be at a valley.

bangaybángay v [A13; b(1)] dilly-dally, work slowly and lazily. Daghan ang mga buluhatun unyà bangaybangáyun pa, There is so much work to do, but you are only dilly-dallying. -an(→), -un(→) a slow and lazy.

bangbang v [A2; a12] 1 control s.t. Dílì na mabangbang ang íyang kahimabayi, His fondness for women cannot be controlled. 2 come face to face with s.t. in hopes of overcoming it. Mubangbang giyud siya sa kasukù sa íyang amahan, He’ll stand up to his father’s anger. Bangbángun ba ninyu ang bagyu? Will you go out in the storm?

bangday v [AB] be placed, place s.t. transversely across s.t. or pile up in criss-crossing fashion. Inig-abut níya mubanday dáyun siya sa kátri, As soon as she arrives she throws herself across the bed. Nagbanday siya sa íyang tiil sa silya, He is putting his foot across the chair. bangdaybangday n snack consisting of fried sliced bananas (kardába or sab-a) laid one over the other with a thick dough. v 1 [A; a] make bangdaybangday. 2 be criss-crossing.†

banggà n 1 contest of any sort for a winner. Akuy midaug sa banggà sa áwit, I won the singing contest. 2 crash of vehicles bumping into each other. Duhay patay sa banggà dihà sa iskína, Two people died in the crash on the corner. v 1 [C; a] hold a contest. 2 [AC; ab2] bump into s.t. with force. Mibanggà ang bátà níya, The child bumped into her. Ang barku nakabanggà ug búya, The ship crashed into a buoy. 3 [AN2; a2] meet goods before they reach the market to get them cheaper. Adtu ta sa paradahan kay mamanggà ta ug utanun, Let’s go to the bus stop and get vegetables. maN-r-, maN-ay n buyers who meet and buy from a source before the goods reach the market.

banggì v [A3; a] break s.t. off with a snap. Mibanggì siyag sanga, He broke a branch. Nabanggì ang íyang lápis, His pencil broke in two.

banggiítan a 1 notorious. Banggiítang magdadaut sa mga panágat, A notorious destroyer of fishing traps. 2 well-known for some skill. Banggiítang abugádu, Well-known lawyer. v [B12; b6] become notorious, well-known for a skill.

banggíra n projection in the window which holds the eating utensils in daily use. v [A1; a] make, provide with a banggíra. banggirahan = banggíra.

banggis v [A; b] scrape, scrub s.t. off a surface. Kutsilyu ang íyang ibanggis sa húgaw sa lamísa, She’ll use a table knife to scrape the dirt off the table.

banggud v [A; a] rub s.t. with pressure against s.t. else causing it to get chafed, shredded, grated. Akuy mubanggud sa mais, I will shred the corn. Nabanggud ang ákung abága pagkasalibay nákù sa mutur, My shoulder got chafed when I was thrown off my motorcycle. banggúran, bangguran n shredder. [106]

banggun1 n k.o. blight that infests banana and cacao fruits. The fruit gets hardened with brown spots all over, rendering it unfit for consumption. v [a4] be infested with this blight. -un a banggun-infested.

banggun2 a idiotic.

banggus v 1 [A; c1] rub s.t. against a rough surface, but not with great pressure. Magbanggus ku sa kapáyas nga salárun, I’ll shred the papayas to make into a salad. Nabanggus ang ákung túhud sa ákung pagkadagmà, My knee got chafed when I stumbled. 2 [A; b6(1)] scrub to clean. Ákung gibanggúsan ug lugud ang buling sa íyang likud, I scrubbed the dirt off his back with a stone.

banghag v 1 [A; a12b2] snap at s.o. Mamanghag nang irúa ug duúlun, That dog will snap if you approach it. 2 [A; b5] snap, speak sharply and curtly. Ayaw siyag duúlag may trabáhu kay banghágun (banghágan) ka, Don’t go near him when he’s doing s.t. because he’ll snap at you.†

banghat = hangbat.

banghaw a having the sour smell which develops in cooking starches which are waterlogged, e.g., corn which has been ground without being fully dried, yams which got waterlogged in rain-soaked ground, etc. v [B; a2] have this sour smell. Mibanghaw (nabanghaw) ang kamúti kay nahúmul ug tulu ka adlaw, The sweet potatoes developed a rotten smell because they soaked for three days.

banghilig, banghílig a sloping (sharply or not sharply). Lugsánay makasáka ang trák kung banghilig, The truck hardly can make it up a slope. v [B; c1] be sloping. Nagkabanghilig ang ámung gibaktásan, The place where we hiked slopes gradually.

banghitaw n = balanghitaw.

banghutin, banghuting = balanghutan.

bángì v [AC; abc3] be on bad terms with each other. Nagbángì mi mahitungud sa kwarta, We had a misunderstanding about money. ka-an n reason for bad feelings.

bángig = bángì.

bángil v 1 [A; b5c] put s.t. beneath or next to s.t. to keep it from jiggling, rolling, sliding, etc. Bangíli (bangíla) ang ligid sa trák, Put a block against the wheels of the truck. 2 [a] eat s.t. before a drinking bout (prop up one’s stomach). Unsay ímung gibángil únà muinum? What did you eat before you drank? 3 [A; c] use a charm to insure success in business or gambling. 4 [A; b5] induce s.o. with a bribe. Bangílun (bangílan) ta siyag tubà arun maabtik sugúun, Give him some toddy to get him to work a bit faster. 5 [A; b] trip a player while running or jumping. (→) n 1 s.t. placed beneath to keep a thing steady or in position. Butangig bangil ang silya arun mupundu, Put a prop beneath the chair so it will be steady. 2 food to stave off hunger. 2a food taken before drinks (slang). 2b — sa tinggutum food eaten in place of rice or corn in famine times. 3 charm for gambling or business. 4 s.t. given as an inducement to goad s.o. into action. paN- v [A2] use a charm in gambling or in business. bangilbángil v [A; b] support, fill in the gaps. Ang kamúti ibangilbángil sa pagkáun, Sweet potatoes aren’t the principal food. They are s.t. extra to fill in when there isn’t enough other food. n s.t. that supports. Bangilbángil nà siya nákù sa trabáhu, He is my helper in my job.

bangilid = bakilid.

bángin [so-and-so] might just happen. Ayaw paglihuk bángin mabughat ka, Don’t move. You might have a relapse.

bangingi a nagging, scolding repeatedly. v [B] nag, keep making the same complaints. Mubangingi dáyun siyag higabhian kug paúlì, She starts nagging the moment I arrive home late.

bangíngi v [A2; a12] turn back to bite or fight with s.o. Mubangíngig páak ang iring ug gunítan sa íkug, The cat will turn its head to fight if you hold it by the tail. Ayaw lang nà siya pahunúnga arun dì ka bangingíhun ug áway, Don’t try to stop her or she’ll turn on you, too.

bangis a fierce. v [B2; b4] become fierce. Mubangis (mabangis) ang irù ug higtan, A dog becomes fierce if it is kept tied. -un a of a fierce sort. ma- a very fierce. v [B1456] be fierce. Nagmabangis ang kapaláran kaníya, Fate was very cruel to him.

bangitaw = balanghitaw.

bangka v 1 [A; c] treat, pay the bill for entertainment or food consumed in entertainment. Bangkáhan ta mu ug panihápun, I’ll treat you to dinner. 2 [A; a] deal cards, throw dice, or act as a banker in a gambling game. Bangkáha ang baráha, Deal the cards. n banker or dealer in a gambling game. -dur(→) n = bangka, n.

bangkà n banca, a one-piece dug-out between 5 to 15 meters optionally with one or two masts and/or a motor, and/or outriggers. v [A13; ac1] 1 ride a banca. Bangkáa lang ang Líti, Just take a banca to Leyte. Bangkáa (ibangkà) ang karga, Take the cargo in the banca.

*bangkáag hi-an/ka-an n 1 knowledge about [107]a certain field or skill. Wà kuy hibangkaágan (kabangkaágan) sa radiyu, I have no understanding of radios. 2 awareness. Wà kuy hibangkaágan sa súnug gabíi, I have no knowledge about the fire last night. hi-an v [B1256] be learned, found out about. Wà siyay nahibangkaágan sa íyang tulu ka túig nga paglangyaw, He didn’t learn a thing from his three years abroad.

bangkal n large tree of the secondary forest, hollow in the lower portion of the trunk: Nauclea orientalis.

bangkarúta a bankrupt. v [B12; a2] be bankrupt. Nabangkarúta siya pag-intra sa pulitika, He became bankrupt when he entered politics.

bangkarúti = bangkarúta.

bangkat = bakat.

bangkaw1 n 1 spear which is thrown. 2 piece in mahjong with the image of a dagger. v [A; a1b2] throw, thrust a spear at. Bangkáwun ta ang usa, I’ll throw a spear at the deer. Hibangkawan ang kawatan, The thief was hit with a spear. paN- v [A2] hunt with a spear.

bangkaw2 = bangkal.

bangkawbangkaw n end of the spinal column. v [A12; a12] hit s.o. at the end of the spinal column.

bangkay n corpse (slang). Bangkay na dihang nakit-an si Pidru, Pedro was a corpse by the time they found him.

bangkbuk n bankbook.

bangkil n canine tooth, fangs. -an a with prominent fangs. Bangkilan na ang bábuy nga ámung giíhaw, The pig that we slaughtered had long fangs.

bangkiling n k.o. small, deciduous, cultivated tree which has a rounded, light green fruit, fleshy and sour, used as a flavoring for vinegarized dishes or eaten pickled: Cicca acida.

bangkilya1 n percentage of the amount won, given to the owner of a gambling place or equipment after each game. v [A; b6(1)] give the owner of a gambling equipment a percentage of the winnings for each game.

bangkilya2 n helper, assistant in doing s.t. v [A; c1] serve as helper, assistant in s.o.’s work. Bangkilyáhun (ibangkilya) tikaw sa pag-asal ug bábuy, You will be my assistant in roasting the pig.

bangkíru1 n 1 = bangka, n. 2 banker. Mga bangkíru ang naghuput sa puhúnan sa nigusyu, The bankers hold the capital in business. v [B16] be a banker.

bangkíru2 n one who operates a banca. v [B16] be a banca operator.

bangkíti n banquet. v [AC12; b6(1)] hold a banquet. paN- v [A2; b6] go to a banquet.

bangkítu n stool. v [a12] make into a stool.

bangkíwà n stem of a boat.

bangkiwag a awkward. Bangkiwag nga linihukan, Awkward movement. v 1 [B; c1] be awkward. 2 [AN3PB; a] put things s.w. awkwardly such that they stick out or are in s.o.’s way; be awkwardly put s.w. Nagbangkiwag ang mga palítu pagkahúlug, The toothpicks fell so that they were sticking out every which way.

bangkíyu n 1 toilet seat. 2 toilet seat for children to sit on or to put on a toilet. v [a12] make into a toilet seat.

bangkiyud (from kíyud) = baliálà.

bangkrap = bangkarúta.

bangku n bank. papil di- bank notes, paper money. v [c1] deposit money in the bank. Ibangku (bangkúhun) ku ning ákung pinangitáan, I’ll deposit my earnings in the bank. paN- n banking activities.†

bangkù n bench, three-, four-legged stool. v 1 [a12] make into a bench. 2 [A; c1] keep a player on the bench. Bangkuun (ibangkù) lang siya kanúnay kay dì man pirs páyib, He’s always kept on the bench because he is not one of the top five players.

bangkulísan n k.o. fish.

bangkulíya n despondency over love. v [A123P; a4] be despondent over love. Gibangkulíya ang babáying wà makasulay ug trátu, The woman became despondent because she had never had a lover.

bangkung1 v [A; c1] dry, thinly sliced bananas, sweet potatoes, cassava, and other root crops. -in- n sun-dried slices of banana and root crops.

*bangkung2 v [a4] gone crazy. Muiskuyla kang Duminggu karun, gibangkung ka? Have you gone crazy? Going to school when it’s a Sunday!

bangrus = bangus.

bangs n bangs. v [A1; c] wear, form into bangs. Angayan kang magbangs, You look beautiful with bangs.

bangsi n general name for various k.o. flying fish. paN- v [A2] go fishing for flying fish.

bangu = banga.

bangúbang = balangúbang.

bangug1 a 1 groggy, drunk. Bangug pa ang buksiyadur sa kastígung nadáwat, The boxer is groggy from the punishment he received. 2 stupid, unable to understand, no matter how carefully explained to. v [B2; a12] get groggy, drunk. Nabangug (mibangug) ang isdà sa butu sa dinamíta, The fish got groggy from the dynamite explosion. Gustu ba [108]ku ninyung bangugun niíning tubà? Do you want to make me groggy with this toddy?

bangug2 n 1 hog cholera, an infectious disease of swine. 2 epithet or curse word. Bangug! Unsa ba ni! Damn! What is this! v [a12] 1 suffer from hog cholera. Gibangug nang babúya, That pig is suffering from hog cholera. 2 [a12] damn you! Bangugun ka pa untà, I hope you go to hell.

bang-ug a foul smell of liquids that have stagnated or food that has spoiled because it has not been freely exposed to air. v [B; b6] 1 become smelly due to stagnation. Mabang-ug ang kík ug dúgay nga gitaklúban, Cake which has been left covered tight too long develops a bad smell. Nagbang-ug ang túbig sa akwaryum, The water in the aquarium is stagnant and smelly. 2 be pent up too long and thus get rotten. Nabang-ug na lang ang íyang pagbátì kay wà níya ikapaháyag, She kept her feelings bottled up inside too long (lit. till they rotted).

bangun1 n k.o. úbi.

bangun2 n main floor beams of a house to which the joists (busaug) are nailed.

bángun v 1 [A2; b2] get up from a lying position. Mubángun kug sayu, I’ll get up early. Hibangunan ta gánì ka, búnal giyud, As soon as I can get up I’ll spank you. 2 [AP; c1] make s.t. lying erect. Mabughat kag mubángun (mupabángun) ka ánà, You’ll have a relapse if you lift that. 3 redeem one’s honor. Bangúna (ibángun) ang kanhing kadunggánan sa átung kalíwat, Redeem the former honor of our race. 4 [a12] revive the name of a deceased relative by naming s.o. after him. Bangúnun ku ang ngálan ni anhing lúlu pinaági sa ákung anak, I will bring grandfather’s name to life again through my son. (→)3 v [A; c1] put a boat on a small elevated platform or wedges when it is beached to prevent it from getting rotten or infested with shipworms. n wedge used to put a boat on.

bangúngut n a nightmare which is said to frighten its victim to death. v [a4] have an attack of bangúngut.

bangus n milkfish: Chanos chanos.

bangut v [A; b6(1)] tie up s.o. or s.t.’s mouth or the lower part of the face. Bangútan ku ang kábaw arun dílì makakaun sa mais, I’ll tie up the carabao’s mouth so it can’t get at the corn. (→) n 1 muzzle, rope tied around an animal’s mouth, gag. 2 face covering. Ayaw siya kuhái sa bangut arun dílì makasinggit (mailhan), Don’t take off her gag (mask) so she cannot shout (be recognized). -an(→) v [A13] be in mourning. Nagbangutan ang bánay sa namatay, The family of the deceased was in mourning.

bangyaw v [A; c] spread information, publicize s.t. Siya ang nagbangyaw nga si Linda gilúgus, She told the whole world that Linda was raped. Gibangyáwan níla ang mga pagánu mahitungud sa Ginúu, They preached about God to the pagans.

bangyáw n sound made by children in war games to imitate the sound of bullets.

banhà 1 noisy in a loud way. 2 exclamation telling s.o. to shut up or to stop making noise. Banhà! ni mirkádu, Be quiet! This is not the market, you know. Banhà! Wà kay lábut, Shut up! It’s none of your business. v 1 [A1; a2] make noise, consider s.t. noisy. Dì ta magbanhà sulud sa simbahan, Let’s not make noise inside the church. 2 [A3; c] divulge s.t. Wà ku magbanhà ning sikritúha sa uban, I never said a word about this secret to anyone. n loud voice. ka- n = banhà, n.

banhal n a k.o. machete about 20″ long with a blade, the top and bottom of which curve together into a point. On the top edge about three-quarters of the way toward the end there is a hook.

banhaw v [A3; a2] bring back to life. Kanang awíta mibanhaw sa ákung kabatan-un, That song brings me back to my youth. Si Kristu ang nagbanhaw ni Lasarus, Christ resurrected Lazarus.

banhig v [A; b6] 1 lie in wait to kill or maul. Ug Bitkung ang makabanhig way mabúhì, When the Vietcong ambush, no one survives. 2 waylay s.o. bringing produce to the market to buy from him directly. Way mulapus mangga dinhi basta hibanhigan sa babaw, No mangoes reach here if s.o. buys them on the way. 3 lay in wait for one’s girl to take her home. 4 ask to join s.o. in his food or s.t. else he has bought s.w.

banhud a numb from loss of circulation or anesthesia. v [BN; a4b4] become numb, for limbs to fall asleep. Mibanhud (nabanhud, namanhud, gibanhud) ákung samput pagliningkud, My buttocks became numb from sitting too long. Nagbanhud pa ákung lagus, My gums are still anesthetized. Gibanhúran ku, Part of me is numb.

banhutin, banhuting = balanghutan.

báni = baláni1.

ban-id n band-aid. v [c] put a band-aid on.

banidad n 1 indulgement in personal vanity, usually in a conceited manner. Subra ra ang banidad ánang bayhána bísag pubri, magpakadátù, That girl puts on too much. She pretends to be rich though she’s poor. 2 a [109]woman’s self-respect.

banig n woven straw sleeping mat. higdà, lígid sa — be bedridden (lit. lie on the mat). Dúgay na si Ilisabit Tílur nga naglígid sa banig, Elizabeth Taylor has been bedridden for a long time. v 1 [A; ac] spread, make a mat. Maáyung banigun ang tíkug, Tikug is good for making mats. Gibanigan ang bátà, The child had a mat spread for him. 2 [B] form a layer, spread profusely over an area. Mibanig sa yútà ang dáhung layà, The leaves formed a layer on the ground.

banika n 1 area suited for dry farming, not for wet rice cultivation. 2 rural region. v [A1; a12] engage in dry farming, cultivate into a farm. Banikahun níya ang bakilid, He will cultivate the slope. banikanhun a rural, from the country. kabanikahan n fields.

baníku (from abaníku) n 1 a sailboat, usually used for fishing, the sail of which is rolled and unfurled like a fan. 2 a boat like a landing barge, one end of which opens and closes like a fan. v [b(1)c1] make a boat of the baníku type.

banílad n k.o. large tree.

banilya n vanilla. v [c] put, use vanilla.

banitlung n k.o. hardwood tree.

baniug a very much of public knowledge. Baniug kaáyu ang pag-adtu níla sa búwan, Their trip to the moon is very well known. v [A1PB; c] become, make s.t. of public knowledge. Ang tabì mubaniug (mabaniug) sa tibuuk lungsud, The gossip has become known throughout the town. Wà ikabaniug dinhi ang ímung kaminyúun, Your marriage was not made public here. see also tíug.

bankil = bangkil.

bankíyu = bangkíyu.

banlag n small but for temporary shelter or rest. v [A; c1] build a rest hut.

banlas v [A3P; c16] 1 for water to carry s.t. Kusug baháa kay nakabanlas (nakapabanlas) ug payag, It was a bad flood. It washed a hut away. 2 wash away (figuratively). Banlásun (ibanlas) niánang awíta ang ákung kaguul, That song will wash away my grief. n s.t. washed up. Kining mga batúha banlas kini sa ibabaw, These rocks have been washed down from above.

banlaw v [A; b] rinse, clean with water. Nakabanlaw na ku sa kusína, I have rinsed the kitchen floor. Banláwun ku na ang linadlad, I will rinse the clothes which have been bleached. panghiN- v [A2; b7] rinse oneself off with water. Humag kalígù manghimanlaw ka, After bathing, rinse yourself off. Ímung túbig ákung gipanghimanláwan, I took some of your water to rinse myself off. -an(→) n vessel used for rinsing clothes in. -anan(→), -unun(→) n things to be rinsed.

banlud v [A3P; c] 1 put, toss s.t. into an enclosed space. Akuy nagbanlud sa kargamintu sa ráning burd, I dumped the baggage into the space under the floor boards. 2 put s.o. into a difficult situation or condition. Ang kapalahúbug mauy nagbanlud (nagpabanlud) níya sa kadáut, His alcoholism got him into trouble.

banlun n 1 ban-lon. 2 shirt made of ban-lon. v [A] wear, get a ban-lon shirt.

banlus v [A; ac] rub s.t. on or against s.t. Kinsay nagbanlus ug batu sa bildu nga nagaras man? Who rubbed a stone against the glass? There’s a scratch on it. Bíks ang gibanlus níya sa dughan sa bátà, He rubbed Vick’s ointment on the child’s chest. Ibanlus (banlúsa) nang buling sa lamísa ug basang panaptun, Get the dirt off the table by rubbing it with a wet cloth. n rubbing oil, ointment.

banlut v 1 [A; b] clean the skin of a dressed chicken of prickles or slimy substance. Asin ang ibanlut niánang manúka, Use salt to clean the chicken’s skin. 2 [a4] have the sickness banlut. n k.o. skin disease where a white crust is formed which peels off, exposing red skin and leaving a scar, commonly affecting the feet and hands.

bansa1 n k.o. half beak (fish).

bansa2, bansà n a territorial unit, state. v [a12] be a state. Sukad mabansà ang Haway, Ever since Hawaii became a state. Tinípung — n United States.

bansag n name. Kandalaw ang bansag sa ámung baryu kaniadtu, Our village was formerly named Kandalaw. v [A3; c] call s.t. or s.o. with a certain name. Gibanságan siyag bakì, He was nicknamed ‘frog’. ka- n having the same family name. Markus ang íyang ngálan, kabansag sa ámung pangúlu, Marcos is his name, the same name as the President’s. v [c3] be of the same family name. -un n family name. v [A; c1] have the surname. Nagbanságun siyag Ríyis, His family name is Reyes.

bansalan (not without l) n rudder of a boat.

bansay a skillful, proficient. Bansay kaáyu siyang mudúlag ahidris, He plays chess expertly. v 1 [AP; a] train s.o. Akuy mubansay sa buksidur, I’ll train the boxer. 2 [A; a] practice, rehearse. Nagbansay siya sa áwit, She is practicing the song. paka- v [A13] make oneself adept at s.t. Nagpakabansay siya sa karáti tungud sa trabáhu níyang kuyaw, She made herself an expert in karate [110]because of her dangerous job. bansaybansay n annual military training. ma-in-un a in an expert way.

bansíkul = balansíkul.

bansil n gold cap on a tooth. v [A; a] put, make into a gold cap on a tooth.

bansíli v [C; ac] 1 swap, barter. Magbansíli ta. Ímu ring lápis, ákù ang bulpin, Let’s swap. Take the pencil and give me the ball-point pen. Ayaw ipúnang átung hiraminta arun dílì magkabansíli, Don’t put our tools together so they won’t get mixed up. Bansilíhan nákug mais ang isdà, I’ll barter corn for fish. 2 put s.t. in the place of s.t. else. Ibansíli ning lamísa adtung pasistur, Let’s put this table where the small table is.

bansiwag v [B346; c1] for long things to stick out prominently. Mibansiwag ang báraw sa íyang bulsa, The knife stuck out prominently from his pocket. Ayaw bansiwaga (ibansiwag) ímung síku iniglayat nímu, Don’t stick out your elbows when you jump.

bantà v [A3P; a] 1 warn s.o. not to do s.t. Ang pahibalung ‘pagbantay sa irù’ mauy mubantà sa mga táwu, The notice ‘beware of dogs’ will warn the people off. 2 [A; b4] plan to do harm to s.t. Gibantáan nga sunúgun ang lungsud sa mga Húks, The Huks are planning to burn the town. bantàbantà v [A; a12] make an estimate of a quantity. Bantàbantáun kug makaganansiya ba ku, I will make an estimate of whether I’ll make a profit or not. n estimate, calculation.

bantáaw a be situated in clear view from the distance. Bantáaw kaáyu ang syudad didtu sa búkid Manunggal, You get a good view of the city from Mount Manunggal. v [B3] be, become clear in view from the distance. Ihigut ang kábaw niánang nagbantáaw nga lubi, Tie the carabao to the coconut tree which we can see clearly from here. n the clear view of s.t. from a distance. Sa bantáaw lang sa liyun mahadluk aku, Just the sight of a lion from the distance scares me.

bantak = balantak.

bantal v [A; a] bundle s.t. Bantála ang mga bulingun, Bundle the dirty clothes. Písing lig-un ang ibantal sa magasin, Use a strong string to bundle the magazine. n bundle.

bantam a bantam, compact car. v [b6] consider a car a bantam.

bantam wit n bantamweight.

bantang a in plain view and recognizable. v [B3; c1] come into view. Kablítang gátu ug mubantang (mabantang) ang langgam, Pull the trigger when the bird comes into clear view. Nagbantang ang páa sa babáyi, The woman’s thighs are in full view. n bearing. Gidáyig ku ang bantang sa íyang hinigtan, I admire the bearing of his fighting cock.

bantawan n stage or platform.

bantay v [A; b(1)] 1 watch s.t., keep watch over. Wà siyay ági, nagbantay lang sa úras, He doesn’t work. He just watches the clock. Pag-iskápu sa binilanggù kinsay nagbantay? When the prisoner escaped, who was on guard? Dílì siya kasiyut ug daghan ug akuy makabantay, He can’t shoot the ball if I guard him. Bantayi ang linung-ag, Watch the rice. 1a take care of plants, esp. coconuts. Nagbantay sila sa kalubihan, They were tending their coconut plantation. 2 notice, be aware of s.t. impending. Nadunggaban siya kay walà siya makabantay sa usa ka handus, He got stabbed because he was not aware of the thrust. 3 watch out for, beware of. Pagbantay sa mangunguut, Watch out for pickpockets. Bantayi ni nga dílì maumgan, Take care so it won’t get wet. 4 watch for s.t. to pass. Ibantay kug taksi, Watch for a cab for me. n guard. Namúga ang mga prísu kay natúlug ang bantay, The prisoners escaped because the guard fell asleep. bantaybantay, — sa balutbut, talikud various species of colorful fish that lurk in the reefs and snap at prey: e.g. Diploprium bifascatium. -l-an n guardhouse, guard post. Butangig bantay kanúnay ang balantayan (bantayan), Always keep a guard in the guardhouse. -l-an, -anan a needful of careful watching. Ang bátang bag-u pang mulakaw bantayánan kaáyu, A child who is still starting to walk needs careful watching. hiN-un a minding other people’s business. ma-in-un, ma-un a watchful. Ang mabinantáyung (mabantáyung) mata sa Diyus, The watchful eyes of God. mag-r-, mag-l- n 1 one who watches over s.t. Magbalantay sa tindáhan, Storekeeper. Magbalantay sa sam-ang, Cemetery caretaker. 2 sergeant-at-arms. anghil — see anghil. — sa kalínaw guardian of peace.

bantáyan = batáyan.

bantáyug n monument. v [b] put a monument s.w.

bantì = balalantì.

bantigì n good-luck charm. v [A; c1] use a good-luck charm. Ang síngin nga lísu sa nangkà mabantigì sa paninda, Twin seeds from jackfruits can be used as a good-luck charm when one sells things.

bantílis n hard, fine-grained stone with a smooth surface, gray in color and spots of white. Bantílis kag kasingkásing, You have [111]a heart of granite.

banting n 1 rope or chain tied to s.t. to steady it, hold it down. Hugti ang banting sa balay kay talibagyu, Tighten the rope holding the house because a typhoon is coming. 2 fetter placed on the feet of prisoners. v [A; ac] secure or steady s.t. by fastening s.t. to it; make into a fastening rope. Ug nakabanting ka pa sa bungsud, dílì untà maánud, Had you secured the fish corral, it wouldn’t have been washed away. Lambu ang ibanting sa tabánug, Use a string to balance the kite.†

bantingbanting v [A; a12] for boats to rock from side to side, rock like a boat. Magbantingbanting siyag lakaw kun hubug, He walks with a rocking gait when he is drunk.

bantíyung n 1 oval-shaped squash, a variety of Lagenaria leucanthea. 2 = balantíyung. -un a have sagging breasts like oval-shaped squash.

bantug a famous, notorious. Bantug kaáyung ngálan sa nátad sa pulitika ang Usminya, Osmeña is a well-known name in the field of politics. — ra no wonder [such-and-such] a particular thing happened. Bantug rang dílì kasulti kay amang diay, No wonder he couldn’t talk. He’s a deaf-mute. — na man just because. Bantug na mang nagkinahanglan kug kwarta patas-an nímug tantu, Just because I need money you increase the interest. v [B12; c1] become famous, notorious. pasi- v [A; c] boast about one’s ability, skill. Maúlaw ku magpasibantug sa ákung kadátù, I’m ashamed to brag about my wealth. n bragging. ka- n fame, honor. Ang kabantug ni Ilurdi sa pamuksing, Elorde’s fame as a boxer. -an a famous, notorious. Bantúgan nga mananambal, A well-known doctor. v [B12] become famous, notorious.

bantuk a 1 hard and compact. Bantuk kaáyung unud sa gábi, Taro meat is very firm. 2 for muscles to be firm. Bantuk kaáyu siyag kaunuran, He has firm muscles. Bída, bantuk giyung busúga, My, I’m filled to bursting! 3 — sa dughan filling the breast. Kalípay nga bantuk sa dughan, Happiness that fills the breast. — ug nawung shameless, hardened to others’ opinions. — ug úlu a thick-skulled. Bantuk kag úlu. Kápuy itudlù nímu, You are thick-skulled. It’s terrible to try to teach you. b stubborn. v [APB3; a] 1 make s.t. harden, harden. Mibantuk (nabantuk) ang basakan sa kataas sa húlaw, The rice field hardened because of the long drought. Bantúkun nátù ang nataran kay himúung baylihan, Let’s tramp the yard down so we can use it as a dance floor. 2 inure, get inured to s.t. Nagbantuk na ning ákung nawung sa mga biaybíay, I have become hardened to their taunts. Nagkabantuk na ang ákung dughan sa kaguul, My heart has become hardened to grief.†

bantul1 n k.o. small, excellent eating fish with poisonous spines, not deadly but very painful, and a frog-like face.

*bantul2 gi- has [subject] gone crazy! Gibantul ka ba dihà? Have you gone crazy?

bantúlay v [A; b6] pound buri palm strips in a wooden trough-like mortar to get the starch out. -an(→) n a trough in which strips of buri palm are laid lengthwise and pounded.

bantulinaw a 1 daytime weather conditions where there is a light cloud cover: the sun shines but its heat is mitigated. 2 for the sea to be rippling slightly, but on the whole calm. v [B; b6] 1 be, become lightly overcast. Nagkabantulinaw na man, maáyu nang iduwà, Now that it is gradually clouding over lightly, it is a good time to play. 2 for the sea to be rippling slightly.

bantulínaw n k.o. shiny black or greyish-black olive shell, or a species with jet-black speckles.

bantut n light thudding sound of a falling object. v [B26] 1 make a light thudding sound in falling. Nahúlug nga pútut tung mibantut, That thudding sound was a coconut bud that fell. 2 for a top to fail to spin. 3 [B2; c1] for a business to fail. Ang súgal makapabantut sa nigusyu, Gambling can cause a business to fail. -un(←) a 1 having tendency not to spin well. Bantutun ang kasing gaan, Light tops tend not to spin well. 2 having a tendency to fail in business.

bánu v [B126] for work or an undertaking to come out good. Nabánu tingáli ang íyang pagpaninda kay midakù man ang íyang tindáhan, Her business must have been successful because she has enlarged her store.

banug n k.o. large hawk with chocolate-brown feathers and a white-colored breast. v [b6] consider a hawk. (←) call to drive away chickens. -un n 1 brown and white combination of chicken feathers. 2 name given to rays with wide wing-like extensions of the body which flap as they move through the water, esp. the eagle ray: Aetobatus narinari. banugbánug, tala-(←) n kite. v [A2SN; a2] fly, make into a kite. Magbanugbánug (magtalabanug) ta sa plása, Let’s fly a kite in the plaza.

bánug, ban-ug a for fruits to be bruised. v [AB2; a] 1 soften fruits, for fruits to get bruised. Muban-ug (maban-ug) ang kapáyas [112]ug sigíhag híkap, The papaya will get bruised if you keep touching it. 2 bruise by pounding. Ban-úgun giyud nang tulisag hisakpan, They will beat up that robber if they catch him.

ban-uk1 n sickness caused by a spirit of the woods (banwaánun) which intrudes sand, feathers, and hairs into the body. The sickness results from bathing in streams or bathing anywhere on Tuesdays and Fridays or may be on the instigation of a sorcerer. The symptoms are stomach pain followed by intense itchy rashes. The cure is túub. v [A; a4b4] cause to get ban-uk.

ban-uk2 a 1 lush, plentiful in growth. Ban-uk kaáyu ang sagbut sa ákung pilapilan, Weeds are growing lush in my rice field. 2 for a mass to be well-packed. Pwirting ban-úka sa baráha sa kahun. Maglisud ta paghulbut ug usa, The cards are very tightly packed into the box. We’ll have a hard time taking one. v 1 [B26; c1] get packed in tight. 2 [B; aPb] become lush. Nagkaban-uk ang buhuk ni Bal nga nagkadakù, Bal’s hair is becoming thicker as he is growing bigger.

banus1 a implanted close to each other. v [B2; c16] for standing things to be implanted close to each other. Mibanus (nabanus) ang humayan nga giabunúhan, The field which was fertilized grew densely. Banusun (ibanus) gánì pagtanum ang mga lubi dílì mubúnga, Coconut trees planted too close to each other will not bear fruit.

banus2, bánus v 1 [A2; a2] for s.t. to happen after s.t. else happened. Mibanus ang kaínit human muulan, The sun shone after the rain shower. Bansun gánì ang tímug, mukalma ang bagyu, The typhoon abates when the east wind lets up. 2 [A; a12] take over after s.o. Bansi ku dinhi sa kusína kay gikápuy ku, Take my place in the kitchen because I’m tired. 3 [AN; b5] put on or wear s.t. which belongs to s.o. else. Mamanus ku sa ímung tráhi kay wà kuy ikapatahì, I’ll wear your suit because I don’t have money to have one made. Maluag ang midiyas ug bansan (bansun) sa dakug tiil, The socks will loosen if s.o. with big feet wears them first. banusbánus v 1 [C; b5] take turns in doing s.t. Magbanusbánus tag dala sa baskit, Let’s take turns in carrying the basket. Banusbanúsi (banusbanúsa) ninyug pas-an ang kawáyan, Take turns in carrying the bamboo on your shoulders. 2 [A3] occur repeatedly one after the other. Magbanusbánus ang kalípay ug kasákit, Joys and sorrows follow one another repeatedly.

banúut n sheath of a coconut blossom.

banwa1 n thicket. Adtu ta maggapud ug igsulugnud sa banwa, Let’s cut firewood in the woods. v [A1PB; a2] become a thicket, let s.t. revert to the forest. Nagbanwa (nagpabanwa) kug usa ka iktarya, I purposely allowed a hectare of my farm to revert to thicket. banwaánun 1 from the forest. Banwaánung sunuy, Wild rooster. 2 = tagabanwa. taga-, tagi-, banwaánun n supernatural beings which inhabit woodlands, victimize people by rendering them invisible, and are capable of inflicting diseases. Sometimes they show themselves and even make love to women.

banwa2 n 1 fatherland. Pilipínas ang ngán sa ámung banwa, Our country is called the Philippines. 2 town, village. Ang banwa sa Mandáwi mauswágun, The town of Mandaue is progressive.

banwag v [A; b6(1)] 1 illuminate a place. Banwágan kung agiánan sa súlù, I’ll light the way with a torch. 2 enlighten s.o. Ang ímung tambag mu ray makabanwag sa íyang kaisípan, Only your counsel can enlighten his mind. n illumination.†

banwági n k.o. tree.

banwas = balúnas.

banyágà n rascal, scoundrel. Pangitáun kung banyágà nga nag-ílad nákù, I’ll look for the rascal who swindled me. v [B2; b6] be a scoundrel.

banyak v [A; b6(1)] kick or shove with the sole of a foot. Banyáka (banyáki) ug kusug ang bisiklíta, Pedal the bicycle hard.

banyira n tub or big basin for children to take a bath in or for washing clothes. v [a12] make into a tub or big basin.

banyu n bathroom. v [A; a] construct, add a bathroom. — publiku n public bath.

banyumaríya n double boiler.

banyus n medicine rubbed on one. v [A; b6(1)] rub medicinal materials on s.o. paN- v [A2] rub medicinal materials on oneself.

bápul, bápuls n baffle in a loudspeaker.

bapur n steamship or any large ship propelled by machinery. v [A1; b4] take a boat. Nagbapur ku padúlung sa Sibu, I took a boat in going to Cebu. — digíra n battleship. — mirkantil n merchant ship. bapurbápur v 1 [A1; c1] smoke cigars. 2 [C] have sexual intercourse (riding on each other like on a boat) (humorous).

bár1 n bar examination for would-be lawyers. v [A] take the bar examination.

bár2 n the B.A.R., Browning automatic rifle.

bár3 n cocktail lounge, usually of the sort which have bar-girls of ill-repute.

bara1 v 1 [A; a2] put a boat in dry-dock. 2 [113][B12; a2] run aground. Nabara sa píliw ang barku, The boat ran aground in shallow waters. -díru n be in dry dock. v [A3P; c1] put a boat in dry dock. baradiruhan n dry dock.

bára n 1 steel bar, rod. — dikabra crowbar. 2 frame of a bicycle. 3 measurement, the span from the shoulder to the tip of the opposite hand with the arm extended. 4 — i — eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth. Pamaslan tikaw bára i bára sa ímung gibúhat kanákù, I will repay you eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth for what you have done to me. 4a punishment sent to a philanderer that his daughter falls victim to a philanderer. Bára nà níya nga gipaangkan ang íyang anak kay himabáyi man, It’s his punishment for being a philanderer that his daughter was made pregnant. v 1 [A13; a12] make into a bar. 2 [b4] for a girl to suffer at the hands of a philanderer as a punishment to her father. Baráhan ang átung anak ug magsígi kag pamabáyi, Our daughter will become a victim herself if you keep chasing women. 3 [A2C; c1] for a brother and sister in one family to marry a brother and sister in another. Gibára sa mga Kurtis ug Sansis ang ílang mga anak, A son and daughter of the Corteses’ married a son and daughter of the Sanchezes’. barabára n shaft for a horse carriage. v [a] make into a shaft for a carriage, put a shaft on. barabara n shaft in a pressurized kerosene lantern which holds the needle controlling the width of the orifice through which the vaporized kerosene passes. barahan n 1 yard-*stick. 2 criterion for measuring s.t. -in-(→) n k.o. cloth of cheap quality with big, checkered prints. v [A; b6] wear this sort of cloth.†

baradíru n see bara1.

bárag v [B256; a12P] lose one’s footing, stagger from a blow or drunkenness. Mibárag (nabárag) siya pagsumbag nákù, He staggered when I boxed him. Barágun (pabarágun) ta ka niíning usa ka básung tubà, I’ll make you stagger with this glass of palm toddy.

baragbárag v [A] pace back and forth in front of s.o., usually with a purpose. Mubaragbárag ang amahan ug pamisitáhan ang íyang dalága, When s.o. visits the daughter, the father paces back and forth conspicuously in front of them.

baráha n playing card. bistu ang — it is clear what you (he, etc.) has up his sleeve. — nga dunut highly improbable excuse for doing s.t. Ayaw kug sugali ánang ímung baráha nga dunut, Don’t hand me those phoney excuses. 1a mahjong piece. v [AC2; a1] play cards. Nakigbaráha nákù ang duha ka sugarul, The two gamblers asked me to play cards with them. Mánu ta. Baraháun, Let’s decide who will be first with cards. -dur(→) n dealer in cards. v 1 [B16; a12] be the dealer. 2 [A12] hire, have as a card dealer.

barak n leg muscles.

bárak n barracks. v [a2] make into barracks.

baráka n a room added to a house as an extension. v [A1; b6(1)] construct an extension to a house. -in- n hip roof with sloping ends and sloping sides. v [c1] construct a hip roof.

barandilya, barandilyas n fence or balustrade made of rails and posts. v [A1; c1] put, make into a railing.

bárang n 1 k.o. sorcery whereby insects are introduced into the intended victim. 2 insect, usually a mutant specimen, with which bárang sorcery is performed. v [A; a12] practice bárang on s.o. Barángun siya ni Danílu, Danilo will inflict his sorcery on him. -an(→) n sorcerer.

baranggay n 1 a unit of government of the pre-Spanish Filipinos, the titular head of whom was the dátù or sultan. 2 = balángay. 3 a nightly rosary held by turns in the houses in a certain neighborhood. Átù rung turnu sa baranggay, Tonight, the nightly rosary of the baranggay will be held in our house. v 1 [A2C23] hold a baranggay. 2 [A13] go to one’s girl friend’s house, as the members of a prayer group go to s.o.’s house for the baranggay (colloquial).

barasbáras = barabára. see bára.

barásu = brásu.

barat a 1 cheap, petty: refusing to pay a reasonable price and heeding matters not worth one’s attention. 2 cheap, vulgar. Barat na kaáyu nang bayhána, bísan kinsa lang ang ubanan, That woman is very cheap. Anybody can have her. v 1 [B; b6] for a person to become cheap. Mauy ibarat nímu ug ímu siyang ashan, You will come to be vulgar if you attach importance to what she says. 2 [B; c1] for things to be of little value, inferior, make s.t. in an inferior way. Mibarat (nabarat) ang písu, The peso has become devalued. Ayúha pagtahì. Ayawg barata (ibarat), Sew that dress well. Don’t put out s.t. cheap. -íra a fond of bargaining prices down too much. v [B12] be a haggler. Makabastus ang labihang pagkabaratíra, It is degrading to bargain too hard. -íru = baratíra (male).

baratíha n piece of wood about 1″ thick, 2″ [114]wide and anywhere from one foot up in length, usually used for flooring. v [a] make into floorboards.

baratilyu n bargain sale. v [A1; c1] hold a bargain sale. Baratilyúhun (ibaratilyu) níla ang ílang uld istak, Their old stock is going to be on sale. paN- v [A2; b(1)] buy s.t. on sale. Mamaratilyu kug sapátus, I’ll buy shoes that are on sale.

baratíru see barat.

barátu1 a low price. Barátu kaáyu ang palalítun ug sirbisyu sa Hungkung, Goods and services are very cheap in H. K. v 1 [B; a2] become, be cheap. Mubarátu (mabarátu) ang bugas kun ting-ani, Rice gets to be cheap during harvest time. 2 [AP; b6] cheapen, make contemptible. Ang babáying mukúyug ug láki bísan ása nagbarátu (nagpabarátu) sa íyang kaugalíngun, A woman who goes just anywhere with a man cheapens herself. baratuhun a of a cheap sort. Sinínang baratuhun, A cheap shirt.

barátu2 n cut from one’s winnings. Tagái kug barátu sa daug nímu sa búlang, Give me a cut from your winnings in the cockpit. v [A; c] give s.o. a cut from one’s winnings.

baraw, báraw1 v [A; a12b2] interrupt the tossing of the coin in gambling to annul that particular toss. Baráwa nang antugun kun suspitsádu ka sa inantugan, Interrupt the toss if you are suspicious about the way the coins are being tossed. (→) expression used to squelch a friendly request for s.t. ‘Daúgan ka man. Paliti kug sapátus, ha?’—‘Baraw. Píla ra guy daug.’ ‘You won in gambling. How about buying me a pair of shoes?’—‘Just hold your horses there. That much I didn’t win.’

báraw2 v 1 [C] for fighting cocks to hit each other with their gaffs while in the air.

báraw3 = balaraw.

barawan n k.o. large squid (núkus).

baraybaray v 1 [A; a12] pile s.t. up. Baraybaraya ang mga kahun simpig sa bungbung, Pile the boxes against the wall. 2 [AB36; c1] fall, put in line. Mibaraybaray sila atubángan sa maistru, They lined up before the teacher.

barbahan n wooden container for coconut palm toddy in the shape of a rectangle 3′ by 4′.

barbas1 v [A; bc] wash infected skin with boiled leaves of medicinal herbs. Mu rag nagamay ang kabahung nga nabarbasan, The ulcer seemed to get smaller after it was cleaned and washed. n the water and boiled leaves of medicinal herbs used in washing sores, ulcers, and other skin diseases.

barbas2 = balbas.

barbikiyu n food barbecued on a stick. v [A; a] barbecue s.t.

barbil n bar bell. v [A; a12] exercise with a, make into a bar bell. -ádu, -áwu a having a well-developed physique of the sort that results from exercising with a bar bell. v [B126] become well-built.

barbir n barber. — siyap = barbiríya. -íya n barbershop.

barbíru n barber. v [B16; a12] become, make into a barber. barbiruhan n barbershop.

barbityurits n barbiturates.

barbula n valve in a pipe or tire.

barbun v [A12; b(1)] go to a banquet only for the sake of eating. Mamarbun si Isku sa bunyag sa anak ni Uduy, Isko will certainly be there for the food when Odoy’s son is baptized. n act of attending a banquet for eating alone. Kung pamarbun na gánì ang hisgútan way katupung ni Alù, Talking of going to parties just for the food, no one can beat Alo. -íru a attending banquets for the sake of food alone.

barda = balda.

bardádu n = baldádu. see balda.

bards1 n barge. v 1 [A1; a12] take a barge. 2 [A2; a12] make into a barge.

bardut a prostitute (slang). v [B126; b6] be, become a prostitute. paN- v [A2; b6] patronize a prostitute.

bargas n k.o. plow made of steel (so called after the brand name Vargas).

barì n a k.o. sickle for cutting long and thick grass, with the blade at the outside edge, and fastened to a wooden handle about 3′ long. v [A; a] cut grass with a barì.

barikus n varicose veins. v [a4b4] have varicose veins. Barikusun (barikusan) kag maghayhil ka, You’ll get varicose veins if you wear high heels.

baril1 n barrel, drum.

baril2 v [A; ab2] shoot s.o. or s.t. with a gun. Si Risal dihà barila sa Luníta, Rizal was executed at the Luneta.

barílis1 n k.o. blue-finned tuna which grows to 3′.

barílis2 n metal drums for oil.

barína n screw auger for making holes. — dimánu n a screw auger with no brace, gimlet. v [A; b] bore a hole with a drill. Barináhi ang káhuy úsà twirkáhi, Drill a hole in the wood before you put in the screw.

barínis n water container made of an internodal section of bamboo. v [A13; a12] make, make into a water container of this sort. [115]

barinúgan a stubborn, refusing to yield or comply. Barinúgan kaáyung igsuúna kay dílì mupatúu sa ákung tambag, He is a stubborn brother because he refuses to heed my advice. v [B12; b6] be, become stubborn.

barinuhan = barinúgan.

bárit n barrette for holding the hair in place. v [A; a] wear, make into a barrette.

baríta n bar of soap, chocolate, etc. Tagsingkwinta na ang baríta sa sabun, Soap costs fifty cents a bar now. v [A; a] form, make into a bar. Baritáhun ta ning tsukulit, Let’s form this chocolate into bars.

baritun n 1 = baritunu. 2 baritone musical instrument. 2a brass wind instrument: the baritone. 2b baritone saxophone.

baritunu n a baritone voice or s.o. with a baritone voice. v [B; a] be a baritone; sing in the baritone. Mubaritunu (mabaritunu) tingáli ning ákung tíngug ug maulitáwu na ku, I will probably have a baritone voice when I reach adolescence. Magbaritunu ku kay kúlang sila, I’ll sing with the baritones because there’s not enough of them. Baritunúhi nang íyang kanta, Sing the baritone part to the song.

barkáda n people one goes around with. Giimbitar kung ákung mga barkáda sa ákung adlaw, I invited my cronies to my birthday party. v [C1; a1c3] go around together. Way kaláki ning magbarkáda, It’s no good to go around with a gang. mag- n people who are gang mates. Nadáhig siya sa imbistigasiyun kay magbarkáda man sila sa nakapatay, He was also investigated because he was in the same gang as the murderer. ka- n gang mate. barkadur a fond of going around with one’s gang.

barkilyus n baked sweet made from flour, eggs, sugar and rolled into crisp hollow tubes. v [A; a] make barquillos.

barku n large ship. hibyaan sa — 1 not catch the boat. 2 failed to get married. walà kuy — I’m poor. v [A1; a] take a ship.

barnáti v 1 [A; a12] drive s.o. to work very hard. Gibarnáti pagpagúna ang sinuhúlan, The hired laborer was made to work hard weeding. 2 [B16] become skilled in s.t. after constant, strenuous training. Ang pagtrabáhu níya sa talyir nakabarnáti (nakapabarnáti) níya sa makina, His work in the shop made him skilled with machines.

barnis n varnish. v [A; b6(1)] varnish s.t. Barnísan kung ímung sungkud, I’ll varnish your cane.

barpin n an ornamental pin with a clasp. v [A; c1] wear an ornamental pin.

bartíha n 1 plank, board. Gilugkat ang usa ka bartíha sa bungbung, One plank was torn off the wall. 2 parcel, block of land. Bahínun sa tulu ka bartíha ang ílang yútà, Their land will be divided into three parcels. 3 share. v 1 [A; a1] make, or cut into planks or boards. 2 [A; b6(1)] put a board between two things. Bartihái ang kanal arun makalabang ang kutsi, Place some planks over the canal so the car can pass over it. 3 [A; a] divide, cut up into pieces or sections. Hukum ang mubartíha (magbartíha) sa yútà nga iapud-apud sa mga anak, A judge will apportion the land that will be distributed among the children. Bartiháa ang kík sa walu ka bátà, Divide the cake among the eight children. 3a [A] get a share or a part of. Nakabartíha siyag duha ka gatus sa usa ka byáhi, His share in one trip was two hundred pesos.

bartindir n bartender, one who acts as a bartender. v [B36; a] be the one who mixes the drinks.

bartulína n cell for the solitary confinement of a prisoner. v [A; c1] place in solitary. Ayaw panguláta arun dì ka bartulináhun (ibartulína), Don’t fight with anybody or you will get put in solitary.

bartuníku n k.o. fish, the climbing perch: Anabas testudines.

baru, báru n large cylindrical water or rice container made from tin plate or an empty petroleum can, having a capacity of around 5–6 gallons. v [a12] make into such a container.

barug v 1 [APB36; c1P] stand, stand up, cause to do so. Mubarug kita inigtugtug sa nasudnung áwit, Let us stand when the national anthem is played. Mibarug ang íya pagbása níya ug librung law-ay, He got a bone on (lit. his stood up) when he read the dirty book. Nagbarug (nagpabarug) siya sa masakitun, He helped the sick man get to his feet. 1a [B3(1)46; c1] for a building to stand, be built. Sa katapúsan nagbarug nang balay nga ákung gitúkud, At last the house I constructed was built. 2 [A2; c2] stand up for one’s opinions or principles. Makabarug ra giyud sa katapúsan ang matúud, Truth prevails in the end. Barugi (ibarug) ang katinúud sa ímung gipanulti, Stand up for the truth of your statement. 3 [A; b6] stand for, act as proxy for s.o., guarantee for s.o.’s obligations or rights. Akuy nagbarug sa íyang útang sa bangku, I stood as guarantor for his debts to the bank. Gibarugan ku ni tiyù pagpamaláyi nákù kay wà si Tátay, My uncle stood for my father when I made the formal marriage proposal. [116]4 [B12; c1P] get standing in a community. Ang makabarug (makapabarug) sa táwu ang íyang prupisyun, A man’s profession gives him dignity. 5 [B2] look good in s.t., for s.t. to become one. Dì ka mubarug sa míni kay tag-as kag tul-an, You don’t look good in a mini because you have long legs. n 1 height. Mubù ug barug, Of a short height. 2 bearing and features. Ang íyang barug daw istadista, His bearing is statesman-like. paN- n 1 stature and/or features of a person. Ambúngang pamarug, Handsome features. 2 one’s standing in a profession or any group. -ánan n principle. Táwung way barugánan, A man without principles. (←)-an a for a person to have a good bearing. Barúgan nga pagkalaláki, Good-looking man.

barumbáda v [A; c] squander s.t. valuable. Nagbarumbáda lang ka sa ímung kabílin, You are squandering your inheritance. Ibarumbáda lang níyang íyang nindut nga sinínà, gihímung pambáy, She wastes her beautiful dress, using it around the house.

barumbádu a 1 ill-mannered. Barumbádu nang anáka kay dì mangáyug katahúran sa íyang katiguwángan, That child is ill-mannered because he doesn’t greet his folks. 2 careless in dress; wearing clothing untidily or in such a way as to destroy it. Barumbádu siyang mamisti. Lúpig pay buguy, He dresses terribly, worse than a tramp. 3 vagabond, vagrant. v 1 [B2; b6] become ill-mannered. 2 [B3(1)6; c] become careless of one’s dress, treat clothes carelessly. Ayaw ibarumbádu kanang ímung púlung putì sa tubaan, Don’t ruin your white shirt wearing it to the toddy stand. 3 [B1; b6] become a vagabond. Nagbarumbádu siya sukad mapapha sa trabáhu, He became a tramp after he lost his job.

barumitir, barumitru n barometer. v [b6(1)] measure s.t. with a barometer.

barung n fancy, embroidered shirt with long sleeves used for formal wear. It slips over the head and is worn outside of the trousers. — púlu short-sleeved version of the barong with buttons all the way down. — Tagálug, Pilipínu = barung. v [A; a] wear, make into barong.

barungbárung = balungbálung.

barúnguy n k.o. flying fish, name given to several smaller species.

barut n tobacco that is of the lowest class. Ibaligyag kinilu ang barut, The cheapest k.o. tobacco is sold by the kilogram. a 1 inferior in quality. Dalì rang mulubad ang panaptung barut, A cloth which is inferior in quality easily fades. 2 ugly to look at. v [B; a] be, become inferior in quality or ugly. Mibarut (nabarut) ang lamì sa tabákung wà maputus, The tobacco lost its flavor because it hadn’t been wrapped. Nagkabarut ang átung dapit kay midagsang ang iskwátir, This place is turning into an eyesore because of the proliferation of the squatters.

bárut n the inedible pulp of the jackfruit which surrounds the edible flesh.

barútu n small boat with a dug-out bottom, plank or sawali sidings, and usually with outriggers. v [A13; c1] ride a small boat. Magbarútu ta paingun sa Sámar, Let’s take a boat to Samar. Barutúha (ibarútu) ang masakitun sa píkas pulù, Transport the patient to the other island on a boat. paN- v [A2C12; b6(1)] go boating. Nakigpamarútu nákù ang ákung trátu, My boy friend asked me to go boating with him.

baryabli a changeable, fickle. Ning tyimpung baryabli ang dátù mapubri, ang pubri maadunáhan, In these uncertain times the rich become poor and the poor, rich. v [B2] be variable. Ang bili sa palalítun kanúnayng mubaryabli (mabaryabli), Retail prices are constantly fluctuating.

baryu n 1 barrio, the smallest territorial unit of government. 2 the country as opposed to the city or town. Láay ang kinabúhì sa baryu, Life in the country is boring. v [APB26; a12] be, become, make into a barrio. Kining urdinansáha ang mibaryu (mipabaryu) sa Pásil, This ordinance made Pasil a barrio. — nga way kaldíru, kū́n n a barrio without pots, a humorous allusion to the place where a person heads after death. — kapitan n captain of the barrio, the barrio chief. — kawunsil n barrio council, the lawmaking body of the barrio. tininti dil — n barrio lieutenant, the title formerly given to the head of a barrio. baryubaryu v [c] 1 stay in separate groups, not mingling with the rest. Nagbaryubaryu ang mga dátù ug musimus nga bisíta, The rich visitors were in separate groups from the poor visitors. 2 for each to do his own, not work cooperatively. Magbaryubaryu lang tag plíti, Each of us pays his own fare. Ug makigbaryubaryu mu, maglain lang pud mi, If you want to do it on your own, then we’ll do ours on our own, too. baryuhánun n 1 resident of rural areas. Kadaghánan sa baryuhánun dinhi magbabául, Most of the barrio folk here are farmers. tagi- n resident of a barrio. katagi- n barrio-mate.

bás = balas.

bása v [A3S; ab2] 1 read. Dílì ku makabasa, I cannot read. Wà ku kabasa ánà, I haven’t [117]had a chance to read that. Basáha ang Biblíya, Read the Bible. Basáhi siya, Read to him. Hibasahan gánì ni Tátay ang sulat sa ímung trátu, If Father reads your boy friend’s love letter. 2 interpret signs, omens. Inighuman ug urasiyun sa básu, basáhun dáyun sa tambálan ang ímung mga sakit, After the shaman says the magic words into a glass, he will read your sickness in it. 3 [a3] understand, get the meaning. Nabása ku sa ímung mata nga gihigugma mu siya gihápun, I can read in your eyes that you still love him. hiN-(→) a fond of reading. kabasahun a feel very much like reading. balasahun n reading matter. mag-r-/l-(→), um-r-/l-(→) n the readers of a certain publication. tig- a in the habit of reading.†

basà a 1 wet. 2 watery, soft. Dì ku gustug kan-un nga basà ang pagkalútù, I don’t like rice with too much water in it. 3 — ang papil ruined reputation. Walay musugut níya kay basà na ang íyang papil sa pagkapalikíru, Nobody has accepted his marriage proposals because he has a bad reputation as a philanderer. 4 — ang tíngug raspy voiced. v 1 [APB12; b5] wet s.t., become wet. Ang ulan mauy mubasà (mupabasà) sa pilapilan, The rain will wet the ricefields. Bas-i (bas-a) kanang ímung túhud, Wet your knee a little. Mabasà lang nà siya kun malígù, He doesn’t have intercourse. (Lit. He only gets wet when he takes a bath.) 2 [A; b5] wash s.t. Si Pitra mubasà áning húgawng lamísa, Petra will wash this dirty table. 3 [a] cook, using more water than usual. Gibasà níya paglung-ag ang kan-un, She cooked the rice soft (with more water than usual). 4 [A13] bathe with s.t. on. Bísan sulud sa banyung sirádu nagbasà gihápun, Even in the privacy of her bathroom, she bathed with s.t. on. 5 [B1256] — ang papil for reputation to be ruined. hiN-(←) v [A; b] wash s.o.’s feet. Himasái ang mga bátà únà pakatulga, Wash the children’s feet before you put them to sleep. panghiN-(←) v [A2] wash one’s feet. Nanghimásà ka na? Have you washed your feet? -un a watery.

básag1 n large, rectangular bamboo hamper for storing dirty clothes. v [a1] make into this k.o. hamper.

básag2 v 1 [AB126; a1] for s.t. not thick to split or shatter, split or shatter s.t. Kinsay nagbásag sa pinggan? Who broke the plate? Nabásag ang sista, The guitar cracked. 2 [B12] for the voice to crack. Mabásag ang tíngug kun bayungbáyung na, When you reach adolescence, your voice cracks. (→) a 1 cracked, shattered. Ayaw gamíta nang sag-úba kay basag na, Don’t use that bamboo container because it is cracked. 2 cracked in voice.

basagbasag n k.o. garfish.

basagbásag n glabella, the part of the frontal bone between the two eyebrows, extending a little above and below.

basak n field of wet-cultivated rice. v [A; a1] cultivate a rice field. Basakun ku nang usa ka iktariya, I will make that one hectare into a rice field. -an n rice field.

basal v [A; a] bang on s.t. to produce noise. Basalun námung táru ug may iskilipsi, We’ll beat the kerosene cans when there’s an eclipse. n anything used in banging. Basal sa bumbu, The drumstick.

basalyu, basalyus1 n vassal. v [a12] make into a vassal.

basalyus2 n loyal circle of followers (colloquial). Ang basalyus sa pulitiku, The inner circle of the politician’s followers. v [B126] be, become loyal followers of ...

basangag, basángag a a toothless mouth that is wide open. v 1 [B56; c1] for a toothless mouth to be wide open, as in laughing. 2 [B2] for the gum to lose a row of teeth leaving a large gap. Nabasangag íyang lagus, There was a big gap in his gums.

basar n a shop or department store that sells various kinds of goods. v [a12b6] make into a bazaar.

basas, básas v [A12; b(1)] have the upper hand, be on the winning end. Wà kay basasan ánang bayhána, You have no chance of getting the upper hand with that woman.

basbas1 v [A; b] chop off nodes, lumps, etc. in wood or bamboo. Gibasbásan níya ang mga lipak pára sa ílang sáwug, He cleaned and smoothed the bamboo strips for the flooring. -in- n chips, particles removed from wood that has been cleaned. -in-an a 1 carefully smoothed wood. 2 carefully selected words. Binasbásan ang íyang mga púlung, His words are carefully selected.

basbas2 v [A; b] husk corn. Basbasi ang mais, Husk the corn. n husks of corn.

basbas3 v [A; a12] train with constant repetition. Akuy mibasbas níyas ínum, I taught him to drink. Nabasbas ku sa trabáhu human mamatay si Pápa, I learned how to work after Papa died. Gibasbas níya ang irù pagsáyaw, He trained the dog to dance.

basbas4 = balasbas.

basdak v [B6; ac] be tight and bulging due to fullness, esp. the stomach. Basdákun tang átung tiyan, Let’s fill our stomachs chock-full. Ginabas ang átung ibasdak sa pansing bag, Let’s fill the punching bag full [118]of sawdust.

bashuy = bas-uy, 1.

bási1 n 1 rice wine. 2 wine made from sugar cane. v [a1] make into rice or sugar cane wine.

bási2 n military base. — nabal naval base. v [A2; a2b6] establish a military base.

bási3 v [A; c1] base a conclusion or course of action on s.t. Ang maáyu mauy basíhi sa ímung kinabúhì, Base your life on what is good. Ayaw giyud ibási (basíha) ang ímung paghukum sa íyang sulti, Don’t base your decision on what she says. n basis.

bási4, básì = básin.

basíbas v [AN2] daybreak. Mibasíbas (namasíbas) nang kabuntágun, Morning was breaking.

basilika n basilica.

basilin n vaseline. v [b6(1)] rub vaseline on.

básin 1 [so-and-so] might happen but I hope not, lest [so-and-so] happen. Pagdala ug páyung, básig muulan, Take along an umbrella. It might rain. Buháta dáyun, básin ug malímut ka, Do it the first thing. You might forget to do it. 2 I hope [so-and-so]. Básin pag manwildu sila run, I hope they will give us our salary today. Básin ug mahúlug tà ka ánang káhuy, I hope you fall out of that tree. paN- v 1 [A2; b6] try one’s luck. Pamasíni ug paningil, mubáyad tingáli siya, Try your luck collecting from him. He might just pay up. 2 [A2; b8] pin one’s hopes on s.o. Mamásin ku sa ákung kamanghúran nga maduktur, I am pinning my hopes on my youngest child’s becoming a doctor. panghiN- v [A2; b8] hope for s.t. to happen. Nanghimásin lang ku nga dílì ulúrun ang mais, I am just hoping that my corn won’t get infested with worms. pamasinbásin v [A; b6] try one’s luck with pretty slender chances of success. Mamasinbásin lang ta. Piláhay ug swirtihun, Let’s try a long shot. Who knows, we might be lucky.

basiyar v [A; c] transfer the contents of a container to another container. Sáku ang basiyari sa bugas, Transfer the rice to a sack.

basiyu, basíyu n 1 empty container. 1a empty cartridge shell. 2 empty plate to eat off of. Panghatágig basíyu ang mga bisíta, Give the visitors empty plates. v 1 [B2; a12] for containers to be empty. 2 [AN; c] set the table. Pamasíyu na, Set the table now. Ang plátung bag-u mauy ibasíyu, Set the new plates on the table. 3 for machinery (gears, propellers, etc.) not to engage. Mubasíyu ang kadína sa bisiklíta, The bicycle chain fails to engage. Ug mubasíyu ang pála sa bangkà muusab ang inandaran, When the propeller of the boat gets out of the water, the noise of the motor changes in quality.

baska1 a for corn or rice to be cooked dry and loose. v [B6; a12b6] for rice to be cooked dry and loose. Mubaska (mabaska) ang linung-ag nga mais kun kúlang ug túbig, The corn grits will be dry if they lack water.

baska2 v [APB; c1] for things not liquid to fill s.t. to capacity, be filled. Undángi pagtakus sa bugas kung mabaska (mubaska) na ang sáku, Stop pouring the rice into the sack if it is already filled to capacity. Nagbaska ning ákung tíyan, My stomach is full to capacity. n chock-full, bulging due to fullness.

baskad = buskag.

baskag = buskag.

baskit n 1 basket. 2 = baskit bul. v [A1; a] 1 make into a basket. 2 [A; c6] a intercept correspondence before it reaches its destination. Gibaskit sa inahan ang suwat sa íyang anak, The mother intercepted the letter for her daughter (and threw it away). b throw away correspondence. Gibaskit lang intáwun ang ákung aplikasyun, My application was just consigned to the circular file.

baskit bul n basketball game. v [AC; b6] play basketball. -an n basketball court.†

baskug a strong and healthy, vigorous in movement. Baskug kaáyu siyang manglihuklihuk kay batan-un pa, He is full of pep because he is still young. v 1 [B2; a] be strong and healthy. Ang gátas makabaskug (makapabaskug) sa láwas, Milk makes you strong. 2 [A; b7c1] do in a brisk and vigorous manner. Baskúga (ibaskug, baskúgi) ang pagsíkad sa bisiklíta, Pedal the bicycle more briskly. 3 — ang kabúhì v [B3(1)] for the pit of the stomach to palpitate rapidly in pain due to kabúhì. Mabaskug ákung kabúhì basta mukáun kug útang tinunuan, The pit of my stomach palpitates fast if I eat vegetable stew cooked in coconut milk.

baskula n scales for weighing, where the fulcrum is not in the middle, e.g., steelyard.

baslan see bálus.

basngag v [A; b5c] utter sharp words in anger or impatience. Mamasngag siyag samuksamukun kun magtrabáhu, He snaps at people when he is disturbed while working.

basnig n a haul seine net, round in shape, for catching fish which run in schools and can be attracted by light. paN- v [A2; b] fish with the basnig.

basta 1 provided that, if and only if. Ihátag ku ning risíbu basta bayran ku nímu, I will give you the receipt provided that you pay me. Bísag magabin-an ka, basta na lang madala ákung gitúgun, Even if it takes half [119]the night, so long as you do what you were told to do. 2 [so-and-so] is the case, no matter what anyone says. Na, basta, náa lagi, Well, that’s the way it is. There is, believe it or not. 3 with commands reminding a person to keep his promise: don’t forget! Basta ayaw giyud ug pakítà dinhig usab, Mark this, don’t ever show your face here again. Basta ha? Muuban ku, Don’t forget now. I want to go along. — nga, kay — to make the story short, suffice it to say that. Basta nga (kay basta) pagpanganti níya, nangatágak ang buláwan, Anyway, when he made a wish, gold pieces fell out. — kay = basta, 1, 2. bastabasta a not very exact, accurate. v [c1] do s.t. in an inaccurate way. Ug bastabastáhun (ibastabasta) nímu, alkansi ta, If you do it any old way, we will lose money. dílì — not just ordinary. Dílì bastabasta tung kasála, That was no ordinary wedding.

bastanti sufficient in amount for a certain need. ‘Ígù ning lima?’—‘Bastanti.’ ‘Will these five do?’—‘Yes. They’re just enough.’ v [B126] be sufficient. Ang diklarasyun sa tistígus mauy nakabastanti (nakapabastanti) sa ibidinsiya, The declaration of the witness was enough to make the evidence sufficient.

bastar v [A2; c5] be enough, sufficient. Dílì makabastar (ikabastar) nang kwartáha sa ákung kinahanglanun, That money is not enough for my needs.

bastarda1 v 1 [B; c1] set, be placed across s.t. diagonally. Nagbastarda ang hubug sa dálan, The drunk was lying diagonally across the road. Bastardáha (ibastarda) pagtáud sa rayna ang banda, Put the band diagonally across the queen. 2 [B; c1] be crooked, not straight. Nagbastarda ang linya sa mga kadíti, The cadets’ line is crooked.

*bastarda2 íha di- illegitimate daughter.

bastardu1 a for a course or direction to be off to the side and not directly into. v [B56; a1] be off to one side. Nagbastardu ámung ági tungud sa sulug, Our course was off to one side because of the current.

*bastardu2 íhu di- illegitimate child.

bastid a 1 for a bulb to be burnt out. 2 be out in blackjack. v 1 [A; a12] spurn a suitor (slang). Gibastid si Husi sa íyang gipangulitawhan, The girl Jose is courting spurned him. 2 [B126] for a bulb to burn out. 3 [B126] go over twenty-one in blackjack. Wà ka ba mabastid? Didn’t you go over twenty-one?

bastidur1 = birsu1.

bastidur2 n rounded frame for use in embroidery. v [A1; a] use, make into an embroidery frame.

bastika n the hard core of thick abaca rope which remains when the rope is worn out. Ayaw ilábay ang písì. Magámit pa ang bastika niíni, Don’t throw the rope away. The hard core can still be used.

bastipul = bustipul.

bastiyan n 1 man’s name. 2 euphemism for bastus.

bastruk v [A; a1] strike s.o. with the butt of a gun. Bastrúkun ku siya ning karbin, I’ll strike him with the butt of this carbine.

bastun n 1 walking stick, usually polished and sometimes with carved designs. 2 package, bar, long like a cane. Usa ka bastung sabun, A long bar of soap. Usa ka bastung sigarilyu, A carton of cigarettes. — di San Husi = kilála. v 1 [A; a] use, make into a cane. 2 [A2; a] hit with a cane. 3 [A; a12] make into long bar-shaped cakes or packages. -íru n jailer. v [A1; a12] be a jailer.

bastus1 a acting in a morally reprehensible way. Kabastus, mangílad ug buta, How reprehensible! Cheating a blind man! Nagkalingaw ug isturyag bastus, They were amusing themselves telling dirty stories. [B2; b6] to be morally reprehensible. paka- v [A13; a12] act in a reprehensible way, treat, regard s.o. as reprehensible. Nagpakabastus ka ánang ímung pangitsúra, The way you’re dressed, you look reprehensible.

bastus2 n clubs in the Spanish cards. v [B12; b4(1)] for a club to be drawn. Hibastusan ang ákung karta, I drew a club, or My cards were beaten by a club.

básu n 1 drinking glass. 2 the Virgin Mary (Biblical). Básung ispirituhánun, The Spiritual vessel (of God’s grace). v [a12] make into a drinking glass. binasúan n dance with glasses on the hands and head. v [A3] dance the glass dance.

bas-ug v [A; c] heave a load onto the shoulders. Siya ra ang mibas-ug sa dakung bukag, He heaved the large basket onto his shoulders by himself.

basúka n bazooka. v [A; a] fire a bazooka at.

básul1 v 1 [A2; bc3] blame s.o. for a fault. Mubásul aku nímu, I will blame you. Ang draybir ang gibásul (gibasúlan) sa aksidinti, The driver was blamed for the accident. Unsa may ikabásul nímu nákù nga nagtúman man ku? What are you blaming me for, since I did what you said? 2 [A13; b3] repent, regret having done s.t. Nagbásul kung walà mupadáyun pagtuun, I regretted that I did not continue my studies. Wà kuy kabasúlan sa ákung gibúhat, I did nothing I regret. pag- n repentance. [120]

básul2 n k.o. hairy caterpillar with hair that produces an itchy prick. v [a4b4] have básul on it, be pricked by a básul. Gibásul ang bayábas, The guava tree has caterpillars on it. Hibasulan ku, I was pricked by a básul.

básul3 n whitlow, an inflammation at the edge of the finger- or toenails. v [B126; a4b4] become, have a whitlow. Mabásul nà ug dílì tambálan, That will turn into a whitlow if you don’t put medicine on it. Dì ku makatayip kay gibásul (gibasúlan) ang ákung tudlù, I can’t type because I have an inflammation on my finger.

básun = básin.

basúni n 1 thorn lodged in the flesh. 2 s.t. which causes a sharp emotional pain. Basúni sa ákung dughan ang ímung pag-ayad, It was a thorn in my heart that you spurned my love. v [B3(1)6] for a thorn to be lodged in the flesh. Mubasúni ang tunuk sa tuyum sa ímung tiil, The sea urchin’s thorn will lodge in your foot. Nabasúni sa láwas ang bála, The bullet was lodged in the body.

basúra n 1 garbage. 2 one’s dirty secrets, kept from the public. Nangahúkad ang ílang mga basúra, They washed their dirty linen in public. v [a12] 1 make into a garbage container. 2 [A; c] throw s.t. into the garbage. basurahan n receptacle for garbage.

basuríru n garbage collector. v [B156; a2b] be, make into a garbage collector.

bas-uy n 1 simple stew made of pork flesh and innards, fried in spices and thrown in boiling water, usually prepared at feasts to be given to the helpers. 2 stew made from bananas or tubers boiled in water and sweetened. v [A; a2] make bas-uy.

baswat v [A; a] lift or carry s.t. heavy, usually by holding the bottom. Gibaswat sa nubyu ang nubya padúng sa naghulat nga awtu, The bridegroom carried the bride to the waiting automobile.

basyaw v [B26] for a depressed area to gather water. Mubasyaw (mabasyaw) ang nátad inig-ulan, The yard becomes a pool when it rains. n standing water that gathers on a depressed area.

bat n baseball bat. v [A; a1] bat a ball.

bát1 n butt of a gun. v [A1; a] make a butt.

bát2 = bátir1.

bát3 = balat.

báta1 v [A; a] divide into equal groups or portions for sale. Batáha sa dúsi ka bugkus ang kamunggay, Divide the vegetables into twelve equal bundles. n portion for sale. batabáta v [A; a12] estimate the quantity of s.t. Batabatáha ang íyang pangidarun, Estimate how old she is.

báta2 n woman’s nightgown. — dibanyu bathrobe. v [A; a] wear, make into a nightgown. Dì siya mubáta ug nipis, She won’t wear a flimsy nightgown.

bátà n 1 child. 2 son or daughter. 3 mistress, concubine. 4 bodyguard, protege of s.o. of high rank. Nag-abusar ábi bátà man sa prisidinti, He’s abusive because he’s the president’s protege. — nga lintì tough, ruffian. kanay — attaboy, that’s the way you should be. a 1 young, in the early period of life or growth. Bákang bátà, Young cow, heifer. Matul-id nímung hiwing káhuy kun bátà pa, You can straighten a crooked tree while it’s young. Bátà siyang tan-áwun, She looks very young. 2 a novice in the field. Bátà pa íyang pagkaduktur, He’s still a novice at practicing medicine. 3 for the hour to be early. Bátà pa ang kagabhíun, The night is still young. v 1 [B2; a] get to be young-looking. Mibátà kang tan-áwun niánang sinináa, You look young in that dress. 2 [A12; a12] make s.o. his mistress or protegee. Nakabátà kug mistísa, I had a mistress with a Spanish blood. Matun íyang gibátà, He made a goon into his protege. (→) v 1 [A; a12] rear s.o. from childhood. Gibátà ku ni Tiyù pagkamatay ni Tátay, My uncle took care of me after my father died. 2 [B1; c1] grow up in a certain atmosphere. Nagbatà aku sa kakabus, I grew up in poverty. Bataa (ibatà) siya sa kabuútan, Rear him in an atmosphere of honesty. paka- v [A13; a12] act like, consider, treat like a child. Ayaw ku pakabatáa. Antígu na bítaw ku, Don’t treat me like a baby. I know how already! batàbátà n 1 right-hand man. 2 bodyguard. 3 protege. 4 errand boy, right-hand man. v [A2; a1] request s.o. to run an errand for him. Ibatàbátà ra kug palit ug bínu, Do me a favor and get some wine. batàbatà n younger. v = binátà. batàbataun a 1 childish. 2 fond of children. -in- a acting like a child. v [A; c1] act like a child. Ayawg ibinátà (binatáa) ang ímung sinultihan, Don’t talk in a childish way. Ug binatáan ku níya, mawálà ákung kasukù, When she acts like a little child to me, my anger vanishes. binat-an n way s.o. takes care of children. ka- n childhood friend. ka-an n children. batan-un a young, youthful. Batan-un pa siyang naminyù, He got married while he was still quite young. kabatan-un n 1 the days of one’s youth. Kun handúmun nátù ang átung kabatan-un, When we reminisce about our youth. 2 state of being young. -ut(→) n naughty child, usually used as a term of address. Uy bataut ka, Hey, you naughty boy! a childish [121]in behavior. Dalága ka na piru bataut gihápun, You’re grown-up, but you act like a child. v [B12] become childish.

Bataan n Bataan, a province in Southwestern Luzon. — dí n Bataan Day.

batad n sorghum, k.o. coarse grass used for forage: Andropogon sorghum.

batadbátad n the space between the anus and the genitalia.

bátak v 1 [AB12; a] split s.t. long or break s.t. open; be split, broken open. Nagbátak siyag kawáyan, He is splitting bamboo. Ayaw batáka ang nangkà kay hilaw pa, Don’t split the jackfruit open because it is still unripe. Palakul ang ibátak sa káhuy, Split the wood lengthwise with an axe. 2 [b(1)] pay off debts by splitting coconuts or bamboo. (→) a cracked, broken. Batak ang dakung kaldíru, The large kettle is cracked. -an(→) n board where s.t. is sliced, esp. in circumcisions. l-an(→) n 1 clumps of bamboo from which bamboo stems are usually taken. 2 debt to be paid off by splitting bamboo or coconuts open.

batakan n 1 measuring stick, ruler. 2 principle by which judgment of s.t. is gauged. Ang púlung sa Diyus mauy batakan sa kinabúhì, Our lives are based on the word of God. — nga baláud n basic law, the Constitution.

batakbatak n 1 k.o. frog that croaks very loudly. 2 loquacious person.

batal n hardened part on an otherwise soft or medium-soft surface. Dúnay batal sa abukádu, There was a hard spot in the avocado. Dúnay batal sa kutsun, There was a hard lump in the mattress. Mga batal sa samad, Clots of blood in the wound. v [B6] 1 be s.t. hard in an otherwise soft area. Mibatal ang pistúla sa íyang bulsa, One could feel a hard place in his pocket where his pistol was. 2 be, become brazen. Mibatal (nabatal) na ning náwung kug síging pangútang, I have become shameless from constantly borrowing money. — ang náwung a shameless, hardened to insults. pa- v [A; b6(1)] stay put, refuse to move or budge from a position. Nagpabatal lang siya sa íyang gilingkúran bísag gipasíbug, He did not budge from his seat even when he was asked to move a little. -an n flat floor of wood or stone raised above the ground found at the back of the kitchen, used for storing water jars, and washing. It usually has steps going down. v [A; c1] make, add a batalan.

bataliyun = batalyun.

batalya n 1 battle. 1a fight (humorous usage). 2 soldiers arrayed for battle. 3 any large group of persons going s.w. or grouped together. v [A13] have a fight, conflict, or battle. Kasayu ninyung nagbatalya ganína, How early you were at it this morning! -dur(→) a one who fights for principles, causes, etc. Batalyadur kaáyu nang bayhána, That woman is a great fighter.

batalyun n battalion. v [a2] make into a battalion.

*batánas way — ill-bred, no manners (euphemism for way batásan).

batang1 n = apáli.

batang2, bátang1 v [A; c] lie prostrate. Nagbatang na ang masakitun ug pila ka búlan sa banig, The patient has been bed-ridden for several months. Ibatang ang ímung láwas sa baybáyun, Lie down on the beach. v 1 [A; c1] keep still without moving. Ipabatang (pabatanga) ímung tuu, suntuk sa wala, Keep your right arm in place and hit with your left. 2 stay in a place permanently. Pabatangun ku nímu dinhi hangtud sa hangtud? Will you make me stay in this place forever? 3 stick around s.w. without doing anything. Nagpabatang ka dihà nga daghan man tag trabáhu? Why are you sitting around there doing nothing when there is so much to do? pa-(←) n k.o. longline fishing, usually for sharks.

bátang2 n log. tulud — see tulud.

bat-ang = balat-ang.

batangbátang n hook of an earring.

batanggas n things that originate in the province of Batangas. 1 jackknife. 2 a breed of chicken popularly used in cockfighting because of its remarkable strength and fierceness. v [A1; b6] stab with, make into a jackknife.

batangginya n native of the province of Batangas (female). v [B126] be, become a Batangueña.

bátas v [A; a] 1 cut down bamboo poles. 2 split bamboo poles. 3 [b(1)] pay off a debt by splitting or cutting down bamboos. Ákù lang batásan ning ákung útang nímu, I’ll pay off my debt to you by cutting bamboos down.

batásan n 1 custom, usual way of acting. Batásan námung mangadyì únà mangáun, It’s our custom to pray before eating. 2 one’s manners, way of dealing with s.o. Maáyung batásan, Good way of dealing with people. Way batásan, Having no manners. v [A23; c1] make doing s.t. a habit. Nabatásan na sa mga kutsíru ang pagpílì sa ílang sakay, The rig drivers have gotten into the habit of choosing their passengers. Ibatásan (batasánun) ku sa ákung mga anak ang kamatinahúrun, I will train my children to be respectful. [122]paN- n proper behavior, the social conventions. Pamatásan sa mga militar ang pagsaludar, Saluting is a part of military courtesy. n set of customs.

bátaw = bulay.

batáyan n a bird trap made of bamboo with a bait or bird decoy. The bird is caught when it alights on the trigger mechanism which snaps a noose as the bird perches on it. v [a] make into a batáyan. paN- v [A2; a] catch birds with a batáyan.

batbat v [A; c1] relate or describe an event in detail. Batbáta (ibatbat) sa hukmánan ang ímung nasaksihan, Explain to the court what you saw.

bathálà n 1 God. Makagagáhum ang (si) Bathálà, God is all powerful. 2 a god. Ang salapì nahímung bathálà álang kaníya, Money became his god. v [c1] worship like a god. Ikaw ang ákung bathaláun (ibathálà) hangtud sa hangtud, I will worship you like a god forever. paka- v [A13; a12] act like a god, treat like a god. Ángay nga pakabathaláun ang bána sa asáwa, It is only right that a wife treat her husband like a god. Culu- n false gods, idols. v [A; a] worship false gods.

bathay v [B3(1)46N; b6] s.t. which appears prominently on part of one’s body. Mibathay (namathay) ang ugat sa íyang agtang, Veins stood out prominently on his forehead.

batì a 1 inferior in quality. Ayaw pagpalit ug sinínang batì, Don’t buy clothes which are inferior in quality. 2 ugly (derisive). Batig dagway, Ugly in face. v 1 [B; a2] for s.t. to get to be of poor quality. Mabatì ang lamì sa tinúlang isdag kaugmaan, Fish stew develops a bad flavor if you keep it till the following day. 2 [B; a1] get to be ugly. Mauy nakabatì (nakapabatì) sa átung syudad ning mga balungbálung, These shacks are what makes our city ugly.

bátì1 v 1 [A23; a12] feel s.t., have symptoms of a sickness. Dì ka mubátig kasakit íning dagúma, You won’t feel anything from this needle. Gibátì ba nímu ang kahapdus? Did you feel the pain? 2a [a4] feel s.t. that affects the whole body. Gibátì siya ug katugnaw, She felt cold. 2b be sensitive to, emotionally disturbed by. Batíun kug kamíngaw, I feel lonely. 3 [A123S; a2b2] hear. Dì siya makabatì kay bungul, He cannot hear because he is deaf. Nabátì níya ang dahúnug sa litì, He heard the rumbling sound of the thunder. Hingbatian kung ílang panagsulti, I overheard their conversation. 4 [A23] sympathize with. Mubátì sa ímung kalisud ang ímung kadúgù, Your kin will sympathize with you in your hardship. a audible. Bátì kaáyu sa ámù ang ímung katáwa, We can clearly hear your laughter from our house. (→) v [A13; a12] be in labor. Nagbatì na siya. Dad-a sa matirniti, She’s in labor. Bring her to the clinic. Hináut nga láki nang íyang gibatì, I hope it’s a boy she is in labor with. paN- v 1 [a1] perceive s.t. through physical sensation. Pamatía ang ákung pulsu, Feel my pulse. 2 [A2S; a] listen. Wà ka ba mamátì sa ákung sulti? Weren’t you listening to my story? Pamatíun ta ning plakáha, Let’s listen to this record. n 1 feeling, state of the body. Láin ang ákung památì karun, I feel rather unwell today. 2 opinion. Unsay památì mu báhin niánà? What is your opinion about that? paniN- = paN-, 2. pabatìbátì v 1 [A; ac] say s.t. bad within s.o.’s earshot. Pabatìbatíun ku níyag mga púlung nga pahiubus, He says hurting words within my hearing. 2 say or ask for s.t. by hints with indirection. Mupabatìbátì siya nímu kay nakagustu siya sa ímung rilu, He will give you hints (lit. let you overhear) because he likes your watch. -in- n a beloved person. Binátì nga asáwa, Beloved wife. -l-an n 1 feelings, sensitivities. Gisamáran mung ákung balatían, You hurt my feelings. 2 sickness. Balatían nga tísis, The sickness of T.B. ma-in-un a sympathetic, showing one’s sufferings. pag- n feelings toward s.o.†

bátì2 n 1 hog cholera, a deadly disease affecting pigs. 2 by extension, fowl cholera. v [a4] be infected with hog cholera.

batibáti v [A; a2] do s.t. severely and repeatedly to s.o. Akuy nagbatibáti ug kuláta sa kawatan, I rained blows on the thief. Pastilan níyang nakabatibáti ug kasábà, My! How mercilessly she scolded them! Gibatibáti silag dril, They were drilled mercilessly.

batid a skilled, having specialized training. Batid kaáyu siya sa makina, He’s an expert on engines. v [AB12; a2] get to be an expert or a specialist. Akuy mibatid (mipabatid) níya sa pangisdà, I made him an expert in fishing. paka- v [A13] make oneself expert in. Nagpakabatid ku sa pyánu, I made myself expert in piano playing.

batíis n 1 leg, esp. the lower leg. 2 legs of pants. v [A; c1] make a leg for toys, trousers, etc. Kining bulpin ang batiísun (ibatíis) sa munyíka, Make these ballpoint pens into the legs for your doll. hiN- v [A; b] wash s.o.’s legs. Himatiísi ang bátà, Wash the child’s legs. panghiN- v [A1; b] wash one’s legs. Manghimatíis ku únà matúlug, [123]I’ll wash my legs before I go to bed. -un a having good strong legs.

batikan, batíkan a for a person to be famous. Ang batíkang aktur sa mga lílas dramátik, The famous movie actor. v [B2; c1] become famous.

Batikánu n Vatican.

batikubra n k.o. snake.

batikúla n crupper, part of saddle or harness which goes around the tail. v [A; c1] put on, make into a crupper.

batikúlun n 1 gizzard, the second stomach of a bird. 2 stomach (humorous usage). Dì musakit ang batikúlun kug musugut kag sa dílì, It won’t bother my stomach (lit. gizzard) whether you accept me or not.

batil1 n full-bodied cargo boat without outriggers. It moves by means of a sail or an engine.

batil2 v [A; a] beat or whip eggs, cream, etc. Batila ang sikwáti úsà iságul, Whip up the chocolate before mixing it in. Tubag batilan sa tungug, sa úlu námù makahúngug, Toddy with mangrove bark mixed into it goes to the head. n utensil for beating.

batimbátim = batinbátin2.

bátin1 n k.o. hide and seek played by teams. v [A12C2; b6] play bátin. batinbátin1 = bátin1.

bátin2 v [A; ac2] call a pig. Batína ang bábuy arun kalawgan, Call the pigs so I can feed them. n the call or summons for a pig. -an, -an(→) n s.t. beaten to call pigs.

batinbátin2 n fruit of fruiting trees or vegetables in the early stages of formation. Daghan nang mga batinbátin ang mangga, There are lots of young fruits on the mango tree. v [A; b6] grow into young fruits. Mibatinbátin na ang mga búnga sa tsíkus, The sapodilla fruits have made their appearance now.

báting v [A1; a] go swimming. Magbáting ta sa Talísay, Let’s go bathing in Talisay. — sut, siyut n bathing suit. san — v [A1; b6] take a sunbath.

batingaw n k.o. mousetrap with a trigger mechanism that snaps. v 1 [A; a] catch with a mousetrap. 2 [A2; c1] make into a mousetrap.

batinggílan = batinggúlan. see batinggul.

batinggul a headstrong, stubborn, not listening to advice. -an a = batinggul. v [B12; b6] get to be stubborn. ka-an n stubbornness.

bátir1 n 1 baseball bat. 2 one at bat. 3 one’s turn in batting. v [A; a1] strike with a bat.

bátir2 n butter. v [A3; c] put butter on.

batiri, batiríya n battery. v [A; a] use a battery, put a battery in.

batirplay urkids n k.o. orchid.

batirul n tall pot made of clay or metal for cooking chocolate. v [A; b6] cook in the chocolate pot. -in- v [A; c1] put one’s hands on the hips like the handle of a chocolate pot. Nagbinatirul siyag bantay sa nagtrabáhu, She stood with her hands on her hips while she watched the workers. n medium-sized fish corral in the shape of a chocolate pot, put in 1 to 3 fathoms of water.

batis n batiste, a fine, thin linen or muslin.

batiwtiw n tailor bird, the song of which is popularly said to be, ‘Dakug putus’, ‘Having a large penis’: Orthotomus atrogularis.

batiyà n a shallow and wide basin usually with a crumpled side for laundry. v [a1] make this sort of wash basin.

batsi1 n potholes in streets. v [B2; c1] for roads to have potholes, make potholes. Mubatsi (mabatsi) ang kalsádag síging lunúpan, A road that gets flooded will get full of potholes. batsihun a full of potholes.

batsi2 (slang, from sibat) v 1 [A2; c] get out of s.t., run away. Mibatsi si Títù sa íyang buluhatun, Tito bugged out of the chores. Nakabatsi ang mamumúnù sa prisuhan, The prisoner escaped from the jail. Batsíhan pa nà nímung ímung asáwa, If you just run away from your wife. Ákung ibatsi ang ákung trátu, I will run away with my girl friend. 2 [A; ac1] steal, get s.t. by foul or illegal means. Si Pilu ang mubatsi sa ilimnun, Pilo will steal the drinks.

batsíhì n k.o. edible marine nerite snails.

batsilyir n 1 B.A. degree. 2 one who holds the B.A.

batu1 n 1 rock, stone, pebble. 2 precious stone, kidney stone. 3 s.t. that has hardened. Batu na ang kukakúla, The coca-cola has frozen solid now. 4 piece used in a game of checkers, chess, sungkà, or any game that uses pieces. 5 flint in a lighter. 6 -ng búhì n k.o. stone which is heavy, compact, hard, whitish, and which pops when heated. v 1 [B; a1P] harden into stone. Ayaw paulani ang simintu kay mubatu nà, Don’t expose the cement to the rain because it will harden. Batuhun pagpagáhì ang balikutsa, Let the coconut candy harden like stone. 2 [AP; a2P] a stand stock-still like a stone. Mubatu (mupabatu) man lang ug sugúun, He just stands there when he’s told to do s.t. b harden oneself to s.t. Nabatu na ang nawung niánang bayhána, That woman has become hardened to insults. 3 [A; c] put a stone in jewelry. Úpal ang ibatu sa singsing, Use opal for a stone in your ring. 4 [A; b] [124]put as an anchor or sinker. Batuhi ug dakù, Use a big stone for sinker. 5 [b6(1)] put a flint in a lighter. — baláni n magnet, lodestone. v [B12; a1] become a magnet, impart magnetic force to s.t. batubalaníhun a magnetizing. Batubalaníhung pahiyum, A magnetic smile. (←) v 1 [A; b5] to throw stones at. Batúun (batúan) nátù ang irung búang, Let’s stone the mad dog. 2 [A; a] line, pave s.t. with stones. Batúhi ang karsáda, Pave the road with stones. n the action of stoning. paN- n 1 anchor, sinker. 2 anchor man in a relay. Si Grig ang ílang pamatu (pangbatu) sa lumbà, Greg is their anchor man in the relay. 3 a person who can be relied upon in emergencies, the best bet in a contest. 4 spending money. Náa bay pamatu nímu? Do you have any money to spend? v [c1] 1 use or make as anchor or sinker. 2 be anchor man, best bet. 3 use for spending money. batubátu n 1 anchor. 2 sinker on a fishing line. 3 stone used for artificial jewelry. v [A; c1] 1 put, use as a sinker. Batubatúhan ang iring nga lumsan, Put a sinker on the cat you are going to drown. 2 pelt with stones. 3 put in a stone in fancy jewelry. -in- n k.o. úbi that is firm and round or oval-shaped. batuun a 1 full of rocks, stones. 2 pimply-faced. 3 fruits of seeds or hardened parts.†

batu2 v [A; a2] borrow money, buy s.t., usually basic commodities, on credit. Mubatu kug duha ka gantang bugas, I’ll buy two gantas of rice on credit. Magbatu kug kinyintus kang Dun Pakítu kay magbáy ku, I’ll borrow five hundred pesos from Don Paquito to build my house.

batúan n good-sized basket of any shape, but shallow, usually loosely woven, with no cover, used as a container for farm produce. v [A12; a1] make or use a batúan.

batubára n boom, a spar extending along the bottom of the sail attached to the mast. v [A; ac1] make into, attach a boom of this sort.

batud n k.o. fish.

bátud n grub of a coconut beetle (bakukang). v [a4] 1 be infested with bátud. 2 be crazy. Gibátud ka dihà? Are you crazy?

bátug1 v [A2S; b6] 1 perch on s.t., alight to perch. Mibátug ang tulábung sa bukubuku sa kábaw, The heron landed on the carabao’s back. Ang panan-aw ni Husi didtu magbatug sa gwápang babáyi, Joseph let his gaze rest on the beautiful woman. Tabúning pagkáun arun dì batúgan sa lángaw, Cover the food or the flies will get on it. 2 for children to go home at supper time. Uy! Památug na mu! Urasiyun na, Hey! You kids go home now. It’s time for prayers.

bátug2 = bat-ug.

bat-ug n k.o. barracuda.

bátuk1 against, versus. Ang áway ni Balug bátuk Di Liyun, The fight of Balug versus De Leon. Tambal bátuk sa sip-un, A medicine against colds. v 1 [A23C12; b(1)] oppose. Dì aku mubátuk sa ákung mga labaw, I will not oppose my superiors. Ayaw batúki ang pagbuut sa ímung ginikánan, Don’t oppose the wishes of your parents. 2 [A; b] respond to a hurt by being cold or silent to the perpetrator. Dílì maáyung magbátuk sa ginikánan kun kasab-an, It’s no good to feel resentment against your parents if they scold you. ma-in-un a resentful, tending to respond to slights by coldness.

bátuk2 n a small area different in color or texture from the background. Ang irù dúnay itum nga bátuk sa masigkakílid, The dog has a black spot on either side. v [A; a] dye s.t.

bátuk3 = balalátuk.

batul1 a 1 for smooth or soft surfaces to have hard spots. 2 hard, brazen in character. v 1 [B4] get to have rough spots. Nagkabátul man ning manggáha, This mango is full of hard spots. 2 [B3N] get to be hard or brazen in character. Mibátul ang íyang nawung, She got to be shameless. Nagkabatul na ang kasingkásing níya, Her heart is becoming hardened.

batul2 n k.o. seaweed.

bátul1 n 1 = bátud. 2 = básul2. 3 slow-moving or slow-witted person. v = bátud, v.

bátul2 v [a4] 1 for everything to go wrong at once. Gibátul ning ákung pagkabutang. Nabuthan ku ug nahutdan pug gasulína, Everything has been going haywire. I got a flat and ran out of gasoline. 2 be crazy. Gibátul ka nga sagúlan nímug tubà ang kapi? Have you gone crazy mixing palm toddy into the coffee?

bat-ul n hard lumps found in fleshy fruits. v [a4] for fruits to get lumps in them. Gibat-ul ang ságing, The bananas have lumps in them. ka- v [A13] be full of lumps. Nagkabat-ul ang mangga, The mangoes are full of lumps.

batulang = batúan.

batun1 v 1 [A1; b(1)] have or possess s.t. Nagbatun siya ug dakung hibalu, He is deeply learned. Ayaw batuni ang pagdumut, Do not nurse your hatred. 2 [A; b(1)] have a servant. Nakabatun kamig kiriwan kaáyu, We had a thieving servant. 3 [A; b(1)] take [125]care of s.t. Kinsay mibatun sa bátà pagkapíang niíni? Who was looking after the child when he broke his leg? Batuni kinig maáyu kay handumánan ni nátù, Take good care of this because it is a souvenir. 4 [AN; b(1)] raise and take care of s.o. else’s domesticated animal for a consideration, usually for half the offspring. Siyay namatun sa ákung anay, He raised my sow for half the litter. -in-an n servant. v [B1256] become a servant. binatnan n 1 animal raised for s.o. 2 foster child.

batun2 n baton. v [A; b] 1 conduct an orchestra, choir, etc. Inig-áwit ninyu, ákung batunan, When you sing, I’ll conduct. 2 [A; a] make into a baton.

batung n net used for trapping animals by placing it across the path or dropping it over the animal. (←), batung v 1 [A1; ab2] trap animals with a net. Batunga ninyu ang bakatin, Catch the wild pig in a trap. 2 [A; ab2] make into a net trap.

bátung = balátung.

batúnis = butúnis.

bátus n 1 claquer, a person or group of persons hired to clap or root. Mga bátus kadtung namakpak níya, Those who applauded for him were paid claquers. 2 follower, person who defends s.o. or is on his side. Wà dihà ang tanang bátus sa bágis, Not all the ruffian’s followers were there. 3 underlings, protege of a politician. Bátus siya sa mayur, He is one of the mayor’s boys. v 1 [B56; a12] be, make into claquer, defender, protege of a politician.

bat-us n stomach discomfort due to overeating. v [A3P] 1 cause stomach discomfort. 2 [a4] suffer from over-satiation. Kun gibat-us ka ligdan ug gantang, If you feel discomfort from overeating, roll a quart jar over your stomach.

batúta n 1 baton. 2 policeman’s billy. 3 penis (slang). v 1 [A; b] conduct an orchestra. 2 [a12] make into, strike with a nightstick or baton.

batuwang n = batúan.

batuytuy n k.o. conch.

batwan n k.o. small tree of the secondary forest.

batwánun = balatwánun.

batyà = batiyà.

batyag v 1 [A; b8] notice, be aware of s.t. Wà ku makabatyag sa ulan kay nahinánuk aku, I didn’t notice the rain because I was sound asleep. Nabatyagan ku siya nga milabay dinhi, I noticed him passing by here. 2 [A3P] make s.o. aware. Ang paghut sa irù nakabatyag (nakapabatyag) kanákù nga dinhay misulud, The dog’s barking made me aware that s.o. had come in. 3 [A2N; a12Nb2] have physical sensations. Mubatyag ka gánì sa kutukutu mu, risulta na nà sa ínum, If you feel pain in the pit of your stomach, it’s the result of drinking. Pamatyágun (batyágun) nímu ang kasakit unyà, You will feel the pain later. n feeling, sensation. Pamatyag sa kaluud, A sensation of vomiting.

bau n land or fresh-water turtle. paN- v [A2; b6] catch turtles. Mamau ta sa humayan, Let’s catch turtles in the rice fields. baúhay, baúay Mr. Turtle (in stories).

baubau n k.o. bug infesting squash, bright red in color, about a centimeter long.

báud = baláud.

baug1 v [A; a1] spank, whip to discipline. Gibaug sa kutsíru ang kabáyù, The rig driver beat the horse.

baug2 a 1 for eggs to be addled or old. 2 for a house to be no good. Baug nga balay, A ramshackle house. 3 sterile, incapable of producing offspring. v 1 [B; b6] for eggs to get old and addled. Ayawg ug-úga ang itlug. Mabaug unyà, Don’t shake the eggs. They’ll get addled. 2 [B16; b4] be, become incapable of producing offspring. (←)1 v 1 [B126] for an infection to putrify. Nabáug ang íyang hubag, His boil putrified. 2 = búug.

báug2 v [B6; a4] be constipated. Mabáug (mubáug) ang bátà ug hidaghanag painum ug sikwáti, A child will get constipated if it drinks too much chocolate. Gibáug aku, I’m constipated.

baul1 n cultivated dry field. Gidáru nákù ang baul, I plowed the field. v [A1; a2] engage in farming, cultivate a field. Baulun nákù ang pátag, I’ll cultivate the plain. binal-an, -in-an n 1 parcel of land cultivated for farming. Kakugnan na karun ang binal-an (binaulan) níya kanhi, Thick cogon grass is growing in what used to be his farmland. 2 products from one’s farm. 3 way of farming. kabal-anan n farmlands. mag-r-(←) n farmer. paN-, paniN- n farming. Ang pamaul (panimaul) mauy kasagárang pangítà dinhi, Most of the people here live by farming.

baul2 n trunk. — mundu n trunk with an arched top.

baul3, bául a 1 out of shape, poorly proportioned. Bául ug nawung, Having an ill-proportioned face. 2 not resonant in sound. Bául nang sistáhag tíngug, That guitar has a poor sound. v [B1; b6] become ill-proportioned or of poor resonance. Nabául ang lamísang íyang gihímù, dakug tiil, The table he made turned out ugly. It had such big legs. see also pamául. [126]

baulu = bahuulu.

báung n drinking cup made of a half of a coconut shell. v [a12] make a báung.

baungun, baúngun = buluungun.

báus n severe inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin. v [b6] have a severe groin inflammation of this sort.

baut v [A; a12] keep s.o. beaten in a game without allowing him a chance to win back. Bautun tikaw sa tsís arun mutagam ka, I won’t let you win a single chess game so you’ll learn your lesson.

báut1 v [B123] get satisfaction, convinced. Walà ku mubáut sa íyang pangatarúngan, I was unconvinced by his reasoning. Dílì ku mabáut hangtud makabunal ku níya, I will not be satisfied until I can give him a beating.

báut2 if only [such-and-such] a thing had happened. Báut mibálik pa, dílà ra untay way labud, If only he had come back. He would have gotten it. (Lit. The only thing that would have escaped my pummeling would have been his tongue.) Báut pag napalit nákù tung yutáa, dátù na tà ku, If only I had bought that land, I would be rich now.

báut3 = gipakaingun (dialectal). see ingun1.

baúu = bau.

báwang n 1 k.o. red onion, the size of a marble used medicinally and as a spice. 2 garlic bulb. 3 triangular-shaped firecracker, of greater intensity than the ordinary firecracker.

báwas a [b7c] deduct s.t. from s.t. Bawási nang túbig sa táru, Remove some of the water in the can.

bawbaw1 = balawbaw, 2. v [c1] place the gaff higher on a fighting cock so as to give the opponent an advantage. — sa tuu fighting with a special gaff on the right to give the opponent an advantage.

bawbaw2 = balbal.

bawbu n k.o. tree.

bawhag a 1 doing things unthinkingly. Bawhága níyang milabang sa dálan way lingìlíngì, How careless of her to cross the street without looking to the right or left. 2 unthinking in speech. Bawhága nímu, magpalumaluma ka mag sáad, You talk too much. You make promises you can’t possibly fulfill. Bawhága nímu. Nabungat tu nímu nga wà tà tu siya kahibalu, How careless of you. You let it slip out when he wouldn’t have even known about it. v [B] be unthinking in what one does.

bawhinya n orchid trees, small or ornamental trees of the genus bauhinia, bearing flowers resembling orchids.

báwì v [A; a2] 1 take back s.t. lent or given. Ug dì ka mubáwì sa ímung gisulti, If you don’t take back what you said. Dì na mabáwì kay binayran, You can’t get it back because it’s been paid for. Gibawían ang saup sa íyang uma, The tenant had his land repossessed on him. 2 save, deliver (Biblical). Bawíun mu kami sa mga panulay, Deliver us from evil. (→) v 1 [A2; a12] recoup one’s losses, recover one’s investment. 2 [A; ac] recompense, make up for s.t. Way makabawì sa ímung salà kanákù, Nothing can make up for the wrong you have done me. Bawia ang ímung kalaksut pinaági sa kabuútan, Compensate for your ugliness by being nice. Kining kwarta ibawì sa ímung giantus, This money is to compensate for your sufferings. 3 [AB236; c1] bring s.t. back onto course by pulling it in the opposite direction; get back on course. Aku ang mibawì sa manubíla, I turned the steering wheel to the opposite direction to get the car on course. Ug dílì mubawì ang barútu, If the boat doesn’t right itself. Inigkíling sa sakayan ibawì (bawia) sa tuu, When the boat tilts, pull it to the right.

báwis n k.o. fish.

bawkag = balúkag.

bawnsir n bouncer. v [B136; a1] be, make into a bouncer.

bawnus = balúnus.

bawtismu n baptism. v [A; b6] baptize s.o.

bawù = balù2, 3.

baw-u n dish made of stewed lean meat cooked dry in a pan over fire and constantly stirred so that it comes out like pieces of string in a bunch. v [A; a] make baw-u.

bawud = balud.

bawug = balug. bawugbáwug n piece of pliant bamboo used as lever for a bucket used to draw water. v [A; b6] make into a bamboo lever of this sort, put such a lever on a well.

bawugbug = balugbug.

báwuk = báluk.

bawukbáwuk = báluk.

báwun = bálun.

bawunas = balúnas.

báwund v [A; a1] bind s.t. into a book.

bawungbáwung = balungbálung.

bawungkut n k.o. brown turban shell, the delphinula snail.

bawúnù n k.o. mango tree: Mangifera caesia.

bawúnus = balúnus.

báwut a evenly matched. v [C2] be evenly matched. Báwut kaáyu ang duha ka intranti sa banggà, The two contestants [127]were very evenly matched. walay — unevenly matched. Walay báwut ug kanà ipárang sa ákù, They’re poorly matched if you set that one off against mine.

bay n see abay.

báy = balay.

bayà1 1 particle giving an admonitary tone. a with an imperative: make sure that, better do. Hinumdumi bayà, You’d better remember. Sigurúa bayà ha, Make sure you do it! b with a statement: watch out. Mamáak bayà nà, Watch out! He bites. Ikaw bayà ang nanghilabut, ayaw pamasángil, You touched it. Don’t try to make excuses. c = bayáay. 2 particle with a statement or exclamation: [so-and-so] is different than it should be. Tiawtíaw ka bayà, You’re joking, though you shouldn’t be. Bayà, nagbinátà ka dihà, Hmm, you’re acting like a child. Kabuútan bayà nímu, How good of you, but you shouldn’t have. Bayang kusúga níyang midágan, mu rag unsáun siya, God! How he ran away. As if I were going to do s.t. to him. ‘Panginum mu áning kúk, u.’—‘Busug pa bayà ku, bay,’ ‘Here, drink this coke.’—‘No thanks, I’m still full.’ 3 why should that be the case when ... Wà nay bugas? Nagpalit bayà aku gahápun, There’s no rice? Why? I just bought some yesterday. 4 particle conceding that s.t. is the case which one didn’t think to be so. Nákug dì ka kamaung mulútù. Lamì bayà, I thought you didn’t know how to cook. But I must say it’s good. Pagkadakù bayà sa Manílà, I did not know Manila was this big. -ay(←) particle with a condition: a feared consequence will happen if the condition happens (had happened, were to happen). Bayáay (bayà) na man ug nasakpan pa ta. Prísu giyud, God! If we had been caught. It would have meant jail.

bayà2 v [A; c6] leave s.t. exposed. Mga babáying bigáun nga mubayà sa ílang láwas sa kadaghánan, Lewd women who expose their bodies in public. Kinsa may nagbayà íning asúkar sa lamísa? Who left the sugar uncovered on the table? pa- v [B46; b4(1)] pay s.t. no mind. Mupabayà gánì ka sa ímung nigusyu, maalkansi ka giyud, If you neglect your business, you will surely lose. Pabay-i na lang ang ílang insultu, Don’t pay their insults any mind.

bayábas n guava: Psidium guajava. paN- v 1 [A2; bc] gather guava fruit. Adtu ta sa sapà mamayábas, Let’s gather guavas near the river. 2 [A23C12; c] have sexual intercourse (humorous). Ipamayábas ku ning ákung trátu arun dì makabuwag nákù, I’ll have sexual intercourse with my girl so she won’t break off with me. 3 [A23] monkey around instead of doing s.t. seriously. Mamayábas ning batáa ug sugúun, This child plays around when he is told to do s.t. -an n place where guava trees abound. -in- pidgin, broken language. v [A; c1] speak or write a language this way.

báyad v 1 [A2S3S; b1] pay for s.t. Nagbayad mig kinyintus káda búlan, We paid five hundred a month. Bayran ku lang ug písus ang gantang, I’ll just pay one peso for a ganta. Bayran ku ra siya, I’ll pay him. Pilay ibáyad? How much shall we pay? 2 [A13S; b1] pay a moral debt. Magbáyad ka sa ímung pag-insultu nákù, You’ll pay for your insults to me. n 1 fee, charge. Way báyad ang gamayng bátà, There is no charge for small children. 2 amount which serves as payment. Pilay báyad sa bibingka? How much do we owe for the rice cakes? Báyad sa ímung kaáyu, In return for your goodness. balayranan, balayran, balaydan, balaydanan n things to be paid for. ig-l/r-(→) n amount to be paid. kabayáran n recompense. Ang kwartang nasunud níya kabayáran sa íyang paghágù, The money she inherited was a recompense for her trouble. 2 retribution, punishment. paniN- n just desert. Ang ímung pagkabilanggù panimáyad sa ímung kamaldítu, You got your just deserts when you went to jail. — sa útang a man’s daughter (humorous usage—from the notion that a man pays for his sins against women by what happens to his daughter: if he commits a sin against a woman, the same thing will happen to his daughter as punishment to him). balayrunun (balaydunun, bayrunun) n amount to be paid off. Líbu pang balayrunun ku sa bangku, I still have one thousand pesos to pay off to the bank.

bay-ad v [B3(1); c1] lie on the back. Dì kung katúg ug magbay-ad. Tikungkung giyud, I can’t sleep on my back. I have to curl up. Ayaw bay-ára (ibay-ad) ang halígi sa agiánan, Don’t put the post down in the way.

bayamban = balanban1, 2.

bayanan = balayanan. see balay.

bayang1 v [AB; bc] go, put s.t. where it is exposed to view or to the elements. Mibayang na siya sa íyang baráha, He has already spread his cards open for everyone to see. Nagbayang sa ulan ang mga bátà, The children were exposed to the rain. Gibayang sa lamísa ang inasal, The roasted pig was placed on the table where everyone could see it. Mabayang sa katilingban ang pulitiku, A politician’s life is exposed to public view. [128]Pagtárug lingkud. Ayaw pagpabayang, Sit properly. Don’t expose yourself to public view. (←)1 v [A; b5] set food on the table. Gibayángan (gibáyang) na ang lamísa, The table has been set.

bayang2 n k.o. marine fish, wide as it is tall.

báyang2 n the flag-raising ceremony (so called from the Tagalog words of the Philippine national anthem: Báyang Magíliw ‘Beloved Country’.) v [A13] hold the flag-raising ceremony.

bay-ang n k.o. tree.

bayang-ang v [A; b6c1] be displayed, exposed to others’ eyes. Dílì maáyung tan-áwun ang dalága ug mubayang-ang lang paglingkud, dílì manapu, It’s unbecoming for a young lady to sit down carelessly without covering her front. Bayang-ánga (ibayang-ang) ang ímung tinda, Lay out all the items for sale.

bayangbáyang n k.o. small round-shaped marine fish.

bayáni n hero. v [B16; b6] be a hero. bayaníhun a heroic.

bay-ansil n small-scale business of buying and reselling, usually elsewhere, with a profit. v [A] engage in this business.

báyas n 1 bias, a cut diagonal to the cloth. 2 piece of cloth cut diagonally about 1½″ wide to be used as facing. — tip a prepared cloth tape for facing necklines, armholes, or hems. v [A; a] cut cloth diagonally, cut a bias tape. Bayása ang kwilyu sa ákung sinínà, Cut the collar of my dress diagonally.

bayat a 1 worn-out, dilapidated, esp. clothes. 2 poor in quality. 3 slovenly in dress. Bayat ang ákung pamisti run kay magtrabáhu man ku sa uma, I’m slovenly dressed because I am going to work in the field. 4 mentally slow, stupid. Kabayat. Dúgay kaáyu nga nakat-un, How dull he is. It took him forever to catch on. 5 sluggish, slow-moving. 6 poor in doing things. Bayat kaáyu nang musiyat, He is a poor shot. (←) v [B2; b6] 1 for things to get worn out and dilapidated. Nabáyat (mibáyat) na lang ning ákung sapátus sa pagkanúnayng gináwì, My shoes have become ragged and worn-out from constant use. Nagkabayat na ang ílang payag, Their shack is gradually falling into ruin. 2 be poor in quality. Mabayat (mubayat) giyud nang ímung trabáhug ímung kiátan, Your work will turn out shoddy if you go about it carelessly. 3 be slovenly. 4 get to be dull, stupid. 5 get to be sluggish, slow-moving. 6 get to be unskilled in doing things. kabayatbayat v [A13] be hard put to do s.t. because of the large number of things that have to be done at once. Nagkabayatbayat mig panghípus sa wà pa muabut ang mga bisíta, We were in a dither trying to clean up before the visitors arrived.

bayaw n brother-, sister-in-law. v 1 [A12] get for a brother- or sister-in-law. 2 [c] be brothers- and sisters-in-law. Dì ku gustung makigbáyaw níya kay palahúbug siya, I don’t want to have him as a brother-in-law because he’s a drunkard. 3 [a12] make s.o. a brother- or sister-in-law.

báyaw v [APB236; c1] raise, rise into the air. Ang hánging kusug mauy nagbáyaw (nagpabáyaw) sa papil, The strong wind blew the papers into the air. Dì makabáyaw dáyun ning tabanúga, This kite won’t soar up right away. Ang pagbáyaw ni Kristu, The ascension of Christ. Ibáyaw (bayáwa) ang túung kamut sa baksir, Raise the boxer’s right hand. n elevation of the host in the mass.

bayáyat a 1 slovenly in dress or appearance. 2 dilapidated, worn-out. Balay nga bayáyat, A dilapidated house. v [B; b6] 1 get slovenly in dress. Nagkabayáyat na karun ang íyang pamisti nga naminyù na siya, She has become slovenly in her manner of dressing now that she’s married. 2 get worn-out or dilapidated. Mubayáyat (mabayáyat) ang sapátus ug sigíhag sul-ub, The shoes will get all worn-out if you keep wearing them.

baybay1 n beach. paN- v [A2; b6] 1 go along the beach. Namaybay ug lawig ang bapur, The boat sailed close to the shore. 2 = pamalaybay. see balaybay. -un = baybay. kabaybayúnan n seashores.

baybay2 = bábay.

bayhun n 1 carriage, bearing of a person. Gikaibgan kung ambúngan níyang bayhun, I admire his handsome posture. 2 gait in walking. 3 outline, appearance of s.t. Makítà gíkan sa lungsud ang bayhun sa payag ibábaw sa bungtud, The outline of the shack on the top of the hill is visible from the town. 4 having the form of (Biblical usage). Ang láwas ug dugù ni Kristu sa bayhun sa pán ug bínu, The flesh and blood of Christ in the form of bread and wine. v [AN; c6] swing the arms in walking. Ibayhun ímung paglakaw, Walk swinging your arms. paN- n 1 way of walking. Ilhan ta ka bisag layù sa ímu lang pamayhun, I know you from afar by your carriage. 2 appearance.

bayi n 1 female animal or plant. 2 descriptive term given to plants, where the same name is given to different species or varieties. The smoother and usually larger variety or species [129]is described as bayi whereas the thornier or smaller variety is called laki ‘male’. Kudyapà nga bayi, The smooth kudyapà (Amaranthus viridis) as opposed to the kudyapà nga laki, the armed kudyapà (Amaranthus spinosus). (←) human female. Báyi ákung anak, My baby is a girl. bayhána particular, exclamatory woman. Patyun ta ka bayhána (babayhána) ka, I’ll kill you, you woman. Kinsang bayhána (babayhána)? Which woman? v [B1256; c1] turn out to be a girl. Ug mabáyi, átù siyang nganlag Ána, If she turns out to be a girl, we’ll call her Anna. babáyi n 1 woman. 2 = báyi. babayhána = bayhána. -ng búhat a woman of proper deportment. Dílì muláag ang babáying búhat, A lady doesn’t roam about. 3 mistress. Gipusil sa asáwa ang babáyi sa íyang bána, The wife shot her husband’s mistress. v 1 = báyi, v. 2 [A12; a12] have, make into a mistress. paba-(←) v [A1] fool around with women. pama- v [A2] take a mistress. Gastúsu kining mamabáyi ta, It’s expensive to keep a mistress. hima-, hiN- a fond of women. panghima- v [A13] chase after women. binabáyi, binabayi a 1 effeminate. Binabáyi siyag panlíhuk, He is effeminate in his motions. 2 — nga ulan lingering drizzle. 3 cock with hen-like feathers. 4 adapted for a woman’s use. Bisiklítang binabayi, A woman’s bicycle. v [A; c1] do s.t. like a woman. Nagkabayù ug binabáyi, Riding sidesaddle. Binabayha (ibinabáyi) ímung tingug, Make your voice sound like a woman’s. makiba-(←) = hima-, a. babayin-un a = binabáyi, 1, 2. bayin-an, babayin-an, tagbayin-an, tagbabayin-an, tagbayi n people on a bride’s side in a marriage. kababayin-an n women as a group. Dì makabutar ang kababayin-an, The women cannot vote. baláyi n parents of one’s children-in-law. v [C] be in the baláyi relation, parents of children that married each other. binaláyi n daughter-in-law. v [A12; a12] make, get as daughter-in-law. pamaláyi v [A2; b] ask a girl’s hand from her parents. Kinsa may dakung táwu sa ímung pamaláyi? When you asked for her hand in marriage, who was the spokesman? Gipamay-an na siya, S.o. has already asked for her hand in marriage. babayíru = himabáyi.†

bayibáyi1 n bayingbaying.

bayibáyi2 n shin. v [a12] hit in the shins. Nahitakingking siya kay ákung gibayibáyi pagpátid, He hopped in pain when I kicked him in the shins.

bayin v [A; a] bind a book.

bayingbaying n praying mantis.

bayinti number twenty. v see tris for conjugation. bayintihun n 1 twenty-centavo coin, twenty-peso bill. dya- n twenty-peso bill. — únu, dus, trís, etc. n twenty-one, two, three, etc. bayinti dus n twenty-two rifle. bayntisingkuhun n twenty-five cent coin. bayinti utsu a lacking in intelligence (like the month of February which has fewer days than other months. People who are born in February are thought to have a tendency to act foolishly.)

baykarb n sodium bicarbonate.

baykawun, baykawunt n the Viscount aircraft. v [A13P; b6] take a Viscount.

baylákag = balyákag.

baylan n a person supposed to have close and friendly relationships with supernatural beings, evil or good, such that he can deal with them on behalf of other people: he can ask them to bring illness or cure illnesses of any sort, natural or supernatural in cause. He officiates at offerings (diwáta) and at folk weddings and other ceremonies in relation to supernatural beings. v [B156] be, become a baylan.

bayli n dance, ball. v 1 [AC; b1c3] do ballroom dancing. Gibaylíhan (gikabayli) nákù si Rús, I danced with Rose. Dúm kaáyu ang ílang gibaylíhan, The place where they are dancing is very dim. Kining sunatáha maáyung baylíhan, This song is a good one to dance to. 2 [A1; a12] hold a dance. baylíhan, baylihánan n dance hall, floor. -rína n 1 woman fond of, skilled in dancing. 2 taxi dancer. 3 ballerina. v [B16; a12] become skilled in dancing, a ballerina or a taxi dancer.

baylu v 1 [C; ac1] exchange. Magbaylu tag lápis, Let’s exchange pencils. Baylúi ug manuk ang ákung mais, Barter my corn for a chicken. Ayaw ibaylu ang ímung sapátus sa íyang pantalun, Don’t swap your shoes for his pants. 2 [AN; a2] take s.t. with the understanding that one will give it or its equivalent back. Bayluun kung ímung dus písus, I will borrow your two pesos. 3 [A; b6(1)] buy things for immediate household use. Pagbaylu ngadtug sigarilyu, Go buy some cigarettes. n s.t. one borrowed from s.o. else. Ang baylu mung kwarta nákù wà nímu ilisdi, You did not repay the money you borrowed from me. bayluay, baylúay v [C] exchange with one another.

bayna n the sheath of a gaff. v [A; c] 1 sheath the gaff. 2 [a12] make into a sheath.

baytamins n vitamins.

bayu, báyu1 v 1 [A; ab6] beat to a pulp or powder. 2 [A; a1b2] rain blows on s.o. Bayuhun [130]takag ilárun ku nímu, I’ll rain blows on you if you swindle me. -in-(→) n homemade dynamite consisting of a wick, fuse, and gunpowder pounded compactly inside a can or bottle.

báyu2 n a coat coloration of horses: light yellowish tan to a deep reddish brown.

bayùbáyù (from kabáyù) name given to various fish with a diagonal posture in the water or horse-like appearance, esp. pipe fishes.

báyud a discolored, bruised, esp. fruit. v [B; a] for fruit or other crops to become discolored or bruised. Nabáyud ang kamúti nga gibyáan sa ínit, The sweet potatoes became discolored because they were left exposed to the sun. Nagkabáyud ang ákung láwas sa binunalan, My body has become black and blue from being beaten.

bayúdang = bayúrang.

bay-ug v [AB; a] 1 shake, rock s.t. Mubay-ug siya sa dúyan, magdung-ag pa, She rocks the cradle and still has to do the cooking. Nabay-ug ang tibuuk Batanggas pagbutu sa Taal, The whole province of Batangas shook when Taal erupted. 2 shake out of complacency, break the peace and quiet. Nabay-ug ang tibuuk balángay sa balità, The whole village was shaken up by the news. 3 [B12; a1] get bruised, rattled by being rocked or bumped into s.t. Nagkabay-ug ang bábuy sa kataas sa ámung byáhi, The pig was all bruised and shaken after our long journey. Ayawg bay-úga nang mga mangga, Do not bruise the mangoes.

bayugbayug = balukbáluk.

bayugbug = balugbug.

bayukáwi n k.o. smooth climbing bamboo of the forest, woven into baskets: Dinochloa scandens.

bayukbáyuk = balukbáluk.

bayukbuk n natural fertilizer composed of dead leaves and manure. v 1 [A; b] apply compost. 2 [a12] make into compost.

bayukut = alúla.

bayulin n violin. v [A; a2] play, play on the violin. -ista n violinist. v [B1; a12] become, make into a violinist.

bayulit n violet in color. v [B2; c1] be, make violet in color.

bayumbu n movable screen, room divider. v [A; a] put, make into a divider. Bayumbúhan kung ákung kusína, I’ll make a divider for my kitchen.

bayung n 1 adolescent cock. 2 adolescent boy. v [B25; b6] 1 get to be a cockerel. 2 get to be an adolescent boy. bayungbáyung n a pre-adolescent boy.

báyung2 = dáyung.

bayungad a 1 for s.t. long to be bent or sagging. 2 protruding upper lip. v [B] 1 be sagging, bent. Nagbayungad ang bukubuku sa kabáyù sa kabug-at sa karga, The horse’s back is sagging under the heavy load. Nabayungad ang atup tungud sa kabug-at sa sín, The roof is sagging under the weight of the iron sheet. 2 for the upper lip to be protruding in an ungainly way.

bayuníta n bayonet. v [A; ab2] stab with a bayonet. -in- n hunting knife shaped like a bayonet.

bayupsi v [A; b5] take a biopsy.

bayúrang n 1 a k.o. bolo about 22″ long having a straight blade with a straight back which curves down to the blade near the tip. 2 a k.o. bolo around 18″ long with a shallow convex curve two-thirds way to the top edge and upward curve on the bottom edge meeting the top edge in a point.

báyut n 1 sissy. Báyut ka. Nahadluk ug lawàlawà, You’re a sissy because you’re afraid of spiders. 2 male homosexual. Báyut ang ákung kusturíra, My dressmaker is a homosexual. 3 small light plane. v [B126; b6] become sissy or homosexual. paN- v [A2; b6] hire oneself out to a male homosexual. -un(→) a sissyish, effeminate. Bayutun siyang manglihuklihuk, He acts in an effeminate manner. -i 1 = -un(→). 2 nagging, complaining sort. v [B126; b6] be a whining grumbler.

bayuuk, bayúuk n mumps. v [a4b4] be affected with mumps. Dì mabukang ákung bàbà kay gibayuuk ku, I cannot open my mouth because I have mumps. Gibayuukan ang wala kung áping, I have mumps in the left cheek.

bayúus n 1 bud from which a fruit or flower develops. 2 a girl who is about to blossom into full womanhood. v [B] grow buds. Katahum sa búwak nga mubayúus na, How lovely the budding flower is.

baywantikwan n a k.o. bargain sale in which a buyer gets free an extra item of the same class as the thing he buys. v [A13; c6] hold a buy-one-take-one sale. Ibaywantikwan níla ang uld istak arun madispatsar, They are selling their old stock on a buy-one-take-one basis in order to dispose of it.

bi1 1 = ambi. 2 particle coming at the end of sentences expressing a request, meaning ‘please’ a in requesting an action to be done in direction of the speaker. Itudlus ra nang butilya, bi, Hand me that bottle, please. Dad-a ngari bi, Please bring it over here. Dì ku bi, Yes, please (Lit. I don’t want any, [131]let me have it). b in requesting an action to be done for the benefit of the speaker when the speaker is situated close to the person requested. Imakinilya ku ári, bi, Please type this up for me.

bi2 n letter B.

1 (from híbi) expression of teasing to a child to heighten its embarrassment (paghíbì). Bí, dì ka tagáag kindi, Nah, nana nahna, you’re not going to get any candy. 2 expression used in calling goats.

bias n water container made of one internode of a bamboo tube. v [a12] make into a bias.

bíaw v [B; b6] 1 for water to gather s.w. Gibiáwan ámung sílung pagbahà, Our ground floor was filled with water when it flooded. 2 for tears to well up in the eyes. Mga lúhà nga nabíaw sa íyang mga mata, Tears that welled up in her eyes. (→) n large, loosely woven basket where farm produce is gathered. -an(→) n container for holding a supply of water. Biawan sa túbig baláan, The font of the holy water.

biaybíay v [A; a1] deride s.o., say s.t. to humiliate s.o. Ayaw siya biaybiáya tungud sa íyang pagkabakul, Don’t humiliate him just because he is hunchbacked. Ibiaybíay níya ang mahúgaw níyang kagahápun, Deride her with her evil past. n derision. Giantus ni Kristu ang tanang biaybíay sa mga Hudíyu, Christ suffered the derision of the Jews. ma-un a derisive. Mabiaybiáyun nga mga pangutána, Humiliating questions.

biaypi n V.I.P.

bíba 1 cheerful and jolly in a talkative way. 2 particle: Long live! Bíba si Usminya! Bíba ang Pilipínas! Long live Osmeña! Long live the Philippines! v [B26; c1] be, become cheerful. Mubíba (mabíba) ang íyang kinaíya ug may kwarta, He gets a cheerful disposition when he gets money. bibahut a endearingly cheerful, jolly. ka- n endearing cheerfulness. Dì ku maúlaw muadtu sa íla tungud sa ílang kabibahut, I’m not afraid to go to their house because they are so warm and friendly.

bíbi1 n small duck with colored feathers. v [b6] raise ducks. bibihan n duck farm.

bíbi2 n k.o. lucine clam.

bíbi3 n 1 baby. 2 nickname for a girl. v [A; a12] nickname a child ‘baby’.

bibingka n 1 rice cake made from finely ground rice mixed with coconut milk, sugar, and sometimes with other ingredients as flavoring. 2 woman’s genitalia (humorous usage). — nga usay likì n woman’s genitalia (lit. rice cake with a single crack). — nga hilaw n woman’s genitalia. v 1 [A; a2] make rice cakes. 2 [A123P; a12] put between the devil and the deep blue sea (from the idea that the bibingka is baked in between two fires). Ug mupaúlì ku kasab-an. Ug dílì, kasab-an sad. Nabibingka ku, If I go home, I’ll be cussed out. If not, I’ll be cussed out, too. I’m between the devil and the deep blue sea.

bibirun n 1 baby’s feeding bottle. 2 woman’s breast (humorous). v [AB16; a1] 1 feed with a bottle, take the bottle. Nagbibirun ka ba sa ímung bátà? Are you bottle-feeding your baby? Magbibirun lang gihápun ning batáa, This child still drinks from a bottle. 2 [A; c1] make into, use as a feeding bottle.†

bibisítir v [B6] take care of s.o.’s child, usually in contexts talking about the States. Dad-a ku sa istits, aku lay mubibisítir sa ímung anak, Take me to the States and I will be your child’s nursemaid.

bibliya, biblíya n the Holy Bible.

bibliyutika, bibliyutíka n library. v [A13; a2] make into a library.

bíbu a for a place to be lively, full of fun. Bíbu kaáyung syudad kun mapasku, The city is full of life at Christmastime. v [B2; a] get to be lively.†

bíbut n 1 an endearing term for a baby. 2 girl (slang). 3 one’s girl (slang). v [A12; a12] have, make s.o. his girl. Insik ang íyang gibíbut, He took a Chinese girl for his girlfriend.

bída1 n 1 adventure, experiences of a person in his lifetime. 2 role in a drama. Kinsay nagdá sa bída ni Maríya Klára? Who plays the role of Maria Clara? 3 one who plays the leading role. Muintra ku basta akuy bída, I’ll participate as long as I am the leading lady. v 1 [AC; a] tell one’s experiences, adventures. 2 [B2356; a2] be the leading player, make the leading player.

bída2 short for purbída.

bidbid n 1 k.o. small sprat or herring. 2 net used to catch the bidbid. paN- v [A2; b6] catch bidbid. n fishing for bidbid.

bíding1 n bead-like embroidery on cloth. — nga makina n machine for doing beading. v [A; b6(1)] do beading on cloth.

bíding2, bídings n mattress, sheets, etc. to sleep on. v 1 [A1; b6] put bedding s.w. 2 [c1] use as, make into bedding. Bidínga (ibíding) ning mga hábul, Use these sheets for your bedding.

bidiyù = bidyù.

bidlak v [A; a] tear, rip apart with force. Nabidlak ang íyang sinínà nga nasángit sa alambri, Her dress got ripped when it got caught [132]on the wire.

bidlì n feeling of nausea or heartburn due to eating heavy foods. v [B146; a4] develop such a feeling. Magbidlì ang ákung ginhawáan ug mukáun kug tambuk, I get nauseated when I eat pork fat. Gibidlì aku pagkáun nákug kamúti, I felt heartburn after I ate sweet potatoes.

bidlísiw n rays of the sun. v 1 [A2; b6] for the rays of the sun to shine. Mibidlísiw nang adlaw pagbángun nákù, The sun was shining when I woke up. 2 [A2S] for a liquid to spurt continuously. Nagbidlisiw ang túbig sa likì sa túbu, The water is spurting out of the crack in the water pipe.

bidsit, bidsiyit n sheet or blanket used as a cover. v [A; c1] put, make into a bed cover.

bíduk = bíruk1, 2.

bidyù n 1 spear, the size of a coconut midrib, used as a probe for crabs and other slow-moving things. 2 spear of this size, shot like an arrow for small fish, crabs, etc. v [A; a] shoot or stab s.t. with a bidyù. paN- v [A; a] catch things with the bidyù.

bígà1 n plant cultivated for its edible corms, member of the Araceae family, similar in appearance to the bagyang (Alocasia macrorrhiza), but smaller and growing in dry fields.

bígà2 n great sexual desire. Tigúwang piru may bígà gihápun, He may be old, but he still has strong sexual urges. v [A123P; b4] stimulate one’s sexual desire; have sexual desire. Makabígà (makapabígà) ang sibúyas bumbay, Onions can increase one’s sexual desire. Gibigáan ka dihà nga manghaluk ka man? Why are you kissing me? Are you possessed of an uncontrollable sexual desire? paN- v 1 [A2; b6] have sexual desires. Namígà nang ákung anay, My sow is displaying sexual desire. 2 [A23] go find sexual adventures. Ang pampaman ang maáyung pamigáan, The whorehouse is the best place to unleash your sexual urges. pa- n aphrodisiac. -un a libidinous, oversexed. v [B12; b6] be, become libidinous. May mga táwung mabigáun ug mahubug, There are people who become oversexed when drunk.

bigal n 1 sow, mother pig. 2 a woman who has given birth (humorous usage). Bigal siya apan dílì asáwa, She is a mother (lit. sow) but not a wife. v [a2] make into a sow. Bigalun ku ning babúya, I’ll raise this pig into a sow. -l-un(←) n pig intended to be raised into a sow.

bigamya n bigamy. v [B126; a3] be a bigamist, be charged with bigamy. Ang sumbung imbis adultiriya, nabigamya, The charge was changed from adultery to bigamy. Nabigamya siya kay kaduha magpakasal, He was convicted of bigamy because he contracted two marriages.

bigatlà humorous euphemism for bigatlun.

bigatlun = bigáun. see bígà2.

bigay v [A; c] 1 give s.t. which has been extorted. Ug dì ka mubigay, dì ka kapasar, If you don’t give a bribe, you won’t pass. Bigyan giyud ang mga dispatsir, You have to pay protection money to the dispatchers. 2 deliver a blow to s.o. Bigyan ta kag ímu kung ilárun, I’ll hit you one if you swindle me. 3 allow s.o. to make sexual advances (slang). Mubigay nà siyag íyang uyab ang kasáyaw, She will give herself freely if her boyfriend is her dancing partner. 4 [A12; b6] have sexual intercourse with (slang). Bigyan nákung ákung hinigugma, I’ll have sexual intercourse with my girl. 5 purposely lose a point in jai-alai to enable the opponent to get it. Ug ibigay nà níya run, dì na kadaug, If he purposely loses this game, he can’t win any more. n a point purposely defaulted in jai-alai in order to let the opponent have it. a giving one’s self fully to sexual advances (slang).

bigiw v [A2; b3] run fast for a reason. Mibigiw ug dágan ang ilagà nga nakakità sa iring, The rat ran away fast on seeing the cat. Nakabigiw kug dágan sa pagkahibalu nákung naligsan siya, I ran as fast as I could when I found out she was run over. n k.o. small canoe designed for getting s.w. fast. It consists of a single piece with outriggers, sloping upwards sharply in the front and the back. bigiwbígiw = bigiw, n.

bigkas v 1 [A1B26; a12b2] for string, rope, cloth, etc. to snap apart under tension, make s.t. snap. Walà may nagbigkas ánà. Nabigkas lag íya, Nobody broke it. It snapped by itself. 2 [A2B26; b5] rip stitches apart. Gibigkas (gibigkasan) sa sastri ang hawakan, The tailor took it apart at the waist.

bigking = bíking.

bignì v [A12C; b3] 1 for animals to fight with lots of noise but little action. Gibignían sa mga baktin ang lawug, The piglets fought over the slop. 2 have petty quarrels (derogatory usage).

bigsà a 1 with high spirits, tending to be noisy and uninhibited in speech and manner. Aligri nà siyag makainum kay bigsà, He is fun when he is tipsy because he is lively. 2 flirtatious, not passive or reserved towards men. v [B] get to be in high spirits or flirtatious. Mubigsà (mabigsà) nang bayhána basta náay mga láki, That woman gets coquettish [133]when there are men around.

bigsyat n big shot (slang). v [B126; a2] get to be a big shot.

bigtas v [AB2; c1] for stitches or bonds which hold things together to snap; cause them to do so. Kinsay nagbigtas sa kawu sa bag? Who made the handle of the bag come off? Nabigtas (mibigtas) ang tahì sa sáku sa paghasuk sa kupras, The seams on the sides of the sack came open when the copra was pounded to stuff it full.

bigting v [A; b] strike an animal in the leg to disable it, usually in preparation for butchering it. Nagsaguyud ang tarian sa manuk ingun kini sa hibigtingan, The cock’s fighting leg is dragging, as if it got slashed.

biguk v [A1; a] cheat out of, steal s.t. Kinsay nagbiguk sa kuliksiyun? Who pocketed the collection?

bigunya n begonias, k.o. ornamental annual flowers: Begoniaceae spp. — dibumbilya hairy species of begonia with white flowers and small reddish leaves. — dikalbásà a hairy species of begonia with large squash-like leaves. — dikurasun k.o. begonia with heart-shaped flowers.

bigut1 n s.o. having ugly, knotted scars at the neck. v [B126] for the neck to be ugly with knotted scars. Nabigut ang íyang líug sa lamparúnis, His neck was all scarred with skin eruptions.

bigut2, bígut1 v 1 [A; b5] sew s.t. with large, rough stitches. Gibígut (gibigutan) lang íning tapulan ang íyang muskitírung nagísì, The lazy girl just sewed her torn mosquito net with large stitches. 2 [A; bc] fasten s.t. with a pin. Ibigut ang ríbun sa ímung púlu, Pin the ribbon on your shirt. (→) n s.t. that has been pinned or stitched with large stitches.

bígut2 a for a woman’s or child’s body to be compact and well-rounded. Angayan ang batingsut sa mabígut níyang láwas, She is well-built, and a bathing suit looks good on her.

bigúti n mustache. v [A1] wear a mustache. pa- v [A1] grow a mustache. bigutíhun a 1 have a mustache. 2 descriptive name given to various k.o. fish with barbels. -lyu n small thin mustache. v [A1; b6] have, wear such a mustache.†

bigwis1 v [B46] have loose bowel movements, light diarrhea. Mubigwis ka gyud ug magpatakà kag káun, You will get loose bowel movements if you eat just anything.

bigwis2 n offspring. Daghan silang bigwis, There’s a lot of kids in their family. paN- v [A2] bear young. Mamigwis na sad ang iring, The cat is going to have a litter again.

bíhag v [A; a12] 1a bring into captivity. Mga múrus ang mibíhag sa mga Bisayà, Muslims who captured and carried away Visayan people. 1b attract the attention. Makabíhag sa átung pagtagad, Can attract our attention. Bihágun ku ang ímung kasingkásing, I’ll captivate your heart. 2 for fowls to attract another fowl not belonging to the flock. Nabíhag ákung sunuy sa ílang himungáan, My rooster was attracted to stay at their place by their hen. 3 [A3P; b4] defeat in a contest such that the loser is given to the winner, most commonly in cockfighting. Gibihágan mig duha, We lost (had defeated on us) two cocks. (→) n 1 person captured. 2 fowls attracted to another flock. 3 s.t. lost in a contest where the winner takes the loser, esp. the defeated cock. bihagay v [C; a12] for keeps, such that the winner gets the loser’s thing. Nagbihagay silag húlin, They are playing marbles for keeps. maka-r-, ma-un a attractive, captivating. maN-r- n s.t. that is a steady winner, and wins over the loser. Mahal kining sunúya hay mamimíhag, This is a valuable cock because it is a steady winner.

bíhì n k.o. small univalve.

bihìbihì, bihihì = bahìhì.

bihikulu n motor vehicle.

bihilya n a day of abstinence from meat. v [A1] observe abstinence from meat.

bíhis v [A; b] wipe off the dirt from s.o.’s body with a damp cloth. Bihísi ang bátà únà pakatulga, Wipe the child’s body with a wet cloth before putting him to sleep. paN- v [A2; b] wipe oneself or s.o. with a damp cloth.

bíhu a adept, skillful. Bíhu kaáyu siyang mamakak, She’s very good at lying. v [B12] get to be skillful, adept. Nabíhu ku sa pagpangindiksiyun, I became adept in giving shots.

bíhud n 1 roe. 2 one’s children (humorous). Pila nay bíhud mu karun? How many children do you have now? paN- v 1 [A2] have roe. Namíhud nang bansíkul nga ákung nakúhà, The mackerels I caught were full of roe. 2 [A23] become pregnant (humorous). Namíhud ka lang nga way banabána? You became pregnant without a husband? bidhan n 1 fish having roe. 2 pregnant woman (humorous). tingpamíhud n spawning season.

bihúku = uway.

bíhun n k.o. Chinese noodle, translucent, coarser than the miswa but finer than tanghun. v [A1C12; b6] prepare a dish with [134]bíhun.

bíi short for Maáyung gabíi, Good evening.

bíka n 1 potsherd. 2 s.t. worth as much as a sherd. Unsa man ang sápì ku, bíka, nga dì mu dawátun? Is my money worthless that you don’t accept it?

bikabika n k.o. fish.

bíkag v [AB126; a12] prod, urge s.o. to do s.t. Bísag giunsag bíkag, dílì giyud siya mukúyug, No matter how much we prod him, he won’t go. Ang íyang trátu mauy nagbíkag níya paghímug dautan, Her lover prodded her to do s.t. bad. (→) a having the urge to do things in imitation of theirs. Bikag nga pagkatáwu. Unsay buhátun sa uban íyang sundun, He is a copycat. Whatever other people do he wants to do, too.

bikàkà1 = bikangkang.

bikàkà2 n k.o. hopscotch played on a rectangular figure divided into two rows, each row of which contains four frames. v [A; b(1)] play this k.o. hopscotch.

bikang1 a 1 busy, preoccupied because of too many things to do at once. 2 encumbering, causing extra work. v [B12] get encumbered, too busy with many things. Makabikang (makapabikang) ning mga silya sa ákung paglampásu, These chairs make it all the harder to get the floor scrubbed. Nagkabikang ku sa trabáhu nga nagkadaghan na ning mga táwu dinhi, I have so much work now that there are so many people staying here.

bikang2, bíkang a having the feet spread apart, front to back or sideways. Bikang íyang linaktan, He walked with his feet spread apart. v 1 [A2; c1] take a stride, take a long step. Dì siya makabikang kay guut íyang palda, She cannot take big steps because she has a tight skirt on. 2 [c1] set one’s feet apart. Napukling kay walà man mabíkang ang mga tiil, He fell because he had not set his feet well apart. n large stride. -in- a for the legs to be widely spread apart.

bikangkang v [A; c1] spread one’s legs apart. Ug dì ka mubikangkang, dúgay kang kahimugsúan, If you don’t spread your legs, you’ll have a hard time giving birth.

bikarbunátu n sodium bicarbonate.†

bikaryu n officer of the church.

bikil v 1 [A; c1] nudge, move s.t. out of its position. Kinsay nagbikil sa kwadru nga naharag man? Who moved the picture, that it is tilting? Ibikil (bikila) ang tupad mung natúlug, Nudge the fellow beside you. He fell asleep. 2 [B; c1] a protrude, stick out. Kun magtanum ug kamúting káhuy ibikil (bikila) ang píkas tumuy sa yútà, When you plant cassava stems, let one end stick out of the ground. b encumber by protruding. Mubikil ang bátà sa íyang tiyan iglakaw níya, The child in her stomach sticks out and makes it hard for her to walk. 2c [A; ab2] trip s.o. Nabikil ku sa tuud, I tripped over the stump. 3 [B126] suddenly twisted so as to get sprained. Nagtakiang siyang naglakaw kay nabikil ang íyang tiil, He walked with a limp because his foot got twisted. 4 [AC3; ac3] a be contrary, opposed. Ang íyang anak mauy nakabikil sa íyang pagminyù ug usab, Her child made it difficult for her to remarry. Nagbíkil ang ílang mga hunàhúnà, Their opinions differed. b provoke a quarrel, annoy s.o. with the purpose of angering him. Bísag unsa na lay ílang buhátun nga ibikil sa bátà, They never run out of ways to make the child cry. a contrary, adverse. Bikil kaáyu ning batáa. Bisag unsay átung isulti, lalísun giyud, This child is very contrary. He gives back talk to whatever we say. (→) n quarrel, provocation to a fight. Wà pa mahílut ang ílang bikil, Their quarrel hasn’t been settled. biklunun, biklúnun, bikilúnun a 1 needing prodding. Biklunung batáa mabáwu kag paayun-áyun únà mulíhuk, The child needs to be prodded. You go wild trying to get him to do s.t. 2 very sensitive, easily disturbed. Biklunun si Pidru. Sabdan lag gamay, masukù dáyun, Pedro is sensitive. Just nudge him, and he gets angry right away.

bíking1 v [A; a12] carry s.t. hanging down in the hands. Nagbíking ug baskit, Carrying a basket. Ayaw bikínga ang bátà, Don’t carry the child by the arms.

bíking2, — pawdir n baking powder.

bikíni n bikini. v [A1; c1] wear, make into a bikini.

bikiri n bakery. v [A12; a12] get, make into a bakery.

biks1 n Vicks, brand name for mentholated medicines. — inhílir n Vicks inhaler.

biks2 = bíku1.

biktima n victim of foul play. v [a12] be made a victim. Nabiktima ku sa mamarigla, I was a victim of the thugs.

bikturi n the money used after the war, so called because of the legend ‘victory’ on the bill.

bikturya v [A12] win the love of s.o. Dì ka na ángay mangabughù sa dáang trátu sa ímu nga bána. Tutal, ikaw may nakabikturya níya, You shouldn’t be jealous of your husband’s former girl friend. Anyway, you were the one who landed him.

bikturyúsu a victorious.

bíku1 n hopscotch. v [AC; b6] play hopscotch. [135]bikubíku = bíku.

bíku2 n sweet made of sticky rice cooked with coconut milk and sweetened, popularly eaten between meals. v [A; a2] make bíku.

bikug v [APB26; a1] move s.t. fastened, bend s.t. firm out of place, be moved, bent. Dì ni mabikug kay gilansang, You can’t budge it because it’s nailed. Ang íyang disisiyun dílì mubikug (mabikug), His decision cannot be changed. Bikuga siya sa íyang gilingkúran, Dislodge him from where he is sitting.

bíkug1 n cramp in the muscles. v 1 [BN246; b4] get a cramp. Mibíkug (namíkug, nabíkúgan) ákung bitíis, I have a cramp in my legs. 2 [b(1)] cause cramps.

bíkug2 n a coconut or nípà midrib. silhig nga — n broom made of coconut or nípà midribs. (→) v [A; ab2] beat s.o. with a coconut or nípà midrib.

bíkul n variety of white rice, recently introduced because of its high yield.

*bikusbikus ka- v [A13] be miserably poor and hard up.

bikwad a bent backwards, flat on its back, twisted askew. Tukúri nang pusti. Bikwad man, Straighten out the post. It is leaning over backwards. v [AB; ab2] lean backwards, be bent askew; cause s.t. to do so. Mibikwad siya arun dílì hiig-an ang íyang nawung, She ducked backwards so that her face would not be hit. Nagkabikwad ang tiil sa lamísa, The legs of the table are getting all bent out of shape.

bikwang v [A; a12] cause s.t. to fall or turn over by pulling the feet or some appendage upwards. Bikwánga lang ang batíyà arun mayabu ang túbig, Turn the basin over to spill the water out. Bikwánga ang bábuy dáyun gapúsa, Pick the pig up by the legs and bind it.

bikwing = bíking.

bíla v [A; b1c1] spread the legs apart to the sides. Ngánung mubíla ka mang maglingkud? Why do you spread your legs when you sit? bilahan n crotch. bilabila n name given to grasses which have tassels consisting of three or more spikes growing in at greater than 90° angles from each other (like legs spread apart), e.g. Eleusine indica.

bílà, biláan n ethnic group in Southern Mindanao. ka- n Bilaan region in Southern Mindanao.

bílad v [AB; c1] widen, spread out, spread s.t. out. Ang bulad núkus mubílad kun ihúmul sa túbig, Dried squid will spread out when soaked. Nagbílad sila sa báling arun mauga, They are spreading the net to dry it. Gipamutul níya ang mga tanum arun mabílad ang agiánan, He cut the trees down to widen the path. n width, spread. Hiktin ang bílad sa banig, The mat is narrow across. a wide, broad. Bílad kaáyu ang ílang uma, Their farm stretches over a broad area. biladbilad = baliálà.

biláda1 n program of musical and literary numbers, usually held in the evening. v [A1; a] hold such a program.

biláda2 n extension of a room or of a house. v [A; c1] make an extension, add an extension to a room.

bilag-ung = balag-ung.

bilakà1 v [A1; c1] sit squat with legs crossed. Nagbilakà siyang naglingkud daw Budha, He is squatting with legs crossed like Buddha.

bilakà2 n a variety of dwarf coconut, so short that sometimes its fruit touch the ground, with a trunk as big as the ordinary variety of tree, but with slightly bigger fruit.

bílang v [A2; c1] consider, treat s.o. as. Dì ku mubílang nímung igsúun tungud sa pakauwaw nga ímung gipátik sa átung ngálan, I won’t recognize you as a sister because of the disgrace you brought upon our name. Gibílang kung inahan ang ákung gikasiráhan, I consider my landlady a mother. n in the capacity of. Bílang mananambal sultían tikaw sa makadáut nímu, As a doctor I’ll tell you what is harmful for you.

bilangbílang n k.o. cactus-like plant of the strand, the stems and leaves of which are used as a condiment and vegetable: Sesuvium portulacastrum.

bilanggà n infection affecting the vaginal lips, characterized by reddening and intense itching. v [a4b4] for vaginal lips to become reddish and itchy. Malagmit bilanggaun (bilanggaan) kag dílì ka manghúgas sa ímung binday, You’ll get an infection in your vagina if you don’t wash it.

bilanggù v [A3P; c1] imprison. Bilanggúun (ibilanggù) ka sa ímung lawak, You will be confined to your room. -in- n prisoner. -an(→) n prison.

bilanggutánan expression of surprise or discomfort, mild euphemism for bilat sa íyang ina. Bilanggutánan, hikalimtan kung ákung yáwi, Damn! I forgot my keys. v [a12] say bilanggutánan to s.o.

bilangkad, bilangkat v [A; c1] have the legs spread wide apart. Nagbuy-ud siya nga nagbilangkat sa katri, She was sprawled on the bed with her legs apart. -ra n broad, woman [136]who is cooperative in sexual matters.

bilar n vigil, esp. one of the dead. Dúnay bilar basta dúnay mamatyan, A vigil is always held if the dead person has relatives. v 1 [A; b] keep a wake. Gibilaran níla ang minatay, They kept vigil over the corpse. 2 [A; b] do s.t. late into the night. Magbilar kug tuun rung gabíi, I will stay up late studying tonight. 2a [B156] stay up late. Nabilar ku gabíi kay hilabihang pagsákit sa bátà, I stayed up late last night because the baby was very sick.

bilas n the husband or wife of one’s husband’s or wife’s sibling. v [C; a12] be bilas. Magbílas na ta kay gipakaslan kung igsúun sa ímung asáwa, We’re bilas now because I married your wife’s sister.

bílas n eye infection, conjunctivitis. v [A123P; a4] have sore eyes. Gibílas ákung mata, I have conjunctivitis.

bilásun n k.o. fish, the name given to the broad species of Caesio, esp. Caesio erythrogaster.

bilat n 1 cunt of a person or animal (coarse). 2 profane exclamation. a expression indicating disbelief. Bilat! Ása man ku mutúu adtu, Hell! You think I’d ever believe that. b expression indicating exasperation at s.t. which happened contrary to one’s desires. Bilat! Nasipyat pa giyud dà, Shit! I missed again. — sa ímung (íyang) ina, inahan 1 profane exclamation used upon experiencing annoyance. Ikawng bilat sa ímung ináha ka, You son of a bitch, you. Gikaun sa bilat sa íyang ina, The son of a bitch ate it. 2 watchamacallit, a filler word. Ag kadtung unsa gud tung bilat sa íyang ináha tu—íyang íhi, That—um, what was that son of a bitch there called, the axle. bilatbilat v [B1245; a12] have more work to do than one can manage (coarse word). Nagkabilatbilat ku sa trabáhu dinhi, I’m swamped with work here. Akuy ímung bilatbilatun ug pabáyad ning utánga? You trying to drive me crazy paying these debts. -ra n broad, a derogatory word referring to a woman.

bilaug n k.o. fair-sized, edible clam.

bilay n hanging screen. (←) v [A; a] hang a protective screen. Gibiláyan ku ang bátà arun dì mainitan, I hung a screen up for the child so it wouldn’t be in the sun. bilaybílay v [A; a] hang a temporary walling for a temporary shelter. Magbilaybílay ta samtang walà pa tay balay, We’ll put up a screen as a temporary shelter as long as we have no house.

bilbátum n bell-bottom pants.

bilbaw see surísu.

bilbig n k.o. white, edible clam, growing to 2″.

bilbiki = milibiki.

bilbil v [A123P; a12] make, be overly obese. Ang ímung kadakug káun mauy nakabilbil (nakapabilbil) nímu, Your voracious appetite made you overly obese. -un a overly obese.

bilding n building. v [b6] erect a building.

bildu n glass. Bildu sa bintánà, Glass in the window. v [A; b6(1)] fit s.t. with glass. Bildúhan tag bag-u ang ímung antiyúhus, Let’s fit your glasses with new lenses.

bildúra n vegetables, root crops cooked in stews and soups with meat. v [A; b6(1)] cook vegetables with soup or stew.

bildyun n k.o. bread in loaf, around 6″ long with a fine, soft texture.

bilgas n Belgian nuns. Ang kulihiyu sa Santa Tirísa gipadágan sa mga bilgas, St. Theresa’s School is run by Belgian sisters.

bilhad v [A; a12] pull two vertical things apart. Bilhára ang birha arun makalusut ta, Pull the railings apart so we can get through.

bili n 1 price. Ang bili sa palalítun, The price of commodities. 2 worth. Wà nay bili ang kinabúhì ug mawalà ka, Life is worthless without you. hátag ug — v [A; b(1)] not value s.t. Ang ákung tambag dílì hatágan ug bili, He does not value my advice. v 1 [A23] cost. Mibili nag písus ang gantang sa mais, A ganta of corn costs one peso. 1a cost s.o. s.t., result in. Kanang ímung binúang mubili nímug kastígu, Your foolishness will cost you a spanking. 2 [b6] quote a price to s.o. Bilhan ta kag singku, I will offer it to you for five. bililhun a valuable, precious.

bilib be impressed by s.o. Bilib ku nímu dà, antígu giyud kang mukanta, I’m impressed by you. You sure know how to sing. v [B23(1)46; b3] be impressed. Mibilib ang babáying sapían siya kay dúnay awtu, The woman was impressed, thinking he was rich, because he had a car. Ang biliban nákù ánang buksidúra ang íyang liphuk, What impressed me about that boxer is his left hook. pa- v [A; a12] put on an act to impress s.o. Nagpabilib na sad ang hambugíru, The braggart is trying to impress us again.

bilíbid1,2 = balíbud1,2.

bilíbid3 n national penitentiary. v [B126] be put in Bilibid Prison. pa- v [A; c] be put in Bilibid.†

bilíbud1,2 = balíbud1,2.s

bilíbul = bulíbuy.

biligyà = baligyà.

bílik v 1 [AB2S6; a] turn on its axis, spin s.t. Mubílik nang manubílag íya ra, That steering wheel turns by itself. Siyay mibílik sa [137]timun, He turned the steering wheel of the boat. 2 [A; a12] twist individual strands to be made into rope. Dílì nímu bilíkun ang lugway ug hugut arun dílì mukulus, Don’t twist the strand tight so that it won’t kink. n turning. -an n device for twisting strands into rope.

bilíkis = balíkis.

bilin n nativity scene depicted in a crèche. v [A13; b6] make, put a crèche s.w.

bílin v 1 [A; c] leave s.t. behind. Kinsay nagbílin ning baskit dinhi? Who left this basket here? Binlan ta kag bugas, I’ll leave you some rice. Ibílin ang bátà, Leave the child behind. 2 [b6] for a wife to be left pregnant when her husband dies. Gibinlan siya pagkamatay sa íyang bána, She was pregnant (lit. had s.t. left in her) when her husband died. 3 — ug púlung, sulti [A] leave word. Nagbílin siyag sulti nga ipatiwas ang ímung trabáhu, He left word for you to finish your work. n 1 one’s turn to be left behind. Ákung bílin run, It’s my turn to stay behind this time. 2 words, orders left by s.o. Ang bílin ni Tátay únà mamatay, Father’s last words before he died. 3 s.o. who stays behind. Akuy bílin sa balay, I’ll stay in the house. pa- v [A] 1 stay behind. Akuy magpabílin, I’ll remain behind. 2 remain in the same way. Nagpabílin silang malipáyun, They remained happy. Dì makapabílin ug dúgay ang báhù ning agwáha, The smell of this perfume won’t remain long. hi-/ha-(→) v [B1256; b4] 1 be left behind. Nahibilin ku paglarga sa barku, I was left behind when the boat left. Ang samad nahibinlan ug mga sugsug, Small slivers were left in his wound. 2 be the amount remaining. Písus ray nahabilin sa súhul nákù, Only one peso was left from my salary. 3 — sa daplin for a girl to fail to get married. pamilinbílin v [A] 1 go around saying goodbye. Namilinbílin siyag pamisíta úsà mulangyaw, She’s making her goodbye visits before she emigrates. 2 leave needlessly. ka- n inheritance. Giparíhas pagbáhin ang ámung kabílin, Our inheritance was divided equally. v [c] for an inheritance to be left to s.o. Dì mamatay ang úngù ug dì ikabílin ang íyang kaláki, The witch can not die if the source of his power is not left to s.o. else. binlunun = bílin, n3.

bil-is n k.o. tall, slender, ornamental palm with pinnate leaves, the fruit of which are similar to the Areca and may also be chewed: Heterospathe elata.

biliyun n billion. v [A23] reach the billion mark. -in- a by the billions.

bilt-in n built-in cabinet and shelves. v [A; a] construct, put built-in furniture s.w.

biltubil n fight which endures the entire round—from the opening bell to the closing bell. Ang biltubil nílang áway, Their fight which lasted from bell to bell.

bílu n veil. v [A; a] 1 wear, make into, put on a veil. 2 [A; b6] be a veil sponsor in a wedding ceremony, the one who puts the veil over the shoulders of the couple in the course of the ceremony.

bilug, bílug n matchsticks.

bilungbilung n moonfish: Mene maculata.

bílus n k.o. outriggered sailboat, reaching 20′ in length. dus — n two-masted sailboat. v [A1; b6] ride this sort of sailboat.

bilwa v [B16; c1] for the legs to be spread in falling. Nabilwa ang íyang tiil pagkahū́g maung nalisa, He fell down with his feet stretched apart, and they were dislocated.

bilya1 n belt buckle. v [A; ac] put a buckle on s.o., make into a belt buckle.

bilya2 n k.o. game of marbles where the marbles are shot into four holes arranged in a square.

bilya3 n villa, suburban mansion. v [A1; b6] make a villa.

bilyáka = bilyáku (female).

bilyáku a pranking, mischievous, but not of a malicious sort. Gisúling sa bilyáku ang maistra, The naughty boy peeped up the teacher’s dress. v [B126; b6] be, become mischievous. -in-(→) v [A13; c1] act in a mischievous way.

bilyanu n tossing coins, heads or tails. v [AC; c3] toss coins.

bilyar n billiards. v [AC; c3] play billiards.

bilyíti n 1 a note, a short letter. 2 love letter.

bilyu n strands of fiber twisted together into a string. v [A; c1] twine hand-twisted strands into a thin rope (písì). bilyuhan, bilyuhánan n device for twining strands into rope.

bilyun a crazy, doing crazy, foolish things. v [B126; b6] go crazy. Culu- a somewhat crazy. -in- n crazy antics. -aryu n billionaire.

bimul n flat in music. v [AB26; b6c1] 1 play a diminished chord, for a chord to be diminished. Siyay nagbimul sa katapúsang báhin sa kanta, He played the finale with a diminished chord. 2 play a note too low, flat in pitch. Mibimul (mabimul) ang túnu, mau nga ius-us ang ímung tudlù, The notes are flat, so lower your fingers.

binag v [A; c] set s.t. aside to give it away or donate it. Káda adlaw sa minatay magbinag giyud kug kwarta pára ipamísa, Every All Souls’ Day, I set aside a small amount for the mass. Ibinag nátù níla ring ubang humay, [138]We will set aside the rest of this rice for them.

binagri n sour vinegar from pineapple, apples. v [A; a12] make vinegar.

binagsáan (from usa) n any outriggered single-seater canoe.

binakháwan = bakhaw2, n.

binalatung see balátung.

binangkal n delicacy made of leftover bread or cookies with sugar made into a ball, covered with sesame seeds and fried.

binaw n deer.

bindáhi n bandage. v [A; a] 1 bandage s.t. Bindahían tang ímung hubag, Let’s bandage your boil. 2 [A; a] make into a bandage.

binday n child’s talk for female genitalia.

bindisiyun n 1 blessing, benediction. Bindisiyun sa párì, The priest’s benediction. Bindisiyun sa mga ginikánan, Parental blessing. Ang ílang pagdaug mag-agad sa bindisiyun sa prisidinti, Their victory depends upon having the president’s blessings. 2 approval. May bindisiyun na ba sa mayur ang ímung papílis? Do your papers bear the mayor’s approval? v [A; b1] 1 give a benediction. 2 give approval to s.t.

bindíta n holy water. agwa — holy water. — sa lukay Palm Sunday. v [A; b(1)] sprinkle holy water on. binditahánan 1 place where holy water is kept. 2 thing to be blessed. -du n s.t. that has been blessed by a priest.

bindítu v [A; c6] clasp the hands on the breast as in prayer.

binga, bingà, bingag n k.o. baler (volute) shell, used to crush cocoa seeds.

bingal n a slit or opening in a garment made for convenience in putting it on. v [A; b6(1)] put a slit in a garment. Bingali ang luyu sa ímung blúsa, Put a slit in the back of the blouse.

bíngat v [A; a] 1 widen the angle of opening. Mibíngat siya sa balisung, He opened his jackknife. Bingátag maáyu ang tiiltíil sa kamira, Spread out the camera tripod. 2 stretch the sides of a hole, pull an elastic string. Ayaw bingáta ímung bàbà, Don’t stretch your mouth at the sides. Gibingátan ku bítaw siyag tiradur, midágan lagi, As soon as I stretched my slingshot, aiming at him, he ran away.

bingaw = bingal.

bingbing v [A; a12b2] tweak a part of the body with the thumb and forefinger, usually the ears. Akuy mubingbing ninyu ug magsábà mu, I’ll tweak your ears if you make noise.

bingga (slang form) v [A2; b] 1 go ahead and do s.t. involving danger. Bingga. Suklì, Come on, fight him. Ug hanggátun ka binggáhi, If he threatens, go ahead, get into it. 2 come on, step on it. Bingga. Maapsan ta, Step on it. They’re about to overtake us. 3 maul s.o. Gibinggáhan aku sa mga bágis, The toughs mauled me.

binggadúra a 1 saying bad things about others with malicious intent. 2 vengeful. v [B12] be a malicious gossip. Nabinggadúra siya kay gustung mangamung, She became malicious in her talk because she wants other people to suffer her fate.

binggála n sparkler, k.o. fireworks that emit sparks.

binggansa n vengeance of a severely harmful sort.

binggar v 1 [A2; a12] harm others by speaking ill of them. Naminggar kay nasína, She is saying evil things because she is envious. 2 [A; b(1)] beat up (slang). Gibinggaran ang tigúlang, The old man was mauled. n s.t. bad said of s.o. designed to harm him.

binggu n bingo. v 1 [A; b6] play bingo. 2 [A23] get bingo. Kaduha ku makabinggu gabíi, I got bingo twice last night. 3 [B26; b6] for a card to go bingo. Hápit na mubinggu ang ákung kard, My card is about to go bingo.

bingit n throat infection. v [a4b4] have a sore throat. Gibingit (gibingitan) ku, I got a sore throat.

bingka = bibingka.

bingkas v [AB; a] rip stitches apart, for stitches to get ripped apart. Kinsay nagbingkas niíning sinináa? Who ripped this dress apart at the stitches? Ayaw ináta arun dílì mabingkas ang tahì, Do not pull at it or the stitches will get undone.

bingkil v [C; b3] small quarrel, misunderstanding. Natural sa mga bátà nga magbingkil sa mga duláan, It’s only natural for children to fight about toys. ka-an n difference, reason for misunderstanding.

bingkung n tool resembling a small pick or axe with blade placed at an angle to the handle, used to dig up the soil shallowly, hollow out dugouts, trim logs, etc. v 1 [A; a12] work on s.t. with this instrument. 2 [A13; a12] make into this instrument. paN-an n name given to the hammerhead shark, so called because its flattened head with its oculonarial expansions is positioned to the body as the blade of a pick is to its handle.

bingwit1 v 1 [A1N; a12b2] catch fish in shallow waters with a hook and line, usually using also a fishing rod. 2 [A12; a12] trap s.o. into marriage. Nakabingwit si Tikla ug [139]sapíang Insik, Tecla snared a rich Chinese.

bingwit2 = bingit.

binhamin n youngest man or boy in a group of men or boys.

binhì n seed. Migítib nang binhì nga gipugas ku sa ímung sabakan, The seed which I planted on your womb is now beginning to grow. v [c16] 1 use as a seed for seedlings. Binhía (ibinhì) ang lísu niánang kapayása kay dumadagkù, Use the seeds of that papaya for seedlings because it is a large variety. 2 implant in one’s mind. Binhía (ibinhì) sa íyang kaisípan ang kabuútan, Instill honesty in his mind.

binhud = banhud.

binibuy n homosexual man.

binignit n k.o. sweet soup eaten as a snack, made of root crops and bananas cooked in coconut milk together with various other starchy ingredients, jackfruit, and flavoring. v [A; a2] make, make into binignit.

binipisyu n 1 activity held to raise money for charity. 2 charity, pecuniary help. Nangáyù ang alkaldig binipisyu sa mga nasunúgan, The mayor asked for charity for the fire victims. v [A1; b6] hold a benefit, etc. Magbinipisyu ta arun makasapì ang pangílin, Let’s hold a benefit ball to raise money for the fiesta.

bínit v [A; a1] carry s.t. heavy by holding it at the top or at one end and letting it dangle. Ayaw biníta ang bulsíta kay mabusbus, Don’t carry the paper bag by the top because the bottom will give way.

binlad = binulad. see bulad.

binlangan n container for holding food or water for animals. v [A1; a2] make s.t. into a feeding container.

binlud n 1 finely ground corn grits. 2 small child who is allowed to participate in a game just to humor it.

binrubyum n k.o. orchid.

binsul n stinger of a ray fish.

binta1 n sale of s.t. Kusug ang binta sa karmilítus kun duul sa tulunghaan, Candy sells fast near a school. v [A2; c] offer s.t. for sale. Ang ílang pinalit sa Sandákan ibinta sa Hulu, The things they buy in Sandakan they sell in Jolo.†

binta2 n advantage given in a game or contest. v 1 [A2; c] give s.o. an advantage. Pila ka puntus ang ibinta mu nákù? How many points will you give me as advantage? 2 [A123; b8] get an advantage. Ug makabinta kag duha ka puntus, dì na siya kaapas, If you get two points advantage, he won’t be able to catch up.

binta3 n vinta, k.o. speedy sailboat used by Muslims, with colorful sails and with one or two outriggers. v [A1; a12] take, make into a vinta.

bintáhà n 1 advantage in competition. Bintáhà kaáyu nga may titulu ta, It is a great advantage to have a degree. 2 for a condition to be somewhat better. Bintáhà run kay bubaratu ang baligyà, Conditions are better now because food is cheaper. Bintáhà run ang íyang hilánat, His fever is better now. v 1 = binta2. 2 walà — [C3] be evenly matched, such that no one has an advantage. Wà magbintáhà ug dakù ang inyung duhang láwas, Your two bodies are evenly matched. 3 [B246] for conditions to improve. (→) = bintáhà, n2. paN- v [A2; b6] take advantage at the expense of another. Namintáhà ang magulang pagbáhin sa kindi, The oldest child took advantage of the others when the candy was divided. bintahadur, bintahúsu a one who takes advantage of weaker people. v [B126; b6] become a person of the sort that takes advantage.

bintánà n window. v [A; c1] make, add a window. paN- v 1 [A2; b] sit by or look out of the window. Pamintanái ang nagtawag nímu, Look out of the window at the man calling you. 2 [A2] show as if appearing in a window. Namintánà íyang pikuy, His penis peeped out.

bintang1 n 1 distance between. Duha ka dupa lang ang bintang sa duha ka balay, The two houses are only two fathoms apart from each other. 2 advantage, edge in a race or contest. Kun ikaw lay makiglumbà nákù tagáan ta pa kag bintang, I’ll give you an advantage if it’s just you that’s going to race with me. v [AC; c1] 1 be at a distance, be ahead of s.o. Nagbintang sila pagpanglingkud, They sat far from each other. Ibintang (bintánga, bintanga) pagbutang ang mga kaang, Place the flower pots far apart from each other. 2 give an edge in a contest. Bintangan ta kag dus kartas, I’ll give you an advantage of two cards.

bintang2 v [AN; b6(1)] accuse, lay the blame on s.o. Dílì maáyu nga mubintang (mamintang) ta ug salà kun dílì kita sigúru, We must not lay blame on s.o. if we are not sure about it. Akuy nabintangan sa sayup, I was blamed for the mistake.

bintanilya n small window, e.g. a porthole. v [b6] put a small window in.

bintarug n male genitalia (humorous euphemism). Kadakù níya ug bintarug, How big his penis is!

binti = bayinti.

bintì1 n mixer, soft drink or water to dilute [140]liquor. v [A; ac] mix drinks. Bintíun níya ang lambanug ug sibin-ap, He will mix the seven-up and the nipa palm toddy together.

bintì2 v [BN] for the veins to be, become prominent. Mibintì ang ugat sa íyang nawung sa kasukù, The veins in his forehead stood out in his anger.

bintiladur n electric fan. v [A13] 1 use an electric fan. 2 [A; b] install an electric fan.

bintilasyun n ventilation.

bintul1 n k.o. large fish corral made of bamboo slats placed in a circle. A light placed in the middle attracts fish which are then caught with a net. v [AC12; b6(1)] 1 fish with a bintul. 2 [A; c1] make into a bintul corral.

bintuláwu a ungainly or awkward-looking because of poor proportioning. Bintuláwu siyang tan-áwun kay gamayg úlu, He looks ungainly with his small head. Bintuláwu nang baláya kay hábug piru gamay, That house looks unbalanced because it is tall but very small.

bintus n mahjong pieces which represent the winds. Occasionally, the pieces which represent the grasses, daggers, and mirrors also are called bintus. v [A12; b(1)] have, draw bintus in mahjong. Ug dì ku bintúsan (bintusan) mapúru ang ákung karta, If I don’t draw any bintus, my cards will be all of one kind.

bintúsà n method of relieving muscular aches by placing a glass on the skin and burning a wick in it to create a vacuum and draw the flesh into the glass. v [A; b6] administer dry cupping. Íyang gibintusáan dáyun ang íyang pamául, He applied dry cupping to his sore muscles.

bínu n wine or hard liquor. v [a2] make into wine. — tintu red table wine.

bínug n wet spongy ground. Dì muayun ang mais dinhi kay bínug, Corn won’t do well here because it is swampy. v [B12] become boggy. Nagkabínug ang nataran sa síging ulan, The yard is becoming all swampy because of the continuous rain. -un a of a boggy quality.†

binulábid = balunábid.

binúnga n k.o. small tree of secondary forest, the sap of which is used as glue for musical instruments: Macaranga tanarius.

binyal n venial sin. Ang salang binyal mapasaylu, Venial sins are forgiveable. — pa expression used in swearing, that one will do s.t. Magbag-u na ku, binyal pa, I’ll change my ways, may I commit a venial sin if I don’t.

bipíay n acronym for the BPI, Bureau of Plant Industry.

bip-istik n a k.o. dish consisting of thinly sliced beef fried with spices and soy sauce. v [A; a2] make, make into this dish.

bir1 n beer.

bir2 = abir.

bira1 v 1 [AC2; c1] pull, tug at s.t. while standing still. Nagbira sila sa písì, They are having a tug-of-war with the rope. Biraha (ibira) nà sa wala, Pull it to the left. 2 [A3; a12b2] attach property to repay a debt. Bayri ímung útang arun dì birahun ímung yútà, Pay your debts so your land won’t be foreclosed. 3 [A2; b6] make an extension to a structure (pull on the dimensions). Birahi ang kusínag duha ka mitrus sa luyu, Add two meters to the kitchen in the back. 4 — ang kawit [a12] for a winner to treat to a drink of toddy. Nakadaug lagi ka, sígi biraha ang kawit, Since you won, you treat (lit. grab for the palm toddy container). 5 — sa kunut [a12] be wrinkled due to age (humorous). Gibira na siya sa kunut piru maminyug usab, She is old but she’s going to marry again. 6 [A; a2] strip fiber from abaca. n 1 the extent or length of action of pulling s.t. Gimab-an nákù ang pasul ug tulu ka bira, I shortened the fishing line by three arm lengths. 2 single act of hauling s.t. Kining kargáha madala sa usa ka bira, This cargo can be taken in one trip. 3 command given to a driver to get moving. U sígi. Bira. All right. Let’s get going. birabíra n line fishing in which one keeps pulling the line out repeatedly rather than just waiting. v [A; b] fish in this way. -da(←) n a single trip or haul that a vehicle takes. Madá tas usa ka biráda, We can all be taken in one trip. v [A12] make [so-and-so] many hauls. Makabiráda tag daghang pasahíru kay tábù, We can haul lots of passengers because it’s market day.

bira2 v [A2; b] punch, beat up s.o. (slang). Birahun nákù nang hubug, I’ll beat up that drunk.

biradur n 1 screwdriver. 2 one who strips abaca fiber.

biranda n veranda. v [A; c1] make, make into a veranda.

biránu n summer time (March, April, May). v [A; b(1)] spend one’s summer vacation.

birbal n verbal, not written. Kuntrátung birbal, Verbal contract. v [a12] make an agreement verbal.

birbiki = biribiki.

birbína n name given to numerous genera of ornamental and wild herbaceous members of the Verbenaceae. [141]

birbu n 1 verb. 2 word, logos (Biblical). Ug ang birbu nahímung unud, And the word became flesh. v [A; c16] conjugate a verb.

birdadíru a real, genuine. Birdadíru nga batu, Real precious gems.

birdi a 1 green. 2 dirty, off-color story. 3 name given to a mahjong piece with a green grass design: green dragon. — butilya bottle green. — mansánas apple green. v [B; c1] 1 be, become green in color. 2 be off-color. Gibirdihan siya niánang isturyáha, He considers that story to be off-color. 3 [A12B1256; b8] draw a green dragon in mahjong. Ug makabirdi ku, makakáng giyud ku, If I get a green dragon, I’ll get a set of four.

birds-ay n bird’s-eye, brand of cloth used for diapers, napkins, etc.

bird ub paradáyis n bird of paradise, an ornamental banana-like plant: Strelitzia reginae and Heliconia latispatha.

birdúgu n executioner. v [a12] make into an executioner.

birgansúsa = kipìkipì. see kípì.

birgat a for a woman to act so as to attract men’s attention and give them to understand that she is easy to approach. Birgátag kinataw-an. Nagdalag kamhir, What a flirtatious laughter, full of come-on’s. v [B; b6] be, become a flirt.

birgatinya = birgat.

birgum kárum = kipìkipì. see kípì.

birha n grating, grillwork over an opening to avoid entry or exit. v [A; c1] install, make into a grille.

birhin n 1 Virgin Mary. 2 statue of the Virgin Mary. 3 a woman who has not had sexual intercourse. v [b6] consider a woman a virgin.

biribiki n brace, a carpenter’s tool for holding auger bits.

biribiri, biribíri n a sickness, beri-beri. v [A123P; a4] be affected with beri-beri.

bírig v [A2; b6] 1 for a male fowl to perform the courtship dance with the female. Gibirígan sa sunuy ang himungáan, The rooster courted the hen. 2 for a man to make a pass at a woman. Bísag sitinta anyus na mubírig pa gayud, He’s seventy years old, but he still makes passes. -ay v [A13] for fowls or people to prance about preparatory to attacking each other in a fight. Nagbirigay ang duha ka baksidur, The two boxers were prancing around. birigbírig v [A; b3] hang around s.o. to get s.t. from him. Nagbirigbírig siya nákù kay dúna siyay ipamaráyig, He has been courting me because he is going to ask for s.t.

biriking n automatic drill.

bíring n bearings of a machine. v [b6(1)] put bearings in s.t.

birisbiris = wiriswiris.

birlína n automobile having an enclosed compartment in the back and the driver’s seat open. v [A1] take such a car.

birmúda1 n Bermuda shorts. v [A; a] wear, make into Bermuda shorts.

birmúda2 n Bermuda grass.

birnakular, birnakyular n vernacular.

birnis n Friday. v 1 [B256; b4] be Friday. Nagbirnis (mibirnis) na lang wà gihápun siya muabut, It is (got to be) Friday and he has not arrived yet. Hibirnisan kug ulì tungud sa bagyu, It was already Friday when I arrived because of the typhoon. 2 [B1256] do things on Fridays. Mabirnis ray íyang ianhi, He’ll come only on Fridays. birnisbirnis every Friday. Birnisbirnis ang tinglímus sa simbahan, They beg at the church on Fridays. — Santu n Good Friday. nawung ug — long faced. v 1 [AN1] spend Good Friday. 2 [B] get a long face. Nagbirnis ang íyang nawung kay wà paubana, She has a long face because she wasn’t allowed to go along. síti — well-aged palm toddy.

birsikulu n verse in the Holy Bible.

birsiyun n version, particular variation of s.t.

birsu1 n k.o. detonating device used formerly to set off loud explosions during gala or religious festivities.

birsu2 n metrical verses. v [A23C; c1] debate in verse. Nagbirsu sila sa kulilísi, They had a debate in verse at the wake.

birsus versus. Si Ilurdi birsus di Liyun, Elorde versus de Leon.

birta = bwilta.

birtdi n birthday of a living person. v [A1; bc(1)] celebrate one’s birthday. Birtdíhan kung ákung kamagulángan, I’ll give a birthday party for my eldest child. paN- v [A23] attend s.o.’s birthday party. — parti n birthday party. — kík n birthday cake.

birtibra n vertebra.

birtikal n vertical. v [c16] make s.t. vertical.

birtkuntrul n birth control. v [A13] practice birth control.

birtud n 1 special, often magical powers of s.t. Dúna siyay birtud kay sugtun dáyug babáyi, He has special powers because he is irresistible to women. Táwu nga may birtud sa usa, Man that has the swiftness of a deer. 2 virtuous deed. Ang kabuútan mauy birtud nga angayang sundun, Honesty is a virtue that is worth emulating.

birtúsu n virtuoso. v [B26] become a virtuoso.

bírù v [B12; abc] be worried, concerned [142]about s.t. Unsa na say ímung gibírù sa ímung inahan? What did you bother your mother with again? Ang inadlaw nga galastúhan mauy ákung nabirúan, The money to meet daily expenses is what is worrying me.

bíruk1 n a penetrating, deeply nauseous body odor. v [A123P; a] have B.O. Gibíruk siya kay hugawan, He has B.O. because he’s dirty. -un n person with B.O.

bíruk2 n 1 sterile male. 2 male with only one testicle. -un a of a sterile type.

bís1 n base in baseball. v 1 [A12] reach a base. Wà makabís ang únang mihapak, The first batter never reached first base. 2 [A12] succeed in the first step of anything. Dì makabís kanang dagway mung batì niánang bayhána, With your face you won’t get to first base with her.

bísa n visa.

bisagak = busagak.

bisagra n hinges. v [A; c1] install, use as a hinge. Bisagráhan nákung pultahan, I’ll put hinges on the door.

bisan, bísan 1a even, including. Ang tanan nalísang, bisan aku, Everyone was terrified. Even me. Bisan sa bátà pa, kusgan na, Even as a child he was strong. Wà ku tagái bisan usa, He didn’t give me any, not even one. 1b even [so-and-so] is all right. Bisan pubri, basta dílì dawù, It doesn’t matter if he is poor, so long as he is not greedy. Bisan gamay, dawátun ku, I’ll accept it, even if it is small. 2a no matter if, even though, nevertheless. Bisan pubri, manggihatágun gihápun, Even if he is poor, he is generous. Bisan gisakitan midúlà lang gihápun, He continued playing even though he was in pain. Bisan pa, dì ku muadtu, Even so, I will not go. — na lang even if it is only [so-and-so]. Tagái ku, bisan na lang singku, Give me s.t., even if it is only five cents. Wà miy makáun, bisan na lang ságing, We have no food, not even bananas. 2b — sa despite, in spite of. Bisan pa sa ákung hinábang, wà gihápun musalir, He wasn’t successful despite my help. 3 [interrogative] 3a no matter where, who, how, when, how much, etc. Bisan maása siya, pangitáun ku siya, No matter where he goes, I’ll find him. Bisan pila, palita, Buy it, no matter how much it costs. 3b anybody, where, etc. at all. Bisan diin lang niya byái ang sinílas, He used to put his slippers any old place. Bisan kinsa makaapil, Anyone may take part. Mahímù bisan anus-a lang, You can do it any time. — ug, kun = bisan.

bísap n bishop in chess.

bisayà n 1 Visayan. Bantúgan siyang bisayà, He is a famous Visayan. Tambal nga bisayà, Visayan medicines. 2 a smaller, ordinary mongrel variety of s.t., esp. domestic animals or cultivated plants. Manuk bisayà, Mongrel chicken. Sibúyas bisayà, Small, green onions. Sabun bisayà, Laundry soap in bars. -in- 1 the Visayan way. Panambal nga binisayà, Visayan type of folk healing. 2 Visayan language. Binisayang putúput, tuganus, Pure Visayan with no admixture of foreign words. v 1 [A; c1] speak Visayan. Binisay-i lang ku, Just speak to me in Visayan. 2 [A; a12] translate into Visayan. Kinsa tung paríang nagbinisayà sa biblíya? Who was that priest who translated the Bible into Visayan? bisayista n Visayanist. kabisay-an n the Visayan Islands.

bisbis = bisíbis.

bisbul n baseball game. v [A; b6] play baseball. -ista n baseball player. v [B156; a12] be, make into a baseball player.

bisgù v [B; b6] for children to be fussy and troublesome. Mubisgù ang bátà ug dúnay sakit nga batíun, A child will be fussy if it is not feeling well.

bísi1 n the vice- or lieutenant governor, mayor, president, consul, etc. Kun mamatay ang pamúnù pulíhan kini sa íyang bísi, When a president dies the vice-president will take over. v [B36; c1] be s.o.’s lieutenant. Siya ang bisíhi, Run as his vice-mayor.

bísi2 a 1 busy with activity. Bísi kaáyu rung mga piliunun kay hápit nang piliay, The candidates are very busy now because it’s election year. 2 a busy telephone. Bísi gihápun ang tilipunu, The telephone is still busy. v [B26] for the telephone to be busy.

bisíbis v [AN; c] sprinkle water on s.t. Bisibísi ang lub-angun, Water the seedlings. paN- v [A23] for it to sprinkle. Ígù lang namisíbis ang ulan, It just sprinkled.

bisiklíta n bicycle. v 1 [A; a] ride a bicycle. Dì ku mubisiklíta ug gubà, I won’t ride a broken bicycle. Magbisiklíta ku padúlung sa syúdad, I will ride a bicycle to the city. Dì makabisiklíta ang bakul, The cripple cannot ride a bicycle. Bisiklitáha lang ang Talísay, Take a bicycle to Talisay. Lisud ning agianánang bisiklitáhan, This path is difficult to ride a bike over. 2 [A; c1] take s.t. s.w. by bicycle. Bisiklitáha (ibisiklíta) ang utanun ngadtu sa mirkádu, Take the vegetables to the market on a bicycle. 3 [A12] get a bicycle. Nakabisiklíta ku sa banggà, I won a bicycle in the contest. 4 [A; a] make into a bicycle. Kanang ímung wísir bisiklitáhun na lang kay dautang makina, Make your motor-bike into a bicycle because the motor [143]is shot. 5 [A] exercise lying flat on the back and kicking the feet, as if riding a bicycle. — nga tuluy ligid n tricycle. — nga binabáyi, sa babáyi n girl’s bicycle.

bísis n times, instances of an event. Daghan nang bísis nga hikit-an ta kamung nagkúyug, There were many instances when I saw you going together. Duha ka bísis (dús bísis) aku níya binuángi, He fooled me twice.

bisíta n 1 visitor, guest. Abiabíha ang átung mga bisíta, Entertain our visitors. 2 monthly menstruation (slang). Gitunghà ka na sa bisíta mu karung bulána? Has your ‘visitor’ arrived this month? v 1 [A3N; b5] go visit s.o. Bisitáhi (bisitáha) siya, Visit him. 2 [b4] for the menstruation to come (slang). Gibisitáhan tingáli siya kay pungtánun, She must be on the rag because she is in a bad mood. — iglisya n walking to the different churches in a town and praying in the evening of Maundy Thursday. v [A; b6] perform the church visit.

biskù = bisgù.

biskundi n viscount.

biskutsu n stale bread that is toasted with a little sugar sprinkled on it. v [A; a2] make a biskutsu.

biskwit n biscuit. v [A; a2] make, make into biscuits.

bisnis n 1 business. Bay-ansil ang bisnis níya karun, He is engaged in the business of buying and selling. 2 prostitute (euphemism). — manidyir n business manager. — wúman = bisnis, 2. v [B16; c] engage in prostitution. Nagbisnis na si Rus, Rose is ‘in business’ now.

bispiras n evening or day before an event. Bispiras sa Pasku, Christmas Eve. Bispiras sa tábù, The day before market day. v 1 [B56; b4] be an evening or day before an event or holiday. Mibispiras (nabispiras, nagbispiras) na lang sa pista wà gihápun siya muabut, It’s already the eve of the fiesta, and he has not arrived yet. 2 [B1256] do things on the eve of an event or holiday. Mabispiras sa Pasku ray íyang ipaúlì, He returns home only on Christmas Eve. 3 [A1] spend the eve of a holiday.

bista1 n hearing or trial in court. Giabsuwiltu siya niadtung bistáha, He was acquitted in that trial. v [A; a2] hear a case. Bistáhun karun ang sumbung kuntra nímu, The case against you will be heard today.

bista2 = purbista.

bisti n clothing. Dunut nga bisti, Ragged clothes. v 1 [AN; c] wear, put on clothes. Unsay ibisti nímu sa ímung kasal? What will you wear to your wedding? 2 [A] put clothes on s.o. 3 [AP; cP] provide with clothes. Pabistíhan (bistíhan) ka námù ug swildúhan pa, We will provide you with clothing and a salary.†

bistída, bistídu n woman’s dress of one piece. v [A; a] wear, make into a dress. bistidahun n dress material. Maáyung bistidahun ang lís, Lace is good as dress material.

bistig = bip-istik.

bistipul = bustipul.

bistu a 1 visible. Bistu kaáyu ang Kanlaun gíkan dinhi, You can clearly see Mt. Canlaon from here. 2 for a secret to be very much of public knowledge. Bistu kaáyung pagkapalikíru nímu, Your philandering is an open secret. v 1 [B1256] get to be visible. Mabistu sa karsádag ibílin dinhi, If you leave it here, it will be visible from the street. 2 [AB126; c16] make s.t. open knowledge, for s.t. to become open knowledge. Ikaw bay nagbistu nga minyù ku? Were you the one who let out the secret that I’m married? Nabistu ang ímung kaláki, Your doings are now an open secret. — ang baráha, bulitin = bistu, v2.

*bísug pakig- v [A23; b(1)] 1 struggle against in order to attain s.t. Makigbísug ku sa mga kalisdánan sa kinabúhì, I will struggle against life’s difficulties. pangin-, pangim- v [A2; b(1)] strive against obstacles. Nangimbísug ang hubákun ug ginháwa, The asthma victim struggled to get a breath.

bisukut = pisukut.

bisul n yautia, k.o. arum, the roots of which are branching tubers and the lateral branches of which are eaten: Xanthosoma violaceum.

bisung n woman’s genitalia. hiN-(←) v [B46] for women to blossom forth and be robust (humorous). Makapanghimísung diay ning gugma, Love makes a woman blossom forth.

bisyu n 1 vice. Bisyu sa babáyi, The vice of chasing women. 2 mau ra gihápun nga — it’s the same process, the same words as had been explained before. Ihúmul sa túbig, butangag asin, kutílun, basta mau gihápung bisyúha, Soak it, add salt, stir, and so forth. v 1 [A1; c16] indulge in vice. Ayaw bisyuha (ibisyu) ang pagtabakù, Don’t make smoking a vice. 2 [A1; c16] do s.t. always. Nagbisyu siyag kantakanta, He has the habit of singing. -sa, -su(←) a fond of indulging in vice. v [B12; b6] become full of vices. Mabisyúsu ang bánag layù sa asáwa, A husband tends to indulge in vice when he is separated from his wife.

bítad v [A; a1] pull, usually in the direction of a stationary agent. Bitára nang katri diri, Pull that bed over this way. — ug hábul [144][A12; c6] afford a scanty amount of nourishment (provide just enough strength to pull a blanket over oneself). Ang panihápun nga ákung gikaun ígù ra giyung ibítad ug hábul, I had a very scanty supper. paN-(←) v [A23] be at the tail end in a race or contest. Namítad siya sa lumbà, He finished last in the race.

bitaki n Vitamin K.

bitamin, bitamína n vitamins.

bitan-ag n k.o. tree of wet areas.

bitang n bench. Palingkúra sa bitang ang átung bisíta, Give our visitor a seat on the bench. v [A; a] make into, install a bench.

bítas v [A; a] lacerate, rip. Ang lansang mauy nakabítas sa ákung sinínà, The nail ripped my dress. Ayaw bitása ang kurtína, Don’t rip the curtain in two. Bitási ang kinatáwu níya arun katawhan dáyun, Make a laceration in her vagina to facilitate the birth. (→) n 1 rip, slash, tear. 2 unmarried young woman who has had sexual experience.

bitaug n k.o. tree of strand: Calophyllum inophyllum.

bítaw 1 particle affirming interlocutor’s remark. ‘Mahal ra kaáyu.’—‘Bítaw,’ ‘It’s too expensive.’—‘It sure is.’ ‘Dì ba tu ikaw si Usting?’—‘Aku bítaw,’ ‘Aren’t you Osting?’—‘Yes, I am.’ ‘Tugnaw kaáyu run.’—‘Nagswítir bítaw ku,’ ‘It sure is cold.’—‘Yes, it is. Why do you think I’m wearing a sweater?’ 2 particle giving assurance. 2a [so-and-so] is the case anyway. Ayaw paghílak. Muabut na bítaw si Máma nímu, Don’t cry. Your mother is coming anyway. 2b stop complaining because [so-and-so] happened, is happening in any case. ‘Sígi ming pangítà nímu dà.’—‘Nangítà bítaw pud ku nímu,’ ‘We have been looking for you.’—‘Well, I have been looking for you, too.’ ‘Ngánung wà ku nímu binlig kík?’—‘Niingun bítaw kang dì ka gustu,’ ‘Why didn’t you leave me any cake?’—‘Well, you said you didn’t want any.’ 2c don’t worry about it, [so-and-so] is the case with s.o. else and it’s all right. Ayaw paghílak. Aku bítaw, wà ku tagái, Don’t cry. I didn’t get any either, so there. 2d don’t worry about it. I’m just joking. Ambi nà bi. Ayaw bítaw. Nagkumidiya lang bítaw ku, Give that to me. Don’t really. I’m just joking. 2e seriously now, please do [so-and-so]. Sígi bítaw. Adtu na ta, OK. OK, let’s go now. Ayaw bítaw ku dad-a sa lawum, Oh, stop now. Don’t pull me into the deep water. Usà pa bítaw. Unsa tuy ímung túyù pag-anhi? Seriously, though, what did you have in mind in coming here? 3 see, [so-and-so] had to happen. ‘Sakit ákung úlu.’—‘Bítaw. Giingnan ta bítaw kang dì magsígig ínum,’ ‘I have a headache.’—‘See, I told you not to drink so much.’ Aligri man tà tu silang duha. Naabtan bítaw nas amahan, They were just having fun, but would not you know it, their father caught them.

bítàw = bítaw (before a pause).

bítay v [AB12S; c1] 1 hang s.t. up suspended, be hanging. Kinsay nagbítay sa parul? Who hung the lantern up? Ang ímung ranggu nagbitay sa usa ka lugas lánut, Your rank is hanging by a single thread (i.e. you are in imminent danger of demotion). Bitáya (ibítay) sa bintánà ang bandíra, Hang the flag in the window. 2 [A; c1] execute. Bitáya (ibítay) siya sa silya iliktrika, Execute him in the electric chair. 3 [A123P; a3] 3a be beneath the other cock when fighting on the wing. Nabíhag ang ákung manuk kay nabítay man paglupad, My cock was defeated because it was beneath its opponent when they fought on the wing. 3b be far behind in a game or contest. 4 [A1; a] perform the bítay ceremony in the súgat (see bítay, n3). n 1 death by hanging or execution. 2 distance one is behind in a contest. 3 the lifting of the alilúya in the súgat ceremony. (→) a tending to droop. Bitay siya ug ngábil, She has drooping lips. v [B4] become drooping. Wà na siya ganáhi. Nagbitay na lang, He didn’t feel like it any more. It (the penis) just drooped. bitaybítay n the hanging part of dangling earrings. -an(→) n place of execution. maN-r- n executioner. paN- n 1 the lower wattles of a chicken. 2 hanging decorations in a window. tingbitay sa irù, iring n the month of July when food is scarce (and they hang dogs up to butcher them), or the period just before payday. -únun, -un n condemned person. kulum- see kulumbítay.

bitbit v [A; a] carry or hold s.t. in the hand. Bitbíta ang baskit, Carry the basket.

bitì n 1 snapping, popping sound. 2 popcorn. 3 white speck on the iris. v 1 [A2] make a rather soft, snapping sound. Mibitì ang íyang tiil pagkabálì, His foot snapped when it broke. 2 [A; c1] make popcorn. 3 [A2B; b4] get a speck on the eyeball. Gibit-an ang ákung mata, My eyes got a white speck on them.

bitíis = batíis.

bitik v 1 [A; a] catch with a noose or lasso. Bitika (bitka, bikta) nang irù, Catch that [145]dog with a lasso. 2 [A123P; a123] become entangled or caught in. Nabitik ákung tiil sa bágun, My feet got entangled in the vine. 3 [A; a2] trap a person into saying s.t. Maáyu nang abugadúha mamitik ug bakákung saksi, That lawyer is good in tripping up lying witnesses. 4 [a12] become a victim of s.o.’s clever manipulation. Nabitik ku sa matam-is níyang sáad, I was entrapped by his sweet promises. — sa hunsuy v [A13] do s.t. else rather than engage in s.t. useless. Magbitik na lang ku sa hunsuy ug magnigusyu kug alkansi, I’ll do better to trap my pipe than go into business and lose. — sa utut v [A13; a12] do s.t. impossible (humorous). Bitkun kung ákung utut ug kadama ka níya, I’ll eat my hat (lit. trap my fart) if you can make it with her. n any flexible device for trapping animals that snaps shut tightly when stepped on or jiggled.

bitikbitik v [A2N; b6] give a hint as to what one is about to do. Wà man ka magbitikbitik (mamitikbitik) námung magminyù ka, You never gave us a hint that you were getting married.

bitin n snake. v [a4] be bitten by a snake. Mu ra ka mag gibitin (gibítin) kun musyágit, You scream as if you had been bitten by a snake. -an n infested with snakes. Bitinan kanang langúba, That cave is infested with snakes.

bítin = bíking.

bitiránu n 1 war veteran. 2 having long experience in s.t. Bitiránu kaáyu siyang panday, He’s a veteran carpenter. Bitiránu kaáyu ning báraw ku sa dinunggábay, This knife of mine is veteran of many knife fights. v [B2] become experienced in s.t. Nagkabitiránu ku sa ínum, I am becoming a veteran drinker.†

bitirinaryu n veterinarian. v [B16; a12] become, make into a veterinarian.

bitlì n tiny growths on the face, like pimples, cysts. paN- v [A2] for shoots, buds, leaves to sprout. Namitlì na giyud ang mga sáhà sa ságing, At last my banana shoots have sprouted.

bitlig = bitlì.

bits1 n beets.

bits2 n bates, k.o. plain, finely woven cotton cloth.

bitsikurnu = pitsikurnu.

bitsin n monosodium glutamate food seasoning. v [A; bc] flavor with monosodium glutamate.

bitsubitsu n delicacy consisting of shredded sweet potatoes, fried and sugared. v [A; a] make bitsubitsu.

bitsukuy n k.o. pancake consisting of flour, sugar, and eggs, deep fried and sprinkled with sugar. v [A13; a12] prepare, make into this k.o. pancake.

bitsuylas n = habitsuylas.

bítu n a cave with a small opening but with a very large and spacious interior. Dúnay bítu sa tiilan niánang bungtúra, There is a cave at the foot of that mountain. v 1 [AB126; a] dig a hole, become a cave or deep pit. Mubítu ang sundálu ug way kapasalipdan, Soldiers dig a hole if they have no place to stay. 2 [A; c] throw in a hole. Ibítu ang mga sagbut, Dump the garbage in the pit.

bitudbitud n tiny lumps formed when s.t. is mixed into s.t. else and the mixing is not well done. v [B; a] be, become lumpy. Mubitudbitud ang písì ug dílì ángay nga pagkalúbag, The rope will turn out lumpy if you don’t twist it evenly. Ayaw bitudbitura ang ímung pagtimpla sa litsi, Don’t mix the milk so that it comes out lumpy.

bitugul = tibugul.

bítuk n roundworm in the digestive tract. May bítuk nang batáa kay dakug tiyan, That child has worms because he has a big belly. v [A123P; a4] have worms. -un a having roundworms. bitukbítuk n k.o. children’s game played by two teams. Each team is formed into a line and the team that reaches the goal first wins. v [AC; b6] play this game. bitukbituk n name given to pipefishes of worm-like size and appearance.

bitulbitul v [A; b6] form lumps. Mubitulbitul ang litsi ug madugayan, Milk will curdle if you let it stand. Ang inagian sa iniksiyun nagbitulbitul, The place they injected me is all full of lumps.

bítuls n 1 The Beatles singing group. 2 Beatles’ hairstyle. v [c16] arrange the hair in the Beatles style. Bitúla (ibítul) ang buhuk mu, Let your hair grow long like the Beatles. pa- v [A13] get a Beatle hairdo.

bitun n shoe polish in solidified form. v [A; c] apply shoe polish. Bituni (bitni) ang sapátus, Apply shoe polish to the shoes.

bitut n female genital organ (humorous euphemism).

bitúun n 1 star. 2 star in a movie. 3 star-shaped Christmas lantern. 4 k.o. tree of strand, the star-shaped fruits of which are used as fish poison: Barringtonia asiatica. 5 — sa dágat starfish. v [A; c1] star in a movie production. Ang salídang íyang gibituúnan, The picture he starred in. (→) = bitúun 4. paN- v [A2] 1 for stars to be out. Mamitúun gánì, lagmit dì muulan, [146]When there are stars, it is not likely to rain. 2 for oily spots to form on the surface of a liquid. Mamitúun ang sabaw basta tambuk ang lutúun, The soup sparkles with fat if you cook fat in it.†

bíu n body odor. Bahúang bíu nímu uy, Jesus, what strong b.o. you’ve got. v [B126] have b.o. Mabíu (biúhun) ka ug dì ka malígù, You’ll have b.o. if you don’t take a bath. biúhun a having strong b.o.

biúung n female genitalia (euphemism for bisung).

bíyà v 1 [A; b(1)] leave a place, s.t. behind. Ngánung mibíyà ka man dinhi? Why did you leave? Kinsay nagbíyà ning libru diri? Who left this book here? Dì ku makabíyà sa ákung búhat, I can’t leave my work. Byái ang pagtabakù, Quit your smoking habit. Hibyaan siya sa trin, She missed the train (i.e., failed to get married). Gibyáan na nà nákù sa buut, I have already forgotten that insignificant matter. Ang ímung pamisti hibyaan na sa urug, Your clothes are way out of style (have been left behind by the styles). 2 [A; b(1)] abandon, desert. Mibíyà ang bána sa asáwang yawyawan, The husband deserted his nagging wife. 2a [A23] die. Gagmay pa mi sa dihang mibíyà si Tátay námù, We were still kids when our father died. 3 [A12; b26] win by a certain distance, amount. Dílì makabíyà si Usminya ni Markus ug usa ka gatus ka líbu dinhi sa Sugbu, Osmeña can’t garner a majority of one-hundred thousand votes over Marcos here in Cebu. Hibyaan siyag duha ka dupa sa mananáug, He was behind the winner by two arm’s lengths. 4 [a3] become the underdog. Nabíyà siya kay Ilurdi ang kuntra, He was the underdog because Elorde was his opponent. 5 [a3] become leftover waste material. (→) 1 amount by which s.o. is behind in a contest. 2a be left behind. Biyà na kaáyu sa panahun, You are very much behind the times. 2b things not in use, cast off. Átung ihátag ang biyà nga sinínà sa mga pubri, We’ll give our old clothes to the poor. 2c by-products. Ang biyà sa pamanday magámit nga sugnud, The leftovers from carpentry work can be used as fuel. 3 the underdog in a fight. Ug parángan ang bisayà ug tiksas, biyà ang bisayà, If a Visayan cock is matched with a Texas, the Visayan is the underdog. 4 homely. Biyag nawung, Homely looking. 5 poor in quality. Biyang panaptun, Poor quality cloth. 6 s.o. who behaves in a bad way. Biyà ug batásan. Isipan, He is an awful sort. He counts favors he renders. v 1 = bíyà 4. 2 get to be poor in quality. Nagkabíyà ang íyang ági nadúgayng sinuwat, His penmanship got worse and worse the longer he wrote. pa- v 1 [A; b] allow oneself or s.t. to be left behind. Dì ku magpabíyà sa íyang buut, I won’t allow her to forget me (to be left out of her thoughts). 2 [A] bet on the underdog. Ug pabíyà ta, dakù tag daug, If we bet on the underdog, we will win more. -um-r-(→) a given to deserting one’s family.

biyaw n k.o. small shiny beetle found in trees.

biyin expression denoting approval of s.t. done which is necessary for the next thing to do. Biyin, sunud ímu nang lat-an hangtud mahúmuk, Fine. Next, boil it until it becomes tender. u — or else. Nanglampásu tà ka u biyin nanglaba ba, You should have polished the floor or else washed the clothes.

bíyu v 1 [AB; c1] twirl or whirl on its axis, cause s.t. to do so. Nagbíyu nga lílù, A whirling whirlpool. 2 [AB; c] go around an area. Ibíyu ang sakyanan sa syudad, Take the car around the city. 3 [C; ac3] have a contest spinning tops. Byúhun nátù, kun kinsay mauna, Let’s have a top-spinning contest to see who goes first.

blag n word used in writing to represent a thudding sound.

blak-anwayit n black and white shoes.

blak-áwut n blackout in wartime. v [B6; c1] have, cause a blackout. Átung iblak-áwut (blak-awtun) ang tanang sugà sa syudad, We will black out all the lights in the city.

blak-ay n black eye. v [AB26; a1b2] give, have a black eye. Miblak-ay (nablak-ay) íyang mata, He got a black eye.

blakbins n name given to salted black beans (tahusyu) sold in cans. v 1 [A13] eat salted black beans with the staple food. 2 [b6] cook with salted black beans.

blakbur, blakburd n blackboard. v [c16] make into a blackboard.

blakbúting n block voting. v [A1; c1] engage in block voting.

blakdyak n 1 game of blackjack. 2 blackjack in cards. v 1 [A23; a] play blackjack. 2 [A12] get blackjack. Nakablakdyak ku, I got a blackjack. 3 [B26] for cards to be blackjack.

blakhart n spades in cards. Ilábay ang blakhart nga alas, Discard the ace of spades.

bláking v [A; b6(1)] 1 blocking in games. Dì ku makabláking sa íyang kúmù kay hilabihang kusúga, I couldn’t block his blows because they were so fast. 2 block the progress of s.t. Giblakíngan ang ákung apuyíntmint [147]sa mayur, The mayor blocked my appointment.

blakmarkit n black market. v [c6] sell s.t. on the black market.

blakmil, blakmíling n blackmail. v [A; a1] blackmail s.o.

blak plin n a carpenter’s plane for cutting across the grain on board ends.

blakrámi n way of playing rummy in which one can meld all the sets of cards at once. v [A2; c1] go ‘block rummy’.

blaktin n the combination of an ace and ten in blackjack, sometimes given higher value than other combinations totalling twenty-one. v [A2; a2b2] make an ace-ten combination.

blangku a blank, empty. Daghan kag blangku. Malagmit kang mahagbung, You left lots of blanks. You’ll probably fail. Blangkug nawung, Blank-faced. Butangi ang blangku sa hustung tubag, Put the right answer in the blank. v [A2; b6] leave a blank. Blangkúhi lang ang pangutánang wà nímu hikamahui, Leave the questions you don’t know blank.

blap n s.t. false said to make s.o. act in a desired way. Ang búnus nga gitahù blap lang, The bonus he kept talking about was all a hoax. v [A; a2] make s.o. believe s.t. to obtain compliance. Blapun nátù siyang wà tay kwarta, Let’s hoax her into thinking that we don’t have any more money.

blátir n 1 blotting paper. 2 a police blotter. Naintra na sa blátir ang ímung kásu, Your case has been entered in the police blotter. v 1 [A; c] enter in the police blotter. Iblátir nákù ang inyung mga ngálan, I’ll enter your names into the police blotter. 2 [b6(1)] blot s.t.

bláwus = blúsa.

blid v [A] bleed. Gablid ákung samad, My wound is bleeding. -ing(←) v [A13] have bleeding after an operation or delivery. Nagblíding ang íyang upirasyun sa paglíhuk níya, He bled where he had been operated when he moved.

blíd n razor blade.

blits v [A; c1] bleach one’s skin or hair.

blú a blue in color. v [AB; bc1] become, make s.t. blue.

bluáwut v [A; b6(1)] give a party with substantial food and drinks in celebration of s.t. Magbluawut kug makapasar ku sa bár, I’ll give a big party if I pass the bar.

blúbuk n booklet with a blue cover for answers to examinations.

blúki n 1 large solid piece of ice with a flat surface. 2 town or city block. 3 market stall. 4 political block, faction. v [c16] form, divide into blocks. Blukíha (iblúki) nang yílu, Form the ice into blocks.

blúmir n bloomers. v [A; a] wear, make into bloomers.

blúsa n blouse. v [A; c1] wear, make, make into a blouse.

blúsil n 1 American smuggled cigarettes (named from their blue seal). 2 American or European person (slang). Nakaasawa siyag blúsil, He married a blue seal (American).

blúwir n blower, ventilating fan. v [b(1)] install a blower.

bra n bra. v [A; c] wear a bra.

brad n 1 intimate term of address to a man. Mangáun ta, brad, Come over here and eat with me, friend. 2 term of address to a brother.

brádir n brother in a fraternity.

brandi n brandy.

brandilya, brandilyas = barandilya.

bras, brás n brush. v [A; b6(1)] brush s.t. Brasi ang makinilya, Clean the typewriter with a brush.

brása, brásas n measurement the length of an arm. Usa ka brása (brásas), One arm-length. Kwatru brásas, Four arm-lengths.

brásu n biceps. brasúhun a having well-developed biceps.

*brásus — dimirsídis n k.o. dessert made from cake baked in a thin layer, rolled up and filled with a sweet mixture of egg yolk and condensed milk.

bráwun a brown in color. v [AB; c1] dye s.t. into, become brown.

brayids míd n bridesmaid.

brayit a mentally quick, clever. Púrus mga brayit nà sila, They are all intelligent. v [B2; b6] become mentally quick, clever.

bríd v [A; c6] breed animals. Nagbríd kug mga manuk dirása, I’m breeding imported fighting cocks. Ibríd ang manuk mung bisayà ug lighurn, Breed your native chickens with leghorns.

*brid amirikan — n bread baked in a box-shape like what is usually packaged in the States.

brids n bridge of teeth, a device for securing artificial crowns where teeth are missing, by anchoring it to the natural teeth. v [A] put in a bridge.

brik n ice-cream brick.

brík1 n break from work. v [A] take a break.

brík2 n brakes of a vehicle. v [A; b6(1)] 1 apply the brakes. Bríki ang awtu, kay dulhugun, Brakes! We’re going down on a steep incline. 2 stop a vehicle.

brík3 v 1 [A123PC; c3] break off a relationship between two lovers. Bríki nang ímung [148]trátu, Break up with your sweetheart.

brík4 v [A; a12] separate two boxers. Kun maggákus ang buksidur, bríkun, When boxers clench each other, they are separated.

brík5 n in bowling, the action of downing the ten pins on the third throw. v [A12; c16] make a break. Kinahanglang bríkun (ibrík) nímu kining labáya arun ka makaigwális, You must make a break on this throw if you want to even up the score.

brikdáwun v [B2; c16] have a breakdown. Nalángan mi kay nabrikdáwun ang trák, We were delayed because the truck had a breakdown. nirbus — nervous breakdown.

brilyanti n diamond polished to a high brilliance.

brilyantin n brilliantine.

brilyu n brilliance, sparkle of precious stones. v [A; b] be glittering, sparkling. Brilyúhi ang sapátus mu, Make your shoes shine with brightness.

brinda n bridle. v [A; b6] put a bridle on a horse.

bringhawus n food given to a guest at a party, feast, etc. to bring home. v [A; c1] for a guest to take food home. Bringhawsan ta kag inasal sa pista, I’ll bring you some roast pig home from the fiesta.

bríp n brief or panty underwear. v [A] wear briefs. Nagbríp lang kung nalígù, I went swimming in my briefs.

bris, brís n brace. v 1 [A; b] brace. Makalakaw lang siyag magbrís, She cannot walk without her brace. Gibrísan nákung mga síya, I strengthened the chairs with braces. 2 [A; a] make into a brace.

briskas = buriskas.

brislit n bracelet. v [A; a] wear, make into a bracelet.

britsis n short pants. v [A1; a] wear, make into short pants.

brudkas v [A; c6] 1 broadcast a radio program. Gibrudkas sa radiyung mibutung Hibukhíbuk, It was broadcast over the radio that Mt. Hibokhibok erupted. 2 spread information, gossip. Ayaw ibrudkas sa mga silíngan ang mga nahitabù, Don’t broadcast what happened here to the neighbors.

brudklut n broadcloth.

brunda n veil worn by women to church. v 1 [A; a] wear, make into a veil. 2 [A12] get a veil.

brungkítis n bronchitis. v [B26; a4] become bronchitis, get bronchitis. Patambáli nang ubu sa dì pa nà mabrungkítis, Treat your cough before it turns into bronchitis. Gibrungkítis ku, I got bronchitis.

brungkurab n Broncho Rub, trade name for a medicated rub.

brunsi n bronze. — dulsi n bronze that is reddish in color. — pína n bronze that is golden-yellow in color.

brutsa n brush. Brutsa sa pagpintal, sapátus, Paint, shoe brush. v 1 [A; b] brush s.t. Gibrutsáhan níya ang sapátus, He brushed the shoes. 2 [A; b5] lick a woman’s sexual parts to induce excitement. Dì mubulag ang babáyi basta brutsáhun (hibrutsáhan), As long as you lick a girl, she’ll never break off from you. 3 [a12] make into a brush. paN- v [A2; b] brush one’s hair. Mambrutsa ku, I will brush my hair.

brútu a like a brute, cruel and gross in behavior. Gihagkan ku dihàdihà sa brútu, The brute kissed me then and there.

brúwa, brúwas n spongy cookie, ladyfingers. v [A; a2] make ladyfingers.

1 v [A; b5] boo. Gibú (gibúhan) sa mga táwu ang disisyun sa kuymi, The crowd booed the umpire’s decision. n booing.

2 = búlu1.

buad a bulging, stretched outward in fullness. Táwung buad, Man with his stomach sticking out. Ang panà buad, A bow is bent forward. v [B; c1] bulge, bend, curve outward in fullness. Mubuad (mabuad) ang sákung punù, A sack that’s full will bulge. Hángin ang nakabuad (nakapabuad) sa láyag, The wind caused the sail to balloon. pabuadbúad v [A1] walk, sit with the stomach sticking out. Nagpabuadbúad ang mabdus sa íyang linakwan, The pregnant woman is walking with her stomach sticking out.

buágas v [A2S; b6] flow profusely. Nagbuagas ang túbig, Water is flowing profusely.

buagsa, buagsà v [B26; b2] for several things to fall and be scattered in every direction. Pagkabuak sa alkansíya, nabuagsà ang kwarta, When the piggy bank broke, the money fell all over the place. a scattered because of falling or having been dropped.

buagya a be scattered all over the place. Buagya ang mga butang sa ímung kwartu, The things in your room are strewn all over the place. v [AB; a] scatter, be scattered all over the place. Way láin nga mubuagya niánang balità, si Síta ra, No one but Zita would broadcast that news. Wà na gániy inahan magbuagya (mabuagya) na giyud ang mga anak, If the mother is gone, the children will scatter. ti- see tibuagya.

buak v [A3; a] 1 break s.t. open, to pieces; for s.t. to break. Nakabuak siya sa alkansíya, He broke the piggy bank open. 2 [A; a12] break the silence. Usa ka singgit mibuak [149]sa kahílum, A shout broke the silence. 3 [A; a12] change money. Átung buakun (buk-un) ning diyisun, Let’s break this ten-spot. 4 [A; a12] break in a virgin. 5 [B2] for the voice to break. Mibuak ang íyang tíngug sa tantu níyang sinyágit, His voice broke after shouting so much. a 1 broken open, with a piece broken off. Dì maáyung gamítun ang sáming buak, It’s no good to use a broken mirror. babáyi nga — a woman who is no longer a virgin. 2 broken in voice. buak, (←) v [A1C12; a] split coconuts to make copra. Buk-an tung ákung útang, I will repay my debt by splitting coconuts. (←) n season for making copra. ting-(←) = búak, n. pa- v [A] make s.t. break. Ang pagbanggà sa awtu nakapabuak sa bildu, The crash caused the car’s window to break.

búang a 1 insane, crazy. Gigaugáu sa kabatáan ang búang, The children are making fun of the insane person. Irung búang, A rabid dog. 2 lacking sense. Búang nímung mubáyad kag diyis, You must be crazy to pay ten pesos! Ayaw ku tudlúi. Dì ku búang, You don’t have to show me. I’m not stupid. 3 naughty, pranking. Búang kaáyung bat-ána kay manglìlì, What a naughty child! He peeps at people. 4 the one who is ‘it’ in games. 5 defective coconut with no water and no meat. v 1 [B126; b3] go crazy. Hápit ku mabúang dihang ímung gitalikdan, I almost went crazy when you left me. 1a [A; a12] make s.o. insane. Gibúang siya sa bugsikan, The sorcerer inflicted madness on him. 2 [a2] fool s.o., think s.o. a fool. Ayaw kug buánga kay nasáyud ku sa nahitabù, Don’t try to fool me because I know what happened. Gibuángan ka ba nákù? Do you take me for a fool? 3 [B12; b3(1)] go crazy about s.t. Nabúang siya sa súgal, He’s crazy over gambling. Babáying íyang gikabuángan, The woman he was crazy about. 4 [B125; a12] have a hard time doing s.t. for which one has little time. Nagkabuang kug pinangítà nímu, I was going crazy looking for you. 5 [B1245] do s.t. in an irrational, crazy way. Nagkabuang ang mga táwug dágan pagbutu, The people ran every which way in panic upon hearing the explosion. (→) a = búang, 5. buangbuang v 1 = búang, v 4, 5. 2 [A12C; b6] play a game of tag hide-and-seek. n tag hide-and-seek. pabuangbúang v [A] pretend to be a fool, crazy. Magpabuangbúang ug pangutan-un. Mu rag dílì siya, You ask him and he pretends not to know. As if it wasn’t him. paka- v [A13; a12] act, treat like a fool or crazy person. Ayaw pagpakabúang dihà. Gamítang ímung úlu, Don’t act like a fool. Use your head. -in- n 1 stupidity, unreasonable foolishness. Usa ka binúang ang pagpakamatay tungud sa gugma, It’s stupid to kill oneself for love. 2 foolish prank. Binúang sa mga iskuyla kining pagsuwat sa bungbung, This writing on the wall is just one of the children’s pranks. v [A; b(1)] do foolish mischief. Way mubinúang nímu dinhi samtang nía ku, No one will do you any mischief as long as I am here. Ayaw kug binuángi, ha, Don’t try any foolishness on me, understand! ka- n 1 insanity. 2 serious mischief. Mu nay sangputánan sa ímung kabúang, That’s where your mischief will end you. kina- = ka-, 2. kina-(→) a not done in seriousness. v [A1; b6(1)] do s.t. without being serious about it. Nagkinabuang mig aplay ug nadáwat mi, We just applied for the fun of it, and we were hired. -un(→) a acting insane, stupid.†

buaw v [BN] for the eyes to get swollen. Mibuaw (namuaw) íyang mata ug kinatúlug, Her eyes got swollen from sleeping too much.

búaw v [B126] for a part of the body to swell after being struck. Nabúaw ang kumagkù níyang natudturan sa martilyu, He accidentally struck his thumb with a hammer, and it swelled. particle: magical expression used to qualify a statement which praises s.o., said for the purpose of avoiding harm to the person praised. Maáyu búaw kang mulútù, You cook well, evil spirits beware. Gwápu búaw kag anak, You have a beautiful child, evil spirits beware.

buáya n 1 crocodile. 2 lend or gamble in such a way that there is no chance of getting any but huge returns. Buáya nà siyang mupahulag kwarta. Dakug garantíya. Dakug pátung, He is a real crocodile in his money-lending. He demands a huge security and huge interest. Buáya nga mupúkir, He plays poker ruthlessly. 3 hogging the ball in basketball. 4 = dispatsir. v [B12; b6] get to be greedy in lending, gambling, or with the ball. paN- v 1 [A2; b6(1)] catch crocodiles. 2 [A2; a12] for s.o. to entrap s.o. into playing against him by pretending not to know how. Gipamuáya kug ahidris níya, He trapped me into playing chess with him. 3 = dispatsir, v. buayáhun a having a configuration in the lines of the palm resembling a crocodile and which signifies that the bearer will never have living children and further his brothers and sisters will not live to maturity. This configuration can be changed by magical means. [150]

búba n = búbu1 (female).

bubhu v [A; b] 1 wash the hair. Bubhúig bawnus ang ákung buhuk, Shampoo my hair with gogo. 2 put s.t. in the hair as dressing. n 1 s.t. to wash hair with. 2 hair dressing. paN- v [A2; b6] wash, dress one’s hair. Mamubhu kug lubi, I will rinse my hair with coconut juice.

bubhuan = abubhuan. see *abubhu.

búbu1 a deeply stupid, idiotic. Búbu ang íyang anak. Dì gánì makasulti, Her child is a moron. It cannot even talk. v [B2; a12b6] turn out to be an idiot.

búbu2, búbù n box-like trap woven from bamboo slats allowing entrance but no egress, used to catch fish or monkeys. v 1 [A; a] make, make into such a trap. 2 [A2N; a] catch things with the búbu. Bubúun (bubúhun) nátù ang ungguy arun búhing dakpan, Let’s trap the monkey with a búbu so he can be taken alive. Kining sapáa maáyung bubúan, This river is a good place to set a fish trap.

bùbù v 1 [A; c] pour s.t. out, into s.t. Namayur siya kay mibùbù mag kwarta, He became mayor because he poured money out for it. Bùbúi ang lub-angun, Pour water on the seedlings. Ibùbù ang túbig sa akwaryum, Pour the water into the aquarium. Ibùbù ku kanímu ang tanan kung pagmahal, I will shower all my affection on you. Ibùbù ku sa trabáhu ang tanan kung kabudlay, I will pour my every effort into the job. 2 [b(1)] flush a land crab out by pouring water in its hole. n action of watering. Kuwag bùbù ang rúsas, The roses haven’t been watered enough. paN- v [A2] catch land crabs by flushing them out. -anay, -ay(→) v [C; c6] for employees to put a fixed amount in a kitty each month. The kitty goes to each member in turn. Magbùbuay tag tagbayinti káda kinsína, We chip in twenty for the revolving kitty every two weeks. -anan n place into, through which liquid is poured.

búbud = budbud.

bubun = hubun.

bubung n 1 covering at the ridge of the roof. 2 household unit living under one roof. Paamútun nátung káda bubung ug singku písus, Every household shall contribute five pesos. 3 house, home. Nag-ípun mig puyù sulud sa usa ka bubung, We live together under one roof. v [A; c] cover the space between the upper edges of the roof, at the ridge. -an n = bubung, n 1, 2.

búd1 = búlud.

búd2 = bátud, n.

búda n formal gown. Daw rayna siyang tan-áwun sa íyang búda, She looks like a queen in her wedding dress. — dipláta silver wedding anniversary, or silver jubilee in the priesthood. — diúru golden wedding anniversary or golden jubilee in the priesthood. v [A; c1] wear, make into a wedding dress.

budabil n 1 vaudeville. 2 combination of mahjong pieces consisting of dagger, mirror, and grass pieces. -ay v [C] play with extra money on the budabil combination.

búdas diúru, pláta golden, silver wedding anniversary or jubilee in the priesthood.

budbud v 1 [A; c] wind string, wire, strips, etc. around s.t. or into a ball. Budbúri nag bandids ang ímung samad, Wind a bandage around your wound. Ibudbud ang lúbid sa lápis, Wind the rope around the pencil. 2 [A; c1] make a stick of dynamite out of. 3 [A; a2] make the delicacy budbud. n 1 coil, spoolful. Usa ka budbud hílu, A spoolful of thread. 2 stick of dynamite. 3 sweet prepared from crushed ingredients (rice, corn, pili nut, millet, etc.) formed into sticks, wrapped in banana leaves, and steamed. budburan n reel, spool. budburun n k.o. small cylindrical mackerel.

budhì1 v [A; b] betray a faith or trust. Patyun ta kag budhían ku nímu, I’ll kill you if you betray me. ma-un a 1 traitorous. 2 unfaithful.

budhì2 v [B46] for s.t. to be not thoroughly cooked in the center.

budíding = buríring.

budíga n 1 warehouse for holding heavy materials. 2 place in the hold of a ship for cargo, often open. 3 cargo compartment of a plane, truck, car, etc. 4 stomach of a person (slang). Dakug budíga kay dakug káun, He has a big stomach because he eats a lot. v 1 [a12] make into a warehouse. Budigáhun kung katungà ning bildínga, I’ll make the other half of this building into a warehouse. 2 [b] make a cargo compartment in s.t. budigíru n one who works in a warehouse.

budígus n earthen jug with a long slender neck and a small opening.

budlat a bulging eyes. v [BN6; b6] for the eyes to bulge. Mibudlat íyang mata sa kasukù, His eyes bulged in anger. -an n name given to fishes with bulging eyes, e.g. k.o. slipmouth (palutput) with this appearance: Gazza minuta. -un(→) a having bulging eyes.

budlay a tiring, tiresome. Budlay kaáyu ning magguna sa ínit, It’s tiring to cut grass in the sun. Budlay kaáyu ang magpaábut, It’s tiresome to wait. v [A; a2b3] 1a be inconvenienced, put to great effort. Mibudlay giyud [151]ku pag-anhi, I took the trouble of coming here. Ayaw kug budláya sa ímung mga prublíma, Don’t trouble me with your problems. 1b toil. Nagbudlay siya arun mabúhì, He toils in order to live. 2 [A; a12] tire. Ayaw budláya ang masakitun, Don’t tire the patient. 3 [b6] consider s.t. tiresome. Gitilipunuhan ta ka kay gibudláyan kung muanhà, I phoned you because it’s easier than going to your house. ka- n effort exerted to get s.t. done. Nasalbar siya tungud sa kabudlay sa duktur, The doctor’s efforts saved him. -in-an, kina-an n s.t. earned by labor. hiN-, haN- v [ANP; b6] take a rest. Anhà ku sa landung sa mangga manghimudlay (muhimudlay, magpahimudlay), I’ll rest under the mango tree. tinghiN- n rest period.

budlis n long, thin mark, stripe, smear. Lagmit buláwan ang dág nga budlis sa batu, The yellow streaks in the stone are probably gold. v [A3P; b6(1)] mark with streaks or stripes. Ayaw budlísi ug úling ang salug, Don’t streak charcoal on the floor. -an n name given to fishes with streaks.

budlísiw = bidlísiw.

budlung1 v [A; a12] dig out plants with deep-running roots. Kinahanglan budlúngun gayud ang kúgun kay lawum ug dulut, You have to really dig out the cogon grass, because it runs deep. n heavy metal bar for digging out weeds with deep roots.

budlung2 n sweet made of cornstarch (tik tik), brown sugar, shredded coconut meat, wrapped in banana leaves to form a stick and steamed.

budlut a sticking out, protruding. Budlut ug simud, Lips that stick out. v [B46N; b(1)c16P] bulge, protrude. Mibudlut (namudlut) íyang kaunuran pag-alsa níya sa barbil, His flesh bulged when he lifted the barbell. Nagbudlut ang íyang mata, His eyes bulge.

budluy n k.o. mackerel scad or round scad: Decapterus macrosoma.

búdu = búru1.

budyas = bugyas.

budyung n 1 helmet shells, conchs, or any large univalve with a pointed caudal apex. 2 horn for signaling made from the budyung or one similar in appearance made from a carabao horn. 3 horn or whistle blown as a signal. Wà ku makabatì sa budyung sa alas síti, I didn’t hear the seven o’clock whistle. v [A; a] sound a budyung or any warning device. — kamwà n tuns. — lungga n true conchs. — sa lubut sa anay n frog shells, so called from their openings which resemble a pig’s anus. — tambúlì n helmet shells. — tangali n tritons.

búg = bulug1, 2, 3, 4.

buga v 1 [A; c] emit s.t. with force or in great quantity. Ang adlaw mibuga sa íyang naglagiting nga kaínit, The sun emitted its stinging rays. Nagbuga ug átà ang kugíta, The octopus spewed out his ink. Tugtug nga gibuga sa amplipáyir, The song which the amplifier blared out. 2 [A; a] treat an illness by expectorating chewed medicinal herbs on a sore spot or at the person. Naáyu ang nagsakit nga tiyan nga gibugahan, His stomach ailment got better after the herbalist spat on it. 3a [A; b] do s.t. with force or energy. Ug bugahan nig trabáhu, human dáyun, If you do this with energy, it will get done right away. 3b hit s.o. hard with the fist (slang). Ang íyang úlu mauy gibugahan pag-áyu ni Ilurdi, Elorde kept smashing at his head.

búgà n side arm (slang). v [a1] shoot s.o. with a side arm.

bugaguy n stupid, having little or no judgment or common sense. Ang mga bugaguy nagtangà lang. Maung nakaiskápu ang dinakpan, The idiots were so careless, so the prisoner escaped. v [B2; a2] be, become a person with little common sense. Mubugaguy (mabugaguy) nang ímung anak kun dì tagáag rispunsibilidad, Your child will never develop common sense if he is never given responsibilities. Gibugaguyan kaáyu ku níya nga mukatáwa lag walay sinugdánan, I consider her a fool because she laughs for no reason whatsoever.

bugáis n k.o. ringworm, k.o. skin disease marked by circular scaly patches. v [B1246; a4b5] infect with ringworm. Gibugáis (gibugaisan) ang ákung búgan, My groin got infected with ringworm.

bugal a braggart, boastful. Ang táwung bugal magdáyig sa íyang kaugalíngun, A braggart extols himself. v [B2; b6] get to be a braggart. -un a braggart in one’s ways. bugalbugal, bugalbúgal n ridicule, a comment about s.o. that is humorous and disrespectful. v [A; b5] deride, make s.o. the object of contemptuous laughter. Bugalbugalan aku sa usa ka bungì? Me, be ridiculed by a harelip? ma-un, -un a fond of ridiculing.

búgan (from bulug) n groin. (→) v [a12] hit s.o. in the groin. Bugana siya pagpátid, Kick him in the groin.

bugang n name given to various tall tufted grasses and reeds (tangbù, taláhib, et al.). -in- a pidgin. v [A; c1] speak a language brokenly. Nagbinugang siya pag-ininglis, He spoke bamboo English. [152]

bugarak v [B46; c] gush, flow out with a rush. Mibugarak ang túbig sa sandayung, The water gushed out of the spout. n gushing, rushing flow. Bugarak sa bahà, The onrush of the flood.

bugarut a giving an impression of weight or ponderousness, having thick heavy features. Bugarut ug nawung, mu rag alíwas, He has coarse features, like an ape. n k.o. fish that looks ugly.

bugas n 1 husked rice or corn. 2 pimple, cyst. Dì makáun ning babúya kay may bugas, You can’t eat this pig because it is infested with cysts. v 1 [A; a] husk rice or corn. Pínu kaáyung mubugas ning galingána, This mill produces fine grains. 2 [B1246; a4] get pimples, cysts. Gibugas íyang nawung, She has pimples on her face. — mais corn grits. — humay husked rice. -an(←) n 1 container for husked rice or corn. 2 rice or corn mill. -ánan n rice or corn mill. -íru n one who engages in the buying and selling of husked corn or rice. paN- n 1 money to buy rice with. 2 s.t. done in all seriousness as if it were the source of one’s livelihood. Pamugas nang íyang pagpusta, His betting is strictly for the money. v [A12; c6] buy husked rice or corn. Ígù ra gayung ikapamugas ning sapía, This money is just enough to buy husked rice (or corn). -un a pimply.†

bug-at a 1 heavy. 2 difficult to accomplish, onerous. Bug-at nga taríya, Difficult task. Bug-at nga kaakúhan, Heavy responsibility. 3 heavy punishment, sorrows. Bug-at nga sílut, Heavy punishment. 4 grave, serious accusation. Bug-at ang pasángil nga gipahamtang kanímu, A grave accusation has been leveled against you. 5 for the muscles to be fatigued. Bug-at ning ákung buktun pagkinúgus nímu, My arms are exhausted from holding you. 6 — ang balatían dislike s.t. strongly. Bug-at ang balatían nákù ánang nangulitáwu sa ákung anak, I dislike the man that is courting my daughter very much. 7 — ang buut 7a = — ang balatían. 7b be against one’s will. Gitugtan ku níya bisan bug-at sa íyang buut, He allowed me to do it even if it was against his will. — ang dughan be heavy-hearted, depressed. — ang dugù = — ang balatían. — ang kúmù pack a heavy punch. — nga masúgù gives commands in such a way that they must be accomplished rapidly and well. — ang nawung long-faced, unsmiling. v [B; b6] 1 become heavy, onerous, grave. 2 — ang balatían, buut, dughan, dugù, nawung be disgusted, against one’s wishes, get a heavy heart, long-faced, etc. Ug manamkun ang ákung asáwa mubug-at ang íyang dugù magtan-aw nákù, When my wife is in the early stages of pregnancy, she can’t stand to look at me. Mubug-at íyang nawung ug sugúun, She gets a long face when I tell her to do s.t. paN- v [A2] 1 lift heavy things. Nabughat siya kay namug-at man, He had a relapse because he lifted heavy things. 2 to stiffen in order to become heavier. Lisud kang sakwátun kay mamug-at ka, You are hard to lift because you make yourself rigid. panghiN- v = paN-, 2. pahiN- 1 = paN-, 2. 2 [A; b6] load s.t. on s.o. else. Gipahimug-atan ang mutsatsa sa trabáhu maung mipaúlì, The work was loaded on the maid, so she returned home. pa- n weight to weigh s.t. down. ka-un(→), gi-un(→) n 1 weight. 2 importance, influence. Ayawg tagáig gibug-atun tung kasabáa, Don’t give his reprimands any importance. see also tumuy.

bug-átan n k.o. cockles.

bugáud n k.o. fish of the type called gunggung: Therapon sp.

bugáung n k.o. fish, the jarbua: Therapon jarbua. -un resembling the bugáung. 1 k.o. bird, a cuckoo shrike: Lalage nigra. 2 fish resembling the bugáung.

búgaw v [A; a] drive s.t. s.w., drive away. Ang musika makabúgaw sa kaláay, Music can drive away boredom. Bugáwa ang isdà ngadtu sa púkut, Drive the fish into the net. Bugáwi ku sa lángaw, Drive the flies away from me. 2 [AN; b] act as a pimp. (→) v = búgaw, 2. n 1 s.t. used to drive s.t. away. 2 pimp. ka- n one who assists s.o. in driving away animals or birds.

bugawísan n k.o. large salt-water fish.

bugay1 n bride price; gift originally given to the bride’s family, but now often to the bride. v [A; c] give a bride price. Bugayan man gánì untà kadtu siyag duha ka gatus, She could have gotten a dowry of two hundred pesos.

bugay2 = buguy (female).

bugbug = balugbug.

bugdu a bulging, full and round. Ang bugdu níyang dughan, Her full and round breasts. v [B; c1] be, become bulging. Nagbugdu ang íyang likud kay buktut man, His back bulges because he is a hunchback.

bughà v 1 [A; a] split, chop wood lengthwise. Mubughà kug káhuyng igsusugnud, I’ll split some wood for firewood. 2 [B12] for s.t. long to break. Nagkabughà ang sakayan nga gihampak sa balud, The boat was gradually breaking apart as it was being beaten by the waves. 3 [a12] hit with a piece of firewood. n piece of firewood. [153]

bughat n k.o. sickness which results from leaving a sickbed or rising from childbirth too early, or from the return of a disease. v [B12; a1] have a relapse (bughat). Nabughat siya kay nagkáug danggit, He had a relapse because he ate danggit fish. Bughátun ku nímug patrabáhu? You want me to have a relapse with all the work you’re making me do? paN-, hiN-, taliN- n medicine for bughat.

bughaw a 1 faded, pale in color. Bughaw nga itum, A faded black color. 2 light blue in color. Pinintálag bughaw, Painted light blue. v [B; c1] for colors to fade, get to be dull. Nabughaw ang íyang sinínà kay gihayhay sa ínit, Her dress faded because she hung it in the sun.

bughuan = abubhuan. see *abubhu.

búgi n boogie. v [AC; c1] dance the boogie.

bugì n k.o. skin disease characterized by intense itching and development of scales. v 1 [B1246; a4] get infected with scabies. Bugiun ka ug makighagwà ka ánang irù nga pulgasun, You will be infected with scabies if you frolic with that flea-infested dog. 2 [a4] light curse expressing irritation. Gibugì man ning trabahúa, wà magkadimáu, Damn this work. It’s done all wrong.

bugimbilya, buginbilya = bumbil.

buging n small ear of corn.

bugírit a boastful, putting on airs (euphemism for hambugíru). v [B; b6] become boastful.

bugkas = bugtas.

bugkus1 v [A; a1] tie a piece of string or s.t. similar around s.t. long, usually to tie it together with s.t. else. Bugkúsa ang mga lipak, Tie the bamboo slats into a bundle. Bugkúsi ug panyù ang ímung samad, Tie a handkerchief around your wound. n 1 s.t. used to tie around s.t. Alambri ang gamítang bugkus, Use wire to tie it up. 2 bundle. Tagtrayinta ang bugkus sa káhuy, Each bundle of firewood costs thirty centavos. -in- n s.t. tied into a bundle.

bugkus2 a slender around the stomach. v [B12] be, become slim in the abdominal region. Ug sígi kang ihirsisyu, mabugkus ímung tiyan, If you keep exercising, your stomach will get trimmed down.

bugkut v 1 [A; c] tie s.t. around s.t. to secure it. Bugkúta nang sugung dinhà arun dì matumba, Tie s.t. around that bamboo tube container so that it won’t fall over. 2 [A; a12b2] for supernatural beings to kidnap a person rendering him invisible. This is usually done in the thickets, rocks, etc. where these spirits are thought to dwell. n s.t. tied around s.t. to secure it.

bugnà1 n Book of Revelations. Ang bugnà usa ka basahun sa Bag-ung Túgun nga nagsaysay sa umalábut, The Book of Revelations is a book in the New Testament that reveals s.t. about things to come. hiN- see mugnà.

bugnà2 v [A; c1] rub bark scrapings into a fishing line to strengthen it. Bugnáa (ibugnà) nang pasúla arun malig-un, Dye that fishing line to make it strong.

bugnaw a 1 cold or cool to the touch. Bugnaw nga imnun, Cool if you drink it. Bugnaw nga panahun, Weather that makes you feel cool. 2 gentle, low in sound, not loud or harsh. Bugnaw kaáyung tíngug nang mag-aawíta, That singer has a mellow voice. 3 cool in temper. Ang táwung bugnaw ug hunàhúnà dúgayng masukù, A cool-tempered person doesn’t get angry easily. 4 cool, indifferent. Bugnaw kaáyu siyag tinagdan sa íyang inaína, She is cold toward her stepmother. — ug mantíkà lazy (humorous). — ug simud widower (lit. one whose lips are not so ardent) (humorous). v 1 [AB3(1)N; a] cool s.t., be, become cold. Idálit ang sálad ug mubugnaw (mabugnaw, mamugnaw) na, Serve the salad when it cools. 1a [b8] be exposed to cold, draft. Hibugnawan gánì ku, ubhun dáyun, Whenever I’m exposed to the cold, I readily come down with a cough. 2 [A3P; a1] dampen one’s enthusiasm for going ahead with s.t. Dì ka makabugnaw (makapabugnaw) nákù pagminyù, You can not discourage me from getting married. 3 [B2; b6] for a sound to become soft. 4 [AP; a12] cool s.o. down, pacify his anger. Ang mga asáwa mau giyuy mubugnaw (mupabugnaw) sa kasukù sa ílang mga bána, Wives are the ones who know how to calm their husbands down. pa- v [A; c] 1 cool oneself, s.t. off. 2 take refreshments. n s.t. taken for refreshments. Dalítig pabugnaw ang mga bisíta, Serve the visitors some refreshments. pa-an, pa-anan n refreshment parlor. paN- v [B2346] have the chills, be chilled all over. May hilánat ka kay namugnaw man, You (must) have a fever because you have the chills. Namugnaw ku sa kahadluk, I felt cold due to (my) fright. ma-un a calm, cool-headed.

bugnay n k.o. small tree: Antidesma bunius.

bugnù v [AN; ab3] 1 fight at close quarters. Walay kukalísang ang irung mibugnù (namugnù) sa bitin, The dog fought the snake bravely. Bugnúun ka nákù, I will fight with you. 2 struggle with. Ang masakitun nakigbugnù sa kamatáyun, The sick man is struggling against death. n 1 fight at close quarters. [154]Duguun kaáyu ang bugnù sa duha ka rislir, The fight between the two wrestlers is so bloody. 2 a struggle. 3 contest. Kinsay midaug sa bugnù tálì ni Markus ug Usminya? Who won in the contest between Marcos and Osmeña? maN-r- n fighter.

bugnúsun n rope attached to a sail to raise it.

bugnut v 1 [A; a12] pull s.t. with a hard jerk. Ikaw bay nagbugnut sa buhuk ni Pilang? Were you the one who pulled Pilang’s hair? Ímung bugnútun (bugnutun) ug kalit ang láang arun dílì makalikay ang manuk, You pull the noose all of a sudden so the chicken cannot escape. 2 [A; b8] hastily impress s.o. to run an errand. Akuy hibugnutan níyag súgù kay aku ra may didtu, I got trapped into running the errand because I was the only one there.

bugsay n oar, paddle. v 1 [AN; b] row, paddle. Mibugsay (namugsay) siya padúlung sa lawud, He paddled toward the open sea. 2 [A; a] make into a paddle, oar. -an(←) n the place in the boat where the one who paddles sits. maN-r-/l- n one who does the paddling.

bugsù1 v 1 [A; c] drive s.t. long into the ground or some other surface. Ibugsù ang mga lipak, Drive the stakes into the ground. 2 throw s.t. down with force, as if to ram it into the ground. Ibugsù ta kag ilárun ku nímu, I’ll ram you into the ground if you cheat me. 2a [B1256; b6] fall headlong, landing hard. Nabálì íyang líug dihang nabugsù siya sa yútà, He broke his neck when he fell headlong to the ground. n piece of wood or metal used as a stake. Bugsù sa bungsud, The stakes of the fish corral.

bugsù2 v [A23; b26] appear, show up suddenly or unexpectedly. Mibugsù siyag pamisíta námù, He appeared unexpectedly to pay us a visit. hiN- see himugsù.

bugsuk = bugsù1. pa- v [A3] dive with a straight body with either head or feet first. Nagpabugsuk siyang miambak sa swíming pul, He dove into the swimming pool headlong. tali-, ta-2 n stakes.

bugtai n k.o. small tree of waste places.

bugtak v [B; a2] 1 for clothes to be drooping or loose as if wet or because of s.t. damp sticking to them. Nagbugtak ang íyang sapátus kay namilit ang lápuk, His shoes looked heavy on his feet because of the mud that stuck to them. 2 look untidy because of loose clothing. Nagbugtak siya sa íyang karsúnis nga dakù níya, He looks a mess in the pants that are too big for him. -un a wearing ill-fitting clothes.

bugtas v [B126; a] for string or stitches to snap, break suddenly. Nabugtas ang báat sa pakíti, The string of the package snapped. Bugtása ang tinahian, Rip the stitches apart.

bugtaw1 v [A; a1] chase, run after. Bugtáwa ang kábaw nga nakabuhì, Chase the carabao that got loose.

bugtaw2 v [A; a] call out to s.o. at night. Bugtawa lang unyà kug mangadtu na ta, Just call me when it’s time to go. n calling out to s.o. at night.

bugtaw3 v [A; b(1)] keep vigil over s.t. at night. Nagbugtaw kug bantay sa nanganak námung bábuy, I kept awake watching over my pig that was giving birth. n vigil, keeping watch over.

bugtaw4 a for muscles to be numb from fatigue. Bugtaw kaáyu ning ákung kamut sa pagsinuwat, My hands are numb from writing so much. v [BN; a12] be numb from fatigue. Mibugtaw (namugtaw, nabugtaw) ákung buktun ug kinúgus sa bátà, My arms grew numb from carrying the baby.

bugtì v [AC; c] swap, barter on a one-to-one basis. Bugtíi ug kabáyù ang ákung awtu, Give me a horse for my car. Wà kuy ikabugtì sa ímung kaáyu, I have nothing to give you in return for your goodness. n thing given in exchange for s.t. else. Kini bugtì unyà sa ákung báka, I will take this in return for my cow.

bugtik v 12 [B46] for the stomach to be distended. Bitúkun tingáli nang batáa kay nagbugtik man ang tíyan, That child must have intestinal worms because his stomach is distended.

bugtù v [AB12; a] 1 for string, rope, wire, etc. to break with a snap, make a string snap. Nakabugtù ang irù sa higut, The dog broke the tether. Mabugtù ang lastiku ug ímung inátun, The rubber band will break if you stretch it. 2 — ang ginháwa [B12; b4] stop breathing (die). Nabugtù na ang gininháwa sa masakitun, The patient has died. 3 [A3PC; c1] cut off ties or relationship. Dílì aku ang makabugtù (makapabugtù) sa átung panaghigála, I cannot break up our friendship. Bugtúun tang átung kasal, Let’s not go through with (lit. break off) our wedding. walay — without a break. Gipasundáyag ang pilikula nga walay bugtù, The film was shown without interruptions.

bugtuk n k.o. disease that infects the fruit of bananas and cacao whereby the fruit gets hard spots. v [a4] be infected with this disease.

bugtung n sole, lone. Pinanggà ku kaáyung bugtung kung anak, I love my only child very much. — lubi n a coconut which grows [155]all alone and not in a bunch. The oil of such a coconut is said to be highly medicinal. v = -in-. -in- v [A1C; a12] do s.t. alone, single-handedly, do s.t. with another in singles. Binugtúngun (binugtungun) ku nig dárung umáha, I’ll plow this field single-handedly. -an n lone scale encircling a leg of a chicken. If a cock has such a mark it is believed to be a sign that it is to be a likely winner.

bugtus n sweet potatoes produced from the first harvest.

bugu n k.o. tree.

búgù1 a 1 slow in comprehension, dull. 2 poor in doing things. Búgù kaáyu ku ánang sáyaw, I’m a poor dancer. v [B1; a2] 1 be, become dull. 2 be poor in doing things. Nagkabugù ka na man run. Dì na man kang kasiyat sa búla, You’re getting poorer and poorer. You can’t even shoot the ball.

búgù2 n k.o. fish. 1 name given to various k.o. gobies. 2 name given to snakeheads.

buguk1, -in- a 1 for an egg to be rotten. 2 rotten in character. Dì maantígung malúuy ang táwung binuguk ug kasingkásing, A man with a rotten heart doesn’t know pity. v [B2; b6] for eggs to fail to hatch, addle.

*buguk2 -in- n youngest child (humorous).

buguk3, búguk1 = búgù1.

búguk2 v [A; c1] take a mouthful of liquid to gargle, rinse out the mouth. Makabúguk ba kug duha ka lab-uk sa ímung tubà? Can I get a mouthful of your toddy to rinse out my mouth? Bugúka (ibúguk) ning tambála, Gargle with this mouthwash.

bugul, búgul a 1 rounded and full, in a lump. Ang búgul nímung áping, Your full and rounded cheeks. Makaiíbug tan-áwun ang búgul mung dughan, Your full breasts are entrancing to look at. v [BN; b6] 1 be, become full and rounded like a lump. n lump. Butangig yílu ang búgul sa agtang mu, Apply ice to the lump on your forehead. Búgul sa kan-un, A lump of rice. ka-(←) n 1 fullness, roundness.

bugun n 1 lump. Bugun sa yútà, Clods of earth. Bugun sa kan-un, Lumps of rice. Bugun sa kaláyu, Balls of fire. 2 cyst or any lump growing in the body. Naingun kag táwung nakalamuyg búla nang ímung bugun, You look like a man who has swallowed a ball with that goiter of yours. v [B3(1); c1] get full of lumps. Mubugun (mabugun) ang gátas kun mabáhaw, Milk gets curdled when it is sour. -an n having a goiter, cyst.

bugung a very quick and fast in going. v [A23P; a12] move in a hurry. Mibugung (mipabugung) ug dágan ang awtu, The car sped away.

bug-us1 a 1 final, resolute. Bug-us na ba ning ímung hukum? Is this decision of yours final? 2 given with entirety, nothing held back. Higugmáa ang Diyus sa bug-us mung kasingkásing, Love God with all your heart. v [A123P; a12] 1 resolve with finality. 2 make s.t. complete. Ihátag ang ímung láwas arun mabug-us ang átung gugma, Give your body to make our love complete. 3 [A; a12] be a godparent to a child both in baptism and confirmation or wedding. Suud kaáyu mi. Aku gánì nagbug-us ug kúgus sa íyang bátà, We are close friends. In fact I sponsored his child in baptism and confirmation. ka- n 1 the state of being complete. 2 full moon. Háyag kaáyu rung gabhiúna kay kabug-us man, This evening it’s bright because there’s a full moon. ka-an n finality. Ihátag ku nímung kabug-úsan sa ákung hukum ugmà, I’ll let you know what my final decision is tomorrow.

bug-us2 v [a4] for s.o. to be taken by a supernatural being to its unearthly abode and have substituted for his body a banana trunk which takes the appearance of his dead body. Wà tu siya mamatay. Gibug-us diay, He wasn’t dead but was taken by a supernatural being.

buguy n 1 hoodlum, hooligan. Buguy ang nagkuláta níya, He was mauled by a hoodlum. 2 a loafer, idler. Gagmay siyag núta kay buguy mang pagkatinun-an, His grades are low because he’s a bum student. v [B; a2] be, become a bum. -in- v [A; b6] act, look like a hoodlum. Ug dílì siya atngan, magbinuguy sa íyang pagtuun, If we don’t keep an eye on him, he’ll start bumming around instead of studying.

bugwad = bugwal.

bugwak v 1 [AN; b6(1)] spit, blow s.t. out of the mouth. Ayaw ibugwak ang tambal, Do not spit the medicine out. 2 [AN; b1] gush forth, spew out. Namugwak ug kaláyu ang bulkan, The volcano spewed fire. n s.t. spewed, puffed out. Nagkalidádis ang buluk sa bugwak sa túbig sa pawntin, The fountain emitted a multicolored stream of water. Mailhan nákung klási sa sigarilyu sa usa lang ka bugwak, I can tell the brand of cigarette by just one puff.†

bugwal v [A; a] turn over the earth, usually with a bar, to prepare the ground for cultivation. Bugwálun ku ang baul, I’ll dig the field up. Bugwálan ku ang ákung útang nímu, I’ll pay off my debt by digging your field up.

bugway n 1 spike of flowers or fruit that [156]branches out. 2 s.t. plaited together in a string or garland to make a unit for sale. Palit ug usa ka bugway áhus, Buy a string of garlic. 3 anything long resembling s.t. plaited into a strand. Bugway nga asu, A column of smoke. Bugway sa kaháyag, A shaft of light. v 1 [A] flower or fruit in spikes. 2 [A; a2] plait s.t. into a string to form a unit.

bugyas n k.o. small square-bottomed basket made of bamboo or rattan strips, woven into a square mesh. v 1 [A; c1] make this sort of basket. 2 [c16] put s.t. in such a basket. Bugyásun (ibugyas) ku ning mga pisù pagdala, I’ll carry these chicks in a small basket.

bugyung = budyung.

búha n sleeve bearing for wheels. v [A; a2] attach, make into, use a sleeve bearing.

buhágay v [A2S; b6] pour forth in large quantities. Pagkabuak sa sakayan mibuhágay ang túbig sa sulud, When the boat broke, the water rushed into it. Mibuhágay ang kaháyag sa kwartu, Light flooded the room. Nagbuhagay ang pasì sa buslut sa sáku, The grains poured out of the rip in the sack. n profuse flowing of s.t.

buhahà, buhàhà a 1 talking or laughing loudly. 2a loud-mouthed, talking boastfully. 2b blabber-mouthed, unable to keep secrets. Patákà lag tabì nang buhàháa, That blabber-mouth just prattles on without discretion. v 1 [A; b3] break into loud laughter. Mibuhàhà lag katáwa ang búang, The maniac burst into wild laughter. 2 [B2; b6] a get to be a loud-mouthed braggart. b get to be a blabber-mouth.

buhakhak = bahakhak.

buhalhal1 v [B6; c1] left open, unbuttoned, unfastened. Nabuhalhal ang íyang sinínà, Her dress was unbuttoned. Nagbuhalhal nga basurahan, An uncovered garbage can. Sa ákung pagdinálì nagbuhalhal na lang ning ákung sapátus, In my hurry I left my shoes unlaced. Ayaw buhalhala (ibuhalhal) ang ímung núka, Don’t leave your sore exposed.

buhalhal2 = buhàhà.

buhang = bulhang.

buhanghang = buhalhal1.

búhat1 v 1 [A; a2] do s.t., do work. Dì ka pakan-un dinhi ug dì ka mubúhat, If you do not work, you don’t get anything to eat here. Buháta ang tanan arun aku mabúhì, Do everything in your power so that I may live. Ngánung buhátan man ku nímu niíni? Why do you do this to me? 2 [AC12; a] make, construct. Buhátun kung tangkal kining kawayána, I’ll make this bamboo into a cage. 3 [A; a12] create. Wà pay nakabúhat ug tambal pagpugung sa katigulangun, No one has created a drug to prevent aging. Gibúhat sa Ginúu si Íbà, God created Eve. v [A; b] perform the búhat ceremony (búhat, n 5). Kinahanglan nang buhátan arun mamaáyu, We have to perform a búhat ceremony for him so he will get better. n 1 s.t. made, make. Ang radyu búhat sa Hapun, The radio set is of Japanese make. 2 work. Anad ku sa búhat, I am accustomed to work. 3 job. Unyà na pagminyug may búhat ka na, Don’t get married until you have a job. 4 deed. Ipakítà sa búhat ang gugma mu, Show your love by deeds. 5 ceremony of offering s.t. cooked with no salt to spirits to insure harvest, give thanks, diagnose an illness. The one who performs this ceremony is the diwatahan. anak sa — n laborer. babáying — n lady, a female acting in a way appropriate to her role as a woman. laláking — n man acting in a way appropriate to a man. Laláking búhat mag-apil-apil sa mga tabì, You, a man joining in the women’s gossip. buhatbuhat v [AN2; a12] do a variety of different, small chores. Namuhatbúhat siya sa balay, He putters around the house. mabuhatbuhatun a fond of puttering around. pamuhatbúhat n food prepared for the búhat ceremony (cf. búhat, n 5). -an(→) n place of work, office. gim-un(→) n = -l-un. a entailing lots of work. Gimbuhatun kaáyu kaning pagrilyínu, It’s a lot of trouble to make stuffed chicken. -in- 1 = búhat, 1. 2 creature. Mga binúhat sa Ginúu, The Lord’s creatures. -in-an n deeds performed. Dautan nímung binuhátan, Your evil deeds. -l-un, -l-un(→) n things to do, work to be done. mag-r- n The Creator, God. mag-r-(→) 1 Protestant layman who performs ministral duties. 2 = MAN-R-(→). maN-r-(→) n one who makes things. manggi-un, manggim-un a hard-working, industrious. paN- n business of making s.t. Maáyung nigusyu ang pamúhat ug mwiblis, Furniture making is a good business. pina- n s.t. made to order. Sapátus nga pinabúhat, Made-to-order shoes. tali-, -um-r- a preparing to make s.t.†

búhat2 v [A; a1] lift. Buháta ring kahun ug itungtung sa lamísa, Lift this box, and put it on the table.

buháwi, buháwì n waterspout, heavy squall, cloudburst.

búhay v [A13; a12] be permitted to live and thrive. Dílì magbúhay sa dágat ang kasíli, Fresh-water eels will not survive in the sea.

búhì1 a 1 alive, living. Kun búhì pa si Tátay, If Dad were only alive. Búhì pa ang ákung pagláum, My hopes have not died. 2 vivid. [157]Búhì pa sa ákung panumdúman, Vivid in my memories. Búhì kung pagtúu nga wà pa siya mamatay, I firmly believe he is still alive. — ang búlan phase of the moon the first day after the new moon. Búhì ang búlan ugmà, The moon will enter the first quarter tomorrow. — nga dugù blood that has freshly issued from a wound. — ug dugù active, not phlegmatic. Búhì siyag dugù. Listung sugúun, She is an energetic person and follows orders in a lively way. v 1 [B126] live, come to life. Nabúhì si Kristu sa Duminggu di Glurya, Christ came to life on Easter Sunday. Dílì mabúhì ang isdà ug way túbig, A fish cannot live out of the water. 1a ma- pay ginamus [so-and-so] is sure to die (literally, preserved fish is more likely to come to life). Mabúhì pay ginamus nímug maligsan ka sa pisun, If the steam roller runs over you, you’ll be dead. 2 [A; a1] bring to life, cause to thrive. Akuy nagbúhì sa patay níyang pagláum, I revived his dying hopes. Ang ulan nakabúhì sa mga tanum, The rain revived the plants. Buhía ang kaláyu, Kindle the fire. (→) v [A; a] 1 raise animals. Ang bábuy nga ákung gibuhì, The hog I am raising. 2 support, raise a family. Wà kuy ikabuhig asáwa, I don’t have the means to support a wife. n 1 pet, domestic animal kept. Ang buhì kung kanding, The goat I am keeping. 2 animal kept by a supernatural being. 3 penis (humorous). Dakug buhì, Having a large penis. -in-(→) n 1 = buhì 1. 2 adopted child or raised by s.o. buhìbúhì v [A13] do s.t. without being told, help oneself. Magbuhìbúhì na lang kug káun diri, I’ll help myself to the food here. pa- v [A; a] 1 cause s.t. to be brought to life. 2 — sa dugù make s.o. active, energetic. paka- v [A13; b3] 1 live for s.t. Nagpakabúhì ku sa ákung mga anak, I live for the sake of my children. 2 [A; a12] allow s.o. to live. Unsay dílì nákù isáad ug pakabuhíun lámang siya, What wouldn’t I give, if only he be allowed to live. paniN- v [A2; b6] 1 lead one’s life. Buut kaming manimúhì sa ámung kaugalíngun, We want to live our life on our own. 2 = pangina-. ka- n see kabúhì. v [b(1)] have a livelihood from s.t. Gikabuhían námù ang gamay námung yútà, We lived off of our small piece of property. panga-, pangina- v [A; b6(1)] earn a living. Adtu sila mangabúhì (manginabúhì) sa Mindanaw, They will go to earn their living in Mindanao. Pangabuhían (panginabuhían) ba kanang trabahúa? Can you earn a living from that work? kagi- n biography. kina- n life. Láwas nga walà nay kinabúhì, A body without life. 2 life span. Taas ug kinabúhì, Long-lived. 3 mode of life. Lisud nga kinabúhì, A difficult life. manggi-an a good at raising things. manggi-un a growing well. maN-r-(→), maN-r- n one who raises things. -l-un n 1 animals to be raised. 2 family to support. Daghan kug buluhíun, I have a big family to support. paN-(→) n occupation of raising animals. Makasapì ta sa pamuhig manuk, We can get money by raising chickens.†

búhì2 v 1 [AB12346; b6(1)] set free, get free. Kinsay nagbúhì nímu? Who freed you? Nakabuhì ang bigal sa tangkal, The sow escaped from the pen. Buhíi (buy-i) ang kanding, Set the goat free. Wà pa buhíi ang klási, The class has not been dismissed. 2 [AN; b6] release one’s hold on. Maáyu siyang mubisiklíta kay mamúhì (manimúhì), He rides a bicycle well because he can let go. Buhíi (buy-i) ang ákung bag, Let go of my bag. 3 [b] 3a release one’s emotions. Gibuhían níya ang íyang paghílak, She let herself go crying. 3b let a vehicle go to a certain speed. Gibuhían kug utsinta ang mutursiklu, I let the motorcycle go up to eighty. 4 [A; b] spend money from a certain fund. Walà pa buhíi ang sáping itúkud sa dálan, The money for the road has not been released yet. 5 [A1; b(1)] draw in a lottery. Buhían ang rípa ugmà, The drawing of the lottery will be held tomorrow. 6 [A; b6] set off dynamite. Gibuhían ug dinamíta ang duut, They set off dynamite on the school of fish. n 1 setting of s.t. free, esp. cocks in a fight. Pila ka búhì ang ímung nadag-an? How many cockfights (lit. settings free) did you win? 2 holding of a lottery. 3 setting off of dynamite. (→) = búhì, v 1, 2. paniN- v [A2] = búhì, 2. -in-an n 1 animal that is let to go free. 2 unrestrained. Binuhían nga katáwa, Unrestrained laughter. 3 fish caught by setting off dynamite. in-an(→), binuy-an = in-an, 1. maN-r- n fisherman who uses dynamite. paN- n dismissal of a group. tingpaN- n dismissal time.

buhiláman n civilization.

buhimyu a philanderer, chasing after women. Daghan ang gipaangkan sa buhimyung dakù, The philanderer has made lots of girls pregnant. v [B1; a2] be, become, make into a philanderer.

buhis n 1 taxes, license fee. 2 = paN-. v 1 [A; b] pay taxes, tribute. Gibuhisan na ba nímu ang ímung balay? Have you paid taxes on your house? Walà níya buhisi ang hárì, He did not pay his tribute to the king. 2 [A; c] offer as tribute (poetic). Ibuhis ku [158]ang ákung kinabúhì sa inahan kung yútà, I’ll offer my life as tribute to my motherland. -l-an(←), -l-an n taxes levied. mag-r-(←) n taxpayer. paN- n system of taxation.

buhíyas n watts, volts. Pila ka buhíyas nang bumbilyáha? How many watts is that bulb? Ang linya dinhi dus syintus bayinti buhíyas, The current here is 220 volts.

buhù1 v [A] do s.t. in one’s own way, do one’s own thing. Magbuhù man giyud kag ímu bisag nakahibawu ka na sa hustu, You insist on doing things your own way even if you know the right way. Ayaw mug buhug inyu ug dapítun mu, When you’re called to join us don’t go off and do your own thing.

buhù2, búhù v [A; b6] dig, bore a hole. Nagbúhù silag lubngan sa irù, They dug a hole to bury the dog in. Buhúi ang kawáyan, Bore a hole in the bamboo. (→) n hole. Buhù sa bungbung, A hole in the wall. Buhù sa yútà, A hole in the ground. binùhan, binuhúan n hole made s.w.

buhuk n hair on the head. buhukbúhuk n s.t. like hair. Buhukbúhuk sa mais, Corn tassel. -an a having hair. v [B1256; a12] get to have hair on it. -an(←) n name given to fishes having filament-like ventral and/or dorsal growths.

Buhul n the island of Bohol. Bul-ánun n one from Bohol. v [B126] become a Boholano. v [A; c1] do, speak like the Boholanos.

buhunbúhun v [C; c3] go in a group or gang. Nagbuhunbúhun sila sa simbahan, They went to church as a group. n going around together in a group. Nakaundang siyag iskuyla tungud sa buhunbúhun, He quit school because he spent his time running around with his cronies. ka- n member of one’s gang.

buhung a provided in abundance. Buhung sa kalípay ang ámung kaminyúun, Our marriage had an abundance of happiness. v 1 [A3P; a1] supply s.t. in abundance. Makabuhung (makapabuhung) nga panihápun, A sumptuous meal. Buhungun ta ka sa gugma, I’ll shower love on you. 2 [b4] be surfeited to the point of losing desire. Gibunghan na kug kináug bábuy, I’m fed up with eating pork. ka- n having things in abundance, affluence. Laráwan sa kabuhung ang táwung adunáhan, A rich man is a picture of affluence.

buhus, búhus v [A; c] 1 pour s.t. out. Ibúhus ang pasì ngadtu sa bularan, Pour the grain out into the drying bin. 2 pour one’s feelings out on s.o. Gibuhusan aku sa íyang kalágut, He poured his anger out on me. 3 [A; b(1)] for rain to pour. Mibúhus ang ulan, It poured.

búhut = bulhut, 1, 2, 3.

buka v 1 [APB3(1); bc1] for the eyes or mouth to open, cause them to do so. Ang kalisud mauy mibuka (mipabuka) sa íyang mga mata sa sayup nga íyang nahímù, Hardship opened his eyes to the error of his ways. Nakabuka na bang mga mata sa ituy? Are the puppies’ eyes opened yet? Bukha (ibuka) ang bàbà sa punaw, Open the mouth of the clam. 1a for the earth to crack open, as in an earthquake. 2 [A; b] add width to space. Bukhi (bukahi) ang balay, Widen the house. n opening, aperture. Buka sa pultahan, The amount the door is opened. — sa balay the width of the house (lit. the amount of opening between the sides).

búka n muzzle of a firearm. — insindiyu n 1 fire hydrant. 2 verbal attacks. Nagpungasì ang mga búka insindiyu sa duha ka partídu sa pulitika, The two political parties rained verbal abuse on each other. — abyirta = bukabyirta.

bukabularyu n vocabulary.

bukabyirta a prone to revealing secrets. v [B1] tend to reveal secrets.

bukabyirtu = bukabyirta (male).

bukad v [AB3(1)6; c1] 1 = bukhad. 2 for an infection to grow in area. Mibukad ang núka, The infection spread out. — ang atay for one’s pride to swell. Mibukad ang atay níyang gidáyig, His pride swelled from all the praise. 3 [B3(1)] for grains or beans to expand and crack open when cooked. a 1 = bukhad. 2 spread out. Bukad ang sayal níya, She has a flaring skirt. — ug ngábil thick-lipped.

búkad1 v [A; a2] get the fish from a trap. Bukára nang mga isdà sa bungsud, Gather the fish caught in the fish corrals.

búkad2 v [A3S; ab2] dig up s.t. from under the ground. Nagbúkad kug úbi, I am digging for yams.

bukádu1 n bit put in a horse’s mouth.

bukag n general term for baskets with a large mesh. v [A; a] make, make into a basket with a large mesh. mag-r- n maker of bukag’s.

búkag n corncob. v [A; c16] use corncobs for fuel. Magbúkag lang mi ug wà nay laíng sugnud, We just use corncobs if we have no other fuel.

bukagay, bukaghay a for grains to be loose so that they do not adhere. Ang sabaw ampay sa kan-ung bukaghay, Soup goes well with rice cooked dry. v [B6; a12] for grains not to adhere because of dryness. -un a of a dry sort. Yútang bukagháyun, Sandy soil.

bukagkag v [A; c1] break s.t. lumpy into fine [159]particles and give it a uniform consistency. Bukagkága (ibukagkag) ang harína úsà taksa, Break up lumps of flour before measuring it.

bukàkà v 1, 2 = bukìkì. 3 †.

bukal n member of the board of councilors of the province. v [A; a12] make s.o. a provincial board member.

búkal1 v 1 [APB2S3(1); a2P] boil s.t., for s.t. to boil. Nagbúkal (nagpabúkal) kug túbig, I boiled some water. Nagbukal nga arníbal, Boiling syrup. 2 [B2S46] be agitated. Ang nagbukal nga dágat, The seething waters. 3 — ang dugù a [B2S46; a12] seethe with anger. Mubúkal ang ákung dugù ug makakità ku sa táwung nag-ílug sa ámung humstid, I seethe with anger when I see the man who stole our homestead. b [A12] feel a strange attitude of kinship for a stranger who turns out to be a relative. Bantug ra nga mibúkal ang ákung dugù pagkakità nímu. Paryinti man diay ta, No wonder I felt close to you when I saw you. You are related to me. — sa dugù sa kasingkásing c [b4] suffer a fatal heart attack. Kalit ang kamatáyun sa táwung bukálan sa dugù sa kasingkásing, Death from a fatal heart attack is instantaneous. -in-, pina- n s.t. boiled or boiling.

búkal2 n k.o. tall, tufted grass of open waste places: Roitboellia exaltata.

bukána n area where the waters of a river merge with the open sea.

bukarilyu n k.o. sweet made from young shredded coconut meat, sugar, and flavoring boiled with a syrup and hardened. v [A; b6c1] make bukarilyu.

bukas1 v [AB13(1); b] open s.t., be opened. Ang kusug nga hángin mibukas sa íyang sayal, The strong wind made her skirt fly up. Nagbukas ang pwirta, The door is standing open. Buksi ang sulat, Open the letter. a open. — ang pultahan always welcome, the door is always open. Bukas kanúnay ang ámung pultahan álang kanímu, Our door is always open to you.

bukas2, búkas = buklas.

bukasyun n vocation.

bukasyunal n vocational training course. v [a12] make into a vocational school.

bukatut1 a ugly in face. v [B; c1] be, become ugly-faced.

bukatut2 n term used to refer to animals that eat crops as a means of avoiding reference to the animal itself. It is believed that pests are raised by supernatural beings and referring to them by name will cause them to multiply.

búkaw1 = búkal1.

búkaw2 n k.o. owl: Ninox philippensis. bukawbukaw n name given to flat-bodied fishes with large owl-like eyes.

bukáwi = bayukáwi.

búkay = abúkay.

bukáyù = bukháyù.

bukbuk = balukbuk1, 2, 3, 4.

bukdu = bugdu.

bukgay n k.o. edible fresh-water shell similar to the nerite shell but with sharp projections, dark gray to whitish gray in color.

bukhad v [AB3(1)6; c1] spread out, unfold s.t. which is rolled or folded up, for s.t. to open up. Mibukhad na kug banig pára nímu, I’ve already spread a mat for you. Mibukhad (nabukhad) nang búlak, The flower has opened. Ang nagbukhad níyang pálad, His open hand. Bukhára (ibukhad) ang papil nga nalúkut, Unfold the roll of paper. a opened up and spread out. — ug pálad generous (lit. open-palmed).

bukháyù n candy made from shredded coconut cooked with brown sugar. v [A; a2] make, make into coconut candy.

buki n 1 bouquet of flowers. 2 set of four consecutive mahjong pieces of the flower design (búlak, 2a). v [A; c1] make, make into a bouquet.

búkì = bukìkì.

búki digíra n warship.

búkid n mountain. Taas kaáyu nga búkid, High mountain. a deep in the mountains. Búkid kaáyu tung ámù, Our place is high in the mountains. — sa buut, hunàhúnà 1 be far from one’s thoughts. Búkid sa buut níya ang pagsungkip sa atup, He never thought of fixing the roof. 2 against one’s will. Gipugus siya pagminyù nga búkid sa íyang buut, She was forced to marry against her will. v [c5] 1 be far from one’s thoughts. 2 against one’s will. Gikabukid ba sa ímung buut ang pagpasaylu nákù? Is it against your will (have you not thought) to forgive me? pa-(→) v [A; c] go, bring to the mountains. Nagpabukid sila arun pagtágù, They went to the mountains to hide. bukiran n 1 mountain range. 2 farm. kabukíran, kabukídan, kabukílan n the mountains. taga- n mountaineer. bukirun a mountainous. bukidnun a from the mountains. Bukidnung linaktan, Way of walking like a mountaineer.

bukìkì v [A; a1] 1 push things apart, esp. those which offer a certain amount of resistance. Mibukìkì ku sa íyang pitákag may kwarta ba, I looked in his wallet to see if there was any money. Nagbukìkì ka ba sa mga pinusù? Have you pushed the husks [160]of the ears aside to examine the grains? Bukìkía ang íyang buhuk kung náa bay kútu, Look in her hair if there are any lice. Ayaw ibukìkì ang ímung kamut sa kúgun, Don’t push the cogon grass apart with your hands. 2 reopen a subject no longer discussed. Gibukìkì ang íyang kagahápun sa kaatbang níya sa pulitika, His political rival brought up his past.

bukilya n 1 spout, nozzle, small opening through which liquids are poured. 2 mouthpiece of a brass instrument.

buking a euphemism for buku1.

búking úpis n booking office.

bukinggan n annual ornamental flowers similar to but smaller than bachelor’s buttons: Gomphrena globosa.

bukiskis1 a 1 ignorant, unfamiliar with things. Giasinan sa bukiskis ang kapi, The ignorant girl put salt in the coffee. v [B12; b6] be ignorant, unfamiliar with things.

bukiskis2 n k.o. skin disease, usually of the legs, characterized by whitish splotches. v [B1246; a4] get this skin disease. -un a having the splotches of this disease.

bukisyunal = bukasyunal.

bukitkit = bukìkì.

bukitlà v 1 [A; a1] open s.t. flexible by pushing the sides apart. Human nímug híwà sa bát, bukitláa ug iniwniw sa dágat, After you have cut the sea cucumber open, pull it apart at the sides and rinse it in the water. Gibukitlà ku ang íyang mata kung may puling ba, I pushed her eyelids apart to see if there was s.t. in her eyes. 2 = bukìkì.

buklad1 v 1 [A; c1] spread s.t. out flat. Mubuklad na ku ug banig kay matúlug na ku, I will spread the mat because I am going to sleep. Ibuklad (buklára) ning sáku didtu sa ínit arun mamala, Spread this sack out in the sun to dry. 2a for a girl to grow to maidenhood (poetic). 2b for a blossom to open. Mingbuklad na ang mga rúsas, The roses are starting to open. tingpaN- n year (lit. season of blooming) (poetic). Dalága nga napúlug pitu ka tingpamuklad, A girl of seventeen summers.

*buklad2 taga- euphemism for tagabúkid, ‘mountaineer’. see búkid.

buklas v [AN; a12] take the wash in. Buklása ang linadlad, Take in the laundry you have left out to bleach.

buklat v [A; c1] 1 pry s.t. open that has a slit in it. Bukláta (ibuklat) ang imbaw, Pry the clam open. 2 [B3(1)] for the eyes to open.

bukni n k.o. edible white mushroom (black when dried).

buknul n 1 lump, s.t. bulging. Unsa ning buknul sa ímung bulsa? What is this bulging in your pocket? 2 bunch of fibrous materials. Gisagúlan ug dílì iskuhídu ang buknul sa lánut, The bunch of abaca fibers has lots of second-class fibers mixed in with it. v 1 [B] bulge, be lumpy. Ang unlan nagbuknul kay daghang pánit sa duldul, The pillow is lumpy because it has a lot of kapok peels. 2 [A; c1] tie into a bunch. Ibuknul (buknúla) ímung buhuk, Tie your hair into a bunch.

buksidur = baksidur.

buksing = baksing.

buksiyadur = baksidur.

buktu n k.o. biting sand flea, orange with black spots.

buktun n 1 arms, esp. the lower arms. Ang taknaan sa íyang buktun, The watch on his wrist (arm). 2 sleeves. Sinínang way buktun, Sleeveless dress. v [A; c] add sleeves to a garment. -in-an n garment with sleeves.

buktut 1 = baluktut. 2 name given to humpbacked fish, e.g., the Philippine jack: Hynnis momsa. 3 k.o. humpbacked shrimp.

buku1 v [A; a1] reveal s.o.’s character, true identity, be found out. Bukhun ta ka nga minyù ka, I will reveal that you are married. Nabuku siyang mangingilad, It was revealed that he was a swindler.

buku2 n node of a stem. Malísù pay buku sa kawáyan, Impossible. (Lit. A bamboo node would sooner get twisted.) v [a12] chop s.t. at the node. Dúgay kang makaputul nang kahúyag bukhun mu pagtigbas, It’ll take you a long time to cut that tree if you hack it on its node. bukubuku n the back of a person or animal. v [a12] hit s.t. in the back.

bukubar n popsicle made of young coconut. v [A; c1] make, eat bukubar.

bukùbúkù n k.o. small cuttlefish.

búkud a plump, round due to fullness. Búkud ug áping, Round-cheeked. v [A13PB2; a2] be plump and full, make s.t. full. Kinsay nagbúkud (nagpabúkud) sa sáku? Who filled the sack until it was round? Mabúkud ang mga úbas sa ting-ulan, The grapes will become round and full during the rainy season.

bukug n 1 bone. 2 gun, usually sidearm (slang). v [B126; b3] for a bone to stick in the throat. Dílì makabukug ang ginamus, The small grates of salted fish can’t choke you. Nabukug ku, I got a bone in my throat. Unsang isdáa ang nabukgan nímu? What k.o. fish did you choke on? — sa buut, kabubut-un a contrary to one’s principles. Táwu nga bukug kaáyu sa ákung buut, A person completely repulsive to me. — ug pánit [161]n skin and bones—i.e., thin. walay — without anything getting in the way. Way bukug ang íyang diskursu, His speech was fluently delivered. Musyát pirmi lang way bukug, He shoots cleanly (his shots never touch the basket). walay — ang dílà speaking unrestrainedly without any consideration. hiN- v [b(1)] take the fish grates out. Himukugi ang isdà únà kan-a, Remove the fish grates before you eat it. ka-an n bones. Nanakit ákung kabukugan sa pagtinarbáhu, My bones ache from too much work.

bukul, búkul n 1 protruding lump. Unsa nang bukul sa ímung úlu? What’s that lump on your head? 2 lump, clump. Búkul sa kan-un, Lump of rice. Búkul sa yútà, Lumps of soil. v [B26; aP] 1 get a lump. Mibúkul ang úlu nga nabunalan, His head swelled where I had struck him. 2 form lumps. bukulbukul v [B14] be full of lumps. Dautan ning litsi kay nagbukulbukul man, This milk is no good because it is full of lumps. paN- v [A2; b6] for the breasts to develop in adolescence. Unsa? Manarátu ka na nga wà pa ka gánì pamukli (pamukúli)? What is all this about boy friends when your breasts have not even started to develop?

búkung1 n husk and shell of a coconut split lengthwise without the meat.

búkung2 n freeloader, one who gets s.t. for free, either by mooching or by not paying the bill, buying a ticket, etc. Naglabi ang búkung sa pasahíru ning tráka, There’s more freeloaders than passengers on this bus. paN- v [A2; b6] freeload. Mamúkung ta nímug sigarilyu, May I mooch a cigarette off of you? Namúkung ku sa sini, amígu man nákù ang takilyíra, I got in the movie for free because the ticket seller is a friend of mine.

bukut n swarm of black wasps that build nests in trees. v [b6] have a hornet’s nest built in it. Gibukutan ang santul, The santol tree has a hornet’s nest in it.

búkut = balúkut.

bukwas = buklas.

bukway v [B; c1] 1 for long, thin things to stretch out: tendrils, flowers, sunrays, etc. Nagbukway na ang mga bánay sa mais, The corn tassels are spreading out now. Wà pa makabukway ang sílaw sa adlaw ug nakaligù na siya, He took his bath before the sun had spread its rays. 2 for the arms, tentacles to spread out and wave or wiggle. Mibukway ang mga gaway sa kugíta pagkakitag kaáway, The octopus spread his tentacles in all directions when he spotted an enemy. 3 [B1256] in a game of takyan, to fail to hit the shuttlecock squarely and thus lose one’s turn to be served. n 1 taro shoots before they develop leaves. 2 failure to return the serve in takyan.

bukya n k.o. white, transparent jellyfish, round, growing to 9″ in diameter, with tentacles that inflict a slight sting.

bukyàbukyà = bukya.

búl n mason jar, used as a measure for toddy.

búla1 (not without l) n 1 ball. 2 game of ball. — dimánu n cue ball in billiards. v 1 [A; c1] form s.t. into a ball. 2 [A26; b6] play a ball game. bulabúla v [A; c1] 1 make meat balls. 2 be bounced around like a ball. Ang sakayan gibulabúla sa dagkung balud, The boat was tossed about like a ball in the high seas. 3 for several persons to maul s.o. bouncing him around among themselves. n 1 dish consisting of little meat balls. 2 plimsoll line, indicating the load line of a ship. -dur(→) n ball player.

búla2 (not without l) v [A; c1] heave s.t. heavy onto s.o.’s shoulders. Ibúla (buláhun) ni nátù sa íyang abága, Let’s heave this onto his shoulders. n action of heaving s.t. onto one’s shoulders. Káda búla makadá kug siyin kílus, I can take one hundred kilograms on my shoulders at one time. -da = búla2. -dur(→) n one who heaves heavy things onto others’ backs.

búla3 (not without l) n flattery. v [A; b5] flatter. Ug ímu siyang buláhan (buláhun) túgut dáyun, If you flatter him, he’ll let you do it. -da = búla3.

búla4 (not without l) n drawing in a lottery. v [A1; c1] hold a drawing in a lottery.

bulà n bubbles, foam. a foamy, forming bubbles. Bulà kaáyu ning sabúna, This soap forms lots of suds. v [B346] form bubbles, foam. Nagbulà ang láway sa kabáyù, The horse is foaming at the mouth. — ang bàbà pagkáun eat one’s fill. Mibulà ang íyang bàbàg kináus kík, He had his fill of cake.

bul-a n k.o. fish.

bulábid = balunábid.

bulábung = bungabung.

bulad v [A; c1] 1 stay out in the sun. Nagbulad siya pagbantayg trák, He waited for the bus in the sun. Ayawg bulara (ibulad) nang bátà sa ínit, Don’t expose the child to the heat of the sun. 2 dry s.t. in the sun. Bulara (ibulad) ang kupras, Dry the copra. 3 [A13; c1] be, put out under the moon. Nagbulad siya sa búlan nga nagdáru, He stayed out plowing under the moon. 4 [A; c1] expose one’s body brazenly. Láwas nga gibulad sa kadaghánan, A body exposed to public view. 5 [A1; c1] lay down an open card, [162]esp. the starting card in a game. Nakabulad na ang naglíbud, The dealer has opened. n 1 dried fish. Bulad lay ámung isuwà, The only thing we have for lunch is dried fish. 2 card laid open, esp. the starting card. binlad, -in- n unhusked rice or corn set out to dry under the sun. Naningáun ang manuk sa binlad, The chicken is feeding on the rice you have left out to dry.

buláda1 (not without l) n the portion of a roof which projects beyond the wall. v [A; b6(1)] provide a building with an overhanging roof.

buláda2, 3 = búla2, 4.

buladur see búla1, 2.

bulag v 1 [A2B2; bc] separate from, get separated. Adtu ku mubulag nímu sa iskína, I will leave you at the corner. Mibulag ang úlu sa íyang láwas, His head got cut off (separated from his body). Dílì siya bulagan ug basahun, She is never without s.t. to read (lit. left by reading matter). Ibulag ang anak sa inahan, Separate the child from the mother. 2 [A2; b(1)] desist, cease doing s.t. Wà siya mubulag paglìlì, He didn’t take his eye off the peephole. Bulagi nang bisyúha, Cease that vice of yours. (←) v [A123PC; a] separate from each other, cause to separate. Nagbúlag ang managtrátu, The engaged couple separated. Bulága ang hilawg hinug, Separate the unripe and the ripe ones. haN-/hiN- v [a3] 1 get separated from involuntarily. Nahimuwag siya sa grúpu, He got separated from the group. 2 [b8] have s.o. close die (be left involuntarily). Nahimulagan kami sa usa ka buuk anak, One of our children died.

bulagaw a hair lighter in color than black, ranging from blond to reddish brown. v [B; b6c1] be, become this color. Mubulagaw ang ímung buhuk ug hingári kag sálum, Your hair will get reddish brown if you keep diving in the sea.

bulagsak (not without l) = bagsak1.

buláhan1 a blessed, fortunate. Buláhan ka sa mga babáyi nga tanan, Blessed art thou above all women. Buláhan ka kay dátù ka, You are fortunate because you are wealthy. 2 in order to, so that. Musulud tag sayu buláhan makaundang ug sayu, Let’s go to work early so we can quit early. v 1 [B126] be fortunate, blessed. Ang ákung anak ang mabuláhan ning ákung kasapían, My child will be benefited from my wealth. ka-an n welfare.

buláhan2 n = lansúnis.

bulahug v [B1256; b8] step inadvertently into a hole. Nabuwahug ku sa bangag sa salug kay ngitngit, I inadvertently stepped into a hole in the floor because it was dark.

búlak n 1 flower, blossom. 1a woman (metaphor). Ikaw ang búlak nga ákung gipangítà, You are the maid (lit. flower) I have been looking for. 2 suit of cards. 2a suit in mahjong composed of eight pieces which have pictures of flowers on them. v 1 [B2345N; b6] flower. Mibúlak (namúlak) nang rúsas, The rose plant is flowering. 2 [A; b] put a flowery design on s.t. 3 [B236N; b6] get moldy. Namúlak ang kan-un, The rice is all moldy. ka- v [A13] be bestrewn with flowers. bulakbúlak n 1 sweet things in life. Bulakbúlak sa kinabúhì ang pagpanugal, Gambling adds spice to one’s life. 2 flowery design. 3 ad lib, cadenza in a musical piece. v 1 [b(1)] add spice to life. 2 [A3; b6(1)] add a flowery design. 3 [A; b6(1)] play ad lib music. Nindut ang sunátang gibuwakbuwákan sa trumpíta, It was a beautiful song with the ad lib trumpet. -ay(→) n game of cards wherein a card is placed face up and bets are made as to the number of the next card of the same suit turned up. v [A12C] play this game. -an = payil sa búlak. see payil. hiN- a bearing flowers in abundance. Himulak kaáyung tanum ang rúsas, Roses tend to bear flowers in abundance. ka-an n a patch of flowering plants, young women, women collectively. ma-un a flowery. tingpaN- n 1 season of flowers. 2 years. Sa ikanapúlug walu níyang tingpamúlak, In her eighteenth year.

bulákaw n 1 k.o. harmful supernatural being that takes the form of a ball of fire, with trailing sparks. If it brushes or gets close enough to smell the skin, it makes a permanent white spot. 2 ball of fire used as transportation for unglùs.

bulakbul (not without l) a 1 slow in comprehension, dull. Nahagbung ang tinun-ang bulakbul, The dull student flunked. 2 loafing, truant. Bulakbul kaáyu sa trabáhu, A slacker on the job. v 1 [B; a2] be dull. 2 [A; b] loaf, play truant.

bulalakaw v [B46; a4] for the juice squeezed from coconuts to be in a condition such that it yields very little oil when boiled, but instead turns to foam. Way nalána sa túnù kay gibulalakaw (mibulalakaw), We didn’t extract any oil from the coconut milk. It just foamed.

bulalákaw (not without l) n shooting star.

bulalhug = bulahug.

bulálu, bulálù1 n 1 general term for good-sized or large cowries. 2 unit of measure 2a for a rice cake (bibingka). Tagbayinti ang [163]bulálu sa bibingka, The bibingka are twenty cents each. 2b a small-sized ball of cotton sewing thread. v [a12] make into the size of the bulálu measure, sell by the bulálu.

bulálù2 (not without l) a 1 stupid, dull. Bulálù ka kay dúgay nga makasabut, You’re stupid. It takes you long to catch on. 2 poor, unskillful in doing or executing things. Bulálù siya nga musyát. Pirming musipyat, He is a lousy shot. He always misses. v [B12; b6] be stupid or poor in doing things.

bulálung (not without l) = bulálù2.

búlan n 1 moon. 2 month. phases of the moon: patay, lunud ang — new moon. bag-u, bag-ung subang ang —, búhì ang —, bulhut sa punúan, primírung subang first day of the waxing crescent. subangsúbang, ikaduhang (ikatulung) subang waxing crescent. udtu nga — half moon, usually of the waxing moon. lákad second quarter (lit. going toward the noon position—so called because the moon is in the east when darkness falls). dail, daktul, takdul ang — full moon. primíru, ikaduhang piluk, dulum nga — first and second days of the third quarter. udtung lunud, kátin ang — half moon of the third quarter. himatayun ang — third quarter (lit. dying moon). bispiras sa himatayun last day before the new moon. shapes of the moon: inúlug amù waxing gibbous moon (lit. monkey’s head). hayà ang — crescent in a horizontal position. páyung sa — ring around the moon. v [B236; b4] be a month. Mubúlan nang wà mi magkítà, It’s been a month since we last saw each other. Wà pa mabúlan sukad si Tátay mamatay, It hasn’t been a month since Father died. Wà pa gánì makabúlan sukad pagtrabáhu nákù giumintuhan ku, It wasn’t even a month after I had started working that I was given a raise. Wà pa gánì ka buláni dinhi mupaúlì ka na? You haven’t been here a month and you want to go home already? Ugmang adláwa mauy ibúlan nákug puyù dinhi, Tomorrow it will make exactly a month that I have stayed here. (→) 1 [A3; b] hire a servant. Magbulan akug bátà pagtrápu sa kutsi, I’ll hire a child to keep the car washed. pa-(→) v [A; ab] hire oneself, s.o. out as a servant. -in-(→) once a month, monthly. Binulan nga sakit, The monthly sickness (menstruation). v [A; c1] do on a monthly basis. Ákù lang binulanun (ibinulan) ang ímung swildu, I’ll pay your salary once a month. -in-an(→) n household help. -un a 1 moonlight. 2 having weak vision (as if looking at things by moonlight). bulanbúlan 1 every month. Pila ímung dawátun bulanbúlan? How much do you receive every month? 2 k.o. tarpon: Megalops cyprinoides. 3 k.o. moon shell with edible flesh.

bul-an n corn at the stage where it is almost but not quite mature and where the kernels are no longer soft. Maánag pa ang mais nga bul-an, Corn at the bul-an stage can still be roasted. v [B1] for corn to reach the nearly mature stage.

bulandus v [APB12; c] push s.t. into going forward, slip and fall down with feet forward. Nabulandus siya kay nakatunub ug pánit sa ságing, He slipped and fell because he stepped on a banana peel. Ibulandus ang kaban ilálum sa hagdan, Shove the trunk underneath the stairs.

búlang1 n event (fiesta or market) at which a cockfight is held. v [A; b] hold a cockfight. Magbúlang dinhi ug tábù, They hold cockfights here on market day. (→) n gaff on a gamecock. paN- v 1 [A2; b6(1)] attend a cockfight and bet. 2 [A2; b6(1)] for a cock to win in a fight. Pwirting pamúwang sa ákung manuk, My cock wins wherever he fights. 2a for a man to win several wives in succession after his previous wife died (humorous). Giayran ang byúdu. Pwirti nang pagpamúwang, The widower has gotten himself a wife many times, but this time he was spurned. n action of betting, attending cockfights to bet. Way kaláki ang pamúlang. Way daug, The betting at the cockfights was no good. We didn’t win a thing. -an(→) n cockpit for holding cockfights. -ig-r-, ig-l- n fighting cock.

búlang2 v 1 [AC; ac] smash a hard object against s.t. hard. Ang hubug mauy mibúlang sa básu dihà sa sáwug, The drunk smashed the glass on the floor. Nagbúlang ang duha ka trák, The two trucks smashed into each other. Bulángun ku ang inyung mga úlu, I’ll knock your heads together. 2 [A12C; a] for two people to have a contest of hitting two examples of s.t. against each other, each person hitting his against the other person’s in turn, to see who can break the other person’s. Makigbúlang ku nímug lubi, I will engage in a coconut-breaking contest with you.

bulanghug = bulahug.

bulanghuy (not without l) n general term for all varieties of cassava: Manihot esculenta.

bulanglang n dish of various vegetables and meat originating in Tagalog regions.

bulangsud = bulandus.

bulanit, bulánit v [A; a12] pull s.t. out or [164]away from s.t. Ímung gibulanit ang hábul sa ímung pagkatúlug, You pulled the blanket away from me in your sleep.

bulansud = bulandus.

bulanti (not without l) n 1 flywheel of a machine. 2 business not set in one place. tindáhan nga — small mobile store on wheels.

bulanting n color combination of red, black, brown, and white in chickens.

bulantis (not without l) n printed advertisements scattered from the air. úhas — = bulantis.

bularat n k.o. soldier fish.

búlas (not without l) n smegma, white odorous accumulation found under the foreskin. hiN- v [A; b6] remove this accumulation. panghiN- v [A2; b6] remove this accumulation from one’s penis.

bulásut v [B126; b8] accidentally step into a hole. Nabulásut ang ligid sa trák sa gawang sa taytáyan, The wheels of the truck ran into a rut on the bridge.

bulátik (not without l) v [A; b6] flatter s.o. n flattery.

bulatsíra a female habitual drunkard. v [B1; b6] for a woman to become a habitual drunkard. Ug magbulatsíra ka, hala sawum sa tubà, If you want to be a sot, all right, swim in the toddy!

bulatsíru = bulatsíra (male).

bulaus, buláus a boastful, braggart. Mutúu ka níya nga buláus kaáyu? Would you believe him when he is such a braggart? -in-(→) a in a boasting manner. v [A13] act in a boasting manner. Nagbinulaus siya atubángan sa mga babáyi, He is showing off in front of the women.

bulaw a bronze color of pigs, brownish green color of army blankets or cloth of similar color. -an(←) n gold. Mahalun nga batu ang buláwan, Gold is a precious stone. v [B1256] become gold. paN-an(←) v [A23] be like gold. -ánun a 1 golden in color. 2 noble, golden in value. Bulawánun ang ákung tingúhà nímu, I have only noble intentions toward you.

buláwis (not without l) n k.o. danggit fish: Teuthis java.

bulay n 1 k.o. cultivated bean, the seeds and young pods of which are eaten: Dolichos lablab. 2 = patánì2. v [A; b(1)] cook bulay or s.t. with bulay.

bulay-ug (not without l) n k.o. small bird found in bunches in bushes: Dicaeum bicolor. a 1 small and frail like this bird, weakling. 2 poor in doing things. Bulay-ug nga sinayawan, Dancing in a poor way.

bulbug n k.o. jellyfish with a brown color and blueish spots. a sluggish, slow-moving. v [B12; b6] get to be sluggish.

bulbul n 1 pubic hair. 2 name given to the green dragon piece in mahjong. v [a4] grow pubic hairs. Gibulbul ku pag-idad kug kinsi, I grew pubic hairs when I was fifteen. hiN- v [A; b7] 1 dress fowl or birds by plucking the feathers. 2 clean s.o. out, take all his money. Ang íyang asáwa mauy mihimulbul sa íyang pitáka, His wife cleaned his wallet out. Gihimulbúlan (gihimulbulan) siya sa íyang babáyi, His mistress milked him dry. 2a — ang swildu for a salary to be the sole source for a large number of expenditures. Ang ákù rang swilduy himulbúlan sa tanang galastuhan, They get all of the money for the expenses from my salary. 3 strip machines or vehicles of spare parts to be used elsewhere. Himulbúli ang ayruplánu arun makalupad ang uban, Strip the airplane of spare parts so the others can fly. 4 look over a person to size him up. Gihimulbulan sa inahan ang pamanhunun sa íyang anak, The mother inspected her daughter’s fiancé carefully.

buldu = burdu.

buldug n bulldog. a 1 big and stout in comparison to one’s age group. 2 fat like a bulldog. 3 having the ugly face of a bulldog. v [B] get to be fat or ugly like a bulldog.

buldúsir n bulldozer. v [A; a12] work on s.t. with a bulldozer, bulldoze s.t. Gibuldúsir ang mga payag sa iskuwátirs, The squatter shanties were bulldozed.

buldyak v [A2; ac] throw s.t. at a downwards angle by raising the hand over the head. Buldyáka tung íyang gipatirúhan, Throw your marble at the marble he aimed at. n a throw executed in this manner.

bulgan n k.o. fish with bulging eyes.

bulgar a 1 secret which has become public knowledge, an open secret. Bulgar na kaáyu ang ílang panaghigugmaay, Their love affair is public knowledge. 2 vulgar, coarse. (→) v [A3P; c16] reveal a secret. Ayaw bulgara (ibulgǎr) nang tabía, Don’t bring that gossip to public knowledge.

bulhang v [AB6; b] burst open with a great gaping hole, make a great opening in s.t. Gilunúpan ang dapit dihang mibulhang ang díki, The area was flooded when the dike burst. Bulhángi ang lubut sa táru, Make a wide hole in the bottom of the can.

bulhay a for s.t. packed in a solid to be loose and dry so that it could crumble easily. Bulhay kaáyu ang báy sa umígas, The ant hill is very dry and loose. v [B; b6] become dry and loose so as to crumble easily. Nagkabulhay [165]ang yútà nga wà maulani, The soil became dry and loose after it hadn’t rained for a long time.

bulhug n 1 blinded because of cataracts. 2 partially blinded. v 1 [B12; a1] get cataracts. 2 [B126; a1] get to be, make s.o. partially blind. Nabulhug siya dihang hibuthan sa dinamíta, He became partially blind when a dynamite charge exploded on him.

bulhun n = aláyun.

bulhut v 1 [A; ac] blow s.t. out of s.t. Bulhúta ang kandílà, Blow out the candle. Gibulhútan aku níyag túbig, He spurted water at me from his mouth. Ibulhut nang asu, Puff out the smoke. 2 [A2; b1] for the wind to blow. Mibulhut ang amíhan, The northeast wind blew. 3 [A; b] treat a sickness, usually of stomach, by blowing cigar smoke on the affected area. Bulhútan sa mananambal ang nagbutud kung tíyan, The folk doctor will blow smoke on my stomach because I have gas. 4 [A; c6P] move at great speed. Bulhut! Step on the gas! Nakabulhut ug dágan ang kawatan, The thief ran away on the double. n action of blowing. pa- v [A; a2] puff on a pipe or cigar. -ay n game involving blowing. v [c] play this game.

buli n buri palm: Corypha elata. The fibers from the unopened leaves are used in weaving hats, baskets, etc. It is also a source of toddy (guhang), vinegar, and sugar. The shoots are used as a vegetable and the trunk is a source of starch.

bulì n 1 penis of man or animal. 2 exclamation expressing contempt or disgust. Bulì, ay kug patuúha ánà, Hmm, don’t try to make me believe that. 3 — mu, sa ímung — irked statement of denial. Bulì mu! Mahímu pa giyud ni! What do you mean! This is still in good shape. Barátu sa ímung bulì! Trayinta písus ni, Cheap my foot! This costs thirty pesos. bulìbulì v [B125; a12] be hard-pressed to do s.t. because of the large amount it is. Nagkabulìbulì kug báyad sa ákung mga útang, I’m going crazy trying to pay my various debts.

bulibard n boulevard.

bulíbud1, 2 = balíbud1, 2.

bulibul = balibul.

bulíbul = bulíbuy.

bulíbuy n 1 cowlick. 2 person’s temper (said to be indicated by the presence of a cowlick). Manguláta siyag mulíhuk íyang bulíbuy, When his temper is provoked, he’ll maul people. -an n a person with a cowlick.

búlig1 v [A; b] help. Bulígi ku, Help me. ka- n helper.

búlig2 n bunch of large fruit, coconuts, or bananas. v [B12346N] form a bunch of fruit. panghiN- v [A2] grow forth in bunches. Nanghimúlig (namúlig) nang ságing, The banana tree has a bunch of fruit on it. hiN- a producing lots and lots of bunches.

bulíkat v [A; a] 1 spread the labia of the vagina apart with the fingers. 2 = bukitlà. 3 = bukìkì.

bulílis n weed of medicinal value: Biophytum sensitivum.

bulilit a small child, small and short person. v [B126; b6] become small and short.

bulilyus n bowling pin.

bulimánu = búla dimánu. see búla, 1.

bulinaw n k.o. anchovy commonly eaten in Cebu: various Engraulidae, esp. Stolephorus indicus. útuk ug — n bird-brained, stupid.

buling n 1 dirt on clothes, face, etc. 2a smear on one’s reputation. Way buling ang ákung kadunggánan, My reputation is spotless. v 1 [AB12; b5] dirty s.t., become dirty. Nagkabúling íyang karsúnis, His pants got covered with dirt. Ayaw bulingi (bulinga) ákung sinínà, Don’t get my dress dirty. 2 [A; b6(1)] smear one’s reputation. Gibulingan ang íyang dungug, His reputation was sullied. -un n 1 s.t. dirty, esp. clothes ready for washing. 2 dirty deeds of the past. Ang mga pulitiku isig yagyag sa ílang mga bulingun, The politicians are washing their dirty linen in the public. -it, -ut a covered with dirt, dirty in appearance. v [B; a2] get covered with dirt.

búling n bowling. v [AC; b6] go bowling. -an(→) n a bowling alley.

bulinga n female egg or egg cell.

bulinggit n stye in the eye. v [A123P; a4] have a stye. Gibulinggit ákung mata, I have a stye in my eye.

bulingit see buling.

bulingut see buling.

buliníyu = buluníyu.

bulintang = balintung2.

bulíraw v [B12] be hazy, not clear about s.t. Nabulíraw ku ug unsay ángay kung buhátun ning ákung prublíma, I am confused as to what to do about this problem. Ang ímung katin-áwan nakabulíraw nákug samut, Your explanation has gotten me all the more confused. a hazy, blurred. Bulíraw ákung panan-aw, I see only hazily.

bulíring = buríring.

bulíru n 1 bolero music. 2 bolero vest. v 1 [A12; c16] set the rhythm of a song to the tempo di bolero. 2 [A; c1] wear, make into a bolero vest. [166]

búlis n k.o. mackerel.

buliskad = baliskad.

búlit1 v 1 [A; a] caulk, plug up a hole or crack with viscous substances. Bulíti ug simintu ang likì, Fill up the crack with cement. 2 [A; b6(1)] put paste on s.t. Bulíti ang likud sa kalindaryu, Put paste on the reverse side of the calendar. (→) n 1 s.t. used to plug up holes or caulk s.t. 2 paste.

búlit2 v [a12] 1 cover over completely with s.t. Nabúlit ang íyang nawung sa kinawrarasan, His face was covered with scratches. Gibúlit ku siya sa hawuk, I covered her with kisses. 2 burden with problems, debts, etc. Nabúlit mi sa mga útang, We are burdened with debts.

bulítas n ball bearings. v [b(1)] put ball bearings on s.t.

bulitik n k.o. pitch used for caulking.

bulitin n dice. bistu ang — be on to s.o.’s tricks, evil doings. — upisyal official bulletin.

bulitsi n k.o. raffle with Spanish cards. One set of cards is spread out on the table for the bettors to place their bets on. Another set of the same cards are rolled up individually and inserted into a small metal cylinder. The cylinders are placed in a large metal drum, jumbled about, and one cylinder is drawn. The card in the cylinder drawn is the winner. There are variations using balls with numbers to replace the cards in the cylinders. Usually the dealer sings out verses while rolling the drum and waiting for the bettors to place their bets. v [A1; b(1)] play bulitsi.

bulíyus n k.o. flying fish.

bulkan n 1 volcano. 2 fifty-peso bill (slang).

bulkas = buklas.

bulpin n ballpoint pen. v [A1] use a ballpoint pen.

bulsa n 1 pocket. Rilu dibulsa, Pocket watch. 2 cavity in a fishing net which holds the fish. 3 an external pocket-like cavity s.w. on one’s person (said to bring good fortune to the possessor). 4 isulud sa — fool s.o. into doing s.t. Tuntúha dù. Dílì na ku nímu masulud sa bulsa, Don’t try to fool me, boy. You can’t pull anything on me. v 1 [A; c1] put a pocket, make into a pocket. 2 [A; c16] pocket dishonestly. Ug ibulsa (bulsáhun) nímu ang ganansiya, sigúrung ikíha ka, If you pocket the profit, you surely will be brought to court. bulsáhan a having a pocket-like cavity on any part of the body. Such a person is believed likely to become rich.

buls-ay n bull’s-eye. v [A12; a12] make a direct hit.

bulsíta n small bag. Pagpalit ug usa ka bulsíta nga pán, Buy a bagful of bread. v [A; a] make, make into paper bag.

bult n bolt. — trídir n bolt threader.

bultáhi n voltage.

bultimitru n voltmeter.

bultu n 1 large and bulging. Bultu kaáyug dughan, Having large breasts. n mass of s.t. that has been put together or is in one piece. Bultu sa paldu, The mass of a bale. v [B46] be, become bulgy. Mibultu sa íyang kílid ang pistúla, The pistol is bulging on his hips. -in- in bulk, great volume. v [A12; c16] do s.t. by bulk. Binultúha (ibinultu) pagpalit arun barátu, Buy them in bulk so it will be cheaper.

búlu1 n k.o. Indian wrestling, where the elbows are placed on a table and the opposing partners try to force each other’s arms to bend. v [A12C; b6] engage in Indian wrestling.

búlu2, búlù1 n heavy weeding knife with a blunt rectangular end. — bataliyun n group of volunteer guards without firearms.

búlù2 n k.o. unarmed, thin-walled bamboo with straight smooth stems: Schizostachyum lumampao.

bulúbud = budbud, v1, 2; n1, 2.

búlù v [A; b6] begin bubbling. bulùbulù v [A] bubble. Ug mubulùbulù ang tinula, haúna, Take the stew off when it simmers. Nagbulùbulù ang túbig sa tubud, The water at the spring is bubbling.

búlud n low hill. v [B1256; a12] be, become a hill. Búrun man kunu nà arun gamítun sa syúting, They will make a hill there for shooting films.

bulug1 n groin. v [a12] pinch s.o. or hit him in the groin. Bulgun ta ka ug buk-un nímu nang básu, I’ll hit you in the groin if you break that glass. paN- n an infection of the lymph gland in the groin. v [a4b4] have an infection of the lymph gland in the groin. -an, -an(←) = bulug1.

bulug2 (not without l) v [A; a12b2] cheat, fool. Kinsay nagbulug nímu íning kwartang minì? Who cheated you with this counterfeit money? Gibulug ang agáwun sa impliyádu nga pista upisyal run, The employee hoodwinked his boss into believing it was a holiday today. n s.t. used to fool, cheat s.o.

bulug3 n whitish growth on the eyes which eventually causes blindness. v [b4] get such a growth.

bulug4 n a k.o. bolo around 20″ long with a flat end and curved blade having a pronounced concave bend on both top and bottom edges two-thirds of the way from the end. [167]

bul-ug v [A; b] 1 for water to rush in a flood. Naánud ang balay dihang hingbul-ugan sa túbig sa bahà, The house was washed away when it was caught in the onrush of the floodwaters. 2 for emotions, masses of things to surge forth. n 1 rush of water in a flood. 2 rush of emotions, masses of things. Bul-ug sa kalúuy, A surge of pity. Bul-ug sa mga kaáway, The onrush of the enemy. ma-un a onrushing. Mabul-úgung lúhà, Rushing tears.

bulúgan = bulug1.

buluk1 a 1 slow in comprehension, dull. v [B; a2] be, become dull. Mubuluk (mabuluk) kag dì ka mutuun, You’ll become dull if you don’t study. 2 being hard to understand. Kabúk gud nímu. Ganíha úu, karun dílì. Dì kung kasabut, How hard it is to understand you. First you say yes, then no. I don’t understand.

buluk2 (not without l) a rotten. v [B2] rot, decompose. Giaysan ang isdà arun dì mabuluk, They put the fish on ice so this would not rot.

buluk3 n a young coconut bud that can be tapped for toddy. v [AN; b6] for coconuts to put forth or develop buds.

buluk4, búluk n 1 color. Putì ang paburitu kung búluk, White is my favorite color. 2 quality, tone of voice. v 1 [b] dye cloth red. Gibugkan ang íyang sinínag pula, Her dress was dyed red. 2 [B6; c1P] for the voice to change in quality. Nagbuluk ang ákung tíngug kay giubu ku, My voice changed because I caught cold.

bulukbuluk v [A3P; c] for liquid to bubble continuously due to presence of gas, make a bubbling sound. Nagbulukbuluk ang túbig nga íyang gitidlúman, The water was bubbling where he was swimming under the water.

bulúkut = balúkut.

bulung, búlung1 v [A; b6(1)] treat with medicine. Bulnga ang samad, Treat the wound. n medicine. mag-r-(→) n s.o. who treats illnesses.

búlung2 v [A; a] look for, search. Nagbúlung ku sa kwarta kung nawálà, I’m looking for the money I lost.

*búlung3 hi- v [B126; b3(1)c5] be surprised, perplexed at s.t. Nahibúlung siyag ngánung napildi sa piliay, He wondered why he had lost the elections. Gikahibudngan kung ílang panag-áway, Their fighting surprised me. ka- n wonderment at s.t. one cannot understand. kahibudngan, kahibudngánun, kahi-an n surprising, bewildering. Kahibudngánung nahitabù, A perplexing thing that happened. mahibudngánun 1 = kahibulúngan. 2 full of bewilderment. Mahibudngánun nga tinan-awan, A bewildered look.

búlung4 v [B126; a2] get tired of s.t. partaken or done with monotonous regularity or frequency. Nabúlung na ku sa íyang hitsúra, I’m sick of seeing him. Nabúlung na ku sa buwad, I’m tired of dried fish. Gibulúngan na kug pamínaw sa isturiya, I’m sick of listening to her talk.

búlung5 v [B1256] have a difficult time doing s.t. Nabúlung kug pangítà sa inyung báy kay wà may numiru, I had a hard time looking for your house. It had no number.

bulúngan n k.o. sweet banana with a green peel, similar in flavor to the type sold in the U.S.: Musa sapientum var. suaveolens.

buluníyu (not without l) n long wooden device with a lacerated tip for stirring the chocolate in the chocolate pot (batirul). v [c16] use as a chocolate stirrer.

buluntǎd (not without l) n voluntary act. Buluntǎd kining ákung gibúhat, What I’m doing is a voluntary act. v [A2; c6] volunteer, present oneself voluntarily. Mibuluntǎd siyag tubag sa pangutána, He volunteered to answer the question.

buluntǎr (not without l) = buluntǎd, v. -yu n 1 volunteer, esp. the civilian soldier volunteers during the Japanese occupation. 2 voluntary act. Ang pagpirma ku sa kuntrátu buluntaryu, My signing of the contract is a voluntary act. v 1 = buluntǎd. 2 [A1; b] hold a work bee with work contributed on a voluntary basis. Gibuluntaryúhan sa lungsud ang paglimpiyu sa plása, The people of the town had a work bee to clean the plaza.

buluntǐr (not without l) = buluntǎd, v.

bulus1 n bamboo or sugar stem.

bulus2 (not without l) a a great burden. Bulus kaáyu kining daghang anak, It’s a burden to have so many children. v [B16; a12] overly burden oneself. Ngánung magbulus kag lútù nga dúna kay kusiníra? Why do you burden yourself with cooking when you have a cook? Ngánung buslun siya nímug anhi? Why do you make him trouble himself to come here?

bulut n the shiny black crown of thorns which covers the tubers of the Dioscorea esculenta (apáli), esp. the wild varieties (balyákag).

buluungun n pomelo, a k.o. widely grown citrus bearing large spherical or irregularly-shaped fruits, larger, drier, and sweeter than the grapefruit: Citrus grandis.

búluy n k.o. halfbeak. [168]

bulwang1 a for s.t. enclosing an area or an enclosed area to be wide. Bulwang ra ning sayála níya, This skirt is too wide for her. v 1 [B6; c1] be wide in space. Ang pagkawalay mwiblis mauy nakabulwang (nakapabulwang) sa hawanan, The absence of furniture made the room appear wider. 2 [bc1] add to the width of s.t. n = ka-. ka- n width of an enclosed space or s.t. enclosing an area.

bulwang2 n strong rush of water. Ang bulwang sa túbig mauy nakaánud níya, The rush of the water carried her away. v [A2] for a liquid to rush out forcefully.

bulyum n 1 volume of sound. 2 volume of a set of books. v [b(1)P] increase the volume of sound.

búm n boom of a ship.

bumba1 n 1 bomb. Bumba atumika, Atomic bomb. 2 spike or a hard drive downwards in a volleyball, pingpong, and like games. 3 blows. 4 vicious personal attack on s.o. in public. v 1 [A; b6(1)] bomb s.t. 2 [A; c1] spike a ball. 3 [A; b6(1)] hit s.o. with hard blows. 4 [A; b6(1)] lambast s.o. before the public. Ang mga Amirkánu kanúnay níyang bumbáhan sa íyang lindug, He constantly lambasts the Americans in his column. maN-r- n bomber. ig-r- n thing for which s.o. can be lambasted in public.

bumba2 n pump. Pagkúhag túbig sa bumba, Go get water at the pump. Ambi ang bumba kay daghang lamuk, Give me the spray gun. There’s lots of mosquitoes. Bumba sa pitrumaks, The air pressure mechanism of a lamp. 2 erotic show. v 1 [A; c1] pump. Bumbáha (ibumba) ang púsu, Pump the well. 2 [A; b] engage in sexual intercourse (slang). di-, ripling di- n air rifle. bumbíra n actress that appears in erotic shows. bumbíru n 1 fireman, fire department. 2 = bumbíra (male). v [B156; a12] be, become a fireman. bumbiruhan n fire station.

bumbardíyu n bombardment. v [A; c] bombard. Pastilan nakabumbardíyu níyag pangutána sa saksi, My! How he bombarded the witness with questions. Gibumbardiyúhan úsang baybáyun, First the beach was shelled.

bumbay n 1 Indian, Hindu. 2 k.o. large goat with a long beard and curved horns. 3 sibúyas — large onions. -in- v [A; c1] speak the Indian language.

bumbil n bougainvillea.

bumbilya n light bulb. v [b6(1)] install a light bulb.

bumbu n 1 drum. 2 pregnant woman (humorous). Bumbu nang ákung asáwa, My wife is already pregnant. v 1 [A] beat a drum. 2 [A; c1] make into a drum.

buna n 1 forehead. 2 analogous structure in the body above the genitalia. bunabúna = buna, 2.

bun-ag v [A; c] for s.t. in a container to be thrown out and scattered in a downward motion. Bun-ági ug túbig ang káyu, Throw water on the fire. Ibun-ag ang mga sinakung kupras sa budíga, Empty the sacks of copra into the warehouse.

búnak v [A2; b1] wash clothes. Bunáki ang mga bulingun, Wash the dirty clothes. -an(→), -un(→) n laundry.

búnal v 1 [AN; b6(1)] strike with a club or whip. Ayaw ku bunáli, Don’t beat me. 2 [A; b(1)] for a fighting cock to deliver a blow with its legs. 3 [B126] for a person to fall heavily with a thud. Nabúnal ku sa hagdan, I fell with a thud down the stairs. andir di- a henpecked. (→) n 1 club, whip. 2 blows of a fighting cock. 3 penis (slang).

búnaw = bunal.

bunáyus a shapeless figure. v [B; a2] for the body or dress to be lacking in curves and full shape. Mubunáyus ang tútuy basta way bra, The breasts sag if you don’t wear a bra. Sayun rang tahiun ang mga sinínà karun kay bunayúsun man lang, It’s easy to sew dresses nowadays because they are just cut straight.

bunbun n fine sand. v [B1245] be filled with, covered with sand. paN- v [A23] be defeated, lose overwhelmingly in a race or contest.

bun buyids n bon voyage.

bundak v 1 [A; c] let s.t. fall with force. Ngánung nabuak ang kúlun? Kinsay nagbundak niíni? Why is the clay pot broken? Who threw it down? Ayaw ibundak ang tilipunu, Don’t bang the telephone receiver down. 1a — sa salà lay the blame on s.o. Gibundákan siya sa salà nga dílì íya, They blamed him for s.t. that was not his fault. 2 [A; c1] stomp one’s feet. Ayaw bundáka (ibundak) ang tiil mug manáug ka sa hagdan, Don’t stomp your feet as you go downstairs. 3a [B346; b2] for the rain to fall heavily. Mibundak ang ulan, The rain came down in sheets. 3b for s.t. heavy to come down by itself. Mibundak ang gawang sa garáhi, The garage door came down with a bang. 4 [A; b6(1)] 4a speak with a gruff voice. Pinabundak ang tíngug, mitawag siya sa íyang suluguun, He called his servant in a sharp voice. 4b call s.o. by name with no title of respect. Ayaw ibundak ang ngálan sa ímung magulang. Tawga siyag manang, [169]Don’t just call your elder sister by name. Give her the title manang. n 1 crashing down of s.t., stomping of feet. 2 downpour.

bundù1, 2 = bungdù1, 2.

bundul = bungdul.

búng = búlung1, 2, 3.

búnga1 n 1 fruit. 2 result, outgrowth. Búnga sa kahakug, The result of your greed. — sa katúlug s.t. trivial. Ang púlung nga búnga sa katúlug ángay kalimtan, Trivial words should be forgotten. 3 — ug singut prickly heat. 4 -ng káhuy fruit tree. v 1 [A2N; b2c] bear fruit. Mibúnga (namúnga) nang bayábas, The guava tree has borne fruit. Gagmay kaáyu ang ibúnga íning klásiha sa ukban, This k.o. tangerine bears small fruit. 2 [A2N; b6(1)] produce results. Gibungáhan ug duha ka buuk anak ang ílang panagtípun, Their life together was blessed with two children. hiN- n mother hen. v [A13; a12] raise into a hen. himúnga, himungáun, himungáhun a bearing fruit proliferously. v [B12] get to bear proliferously. mabungáhun a fruitful, producing good results. Mabungáhun nga paningkámut, Striving which produced good results. ting-(→) n season a plant bears fruit. Tingbunga sa mangga, The mango season.

búnga2 n 1 betel nut palm: Areca catechu. Name also given to other palms of similar appearance. — di Tsína n ornamental palm which is similar in appearance to the búnga: Adonidia merrillii.

bungabung, bungábung n the long feathers around the neck of male fowl, often used as lures in fishing. Pulang bungabung nga mu rag kwintas tan-áwun, Red hackles that look like a necklace. v 1 [B456N] grow feathers around the neck. Magbungabung na gánì ning manúka, hiktan ku na ni, When this cock starts to grow his hackles I’ll tie him up. 2 [b6] pluck the neck feathers off.

bungàbungà v [B1245; b(1)] stammer. Nagkabungàbungà siyang mitubag kay hisakpang namakak, He stammered his answer because they caught him in a lie.

búngad v [B126; c6] stumble headlong onto the face. Ayaw ibúngad ímung nawung sa simintu, Don’t fall on your face on the concrete floor.

bungag = balungag.

bungáhuy n fruit tree.

bungálun n k.o. creeping reed of rice paddies, used for horse feed.

búngan = bulúngan.

bungánga v [B3; c1] for s.t. to be open wide or ajar. Nabungánga íyang bàbà sa dakung katingála, His mouth came open with great surprise. Nagbungánga nga pultahan, Door that is ajar. Pagtárug lingkud. Ayaw ibungánga (bungangáha) ímung atubangan, Sit with your legs together. Don’t expose your genitalia.

bungarul = pyápi.

bungat v [A; b6(1)] state, express s.t. Bungati siya sa ímung gugma, Express your love to him. Ibungat unsay ímung gustu, State what you want. n price quoted by a buyer or seller.

bungatngat v [A; c1] open s.t. wide by pushing the sides away. Bungatngáta (ibungatngat) ang bág arun isúd ri, Open the pocketbook wide and put this in it. Bungatngáta ang sagbut kay muági ku, Move the weeds out of the way so I can get by.

bungátud n small hill, hillock.

bungaw (from abungaw) a absent-minded, forgetful, esp. due to old age. v [B1; a4] be absent-minded. Nabungaw lang ku sa panuklì, My mind was elsewhere when I gave her the change. Gibungaw ka man tingáli. Gidad-an mu akug baskit nga baldi man ang ákung gisúgù, You must be getting old. You brought me a basket when I sent you to get a pail. n absent-mindedness, forgetfulness.

bung-aw n chasm, narrow gorge. Natumpáwak siya sa bung-aw sa kasákit, She underwent a great emotional crisis. (Lit. She fell headlong into the chasm of sorrow.)

bungáwu n k.o. fish.

bungáwuy = pyápi.

bungay = bunglay.

bungbung1 n 1 wall of a building. 2 side covers of any box-like thing. v [A; c1] 1 enclose with, make into a wall. Bungbúngi ang parul ug papil hapun, Put rice paper on the sides of the lantern. 2 for adverse weather or some other barrier to confine people s.w. Ang bahà nga mibungbung námù sa tabuk, The flood that confined us to the opposite bank. Nabungbung sila sa isla tungud sa hángin, They were confined to the island because of the wind. paN- n cut of meat underneath the short ribs, the plate.

*bungbung2 — kawáyan = búlù2.

bungdù1 n 1 pile or a heap of s.t., a mound. Bungdù sa yútà, Pile of dirt. Ang bungdù sa sinsilyu sa lamísa, The pile of money on the table. 2 grave. Marmul ang bungdù ni Risal, Rizal’s grave is of marble. 3 woman’s genitalia (humorous slang). v [B3(1); a] for s.t. to pile up or form a mound. Nagbungdù ang dughan, She has bulging breasts. Dì makabungdù ang labhanan ug amnun, The laundry can’t pile up if you take care of it [170]as it comes along. -un a bulging outward.

bungdù2 v [A; c] make s.t. hit against s.t. with a big impact. Kinsay nakabundù sa dyíp sa pusti? Who bumped the jeep into the post? Nabundù ang ákung samput sa simintu, I hit the cement with my rump.

bungdul v [A; ab2c] 1 strike s.t. stationary by poking s.t. at it. Bungdúla ang búnga ug dílì nímu masaka, Poke at the fruit if you can’t climb up to get it. Ibungdul ang ímung sungkud sa kisami arun sila muhílum, Knock your cane against the ceiling so they will shut up. 2 for a vehicle to crash into s.t. not fixed in place. Nibungdul ang taksi sa karumáta, The taxi crashed into the cart. 3 [A; a2b2] have sexual intercourse with (slang). n 1 instrument to poke s.t. 2 action of poking s.t.

bunggalu n bungalow. v [A12; c1] construct a bungalow.

bunggu n bongo drum. v [A; a] play the bongo, make into a bongo.

bunggù v 1 [A3P; a] break off s.t. rigid with pressure. Hángin ang mibunggù sa mga sanga sa káhuy, The wind broke the branches off of the tree. 2 [A; a12] reveal s.t. which s.o. had kept secret for a purpose. Bunggùun ta kang dúna kay láing trátu ug ang ákung ig-ágaw ang ímung pangulitawhan, I’ll reveal that you already have a girl friend if you try to victimize my cousin.

bunghan see buhung.

bungháyag a voluntary aid or service. Salámat sa inyung bungháyag nga kuntribusiyun, Thank you for your voluntary contribution. v [A; c] offer help, services voluntarily. Ibungháyag níya ang íyang sirbisyu sa simbahan, He will offer his services to the church.

bunghug v [A; b6(1)] tell malicious things about s.o. to s.o. else with a purpose. May nagbunghug nákung gipamabáyi mu kunung ímung súhul, S.o. is trying to get me mad at you by telling me that you’re spending your salary on women. n malicious things told about s.o. for a purpose.

bungì a 1 harelip. 2 for a bottle or jar to have a chip in the mouth. 3 for s.t. projecting to be broken off. (←) v [A3P; a] 1 make s.o. into a harelip. 2 make a break in a mouth-like opening or dent in the front of s.t. Siyay mibúngì (nagbúngì) sa awtu kay gidasmag sa pusti, He was the one who dented the front of the car when he smashed it against the post. 3 break s.t. projecting off. Ang inggranáhi gibungíag tangu, The gear had a tooth broken off it.

bungíngi v [A; b4] for s.t. to have an abundance of s.t. on it or in it. Mangga nga nagbungíngi sa búnga, A mango tree, laden with fruit. Namungíngi ang mga isdà sa púkut, The net was full of fish. Sanínang gipamungingíhag mga adurnu, A dress laden with decorations.

bungìngì v [A] 1 for a surface to develop a crack and curl at the edges. Ang nangkà nakabungìngì na sa kahinug, The jackfruit broke open when it got overripe. 2 = bungíngi.

bungisngis n supernatural being, tall and hairy with a wide mouth, said to be grinning literally from ear to ear or laughing boisterously. v [A; c1] grin widely, laugh like a bungisngis. Mibungisngis íyang dagway, His face burst into a wide grin.

bungiut, bungíut v [A; c1] 1 for the face to assume a frowning, disapproving expression. Sapútun gánì siya mubungíut íyang nawung, His face frowns when he is not in a good mood. 2 for the sky to get heavily overcast (metaphorical). Nagbungiut ang kalibútan, The sky is heavily overcast. a frowning face.

bungkag v [A; a] 1 take s.t. apart, break s.t. up into its constituent parts. Kinsay nagbungkag sa rilu? Who took the watch apart? Bungkága ring písus, Change this peso bill. 2 break up a group, disarrange s.t. in a group. Kinsay nagbungkag sa ákung sinínà? Who disarranged my clothes that had been stacked nicely? Nakabungkag si Magsaysay sa mga Huks, Magsaysay broke up the Huk rebellion. Nabungkag ang tígum pag-ulan, The gathering broke up when it rained. 3 break up a relationship. Ikay nakabungkag sa ámung pagpuyù, You broke up our home. 4 arrange music (slang). Ang Bítuls ray magbungkag sa ílang kantáhun, The Beatles arrange their songs themselves. 5 break the soil in a field that has never been cultivated or not cultivated for some time. Nagbungkag siya sa kaíngin, He plowed the clearing in the forest. -ay n children’s game in which a bunch of rubber bands is separated. v [A12; c] play this game.

bungkal v 1 [A; ab2] dig up the surface of the earth. Dílì kinahanglan bungkálun ning yutáa kay húmuk, This soil need not be broken up because it is soft. Hibungkalan níya ang usa ka dakung kahun sa nagdáru siya, He turned up a big box as he was plowing.

bungkaliw = bungkawil.

bungkas v [A3P; ab7] undo s.t. sewn. Nabungkas ang tahì sa ákung karsúnis, My pants came apart at the seams. Bungkási ang sákug usa ka dángaw, Open the sack a [171]couple of inches where it was sewn.

bungkawil n k.o. edible shell: the bubble conch.

bungkig n the amount by which s.t. exceeds a certain set. Ug angáyun nátug báhin ang karmilítus, duhay bungkig, If we divide these candies up evenly, there will be two left over. v [B126; a12] become uneven in number, not in complete sets. Ayawg bungkíga ang plátung baligyà. Hinuygu giyud, Don’t sell the plates in odd lots. Sell them by the set.

bungkug n the very end of the spinal column, esp., in man or animals, but also said of birds.

bungkul n 1 place where the bones bulge in the knuckles, ankles, etc. 2 knot in a tree. 3 cyst. 4 = búkul. v 1 [a12] hit in the ankle bone, knuckles. 2 [B1256; b6] turn into a cyst.

bungkut v [A; b12] suck money from s.o. Bungkútan lang nang byúdáha sa íyang bánang batan-ún, The young husband is just going to suck money out of the widow.

bunglay v [A; a2] remove weeds by using a bolo square at the end. Bungláyun ku nang sagbut, I’ll remove the weeds with a bolo. n blunt-ended bolo used to remove weeds. -un(→) n weeds to be cleared out.

bungsì = busngì.

bungsud n general term for fish corrals. v 1 [A1; c1] make, make into a fish corral. 2 [A; a12] catch in a fish corral. 3 [A; c] drive s.t. elongated into the ground, dash s.t. straight to the ground. Ang yútang gibungsúran níya sa talibugsuk, The soil where he drove the stakes into. Ibungsud ta kag ímu kung samúkun, I’ll smash you into the ground if you bother me. bungsuran n fish corral. bungsuránan n place where fish corrals are built. binungsúran n fish caught in a fish corral.

bungtud n 1 hill. 2 anthill. hiN- v [B236; b8] reach a place one has gone up to. Nakahimungtud na siya sa kadunggánan, He has arrived at the height of his fame. kabungtúran n hills.

búngug v 1 [B126] be deafened, stunned. Makabúngug nga butu, Deafening explosion. Mabúngug kag maigù ka sa ákung kúmù, You’ll be stunned if my fist hits you. 2 [B1246] stunning because of size or the amount, usually said of food. Makabúngug nga bangkíti, A banquet of stunning proportions. Páa nga makabúngug, Thighs that bowl you over by their size. (→) n yellowish secretion from an infected ear. v [a4] have this yellowish secretion. Gibungug ang íyang dunggan, He has pus coming out of his ears. -un a having a pussy infection.

bungul1 a 1 deaf. buta — blind and deaf. Táwung buta bungul, A deaf and blind man. 2 for a musical instrument or money not to be resonant. v 1 [B16; a] be, become deaf. 2 wà maka- be not able to hear (joking use for makadungug). Wà ku makabungul sa ímung gisulti, I didn’t hear what you were saying. 3 [B1; b6] for instruments or money to be, become unresonant. — nga lubi a coconut at the stage just prior to ripening where the fruit is still so full of water it does not produce a sound when you shake it. (←) [A123PC; b(1)] not to be on speaking terms.

bungul2 n unopened flower bud of a coconut. Ang dugà sa bungul mauy himúung tubà, The sap of the coconut bud is what is made into palm toddy. paN- v [A; b6] for coconuts to develop flower buds.

bungul3 n k.o. shark (pating).

bungulan, bungúlan = bulúngan.

búngun n space directly underneath the house or tree. Ang kanding túa gihukut sa búngun, The goat is tethered under the house. v [c6] put or place s.t. under s.t. else. Gibúngun ba nímu ug tanum ang mga ságing sa mga lubi? Did you plant the bananas under the coconut trees?

búngut n 1 beard, mustache. 2 pubic hairs (euphemism). 3 = bulbul, 2. v 1 [a4] for a beard to grow on one. 1a have pubic hairs (euphemism). Gibúngut na lang mu piru magbinátà gihápun, You already have pubic hairs, but you are acting like children. 2 [c] put a beard on s.t. pa- v [A1] allow one’s beard, mustache to grow. hiN- v [A; b6] pluck or shave a beard or mustache. panghiN- v [A2] pluck or shave one’s beard, mustache. bungutbungut n 1 wooly, hairy material. 2 name given to grasses of waste places with numerous spikes: Chloris spp. bungutbúngut 1 = bungutbungut, 1. 2 n tassel fish (Polynemus spp.), fishes with filamentous rays coming from under the head. -an n general term for catfish. bungtan n name given to goat fish (timbúngan) with long barbels on the face. hiN- n s.t. used to pluck or shave the beard or mustache. -un a 1 bearded. 2 goon. Mudagsang ang mga bungútun panahun sa piliay, There are goons in droves during elections. v [B1456] be a goon. bungutbungutun a hairy.

bunguy = bungul1.

bunhayag = bungháyag.

bunhuk n mites infesting fowl. v [a124] for fowl to be infested with lice. -un(→) a infested [172]with fowl mites. babáying -un(→) n prostitute, esp. one infected with venereal disease.

búni v [A3P; ac] 1 fill a hole to the top. Nabúni ang bangag sa lápuk, The mud filled the hole. 2 obliterate the traces of s.t. Ang panahun mubúni sa kaguul, Time heals the wounds of sorrow.

bun-i n ringworm. v [B1246; a4] be affected with ringworm.

buníta = bunítu (female).

bunítu a for a man or boy to be good-looking. v [B12; a1b6] be, become handsome. see also ninyu.

bunkawil = bungkawil.

bunkul = bungkul.

bunlaw v [AN] rinse. Akuy mibunlaw (namunlaw) sa lapúkung salug, I rinsed the muddy floor off. Kinsay nagbunlaw sa sinabunan? Who rinsed the soapy clothes? Bunláwi ang kúlun únà lutúi, Rinse out the pot before you use it. n s.t. to rinse with.

bunlay = bunglay.

bunlud = bátud, n.

bunlut v [A; a2] pull with force. Gibunlut níya ang ákung buhuk, She pulled my hair. n act of pulling with force. -ay sa tukug n drawing lots by sticks. Whoever gets the longest is ‘it’. v [C2] draw lots by sticks.

bunsákà, bunsíkà a for hair, spines, and the like to be spreading wide. Ngil-ad tan-áwun ang bunsíkà nga buhuk, Hair that is spread out in all directions is ugly to look at. v [B3(1); b6] spread out in all directions. Wà pa makabunsíkà ang dáhun sa pugas, The leaves of the corn seedlings have not spread out yet.

bunsálù (not without l) = aguting, n 2.

bunsù v [A; c6] throw s.t. forcefully downwards. Gibunsù siya sa matun sa asíras, The ruffian smashed him down to the ground.

bunsud = bungsud.

bunsudbunsud (from bungsud) n murex shells.

buntag n morning. v 1 [B5] be morning. Hápit na mubuntag (mabuntag) kay mituktugáuk nang manuk, It is almost morning because the cock crowed. Musimba siyag mabuntag, She goes to church in the morning. 1a [a12] do s.t. in the morning. Buntága ang kasal, Have the marriage performed in the morning. 2 [A13; b(1)] do s.t. until morning. Nagbuntag kug bása, I read until morning. Gibuntágan nákug bayli, I danced until morning. 3 [b4] be overtaken by morning. Nabuntagan mi didtu sa lawud, Morning found us in the open sea. pa-, paka- v [A13; b(1)] stay s.w. till morning. Magpakabuntag ta sa barku, Let’s stay in the boat until morning. Pakabuntagi ang kinútil nga itlug úsà imna, Let the beaten eggs set until morning before you eat them. buntagbuntag, Culu- mornings. Malígù siya buntagbuntag, She takes a bath every morning. ka-un n morning viewed as a phase of the day. Ang ínit sa kabuntágun, The morning heat. -un(→) n 1 being in the morning. Buntagung mantaláan, Morning paper. 2 palm toddy gathered in the morning.

buntal n 1 fine, white fiber obtained from the stalks of unopened buri palm leaves, used for making hats. 2 hat made from buntal. v [A1; a] wear, make into a buntal hat.

buntas a famished, half-starved. v [B12; a4] get to be famished. Nabuntas siya kay wà may káun gabíi, She is half-starved because she didn’t have anything to eat last night. Mu ra man nà siya ug gibuntas nímu, He must be famished for the sight of you.

buntaug a towering, looming huge. v [A3] 1 loom. Dakung búkid nga nagbuntaug sa unáhan, A huge mountain that loomed in the distance. 2 for silence to reign. Kahílum nga nagbuntaug sa lawud, Silence that reigned over the seas.

buntaw v [A; c] toss, throw s.t. lightly. Nabuak ang plátu kay gibuntaw man lang, The plate was smashed because he just threw it down. 2 address an older person without his usual title of respect. Ayaw ibuntaw íyang ngálan. Tawga siyag manang, Don’t just call her by her name. Call her ‘big sister’. paN- v [A2; b6] go hook and line fishing, usually in the shallow part of the sea. n hook and line fishing.

buntay a heavy in weight, weighty. Buntay ang ákung dala kay sa íya, The thing I carried was heavier than his. v [A1PB; a2] weigh s.t. down. Ang usa ka pirásung puthaw ang nagbuntay (nagpabuntay) sa putus, The piece of iron made the package heavy. Nagbuntay ang mga búnga, The fruits are weighing down (the branches of the tree).

buntis1 n pregnant woman. v 1 [B26; b6] be, become pregnant. 2 [c] be carried in the womb. Ang gibuntis ni Inday karun ikaunum níyang anak, Inday is pregnant with her sixth child.

buntis2 n k.o. tiny fish.

buntud = bungtud.

buntug1 v [A; a1] 1 overcome s.t. Makabuntug ka ba niánang dakung trúsu? Can you lift the large log? Buntúgun ku ang mga kagul-ánan, I’ll overcome my sorrows. 2 [A; c] throw s.t. into the water to sink it. Gibuntug sa kriminal ang pistúla sa dágat, The [173]killer threw the pistol into the sea. hiN- v [B1256; b8] be set s.w. Ang ílang balay didtu mahimuntug sa pátag, Their house was located on the plain. Ang arka didtu mahimuntug sa Arárat, The ark was set down on Mt. Ararat. -un n 1 anchor made of a forked stick with a stone tied in the fork. 2 k.o. wrasse found in reefs.

buntug2 n quail. paN- v [A2; b6(1)] catch quails. -un(→) a quail-like in appearance. v [B12; b6] get to be small and round like a quail.

buntug3 n general name for gobies.

buntúgun see buntug1.

buntul1 n 1 small hill. 2 top of a hill.

buntul2 = bungdul.

buntul3 v [b6] = pa-. pa- v [A; b6(1)] take liquids, usually spirits, to follow or wash down food. Nagpabuntul silag bír sa ílang gikaung baklarit, They drank beer to go with their dog stew. n liquor to take with food.

buntung = butung2.

bunù1 v [AC; ab24] kill. Nagbúnù sila, They killed each other. Nakabunù ang ákung manuk, My cock killed its opponent. Hibun-an kug duha ka manuk, I lost two roosters. (←) n a fight to the death. -an(←) place in fish corral where the fish is trapped and taken. mamumúnù n killer, murderer. palaN-(←), talaN-(←), taliN-(←) killer cock.

bunù2 v [A; a1] throw s.t. at s.t. Bun-un ka nákug batu, I will throw a rock at you. n action of throwing.

bun-u n fat of fowls. paN- v [A2] for fowl to have lots of fat. Namun-u ang manuk nga ákung giíhaw, The chicken I slaughtered had lots of fat.

búnug n general name given to small, somewhat slender-bodied fishes with extensive dorsal and ventral spines and tail fins in one piece: gudgeons and gobies. bunugbúnug n general name for snakeheads.

bun-ug1 n 1 bruise. 2 expenses, loss of money (slang). Pilay bun-ug nímu sa bangka gabíi? How much did you spend when you treated us? a 1 bruised. 2 for a woman’s chastity to be ruined. 3 s.t. which has been repeated till it bores. Bun-ug nga áwit, A tired tune. 4 misused, over-used. Bun-ug nga pláka, A worn-out record. Bun-ug na ang bátà sa hináwuk, The baby was smothered with kisses. v [A; a1b2] 1 inflict bruises on. Ayaw bun-úga ang kamátis, Don’t bruise the tomatoes. 2 ruin a girl’s chastity. Gibun-ug níya ang dalága únà bulagi, He robbed the girl of her chastity before he left her. 3 cause s.o. to spend a large amount (slang). Gibun-ug aku nílag dakù, They made me spend a heck of a lot. 4 [B126] over-use, misuse. Dílì giyud undángag gámit ang makinilya hangtud dílì mabun-ug, He won’t stop using the typewriter until it gets completely broken. 5 — ang hilánat v [B12; a12] for fever to recur a number of times after partial recovery. Mabun-ug ang hilánat nga dílì idiskansu, If you do not rest, your fever will recur. 6 — ang tulug v [B12; a12] for one’s sleep to get interrupted a number of times. Nabun-ug ang ákung tulug sa paghilakhílak sa bátà kagabíi, My sleep was interrupted last night because the baby kept crying. maN-r- n one who inflicts bruises.

bun-ug2 = bul-ug.

búnuk v [B; b2] for rain to fall in torrents. n the torrential falling of the rain.

búnul v [A; a] 1 bruise s.t. Ayaw bunúla ang kamátis, Don’t bruise the tomatoes. Nabúnul na ang íyang láwas, His body is badly bruised. 2 make soil, clay, firm and compact. Nabúnul na ang daruhan nga inyung giagían kanúnay, The field you keep walking over has become hard. (→) n infected subcutaneous injury due to a blow. v 1 [B26] for a bruise to become infected. Nabunul ang ákung bun-ug, My bruise turned into a boil. 2 [a4b4] get an infected bruise. Gibunul (gibunulan) ákung pálad, The palm of my hand got an infected bruise.

bunulun a for draft animals to be sluggish. Bunulun kaáyu ning kabáwa nga idáru, This carabao is too sluggish to use for plowing. v [B12; b6] be, become sluggish.

búnus1 v [A; a12] tie fibers end to end to form a continuous strand. Bunúsun sà nímu ang abaka parabir hablúnun, Tie the abaca fibers into long strands before weaving it. -an(→) n a shallow woven tray or basket where the strands, joined end to end are kept coiled before weaving.

búnus2 n bonus. v 1 [A; b] give a bonus. 2 [A12] get a bonus.

búnus3 = balúnus.

bunut n coconut husk and shell. Nusnúsig bunut ang salug, Scrub the floor with a coconut husk. v 1 [A; b6(1)] husk a coconut. 2 [A; b] scrub the floor with a coconut husk. Bunuti ang salug, Scrub the floor with a coconut husk. 3 [A; b] punish or maul one severely. Ílang gibuntan ang kawatan, They mauled the thief (lit. husked him).

búnut v 1 [A; ab2] pull s.t. that is in between s.t. Hináyag búnut ang húnus, Pull the drawers out slowly. Ákung bunútun ang madyungan, I’ll draw a piece from the mahjong set. 2 [A; a] pull out s.t. rooted, stuck [174]in s.t. Bunúta ang lansang, Pull out the nail. 2a [A; c1] pull s.t. out as if uprooting weeds. Ayaw ibúnut (bunúta) pagkúhà ang igtalánum, Don’t just rip out the seedlings. 3 [AC12; a] draw a weapon. Makigbúnut ku nímug pistulahay, I’ll duel you with pistols. n action of drawing. — lábay n action of drawing and discarding what was drawn in a game in order to allow the game to continue without anyone’s dropping out. — madyung in mahjong, the action of getting a piece which enables one to go mahjong. — paníngit see singit. — supu n 1 manner of betting in mahjong whereby a player bets that his next draw will cause s.o. (himself or any other player) to get mahjong. 2 amount bet in this manner of betting.

bunyag v 1 [A; b6] baptize. Ugmà bunyági ákung anak, My child will be christened tomorrow. 1a acknowledge s.o.’s new clothing or hair style by hitting or knocking the new thing. 2 [A3; c] name s.t. Mga katsílà ang mibunyag sa átung násud ug Pilipínas, It was the Spaniards who called our country the Philippines. n baptism. Way bunyag, Unbaptized. Inanak sa bunyag, Godchild in baptism. -an n baptismal font. -an(→) n garment worn by a child when baptized. -in-an n 1 christian, baptized person. 2 christian name. Pidru ang ákung binunyágan, My christian name is Peter. maN-r- n one who baptizes.

bunyun n a protrusion of the bone outwards at the base of the big toe.

bupanda = pupanda.

bupíti n law offices. v [A1; a2] establish, make into a law office.

burábug1 a short and pudgy. Bátang burábug, A pudgy child. v [B; a] be, become pudgy.

burábug2 a extraordinarily tall. Burábug nga manuk, A chicken taller than ordinary chickens. Burábug nga táwu, Man taller than ordinary men. Burábug nga balay, House taller than ordinary houses.

buradur n 1 draft, rough draft. 2 eraser.

burak n fleshy back part of the leg below the knee, the calf of the leg, esp. when it is overly prominent.

burakburak = bulukbuluk.

burarà a indiscreet, tactless in one’s ways. v 1 [B; b6] do s.t. indiscreetly or tactlessly. Akuy naúlaw dihang miburarà siya atubángan sa bisíta, I was embarrassed when she talked tactlessly in front of the visitors. Nakítà íyang panti kay nagburarà siyag lingkud, You could see her panties because she sat in an indiscreet way.

buraska a abundant, available in limitless quantity. v [A13B; c] be present in limitless quantities, do s.t. in plenteous quantities. Maburaska (muburaska) ang búnga sa mangga kun paasuhan, The mango tree will bear huge quantities of fruit if you fumigate it. Magburaska tas káun, Let’s eat plenty. Nagburaska ang kan-unun sa íla, They have food in limitless quantities.

buraw a stupid, having no sense. v [B12; b6] be, become stupid.

buraybúray n k.o. coral fishes (Pomecentridae), similar to ipus-ipus.

burd1 v [A; b6] board in s.o.’s house. -ir n boarder. burding hawus n boarding house.

burd2 n board examination. v [A] take a board examination.

burda v [A; b6(1)] embroider, put a lace edge. n embroidery, lace edging. -in- s.t. written or drawn with embroidery. binurdáhan n 1 embroidered cloth. 2 a face with smallpox scars (humorous). -du a embroidered. Burdádung (binurdang) dibúhu, Embroidered design. Burdádung (binurdáhang) panyù, Embroidered handkerchief. -dur(→) instrument for embroidery. -díra n woman who embroiders.

burdag = buldug (female).

burdáhi v [A; b6] travel in a certain direction. Háin man tu siya miburdáhi? Where did he head for? Culu- v 1 [A1] travel back and forth. Kanúnay siyang magbuburdáhi sa Manílà kay nigusyanti, He travels back and forth to Manila because he is a businessman. 2 [A13] pace back and forth. May prublíma siya kay nagbuluburdáhi man sa sála, He must have a problem because he is pacing in the living room.

burd pit n board feet. v [a12] measure in board feet. Burdpíta nang yakal, Measure that lumber in board feet.

burdu v [A; c1] 1 go s.w. in a roundabout, not direct way. Muburdu ta arun dì ta masagatà sa mga buguy, Let’s go round about so we don’t run into the ruffians. Iburdu (burdúhun) ang prusisyun sa tibuuk lungsud, They will take the procession around the whole town. 1a for a sailboat to go at a zigzag or diagonal course to ride against the wind. 2 roam, walk about. Nagburdu silag panangkù, They went out to steal palm toddy. Iburdu ning mga tinda, Go around to sell these goods.

burdug = buldug.

burdun n string in a string instrument which has fine magnetic copper wire wound around it. v [A; c] put in such a bass string.

burgahuy a wandering, bumming around, esp. in a shiftless carefree way. v [B1] wander, [175]usually in a shiftless, carefree way. Nagburgahuy lang siya kay nawad-an sa trabáhu, He is just roaming about because he lost his job. Nagburgahuy ákung hunàhúnà. Wà ku kapamatì sa liksiyun, My thoughts were wandering. I didn’t listen to the lesson. Magkaburgahuy ning batáag patuyángan sa gustu, This child is going to get more shiftless if he gets whatever he wants.

burgis n tough, thug. Mga burgis ang gipanuhúlan sa pulitiku, The politician hired thugs. v [B12; b6] be, become a tough.

burídu = aburídu.

burilyus n bowling pin.

buringug a dumb, stupid. Buringug ka tingáli kay dúgay mang makasabut, You must be dumb because you can’t understand easily. v [B1; b6] be, become dumb, stupid.

buringut a for the face to be ugly. v [B2; b6] be ugly. Nagkaburingut íyang dagway sa nagkalagas siya, She is getting uglier as she gets older.

buríring n general name for puffer fishes.

buriskas n k.o. card game similar to whist, but played by any number of people and in which the deck is dealt out bit at a time rather than all at once. v [A2C2; a2] play buriskas.

búrit a braggart, offensively boastful. v [B12; b6] be, become offensively boastful.

burlas n artificial tassel. v 1 [A; a12] make into a tassel. 2 [A; b6(1)] ornament with tassels. Giburlásan níya ang bandíra, He ornamented the flag with tassels.

burlis n burlesque. v 1 [A1; b6] do burlesque. 2 [A1] be naked. Nagburlis siyang nalígù, She took a bath naked.

burnay n k.o. edible, small white venus clam. ismayling — grinning stupidly (so called because the burnay are often slightly open even when alive). Unsa ka gud dihà nga nagngisi ka man. Mu ra ka lag ismayling burnay, Why are you grinning there like an oaf (with a smile that looks like a clam)?

burnir n burner of a stove, lamp, etc.

burniyu = buluníyu.

bursa = bulsa.

bursigi n army boots. v [A; a] wear, make into army boots.

búru1 v 1 [A; b5] cover s.t. all over with salt, sugar, flour, etc. Burúha (burúhi) sa asin ang karni, Put a lot of salt on the meat. 2 [A1; b(1)] serve, eat fish with lots of salt. n small dried fish with more salt than the ordinary. -in- = búru, n. †

búru2 n bureau, governmental department.

burud n k.o. fresh-water fish.

burúka n 1 court case. 2 trouble, argument. Unsay ímung gilahugláhug dinhi. Burúka? What are you roving around here for? You want trouble? v [C; a2b3] 1 have, make a court case. Ayaw burukáha ang inyung disgustu, Don’t make your quarrel into a court case. 2 make a fuss about s.t. Pára kindi, inyu pa giyung burukáhan? Are you going to make a federal case out of the candy? 3 [A; a3] bring out some wrong-doing. Miburúka ang bátà nga naghilabut ang mutsatsa, The child informed us that the maid had been touching our things.

burukburuk = bulukbuluk.

burukinta = burukintu (female).

burukintu a quarrelsome, quick to take offense. v [B2; b6] be, become quarrelsome, troublesome.

burul1 a 1 dull, not sharp. 2 dull, stupid. v [B12; a2] for an instrument to become dull. n round-tipped, dull-bladed knife for weeding.

burul2, búrul v [A13; b5] shave the hair on the head off. Burúlun (burúlan) nátù ang ímung úlu, Let’s shave your head. (→) a bald, devoid of growth. Ang táwung burul way buhuk, A bald-headed man has no hair. Burul na ang kabukíran nga gisigíhag kaíngin, The mountains have been denuded by slash and burn agriculture.

burunda = brunda.

burung a 1 shy and introverted. 2 ignorant of the ways of the world. Tungud sa kaburung giílad siya, He was swindled because he was so ignorant. 3 stupid. v [B; b6] 1 be shy. Nagburung ka lang dì ka kamaung makig-atúbang ug táwu, You’re nothing but a wallflower. You don’t know how to face people. 2 be ignorant. 3 be stupid.

buruníyu = buluníyu.

burus a 1 pregnant. 2 for rice to form grains in the panicle. 3 for borrowed things to have been kept too long. Burus na ang librung ímung gihuwaman, You’ve kept the book you borrowed till it got pregnant. v 1 [B; b6] be, become pregnant. Patakáling anay arun muburus (maburus), Mate the sow so she will become pregnant. 1a — sa pasálig be fooled by assurances. Daghan na ang miburus sa pasálig niánang pulitiku, Lots of people have been fooled by the promises of that politician. 2 [A1; c] have in one’s womb. 3 [B; b6] for rice to form in the panicle. 4 [B] keep borrowed things too long.

búrut v 1 [B2S3] inflate, swell, esp. into a rounded shape. Mibúrut ang láyag sa sakayan, The sail of the boat billowed out. Pistúla nang nagburut sa íyang kílid, That is a [176]pistol that is bulging at his side. Butangig yílu ang bun-ug arun dì makabúrut, Put ice on the bruise so it won’t swell. 2 [B246] be, become pregnant (slang). Mibúrut nang ákung asáwa, My wife is pregnant. 3 [B46] be, become rich (slang). Mubúrut kag dalig mag-ismaglir ka, You’ll soon get rich if you engage in smuggling. pa- v [A; ac] 1 blow s.t. up, make s.t. swell. 2 flatter, inflate s.o.’s pride. Nagpabúrut na sad siya sa íyang kaugalíngun, He is blowing himself up again. n balloon. burutburut n crevalles with a pronounced curve outward on the ventral portion: Caranx gymnostethoides.

burúwas = brúwa.

búruy n 1 k.o. purple jellyfish, hemispherical in shape, reaching 8″ in diameter. 2 general name for jellyfish.

bus1 n bus. v [A; a12] take a bus.

bus2 n 1 boss (slang). Si Máma muy bus sa ámù, Mother is the boss in our family. 2 familiar term of address. v 1 [A3; a12] call s.o. boss. 2 [A12; a12] have a boss. Pait kaáyu ning makabus tag daugdaugan, It’s awful to have a mean boss.

bus3, bús n 1 exclamation used to drive away pigs. 2 exclamation used to drive s.o. away (joking or derogatory). v [a12] say bus to drive away.

bús2 = bulus1.

búsa, búsà therefore, consequently. Mamatay ka. Búsà, pag-ampù, You are going to die. So pray.

busagak, buságak n 1 sound of liquid flowing. 2 flowing liquid. v 1 [A; c16] for liquids to flow with noise. Nagbusagak ang sandayung, The gutter is making a rushing sound. 2 flow in plentiful amounts, spoutingly or continuously. Mibuságak ang dugù sa kílid sa gidunggab, Blood flowed from the side of the man that was stabbed.

busak a be all over s.t., abundant in quantity. Busak sa isdà ning dagáta, Fish abound in these seas. Ang ámung yútà busak sa lubi, All of our land is planted with coconuts. v 1 [A; a1] fill s.t. to capacity or cover s.t. all over with s.t. Gibusak námug kamúti ang sáku, We filled the sack with sweet potatoes. 2 [B; b6] for s.t. to grow in abundance. Mibusak (nabusak) ang sagbut tungud sa ulan, The weeds grow lushly because of the rain. (←) v [B] be abundant. Nagbúsak run ang mais búsà barátu, Corn is abundant now. That’s why it’s cheap. hiN-(←) [B3N; b6] for plants to bear in abundance. Wà makahimúsak (makapanghimúsak) ang humay kay wà man abunúhi, The rice did not bear in abundance because it wasn’t fertilized. n time when plants bear the most, height of the harvest season.

busal n muzzle. v [A; b6] apply a muzzle. Busali ang kábaw arun dì kakaun sa mais, Put a muzzle on the carabao so it can’t eat the corn.

busaug n floor joist. v [A; c1] put, make into a floor joist.

búsaw1 a glutton. v [B12; b6] become a glutton. Nabúsaw siya human makatilawg gútum, He became a glutton after having experienced hunger.

búsaw2 v [A; a12] do s.t. to make a magical trick fail. Dúnay nagbúsaw sa mádyik kay wà man makwarta ang papil, S.o. is spoiling the magic act because the paper didn’t turn into money.

bus-aw n condition of frequent, urgent urination but by small quantities. v [A123P; a4] get this condition. Ságad bus-awun ang mabdus, Pregnant women tend to have frequent urination.

busáwus = dusáus.

busay n waterfall.

busbus1 = balusbus. paN- v [A2; b6] defecate (slang). Iplás ang kasilyas humag pamusbus, Flush the toilet after using it.

busbus2 = alibusbus.

busdak = pusdak.

busdik v 1 [A; b5] break open a sack or the like that is filled. Nabusdik ang balun, The balloon burst. Busdíki ang sáku. Tan-áwa kun unsay klási sa humay, Punch a hole in the sack and see what k.o. rice it is. 2 [b126] be filled to satiety. Makabusdik giyud ang inyung gidálit, You served a most filling dinner. a full to bursting after eating.

busdù = pusdù.

búsi v [B1256] survive, last to be of some value. Dílì mabúsi ang kaminyúung way pagsinabtanay, A marriage without understanding cannot survive. Usa ray nabúsi sa mga baktin, Only one piglet survived. Way mabúsi sa íyang swildu kay gastadur, Nothing is left of his salary because he is a spendthrift. Dílì mabúsi ang trabáhung biyàbiyáan, Work that you don’t keep after will not result in anything.

busíad, busíkad v [B23(1)4] for s.t. to spread open and out leaving a gap. Mibusíkad íyang sinínà kay huut ug nakítà íyang púsud, His shirt was half open in the front because it was too tight, and you could see his navel. Haúnang papkurn ug makabusíkad na, Take the popcorn off the fire when it has burst open. Mibusíkad ang sumbuhan sa paltik pagbutu, The barrel of the rifle burst when it was fired. (→) n small grass bearing several [177]spread out spikelets: Cyperus spp. The spikelets are used as medicine for fever.

busílak v [A2S] radiate light, esp. the sun. Mata na kay mibusílak na ang adlaw, Wake up because the sun is shining brightly. Nagbusílak sa kalípay ang íyang nawung, His face was beaming with happiness. n light radiated, sun’s rays.

busína n 1 auto horn. 2 sound produced by such a horn. v [A; c] honk the horn. Ibusína ug kusug arun mabátì sa ímung ikasúgat, Blow the horn loud so anyone coming your way will hear it.

*búsing na-, gi- be out of one’s mind. Gibúsing (nabúsing) ka dihà? Are you out of your mind?

busing-ut a having a long face. n sour expression on the face. v [B346; c1] have a long face because of displeasure. Ayaw busing-úta (ibusing-ut) nang hitsúra mug makig-atúbang nákù, Get that frown off your face when you talk to me.

busíru see búsu.

busìsì v 1 [A; a] make a laceration, esp. in a surface that is tight due to fullness. Busìsíun sa duktur ímung hubag, The doctor will slit your boil. Busìsía ang sáku arun muágas ang humay, Slit the sack so the rice will spill. 2 lay out in the open some malicious gossip that has long lain buried. Gibusìsì níya ang húgawng kagahápun sa íyang kaáway, He dug out the dirty secrets of his enemy’s past. 3 [A; a12] pressure s.o. to speed up work. Busìsía siya arun mahuman, Hurry her up so it will get done. busìsíru a always putting pressure on people to speed up the work.

buskad1 v = bukhad. — ug ngábil thick-lipped. -íra a given to spreading gossip. v [B125] get to be a gossip.

buskad2 = buskag.

buskag v 1 [AB26; a] undo, untie s.t., esp. so that the contents spread; for s.t. wrapped or tied up to open. Mibuskag ang tákung ug migímaw ang mga bungul sa lubi, The coconut sheath opened and its buds spread out beneath. Nabuskag ang íyang bálun, His lunch broke open allowing the contents to spread out. Makabuskag ka ba sa balitùtù? Can you untie the knot? 2 for hair neatly groomed to get dishevelled. Nabuskag íyang hinápay sa hángin, Her hair got all dishevelled in the wind. 3 [A; a12] expose s.o.’s secret. Akuy mubuskag sa makauúlaw mung tinagúan, I will expose your shameful secret.

busla v [A; b5] confront s.o. to belie his assertion. Ákù siyang gibusla (gibusláhan) arun matin-aw ang tanan, I confronted her so that everything would be cleared. buslahay v [C] confront each other to disclaim what each said.

buslung v [A2; ab5] look at s.t. squarely without hiding that one is looking. Si Ána ra giyuy nakabuslung kay nag-antipára mag dikulur, Ana was the only one who was able to get a good look because she was wearing dark glasses. Buslungi (buslunga) arun makahibalu mug unsay riaksiyun níya, Look at him square in the face so you will see what his reaction is.

buslut v 1 [A3P; b5] make a hole. Ayaw buslúta ang púyu, Don’t punch a hole in the paper bag. Buslúti ang láta sa gátas, Punch a hole on the milk can. 1a knock down bowling pins in a row, thus making a hole in the set-up. 2 [A123P; a12] — sa bulsa make one flat broke. Buslútun nímu ang ákung bulsa? You want to drive me to the poorhouse? 3 [A] break in a virgin. n 1 hole through s.t. Dakug buslut ang ákung midyas, My socks have a big hole in them. 2 knocking down of pins in a row in bowling. — sa íyang ina euphemism for bilat sa íyang ina. (→) 1 having a hole in it. Buslǔt nga takurì, Kettle with a hole in it. 2 — ug bulsa penniless. 3 no longer a virgin. 4 failing to catch, return a ball, failing to strike the mark. paN- n instrument for punching holes.

busngal v [A; a12] cut short s.o. talking by asserting the contrary, often in an impertinent way. Patákà ka lang dihag pamusngal, How dare you interrupt like that? Busngálun nátù ang íyang hambug, Let’s cut his big talk short.

busngì a buck-toothed. v [B1; b6] get buck teeth. Ang pagsinupsup sa kumagkù mauy nakabusngì (nakapabusngì) sa bátà, Thumbsucking made the child buck-toothed.

bustipul n pith helmet. v [A; c] wear a pith helmet.

bustu n bust. v [c16] make a representation in bust.

búsu v 1 [A; a] dive, esp. using diving paraphernalia. Busúhun níla ang nawálang káha diyíru, They will dive for the steel safe that sunk. 2 [A13; a2] be a diver in net fishing. 3 [AN; a2] peep to get sexual pleasure. n 1 paraphernalia for diving. 2 = busíru. busíru n 1 person in net fishing operations who dives to keep the net repaired and collect the catch. v [AN; c1] be, become the busíru.

busug1 a full, sated. Busug na ku. Dì na ku layhang mukáun, I am full, I don’t feel like [178]eating any more. Busug run ang íyang pitáka kay bag-ung giswilduan, His wallet is full now because he has just received his salary. v [B1; a] fill oneself to satisfy. Magbusug ku kay lamì ang sud-an, I’ll eat my fill because the food is tasty. Busgun kung ákung mga mata pagtan-aw sa ímung katahum, I’ll let my eyes have their fill in gazing at your beauty. way ka-un, kabulusgun without ever getting satiated.

busug2 v [A; a12] fluff up cotton or kapok in preparation for further use. -an n 1 fluffer of cotton or kapok fibers. 2a bow for shooting arrows (so called from the cotton fluffer which is a small bow). 2b a tube with a tie at the end which propels a spear in spear fishing.

búsug n downward movement of the baby during labor. v [A] for the baby to move downwards during labor. Nagbúsug na ang bátà. Dad-a siya sa uspital, The baby is struggling to come out. Bring her to the hospital.

bus-uk a 1 compact, dense of flesh. Bus-uk ug brásu, With firm muscles. 2 for rice or corn to be cooked into hard clumps from lack of water. v [B6; c1] 1 be compact, full. 2 for rice or corn to be cooked into clumps. ka- n 1 firmness, compactness. 2 old variety of paddy rice producing white, round grains. 3 variety of round úbi with white and firm flesh.

busun n mailbox into which mail is dropped for collection. v [A; c6] drop a letter in a mailbox. Gibusun nákung sulat, I dropped the letter in the mailbox.

búsung n the punishment inflicted by God on s.o. for misusing the blessings bestowed on him. The punishment usually consists of deprivation of the thing which had been bestowed by God. v [A123P; a4] 1 earn God’s punishment for being wasteful. Busúngun ka sa Diyus sa ímung kausikan, God will punish you for being wasteful. 2 get stomach pains from overeating. Busúngun kag magpalábi kag káun, You will have stomach pains if you overeat.

buswak v 1 [B46] for the pod containing grains to open prior to the development of the grains. 2 [B236] burst forth, show itself from a place where it was covered. Inigbuswak sa adlaw gíkan sa luyung bungtud, When the sun comes out from behind the mountain. Mibuswak sa íyang mga ngábil ang kalit nga pahiyum, A sudden smile flashed onto her lips. 3 for a girl to grow to full womanhood.

buswang n strong and sudden rush of water. v [A2; b6] flood out strongly. Mibuswang ang túbig sa pagkagubà sa dakung tangki, The water rushed out when the tank broke.

buswat v [A; a1] lift s.t. heavy by putting the arms underneath it. Duha ka táwu ang nagbuswat sa samarun, Two men lifted the wounded person. Ákù siyang buswátun pagtabuk sa sapà, I’ll carry her across the river.

busyad a sticking-out stomach. v [B; c1] for the stomach to stick out. Ayaw busyára (ibusyad) ang ímung tiyan, Don’t let your stomach stick out.

busyu n goiter. v [A123P; a4b4] have a goiter. Gibusyuhan (gibusyu) siya, She has a goiter.

bút = balyákag.

búta v [AP; b] blind. Gibutáan sa gugma, Blinded by love. (→) a blind. (→) bungul blind and deaf. paka- v [A13; b(1)] pay no heed to s.t. Ayaw pakabutabunguli ang ákung tambag, Do not disregard my advice. -in-(→) a in a blind manner. butabúta k.o. small swift commonly nesting in buildings and caves, producing edible nests: Collocalia troglodytes. butabuta 1 k.o. tree of open waste places with milky sap which causes blindness. 2 k.o. sorcery which causes the victim to go blind. 2a k.o. seashell used in performing this sorcery. 3 k.o. rock shell.

bútad = bítad.

butáka1 n chaise lounge. v [a12] make into a chaise lounge.

butakal n 1 male pig. 2 man with a voracious sex appetite. 3 — sa gubirnu man who will have sex with any woman at all. v 1 [A1; a12] raise a male pig for breeding. 2 [B12] run after women voraciously. paN- n action of being a philanderer. -in-, hiN-(←) n piglet given to the owner of a stud as his share.

butalhag a one who can’t see things under his nose. Náa ay! Kabutalhag nímu, There it is! You must be blind. v [B12] unable to find things right in front of the eyes.

butalid n k.o. sea cucumber (balat).

butálid v [B6; b(1)] fall down flat, be lying flat after falling. Mibutálid (nabutálid) ang kuntra, The opponent was knocked down. Hubug nga nagbutálid sa karsáda, A drunk lying in the street.

butaltal v [A] for s.t. bulky to be lying in an ungainly way. Mibutaltal si Tambuk sa katri, Fatso is sprawled on the bed. Kuháa ang kaban nga nagbutaltal sa hawanan, Get rid of this trunk sitting in the middle of the room.

butalù (not without l) a poor shot. Butalù siya. Dì makaigù bísag duul, He’s a poor shot. [179]He can’t hit a target even if it’s near. v [B2; b6] get to be a poor shot.

butang1 v [A; c] 1 put down, in, on. Ikaw bay mubutang sa ákung lip-istik? Will you put my lipstick on me? Butangan nátug utlánan ang átung pagkaamígu, Let’s set limits to our friendship. Súkang gibutangag lamas, Vinegar with spices put in it. Ibutang nà, Put that down. Ibutang sa lista ang ákung útang, Put my debts in the list. Walà ikabutang si Lína sa bayli, Lena could not sit down at the dance. 2 pay for s.t. in advance. Arun dílì ibaligyag láin gibutangan kug diyis, I put ten down so that he wouldn’t sell it to anyone else. 2a put up money or goods for the harvest or anything else produced. Magbutang kug panaptun pára sa panúig, I put up cloth to be repaid from the harvest. 2b put up capital, money for a bond. Usa ka líbu ákung gibutang sa tindáhan, I invested one thousand in the store. 3 ibutang ta, nátù supposing it’s like this way. Ibutang tag kinyintus, palitun ba nímu? Let’s say it’s 500 pesos. Will you buy it? 4 ibutang sa lugar do at the proper time. Ibutang sa lugar ang pag-inum, Drink at the proper time. 5 [A; b] hit. Butangan ku siya sa nawung, I will hit him in the face. n money put down as advance payment. butangbutang v [A; c] make false accusations. Gibutangbutángan ba ku nímung nangáwat? Are you trying to accuse me of stealing? n false accusations. paN- v [A; c] 1 put things. 2 put s.t. on oneself. Mamutang kug lip-istik, I will put lipstick on. hiN-/haN-, hiN-/haN-(←) v 1 [AP1B1256; b6] be situated, located. Si Bíbi naghimútag (nagpahimútag) lingkud sa silya, Bebe settled down comfortably in the chair. Ang ílang balay náa mahimutang sa ámung duul, Their house is situated near ours. 2 [B1256] be classified as. Kining suwáta mahimutang sa sikun klas, This letter is classified as second class. 3 [B1256] be in peace. Dílì ku mahimutang hangtud dílì mahuman ang ákung trabáhu, I won’t be in peace until I finish my work. pahiN-/pahaN-(←) v [A; c] 1 put s.t. s.w. carefully. Gipahimútang ang mga pagkáun sa pridyidir, The food was put away carefully in the frigidaire. 2 place s.o. in a job. Gipahimútang siya sa munisipyu, He was given a job in City hall. pahamtang v 1 [A; c] impose a punishment. Pahamtángan kag bug-at nga sílut, Heavy punishment will be imposed on you. 2 [b] spend money on s.t. Unsay ímung gipahamtángan sa ímung sápì? What did you spend your money on? 3 [A; b6(1)] make charges or accusations, usually maliciously. n 1 punishment imposed. 2 malicious accusation made against s.o. Ang ílang mga pahamtang kanákù walay kapasikáran, Their charges against me are without basis. butangíru n ruffian, toughie. ka- = pagka- 2, 3. kahimtang n 1 way things are, situation. Pait ang kahimtang sa ámù human sa bagyu, Very difficult conditions obtained in our town after the typhoon. 2 circumstances. Ang kahimtang sa kásu, The circumstances surrounding the case. pagka- n 1 way s.t. is situated. 2 financial situation. Lisud ang ámung pagkabutang karun, We are in a bad financial situation now. 3 one’s situation in general. 4 unsang -a how did it come about. Naunsang pagkabutánga nga wà ka mamatay? How did it come to be that you didn’t die?†

butang2 n thing. Usa ra ka butang ang kúwang: kwarta, Only one thing is lacking: money. usa ka — sexual action (euphemism). Ampíngi giyud ang usa ka butang, Be very careful with sex. kabtang, kabtángan n possessions, property. v [A12] acquire property. pagka- = kabtángan.

butanika n botany.

butaniku n botanist. v [B156; a12] become a botanist.

butanti n voter. v [B126] become a voter.

butar v [A; b(1)] cast a vote, ballot for.†

bútas1 n boot. v [A; a] wear, make into boots. limpiya — n bootblack.

bútas2 n ceremony similar to the diwáta where unsalted food is offered to the spirits to insure good harvest, give thanks, or diagnose an illness. It differs from the diwáta in that the participation of the people affected is part of the ceremony. v [A; b] perform this ceremony.

butasiyun n vote, act of voting. v [c16] put to a vote. Ug butasyunun (ibutasiyun) ni sigúrung dì mahinayun, If it is put to a vote, it won’t go through.

butay1 n stalk to which coconuts attach.

butay2 n bow tie. v [A; ac] make, wear a bow tie.

butay-ad v [B6; c1] be lying flat on the back. Butay-ára (ibutay-ad) paghigdà ang bátà, Lay the baby on its back.

butbut1 n lie, boast of s.t. untrue (coarse). — pula a glaring lie (so called from the homonymy with butbut2). Miuk-uk ang — back out from a lie (lit. for the hemorrhoids to recede). Miuk-uk ang butbut pagdumílì níya sa pagkanta, He was proven a braggart when he refused to sing. v [c] tell a lie. paN- v [A2; b6(1)] tell a lie. Ayaw kug pamutbúti (butbúti), Don’t lie to me. -un(→) a liar. [180]

butbut2 n 1 the red flesh of the rectum which comes out in childbirth or when one has constipation. 2 = búwà2. 3 sea anemone, black with red center. v 1 [A123P; a4] suffer from butbut. 2 [B1236] defecate. Nakabutbut siya sa íyang karsúnis, He defecated in his pants. Nagbutbut siya sa kasilyas, He’s defecating in the bathroom.

butbut3 = balusbus.

buthù v [A23; b6] 1 appear from nowhere. Mu ra kag gibuthuag (gibuthúag) kalag, You look as if you saw a ghost. 2 have one’s monthly period.

buti n 1 smallpox. 2 k.o. contagious swine disease characterized by high fever and tiny eruptions at the base of the tongue exuding a sticky fluid. v [A123P; a4] 1 get smallpox. 2 get swine disease. 3 [a4b4] be covered with s.t. like smallpox scars. Mau nay dátù nímu nga gibuti sa útang? Do you call him rich when he has debts left and right? Lángit nga gibuti sa mga bitúun, Skies full of stars. butihun a having lots of pockmarks in the face.

búti1 n rowboat. v [A1; a12] take a rowboat s.w. Ang mga pasahírung wà makabúti nangalúmus, The passengers who couldn’t get into the lifeboats drowned.

búti2 maybe, probably. Muanhi búti si Insi, Maybe Auntie will come.

butíbut v [A; b6] sprinkle powder on s.t. with the thumb and forefinger. Butibútig sulpa ang samad, Sprinkle sulfa on your wound.

butig1 = butlig.

butig2 = bisul.

butígis n tiny, white bivalve, triangular in shape with longitudinal striae.

butíka n drug store. v [A; c1] establish, make into a drug store.

butikaryu n pharmacist. v [B16; a12] be, make into a druggist.

butíkug = buríring.

butíkul n 1 k.o. corn disease characterized by rust-like spores on the kernels, rendering the grain powdery. 2 tiny grains that grow in the intestines of pigs, hampering their growth. v [a4] be afflicted with corn rot, intestinal tumors. -un a of a type having corn rot, intestinal tumors. v [B126] be, become corn or a pig of this sort.

bútil a full, sated in eating (coarse). v [B1; a2] fill oneself up, be full. Magbútil kug maáyu arun dì ku gutmun dáyun, I’ll fill myself up so that I won’t feel hungry early. Wà pa ka mabútil, ganíha ka pang kumáun, You are not satisfied yet? You have been eating for some time now. pagka-, ka-un(→) n satiation. Mu ra siyag way kabutilun (pagkabutil) kay sígi lag káun, He never seems to get satisfied. He just eats and eats.

butilus a doing things poorly. Dì ka giyud makaigù sa ímung targit? Butilus gud nímu! Can’t you ever hit your target? What a poor shot you are!

butilya n bottle. v [A; a12] put s.t. in bottles. -in- n 1 s.t. bottled, esp. alcoholic drinks. 2 name of plants that are bottle-shaped.

búting v [A12C2; b6] go boating. n boating for leisure.

butingting a for rice sheaths to be enlarged prior to blossoming. paN- v [A] for rice sheaths to swell prior to blossoming.

butírik a having an expanded stomach. Butírik kaáyu siyag tiyan kay dakug káun, He has a big stomach because he eats too much. v [B6] 1 for the stomach to be expanded. Mibutírik man si Kurding. Kinsa kahay nakapaburus? Cording’s stomach is sticking out. Who got her pregnant? 2 grow rich. Kay nakapangawkaw sa surplas, mibutírik dáyun, Because he got his hands on some army surplus he grew rich.

butirus a bulging of stomach. Butirus ug tiyan ang bátà nga bitúkun, A child with intestinal parasites has a bulging stomach. v [B; b6] for the stomach to become distended or bulge. Mibutirus (nabutirus) na ang tiyan níya unyà dì pa giyud nà mabdus? Her stomach is already sticking out and still you insist that she isn’t pregnant?

butíti n general name for pufferfishes. paN- v [A] for rice sheaths to swell prior to blossoming.

butku = buktu.

butkun = buktun.

butlig n small cyst-like skin eruption. v [a4] get cysts on skin.

butlug n swelling, small bulge. v [B46N] form a small bulge. Mibutlug (namutlug) ang íyang buktun human sumbága, A bulge appeared in his arm after it was hit. Singut nga namutlug sa agtang, Sweat that formed beads on his forehead.

butsáka term used in playing pool for a certain agreed-to score, where part of the score is made by drawing a numbered marble. n container used for the numbered marbles. a even in score in this k.o. pool. Way daug, way pildi námù, butsáka ra mi, Neither of us lost; we came out even. v 1 [A2N] get even in this k.o. pool. 2 [A2] draw a marble from the container. 2a [c6] return the marble back into the container.

butsi n k.o. sweet made of flour, filled with mongo beans, sweetened coconut meat, et [181]al and optionally other ingredients, fried brown. v [A; a] make butsi.

butsing = baksing.

butsir n voucher asking for payment. v [A; b(1)] make a voucher.

butsu n s.t. used for dry scrubbing the floor. v 1 [A; b6(1)] scrub the floor when it is dry. 2 [A; c1] make a coconut husk for scrubbing the floor.

butsukuy a philanderer. Bísag kinsa lay pangulitawhan. Butsukuy kaáyu, He courts any girl he meets. What a philanderer!

butu1 n 1 explosion. 2 blister. v 1 [B246; b4] explode. Mibutu ang bulkan nga Taal, Taal Volcano erupted. Ug buthan kag ligid may ikarisirba ka? In case you have a blowout, do you have a spare tire? 2 [A23] for s.t. to swell and rupture. Mibutu ang íyang hubag, His boil burst. Wà pa mubutu ang tumatub, Her bag of waters hasn’t broke yet. 3 [A23] fall or hit s.t. with a bang. Ang libru mibutu sa salug, The book fell to the floor with a bang. Mubutu ka rug suntúkun ka nákù, I’ll bang you one when I hit you. 4 [b4] get blisters. Nabuthan ákung pálad pagbinughà, I got blisters on my palms from chopping wood. 5 [B246] flunk an exam, esp. board or bar. Mibutu siya sa bar, He failed the bar. 6 [A2] give birth (humorous). pa- v [A; ac] fire, make s.t. explode. Pabutha ang ripli, Fire the rifle. Daghang kug ribintadur nga ipabutu sa Bag-ung Túig, I have lots of firecrackers to explode for New Year’s. paN- v [A2; b4] 1 get blisters. Namutu ang ákung pálad, My palms were blistered. 2 get one’s just deserts after accumulating too much wealth, esp. illegally or at the expense of others. Mamutu ka bayà sa kataas niánang ímung tantu, You’ll get your just deserts from charging such usurious rates of interest. buthanan n head of a boil.†

butu2 n hair that looks lighter than the surrounding hair. Butu nà, dílì úban, Those are light-colored strands, not gray hairs. v [B246] for strands of hair to look lighter in color than the rest. Mubutu ang mga lugas sa buhuk basta sapírun nga basà, Hair gets a light look if you braid it when it is wet.

bútu n vote. v [A; b] cast vote for. Butúhi si Usminya, Vote for Osmeña.

bútù n 1 female genitalia. 2 testicles. sipsip, supsup — n ass kisser (coarse). (→) n 1 male of the species, esp. animals. 2 castrated male pig raised for meat purposes. v [A1; c1] raise a castrated male pig. hi-, hiN- v [A; b6] castrate animals. Hibut-an (himut-an, himutúan) ku run ang bàbuy, I’ll castrate the pig now. butùbútù n 1 clapper of a bell. 2 bob of a plumb line.

butùbútù n k.o. black biting ant living in the earth.

bútud v [B123] swell with water or gas. Mubútud ang balun, The balloon filled with air. Mibútud ang patay nga gidagsà, The body that was washed ashore was bloated. (→) n 1 gas pains. 2 = butíti. v [B146; b4] suffer gas in the stomach. Nagpurhisyu ang bátà kay gibutdan, The baby is crying because he has gas pains. butdánun n colicky.

butuk1 v [A; a] make bundles of rice seedlings. Butuka (butka) ang lawngun nga igtalánum, Bind the seedlings to transplant into bundles. n sizeable bundle of rice seedlings for transplanting.

butuk2 v [A; a12] cut down bamboos. Butkun kug hurut ang kawáyan, I am going to cut down all the bamboos. n bamboo pole. Usa ka butuk kawáyan, A bamboo pole. butukbutuk v [A; a] cut bamboo or timber into several pieces.

bútuk v [B2346] 1 for a burn to form a blister. Mibútuk ang ákung pánit nga nalaswaan sa nagbukal nga mantíkà, My skin was blistered when the boiling fat splashed on it. 2 for rice or corn or pork to swell in cooking or for dough to rise. 3 [A] for rice or corn to boil gently with a low simmering sound when the water is practically gone. 4 [B2] for the grains of rice or corn to get soft after cooking. Walà pa makabútuk ug maáyu ang mais, maung adúna pa kiniy lísu, The corn grits didn’t get soft and so they still have uncooked grains in the middle. butukbutuk v [A] make a throbbing, bubbling sound. Nagbutukbutuk ang linung-ag nga hápit na mahubas, The rice made a popping sound as it was about to evaporate. n = -in-. -in- n throbbing, bubbling sound. Binutukbutuk sa kasingkásing, Throbbing of the heart.

but-uk1 v [b8] be choked and coughing from swallowing s.t. the wrong way. Hibut-ukan ku pag-inum nákù sa manyan, I choked when I drank the liquor. hiN- see mut-uk.

but-uk2 v [B46; c1] bulge, swell. Mibut-uk ang ímung kinusian, The skin swelled where you pinched it. Unsay sulud niánang bulsa nga nagbut-uk man? What is inside your pocket that it is bulging?

butul a slow, unintelligent, poor in doing things. Butul kaáyu, dúgayng makasabut, He is stupid. It takes him forever to understand. Butul nga musiyat, He’s a terrible shot. Butul nga kabáyù kay gamay rag ági, A slow horse because it hardly accomplishes [182]anything. v [B12; b6] be slow and inefficient, unskillful or unintelligent.

butun n button of a switch. v [A; c1] push the button of a switch.

butung1 n 1 young coconut at a stage where the meat has just begun to form. 2 other young nuts that are soft and sweet. 3 young fiber-bearing parts of plants. Abaka nga butung pag tugdan, Abaca with immature stems. v 1 [B236; b6] develop into the butung stage. 2 [b6] mix with young coconut. 3 [A12] get some young coconut. paN- v [A2] eat young coconut.

butung2 n k.o. thick, straight, and smooth bamboo: Gigantochloa levis.

butúnis n buttons. v 1 [AN; b6] button s.t. 2 [AN; b6(1)] sew buttons on. 3 [a12] make into a button. Culu- k.o. grass of waste places: Kyllinga spp.

bútuy v [B2S3(1)4; b4] for flesh to swell. Mibútuy ang pinaakan sa buyug, The bee sting swelled. Gibutúyan ang agtang kay napakung, He bumped his head causing his forehead to swell. n swelling.

butyag v [A; c6] make s.t. known that was not known before. Nianhi si San Huwan Bawtista arun pagbutyag sa maáyung púlung, John the Baptist was sent to reveal the good news. Ayaw ibutyag ang ákung tinagúan, Don’t reveal my secret.

búud v [A; b6] sulk, be sullen. buúran a prone to sulking.

búug v [A13] 1 be confined and become foul. Nagbúug ang hángin sulud sa kwartu, The air in the room is stagnant and foul. 2 for wounds to rot in the absence of air. Nagbúug ang samad nga walà kuhái sa bindáhi, The wound is rotting because the bandage hadn’t been taken off. 3 = buug, n, v. (→) n an infection characterized by a smelly yellow pus. v [a4] get this infection. -un(→) a having this sort of infection.

buuk n piece, single one. Usa ka buuk ságing, A banana. Upat ka buuk bátà, Four children. Tutú ka buuk báy, Three houses. -an a of imposing size. Ang táwung buukan katahaan, A person of imposing size is held in respect. v [B12] be imposingly big.

buulbúul n 1 anklebone. 2 adam’s apple or any bulge in the area of the neck.

buun n k.o. white dove.

buung v [A13] commit suicide. Ug dì ku nímu sugtun magbuung ku, I’ll kill myself if you don’t marry me.

búung v 1 [A3P; c1] break glass or masonry to pieces. Buúngun (ibúung) nà nákù ang tanang mga plátu, I’ll break all the plates to pieces. 2 ruin s.o.’s reputation. Nabúung na ang íyang pagkababáyi, Her chastity has been destroyed. -in-an half a coconut split lengthwise without the meat.

buungun, buúngun = buluungun.

búus n storehouse for farm produce. v [A; c] keep in a storehouse.

buut want, would like to. Buut siyang makig-isturya nímu, He wishes to talk to you. Unsay buut níyang isulti? What does he wish to say? Dì siya buut sa liguylíguy, He does not care for this messing around. n 1 one’s desires. Kuntra sa ákung buut, It is against my will. kaping — strings attached, ulterior motives. Ihátag ku kini way kaping buut, I give you this with no strings attached. 1a walà sa — not meaning to do s.t. Walà tu sa ákung buut pagsultíha, I really didn’t mean to say that. 2 thoughts, mind. Línaw na ang ákung buut kay nasulbad na, My mind is at rest now, because it is solved. Búkid sa ákung buut, Far from my thoughts (it never occurred to me). Wad-un ta sa buut ang átung kabingkílan, Let’s forget our quarrels. 2a consciousness, awareness. Didtu siya sa uspital makamatngun ug buut, She regained consciousness in the hospital. Sukad sa pagkatim-an níyag buut, From the time he reached the age of awareness. 2b walay — 2b1 unaware, innocent of knowledge. Walay buut nga bátà, An innocent child. 2b2 unaware of proper social conduct. Walay buut nga tawhána. Magkarsunsilyu lang sa sílung, What an ignorant man! He wears his undershorts downstairs. 3 mood, disposition. Magláin ang íyang buut ug mapildi sa súgal, He gets in a bad mood if he loses in gambling. Mabaw kaáyu siyag buut, She is very short-tempered. walà sa — it didn’t hurt [so-and-so]’s feelings. Wà tu sa ákung buut ang ímung gisulti, I didn’t take to heart what you said. 4 útang — 4a debt of gratitude. 4b please, it would be a big favor. Útang buut. Ayaw pagsulti niánà, Please don’t say that. v 1 [A1; b(1)] have one’s way, decide how s.t. is to be. Ikaw lay magbuut kun pila, You decide how much. Ang baláud nagbuut nga ..., The law stipulates that ... Dì ku makagbuut (makabuut) niánà kay dílì nà ákù, I can’t make a decision concerning that because it isn’t mine. Mau nay gimbut-an sa baláud, That is what is stipulated by the law. Ang tanang kinabúhì gimbut-an sa Diyus, All life is at God’s discretion. Ayaw akug but-i, Don’t dictate to me. 1a unsa pay but-un? what does [so-and-so] want, anyway? Unsa pay but-un nímu? What in the world did you expect? 1b [A23] be unmindful, uncomplaining about s.t. [183]unfavorable. Mubuut kug way kaunkáun. Anad kug puása, I don’t care if I miss meal. I’m used to doing without food. 2 [A23; a12] accept a marriage proposal. Walà pa siya but-a ni Maríya, Maria has not accepted him yet. (←) v [AP] do s.t. freely without restraint, to one’s heart’s content. Nagbúut (nagpabúut) ang bátag kundat kay wà didtu si Máma, The child had a ball playing around because Mother wasn’t there. buutbúut v 1 [A1] impose one’s will where one doesn’t have the right. 2 [A1; b] take it on oneself to do s.t. Ngánung nagbuutbúut kag palit ánà? Why did you take it on yourself to buy that? mabuutbuútun a tending to impose one’s will, take it on oneself to do things. but-anay v [C23] impose each other’s will on each other. Way but-anay kun ása ági, We’ll each go our own way (we won’t impose our wills on each other where to go). pa- v [a12] allow s.o. to have the say. Ug pabut-un (papagbut-un) aku nímu, If I am allowed to have the say in this matter. paka-, pa-(←) v [A1; b1] take it on oneself to do s.t. forbidden as much as one likes. Mangingisdà nga magpakabuut (magpabúut) pagpabutug dinamíta, Fishermen who allow themselves to do as much dynamite fishing as they like. Gipabut-an níla ang mga bátag káun ug dulsi, They allowed the children to eat as many sweets as they liked. pasi- v [b] allow s.o. to decide. Gipasibut-an lang siya sa kursung íyang kuháun, He was left to decide what course he would take. hiN-/haN- v [B126; b3(1)c5] be pleased. Nahimuut siyang nagtan-aw sa íyang anak, He took pleasure in observing his daughter. Wà níya ikahimuut (kahimut-i) ang ímung gibúhat, He wasn’t pleased with what you did. kahiN- n pleasure. kahimut-anan n s.t. at which one can take pleasure, be amused. mahimut-un, mahimut-ánun, maham-utun a feeling great pleasure. but-an a possessing reason, sense. But-an ba siya u búang? Is he sane or mad? 2 = -an(←). -an(←) good, well-behaved. Buútang bátà, A good child. Ang buútan niyang asáwa, His good wife. v [B12; b6] get to be well-behaved. -in-an in a well-behaved way. v [A1] act in a well-behaved way. ka-(←) 1 intelligence, ability to perceive. 2 consideration for one’s fellowmen. kabubut-un n specific feelings toward s.o. or s.t. útang kabubut-un debt of gratitude to be repaid. ma-(←) a 1 having a requisite amount of intelligence. 2 thoughtful, considerate of one’s fellowmen. Ang mga mabúut nga táwu dílì mangdinamíta, Civic-minded people don’t dynamite fish. mag-r-(←) n one who has the say. pag- will. Pagbuut sa Diyus, God’s will. paniN-(←) n 1 consciousness, awareness. 2 degree of intelligence. Ang íyang panimúut sáma sa bátang tris anyus, His mental age is like a three-year-old child’s.

búut v [A; b5] confine in a narrow place so that no air can get in or out. Napan-us ang bíku nga gibúut (gibuútan), The sticky rice spoiled because it was wrapped up too tightly. -in- n fruit placed in a tight container to hasten ripening.

buútan1 see buut.

buútan2 = ambuhútan. see ambúhut.

buúti = búti.

buwa expression said in driving away pigs: scram! v [A; a12] drive away pigs by saying buwa.

buwa- see also bwa- and bula-.

búwà1 n spongy growth inside a coconut shell which is produced prior to sprouting. It is good to eat.

búwà2 n prolapsed uterus. v [A123P; a4] suffer a prolapsed uterus. buwàbuwà = butbut2 n, 3.

búwà3 n lying boast. -un a braggart.

buwal n voile.

buwang1 v [B24] cease to bear fruits.

buwang2, búwang = bulwang.

buway = bulay.

búy1 n male servant, helper to another employee. Búy ku sa bikiri, I am a helper in the bakery. pa- v [A3] hire out as a helper or servant.

búy2 = búluy.

búya1 n 1 float, buoy. v [A; a] make, make into, mark with, use as a buoy.

búya2 n agreement between parents to betroth their young or unborn children. v [A; ac] betroth unborn or young children. Buyáhun nátù ang mga bátà, Let us betroth our children. Atung ibúya ang ímung gisabak sa ílang masusu, We will betroth the child you are carrying to their infant.

buyag v [AN2; a12] 1 make a comment on s.t. Kusug siyang mamuyag ug gwápa, He makes lots of comments when he sees a good-looking girl. Wà kay katungud sa pagbuyag sa ákung pamisti, You have no right to comment on the way I dress. 2 call one’s attention to a fault. Buyaga siya kay nangurtína, Tell her her slip is showing. 3 admonish s.o. to stop doing s.t. Buyaga ang mga bátang nagsábà, Tell those noisy kids to be quiet. 4 [b8] be affected by buyag. n 1 disease afflicting a person or his possessions brought [184]on by a compliment given by a buyágan or by a supernatural being. 2 — sa túbig k.o. skin eczema. interjection = puyra —. puyra — magical formula uttered to ward off the disease buyag said where a compliment has been made or is about to be made. pa- v 1 [A3] do s.t. to make s.o. admonish one. 2 allow s.o. to tell one to stop. -an(→) n 1 s.o. with an inherent supernatural power which causes any living thing he compliments to become ill. 2 sorcerer who can cure buyag. -l-un(←) a requiring admonishment.

buyagan n = bunsudbunsud.

buyang n k.o. bright-colored paper umbrella, in vogue before World War II.

buyang-ang a 1 wide open. Buyang-ang nga pultahan, Wide open door. 2 for s.t. to be open to view in a brazen or ungainly way. Ang nangalígù nagbuyang-ang (nagpabuyang-ang) sa ílang láwas, The bathers are exposing their bodies. Ayaw buyang-ánga (pabuyang-ánga, ibuyang-ang) ímung balunan, Don’t let everyone see your lunch box.

buyangyang = aguyangyang2.

buyasyas a dressed sloppily in such a way that s.t. is exposed. v [A13] be sloppily covered so that s.t. is exposed. Nagbuyasyas lang siya nga natúlug. Kítà ang páa, She didn’t cover herself well when she slept. You could see her thigh. Buyasyas lang ang ímung púlu, Your shirt is half-open.

buybuy v [AN; b5] count favors one has done to s.o. Gibuybuy ku níya sa íyang gihátag nákù, He kept mentioning the things he had given me. n action of counting favors. paN- = buybuy, n. -an(→) a tending to count favors.

buyinggit = bulinggit.

buykutíyu n boycott. v [A; b(1)] boycott.

*buylas hi-, hiN- v [C3; c3] pass by and miss seeing each other. Huwata lang siya kay maghibuylas (maghimuylas) unyà mu sa dā́n, Just wait for him here because you might miss seeing each other on the way.

buylu n momentum. v 1 [A2] gain momentum, accelerate. Mibuylu ang dyip sa pagsubída, The jeep accelerated on the upgrade. 2 [A12] move with freedom and ease. Dì ta makabuylu sa mga tígum nga purmal, We cannot move with ease in formal gatherings. tina- see tinabuylu.

buylug v [A; b7] speed, rush forward. Mibuylug ang túbig pagkagubà sa liptung, The water gushed out when the dam broke. Buylúgi (pabuylúgi) arun makaapas ta níla, Give it more speed so we can catch up with them. n fast, onrushing forward speed. v [C2; c3] do s.t. together in a group. Sígi silang magbuylug bísan ása paìngun, They are always together, wherever they go. hi-/ha- v [B126] be included in s.o.’s misfortunes. Ang tibuuk níyang bánay nahibuylug sa kadáut, His whole family suffered from the misfortune. ta- see tabuylug.

*buyna1 — mánu n 1 first sale of the day, thought to stimulate further sales. The price is usually reduced to push the buyna mánu sale through. Sígi lang, hay buyna mánu ni, All right, I accept your offer, since this is the first sale of the day. 2 a person who buys the first sale. Napalit nákug barátu kay buyna mánu man ku, I managed to get it cheap because I was the first customer. nutsi — see nutsi.

buynas a lucky, fortunate. v [A123S; a12] be lucky. Mangabir ku, básig buynásun, I’ll take a try. Perhaps I’ll be lucky. — díyas, nutsis Good day, night, said to people who are thought to be Spanish-speaking, di- = buynas.

buynu 1 particle conceding a situation: ‘well’. Buynu, ug dì ka, ay na lang, Well, if you don’t want to, you don’t have to. 2 particle terminating a conversation: ‘well, all right now’. Buynu, mau na lang tu. Dad-a dinhi ugmà, Well, that’s all. Bring it here tomorrow. Buynu, sanggía ang mais ugmà, All right. Harvest the corn tomorrow. 2 particle in a story preceding a summary of the situation. Buynu, kay nakapangasáwa sa prinsísa, siyay nahímung manunúnud, All right, since he married the princess, he became the heir to the throne.

buyprind n boy friend.

buysit n bad luck that is permanently associated with a person or thing. Kanang ímung nawung mau rag mauy nagdala sa buysit, Your face brings bad luck with it. a having bad luck associated with it. Buysit kining baláya. Pirming kamatyan, This house brings us bad luck. Lots of people have died here. interjection Buysit! Gikuútan ku, Damned! S.o. picked my pocket. v [B12] be constantly beset by bad luck. Nabuysit ákung panágat human nákù mapatay ang íhung putì, My fishing was beset by misfortune after I killed the white shark.

buyu, buyù v [A; a12] win over, entice s.o. to do s.t. Buyuhun ta ka pagtrabáhu sa ámù, I’ll entice you to work for us. Ayaw pabuyu sa íyang mga sáad, Don’t let yourself be hooked by his promises. n enticement.

búyù n betel pepper, a cultivated and wild vine, the leaves of which are used together with búnga2 as a chew: Piper betle.

búyud v [B12; a12] be, become dizzy. Nabúyud [185]siya tungud sa kagútum, He is dizzy from hunger.

buy-ud v [A; b6] be prostate and motionless, with arms parallel to the body. Minatay ang nagbuy-ud sa asíras, A corpse lying on the sidewalk.

buyug1 n 1 k.o. solitary bluish-black wasp common near the house, nesting in the soil. 2 k.o. solitary bee, colored black with reddish overtones. -un n feather coloration of cocks which is black with reddish overtones.

buyug2 v [A23P; c] leave or depart instantly, in a hurry. Dílì maáyung mubuyug ug lakaw nga way pananghid, It’s not good to leave instantly without permission. Ayawg ibuyug ug dágan ang búla ni Dyunyur, Don’t run away with Junior’s ball.

búyuk1 v [A; b6] cook cereals by pouring into water boiled beforehand (the manner of cooking corn grits or large quantities of rice which otherwise would take long to cook). Buyúka paglung-ag ang mais, Cook the grits by throwing them into boiling water. -an(→) n pot with boiling water for cooking in this manner. -in- n corn or rice cooked in this manner.

búyuk2 v [B126; a4] feel nauseous, dizzy and weak, almost to the point of fainting. Buyúkun (mabúyuk) siya kun mudúngaw ug lawum, She feels dizzy and weak when she looks down from heights.

buy-uk = bayúuk.

buyun n k.o. shrub of thickets: Mussaenda philippica.

búyun v [C; c] be situated beside and, usually, in line. Nagbúyun ang mga balay sa subà, The houses are in a line along the river. Makigbúyun siyag higdà nákù, She wants to sleep beside me. n next to. Ang ámung kusína búyun ra sa balay, Our kitchen is located next to (or right in back of) the house.

buy-un n fat on the stomach. Buy-un sa bábuy, Fat on the pig’s stomach. v [B1246] get fat on the stomach. Maáyu ka tingáli rung pagkabutang kay namuy-un ka man, You must be doing well now, as I see by your spare tire. a having rolls of fat on the stomach. v [B12] get to have rolls of fat.

buyung n highwayman. v [A; a12] 1 for a highwayman to hold s.o. up. Ayaw pagbaktas didtu sa awáaw básig mabuyung ka, Don’t go on foot through deserted areas, you might get held up. 2 steal (humorous). Átung buyungun ang íyang alkansíya, Let’s steal her piggy bank. 3 [A; a12] trick s.o. into doing s.t. Nabuyung ka lang pagpaútang níya, You were tricked into lending her money.

búyung = búyud.

búyut = balúyut.

bwabuwa = lansúnis.

bwágas v [A] for liquids or fine things to flow out profusely from a container. Mibwágas ang túbig sa pagkabuslut sa bangà, The water flowed out rapidly when the jar got a hole on it. Dì makabwágas ang bugas sa sáku ug sap-úngan ang lungag ug papil, The rice will not flow out if you cover the hole with paper.

bwáhan = lansúnis.

bwáhat v [A2S; c] open one’s eyes wide. Mibwáhat ang íyang mata sa katingála, Her eyes opened wide in surprise.

bwanbúwan (from búlan) n moles on the face appearing in large numbers, so called because they are believed to become darker when the moon is full.

bwáus = buláus.

bwi- see also buy-.

bwilta v 1 [A; b5c] come, go back, go back to get s.t. Ákù pang bwiltáhun (bwiltáhan) si Míri, I still have to go back for Mary. Ibwilta ni ngadtu, Take this back to them. 2 [c1] repeat, do again. Bwiltáhun (ibwilta) ta nig pangutána, Let’s ask that again. bwiltabwilta v [A; b5] go back and forth. Mubwiltabwilta ka giyud kay dílì makas-a nag dala, You have to go back and forth because you cannot take all of that at once. Ngánung nagbwiltabwilta ka man, unsay suliran mu? Why are you pacing back and forth? What’s your problem? ida- n round trip. Milukat ku ug tíkit sa barku nga idabwilta, I bought a round trip boat ticket.

bwinggit = bulinggit.

byábas = bayábas.

byáhi n 1 trip, journey. Bálud tung byahía uy! That was a rough trip. 2 trip, single run of a vehicle between two points. Alas dúsi ang katapúsang byáhi, The last trip is at twelve. v 1 [A; b6] take a trip. Nagbyáhi sila sa Amirika, They took a trip to America. 2 [A; c] for a public conveyance to make its run. Ayaw ibyáhi ang dyip ug dì pa punù, Don’t dispatch the jeep before it is full. byahian v [A13] take a run s.w. regularly. byahidur n one who travels often. †

byakrúsis n way of the cross. v [AC12; b6] do the way of the cross. Magbiyakrúsis ku inigmahal nga adlaw, I’ll do the way of the cross during the Holy Week.

byamban = balanban1.

byanggas n mange. v [A123P; a12] be afflicted with mange. -un(→) a mangy. Kinsa man nang byanggasun nga irù? Who does that mangy dog belong to? [186]

byantì n k.o. smooth shrub occasionally planted as ornamental which exudes a milky sap irritating to the skin: Homalanthus populneus.

byásung n k.o. yellow lemon-shaped citrus of pungent odor and somewhat sour, used as a hair rinse or for flavoring salted fish.

byáta = byátu (female).

byatiku n Holy Communion given to a dying person. v [A; b6] give the viaticum to s.o.

byatilis n k.o. small rapidly growing tree of waste places or cultivated, extensively used for firewood. The leaves are used as animal feed and medicinally. It bears beans also used medicinally: Leucaena glauca.

byátu a pious, devout man. v [B; b6] become pious, devout.

byinbinída n welcome party. v [A; b6] hold a welcoming party. Magbiyinbinída mi pasidungug sa ímung pag-abut, We’ll hold a welcome party when you arrive. — parti = byinbinída.

byínis person’s things. Gibaligyà íyang mga byínis ibadbad sa útang, He sold his property to pay off his debts.

byintus = bintus.

byirnis = birnis.

byú n 1 view, scenery. 2 way — have lost its nice look. Wà nay byú ákung sapátus kay nagkalápuk, My shoes look awful because they’re all muddy. v [B126] get to be poor-looking. pa- v [A; b6] make oneself conspicuous s.w.

byúda n widow. — nga búhì a wife who has been separated from a husband still living. v [B26; a2] become a widow. † Nabyúda siyang búhì sukad mamabáyi ang bána, She became a widow of a live man after her husband started taking up with women.

byúdu n widower. -ng búhì husband separated from his wife. v [B26; a2b6] be, become a widower.

byugul, byúgul a 1 dull, slow in comprehension. Nahagbung siya kay byúgul man, He flunked because he’s dull. 2 five-centavo coin. v [B; b6] become slow in comprehending.

byulin n violin. v [A; c1] play, make a violin.

byulíta n low perennial flowering ornamental with violet flowers: Barleria cristata.

byumbu = bayumbu.

byúti parlur n beauty parlor.

byúuk = bayúuk.

byúus = bayúus.




da 1 = ada. 2 = ra. 3 — man = mau ra (dialectal).

= dala.

1 particle at end of a clause: 1a used upon noticing s.t. new, remembering s.t. one had forgotten. Mu ra kug gitugnaw dà, I feel cold! Grábi ning bátà dà, I notice the child is in serious condition. Lamían tung ímung sud-an dà! Your food was delicious! 1b particle of apology for doing s.t. poorly, that one was pressed into doing: don’t blame me if things don’t work out right. Dì ra ba ku kamau nga mubayli dà, I don’t know how to dance. 2 initial in a clause: there, I told you so! Dà, nasámad ka hinúun, There, now you have hurt yourself.

= , 2.

daabdaab v [A] crackle in flames. Magdaabdaab ang mga dáhung layà basta daúban, Dry leaves crackle when burned.

dáan a 1 old, not new. Dáang sinínà, An old dress. — Nga Túgun Old Testament. 2 the one before, previous. Ang dáan nílang gikakasabútan, Their previous agreement. 3 already, beforehand. Didtu na siyang dáan pag-abut ku, He was already there when I arrived. Dáan na siyang natáhap nga nagluib siya, He had already suspected before that she was being unfaithful. bag-ung — s.t. one has for the first time but not new. Ákung kutsing bag-ung dáan, My new car which is old. — pa [subject] just as [subject] thought. Nagminyù sila. Dáan pa lagi ku, They got married, just as I suspected they would. Gidakup siya sa pulis. Dáan pa giyud kung púga siya, He was arrested by the police. He was an escaped convict, just as I thought. v [B2; b6] become old. Dalì mudáan (madáan) ang balay nga way limpiyu, A house gets old easily if it is not taken care of. pasi-(→) v [A; c] forewarn, caution. Ipasidaan kaníya nga dúgay tang muabut, Forewarn him that we will arrive late. n warning. ka- n state of being old. Milubad na sa kadáan, It faded when it was old. karáan a 1 olden times. Sa karáan dílì maáyung [187]malígù ug hápun, In the olden times they thought it wasn’t good to bathe in the afternoon. 2 very old, leftover from an olden time. Karáan kining galingan, gigámit pa sa ákung apuhan, This spinning wheel is very old. My grandmother used it. — nga gantang a old-fashioned. b old maid. Nabyaan sa trín ang karáan nga gantang, The old maid missed the boat (in getting married). — nga kansiyun an old song, s.t. so often repeated it can no longer be believed. kinaraan a old-fashioned. Sinayawang kinaraan, Dancing in an old-fashioned way. pangaráan v [A2] be engaged in s.t. over a long period of time. Nangaráan na siya niíning buháta, He is an old hand in this job.

daánà = niánà. see kanà1.

daáni a root crops that are fibrous and lacking moisture because they have been left in the ground too long. v [B] get to be fibrous and lacking moisture. Ug dúgayng kalútun ang kamúti mudaáni (madaáni), If sweet potatoes are left in the ground too long, they become fibrous and dry.

dáat n k.o. grass with a square-shaped, sharp-edged stem having saw-edged leaves. The shoots mixed with grains of mung, corn, and rice are given for teething or measles.

daay = diay (humorous slang).

dába n wide-mouthed clay pot used for stewing vegetables. dabahan n = dába.

dabdab v [A1; b] set fire to s.t. with a torch. Nagdabdab siya sa kakugnan, He burned the saw grass field. Gidabdaban ku ang gagmayng balhíbu sa manuk, I singed the fine feathers off of the chicken. -un a burning easily, esp. tobacco. Ang tabákung dabdabun daling mahurut, Tobacco that burns easily gets used up quickly.

dabudabu, dabudábu n successive blows. Nalúnud ang barku gumíkan sa dabudábu sa kaáway, The battleship sunk from the enemy bombardment. v [A; b5] 1 bombard, rain blows upon. Dabudabúha (dabudabúhi) siyag pátid, Bombard him with kicks. 2 for the chest to throb. Nagdabudábu ang íyang dughan sa kakulbà, His breast throbbed in fear.

dábuk1 v [A; a] 1 make a fire. Pagdábuk dihà kay magdigámu ta, Make a fire because we’re going to fix dinner. 2 fumigate an area. Dabúkan ta ang mangga arun mudaghan ang búnga, Let’s subject the mango tree to smoke so that there will be lots of fruit. (→) n 1 fire in an open place. 2 place where an open fire is built. Duul ra sa balay ang dabuk (dabukan), They built the fire too close to the house. -an(→) = dabuk, 2.

dábuk2 v [A; a] crush by pounding. Dabúka ang mani pára sa kaykay, Pound the peanuts for the cookies. (→) n crushed to fine bits, crumbled. Dabuk sa pán, Bread crumbs.

dabul bid n double bed. v [A1] use a double bed.

dabung a 1 young, immature. Malímut pa siya sa kamatáyun sa íyang inahan kay dabung pa ang íyang kaisípan, He will forget his mother’s death because his mind is still young. 2 unripe fruits and vegetables. Dabung mangga, Green mangoes. 3 metal tempered in such a way that it is too soft. Daling nagíbang ang sundang kay dabung pagkapanday, The machete knicks easily because it has not been tempered long enough. n bamboo shoots. v [b6] cook s.t. with bamboo shoots.

dádi title for a father. v [A; a12] call s.o. ‘Daddy’.

dága1 n dagger. punta — = dága1.

dága2 = dalága1, 2.

dagà = ilagà.

dagáang n 1 heat, warmth given off, usually by s.t. solid. Ang dagáang sa ílang duha ka láwas, The warmth given off by their two bodies. Ang dagáang sa nasúnug nga balay, The heat from the burning house. 2 warmth of emotion. Ang dagáang sa ílang pagbátì, The warmth of their love. v [B25] 1 become warm. Midagáang na ba ang plantsa? Is the iron hot yet? 2 shimmer in the heat. -in- n = dagáang.

dagabdab n 1 disease of tobacco where the leaf turns rough and stiff and gets white spots all over it. 2 k.o. skin ailment characterized by rough and discolored spots. v 1 [a4] for tobacco to get this disease. 2 [B146; a4] for skin to get this ailment. -un(→) a of a diseased sort.

dagáhay n noise made by the stomach when the digestive system is disturbed. v [A1] for the stomach to make a rumbling sound.

dagámi n stalk that is left after grain or sugar has been harvested.

dágan = dalágan.

dagánas n prolonged sound of water or wind. Dagánas sa busay, The sound of the waterfall. v [B2S4] make such a sound. Nagdaganas nga dagkung balud, The thundering waves.

dagandang = dalagangdang.

dagang n ring made of corncobs or similar material to set a pot on when it is off the stove so that it will not tilt. v 1 [A13; c1] make a pot rest. 2 [A; b5c1] use a pot rest. -an n = dagang.

dágang n 1 the long feathers on the wings of [188]fowls that enable them to fly. 2 pen for writing literature (poetic usage). mag-r- n writer of fine literature.

dagangdang n 1 k.o. snapper. 2 = dalagangdang.

dagasdas1 v [B2] skid on a flat, hard surface. Pagkurbáda sa mutursiklu midagasdas (nadagasdas) kini, The motorcycle skidded on the curve.

dagasdas2 v [A3; b6] force one’s way into a crowd. Midagasdas siya padúlung sa taliwálà sa dakung tígum, She forced her way into the center of the crowd.

dágat n 1 sea. 2 sea water. v [A123P; a4] feel sick to one’s stomach, seasick. Makadágat (makapadágat) pamináwun ang íyang mga hambug, It’s sickening to listen to his boasting. Gidágat ang bátà tungud kay mabalud, The child felt seasick because it was wavy. (→) v [A13] for sugar, salt, or dried fish to become damp. Magdagat ang kámay ug hitun-ugan, If you let the sugar get exposed to the damp, it will get sticky. paN- v 1 [A2; a] fish in the sea, catch fish. Dílì sila makapanágat, They cannot go out fishing. Panagátun námù ang mga bangsi sa lawud, We will catch the flying fish in the deep waters. 2 [A; a] fish out information. Napanágat na giyud sa pulis ang ibidinsiya, The police finally fished the evidence out. -in-, -in-(→) n fish dried with sea water as the only preservative. maN-r-(→) n fisherman in the sea. paN- n 1 way of fishing. 2 equipment for fishing in the sea. pinaN-an n fish caught in the sea. -um- see dumágat. -un(→) a prone to seasickness. -nun a pertaining to the sea. Dagatnung mananap, Marine creatures. †

dagaw n thoughts which come to the mind. v [a4] be daydreaming, absent-minded. Gidagaw ka man tingáli. Láin man ang ímung gitubag sa ákung pangutána, You must be daydreaming! You gave me a funny answer to my question. -in- a absent-minded. Mitangdù siya sa dinagaw nga pagtangdù, He nodded an absent-minded assent.

*dagáyà ka- n abundance. Magpasalámat ta sa Ginúu tungud sa kadagáyà nga átung nadáwat, Let us thank the Lord for the abundance we have received. pa- v [A1; c] provide in abundance. Mga kaáyu nga gipadagáyà sa Diyus, The blessings the Lord has bestowed upon us.

dagayday v [A; b5] flow in trickles or little rivulets. Midagayday ang mga lúhà sa íyang mga áping, Tears trickled down her cheeks. n trickling. Ang dagayday sa túbig dílì maatu ug páhid, We cannot wipe the water away fast enough as it streams down.

dagdag v 1 [B12; c1] fall, make s.t. fall from the place where it is growing. Uyúga ang punúan arun madagdag ug hurut ang búnga, Shake the tree so that all the fruit will fall. Idagdag (dagdága) ang búnga sa kayimítu, Shake the fruit from the star-apple tree. 1a [BN4] for hair to fall. Ayawg gámit ug tayid arun dílì mudagdag (managdag, mangdagdag) ang ímung buhuk, Don’t wash your hair with detergent or it will fall out. 2 [A; c1] pick coconuts. 3 [A2] for coconut trees to yield. Ang íyang kalubihan mudagdag hasta tagdiyis mil káda saka, His farm yielded as many as 10,000 nuts per harvest. n yield of coconuts. ting- n season when a particular tree loses its leaves.

daghan a much, many. Daghang mga batan-un karun nga walay trabáhu, There are lots of young people today who are out of work. v [B; a] become, make plentiful. Midaghan (nadaghan) ang ákung núka, My sores increased greatly in number. Dì ta na lang ni daghánun ug sulti, Let’s not say much about this. -an a very many. gi-un(→) n quantity. ka-an, karaghánan a 1 owned by many people. Kining yutáa dílì mabaligyà kay sa kadaghánan, This land cannot be sold because it is titled to many people. 2 public. Maúlaw ta sa kadaghánan, We’ll be put to shame in public. 3 most. Kadaghánan sa íyang libru gíkan sa Amirika, Most of his books come from America. maka-, ka- many times. Kadaghan (makadaghan) ku na siya sultíhi, I’ve told her many times. -um-r- n tending to come in large quantities. Dumadaghan silang pamilyáha, Theirs is a prolific family.†

daghung n groan. v [B3; a2] groan. Midaghung ang masakitun sa kasakit, The patient groaned in pain.

dagil v 1 [A; a] cut a little bit off of s.t. Dagili rag gamay ning ákung patilya, Remove a little from my sideburns. 2 [A; b6(1)] cook a little extra staple for s.o. not prepared for. Idagil ang anglit ug dalìdalì kay díay ákung kúyug, Cook a small potful of extra rice because I have a visitor. 3 [A1; c] string an extra small string along the bass string of the guitar pitched to the same note. n guitar string of this sort. 4 [A; b6(1)] put a small magical amulet on s.t. esp. a cock. n amulet.

daging n k.o. June bug.

dagínut v [A; a] 1 use sparingly. Daginúta ang bugas arun muhangtud, Use the rice sparingly so it will last. 2 use the last bit of s.t. Mudagínut kug mga tinábas, I will use up the remnants. 3 save money, be economical. [189]Makadagínut ka kun mupalit kag dinusina, You can save if you buy by the dozen. 4 heed things not worth heeding. Daginútun pa giyud nà níyang pitsipitsi? Does she really care about those worthless things? 4a heed and spread small details of gossip not worth heeding. 5 [A12S3S] masturbate, save money by self-gratification (humorous slang). -an(→) a thrifty, frugal. -an ug sulti tending to gossip about things not worth gossiping about. -in- a done slowly, usually to make s.t. last to put it off. Dinagínut ang íyang mga lákang arun dúgayng muabut, He walked home slowly so it would take long to get back. ma-un a economical, inexpensive to use. Madaginútung panlaba, An economical soap for washing. -un(→) a be little in quantity, intensity. Daginutun ang kaháyag sa ispat kay gastádu na ang batiríya, The flashlight gave off a weak light because the batteries were down. -un(→) ang bulsa have little money. a thrifty, frugal.

dágir n 1 dagger. 2 name given to the red dragon (drágun) piece in mahjong. v [ab2] stab with a dagger.

dágit v [A; a] 1 swoop down and seize a prey. 2 kidnap, abduct. maN-r-(→) n kidnapper. pina- n a short fuse used in dynamite fishing so that the explosion will be near the surface.

dagítab n 1 electric current. 2 stimulation as if by electricity. Ang dagítab sa íyang kamadaníhun nakapakúrug sa ákung tibuuk nga láwas, Her electric charm made my whole body tremble. -nun a electric. Sugang dagitabnun, Electric lights.

dagkut v [A; b6(1)] 1 light a flame, lamp, fire, etc. Dagkuti ang sigarilyu, Light the cigarette. Unsay ákung idagkut sa parul? What shall I light the lantern with? 2 [AN; cN] light a candle as an offering to a saint and pray to him to do s.t. good or bad or give thanks. Idagkut (ipanagkut) tikag dì ku nímu pakaslan, I’ll light a candle to a saint to curse you if you don’t marry me. -ay a for s.t. lighted to be burning. Dagkutay pa ang lampara pag-abut námù, The lamp was still lighted when we arrived. -um-l-, um-r- n one who lights candles as an offering.

dagmà v [B126] stumble and fall. Ayaw pagdágan kay madagmà ka unyà, Don’t run, you might fall.

dagmal v [A; b] 1 maltreat, treat cruelly. Gidagmálan níya ang íyang asáwa, He maltreated his wife. 2 cause suffering. Dakung gútum ang midagmal sa mga mag-uúma, A great famine tortured the farmers. n maltreatment. -an(→), ma-un a cruel.

dagmuk v [A; c] throw s.t. anywhere in a disorderly way. Sila ang mudagmuk sa basúra ngadtu sa baybáyun, They dumped the garbage on the seashore. Ayaw idagmuk sa karsáda ang mga káhuy, Don’t just dump the wood on the street. n garbage.

dagnay n nickname. v [A; c] give a nickname. Gidagnáyan kug Inday ni Máma, Mother nicknamed me ‘Inday’.

dagpak v 1 [A; ab2] slap hard enough to make a noise. Dagpáka siya kay nagdahan, Give him a spanking because he is getting to be too naughty. 2 [A; c] cover a hole in any sort of material by laying s.t. over it and attaching it. Kinsay nagdagpak sa kisì sa ákung karsúnis? Who patched up the tear in my pants? Playwud ang idagpak sa buhù sa bungbung, Patch the hole in the wall with plywood. 3 [A; ac] join two flat pieces together by making two of their edges overlap. Nagdagpak ku sa duha ka hábul, I joined two blankets together. 4 [B126; b8] — sa pamilya marry into a family. Nadagpak siya sa mga pamilyang way nahut, She married into a family poor as church mice. n 1 ranking. 2 = dagpǎk. (→) n 1 piece used in covering up a hole. 2 — sa pamilya one who has become part of a family by virtue of marrying into it.

dagpal1 v [A; c] plug, caulk. Ang bátà mauy midagpal ug lápuk sa grípu, The child was the one who plugged the mud into the faucet. Ang panday nagdagpal ug simintu sa mga likì sa paril, The carpenter patched the cracks of the wall with cement.

dagpal2 v [A; a12b2] slap with the palm of the hand. Íyang gidagpal ang bukubuku sa kabáyù, He slapped the back of the horse.

dagpas v [A; a] swat s.t. to remove s.t. from it. n broom made out of coconut midribs. — sa abug duster made of chicken feathers. n 1 s.t. used to brush s.t. away. a broom made of coconut midribs. b feather duster. c fly swatter. 2 action of swatting to remove s.t. Wà mapapha ang húgaw sa usa ka dagpas, He didn’t get rid of the dirt with one swat.

dagpì (from dapì) v 1 [AN; ab2] slap with the palm of the hand. May kamut nga midagpì (nanagpì) sa ákung áping, A hand slapped my cheek. 2 [b6] whip with woman’s hair to relieve the skin disease called ugáhip. Ang ugáhip maáyu kun dagpían sa buhuk, The kind of sores called ugáhip get better if you whip them with hair. 3 = dagpak 2, 3. n 1 slap. 2 a k.o. sorcery whereby a sorcerer inflicts harm by tapping the victim. The victim counteracts the sorcery by tapping the sorcerer back. 3 application [190]for skin diseases consisting of herbs cooked in banana leaves over live coals. The cause of the disease is thought to appear in the compress after it has been applied. — timù a small in size or quantity (humorous). Matawag ba gud tu nímug píging nga dagpì timù ra man ang pagkáun? Could you call that a banquet when only a small amount of food was served? -in- n k.o. pancake made from ground starch. maN-r- n sorcerers who practice the sorcery called dagpì.

dagsà v [B2; c] wash to the shore. Midagsà ang dakung isdà, The big fish drifted ashore. Didtu siya idagsà, He was washed ashore in that place. n 1 s.t. washed ashore s.w. 2 one who happens to be in a place. Namána siyag usa ka dagsà, She married a person who happened to be in that place by chance. -um-l- = dagsà, n 2. -um- n name of wind that hits Cebu from the Northeast.

dagsang v [BN3(1)] become abundant. Nanagsang (nagdagsang) ang mga ilagà sa Kutabátu, Cotabato is being overrun with rats. Kinahanglan sumpúun ang krímin únà makadagsang, Crime should be stopped before it becomes rampant. pa- v [A; c1] propagate, raise in plentiful quantities. Padagsánga (ipadagsang) ang ságing sa inyung yútà, Propagate bananas on your land.

dagsay n cymbals.

dagtum a dark grey, gloomy. Ang dagtum sa lángit nagtilimad-un ug ulan, Dark skies are a sign of rain. v [B] be, become dark. Midagtum ang íyang nawung pagkadungug sa nutisya, pagbinulad, His face became gloomy when he heard the news; his face got tanned dark from being in the sun. Nagdagtum ang íyang karsúnis sa buling, His trousers were black with dirt.

dagubdub n k.o. gudgeon.

dagúhub n hollow, rumbling sound. Ang dagúhub sa ayruplánu, The roar of the airplane. a loud in a hollow, rumbling way. Dagúhub kaáyu nang ímung pagtambul, Your drumming is very loud. v [A; b6] make hollow, rumbling sounds.

dagúhung n howling sound of the wind. v [B4; b6] make howling sound. Nagdagúhung ang hángin sa bagyu, The wind howled in the storm.

dagukduk1 (from dukduk) n hammering, knocking sound. v [B4] make hammering, knocking sound. Ug mudagukduk ang makina náay dipiktu, There’s s.t. wrong with the machine if it knocks. 2 [b(1)] go fishing in shallow waters with a hook and line at night using a tingkarul lamp (so called because the fish are attracted by knocking the side of the boat with the paddle). paN- v [A2] go hook and line fishing in shallow waters using a tingkarul lamp. -an n the lamp used in this k.o. fishing (= tingkarul).

dagul a 1 close cut or cropped or shaven head. 2 for soil to have nothing growing on it. v 1 [A; a] cut hair closely, shave the hair off the head. Dagulun ta lang ning ímung alut, Let’s make your haircut a crew cut. 2 [B; b6] for land to become unproductive. Nadagul ang yútà kay dúgayng wà ulana, The land became barren because it hadn’t received rain for a long time.

dágum n needle. Dágum pára tahì, Sewing needle. Dágum pára indiksiyun, Hypodermic needle. -in- n 1 pin. Ang mga papil gialpiliran ug dinágum, The papers were fastened together with a pin. 2 needle-like thorns on plants. alpilir -in- = -in- 1.

dag-um n rain cloud. v [ABN3; b6] 1 cloud over. Mudag-um (manag-um) na gánì ang lángit, If the sky clouds over. Gidag-úman ang lángit, The sky was covered with clouds. 2 make s.o. feel gloomy. Midag-um dihà sa íyang kahiladman ang dakung kasákit, A great pain made him feel gloomy. 3 — ang lángit v [B3(1)4; b4] be on the verge of tears. Hunúnga na ang inyung sulugsúlug sa dalága kay midag-um na ang lángit, Stop teasing the poor girl because she’s on the verge of tears.

dagun n amulet, charm for good luck or defense. v [A; c] attach a charm to. Gidagunan ni Tikyu ang íyang igbubulang, Tikyo has attached a charm to his fighting cock.

dagundagun v [B; a12] come or happen one after another. Nagdagundagun ang mga bagyu rung panahúna, We’ve been having typhoons one after another. Ayawg dagundaguna ang ímung prublíma sa pagsingárig pangútang, Don’t let your problems pile up by incurring so many debts.

dagundun1 a 1 half-hard, half-soft, lumpy texture of raw bananas, sweet potatoes. 2 deep rumbling of distant thunder, distant motor with insufficient muffling.

dagundun2 n drinks to go with food. v [A; b6] take drinks with food. Gidagundunan níyag tubà ang kinílaw, He washed the raw fish down with toddy.

dagundung, dagungdung v [B6N; b6] be thick with leaves, fruit. Midagundung (nanagundung) ang káhuy sa dáhun, The tree is thick with leaves. Ang káhuy gidagundúngan sa búnga, The tree is full of fruits.†

dágut a 1 completely removed, used up. Dágut na ang mga káhuy sa bakilid, Every single [191]piece of wood has been removed from the slope. 2 completely rotten so that it cannot rot any further. Dágut nang sinínà, dílì na mapunit, A dress so rotten that you can’t even pick it up. Dágut nga nangkà, A completely rotten jackfruit. v 1 [A; a] use to the last grain, bit; take away every bit of s.t. Kining pán mauy idágut sa dyam nga namilit sa butilya, Use this bread to wipe up the last bit of jam sticking to the jar. 2 [B12] rot completely to the point that it will not hold together. Nadágut ang papil sa libru, The paper in the book has turned completely to dust.

dagúuk n steady roaring sound made by the rushing of water, machines in a distance, roar of a crowd, the sound of an empty stomach. v [A2S; b4] make a roaring sound. Midagúuk ang ákung tiyan sa kagútum, My stomach is rumbling from hunger. Nagdaguuk ang ulan nga hápit na muabut, The rainstorm made a roaring noise as it drew near. -in- = dagúuk, n.

dagway n 1 face. 2 appearance, looks. Ang namiyáhuk níyang áping dagway sa kagútum, Her sunken cheeks portray hunger. 2a — táwu human form. Nawálà ang ílang dagway táwu ug nahímu silang irù, They shed their human form and turned themselves into dogs. 3 perhaps, probably. Muulan dagway karun, It probably will rain now. 3a — ug it looks as though. Dagwayg muulan, It looks as though it’s going to rain. -an a pretty, handsome. ka- n similar in appearance to s.o. else. Kadagway mu siya, He looks like you. paN- n countenance. Ang kasubù sa íyang kahiladman makítà sa íyang panagway, The sadness in her heart can be seen in her countenance.†

dagyaw n day’s work done by a group without pay for landlord or for a communal project (usually on a Monday). Dagyaw ang pagtúkud sa iskuyláhan, The school was built by communal work. v [A; b5] do communal work.

dahan v 1 [B4; b4] for s.t. bad to persist, get worse. Nidahan ang íyang kabúang sa madiyung, Her madness for mahjong got worse. Gidahanan siya sa hilánat, His fever is persisting. 2 [A12; a12] keep up with. Dílì ku madahan ang trabáhu sa balay, I cannot keep up with the work in the house. manga it is ridiculous, incredibly stupid that [so-and-so] happened. Madahan ba gud nímu nga gidisdísan siyang way anistisya, Imagine! They operated on him without anesthesia. ma- ug it would have been ridiculous if [so-and-so] had happened. Madahan ug dì ka mutambung sa kasal sa ímung anak, You surely could not fail to attend your son’s wedding! pa- v [c1] allow s.t. to persist, get worse. Dílì maáyung padahanun (ipadahan) ang íyang batásan, It’s not advisable to allow this behavior of his to go on.

dahay n sighs, bewailing of misfortune. v [A; b3] moan, bewail one’s misfortune. Midahay siya sa dautan níyang gidangátan, She sighed mournfully over her misfortune. Dílì angayang dahayan ang ímung kakabus, It’s not right to bewail your poverty. 2 [A13] behave for no good reason in an unusually jolly, high-spirited manner, laughing gaily and easily. Such behavior is believed to portend s.t. bad for whoever engages in it. Ngánung nagdahay man mu bísag nagngíub ning kalibútan? Why are you boisterously mirthful with such gloomy weather?

dáhig = daláhig.

dahik = dalahik.

dahil v 1 [A; b] iron s.t. over quickly to smooth it out. Dahili úsà kanang sinináa kay gigámit na man nímu, Iron out the creases in that shirt because you wore it once. 2 [A; a] iron a few things. Mu ra niy ímung dahilun, This is all you are to iron.

dahilì n k.o. dwarf coconut, not more than 10′ tall, with thin-husked nuts the size of a grapefruit. — humay n k.o. small-grained rice with white husk and grains, considered desirable for consumption as staple.

dahílì v [B2S3; c] 1 for solids in small pieces (grains, small rocks, etc.) to slip, slide down touching a surface; or for liquids to move. Singut nga midahílì sa íyang kalawásan, Sweat that rolled down his body. Nagdahilì ang grába, The gravel was slowly falling out of the truck. 2 for solids in small pieces to be abundant. Magdahilì ang mangga sa Sibu sa ting-init, Mangoes are abundant in Cebu in the summer. Gidahilían ang Sibu ug kwarta ni Markus, Marcos flooded Cebu with money.

dahilug n small venomous snake-like creature, shiny black in color, 3″ long.

dahílug v [B5; b6] slip off downwards, slide down. Midahílug lang ang kasíli gíkan sa ákung kamut, The eel just slipped out of my hand. Nagdahilug sa bakilid ang mga trúsu, The logs slid down the steep slope.

dahílus v [B5; c] for things in one piece to slide over a surface having continuous contact with it. Dalì kaáyu kung nakadahílus sa lubi, I slid down the coconut tree fast. Maáyu mang dahilúsan ang sínaw ninyung salug, What fun to slide on your shiny floor.

dahinggay v [AN; b6] for liquid to flow [192]downwards without leaving the surface over which it is flowing. Nagdahinggay ang ímung sip-un, Your nose is running. Ang kamisin nga gidahinggáyan sa singut, A shirt that had sweat flow down into it.

dahiraw = dawíraw.

dahis v [A; b6(1)] press clothes hastily and without much care. Kadalì ra ug akuy mudahis sa mga ig-ulúran, It won’t take long to iron clothes to wear around the house.

dahug v [A; b5] urge s.o. to do s.t. not to his advantage. Siya ang midahug sa duha ka bátà arun magsinumbagay, He was the one who egged the children into having a fistfight. Gidahugan (gidahug) siya sa pagsulud sa util, She was talked into going to a hotel. n incitement to do s.t. disadvantageous. -un a urging people to act against their best interest.

dáhug v 1 [A; b6(1)] play a practical joke on s.o. 2 [A3; b4] for an evil spirit to work his power (through an intermediate sorcerer or not). Mibúrut ang íyang láwas kay gidahúgan sa mga dílì ingun nátù, His body is swelling with an affliction sent by a supernatural being. n affliction suffered by s.o. through the workings of a supernatural being or his agent. Dáhug ang namatyan ni Kulas, Kolas died of a disease inflicted by a supernatural being. -an(→) a 1 one who is fond of making practical jokes. 2 one who inflicts diseases of supernatural origin.

dahul a 1 coarse-grained, for thread to be coarse. Dahul ra kining hilúha pára sa ákung sinínà, This thread is too coarse for my dress. 2 coarse in manners. v [B; c1] become coarse, grind s.t. coarsely. Dahulun (idahul) ku paggaling ang kapi, I will grind the coffee coarse. dahuldahul v [B23(1); a2] be, become bigger. Makadahuldahul pa ning prutása ug wà pa pùpúa, This fruit would have grown bigger if it had not been picked so quickly. Dahuldahulun ku ang ímung páhat, I’ll give you a bigger share. a bigger.

dahúlug = dalhug.

dahum v [A13; a12] expect, hope for s.t. to happen. Wà ku magdahum nga maglúib ka, I didn’t dream you would stab me in the back. Ayaw damha nga mubálik pa ku, Don’t expect me to come back. paN- n expectation, supposition. Sa ákung panahum tigúlang siya, piru batan-un diay, I expected him to be an old man, but it turned out he was actually quite young.

dáhun n leaf. v [A] grow leaves. Kusug mudáhun ang agbáti, Agbáti tends to grow lots of leaves. — ug lagpad v [AN; c5] improve financially (lit. grow wide leaves). Mudáhun (manáhun) tag lagpad ug magkúgi, We will improve financially if we work hard. — tubu, — sa, ug tubu n k.o. long thin flat fish with green bones and fins all round the body. (→) 1 leaf of a book. 2 cured tobacco. paN- v [A] sprout leaves. n leaf arrangement. Ang panáhun sa káhuy nga tagiluyluy nag-atbang, The ipil-ipil tree has bipinnate leaves. dahundahun n any insect that looks like a leaf. v [B6; a4] be more thick with leaves than fruits or grains. Mudahundahun (dahundahunun) ang humay basta lutábun ra ang yútà, Rice plants have more leaves than grains if the soil is too boggy. -in-, -in-(→) n sold by the leaf. Tagái kug tabákù nga dinahun, Give me some leaf tobacco. ka-an n leaves.

dahúnug n continuous rumbling, roaring sound. Ang dahúnug sa mga dagkung trák, Loud rumbling sounds of the trucks. v [A2S3] make rumbling sound. Midahúnug ang makusug nga silbátu sa barku, The loud blowing of the foghorn resounded.

dáhup v [A; a12] 1 close the mouth of a bag or net by pulling a drawstring run through a casing in the edge. 2 haul in a fishing net by pulling the edges together in a bunch. Káda dáhup daghang makúhà, Each time you pull in the net, you get a lot of fish.

dahut a 1 close-fisted to an intense degree. Ang táwung dahut dílì manggihatágun, A stingy person is not generous. 2 completely poverty-stricken. v [B2; b6] 1 be, become stingy or miserly. 2 be, become poor or penniless. Mudahut (madahut) ka kun magpúnay ug sugal, If you keep on with your gambling, you’ll wind up in the poorhouse.

dahúyag a nonsense word used to fill out a line in rhymes. Dayun, dayun, dahúyag/ Walay makagsantà ug makagbábag/ Ning palasyu námung payag, Come-in, come-in dahúyag, No one can bar your way, Into this palace of a hut.

dáig v [A; b] 1 set s.t. on fire. Unyà na lang daígi ang mga layang dáhun, Set these dried leaves on fire later on. 2 light s.t. Tagái kug idáig sa ákung sigarilyu, Give me s.t. to light my cigarette with. n (→) fire in the open. Wà giyud mapálung ang ámung daig sa ulan, The rain did not put our fire out.

dáik v [A; b6(1)] start s.t. burning by putting s.t. glowing to it. Gidaíkan nákù ang sigarilyu, I lighted the cigarette.

dail n full moon. Inigsáwup sa adlaw mau say isubang sa dail, The full moon rises as soon as the sun sets. v [B; b6] for the moon to become full. -un a moon that is full. [193]

daílus v 1 [A; b6] move, slide or trickle slowly across or down on a surface. Inigsaylu sa balud mudaílus pud pagbálus ang sakayan, When the wave passes by, the boat in turn moves slowly down. Inánay ang túbig nga nagdaílus sa bungbung, Water is trickling slowly down the wall. 2 [AP; b6] move, let oneself slide s.w. Kun walà magtan-aw ang dalága mudaílus (mupadaílus) pud si Pidru sa duul, When the girl wasn’t looking, Peter would slide closer. 3 [A; ab3c] come from the village to town. Daílus na mu sa lungsud sa pista, Come to the town during the fiesta.

daít v [C1] have good personal relationships. Makigdáit kita sa átung silíngan, We should have good relations with our neighbors. ma-un, makig-un a in a manner inspiring good personal relationships. panag-, panag-ay(→) n good relations.

daitul, daítul v [A; c] touch a small part of s.t. against s.t. else. Midaítul siya sa íyang ngábil sa akúa, She pressed her lips against mine. Gidaitlan níyag binágang puthaw ang pinaakan sa hálas, He touched red-hot iron to the snake bite. Íyang gidaítul ang tilipunu sa íyang dalunggan, She pressed the telephone receiver to her ears.

*daiya ka- v [A13] varied, of all different kinds. Nagkadaíya ang ámung bálun, We took along all kinds of food.

dak n Doc, nickname for a doctor.

dakaldakal n things which make a road rough. -un a rough road.

dakan = arun (dialectical).

dakbálay n large building, house.

dakbayan n city. pa- v [A] go to, live in the city. ka-an(←) n cities. -un(←) a having to do with the city.

dakbut n k.o. amphibious boat, boat that can go on land.

dakdak v 1 [B12; b8] fall down with a bang. Pisti ning pálut sa ságing, mau niy nakadakdak (nakapadakdak) nákù, Damn this banana peeling. That is what made me fall. 2 [ANB12; c] throw s.t. down with force that is heavy; fall down with a bang on the rump. Nadalispang ug nadakdak, He slipped and fell on his rear end. Ayaw ug idakdak ang lubi sa asíras. Hidakdakan unyà ang ímung tiil, Don’t smash the coconut on to the sidewalk. It might hit your foot. 3 [AN; b] wash clothing by hitting it against a flat surface. Dakdáki ang hábul ug maáyu arun malimpiyu, Beat the blanket thoroughly so it will become clean. 3a [A; b6(1)] knock s.o. on the head. Dakdákan ta ka ning kabù, I’ll knock you on the head with this dipper. 4 [A; c] spend a large amount to win an election. Pila kahà ang idakdak ni Markus dinhi? How much money do you think Marcos will pour here? 5 [A2; b4] — ulan for a rainstorm to break. 6 [AN; c] heap blame, abuse, etc. on s.o. Gidakdákan aku níya ug daghan kaáyung trabáhu, He heaped a huge amount of work on me. Pait nga panimalus ang íyang idakdak kanímu, He will wreak bitter revenge on you. -an(→) n a piece of flat stone or anything where one beats his laundry on in washing.†

dakdákan n k.o. branching edible seaweed, dark-green in color, soft and spongy in texture, and about ¼″ thick. It tends to be flat on both sides.

dakinas, dakin-as v [B2] slip and fall. Paghínay, madanlug. Madakin-as ka unyà, Be careful. It’s very slippery. You might fall.

dákit = dalakit.

daklap = daplak.

daklit (from kalit) a for a very short time. Daklit nga panagkítà, A momentary meeting. Nakadisidir siya sa daklit, He made up his mind in an instant. v [A2; b5c] do s.t. for a second. Daklítan (daklítun) kug tan-aw ang libru, I’ll look at the book for a second. Mahímu ning idaklit nímug hatud? Can you take out a second to deliver it?

dakrun n dacron fiber.

daktil n hair style for women in which the hair about 2″ below the nape is cut like a duck’s tail. v [A; c16] cut hair into a duck-tail style, wear hair in this style.

daktul a full moon. Háyag karun kay daktul ang búlan, It’s bright tonight because there’s a full moon. — ug nawung round-faced. v [B3; b4] for the moon to get to be full. Gidaktúlan na lang sila sa búlan wà pa gihápun kahumag dáru, The full moon was upon them before they had finished plowing. -um-r- n moon about to be full.

dakù a 1 big, great. Dakù na ang íyang anak, Her child is grown up now. — ug anínu prominent person. Gamay túung táwu si Rumulu píru dakug anínu, Romulo may be small in stature, but he is a very important man. — ug bàbà having tendency to tell secrets. — ang dágat be high tide. — nga kábaw be already grown up, but still doing things inappropriate to adults. Kadakù na nímung kábaw magdúwà ka pa gihápug dyúlin, You still play marbles at your age! — nga mamsà bigwig. — nga táwu a important person. b spokesman in asking a woman’s hand of her parents. — nga tái a big wheel. 2 very much (modifying forms which refer to a person’s condition, mood, or status). Mangasáwa [194]siya nímu bísan búhì pang dakù ang íyang asáwa. Minyù nà siyang dakù, He will marry you even though his wife is very much alive. He is very much a married man. Dì na nà siya kapasar kay dakù na kaáyu ug palta, She cannot pass because she has been absent many times. Dakung masakitun ang íyang asáwa, His wife is gravely ill. Gikalípay kug dakù ang nahitabù, I am very happy about what happened. Magulang siyag dakù nákù, He is much older than I am. adlaw nga — broad daylight. — ang hunàhúnà be anxious to do s.t. Dakù kaáyu ang ákung hunàhúnà pag-adtu sa Kanada, I’ve been thinking very much about going to Canada. — ang tingúhà be intent on doing s.t. Dakù ang ákung tingúhà pagtábang nímu, I’m moving heaven and earth to help you. 3 usa ka — one centavo coin (so called because formerly it was a large coin). 4 — nga [word referring to an action] it’s highly improbable [such-and-such] an action would be done. Dakung palit nákù ánà nga náa may barátu, You think I’d buy that when there are so many inexpensive ones available? Dakung hátag níya nátù nga dawù man nà siya? You think that greedy guy would give us any? v [B; a] become, make big. Nagdakù siyang walay inahan, He grew up without a mother. Gidaku níya ang íyang tíngug arun madungug, She made her voice loud enough to be heard. Gidak-an (gidakuan) ra aku sa ábang, I consider the rent too high. — ang atay, úlu for s.t. to go to one’s head. Midakù ang íyang atay (úlu) kay gibulatíkan, He was flattered and it went to his head. pa- v 1 [A; a] raise animals, children. Padak-a (padakua) kining batáa sáma sa tinúud mung anak, Raise this boy like your own child. Ang tangkal padak-an kug bábuy, I will raise pigs in the pigpen. 2 [A; b5c1] make s.t. bigger. Padak-a (padak-i, ipadakù) ra gud ang síga, Turn the light up, please. 3 [a12] allow s.t. to grow big. Padak-a (padakua) ang kamúti, Let the sweet potatoes grow big. dakùdákù n chief, head, foreman. Kinsay dakùdákù niíning upisína? Who is the head of this office? -an(←), -ay(←) a very great. Dakúan (dakúay) uyámut ang íyang kaúlaw, Her shame was indeed great. -g- a big (plural). Púlus dagkù ang íyang gipalit, He only bought big ones. paN-g- v [A] become great. Nanagkù ang ílang mga mata, They became wide-eyed. ka-g-an n higher officers, authorities. Púrus mga langyaw ang kadagkúan niíning kumpaníya, The top officers of this company are all foreigners. -in-g- a on a large scale. Ang dinagkù nga pagpamalit barátu, It is cheap to buy wholesale. dumalagkù, dumalagkuun a variety of a plant or animal that tends to be bigger. Dumalagkuung maísa píru gagmayg púsù, The corn is of a large variety, but the ears are small. gidak-un n size. kadak-an n living room, largest room in the house. kinadak-an n 1 biggest. 2 the whole world. Ang nahitabù gisibya sa kinadak-an, The event was broadcast to the whole world. maN-(←), tag-(←), tagmaN-(←) n costing one centavo. Manákù (tagdákù, tagmanákù) ang tundan, Small bananas cost one centavo each.

dakul v [AN; b5] rap s.o. on the head with s.t. Dakla (dakula, dakli) siya kay nagdahan, Rap him on the head because he is acting up too much. n rapping. dakuldákul v [A; a] rap s.t. to make noise. Dakuldakúli ang máya, Rap empty cans to chase away the birds.

dákun = kanákù (dialectal). see aku.

dakung = dakul.

dakup v [A; ab2] 1 catch. Nadakup (hingdakpan) na ba ang kabáyù nga nakaguwà sa kural? Did you manage to catch the horse that broke out of the enclosure? 2 apprehend, arrest. Dakpun ka ug mamúhì kag dinamíta, You will be arrested if you go dynamite fishing. 3 [A2; a12] catch fire. Dakpun ang káyu sa gasulína, The gasoline will catch fire. (←) n period of time that arrests are being made. Dákup run sa mga draybir nga walay lisinsiya, They’re arresting drivers without licenses these days. -in-, dinakpan n suspect. Ang mga dinakup (dinakpan) ibalhug sa bilangguan, The suspects will be put in jail. maN-r-(←) n arresting officer. dakupdákup, dakpánay n game of tag. v [A1; a12] play tag.

dakúyung v [A23] stay put meekly, usually with the head bowed. Mudakúyung dáyun ang ámung irù basta sutsútan, Our dog stays put meekly when you hiss at him.

dakyup v [A; b6] 1 for things that fly to swarm, fly around close to s.t. Ang anunugba mudakyup sa sugà, The moths will fly around the lamp. 2 appear suddenly. Gidakyúpan ang ákung panumdúman sa ímung hulagway, Your picture appeared suddenly to my thoughts. 3 envelop with an atmosphere. Mga mabagang dag-um nagdakyup sa kabungtúran, Dark clouds enveloped the hills. Kun dakyúpan ka sa kamíngaw, When loneliness envelopes you.

dál n 1 doll. 2 term of endearment for a small child.

dala v 1 [A; a2] take, bring, carry. Magdala [195]ba kug rigálu ngadtu? Shall I bring presents there? Bug-at na kaáyung dad-un (dalhun, dal-un) ang táru, The can is too heavy to carry. 1a for an illness to take. Dad-un ka untà sa kulira, Drop dead! (Lit. I hope cholera takes you!) 2 [A; a12] play a role. Ang papil ni Husi Risal ang gidala ni Rumíyu, Romeo played the role of José Rizal. 2a sing a certain voice in choral groups, play an instrument in an ensemble. Akuy mudala sa báhu, ikay kanta sa túnu, I’ll sing the bass while you sing the melody. 2b — ug hílas [A23] fake s.t. without showing it. Maáyu siyang mudág hílas kay dì muusab ang íyang dagway ug mamutbut, He can really fake it, because when he tells a lie his face remains unchanged. 3 [A; a12] drive a vehicle, make s.t. go. Maáyu diay kang mudalag sista, You sure play the guitar well! Impála ang íyang dad-un sa paráda, He will drive an Impala during the parade. 4 [A; a12] treat, manage s.t. or s.o. Ang táwu nga nagdala sa upisína maáyung mudala sa íyang mga kawáni, The man who manages the office treats his employees well. 5 [A12; a3] endure, bear. Madala pa sa kábaw ang kaínit sa adlaw, The carabao can bear the heat of the sun. 6 [A12; a3] be of some help. Ang ímung grádu dílì na madala ug ínat. Hagbung ka giyud, Stretching your grade won’t be of any help. You failed, period. 7 [A13; a2] include with, be together with, accompany. Ang íyang tíngug nagdala ug kahadluk, There was fear in her voice. 8 [A] carry clothes, personal belongings well, poorly. Maáyu siyang mudala ug bisti, She carries her clothes well. n s.t. brought, carried, taken along as a load. Nagsangkiig aku sa ákung dala, I staggered under my load. a 1 together with. Mikalagiw ang inahan dala ang gamay níyang bátà, The mother fled together with her small child. 2 carried along with, influenced by. Dala sa ákung kalágut nakahílak aku, Influenced by my anger, I burst out crying. 3 the accompaniment of. Kining ákung hilánat dala sa ákung húbak, My fever came on with my asthma. 3a — sa pagkatáwu inborn. Ang íyang pagkabúta dala sa íyang pagkatáwu, He is blind from birth. 4 included. Ang singkuwintang plíti dala na ang túbig, Water is included in the fifty pesos rent. (←) v [B125] be influenced by, carried along. Nadála aku sa íyang kakúgi, I was influenced by her industriousness. daladála v [A; a12] bring repeatedly, wherever one goes. Kining ímung pagkasaksi mauy mudaladála kanímu sa pagpaatúbang sa husgádu, If you are a witness it will keep bringing you back to court. Daladaláun gayud nákù kining batáa, I will surely take the child with me wherever I go. Hápit na mutúig ang pagdaladála níya sa íyang sakit, He has been going around with his sickness for almost a year. n female genitalia (humorous). pa- v [A; c] send. Ipadala níya ang ímung urdir kun padad-an mu siyag kwarta, He will send the order if you send him money. -um-(←) v [A; a2] manage. Nagdumála siya sa usa ka bangku dinhi, He managed one of the banks here. kadumaláhan, dumaláhan n management. Ang Urmuk ubus gihápun sa íyang kadumaláhan, Ormoc is also under his administration. -in- a = dala, a 1, 2. n 1 male genitalia (humorous). 2 children of a former marriage brought into a new marriage. 3 idiosyncrasies a woman may experience during conception. Ayaw tagda ang kapungtánun sa ímung asáwang burus kay dinala nà, Don’t mind your wife’s irritability. That’s part of her pregnancy. dinad-an, dinalhan n treatment. Ang ngil-ad nga dinad-an sa íyang bána, The bad treatment her husband gives her. dalad-unun, dad-unun, dalhunun n things to be brought. a needing care because of sickness or needing tact because of touchiness.

dalag1 a light yellow. Dalag ang íhì, Urine is yellow. n yellowed or brown fallen leaves. Dalag sa lumbuy himúun ug líkin, Yellowed lumbuy leaves are made into cigars. v [BN; a] 1 become, make s.t. yellow. 2 for the voice to get off pitch. Nadalag (midalag) ang íyang tíngug tungud sa hilabihang kahadluk, She was so frightened her voice went out of key. 3 [A1] wear s.t. yellow. ma- a yellow. v [A13] be yellow. Nagamadalag ang pangánud sa matahum buluk sa buláwan, The clouds were yellow with beautiful hues of gold.

dalag2 = haluan.

dalága1 n 1 unmarried woman. Anak sa pagkadalága, A child born to an unmarried woman. Dalágang lagas, An old maid. 2 young girl who has reached maturity. Sus! Dalága ka na kaáyung tan-áwun, My! You look very much a young lady. v [B12S] 1 for a girl to grow up, act like a grown-up. Ang ímung inahan ug aku dúngan nga nadalága, Your mother and I grew up at the same time. 1a [B126] reach womanhood by virtue of menstruating. Nadalága ku sa idad nga katursi, I had my first menstruation at fourteen. paN- v [A2; a2] get to a girl’s bed to have intercourse with her. Panagáun ta [196]ka karung gabíi, I’ll sneak into your bed tonight. hiN-(→) v [B145] grow into full womanhood. Nanindut ang íyang láwas dihang naghinalaga na, She developed a beautiful body as she grew to maturity. kadalagáhan n maidens. Ang mga kadalagáhan atúa sa sayáwan, The girls are at the dance. -um- n female animal just about ready for reproduction, esp. chickens. v [B12S] 1 be old enough to reproduce. Ígu giyung nagdumalaga na, gidúnguy ang tanan kung manuk, My chickens got diseased just as they were about to start laying. 2 for a girl that is too young to act like a teen-ager. Nagdumalaga ka nag pulupanglipstik, You think you’re grown-up already wearing lipstick. dalagíta n a girl close to maturity but not yet mature (ten to thirteen years old). Dalagíta na giyud si Gríta kay gipamukúlan na, Greta has indeed reached puberty because her breasts are beginning to develop. v [BS] become a young girl. dalaginding n term for endearment for a small girl. Grid wan na ákung dalagingding, My little darling is in the first grade.†

*dalága2 tudlù — n k.o. banana, eaten as is when ripe, growing 6″ long, tapering and narrow. The peel is light green and the meat white when ripe.

dalágan v 1 [A2S; ab3c] for a person to run. Midágan siya kay nahadluk, He ran away because he was afraid. Kinsa tung nagdagan dihà? Who is that running over there? Dì na ku kadágan kay gikutasan ku, I can run no further because I am out of breath. Dagána ang táwu kay wà pa siya kabayad, Run after the man. He didn’t pay. Unsay ímung gidagánan? What are you running away from? Bantáyi kanang karni, kay idágan sa irù, Watch the meat because the dog will run away with it. 2 [A2S] for a machine to run, function. Dì mudágan ang makina, The machine stopped running. 3 [A2] run for office. Katulu na siya mudágan pagkamayur, He ran for mayor three times. 4 [A2; b8] run for help. Wà siyay láing kadagánan, He has no one else to turn to. 5 [A2] extend a certain time or distance. Ang pilikula mudágan ug tulu ka úras, The show lasts for three hours. Gíkan dinhi ang karsáda mudágan ngadtu sa subà, From here the road runs toward the river. Usa ka baril nga aspaltu mudágan ug unsi mitrus, A barrel of asphalt lasts eleven meters. n 1 speed, velocity. Singkuwinta milyas káda úras ang dágan sa awtu, The car is traveling at fifty miles per hour. 2 running, functioning condition. Maáyu pa ang dágan sa awtu, The car is still in good running condition. 3 time elapsed during which s.t. happened. Pila ka úras ang dágan sa idru ngadtu? How many hours is the trip there by plane? 3a passing of time. Wà ku makaalinggat sa dágan sa panahun, I failed to notice the passing of the time. 4 circulation. Kusug ang dágan sa dugù sa hayblarun, A person with high blood pressure has rapid blood circulation. 4a — sa hitabù flow of events. (→) v [A; ac] go hurriedly s.w. for a purpose. Dagna (dagana, dagána) ang ímung igsúun, Run and get your brother. Idagan (idágan) ni ngadtu, Run, bring this there. pa- v [A; c1] 1 operate a business, machine. Hínay siyang mupadágan sa kutsi, He drives the car slowly. Didtu sa kadagátan sa Mindanaw padagána (ipadágan) ang ímung panágat, Operate your fishing equipment in the seas around Mindanao. 1a run the woof to a certain point in the warp. 1b — sa dágang create a literary work. 2 allow to circulate, advertise. Mau kanà ang tabì nga gipadágan níya, That was the gossip she circulated. 3 create a literary work. pina- n job not well done. Pinadágan ang pagkatahì niíni, This was hastily sewn. 2 literary creation. tag-, tag-(→) n one sent on errands. Siya mauy tagdágan sa kinahanglánun sa balay, He is the one who is sent to run after the things we need in the house. -an n run-*way in an airport. -in-ay(→) n wartime (when people ran away). tali- n about to run away.†

dalagangdang n k.o. shrub of waste places with alternate bipinnate leaves, used as a local medicine: Acacia sp.

daláhig v 1 [A; c1] implicate in a bad action, be influenced. Ayaw dahíga (idáhig) ang ákung inahan sa átung panaglális, Don’t bring my mother into our quarrel. 2 [c1] be brought to ruin, embarrassment by what s.o. else did.

dalahik v [A; c1] 1 drag s.t. that slides along the ground, usually said of boats. Idahik (dahika) ang sakayan sa baybáyun, Drag the boat onto the beach. 2 drag oneself along on the buttocks. Kanúnayng mahúgaw ang lubut sa bátà kay nagdahik na man pud, The child’s buttocks are always dirty because he drags himself around.

dalakit n name given to various species of Ficus which start as epiphytes and strangle their host, assuming tree form. They are much feared as being haunts of various supernatural beings.

dálam (not without l) n Congress.

dalambà n scaffolding. [197]

dálan n 1 street, road, way. Giaspaltu ang tanang dálan, All the streets are paved. Nagbúlag silag dálan, They parted ways. 2 way, means. Ang pagbása dálan sa kinaadman, Reading is a way to knowledge. 3 the way one acts, lives. Giampíngan ang ímung dálan, Your behavior is being observed. 4 hátag ug — give a hint of the answer. Gitagáan ka nag dálan dì gihápun ka katubag? You were given a hint and you still can’t answer? sin-(→) v [A; b5c1] 1 do s.t. else while walking. Sindalanun (sindalanan, isindalan) nátug káun ang mansánas, Let’s eat the apples along the way. 2 do s.t. at the same time as one does s.t. else. Nagsindalan siyag hílak samtang nagkanta, She cried as she sang.

dalángin see panalángin.

dálap n k.o. measles with eczema, affecting the eyes. v [a4] have measles.

dalapúgan n k.o. sea fish growing to a foot in length.

dalaput n k.o. small tree, the leaves of which have medicinal use.

dálar n dollar.

dalaurà n k.o. shrub with dark green leaves, wild and cultivated, the leaves of which produce a red dye. v [A13; b6] dye with dalaurà.

daláyig v [A; a] 1 admire, praise. Gidáyig sa tanan ang íyang katahum, Everyone admired her beauty. 1a gi- for a child to do s.t. all the more when he is told to stop, as a way to get attention. Manday gibuyag, misíaw. Gidayig, We told him to stop and he did it all the more. He’s asking for attention. pa- v [A] show off, ask for praise. mag-r- admirer, fan. daygun Christmas carols. v [a] sing carols about s.t. paN- v [A2] go caroling. n caroling. dinaygúnan proceeds from caroling. mananaygun carolers.

daldag = dagdag.

daldal v 1 [A; a12] influence s.o. to do s.t. objectionable. Ayaw siyag daldála sa súgal, Don’t initiate him into the vice of gambling. 2 [A; c] reveal a secret in idle gossip. Nag-áway sila kay gidaldálan na usab ang asáwa, They’re quarrelling because s.o. probably told the wife about it. n idle gossip. -ira, -iru a spreading gossip, repeating idle rumors about others.

dalhap v [A; b6] move with intermittent sudden pushes of the body. Midalhap siya sa halígi, He shimmied up the post. Nagdalhap na ang ákung apu, My grandchild is already on the crawling stage.

dalhig = dalhug.

dalhug (from húlug) v [APB2; c1P] slide down, bring down by sliding. Midalhug lang sa bakilid ang palwa nga ákung gisakyan, The coconut frond I rode on just slid down the slope. Akuy nagdalhug (nagpadalhug) sa kargamintu dihà sa andamyu, I brought the cargo down by sliding it on the gangplank. Nalingaw ang bátang nagpadalhug sa bakilid, The child had fun sliding down the slope.

dáli v [AN; b5] deceive s.o., take one in. Hápit ku madáli sa kwartang minì, I was almost taken in by the fake money. Ayaw kug dalíhi (dalíha) sa ímung pangatarúngan, Don’t try to fool me with your excuses.

dalì1 a 1 easy. Dalì ra kaáyu kanang buhátun, It is very easy to do that. 2 quick, immediate. Dalì nga kahuwásan, Quick relief. v 1 [B14] be in a hurry. Dì ku kahuwat kay nagdalì ku, I can’t wait because I am in a hurry. 2 [A2; c1] do s.t. quickly. Gidalì pagpáhid ni Dúris ang íyang lúhà, Doris quickly wiped her tears. dalìdalì v [A; a] 1 do s.t. hastily. Ayaw siyag dalìdalía paghangyù, Don’t ask her hastily. Dalìdalii lang siyag sulat, Just write him hastily. 2 [a12] be the first person to whom s.t. is likely to happen. Aku ra giyuy madalìdalig tawag ni mam, I’m the most likely person for the teacher to call on. dinalìdalì n work done hastily. madalìdalíun a fond of rushing up things, impulsive. dalìdálì v [A; a] 1 approach s.o. directly without formality. Bisag dalìdalíun na siyag hangyù, musugut lang, Even if you ask him without preparing him beforehand, he’ll go along with it. 2 [a12] be overcome readily. Dílì siya madalìdálì kay bansay man sa dyúdu, You can’t overcome him just like that because he is good in judo. hiN-r-(←) a happening on the spur of the moment, suddenly. Hinanálì ra kaáyu ang íyang kamatáyun, His death was so sudden. -in-an a urgent, in a hurry. Dinalian ang ákung sulat kaníya, My letter to him is urgent. n k.o. short term rice which ripens in three months. ka- for a moment. Gustu ku makigsulti nímu kadalì, I would like to talk to you for a second.

dalì2 come here! Dalì ra, Please come here!

dalid n large root which is flat and projects above the ground.

dalidáli n name given to some species of flat fishes (flounders, soles, brills).

daligdig v [A; b6] trickle slowly. Midaligdig ang mga singut sa íyang agtang, Sweat trickled down his forehead. n trickling.

dalikdik n rolls, blobs of dirt on the body, esp. in the folds of the skin. v [a4] have folds of dirt. [198]

dalikyat v [A; b5c] do s.t. for a short time, go s.w. for a short time. Mudalikyat ku sa íla, I will stop in to see them for a moment. Dalikyátun (dalikyátan, idalikyat) ni nátù paghisgut, Let’s take out a second to talk this over. Idalikyat ra ni sa íla, Drop this off for a second to their house.

dalílang n k.o. supernatural being, a small white woman that does no harm.

dalin-as = dakin-as.

dalinúan n = karbalyas.

dalínug n soft, whitish, oily substance on the surface of the meat of a mature coconut which is forming buwà (the sponge-like growth which precedes the sprout).

dalipanus, dalipánus v [B2; c] slip by sliding. Midalipánus lang ang ubud sa ákung kamut, The eel just slipped from my hand. Gidalipánus nákù ang ákung kamut sa háwak sa babáyi, I slid my hand down the woman’s hips.

dalipsang = dalispang.

dalipsù v [B26; c1P] slide. Midalipsù ang bátang ákung gikúgus, The child I was carrying slipped out of my arms. Nadalipsù ang dyip sa danlug nga karsáda, The jeep skidded on the slippery highway. Nagkalingaw ang mga bátag padalipsù sa bakilid, The children amused themselves sliding down the hill.

dalipsut síhì = síhì.

dalipunga, dalipungà = alipunga.

dalísay a 1 pure and unmixed, esp. coconut juice. 2 for emotions to be pure. Dalísay nga gugma, Unsullied love.

dalispang v [B26; b6] 1 slip, lose one’s footing. Midalispang siya sa pálut sa ságing, He slipped on the banana peel. 2 lose one’s honor, fall into disrepute. Nadalispang siya sa mapasalígung sáad, She lost her honor because of reassuring promises. 3 [A; b6] for wind or water to brush against s.t. Ang dágat midalispang sa kílid sa barútu, The sea slid off the edge of the boat. Gidalispángan ang ákung nawung sa huyúhuy, A breeze brushed against my face.

dalispù = dalipsù.

dálit v [A; c] 1 offer food, refreshments, expressions of good feeling to guests. Mudálit giyud nà silag pagkáun human sa pangadyì, They will surely serve food after the novena. Dalíti usab siyag pahíyum, Greet her with a smile. 1a offer for entertainment. Kining prugramáha gidálit ninyu sa ..., This program has been presented to you by ... 2 offer food to spirits in the búhat ceremonies. n 1 s.t. offered to visitors. 2 food offered in the búhat ceremonies.

dalítik = handilítik.

dalius-us = daus-us.

dalù a 1 selfish, disliking to give things. Dawù nà siya kay dì man muhátag bísag gamay, He’s selfish, he won’t even give a little bit. 2 eagerly desirous to do s.t., esp. eating. Dawù kug mangga, I’m crazy about mangoes. Dawù siyag bayli, She is fond of dancing. v [B14; b6] become selfish. (←) v 1 [A; c] begrudge giving s.t. Kun náa lay ákù dì giyud ku mudáwù nímu, If I only had any, I wouldn’t begrudge you any. Ngánung gidawúan mu man ang kaugalíngun mung anak? Why do you have to begrudge your own child? 2 [A; a] tease by offering s.t. and then taking it away. Ayaw akug dalúa. Ug ihátag, ihátag, Don’t take away what you have given me. If you’re going to give it, O.K. kadalùdalù v [A13] be overly fond of. Nagkadawùdawù ku sa lab-as isdà kay tagsa ra ku kakaun, I like fresh fish too much because I rarely get it.

daludalu n k.o. slate-gray, edible cerith shell, about 1½″, common in saltwater marshes.

dalugdug n thunder. v [AN] thunder. Mudalugdug (manalugdug) na gánì buklása ang mga hinayhay, If it thunders, take in the wash.

daluk-an v [b8] be caught unaware. Hidaluk-an sila nga nangáwat, They were caught stealing.

dálum (not without l) a beneath, below. Daghang sagbut sa dálum sa ílang balay, There is lots of rubbish beneath their house.

dalundalun v [A] for the fish to go in schools.

dalundun = dagundun2.

dalungdung = gunù.

dalunggan see dungug.

dalúpang n k.o. shrub, the leaves of which are used topically for rashes and stomach ailments: Urena lobata. — ginting variety with palmately-lobed leaves, considered the best for medicinal use. — kukhan n variety with serrate but not lobed leaves, shaped like a fingernail.

dalupápa n k.o. squid with a body growing to a foot in length.

dalupúgan = dalapúgan.

dal-us v [APB; c1P] 1 drag or slide slowly in a downward direction. Ang íyang nigusyu nagkadal-us sa kapútu, His business gradually slipped into bankruptcy. Idal-us (dal-úsa, padal-úsa, ipadal-ús) na lang ang sáku sa kupras pagkanáug, Just put the sacks of copra off by letting them slide. 2 move forward slowly (figurative usage). Ang sakayan midal-us sa línawng dágat, The boat [199]moved slowly over the calm sea. 3 [APB; c1P] move the eyes down over s.t. Midal-us ang íyang pagtan-aw gíkan sa líug ngadtu sa bitíis, He let his gaze move over her from her neck to her legs. -an(→), -anan(→) n slide.

dalus-us v [APB; c1P] slide down. Mahadluk siyang mudalus-us (mupadalus-us) sa gabayan sa hagdanan, He’s afraid to slide down the bannister. Kinsay nagdalus-us (nagpadalus-us) sa sáku sa harína? Who slid the sack of flour down? -an(→) n slide, children’s playground equipment.

daluyduy v [B4; a4] 1 cough hard continuously, have such a cough. Nagdaluyduy ang ubu sa bátà, The child’s cough was hard and continuous. 2 for tears to come fast and furious. Nagdaluyduy ang íyang mga lúhà, Her tears flowed copiously.

dalwak n hernia in the groin. v [A123P; b4] have, cause hernia in the groin.

dalyang v [A; c1] for s.t. solid to be in such large quantities it hangs out beyond its area. Midalyang ang íyang tiyan, His stomach hangs out over his belt. Nagdalyang lang ang pagkáun sa lamísa, The food on the table is in overflowing quantities.

dam n dam.

dáma1 n demijohn. — hwána = dáma1. v [B256; b6] be a demijohn full. Wà ra ni mudáma (madáma) ang tubà nga nahurut námù, The toddy we drank wasn’t even a demijohn. damahan = dáma1.

dáma2 n 1 lady-in-waiting. 2 runner-ups in a beauty contest who attend the winner in the coronation.

dáma3 n 1 game of checkers. 2 king in checkers. 3 a furrow which crosses the main furrows (tudling). After harrowing (pagsudlay), a furrow is made for the seeds (pagtudling), after which a cross furrow is made (pagdáma) to mark where to put the seeds. v 1 [AC; a2] play checkers. Ug gustu kang tigpaabilidaray, damáhun lang nátù, If you want to have a contest, let’s have it out playing checkers. 2 [B23; a12] become a king in checkers. Bantay kay tulu nay nakadáma sa ákung batu, Watch out because three of my men have become king. 3 [A; b] plow a field across the main furrow to mark where the seeds are to be placed. (→) v [A12] 1 get to first base with a woman. Naglángan ka lang kay dì giyud ka makadama kang Maríya, You’re wasting your time because you can’t get to first base with Mary. 2 convince, have an effect on. Ang mga hulgà dílì giyud makadama kanákù, Threats can have no effect on me. damahan n checker board.

dáma dinutsi n a climbing ornamental shrub bearing numerous, slender, scented, yellow-green flowers which open at night: Cestrum nocternum.

dámag1 v 1 [A; a12] for ghosts to molest people causing them to get sick or disturbed. Kalag nga wà kabinditáhi ang midámag níya, An unblessed soul haunted him. 2 gi- are you crazy, doing s.t. unthinkable. Gidámag ka dihà nga nangulitáwu ka mag minyù? Are you crazy (lit. molested by a ghost) courting a married woman?

dámag2 = damlag.

dam-ag v 1 [BC1; b6] crash, bump into. Nadam-ag ku sa lamísa kay ngitngit, In the darkness I bumped into the table. Nagkadam-ag mi, We crashed into each other. 2 [AN2; b6] lunge at, attack. Gidam-ágan dáyun sa asáwa ang kirída sa íyang bána, The wife lunged at her husband’s paramour. 3 [A23] do s.t. impulsively without much thought. Mahal ra níyang pagkapalíta kay midam-ag man dáyun, She paid too high a price because she rushed into buying it.

damagan1 n k.o. rudderfish: Kyphosus spp.

damagan2 n beautiful woman (slang).

damahwána = dáma1.

damak a careless in attending to small, trivial things. Damak. Way panudlay, way pamatúnis, He’s careless. He doesn’t comb his hair, he doesn’t button his pants. Damak, bisag ása biyái ang hunsuy, He’s careless. He leaves his pipe any old place. Damak. Húgaw kaáyug ági, He’s very careless. His handwriting is untidy. v [B1] be, become careless.

daman1 v 1 [B14; a4] talk, walk in one’s sleep. Unsa nang ímung gipanulti? Nagdaman ka man tingáli, What are you saying? You must be talking in your sleep. Kanúnay siyang damnun run. Unsa may nakasámuk níya? What’s bothering him that he always walks in his sleep? 2 [A; a] dream. Unsay ímung gidaman? What did you dream? n walking, talking, crying in sleep. damandaman v 1 = padamandáman. 2 [BN; b5c1] appear vaguely to one’s senses. Damandamanun (damandamanan) ku sa manánuy níyang tíngug káda gabíi, Her sweet voice comes back vaguely to me every evening. Ngánung idamandaman (damandamanun) nímu pagpakítà? Why don’t you show it clearly? n 1 pretense of walking, talking in sleep. 2 vague sense of s.t. padamandáman v [A; b6] pretend to walk or talk in sleep.

daman2 = mau ra (dialectal). see mau.

dámas n small, narrow dug-out boat which [200]may or may not have outriggers.

dambà = dalambà.

dambil n dumbbell. a stupid. v [B12; b6] be dull and stupid. Gidambílan kaáyu kung nagtan-aw sa ímung míd, Your maid seems to me to be a terrible dumbbell.

damgu n dream. Ákung mga damgu nga maduktur ku, My dreams of becoming a doctor. v [A1; a12] dream. Damgúhun ku ikaw, I’ll dream of you. madamgúhun a dreamy, dreamily.

damhuy v [B14; a4b4] be sleepy. Kanúnay siyang magdamhuy sa klási, He’s always sleepy in class. Katū́g na, kay gidamhuy (gidamhuyan) ka na man, Go to sleep because you’re sleepy.

dámids n expense in a treat, compulsory contribution, and the like (slang). Ang dámids sa ikskursiyun tris káda táwu, The damages for the excursion are three pesos a person. Pilay ímung dámids sa blu-awut? How much did you spend for your party?

damig n small amount of food eaten with staple. v [A; c1] eat a small, simple side dish together with the staple. Asin lay ílang gidamig, The only thing they had to go with their rice was salt.

damikà, damíkà v [A1; b3] sit around doing nothing. Nagdamikà (nagdamíkà) lang mi kay way buluhatun, We are just sitting around because we have nothing to do.†

damili a dirty and sticky. v [B; b6] get, become dirty. Nagdamili ang lamísa kay gitrapúhan ug húgaw, The table is sticky because it was wiped with a dirty cloth.

damlag n 1 future. Wà siya maghunàhúnà kun unsay damlag, He is not thinking about his future. 2 day after tomorrow. Ugmà dì, apan sa damlag, Not tomorrow, but on the next day. 3 tomorrow morning. Dì na lang ta manggíkan karun kay hápun na. Damlag na lang, Let’s not leave today because it’s late. Let’s leave tomorrow morning. ugmà — 1 in the future. Mahímu siyang abugádu ugmà damlag, He will become a lawyer in the future. 2 tomorrow, God willing. Mularga ku ugmà damlag, I’ll leave tomorrow, God willing.

dampilas = dampiyas.

dampiyas v [A2; b6] for a bladed instrument to glance off. Pastilan ug dampiyasan gánì sa sundang nang ímung tiil, ikaw lang, Goodness, if the bolo glances off onto your feet, don’t say I didn’t warn you.

dampug v [A; c] put s.t. s.w. carelessly. Idampug lang sa daplin ang bulingun, Just throw the dirty clothes to the side.

damput1 = dangput.

damput2 = dampug.

dampuug n large amount of s.t. piled up. Dampuug sa basúra, Large heap of garbage. v [A; ac] pile up, form a heap. Nagdampuug na ang átung mga bulingun, The laundry is piled up now.

damù = daghan, a (dialectal). (←) v = daghan, v (dialectal).

dámù = kanámù. see kami.

dam-ug v [A; b(1)] sprinkle water on s.t. to moisten it. Dam-úgan ta ug dágat ang kupras, Let’s sprinkle sea water on the copra. 2 spurting water from the mount on a fighting cock in order to strengthen it. It is also massaged at the same time.

dam-uk = dan-uk.

damulmug, damulug = dalínug.

dámung v [A23; b5] for s.t. to persist and intensify despite attempts made against it. Midámung ang pátay sa dihang nangusug ug kampanya ang kapulisan, The killings are on the rise despite the intensified police campaign. Damúngan (damúngun) ka núug hílak sa bátà ug ímung pahilúmun, The baby will persist in crying if you hush him up.

damurhaw v [B1456] be blank in the mind, unthinking about what one is doing. Nagdamurhaw lang nang batáa. Dì katunung, That boy doesn’t pay attention to what he’s doing. He never does it right.

damúsing = dumísing.

dam-ut v [A1; b] wash around the mouth. paN- v [A2] wash one’s mouth off. Panam-ut dihà. Nagkamulitsing ang ímung bàbà, Wash your mouth; it’s covered with dirt.

damyang v [A; c] spread s.t. out, usually grains or small objects. Idamyang ang bás sa nátad, Spread the sand over the front yard. Gidamyángan sa ahinti ang salug sa íyang mga gibaligyang duwáan, The salesman spread the toys on the floor. pa- v [A; ac] 1 have s.o. spread s.t. out. 2 lie spread out. Nagpadamyang giyud siyag higdà mu rag nagpauga, She is lying with her arms and legs spread out like laundry spread out to dry.

damyu = andamyu.

dan particle which warns the interlocutor that what is going to be said is connected with what immediately follows it. 1 preceding a statement which describes the reason for what follows: so ... Dan, kay walà man siya mutuun, nahagbung, So, since he didn’t study, he failed. Dan, nía kami arun pagbisíta ninyu, Well, we came here to visit you. 2 preceding a question with a condition: so then, if [so-and-so] is the case, what will happen? Dan, ug walà ka dinhi, kinsa may [201]muhíkay sa pagkáun? So then, if you’re not here, who will prepare the meals? 3 particle to hold a narration together: now then. Adlaw tung Duminggu. Dan, sa sunud adlaw, Lúnis kadtu, It was Sunday. Then, the next day, it was Monday.

dán = dálan.

dánag a half-conscious. Dánag na lang ang tinan-awan sa táwu nga hubug kaáyu, That drunkard looked at us as if he were only half-aware of what was going on. v [B45] be half conscious. Nagdánag na lang ang pamínaw sa himatyun, The dying man is only dimly aware of what is going on.†

dan-ag n light given off. Dan-ag sa daktul, Light of the full moon. a 1 bright. 2 well-illuminated. Dan-ag ang baylihánan, The dance floor is well-illuminated. v [A; c] give off light. Gidan-ágan ang íyang nawung sa háyag sa ispat, His face was illuminated by the light from the flashlight.

danakit = dalakit.

dánas = gánas.

danasdánas v [A1; c6] use a vehicle or wear clothes going through a place it might get damaged. Kinsay nagdanasdánas sa bisklíta nga nagkagarasgaras man? Who treated the bicycle so rough? There are scratches on it. Kining maung idanasdánas sa kakugnan, Wear the denim in going through the saw grass.

dánaw v [A; b6] form a pool in, flood. Magdánaw (danáwan) ang nátad basta muulan, The yard gets flooded when it rains. Nagdánaw ang túbig sa nátad, The water is forming a pool in the yard. (→) v = dánaw. n pool of water.

danay it is likely to happen. Danay man ta hibyaan sa dyip ning ímung pagkalanganlanganun, We are likely to miss the jeep because of your dilly-dallying.

danga v [A2; b4] for a failure to do s.t. to lead to misfortune. Nakadanga ang ímung pagkatabian. Naapil ka sa kasámuk, Your big mouth got you into trouble. Now you’re involved in the quarrel. Gidangahan ka sa ímung pagkagáhig úlu, What happened to you is the result of your stubbornness.

dangàdangà v [A; b6] approaching. Nagdangàdangà na si Máma. Tabángi sa íyang dala, Mother is approaching. Help her carry her things. (←) v [A; b6] approach for help. Dì siya madangàdangáan kay kuríput, You cannot approach him for help because he is tight.

dangag = danghag.

dángan1 n 1 any pest that destroys crops. Ang mga tanum nadáut sa dángan, The plants were destroyed by the pests. 2 destruction caused by pests. Tungud sa dángan sa ilagà gamay mig áni, Because of the destruction wrought by the rats, we had a small harvest. a destructive. Dángan kaáyung bataána. Manggisì sa balasahun, What a destructive child. He rips up the magazines. v [A; b5] for pests or s.t. comparable to destroy. Ang súgal ug ínum makadángan sa pagpuyù, Gambling and drinking are destructive to family life. Gidangánan (gidángan) ang ámung humayan, Our ricefield was destroyed by pests.

dángan2 n k.o. palutput fish.

dangarag v 1 [B46; b(1)] be careless, heedless, heedless of detail. Ug magdangarag kang mulabang sa karsáda, maligsan ka giyud, If you are careless in crossing the street, you will get run over. Ayawg dangaragi nang inyung búhat arun dílì magkasáyup, Don’t be careless with your work so that you won’t make mistakes. 2 [A3] come suddenly s.w. for a reason. Mudangarag dáyun nà siya dinhi kun may kasuk-an sa íla, She runs here if anything goes wrong at home. a careless.

dangarang v [A3; b6] 1 approach. Maung nagláin ang panahun kay náa may nagdangarang nga bagyu, The weather is rather bad because a storm is approaching. 2 come into view. Ang nagdangarang nga bapur, The boat coming into view.

dangas1 a having a receding hairline. v [B] have a receding hairline. Mudangas (madangas) ang ímung agtang ug magsígi kag kálù, You will get bald on your forehead if you keep wearing a hat.

dangas2 v [B1; c1] be inattentive to what one is supposed to be doing. Nagdangas siyang nanáug. Nahúlug hinúun, She wasn’t paying attention when she went down the stairs, so she fell.

dángas, dangás = danglas.

dángat v 1 [A2; b] reach, arrive at a place. Midángat mi sa ámung distínu, We arrived at our destination. Walà pa ku dangáti ug kwarta, No money has reached me yet. 2 [A23; b5] happen to s.o. Ayaw giyud ku basúla kun may mudángat nímu, Don’t ever blame me if s.t. happens to you. Mu nay ímung gidángat (gidangátan), That’s what happened to you. 3 [A2; b4] for time to elapse. Wà makadángat ang tulu ka adlaw namatay ang pasyinti, The patient died before three days had elapsed. Gidangtan sila ug tulu ka búlan sa Sibu, They’ve been in Cebu for three months. 4 [A2] go to a woman’s house for the purpose of proposing marriage. Mudángat ta run sa íla arun [202]mamáyi, Let’s go to their house to make the marriage proposal. pa- v 1 [A; c] state s.t. by letter, cable, etc. Ipadángat ang ímung urdir sa ámung upisína, Send your order to our office. 2 [A; a12] cause to get s.w. 3 [a12] wait for s.t. to happen. Padangátun ang takdul únà itárì ang manuk, Wait for the full moon before you allow your cock to fight. r-an n what happens to one. Dautan ang ímung dadangátan, You will come to grief.

dángaw n measurement, the distance from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the middle finger extended. v [A; a12] measure s.t. in dangaw’s. dangawdangaw n k.o. inchworm, caterpillar that moves by lifting the center of its body, about 2″. It turns into a butterfly. v [a4] be infested with this sort of inchworm.

dangay n 1 = danglay. 2 dried palutput fish.

dángay = danglay.

dangdang v [A; c1] heat s.t. slightly near fire or under the sun. Idangdang (dangdánga) ang túbig sa ínit, Leave the water in the sun to heat it.

danggà1 a for a child to be spoiled to the point of being abusive. v [B] be spoiled, be abusive from being spoiled. Mudanggà (madanggà) siyag patumánan sa íyang gustu, He will become spoiled if his every wish is granted.

danggà2 = anggà.

danggas a 1 running a slight fever. 2 warm. Danggas pa ang plantsa, The iron is still warm. v [B; a4] have a slight fever. Walà man gánì danggása (magdanggas) ang bátà, The child doesn’t even have a fever.

danggit n small, smooth-skinned and flat fish with thirteen poisonous dorsal spines. 1 name given to the species of Teuthis which have dots. 2 by extension, name given to other small fishes that are species of Teuthis. -in- a move toward s.t. sideways or do s.t. with the side facing the goal of the action. Dinanggit ang íyang initsahan sa búla, He shoots the ball with his side facing the basket. v [A; c1] do, move with the side towards the goal of the action.†

danghag a inattentive to what one is doing. Danghag siya nga naglakaw, mau nà nga nabulásut, He wasn’t paying attention to what he was doing, so he stepped into a hole. v [B146] fail to pay attention. Nagdanghag ka tingáli pagpanuklì maung naalkansi ta, You were probably careless in making change. That is why we are short now. Nagdanghag nang ímung nawung, You’re looking everywhere but where you are supposed to be.

danghal a lacking alertness and attention. Danghal nga iksplikahan. Dílì manimátì, She has a dopey expression on her face when you explain s.t. to her. She doesn’t listen. v [B] be dopey, unalert. -an(→) a of a dopey sort.

danghili n fish similar to and of same genera as danggit (and loosely also called danggit) but which have a mosaic pattern: Teuthis spp.

dangílag n kindling. v [A; c] set a fire with kindling. Sinipilya ang idangílag pagháling, Set the fire by using wood shavings.

dangili = danghili.

dangka v [A; c1] warm s.t. gently by placing near a fire, usually in order to dry it. Idangka (dangkáha) ang mga basang sinínà, Put the wet dresses near the fire.

dangkalan n k.o. edible jellyfish, to 20″ in diameter, dome-shaped, violet, fading toward the edges, with short tentacles that inflict a mild sting.

dangkit = langkit.

dangkúlus v 1 [A; b5] jump playfully on s.o. Gidangkulúsan (gidangkúlus) sa dakung irù ang ituy, The big dog leaps about playfully on the puppy. 2 [C2; c3] frolic with physical intimacy. Láin tan-áwun ang babáying makigdangkúlus ug mga laláki, It looks terrible for a woman to engage in horseplay with men.

danglas v 1 [A; a] clamber over, climb up on s.t. vertical. Dílì madanglas ang paril kay dangug, You can’t climb up that wall because it’s slippery. Danglásan aku sa mga bátà ig-abut nákù, The children clamber all over me when I get home. 2 [B2; c] run boats onto the beach. Midángas (midangás, midanglas) ang sakayan sa lapyahan, The boat was beached on the shore. a for one’s forehead to be wide and sloping due to a receding hairline.

danglay n k.o. large slipmouth with a protracted mouth: Leiognathus equulus.

danglug a slippery from being wet or having s.t. slimy on it. v [B; b6] become, make slippery. Mudángug (madángug) ang kalsáda kun muulan, The road will become slippery when it rains. n slime emitted by snails. pa- v [A; c] 1 make s.t. slippery. Tubà ang átung ipadángug áring litsun, We’ll wash the roast pig down (lit. make it slippery) with toddy. 2 bribe. Magpadángug siya úsà mulíhuk, He waits for a bribe before he gets moving. n grease money.

dangput n room partition. v [A; c1] make a [203]room partition.

dangs n fairy, homosexual that acts effeminate.

dangug, dángug = danglug.

dangulngul = danguynguy.

dangup v [A2; c] 1 go s.w. for safety. Ang mga tulisan midangup sa búkid, The bandits took refuge in the mountain. 2 resort to s.t. Midangup sila sa hukmánan, They resorted to the courts. 3 go, turn to s.o. for help. Walà siyay láing kadangpan, He has no one else to turn to. Ayaw ug idangup ang ímung prublíma diri nákù, Don’t bring your troubles to me.

danguynguy v [A; b3c1] wail, cry with deep sorrow. Gidanguyngúyan níya ang ámung panagbúlag, She wept profusely because we broke our engagement. n crying, wailing.

dani v 1 [A; a2] persuade, win over, convince. Rasun nga dílì makadani (makapadani) nákù, Reasons that cannot convince me. Dílì madani ang mga Múrus sa átung tinuúhan, You can’t convert the Muslims to our religion. 2 [A; a12] induce s.o. to do s.t. along with s.o. Mudani aku níya sa pagpangalígù, I’ll invite her to go swimming. 3 [A2; a12] captivate, allure. Pahiyum nga makadani, An alluring smile. madaníhun a 1 convincing. Madaníhung pangatarúngan, Persuasive reasoning. 2 alluring. Madaníhung tíngug, An alluring voice.

danlak n rupture immediately above a man’s genitals such that the intestines or bladder descend into the scrotal sack. v [A123P; a1b4] have rupture of this type.

danlug = danglug.

dansbul n dodge ball game. v [A13; a2] play dodge ball.

dansir n dancer in a nightclub, dancer on stage. v [B156] be a dancer.

dansuy n k.o. boy’s shirt similar to the T-shirt in form, but with an opening partway down the front, made of calico or other cheap woven material. v [A; a] make, wear a dansuy.

danug = ban-ug.

dan-uk v [A13; c] 1 dump s.t. s.w. carelessly. Ayaw idan-uk sa suuk ang inyung mga bulingun, Don’t just dump your dirty clothes in the corner. 2 dump blame on s.o. Aku ang gidan-úkan sa pagbásul, They put the blame on my shoulders.

danyus n damages awarded by court in a lawsuit. — piruhisyus n punitive damages in a court case.

dáp = dálap.

dapà1 n storage place (hut or large box) for corn and rice.

dapà2 v [A; c] lie on the stomach. Gidapà sa mga mungha ang ílang láwas atubángan sa Santu Kristu, The monks lay prostrate before the crucifix.

dapà3 n shoes (slang). way — name given to the guerillas during the Japanese occupation because they were mostly barefoot.

dap-ag n k.o. poisonous sea urchin, similar to tuyum but with white spots on the spines.

dapak v [A2] for a top to fail to spin.

dápak n k.o. fish similar to a spotted snapper in shape, but much smaller.

dápal n measurement equal to the width of the palm with the fingers outstretched and together reckoned from the middle of the thumb to the base of the little finger. (→) v 1 [A; a12b2] strike with the palm of the hand. Dapalun ku ang ímung úlu, I’ll slap your head. 2 [A; a1c] put s.t. in the mouth with the palm of the hand. Ayaw idapal ug hurut ang kík, Don’t shove all of the cake in your mouth at once. n flat-footed. dapaldapal n person who is unusually short.

dap-as1 v [A; a2] climb up s.t. using both hands and feet. Dap-ásun lang níya ang lubi ug way hakhak, He’ll shin up the coconut tree if there are no steps.

dap-as2 = daplas. — sa kapáyas = kalatkat sa kapáyas. see kalatkat.

dápat v 1 [A2SC; ac] bring s.t. into contact with s.t. else. Nagdapat sa yútà, Touching the ground. Dapátun ta ang duha ta ka kamut, Let’s let our hands touch each other. Idápat ang ímung tiil sa sanga, Let your feet touch the branch. 2 [A; c] administer medicine. Nahikatúlug siya human kadapátig tambal, He fell asleep after the medicine had been administered to him. 3 [A; b(1)] lay hands on one, hit. Anad giyud nà siyang mudápat sa íyang asáwa, He is used to hitting his wife. 4 [A; c] use in building s.t. Dì ku mudápat ug lawáan sa salug, I won’t use lauan wood for the floor. Ang balay gidapátan ug kawáyan, The house was built of bamboo. 5 [c] money spent on. Unsay ímung gidapátan sa ímung kwarta? What have you done with your money? a suitable, fitting (used by speakers influenced by Tagalog). Dì dápat kanang kulúra nímu, That is not a good color for you. Dílì nà dápat pagabuhátun, You shouldn’t do that. walay — useless, inapplicable. Way dápat nang kahúya kay gabuk, That wood is useless because it’s rotten. (→) n material used to make s.t., usually a house. Lig-un ug dapat kining baláya, This house is made of strong materials. a flat-footed. v [B2] become flat-footed. ig-r-(→) = dapat, n. [204]

dápaw1 n 1 hair on plants that causes itchiness. 2 rash resulting from contact with plants that have itchy hair. v [b4] be affected with dápaw. dapawdapaw n k.o. sea urchin with fine, whitish needles. -un a covered with itchy hair-like growths.

dápaw2 a 1 boastful, egotistic. 2 prone to tattling and gossiping. v [B12; ab6] be boastful, egotistic. Madápaw man ka lagi ug iatubang ug dága, You become boastful when you are with a young lady.

dapay = dapal, v 1.

dapdap n k.o. small tree of the seashore, widely planted as an ornamental for its numerous bright red flowers: Erythrina variegata.

dapì v [A; ab2] slap with the open palm or s.t. flat. Bantay kay hidapian unyà ka, Watch out, or you’ll get slapped. Kining rulíra ákung idapì sa ímung samput, I’ll spank you with this ruler. dapìdapì n top part of the buttocks.

dápig v [A2; b6] take sides in a quarrel. Midápig kami kaníya kay hustu siya, We took sides with him because he is right. Walà akuy gidapígan, I am not taking sides with anyone. ka-, -um-r-(→), um-l-(→) n political supporter.

dap-ig = dip-ig.

dapigas v [B26; b8] loose one’s footing, slip off its footing. Midapigas (nadapigas) ang íyang tiil sa ang-ang, His foot slipped off the step. Nadapigas ang tiil sa lamísa sa bangil, The leg of the table slipped off the edge.

dapilus, dapílus v [BP] slide straight downward. Nadapílus ang bátà sa íyang kamut, The child slid out of his hands. Nagdapílus siya sa túbu, He slid down the pole.

dápit v [A; a] 1 attract s.o. or s.t. to go s.w. Ang budyung makadápit sa mga báka sa pagtígum, The call from the horn will make the cows gather. Dapítun ku ikaw sa ámù, I’ll invite you to our place. Sugà nga ikadápit ug isdà, A light to attract the fish. 2 attract notice, attention. Ang íyang kaanyag makadápit sa ílang pagtagad, Her beauty drew their attention. 3 divert water s.w. Unsáun ku pagdápit sa túbig sa busay? How shall I divert the water from the spring? n 1 place. Ang dápit níyang natawhan, The place where she was born. 1a position, relative standing. Ikatulu ra siyang dápit sa lumbà, He is third place in the race. 2 direction, vicinity of. Dápit sa baybáyun, Near the beach. (→) = dápit, n. pa-(→) v [A; b7c] put s.t. at some place. Nagpadapit aku sa tumuy sa prusisiyun, I stayed at the head of the procession. Ipadapit ang mga bíbi sa túbig, Have the ducks stay near the water. hiN- a fond of inviting people s.w. -in- n guests. mag-r-(→), maN-r-(→) n host.

dapíyas v [B126; b6] slip suddenly over or downwards. Nadapíyas ákung tiil sa kanal, My foot slipped into the ditch.

dapíyu v [AN; a1b2] slap or strike s.o. heavily on the face or head. Hidapyuhan ta man kag dì ka muhílum, I might slap you if you don’t shut up. n slapping, a heavy slap or strike.

daplà v 1 [A3P; c1P] press s.t. arched out flat on a surface. Kinahanglan giyung idaplà (daplaun, ipadaplà, padaplaun) ang ímung pád sa sáwug kung magpus-ap ka, You have to place your palms flat on the floor if you do push-ups. 2 [B; b6] be, become flat-footed. Mudaplà (madaplà) kunu ang tiil basta tapulan, They say laziness makes you flat-footed. a 1 for s.t. arched to be pressed flat against a surface. 2 flat-footed.

daplak v [A] 1 cover s.t. over by putting s.t. flat on top of it. Siyay nagdaplak sa playwud dihà sa lungag sa bungbung, He is the one who covered the hole on the wall with a piece of plywood. Idaplak ku karing kík sa ímung nawung, I’ll throw this cake into your face. Maung ang idaplak sa gisì sa íyang karsunis, Patch the tear in his pants with denim. 2 dump, throw s.t. in one heave. Dapláki ug balas ang lungag sa yútà, Dump sand into the hole in the ground. Idaplak lang ang mga papil dihà, Just dump the papers there. 2a [AP; c1] throw oneself s.w. in a sprawled out way. Midaplak (mipadaplak) siya ug lingkud, She sat sprawled on the floor. n patch.†

daplas v [A; b6] clamber over s.t. Ayaw pagdaplas dihà ánang mga tinápuk nga batu, Don’t go clambering over that pile of rocks. Nagkalápuk ku kay gidaplásan ku sa irù, I have mud all over me because the dog clambered over me.

daplay v [A1PB3; c1] hang down loosely over an edge, make s.t. hang without being fixed. Sudláya nang buhuk mung nagdaplay sa nawung, Comb that hair of yours. It is hanging down over your face. Kinsay nagdaplay (nagpadaplay) sa hábul sa bintána? Who hung the blanket over the window sill?

daplin n 1 side, edge. Sa daplin sa subà, On the river bank. 2 beside. Daplin giyud sa karsáda, Right next to the road. 3 walay laing — there is no other alternative. Wà giyud tay laing daplin kun dì pag-upira, We have no other choice than to operate. 4 get out of the way! (short for padaplin). pa- v 1 [A; ac] [205]move, put to the side. Padaplína ang mga táwu, Have the people move to the side. Ipadaplin ang mga bangkù, Move the benches to the side. 2 [A3; c] move to the background. Nagpadaplin lang ku kay wà man kuy lábut adtung ílang áway, I just stayed in the background because I didn’t have anything to do with their quarrel.†

daplus v [A2PB23; aPc1] slip, move slowly down, make s.t. slip down. Mudaplus ang písì kay walà maáyung pagkahukut sa pusti, The rope will slip slowly down because it’s not well tied to the post. Kinsay nagdaplus (nagpadaplus) sa halayan? Who moved the clothesline down?

dapsut v [A2; a3] slip from the grasp, hold. Ug makadapsut nang isdang ímung nagunitan, dì na gyud nà nímu hidakpan ug usab, If the fish you’re holding slips from your grasp, you’ll never catch it again. Ang tásang nadapsut sa ákung kamut, nasinsíyu, The cup slipped from my hand and broke into pieces.

dapu, dapù v [A; a] touch s.t. lightly with the hand. Dapua ang úlug gihilantan pa ba, Touch him on the head to see if he is still feverish. Dapua ang duha nímu ka kamut, Place your hands together, palm to palm. (←) v [A; c] 1 treat a supernaturally caused skin affliction by putting a bundle of herbs wrapped in leaves which has been heated on the afflicted area. 2 touch s.t. lightly with the hands. Idápù ang ímung kamut sa utaw, Touch the iron with your hands. 3 [A; b] for animals to be attracted s.w. Mudápù ang amígas sa asúkar, Ants will be attracted to sugar. Mabungáhung sanga ang gidapúan sa mga langgam, The birds alighted on the fruiting branch. n preparation for applying the dápù treatment.

dapug1 n place in the kitchen where the cooking fire is built. -an(←) = dapug1.

dapug2 v [A; ac] strike, usually the head, with s.t. bulky. Dapuga siya íning batu, Strike him with this stone. Idapug ku ning libru sa ímung úlu, I’m going to slam this book on your head.

dápug v [A; c1] pile things of the same kind in an orderly fashion. Dapúga (idápug) ang mga pinusù, Pile the ears of corn up in an orderly way.

dapúgan = dalapúgan.

dápul n holdup man (slang). paN- v [A23] hold up. Nangdápul ang mga matun sa draybir, The ruffians held the driver up. -íru n holdup man.

dapúlas (from púlas2) v 1 [A; c] rub the hand lightly, usually over the face, occasionally, also over other parts of the body. Kinsay nagdapúwas ug lápuk sa ímung nawung? Who spread mud on your face? Dapulása ang singut sa ímung agtang, Brush the sweat off your brow. 2 [A; c] eat s.t. with utmost speed as if just rubbing the hand over the mouth. Gidapúlas lang níya ang usa ka plátung pansit, He wolfed down a whole plate of noodles.

dapya v [AB23(1); c] splash, be splashed. Ang balud midapya sa baybáyun, The waves splashed onto the shore. Kinsay nagdapya ug túbig sa bintánà? Who splashed water through the window? Nakadapya ang tubà kay punù ang sudlanan, Some of the toddy splashed out because the container was filled to the brim.

dapyas v [A2; b6] glance off, graze off s.t. Midapyas lang ang bála sa íyang úlu, The bullet just grazed his head.

darámi n piece of meat sliced off by the butcher of an animal without the owner’s knowledge. v [A; a] for a butcher to steal the owner’s meat in this way.

dariyut = diriyut. see diyut.

darling n 1 darling. 2 having lesbian relations. Darling nà sila si Líta ug si Pína, Lita and Pina are going steady. v [A; a12] call s.o. ‘darling’.

dáru v 1 [A; a] plow. Unsay itanum ninyu sa inyung gidarúhan? What will you plant in the area you are plowing? 2 [A; a12] have sexual relations (somewhat coarse). Gidáru aku sa ákung bána gabíi, My husband had relations with me last night. 3 [B126] fall down and scrape the ground. Pagkasukámud níya nadáru ang íyang nawung sa asíras, When he stumbled, his face scraped the sidewalk. n plow. (→) n young water buffalo, just big enough to use for plowing. mag-r-(→) n farmer. daruhan n field that is planted with s.t. ig-r-/l-(→) n 1 animal used for plowing. 2 s.t. worn for plowing, used in plowing.†

darudaru n k.o. olive shell.

das n dash, hyphen. v [b6] put a dash.

dasà v [B46] become spoiled due to overindulgence. Pitúla ang bátà arun dì magdasà, Discipline the child so he won’t get spoiled.

dasag v [A; c] thrust a mass forcefully against s.t. else. Siyay nagdasag nákù sa bungbung, He pushed me hard against the wall.

das-ag a 1 abounding, swarming around. 2 scattered, spread. 3 wandering, roaming aimlessly. n stranger, wanderer. v 1a [B; b5] swarm, crowd around. Gidas-ag (gidas-ágan) ang artista sa mga táwu, The people swarmed [206]around the movie star. 1b [B; a] abound. Nadas-ag ang mga tatlung sa ílang uma, There were snails all over their field. 2 [AB; c1] scatter, be scattered. Piligrung madas-ag ang káyu, It would be dangerous if the fire were to spread. Das-águn (idas-ag) ku ning mga binhì, I will scatter these seeds. 3 [B3; b6] wander aimlessly about. Sa lasang nakadas-ag (nadas-ag) mig dakung lángub, In our wanderings in the forest we came across a large cave.

dasdas v [A; a12b2] advance to attack. Midasdas ang mga sundálu sa ílang kaáway, The soldiers advanced toward their enemies.

dásig a lively, full of action. Dásig pamatíun ang mga kanta sa Bítuls, The Beatles’ songs are lively to hear. Dásig kaáyu siyang manlíhuk, She is lively in her movements. v [AP; a] 1 make s.t. lively. Ang kumparsa nakadásig sa pista, The string band made the fiesta lively. 2 encourage, inspire s.o. to do s.t. Ang ímung mga púlung midásig (mipadásig) kaníya pagtuun, Your words encouraged him to study. Nadásig siya sa pagsulat ug bálak, He was encouraged to write poetry. mag-r- n one who inspires. ka- n enthusiasm. ma-un a 1 lively. 2 inspiring, arousing enthusiasm. dasigdásig v [A1; b5c2] divert s.o.’s attention by being lively. Dílì giyud kini mamilíti. Dasigdasígan lang níya ang kuliktur ug hinábì, He never pays. He just diverts the conductor with his stories.

dasmag v 1 [B26C; b6] bump into, crash into. Ang awtu didtu mudasmag (madasmag) sa lubi, The auto crashed into the coconut tree. Nagkadasmag ang duha ka trák, The two trucks collided with each other. 2 [AN; b6] lunge at, rush in to attack. Kun mudasmag (manasmag) siya, dì ku giyud siya sibúgan, If he lunges at me, I’ll not move an inch. 3 [A23] rush into doing s.t. Mahangyù tà tu, apan midasmag ka man dáyun gud, We could have gotten the price down, but you had to rush into it! 4 [B12] fall down. Nadasmag siya ngadtu sa lápuk, He fell into the mud. n attacks.

dasngag1 a careless, inattentive to what one is doing. v [B46; a] be careless and inattentive to one’s work. Subra ang ímung gisuklì kay nagdasngag ka man, You gave him too much change. You sure are careless.

dasngag2 v [A2N; b5c1] push s.o.’s face into s.t. or s.t. into s.o.’s face, bump the face. Ngánung gidasngagan (gidasngag) ka man sa íyang kúmu? Why did he thrust his fist at you? Ángay giyud kang idasngag, You deserve to have your face pushed against s.t.

daspan n dustpan. v [A; a] pick up dirt with a dustpan.

dastir n 1 duster, loose house dress. 2 duster to clean with. v [A; a] wear, make into a duster.

das-ug v 1 [AB; c1] move over, downward, cause s.t. to do so. Ug mudas-ug mug diyútay makalingkud pa ang usa, If you move over a bit, one more can sit down. Nadas-ug siya sa kawad-un, He slipped down into poverty. 2 advance, make progress, flourish. Midas-ug ang íyang kaálam, His knowledge increased. n 1 movement to s.w. 2 advance, progress.

dasuk a compressed, compact. Dasuk kaáyu ang ginamus sa táru, The can was stuffed full with salted fish preserves. Dasuk ang katubhan, The sugar cane field was thickly planted. v 1 [A; ac] compress, push into a tight place. 2 [A3P; c] shove s.t. into a place forcefully. Nadasuk siya sa suuk dihang ákung gitulud, He was shoved into the corner when I pushed him. (←) v 1 [C] crowd, squeeze a place. Nagdásuk ang balay sa Pásil, The houses in Pasil are jammed together. 2 [B1] be chock-full with s.t. Nagdásuk sa mga táwu ang trák, The truck was chock-full with people.

dasun v 1 [A2; c] say s.t. immediately after s.o. else says s.t. Gidasunan ku níyag tubag sa wà pa ku makatiwas ug pangutána, He answered me immediately before I finished asking the question. 2 [A2; a2] follow an action immediately with another action. Nakadasun pa siyag pátid human makapatámà ug sumbag, After he inflicted a cruel blow, he followed it up with a kick. Dasunun nímug silhig ang ginabas arun dílì magkátù ang húgaw, Sweep up the sawdust right away so the dirt won’t pile up. 3 [A; b(1)] approve of, endorse a plan or idea. Gidasunan dáyun níla ang gahin pára sa unipurmi, They at once approved the allocation for uniforms. dasundasun v [A; b5] happen in rapid succession, one after another.

dáta1 v [A; b1c] pay off partially. Wà nákù bayri tanan. Gidatáhan ku lang, I did not pay it all off. I just paid a part. 1a [A; b(1)] for men to have sexual intercourse with s.o. on a regular basis (humorous). Datáhan níya ang íyang babáyi káda Sabadu, He has intercourse with his mistress every Saturday. 2 pay off a debt partially or entirely with goods. Datáhan nákug lubi ang kúlang, I’ll pay off what’s lacking by giving you coconuts. n 1 installment. 2 s.t. given in lieu of money to pay off a debt entirely or partially. datadáta v [A; b1c] pay for s.t. in installments, [207]buy on an installment basis. Mudatadáta kug pridyidir, I will buy a frigidaire on installment. n 1 installment basis. 2 = dáta1, n1.

*dáta2 walay — no good. Walay dátang panaptúna, kay húmuk mulubad, The cloth is no good. It fades quickly.

datag a level land. ka-an n plains.

dáti n k.o. small blister with water inside, often accompanied by fever.

dáting v [A2; b6(1)] not be shy to speak a language one doesn’t know well or recite s.t. memorized. Gidáting nákù ang amural nga ákung bag-ung hingkat-unan sa ákung giulitawhan, I tried out the line I memorized on my girl friend. Datíngi sa ímung pila ka lugas nga ininglis ang Murmun, Talk to the Mormon with the few English words you know.

datslan n buffet. v [A1; c1] hold a buffet dinner.

dátu = dátù2.

dátù1 a rich, wealthy. v [B1; a2] be, become rich, wealthy.†

dátù2 n title of a chief, now said only to Muslim leaders. tudlù — n 1 k.o. long, slender banana. 2 jackknife clams, k.o. long, slender clams. -in- v [A; a] sit with the buttocks flat on the ground and the ankles crossed, tucked in under the body (like the dátù in the presence of his subjects). Nagdinátù siya sa lantay, nagdúlag baráha, He sat on his buttocks on the bed, playing cards.

dat-ug v [A; c] 1 put s.t. on s.t. to weigh it down. Aku ang nagdat-ug ug batu sa papil, I laid a stone on top of the paper. Namatay ang táwu nga nadat-ugan sa trúsu, The man died because he was pinned down by the log. 2 put the blame on s.o. Dat-úgan unyà aku sa pagbásul, The blame will be put on me. n weight put on s.t.

dat-ul v [A; c] 1 put s.t. on top of s.t. to strike or work on it. Kwanggul ang nagdat-ul ug sulat áning libru, Whoever wrote on top of this book must be a fool. Ayaw idat-ul ang káhuy sa ang-ang ug magbughà ka, Don’t lay the wood on the stairs when you split it. 2 put s.t. on top of s.t. else for a second. Íyang gidat-úlan ang íyang samad ug ínit nga dáhun, He put hot leaves on his wound. 3 put blame on s.o. Siya ang nagdat-ul nákù ning saláa, He put the blame on me. n block on which s.t. to be struck is laid. -an(→) = dat-ul, n.

dátum v [A2; c] 1 for s.t. pointed to be driven into, penetrate. Midátum ang punyal sa dughan, The dagger penetrated into the breast. Dágum nga idátum sa buktun, A needle to inject into the arm. 2 [A; a4b4] for an emotion to penetrate into one’s inmost being. Gugma nga nakadátum na, A deeply-rooted love.

datung1 v [A; a] give s.o. a gift to get a favor from him. Gidatungan sa insik ang inahan sa íyang gipangulitawhan, The Chinaman gave presents to the mother of the girl he was courting. n gift given to win a favor.

datung2 see tungbálay.

dátus n data, facts.

dau n k.o. large hardwood tree.

dáub v [A; b(1)] 1 burn, set s.t. on fire in the open. Dì ta makadáub run sa átung kaíngin, We cannot burn our clearing. 2 smudge. Daúban ta ang mangga arun mudaghan ang búnga, Let’s smudge the mango tree so that the fruits will become plentiful. n 1 open fire. 2 place where an open fire is usually built. (→) = dáub, n 1. -anan = dáub, n 2.

daug v 1 [A2; a12] outdo, overcome s.o. Dì giyud ka makadaug níya, You can never beat him. Gidaug ku sa kaíkug, I was overcome by my shame. 1a [a12] give way, yield under weight or pressure. Ang salagunting gidaug sa atup, The rafters gave way under the weight of the roof. Madaug sa hángin ang talabánug nga húmuk ug bawug, A kite with a weak crosspiece will give way under the force of the wind. 1b [A; c] place a weight on s.t. to hold it in place. Wà ilupad sa hángin ang papil kay gidaugan, The paper wasn’t blown away because a weight was put on it. 1b1 dump blame on s.o. Ikaw unyay daugan sa mga pagbásul, They’ll dump the blame on you. 1c dag-un pa it is better for [so-and-so] to happen and get some benefit (than to miss out on the benefit). Sígi lang, ibaligyà, dag-un pag may kwarta, Go on, sell it. It’s better to have money (than perhaps to lose it and not have money). Sagdi lag muuban siya, dag-un pag may kúyug, Let him come with you. It’s better to have s.o. with you (than not to). 2 [A12; a3] be able to carry, lift, or move s.t. heavy. Madaug ba ni nímung lamísa? Can you lift this table? 2a for one’s body to manage. Madaug pa sa ákung láwas kining trabahúa, My body can still manage this work. 2b support one’s studies, existence. Dì na nákù madaug ug gastu ang mga bátà, I can’t afford to support the children. 3 [A2; ab3] win money, prize. Dag-un giyud nátù ni kay dakù ang pusta, We must win in this bet because we have big stakes. Pilay ílang gidaug nímu? How much did they win out of you? a 1 defeated, bested. Nahisáma siya sa irung daug nga mibahag ang íkug, He went off like [208]a defeated dog with its tail tucked between its legs. 2 be unable to stand up to s.o. Daug siya sa íyang asáwa, He is henpecked by his wife. 3 — pa be more than [subject] (lit. [subject] is bested by). Daug pa nímuy buguy, You’re worse than a tramp. n 1 winnings. Pila may ímung daug sa swipstik? How much did you win in the lottery? 2 weight put on s.t. (←) v 1 [C] have it out as to who wins. Magdáug ang duha ka sunuy. Ang usa mutung ug ang usa manálaw, The two cocks will have it out. One will be the winner and the other will run away. 1a [a12] call a game quits. Daúgun nátù ning átung dúlà, Let’s declare s.o. the winner of this game (put an end to it). 1b [b] determine the winner by reaching s.w. Maglumbà ta. Kadtung káhuy átung daúgan, Let’s race. Whoever gets to the tree first wins. 2 [A13; a12S] for two people under the same roof to be racing against each other as to who dies first. It is thought that when two people under the same roof are ill at the same time, one is bound to die. Lisud kaáyu ang kahimtang sa inahan ug anak, magdáug tingáli ang duha, The mother and daughter are both seriously ill. They are racing against each other as to which one will die. Gidaug ang inahan sa anak. Bísan pa sa paningkámut sa duktur ang anak ray naluwas, The mother lost her life to the child. Despite the doctor’s efforts only the child was saved. daugdáug v [A; a12] maltreat, step on s.o. Inaína nga midaugdáug kaníla, A stepmother who maltreated them. madaugdaúgun a tending to maltreat. -an, dag-an n having won money. Mangáyù ta níyag barátu kay dag-an, We’ll ask for a little cut because he won. dag-anan 1 amount needed to win. Upat ra ka puntus ang dag-anan, We only needed four points to win. 2 chance to win. Wà kay dag-anan ug dì ka paluyhan sa Partídu, You have no chance of winning if the Party does not back you. ka-an(←) n victory, success. maN-r-(←) n winner. ma-un(←) a victorious, successful. -um-r-(←) n having the makings of a winner. Dumadáug ug kalíwat kining manúka, The cock has the winner’s blood in him. dag-unun ug lamas easily becoming tasty if spices are added. Dag-unun kaáyug lamas ang karning irù, Dog meat is fine as long as you put spices with it.

dául n dried sheath of the coconut blossom.

dáup v [A13B2S346; c] fold the hands together and place them over the breast. Natúlug nga nagdaup sa íyang kamut, Sleeping with her hands over the breast.

daurà = dalaurà.

daúrus v [AP2; b(1)] slide down an incline. Midaúrus siya sa ubus dihang nahúg sa banghilig, He slid down when he fell on the slope. Nindútang mudaúrus (mupadaúrus) sa bátà sa islayid, The child enjoys sliding down the slide.

daus-us v [APB; c1] climb down, move down, bring s.t. down. Gíkan sa ápir baks nidaus-us siya tupad kanákù sa lúwir baks, From the upper box he climbed down and sat beside me in the lower box. Aku na lang ang mudaus-us niánà, I’ll bring it down myself. Daus-úsun (idaus-us) nátù paghínay ang baldi, We’ll lower the pail carefully.

dáut v 1 [A; a12] destroy, make inoperative. Nadáut ang makina kay wà kabutangig asíti, The machine was ruined because it wasn’t oiled. 2 [A; a12] harm, have bad effects on. Kining sabúna makadáut sa kamut, This soap can harm your hands. Nadáut ang karni kay wà ayúha paghípus, The meat spoiled because it wasn’t properly stored. 2a [A12] ang — what’s wrong with it. Ang nakadáut nímu, wà kay kalígù, What’s wrong with you is that you don’t bathe. Ang nakadáut niíning kutsíha kay dakug kunsúmu, What’s wrong with this car is that it takes too much gas. 3 [A12; a3] get s.o. into trouble. Ayaw ug sultig ingun kay madáut ta ánà, Don’t say that because we can get into trouble on account of it. 4 [AB16] be in bad health, cause bad health. Ang pagsígig bása mudáut sa ímung mata, If you keep reading it will ruin your eyes. Nagdáut ákung tiyan, I have stomach trouble. 4a [B146] — ang buut be in a bad mood. Nagdáut ákung buut kay kúlang sa katúlug, I’m in a bad mood because I didn’t get enough sleep. 4b [A12] give s.o. venereal disease. Kanang bayhána makadáut, That woman will give you venereal disease. 4c [A; a12] harm s.o. with sorcery. Gidáut siya sa barángan, The sorcerer inflicted illness on him. 4d [A; b(1)] for a supernatural being to inflict an illness. Gidaútan siya sa ingkantu, kay gitagà man níya ang dákit, The supernatural being inflicted illness on him because he chopped the banyan tree down. 5 [A3; a12] speak ill of s.o. Sigúru ka giyung daútun sa mga tabian, The gossipers will surely speak ill of you. 6 [B14] for the weather to get bad. Ug magdáut ang panahun, ayaw úsag byáhi, If the weather is bad, don’t travel for the while. panday — one whose handiwork is full of defects. Panday dáut ang naghímu niíni kay daghang dipiktu, A poor carpenter made this. There are so many defects. (→) a 1 sickly, thin. Daut ka man. May sakit ka? [209]You’re thin. Are you sick? 2 for an engine, appliance, etc. to be in bad condition. Ang daut mung dyip, Your beat-up jeep. n defects. King mga tubúha walay likì, ug walay daut, These tubes have no cracks and no defects. v 1 [B5] be, become sick, thin-looking. Mudaut kag dì ka mukáug tárung, You’ll get sick if you don’t eat properly. 2 [B1456] be menstruating (euphemism). Paggámit ug pasadur ug magdaut ka, Use a Kotex when you menstruate. dautdáut v 1 [A13] keep malfunctioning. 2 [A3] keep getting sick. 3 for the weather to start getting bad. aláut see aláut. -an(→) n sorcerer. a bad in character or effect, not auspicious. Dautang túyù, Evil intention. Dautan ang panahun, The weather is bad. Dautang samputánan sa íyang pag-inum, The evil results of his drinking. Dautan rung ibyáhi, Now is a bad time to travel. Dautang pálad, Bad luck. -in-an in an evil way. v [B; a2] behave in an evil way. hiN- see *hináut. himaráut see *himaráut. himuláut see himuláut. -ig-r-, ig-l- n things used in practicing sorcery. ka- n extent of damage. Ang kadáut sa bagyu, The damage the storm caused. ka-an n ruin. mag-r-(→), mag-l-(→) = -an(→), n. mang-r-(→) n one who destroys maliciously. Ang magdadaut dayag nga nasína, Clearly the one who destroyed your things maliciously was envious. pangdáut n s.t. used to harm s.t. panday pang- = panday dáut. see panday.

daw 1 seem, like. Daw subù siyang nanamílit, He seemed sad to bid goodbye. Daw kasábà tung íyang tambag, His advice was like a scolding. 2 [adjective, verb] be rather [adjective, verb]. Daw nalíbug siya dihang nakadawat sa sulat, He was rather confused upon receiving the letter. 3 go ahead, do [so-and-so]. Abir sumbága daw ku! Go ahead, try striking me. Tilawi daw ug lamì ba, Go on, try it. See if it’s good. 4 he, she said. Maghíkug daw siya, He said he was going to kill himself.

dáwa n millet: Setaria italica. Widely cultivated, it is most commonly made into budbud. dawadáwa n k.o. tall grass bearing spikes similar to millet in appearance: Echinochloa crusgalli.

dawal v [A] stick out of an opening, hang out. Nagdawal ang pistúla sa bulsa, The pistol stuck out of his pocket. Padawala ang dílà, Stick your tongue out.

dáwat v 1 [A3S; a1] receive, accept. Mudáwat ba nà siyag suburnu? Does he accept bribes? Mudáwat mig kasíra, We accept boarders. Mudáwat siyag labáda, She takes in laundry. Dílì aku makadáwat niánà, Sorry, I cannot accept that. Nakadawat ka ba sa ákung suwat? Have you received my letter? 2 take, receive s.t. conveyed. Dawáta ning ákung itúnul nímu, Take this thing I’m going to hand you. 3 take hold of the hand that delivers a blow or fend it off. Dawáta ang íyang kamut ug musukmag, Fend off his arm if he delivers a blow. 4 [A3SN; a2] gather palm toddy. Walà siya kapanáwat karun, He hasn’t gathered toddy today. n amount the lender gives for s.t. pawned. Trayinta písus ang dáwat ánà, You can only pawn that for thirty pesos. (→) n palm toddy. Ang íyang dawat ganíhang buntag tam-is kaáyu, The palm toddy he gathered this morning was very sweet. dawatdáwat v, n 1 = bùbuay. see bùbù. 2 uvula. hiN-(→) a fond of accepting. Hinawat ug suburnu, Fond of accepting bribes.

dawdaw1 v [A; a12] tinker with s.t. without any definite purpose. Dawdáwa ang plansang gubà básin pa ug makumpunir nímu, Try tinkering around with this broken iron. Maybe you can fix it.

dawdaw2 v [A2N; a2] gather leftovers, the last remaining things. Wà pay makadawdaw sa nasunúgan, Nobody can salvage the leftovers from the fire. Wà diyuy madawdaw bísag bukug, There’s nothing to get, not even bones.

dawhug = dalhug.

dáwi v [A2; b6] for a fish to bite on bait. Gidawíhan siyag mamsà, A large crevally bit his line. n fish that bit. (→) = dáwi, n.

dawin n a single banana. Mikúhà siyag lima ka dawin nga tinanuk, He took five boiled bananas. v [A; a1] separate bananas into pieces. -in- n bananas sold by the piece.

dawíraw v [B2S; c16] 1 grope about, as in the dark. Magdawiraw ang buta ug mulakaw, A blind man gropes about when walking. 2 for the mind to wander without concentration. Wà kung kasabut sa liksiyun kay nagdawiraw lang ákung hunàhúnà, I didn’t get the lesson because my mind was wandering.

dawpang = dalúpang.

dawu- see also dalu-.

dáwun1 a be knocked down in boxing. v [A; a12] knock one’s opponent down in boxing.

dáwun2 n down payment. v [A; c] make a down payment.

dawuntawun n 1 downtown. 2 a light passenger vehicle which plies a certain route and picks up passengers. — ikspris = dawuntawun, 2.

day see inday. [210]

day-a v [B; b6] for s.t. to hang out from a place in which it is contained. Miday-a ang íyang tinái, His guts were hanging out. Prútas nga nagday-a sa baskit, Fruits hanging out of the basket. a sticking, bulging out from the place that contains it. Day-a na nang ímung tiyan, Your stomach is hanging out.

dayabítis n diabetes. v [a4] have diabetes.

dayag a clearly visible, obvious. Dayag dinhi ang Buhul, Bohol is visible from here. Dayag ang íyang gugma nímu, His love for you is obvious. Dayag na ang íyang kadaúgan, His victory is clear now. — na lang of course. Dayag na lang nga mulában ku kay igsúun ku siya, Naturally, I’ll take his side. He is my brother. v 1 [B] be visible, seen. Nagdayag ang ímung kamisun, Your slip is showing. 2 [c] tell s.o. frankly. Daygan ku siya nga wà ku siya higugmáa, I’ll tell him frankly that I don’t love him. pasun-(←) v [A; c] exhibit, show before an audience. Nagpasundáyag ang sinihan ug malaw-ay nga salída, The movie house showed pornographic movies. Kadásig nga íyang gipasundáyag, The enthusiasm he showed. n presentation. pasun-an n place where s.t. is shown. pa- v [A; c] reveal, make s.t. clear. pina- n 1 s.t. made known. 2 Book of Revelation. dinayganay v [C] be frank with each other. madinaygánun a open and frank.

dayagnus v [A; b6] for a doctor to diagnose a sickness. n diagnosis.

dayagram n diagram, sketch. v [A; c1] diagram, make a diagram.

dáyak v 1 [A; b6] engage in a group activity with clamorous merriment. Magdáyak ang mga bátà panahun sa pisikal, The children revel during the physical education period. Tubaan nga gidayákan sa mga palaínum, The toddy stand where the drinkers are making merry. 2 [B6] be in extravagant quantities. Magdáyak ang pagkáun sa íla basta pista, There’s all kinds of food at their place during fiestas.

dáyal n dial of a watch, telephone. v [A; a2] dial. Unsang numirúha ang ímung gidáyal? What number did you dial?

dáyal tun n dial tone. v [A23] give a dial tone. Midáyal tun ba? Was there a dial tone?

dayalug n 1 dialogue. 2 dialogue between opposing parties. v 1 [A; c16] act s.t. out in a dialogue form. 2 [C] have a dialogue. Wà magkadayalug ang administrasiyun ug ang istudiyanti, The administration and students didn’t get together in a dialogue.

dayalugu = dayalug, n 1.

dayamanti = diyamanti.

dayamitru n diameter.

dayamun n 1 baseball diamond. 2 diamonds in playing cards.

dayan v [A; b] be a decoration, adorn. Ang kurtína nagdayan sa ílang balay, The curtains add beauty to their house. dayandáyan v [A; b] decorate, adorn. Ang kurúna gidayandayánan ug buláwan, The crown was adorned with gold. n decoration, adornment.

dayána n noise made early in the morning of a gala celebration to wake the people. v [A1; b(1)] make noise on the morning of the celebration. Tulu ka banda ang nagdayána sa ámung pista, Three bands played to wake the people during our town fiesta.

dáyang n title given to a Muslim princess.

dáyap n k.o. small citrus tree producing small spherical, yellow fruits, juicy and sharply acid: Citrus aurantifolia.

dayapir n diaper. v [A; a] make into a diaper, put a diaper on.

dayari n diary. v [A] keep a diary.

dayaríya n diarrhea. v [a4] have diarrhea.

day-as a foreign to a place. Kalihúkan nga day-as sa kinabúhing Pilipinhun, Ways which are so foreign to the Filipino way of life. v [AN23P; c] go to live in a far place, bring to a far place. Manay-as siya pag-áni, He goes to other places to help with the harvest. Iday-as na lang ang panaptun sa prubinsiya kay dì mahálin dinhi, Bring the cloth to the province because it won’t sell here.

dáyaw v [A; a12b3] praise, comment favorably on. Wà si Nánay makadáyaw niadtung ímung gibúhat, Mother did not comment favorably about what you did. Wà tay dayáwan ánang ímung trabáhu, There’s nothing to praise in your work. n praise.

dayban n divan.

dayday v [A; b6(1)] put a landmark along a boundary line. Gidaydayan kug nangkà ang utlánan, I marked the boundary with jackfruit trees. n landmarks planted along a boundary. pa- v [A] travel along the edge of s.t.: alongside landmarks, fields, rivers, etc. Wà siya musulud, nagpadayday (nanayday) lang sa utlánan, He wasn’t tresspassing. He was just walking along the boundary. paN- v [A2] = padayday. -an(→), -an n the top rim of the side of a boat.

daygun see daláyig.

dayhag a 1 sloping downward. Gíkan dinhi dayhag na púlus ang dálan, From here on out the trail will all be downhill. 2 be wide and sloping at an angle. Mutúlù ang ílang balay kay dayhag kaáyu ang atup, Their [211]roof leaks because the roof slants. v [B; c1] be sloping downward, place s.t. in a slanting position. Dayhaga (idayhag) pagsandig ang bisiklíta, Lean the bicycle in a slanting position. -an(→) n top of a slope, place where a downward slope begins. -un(→) n sloping gradually.

dayhard a diehard follower of a politician or certain party. Dayhard nga Usminyista, A diehard follower of Osmeña.

dáyib n diving. v [A2; ac] dive. Didtu siya mudayib sa húgawng túbig, He dove into the dirty water. Idayib ning sungsung sa iláwum ug isap-ung sa bangag, Dive down with this plug, and plug up the hole with it.

dáyig = daláyig.

dáyik n dike. v [A; a2] build a dike.

dáyis n 1 dice. 2 a game played with a dice. 2a turn to throw the dice. 3 s.t. tricked out of s.o. else. 4 profit from sales (slang). v 1 [A1C; c3] throw dice. Kinsang dáyis run? Whose turn is it to throw the dice? Magdáyis lang ta, Let’s play a game with dice. 2 [A; b] get s.t. by cheating or tricks (slang). Nakadáyis mi ug tris sa tigúwang, We tricked the old man for three pesos. 3 [A1] masturbate (slang). -ir n one who throws the dice or plays a dice game. v [A2] be the one to throw the dice.

dayis-ul v [A13] throw the dice to determine who will be the one to throw in a mahjong game. n action of throwing the dice to determine the deal.

dáyit n diet. v [A] be on diet.

daylang = dalyang.

daynámu n dynamo.

daysik v [A; a] dissect in a laboratory.

day-u n foreigner, from another place. Batásang day-u, Foreign customs. v [AN23; b6] 1 migrate to. Manay-u (muday-u) siya sa Mindanaw, He will migrate to Mindanao. 2 visit a distant place. Daghan ang mga turista nga muday-u (manay-u) dinhi, Many tourists come here for a visit.

dayugdug v [AP3; c1] go straight s.w. without paying any heed to one’s surroundings. Nanáug siya sa balay ug midayugdug (mipadayugdug) paingun sa lungsud, He went out of the house and walked straight toward town without looking left or right.

dayuk n preserved salted fish intestines. v [A; a2] make dayuk, put dayuk into s.t.

dáyun 1 immediately, at once. Milakaw siya dáyun, He immediately walked away. Walà dáyun níya himatikdi ang ulitáwu, She did not notice the young man at once. Karun dáyun, This very instant. pútung — = -in-, 2. 2 do as the next thing. Mikáun siyag maáyu, dáyun natúlug, He ate a good dinner and then went to sleep. 2a sa — [gen.] nga [verb base] [gen.] was (will be) about to [do]. (Sa) dáyun ku nang káun miabut sila, As I was about to eat they arrived. Iságul ang tunù sa dáyun na nímung háun, Mix in the coconut milk just before you take it off the stove. 3 eternity. Ang dáyung pahúlay, Eternal rest. v 1 [A23] do s.t. immediately. Ngánung mudáyun ka man lang ug kasukù? Why do you flare up immediately? 1a [a2] be killed at the first cockfight. Kanang túbù niánang báya dì giyud nà dayúnun, The cocks that are raised at that house will not be killed in the first cockfight. 2 [B36] remain as it is for long. Hináut nga magdáyun ang íyang kabuútan, I hope his good behavior will remain unchanged. 3 [a12] get possession of s.t. borrowed by keeping it forever. Íya na giyung gidáyun ang íyang gihulamang sapátus nákù, He took over the shoes that he borrowed from me. 4 [C; a12] push through in marriage. Nagkadáyun sila, They got married. 5, 6 = dayun, 1, 2. (→) 1 [a3b4] for s.t. bad to come into being, be pushed through to reality. Ayaw pagdunggabdunggab nákù kay madayun (madayunan) unyà nà, Don’t pretend to stab me, because you might just end up doing it. 2 [B23; c1] proceed to carry s.t. out. Dì ku mudayun (madayun) paglarga kay hápun na, I will not proceed to leave because it’s already late. Dayunun (idayun) ba ni nímug baligyà? Will you push through with your plan to sell it? 3a [A2; b6] go into a house. Dayun lang, Come on in! Dì na lang ku mudayun, I won’t come in. 3b stay at a house. Háin ka karun dayun? Where are you staying now? pa- v [A; c1] continue doing s.t. Padayúna (ipadáyun) ang ímung kakúgi, Continue your industriousness. hiN-/haN-(→) v [a4] be pushed through. Wà sila mahinayun sa Karkar, They ended up not going to Carcar. Wà mahinayun ang balay pagbaligyà, In the end the house wasn’t sold after all. gilayun do s.t. immediately. Gilayun siyang milarga, He immediately left. -in- n 1 process of cooking coconut oil where the juice is cooked off at once and not set aside to ferment. 2 pútung -in- n pútu made from cassava or sweet potatoes without drying the meat. dumaláyun a lasting, eternal. Dílì dumaláyun ang kalípayng lawasnun, Earthly happiness is not eternal. ka-an n eternity. †

dáyung v 1 [A3SC; bc3] for two or more people to accomplish s.t. together, most commonly carrying. Dayúngi lang nà ninyu [212]kay bug-at, Carry that together because it is heavy. Dayúngan lang nílag bugsay ang surambáwan, The fishermen just row their large fishing boat together. 2 [A2C2; bc3] share joys and sorrows. Magdáyung gayud ta sa kalípay ug kasákit, We will share our happiness and sorrows with each other. 3 — ug túig v [C3] for siblings (not twins) to be born in the same year. Nagdáyung mig túig sa ákung manghud, My younger brother and I were both born in the same year. -an(→) n stick or pole used for carrying s.t. hanging by holding on to each end. ka- n person with whom one carries s.t. or shares sorrows and joys.

dayungyung v [B6; c1] be hanging down loosely over the face. Gipadayungyung níya ang íyang buhuk (kálù), She let her hair (hat) cover her face.

Dga. abbreviation for dalága, unmarried woman.

di n letter D.

= dílì.

di- prefix, usually followed by nouns of Spanish origin. 1 having a [noun] where it is s.t. special to have one. Púru dikutsi ang ámung silíngan, Our neighbors all have cars. Diamirkána pa ba diay muadtug upisína? You mean to say they wear jackets to the office? Diayskrim giyud ang ámung pabugnaw, We had refreshments with ice cream. 2 characterized by having being made of [noun]. Sapátus digúma, Rubber shoes. Kísu dibúla, Cheese shaped like balls. Dialta ílang mga amígu, Their friends are high society. Manuk dirása, Special breed of chicken. 3 having [noun] as a source of motion. Plantsa dikuryinti, Electric iron. Makina dimánu, dipiyi, Hand-, foot-operated machine. Dinútang pagtukar, Playing from the notes. Ripling dirapidu, dibumba, Automatic, air rifle. 4 intended for the use of [noun]. Rilu dipulsu, dibulsa, A wrist, pocket watch. Tráhi dibayli, Dancing costume. Bapur digíra, Warship. Trák dipasahíru, Passenger bus. 5 -kampanilya a abugádu -kampanilya first class lawyer (one that calls his helpers with a bell). b anything high class. Dikampanilya na kanang pamilyáha, That family is high class. 6 -kumbáti nga parul, sugà barn lantern.

día = adía.

diadtu 1 = didtu. 2 = niadtu. see kadtu (dialectal).

dialta see alta.

dialtamar see alta.

diánà 1 = dihà. 2 = niánà. see kanà1 (dialectal).

diáni = niáni. see kini1.

diay 1 particle indicating speaker has received new information. 1a making a statement of new information a question: ‘so, [such-and-such] is the case, is it? Mau diay nay hitsúra sa salíkan, So, is that what a hammerhead shark looks like? Lítu diay ímung ngálan, Oh, so your name is Lito, is it? Diay? Musúkul ka diay, So you want to rebel, do you? 1b I see that, ... as it turns out ... Namatikdan aku níya kay diay wà matúlug, He noticed me as he wasn’t asleep after all. Maáyu ka man diay nga mulútù, I see you cook well. 1c You mean to say [so-and-so] is going to happen? Mutan-aw diay kag sini bisag way kwarta, You mean to say you’re going to the movies even though you haven’t got any money? — ba? Is that so? Diay ba? Ingun kug nabayran ku na nà, Is that so? I thought I had already paid it. 2 in questions with an interrogative. 2a particle indicating deep curiosity. Ása man diay ka, Nang? Where are you going, Ma’am? 2b if it isn’t [predicate], what (where, etc.) is it then? Ug dílì kini, unsa man diay? Which one is it then if it is not this one? 2c of course, what else (where else, who else, etc.) could it be? Unsa man diay ug dílì asúkar mauy ibutang sa kapi, Of course, what else do you put in coffee except sugar? 3 particle indicating that the speaker realizes s.t. about which he was previously unaware or pointing out s.t. to the interlocutor. Kanà giyud diay ákung dad-un, Oh, yes, that I will take along for sure. Aku diay, wà ku tagái, What about me? You didn’t give me any. Unsay way sapátus? Ag ímung putì diay? What do you mean, you don’t have shoes? How about your white ones? ísà, úsà pa — excuse me (bringing up a new topic). Ísà pa diay, nakapamahaw ka na? Excuse me. Have you had your breakfast yet? 4 particle in statement correcting oneself. Upat, aw, lima diay. Four, oh, I mean five.

díbal a in utter disarray, noisy confusion. Díbal kaáyu ang ákung hunàhúnà, My thoughts are all in disarray. v [APB4; b6] be in utter disarray, confusion. Mudíbal ang tibuuk syudad sa tungang gabíi sa Bag-ung Túig, The whole city is noisily chaotic at midnight, New Year’s Eve. Nagkadíbal na ang kwartu, dúgayng way limpiyu, The room is in complete chaos because it hasn’t been cleaned in ages.

dibaldi v [A; c16] fail to compensate s.o. for his services or efforts. Wà nákù dibaldíha (idibaldi) ang ímung kahágù kay gibayran [213]tikaw, I gave you s.t. for your effort. I paid you.

díban n divan.

dibáti n debate, argument. v [AC; ab3] debate, argue about s.t. Dì ni nátù kinahanglang dibatíhun (dibatíhan), It’s not necessary for us to make an argument out of this (argue about this). -sta debater. v [B16; a] be, make into a debater.

dibaydibay v [A] 1 do division. 2 divide s.t. up. Dibaydibaya ninyu kining kík, Divide this cake among yourselves. n inheritance (slang). Maáyu siyang pangasaw-un kay dakù nag dibaydibay, Marry her because she is going to come into a large inheritance.

dibaydir n 1 room divider. 2 an instrument for dividing s.t.

dibayid = dibaydibay.

dibidind n dividend.

dibidindu n 1 dividend. 2 one’s children (humorous).

dibílap v 1 [A; c1] develop a picture from a negative. 2 [B26; aP] for love to develop. 3 [A; a] compose an essay. Padibilápun mig tím, We have been told to write themes. 4 [B12; a12] develop, grow big. Wà pa madibílap ang Maktan, Mactan hasn’t grown very much yet.

dibilapir n 1 real estate developer. 2 chemical developer for photographs.

dibílup = dibílap.

dibirsiyun n diversion, recreation. v [A] have some recreation.

dibisiyun n 1 division, branch of government or business. 2 partition, compartment. 3 division in an army. v [A; b6(1)] put up a partition or division.†

dibisyun n division in mathematics. v [A] do division.

dibítir n debater.

dibu n debut in high society. v [A1; b6] have, give a debut.

dibúhu v [A; a] draw, make a design. n drawing, design. dibuhista n artist, designer.

dibultu = ribultu.

dibumba see bumba2.

dibursiyáda, dibursiyádu n divorced person.

dibursiyu n divorce. v [C; b1] divorce, get a divorce.

dibusiyun n devotion to a saint. v [A1; b6] have a devotion to a saint. Magdibusiyun ku kang San Húdas Tadíyu arun ku maminyù, I’ll have a devotion to St. Jude so that I can get married.

dibutanti n debutante.

dibútu, dibútus 1 = dibusiyun. 2 religious devotee. Sa Byirnis mangaláwat ang mga dibútu sa Mahal nga Birhin, On Friday the devotees of the Blessed Virgin will take communion.

dibuynas = buynas.

didak v [AN; b6] deduct from a salary or grade. Gididakan ímung swildu, grádu, They deducted some from your salary, grade.

didaksiyun n amount deducted from grades or salary. v [A; b6] make a deduction.

didal n thimble. v [A; c] use a thimble.

didbul n 1 dead ball, when the ball in a ball game is not in play or when the game is at a stop due to a referee’s call. 2 killed violently, dead (slang). Didbul ka na, matúna ka, Now you’re dead, you thug, you. v 1 [B16; a12] be a dead ball. 2 [B126; a1] be a goner, dead.

dídi v [A; a2] suckle the breast (children’s talk). Mudídi na si Dyingdying, Jingjing wants to take the titty now.

dìdì v [A; b6] cut a slit in s.t. Gidìdían níyang sáku arun makakuhà siyag bugas, He cut a slit in the sack so he could get some rice. Dìdíi lang ang hubag ug gamay, Cut a small incision into the boil.

didikisyun n dedication of a song or other entertainment to s.o. v [A; b6] dedicate s.t. to s.o.

didikit v 1 [A; c] dedicate a song, poem, entertainment to s.o. Kining awíta ámung ididikit sa átung halangdun bisíta, We dedicate this song to our honored guest. 2 [A; b6] masturbate (humorous slang). Nahugù siya sa hinubra níyang pagdidikit, He got thin from masturbating too much (making too many dedications).

didiyut = diriyut. see diyut.

didlayin n deadline. v [b6] set a deadline to s.t.

didtu 1 there (far from speaker, far from addressee). Didtu ibutang, Put it over there. Didtu níya ibutang, She put it there. Ug didtu siya, nagpaábut ni Maríya, And there he was waiting for Mary. 1a nga [noun]-a in that [noun] as opposed to other places. Didtung baláya siya mamatay, He died in that house. 2 there (at a point in time in the past). Didtu ku makat-un sa paghigugma níya, It was then I learned to love him. 3 —y there was, there were. Didtuy táwu sa asíras, There was s.o. there on the sidewalk.

diduksiyun = didaksiyun.

didúsu = dudúsu. see dúda.

díga v [A; b6] 1 ask for a definite answer to a proposal. Digáhan ku siya sa ámung sábut, I’m going to ask for his final answer to our agreement. 2 speak to a woman about love. Gidigáhan sa tigúlang ang dalága, The old man declared his love to the girl. 3 [A2; c1] [214]lay one’s cards (mahjong pieces) open to determine who wins. Digáhan tikaw. Duha kuy king, I’ll see you. I’ve got two kings. n action of asking for an answer, laying open the cards.

dig-ab = dug-ab.

digámu v [A; ac2] prepare a meal. Akuy digámu sa pamáhaw, I’ll prepare breakfast. -in- n prepared food.

digása n stiff cotton gauze fabric out of which butterfly-sleeve kamísa’s and panyulítu’s are made.

digastu a 1 for one’s personal, not business, use. Digastu ning dyípa, dílì dipasahíru, This jeep is for family use, not for passengers. 2 one who fails to get married and stays home doing chores (reserved for family use) (humorous). v [B126; c16] become an old maid around the house.

digkit = díkit.

digmì v = bignì.

dignidad n dignity.

dígù v 1 [A; a] bathe s.o. Nakadígù ka na ba sa irù? Have you bathed the dog? Digúun ku siya sa ákung mga haluk, I will bathe him with my kisses. 2 [a3] be bathed in sweat, blood, etc. Nadígù siya sa singut, He is bathed in sweat. (→) n 1 way — not having had a bath. Way digù ning batáa, pan-us, This child smells. He hasn’t had a bath. 2 medicinal preparation with which one bathes. 2a one’s favorite drink (slang). ‘Muinum kag tubà?’—‘Inum? Mauy ákung digù,’ ‘Do you drink coconut palm toddy?’—‘Do I drink toddy? I bathe in it.’ -un n 1 impurities on a newborn baby which are washed off by bathing. 2 convalescing patient about to take his first bath.

dígum n colored black all over.

digwà v [A3; c6] retch, vomit a small amount. Midigwà aku sa kabahù, I retched due to the foul odor.

digwat = ligwat.

digyas = duyas.

digyù a small in size. Digyù nga bátà, A small child. v 1 [B; b6] become small. Ang ayruplánu nagkadigyù samtang nagkalayù, The plane got smaller as it got further and further away. 2 [A; a1] break s.t. up into small pieces. Gidigyù níya ang kík álang sa íyang mga anak, She divided the cake up into small portions among her children. -um- a tending to run small. Dumigyù silag kalíwat, Their family tends to be small in stature.

digyut see diyut.

dihà 1a there (near addressee, far from speaker). Dihà ibutang, Put it down right there. Dihà tu nímu, You had it. (It was there.) 1b there (not far and not near). Unsa man ang náa dihà sa unáhan? What is that up there ahead? 1c there (at a place just referred to in a narration). Ug ang báka miluksu sa búlan, nag-unsa man siya dihà? If the cow jumped over the moon what was she doing there? 1d kumusta ka — How are you? sábà — a Shut up! b Stop your kidding. Bà dihà. Kumidya ka man dà, Come on, you’re kidding. 1e — nga [noun]-a in this part of the [noun] (as contrasted with other places). Dihang dapíta siya ilubung, He is buried in that place. 2 —y there was. Dihay táwu nangítà nímu, S.o. was looking for you. — ka lang, ra you stay there. 3 then (at a point not far the past). Nag-ípun kami, ug dihà ku mahibalu kun unsay kalípay, We lived together, and that’s when I learned what happiness was. Dihà pa siya makaamgu nga..., Only at that point did he realize that.... — nga plus [clause] when [so-and-so] happened. Sa dihang miabut ang amahan, nangahílum sila, When the father arrived, they became quiet. dihàdihà 1 instant, ready at all times. Ang linabhan malimpyu sa dihàdihang gahum sa Tayid, The instant power of Tide will clean the wash. 2 right then and there. Dihàdihà dáyun, Right then and there. v [A12; a12] do s.t. right then and there. Dílì ka makadihàdihà ug dáwat sa báyad, You cannot receive your payment right then and there.

dihádu 1 negligent, careless of one’s things. Dihádu siya sa íyang mga butang. Bisag ása lang byái, He is very negligent with his things. He leaves them anywhere at all. Dihádu siya nga magbantay sa bátà, mau nga magkahulughulug, He is negligent in watching the child. That’s why it keeps falling. 2 less-favored bet. Ang dihádung tíkit mauy nakadaug, The least-favored ticket won. 2a unpopular, not much bought. Ang simintu nga gíkan sa Danaw dihádu karun, Danao-produced cement is not popular now. 3 guitar accompaniment to extemporaneous folk songs, sung in a set pattern, where beats are left out at the points where the words don’t fit the music exactly. Dihádung dúyug nga gawía ug magbalítaw, Use a free accompaniment for the balítaw. v 1 [B] get to be negligent, less favored. 2 [A; c1] play a guitar in a dihádu style.

díhin gúli needing a bath (slang—word play on pidgin Tagalog hindì lígù). Nanimáhù siya, díhin gúli man gud, He smells because he needs a bath.

díhug v 1 [A; c] rub, spread s.t. over an [215]area. Líug nga dihúgan ug agwa, Neck with perfume applied to it. Ispirma ang idíhug sa plansa, Rub wax over the iron. 2 annoint. -in- n s.o. annointed to assume a God-ordained position.

diin1 1 where (past)? Diin man nímu ibutang ag ákung kálù? Where did you put my hat? — nga [noun]-a in which [noun] of several. Diing siníha sila manan-aw? Which movie did they go to? 2 which one of the several places or things. Diin man íning duha íyang gipílì? Which of these two did he select? 3 where (relative). Mau nà ang lungsud diin misurindir ang mga sundálu, That is the town where the soldiers surrendered. diindíin v [B125; a12] be at, go or travel to several places. Nadiindíin (nahadiindíin) ku ug langyaw, wà kuy nakítang ingun, I have travelled everywhere, but I have never seen the like. Diindiínun kug dúaw básin pag makit-an ku si Bíbing, I will travel any and everywhere so I might find Bebing. Nagkadiindíin kug búlung nímu. Diin man ka? I’ve been everywhere looking for you. Where were you?

diin2 n the end of a movie, interview, stage-play. Layù pa ba ang diin niíni? Is it still long to the end? v [B2] come to the end.

diíni = niíni. see kini.

dík n word used to call pigs. v [A; a12] call a pig.

dikabra see bára.

dikakaw n variety of croton (kalípay).

dikampána n 1 bell-bottom pants. 2 bell-shaped sleeves. v [A; a12] wear, make bell-bottom pants, bell-shaped sleeves.

dikánu n dean.

*diki, *dikì walay — a easy to please, not tending to have objection. Way diking agálun, An employer who is easy to please. Wà kuy dikì kun kinsay íyang pangasaw-un, I won’t raise any objections to whoever he chooses for his wife. dikìdíki, dikìdíkì v [AP; b6] put up a pretense of not liking s.t. Nagdikidíki (nagpadikidíki) uruy, balubálu gustu, He pretends he doesn’t want to, when actually he does.

díki n dike.

dikit n 1 hip of a roof. 2 the material which covers the hip. -an = dikit. v [A; c] cover the space between the upper edges of a roof and the hip.

díkit v [A2C; c1] be close so as to touch, put s.t. close to touch it. Nagdíkit ang masig ka áping níla samtang nagsáyaw, Their cheeks touched while they were dancing. Dikíta (idíkit) pagpahilúnà ang mga silya, Place the chairs so that they are close to each other.

diklamar v [A; c1] declaim.

diklamasiyun n declamation.

diklarar v [A; c] make a formal statement: declare, testify. Midiklarar ang saksi nga kítà giyud níya, The witness testified that he saw it. Wà pa idiklarar nga pista upisyal, It hasn’t been declared as a public holiday.

diklarasiyun n 1 declaration, formal statement. Diklarasiyun sa tistígus, The witness’s testimony. Diklarasiyun sa gíra, Declaration of war. 2 tax declaration on land. Wà ku kabayri ang ákung diklarasiyun, I haven’t paid my land tax yet.

diklim = diklamar.

diklímir n declaimer.

diklimisyun = diklamasiyun.

dikstrus n dextrose. v [A; b5] administer dextrose to s.o. Kinahanglang dikstrúsun (dikstrúsan), Dextrose must be administered to him.

diksiyunaryu n dictionary. v [A1; a12] make a dictionary.

dikta = diktǎr.

diktadur n dictator. v [B1] be, become a dictator. -íya n dictatorship.

diktadúra = diktadur (female).

diktǎr v [A; c] 1 dictate for transcription. 2 dictate, impose one’s will on. Wà kay katungud sa pagdiktǎr kinsay pilíun, You have no right to dictate who to choose.

dikulúris n word of greeting among people who have gone through the kursilyu, as a sign of peace.

díkun n deacon. v [B16; a2] be, become a deacon.

dikurar v [A; b6(1)] decorate. Gidikurahan námù ang káru pára sa prusisiyun, We decorated the carriage for the religious procession. dikurasiyun n decoration. v = dikurar.

dikurisyun = dikurasiyun. see dikurar.

dílà n 1 tongue. Dílà ra ang way labud, Thoroughly whipped (lit. only the tongue escaped welts). balhibuun ug — being a gossiper. itumun ug — having a black spot on the tongue as a sign of being a buyagan (a person whose praises inflict illness). 2 language. — nga kaláyu n Holy Spirit in the form of tongues of fire. — sa irù = dilàdílà sa irù. dilàdílà n 1 reed of a wind musical instrument. 2 dilàdílà sa sapátus tongue of the shoes. dilàdílà sa irù name given to two species of hairy herbs with medicinal uses: Elephantopus mollis and E. spicatus.

diláab v [A2S; b6] 1 for a fire to be blazing. Atup nga gidilaában sa káyu, Roof that was licked by the flames that flared up. 2 for [216]emotions to become intense. Nagdilaab ang mata ni Lasarus sa kapungut, Lazarus’ eyes flamed with anger. n flaring of fire, emotions.

dilabári n k.o. syrup used to rub against the gum of a teething baby (from the brand named Delabarre).

dilamíta = dinamíta.

dilána n wool, woolen. v [A] wear woolen clothing.

dilantádu = adilantádu.

dilantar = adilantu.

dilantáwu v [A; c1] pay in advance, make an initial partial amount. n advance or initial payment.

dilantíra a 1 toward the front of s.t. 2 having a frontage on a place where people pass. Ang ílang balay dilantíra kaáyu sa kalsáda, Their house has a good frontage on the road. v [B1256] get to have frontage, move toward the front. pa- v [A; c] take a place at the front. Padilantiráha (ipadilantíra) siyag lingkud, Let her sit to the front.

dilantu = adilantu.

dilap v [A2; b6] for fire to catch on to s.t. Nadilapan sa sugà ang ákung kílay, The flames from the lamp singed my eyebrows.

dilatar v [A13P; bc] delay. Ayaw idilatar ang pagbáyad, Don’t delay payment.

dílì short form: 1 no, not (negates predicates with heads consisting of future verbs, nouns, adjectives, numerals, pronouns). Dílì ku muadtu, I won’t go. Dílì si Hwan, siya, It wasn’t John, him. Dílì pula, It’s not red. Dílì ingun nátù, Supernatural being (lit. not like us). 1a with second person pronoun and verb with mag- active affix or pag- plus passive form: don’t ever do. Dílì mu paghilabtan, Don’t ever, ever touch it. Dì ka maglakaw, Don’t you leave. 1b don’t want, like. Dì ka ba áni? Don’t you like this? 1b1 — ku bi expression used jokingly in accepting s.t. offered. (Lit. I don’t want any, please let me have some.) ‘Gustu kag kík?’—‘Dì ku bi’, ‘You want any cake?’—‘No thanks, please.’ 1c — ba tag question: Isn’t it so? Dílì ba human na man ni? Wasn’t this already done? Muadtu ka, dì ba? You’re going, aren’t you? 1d — ba or, alternatively [so-and-so] is the case. Manini ta, dì ba mangnayit klab, Let’s go to the movies or to a night club. Pábu, dì ba ítik ang ákung ihátag, I’ll give him either a turkey or a duck. (see also dílì ba under dílì, 3) 2a following an interrogative plus pa: if not. Ása pa man nà hipúsa dì anhà dihà sa paradur, Where the hell are you going to put it if not in the cabinet. Kinsa pa man diay dì ikaw? Who else if not you? 2b kun — = dílì, 2a. 2c — kay ... kun — not just ... but ... Dì lang kay inum-ínum kun dílì ínum giyud, Not just a drink, it was a spree. Dì kay ikaw lang, kun dílì si Husi pud, Not just you, Jose did, too. (Also without kay and/or kun dílì: Dílì lang inum-ínum kun dílì ínum giyud. or Dílì lang inum-ínum, ínum giyud.) 3 therefore, [so-and-so] was inescapable. Namugus man, dílì gihátag lang nákù, He insisted, so of course, I gave it to him. — ba don’t you think the consequence will be. Sígi hilabti nà dì ba latiguhun tika, Go ahead, touch it. See if I don’t hit you. v [A; ab3] refuse. Midílì siya sa pagkanta, She refused to sing. Unsay gidilían nímu? Why do you refuse? mu rag naka-, maka- ug bahù refuse s.t. with all one’s heart and soul. Mu ra man kag nakadílig bahù sa trabáhung giuprisir nímu, Why did you refuse absolutely the job you were offered? n mu rag naghatud ug — make one’s visit short (from the notion that when a person asks for a woman’s hand, if the parents refuse, they send the single word dílì to the door and the visit ends then and there). Kadalì gud nímu. Mu ra ka mag naghatud ug dílì, Why are you going so fast. Your visit was so short. (→) v [A; c] prohibit. Dì ku makagdilì nímu, I cannot forbid you. Ginadilì ang pagpangíhì dinhi, It is forbidden to urinate here. did-an [subject] may s.t. happen to [subject] (Lit. It is not forbidden for [subject] to ...). Kusug manunglu, did-an ug siyay mamatay, He sure likes to curse. I wish he were dead. ‘Paúlì kung Máma.’—‘Did-an ka?’ ‘I’m going home to Mother.’—‘Who’s stopping you?’ padilìdílì v [A; b6] pretend to refuse. Nagpadilìdílì uruy, labun gustu, She’s putting on a show of refusing but she wants some. -um- v [A2S; c] 1 = dílì. 2 object to doing s.t. Nagdumílì na ang mga táwu pagbáyad sa tantung kamahal, The people object to paying such an outrageous price.

dilíbir v [A; c] deliver, bring s.t. s.w.

dilibiri buy n delivery boy.

diligádu n delegate to a convention. v [B1256] be a delegate.

diligar v [A; c] delegate work, responsibility (on or to). Gidiligahan ka sa pag-atiman sa mga bátà, You’re entrusted with taking care of the children.

diligasiyun, diligisyun n delegation.

dilihinsiya n protection money demanded to avoid harm. v [A; b6] 1 collect protection money. Hínay pag pamasahíru dúna pay mudilihinsya nátù, We get only a few passengers, and to make matters worse, there [217]are people who mulct us. 2 ask money from parents (slang). Mudilihinsya pa kung Pápa pára ipanini, I’ll ask Father for some money to go to the movies.

dilikáda = dilikádu (female).

dilikadísa n good sense of propriety. Way dilikadísa. Nagdigúma lang sa simbahan, He has no sense of propriety. He just wears rubber shoes to church.

dilikádu a 1 perilous, in danger. Dilikádu ang íyang kahimtang. Háyan mamatay, His condition is serious. He will probably die. 2 needing careful handling. Dilikádu ang súd íning kartun, The contents of this cardboard box are fragile. Dilikádu kaáyu ang kásu nga ímung giatúbang, The case you are involved in is a delicate one. 3 finicky, choosy about one’s things or what one has about him. Dilikádu ku sa pagkáun, pamisti, ug sa ákung mga butang, I’m choosy about my food, how I dress myself, about my things. v [B12; b5] be unsafe, in danger.

dilikinti a touchy, likely to take offense easily. Dilikinti. Dì makaagwanta ug kumidiya, He’s touchy. He can’t take jokes. v [B12] be touchy.

dilinyadur n draftsman, instrument for drafting. v [B156; a12] be a draftsman.

dilinyanti n draftsman.

dílir n 1 trader, dealer in goods. 2 dealer in card games or mahjong. v [B1] get to be a dealer, the dealer.

diliryu n delirium. v [B146; a4] be in delirium. Nagdiliryu (gidiliryu) siya, He was in a delirium.

dilitayim n daily time record. — ríkurd = dilitayim.

dilítu n evidence of a crime. v [A; c6] present as evidence.

dilútu a diligent in what one is doing. Dílì siya dilútu sa íyang pagtuun, He is not diligent in his studies. v [A; bc1] engage in s.t. diligently and religiously. Dilutúhi ang patigáyun arun muuswag, Run the business with industry so that it will prosper.

dilyábi n k.o. garfish.

dím a dim. v [AB; c1] for lights to become dim.

dimálas (not without l) n bad luck. a unlucky. Dimálas kaáyu nang tawhána, That man is very unlucky. — lang too bad, tough luck. Dimálas ka lang. Wà giyuy musugut nímu, Tough luck. Nobody accepted you. v [B12; a4S] be unlucky. Nadimálas lang ang ákung kwarta nga niabay kug pusta nímu, I had bad luck with my money when I joined in your bet. Gidimalas giyud ku run, I am very unlucky. -un(→) a bringing bad luck.

dimanda v [A2; c6] 1 sue s.o. in court. Gidimanda siya kay wà mubáyad, She was sued because she wouldn’t pay. 2 [A; a] make a demand. Gidimandáhan ang Israil sa pagsíbug, They demanded that Israel withdraw. n demands. Ang dimanda sa mga radikal, The demands of the radicals.

dimangga n variety of crotons (kalípay) with mango-like leaves, lanceolate green to yellowish blotches and a red midrib.

dimánu1 v [A2; c] turn right. Mudimánu ta pag-abut sa iskína, We turn right when we reach the corner.

dimánu2 n powered by hand machine.

dímas = rímas.

*dimáu walà, dílì magka- be all wrong, incorrect. Wà magkadimáu ímung ági, Your work is all wrong. Ug dílì magkadimáung pagkatahì, átung ipausab, If she sewed it all wrong, we will have her do it again.

dimdim v 1 [A2; a2] experience a certain feeling for the first time. Gustu kung mudimdim sa katam-is sa ímung ngábil, I would like to taste the sweetness of your lips. 2 [A; a] taste a liquid. Dimdími ring tubà, Take a taste of this toddy.

dimírit n demerit in military training. v 1 [A; b(1)] give demerits. Mudimírit ang kumandanti ug walay tupi ang kadíti, The commandant gives demerits to cadets who need a haircut. 2 [A12] get a demerit.

dimisiyun n resignation from a position. Ang dimisiyun sa mga mimbru sa gabiníti, The resignation of the cabinet members.

dimitir v [A; c2] resign, quit a job. Mudimitir (magdimitir) ku pagkamaistra, I will resign from my teaching job.

dimitudu n s.t. done by s.o. according to the book; methodical. Kanang íyang sinayawan dimitudu gayud, He dances by the numbers.

dimúdu so, therefore. Giingnan kang dílì magsábà. Dimúdu maghílum ka, You were told not to make noise. So, keep quiet.

dimukrasya n democracy.

dimukrata n democrat. a a believer of the principles of democracy. b a member of the former Democratic Party of the Philippines. v [B56] be a member of the Democratic Party.

dimukratika = dimukratiku (female).

dimukratiku a democratic, allowing people freedom of action.

dimul1 v 1 [A; c6] have a little taste of s.t. (slang). Mudimul kug gamay ánang ímung tubà, Let me have a taste of your palm toddy. 2 [A; a2] obtain s.t. from s.o. (slang). Mudimul kung Nánay ug písus ipanini, I’m [218]going to get one peso from Mother for the movies. 3 = dímul, 2.

dimul2 n bad luck (slang). v [B12; a] bring bad luck to s.o., be unlucky.

dimul3 n in music, a change from one key to another or from a major chord to the minor chord. Lisud duyúgang kantáha daghang dimul, The accompaniment of the song is difficult, it has so many changes in chords. v [A23; c1] change the key or from major to minor chords in musical accompaniment. Dihà sa kúrus idimul, Change chords at the refrain of the song.

dímul v 1 [A; c1] play a musical instrument with the fingers. Maáyu siya mukaskas ug mudímul usab, He strums chords well and plays notes as well. 2 [A; c1] swipe, steal (slang). Kinsay midímul sa ákung bulpin? Who swiped my ball point pen? Gidímul ang tanan, hasta ang karsúnis dunut, Everything was stolen, even his worn out pants.

dimungkug n 1 expression of disgust or dismay: darn! (euphemism for dimunyu). Dimungkug! Níay bisítag wà tay sud-an, Darn! We don’t have a thing to eat, and here we have visitors! 2 term of address used as a mild reprimand with affectionate overtones. Dimungkug nímu uy. Namíyà ka man lang! You little devil! You just left me at the party! v [A; a] say dimungkug to s.o.

dimunstradur n demonstrators, participants in a public show of opinion. v [B16] be a demonstrator.

dimunstrasiyun n 1 display of athletics or gymnastics. 2 strike, public show of opinion. 3 demonstration, display of how s.t. is done or works. v [A1; b3] demonstrate, give a show of opinion. Nagdimunstrasiyun na sad sa iskuylahan. Unsa na puy gidimunstrasiyunan run? They are having a demonstration again at the school. What are they demonstrating about this time?

dimunstrit v = dimunstrasiyun, v.

dimuntris = dimungkug.

dimunyu n 1 demon, devil. Unsang dimunyúha ang nasulud sa ímung úlu? What sort of devil has gotten into your head? 2 person or thing regarded as evil, cruel, etc. Hubug ka na sad dimunyúha ka, You’re drunk again, you devil. 3 curse word used as an expression of extreme frustration or anger at s.o. Dimunyu. Ímu na sang gibálì nà, Damn you! You broke it again! v [B126; b6] be, become a devil in one’s looks or manners, etc.

dimusdímus v [A; ab2] shower s.o. or s.t. with kisses. Midimusdímus siyag haluk sa íyang anak, She showered kisses on her child.

dinágum see dágum.

dinamíta n dynamite. v [A; a] dynamite s.t. dinamitíru n one who uses dynamite, most commonly a dynamite fisherman. dinamitáhan n fish caught by dynamite.

dingag v [B1; b6] be carelessly inattentive in doing s.t. Nagdingag ka lang nga nagbantay sa tindáhan. Mau nga gikawátan, You were not watching the store carefully. That’s why you were robbed. -un a carelessly inattentive.

dingas a 1 careless, not keeping one’s mind on what one is doing. Dingas kaáyu siyang milabang. Diriyut hiligsi, She wasn’t watching what she was doing when she crossed the street. She was nearly run over. 2 natural phenomenon which makes its appearance at an unusual time (poetic usage). Usa ka dingas nga ulan, An unseasonable rainshower.

díngat, díngaw v [A; c1] look all around in restlessness, curiosity. Mudíngat lang ang nawung sa bukidnun inighilugsung sa syudad, The mountaineers look everywhere in wonderment when they come to the city. Dílì magdíngat sa nawung sa simbahan, Don’t keep looking around when you are in church. (→) a inattentive and looking in every direction.

dingding1 n 1 wall. 2 side covers of any box-like thing. v [A1; c1] enclose, make into a wall.

dingding2 a for a woman to be delicately refined. Sáma kadingding sa usa ka búlak, As delicate as a flower. v [B] be, become delicately refined.

dinghal v [A3P; c16] let one’s tongue hang out, esp. when panting. Nagdinghal ang irù tungud sa kaínit, The dog’s tongue is hanging out because of the heat. a always having the tongue hanging out. Dinghal nga kulangù, An idiot with his tongue hanging out.

dingíli = danghili.

dinguldingul, dinguldíngul v [AP; b(1)] pretend not to notice, hear. Magpadinguldíngul (magdinguldíngul) kun sugúun, She pretends not to hear when we tell her to do s.t.

dinhà = dihà.

dinhi 1 here (near speaker and hearer). Dinhi ta magtindug, Let’s stand here. Dinhi siya higdà, He slept here. Nía ba siya dinhi? Is he here? — nga [noun] in this part of the [noun] (as contrasted with others). Dinhing bungtúra matupà ang ayruplánu, It was on this hill that the plane crashed. 2 —y there was (were) here. Dinhiy táwu nangítà níya, [219]There was s.o. here looking for him. 3 sa — in former times. Sa dinhi, sa dátù pa na sila, ... In former times, when they were rich, ...

diníru n 1 money, s.t. to be spent. Daghan siyag diníru, He’s got lots of money. 2 full payment in cash. mutsu — having lots of money. Mutsu diníru ku run, I’m rich today. v 1 [A12; a12] get hold of money. Makadiníru ta ánà, We can get money from that. Unsay átung dinirúhun, wà man kuy pangítà? What money could I have when I have no job? 2 [A; bc1] pay cash. Ug ímung idiníru (dinirúhun), bubaratu giyud, If you pay cash, it’s cheaper.

dintist, dintista n dentist. v [B16; a] become, make into a dentist.

dintistri n dentistry.

dintru = kamísa dintru.

dinuminasiyun n 1 denomination of money. 2 denomination of a religious sect.

díp n dip in ballroom dancing. v [A2; c] execute a dip.

dipalíta a 1 affording a square hit. Ang lagsaw dipalíta kaáyu diri nákù, The deer is where I can hit it squarely. 2 be hit squarely. Ang Manílà dipalítang pagkaigù sa bagyu, Manila was hit squarely by the storm. 3 enormous in quantity or intensity. Dipalíta ang káun sa pista sa íla, The food was available in huge quantities at their house during the fiesta. v 1 [a12] be hit squarely. Ug madipalíta gánì kag kaigù, mamatay ka, If you are hit squarely, you’ll die. 2 [B126; c1] get to be enormous in quantity.

dipapil n 1 doing things in a pedantic way, strictly according to what is written. 2 notorious in some vice. Palahúbug nga dipapil, A professional drunk. v [A; a] do s.t. strictly according to what is written. Kining kantáha dipapila giyud, ayg ridúha, Sing this strictly according to the notes. Don’t go singing your own version.

dipara, diparal, diparar v 1 [A12; b8] notice, become aware of s.t. Hidiparahan ku siyang nangilù nímu, I noticed him winking at you. [A; a12] 2 pay attention to, mind. Walà ku magdiparar sa íyang mga bagulbul, I did not pay attention to his grumblings. 3 watch over, take care. Diparaha ang binlad nga dílì kan-un sa manuk, Watch the corn that the chickens don’t eat it. 4 focus one’s attention on (literary usage). Gidiparal ku ang bag-u kung kalibútan, I put my attention to this world that was new to me.

dipartamintu n department, division of an office.

dipásit = dipusitu, v 1, 2, 3, 4; n 4.

dipdip v [A; a] cut s.t. close to the base. Dipdípi ang tingkuy, Cut the hair at the nape short. Ug dipdípun ang sagbut háyan mamatay, If you cut the grass short, it will die.

dipi = dipyí. see pyí.

dip-ig v [AC; c] put s.t. with some height close to s.t. else so that it is touching or nearly touching. Ayaw kug dip-ígig lingkud, Don’t take a seat right next to me. Idip-ig ang lamísa sa bungbung, Move the table against the wall.

dipiktádu = dipiktúsu. see dipiktu.

dipiktu n defect. v [A12] the thing that’s wrong. Ang nakadipiktu nímu kay mugib-ap ka lang dáyun, What’s wrong with you is that you give up right away. -su a defective, have s.t. wrong with it. v [B12; a] be, become defective. Laina ang dunut nga mangga kay madipiktúsu unyà ang ubang maáyu, Separate the rotten mangoes because they might spoil the good ones.

dipindi it depends on whether [so-and-so] is the case. Dipindi ug dì muulan, muadtu ta, It depends. If it doesn’t rain we will go.

dipindǐr1 v [A; c] 1 take sides in an argument, defend in a court case. Dikampanilya giyud ang mudipindǐr nákù, A first-rate lawyer will defend me. Wà kuy dipindihan ánang awáya, I won’t take sides in this quarrel. 2 uphold one’s honor. Dipindihi ang ímung pagkababáyi, Defend your chastity. 3 defend, protect. Kining pistúla ákung idipindǐr sa ákung kinabúhì, I’ll defend my life with this pistol.

dipindǐr2 v [A; b6] depend on s.o. for maintenance or support. Kun maminyù nà, dì na mudipindǐr sa mga ginikánan, When one is married, he mustn’t depend on his parents for support. Mauy ákung gidipindihan ang íyang sáad sa pagtábang, I was depending on the help he had promised.

dipinsa n 1 instrument for defending. 2 barrier that serves to protect a structure. Dipinsa sa awtu, Bumper of the car. 2a pilings against a wharf. 3 argument prepared in defense. v 1 [A; b] defend, protect. Gidipinsáhan ku lang ang ákung anak, I was protecting my child. 2 [b] provide with a protective structure. 3 [A; b] defend with an argument. Abugádu nga midipinsa níya, The lawyer that defended him.

dipirinsiya a different from what is expected. Dipirinsiya na run ang íyang panlíhuk, Her ways are very different nowadays. n 1 difference. Dipirinsiya ug dus písus ang prisyu dinhi kay sa didtu, The price here is two pesos more than there. 2 quarrel. Husáya ang inyung dipirinsiya, Settle your quarrels. 3 defect. Unsa may dipirinsiya nga dì mudágan? [220]What’s wrong with it that it won’t run? v 1 [B] be, become different. Wà na magdipirinsiya ang pamisti sa babáyi ug laláki karun, Women’s and men’s clothing don’t differ any more. 2 [C; b3] 1 have a quarrel, misunderstanding. Magkadipirinsiya giyud usáhay ang magtiáyun, A married couple will always have petty quarrels at times. 3 [B] become defective. †

dipísit n deficit, shortage of money. v [B2] have a deficit or shortage of money.

dip-it = dip-ig.

dipiyi see piyi.

diplúma n 1 diploma. 2 one’s child (slang). v [A12] 1 get a diploma. 2 have offspring (slang).

diplumasíya, diplumasya n 1 diplomacy. 2 knack of saying s.t. tactful to smooth personal relations.

diplumatiku n diplomat.

dipluy v [A2; b6] for troops to deploy.

diprimíra see primíra.

diprinsiya = dipirinsiya.

diprisisiyun n depreciation in value. Walà lang diay diprisisiyun? You mean you’re not giving an allowance for depreciation? v [b] give s.t. a lower rate.

dipudáta = alipáta.

dipudipu = lipulipu.

dípung = gípung.

dipurt v [A; c] deport. Idipurt unyà ka ug dì ka kabayad sa buhis, You will be deported if you don’t pay your taxes. -asiyun, -isyun n deporting of s.o.

dipúsit = dipusitu, v1, 2, 3, 4; n4.

dipusitu n 1 place of depositing s.t. Dì maabli ang dipusitu ug dì úras, You can’t open the vault at any odd time. 2 storage tank for water. Dúnay kaugalíngung dipusitu ning baláya, This house has its own water tank. 3 stomach (humorous usage). 4 amount deposited in a bank. 5 deposit on s.t. to be returned. v [A; c] 1 deposit money in the bank. 2 turn over for safekeeping. Gidipusitu níya ang aláhas sa káha di yíru, He deposited the jewelry in the safe. 2a store s.w. Idipusitu ang mais sa kamarin, Store the corn in the corncrib. 2b deposit goods, not paid for in full with the loan company when payments cannot be met. Idipusitu na lang nákù ang rilu hangtud makabakpi ku, I will return my watch to the store until such time as I get my backpay. 3 put down a partial payment. Pilay ímung gidipusitu sa makina? How much of a down payment did you make on the sewing machine? 4 make a deposit on s.t. to be returned. 2 defecate (slang). Túa pa sa kasilyas nagdipusitu. He’s still in the bathroom making his deposit. dipusituhánan n 1 = dipusitu, 1, 2. 2 comfort room (slang).

diputádu n congressman. v [B156; a] become, make s.o. a congressman.

dipwat = ligwat.

dirà = niánà, dinhà (dialectal), see kanà, dihà2.

dirámi n 1 leftover food. 2 grains spilled out of a sack at the place where sacks of grain are transported. 3 action of making things in sacks spill out so as to steal them. v 1 [A12; a3] obtain leftover food, be left over. Nakadirámi mig ígù námung gikaun, We obtained enough leftovers for our dinner. Ug madirámi na nà, dalì rang mapan-us, If it is left over, it will get spoiled quickly. 2 [A2; a12] get clothes cast off. Ug makadirámi mi sa ímung bisting biyà, If we can get your castoff clothing. 3 [A; a] steal things in sacks by doing s.t. to make some spill out. Kusug mudirámi sa kupras ang ubang kargadur, Some longshoremen steal plenty of copra. 4 [A; a12] steal part of revenues or goods being moved in trade. Daghan kaáyu ang tinda nga gidirámi niánang tindíra, That storekeeper stole lots of things.

diri1 1 here, nearer speaker than interlocutor. Día siya diri, He is over here, by me. Diri lingkud, Sit over here. Diri siya lingkud ganína, He was sitting over here a while ago. — nga [noun]-a in this [noun] here, as opposed to others. Diri kung dapíta maigù, I was hit in this place. 2 -y there was over here. Diriy duha ka buuk ganíha, There were two of them here a minute ago.

diri2 n command given to a carabao to make him turn to the left. v [A; b5c1] command the carabao to turn left.

dirihir v [A; b6(1)] 1 direct a business, tell s.o. how to do s.t. Kumpaníya nga gidirihian sa usa ka Amirikánu, Company directed by an American. Pilikula nga gidirihian ni Bargas, A movie directed by Vargas. 2 tell s.o. how to get s.w.

diriksiyun n 1 direction, management. Kumpaníya ubus sa diriksiyun sa usa ka Amirikánu, Company under the management of an American. 2 instructions for doing s.t., to get to the place. Tumána giyud ang diriksiyun, Follow the directions. 3 direction to a place. Unsay diriksiyun sa sakayan pagkasúgat ninyu? What direction did the boat take when you met? 4 address. Ang diriksiyun sa suwat, The address on the letter. v [A; c] 1 give directions to a place, to do s.t. 2 address a letter s.w.

dirikta a 1 frank, speaking to the point. 2 be [221]directly from, go directly to. Radiyu nga ismágul dirikta gíkan sa Hapun, Radios, smuggled directly from Japan. v 1 [A; b5c] go straight to the point, be frank. Diriktáha (diriktáhi) siyag sulti nga wà ka mahigugma níya, Tell her frankly that you don’t love her. 2 [A; ac] go, take s.w. directly. Mudirikta kug adtu sa iskuyláhan, I will go directly to school. Idirikta nà siya sa util, Take her directly to a hotel. 3 [A; c] direct s.o. s.w. Kinsay nagdirikta ninyu nganhi? Who directed you here? 3a [A; b] direct traffic. Gidiriktahan sa mga buy iskawut ang trápik, The boy scouts directed the traffic. -minti 1 directly, outright. Sultíhi ku diriktaminti, Tell me frankly. Gidilì sa usa ka langyaw ang pagkampanya diriktaminti u indiriktaminti, It is forbidden for foreigners to campaign directly or indirectly.

diriktíba n 1 board of directors, the governing body of s.t. 2 directive, general instructions. hunta — n = diriktíba.

diriktu = dirikta.

diriktǔr n 1 director of a department. 2 director of a play. v [B16; a2] be, become director of a company or play.

diriktúri, dirikturyu n telephone directory.

diris = tubli.

díris n strong, offensive odor of a singgawung (k.o. civet).

dir-is n one’s monthly period. v [a4] be menstruating. Gidir-is siya maung gisáput, She is having her period. That’s why she is moody.

diritsu 1 directly, straight. Diritsu ngadtu sa syudad, Going directly to the city. 2 directly after s.t. else. Gíkan sa trabáhu, diritsu siyag kalígù, From work he takes a bath directly. hitsu — clothing purchased with the cost of the tailoring included in the price. v 1 [A; b5] do s.t. immediately. Midiritsu siyag tindug, He got up immediately. 2 [A; ac] go, bring s.t. directly s.w. Diritsúha nag kúhà, Go get that directly. Idiritsu siyag paúlì, Bring her home directly.

dirúsas v [A12] the only thing that is wrong (humorous euphemism). Mau nay nakadirúsas nímu. Masukù dáyun ka, That’s what’s wrong with you. You get angry right away.

Dis. n an abbreviation for Disyimbri ‘December’.

dís n fixed desk of the type used in elementary schools, composed of a table top and a folding seat attached to the front.

dis-a = diin1.

disapíyu v [C; c1] fight a duel with a sword. n duel.

dis-arma v [A; b] disarm.

disbár v [A; a1] 1 not allow s.o. to take the bar examination. Nadisbár siya kay nakapaanak, He was not allowed to take the bar because he made a girl pregnant. 2 disbar a lawyer.

disdi from [such-and-such] a time on. Disdi pa niadtu, From that time on.

disdis = dìdì.

disgáyis n disguise. pa- v [A; ac] disguise oneself, s.o. Nagpadisgáyis siyang párì, He disguised himself as a priest.

disgrasya n 1 accident, unfortunate in result. Disgrasya ang íyang namatyan, He died in an accident. Disgrasya tung ákung paglakaw kay nakahibálag ku ug isnatsir, I had bad luck when I took my walk because I ran into a purse-snatcher. 2 unexpected, unintended. Disgrasya tung pagkadaúga nákù, My winning was completely unexpected. — nga malíngin very much unexpected, for s.t. to have happened which had a very remote chance of happening. Nakagurdu kug primíru primyu sa swip-istik. Disgrasyang malíngin! I won the first prize in the sweepstakes. How very unexpected that was! v 1 [B123(1)6; b6] meet with an accident. Nakadisgrasya (nadisgrasya) ang dyip, The jeep met with an accident. 1a [B126] for s.t. to turn out unhappily. 1b [B126] get lost. Nadisgrasya ang tanan níyang swildu sa súgal, He lost all his money in gambling. 2 [a3b2] have s.t. happen to one unexpectedly. Palit ug tíkit básig disgrasyahan kag gurdu, Buy a ticket, you might just win. 3 [A12; a3] bring a woman into disgrace by making her pregnant. -da n woman who has been disgraced by having a child out of wedlock. v [B126] get disgraced. -du a accident-prone. v [B12] get to be accident-prone.

disgustádu a 1 disliking s.o. Disgustádu ku sa ímung naasáwa, I dislike the person you married. 2 be fed up with a situation. Disgustádu ku niíning kinabuhía, I’m fed up with this life.

disgustáwu a doing s.t. one dislikes doing. Miadtu ku píru disgustáwu tung pagkaadtúa, I went, but I didn’t want to.

disgustu n ill will between two or more persons. Ang ílang disgustu mahitungud sa yútà misangkù sa hukmánan, Their quarrel over the land ended in court. v [C1; b3] be on bad terms.

disgwápa, disgwápu v [B126] spoil one’s good looks (humorous slang). Nadisgwápa na lang hinúun nang artistáhun mung nawung sa pagpamaligyag úling, It’s a shame that a person with the face of a movie actress [222]should be selling charcoal. It makes you look so ugly.

disi v [B146; b6] be greasy such as to make one’s appetite disappear. Nagdisi ang plátung gihugásag way sabunsábun, The plates are all greasy because they were washed without soap. Nagdisi nga samad, A wound which makes one lose one’s appetite.

dísi v [A23] resist efforts vehemently. Bísag giunsa námug gúyud ang bábuy, mudísi giyud dílì musunud, No matter how much we pulled the pig, it resisted and would not follow.

disibi = risibi.

disidídu a determined, bent on doing s.t. Disidídu na giyud siyang mangasáwa, He is really determined to get married. v [B12; b6] get to be determined to do s.t.

disidir v [A2; b(1)] make up one’s mind to do s.t. Disidihi kanag palit, Make up your mind to buy it.

dísil n Diesel.

disilya v [A; c] turn left. n left direction.

disimal n decimal point. v [A; b6] place or put a decimal point.

Disimbri n December. v see abril.

disimitru, disimitrus n decimeter. v [B256; c1] be a decimeter in dimension.

dis-impikta, disimpiktǎr v [A; b5c1] disinfect a place.

Disimri = disimbri.

disimuladu = dismular.

dis-inpikta = dis-impikta. -nti n disinfectant.

disinti a respectable, conforming to social standards. Disinting pamisti, Decent dress. Disinting balay, A presentable house. Disinting ristawrant, A decent restaurant. Disinting trabáhu, A respectable job. v [A1; c1] respectable in one’s behavior.

disintiríya n dysentery. v [A23P; a1] have dysentery.

disintralisasiyun, disintralisisyun n decentralization.

disinuybi n nineteen. v see disiutsu.

disinyu n design of s.t. constructed.

disiplína n discipline. v [A; a12] discipline, punish. Disiplináha nang ímung ulitáwu kay tingálig makurnir unyà, Discipline your son before he is forced into a marriage. -da = disiplinádu (female). -du a well-disciplined. v [B12; b6] become well-disciplined. -ryan a be a strict disciplinarian. v [B12] get to be strict.

disipulu n disciple of Christ. v [B1256; a12] become a disciple of Christ.

dis-iridar v [A; b5c1] disinherit.

disirt n dessert. v [A1; c1] have dessert.

disisayis n sixteen. v see disiutsu. — kartas mahjong game with sixteen pieces (instead of the usual thirteen).

disispirádu = dispirádu.

disisyíti n seventeen. v see disiutsu.

disisyun n decision.

disiutsu n eighteen. v 1 [B5; c16] do s.t. on the eighteenth (of the month), reach the age of eighteen. Mudisiutsu (madisiutsu) ku rung pitsa trayinta sa Uktubri, I will be eighteen on the 30th of October. Dibuhan ta ka ug magdisiutsu ka na, I will give you a debut on your eighteenth (birthday). Nagkadisiutsu ka na lang wà pa giyud ka gihápuy buut, You are turning eighteen but still you are irresponsible. Disiutsúhun (idisiutsu) na lang nátù ang átung parti, Let’s have our party on the eighteenth (of the month). 2 [A12; ac1] acquire or give eighteen (pesos, dollars, etc.). Nakadisiutsu ku sa búwang, I won eighteen (pesos) in the cockpit. Ákung palitun ug ímung disiutsúhun (idisiutsu), I’ll buy it if you let me have it for eighteen pesos. Nadisiutsuhan ta man ka, I won eighteen (pesos) from you. Nadisiutsuhan ku sa Tabuan, apan gamay ra ang ákung napalit, I got rid of eighteen pesos, but I bought very little.

disíyu n plan which one intends to carry out. Wà kuy disíyung magnigusyu ug sakyanan, I do not have plans to invest in transportation.

disk = dís.

diskansǎr = diskansu, v2, 2a, b, c. diskansádu, diskansáwu a 1 rested, having rest. Diskansádu kaáyu ku human sa katúlug, I am very well rested after my sleep. 2 relieved, free of pain, worry, suffering. Diskansádu na ang masakitun kay nakatumar na ug tambal, The patient is relieved because he has taken his medicine. v [B126] 1 get rested. 2 get respite.

diskansu n 1 front porch. Adtu ta magpahayáhay sa diskansu, Let’s get a breath of fresh air on the front porch. 2 rest. v 1 [b6] add a front porch to a house. 2 [A] rest. Mudiskansu kug kadiyut kay gihangákan ku, I will rest for a while because I’m out of breath. 2a [AB; c2] give s.o. or s.t. a rest. Nagdiskansu ku áring kabáyù, I’m giving my horse a rest. 2b [A12] be free of, have a respite from pain or suffering. Makadiskansu lang siyas bun-ug ug wà dinhi ang bána, She won’t get any respite from her beatings as long as her husband is around. 2c — sa dáyun [A2] die (lit. rest forever). Pasaylua siya samtang dì pa siya mudiskansu sa dáyun, Forgive him before he goes to his eternal [223]rest. diskansuhánan, diskansuhan n resting place. diskansuhánan sa dáyun cemetery (lit. final resting place).

diskarga v 1 [A; c1] unload, take out of a vehicle. Idiskarga (diskargáha) ang mga malíta gíkan sa awtu, Take the suitcases out of the car. 1a defecate (slang). Túa siya sa kasilyas nagdiskarga, He’s in the bathroom, defecating. 1b [A; b(1)] have sexual intercourse (humorous). Didtu ku sa pampaman magdiskarga, I was in the red-light district, unloading. 2 [B23(1); c1] for a battery to become discharged. Dì musíga ang mga sugà ug makadiskarga ang batiríya, The lights won’t shine if the battery loses its charge.[A]

diskárids v [A3P; a12] discourage. Nadiskárids ku kay wà giyud ku makapuntus, I got discouraged because I hadn’t gotten a single point. Gidiskárids ku siya pagkúhag abugasíya, I discouraged him from taking up law.

diskaril v 1 [A13B26; c16] derail, be derailed. Mga tulisan ang nagdiskaril sa trín, The bandits derailed the train. Mudiskaril (madiskaril) ang trín, The train will be derailed. 2 [B126; b3(1)] faint (colloquial). Nadiskaril siya pagkakità sa kalag, She fainted when she saw the ghost.

diskarni v 1 [A; a] butcher an animal, slaughter it and cut it up. 2 kill s.o. with a bladed weapon. Madiskarni tikaw rung traydúra ka, I’ll slaughter you, you traitor. 3 eat all of s.t. (colloquial). Gidiskarni sa mga bátà ang kík nga nahibilin, The children ate up all of the leftover cake. 4 rape a woman (slang).

diskás = diskási1.

diskási1 v [AC; b5c3] engage in a discussion about a particular topic. Gidiskási ku siya báhin sa rilihiyun, I discussed religion with him.

diskási2 v 1 [A2C; c16] call off, take back a bet. Idiskási (diskasíhun) níla ang ílang pusta kay dì mahinayun ang lumbà, They will call off their bets because the race will not be held. 2 [A1; c16] stop any activity for the while or call it quits. Diskasíhun (idiskási) úsà nátù ang átung paggúna, Let’s take a break from our weeding.

diskasyun n discussion. v [C] hold a discussion. Nagdiskasyun mi sa klási mahitungud sa liksiyun, We held a discussion in class about the lesson.

diskitar v [A12; b28] find out s.t. by accident. Nadiskitahan nga nawálà ang singsing, It was discovered that the ring was stolen. 2 [A; a12] check up on s.o. to see if he is doing anything wrong. Diskitahun ku ang ákung mga anak ug dúna bay mga minalditu, I check up on my children to see if they are naughty.

diskrayib, diskribir v [A; c1] describe. Diskrayba (idiskrayib) ang langgam nga ímung nakítà, Describe the bird you saw.

diskubri v [A; a12b2] discover, find s.t. Wà pay nakadiskubrig tambal sa kansir, No one has found a cure for cancer yet. Nadiskubri (hidiskubrihan) ang asáwa nga may laláki, The wife was discovered with another man.

diskumpiyar v [A2] be suspicious, distrusting. Ug mudiskumpiyar ka nákù, tagáan ta kag risíbu, I’ll give you a receipt if you distrust me. diskumpiyáda = diskumpiyádu (female). diskumpiyádu a suspicious and distrustful. Diskumpiyádu ku ánang timbangána, I don’t trust those scales. Diskumpiyádu siya sa pagbáhin sa kabílin, He questions the division of the inheritance. v [B12; b3] get to be suspicious and distrustful.

diskuntintu a discontented. Diskuntintu ku íning kinabuhía, I’m discontented with this life. Diskuntintu ku sa ímung ági, I’m dissatisfied with your work. v [B12; b3] be, become discontented, desiring for more.

diskursu n speech. v 1 [A; b(1)] deliver a speech. 2 [A; c] give a scolding in such a way that the public can hear it. A, nagdiskursu na pud nang tiguwánga, Oh, the old woman is giving a speech (cussing out) again. Ug magkasábà ka ayaw idiskursu, If you give a scolding, don’t do it so everyone can hear.

diskusyun = diskasyun.

diskutik n 1 discothèque. 2 private party in which the house is made to look like a discothèque. v [A1; c1] hold a discothèque party.

diskutir v [AC; b35] discuss or argue with s.o. over a certain point. Ang tíma nga ámung gidiskutir, gidiskutihan, The subject we discussed.

diskuwalipáyid v [A; a12] disqualify s.o. from participating in a sport, election, etc. Nadiskuwalipáyid siya kay húgaw siyang midúwà, He was disqualified because he played dirty. Diskuwalipáyid nang kandidátu kay andir ids, The candidate was disqualified because he was underage.

diskuwintu n discount. v 1 [A; b7] give a discount. Diskuwintúhan nákù nig gamay kay súkì man ta, I’ll give a little discount on this because you are a good customer. 2 [A1; c] get a discount. Diskuwintúhan (makadiskuwintu) ka basta daghang palitun, You get a discount if you buy in quantities. 3 [b1] credit a certain amount owing s.o. to a debt he has. Diskuwintúhan ang [224]ímung útang sa ímung suklì, Your change will be credited to your debt.

dismayar v 1 = dismáyu. 2 [B126] get discouraged. Wà siya madismayar bísag gitabángan sa mga sapían ang íyang kapárang, He wasn’t discouraged even though his opponent was helped by wealthy people.

dismáyu v [B126] faint, lose consciousness. Nadismáyu siya kay naigù sa kutukutu, She fainted because she was hit in the pit of the stomach.

dismǐs v 1 [A; bc1] dismiss a class. Dúgayng gidismisan ang mga bátà, The children were let out late. 2 [A; c1] dismiss a case in court. Idismǐs (dismisun) unyà kining kasúha kay kúwang sa ibidinsiya, This case will be dismissed because there is insufficient evidence. 3 [A; c1] dismiss from an office. Gidismǐs ang pulis kay nanguliktag tung, The policeman was fired for collecting protection money.

dismísal n honorable dismissal issued by a school to an outgoing student, indicating he is clear of all obligations, financial or otherwise.

dismular v [A; a] hide s.t. by drawing attention away from it. Mikatáwa siya arun pagdismular sa íyang kaúwaw, She laughed to hide her embarrassment. Ipaibabaw ang mga maáyu arun madismular ang mga latà, Put the good ones on the top so that the rotten ones will be concealed. dismuládu s.t. done in such a way that the truth is concealed. Dismuládu ang íyang pagpaningil kay nagpasángil siyang mangáyug tanum, He hid his attempts to collect by pretending to ask for plants.

dispalku v [A; a2] embezzle. Gidispalkúhan níya ang kubransa, He embezzled some of the money he collected. n amount embezzled. dispalkadur n embezzler. v [B156; b6] become an embezzler. dispalkadúra = dispalkadur (female).

dispanta = ispanta.

dispasir v [A; a] manage to do s.t. not easy to do. Kining ákung kítà dílì makadispasir sa ímung pagtuun, With my salary I can’t afford to pay for your tuition. Dì na madispasir sa ákung láwas ang tanang trabáhu sa balay, I don’t have the strength to do all the household chores.

dispatsadur = dispatsir.

dispatsadúra n salesgirl in a bazaar or department store. v [B156; a2] be, become a salesgirl.

dispatsǎr v [A; c1] 1 get rid of s.t. Dispatsaha (idispatsǎr) kining mga bátà. Sámuk kaáyu, Get rid of these children. They’re a nuisance. 2 discharge from a job. Maáyung dispatsahun ang impliyádu nga dílì kamaung mutrabáhu, Better get rid of an employee that doesn’t know how to work. 3 kill, liquidate. Gidispatsǎr ug hurut ang tistígus, The witnesses were all liquidated. 4 sell s.t., esp. s.t. one must get rid of. Idispatsǎr na lang nátù ang yútà kay umaw na, Let’s get rid of that piece of land because it has lost its fertility.†

dispatsir n 1 dispatcher of public transportation. Dispatsir sa trák, The dispatcher at the bus station. 2 person who goes on a boat and takes over all the sleeping places and sells them to the passengers. Pagparisirbag tihíras sa dispatsir, Have the dispatcher get you a cot beforehand. v [B16; b(1)] be, become a dispatcher of a public utility vehicle.

dispatsu = dispatsǎr.†

dispidir v [A; b6] bid farewell. Mudispidir ku sa ákung mga amíga sa dì pa ku mularga, I’ll bid goodbye to my friends before I leave. dispidída n a farewell party. v [A1; b(1)] hold a farewell party. Átù siyang dispididáhan iniglarga níya, We’ll give him a farewell party when he leaves.

dispinsa1 n pantry, storeroom for foods. v [A12; b6] make a pantry.

dispinsa2 n 1 forgiveness, excuse. Dispinsa lang úsà. Wà kuy ikahátag, Forgive me. I have nothing to give you. Nangáyù siyag dispinsag milakaw, He asked to be excused and left. 2 dispensation in the church.

dispinsaryu n dispensary, place for treating small sicknesses, wounds.

dispinsasiyun n dispensation in the church.

dispinsisyun = dispinsasiyun.

dispiráda = dispirádu (female).

dispirádu a in despair. Dispirádu siya kay dúgay nang way trabáhu, He is desperate because he has been without a job for a long time. v [B12] get to be in despair.

dispiras = bispiras.

dispirinsiya, disprinsiya = dipirinsiya.

dispisiyar v [A; a12] despise, scorn. Ángay bang dispisyahan ang táwu tungud sa kakabus? Should a person be despised on account of poverty?

dispras n mask for a masquerade or as part of a costume. v 1 [A; b6] wear a mask. 2 [AC12; c1] hold a masked party.

dispuga n k.o. stitch where the thread is pulled back under itself, used in hemming, making buttonholes, and wherever a sturdy stitch is desired. v [A; b5] sew a hem. -díra n one who sews a hem. v [B156; a2] be a hemmer. [225]

dispunir v [A; b] take care of s.o.’s financial obligations for him. Wà kuy gidáng kwarta, Dispunihi ku úsà íni, I didn’t bring any money. Please take care of this for me.

dispusisiyun n decision, judgment of what to do. Unsay ímung dispusisiyun báhin sa yútà? What do you think we should do about the land? Wà kuy dispusisiyun nga ákù. Mag-agad ra ku sa ákung bána, I don’t make any decisions. I leave everything up to my husband. v [A; b] take a decision on s.t. Ug ímu ning dispusisyunan karun, ikaw na, If you make a decision on this, it is your responsibility.

dispuwis the next thing after that. Hugási. Dispuwis lat-i, Clean it. Then stew it.†

distansiya n distance. Ang distansiya sa ílang balay gíkan sa karsáda, The distance of their house from the street. may — be somewhat far from s.t. May distansiya ang ámù sa lungsud, Our place is located at somewhat of a distance from the town. v [BC; acP] be at a distance, at a distance from each other. Sa nakadistansiya na siyag duha ka kilumitrus, When he had gotten two kilometers away. Distansyáhun nátù ang duha ka balay pagtúkud, Let’s build the two houses at a distance apart. Idistansiya (ipadistansiya) ang ímung tihíras sa ákù, Set your cot up at a distance from mine.†

distiliríya n distillery.

distinádu a destined by fate to s.t. Distinádu siya sa pagkapubri, She is destined to be poor.

distinasiyun n destination. Ása ímung distinasiyun. Sini u simbahan? What is your destination. The movies or church?

distínu n destination, place one is headed for. Ása man ang ímung distínu run, simbahan u sini? What is your destination? The movies or church? pága, pagadíru — n s.o. who rides s.w. with the passage to be paid on arrival. v [A; c] assign s.o. s.w. for employment. Túa ku madistínu sa Lutúpan, I’m assigned to work in Lutopan.

distiyíru v [A; ac] exile. Gidistiyíru si Risal sa Dapítan, Rizal was exiled to Dapitan.

distribuwir v [A; c] distribute, divide and give out in shares. Wà pa námù idistribuwir ang mga rasyun, We have not distributed the rations yet.

distribyútur n agent who sells a certain product in a place. Distribyútur sa mga bulad, A dried fish wholesaler. Distribyútur sa mga traktúra, Distributor of tractors. v [B16; a2b6] be, become a distributor.

distrítu n congressional or school district. v [B126] become a congressional district.

distrusar v [A; a1] destroy, cause physical destruction. Ang súnug mauy midistrusar sa tibuuk syudad, Fire destroyed the whole city.

distrúsu n physical destruction.

distsards v 1 [A; c] remove s.o. from his position. Nadistsards ang maistra kay hingabsin, The teacher was discharged because she was always absent. 2 [B13; c1] for a battery to get discharged. 3 [A; c] discharge from a hospital, armed forces. Nadistsards na ba siya sa uspital? Has he been discharged from the hospital? 4 [A13] have discharge prior to labor. n 1 discharge papers. 2 vaginal discharge prior to labor.†

disturbǎr v [AN; a12] bother, disturb. Ayaw kug disturbaha kay natúlug ku, Don’t bother me. I’m sleeping.

disturbu v [B6P; a] n nuisance, s.t. that disturbs. Disturbu kaáyu kining pagsígig íhì, It is a nuisance to have to urinate all the time. Nadisturbu ang ílang panimuyù tungud sa íyang pinaangkan, The tranquility of their home was disturbed on account of her illegitimate child.

disturnilyadur n screwdriver.

distursiyun n electrical device which gives a grating effect to the sound of the electric guitar.

dis-ug v [AB3; c] 1 move over, upward, or ahead; cause s.t. to do so. Midis-ug (nadis-ug) siya sa ngilit sa katri samtang natúlug, He moved to the edge of the bed as he slept. 2 improve, reach a higher level. Dakù siyag tingúhà nga mudis-ug ang íyang kahimtang, He had a strong desire to improve his situation.

dis-úras a very late at night, too late to be proper. Dis-úras na kaáyu sa pagpangharána sa mga ulitáwu, It was already very late when the young men serenaded. v [B5] be very late at night.

diswildu a spending a lot, as if one had a salary.

Disyimbri = disimbri.

disyirtu n desert.

dit. n an abbreviation for ditiktib ‘detective’.

dít n date with a girl. v [AC; c] have a date with. Makigdít ku nímu, I’d like to ask you for a date. Bísag kinsay íyang idít, She will date anyone.

dità n k.o. big tree with a light wood used for making wooden slippers, the bark of which is medicine against malaria: Alstonia scholaris.

ditalyi n details of an incident, etc. Íyang gibutyag ang tanang ditalyi sa ílang rumansa, She related the complete details of their [226]love-making.

ditiktib n detective. — aksiyun n detective movie. v [B156; a2b6] become a detective.

ditirminasiyun n determination. Ditirminasiyun pagtápus sa íyang pagtuun, Determination to finish his studies.

ditsu n extemporaneous verse recited in the kulilísi, consisting of stanzas of four lines, at least two of which are rhymed, in a free meter. The participants in the kulilísi recite one or more stanzas and each person’s recitation is so fashioned as to be a witty response to the preceding recitation and a challenge to the recitation following. The subject is usually courtship. v [A; c] recite ditsu’s.

díwà n 1 mind, soul. Natúlug ang ákung mata, apan nagmata ang ákung díwà, My eyes are asleep, but my mind is awake. 2 spirit that pervades s.t. Ang díwà sa Pasku, Christmas spirit. Ang díwà sa íyang tugtug, The spirit of his song. diwanhun a pertaining to the soul. Diwanhun nga kauhaw, Spiritual thirst.

díwal = diwalwal.

diwalwal v [APB3(1)6; c1P] for the tongue to stick way out, cause it to do so. Mudiwalwal ang dílà sa búang, An idiot’s tongue hangs out. Idiwalwal (diwalwála) ímung dílà, Stick out your tongue.

diwánag (word coined from díwà plus sánag) n inspiration, the light that animates the soul.

diwáta n 1 k.o. supernatural beings that are associated with certain places, esp. trees. 2 ceremony of offering food cooked with no salt to spirits to insure harvest, give thanks, diagnose an illness. v [A; b(1)] perform a diwáta ceremony. Diwatáhi ang lugar únà tarúkig balay, Make an offering before you construct the house. Sakit nga gidiwatáhan, A sickness for which the diwáta ceremony was performed. diwatahan n 1 medium who performs the diwáta ceremony. 2 one who believes in diwáta and the diwáta ceremony. diwatíru = diwatahan, 1.

diwindi n 1 k.o. small supernatural people, most commonly thought to live in the space between the roof and the ceiling. They do good to those to whom they show themselves, but are also said to play practical jokes. 2 a dwarfed person.

díwit n k.o. cutlass fish: Trichiurus spp. diwitdíwit = díwit.

díya n 1 day (length of time). Un díya aku didtu, I was there one day. Dus díyas, Two days. Midiya díya ang trabáhu run, We work only half-day today. 2 pay for the day’s work. Walà kay díya madáwat karun kay walà ka mutrabáhu, You won’t receive any pay today because you did not report to work. v [A3S; b] earn a certain amount for a day’s work. Mudíya kug utsu písus, I earn eight pesos a day.

diyabítis = dayabítis.

diyablu n 1 devil. Usa ka diyablu mipakítà níya, A devil appeared to him. 2 devil, said as a mild curse to s.o. Kiat mung mga diyablúha mu, You’re being naughty, you little devils!

diyakunu n 1 ceremony with three priests officiating. Diyakunung mísa, Special mass. 2 priest that assists a high-ranking priest who says mass. 3 a layman elected by the congregation to help the minister in Protestant churches. v [B16; a2] become a deacon who aids in the mass or a deacon in a Protestant church.

diyamanti n diamond, not as fine in quality as the brilyanti.

diyamitru = dayamitru.

diyána = dayána.

diyaryu1 n daily paper.

diyaryu2 n diary.

diyaryu3 a for ordinary, casual wear. Dúna siyay aláhas pára diyaryu ug láin sab tung pára ispisyal, She has jewelry for daily wear and other jewelry for special occasions. v [A2; c1] wear, use s.t. for daily, casual wear.

díyas = díya, n 1 (plural).

diyatilis = byatilis.

diyíta n diet. v [A] go on a diet.

diyù n a half centavo. a 1 small in amount. Diyù nga súkà, A little vinegar. 2 small in size. Diyung bátà, A small child. v [B12; a2] be little, make s.t. little. Ug madiyù na ang túbig, When there is little water left. Diyua pag-asin, Just put a little salt in it. diyùdiyù = diyutdiyut. see diyut. paka- v [A13; a12] humble oneself before s.o., consider s.t. little. Nagpakadiyù aku sa íyang atubángan, I humbled (lit. lowered) myself before him. Gipakadiyù ba nà nímung usa ka galun? Do you consider a gallon little? -g- see digyù. diriyù, dariyù = diriyut. see diyut. maka-, ka- just a second. Migawas siyag kadiyù, He went out for a second. maN-(←), tag-(←) costing a half a centavo. tag-(←), tagi-, tinagi- = tagidiyut. see diyut.

díyung v [A3P; c1] 1 close the eyes to a slit. Midíyung ang íyang mga mata sa kasúlaw, His eyes squinted in the light. 2 [B] for a light to be, become dim. Midíyung (madíyung) ang sugà kay wà nay gás, The light grew dim because the kerosene was all gone. [227]2a for the sky to get overcast during the day. Nidíyung ang kalangítan, The sky became overcast.

diyus n God. Anak sa Diyus, Son of God. pur- see pur-. way — 1 atheist, nonbeliever. 2 godless, full of sin. v [B1256] become very successful in a certain endeavor. Nadiyus siya sa nigusyu, He became very successful in business. diyusdíyus n false gods. -in- 1 honest, according to God’s precepts. 2 earnestly with honest effort. Diniyus ang íyang pagtuun, She studied with complete seriousness. v [A; b6] 1 do s.t. honestly. Gamay kag ginansiya ug magdiniyus kag nigusyu, You won’t have a good profit if you do business honestly. 2 do s.t. with complete earnestness. Dinyusi (dinyusa) pagsag-úlu ang liksiyun, Memorize the lesson earnestly. maki- a God-loving, fond of worshipping God. -nun a 1 pious, living according to God’s precepts. 2 divine. Bátang diyusnun, The Holy Infant. v [B12] get to be pious. padiyusdiyusnun v [A13] pretend piety.

diyúsa n goddess.

diyusísis n diocese.

diyut n small in size. Diyut nga bátà, A tiny child. n half-centavo coin. way — penniless. makadiyut, makariyut 1 to be done for a short time. Makadiyut lang ku ngadtu, I will just go there. 2 was done for a short time. Makadiyut lang kung niadtu, I just went there for a short time. ka-, kariyut 1 = makadiyut. 2 done a second ago. Kadiyut (kariyut) lang siya nga nanáug, He just left a second ago. naka-, nakariyut = makadiyut, 2. (←) = diyut. n tag-(←), maN-(←) coin worth half a centavo. diyutdiyut v [A13; b(1)] do s.t. many times at small intervals. Nagdiyutdiyut siyag pangíhì, He keeps urinating every few minutes. Gidiyutdiyutan ku níyag pangáyug ámut, He kept asking me for a contribution every few days. -ay(←) a 1 few, small in amount. Diyútayng kwarta, Little money. 2 small in size. Diyútayng bátà, A small child. v [B12; a2] get to be little, make s.t. little. Diyutáya ang asin, Just use a little salt. Nagkadiyutay na ang túbig, The water is getting to be less and less. paka-ay(←) v [a12] consider s.t. little in amount. Gipakadiyútay ba nímu ang usa ka galun? Do you consider a gallon to be a small amount? diriyut, dariyut [subjunctive verb] 1 [so-and-so] almost happened. Diriyut ku hiligsi, I was almost run over. 2 s.t. of little importance. Diriyut lang tung ílang gikaawáyan, They quarrelled over nothing. tagdiyútay = tagidiyut. -g- a small (plural). Umúla sa digyut nga búla, Form it into small balls. v [A; a] divide s.t. into small shares. -um-g-, dumaligyut a tending to run small. Dumigyut (dumaligyut) ang ílang kalíwat, Their family tends to be small in stature. tagi- a in small amounts at a time. v [A; abc] [do] a little at a time. Tagidiyútag palit, Buy it little at a time. Tagidiyúti ug sábud ang mga manuk, Feed the chickens a little at a time. Itagidiyut kini ug timpla, Mix it in a little at a time. tinagi- = tagidiyut.

diyuy n a half-centavo copper coin. maN-(←) apriced at half centavo.

Dr. n abbreviation for duktur.

Dra. n abbreviation for duktúra.

drágun n 1 dragon. 2 name of one of the suits in mahjong. It consists of three sets of four identical pieces, each set a different color: red (dágir), green (bulbul), and white (ispíhu). -is dragons (plural).

dram1 n drum, a percussion instrument. v [A; b(1)] play the drum.

dram2, drám n drum, a container for oil, gasoline, etc. Lima ka dram nga gasulína, Five barrels of gasoline.

dráma v 1 [A; a] put on a play or stage a broadcast. Gidráma níla ang kamatáyun ni Risal, They dramatized Rizal’s death. 2 [A; c] put on an act, pretend s.t. to mislead. Ayaw kug dramáhi ánang ímung paghilakhílak, Don’t put on an act pretending to cry in front of me. n 1 drama on stage, radio or TV broadcast. 2 act put on to fool s.o.

dramátik a dramatic, full of emotional action. Dramátik nga panagkítà, An emotional meeting. Dramátik nga lílas, A dramatic film. — intrans a dramatic entrance. v [A] make a dramatic entrance.

dramaturga = dramaturgu (female).

dramaturgu n 1 actor on stage or in a radio or TV drama. 2 playwright. v [B16; a12] be, become an actor, playwright.

drámir n drummer. v [B16; a2] be, become a drummer.

drams n set of drums.

dráp v [A; c1] 1 drop a course. Pila ka libru ang ímung drápun (idráp)? How many courses are you planning to drop? 2 kick s.o. out of a course. Ákù na lang idráp (drápun) nang palaabsin, I’m just going to kick that habitual absentee out of my course.

drap-awut n drop-outs from school. v [A; b4] drop out from school. Gidrap-awtan mig ubay-ubay, Quite a number of students dropped out on us.

drápir n medicine dropper. v [c1] use a medicine dropper. [228]

drayib v 1 [A; b(1)] drive a motor vehicle. 2 [A; c1] drive a ball in tennis or pingpong. Idrayib (drayba) ug kusug ang pingpung, Slam the pingpong ball. 3 [A; b6(1)] drive a basketball. 4 [A; b6] be the active partner in sex play (slang). Lamì ba ug ang babáyi mauy mudrayib? Is it fun if the woman is on top? n 1 drive in tennis, pingpong. 2 action of driving a tennis, basketball. draybir n 1 driver, chauffeur. 2 the sexual partner who is on top (slang). v 1 [A12] have as a driver. 2 [B; a12] be a driver.

dráyir n dryer for hair, copra, etc. v [c16] dry by machine. Drayíra (idráyir) ang kupras ug ting-úwan, Dry the copra in the machine during the rainy season.

dri short for diri1, 2.

dríbul v [A; c1] dribble a ball. n action of dribbling.

dríl1 n drill, repetitive exercise in school, in athletics, etc. v [A; ab2] do a drill.

dríl2 n a coarse linen or cotton cloth with a diagonal weave, used for work clothes, etc.

dripwud n driftwood used for ornamental purposes.

drísing rum n dressing room.

drísir n dressing table with a mirror.

drismíking n dressmaking, course or business of making dresses.

drisrihirsal n a final rehearsal of s.t. to be performed. Dris rihirsal sa píi, Final rehearsal of the P.E. performance. v [A12; c1] hold a final rehearsal of a play, an operetta, etc.

dristukil a dressed up for a purpose, usually more than necessary (colloquial). Dristukil siya kay mag-aplay sa trabáhu, She’s all dressed up because she is applying for a job. v [A] be dressed to kill.

drú v 1 [A1; c1] hold a lottery drawing. May drú sa Duminggu, They will hold the drawing on Sunday. 2 [A; b6] draw a card. 3 [AC; a] draw a revolver. Diriyut mi magkadrú. Púsil giyud untà tu, We nearly drew our guns on each other. It would have been a gunfight. n drawing of lottery, cards.

drúwing v 1 [A; a] draw a picture. Gidrúwing níyang ákung dagway, He drew my face. 1a dílì ma- words can’t describe. Dílì madrúwing ang íyang kalípay, Words cannot describe her happiness. 2 [A; b] put eyebrow pencil on. -ánan n drawing table, board.

drúwir n drawer, desk, bureau. v [A; a] make, put a drawer.

du n the note do. way — have no knowledge of music.

short for undù or dudù.

duas a exposed to everybody’s view, to the elements. v [B] be exposed to public view, to the elements. Nagduas ang dughan sa baylarína, The dancer’s breasts were bare. Naduas ang mga tanum sa kaínit sa adlaw, The plants lay exposed under the heat of the sun. †

dúaw v 1 [A; a2b2] pay a visit. Duáwun nímu ang ímung trátu? Are you going to see your girl friend? — ang katulúgun v [A12; a12] fall asleep (literary). Wà siya duáwa sa katulúgun, He did not fall asleep. 2 [A; a12b2] go s.w. and see how things are. Duáwa ang kábaw ug nainitan ba, Take a look at the carabao to see if it is in the sun. -um-r-/l- n visitor.

dúay = dul-ay.

duay-ay v [B3(1); b6c1] for the head to hang limp. Nagduay-ay ang úlu sa manuk pagkaigù sa bulang, The cock’s head hung limp after it was struck with the gaff.

dubdub v [A; b6(1)] burn s.t. by putting a torch to it. Dubduban ang pánit sa kanding arun makúhà ang balhíbu, They singe the goat’s skin to get the hair off. Dubduban nátù ang mga uhut, Let’s burn off the rice stalks.

dubla v 1 [AC; c] do two things in rapid succession or simultaneously to a recipient; for two agents to do the same thing in succession to a recipient. Midubla kug suntuk sa pátid, I boxed him and then kicked him. Nagdubla mig tíru sa liyun, We both fired at the lion. Human na siya kasab-i. Ayaw idubla ang ímu, He has gotten his scolding. Don’t you do it, too. 2 toll the church bell for the dead, done with two bells in a set rhythm, or toll the bells in the same way at eight P.M. n tolling of the church bells at eight P.M.

dubli a double, twice as much. Dubli ang báyad basta istranghíru, You pay double if you’re a foreigner. — u n letter w. v [AB6; a1] double s.t., be doubled. Mudubli ku sa ímung swildu ug takus ka, I’ll double your salary if you’re worth it. Mudubli ang abut kun gamítan ug abúnu, The yield doubles if fertilizer is applied. Nagdubli man kag báhin, You have a double share. — antsu n cloth of extra width. Dus mitrus paígù kay dubli antsu man, Two meters are enough because it is extra-wide cloth. — bista n bifocals. — dus n twenty-two caliber rifle, pistol (slang). — kára n not living up to one’s word of honor. Dubli kárang pulitiku. Dúru kung kampanya níya piru wà ku pasudlag trabáhu, He’s a two-faced politician. I worked like hell for him, but he didn’t give me a [229]job.

dubudúbu v [B24C3] be about the same in capacity, condition, age. Mudubudúbu mig panuígun kay nagdúngan man mi pagkapuwit, We could be of the same age because we were in first grade together. Magdubudúbu lang ning ámung kinitáan, We have about the same income. ka- n people of about the same age.

dubuk a 1 for fish not to be fresh. 2 tending to get sick easily. Dubuk kaáyu kug láwas. Dì ku kaagwantas tun-ug, I am susceptible to illnesses. I can’t take drafts. v 1 [B] get old or spoiled. Nadubuk kay wà aysi, It did not keep because it wasn’t put on ice. 2 [B1256] for the body to be badly bruised due to severe maulings. Gitabangan siya hangtud nadubuk ang láwas, They ganged up on him and mauled him until his body was badly bruised.

dúbul n 1 sleeping equipment good for two. Maglála kug banig nga dúbul, I’ll weave a double-bed-sized mat. 2 doubles, a game with two persons on a side. v [C; c3] be s.o.’s partner in doubles. Makigdúbul aku nímu sa tínis, I’ll be your tennis partner for doubles. 3 in phrases: — bádi n a k.o. tongue-shaped cookie consisting of two cookies with a filling. b a pregnant woman (humorous). — bid double bed. double ... — dayis a method of determining the dealer in mahjong with two dice. v [A; c16] determine mahjong dealer with two dice. — dik double-decked bed. v [A; a] construct a double-decked bed, put a double-decked bed s.w. — krus double cross. v [A; b5] double-cross. Gidúbul krúsan (gidúbul krus) siya sa íyang trátu, His fiancee double-crossed him. — krúsir n double-crosser. v [B16] be a double-crosser. — parking double parking. v [A; c] park double. Ákù lang úsà idúbul parking, I’ll just park double for the while.

dúbun a very dark in hue; almost black. Gwápa untà siya apan dúbun lang kaáyu sa kaitum, She is pretty, only she is very dark. v [AB12; a] darken or blacken. Ayaw dubúna pag-anyil ang linabhan, Don’t put too much bluing in the clothes.

dúda v [A; bc] 1 doubt. Nagdúda kung muulan, I doubt it will rain. 2 suspect. Gidudáhan ku siya nga mauy nangáwat, I suspect him to be the one who stole it. n 1 doubt. Dakù ang ákung dúda nga makapasar ku, I very much doubt that I can pass. 2 suspicion. Dakù ang ákung dúda nga naglúib ka, I am very suspicious that you are unfaithful. dudúsu a suspicious, doubting. Dudúsu man gud siya sa íyang katakus, He was doubtful of his ability. Dudúsu ku ánang táwung ganíha rang naglabaylábay sa báy, I am suspicious of that man. He’s been going back and forth in front of the house. v [B12] be suspicious.

dudhu v 1 [A; c] thrust s.t. at s.o. that he doesn’t want, give s.o. s.t., imposing it on him. Ngánung nagdudhu ka pa man nákug tubà nga wà kuy gustu? Why do you thrust toddy at me when I don’t want any? Gidudhu ang bungì ngadtu sa dalága, She tried to force the hairlipped boy on the girl. 2 [A3P] push s.o. into a bad situation. Ang ímung pagkapalahúbug mauy makadudhu (makapadudhu) nímu sa kaparútan, Your drunkenness has thrust you into your misery.

dùdù v [A; c] 1 press s.t. hard over s.t. Idùdù sa linúgaw ang asin nga binatu, Press the chunk of salt onto the porridge. 2 force s.t. on s.o. Dùdúig bibirun ang bátà, Press a bottle to the child’s lips. Idùdù giyud ang kwarta ug dílì siya mudáwat, Force the money on him if he refuses to accept it. 3 dip, dunk. Idùdù ang kaling sa súkà, Dunk the dried anchovies into the vinegar.

dúdung short form: dung 1 term of address for a male of the same age or younger than the speaker. 2 nickname popular for boys. v [A; a12] call s.o. dúdung.

dudúsu see dúda.

dū́g = dulug.

dugà, dúgà n 1 juice, sap from a plant, juice coming from inside meat. Dugà sa agridulsi, Calomondin juice. Ang dugà sa alipáta makabúta, The sap from the alipáta tree can blind you. Karning nalútù sa íyang dúgà, Meat cooked in its own juices. 2 oozings from infections. 3 semen (humorous euphemism). Wà nay dugang tigúlang, An old man with no more sperm. 4 a man’s children (humorous). Kinsay mubuhì sa ímung dugà kun patay ka na? Who will raise your children when you are gone? v [A3P] exude sap or juice. Nakadugà na ba ang hubag? Has any pus come out of the boil? -un(→) a juicy.

dug-ab v [AN; c1] belch. Nakadug-ab na ba ang bátà? Has the baby burped? n belch.

dugámis (coined from dugà and tam-is) n honey, sweet juice (literary). Dugámis sa mangga, Sweet juice of the mango. v [A12S3] drip with sweet juice. Kansang ngábil nga nagdugamis sa kabatan-un, Whose lips are dripping with the honey of youth.

dúgang v [AB2S4; c] add to s.t., increase in amount. Magdúgang ba tag palit? Shall we [230]buy more? Nagdugang (nagkadugang) ang kasakit, Her illness is getting worse. Dugángi ang ákung báhin, Add to my share, please. Pilay idúgang? How many shall we add? n s.t. given in addition. Dúgang kasayúran, Additional information. 2 — sa in addition to. Dúgang pa niánà, pubri siya, Furthermore, he is very poor. paki-, paki-(←) v [A13] ask for more. Nagpakidugang (nagpakidúgang) pa siyag kan-un kay gigútum pa, He asked for more food because he was still hungry. ig-r-, ig-l- n s.t. to add to s.t. Balas nga igdudúgang sa abúnu, Sand to be added to the filler.

dugap v 1 [A; b6] intervene, take part in others’ affairs uninvited. Midakù ang áway kay gidugapan sa ugángan, The quarrel got worse because the mother-in-law joined in. 2 [A2; c] do s.t., usually unnecessary, as a sideline to one’s main business. Gidugapan níyag panlabáda ang súhul sa íyang bána, She took in wash as an addition to her husband’s salary.

dúgay a 1 taking a long time. Dúgay nga intirbiyu, A lengthy interview. Dúgay ang kaayuhun sa sangla, It takes long for leprosy to heal. Dúgay siyang nag-ílis (mag-ílis), It took (takes) her long to change. 2 late. Dúgay ang ámung paniudtu, Our lunch was late. Dúgay ming natúlug, We went to sleep late. 3 — na long ago. Dúgay na nà, That was long ago. Dúgay nang nalútù ang sud-an, dúgay nang pagkalútù sa sud-an, The food has been ready for some time. v 1 [B3(1); b3c1] take a long time. Dì siya madúgayng pirma, He doesn’t take long to sign. Ug madúgay pa kining sakíta, ... If this sickness lasts much longer ... Wà madúgay, namatay siya, It didn’t take long before she died. Dì ku magdúgay dinhi, I won’t stay here for long. Dì ka makadúgayg tubag, You may not take long to answer. Dugáya (idúgay) ug tágù, Put it away for a long time. Unsay gidugáyan ninyug isturya? Why are you talking so long? 1a [B4] last long. Dílì magdúgay kining klasíha sa sapátus, This type of shoes doesn’t last long. 2 [B2] get to be late, delayed. Ug mudúgay tag adtu, mudúgay sag paúlì, If we go late, we’ll come home late. Nadúgay ang suwat, The letter was delayed. 3 [B12] — na get to be a long time. Sa nadúgay na níyang trabáhu didtu, After he had worked there for a long time ... Sa nagkadugay na, As time went on ... dugaydugay a 1 taking some time. 2 somewhat late. 3 — na some time ago. -an(→) a tending to take long to do things. Dugayan siyang sugúun, He takes long to do things he is told to do. gi-un(→), ka-un(→) n length of time. hiN- it’s been long enough now. Hinúgay na niánang ímung paghilakhílak, You’ve been crying long enough now. (Stop it.) v [A13; b] keep doing s.t. too long and too much. Ayaw ug hinugáyi ug lisùlísù ang siradúra, Don’t keep turning that lock. ka-an the long run. Sa kadugáyan maáyu ra nà, In the long run it will surely get better.

dugbak a for s.t. firm to be thoroughly rotten. Dugbak nga káhuy, A piece of wood completely rotted. Dugbak na kaáyu ang patay, The body was in an advanced state of decomposition. v [B12; b6] rot.

dugdug = dalugdug.

dughan n 1 chest, breast. Ipahigdà ang bátà sa íyang dughan, Lay the child on its chest. Bugdu nga dughan, A full bosom. 2 breast, as seat of emotions. Mikúba ang ákung dughan, My heart beat rapidly. 2a sakit ang — be deeply worried about some situation. Nagsakit ang ákung dughan ánang batáa kay dì magtuun, I’m worried about that child because he doesn’t study. 3 part around the chest of a garment. Guut ang dughan sa ákung sinínà, My dress is narrow around the chest. v [A; a12] hit in the breast. -un a full-breasted, buxom. -un ug tiyan a pot-bellied (humorous).

dughang = dugsak.

dughit v [A; a] poke at things high up to dislodge them. Dughíta na lang ang búnga, ayawg sak-a, Knock the fruits down with a pole, don’t climb up after them. (→) n pole to poke things down.

dughù1 v 1 [A; a] poke at s.t. that is up high with a pole. Dughúa ang kisami arun muhílum ang tagatáas, Thump on the ceiling so the people upstairs will quiet down. Dughúi kug tambis, Knock some fruits down for me. 2 [A123P; a12] get infested with bedbugs. Dughuun ka (ang átung silya) kun adtu ka manini sa barátu, You (our chairs) will get infested with bedbugs if you go to cheap moviehouses. n 1 pole to poke with. 2 bedbugs, lice in furniture (so-called from their propensity to bite from beneath). -un a infested with bedbugs.

dughù2 n k.o. small black poisonous snake.

dugkal v 1 [A; a] dig up the earth with a pole or bar and, by extension, with a spade. Dugkálun ang yútà nga dì madáru, They dig the earth up with a pole where they can’t plow. 2 [A; a1] thrust at, strike with a long [231]pointed instrument. Gidugkal níya sa sundang ang punúan sa káhuy, He thrust a machete into the tree trunk. n pole to pry the earth up with.

dugmak v [A; ab2] stab. Punyal tung gidugmak nákù, It was a knife that I was stabbed with. -in-an(→) n stab wounds.

dugmil v 1 [AB; c1] roll, wallow in dirt, sand, sugar and the like, cause s.t. to do so. Nagdugmil ang anay sa lápuk, The sow wallowed in the mud. Nadugmil sila sa salà, They wallowed in sin. Idugmil ang ságing sa asúkar, Roll the banana fritters in the sugar. 2 [A; b6] for an animal to gather stuff to give birth on. Nagdugmil ang anay kay taliának na, The sow is gathering material because she is going to deliver. 3 [A; a12] crumple, rough s.t. up vigorously to the point of mangling it. Hastang nakadugmil sa úsu sa táwu, My! How the bear mangled the man!

dugmù1 v [B126; b6] fall forwards with the knees hitting the ground first. Nadugmù ku sa nagbansiwag nga gamut, I tripped and fell on the root that was sticking out.

dugmù2 v [ANC; b5] wrestle, fight with grappling. Gidugmù (gidugmúan) sa asáwa ang babáyi sa íyang bána, The wife fought with her husband’s mistress.

dugmuk v [A; a] 1 crush into small pieces or powder. Nadugmuk ang súpas sa garapun, The crackers in the jar got all broken to pieces. Dugmúka ang pasáyan úsà iságul, Crush the shrimps before you put them in. 2 change a bill. Dugmúka nang dyasingku, Please change this fiver. n 1 s.t. crushed into bits. 2 the little pieces of bread and pastry left over when baked goods have been cut for sale. sulting — statement not worth giving credence. Ayaw tuhúi kanang mga tabì. Púru nà sulting dugmuk, Don’t believe that gossip. They’re just stories.

dugmun n 1 rags. 2 things gathered by an animal to prepare its bed for giving birth. v [A; b6] 1 lie down in the midst of disorder. Didtu siya magdugmun sa suuk, He lay down in the dirt in the corner. 2 spread rags for an animal to give birth on. Nagdugmun ang anay kay taliának na, The sow gathered stuff because she was about to give birth. 3 [B1256; b6] get enmeshed in a net. Sa pagdasmag, ang isdà madugmun sa báling, In lunging, the fish enmeshes itself in the net.

dugnas v [B23(1); b6] for the leaves of annuals which yield roots or vegetables to wither when the crop has been gathered or is ready for gathering. Mudugnas (madugnas) na gánì ang dáhun sa úbi, kanà panglihun na, When the leaves of the yam die out, it means the tubers are ready for gathering.

dug payit n dogfight between fighter planes. v [C; c3] engage in a dogfight.

dugsak v [A; a12] thrust s.t. long at s.t. with force. Dugsáka ang halu sa bangag, Thrust a pole at the monitor lizard in the hole. Idugsak ang ísi sa íhu, Thrust the harpoon into the shark. n thrust with s.t. long. Dì pa madutlan sa usa ka dugsak, You can’t pierce it with one thrust.

dugsang = dugsak.

dugsib v [A; b6(1)] set fire to s.t. with a burning torch. Dugsíbi ang ílang balay, Set fire to their house.

dugsù n k.o. fish.

dugtà a worn out to shreds, rotten and badly decomposed, completely decayed. Dugtang banig, A mat worn to shreds. Dugtang láwas sa patay, Completely decayed body of the corpse. Dugtang balay, A house that is rotted through. v [B12; b3] get completely rotten, or worn out. Gidugtáan siyag tulu ka buuk karsúnis, wà gihápun kaswilduhi, He has worn three pairs of pants to shreds, and he still hasn’t received his pay.

dugtung v 1 [A; ac] join end to end. Dugtúnga ang duha ka kadína, Join the two chains together. Dugtúnga ang duha ka lamísa arun dúna kay kahigdáan, Put two tables end to end so you have s.t. to sleep on. Idugtung ring tabla niánà, Join this piece of wood to the end of that one. 1a [A13; a12] link with a structure or opening. May pultahan nga nagdugtung sa duha ka lawak, There is a door connecting the two adjacent rooms. Ang duha ka línaw dugtúngun sa usa ka kanal, The two ponds will be linked together by a canal. 1b [A12; a12] unite, link together. Ang kaminyúun sa duruha nagdugtung sa duha ka bantúgang bánay, The marriage of the two joins the two famous families. 2 [A] say s.t. after s.o. else has spoken. Ang íyang kasábà gidugtúngan níyag maymay, He added a piece of advice after he scolded me. 3 [A23C23] overlap into the succeeding period, season. Ang ámung mais mudugtung sa sunud sanggì, Our corn will last into the next harvest. Ang duha ka sanggì magdugtung, The product from one harvest lasts to the next. 3a [C] — ang hunàhúnà have similar opinions on s.t. Nagdugtung ang ámung hunàhúnà báhin niánà, Our opinions coincide on that point. 3b — ang dálan v [c13] for people estranged to be reconciled. Nagbúlag sila ug walà na magkadugtung [232]ang ílang dálan, They separated and each went his separate way. n 1 a piece that joins another piece. Háin man ag dugtung áning kayril? Where is the other piece of this watch chain? 2 the continuation of s.t. foregoing. Kadtung awáya dugtung sa ílang lális, That fight is the continuation of their quarrel. 3 installment of s.t. that appears in a series. Atangi ang dugtung, Read the next installment. 4 the knot which joins two ends of a rope or chain. Ang dugtung lig-un, The knot is strong. — ug púsud n siblings. Ayaw mu pag-áway kay dugtung ra mug púsud, Don’t quarrel. You are brothers (of the same umbilical cord). — ug tinái one’s husband or wife (humorous). Nía na ang ímung dugtung ug tinái, Your wife is here. -in-an(→) n place two things are joined. ka- = dugtung, n.

dugù n 1 blood. May dugù siyang Katsílà, He has Spanish blood. 2 blood from menstruation. Kusug kug dugù human kakuhái, I have been having profuse menstruation since my miscarriage. 3 — sa láki semen (euphemism). 4 the part of one’s being that supplies aggressiveness and vitality. Misúruk ákung dugù, My blood boiled. — sa — one’s offspring. -ng putì a semen (euphemism). b white discharge after menstruation. c people of the white race. batan-un nga — a young people. b having youthful drive and aggressiveness. Ang batan-un níyang dugù nagtukmud níya sa pagpakasalà, Her youthful drive led her to sin. bug-at ang — having a strong antipathy toward s.o. hínay, lúya, patayg — slow, lacking in vitality and aggressiveness. ínit ug — hot-tempered. ísug ug — brave, courageous. b having smelly blood during menstruation. c for traits to be dominant. kúlang ug — having low blood pressure. subra ug — having high blood pressure. v 1 [A; b6] bleed. Wà na magdugù ang samad, The wound isn’t bleeding any more. Nadug-an ang ákung sinínà, My shirt got blood on it. 2 [A23] give money. Wà siya mudugù sa dihang gipangayúan, He did not give any money when he was asked. Tihik kaáyu. Mudugù pay úhung, He is stingy. It is easier to squeeze money out of a rock. (Lit. A mushroom will bleed sooner.) 3 — ang balatían, kasingkásing a be deeply touched by s.t. sad. b have hurt feelings. 4 [a4b6] menstruate. Gidugù siya, maung salaptun, She is menstruating; that is why she is easily angered. Labhi ang dinug-an, Wash the clothes you got menstrual blood on. (←) v [A3] have heavy bleeding. Magdúgù kag makuháan ka, You will bleed heavily if you have a miscarriage. -in-(←) v [A13] = dúgù. ka-(←) v [A13] get blood all over one. dugùdugù, -in-an n dish prepared from the blood and the innards of a pig. v [A; a12] prepare, eat blood dish. ka-(←) n 1 blood relative. 2 compatriot. Daghan sa átung kadúgù ang namatay sa gíra, Many of our compatriots died in the war. ma-(←) a place that emits blood profusely when cut. Madúgù ang líug ug mauy masámad, The neck bleeds profusely if it is wounded. san-(←) see sandúgù. taliN- see talinúgù. -un having a lot of blood. Duguung isdà ang mangkù, The mackerel is a fish with lots of blood. -un(←) a 1 bloody, covered with blood. 2 involving bloodshed. Dugúung bugnù, A bloody battle.

dúguk v [A; b5] go, be attracted to a specific thing, most often in great numbers. Mudúguk ka sa kumbira bísag walà imbitaha? Will you attend the banquet even if you’re not invited? Way taga Rid Krus nga midúguk sa nasunúgan, No one from the Red Cross visited the burnt-out area. Dugúkun (dugúkan) ang íyang tindáhan sa mga táwu, People flock to his store. Gidúguk (gidugúkan) ang artista sa íyang mga pans, The fans crowded around the actor. pa- v [A; ac] attract people to come to a specific thing. n s.t. to attract s.t. s.w. Padúguk sa isdà, S.t. to bring the fish near. Barátug baligyà ágig padúguk, Goods sold cheap as a loss leader. -an n 1 longitudinal spar which serves as the centerpiece or main member to which crosspieces are attached. Dugúkan sa talabánug, Centerpiece of the kite. Dugúkan sa batugánan, Post to which sticks are attached for fowls to perch on. 1a chassis for a vehicle. 2 backbone. 3 plot of a story, main subject of an article. -l-un(→) attractive, drawing s.t. to come to it. Búwak nga dulugukun sa alibangbang, Flowers that attract butterflies.

dúgung n dugong, k.o. sea cow.

dugus n 1 honey, nectar. Dugus sa gugma, The sweetness of love. v [A; b6] put honey on s.t. ka-(←) v [A13] get honey all over it. dugusdugus k.o. mealy bug, covered with whitish substance, which infests plants, so called because it exudes a nectar-like substance. dugusnun a honey-like.

dugwà = digwà.

dugwat = ligwat.

duha numeral two. v 1 see tulu. -y nawung = dubli kára. duruha n two. tagurha two at a time. Tagurhay sulud áning mga kahúna, Each of these boxes has two in it. igtagurha one’s second cousin. magtagurha be second cousins. tinagurha by two’s. v [A] do by [233]two’s. Magtinagurha silag linya, They will line up in two’s. ika- n second. walay ikaduha without equal. Bakákun nga walay ikaduha, A liar without peer. kalúha see kalúha. kaluhaan, kaluwaan, kawhaan twenty.†

duhadúha a 1 doubtful, unlikely. Duhadúha nga muabut siya, It’s unlikely that he will arrive. 2 suspicion. 3 hesitation. v [A; bc3] 1 doubt. Nagduhadúha silang mabúhì siya, They doubt he will live. 2 suspect. Mau nà siyay ákung giduhàduháan (giduhaduháan) nga kawatan, That is the man I suspect of being a thief. 3 hesitate, not do s.t. because of doubts. Ayaw na pagduhadúha. Palita dáyun, Do not hesitate. Buy it immediately. maduhaduháun, maduhàduháun a full of doubts, suspicions.

duhal a 1 somewhat mentally retarded. 2 not careful in doing things. v 1 [B12] become mentally retarded. 2 [A13; b(1)] be careless. Ug duhalan mug dala nang kwartáha, háyan mawálà, If you carry that money around carelessly, you’re likely to lose it. duhalduhal v [A; b(1)] treat s.o. without proper care or without respect. Giduhalduhalan lang níya ang ákung súgù, She didn’t take my orders seriously.

duháwit (coined from duha and áwit) n duet, in singing. v [A1C] sing a duet.

dúhig v [A; c] apply liquid or viscous substances to a surface. Duhígig lána ang agtang, Rub the forehead with coconut oil. 2 [A; a3] smear one’s reputation. Nadúhig ku sa kaúlaw sa ímung gibúhat, I am besmirched with shame for what you have done. (→) n 1 s.t. applied. 2 applicator.

duhiras v [A3P] do, attend to many things with haste under pressure. Magduhiras mig silbi kun daghang mangáun, We will be rushing about serving when there are lots of customers in the restaurant.

duhiraw v 1 [A13] grope, walk uncertainly. Nagduhiraw siya sa dálan tungud sa kangitngit, He groped his way because it was dark. 2 [B4] be, become delirious. Magduhiraw siya kun hilantan, She becomes delirious when she has a high fever. a having wandering thoughts. Ang mga duhiraw wà makakat-un, The scatterbrain did not learn.

dúhul = túnul.

dū́k = dúluk.

dukà v [B146; a4b6] be drowsy and have one’s head nod. Nagdukà (gidukà) aku sa sinihan, I felt drowsy in the movie. Gidukaan lang sa tuntu ang ákung klási, The fool was drowsy in my class. n drowsiness. (←) n k.o. click beetle, the head of which droops and clicks when its back is held.†

dukandukan v [B16] totter, move with uncertain faltering steps. Ang dukà mauy nakadukandukan (nakapadukandukan) sa ákung linaktan, I was so sleepy I was tottering instead of walking.

dukduk1 v 1 [A; ab2] pound s.t. repeatedly. Dukdúka ang áhus úsà iságul, Pound the garlic before you put it in. Ayaw idukduk nang ímung kúmù sa lamísa, Don’t pound your fist on the table. 2 [A; bc] for males to masturbate (slang). n s.t. to pound with.

dukduk2 n fowl cholera. v [a4] be affected with fowl cholera.

dúki n duke. v [B16; a2] become a duke.

dukìdukì, dukìdúkì v [AN; a12] 1 ransack s.t. in search of s.t. Nanukìdukì ang makililímus sa mga basúra kun unsay makit-an, The beggar ransacked the garbage can to see what he could find. 1a investigate, question in detail. Ang syinsiya nagdukìdukì sa makaingun sa kansir, Science is searching for the cause of cancer. Gidukìdúkì siya sa pulis, The police questioned him in detail. 2 tinker with. Ákung dukìdukíun ning rilu básig muandar, I’ll tinker with this watch in hopes that I can get it to run. 3 [A; b(1)] putter around, do small odds and ends, unimportant things. Unsay íyang gidukìdukían sa kusína? What is she puttering around within the kitchen? ma-un a inquisitive, inquiring deeply. paN- n investigation, research.

dukiruk a 1 gate crasher, attending affairs uninvited, horning in on getting things where one has no right to them. 2 playing around with women. Dukiruk nà siya kaáyu. Hayan dì mangasáwa, He just plays around. It’s unlikely he will get married. v [B12; b6] play around with women. paN- v [A2; b6] attend uninvited, horn in on some distribution one has no right to. Nanukiruk siya sa panghátag rilip, He horned in on the distribution of relief clothing.

dukísa n duchess. v [B16; a2] become a duchess.

dukla, duklà v [A12; b6] come upon, catch s.o. unaware. Naduklahan sila nga nagháluk, They were caught kissing.

duklap v [B146] be slow, lethargic. Nagduklap ang buta nga naglakaw, The blind man walked slowly with hesitation. Nagduklap ang nigusyu run, Business is slow these days.

duktrína n doctrine. — Kristiyána n rudiments of the Roman Catholic religion.

duktur n 1 doctor, physician. 2 title of a physician. 3 — láway a folk healer that treats by application of saliva. 4 — rural rural doctor. v 1 [B16; a2P] be, become a doctor. Maduktur kag magtuun ka, You [234]will become a doctor if you study. Magduktur siya damag, He hopes to be a doctor. Ang dakù níyang hílig sa pagpanambal muy nakaduktur (nakapaduktur) níya, His great inclination to treat sick people made him a doctor. Duktúrun (paduktúrun) ku ang ákung pangánay, I’ll have my eldest child become a doctor. Mau nang uspitála ang íyang giduktúran, That is the hospital where he works as a doctor. 2 [A; b] doctor information. Dukturan nátù ang mga ansir arun makahandrid ka, We’ll doctor the answers so you get a hundred. 3 [b4] be treated by a physician. Gidukturan na siya piru wà maáyu, He was treated by a physician but he didn’t get well. (→) = duktur, n 1, v. pa- v [A; b] have a doctor treat s.t. Magpaduktur ku ning ákung ubu, I’m going to the doctor for my cold. Padukturi siya kay nagkaluspad, Have a doctor treat her because she is getting pale. Wà tay kwartang ipaduktur, We have no money to get medical treatment. paka- v 1 [A13; a12] pretend to be a doctor, treat like a doctor. 2 [A13] strive to become a doctor.

duktúra = duktur (female).

dukù v 1 [A; c1P] bow the head, bend over. Mudukù lang siyag kasab-an, He just bows his head if they cuss him out. Idukù (dukua, ipadukù, padukua) ang ímung úlu arun makaagi ka, Bend over so you can pass. 1a [A23] — ug paalut submissive, allowing people to do whatever they want to one without complaint. 2 [A] for plants to bend. Sanga nga nagdukù tungud sa daghang búnga, A branch weighted down with fruit. Nagdukù na ang humay, The rice is nearly ripe now (lit. the stems are bent with grains). (←) v [A; b3] be bent over one’s work in extreme concentration. Magdúkù tag tuun kay tís ugmà, Let’s engross ourselves in our studies, because we have a test tomorrow. padukùdúkù v [A13] pretend to be working seriously. Magpadukùdúkù siyag makinilya ug bantayan, She pretends to be busy with her typing if s.o. watches her.

dukul v = dakul. n stone used in fashioning clay pots. The stone is knocked on the inside at the same time as the outside is knocked with a paddle.

dukumintu n written document in proof of s.t. Way dukumintu ang pagpalit ku sa yútà, There was no document made when I bought the land. — sa pálit n deed of sale. v [A; b(1)] prepare a document for s.t. dukumintádu a documented.

dukung = dakul.

dukut v 1 [B2; b6] get stuck in or to s.t. Midukut (nadukut) ang trák sa lápuk, The truck got mired in the mud. Ang tíkug húmuk duktan ug pulug, Dye sticks readily to that kind of reed. 2 [A2] not move from a place, stick to a job. Ngánung midukut ka ánang palahúbug? Bulagi, Why do you stick to that drunkard? Break off from him. Pastilan nakadukut níya sa íyang trabáhu! My, how he concentrated on his work! 3 [B4; b6] for starchy foods to form a crust at the pot. Midukut na ang nilung-ag, The rice has formed a crust. n crust of boiled starches formed on the pot. (→) v 1 [B1456] stick to an intense degree. Nagdúkut ang buling sa kwilyu, The dirt is sticking terribly to the collar. 2 [C; ac] adhere to each other. Magdúkut ang pinyátu, The pieces of peanut brittle stick to each other. 3 [AC; c1] be close to one another. Nagdúkut silag lingkud, They sat close to one another. 4 [B; b6] for fire to catch to s.t. Nagdúkut ang káyu sa atup, The fire is spreading to the roof. Naduktan ang silíngang balay, The neighboring houses caught fire. duktanan ug buling tending to get dirty easily. Ang puting sinínà duktanan ug buling, White dresses get dirty easily.

dula a for animals to be shy and not allow anyone to approach them. Lisud dakpun ang sunuy nga dula kaáyu, It’s hard to catch a rooster that is very shy. v [B1; b6] be shy. Nagkadula ang mga ungguy sukad napusilan ug usa, The monkeys are becoming shier now that one of them was shot.

dúlà v 1 [AC; abc] play, play a game. Ang bátà nagdúwà sa íyang tái, The child is playing with its feces. Makigdúlà aku nímug tínis, I’ll play a game of tennis with you. Duláun nátù ang Píi run, Let’s make our P.E. class into a play session. Ása man duláa ang inyung baskit? Where will you hold your basketball game? Ayawg dulái nang makinilya, Don’t play with that machine. Dúgay nang wà sila nátù igdúlà, We haven’t played against them in a long time. 2 [A; c1] stage a performance. Makbit ang sunud nílang duwáun (idúwà), The next thing they will put on is ‘Macbeth’. 3 [A] gambling, esp. in a table game. Túa siya sa madyungan nagdúlà, She is in the mahjong den, gambling. 4 [C13; b6] pull s.t. on s.o. Nagkadúlà giyud ang ílang pagkahambugiru, They tried to impress each other with their tall stories. Giduláan níya si Nánay sa íyang paráyig ug gitugtan, She pulled a fast one on Mama by playing up to her, and Mama allowed her to go. n 1 game. 2 drama. Dúlà sa kinabúhì, [235]Drama of life. -an n 1 toy. 2 musical instrument. -ánan n 1, 2 = -an. 3 playground. 4 gambling den. ka- 1 playmate. 2 one whom one plays a game with.

dulámug = dalínug.

dúlang n 1 round wash basin dug out from a single piece of wood. 2 depression in the ground which fills with water when it rains like a dúlang. v 1 [A; a12] make into a dúlang. 2 [B1; b5] become, make a depression which fills with water.

dular1 = durar2.

dular2, dúlar = duliyar.

dulaw n turmeric, an herb resembling ginger, the rootstock of which is used as a yellow-colored spice for stews: Curcuma longa.

*dúlaw gi- know s.t. about s.t. Wà kuy gidúlaw báhin sa makinilya, I don’t know anything about typing. Way gidúlaw ang ginikánan nga nakigtában ang ílang anak, The parents had no idea their children eloped.

dul-ay v [A; c] spit up, for a baby to vomit up excess food taken in. Ug iug-ug ang bátà, mudul-ay nyà, If you shake the baby, he will spit up. Idul-ay níya ang kináun, She spits up what she had eaten. n material spit up by a baby. -un(→) a tending to spit up.

duldug v [A; c1] squash and mash into fine pieces. Iduldug (duldúga) ang patátas, Mash the potatoes. -in- n 1 dish of squash cooked in coconut. 2 any food which was squashed or mashed. 3 sweet soup made of any starchy food cooked in coconut milk.

duldul n kapok fiber or tree: Ceiba pentandra. The pods produce a cotton-like fiber which is used as furniture stuffing. There is a belief that insanity can be cured by shackling a person’s ankles to a stock made of a kapok log. The person imprisoned with a kapok log may sit or lie down, but cannot stand or move, and often may be kept that way for years. Duldul na lay kúwang nímu, The only thing that can help you is a kapok stock. (I.e., you’re crazy.)

dulhug v [A; acP] go, bring s.t. downwards. Sukad dinhi nagdulhug ang dálan, From here on the road goes downhill. Duna kuy dulhúgun sa syudad, I have s.t. to go down to get in the city. Idulhug (ipadulhug) ang mga pruduktu sa mirkádu, Bring the crops down to the market. Gidulhug (gipadulhug) níya ang íyang panan-aw gíkan sa úlu ngadtu sa tiil, He let his gaze move over her from her head to her feet.

duling a cross-eyed. v [B126; b6] get to be cross-eyed.

dulipanus = dalipanus.

dul-it v [A; ac] touch the tip or end of s.t. to s.t. Dihay midul-it (nagdul-it) ug báraw sa íyang likud, S.o. poked a dagger in his back. Dul-ítun ta ning duha ka lamísa, Let’s join the two tables at their ends.

duliyar n dollar.

dulsi n candy, sweets, fruit preserves. Dulsing nangkà, Jackfruit preserves. v [A; a26] make sweets, fruit preserves. -ra n candy dish.

dul-u v [A13; c] deliver, take s.w. Idul-u ni ngadtu, Bring this there.

dulug v [A2C; ac] sleep together with s.o. Dulúga ang mga bátà, Have the children sleep together. Dulgi siya karung gabíi, Sleep with her tonight. Ayaw idulug ang inyung bátà, Don’t have your baby sleep in the same bed with you. ka-(←) n bedmate.

dul-ug v [A; b6(1)] help s.o. lift a load to carry it on his head or shoulders. Kinsay nagdul-ug nímu sa usa ka sákung bugas, Who helped you lift the sack of rice to carry on your back?

dúluk v [AC12; b6] make a clearing and burn it off for agricultural purposes. Nagdúluk ku sa baul nga tamnan sa mais, I made a clearing for the field to plant corn.

dulum a 1 for a night to be dark and moonless. Dulum ang gabíi kay patay ang búwan, The night is dark because there’s no moon. 2 for the atmosphere to be gloomy, dark. Dulum ang kaugmáun sa táwung tapulan, A lazy man has a gloomy future. 3 for the vision to be failing. 4 the moon of the third quarter. Primírung dulum, The first day of the third quarter. v [B; b4] 1 get dark, gloomy. Buklása ang hinayhay kay nadulum na ang lángit, Bring the wash in because it has gotten overcast. Nadulman mi sa dálan, Darkness overtook us on the way. 2 for the eyesight to fail. 3 — ang pangísip, hunàhúnà get to be blind with rage, sorrow. Nadulum (gidulman) ang íyang pangísip pagkahibáwu níya, He became blinded with rage (sorrow) when he found out.

dulun n choking because of inability to swallow, difficulty in swallowing. Ang dulun makamatay sa bátà, A child can die if he eats s.t. he cannot swallow. a difficult to swallow. Dulung kan-un ang amúti, Sweet potatoes are hard to get down. v 1 [A123P; b4] get choked from inability to swallow. 2 [B146] for the throat to get choked up. Magdulun kug mutan-aw ku sa íyang litrátu, I get all choked up if I look at her picture.

dúlun n locust. v 1 [a4] be attacked by locusts. 2 [A; b5] swarm s.w. like locusts. [236]Dulúnun (dulúnan) sa mga táwu ang maung salída, People will flock to that particular show.

dulúnà (not without l) n boundary. Kinahanglang may dulúnà ang átung pagkaamígu, There must be limits to our friendship. v [C; c3] for pieces of land to be adjacent. Nagkadulúnà mig yútà, Our lands are adjacent to each other.

dúlung n 1 front end of a vehicle. Ang dúlung sa kutsi, sakayan, The front part of the car, boat. 2 s.t. analogous to the front end of a vehicle, e.g. the anterior end of bamboo tie beams in a house. (→) v [B14; b5] go near. Nagkadulung ang pista, The fiesta is approaching. Ang búkid nga íyang gidulngan (gidulung), The mountain that he was approaching. pa-, pa-(→) go to. Padulung ba ni sa Lahug? Does this go to Lahug? v [A; c] go to. paN- n bow of a ship.

dul-ung v 1 [A; b6] go up to a place. Nagdul-ung ang barku sa pantalan, The boat was about to dock. 2 [A; c] deliver, take s.t. to a place. Harbur paylut muy mudul-ung sa barku sa pantalan, The harbor pilot steers the boat to the dock. Idul-ung ning suwat sa íla, Bring this letter to their house. hi-/ha- v [B1256] reach a place. Paghidul-ung ku sa balay nagdilaab na, When I reached the house, it was in flames.

dulurúsa = dulurúsu (female). mátir — the Virgin Mary after the death of Christ. v [A1] have a devotion to the Mater Dolorosa. Magdulurúsa ku ug magtúman ka sa ímung gustu, If you do as you like, I will take up a devotion to the Mater Dolorosa (in hopes of saving you).†

dulurúsu a sad, sorrowful. mistiryu — the Sorrowful Mystery, one of the Mysteries of the Rosary. v [B; b6] become sad.

dulut v [A2; b6] 1 cut or pierce deeply. Báraw nga midulut sa kasingkásing, A knife that penetrated his heart. Gidutlan ang abága ug bála, A bullet penetrated into the shoulder. 2 penetrate. Midulut ang tugnaw sa íyang kaunuran, The cold penetrated his body. Ang Kinatsilà dílì mudulut sa ákung úlu, Spanish won’t penetrate into my head. 3 affect s.o.’s emotions. Kinsang kasingkásing dílì dutlan sa íyang pakilúuy? Whose heart wouldn’t be moved by his pleas for pity? 4 [A12] have the stomach to eat s.t. Dì ku makadulut ánang ngilngig, I can’t manage that greasy stuff. n depth of penetration. Pilay dulut sa lansang? How deep did the nail penetrate? lalum ug — 1 having lasting effect. Lalum ug dulut kanang íyang tambag, His advice penetrated deeply (had lasting effect). 2 have more to it than what is visible on the surface. Lalum ug dulut nga mga púlung, Words which have more to them than is at first apparent. — sa bukug deep-rooted, penetrating the bones. Dulut sa bukug nga kayugut kang Krus, Anger at Cruz felt to the depths of his bones. Dulut sa bukug nga Nasyunalista, Dyed-in-the-wool Nationalist. Dulut sa bukug nga mananárì, A rabid cockfighter. — sa kasingkásing coming from the heart.

dúlut v [A; c] 1 serve food to visitors. Taglakin-an ang magdúlut sa bangkíti, The relatives of the bridegroom will serve the visitors at the wedding banquet. 1a make an offering of food in the diwáta ceremony or on All Souls’ Day. 2 bring happiness or sadness. Gidulútan níyag usa ka matam-is nga pahíyum ang ulitáwu, She gave the young boy a sweet smile. Kagul-ánan lang ang idúlut mu sa ímung mga ginikánan, You only give worries to your parents. n 1 food offered in the diwáta ceremony. 2 food offered at a tomb during All Souls’ Day. 3 food offered to visitors.

dulyum n k.o. tun shell of deep seas, edible and large in size.

dúm = dulum.

dúma = lagutmun. see lagutum.

dumágat n 1 water from the bag of waters. 2 material that is inside a baby when it is born. v [A13; b6] for the bag of waters to break. Nagdumágat (gidumagátan) na siya. Dì na madúgay magbúsug, Her bag of waters has ruptured. She’ll go into labor shortly.

dumagsà see dagsà.

dumála see dala.

dumalága see dalága1.

dumálig = dangílag.

dumaligyut see diyut.

dumánu n k.o. dwarf coconut.

dumar v [A2; a12] keep s.o. disciplined. Maáyung mudumar ang ákung bána sa ámung mga anak, My husband keeps our children well under control.

dumay a worn-out, but not badly so. v [B126; b6] get worn. Gidumayan ka man kahà ning sinináa, ákù na lang ni, If you consider this dress old, how about giving it to me?

dumbay = lumbay (dialectal).

dumbul v 1 = bungdul. 2 [A2C; b6(1)] play billiards or pool (slang).

dumdum v 1 [A; a12] go to a specific place for a purpose. Nagdumdum ku sa maisan ug naunsa na, I went to the cornfield to see what became of it. Átung tagúan ug dumdúmun nátù unyà, We’ll hide it and come back for it later. 2 [A3] go to a usual place. [237]Ang manuk mudumdum sa batugánan, The chicken finds its way to the roost. Ang ákung labad sa úlu mudumdum káda palis, My headache sets in every afternoon. 2a [A12; a12b2] know how to go s.w., locate s.t. Nakadumdum ka ba sa ámù? Do you know your way to our house? Dumdúmun nátù ang utlánan, Let’s locate the boundary. Dì nákù madumduman, I cannot locate it. 2b [A3; b(1)] show s.o. the way. Dumdúmi siya dinhi, Show him how to get here. 3 [A12] remember to do s.t. Nakadumdum siyag hátag nákù, He remembered to give me some. 4 [A12; a12] think s.t. would happen. Nákug kumidiya tu. Wà ku magdumdum nga tinud-un níya, I thought he was joking. I didn’t think he was really going to do it. hiN-/haN- v [B1236; b(1)] remember. Hinumdumi ang ímung sáad, Remember your promise. pahiN-/pahaN- v [A; c] remind. Pahinumdumi siya, Remind him. n reminder. ma-un a not forgetting easily, not needing reminders. paN-an n mind. Wà sa ákung panumdúman ang ímung gisulti kanákù, I did not implant your words in my mind. -l-un(→) n 1 thanksgiving celebration in the form of a nine-day prayer during the planting and harvesting season. 2 any regularly observed religious celebration. Dumdumun námù ang kamatáyun sa ákung inahan, We regularly observe the anniversary of my mother’s death with religious services.

dumílì see dílì.

duminar v [A; a12] dominate, hold control over. Wà siya kaduminar sa íyang anak, She was unable to exercise control over her son.

Duminggu n Sunday. Sa Duminggu na aku mubisíta nímu, I will visit you on Sunday. — dirámus n Palm Sunday. — diglurya n Easter Sunday. v see birnis.

duminu n 1 domino. 1a game of dominoes. 2 domino costume for masquerades. v 1 [A2C; b(1)] play dominoes. 1a [A13; a12] make a domino set. 1b [A12] get a domino set. 2 wear a domino costume.

dumísing v [A; a] get s.t. dirty by bespattering or besmearing it. Nakadumísing na kug pulbus sa ákung nawung, I smeared powder over my face. ka- v get dirt all over it. Nagkadumísing ang bátà sa nilúgaw, The child got porridge all over him.

dumistik sáyans n domestic science, home economics course.

dumpaug v [B146; b6] stumble as one walks, as from drunkenness. Daw hubug nga nagdumpaug ang linaktan, He walked like a drunkard tottering.

dumpil n k.o. fish corral that is set permanently in the sea.

dumpu, dumpul = pungdul.

dúmug1 v 1 [AC; a] wrestle to the ground. Nagkadúmug ang duha ka kábaw, The two carabaos were engaged in combat trying to knock each other over. Dumúgun ku siya. Mabuntug giyud siya nákù, I’ll wrestle him. I can get him down. 2 [AC; c] perform coital activity (humorous). 3 = dam-ag, 1, 2. pa- n k.o. net into which the fish are driven such that they snag their gills.

dúmug2 n dish made of ripe cooking bananas boiled in banana leaves with sugar and shredded coconut. v [A; c1] make dúmug. -in- = dúmug, n.

dum-ug = dam-ag, 1, 2.

dúmul v [AC; c] put s.t. near the face or the face near s.t. Nagkadúmul ang ílang duha ka ngábil, They brought their lips to each other. Ayaw idúmul ang butilya sa bàbà, Don’t put the bottle to your mouth.

dumut v 1 [AC3; b3(1)] hate s.t. enough to do s.t. against it. Nagdúmut ang duha ka pamilya, The two families are feuding. Ang táwu nga ákung gikadumtan, The person I hate with a vengeance. 2 [A; b6] have one’s mind set on doing or having s.t. Náay sapátus nga ákung gidumtan. Karun na lang swildu, There’s a pair of shoes I want very much. I’ll have it on payday. n hatred. (←) n hatred felt by people for each other. madinumtánun, madulumtun a full of vengeful hatred.

dumyang = damyang.

dun1 title before Christian names, used to address or refer to rich gentlemen, esp. those of Spanish blood. n rich landowner. Mga dun nga walay kalúuy sa saup, Rich landowners that have no pity for their tenants. v [A; a12] call s.o. ‘don’.

dun2 = karun.

dún = dúlun.

dúna = adúna.

dun-ag1 = lung-ag.

dun-ag2 = bun-ag.

dunar1 v [A; b6(1)] donate. Midunar ug lunà si Dun Ansilmu pára sa simbahan, Don Anselmo donated a lot for the church.

dunar2 v [A23] exist, remain for some time or forever. Ang táwu dì mudunar sa kalibútan, Man will not exist on earth forever.

dunasiyun n donation.

dúnat n doughnut. v [A; a2b6] have, make doughnuts.

dunat intir n a one-way street.

*dundi used only in the phrase: Nupuydi katabuk dundi gabahà, Can’t have intercourse because the wife is menstruating. (Lit. You can’t cross because the river is flooding.) [238]

dundun1 a for a surface to offer a braking effect to s.o. trying to walk over it. Dundun kaáyung laktan sa baybáyun, It is very difficult to walk on sand.

dundun2 = dagundun2.

dundúnay = alisiwsiw.

dung see dúdung.

dúng = dúlung.

dúngag = dúgang.

dung-ag = lung-ag.

dungálig = dangílag.

dúngan a done or happening at the same time. Dúngan kaáyu ang pag-alsa sa ílang mga tiil, They lifted their feet very well in unison. Dalugdug dúngan sa pagkílat, Thunder together with lightning. v [A2C; c1] do s.t. together or at the same time. Mudúngan ku nímug káun, I’ll eat (together) with you. Magdúngan ang salída sa Risal ug Madyistik, The show will be played simultaneously at the Rizal and Majestic theaters. Ayaw dúngána pagdala dinhi, Don’t bring them both at the same time. (→) n 1 person about the same age as one (mostly used in expressions of anger). Naghagsà ka lang nákù. Dì ku nímu dungan, You used my name without a title. You’re not my age, you know. 2 — sa together at the same time. Dungan ka nákù sa pagkáun, ha, Eat together with me. ka- n one who was together with s.o. at a certain time. Kadúngan mi paggraduwar, We graduated at the same time. tali- see talirúngan.

dungandúngan n temples.

dungas = duas.

dúngaw v 1 [A2SP; ab2b3] direct one’s sight downwards. Dungáwa intáwun ning nag-umbangul sa kasákit, Look out of the window at the wretch moaning and suffering. 2 [A; a2] scan reading matter to find s.t. Gidúngaw nákù ang lista. Wà didtu ang íyang ngálan, I checked the list, and his name wasn’t there. 3 = dung-aw. 3a v [b(1)] be much shorter than s.o. (lit. be looked down on). Dungawan na ku sa ákung anak, My son towers over me.

dung-aw v [A; b6] 1 be taller or higher up than s.t. else. Pangpang nga nagdung-aw sa subà, A cliff that towers over the river. 2 looking down on from an elevation.

dungáwug v [C3] be of the same age. Magdungáwug mi kay dúngan mi pag-iskuyla, We are of the same age since we went to school together. ka- n s.o. of the same age with another.

dungdung1 n head covering of cloth or any flexible material. v [A; b6(1)] cover the head with s.t. flexible. Dungdúngi ang bátà arun dílì mainitan, Cover the child’s head with a piece of cloth to protect it from the sun.

dungdung2 a for the sky to be overcast and gloomy. Ayaw ihayhay ang linabhan ug mudungdung (madungdung), Don’t hang the laundry out if the sky gets overcast.

dunggab v [A; a1] stab. Dunggábun ku ang huld-ápir, I will stab the hold-up man. n 1 action of stabbing. 2 = dágir, 2. -in-an(→) n stab wound.

dunggan see dungug.

dunggù v 1 [A2; ac] for a boat to come to shore, wharf. Unsay inyung dunggúun didtu? What are you pulling in to shore for? Didtu níla idunggù ang barku sa Úpun, They docked the ship in Opon. 2 [A2] — ang bisíta for menstruation to set in (slang). dunggùdunggù v [B1] go here and there in search of s.t. Nagkadunggùdunggù kug panghulam, I went all over the place looking for money to borrow. -an(→) v [A13] for a boat to go to some port habitually. -ánan n place a boat docks.

dunggut n cutting tool having a short, curved blade, the outer edge of which is sharp. It is attached to a pole and used to clear dried leaves off of banana and abaca plants. v [A; a] cut away the dried leaves of abaca and banana trees.

dunghay v [A; a2] 1 for hair to be hanging down over s.t. Nagdunghay ang lambúngay sa kabáyù, The horse’s mane hung down over his back. 2 for sweat to flow down like hair. Nawung nga gidungháyan sa singut, A face streaming with sweat.

dungilù v [B46; c16] hang limp from its base. Nagdungilù na lang ang íya human sa ikatulung ráwun, His penis is all drooping after the third time.

dungkà1 v [A; b6(1)] light a lamp, cigarette and the like by putting fire to it. Dungkái na ang parul, Light the lantern.

dungkà2 v [A; b8] arrive at a door, dock. Nagdungkà na sa pantalan ang barku, The ship was moving into port. Mauy hingdungkaan ku sa pulta ang makalilísang talan-áwun, I came upon a gruesome sight at the door.

dungkul a person who doesn’t give a tip (slang).

dungluy v 1 [B46; c1] droop. Midungluy ang mga dáhun sa mga mais tungud sa ínit, The leaves of the corn plants are drooping from the heat. Karsúnis nga nagdungluy sa hayhayan, The trousers that are hanging on the line. Kun dunglúyun (idungluy) mu ang ímung úlu mu ra kag subù tan-áwun, When [239]you let your head droop you will look sad. 2 [a4] for fowls to have the disease called dungluy. n sickness of fowl characterized by a drooping head and a hunched up body. (→) a drooping.

dungpul = pungdul.

dungsul n k.o. sea cucumber with a hard outer edge, the waste of which (lukut) is eaten and which emits a purple-colored liquid when touched. It is used in a k.o. sorcery which makes persons bleed. nawung ug — very ugly.

dungù v 1 [A; c1P] bow the head. Namátì siya sa kasábà pinadungù ang úlu, He listened to the scolding with his head bowed. 2 [A] for plants to bend. Nagdungù ang mga humay human sa hángin, The rice plants were bent over after the wind storm.

dungug v 1 [A12; a3b2] hear. Nakadungug ka sa kasábà? Did you hear the noise? Wà nákù madungug ang íyang tawag, I didn’t hear him calling. Ayawg sábà. Hidunggan ta unyà, Don’t make any noise. S.o. will hear us. Hidunggan nákù ang ílang hunghung, I overheard what they were whispering about. 2 [A23; a12] listen. Dungga ra gud ku úsà, Hear me out. 2a heed one’s requests. Gidungug ang ákung pangalyúpù, He heard my prayers. 2b dì na mudungug ug tawgun be distantly related (won’t heed if you call on them). Paryinti mi apan dì na mudungug ug tawgun, We’re related, but very distantly. a audible. Dungug kaáyu ang inyung tábì diri, I can hear your chattering here. n 1 action of having heard s.t. Sa ákung dungug, dus sintus lang tu, The way I heard it, it was only two hundred. 2 reputation, honor. Dungug sa pamilya, The honor of the family. Panalípud sa ímung dungug, Defend your honor. (←) v 1 [a12] be bruited about, widely known. Gidúngug siyang pinaangkan, It is widely known that she has had a child out of wedlock. 2 [C3] hear one another. Magkadúngug pa mi ánang distansiyáha, We can still hear one another over that distance. 3 [c4] hear from. Dúgay na siyang walà igdúngug, He hasn’t been heard from for a long time. 4 ig-, dungga, walà — [such-and-such] a case has never been. Wà igdúngug (dungga) nga may mamumúnù sa ílang pamilya, There has never been a murderer in their family. dinunggánay v [C] for siblings or close kin not to communicate directly but rather to hear from each other through letters or from other people either because of distance or because of bad personal relations. Nakigdinunggánay mi sa ámung igsúung bintahúsu, We broke off relations with our brother who took advantage of us. padungugdúngug v [A; a12] say s.t. in s.o.’s earshot to embarrass him or give him a hint. Nagpadungugdúngug siyag pinaskúhan, He talked about Christmas presents where I could hear him. Gipadungugdúngug ku níya nga kawatan ku, He let me overhear him calling me a thief. paka- v 1 [A13] hear many things. 2 [A12] cause s.o. to hear. Duktur nga nakapakadungug ug bungul, A doctor that enabled a deaf person to hear. pasi- v [A; b6] honor s.o. for an accomplishment. Gipasidunggan ang mananáug, The winner was given a victory celebration. n honor bestowed on one for his accomplishment. pinasidunggan n honoree. panunggan v [A23] heed advice, instructions, and the like. Gáhì ug úlu. Dílì manunggan ug tambag, He’s stubborn. He won’t listen to advice. dunggan, dalunggan n 1 ears. 2 ear-like projections on the end of sacks formed when the mouth of the sack is tied up. 3 ígù rang nakagunit sa — just barely made the grade. dalunggandalunggan, dalunggan sa amù = layat. dinalunggan n 1 shaped like the ear. 2 k.o. ear-shaped cookie. dunggánan a famed, widely honored. ig-l-(←) n s.t. to hear with. kadunggánan n honor. madunggánun a honorable. pang-, pan- n sense of hearing.†

dúnguk v [A; b(1)] do, devote one’s entire attention to s.t., do s.t. intently. Nagdúnguk siyag tuun kay iksámin na, She studied intently because it was exams time. Gidungúkan níyag usa ka adlaw ang pagpanglaba, She devoted an entire day to washing clothes.

dúnguy = dungluy.

dunluk1 n k.o. acute chicken cholera. v [A123P; a4] be afflicted with chicken cholera.

dunluk2 n heavy, continuous rain. v [A; b(1)] for there to be a heavy, continuous rain. Kadunlukun run kay ngitngit man, It looks like we’re going to get a heavy rain because it is so dark.

dunsal v [A; ac] thrust the end or tip of s.t. at s.t. or strike with it. Lubut sa awtu ang midunsal sa pusti, It was the hind end of the car that struck the post.

dunsilya a 1 virgin. Sa taga Sibu pisù ray dunsilya, The only virgins in Cebu are baby chicks. 2 too small in opening (like the vagina of a virgin). Dunsilyag líab ning sinináa, The neck opening in this shirt is much too small. v 1 [B1256] turn out to be a virgin. 2 [A12; a3] get oneself a virgin for intercourse. 3 [b6] consider an opening small. 4 [A12] break in a virgin. Aku ang nakadunsilya ánang bayhána, I broke in that woman. [240]

dunsul = dungsul.

dúnul = túnul.

dúnut v 1 [AB12; a2] wear s.t. out, become worn out. Dì ka makadúnut áning sinináa sa usa ka túig kay lig-un, You can’t wear this dress out in one year because it’s strong. Nadunútan kug upat ka pár nga sapátus sa usa ka túig, I’ve had four pairs of shoes wear out on me in one year. 2 [B12; b6] spoil, rot slightly. Nagkadunut na ang mangga, The mangoes are going bad. (→) a 1 worn-out. 2 somewhat rotten, spoiled. 3 lousy in situation. Dunut ang ákung kapaláran, I have a lousy fate in life. 4 for manners or personality to be evil, wicked. Dunut nga kinaíya, Bad in character. 5 — nga baráha 5a lousy cards. 5b unbelievable excuse. Ayaw ku patuhúa ánang ímung dunut nga baráha, Don’t try to make me believe your improbable excuses.

dunya 1 title before Christian names for rich ladies, esp. those of Spanish blood. 2 names given to varieties of the ornamental plant, buyun. — awrúra white flower. — imilda pink flower. — lílang pink and white flower. — lus dark pink flower. — tríning red flower.

dunyang = damyang.

dupa v 1 [A; c16] extend the arms out sideways. Si Hisus nagdupa sa krus, Jesus is nailed to the cross with his arms extended sideways. 2 [A; b6] bar the way with outstretched arms. Ngánung ímu mang giduphan ang pultahan? Why are you barring the way with your arms outstretched? 2a [A12; b8] prevent an occurrence. Dì maduphan ang pálit sa iliksiyun, You can’t stop vote-buying in the election. 3 [A; b] take over all of s.t. Giduphan sa mga insik ang pamaligyag asúkar, The Chinese have taken control over the sugar market. 3a [A12; b8] take s.o.’s problems over for him. Maduphan ra nákù ang ímung galastúhan, I can take care of your expenses for you. 4 [A1; a] measure s.t. by fathoms. Dupha ang písì, See how many fathoms the rope is. 4a [A; c] pay, take out [so-and-so] many fathoms. Duphi kini ug upat, Take out four fathoms from the rope. pa- v [A; a12] punish s.o. by making him extend his arms. Paduphun nátù ang pilyu, We’ll make the naughty boy stand with his arms stretched out. n fathom, the length from the finger tips of one hand to the finger tips of the other, measured with the arms outstretched.

dup-ádik a dope addict. v [B126] be, become a drug addict.

dupang n hives, itchy swellings caused by allergy. v [A123P; a4] get hives.

duplikádu n duplicate, replica.

duplikit n duplicate key.

dupung n k.o. short-bodied and very venomous snake.

duput a working assiduously, with constant and careful attention. v [A2; b(1)] work diligently with attention. Ug makaduput siya sa íyang pagtahì, hikalimtan ang káun, When he is concentrated on his tailoring, he forgets to eat.

durabli a durable. v [B2; c1] be, make durable. Durablíha paghímu ang baskit, Make the basket durable.

durádu n k.o. fish.

duranti a 1 durable, long-lasting. Ang maung mas duranti kay sa sída, Denim is more durable than silk. — sa during the time that. Duranti sa gúbat didtu ra mi sa bukiran, We stayed in the mountains for the duration of the war.

durar1 v [A2; b4] last, remain for some time. Mudurar pa ning sapatúsa ug duha ka búlan, These shoes will last for two more months. Ang gíra dì na makadurar ug dúgay, The war cannot last much longer. Gidurahan sila sa ílang mga binatunan, Their maids stayed with them for some time.

durar2 v [A; a] plated with metal. durádu a plated. Durádug pláta, Silver plated.

duraw = duldul.

durbil n doorbell.

durmilúna n style of round earrings, single or bunched, that doesn’t hang but hugs the lobe of the ear.

durmituryána n a girl that stays in a dormitory or lodging house for women.

durmituryu n dormitory or rooming house for students. v [A; a] make, put up a dormitory.

*dúru1 — nga [root referring to an action] do very hard. Dúru níya (siya)ng káug mangga, My! How he ate the mangoes. Dúru níya (siya)ng kawut! My! How he scratched. v [A23; a12] do [verb] all the more. Midúru hinúun siyag katáwa human buyaga, He laughed all the more when he was admonished. Durúha ang ímung tíngug kay dì mabátì, Speak louder. I can’t hear you.

dúru2 = duldul.

dúrug v 1 [B12] break up, crumble into small pieces. Lamì ang ginamus kung madúrug na, Salted fish that has fermented and broken up into fine pieces tastes good. Nagkadurug na ang láwas sa patay, The corpse has started to decompose. 2 = duldug. -in- = dinuldug. see duldug.

duruha see duha.

duruk1 v [A; b2c1] immerse, soak s.t. in a [241]liquid. Duruka (iduruk) na ang linílas nga buli sa tinà, Immerse the buri strips into the dye now.

duruk2 n variety of pig that yields lean meat.

dúrul = duldul.

duryan n durian. It is not grown except in Southern Mindanao and Jolo and not widely known.

dus number two. — pur — n two by two board. see tris for verb forms.

dusáus, dusáhus, dusáwus v [A23; b6] for a baby to have its head crown in childbirth. Mityábaw ang babáying gidusawúsan, The woman screamed with pain as the baby started coming out.

dusdus v 1 [A; ab2] strike repeatedly with s.t. using a forward thrusting motion, usually said of a knife or s.t. small. Nagdusdus ang kusiníra sa dukut sa kaldíru, The cook is scraping off the rice crust in the pot. Dusdusa ang tayà sa plantsa, Scrape off the rust on the iron. 2 [A3; ac] shove, push s.t. close towards or against s.t. Dusdúsa ang duha ka katri, Push the two beds together. Idusdus ang sulù sa balay sa putyúkan, Shove the torch against the beehive. 2a [A2] push one’s way. Midusdus ang mga táwu pag-abut ni Imilda, The people pushed their way forward when Imelda arrived. 3 [A3; c] hand thrust s.t. at s.o. to force him to take it. Midusdus siyag singku písus, apan wà nákù dawáta, He tried to force the five pesos on me but I didn’t take them. n 1 blunt-ended instrument for removing weeds with a thrusting motion. 2 action of thrusting in small strokes.

dúsi number or numeral twelve. Dúsi písus, Twelve pesos. Dúsi ka apustulis, Twelve apostles. — páris 1 the Douzepers of Charlemagne. 2 elite organization of self-defense named after the Douzepers. v see tris.

dusib v [A; b6(1)] put a live ember or s.t. aflame to s.t. to set it afire or singe it. Naugdaw ang balay nga íyang gidusiban, The house that he set ablaze was burnt to the ground. Íyang gidusiban ang pínung balhíbu sa manuk, He singed the fine feathers off of the slaughtered chicken.

dusil v [A; c] set s.t. burning to s.t. Dusilan ku nang bàbà mu ug mamalíkas ka, I’ll put a firebrand to your mouth if you cuss.

dusína n dozen. Duha ka dusínang itlug, Two dozen eggs. v 1 [B26; b6] be a dozen. 2 [c16] buy s.t. by the dozen.

*dusíngut see singut.

dusipil n 1 the devil, Lucifer. 2 s.o. wicked or malicious like Lucifer.

duslak v [A; ab2] 1 stab s.t. light and long at s.t. Duslaka nang irù arun mupaháwà, Poke the dog so he’ll move. 2 for a feeling to stab one. Udiyung sa kamíngaw ang miduslak sa íyang dughan, The arrow of loneliness stabbed his breast. n a thrust with s.t. long.

duslib = duslit, 1.

duslit v [A; b] 1 set s.t. ablaze. Duslíti ang mga sagbut nga ákung gitápuk, Set the trash I piled up on fire. Duslíti ang ribintadur, Set off the firecrackers. 2 light s.t. Muduslit ku áring ákung sigarilyu, I’ll light my cigarette. 3 = dusil.

duslug a glutton, esp. one who never misses a fiesta. Duslug kaáyu nang tawhána kay hái gánì tung kumbira, túa, That man is a glutton because wherever there is a feast, he is sure to be there.

dusmù v 1 [B1256] fall flat on one’s face. Nadusmù siya sa simintu, He fell flat on his face on the cement. 2 [B1256; c6] crash or ram head-on against. Nadusmù ang dyip sa pusti, The jeep rammed into a post.

dusmug v [A; ab2c] bump, crash into, usually in a horizontal direction. Gidusmug siya sa kanding, The goat butted him. Ayaw idusmug nang dyip sa pusti, Don’t ram that jeep into a post.

dusù v [A; c2] 1 push. Idusù (dus-i) ang paradur sa wala, Push the cabinet to the left. 1a stab. Dus-an tika run áning ayispik, I’ll stab you with this ice-pick. 2 endorse, pass papers forward to a superior for approval. Wà pa idusù ang ákung apuwintmin ngadtu sa supirbaysur, My appointment hasn’t been endorsed to the supervisor yet. 3 hand over s.t. in payment of a large debt. Kini lang bábuy ákung idusù pára sa ákung útang, I will turn over this pig in payment of my debt. 4 haul in a truck. Mudusù ka rug balas? Are you going to haul sand now? n action of pushing, endorsing, paying, or hauling. Pila ka dusù nga balas ang ímung gipahatud? How many trucks full of sand did you have delivered?

dusud = dusù (dialectal).

dus-ug v [A; c] shove s.t. heavy over. Idus-ug níya ang makina tapad sa lamísa, She’ll shove the sewing machine next to the table. Ayaw ku idus-ug kay wà nay lugar diri, Do not push me. There is no more room here.

dusul v [A; b6] bulge, stick out with a bulge underneath. Midusul na sa lagus ang ngípun sa bátà, The teeth in the child’s gums are about to push through. Nagdusul ang ribulbir sa iláwum sa ímung sinínà, Your revolver is bulging under your shirt. Yútà nga gidusulan sa kamúti, Soil bulging with sweet [242]potatoes.

dút = dulut, dúlut.

dútà = yútà (dialectal).

dutdut v 1 [A; a12] move close in through obstacles. Mudutdut ta ngadtu sa intabládu, Let’s push our way forward near the stage. 1a for troops to close in. Gidutdut mi sa mga Hapun, The Japs were closing in on us. 2 [A2C; ac] crowd close to s.o.; put, be crowded together. Lisud basáhun kay nagdutdut ang mga litra, It is difficult to read because the letters are crowded together. Ayawg dutdúta ang táwung masukù, Don’t go too close to a person who is angry. Ayaw dutdúta pagbutang ang lingkuránan, Don’t put the chairs too close. 3 [A3; c] stuff s.t. into an opening. Dutdútig nuug ang lungag sa tangki, Stuff a rag into the hole in the tank. 4 [A] deseed cotton by running it through a small wringer through which the fiber, but not the seeds, can pass. a crowded close, close together. Kinabúhing dutdut sa Diyus, A life close to God. -an(→) n wringer for deseeding cotton.

dutù n porcupine fish: Diodon spp.

dut-uy v [A; c] press s.t. to s.t. else to leave a mark. Nakadut-uy ka na sa mga papílis? Have you thumbmarked the documents? Ayawg idut-uy ang ímung kamut sa basà nga simintu, Don’t leave a hand mark in the wet concrete.

dúug = dul-ug.

duugduug v [B6] feel giddy, usually from a hang-over or nausea. Nagduugduug ang íyang ū́ kay naigù gabíi, He feels light-headed because he was very drunk last night. n feeling of light-headedness.

duuk, dúuk v [A; c] dunk, press s.t. under the water. Planggánang ákung giduukan sa mga bulingun, The basin in which I squashed the dirty clothes. Idúuk ku nang úlu mu sa baril, I’ll dunk your head in that barrel.

dúul1 v 1 [A; ac] go, put where s.t. is. Ayaw siya duúla ug masukù, Don’t go to him if he is angry. Idúul diri nang asin bi, Please pass me the salt (put the salt here). 1a [A; b6] approach, come near. Ang isdà dílì madúul run, You can’t get near (pay the price of) fish these days. Langgam nga giduúlan sa iring, A bird that the cat was coming near to. 1b [C; ac] be, put close together. Nagdúul ang ílang lingkuránan, Their chairs are close together. 1c [C; c1] be close in personal relationships. Ang maáyung manidyir makigdúul sa íyang mga sákup, A good manager is close to his staff. 2 [A; ac5] approach s.o. with a request. Lisud kaáyu siyang duúlun. Maíkug lang ta, He is a difficult person to approach. I’m ashamed to go ask him. Ang ákung idúul níya? Manghangyù lang ku sa uban, I would never approach her to ask for it. I will just ask s.o. else. 3 [A; a12] have sexual intercourse (most frequently used euphemism). Ang bána dílì paduúlun sa asáwa basta riglahun, A husband is not allowed to have relations with his wife when she menstruates. 4 [A23; b6] for a child to let himself be approached by s.o. Mudúul nyà siya nímu ug maánad na, He will let you pick him up once he gets used to you. (→) a 1 near. Duul na lang ang Pasku, Christmas is near now. Duul ra dinhi ang karsáda, The road is near here. Duul pang parinti ang igtagsa, Your first cousin is still a close relative. 2 be almost [so-and-so] much. Duul na alas dúsi siya maulì, It was nearly twelve when she got home. 3 — sa kusína, luwag close to s.o. in power. Dì musayup ang aplikisyun kay duul ku sa luwag, The application won’t fail because I’m close to s.o. in power. v 1 [B12; c] be, become near. Ug maduul na ang bakasyun, When vacation time is near. Nagkaduul ang bagyu, The storm is drawing nearer and nearer. Iduul nà pagbutang sa kaláyu, Put that near the fire. 2 [B2; b(1)] be nearly [so-and-so] much. Dul-an (muduul) na sa usa ka gatus ang ganansiya, The profit is nearly a hundred. pa- v [A; a] allow s.o. or s.t. to approach one. pa-(→) v [A; c] go, put near s.t. Laksut siyag padul-an, She is ugly if you get close. Ipaduul ang sugà nákù, Put the lamp near me. -g- near each other. ha- very near. kinadul-an closest.

dúul2 n 1 the air (‘breathing’) roots of the pagatpat tree. 2 cork, so called because it is similar in substance to the air roots of the pagatpat. v [c1] stop up with a cork.

duum v [A; c] 1 put s.t. in the mouth and eat it hastily. Giduum sa bátà ang tanang kindi arun dì makapanghátag, The child tossed all the candy in her mouth so she would not have to share it. 2 eat s.t. which usually accompanies s.t. else to eat or drink all alone. Nagduum lang mi sa kísu kay way pán, We ate the cheese alone because we didn’t have any bread. Ayaw iduum nang pulbus litsi. Kutáwa, Don’t eat the powdered milk just like that. Mix it with water. 3 bribe. Íla lang dum-an ang mga dagkung mamsà sa ílang kásu, They just bribed the influential persons in their case.

duun v [A; c6] press, bear down heavily. Kinsay nagduun pagsulat sa pawntinpin? Nadáut hinúun, Who wrote bearing down on this fountain pen? Now it’s broken. Iduun [243]giyud ang kumagkù arun kláru ang támà, Press the thumb hard enough to get a clear fingerprint.

dúung 1 = dunggù. 2 = dul-ung. duungduung = dunggùdunggù. see dunggù. -um-r- n a transient s.w.

duut v [A; c] 1 put, push on to s.t. Iduut ang ímung dunggan sa bungbung, Put your ears to the wall. Ímu kung giduut sa bungbung, You pushed me against the wall! 2 press down on s.t. Iduut ang lápis pagsuwat, Bear down on the pencil when you write. Iduut ang timbri, Press the bell. 3 press s.o. to do s.t. Ug dì siya nímu iduut, ása man nà siya mubáyad? If you don’t press him, do you think he’ll pay? 4 [A] for fish to be in large schools, birds or insects to be in huge swarms. Nagduut ang mga dúlun, The locusts are in swarms. Nagduut ang mga táwu nga misúgat sa Santu Pápa, The people came in huge swarms to meet the Pope. n swarm of birds, insects, throng of people, school of fish. (←) v [A13] swarm in huge numbers.

duwa- see also dula-.

duwahug = bulahug.

duwáhut v [A; c] fasten s.t. with a pin or s.t. similar. Duwahútig tukug ang papil nga giputus, Fasten the wrapping paper with a twig.

dúwal v 1 [A; a] drive with both the front and rear wheels. Duwála arun makakáwas ang trák, Put it into dual drive so the truck can get out. 2 [A; c1] push or pull a vehicle over an obstacle or elevation. Dílì makadaug nga mudúwal ang karabaw sa karumáta kay bug-at ang karga, The carabao can’t pull the cart over the elevation because it has a heavy load. n having front and rear-wheel drive.

duwílu n duel. v [C; b3c] have a duel.

dúwit n duet. v [A2C; c1] sing or play a duet.

duy short for uduy or unduy.

dúy v [A13; a4] for s.t. to happen at a very inopportune time. Magdúy sag pangáyù ning anak kug wà kuy kwarta, My child asks money from me when I am broke. Dúyun man sag dimálas ning átung tindáhan inay pang gamay ra tag puhúnan, My! Our store is beset with bad luck at the very time that we have very little capital.

duyà v [B46] be nauseated. Muduyà ang ákung ginhawaan ug makakaun kug ngilngig, I feel nauseated when I eat greasy foods.

dúyan n hammock. Ayaw kug ihása. Úna ku nímu sa dúyan, Don’t try to fool me. I was not born yesterday. (I was in the cradle before you.) — sa dughan bra (colloquial). v 1a [AB16; a] rock s.o., oneself in a hammock. Nagdúyan siya sa bátà, She rocked the baby in the hammock. Nagdúyan ug kusug ang bátà, The child rocked back and forth hard. Duyána siya, Rock him. b [A; c] put in a hammock. 2 [A; a] swing back and forth. Mudúyan sa hángin ang mga búlak, The flowers wave back and forth in the breeze. 2a [A; a] for an emotion to sway one. Duyánun dáyun siya sa dì matúkib nga pagbátì, He will be swayed by an incomprehensible feeling. 3 [A; a] make a hammock.

duyas v 1 [B2] slip, lose one’s footing. Miduyas (naduyas) ang ákung tiil mau nga nabulásut ku, I lost my footing. That’s why I stepped into a hole. 2 [B6; b6] for s.t. to slip loose from the place it was put over or across. Ilansang nang tabla kay nagduyas na sa nahimutangan, Nail that board because it has slipped down from the place where it was put. 3 [B26; a] glance off and strike s.t. else. Miduyas (naduyas) ang sundang pagtigbas ku sa káhuy, The bolo glanced off the wood as I was cutting down the tree. 4 [B26] for words one didn’t really mean to say to slip out of the mouth. Naduyas ku pagsulti. Sikrítu man untà tu, I let it out inadvertently. It was supposed to be a secret.

duyduy = duldul.

duydúy v 1 [A13; b6] go from place to place to look for s.o. or s.t. very much needed. Nagduydúy kug pangítà ug kwarta, I went from place to place to look for money. 2 [A1; b6] roam around aimlessly. Nagduydúy lang ku nganhi, I’m just roaming around here aimlessly.

dúyug n musical accompaniment. v 1 [AC; b] accompany s.o. with a musical instrument. Duyúgi ku kay mukanta ku, Accompany me. I’m going to sing now. 1a accompany, as if music. Nagdúyug ang hagurus sa hángin ug ang ulan, The rain and howling wind accompanied each other. 2 share, sympathize with s.o.’s feelings, for two feelings to be in harmony. Nagkadúyug ang duha ka kwanggul, The two fools hit it off. Ang kasubù nga giduyúgan sa tanang katilingban, Sorrow which the whole community participated in. Pag-antus dinuyúgan sa hinulsul, Suffering accompanied by repentance. 2a participate in an action and thus share the same feeling. Mudúyug ku sa pag-ampù, I will join in the prayers. Mudúyug ku sa ímung trabáhu, I will share your suffering and work with you. 3 [A; a] tune an instrument. [244]Duyúga ang sista, Tune the guitar.

duyum, dúyum (from dulum) n evening, night (dialectal). v [B125; b5] be, become evening or night.

dúyung = dúgung.

dwindi = diwindi.

dwítu = dúwit.

dy- for words with dy- see also y-.

dya- dyasingku n five-peso bill. dyabayinti n twenty-peso bill.

dyà = unyà (dialectal).

dyáb v [A; b6(1)] jab, punch in boxing. n jab.

dyába n variety of cassava.

dyablis n jobless, unemployed.

dyáds n judge in court, of a contest. v [A] be a judge.

dyadyis = dyads (plural).

dyag v [A; b6] jog, run at a jog.

dyag-aw v [A3; a12] to talk loud in a bad mood. Nabuak ang básu maung midyag-aw si Máma, The glass broke, and that’s why Mama is ranting. Nagdyag-aw siya kay nawā̀ ang singsing, He is ranting and raving because he lost his ring. -an(→) a having a tendency to talk loud in a bad mood.

dyáging = dyag.

dyak n 1 jack, knave in playing cards. 2 jack to raise s.t. v [A; b] 1 raise s.t. with a jack. Dyáki (dyaki) ang kutsi, Lift the car with a jack. 2 strike with an upward thrust of the knee. Gidyákan siya sa suwang, He was kicked with the knee in the jaw. 3 [A12] draw a jack.

dyáki n briefs. v [A; a] wear briefs.

dyakimpuy, dyakinpuy = pík.

dyákit n 1 jacket. 2 jacket of a book. v [A; a] wear, make into a jacket.

dyakpat n jackpot, huge prize. a being financially very rewarding for the effort put into it. Dyakpat kaáyu nang trabahúa nímu, You got yourself a soft job with a huge salary. v 1 [A12; b8] hit the jackpot, strike it lucky. Nakadyakpat didtug barátu kaáyung radiyu, I hit the jackpot by getting a very cheap radio. 2 [A2N; ab2] make a good marriage. Midyakpat (nanyakpat) siyag byúdang sapían, He managed to get a rich widow for himself.

dyakstun n 1 game of jacks. 2 jack, jackstone used for playing jacks. v [AC; b6(1)] play jacks.

dyalusi n jalousies. v [A; a] make jalousies.

dyam n jam, marmalade. v [A; a] make jam.

dyambul v [A2C; c1] jump ball in basketball. n action of tossing a jump ball.

dyamburi n boy scout jamboree. v [A1; b(1)] have a jamboree.

dyáming = dyamsisyun.

dyamp daspáyin = dyamp dispáyin.

dyamp dispáyin n children’s game of jumping over obstacles. v [A1C; a2] play jump-the-spine.

dyampingkuy = pík.

dyampir n a sleeveless dress for wearing over a blouse or sweater. v [A; c1] wear, make into a jumper.

dyamsisyun n informal get-together, usually in the afternoon, with dancing and refreshments. v [A12C2; c1] have an informal dance party.

dyamu = yamu.

dyamuntris = dimungkug.

dyanà = kanà1 (dialectal).

dyandi n rare ability, sparkle of genius. May dyandi siya sa pag-áwit, She has a rare talent for singing.

dyángk v [A; c] drop a political candidate from a ticket. Gidyángk si Ispína ni Sirhing pabur kang Búris, Serging junked Espina in favor of Borres.

dyangkimpuy = pík.

dyanitur n janitor. v [B16; a2] become a janitor.

*dyapan dyapandyapan, dyapanis = ginamusginámus. see gamus.

dyapinis = byatilis.

dyár n jar. Usa ka dyár nga pínat bátir, A jar of peanut butter.

dyás n jazz. v [A; c1] play jazz, play s.t. in jazz time. Ang Dáhil sa Iyu nga idyás (dyasun), Dahil sa Iyo played in jazz time.

dyaski a mild, half-affectionate oath used to curse s.o. Nagkadúngan pa ang mga dyaski, The devils arrived at the same time.

dyatilis = byatilis.

dyíd n jade. v [A1; a] wear jade.

dyikni n k.o. jitney transportation used before the war, light passenger trucks plying certain routes taking passengers for five centavos anywhere along the route. v [A; a12] take a dyikni, make s.t. into a dyikni.

dyiktin = hiktin.

dyíli n jelly. v 1 [A; a2] cook, make into a jelly. 2 (→) [A; b6(1)] eat jelly. Dì ku mudyili kay gidilì nákù ang tam-is, I will not eat jelly because I am not allowed to eat sweets.

dyilirul n jellyroll. v [A; c1] make jellyrolls.

dyilusi = dyalusi.

dyím n gym, gymnasium.

dyimnastiks n gymnastics. v [A1; b(1)] do gymnastics.

dyimnasyum n gymnasium. v [a12] make into a gymnasium.

*dyiniral — admisyun, — manidyir, — Makartur [245]general admission, manager, MacArthur, et al.

dyíns n thick long trousers for women. v [A; a] wear jeans, make into jeans.

dyintul man a gentlemanly, for a man to be courteous. v [B1; b6] be, become gentlemanly in behavior.

dyinuwin a genuine. Lamì ang tubà kun dyinuwin nga tungug ang gamítun, The toddy tastes nice if genuine mangrove bark is used. v [b6] consider genuine.

dyíp n 1 jeep. 2 = dyipni. v [A; a] take a jeep or jeepney s.w.

dyipni n jeep made into a passenger vehicle. v [A1; a2] ride a jeepney. Makadyipni ta ngadtu, We can get there by jeep.

dyip-ut = gip-ut.

dyirk n dance called ‘the jerk’. v [AC; c1] dance the jerk.

dyirman kat n crew cut, haircut with the sides shaved clean and only a little hair left on the top. v [a12] cut hair in the crew cut style.

dyirsi n jersey, a k.o. cloth of an elastic weave. v [A; b(1)] wear jersey.

dyíru n zero. v 1 [AN; b5] give a zero in school, not let an opponent get more than zero in games. Nangdyíru ang taga Yúbi námù, We got zero in our game against U.V. (Lit. The U.V. team gave us a zero.) Nadyíru (nadyirúhan) ku sa mat, I got a zero in Math. 2 [B3; c1] for a gauge to reach zero. Ug mudyíru ang tirmumitru, maáyis na ang túbig, Water will freeze when the thermometer reaches zero.

dyís1 number ten. see tris for usage.

dyís2 n odds of five to four in betting. v [A3; a1c2] give 5 to 4 odds in betting. Idyis (dyísan) lang nátù ang átung kuntra, We will just give 5 to 4 odds in our bets to our opponent.

dyisinuybi = disinuybi. For words with dyisi- see disi-.

dyismus n tithe. v [A; c] give one’s tithe.

dyít n jet plane. v [A1; ac] take a jet plane.

dyitplin = dyít.

dyíwil n 1 jewel of a watch. 2 walay — having no money or no education. Ayg súkul ánang way dyíwil, Don’t fight with that ignoramus.

dyúbus n any powdered dye.

dyuditsu n ju-jitsu.

dyúdu n judo. v [A; a] apply judo to s.o. Ákù bitaw siyang gidyúdu, haplà lagi, I judoed him, and he fell flat. dyudista n one who does judo. v [B16] become a judo expert.

dyúk = dúki.

dyukbaks n juke box. v [A12] obtain a juke box.

dyúkir a 1 fond of making jokes. 2 one who goofed, made a ludicrous mistake. Kadyúkir nímu. Ngánung gikandadúhan nímung yáwi sa kaban? You goof. Why did you lock the key in the trunk? n 1 joker card. 2 situation in mahjong where any one of three different pieces would let the person go mahjong.

dyúlin n 1 marbles. 2 game of marbles. 3 expression uttered when making a hole. v 1 [AC; a] play marbles. 2 [A12; b5] put a marble in a hole. Dyulínun (dyulínan) ku ang síkan, I will shoot for the second hole.

Dyún n June. v see disimbri.

dyunbráyid n June bride.

dyunsun n outboard motor, so called after the brand name ‘Johnson’. v [A1; a12] take a motorboat.

dyunyur n 1 son who bears the father’s name. 2 member of the Junior class. 3 ákung, íyang, etc. my, his penis (colloquial). v 1 [A; a] name a child after the father or call him ‘Junior’. 2 [A12] have a baby boy (colloquial).

dyús n fruit or vegetable juice. v [A1] drink juice.

dyúti v [A; b6] for guards, nurses, or the like to have duty. Akuy nagdyúti dihang gikawátan ang budíga, I was the one on duty when the warehouse was burglarized. n one’s turn to have duty. híbi — s.t. that can be used for heavy-duty work.

dyúwil = duwílu.

dyúwit = dúwit.

dyuy rayding v [A1C; b6] go for a ride for pleasure. Nagdyuy rayding mi didtu sa riklimisyun, We went for a ride in the reclamation area. n ride.




G. abbreviation for Ginúu ‘Mister’. G. ug Gng. Purtunátu Búut, Mr. and Mrs. Fortunato Buot.

-g- infix added after the vowel of the first syllable of adjectives referring to measurements to pluralize—i.e., form adjective referring to more than one thing. Dagkù, Big. Tag-as, Long. Lagpad, Wide. Lagyù, Far away from each other.

ga short for sangga1.

ga- short for naga-.

gā́ = gála1.

1 = gánì (dialectal).

2 short for pinalanggà, used in address: sweetie pie.

= galà.

gáab = agaab.

gaak v [B146; a12] walk with legs somewhat spread apart. Naggaak siya kay gihubagan sa búgan, He walked with legs spread apart because he had a boil in the groin. a walking with legs somewhat spread apart.

gaan a 1 light, not heavy in weight. Gaan ka kay kanákù, You’re lighter than I am. 2 easy, not strenuous. Gaan nga búhat, Light jobs. 3 not grave. Gaan ra ang sílut, The sentence was too lenient. — ug buut 1 in a good mood, having a light disposition by nature. 2 somewhat mentally deranged. — ang dugù having specially good feelings toward a person. Parinti diay nákù maung gaan ang ákung dugù níya, I have special feelings for him as he turned out to be a relative of mine. — ug kamut 1 quick to lift a hand when provoked. Manumbag kun masukù ang gaan ug kamut, A quick-tempered person lifts his hand when angry. 2 quick to get at or steal s.t. without being noticed. 3 good at drawing or doing things with hands. Himúang dibuhista kining batáa kay gaan ug kamut, Make this child an artist because he has creative hands. — ang láwas feel better after an illness. Gaan na ang ákung láwas human kaindiksiyuni, I feel better now after the injection. — ug sulti speak in a disorganized way as if mentally deranged. — ug úlu have a light-headed feeling from lack of sleep, seasickness, and the like. v [B2; b6] 1 become light. Mugaan kanang ímung gipas-an kun kuháag katungà, Your load will be lightened if you remove half of it. Gigaanan ku sa trabáhu, I consider the work not strenuous. 2 lessen in intensity. Ang pagtug-an makagaan (makapagaan) sa sintinsiya, If you confess, your sentence will be lighter. — ang buut v [B6] 1 get to be in good mood. 2 get somewhat deranged. Nigaan ang íyang buut pagkamatay sa íyang anak, She went nearly crazy when her son died. — ang láwas v [B2] get recovered from an illness. — ang úlu v [B] get light-headed from lack of sleep, airsickness, etc.

gáang n 1 large coral rocks, sharp pointed with deep depressions. 2 clod of earth. ka-an n 1 place with lots of sharp-pointed rocks. 2 field covered with dried clods of earth. v [B26] for an area to lose its soil such that it becomes stony and infertile.

gáay a 1 for wood, twigs, leaves to be light and extremely dry. 2 an old maid. v 1 [B23(1); a] be, become dry. Migáay (nagáay) na ang kupras, The copra is already dry. Sigaun kaáyu ang langkay basta makagáay na, The dry coconut frond burns easily once it has become dry. 2 [A23N] become an old maid. (→) a 1 = gáay. 2 light, not heavy. v [B2; b6] become light, not heavy. Mugaay (magaay) giyud ang dalag yayúngan, A load gets lighter if several people carry it.

gáb1 acronym for Games and Amusement Board.

gáb2 = galab.

gábà n punishment which comes as a natural consequence of some transgression, esp. a moral transgression. Ang íyang sakit mauy gábà nga gihátag sa Ginúu, His sickness is the punishment which the Lord imposed on him. puyra — formula for warding off gábà: ‘May God not punish me for this.’ Puyra gábà, ngánung musúkul ka man sa ímung amahan? God forgive you, why did you rebel against your father? v [A12; b4] have retribution visited on one. Gabáan ka sa ímung pagpasipálà sa dibultu, You will be punished for defiling the image. Ayaw kug gabái, Don’t be a cause of my getting divine retribution (said by s.o. who has [247]done s.t. to s.o. which might bring him gábà, e.g., leaving a host while he is eating). gabàgabà n gábà which comes in small installments as the result of a long period of moral transgression. Súgud nang gabàgabà, búnga sa íyang pagkapalikíru, Now the punishment he deserves begins, the result of his philanderings. -an(→) n one who has power of causing people to suffer gábà.

gaban v [A; a12] 1 have sexual relations. Ígù ka lang gabanun ánang mga laláking ímung gikuyugkúyug, You will end up having sexual relations with the boys you go around with. 2 swipe, steal (slang). Gigaban ang ákung sigarilyu, S.o. stole my cigarettes.

gabang n instrument for turning the soil over, consisting of a round, wooden pole with a tongue made of a short, rectangular piece of iron attached to one end. v [A; a12b2] strike with a gabang. (←) v [A; a] turn the soil over with a gabang.

gabardin n gabardine cloth. v [A1] wear gabardine.

gabas1 v 1 [A; a] saw. Kining parti sa tabla mau ang gabsun, Saw this part of the wood. 2 [A2N; b6] take a short cut s.w. Anhi ku dinhi manggabas paingun sa íla, I take a short cut through here to get to their house. n saw. (←) v [A1] do intense sawing. n intense sawing action. gabasgábas v 1 [A; a2] go back and forth. Gabasgabásun nang kapitulyug nganhi ug mailiksiyun, We will keep going back and forth from here to the Capitol during the elections. 2 [A; a] hit a billiard ball so that it cris-crosses. gabsanan n sawmill. -in- n sawdust. -in-(←) n 1 rough cuttings of lumber. Ang mga ginábas kinahanglan nga sipilyáhan, The rough cuttings must be planed smooth. 2 excess cuttings of lumber. ginabsan n 1 s.t. from which a piece was sawed off. 2 s.o. already lightly used, like lumber with a piece sawed off (slang): a widow or widower, an unwed mother. -íru n sawyer. gabsunun n sawdust.

gabas2 n old maid, spinster. v [B12; b6] be, become an old maid.

gábas v [AC; c] walk side by side with. Mugábas tag lakaw sa mga dalága, Let’s catch up to the girls to walk alongside of them.

gábat = kalábat.

gabay v [A; b6] hold on to s.t. to keep from sinking. Ímung gabyan kining salbabída, Hold on to this life saver. n support, s.t. to hold on to. Ang ákung mga anak mahímung gabay sa ákung katigulangun, My children will support me in my old age. (←) v [A2S; b6(1)] walk with s.t. to lean on or to hold on to for support. Migábay sa kurdísu paingun sa kusína, She walked to the kitchen supporting herself on the window sill. -an n s.t. which one holds on to keep from falling or sinking.

gabhang n a gaping tear or hole. Tapáki ang dakung gabhang sa ímung sinínà, Patch the large gaping hole in your dress. v [B26; b6(1)] get a gaping tear or hole in it. Migabhang (nagabhang) ang atup nga nípà nga nahulúgan sa lubi, The thatch roof got a big hole in it where a coconut fell through it.

gabhut v [A; b6(1)] tie string around s.t. or over the mouth of a container. Siyay naggabhut sa pakíti nga ipadala sa Amirika, He bound the package to be sent to the States. Uway ang igabhut sa batúang punù sa ságing, Use rattan to close the top of the basket of bananas. n string used to tie on s.t. or over the mouth of containers.

gábi n taro, a large herb with arrow-shaped leaves, cultivated mainly for its underground corms, which are eaten in sweet stews. They are also eaten boiled or baked in times of famine. The leaves, shoots and petioles are also used as a vegetable: Colocasia esculenta. — sa Amirikánu, Haway = bisul. gabigabi n name given to various plants which resemble gábi. 1 wild plants, Monochoria spp. 2 ornamentals, Caladium spp.

gabíi n 1 night. 2 = ka-. gabhiúna n particular night. Niánang gabhiúna walà mahimutang si Liliya, That night Lily could not rest. v 1 [B5] be night. Mugabíi na ang alas singku, It gets to be night at five o’clock. Magkítà sila magabíi, They see each other at night. 2 [A13P] do s.t. until night. Maggabíi tag tuun, Let’s study until night. 3 [b8] be overtaken by night. Nagabhian (nagabin-an) siya sa íyang pagpaúlì, He was overtaken by night on his way home. pa-(→), paka-(→), pa-, paka- v [A1] 1 spend the night. Nagpagabíi (nagpagabii, nagpakagabíi) sila sa mutil, They spent the night in a motel. 2 allow oneself to be overtaken by night. Ug magpagabii (magpakagabíi) ka sa ímung lakaw, piligru kaáyu, It will be dangerous for you if you allow yourself to be overtaken by night while you are out. panghi- v [A23] for it to be almost night. Manghigabíi tingáli siya muanhi, He’ll get here round about nightfall. Culu-, gabiigabíi evenings. Malígù siya gabiigabíi, He swims in the evening. -in-(→) a happening every night. Ginabii ang ílang dúlà sa hay-alay, They play Jai-Alai every night. ka- last night. Ang pulis gipatay kagabíi, The policeman was killed last night. kagabhíun n nighttime. [248]gabhíun, gabhiánun a taking place at night. Ang gabhíung (gabhiánung) tulumanun sa radiyu, The evening program on the radio. †

gabing1 v [A; c1] close up a rip, join two pieces of cloth together by sewing or pinning. Ákung gabingun (igabing) ang duha ka ngilit, I’ll join the two edges. Ákung gabingan ang gisì, I’ll close up the tear. n closure made by sewing two edges together. -in-an n aperture that has been sewed or pinned together.

gabiníti n government cabinet.

gabling v [A; ac] push or pull to the side. Gigabling sa iskultur ang tabun sa istatúwa, The sculptor pulled the cover off the statue. 2 [A; c1] snatch in a sidewise motion. Migabling siya sa íyang pitáka, He snatched her purse. Gablínga (gablinga, igabling) ang takup sa pultahan, Pull the door shutter to the side.

gabnut v [A; a12b2] pull up and uproot s.t. flexible with a jerk. Nagabnut (nagabnutan) ku man pag-apil ang mga búlak nga gitanum, I accidentally pulled out the flowers along with the weeds. Ákung gigabnut ang íyang buhuk, I pulled her hair.

gabù, gábù1 v [AN; a] pull out by the roots. Gabúa lang ang mga balíli arun dì muturuk pag-usab, Just pull out the grass by the roots so it won’t grow back.

gábù2 v [AN; b6c1] heat medicinal herbs wrapped in banana leaves over live coals before applying them. Maggábù kug mga sagibunhun pára sa ryúma ni Tátay, I’ll warm medicinal herbs for Father’s rheumatism.

gabuk1 a 1 for wood and fiber to be weakened from decay. Nabugtù ang písì kay gabuk na diay, The rope broke because it was already rotten. 2 not well-founded, unsound. Tinuhúang gabuk, Unsound religions. — ug balatían readily persuaded. Kagabuk nímug balatían! Misálig ka man dáyun níya, How easily you are persuaded! You believed him right away! — ug láwas tending to get sick easily. — ug tinái having a lousy stomach. v [B2; a4] for wood or fibers to get decayed and weak. Nagkagabuk na kining sawug, This floor is beginning to rot. Ang káhuyng maáyung gamítun mau kanang wà pa gabka (gabuka), The best wood to use is the kind that has not begun to decay yet.

gabuk2 n k.o. univalve.

gab-ul n 1 fish prepared by salting, spicing, and partly drying in the sun. 2 smell of rotten fish. v 1 [A; a] prepare gab-ul. Lamì gab-úlun ang isdang bangus, Milkfish makes good gab-ul. 2 [B12; a] come to smell spoiled like rotten fish. Nagab-ul na lang ang isdà kay dúgay kaáyung gilútù, The fish got spoiled because they didn’t cook it right away.

gabun1 = muung.

gabun2, gábun1 n k.o. half-woody herb, the leaves of which have medicinal uses: Blumea balsamifera.

gábun2 n fog. v [B46; b6] be covered with fog. Mugábun (gabúnan) ang búkid sa sayung kabuntágun, On early mornings the mountains are covered with fog. -un a foggy.

gábut v [A; a] pull out plants not in a careful way. Ang lagwirta gigabútan na sa mga sagbut, The weeds in the yard have been pulled out now. -in- n fatty tissue attached to the lining of the pig’s abdomen and rib cage which can be removed by simply pulling it off. -un(→) n s.t. that can be pulled out without digging. Maning gabutun, A variety of peanut that is just pulled out when harvested because the nuts hang on to the roots.

gádim v [A3; a12b2] say god damn. Gadímun ka giyug magsurangsurang ka, He’ll say god damn to you if you pester him.

gadímit expression of annoyance. Gadímit ning tawhána, Damn that guy.

gadlas = garas.

gága = gágu (feminine).

gagmáting = gamáting (plural).

gagmátuy = gamátuy (plural).

gagmay = gamay (plural).

gagming = gaming (plural).

gagmítuy = gamátuy (plural).

gágu a stupid, lacking in sound judgment. Kagágu nímu! Ngánung wà ka man muhangyù? You’re a fool. Why didn’t you bargain the price down? v [B12; b6] become stupid. kagagúhan n stupidity.

gaguy a doing crazy, improper things (slang). Gaguy. Nagbrip lang sa gawas, The idiot. He goes outside in his briefs. v [B12; b6] become silly or stupid.

gáhab = galhab.

gahad v [A; a] cut down grass, weeds, young plants. Nagahad kug apil ang mga gagmay nga mangga, I accidentally cut down the small mango trees as well. Dalì rang mutúbù ang mga sagbut ug gadhun lang, The grass will grow back quickly if you only cut it down.

gahápun (from hápun) yesterday. Gahápun ku lang siya makítà, I only saw her yesterday. ka- n 1 one’s past. Ang íyang kagahápun punù ug mga masulub-ung handumánan, Her past is full of sad memories. may — for a woman to have a shady past. 2 = [249]gahápun.

gahas, gáhas1 v [A; a] clear an area by cutting down trees and tall plants, but not grass and weeds. Manggáhas siya sa púngut úsà daúbi, He cuts down the second growth jungle before he sets the fire for clearing it. Sila ang únang naggáhas sa dálan sa kaálam sa mga lapyù nga kaisípan, They were the ones who paved the way (lit. cleared the road) for the education of young minds. maN-r- n one who lives by slash and burn agriculture.

gáhas2 = gás, n 1.

gáhì a 1 hard, not soft. Gáhì pa ang nilat-ang manuk, The chicken stew is still tough. 2a hard to do s.t. to. Gáhì kaáyung ablíhun, Very hard to open. Gáhì nga dad-un sa sáyaw, Difficult to lead in dancing. 2b hard to get to do s.t. Misugut na ang asáwa apan ang bána mauy gáhì, The wife has consented but the husband remains adamant. 2c insensitive. Gáhig kasingkásing, Stone-hearted. 2d slow to do s.t. which one is supposed to do. Gáhì kaáyung mubáyad sa útang, Very slow to pay his debts. 3 slow to adapt, understand. Gáhing muusab sa íyang kinaíya, Slow to change his ways. 4a i nga — letter e (speaking of English). 4b letter i (speaking of Spanish). — nga tíngug stern, angry tone of voice. — ug ilung contrary, stubborn (like a carabao that goes the opposite direction when s.o. pulls on his nose ring). Gáhig ilung. Dì giyud magsapátus, What a stubborn child. She simply won’t put her shoes on. -g úlu 1 = gáhig ilung. 2 slow to understand. Gáhig úlu, dì kasabut, He is slow in comprehending; he doesn’t understand. v [BN2S3(1); a2] become tough, hard. Mugáhì (manggáhì) ang láwas inigkamatay, The body stiffens when one dies. Maggahì ning ákù ug makaadláwun, Mine (my penis) is always stiff in the morning. Gahíun paglútù ang latik, Cook the syrup until it is hard. paN- v [A2; b6] be rigid so as to be difficult to carry. Ug sakwátun ka ayaw panggáhì, If s.o. carries you, don’t make yourself rigid. ma- a hard. v [B1456] be hard to convince about s.t., be set against s.t. Nagmagáhì si Núri sa pagpagámit sa íyang yútà, Nory was firmly set against letting anyone farm his land. pagahìgáhì v [A3; b6] play hard to get, convince. Pagahìgahían gánì ku nímu dì tikaw lahusun, If you play hard to get with me, I might just quit. -an(→) a of a stubborn sort.

gahid n bamboo or wooden hook attached to a rope and used to pull a fish trap out of the water. v [A; a1b2] get a trap out of the water with a hook. Átung gahirun ang búbu, We’ll hook the fish trap and pull it up.

gahin v [A; c] set aside a portion. Naggahin siyag usa ka úras pagpakigsulti kanímu, She set aside an hour to talk with you. Gahinan ta kag kík, I’ll set some cake aside for you. n portion set aside, appropriation. Ang gahin sa badyit álang sa idukasiyun, The appropriation from the budget for education.

gahit1, gáhit v [A; b6(1)] 1 clear a strip surrounding a clearing which will be burnt to prevent the fire from spreading. Nakakánat ang káyu kay wà ku makagahit sa kaíngin, The fire spread because I failed to make a fire-break around the clearing. 2 make a temporary trail in an otherwise unpenetrable thicket. Gahiti ang kalibunan kay dì masúut, Make a trail in the thicket because we can’t go through it. n 1 fire-break. 2 temporary trail.

*gahit2 paN- v [B146] do harm with energy and eagerness. Nagpanggahit ang asáwa nga nakig-áway sa babáyi sa íyang bána, The wife was only too eager to get at her husband’s mistress.

gáhù = hágù.

gáhub a noisy, tumultuous. Halayù sa gáhub nga dakbayan, Far from the noisy city. n loud, continuous, roaring noise. v [B6; b6] be in uproar, din. Migáhub (nagáhub) ang istadiyum dihang nadáwun ang kampiyun, The stadium was in uproar when the champion hit the deck. ka-, -in- n = gáhub, n. -un n of a noisy sort.

gahuk n a pointed piece of wood about a foot in length used to dig sweet potatoes.

gahum n power. Ang gahum sa Tayid, The power of Tide. Ang gahum sa hárì, The power of the king. Ang anáa sa gahum, Those in power. v 1 [A12] gather enough strength. Nakagahum siya pagbutyag sa masulub-ung balità ngadtu kaníya, She gathered enough strength to break the sad news to him. 2 [B2456; b4] overpower, take power over. Ang kahadluk sa kamatáyun migahum kaníya, He was completely overpowered by his fear of death. Taliwalà sa kalampúsan walà siya gamhi sa garbu, In the midst of his success he wasn’t overcome with pride. gamhánan a powerful, able to effect change. Ang labing gamhánang ingridiyinti sa Tayid, The most powerful ingredient in Tide. gamhánun a dominating. Usa ka gamhánung tíngug milánug, A dominating voice resounded. galamhan one’s inner feelings, inner self. Natay-ug ang íyang galamhan sa túmang kabalísa, Her inner self was shaken by intense anxiety. kagamhánan [250]government. Kagamhánang dimukratiku, Democratic government. makagagáhum a 1 overpowering all else. Usa ka makagagáhum nga unus, An overpowering squall. 2 The Almighty.

gáhung n pit trap. v 1 [A1; b6(1)] make a pit trap. Gahúngi nang dapíta kay labyanan sa bábuy ihálas, Make a pit trap over there because that’s where wild pigs pass by. 2 [A; a6] trap s.t. in a pit. Gahúnga ang bábuy ihás, Trap the wild pig in a pit. mang-ay n one who traps with pits.

gahut v [A; c] complain, scold with shouting. Gigahutan kung máma kay nahubug ku, Mother screamed at me because I was drunk. gathánay, gahutay v [c3] shout at each other.

gáid v 1 [A; c] lash, tie s.t. against s.t. Igáid nang istatúwa sa pusti arun dì matumba, Tie the statue to the post so that it won’t topple down. 1a = gápus, v 2. 2 [A; a1b2] whip soundly. Gaírun ku ikaw ug dì ka mutúu, I’ll give you a sound whipping if you don’t listen. (→) n s.t. to tie with.

gáka v [A2S3S; a] go up an incline or slope. Human mi makagaka (makagáka) sa bungtud, nakítà ang dágat, After we had gone up the hill, we could see the sea. gakahun a on an incline.

gak-ang v [A; b(1)] squat, sit on one’s heels on top of s.t. Ayaw gak-ángi ang bangkíyu, Don’t squat on the toilet seat. Sit right on it.

gákit n bamboo or log raft. Ang gákit nga gipunduhan mauy silúngan sa isdà, An anchored raft is used to draw the fish. v 1 [A13; a12] ride on a raft. Maggákit mi paingun sa isla, We are going to take the raft to the island. 2 [a12] make into a raft. -in- n lashed together to form a raft.

gakud = gáid, 1, 1a.

gakus v [AC; ab2] hug, embrace. Tiggakus siyag alungnag matúlug, He usually embraces a pillow when he sleeps. Ang duha ka buksidur naggákus, The two boxers were clenching. Gigakus níya ang íyang hinigugma, She embraced her beloved. n embrace. Hugut nga gakus, A tight embrace. (←) n act of mutual embracing. Kútub ra sa gákus, way háluk, It just went as far as hugging. No kissing. gakusgákus v [a12] hug repeatedly. gaksanay v [C] embrace each other.

gakut n scars on the skin marked by heavy scar tissue. v [B126] have large, ugly scars. Nagakut ang íyang líug kay mibutu kini, She has large ugly scars on her neck from boils she had.

gákut v [A; c] tie s.t. so as to prevent it from being opened or detached. Ang kutsíru mauy migákut sa mga malíta sa atup sa tartanilya, The rig driver tied the suitcases on the roof of the rig. (→) n lashings.

gála1 v 1 [Ac; ac] play games, play with s.t. Mugála gihápun kag munyíka? Do you still play with dolls? Dílì na nátù siya igála, Let’s not play with her any more. 2 [A; a12] influence, lure s.o. into doing s.t. he shouldn’t. Ikaw giyuy nakagā́ kaníya sa binúang, You influenced him to do s.t. foolish. 3 [c] give money for a performance. Gigaláhan siya sa mananan-awg diyis písus nga giitsa sa intabládu, He got ten pesos from the money which the audience had thrown on the stage. n 1 game. 2 gift of money given for performing. ka- n playmates. galáhan n 1 toy. 2 a plaything which gives certain magical powers to the owner. Ang trabungku galáhan sa sawa, A crystal ball is the special magic toy which a snake possesses. 3 amusement devices at fairs and carnivals. 4 penis (used as one’s plaything—slang). galagala n companions, usually unwholesome. Nahímu siyang dautan tungud sa gagá, He became evil because of bad company. v [A3P; b5] induce s.o. to do s.t. unwholesome. Gigalagala (gigalagalahan) ku níla pagsúkul sa ákung inaína, They induced me to fight my stepmother.

gála2 (not without l) n dress used for festive occasion. v [A; b6] use, wear a gala attire. — nga unipurmi n gala uniform. — primyir n gala premiere. v [A1; c6] hold a gala premiere.

galà n dry twigs. paN- v [A2; b(1)] gather dry twigs.

galab, gálab v [A; a] cut with a scythe, sickle. Gigalab níya ang kúgun, He cut the saw grass with a sickle. (→) n scythe, sickle.

galam v [A; a12] 1 take care of, attend to the needs of s.o. Gigám ang mabdus sa duktur, The doctor attended to the pregnant woman. 2 raise, rear. Gigám sila sáma gayud sa kaugalíngun níyang anak, She raised them like her own children. n care, watchful attention. Way gám, maung nangaláyà, They withered because no one took care of them. galalmun a delicate, requiring much attention and care. Galalmun kaáyu ning buwáka, This flower is very delicate.

*gálam hi-/ha- v [B126; b6] develop the habit or liking for doing s.t. after having tried it once. Nahigálam nà siyag sulugsúlug kay dì man suklan, He has been encouraged to keep teasing because nobody stands up to him. Makahigálam (makapahigálam) man ning lamía, This taste makes one crave for more. [251]Ug muhátag ka kanúnay, higadman kag pangáyù, If you always give, he’ll be encouraged to ask you for some all the time.

galangan n small variety of balingbing (Averrhoa carambola) which is very juicy, sour, and dark orange in color.

galansíyang n k.o. jet-black, glossy starling: Aplonis panayensis.

galanti (not without l) a swashbuckling and ostentatiously courteous, esp. to ladies. v [B12; b6] act in a swashbuckling and ostentatiously courteous way. Tihik apan nagalanti kay dihay babáyi, ug siyay mibáyad, He’s a cheapskate, but he suddenly got generous because there was a lady in the company, and he paid the bill.

galas, gálas (not without l) v 1 [A; b] cut through a thicket to make a trail. Maggalas tag agiánan sa kalibunan, We will cut a trail through the thicket. 2 [A; b] make a clearing along the perimeter of a cultivated area to use as a boundary marker. Gigalasan nákù ang matag saup arun way áway, I made a clearing as a boundary marker for each of my tenants to avoid quarrels.

galaw n twig, small branches.

galawgaw n one who is good for nothing and who is only a nuisance in a group activity. Dílì giyud kita magkasinábut kun paapilun ta nang galawgaw sa átung panaglantúgì, We won’t be able to reach an agreement if we let kibitzers join our discussion.

gálay n sweet potato tops used as a green. v [A13; b6] cook sweet potato tops. paN- v [A2] gather sweet potato tops.

galbanisádu n galvanized.

galgal v [AN; a12] entice s.o. to do s.t. that leads to eventual misfortune. Nanggalgal siya nákù pagpangábang, He talked me into getting a prostitute. -an(→) a fond of enticing people into doing things bad for them. -un a tempting, enticing. Nahiráda ku sa magalgálun níyang pahíyum, I fell a victim to her seductive smile.

galhà a warm and airless. v [B; a4b6] be, become warm and airless. Mugalhà (magalhà) ang kwartu basta daghang táwu sa sulud, The room will become hot if there are too many people inside. Gigalhà ka ba? Do you feel warm? Gigalháan ka ba áning kwartúha? Do you consider this room hot?

galhab v [A; a] make a large, gaping tear or hole. Dinamíta ang nakagalhab sa kílid sa dinamitíru, Dynamite explosion made a gaping wound on the fisherman’s side. Galhábun ku ang ímung sinínà kun dì nímu hubúun, I’ll rip your dress if you don’t take it off. n tear, wound. a having a gaping wound or tear.

gálì = gánì.

galihíra n printer’s galley.

galing v 1 [A; a2] mill s.t. or grind in a mill. Mugaling sila sa tubu run, They’ll mill the sugarcane now. Galinga ang kapi, Grind the coffee. 2 turn a wheel or crank to run some sort of machine. 2a spin cotton into thread. 2b turn the crank of a cable. 3 [A; a12] make a motion picture. Ang ‘Safari’ didtu níla galinga sa Aprika, ‘Safari’ was filmed in Africa. (←) v [A13] do intense milling. Naggáling run sa tubu kay madáut ug taudtauran, They are rushing to mill the sugarcane now because it will spoil if the milling is delayed. -an n 1 mill for grinding s.t. 2 spinning wheel. galinggaling n another name for the bug called daging, so called because children play with it, tying a string to its waist and letting it fly around in circles. †

gáling1 v [A; a1] make a post, tree, or anything rooted to the ground face a different direction or straighten up without removing it from its foundations or roots by means of ropes. Galíngun nátù ang dakung mangga, Let’s straighten up the mango tree. — nang — words uttered while letting a baby stand on one’s lap and allowing it to sway back and forth. galinggáling v [A; c1] move or rock sidewise s.t. rooted or stuck, usually to loosen it. Gigalinggáling níya ang pusti nga íyang hulbútun, He moved the post that he is going to uproot back and forth.

gáling2 = ugáling.

galiríya n gallery, place for the general public.

galmù a for food to be spoiled or damaged from too much touching. Galmù na ang sud-an nga gipunáyag híkap, The dish has become spoiled because they kept touching it. v [B12; a2] become spoiled or damaged by too much touching.

galù1 a fool, simpleton. Galù ka giyud kun mutúman ka sa íyang dautang tambag, You are a fool if you follow his bad advice. v [A; b5] fool, bluff s.o. galùgálù v [A; a2] tease, make fun of. Ayaw galùgalúa ang bungì, Do not make fun of the harelip.

galù2 v [A; a1] shake, rock back and forth. Kinsay mugalù sa láta sa dáyis? Who will shake the can with the dice in it? galùgálù v [A; a] work s.t. back and forth, shake back and forth. Galùgalúa nang bugsuk arun masayung ibtun, Work the stake back and forth so it will be easy to pull it out.

galun1 (not without l) n 1 gallon capacity. 2 gallon container. v 1 [B26] be one gallon. Hápit mugalun ang tubà, There is almost a [252]gallon of toddy. 2 [c1] measure out by the gallon. -an(←) n gallon container.

galun2 n epaulet. v [A; c] wear epaulets.

gálung v [A; b6(1)] 1 attach a rope through the ears or nose of an animal for control. 1a attach a controlling string to the kite. 2 put a string over the mouth of a vessel as a handle. Gawngig písì ang balding nawad-an sa kuptanan, Put a rope over the mouth of the pail that lost its handle. 3 [A; b6] keep s.o. in restriction or control. Gigalúngan ang mga Katuliku sa paggáwì sa pils, The Catholics are restrained from using the pill. n s.t. that controls or restrains s.t., e.g. rope in the ears or noses of animals, string tied to the main spar of a kite.

galusgálus v [A; a12] hug s.o. playfully. Galusgalúsa lang ímung asáwag masukù, Just hug your wife playfully if she gets angry.

galut1 a haughty and giving oneself airs. v [B12; ab6] haughty. Gigalutan kaáyu aku níya kay dílì na siya muípun nátù, I think she’s haughty because she avoids our company.

galut2 n k.o. grouper (pugápu): name given to species that are small.

galyíra, galyirahan n cockpit, enclosed space for cockfighting.

galyíta, galyítas n k.o. dry and crisp cracker.

galyu see mísa1.

*gam babul — see bábul gam. tsúwing — = súwing gam.

gám = galam.

gamà v 1 [A; a] manufacture, make into. Gam-un ku ning kawáyan ug (nga) mga lingkuránan, I will make this bamboo into seats. 2 make into s.t. Gigamà ku níyang (ug) suluguun, She turned me into her servant. n 1 thing produced. Gamà ni sa Inglatíra, This was made in England. 1a thing made or created. Kining mga urug lumalábay kay kini gamà lang sa táwu, These fads are just transitory because they are purely s.o.’s creation. 2 result of. Gamà ni sa ímung pagsuruysúruy, This is the result of your roaming about. galam-un, gam-unun n 1 materials. 2 things to make. galam-an, gam-anan n factory. tag-, tig- n manufacturer.

gámà v [A; b(1)] go s.w. secretly, without being detected. Akuy mugámà sa kampu kung wà bay gwardiya, I’ll try to sneak into the camp to see whether there is a guard.

gámat v [A; b5] tie s.t. which contains s.t. in such a way as to keep the contents from coming out. Ang naggámat niíning kartúna nanigúru giyud nga way mawálà, Whoever tied this box up made sure that nothing would be lost. n knot made to prevent s.t. from coming out of a container.

gamáting a very teensy, weensy in size or amount (smaller than gamátuy). -g- teeny (plural).

gamátuy a tiny in size or amount (smaller than gamay). -g- tiny (plural).

gámaw v [A2; b6] 1 come to the surface. Ug mugámaw ang isdà, If the fish comes to the surface. 2 come out partly from behind. Migámaw ang íyang nawung sa pulta, His face showed from behind the door. n part of s.t. exposed on the surface or from behind s.t. Nagkadakù ang gámaw sa submarínu, More and more of the submarine appeared on the surface.

gamay a 1 small in size, amount, number. Ngánung gamay ka mang pagkatáwu? Why are you a small person? 2 young person. Gamay ka pang mag-apil-apil sa isturyang law-ay, You’re too young to listen to lewd stories. 3 one’s small child. Wà pa manghúri ang ámung gamay, Our little son hasn’t gotten any younger brothers and sisters yet. v 1 [B2S] be, become small, few. Migamay (nagamay) siya human masakit, He became thin after his illness. Nagkagamay ang klinti sa tikasan nga abugádu, The clients of the crooked lawyer are dwindling. 2 [A; b(1)] make s.t. small. Ang sastri mauy migamay sa ákung sinínà, The dressmaker reduced the size of my dress. Gamyi ang síga sa sugà, Turn the lamp down. 3 [a12] do s.t. in a small way. Gamaya rag pangáyù, Ask for only a small amount. (←) v 1 [B23] be in the process of becoming small. Migámay (nagámay) ang balun nga gihibúsan, The balloon got small when air was let out of it. 2 [B26; b6] feel comparatively unworthy or small, consider s.o. as such. Migámay (nagámay) aku atubángan sa rayna, I felt very small before the queen. Gigamyan siya nímu, He considers you small fry. -in- n k.o. dish containing chopped meat with various vegetables. gamaygamay v [A; a2] reduce s.t. into small pieces. -g- small (plural). -in-g- a little by little. Iginagmay (ginagmaya) ug hátag, Give it out, a little at a time. tag-, -in-g- a little each time. -un a of a small type. -ut, -ut(←) small and thin. Dáan nà siyang gamayut, He is born very small. v [B2; b6] become small, thin. Migamayut (nagamayut) ang íyang nawung sa pagkasakit níya, Her face became small and thin after her sickness. -utun a of a small type.

gambálay v [A; a12] 1 compose s.t. poetic. Naggambálay siyag matam-is nga mga púlung nga ighuhunghung ngadtu níya, He composed sweet words to whisper to her. 2 [253]= bálay. see balay.

gambat v [A; a] make s.t. into a network. Naggambat si Tátay sa íyang palàpálà, Father is making a frame of latticework to port his climbing plant. Gigambat nákù pagsursi ang midyas, I fixed the socks by darning them.

gaming a very small in size or amount. -g- small (plural). gamíng very small.

gaminggaming n k.o. small, inedible, black fish which exudes poison from its thorns.

gámit v 1 [A; a] use s.t. Migámit siyag pilduras arun dílì manganak, She used pills to prevent pregnancy. Gamítun ku ang kutsi, I will use the car. 2 [A; a12] use a woman for sexual pleasure. Kay nagámit na, dì na dunsilya, Because s.o. has used her, she is no longer a virgin. 3 [A2; a] borrow money. Mugámit ku nímug singku písus, Will you lend me five pesos? (→) n 1 implement, instrument. Gamit sa pangisdà, Fishing equipment. 2 personal effects such as clothes, toilet articles, furniture, and the like. -in- thing used. Ginámit ang tanang kusug, gihampak níya ang kaáway, Using all his strength, he struck the enemy. -anan n red-light district, bawdy house. ka-an n 1 the use to which a thing is put. Unsa may kagamítan sa mata? Of what use are the eyes? 2 personal effects. Klasiklási ang pahumut sa íyang kagamítan, She has many k.o. perfume in her personal effects. 3 — sa balay household furniture. -l-un(→), -in-un(→) utensils, equipment. Galamitun (ginamitun) sa panday, Carpenter’s tools.

gamíting a very, very tiny. Gamíting kaáyu ang bátà nga bag-ung natáwu, The newly-born infant is very, very tiny.

gamítuy = gamátuy.

gamlù = gam-ul.

gamu a 1 fussy, for small children to be annoying because of ill temper. Gamu kaáyung batáa, muhílak ug ibutang, This child is so fussy. It cries when I put it down. 2 tedious, cumbersome. Tib-a na lag lista kay kun tagsatagsaun, gamu na kaáyu, Put it all under one entry because if you list them one by one, it’s tedious work. 3 way — not hard to please, not fussy. Way gamu tawhána kay mukáun bisag unsay idúlut, He isn’t hard to please because he is not choosy in his food. 4 being a hindrance to one’s movements. Gamu kaáyu ning magdá tag bátà sa byáhi, It’s a lot of trouble to take a child along on a trip. v 1 [B146] be fussy. Naggamu ang bátà kay gibutdan sa tiyan, The baby is restless because it has gas pains. 2 be filled with anxiety, worry. Naggamu ang íyang kahiladman tungud sa pagkawálà sa íyang anak, He was very worried about his lost child. 3 [b4] consider s.t. tedious, wearisome. 4 [B46] be a hindrance to one’s movements. ka-(←) v [A13] have difficulty managing to carry things. Nagkagámu siya sa íyang gipamalit, Her hands are full with the things she had bought.

gamù = gam-ul.

gam-ul v [A; a] 1 mix a small amount of salt with fish to preserve it for a short period of time. Naggam-ul ku sa bulinaw arun magámit pa ugmà, I am mixing a little salt with the anchovies so we can still use them tomorrow. 2 touch food and spoil its appearance or make it so it becomes rancid. Kinsay naggam-ul niíning kík, nga nawad-an sa hitsúra, Who touched this cake; its looks are ruined. 3 [B12] become spoiled. a spoiled food.

gamus v [A; a] preserve with salt without drying, most commonly said of small fish or fry. Gamusa ang subrang bulinaw, Preserve the extra anchovies with salt. -in- n 1 s.t. preserved in salt. 2 secret or hidden wrongdoings. Giugkat sa blakmílir ang mga ginamus sa íyang kagahápun, The blackmailer unearthed the putrid secrets of her past. ginamusginámus n k.o. tag played by teams whereby the object is to reach a home base, and the team members try to capture each other in so doing. v [AC; c1] play this game. gamsanan n container for preserving fish in salt.

gamúsa n 1 suede. 2 shoes made of suede. v [A1] wear suede shoes.

gamut n root of plants. — dakù primary root. 2 root cause. Ang pangabubhu mauy gamut sa ílang pagbulagay, Jealousy is at the root of their separation. v [BN23; b6] 1 for plants to take root. Migamut (nanggamut) na ang ákung kamúting káhuy, My cassava plant has taken root. Láwum nag gigamutan ang binhì, The seedlings have taken deep roots. 2 stay long in a place. Way manggamut niíning trabahúa, No one lasts long on the job here. 3 be well-founded, established. Migamut ang ílang nigusyu kay maáyung pagkadala, Their business took root due to good management. paN- v [A2] gather roots. Nakapanggamut na aku pára sa íyang hilánat, I’ve gathered roots for her fever. pa- [A; b(1)] propagate plants by letting cuttings develop roots. Pagamti ang rúsas, Take a cutting from the rose bush. n method of propagation with cuttings.

gána n 1 appetite for eating. Kining midisináha makaáyu sa gána, This medicine helps [254]one’s appetite. 2 desire, feel like doing s.t. Wà kuy gánang malígù, I don’t feel like bathing. abri- appetizer. sira- s.t. taken after the meal. v 1 [B246; b4] have, help give appetite for eating. Mugána ang ákung káun ug dúnay ginamus, My appetite is good when we have salted fish. 2 [b4] have desire, find enjoyment. Giganáhan ku sa salída, I enjoyed the movie. Ganáhan siyag mangga, He likes mangoes. 3 [b(1)] have a crush on one. Ganáhan ku ánang Ríki Bilmunti uy, I have a crush on Ricky Belmonte. pa- n 1 appetizer. 2 aphrodisiac. Gúlang na ang bána, nagkinahanglag pagána, The husband is already old; he needs an aphrodisiac. -du a full of desire or eagerness to do a thing. Ganádu nà síyang magpakasal kaníya, She’s eager to marry him. ka- = gána, n.

ganà = gunà.

ganansiya n 1 profit from a transaction. 2 one’s offspring (humorous slang). v 1 [A2; a2] make profit. Makaganansiya ka kun patas-an nímu ang prisyu, You can make a profit if you raise the price. Pílay ganansiyahun sa usa ka rím sigarilyu? How much profit do you get from a carton of cigarettes? 2 [A12] have an advantage over s.t. Nakaganansiya siya sa kuntra kay dakùdakù siya, He has an edge over his opponent because he is much bigger. pa- v [A; b6] make a profit on s.o. Dì ku mupaganansiya nímu ug dakù, I will not make a big profit on you.

ganas = gálay.

gánas n the ceremony of taking the bride from her house to the house of the groom after the banquet in the bride’s house. Both families accompany the newly-weds. v [A1; a2] take the bride in the gánas ceremony. Paghuman ug pangáun, gigánas ang babáyi ngadtu sa balay sa laláki, After the wedding reception, the bride was taken to the groom’s house.

gánay1 n reverberating sound which echoes and persists for a while. Ang gánay sa kampána muabut sa layù, The reverberating sound of the bell reaches far. v [A23] reverberate with a persisting echo.

gánay2 v [AN; c1] for things to go s.w. in a long line. Migánay (nanggánay) na ang mga kamwà. Maáyu untag dì mabahà arun dílì maánud, The young crabs are going upstream now. I hope it won’t flood so they won’t be carried away. Igánay (ganáya) ang mga bátà sa plúris, Line up the children to present their flowers. ka-, -an v [A13] 1 walk in a long file. Nagganayan (nagkaganay) ang mga Subánun nga nanglákat, The Subanos walk in long lines. 2 for large number to go s.w. Nagganayan (nagkaganay) ang mga táwu pagsúgat sa Santu Pápa, The people flocked to see the Pope. -an n group of people going s.w.

ganda n k.o. leek: Allium odorum. It is used as spice or for rubbing ailing parts of the body. Sometimes called the onions of the Subanos.

gáng n 1 gang, a cohesive group of young people having a common name and purpose. 2 band of criminal elements. v [C12] be a member of a gang. Dì ta makiggáng ug kídyi, We won’t have a KJ (killjoy) in our gang. ganggáng v [C12] go around with one’s gang.

gangad v [B16; b8] bend the end of s.t. up or out with force. Nagangad nang tagáa kay nasángit sa batu, That fish hook is bent because it got snagged in a rock. Nagangad ang íyang náwung nga gilúwir dyú, His head was thrown back after being hit in the lower jaw. a bent up or out.

gángan = galangan.

gangay v 1 [A; a] broil peeled bananas over live coals. Gangayun ku ning sagínga, I’ll broil this banana. 2 [A; c] put s.t. beside a fire to keep it hot. Igangay nang takurì arun ínit kanúnay ang túbig, Put the kettle beside the fireplace so the water will remain hot.

ganggang v [A; c1] 1 put s.t. over the coals to dry it or heat it. Nagganggang ku sa pán nga giumigas, I am heating the bread which the ants swarmed over. Akuy muganggang sa kupras, I’ll dry the copra in the drier. 2 broil bananas. Magganggang kug ságing ipaínit, I’ll broil bananas for a snack. -an(→) n copra drier.

ganggáng n = bunsudbunsud.

ganggrína = kanggrína.

ganghà v [A; b6] emerge, appear at the door or gate. Mau nang pultáha ang gigangháan sa úngù, That’s the door where the witch appeared. -an(→) n door, gate.

gangì v [A; a12] 1 loosen s.t. stuck in the ground by wiggling it back and forth. Way nakagangì sa ugsuk, Not one succeeded in budging the peg loose. 2 break s.t. off by moving it back and forth. Nagangì ang buktun sa munyíka, The arm of the doll worked itself off. 3 work s.t. affixed back and forth. Gigangì níya ang kambiyu sa awtu, He moved the gear shift of the car.

gángì n dance (slang). v 1 [A1; b(1)] hold a dance. Sa ámù na lang ta maggángì kay luag, Let’s hold our dance at my house because there’s lots of room. 2 [AC; a] dance the slow drag. [255]

gangis n k.o. fish.

gángis n k.o. cicada. háring — 1 the toughest of all, the most astute, gutsy one in the group. 2 political boss.

gangkap a complete, whole. Gangkap ang íyang bisti sa kasal, Her wedding ensemble is complete. v 1 [A; b] make s.t. complete. Nagangkap ang usa ka líbu, I have one thousand pesos complete. Gangkapi ang kúlang, Add to it to make up the lack. 2 [A12; a1] be able to do s.t. to all of s.t. Makagangkap kahà ka sa ímung abangan dinhi? Do you think you can meet the entire rental payment? Dílì ku magangkap paggakus ang íyang háwak, I can’t manage to get my arms around her waist.

gangkay a well dried out, cooked dry. Gangkay ang mga langkay sa lubi, The coconut fronds are dry and brittle. v [B2; c1] dried stiff, cooked crisp. Gangkáya (igangkay) pagbulad ang isdà arun dílì udlun, Dry the fish completely so it won’t get wormy.

gangking v [B3(1); a12] for soft and moist things to dry hard and get stiff. Ang bagang amirul makagangking (makapagangking) sa sinínà, Thick starch makes the clothes very hard. a hardened after drying.

gangrína = kanggrína.

gangsà n goose, gander.

gángu1 n anchored raft to which branches have been tied, to which fish are attracted. v [A; c1] put up, make a fishing raft of this sort.

gángu2 n 1 k.o. large marine fish. 2 a big shot or top brass. Dakung gángu sa pulitika, A political bigwig.

gangù a 1 loose, not firmly implanted. Gangù na kaáyu ang ákung tangu, My tooth is very loose. 2 having a screw loose, acting strange at times. Dipiktádu tingáli ang útuk kay gangù usáhay, He must have some brain defects because he acts strangely at times. v [A; a12] loosen s.t. by working it back and forth. Gangua úsà nang usuk únà ibta, Work the stake back and forth before you pull it out. gangùgángù a wiggling back and forth. n handle of a water pump operated manually. v [A; a12] = gangù. †

gangut1 n thick scar tissue left on the neck after a wound. v [B26; b4] form thick scar tissue on the neck. Inigkaáyu sa ímung upirasyun sa líug mugangut (magangut) unyà nà, When the wound from your neck operation has healed, it will form a heavy scar.

gangut2 v [A; a] pull out by roots, uproot. Limpiyu na ang kamutihan kay gigangutan na níya, The sweet potato patch is cleared now because he has pulled out the vines.

gángut v 1 [A; b] close s.t. by tying it. Gangúti ang pultahan kay walay trangka, Tie the door to because we have no bolt. 2 [BN; b4c1] for the jaws to stiffen so that the mouth cannot open. Naggángut (nanggángut) ang íyang bàbà kay gititanus siya, His jaws stiffened because he had tetanus. 3 [A] clutch firmly by sinking the claws in. Ang kuku sa banug migángut sa ákung buktun, The hawk dug its claws into my arm. (→) v 1 [A; c1] lock s.t. Igangut (ganguta) ang kandádu, Secure the padlock. 2 [A; c1] fasten s.t. by tying. Gigangtan níyag lupnis ang íyang kalsúnis, He tied a cord around his trousers. 3 [A; c1] tie into a knot. Igangut (ganguta) ang tumuy sa písì arun dì mabakhad, Tie the end of the rope so the fibers won’t get undone. 4 [B] get stuck, be impeded from moving. Kun magangut ang angkla sa dakung batu, lisud na kuháun, If the anchor gets stuck under a big rock, it will be difficult to retrieve it. (→) n anything used to close or tie. Gangut sa sapátus, Shoelaces.

gánì 1 even. Wà gánì kuy písu, I don’t even have a peso. Manlimbung gánì siya sa kaugalíngun níyang amahan, He would even cheat his father. 1a pa — [so-and-so] cannot, should not happen because it is still ... Sayu pa gánì ipaúlì, It’s still too early to go home. Miminátay nga dihà pa gánì sa hagdanan, She started to wail even while she was on the staircase. 2 particle accompanying a statement offered as proof of an allegation: even. Barátu tu, nakapalit man gánì ku, It was cheap, I even bought one. Walay pulus. Mau man gánì tu nga wà nákù dawáta, It was a useless thing. That’s why I did not accept it. 3 if it is [so-and-so]. Babáyi gánì hisgútan, mukíat dáyun, If the subject moves to women, he perks up immediately. 3a man — [so-and-so] does, did indeed happen, but ... Mupahulam man gánì, piru lúgus pung musugut, He will lend you money, but only with the greatest reluctance. 3b [so-and-so] is true except that ... Paríhu tag sinínà, gánì ang ímu putì, We have the same shirt, only yours is white. 3c maáyu — at least, the one redeeming thing. Nahúlug ku. Maáyu gánì wà ku mapíang, I fell down. At least I didn’t break anything. 3d unsa, sa — be that as it may, whatever turns out I’ll stick to my decision. Unsa gánì, dì sila mangadtu, kita lang adtu, Be that as it may, even if they don’t, we’ll go anyway. 4 particle with a statement reminding s.o. of s.t.: remember? Kadtu si Manang Díday, kadtu gáning kusiníra? Diday, you [256]know, the cook? 4a particle with insistence. Didtu gánì ku, I was so there. Si Pidru gánì tu uy. Dílì aku, That was Pedro, not me. 4a1 with commands: particle giving a tone of insistence. Hílum gánì, Damn you. I said shut up. Pagtuun gánì dihà, You get down to your studies, hear? 5 sa — a = unsa —. b s.t. rather like. Sa gánì báhù sa kandílà ang ákung nasíngu, I smelled s.t. like a burning candle. c [so-and-so] is likely to happen. Sa gánì muulan rung adláwa, It is likely to rain today. d [so-and-so] should have happened, happen rather than what did. Sa gánì midúaw ka únà sa ímung mga ginikánan inay maghubughúbug, You should have visited your parents first instead of getting drunk.

gánid1 v 1 [A3] invite s.o. to go s.w. Ímu ra ning gustu nga muanhi ka. Way naggánid nímu, You came of your own free will. Nobody dragged you here. 2 [A; c1] drag, involve s.o. in s.t. unpleasant. Wà ku damha nga magánid ang ákung ngálan niíning dakung iskandalu, I never expected that I would be involved in this big scandal.

gánid2 = abánid.

ganíha 1 before, at a previous time. Milakaw siya ganíhang buntag, She left this morning. Dinhi siya ganíha. Karun, walà na, He was here a minute ago. Now he isn’t. 2 — ra since a while ago. Ganíha ka ra dinhi? Have you been here for some time? Ganíha ra nákung pinaábut nímu, ganíha ra kung nagpaábut nímu, I have been waiting for you for some time. ka- = ganíha.

ganína = ganíha. ka- = ganíha.

gánir n one in charge of pouring and passing the glass of liquor around in a drinking spree (slang). v [A; c1] be, become the ‘gunner’ in a drinking spree (slang).

gansà = gangsà.

gansal a rough, not smooth-surfaced. v [B1; a12] be, become rough. Gansála pagsimintu ang banyu arun dílì ta madalin-as, Put a rough cement flooring in the bathroom so it won’t be slippery. gansalgansalun a rough, uneven.

*gansang gansanggansang v [B16; c1] be rough and uneven. Naggansanggansang nga ngípun, Uneven teeth. -un a uneven, rough. Gansangun siyag nawung, She has lots of pockmarks on her face.

gansilyu v [A; a] crochet. Kuti gansilyúhun kanang mútip, That motif is an intricate one to crochet. n crochet hook. -in- n crocheted material.

gansíyang = galansíyang.

gansu n 1 hook attached to sacks to help one heave them. 2 crochet hook. 3 large safety pin. 4 hook in wrestling. v 1 [A; b6(1)] put a hook in s.t. to lift it with. Gansúhi kun lisud paggúnit, Use a hook if it’s hard to hold. 2 [b6] fasten s.t. with a safety pin. Gigansúhan ku na lang ang ákung karsúnis, I just fastened my pants with a safety pin. 3 hook in wrestling.

gansung n whippletree of a plow. v 1 [A; b6(1)] put a whippletree. Nabitik ang kábaw sa kasya kay wà gansúngi, The trace was looped around the carabao’s leg because there was no whippletree fastened to the rope. 2 [a12] make into a whippletree.

ganta = gantang.

*gantaaw paN- v [A2; b1] fish with a spear from a boat at night with a torch or lantern. n method of fishing this way.

gantang n 1 a unit of dry measure equivalent to three liters. 2 liquid measure of about the same amount. v [B26; c1] be one gantang. Hápit mugantang ang ílang mahurut káda káun, They use up nearly a gantang every meal. -an(→) n vessel used to measure gantang.

ganti n 1 reward, prize. 2 natural gift given by God. Ang ímung kaanyag ganti sa kahitas-an, Your beauty is a gift of God. v 1 [A3; b6(1)] give a reward, prize. Gigantíhag haluk sa músa ang mananáug, The winner got a kiss from the muse. 2 [A13; b6] endow with natural talents or qualities. Ang kinaiyáhan nagganti níyag malantip nga utukan, Nature has endowed him with a keen mind. 3 [A12] win a prize, reward. Nakagantig bakus ang kampiyun, The champion won a belt.

ganting n k.o. fish.

gantsilyu = gansilyu.

gantun n bollard, a mooring post on the wharf.

gantuung a piled high. Gantuung kaáyu ang tápuk sa bulingun, The laundry is piled high. v [B; b6] loom tall. Migantuung ang búki digíra sa lawud, The warship loomed high on the ocean.

ganus-a = kanus-a (dialectal).

gánut v [A; a] 1 clear weeds or grass in an area. Naggánut sila sa iskuyláhan, They are clearing the weeds in the school yard. 2 pull a tooth. pa- v [A; ac] have s.o. pull a tooth. Magpagánut kug tangu, I will have a tooth pulled. n weed-pulling session. Walay gánut rung hápun, There is no yard work this afternoon. -l-un(→) n weeds to be cleared off by pulling.

gánuy v 1 [A; a] drag, pull s.t. s.w. Ganúya ang bábuy sa ihawan, Drag the pig to the [257]slaughterhouse. Gigánuy ang ákung pangísip sa láing kalibútan, My thoughts were drawn to another world. 2 [A; c1] for s.t. to draw s.o. tenderly to sleep or bring on a pleasant feeling. Ang LSD nga mugánuy nímu sa pagbáting langitnun, LSD that brings you to a state of heavenly bliss. -an(→) n k.o. hauling sled consisting only of a platform mounted on runners.

gap-ak v [A; a] break up lumps by treading on them. Kábaw ang maggap-ak sa pilápil, The carabao breaks lumps of mud in the rice paddy.

gapang v [B6] for the big toe to be so deformed as to stick outward. Migapang ang kumagkù sa tigúwang nga wà makatilawg sapátus, The big toes of the old man who has never worn shoes are sticking out sidewise. n big toe sticking out sidewise. Nagsiwil ang gapang níyang kumagkù, His deformed big toe is sticking out to the side. n k.o. mullet.

gápas n 1 k.o. medium-sized tree which produces cotton. 2 prepared cotton for treatment of wounds. (→) v 1 [B4] for rice plants to fail to develop grains. Migapas ang ámung humay tungud sa huwaw, Our rice plants didn’t develop grains due to the drought. 2 [A; a4] for cloth to be worn to the point that lint is showing. Ug mugapas (gapasun) ang panaptun, panahun nang ipalit ug bag-u, If the cloth wears, it’s time to buy new clothes. -an(→) n 1 cotton fields. 2 dart of a blow gun (so called from the piece of cotton tied to the end). 2a arrow. -un(→) a full of lint. gapasgápas n k.o. porgy with insipid cotton-like flesh: Monotaxis grandoculis. gapasgapas = kadlum ihálas. see kadlum.

gápì1 v [A2C12; b6] take sides with s.o. in an argument.

gápì2 v [A; c1] overcome completely. Siya ang nangúlu sa naggápì sa mga Huks, He led the men who defeated the Huks.

gápin v [A; b6] side with, favor s.o. in a controversy or quarrel, etc. Ang kuntistant nga íyang gigapínan, The contestant she favored. -ay, -in-ay v [C2] take sides with their respective favorites. Pag-áway sa magtiáyun, nagginapinay (naggapinay) ang ílang isig ka ginikánan, When the couple quarreled, their parents took sides with them.

gapnud n flotsam, s.t. drifting in the sea.

gapù n 1 driftwood, twigs or bamboo pieces found beside the seashore. 2 weak, easily broken. Hápit na mahugnù ang taytáyang gapù, The weak bridge is about to collapse. 3 sickly, weak due to old age, brittle-boned. 4 toothless, hornless in old age. v [B2; b6] 1 be weak. Nagapù (migapù) ang silya kay kanúnay níyang gihiragan, The chair became weak because he kept leaning back on it. 2 for a body to become sickly. Mugapù ang láwas ug dílì ampíngan, The body will be sickly if not taken care of. paN- v [A; b6] lose one’s teeth, horn. Nanggápù na si Lúlu, Grandpa is losing his teeth now. Gipanggapúan na ang kábawng landay, The old carabao has lost its horns.

gapud1 a weak, easily broken due to age. Gapud na ang ngípun sa tigúwang, The old man’s teeth break off easily. v [B23(1); b6] be brittle or easily broken due to age. Migapud (nagapud) ang tiil sa dáang lamísa, The legs of the old table are weak. Nagkagapud ang dukumintu nga gitipígan, The old document is getting brittle.

gapud2 v [A; a] cut firewood in a woody area. Mugapud aku sa banwa, I’ll cut firewood in the forest.

gapud3, gápud v [A2; b] join in, associate with a group. Mugapud ku sa ílang piknik bísag wà ku imbitaha, I’ll go with them on their picnic, even if they don’t invite me. Mga pubri hinúuy ímung gigapúran nga wà kay mapaábut, You prefer to mix with poor people though there’s nothing you can get from them.

gapugapu v [B146; a2] be rough-skinned due to scars, scales, calluses. Nindut siyag bitíis ugáling kay naggapugapu lang tungud sa daghang úwat, She has shapely legs, only they are covered with scars.

gápung = gípung.

gápus v 1 [A; a1] tie up to restrict motion. Siyay naggápus sa bábuy nga ibaligyà, He tied up the pig to be sold. Gapúsag maáyu ang íyang kamut, Bind his hands securely. 2 [A; a3] tie up with preoccupation. Nagápus siya sa trabáhu, He is tied up with his job. 2a enslave with sufferings, difficulties, and the like. Nagápus sila sa kawad-un, They are enslaved by poverty. 2b — ang kwarta v [AP; a3] tie up capital. Magápus ang ímung kwarta ug ipalit nímug yútà, Your money will be tied up if you buy land with it. (→) n s.t. used to tie with.

gárà v [A2; b6] do s.t. all the more in response to an admonition or flattery. Ug badlúngun, mugárà hinúun, If you tell him to stop, he does it all the more. Mikaransay pagsamut ang hubug kay migárà nga giabibáhan, The drunk danced all the more because he was egged on by the applause. garàgarà v [A1] make a display of exaggerated behavior. garàgaraun a easily moved to do s.t. inappropriate [258]or beyond one’s capacity. Garagaraun man laging mipalawum nga dì kamaung mulanguy, He was so foolish as to go into deep water when he didn’t know how to swim.

gárab a bragging, boastful. v [A2; c] brag, boast. Migárab si Lítu kay nakahandrid, Lito started to brag because he got one hundred. pa- v [A; c] brag about s.t. Íyang gipagárab ang singsing níyang diyamanti, He brags of his diamond ring. -un n boastful person. v [B2; b6] be, consider boastful.

garába = grába.

garábi = grábi.

garábu n k.o. aromatic herb often used for spicing s.t. roasted.

garáhi n garage, place for storage or shelter of cars. v 1 [AP; c] put s.t. into the garage. Igaráhi ang mutursaykul, Put the motorcycle in the garage. 2 [A2; c6] for public transportation to go in the garage for the night. Mugaráhi na ku kay gabíi na, I’m going to the garage because it’s late. 3 [A2C12] go home, esp. to sleep. Mugaráhi na ku kay katulgun na, I’ll go in now because I’m sleepy. garahian, garahiánan = garáhi, n.

garakgarak a rough, uneven surface. v [B; b56] for a surface to become rough and uneven. Mugarakgarak ang nawung basta mabúlit sa bugas, Your face will become rough if it is covered with acne. Gigarakgarak (gigarakgarakan) lang sa gubyirnu ang karsáda kay ígù ra dyung gigrába, The government just made it a rough road; they only put gravel on it. -un a rough, uneven in surface.

garal a unwittingly stupid. Not doing what others would expect. Garála níya uy. Gisúgù ku níya, nalímut paghátag kwarta, He sure is a dope. He asks me to get s.t. but forgets to give me the money. ka- state of being foolish. sa ímung — you idiot! (said in a friendly way). Limpiyu sa ímung kagaral. Kahúgaw íni, What do you mean clean? It’s filthy.

garamal v [A; bc] bind, tie tightly. Ayúhag garamal ang bábuy arun dílì makabuhì, Tie the pig well so that it won’t get loose. Garamali ang kahun arun dílì mangayabu ang sulud, Tie the box securely so the contents won’t spill out.

garan, gáran n garand rifle, .30 caliber M1.

garang, gárang n bloated, tight feeling in the stomach. v [B6; a4b4] have gas pains. Garangun (mugarang) ang ímung tiyan ug magpalabi kag káun, You will get a bloated stomach if you eat too much. Garangan ka sa tiyan, You will get a bloated feeling in your stomach.

garanggarang a rough, uneven in surface. Garanggarang ang ákung nawung sa bugas, My face is all rough with acne. v [B12; c1] for a surface to be, become rough and uneven. Mugaranggarang ang lamísag tadtáran sa karni, The table will get all scratched up if you cut the meat on top of it.

garanil1 n granary, room or house for storing grain. v [A13; a2] make into, add a granary.

garanil2 n marking gauge, a carpenter’s tool for drawing a line parallel to the edge of s.t. v 1 [A; b(1)] line s.t. with a marking gauge. 2 [a12] make into a marking gauge.

garantisádu a having the quality that assures satisfaction. Garantisádung rilu, A watch of guaranteed quality. Garantisádung initsahan. Dì musipyat, He is a sure-fire shot. He can’t miss. v [B126] be dependable in quality or quantity.

garantíya n 1 collateral on a loan. 2 guarantee s.t. as asserted. Garantíya sa pridyidir, A guarantee on the refrigerator. v 1 [A; c] guarantee a loan. Igarantíya níya ang íyang yútà sa íyang útang, He will use his lands as collateral on his loan. 2 [A; c] give assurance that s.t. is as asserted. Akuy mugarantíya sa íyang pagkakasalígan, I’ll stand as guarantee to his trustworthiness.

garápa n small bottle or vial.

garapinyíra n rotary type ice cream freezer.

garapun n glass jar. v 1 [B23(1)6] be a jarful. Hápit mugarapun (magarapun) ang nahurut nílang tubà, They consumed almost a jarful of toddy. 2 [A; c1] put in glass jars. Igarapun (garapuna) ang pinyátu, Put the peanut brittle in glass jars. -in- n put in a glass jar. v [c1] do by the jarful.

garas v [A; a] scratch lightly, put a thin wound in the surface. Tunuk ang migaras sa íyang nawung, It was a thorn that scratched his face. Nagaras ang pintal sa taksi, The paint of the taxi got scratched. n light cut. Iúlì nákù nímu ang ímung pawntin pin nga way garas, I will return your fountain pen to you without a scratch.

gáray n verse. v [A; c1] write, read a verse. Gigaráyan sa nangharána ang súlu sa gitára, The serenader recited a verse with a guitar solo as a background. ma-un a fond of making verses.

garbansus, garbantus n = karabansus.

garbu n pride. Misinta siya dihang natandug ang garbu, He flared up when his pride was hurt. Garbu sa mga táwu dinhi ang kalimpiyu sa lungsud, The cleanliness of the town is a source of pride for the people. — sa irù n one’s foolish pride, said derisively. pa-, [259]pasi- v [A; c] display s.t. with pride. Nagpagarbu (nagpasigarbu) siya sa bag-ung kutsi, He is showing off his new car. Wà kuy ngálan nga ikapasigarbu, I don’t have a name to boast of. magarbúhun, mapagarbúhun, mapasigarbúhun a 1 full of pride. Magarbúhun siyang midáwat sa midalya, He received the medal with pride. 2 haughty in ways and appearance. -sa a haughty, stuck up (female). v [B] become haughty. Migarbúsa (nagarbúsa) siyang nakataak sa Amirika, She became haughty after having gone to the States. -in-(→) v [A1; c1] act in a haughty way. Giginarbusahan ku níya; nakaminus tingáli, She spoke haughtily to me; she probably looks down on me. -su a haughty (male).

gardába = kardába.

gardin n flower or vegetable garden. v [A; a] make a garden. -íru n gardener. v [B156; a12] gardener. -ing n 1 gardening. 2 a school subject of gardening in the elementary school.

gardiyan n guardian of a child. v [B1256] become the guardian. Nagardiyan ku níya samtang nilangyaw ang íyang mga ginikánan, I became his guardian while his parents were away on a trip.

gáring n 1 doll. 2 religious statue. v 1 [A] play with a doll. Gustung mugáring ang bátà, The child wants to play with a doll. 2 [a] make a doll. Nindut garíngun ning panaptúna, This cloth would make a pretty doll.

garípu = grípu.

garisun n garrison. v [AC12; b(1)] establish a garrison.

garmint bag n garment bag. v [c6] put s.t. in a garment bag.

garnalda = girnalda.

garnáti1 = granáti1.

garnáti2 n variety of balingbing (Averrhoa carambola), sweet and yellow when ripe.

gartir n elastic band, usually strapped on or sewn to s.t. v [A3; b6(1)] put an elastic band on s.t.

garù v [A; a12] jiggle s.t. back and forth. Ayaw garua ang lamísa kay malúngì nyà ang tiil, Don’t jiggle the table back and forth because the leg might break off.

garud v [B126] for a part of the body to get chafed or badly scratched from sliding over a rough surface. Nagarud ang íyang dughan pagdaúrus níya sa káhuy, His chest got badly scraped from sliding down the trunk of the tree.

garus v [AB2; ab2] scratch lightly. Magarus ang sawug ug ímung guyúrun ang síya, The floor will get scratched if you drag the chair.

garúti n 1 wooden cane used for beating. 2 walking stick. v [A; a1b2] hit with a cane. Garutíha siya kun magtinuntu, Cane him if he does foolishness.

gás n 1 kerosene. 2 gas fuel for cooking stoves. — istub, gastub n kind of stove that uses cooking gas or kerosene for fuel. v 1 [A; b6] put in kerosene or gas. Wà magási ang lamparilya maung napálung, They failed to put kerosene in the lamp so it went out. 2 [A13] use kerosene. Maggás na lang mi kay ikunumíya, We’ll just use kerosene because it’s cheaper. paN- n money obtained by prostitutes to pay for the barest necessities. Kanang pagpaábang sa ubang mga pampam pára panggás na lang, Some prostitutes sell their bodies for just enough to get the barest necessities.

gása1 v [A; c] give a gift. Unsay ákung igása sa ílang kasal? What shall I give them as a wedding present? n gift, present.

gása2 n 1 gauze. 2 incandescent mantle of pressure lanterns.

gasang v [B6; b6] get whitish salt particles on the body. Mugasang ang ákung pánit ug dì ku manghinawnaw humag kalígù sa dágat, My body becomes whitened with salt if I do not rinse myself off after swimming in the sea. -un a covered with salt particles.

gásang n coral, hard substance made up of the skeleton of polyps. ka-an n place where corals abound.

gásap v [A; a12] lop off the branches from a tree that has fallen or been cut down and cut them into pieces.

gasbut = higasbut.

gasgas v [A; ab2] damage s.t. by scratching it. Nagasgas ang kílid sa pridyidir, The side of the frigidaire got scratched. n scratch.

gaskit n gasket. v [b6] put gasket on.

gaslì1 n prickly heat. v [A123P; a4] have prickly heat. Ulan ang ikalígù kun gasliun ka, Bathe with rain water if you have prickly heat.

gaslì2, gasling a stiff and dry through the heat of the sun. v [B2; c1] be stiff dried due to the sun’s heat. Ayaw pamad-i nang linadlad arun dílì magasling (mugasling), Do not let the clothes get completely dry so they won’t get stiff. Gaslínga (igasling) pagbulad ang karni arun dì mabahù, Dry the meat till it is stiff so it won’t spoil.

gas mask n gas mask. v [A1] wear a gas mask.

gaspang a 1 having dry and rough skin. 2 generally unkempt. 3 coarse in manner. Gaspang ang ímung pagkasulti, You’re coarse in your speech. v [BN6; b6] be coarse. Nanggaspang [260]ang íyang pálad sa mga kúbal, The skin on his palms is rough from the calluses.

gaspin n kerosene torch made of a slim piece of bamboo or a bottle. v [A; a1] make into a kerosene torch.

gastádu a 1 for mechanical moving parts to be worn out. Ilísan nátù ang pistun kay gastádu na, Let’s change the pistons because they are all worn out. 2 having one’s body worn out from sexual activities. 3 having one’s body worn out from overwork. v [B126; b6] for mechanical parts of the body to get worn out.

gastadur a extravagant in spending. v [B12; b6] get to be extravagant in spending. -a(←) = gastadur (female).

gasti (from tigas) n toughie (slang).

gastruintiraytis n gastroenteritis. v [A3P; a4] get gastroenteritis.

gastu v 1 [A2; a] spend money. Nakagastu silag dakù sa dispidída, They spent a large amount of money for the farewell party. Makakuput gánì ug kwarta gastúhun dáyun, Whenever she lays her hands on money, she spends it right away. 1a give a banquet on a lavish scale. Gastúhan ku giyud ang ákung kumplianyu, I’ll hold a big dinner for my birthday. 2 [A; b6(1)] spend for some undertaking. Ang kumpaníya mauy naggastu sa íyang pagtuun, The company is paying for his studies. 3 [A; a] use time, effort for some undertaking. Gastúha ang ímung kusug sa maáyung katuyúan, Use your strength for good purposes. n 1 expenditures. 2 sumptuous feast as entertainment. a requiring great expense. Gastu na kaáyu kun grandi ang kasal, It means a great expense if the wedding is on a grand scale. pára — 1 s.t. put out for public use for free. Pára gastu ning puspuru, These matches are for public use. 1a player on a team used for minor duties which are not significant enough to warrant the expenditure of a major team member. 2 for one’s personal use. Kining kutsi pára gastu. Dílì paabángan, This car is for personal use, not for rent. galastúhan, galastuhan, kagastúhan n expenses to be incurred. di- see digastu. -s = gastu, n, a. -su a expensive, requiring lots of money. Gastúsu kaáyu ang pagtinir ug kutsi, It’s very expensive to have a car. v [B125; B6] entail lots of expense.

gastub see gás.

gasulína n 1 gasoline. 2 food or drinks to provide a bit of energy (slang). Magkarga tag gasulína, Let’s have s.t. to eat, take a little snort. v 1 [A; b6(1)] put gasoline into. 2 [A13; b6(1)] eat s.t. as a snack, or take some liquor for energy. Gasulináhi siya arun mukanta, Give him a little snort so he will sing. -dur(→) accelerator on a motor vehicle. gasulinahan n gasoline station.

gatà n juice squeezed from coconut meat. v [A; b6(1)] cook s.t. with the juice of coconut meat. Gatai ang mangkù arun lamían ang sabaw, Cook the mackerel with coconut juice so we’ll have a delicious sauce. ginat-an n 1 s.t. cooked with coconut juice. 2 k.o. sweet soup containing sticky rice, corn, taro, and sweet potatoes cooked in coconut juice.

gátal = gátaw, v.

gatang, gátang v [A; a] divide into portions. Naggatang kug nangkà pára ibaligyà, I cut a jackfruit into portions to sell. Gatánga ang sibúyas, Apportion the onions into bunches. -in- n cut into portions. Ginátang ang pagbaligyag bábuy, They sell the pork by portions.

gátas n milk. May gátas ka pa sa bàbà nga manarátu, You’re still too young (lit. you still have milk on your mouth) to have a sweetheart. (→) v 1 [A] milk an animal. Naggatas siya sa báka, He is milking the cow. v [B3(1)6; b] secrete milk. Wà makagatas ang inahan, The mother didn’t lactate. Mamatay ang nati kun dì gatasan ang inahan, The calf dies if the mother doesn’t lactate. 3 [A; b6(1)] mix milk into s.t. 4 [a12] bottle-feed an infant. Gigatas na lang níla ang ílang masúsu, They bottle-fed their baby. -an(→) n animal which furnishes milk. -an a having lots of milk. -an, -an(→), gatasgatasan n descriptive name of fish which exude a highly venomous milky substance from the dorsal spine: Coryzichthys gangenes and other species. -un, gatasgatasun a murky with whitish substance.

gátaw v [AN; b6] appear, stick out on a surface. Migátaw ang íyang gúsuk, His ribs stuck out. n projection, height. Dayag na ang gátaw sa submarínu sa dágat, You can clearly see the projection of the submarine on the surface of the sea. (→) n s.t. which gets exposed on the surface. Ang balanghuy nga gataw pait ug makahílu, The cassava root that grows out of the ground is bitter and poisonous. -un a of the type that sticks out.

gatilyu n trigger.

gátu1 n vise, mechanical device for holding firmly s.t. being worked. v [b6(1)] fasten with a vise. Gatúhi arun sayun paggabas, Fasten it with a vise so it will be easy to saw it.

gátu2 = gatilyu. [261]

gátud v [A; a12] make s.t. rough by covering it with cuts. Nagátud ang tabla nga gihímung taparan, The board got an uneven surface because it was used as a chopping board. gatudgatud a rough in surface. Gatudgatud na ang punúan sa lubi kay gisigíhan man níyag tigbas, The coconut trunk is rough because he always chops at it with his bolo. gatudgaturun = gatudgatud.

gátung n 1 fuel used for cooking. 2 a big piece of wood used to keep fire or embers burning. v 1 [A; c1] supply fuel to cook s.t. 2 [A1; c1] keep a fire burning to supply embers for future fires. 3 [APN; b] add fuel to an emotional situation. Ngánung gatúngan pa nímu ang íyang kasukù? Why do you add fuel to his anger? paN- n 1 s.t. used as fuel. 2 s.t. used as drinks. Náa bay maáyung paggátung kay muadtu mi sa bayli, Do you have anything good to warm up the group because we’re going to a dance.

gatus numeral hundred. v see tulu. -an in groups of a hundred, hundreds. Gatusan ka táwu ang nagláray, People were lined up by the hundreds. Gatusan ka túig, A century. maN-(←) amounting to one hundred. Manggátus ang íyang swildu káda simána, He earns a hundred a week. maN-(←), -in- done by the hundreds. Manggátus (ginatus) ang pagbaligyà sa mangga, They sell mangoes by the hundred. v [c1] do s.t. by the hundred. tag-(←) a hundred each. v [a] give out denominations of one hundred. tagmang-, tag-in- = mang-, -in-.

gaud1 n k.o. porgy. gaudgaud = gaud1.

gaud2, gáud v [A; b5] row, propel a boat with an oar at the stern. Makagáud kahà ta hangtud sa daplin? Can we possibly row as far as the shore? Ang linayágan ug way hángin gawrun (gawran) lang, A sailboat is rowed if there is no wind. (→) n large oar. gauran n oarlock.

gaugáu v [A; a12] tease derisively. Gigaugáu siyang pisut, He was teased derisively because he was uncircumcised. n derisive teasings.

gáung a weary-looking. paN- v [A2; b4] have a weary look on the face. Manggáung ang nawung sa táwung way tulug, A person’s face looks haggard if he has no sleep. Gipanggaúngan sa dagway ang bag-ung minyù, The newly-weds look haggard.

gáuy v [B6N; a2] for the body or part of the body to get completely fatigued. Nanggáuy ang ákung láwas sa paglinanguy tibuuk adlaw, My body became fatigued from swimming the whole day. (→) a fatigued.

gáw n entrance to a fish trap (búbu) made of woven bamboo, tapering toward the inside like a funnel, such that fish cannot turn around once it has proceeded a certain distance, nor can it get back. v 1 [A; b6(1)] attach a gáw. 2 [A; c1] make a gáw.

*gáwad1 ka- n worker, employee.

gáwad2 = hi-/ha-, v 2. hi-/ha- v 1 [A2; b5c] deny s.t. to s.o. Muhigáwad ka gánì sa usa, higawári (higawára) na lang ang tanan, If you deny s.t. to one, deny it to all. Walà giyud kuy ihigáwad kanímu, There is nothing I would deny you. 2 [B126; b4c5] feel hurt because of a slight. Mahigáwad siyag dì pasak-un sa átù, She will feel slighted if we don’t let her stay here. Higawran kag paryinti kun hakug ka, Your relatives will feel slighted if you are selfish.

gawal, gáwal v [A; c] stick out from. Naggawal ang dílà sa irù nga naghalhal, The dog is panting, and his tongue is hanging out. pa- show off, boast of. Nagpagáwal siya sa bag-u níyang sapátus, He’s showing off his new shoes. n boasting. mapa-un a of a boasting, showing off sort.

gawang n 1 door. 2 hole in flooring or in a wall. Mabulasut ka sa gawang, You will step into the hole in the floor. v [A; b] make an opening in a wall or floor. Gigawangan níya ang bungbung, He made an opening in the wall.

gawas v 1 [A2] go out of an enclosure or area. Migawas siya sa balay, He went out of the house. 2 [A1P; c] bring s.t. out. Kinsay naggawas sa mga silya? Who brought the chairs out? Wà níla ikagawas ang igbabaligyà, They weren’t able to display (lit. put out) their goods. n 1 immediate vicinity outside. 2 from a foreign country. Karun, mga balità gíkan sa gawas, And now, news from abroad. 3 state of being free, independent. Yútà nga gawas, A free country. 4 aside from. Gawas nga gwápa, sapían pa giyud, Aside from being pretty, she is rich. 5 except. Way láing tugútan gawas nímu, Nobody is allowed to except you. 6 unless. Dì ku muadtu gawas kun suhúlan, I won’t go unless I’m paid for it. anak sa — illegitimate child. pa- v [A; c5] display one’s skills and knowledge for an audience to appreciate. Gialirúngan si Tinù nga nagpagawas sa íyang mga binúang, People gathered around Tino showing off his jokes. Gipagawas na níya ang tanan níyang kaláki apan lúpig gihápun siya, He has emptied his bag of tricks but he still can’t compete. gawsanan, -ánan n exit, place one leaves through. ka-an(←) n freedom, liberty. -nun a free, not under any control. Kinabúhing gawasnun, A free and [262]unfettered life.

gaway n tentacles. Katul ang gaway sa bukya, Jellyfish have itchy tentacles.

gawaygáway n small tree with alternate pinnate leaves. The bark is used for dyeing and strengthening fishlines. It has a white flower similar to a string bean. The flower and the young fruit are cooked and eaten as vegetables: Sesbania grandiflora.

gawgaw n starch made from cassava, corn, buri. v [A; a2] make starch.

gáwì v [A; a12] use s.t. Ambi nang ákung bulpin kay gawíun ku, Give me back my ball-point pen because I am going to use it. n character, ways. Pilía ang babáying maáyug gáwì, Choose a girl with good ways about her. ka-an n manner of doing, using s.t., customs. Ang pagsultig kusug súpak sa maáyung kagawían, Talking loud smacks of bad manners.

gawù = galù1, 2.

gā́y = gálay.

gayang n a k.o. bolo about 18″ long with a straight blade. The back edge curves slightly upward forming a crest near the tip, with a flat end that slants outward so that the end and the bottom form a point.

gayhab = galhab.

gáyì = gánì (colloquial).

gáyid n s.t. that serves as a guide. v 1 [A; b6] guide the way. Gayri mi kay wà mi katultul, Guide us because we don’t know the way. 2 [B1256] become a guide. Nagáyid ku niadtu sa ílang ikspidisiyun, I became their guide in their expedition.

gayud short forms: dyud, giyud 1 with adjectives: without doubt. Sukù giyud siya nímu, She’s sure to be mad at you. 2a with verbs: make it a point to [do]. Úha giyud, Be sure to hit him on the head. 2b [so-and-so] will happen for sure, can’t help but happen. Ang talawan, bísag ilútan, mudágan giyud, A coward, even if he is agitated, will be sure to run away. 2c na — [so-and-so] happened at last. Salámat, nakapangíhì na giyud ku, Thank heavens. At last I’ve had a chance to urinate. 2d ra — [so-and-so] will happen despite anything. Hingpatyan ku ra giyud nang bastúsa, I’ll kill that s.o.b. one of these days for sure. 3a walà — never. Wà giyud ku masáyud ánà, I never knew that. 3b dílì — never will [do]. Dì giyud ku maglúib nímu, I’ll never betray you. sa dílì pa — certainly before [so-and-so] happens. Bángun sa dílì pa gayud mubanagbánag, Be sure to wake up before daybreak. 4 with nouns, pronouns: it is, was [pronoun] without a doubt. Siya giyud ang kinagwapahan, She is the prettiest. 5 with adjectives: it is [adjective] without a doubt. Lamì giyud kaáyu, It was really delicious, without a doubt. 6 with forms meaning ‘there is (are), there always be ... for sure’. Dúna giyuy táwung kulukuyun, There always will be foolish people. 7 with numerals: [numeral] for sure. Tulu man giyuy íyang gikaun, He ate three whole pieces. 8 with words referring to a place: right at the place. Náa giyud mi sa publasiyun, We are right in town. 9 with interrogatives: exactly [who, when, where, etc.]. Kanus-a man giyud ka gíkan? Exactly when are you leaving? 10 with words referring to time: exactly at [such-and-such] a time. Alas dús giyud tu paglínug, The earthquake was exactly at two o’clock. Karun pa giyud siya muabut, He just arrived a moment ago. Pagkamatay giyud ni Hisus, mingíub ang kalibútan, At the moment Jesus died the world was plunged into darkness. 11 — lang for no reason except that that’s the way it is. ‘Ngánung ingnun nímu ánag pahimútang?’—‘Gayud lang,’ ‘Why did you set it up like that?’—‘I just did, that’s all.’ ngánu — why did it have to be? Ngánu ba giyung gipakatáwu kung bungì? Why did I have to be born a harelip? mau — that’s the way it is. Mau giyud nang pubri. Mag-antus, That’s the way it is when you’re poor. You suffer.

gayúma = lumay.

gayun v [A12; a3] get the chance to do s.t. Nakagayun kug haluk níya, I got a chance to kiss her. pa- v [A3] manage, make s.t. not quite suited to the job work, anyway. Naglísud ku kay nagpagayun ku áring daut nga makina, I’m having a hard time. I am trying to make this defective engine run. hi- v [A12] have the chance, time to do s.t. Musulat ku nímu kun makahigayun, I’ll write you when I have the time to. n 1 time, chance. Wà kuy higayun pagtan-aw ug sini, I don’t have time to go to the movies. 2 chance, opportunity. Lihíru ka man giyud. Tagái sad kug higayun nga makadaug, You’re so good at it. Give me a chance to win, too. 3 time, instance. Dúnay mga higayun nga pangulbaan ku, There are times when I get so anxious. 4 time, event. Ang maung higayun gitambúngan sa mga dagkù sa lungsud, The said event was attended by the important people in the town. hi-(←) v [B1256] be well-situated in a job, dwelling place, etc. Dì na mi mulálin kay nahigáyun na mi dinhi, We won’t move because we are [263]well-situated here. pahi-(←), pahi- v [A; c6] 1 arrange to have s.o. put in a job. Ikapahigáyun ka dáyug trabáhu kay paryinti mu ang bús, It can easily be arranged for you to get a job because you are a relative of the boss’s. 2 make arrangements for the proper performance of s.t. Ang punirarya ray mupahigáyun sa paglubung, The funeral parlor will take charge of the burial. 3 [b(1)] give s.o. a chance. Ákù únang gipahigayunan siya, apan kun muusab, ákù siyang kastigúhun, I’m giving him a chance this time, but if he does it again, I’ll punish him. 4 = pa-. kahigayúnan opportunity. Ang kahigayúnan kas-a rang mutuktuk sa pultahan, Opportunity knocks only once. ti-, pati- see tigayun.

gáyun a inferior in quality or workmanship. Gáyun kaáyung pagkatahì ang ímung karsúnis, Your pants are very poorly tailored. v [B12; a2] be of inferior quality, do s.t. poorly.

gáyung v [A; a1] propel a boat from the stern with a scull. Gayúngi ang búti arun muirug tag diyútay, Scull the lifeboat so we move forward a bit. Gayúngun ta lang nang gilay-úna, Let’s just go that distance by sculling. — nang — words said as one takes a baby in the lap standing and letting him lean back and forth. (→) n scull. gayunggayung n name of a folk dance.

gay-ut a 1 out of shape, wrinkled. Gay-ut na kaáyu ang íyang susu, Her breasts were all flabby. 2 not up to par. Gay-ut ang íyang dinaganan karun, His running this time was not up to par. 3 tattered, torn to small bits. Ang íyang gay-ut nga sinínà gilábay, She threw out her tattered dress. v [B; a2] 1 make s.t. out of shape, get out of shape. Bag-u pa gánì nà nímung gisul-ub nagkagay-ut na man, You have just put that dress on, but it is wrinkled and out of shape already. 2 be below par, cause to be below par. 3 tear up until it is no longer usable.

gi, gí = agi, 1, 1a, 1b, 1c.

gi- 1 see -un1. 2 see i-1.

gíak v [A; b] stamp the foot heavily on s.t. Giáki ang uk-uk, Stamp on the cockroach.

gi-an see -an1.

gib-an tik n fight characterized by a furious exchange of blows. v [C2] have a furious exchange of blows. Ang duha ka buksidur naggib-antik sa katapúsang hugnà, The two boxers had a furious exchange of blows in the last round.

gíbang v [A; a] nick a saw or blade. Gáhì kaáyung magíbang ang sundang, The machete won’t easily break. (→) n nick on the blade of a sharp instrument, broken serration in a saw.

gibhang v [A3P; b5] knock a piece off of a whole, make a gap in s.t. Gibhángan (gibhángun) ang kural sa mga buyung, The rustlers will make a hole in the wall (will cause it to have a hole in it). n chip, gap, space left when s.t. has been removed from a single piece. Dakung gibhang sa ákung kinabúhì ang íyang pagkawálà, His disappearance left a huge gap in my life. ka- = gibhang, n.

giblang n distance between two vertical things. Ang giblang sa duha ka pusti, The distance between the two poles. a wide, having a great distance between two vertical things in either side. v [B1; a12] be, become wide. Magiblang ang kalyi ug magtagà ang láray sa lubi, The street will become wide if you cut down the row of coconut trees.

gidlak v [A; b6] glitter, sparkle. Wà makagidlak ang mga bitúun kay nagdag-um, The stars did not sparkle in the sky because it was overcast. gidlakgidlak a glittering, sparkling. Gidlakgidlak ang sinínang íyang gisul-ub, She wore a dress that was covered with little sparkling things. v [B3(1)6] glitter, sparkle.

*gidlay ka- v [A13] 1 for clothing to be in tatters. Nagkagidlay ang saput sa makililímus, The beggar was wearing tattered clothes. 2 be reduced to a miserable condition due to misfortunes, financial set-backs, and the like. Nagkagidlay lagi ku kay gibyáan sa uyab, I’m a miserable wretch since my lover left me. Dì ku makabáyad kay nagkagidlay pa mi, I can’t pay because we are in a desperate financial condition. 3 be battered in a fight or some other undertakings. Nagkagidlay ku sa ámung tist, I was ruined on that test. Nagkagidlay ang ámung tím, Our team was reamed.

gigming = gagming. see gaming.

gigulu n gigolo. v [B26] be a gigolo.

gihang = gilhang.

gihápun 1 still, as before. Nagpabílin gihápun nga Risalista si Iyù Simun, Old Simon still remains a die-hard Rizalist. 2 still, nevertheless. Bísag unsáun, kang Sirhing kami gihápun, No matter what happens, we are still for Serging. 3 still the same thing. Balanghuy gahápun, balanghuy lang gihápun karun? We had cassava yesterday. Do we still have cassava today? mau — as always. Tigúlang na siya apan mau gihápun ambúngan, He is old now, but as always, handsome. sa — forever, always, at all times. Maingun sa sinugdan, karun, ug sa gihápun, sa mga katuígan ngatanan, As it was in the beginning, [264]is now, and ever shall be, world without end.

gihay n 1 petal. Ang gihay sa rúsas pula, Rose petals are red. 2 shred, strip, tear off s.t. Usa ka gihay sa íyang sinínà nahabilin sa alambri, A piece of her dress was left on the wire. v [A; ab4] tear s.t. into strips, shreds. Gihayun níya ang papil, She will tear the paper into strips. ka-(←) v [A13] be reduced to shreds. Nagkagíhay ang íyang pangatarúngan sa abtik nga panuksù, His reasoning was reduced to shreds by the intelligent questioning.

gihì v [A; b] 1 slice a portion off a hunk of meat or fish. Gigihian nákug gamay ang gaway sa tabuguk, I cut a small slice from the octopus’ tentacles. 2 make an incision in meat or fish. Gihii ang karni nga igsusugba, Make incisions on the meat to be broiled. n slice taken off a hunk of meat or fish.

gíhu = gísuk.

gika- see i-1.

gíkan 1 from [such-and-such] a place. Miabut siya gíkan sa Hapun, He arrived from Japan. 2 from [such-and-such] a time. Natū́g siya gíkan sa buntag, He slept from morning on. 3 having just finished doing or being s.t. Gíkan akung nalígù, I’ve just come from my bath. 4 from, against an adversity. Luwasun ku ikaw gíkan sa kauláwan, I’ll save you from shame. 5 originating from. Ang táwu kunu gíkan sa ungguy, Man is said to have descended from the apes. — karun from now on, henceforth. Gíkan karun, wà nay sinisíni, From now on, no more movies. v 1 [A2; a] depart. Mugíkan ku ugmà pára Amirika, I’ll leave tomorrow for the United States. Ug gikánun nátug sayu, If we make it an early departure. 2 [A12S3; b6] originate from s.t. Kanang sugáa naggikan sa parúla, That light comes from the lighthouse. Ang íyang sakit nagagikan sa pagpúnayg panigarilyu, His sickness comes from excessive smoking. Halayung dápit ang ákung gigikánan, I come from a far place. pa- v [A; c1] see off on a trip. Akuy mupagíkan níya sa piyir, I’ll see her off at the wharf. -um- due to. Gumíkan sa ímung kadangag nawálà ang rilu, Because of your carelessness you lost the watch. v [A12S3] be due to. Ang báhà naggumíkan sa pagpúril sa lasang, Floods are due to deforestation. ka- n ancestral origin. Putiun siya kay katsílà ang íyang kagíkan, He is white because his ancestors were Spaniards. -in-an n 1 parents. 2 origin, primary source. Ang garbu mauy ginikánan sa tanang salà, Pride is the root of all sin.

gílak n glitter, sparkle. Masúlaw ang gílak sa íyang mga aláhas, The glitter of her jewelry was dazzling. v [A2S] 1 glitter, sparkle. Migílak ang íyang mga mata, Her eyes glittered. 2 shine in popularity, prominence. Si Ilbis naggilak gihápun sa íyang kabantug, Elvis still is shining in his popularity. gilakgilak v [B146] have a sparkling brilliance. ma-un a sparkling.

gilang v [A; b5] make crosswise or diagonal incisions into s.t. Gilanga (gilangi) ang isdà únà pritúha, Make incisions in the fish before you fry it.

gil-as a warm. v 1 [B; b4] feel warm. Ug mugil-as ang panahun, paghúkas, arun dì ka gil-asan, If the weather gets hot, take off your shirt so you won’t feel hot. 2 [A123P; b4] feel restless, uneasy. Gigil-ásan ang íyang ginikánan sa dúgayng pagpinaábut kaníya, Her parents were restless waiting for her. ka- n 1 heat. 2 feeling of restlessness. ma-un a ill at ease. Magil-ásun siya nga miatúbang sa bisíta, She was ill at ease as she received her visitor.

gílaw n steady flow of light from s.t. glowing, gleaming. v [BN] glow, gleam. Migílaw ang úling nga nagbaga, The red coals glowed. Naggilaw sa kaháit ang ákung pinútì, My bolo is gleaming with sharpness. gilawgilaw v [A] sparkle.

gilay v [A; b6(1)] cut a slit in the ear of an animal for purposes of identification. -in-an a having a slit cut in the ear.

gilayun see dáyun.

gilhang (from lihang) n fissure, slit, gap where two long things join. Taas ang gilhang sa ílang pangidarun, There is a large difference in their ages. v 1 [B456; c1] have a narrow gap, slit. Naggilhang lang nang ímung ngípun, Your teeth are spaced wide apart. Gilhanga (igilhang) pagsira ang pultahan arun makalìlì ta, Don’t close the door all the way so we can peep. 2 [A; b6(1)] make a gash on s.t. to have an opening. Gilhangi ang isdang asinánan, Make a gash in the fish we will salt.

gílis v [A; a] tear or cut into long straight strips. Ang hángin mauy nakagílis sa dáhun sa ságing, The strong wind tore the banana leaf into strips. Gigílis sa kusug nga pambut ang dágat, The pump boat cut a straight swath into the sea. (→) n a piece stripped off of s.t. †

gilit n razor blade (from the brand name Gillette). v [a12] cut with a razor blade. Dì maputul nang hilúha ug dì gilitun, That string won’t break if you don’t cut it with a razor blade. [265]

gil-it v [A; c6] for a tiny portion of s.t. to stick out from behind or inside s.t. that conceals it. Migil-it na ang adlaw sa subangan, The sun has emerged from the east. Igil-it ang tumuy sa ímung dílà, Stick out the tip of your tongue.

gil-ud v [A; b5] break s.o.’s bones. Gil-urun (gil-uran) ta ka run, I’ll break your bones.

giluk a tickling sensation. Giluk kaáyu kun gitíkun ta sa íluk, It is very titillating to be tickled in the armpits. v 1 [B6; b4] tickle, feel s.t. tickling. Migiluk ang ákung ilung, My nose itched. Pwirting kinatáwa kay gigilukan (gigigkan, gigidkan) siya, She laughed hard because it tickled. 2 [A13] — ang kamut, tiil have a compulsion to touch s.t. or move the feet. Maggiluk ang kamut sa kiriwan, A kleptomaniac has itchy hands. Naggiluk ang ákung tiil. Kaáyung ibayli, My feet itch. How nice it would be to dance. (←) a intense tickling. v [B6; b4] tickle intensely. pa- [A; b] tickle s.o. Kaáyu giyud nímu pagigkan, How nice it would be to tickle you. gigkánun, ma-un a ticklish, sensitive to tickling.

gím n 1 game, sports competition. Giuswag ang gím tungud sa ulan, The game was postponed due to the rain. 2 end of a game according to an agreement. Mangundang ta sa wà pay gím, Let’s quit before the end of the game. 2a game of mahjong starting from the deal till the time one of the players goes mahjong. a game, showing spirit and enthusiasm, even under unpropitious conditions. Gím nà siya kay bísag way hílig, mukanta kun hangyúun, She is game because she will sing if you ask her to even if she doesn’t want to. v 1 [B236; a12] for a game to end. Migím (nagím) na lang wà pa kuy puntus, The game ended without my having contributed a point. Gíma na arun mangulì ta, Make it a game so we can go home. 2 [B12; b6] get to be game. paN- n a play to finish the game. Panggím ning sirbíha, This serve is the game point.

gimat1 a ugly, plain. Gimat nang panaptun ímung gipílì, You chose an ugly cloth. v [b12] get to be ugly. ka-(←) v [A13] be covered with dirt. Nagkagímat ang nawung sa bátà, The child’s face was covered with dirt.

gimat2 a tattered, in shreds. Gimat ang sinínà sa makililímus, The beggar has a tattered dress on. ka-(←) v [A13] be in tatters.

gímaw v [A; c6] 1 emerge, for a small portion of s.t. to stick out above a surface or behind a concealment. Migímaw ang simud sa mga isdà ibabaw sa túbig, The snout of the fish emerged from the surface of the water. Ang mga turuk nanggímaw na, The sprouts are pushing out of the ground now. 2 come to light, be revealed. Ang kinaíya sa táwu bísan unsáun pagtábun, mugímaw gayud, One’s true character will surely come out no matter how carefully it is concealed. 3 [A2P] show oneself in a place. Wà na mugímaw (mupagímaw) nang mangingilad, That swindler never showed himself again. n visible portion of s.t. partially hidden.

gim-aw = gímaw.

giming = gaming.

gímuk v [A2S3] make a slight movement in place. Migímuk ang bátang natúlug dihang gipáak sa namuk, The sleeping baby stirred when a mosquito bit him. Naggimuk ang mga úlud sa patay nga irù, Worms are wriggling over the dead dog’s body. n action of stirring. Way gímuk ang baryu kun magabíi, The village is completely quiet at night.

gim-ut a 1 barely enough in space. 2 short of time, money. 3 expression of distaste, annoyance on the face. v [B; b6] 1 be barely enough in space. Mugim-ut (magim-ut) ang pasilyu kung hidaghanan sa táwu, The passageway will be congested if there are too many people who pass in it. 2 be short of time or money. Mugim-ut (magim-ut) ang ímung iskidyul ug daghang sabdyiks ímung kuháun, Your schedule will be very tight if you take too heavy a load. Gigim-útan ang kabus sa íyang kahimtang, The poor man is in a tight financial situation. 3 [B6; c1] for the face to get an expression of distaste or anger. Migim-ut (nagim-ut) ang íyang nawung kay gibahuan, She wrinkled up her face because she smelled s.t. bad.

gina- see paga-un.

gina-an see paga-an.

ginábut see gábut.

ginahapun = ginhápun.

Gínang n Mrs. Siya si Gínang Riyis, This is Mrs. Reyes. v [A; a12] call s.o. ‘Mrs.’.

ginansiya = ganansiya.

gínga = gúnga.

gingà = gingì, n 1.

gingging1 v [A; a2b2] tweak the ears or pull the hair on the side of head upwards with the thumb and forefinger. Ginggíngun ku nang ímung dunggan ug pabuyag ka, I will tweak your ears if you are naughty.

gingging2 pet name given to boys and girls.

ginggun n 1 k.o. cloth of plain weave, usually blue-colored, coarser than the Indianhead cloth, used commonly for ordinary wear because of its durability. 2 coloration of horses: a white field sometimes with a tinge [266]of grey covered with black speckles. 2a a horse of this coloration.

gingì n 1 spaces between toes and fingers. 2 slits or openings in walls, roofs, and the like. 3 small nooks, corners, crevices, creases in s.t. or parts of a body. Gingì sa hunàhúnà, Crevices of one’s mind. Gingì sa líug, Crease in the neck. 4 part of a broken branch, a part of a bunch or hand of fruit. Usa ka ginging úbas, Part of a bunch of grapes. v [A; a] break into parts, as branches and bunches of fruit. Migingì siyag sanga sa bayábas, He broke a guava branch into pieces. gingìgingì = gingì.

ginhápun usual, normal in behavior, said in contexts referring to the unusualness of certain behavior. Katingad-an kay dílì ginhápun nga maulahi siya, It’s surprising because it’s not usual for her to be late. Ginhápun ba siya nga maghúbug? Is it normal for him to get drunk?

ginháwa n 1 breath. Nabugtúan siya sa ginháwa sa alas tris, He expired at three o’clock. táman sa — as much as one could. Midágan siyag táman sa ginháwa, He ran away as fast as he could. 2 appetite for eating. Maáyu siyag ginháwa maung tambuk, He has a good appetite. That’s why he is fat. pára sa — for the purposes of food. Mamuhì ta pára sa átung ginháwa, Let’s raise animals for food. subra sa — excess food. Iláwug sa bábuy ang subra sa ginháwa, Feed the leftovers to the pigs. 3 cookies, small cakes. 4 one’s feelings. Nagláin ang ákung ginháwa, I feel lousy. Kulbà kaáyu ang ákung ginháwa, I was terribly frightened. 4a used as subject for an instrumental passive verb or instrumental noun: feel like. Maáyung ihílak ang ákung ginháwa, I feel so much like crying. Nahadluk ku. Igdadágan ang ákung ginháwa, I was afraid. I felt like running away. mau na sa — have spent the limit of one’s strength. Mau na sa ginháwa nákung pugung arun dì ku makabakyaw, I controlled myself as much as I could to keep from hitting her. walà sa — not take s.t. to heart. Wà ra sa íyang ginháwa bísag kasab-an, She doesn’t take it to heart if she is cussed out. v [A2S3S; c] breathe. Dalia kay nagginhawa pa, Quick, she is still breathing. Nakabayad na ku sa mga útang. Makaginhawa na ta, I’ve paid the debts. Now we can breathe. Iginháwa ang dautang hángin gíkan sa bágà, Breathe out the bad air from the lungs. — ug luag v [A123S] breathe a sigh of relief. Nakaginhawa siyag luag pagkasáyud nga apindiks ra diay, He breathed a sigh of relief upon finding out it was just appendicitis. -in- n breathing. ginhawáan, ginhawaan n 1 entrails. Gidugùdugù níla ang ginhawáan sa bábuy, They made the entrails of the pig into blood stew. 2 insides. Dihà diay nati sa ginhawaan, There was a calf in the stomach. 3 mood, disposition. Nagdáut ang ákung ginhawáan kay nag-áway mi, I am in a bad mood because we had a quarrel. 4 capacity to withstand sickening, nauseating circumstances. Húyang siyag ginhawaan kay madismáyug makakitag dugù, She has a weak stomach because she faints when she sees blood.

Gíning n Miss. Kini si Gíning Santus, This is Miss Santos. v [A; a12] call s.o. ‘Miss’.

gínit n the cloth-like sheath, growing off the sides of the base of coconut palm fronds, protecting the young frond and the blossom.

ginlaw v [B3(1); b6] shine, glitter. Muginlaw ang úru ug mainitan, Gold will glitter in the sun. Nagginlaw ang íyang brilyanti, Her diamond is glittering. Naginlaw ang sawug sa plurwaks, The floor shone with the floor wax. a glittering, glossy. n glitter, gloss.

ginsud = agínud.

ginta n 1 distance of one point to another ahead or above it. May gintang dyis mitrus ang balay sa karsáda, The house is set back ten meters from the road. 2 distance beyond a certain point. Ayaw itúpung sa ngilit. Butangig ginta, Don’t build it flush to the edge. Let it overhang. 3 distance given as an advantage in a race. v [B456; c] 1 overlap or extend beyond s.t. Taas na ang byábas kay miginta na sa atup, The guava tree is tall because it has grown higher than the roof. 2 give s.o. an advantage in a race. Gigintáhan siyag lima ka mitrus, He was given a five-meter advantage.

gintang n 1 = ginta. 2 distance the sun is above the horizon. 3 difference in age. Diyis anyus ang gintang sa magtiáyun, The married couple has a ten-year difference in age. v 1 = ginta. 2 [A; b6] for the sun to travel a certain distance. Udtu na kay taas nag gigintángan ang adlaw, It’s late because the sun has risen high.

ginting n deep scallops or serrations on the edge of s.t. v [AB46; c1] cut the edge or border of s.t. into deep scallops. Nagginting ang tápay sa manuk, A cock’s comb is serrated. Gigintíngan níya ang sidsid sa íyang sinínà, She made scallops at the lower edge of her dress. gintingginting n one of a series of V-shaped segments on the outer edge of s.t., usually for decoration. gunting nga — pinking shears. v [b6(1)] make a V-shaped [267]scallop on the edge of s.t.

gin-u n k.o. small shiny cowry with a color combination of yellow and green.

ginuk v [A; a12] move, stir. Ayaw ginuka ang bátà arun dílì magmata, Do not stir the baby so that it won’t wake up.

gin-ut n 1 stuffy and airless. Gin-ut kaáyu dinhi kay daghang táwu, It’s stuffy here because there are lots of people. 2 for the nose to be stuffed or chest to be tight. v [B; b4] 1 be stuffy and airless. Gin-utan aku áning sinínang naylun, I feel hot in this nylon shirt. 2 for the nose to be stuffed or the chest to feel tight. Nagin-ut ang dughan sa gihúbak, The asthmatic had a tight feeling in his chest.

ginúu n 1 lord, God. Ginúu ku, unsa kahay ákung nalimtan? Oh Lord, what could I have forgotten? 2 term of address for gentleman: Mr., Sir. Ginúu Magsaysay, Mr. Magsaysay. 3 most feared and influential head in a place. Kanang ismaglir mauy ginúu íning baryu, That smuggler is the lord of this barrio. way — Godless. Way ginúu nang tulisána. Dílì malúuy nga mupatay sa íyang gitulísan, That robber doesn’t fear God. He kills his victims without mercy.

gíp n gift. -rap v [A; a2] gift-wrap. Giprap-un ba ni? Shall we gift-wrap this?

gipak n a piece broken off from a whole. v [AB12] break s.t. into pieces. Naggipak kug káhuy nga isugnud, I am breaking off pieces of wood for firewood. Nagkagipak ang búkid sa gidinamíta kini, The mountain gradually got broken up into small chunks as it was dynamited.

gipakig-an see pakig-an.

gipang n 1 lump of s.t. Usa ka gipang kan-un, A lump of food. 2 s.t. chopped off or broken off from the bunch. Usa ka gipang káhuy, A piece of wood broken off from the tree. a having a chipped off edge. v [AB; a] get separated, broken off or apart. Ákung gipangun ang mga sáhà sa palmíra kay itanum, I’ll break off the shoots of the potted palm to plant. (←) v [AB126; b5] chip off the edge. Nagípang ang bàbà sa básu nga napangkà, The mouth of the glass chipped when it was bumped against s.t. -únun a s.t. ready to break off, e.g. shoots for replanting.

giping v [AB; a] break things in a bunch apart, for things in a bunch to become separated. Si Nánay ang migiping (naggiping) sa ságing, Mother was the one who broke off the bunch of bananas. Nagiping na ang mga tudlù sa bátang nakúhà, The baby that was miscarried had its fingers and toes parted. Gipingun ku ning úbas, I’ll separate this bunch of grapes.

giprap see gíp.

giplud, gípud v [A; a2] 1 break off a tooth or serration. Kinsay naggípud sa gabas? Who broke the teeth of the saw? Nagkagipud ang íyang ngípun, His teeth are breaking off. 2 break s.o.’s bones. Giplúran ta ka sa mga tiil ug mulakaw ka, I’ll break your legs if you go out. (→) a for teeth or serration to be broken off.

gípung v [A; c1] take glowing embers and put them together to keep them going. Gipúnga (igípung) ang bága arun dílì mamatay, Put the embers together so the fire won’t burn out.

gip-ut = ha-. ha- a 1 narrow in space or passageway. Hagip-ut nga agiánan, A narrow passageway. Hagip-ut ang ámung kwartu, We have a small, narrow room. 2 tight in financial situation, mode of living. Hagip-ut kaáyu mi run. Dílì mi makahátag, We’re in a tight situation now. We can’t contribute. Hagip-ut na kaáyu ang panahun, We have very little time left. 3 for clothes not to be quite enough. Hagip-ut kaáyu ning panaptúna, This cloth is too narrow. v [B; c1] 1 be, become narrow in space or passageway. Muhagip-ut (mahagip-ut) na ning agiánan ug ímung butangag daghang bangkù, The passageway will become narrow if you put lots of benches in it. 2 for a situation to become difficult, for time to get short.

gíra n 1 war. 2 trivial matters talked about in a conversation that’s supposed to be important. Unsáun pagsugut nga gíra may giisturyáhan? How could she accept him when they kept talking about the weather instead of what was on their minds? v 1 [C2; c] be at war. Kun makiggíra ta sa Tsína, ihían lang ta, If we wage war against China, they can win just by urinating on us. 2 [a2] go to war over s.t. Maátù lang ang Sába kun giráhun, Sabah will be ours only if we go to war for her. 3 [a2] quarrel with, make war on a member of the family. Gigíra siya sa íyang asáwa kay dúgayng mipaúlì, His wife went on the warpath against him because he came home late. — patánì n 1 civil war. 2 all-out quarrel among people residing together. Gíra patánì sa Munti, Riot in the Muntinlupa prison. v [A2C; a2] have a civil war. Naggíra patánì ang managsúun báhin sa kabílin, The brothers and sisters are fighting to the death over the inheritance. di-, bapur di-, barku di-, búki di- n warship. [268]

giráwut v 1 [A1; a2] fire s.o. from his job. Gigiráwut siya kay tapulan, He was fired because he was lazy. 2 [A2; b3] get out of a place or position due to pressure, threats, and the like. Mugiráwut ku sa ámù kay kuyaw, I’ll leave our place because it’s a dangerous place. Unsay ímung gigirawtan? Gamayg swildu? Why did you quit? Low pay?

girdul n girdle. v [A; b6] wear a girdle.

girilya n guerilla. v [B156; a12] become a guerilla fighter. Naggirilya ang mga kalakin-an sa panahun sa ukupasiyun, The men became guerillas during the Japanese occupation. girilyíru, girilyista = girilya, n.

giring n ruffle. giringgiring n 1 shallow scallops or serrations, ruffles. 2 slightly crazy. v 1 [A; a] make a shallowly scalloped border. Giringgiringa ang ímung paggunting arun arti tan-áwun, Scallop the edges so it will look artistic. 2 [B] look like a scalloped edge. Kabakhawan nga migiringgiring sa ílang luyu, A mangrove swamp that looked like a scalloped edge in back of them. 3 [B12] become crazy. Nagkagiringgiring siya kay kanúnayng mapasmu, He is becoming crazy because he often goes hungry.

girípu = grípu.

giríra n heroine, woman warrior. Si Hwána di Arku bantúgang giríra, Joan of Arc was a famous woman warrior. v [B156] be a woman warrior.

girnalda n wreath, garland. v 1 [a12] make a wreath, garland. Háin man ang mga girnaldáhun? Where are the things for the wreath? 2 [A; b] wear or place a wreath.

gisa, gisal v [A; a] fry s.t. with little oil and usually together with s.t. else. -du(←) a fried.

gisantis n 1 green peas. 2 dog as food (humorous slang—so called because dog meat is commonly prepared with peas).

gisaw = gusaw.

gísì v 1 [A; a] tear s.t. Naggísì siyag panaptun arun ibáat sa samad, She tore off a strip of cloth to bandage the wound. Nagísì ang íyang kasingkásing sa ílang panagbúlag, It tore her all up when they broke up. 2 [A; b6] make a slight cut or laceration. Gigisían ang inahan sa primírung pagpanganak, The mother had some lacerations during her first delivery. (→) n tear, laceration. May gisì ang ímung karsúnis, Your pants have a tear in them. gisìgisì v [A; a12] tear s.t. to shreds. Gigisìgisì níya ang sulat sa blakmílir, She tore the blackmailer’s letter into pieces. -un a all ripped up.

gísing1 = gísung.

gísing2 = agigísing.

gislang n k.o. snapper.

gisnga v [BN; b6] for the nose to bleed. Nanggisnga (migisnga) ang íyang ilung, His nose bled. Gisngahi nang tawhána sa ilung, Give that man a bloody nose.

gist n honored guest at an official function. — ispíkir n guest speaker. v [B1256] be a guest speaker.

gísu n lime. v 1 [A1; a] make chalk. 2 [A; b] whitewash. Gisúhan nátù ang bungbung, Let’s whitewash the walls.

gísuk n name given to various trees which furnish second-class hardwood. v [A12] make s.t. of gísuk. Gigísuk námù ang halígi arun lig-un, We used gísuk wood for our posts to make them strong.

gísung v 1 [A; a1] shake into consciousness. Gisúnga ang gwardiya arun magmata, Shake the guard so he will wake up. 2 shake plants or children on Holy Saturday to assure that they will grow well. n Holy Saturday (the day before Easter), so named from the shaking of growing things done on that day.

giswid v 1 [A; c1] stretch the body, move it around with a wriggle. Mibángun siyag migiswid, He got up and stretched. 2 [A2; c6] free oneself of financial problems. Wà kuy kwartang ikagiswid nákù sa mga útang, I don’t have any money to free myself of my debts.

gít n gate. — kras v [A2; b6] crash the gate. Gigitkrásan ang ámung parti, There were gate crashers at our party. — krásir n gate crasher.

gitára n guitar. v 1 [A] play the guitar. 2 [a12] make into a guitar. gitarista n guitar player, accompanist. v [B16] become a guitarist.

gitgit1 n k.o. swallow: Artamus leucorhynchus. -in- n k.o. kite with a swallow’s tail.

gitgit2 n variety of kalípay.

gitì n clitoris (coarse). — sa ímung (íyang) ina = bilat sa ina (coarse). see bilat. v [A12] the thing that is irksome (coarse—said in extreme annoyance). Ang nakagitì nímu mau nga tihik ka, What’s wrong with you is that you’re stingy.

gítib = gitlib.

gítik v 1 [AN; a1] tickle, titillate. Ang naggítik (nanggítik) nakakatawa usab tungud sa inagik-ik sa gigítik, The way she squealed as she was being tickled made the fellow that was tickling her laugh. 2 [a12] stab s.o. with a slender pointed instrument (slang). Ang gigítik níya sa ayispik namatay, The person he stabbed with the ice pick died. 3 pluck a musical instrument. Ang sista nga íyang [269]gigítik, The guitar he is playing. n tickling. ma-un a titillating. Ang íyang magitíkung huwaphúwap nakapadásig nákù, Her titillating caresses excited me. gitkánun, giktánun a ticklish, sensitive to tickling.

gitinggiting = gintingginting. see ginting.

gitlì v [A; b6] for a tiny portion of s.t. to come into view before the whole shows itself. Migitlì na ang únang bidlísiw sa adlaw, The first rays of the sun started to peep out.

gitlib v [A; b6] start to appear on a surface by showing a tiny portion. Migítib na ang binhì, The seed has started to sprout. Mihubag ang lagus nga gigitíban sa panúuk, The gums swelled where his wisdom tooth was making its appearance.

gitpas n ticket allowing one free admission. v 1 [A1; b] use a gate pass. 2 [A12; b] get a gate pass. Nakagitpas ku ganína, I was able to get a gate pass a while ago.

gitugitu = ngitungitu.

gítung n tang, the small projecting part of a blade that is fitted into the handle. v [A; a2] make a tang, provide with a tang.

giuk, gíuk v [A; a] remove grain from rice stalks with the feet. Gigiuk níla ang humay, They threshed the rice.

gíut a tight with barely enough space because of closeness, proximity in distance. Gíut ang mga káhuy niánang bungtúra, The trees are dense on that hill. v [B; c] squeeze into a narrow space, be closely packed. Mugíut lang ta bísan punù sa mga táwu, We will just squeeze in even if it’s filled with people. Gigíut níla sa láta ang mga papílis, They squeezed the papers into the can.

giwang n fissure, narrow crack. v [A; b6] make a fissure in. Giwangi ang ilisánan kay manglìlì ta, Make a slit in the dressing room so we can peep inside.

giwánun n fresh-water spring near the seashore, tasting a bit salty.

giwatay a badly torn; tattered. v [AB; a] get badly torn, tear s.t. to shreds. Naggiwatay ang mga ituy sa linadlad, The puppies tore the laundry into shreds. Nagkagiwatay ang íyang bisti, Her dress was all tattered and torn.

gíwit v [B12; a1] torn into shreds. Nagkagíwit na giyud kaáyu ang mga kurtína, My curtains are torn to pieces from use. giwitgiwit a badly torn, tattered. Giwitgiwit intáwun kaáyug sinínà ang makalilímus, The beggar’s clothes are in tatters. v [B1] be, become badly torn.

gíya v [A] lead the way, guide s.o. to a place. Ang kumpas mauy maggíya sa barku, The compass guides the ship. Gigyáhan silag Manúbù, They were guided by a Manobo tribesman. n 1 guide. 2a tie rod of the steering system of a motor vehicle. 2b steering cable in a boat which connects the steering wheel and the rudder. 3 a line with a ball of rope on one end and the other attached to the towline of a ship. When the ship docks it is tossed to the wharf so as to bring the boat’s towline with it.

giyan v [A123P; a4] crave s.t. one is addicted to. Gigiyan na kug kapi kay naánad na, I’m addicted to coffee because I’m used to it.

gíyaw n glitter of s.t. dark violet in color, such as some rosary beads.

gláb n 1 gloves. 2 boxing gloves. v [A; c] wear gloves.

gladiyúla n gladiola.

glú n glue. v [A; b6] glue. Glúhi ang librung bawnun, Put glue on the books to be bound.

glurya see duminggu.

gluryúsu a glorious, delightful. v [B12] become glorious. Magluryúsu ang táwu ug way kaguúl, A person becomes glorious when he has no worries. — nga mistiryu n the glorious mysteries, one of the three series of mysteries in the Holy Rosary.

Gn. abbreviation for Gíning, ‘Miss’.

Gng. abbreviation for Gínang, ‘Mrs.’

grába n gravel. -du a paved with gravel. v [A; b5] pave with gravel. Grabadúhun (grabadúhan) sa gubyirnu ang mga karsáda, The government will pave the roads with gravel. -dur(→) n one who hauls and shovels gravel. v [B56; a2] work as a gravel hauler. †

grabansus = karabansus.

grábi a 1 in serious condition. Grábi siya, dì tingáli kaugmaan, He is serious. He might not live till tomorrow. 2 done in too great a degree, being in too great a degree. Grábi ra nang ímung pasíaw, You prank too much. Grábing dimalása. Gipanítan ku sa madiyung, It’s a very unlucky day for me. I lost in mahjong. 3 expression showing one’s disgust, dismay over s.o.’s failure to do s.t. which he should have done, or avoid s.t. which he could have avoided doing. Grábi sad kag nalímut nga gahápun pa man tu, How could you ever forget when it was just yesterday. Grábi! Bisag diyuy wà ka? Good heavens. You haven’t got anything at all? Not even half a centavo? v 1 [B2] become worse. Nagkagrabi ang íyang sakit kay wà tambali, His sickness is getting worse and worse because he didn’t treat it. 2 [b8] for s.t. to be overdone. Higrabihan nímug nusnus ang sílak, maung napánas, You rubbed the shellac too much, so that it got worn [270]off. 3 [b8] get s.t. more than any one else. Sa tanang gikastígu siyay nagrabihan, He got the heaviest punishment of all of them. grabihan a not given to conversation, unsmiling. Míngaw ikaúban bayhána kay grabihan, It’s no fun to go with her because she doesn’t respond to people. grabihun a snobbish, refusing to have to do with people deemed inferior. Lisud duúlun ang táwung grabihun, It’s hard to approach a snobbish person.

grádu n 1 rating, grade. Nahagbung siya kay mabag grádu, He failed because he got low grades. 2 level or stage of education. Tirsíru grádu ra ku kutub, I only went as far as third grade. 3 educational attainment. Way grádu ang ámung mutsatsa, Our maid has no schooling at all. 4 grade of a lens. Pílay grádu ímung kibídu? What’s the grade of your eyeglasses? v 1 [A; b1] give a grade, rating. Gigradúhan siyag ip kay absinti, He was given an F because of his absences. Gradúhan kug i ang maáyung ripurt, I’ll give an A to a good report. 2 [A12] obtain a grade or rating. Kas-a pa ku makagrádu (makagradu) ug i, I got an A only once. †

graduwar v 1 [A2; b6] graduate. Abugasíya ang íyang gigraduwaran, He finished law. 2 pass from one particular stage or condition to another. Hápit na siya mugraduwar sa pagkaulitáwu kay kaslun ugmà, He is about to graduate from his bachelorhood because he will be married tomorrow. 3 [A23] be removed from a basketball game after a number of fouls. Migraduwar siya human sa ikalimang páwul, He was disqualified after his fifth foul. graduwáda = graduwádu (female). graduwádu n 1 graduate, esp. college graduates. Graduwádu ray madáwat áning trabahúa, Only those with a college degree will be considered for this job. 2 one who is experienced in doing or being s.t. Graduwádu nà sa pagkakalma, He has proven himself cool-headed. Graduwádu sa pangáwat, He is an experienced thief. graduwasyun, graduwisyun n graduation, commencement exercises.

graduwit = graduwar.

gráhi = garáhi.

gramatika n grammar.

grámu n gram. v [B256] be one gram. Wà ra mugrámu (magrámu) ang kúwang sa timbang sa karni, The shortage in the meat didn’t even amount to a gram.

grámus = grámu (plural).

grána v [A; b5] dye. Gigranáhan nákug asul ang sayal, I dyed the skirt blue. n dye.

granáda n 1 pomegranate. 2 hand grenade.

granáti1 n deep red color.

granáti2 = garnáti2.

grandi 1 = in-grandi. 2 búsung complete and thorough búsung (divine punishment) without let-up. Búsung grandi, gábà hiniral na nà kay nagtúman sa gustu, What has happened is the divine punishment they brought on themselves because they had to do just as they pleased.

granil = garanil1, 2.

graníti n center punch, a pointed tool, usually with conical tip, used to mark a hole to be drilled. v [A; b6(1)] use a center punch on s.t.

granstan n grandstand. pa- v [A] take a seat in the grandstand. paN- v [c] spend for a grandstand ticket. Wà kuy kwarta nga ikapanggranstan, I have no money to buy a grandstand seat.

gránu n 1 grains. Mas pínu ang gránu sa asúkar kay sa kámay, Refined sugar has finer grains than brown sugar. 2 texture of a surface. Ang pánit sa Hapun pínug gránu, Japanese have fine-textured skin. 3 grain, texture of wood. 4 — maldítu inflamed pimple, usually on the face. Gihilantan siya kay nahubag ang gránu maldítu sa íyang nawung, She got a fever because the pimple on her face got infected.

grap1 n graft, wealth obtained dishonestly through political connections. — ug (an) kurapsiyun Graft and corruption. v [A1] take graft.

grap2 n graft for a plant. v [A; a] put a graft on a plant.

grap3 n graph. v [A; c1] make a graph. Grapa (igrap) ang lakaw sa íyang hilánat, Make a graph of the course of his fever.

grápa = garápa.

grapinyíra = garapinyíra.

grapupunu n spring operated phonograph.

grása n grease. v 1 [A; b6] grease s.t. Gigrasáhan níya ang bíring sa ligid, He lubricated the wheel bearings. 2 [B1245; b8] get grease on it. Higrasahan (nagkagrása) hinúun ang ákung púlu, My shirt got grease on it (got grease all over it). grasáhun a greasy, oily.

grasya n 1 grace or blessing, usually from God. Grasya sa Diyus nabúhì ku, Thank God, I survived. 2 a person’s trait or act which causes joy or satisfaction to s.o. else. v [b4] receive the grace of God. Gigrasyahan siya sa Diyus maung nabúhì, God showed His grace on him and he lived. pa- v [A; b6] give others joy or satisfaction in dealing with them. Íyang gipagrasyahan ang usa ka sapían pinaági sa pagsirbi ug maáyu niíni, He worked his way into the good graces of a wealthy man by serving him well. [271]

grasyáda n female working student in an exclusive girls’ school. v [B6] be a grasyáda.

grasyas 1 expression of profound and humble thanks. Grasyas, sinyur, sa ímung panábang, Thank you, master, for your help. 2 expression uttered when one belches. Grasyas, nabusug ku, Thanks be to God. I’m full. paN- v [A12] give profound thanks. Manggrasyas ta sa Diyus sa íyang kadagáyà kanátù, Let us give thanks to God for the blessings He has bestowed on us.

grasyúsa a graceful (female). n k.o. soft white bread with a rather flat taste. v [B25; c1] be graceful.

grasyúsu a graceful (male). n the clown or fool in plays. v [B25; a] 1 be graceful. 2 be the clown in a play.

grátis a free, gratis. v [c1] be given away free. Igrátis (gratísun) níla ang sampul, They are giving the samples away free. †

grawundid a short-circuited. v [B1256] become short-circuited.

gráwun1 n grounding in electrical wiring. v 1 [B26] be short-circuited. Dúnay wayir nga way tabun maung migráwun (nagráwun), Some of the wire is not covered so it got short-circuited. 2 [b6] connect with the ground so as to make the earth part of the circuit. Grawni arun makusug ang radiyu, Ground it so the radio will come in clear.

gráwun2 n area on which a building is put. Dakù ug gráwun ang Trid Iskul, The Trade School has a large playground.

gríd n grade given in school.

grídir n road grader. v [a12] go over s.t. with a grader.

grín a 1 green color. 2 lewd talk or story. Gilamian ku sa íyang isturyang grín, I liked his green stories. — drágun = bulbul, n2. v 1 [BN] turn green. Migrín (nagrín, nanggrin) ang mga layang sagbut nga giuwanan, The withered grass turned green after the rain. 2 [A; b6] add green color to s.t. Grínig gamay ang ímung tabuntábun, Put a little green on your eyelids. 3 [A13] wear green clothes.

gríps n grapes.

grípu n faucet. Way túbig ang grípu, There’s no water (lit. in the faucet).

gris, grís n a coarse cotton cloth which is plain woven and with a gray color. v [A13] wear grís.

grispul a graceful in movement. Grispul siyang misáyaw, She danced gracefully. v [B12; c1] be, do s.t. gracefully.

grumíti n 1 crew of a ship. 2 member of a ship’s crew. v [B16; c1] become a member of a ship’s crew.

grúpu n group. v [AC; ac3] form, be a group. Makiggrúpu ta níla arun madaghan ta, Let’s have them in the group so there will be lots of us. Grupúha ang mga bátag pakan-a, Group the kids and feed them. Maáyu siyang ikagrúpu kay aligrihun, It’s good to have him in the group because he is jolly. grupugrúpu v 1 [C; a] form into groups. 2 [AC; b(1)] play grupugrúpu. n game of hide and seek played by several teams, wherein a whole team is ‘it’ and all the members of a team must come in free. ka- n fellow group member.

grusiri n grocery store. v [A; c1] make, operate a grocery store.

grusiríya = grusiri.

grútu n grotto where a saint’s statue is placed. v [A13; a2] make a grotto.

gu see marts.

n green traffic light. — signal n green light in traffic, sign permitting s.o. to proceed doing s.t. Dì pa mabaligyag wà pay gú signal, We can’t sell it if we don’t get the go-signal. v [B236] for the go-signal to be given to vehicles. Wà pa gánì magú (mugú) nanglábay na ang mga trák, It isn’t even the green light yet and the trucks have started.

guang n large clod, usually in a plowed field.

gub. abbreviation for Gubirnadur ‘governor’.

gúb = gulub.

guba v [b(1)] swarm over s.t. to consume it. Gigubhan sa mga manuk ang binlad, The chickens swarmed over the rice being dried. Gigubhan sa mga bisíta ang litsun, The visitors swarmed over the roast pig.

gubà v [A3P; a1] 1 destroy, wreck, put out of order. Ang tambuk naggubà sa ímung pigúra, Fat is ruining your figure. Nagkagubà ang báy nga wà puy-i, The house is getting dilapidated because it hasn’t been occupied. Gub-a ang payag, Tear the hut down. 2 ruin plans, life, and the like. Nagubà ang ákung plánung madátù, My dream to become rich was ruined. 3 — ang nawung [B126] grimace. Nagubà ang íyang náwung mu rag nakakaug aslum, He grimaced as though he had eaten s.t. sour. 4 [A; a12] cultivate virgin land. Ang ákung mga apuhan mauy únang migubà íning yutáa, My ancestors were the first to cultivate this land. n damage done, mechanical defect. Dakug gubà ang kutsi maung giubirhǔl, The car sustained heavy damage so it was overhauled. a damaged, broken down, dilapidated. Gubà ang tulay, The bridge is out of order. -in- n pieces of materials from s.t. demolished. ma-un(←) a destructive. -un a of a broken-down, dilapidated sort. [272]

gubàgubà v vase shells, k.o. small univalves with rough, grey exteriors, furnishing edible meat.

gubana = gwayabanu.

gúbat n 1 war. 2 trivial matter talked about in a conversation that is supposed to be important. Unsáun níya pag-amural nga gúbat may giisturyáhan, How could he proceed with his courtship when she kept talking about everything but what he was trying to get at. — patánì civil war. v 1 [C2; c] be at war. Naggúbat ang duha ka násud, The two nations are at war. 2 [a2] fight over s.t. Dílì kinahanglan gubátun ang Matsug Kimuy, There’s no need to go to war over Matsu and Quemoy. maN-r- n warrior, combatant. paN-an n battlefield.

gubhay n 1 a strand of hair. 2 the warp threads in weaving.

gubin n encumbrance, annoyance, s.t. that takes one’s attention away from one’s purpose. Wà silay gubin kay way anak, They don’t have problems because they have no children. v [A; a2] be an encumbrance, annoyance. Ayaw dad-a ang bátà kay magubin ka unyà, Don’t take the children because they will encumber you. Wà ku gubini sa ímung pag-istar, I don’t consider your visit an annoyance.

gubirnadur n governor. v [B156; a2b3] be, make a governor. Siyay átung gubirnadurun kay maáyung táwu, We’ll make him governor because he’s a good man. Pangwarta mauy íyang gigubirnaduran, He ran for governor to make money. -íya n governorship, office of the governor.

gubirnu n government. — militar n military government.

gubirnur = gubirnadur.

gúbuk n fat of beef or carabao meat.

gúbul v [A; b3c] grumble, complain under one’s breath. Ayawg igúbul sa manidyir ang nahitabù, Don’t go complaining to the manager about what happened. n grumbling or grumbling sounds.

gubut a 1 tangled. Gubut ang íyang buhuk nga gitís, Her hair was all tangled because it had been teased. 2 disorderly, topsy-turvy. Panghípus kay gubut ang kwartu, Straighten out your room because it’s all in disorder. 3 full of trouble and ill feeling. Gubut ang ílang panimuyù kay way pagsinabtanay, Their family life is full of trouble because there’s no understanding. — ang hunàhúnà troubled, confused mind. Dì ku mahinultul kay gubut ang ákung hunàhúnà, I don’t know what to do because my mind is confused and troubled. — ug pálad for a woman to have her life bothered by too many suitors. (Lit. Having palms with lines criss-crossing each other in a disorderly way.) n trouble, discord. Arun way gubut angáyun mug hátag, So there won’t be any trouble each of you will be given an equal share. v [A3P; a1] 1 entangle, be tangled up. Ayaw gubta ang iskuhídu kay dúgay husáyun, Do not tangle up the fine abaca fiber because it takes time to comb it out. 2 put into disorder. Nagubut ang balay kay nagdúlà ang mga bátà, The house is in a mess because the children were playing in it. 3 [A3P; ab3(1)] create trouble among several people. Gubta ang ílang míting arun maundang, Make trouble in their meeting so it will break up. Ang pirmi nílang kagubtan mau ang kwarta, Money is what they always quarrel about. Gisalída na ang gikagubtang sini nga law-ay, They are showing the obscene film that was the cause of so much controversy. (←) v [B145] be in utter confusion. Naggubut ang ákung hunàhúnà tungud sa ámung panagbángì, My mind is troubled because of our quarrel. Nagkagúbut ang hílu, The thread is completely tangled up. n commotion due to a fight. Nanambù mi arun pagtan-aw sa gúbut, We looked out of the window to watch the commotion. gubutgúbut n squabbles, fights over s.t. trivial. v [C3] for there to be squabbles or fights over s.t. trivial. Ug maggubutgúbut ang míting, If there are squabbles in the meeting. ka-(←) n 1 troubled, confused state. 2 major hostilities such as war, revolution. Namakwit mi panahun sa kagúbut, We evacuated during the war. magubtánun a 1 full of disorder. 2 bring disorder. maN-r- a troublemaker, disturber of the peace.

gubyirnu = gubirnu.

gud1 short for ugud.

*gud2 — syát, nayit good shot, good night. see also máni.

gugma n love. Krás lang nà dì gugma, That’s not love. That’s just a crush. Gugma sa inahan, A mother’s love. Dakù ang gugma níya sa pagpangabáyù, He has a great love for horseback riding. hi-/ha- v 1 [B123; a12] love s.o. Makahigugma kahà kag disgrasyáda? Can you love a girl that is no longer a virgin? Higugmáun ku ikaw kanúnay, I will love you always. 2 like s.t. Mahigugma kung mukáun ug úbas, I love to eat grapes. 3 [a3b8] learn to love s.o. Sa nadúgay nahagugma ra siya nákù, As time went on, she learned to love me. Ang íyang dagway mahagugmaan lámang sa inahan, Only a mother [273]could love that face. higugmaay, hinigugmaay v [C] be in love. -in- n 1 loved one. 2 sweetheart. mahigugmáun a 1 loving, affectionate. 2 fond of. Mahigugmáun siyag sáyaw, She is fond of dancing. gugmagugma n matters regarding love and courtship. Kun maglikay ka sa gugmagugma matigúlang kang dalága, If you avoid love affairs you’ll become an old maid. gugmahánun a pertaining to love. Gisinsur ang gugmahánun nílang isína kay hílas, Their love scene was censored because it was obscene.

gúgu = balúnus.

gugul, gúgul1 v [A; c1] 1 spend money on, appropriate money. Ug gugulan nang baláya ug kinsi mil, gwápu giyud, If you spend fifteen thousand on that house, it will be beautiful. 2 spend time, effort. Wà kuy panahung igúgul (gugúlun) sa binúang, I have no time to spend on foolishness. n amount allotted for s.t. a entailing great expense. Gúgul kaáyu ning magsunudsúnud ta sa múda, It’s very expensive to keep going with fashions. ma-un n spendthrift.

gúgul2 = gulgul.

gúgul3, guguls n sunglasses. v [A; a] wear sunglasses.

guhà = gihì.

guhab, gúhab = galhab.

guhang1, gúhang n toddy made from the buri palm.

guhang2 n hole which penetrates to the back or other side. May dakung guhang ang ímung sinínà, Your dress has a big hole. v [A3P; b6(1)] make a hole. Giguhangan sa mga prísu ang bungbung ug ígung agían, The prisoners made a hole in the wall big enough (for them) to pass through. ka-(←) v [A13] full of holes. Nagkagúhang ang atup nga wà libwási, The roof was full of holes because it never was repaired.

guhay v 1 [A; ab4] tear s.t. into strips or shreds. 2 [A; a] slice a large fish for drying. n 1 strip torn off of s.t. 2 slice from a dried fish.

gúhit n 1 a line on a drawing. 2 design, drawing. v 1 [A; b] line, draw lines on. 2 [A; a] make a design, draw pictures. guhitguhit v [A; a] doodle. n doodle.

gúhù = gulhù.

guitguit n layers of dirt on the body, teeth. Ang guitguit sa íyang líug katamnan ug sibúyas, You could plant onions in the layers of dirt on his neck. v [BN; b6] become covered with layers of dirt. Ang íyang ngípun giguitguitan (nangguitguit) sa talìtì, His teeth are thick with tartar.

gukam a clumsy. Gukam kaáyu siyang manlihuklihuk, She moves clumsily. ka-(←) v [A13] have difficulty in carrying more than one can hold. Nagkagúkam siyag dala sa mga libru, She had great difficulty carrying all of the books.

gukan v [B46; b4] for the breast to be flowing over with milk. Maggukan ang súsu basta subra ug gátas ang inahan, If the mother has too much milk it tends to drip out. Gigukanan na ang bag-ung nanganak, The new mother’s milk is already flowing.

gúkang = gukam.

guknat v [A] set out to go s.w. Sayu nga miguknat ang magdadaru sa báy arun magdáru, The farmer left the house early to go plowing.

gukù v [B; c1] bent, bowed, crouched. Migukù si Tim arun dílì masungkù, Tim bent low so he would not bump his head. Nagukù (migukù) na siya sa pagsinulat, He has become stoop-shouldered from too much writing. a hunched, bent over.

gukud, gúkud v [A2SC2; a1] 1 run after, give chase. May irung naggukud, There’s a dog running after us. Gukdun tag patrul ning ímung drinayban, A police car will chase us if you keep on driving like this. 2 pursue s.o. to get revenge; persecute. Gigukud ni Níru ang mga Kristiyánus, Nero persecuted the Christians. Gigukud sa baláud ang pagdinamíta, Dynamite fishing is illegal. Gigukud si Buy sa gunting, Boy is badly in need of a haircut (being chased by the scissors). Gigukud ka sa sabun, You are badly in need of a bath (soap is chasing you). 3 [A12; b4(1)] catch up with s.o. after chasing him. Diin ka higukdi? Where did they catch up with you? n chase. gukdánay, ginukdánay v [C] chasing one another. magukdánun a persecuting, vindictive. gukdunun n s.t. chased. Daghan siyag uyab kay gukdunun kaáyug babáyi, He has lots of girl friends because he has a strong appeal to women.

guk-ung v [A; b6] be sitting or perched s.w. where one is easily visible. Dakung táwu nga nagguk-ung sa paril, A large man perched on the wall.

gúl n 1 goal in a game. 2 basketball ring. 3 the opposite area in checkers to which the pieces are moved. v 1 [A12] make a goal. Wà mi makagúl, We didn’t make any goals. 2 [A2] move a checker piece to the opposite side.

gúla a for food not to be cooked well such that some parts of it are still raw. v [B26; c1] be half-cooked. Nagúwa pagkalútù nang bibingka, That rice cake is only half-baked. [274]Daghang sustansya ang atay nga guwáhun (igúwa) paglútù, Pork liver cooked rare is nourishing.

gulà v 1a [A2; a] go out from. Migulà ku sa kwartu, I went out of the room. Gulaa (gul-a) nang hubug nga nagsábà sa gawas, Go out after that drunk that’s making noise outside. 1b [B456] be sticking out. Birahi nang ímung kamisun kay migulà, Pull up your slip because it’s showing. 1c [A; c6] bring s.t. out. Kinsay naggulà sa bátà nga tugnaw run? Who brought the child out? It’s chilly. Iguwà ang irù, Take the dog out. 2 [A2; b3] quit a job, position. Dì ka makagulà tungud sa kuntrátu, You can’t quit because of the contract. Ang kagamay sa swildu mauy ákung gigulaan, The small salary made me quit the job. 3 [A2; b4] have emission during orgasm. Migulà ang ákù pagkakità sa iyáha, I had an ejaculation when I saw hers. Kasagáran únang gul-an ang laláki, Usually the man is the first to have orgasm. 3a [b4] menstruate. Wà ku gul-i rung buwána. Simbaku mabdus ku, I missed my period. God forbid I’m pregnant. 4a [B2456] come out the winner. Sa sinádu migulà siyang numiru únu, In the senate race he came out first. 4b [B2456] appear, materialize, turn out. Pagkudak nákù sa dalága, aswang ang migulà, When I photographed the girl, a witch is what turned out in the picture. 5 [B2456] appear in a publication. n 1 outside of an enclosure. Daghang táwu sa gulà, There are many people outside. 1a outside the bedroom or kitchen, usually the living room. Pahulata sa gulà ang bisíta, Have the visitor wait in the living room. 2 issue or installment of a publication. Mugulà ang ímung sugilánun sunud gulà, Your story will be published in the next issue. 3 outcome, result of s.t. Hípi ang gulà nímu ug magpataas ka sa ímung buhuk, If you let your hair grow long, a hippie is what will result. 4 role in a play or presentation. Unsa may guwà nímu sa dráma? What is your role in the play? sulud — v [A2] keep coming in and out. Huy! Musulud gulà ka lang mu rag tag-íya, Hey! You just come in and out as if you were the owner here. pa- v 1 [A; ac] 1a allow to go out. Pagul-a ang bátà arun mangíhì, Let the child go out to urinate. 1b [A; c] display, present s.t. to the public. Nagpagulà siyag drámang minúrus, He presented a Moslem play. Wà ikapagulà ang tinda kay nag-ulan, The goods were not displayed because it was raining. 1c [A; c] use knowledge or other resources to meet a particular situation. Ug makig-áway siya, pagul-i siya sa ímung dyúdu, If he picks a fight with you, try out your judo on him. 1d issue a notice, order, etc. Nagpagulà ang prisidinti ug kasugúan báhin sa piliay, The president issued an order about the elections. Ikapagulà ku lang ang ákung hunàhúnà kun kinahanglánun, I give out my opinion only when necessary. 2 [A; a12] fire from job, position. Pagulaun ka kun magtinápul ka, You will be fired if you are lazy. -anan(←), gul-anan n exit. kagul-unun a on the verge of going out. tali- n about to go out.

*gúlà ka- v [B14; b3] be in commotion. Nagkagúlà ang mga táwu tungud sa súnug, The people were in a commotion because of the fire. Gikagwáan sa mga bátà ang mga rigálu, The children were all excited about the presents.

gulam a 1 small, esp. when compared to other things like it. Ang búla sa bisbul gulam kay sa búla sa supbul, The ball used for baseball is slightly smaller than the ball for softball. 2 young and small. Gulam pa ku paghalin ni Lúla, I was still small when Grandma died. v [B; a] become reduced in size. gulamgulam = gulam, 1.

gulaman, guláman n 1 agar-agar, an edible gelatinous substance derived from seaweeds. 2 dessert prepared from this gelatin. v [A; a2] make guláman.

gúlang a 1 old in age. Miritayir siya kay gúlang na, He retired because he’s old. Dalágang gúlang, Old maid. 2 mature. Tub-a ang ságing kay gúlang na, Cut the banana down because the fruits are mature. 3 for syrup to be thick enough or steel to be properly tempered. v 1 [B2] grow old. Mugúlang (magúlang) ka ug dalì ug hingári kag pangísug, You will grow old fast if you always get angry. — sa hiktanan grow old and still not be married. 2 [B23] for fruit to become mature. Wà makagúlang ang kakaw kay gibugtuk, The cacao fruits didn’t mature because they were infested with pests. 3 [B23(1); c1] for iron or sugar to come out with the requisite consistency or hardness. Dúgayng nakagúwang ang giítus námung asúkal, hidaghanan ra sigúru sa túbig, The sugar we were making into syrup took a long time to harden. It probably had too much water in it. Unsa kahay makagúwang (makapagúwang) ug dalì sa puthaw? What can we do to hasten the tempering of the steel? a-(→) n 1 title for an old man or woman. 2 old man or woman. Palikírung agulang, An elderly philanderer. ma-(→) n 1 elder brother, sister. 2 older than s.o. Magulang siya nákug [275]dyis anyus, He is ten years older than me. 3 a little more than s.t. compared to. Ang ímung tíngug magulang lag diyútay sa hagawhaw, Your voice is just a little louder than a whisper. v [B2456] get to be a little older, more than. ka-un(→) n 1 age. 2 consistency of syrup, temper of steel. kama-an, kinama-an n 1 eldest among a given group. 2 first-born. 3 — nga buling the topmost layer of dirt in s.t. that is very dirty. Kuháa lang ang kinamagulángang buling sa hábul kay bug-at labhan, Just wash out the topmost layer of dirt in the blanket because it is hard to wash. -un(→) a elderly. ti- a old in age. Usa ka tigúwang, An old man (woman). n term used to refer to one’s parents when they are not young. Hustu ang ímung mga tigúlang sa pagdilì nímu sa paglangyaw, Your folks are right, forbidding you to go abroad. v [B12] grow old. Kining magkatigulang na ta, magkahanap ang átung panan-aw, As we grow old our vision gets dim. hini-(→) v [A] do s.t. in a way that old folks are wont to do. Día, naghinigulang mig tabì, Here we are, gossiping like a bunch of old folks. pakati- v [A13; a12] act, treat like an old man. pakati-(→) v [A13] stay s.w. till one’s old age. tuluti-(→) a older than anyone else in a group. Akuy uináhan dinhi sa upisína kay aku ra may tutiguwang dinhi, I’m considered a mother here in the office because I am the oldest among us here. kati-an n 1 old folks. Masukù ang mga katigulángan sa mudirnung paági, The old folks hate the new ways. 2 ancestors. kati-un(→) n one’s old age. Mau rag wà siyay katigulangun, She never seems to grow old. †

gulasíman = ulasíman.

*gúlat see gulpi.

guldígir a gold digger, woman who goes out with men to get money from them. v [B16; b1] be, become a gold digger.

guldin syáwir n small flowering tree: Cassia fistula.

gulgul v [A; a1] cut s.t. with a blade using a back and forth motion. Gulgúla nang líug sa manuk, Slash the chicken’s throat now. gulgulánan n throat of animals or fowl.

gulhab1 = galhab.

gulhab2 n thundering, roaring in voice. Abut sa walug ang gulhab níyang tíngug, His thundering voice reaches the valley.

gulhù v [A2; cP6] appear by coming out from, in back of, or inside s.t. Migúhù ang búwan luyu sa pangánud, The moon emerged from behind the clouds.

gúli (from lígù) n bath (slang). Nanimáhù ka lang pan-us sa ímung pagkawalay gúli, You smell because you didn’t take a bath. v 1 [A; b6(1)] take a bath (slang). Hulata ku kay mugúli pa ku, Wait for me; I still have to take my bath. 2 [A; a] bathe s.o. (slang).

gulímuk v [A] 1 wriggle, move incessantly in place, for many things to give the impression of moving about in place. Ámung gilantaw ang mga táwung naggulímuk sa plása, We looked at the people moving about in the plaza. 2 have a creeping, tingling sensation as if little bugs were crawling over one. Migulímuk ang ákung kaunúran, My flesh tingled.

gúlis v [A; ab2] tear along the grain into long strips. Gigúlis níya ang bulad núkus, He tore the dried squid into long pieces. (→) v [A; ab2] make a long, slender scratch mark. Si Nína ang migulis sa ákung nawung, Nena was the one who scratched my face. a shredded into long strips, scratched. Gulis nga sinínà, A dress torn to shreds. n 1 long strip. 2 long, slender scratch. Dúnay gulis ang sámin, The mirror has a scratch on it.

*gulíyang ka- n confusion of ideas, sounds, and motion. v 1 [B1456; b3] be in wild confusion. Hurimintádu ang gikaguliyángan sa mga táwu, The people were in a panic because of a man that ran amok. 2 be in great disorder, topsy-turvy. Nagkagulíyang lang ang balay kay way binatunan, The house is in a mess because there’s no maid.

gulpi a 1 be done in great numbers at one time. Gulpi nang isdáa makúhà kay timputimpu man nà, That fish is caught in great quantity because it comes in seasonally. 2 be done in great force or intensity. Gulpi mangasábà ang ámung ámu, Our boss scolds us very harshly. Gulpi nga pagkaigù ang íyang suwang, His chin was hit very hard. v [A; ab2] 1 do s.t. in large quantity at one time. Ayaw gulpíha pagkúhà kay muángal ang tag-íya, Don’t take a lot because the owner won’t like it. 2 do s.t. with great intensity or force. Ayaw gulpíha pagbúnal ang bátà, Don’t beat the child severely. Nagulpihan ra nímu paghugut ang grípu, You closed the faucet too tight. — digúlat (not without l) a boastful, braggart (slang). v [B12] become boastful.

gulub v [A; ab2] slice a piece or part of s.t. with a single motion. Siyay naggulub sa kúgun, She cut down the saw grass. Guluban tika sa inasal, I’ll slice a piece of the roast pig for you. n a piece or a part cut off of s.t. with a single motion. Duha ka dagkung gulub sa kík ang nahurut, They consumed two large slices of cake. pa- v [A; ab] have [276]s.o. cut s.t. off. Magpagulub siya sa íyang buhuk, She will have her hair cut short.

gulubgulub v [A; c1] mumble words unintelligibly, usually in dissatisfaction. Súkul gihápun nang maggulubgulub ug kasab-an, If you mumble when you are scolded, it is still an act of defiance.

gulunggulung n baby’s rattle.

gulut n 1 crease or long indentation in a surface. Gulut sa líug, A crease in the neck. 1a a portion of bread broken off at an indentation in the crust. Usa ka gulut pán, A hunk of bread. 2 incision made in meat. 3 a piece, slice, or part of s.t. Usa ka gulut nga isdà, A slice of fish. v 1 [ABN; b5] get creases or become filled with folds. Migulut ang íyang tiyan sa katambuk, His stomach become creased with fat. 1a become wrinkled. Nagulut ang íyang sinínà, Her dress got wrinkled. 2 [A; b5] make an incision in s.t. Kinsay migulut sa lamísa nga bag-ung pinintálan? Who made a cut on the newly painted table? Guluta (guluti) ang isdang asinun, Cut an incision into the fish to salt it. 3 [AB; ab5c1] slice into pieces. Naggulut ku sa karni nga lat-an, I was cutting the meat into pieces to stew it. a scarred, wrinkled. Gulut nga kapáyas, A scarred (wrinkled) papaya.

gulwà v [A2; b6] go out, come out in a hesitant or forced manner. Dì mugulwà ang kágang ug náay táwu, The land crab won’t come out if there are people around. Dì makagulwà ang nánà sa hubag ug dì pislítun, The pus in the boil will not come out if you don’t squeeze it.

gúma n 1 rubber. Punúan sa gúma, Rubber tree. 2 rubber tire. Hiyúsi ang gúma sa awtu, Deflate the tires of the car. 3 stuff, put in cloth to give weight. 4 = di-. v [A3] 1 = di-. 2 [A123P; b4] be filled with excitement or eagerness for s.t. Gumáhan ang mga bátà ug náay bag-ung sinínà, The children get filled with excitement over new clothes. Gigumáhan kaáyu siya pag-adtu sa parti, She was all excited about going to the party. gumagúma v [A3; b6] wear rubber shoes on an inappropriate occasion or place. Gumagumáhan lang nímu ang simbahan, You’re wearing tennis shoes to church. di- 1 of rubber. 2 rubber shoes. v [A3] wear rubber shoes. gumáhan n rubber plantation. gumáhun a for cloth to have s.t. mixed in it to give it weight. Panaptung gumáhun, Weighted cloth.

gumbul v [A3; b3c] complain to express dissatisfaction over s.t. Gisúsi na kun unsay gigumbúlan sa miaklas, They investigated the strikers’ complaints. n complaint. -an(→) a fond of complaining. v [B] get to be a grumbler.

gúmù v [A; a] clutch s.t. with the palm of one’s hand and squeeze. Gigúmù níya ang kwarta, He clasped the money tightly in his hand. Gumúun ku nang ímung simud kay tabian ka, I’ll squeeze your snout with my hand because you talk too much. 2 [A; a] crumple. Makagúmù kag sín? Can you crumple a sheet of galvanized iron with your hands? 3 hold on tight to money, keep it carefully. Himúa siyang tisuríra kay maáyung mugúmù ug kwarta, Make her the treasurer because she is very careful with money. a tight with money. (→) a crumpled, creased, rumpled. Gumù ang íyang gisul-ub, She was wearing a crumpled dress.

gumudgumud v [A; b3c] grumbling under one’s breath. Dílì maáyung maggumudgumud kun kasab-an, It’s no good to mumble when you are scolded.

gúmuk v [AB126; a12] tangle string, thread, etc. up. Ang bakasi mauy naggúmuk sa íyang pasul, The small black eel got itself entangled in his line. Magúmuk giyud nang alundris ug ímung padwáan sa bátà, That ball of sewing thread will surely get all tangled up if you let the child play with it. (→) a all tangled up.

gúmun n ball of entangled fiber, hair, and the like. Ang bangag sa labábu nahut-ag gúmun sa buhuk, The spout in the wash basin got plugged up with a ball of hair. v 1 [A; a] make a ball of entangled fibers. 2 [B; c] get entangled in sin, intrigues, etc. Ang táwung naggúmun sa súgal, A man deeply hooked to gambling. Ang mga mulupyù nagúmun sa pulitikanhung intríga, The inhabitants are entangled in the political intrigues. Ayawg igúmun ang ímung kaugalíngun sa útang, Don’t let yourself get entangled in debts.

gumunhap n difficult problem. Gumunhap sa kinabúhì, A difficult problem in life.

gum-us a 1 wrinkled, crumpled. Gum-us ang sinínà, The shirt is wrinkled. 2 for hair to be disorderly, tangled. Gum-us ang íyang buhuk, She has tangled hair. 3 for a woman to be unchaste. v [A3P; a] 1 wrinkle, crumple. Ayawg gum-úsa ang papil, Don’t crumple the paper. 2 disarrange hair. 3 dishonor a woman by making love to her. Akuy mugum-us ánang istriktang dakù, I’ll deflower that professional virgin. n wrinkle in cloth, paper, and the like.

gum-ut a 1 = gum-us, a 1. 2 sullen in expression. v 1 = gum-us, v 1. 2 [B46] be [277]sour faced. Maggum-ut dáyun nang íyang hitsúra kun supákun, He gets a sour expression when s.o. opposes him. n = gum-us, n. sa- = sagum-ut.

gúna v [A; a] weed with a bolo. Gunáha nang sagbut sa nataran, Chop out the weeds in the yard. n action of weeding. (→) n short dull bolo with a blunt end used for weeding. v [A; a] hit with a bolo. gunahun n weeds to be removed.

gunà n 1 crack. May gunà ang básu, The glass has a crack in it. 2 weak spot in an elastic band.

gunas n grain texture, surface structure of wood.

gúnat n texture of meat. Pínu ang gúnat sa manuk kay sa báka, The texture of chicken meat is finer than that of beef.

gunaw, gúnaw v [AB23(1); a] 1 melt, dissolve s.t. Usa ra ka bumba ang migúnaw sa isla, One bomb was enough to obliterate the island. Mugúnaw (magúnaw) ang kandílà kun idangdang mu sa kaláyu, A candle will melt if you place it near a fire. Naggúnaw siyag tinggà nga himúung pamatu, He melted some lead to make into a sinker. Igúnaw (gunáwa) sa túbig ang pulbus nga gátas, Dissolve the powdered milk in water. 2 disappear as if melted. Usáhay anhà ra sa piskalíya magúnaw ug mamatay ang kásu, Sometimes the cases dissolve in the fiscal’s office and meet their end.

gundyà = ganína (dialectal).

gúnga v [AB2; c1] for the nostrils to spread apart, make them spread apart. Migúnga ang íyang ilung kay dúna siyay natimahuan, His nostrils spread because he smelled s.t. n amount the nostrils are dilated. a for the nostrils to be large. gungahun a having large nostrils.

gunggung1 1 n grunts (Theraponidae) similar in appearance to the bugáung but very small. 2 name given to slow-witted persons.

gunggung2 v [A; c1] broil small dried fish by putting them in a dish with embers and shaking the dish back and forth.

gunggung3 v [B3; b6] for a wound to swell. Dì makagunggung ang samad ug tambálag maáyu, The wound won’t swell if it is treated carefully.

gúngì v 1 [A; a] break s.t. off of s.t. Gigúngì níya ang mga butúnis sa íyang dintru, He plucked the buttons off his shirt. Gungían ta kag sanga, I’ll break a branch off for you. Magúngì nang daplin sa kahun ug ímung ibundak, The edge of that box will break off if you hurl it down. 2 [A13; a] pick s.t. out with a small stick or midrib. Kwarta ang íyang igúngì sa ákung barugánan, He will use money to pry me loose from my stand. 3 [A; a] cut into small slices, segments. n 1 small sticks or slivers. 2 midrib of palm. 3 s.t. small and pointed that can be broken off like the tooth of a comb.

*gúngis paN- v [A23] have grown old in a place, position, or job. Suhítu siya kay nanggúngis na sa katungdánan, He knows the ropes because he has been in that job all his life. — sa hiktanan become a spinster (lit. grow old in the place one is tied up). Nanggúngis nang bayhána sa hiktanan tungud sa kapilian, That woman became a spinster because of her choosiness.

gúngut v [B; aP] 1 pierce into s.t. and remain immobile there. Migúngut ang udiyung sa bukubuku, The dart was stuck firmly into his back. 2 be stuck so that it can’t move. Nakagúngut na ang mga sinumpayan sa silya, The joints in the chair have set. 3 [B2] be fixed, immobile. Ang íyang mga mata migúngut sa kisami, His eyes were fixed to the ceiling.

gunhub = gun-ub.

gúnit v 1 [A2S3S; b] hold on to s.t. to keep it from falling. Guníti pag-áyu arun dì muhilus, Hold it well so it won’t slip. 1a [A123S] ígù rang — sa dalunggan barely get a passing grade. 2 [C; c] hold hands. Makiggúnit giyud siya kun manlákaw mi, She insists on holding hands with me when we go out. 3 [A; b] hold s.t. so as to keep it. Kinsa may naggúnit sa átung trupi? Who is holding our trophy? 4 [A12] get to touch. Bisan usa ka dakù sa íyang swildu dì ku kagúnit, I can’t get my hands on even one penny of his salary. 5 [A3] handle or play s.t. skillfully. Kamau kang mugúnit sa sista? Do you know how to play the guitar? 5a [A; a] handle s.t. Maáyu siyang mugúnit sa íyang nigusyu, He handles his business well. paN- v [A2S; b] 1 hold fast onto s.t. to keep from falling. Panggúnit arun dì ka mahúlug, Hold on tight so you won’t fall. 2 — sa dalunggan hold on to your hats. Panggúnit sa dalunggan. Magpahaybul ta, Hold on to your hats. We’re going to put on the gas.

gúns n goon, hired thugs.

gunstabulári (from gúns plus kunstabulári) n goons dressed in constabulary uniforms in the pay of politicians during elections.

*gunsung = *gansang. gunsunggunsung = gansanggansang.

guntang v [A; a] cut or divide meat with a chopping motion. Nagguntang ku sa kanding nga kaldiritáhun, I’m cutting the goat [278]into pieces to make goat stew.

gunting n 1 scissors. 2 scissors in game of pik (hammer, scissors, paper). v [A; a] cut with scissors. Guntínga kining kupun, Just cut this coupon out. gigukud sa — badly in need of a haircut (chased by the scissors). pa- v [A1; b6] have a haircut. Uy, nagpagunting ang hípi, Hey! The hippie is getting a haircut. -in- n scissors position in sexual intercourse. v [A13] 1 swim, sail at an angle into the waves. Ang lantsa nagginunting sa balud, The launch sailed at an angle into the waves. 2 [A] assume the scissors position.

guntudguntud a coarsely rough and uneven. Guntudguntud kaáyu ang simintu gawas sa bungbung, The wall has a rough finish on the outside. v [B; b] for a surface to be coarsely rough and uneven. Magguntudguntud ang dálang aspaltúhun ug dì pa agían sa pisun, An asphalted road is rough and uneven before it has been steamrollered. -un(→) a = guntudguntud.

gunù n 1 small fish with silvery sides of mullet-like appearance: Allanetta forskali and Pranesus duodecimalis. 2 name given to a slow-witted person.

gun-ub v [A; a12] 1 make s.t. collapse, come tumbling down on itself. Nagun-ub ang túri paglínug, The tower collapsed when there was an earthquake. 2 ruin one’s plan, peaceful life, and the like. Ang gíra migun-ub sa ámung panimuyù, The war shattered our peaceful way of life.

gunuk v [A; a12] make a move, stir. Ayawg gunuka ang bátang natúlug, Don’t stir the sleeping child. Wà lang maggunuk ang kapulisan. Gihiphípan tingáli, The police did not move a muscle. No doubt they were bribed. n walay — 1 motionless. 2 completely unconcerned about some need (failing to move a muscle).

gunung n k.o. small bolo about 12″ long with an even outward-curved cutting edge and an equally even outward-curved top edge coming to a point at the tip.

gunurya n gonorrhea. v [A123P; a4] get gonorrhea.

gupak = gipak.

gúpak = palakpalak.

gupang n 1 lump of food or soil. Usa ka gupang kan-un, A lump of food. 2 piece taken off of s.t. v 1 [B6] in lumps, become a lump. 2 [A; a1] break up, cut s.t. into pieces or break a piece off. Kinsay naggupang sa kík? Who broke a piece off the cake? or Who broke the cake into pieces? Gigupang ang lindug sa lubi, The coconut log was cut up into pieces.

gúpuk v [AB; a12] break into pieces. Makagúpuk ug lubi nang íyang pinislitan, His iron grip can crush a coconut shell. Nagúpuk ang básu nga ákung gilabak, I threw the glass down hard and it broke to pieces.

gupun n minor character in folk play whose role is to provoke laughter.

guput v [A; c] tie s.t. around the ends of bamboo, sticks, rattan, and the like which have been woven or fashioned into s.t. in order to hold it together. Gupti ang daplin sa nígu arun dì mabuskad, Wind s.t. around the edges of the winnowing tray so it won’t come undone. n s.t. tied around the edges of s.t. woven of bamboo, rattan, etc. to hold it together.

gúra n a cap with a short visor. v [A13] wear such a cap. Naggúra ang mga hiníti, Jockeys wear caps with visors.

gurámi n gourami, a fresh-water food fish: Osphronemus goramy.

guratsa = kuratsa.

gurayan n k.o. small anchovy.

guray-ut a 1 dilapidated, worn-down structure, shabby, ragged in dress. Guray-ut nga barungbárung, A dilapidated shanty. Guray-ut ug pamisti nga makililímus, A shabbily dressed beggar. 2 exhausted look. Guray-ut ug panagway, Worn-out face. v [B1; b6] 1 get to be dilapidated, shabby. 2 [B; c1] get an exhausted look on the face. Ngánung nagguray-ut gud nang dagway mu? Gibwágan ka? Why do you look so haggard? Did your girl friend break up with you? -un a frowning, tired-looking face.

gurdu = dyakpat.

gurùgurù n irregular, rough wrinkles in the skin. v [B46N] for the face to be deeply wrinkled. Nanggurùgurù ang nawung sa tigúwang, The old woman’s face is covered with wrinkles.

gurumíti = grumíti.

gurung n large pile of unthreshed rice.

gurunggurung = garanggarang.

*gúrut pa- v [A; b] clean a field of standing, dry grain stalks by cutting them with a machete or similar knife attached to a sled-like device drawn by a water buffalo. Dì ta makapagúrut ug náa pay mga tuud sa uma, We can’t cut the grain stalks with a sled having blades attached to it if there are still tree stumps in the field. n implement for the pagúrut.

gurutgurut a rough and covered with fine wrinkles. Gurutgurut kaáyu ang ákung mga kamut tungud sa kadúgay nga pagpanglaba, My hands got all wrinkled from washing clothes so long. v [B; b6] get to be rough [279]and covered with fine wrinkles. -un a having a wrinkled face.

gúruy = gúyud.

guryun n k.o. sparrow: Passer montanus.

gusa v [B6; b6] have a tight feeling in the stomach from s.t. one ate. Mugusa ímung tiyan ug dì ka kahilísan, Your stomach will feel tight if you have indigestion. Gigushan ku sa tantung káun, I got a tight stomach because I ate too much. n condition of having a very tight stomach.

gusà v [B146; b3] for a child to be restless, fussy. Ang kaínit mauy nakagusà (nakapagusà) níya, The heat caused him to be fussy.

gusab, gus-ab = gus-ap.

gúsang n delicacy made of ground, roasted corn or rice mixed with sugar and dry coconut pounded in a mortar. v [A; a] make gúsang. -in- = gúsang, n.

gusánu n thread of a screw. v [A; b6] thread. Naggusánu ku ug bára pára gam-ung pirnu, I am threading an iron bar to make into a bolt. Gusanúhi ug pínu arun musakar áring twirka, Make a fine thread on it so it will fit this nut.

gus-ap v [A; a2b2] chew to pieces. Gus-ápun nang baskit sa ituy, The puppy will chew up that basket.

gusar v [A; c1] have s.t. for one’s benefit and use. Ang giprindáhan mauy mugusar sa yútà, The holder of the mortgage enjoys the use of the land. Láing istudiyanti ang naggusar sa librung ákung giabángan, Another student made use of the book I rented.

gusaw n name given to mullets (Mugilidae) that are less than a foot in length.

gusbat v [B12] for soft materials to have a good-sized hole in them. Nagusbat ang samput sa íyang karsúnis, The seat of his pants got torn. Nagkagusbat ang ílang atup nga nípà, Their thatched roof is getting full of holes. n large tear or hole in soft material. -un a full of holes.

gúsì = gísì.

guslà v [a4] be very hungry (coarse). Kadtung giguslà habhab na, If you’re so damn hungry, go on eat. n strong feeling of hunger (coarse).

guslab v [A; a12] destroy things by chewing them to pieces. Giguslab sa irù ang hapin sa bátà, The dog chewed the baby’s diaper.

gusnik n a structure or a pipe shaped like a goose neck.

gustu n liking, desire. Matúman ang gustu sa hárì, The king’s desire will be fulfilled. a like, want. Gustu kug kík, I like cake. Gustu kang mamatay? Do you want to die? Ang gustu níya buhátun, What he wants to do. v [A12; b8] like, want. Kun nakagustu ka níya, pangulitawhi, If you like her, court her. Gikagustuhan (gikagustuan, nagustuhan, nagustuan) siya sa ginikánan sa babáyi, The girl’s parents liked him. kuntra — against one’s will. Kuntra gustu ang íyang pagsugut, She agreed to it against her will. gustuhay, gustuay v [C13] come to like one another. Sa pagkadúgay nagkagustuhay na sila, After a while they came to like each other. pa- v [A1; b6] let have one’s own ways and whims. Nagpagustu silag dít kay layù ang ginikánan, They dated without restraint because their parents are away. Pagustui lang ang bátà, Give the child his way. pasi- v [b5] allow s.o. to have his own choice. Pasigustua (pasigustuhi) siya kun unsang kursúha kuháun, Give him the choice on what study to take. kagustúhan n wishes, desires. Ang ákung pagpangasáwa kagustúhan ni Máma, dì ákù, My marriage is mother’s wish, not mine.

gúsu see gúsus.

gusù n k.o. edible algae with a yellow-greenish color, usually made into a salad. v [A13] have gusù. gusùgusù = pubring káhuy. see pubri.

gúsud v [AN; b(1)] sprout, come out as if sprouting. Manggúsud nag maáyu ang mga bugas sa íyang nawung, Pimples are coming out all over her face. Nanggúsud ang singut, Beads of perspiration are forming. Nagusúran ang tanum ug mga dáhun, The plant is sprouting leaves.

gúsuk n rib. (→) v [A; a12] hit in the ribs. -an(→) n place the rib cage is found.

gúsus n in a novena recited to ask a favor of a saint, the verses lauding the accomplishments of the saint invoked. v [A; b6] recite this portion of the novena.

*gusúsu mistiryu — n joyful mystery, one of the mysteries of the Holy Rosary.

gút = gulut.

gutab = gutlab.

gutad v [A; a] chop s.t. not very hard into pieces using heavy strokes. n piece chopped off of s.t. gutadgutad v [A; a] chop up into pieces. Gutadgutara nang kalbásà, Chop the squash up into pieces.

gutang v 1 [B46; a4b4] develop cracks in the calluses of the feet from going barefoot. Gigutang (gigutangan) ang mga bakwit kay wà maánad ug tiniil, The evacuees developed cracks in the soles of their feet because they were not accustomed to going barefoot. 2 [A; b5] make a slash, incision in s.t. Gutangun (gutangan) ku unyà nang agtang mu, I’ll slash your forehead. n 1 cracks in the [280]calluses of the feet. 2 a slash, incision.

gútas n a bitter, black medicinal liquid taken for stomach ailments and also used as an abortifacient. — amargas = gútas.

gutay v 1 [A; c1] tear completely into shreds. Mugutay siyag papil nga iadurnu, She will cut paper into shreds to use as decorations. 2 [A1PB; c1] for cloth or paper to weaken to the point that it falls to pieces, cause it to do so. Mugutay ang papil ug bas-un, The paper will weaken if you wet it. a 1 torn to shreds. 2 weakened to the point of falling apart.

gutgut v [A; a] 1 cut, mark s.t. with a slicing motion. Putla ring písì gutgúta lag kutsilyu, Cut this rope with a knife. 2 make a sawing motion on s.t. Kaáyu níyang mugutgut sa byulin, He plays the violin very well. n instrument used in using a slicing motion on s.t.

gutì1 = gutlì.

gutíba n k.o. seashell.

gutlab v [A; a1b2] 1 cut a long slash into. Nagutlab ang ákung karsúnis nga nasángit sa lansang, My pants got a long slash in them because they got caught in the nail. 2 cut s.t. with a single long slashing stroke. Gutlaba na lang ang baat, You might as well just cut the string. Sa íyang pagsibsib, nagutlaban ang kamátis. As he was sickling, he accidentally cut some tomato plants down.

gutlì a brittle, breaking off easily. v [AP; b5] break off, pick s.t. tiny or soft with the fingers. Ákung gutlían (gutlíun, gutlíhun) ang may udlut sa mga tanum, I’ll pick off the ends of the young shoots.

gutling n moment, second, period of time shorter than gutlù.

gutlù n 1 minute of time. 2 — nga lúhà teardrop. Manaligdig ang pila ka gutlung lúhà sa pawíkang iháwun, A sea tortoise will shed a few tears when it is about to be slaughtered. 3 lines on the inner parts of the fingers.

gutlub v [A; a] chop s.t. long down, or into pieces. Gutba ang lubi, Cut down the coconut tree. n a piece cut off of s.t. long. gutlubgutlub v [A; b6(1)] chop s.t. long into pieces. Gutlubgutluba ang tangígi, Cut the Spanish mackerel into pieces.

gútù v [A; a] chop s.t. long into pieces. Gutúa ang tubu, Chop the sugar cane into small pieces. (→) n a piece cut off of s.t. long.

gutub1 n k.o. salt-water fish with a silvery hue with a tinge of yellow at the sides and somewhat bluish green back, having a pointed homocercal tail fin and with an even snout, growing to 10″.

gutub2 = gutlub.

gut-ub n k.o. owl.

gutubgutub1 = gutlubgutlub.

gutubgutub2 (from lagutub) v [A] make a low throbbing, booming sound from the distance. Naggutubgutub ang makina sa púsu sa layù, The water pump was chugging away in the distance. n low, throbbing, chugging sound. Gutubgutub sa kasingkásing, Throbbing of the heart.

gutuk a filled to the point that it is tight. Gutuk na ang ákung tiyan, My stomach is filled to bursting. v [B; a] become tight from being too full. Migutuk ang súsu sa bag-ung nanganak, The breasts of the new mother became turgid. Gutkun (igutuk) pagsulud ang humay, Fill the rice sacks so full that they are tight. gutukgutuk1 v [B14] have hardened portions in it. Naggutukgutuk ang ságing kay gitabagnul, The bananas have hard spots because they got infected with fruit rust.

gutukgutuk2 v [B] make a popping noise such as that emitted by food being boiled when the water is nearly gone. Naggutukgutuk na ang linung-ag. Hápit na muhubas, The rice is popping. The water is just about gone.

gútum n 1 hunger. Namatay siya sa gútum, He died of hunger. 2 famine. Gútum karun búsà pagdagínut, We’re having a famine, so cut down consumption. a be intensely hungry. Tána kay gútum kaáyu, Let’s go, I’m starving. patay — so poor as not to have any food. Patay gútum na mi. Wà na diyuy malung-ag, We’re dead broke. We haven’t got a thing for dinner. v 1 [a4] be hungry. Gigútum ka na? Are you hungry yet? 2 [b4(1)] have severe hunger pangs, be over-hungered. (→) v = gútum, v. a hungry. Mikáun siya sáma sa táwung gutum, He ate like a starved man. ka-(→) = gútum, n. kagutmánan n famine. gulutman, gutmánun a easily getting hungry. la-(→) see lagutum.

gútus v [A13] walk some distance. Maggútus na lang ta kay wà man giyuy sakyanan, We have to walk because there’s no transportation.

gútut v 1 [A2; cP] for a small portion to be sticking out from behind or beneath s.t. Migútut na ang bátà, tawga ang midwayip, The baby is coming out. Call the midwife. Iniglanguy igútut lag diyútay ang úlu sa túbig, In swimming raise your head just a little above the water. 2 [A23] show up at an appointed meeting or affair. Way Husi nga migútut sa parti, No Jose showed up at the [281]party.

gúud n 1 lower portion of a mature bamboo stem which is thick, strong, and durable. 2 piece of bamboo from that portion. paN- v [A2; b6] gather thick bamboo stems. guúrun a thick and short. Guúrun ug tudlù, Having thick, stubby fingers. v [B1256] become thick and stubby.

guuk n fat on the back of a cow at the hump or, by analogy, fat on the nape of a person’s neck. v [AN] develop fat at the lower portion of the nape. Ang tangkúgù níyang nangguuk, His neck with a big bulge of fat at the nape.

guul a provoking sorrow and worry. v [B126; ab3c5] be worried and sad. Ngánung dílì siya maguul nga himamáyi man ang bána, Why shouldn’t she be sad when her husband runs after women. Ang ákung gikagul-an (gikaguul) nga wà siya mananghid, What I am upset about is that he left without permission. ka- n a sad, worried feeling. Mihílak sa túmang kaguul, She burst into tears in her deep sadness. kagul-ánan n deep sorrows combined with worry. Mga kagul-ánan sa kinabúhì, The sorrows one counters in life. magul-ánun a worried and sad. maka-r- a very saddening.

gúum v 1 [A; c1] force s.o.’s mouth shut. Igúum (guúma) ang bàbà arun dì siya kasyágit, Shut his mouth tight so he can’t shout. 2 [A; c16] repress feelings. Igúum (guúmun) na lang nákù ang ákung kahiubus, I’ll just swallow my feelings of hurt pride.

guun v [A; b] withhold s.t. or prevent s.o. from doing s.t. Dílì aku makaguun basta makakitag pagkáung lamían, I cannot restrain myself if I see good food. Gigun-an sa Sintral Bangk ang ímung aplikasyun, The Central Bank sat on your application.

guut a 1 tight, fitted tight. Guut ang kálù nákù, The hat is too small for me. 2 tight, stuffed. Guut ákung ilung, My nose is stuffed up. v [B; c1] 1 become tight. Miguut ang singsing nákù, The ring got to be too small for me. 2 get tight and stuffy. Nagguut ang ákung dughan sa kaguul, My chest tightened with a feeling of sorrow.

gúwa = gúla.

gúwing n the action of going out for a date or some activity. Ása ang gúwing nátù nga ispúting man ta? Where are you going that you’re all dressed up?

guyabana, guyabanu = gwayabanu.

guyam-ut a 1 for lots of things in a small area to be all in disorder, topsy-turvy. Guyam-ut íning ímung kwartu, uy! My, but your room is in disorder! 2 badly crumpled. Pasahi nang ímung sinínà, guyam-ut kaáyu, Press your dress. It is all crumpled. 3 for the face to be all distorted because of anger or distaste. v [B; a] 1 for a place to get all disorderly with lots of things. 2 get all crumpled, creased. 3 for the face to get completely distorted. Gisakitan kag tiyan nga nagguyam-ut man nang ímung hitsúra? Your face is all distorted. Do you have a stomach ache?

guy-ang v [A; a1] break s.t. into pieces. Naguy-ang ang kík kay natukuran nákù, I accidentally leaned on the cake and it fell into pieces. Ákung guy-ángun ning plátu ug maglágut ku, I will smash this plate into pieces if I get angry.

guyku a disabled part of the body. v [B12] for the body or a part of the body to be completely disabled. Nagguyku ang íyang buktun kay mituwas ang bukug, His hand hung limp because he had a broken arm.

guyud n k.o. small white shrimp with one large claw.

gúyud v 1 [A; a12] draw, tow. Ang bátà naggúyud ug traktrák, The child is pulling a toy truck. Guyúrun tikaw ug dì ka muuban, I’ll drag you if you don’t come along. 2 invite a partner to dancing. (→) n 1 rope used in trawling or towing. 2 runners of a sled. guyuran n sled consisting of a platform without sides mounted on runners. ka- n boats which are pulled along by another large boat. Púlù ming kagúyud ánang dakung lantsa, There were ten of us in boats towed by the large launch. sa- v [A2S; c] trailing behind. Nagsaguyud ang kápa sa rayna, The queen’s cape is dragging behind. Ayaw isagúyud ang inyung bakyà kay sábà, Don’t drag your wooden slippers because they’re noisy.

guyuguyu n larva of the mosquitoes.

guyungguyung n sand bugs up to 2″ in length which burrow into the sand beneath shallow waters. They come in white, brown, and gray colors, and are eaten broiled.

gwabana = gwayabanu.

gwantis n gloves with slits for the fingers. v [A; c] wear gloves.

gwánu n guano, excrement of cave-dwelling birds and bats used as fertilizer.

gwápa a = gwápu (said of women).

gwapíta = gwapítu (female).

gwapítu a cute and good-looking little lad.

gwápu a 1 handsome, good-looking. Gwápu siya, baklà lang, He is handsome, only he’s a fairy. 2 beautiful, nice to look at (of things in general). Gwápu ang talan-áwun dinhi, The scenery here is beautiful. 3 of [282]good quality. Gwápu ang mga dā́n sa Lusun, Luzon has good roads. v [B; a12] be beautiful, do s.t. in a beautiful way.

*gwarda — kusta coast guard or member thereof. v [B56; a2] be, make s.o. a member of the coast guard. — munti n forest ranger. v [B56; a2] be a forest ranger.

gwardiya n 1 guard. 2 guard position in a basketball game. v [A; b6] guard, keep watch. Ang ámù gigwardyahan ug mga irù, Our house is guarded by dogs. — kusta coast guard. — sibil n police militiamen during the Spanish times. -du(←) a well-guarded. Gwardiyádu ang dalága sa amahan, The daughter is well-guarded by her father.

gwarnasiyun (from gwarni) n harness. v [A; b] harness a horse.

gwarni v [A; b(1)] 1 tie a string or rope around s.t. several times, each time at a right angle to the previous time. Gwarníhi ug maáyu ang paldu arun dílì mawagwag ang manútus, Tie a rope all around the bale so that the hands of tobacco won’t get scattered. 2 lock s.o. in one’s arms or lock s.o.’s arms to restrain motion. Gigwarníhan ku siya. Wà siya kalíhuk, I locked his arms and he couldn’t move. n rope or string tied all around s.t.

gwatsi n 1 petty lie. Nabuku ang íyang gwatsi kay dihay nakakità, He was exposed because there was a witness. 2 mischievous act or story to arouse laughter. a one who puts up an act, tells stories. Gwatsi batáa pasakitsákit arun atimanun, This child is a faker. He plays sick to get attention. v [A13; b6] resort to trickery to make s.o. believe s.t. Gwatsíhi siyang mangiskwíla ta arun makagawas ta, Tell him that we’re going to school so we can go out. -nangga = -nanggu (female). -nanggu n one who tells petty lies. -ra, -ru = gwatsinangga, -u.

gwayabanu n soursop, a k.o. small cultivated tree bearing large, pear-shaped, spiny fruits, very juicy, soft and fibrous, eaten as is: Anona muricata.

gyíra = gíra.




ha 1 particle at end of the sentence. a asking interlocutor if he understands. Dì ni sabunan, ha? Don’t wash this with soap, do you understand? b asking interlocutor for his agreement. Singku na lang, ha? Just let me have it for five pesos, all right? Adtu na lang ku, ha? I’ll be going now, O.K.? Bálik unyà, ha? Come back later, will you? — ba particle asking for interlocutor’s agreement in particularly urgent tones. Malígù ku, Mámi, ha ba? May I take a bath, Mommy, please? O.K.? salámat — thanks a lot. 2 particle initial in a sentence. 2a particle discussing s.t. as not worth thinking about: Humph. Ha! Ábig mahadluk ku níya, Humph, he thinks I’m scared of him. 2b particle asking the interlocutor to repeat (somewhat curt). Ha? Muusab pa ka? What? You mean you’re going to do it again!

ha-1 = hi-(→), 1.

ha-2 adjective forming affix added to adjectives referring to degree. It has no meaning other than to give a formal flavor to the style. Hataas, Tall. Halayù, Far. Halapad, Broad.

háa = háin.

háb = hálab.

hába n low-quality corn grits which were sold in times of corn shortage in pre-war times.

hábà v [A; b(1)] take sides with. Gihabáan siya sa íyang bána, Her husband took her side. pa- v [A; b6] 1 run to s.o. for sympathy and ask him to take sides. Túa na pud magpahábà dáyun tung Máma níya, There she goes, running to her Mama again. 2 say s.t. exaggerated to get a person to feel a certain way. Nagpahábà siyag sulti sa íyang ámu nga maáyu siyang mutrabáhu maung giingkrísan, He talked big to his boss to make him think he worked well and he got a raise. n action of running to s.o. for sympathy.

hábag n 1 round, black to greyish black, smooth stone found on beaches, used for bathing. 2 shore area where such stones are found in abundance.

habágat n strong wind that hits Cebu from the southwest, common from June to September. [283]v [A; a12] for the habágat to blow. -an(→) n southwest.

habáhab a having a bitter sour taste similar to that of unripe grapefruit. Habáhab kaáyu ning buungúna, This shaddock has a very biting and bitter taste. v [B1; b6] get a bitter, rancid taste. Naghabáhab na ang sud-an, The food tastes rancid.

habak, hábak1 v [A; c] wear an amulet. Way dautang mahitabù sa bátang gihabákan, No harm can come to a child with an amulet. n amulet.

hábak2 n an area of a farm, usually along its length, that is alloted to s.o. for him to till. Gibáhin sa lima ka hábak ang baul, The farm was divided into five portions.

hábal v [AC; b] for animals to mate. Gihabálan ang ákung bigal kaduha, My sow has been bred twice. 2 for people to fornicate (derogatory). n act of breeding. pa- [A; b(1)] breed animals. pa-an n male pig for breeding.

hábas1 n 1 a growth which develops in horses’ mouths which causes hardship in eating. It is removed by application of heated iron. 2 sores that develop on soft tissue: the tongue, corners of the mouth, palate. v 1 [A123P; a4b4] for horses to develop such a growth. 2 [B2; b4] develop sores on the tongue or in the corners of the mouth. Mihábas (gihabásan) ákung dílà sa pagkináug pinya, My tongue got sores on it from eating too much pineapple.

hábas2 = halábas.

habasan n general name for cone shells.

habásan n k.o. surgeon fish.

hábaw = hábal.

habay n pigs with yellowish or reddish-brown hair and skin. 2 person with a spot of lighter colored hair on the head (humorous).

hábay = háin bay. see háin.

habhab v 1 [A; a] for pigs to eat. 1a for people to eat (derogatory). Gihabhab sa mga bilat sa ílang ina ang ákung kík, The bastards ate my cake. 2 [A1; ab2] for pigs to snap at one in anger. Ayaw pagdúul sa anay kay hihabhaban ka unyà, Don’t go too close to the sow because she’ll bite you. 3 [A3; b5(1)] take out, eat away portions from, bit by bit. Túbig ang mihabhab sa kílid sa kanal, Water ate away bits from the side of the ditch. Balud nga naghabhab sa pangpang, Waves that are eating away at the cliff. -in- n intake of food of pigs or persons (derogatory). -ag- v 1 [A; b6] make the noise of pigs eating. 2 [c1] eat with a loud noise like a pig. -um-r- n pig that will bite.

hábi n hobby. v [A13; c6] have a hobby.

habig towards the side or direction of. Paghalábas habig sa wala, Cut down the weeds on the left side.

habilhábil v [A; b6] put up a temporary screen for shelter or in an unfinished house. Naghabilhábil lang ug mga kartun ang mga nasunúgan didtu sa parki, The fire victims just put up a temporary screen of empty boxes for shelter in the park.

habitsuylas n green or wax beans: Phaseolus vulgaris.

habluk v [A; a4] crave, yearn intensely for s.t. Gihabluk ku sa ámung lugar, I crave to see my homeland. Hablúkun kag isdà sa bukid, You will develop an intense craving for fish in the mountains. a having a strong craving or appetite.

hablun see habul1.

*hablus see humablus.

habù = halbù.

habubuyna = hirbubuyna.

hábug a 1 high, lofty. Hábug nga pangpang, A tall cliff. 2 lofty in thoughts and aspirations. Hábug kaáyu ang ákung mga damgu álang sa ákung mga anak, I have high hopes for my children. v [B; c1] be high or towering, physically or in aspiration. Naghábug lang ang hunàhúnà pagnigusyu apan way puhúnan, He has great ideas of going into business but he doesn’t have money. — ug pamarug tall in stature. — manulti talk as if one were s.o. important, of high standing. Hábug kaáyung manulti mu rag dì kagíkag pubri, He talks big as if he weren’t from a poor family. gi-un(→), ka-un(→) n height, altitude.

habuhábu n light rain showers. v [A] shower.

hábuk v [A; b] 1 fertilize plants with compost. Gihabúkan nákù ang mga tanum, I fertilized my plants with humus. 2 do s.t. to make personal relations close (lit. nourish your friendship). (→) n 1 humus, matter made from a compost pile. 2 area made solid by a hardened mass of garbage. Magbáy ka ibabaw sa habuk? Are you going to build a house on the mound of hardened garbage?

habul1 v [A; a] weave with a hand loom. Habla ang lánut, Weave the abaca fibers in a hand loom. n = hablun, 1. (←)1 n blanket, sheet, or anything used as covering for sleeping. v [A; b6(1)] 1 cover s.o. with a blanket. Habúli ang bátà, Cover the child with a blanket. 2 envelope, enshroud in an atmospheric condition. Búkid nga gihabúlan ug gábun, A mountain enshrouded in mist. 3 drink liquor before going to sleep. [284]Maáyu níyang pagkatúlug kay naghábul na nag tubà, He slept soundly because he drank toddy before going to bed (lit. took toddy as a blanket). hablun n 1 hand loom. 2 cloth woven in a hand loom. v 1 = habul, v. 2 [A; b6] wear hand-woven cloth. halablan, hagbanan, hagbunan, hablunan, hablanan, halabúlan = hablun, n 1. habulhabul n 1 thin membrane that separates the skin of the abdomen from the intestines and stomach. 2 thin membrane between the egg white and the shell.

habul2 n seriously injured. v [B1256] be seriously injured.

hábul2 a dull, not sharp. v [APB; a] make s.t. dull, be dull, not sharp. Mahábul ang gunting ug gamítun pagputul ug sín, The scissors will become dull if you use them to cut galvanized iron. (→) = hábul, a. -an(→) a of a dull sort. v [B12] be, become dull. Nahabulan na man núun ning gilit, This safety razor blade has become dull.

habun n toilet soap. -íra n soap dish, container for toilet soap.

habwà, habwas v [A; a] 1 remove s.t. from a place, esp. from a container without tipping it. Habwáa ang kargamintu sa trák, Take the cargo out of the truck. Bagul lay ihabwà sa túbig, Use a coconut shell to bail the water out. 2 — ang kináun v [A2P; c1] cause to vomit (remove what one ate from his stomach). Habwáun (ihabwà) giyud ang átung kináun ug musakay tas barku ug tinghangin, You surely will vomit if you sail in stormy weather. 3 [B124; b2] go away from s.w. in large numbers. Nahabwà ming tanan ngadtu sa lungsud dihang may naghuramintádu, We left the village and took refuge in town when s.o. ran amok. Nahabwaan na mi sa balay, Only a few of us are left at home.

habyug v [A; c] cast fishing line. Dílì ku makahabyug ngadtu sa lalum kay mabà ákung pasul, I cannot cast out into the deep water because my fishline is short. Ihabyug ug kusug ímung pasul arun muabut sa layù, Throw your line out hard so it will reach far out. paN- v [A2; b6] fish by casting a line. n fishing by casting a line.

hád = hálad.

hadag = harag.

hadaw = haraw.

hadígi = halígi.

hadiyung n whizzing, whistling, buzzing sound. v [A; b2cP] whistle or whiz by. Hángin nga naghadiyung, Whistling wind. Naghadiyung ang buyug, The bee buzzed. Nahadiyungan akug bála, A bullet just barely missed me.

hadlà v [A; a1] 1 play with a child to make it laugh or divert it. Hadláa ang bátà arun dì muhílak, Amuse the child so he won’t cry. 2 engage in horseplay. Naghadlà ang mga bátà sa sála, The children ran around in the living room. 3 for circumstances to be annoyance, as if teasing. Dagkung balud mihadlà sa barku, The huge waves played with the ship. 4 [C] pet, engage in sexual foreplay. n 1 playful teasings. Wà giyud pabangbang si Turyu sa mga hadlà sa íyang asáwa, Toryo’s wife failed to overcome his bad mood with her playful teasing. Ang mga hadlà sa kapaláran, The playful twists of fate. 2 foreplay. Ang hadlà gikinahanglan sa dì pa manghiláwas, Foreplay is necessary before the sex act. ma-un a playful.

hadluk v [AN; a1b3(1)c] scare, frighten s.o. Kinsay mihadluk (nanghadluk) nímu? Who frightened you? Hadlúka arun muhílum, Scare him to quiet him down. Dì ku mahadluk ánang irúa, I’m not scared of that dog. Ang táwu nga gikahadlúkan, A man who is feared. Ihadluk (ipanghadluk) ning bitin ni Manang, Scare Big Sister with this snake. paN- v [A13] be afraid. Nagpanghadluk kung muadtu, I am afraid to go there. n means to frighten s.o. -an(→) a easily frightened. ma-un a fearful. Mahadlúkun siyang musakayg ayruplánu, She is afraid to ride planes. maka-r- a inspiring fear.

hádung = hárung.

hadus = harus.

hág = hálag.

hagà v 1 [B; a12] for the body to be gaunt and unhealthy with no energy. Nahagà siya sa pag-útas ug ínum, He became gaunt and unhealthy from drinking too much. 2 [B2; b6] for the eyes to be deep-set with dark circles under them. a having deep-set eyes with dark circles. Hagà ug mata ang mga Katsílà, Spaniards have deep-set eyes with circles under them.

hagabhab1 a for a garment to be loose. Hagabhab kaáyu ang íyang padyáma, Her pajamas are very loose. v [B12; c1] for a garment to be, become loose.

hagabhab2 see habhab.

hagad1 n defective coconut, the meat of which is loosely attached to the shell and which produces little oil.

hagad2 v [AN; a] 1 offer to do s.t. Mihagad ku paghatud níya sa íla, I offered to take her home. 2 invite s.o. to do s.t. Hagdun ta untà kag pamasíyu, I would like to invite you to go for a walk. n offer to do s.t. (←)1 v 1 [AN; a] challenge s.o. to a fight. Ug [285]hagárun kag sinukmagay, If you are challenged to a fight. 2 [A23; a] make first move, or touch off. Nagbúlag mi ug akuy mihágad pagpakig-úlì, We separated and I made the first move for reconciliation. Ayaw ihágad sa mga laláki ang ímung pagkababáyi, Do not make yourself cheap by making approaches to men. n challenge.

hágad2 n highway patrolman.

hagakhak n loud, boisterous laughter. v [A; b3c1] laugh boisterously.

hagal v [B; b6] produce a rasping, guttural sound in the throat or chest in having a cough or breathing through mucous.

hágal v [A2S] pant noisily, making a sound in the throat. Mihágal siya sa tantung dinágan, She panted from running so much. n panting.

hagálam see *gálam.

hagalhal a wheezing sound produced in a throat full of mucus when air passes through. v [A; c1] make a wheezing noise in the throat. Mihagalhal ang himalatyun pagsulti sa íyang panúgun, The dying man spoke his final wishes with a wheezing voice.

hagánas v [A2S] for water to make a rushing sound. Naghaganas ang busay, The waterfall makes a rushing sound. n rushing sound of water. (→) = hagánas, n. -in- n continuous rushing sound. Hinagánas sa balud, The swash of the waves.

haganhágan v [A; b5] do s.t. with reserve, not with full strength. Dì ku muhaganhágan pagbúnal nímu, I won’t hold back in hitting you. Maghaganhágan tag gastu kay layù pang tingswildu, Let’s be careful with our money because pay day is still a long way off. Haganhagáni (haganhagána) nang bínu, kay ísug ra ba, Go slow with that liquor because it is powerful stuff. Haganhagána (haganhagáni) pagpadágan ang kutsi, Drive the car slowly.

hágard n large motorcycle of the type used by the police. v [A1] use this sort of motorcycle.

hagas v 1 [B4] become gaunt and unhealthy. Naghagas siya kay nag-abusar sa láwas, He has become gaunt and sickly because he does things that are deleterious to his health. 2 [a4] for one’s livelihood to fail as the result of a curse wished on him, or brought on in retribution for a failure to meet one’s obligations. Nalugnas ang átung kamanukan mu ra tag gihagas, Our poultry business failed, as though we were under a curse. 3 [a12] do s.t. unpleasant to all without exception. Gihagas mig latigu ni Tátay, Father whipped us all.

hag-as1 v [A; a] remove water or s.t. watery from a place for the purpose of cleaning it. Gihag-ásan nílag lápuk ang kanal, They removed the mud from the canal.

hag-as2 v [B246] for s.t. to happen for no apparent reason. Mihag-as man lang kag kagìkì? What made you giggle all of a sudden? a done suddenly for no reason.

hagashas 1 dry, swishing sound such as that produced by rubbing pieces of paper or by a well-starched dress. 2 for s.t. to be coarse to the touch such that rubbing the hands over it produces a swishing sound. v [A; c1] producing a rustling sound. Mihagashas ang dáhun pag-ági sa bitin, The leaves rustled as the snake passed over them.

hagawhaw v [A; c1] speak in a low, hardly audible voice. Hagawháwa (ihagawhaw) lang pagsulti arun dì silang kadungug, Say what you want to say very softly, so they can’t hear. n s.t. said in a low voice. -in- n sounds of low talking.

hagbà v 1 [B26; c] fall heavily with a thud. Nahisalibay siya sa kabáyù ug mihagbà (nahagbà) sa yútà, She was thrown off her horse and fell to the ground with a thud. Hihagbaan ug tikì ang lamísa, A gecko fell with a thud on the table. 2 [APB26; a] fail a course, cause one to do so. n 1 thudding sound produced by a fall. 2 subject failed.

hagbanan see habul1.

hagbas = halábas, 1.

hagbay, hagbáya a long time ago, longer than one thinks. Hagbay ra siyang migíkan, Oh, he left some time ago. Hagbay na tu siyang namatay, He died a long time ago (not recently).

hagbunan see habul1.

hagbung v 1 [AB2; c] drop, let s.t. heavy fall with a crash or thud, for s.t. heavy to do so. Ayaw ihagbung ang sáku kay mabungkas, Don’t throw the sack down because it will burst open. Nahagbung ang masítas, The flower pot fell. 2 [A; a2] fail s.o. in school. Hagbúngun ta ka, I’ll fail you. Pila ka sabdyik ímung nahagbúngan? How many subjects did you fail? n 1 subject failed. Wà kuy hagbung uy! I didn’t fail anything! 2 person who failed s.t. Dì makagradwit ang mga hagbung, Failing students cannot graduate. -in- n crashing noise of things falling.

hagdan n 1 stairs, ladder. 1a ladder made of a bamboo pole with projections left at the nodes used as the footholds. 2 s.t. by means of which one climbs or improves. Ang paningkámut hagdan sa kalampúsan, Hard [286]work is the ladder to success. v 1 [A1; b6(1)] climb a ladder. 2 [A; a] make into, put a stair or ladder s.w. — máya n k.o. tufted grass. — ug uwak k.o. small tree with pinnate leaves, bearing foot-long beans. hagdanhagdan a tiered, having a step-like arrangement. Kík nga hagdanhagdan, A tiered cake. v [B1; c1] be made in tiers. Naghagdanhagdan ímung tupi kay luhag ka man, Your hair is cut unevenly (like steps) because you kept wiggling about. -an, -an(→) n stairs.

hagdaw v [AN; a2b2] 1 glean the leftovers after corn or rice harvest. Wà na kitay hagdáwun, There is nothing left for us to glean. 2 scavenge for leftovers. Ang makililímus nagpanghagdaw intáwun ug íyang sarang makáun sa basurahan, The beggar is scavenging for what he can find in the garbage cans. 3 glean information. Impurmasiyung nahagdaw sa piryudiku, Information gleaned from the newspapers. -in-an(→) gleanings. -in-an n place gleaned.

haghag = halaghag.

hagid = hágud, v 2.

hagikhik = agik-ik.

hagílis v [A2] make a high-pitched scream. Mihagílis ang íyang tíngug sa túmang kalísang, Her voice rose to a scream in her terrible fright.

hagímit n small tree of primary forest with rough leaves: Ficus sp.

hagip-ut = gip-ut.

hágis v 1 [AN; a2] threaten, terrorize people by making trouble for them. Naghágis ang anak sa pulitiku kay nagsalig na, The politician’s son is running around threatening people because he knows he will escape punishment. Gihágis ang ákung anak sa iskuyláhan, My son was bullied around at school. 2 [A2N; b(1)] be the best in a group. Siyay nanghágis sa burd, He was the best in the board exam. a be a big bully. Hágis kaáyu sa baylihan, Acting like a bully, terrorizing everyone at the dance.

hágit v 1 [ANC12; b5] challenge to a fight or contest. Nanghágit siya nákug sukmagay, He challenged me to a fist fight. 2 [ANC12; c12] invite, tempt one to engage in an unwholesome activity. Gihágit ku níyag ínum, He tempted me to join him in a drinking spree. 3 tempt (literary). Ang manggang hinug mihágit sa ákung kaíbug, The ripe mangoes tempted me. ma-un a 1 provocative, challenging. 2 tempting one to engage in s.t. unwholesome. mahagithagítun a = ma-un, 1.

hagiyung, hagíyung n whizzing, whistling, buzzing sound. v [A] make such a sound.

hagíyus n a whistling, sibilant, swishing sound produced by a rapidly moving object. Ang hagíyus sa bála, The whizzing of the bullets. v [A; b6] produce a whistling sound with rapid motion. Mihagíyus siyag dágan, He zoomed away.

hagkik n hot cakes. v [A; a] make, have hot cakes.

hagkut a 1 sticky. Ang latik hagkut, Syrup is sticky. Hagkut ang ákung kamut, My hands are all sticky. 2 agreeing to s.t. with reluctance. Dì ku sigúru adtung íyang sáad kay hagkut tu siyag tinubagan, I can’t rely on his promise, because he answered with some reluctance. 3 for the air to be humid and cool. v [B; a2] 1 be, make sticky. Mihagkut na ang gwába dyíli, The guava jelly has gotten sticky. 2 be, make reluctant. †

hagmang n k.o. wild yam having long edible tubers and thorny vines.

hagmángun n large blue-spotted fish similar to the grouper: Plectropomus spp.

hagmun = sagmun.

hagmuyù = hasagmuyù. see sagmuyù.

hagnaw a uneasy feeling of coldness and emptiness in one’s stomach. Paimna kug ínit kay hagnaw kaáyu ning ákung tiyan sa pagkawalay káun, Let me take s.t. hot because my stomach is cold and empty from not having eaten anything. v [B56] get this feeling. Maung dílì ku ganáhan magswing kay muhagnaw (maghagnaw) lagi nang ákung tiyan iniglabyug gíkan sa táas, That’s why I don’t like to play on the swing because I get a queasy feeling in the stomach when I swing high.

hagnáya n k.o. edible, tiny, reddish fish.

hagpà v [APB; b6] for tall and pliant things to fall flat on their base, cause them to do so. Bagyu ang naghagpà (nagpahagpà) sa humay, A typhoon flattened the rice plants. Mihagpà ang mais nga gilanápan, The corn was flooded and knocked flat.

hagpak v [AB456; c1] slam with a loud bang. Kinsa tung naghagpak sa sira? Nangítà tug áway? Who slammed the door? Is he looking for a fight? Muhagpak ang sira ug hampákun sa hángin, The door slams when the wind blows it.

hagpat v [A; a2b2] 1 pick out s.t. from a larger group. Usa ra ang nahagpatan sa mga nagdimunstrít nga kastigúhun, They singled out one of the demonstrators for punishment. Hagpáta ang mga dikulur nga mga sinínà, Separate out the colored dresses. 2 remove, separate s.t. useless from the good. Ákù nang gihagpátan ang isdà sa mga bukug, I have removed the bones from the fish. 3 count ballots. 4 [A; a12] pick out [287]things from the past to remember and reminisce over (literary). Gitagsatagsa níya paghagpat ang mga hitabù, He recalled the various events, one at a time, as they happened. n counting of votes. Daghang maniubra sa katapusang hagpat sa balúta, There was lots of chicanery in the final tally of the ballots. -íru n person in charge of classifying abaca fibers into different grades. v [B16; a2] be, become a classifier of abaca fibers.

hagpik v [A; a1] slap s.o. fairly hard on the shoulders. Ayaw kug hagpíka kay dúnay pasù ákung abága, Don’t slap me on the shoulders because I’ve got a sunburn.

hagpù v [B26] for a line or rope to break under tension. Mihagpù ang pasul paglugnut sa dakung subad nga isdà, The fishing line broke when the big fish struggled to get free.

hagsà v [B2; c1] 1 fall heavily onto s.t. hard, cause s.t. to do so. Nahagsà ang ayruplánu, The airplane crashed. Kinsay naghagsà íning mga libru? Who slammed these books down? 2 [A; c1] for a younger person to call an older person by his name without a title of respect. 3 [A; a] fail s.o. in school. n 1 things that have fallen. 2 subject failed. -in- n crashing sound. Hinagsà sa dagkung káhuy, The crashing sound of the falling trees.

hagsak v [AB2; c] fall down hard, but usually not onto s.t. hard. Ihagsak nang mga pinusù sa tápuk, Throw the ears of corn onto the pile.

hagtak v 1 [A; c] make a cracking or banging sound of objects on colliding or falling, drop s.t. making such a sound. Mihagtak ang íyang úlu pagkaigù sa búla, His head went bang when the ball hit it. Ayaw ihagtak ang mga kinúhang mangga arun dì mabuak, Don’t bang the mangoes we picked so that they won’t split open. 2 [B246] spend, lose a big amount in a single instance. Mihagtak ang íyang usa ka líbu sa búwang, He lost his one thousand in a single bet in a cockfight.

hagtik n sharp clicking sound. Ang hagtik sa íyang mga tudlù, The clicking sound of his fingers. Ang hagtik sa gátu, The click of the trigger. Ang hagtik sa kandádu, The clicking of the lock. a for new paper bills to be crisp. Bag-u pa ning gipagawas kwartáha kay hagtik pa man, This must be a new bill because it is still crisp (lit. still clicks). v [A; c16] make a clicking, ticking sound. Mihagtik ang íyang nawung sa ákung suntuk, His face made a clicking sound when I hit him. -in- n continuous clicking sound. Ang hinagtik sa makinilya, The clicking of the typewriter keys.

hagtub n loud thumping sound, sound produced by a blow on a hollow object. Ang hagtub sa bumbu, The thumping sound of the bass drum. v [A; a] produce a loud thumping sound. Muhagtub ug maáyu ang báhu sa istiryu, The bass of the stereophonic record player makes a loud thumping sound. Muhagtub ka giyud run dihà ug dì ka muhílum, You’ll get it (lit. you’ll go thump) if you don’t shut up.

hagtuk n loud knocking sound. v [A; c1] 1 produce a loud knocking sound. Naghagtuk ang urasan katulu, The clock struck three times. 2 make loud footfalls on the stairs. 3 [A23P] spend, release a large amount of money at once. Pag-usa ka úras nihagtuk dáyun ang tris sa abangan, At the end of one hour I coughed up three bucks for the rent.

hagtus v 1 [AB23(1)] for a line, rope to break under tension, cause it to do so. Mihagtus ang íyang tabánug dihang mikusug ang huyup sa hángin, His kite string broke in the heavy gust of wind. Dì makahagtus ning barútu sa íyang pundu, This boat can’t break away from its moorings. 2 for emotional feelings to give way. Nahagtus na ang tumuy sa íyang paílub, His last ounce of patience finally gave way.

hagu exclamation of disgust. Hagu, kakápuy ba ning trabahúa, My! This work is so tiresome.

hágù v 1 [A; a] exert effort. Naghágù kug limpiyu sa báy, I went to a lot of trouble to clean the house. Ayaw nag hagúi pagbása, Don’t bother reading that. 2 [B16; a12] expend one’s effort uselessly. Naghágù lang kag kupya. Ipasíruks man nà, You’re wasting your effort in copying that. We’re going to xerox it. 3 [B126; a12] exhaust s.o. with overwork. Nahágù ku pagpangarga, I got exhausted loading the cargo. Nahágù hinúun kag hatud íni dà! Thanks! You went to so much trouble to bring this to me. a 1 requiring effort. 2 tired from overwork. Hágù kaáyu siya gíkan sa upisína, He arrived home from work exhausted. n 1 penalty imposed on the loser in a children’s game. 2 = hatsuy. (→) a = hágù. n walay — failing to put s.t. to good use. Gawía ning sapátus. Díay ákung way hagù, Use these shoes. I have some here that I’m not using anyway. ka- 1 effort. 2 exhaustion. -in-an n fruits of one’s efforts.

hagubhub n prolonged, low, booming sound. Hagubhub ug báhu ang íyang sista, The bass string on his guitar produces a prolonged, [288]hollow sound. v [A; b6] make a prolonged, booming sound. Ang naghagubhub nga mga tíngug sa píkas kwartu, The booming sound of voices in the next room.

hágud v 1 [A; c] rub material onto strings to impart a desired property. Hagúri ug kandílà ang hílu nga itahì sa sapátus, Rub wax onto the thread you will repair the shoes with. 2 [A1; ac] make s.t. smooth and pliable by rubbing it over the edge of s.t. Naghágud kug buli arun laláhun, I am softening buri leaves to weave. 2a [B12] for rope or similar things to get worn out from use. Nahágud ang higut sa bábuy sa tantung bag-idbag-id, The pig’s rope got worn from being rubbed so much. 3 [A; a] for males to masturbate. (→) n 1 substance to coat strings and lines to impart a desired property. 2 a mixture of pulverized glass used as a coating for kite strings. hinagúran a possessing the desired property as a result of having been rubbed with s.t.

hagudilà = hagurilà.

hagugma = higugma. see gugma.

háguk v [A2S] snore. Muháguk ka bang matúlug? Do you snore when you sleep? n snores.

hagukà a 1 poorly built. Dalì rang matumba ang balay nga hagukà pagkagamà, A poorly built house will quickly collapse. 2 loosely bound, fastened, tied, etc. Hagukà ang pagkahikut sa kátig, The outrigger of the boat is loosely tied. 3 not firmly packed, flabby. Hagukang láwas nga naghíting sa katambuk, A flabby body with hanging folds of fat. Hagukà rang pag-impáki sa paldu, The bale was not tightly packed. 4 for plans or ideas not to be well thought out. Hagukang mga plánu sa pagdibisiyun sa ílang balay, The layout of their house was poorly thought out. 5 for boiled staple to be cooked very soft. 6 for promises, words to be empty or insincere. Dì na katuhúan ang hagukà nga mga sáad sa pulitiku, You can’t trust the empty promises of a politician. 7 weak, having little resistance to disease. Kay hagukà ka man kaáyug láwas ayaw pagpaduas sa úlan, You get sick so easily, so don’t expose yourself to the rain.

hagulhul n 1 sound of sobbing combined with crying. 2 sound of barking. v [A; b6] 1 sob and cry. 2 make a barking sound. Nakamata ku dáyun dihang mihagulhul ang irù, I woke up instantly at the first growls of the dog.

hagumáa = agumáa.

hagung, hágung n continuous humming, high-pitched sound. v [A; c1] give out a humming sound. Kusug kaáyung muhágung ang ímung tip rikurdir, Your tape recorder makes a loud, buzzing noise. Hagúnga (ihágung) ang pagpatúyuk sa kasing, Make the top spin with a hum. Maáyu pag ilábay ang kwarta kay muhagung pa kay sa ipalit ánang butánga, You’d do better to throw your money away than to buy that, because at least you’ll get the benefit of hearing it hum.

hagúnub n thundering sound that is loud and prolonged. Ang hagúnub sa makina sa barku makabúngul, The roar of the ship’s engine is deafening. v [A] make a thundering sound. Naghagunub ang panun sa dyit nga milabay, The jet planes roared by.

hagúnus = hagúrus.

hagúnuy n a coarse, herbaceous vine found along tidal streams, the roots, flowers, and leaves of which are put to various medicinal uses: Wedelia biflora.

hagupaas n rustling sound produced by s.t. moving through tall grass or similar growths. v [A] produce such a sound. Naghagupaas ang kamaisan nga gisuútan sa kábaw, The leaves rustled as the water buffalo moved through the field.

hagupit n tree with small coarse leaves: Ficus sp.

hagurilà n pancreas of pigs.

hagúrub n a low but steady roar, as of a motor. Hagúrub sa mutur nga milabay, The roar of a passing motorcycle. v [A] make a steady roar.

hagúrus n wooshing; low, hissing sound of wind, water, vehicles. v 1 [A2S] make a wooshing sound. Mihagúrus ang pitrumaks, The lantern made a low hissing sound. Naghagurus ang kusug nga hángin, The wind roared. 2 [A; b6] move fast so as to produce a rushing sound. Gihagurúsan ku sa kutsi, The car zoomed by me. -in- n prolonged wooshing sound.

hagus v [A; b5] polish rough rice or corn grits by pounding. Hagusi (hagusa) ang mais ug tigúma ang tiktik, Polish the corn grits and save the corn powder.

hágus = bágus1.

hagusáhis = agusahis.

hag-ut v 1 [B2; b6] for s.t. to get worn out through constant rubbing, esp. said of rope. Nagkahag-ut na ang písì sa pundu. Lagmit mabugtù na nà, The anchor line is getting worn out. One of these days it’s going to break. 2 [AN; a] strip the outer part of abaca to get the fibers. 3 = hágud, n 2. -an n abaca stripper. maN-r- n a person who earns his living by stripping abaca.

haguyag = hágud, v 2. [289]

hagwà = hadlà.

hagwásun = agwásun.

hagyung = hadiyung.

ha ha written representation of laughter.

háhay n 1 sound uttered when yawning or stretching. Háhay, kakápuy! Ho-hum, how tired I am! 2 sound uttered when sighing in dejection. Háhay, kapait ning ákung kinabúhì, Oh, what a miserable life I lead.

hái = háin.

háil a for skin to be hard and rough on the surface and soft on the inside. v [B; b6] come out hard on the surface. Miháil (naháil) ang bugas sa ibábaw nga wà tabúni, The top portion of the rice turned out hard because it wasn’t covered. Nangháil ang íyang pánit kay gikagid, The skin turned hard and rough because of her skin infection.

háin 1 where is, are, does? Háin ka magpuyù? Where do you live? 2 where (past or future). Háin ibutang ang libru? Where did they put the book? Háin ka punta? Where are you headed to? 3 which of several. Háin sa duruha ang ímung palabihun? Which of the two would you prefer? Bísag háin niíni ang ákung dad-un, I’ll take any one of these. 4 whoever. Háin ang labing makalulúuy mauy hatágag hinábang, Whoever is the most needy will be given aid. — bay who says [so-and-so] is the case, when it’s not at all the case. Háin bay alkansi nga dakù man núun ang ganansiya, Who says you lost, when you made a huge profit? — pay [noun]-un there’s no [noun], much as one would expect there to be one. Háin pay Timyúngun nga hagbáya ra mang milakaw, No Temyong could be found, for he had already left some time before. Háin bay radiyúhung dúgay nang nadáut? What radio? It’s been broken for ages.

háit a 1 sharp-edged. Háit nga kutsilyu, A sharp knife. 2 sharp-pointed. Háit nga mga batu, Sharp-pointed rocks. Háit kaáyu ang tumuy sa ayis pik, The ice pick has a sharp point. 3 sharp of intelligence. Háit ug salabútan, Having a quick mind. 4 easily discerning. Háit kaáyug mga mata, Having sharp eyes. 5 biting in language. Háit nga mga púlung, Sharp words. Háit nga tinutukan, Piercing stare. 6 shrill, piercing in voice. Háit ug tíngug, Shrill-voiced. 7 blinding, glaring light. Háit nga kaháyag, Blinding light. v [A; a] sharpen s.t., make one’s language sharp, one’s voice shrill, make a light blinding.

hákà1 v [AC; b12] 1 for animals to copulate. Gihakáan ang ákung bigal ug Dyirsi, I had my sow bred to a Jersey boar. 2 for people to fornicate (coarse).

hákà2 a boasting loudly. v [B12; b6] become a braggart; consider s.o. as such. Nagkahákà siya human makadaug sa amatyur, He has been doing nothing but boasting ever since he won the singing contest.

hákab = abhak. hakabhakab v 1 = hak-abhak-ab. 2 [A1; c1] eat s.t. ravenously with great eagerness. Kun gigútum pa nà maghakabhakab untà nag káun, If he were hungry he would have eaten ravenously. 3 anticipate s.t. with great eagerness. Naghakabhakab ang ákung ginháwa pagtan-aw sa ákung pinaskúhan, I was very anxious to see what I got for Christmas.

hak-ab = abhak. hak-abhak-ab v [b5c1] take a little food from a variety of dishes. Ayaw hak-abhak-ábi (hak-abhak-ába, ihak-abhak-ab) kanang mga pagkáun kay wà pa muabut ang bisíta, Don’t nibble at that food because the visitors haven’t arrived.

hakad v [A; c] 1 spread s.t. over s.t. Unsa may hakaran nímu sa pagkáun nga walà may lamísa? What will you put the food on when we don’t have a table? Tapdási únà ang tihíras únà ihakad ang bidsyit, Dust the cot first before you lay the sheet over it. 2 display one’s goods to the public. Dihà ra ihakad níya sa asíras, natumban lagi hinúus mga táwu, He displayed his wares on the pavement, so the people stepped on them.

hákad v [A; ab] take s.t. solid out from inside s.t. Átung hakárun ang sulud kay limpiyúhan ang kahun, Let’s take the contents out because we are going to clean the box.

hak-ang v [A; b6(1)] set a vessel over a fire for cooking. Siyay mihak-ang sa kaldíru sa sug-ang, She set the kettle on the stove.

hakap = haklap.

hakayhakay a somewhat relieved. Hakayhakay na ang ákung sakit sa tiyan, My stomachache is a bit better now. v [B] get somewhat alleviated. Muhakayhakay ang pamuyù sa mag-uúma kun ting-ani, The farmers are not so badly off during the harvest season.

hakbang v [A; ab2] bite with a quick snapping motion. Gihakbang sa irù ang ákung tiil, The dog snapped at my foot.

hakgum (from kugum1) v [A; a1] clasp in one’s fist. Gihakgum níya ang kwarta kay nahadluk siyag mawálà, He clutched the money because he was afraid it might get lost. Dílì na mahakgum ang ímung buktun tungud sa kadakù, I cannot get my fingers around your arm any more because it has gotten to be so big. n a fistful of s.t. Usa ka hakgum balas, A fistful of sand.

hakhak1 n 1 notches cut into the trunk of a [290]coconut tree. 2 tubà nga way —, way — n ersatz palm toddy (made by mixing water, lime, and coloring). (Lit. Palm toddy gotten without climbing the notches in the trunk.) v [A; b6(1)] cut notches on coconut trees. Hakháki ang lubi arun sayun sak-un, Cut notches in the coconut tree so it will be easy to climb.

hakhak2 v [A; a2] eat food greedily and in a hasty, unrefined manner. Kusug kaáyung mihakhak ang bábuy sa lawug, The pig greedily gobbled down the slop.

haklap v [A13; c] lay out, spread s.t. on top of s.t. Kinsay naghaklap ug sáku áring pahiran? Who laid a sack over the doormat? Dáhun sa tabákù ang ihaklap sa hubag, Cover your boil with a tobacco leaf.

haklup v [A; c] lay s.t. on s.t. for medicinal purposes. Haklúpi ug ayisbag ang ímung agtang, Put an icebag on your forehead. Hinálub dáhun ang ihaklup sa ímung hubag, Apply softened leaves to your boil. n s.t. to lay over s.t. for medicinal purposes.

hakmal v [A; b] stuff s.t. into the mouth or an analogous opening. Ang táwu nga makahakmal sa íyang kinúmù datuun, A man that can put his fist in his mouth is likely to become rich. Hakmálig kamúti ang bàbà sa bátà, Stuff a sweet potato into the child’s mouth.

haknut a not slippery, offering hindrance to sliding. Way kaláking baylíhan ang sawug haknut kay dì ta makapaanud-ánud, A rough floor is no good to dance on because you cannot glide nicely. v [B] offer resistance to slipping. Butangig brilyantín arun dì muhaknut pagsulud, Put vaseline on it so that it won’t be hard to insert. Gámit ug tísas kun maghaknut na ang táku, Use chalk when the cue gets sticky.

hakùhakù = hatùhatù.

hakug a 1 selfish, greedy, unwilling to share and wanting s.t. for oneself. Hakug siya kay dílì manghátag bísan diyútay, He is selfish because he doesn’t give even a little. Hakug kaáyu siya kay gustu iyáhung tanan, He’s very selfish because he wants everything for himself. 2 overly fond of s.t. Hakug siyag bayli, He is exceedingly fond of dancing. v [B12] be selfish, greedy. Ang kangihit mauy makahakug (makapahakug) sa mga táwu, Scarcity makes people greedy. hakughakug v [A13; c1] do s.t. greedily, esp. eating. Hilabihan giyud tingáli níyang gutúma kay naghakughakug ug káun, He must be very hungry because he eats so greedily. -an a greedy. -un a of a greedy sort.

hakuhak a eating or drinking s.t. greedily, as fast as possible. Hakuhak kaáyu nang mga batáa kay sígig hungit bísag ínit, Those children are very greedy. They shove the food into their mouths, even if it is too hot. v [B12; b6] get to be ravenous.

hakup1 v 1 [A; a] scoop up with one hand. Mihakup kug usa ka kumkum nga mais, I scooped a handful of corn. 2 [a12] clasp s.t. with one hand. Gihakup níya ang ákung kamut ug gilamánu, He took my hand and shook it. 3 embrace, seize or hold s.t. by encircling it with the arms. Gihakup níya ang bátag midágan, He gathered the child in his arms and ran. 4 [A23; b5] be gripped by an emotion or by a condition. Ang katálaw mihakup sa íyang galamhan, Cowardice gripped him. Gihakup (gihakpan) ang balángay sa kangitngit, Darkness enveloped the village. n handful of s.t.

hakup2 = haklup.

hakut1 n k.o. large, black ant which inflicts a painful sting, usually found on coconut trees.

hákut v [A; a] carry or haul s.t. in several trips. Muhákut siyag túbig sa mga silíngan, He fetches water for the neighbors. Dyip mauy naghákut sa mga táwu sa simbahan, A jeep took the people to the church in several trips. Hakúta nang mga batu ngadtu sa gardin, Take those stones to the garden. n 1 amount taken in one haul. 2 action of hauling. Usa ka hákut diyis písus, It is ten pesos per truckful or ten pesos each trip. -anan n 1 place where s.t. one hauls is obtained. 2 place where things are hauled. 3 s.t. used in hauling things. -un(→), -únun n things to be hauled. †

hakwat = sakwat.

Hal. n abbreviation for Halangdun, ‘Honorable’. Ang Hal. Gubirnadur, The Hon. Governor.

hala expression telling s.o. to do s.t. a urging. Hala, káun na, Come on. Eat now. Hala, sumbága, Come on! Sock him. b acquiescing. Na hala, sígi, O.K., go ahead. Hala, bayinti na lang, O.K., twenty is O.K. c urging in a satirical way. Hala, sígig bilar, arun matísis nang ímung ubu, Go on, keep on staying up late, so your cough develops into T.B. v [A23] 1 go along with s.t. unhesitatingly. Ug hangyúun, muhala dáyun, If you ask him, he agrees to do it right away. Ug hagdun, muhala dáyun, If you ask him to join you, he agrees right away. 2 urge s.o. into immediate action. Walay naghala nímu sa kaminyúun ug karun magbásul ka na, Nobody urged you to get married, and now you are sorry. halla 1 expression of helplessness, [291]upon watching s.t. happen. Halla, natumba, There, it’s falling. 2 expression chiding s.o. Halla, káun, bisag gisakitag tiyan, Go ahead, eat some more even if you got a stomach-ache from it.

halá warning of s.t. unpleasant impending. Halá, gibuak nà nímung básu, Watch out! You broke that glass.

hálà v [A; a] gather ears of corn that are maturing ahead of the rest of the crop. Muhálà kug mais kay nahurut nang bugas, I’ll gather ears of corn that are already ripe ahead of the rest of the crop because we have run out of food.

halab v [A13] for the stomach to throb with intense hunger pangs. Ikahumpay ni sa naghalab nímung tiyan, This will appease your hunger pangs.

hálab v [A13; a12] for a fish to strike at another fish that is hooked. Mamsà giyuy naghálab sa ímung kuhà kay largu giyung pagkaputul, It must have been a large fish that attacked the fish on your hook because he bit it clear through.

halábas v 1 [A; ab2] cut down s.t. tall with a long swing of a blade. Habásun ku ning mga sagbut, I’ll cut down these weeds. 2 [A; a12] wipe out of existence. Habásun sa Diyus ang tanang dautan sa kalibútan, God will wipe out all evil on earth. 3 [AN; a12] win an election with a sweeping victory. Si Iyù Hantuy nanghábas sa iliksyun, Uncle Hantoy won a sweeping victory at the polls.

hálad v [A; c] 1 present s.t. as an offering to spirits, the dead. Unsay átung ihálad sa Adlaw sa Minatay? What shall we make as an offering on All Souls’ Day? 2 offer, give up s.t. as a sacrifice. Ákung gihálad ang ákung panahun ug kahágù álang sa kalampúsan niíni, I offered all my time and effort for its success. Ihálad níya ang tibuuk níyang kinabúhì sa pag-alágad sa Diyus, He will offer his life to serving God. 3 offer s.o. his love. Ang babáying íyang gihaláran, The woman he adores. n offering, gift. mag-r- n suitor. hinaláran n woman courted.

hálag n line connecting a bamboo fish trap to an anchor which holds it in place. v [A1; b6(1)] attach an anchor line to a fish trap. Gihalágan na ang panggal sa lambay, An anchor line has been attached to the crab trap.

halaghag a 1 loosely woven. Halaghag ra kaáyu ang muskitíru. Makasulud na ang lamuk, The mosquito net has gotten very loosely woven so its fibers are far apart and the mosquitoes can get in. 2 for hair or s.t. analogous to be thin. Haghag na ang iskúba, The brush has lost lots of its bristles. v [B; a2] for a weave to get to be loose. Ang sagúran haghágun pagtúyù, An abaca mat is purposely woven loosely.

hálang a 1a having a hot, biting taste. Hálang kaáyu ang síling kulikut, Red peppers are very hot. 1b for the eyes to sting. Hálang ákung mata sa asu, My eyes are smarting from the smoke. 2 for words to be stinging, hurting. v [B2S; a] 1 get to be hot with a biting taste, for the eyes to smart. 2 [b6] be hurt by stinging words. Gihalángan ku sa íyang mga pasángil, I was stung by her accusations. ka- n 1 stinging sensation. 2 biting quality of words.

halanghag = danghag.

halangdun see hangad.

halanggup thin gruel cooked from grains of rice or ground corn. v 1 [A; a] make thin gruel. Hanggúpi ang masakitun, Just make a thin gruel for the patient. 2 [A; a] eat gruel. -in- = halanggup.

halanguhag = danghag.

halap a for the eyesight to be weak, blurred. (←) v [B2S; b6] for the eyesight to get weak. Dì na ku makabasa ug mga gagmayng títik tungud ning naghalap nákung panan-aw, I can no longer read small print because my eyes are so weak. halaphálap n blind man’s buff. v [A12C2; b(1)] play blind man’s buff.

hálas1 n snake. patay ug — 1 urinate (slang). 2 for males to masturbate (slang).

*hálas2 i- see ihálas.

haláwig n k.o. moray eel.

halay v [A; c] hang clothes on the line or s.t. analogous. Ihalay dáyun ning mga basang lampin, Hang these wet diapers out right away. -an(→) n clothesline.

halayhálay v 1 [A; b6] spend leisure time, going out. Dì ku makahalayhálay magabíi kay mag-ubirtayim ku, I can’t go out to relax in the evening because I work overtime. 2 [A; b(1)] gallivant about instead of working. Naghalayhálay ka lang mu rag way pamilyang gipakáun, You just gallivant around as though you don’t have a family to feed. May andirtayim ka kay gihalayhaláyan lang nímu ang trabáhu, You haven’t put in enough hours because you’re taking time off from work to gallivant around.

halayhay = halay.

halbù a full of quicksand, mire; for a place to be muddy such that the feet get stuck if one tries to walk through it. v 1 [B126; b(1)] sink into quicksand, become enmired. Ang kábaw nahalbù sa subà, The carabao got enmired in the creek. 2 [B2; b6] be, [292]become a mire. Nagkahalbù na ni dinhi tungud sa ulan, This place is becoming a quagmire because of the rain.

halhag = halaghag.

halhal1 v 1 [B; b6] for clothing to be loose and oversized. Naníwang na giyud diay ku kay nahalhal na man ning ákung sinínà, I must have grown thin because my clothes are hanging loose on me now. 2 be scatterbrained, have a dopey expression. Nalímut ka sa ímung túyù kay naghalhal ka man lang, You forgot what you went there for because you are scatterbrained. Halhálan kaáyu ku níyang musulti, mu rag way buut, I think she talks like a scatterbrain. Naghalhal lang nang nawung mu, You have an idiotic expression on your face. a 1 loose and oversized. 2 brainless talk or expression.

halhal2 v [A] for animals to pant with their mouth open. Naghalhal ang kabáyù nga gikutasan, The horse panted because it was out of breath.

háli = sáli.

halígi n 1 post. Ang halígi sa balay, House post. Halígi sa pinsa, Fence post. 2a pillar or strong member of an organization. Usa siya sa mga halígi sa átung partídu, He is one of the mainstays of our political party. 2b head, mainstay on which a group rests. Ang amahan mauy halígi sa panimalay, The father is the head of the family. 3 outstanding person in a specific field of endeavor. Si Ayinstayin usa ka dakung halígi sa syinsiya, Einstein is one of the outstanding men in science. 4 penis (humorous). v [A; c1] use as a post. Ang yakal maáyung haligíun (ihalígi), Yakal lumber makes good posts.

halìhalì v [A1; c1] when the same food is served in several dishes, to take a portion from more than one of them. Ayaw halìhalia (ihalìhalì) ang mga pagkáun arun dì mangil-ad tan-áwun, Take food from just one or two of the serving dishes, not all of them, so they won’t look like leftovers.

halíli v [A; c] 1 occupy a place or position just vacated. Way makahalíli sa usa ka inahan, There is nothing that can replace a mother. Ug mutindug ka, halilíhan dáyun ang ímung lingkuránan, If you get up, s.o. will occupy your seat immediately. 2 appear in the place of s.t. else, cause s.t. to do so. Mihalíli ang pagdumut sa gugmang inayran, Hatred replaced the love which had been spurned. Kwarta ihalíli sa primyung walà ikahátag, Money takes the place of the prize they couldn’t award. 3 [AC; ac] exchange. Nagkahalíli ang ámung pitáka, We accidentally took each other’s purses. n 1 s.t. which takes the place of s.t. else. 2 s.t. given in exchange.

halimbawà v 1 [A2N] borrow s.t. to relieve a pressing problem. Nanghalimbawà si Pidru nákug diyis písus ipalit kunug bugas, Pedro borrowed ten pesos from me to buy rice. 2 [b3] be relieved from s.t. pressing. Nahalimbawà na ákung pamínaw, I feel much better now. Karun nga nakatrabahu nas Pidru nakahalimbawà na ang bánay, Now that Pedro has a job, his family is not so badly pressed.

halilib-un = gabun2.

halin v 1 [A2P; b(1)] move away from a place permanently. Dúgay na silang mihalin sa Mindanaw, They moved to Mindanao a long time ago. 2 [A2] pass away, die. Dúgay nang mihalin si Máma, Mother passed away many years ago. n immigrant. Mga halin sila sa Yútà sa mga Sáad, They are immigrants to the Land of Promise (Mindanao).

hálin v 1 [A; ac] sell s.t. at a certain price. Ug halínun mug míl, If you sell it for a thousand. 2 [B2] for s.t. to sell. Ang ákung yútà muhálin na karun ug labaw pa sa dubli, My lot will sell for more than double the buying price. 3 [a3] for women to be married (humorous). Mahálin dáyun íyang anak, He’ll have no trouble finding a husband for his daughter. 4 [a3] come to an untimely end. Kun magpadáyun ka ánang ímung pag-ínum, mahálin ka, You’ll come to an untimely end if you keep on drinking like that. Mahálin giyud nang plátu ug matambug sa simintu, That will be the end of the plate if you drop it on the cement. n highly salable. (→) n sales, amount of money realized from a sale. a 1 quick, fast-selling. Halin kaáyu ang pinirítung ságing sa mga iskuyla, Fried bananas sell fast among schoolchildren. 2 marriageable. 2a — pa ba in answer to questions about how s.t. is: same as ever. ‘Kumusta?’—‘Halin pa ba,’ ‘How are you?’—‘Just the same.’ (Lit. Can I still be sold?)

halindánaw (from dánaw) n dragonfly.

haling = halin.

háling v [A; a] 1 build a fire. Magháling ku kay mag-ínit kug túbig, I will build a fire because I am going to heat some water. 2 [A] stimulate an emotion. Mga púlung nga nakaháling sa ákung kalágut, Words that aroused my anger. (→) n lighted fire.

halinub-un see túbù.

haliphip v [A; b] mend holes in woven materials, esp. by reweaving the holes. Maáyu kay gihaliphipan na ang búyut masudlan nag humay, Now that the holes in the bag have been mended, we can put rice in it. [293]

halithálit v [A; b5c1] do s.t. hurriedly as time permits one to do it. Muhalithálit kug buwad ug humay mintras náay ínit, I’ll dry rice as quick as I can while there is sunlight. Halithalítan (halithalítun, ihalithálit) ku lang paglútù ang sud-an inigkatúlug sa bátà, I’ll cook the food hurriedly as soon as the baby goes to sleep.

halla see hala.

halsi n Hulsey, a breed of fighting cock.

halu n monitor lizard. a acting nonchalant yet ready to seize every opportunity, no matter who might get hurt (like the monitor lizard who stays immobile waiting to seize a prey). Ayawg sálig níya kay háwu kaáyu nà sa babáyi, Don’t trust him because he is dangerous to women.

halù a fitting loosely. v [B; b6] fit loosely in. Naghalù ang lansang kay dakù ang bangag, The nail was loose because the hole was too big. Naghalù ang sapátus sa íyang tiil, The shoes fit her feet too loosely.

hálù v [A13; a12] mix things together in a liquid. Halúa ang tahup ug kinagud lubi, Mix corn husks and shredded coconut in water. halùhálù n 1 k.o. fruit cocktail made up of grated ice, milk, sugar and several k.o. fruit cut to pieces or grated. 2 be a mixture of several things. Halùhálù ang íyang sinultihan. May Ininsik, may Binisayà, may Ininglis, She speaks a mixture of languages all at once: Chinese, Visayan, and English. v [A13; a12] make, make into halùhálù. panghalùhálù v [A23] go s.w. to eat halùhálù. -in- n a weapon made from an egg shell which has been emptied of its contents through a small hole into which a mixture of various itchy plants (from land or water) has been put and then resealed.

hal-u = alhu.

haluan n snakehead, edible fresh-water fish: Ophiocephalus spp. — tásik n fish similar to the snakehead but found in the sea.

halub1, hálub1 n a k.o. skin disease characterized by white, shiny splotches on the affected area. v [A3P; a4b4] be afflicted with this k.o. skin disease.

halub2, hálub2 v 1 [A; c1] make leaves pliable by heating them. Maghálub kug dáhun sa ságing nga pustan sa kan-un, I will soften up a banana leaf to wrap the rice in. 2 [B2; b6] singe, burn slightly. Nahálub ang íyang pánit sa adlaw, His skin was scorched by the sun. 2a for the lungs to be destroyed by drinking too much alcohol. Makahálub (makapahálub) sa bágà ang bínu, Liquor will destroy the lungs. 3 [B; b6] for leaves to yellow prior to drying up. Muhalub (mahalub) ang tanum kun ulúrun ang gamut, The leaves of plants will yellow when the roots are eaten by worms.

hálu blak n hollow cement blocks for structures. v [A; c1] make, make into hollow blocks.

halug v 1 [AC; a2b2] embrace, hug. Bulága ang buksidur ug maghálug, Separate the boxers if they start hugging. Makighálug siya sa íyang trátu, He wants to embrace his sweetheart. Ug wà pa ku makahalug sa kátig ..., Had I not clung to the outriggers .... n hug.

halughug1 n drawstring in the waistline of clothing to hold it up. v [A; ac] 1 put a drawstring at the waist. Muhalughug lang kug kurdun sa panti, I’ll put a drawstring in the waist of my panties. 2 pass a thread in and out loosely through the edge of cloth in shirring or basting. Ímu pa bítaw nang usbun pagtahì sa makina. Hughúga lang nà, You’re going to sew it anyway on the machine again. Just baste it.

halughug2 (not without l) v [AN; a12] search thoroughly. Dúna giyuy mihalughug (nanghalughug) sa ákung kaban. Nangabungkag man ang sulud niíni, S.o. must have ransacked my trunk. The contents are all in disorder. Halughugun nátù ang tibuuk plása arun makit-an ang nawálang pitáka, We’ll search the whole plaza thoroughly to find the lost money.

haluk n kiss, sniff, putting the nose next to the person kissed. v 1 [AC; b] kiss. Nagháluk sila sa ngitngit, They kissed in the dark. Gihagkan (gihadkan, gihawkan) níya ang bátà, She kissed the child. Ayawg ihawuk nang bahù nímung bàbà nákù, Don’t kiss me with your smelly mouth! 2 [A23] drop by s.w. briefly. Ígù ra siyang mihaluk sa ámù, He dropped by our house for only a short time. 3 [A2; b] do s.t. on a short and insignificant scale. Gihalukan lang ni Pidru ang sawug. Walà tiwasag lampásu, Pedro just touched the floor for a while. He did not really polish all of it. halukháluk v 1 [A3; b] sniff. Naghalukháluk ang irù sa ákung tiil, mu rag akuy íyang ámu, The dog sniffed my feet as if I were his master. 2 [A2; b] do s.t. lightly and intermittently. hagkanan n s.t. in a place, traditionally kissed by people who come to the place for the first time. v [A1] go s.w. to kiss s.t. as part of tradition.

halukhuk1 v [A; c] insert s.t. into s.t. so it is tight, wedge into. Wà makahalukhuk sa daghang táwu ang bátà, The child was not able to squeeze into the crowd. Halukhukan ug [294]kwarta ang ímung bulsa, S.o. will thrust a bill into your pocket. Ihalukhuk sa sakuban ang sundang, Insert the bolo into its scabbard. a tightly wedged together.

halukhuk2 n k.o. small biting insects of cornfields which make their appearance at the same time as the corn tassels. v [a4] be beset with these insects.

hálum n k.o. herbaceous, ornamental herb bearing dull purplish leaves which are used medicinally and sometimes eaten as vegetables: Amaranthus tricolor.

halumhum v 1 [A12; c6] put solid food into the mouth in a bulk. Gihumhum sa dawù nga bátà ang pán kay nahadluk man nga dúnay mangáyù níya, The greedy child stuffed the whole piece of bread into his mouth because he was afraid s.o. would ask him for some. 2 [A; a12] secretly keep s.t. for oneself which is supposed to be shared. Ang kurnáwu nga limbungan kusug muhumhum sa ganansiya, A dishonest partner keeps part of the profits for himself.

halung1 v [A; b6] reach a door or gate. Sa naghawung pa lang ku sa nátad, pagsúgat sa mga irù, The dogs ran toward me as soon as I stepped inside the yard.

halung2, hálung1 v [A; b(1)] 1 cast shade over plants so as to stunt their growth. Wà mutúbù ang rúsas kay gihalúngan (gihalungan) sa dakung káhuy, The roses didn’t grow because they were in the shade of the large tree. 2 overshadow in some desirable trait. Ang kaanyag sa rayna nahawngan sa dáma, The beauty queen was far overshadowed by the runner-up. 2a nadaug sa — be overcome by a feeling of inferiority when approaching s.o. Wà siya makapadayag sa íyang túyù kay nadaug siya sa háwung, He couldn’t speak out because he was overcome by a feeling of inferiority.

halung3, hálung2 a not burning readily. v [B; b6] burn poorly. Naháwung ang puspuru human kaumgi, The matches got so that they didn’t burn well because they got wet.

halup v [A; a] 1 take s.t. by scooping it in the hands. Ayawg halupa ang kan-un, kutsaráha, Don’t scoop up the food with your hands. Use a spoon. 2 pick s.t. up with both hands to take it s.w. Gihalup níya ang bátà ug gibalhin sa katri, He scooped up the child and moved it to the bed. n amount which can be scooped up with the hands. Usa ka halup nga bugas, Amount of rice held in both hands.

hal-up v [A; c] 1 fit s.t. over s.t. Dintista ang maghal-up sa úru sa ngípun, The dentist puts gold caps on teeth. Hal-úpi ug láta ang pusti, Put a tin can over the post. 2 stuff s.t. into s.t. Nahal-upan ang grípu ug papil, The faucet had paper stuffed into it. Ayaw ihal-up ímung tudlù sa ímung ilung, Don’t stick your fingers in your nose.

halupúwint n bullet shaped like a pointed capsule and hollow inside.

hálus 1 can barely do s.t. Hálus (hálus dílì) na siya makaginháwa sa kakutas, He could hardly breathe from sheer exhaustion. Hálus (hálus dílì) na makakità ning ákung mga mata, My eyes can hardly see. 2 come close to having s.t. happen, to doing s.t. Hálus luparun níya ang ang-ang, He fairly flew down the stairs. Hálus ku mamatay, I pretty near died. 3 — tanan nearly all. Bag-u hálus tanan ang íyang mga ginamitun, Almost all of his equipment is new. 4 — dílì = hálus, 1.

halushus v [A1; a] remove the leaflets from a palm frond with a bladed tool. Halushúsi ang langkay sa lukay, Strip the leaflets off the frond.

hálut = halwut.

haluthut v [A; a12] 1 eat fast with a slurping sound. Ang anay kusug muhaluthut sa pasaw, The sow gobbles its food. 2 eat s.t. fast (derogatory). Gihaluthut sa way úlaw ang kan-un, The shameless s.o.b. gobbled up the rice.

halwa n cage. v 1 [A13; c1] put in a cage. Ihalwa (halwáhun) ang piríku, Put the parrot in a cage. 2 [A; a12] make a cage.

halwan = haluan.

halwut a 1 having great tensile strength, hard to break. Halwut kaáyu ang pánit sa litsun, The pigskin is very tough. Halwut ang lastiku, dílì mabugtù, The rubber band is very strong. It won’t break. 2 viscous, sticky. Halwut kaáyung ákung kamut sa arníbal, My hands are all sticky with syrup. 3 of a mellow, smooth texture without being soggy. Halwut nga kamúti, Smooth-textured sweet potatoes. 3a for drinks to be smooth. 4 for music to be sweet and smooth. Nagbayli sila inubanan sa halwut nga sunáta, They danced to the mellow music. v [B; a] 1 be, become tough, with great tensile strength. Ayaw halwúta paglútù ang tiratíra, Don’t cook the taffy so hard. 2 be, become viscous and sticky. 3 get a smooth, mellow texture.

hámag = hamlag.

ham-ak v 1 [A; c] put things down in a disorderly way. Nagkayamúkat ang ákung lamísa kay giham-ákan nímu sa ímung mga basahun, My desk is a mess because you just threw your books on it. 2 [c] put the blame on s.o. Aku mauy giham-ákan sa tanang pasángil, [295]All the blame was laid on me.

hamangpang n k.o. bush of the seashore, of the Boraginaceae family.

hamayhámay1 n estimation of a quantity. Dì madala ug hamayhámay ang ímung sukud, We can’t just estimate your measurements. v [A; ab] make an estimate. Gihamayhamáyan ang tulay nga mukábat sa usa ka miliyun, It is estimated that the bridge will come to one million pesos.

hamayhámay2 v [A; b5] do s.t. casually and slowly, with no sense of urgency. Ayawg hamayhamáyi (hamayhamáya) ang trabáhu kay nag-agpas ta sa panahun, Don’t work so slowly because we are racing against time.

hambabálud n medium-sized tree: Neonauclea spp.

hambabayaw n a small to medium-sized tree with aromatic and velvety leaves which are used to scent bath water.

hambag n handbag, satchel carried in hand or slung over the shoulder. v 1 [A; c] use a handbag or satchel. Naghambag siyang nagdala sa mga libru, He carried his books in a satchel. 2 [A; a12] make into a satchel.

hambat = hangbat.

hambaw v [A; ab2] strike s.o. with s.t. light in a sweeping motion. Hambáwa sa silhig ang irù, Shoo the dog away with the broom.

hambil1 v [A; c] use s.t. as a temporary cover or protection. hambilhambil v [A; c] utilize miscellaneous things to cover parts of s.t. open or exposed. Dáhun ray naghambilhambil sa láwas ni Íbà, Nothing but leaves covered parts of Eve’s body. Kartun nga ihambilhambil sa nagkagusbat nílang balungbálung, Cardboard to patch up their dilapidated shanty. n miscellaneous things used as a protective cover.

hambil2 v [A; c1] stack s.t. neatly such that the edges are even. Hambíla (ihambil) ang mga plátu sa aparadur, Stack the plates neatly in the cupboard.

hambilika = anghilika.

hambin v 1 [A; a2] carry s.t. by folding up the front part of one’s skirt or shirt and putting it in the folds. Namansa ang palda nga gihambínan sa lumbuy, Her skirt got stains from the lumbuy fruits she carried in it. 2 [A13; a2] bear s.t. inside of it. Mga búngang naghambin ug mga lísu, Fruits bearing seeds. Kinabúhì nga íyang gihambin, The life she carried within her. 3 [A13; a12] have a feeling, condition within oneself. Kasákit nga ákung gihambin, The grief I bear. Dúna siyay gihambin nga kayugut, She is nursing a grudge.

hambubúkag n small flying lizard of dragon-like appearance, but bright green and dwelling in trees: Draco sp. n liquid drink for treating asthma which is made from the ashes of this lizard.

hambubuyna = hirbubuyna.

hambug n big talk, most often not quite true. Hambug lang kadtung mga pasálig. Sa pagkatinúud wà siyay púl, Those promises were pure big talk. She actually has no pull. v 1 [A12N; c] engage in big talk. Nanghambug siyang maprumútid íyang bána. Túu ka? She’s bragging her husband is going to be promoted. Do you believe it? Mau nang kagangkagánga ímung ipanghambug nákù? Is that jalopy the car you’re showing off? a boasting, engaging in big talk. -in- a done in a showy, braggart way. Hinambug nga sinayawan, Dancing in such a way as to show off. v [AN; c1] doing s.t. in a showy way. Naghinambug siyag pangasábà sa suluguun, She is showing off, cussing out the servants. n things said in bragging. -íra = -íru (female). -íru a given to engaging in big talk, showing off. v [B12; b6] become a braggart, show-off. -iruun, -iruhun of a sort that tends to show off.

hambugírit a given to talking big, braggart (euphemism for hambugíru). v [B12; b6] become a show-off.

hambuk v [A; b(1)] loosen or soften soil around the base of plants or put loose soil or fertilizer at the base. Hambúkan ta ang mga tanum arun mulípang, We’ll loosen the soil around the plants to make them sturdy.

hambun a well-rested, fresh from not having been worked. a frisky. Hambun ang kabáyù nga dílì kúlang sa pahúway, A horse that doesn’t lack rest is frisky. b highly ready for sex after not having indulged for some time. c virgin, land or sea that hasn’t been used much. Hambun pa kaáyu ang kadagátan didtu, The seas there haven’t been fished very much yet. v [B126; b6] get fresh and rested.

hamburdyir n hamburger sandwich. v [A13; a12] make hamburgers.

hambuy v 1 [A2NB; a2] keep the catch submerged so it stays fresh for a period of time. 2 [A; a2] hang fish above the stove or fire to dry. Walà ni ibulad sa adlaw. Gihambuy lang ni sa abúhan, We did not dry this in the sun. We just hung it over the fireplace. -in- n 1 fish submerged in water for a period of time. Prisku tan-áwun apan hinambuy diay, They look fresh but actually they were submerged in the water. 2 fish dried at the fireplace.

hamì n sores at the corners of the mouth. v [296][A123P; a4b4] have sores at the corners of the mouth. Gihamì ang táwung hinabákù, The man developed sores in the corners of his mouth because he smoked too much. hamiun a having these sores.

hamil v 1 [A; c1] smooth out abaca fibers and sort them into strands preparatory to making rope. Naghamil siya ug lánut pára himúung písì, He is sorting out the abaca fibers to make into rope. 2 [B12; c1] for plants to be flattened, bent completely at the base. Hamilun (ihamil) sa kusug nga hángin ang kamaisan, Strong winds will bend and flatten the corn. (←) v = hamil, 2. a smooth, velvety to the touch. Hámil kaáyu ang sídang sinínà, A silk dress is very smooth. hamilhámil v [A; c1] stroke gently. Hamilhamíla (ihamilhámil) ang tíyan sa bábuy, Stroke the pig’s stomach gently.

hamílì see pílì.

hamilsing1 = hamílì. see pílì.

hámir n the hammer of firearms.

hámis a 1 smooth, velvety to the touch. Hámis nga pánit, Smooth skin. Hámis kaáyu ang balhíbu sa kabáyù, The horse has velvety hair. 2 even-textured surface. Hámis nga kútis, Skin without a blemish. 3 for the sky to be completely cloudless. n outermost layer of skin. Nalúkut ang hámis sa íyang buktun nga nabanggud sa batu, He smashed his arm against a rock and the skin was scraped off. v [B2; a] be, become smooth.

hamlag v [A12C2; b5] jump playfully on s.o. or on one another. Natumba ang usa ka bátang gihamlágan (gihamlag) sa usa, One of the children fell when the other jumped on him. (→) v [A; b5] lunge at in an attack. Ug hamlagan (hamlagun) ka sa irù, ayaw ug dágan, If a dog lunges at you, don’t run.

hamlig, hamlug a damp and moist. v 1 [B6; b6] become damp and moist. Nahamug ang panaptun nga gipabuntagan sa gawas, The cloth that was left outside overnight got wet. 2 [AB; b6(1)] moisten by sprinkling. Ang pila ka lugas nga ulan ígù lang mihamug (naghamug) sa yútà, The few drops of rain just barely moistened the earth. n action of moistening.

hamluy a 1 smooth and slippery. Hamluy ang halwan, The snakehead is a slippery fish. 2 for a variety of s.t. to be esp. smooth and easier to eat or drink than the ordinary. Hamluy kaúnun ang mímis, Mímis rice goes down easily. v [A23] pass through easily due to smoothness and slipperiness. Mihamluy lang sa íyang tutunlan ang lísu sa santul, The santol seed just slipped down his throat.

hampak v 1 [A; ab2] strike, slam with force making a noisy impact. Natukyas ang atup kay gihampak sa hángin, The roof came off under the battering of the wind. Kining puthaw mauy ihampak sa úlu sa bitin, Smash the snake’s head with this iron rod. 2 — ang (sa) hángin nga itum v [A2; a12b2] get a stroke, severe illness (thought to be brought about by an evil wind). Ayawg hukashúkas tingálig dúnay muhampak nímung hángin, Don’t go about without your shirt. You might suffer a stroke. Hampákun ka pa untà sa hángin nga itum, May you get a stroke! n 1 blow. 2 blow of fate, calamity, or the like. Ug mapildi, agwantáhun kay hampak nà sa katarúngan, If you lose, just take it. That’s the way it is. (Lit. That is the blow of logic.) Ang bagyu mauy hampak sa kapaláran, The typhoon is what fate has brought us. -in- sa hángin (usually shortened to -in-) a mild curse to refer to the object of one’s wrath: ‘darned’. Ang mga hinampak! Wà giyud mi imbitaha, Darn them! They didn’t invite us! 2 a mild curse of annoyance or anger. Hinampak! Nakalimut ku sa ákung pitáka! Darn! I forgot to take my pocketbook!

hampang v 1 [AC; a2] play (dialectal). 2 [AC; abc] have intercourse (euphemism). Kadaghan ku na siya ikahampang, I’ve had intercourse with her so many times. n 1 game. 2 sexual intercourse.

hampid v [A; c1] put things of the same size with a flat surface neatly on top of one another. Akuy muhampid sa mga inutaw nga dayapir, I’ll pile the ironed diapers neatly. Hampíra (ihampid) nang mga libru sa lamísa, Stack those books neatly on the table.

hampil1 v [A1; c] 1 attach s.t. to s.t. solid as a patch or sign. Kinsa may naghampil sa lungag sa salug? Who put a cover over the hole in the floor? Hampíli nag bandids ang ímung samad, Put a bandage on your wound. Ihampil ni sa bungbung arung makit-an sa tanan, Put this up on the wall so that everybody can see it. 2 [A; a] spread s.t. on top of s.t. else or between two objects as a protection. Hampíli ug hábul ang banig únà higdái, Spread a blanket over the mat before you lie on it. n s.t. attached as a cover or patch. hampilhampil v [A; b] put up a temporary structure. a makeshift, made of temporary patchings. Hampilhampil lang úsà ning ákung balay, This house of mine is just a makeshift structure.

hampil2 v [A; c1] pile flat, flexible things neatly in layers, one on top of the other. Hampíla (ihampil) ang mga dáhun sa tabákù [297]únà pusta, Pile the tobacco leaves neatly one on top of the other before you pack them.

hampílù n 1 saddle blanket. 2 s.t. used to cover a horse’s back when riding without a saddle. v [A; a] put a saddle blanket on the back of a horse.

hampul v [A1; b6(1)] put leaves on s.t. for medicinal purposes. Ang dáhun sa átis maáyung ihampul sa piang, The leaves of the atis make a good compress for sprains. n leaves prepared to lay over an afflicted area.

hampuug = dampuug.

hamtang see pahamtang under butang1.

hamtung a middle-aged, between forty and sixty years of age. v [B2; b6] be, become middle-aged. Ang kaguul makahamtung (makapahamtung) sa panagway sa táwu, Worry causes one to look middle-aged.

hamù = gam-ul, 1.

hamug = hamlug.

hámug = yámug, n1, 1a, v.

ham-ug = hamlug, 2.

hamugáway a 1 large and spacious enough to afford ease of movement. Hamugáway ang kwartu pára sa upat, The room is ample for four people. 2 for living conditions to be comfortable, with ample financial resources. Hamugáway ang ílang pamuyù kay dakug swildu ang bána, They live comfortably because the husband earns a good salary. v [B2; b6] 1 get to be wide and spacious. 2 for living conditions to become comfortable.

hamuk = daghan (dialectal).

hámuk n supernatural beings that harass people by frightening them. They usually assume the form of oversized animals if they show themselves or may just indicate their presence without showing themselves. They may be found in any lonely place. v [A3; a4] for these spirits to frighten one. Pangadyì arun dì ka hamúkun, Recite a prayer so the spirits cannot harass you. -an(→) n place infested with these spirits. -un(→) a susceptible to having experiences with hámuk.

hamun1 n ham. v [A1] have, make into ham. -áda n k.o. meat dish, usually beef, cooked by browning in fat and simmering it in a covered pan in its own juice. This is served with a sauce. v [AC12; c1] cook hamunáda.

hamun2, hámun v [A; c] take s.t. big and shove it in one’s mouth to eat it. Ihamun lang níya ang kík arun dì siya pangayúan, He’ll shove the whole piece of cake into his mouth so no one can ask him for any.

*hamung1 walay — without a stitch on. Wà siyay hamung nga nagdúlà, He was playing without a stitch on. way hamunghamung = way hamung.

hamung2 = hamun2.

hámus a messy and dirty with s.t. wet. Hámus ang bátang tan-áwun kay nagkasip-un, The child looks messy with his nasal discharge all over him. Hámus ang salug sa kusína, The kitchen floor is wet and grimy. v [B1; b6] get messy and grimy. Nahámus ang íyang nawung kay nagkaun ug mangga, His face got all messy with the mangoes.

hamútan = humútan. see humut.

hamuy1 v [A; c1] stick s.t. in the mouth to lick it. Ayaw ihamuy (hamuya) ímung tudlù kay húgaw, Don’t suck your finger because it is dirty. — sa tudlù v [A13] be so poor as to have nothing to eat. Mawad-an gánì kag trabáhu maghamuy na lang ka sa tudlù, If you lose your job you’ll have nothing to eat but your fingers (lit. you’ll be sucking your fingers). hamuyhámuy n lollipop.

hamyang v 1 [A; b6(1)] spread out in the open. Naghamyang siya sa mga baligyà dihà sa asíras, He is displaying his wares on the sidewalk. Nakahamyang na siya sa humay nga igbubúwad, She has laid out the unhusked rice outside to dry. 2 [A13; c] throw cloth or anything pliable carelessly s.w. Kinsay naghamyang áring amirkána sa supa? Who threw this coat on the sofa? Ihamyang lang nang mga bulingun sa katri, Just dump those dirty clothes on the bed.

haN- = hiN-1, 4.

hana (from hanu na) 1 how about it? how is it now? Hana? Wà ka pa mahubug? Ganína ka ra mang inum, How about it? Aren’t you drunk yet? You’ve been drinking for hours. 2 there, that’s what you get. Hana. Dì nahúlug ka kay wà ka man mamátì nga gibuyag, There. Now you fell because you didn’t listen when I reprimanded you.

hanà v 1 [A; c] get ready to start doing s.t., make motions to do s.t. Mihanà siyag pátid nákù, He made a move to kick me. Dílì gánì ta makahanà ug tindug pangutan-un tag ása ta, We can’t even make a move to get up before he asks us where we’re going. Ayaw ihanà ang pusil kay mubutu, Don’t aim the gun, because it might go off. 2 [A23] threaten to happen. Mihanag kapálung ang pitrumaks, The lantern was threatening to go out.

hanab n k.o. heavy bolo with a pointed tip and curved blade. 12–14″ long.

hanagdung = hinagdung.

hanap a 1 hazy, difficult to discern. Hanap ang mga litra, The letters are very faint (or blurred). Hanap ang kaháyag sa bitúun, The [298]star gives off a faint light. Hanap nga pahíyum, A faint smile. 1a for s.t. in relief to be so worn that it can hardly be distinguished. Hanap nga dyís, A worn-out dime. 2 vague, uncertain. Hanap nga kaugmáun, An uncertain future. Hanap nga pagtúu sa Diyus, A not very strong belief in God. 3 for one’s vision to be dim. Hanap ákung panan-aw, My eyes are dim. v [B; a] become faint, blurred, do s.t. in a blurred way. Muhanap ang ági sa lápis ug dílì nímu iduut, The pencil makes a very weak mark if you don’t press down on it. Ang naghanap níyang mga sáad, His uncertain promises.

hanas a proficient, skillful. Hanas na kaáyu siyang mugámit sa pusil, He handles a gun proficiently now. Hanas siyang musultig Binisayà, He speaks Visayan fluently. v 1 [B2] be, become proficient, skillful. Nagkahanas na siyang mudráyib, He is becoming more skilled in driving. 2 [A1; a12] make oneself proficient. Maghanas ku sa ákung panapuy sa sista, I will make myself proficient in playing the guitar. hanashánas v [A1; a12] keep practicing to make oneself proficient. ka- n proficiency, skill.

hánaw1 v [B1] disappear, vanish. Unsang tambála ang nakahánaw (nakapahánaw) sa ímung bugas? What did you use to make your pimples vanish? Ang ákung kasukù kalit rang nahánaw, My anger quickly faded away. — sa mápa for s.t. to be wiped out of existence, disappear from the place one would expect it to be. Humag bumba sa balay nahánaw sa mápa, The house was bombed and wiped out of existence.

hánaw2 n way — have no awareness of s.t. or notion of how. Wà siyay hánaw kun unsay nanghitabù líbut kaníya, She has no notion of what’s happening around her. Dì ku makaáyu niánà. Wà kuy hánaw niánà, I can’t fix that. I have no notion of that. paN- n knowledge of s.t., awareness. Unsay panghánaw nákù ánà? What should I know about that?

hanay expression uttered with a warning. Hanay, maigù gánì ku, hilatiguhan ta giyud ka, Watch out! If you hit me, you’ll get it.

han-ay v [A; a] 1 string the warp threads in the loom. 2a lay out the format of s.t. to be printed. 2b lay out the plot of a story. 3 compose s.t. literary. Si anhing Bin Subíri mauy naghan-ay sa áwit Mátud Níla, Mátud Níla was composed by Ben Zubiri. 4 arrange, put in order. Han-áyang mga libru, Put the books in order. n 1 warp threads. 2 amount of thread used for the warp. -in- 1 threads that have been strung. 2 s.t. arranged.

hanayak = hinayak.

hanayhay a rolling land; hilly, but not having a steep angle of elevation. v [B5; b6] be, become rolling. Muhanayhay ang bungtud áning dapíta, The countryside becomes rolling at this point. Naghanayhay nga dálan nga dílì kápuyng laktun, A trail that rises slowly and not tiring to walk over.

hanayun = hinayun, see dáyun.

hanbag = hambag.

handà v 1 [A13; b6] plan to do s.t. Naghandà ming mangalígù sa dágat rung Duminggu, We are planning to go swimming on Sunday. Gihandáan ka nga iprumut, You are under consideration for promotion. 2 [A; b4] be about to do s.t., for s.t. almost to happen to one. Mau giyuy pagbundak sa ulan sa dihang mihandà na untà ku paglakaw, The rain suddenly started pouring down just as I was about to go out. Kapila na siya handái nga mamatay sa dágat, Several times he came close to dying on the sea. 3 [A; c1] try placing s.t. on s.t. to find out how it fits. Walà pa gánì mahuman ang íyang sinínà íya nang gihandà, Her dress was not finished yet she already tried putting it on. handàhandà n plans for an action. Pulus lang giyud handàhandà ang tanan; wà giyuy aksiyun, It’s all plans, no action.

handag a slanting, leaning. Handag ra kaáyu ang ímung sinuwatan, Your handwriting slants too much. Handag ang túri sa Písa, The Tower of Pisa leans to one side. v [A; c1] for s.t. tall to be leaning to one side. Mihandag siya sa sandigánan sa lingkuránan, She leaned back in the chair with her buttocks forward. Handága (ihandag) pagsandig ang hagdan, Set the ladder in a slanting position.

handalamay, handalámay n small tree: Pipturus arborescens. The white part of its bark is scraped and placed over dislocated bones to prevent swelling. The leaves are applied to eczemas.

handalanaw = alindánaw.

handalas a steep and slippery. Handalas ang dálan padúlung sa walug, The path to the valley is steep and slippery. v 1 [A; b(1)] glide swiftly down an incline. Mihandalas ang mga bátà sa bakilid, The children slid down the side of the hill. 2 [A23; b(1)] run downwards, half sliding, half running. Mihandalas ang mga bátà sa hagdan, The children rushed down the stairs. 3 [A13] move out of a place at top speed. Naghandalas mig panágan pag-ulan, We got out of there as fast as we could when it started to rain. [299]

handalítik = handilítik.

handámay = handalámay.

handánaw = alindánaw.

handay v [A; c1] 1 place s.t. long athwart s.t. long. Akuy muhanday sa ímung buktun sa unlan, I’ll rest your arm on the pillow. Sanga ang gihandayan sa sumbuhan sa pagtumung, He rested the barrel of the gun on the branch as he took aim. Ákung ihanday ang ákung mga tiil sa ímung páa, Let me rest my legs on your thighs. 2 rest one’s upper back on s.t. Muhanday ku sa unlan, I’ll rest my back on the pillows.

handig v 1 [A; c] lean, cause s.t. to lean against s.t. Gustung muhandig ang masakitun sa unlan, The patient wants to rest his back on the pillows. Ayaw handígi ang basang pintal, Don’t lean on the wet paint. 2 [B; b6] get to be steep. Ug mahandig ang karsáda, iprimíra ang kambyu, When the road gets steep, shift to first gear. a steep, sloping sharply. Kápuyng tangásun nang bungtúra kay handig, It’s tiring to climb that hill because it’s so steep. ka- n steepness.

handilib-un = gabun2.

handilika = anghilika.

handilítik n k.o. shrimp around 6″, with small claws and of scorpion-like appearance. Edible, but not highly esteemed.

handul1 v [A; a12] 1 handle, take care of a case in court. 2 teach, handle a class. Pila ka sabdyik ímung handúlun? How many subjects are you going to handle? 3 handle, deal with s.o. younger or of lower status. Maáyu siyang muhandul sa íyang mga sákup, He handles his tenants well. Dì ka kamaung muhandul sa ímung manghud, You don’t know how to handle your little brother.

handul2 n handle of a handbag, satchel. v [A; c1] make a handle for s.t.

handum v [A; a12] 1 recall and think fondly about s.t. memorable, but forever past. Naghandum ku sa ákung kabatan-un, I remember my youth. Handúmun ku ikaw kanúnay, I shall always think of you and remember you with fondness. 2 recall and yearn for s.t. Muhandum ang bátà sa inahan, A child recalls and yearns for its mother. Ngánung nanarútut man ka? Naghandum kang magdaut? Why are you blowing that horn? Do you long to get sick? 3 [A13; c] for s.t. to cross one’s mind, entertain a thought. Wà ku maghandum nga maduktur siya, I never thought that he would become a doctor. Walà kuy ikahandum dautang hunàhúnà níya, Nothing bad has ever crossed my mind. 4 -i think on it, consider! Handúmi kun unsay dangátan nímug wà ku dinhi, Consider what will become of you if I am not here. -anan 1 souvenir. Handumánan ni sa ákung pag-adtu sa Ispanya, This is a souvenir from my visit to Spain. 2 token, symbol of mutual affection. -in- a word of salutation in letters. Hinandum kung Nína, Dear Nena. -l-un a memorable. v [B12] become memorable. -l-un(→) n s.t. which is remembered periodically. Ang Santa Krus halandumun námù káda tris di Máyu, We remember to perform the prayers of the Holy Cross every May 3.

handunguy v [A3P] be weak with the head drooping. Hubug na kaáyu siya. Naghandunguy nang galakaw, He was drunk, and he was all tuckered out, walking with his head drooping.

handúraw v [A; c16] picture s.t. in one’s mind. Naghandúraw kug unsay kadangátan sa mga bátà, I can just picture what will happen to the children. -an 1 picture formed in the mind. 2 the mind where pictures are formed.

handus v [A; c] 1 push, thrust s.t. long forward. Kun kita lang duha dì giyud ta makahandus niíning awtúha, The two of us cannot push this car. Gihandúsan siyag kalit sa usa ka maháit nga kutsilyu, S.o. thrust a sharp knife at him. 2 submit, pass on for action. Ihandus ang aplikisyun ngadtu sa pangúlung buhatan, Forward the application to the head office. 3 carry s.t. sizeable s.w. to deliver it. Ása ninyu ihandus ning grába? Where are you delivering this gravel? 4 send food or drinks to a celebration to supplement what is offered by the host. Naghandus akug usa ka litsun sa ílang kasal, I contributed a roast pig to their wedding. n 1 push given to s.t. long. 2 haul, delivery. 3 s.t. contributed to a party.

hang short for hilabihan nga how very! Hang lisúra ning iksamína! What a difficult examination!

háng = hálang.

hangad v 1 [A; ab2] look up, turn the head up. Dì ku kahangad kay mitikig ákung líug, I cannot bend my head upwards because I have a stiff neck. Hangda kunu kun náa bay hinug nga búnga, Look up at the tree and see if there are any ripe fruits. 2 [A] depend, rely upon for support, help, etc. Nía kanákù siya maghangad sa íyang adlaw-adlaw nga mga kinahanglanun, He looks to me for all his daily needs. 3 [B] for s.t. usually level to tilt upwards. Naghangad ang sakayan kay nabug-atan sa ulin, The boat has its bow up high because it is loaded down at [300]the stern. 4 [A; c6] look to God in prayer. Ihangad sa lángit ang ímung mga suliran, Bring your problems to the Lord in prayer. paN- v [A2] look upward for a mischievous purpose. Túa siya sa sílung sa hagdan nanghangad samtang nanáug si Pitra, He’s at the foot of the stairs looking up while Petra is coming down. hangdanan n place which one looks through for a mischievous purpose, e.g. a gap in the flooring. tagi-(←) a one who is fond of asking for help when he is in need, but keeps to himself when he is in a position to help. Way hinungdan nang mga tawhánang tagihángad kun walà apan tagidúkù kun adúna, Those people are no good because they are quick to ask for help when they need it, but otherwise just keep to themselves. halangdun n 1 title of respect: honorable. Ang Halangdung Mayur, The Honorable Mayor. 2 royal, occupying a high office.

hangag = danghag.

hangahang v [A1; b(1)] be ignorant of s.t. important and be unconcerned. Maistra ka apan naghangahang ka sa baláud, You’re a teacher, but you’re ignorant of the law. Wà hangahangi sa mga istudiyanti ang mga prublíma sa gubyirnu, The students are aware of and concerned about the problems of the government.

hángak v [A2S; a4b6] pant, be out of breath from exertion. Naghangak siya sa kabug-at sa íyang dala, He was panting because of the weight of what he was carrying. Gihángak (gihangákan) na lang kug linakaw, I am already out of breath from walking.

hangal a inattentive to what one is about. Hangal ka giyud. Unsa man ruy ákung gisulti? You are not with it. Now what did I say? Wà nímu ipha ang suklì. Hangal ka giyung batáa ka, You didn’t count the change, you stupid child. -in- v [A13] do s.t. in a careless, inattentive way. n s.t. done in a careless, wrong way. ka- carelessness, inattentiveness.

hangas = hanglas.

hangáwa = hingáwa.

hangay, hángay v [A3; b8] do s.t. for no reason, more than is necessary. Muhángay lang siyag kasukù, He just suddenly gets angry for no reason. Naharus ang twirka kay gikahayngan nímu ug hugut, You stripped the nut because you tightened it much too much.

hangbat v [A; a1b2] take a large bite with a snapping action. Gihambat ang ákung páa sa íhu, The shark snapped at my leg. -um-r- a tending to bite. ka-un a raring to bite at s.t.

hanggà n chickenpox. v [A123P; a4] get chickenpox. -un(→) a having chickenpox.

hanggab = hanggap.

hanggap v [A; a2b2] breathe in, inhale deeply. Naghanggap siya sa alimyun sa búlak, She is breathing in the fragrance of the flowers. Nahanggap nákù ang báhù sa patayng irù, I got a deep whiff of the smell of the dead dog. n deep inhalation.

hanggat v [A; a12] have s.o. join in an activity. Hanggáta siya pagpanihápun sa átù, Bring him home for supper. Hanggáta siyag sinumbagay, Challenge him to a fight.

hanggaw a be a jerk, without common sense. Hanggaw giyung bayhána. Bísag kulatáhun sa íyang bána mudukut lang gihápun, What a stupid fool that woman is. No matter how her husband mistreats her she sticks to him anyway. Gisugal sa hanggaw ang kwartang igpapálit ug pán, The jerk gambled away the money he was given to buy bread with. v [B12; b6] get to be a jerk.

hanggrinid = han-grinid.

hanggup1 v [A; a] take a hot drink. Mihanggup kug ínit nga kapi antis kung milakaw, I took a drink of hot coffee before I went out.

hanggup2 = halanggup.

hanggus v 1 [B12] for s.t. to be abraded due to friction. Ang lamísang gigúruy mauy nakahanggus (nakapahanggus) sa sáwug, The table scratched the floor because you dragged it. Nahanggus ang ákung bitíis nga nabwásut sa salug, My foot slipped into an opening on the floor and I suffered abrasions on my leg. 2 [A; b1c] smooth a piece of wood, bamboo strip, coconut midrib, or the like by scraping. Hanggúsi ang tukug ug gílit, Smooth the coconut midrib with a razor blade.

hanghang v 1 [A; a12] for infants to have their mouth open, yearning for food. Naghanghang ang gutum nga pisù, The hungry nestlings have their mouths open. 2 = halhal.

hángin n 1 air. Wà nay hángin ang hásag, The pressure lantern has no more air. 2 wind, breeze. Mibulhut ang hángin gíkan sa dágat, The wind blew in from the sea. 3 breath or air as necessary for the body, stamina. Daling malúya kay kúlang sa hángin, He tires easily because he has no stamina. 4 mere talk, idle words. Kargádug hángin ang íyang sinulat, His article is mostly hot air. 5 force, agency that carries s.t. along or influences s.t. Unsang hangínay nagdala nímu dinhi? What brought you here? 6 = bintus. 7 in phrases: birdi nga — n a draft that makes a [301]person ill when his back is exposed to it, esp. when perspiring. dautan nga — n an ill wind that carries with it certain evil effects. Muhurus gánì ang dautang hángin, dúnay balatían nga muabut, When an ill wind blows, an epidemic will break out. itum nga — ill wind that brings serious pestilence or death. pabur sa — for a sail to be square before the wind, so as to catch the full force. Túlin ang sakayan kay pabur sa hángin, The boat is moving fast because it is catching the full force of the wind. may — crackpot, full of crazy ideas. a windy. Hángin kaáyu rung adláwa, It is very windy today. v 1 [B; a12] become windy. Mulawud siya bísag maghángin, He goes out to sea even if it is windy. 2 [a2] be blown by the wind. Dat-úgi nang mga papil kay hangínun unyà, Put a weight on the papers because the wind might blow them away. 3 [B2] get puffed up, conceited. Nagkahangin siya sukad marayna, She has been puffed up ever since she was made a beauty queen. 4 [b8] be missed by a hairbreadth. Nahanginan ang ákung úlu sa bála, A bullet missed my head by a hairbreadth. 5 [b4] be crazy. Kubad siyang musulti, mu rag gihanginan siya, He speaks off the subject as if he were crazy. pa-(→) v [A; b4] expose oneself to the wind draft. Magpahangin ta sa baybáyun, Let’s get some air at the seashore. Giubu ang bátà nga gipahanginan, The child was exposed to the draft and caught a cold. -an(→), balat -an(→) n k.o. sea cucumber that shrinks greatly when taken out of the water. ka-an n atmosphere, air space. pwirsa sa ka-an n Air Force. -un a crackpot, characterized by silly and impractical ideas. Hangínun kaáyu siyag mga plánu. Anus-a gud nà musalir? He’s full of batty ideas. How could that ever succeed? -un(→) ug útuk a boastful. Lábung manulti kay hanginug útuk, He exaggerates because he is boastful.

hángir n clothes hanger. v [A; c1] put clothes on a hanger. Hangíra (ihángir) ang tanang bláwus, Hang all the blouses up. Gustu ku sa plastik nga mauy hangíran, I prefer to hang my clothes on plastic hangers.

hangit v [B126] get irked or irritated to the point of anger. Nahangit ku kadugáyan sa íyang paggaugau, His derision finally got my goat. a annoying, maddening. Hangit kaáyu ning maglimpiyu ta sa báy unyà ang uban maglingkudlingkud lang, It is certainly maddening to clean the house while the others just sit around.

hangitan n selvage edge of s.t. woven, special weave at edge of s.t. woven to keep it from getting undone.

hangkab = angkab.

hangkub1 a keen about s.t., much interested in s.t. Dílì kaáyu ku hangkub sa mga babáyi, I’m not terribly interested in women. v 1 [B23(1)] be eager to do s.t., enthusiastic about s.t. Muhangkub pa untà sa trabáhu nang íyang mga anak, If only his sons would interest themselves in the work. 2 [A23P] inspire enthusiasm. Talagsang kadásig paggámit sa bag-u níyang prupyidad nihangkub kaníya, A tremendous desire to use his new acquisition inspired him.

hangkub2 a fitting well into s.t. v [B2] fit well into s.t. Muhangkub (mahangkub) ning sapatúsa níya kay paríha mag numiru, These shoes will fit him well, for they are the right size. Ang luag kung sinínà nagkahangkub na kay mitambuk man ku, My shirt was loose, but it is getting snug on me because I’m gaining weight.

hanglas a very smooth to the point of being slippery. Hanglas ang salug nga bag-ung giispirmáhan, The floor has just been waxed and is very smooth and slippery. v [B; a] become slippery. Naghanglas ang ákung kamut tungud sa armirul, My hands are slippery because of the starch.

han-grinid n hand grenade. v [a12] throw a hand grenade at. Gihan-grinid ang mga tápuk ug daghang namatay, A hand grenade was thrown into the crowd, and many people died.

hangtud until, up to a point in space or time. Hangtud sa pusti mga bayinti mitrus, It is about twenty meters up to the post. Mutrabáhu ku hangtud sa alas dus, I will work up to two o’clock. Gitursi ku íyang kamut hangtud nga mihílak siya, I twisted his arm until he cried. 2 [noun], [pronoun] even, including [noun], [pronoun]. Hangtud ikaw, nawad-an sa pagtáhud kanákù? Have you lost your respect for me too? — sa —, kahangtúran forever, till the end of time (said of things that could terminate but will not). Higugmáun ku siya hangtud sa hangtud (hangtud sa kahangtúran), I will love her till the end of time. sa — forever (said of things that cannot terminate). Mipahúlay siya sa hangtud, He was laid to his eternal rest. v [A2; b4] stay, last long. Ang baratung klási dílì muhangtud, The cheap kind doesn’t last. Dì ka hangtúran ug mutsatsa ug mauy ímung dinad-an, No maid will stay long with you if that’s how you handle them. sa kahangtúran to eternity. Sa [302]usa ka butu ang kinabúhì nabanlud sa kahangtúran, He was blasted to eternity with one explosion. walay kahangtúran endless, eternal. Ang gugma ku nímu walay kahangtúran, My love for you is endless. Kasábà nga way kahangtúran, Scoldings without end.

hanguhag = danghag.

hangul a 1 be overly desirous of eating s.t. Hangul siyag mangga, He is crazy about mangoes. 1a fond of an activity. Hangul siya ug bayli, He is fond of dancing. 2 selfish, greedy. Hangul kaáyu. Gustu iyáhun tanan, He is so greedy. He wants everything for himself. Hangul kaáyu ka, dílì manghátag bísag gamay, You’re very selfish. You don’t even give a little piece. 3 destitute, needy (Biblical). Ang mga hangul natigayun, The poor were ministered unto. (←) v [A; b6(1)] 1 begrudge, not want s.o. to have s.t. one might have for himself. Kun náa pa lang kuy sápì, dílì ku muhángul nímu, If I had money I wouldn’t begrudge you any. Gihangúlan ta ba ka sa ímung gipangáyù? Did I ever begrudge you anything you asked for? 2 [B126; b3] be greedy, gluttonous. Ang pagdilì makahángul (makapahángul) sa táwu, Not allowing s.o. to have s.t. makes him more desirous for it than ever. Kanà lay ákung kahangúlan? Would I ever have a great desire for that? Who wants that? walay na- who cares about that (lit. no one has ever gotten overly desirous for that). Nía rag ímung bisiklíta, way nahángul, Here, you can have your old bicycle. Who wants it? ka- n 1 greediness. 2 poverty-stricken (Biblical). kahangulhangul v [A13] take to s.t. greedily. Nagkahangulhangul kug káun ug pán kay wà ni sa ámù, I just love to eat bread because we don’t have it at home. Kining mga tagabaryu magkahangulhangul ug sini, Those country hicks are avid about movies. See also kinahanglan.

hangup v 1 [A2C; a12] embrace or greet with joy, esp. upon arriving. Muhangup ang bátà nákù inig-abut nákù sa balay, The child greets me with joy as soon as I get home. Naghángup dáyun sila sa ílang panagkítà, They immediately rushed into each other’s arms when they saw each other. Ayaw ku hangpa kay gisip-un ku, Don’t embrace me. I have a cold. 2 gi- be affected by the sickness hangup. n ailment brought on by the spirit of a deceased relative whom one failed to remember with a prayer, mass, or the like. a affectionate in one’s greeting. Kinasingkásing ug hangup gayud nga pagdáwat, Sincere and joyous reception. -in- v [B126; c5] be pleased by some action. Nahinangup aku sa íyang gibúhat, What he did pleased me. Gikahinangup námù ang ímung sulat, Your letter pleased us. kahinangup n pleasure at some action. hinalangpun a welcome. Ang balintayins dí mauy usa ka hinalangpun nga higayun, Valentine’s Day is a welcome occasion. mahinalangpun, mahinangpánun a with pleasure, enthusiasm. Mahinalangpun kaáyu siyang miúyun sa plánu, He agreed to the plan enthusiastically.

hángus v [A2S3P; a4] breathe heavily or with difficulty. Minghángus siya, dáyun namatay, He labored for breath and died. Naghangus (gihángus) siyang nagtungas sa bakilid, She was breathing hard and heavily as she climbed the hill. n heavy breathing.

hangut v [AN; a12] bite at, chew s.t. rubbery or sinewy. Milugnut ang baktin, nagpanghangut sa láang, The wild pig struggled, chewing at the noose. Hangtun ang sinílas sa ituy, The puppy will chew the slippers up. (←) v [A2; b5c] endure, put up with. Dì muhángut ning sapatúsa nímu kay dagkù kag tiil, This pair of shoes will not last long with your big feet. Hangútun (hangútan) ku na lang ning klasíhas trabáhu kay wà kuy láing kapaingnan, I have to endure this kind of work because I have nothing else to turn to.

hangwat v 1 [A; a] lift s.t. heavy from the top. Naghangwat akug baldi nga punù sa kinálut nga yútà, I lifted the pail of soil. 1a lift s.t. to dispose of it. Gihangwátan ang nátad sa mga sagbut, The trash which littered the yard was taken away. 2 [A; c1] gather s.t. to dispose of it. Átung hangwátun kining mga tái, Let’s get rid of all this manure.

hangyù (from káyù) v 1 [A; b5c] ask for s.t., request as a favor. Hangyúa lang siyang muhulam kag kwarta, Ask him to let you borrow money. Kinsay átung hangyúan sa kwarta? Who shall we ask for the money? Dúna kuy ihangyù nímu, I have s.t. to request of you. 1a beseech, plead for. Mihangyù ang inahan nga luwasun ang íyang anak, The mother pleaded for her son’s life. 2 [A; ac] haggle the price down, ask the seller to let one have s.t. at a lower price. Hangyúa ug písus ang búlig, Offer a peso for the whole bunch. Lisud hangyúan nang babayhána kay dì musíbug sa íyang prisyu, That woman is difficult to bargain with because she never lowers her price. Pilay ímung ihangyù? How much will you offer for it? 3 [AN; a12] propose to a girl. Giáhak na! Manghangyù kag bálu! Are you crazy, proposing to a widow? 4 [A23] for the ball in basketball [303]to make it into the basket after bouncing off the ring and threatening to miss (as if the ball begged to be allowed in). Miuntul ang búla sa ring unyà milígid kini ug misúd. Mihangyù pa giyud, The ball bounced off the ring then rolled into the basket. It scored, but only after begging to be let in. n 1 request. 2 price offered. — lúbù see lúbù. -ánan n person from whom one habitually buys small things on credit. -in-an n s.t. acquired or accomplished in bargaining. Paubsi ug písus ang prisyu pára may hinangyúan ku, Take a peso off the price so I have s.t. to show for my pains in bargaining. -únun n of one who needs to be approached and talked into giving approval or favors. Dì dáyun nà siya musugut sa ímung pangáyù, hangyuúnun pa, He does not easily grant requests. He needs to be begged.

háni1 1 = unsa. 2 exclamation of discomfiture upon finding s.t. out. Háni ba wà na man diay kuy kwarta sa ákung pitáka, Heavens! I have no more money in my purse.

háni2 n honey, endearing term of address.

hánib v [A; c1] gather things together in a neat pile. Haníba ang mga papílis nga napasapása, Stack up the papers that have been scattered. -in- 1 s.t. gathered in a neat pile. 2 accomplice in doing s.t. Mga hinánib ku sa parigla, My accomplices in attacking passers-by.

hanig v 1 [A; c] when s.t. is put on top of s.t. else, put s.t. between the two things as a protection for the thing on top or the thing on the bottom. Úsà nímu plantsáha, hanigi ug panaptun, Protect it with a piece of cloth before you iron it. Waks pípar ang ihanig arun dílì mupilit, Line the bottom with wax paper so it won’t stick. Ug mupahuut ka sa íhi, hanigig tabla arun way dinukdukan, If you force the shaft in, buffer it with a piece of wood so there won’t be any hammer marks. 2 [A; a] take food along with drinks as a buffer. Hanigi ug adúbu ang ram, Eat some pork before you drink rum. n 1 s.t. put between two things as a protection. 2 food taken along with drinks to line the stomach. 3 — sa impiyirnu a one who leads s.o. to do wrong, from the notion that when the wrongdoer lands in hell, he will be there first to be, so to speak, the buffer. Ikaw muy hanig sa impiyirnu, kay ikaw may nagtudlù níya pagpangáwat, You’re his buffer in hell because you taught him to steal. b matchmaker between illicit lovers who will go to hell first to act as a buffer for the couple which will end up in hell. v [A123P; c1] be made a buffer in hell. Ang pagtitatíta muy makahanig (makapahanig) sa táwu sa impiyirnu basta may kabilinggan, Acting as a go-between will land you in hell if one of the two is married.

hanimun n honeymoon. v [A; b6(1)] spend a honeymoon.

hánip a 1 neatly arranged in stacks according to size. Ayg bungkága nang mga inutaw kay hánip na nà, Don’t mess up that clothing because it’s been all piled neatly. 2 for a surface to be flat and even. Hánip gáning pagkapintal sa átù pa way bugdubugdu, If it is painted evenly there will be no thick spots. Hánip kaáyu ang pagsimintu basta may palíta, If you use a trowel, the cementing will be even and flat. v [A3P; c1] 1 stack s.t. neatly by size. 2 make a surface flat and even.

haníti a skillful, proficient in s.t. Haníti siya sa iskríma, He is expert in fencing. v [B; b6] be, become proficient in some activity. Mahaníti ka na gánì niíning trabahúa, When you become proficient in this job. ka- n proficiency.

hanlag n floor joists (busaug) made of bamboo.

hanlas = hanglas.

hanlilibun = gabun2.

hanlilika = anghilika.

hanlilítik = handilítik.

hanlulúkay n a k.o. harmless garden snake, light yellow-green in color, about a meter long and around 1¼ cm. in diameter. It resembles a coconut palm leaflet (lukay).

hansak v [A; c] thrust, drive s.t. into s.t. with force such that it penetrates, using a downward motion. Gihansákan níya ang kaáway sa bayuníta, He shoved a bayonet into the enemy. 2 hit with a strong thrust (figuratively). Gihansákan ang íyang kílid ug usa ka makabúngug nga kúmù, A staggering blow of the fist hit his side. 3 [A; c1] spike a ball. a put a ball in the basket from above. Dì siya makahansak sa búla kay mubù, He can’t just put the ball in the basket because he is too small. b spike a volleyball.

hantak n gambling game played with three of the old, large one-centavo coins which are tossed down simultaneously on a stone (antugan). The one who tosses bets all heads against s.o. who bets all tails. Bystanders may join in. v [AC; b6] play hantak. -an n stone to throw the coins on. -an(→) n 1 place where a game of hantak is held. 2 temporary place of abode. Inig-anhi námù sa Sibu hutil muy ámung hantakan, When [304]we come to Cebu we stay in a hotel. v 1 [A; b6] hang around a place. Adtu maghantakan ang mga buguy sa íyang tindáhan, The loafers hang around her store. Ang ámung nataran mauy gihantakanan sa mga pidikab, The pedicabs park in our yard. 2 [A; c6] stay, put s.w. temporarily. Átù lang ning ihantakan dinhig balíkun unyà, We’ll just leave this here temporarily and come back for it later. -anan(→) = -an, 2. -íru n one who plays hantak.

hantánà v [A12C3] confront each other and get ready for a fistfight. Naghantánà na ang duha apan wà mahinayun ug sumbagay kay miabut ang pulis, The two were about to exchange blows when the policeman arrived.

hantatalu n k.o. green caterpillar, esp. fond of calladium and taro plants, and also found on citrus, turning into a butterfly.

hantatamsi, hantatansi n k.o. large shrub of the secondary forest.

hantik = amimitas.

hanting n k.o. pointed, sharp knife 6–7″ long, thick at the upper edge. — náyip = hanting.

hantuk v 1 [A3N; a2b2] in a game of sungkà, to hit the jackpot landing in a hole opposite the hole in which the opponent has a large number of pieces, thus winning all of his pieces. 2 [A12N; a2] hit the jackpot by marrying s.o. rich. Magminyù ku apan manghantuk giyud kug anak ug asyindíru, I’ll get married, but it’ll have to be the jackpot—a planter’s daughter. n stones gotten from the opponent when one hits the jackpot in sungkà.

hantung = hamtung.

hanu 1 exclamation of joy preceding a statement which relates a discovery. Hanu, nakakità kug singsing, Guess what? I found a ring. 2 exclamation of reprimand at s.o. who failed to follow orders. Hanu, giingnan tikawng ayawg hilabti. Nabuak hinúun, See! I told you not to touch it. Now it broke. 3 kay — because you know what I mean ... Pirmi siyang ubirtayim kay hanu, ang íyang mga kabit, He always works overtime because you know, his concubines. Mitúman siya kay hanu, ang íyang útang nákù, He did as he was told because you know, his debts to me. 4 how are you doing? How is it going? Hanu, nakakità ka na bag trabáhu? How is it going now? Have you found a job?

hanubuy a for trees, legs, and the like to grow smooth and straight. Hanubuy nga káhuy ang ihalígi, Get a straight tree for the post. v [b6] consider a tree or leg straight.

hanúgun = hinúgun.

han-uk v 1 [A; c1] dump s.t. into a corner, or in an enclosed space. Ayaw han-úka (ihan-uk) sa daplin ang sinilhig mung sagbut, Do not just dump the trash in the corner. 1a dump, assign people to a place. Ang íyang dalágang gúwang mauy gihan-úkan sa mga pag-umangkung nangaílu, They dumped the orphaned nieces and nephews on their spinster aunt. Ihan-uk ang mga makililímus sa mga asílu, They dump beggars into the poorhouse. 1b shower affection on s.o. Han-úkan sa pagpanggà ang bugtung anak, An only child gets affection showered on him. 1c lay all blame, suspicion on s.o. Gihan-úkan siya sa tanang pasángil, All the blame was put on him. 2 [A3; b6] flock, crowd into a place. Anhà giyud muhan-uk ang mga trabahadur ug káun sa íyang tindáhan, The laborers flock to her store to eat. -anan n hang-out, usual place of assembly. Nayitklab kanà nga han-ukánan sa mga dátù, It’s a night club frequented by the rich.

hanum-u n k.o. shrub.

hanunum-u n small tree of secondary forest.

hanut1 v [B1456] for a dying person to be gasping for breath. Naghanut siya kay hápit na mamatay, He was gasping because he was about to die.

hanut2 v [A; b] thin out a cluster of fruits, leaves, plants. Hanuti ang mga dáwa nga nanuruk kay bagà ra, Thin the sprouting millet because it is much too thick.

hanuy, hánuy a smooth, gentle in flow or movement due to the absence of obstacles. Hánuy kaáyu ang ámung pagbiyáhi, We had a smooth trip. Hanuy kaáyu imnun nang wiski, That whiskey is smooth to drink. v [B2; b6] move or flow easily without obstacle. Nagkahanuy na ang dágan sa awtu nga maáyu na ang dálan, The car is running more smoothly now that the road is better.

hanyag v [A; c] offer s.t. for s.o.’s consideration. Naghanyag siya nákug yútà, He offered to sell me some land. Gihanyágan ku níyag trabáhu, He offered me a job.

hanyù = hangyù.

hā́p = hálap.

hapà v [A; b6(1)] throw oneself onto one’s stomach. Mihapà siya sa tiilan sa hárì, He prostrated himself at the king’s feet.

hapag n 1 a round shallow tray made of woven thin strips of bamboo or rattan used by peddlers of food. 2 flat or only slightly sloping roof of nípà or cogon. v [c1] make a nípà or cogon roofing flat or slightly sloping. [305]

hapak v 1 [A; a1b28] strike s.t. forcefully, with a slapping sound. Hapaka ang búla inigsirbi nímu, Strike the ball hard when you serve. 2 [A2; c] invest most or all of a sum right off on s.t. Hapakan ku giyud nang yutáa sa ákung bakpi, I will invest all my back pay on that land. n 1 forceful slap. Ang hapak sa lapdus sa íyang láwas, The stroke of the whip on his body. 2 bat in a ball game. 3 sound made by forceful striking.

hapas = haplas.

hapathapat v [A; a12] move fast with long strides. Hapathapatun lang sa tagabúkid ang lungsud, Mountain people come to town just by walking fast.

hapaw v [A; a] 1 take the uppermost layer off of s.t. Hapawun ku ang síbu sa sabaw, I will skim the fat off the soup. Íya nang gihapawan ang kan-un, He took the rice off the top. 2 pass lightly over the top of s.t. Ígù lang mihapaw ang bála sa íyang úlu, The bullet just grazed the top of his head. a superficial. Hapaw ang íyang katarúngan, His reasoning is shallow. -in- n s.t. taken off the top, esp. the top portion of rice or hominy.

hápay v 1 [B126] for a thick cluster of s.t. long and standing to fall or be bent at its base. Nahápay ang mga humay, The rice plants were bent over. 2 [A; a1] comb s.o.’s hair flat to the head. Díay pamáda. Hapáya ang íyang buhuk, Here’s some pomade. Comb his hair flat. 3 [B126] go bankrupt. Nahápay ang ílang nigusyu kay gigastu man hasta puhúnan, Their business went bankrupt because he spent every penny of it, even the capital. a 1 bent over flat. 2 for a man’s hair to be neatly groomed flat on the head. -in- n man’s combed hair. v [AN] 1 comb the hair. 2 be a man (be one who combs his hair flat) (humorous). Bulagi siya. Maáyu mag siya ray naghinápay, Leave him. He’s not the only fish in the sea (lit. the only one who combs his hair flat).

hapdus a stinging, burning pain in a wound, pangs of hunger. n stinging pain, gnawing from hunger. Hapdus ang tintúra yúdu, Iodine stings. 2 for words to be stinging. Kahapdus sa ímung mga púlung, Your words are so painful to me. v [B; b6] sting, burn. Mihapdus (nahapdus) ang ákung samad nga gidapátag tintúra yúdu, My wound stings because iodine was put on it. Ang kagútum makahapdus (makapahapdus) sa átung tiyan, Hunger can make you get a gnawing pain in your stomach. ka- = hapdus, n.

hápì v [B126] for plants to bend flat to the ground. Ang mga mais nahápì sa kusug nga hángin, The corn was bent flat to the ground by the strong wind.

hapihápi v [A; b6(1)] engage in merry-making. Díay ákung gidáng rám. Maghapihápi ta, Here’s some rum I brought. Let’s have some fun. n merry-making.

hapíhip v [AB; a] fill a rigid container up to the brim, be full to the brim. Pagsulud ug asin nga ígù lang muhapíhip sa láta, Fill the can with salt up to the brim. Wà gánì mahapíhip ang táru. Hapihípa ra gud, The can isn’t even filled to the brim. Fill it up. a full to the brim.

hapin n 1 s.t. that is laid over or under s.t. Hapin sa lamísa, Tablecloth. Hapin sa bátà, Baby’s diaper. Hapin sa piryudiku, The magazine cover. 2 food taken along with drinks as a digestive buffer (slang). Way ulsir basta dúnay hapin inig-ínum, You won’t get ulcers if you take in some food before a drinking spree. v 1 [A; b2c1] lay s.t. over s.t. Hapinun (ihapin) ku ning dáhun sa ságing sa baskit, I will line the bottom of the basket with this banana leaf. Gihapinan nákù ang katri ug putì nga hábul, I covered the bed with a white sheet. 2 [A; b6(1)] take in food as a buffer.

hapit v 1 [A2; b6(1)] drop by, stop in for a short while. Hapit úsà mu sa balay, Stop in the house for a while. Ang ayruplánu mihapit úsà sa Haway, Their plane made a stopover in Hawaii. 2 [A; ac] get or bring s.t. on the way. Akuy muhapit níya sa íla, I will stop in her house and fetch her on the way. Kinsay maghapit sa libru sa ámù? Who will stop by our place to deliver (or get) the book? Wà bay nakahapit sa libru sa inyu? Hasn’t anybody stopped by your place to get (or deliver) the book? Hapitun níya ang búlù pagkanáug, He will pick up the bolo on his way out. Gihapitan aku níyag palit ug búwak, He stopped in s.w. on his way to buy me some flowers. Ihapit kining kwarta pagdipusitu sa bangku, Stop in the bank on your way to deposit this money. n stopover. hapithapit v [A; b(1)] make stopovers. Lángan kaáyu ang barkung maghapithapit ug daghang pwirtu, It takes a long time if a boat keeps making stopovers in lots of ports. -ánan n place where stopovers are made.

hápit almost, almost at the point of. Hápit na malútù ang kan-un, The food is almost done. Hápit na siya muhílak, She is on the verge of tears. Hápit na mugíkan ang trák, The truck is about to leave. dílì — hardly, barely. Dílì hápit (Hápit dílì) madungug ang íyang tíngug, You can barely hear his voice. [306]— madúgay for s.t. expected to be completed later than the expected time (lit. it is almost going to be a long time). Usually used as a reply to a query (humorous). ‘Hápit na ba malútù ang kan-un?’—‘Hápit na madúgay.’ ‘Is the food ready?’—‘It still needs several minutes.

haplà v [APB; c1] 1 throw oneself down on the stomach. Midágan siya ug mihaplà (mipahaplà) sa katri, She ran out and threw herself flat on the bed. Nahaplà (mihaplà) siya kay nakatunub ug pánit sa ságing, She fell when she stepped on a banana peel. Átung hapláun (ihaplà) pagbutang ang banig sa salug, Let’s lay the mat flat on the floor. 2 defeat s.t., bring it to its downfall. Gihaplà ang indipindinti sa pulitikanhung makinarya, The political machinery defeated the independent candidates. 3 [A; c1] fail s.o. in school completely. Kaduha aku mahaplà sa Aldyibra, I failed Algebra twice. a flat, not bulging. Haplà siyag súsu, She has flat breasts.

haplak = haklap.

haplas v [AN; c] apply a liquid or viscous material with broad strokes. Kinsay naghaplas ug lápuk sa bungbung? Who rubbed mud over the wall? Haplási ang ímung bukubuku ug alkuhul, Rub alcohol on your back. n s.t. rubbed onto s.t. 2 medicinal rub. paN- v [A; c] rub s.t. on oneself. Nanghaplas siyag kríma sa íyang nawung, She rubbed cream on her face.

haplù a fit loosely inside of s.t. Haplù ning ákung sapátus, These shoes are very loose on me. Haplù nga pagkalansang, Nailed so that the nail wiggles. v 1 [BN] be loose inside of s.t. 2 [c1] for the string of the top to fly off because of not being tied firmly enough. Nahaplù ang apus, The top string came off.

haplus (from palus) v 1 [APB12; a] for s.t. which is tied to s.t. or holds it to come off, cause it to do so. Nahaplus ang íyang sapátus pagdinágan, His shoes came off as he ran. Nahaplus ákung kamut sa sanga ug nahúlug ku, I lost my grip on the branch, and I fell. Nahaplus ang ubud sa ákung kamut, The eel slipped out of my hand. 2 [A12] escape from restraint. Ang bábuy nakahaplus sa hukut, The pig got loose from its tether. Haplúsa ang písì sa tiil sa bábuy, Slip the rope off from the pig’s feet. 3 [A; a1] run the hand over the length of s.t. to remove s.t. from it, or squeeze s.t. out of it, or just massage it. Siyay mihaplus sa alambri, He ran his hands over the wire to straighten it. Haplusa ímung nawung ug katulgun ka, Run your hand over your face if you feel sleepy.

haplut = haplus.

hapluy v [A; a] rub the flat palm over s.t. Naghapluy siya sa palpag níyang buhuk, She is smoothening her dishevelled hair. Haplúya ang ímung nawung ug tulgun ka, Run your hand over your face if you feel sleepy.

hapnig (from panig) v [A; c1] stack flat things in a neat pile. Ihapnig (hapníga) ang inutaw sa aparadur, Stack the ironed clothes in the wardrobe.

hapnut 1 = sapnut. 2 †.

hapsà = hagsà.

hapsay a 1 smooth and without blemish. Hapsay ang pánit sa mangga, The mango has smooth and unblemished skin. 2 neat and orderly. Hapsay kaáyung pagkaariglǎr ang ímung lawak, Your room is orderly. v 1 [APB2; a] be smooth and glossy, make s.t. so. Hapsáyun ta ning ímung buhuk, Let’s make your hair smooth and glossy. 2 [B12; a] make, be neatly arranged, make s.t. so. Hapsáya ang ímung pamisti, Wear clothing that is simple and neat.

hapslip n half slip. v [A; b6(1)] wear, make into a half slip.

hapù v [A; c1] comb the hair straight backward. Hapua (ihapù) ang ímung buhuk kay limpiyung tan-áwun, Comb your hair straight backward because it looks neat.

hápù a fatiguing. Hápù kaáyu ning pagpangarga, The job of a stevedore is very tiring. v [A1PB26; a4b4c1] fatigue, get fatigued. Kanang sayáwa naghápù (nagpahápù) sa átung láwas, That dance wears you out completely. Gihápù (gihapúan, nahápù) kug linanguy sa dágat, I am exhausted from swimming in the sea. Ayaw hapúa (ihápù) nang ímung láwas, Don’t tire yourself out too much. (→) a fatigued. ka- n weariness.

hapúhap v [A; a12] stroke gently back and forth with little pressure. Mihapúhap siya sa ákung bukubuku sa paghumpay sa kasakit, He stroked my back to relieve the pain. n gentle strokes back and forth. -in- n a gentle stroke back and forth. Ang hinapúhap sa huyúhuy sa íyang hubù nga láwas, The gentle caresses of the breeze on her nude body.

hapúlas (from púlas) v [A; c1] 1 smear s.t. over a large area with the hand. Gihapulásan ang bungbung ug lápuk, The wall had mud smeared all over it. 2 eat s.t. fast. Mihapúlas lang siya ug tulu ka plátung tsapsuy, He gobbled down three platefuls of chop suey (as if he was just smearing it on his mouth).

hapun n 1 Japan. 2 Japanese person. 3 fishing [307]line. isda sa — = súlid2. papil nga, sa, di- colored tissue paper. hapunánun n Japanese citizen. -in- a 1 in the Japanese way. 2 name given to various methods of fishing introduced by the Japanese. v [A; c1] speak Japanese, do s.t. the Japanese way. -is Japanese (plural).

hápun n afternoon, early evening. Bag-ung hápun, Early afternoon. — na it is late (in the afternoon or early evening). Hápun na kaáyu. Adtu na ku, It is already very late. I’m going now. v 1 [B5] get to be afternoon. Nahápun na lang wà pa siya maulì, It was evening already and he still hadn’t come home. 1a do s.t. in the afternoon. Hapúna ang bunyag, Have the baptism held in the afternoon. 2 [A13; b(1)] do s.t. until afternoon. Maghápun siyag paninda, She is in the store until afternoon. 3 [b8] be overtaken by afternoon. Hihapunan ku ug panáud sa bumbilya, Evening overtook me as I was putting up the electric lights. hapunhápun 1 every afternoon. 2 = ginamusginámus, see gamus. v [A1; b5] do s.t. every afternoon. Mahuman nà dáyun ug hapunhapúnun (hapunhapúnan) ku nag trabáhu, It will soon be finished if I work on it every afternoon. hiN-(→) v [A13] 1 do in the afternoon. Naghinghapung kalígù, Swimming in the afternoon. 2 for afternoon to approach. pa-(→), paka-(→) v [A13; b(1)] stay s.w. until afternoon. Magpahapun ta dinhi, kay ínit pa kaáyug udtu, Let’s wait here until afternoon, because it would be terribly hot at noon. panghi- v [A23] be around afternoon. Muanhi siya, manghiudtu, manghihápun ba, He’ll come here around noon or around afternoon. pani- v [A2; c] eat supper. Manihápun na ta kay alas utsu na, Let’s eat supper now because it is already eight o’clock. n supper. -ánun, ka-ánun late in the afternoon. Hapunánun (kahapunánun) nahuman ang iliksiyun, The election was over late in the afternoon. ka-un n 1 afternoon as a phase of time of day. Ang kaínit sa kahapúnun dumudulut kaáyu, The heat in the afternoon is very penetrating. 2 the late years of one’s life. tig-(→) n 1 the eve of an important occasion. 2 banquet held on the eve of an occasion. v 1 [A1] hold a banquet on the eve of an occasion. 2 [AN; b6] attend the banquet held on the eve. Manighapun ta sa íla, Let’s attend the banquet held on the eve at their house. 3 [A2N] go s.w. on the day before an event. Manighapun ku sa barku, kay sayung mularga, I’ll go to the boat in the afternoon because it will leave early. -un(→) n 1 done in the afternoon. 2 palm toddy gathered in the afternoon.

hapus v [A; b5] 1 strike, usually with s.t. flexible with a long downward stroke. Gihapsan níya sa sundang ang ságing, He struck the banana tree with his machete. Ihapus ku ning bakus nímu, I will strike you with this belt. 2 spin a top. n 1 action of whipping at. 2 whip. 3 string of a top.

hapuy, hápuy = hapluy.

hapuyhápuy = hapúhap.

hapyud v [A; a] 1 massage gently moving hands in one direction. Mitindug siya ug mihapyud sa íyang sinínà, She stood up and smoothed out her dress. Hapyúra ning ákung tiil kay gikalambri, Massage my legs because I’ve got cramps. 2 squeeze s.t. out of s.t. by massaging in one direction. Hapyúra ang kulgit arun madagínut, Flatten out the toothpaste to use up every bit of it.

hára n queen. Nahímu siyang hára sa pangílin sa ámung balángay, She was made queen of the fiesta in our barrio. — sa panimalay wife as the head of the house. v [B6; a2] become a queen.

hárab = árab2.

harabharab v [A1; b5] 1 rush, hurry in doing s.t. Nagharabharab siyag súgù, She rushed about giving orders. 2 [A; b(1)] for monkeys to chatter wildly. 3 be aflutter with expectation. Nagharabharab ákung ginháwa sa pagpakigkítà kaníya, I’m all excited at the thought of seeing her again.

harábi n k.o. patent medicine used as cough syrup. — ditúlu = harábi.

harag v [B; c1] 1 for s.t. tall to be leaning to one side. Nagharag ang pusti. Tarúnga, The post is leaning. Straighten it out. Naharag ang mga balay human hangína, The houses are leaning to one side after the windstorm. 2 lean back to rest on s.t. Dì ku makaharag ánang siyáha kay gubà ug sandigánan, I cannot recline on that chair because it has a broken backrest. a leaning.

harána n serenade, music made beneath a girl’s window by way of courting. v 1 [AN; b6(1)] serenade, go serenading. Dalága ka na. Giharanáhan (giharanáan) na ka, You are a young lady now. They’re already serenading you. 2 sing under a person’s window. Haranáan nátù siya ugmà sa kaadláwun kay adlaw níya, Let’s serenade him tomorrow early in the morning because it’s his birthday. paN- n serenading.

hárang1 n offering of food, smokes, drinks, etc. to supernatural beings during the planting and harvest seasons, or to the departed souls during All Souls Day. v [A1; c] make [308]an offering of the hárang.

hárang2 v 1 [A; b5] block s.o.’s way with hostile purpose. Usa ka bitin ang mihárang sa ámung agiánan, A snake barred our way. Ang patrulya gihárang (giharángan) sa mga kaáway, The patrol was ambushed by the enemies. 2 [A2C; a1] confront s.t. unpleasant or hostile. Dílì ku makahárang sa mapait nga kamatuúran, I cannot face the hard truth. Nagkahárang ang duha sa usa ka mainítung lantugiay, The two met in hot debate.

háras a biting taste which characterizes citrus fruit. v [B46; b6] feel a biting sensation after eating citrus fruit, having such a taste. Nagháras na ning tutunlan íning buúngun nga háras, My throat stings from this sharp pomelo.

harasharas a 1 done carelessly such that if there is a finished product, it is rough, not well-prepared. Harasharas nga pagkalútù, way lamì, It is carelessly cooked, tasteless. Harasharas siyang mudrayib. Mu rag pituy kinabúhì, He drives carelessly as if he had seven lives. 2 coarse in behavior. v [A; a] 1 do s.t. without much care. Giharasharas niya pagbúhat ang lamísa, He did a sloppy job in making the table. 2 fail to behave carefully, without proper circumspection. Nagharasharas siya sa taliwálà sa sulimning sirimunyas, He was misbehaving in the midst of the solemn ceremonies. Unsáun nátù pagtígum ug magharasharas ka paggastu? How can we save if you spend money without giving it any thought?

hárat = káras1.

haraw 1 exclamation expressing an earnest wish for s.t. to happen, either good or bad. Haraw malúnud ang íyang gisakyan, May the boat he takes sink. Haraw makadaug ku sa rípa, May I win the raffle. 2 — ka-[root] (confined to verbs of B conjugation) expression of exasperation and fear for the worst consequences of a rash action. Giingnang dì padraybun. Haraw kabanggà, I told him not to drive. Watch, he’s going to crash. Mitabuk giyud sa bahà. Haraw kadá sa súg, He crossed when the river was in flood. Watch him get carried away with the current.

harayháray = halayhálay.

harbas = halábas.

hardin n 1 flower garden. 2 place of beautiful emotions (literary). Sa ákung hardin sa gugma ikay rúsas, You are the rose in my garden of love. 3 way of playing billiards with numbered pieces set along the sides and in the center of the table, in which the piece hit represents a score and the players are obliged to make a certain score as indicated by a throw of dice. v [A1; a2] have a flower garden. -íru n gardener.

hardul n 1 hurdle in races. 2 track event using hurdles.

hardwir n hardware store.

hari give me. Hari (ihari) ra nà, Let me have that. i- = hari.

hári, hárì1 v [A13] do s.t. continuously. Wà siyay ági naghári lag katúlug, He didn’t accomplish anything. All he did was sleep.

hárì2 n 1 king. Ang hárì sa Ispanya, The king of Spain. 2 the king in cards, chess. 3 master, one who has power over. Hárì sa panimalay, The master of the household. 4 head of a coin. 4a jocular expression uttered upon hearing s.t. fall. Dihang nahúlug ang básu dihay niingung ‘Hárì!’ When the glass fell s.o. yelled ‘Dropped s.t.! (lit. Heads!)’ 5 one who excels others in s.t. which requires skill or knowledge. Ang ákung apuhan hárì sa iskiríma sa íyang panahun, During his time, my grandfather was a master of fencing. — nga gángis big boss, kingpin, usually of a political party. Nagkinahanglan nig bindisiyun sa háring gángis, It needs the approval of the boss. — nga lungsud the sovereign people. Ang kandidátu nangamúyù sa háring lungsud, The political candidate pleaded with the electorate. v 1 [B16; b(1)] be a monarch. Usa ka babáyi ang naghárì karun sa Inglatíra, A woman is the sovereign in England. 2 [A3; b(1)] assume leadership or command in a bossy manner. Dì ku gustung harían sa ákung kaugalíngun, I don’t like to be lorded over in my own house. 3 [A12; b6] get heads in tossing coins. Nakahárì (giharían) siyag kalima, He got heads five times. 4 [B26] turn out to be heads. Mahárì (muhárì) lang ning pagkaantúga, If this toss turns out to be heads. 5 [A3; b(1)] for a condition or emotions to prevail. Mihárì sa íyang dughan ang kakuyaw, Fear prevailed in his heart. Naghárì ang kahílum, Silence reigned. harìhárì v [A; b] treat in a bossy way. harìhariun, maharìhariun a bossy, domineering. -ánun a royal, regal. Hariánun nga balay, A palatial mansion. Hariánung dugù, Royal blood. gin-an, ging-an n kingdom.

hárì3 v [B126] fall with the rump or back hitting the ground first. Nahárì ku sa dā́n nga danglug, I fell on my back on the slippery road.

hárim n harem. v [A13; c1] have, maintain a harem.

harína n flour. — sa mais n corn starch. v 1 [A1; c1] make flour. 2 [B256; b6] form into [309]flour. 3 [b(1)] put flour into.

haríning n a princess that is a child.

harsi = halsi.

harsiya n 1 guy rope or cable tied to s.t. vertical to maintain stability. Harsiya sa pálu, Guy ropes holding the mast. 2 cable or a strong rope holding the anchor or the hawser used in tying the boat to the dock. v [A13; a12] attach, make into a hawser or guy.

harug1 n supports for growing plants or s.t. for them to climb on. v [A; b5] support climbing plants. Giharug (giharugan) na ang agbáti ug mga lipak, They used bamboo sticks for the agbáti vine to climb on.

haruhas = harasharas.

harúhay a in a comfortable financial situation. v [B23(1); b6] for a way of life to become financially comfortable. Kanang swildúha makaharúhay na giyud ning átung pagpuyù, With that salary we can live a life of ease and comfort.

harun = arun.

hárung v [A2C; abc1] come face to face with. Dílì siya makighárung sa mga bisíta, She refuses to greet the visitors. Ang sad-an dílì makahárung kanákug tan-aw, He’s guilty and cannot look at me straight in the eye. Harúngan ku siya bísag ása ug bísan anus-a, I’ll take him on, any time, any place. Wà kuy nawung ihárung níya kay sad-an ku, I can’t bring myself to face him because I’m guilty. Piligru ikahárung ang hárì sa dágat, It is dangerous to come face to face with the king of the sea. n action of facing s.o. Nadaug ku sa hárung, wà ku makapaháyag, I was overcome by shyness when I tried to face her. I couldn’t state my purpose.

harus v 1 [A; a] strip leaves off the stem or stalk. Nagharus kug kamunggay nga iságul sa útan, I’m stripping off kamunggay leaves to use as vegetables. 2 [B12] for a mechanism that engages to get stripped, get so it fails to engage. Naharus ang kambiyu maung dì na mukagat, The gears got stripped so that they won’t engage. 3 [c1] involve all in doing s.t. Iharus (harusa) ug lábay sa bintánà ang mga butang, Throw everything out of the window. 3a [A; a3] destroy, afflict all practically without exception. Ang lúnup nga miharus sa tanang kabalayan, The flood that destroyed all the houses. Naharus ming tanan ug kasakit ug plú, We were all sick with flu. 4 [A2N; a12] make a sweeping victory, reap all the victories in competitive activities. Ang ámung iskuylahan mauy miharus (nangharus) sa atlítik mit, Our school won a sweeping victory in the athletic meet. Giharus kami ni Tínung sa blakdyak, We all lost to Tinong in blackjack. a for a mechanism to be stripped. Harus ug gusánu ang ruska, The screw has stripped threads.

haruyháruy v [A1; b6(1)] go about in a relaxed way for pleasure. Nagharuyháruy ka na man dihà. Tápus ka na ba sa búhat mu? You are strolling about now. Are you through with your chores?

hás = hálas1, 2.

hasag v [A; c] thrust a mass forcibly against s.t. else. Akuy muhasag nímu sa bubung ug ímu kung bakakan, I’ll knock your head against the wall if you lie to me.

hásag n pressurized kerosene lamp (from the brand name ‘Hasag’). v [A1] use a pressurized kerosene lamp.

hasàhásà n name given to small andúhaw.

hásan n k.o. land crab a bit smaller than the kágang, generally not eaten.

hasang v [b(1)] vent one’s anger on s.o. Bísag kinsang mahiduul ang íyang hasngan sa kasukù, He vents his anger on anyone who goes near him.

hásang n gills. hasanghásang n an outlet on the side of a ship’s hull to let the bilge water out. -an a having gills.

hashas v 1 [A; b5c] pound rice a second time to husk the grains that had been missed the first time around. Hashási ang bugas arun hamluyng kan-un, Pound the rice a second time so it will be smooth to eat. 2 [A13; b5] go over s.t. written and polish it. Naghashas ku niíning sinulat páras pagpamantálà, I am revising the article for publication. -in-an n 1 piece that has been well-revised and polished. Pakigpúlung nga hinashásan, Highly polished speech. 2 specially chosen. Hinashásan nga trabahanti, Specially chosen workers.

hásì v 1 [A; a12] frighten s.o. with threats. Ayaw kug hasía kay dì ku mahadluk, Do not threaten me because I can not be frightened. Ang lungsud gihásì sa dakung gútum, The city was threatened with a severe famine. 2 [A; a1] trouble, vex. Kinsa na man puy naghásì sa bátà nga naghilak na man pud ri? Who bothered the child that he is crying again? Gihásì ang mga tanum sa úlud, The worms are a pestilence for the plants. 3 [A1; b(1)] for s.t. to be rampant, be on, in full swing. Naghásì ang krímin sa piyir, Crime is rampant on the waterfront. Maghásì lámang ang pinugsanay sa humay, Rice planting is proceeding in full swing.

hasindíru n = asindíru. see asinda.

haskan 1 — nga [adjective]-a, ka-[adjective], [verb] how very much! Haskang kuyáwa [310]nákù uy! My, how scared I was! Haskang pangúrug naku! My, how I trembled! Haskang nakakáun níya! God! How that child eats. 2 expression of helpless frustration at s.t. monotonous or boring. Isdà sa Lúnis, isdà gahápun, isdà sa paniudtu, ug karun haskan mau gihápun, Fish last Monday, fish yesterday, fish for lunch, and now, God! The same damn thing.

haslag v [B] look bright and pleasant with neatness and cleanliness. Mihaslag (nahaslag) ang panagway sa táwung bulingut nga nakaligù, The dirty man looked neat and pleasant-looking after he washed himself. Naghaslag nag iskrin human banwási, The screen looks clean and bright now that you rinsed it. a look bright and clean.

haslir n 1 one who makes his living by petty thievery, swindling, and the like. 2 gold digger. v [B1] be, become a hustler.

haslù1 a loose in a place inserted. v [B26; a] for s.t. to slip out of a place into which it was inserted. Mihaslù (nahaslù) lang ang singsing sa ákung tudlù, The ring just came off my finger. Haslúa ang sundang sa sakub, Pull the machete out of the sheath. haslùhaslù v [B6; b6] keep slipping out of, coming loose. Naghaslùhaslù ang ákung tiil sa luag nga sapátus, My shoes keep coming off my feet.

haslù2 a stupidly inept, tending to do things wrong. Haslù ka kay naglúgaw kag pinatisan, You sure don’t know what you’re doing, putting soy sauce in the porridge. Haslù nga pagkatupi. Daghang kabang, What an inept haircut. It was very unevenly done. v [B1456; b6] be, become stupidly inept.

haslù3 a taking too much pride in one’s possessions. À kahaslù! Namungíngi man ang tudlù sa aláhas, My! She wants to show off so she puts on every ring she has! v [B12] get to be too proud of possessions. Nahaslù siya sukad nadiswildu, She has started to become stuck up and to show off since she got a job. ka- n excessive pride in possessions. Bisag wà nay ihungit nanginstulmin pa giyud ug pridyidir tungud sa ílang kahaslù, Even though they have nothing to eat, they have to buy a refrigerator on installment, just to show off.

hasmag v 1 [A; b6(1)] rush, lunge into an obstacle or opposition. Ang irù mihasmag kaníya, The dog rushed at him. Kausa ra hasmági ang bakilid sa buldúsir, natumpag dáyun, The bulldozer smashed into the hillside once and the whole thing came crumbling down. 2 [A23; b(1)] for emotions to appear in overwhelming suddenness. Gihasmágan aku sa kamíngaw, I am overwhelmed with loneliness. n action of lunging into.

haspi n k.o. paper used as backing put around the bound edge in book binding. v [A13; b6] use this k.o. paper.

hasta followed by a subject: even [the subject] has done it or had it happen to him! Hasta ikaw gitugkag katáhap nákù! Have you, too, lost faith in me! Hasta mga bátà gipatay, Even the children were put to death. Hasta pa gánì ang mga bátà maantígu nang mangílad, Even the little children know how to cheat. — labista goodbye, till we meet again.

hastilan = pastilan.

hasù1 v [A; a2] pump, cock the loading and ejecting mechanism of a rifle. Hasuun nímu ang iskupíta úsà ka makatíru, You must pump the shotgun before you can fire.

hasù2 = haslù1.

hasug v [A; c1] push s.t. into a container and tamp it down to fill it tight. Hasuga (ihasug) ang kupras sa sáku, Shove the copra tight into the sack.

hasuk1 v 1 [A; c1] make a hole to sow seeds in. Ang bakilid hasukan kay dílì man madáru, They will make holes for the seeds in the hillside because you cannot plow it. 2 [A; c] insert s.t. into a hole or sheath. Muhasuk ka gánì sa sundang mu sa sakuban ayawg itipas, Be careful when you sheathe your bolo. Anhà ihasuk ang halígi sa ímung gilúngag, Plant the post in the hole which you dug. 3 [A; c] drive the stakes or pegs. Hasuki ang mga tanum arun dì matumba, Place stakes near the plants so they will not fall over. n 1a dibble stick. 1b hole dibbled in the ground to sow seeds in. 1c action of making a hole. 2 peg, stake.

hasuk2 v [A; c1] pack inside tight by compacting or tamping it down. Ug inyung hasukun (ihasuk) ang kupras maígù ang tanan sa usa ka sáku, If you pack the copra down, it will get into one sack. a compressed and well-packed inside a container.

hásul v 1 [A; a] bother, give trouble, inconvenience. Muhásul ku nímug kadiyut ha? May I bother you for a moment? Gihásul ku pag-áyu niíning sip-un, I am very much bothered by my cold. 2 [A3; a2] bother to do, take the trouble of doing s.t. Naghásul ka pa mag dala ug ságing níay daghan, You have taken the trouble of bringing bananas when we have so many! 3 [A13] for a child to be fussy. Naghásul ang bátà kay gibutdag tiyan, The child is fussy because he has an upset stomach. a entailing a lot of annoyance, bother. Hásul kaáyung adtúun, [311]daghang sakaysákay, It’s a lot of trouble to go there because there’s no direct transportation. a being a lot of trouble, causing inconvenience. n — sa katursi 1 World War I. 2 causing very much trouble and bother. Hásul sa katursi ning batáa, This child is a terrible nuisance. ka- n trouble, annoyance. ma-un a causing lots of trouble and inconvenience. Mahasúlung mga hangyù, Requests that entail a lot of trouble.

haswà v [A2PB12; c1] remove s.t. that sticks, get removed. Maáyu kaáyung muhaswà (mupahaswà) sa buling ang Tayid, Tide removes dirt well. Tungud sa kalatà nahaswà ang pánit, After the meat got done, the skin came off. Haswáa (ihaswà) ning lápuk nga nitaput sa ákung sapátus, Remove the mud that stuck to my shoes.

hasyinda = asyinda.

hát n 1 music with a hot beat. 2 dance done to hot music. v [A23; c1] dance to hot music. Kasagáran sa mga batan-un maáyu muhát, Most young people know how to dance to hot music.

hatà v [A; c] feint, make a move to strike, kick, give, or the like, without actually intending to do so. Hataa (hatai) ug karmilítus ang bátà, Act like you’re going to give the child some candy. Hataan sa wala, butangan sa tuu, Make a feint with the left and hit him with the right. Ihatà ug syát ang búla, Feint a shot with the ball. n 1 feinting action. 2 bluffing statement or threat.

hátag v [A; c] 1 give. Lílas nga muhátag maáyung pagtulun-an, A film which teaches a good lesson. Ang adlaw naghátag kanátug kaháyag, The sun gives us light. Wà ku makahatag (makahátag) sa abangan, I haven’t paid the rent. Tagáan (hatágan) ta kag singku, I’ll give you a nickel. Humwurk nga gihátag sa maistra, The homework the teacher gave. Kinabúhì nga gihátag álang sa yútang natawhan, A life given for one’s country. 2 let s.o. have s.t. for a price. Gihátag lang nig singku, He let me have it for five pesos. 3 give a speech, reply; issue order. Mihátag ang prisidinti ug pakigpúlung, The President gave a speech. Naghátag ang iksaminir ug mga instruksiyun, The examiner is giving instructions. 4 — ug katahúran greet upon meeting, pay one’s respects. Wà gánì maghátag katahúran, He didn’t even greet me. n 1 s.t. given one. Kining mga rilip hátag ni sa Amirika, This relief clothing is a gift from the U.S.A. 2 selling price. Pilay ímung hátag? How much will you let me have it for? 3 turn to give. Ákù rung hátag, Now it’s my turn to give. hingatag a generous, fond of giving. -l-an(→), -anan(→) n 1 s.t. one is obliged to give. Singkwinta písus ang ákung binulan nga halatagan, I am obliged to give fifty pesos a month. 2 person to whom s.t. is to be given. ig-r-/l-(→) n thing to be given. -in- n s.t. which has been given. Dì ni hinátag. Pinalit ni, I didn’t get this as a gift. I bought it. -in-an n one to whom given. mag-l-, maN-l-, mag-r-, maN-r- one who gives s.t. out. manggi-un, ma-un a generous. um-l-, um-l-(→) n one who gives (Biblical). -l-un(→), -unun(→) = -l-an(→), 1.

hátak v [A23B126; c1] for s.t. to fall down from a place it was held or attached, cause s.t. to do so. Muhátak (nanghátak) ug lubi si Idung, Edong is knocking those coconuts down. Nahátak sa ubus ang kapáyas nga hinug na kaáyu, The overripe papaya fell to the ground.

hátaw v 1 [A] appear for a moment on a surface. Ígù lang mihátaw ang íhu sa dágat, The shark just appeared for a second on the surface. 2 [A2] appear on a surface. Mihátaw ang mga gamut, The roots appeared on the surface. hatawhataw v [A13] for one thing or a small number to be moving in a solitary way over an open area. Aku ra giyuy naghatawhataw sa awdituryum, I was the only one moving about in the auditorium. Usa ka sakayan nga naghatawhataw sa kadagátan, A small boat sailing alone in the sea.

hatay expression preceding a phrase warning s.o. against doing s.t. foolish: watch out. Hatay ug makit-an kang Tátay nga nagkáp sa íyang gamitun, Watch out! Father is going to see you touching his tools. Hatay giyud ug mabughat ka ánang ímung pagsuruysúruy, Watch out! You’re going to have a relapse going about like that.

hátay a having a long, lean body. Hátay ang láwas sa datsun, The dachshund has a long body. n length of the body. v [B2] develop a long body. Kadakù na ba nímu karun! Mihátay (nahátay) ka mag maáyu, How big you are now. You have grown tall! 2 — sa banig v [A3P; c1] be confined to bed for a long time due to a sickness. Mihátay sa banig ang masakitun, The sick man stayed in his sickbed for a long time. pa- v [A; ac] stretch out to one’s full length. Ipahátay nang láwas mu. Tan-áwun nátug unsay ímung gitas-un, Stand up straight and tall. Let’s see how tall you are.

hatdug n hot dog. v [A1; a12] fix hot dogs, have hot dogs as food.

hátì v [A; a] hunt with a dog. Maáyu muhátì nang irúa ug usa, That dog is good for hunting deer. [312]

hat kík = hagkik.

hatsa1 a vain and affected in behavior. Hatsa bayà níyang maglakaw, mu rag mudílu, How affectedly she walks! As if she were a model.

hatsa2 n = atsa.

hatsit n sumptuous meal (colloquial). Birtdi níya run. Sigúru may hatsit, It’s his birthday today. There is sure to be a good dinner. v 1 [A1; b1] hold a sumptuous meal. Unsay inyung gihatsítan? What did you have your party for? or What did you have for your feast? 2 [AN; a] attend s.t. where a sumptuous meal is served, feast on. Hatsítun na nátù ning litsun, Let’s eat the roast pig now.

hatsuy (from mutsatsu, the one who is punished in games) n in a game of takyan, one who serves the takyan. v [B126; a12] be, become the server in a game of takyan.

hátub = hagtub.

hatud v 1 [A; c] take s.t. s.w. Hatdan ta kag pagkáun, I will bring you some food. Ihatud ang bisíta sa íla, See the visitors home. — sa panan-aw watch s.o. while he goes s.w. Ihatud siya sa ímung panan-aw hangtud musulud, Watch him until he gets inside. 2 [A3P; c6] make s.t. reach a certain distance in time or space. Anus-a kahà ihatud nganhi sa gubyirnu ang karsáda? When will the government ever bring the road here? Gihatud sa kamatáyun ang íyang kauyámut, He never extracted himself from poverty until his death. 2a lead to some bad results. Kanang ímung pagkagastadúra makapahatud (makahatud) nátù sa kawad-un, Your extravagance can end us up in the poorhouse. 2b [c6] bring an offer down to a certain level, offer odds as great as a certain amount in betting. Ihatud ang ímung paghangyù sa kinaubsang prisyu, Bargain it down to the lowest price. n 1 action of delivering. 2 s.t. delivered. Gamay ra ang ákung hatud, I have a small supply (to deliver). — sa bargain as low as. — balay windfall. — káwat telegram. v [A; b] send a telegram. ig-r-(←) n s.t. to be delivered. — sa mintiryu skin and bones (ready to be brought to the grave).

hatùhatù v [A1; c1] 1 eat greedily or ravenously. Pwirti giyud tingáli nímung gutúma kay naghatùhatù ka man giyug káun, How famished you must be judging from the way you are eating so ravenously. 2 take more of s.t. than one can use. Ayawg hatùhatuag dala nang mga libru, kay dì man nímu mabása nang tanan, Don’t take all those books because you can’t read all of them.

hátul v [A; a1c] tease unmarried people by pairing them off as if for marriage. Átung hatúlun sila si Pidrug Maríya, Let’s match up Maria and Pedro. Ayaw kug ihátul ánang byúdu, Don’t tease me by pairing that widower off with me!

hátum = sátum.

haud n leader, a short length of material used to attach a lure or hook to the end of a fishline. v [A13; a] attach, make into a leader.

haum a 1 fitting well. Haum kaáyu ang ímung sinínà sa ímung láwas, Your dress fits you well. 2 fitting, in accordance. Tulumanung haum sa Indipindins Dí, Programs appropriate for Independence Day. v [APB3; c] fit into or around s.t., cause s.t. to do so. Ang makahaum niíning sapátus mauy katagáan, Whoever this pair of shoes fits can have them. Ihaum ang ímung pakigpúlung sa pangidarun sa manimátì, Tailor your talk to the age-level of your audience.†

háun v 1 [A; a] take things off the stove, fire. Igkabúkal giyud haúna dáyun, When the water boils take it off the fire immediately. 2 [A; a12] bail one out of difficulties. Ang ímung pagtábang mau ray makaháun (makapaháun) kanákù sa kalisud ku karun, The only thing that can get me out of my difficulties is your help. n action of taking things off the fire. Kada háun mulútù mig usa ka dusínang pán, We bake a dozen loaves at one time. bag-ung — 1 just recently produced. Way ikspiriyinsiya ang bag-ung háun, The new graduates have no experience. Bag-ung háung sista, A guitar just from the factory. 2 new model. Bag-ung háung kutsi, The newest model car. Bag-ung háung hirdu, The latest style of hairdo.

hawà a 1 devoid of, lacking s.t. completely. Hawà ang kwartu human panguhái sa mwiblis, The room was bare after the furniture was removed. Hawà siya sa kinaadman, He is completely devoid of culture. Hawà ang ákung tiyan, My stomach is empty. 1a having an empty feeling in the pit of one’s stomach from looking down from heights or falling. Hawà ang tiyan basta mukalit ug dulhug ang ilibítur, You get an empty pang in the stomach when the elevator goes down suddenly. 2 separated, isolated out. Hawà na sila sa ílang ginikánan, They live apart from their parents. 3 different. Hawà ra kaáyu íyang sinultihan sa ubang babáyi, Her way of talking is very different from other girls. 3a feel uneasy or uncomfortable about s.t. that one is not accustomed to. Hawà kaáyu ning muhigdag way dúlug, It is very strange to sleep without s.o. else in bed with me. 4 — sa aside from, in addition to. Hawà [313]sa íyang swildu dúna pay pinsiyun, Apart from his salary he has a pension. v 1a [A; c1] separate, isolate from others. Ílang ihawà (hawaun) ang dagkù sa gagmay, They will separate the large ones from the small ones. 1b [AC2] live separately. 1c [AC2] do s.t. separately. Naghawà mig higdà, We sleep in separate places. 2 [B2; c1] be different, differentiate. Nagkahawà ang hitsúra sa kalúha nga nagdakù, As the twins grew bigger their features became more and more different. Hawaun (ihawà) untà nímu ang táwung masayunsáyun lang sa dílì, You should distinguish the people you can take for granted from those you can’t. 2a [b4] get an uneasy feeling at s.t. one is not accustomed to. 3 [B12; a4b4] get an empty pang in the pit of one’s stomach when one looks down from a height or falls a distance. Muhawà ang ákung tiyan ug mudúngaw ku sa ayruplánu, My stomach gets a queasy, empty feeling when I look down from an airplane. (←) v 1 [A23P; b(1)P] leave, move away from a place. Muháwà (mupaháwà) ku íning baláya kay buysit, I’ll leave this house because it brings us bad luck. 2 [a12P] remove, cause to leave. Giháwà (gipaháwà, gipapaháwà) ang mga iskwátir, The squatters were evicted. pa- v 1 [A2; b(1)] = háwà, 1. 2 [AP; aP] = háwà, 2.

háwak1 n waist. (→) v [A123P; a4] get backaches. Hawakun ka kun magpúnay kag tikubù, You will be afflicted with backaches if you are always bent over. (→) n purlins, the beams in a roof running parallel to the ridgepole which support the common rafters (katsaw). v [A; a] attach, make into, use as purlins. panig-(→) v [A2; c] stand with the arms on the waist as a sign of anger or superiority. Nanighawak siyang nangasábà, She stood with her hands on her waist as she scolded us. Ayaw kug panighawaki dihà, Don’t you talk to me with your hands on your waist! -an a fat around the waist. -an(→) n waistline. taga-(→) a waist-deep. -un(→) a tending to suffer from backaches.

háwak2 a having influence, pull in a place (slang). Háwak siya dihà kay siyay intsards sa pirsunil, He has influence in that place because he is head of the personnel section.

háwan v 1 [A; b] clear an area. Hawáni ang nataran sa mga sagbut, Clean the weeds out of the yard. Hawáni ang lamísa, Clear the table. Hawáni ang kawáyan sa mga tunuk, Clear the thorns off the bamboo. Gihawánan ang plása sa mga táwu, The people were driven out of the plaza. 2 [B] for an area to become clear. Miháwan dáyun ang sinihan dihang may misinggit kaláyu, The moviehouse emptied instantly when s.o. yelled ‘fire’. a for a place to be emptied or cleared. Háwan ang asíras basta gabíi, The sidewalks are empty in the evening. Adtu sila magbaskit sa háwan, They play basketball in the empty area. Háwan ang mga búkid dinhi, The mountains here have been deforested. n area of ground that has been cleared. -an(→) 1 living room. 2 floorspace or anything enclosed.

haw-ang a 1 empty. Haw-ang ang balay nga way mwiblis, A house was empty because it had no furniture. Haw-ang ang tiyan ug pán ray ipamáhaw, The stomach feels empty if you only have bread for breakfast. 2 for a life to be empty. v [B; b6] 1 for a place to become empty. 2 have a feeling of emptiness in one’s life. Naghaw-ang ang ákung kinabúhì sukad ka mawálà, My life has been empty since you left. ka- n emptiness.

háwas n congressman. v [B6] be, become a congressman.

haw-as v 1 [A; c1] remove things from a confined space without moving the container. Haw-ásun ba ang sinínà gíkan sa mundu? Shall I take the clothes out of the steamer trunk? Haw-ási ug tulu ka baril nga túbig ang tangki, Remove three barrelfuls of water from the tank. 2 [B6; b6] for all of s.t. to go out of a place. Mihaw-as ang ákung kináun pagsúka nákù, My stomach was emptied when I vomitted. 2a [A2; a2] for emotions to come out. Gihaw-ásan ku sa mga kaguul, I was relieved of my worries. 2b [AP; c] remove s.o. from a difficult life (literary). Siyay mihaw-as (mipahaw-as) námù sa kalisud, He lifted us out of our difficult life. 2c [A2; b6] go out of the water. Mihaw-as mi sa dágat, We got out of the water. 3 [B5] for a landmark to disappear as one moves away from it. Mahaw-as na ang Sikihur ug hápit na ta maabut sa syudad, Siquijor disappears over the horizon as we get close to the city. a 1 emptied of contents. Haw-as na ang tanang karga sa barku, All the goods have been taken off of the boat. 2 freed from emotions. 3 gone out of the water. 4 out of sight.

haway n 1 Hawaii. 2 k.o. sweet large-sized pineapple. 3 gábi sa — = bisul.

hawáyà = huláyà.

hawáyan n 1 Hawaiian dress having colorful designs. 2 Hawaiian music or dance. 3 Hawaiian pineapple. v 1 [A1] wear Hawaiian cloth. 2 [A] dance Hawaiian dance.

hawhaw1 a for the stomach to be empty. v [314][B6; b4] for the stomach to feel empty. Naghawhaw ákung tiyan kay wà ku mamáhaw, My stomach feels empty because I didn’t have breakfast. Gihawháwan ku sa ákung tíyan, My stomach feels empty.

hawhaw2 = hagawhaw.

hawid, háwid1 a similar, resembling. Mas hawid sa amahan ang kamagulángan, The eldest is most similar in appearance to his father. v [A23; a] resemble, be similar. Muhawid ang gisabak sa panamkúnan, The baby in the womb will take after what the mother has developed a craving or liking for. 2 [A; a] imitate, do as others do. Ngánung muháwid ka man níya pagpúnay ug súruy nga minyù na man ka ug siya dílì? Why do you roam around as he does when you’re married and he isn’t? Hawíra ang íyang linalahan sa kálù, Copy the way he weaves hats.

háwid2 v 1 [A1; b] hold s.t. to prevent forward motion. Hawíri ang irù arun dì makabuhì, Hold the dog so it can’t escape. 2 [A; b6(1)] hold rigidly in place, hold on to s.t. Dílì mahuswà ang túbu kay gihawíran sa ruska, You can’t pull the pipe out because it is being held in place by a screw. 3 [AN2; b(1)] urge s.o. who is visiting to stay for dinner, spend the night. Dì ta muadtug udtu kay hawíran giyud ta, We won’t go at noon because they will surely make us stay for dinner. 4 [B12N] for a blade to snag. Maáyung pagkatikbas. Walà mangháwid, It was neatly cut down. The blade didn’t snag. — sa dunggan v [A2S] for grades to be just enough to allow one to pass. Makaháwid lang sa dunggan, hustu na, If my grade is enough to allow to pass, I’ll be happy. — sa pulsu v [c6] eat just enough food to check one’s hunger. Timù ug ígung iháwid sa pulsu, Take a bite of s.t. to check your hunger. n s.t. that checks hunger. Hápit na tingpaniudtu. Miúkit na lang kug mani pára háwid sa pulsu, It’s almost lunchtime. I’ll munch just enough peanuts to check my hunger. paN- v [A] hold on to s.t. to avoid falling, keep from being separated. Misulay siya pagtindug samtang nangháwid sa ákung buktun, He tried to get up while he held on to my arm. Ang nagkalumus nga táwu nagpanghawid sa bátang, The drowning man was desperately trying to hold on to the log. hawiránan n s.t. to hold on to maintain balance.

hawin, háwin v [A; c1] hang s.t. up to dry. Giháwin níya ang íyang sinínà, She hung her clothes up to dry. Kusáhus nga iháwin (hawínun), Sliced meat hung up to dry. pa-(←), pama-(←) n k.o. fishing in the deep sea with a hook and line. pa-(←) v [AN; b6(1)] go line fishing in deep waters.

hawla = halwa.

hawlut = halwut.

hawsir n the host at a house where a mahjong session is being held. v [B126; c1] be a mahjong host.

hawu- see also halu-.

hawud a best, tops in a certain field. Hawud siya sa klási, She is the best in her class. Ang mga radiyung ginamà sa Hapun mauy hawud karun, The best radios are the ones made in Japan. Kanang bugúya mauy hawud niíning distritúha, That toughie is the toughest of them all in this area. v 1 [B2N; b4] be, get to be tops. Nanghawud siya sa kanta, He is the best singer. Ang átung pruduktu gihawran na sa mga pruduktu sa Hapun, Our products top the products of Japan. hawudháwud v [A1P] act as if one were superior.

hawughug = halughug1.

hawulháwul n k.o. sardine, of particularly tasty flesh with a multitude of bones going in four directions. Blue on top and silver on bottom, growing to 8″.

hawus v [B1246; b4] for the body to be extremely tired, exhausted. Gihawsan kug kinarga ug balas, I am dead tired loading sand.

háwut = halwut.

hawuy v [BN; a4] for a portion of the body to tire from doing s.t. for too long a time. Mihawuy (nanghawuy, gihawuy) ákung líug ug hinangad, My neck has gotten stiff from looking up all the time. Gihawuy ákung kamut pagsinulat, My hand is stiff from writing too much.

háy1 hi, an exclamation of greeting.

háy2 v [A; c] set s.t. aside for a special purpose. Magháy tag salapì álang sa átung kasal, Let’s set aside money for our wedding. Iháy ta ning prut sálad sa mga bisíta, We will set this fruit salad aside for the visitors.

háy3 = halay.

hayà = walà (dialectal).

háyà v [c1] lie in state. Ang patay giháyà sa punirarya, The body is lying in state at the funeral parlor. n body lying in state. Prusisyun sa háyà sa átung Ginúu, Procession of the dead body of Christ. (→) a in a supine state. — ang búlan for the crescent moon to be parallel to the earth’s surface, considered a dangerous time for childbirth. tig-(→), ting-(→) v [A; b5] swim on one’s back. Tighayaun (tighayaan) ku nang distansiyáha, I will swim that distance on my back. n backstroke in swimming.

hayabhayab v [B46] for s.t. one wears that [315]is loose to be flapping. Naghayabhayab ang báta sa kaluag, The nightgown flaps because it is loose.

hay-ad v [B3(1)6; c1] lie flat on one’s back with the arms outstretched. Ang hubug naghay-ad sa karsáda, The drunk was sprawled out on his back in the street.

háyag a 1 be light, bright, well-illuminated. Háyag na paggíkan níla, It was light by the time they left. Háyag kaáyu ang baylihan, The dance floor is well-illuminated. 2 for the sky to be clear. Háyag na, wà nay dag-um, It’s clear now. There are no more clouds. 3 for the face to be bright and happy. v 1 [A1PB2; a] illuminate, become bright. Miháyag ang kwartu human sug-i, The room became bright after the lamp was put in it. Mugíkan ta sa dílì pa maháyag, We will depart before it is light. Hayági siya kay náay gibúlung, Give her some light because she is looking for s.t. 2 [B2] for the sky to clear. 3 [B256] for a countenance to brighten. Miháyag (naháyag) ang íyang panagway, Her face lit up. 4 [A; b] enlighten s.o. with knowledge. Hayági mi sa ímung diyusnung gahum, Enlighten us through your divine power. n = ka-, 1. pa- v [A; c] 1 explain why. Mipaháyag siya ngánung ingun tu adtu, She explained why it had to be that way. 2 disclose one’s purpose. Wà siya makapaháyag sa íyang túyù, He never got around to expressing what he wanted. Unsáun pagsugut níya ug dì nímu pahayágan, How can she accept you if you don’t propose. 3 give one’s opinion. Mipaháyag siya nga dílì háyan ang gíra, He expressed his opinion that war was not likely. 4 publish, relate in a newspaper. Ang piryudikuy mipaháyag sa nahitabù, The newspaper published what happened. pa- 1 explanation why. 2 disclosure of a purpose. 3 opinion. pa-an(→) n newspaper, news magazine. ka- n 1 light. Kaháyag sa lamparilya, Light of the lamp. 1a namat-an ug — place one was born (lit. place one first saw light). 2 brightness. 3 brightness of the face. ma- a 1 very bright. 2 [word referring to time] sa — for an infant to be [so-and-so] many days, weeks, etc. old. Mag-útas lag katū́g ang bátang pila pa ka simána sa maháyag, An infant only a few weeks old does nothing but sleep.

hayaghag = halaghag.

hayáhay a 1a airy, comfortable and refreshing to the skin. King kwartúha hayáhay kay atbang sa hángin, This room is airy, cool, and fresh because it gets the full wind. 1b a refreshed feeling. Hayáhay na ang ákung gibátì human makakaligù, I feel very much refreshed after my bath. 2 for one’s financial situation to be comfortable. Hayáhay na siya karun kay dakù siyag swildu, He is in comfortable circumstances now because he has a good salary. 3 feel relieved of a burden or sickness. Hayáhay na ang íyang pamínaw human katambáli, She felt better after she took her medicine. Hayáhay nang pamínaw ku kay nabayran na ang ákung útang, I feel relieved now. I’ve paid off my debts. 4 easy, requiring little effort. Hayáhay ra tung iksamína, That examination was easy. 5 for material to do easily for a certain number. Hayáhay rang duha ka púlu íning panaptúna, This cloth would easily make two shirts. v [B2; b6] 1 be, become airy, refreshed, relieved. 2 for one’s financial situation to become comfortable, ease up. pa- v [A; b6(1)] 1 get fresh air. Magpahayáhay ta sa baybáyun, Let’s get some fresh air at the beach. 2 go s.w. to amuse oneself, take one’s mind off troubles. Magpahayáhay ta sa karnabal, Let’s go to the carnival to take our minds off our troubles. 3 pa- sa bágà go out to amuse oneself. Magpahayáhay ta sa bágà kay láay kaáyu dinhi, Let’s go out to have some diversion because it’s boring as heck here. ka- n comfort and ease; freedom from cares, sickness, etc. pa-an n place to go for relaxation.

hay-alay n 1 jai-alai. 2 an extra bet in mahjong aside from the ordinary bet in which the player who gets mahjong for the fifth time gets the extra pot. v [A2; b5] win the jai-alai bet in mahjong. paN- v [A2; c] go to a jai-alai game to bet. Manghay-alay ku rung gabíi, I’ll go and bet on the jai-alai tonight.

háyan there’s a possibility that ... Háyan kahutdan kag gasulína, You might run out of gasoline. Háyan maduktur tà ku run ug musígi pa tà kug iskuyla, I might have become a doctor by now if I had continued going to school. Háyan namálik na tu run, Perhaps they have already returned.

hayang v 1 [A; c1P] put s.t. convex down with the convex side down. Makahayang ka ba áring pawíkan? Could you manage to flip the sea turtle on its back? Haynga (ihayang, ipahayang) ning mga hapag sa lantay, Put these shallow baskets on the bamboo shelf right side up. 2 lie on one’s back, face up. Muhayang lang siya sa bangkù ug matúlug, He will just lie down on the bench and go to sleep. 3 [B1256] fall and land on one’s back. Nahayang ku sa lápuk, I fell down on my back in the mud. — ang kúlun [316]sure to win (lit. the pot is right side up [on the fire]). Mupusta kug dakù kay áning taría hayang giyung kúlun, I will place a big bet on this round because it is a sure win. — ang payà v [a3] for s.o. who is usually morose to become unusually gay (lit. for a half a coconut shell—smooth and neat on the inside and coarse and scraggly on the outside, to be lying with the inside up). Unsa mang hangína ang nihurus nga nahayang man ang payà? What wind is blowing that you are suddenly so bright and gay? — ang plátu for one’s future to be assured. Hayang ang plátu sa íyang anak kay nakaasawa siyag milyunarya, The future of his children is assured because he married a millionaire. kulub hayang see kulub. pa-/hipa-/hapa- v [B1256] cause to fall down on one’s back. Nadalin-as ku ug napahayang kus lápuk, I slipped and fell on my back into the mud. tig-(→) = tighayà. see háyà.

háyaw v [AB26; c] raise, rise into the air. Aku giyuy miháyaw sa imáhin arun makítà sa tanan, I was the one who raised the image high for all to see. Miháyaw ang túnu nímu sa kúrus, Your pitch rose on the refrain. Giháyaw na nákù ang kamut kay sagpáun ku untà siya, I had already lifted my hands to slap her.

hayblad n high blood pressure. a very angry. v 1 [B146; a4] suffer from high blood pressure. Kanúnay man ku nímung palagútun, mahayblad (hayblarun) man lang ta, You always provoke me. You’re going to give me high blood pressure yet. 2 [B12; a4S] get angry. Nahayblad ku sa íyang tinubagan, The way she answered made me furious. hayblarun a 1 having high blood pressure. 2 easily angered.

haybul v [A2] 1 go out to have a good time. Basta tingswildu, muhaybul dáyun nà sila, As soon as they get paid, they go out to have a good time. 2 [B; c] for a vehicle to go fast. Hadluk kug muhaybul (mahaybul) ang trák, I get scared when the bus goes fast. 2a command given by conductor as a signal to the driver to get moving. 3 [A23] go straight without paying attention to anyone along the way. Muhaybul ka man lang. Dì ka makigsulti nákù? Why do you go straight by me without greeting me? haybulhaybul v [A; c] gallivant around, go around from place to place to have fun.

haybuy n a style of men’s sport shirt, close-fitting and with tapering slits on both sides, similar to ambuys, but not so long at the rear. v 1 [A] wear a haybuy-style sport shirt. 2 [c1] tailor this sort of shirt.

haydyam, haydyamp n high jump in an athletic contest. v [A1; b] perform the high jump.

hayhat a haughty and snobbish. Hayhat kaáyung babayhána kay dílì makighuyhúy sa mga pubri, She’s very snobbish because she doesn’t mix with the poor. v [B; b6] act, become snobbish.

hayhay1 = halay.

*hayhay2 paN- v [A; b3] sigh in weariness, sorrow, pain, or the like. Nanghayhay siya sa kakápuy, She sighed with weariness.

hayhil n high heels. v 1 [A; b6(1)] wear high heels. Maghayhil ka ba sa piknik? Will you wear high heels to the picnic?

háyis a 1 be the best in a class. Háyis siya sa Aldyibra, He is the best in Algebra. 2 be well-versed, most capable in s.t. Kun báhin sa panganak si Lúling muy háyis, When it comes to childbirth, Loling is the expert. Háyis siya sa ínum, He is an expert in drinking. v [B1; b6] get to be the best, an expert.

hayiskul n high school. v [B6; b6] be in high school.

háyit n height. may — tall and attractive. Gwápu ug may háyit pa giyud, Handsome and tall as well. v [A1] have a height of. Kun magháyit ka lang mínus sa singku pís, dì ka madáwat sa níbi, If you stand less than five feet, the navy will not take you.

haylu v [A3P; a1] induce s.o. to do s.t. by offering him s.t. Haylúa ang bátag dulsi sa pagkatúlug, Entice the child with candy to make him go to bed. pa- n enticements. Ang ímung mga pahaylu dílì makatarug sa ákung pagdumílì, All your enticements cannot make me change my mind. mahaylúhun, mahaylúun a enticing. Mahaylúung tanyag, A tempting offer.

haypay1 n hi-fi set. a for a voice to be screeching, piercing, and unpleasant.

haypay2 v [A; b5] make a person reveal s.t. by squirting carbonated beverages into his nostrils (slang). Haypáyun (haypáyan) níla ang táwu arun mutug-an, They will subject the man to the 7-Up treatment to make him sing. n action of using this method.

hayun, háyun v [A; c] 1 swing the arms in walking. Iháyun nang ímung kamut ug maglakaw ka, Swing your arms when you walk. 2 not carry s.t. Ngánung naghayun ka nga nagkapulíkì si Máma mu? Why are you empty-handed (lit. swinging your arms) when your mother is carrying more than she can manage? 2a [A; b5] walk, taking it easy, not exerting effort. Muagwanta siya sa lákaw kay hayunan ra ang bayinti kilumitrus, A twenty-kilometer walk won’t bother [317]him because he will take it easy. n the swinging or swaying of one’s arms. 3 [A; c] raise the arm in preparation to strike or throw s.t. Ihayun pag-áyu ang búla úsà ilábay, Raise the ball back before you throw it.

hayung v [B4] for the sun’s heat to be not at its greatest degree of intensity. Muhayung ang kaínit sa adlaw ug maalas tris, The sun’s heat lessens at around three in the afternoon.

háyup n 1 domestic animal. 2 a person with base instincts and desires. Buy-i ku háyup, Let me go, you beast! -an n domestic animals.

haywi n highway. Sa haywi muági ang mga dyipni pára Kunsulasiyun, The jeepneys for Consolacion go by way of the highway. v [a] make into a highway.

haywis n style of trousers with a wide waistline, coming to a point in the rear.

hi1 n letter G.

hi2, hì n word to command a draft animal to move forward.

hi- in many forms beginning with hi-, there is a prefix hi- or hiN-. Look also under the form with hi- or hiN- subtracted.

hi-(→) derivative affix forming verbs which occur with the prefixes ma-1 (na-) and ma-an (na-an, ma-i). All verbs with these affixes may also occur with hi-(→) inserted after the prefixes. 1 referring to an action which happened to take place or which s.o. did involuntarily. Nahibungat ku ang dílì ángayng isulti, Words I should not have said slipped out of my mouth. Kalit ka man lag tunghà dihà. Nahikurug man lang tag dì tyimpu, My! You gave me a scare appearing like that. I couldn’t help trembling, though there was no occasion to. Nahidam-agan siyag irù ug nahipalingkud sa lápuk, A dog jumped on her and she was knocked down into the mud. 1a having happened, not necessarily accidentally, but not anyone’s volition. Nahilunà ang balay daplin sa dálan, The house is located next to the road. 2 added after the abstract prefix (pag-) before verbs referring to motion with no meaning other than to elevate the style. Paghiabut níya, When he arrived. Paghibalik níya, When he returned.

hi-an(→) inflectional affix, future and past. (subjunctive hi-i) 1 added to the same bases as the ones to which local passive affixes are added (see -an1) with the same meaning except that the action is accidental. Hilingkuran ku ang íyang kálù, I accidentally sat on his hat. Hitagaan kag gása, You might be given a present. Kay unaunahun ka, hihagkan ka lagi, You were so forward, so you got yourself kissed. Higabhian siya, He was overtaken by night. 2 added to bases to refer to the direct recipient of the action accidentally done (when the local passive, -an1 does not refer to the recipient of the action). Itágù nang suláta básig hibasahan unyà ni Tátay, Hide that letter because Dad might read it. Dágan. Hidakpan unyà ka, Run or you will get caught.

hiay v [B; c1] for a part of the body or dress to droop to one side. Mihiay ang úlu sa nagdukà, The drowsy man’s head tilted to the side. Naghiay ang ngábil sa paralitiku, The paralytic’s lips droop at one corner. Ayaw hiaya (ihiay) ang abága sa ímung bláwus, Don’t let your blouse slip over your shoulder.

hibabuyna = hirbubuyna.

híbag v [B4; b4] for the stomach to be upset. Muhíbag ang tiyan basta dílì kahilísan, The stomach becomes upset if you have indigestion. a for the stomach to be upset.

hibág = hibálag. see *bálag.

híbal = híbag.

hibálag see *bálag.

hibalu see balu.

hibangkaágan see *bangkáag.

híbat a unsymmetrical, crookedly done. Híbat kaáyu nga pagkalála ning baskíta, This basket is crookedly woven. v 1 [B; c1] be, become unsymmetrical. Nahíbat ang dayandáyan, The decorations were all askew. 2 [a12] screw up the face. Nahíbat ang íyang nawung paghílak níya, His face screwed up when he cried. (→) = híbat, a.

hibawu = hibalu. see balu.

híbi1 n small dried shrimps with the shells removed.

híbi2 n large deciduous tree bearing sweet amber-colored fruits similar to siriguylas: Spondias cytherea.

hibì, híbì = tíbì.

hibi dyúti a made for heavy duty. v [B126; b6] be, become capable of handling heavy duty.

hibìhibì = kipìkipì. see kipì.

hibilya a buckle for a belt or shoes. v 1 [A; b6(1)] put a buckle on s.t. 2 [A; c1] make into a buckle.

hibiwit a heavyweight in boxing. v [B16] become a heavyweight boxer.

hibubuyna = hirbubuyna.

híbuk v [A2N] 1 for a multitude of s.t. to move in a wriggling fashion, or for s.t. to have a multitude of things wriggle over it. Nanghíbuk (mihíbuk) ang úlud ibabaw sa [318]patayng irù or Ang patayng irù nanghíbuk sa mga úlud, Worms are squirming over the dog’s carcass. Hastang nakahíbuk sa mga táwung mitábù sa Pápa, My, how the crowd swarmed to meet the Pope. 2 for the children in a family to be numerous. Pagkuntrul mu kay nanghíbuk lang nang inyung mga anak, Practice birth control because you have so many children.

híbul v 1 [A2S] have wet mucous in the nose. Naghibul ang sip-un, His nose is dripping. 2 [A; c1] sniff mucous up into the nose. hibulhíbul v [A; c1] for the mucous to come in and out of the nostrils.

hibúlung see *búlung3.

hibulus n diarrhea. súka — vomiting and diarrhea. v [B14; a4b6] have diarrhea. Naghibulus (gihibulus) siya sa hilabihang káun, She had diarrhea from eating too much.

híbun v [B2S; a1] for a depression to get filled up or covered. Muhíbun ang balikhaw ug manambuk, The collarbone becomes covered with flesh when one gets stout. Mahíbun ang hubag basta maghungut pa, Boils become plump and full while they are still in the swelling stage. Nagkahibun ang lungag nga butangánan ug basúra, The garbage pit is gradually getting full. Gihíbun níla ang atábay, They covered the well over.

hibung v [A; b5] apply ointment to relieve swelling. Hibungun (hibungan) nákug ityul ang hubag, I’m going to apply ichthyol ointment on the boil. n ointment put on swellings.

*hibunghibung ka-an n thickets.

híbus v [A1B12] for a sack or flexible container to puncture, break so that it loses its contents; cause it to do so. Nahíbus ang bulsíta ug naúsik ang sulud, The bag burst and the contents spilled out.

hibuylas see *buylas.

híd n chief, boss. Nananghid si Pípi sa íyang híd, Pepe asked permission to go out from his boss. v [B156; c6] be, become the head of s.t. — titsir n principal of a school with only three or four grades.

hidban n headband. v 1 [A; b6(1)] wear a headband. 2 [A; c1] make into a headband.

hidhid1 v 1 [A; c] smear viscous material onto s.t. Hidhírig grása ang íhi, Smear grease onto the axle. 2 [AC2; b] have sexual intercourse (humorous). Nakit-ang nakighidhid didtus hutil, Was seen having sexual relations in a hotel.

hidhid2 = lidgid.

hidkwartir n headquarters. 2 center of operations. v [A13; c6] have one’s headquarters, make into headquarters.

hidlaw v [A12; a3b3(1)] long for, feel a strong yearning for. Gihidlaw akug manuk, I long for chicken meat. Unsay ímung gikahidlawan? What are you longing for? ka- n yearning, longing. Kining ákung kahidlaw nímu, My longing for you.

hidlayit n headlights. v [A; c] put headlights onto s.t.

hígà = higkù.

higad n 1 steep slope, place sloping sharply. Higad kaáyu ang hagdan, The stairs are very steep. 2 shallow part of the sea near the seashore or shoreline. v 1 [B; c1] get to be steep, make s.t. steep. Mu rag nagkahigad ang bungtud sa nadúgay nákung túngas, After I had been climbing for some time, the slope seemed to be getting steeper and steeper. 2 [AP3; cP] go to the shallows. Muhigad (mupahigad) mi sa hápun, We go to the shallows in the afternoon.

higal, hígal a having strong sexual desire. v [B12; b6] be, become highly desirous for sex. Mahígal kag mutumar ka áning tambála, You’re going to get sexed up if you take this medicine. ka- n sexual lust.

higála n good friend. Higála kaáyu mi si Maríya, Mary and I are very good friends. v [A23SC; ac3] befriend, be, become friends. Nakahigala kug Amirkána, I made friends with an American girl. Mahímu bang maghigála ta? May we be friends? Higaláa ang ímung mga silíngan, Make friends with your neighbors. Gikahigála ku siya sa Mindanaw, I became friends with him in Mindanao. kahigaláan n one’s group of friends. manag- n people who are friends. Ang duha ka managhigála nagkabildúhay, The two friends were conversing. mahigaláun a friendly. panag-, panaghigalaay n friendship.

higálam, higám see *gálam.

higanti a 1 giant. 2 of giant size. v [B12; b6] be, become a giant, gigantic. higantihiganti n figure of a giant for parades and processions. higantihun a gigantic.

higasbut short form: gasbut. exclamation of disapproval or displeasure at s.t. Gasbut ba sab nang tawhána uy, ingun muuban, unyà dì diay tu, Darn that man. He says he will go and at the last moment he says he won’t. Gasbut sad ning sipíra uy! Dì man masira, Confound this zipper! It won’t close. Higasbut bayang bayhána! Dì pabayli mu rag gwápa, To hell with that woman! She refuses to dance. You’d think she was beautiful or s.t.

hígaw = hígal.

higayun see gayun.

higdà v 1 [A; b6(1)] lie down. Kanang katri [319]mauy higdái, Lie down on that bed. 2 spend the night. Adtu ku muhigdà sa hutil, I’ll stay in the hotel. 2a [b6] stay s.w. to comply with a social obligation. Higdáan ku sad sila arun way máhay, I’ll also stay a night at their house, so there will be no recriminations. 3 [a12] put s.t. down in a lying position. Átung higdáun (pahigdáun) ang pusti kay átung sipilyáhan, We’ll lay the post down because we have to plane it. 4 [A13] — sa banig be bedridden. Usa na ka búlan karun nga naghigdà siya sa banig, She has been bedridden for one month. 5 [A13] — sa bahandì live on a luxurious, wealthy scale. 6 [A12] — lang ug magdaut work so hard that one barely rests (lit. lie down only when sick). Muhigdà lang ug magdaut nang tawhána tungud sa kakusug sa íyang nigusyu, That man’s business is so good that he barely has time to rest. 7 [A13] — nga magkaun (nagkaun) have sexual intercourse (humorous). Basta maghigdà gánì nga magkaun, mumabdus giyud, If you make love, of course you’ll get pregnant. -ánan n bed, bedroom.

higkù a dirty and wet. Ang tugkaran higkù kaáyu sa tingúlan, The yard is dirty and wet during the rainy season. v [B; b6] be, become dirty and wet. Baldiyúhi ang salug kay naghigkù ang húgaw ug túbig, Rinse off the floor because the dirt and water are making a mess.

higmuyù = hisagmuyù. see sagmuyù.

higpit a 1 narrow, for s.t. to be small such that it restricts motion, causes difficulty. Higpit nga dálan, Narrow street. Higpit ang panaptun pára himúung bistída, The cloth is too narrow to make into a dress. Higpit ang ámung balay pára námung tanan, Our house is too small for all of us. 2 strict, holding a tight rein on s.t. Higpit siya sa mga impliyádu, He is very strict with the employees. Higpit kaáyu mupaguwang kwarta, He keeps tight control over his money. 3 be in tight financial circumstances. Higpit ang ílang panimuyù, They live in very tight circumstances. Higpit ang kwarta run. Lisud tang makalún, Money is very tight now. We will have difficulty getting a loan. 4 have a sharp rivalry. Higpit ang indigay sa duha, The two were in sharp competition. Ang higpit kung kaáway sa pulitika, My keen political rival. v 1 [A; b(1)] be strict with s.o. Higpíti ang ímung anak kay dalága ra ba, Be strict with your daughter. She is full grown now. 2 [B2; b4] be in a tight financial situation. Kanang wà usbáwig swildu higpítan run sa panimuyù, Whoever didn’t get a raise is going to find life difficult now.

hígup v [A; a] sip, take in liquid by sucking it up with air, take in air in the same manner. Higúpi ug diyútay kay miáwas ang bír sa básu, Sip off a little beer because it is running over. -an, -ánan n s.t. from which one sips a liquid.

higus, hígus v [B2S] for a body to waste away, become thin rapidly. Mihígus ang láwas sa masakitun, The sick person’s body wasted away. (→) v [B4] thin out in quantity, output. Mihigus na ang íyang mga súkì, His customers have dropped in number. Nagkahigus na ang búnga sa lubi, The coconut trees are yielding less and less.

higut v 1a [A; b6(1)] tie s.t. up. Higti ang irù arun dì kapaak, Tie the dog up so it can’t bite. 1b [A; c] tie s.t. to s.t. Ihigut ang manuk sa kural, Tie the chicken to the fence. Ihigut ang dúyan sa káhuy, Tie the hammock to the tree. 1c — sa pilitína [b(1)] for a man to be married (lit. tied to the apron strings) (humorous). Gihigtan na nà sa pilitína, He’s already hitched. 1d [B126] — sa trabáhu be tied to one’s work. Wà ku kaduaw nímu kay nahigut ku sa trabáhu, I was not able to visit you because I was completely tied up. 2 [A13] be coiled around s.t. Sawa nga naghigut sa sanga, A snake that was coiled around the branch. 3 [AN; c] raise a gamecock. Manghigut kug mga igtalarì, I’ll raise gamecocks. 4 tie up money. 4a [B1256; b8] for an amount of money to be tied up in s.t. Nahigut ákung puhúnan sa nigusyu, My capital is tied up in the business. Nahigtan níyag tris ang ákung diyis, Three pesos of the ten I won belong to him. (Lit. Three pesos of his are tied up to my ten.) 4b [AC; b6] have money tied in a common amount to dispense with making change (as for example, in gambling where money keeps changing hands). Nagkahígut mi áring diyis, Our money is all included in that ten peso bill. 4c [A; b] give an advance partial payment of the bride price (refundable if the marriage fails to go through). Mangulitáwu ka ánang bayhána nga gihigtan na? Are you going to court that woman, when a partial payment of the bride price has already been given? 5 [A13] hang oneself. Maghigut nà siya ug dì nímu sugtun, He’ll hang himself if you don’t accept him. 6 [A; a] make a fishing net. Ang púkut nga íyang gihigut, The net he wove. n 1 s.t. used to tie up. 2 amount tied up in s.t.: in business, in a common, fund, in a bride price. 3 noose in hanging. pa- v [A13] 1 — sa asáwa be henpecked (lit. allow one’s [320]wife to tie him up). 2 — sa pilitína for a man to get married (allow himself to get tied to an apron string). Dì ku magpahigut sa pilitína, I won’t get hitched. higtanan n place s.t. is tied. tigúlang sa higtanan v [B2] get to be a spinster. Maáyu pang matigúwang sa higtanan kay sa maminyù nímu, I’d rather be an old maid than marry you. ig-l-(←) n s.t. used to tie s.t. -in- n s.t. tied to s.t. hinigtan n 1 gamecock. 2 s.t. tied up. hinigtag lánut money which is not readily dispensed (lit. tied with abaca fibers). Ang kwarta ni Lúlu hinigtag lánut. Ug muhátag, usa ra giyud ka dakù, Grandfather squeezes his nickels. If he gives anything at all, it’s no more than a penny. paN- n occupation of raising gamecocks.

higwaus v 1 [B16] be uneasy, anxious. Naghigwaus siya kay dúgayng naulì ang íyang anak, She felt uneasy because her daughter came home late. 2 [A13] be uneasy because of a desire to do s.t. Naghigwaus siya ug adtu sa bayli, He is anxious to get to the dance. ka- n uneasiness, anxiety.

hi hi word used in writing to represent the sound of laughter.

hihin v [B26; a12] flock, move in groups. Mihihin pagpanulud ang mga táwu sa simbahan sa kalit nga pag-ulan, The people flocked into the church when it suddenly rained. Áway ang nakapahihin sa mga táwu pagpanágan, The fight made the people run away en masse. (←) v [A13] move in great numbers s.w.

Hihúba = hiyúba.

hik n form used in writing to represent hiccoughs or the sound emitted by a drunk.

hikabhikab v [A13] for the heart to beat fast in excitement at the thought of achieving a great desire. Naghikabhikab kug pakigkítà sa ákung trátu, I’m all excited about meeting my girl friend.

híkad = hiklad.

hikadhikad = hikabhikab.

híkap v 1 [A; ab2] touch, feel s.t. with the hand or fingers. Muhíkap si Máma sa agtang sa gihilantan, Mother would feel the forehead of the feverish child. Kinsay naghíkap áring bungbung nga bag-ung pinintálan? Who touched this freshly painted wall? Átù kunung hikápun ug hinug na ba ning kaymítu, Let me touch this star apple to see if it is ripe yet. 2 [A3S; a3] use s.t. which requires manual dexterity. Ambut ug antígu pa ba ku kay dúgayng wà ku makahíkap (makahikap) ug sista, I wonder if I still can do it. I haven’t touched the guitar in a long time. 3 [A; a12] touch, use s.o. else’s things without permission. Ayawg hikápa nang mga butang dílì ímu, Don’t touch other people’s things. 4 [A12] come to own s.t. Wà pa giyud ku makahikap ug singkwinta písus tibuuk, I have never gotten my hands on a fifty-peso bill. 5 [A12; a3] get hold of s.t. to use it. Wà tay mahíkap nga magastu sa uspital, We don’t have access to any funds to pay for her hospitalization. 6 [A12] — sa dílì hilikápun scratch a part of the body that doesn’t itch out of frustration or in not knowing what to do. Bídang apikíha nákù sa kwarta. Makahíkap ta sa dílì hilikápun, My! I’m so short of money! I’m scratching my head, even though it doesn’t itch. 7 [A123S] — sa lubut for s.t. good to happen to s.o. to make him do s.t. unwonted and particularly nice. Mibangkag paniudtu. Nakahikap dagway sa lubut, He treated us to lunch. S.t. good must have happened to him. 8 [A2] — ug túbig get oneself wet. Dì siya muhíkap ug túbig ug náa níya, She doesn’t bathe when she menstruates. hikaphíkap v [A3] twiddle or toy with s.t. Naghikaphíkap si Dinsiyu sa íyang búngut, Dencio twiddled with his beard.

hikat a 1 for the eye to look distorted due to a scar on the eyelid. 2 be crooked from being buttoned wrong or sewn so that the edges don’t match up. v [B126; b6] get to look crooked or distorted. Nahikat ang íyang mata dihang miuwat ang mibutu níyang buwinggit, His eyes got a distorted appearance when the stye formed a scar. Nahíkat ang íyang sinínà kay wà magtúngud ang pagkabutúnis, Her dress is buttoned wrong and is all crooked.

híkaw1 v [A; c] deny, deprive one of s.t. which he should have. Dílì ku ikaw hikáwan sa ímung pangayúun, I won’t deny you your request. Ginúu, ayaw intáwun ihíkaw kanákù ang langitnung kalípay, God, please don’t deny me heavenly bliss. -in-an a devoid or deprived of s.t., esp. of very important necessities. Bátang hinikáwan sa inahánung gugma, A child deprived of a mother’s love. -an(→) a depriving others, selfish. ka-an(→) n selfishness.

híkaw2 = hígal.

híkay v 1 [A; a] prepare food. Kinsay muhíkay sa átung pagkáun? Who will prepare our food? 2 [A; a] hold a banquet, eating party. Maghíkay mi rung Pasku, We shall have a banquet this Christmas. 3 [A; a12] process or arrange in preparation of s.t. Mugíkan mi ug mahíkay na ang ámung pasapurti, We’ll leave when our passports are processed. Ang tahù gihíkay ni H. M. Kantágu, [321]The report was prepared by H. M. Cantago. n feast, banquet. -in- n s.t. prepared. -l-un n things used for preparation. tig-, tag-(→) n 1 cook. 2 person in charge of preparing s.t.

hikdat v [B; c1] for eyebrows to arch. Muhikdat ang kílay níya basta masukù siya, Her eyebrows become arched when she is angry. a eyebrows that are arched.

hikìhíkì = hukùhúkù.

hiklad v [A; c] 1 lay, spread out, usually for display. Ayaw ihiklad ang inyung baligyà sa asíras, Don’t spread your wares on the sidewalk. 2 unfold, make known s.o.’s secrets. Gihiklad sa huwis ang íyang mga tinagúan, The judge laid open all his secrets.

hiklin, hikling v 1 [AB26; c] put s.t. aside and out of the way, step aside. Ang mga napárut mihikling lang sa daplin, The losers stepped aside. Ihiklin ang síya sa iskína, Put this chair away in the corner. 2 [A2; b(1)] take refuge, hide. Swirting nakahiklin siya luyu sa káhuy, Luckily he was able to hide behind the tree. 3 [A; c] save, set aside. Maghiklin tag kwarta pára sa átung katigulangun, We should set aside some amount for our old age. Dúna siyay gihikling nga pagkáun pára nímu, She has put some food aside for you. 4 transfer one’s residence to escape s.t. Mihiklin mi pagkasúnug sa ámung balay, We moved away when our house burnt down.

hiklùhiklù v [AP; c1P] shake the head from side to side in embarrassment upon asking s.o. for s.t. or when praised. Nagpahiklùhiklù (naghiklùhiklù) kay naíkug, She was shaking her head out of embarrassment.

hiknat, hiknit v [A; a12] pull slightly with the fingers as if stretching s.t. Walà kung kabantay nga kadtung táwung naghiknat sa ákung dunggan mauy nagkáwat sa aríyus, I did not notice that the man who was pulling my ears was stealing my earrings.

hiktarya = iktarya.

hiktin a 1 narrower than normal. Hiktin kaáyung dalána. Dì kaagiag trák, This street is too narrow for a truck to pass through. Hiktin ra ning panaptúna pára bistidúhun, This piece of cloth is too narrow for a dress. Labihan kahiktin sa íyang sinínà, Her dress was way too small. 2 narrow-minded. Hiktin kaáyu siyag mga panghunàhúnà sa pulitika, He is very narrow-minded about politics. v [B2; b6] be, become too narrow, small.

híkug v 1 [AB; a] strangle, hang oneself. Diriyut ku mahíkug kay gibira ang ákung kurbáta, I almost choked to death because s.o. pulled my necktie. Maghíkug na lang ku kay gibulagan ku, I’ll hang myself because we broke up. 2 [B146; b6] commit suicide by any means. Pangpang nga íyang gihikúgan, The cliff where he committed suicide. †

hikùhíkù v [AP; c1P] 1 rock, shake with laughter, dancing. Naghikùhíkù siya pagkinatáwa, She rocked back and forth with laughter. Maáyu kaáyu siyang muhikùhíkù sa láwas samtang nagsáyaw, She swayed her body beautifully as she danced. 2 = hiklùhiklù.

híkum v [A; c2] do s.t. stealthily to avoid being noticed. Mihíkum siyag súd sa kwartu sa babáyi, He went inside the room of the girl stealthily. Hikúmi (ihíkum) ug hátag ang kwarta, Give him the money secretly. a done in a stealthy, furtive manner.

hikut1 = higut.

hikut2 a 1 slant-eyed. Hikut ug mga mata ang kasagáran sa mga Hapun, Japanese are usually slant-eyed. 2 Japanese. Ang mga ayruplánung hikut, Japanese airplanes. v [B; b6] be, become slant-eyed.

hikutar v [A; a12] attend to s.t. and get it done. Si Pápa ang muhikutar (maghikutar) pagpangítag balay nga átung kabalhínan, Father will take care of looking for a house for us to move to. hikutádu a taking great care, being very concerned. Ang purman hikutádu nga mahuman dáyun ang trabáhu, The foreman sees to it that the work gets done right away. v [B12] get to be attentive to s.t.

hikuy v [A; c1] do s.t. stealthily to avoid being noticed. Muhíkuy siyag biyà sa báy magabíi, He sneaks out of the house at night.

hikyad = hiklad.

hílà1 v [A; a1] 1 move, do s.t. slowly while at the same time wiggling the body. Naghílà siya sa dálan, She wiggled as she walked down the street. Ayaw hiláa (ihílà) ang ímung linihukan kay mu ra kag báyut, Don’t wiggle while you walk or you will look like a fairy. 2 wriggle staying in place or wriggle out of s.t. Nagawas ang bátà sa banig kay mihílà man, The baby wriggled off the edge of the mat. Gihílà na lang sa ginápus ang íyang láwas arun muiskápu, The man that was tied wriggled around in order to escape. 3 cheat, swindle s.t. out of s.o. (slang). Gihílà níla ang katigayúnan sa tigúlang, They swindled the property out of the old man. (→) n an edible marine slug, usually found clinging to stones. hilàhilà n general name for slugs and snails, land and marine. hilahílà v [A; b6] 1 wriggle around. 2 remain seated, instead of working. Makahilàhílà ka kay daghan kag masúgù, You can afford to sit on your behind because you have lots of servants. [322]

hílà2 v [A3P; a1] make a slash in flesh with s.t. sharp. Hiláa ang pinaakan sa bitin ug padug-a, Slit the snakebite and let it bleed.

hilab, hílab1 v [A; ab2] slice off a thin flat piece. Akuy muhilab sa isdà nga ipaun, I’ll slice off some of the flesh from the fish to use as bait. (→) n the sharp edge of a blade.

hílab2 n empty or smarting sensation in the stomach caused by hunger, fear, or acidity. v [B46; a4b4] feel a sharp revolting sensation on the pit of the stomach due to hunger, fear, etc. Naghílab ang ákung tiyan sa kagútum, My stomach hurts due to hunger. Mu rag hilábun ang ákung atay sa kakuyaw, I seem to feel a sharp pang in the pit of my stomach because of my fear. Muinum kug litsi basta hilában ku sa tiyan, I drink milk when my stomach hurts.

hilabut see lábut.

hiláda n 1 food put on ice to keep from spoiling. 2 drink made with scraped ice, sugar, water, and flavoring. 2a = kahiláda, see kahil2. v 1 [A; a12] put food on ice to keep it from spoiling. Hiladáhun ang mga isdà arun dì madubuk, The fish will be put on ice so they will not spoil. 2 [A; a] prepare iced drinks. hiladur n one who puts food on ice.

hílak v [A2S; b3c] cry. Naghilak si Pitra kay gibyáan sa trátu, Petra wept because her boy friend left her. Dì nà ángayng hilákan, That’s not worth crying about. Wà na kuy lúhà nga ihílak, I have no more tears to cry. mag- ang panahun ug dílì [A13] [so-and-so] is sure to happen. Maghilak ang adlaw ug dílì siya mahubug, That’ll be the day when he doesn’t get drunk. n 1 action of crying. 2 turn to cry. (→) = ma-(→). hilakhílak, hinilakay a tear jerker. Ságad sa mga salídang Tagálug mga hilakhílak, Most Tagalog pictures are tear jerkers. -in-, pag-in- n action of continuous crying. ka-un(→) feel like crying. ma-(→) a given to crying easily. Mahilak kaáyu ning batáa, It doesn’t take much to make this child cry. v [B1456] be in constant tears. Ang nagmahilak kung kasingkásing, My heart which is constantly crying. pala-(→) a crybaby.

hílam v 1 [A; a12b2] search for s.t. by feeling about with the hands. Gihílam níya ang íyang pusil sa uluhan, He felt about for his gun on the headboard. 2 [A; a12] feel a surface in detail with the fingertips. Hiláma ákung úlu dì ba náay búkul, Feel my head and you will find a bump. 3 [c3] be at one’s disposal, available for an emergency. Wà giyud tay mahílam nga bugas, We can’t get our hands on any rice. paN- v [A13] feel one’s way around in the dark. Misulud siya sa kwartu nagpanghilam sa ngitngit, He went into the room groping around in the dark.

hilamun n weeds growing in a cultivated field. Ang mga hilamun makasáwut sa humay, Weeds stunt the growth of the rice.

hilam-us v 1 [A; b6(1)] wash s.o.’s face. Akuy muhilam-us sa bátà, I will wash the child’s face. 2 [c] take insults, shame with equanimity without being unduly perturbed. Ihilam-us ku na lang ang ílang mga pangyúbit, I won’t pay any attention to their hoots of derision. paN- v [A2; b6(1)] wash one’s face. Manghilam-us siya únà matúlug, She washes her face before going to bed. -ánan, paN-an n vessel for washing the face.

hílan a 1 for an uncultivated, unpopulated area to be disease-infested or infested with supernatural beings. Hílan nga dapit ang gihátag sa gubyirnu, The land that the government gave was disease-infested forest land. Misum-uk sila sa hilan nga lasang, They came into a lonely and frightening forest. 2 place that is dangerous because of the type of people that live there. Hílan kaáyu ang Tundung puy-an. Daghang naglukluk nga kriminal, Tondo is a dangerous place to live. There are so many criminals around. v [B126; b6] 1 for a forest or thicket to become disease-infested. 2 for a place to become dangerous because of the bad types that infest it.

hilánat n fever. Taas kaáyu ang íyang hilánat, His fever is very high. v [B46; b4] have a fever. Gihilantan (mihilánat) ang bátà ganína sa buntag, The child had a fever (developed a fever) this morning. hilantan v [A13] have a fever. Naghilantan ang bátà, The child has a fever. -un(→) a feverish, about to have a fever.

hilang a for things in a row or woven to be further apart than they should be. Hilang ug ngípun, Having teeth far apart. Hilang pagkalála, Woven too loosely. Hilang pagkatanum ang mais, The corn was planted too far apart. v [B; b6c1] be too far apart. Muhilang ang mga lugas sa mais ug way abúnu, The corn will bear ears lacking in kernels if it isn’t fertilized.

hilangyud = hulangyud.

hílap v 1 [A; a] cut a wide slice off s.t. Akuy muhílap sa karni nga kusahúsun, I’ll slice the meat to make it into jerked meat. 2 [A3P; a12] affect one’s feelings deeply. Daw hilápun ang ákung kasingkásing nga magsud-ung sa mga binyáan, I was touched to the depths of my heart looking at the abandoned [323]children. ma-un a touching deeply.

hilas v [AN; c] give s.o. a small share of s.t. one has obtained. Gihilasan mig tagsa ka sipì sa íyang ságing, He gave us each a hand of bananas.

hílas a obscene, lewd. Hílas nga sini, Obscene movies. Hílas kaáyu kang manulti, You talk terribly lewdly. v 1 [B12; b4] be, become lewd, find s.t. so. Gihilásan kung nagtan-aw ánang law-ay nga salída, I was revolted looking at that dirty movie. 2 [A13; b4] make oneself revolting, ridiculous by doing s.t. improper. Naghílas kag kanta mu rag dílì yabag, You are making yourself ridiculous singing off key like that. Gihilásan ku sa íyang hambug, I find it revolting the way he brags.

hilaw a 1 uncooked, raw. Hilaw pa nang kan-un, The rice is still uncooked. 2 unripe, green. Aslum ang manggang hilaw, Green mangoes taste sour. 3 pale, light in color. Hilaw nga pagkapula ang pintal sa ílang balay, Their house is painted a pale red. 4 for one’s facial expression to be artificial and unnatural. Hilaw ang íyang pahiyum kay sad-an nákù siya, She gave me a forced smile because she had a guilty conscience for what she did to me. 4a having an embarrassed expression on the face. Hilaw ang ílang dagway sa nasakpan sila, They had an embarrassed expression on their faces when they were caught. 5 in phrases: bibingka nga — n woman’s genitalia. budbud nga — n penis. — nga ayis ice that hasn’t frozen well, having a white soft part in the middle. v 1 [A13B16; a12] be halfway cooked, cook s.t. halfway. Kinsay naghilaw sa paglútù sa kan-un? Who cooked the rice that is half done? 2 [B6; a12] get an artificial, forced expression on the face. 3 [B16; a12] get an embarrassed expression on the face. 4 [B1256] be unripe, green. Ug mahilaw ang mangga ayawg ipakáun sa bátà, If the mango is green, don’t give it to the child to eat. tagilhaw a not yet fully ripe.

*hílay ka-an n carnal vices. balay sa ka-an n house of prostitution.

hilbas n k.o. herb, cultivated for medicinal uses: Artemisia vulgaris.

hilhig a for s.t. woven to have threads displaced. Hilhig nga pagkalála ang banig, A poorly woven mat, such that some threads are out of place. v [B; a2] for the threads in a piece of cloth to get pushed far apart. Dalì rang mahilhig ning muskitíru, The threads of the mosquito net easily get loose.

hilhil v [A; a] slice a piece off of s.t. which has bulk. Hilhíla ang kunggu sa ímung suwang, Cut the wart off your chin.

hilíbis v [A; ab] saw or cut thin pieces off the edge of s.t. flat. Naghilíbis kug lubi pára usap-usápun, I sliced off the edge of the coconut meat to munch. -in- n thin strips sliced off the edges.

hílig v 1 [B; a] be leaning, tilted to one side. Mihílig ang sakayan nga gihapak sa balud, The boat leaned to one side as it was battered by the waves. 2 develop a tendency, inclination. Nahílig siya sa panúgal kay nakadaug man siyag kausa, He developed an inclination for gambling because he won once. n inclination, liking. Wà kuy hílig sa pangwarta, I have no interest in making money. (→) a tilted. n counterbalance in kites attached to the wing to make the wing tilt upwards and stabilize the flight. v [a] put such a counterbalance on a kite. ma-, ma-un fond of.

hilihud = hulihud.

hilikuptir n helicopter. v [A13; a12] ride on a helicopter.

hilimásaw v [A; b] rinse the body off. Hilimasáwi si Dyunyur sa sabun, Rinse the soap off of Junior. paN- rinse oneself off. Nanghilimásaw ku gíkan sa pagkalígù sa dágat, After I went swimming in the ocean I rinsed myself off.

hiling v 1 [AN; a12] examine s.t. carefully, touching it to see what is there. Gihiling níya ang irù ug may libun ba, He examined the dog to see if there were any ticks. 2 [A; a12] examine one’s health. Ayawg píyung ug hilngun ang ímung mata sa duktur, Don’t close your eyes when the doctor examines them.

hilíra n line of objects. v [A; c1] put, be in a line or row. Naghilíra sa kadaghan ang íyang sapátus, She has rows upon rows of shoes.

hílis v [AB2; aP] 1 for s.t. to lose part of its bulk by melting, friction, dissolution; cause s.t. to do so. Ang batuung karsáda muhílis ug gúma, A rough road wears tires down. Muhílis ang yílu ug hiinitan, Ice melts if you leave it in the sun. Ang ihirsisyu makapahílis (makahílis) sa tambuk, Exercise gets rid of fat. Hilísa (pahilísa) ang tablíta sa túbig, Let the tablet dissolve in the water. 2 digest. Wà ku kahilísi sa ákung gikaun, I didn’t digest my dinner. 3 [B1256] feel small. Nahílis ku sa kaúlaw, I felt small on account of my shame. (→) 1 worn down, having part melted away. Hilis ug tikud ang sapátus, The shoes are worn down at the heels. 2 backing down in a fight. Hilis ming tanan ánang bagísa, We’re all scared of that toughie. 3 expression promising harm to s.o. Hilis giyud [324]mu nákù ug inyu kung sulayan, You’ll see what I’m like (lit. you’ll be worn down) if you test me. v [AB; a12] back down in a fight, cause s.o. to do so. -in-an(→) n fatty flesh cooked until the fat melts and only a hard crust remains.

hilit a secluded, isolated in location. Hilit ning lugára kay layug silíngan, This place is secluded because there are no near neighbors. v [B1256] be a secluded place. Ug mahilit ang lugar, háyan alabtan, If the place is secluded, there are likely to be ghosts. pa- v [A; c] go to a secluded place. Nagpahilit sila arun makalugar, They went to a secluded place to do it. ka-an, kahilithilitan n isolated, secluded places. kina-an n most isolated, secluded place.

hilmit n helmet. v [A; b6(1)] wear a helmet. hilmithilmit n glans penis (humorous).

hilt sintir n public health clinic. v [a12] make into a health clinic.

hilu n poison ingested. v 1 [A; b] poison s.t. or s.o. Kinsay naghilu sa irù? Who poisoned the dog? 1a poison s.o. by magical means. Manghilu sila pinaági sa tayhup, They poison people by blowing on them. 2 [A; b(1)] give s.o. bad or wrong ideas about s.t. Kinsay mihilu nímu bátuk nákù? Who poisoned your mind against me? Gihiluan níya ákung hunàhúnà báhin sa pagpalit ug awtu, He gave me the bad idea of buying a car. 3 [A13] commit suicide by taking poison. Naghilu siya kay gibulagan sa trátu, He poisoned himself because he was jilted. (←) v 1 [A12] kill with poison. Ang tubli makahílu sa isdà, The derris plant kills fish by poisoning them. 2 [B126] be physically affected by a stench. Báhung makahílu, A stench that knocks you over. hilúan n one who practices magical poisoning. One becomes a hilúan only by killing a member of his own family and must continue killing at a specified rate to stay alive and healthy.

hílu n thread. — dikaríta n spool of thread. — nga pinalus n skein thread.

hilú n expression used upon answering the phone: hello. v [A2] say hello on the phone.

hílug v 1 [AN; b6(1)] rub oil on the skin. Hilúgi ug linimintu ang pamául, Rub liniment on the sore muscles. 2 [A; b5] give the extreme unction. Gihílug (gihilúgan) siya sa párì, He was given the extreme unction by the priest. — sa himalatyun n extreme unction.

hílum a 1 silent, quiet. 2 secret, not overt. Hílum nga gugma, Secret love. Naghilak siya sa hílum, He cried in secret. v 1 [B; aP] be silent, quiet. Kun dílì mu muhílum sa klási, If you do not keep quiet in class. Nahílum ang mga trabahadur pag-abut sa purman, The workers stopped talking when the foreman arrived. 2 [ac] keep s.t. secret, hush s.t. up. Hilúma lang ang nahitabù, Hush up the incident. Ihílum ning ákung isulti nímu, ha, Keep what I’m going to tell you for yourself. Hustu na ning dus syintus ihílum sa pulis, Two hundred pesos is enough to shut the cop up. 3 [aP] for a court case to peter out. Ambut ngánu, apan nahílum man lang tung ílang kásu, I don’t know why, but their case was just sort of fizzled out. 4 [A; c1] do s.t. secretly or in silence. Mihílum siya paggawas sa kwartu, He sneaked out of the room. Hilúma pagkúhà ang yáwi ni Máma, Get the key from Mother on the sly. (→) Shut up! Hilum dihà! Shut up! paka-(→) v [A13] keep quiet, remain silent. Nagpakahilum na lámang si Míla sa usa ka suuk, Mila just remained silent in a corner. ka- n silence. ma-un a peaceful and quiet. -un(→), ma-un(→) a not given to talking.

hilus v 1 [B26; c1] for s.t. tied securely in place to slip off, move out of place by sliding. Nakabuhì ang kanding kay mihilus ang sinumpayan sa písì, The goat escaped because the knot which tied the two pieces of rope slipped off. Nahilus ang ákung pagkuput sa sanga, I lost my hold on the branch. 2 [A1B12; b] for the skin to get burnt by heat or chafing action. Nahilusan (nahilus) ákung buktun sa túbig ínit, My arm got burnt with the hot water. Nagkahilus ákung pálad pagpinugung sa pasul, My palm is getting chafed from trying to hold the fishing line. 3 [A; c] peel off s.t. hard after loosening it by dipping it in boiling water. Dì pa makahilus nang tubíga sa kuku sa bábuy kay dì pa búkal, That water can’t get the pig’s hooves loose because it is not boiling. 3a [B126] for one’s whole being be scorched (literary). Midukù si Magda kay daw nahilus siya sa tinan-awan ni Migil, Magda seemed to melt under Miguel’s fiery gaze. n inflammation of the skin caused by burning or chafing. Hilus gumíkan sa hapin, Diaper rash. paN- v [A] for the skin to peel as the result of burning or chafing. -in- water taken off of boiled rice before it is fully cooked.

hílut v 1 [A; a12] massage, pull the bones for medicinal purposes. A wide variety of symptoms are treated by hílut ranging from swellings and fractures to fevers and pains. Maáyu siyang muhílut ug piang, He is good in setting dislocated joints. Kamau siyang muhílut ug bátang suhì, He knows how to massage a baby that is upside down in the [325]womb. Hilúta ang tampihak, Massage the temples. 2 [a12] repair personal relations. Kadalì rang mahílut ang gikabangían sa duruha, It will be easy to settle their differences. 3 [a12] repair a defect with makeshift methods. Dílì mahílut ning dipiktúha kinahanglan ilísan ang písa, There is no way to take care of this defect without replacing the part. 4 [A2; a12] stretch a failing grade near the borderline to allow the student to pass. n action of massaging. Dílì madá sa hílut, Massage can’t take care of it. maN-r-, mag-r- n folk doctor who treats by massaging.

hiluy v [B; c] for the eyes to droop. Naghiluy na ang íyang mata sa kakatulgun, Her eyes are drooping from drowsiness. a droopy-*eyed.

hilwas1 n shoemaker’s instrument used to cut and shape material for soles or heels, or to smoothen rough edges in footwear. v [A; b6(1)] trim, cut with a hilwas.

hilwas2 = hiluwas. see luwas2.

himábaw see babaw.

hímag n oil with magical healing properties obtained from a special k.o. leech. When it is applied to wounds it causes them to close up such that no trace remains.

himalang v [AN; b4] inflict malicious or unnecessary damage on. Giprísu na ang naghimáng sa dalága, The man who raped the woman was put in prison. Gihimángan sa kanding ang ákung mga masítas, The goats destroyed my potted plants.

himalingka v [B126; b3(1)c5] be angered and surprised by s.t. that comes unexpectedly. Nahimalingka ku pagkahibalu nákung gitikásan ku níya, I was taken aback in anger when I knew that he cheated me. Ayawg ikahimalingka ang ákung isulti nímu, Don’t react angrily to what I’m going to tell you.

himámat v [AC; ac] 1 for people to find out how they are related to each other. Makighimámat aku nímug unsa kang pagkauyuána nákù, I would like to find out by what relationship you are my uncle. 2 meet and get to know one another. Himamáta ang Amirkána, Meet the American lady and get to know her. 3 [A; a] meet s.o. who is arriving and pay him attention. Himamáta ang bisíta, Greet the visitor and entertain him. Gihimámat siya sa masípang pakpak, He was greeted with loud applause. 3a [a3] meet one’s sight. Mauy nahimámat sa ákung pagtan-aw, What greeted my eyes.

híman1 n tools, utensils. v [A; b] 1 supply equipment. Ang ákung bána mauy naghíman sa kusína, My husband equipped the kitchen with utensils. Himáni ang ímung anak nga nagtunghà, Equip your child with what he needs to study. 2 process, make ready for a purpose. Naghíman ku sa ákung mga dad-unun, I’m preparing the things I’m taking with me. ka-an n equipment, tools, for doing s.t.

híman2 a masculine, he-man. Híman kaáyu kanang barbiládu, That muscle-man is a real he-man. v [B126; b6] become a he-man.

him-an(→) optional alternant of hing-an before bases beginning with b or p.

himangnù see mangnù.

himangud v [B126; c5] feel slighted, hurt by s.o.’s actions. Nahimangud ku nímu kay nahibalu ka man diay sa tinúud apan wà giyud ku nímu sultíhi, I feel hurt because you knew the truth, but you didn’t let on to me. ka- n hurt feelings, resentment.

himanhíman as it turned out, [so-and-so] is not true despite allegations. Miiskuyla kunu siya, apan himanhíman diay tu didtu sa sini, She said she went to school, but the truth is that she went to the movie. Ingun kang dì kamau, himanhíman bansay, You said you didn’t know, but it turned out you’re real good.

*himaráut (from dáut) pang- v [A; ac2] scorn s.t., say it is no good. Ug magpasuburnu siya panghimaraútun siya, If he lets himself be bribed, people will scorn him. Gipanghimaráut ku ang ákung pálad, I cursed my fate. Dílì maáyung ipanghimaráut (panghimaraútan) ang pamisti sa usa ka táwu, It isn’t right to look down on a person for his clothes.

himásaw = hilimásaw.

himáyà n spiritual joy, glory. Tugub sa himáyà ang ílang kaminyúun, Their marriage was full of bliss. mistiryu sa — the Glorious Mystery, one of the three Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. v [A13; a12] be glorified. pa- v [b(1)] be blessed. Gipahimayáan ka sa Ginúu ug usa ka masulundun nga anak, You are blessed by God with an obedient child. ka-an n glory, joys. Giánud aku sa díwà sa húni ngadtu sa kahimayáan, I was drifted by the spirit of the melody to the heights of joy. ma-un a glorious, joyful. Mahimayáung tulimbang sa mga linggánay, Joyful ringing of the bells. Mahimayáung kamatáyun, Glorious death.

himbà v [B2; b6] decrease considerably in quantity or volume. Ngánung nahimbà (mihimbà) ning bugas? Nakuháag dakù, Why do we suddenly have so little rice left? S.o. took a lot away from it.

himbangkaágan = hibangkaágan. see *bangkáag. [326]

himbay a slow-moving, without energy in walking. v = himbayhimbay. himbayhimbay v [A1P; c1] dilly-dally in walking. Ngánung naghimbayhimbay (nagpahimbayhimbay) ka mang naglakaw nga gipadalì ka man? Why are you dilly-dallying when I told you to hurry? 2 be wobbly. Naghimbayhimbay ang ligid kay luag ug búha, The wheel is wobbling because the sleeve bearing is loose.

himbis = hingbis.

himì1 a cry-baby. v [B2; b6] be, become a cry-baby. himìhimì n whimper. v [A; b3] whimper, whine.

hímì n dirt. a dirty. Hímì kaáyu kag trabáhu. Usba, Your work is very dirty. Do it again. v [B12S; a] make s.t. dirty. Maghímì ta basta magkaun tag ayisdrap, You get dirty if you eat popsicles. Gihimían kus íyang nilútù maung walà ku mukáun, I felt that the food she cooked was dirty so I didn’t eat. (→)2 = hímì, a. himìhimì v [A; b] make s.t. dirty. -an(→) a fond of getting dirty.

himidyà v [AN; b(1)] look down on. Gihimidyáan siya nga mubù, He was looked down on with derision for being short. -an a tending to despise others.

hímil v [A; a1] touch s.t. with the hands. Masukù giyud siyag himílun ang íyang tinda, She gets mad when s.o. touches her goods. himilhímil v [A] take care of s.o. intimately as a nurse does.

himílu n cufflinks. v [A; c] wear cufflinks.

himisik see pisik.

himnu n hymn.

himpit = hingpit.

himpus v [A13] 1 be of use, do for a purpose. Dílì maghimpus nang haligía sa dakung balay, That post won’t do for a large house. 2 continue to be of service. Dílì maghimpus ang tihíras ug punáyan mug luksuluksu, The cot won’t last if you keep jumping on it. 3 for s.t. to come of s.t. Dílì maghimpus ang trabáhu ug byàbyáan, Nothing will come of the work if you don’t stick to it.

himsug a robust and full. v [B2; b6] become robust and full. Muhimsug (mahimsug) ang mga tanum kun pirming abunúhan, The plants will grow robustly if you always put fertilizer on them. ka- n robustness. Ang bitamína makahátag ug kahimsug sa láwas, Vitamins make the body robust.

hímu, hímù v 1 [A; a] make, construct. Kamau kang muhímù ug talabánug? Do you know how to make a kite? Himúun kung palu ning kahúya, I will make this piece of wood into a mast. 1a make s.o. into s.t. Himúun ta kang kapitan, I’ll make you a captain. 2 [A; a2] do, perform. Ayawg himúa tung ímung panghulgà, Don’t carry out your threats. 2a conduct or hold an activity. Adtu himúa ang míting sa iskuylahan, The meeting will be held at the schoolhouse. 3 [B12] turn into, become. Ang kawad-un mauy nakahímù (nakapahímù) níyang kawatan, Poverty caused him to become a thief. Nahímung batu ang gikuptan ni Mídas, The thing which Midas touched turned into stone. Nahímung sumsúman sa mga tabì, It became the subject of conversation for the town gossips. 4 [A12; a3] be capable of doing s.t. not usual, allow to do s.t. Dì ku makahímù paghingílin níya, I can’t bring myself to evict him. Mahímù ka nang mupaúlì, You may go home now. Walay mahímù, Nothing can be done about it. 4a — nga [a3] be possible. Mahímù kaáyu nga bulagan ka, You might just possibly be jilted. 4b [a3] for a woman to be easily had. Mahímù nang bayhána, You can easily get a piece off that woman. 5 [a3] happen, occur. Mau kadtuy kinadak-ang súnug nga nahímù sa syudad, That was the biggest fire that happened in the city. n make. Lig-un ni kay hímù man ni sa Amirika, This is strong because it is of American make. paka- v [A13; a12] 1 turn oneself, s.t. into s.t. Nagpakahímù siyang kataw-anan, He made himself a laughing stock. 2 to be capable of doing s.t. Unsáun nákù pagpakahímug pasulud nímu nga dílì ku háwak? How could I give you a job when I have no power? ma- v [B1256] become (Biblical). Ang tanan mamahímù nga yútà human mamatay, All will be transformed into dust after death. -in- 1 s.t. made. Ákù nang hinímù, That was of my own make. 2 s.t. made of. Balay nga hinímù sa batu, House made of stone. ka-an n accomplishments, results. Gibatbat sa pamúnù ang mga kahimúan sa íyang administrasiyun, The president enumerated the accomplishments of his administration. 2 possibility. May kahimúan usab nga kitang mga táwu kalíwat gíkan sa láing planíta, There is also a possibility that man is descended from beings from another planet. 3 activities in general. Unsa may kahimúan sa inyung pista? What are the activities in your fiesta? mag-r-, mag-l- n maker, producer, manufacturer, etc.

himughat see bughat.

himugsù (from bugsù2) v [c] deliver, give birth to. Nahimugsuan si Bíki ug usa ka bátang laláki, A baby boy was born to Vicky. Si Kristu gihimugsù sa usa ka pasungan, Christ was born in a manger. 2 [B1256; a] be brought into being (literary). Ang bag-ung [327]nahimugsù nílang lungsud sa kalasangan, The town they just created in the forest. Ubra maistra nga nahimugsù sa íyang kakúgi, The masterwork which his labors brought forth. 3 result from (literary). Panimalus nga nahimugsù sa íyang pagdumut, The revenge that his hatred gave rise to.

himul v [A1; b] wipe the face around the mouth. Himuli ang bátà kay nagkamumhu ang simud, Wipe the child’s face because he has crumbs all over him. paN- v [A; b] wipe one’s face.

himulálung v [A12; a3b8] 1 have a clear picture of s.o.’s appearance. Nahimuladngan (nahimulálung) nákù ang íyang nawung dihang nahayagan siya, I got a clear view of his face when the light fell on him. 2 remember a face vaguely but not be able to place it exactly. Nakahimulálung tu ku nímu. A si Dyan diay ka, I seem to remember you—Oh yes. You’re John, aren’t you? 3 be aware of s.t. Nakahimulálung ku nga may táwu, piru hángin dagway tu, There seemed to be s.o. there, but probably it was the wind. Dílì nímu mahimuladngan ang pagtúbù sa ímung mga bátà, Your children grow up on you without your noticing it.

himuláut (from dáut) v [B145] be dying. Gilawàlawaan na ang mata sa naghimuláut, The dying man’s eyes are blurred.

himúlus see pulus1.

himungà (from búnga) n mother hen. v [A1; a] raise a mother hen. Nakahimungà na siyag wayit lighurn, She has already raised white leghorn mother hens. -an(←) = himungà.

himungáwung see *mungálung.

himungáyà n consciousness, awareness. May himungáyà pa siya sa pagdala námù níya sa uspital, He still was conscious when we brought him to the hospital. v 1 [AB; c1] come to consciousness, bring back to consciousness. Mihimungáyà ang bátà sa paghuman ug indiksiyun, The child awakened after the injection. Dakung butu ang naghimungáyà sa mga táwu sa kaadláwun, A loud burst awakened the people at dawn. 2 [B123; b(1)] become awake to a fact. Nakahihimungáyà sila nga dautan ang ílang gihímù, They became aware that what they were doing was bad. Nagkahimungayà ang katawhan ug hinayhínay sa mga nahitabù, The people are gradually becoming awake to what is going on. Nahimungayáan siya sa ákung pagpatin-aw, He finally understood what it was all about after my explanation.

himungsíyù v [B126; b3] be hurt by s.t. s.o. close did without nurturing resentment on that account. Nahimungsíyù ku níya kay wà siya paútang, He hurt me because he didn’t lend me money.

himurids n hemorrhage. v [B16; a4] have a hemorrhage, cause hemorrhage. Naghimurids ang íyang matris, She had a hemorrhage in her uterus. Gihimurids si Bíti, Betty had a hemorrhage.

himus a cuddly and plump. v [B12; b6] for a child to be cuddly and plump. Gihimusan ku nang batáa. Kaáyung paákun, That baby is so cuddly. How I’d love to bite it.

himutákal see butakal.

himut-uk see put-uk.

himuylas see *buylas.

Hin. n abbreviation for hiniral, 1a.

hiN-1 derivative affix forming verb bases. 1 to words which refer to a state or time of day to form verbs which mean ‘be almost [such-and-such] a state, time of day’. Verbs of this sort usually have a short penult and occur with mag-1 (nag-, etc.) and ma-1 (na-). Sa naghinigulang na si Tátay, As Dad was moving toward old age. Sa naghinapus na ang pangadyì, As the prayers were about to end. 2 forming verbs referring to an intense action. Naghinud-ung sila ni Maríya hangtud siya midukù, The people kept staring at Maria until she bowed her head. 3 added to nouns to form a verb meaning ‘get the [noun] out’. Nanghingìkì siya humag káun ug karni, He picked his teeth after he ate the meat. Hingut-an ta ka, I will pick your lice. 4 added to a few verb bases to form verbs referring to an accidental or involuntary action. Ang balay túa mahimutang daplin sa dágat, The house is situated next to the sea. Paghigut arun dì ka mahimulag sa sakayan, Tie yourself so you won’t get separated from the boat.

hiN-2 affix added to verbs or nouns to form adjectives which mean ‘fond of [noun], [doing verb]’. Hingáun ug lútù, Fond of eating rice. Hinábung, Fond of cockfights.

hinabdus, hinablus = humablus.

hinabù see tábù.

hínag a sparse, loosely woven. Hínag pagkahablun, Woven loosely. Hínag ang buhuk, Sparse hair. Hínag ang mga táwu sa baylihan, There were very few people on the dance floor. v [B2; b6] be, become sparse. Nagkahinag na ang dáhun sa tanum kay nagkamatay, The leaves of the plant are getting sparse because it is slowly dying. Muhínag ang kamaisan ug dì punáan, The cornfield will lack plants if you do not reseed the [328]places that fail to sprout.

hinagdung n k.o. small tree of thickets. A fluid which is blown out of the wood is used as a poultice for swellings. The leaves are mixed with water for bathing babies: Trema orientalis.

hinagiban n 1 weapon. 2 instrument used in bringing about a desired result. Ang kuntrátu mauy ákung hinagiban sa burúka, The contract is my best weapon in the case. v 1 [c6] use s.t. as a weapon. Gihinagiban ni Matahari ang íyang kaanyag, Mata Hari used her beauty as a weapon. 2 [A12] have a weapon.

*hináhin pa- v [A3] 1 for s.o. over-eager to do s.t. to be restrained or dissuaded. Dì na giyud siya magpahináhin sa pagpaúlì, She can’t be dissuaded from going home. 2 allow oneself to be left out of s.t., miss out on s.t. (usually in the negative). Dì ku magpahináhin. Muuban giyud ku, I won’t let myself be left out. I’ll go along. 3 allow s.o. to get an advantage. Ása man ku magpahináhin. Unhan ku giyud siya, I won’t let him get an advantage. I’ll beat him to it.

hinalam, hinálam = higálam. see *gálam.

hínam v [B126; b3(1)] be eager, intensely desirous. Ang lamíang pagkáun nakahínam (nakapahínam) kanákù, The delicious food made me eager (to eat dinner). kulbà — a anticipated with eagerness and fright. Kulbà hínam sila nga nagpaábut sa risulta, They were in great suspense as they awaited the outcome. hinamhinam v [B146] be overcome by eagerness. Naghinamhinam siya sa pag-abut ni Santa Klawus, He is eagerly anticipating Santa’s arrival. ka- eagerness to do s.t. ma-un a full of eager anticipation.

hin-an(→) optional alternant of hing-an before bases beginning with d, e, and s.

hinangiban = hinagiban.

hinangkan see anak.

hinánib see hánib.

hinánuk v [B126] 1 be sound asleep. Nahinánuk na ang mga bátà. Makalugar na ta, The children are sound asleep. We can do it now. 2 be dormant (literary). Gipúkaw mu ang nahinánuk ku nga pagbátì, You brought my dormant emotions to life.

hínas v [A3P; c1] clear an area by burning. Muhínas (maghínas) ku sa baul ug muínit, I’ll burn the plants I cut down when it gets sunny. Nahínas ang mga balay sa iskwátir, The slum area was levelled by the fire.

hinásà a familiar, acquainted with s.o. or s.t. Hinásà kaáyu nákù ning nawnga, This face looks very familiar to me. Hinásà ku kaáyu sa kinabúhing Manilan-un, I’m very familiar with what life in Manila is like. v [B126C13; b6c5] be, become familiar or acquainted with. Nagkahinásà mi sa tantung agiági níya sa ámù, We became acquainted because she constantly passed by our place. Gihinasáan ku ánang tawhána, That person looks familiar to me.

*hináut (from dáut) — nga I hope that ... Hináut untang magmalampúsun ka, I hope that you succeed. v [A2; c1] hope for s.t. to happen. Panghinaútan (ipanghináut) námù ang ímung kadaúgan, We hope you will be victorious. paN- hopes for s.t. good to happen.

hinaw v [A2; b] wash the hands. Hinawi ang bátà, Wash the child’s hands. paN- v [A2; b] 1 wash one’s hands. Manghinaw ta, Let’s wash our hands. 2 paN- sa matag bagul find oneself without money (from the idea that if one washes with a half a coconut with the eyes punched out, there is hardly any water). Manghinaw ka sa matag bagul ug dílì nímu ampíngan ang ímung kabílin, You’ll find yourself without money if you’re not careful with your inheritance. 3 [A2] disclaim responsibility. Dì ka makapanghinaw sa ímung sáad, You can’t go back on your promise. -an(←), -l-an(←) n washbasin. -in-an n washed hands.

hinawnaw see nawnaw.

hínay1 a 1 slow. 1a lacking in speed. Hínay kaáyu ang íyang mga lákang, She walked slowly. 1b taking long to happen. Hínay ang umintu sa swildu sa maistra, The teacher’s raise in salary is slow in coming. 2 soft. 2a low, not loud. Hínayng tíngug, Soft voice. 2b light, not strong. Hínay ra ang ákung sagpà níya, I gave her a very light slap. 2c gentle. Nabátì ku ang hínay nga dápat sa íyang mga ngábil sa ákung áping, I felt the gentle touch of his lips to my cheeks. v 1a [B; b5] do s.t. slowly, become slow. Nahínay (mihínay) ang dinaganan sa bangkà kay daghag karga, The boat has slowed down because of the heavy load. Hináyi (hináya) pagpadágan ang kutsi, Drive the car slowly. 1b [B; c1] become soft, gentle; do s.t. quietly. Nagkahinay ang radiyu kay nagkadiskarga na ang batiríya, The radio is becoming weak because the batteries are running down. Hináya (ihínay) pagbutang ang bátà, Put the baby down gently. hinayhínay a 1 rather slow, soft. 2 bit by bit. Ang usa ka lungnik sa hinayhínay nahurut giyud níya, Bit by bit he finally finished a whole fifth. v [A; b5] do s.t. slowly, gradually. -an(→) tending to [329]move slowly by nature. Hinayan kanà. Dì mahímung padaliun, He’s a slow sort. You can’t rush him. ka- n slowness, softness. -un(→) a slow in movement. Hinayun siyang mulíhuk kay masakitun, He moves slowly because he is sickly.

hínay2 v [A13P; b] always do s.t. Ngánung naghínay ka na lang núug katúlug dihà? Why do you do nothing but sleep? hinayhínay v [A; b] 1 continue to do s.t. Naghinayhínay lang mig káun samtang nagpaábut sila, We continued eating while they waited. 2 leave, get going. Maghinayhínay na lang ta kay hápun na man, Let’s get going because it’s late.

hinayak v [B1236C13; b] 1 get oneself so far committed that it would be awkward to back out. Sígi na lang kay nakahinayak na kug káun bisag dì pa tingkaun, Since I started, I might as well just eat properly even if it isn’t time yet. Kay nahinayak ka nag pakigtrátu níya, pangasaw-a na lang, You’ve gone so far as to get engaged, you might as well marry her. Humana lang nà kay nahinaykan na nímug tábas, Just finish it because you already started cutting it. Nagkahináyak ang duha, búsa nag-ípun na lang, The two have got too deeply involved with each other, so they just set up house together. 2 [B1236; b] do s.t. in excess or longer than necessary. Bídang nakahinayak nímug asin sa sabaw, You put too much salt in the soup. Nahinaykan nákug duut, dì nabuak, I pushed it too hard and it broke. 3 [B126] do s.t. for nothing, in vain. Nahinayak akug anhi, I came here for nothing. pa- v [A; b] 1 cause s.o. to push through with s.t., do s.t. in excess for nothing. 2 do s.t. in excess purposely, allow oneself to get too deeply involved. Ug magpahinayak kag inum, If you drink excessively. Nagpahinayak siya sa gugma, She allowed herself to get too deeply involved in a love affair.

hinayhay = hanayhay.

hinayun 1 see dáyun. 2 see hínay1.

hindà 1 baby talk for higdà ‘go to sleep’. Hindà na ta dung. Túlug na, Come on. Let’s go sleepy-by, son. 2 word uttered upon reaching home base in hide-and-seek. v [A12] go home free. -anan n place used as home base.

hindang n k.o. small tree: Myrica javanica.

hindian a particular, choosy about food. Níwang nang batáa kay hindian sa pagkáun, That child is thin because he is very choosy about his food.

hindik a neat, orderly, clean. Hindik siyang mamistibisti, She dresses neat and trim. v [A; a1] make s.t. neat and trim. Hindíka ang kwartu kay nagkalamúkat lang, Straighten up the room because it’s a mess. pa-, paN- v 1 [A; c6] make oneself neat, clean. Dugáya sad nímung manghindik (magpahindik) uy, My! How long it takes you to get yourself ready! 2 primp oneself up. n cosmetics. -an a tending to keep oneself neat.

híngag v [B2] interested, enthusiastic over. Híngag siya sa mga pahindik, She’s very interested in cosmetics.

hingahinga v [A3P] pant rapidly from exertion, overeating. Naghingahinga ang tambuk human patungása sa bungtud, The fat man was panting rapidly after he was made to climb the hill.

híngak v [A2; b4] breathe deeply and rapidly. Gihingákan ku ug bugtaw nímu, I ran out of breath running after you.

hingalhingal v [A13P] pant with the mouth open and tongue hanging. Naghingalhingal ang kábaw nga gidáru sa ínit, The carabao is panting with its tongue hanging out because it plowed in the sun.

híngan v [B256] have enthusiasm, interest for s.t. Dì kaáyu ku muhíngan (mahíngan) sa pagbása, I don’t have a great interest in reading. dílì — for s.t. undesirable not to be in a bad degree. Bintáhang managána. Mapildi sa dílì híngan, It’s better to be prepared because if misfortune befalls you, it won’t be so bad. Maldítu siya, apan dílì híngan, He’s naughty, but not terribly much so.

hing-an(→) = hi-an(→).

hingaphingap v [A13P; b3] be excited, restless in expectation. Naghingaphingap giyud kung nagpaábut kanímu, I am very excited in waiting for your arrival.

hingári v [A13; b(1)] always do s.t. Ayaw hingaríhi (hingaríi) nag túyuk, Stop that constant twirling.

hingatag see hátag.

hingáwa, hingáwà v [B126; b3(1)] feel highly worried about s.t. Gikahingawáan ku ang dilikádu níyang kundisiyun, I am worried about his delicate condition. ka- n worry, anxiety. ma-un a full of worry.

hingbangkaágan = hibangkaágan. see *bangkáag.

hingbis n 1 scale on fishes, reptiles, birds’ legs. 2 type of character (taken from the notion that the fighting cock is judged on the basis of the scales on his legs). Unsa kahà ang hingbis sa íyang pagkababáyi? What type of a woman is she? v 1 [AN; b6(1)] remove the scales. Human na nákù hingbísi ang mga isdà, I already removed the fish scales. 2a [AN; b(1)] select a fighting cock [330]according to the scale formation on its legs. Manghingbis kug manuk pára itárì, I will select a cock for the cockfight. 2b size up a person. Gihingbísan kug maáyu sa ákung uganganun, My future father-in-law sized me up very carefully. -un(→) a having scales.

hingì v [A; c] ask for s.t. from s.o. (slang). Muhingì pa kug takwal ni Irpat, I’ll have to ask Father for money. n action of asking. hingìhingì v [A1; b3] whimper in asking for s.t. or attention. hingìhíngì n action of whimpering.

hingílin v [A; b] 1 dismiss s.o. from his abode or job. Gihinginlan siya sa íyang mga ginikánan, His parents drove him out of the house. 2 drive away a feeling, atmosphere. Ang huyúhuy dílì ígung makahingílin sa kaígang, The breeze was insufficient to drive out the heat. 3 [A3P; b] drive away or expel evil spirits from a place or from a person’s body. Páring maghingílin sa mga ispiritu malignu, A priest that will exorcise the evil spirits. n the ritual of freeing a person or place of evil spirits. n ceremony of exorcism.

hingiting = alingiting.

hingkud a 1a for a person to be full-grown, completely matured. Hingkud nga dalága, A fully grown young lady. Sini álang sa mga hingkud, A movie for adults. 1b be exactly at a certain age, around the age of maturity. 1c — ang salabútan have an adult’s understanding. 2 for fruits borne by plants that bear fruit once and die to reach maturity. Hingkud na ang púsù. Maáyu nang sanggíun, The corn is full-grown now. We should harvest it. 3 for a stretch of time to be just long enough. Hingkud na ang panahun sa panimalus, The time is ripe for revenge. v [B] 1 get to be matured, a full [so-and-so] many years old. Muhingkud kung bayinti anyus ugmà, I will be exactly twenty years old tomorrow. 2 for time to get matured.

hinglit v [A; a1] stretch and press cloth or paper with the hands to smooth it out. Gihinlit níya ang gum-us nga papil nga íyang sulatan, He smoothed the crumpled piece of paper out with his hand because he was going to write on it. Hinlíta ang ímung sayal kay way utaw, Smooth over your skirt with your hands because it was not ironed.

hinglù v [AB12; a] clear s.t., get cleared off. Hinglúi ang lamísa, Clear the table. Nahinlù na ang masitasan sa sagbut, The flower bed has been cleared of weeds. Nagkahinlù ang plása sa hápit na ang tungang gabíi, The plaza was getting cleared as midnight approached. a cleared.

hingpit a 1 complete, nothing lacking. Hingpit ang kahimánan, The equipment is complete. Hingpit nga ulitáwu, A young man, completely grown. Himáyà nga hingpit gayud, Complete and utter bliss. Dì pa siya hingpit nga abugádu kay wà makabár, He is not a full-fledged lawyer because he hasn’t taken the bar exams. Haúna kini sa hingpit nga alas dúsi, Take this out no earlier than twelve o’clock. 2 complete, without reservations. Hingpit nga gugma, Complete, whole-hearted love. Hingpit ang ákung hukum, My decision is final. 3 — nga babáyi woman complete with female virtues. n tools, utensils. Hingpit sa panupi, Equipment for cutting hair. v [B; a12] get to be complete with nothing lacking or without reservations. ka-an n tools, utensils. Kahingpítan sa panimalay, Furniture and utensils for the household. ka-un(→) n reaching completion. Walay kahingpitun ang paghímug diksiyunariyu, There never seems to be any end to making a dictionary.

híngù v [A3P; a] pull a tooth or break off one of several projections which are like teeth in a row. Kanang ímung sinudlayan makahíngù (makapahíngù) ug sudlay, The comb is going to break the way you are using it. Wà ka pa kahingúi? Haven’t you lost any teeth? (→) n loose tooth. Átung ibtun nang ímung hingù bi, Let’s pull out your loose tooth. a having been pulled out. Hingù na ang íyang bag-ang, He has lost a molar. paN- v [A23; b4] for the milk teeth to fall out. Nanghíngù (gipanghingúan) na si Irna, Erna is losing her baby teeth.

hínguk = hínuk1.

híngus v [A23] sniffle, draw the snot up into the nose. Mihíngus si Lulu nga namáhid sa íyang lúhà, Lulu sniffled as she wiped her tears. n sniffle.

hingushingus = ingus-ingus.

hinguy = hunguy.

hinhin1 = hilhig, v.

hinibra n gin. v 1 [A1] have, serve gin. 2 [a12] make into gin.

hiniral n 1 general officer. 1a title of address for a general. 2 kastígu — punishment given to both parties in a quarrel. intráda — general admission in a theater. 3 k.o. imported gamecock. v [B16; c1] be, become general.

hiniru n types of course served. Pila ka hinirung sud-an ang átung andámun? How many kinds of dishes shall we prepare?

hínis v 1 [A; b] remove dirt that clings to s.t., polish by scouring or chemical action. Ímu bang gihinísan ang kubyirtus? Have you polished the silverware? 2 [A] — sa túbu for males to masturbate (polish the [331]tube). n (→) 1 preparation used for scouring or polishing. 2 walay — unpolished.

hiníti1 n jockey, one who rides a horse in a race.

hiníti2 = haníti.

hinlas v [A; b(1)] clean by bathing or with a washcloth. paN- v [A2; b6] clean oneself.

hinlawan n coarsely ground corn grits which require remilling or are fed to animals. v [B126] for corn grits to come out coarse.

hinlit = hinglit.

hinlù = hinglù.

hintil n Gentile, non-Jew.

hintulhintul v [A13] for a mixture to come out lumpy. Naghintulhintul ang labadúra kay walà maáyu nga pagkamiskla, The batter was lumpy because it was not well mixed.

hinù v [B126; b3] develop a craze for doing s.t. after s.t. nice happened to one doing it once. Makahinù (makapahinù) ang pagdúlà sa madyung, Once you have tried playing mahjong, you can easily develop a craze for it. Ang pagpangáwut ug bahanding lunubung mauy gihinúan (gikahinúan) sa mga táwu run, Nowadays there is a craze to dig for buried treasure.

hinug a 1 ripe. Hinug na ang mga ságing, The bananas are ripe. 2 for a cold to be at a late stage, when the mucous gets thick. 2a for acne or small pimple to come to a head. 3 for a time to be just right for s.t., for plans to be developed to the point that only realization is lacking. Hinug na ang mga plánu sa ákung panimalus, The ground is fully prepared for my revenge. n any variety of banana eaten uncooked when ripe. Palbangáan pa ang hinug nga ílang gipalit, The bananas they bought are still a bit green. v 1 [B2] be, become ripe or for cold to mature. 1a — ang úlu for the head to get bumped so much it is as if it had softened. Nahinug na ning ákung úlu sa pagpinakungpákung, My head has become soft because I’ve bumped it so often. 2 [B25] for the time to become ripe, for the preparations for s.t. to reach a state of completion. hinggan n bunch of fruit, some of which are ripe. Gúlang na ang ságing kay hinggan, The bananas are mature because there are some ripe fruits in the bunch. v [B1256] become mature with some ripe fruits in it.

hinúgan see túlug.

hinúgay see dúgay.

hinug-u see sug-u.

hinúgun v [B1256; b5c5] feel that it is a great pity that s.t. is gone. Nahinúgun kaáyu mi sa sayung kamatáyun ni Kinidi, We felt it was a great loss that Kennedy died so young. Gihinugnan nga mugastu ang tihik, The miser considers every penny he spends a loss. Dílì ángay ikahinúgun (kahinugnan, hinugnun) ang usa ka gamay nga butang, A small thing is nothing for which one should feel regret. -in- a s.o. whose passing engenders a feeling of great loss. Kadtung ámung igsúung namatay hininúgun kaáyu, That dead brother of ours was very dear to us. ka- n sense of loss. mahinugnánun a feeling a great sense of loss. Mitangdù siya sa paghátag sa ituy sa mahinugnánun nga tíngug, He consented to give the puppy away with a sad voice.

hínuk1 v [A; ac] do s.t. stealthily or without anyone’s noticing it. Mihínuk siya pagdúlug sa babáyi, He stealthily lay down beside the woman. Hinúka ug kúhà ang búla ug dì siya pahulam, Get the ball away from him when he’s not looking if he won’t lend it. Ihínuk nig gawas sa Kustum, Spirit this away from the Customs area.

hínuk2 n k.o. fish.

hinuklug v [B126; b3(1)] be affected by a great emotion, esp. grief. Nahinuklug ang mga táwu sa masulub-ung balità, The people were stricken with grief at the sad news. ma-un a 1 causing great emotion. 2 full of grief. ka- n deep emotion, grief. Sa túmang kahinuklug nanalinghug sila sa nasudnung áwit, With deep emotion they listened to the national anthem.

hinuktuk see tuktuk2.

hínul v [A; a12b2] 1 feel s.t. with the tips of the fingers. Hinúla ang lapalapa, dì ba náay bildu, Feel your sole. There’s a piece of glass in it, isn’t there? 2 feel for, grope around for s.t. Gihínul ni Kulas ang puspuru sa iláwum sa íyang unlan, Colas fumbled for the matches under his pillow. 3 [a3] available to one. Wà siyay nahut nga mahínul, He did not have a cent to his name.

hinulsul v [AN; b(1)] repent for sins. Hinulsúli ang salà mung nabúhat, Repent your sins. paN-, pag- n repentance.

hinultul see tultul.

hinulung, hinúlung v 1 [B16; b3(1)] look at s.t. with fascination or with surprise. Naghinulung kung nagtan-aw sa sirkadur, I was fascinated watching the acrobat. Nahinulung mi sa gipakítà níyang kausában, We were amazed at how he had changed. Dílì ikahinulung ang íyang líhuk sa nakaila na níya, Her actions don’t strike people who know her as surprising. 2 [A12; b(1)] notice [332]s.t. Wà mahinulngi námù nga nanáug ang bátà, We didn’t notice that the child went downstairs.

hinumdum see dumdum.

hinungdan see tungud.

hinunúa but, on the contrary (literary). Ayaw kami ug itugyan sa panulay hinunúa luwasa gíkan sa kadaútan, Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.

hinúun short form: núun 1 instead, however, rather. Ug ímu siyang patrabahúun magdúlà núun, If you put him to work, he just plays instead. Hinúun, ug magtuun ka, makapasar pa ka, However, if you study, you still can pass. Dílì akuy nagkúhà. Ikaw núun, I didn’t take it. Rather it was you. 2 but [so-and-so] is good anyway. Dì ni mau ang ímung giingun, bulubaratu núun ning klasíha adtung usa, This isn’t what you asked for, but it’s a bit cheaper. 2a [so-and-so] may or may not be right, good, etc., but this definitely is. ‘Wà tay láin gawas áring puwa.’—‘Maáyu núun. Mas gwápu núun ni,’ ‘We don’t have any except this red one.’—‘Oh, that’s fine. That’s even better (than what I had asked for).’ Wà ku kaila níla. Prid núun, I don’t know them. But Fred, I do. 2b to be sure [so-and-so] is the case, but ... Hinúun, gwápu siya, apan way trabáhu, To be sure, he’s handsome, but he doesn’t have a job. gayud — [so-and-so] is more than you allege or would think. Unsay barátu? Mahal giyud núun, What do you mean cheap? It is expensive, more than you would think. Kabayad ka giyud núun pud, You can very well afford it, anyway. 3 [so-and-so] is contrary to my desire. Manday nagtirnu na ku, miulan na núun, Just the one time I wear a suit, it starts to rain. na — it’s too late, but it could have been done earlier. Dinhi tà ka gahápun. Wà na núun, You should have come yesterday. Now they’re all sold out. 4 with imperatives: you might as well do it under the circumstances, since you’ve got the chance. Adtu man kahà ka sa lungsud. Dad-a núun ni, You’re going to town, anyway. You might as well bring it with you. Upat man ta. Dúlà núun ta, There’s four of us. We might as well play. 5 ra — it is only [so-and-so], said sarcastically or jocularly when whatever it is, is actually a lot. Singku písus ra núun ang kílu sa kamátis, Tomatoes are ‘only’ five pesos a kilogram. Mil písus ra núun ang ákung daug, I ‘only’ won a thousand pesos. 6 mau ra pud — that’s just the one thing that’s wrong with it. ‘Nindut ning sinináa, galing luag nákug diyutay.’—‘Mau ra pud núun.’ ‘This is a nice dress, but it’s a little too big.’—‘That’s just what’s wrong with it.’

hinyu n genius. v [b6] consider s.o. a genius.

hip 1 interjection of warning s.o. a that he’s going to hit s.t. Hip! Maigù nang bumbilya, Watch it! You’re going to hit the light bulb, b that he’s doing s.t. wrong and he’s being observed. Hip, ayawg hilabti nà. Nagtan-aw bayà ku, Watch it. Don’t touch that. I’m watching you. 2 interjection expressing the desire for s.t. to hit s.t. Hip. Hip. A, nasulud giyud sa bangag! Easy does it. Now it’s in the hole.

hipálag see palag.

hipanhipan (from ulahípan) n small red or brown worms resembling small centipedes, used as bait. They are of two kinds: — sa bás kind found in sand, — sa batu kind found inside stones or boulders.

hiphip v 1 [A; a] insert in between s.t. or into a tight place or container. Nakítà kung mihiphip siyag papil dibangku sa libru, I saw her insert a bill in the book. Naghiphip siyag pistúla sa íyang háwak, He tucked a pistol into his waist. 2 [AN; b6(1)] bribe. Mihiphip (nanghiphip) siyag táwu nga mupalúsut sa íyang papílis, He bribed a person who could work out on his papers. Gihiphipan níya ang pulis arun dílì siya dakpun, He bribed the policeman so he wouldn’t be arrested. n bribe. -an(→) a fond of giving bribes.

hípi1 n 1 chief, person of highest authority. Hípi sa kapulisan, Chief of Police. 1a title for a chief. 2 — dibyáhi a the ship’s officer charged with the ship’s trading and business transactions. b the head of a cargo truck sent to buy farm products wholesale. v [B16; a12] be, become a chief.

hípi2 n hippie. v [B1; b6] be, become a hippie.

hipì (from hiplì) v [AP; b6P] 1 move behind s.t. to hide. Magpahipì (maghipì) ku sa sira, I will hide behind the door. 2 for s.t. to lurk behind what appears. Luyu sa íyang pahiyum nagpahipì ang kayugut, Behind her smile lurks hatred.

hipíhip = hapíhip.

hiplì v [ABP; c] 1 move out of the way, cause s.t. to do so. Aku na lay muhiplì áning mga pintul, I’ll get these pieces of wood out of the way. Nagpahiplì (naghiplì) lang sa suuk ang mga ibis, The kids hid themselves in the corner. Ihiplì úsà ang trabáhu kay mangáun ta, Put your work aside for the moment because we’re going to eat. 2 [A; b6] dodge, duck out of the way. Nakahiplì siya sa dihang giistrítan siya sa íyang kuntra, He [333]ducked to the side when his opponent swung at him.

hiplig = hiplì.

hiplus = haplus.

hiplut = haplus.

hipnù v [A; a12] fill s.t. to the brim with a liquid. Ayaw hipnúa ang baldi arun dì mukibà, Don’t fill the pail to the brim so it won’t spill over.

hipsut = ipsut.

hípun n 1 tiny shrimp. 2 tugnus fish preserved in salt.

hípus v 1 [A; a12] gather s.t. up and put it away. 1a [A1; a12] put s.t. away so as not to lose it. Nakahípus ka ug sulat didtus lamísa? Did you put away a letter that was on the table? 1b [A; a12] save money. Maghípus tag diyutayng kwarta pára sa byáhi, Let’s save some money for the trip. 2 [A2; a12] make up beds. Kamuy muhípus sa inyung katri, dílì aku, You make your beds, not me. 3 [AN; a12] put things away for the night. Kinsa may muhípus sa mga kanding didtus lagúna? Who will bring the goats in from the pasture? Hipúsa ang gibulad nga mais, Gather up the corn that was dried in the sun. Sa nahípus na ang mga bátà, When the children were put into bed. 4 [a12] fold up, draw in the limbs or their analogues on manufactured objects. Mikáyaw ang ayruplánu nga walà mahípus ang ligid, The airplane took off without retracting its wheels. Hipúsa ang ímung tiil, ayawg ipasayà sa agiánan, Draw in your feet. Don’t let them spread out into the walkway. 5 [a12] collect, gather and form a composite whole. Mau ni ang balità nga nahípus karung adláwa, These are the news we gathered today. 6 [a12] kill, do away with. Kay siya may nagbalità ngadtu sa pulis, gihípus siya sa mga ismaglir, Because he sang to the police the smugglers did away with him. 7 [A2] take in a certain amount. Sa pamaligyà muhípus mi ug dyis mil adlaw-adlaw, We take in ten thousand in sales every day. 8 [B1256] become neat and orderly. a neat and orderly. Hípus kaáyu ang kwartu, The bedroom is tidy. — ug nawung a have a grave and composed expression. v [B2N] for the face to become composed. Nagpanghipus (nagkahipus) na ang nawung sa himalatyun, The dying man’s face is gradually becoming composed. paN- 1 v [A2] get ready for a trip. Nanghípus ku pára sa byáhi ugmà, I am preparing for the trip tomorrow. 2 [A12S3] for a womb to make preparations for childbirth with false pains and a small discharge of blood. Manghiugmà pang ianak ning tiyána, Nagpanghipus pa lang ni, This baby won’t be born before some time tomorrow. It’s only making preparations at this point. hipushípus of a sort that can be folded up and stored. Síyang hipushípus, Folding chairs. -ánan n place for storing things for the night or for a while. -l-un(→), -un(→), -únun n things to be kept, put out of the way, or gathered up for the night. kahipsan, kahilipsan n tools or instruments for a certain trade. manggi-un a tending to put things away where they are safe.

hip-ut = gip-ut.

hiráda v [B126] 1 be unsuccessful, fail. Nahiráda ang ákung nigusyu sa súnug, My business failed because of the fire. Nahiráda ku sa iksámin kay walà ku makatuun, I failed in the test because I didn’t study. Nahiráda ku sa tárì gahápun, I incurred a great loss in the cockfight yesterday. 2 fall a victim to sickness, tricks, bad luck, and the like. Nahiráda ku sa trangkásu, I came down with the flu. Nahiráda ku sa mangingilad, I was victimized by the swindler. 3 [A; c] in pool, shoot the cue ball to a place where it will prevent the opponent from getting a good aim at the target. Ihiráda ku ang bulimánu arun dì níya masúd ang utsu, I’ll shoot the cue ball into a position where access to number eight is blocked. 4 [A2N; b] court a girl (colloquial). Kun akuy muhiráda anang bayhána, sugut nà dáyun, If I court that girl, it won’t take her long to say ‘yes’. n hit a cue ball making a carom.

hirag v [A; b6] 1 lean to one side. Naghirag ang pusti, The post is leaning to one side. 2 lean on. Ayaw ug hiragi ang kural kay matumba, Don’t lean on the fence because it will give way.

híral a for males to be highly inclined to have coitus. Híral kaáyu ning kabayúa kay muúlag dáyun sa bayi, This horse is very highly sexed. It readily takes to the female. v [B12; b6] be, become highly sexed. ka- n sexual appetite. Bísag unsa nímu kahíral, pagkuntrul, No matter how strongly you feel the urge to have sex, don’t.

híram = hílam.

hiraminta, hiramintas, hiramyinta, hiramyintas n tools for engaging in some handicraft. Hiraminta sa pamanday, Carpenter’s tools. v [A12] have or obtain tools.

hirbabuyna = hirbubuyna.

hirbubuyna n k.o. mint: Mentha arvensis.

hirbularyu = arbularyu.

hirdu n hair-do, coiffure. Unsa may ngán ánang ímung hirdu? What do you call your hair-do? v 1 [A; a] do the hair. Ang báyut [334]mauy mihirdu sa ákung buhuk, The homosexual did my hair up. 2 [A1; c6] wear a hair-do. Maghirdu kug Prins twist sa bayli, I’ll wear a French twist hair-do to the dance.

hirig a in a leaning position. Hirig ang ílang balay human sa bagyu, Their house was tilted to one side after the typhoon. v [B] lean over to one side. Muhirig ang búti ug usa ka kílid ray kargáhan, The boat will list to one side if you load only one side. hilirgan a for kites to be unbalanced in flight. v [B125] be, become unbalanced.

hiringga n apparatus used to give an enema. v [A; b6(1)] give an enema.

hiringgilya n hypodermic syringe.

hiringgíru n k.o. fish.

hiringhiring v [B46] for the stomach to be bursting with fullness. Naghiringhiring ang ákung tiyan sa kabusug, My abdomen is bursting with fullness.

hírit v 1 [A; b(1)] aim blows at s.o. Ug maghinambug ka dinhi, hihiritan ka giyud, If you keep on with that big talk, you’ll get a sound boxing. 2 [A; b6(1)] take an additional card in games where the player has an option of so doing. Muhírit ku kay gamay ra ang ákung numiru, Hit me. I still have a small total. n the act of asking or giving an extra card.

hirniya n hernia. v [A123P; a4] have a hernia.

hirpin n hairpin. v [A; b6(1)] use a certain hairpin, pin the hair. Dì ku muhirpin ánang tayaun, I refuse to use those rusty hairpins. paN- v [A; b6] put hairpins in one’s hair. Dì na ku manghirpin kay mag-isprínit ku, I won’t use hairpins because I will use hairspray.

hirsáyans n beautician’s course.

híru n postal or telegraphic money order. — pustǎl postal money order. — tiligrapiku telegraphic transfer. v [AP; c] send money through postal or telegraphic services. Ipahíru (ihíru) dáyun ang báyad, Send a money order for the payment at once.

hirushirus v [A1] suck in one’s breath in pain or displeasure. Naghirushirus (nangpanghirushirus) siya sa kasakit, He sucks in his breath in pain.

hisà = isà.

hísà v [A; b(1)] for animals to mate. Mumabdus na dì madúgay ang átung báka kay gihisáan na, Our cow will soon become pregnant because she has been bred.

hísang v [B6; ab4] for skin diseases, inflammations to come out in profusion. Hisángun giyud ang dā́p arun dílì makalunud, Measles should be made to come out profusely in order to avoid complications. a skin ailment coming out thickly.

hisgut v 1 [A; b(1)] mention, say s.t. in passing. Walà siya muhisgut báhin sa sábut, He didn’t say anything about the agreement. 2 [AC; bc] talk about s.t. Gipanaghisgútan níla ang nahitabù, They talked about what had happened. n 1 s.t. said in passing. Hisgut lang tu níya nákù, He just said that to me in passing. 2 talk. May hisgut nga mulansad si Imilda, There’s talk that Imelda is going to run for president. -l-an, -ánan n subject of conversation.

hisi = ási.

*hislung wà, dì — v [A23; b(1)] not give up doing s.t. until one succeeds. Dì ku muhislung sa ákung pagtuun hangtud maduktur, I won’t give up my studies until I become a doctor. Wà nákù hislungi ang nakautang nákù, I persisted in my efforts in collecting my debts.

hislut v [B2; a12] 1a for a string or incasing around s.t. to slip off, cause it to do so. Nahislut ang sapátus pagdinágan, His shoes came off as he was running. Ayaw ug badbára ang lambu. Hisluta lang ang balù, Don’t undo the knot. Just slip off the loop. 1b [A12] escape by slipping out of the tether. Ang kanding nakahislut sa íyang hukut, The goat has slipped out of its tether rope. 2 peel off. Nahislut ang kúbal sa íyang pálad, The callous on his hand came off.

hísù v [A; c] apply an oily substance to the hair. Dílì siya muhísù ug baratuhun, He won’t use cheap hair oil. (→) n preparation for the hair. paN- v [A2; b6(1)] apply oil to one’s hair. Dì ku manghísù kay dagul ku, I won’t use hair oil because my hair is short.

Hisukristu n Jesus Christ.

hisúpu n hyssop (Biblical).

Hisus n 1 Jesus, name of Christ and a popular Christian name. 2 mild interjection: a uttered upon discovering that s.t. is to a greater extent than expected. Hisus kamahal, My! How expensive. b uttered when s.t. happens that can’t be remedied. Hisus! Nahúlug ang bátà, Jesus! The baby fell. c making little of s.t.: oh, heck, that’s nothing. ‘Mahal man ni’—‘Hisus, kabayad nà sila,’ ‘This is expensive.’—‘Oh hell, that’s nothing. They can afford it.’ d indicating disbelief, feigned or otherwise (used by women and children). Hisus! Túu ka gud. Hambug lang nà, Hmm, you believe that? That’s just big talk. e expressing distaste. Hisus, kabáhù, Jesus! What a smell! v [AN; b6] utter the prayers said for a dying man. Hisusan siya sa dì pa [335]mamatay, Say the prayers over him before he dies. paN- v [A] exclaim Hisus! Nakapanghisus ku pagkadungug ku sa nutisya, I couldn’t help exclaiming at hearing the news.

Hisusmaryusip (from Hisus, Maríya i Husip) n rather strong interjection expressing fright or discomfiture. Hisusmaryusip! Nakuyawan ku nímu, Jesus Christ! You scared me. Hisusmaryusip! Makauúlaw, Jesus Christ! How embarrassing!

hiswíta, hiswítas n Jesuit. v [B16] be a Jesuit.

hit n hit, a popular or obvious success. v [B26] be, become a hit. Sigurádung muhit basta pilikulang law-ay, It is sure to become a hit if it’s a dirty picture. sung- n 1 popular tune at a certain period. Ang Munlayit Sirinid sunghit sa panahun sa gíra, ‘Moonlight Serenade was popular during the war. 2 pamphlet in which the hit tunes are printed. Kuháa ang sunghit kay manganta ta, Get the song book so we can sing. v [B1256] be, become a hit tune.

hitabù see tábù.

hítad = huyátid.

hítak v 1 [A13] for s.t. to present in greater amounts than usual. Naghítak ang kwarta sa súgal, There’s lots of money around at the gambling game. 2 [B; b6] become a mire, for a place to turn to mud. Muhítak (mahítak) ning dapíta ug dì bunbúnan ug balas, This place will become a mire if you don’t put sand over it. a be a mire. Hítak kaáyu ning ubus sa panghugasan, The ground beneath the sink is all mud.†

hital v [B] for a child to have constant indigestion. Ang bátang taudtaud káun mahital, A child that doesn’t eat on a regular basis develops digestive disorders. a having constant diarrhea and a distended stomach.

hit-anmis a done in a hit and miss way.

hit-anran n 1 hit-and-run. 2 hit-and-run tactics in boxing.

hiting a full to the point that pressure is being exerted. v [BN] be, become swollen with fullness. Nanghiting ang íyang tútuy kay mabdus, Her breasts were full because she was pregnant. (←) a extremely full. v [B2N] become extremely full. Naghíting ákung tiyan sa kabusug, My stomach is filled to bursting. hitinghiting = hiting.

hitsas = hitsu.

hitsu a 1 complete, having all parts intact. Dílì bitsu ning baráha, This is not a complete deck of cards. Hitsu nag ngípun ang bátà, The baby has all its teeth now. 2 having been fully furnished. Hitsu kaáyu ang ílang balay sa mga galamitun, Their house is fully furnished with utensils. Hitsu siya sa íyang libru, He has been furnished with all his books. — diritsu a manner of ordering clothes from the tailor whereby the tailor supplies the cloth and the labor. Ang lukat sa tirnu nuybinta písus hitsu diritsu, The suit will cost ninety pesos, cloth included. kuntra — a for a body or structure to be ill-proportioned. Kuntra hitsu siya kay tambuk unyà gamayg batíis, She is ill-proportioned; she is fat but has thin legs. v [A13; a] complete a set, furnish complete. Kaanúgung giíhaw wà pa gánì mahitsu ang balhíbu, What a pity to kill it before it even grows big enough to have all its feathers. kahitsúhan, kahitsuan n complete set of equipment for some occupation.†

hitsúra n 1 appearance of the face. Paríha mu si Túnig hitsúra, You and Tony have the same facial appearance. Nagmug-ut íyang hitsúra kay walà siya kabahini, He has a sulking expression because he hasn’t gotten his share. 2 shape, form that presents itself to the eyes. Ang ubud paríha ug hitsúra sa sawa, The eel has the same shape as a snake. 2a walay — having come out without any recognizable shape. Way hitsúrang pagkatupíha, Haircut without shape. 3 may, (walay) — good-looking (ugly). 4 the nerve! short form: tsura. Ag hitsúra sa minì nga musulti nákù sa ingun! The nerve of the fool to say that to me! v 1 [A12] have the face of. Ug aku pay nakahitsúra ánang ímung kagwápu, If I had a handsome face like yours. 2 [a12] take shape. Nahitsúra na ang balay kay may atup ug bungbung na, The house has taken shape because it has a roof and walls. Hitsuráun nákù ang pul-an mu rag úlug sawa, I will shape the handle into the form of a snake’s head. 2a dílì, walà ma-, mag- become irrecognizable. Nabuthan siya sa dinamíta ug ang láwas walà mahitsúra, The dynamite exploded on him, and the body became unrecognizable. 3 [a3] be realized as a result of effort. Walay ági nga mahitsúra áning paagíha, You’re not going to realize any output in this way. hitsuráan, hitsuráhan a handsome, good-looking person. v [B12] be, become good-looking.

hitudhítud v [B6N] be full and move because of fullness. Nanghitudhítud ang úlud sa katambuk, The worm is fat and wriggly with fullness.

híwà v 1 [A; a2] cut s.t. into smaller pieces or slices. Hiwáa ang karni sa gibag-un ingun ug tudlù, Cut the meat up into slices as thick as a finger. Hiwáa ang úbud ug gagmay, Cut up the bamboo shoots in little [336]pieces. 2 [a12] for the emotions to be deeply affected. Gihíwà ákung kasingkásing nga nagtan-aw sa makililímus, It moved my heart to look at the beggar. n slice, piece cut off of s.t. -ánan n cutting board. -in- n cut up.

híwal = hiwalhíwal. hiwalhíwal v [A; c1] writhe, wriggle. Naghiwalhíwal ang úlud, The worm is wriggling.

hiwasa, hiwasà = aliwása.

hiwátid = huyátid.

hiwaus = higwaus.

hiwì a 1 crooked, winding or twisting, slanting to one side or askew. Hiwing dálan, Crooked road. Hiwì pagkabutang ímung kálù, Your hat is on crooked. Hiwì kaáyu ang tinidur sa bisiklíta, The bicycle fork is badly bent. 2 crooked, dishonest. Ang paági sa pagsubasta hiwì kaáyu, The procedure of the bidding was very irregular. 3 deformed. Hiwì siyag nawung, He has a deformed face. v [B126] turn out crooked. Ug mahiwì ang linya, ipausab, If the line comes out crooked, redo it. (←) v 1 [A1B; a12] become crooked, make s.t. crooked. Ayaw ug hiwía ang láray sa síya, Don’t put the chairs in a crooked row. 2 [b6] make a face at s.o. paN-(←) v [A2] make a face at s.o. Nanghíwì siya nákù kay wà siya tagái nákù ug mansánas, He made a face at me because I did not give him an apple. ka-an(←) n misdeed. Ang kahiwían sa mga pulitiku, The misdeeds of the politicians.

híwid = huyátid.

hiyá getty-up, word used to prod a horse to start running or to run faster. (←) v [A; b(1)] do all at once, at the same time. Naghíyag pamumba sa syudad ang mga bámir, The bombers bombed the city all at the same time. Gihiyáan kug bíyà sa ákung tanang binatunan, All my servants quit at one time.†

híyà see hiyà.

hiyak v 1 [B246] for a surface to get a chasm or trough formed in it. Mihíyak ang yútà paglínug, The earth opened up into a chasm in the earthquake. Nabundak ang sakayan dihang mihíyak ang dágat paglabay sa dakung balud, The boat lurched downwards in the wake of the huge wave. 2 [A2; c1] pull in the stomach. Hiyáka (ihíyak) ang ímung tiyan arun masirhan ímung sípir, Pull in your stomach so we can close the zipper. 3 [B246] feel a hollow sensation in the pit of the stomach. Mihíyak ang tiyan ku pagdulhug sa ilibítur, I got a hollow feeling in the pit of my stomach when the elevator went down.

híyas n good qualities, virtues not inherent in s.t. Mga híyas nga pagabatunan sa usa ka pangúlu, Qualities that a leader must possess. pa- n s.t. used to make a woman beautiful. v [A; c] use jewelry or make-up. Nagpahíyas siyag aríyus, She wore earrings as jewelry. Ipalit na lag bugas ang ímung ipahíyas, Why don’t you buy rice with what you spend on personal adornments?

hiyawasa = aliwasa.

Hiyúba n Jehovah. Saksi ni — n Jehovah’s Witness.

híyud1 v [A; a12] 1 squeeze s.t. soft to make s.t. come out of it. Hiyúra ug maáyu ang hubag arun muguwà ang tanang nánà, Squeeze the boil so all the pus comes out. Sudlig túbig ang tináig hiyúra, Run water into the intestines and squeeze them (to clean them). 2 squeeze s.t. that is long with the fingers to straighten it out. Hiyúrun ku ang alambri arun mutánus, I will squeeze the wire with my fingers to straighten it out.

híyud2 v [B] get curled up from dampness, heat. Nahíyud ang tabla nga nainitan, The lumber curled because it was left in the sun. 2 = hiyudhíyud. hiyudhíyud v [A13; b6] undulate, wiggle about with an undulating motion. Naghiyudhíyud ang kílid sa tulda nga gidasmagan sa huyúhuy, The wall of the tarpaulin tent undulated as it was blown by the breeze. n undulation.

híyum v [A; c1] press the lips tight. Inay mutíngug mihíyum na hinúun sa bàbà, Instead of talking she pressed her lips tight. hiyumhiyum = kipìkipì. see kípì. pa-, pa-(→) v [A; c] smile. Mipahiyum kanímu ang kapaláran, Lady Luck smiled on you. Pahyúmi ang bátà, Smile at the child. n smile. mapa-un a smiling.

híyung v [B; b6c1] for the eyes to squint, close, particularly to see s.t. better. Mihíyung ang mata ni Imuy nga mitútuk kanákù, Emoy squinted as he looked at me. (→) a slit-eyed, having a piece of epidermis over the eyes so that they look very narrow. -un a somewhat squint-eyed. hiyunghiyung, hiyunghíyung = kipìkipì. see kípì.

híyus v 1 [A; b4] for air to leak out. Dì makahíyus ang hángin kay maáyug balbula, The air can’t escape because it has a good valve. Nahyúsan mi, We had a flat tire. 2 [B; b7P] become deflated, decrease in size like s.t. deflated. Nahiyus ang pabúrut, The air came out of the balloon. Nagkahiyus ang hubag, The boil is subsiding. Pahyúsi (hyúsi) nang háwak mu, Take s.t. off your waist. 3 [B2] become decreased in amount. Bag-u pa gánì kung nagpalit ug usa ka bákid bugas nahíyus lang dáyun, I bought a cavan [337]of rice only recently and how quickly it was consumed. Nagkahiyus na ang bahà, The flood is going down now. 3a [B2; b7] for the amount of food in the stomach to decrease through digestive action. Wà pa gánì mahíyus ang paniudtu, paínit na pud, Before we’ve even digested our lunch, they serve tea. a broke, without money. (→) a 1 leaky, letting air or gas out. Hiyus ang búla, Leaky ball. 2 s.t. from which some or all gas has come out. Hiyus ang ligid, One of your tires is soft.

hiyut = húsud.

hmm1 n onomatopoetic representation for humming.

hmm2, hmp expression of annoyance, anger, disregard. Hmp, ábi níya mukupus ku, Humph, he thought I would back down. Hmp, tsúra níya, Humph, the nerve of him.

n 1 whoa, a command for a horse to stop (pronounced with a long, low tone). 2 hey, a call to get attention from way in a distance (pronounced with a high pitch). 3 shout uttered when one is called to acknowledge that he has heard the call.

húbad v 1 = hulbad. 1 a [A2; a12] break out of a hold in wrestling or judo. Way makahúbad ning gwarníha, No one can break out of this lock. 2 [A; c1] translate into another language. Ihúbad (hubárun) nátù sa Ininglis ang Binisayà, Let’s translate the Visayan into English. — ug damgu interpret dreams. 3 [A; a12] solve a problem. Lisud hubárun ning gumunhápa, This is a difficult problem to solve. n 1 move to free oneself from a lock in wrestling. 2 translation. hubadhúbad v [A13; a3] justify to oneself why things are as they are. Naghubadhúbad siya sa íyang kaugalíngun nga hustu, bisag gipakasayup sa uban, He justified to himself that it was proper, even if others misunderstood. mag-r-(→) n translator, language interpreter. tag-(→) n translator of some specific piece.

hubag n 1 boil. Hápit na mubutu ang hubag, The boil is about to come to a head. 2 any swelling, usually reddish, on and beneath the skin. Daghag hubag ang náwung sa pinaakan, He has swellings all over the face where he was bitten. 3 magical expression uttered repeatedly by an unglù that has gotten injured as he immerses himself in a river in order to get cured instantly. v 1 [b4] get a boil. Gihubagan siya sa lubut, He has a boil on his buttocks. 2 [B3(1)46] swell. Mihubag ang ági sa íyang indyiksyun, The region on his arm which was injected swelled. Naghubag ang íyang mata sa paghinílak, Her eyes are swollen from constant crying. — sa bábuy = dáti. (←) n newly harvested grains which haven’t been dried. Dì magaling ang húbag nga mais kay mapusà lang, Fresh corn kernels cannot be milled because they will just get squeezed. see also kulub. †

húbak n asthma. v [B46; a4] have an asthma attack. Muhúbak (hubákun) nà siya basta mahágù, He has an asthma attack when he gets overworked. Naghúbak nang batáa tibuuk gabíi, That child had an asthma attack the whole night. -un a having asthma.

hubas v [B23(1); a] 1 dry up or drain liquids out. Mihubas na ang linung-ag, The rice water has evaporated. Nahubas ang sapà, The creek dried up. Hubsun nímu ang ákung lúhà, You’ll make me cry till I run out of tears. Nahubsan mi. Wà nay túbig ang tangki, We ran out of water and the tank is empty. 1a maka- ug danaw having big feet (lit. that can dry up a pond by stepping into it). 2 for patience, luck to run out. Nagkahubas ang ákung paílub, My patience is wearing thin. Nahubsan ku sa pálad, My luck ran out. pa- n method of catching fish by setting a trap in a place where water runs out, either in a tidal pool or in a stream where the flow is diverted. v 1 [A13; b(1)] catch fish by this method. 2 [A; a12] take care of rice, corn grits until they get cooked dry. Ikay pahubas sa linung-ag, Take care of (lit. let dry) the rice I am cooking.

hubaw = hubawhubaw. hubawhubaw v [B46N; b4] for a part of the body to swell so that the flesh is soft and pudgy. Mihubawhubaw (gihubawhubawan) ang íyang mga mata ug hinílak, Her eyes swelled from crying. Naghubawhubaw ang íyang bitíis tungud sa biribíri, Her legs got swollen due to beri-beri. a swollen, such that the flesh is soft.

hubhub v [A; b5] devour food greedily. Gihubhub (gihubhuban) sa mga irù ang manuk, The dogs tore and devoured the chicken.

húbit v [A; a] describe in words. Ákung hubítun ang nahitabù, I’ll describe what happened. n description.

hubkas n celebration offered by a family on the first anniversary of a relative’s death. v [A1; b(1)] 1 observe the first anniversary of s.o.’s death. Unyà ra ta magminyù ug kahubkásan ang ákung bána, We’ll wait to get married until my husband has been dead a year (has had the first death anniversary celebration). 2 come out of one year’s mourning.

hublag v [B46; b(1)] 1 for a crowd to do one thing together with vigor. Mihublag ug pangatáwa [338]ang mga tumatan-aw, The onlookers all broke into laughter. Gihublagan ug pangáun sa mga bátà ang kík, The children swarmed over the cake. 2 for crowds to run in every direction. Mihublag (nanghublag) ang mga táwu sa singgit nga ‘kaláyu!’, The people ran in every direction at the shout of ‘fire!’.

hublut = hulbut.

húbù v 1 [A; a2] take off s.t. one wears. Hubúa ang ímung sapátus, Take off your shoes. Gihubúan níla ang bag-ung pyánu sa íyang tabun, They took the cover off of the new piano. 2 [A13; b] — sa katungdánan, sutána resign from one’s duties, be relieved of duties. Maghúbù siya sa íyang sutána únà magminyù, He will resign from his priestly duties before he marries. Gihubúan siya sa íyang katungdánan, He was relieved of his duties. — sa Santu Ninyu n the Friday following the feast of the Holy Child (held on a Sunday) during which the elaborate attire of the image is changed. pa- n the dress that a bride wears after taking off her wedding dress. (→) a 1 bare, naked. Hubung láwas, A naked body. 2 devoid or wanting in. Hubù sa mga mwiblis, Bare of furniture. Hubù sa pagláum, Devoid of hope. 3 simple, plain. Dì siya musúruy tungud sa hubù nga katarúngan nga wà siyay kwarta, He won’t go out for the simple reason that he has no money. hubùhúbù n showing off nakedness. Salídang hubùhúbù, Film full of nude scenes. v [A3; c1] show off nakedness. -in-an(→) n clothes that are too soiled to wear. Ihayhay ang ímung mga hinubuan arun mamala ang singut, Hang your soiled clothes up so that the perspiration will dry out. ka-(→) n barrenness, being unadorned. Ang kahubù sa kinaiyáhan, Unadorned nature.

hubug a drunk, intoxicated. Hubug kaáyu ang táwu kay nagsusapinday na, The man must be very drunk. He is staggering. Hubug sa kalípay, Intoxicated with happiness. Hubug sa báhù, Whoozy from the stench. v 1 [A3P; a] make drunk. Hubgun ku si Pípi, I’ll get Pepe drunk. 1a [A13] make oneself drunk. Maghubug ku arun malímut, I will get drunk in order to forget. 2 [B126] be groggy from some outside cause. Nahubug ang buksidur sa nagpungasing kúmù sa kuntra, The boxer became groggy from the blows his opponent rained on him. Ang anghit nímu makahubug, Your stench can make one pass out. 3 [A23PB126; a1] excite greatly, overcome with powerful emotion. Nahubug siya sa gahum nga gisángun kaníya, He was intoxicated by the power entrusted to him. Hubgun ku ang babáyi sa mga pasálig, I’ll intoxicate the girl with promises. (←) [C2] engage in drunken revelry. Maghúbug sila kay nakadawat ug bakpi, They will go on a spree because they received their back pay. hubgánun a easily getting intoxicated with liquor, smoke, nauseating odors. Dílì ku makasustinir ug panabákù kay hubgánun kaáyu ku, I can not stand smoking because I easily get intoxicated by the smoke. hubughúbug v [A13] get drunk habitually. Dílì ka maghubughúbug samtang mag-iskuyla ka, You should not drink while you are attending school. -in- v [A1; b(1)] act or do s.t. as a drunk would. pala-(→) n drunkard.

hubun n fontanel, the soft, boneless areas in the skull of a baby or young animal which are later closed by the formation of bone. hubunhubun = hubun.

hubung v 1 [A; b6] hide, keep out of sight. Mihubung ang adlaw luyu sa búkid, The sun hid behind the mountain. Lasang nga ámung gihubngan, The jungle we hid in. 1a for s.t. different to lurk behind what appears. Ang íyang pahiyum gihubngan sa pagdumut, Hatred lurked behind his smile. 2 [A] for the one who is ‘it’ in hide-and-seek to cover his face. Samtang maghubung ka, ayaw ug lìlì, When you cover your face, don’t peek. n turn to hide one’s face in hide-and-seek. pa- v [A; c] put s.t. out of sight. pina- n weapon hidden for emergency purposes.

húbung a full and plump. Húbung ning mga síku, These sapodillas are nice and plump. v [B2] full and rounded. Magkahúbung ang láwas sa babáying maghinága, The body of a girl becomes full and rounded as she approaches adolescence.

húbut 1 = hulbut. 2 = bulhut, 1, 2, 3.

húbuy v [A2S; b6(1)] swell from a bruise. Mihúbuy ang agtang níyang napangkà, His forehead bumped against s.t. and swelled. hubuyhubuy a very plump and soft to the touch. v [B; b6] be, become soft to the touch. Ug maghubuyhubuy na gánì ang hubag hápit na nà mubutu, When a boil gets soft and tender, it is about to erupt. Naghubuyhubuy na ang tsíkus sa kahinug, The sapodillas are soft from ripeness.

hubyà a lazy (dialectal).

hubyas n k.o. boat hollowed from a single log.

húd = hulud.

húdas n Judas Iscariot or St. Jude Thaddeus. a betrayer.

hudhud v [A; c] scrape off, chip, uproot s.t. [339]shallow by pushing it with a knife or some instrument. Naghudhud siya sa káhuy pára sungsung, He’s whittling a piece of wood with a chisel to make a stopper. Hudhúra ang mga sagbut sa daplin sa dálan, Scrape out the weeds growing at the edges of the road. 2 [A; c] bury in a shallow way. Gihudhud lang ang gibunù, They just put the murder victim in a shallow grave. 3 [a12] catch with a hudhud net. n 1 instrument for scraping, chipping. 2 k.o. dip net used in shallow waters for catching small fish and crustaceans. paN- v [A2; b6] catch with a hudhud net. n fishing with a hudhud.

hudir v [A; a1] 1 bother, disturb the peace. Ang inyung áway nakahudir sa mga silíngan, Your quarrel has disturbed the neighbors. Gihudir ang mamumúnù sa íyang kunsyinsiya, The murderer was bothered by his conscience. 2 make s.o. suffer discomfort or misery. Ang ímung bisyu mauy maghudir nímu, Your vices will make you miserable. Gihurut níyag káun ang sud-an. Akuy nahudir ug sulag asin, She ate all the food. All I had left to eat was rice and salt.

Hudíya n Judea.

hudiyákà n noisy merriment, a rejoicing. Ang Pasku punù sa hudiyákà, Christmas is full of noisy merriment. v [A12C2; c5] rejoice, make merry. Gihudiyákà níla ang nahitabù, They were noisily merry over what had happened. ma-un a full of noise and merriment.

hudíyu n 1 Jew. 2 s.o. regarded as evil, cruel. Hudíyu kaáyu nang tawhána. Wà giyuy kalúuy, That man is a demon. He has no mercy. Ikawng hudiyúa ka, ay na giyug bálik diri, You s.o.b.! Don’t you ever come back here!

hudlat n idle threat made to frighten s.o., but which one has no intention of carrying out. Dì lang ni hudlat. Tinud-un giyud, This is no mere threat. I mean to do it. v [AN; a1] frighten with an idle threat. Hudlátun níla ang isdà paingun sa báling, They are frightening the fish into going to the net.

hudnu v [A; c] 1 put into the oven to cook. Naghudnu siya sa kík, She is baking the cake. 2 dry coconut meat in a wood-fired drier. Hudnúhun (ihudnu) lang ang lubi ug tingúlan, We simply dry coconut meat in the drier during the rainy season. n 1 oven. 2 coconut drier made of bamboo flooring under which there is a pit where fire is kept going. hudnuhan = hudnu, n. paN- n baking.

húg = hulug. see húlug.

hū́g = húlug.

húgà = hulgà.

hugádu a for machine and structure parts to fit too loosely. Hungaw ang tangki kay ang balbula hugádu, The tank is leaky because the valve is loose. v [B12] be, become loose.

hugadur a a habitual gambler. v [B12; b6] be, become a gambler.

hugalbù n 1 loud popping, plopping sound. Ang hugalbù sa pag-ibut sa bakíta sa luthang, The popping sound when you pull the plunger. 2 swampy place, mire. v 1 [A; c1] make a hollow, plopping sound. Maghugalbù ang túbig nga mag-ambak, Water dropping from a height produces a loud plopping sound. 2 [B2; b6] fall with a plop. Naghugalbù ku sa bínug, I fell into the mire.

hugalbung n heavy pounding or thumping sound. Ang hugalbung sa bawud, The pounding sound of the waves. v [A] make a heavy pounding or thumping sound. Mihugalbung ang usa ka búlig lubi nga nahū́g, The bunch of coconuts fell and hit the ground with a loud thumping sound. -in- n continuous or off-and-on pounding or thumping sound.

hugalbut v [A] make a popping or plopping sound. Mihugalbut ang luthang dihang gikalit ug hulbut ang bakíta, The popgun popped when the plunger was suddenly pulled out. Naghugalbut ang íyang sapátus sa lápuk, His shoes went plop plop in the mud.

hugangkul v [A] 1 clank, clatter. Mihugangkul ang kaldíru nga nalígid sa hagdanan, The pot clattered as it rolled down the stairs. 2 land in jail. Mihugangkul siya sa prisuhan kay nangáwat man, He landed in jail because he stole.

hugan-ub = lugan-ub.

hugar1 v 1 [A12] get the chance to do mischief by being momentarily free from s.o.’s watchful eyes. Nakahugar mi sa balay kay wà ang íyang ginikánan, We had a chance to do mischief because her parents were gone. 2 [A] impose one’s wishes on s.o. Ngánung maghugar ka sa ákung kaugalíngun? Why do you tell me what to do in my own house?

hugar2 n k.o. institution during pre-war times that gave out mortgages on real estate. Naimbargu sa hugar ang ílang balay, The bank foreclosed the mortgage on their house. v [c] be mortgaged to the hugar. Ihugar nátù ning átung yútà pára ipuhúnan, We’ll mortgage our land to the hugar to get capital.

húgas v 1 [b6(1)] wash anything but clothes. Hugási ang prútas únà kan-a, Wash the fruit before you eat it. 2 [A; b6(1)] make clean [340]in a religious or moral sense, purify. Hugási ang ímung kangil-ad pinaági sa pagbag-u, Cleanse yourself of your immoral deeds by reforming. 3 [A; a] exterminate, rid a place of s.t. Wà mahúgas ni Hitlir ang mga Hudíyu, Hitler did not succeed in exterminating the Jews. (→) n s.t. used to clean, esp. the swab for cleaning palm toddy dregs out of the tube in which it had been gathered. paN- v [A2; b6(1)] wash oneself. -in- n dishwater. -un(→) n dishes to be washed. -an(→) n 1 place for washing. 2 = hugasun. paN-an(→) = hugasan, n 1.

húgaw a 1 dirty, unclean. Húgaw na ang íyang sinínà, His shirt is soiled. Húgaw kaáyu nang kan-anána, That eatery is terribly unclean. 2 dirty, of questionable morality. Ayg panarátu ánang bayhána kay húgaw nà, Don’t court that girl. She is of questionable morals. Húgaw kaáyu ang kagamhánan, We have a corrupt government. Húgaw kaáyu muáway tung baksíra, That boxer fights dirty. 2a — ug batásan having bad traits, ugly ways of conducting oneself. Húgawg batásan kay isipan, He has a bad character because he counts favors he did for people. v [AP; b] 1 soil, make s.t. dirty. Ayaw hugáwi ang ákung ngálan, Do not besmirch my name. 1a [A; a] do s.t. in a dirty way. Ayaw hugáwa ang inyung pagdúlà, Don’t play dirty. 2 [A13] make oneself ridiculous by doing s.t. one is not capable of accomplishing. Naghúgaw kag aswat ánang batu, mu ra kag kusgan, You are making yourself ridiculous lifting that stone as if you were strong. n 1 dirt. 2 — sa laláki semen (euphemism). 3 waste matter. Ang húgaw ánang pabrikáha anhà ra áwas sa subà, The waste products from that factory go into the river. Bátang nagdúlà sa kaugalíngun níyang húgaw, A child playing with his own feces. -an(→) a given to dirty habits. v [B12] be, become given to dirty habits. ma- = húgaw, a. ka- n 1 dirtiness. 2 corruptness. hugawhugaw v [A13] 1 dirty oneself up. Ngánung naghugawhugaw man ka dihà sa yánang? Why are you dirtying yourself in the mire? 2 = húgaw, v 2.

hugay n device consisting of strings to which noisemakers are hung to scare away birds that feed on rice. v [A; b] put up such a device.

hugáyaw = hugyaw.

hughug = halughug1.

hugità v [B6; a12] for corn grits that are supposed to be cooked dry to come out wet and unevenly cooked. Maghugità ang kan-un ug dílì nímu sugkáyun, Corn grits will not cook evenly if you don’t keep stirring them. a corn grits that are wet and unevenly cooked.

hugkal (from hukal) v [B2; b6] 1 for s.t. that is spread over a surface and stuck to it to loosen. Mihugkal na ang kupras, The coconut meat is loose in the shell now. Nagkahugkal na ang manikiyur sa ákung mga kuku, My nail polish is getting loose. 2 for a cough to loosen. Tambal nga nakahugkal (nakapahugkal) sa ákung ubu, Medicine that loosened my cough.

hugkas = hubkas.

hugkat (from lúkat) v [A; a1b2] dig up s.t. out from under s.t. else. Daghang nahugkatan (hihugkatan) nílang mga karáang kabtángan sa Maktan, They have unearthed lots of old treasures on Mactan. 2 dig out to find s.t. not known. Ímu pa bang hugkátun ang nangági? Do you still have to dig to find out about what has long since been water over the dam?

hugmad v [A; c1] clean rice and let it dry part way before storing it. -in- n rice cleaned and half-dried, ready for storing.

hugnà n one of a series of events or subdivisions in a sporting event. Únang hugnà sa lumbà sa bisiklíta, The first lap of the bicycle race. Ang únang hugnà sa íyang pánaw, The first leg of his trip. Ang ikaduhang hugnà sa súlung, The second phase of the assault. hugnàhugnà v 1 [A1; a2] do s.t. by laps, installments. Hugnàhugnáun nátug túkud ang taytáyan, Let’s construct the bridge in phases. 2 [A13; b(1)] make repeated attempts. Gihugnàhugnáan na nákung iprinda ning singsínga, I’ve made repeated attempts to pawn this ring (without much success). 3 [B13] for rain to fall heavily at short intervals. Ayaw na lang panghayhay kay naghugnàhugnà ang ulan, Don’t hang out the wash because it is showering. n s.t. that comes at intervals, e.g., rain showers.

hugnù v [A3PB12; a1] for structures to collapse, cause them to do so. Mahugnù ang taytáyan ug mabug-atan, The bridge will collapse if too heavy a weight passes over it. Nagkahugnù na ang balayng karáan, The house is about to collapse because it is so old. 1a for a person to collapse. Nahugnù siya pagkadungug sa balità, She collapsed when she heard the news. 1b for hopes, peace, life to collapse. Nahugnù ang ílang kalípay pagkamatay sa bátà, When their child died, their happiness was destroyed. Hugnúun ku ang íyang pagláum sa ákung balíbad, I’ll refuse him and destroy his hopes. Nahugnù ang kagamhánan tungud sa [341]mga kumunista, The government was toppled because of the communists. 3 [AP; bc1] harvest coconuts. Maghugnù (magpahugnù) mi sa lubi káda trimistri, We harvest the coconuts every four months. n yield of coconuts. Dyis míl ang hugnù sa kalubinhan, The coconut plantation has a yield of ten thousand nuts.

hugpà v 1 [A; b6] alight in a swarm. Mihugpà ang dúlun sa maisan, The locusts alighted on the cornfield in a swarm. 2 [A; b(1)] descend on s.t. like a swarm. Mihugpà ang kangitngit, Darkness settled over the area. Gihugpáan sa gútum ang tibuuk prubinsiya, Famine descended on the province.

hugpit v [A; a] extract s.t. by picking it off with the tip of the fingers. Hugpítig madyung ang ímung sinínà, Pick the sand-spurs from your dress.

hugpung v 1 [A; a6] take long things in the two hands and bunch them together. Hugpúnga ang ímung buhuk, Tie your hair into a bunch. 1a [A; c1] do s.t. by the whole bunch. Hugpúngun (ihugpung) pagtanyag ang tulu ka mátang sa tablíta, The three kinds of tablets are offered as a group. 2 [A12C; c16] unite together in a group. Hugpúngun (ihugpung) nátù ang mga mamumuu, Let’s organize the laborers into a union. n 1 bunch, a number of long things of the same kind tied in a bunch. Usa ka hugpung nga sibúyas, A bunch of green onions. 2 a group of people having a common purpose or interest. Hugpung nga pulitikanhun, A political faction. ka-an n group of people having s.t. in common.

hugpuy a having a downcast, depressed look from a feeling of disappointment, guilt, or humility. Hugpuy kaáyu siyang midúul sa íyang amahan kay may salà man, She came to her father with her head bowed, because she had done him wrong. v [B; b6] for the face to assume such a look.

hugsaw a 1 mischievous, moving about all the time. Hugsaw nga pagkabátà, gitágù níya ang antiyúhus sa íyang lúlu, He is a mischievous child. He hid his grandfather’s eyeglasses. Ang hugsaw nga bátà dì mahimutang, A restless child will not sit still. v [B; b1] be mischievous, moving about all the time.

hugù a frail, emaciated. Hugù kaáyug láwas ning batáa kay walay maáyung káun, This child has a very frail body because it doesn’t get good food. v [B24; b3] lose weight, become thin, esp. due to sickness. Mihugù si Bin gíkang nauspital, Ben had lost weight considerably when he returned home from the hospital.

hugung v [A3P] get away in great speed. Mihugung (mipahugung) ug dágan ang mangunguut, The pickpocket ran away at top speed.

húgung v [A2S3] produce a steady humming sound. Unsa rung naghugung sa radiyu? What’s that humming sound in the radio? hugunghúgung n a humming device installed on the top part of a kite, shaped like a small bow and strung with a strip of dry buri leaf, which is raised and hums in the onrush of wind.

hugunhúgun n talk about doing s.t., speculation or plans. Adúnay hugunhúgun nga dismisun ang ílang kásu, There is talk that their case will be dismissed. v [b15] for there to be talk about s.t. Gihugunhugúnan (gihugunhúgun) nga sugdan na gayud ang taytáyan, There is talk that at last they will begin work on the bridge.

hugup, húgup v [A; b(1)] go s.w. in a large group, throng s.w. Mihúgup ang mga táwu sa artista, The people all thronged around the actress. (←) v [A13] be united in a desire. Naghúgup sila pagpalagput sa ílang kapitan dil baryu, They were unanimous in their call to dismiss the barrio captain.

húgus v [A; a1] 1 raise or lower s.t. with a string or rope over a stick or pulley. Siyay mihúgus sa bandíra, He raised the flag. 2 pull pursing strings. Hugúsa ang písì pagsira sa bág, Pull the purse strings to close the bag. n 1 action of raising or lowering s.t. carefully or on ropes. 2 name given to the súgat ceremony of Easter Sunday, so called because at the point that Christ and the Holy Mother meet, angels (alilúya) are lowered. 3 the name given to the procession in the evening of Good Friday which represents the carrying of the body of Christ to the grave. (→) n string used for raising or moving s.t. Hugus sa tilun, The curtain string. hugushúgus n s.t. manipulated by pulleys or drawstrings.

hugut a 1 firmly tied, attached, closed. Hugut kaáyu nga pagkasira sa garapun, The jar lid is closed very tight. Hugut níya ang sinínà, Her dress is tight on her. 2 taut, holding tight. Ang kwirdas sa sista hugut kaáyu, The guitar strings are very taut. Hugut nga ginaksan, A firm embrace. Hugut ang íyang impluwinsiya sa gubirnadur, He has a strong influence on the governor. 3 firm in belief, purpose, feeling. Hugut ákung pagtúu, I am of the firm belief... Hugut íyang pagsúpak, She was strongly opposed. Hugut kaáyu ang ílang paghinigugmaay, They love each other [342]very deeply. 3a — ang puása for there to be intense fasting. 4 be in a tight situation financially. Hugut ang íyang kahimtang kay way trabáhu, He’s in a tight situation because he lost his job. 5 for the voice to be strained in trying to reach a high note. Ug muhugut ang batingting, mangugat ang magkanta, If the singer strains to reach a high note, his veins stand out prominently. v 1 [AB; b5] become tight, firm, taut; cause s.t. to be so. Mihugut ang íyang apapángig kay nasukù, His jaws tightened in fury. Luktan ang tiil sa bábuy ug muhugut ang hukut, The pig’s feet will have rope marks if the tether rope is too tight. Átung hugtun (hugtan) ang sira sa butilya, Let’s tighten the bottle cap. 2 [B2C; b8] be intent on, sincere about doing s.t., become sincere. Mihugut siya pag-ampù, He prayed intensely. Naghúgut sila paghinigugmaay, They were deeply in love with each other. Hugti (hugta) pagdisiplína ang ímung anak, Keep your child under tight discipline. 3 [B; b6] for one’s financial situation to become tight. 4 — ang, sa bakus a [A1C12; b5c1] sacrifice in a difficult financial situation (lit. tighten the belt). Hugti (hugta, ihugut) inyung bakus kay dì ku kasúd ug trabáhu, You’ll have to make sacrifices because I cannot find a job. b [b(1)] intensify a drive against s.o. Gihugtan na sa bakus sa písi ang mga ismaglir, The P.C. is now intensifying their drive against smugglers. c [a12] resolve firmly. Hugta ang ímung bakus ug mangasáwa ka ba, Resolve firmly to do it if you get married.

húgut v [A; a] 1 pull in rope or the like. Kinsay naghúgut sa pasul nga ákung gituntun? Who pulled in the fishing line that I lowered? Ayaw hugúta ang lagdà sa sinínà, Do not pull out the temporary stitches in the dress. 2 pick nits from a strand of hair. Hugúta ang mga lusà arun dì makapanguyamad, Remove the nits so they won’t hatch.

húguy = huguyhúguy. huguyhúguy v [AC; c] pal around with s.o. in a spirit of camaraderie, associate with s.o. for purposes of fun. Paúlì dáyun. Ayawg huguyhúguy sa ímung kaúban, Come straight home. Don’t pal around with your friends. Dì makighuguyhúguy sa íyang sákup, He won’t pal around with his workers. n palling around, association for pleasure.

hugyaw v [A; b3] for a crowd to roar in laughter, excitement, and the like. Mihugyaw pagpangatáwa ang mga táwu, The people roared in laughter. n roar from a crowd.

hugyun v [A; c1] do s.t. together in a group, en masse. Gihugyúnan aku pagbíyà sa ákung mga sákup, All my employees walked out on me en masse.

huhungíhung = hulungíhung.

huhu n word used in writing to represent the sound of slightly nasal laughter.

hùhù v [A; c] empty a container of its contents by turning it upside down and agitating it. Hùhúag maáyu ang butilya arun muági ang kitsup, Shake the bottle hard so the catsup will come out. Ihùhù ang sinapilya didtu sa kanal, Empty the shavings into the ditch.

huk1 n Huks, a dissident guerilla group or a member thereof. v [B16; b6] be, become a Huk.

huk2 n hook, a closing device on a garment. — an ay n hook and eye, device to close a garment. v [c6] use a hook.

hukà1 a loosely packed. v [B12; b6] for things of various sizes not to be firmly packed. Ug mahukà ang ímung pagsulud sa kamúti gamay ray masúd, If you pack the sweet potatoes loosely like that, you won’t get many in.

hukà2 v [A; a1] take, serve more food than can be consumed. Ayaw hukaa ang sud-an arun dì mapan-us, Don’t serve more food than we can eat so that it won’t spoil.

húkà v [B46; a4] have a vigorous coughing fit. Hukáun (maghúkà) ka sa ubu ug magpatun-ug ka, You’ll have a coughing fit if you expose yourself to the draft.

hukab v [A3P; a] open, remove a cover through forceful or nonhuman action. Ang hángin ang mihukab sa íyang sayal, The wind raised her skirt. Mahukab nang malíta ug ímung ibundak, That suitcase will burst open if you throw it down. a open with the cover removed. Hukab na ang kartun sa pag-abut niíni, The cardboard box was torn open when it arrived. (←) v [B12; b6] for an opening to become big and wide. Nahúkab ang íyang kílid nga natigbasan, S.o. hacked him in the side, and he had a gaping hole in it.

hukabhukab v [A13] be stimulated in expectation of doing s.t. Naghukabhukab ang ákung ginháwa nga nagtan-aw sa mga lamíang mga pagkáun, My appetite was stimulated as I looked at all the appetizing foods.

hukad, húkad v [A; a] 1 take s.t. out of a container by lifting it out. Akuy muhúkad íning mga butang sa íyang malíta, I’ll take the things out of his suitcase. Hukára ang kan-un, Take the rice out of the pot. 1a gi-, -in- sa ginhawaan born of one’s own flesh, not adopted. Kini ang ákung anak nga gihúkad [343]sa ákung ginhawaan, This is my child, born of my flesh and blood. 2 express emotions. Usa ka láwum nga pangaghu ang íyang gihúkad gíkan sa íyang dughan, He let out a deep sigh from inside his breast. 3 [A23; b6] give s.o. an occasion to do s.t. Gihukáran siya sa babáyi sa lawasnung pangindáhay, The girl offered him the opportunity to relieve his carnal desires. n 1 food taken out of the pot. 2 — sa ginhawaan one’s own child.

hukahuk a greedy, having an intense desire to possess. Ang táwung hukahuk gustung íya tanan, An avaricious person wants to have everything. v [B12; b6] become greedy.

hukal v [APB3(1); c1] 1 for a cough to loosen, make it loose. Muhukal ang ubu sa tambal, The cough will be eased by medicine. Kining tambála muhukal sa ímung ubu, This medicine will loosen your cough. 2 = ukal. n phlegm. a 1 for phlegm in a cough to be loose. 2 for two flat surfaces to be adhering loosely.

húkas v 1 [A3P; a2] take clothing off of the top part of the body. Hukása na nang púlu mu, Take off your shirt. 2 [A1; a] expose a secret. Ang kaatbang níyang pulitiku ang mihúkas sa íyang kangil-ad, His political opponent exposed his shady deals. 3 strip or deprive s.o. of his position, duty, rights. Gihukásan siya sa íyang katungud pagpakahilum, He was deprived of his right to remain silent. Gihukásan siya sa íyang pagkaabugádu, He was debarred. hukashúkas v [A] keep taking off clothes. n stripping scenes in a show.

hukaw = hukal, v1; n; a.

húkaw v [A3P; a1] awaken s.o. by disturbing his sleep. Mahúkaw ang bátà ug maglangas ka, You’ll wake the child if you make noise.

hukbaláhap n the name of the Communist organization in the Philippines and its members. v [B1256] be, become a hukbaláhap. ka-an n the community of huks.

hukdung v [A; b6] rest one’s chin or forehead on s.t. usually in meditation or grief. Mihukdung siya sa lamísa sa kakápuy, He rested his head on the table because he was tired. Naghukdung siya sa bintánà, She is resting her chin on the window sill. Gihukdungan níya ang lamísa sa íyang pagtuun, She rested her chin on the table as she studied.

hukhuk1 v 1 [A; b5] get money or valuables from s.o. for nothing in return. Hukhukun (hukhukan) ta sa ímung mga paryinti, Your relatives will just milk us dry. 2 [A; a] eat greedily (contemptuous or humorous usage). Ikaw bay naghukhuk sa ákung kík? Did you eat my cake? -íru v [B12; b6] be, become a milker of persons. -íra = hukhukíru (female).

hukhuk2 = halukhuk1, 2.

hukhuk3 n k.o. nutmeg shell.

hukihuk n k.o. fish very similar to the súlid in appearance and flavor, but smaller.

hukip v [A; b6(1)] include s.t. in a package or letter that is sent to include it. Wà ku makahukip ug litrátu sa ákung sulat nímu, I didn’t enclose a picture in my letter to you. Hukipi ug diyis písus ang ímung aplikasiyun, Include a ten-peso bill in your application.

húkip v [A; bc] bribe. Kadtu rang muhúkip ang dawátun sa supirbisur, Only those who give bribes are accepted by the supervisor. Pilay átung ihúkip sa aprísir? How much are we going to bribe the customs appraiser?

huklub n k.o. sorcery using a doll dressed in red and black which is struck. The parts of the doll’s body that are struck correspond to the parts of the victim’s body that are afflicted.

hukmuy = lukmuy.

huks = huk1 (plural).

hukùhúkù v [B46; b3] be doubled over in suppressed laughter. Naghukùhúkù mig katáwa sa maistrung wà makapamutúnis, We practically died trying to hold back our laughter because our teacher forgot to button his pants.

hukum v 1 [A; b(1)] pass judgment, give a verdict. Gihukman siyang sunúgun sa silya iliktrika, He was sentenced to death in the electric chair. 2 [A2] decide to do s.t. Mihukum siya sa pag-apil sa banggà, She decided to participate in the contest. 3 have one’s say about an unresolved matter. Ug akuy muhukum sa pagbáhin, tung-un lang ang yútà, If I were to get my say, my advice would be just to divide the land between us. n judgment, verdict, decision. hukmánan n court. hukmánan sa únang lakbang n Court of First Instance.

hukut 1 = higut, v, n. 2 n a keepsake or token of relationship between lovers. Panyù ang hukut sa ílang panaghigugmaay, A handkerchief was the keepsake of their love.

*hukyaw — ang dughan, ginhawaan, kabúhì v [B46] get an intense pang in the stomach and rapid beating of the heart at some horrifying experience. Mihukyaw ang ákung ginhawaan pagkakità nákù sa bátang naligsan, I was overcome with horror when I saw the child run over by a truck. [344]

Hul. n abbreviation for Hulyu, July.

húlab v [AN2; b6] boast by telling a lie. Gihuwában mi níyang dakù siyag swildu, He boasted that he had a huge salary (when he didn’t). n lying boast. -un boastful.

húlad v 1 [A13; c] describe, depict. Mihúlad (nahúlad, gihúlad) sa íyang panagway ang túmang kabaláka, Extreme anxiety appeared on her face. 2 [c] publish s.t. in the newspapers and magazines. Ang gisangpútan sa piniliay mauy ihúlad sa tanang mantaláan dinhi, The results of the elections will be published in all the papers here. 3 [A; c] copy s.t. on the pattern of s.t. else. Kining dibuhúa mauy hulári sa ímu, Pattern your drawing after this one. Ihúlad sa Katidral ang kapilya, Pattern the barrio chapel after the Cathedral. 4 [A; c1] translate. Hulára (ihúlad) ning bálak sa Ininglis, Translate the poem into English. n 1 s.t. which is exactly like s.t. else. Ang átung mga batan-ung nagpataas sa ílang buhuk mauy húlad sa mga hípi sa Amirika, Our young men who wear their hair long are just like the hippies in America. 2 copy, full reproduction. 3 an issue of a magazine or newspaper. (→) = huwad.

hulagway (coined from húlad plus dagway) n 1 picture, portrait. 2 image, mental picture of s.t. v 1 [AB23; b4c1] portray, picture, be shown. Ang íyang mga sinulat mihulagway sa kangil-ad sa kahiladman sa táwu, His writings portray how evil men are deep down inside them. Mihulagway sa íyang nawung ang túmang kabaláka, Extreme worry showed in her face. Hulagwáya (ihulagway) sa mga namínaw ang mga taras sa mga Muslim, Describe the traits of the Muslims to the audience. 2 [A12; a3] imagine, picture for oneself. Makahulagway ku kun unsa ang íyang kalípay, I can just picture how happy she is. 3 [A; b] take s.o.’s picture. Hulagwáyi nang nindut nga talan-áwun, Take a picture of that beautiful scenery.

hulahúla (not without l) n hula-hula, a Hawaiian dance performed by women. v [AC12; c1] dance, do the hula-hula.

hulahup (not without l) n hula hoop. v [AC12; b6(1)] play with a hula hoop.

húlak v [B246] for the delicious taste of food to come out. Muhúlak ang lamì sa tinap-ánan basta utánan, The delicious taste of smoked fish comes out if you cook it with vegetables.

hulam v [A; b(1)] 1 borrow s.t. Gihulaman (gihugman, gihudman) nákù ang íyang lápis, I borrowed his pencil. 2 adopt, take over as one’s own. Ang mga Pilipínu daghang gihulaman (gihugman) nga kinaíya, The Filipinos have adopted many foreign traits. pa- v [A; ab] lend. Pilay ímung pahuwaman? How much are you going to lend? n loan. -anan(←) n one one borrows from. Kinsa may ímung hulamánan ug kwarta? Who do you borrow from? -in-an a 1 s.t. borrowed. 2 adopted, taken over as one’s own. 2a affected, put on. Wà ku kaangay sa batásan níyang hinulaman, I don’t like her affected manners. †

hulangyud v [B126; b6] slip and fall. Nahulangyud ku sa sínaw nga salug, I slipped and fell on the slippery floor.

hul-ap = huld-ap.

hular = hurar.

hulas v [A13P] 1 feel uneasy and restless. Naghulas ang bátang gitulug, The child is fidgety because he’s sleepy. Ang íyang pagpatay mauy nakahulas (nakapahulas) níya, The murder he had committed caused him to feel uneasy. 2 restlessly eager to do s.t. Naghulas giyud nang bayhána nga muadtu sa bayli, That girl is itching to go to the dance.

hulat v [A; a2] 1 wait, don’t do s.t. now but do it later. Huwat únà, kay wà pa malútù, Wait a minute. It’s not done. 2 wait for. Huwata únà ang paghunas únà ka manginhas, Wait for the tide to go out before you gather seashells. 3 [A13; a12] expect s.t. to happen. Naghulat ku nga mubutu tung granáda, I expected that the grenade would go off. -anan(←) n place one waits. †

hulaw, húlaw n drought, prolonged period without rain. Ang mga sapà nangaúga tugnud sa hulaw, The brooks dried up in the drought. v [B6; a4b4] be a drought. Ang mga tanum mangamátay kung huwawun (huwawan), The crops will wither if there is a drought. ting- n dry season. v [B256] be the dry season.

húlay v [b(1)] be given respite, an interval of rest. Ang daruhan nga gihuwáyan sa mais naulian, The field that was given a respite from corn regained its fertility. Huwáyi sà ang inyung pagpúnayg harána, Leave off your nightly serenading for a while. n interval of rest. Trabáhu nga way húway, Work without respite. pa-, pa-(→) v 1 [A; c2] rest, take a rest. Ipahuway (pahuwayun) níya ang íyang láwas, He will give his body a rest. 2 [A; b(1)] have eternal rest. Dúgay nang mipahuway ang íyang Lúlu, His grandfather has long been laid to his eternal rest. 3 [A2; c] retire from work. Mipahuway na ang tigúwang nga maistra, The old teacher has retired. lawak pa-an n place one rests. igpa-r-, igpa-l- [345]n time to rest. Igpapahúlay (igpalahúlay) na rung urása, It’s now time to rest.

huláyà n k.o. woody, erect herb of open wastelands, of two species: — bayi edible sort of huláyà, the leaves of which are eaten fermented: Gynandropsis gynandra. — laki inedible, smelly type: Polanisia icosandra.

hulbà v [AB126] for the bottom or a piece of s.t. horizontal to give way. Ang lamísa muhulbà ug tungtúngan ug bug-at, The table-top will give way if you put s.t. heavy on it. Ang lubut sa kahun nahulbà kay bug-at ang gisulud, The bottom of the box gave way because s.t. heavy was put inside it.

hulbad v [A; a2] undo s.t. tied, untie. Akuy mihulbad sa íyang gapus, I untied his ropes. Hubára nang panyù mung may súd nga kwarta, Undo your handkerchief which has the money in it.

hulbaw v [A; b(1)] shout loudly at. Hulbáwi ang táwu nga túa sa tapun sa sapà, Shout to the man who is at the opposite bank of the river. n loud shout. ka-un a feel like shouting.

hulbù v [APB2; a1b2] give way, collapse under pressure. Sapnáya nang sáku kay nagkahulbù na, Carry that sack under your arms because the bottom has just about broken through. Hulbúun ku nang hubun mu niíning bunal, I’ll smash your fontanel with this club. 2 [A; a12] break the nodes inside a bamboo. n particles of broken bamboo nodes.

hulbut v 1 [AC2; a] pull out s.t. long from a place it has been inserted. Paghulbut ug baráha, Take a card. Mihulbut siyag sigarilyu, He pulled out a cigarette. Ayaw hulbúta ang hílu, Don’t pull the thread out. Hulbúta sa dì pa ka gul-an, Pull it out before you have your orgasm. 2 [A; a12] pick s.o. out from a group. Hulbúta lang siya sa kumpirinsiya. Dì lagi masukù, Just call him out of the conference. He won’t really mind. 3 abduct secretly, usually for liquidation. Gihulbut ang inpurmir sa mga Huks, The Huks abducted the informer. hulbuthulbut n 1 drawing of lots. 2 a gambling game of drawing out rolled-up pieces of paper which are pasted to cardboard. A number is printed on each rolled piece of paper to be matched with winning numbers. v [AC12; b6(1)] play this game. †

huldam n k.o. craps played with three dice. v [A13; b6] play this k.o. craps.

huld-ap v [AN; ab2] hold up, rob. Huld-apun ka giyug muági ka sa ngitngit, You’ll be held up if you go through a dark area. n a hold-up. -ir one who pulls hold-ups. v [B16; b6] become a hold-up artist.

hulding a holding in volleyball. Hulding kaáyu siyang mutús sa búla, He holds a lot when he hits the ball. v [B12; c1] commit the offense of holding in volleyball. Nahulding siya maung gipitúhan sa ripiri, He was holding the ball so the referee blew the whistle on him.

huldir n one who is most influential and feared in a certain place for his power and toughness (slang). Si Nardung Pútik mauy huldir sa Bilyagunsálu, Nardong Putik is the number one tough in Villagonzalo. v [A1; b(1)] become the number one tough in a place (slang). Ang tibuuk Pásil mauy íyang gihuldíran, He is the acknowledged number one tough in the whole Pasil district. istak — n stockholder.

hulgà n threat. v [A; a1] threaten. Ang ulan mihulgà pagbundak, The rain threatened to pour down. Gihulgà mi sa dakung gútum, We were threatened with starvation. ma-un a threatening. Mahulgáung púlung, Threatening words.

hulhug v 1 [A; b] urge s.o. to do s.t. bad, stir s.o. up. Ang wilgista gihulhúgan sa mga istudiyanti, The students egged the strikers on. 2 give s.o. bad ideas. Kinsa may naghulhug sa bátà sa pagpangáyug dulsi? Who gave the child the bright idea of asking for candy? n urging, incitation.

hulhul v 1 [A; a12] bark. Gihulhul ang kawatan sa irù, The dog barked at the thief. 2 [A; a] shout halt. Mihulhul ang sintiníla sa táwu, The guard shouted for the man to halt. n 1 barking. 2 shout to halt.

hulì (short form for hiulì) v [a3] go home, return to the place one lives or stays. Tagdugay giyud nà siyang mahulì sa balay, He always goes home late. pa-(←) v [A; c] place s.t. back in its proper place or form. Kamau kung mupahúlì sa makinang distrungkahun, I know how to assemble the machine if it is dismantled. Ipahúlì sa kahun ang gigámit nímung gabas, Put the saw that you used back in its box.

hulíbis = hilíbis.

hulihud n awl-like device which is heated and used for making holes in burnable materials. v [A13; a12] make holes with this device.

hulíkab v [B126; a12P] 1 make a huge hole in s.t. with an explosion or violence. Ang tuung kílid sa barku nahulíkab sa bumba, The starboard side of the ship had a huge hole in it after the bombing. 2 take a huge portion of s.t. forcefully, leaving a hole. Hulikábun lang nà sa mga pumapálit ang pinatungpátung nga mga sáku, The customers [346]will considerably reduce that pile of sacks. n large hole resulting from violent removal of s.t. Ang hulíkab sa bukubuku nga gilapsan sa bála ingun sa pálad, The hole in the back where the bullet emerged was as big as the palm of the hand.

húlin = dyúlin.

huling v 1 [AN; a12] examine s.t. carefully touching it to see what is there. Akuy mihuling (nanghuling) sa kúlun ug náa pa bay kan-un, I examined the pot to find out if there was still any food left. 2 [A; a12] do a physical examination. Hulingun usab ug apil ang ímung kinatáwu, Your genitalia will also be examined.

húlip v [A; b6(1)] fill in for, cover up s.t. vacant or lacking. Akuy muhúlip níya samtang nagbakasiyun siya, I’ll fill in for her while she is on vacation. Íyang gihulípan ang gisì sa banig, He patched up the holes in the mat. Kinahángan hulípan ang ímung napaltahan, You have to make up for your absence. Wà siyay kwartang ikahúlip sa kantidad nga íyang nadispalku, He had no money to replace the amount that he had embezzled. n s.t. that fills up or covers for what is lacking. Ang pag-inum-ínum dílì paígung húlip sa kaguul nga ákung gibátì, My sorrow is too great to drown in drink. -anan n s.t. that needs to be filled in, covered up, filled in for.

hulma v 1 [A1B2; a2] mold, take form. Mihulma (nahulma) sa íyang mga ngábil ang usa ka matam-is nga pahíyum, A sweet smile formed on her lips. Naghulma mig bíku nga ipamaligyà, We molded sweetened rice cakes to sell. 2 [A23; b6] leave an imprint. Ang túnub mihulma sa basà nga simintu, The footstep left an imprint on the wet cement. 3 [A] for a shape to show through s.t. that covers or contains it. Ang tútuy muhulma sa íyang hugut nga sinínà, Her breasts stood out clearly in her tight dress. n s.t. molded. Pila ka hulma sa bibingka ang ímung nabúhat? How many rice cakes have you made? hulmahan, hulmahánan n mold.

hulmígas n small biting red ants. (→) v [a4] infested with red ants. -an, ka-an n anthill.

hulpà v [B2] for a surface to lower. Mihulpà ang kík, The cake fell. Nahulpà ang lubung, The grave sank. Nagkahulpà ang túbig sa línaw, The water-level in the lake is dropping. n lowering of a surface. Ang hulpà sa hubun timáan nga gibutdan ang bátà, A concavity in the fontanel is a sign that the child has a digestive upset.

hulsil n wholesale. v [A; c1] buy, sell by wholesale. Muhulsil mig mga manggad, We will sell dry goods wholesale.

hult call to stop s.o. approaching: halt! v [A; a12] call ‘halt!’ Húnung basta hultun mu sa gwardiya, Stop when the guard shouts halt at you.

hulu1 (not without l) a 1 strong in character, not affected by emotions or sadness. Hulu ug balatían ning batáa kay walà muhílak paglubung sa íyang inahan, The child has a strong character because he did not cry when his mother was buried. 2 not afraid of danger. Hulu ka giyud ug mutubagtubag ka níya, You really are brave if you talk back to him. 3 able to eat sickening food or in a sickening environment. Hulu kaáyu siyag ginháwa kay mukáug ilagà, That man has a strong stomach. He can eat rats.

hulu2 (not without l) paN- v [A2] molt, shed off skin or shell. hinulhan n cast-off skin or shell.

hulud, húlud v [A; b6c1] place a barrier around plants to prevent animals from eating the leaves of the trees or persons from stealing the fruits.

húlug v 1 [A; c] drop, fall freely, cause s.t. to do so. Usa ka hinug nga búnga nahúlug, A ripe fruit fell. Nahulúgan siya ug lubi, A coconut fell on him. Ihúlug ta ka run sa hagdanan, I’ll throw you down the stairs. 1a [B12] for s.t. one wears to slide downwards. Síging kahúlug ákung antiyúhus, My glasses keep slipping down my nose. 2 [A; c] deposit s.w. a mail a letter. Ihúlug ning suláta, Mail this letter. b deposit in bank. Dílì ku muhúlug rung bulána, I will not deposit any money this month. Ihúlug ang sinsíyu sa alkansíya, Deposit the change in the piggy bank. c pay installments, buy on installment. Naghúlug kug pyánu, I’m paying installments on a piano. 3 give money to carolers. Hulúgan ta mug písus ug mukanta mug usab, I’ll give you a peso if you sing again. 4 [B1256] fall, come under a group or classification. Kining isdáa nahúlug sa klási nga mga mulmul, This fish is in the family of the parrotfish. 4a result in being called. Ug mau nay ímung buhátun mahúlug ka sa pagkaturut, If you do that, you will wind up being called a fool. 4b turn into s.t. worse. Kanang mga kinalutána mahúlug sa kabahung ug dílì tambálan, Those scratches will turn into sores if you do not treat them. Nahúlug sa walay hinungdan ang ákung pangandam, My preparations turned into nothing. Ug mabálì ang ímung kamut mahúlug ka sa pagkainútil, If you break your arm, you will become an invalid. 5 [A; c] for a coconut grove to yield a certain number of nuts. Muhúlug [347]ning kalubihána ug líbu, This coconut plantation yields one thousand nuts. 6 [B12] fall into sin or disgrace. Nahúlug si Adan tungud ni Íbà, Adam fell because of Eve. 7 [c] hold a festive activity on a certain date or occasion. Pitsa kinsi ang gihulúgan sa pista, The feast falls on the fifteenth. 8 [A; c1] fail s.o. in school. Ihúlug (hulúgun) ta ka ug magliguylíguy ka, I’ll fail you if you are absent all the time. 9 — sa kamut [B126] fall captive, victim to s.o. Mahúlug ka sa kamut sa palikíru, You’ll lose your chastity (fall into the clutches of the philanderer). 10 [B1256] in hantak, for the three coins to turn out to be tails. Ganíha ra giyud nà níyang umantug, walà pa giyud mahúlug, He has been tossing the coins for quite a time, but he still hasn’t gotten all tails. 11 [A23PB126; c1] lose a game in gambling. Gihúlug níya ang primírung dúwà arun musakay ang kuntra, He threw away the first game so his opponent would be trapped into playing with him. n 1 deposit. 2 installment. 3 money given to carolers. 4 yield of coconuts. (→) n weft. v [A; c1] use s.t. as weft. Maáyung ihulug ang naylun sa hablun, Nylon makes good weft thread in weaving. tig-(→) v 1 [A23P] move downward. Mitighulug (mipatighulug) ang ayruplánu, The plane moved downward. 2 go on down to a place after having gone s.w. else. Gíkan sa kapitulyu mutighulug (mupatighulug) ku sa pantalan, From the capitol I will go on down to the waterfront. ka-an n 1 day of festivities, celebration. 2 meaning. Unsa may kahulúgan áning pulúnga sa ininglis? What is the meaning of this word in English? Ang kahulúgan sa isturya, The moral of the story. (→) n = kahulúgan, 2. v [A13N] mean. Ang pagmahal sa gasulína nagkahulugan (nangahulugan) sa pag-usbaw sa plíti, The rise in the price of gasoline means the fare will rise. ka-ánun, maka-ánun, makahulgánun a meaningful.†

húlum = húmul.

hulunghúlung v [A; a2] 1 look for s.t. very intently. Gihulunghúlung ang bátà nga nawálà, The people were searching for the lost child. 2 look around for s.t. without publicising that one is looking around. Naghulunghúlung kug láing trabáhu kay tagdugay ming swildúhan sa ákung gialagáran karun, I’m secretly looking around for a new job because we’re always late in getting our pay where I’m working now.

hulungíhung n rumors. May hulungíhung nga patyun ang prisidinti, There are rumors that the president will be assassinated.†

húlup v 1 [A2; b6] alight on. Ang sanga nga gihulúpan (gihudpan) sa mga langgam, The branch the birds are perching on. Pagkáun nga hihulupan (hihudpan) ug lángaw, Food that the flies alighted on. 2 [A; b(1)] for a bird to swoop down on its prey. Mihúp ang banug ug nakadagit ug pisù, The hawk swooped down and got a chick.

hulus1 v 1 [A; a12] strip leaves off the stem. Paghulus ug dáhun sa kamunggay kay utánun, Strip off some malunggay leaves to cook. 2 = hurus.

hulus2 v [A; c1] lower s.t. attached on a string which passes through a pulley. Hulusun (ihulus) nátù ang láyag kay mudunggù na ta, Let’s lower the sail now because we are going to drop anchor.

húlut v [A; b5c] threaten s.o. with an instrument or, by extension, to do s.t. serious to him. Muhúlut nang banáha ug sundang ug mag-áway ug ang asáwa, That husband threatens his wife with a bolo when they quarrel. Ang maistrung naghúlut sa paghagbung sa mga istudiyanti, The teacher who threatened to fail the students.

huluy = hiluy.

Hulyu n 1 July. see abril for verb forms. 2 time of the year when there is little to eat, so called because the year’s big harvest, the panúig, comes just after July, and the previous harvest does not last until the panúig. Ang mga datù wà makailag hulyu, The rich haven’t experienced hard times.

hulyut a lax in carrying out a course of action. Ang mga ginikánan nga hulyut kaáyu ug disiplína tubagun ug anak, Children answer back if parents are lax in their discipline. v [A; c1] be easy-going, relaxed about doing s.t. Klási ni sa trabáhu nga dílì ka makahulyut, With this sort of work you can’t just take it easy.

húm n 1a home base in games. 1b shout uttered upon reaching home. v 1 [A23; b6] run for home. 2 [A12] reach home base, make a home run. 3 [A12] engage in sexual intercourse (humorous). Wà makahúm ang bána gabíi kay hubug, The husband couldn’t do it last night because he was drunk. -anan(←) n place used as home base.

humabdus = humablus.

humablus, humabus n stepchild.

humad v [A; c1] clean rice and let it dry partially to store it. Humara (ihumad) ang humay úsà hipúsa, Clean the rice and let it dry partially before you store it.

humagbus = humablus.

human a 1 finished, done. Human na ang lamísa, The table is finished. Human na nag [348]laba, (I) already washed it. Human dáan nga sinínà, A ready-made dress (finished beforehand). Ibítay ang ímung human, Hang the things you have finished up. 2 initial in phrase: a after. Human (inigkahuman) sa klási adtu mi sa sini, We will go to the movies after the class. Namatay siya human (pagkahuman) sa dúgayng sakit, He died after a long sickness. b after doing [so-and-so], after [so-and-so] happens. Human níya kan-a, After he ate it. Human siya mulakaw, After he left. 3 following the word it modifies: looking completely like s.t. Sa mau nga sinínà makililímus ka nga human, With such clothes, you look exactly like a beggar. v 1 [B126; a12] finish doing s.t. Humanun (humnun) ba nímu ang ímung trabáhu u dílì? Are you going to finish your work or not? Mahuman tingáli ang prugram sa mga alas nuybi, The program will probably be over at around nine o’clock. 2 [B126] be through with s.t., have had enough of s.t. Nahuman na ku ánang ímung paníkas, I’ve had enough of your cheating. 3 [B126] for s.t. to get broken, done for. Ug ímung ibundak ang duwáan, mahuman, If you throw the toy down, it will be done for. Nahuman ang mga tulisan dihang gimasinggan, The bandits were wiped out in the machinegun raid. 4 [A12; c1] lift s.t. heavy from the ground. Ayawg humana paglúgus nang baul, Don’t force yourself to lift that trunk. humanhúman v [B125] be almost finished. Nahumanhúman (nagkahumanhúman) na ang ámung sakayan, Our boat is almost finished. ka-an(←), ka-un n reaching a conclusion. Walay kahumánan (kahumanun) ang trabáhu, There is no end to the work.

humay n general term for rice. — sa bantuk, kamad-an n upland rice. a two-faced (slang—on analogy of milled rice grains which are pointed at both ends). Humay nang bayhána, paayuáyu sa atúbang, apan nanglibak diay inigtalikud, That woman is two-faced. She is nice to your face, but when you turn your back, she talks against you. v 1 [A] have rice for a meal, cook rice. Gihumayan nákug lúgaw ang bátà, I cooked rice porridge for the baby. 2 [A; c1] plant rice and not some other crop. Humaya (ihumay) na lang nang parsiláha, Just plant that parcel to rice. humayhúmay n 1 ersatz rice made of dried cassava shreds, eaten in place of rice or corn. 2 k.o. plant similar to cattails: Typha capensis. v [A; a2] make ersatz rice. -an, ka-an n rice field. -ánun n rice magnate. ting- n harvest season for rice. -únun n piece of land intended to be planted to rice.

humbà n a dish made of pork hocks, feet, and fat cooked long in a sauce of salt, vinegar, and condiments to soften and preserve it. v [A1; a2] prepare, eat this dish.

humbíngay v [B46N; b6] for s.t. to be hanging and drooping in large quantities. Mihumbíngay (nanghumbíngay) ang búnga sa mangga (sa búnga ang mangga), The mango tree is laden with fruit. Gihumbingáyan (nanghumbíngay) sa búnga ang káhuy, The tree is laden with fruits.

humbíngil v [A; a1] touch s.t. with the thumb and forefinger. Naghumbíngil siyang nag-ihap sa papil dibangku, She fingered the banknotes in counting them. Ayawg humbingíla ang ákung trabáhu, Keep your hands off my work.

humbis n home base in baseball, also in children’s games. v [A12] reach home base. Ug nakahumbis pa ta, daug tà ta, Had we made it home, we would have won.

humhum1 = halumhum.

humhum2 = latù.

humígas = hulmígas.

humil a soft, pliant, and supple. Ug dílì humil ang tabákù, dílì matustus, If the tobacco is not soft, you can’t roll it into cigars. v [B12] get soft. Ug sigíhan mug dukduk nang pánit sa káhuy, magkahumil pud, If you continue to pound that bark, it will gradually become soft and pliant. ka- n softness, suppleness.

humisayid n homicide. — pulis section of the police that is charged with investigating murders.

humpal a long and heavy of stride. v [B; c16] for the steps to be long and heavy. Muhumpal ang átung linaktan ug luag tag sapátus, We have to take long and heavy steps if our shoes are too big. Naghumpal ang linaktan sa sundálung gikápuy, The soldier is tired, and he is taking long and heavy strides.

humpay v [A3PB2; a1] assuage, relieve. Álak ray muhumpay sa ákung kaguul, Only liquor can relieve my sorrow. Muhumpay (mahumpay) ang kasakit kun manghaplas kag linimintu, The pain will be relieved when you rub liniment on it. paN- n s.t. that gives relief. Panghumpay sa mga iritasiyun sa pánit, Medicine to relieve skin irritations. ka- n relief. Kahumpay sa panakit, Quick relief from pains. ka-an, ka-un(→) n relief, assuagement as an end effect. Walay kahumpayun (kahumpáyan) ning íyang kaguul, There is no end to her sorrows. ma-un, maka-r- a soothing. [349]

humpid v [A; c1] 1 arrange, stack things in a neat and orderly way. Akuy mihumpid (naghumpid) sa mga basíyung butilya, I arranged the empty bottles in order. Íyang humpírun (ihumpid) ang íyang mga papílis, He’ll stack the papers neatly. 2 smooth out, flatten out. Pisun ang nakahumpid sa sín, A steam roller flattened out the galvanized iron sheets. a neatly arranged, flat. Humpid kaáyu ang íyang buhuk, His hair is neatly groomed and flat.

humpil = humpid.

humran n home run in baseball. v [A2; c1] make a home run. tig- a one who usually hits a home run.

humrum n homeroom in school. — pitii n organization of the parents of children in a certain homeroom and their teacher.

humtáwun disisyun n fraudulent decision in boxing made in favor of a boxer who is a native of the place the match is held. v [A23] make a hometown decision in boxing.

humud a wet. — ug papil having a ruined reputation. Humud ug papil nang tawhána pagkakiriwan, That fellow has the reputation of being a thief. v 1 [A; a12] make s.t. wet. Humda ang trápu úsà inusnus, Wet the rag before you wipe. 2 [A13; a12] wear s.t. in bathing. Walà siya maghumud nga nalígù sa dágat, She went swimming without anything on. humdunun n thing worn for swimming. -in- n thing put on during one’s bath.

húmuk a 1a soft, not rigid or hard. Húmuk nga yútà, Soft earth. Húmuk nga unlan, A soft pillow. 1b tender, not tough or hard. Húmuk na ang linat-an, The stewed meat is tender now. 2 easy to do s.t. to. Húmuk mabálì, Easy to break. Húmuk siya tudlúan, It’s easy to teach her. Húmuk siyang dad-ug baylíhan, She is easy to lead in dancing. 2a easily affected by s.t., easily made to do s.t. Húmuk ra nang bayhána pasugtun, That girl is easy to win over. Húmuk siyang masukù, He easily gets angered. Húmuk ug balatían nang tiguwánga. Manggihatágun kaáyu sa mga pubri, That old man is kindhearted. He is very generous to the poor. 3 supple in mind, easily adaptable. Húmuk kaáyu ug láwas nga bayhána. Maáyung musáyaw, The lady is graceful. She dances well. Húmuk siyag salabútan; dalì rang musabut, She is intelligent; she easily understands. 4 í nga — a letter a as opposed to e (in English). b letter e as opposed to i (in Spanish). — ug ilung 1 easily influenced, told to do s.t. Húmuk siyag ilung kay bísag kinsa ray musúgù, He lets himself be led around by the nose. He does whatever anyone tells him to do. 2 for girls to give in easily to the advances of men. v 1 [A2SB; a2P] a soften; become soft. b [a12] do s.t. in a soft way. Humúka kanà paglútù, Cook it soft. 2 [A1PB2; a2] make s.t. supple, adaptable. pahumukhúmuk v [A3; b6] pretend to go along with s.t. Nagpahumukhúmuk ang administrasiyun sa mga dimanda, balubálu wà diay, The administration pretended to go along with the demands, but when the time came, nothing was granted. paN- n s.t. used to soften s.t. -un(→) a of a soft, supple type.

húmul v 1 [A; b(1)] soak, steep. Nakahúmul ka sa mga nuug nga átung labhan? Have you soaked the rags we are going to wash? Humúli ang isdà sa súkà, Marinate the fish in vinegar. 2 [A13; b(1)] immerse, put oneself or s.t. in water so as to cover most of it. Ug maghúmul ka sa túbig dílì lagi tugnaw, Once you get in the water, it is not cold after all. Humúli ang kábaw sa túbig, Put the carabao in the water. 3 [A; c] pack s.t. in ice for preservation. Ihúmul ang isdà sa yílu arun dì madubuk, Pack the fish in ice so that it won’t spoil. (→), -in-an n fish packed in ice for preservation.

humulhúmul a soft, fluffy. Alpumbrang humulhúmul, A fluffy rug.

humut a 1 sweet-smelling. Humut nga búlak, Fragrant flowers. Humut nga bàbà, Sweet-smelling mouth. Humut nga pagkáun, Good-smelling food. 2 for s.o. to be dear to one despite his bad traits. Daghan siyag bisyu apan humut siya gihápun kanákù, He has lots of vices, but I love him all the same. v [B2; b6] be, become pleasant-smelling. pa- v [A; b6(1)] make s.o. or s.t. pleasant-smelling. Magpahumut ta kay mangadtu tas bayli, Let’s put on perfume because we’re going to a dance. Pahumti ang kík ug banilya, Flavor the cake with vanilla. n s.t. used to make s.t. pleasant-smelling. -an(←) k.o. aromatic herb, similar in appearance to sangig but sweeter in smell. ka- n pleasant smell. ma- a very sweet-smelling. -un a of a sweet-smelling sort.

húmut v [A; b6] 1 seriously plan to do s.t. of a momentous nature. Aku gánì makahúmut pagpatay, tinuúrun giyud nákù, If I plan to kill, I’ll kill, believe me. 2 seriously think about buying s.t. Dúgay na kung naghúmut ánang rilúha, I have long been obsessed by the thought of buying that watch.

Hun. n abbreviation for Hunyu, June.

hún v [A; b(1)] for birds, esp. poultry to roost to sleep. Kilumkílum na gánì muhún dáyun ang mga manuk, When it’s twilight, the chickens roost for the night. [350]

húnad v [A; b(1)] wash wounds, sores. Hunári ug alkuhul ang langgus arun dílì ansúyan, Wash the abrasions with alcohol so they won’t get infected. n s.t. used in cleaning wounds.

hun-ag1 v [B12; a1b2] 1 for a structure to collapse. Nahun-ag ang Rubi Táwir sa paglínug, The Ruby Tower collapsed in the earthquake. 2 for hopes, ambitions, etc. to collapse.

hun-ag2 v [APB2] 1 for s.t. dark, dirty to become clear and white, cause it to do so. Mihun-ag (nahun-ag) ang linabhan nga giladlad sa ínit, The clothing became white when it was bleached in the sun. 2 for the face to brighten. Mihun-ag ang íyang nawung sa kahimuut, Her face shone with pleasure. 2a [B1245] for dawn to break (literary). Nagkahun-ag nga kaadláwun, The breaking dawn. a free from dirt, shining of face.

hunàhúnà v 1 [A3S; a2b2] think about s.t. Ug hunàhunáun tug maáyu, sayup giyud tu, If you think about it, it was a grave mistake. 2 [A3S; b8] think of doing s.t. Walà ka ba makahunàhunà ug hulam? Have you not thought of borrowing some? 3 [A3; a12] think of s.t. or s.o., consider. Hunàhunáa ang ímung mga bátà unsay dangátan níla, Think of what will happen to your children. 4 [a12] think s.t. over, ponder. Ákù sang hunàhunáun. Dì úsà tikaw tubagun, I’ll think it over. I won’t give you an answer yet. n 1 belief, opinion. Unsa may ímung hunàhúnà (panghunàhunà) báhin ánà? What is your opinion about that? 1a decision. Dì giyud mausab ang ímung hunàhúnà? Is your decision completely irreversible? 2 thought, idea. Púru mga hunàhúnà (panghunàhunà) nga bastus ang náa sa íyang úlu, He has nothing but indecent thoughts in his head. 3 thoughts regarding s.o., attitude. Wà kuy maáyung hunàhúnà níya human sa íyang gibúhat, I don’t have a good attitude towards him after what he did. paN-(→) n 1 = hunàhúnà 1, 1a, 2. 2 the process of thinking. Tin-aw pa ang panghunàhunà ni Lúlu, Grandfather can still think clearly. manggi-un, ma-un a thoughtful, marked by consideration for others.

hunas n 1 low tide. 2 = kinhasun. see kinhas. v 1 [B3(1)4; b4] for the tide to go out. Manginhas ta kun muhunas, Let’s gather shellfish when the tide is out. Nagkahunas (naghunas) na ang dágat, The tide is going out. 2 [b8] be stranded in low tide. Sayun dakpun ang isdang nahunsan, Fish are easy to catch when they are trapped by the low tide. pa- v [A; b6] allow s.t. to be trapped in the low tide. n method of catching fish by getting them trapped in the low tide. paN- = panginhas. see kinhas. -an(←) n tidal flats, the part of the seashore which is exposed to low tide. kinahunsan n the lowest part of the tidal flat. kinhas listed under kinhas. -un(←) n the ebbing of the sea. Sulug iniglíhuk sa hunásun, The current is strong during the ebb tide. v [B56] for the sea to be ebbing.

hunat v 1 [A; a1c] for horses to run fast, gallop. Wà ku níla hiapsi kay mihunat ang kabáyù, They did not overtake me because the horse galloped. Ayawg kahadluk bisag ihunat kas kabáyù, Don’t get scared even if the horse gallops away with you. 2 [A2; bc6] go into action exerting one’s fullest efforts. Tápus makahunat, íyang giluksuan ang alíwas, Gathering all his strength he jumped at the gorilla. n impetus, force exerted in starting s.t. Kusgánung hunat, Having a strong starting motion. pa- v [A; a12] exert pressure on s.o. to come to a decision. Ísug siyang nagpahunat sa íyang kuntra, He challenged his enemy (pressured him to decide whether or not to fight). Gipahunat ni Hiktur ang dalága kun kinsa ang íyang sugtun, Hector put pressure on the girl to decide whom she was going to choose. -in- force mustered. Hinunat ang tanan níyang kusug, Mustering all his strength. ma-un a demanding, putting pressure on.

hunaw = hinaw.

hunda n motorcycle (so called from the brand Honda). v 1 [A1; b5] ride a motorcycle. 2 [A12] obtain a motorcycle.

hundunghundung v [A3P; a12] walk with the head hanging and swaying from side to side. Naghundunghundung ang hubug sa karsáda, The drunk walked on the street with his head drooping and swaying.

hungakhúngak = hingakhíngak. see híngak.

hungaw v 1 [A; b8] for wind to blow. Dílì ta makalawud ug muhungaw ang amíhan, We can not go to sea if the northwind blows. 2 [A] for air to leak out. Muhungaw ang hángin kay daut ang balbula, The tank will leak because the valve is defective. 2a [A3] for the ground to exude a stench after rain. Naghungaw ang yútà human sa ulan, The ground is exuding a stench after the rain. 3 [A2; b6] for body heat to escape, lending relief. Kalígù arun hungawan ka sa kaínit, Take a bath to get relief from the heat. 3a [A1BP; b4] be affected by the disease hungaw. Gihungawan siya kay natúlug nga basà ang buhuk, She got hungaw because [351]she went to sleep with her hair wet. 3b [A2; b6(1)] for anger to be vented and cooled off. Dalì nga mihungaw íyang kasukù, His anger easily cooled off. a tending to leak gas. Ang ímung bumba sa hángin hungaw kaáyu, Your air pump is very leaky. n name of an affliction leading to blindness caused by the escape of hot air through the eyes. It is brought on by prolonged exposure to the sun or sleeping with wet hair. pa- v 1 [A; a2] give vent to one’s emotions. Mipahungaw siya sa íyang kaguul sa paghílak, She gave vent to her sorrows by crying. 1a relieve one’s emotions. Nagpasupásu siya sa kwartu nagpahungaw sa íyang kasukù, She paced the room, working off her anger. 1b get relief from boredom, drudgery. Suruysúruy ta sa pwinti, pahungaw sa átung kaláay, Let’s take a walk in the park to relieve ourselves of boredom. — sa angsu get respite from drudgery, boredom (lit. from the smell of urine). 2 [A13] leave the body or part of the body uncovered (as if to give it air—humorous). Nagpahungaw síyang naglingkud, She is sitting so as to give her crotch a breath of air (i.e. exposing herself indecently). -anan(→) n 1 a person upon whom one vents his anger. 2 hole where air or gases leak. -l-an n = -anan, 2. -in- n 1 gas or air exuded. 2 natural effect or repercussions. Ang íyang ulsir hinungaw sa subrang pag-inum, His ulcer is the result of drinking too much. Kining kanúnayng pag-ulan dinhi hinungaw ni sa bagyu sa láing lugar, The rain here is the effect of a typhoon elsewhere.

hungay a loose, not firmly embedded. Hungay kaáyu ákung tangu, My tooth is very loose. v [B] get, be loose. Naghungay ang halígi. Pakáli ug batu ang lungag, The post is loose. Put more stones into the hole.

húngay v [A; c] set s.t. aside for a special purpose. Dì siya magpakasal kun dì ka makahúngay ug salapì nga gastúhun, She will not marry you if you do not set aside money for the expenses. Ihúngay nátù ning kík sa mga bisíta, We will set this cake aside for the visitors.

hunggal v [B] 1 make a hollow, empty sound. Mihunggal ang basíyung kahun nga nahúlug, The empty box that fell went bonk. 2 [B2; b6] for s.t. normally solid throughout to be, become hollow. Muhunggal (mahunggal) ang pán ug palabian ug butang ug patúbù, The bread will become hollow inside if too much baking powder is added. a for s.t. usually solid to be hollow. n hollow space, void.

hunggaw = hunggal.

hunghung v [A2; c] 1 whisper into the ear, say s.t. privately. Mihunghung siya nákù nga muhuwam siyag kwarta, She whispered to me that she would like to borrow some money. 1a say s.t. in a whisper. 2 cure an illness by whispering a prayer or formula over the affected area. n 1 whisper. 2 method of treating an illness by whispering.

hungíhung = hulungíhung.

hungit v [A; ac] 1 put s.t. into the mouth. Hungita ang bátà, Put the food into the child’s mouth. Hungiti siyag linúgaw, Feed him some porridge. 1a [b5c] spoon-feed a lesson to. Hungiti sila sa liksiyun iyáwat makasabut, Spoon-feed the lesson to them. Maybe they’ll understand. 1b [c6] have s.t. to eat. Wà nay ikahungit apan manan-aw pa giyud ug sini, They don’t have anything to eat, but they have to go to the movies nevertheless. 2 [A; c] feed, put materials into a machine. Hungiti ang makina ug káhuy, Feed lumber into the planing machine. 2a [c6] put a limb into machinery. Naputul ang íyang tudlù kay íya mang gihungit sa makina, He lost his finger because he stuck it into the machine. 3 pass on gossip, rumors. Kinsay mihungit nímu ánang mga tabía? Who passed that gossip on to you? n 1 amount put into the mouth, machine at one time. 1a food one eats for subsistence. Ang kwartang ámung makítà dílì gánì paigù sa hungit, We don’t even earn enough money for food. 2 passing on of gossip. ig-r-(←), ig-l-(←) n utensil used to put s.t. into the mouth.

hungkad = hukad, v1.

hungkag v [B] 1 for s.t. spacious to look empty. Nagkahungkag ang balay kay gianam pagpamaligyà ang mga kabtángan, The house gradually became empty when the things were sold one by one. 2 have an uneasy feeling of emptiness. Naghungkag ang ákung tiyan, My stomach feels empty.

hungkagul, hungkarul = hugangkul.

hungkiyang = kungkiyang.

hungkung n 1 Hong Kong. 2 name of notorious red-light district in Cebu City, so called from the name of its principal street, Junquera. paN- v [A2; c] go to Junquera St. to a house of prostitution.

hunglus1 = aláyun, n, v1.

hunglus2 = hunlus.

hungù = nguhù.

hungug a stupid, lacking in intelligence and capacity to perceive, learn. v [B2; b6] be, become stupid. ka- n stupidity. Sa ímung kahungug nabuak ang básu, Because of your stupidity the glass broke. sa ímung ka- expression [352]of disgust at s.o. for saying s.t. stupid. Dag-an sa ímung kahungug. Pildi bayà ku, What do you mean I won? You ass, I lost.

hungus = hunglus1.

hungut v [B4] for a boil to swell. Talibutu ang hubag nga maghungut, The boil that is swelling is about to erupt.

húngut n bowl made out of three-quarters of a coconut shell. nawung ug — round faced, like a húngut. dílì — ang kalibútan there are plenty of fish in the ocean (lit. the world is not a coconut shell). Sahug dì ka mangasáwa nákù. Maáyu mag húngut ning kalibútan, So what if you don’t marry me. Fine, if this world were a coconut shell (but it’s not). v [A13; a12] make, make into a coconut-shell bowl.

hunguy v [A; ac] do s.t. stealthily without anyone’s notice. Muhunguy lang mug pangáun dì mu mangagda? Are you going to eat by yourselves in secret without inviting us? Nakahunguy ang mga girilya pagsulud sa garisun, The guerrillas were able to sneak into the garrison. Ihunguy ning sulat pagtúnul níya, Give her this letter secretly.

hunhun v 1 [A3P; c1] pull down s.t. which wraps or encloses s.t. Duha ka táwu ang nagpugung sa íyang buktun ug láin ang mihunhun sa íyang panti, Two men held her arms while another pulled her panties down. 2 [B; a12] for solids (grains, sand, powder) to settle, sink gradually to a level. Muhunhun ang bugas kun uyúgun ang gisudlan niíni, The rice grains will settle if you shake the container. Naghunhun ang bungdù sa lubung, The mound of the grave is gradually settling. 3 [B2; b6] for the hair to fall out. Mihunhun (nahunhun) ang ákung mga buhuk nga kaspahun, I lost lots of hair because of dandruff. n hair which has fallen out. Daghang hunhun nga nadá sa ákung pagsudlay, My comb was full of hair after I finished combing it.

húni n song, musical sounds. Ang paburítu kung húni, My favorite song. Ang húni sa busay, The song of the waterfall. v [A] make melodious sounds. Naghúni na ang mga mangliw, The katydids are singing. mag-r- n musician. mahuníun a melodious. paN-, panúni n 1 quality of singing, intonation and pitch. 2 tone of voice. May dalang kasukù ang panúni sa íyang tíngug, His voice carried a note of anger. v [B1456] for the voice to sound a certain way.

húnit a 1 tough and resilient. Húnit ang tsitsarun, lisud usápun, These pork rinds aren’t crisp. They’re tough and resilient and difficult to chew. 2 being strong and firm, resistant to breakage. Húnit kaáyu ning plastíka, Dì man mabuak ug dukdúkun, This is tough plastic because it doesn’t break when you pound it. 3 difficult to come by. Húnit kaáyu ang trabáhu run, Work is hard to come by these days. 4 resistant to doing s.t. Húnit nga mga dalikdik, Stubborn streaks of dirt that won’t come out. Húnit siya nga musugut, It is difficult to get her to accept the marriage proposal. v 1 [B; b6] be tough and resilient. 2 [B2; b6] become tough, resistant to breakage. 3 [B4; b6] put up resistance to doing s.t. Naghúnit ku sa pagrikumindǎr níya, I am hesitant to recommend him. 4 [A2] hold s.t. nearly severed by a thread. Gamayng pánit na lang naghúnit sa ákung tudlù nga natigbasan, A little bit of skin was all that was holding my finger when it chopped off. ka- n strength to resist tension, tensile strength. -un a having great tensile strength.

hunlak v 1 [A; c] throw, knock s.t. down from the place it is resting. Nahunlak siya sa lubing íyang gisak-an, He fell from the coconut tree he climbed. Ihunlak ang mga kargang baril ug mukusug ug bawud, Throw the gasoline drums overboard if the waves grow big. 2 [A23P; b4] for a plane to collapse. Nahunlak ang salug tungud sa kadaghan sa bisíta, The floor gave way because of the many visitors.

hunlus v [B12; c1] 1 lower s.t. that is attached on a rope at a higher point. Ihunlus (hunlúsun) ang bandíra mahápun, The flag is lowered in the afternoon. 2 for anything attached s.w. to come down. Nahunlus ang íyang karsúnis, His pants slipped down.

hunsuy n 1 pipe for smoking. 2 pistol (slang). v 1 [A23; a12] make into a pipe. 2 [AN] smoke s.t. with a pipe. hunsuyhunsuy n name for auger shells: long, slender shells which resemble cigarette holders.

hunta n board of directors of a civic unit or enterprise. Hunta munisipal, Municipal board. Ang hunta sa maghuhukum, The board of judges. Hunta diriktíba, Board of directors.

huntà n section of structures arranged on top of one another or behind one another. huntàhuntà n sections of s.t. Duha ka huntàhuntà ang ílang balay, Their house has two stories. Ang huntàhuntà sa sayal sa baylirína, The tiers of the ballerina’s dress. Ang huntàhuntà sa káha, The sections of the till. v [A13; c1] be sections or divisions arranged one above or behind another. Naghuntàhuntà ang húnus sa lamísa, The drawers are [353]stacked on top of each other on the table.

hunub v [A; b6] 1 seep through pores. Mihunub ang túbig sa yútà, The water seeped into the ground. Nabasà ang lamísa kay gihunuban sa túbig sa tadyaw, The table got wet because the water seeped out from the jar onto it. 2 leak through small holes. 3 affect slowly, as if seeping in. Mihunub sa íyang hunàhúnà ang usa ka mayugtánung panimalus, Dreams of angry revenge seeped into his mind. Mihunub ang madutlánung katugnaw sa íyang kinahiladman, A penetrating cold seeped into his innermost bones. a leaky, allowing to seepage. n leak, seepage.

hunulhúnul = humulhúmul.

húnung v [APB2S3; c1] 1 stop, cease forward motion, cause s.t. to do so. Kinsay naghúnung (nagpahúnung) sa dyip, Who stopped the jeep? Gihunúngan mi sa dyip, The jeep stopped for us. 2 stop, discontinue functioning or operating, cause s.t. to do so. Kinsa may muhúnung (mupahúnung) sa ámung dúlà? Who will stop our game? Naghunung ang ákung rilu, My watch has stopped. 3 [A2; a12] stop doing s.t. Mihúnung siya ug hílak, He stopped crying. way — continuous, unceasing. -anan n bus stop.

húnus1 v [A; a] take a human life. Ulípun siya ug mahímung hunúsun ang íyang kinabúhì bisan anus-a, He is a slave, and his life may be snuffed out at any time.

húnus2 n drawer. v [A; a1] pull a drawer out. Nakadungug ku nga dihay mihúnus sa ákung lamísa, I’ve heard s.o. pulling the drawer in my table out. hunushúnus n = húnus, n.

Hunyu n June. v see abril.

húp = húlup.

hupà = hulpà.

hupak v [B246] develop a crack such that the separated pieces are no longer in contact. Mihupak ang simintu paglínug, The concrete cracked in the earthquake. n crack.

hup-ak v [AB2; a12] peel, flake off, cause s.t. to do so. Ang pintal muhup-ak basta dáan na, Paint peels off when it is old. n s.t. that has peeled or flaked off.

hupas v 1 [B] for s.t. to lose its aroma, powers, flavor, and the like by being left uncovered. Mihupas ang sigarilyu, The cigarette lost its flavor. Nagkahupas na ang lamì sa bínu, The wine is losing its bouquet. 2 [B] for land to lose its fertility. Sa púlù ka túig muhupas ang yútà, In ten years the soil will lose its fertility. 3 [B2; b6] for a feeling to wane. Nahupas na ang ákung gána pagbiyáhi, I’ve lost my appetite for travelling. Nahupsan na kug paílub, I’ve run out of patience.

*hupaw paN- v [A] sigh. Nanghupaw siya kay gikapuy, He is sighing because he is tired. n sigh. ma-un a done with a sigh.

hupay = humpay.

huphup v [A2; b6] subside, sink down to a lower level. Ug muhuphup na ang túbig sa linung-ag hináyi ang síga, When the rice water goes down, lower the fire. Mihuphup na ang hubag pagbutu, The boil went down after it came to a head.

húping v 1 [A; a] put long things carefully and neatly together to make a thin flat grouping. Kinsay muhúping sa mga tabákù nga manutúhun? Who will flatten out and pile the tobacco leaves neatly together? Hupínga ang nagkalkag mung buhuk, Smooth out your hair. It’s all disheveled. 2 [A; a1] flatten s.t. out by rubbing the hands over it. Hupínga nang mantil nga kunut, Smooth out the tablecloth. a smoothed out, piled and pressed together neatly. pa- v [A; a] groom the hair flat. n preparation for grooming the hair.

húpit v 1 [B1; b6] have s.t. sticking to it such that it is hard to get off. Naghúpit ang samput sa tái, Feces are sticking to his rump. Nahúpit (gihupítan) ang buhuk kay napitlan sa tsuwinggam, Her hair is all stuck together because chewing gum got into it. Naghúpit ang papílis kay basà, The papers stuck together because they were wet. 2 [B126] be soaked through so that the clothing, hair, feathers stick to the body.

hupù v 1 [A; b6] crouch down to stay hidden. Mihupù ang kawatan likud sa kural, The thief crouched behind the fence. 2 [A2; b6(1)] duck, lower the head. Wà ku maigù sa búla kay mihupù ku pagkalit, The ball didn’t hit me because I ducked suddenly.

hupukhupuk v [B46N] for the body to be pale and swelling slightly. Muhupukhupuk (manghupukhupuk) ang ákung bitíis ug mukáun kug bábuy, My legs swell slightly and get pale if I eat pork.

hupung, húpung n sickness characterized by swelling or puffiness all over the body. v 1 [B3N; a4] swell with this disease. Mihupung (mihúpung) ang íyang áping ug túhud. Gihúpung tingáli siya, Her face and knees are swollen. She probably has húpung. 2 [B] become full of an emotion or feeling. (→) a 1 swollen with this sickness. 2 full of an emotion. Hupung sa pagmáhay ang íyang tubag, Her answer was full of regrets. paN- = húpung.

huput v 1 [A; b6] obtain, possess s.t. abstract or s.t. rare and especial. Wà pay nakahuput ánang matánga sa aláhas dinhi, No [354]one here has ever come to possess that sort of jewelry. Talagsaung katakus nga íyang gihuptan, The extraordinary ability that he possesses. 2 have dominion, rule over. Ang Ispanya mihuput sa Pilipínas ug kapin sa tulu ka siglu, Spain ruled the Philippines for more than three centuries.

húpuy v [B26] for s.o. visibly angry to cool off. Nahúpuy ku sa ákung kasukù paghílak níya, I cooled down when she cried. (→) a having a subdued, not excitable disposition. Gáhì suk-un ang hupuy nga táwu, It’s hard to provoke a mild person.

hupyà n hopia, a k.o. Chinese rounded pastry consisting of a flaky crust with a bean or meat filling. v [A; a12] make or prepare hopia.

hupyak a sunken. Hupyak kaáyu ang dughan sa tisísun, He has T.B. and has a sunken chest. v [B1; a12] become sunken. Muhupyak ang áping basta matigúlang na, The cheeks become sunken when one gets old. Nahupyak ang kík, The cake fell.

hurabhurab, hurabhúrab v [A; b6(1)] make angry, threatening gestures and words. Kusug siyang muhurabhurab nátù ug masayup ta, He threatens and frightens us when we commit mistakes. n angry and threatening words and gestures.

hurádu n judge for contests. Gitimbangtimbang sa hurádu ang mananáug sa banggà, The board of judges is deciding on who will be the winner of the contest.

hurahura1 v [A; b(1)] hurry s.o. up in a bossy manner. Gihurahurahan sa purman ang mga kamaníru, The foreman hurried the street cleaners up.

hurahura2 v [B1456] be eager and excited. Naghurahura siyang nagpakisáyud sa risulta sa burd, He was eager and excited asking about the results of the board exams.

hural = hurar.

huraminta = hiraminta.

huramintádu v [A13] run amok. Maghuramintádu ku ug dì ku nímu sugtun, I will run amok if you do not accept me. n one who runs amok.

huramintu n 1 oath-taking. 2 pledge a soldier makes as to the number of years he will serve. 3 term of office. v [A] pledge to serve a number of years. Mihuramintu ug tulu ka túig ang rikulúta sa armi, The army recruit pledged to serve three years.

hurar v 1 [A2; c] surrender, give oneself up to another’s power or control. Ug ikay makigláyug nákù dì ku muhurar nímu, If you want to fight me, I will not surrender to you. 1a [A23; b6] make attempts at reconciliation by being the first to speak. Nag-úlì na mi kay mihurar siya nákù, We have made up now because she spoke to me. 2 make an oath to do s.t. Mihurar ang tistígu sa pagtug-an sa tinúud, The witness swore to tell the truth. Mihurar siya pagkamayur, He took the oath of office to become mayor. n one who has surrendered.

húrat v [A; b(1)] look at s.o. fiercely or show s.t. to s.o. to intimidate him. Gipaguwà níla ang ílang armalayits arun sa paghúrat sa mga butanti, They brought out their rifles to intimidate the voters. Mikúrug ku dihang gihurátan ku sa bágis, I trembled when the toughie glowered at me. n display of s.t. that threatens.

húraw v 1 [A; a12] drive s.o. or s.t. away. Huráwa ang bábuy nga nangáun sa kamúti, Drive away the pig that is eating the sweet potatoes. 2 [A; b6(1)] scold s.o. severely and loudly using abusive language and, usually, gestures. Ang inahan sa dalágang ámung gibugalbugalan mauy mihúraw námù, The mother of the girl we made fun of scolded us severely. 3 [A; a1] threaten gravely. Gihúraw sa blakmílir nga itug-an ang asáwang naglaki, The blackmailer threatened to divulge the wife’s illicit relations. 4 [A; a12] drive s.o. into working faster. Ayaw kug huráwa kay magkasáyup hinúun, Don’t hurry me because I’ll only botch it up. n threat. hurawhúraw v [A1; b6] for a person of lower station to make an improper joke with a person of higher station. Gihurawhuráwan ku sa bátà nga nakísì nu ákung karsúnis kay giut-an, The child made a disrespectful joke when she asked me if my pants were torn because I broke wind. n disrespectful banter. hurawhurawan a given to disrespectful jokes.

huríkì n k.o. lizard fish.

hurimhurim n magical prayers said to give supernatural powers or protection from harm (slang).

hurisdiksiyun n jurisdiction.

hurnáda n 1 work bee where the members may or may not be paid. 2 round in a contest, e.g. boxing. Sa únang hurnáda natikíu dáyun siya, He was felled by a T.K.O. on the first round. v [A2C; abc3] 1 do s.t. by a work bee. Mihurnáda ang tanan paghinlù sa plása, Everybody participated in a work bee to clean the town plaza. 2 do s.t. in a large group. Naghurnáda silag ínum pagkadawat sa búnus, They went together on a drinking spree upon receiving their bonus.

hurnu = hudnu.

hurs n 1 horse in a chess piece. 2 one’s girl [355]friend or mistress (from kabáyù, n 2—slang).

hurspáwir n horsepower. v [A13; b(1)] have, provide with [so-and-so] much horsepower.

huruhuru n 1 a throbbing, continuous sound of ‘broom broom’. 2 action which could be characterized by this sound. v do actions which cause this sort of sound: 1 [A] shiver with cold. Naghuruhuru siya sa katugnaw, He was shivering with cold. 2 [A13] burn with a roaring flame. Naghuruhuru ang dakung dáub, The big bonfire is roaring. 2a for one’s love to be intense. Naghuruhuru giyud tingáli ang pagbátì sa duha kay nalímut man sa ílang kaugalíngun, The two must have fallen uncontrollably in love, for they have forgotten themselves. 3 [A; b(1)] scold severely and abusively. 4 [A; b(1)] drive s.o. to work in a hurry. Naghuruhuru siya nga ipahuman ang trabáhu, He rushed us up to finish the job. 5 [A] be eager to do s.t. Naghuruhuru siyang mupaúlì sa bakasiyun, She waited eagerly to go home for the holidays.

hurung a slow of understanding, not possessing much sense. Dì ka pa hurung, gipangáyù tà tu nímung suklì, If you were not stupid, you would have asked for the change. v [B135; b6] be, become stupid.

hurus v 1 [A] for the wind to blow hard. Ug muhurus ang hángin mapadpad ang balay, If the wind blows hard, the house will be blown down. 2 [B1256] be blown off from an attachment as if stripped. Nahurus ang dáhun sa káhuy sa makusug nga hángin, The leaves of the tree were blown away by the strong wind. 3, 4 = harus 1, 3.

hurut v 1 [A; a12] consume, use up all of s.t. Tulu ka kílung asúkar ámung mahurut káda búwan, We consume three kilograms of sugar every month. 1a [b4(1)] run out of. Nahutdan mi ug gasulína, We ran out of gas. 2 [A; ac] do s.t. to everything or everybody. Hutdun ta mu ug latigu, I will whip every one of you. Hutdan tag kúhag búnga ang mangga, Let’s take all the fruits on the mango tree. Ihurut ug hátag ang mga ituy, Give all the puppies away. (←) v [A13; b6] for everybody to go s.w. at one time. Naghúrut ang ámung mga mutsátsag pamista, All of our maids left us to go to the fiesta. -in- mustering, gathering. Hinurut ang íyang kusug gitikbas níya ang sawa, Mustering all his strength, he slashed at the snake. hutdanay, hinutdanay, hutdánay, hinutdánay n s.t. done to the end. Gustu ka diay ug láyug nga hutdanay sa kusug, So you want a fight to the finish. Hinutdánay giyud sa puhúnan nang ílang súgal, They gamble until one of them runs out of money. ka-un(→), kahutdanun n state of being used up as an end effect. Walay kahurutun (kahutdanun) sa túbig kay kusug ang tubud, There’s no using up of the water because the spring flows strong.

hús1 n hose to convey liquids. v [c1] use a hose.

hús2 = hulus.

husà v [B146] for children to be restless and fidgety. Naghusà ang bátà kay gihilantan, The child is restless because he has a fever.

húsà v [A; b3c] mumble words of anger or displeasure loud enough for the affected party to hear. Naghúsà ang tigúwang kay wà bayri, The old man muttered angrily because they didn’t pay him. n word mumbled, action of doing so.

húsay a 1 orderly, without confusion. Húsay kaáyu ang dimunstrisyun gahápun, The demonstration yesterday was very orderly. 2 well arranged with everything put in its designated place. Húsay kaáyu ang íyang kwartu, His room is very well arranged. Húsay kaáyu ang íyang buhuk, His hair is very well groomed. n 1 hearing in court or court trial. Sa húsay namatud-an nga tulu ka ripli nawálà, In the hearing it came out that three rifles were lost. Human sa húsay ang sinumbung gisintinsiyahan sa kamatáyun, At the end of the trial the accused was sentenced to death. 2 settling of accounts. Mahibaw-an unyà nátù ug pilay ákung útang human sa húsay, After we have settled accounts, we will know how much I owe. v 1 [B2] be peaceful. Mahúsay lang ang balay ug mubíyà siya sa ínum, The house will only know peace if he quits his drinking. 2 [A13; a12] put in order. Naghúsay ku sa ákung mga papílis pára sa lún, I am putting the documents for the loan in order. Husáya nang mga pamantaláan ug ayúha ug hapnig, Put the newspapers in order and stack them up. 3 [A; a2] untangle, unsnarl. Husáya ang pasul kay ikay nakagubut, Unsnarl the fishline because you tangled it up. 3a comb or brush the hair. Muhúsay ku ánang ímung buhuk nga nagkulipíti pag-áyu, I’ll brush out your hair. It’s all matted. 4 [A; a12] hear out two opponents to judge them. Akuy muhúsay ninyu arun mahibalu ku ug kinsay sad-an, I will hear both of you out so I will know who is guilty. 4a conduct a court hearing or trial. 5 [AC; a12] settle up accounts. (→) a done with great ease and convenience. Husay kaáyu kung manarbáhu dinhis balay kun walà ang mga bátà, I can work with ease here in the house if the children are not around. ka- n 1 peace, calmness. 2 order. -in-an [356]n threads from which entangling threads have been removed. -únun n 1 rope, thread to be unsnarled. 2 protagonist to be heard out and culpability determined. 3 accounts to be settled.

husgǎr v [A; b6] pass judgment. Muhusgǎr ang huwis human sa bista, The judge passes judgment after the hearing. Makasalà ta ug maghusgǎr ta sa átung isig ka táwu, We sin if we judge our fellowman. Si Maríya Magdalína gihusgahang usa ka dakung makasasálà, Mary Magdalene was adjudged a great sinner. n judgment. husgádu n court. v [B126; c] be brought to court. Mahusgádu giyud ka, You will certainly be hailed into court. Ngánung ihusgádu pa man ninyu ang inyung kásu? Why must you bring your case to court?

hushus v [B12; c1] for s.t. fitted around the body or limbs to slip down. Nagkahushus ang karsúnis sa bátà, The child’s pants are slipping down.

húsi n a fine, plainly woven fabric from pineapple leaf fibers.

huslà v [AB2; a] for s.t. to come out of a place it is stuck in, cause it to do so. Muhuslà ang unud sa kinhasun kun supsúpun, The flesh of the seashell will come out if you suck on it. Siya ray naghuslà sa udyung nga nagtaruy sa íyang buktun, He pulled out the arrow that pierced his arm by himself. 2 [A3P; b8] remove an affliction. Kining tambála muhuslà sa nirbiyus, This medicine relieves nervous tension. Human gwai nahusláan siya sa hígal, After his orgasm his sexual desires were relieved.

huslir = haslir.

huslù v [AB12; a12] 1 for s.t. that is loosely fitted around s.t. to come off, cause it to do so. Huslúa ang didal, Take the thimble off. 2 take off anything that is fitted around or take s.t. out of s.t. that fits around it. Nagkahuslà na ang pul-an sa sundang, The handle of the sword is coming off.

huslut v [B12; a2] take s.t. that is tightly fitted around s.t. off usually with a jerking motion. Dì na mahuslut ning singsing kay nanagkù ákung tudlù, This ring won’t get off any more because my fingers have gotten too big.

huspital n hospital. v 1 [A123P; a3] hospitalize. Nahuspital kug lima ka adlaw, I was hospitalized for five days. 2 [a2] build a hospital.

hustis n 1 hostess in a night club. 2 hostess at a party. v 1 [B16; b6c1] be a hostess in a night club. 2 [A; b(1)] host a party. Si Máma ang muhustis sa ílang dispidída, Mother will host a going-away party for them.

hustisya1 n 1 justice. 2 = husgǎr. v = husgǎr.

hustisya2 n an ornamental potted shrub bearing orange or deep pink flowers: Crossandra infundibuliformis.

hustiyas = ustiyas.

hustu 1 proper in time. Hustu na rung ilarga, Now is a good time to leave. 2 enough, sufficient. Duha ka buuk pán hustu pára pugung sa gútum, Two pieces of bread are enough to stave off hunger. Hustu sa kaínit ang kapi, The coffee is just hot enough. 3 fitting. Hustu ba ang sukud? Is it the right size? 4 right, correct. Hustu ang ímung tubag, You gave the right answer. 5 having reached exactly [so-and-so] much. Hustu nang usa ka dusína, This makes it exactly one dozen. 5a be complete. Íning instulmína, hustu na ang báyad, With this installment the payment is complete. Hustu pa ba ang baráha? Is the deck still complete? v 1 [A2] fit. Muhustu ba sa ímung tiil ning sapatúsa? Will these shoes fit you? 2 [B126; a12] be correct. 3 [A2; a12] reach a certain number. Makapanunud ka ug mahustu ka na sa idad, When you reach legal age, you can claim your inheritance. 3a [A] for a debt to be paid off entirely. kahustúan n completion or arrival at a quantity as an end. Way kahustúan sa átung bihilya kay pirming kabuk-an, We can never complete our china set because s.t. or other always breaks.

husù1 v 1 [A2C; c1] pull out s.t. that is fitted tightly into s.t. Wà maghúsù ang irù nga naghábal, The two dogs that were copulating couldn’t get apart. Gihus-an ku níya sa íyang sundang, He pulled his bolo out at me. 2 [B; b4] for s.t. fitted tightly into s.t. to work loose. Nagkahusù ang pul-an sa kutsilyu, The handle of the knife is coming loose. 2a [b4] for the blade of an instrument to fly off on one and hit him. Hihus-an siya sa prákul, The head of the axe came off and injured him. a loose inside s.t.

husù2 a bearing a close resemblance to one’s parents or forebears. Husù kaáyu ka sa ímung inahan, You look exactly like your mother. v [B26; b6] look exactly like one’s parents.

husud v [A; b] for several persons to take turns carrying a load to a distant place in relays. Kay layù mag huspital husuran lang nátug dáyung ang masakitun, The hospital is far away, so we’ll take turns carrying the patient.

húsud v [A; b6] buy part of s.o.’s purchases from him, esp. food. Way makahúsud ning [357]sud-ána kay pára ni sa masakitun, I won’t sell any of this food I bought because it is for the patient.

huswà1 v [ABN; a2] slowly pull off s.t. that is around s.t. else; pull off, come out. Kinsay naghuswà sa pánit nga gúma áring alambri? Who slipped the insulation off of this wire? Muhuswà (manghuswà) usáhay ang pánit sa bátang mga usa ka búlan sa maháyag, An infant’s skin sometimes peels off a month after it is born. Ug huswáun (ihuswà) ku ning ákung antipára, bulanun ang ákung tinan-awan, If I take my eyeglasses off, my vision will get dim. —ang katahum for a dressed-up woman to lose her beauty by doing s.t. to spoil her looks. Muhuswà ang ímung katahum ug maglampásu kang nakaílis na, You won’t look nice any more if you scrub the floor after you have put on your good clothes.

hut expression said to incite a dog to attack: sic him.

hút v [A; c] set food aside for s.o. Naghút kug isdà pára ra giyud nímu, I set aside some fish just for you.

húta n letter J.

hútak v [A1P] do s.t. to excess. Ayaw dihag pahútak ug káun kay náa pay wà kakaun, Don’t eat so much. Other people haven’t eaten yet.

hutay n line hung for drying. v [A; c] string a line for drying. Kining alambri ákung ihutay pára sa hayhayan, I’ll string this wire up for a clothesline.

hútay a s.t. crisp that has softened due to exposure to air. v [B] for s.t. crisp to become soft and soggy. Mahútay ang inarmirulan ug matun-ugan, Starched clothing will lose its crispness if you don’t keep it out of the damp.

hutbà v [B256] for a surface to give way under weight. Nahutbà ang kát sa síyang íyang gitungtúngan, He stepped on the caned seat and it gave way.

hutbaw v [B246; b6] for the eyelids to swell from too much crying, sleeping, or overindulgence in salty foods. Mihutbaw ang íyang mata ug hinílak, Her eyes swelled from crying so much.

huthut1 v [A; b5] drain, exhaust s.o.’s wealth. Muhuthut sa katigayúnan ang súgal, Gambling drains off one’s resources. Gihuthut (gihuthútan) lang ka ánang babayhána, That woman is just sucking your money.

huthut2 n 1 the coo of the turtledove or imitation of such a sound. 2 barking of a dog. v [A; b6] 1 coo or imitate cooing by blowing through the hands formed into a hollow cone. 2 [A; a] bark.

huthut3 v [B12] collapse under heavy weight. Mahuthut ang salug ug palabian sa mga bisíta, The floor will collapse if there are too many visitors.

huthut4 = haluthut.

hutik v 1 [A; b5] for fish to snap at the bait. Ígù lang hutikan sa isdà ang paun. Mau nga dílì giyud matag-an, The fish just snap at the bait. That’s why you can’t hook them. 2 [A; b] slightly hurt s.o. Gihutikan nákù ang bátag latigu, I struck the child once lightly with the whip. 3 [A; b] engage in petting or making love (humorous). (←)1 1 = hutik, 2. -ay v [c] pet or have intercourse. n action of snapping.

hútik2 a be all mud. Hútik ang tugkaran, The front yard is all mud. v [B; b6] for an area to turn to mud. Muhútik (mahútik) nang dapíta ug dì butangag balas, That place will become muddy if you don’t put sand on it.

hutil n hotel. v [A13; a12] stay at, make into a hotel.

hutináni n name of a modern dance. v [A] do this dance.

hutluk a drunk. v [B12; a12] be, become drunk or intoxicated with liquor. Nahutluk siyag ininum sa lambanug, He became intoxicated from drinking the nipa alcohol.

huts = hut.

hutúhut n cool breeze. v [A23] for a cool breeze to blow. Mihutúhut ang hángin gíkan sa búkid, A cool breeze came down from the mountain.

hutukhutuk v [A1; b3] stay motionless, staring into space and blinking the eyes. Naghutukhutuk ka man. Nagdamgu ka? Why are you staring into space? Are you daydreaming?

hut-ung n 1 layer or section. Kík nga duhay hut-ung, A cake in two layers. Hut-ung sa dag-um, A layer of clouds. Kinahitas-ang hut-ung sa katilingban, The highest layer of society. 2 section of an organization. Ang mga kadíti nagmartsa sa parid sa ikaduhang hut-ung, The cadets are marching in the parade in the second section. 3 a quantity of s.t. usually set apart from others. Usa ka hut-ung sa mga bátà nagdúlà pud sa sísu, A group of children also played on the see-saw.

hutútay n k.o. Chinese soup with wanton noodles in it.

hútuy1 n heavy, prolonged coughing. Gihútuy ku sa pagkinatáwa, I broke into a coughing fit from laughing so much.

hutwang1 v [B6; c1] for the rumps to be exposed. Nahutwang ang lubut kay nawalis [358]ang sinínà, Her behind was exposed because her skirt was blown upwards.

hutwang2 v [A; b6] for dogs to howl. Muhutwang ang irù ug makakitag panulay, Dogs howl when they see devils. n howl.

huum v [A] put a mouthful of food into the mouth to eat. Muhuum kug diyútayng kan-un kay gigútum ku, I’ll stick a mouthful of food into my mouth because I’m hungry. n mouthful.

húum v 1 [B16] be confined such that air, gas cannot escape. Naghúum ang nagkalainláing báhù sulud sa sinihan, Various odors were stored up in the theater. Mihubag ang íyang núka kay nahúum kini iláwum sa plastir, His boil swelled because the plaster kept the noxious gas in it. 2 [B156; c6] for s.t. that provokes an intense unpleasant feeling to be pent up. Ang suliran nga naghúum sa íyang dughan, The problems that have been suppressed in her breast. Ayawg ihúum ang kayugut, Don’t repress anger.

huung v [A2; a12] 1 get food that hasn’t been served. Hung-un sa iring ang tinúlang isdà, The cat will get at the fish stew. 2 eat s.t. right out of the pot. Maghuung na lang ku diri kay kapuy nang magkúhag plátu, I’ll just eat from the pot, because it’s too much trouble to get a plate. 3 [A; a12] do illicit acts with another man’s wife. Dúnay muhuung sa asáwa inigbyáhi sa bána níyang kapitan, S.o. takes over after the husband, who is a ship captain, goes off.

huut1 a 1 tight in fit. Huut kaáyu ang ákung sapátus, My shoes are very tight. Huut ang takub. Gáhing tangtángun, The cover is on very tight. It’s hard to get it off. 2 tight in feeling. Huut kaáyu ang ákung tunlan tungud sa kahadluk, My throat was tight with fear. 3 crowded. Huut kaáyu ang sinihan, The moviehouse was very crowded. v 1 [A23; acP] stuck or wedged tight. Ang bábuy mihuut sa imburnal, The pig got stuck in the culvert. Ihuut ang kálù sa úlu, Put the hat tightly on the head. 1a [B4] for the chest, throat to tighten. 2 [A2] fill up a space entirely. Ang íyang nawung mihuut sa ritrátu, Her face filled up the photograph. (←) a very crowded. v [A13] be jampacked. Naghúut ang mga pumapálit sa baratilyu, The buyers jampacked the bargain sale. pa- v 1 [A; c] jam s.t. in s.w. 2 [A; a12] practice pahuut sorcery on s.o. n k.o. sorcery causing swelling and rapid death. The leaves and bark of a tree with magical properties are caused to come into contact with the skin of the intended victim either by hanging them in his path or by rubbing them onto him.

huut2 = huung.

huwà v [A; b] separate things from each other by distance or by a division. Ang ámung lúti gihuwaan ug subà, Our lots are separated by a river.

huwa- for words with huwa- see also under hula-.

huwad (from húlad) v [A; b6(1)] 1 pour s.t. off into a container or some place to be kept. Kinsay naghuwad sa mais diri sa salug? Who poured the corn grains here on the floor? Ihuwad ang súkà sa butilya, Pour the vinegar into the bottle. 2 pour money into an area. Ang Sibu gihuwaran ni Markus ug duha ka milyun, Marcos poured two million into Cebu. 3 [A2] for an image or likeness to appear in one’s offspring or on s.t. it was transferred to. Ang ímung kaguwápa mihuwad ngadtu sa ímung bátà, Your daughter has inherited your beauty. Ang hulagway sa palutup wà makahuwad kay dílì hustug ínit ang plansa, The image didn’t transfer because the iron was not hot enough. (←) n action of intense pouring. huwaránan n receptacle, dumping place.

huwag, huwaghuwag n slender vine, the split stems of which are used for tying purposes: Flagellaria indica.

Huwan name John. — dila krus the Filipino John Doe, name given to represent the average Filipino. — Púsung character in folk tales of low position but great cleverness who succeeds in getting the better of people in high positions.

húwap v [A; b5] stroke gently. Natúlug ang bátà nga ákung gihúwap (gihuwápan), The child that I stroked gently went to sleep.

huwas1 v [A2PB; b4] 1 bring relief, be relieved. Kining tablitása daling muhuwas (mupahuwas) sa hilánat, These tablets quickly relieve fever. Mihuwas (nahuwas) na ákung sakit, My pain has been relieved. Nahuwasan na siya sa kahadluk, He has recovered from his fear. 1a [b(1)] vent one’s anger on. Siyay gihuwasan sa ákung kalágut, I vented my anger on him. 2 get over some bad character trait. Nahuwasan na siya sa binúang human hikastiguhi, He got over his foolishness after he got punished. pa- n s.t. used to relieve.

huwas2 n k.o. catfish.

huwásay = wásay, n.

huwásù a shoddily made. Huwásù nga pagkaáyu sa sapátus, daling naukab, The shoes were poorly repaired. They came apart again. v [B1; c1] for workmanship to be poor. [359]

huwat (from hulat) expression commanding a draft animal to stop: whoa.

huwátid = huyátid.

huwi- for words with huwi- see also huy-.

huwis n judge. v 1 [B16] be, become a judge. Huwisun siya sa Bugu, He will be made a judge in Bogo. 2 [A; b(1)] autopsy a murder victim to gather evidence. Gihuwisan únà ang minatay únà dad-a sa punirarya, The body was autopsied before it was brought to the funeral parlor. — dikutsilyu n massacre of all civilians caught in an area. Tungud kay gipatay ang upisyal mimandù ang mga Hapunánun ug huwis dikutsilyu, Because an officer was murdered, the Japanese put out the order for a mass murder. v [A1; c] conduct a massacre. — dipas n justice of the peace. †

huy1 exclamation used upon greeting s.o. with whom one is intimate. Huy, Abil! Kumusta ka! Hey, Abel! How are you! huyhúy v [C] associate in a friendly way with (be on huy greeting terms). Dílì siya makighuyhúy sa íyang silíngan, She keeps aloof from her neighbors. n friendly association. panaghuyhúy n having feelings of amity toward one another.

huy2, hùy n 1 exclamation to attract immediate attention: hey! Hùy, nag-unsa ka man dihà! Hey! What do you think you’re doing? 2 exclamation uttered upon being provoked. Huy! Ngánung manghíkap man ka! Hey! What do you think you’re doing touching me!

húy = hiluy.

huy-ab v [A2N] yawn. Nagpanghuy-ab kung nagpaábut nímu, I kept yawning, waiting for you. paN- = huy-ab.

huyad v [A; c] raise the arms preparatory to striking. Gihuyad níya ang pinútì, He brandished his sword. n action of doing so.

huyamì1 a 1 poorly built, rickety in build. 2 fragile in health. v [B; c1] come out poorly built. Mahuyamì (muhuyamì) ang ímung lamísa ug dì butangan ug brís, Your table will be weak if you don’t put braces on it.

huyamì2 a 1 clumsy, awkward in movement. 2 moving lazily, without energy. Dúgayng makapanlimpiyu ang táwung huyamig linihukan, A person who moves lazily takes forever to get the cleaning done. v [B; a12] be wanting in gracefulness and agility. Magkahuyamì ang linihukan sa usa nga hápit nang maulitáwu, A youth nearing adolescence gets awkward in his body movements.

húyang a 1 rickety, shaky. Húyang nga hagdan, Rickety staircase. 2 lacking in firmness, resolve, or will power. Húyang siya kaáyu. Dì makabalíbad, He’s weak-willed. He can’t say ‘no’. Ang táwung húyang húmuk matintal, A weak person easily gets tempted. 3 weak, not said with conviction or persuasiveness. Misugut siya sa usa ka húyang nga tangdù, He agreed with a weak ‘yes’. Húyang kaáyung pangatarúngan, Shaky arguments. v [B1; b6] for s.t. built to be or become rickety, shaky or for s.o.’s will, argument to become weak. n 1 weaker sex, women. Ang mga húyang nagpabílin sa báy, The weaker sex remained at home. 2 homosexual, man affecting effeminate behavior. (→) 1 = húyang, a. ma- a very weak. ka- n weakness, shakiness.

huyátid v [AN] stretch the body or limbs. Pagmata nákù mihuyátid (nanghuyátid) ku, When I woke up, I stretched.

Huybis n Thursday. see birnis for verb forms. — Santu Maundy Thursday.

huygu1 v [A; b(1)] 1 do s.t. in a lively and uninhibited way. Mihuygu ug panáyaw ang mga batan-un pagtukar sa kumbu, The young people danced animatedly when the band played. Dílì mi makahuygug tábì basta náa ang prinsipal, We can’t gossip freely if the principal is around. 1a have freedom to do s.t. Dì nang bayhána makahuygug pangílad dinhi sa Sibu kay nutádu na nà, That woman can’t get away with her swindling in Cebu because she is well known. 2 [A12] perform an action, make a move. Naghulat lang ang babáyi nga makahuygu ang ulitáwu, The woman is just waiting for her suitor to propose. n 1 freedom to do what one wants. Hatágan kug huygu ang ákung anak sa pagpílì sa babáying íyang pangasaw-unun, I will give my son the freedom to choose whoever he wishes to marry. 2 animated portion of the kuratsa dance. 2a exclamation encouraging brisk movement, esp. in the kuratsa. 3 baby’s trick. Dúna na say bag-ung huygu nga nakat-unan si Dyí. Matas dága na sad, Jay learned a new trick—blinking his eyes. — túdu v [A; a] do s.t. as much as one can or wants to. Mihuygu túdu kug dágan pagkakità ku sa anínu, I ran as fast as I could when I saw the shadow. Wà mi makahuygu túdu ug ínum kay kúlang ang ámung kwarta, We could not drink to our hearts’ content because we didn’t have enough money.

huygu2 n gambling game. paN- v [A2; b6] engage in gambling. Nanghuygu na pud ka bisag way kwarta, There you are gambling again, even though you have no money. n the activity of gambling.

huygu3 n complete set of utensils or equipment. [360]Huygu nga plátu, Set of china. Huygu sa sála, Living room set.

huyhuy1 a for the shoulders to slump. Huyhuy ang abága nga miulì si Nistur tungud sa kapakyas, Nestor went home with drooping shoulders because he failed. v [BN; c1] for the shoulders to droop.

huyhuy2 n sound of repeated huy’s said to make a horse get going. v [A; a12] command a horse to go. Mitarúti ang kabáyung gihuyhuy sa kutsíru, The horse trotted when the rig driver said getty-up.

huyhúy see huy1.

huyù a compassion, tender. Huyù ang panagway ni Hisus nga nakigsulti sa mga tinun-an, Jesus talked to his disciples with a tender look on his face. 2 soft, courteous. Mibalíbad siya sa huyung tíngug, She refused in a soft and courteous tone of voice. v 1 [B126] be tender, soft-tempered. Way makahuyù sa gáhì níyang kasingkásing, Nothing can soften his hard heart. ka- n state of being compassionate.

huyúhuy n breeze.

húyung, huyunghúyung n mire, a place which looks like solid ground but is deep mud.

huyup v 1 [A; a] blow air. Tugnaw basta muhuyup ang amíhan, It’s cold when the northeast wind blows. Huypa ang ákung samad, Blow on my wound. 2 [A3; a2] blow s.t. away. Gihuyup sa hángin ang mga papílis, The wind blew the papers away. Gihuypan níya ang libru sa abug, He blew the dust off the books. 3 [A2; a] treat an ailment by huyup. n 1 action of blowing. 2 folk treatment of illness whereby the doctor whispers magical words on the ailing portion of the body and blows softly on it three times. (←) n a children’s game of blowing rubber bands with the mouth. v [AC; a] play this game. huypanay = húyup.

huyut v [B] for s.t. to bend in the middle under weight. Húyang ang salug kay muhuyut kun tumban, The flooring is weak because it sags when you step on it. Mihuyut (nahuyut) ang kisami, The ceiling sagged in the middle. Nagkahuyut ang salug nga húyang, Loose floor is becoming wobbly. 2 [B2] sink, as objects do in the sand or mud. Muhuyut (mahuyut) ang ímung tiil kun itunub sa lápuk, Your feet will sink if you step in the mud. a 1 tending to sag. 2 allowing the feet to sink when stepped in.

húyut = húsud.

hwasa, hwasà = aliwása.

hwisyu n 1 sense, judgment of right and wrong. Walay hwisyu ang paggastu sa tibuuk puhúnan, It was showing poor judgment to spend all the capital. 2 state of consciousness. Gianistisyáhan ku, piru wà giyud ku mawad-i sa hwisyu, I was anesthetized, but I did not lose consciousness.




i1 1 — midiya half past. Alas tris i midiya, Three-thirty. 2 particle between Spanish numbers: [number1] i [number2] n [so-and-so many] pesos to [so-and-so many] pesos. Gilugruhan ku níyag tris i dus, He offered me three pesos to my two pesos.

i2 1 expression uttered upon making an error or inadvertently breaking s.t. I, sayup mang numirúha ang ákung nadáyal, Oops, I dialed the wrong number. I, nabuy-an nákù ang básu, Oops, I dropped the glass. I, náa man diay ka sa sulud, Oops, I didn’t know you were inside (the toilet). 2 pause word used when speaker does not know what to say next. I, walà pa tingáli muabut, Er, perhaps they haven’t gotten here yet. 3 exclamation expressing surprise at s.t. unexpected which s.o. did. I, súkul diay ka nákù? You mean to say you will stand up to me? 4 particle expressing disgust. I, sámuk ning batáa, Humph, this child is a nuisance. I, lúpig pay hinúgas ning kapíha, Ugh, this coffee is worse than dishwater. 5 exclamation asserting that s.t. seems to be the case though the interlocutor might not be aware of it. I, pála na man run, Oh, come on! You’re flattering me. (You may not have meant it as flattery but that is what it was.) I, línug man tu, That was an earthquake, wasn’t it?

i3 n letter E.

í 1 teasing exclamation over s.t. one might envy a person for. Í, bag-u man lagi tag tíbi, Hey, you’ve got a new TV set. Í, pasar man [361]diay ta sa bár, Hey, I didn’t know you passed the bar. 2 exclamation of fright.

i-1 instrumental passive verb affix, future. (past gi-, subjunctive -i. Potential forms: past na-, or, alternatively, gika-; future and subjunctive ma-2 or, alternatively, ika-.) Ibutang níya ang kwarta, He will put the money down. Gibutang níya ang kwarta, He put the money down. Walà níya ibutang ang kwarta, He didn’t put the money down. Diin kahà nákù mabutang (ikabutang) ang kwarta? Where could I have put the money? Ang kwartang nabutang (gikabutang) sa lamísa, The money that was put on the table. 1 put, bring, convey s.t. Dì ku ihátag, I will not give it away. Iadtu kaníya ang kwarta, Bring the money to him. Isaka ang malíta sa táas, Bring the suitcase upstairs. 1a with verbs of saying, asking, and the like: say [so-and-so]. Wà kuy isulti níya, I have nothing to say to him. Unsay ipangutána nákù? What shall I ask? 1b with verbs containing pa-: have s.o. [do] to. (Cf. -un1). Ipalútù ku ang isdà, I will have s.o. cook the fish. Ipasaka nátù ang butung, Let’s have s.o. climb up to get the coconuts. Ipahátag ang kík, Have s.o. give the cake away. Ipaadtu ang kík didtu, Have s.o. bring the cake there or Have s.o. go get the cake. 1c with adjectives or words referring to a state: bring into the state. Iandam na ang mga butang, Prepare the things now. 2 [do] with. Wà kuy kwartang ipalit ug bugas, I have no money to buy rice with. Díay martilyung ibuak sa alkansíya, Here is a hammer to break the piggy bank with. Isapátus ang ímung bag-u, Wear your new shoes (use your new ones as shoes). 3 [do] for (confined, for the most part, to the imperative). Ikúhà ra kug túbig, Please get me some water. 4 [do] at [such-and-such] a time (confined to the future). Hustu na rung iadtu, Now would be a good time to go. 4a prefixed to verbs following adj.: it is [adj.] to [do]. Ínit rang itrabáhu run, It is too hot to work now. Kaáyu rang ipuyù dinhi, How nice it would be to live here! 5 become in [such-and-such] a state because of. Ayaw ipamintì ang ímung kasukù, Don’t gnash your teeth because of your anger.

i-2(←) prefix added to roots referring to a place or direction to form nouns meaning ‘place of [so-and-so]’. Ibábaw, Place up above. Ilálum, Place below, beneath. Iláwud, Place toward town (lit. out to the sea).

-i see -an1.

-i(→) short for hi-i(→). see hi-an.

iba = uban, 2 (dialectal).

íbà1 n 1 k.o. sour fruit used in sour stews: Averrhoa bilimbi. — sa insik the fruit of the bangkiling. way — ug dì maaslum everything ugly, esp. a woman’s appearance, is disagreeable (lit. all íbà’s are sour). Garbúsa mu rag gwápa. Way íbà ug dì maaslum, She’s proud, as if she were beautiful. Anything ugly is disagreeable.

Íbà2 n Eve, the first woman of God’s creation. anak ni — n woman. Ang mga anak ni Íbà ang gitaryáhang mauy manganak, Women were given the role of bearing children.

ibabaw, ibábaw see bábaw.

ibakwisyun n evacuation.

ibakwit = bakwit.

iban = uban, 2 (dialectal).

íban v [AP; b] reduce, take s.t. away. Ang bahà kusug mupaíban (muíban) sa yútà, A strong flood will carry away the earth. (→) n deduction, amount taken away. Way iban ákung swildu, There have been no deductions from my salary. -in-an(→) n having had s.t. taken away from it.

ibang n slit in the cover of the pressure lantern (pitrumaks) into which the screw which holds it is inserted.

ibanghilista n 1 evangelist.

ibanghilyu n 1 Gospels of the Bible. 2 part of a church service where the gospel is read. v [A1] read the gospel.

ibapuráda n evaporated milk.

ibat a = libat.

íbay n 1 woman (slang). 2 lesbian (slang).

íbì = tíbì.

ibid n k.o. large agamid lizard with a crest on the back and tail, reaching 3½′ in length.

ibid-íbid v [A; c] sidle up to s.o. sweetly to get s.t. n action of sidling up to s.o. maibid-ibírun a flirting, sidling up to get s.t.

ibidinsiya n evidence, proof of a crime. v [A12; b(1)] obtain evidence of guilt. Naibidinsiyahan siya kay didtu man siya, He was proven guilty because he was there.

ibíngan n a k.o. short, crested, poisonous snake that makes a crowning noise.

ibinrud n outboard motor boat (so called from the brand name).

ibis1 n 1 k.o. small bony fish found close to shores: Ambassis spp. 2 small fry, one of little importance.

ibis2 v [A; b5] slice or cut off a small portion from s.t. Kinsay nag-ibis sa ákung mangga? Who sliced a piece off my mango?

íbit v [A; b(1)] get a share of s.t. s.o. has (usually used in negative sentences). Ayawg tagúa nang ímung gikaun kay dì ku muíbit ánà, Don’t hide the food you’re eating because I won’t take any of it from you. [362]

ibud v [A; b6(1)] 1 put grain before fowl to feed them. 2 feed grains into a stone mill. 3 put grains into a hole in the ground to plant them. n grains, feed for fowls.

íbug a attracted. Íbug ku sa íyang sinínà, I am very much attracted to her dress. v [B12; b3(1)] 1 be attracted. Naíbug aku sa ímung sapátus, I am attracted to your shoes. Gikaibgan (naibgan) ku ang íyang kagwápu, I was attracted to his handsomeness. 2 [a] = paíbug. ibug-ibug v [A2; b(1)] tempt. Nag-ibug-ibug ka lang nákù niánang manggang hilaw, You’re tempting me with those green mangoes. pa-(→), pa- v [A] 1 entice s.o. to do s.t. by showing him s.t. Paibgi (paibúgi) nà siyag liníkit, Entice him with a roll of bills. 2 [A; a] cause s.o. to want s.t. Paibgun ka lang. Dì ka tagáan, I’ll just entice you. I won’t give you any. paN- v [A2; b(1)] for pregnant women to have an intense liking for s.t. Naliwat sa munyíka ang ílang anak kay mau may gipangibúgan sa íyang asáwa, Their baby looked like a doll because the wife had developed a strong fondness for it during her pregnancy. ka- n attraction to s.t. kailibgan = maka-r-, 2. kailibgun n thing that arouses desire. Daghang kailibgun sa Magalyánis, There are lots of things to arouse your desire downtown. ma-un, maibgánun, mailibgun a attracted to. Maibúgun (maibgánun, mailibgun) kaáyu siya sa mga malahálung aláhas, She is strongly attracted to expensive jewelry. maka-r- a 1 capable of causing attraction. Ang íyang kaanyag makaiíbug, She has a magnetic beauty. 2 capable of causing envy.

ibul = kibul.

íbus1 n winged insect shaped like an ant.

íbus2 v [A13; a1] cook food wrapped in coconut leaves in long sticks. n food so cooked, most frequently a tidbit consisting of sticks of sticky rice with coconut and sugar.

ibut v 1 [A; a] pull out s.t. rooted, stuck into s.t. Nag-ibut siya sa íyang búngut, He is pulling out his whiskers. Giibut níya ang lansang, He pulled the nail out. 2 [C] for copulating things to get apart. Ang duha ka irù nag-íbut, The two dogs are stuck after copulating. 3 [b6] draw a weapon on one. Giibtan ku níyag pusil, He drew a gun on me. a pulled out. -in- n rice seedlings.

ibyuk n sugar palm, a k.o. palm resembling the coconut, the frond fibers and midribs of which are made into brooms. Toddy and vinegar are also obtained from it: Arenga pinnata.

ibyus a tapering at the top like a cone or funnel. Ibyus ug tudlù, Having long tapering fingers. v [B1; a12] be tapering. Mag-ibyus ang dáhun sa ságing basta dílì pa mabukhad, The young leaves of the banana are narrow at the top before they spread out into a leaf.

ída see bwilta.

idad n age. Pilay ímung idad karun? How old are you now? mayur di- of legal age. minur di- under legal age. may — be quite old. May idad na ang ákung inahan, My mother is quite old now. — nga makalilínga adolescence, so-called because it is the age in which the child is confused as to whether he is an adult or a child. idad-idaran a middle-aged. Idad-idaran na ku kay kwarinta na, I am middle-aged now because I am forty. v 1 [B] be [so-and-so] old. Sa nag-idad kug syíti anyus, When I was seven years old. 2 [BN] become, be made aged. Ang íyang nawung miidad kaáyu tungud sa nahitabù, Her face aged terribly because of what happened. 2a keep a borrowed thing too long (have them grow old on one). Iúlì na nang ímung hinuwaman, nangidad na lang nà dihà, Return it to the person you borrowed it from. You’ve had it too long. 3 [A13; b8] be [so-and-so] long, last. Nag-idad na run ug pitu ka túig sukad sa ámung panagbúlag, It has been seven years since we separated. Wà pa gánì maidari ug tulu ka búwan ang íyang panirbisiyu, His service did not even last for three months. paN-, pangidarun n = idad n, v1. idaran, maidaran a old. Idaran (maidaran) na ang íyang napangasáwa apan sapían, The woman he married is old but well-to-do.

idag v [A2; b(1)] dodge to avoid being hit by s.t. moving swiftly. Idagi ang íyang tuu, Keep out of the way of his right hand.

idang n 1 title for a girl (dialectical). 2 bawdy house so called from a woman called Idang, who ran a notorious bawdy house before the war.

idar-idar v [B1245] be hard-pressed to keep up with lots of work. Nagkaidar-idar siyag sirbi sa mga bisita, She’s going crazy trying to serve all the visitors.

idibul n cooking oil. — úwil = idibul.

id-id v [A; c] rub oneself on s.t. Iid-id ang ímung bukubuku sa sandigánan, Rub your back against the chair.

idintipikasiyun n identification card.

idipisyu n building.

idisyun n edition.

iditing n editing.

iditur n editor. v [B6] become an editor.

idituryal n editorial. v [C] write an editorial.

idíya n idea. v [A12] get an idea. Ang mga [363]istudiyanti nakaidíya pagkinaugalingun, Students had the idea of cooking their own meals. 2 [a12] plan. Idiyáhun ta ni ug maáyu arun ta makaganansiya, Let’s plan it well so that we can make a profit.

idiyuluhíya n ideology.

idlas a 1 shy, wary of being approached. 2 elusive, hard to catch. v [B] 1 become wary. Nangidlas ang mga manuk sa ímung tinuntu, The chickens have lost their tameness because of your foolishness. 2 become elusive. Miidlas si Husipína human mangútang, Josephine became hard to find after she borrowed money. Ang kadaúgan mau rag miidlas kaníya, Victory seemed to elude him.

idlut (from dulut) a 1 piercing, having a sharp point. Idlut nga tunuk ang gipakurúna ni Hisus, Jesus was crowned with sharp thorns. 2 biting, hurtful. Gipadungug kug mga púlung nga maidlut, They upbraided me with biting words. v [a] be, become piercing. pina- a make sharp, painful. Pinaidlut nga kusì, A painful pinch.

idru n airplane. — nga báyut light plane. v [A13; ac] go, bring by airplane. idruidru n children’s game of hopscotch played with lines drawn in the shape of an airplane.

idruhína n hydrogen. v [c] fill with hydrogen.

idruplánu = idru.

ids n edge ball, the situation in which the pingpong ball hits the edge of the table, flying off at an angle. v [B1256] be an edge ball.

idukar v [AP; a] 1 educate. Idukahun sa gubyirnu ang mga wáy alámag, The government will educate the illiterates. 2 cause s.o. to become sophisticated. Ang mga parti muidukar (mupaidukar) nímu, Parties can make you sophisticated. idukáda = idukádu (female). idukádu a 1 educated, sophisticated. Idukádu siya kay swítu sa bag-ung urug, She is sophisticated, because she is right up to date. 2 educated, well-mannered. Idukádu siya kay mangáyug katahúran, He is educated because he greets you. v [B12] become educated. idukadur n educator. v [B16; a] be an educator. idukasyun n education.

idukasya n k.o. ornamental arum: Anthurium crystallinum.

idulu n idol. v [A3; a12] idolize. Daghan ang miidulu ni Núbu Búnu, Many people idolize Novo Bono.

idung = dúdung.

idyaidya (from íya—humorous.) Short for idyaidya ahùáhù, so called from the Bohol pronunciation of íya ‘his’ and ákù ‘mine’. a paying close attention to what belongs to one and making sure that no one else gets benefit from it. Ang ákung bag-ung bayaw idyaidya kaáyug batásan, My new sister-in-law watches what belongs to her very closely. v [A; b(1)] put great importance to one’s own things and make sure no one else gets benefit from them. Dì mi makaidyaidya sa amù kay kumunal ang tanang butang gawas sa tutbras, We don’t pay attention to who owns what in our family because we own everything in common except our toothbrushes. — ahùáhù 1 what’s his is his and what’s mine is mine, i.e. = idyaidya.

idyap a 1 brisk and lively in motion. 2 trim and smart in dressing. v 1 [B1; c1] for one’s gait to be brisk and lively. Muidyap ang linaktan basta maghayhil, If you wear high heels you have to walk smart and briskly. 2 [B1456] be trim and smart in dressing. Mag-idyap giyud ang mga asáwa arun dílì hibyaan sa mga bána, Wives should keep themselves trim and smart so that their husbands won’t leave them.

idyaw = ayaw (dialectical).

idyuk = ibyuk.

idyukisyun n teacher training course.

idyus = ibyus.

ig-1 1 prefix, alternant of the future and subjunctive nonpotential instrumental prefix i-1, used with some verb bases referring to mutual actions referring to the person with whom the action is done. Dúgayng wà ku siya igkítà, I haven’t met him for a long time. 1a prefix used in Biblical language with certain roots as an alternant of i-1 in all of its meanings. Birhin Maríya, ig-ampù mu kami, Virgin Mary, pray for us. 2 affix added to roots referring to relationship, referring the person with whom one is in that relationship. Igsúun, One’s sibling. Ig-ágaw, One’s cousin. Dílì ku siya igláin, I am related to him.

ig-2 = inig-.

ígad v [A; ac] brush against s.t. or stroke s.t., usually said of pigs. Miígad ang bábuy sa halígi, The pig rubbed against the post. Igárun ku ang tiyan sa bábuy, I will stroke the pig’s stomach.

ig-ágaw see agaw.

igaiga, igà igà v [A; b6] for a pig to make a low grunting sound. Ang anay nga magpatútuy mag-igaiga, A sow feeding its young makes a low grunting sound.

ígang a warm air or a body. Ígang pa ang láwas sa patay, The body is still warm. n = ka-. v [B2; b6] warm. Miígang (naígang) ang kwartu pagsúd sa daghang táwu, It got warm in the room with all the people. (→) v [364][a4] feel warm. ka- n warmth.

igat a 1 flirtatious, lacking in feminine modesty. Igat ang íyang tinan-awan ngadtu sa gwápung láki, She gave a flirtatious look at the handsome man. 2 snobbish. Igat siya kay dílì makigsáyaw ug pubri, She is stuck up because she won’t dance with a poor person. v [BN; a] 1 be a flirt. Muigat (maigat, muígat) ang ímung nawung ug palabihan nímug mik-ap, Your face will look meretricious if you put on too much make-up. 2 act snobbish. -in- 1 in a flirtatious or snobbish manner. -un a given to immodest behavior.

igbaw n 1 at the top of s.t. Sa igbaw sa káhuy, At the top of the tree. Sa igbaw sa lamísa, On top of the table. 2 upstairs. Túa sa igbaw ang ákung kwartu, My room is upstairs. 3 uplands, mountains.

igbítir n eggbeater.

igdal v [B; c1] protrude to form a sharp outline. Nag-igdal nga gamut, A root sticking out of the ground. -un(→) a protruding.

igham v [AN; b6] clear the throat. Miigham (nangigham) siya arun pagdápit sa ákung pagtagad, He cleared his throat in order to attract my attention. n sound or action of clearing the throat.

ígi1 v [AN; b] drive s.o. away from the place he is staying. Mangígi bísan ug kaugalíngung anak, He would drive even his own son out. Kun dílì mu makabayad sa ábang karung buwána, igíhan mu na nákù, If you don’t pay the rent this month, I will evict you. igihan a fond of driving people out.

*ígi2 paN- v [A2; b3c5] 1 for a person to feel bad because s.o. else is shown more affection than he is, especially by being given s.t. which he did not receive. Nangígi ang manghud kay ang magúlang ray gihatágan, The younger brother is jealous because he wasn’t given any but his older brother was. 2 be jealously possessive of s.o. Nangígi ang amahan sa dihang gipangulitawhan ang íyang anak, The father grew intensely possessive because s.o. was courting his daughter. igihan a possessively jealous. Igihan ang ákung irù. Bisag kinsay mudúul nákù manuyù, My dog is intensely possessive. He gets angry if anyone comes near me.

ig-ig v [A; c1] shake grains or s.t. similar back and forth to separate the fine and the coarse particles or separate impurities. Ig-íga (iig-ig) ring ákung linubuk, Shake out this pounded grain for me.

igíik v [B235; c] creak, squeak, squeal. Miigíik ang sira kay tayaun, The door creaked because it was rusty. Nag-igiik ang bábuy, The pig is squealing. n high-pitched creaking, squeaking, or squealing sound.

ígik v [A2S; b3] for pigs to squeal. Miígik ang bábuy kay wà hilawgi, The pig squealed because no one had fed it yet. n squealing of a pig.

igip v [A3; a12] take pains to get s.t. not worth going after. Dúgay silang manira kay nag-igip sa pila ka sintábus nga hálin, They close up shop late because they don’t want to miss out on the few pennies they can make by staying open late.

ígit v 1 [A13S; a4c] have a watery diarrhea. Nakaigit ku, ábi kug utut lang tu, I thought I was just going to break wind, but I actually had a watery bowel movement. Giígit (nag-ígit) ku kay wà kahilísi, I have diarrhea because I have indigestion. 2 [A123S] do s.t. physical with difficulty. Makaigit man lang ta sa kabug-at niíni, We’re going to have a rough time (literally, defecate water) lifting this thing. (→) n 1 soft feces. 2 stick-in-the-mud. Igit kaáyu nà siya uy. Dì mukúyug nákù sa parti, She is a stick-in-the-mud. She won’t go to the party with me. 3 — ra insignificant, nothing as compared with. Igit ra ka níyang mutayip, You’re nothing (lit. watery feces) compared to her when it comes to typing. 3a expression of derision or contempt. Ábi níyag mahaylu ku sa íyang awtu. Igit! He thought I would be lured by his car. Shoot! Igít, wà na pud kaigù, You’re full of it! You missed again. kaigit-igit v [A13] have extreme difficulty with s.t. Nagkaigit-igit mi adtung iksamína, We had a hell of a time with that exam.

igka- 1 = inigka-. 2 alternant of the future and subjunctive inflectional affix ika-, added to the same verbs to which ig-1 is added (meaning 1). Wà ku siya igkakítà, I didn’t happen to meet him.

igkam = igtam.

igking v [B236; b3] jerk with a start, be taken aback. Miigking (naigking) siya sa dihang nahikapan ang íya samput, She was startled when s.o. touched her buttocks.

ig-l- affix added to verb bases to form nouns which are parallel in meaning to the instrumental passive verb affix (i-1). 1 thing to be conveyed, brought, etc. Mau kini ang mga saput nga ighalatag sa mga pubri, These are the clothes to be given to the poor people. 1a thing to be asked, said, etc. Dúna tà kuy igpalangutana, apan natubag na man, I had some questions to ask, but you answered them already. 2 thing to be used for. Sinínang igtalarabahu, Working dress. Igbalátil sa itlug, Eggbeater. 3 time to do s.t. Taknang [365]igpalahúlay, The siesta hour. 3a being good, bad, hot, etc. to [do]. Ig-aladtu giyud ning ákung ginháwa, I felt very much like going.

iglisya n 1a Christian Church as a whole. Sa katapúsan mubarug nga madaúgun ang Iglisya, In the end, the Church will stand triumphant. 1b local church or congregation. Mga pruyiktu sa átung iglisya, Our church’s projects. 2 a member of the Iglisya ni Kristu, a religious sect. — ni Kristu n a religious sect or member thereof. v [b16] become a member of the Iglesia ni Cristo. — Pilipína n the Philippine Independent Church (Aglipayans), or a member thereof.

igmat a alert: being able to move rapidly, readily noticing things. Way musipyat sa igmat níyang mata, Nothing can escape his alert eyes. Igmat siyang milihay, He ducked cleverly. v [B; c1] 1 be rapid in one’s motions, alert with the eyes. 2 be alert to what is happening. Igmáta ang inyung mga mata sa mapait nga katinuúran, Open your eyes to grim reality. 3 [b2] be outsmarted. Naigmatan ku sa múrus, I was defrauded by the Muslim peddler. paN- v [A2; c] defraud. Ubang matansíru kusug mangigmat sa timbangan, Some butchers cheat on the weight. n defrauding.

ignu v [A; b] take good care of s.t. to save it from damage or dirt. Dì siya mag-ignu sa íyang sinínà kay dì man siyay manglaba, He does not try to keep his clothes clean because he doesn’t do the washing. Ug dì nímu ignúhan ang ímung láwas, maamin ka giyud, If you don’t take care of yourself, you’ll end up in the grave.

ignúdul n egg noodles. v [A] cook egg noodles.

ignurámus = ignuranti, a 1.

ignuranti a 1 ignorant, uneducated. Ignuranti siya. Way kabangkaágan, She is completely uneducated. She has no education. 2 ignorant of, unfamiliar with. Ignuranti ku sa mga dálan dinhi, I am unfamiliar with the streets here. v 1 [B12; b6] be ignorant. 2 [a12] put s.t. over on one. Ignurantíhun man ku nímu nga nakabasa man ku niánà, Don’t fool me. I read that myself. paka- v [A12; a12] treat as, consider ignorant.

ignuy a euphemism for ignuranti.

igput v [B23; b3] be severely startled, jump back with surprise. Miigput (naigput) ku sa dihang may mibutu sa ákung luyu, I was startled at the explosion in back of me. igput-igput v [A3; c1] hop up and down. Nag-igput-igput ang mga bátà nga naglumbà sa sáku, The children were hopping up and down in the sack race.

ig-r- = ig-l-.

igsaktu = iksaktu.

igsirsáyis = iksirsáyis.

igsù n 1 children of one’s godparents (sponsors at wedding or baptism). Ákù siyang igsù kay nínung nákù ang íya amahan, He is my god-brother because his father is my godfather. 2 term of address for one’s god-brother or sister. 2a term of address commonly used between Muslim traders and Christians. v [B126; c] be, become god-brothers or sisters.

igsúun see súun.

igtam v [B] be wary after having experienced s.t. bad. Kun mamatyan ang ilagà dihà, muigtam sila pag-anhà, If any mouse gets killed in that place, the others will be wary of going there.

ígù a 1 enough, big enough. Ígù ba ang sapátus nímu? Are the shoes big enough for you? Ígù na ning kwarta nákù, This money is just the right amount for me. — na man more than enough. Ígù na man ang ímung pamalíbad, You’ve refused too often. 2 [dat.] serves [dat.] right. Ígù kanímu ang nahitabù kay balasúbas man ka, What happened serves you right because you are a wicked man. 3 — ra, lang can do more than. Ang mga dinaugdáug nga kabus ígù lang manghupaw (sa pagpanghupaw), All the poor folks who are abused can do is sigh. 4 — nga just in time. Ígù giyung natápus ang lubung pag-abut níya, He arrived just as the funeral was about to end. v 1 [B2P; c1P] be, become sufficient, be big enough. Muígù (mupaígù) kahà ning pagkáun nga daghan ra bag bisíta? Will this food be enough since we have so many visitors? Iígù (igúa) ug tahì ang sinínà kaníya, Sew the shirt big enough for him. 2 [B] fit into s.t. Dílì tang tanan muígù (maígù) sa dyip, We won’t all fit into the jeep. 3 [c1] make s.t. come at the right moment. Igúa (iígù) giyud ang pagguwà sa lamì nga magkadúngan giyud mu, Time your orgasm so you both come at the same time. 4 [A13C; b3(1)] decide on s.t. Ikaw lay mag-ígù ug muadtu ta, You decide if we go. 4a [C3; c3] agree in ideas or tastes. Nagkaígù sila dáyun, They hit it off instantly. (→) a 1 for a mark to be hit, be just the right thing. Igù ba ang buls-ay? Did he hit the bull’s-eye? Igù ba ang tambal? Did the medicine hit the nail on the head? 2 be drunk. Igù ku gabíi, I was drunk last night. v 1 [A; ab2] hit a mark. Wà makaigù ang tambal nga girisíta sa duktur, The medicine the doctor prescribed was not the right [366]one. Hiig-an ang íyang nawung sa síga sa ispat, The rays of my flashlight hit his face. 1a make a point in a game where one aims at s.t. Nakaigù na si Pidrug daghan, Pedro has already made many points. 1b [a1c] aim s.t. in a certain direction of. Giigù ni Magalyánis ang kasadpan, Magellan aimed in a westward direction. Iigù ang sakayan sa nurti, Head the boat northwards. 1c [A2; a2b4(1)] win a prize in a lottery or the like. Miigù ang íya tíkit sa rípa, His ticket won a prize in the raffle. Nakaigù siya sa karíra, He won at the races. 1d [A2; a2b4(1)] for a business venture to turn out very successful. Unsay ímung naig-an nga daghan kag kwarta? What did you make a killing in, since you have so much money? 1e [A3N; a2b2] allude unpleasantly. Aku ang giigù sa insultu, I was the one alluded to by the insult. 1f [AN2; bc] swindle (slang). Anak ra níya ang miigù kaníya, It was her own son that swindled her. 1g [a3b2] have lost one’s virginity. Ngánung gipangasáwa man níya nang bayhána nga naigù na man nà? Why did he marry that girl when she is no longer a virgin (lit. has been hit)? 2 [B12] get drunk. Naigù tingáli nà sa tubà, I’ll bet that man is drunk from the palm toddy. n 1 good shot that hit the mark, points in a game. 2 part of the body which was hit. Midugù ang igù sa baksir, The boxer bled in the place he was hit. pa- 1 = ígù, a1, v1, 2. v 3 [A12] make s.t. last. Díay singku písus. Paigúa ni sa átung kumpra, Here’s five pesos. Make it do for the shopping. pahi-/paha- v [A1; c1] make s.t. coincide in time with some other time. Pahaigúa (ipahaígù) ang paglútù nga alas dúsi andam na ang tanan, Time your cooking so that everything will be ready at twelve. hiN- a crack shot. ka-an n 1 sufficiency. Dipindi sa kaigúan sa ibidinsiya, It depends on the sufficiency of the evidence. 2 agreement reached. Tumánun giyud ang kaigúan, The agreement should be carried out. panígù n the piece used in certain games to hit other pieces, e.g., a marble in shooting marbles. v [A; c1] use s.t. as a panígù.

Igurut n Igorot, name given to the natives of the Mountain Province, Luzon. †

ígut1 v [A; c1] creak. Miígut ang kawáyang sawug pagsulud sa kawatan, The bamboo floor creaked when the thief entered. Kasab-an ka sa maistra ug ímu nà iígut (igútun) ang bangkù, Your teacher will scold you if you let your chair creak. pa- v [A; c] reveal s.t. slowly, little at a time, to create suspense. Gipaígut níya ang íyang baráha, He looked at his hand slowly (lit. let the cards creak). Ayaw siya tug-ánig diritsu. Ipaígut úsà ang sikrítu, Don’t tell her right off. Let out the secret a bit at a time.

ígut2 v [A; b] scrape s.t. by rubbing a knife which has been fixed into s.t. immovable up and down against it. Igúti ang kasing. Lisud sapsápan kay lisud kaptan, Chip off the top with a fixed knife. It’s hard to whittle because you can’t hold it easily.

igut-igut n the area on the inside of the cheeks of the rump.

igwad a having protruding buttocks. Igwad siyag lubut, She has a big ass. v [BN] have prominent buttocks, stick out the buttocks. Naigù ang ákung itlug, nangigwad man gud nang tawhána, The man hit me in the testicles with his rump. igwad-igwad v [A; c1] move in a wavy, rolling motion with the rump going up and down, wiggle the buttocks. Ang íyang sakayan nag-igwad-igwad nga naglutaw sa dagkung balud, His boat tossed up and down riding on the huge waves. Nindut kaáyu siyang tan-áwun nga nag-igwad-igwad samtang nagsáyaw, She is beautiful to watch, wiggling her buttocks as she dances. -in- n action of wiggling the buttocks.

igwális a 1 equal in score. Igwális tag puntus, We tied. 2 giving exactly the same result. Tintà ug úling igwális ang buling, Whether it is ink or charcoal, it’s all the same—dirty. v 1 [B; a12] for a score to become tied. 2 [A12] manage to tie s.o. Kun makaigwális lang kita karun dì ta malayug biyà, If we manage to make it a tie, we won’t be so far behind.

igwit a coquette, flirt. v [AN] flirt around. Nangigwit man, dì gipaburusan, She was a flirt, so she got herself pregnant. -ira = igwit, a.

íha term of address for one’s daughter, or anyone young enough to be his daughter. — dibastarda = íhu dibastardu (female).

iháda = ihádu (female).

ihádu n godson in baptism or confirmation. v [B126; a12] be, become one’s godson.

ihálas a 1 of the jungle. Bábuyng ihálas, Wild pigs. Palíyang ihálas, Wild ampalaya. 2 ignorant. Ihálas pa man siya sa syudad, She is ignorant of the city. She doesn’t know the city well yet. v 1 [B2] become wild, ignorant. 2 [A; a12] take for an ignorant person. Wà giyuy muihálas nímu dinhi sa syudad ug ispúting ka pirmi, Nobody will take you for an ignorant person in the city if you always dress up. Ihása ku, tits, (Don’t) take me for a fool, buddy. -un a of the [367]wild, ignorant type.

ihap v [AC; a] count. Makaihap siya hangtud sa usa ka gatus, He can count to a hundred. Nag-íhap ang duha ka sugarul sa daug nga ílang gibakásan kay nakig-íhap man ang usa, The two gamblers are counting the winnings of the money they had put in together because one insisted on counting it. Ipha (ihapa) kun hustu ba ang gidaghanun, Count it to see if it is enough. Maihap ang ímung mga adlaw, bastus, Your days are numbered, you s.o.b. — sa lákang walk slowly. Mipaúlì siyang nag-ihap sa lákang, He went home slowly. — sa tudlù be few in number. n 1 count, action of counting. Nagkalahì ang ámung ihap, His count came out different from mine. 2 things counted in preparing s.t. for a number of people. Mikaun ang bisíta bísag way lábut sa ihap, The visitor ate with them even if he hadn’t been counted for when they were preparing. (←) intense counting, canvassing. Inigkahuman sa iliksiyun sugdan dáyun ang íhap, Right after the voting the canvassing of ballots will take place. †

ihás = ihálas.

íhaw1 v [A3S; a] 1 slaughter an animal for food. Iháwa ang manuk karun, Slaughter the chicken now. 2 murder a person with a knife. Ayawg súkul ánang tigas, nakaíhaw (nakaihaw) na bayà nag táwu, Don’t pick a fight with that thug. He has already killed a man. 3 beat badly. Giíhaw mi sa ílang tím, We were slaughtered by their team. 3 abuse a woman sexually. Dad-un nátù siya sa util ug adtu nátù siya iháwa, Let’s take her to a hotel and abuse her there. -anan n 1 slaughterhouse. 2 house that women are taken to for sexual intercourse. maN-r-(→) n butcher. paN- n butchering animals as an occupation.

íhaw2 v [A; a] broil. Mag-íhaw tag bangus, We will broil some milkfish. -in- n broiled food.

iháyup (from háyup) v [AB12; a12] tame. Ang kawbuy nag-iháyup ug kabáyung ihás, The cowboy is breaking in a wild horse.

ihi 1 expression of surprise: so, is that so! Ihi, náa ka diay dihà, So, there you are. Ihi, aku diay sugúun, Is that so! You’re going to give me orders, are you? 2 expression of warning. Ihi, paghinayhínay, Watch out, better go slow.

íhi n axle, rod which holds a wheel which turns. Íhi sa rilu, Crown stem of a watch. Íhi sa manubíla, Steering column, the part holding the steering wheel.

íhì n urine. — ug irù k.o. toadstool, dirty white in color, about 2½″ tall with a flat top about 2″ in diameter. v [A3S; c] 1 urinate. Nakaihì ang bátà sa karsúnis, The child wet his pants. 2 [A123P; a4] have too frequent urination. Giíhì mi pagininum ug sirbísa, We kept having to urinate because we drank so much beer. paN- v [A13] urinate. Adtu ta sa gawas mangíhì, Let’s go outside to urinate. ihìihì v [A13] 1 urinate too often. 2 for a woman to get all wet from heavy petting (slang, euphemism). Nag-ihìihì ang ákung uyab dihang ákung gikulkug, My girl got wet because I got my finger into her. ka-un(→), kahid-un a feel like urinating. pala-(→) a urinating frequently. †

ihid1 n 1 the smallest in a litter. Ang ihid nga baktin giumbáwan sa íyang mga igsúun, The runt in the litter was much smaller than his brothers and sisters. 2 youngest or smallest in a group. Sa mga bátà sa kasilingánan si Dyániy ihid, Johnny is the smallest kid in the neighborhood. v [B1] be small for one’s age, stunted in growth.

ihid2 v [A; bc] go or bring s.t. away unnoticed. Giihiran námù ang míting, We sneaked away from the meeting. Iihid ning úlu sa inasal ngadtu sa gawas, Bring this head of the roasted pig stealthily outside.

ihikutíbu n executive.

ihim the sound of clearing the throat 1 exclamation calling attention. Arun mulíngì ang babáyi, ang laláki muingun ‘ihim!’ The man says ‘ehem’ to make the woman turn to look at him. 2 exclamation expressing satisfaction after eating. n sweetheart (humorous). Gimingaw ka sa ímung ihim, nu? You miss your sweetheart, don’t you?

ihimplu n 1 example, model. 2 a part of the novena which is optionally read after the supplicatory prayers just before the gúsus and gives a proof of the power of the saint. v [A; c] give, make an example. Ihimplúhan ta ka, I will give you an example. pur — for example.

Ihiptu n Egypt.

ihirsisyu1 n exercise, training. v [A; c1] 1 exercise. Iihirsisyu (ihirsisyúun) sa pulyuhun ang íyang tiil, The polio victim exercises his feet. 2 [A; a] practice, train. Nag-ihirsisyu sila unsáun paglanguy, They are practicing swimming. Ihirsisyúha pag-áyu ang ímung parti, Learn your part well.

ihirsisyu2 n spiritual retreat. v [A] hold a spiritual retreat. paN- v [A2] attend a spiritual retreat.

ihirsitu n one’s own children. Nag-alinupung ang ákung mga ihirsitu, My children come one next to the other. -s = ihirsitu (plural). [368]

íhu1 term of address for son or s.o. whom one considers his son. — dibastardu illegitimate child. — dipúta mother-fucker, a vulgar appellation for a person at whom one is very angry. Gisúnug sa íhu dipúta ang ákung karsúnis, The mother-fucker burnt my pants.

íhu2 n shark.

ihud-ihud v [B56] for children or young animals to differ in height by small intervals, be like stairs when lined up. Mag-ihud-ihud giyud ang inyung mga anak ug dílì mu magbirt kuntrul, Your children will be like steps lined up if you don’t practice birth control.

íhuy (from íhu) n Mr. Shark (personalized appellation in stories). Paláwum arun kan-un kang Mánuy Íhuy, Go to the deep so Mr. Shark can eat you.

ii 1 particle showing disbelief. Ii! Tinúud kahà run, Aha! Can that be right? 2 = i2, 1.

ì ì n child’s word for urine. v [A; b(1)] urinate. Gustu kang muì ì? You want to make wee-wee?

iítu = ítu.

ík v 1 [A2] get what one wants to say out. Ug dì ka muík dílì ka makabungat sa ímung túyù, If you don’t get it out, you can’t let her know why you came here. 2 [A12] dílì, walà — not stand a chance in a game. Sa baskit bul ang mugbù dì giyud makaík kun kuntráhag dagkù, In basketball, short players don’t stand a chance against tall players.

ika- 1 inflectional affix, the potential future and subjunctive of the instrumental passive. See i-1. 2 affix forming ordinal numbers. The ordinal is linked to a noun with which it is in construction by nga or, alternatively, but less frequently, with ka. Ikaduha nga (ka) táwu, The second man. Ikapila man ni ninyung (ninyu ka) anak? This makes how many children for you?

íkag v 1 [B12; c] become concerned, worried. Makaíkag ang ímung kahimtang, Your situation worries me. 2 [B12; ac] inspire interest in s.t. Kinsay nag-íkag nímug tuug sista, Who interested you in learning how to play the guitar? Wà ku maíkag sa madiyung, I have no interest in mahjong. 3 [B1256; b8] like s.t. with the thought of possessing it or becoming like it. Naíkag siyang Kulas, She has a crush on Kolas. Naíkag siya sa ákung bisiklíta, He liked my bicycle. ma-un a enthusiastic, filled with interest.

íkat v [A13B; a12] for the threads of cloth to be displaced when one of the threads is pulled, cause cloth to get such a defect. Ug muíkat (maíkat) nang panaptun, dì na maáyung sinináun, If the cloth has a defect, it is no good to use for a dress. Kinsa may nag-íkat sa ákung panaptun? Who pulled the threads in this cloth?

ikaw you (singular). Ikaw ang ákung túyù, You are the one I want to see. — karun, kini, bayà oh you! (You’re so foolish, terrible, bad). Ikaw giyud kini. Dalì ra giyung maílad, Oh you! It’s so easy to cheat you! — lang 1 you be the one. Ikaw lay báyad, You pay. 2 it’s up to you. Ug gustu kang mubáyad, ikaw lang, If you want to pay, it’s up to you. 2a it’s up to you, don’t say I didn’t warn you. Ug hilabtan nà nímu ikaw lang, If you touch that don’t say I didn’t warn you. — ra = lang, 2, 2a. ka short for ikaw used in constructions requiring the nom. except the predicate. Kumusta ka? How are you? Mau ka ba giyud? Is that the way you are? nímu 1 gen. form. Si Máma nímu túa sa simbahan, Your mother is in the church. ábi — 1 you know. Ábi nímu, si Saning maáyung muáwit, You know, Saning sings beautifully. 2 ábi — ug so you presumed. Ábi nímu búang ku, Do you think I’m an idiot? 2 short for kanímu. mu short for nímu. kanímu dat. form. Álang ni kanímu, This is for you. Way nakagustu kanímu, Nobody likes you. Ay, purbída kanímu, Oh my! Ay, kanímu Tasyǔ! Mag-unsa ka man lang ug wà na ku! Oh my, Tasio! What will you do when I’m gone! ímu 1 preposed gen. Ang ímung kabáyù, Your horse. Ímu bang ihátag? Are you giving it away? 2 yours, the one belonging to you. Ákù ni, ímu nà, This belongs to me. That one is yours. Unsa may — kang [so-and-so], What do you have against [so-and-so]? — na you may have [subject]. Ímu na ni, You may have this one. pag-[verb] ug — do [verb] by oneself. Pagkaun lag ímu, ayaw kug tawagtawága ug panihápun, Just eat by yourself. Don’t call me to supper. [noun] pay — My what a [noun]! Bat-ang pay ímu nga makalíbat, Her hips can make you cross-eyed. (Lit. If you want the hips, too (to see), they’ll make you cross-eyed.) v [a12] be, become yours. Maímu ni ug magbinuutan ka, This will be yours if you behave. Imúhun lang diay nang tanang kindi? So you want to have all the candy to yourself? imúha = ímu. imuímu all by yourself, yours alone. — lang of your own creation. Imuímu man lang ning minugnà, You just made this up. Imuímu nang ímung gidangátan. Wà kay kapasanginlan, What happened to you is your own doing. You have no one to blame but yourself. v [A; a12] do s.t. all by yourself. [369]Muimuímu ka man lag káun dihà nga walay pulupanampit, You eat all by yourself without inviting anyone to join you. tikaw, tika, ta ka, ka nákù, ku ikaw I did [verb] to you, you are my [noun]. Amígu ta ka (tikaw, tika, ka nákù, ku ikaw), You are my friend. Patyun ta ka (tikaw, etc.), I will kill you.

ikgam = igtam.

ikging = igking.

ikibáli n equivalent. Ang tulu ka tiil ikibáli ug usa ka yarda, Three feet is equivalent to one yard.

ikid v 1 [A; a12] jump over s.t. or up in the air. Ikdun (ikirun) ku ang kural, I’ll jump over the fence. 2 [A; c1] stand on one’s tiptoes to reach s.t. Mutúpung ka nákù ug iikid (ikirun) mu ang ímung tiil, You will be as tall as I am if you stand on your tiptoes. 3 [A; ac] run fast, gallop. Miikid siya pagkakità sa latigu nga gibitbit sa inahan, She ran away fast when she saw the whip in her mother’s hand. Ikda si Papa nímu, Run after your father. Iikid ni sa íla, Run bring this to their house. ikid-ikid v [A; c1] walk a distance in a hurried pace.

ikid-íkid1 n name of a children’s game in which they see who can jump farthest.

ikid-íkid2 v [APB3(1)6; c1] for the hips to sway from side to side in walking. Nagpaibug giyug maáyu nang babayhána nga nag-ikid-íkid (nagpaikid-íkid) sa íyang samput, That woman is swinging her hips to attract their attention. Muikid-íkid ang íyang samput iglakaw niya, Her hips sway when she walks.

ik-ik1 v [B; c1] for the upper lip to be drawn up. Giik-ik sa irù ang íyang ngábil ug mingúb, The dog exposed his fangs and snarled.

ik-ik2 v [A] squeak like a mouse. Munyíka nga muik-ik, A doll that squeaks. n squeak of mice. Ik-ik sa ílagà, The squeaking of the mouse.

ik-ik3 n the isti piece of mahjong.

ikipáhi n luggage.

ikípu n equipment, tools.

íkis n letter X. a zigzagging, winding. Ang dálan paingun sa Bagyu íkis, The road leading to Baguio is winding. v [B; c1] be, become, make zigzag. Dì ka ig-un sa pusil ug ikísun (iíkis) nímu ang ímung dinaganan, You won’t be hit if you run zigzag.

íkit a close together, usually people. v [A2C1; ac] be close to each other. Nag-íkit silag katúlug, They slept close to each other. Ayaw siya ikta (iíkit) ug bayli, Don’t dance close to her. Ikítun nátù ug butang ang mga síya, Let’s put the chairs close together. ikit-íkit v [A; ab6] stay around close to s.o. else. Dúna gánì pangayúun muikit-íkit (mag-ikit-íkit) dáyun nátù, If there is s.t. he wants to ask for, he will hang around you all the time.

iklas n first grader. Kadakù na nímu unyà iklas pa gihápun ka? How big you are, yet you are still in the first grade! v [B56; b6] be a first grader.

iklipsi = iskalipsi.

iklisyastiku a ecclesiastical.

ikmat = igmat.

iknat v [B; c1] 1 raise the eyebrows. Miiknat (naiknat) ang kílay sa táwu tungud sa túmang kahibū́ng, The man raised his eyebrows in bewilderment. 2 = ínat. 3 [BN; c1] stitch wrinkles into a piece of cloth. Ayawg iknáta (iiknat) pagtahì ang panaptun, Don’t stitch the cloth in such a way that it becomes wrinkled. a stitched with wrinkles.

iks n 1 one’s ex-boy friend or girl friend. Wà na tagda si Níta sa íya iks, Nita’s ex- (boy friend) no longer cares for her. 2 ex-, former. Iks kambik (kanbik, kumbik), Ex-convict. Iks prisidinti, Ex-president. Iks suldyir, Veteran, esp. of the old American soldiers who settled in the Philippines in the early 1900’s.

iksahiráda = iksahirádu (female).

iksahirádu a 1 over-demanding of oneself or others. Iksahirádu siyang nagpatiwas sa íyang báy, He demanded too much from the people who were finishing up work on his house. 2 doing s.t. to too great an extent. Iksahirádu siya sa íyang pamisti, He overdresses. Iksahirádu siya nga mugámit sa mantíkà, He uses much too much cooking oil. v [B; c1] overdo s.t.

iksaktu a 1 correct. Pulus iksaktu ang tubag níya, His answers were all correct. 2 be the right size, amount. Iksaktu giyud nákù ning sapátus, These shoes are just right for me. Iksaktu giyud ang pagkalútù sa isdà, The fish was cooked just the right amount of time. 3 just at [such-and-such a time]. Iksaktung alas utsu ang súgud sa prugráma, The program starts exactly at eight o’clock. Iksaktu na run ipaúlì, Now is just the time to go home. v [B3; c1] 1 be correct. 2 be just the right size, amount, degree. 3 be exactly on time.

iksǎm = iksámin, n, v1.

iksámin n exams in school. v [A; a] 1 give, take an exam. Kanang maistráha mauy muiksámin námù, That teacher is going to test us. Muiksámin ku ugmà, I’m going to have [370]an exam tomorrow. 2 give a physical examination. Iksamínun sa duktur ang ímung kasingkásing, The doctor will examine your heart.

iksaminádu n 1 eligible for the civil service by having passed the exams. 2 a woman who has acquired through experience without formal training a knowledge of assisting in childbirth, and is allowed to practice her trade after having passed some practical tests. v [B156; c1] be, become a midwife of this sort. a being very familiar with s.t. Iksaminádu aku niíning dalána, I am very familiar with this street.

iksaminadur n examiner.

iksaminisyun n examination. v [A1; b6] take an examination.

iksampul n example. v [A; c1] take as an example. Miiksampul siya ni Risal nga usa sa mga bantúgang bayáni, He cited Rizal as an example of a great hero. Kastigúhun tikaw kay iksampúlun (iiksampul) tikaw, I’m going to punish you to make an example of you.

iksibisiyun n 1 exhibition. 2 display. 3 certain hand in mahjong which one gets at the first deal and which is exhibited for extra payment. v [A; c] 1 exhibit s.t. in public. 2 show off one’s skill. Mitindug siya sa mutur nag-iksibisiyun kunúhay, nabanggà lagi, He was showing off driving his motorcycle while standing on it, so he crashed.

iksíbit n exhibit. v [A; b6(1)] exhibit, show s.t. or display.

iksihir v [A; a12] 1 force or oblige one to do s.t. Iksihirun ka giyud pagpaámut, You will be forced to contribute to it. 2 [A; a2] inquire, investigate to get complete information about s.t. Dì ka mag-iksihir sa kinabúhì sa uban, Do not pry into other people’s lives. Iksihia ug unsa giyuy nahitabù, Find out what really happened. 2a [A] be solicitous about s.o., care for. Dílì kaáyu siya muiksihir niánang mga batáa kay ábi dílì man íyang anak, She doesn’t concern herself about those children because they aren’t hers anyway. iksihídu a solicitous about s.o.’s needs and well-being. Iksihídu siyang pagkamaistra, mu rag tinúud inahan sa mga bátà, She is a solicitous teacher as if her pupils were her own children. v [B126] become solicitous about s.o.’s well-being.

iksilinti a excellent, perfectly done. Iksilinting pagkahímù íning lamisáha, This table was excellently made. v [A12; c1] get a mark of excellent in school.

iksilsiyur n excelsior, long fine wood shavings used as stuffing or as packing material.

iksíma n eczema.

iksimtid n exempted from some obligation. v [B12; c1] exempt, be exempted. Iksimtid ku sa píi, I’m exempted from Physical Ed.

iksirsáyis n 1 bodily exercise. 2 exercise in school. v [A; c1] engage in physical exercise.

iksit n exit. v [b8] exit, pass to an exit. -an n = iksit.

ikskiyus excuse me. Ikskiyus únà ha kay naghilak ang bátà, Excuse me for a moment because the baby is crying. n excuse. Nangáyù siyag ikskiyus sa maistra kay mugawas siya, He asked to be excused because he wants to go out. v [A; b6c(1)] excuse s.o. or oneself for being absent.

ikskambik see iks.

ikskursiyun n excursion. v [A3; b6(1)] go on an excursion. -ista n one who goes on an excursion.

ikspan v [B6; c1] expand the chest. Ayaw ikspána (iikspan) ímung dughan, Don’t expand your chest. -dir n expander, a chest muscle building device.

ikspidisyun n expedition. v [A1; b6] make an expedition. Mag-ikspidisyun sila ngadtu sa búlan, They will make an expedition to the moon. Wà pay nakaikspidisyun sa Mars, No one has made an expedition to Mars.

ikspild expelled from a school or organization. v [a12] get expelled. Maikspild ka unyà ug maghinúbug ka, You’ll get expelled if you get drunk all the time.

ikspirimin n experiment as a school problem.

ikspirimintu n experiment. v [A; c] conduct an experiment. Kanúnayng ikspirimintúhan ang ilagà, They always experiment on rats.

ikspirinsiya n experience, things one has lived through. v [A12] have experienced. Nakaikspirinsiya na ku sa kinabúhì sa dágat, I have experienced life on the sea. -du(←) a experienced. v [B12; b6] be experienced. Ikspirinsiyadu ku ánà, tits, Listen, buster, I know all about that.

ikspirmin = ikspirimin.

ikspirmintu = ikspirimintu.

ikspirtu a expert. Ikspirtung mangunguut, An expert pick-pocket. v [B1; b6] be an expert.

ikspiryinsádu, ikspiryinsyádu = ikspirinsiyádu. see ikspirinsiya.

iksplikar = isplikar.

iksplurasiyun n exploration for natural resources.

iksplusíbu n explosive.

ikspris n express bus, train, or the like. dawuntawun — jitneys with no fixed routes.

ikspurtadur n exporter. v [B156] be an exporter. [371]

ikspús v [A; c6] expose films.

ikspusisiyun n exposition.

iksri n x-ray. v [A; b] x-ray. pa- v [A; c] have s.o. x-ray one.

ikstin v 1 [A2; c1] extend the time allotted for s.t. or the size. Kining salidáha ikstínun (iikstin) giyud, This movie film will surely be extended. 1a put an extension on s.t. Ikstinan ang balay, The house will be added to. 2 [A; b(1)] extend assistance. Giikstinan kug tulu ka búlan nga salari lún, I was extended a three months’ loan on my salary.

ikstinsiyun n 1 extension of time, addition to a building. 2 branch, unit of an organization located apart from the main location of the organization. 3 extra telephone connected to the same line as the main line. 4 extra class section to accommodate an overflow enrollment. 4a teacher assigned to such a class. v [A; b6(1)] give, add an extension, make a branch or extra telephone, add on an extra class section. Dílì kaikstinsyunan ang ímung lún, kining baláya, kining iskuylahána, inyung tilipunu, kining klasíha, We cannot extend your loan, put an extension on your house, build a branch of this school, give you a telephone extension, put in an extra section to this class.

ikstiriyur n 1 exterior portion of s.t. 2 tire.

ikstra n 1 shorts in a movie. 2 bit player in a movie. 3 one who pinch-hits for s.o. on a blue-collar job. 4 s.t. extra which isn’t being used. Wà ka bay ikstrang papil dihà? Don’t you have any extra paper there you’re not using? v 1 [c] show shorts with a movie. 2 [A; a2] be an extra in a movie. 3 [A; b6] pinch-hit for s.o. in his absence. Muikstra ku sa mga draybir nga nasakit, I pinch-hit for drivers who are sick. 3a use s.t. belonging to s.o. while he is not using it (slang). Muikstra ku sa ímung bisiklíta ha? May I play with your bicycle? 4a [c] add s.t. extra. Ang púlu nga ákung gidá giikstráhan ug duha sa ákung asáwa, My wife added two extra shirts to the one I took with me.†

ikstriyul, ikstriyur = ikstiriyur.

iktarya n hectare. v [B256] be a hectare. Gamay ra ang íyang yútà. Wà ra muiktarya (maiktarya), The parcel of land he owns is very small. It hardly reaches a hectare.

iktin a having an up and down bouncing gait. Iktin kaáyug linakwan ang tagabúkid, The mountaineer bounces up and down when he walks. v 1 [B; c1] bounce up and down. 2 [A; b6] jump up and away slightly. Miiktin kug kalit pagkatunub nákù sa hálas, I jumped back quickly when I stepped on a snake. -in- v [c1] done in a bouncing way.

íku1 n echo chamber. v [B23(1)6] for a sound to echo in the echo chamber. pa- v [b5] make an echo effect in a song. Paikúhun (paikúhan) ang kanta sa kumbu, The songs of the combo are recorded with an echo.

íku2 (short for tagái ku) let me have some. Íku bi, Let me have some, please.

ikud v [A; b5] follow immediately behind s.o. Giikud (giikuran) siya kanúnay sa kapulisan kay mu ra man siyag kawatan, The police shadowed him constantly because he seemed to be a thief. ikud-íkud v [A; b] move around in a circle in a limited space. Pwirting nakaikud-íkud sa irù nga gikatlan sa lubut, The dog with an itchy rump is turning round and in discomfort.

íkud = íkug2.

íkug1 n 1 tail, or analogous structure. Midágan pinabahag ang íkug, He ran off with his tail between his legs. Ang íkug sa ayruplánu, The tail of the airplane. 2 penis (humorous). 3 train of a dress (in the traditional skirt [sáya], usually tucked in the front). v [A2; a] put a tail on. Giikúgan sa bátà ang yáwà nga íyang gidrúwing, The child put a tail on the devil he was drawing. ikug-íkug sa iring n k.o. ornamental bush bearing small flowers in dense purple, hanging spikes. ikug-ikug sa iring n k.o. ornamental aerial plant consisting of long branches with fine leaves resembling a cat’s tail. paN- v [A23; c6] put, be at the rear. Nangíkug siya sa lumbà, He was last in the race. Mauy nahimámat sa mga táwu ang nangíkug nga asu, The people noticed the smoke trailing behind the plane. paN-(→) n crupper, thing to hold the saddle in place. v [b6] put a crupper on. -an a devil, devilish (lit. the tailed one). Gisákit na pud ku íning bátang ikúgan, The little devil is bothering me again.

íkug2 v [B12; b3(1)c5] feel hesitant to approach s.o. for s.t., feel embarrassed to refuse. Maíkug ka bang mubalíbad? Are you embarrassed to refuse them? Wà ku mangasábà kay gikaikgan ku ang tigúwang sa píkas, I didn’t scold them because I was embarrassed to do so with the father right next door. Ngánung ikaíkug man nímu ang pagpatábang kanákù? Why are you embarrassed to turn to me for help? paN-(→) v [A13] be feeling embarrassed. Nagpangikug siyang misaka sa báy, He felt terribly embarrassed as he went into the house. ilikgan, ikgánun a easily feeling hesitation. ka- n feeling of shyness to ask or refuse a favor. [372]

kailikgan n person whom one hesitates to approach or refuse. Kailikgan ku nà siya kay bugtung igsúun sa ákung Máma, I can never turn him down, for he is my mother’s only brother. ma-un(←) a characterized by hesitation. Nangáyù siya sa maikúgung tíngug, He asked me in a shy voice.

ikunumika n economy, economics.

ikunumíya a economical. Ikunumíyang gamítun ang sabun nga dúgay mahílis, A soap which doesn’t easily dissolve is economical to use. v [A13; a12] 1 economize. Mag-ikunumíya ta sa átung pagkáun, Let us be economical with our food. Ikunumiyáha paggámit ang pumáda, Use the pomade economically. 2 [A13] masturbate (slang—from the idea of saving money by not hiring a prostitute).

íkus = íkut.

íkut v [A2; b(1)] for animals that leave their stingers to sting. Ayawg samúka nang lampínig kay ikútan ka, Don’t disturb the yellowjackets because they will sting you. (→) n stinger. iniktan n place stung.

ikut-íkut = ikit-íkit. see íkit.

ikwadur n equator.

ikyas v [A2; b6] slip away, get away after planning to do so. Miikyas ku sa báy kay daghang buhatun,- I slipped out of the house because there was a lot of chores to do. Nakaikyas ang prísu, The prisoner escaped.

ikyut = ukyut.

ila1 v 1 [A; a12b2] identify, distinguish which is which. Ang tistígus mauy nag-ila kinsa ang sad-an, The witness identified the culprit. Lisud ilhun kung babáyi u laláki ba kanang taas ug buhuk. Dílì giyud maila (mailhan), It’s hard to tell if it’s a boy or girl when they have long hair. You can’t tell. 2 [A12; a3b2] recognize who a person is. Wà ku siya maila (hiilhi) sa ngitngit, I did not recognize him in the dark. 3 [A12; b(1)] know a person. Nakaila aku kaníya, I know him. 4 [A3; a12b2] acknowledge, consider s.o. as s.t. Walà sila muila sa íyang kinaadman, They did not recognize his wisdom. Siya ang giilang hárì sa mga matun, He is the acknowledged king of the thugs. 4a [A23; a12] acknowledge s.o. as arousing fear or awe. Wà siyay giilang táwu, He’s afraid of no one. 4b — ug Ginúu call on God’s help when one is in distress. Makaila ka ug Ginúu ug náa ka sa kalisud, You will call on God when you are in trouble. 5 [A12] experience, taste. Paminyúa lag sayu arun makailag unsay kalisud, Let them marry young so they can experience hardship. n birthmark. pa- v [A; ac] 1 make s.t. known, introduce oneself as s.o. Wà siya magpaila nga anak sa hárì, He did not let it be known that he was the king’s son. Ipaila ku kanímu ang tinúud, I’ll make the truth known. 2 indicate. Ang kusug nga ulan usáhay nagpaila nga dúnay bagyu, Heavy rain sometimes indicates that there is a storm. ilaíla v [A2C; acP] introduce, get acquainted. Nakig-ilaíla siya sa mga lídir sa pulitika, He introduced himself to the political leaders. Ilailáha ang ákung kasáring, Meet my classmate. Iilaíla (ipailaíla) aku ánang ímung kúyug, Introduce me to your companion. pailaíla v [A; ac] introduce s.o. to s.o. else. Pailailáha sila, Let them get acquainted with each other. ka-(←) n acquaintance. v [C; c5] become acquainted with one or more persons. Didtu sila magkaíla sa barku, They became friends on the boat. Gikaíla ku siya sa barku, I made his acquaintance on the boat. ilhánan n identifying mark or sign. Ákù nang rilúha kay dúnay ilhánan, That watch is mine because there is an identifying mark. -in- n recognized as s.t. good, well-known. -du a 1 well-known. Iládu siya sa íla, He is well-known in their town. 2 notorious. Ang mga iládung mangunguut, The notorious pickpockets. v [B12] be, become well-known, notorious. timailhan see timailhan. †

ila2 a shy, afraid to approach s.o. unfamiliar. Ila kaáyu ang bátà, dílì padúul nákù, The child is very shy; he doesn’t want me to go near him. v [B; b6] become shy. Maila ang manuk ug síging pakuratan, It makes the chickens shy if you keep scaring them. ilahan = ila2.

íla see sila.

ilab v [APB; a4] catch fire, cause s.t. to do so. Miilab (nailab, giilab) ang sidsid sa íyang sinínà sa dihang naduul sa káyu, The hem of her dress caught fire when it came near the fire. Ang pagdagkut sa puspuru mauy miilab (mipailab) sa gasulína, When he lighted the match, it caused the gasoline to catch fire.

ílad v [AN; a12] 1 swindle. Ilárun giyud ka kay dalì ka ra mutúu, I’m sure you’ll get swindled because you are easily deceived. 2 fool s.o. Siyay niílad ni Huwan nga may iskuyla kunu karun, He fooled John telling him there was school today. n action of swindling. paN- n business of swindling. Magsilbi ka sa pangílad kay maáyu kang mupatúu ug táwu, You will do well as a swindler because you can make people believe you. maN-r-(→) n swindler.

iláda = hiláda.

iládu 1 see ila1. 2 = hiláda. [373]

iladur = hiladur, see hiláda.

ilag, ílag v [A2; c] dodge. Iilag lang ang ímung láwas ug labáyun ka, Move your body quickly to the side if s.o. throws s.t. at you.

ilagà n 1 rat, mouse. 2 by extension, hamsters. Timáwà pa sa ilagà, Poor as a church mouse. — sa Urúpa white mouse. ilagàilágà n a game of chance at carnivals or fiestas involving hamsters which are let loose and have a choice of several holes to take shelter in. Bets are placed on which animal enters which hole.

ilahánun see sila.

ilaid v [A13] 1 lie in intense suffering. Duha ka búwan nga nag-ilaid siya sa banig, He suffered intensely in his bed for two months. 2 stagger under a load. Nag-ilaid siya sa kabug-at sa íyang dala, He was staggering under the weight of what he was carrying. — sa kawad-un suffering extreme poverty.

ílak = damagan1.

ilang-ílang = alangílan.

ilap, ílap v [A2; c1] 1 for flames to lick at s.t. Ang kaláyu ígù lang miílap sa balay, The flames just licked at the house. 2 touch lightly. Miílap ang túbig sa bàbà sa barútu, The water touched the top of the boat gently. Giílap sa hángin ang íyang buktun, His arm was touched lightly by the wind.

ílas n Job’s tears, a coarse grass growing to 2 m. with smooth and large grains, used for ornamental beads: Coix lachryma-jobi.

iláwud see lawud.

ilaya, iláya n area away from the coast or town. pa- v [A] go inland. ilayanhun a hill-*billy, one from the remote interior regions.

ilbu n elbow joint of pipes.

íli1 n letter L.

*íli2 see ilíhan.

ilibítur n elevator. — buy n elevator boy. v [A13; a] go by, make into an elevator.

ilidyibul a 1 qualified for the civil service. Ilidyibul ang tanang nagtrabáhu sa adwána, All the workers in the Customs have passed the civil service qualifications. 2 for a man to be eligible for marriage (usually highly eligible). v [B12] 1 make, become a civil service eligible. 2 be eligible for marriage.

ílig v [A; b6] for a large number to move s.w. where conditions are more favorable. Sa tingtugnaw muílig ang mga langgam sa ínit nga dapit, During the cold season birds migrate to hot places. Búkid nga giilígan sa mga bakwit, The mountains where the people took refuge. -an(→) n place where a large number flock for refuge.

ilígal a illegal. †

iliganti a elegant in looks. Iliganti kang tan-áwun ánang sinináa, You look elegant in that dress. v [B12; b6] be elegant in looks.

ilíhan n remote area, thinly populated, usually forested and inaccessible to vehicles. Ayaw pagsúut sa ilíhan, tingálig mawā̀ ka, You might get lost if you wander into the woods.

ílik v [AP; c1] turn the body right and left gracefully in dancing or to view oneself better in a mirror. Mag-ílik (magpaílik) gánì kag dúgay sa sámin, byáan ta ka, If you spend so much time primping yourself up in front of the mirror, I’ll leave you. Klarúha lang nag sáyaw, ilíkun (iílik) pa man, You’re wiggling your body so much, why don’t you go ahead and dance? n action of turning left and right.

iliksiyun n election. v [A1] hold elections.

iliktrik a electric. — áyurn n electric iron. — istub n electric range. — tsir n electric chair. v [c6] be sent to the chair.

iliktrisidad n electricity, electric current. v [b6] have electricity.

iliktrisyan n electrician. v [B16] be an electrician.

iliktruniku n electronics.

iliktur n voter. v [B126] become a voter.

ilikturáda n the electorate, the voting public.

iliktural n electoral.

ilimintári, ilimintarya n elementary school. v [A1] study in a certain elementary school.

ilimintu n element, component.

iling = sal-ing.

ilin-ílin v [A12; b8] have a variety of things to choose from. Makailin-ílin kag pagkáun, There’s a tremendous variety of food to choose from. Daghan ang pagkáun nga kailin-ilínan, There’s lots of food one can choose from. pailin-ílin v [A; ac2] be given a variety of things to choose from. Nagpailin-ílin lang siyag puyù sa mga paryinti níya sa siyudad, He has a large number of relatives to choose from to stay with when he comes to the city.

ilipanti n 1 elephant. 2 k.o. herb with a spike of white or blue flowers that curls like the tusk of an elephant. The leaves are applied to boils and wounds: Heliotropium indicum. — nga laki plant similar in appearance to ilipanti and with similar medicinal use: Stachytarpheta jamaicensis or australis.

ilipant wuk n the elephant walk, a k.o. dance. v [A] dance this dance.

ílis v 1 [A23C; ab1c] give s.t. in lieu of s.t. received. Kinsay muílis ug rilu áring ákung singsing, Who will give me a watch for my ring? Mag-ílis tag lingkuránan, Let’s exchange seats. Napúlù ka gip-istam ilísan ug takurì, You get a teakettle for ten gift [374]stamps. 2 [A; b1c] replace s.t. with s.t. else similar. Kamau kang muílis ug batu sa singsing? Do you know how to change the stone in a ring? Giilísan si Pidru sa kuts, The coach replaced Pedro. 2a [A; bc] break money into smaller denominations. Ilísi ra kinig mamísus, Please change this bill into one-peso notes. 3 [AB13; c] put clothes on s.o., change s.o.’s clothes. Kinsay muílis sa bátà, Who will change the child? Nag-ílis si Pípi, Pepe is changing clothes. 3a [B13; c] be dressed up. Maáyu untà nà siyag hitsúra ug mag-ílis, He looks pretty good if he is dressed up. 4 [A2; c] pay back s.t. borrowed, replace s.t. lost or consumed. Maáyu siyang manghulam ug kwarta apan dílì muílis, He’s good in borrowing money but never pays you back. Ilísan ku tung duláan nga giwálà sa bátà, I’ll replace the toy the child lost. 5 [A12S3] come and go, happen one after the other. Mag-ílis ang suluguun sa ámù kay daghanan ra sa trabáhu, Our helpers do not stick with us because we make them work too hard. Nag-ilis lag pangamátay ang íyang mga anak, His children died one after the other. 6 muílis nga simána, búwan, etc. next week, next month, etc. n replacement, thing given in exchange, shift of workers. Siyay ílis nákù sa trabáhu, He is my replacement at work. Kini ílis sa ákung gibuak, This is in exchange for the one I broke. -an(→) n clean clothes.

ilisdan/ilisdi v [b1] 1 exchange, replace s.t. Ákung ilisdan ug duha ka buuk kabáyù nang ímung kábaw, I’ll give you two horses for your carabao. 2 pay s.o. back or replace s.t. Ilisdan tika sa Lúnis, I’ll pay you back Monday. Ímu giyung ilisdan tung ákung pawuntinpin, You should replace my pen. 3 replace s.t. that was s.w. by s.t. else. Giilisdag baratuhung batu ang singsing, He substituted a cheap stone in the ring.

ilísi = ísi2.

ilitirit n illiterate. v [B126; b6] end up an illiterate.

ilitsu dibilin n a k.o. small club moss used as an indoor ornamental plant: Selaginella umbrosa.

íliw1 v 1 [AN3; a2] long for s.t., miss s.t. that one loves. Ang bátà wà giyud mangíliw sa inahan níyang namatay, The child did not miss its dead mother. Ang mabdus nag-íliw ug hilaw mangga, The pregnant woman is longing for green mangoes. Giíliw kang Máma nímu, Your mother is looking for you. 2 [b8] take a liking to s.t. Nailiwan uruy níya nang bataána, He has come to take a liking to that child. n k.o. poisonous snake, so called because it is believed that the snake and victim long for each other after the victim has been bitten, and the victim loses his mind, forgetting to have his wound treated.

íliw2 n sergeant fish or crab eater: Rachycentron canadus.

iltur n variety of cholera called El Tor. v [A123P; a4] get El Tor.

ílu1 n 1 one who has lost a parent. Ílu siya sa inahan, She has no mother. — nga tulápus orphan. 2 having lost a relative or s.o. close, deprived of s.t. one needs. Namaldítu ang íyang anak kay ílu sa pagtagad, His son became delinquent because he is wanting in care and affection. v [B126] 1 lose a father or mother. 2 deprived of s.t. one needs.

ílu2 v [A; b] wipe s.o. after a bowel movement. (→) n s.t. used to wipe oneself after a bowel movement. Maáyung ilu ang pákaw, Corn cobs are good to wipe with. pa- v [A; ac] have s.o. wipe one’s anus. paN- v [A; b] wipe oneself after a bowel movement. iluhan n anus.

ílu3 ka-, ka-(→) Poor thing! Kaílu níya, byàbyáan lang sa inahan, Poor thing, he’s just neglected by his mother.

*ílub see paílub.

ílug v 1 [A3S; a2] take away from s.o.’s possession. Nakailug kug búla, I managed to get a ball away from him. Ilúgun nákù basta dì ihátag, I will take it away from you if you do not give it to me. 1a — ug lugar 1a1 occupy more space than necessary. 1a2 for a moving vehicle to run another vehicle out of its lane by cutting in on him or coming against him. 2 [C2; b3] fight for possession of s.o. or s.t. Bukug nga giilúgan sa duha ka irù, The bone the two dogs were fighting over. 3 [A2; a12] overcome. Bisag unsáun kug tuun, muílug giyud ang katulúgun, No matter how hard I study, sleep overcomes me. 3a — sa bandíra v [A123S; a3] manage to marry a man who has a large number of sweethearts. Ayaw na lang ug pangabubhu ánang mga karáang trátu sa ímung bána. Tutal ikaw may nakailug sa bandíra, You need not get jealous about your husband’s former sweethearts. After all, you were the one he married. 4 [A23; c] cut in on a conversation. ‘Dì nà mau,’ miílug si Pidru, ‘That is not the one,’ Pedro broke in. 4a include s.t. s.w. where it wouldn’t normally be included. Iílug ra kinig pasa, While you’re ironing would you touch this up quickly? 4b take time out to do s.t. Ilúga ra gud ni ug laba, Take off a minute to wash this. 5 — sa yáwà [a12] completely forget s.t. important [375]which one was about to say. Walà giyud kuy nabungat nga mga maáyung rasun. Giílug ug hurut sa yáwà. Napildi hinúun kus kásu, I never did get my good arguments out. I completely forgot what I was going to say, so I lost the case. n action of grabbing. (→) = ílug, v 4a, b. -an(→) a tending to grab things from others. -in-, -in-(→) n 1 odds favorite in gambling. Adtu ku pusta sa inílug, I’ll bet on the favored cock. 2 popular, sought after. Si Núra Unur inílug sa mga prudyúsir, The producers fight each other to get Nora Aunor. -in-an n merchandise which is highly popular (things which people fight with each other to get). Inilúgan kaáyu ang pán ni Tínung, Tinong’s bread is very popular. -un(→) a be in short supply. Ilugun kaáyu ang ákung panahun, I have very little time. n the upper part of the small intestines which are rolled up. siN-un(→) a = ilugun, a.

íluk n armpit. (→) v 1 [A; c1] carry under the arm. Iiluk (iluka) kanang putus, Carry that bundle under your arm. 2 [A; a12] hit in the armpit or at the point where the leg or fin of a beast joins the body. Nailuk ang ihu sa ísi, The harpoon hit the shark at the base of the fin. 3 [A1; a3] acquire a degree or other distinction. Si Huwan nakailuk sa únang ganti, John won first prize. paN-an(→) n place where the armpits are.

Ilukánu n Ilocano, person from the Ilocos region or his language. -in- n the Ilocano style or language.

ilúku n k.o. thread of several strands made from low-grade cotton, finer and whiter than the tingkal.

Ilúkus n Ilocos region, Northwestern Luzon.

ilung n nose. gáhì ug — a for domestic animals which have a tether rope attached to the nose to be intractable, disobedient. b for a person to be contrary, not amenable to suggestions. húmuk ug — for domestic animals to be tractable, obedient or person to be acquiescent, amenable. taas ug — a long-nosed. b blind to s.t. right under one’s nose. walay — flat-nosed. -an, -an(←) n having a nicely-shaped nose. paN- n rope passed through the water buffalo’s nose to which the tether rope is attached.

Ilungga = ilunggu (female).

Ilunggu (from Iluílu, the principal city of the Hiligaynon region). n 1 one from the Hiligaynon region. 2 Hiligaynon language.

ilun-ílun n variety of lowland rice reaching a height of about 5′ and with longer and bigger leaves than most other varieties, maturing in eight months. It has heavy yellow grains and is not much planted, as more productive varieties have been introduced. v [A3; a2] plant this variety of rice.

ilustráda a an illustrious woman or family, one who has done deeds worthy of emulation and respect.

ilustrádu n illustrious persons.

ilut v [A; b6(1)] induce a rooster to fight with another rooster in order to catch him. Dílì madakpan kanang sunúya kun dílì ilutan, You cannot capture that rooster if you don’t lure him.

imà = ingà.

imabaw = ibabaw, see babaw.

imáhin n religious image.

imakuláda kunsipsiyun n immaculate conception.

imas added to, plus. Upat imas sayis mahímung napúlù, Six plus four makes ten.

imat a 1 ugly: a in a messy way. b in action. 2 poor in quality. Imat ning bulpína. Dì muági, This pen is of poor quality. It doesn’t write well. v [B12] become ugly. Naimat ang íyang nawung sa tantung pangulurítis, Her face was a mess with all that make-up.

imbaháda1 v [A; b6] pace back and forth in anger. Muimbaháda ku ug masukù, I pace back and forth when I’m angry.

imbaháda2 n 1 embassy. 2 an announcement of s.t. to come, esp. the announcement sent by the groom’s family to the house of the prospective bride that they will come to ask for the bride’s hand formally (pamaláyi). 3 messenger of a king or s.o. sent to announce the courtship ceremony. v [A; b] notification of s.t. to happen. Nag-imbaháda ang ákung anak nga dúna siyay mga bisítang dad-un sa ámù, My son notified us in advance that he was bringing visitors to our house. Wà makaimbaháda ang gubyirnu sa kalit nga pag-usbaw sa prisyu sa bugas, The government did not have a chance to notify the people about the sudden rise in the price of rice.

imbahadur n ambassador. v [B156; a12] be an ambassador.

imbalidu, imbalídu n 1 invalid, null and void. Imbalídu ang kuntrátu kay way pirma, Their contract is invalid because it has no signature. 2 invalid, ill person. v [c16] 1 invalidate. 2 [B12] become an invalid.

imbalsamar v [A3P; a] embalm. imbalsamadur n embalmer. v [B156] be an embalmer. †

imbargu v [A; a2] 1 confiscate. Ang maistra miimbargu sa kúmiks, The teacher confiscated the comic books. 2 foreclose on a loan, repossess. Maimbargu unyà ang ákung [376]makinilya, They might repossess my typewriter.

imbasyun n invasion.

imbaw n k.o. grey lucene clam with concentric ridges running along the width but with no vertical lines, 2″ to 3″ in width. Most types of the imbaw are similar in shape, color, and size to the American quahog, but with more pronounced ridges and no blue on the inside of the shell. — sa bunbun a small k.o. imbaw found on the shore. paN- v [A2; b(1)] gather imbaw.

imbay1 a moving slow with stiff legs like a crab. v [B; a] be slow and dragging in movements or work. Nag-imbay na ang íyang linaktan tungud sa kakápuy, His pace became very slow from fatigue. Giimbay níya paghungit ang bátà, He is feeding the child slowly bit at a time. Giimbáyan níya ang íyang trabáhu, He dilly-dallied on the job.

imbay2 n name given to the women kept by Japanese soldiers as mistresses. v [A; c1] become an imbay.

imbintu n invention. v 1 [A; a] invent. Bag-ung bumba na puy imbintúhun sa Rusya, Now the Russians are going to invent another bomb. 2 [A; a2] make up a lie, story. Maáyu kang mangimbintu ug katarúngan, You are great at making up excuses.

imbǐs instead of. Si Maríya ang giminyúan imbǐs si Ilína, The man married Maria instead of Elena. Imbǐs mutrabáhu magpúnay lang siyag tábì, Instead of working, she would sit around blabbing.

imbistigar v [A; a2] investigate. Imbistigarun (imbistigahun) ang hinungdan sa pagkabagsà, The cause of the crash should be investigated. imbistigadur n investigator. v [B156; a12] be an investigator.

imbistigasyun n investigation.

imbitar v [AN; a12] invite s.o. to go to an affair or a place. Wà siya mangimbitar nákù uy, He didn’t invite me. Imbitarun (imbitahun) ta ka sa ámung pista, I am inviting you to our fiesta celebration. imbitádu n one invited to an affair. imbitasiyun n invitation.

imbraimatsu n k.o. joint in which a tongue or rib at the edge of the board fits exactly into a groove in another. v [c1] use boards with tongue and groove joints for walling or flooring.

imbúdu n funnel. v [A; c] 1 put a funnel. Imbudúhi ang butilya inighuwad, Put a funnel in the bottle when you pour. 2 funnel, divert s.t. Daghang humay giimbúdu ngadtu sa blakmarkit, Lots of rice was funnelled into the black market.

imbukar v [A; b5] start, begin. Miimbukar ang ikaduhang kagúbut sa kalibútan mga katluan na ka túig gíkan karun, The Second World War started some thirty years ago. Ug naimbukar (naimbukahan) pa ug sayu ning trabahúa human na untà ni pagkakarun, Had this work been started early, it would have been finished by now.

imburnal n culvert. v [c] put a culvert.

imbúru = imbúdu.

imbus = ibyus.

imbuyis n invoice. v [A; b6(1)] make an invoice of goods bought. Ang tindíru mauy muimbuyis sa mga pinalit ku, The sales clerk makes the invoices for the things I buy.

imbyirnu n winter.

ími n letter M.

imigrant n s.o. who emigrates abroad. v [B126] become an emigrant.

imirdyinsi n emergency. — máni the money issued by the provincial governments after the outbreak of World War II before the Japanese occupation.

imirhinsiya = imirdyinsi.

imiri — bag, burd emery bag, board.

imit v [AN; a2] 1 desire to have things of little value or which one can’t use. Nangimit (nag-imit) ka man diay niánang mga pitsipitsi, Do you really want to have that junk? 2 be after s.t. Wà siya mahigugma níya. Nag-imit lang sa íyang yútà, He doesn’t love her. He’s just after her land. a stingy, possessive.

imitasiyun, imitisyun n imitation.

imnu n hymn.

impáki v [A; c1] pack up, put in a container for carrying or storing. Impakíhag (iimpákig) maáyu ang dad-unun, Pack up the things we will take with us carefully.

impaktu n 1 supernatural being which causes evil and may be called into the service of a sorcerer. If he shows himself it is usually in the form of s.t. ordinary with an extraordinary characteristic: animal of an unusual age, color, or shape; banana trunk blocking the way where there had been no bananas growing, and the like. 2 by extension, s.o. who does evil without scruples. v [B26; b6] be devilish, without scruples.

impanáda n pastries consisting of meat wrapped in dough and fried. v [A1; a2] make impanáda.

impantil — biribiri, paralisis n k.o. children’s disease.

impantiríya n infantry.

impas a 1 paid off, up. Impas na ang ákung útang, My debts are paid off. 2 be done for, finished off, dead. Impas na ang manuk, [377]The cock is finished off. Impas na ang ákung puhúnan. Dì na ku makasúgal, My money is all gone. I can’t gamble any more. Impas ka ug hibuthan ka ug dinamíta, That’ll be the end of you if dynamite explodes on you. v 1 [A3P; b5] pay off, up. 2 [B126; ab3] be done in, finished, dead. — túdas = impas, 2.

impáti 1 for antagonists to be even in gains and losses. Impáti na ta kay púlus ta way túri, We are even now because we both lost our rooks. 2 having no more debts. Impáti na ta. Wà na kuy útang, We’re square now. I don’t owe you a thing. v 1 [a3] come to a tie. Naimpáti ang ílang dúlà, Their game ended in a tie. 1a [A12; c3] get a tie. 2 [AC; a1] settle up accounts between people that have debts to each other or between mortgager and the holder of a mortgage. Arun magkaimpáti ta, pun-an nákug tris mil ang ímung prinda, ug ákù na, To settle up, I’ll give you three thousand and pay off your mortgage, and the land is mine. 3 [A12] for an amount to be sufficient to meet some obligations. Dì makaimpáti ang ímung swildu sa ímung taplanan, Your salary isn’t enough to pay your debts to me. 4 [B126] be finished off. Naimpáti sa mananaygun ang ákung katapúsang sinsíyu, The carolers finished off all of my change.

impatsu n indigestion caused by eating things that don’t go together. v [B126; a4] have indigestion. Naimpatsu (giimpatsu) ang bátà kay nagkaug buúngun ug butung, The child suffered from indigestion because he ate pomelos and young coconut. — sa sabun v [a3] for clothes that have been put out in the sun to bleach to be allowed to dry out such that the soap will not come out.

impi n 1 acronym for MP (military police). 2 wife in her capacity as her husband’s watchdog (slang). v 1 [B156; a12] be an MP. 2 [A3; b6] check upon husband. Dì makaguwàguwà si Dindu kay náay muimpi níya, Dindo is not free to go out because there is a watchdog checking upon him.

impiksiyun n infection.

impiktu = ipiktu.

impilya n leaf lard, a thin layer of fatty tissue around the outside of the stomach of large animals or persons. impilyáhun a fat, obese.

impiradur n 1 emperor. 2 name formerly given to the brightest student in the class, who was given a special place in front. v [B16; a12] 1 be an emperor. 2 be the best student in class.

impiratris n empress. v [B126; a12] become an empress.

impirdibli n safety pin. v [A; b6] fasten s.t. with a safety pin.

impirmaríya, impirmarya n infirmary.

impirnu n 1 hell. Impirnu ning ákung kinabúhì uban nímu, My life with you is hell. 2a hain, ása, diin nga impirnúha whatever place it is, I couldn’t care less. Ambut kun háin siyang impirnúha, I don’t know where she is, and I don’t give a damn. v 1 [B12] become a hell. 2 [a3b4(1)] go to hell. Ang mga dautan maimpirnu, Bad men go to hell. Ang palábi nga pagsugal ray kaimpirnúhan mu, You’ll go to hell because of your gambling. 3 [B16] be blazing with anger. Hílum kay nag-impirnu ning ákung úlu, Shut up. My head is blazing with anger.

impiryu n empire.

impisar v [A; c16] start, begin. Impisahun (iimpisar) na nátù ang trabáhu, Let us start working.

impísi = inpísi.

impitu n height of one’s anger. v [B6; b4] be at the height of anger. Ayaw siyag duúla ug mag-impitu ang íyang kasukù, Don’t approach him if he is fuming mad. Naimpituhan ku siyag latigu, I whipped him in a burst of rage.

impiyirnu = impirnu.

implimintar v [A; c] implement, put a procedure into effect. Iimplimintar na ang bag-ung baláud sa pangampanya sa pulitika, They are going to implement the new law regarding campaigning.

impliyar v 1 [A2; b(1)] get employment. Nakaimpliyar siya sa gubyirnu, He was employed in the government service. Mauy impliyari ang dagkung kumpaníya, Get employed in a large company. 2 [A; b6c1] hire, employ. Dì siya muimpliyar ug minur diidad, They do not employ minors. 3 [A; c] employ, put into practice what one has learned. Giimpliyar níya ang diyútayng kaálam sa dyúdu, He employed the little judo he knew. impliyáda n female employee. impliyádu n employee. v [B16; a2] get employed in a job. Sígi lag pangítag trabáhu hangtud maimpliyádu ka, Don’t quit looking for work until you get employment. Ang táwung way ambisyun mag-impliyádu lang hangtud sa pagkamatay, A man who has no ambition will work as an employee forever. Ang upisína giimpliyadúhan níyag upat, He employed four people in his office.

implíyu n employment, job. v [A; a2] employ. Gustu kung muimplíyu ug kugihan nga búy, I want to employ an industrious houseboy. paN- v [A2; b6] work as an employee. Nangimplíyu ang asáwa kay dì paigù [378]ang swildu sa bána, The wife took a job because the husband didn’t make enough.

impluwinsa n influenza. v [B126; a4] get influenza. Ábi kug labad sa úlu lang, naimpluwinsa man núun, I thought it was only a headache, but it turned out to be the flu. Impluwinsáhun ka, You will get influenza.

impluwinsiya n influence. v [A; a1] influence.

imprinta n printing press or an establishment in the printing business. v [A; a] print. Imprintáhun giyud ang imbitasiyun, The invitation card should be printed. imprintahan = imprinta, n.

imprisaryu n impresario. v [B15; b6] be an impresario.

imprumtu n impromptu. v [c1] be impromptu. Naimprumtu ang prugráma kay way nakapangandam, The program was made impromptu because nobody prepared for it.

*impuntu alas [number] — at [such-and-such a time] on the dot. Alas utsu impuntu, Eight o’clock sharp.

impurmǎl a informal gathering, affair. v [a12] make an affair informal.

impurmasiyun n information.

impurtansiya n importance. pa- v [A; b6(1)] be given, give oneself importance. Mupaimpurtansiya giyud nang bayhána. Dì giyud mulingkud sa luyu, That woman pretends she’s important. She never takes a seat in the back.

impurtanti a important, having a bearing on a situation. v [B12; b6] be important for s.t. Nagkaimpurtanti ang túbig nga nagkaduul na ang tinghulaw, Water is once more becoming important because the dry season is approaching. Palita dáyun kun impurtantihan ka ánang librúha sa ímung pagtuun, Buy that book if you consider it important for your studies.

impurtasiyun n importation.

impurti n value. Pilay impurti sa ímung singsing? How much is your ring worth? Káhuy nga impurtig trisyintus, Wood worth three hundred pesos. v [B456] be worth [so-and-so] much. Kadtung lúhung awtu nag-impurti ug trayinta míl, That luxurious car is worth thirty thousand.

impurtid n imported.

impusibli a it is impossible, very unlikely. Impusibli pug dì ka muganansiya, It is impossible that you won’t make a profit. v [B12; c1] be implausible, impossible to happen. Maimpusibli ang dágan sa isturya ug pasubraag kakulbà hínam, The story will be implausible if there are too many suspenseful details.

impuy n title of respect for old folks, male or female.

impyirnu = impirnu.

imraimatsu = imbraimatsu.

imsi n emcee. v [A; a2] emcee.

ímu see ikaw.

imulsiyun n emulsion of cod liver oil. v [b] give s.o. this preparation.

ímung v [AN; c1] 1 forget to pay a debt or return s.t. borrowed (from ímu [see ikaw] as used in an expression referring to the thing borrowed, e.g., Dúna man tuy ímung dus písus diri nákù nu? I still have two pesos of yours, don’t I?) Ayaw imúnga ang ákung bayinti písus, Don’t k.o. forget to pay me my twenty pesos, will you? 2 cheat s.o. out of s.t. small. Siyay miímung (nangímung) sa kwarta sa tigúwang ignuranti, He gypped the ignorant old man out of his money.

imurahiya n hemorrhage from the womb. v [A13P; a4] have a hemorrhage in childbirth or miscarriage. Nag-imurahiya (giimurahiya) siya dihang gikakuháan siya, She had a hemorrhage when she had her miscarriage.

imuralidad n immorality. v [a3] be dismissed from the teaching service for getting pregnant out of wedlock. Ug dílì siya pakaslan maimuralidad giyud siya, If he doesn’t marry her, she will be sacked for immorality.

imut-imut v [B12] be financially hard-up on a long-term basis. Pirmi giyung magkaimut-imut ang gastadur, A spendthrift is always in financial straits.

imyus = ibyus.

in grammatical particle (dialectal). 1 = y. 2 subject marker for an indefinite subject (standard Cebuano: ang). Dílì hingpit ang altar kay dakù pa man in kúwang, The altar is not complete. There is a good deal lacking.

ín1 v [A12; c] be accepted as a teacher in the public schools. Wà pa siya maín sa pagkamaistra kay way bakanti, She hasn’t been accepted as a teacher because there’s no vacancy. n one who is ‘in’ in the school system.

ín2 a for a ball to be in bounds. v [A; c6] in billiards, move the cue ball perpendicularly a certain distance from the edge of the billiard table to make it easier to shoot.

-in-1 derivative affix added to adjectives or nouns to form adjectives which mean ‘in the manner of [such-and-such]’ and verbs that mean ‘do in [such-and-such] a manner.’ Usually, there is shift to the left with the addition of this affix. Ug dílì mahímù sa minaayu, buhátun nátù sa dinautang paági, If it can not be done in a nice way, we’ll do it in [379]a bad way. Inigsuung tambag, Sisterly advice. 2 by the ... Giswilduan silag sinimana, They were paid by the week. Ginagmayng pagkapalit, Bought a little at a time.

-in-2 affix added to verb bases to form nouns which are parallel in meaning to the direct passive inflectional affix (-un1) and the instrumental inflectional passive (i-1), meaning 1. 1 the thing [verb]ed. Hinátag ba ni u pinalit ba? Was this a present (s.t. given) or just s.t. you bought? 2 s.t. put s.w. or in s.t. Inasin nga karni, Salted meat. Kinahun ug linata, Things in boxes and things in cans.

-in-3 derivational affix. 1 added to verbs forming nouns which refer to the continuous action of doing and verbs which mean ‘[do] continuously’. Sa tantu níyang hinílak, From crying so much. Dúru nákung pinangítà, I looked for it for all I was worth. 2 added to words which refer to sounds to form nouns which mean ‘the sound of’. Tinúlù, The sound of dripping. Kinasíkas, Rustling sound.

ina old word for ‘mother’ that is confined to set phrases. bilat sa — see bilat. — nga [vegetable] variety of [vegetable] that is larger, softer, and inferior to the ordinary. Inang palawan, Large, soft variety of palawan. inahan n mother. inahan nga buhatan main office of a firm with branches. v [AN; c1] be a mother to. Siyay miinahan (nanginahan) sa íyang mga humagbus, She was mother to her stepchildren. panginahan v [A2; a2] recognize or treat as s.o.’s mother. Naguul si Pilar kay wà manginahan kaníya ang íyang humagbus, Pilar is worried because her stepchild doesn’t treat her like a mother. pakainahan v [A13; a12] act, treat like a mother. inaína 1 stepmother. 2 foster mother. v [A; c1] be a foster mother, stepmother to. Ákung manghud ákung iinaína (inaináhun) sa ákung mga bátà, I’ll make my younger sister the foster mother of my children. 2 [A12] get a stepmother, foster mother. inaan n mother hen. inaun, ináun n godmother. v [B3; c1] act as godmother, be a godmother. paN-(←) n in games like marbles, the piece the player uses to strike other pieces.

ínà (short for ayaw únà) 1 just a moment, a minute. Ínà pa, dúna pa kuy gipangítà, Just a moment (a minute) I’m still looking for s.t. 2 particle used to change the subject: by the way. Ínà pa ra gud, kinsa tu ka? By the way, who did you say you were?

inagurar v [A; b(1)] hold a celebration in honor of an accomplishment, having reached a certain stage, having finished s.t. Makainagurar ka giyug mupasar ka sa bár, You’ll have to hold a celebration if you pass the bar. Ang báy inagurahan ugmà, There will be a celebration for the new house tomorrow. inagurasiyun n celebration. v [A13; b(1)] = inagurar.

inámil n 1 enamel of teeth. 2 enamel paint.

-in-an affix added to verb bases to form nouns which are parallel in meaning to the local passive inflectional affix (-an1). 1 s.t. from, at, on, to which s.t. was done, place at which s.t. was done. Kinutúban sa ákung yútà, The boundary of my land. (Lit. The place to which my land reached.) 2 the thing or person [verb]ed. Nakahibáwu ku sa ímung tinagúan, I know your secret. 2a s.t. caught by [such-and-such] a method of fishing, hunting, etc. Pinaslan, Fish caught with a line. Dininamitáhan, Fish caught with dynamite. 3 reason for [do]ing. Mu ra nay ímung hinilákan? Is that all you’re crying about?

-in-an(→) affix added to verbs to form nouns meaning manner of doing. Linakwan, Way of walking. Kinataw-an, Way of laughing.

-in-ánan alternant of -in-an added to some roots where the final vowel of the root is dropped. Sinugdánan (sinugdan), Beginning. Kinuptánan sa átung panaghinigugmaay, Keepsakes betokening our love.

inánay v [AB; c1] do or become s.t. in stages gradually, little by little. Miinánay pagbákud ang masakitun, The sick man rose slowly. Miinánay (nainánay) ug kaláwum ang sapà, The brook is gradually getting deeper. Inanáya (iinánay) pagsira ang pultahan, Close the door slowly. Inanáyan ta lang kag báyad sa ákung útang, I’ll just pay you my debt little by little.

in-anay = -ay1.

inánu n dwarf, midget. v [B6; b6] be a dwarf or midget.

ínat v 1 [AB23(1); c1] stretch, cause to extend farther in length or time. Akuy miínat sa dawunggan sa bátang badlúngun, I pulled the naughty child’s ears. Muínat (maínat) ang tisyirt, The T-shirt will stretch. Inátun (iínat) paggastu ang kwarta, Stretch the money to make it go a long way. 1a [A; a] stretch a grade so that the student can pass. Inátun na lang ni nátung grádu, kay gradwíting ka man, We’ll stretch your grade because you’re graduating. 2 [B26] for the voice or brows to be raised. Muínat (maínat) na gánì nang íyang kílay napikal na nà, When he raises his brows, that means he is irked. [380]n 1 amount s.t. stretched. 2 stretching.

ínaw n name given to a k.o. sigay (small cowry) which is shiny.

inawgura = inagurar.

inay1 n 1 short for Nánay mother. Háin man si inay mu (ang ímung inay)? Where’s your mother? 2 exclamation expressing great emotion. Inay, bitin, Mama! A snake! -an n mother hen or mother of other k.o. fowl. v [A1; a2] raise a mother bird.

inay2 instead of [doing so-and-so]. Inay magtuun nagpúnay man hinúug liguy, Instead of studying he was always truant.

inay3 I don’t know. Inay diin kahà nákù tu ikabutang ang lápis, I don’t know where I must have put the pencil.

-in-ay = -ay1.

inbíay n acronym for the NBI National Bureau of Investigation, the Philippine analogue to the FBI. v [B156] be a member of the NBI.

inbitisyun kard n invitation card.

inburd n a marine motor mounted inboard or a small boat with an inboard motor.

inbuyis = imbuyis.

indák v [A; c6] induct into an organization. indaksiyun n induction into an organization. — bul n induction ball. v [A1; b(1)] hold an induction. indakting upisir n inducting officer.

indángan n surgeonfish: Acanthurus spp.

inday1 short form: day. n 1 title or term of address for a female the same age or younger than the speaker, often adopted as the informal first name. Ása ka Day (Inday)? Where are you going, Miss? Nagkasíra si Inday Úping sa ámù, Miss Oping boards in our house. 2 female, girl. Tulu ka inday nga hidakpan sa balay sa kahiláyan, Three girls were arrested in the bawdy house. v [A13; a12] call s.o. inday. inday-inday a 1 light and continuing wind or rain. Dì man ni bagyu, inday-inday pa man ni, This is no storm. It’s only a playful breeze. 2 slow and easy in gait. 2a a slow easy bouncing game of table tennis, as between beginners. 3 k.o. flowering weed resembling a poinsettia: Euphorbia heterophylla. v [B456] for wind or rain to be weak, be slow in gait. Nag-inday-inday siyang naglakaw, He’s walking slowly and leisurely.

indíbi n acronym for NDB, the National Development Board.

indig v [A12C; b6(1)c1] compare two things to see which is better. Wà makaindig ang íyang mga pinintal sa ubang salmut, His portraits could not compete with the other entries. Mag-indig ta kun kinsay maáyug tíngug, Let’s compare our voices to see which is better. Indígun kunu nátù ang átung buktun ug kinsay dakù, Let us compare our arms to see whose is bigger. Indígan nímu siya sa kabráyit, Are you going to compete with him to see who is more intelligent? Iindig ku ning ákung sinínà sa iyáha, I’ll compare my dress with hers to see which is nicer. ka- n rival, competitor. Daghan siyag kaindig sa íyang gugma ni Ispir, He has lots of rivals for Esper’s love. -ay n competition, contest, comparison. v [A13] hold, have a competition.

indihistiyun n indigestion. v [A13P; a4] have indigestion. Nag-indihistiyun (giindihistiyun) siya tungud sa kadaghan sa gikaun, She got indigestion from eating too much.

indikasiyun n reading on a meter.

indilibli n India ink.

indimunyádu a a mild cuss word referring to a person who has incurred one’s ire. Ikawng indimunyadúha ka, mubálik ka lang ngari, You, devil! Just try coming back here.

inding1 n last digit of the sweepstakes number that won. Tickets ending in that digit win the purchase price. Dus ang inding sa búla karung bulána, Two is the last digit number in this month’s sweepstakes. v 1 [A3] have [such-and-such] as the last digit. 2 [A12] get a ticket that ends the same as the winning number.

inding2 n joke which one makes in back and forth banter by which one saves face by turning criticism into praise. v [A12; b] succeed in making this sort of joke. Sa dihang giingnan siya nga giinítan siyang Rus, nakainding siya pag-ingun nga mau man giyud ning gwápu, pirming inítan, When they told him that Rose was angry (ínit) at him, he saved face with the joke that that’s the way it is with handsome men. Women always get hot (ínit) for them.

indipindinsiya n national independence.

indipindinti, indipindiyinti a independent from colonization or political party. v [B12] for a nation to become independent or a politician to free himself from a party.

indipirinti a not giving the expected attention to s.t. Indipirinti kaáyu nà siyang pamisitáhan, dì managad, She is indifferent to her guests. She pays them no mind. Bisag nagdaut ang anak, indipirinti ang inahan, Even though the child is sick, the mother is completely indifferent to it. Indipirinti kaáyu siya sa ákung mga hangyù, She was completely indifferent to my pleas. v [B12; b6] be, become indifferent towards.

indiriktaminti a indirectly, in an indirect [381]manner. Gidílì sa maistru ang pagpamulitika bisag indiriktaminti, It is forbidden for teachers to engage in politics, even indirectly. Gihangyù ku siya indiriktaminti, I asked him for some indirectly. v [c16] say or communicate s.t. indirectly.

indispír a desperate. Indispír kaáyu tu si Husi kay wà sugta, Joseph is desperate because she turned him down. Indispír ku kay wà na kuy huwaman, I’m desperate because I don’t know who to borrow from. v [B126] be desperate.

Indiya n India. — ingk n India ink.

indiyan1 n American Indian. — pánà n dart propelled by a sling. v [A; a12] shoot with a dart propelled by a sling.

indiyan2 v [AN; a12] stand one up. Giindiyan ku sa ákung trátu, wà siya mutunghà, My boy friend stood me up. He didn’t come. a standing s.o. up.

indiyan híd n k.o. strong, but not tightly woven cloth used mainly for uniforms. v [A13C12; b6] use, wear clothing made from this k.o. cloth.

indiyu n Indio, a term given by Spaniards to native Filipinos during the Spanish times.

indulhinsiya n indulgence in the Church. v [A12] obtain indulgence.

indung1 n 1 title or term of address for man older than speaker. 2 nickname of Pedro.

indung2 n k.o. moray eel.

indúnu v [A; c] give, donate. Muindúnu ku sa yútà pára sa iskuylahan, I’ll donate the lot for the school. Dì nákù iindúnu ang ákung kahágù, pabáyad giyud ku, I won’t give my services free. I want to get paid. prinda — n mortgage in which the use and revenue of the thing mortgaged goes to the holder.

indur n 1 softball. 2 leather ball with bladder for volleyball. v [A; b1] play softball.

industriya n industry, manufacturing enterprises.

industriyal n 1 industrial. Ribulusiyun — Industrial Revolution. 2 Industrial Arts, a subject in school. 2a project in industrial arts. 3 one’s kids (humorous metaphorical). Pila na karuy ímung industriyal? How many children do you have now? v [A1; c1] make a project in industrial arts.

indyiksiyun v [A; b6(1)] inject into the body or perform an analogous action on containers. Giindyiksiyunan ning agwag túbig, They diluted this perfume by injecting water into the bottle.

indyuy v [A2; b3] have a good time. Wà siya musáyaw didtu sa parti maung wà muindyuy, She did not dance in the party. That’s why she did not have a good time. Ang kartun mauy indyuyan sa mga bátà, The children will enjoy seeing a cartoon show.

ing = y.

ingà n lowing, mooing sound of cows and buffalos. v [B3] low, moo, bawl as if mooing.

ingáhay = kanyáhay.

ingat n an ear infection characterized by a smelly pus secretion. v [a4] have this sort of ear infection.

inggansa v [A; c1] 1 shift gears. Mag-inggansa gánì ka tumbi ang klats, If you shift gears step on the clutch. 2 insert one’s finger into the woman’s vagina (slang). Pag-abut sa ngitngit miinggansa dáyun ang laláki sa babáyi, When they came to a dark place, the man immediately inserted his finger into the woman’s vagina.

inggarasya humorous euphemism for disgrasya.

inggasti n setting of a gem. v 1 [A; a] make a setting for a gem. 2 [A; c] use as a setting for a gem.

inggit a for the voice to be shrill and high-pitched. Inggit ug tíngug si Lusing, Lucing speaks with a shrill voice. v [B2; c1] for the voice to become shrill and high-pitched. ka- n shrillness, sharpness.

ingglis = inglis.

inggrandi = in-grandi.

inggrasya humorous euphemism for disgrasya.

inggráta = inggrátu (female).

inggrátu a ingrate, ungrateful. Mu ba niy ímung ibálus nákù, ingratúha ka, Is this how you thank me, you ungrateful wretch. v [B12; b6] be, become an ingrate.

inggrísu v [A; b6(1)] turn in revenue or goods collected. Wà niya iinggrísu ang tanan níyang halin, He didn’t turn over all the revenue. n revenue.

inggwintu n ointment.

ing-iíng, ing-ing-íng onomatopoetic word to represent the sound of the music to suspenseful portions of movies, used by children in recounting s.t. to indicate the part that is suspenseful.

ingit v [a12] disappoint s.o. by not giving him what he expected. Ayaw ug túu nga hatágan ka kay ingitun ka lang, Don’t believe that you will get any because you will be disappointed.

ingkáhi n fine lace. v [A; b6(1)] decorate clothing with lace. Iningkahíang sinínà, A shirt trimmed with lace.

ingkantu1 n supernatural beings that may show themselves in human form, usually [382]handsome, European in appearance. They are said to live in dákit (banyan) trees or other natural features, and are harmless, but may take a liking to a human, having intercourse with him or kidnapping him. One can obtain the release of a kidnapped person by annoying the ingkantus, but if he has partaken of their food, he is unrecoverable. They inflict illness on anyone who disturbs their dwelling place. anak sa — albino person (thought to be the offspring of an ingkantu father and a human mother). ingkantuhánun = ingkantu. ingkantádu, ingkantáda n 1 belonging to an ingkantu. 2 having special, magical properties.

ingkantu2 n name given to the weapon belonging to the giant in a moro-moro play, represented by fireworks.

ingkarga n materials or provisions issued to personnel. v [A; a] supply materials or provisions. Ingkargáhan (ingkargadúhan) ug yunipurmi ang mga witris, The waitresses are provided with uniforms. -da1, -du1 = ingkarga.

ingkargáda2 = ingkargádu2 (female).

ingkargádu2 n person who is in charge of an enterprise or household in the absence of the owner; the overseer. Si Simyun ang ingkargádu ni Dun Manúlu sa íyang asyinda, Simeon is the overseer of Don Manolo’s plantation. v [B16; c1] be put in charge.

ingkárids v [A; a1] encourage.

*ingkásu — ug in case. Ingkásug wà siya, ibílin lang, In case he’s out, just leave it. paN- v [A2] prepare for some eventuality. Pagdá ug páyung pangingkásu bag muulan, Bring an umbrella in case it rains. pur- = ingkásu.

ingkib v [A; ab2] bite s.t. off. Ingkíba lang nang tansan kay way abridur, Just bite off the bottle cap because we don’t have an opener. n bite.

ingkit1 v [A; a2b2] bite off a small piece with the front teeth. n bite.

ingkit2 a fingers which are joined congenitally together. Upat ray íyang tudlù kay ingkit man ang kumingking sa paningsíngan, He has only four fingers because his little finger is joined to his ring finger.

ingkitadur see ingkitar2.

ingkitar1 v [AN; a12] talk s.o. into doing s.t., usually bad. Miingkitar (nangingkitar) siya sa ákung míd sa pagpabalhin sa íla, She lured my maid to move to her house.

*ingkitar2 paN- v [A] inquire. — ug tabì look for s.t. to gossip about. Nanumbálay na sad ang tabian arun mangingkitar ug tábì, The tattler went visiting the neighbors to look for s.t. to gossip about. ingkitadur a inquisitive, fond of asking questions. Ingkitadur kaáyu nang tawhána mu rag imbistigadur, That man is so full of questions as though he were an investigator. ingkitadúra = ingkitadur (female).

ingku n title or term of address for a man considerably older than the speaker, usually used to related persons. v [A; a12] call s.o. by this term of address.

ingkud = lingkud (dialectal).

ingkurdun v [A; b(1)] 1 go s.w. in a file. Nag-ingkurdun ang mga baktin sunud sa anay, The piglets walk in file following their mother. 2 come in huge number as though in a file. Giingkurdúnan sa hulmígas ang kámay, Ants swarmed over the sugar.

ingkuwintru v [AC; c3] 1 meet on the way. Dì kaingkuwintrúhan ning karsadáha kay apíki, If you meet another vehicle on this road, you can not pass each other because it is too narrow. 2 meet to fight. Kuntra nga ámung gikaingkuwintru, The enemy we ran into. 2a have a run-in. Nagkaingkuwintru mig ang ákung asáwa, My wife and I had a little run-in. 2b go to have sex. Makig-ingkuwintru giyud siyag dunsilya, He wants to have an encounter with a virgin. n 1 s.o. or s.t. one meets. Wà muhátag lugar ang ingkuwintru, The truck we met on the way would not move over to let us by. 2 action of meeting. Halandúmun nga ingkuwintru, A memorable meeting. 3 encounter with an enemy.

ingkuy = ingku.

Inglatíra n England.

ingli n k.o. locally made salt obtained by dissolving ashes in seawater and evaporating it. v [A; b6c1] make rock salt of this sort.

inglis n 1 Englishman. 2 area in Cebu City (so called from an Englishman that used to live there). -in- n English language, spoken or written in English. v [A; c1] speak or write in English. †

in-grandi a for a social affair to be on grandiose scale. v [B26; c1] be grandiose. Muin-grandi ang piging kun gastúan, The party will be grandiose if you spend a lot. In-grandíhun giyud ang kasal, The wedding must be on a grand scale.

in-grátu = inggrátu.

in-gridiyinti n ingredient.

in-grísu = inggrísu.

íngug1 a piercing and persistent in sound. Íngug kaáyu ang hadiyung sa radiyu, The humming in the radio is very annoying. v [b3] find s.t. unpleasant to hear. Ingúgan na ku ánang pagbalikbálik níyag isturya sa íyang pag-adtu sa Amirika, I’m bored constantly [383]hearing her tell the same old things about her trip to the States.

íngug2 v [b4] have an uneasy feeling when doing s.t. private in the presence of s.o. Íngúgan kug náay táwu sa duul ug malibang ku, I feel ill at ease when people are around while I’m defecating.

ingun1 1 like, similar. Ingun niíni ang íyang libru, His book was like this. dílì — nátù supernatural beings (lit. ones not like us). walay — incomparable, second to none. Usa siya ka magsusúlat nga walay ingun, He is a writer second to none. 1a — sa [sentence] as though. Ingun sa nahugnù ang kalibútan, It was as though the world had collapsed. 2 sa — in such a way. Ngánung gibuhátan man ku nímu sa ingun? Why do you treat me like this? 2a accordingly, in like manner. Sa ingun matawag pud nátù ug langgam ang kabug, In like manner we can also call bats birds. 2b sa — niánà 2b1 accordingly. Sa ingun niánà, nadátù siya sa pamaligyà ug isdà, Accordingly, she became rich from selling fish. 2b2 in that case. Sa ingun niánà, dì na lang ku mupaúlì rung hápun, In that case I don’t have to go home this afternoon. 3 — man as well as. Kini suliran sa mga magbabalaud, ingun man sa mga lungsuránun, This is a problem for the lawmakers as well as for the citizens. Midalì ku ug tindug ingun man ang duha ka babáyi, I immediately stood up, and so did the two women. 4 — ka-[adjective] sa as [adjective] Ingun íni kadakù, It was as big as this. 5 — ngari, nganhà, nganhi, ngadtu with this (that) much distance. Naglingkud siya ingun ngadtu, ug diri pud ku, He was sitting that far away, while I was over here. v 1 [B126] be like. Maingun ka ug búang ánang sinináa, You will look like a madman in those clothes. Nag-ingun niíni ang patayng láwas, The dead body was like this. Naingun ka niíni tungud sa íyang sáad, You have become like this because of his promises. 2 [c1] do s.t. in [such-and-such] a way. Ug ingnun nímu siya íni pagkuput, dì siya makabuhì, If you hold him like this, he cannot escape. Giingnan ku níya ánà, He did like this to me. 3 [A12; b4(1)] give cause so as to result in s.t. Unsa may nakaingun sa inyung áway? What caused your quarrel? Unsa may naingnan (gikaingnan) sa inyung panagbúngul? What caused your quarrel? 4 [ma-, pagka-, inigka-] — ugmà on the following day, more or less. Pagkaingun ugmà u sunud ba hinug na nà, Tomorrow or the next day, it will be ripe. ingun-íngun somewhat like. Ingun-íngun ug báhù sa rúsas ning buláka, This flower smells somewhat like a rose. báhung ingun-íngun smells like the you know what (vagina) (humorous). v 1 [B25] be, become somewhat like or similar to. 1a be rather bad. Bantug na lang nagkaingun-ingun ku, daugdaúgun lang ku, Because I’m reduced to this, people walk all over me. 2 [A13; a12] act, be like s.t. needlessly. Ngánung nag-ingun-ingun ka man niánà? Why are you acting that way? -in- v [A13] do likewise. Ábi kay magbinúang sila dì ka mag-iningun, Just because they are doing foolish things, that doesn’t mean you have to do the same. paka- v 1 [A13] cause oneself to be like. Ug muy ílang buhátun, dì ka magpakaingun, That’s what they might do, but don’t put yourself in the same category. 2 [a12] be thought to be. Pakaingnun kang bágis, They’ll think you’re a thug. gipaka- ug [gen.] ug (short forms: pakaingun, kaingun, ingun) it seemed to [gen.]. Gipakaingun ku (ingun ku) ug si Husi ka, I thought you were Joe. ingung ku, ingkug = gipakaingun ku. panag-, panig- v 1 [A2; b6] imitate: do like s.o. or make oneself like s.o. Dílì ta manig-ingun sa mga dátung mudagmal ug binatunan, We should not imitate the rich and mistreat our servants. Maáyu nga panig-ingnan (panag-ingnan) nímu si Isku kay buútan, You should emulate Esco because he is well-behaved. 2 [A; bc] compare one with s.t., consider him to be like s.t. Ayaw ku ipanag-ingun sa buáya, Don’t liken me to a crocodile. Si Risal ang ákung gipanag-ingnan sa maistru, I compared the teacher to Rizal. 3 [c] do s.o. the same way he did to s.o. else. Ayaw kug ipanag-ingun sa ímung anak, Don’t do me the same way you did your son. ka- n peer, one like s.o. else. Dílì ka manlimbung sa ímung isig ka ingun, Don’t cheat your fellow men. pagpakig-ingun-ingun n congenial relationship. Angay untà ang pagpakig-ingun-ingun nátù sa átung isig ka táwu, Each one of us ought to have good relations with our fellow men. tag-(←), tag- each one like. Ang bansíkul tag-ingug buktun, The tuna were each as big around as your arm. v [B1256] for each to turn out to be like.

ingun2 v [A; b5c] 1 say, tell. Ingnun (ingnan) ta ikaw dáan sa dì pa ka maílad, I will tell you beforehand, before you get swindled. Mauy pagaingnun nga píling pílì sa pinilian paúlì, As the saying goes, be too choosy and get what s.o. else didn’t want. Ang ginaingun nga Insik mikágiw sa láing násud, The aforementioned Chinese escaped to another country. 2 [a12] said to be s.t. Ingnun ka [384]unyang maut, You will be said to put on airs. Nagpadaladála siya ug libra arun ingnun siya nga istudiyanti, He carries books around so people will think he’s a student. pakaarun ingnun v [A13] 1 pretend. Apan siya nagpakaarun ingnun nga walà makakità nákù, But she pretended that she hadn’t seen me. 2 pretend, put on a front. Nagpakaarun ingnun siyang dátù, She pretends to be rich. n — sa pag-unsa s.t. said to hurt s.o.’s feelings. Dílì ni ingun sa pag-unsa, apan tinúud, I’m not saying this to hurt your feelings, but it’s true.

*ingun3 pa- toward. Midágan siya paingun sa gawang, He ran toward the door. v 1 [A; c] head for. Ug mupaingun ang barku sa mabaw, masángad, If the boat heads for the shallows it will run aground. Ipaingun ngadtu ang sílit sa hús, Direct the water from the hose over there. 2 [b8] go to for help, resort to. Wà tay láing kapaingnan, We have no one else we can turn to.

íngus1 v [A2S; b3] whimper. Muíngus ang ituy ug byáan, The puppy whimpers when you leave it alone.

íngus2 a having the smell of urine. Íngus kaáyu ang banyu kay anhà mu sa salug mangíhì, The bathroom stinks because you urinate on the floor. v [B126] be, become ill-smelling.

ingus-ingus n k.o. peppery dish made from chicken intestines.

inhílir n inhaler.

inhiniríya, inhinyiríya n engineering.

inhinyíru n engineer. — miníru, sibil mining, civil engineer. v [B16; c1] be, become an engineer.

íni1 be here (dialectal). Íni aku kay manghuwam untà kug kwarta, I am here to borrow money.

íni2 n letter N.

inidúru = inudúru.

inig- prefix added to active verbs to form an abstract form meaning ‘when [so-and-so] happens’. Inig-abut níya, tawga ku, Call me when he arrives. Inigpalit nímu sa pán, When you buy the bread.

inigka- prefix added to stative verbs to form words meaning ‘when [so-and-so] happens to s.t.’. Inigkalútù sa kík, When the cake gets done. Inigkahúlug níya, When he falls.

iniksiyun = indyiksiyun.

inilus = hinilus. see hilus.

iníma n enema. v [A; b6(1)] give an enema.

íning n baseball inning.

Iníru n January. v see abril.

inislagan see islag2.

ínit a 1 hot, warm to the touch. Ínit ang pán, The bread is still warm. Ínit kaáyu sa kwartu, It was very warm inside the room. Ay kug samúka kay ínit ang ákung ū́ run, Don’t disturb me. I’m rather hot-tempered today. 2 enthusiastic, heated, with vigorous concern. Ínit kaáyu ang piliay dinhi sa Pilipínas, The elections here in the Philippines are hotly contested. Ínit kaáyu ang ílang pagtinubágay, They had a heated argument. Ínit siyag tinagdan nákù, She entertained me with great warmth. 3 sunny and clear. Pagpáyung kay ínit, Use a parasol because it’s hot. — ang kwarta a money is so irresistible it will tempt people to get themselves into trouble for its sake. Ínit ang kwarta mau nga ang táwu nga mabuyu niíni kalagmítan mabanlud sa kadáut, Money is irresistible so that whoever succumbs to its temptation will likely be carried to misfortune. n 1 heat. Ang hinungaw sa ínit malagmit mauy nakadáut sa ímung mata, The sudden evaporation of heat from your body seems to have ruined your eyesight. 2 sun, as opposed to shade. Ayaw ihayhay sa ínit kay mulubad, Don’t hang it in the sun because it will fade. v 1 [AB; ab2] heat s.t., become hot. Nag-ínit na kug kapi, I’m heating some coffee. Muínit ang kwartu ug dì abríhan ang bintánà, The room will get too warm if you don’t open the windows. Imna ning litsi arun mainitan ímung tiyan, Drink this milk to warm your stomach. 1a [B; b3] be in a bad mood about s.t. Nagkainit ang íyang buut nga nagkapildipildi sa súgal, He’s getting in more and more of a bad mood because he has been losing steadily in his gambling. Giinítan ku níya, He’s P.O.’d at me (I’m the reason he is P.O.’d). 1b = paN-. 2 [B; ab3(1)] be heated up with enthusiasm. Sa nag-ínit na ang dúlà, Just as the game was getting exciting. Giinítan ku nang awtúha, I got all fired up about that car. 3 [B36; b6] for it to be a sunny day. Dúgay nang wà makaínit, The sun hasn’t shone for some time. 4 [AN] — ang kwarta sa kamut for money to remain in one’s possession for long. Dì muínit (mangínit) ang kwarta sa mga táwung diswildu, If you get a salary, you don’t keep your money for long—you spend it as you earn. paN- v [A2] get hot from some internal source. Wà mangínit ang makina, The machine didn’t heat up. Gitapin-an ku ang nagpanginit níyang láwas, I felt his feverish body. Adtu ka na? Wà pa gánì makapangínit ang ímung lubut, You’re leaving already? You haven’t even warmed your fanny (lit. your fanny hasn’t even had a chance to warm up yet). Nangínit ákung [385]dalunggan pagkadungug sa insultu, My ears burned when I heard the insult. -ay v [C3] compete or fight in a heated manner. Bahálà nang magkumpitinsiya mu basta dì lang mag-initay, You may compete with each other, but not too heatedly. pa- n 1 s.t. one warms oneself with. 2 snack, usually in the afternoon. 2a = ipa-. v [A; b6(1)] take one’s afternoon snack. ipa- n small tip (lit. s.t. to buy a snack with). Díay ipaínit nímu, dung, Here’s a tip for you, son. (←) v [A; b(1)] expose s.o. or oneself to the sun. Painiti ang bátà mabuntag, Expose the child to the sun every morning. pa-an(→) n place one can get snacks. ka- n 1 enthusiasm. 2 = ínit, n, 1. 3 = ka-un(→). ka-un(→) n degree of heat. -un(→) a easily angered. Initun ang táwung hayblad, A person with high blood pressure is short-tempered. v [B12] become short-tempered. ma-un 1 warm, affectionate. 2 enthusiastic, avid. Mainítun nga pagsúgat, Warm welcome. 3 heated, conducted with vigor. ting-(→) n hot season. v [B56] be the hot season.

inkáhi = ingkáhi.

inkargádu = ingkargádu1, 2.

inklinar v [A; c1] tilt to one side. Niinklinar ug gamay dapit sa wala ang balay human sa línug, The house tilted a little to the left after the earthquake. Dì ku makainklinar sa ákung úlu kay nagtikig ákung líug, I can’t let my head tilt to the side because I have stiff neck.

inklúsu v 1 [A; b5c1] wall, put a fence around s.t. Inklusúha (iinklúsu) nang inyung gardin, Fence your garden. 2 [A; c1] include with the others. Inklusúha (iinklúsu) siya sa kíha, Include him in the lawsuit. 3 [A; b6c1] insert in a letter. Mahadluk kung muinklúsu ug kwarta sa subri, I’m afraid to enclose money in an envelope.

inkuwintru = ingkuwintru.

inkyubítur n incubator. v [c] put s.t. in an incubator.

inlards v [A; a] enlarge a photograph. -ir n photograph enlarger.

Inpísi n acronym for NPC, the National Press Club.

inpuntu = *impuntu.

inpurmir n informer, one who tips off the police. v [B16] be, become an informer.

inri n INRI, an inscription at the head of the cross.

inruk, inrúki v [A; c6] castle in chess. Iinrúki ang hárì kay namiligru, Castle the king because he is endangered. n castling.

inrúl v [A; c1] enroll s.o. in school. Ug makainrúl ug dúsi ipadáyun ang klási, This course will be given if at least twelve students enroll. pa- v [A; c] enroll oneself in a school, course. -min, -mint n 1 action of enrolling or registering in school. 2 number of people enrolled in a certain period. v [A13] hold an enrollment period.

insaláda (not without l) n salad. a meddling in other people’s affairs. Insaláda kaáyung pagkababáyi ang ákung ugángan, My mother-in-law is a meddlesome person. v 1 [A; c1] have, make a salad. 2 [A13] meddle in others’ affairs.

insayid n in bounds in a game. v [B126; c6P] be in bounds. Puntus na untà ug nainsayid pa tung búla, That would have been good if it had landed in bounds.

insayid dyab n inside job, robbery committed by s.o. employed in the place robbed.

insayklupidya n encyclopedia. v [A13; c16] make an encyclopedia.

insaymáda = insumáda.

insáyu n 1 rehearsal. 2 murumúru play. v 1 [AC12; c1] rehearse, cause s.o. to rehearse. Nag-insáyu siya sa íyang ipakigpúlung, He is rehearsing his speech. Ang maistra nag-insáyu sa mga bátà sa ílang sáyaw, The teacher is rehearsing her pupils for the dance. 2 [A; c1] stage a murumúru play. insayuhan, insayuhánan n place one rehearses or stages a murumúru play.

insi term of address to a related female older (usually much older) than the speaker. v [A; a12] call a woman insi.

insigniya n insignia. v [A; b6(1)] wear an insignia.

Insik n Chinaman, Chinese. Insik (insikun) kaáyu siyag mata, She has Chinese eyes. Pruduktu ni sa Insik, This is a Chinese product. -in- n 1 Chinese language. 2 anything done in Chinese style. v [A; c1] speak Chinese. ka-an 1 China. 2 Chinatown. 3 the Chinese as a group. -un a Chinese-like.

Insíka n Chinese woman.

insiktu n insect (used only in writing).

insíma v 1a [B2C3] for two things to fail to be directly aligned or opposite each other. Nagkainsíma ang butúnis ug uhális, The buttons and the buttonholes are not directly opposite each other. 1b [B456] for the eyes or line of vision to veer off. Miinsíma ang ákung tinan-awan paglabay sa siksing babáyi, My eyes veered to a sexy girl who passed by. 2 [AC; ab] exchange, interchange. Insimáha na ang inyung mga papil arun makakurihir na kamu, Exchange your papers so you can correct them. Insimáhan ku ning ákung sapátus ug láin. Mangítà pa kug iinsíma niíni, I will change these shoes for another. [386]I will look for a pair to exchange them for.

insimáda = insumáda.

insinsaryu n censer, incense holder.

insinsu n 1 incense. 2 censer. v [A; b6(1)] burn incense.

insistǐr v [A2; b6(1)] insist. Ayawg insistiri ang ripiri nga nasayup siya, Don’t insist that the referee was wrong. Iinsistǐr giyud níya ang íyang sugyut bísag wà uyúni sa kadaghanan, He insists on following his idea although the majority did not favor it.

insiyur v [A; c1] issue or sell insurance. Maáyu giyug insiyúrun (iinsiyur) nang inyung balay sa súnug, It would be a good idea to have your house insured against fire. -d a 1 insured, covered with insurance. 2 for a woman to be no longer available, having a boy friend already. 3 sure shot in basketball. maN-r-, tig- n underwriter. paN- n selling insurance as an occupation.

inspiksiyun n inspection. Inspiksiyun na run sa mga timbangan sa mirkádu, They will inspect the scales in the market today. v [AN; a12] make an inspection or careful examination. Inspiksiyunun sa maistra ang kwadirnu, The teacher will inspect our notebooks. Hiinspiksiyunan sa prinsipal ang tinagúang mariwána, The principal came across the marijuana in his inspection.

inspiktur n inspector, official examiner. — sa sanidad sanitary inspector. v [B16; c16] be, become an inspector. Mag-inspiktur ku sa kustum, I’ll become a customs inspector.

inspirar v [A; a] give inspiration. Inspiraha siya sa pagpaningúhà, Inspire him to strive hard. Ang Bibliya giinspirahan sa Diyus, The Bible is inspired by God. inspirádu a inspired. inspirasiyun n inspiration.

instalar v 1 [A; c] install, fix s.t. in position for use. Wà pa mi instalahig tilipunu, Our telephone hasn’t been installed yet. 2 [A; c] install officers in clubs or some office not of high rank. instalasiyun n 1 installation of officers into office. 2 military installation.

institusyun n institution, an organization having a social, educational, or religious purpose.

institiyut n small private school on any level.

instruksiyun n instructions, directions. Sunda ang instruksiyun arun mahustu ang paggámit nímu, Follow the instructions so that you use it correctly. v [A; b6(1)] give instructions to.

instrumintu n 1 instrument. 2 instrument, means for bringing s.t. about. Akuy gihímù nílang instrumintu sa paghangyù sa mayur, They used me as a means for approaching the mayor. 3 musical instrument.

instul v [A; ac] 1 buy s.t. on installments, pay installments. Instulun (instulmínun) ngánì nímu, mas dakù kag mabáyad kay sa kás, If you buy it on installments you are going to pay more than if you had paid cash. Pilay ímung iinstul run? How big of an installment are you going to pay this time? 2 = instalar. -min, -mint n installment paid. v [c16] buy s.t. on installments.

*insular gubyirnu, kagamhánan — National government (from the usage in Spanish times when the government of the Philippines was called Gobierno insular to distinguish it from the Spanish government at home.

insultu v [AN; b5c] insult. n insult. †

insumáda n k.o. sweet, soft bread rolled into a spiral and covered with butter and powdered sugar. v [A; c1] make insumáda.

insumniya n insomnia.

insuriktu n insurgent against the Spanish government. v [B16; b6] be, become an insurgent. -s = insuriktu (plural).

insuy v [A123P; b4] 1 get sick from taking a bath after sexual intercourse. 2 for a wound to get infected from bathing. Giinsúyan ang ákung samad, My wound got infected.

intabládu n stage. v [c1] build a stage.

intap a afraid of s.o. for his superiority. Intap kaáyu ang mga buguy níya kay ísug siya, The thugs are very much afraid of him because he is fierce. v [B26; b3(1)] fear s.o. for his superiority. Gikaintápan nang ílang tím dinhi. Wà nay manúkul, Their team is most feared here. No one dares compete with them.

intáwun short form: táwun. 1 particle expressing or asking for pity. 1a in statements. Daghan táwun ang namatay didtu, A lot of people died in that place. Mu man nà táwuy ákung panginabúhì, That’s what we live from, poor us. 1b with imperatives: please, have mercy. Iúlì intáwun nà sa labing madalì, Please return that at the earliest possible time. 2 expressing humility: I don’t necessarily deserve s.t. good. Nahinumdum táwun siya nákù, He remembers me (though I am not important enough to be remembered). Nakadaug táwun ku, I won just by luck. 2a with statement praising oneself, expressing humility. Kamau táwun ku ánà uy, I know how to do that. (I don’t think I’m great guns, but I do know how to do it.) 2b with statements that a catastrophe hasn’t happened: through the mercy of the Lord. [387]Wà táwun mi hitabuig iltur, We haven’t been hit by El Tor, thank God. 3 with a sharp denial, taking the sting out of the denial. ‘Anak nu ka sa gawas ni Pidru.’—‘Dílì, tawun uy,’ ‘They say you’re Pedro’s illegitimate son.’—‘Good heavens, no! (Have mercy, don’t think of that.)’ paN- v [A2S; b6] say intáwun. Nagpangintawun siya nga nanghulam nákù ug kwarta, He kept on saying ‘poor me’ as he was borrowing the money.

intil1 v [B126; b6] for one’s growth to be stunted. Basta maintil ang táwu, hínayg túbù, A person whose growth is stunted does not grow fast.

intil2 n clitoris.

intilhinti, intilihinti a intelligent. v [B12; b6] be, become intelligent.

intimánu = antimánu.

intinsiyun n intention, plan. Wà kuy intinsiyun nga mubakasiyun kay musámir man ku, I have no plans for taking a vacation because I’m planning to take summer classes. v 1 [a12] do s.t. intentionally. 2 [b4] do s.o. harm intentionally in basketball. Mihagbà si Panir kay giintinsiyunan man sa íyang paglusut, Paner hit the floor because s.o. tripped him as he drove into the basket.

intirbinir v [A; b(1)] interfere, get oneself involved in others’ affairs. Ayaw pag-intirbinir sa mga sulti sa dagkù, Don’t break in when grown-ups are talking. Nahúnung ang mainítung panaglális sa dihang giintirbinihan sa pulis, The quarrel came to a halt when the policeman intervened.

intirbintur n poll watcher.

intirbiyu v [A; a] interview s.o. Intirbiyuhun ka sad sa manidyǐr, The manager will interview you, too. n interview.

intiris1 n interest, a feeling of concern or curiosity. Wà siyay intiris sa sabdyik, He has no interest in the subject. v 1 [A12; a] look at s.t. with an ulterior motive. Kwarta ray ílang giintiris nákù, Their only interest in me is my money. 2 [A23N; b] steal, do malicious damage. Ayawg byàbyái nang ímung radiyu. Daghan ra bay mangintiris dinhi, Don’t leave your radio around because there are lots of people that steal around here. Giintirisan ang ílang awtu, S.o. did malicious damage to their car. 2a [b4] abuse s.o. sexually. Giintirisan pa giyud ang babáyi sa mga kawatan, The robbers also abused her sexually. -adu(←) a 1 interested, enthusiastic, feeling or showing interest or curiosity. Intirisádu kaáyu siyang mahibaw-an ang ákung sikrítu, She is very interested in knowing my secret. Intirisádu ka sa ímung pagtuun? Are you interested in your studies? 2 having an ulterior motive on s.t. Intirisádu kaáyu siya sa yútà kay patadlasag karsáda, He’s very interested in that land because they’re going to put a road through it. v [B126; b6] interested in s.t., or interested in acquiring s.t. -is(←) n property, holdings. Mugamut ang usa ka táwu sa usa ka lugar kun náa ang íyang mga intirísis, A person stays rooted in a place if he has property there.

intiris2 n interest on a loan.

intiriyur a away from roads. Lisud pangitáun ang ílang báy kay intiriyur kaáyu, It is very difficult to locate their house because it is situated in the interior, away from the road. Ang intiriyur nga mga baryu, The barrios that are located away from the highway. v [B126; c1] be located far from the highway. n 1 inner tube. 2 bladder of an inflatable ball.

intir kurs n k.o. dance with sexual intercourse-like movements. v [A] dance this dance.

intirmidiya n grades 5, 6, 7 in school. v [B6; b(1)] be in the intermediate grades.

intirmidiyu situated halfway between two. Ang ámung balay intirmidiyu sa iskuylahan ug sa simbahan, Our house is located halfway between the school and the church.

intirmisyun n intermission, break. v 1 [A; b(1)] be intermission. Kinahanglang intirmisyunan nímu ang iskidyul nímu sa buntag, You have to take a break in the morning. 2 [A; b6(1)] give a number during the intermission of a performance.

intirn n medical intern. v [B16; b(1)] be an intern.

intirna n female student staying in a ritzy boarding school, finishing school. v [B36; c1] board in a finishing school.

intirnal a internal, esp. s.t. to be taken or applied inside the body. v [B126; c1] become, make s.t. internal. Intirnalun (iintirnal) ang pagtambal, Treat the patient with medicines to take internally. †

intirnasyunal a 1 international. 2 woman having had several children from different fathers, usually of different nationalities (humorous). Íya ra intáwun dì manakud, intirnasyunal kaáyu nang bayhána, God forbid it happen to anyone else. That woman has children from all different fathers. v [B12; b6c1] be, become international.

intirnu v 1 [A1; c1] keep in seclusion. Nag-unsa ka sa ímung lawak, nag-intirnu? What are you staying in your room for? Hiding? Iintirnu (intirnúhun) tika sa ímung kwartu kun magbinúang ka, I will lock you in your [388]room if you fool around. 2 [B36; c1] be a boarder in school. Kung sa siminaryu ka mag-intirnu, dì ka giyud kaguwàgúwà, If you board in the seminary you aren’t allowed to leave the grounds. n 1 male student who boards at school. 2 medical intern.

intirpriti, intirpritir n interpreter. v [B16] be, become an interpreter.

intíru whole, complete, completely. Wà hikan-i ang kík kay intíru pa man, No one ate any of the cake because it is untouched. Dì giyud mairug ug hihunasag intíru, You can’t budge if you’re completely caught by the low tide. — adlaw, gabíi, búlan, etc. the whole day, night, month, etc. Wà siyay pahúlay intíru adlaw, He had no rest the whole day. — kwirpu a whole body length (said of a mirror glass). v 1 [B126] turn out to be whole. 2 [a] do s.t. to a whole of s.t. Ayawg intirúhag pula ang balay, Don’t make the whole house red. 3 [A; c1] do s.t. the whole length of a unit of time. Mag-intíru adlaw lang nà siyag bása, He reads the whole day. Intirúhun (iintíru) níya pagpatukar si Prank Sinatra sa íyang prugráma, He plays Frank Sinatra records throughout his radio program.

intiyíru see santu.

intiw = intil2.

intra v 1 [A2; b6(1)] participate in a game, contest, and the like; indulge in, engage in s.t. Dì ku muintra sa inyung dúlà, I won’t join your game. Miintra siyag pamabáyi, He started to take up with a mistress. Nakaintra na kug pangutsíru, I’ve tried my hand driving a rig. Kining lábil ákung iintra sa ílang bunutbúnut, I’ll submit this label as an entry in their contest. 2 [A13; b] for s.t. to be taken up or indulged in as s.t. additional. Sukad muintra ang pamabáyi sa íyang nigusyu, sígi siyang nagkaalkansi, He’s been losing in his business ever since he started taking up with women as a sideline. Intráhig dagandágan ang ímung kuntra arun dì ka manak-áwut, Try taking to hit-and-run tactics against your opponent so that you won’t get knocked out. 3 [A; c] enter down in a record, list, diary, and the like. Ayaw iintra sa libru ang risíbung nawā̀, Don’t enter the lost receipts into the book.

intrabudyǔs = intrudyǔs (humorous).

intráda n 1 opening, beginning portion of. Ang intráda sa únang simistri Hulyu 15, The first day of classes for the first semester will be on July 15. Ang pasiuna náa sa intráda sa libru, The preface is in the first few pages of the book. 2 the front part of the foot, starting at where the foot widens before the toes. 2a vamp, part of a boot or shoe covering the intráda. 3 area at the nape of the neck where one begins making the haircut. 4 entrance fee. — hiniral general admission in places of entertainment. 5 area that serves as an entrance. Salída ni. Túa sa pikas ang intráda, This is the exit. The entrance is on the other side. v 1 [a3b6(1)] be at the beginning. Ang simistri muintráda sa Lúnis, The semester starts on Monday. Giintradáhan ni Pilíta ug kinatsilang áwit ang íyang pasundáyag, Pilita started her show with a Spanish number. 2 [b6] put a vamp in a shoe. 3 [A; b] make the beginning cuts in a haircut. †

intrans n entrance fee in a school, portion of the fee students must pay upon registering. v 1 [A3] for a school to impose an entrance fee. 2 [A3; c] pay the entrance fee in school. — iksaminisyun n entrance examination. v [A13] hold an entrance examination.

intranti n persons who take part in a performance or contest. Ang mga intranti sa sáyaw, The participants in the dance program. Mga intranti sa karíra, Entrants in the horse race. v [B126; c1] be, become an entrant or participant.

intri for matters to be between, among. Ayawg apil adtung ílang lális kay intri ra kadtu nílang duha, Don’t mix into their quarrel because it is only between the two of them. Intri sa mga salmut sa banggà siya ang kinagwapahan, Among the contestants she is the most beautiful.

intribinir = intirbinir.

intribista n interview. v [A13] hold an interview. Mag-intribista run hápun sa mga aplikanti, They’ll hold an interview for all of the applicants this afternoon.

intribudyǔs = intrudyǔs (humorous).

intríga n intrigue. Kasína ug intríga mauy naghárì sa ílang punduk, Jealousy and intrigue dominate their group. v [A13] intrigue against s.o.

intrigar v [A; b6(1)] hand over or turn s.t. to s.o. personally, giving the responsibility of it. Way láing intrigahan kun dílì ang ginikánan, Don’t turn it over to anyone but the parents. Karun iintrigar nátù ang prugráma sa imsi, Now I turn the program over to your host. intrigádu a s.t. handed over and entrusted to s.o. Intrigádu ku tanan ang ákung swildu ngadtu sa ákung asáwa, My entire salary is handed over to my wife. Intrigádu ang ákung kalag ug láwas sa gugma nímu, Because of my love I have entrusted [389]my body and soul to you.

intrígu = intrigar.

intrimitir v [A; b(1)] meddle in s.o. else’s affairs. Dì ta muintrimitir sa mga magtiáyung mag-áway, We should not meddle into a married couple’s quarrel. intrimitída, -u a meddling in others’ affairs.

intripiti = intirpriti.

intrisádu = intirisádu. see intiris1.

intrisáli v [A13P; b(1)] for many people to go s.w. and leave again. Natural, mag-intrisáli giyud ang táwu dinhi kay tindáhan man, Of course, people come and go to this place because this is a store. Intrisalíhan sa táwu ang tindáhang hingusúgan sa pálit, People flock in and out of a store that does a brisk business.

intriyul, intriyur = intiriyur.

intru v [c6] throw the basketball from the end courts. n a throw in basketball from the end courts.

intrubudyǔs = intrudyǔs (humorous).

intrudyǔs v [A; c] introduce s.o. to s.o. else. Iintrudyǔs ku ánang ímung amíga bi, Introduce me to your lady friend.

intrunisar v [A; b(1)] carry out the ceremony of blessing and installing an image in a home or another building. intrunisasiyun n the enthronement of an image or statue in a place of honor in the house. v [A; b6(1)] do the enthronement.

intsards n person in charge of a class, enterprise, or any other group activity. Siya ang intsards dinhi sa klási, He is the one in charge in this class. v [B126; c] be in charge.

intunsis 1 therefore, consequently, the inescapable outcome is ... Intunsis, kay nakáun na man nímu, bayran giyud, Consequently, since you ate it, you have to pay for it. Intunsis magtuun ka arun dílì ka mahagbung, Therefore, you must study if you are not to flunk. 2 the conclusion we draw is ... Intunsis, wà diay ka sa klási ug wà ka kakità nákù didtu, So, you must not have been in class if you did not see me there. v [B1256] 1 go to waste: for an outlay to give no return, be put to useless effort, be damaged to the point of being useless. Naintunsis ang ákung tris míl adtung nigusyúha, In that venture I lost three thousand. Naintunsis kug báyad ug mahal sa ímung pagpasakitsákit, Because you pretended to be ill, I was made to go to a lot of needless expense. 1a end up miserable. Naintunsis ang babáying gibyáang burus, The poor woman was ruined because she was made pregnant and abandoned. 2 ang — [A12] the only thing wrong is ... Ang nakaintunsis nímu kay gáhì kag úlu, The thing that’s wrong with you is that you are stubborn.

intus v [A; a] mill sugarcane. Kining intusána muintus ug lima ka iktaryang katubhan matag adlaw, This sugar mill can mill five hectares of sugarcane every day. -an(→) n 1 sugar mill. 2 cane crusher.

intuy = undù.

inudúru n toilet bowl. v [A; a] install, make into a toilet bowl.

inugurasiyun = inagurasiyun. see inagurar.

inuínu v [AP; a12] ingeniously devise ways to make s.t. do. Labihan nákung makainuínu nga ang singku muabut giyug usa ka adlaw, How I tried to devise ways to make five pesos last for one day. Giinuínu sa sastri nga muígù ang panaptun, The dressmaker devised ways to make the cloth go far enough.

inum v 1 [A; a2] drink. 2 [A2; a] drink liquor. Nagwandugwandug ang linaktan níya, nakainum tingáli, He’s wobbling. Maybe he had one too many. 3 [A; ab2] take medicine with water. Muinum siyag tablítas arun makatúg, He will take sleeping pills so that he can go to sleep. n action of drinking. (←) 4 [AC; c1] have a drinking spree. Ang dispirádu túa mag-ínum sa súd sa íyang kwartu, The despondent man is drinking heavily in his room. n drinking spree. imnanan v [A13] drink s.w. habitually. imnanan, ilimnan, ilimnanan, inúman n 1 drinking container. 2 place where one habitually drinks. hiN-(←) a 1 fond of drinking. Dì ku hingínum ug tubà, I don’t care too much for toddy. 2 drunkard. ma- n s.t. to drink, esp. alcoholic. pala-(←) a = hiN-, 2. ilimnun, imnunun n 1 alcoholic liquor or beverage. 2 any liquid for drinking. 3 folk medicine consisting of boiled herbs and roots taken orally. v [A; b] treat with boiled herbs or roots. Giilimnunan lang ang íyang hilánat, His fever was just treated with boiled herbs and roots.

inun-an = inun-únan. see un-un1.

inunay see unay.

inúnay = kanyáhay.

inupung = alinupung.

inusinti, inusintis a 1 naive, innocent of the ways of the world. Inusinti ka sa palípat, pildi ka giyud, You’re not wise to thimblerig gambling, so you’ll lose. Inusinti pa siya sa mga babáyi, He’s innocent when it comes to women. 1a harmless, not likely to think of doing misdeeds. Dì giyud siya muy nangíriw. Inusinti nà siya, She didn’t steal it. She’s a harmless sort. 1b innocent of a joke played on one. Nasugamak sa binúang ang [390]inusinti, The innocent fellow walked right into the trap. 2 people having no involvement but brought to harm through no fault of their own. Daghang mga inusinti ang naamung, Many innocent people were caught up in the catastrophe. 3 innocent, not guilty. 4 Innocents’ Day (December 28), The Philippine equivalent of April Fool’s. v 1 [B12; a2] be, become innocent. 2 [A; a12] fool s.o. on Innocents’ Day.

inut a close-fisted to the point of not spending for the barest necessities. v [B12; b6] get to be close-fisted. inut-ínut v [A; b5c1] spend money or use s.t. sparingly. Ug kamau ka muinut-ínut sa ímung kwarta, dì ka giyud kahutdan, If you know how to spend your money sparingly, you won’t run out. Inut-inúti (inut-inúta) ang pagtabakù kay wà ka ra bay swildu, Go easy on the smokes. You aren’t earning any money. -an = inut.

inútil n 1 invalid, disabled. Inútil siya human sa aksidinti, He was disabled after the accident. Inútil ang ákung buktun, My arm is completely disabled. 2 worthless person. Líhuk mung mga inutíla mu, Get a move on, you worthless bums. 3 wash-out, one who passed his peak. Inútil na nang artistáha, That actress is a has-been. v [B126; a] be, become disabled. Inutílun ba nímu ang ímung anak ug kinastígu? Do you want to cripple your child with that punishment?

inyam n k.o. tree.

inyiksiyun = indyiksiyun.

inyu see kamu.

ipak v [A; a] split, break a piece off of s.t. hard, divide into pieces. Mag-ipak kug káhuy, I’ll chop off a piece of firewood. Giipak ang kamúti kay dakù kaáyu, She broke the yam into pieces because it was too big. Íyang ipakun ang mga kawáyan nga isalug, He’ll split the bamboo poles to use for flooring. n a piece chopped, split or broken off from.

íp buy an expression uttered when lifting s.t. heavy. Íp buy, kabug-at na niíning batáa, Uup, how heavy this child has grown.

ípi = ígi1, *ígi2.

ipidimya n epidemic of some disease. v [B16] be, become an epidemic disease.

ipikasint n efficascent oil, patent medicinal oil. — úwil = ipikasint.

*ipik way — ineffective (humorous).

ipiktar v [A; b4(1)] effect an outcome on s.t. Miipiktar na sa lungsud ang subrang gastu sa iliksiyun, Spending too much on the elections is now having its repercussions on the country. Nag-ipiktar na ug súgud ang anistisya, The anesthesia is beginning to take effect now. ipiktádu be adversely affected by. Ipiktádu ang átung ikunumíya sa kangil-ad sa pamunúan, The economy suffers the consequences of a corrupt administration.

ipiktíbu a 1 effective, having results. Ipiktíbu nga tambal, Effective medicine. 2 effective, taking effect at a specified time. Ipiktíbu karung adláwa, wà nay mga háyup nga buhían, Effective today, no animals will be permitted to wander loose. v [B12; c1] come to have effect. Maipiktíbu ning tambála ug tumarun káda adlaw, This medicine will be effective if you take it daily.

ipiktu n effect. Way ipiktu nákù ang mariwána, Marijuana has no effect on me. v [A2; b4] take effect. Ang tambal muipiktu usa ka úras human sa pag-indyiksiyun, The medicine takes effect one hour after the injection.

ipiktus n 1 personal belongings. 2 various goods or commodities for sale. 3 various cargoes or load.

ipil n k.o. large hardwood tree of the primary or secondary forest, furnishing yellowish lumber and a dye from the bark: Intsia bijuga. ipil-ípil = byatilis.

ipiliptiku a epileptic. v [B126] be, become an epileptic.

ípis v [A; b6(1)] pour liquid into a container, esp. for drinking. Iípis ring payn-ápul dyus sa mga básu, Pour the pineapple juice into the glasses. n action of pouring. -anan n glass into which drinks are poured and passed around in drinking sprees. tig-(←) n one who does the pouring for the others esp. in a drinking spree.

ipistula n Epistle of the Bible, section of the mass where the Epistle is read. v [A1] read the Epistle. Wà pa mag-ipistula sa pag-abut níya sa simbahan, They hadn’t gotten to the Epistle when he arrived in church.

ipit, ípit v 1 [A; ab2] jam, wedged in between two things. Ipitun ang linidgid nga kamúting káhuy arun pagkúhà sa dugà, They press the cassava to get the poisonous liquid out. Naipitan (naipit) ang íyang kurbáta sa húnus, His tie was caught in the drawer. 2 [a3] be caught and be forced into marrying a girl (slang). Ákù lang siyang giduwàduwáan hangtud naípit núun ku, I was just playing around with her, but I got cornered into marrying her.

íp lay = íp buy.

iplì = hiplì.

iprun n apron, garment worn to protect one’s clothing. v [A; a] wear, make an apron.

ipsut v [A2; b6] 1 escape from a guard [391]through inattention on his part. Miipsut siya sa magbalantay, He escaped from his guard. Wà makaipsut sa íyang mga mata ang sayup nga ispíling, The spelling error did not escape his attention. 2 get out of doing s.t. Dì ta makaipsut sa amutan, We cannot get out of paying our share. 3 slip out of s.t. that is holding it. Nakaipsut ang isdang ákung gigunítan, The fish I was holding slipped out of my hand. Gamayng lungag sa bulsa ang giipsútan sa ákung kwarta, My money slipped through a small hole in my pocket.

ipù1 v [A; a] break off from an attachment without using much force. Naipù ang gunitánan sa tása, The handle broke off the cup. Mahímung ipuun ang mais bísan anagun pa, You can pick corn even before it is mature. n s.t. picked from the tree. Tagak kahà nà? Dì kahà nà ipù sa punúan? Are you sure you just found that fruit on the ground? Didn’t you pick it from the tree?

ipù2 v [c1] be driven, sink all the way in. Muipù (maipù) nang hasuk sa yútà kun ímung tumban, The peg will be driven all the way into the ground if you step on it. Kinsay nag-ipù sa sundang sa punúan sa ságing? Who stuck the bolo all the way into the trunk of the banana plant?

ipukrita = ipukritu (female).

ipukritu a hypocrite. v [B1; b6] be, become a hypocrite.

ipun v [A2C; c] 1 do s.t. together with s.o. as he does it. Muípun ku sa inyung dyip, Let’s go together in the same jeep. Muípun ku ninyug káun, Let me bring my lunch over to sit with you while you eat. 1a put things together. Iípun ra ang ákung bálun sa ímung bag, Let me stick my lunch in your bag. 2 live or stay with s.o. Muípun ang bag-ung minyù sa ílang ginikánan, The newly-weds will stay with their parents. 2a live as man and wife without being married. Ang babáyi nga makig-ípun ug laláki nawad-an na sa kaúlaw, A woman who asks a man to live with her has lost all feelings of shame. 3 mingle with. Dì ta makaípun sa ílang punduk kay mga asyúsu, We cannot mingle with their group because they are snobs.

ípus n k.o. small cockroach ¼″ to ½″ long with an orange-brown color.

ipus-ipus n 1 name given to various coral fishes similar to burayburay. 2 k.o. white and brown edible rock shell.

iputíka v [A] mortgage. Dílì ka makaiputíka sa yútà nga balahinun pa sa mga iridíru, You cannot mortgage land that is to be divided by the heirs.

IR5 = ay-ar payib.

-íra 1 = -íru (female). 2 affix added to nouns referring to s.t. kept and dispensed regularly to form nouns referring to the container. Habuníra, Soap dish. Kapitíra, Coffee pot.

irad a having a stomach that sticks out very much. Irad ang kasagáran sa mabdus, Most pregnant women have a stomach that sticks forward. v [B] getting a stomach that sticks out.

irag v [A; b6(1)] lean back on. Kanúnay nátung makítà ang Miksikánu nga mag-irag sa punúan sa káhuy, We always see Mexicans leaning back asleep on a tree.

iráid n delicacy made of finely grated cassava or sweet potatoes with coconut juice and sugar, wrapped in banana leaves, shaped into sticks, and cooked in steam. v [A; a] make iráid.

íras v [A; c1] germinate seeds before planting them in their permanent place. Irása (iiras) usà nang mga lísu únà luyúnga, Germinate the seeds first, then transplant them. -an(→) n seedbed used for germination. -in- n seedlings grown from small seeds.

*íray nag-/magdala sa — spoil an otherwise perfect performance by ineptness. Nindut untà musáyaw ang kadaghánan, apan nagdá lang tu sa íray ang usa, The dancers put on a good performance, only one spoiled it all with his awkward steps.

irbabuyna = hirbubuyna.

irbras n k.o. atomizer operated by compressed air and used for spraying paint. v [A; c1] paint with an airbrush.

irbubuyna = hirbubuyna.

irbularyu = arbularyu.

irgat a 1 for a woman to be pretentious in actions, putting on airs and showing contempt for ordinary people. Irgat kaáyu nang bayhána, dì giyud musul-ub ug sapátus nga baratuhun, That woman is haughty. She won’t wear cheap shoes at all. 2 forward and immodest in behavior toward men. Irgat kaáyu nang bayhána. Magduuldúul ug láki, That girl is forward. She makes advances to men. v [B; c1] be, become haughty or immodest in behavior.

irgu1 v [A2C; ab3] argue, debate heatedly. Makig-irgu ka man sa tindíra nga ímu man tung sayup, Why do you argue with the sales clerk when it was your fault? n heated argument.

irgu2 therefore, as a consequence we may conclude that. Miingun ka wà ka mulakaw. Irgu, dihà ra ka sa balay, You said you did not leave. Therefore, you were in the house. [392]

irgutína n k.o. medicine to prevent hemorrhage after childbirth.

irgu trit n ergot, k.o. drug to make the muscles contract.

íri n letter R.

írid n air-raid shelter. — syiltir = írid. v 1 [A; b] build an air-raid shelter. 2 [cP] put in an air-raid shelter. pa- v [A; c] go to, put in an air-raid shelter.

iridar v [AN2; a12] inherit property. Kinsay muiridar (mangiridar) sa yútà ug wà muy anak? Who will inherit the land if you have no children? iridíra = iridíru (female). iridíru n heir. v [B126] be, become an heir.

irigar v [A; b(1)] 1 administer a vaginal douche to oneself or s.o. else. 2 irrigate the sinuses. irigasiyun n irrigation.

irigular a 1 uneven in occurrence or succession. Irigular ang íyang rigla, Her menstruation is irregular. 2 irregular in school, not taking the usual prescribed subjects. Irigular ku nga tird yir kay dúna pa man kuy bálik sa sikan yir, I’m an irregular third year student because I have to repeat a course in the second year. v 1 [B; c1] be, become irregular. Ug iirigular (irigularun) nímu ang instulmin, lagmit maimbargu, If you are not regular in paying your installments, it might be repossessed. 2 [B16; b6] be, become an irregular student.

irihinsiya = irinsiya.

iríhis a 1 infidel or s.o. who does not believe in Christ. 1a unbaptized person (humorous). 2 not having attended service during a Sunday or a holiday of obligation (slang). Iríhis pa ni si Nituy kay wà pa kasimba, Nitoy is still a heretic because he hasn’t gone to church yet. 3 ignorant of the ways of the world. Iríhis gud nímu dì ka man mukáug kísu, What an ignoramus you are. You don’t eat cheese. v [B12; c1] 1 be, become an infidel. 2 be, become ignorant.

iring n cat. iring-iring n = kandingkanding. see kanding. -un cat-like. íhung -un k.o. shark with a broad and rounded head: Rhina ancyclostoma.

irinsiya n inheritance. v [A2N; a] receive an inheritance.

iris v [A; a] erase. Irisa ang blakburd, Erase the blackboard. -in-an n 1 erasure. 2 place an erasure was made. -ir(←) n eraser. v [A23; b6(1)] use an eraser.

irisipilas = paylas.

irispunsabli a irresponsible, lacking a sense of responsibility. v [B12] be, become irresponsible.

iritar v [B126] for a wound to get infected. Nairitar ang ákung samad kay wà tabúni, My wound was not covered, and it got infected. iritasiyun n irritation at a particular spot on the skin or in the body.

irkun n 1 air-conditioner. 2 = irkundisyun.

irkundisyun a air-conditioned. Irkundisyun ang sinihan, The movie theater is air-conditioned. v [A; a] air-condition s.t. -ir = irkun.

irmad = irmat.

irmána n 1 female member of a religious group of devotees to a particular saint. 2 woman who is in charge of raising the funds for a religious celebration and who makes up the difference between the amount collected and the costs. v 1 [B156] become a member of a religious sorority. 2 [B3(1); c1] become the sponsor of a religious celebration. — mayur n 1 mother superior. 2 = irmána, 2. v [a3] 1 be made the mother superior. 2 = irmána, 2.

irmánu = irmána, n2, v2 (male). — mayur = irmánu.

*irmánus [proper name] [name] and Co. Limbumping Irmánus, Lim Bonfing and Co.

irmat n mother (slang). v [A12; b2] have a mother (slang).

irmil n air mail. v [c1] send by air mail.

irmitanyu n hermit. v [B16; b6c1] be, become a hermit.

irniya = hirniya.

irpad = irpat.

irpákit n air pocket. v [B46] for there to be an air pocket.

irpat n father (slang). v [A12; b2] have a father (slang).

irpun n earphones. v [A; a] use earphones.

irpurt n airport.

irsisyu = ihirsisyu2.

irù n dog. suul sa — stomach spasm. Nagligidligid siya sa kasakit kay dúna siyay suul sa irù, He was doubled up in pain because he had stomach cramps. dílì makáun ug — treating people in an unacceptable and completely obnoxious way. Kasábà nga dílì makáug irù, A scolding not even acceptable for a dog (harsh and ranging far beyond the alleged offense). a greedy to the point of eating food which people ordinarily wouldn’t eat. Kay irù ka man mukáun ka sa ransiyung karni, Because you are so gluttonous, you’ll even eat rancid meat. b greedy over s.t. one loves very much. Irù kaáyu siyag sini, She loves movies very much. — nga daug a cowardly, yellow. v 1 [B12; b6] be, become gluttonous. 2 [B126] become a slave to an overpowering emotion (become oblivious to shame, like a dog). Gugma mauy nakairù (nakapairù) sa aláut nga babáyi, Love had [393]made the poor woman a slave to her passions. (←) v [A; a12] make notions of giving s.t. but actually not doing so. Ayaw kug irúa. Ug ihátag, ihátag. Ug dílì, ayaw, Don’t you make pretenses of giving. If you want to give it to me, give it. If not, don’t. -in- v [A; a12] do s.t. like a dog. Ganáhan siya muinirù, silbing palain, She wants to do the dog position for variety. irùírù v [A; b5] court a woman by hanging around her. Nag-irùírù nà siya nákù sa dága pa ku, He used to hang around me when I was still single. n broken-off piece of white coral, roughly resembling a dog in shape. irùirúay n k.o. game in which the players throw a stone at a can in a circle and try to knock it out.

-íru 1 affix added to words referring to an action not approved of to form adjectives meaning ‘one who is fond of engaging in [such-and-such] an action’. Salsalíru, One who is fond of masturbating. Hambugíru, Braggart. 2 added to words referring to things with which one can make his living to form nouns which mean ‘one who engages in [such-and-such] an occupation’. Lab-asíru, Fish vendor. Labandíru, Laundryman.

irug v 1 [AB3; c1] move, cause s.t. to do so. Akuy miirug sa bangkù dapit sa bungbung, I moved the chair towards the wall. Nag-irug ba nang barku sa lawud? Is that ship in the ocean moving? Iruga (iirug) ug diyútay ang sud-an ngari, Move the plate of food over here. 2 make progress, move ahead in time. Sáma lang sa wà muirug ang íyang idad, She looks as though she hasn’t gotten any older. Wà giyud muirug ang ámung kahimtang, Our financial condition has made no progress. 3 budge from one’s belief. Dì ni giyud siya mairug sa íyang disisiyun, He cannot be moved from his decision. n progress, advancement. Gamay rag irug ang kauswágan sa lungsud, The town has undergone little progress.

iruk v [A; a12] squeeze nits, lice on the head with the thumbnail or perform a similar action to relieve itching. Igka giyud ang lusà arun dì mamusà, Squash the nits so they won’t hatch. Igka ring katul sa ákung ū́, Squeeze this itching spot on my head.

isa1 = usa1 (dialectal).

isa2 short for iása. see ása1.

ísa v 1 [APB3; a] raise, rise. Ang kadíti mauy nag-ísa sa bandílà, The cadet raised the flag. Miísa ang íyang kílay sa kahingangha, She raised her brows in surprise. Iísa (isáha) na ang báling, Hoist the nets. 2 [AB2; c1] increase in value, amount. Muísa (maísa) na sad ang prisyu, The price is going up again. 3 [A2B26; c1] increase in degree, intensity. Muísa (maísa) dáyun nang íyang tíngug ug masukù, His voice rises when he is angry. 4 [A2B2; c1] rise, raise in position. Nagkaisa ang íyang ranggu kay maáyu mang mutrabáhu, He is gradually rising in rank because he works well. n increase in degree, quantity, value.

isà v [B3(1)46] for a wound or skin ailment to develop water or watery pus. Dílì makaisà ang núka basta kanúnayng hunáran, The sore won’t secrete water if it is cleaned and dressed regularly.

ísà short form: . 1 wait a second. Ísà pa kay pangutan-un pa nákù si Lurdis, Just a minute. I’ll ask Lourdes first. Ísà pa ha kay ákung tawgun, Just a second. I’ll call her. 1a — ka run, You just wait. I’ll get you! 2 expression used upon changing a subject: by the way. Ísà pa, tagadiin tu ka? By the way, where did you say you come from?

isab = usab (dialectal).

isang dakut na bigas n k.o. branched, spreading herb found in damp places and grown as an ornamental in hanging pots: Pilea microphylla, var.

isdà (from sulà) n fish. v [A12] have fish. paN- v [A2; b6(1)] go fishing. n 1 fishing as a means of livelihood. 2 fishing equipment. pinaN-an n catch of fish. Ang ílang gisuwà pinangisdáan sa amahan, They’re eating the father’s catch for dinner. -an n fishpond. a having fish. Isdáan si Husi kay nakapangisdà man gabíi, Jose has lots of fish because he went fishing last night. -ánun a teeming with fish. Isdaánun kaáyu ang kadagátan sa Pilipínas, The Philippine seas are teeming with fish. maN-r- n fisherman. — sa batu fish found in rocky places. — sa hapun name given to the bilásun, a fish formerly widely sold by Japanese fishermen. †

isdug = irug.

isdyi n ten, ten centavos or ten pesos (slang). v 1 [A12] get ten centavos or pesos. Nakaisdyi ku sa madyung, I won ten pesos in mahjong. 2 [B26] be, become ten centavos or pesos.

isi, ísi1 = ási.

ísi2 n harpoon. v 1 [A; a12] catch with, make into a harpoon. Isíhun ku ang sánga, I’ll harpoon the manta ray.

ísi3 n letter S. †

ísi4 take it easy. Ísi lang bay, ayg kasukù, Take it easy. Don’t get angry. isiísi1 v [A; c1] take things or people for granted, lightly. À, mag-isiísi man lang nga muiskuyla. Wà mang gániy nutbuk, He goes to school [394]without even a notebook. He’s taking his schooling for granted. Isiisíhun (iisiísi) lang ang mga linibulibug pildi sa búlang sa mga sugarul nga tahur, Big time gamblers don’t mind losing by the thousands in the cockpit.

ísi riturn n an easy return to the server.

*isig 1 — ka [noun] one’s fellow [noun]. Ang isig nímu ka mananagat, Your fellow fisherman. 2 [verb base] each do [verb] to his own. Isig paúlì ang mga táwu, They each returned to their respective homes. v [A13] each [do]. Nag-isig paúlì (nagsigpaúlì) ang mga táwu, They each returned to their respective homes.

isig-isig v 1 [A; a12] rush s.o. into doing s.t. Dì siya gustung magpatúlì apan giisig-isig siya sa mga biaybíay, He didn’t want to get circumcised, but he was goaded on by the taunts of his playmates. 2 order s.o. about and put him down at the same time. ‘Unsay kalibútan mu ánà. Tumána lang ákung súgù,’ nag-isig-isig ang inaína, ‘What do you know about that? Just do what you’re told,’ said the stepmother in her high-handed way. 3 treat cruelly. Giisig-isig sa inaína ang mga bátà, The stepmother treated the children cruelly. isig-isigun, maisig-isigun a tending to rush or push around, characterized by doing so.

isiisi = isig-isig.

isiísi2 v [A3; b] play hard to get when one intends to agree. Ayaw isiisíhi nang nangulitawu nímu kay makabuhì, Don’t play hard to get. He might just slip away.

isína n scene in a play, motion picture.

ising-ising v [A; c15] avoid the company of s.o. from whom one feels one can get nothing, discard a friend or relative whom one finds no longer useful. Íla na lang ku nga ising-isingun (iising-ising) kay wà na man kuy kapuslánan, They’ll avoid me now, for I’m no longer of any use to them.

ísip v [A; a2] 1 count s.t. Isípa ang suklì kun hustu ba, Count your change to see it’s correct. 1a count and remember favors one does for s.o. Isípun pa giyud níya hasta ang dunut nga sinínang gihátag, He remembers his favors, even the ragged shirt he gave me. 1b consider, treat s.t. or s.o. as s.t. Giísip ku siyang anak, I treat him like a son. n 1 in the role, function of. Mutábang giyud ku sa ákung ginikánan ísip usa ka anak, I have to help my parents as a good son. Muhawuk aku sa kamut ni Lúlu ísip usa ka pagtáhud, I kiss my grandpa’s hands as a sign of respect. Nangáyù siyag kinhasun ísip íyang sud-an, He asked for shells as food. 2 [number] number [so-and-so]. Misúd siya sa lawak ísip katursi, He entered room number 14. -an a one who compares his favors done with those he received to see if anyone got advantage over him. v [B12; b6] get to be a sort who counts and weighs favors. ka-an n mind, seat of consciousness, intellect. Daghan kaáyung mga hitabù nga misámuk sa íyang kaisípan, Many events are troubling his mind. ma- a 1 wise, learned. Tulu ka maísip nga hárì, Three wise kings. 2 prudent, thinking before acting. v [B16; b6] be, become wise, prudent. Magmaísip ka na untà karung dakù ka na, I hope you will be prudent in your ways now that you are old enough. -l-an n mind. Itisuk sa inyung ilisípan ang gitudlù kaninyu, Bear in mind what you have been taught. paN- n sense, way of thinking. May pangísip ka na man, You’re old enough to have common sense. Ang íyang pangísip bátà pa bisag dakù na siyag idad, He has a child’s mentality even though he is chronologically old.

is-is a having a fine and smooth complexion. v [A2PB; c1] become fine and smooth in complexion, cause it to be so. Muis-is (mais-is) ang pánit mug kanúnay kang hustug túg, You will develop a good complexion if you always get sufficient sleep. ka- n whiteness. Miámag pag-áyu ang kais-is sa mga batu nga gidan-ágan sa mabugnawng sílaw sa búlan, The stones glowed with whiteness under the pale moonlight.

iskabitsi n escabeche, fried fish with a sour sauce. v [A; c1] make escabeche.

iskála n stop-over. v [A; b6(1)] make a stop-over. Muiskála ang barku sa Kagayan sa dì pa muadtu sa Ilígan, The boat makes a stop-over in Cagayan before proceeding to Iligan.

iskalanti = kardába.

iskálar n recipient of a scholarship. v [B16; b6] be, become a scholarship awardee.

iskalarsyip n scholarship.

iskalipsi n eclipse. v [B; b4] be an eclipse.

iskalíra1 n staircase.

iskalíra2 n in mahjong, a set of consecutive pieces of the same design, numbered from 1–9. — plásis hand in mahjong consisting of an iskalíra plus two dragúnis or bintus. — ruyal n hand in mahjong consisting of an iskalíra plus an eye (ay4) of the same design as the iskalíra and two other pieces of the same design.

iskalítur n escalator. v 1 [A13] ride the escalator. 2 [b(1)] install an escalator.

iskandalu a scandal, scandalous, s.t. that shocks the moral feelings of a community. v [A13B12; b6] become a scandal, make a [395]scene. Mag-iskandalu kug musyágit kang bayhána ka, I’ll make a scene if you scream, woman. Maiskandalu nang inyung transaksiyun ug hisakpan, Your shady transactions will be a public scandal if you get caught. -sa(←) a scandalous (female). -su(←) a scandalous (male).

iskapadur a one who gets out of responsibility. Si Lítu iskapadur kaáyu sa trabáhu sa báy, Lito bugs out of household chores. Iskapadur siya sa klási, He cuts classes. v [B12; b6] be, become an evader.

iskapal, iskapar = iskápu, v1, 2, 3.

iskaparáti n display window, showcase. v 1 [b6(1)] install a showcase or display window. 2 [A; c] display s.t. in a showcase.

iskapaturya n way of escape. Wà kay iskapaturya ug gipangità kang Al Kapun, There’s no escape if Al Capone is looking for you.

iskápu v [A2; b(1)] 1 escape. Gustu siyang muiskápu sa bilangguan, He wants to escape from prison. 2 escape by artful or slippery dodges. Muiskápu giyud siya ug pit-un nag pangutána, He knows how to get out of it if you press him with questions. Dílì ka makaiskápu sa ákung suntuk, You can’t evade my blows. 3 evade responsibilities. Dílì ta makaiskápu sa mga amutan, We can’t evade making our contribution. 4 cut s.t. one is supposed to attend. Kung iskapúhan nímu ang inyung klási suspindirun giyud ka, If you cut classes you’ll be suspended. n escapee.

iskapularyu n two images worn on one’s front and back suspended by pieces of cloth or string, worn as a token of religious devotion. v [A; c6] wear such images.

iskarp n scarf. v [AC12; c6] wear a scarf.

iskats n scotch whisky. — típ n scotch tape. v [b6(1)] use scotch tape on.

iskáwut n 1 member of the Philippine Scouts, an outfit composed of Filipinos under the command of the U.S. Army, during World War II. 2 boy, girl scout. buy, gil, kab — Boy, Girl, Cub Scout. — lídir, wik Scout leader, week. v [B16; c16] be, become a member of the Philippine Scouts or a boy or girl scout.

iskay is da (di) limit a s.t. for which one spends with no limits. v [A; c1] consume without any limit. Iiskay is da límit ba nang ímung pangumpra? What are you going to do? Buy, the sky is the limit?

iskidyul n schedule. v [A; c1] schedule s.t.

iskilibinti = iskribyinti.

iskilipsi = iskalipsi.

iskilitun n 1 sandals or shoes consisting of straps with no sides. 2 framework of a house. v [A13] wear skeleton-like shoes.

iskína n 1 corner. Iskína lang dung, Let me off at the corner, driver. Ang iskína sa kahun, The corner of the box. 2 block, one side of a city square. Duha ka iskína gíkan dinhi, Two blocks from here. babáyi sa — n a cheap woman. Kanang puwa kaáyu nímu nga lipistik mu ra kag babáyi sa iskína, With that red lipstick you look like a cheap hussy. v 1 [b(1)] make a rectangular corner on the edge, end of. 2 [c16] do s.t. at the corner. Iskináha paglansang ang kwadru, Nail the picture frame on the corners. paN- v [A2; b(1)] negotiate a route by going around instead of taking a more direct route. Nangiskína siya sa íyang pagpadúng nganhi kay ngitngit sa lakturánan, He went round about in coming here because the straight route is too dark. -du a rectangular. Kanang tambal nga binisayà, maáyu lang nà niadtu sa iskinádu pa ang ligid, Visayan folk medicine was only good long ago, when they used square wheels. v [B124; c1] be, become rectangular.

iskiníta n the place where two small paths meet.

iskiping rup n skip rope, the game or rope. v [AC] skip rope.

iskir a brisk and alert in movement. Iskir siyang milihay, He ducked cleverly. Iskir pa bísag tigúwang na, He is still spry, even at his age. v [B; c] be quick and brisk in movement. Nagkaiskir na ang irù nga nagluya human indiksiyuni, The sick dog grew slowly more active after he was given a shot.

iskiríma = iskríma.

iskirul n 1 scab, a worker who refuses to strike, or who takes the place of a striking worker. 2 prostitute. v 1 [B36; c1] be, become a prostitute. paN- v [A2; b6(1)] 1 patronize prostitutes. 2 work as a prostitute.

iskiyus = ikskiyus.

isklibinti = iskribyinti.

isklimintǎr = iskrimintǎr.

isklipsi = iskalipsi.

iskrab v [A; b5] scrub, rub clean with a brush. Iskrábig (iskrábag) maáyu ang ímung salug, Scrub the floor hard.

iskrábul n game of scrabble. v [AC; b(1)] play scrabble.

iskram1 v [A] cram for an exam.

iskrats1 n scratch paper. — pípar = iskrats1.

iskrats2 n in pool, the situation when a cue ball gets into one of the pockets. The shot is not counted as the player loses the ball. v [B26] for this situation to obtain in pool.

iskríba n scribe.

iskribánu n clerk of court. v [B1256; a12] be, make into a clerk of court. [396]

iskribinti, iskribyinti n clerk, esp. a government clerk. v [B16; c1] be, become a clerk.

iskríma n native fencing, using two canes or a cane and a pointed bolo or dagger. v [AC; b(1)] 1 fence. 2 [A; c] gesticulate while talking. Muiskríma ang íyang kamut samtang mag-isturya, His hands gesture wildly while he talks. 3 [A3] struggle to make s.t. do against odds, contrive to deal with a difficult financial situation. Ang mga kabus síging nag-iskríma sa panginabúhì, The poor constantly struggle through life. Iskrimáhun ku lang arun muínat ang gamay kung swildu, I will contrive means to make my meager salary go a long way. -dur(→) n native fencer, esp. a skilled one. v [B16; c1] be, become a skilled native fencer.

iskrimintǎr v [A; b(1)] feel sorry for one’s sins or mistakes. Mapatumbayáun kaáyu nang inahána sa íyang mga anak. Unyà ra nà muiskrimintǎr ug mamatyan, That mother is very careless with her children. She will be taught a lesson if one of them dies. Giiskrimintahan ku na ang ákung mga salà, I have already repented my sins.

iskrin n 1 screen for a home. 2 movie screen. v 1 [A; c1] screen in. 2 [A; b(1)] block in games to afford a good shot for the teammate. Iskrínan giyud ang gwardiya arun lugar kaáyu sa pagsiyut ang ímung kaúban, Block the guard so your teammate is free to shoot the ball. 3 [A; a12] screen applicants. Iskrínun úsà ang tanang aplikanti usà pakuháa sa iksámin, All applicants are screened before being allowed to take the exam.

iskrip n script of a movie or play.

iskrípir n rubber scraper used in scraping out the dough that sticks to the mixing bowl and spoon. v [a] get s.t. out with a scraper. Iskripíra ang namilit nga mása sa miksing bul, Get the dough out with the scraper. gúma nga — = iskrípir, n.

iskrituryu n escritoire.

iskru n screw. v [b6(1)] screw, fasten with a screw. Iskrúhi ang bisagra arun dì matangtang, Fasten the hinge with a screw so that it won’t come off. — draybir n screw driver. v [A13] use a screw driver.

iskúba1 n 1 hair or shoe, clothes brush. 2 mustache (humorous slang). v [A; c] brush s.t. Iskubáhan níya ang kabáyù, He’ll brush the horse. paN- v [A2; b6] brush oneself, one’s hair.

iskúba2 n name given to various woody erect herbs of waste places. — nga kiláyan: Sida acuta.

iskuhir v [A; a] sort s.t. according to class or kind. Akuy muiskuhir sa tabákù, I’m going to sort the tobacco leaves. Iskuhirun ang bulad úsà ibaligyà, The dried fish is sorted before it is sold. iskuhídu n 1 the finest quality tobacco or abaca. 2 choicest k.o. anything. Mukáun lang siyag iskuhídung isdà, He eats only the choicest fish.

iskúlar = iskálar.

iskulbus n 1 school bus. 2 admirer, friend or boy friend who accompanies a girl, usually home from school (slang). Dúna siyay iskulbus sa íyang pag-ulì gabíi, She had an escort in going home last night. v 1 [A13] go by school bus. 2 [A; b(1)] escort a girl friend home from school (slang).

iskulsuplayis n school supplies.

iskultur n sculptor. v [B16; a12] be, become a sculptor.

iskupidur n cuspidor. v 1 [b6] provide with a cuspidor. 2 [a12] make s.t. into a cuspidor.

iskupíta n 1 shotgun. 2 air rifle. () v [a12] shoot s.t. with an air rifle or shotgun.

iskúr n score, mark to keep tally of. Iskúr sa baskitbúl, Basketball score. Pilay iskúr nímu sa iksámin? What is the mark you got on the examinations? — burd n scoreboard. v 1 [A; b6(1)] mark the score. 2 [A] make a point or score. Wà siya makaiskúr sa páwul siyát, He didn’t score a point in the foul shot. -ir(←) n 1 scorer in a game. 2 third party who tags along on a date (taken from the notion that he has nothing to do but tally the number of kisses—slang). v [B1256] 1 be the scorer. 2 be the third party on a date. Maiskúrir lang kag ang kúyug mu managtrátu, You’ll just be an observer if your two companions are lovers.

iskuríya n tiny chocolate cups for a thick chocolate drink.

iskursiyun n excursion, outing. v [A1; b6] hold an excursion.

iskurt n escort, one who accompanies for protection, company, or honor. Wà kuy iskurt sa bayli, I have no escort for the dance. v [A; c1] act as an escort. Duha ka mutursiklu ang nag-iskurt sa kutsing gisakyan sa artista, Two motorcycles escorted the car the actress was riding in.

iskusya n finely-woven, silky cotton thread, used commonly for undershirts. v [A13] wear an escocia undershirt.

iskutinyu n counting of votes. v [A1; b6] count the votes.

iskútir n child’s scooter or motor scooter. v [A; a12] ride a scooter.

iskuwadrun n squadron, unit of military aviation. v [A13] fly by squadron.

iskuwála n try square. v [A; b6(1)] mark s.t. off with a try square. — nga balay an L-shaped [397]house.

iskuwat1 v [A; b6] squat with the buttocks not resting on anything and standing on the toes. — dyamp n squat jump. v [AC12; c16] do the squat jump.

iskuwat2 v [A2N] attend a class section one is not supposed to. Wà ku makatambung sa klási sa buntag maung miiskuwat (nangiskuwat) ku sa hápun, I missed the morning lecture so I attended the same lecture in the afternoon. -ir(←) n 1 squatter: a person who stays on land in urban areas which does not belong to him. 2 squatter areas in the city. 3 s.o. occupying s.o. else’s seat (humorous). v 1 [B16; b6] be, become a squatter. 2 [B12; b6] for a place to turn into a slum area. Maiskuwátir unyà nang plása ug dílì nà anamug papaháwà nang mga nagbarungbárung dihà, The plaza will soon become a squatter area if the shanties are not removed as they are put up. 3 [A; a12] oust squatters and demolish their houses. Iskuwatírun mi sa tag-íya íning yútà, The owner of the land is planning to oust us.

iskuwir a 1 square. 2 being angular, squarely built. Iskuwir kaáyug abága nang tawhána, That man is square-shouldered. 3 fighting fair and square. Way dúmut tung ílang sinumbagay kay iskuwir man, Their fist fight left no ill will between the protagonists because it was a square fight. 4 square brush cut. — bab bobbed hair, cut evenly at the bottom. v 1 [APB; c1] be, become square. 2 [A12C; c1] make a fight a square one, hold a square fist fight. 3 [a12] make a haircut a brush cut. 4 [A; a2] square up accounts, pay debts. Iskuyrun ku na ang ákung útang nimu, I’ll square off my debt to you.

iskuyla n 1 school, holding of classes. Way iskuyla basta pista upisiyal, There is no school on an official holiday. 2 pupil, student. Iskuyla siya sa San Husi, She is a student at San José. v [A; b6(1)] 1 attend classes. Iiskuyla nà nímung gisiun mung púlu? Are you going to school in that torn shirt? 2 study in a certain school or a certain school year. Dì siya muiskuyla sa síkan simistir kay way kwarta, He can’t attend school during the second semester because he has no money. 3 [A2] go to the cockpit to bet or see a cockfight (slang). Káda Duminggu muiskuyla siya sa Tipúlu, Every Sunday he goes to the cockpit at Tipolo. pa- v [A; a] send s.o. to school. Paiskuyláhun ku ang ámung mutsatsa, We’re going to send our servant to school. iskuylahan n 1 school. 2 cockpit (slang).

isla n island. Tulu ka isla ang naglangkub sa Kamútis, The Camotes consist of three islands.

islag1 v 1 [B2; b3] scatter in all directions. Muislag nang duut sa isdà ug ímung labáyug batu, The school of fish will scatter if you throw a stone at them. 2 [B126] get scattered out such that it is impossible to gather. Naislag ang íyang mga anak sukad níyang gibyàbyáan ang panimalay, His children have taken to roaming ever since he abandoned his home. 3 [A] run away from, flee from. Miislag sa syudad ang mga kawatan sa siya pay hípi sa kapulisan, The thieves fled from the city when he was the chief of police. 4 [A; a] drive away. Islága ang mga máya sa humayan, Drive the birds away from the rice field. 5 [B126] drive away lonely feelings. Nangítà siyag trabáhu arun maislag ang mga kaláay sa íyang pag-inusára, She looked for a job to drive away loneliness.

islag2 v [A; b] pound rice, coarse corn grits for a second time. Islagi (islági) ring tipasiun, Pound this partly husked rice. -in-an(→) n 1 coarse particles of ground or milled corn grits. 2 the portion of sifted rice left after winnowing out the husked grains. -an(→) = inislagan.

islaks n slacks worn by women. v [A; b6] wear slacks.

islang a speaking with unclear articulation. v [A2B2; c1] speak with unclear articulation, for speech to become unclear. Muislang (maislang) ang íyang sinultihan ug makainum, His speech becomes unclear when he gets drunk.

islaw n k.o. spotted snapper, esp. Lutianus fulviflamma. -an n = islaw.

islayding n a violation in basketball where a player moves while holding the ball.

islayid rul n slide rule. v [A; b5] use a slide rule.

isláyid1 v 1 [B26; b8] slip, lose one’s footing by slipping. Muisláyid (maisláyid) ang táwung makatamak ug pánit sa ságing, A man will slip if he steps on a banana peel. 2 [B3(1)6; b6(1)] slide down on s.t. Muisláyid ku sa pasamánu, I will slide down the bannister. n 1 sliding ramp. 2 slide on a trombone.

isláyid2 n 1 photographic slide. 2 microscope slide. v 1 [A13] show slides. 2 [c6] put a slide under a microscope.

isláyis v [A; a] slice off, cut into slices. Akuy muisláyis sa pán, I’ll slice the bread. Islaysan ta kag kík, I’ll slice a piece of cake for you. n slice, piece cut off. a sliced. [398]

isliblis a sleeveless dress or blouse. v [A13; c1] wear, make into a sleeveless dress or blouse.

islindir a slender, slim in figure. v [B; c1] be, become slender. Muislindir (maislindir) giyud kag magdáyit ka, You will become slender if you go on a diet. pa- v [A] make oneself slender.

islú drag n slow drag, a dance with a slow tempo music.

islúput a slowpoke, person who acts or moves slowly. v [B12; b6] be, become a slowpoke.

ismagling n smuggling.

ismaglir n smuggler. v [B16; a2] be, become a smuggler.

ismágul n 1 smuggled goods. 2 rubber slippers (so called because the first rubber slippers sold were smuggled). v 1 [AC12; c1] smuggle. 2 [A; b6(1)] wear rubber slippers.

ismart, ismarti a for women to be well-groomed, neat, and stylish. v [B12; b6] for a woman to get to be stylishly dressed.

ismayling see burnay.

ismilir, ismiril n emery wheel. v [A; a] grind on an emery wheel.

ismiringhuy n paramour (slang). Taggabii na muabut ang íyang bána kay muhapit pa man sa íyang ismiringhuy, Her husband arrives home late every evening because he drops by his mistress’s. 2 the unpleasant smell of body odor (indirect allusion). 3 genitalia (humorous). v [B126; c16] be, become a paramour (slang).

ismúgul = ismágul (colloquial, humorous).

ismul batíri bul a small but capable of big things. Ismúl batíri bul ílang mutsatsa. Kusug mamalansa, Their maid may be small but she’s very capable. She irons like a ball of fire.

isnatsir n snatcher of bags, etc. v [A12] be a snatcher.

isníkir n sneakers. v [A; b6(1)] wear sneakers.

isnú n snow. v [A; b6] for it to snow.

ispáda n 1 sword. Nagsingkì ang ílang duha ka ispáda, Their two swords clanged against each other. 2 the best swordsman in a place. Sila ang upat ka ispáda sa Kastilya, They are the four swordsmen of Castille. 3 the sword in Spanish cards. 4 variety of large, bland pepper shaped like a sword, about 4″ long. -in- a 1 like a sword. Inispáda nga dáhun, Sword-shaped leaf. 2 = ispáda, 4. — diúru ornamental reed-like herb consisting of long, green, spear-shaped leaves with a yellow edge and white splotches in the middle: Sansevieria trifasciata var. Laurentii. — disambuwangga variety with no splotches. — nga isdà = díwit.

ispadil = ispáda, 1.

ispaghíti n spaghetti. v [A13C12] make, eat spaghetti.

ispaltu = aspaltu.

Ispánis n Spanish class, language, person. Nindut kaáyu pamináwun ang Ispánis gitar, The Spanish guitar is pleasant to listen to. v [A; c1] communicate in Spanish. — lís n k.o. lace fabric, usually made into veils.

Ispaniyul n 1 Spaniard. 2 Spanish language.

ispansbat v [A; b] wash oneself off with a washcloth. Ispansbáti ang bátà, Wash the child with a cloth. n action of washing s.o. with a cloth.

ispanta v [A3B12; c1] prevent s.t. from happening, s.o. from doing s.t. Ang pinaangkan miispanta sa kasal sa nakapaanak níya, The wedding was stopped by the woman whom the groom had made pregnant. Naispanta sa bakúna ang pagkaylap sa buti, Vaccination kept the smallpox from spreading.

Ispanya n Spain.

Ispanyúla = ispaniyul (female).

Ispanyúlis n Spaniards. Kanhi sa mga Ispanyúlis pa giulípun lámang ang mga Pilipínu, During the Spanish times the Filipinos were treated like slaves.

ispáring n 1 sparring session. 2 sparring partner. v [A2C; b(1)] engage in a sparring session. — partnir, ka- n sparring partner.

ispǎrk plag n spark plug.

ispasyu n outer space.

ispat n flashlight. v [A; b6(1)] shine a flashlight on. Ispáti nu diri dapit kay nahū́g ang ákung sinsíyu, Shine your flashlight over here because I dropped my money.

ispǎt1 n spot on the lungs that indicates tb.

ispǎt2 v 1 [A; a2] in pool: shoot a target ball to a designated spot on the table. 2 [A2; b] in basketball: take pot shots from a distance. n this sort of shot in billiards or basketball. -ir(←) n one who throws the ball accurately in basketball.

ispatlayit n 1 = ispat. 2 spotlight. v [A; b6(1)] shine the spotlight on.

ispáyik n shoe spike. v [A; b6(1)] fasten a spike on a shoe.

ispayral a hair waved without being cut. v [A1; a12] wear, have hair that has been waved.

ispíd n spades in playing cards. v [A12] get spades.

ispidbut1 n speedboat.

ispidbut2 v [A1; b6(1)] cook more rice or corn hurriedly in a small pot because what was cooked earlier was not enough for everyone (humorous—so called from the small speedboats that accompanied Japanese warships). Bisitahun kaáyu mis ámù. [399]Kanúnay lang ming mag-ispidbut ug lung-ag, We keep having visitors, so we always have to prepare extra rice.

ispidnu = impirnu.

ispíhu n 1 mirror, looking glass. 2 glass. Ang ispíhu sa iskaparáti, The glass of the display case. 3 name of one of the dragons (drágun), the white dragon which has the black outline of a mirror-like design. v [A2N; b6(1)] look at oneself in the mirror. Mangispíhu úsà ku, I’ll look at myself in the mirror.

ispíking n 1 the act of proposing to a girl (colloquial). 2 line handed to convince s.o. v [A; c] 1 propose to a girl (colloquial). Sígi lag bisíta, wà pa giyud makaispíking, He keeps visiting her but he hasn’t proposed. 2 hand s.o. a line. Giispikíngan níya ang íyang Nánay arun hatágan siyag kwarta, He handed his mother a line so that she would give him money.

ispíkir1 n loudspeaker. v [b6] use, put in a loudspeaker.

ispíkir2 n Speaker of the House, the presiding officer of the House of Representatives. gist — guest speaker. v [B16; a12] be, become the speaker.

ispiksiyun = inspiksiyun.

ispíling n spelling. v 1 [A; a12] spell a word. Ispilínga ang ímung ngálan, Spell your name. 2 [A12; a12] make s.t. out, explain s.t. to oneself. Lisud giyud ispilíngun unsay íyang nagustuan ánang karáang kwanggul, I can’t understand what he sees in that old coot. 3 explain, describe in words. Dílì maispíling ang náwung níya pag-ingkib níya sa aslum nga mangga, You can’t imagine what she looked like when she bit into the sour mango.

ispír n spare in bowling, the act of knocking down all the pins with two consecutive balls; a score so made. v [AB6; c1] make a spare in bowling, for a throw to be a spare.

ispiragus = asparagus.

ispiraltima = ispíra ultima.

*ispiransa may, walay — 1 for there to be a (no) possibility or probability that s.t. desirable happen. Wà ka nay ispiransa ánang bayhána, You haven’t got a chance with that girl. Dúna pay ispiransa nga mabúhì ang bátà, There is still hope that the child will survive. 2 way — hopelessly bad. Way ispiransa nà siyag náwung, She’s hopelessly ugly. Way ispiransa ang ági, Your work is hopeless.

ispíra ultima n a flowering plant cultivated for both ornamental and medicinal purposes: Chrysanthemum sinense.

*ispírit — ab amunya n k.o. liquid used like smelling salts. — ub di glas n a method of contacting the souls of the departed with a medium using a glass. v [A; a12] hold such a session.

ispiritista n 1 medium in a séance. 2 one who believes in spiritualism. v [B1; a12] become a spiritualist.

ispiritu n 1 spirit, human soul. — malignu soul, in folk belief, that roams over the face of the earth doing penance. — santu n Holy Ghost. 2 spirit, volatile substances. — dilimun lemon oil. ispirituhánun a spiritual. Ang pangaláwat usa ka ispirituhánung bangkíti, Communion is a spiritual feast. †

ispirma n 1 paraffin. 2 paraffin candles. v [A; b6(1)] rub paraffin on the floor. Ispirmáhi nà arun musínaw, Rub floor wax on the floor so that it shines.

ispisiyal a 1 special, particularly good. Lutúan níyag sud-an nga ispisiyal ang íyang bisíta, She will fix special food for her guests. 2 especial, out of the ordinary. v 1 [APB12; c1] be, become special, particularly good. 2 [A; c1] do s.t. special, out of the ordinary. Ispisyalun (iispisiyal) ta kag tawag, I’ll mention your name especially, apart from the others. 2a [A] do a particular dance at a ball where only certain people are invited to dance. Mag-ispisiyal run ug bayli, pára sa mga upisyális, The next number is a special number for the officers only. — dilibiri n special delivery. v [A13; c6] send s.t. special delivery. †

ispísu a 1 for liquids to be thick, of great density. Ispísu kaáyung sikwáti kay gidaghan níyag tablíya, The chocolate drink is thick because he put lots of chocolate on it. 2 for colors to be intense as if thickly laid on. Ispísu kaáyu ang kaitum sa balhíbu sa ákung iring, My cat’s hair is a deep black. 3 — nga [noun] a diehard, fanatic follower or believer of. Ispísu giyud nang Katuliku, He is a devout Catholic. Ispísung Usminyista, Diehard follower of Osmeña. 4 in phrases: — ug apdu brave (lit. having thick bile). — ug dugù a having guts. b heartless, merciless. — ug hambug laying bragging on thick. v [AB; c1] for liquids to become thick, cause them to do so. Muispísu (maispísu) ang sabaw ug butangag úbi, The soup will become thick if you add yams.

ispisyalista n specialist, esp. a doctor. Ang buta nagpahiling sa usa ka ispisyalista sa mata, The blind man consulted an eye specialist. v [B16; a2] 1 be, become a specialist. 2 [A3; c6] specialize in a particular field of medicine.

ispíya n 1 spy, secret agent. 2 one who spies [400]on others. v [AN; b] 1 spy, spy on s.o. Giispiyáhan na ku sa ákung asáwa, kay nagdúda, My wife is spying on me because she has suspicions. 2 [B16; a12] be, become a spy.

isplikar v 1 [A; c] explain. 2 [A; b] state one’s purpose, esp. proposing marriage. Wà ku kaisplikar níya kay dihà man si Máma níya sígi, I couldn’t broach the question because her mother never left us a minute. 3 give s.o. a line to convince him. n 1 explanation. 2 a line handed to s.o. Wà ku madá sa isplikar sa ahinti, I wasn’t taken in by the salesman’s line. isplikasiyun = isplikar, n. isplikátut n explanation, excuse one isn’t inclined to believe (colloquial). Ay na lang ku ánang ímung isplikátut. Dì ku mutúu ánà, Don’t hand me that line again. I don’t believe it.

isplǐt1 a palsy-walsy, very close friends (colloquial). Napildi ku sa madyung kay isplǐt ang ákung mga kuntra, I lost in mahjong because my co-players were palsy-walsy. Makasulud ta kay isplǐt nátù ang gwardiya, We can get in because the guard is our man. v [A2C1; ac5] be on palsy-walsy terms. Nagkaisplǐt sila kay paríhug balhíbu, They became palsy-walsy because they’re birds of a feather. Lisud isplitun (ikaisplǐt) nà siya, It’s difficult to get on palsy-walsy terms with him.

isplǐt2 n extra piece which the dealer in mahjong gets as a privilege. He starts the game by discarding a piece without drawing another.

isprí v [A; b6(1)] spray. Ispríhi ang rúsas, Spray the roses. — nit hair spray. v [A; b6(1)] spray the hair.

ispringpild n Springfield rifle.

ispuksib n spokeshave, a tool for trimming and smoothing rounded surfaces. v [A; b6(1)] use a spokeshave.

ispúku 1 -y, nga can you imagine that! Ispúku muy (mung) mupalit ug kadilak nga way muinstulmin, Imagine! He bought a Cadillac with no installments. Nagdawat ug kinyintus unyà mugastug sitisintus, ispúku mu nà? He receives five hundred and spends seven hundred. Can you beat that? 2 — ug imagine what would happen if. Ispúku ug tabangan kag tulu. Wà kay dalag-an, Imagine if three people were to gang up on you at once. You wouldn’t have a chance.

ispungha n 1 sponge or sponge-like substance. 2 powder puff.

ispunghar v [A2; c6] 1 for odors to rise. Muispunghar giyud ang báhù sa kasilyas, The toilet exudes a terrible odor. 2 for volatile substances to evaporate. Miispunghar ang agwa kay wà tabúni, The perfume evaporated because no one covered it. ispunghádu, ispungháwu a for s.t. to have given off its volatile constituent. Wà na kaáyuy báhù ang agwa. Ispungháwu na man, The perfume doesn’t have much odor any more because it weakened from evaporation.

ispungháwu a for hair to be wavy and soft. Nindut ning ispungháwu tag buhuk kay dì na lang kinahanglan ang pagpakulung, It’s nice to have soft and wavy hair, because we don’t need to have permanents. v [B12; b6] for hair to be, become soft and wavy.

ispunsur n 1 sponsor of a program or social affair. 2 the girl escort (muse) who accompanies a man in official functions. 3 one who sponsors an immigrant abroad. v 1 [A; b(1)] sponsor s.t. 2 [AB16; c16] take as one’s muse, become a muse. 3 [A; b6(1)] act as sponsor for an immigrant abroad. †

ispurt1 a 1 good sport or sportsmanlike. Ispurt giyud tu si Kusáka kay bísag pildi, mapahiyúmun lang gihápun, Kosaka was a good sport, for even if he lost, he was still all smiles. 2 fight that is fought on the basis that there should be no bad feelings. v [B1; b6] 1 be, become a good sport or sportsmanlike. Kung mag-ispurt lang ang táwu wà giyuy gubut, If a man fights fairly there won’t be any trouble. 2 hold a fight on condition that no one have hard feelings.

ispurt2 = ispúting.

ispurts kar n sports car. v 1 [A13C12] travel, go by sports car. 2 [A12] get a sports car.

ispúsa n wife. v 1 [B126] be, become a wife. Kung naispúsa pa kang Markus, kanindut kahà nu? If you had become Marcos’ wife, it would have been nice, wouldn’t it? 2 [A12] happen to have as a wife. Naka-ispúsa kug bagìbian, I got a nag for a wife.

ispúsu n husband. v see ispúsa.

ispúting a smartly dressed, dressed up. Mamisíta tingáli si Usting kay ispúting man, Maybe Osting is paying his girl a visit, for he is dressed up. v [B3; b6] get all dressed up.

ispúwil v [A; a] spoil a child. Ispuwílun man nímu ang bátà, ayg hatágig kwarta pirmi, You are spoiling the child. Don’t constantly give him money. -d a for a child to be spoiled. v = ispúwil.

Israylítas n Israelites.

ist = isti2.

istabiyin expression indicating approval: fine, good.

istablisar v [A; a] found, establish s.t. Muistablisar kug kaugalíngung nigusyu ug makagraduwar na ku, I’ll establish my own business when I graduate. istablisimintu n business [401]establishment.

istadista n statesman. Si Kláru Riktu mauy usa sa mga bantúgang istadista sa Pilipínas, Claro Recto is one of the famous statesmen of the Philippines.

istádiyum n stadium.

istádu n 1 situation. Ang istádu mau ni: pagsulud nákù sa lawak dihay babáyi nga naghigdà sa katri, The situation was this: when I entered the room there was a woman lying on the bed. 2 state, condition s.t. is in. Pag-abut nákù nagkayamúkat na ang istádu sa mga mwiblis, When I arrived, the furniture was in a state of disarray. Wà na sa istádu ang ákung ámu, My master is acting strangely. 2a civil status. Unsay ímung istádu, minyù u ulitáwu? What’s your civil status, married or single? 3 married, settled, and thus not free to run around. Ngánung mangulitáwu pa man ka nga istádu na man ka? Why do you run after women when you are married?

Istádus Unídus n United States.

isták n 1 stock merchandise on hand. 2 stocks in a corporation. v [A; b6(1)] stock up on s.t., stock s.t. with. Istákan níyag mga linata ang íyang tindáhan, She will stock her store with canned goods. — huldir n stockholder. v [B16; a12] be, become a stockholder. uld — old stock, leftover merchandise. Mga uld isták ang bulad ímung gipalit, You bought old, leftover dried fish.

istáka n stake or peg to hold s.t. v [A; a2] make, drive or use a stake. 2 [A; a] arrange stones in a pile for some purpose. Dagkung batu ang giistáka sa mananagat sa íyang balirung, The fisherman piled up big stones to make his fish trap. Maáyung istakáhan ang bakilid arun dílì ibanlas ang yútà, We should pile stones on the sloping land so that the soil will not be washed away.

istak-ap v [B23(1)] become stuck, plugged up. Naistak-ap ang túbu sa labábu, The drainpipe in the sink got plugged up.

istáking, istákings n 1 stockings. 2 condom. v [A; b6(1)] wear stockings, a condom.

ístakul 1 a word used to heighten the suspense, said while performing some suspenseful action. Ákù nang bunútun paghínay ang baráha. Ístakul! I’ll take the card out slowly. Here goes! 2 particle used after giving a series of commands: fine, that’s good now. Atras pa, diyútay na lang. Ístakul! Back it up some more, a little more. O.K., fine.

istalar = instalar.

istalasiyun = instalasiyun. see instalar.

istambay 1 one standing by waiting for business or work. Daghang mga istambay nga trák didtu sa pír nga paabangan, There’s lots of trucks sitting at the pier to rent. 2 one who has nothing to do and hangs around s.w. 3 out of service. Istambay úsà ang trák kay way písa, The bus is out of commission now because it’s lacking a part. v [A; b(1)] 1 stand-by for business or work. 2 hang around. 2a [B16; a] become an idle loafer. 3 [A4; c] for a machine to be out of service. -an(→) n place loafers hang out.

istampa1 n religious picture, usually colored and framed.

istampa2 n patched, torn clothing. v [c] torn clothes.

istampǎr v [A; b6(1)] put a notice or picture up in a conspicuous place. Ayawg istampahi (istampari) nang bungbung ug law-ayng litrátu, Don’t put dirty pictures on that wall. Mga ngálan sa kaslunun mauy giistampǎr sa bulitin burd, The names of the couples planning to get married are posted on the bulletin board.

istampíta n small religious picture, usually colored.

istan n stand to hold s.t.

istanbay = istambay.

istandar, istandard n k.o. small kerosene lamp with a metal body and tall with a glass chimney, similar to a hurricane lamp. v [A13] use this type of kerosene lamp.

istandarti n religious standard or emblem consisting of an image painted on a pennant or piece of wood mounted on a pole and used in processions.

istanding1 a having standing room only in theaters. Istanding kaáyu, wà giyud ku kalingkud, It was very crowded. I couldn’t get a seat. v [B6; b6] for a theater to have standing room only.

istanding2 n 1 standing position in sexual intercourse (humorous slang). 2 erection of the penis (slang). v 1 [B256] do s.t. in a standing position. Nag-istanding kung nagkaun kay walà na may lingkuránan, I ate standing because there were no more seats. 2 [B1256] for penis to be erect (humorous slang).

istansa n stanza of a poem. v [c] write, add a stanza. Ang makapahinuklug nga panápus ang iistansa sa katapúsan, Write a sorrowful ending for your last stanza.

istanti n 1 glass showcase. 2 shelf. v 1 [b6(1)] add a glass showcase or shelf. 2 [c16] put in a showcase or shelf. Istantíha (iistanti) nang inyung baligyà, Put your merchandise inside a showcase.

istanyu n solder of tin and lead.

istáp1 v [A; a12] receive the serve in volleyball [402]and slow down the impetus to set it up for a return.

istáp2 n traffic sign ordering a stop. v [B236] for a traffic signal to be red. Manghúnung ang mga sakyanan ug muistáp, The vehicles will stop when the light is red.

istápa n embezzlement of funds entrusted to one. -dur(→) n embezzler. v [B126] be, become an embezzler of funds.

istapbul n in billiards, the method of shooting the cue ball hitting it near the base, causing it to stop or go backwards upon hitting another ball. v [A2; c1] make one’s shot a stop-ball.

istǎr v [A; b36] stay, reside in a certain place. Unsay istaran (istahan) nátug dúgay dinhi? Why should we stay here long? Maáyung istahan ang Banáwà kay dílì ínit, It’s good to stay in Banawa because it’s cool.

istar dansir n starring dancer. v [B16; a12] be, become a starring dancer.

istarim n a variety of yautia (bisul) having a reddish-pink rootstock, as opposed to the more common white variety.

istáring a 1 star in a film. 2 be prominently mentioned or conspicuous in a picture, talk. Istáring ka man sa wáli sa párì, You were conspicuously mentioned in the priest’s sermon. 3 be conspicuously important or significant in an activity. Istáring mi sa parti kay kami nangúlu sa dúlà, We were important persons in the party because we led the games. v [B126] 1 star in a film. 2 be conspicuous. 3 be prominently mentioned, conspicuous in a picture. 4 be an important person in some activity.

istartir n starter of an engine.

istasiyun1 n 1 radio, gas, police station. 2 railroad or bus station (not common usage). -an 1 station for vehicles, gas station. Istasyunan sa gasulína, trák, Gasoline, bus station. 2 police, radio station (not common usage).

istasiyun2 n station, way of the cross: 14 pictures of Christ’s sufferings placed around the sides of a church for the worshippers to visit. v [A] make the way of the cross, visiting each of the 14 pictures and praying before each one.

istátik n 1 static on the radio. 2 hoarseness in the throat when singing. v [B26] 1 for the voice to get hoarse in singing. 2 have static.

istatistika n statistics.

istatúwa n statue. v [a2] make into a statue. Íyang istatuwáhun kanang káhuy nga íyang gisugdag silsil, He will make a statue out of that piece of wood.

istáyil n style of doing s.t. Bítuls ang istáyil sa íyang buhuk, He wears his hair in the Beatles style. Si Ilurdi dúnay kaugalíngung istáyil sa pagbuksing, Elorde has his own boxing style. a stylish in doing s.t. Istáyil kaáyug kinantahan si Sami Díbis dà, Sammy Davis has a stylish way of singing. v [c16] make s.t. stylish. Maáyu giyung istaylun (iistáyil) nímu ang ímung mga bisti kay batan-un ka pa, You should dress stylishly because you are still young.

istaylis a adopting the latest fads.

isti1 1 expression of pause when speaker can’t think of the right word or is embarrassed. Buy, itúnul ang kuan, isti, ang piryudiku, Boy, pass the whatchamacallit, umm, the newspaper. 2 expression to correct or take back what one has just said. Si Imil, isti, si Lúkas paanhía, Emil, I mean, Lucas, have him come here. paistiisti v [A; b6] put on a pretense of indifference to s.t. one really likes. Ngánung nagpaistiisti kang gustu ka man diay? Why do you pretend you don’t like it when you really do?

isti2 n the east piece, the name of one of the winds (bintus). 2 the dealer in a mahjong game. 3 the name given to the first round in a mahjong set until all four players have had a chance to be the dealer. It is followed by a second round which is called sur. v 1 [A12; b4] draw an east piece. Giistihan aku ug mau na lay ákung giwíting, I drew an east wind and that was what I needed to go mahjong. 2 [B1256] be the dealer in a mahjong game.

istibidur n stevedore. v [B16; c12] be, become a stevedore.

istídi n 1 steady girl or boy friend. 2 prostitute one patronizes on a regular basis. v 1 [B12C; a12] be, become sweethearts, go steady. Dúgay na nà silang naistídi, They have been going steady for a long time. Nagkaistídi ming Lurína sa úna, Lorena and I used to go steady formerly. 2 [A12; b8] get as a sweetheart. Wà sukad aku makaistídi, I have never had a sweetheart.

*istígi — santu expression used by an elder for blessing a younger person who has just kissed his hands. The sign of the cross is made at the same time the blessing is given.

istikin ap, istikinap expression uttered when pulling a hold up: ‘Stick ’em up!’ v [A; a] pull a stick-up. Síging giistikin ap nang tindahána, They keep holding that store up.

istíkir n sticker. v [b6(1)] paste a sticker on s.t.

istilítu n stiletto, a small dagger-like instrument used for making holes in cloth to be embroidered. v [c6] use s.t. as a stiletto. [403]

istilmáting n steel sheets laid on soft ground for vehicles or temporary airstrips. v [A13; b6] surface with steel matting.

istilmit n stalemate in chess. v [B126; c16] come to a stalemate in chess.

istílu = istáyil.

istilwul n steel wool.

istima, istimar1 v [A; a2] take care, look after s.o. Dì kamaung muistimar sa mga bisíta, Doesn’t know how to take care of the visitors. Istimáha ang inyung katigulángan, Take care of your old folks.

istimar2 v [A; c1] 1 estimate, calculate. Istimaha (iistimar) kunu ang magastu, Figure out the expenses. 2 treat, consider s.o. as. Istimáha (iistimar) nga inyung igsúun ang mga ílu ninyung ig-ágaw, Consider your orphaned cousins your own brothers and sisters. n estimate, rough calculation. istimasiyun n 1 estimate. Untup-untup ang ákung istimasiyun (istimar), My estimate is almost exact. 2 the way one regards s.o. Taas ang ákung istimasiyun níya, I have a high regard for him.

istimit v [A; c1] estimate. Maáyu muistimit sa gibug-atun sa usa ka butang, He is good at estimating weights. n estimate. Pilay ímung istimit sa galastúhan? How much do you estimate it will cost?

istinsil v [A; c16] mark s.t. with a stencil, reproduce s.t. by stencil. n 1 typed stencil, stencil from which a design or lettering is made. 2 design, lettering done by a stencil.

istinugrapir n stenographer. v [B156] be, become a stenographer.

istip n word asked by a player in hopscotch asking whether he had stepped on the line. Istip, nu? Did I step on the line or not?

istipburd n narrow board under the passenger bus running along the chassis on either side between the front and rear wheels, where cargo is placed.

istip-in n open-heeled shoes or slippers for women, with or without high heels. v [AC12; b6(1)] wear step-ins.

istíping n 1 step in dancing. Lisud kaáyu ang istíping sa kinabag-uhang sáyaw karun, The steps for the latest dance are very complicated. 2 a violation in basketball, making steps not allowed. sayup ang — v [a12] for s.o. to make a mistake in an important move. Nasayup lang ang inyung istíping ug dì mu mudúul ug pulitiku nga mangaplay ug trabáhu, It is a wrong move for you to apply for a job without a politician’s help. v [B126; c1] commit the violation of stepping in basketball.

istiplir, istípul v [A; b5] fasten with staples. Mas maáyung ímung istipúlun (istipúlan) ang mga papil arun dì magbúwag, It’s necessary that you staple the pieces of paper together so that they won’t get separated. Lisud na ni buwágun ug ímung istipúlun (istipúlan), It will be difficult to get these apart after they have been stapled. n 1 stapler. 2 staples.

istíril a sterile, incapable of procreation. v [B6] be, become sterile.

istiriláyis v [A3P; a] sterilize, free from germs.

istiryu n stereo phonograph or tape recorder. — púnu n stereo phonograph. a stereophonic in sound reproduction. v 1 [B126; c16] reproduce a sound stereophonically. Dì maistiryu ang ipiktu ug usa lang ka ispíkir ang gamítun, You don’t get a stereophonic effect if you use only one speaker. 2 [A13] do s.t. with stereo music on. Mag-istiryu giyud nà siyag magtuun, He always studies with stereo music on.

Istits n the States, U.S.A. pa- v [A; c] go, bring to the States.

istitsáyid a 1 coming from the States. Kanang íyang sapátus istitsáyid, His shoes are imported from the States. 2 a person in the Philippines who originates in the States. 3 being like s.t. American. Istitsáyid siyag linihukan, She acts like an American. v [B126] be from the States or like s.t. from the States.

istituskup n stethoscope. v [A; b6(1)] use a stethoscope.

istityu n children’s game of freezing or keeping still when the leader shouts istityu. — dans n statue dance, a dance in which the participants freeze every time the music is stopped. v [A1C2; b(1)] play ‘statue’ or do the statue dance.

istranghíru n 1 a foreigner. Barku nga istranghíru, A foreign ship. 2 foreign ship. v [B126; b6] be, become a stranger in another land.

istranyu n stranger, newcomer to a place. v [B12] be a stranger to a place. Naistranyu na ku dinhi tungud sa daghang kausában, I have become a stranger in this place because of the changes that have taken place here.

istráp n strap. v 1 [A; b6(1)] put, fit a strap on. Istrápi ang rilu, Put a strap on the watch. 2 [a12] make into a strap.

istráyik1 n 1 strike: a in baseball. b the pins in bowling knocked down in one ball, or the score so made. 2 unpleasant allusion made against s.o. v 1 [B126] be, become a strike in baseball or bowling. 1a [A12] make a strike in baseball or bowling. 2 [A2; a12] [404]make unpleasant allusions about s.o. Ug istraykun ku níya, dì lang ku manumbáling, If he makes unpleasant allusions about me, I won’t pay any attention.

istráyik2 v [A; b3] for students or workers to strike. Giistraykan ang Yúbi sa mga maistra, The teachers at U.V. are striking. n strike of students or workers.

istri n three, esp. three pesos (slang). Manan-aw tag sini, dúna kuy istri diri, Let’s go and see a movie. I have three pesos here. v [A12] get three pesos.

istribilyu a cross-eyed. v [B; c16] be cross-eyed. Muistribilyu ang iyang panan-aw ug masukù, He becomes cross-eyed when he gets angry.

istríbu n 1 stirrup of a saddle or anything one steps on to mount with. 2 running board. v [A; a] attach, make a stirrup, mounting step, or running board.

istribur n starboard of a vessel. v [A; c1] turn to the starboard. Istribura (iistribur) ug diyútay arun dì ta mabanggà, Turn the boat to the right so that we will not collide.

istrikta = istriktu (female).

istriktu a strict in demanding obedience. Istriktu na run ang baláud sa pagbáyad sa buhis, The law is very strict about paying your taxes. v [B; a2] be, become strict, do strictly. Dílì istriktúhun pag-inspiksiyun ang malíta sa táwung kuniktádu, They aren’t strict in inspecting baggage which belongs to s.o. with connections.

istrilya n s.t. which has the shape of a star. Istrilyang parul, A star-shaped lantern. -du, -wu eggs fried sunny side up. v [A; a] fry or serve eggs sunny side up.

istrilyíta n s.t. shaped like a small star.

istrimlayin a streamlined, built without excess corners or structures. v [c1] build s.t. in a streamlined style.

istrit1, istrít1 a 1 upright. Istrit kaáyu nang huwísa, dì nà madág bagsak, He’s an upright judge. He doesn’t accept bribes. 2 frank. Istrit ra kaáyu nang manulting tawhána, mahilaw ka lang usáhay, He’s so frank that sometimes he embarrasses you. 3 fluent in speech. Istrit kaáyu nang maistráhang muininglis. Way kunù, That teacher speaks fluent English. She doesn’t stammer. v 1 [A2; b] tell, do frankly. 2 [A; a12] go, walk straight on a road.

istrit2, istrít2 n 1 straight blow in boxing. 2 straight in poker. v 1 [A; c] deliver a straight blow. Istríti siya arun mutagam, Deliver a straight blow to teach him a lesson. 2 [A12] get a straight hand in poker. 3 [A2; c1] vote a straight ticket. Ayaw istrita (iistrit) pagbutar ang Libiral, Don’t vote straight Liberal. 4 [A2; c1] drink all the contents down without a break.

istrit3, istrít3 n street. Háin tang istríta na, What street are we on now?

istritbul a the situation in billiards where the cue ball and the target ball are directly in line to the hole.

istritsabul, istritsibul a stretchable cloth. v [A12; b(1)] wear s.t. of stretchable cloth.

istritsir n stretcher. v [c1] carry s.o. on a stretcher.

istrú n 1 straw used in weaving. — bag bag made of straw. 2 straw to drink through. v [A; b5] drink with a straw.

istrubíri n strawberry.

istrúk n good way of doing a particular thing, esp. unusual or unconventional. Lahì sab siyag istrúk mangumidiya kay dì mukatáwa, He tells jokes in an unusual way. He doesn’t laugh. Maáyug istrúk siya nga mangáyug kwarta, He has a smart way of asking for money.

istrúki = istúki.

istrúking = istrúk.

istruksiyun = instruksiyun.

istrungkǎr v [A; a12] take apart, disassemble. istrungkadur n screw driver. v [A; a12] use, make into, hit with a screw driver.

istrúpa n stanza of a sort.

istúb n gas, electric stove. v [A12] get a stove. gas, iliktrik — gas, electric stove.

istudiyanti n student. v 1 [B16; b(1)] be, become a student. 2 [A1; b26] have as a student. Mag-istudiyanti gánì kag tarung, hayáhay kaáyung dad-un ang klási, If you have good students, it is no problem to handle the class.

istudiyu1 n 1 artist’s or photographer’s studio. 2 motion picture studio. 3 broadcasting studio. v [A13; a] make, make into a studio.

istudiyu2 v [A; b(1)] 1 study s.t. Giistudiyúhan pa sa duktur ang íyang sakit, The doctors are studying his disease. 2 take a certain course. Lú ang íyang giistudiyúhan, He’s taking up law.

istukáda v [A12C; a2] fence or make motions like fencing. Miibut siya sa íyang sundang ug miistukádang nagpaninggit, He pulled out his sword and raised it in the air shouting.

istúki v [B12C; b3c15] have a heated argument, make an argument heated. Maistúki giyud nà madúgay ang ílang isturya, I bet their conversation is going to end up in an argument. n heated argument.

istula n stole worn by a priest. v [A; c6] use, [405]wear a stole.

istumagu n stomach viewed medically or physiologically. Ang istumagu sa báka duhay hut-ung, A cow’s stomach has two chambers. Pagkáung makadáut sa istumagu, Food which can ruin the stomach.

istúpa v [A; c] stuff s.t. into seams to make them watertight. n material stuffed into seams to make them watertight.

istupádu n 1 k.o. dish made of thinly sliced meat stewed and served with gravy. 2 food with a filling. Istupádung pán, Bread with a meat filling. — nga lansang n dried anchovies (humorous). v [A; a] have istupádu.

istupida = istupidu (female).

istupidu a stupid, doing stupid things. Istupidu! Ngánung gipainum man nímug gátas nga bahù ang bátà? Stupid! Why did you give the child spoiled milk to drink? v [B12; b6] be, become stupid.

isturbu n 1 nuisance, bother. Isturbu kaáyu ning batáa sa ákung pagsuwat, This child is a terrible nuisance to me while I’m writing. 2 public disturbance. v [A3P; a1] make a nuisance or public disturbance. Siyay miisturbu sa bayli, He created a disturbance at the benefit dance. Ayawg isturbuha (isturbúha) si Istir kay natúlug, Don’t disturb Esther. She is asleep.

isturya v 1 [A; c] tell a story. Iisturya didtu sa kurti ang tinúud nga nahitabù, Tell the court what really happened. 1a tell s.t. untrue. Ayaw kug isturyáhi! Don’t tell me! 1b tell s.o. about s.t. Ayawg iisturya ning sikritúha, Don’t tell the secret. 2 [A2C; bc3] converse, talk to s.o. Unsay inyung gipanag-isturyáhan? What are you discussing? Kinsa tung ímung gikaisturya? Who were you conversing with? 3 [C1; a12] talk s.t. out with s.o. to reach an understanding. Nagkaisturya na mi ug ang ákung trátu, ug nagkaúlì na mi, I have already talked it out with my girl, and we’re on good terms again. Mas maáyung inyu nang isturyáhun arun dì mu magdinumtanay, You should thrash out your differences so that you won’t end up hating each other. n 1 story. Daghan siyag isturya báhin sa gúbat, He has lots of war stories to tell. 1a plot of a story. Unsay isturya sa sini? What was the movie about? 1b s.t. told. Mutúu ka ba sa isturya níyang namatay ang prisidinti? Do you believe his story that the president died? 2 conversation. Taas kaáyu inyung isturya sa tilipunu, Your telephone conversation lasted a long time. 3 talk, useless talk. Daghan nímug isturya. Buháta lang nà, You talk too much. Just go ahead and do it. isturyahánay, isturyahay v [C] converse, tell each other stories. -dur(→) a 1 fond of telling stories. 2 fond of engaging in conversation. Hilumun nà. Dì kaáyu isturyadur, He’s a silent sort. He doesn’t like to talk very much. v [B12; b6] become a good conversationalist.

*istiyúdint wurking — n student working his way through school.

isud, isug = irug, v 1.

ísug a 1 brave, full of guts. Ísug kaáyu si Dyú kay dì mahadluk muatubang ug mikrupunu, Joe is full of guts. He doesn’t hesitate to get up before the microphone. 2 quick to anger, getting fuming mad at the slightest provocation. Pagmatngun sa ímung trabáhu kay ísug ra ba kaáyu ang manidyǐr, Be careful with your work, for the manager is short-tempered. 3 fierce. Ísug ang irù. Dì mudágan, It is a mean dog. He won’t run away. 4 strong in odor, taste, etc. Ísug tabak-un ang Sálim, Salems are strong cigarettes. — ug dugù 1 having highly smelly blood in menstruation. 2 having characteristics that tend to be inherited. Ísug ug dugù nang rasáha. Maáyung paliwatan, That breed has characteristics which tend to appear in the children. It would be good to use for breeding stock. v 1 [B12; c1] be, become brave. Unsang tambála ang makaísug (makapaísug) sa manuk, What medicine can make a fighting cock brave? 2 [B2; b6] be, become quick to get angry. 3 [B] get fierce. 4 [B2; c1] for a smell, taste to get strong. (→) v [A13N] be in a bad mood, continuously angry. Nag-isug (nagpangisug) siya kay dakug pildi sa tárì, He’s in a bad mood because he lost heavily in the cockfight. paN- v [A; b(1)] 1 be fuming mad. Ug mangísug na gánì ang maistra, mahílum dáyun ang klási, Once the teacher starts to bark, the class becomes quiet. 2 for meteorological phenomena to be violent. Gihampak sa nangísug nga balud, Beaten by the violent waves. 3 for the penis to erect. Nangísug ang íyang buhì sa dihang nakakitag páa, His penis grew erect when he saw a woman’s thigh. 4 insist, strive hard to do s.t. Ug wà pa giyud ku mangísug nga muuban, dì untà ku makaanhi, Had I not insisted on coming along, I wouldn’t have gotten here. Ákù gayung pangisgan nga magmalampúsun aku sa ákung mga gimbuhátun, I will strive hard to be successful in my undertakings. papaN- v [a12] get s.o. angry. Papangisgun (papangisúgun) ku siya, I’ll get his goat. ka- n bravery. 2 nerve to do s.t. May kaísug ka pa uruy nga misulti nákù nga gihigugma mu pa aku, You’ve got a nerve to tell me that you still love me. ma- a very [406]brave, fierce, quick to anger, for a smell to get strong. v [B1456] be strong in spirit, courageous. Kinahanglang magmaísug kita sa pagpakig-atúbang sa matúud, Let us be brave enough to face reality. ma-un a 1 in a brave, courageous way. Maisúgun siyang miasdang sa mga kaáway, He faced his enemies courageously. 2 in an angry way. Maisúgun siyang namúlung, He spoke angrily.

ísul1 v [A; cP] move backwards without turning around. Iísul (ipaísul) ang trák ngadtus iskína, Back the truck up to the corner. n the triangular structure of a fowl or bird from which the tail feathers grow. (→) = ísul1, n.

ísul2 = irug, v1.

iswag = irug, v1.

iswid = giswid.

iswim1 n k.o. dance characterized by motions similar to swimming. v [A] dance this dance.

iswim2 [A12] drink, esp. in a spree (slang). Nakaiswim tingáli si Rupínu kay puwa man ang tápay, Rufino must have drunk again because his ears are red.

iswis exclamation expressing that s.t. has been put in just the right place. Iruga pa. Hustu na. Iswis, Move it a bit. Enough. That’s it.

isyu1 v [A; b] issue a license, permit, or the like. Giisyúhan ka na ba ug bag-ung lisinsiya? Have you been issued a new license?

isyu2 n 1 issue of a periodical. 2 political issue. v [B126; c1] be, become a political issue. Ngánung isyuhun (iisyu) pa man giyud sa kaatbang ang kamahal sa palalitun? Why does the opposite camp have to make a political issue of the high cost of living?

íta1 short for tagái ta. please give me some.

íta2, ità = ayta1.

itad-itad v [AB26; a] stretch s.t. to make it go a long way, for s.t. to be stretched out. Muitad-itad ang kwarta ug buut giyud, If you really want to make the money stretch, you can. Itad-itarun námù ang bugas kun dúna miy kamúti, We will make the rice go further if we have sweet potatoes.

itay n Father.

itbi n 8-B, a recently introduced variety of rice.

itgam = igtam.

iti v [B2; b6] 1 dry up, evaporate to dryness. Muiti (maiti) na sad ang mga sapà ning iníta, The rivers will dry up again in this heat. Giithan (hiithan) ang linung-ag kamúti, The water in the cooked sweet potatoes has boiled away. 2 for s.t. that is prepared by evaporation to come out powdery and not good. Muiti ang sabun ug palabian sa síga, Soap turns into powder if the flame is too high. 3 [AN; b6(1)] for fowls and birds to excrete their bodily wastes. Bugáwa ang manuk dihà sa hawanan kay tingálig mangiti (muiti), Shoo the chickens out of the living room because they will make a mess. hunsuy nga mu- ug mani n small caliber firearm (lit. tobacco pipe that excretes peanuts—slang). 4 [b4] get inside a woman, esp. in an extra-marital affair (slang). n 1 what results when the process of boiling off is not properly done. 2 excrement of birds, fowl, lizards, crabs. 3 — ug langgam k.o. sweet potato with white-colored flesh and red skin.

íti eighty (usually said of scores, grades). v [A12; c1] get eighty, make s.t. eighty. Ug makaíti ka, pasar ka, If you get an eighty, you pass. Kinahanglan nga itíhun nímu ang ímung grádu, You must get a grade of eighty.

itì n term of address for a male much younger than the speaker.

itiíti v [A; b] run at a slow pace with short steps. Mag-itiíti na lang ku kay kápuy na ikusug ug dágan, I will just trot because I’m too tired to run fast.

ítik1 n 1 white duck. 2 pimp (slang). v [B16; a2] be, become a pimp. paN- v [A2] work as a pimp. -an(→) n duck farm. v [A1C12; c6] raise ducks. itik-itik n 1 name of a folk dance characterized by an imitation of the movements of a duck. The dancers wear balintawak costumes. 2 k.o. ornamental vine: Aristolochia elegans. v [AC12] dance the itik-itik.

*ítik2 pa- n a game of chance where a coin is spun and covered with a cup or s.t. similar and players bet on heads or tails.

itikíta n tailor’s tag sewn into the article. v [A; b6(1)] sew or put a tailor’s tag on s.t.

ítip v [A; c1] clip, crop s.t. very close. Muítip kaáyug putul ang lunmúwir sa sagbut, The lawn mower cuts the grass very short. Kinsa kahay nag-ítip ug gunting ning kuku sa bátà? Who cut the baby’s fingernails so short? Itípun (iítip) ba nátù pagputul ang mga sanga sa kamunggay? Shall we cut these kamunggay branches very short? a cropped short.

ítir n ether.

itirinaryu n itinerary.

itlib v [AN; a2] 1 bite gently with the front teeth. Miitlib (nangitlib) siya sa íyang ngábil arun dílì mahikatawa, He just bit his lips to keep from laughing. 2 nibble at. Itlíbun lang sa isdà ang paun apan dílì ang tagà, The [407]fish just nibbles at the bait but not the hook. — ug asin v [A13] be so hard up as to have barely anything to eat (lit. bite salt). Nag-itlib mig asin sa kapait pagkapapha sa ákung bána, We can barely eat now since my husband got fired.

itlug n 1 egg. 2 testicles. putì ug, ang — cowardly. v 1 [AN; b6(1)] lay an egg. Muitlug (mangitlug) na tingáli ang himungáan, The hen is probably going to lay eggs. 2 [A13C13] serve, eat eggs. Mag-itlug lang ta sa pamáhaw, Let’s just have eggs for breakfast. 3 [a12] hit in the testicles. Nikúum si Kusáka kay naitlug, Kosaka doubled up in pain because he was hit in the testicles. paN- n laying of eggs. Ang mga manuk nga íyang gipamalit álang sa pangitlug, The hens he bought are for laying eggs. -ánan n nesting place. -in- a 1 egg-shaped. 2 yellow in color.

itnib (from binti) n twenty (slang).

itsa v 1 [c] throw, toss s.t. towards; be thrown off from a position due to impact. Didtu siya mag-itsa sa íyang láya sa may lawumlawum, He cast his net in the deep part of the sea. Naitsa sa layù ang táwu dihang mibutu ang mína, The man was thrown a long way when the mine exploded. Iitsa ra ngari nákù ang ákung káwù, Toss me my hat. 2 [A; b6(1)] shoot the ball in basketball. Tagsa ray sipyat ug siyay muitsa, He rarely misses when he shoots the ball. — ug tualya v [A; b6(1)] in boxing, throw the towel to a boxer to signify surrender. Itsáhi nag tualya ang ímung buksidur kay gihímu na lang nang pantsing bag, Toss your boxer a towel. He is being turned into a punching bag. — puyra v [A; c1] remove s.o. from a job, position, dwelling without ceremony. Itsa puyráhun (iitsa puyra) nátù nang mga iskuwátir, Let’s kick those squatters out. — sa kálù throw one’s hat in the ring, enter a political race. itsaitsa n shooting of the ball into the basket for fun and practice. v [A; c] do some practice shooting in basketball.

itsar v 1 [A123P; b] cause to move the bowels. Giitsaran (giitsahan) siyag dalì sa purga, The purgative caused her to have a B.M. in no time. 2 [A13; a4] have loose bowel movements. Nag-itsar (giitsar) ang bátà, Her child has loose B.M. 3 excrete s.t. from the body. Miitsar ang íyang dugù pag-alsa níyag bug-at, She had a profuse discharge of menstrual blood when she lifted s.t. heavy. Dúgay kang itsahan (itsáhan) ug mugámit kag ritardiks, It will take you a long time to come if you use retardex.

itsas1 = hitsu.

itsas2 a one who has completed the fixed number of points for winning in pool billiards. v [B23(1)6; a2] wrap up the game in pool.

itsay n 1 mistress. 2 girl friend. v [A2; a12] keep a mistress.

itsiban n medicinal plaster applied to sore places (from the brand name Itchiban).

itsu diritsu = hitsu diritsu. see hitsu.

itsus v [AC; a2] have sexual intercourse (slang). Nag-itsus ang managtrátu sa sulud sa mutil, The two sweethearts made love in the motel.

itsuy n 1 male lover. 2 chum, buddy (slang). Short form: tsuy. Itsuy, padagkúta ku, Let me have a light, pal. 2a term of address between intimate male friends. Ása ka, tsuy, Where are you going, pal? v [A; c16] have a male lover.

ítu n general name for catfish. itúhun a coloration of chicken feathers, variety of a talisáyun or lambuhun type: dark green feathers interspersed with black or grey feathers, esp. on the breast.

ítuk v [A23; a1b3] 1 provoke s.o., make s.o. angry. Naítuk ang bána kay dugayan mag-ílis ang asáwa, The husband was irritated because his wife took so long to get dressed. Hikaiktan (giitúkan) ku sa ákung inahan kay dúgay kung mipaúlì, My mother got angry at me because I came home late. 2 stimulate interest in s.t. Itúkun ku siya sa pagpanulat, I’ll stimulate his interest in writing. ka- n anger. ma-un a done with annoyance.

itum a black. — ug dílà a having a black spot on the tongue, a sign that a person is a buyágan. — ug kasingkásing, tanlag cruel, heartless. Way kalúuy ang itum ug tanlag, The heartless fellow has no mercy. v [AB; a] become black, make s.t. black. Akuy miitum sa sapátus mung putì, I dyed your white shoes black. Muitum (maitum) ang ímung úban ug ímung tináun, Your grey hair will turn black if you dye it. (←) v [B14] be very black. Nag-ítum na lang ang ákung buktun sa mga bun-ug, My arms were black with bruises. itman n k.o. large, black, fresh-water shrimp. -un a somewhat dark or black-colored. Dì siya angayang magsul-ub ug pula kay itumun, She doesn’t look good in red because she is dark-complexioned.

it-un a intelligent. Ang bátang it-un dalì rang musabut, An intelligent child easily understands. v [B12] become intelligent.

*ítung pa- v [A; b6] 1 stay put and do nothing when told to do s.t. or when there is a clear need. Nagpaítung nà siya bísan ug walay túbig ilung-ag, He just sits there doing nothing even though there is no water to [408]cook with. 2 endure s.t. without moving. Nagpaítung sila sa katugnaw nga nagpaábut sa trák, They sat around shivering waiting for the bus.

ítus v [A; a] evaporate or boil off liquid from a mixture until it reaches a certain consistency. Itúsun nákù ang arníbal arun maispísu, I’ll boil the syrup so that it will become thick. -an(→) n evaporating dish.

itus-ítus v [A; a12] bear intense hardships or sorrow alone. Masakit ka ug muitus-ítus lang ka sa ímung kaguul, You’ll get sick if you bear your sorrow in silence. Itus-itúsun námù ang kalisud arun mu makatunghà, We will go through hardships so that you can have an education.

ítut v [AC; a12] have sexual intercourse (coarse slang). Itútun níya ang ílang binatunan, He will screw their maid.

ituy n puppy, kid of goats, baby of monkeys and some other animals. ituy-ítuy v [AP; b(1)] kowtow to, behave obsequiously to. Muituy-ítuy (mupaituy-ítuy) siya sa mayur arun hatágag pabur, He will fawn on the mayor to get a favor. Nagpaituy-ítuy siya sa dalágang íyang gihaláran, He fawned on the lady he courted. Ituy-itúyi (paituy-itúyi) ang ímung ámu ug gustu kang umintúhan, Serve your boss obsequiously if you want to be promoted. n 1 young of a squash, esp. the climbing variety. 2 shill, one employed in gambling to act as a customer and attract bettors to the game. 3 one who kowtows.

íwa n wet nurse. v [A; c1] act as a wet nurse, be made wet nurse. Nakaíwa kug bátang hilak, I have nursed a baby that tends to cry.

iwad = igwad.

íwag v [AN; b] illuminate with a moveable source of light. Iwági sa ispat ang dā́n nga ímung agian, Light your way with a flashlight. (→) n 1 moveable light used to illuminate s.t. 2 light, source of inspiration or guidance. Ang ákung hinigugma mauy gihímù kung iwag sa ákung kinabúhì, My sweetheart is the light of my life. paN- v [A2C12; b(1)] go fishing using a light to attract the fish. -in-an, in-an(→), pinang-an n fish caught using a light.

iwang-íwang v [A3PB5; b6c1] walk with the legs apart due to pain in the groin or fat legs. Nag-iwang-íwang siya paglakaw kay may hubag ang íyang búgan, He’s walking with his legs apart because he has a boil in his groin.

iwas, íwas v [A; b(1)] 1 slip away from, get out of the way. Miiwas siya sa íyang mga kúyug nga pulus hubug, He slipped away from his companions who were all drunk. Kun wà pa makaiwas, igù na untà siya, Had he not dodged, he would have been hit. 2 avoid doing s.t. Ubligasiyun nga dílì maiwasan, Obligations one cannot avoid. 3 [A3] miss a mark. Miiwas ug diyútay sa íyang úlu ang bala, The bullet missed his head by just a little bit. Miíwas hinúun ka sa ámung pista, You missed our fiesta (came after it).

íway v [A2; ab2] move out of the way, cause s.t. to do so. Miíway ang mga táwu pag-ági sa bumbíru, The people moved aside when the fire truck passed by. Pag-íway sa pangánud, nakítà ang búlan, When the clouds drifted away, you could see the moon. Mga pulis ang miíway sa mga táwu nga nag-ali sa agiánan, The police cleared the people who were blocking the route out of the way. Iwáya ang mga kúgun, Push the saw grass out of the way. — sa kadáut v [AP; c6] spare s.o. from a mishap or danger. Ákù ta kang iíway sa kadáut kay gimahal ta ka, I’ll keep you from danger, for I love you.

iwígik v [A2S; b3] for pigs to squeal. Miiwígik ang babuy pagkadungug sa hugangkul sa baldi, The pig squealed when it heard the clatter of the pail.

íwik = iwígik.

iwit a last in a race, class, or anything where things are compared. Iwit siya sa klási, He’s the dumbest in the class. v [B126; b] come out last. Naiwit (nangiwit) siya sa banggà sa lánguy, She came out last in the swimming race. Dílì siya maiwit sa hitsuraay lang, If you consider looks, she doesn’t come out bad (lit. the last). pa- v [A13] allow oneself to be outdone. Wà siya magpaiwit. Mitindug ug mibayli pud, He did not let himself be outdone. He got up and danced too.

íya preposed gen. form from siya. Iyang libru, His book. Íyang gibása, He read it. sa -ng lagay, luslus (or any part of the body) strong expression of disbelief (coarse, if a coarse word is used; not coarse, if a mild word is used). Mangasáwa sa íyang túngul, unsay ibuhì, Get married, my foot (lit. stomach)! What will they live on? — ra, — ra dì manakud phrase uttered when discussing s.t. bad that happened to s.o. to forestall the possibility that it should happen to anyone else. Kadakù sa íyang kabahung, íya ra dì manakud, My, what a huge ulcer! God forbid that anyone else should get it. v [a3] be his, hers. Maíya ni ug íyang bayran, It will be his if he pays for it. iyaíya, iyáhay v [A13] 1 each one did [so-and-so]. Nag-iyáhay silag panghílak pagkadungug sa balità, Each one of them cried upon hearing the news. 2 each do alone for himself. Nag-iyaíya (nag-iyáhay) silag lung-ag, Each cooked [409]his own dinner. sig- [A13] each one [does, did] to his own. Nagsig-íyag pamaúlì ang mga táwu dihang nag-ulan, All the people returned to their own homes when it rained. tag- n owner. Siyay tag-íya sa sini Uryinti, He is the owner of the Oriente theater. v [B1256] 1 become the owner of. Ug siyay matag-íya sa tindáhan, wà nay mupalit didtu, If he is the owner of the store, nobody will buy there. 2 [A12] have acquired possession. Pára nakatag-íya ug usa ka taksi garbúsu na siya kaáyu, Just because she acquired a taxi, she has become very haughty. paN- v [A2; b5] own s.t. Gastúsu kaáyu ning manag-íya ta ug awtu, It is expensive to own a car. tag-iyáhan a having an owner. Dílì ni ikabaligyà kay tag-iyáhan na ni, I cannot sell it because s.o. owns it. see also idyaidya, kadaíya, and kinaíya.

iyà n title or term of address for women, much older than the speaker. v [A; a12] call s.o. by this title. -an n aunt. v [A12; b8] have an aunt. -an sa pag-agáwan n cousin (of any degree) of one’s father or mother.

iyágak v [A2S; b3] 1 for a chicken to squawk in pain. 2 for a child to cry upon being punished. Muiyágak ka man lagi ug hibunalan, You’ll cry if I hit you. 3 cry out in pain like a chicken, squawk. n squawking of fowl, cry of a naughty child, or similar sound.

íyak v [A; b3] chirp, cheep. Muíyak ang mga pisù, The chicks will cheep. n chirping, cheeping.

iyak-iyak n k.o. bird, the barred graybird: Coracina striata.

iyása = iása1.

iyat a 1 snobbish, unwilling to mix with people deemed inferior. Iyat na siya kay naidukar man sa syudad, She is snobbish now because she went to school in the city. 2 choosy, unwilling to take s.t. one deems not up to his class. Iyáta nímu uy, dì ka man musakay ug paráda, My, how choosy you are. You won’t ride on a rig. v [B2] become snobbish or choosy and particular.

iyawan = awayan. see áway.

iyáwat for s.t. small to be of some use. Díay diyis iyáwat na lang ning ikapugung sa gútum, Here’s ten cents. Perhaps this might help stave off hunger. Dì ku ibaligyà ning yútà. Iyáwat ra ni sa ákung mga anak, I won’t sell this piece of land. It will surely be of use for my children. v [AN; a12] make good use of s.t. one has little of or can only get in limited quantities. Mag-iyáwat ka sa dáan mung sapátus, Wear your old shoes to economize. Iyawáta ang ímung panahug tuun, Make good use of your limited time by studying. (→) 1 = iyáwat. 2 [AN; a12] do s.t. in order to save on s.t. or get s.t. not readily available. Mikúyug siya nákù kay nangiyawat nga malibri sa plíti, He came along with me because he could save by having me pay the fare. Miapil siya sa tím kay giiyawat ang unipurmi, He joined the team to get a free uniform.

iyù n term of address or title for a man much older than the speaker. v [A; a12] call s.o. by this title. Iyù Hantuy Uncle John, the imaginary character representing the Filipino people (s.t. like the American Uncle Sam). Gituntu si Iyù Hantuy sa mga pulitiku, Politicians are taking advantage of Uncle John.

*iyukaristiku Kunggrísu — Eucharistic Congress.

Iyurúpa = urúpa.

íyut v [A2SC; a2b2] have sexual intercourse with (avoided word). Ikay nag-iyut sa míd? Did you screw the maid? íyut ta, yuta coarse interjection of disbelief. Yuta! Mu nay íyang gisulti apan dì ku mutúu, My foot! That’s what he says, but I don’t believe it. pala-(→) a having great appetite for screwing.




ka1 see ikaw.

ka2 1 linker between numeral and noun. Tulu ka mansánas, Three apples. Líbu ka líbu, Thousands and thousands. 2 between isig or masig and nouns. Ísig nímu ka táwu, Your fellow men. Ang ílang masig ka áping, Each of their cheeks. 3 — ug particle in expressing alternative situations: ‘be it ... or’. Manágat giyud siya mag-ulan kag mag-ínit, He goes fishing rain or shine.

*ka3 sa — [name], íla — [name] at [name]’s place. Adtu ku sa ka Banung (íla ka Banung), I am going to Banong’s place.

ka4 n letter K.

ka-1 = naka-. see maka-1.

ka-2 affix forming nouns which mean ‘one’s [410]co-[noun]’. Ákung kaklási, My classmate. Ákung katagilungsud, My fellow townsman. Ákung kaáway, My opponent.

ka-3 affix added to adjectives. Adjectives plus ka- have these uses: 1 as nouns which mean ‘the state of being [so-and-so]’. Tungud sa ákung kasubù, Because of my sorrow. Ang katahum sa palíbut, The beauty of the surroundings. 2 in exclamations. Kagwápu sa ímung balay! What a beautiful house you have! Kadakù! How big it is! 3 after unsa to form a phrase: how (to what extent) s.t. is [adj.]. Unsa kadakù? How big is it? Dì mabatbat kun unsa kangilngig, Words cannot describe how horrible it was.

ka-4 = maka-2.

n hemorrhoids. Gipaupirahan na ba níya ang ká sa íyang lubut? Did he have his hemorrhoids operated on?

káag v [B6; c16] move in haste. Nakáag (mikáag) siya kay mibagting na ang alas syíti, She was in a hurry because it was already seven o’clock. (→) a doing s.t. with great haste and carelessly. Kaag kaáyu kang mamuhatbuhat. May mga sayup, You are very fast but careless in your work. You made lots of mistakes. v [B15; a12] be, become careless. Kinsa guy musálig nímus trabáhu nga nagkaag ka man lang? Who would trust your work when you work so carelessly?

ka-an1 inflectional affix: the local passive potential, future. see -an1.

ka-an2 affix forming nouns 1 added to adjectives to form nouns which mean ‘the quality of [adj.]’. Kalampúsan, Success. Kalipáyan, Happiness. Ang íyang kasuk-ánun mauy usa ka kasukwahían sa íyang maáyung pamatásan, His quickness to anger is not in harmony with his good manners. 2 added to nouns or adjectives to form nouns which refer to a group of [noun]’s. Ang mga kabatáan, The children. Balay sa kahiláyan, Den of vice. Kanipáan, Nipa swamp. 2a forming numbers, the multiples of ten’s. Katluan, Thirty. Kapituan, Seventy.

ka-an3 (←) affix added to adjectives which refer to a state to form nouns which refer to the achievement of the state. Way katin-áwan ang inyung burúka, Your case has not reached a clear resolution. Way kahusáyan ang inyung burúka ug isig pasángil, Your case will never be resolved if all you do is accuse each other.

kaang1 n flowerpot. v [A; c16] plant in a flowerpot.

kaang2 a having legs apart when walking. v [B; a12P] walk with legs apart. Mukaang siya ug lakaw kay may hubag sa bilahan, He walks with legs apart because he has a boil in the crotch.

kaangkáang v [A; b(1)] go here and there, from place to place in excitement. Nagkaangkáang siya ug pangítag kwarta nga íyang mabáwun, He went here and there excitedly looking for money to take with him on his trip.

káat v [A; a12] go out and wander around aimlessly to pass idle time. Mukáat ku kay gilaáyan ku dinhi, I’ll go out and mess around because I’m bored here.

kába v [A; a] 1 carry close to the chest or strapped to the back. Ang inahang ungguy nga nagkába sa íyang ituy, A mother monkey carrying its little one. 2 carry a house to move it. Gikába níla ang balay ngadtu sa tabuk, They carried the house across the street. n = kabahan. (→) v [A; b(1)] copulate, esp. animals. Ang irù mukaba bísag náa atubángan sa daghang táwu, Dogs will copulate even in front of people. kabahan n strap for a load carried on the back.

kabad v [A23] run or walk instantly without hesitation. Mikabad pagpanágan ang mga sugarul sa pagkakità níla sa pulis, The gamblers took to their heels when they saw the police.

kábag v [B46; b4] have gas pains. Gikabágan ku humag káun sa nangkà, I had gas pains after eating the jackfruit. n gas pain.

kabaghak = baláhak.

kabahíru = byatilis.

kabahung n large and deep sore caused by an infection. v [B2; b4] get a sore. Makabahung nang núka kun dì tagdun, That sore will turn into an ulcer if you don’t take care of it. Gikabahungan ang íyang tiil, His foot developed a deep ulcer. -un a having deep ulcers.

kabàkábà n 1 k.o. butterfly, orange in color, and unusually big. 2 k.o. sailboat the sail of which looks like butterfly wings. v [B1256] 1 turn into a kabàkábà butterfly. 2 ride, make into this sort of sailboat.

kabal n one point short of winning. Kabal na ang ámung iskur. Usa na lang ka syát, daug na, Our score is just one point short of winning. One more shot to victory. v [B2] reach a score which is one point to winning.

kabalungga n k.o. medicinal oil made from the snake melon (Trichosanthes quinquangulata).

kabalíti = kabilíti.

kabalyiríya n cavalry, horse-mounted soldier [411](not mechanized).

kabalyíru1 n 1 gentleman. 2 acting like a gentleman. 3 spending liberally. prísu — 1 one under house arrest. 2 trustee in prison who can go about as he pleases. v [AB12; c1] spend on a liberal scale, become a liberal spender. Wà giyuy búngang makúhà ug kabalyirúhun (ikabalyíru) ug gastu ang kwarta, No good can result of it if he spends money lavishly.

kabalyíru2 n k.o. small ornamental tree with pinnate leaves bearing red or yellow flowers: Caesalpinia pulcherrima.

kabalyíti = kabilíti.

kabalyu, kabalyus n horsepower. Tris kabalyus, Three horsepower.

kaban1 n trunk, chest. v [a12] store in a trunk. — mundu n trunk with a rounded top and lined with upholstery tacks along its sides. -in- a rectangular in shape. v [a12] make into a rectangular shape. Kinabana pagtábas ang líab sa ákung sinínà, Cut the neckline of my dress square. kabankaban n k.o. bivalve, so called because it opens and closes like a trunk.

kaban2 n measurement equivalent to twenty-five gantas. Usa ka kaban nga bugas humay, A cavan of rice. -is(←) cavans (plural).

kabang a 1 spotted, splotched. Ang ákung iring kabang putì ug itum, My pet cat is spotted white and black. 2 unevenly painted or cut. Kabang ang íyang tupi, His haircut is uneven. 3 uneven in voice because of fright, adolescence, and the like. Kabang ang íyang tíngug kay hápit na maulitáwu, His voice is uneven because he is an adolescent. v [B2; a] be splotched, uneven. Nagkabang ang íyang nawung sa ap-ap, His face is splotched with fungus. (←) v [B145] intensely uneven or splotched. Nagkábang ang íyang nawung sa pulbus, Her face was splotched with powder.

kab-ang n hook, crook. v [AB3; ac] hook around s.t., for a crook to catch onto s.t., cause it to do so. Mikab-ang (nakab-ang) ang angkla sa dakung batu mau nga wà mabira, The anchor hooked on a big stone. That’s why we couldn’t get it up. Nagkab-ang ang gunitánan sa páyung sa lansang, The umbrella is hung by the handle over the nail. Ikab-ang ug hugut ang ímung buktun sa sanga, Hook your arm tight around the branch. n hook that holds or grabs s.t.

kabangáhan = balbangáan.

kabarit n cabaret. -íra n cabaret girl.

kabaryu = byatilis.

kabási n gizzard shad: Nematalosa nasus and Anodontostoma chacunda.

kábat = kalábat.

Kabatáang Makabáyan n name of a militant, leftist youth organization (Pilipino for Patriotic Youths).

kabatkabat v [A; a] hop from island to island in going s.w. Gikabatkabat sa mga kuntrabandista ang mga pulù, The smugglers hopped from one island to another.

kábaw1 = kalabaw.

kábaw2 n female genitalia (euphemism).

kabawkábaw = kinalabaw. see kalabaw.

kab-ay v [A; b6(1)] lay the forearms over s.t., generally for support. Mikab-ay siya sa barútu dihang gikápuy nag linanguy, He hung onto the boat when he grew tired of swimming.

kabayru 1 = kabalyíru2. 2 = byatilis.

kabáyù n 1 horse. 2 paramour (slang). 3 knight in chess. 4 face card showing a horse in Spanish cards, worth eleven. — sa dágat sea horse. — sa dáru plow beam. (→) v [A; ac] 1 ride, bring s.t. on a horse. 2 ride, mount on s.t. Bansay siyang mukabayù sa bisiklíta, She rides a bicycle expertly. 3 [A; b6] be on top of s.o. in wrestling or similar activity. 3a have sexual intercourse with (slang). Nakakabayù aku níyag kas-á, I have had intercourse with her once. 3b [b6] be mobbed. Gikabay-an sa mga batan-un ang mga artista, The movie stars were mobbed by the young people. kinabay-anay v [c] have intercourse. Udtung tútuk, nagkinabay-anay pa gihápun! It’s high noon and they are still having intercourse! Culu-, kabayùkabáyù n 1 folding ironing board. 2 toy horse. -in- n 1 long-armed corn grinder. 2 = kulukabáyù, 1. kinabay-an n manner of riding. -un a horse-like. Kabayúug nawung, Horse-faced.†

kabdus = mabdus.

kabhang = alukabhang.

kábi = kábig.

kabiba, kabíba v 1 [A; c1] carry s.t. strapped or slung over the shoulder. Hasta bátà nga gamay kabibahan pa giyud ug putus, Even the small child has to carry a package over her shoulders. 2 [A; b6(1)] wear s.t. wrapped around the torso. Nagkabíba siyang nalígù, She took a bath with s.t. wrapped around her body. 3 [A; c1] a make into a shoulder strap. b make into a chemise or s.t. to wrap around the body. n 1 shoulder strap. 2 loose chemise or anything wrapped around the torso.

kabíbat v [ac] climb holding on to s.t. with both hands, climb up to get. Kabibáta kanang mga sambag nga hinug, Climb up to get those ripe tamarinds. Ikabíbat ang písì [412]ngadtu, Climb up there to put the rope up.

kabibit v 1 [A; c] hold on to s.t. Nagkabibit kug malíta, I was carrying a suitcase. Sanga nga íyang gikabibitan, The branch he was holding on to. 2 [A; b] a put a handle onto s.t. b make s.t. into a handle. n handle, s.t. with which one holds on to s.t.

kábig v [A3P; a] 1 make s.t. move toward one; attract towards s.o., to s.t. Nakábig ákung pagtagad sa manánuy níyang tíngug, Her sweet voice attracted my attention. Kining tawhána nagkábig sa íyang signus kay kiat kaáyung mudráyib, This fellow is courting danger with his reckless driving. Kabíga (ikábig) ang túbig sa kanal, Draw the water towards the ditch. 2 convert. Kabíga (ikábig) ang mga Múrus, Convert the Muslims. (→) n convert.

kabíkab v [A2S; a2] climb up with the hands taking an important part. Makabíkab ku ning inyung bintánà kay náay káhuy sa tapad, I can climb up to your window because there is a tree next to it.

kabíkag = kabíkab.

kabil v [A; ab2] touch, brush against s.t. lightly. Nabanggaan ímung awtu? Wà, nakabilan lang, Did you wreck your car? No, it was just scratched. -l-un(←), -únun a touchy, sensitive. Kalabílun (kabilúnun) nà siyag buut. Daling masukù, He’s very sensitive. He gets angry right away.

kabílaw n k.o. slender, creeping herb of waste places, with sticky sap used as a poultice for disorders of the uterus: Commelina benghalensis.

kabildu n conversation. v [C; ac] converse. Nagkabildu mi báhin sa ámung trabáhu, We were talking about our jobs. Ngánung mangísug ka man? Kabildúhun ta lang gud ni, Why do you have to blow your top? We can talk this out calmly. Unsa may inyung gikabildúhan (gipanagkabildúhan)? What were you talking about? kabilduhay v [C] converse. Culu- = kabildu.

kabilinggan n 1 impediment to one’s freedom of action. Makalangyaw ku kay ulitáwu pang way kabilinggan, I’m free to travel as I am unmarried and have no responsibilities. Dúnay kabilinggan ang yútà, There’s some problem with the title to that land. walay — a of no impediment. b of no importance. Dinhay áway piru wà tuy kabilinggan, There was a fight, but it was nothing worth talking about. Way kabilinggan nang samára. Kadlas ra, That wound was nothing. It was just a scratch. Way kabilinggan ug hutdan tag kwarta kay makahuwam ta, It doesn’t matter if we run out of money because we can always borrow. 2 responsibility. Dakung kabilinggan ang pagkuput ug dakung kwarta, It’s a big responsibility to be in charge of a large sum of money. 3 things to attend to. Dúgay siyang maulì kay may kabilinggan pang giatiman sa upisína, He will come home late because he has s.t. to attend to at the office. -un a having responsibilities.

kabilíti n ridge pole of a roof. v [A; a12b(1)] make, put in a ridge pole.

kabilkabil = kawilkawil. see kawil.

kabilúsu a ready to take offense and therefore trouble-prone. Dílì katiáwan ang táwung kabilúsu, You can’t play jokes on people who take offense easily. v [B1; c5] become readily offended and therefore trouble-prone. Ug magkabilúsu ka íning dapíta, tabangan ka giyud sa mga buguy dinhi, If you act touchy around these parts, the toughs will gang up on you.

kabilya n 1 bars for reinforcing concrete. 2 iron bars for window grills. v [c] put iron bars in.

kábin n ship’s cabin. v [A1] travel cabin class.

kab-ing = kab-ang.

kabinit n cabinet, case with drawers or shelves for medicine, food, jewelry, etc.

kabir v [A2; a3b8] make a profit. Dakug makabir ang nigusyung ismagling, There’s a big profit to be made in the smuggling business. Bay-ansil mauy ákung nigusyung nakabiran, I made profit in the business of buying and selling.

kábir n cover. v 1 [A; b6(1)] put a cover on s.t. Kabíri ang libru arun dì mahúgaw, Put cover on the book so it won’t get dirty. 2 [A; c] protect oneself from blows with the hands. Mukábir siya dáyun kun dyában, He covers immediately if his opponent jabs him. 3 cover the ball in a volleyball game. Páwul kay síku ímung gikábir, Foul! You covered the ball with your elbow. kabirkábir v [A13] dílì, walà — fail to keep s.t. concealed, be direct where propriety requires the opposite. Sa walay kabirkábir íya akung gihingawátan, Without beating around the bush, he accused me of being a thief.

kabísa n 1 provincial capital. 2 village chief. — dibaranggay, sa baryu = kabísa, 2. v [B156; a12] be, become the village chief.

kabisáda n bridle. v 1 [A; a] put a bridle. 2 [a12] make into a bridle.

kabisádu a 1 have complete knowledge of s.t. Kabisádu na nákù ang (kabisádu na aku sa) mga dálan dinhi, I’m completely familiar with roads here. 2 have complete knowledge of a procedure. Kabisádu kaáyu siya [413]sa mga makina, He is very knowledgeable about engines.

kabisdak n an old variety of paddy rice with long, white grains.

kabisilya n head of the table. v [A; b] sit, seat at the head of the table.

kabisíra n 1 capital town. 2 seat at the place at the table occupied by the most honored person in the group.

kabit v [A; b6(1)] 1 cling to, hang on to. Punù na kaáyu ang trák. Mukabit lang ta, The truck is already full. Let’s just hang on to the sides. 2a join in on a transportation franchise on a minor basis. Mukabit na lang sila sa ámung linya kay duruha ra man ka buuk ang ílang dyip, They have decided to let their jeep run on our line as they only have two. 2b hook up to a telephone with another line. 3 set decorations in another material. Ang sinínà sa birhin gikabitan ug mga brilyanti, The dress of the image was inlaid with diamonds. 4 [B126] be late in planting (grab on to the tail end of the season). Makabit giyud ning átung pagpugas tungud sa kadúgay sa ulan, We’ll be late sowing because the rains came late. 5 [A; a12] take a paramour or lover. n 1 connection of public transportation, party line in telephone. Bísi kaáyu ang tilipunu kay daghang kabit, The telephone is very busy because there are a lot of party lines. 2 s.o. with whom one has extra-marital relations. Nahibalu na giyud ang asáwa nga may kabit diay si Tiruy, The wife finally found out that Terry had a paramour. 3 planted at the end of the season.

kábit n gambling game of tossing coins, where bets are placed on heads or tails. v [AC; c3] toss coins.

kab-it = kab-ang.

kabkab1 v [A; a] dig a hole by scooping out dirt. Gikabkab sa irù ang bukug, The dog dug up the bone. — sa, ang kabúhì v [A; a] press the finger tips into the pit of the stomach to relieve it of kabúhì and massage it with a digging motion. -ay(→) n action of digging and disturbing the surface. Pwirting kabkabay sa mga táwu sa nasunúgan! How the people dug around the ruins of the fire!

kabkab2 n 1 k.o. fern, grown as an ornamental: Drynaria quercifolia. 2 k.o. light brown, thick, edible fungus.

kabkab3 = kalabkab.

kabli n cable, wire rope.

kabligráma n cablegram.

kabling v [A; a1] turn s.t. heavy over on its side. Dì ka makakabling ánang aparadur nga mau rang usa, You can’t turn that chiffonier over on its side all by yourself.

kablit v 1 [AN; ab2c] touch, move s.t. by curling the fingers. Maáyu siyang mukablit ug sista, He plays the guitar well. Gikablit ku siya arun mulíngì, I touched her to get her to turn to me. Hikablitan gánì ang gátu, maimpas ka giyud, If you accidentally pull the trigger, you’ll be done for. 2 [A12N; a12] ask a favor readily from a close acquaintance or friend. Makakablit (makapangablit) ta sa átung manidyǐr ug dúna tay kinahanglánun, We can always ask a favor from the manager if ever we need anything. Wà giyud kay makablit dihà sa kustums? Don’t you have any friends (to help us out) at the Customs? -in- v [A; a12] play a guitar. Unsa mang kantaha ang íyang gikinablit? What’s that song he’s playing on the guitar? n action of playing a guitar. -l-un, -l-un(→) a sensitive, easily angered.

kabra v [A; a] 1 break s.t. open by prying it. Bára ray makakabra niánang bintánà, We can force that window open only with an iron bar. Kabráha ang kandádu ug way yáwi, Force the lock open if there’s no key. 2 remove a big portion from s.t. Kabráha nang pánit nga kagumkum, Get that big chunk of crunchy skin of the roast pig. Wà mahimbà ang búus nga gikabráhan ug usa ka trák nga mais, It hardly seemed to make any difference that they took a truckload of grain from the granary, there was so much. bára di- n crowbar.

kabtang see butang2.

kabting = kulabting.

kábu n 1 foreman. Ang ákung amahan mauy kábu sa trabáhu sa karsáda, My father is the foreman on the highway construction. 2 corporal in an armed force. v [B156; a12] be, become a foreman or corporal.

kabù v [A; a] 1 dip water, scoop solids out of a container. Kabuun ta ning túbig sa tangki, Dip the water out of the tank. Ayawg ikabù ang ímung básu sa bugas, Don’t use your glass to scoop the rice out. 1a [A2] take in some water in tilting to one side. Pagtakílid sa barku, nakakabù giyug diyútayng túbig, When the ship listed, it took in some water in the process. 2 fetch water. Túa siya sa atábay, nagkabù, He’s at the well, fetching water. 3 [a12] make, use as water dipper. n s.t. used as a dipper or scoop. kab-anan n 1 container for fetching water. 2 place from which water is fetched. 3 s.t. used to dip or scoop up. paN- v [A2; b6] catch fish fry with a dip net. Mangabù mig bangus páras púnung, We will catch the fry of milkfish with a dip net for the fishpond. [414]

kabud v [A; c] tie ropes, strings, wires around s.t. large. Kinsay nagkabud sa alambri diri sa halígi? Who wound the wire around the post? Ikabud ang písì sa kabáyù sa íyang hiktanan, Tie the rope of the horse to the post. n rope for tying.

kabuduk n red light district.

kabug1 n k.o. large fruit bat with a dark brown color, growing to a five or even seven-foot wingspan. The flesh is highly esteemed. kabgan n abode of this sort of bat. -in- v [A; b6] stay awake at night and sleep during the day like a bat. Pirmi kung mabilar kay nagkinabug ang bátà, I’m always losing sleep because the child stays awake at night. n a k.o. triple-looped hitch used to fasten a line to a piece of wood so that it will not slip when the rope is pulled parallel to the wood. So called because the loops form what look like a bat’s claws holding to the wood.

kabug2 n variety of millet (dáwa) that is small, rounded, and dark, but highly prized.

kabugasun, kabugwasun n morning star.

kabúgaw n k.o. astringently sour citrus used for hair rinse and seasoning: Cytrus hystrix.

kabúhì (from búhì) n 1 a pulsating thing located in the abdominal region which is what one feels when one experiences hyper-acidity or other sharp abdominal pains. The cause of these pains is thought to be the displacement of the kabúhì, most often in an upward direction, and treatment is by hot compresses and by massage (kalaykay) to put the kabúhì back in place. Misáka ákung kabúhì sa kutukutu, My kabúhì rose to under my rib cage. 2 this pulsating thing viewed as the seat of life. Unsang urása nabugtù ang íyang kabúhì? What time did he expire (lit. was his kabúhì broken off)? v [A13P; a4b4] have pains because of the kabúhì. Gikabuhían (gikabúhì) aku, I have pains in the abdominal region. (→) = kabúhì, v. -un(→) a tending to get pains caused by kabúhì.

kabukabu n dust that settles on things. v [BN; a4b4] covered with dust, spray. Mikabukabu (nakabukabu, gikabukabuhan, gikabukabu) ang salug kay walay lampasu, The floor was covered with dust because it had not been cleaned. v [A; b6] be swept up by the wind into a fine spray or particles of dust. Nagkabukabu ang dágat, The sea was whipping up a fine spray. kabukabuhun a dusty.

kabúkaw = bukawbukaw. see búkaw2.

kabulay n a black wax formed as a dwelling place by the kíyut, a honeybee that nests in houses. v [A13; b6] put this k.o. beeswax on s.t.

kabunghan n name of a wind.

kábu nigru = ibyuk.

kaburáta n 1 riding crop. 2 policeman’s club. v [A; a12] strike with a riding crop or policeman’s club.

kabus1 a very poor, indigent. v [b4] run out of s.t. Nakabsan kami sa pálad, We ran out of luck. Makabsan unyà ta sa bugas, We will run out of rice.

kabus2 v [AB2; a2b2] for s.t. to slip off from a place it has been put or tied, cause it to do so. Mikabus (nakabus) ang kuríya sa makina, The cord of the machine slipped off. Kinsay nagkabus sa kahun sa bangil? Who pushed the box off of the wedge? Kabusa lang ang bugkus arun maabli ang putus, Just slip the string off so the bundle can be opened.

kabus-uk see bus-uk.

kábut v 1 [A; a1] stir a liquid. Ug kabútun ang nilúgaw, dílì mudukut, If you stir the porridge, it won’t stick. 2 [A; b5] dig a hole in the ground. Íla nang gikabútan (gikábut) ang mga lungag pára sa mga halígi, They have dug up holes for the posts. n hole dug into the ground. (→) n s.t. used to stir liquids.

kab-ut v 1 [A; a12b2] reach for. Kab-úta nang hinug nga byábas, Reach for that ripe guava. Nakab-utan ang ákung buhuk sa ungguy, The monkey managed to get hold of my hair. 2 [A2; a12] attain. Damgu nga gitingúhà námung kab-útun, The dreams we have striven to fulfill. ka-an n achievement, realization. Ang pagkaduktur mauy kakab-útan sa íyang mga damgu, Being a doctor was the realization of his dreams.

kabútan = kulabútan.

kabuway = kabulay.

kabya v 1 [A; c1] move s.t. with a heavy sweeping motion of the arms as in moving water with a paddle or splashing. Mukabya kag kusug arun matúlin ang barútu, Paddle hard to make the boat go fast. Ikabya (kabyáha) ngari ang gabayan arun ákung maabut, Splash the waterwings this way so I can reach them. 1a move s.t. light with a sweeping motion. Mikabya siya sa kurtína arun sa paglìlì, She moved the curtain aside to peep outside. 2 [A; c] fling water or grains out or into s.t. Huy, kinsa may nagkabya ug túbig sa lagúna? Hey, who threw water out onto the lawn? Ayawg kabyáhig balas ang asíras, Don’t throw sand onto the sidewalk. 2a toss a ball to a teammate using this k.o. motion. n action of sweeping with the arms [415]or flinging.

kabyára n reddish-brown coloration of a chicken.

kabyaw = kulabyaw.

kabyun = kulabyun.

káda each, every. Káda túig, Each year. Káda káun níla usa ka ganta ang ílang mahurut, Every time they eat, they consume a whole ganta of rice. — usa [dat.] each and every one of (us, you, them). Káda usa kanátù (ang káda usa kanátù) magdalag pusil, Each and every one of us brings a gun.

kadáding n k.o. sweet potato with yellow flesh and white peels.

kadaíya (from káda and íya) a of various kinds. Kadaíya man lang ang prútas nga gibaligyà sa karbun, Fruits of various kinds are sold in the market. v [B1456] be all of different kinds. Nagkadaíya ang mga midisínang gidápat, All different kinds of medicines were administered.

kadal-ug n an old variety of paddy rice with white grains.

kad-ang = kab-ang.

kadangkadang n blight affecting coconut trees. v [a4] have coconut blight. Gikadangkadang ang mga lubi, The trees have coconut blight.

kadastral n cadastre, public records of real estate for purposes of taxation. †

kadaw-ug = kadal-ug.

kadína n chain. Kadína sa bisiklíta, Bicycle chain. v 1 [AB; a] form a chain, cause s.t. to do so. Magkadína kitag búlak, Let’s join these flowers in a chain. Kadináhun nátù ning mga lastiku, We’ll make a chain out of these rubber bands. 2 [b6] shackle with chains. Átù ning kadináhan arun lisud ablíhun, Shackle it with chains to make it difficult to open. — pirpituwa n life imprisonment. — diamur n k.o. small, leafy vine of waste places with tiny pink or white odorless flowers: Antigonon leptopus. — wib n k.o. weave in a series of interlocking chain stitches. Ang muskitírung kadína wib dílì mahilhig, The threads in a mosquito net that is woven with chain stitches cannot be pushed apart. kadiníta n tiny chain worn as jewelry.

kading n one who gossips (slang). Ang mga kading namínaw pag-áyu sa lális sa magtiáyun, The gossips listened with close attention to the couple’s quarrel. v 1 [A; c] tell s.o. of, usually gossip (slang). Kinsay nagkading nímung mabdus si Níla? Who told you that Nella was pregnant? 1a [A12] receive information, usually gossip (slang). Nakakading kung daghan kunug babáyi si Dyú, I have heard that Joe has many mistresses. 2 [B12; b6] be, become a gossip (slang). (←) v [C; c16] talk idly, gossip together. n action of gossiping idly (slang). Dúgay nahuman ang ílang káding sa tilipunu, Their telephone conversation took a long time.

kadisnun = kardába.

kadíti n cadet.

kadkad = kaladkad.

kadlas a having scratches on the surface. Kadlas kaáyu ang pintal sa ímung awtu, The paint on your car is full of scratches. n scratch, mark left on a surface. Dílì mailhan ang kadlas, The scratch is invisible. v [A13P; a12b2] put a scratch in s.t., make a break on a surface. Hikadlasan ang tapalúdu sa awtu, The fender got scratched. -un a full of scratches. -ánay = tubigtúbig. see túbig. -an(→) n a leader of the defenders in a children’s game called tubigtúbig. v [B] be the leader in this game.

kadlit v [A; a] 1 strike a match, put a match to s.t. Kadlíti ang mga kandílà, Light the candles with a match. 2 make a small incision or other motion analogous to striking a match. Akuy mukadlit sa hubag, I will make an incision in the boil. Tambálan ang mikadlit sa buayáhun, A folk doctor made an incision in the palm of the child that had the mark of the crocodile. Gikadlítan ku kuntra sa buti, I was vaccinated against smallpox. n action of striking a match. way — don’t strike any matches, humorously said when a man is urinating on analogy of what one says when pouring gasoline. -ánan n the side of a matchbox where matches are struck. -an n general name for surgeon fish so called because of the powerful sharp spines situated on each side of the caudal peduncle.

kadlum n k.o. erect, branched, hairy herb, aromatic when crushed, with pink and purple flowers, sometimes cultivated. Used as hair rinse: Pogostemon cablin. — ihálas similar hairy herb of waste places, the leaves of which are used to cure boils: Waltheria americana. kadlumkadlum = kadlum ihálas.

kadtu short form: tu. 1 that (far from speaker and hearer). Kadtung balay sa unáhan kang Husi, That house up ahead is Joe’s. 1a he, she (far away). Wà man gud tu makasabut sa ákung sulti, He did not get what I said. 2 that one that was past in time. Ngánu man kadtu? Why did that happen? Kadtung ákung giingun, What I said. 2a that was the case. Dihà kadtuy higayun nga ..., It [416]happened one time that ... 2b he, she (referring to a person remote in time). Nagtúu ang mga tulisan nga kadtu patay na, The bandits believed that he was already dead. 3 followed by a verb: that time when. Kadtung musumbag na siya, mulikay pud ku, When he would strike me, I would also dodge. 4 the ones, those that are. Kadtung nakaapil na walay lábut áning duláa, Those who have already tried it once are not to take part this time. niadtu 1 gen.: of that. Ang tag-íya niadtung sakayána, The owner of that boat. 2 dat.: to, on that. Ihátag niadtung tawhána, Give it to that man. Niadtung adláwa migíkan siya pára sa Manílà, On that day he left for Manila. 3 formerly short for kaniadtu. adtu = niadtu. naadtu = niadtu.

kadtut = kadtu.

kadyapà = kudyapà.

*kadyì see pangadyì.

kadyung v [A; a] cook root crops and bananas in steam. Kadyungun ku ang kamúti arun dì malatà, I’ll steam the sweet potatoes so they won’t become soggy. -an n steamer for root crops and bananas.

kadyus n cultivated bush bearing beans the seeds of which are like small, black pellets. The young pods are eaten as a vegetable and the seeds, when mature: Cajanus cajan.

kág = kalag.

kagà v [B; a12] become thin and emaciated. Hala, kagaa giyud inyung láwas pagpúnayg bilar magabíi, Go on, make yourselves thin and enervated by staying up late at night. a emaciated, thin.

kágà a 1 talking excessively of foolish things. 2 lying, esp. boastfully. v 1 [A23N] talk foolishness excessively. 2 [AN; b6(1)] tell a lie, esp. a boastful one. Nakapangágà (nakakágà) siya sa mga tagabúkid nga abugádu siya, He has led the gullible mountaineers to believe that he was a lawyer. Bísag unsa lay íyang gikágà (gipangágà) sa íyang giulitawhan, There was no limit to the lies he told the woman he was courting. 3 for a chicken to make clucking noise instead of fighting. Ayaw ug isígig sábung ang sunuy tingálig mukágà nà, Don’t keep fighting the rooster. It will get so it will cackle instead of fighting. 3a [A23N; b3] grow timid like a chicken. Ngánung kagáan man nímu nang gwápa nga may hitsúra ka man sab? Why are you scared to face that beautiful woman when you’re good-looking? n 1 empty talk. Ísug kaáyug sinultihan, kágà man lang diay pulus, He talks so fiercely, but it’s nothing but all empty talk. 2 liar, esp. a boastful one. 3 cowardly, timid, chicken. Kagáun kaáyu ning manúka dílì ángayng itárì, This cock is very cowardly. It is not fit for a cockfight. -un a talkative. v [B12; b6] be, become a boastful liar or timid.

kagabkab n flapping sound. v [B46] make a flapping sound. Mukagabkab ang bandíra ug hangínun, The flag flaps noisily in the wind.

kagàkà1 n 1 dull, non-reverberating but loud sound produced by the knocking of light materials. 2 sound of stuttering. Nahadluk táwun tu siya. Kagàkang mitubag, He was afraid and stuttered when he answered. v [B3] make such a sound. Mikagàkà ang ákung tápir wir búl ngadtu sa sílung, My tupperware bowl rattled as it fell down the stairs.

kagàkà2 v [A; a2b3] burst into loud laughter. Mukagàkà nà siya dáyun ug makadungug ug kataw-anan nga isturya, She bursts into hearty laughter when she hears a funny story.

kagalkal a clanking, rattling, jangling sound: broken-voiced, boisterous-sounding laughter. Ang trák nga gubaun kagalkal kaáyung mudágan, The broken-down truck runs with a rattling noise. Kagalkal nga ubu, A rattling cough. v [A] make a clanking sound.

kágang n 1 k.o. small crab of muddy areas near the shore, with highly prized flesh, but small. 2 = kagangkagang. kagangkagang n a small land crab, dark brown in color, inedible, and with a venomous bite. a for machines or vehicles to be rickety and ready to fall apart. Ang kagangkagang níyang kutsi, His rattletrap car. v [B15] be rickety.

kag-ang a thin, emaciated. Kag-ang na siya kaáyu run kay daghang prublíma, She has gotten emaciated because she has so many worries. v [B; b6] be, become thin or emaciated.

kagar v [B46; b6] for a machine to fail to work. Mikagar ang dyíp paglabang sa subà, The jeep stopped dead upon crossing the river. Mikagar ang pusil, The rifle didn’t go off.

kagaral see garal.

kágards (from kagirun—slang). a 1 having pockmarks. Dì nímu ikapusta ang kágards nga dyúlin, You can’t bet marbles with a rough surface. 2 ugly. 2a old, above thirty. Ang amatyur kantis karun álang sa mga kágards, The amateur contest is for the above thirty’s. 3 broke, out of money for gambling. Dì na ku mudúwà kay kágards, I won’t play any more because I’m broke. v [B; b6] be, become pockmarked. [417]

kagas a haggard and emaciated. v [B1456] be haggard and emaciated. Nagkagas na ang pinirísung wà pakan-a, The prisoner is haggard and thin from lack of food.

kágas1 v [B2S] for skin diseases to dry and develop scabs. Mukágas ang núka nga maigù sa tambal, A skin disease dries instantly if you apply the right medicine.

kágas2 v [A3] go in haste. Mikagas (ningkágas) pagdágan ang bátà pagkakitas íyang tátay, The child immediately ran when he saw his father.

kagaskas n rustling sound. v [B; aP] rustle. Nikagaskas ang mga dáhung layà paghángin, The dry leaves rustled in the wind. Kagaskásag armirul ang ákung sanínà, Make my shirt rustle with starch.

kagat v [A; a12b2] 1 bite to inflict injury, grab, or hold s.t. Mikagat ang isdà sa paun, The fish grabbed at the bait. Kagtun ku ang ímung dalunggan run, I’m going to bite your ears. 1a be fooled into s.t. Dalì ra siyang mukagat sa buláda, She is easily taken in by (bites at) flattery. 2 catch, snag so as to hold firmly. Mubasiyu lang kun sikáran ang bisiklita. Dì mukagat, The bicycle pedal just goes round. It does not hold. n pincer of a crab. kagtan n k.o. adult freshwater shrimp with well-developed pincers. -um- a ready to bite at the least provocation. Iring kumagat nga nagkaun ug ilagà, Cat eating a rat, ready to bite whoever comes within range.

kágaw n germs. — sa laláki sperm (euphemism). v [B1245] be contaminated with germs. Nagkakágaw na nang pán nga nahúg sa yútà, The bread that fell to the ground is covered with germs now. -un v [B126] be full of germs.

kagáwad n municipal councilors.

kagawkaw = kagalkal.

kagay1 n very mature coconut that is brown.

kágay n rattle of dishes. v [A; c1] make a rattling sound. Nikágay sa baskit ang mga buak nga plátu, The broken plates rattled in the basket. (→)2 a for a cough to be loose. v [B2] for cough to become loose. Mukagay na gánì ang ubu, hinug na nà, If the cough is loose, it’s mature.

kagaykay1 n 1 sound made by empty shells or the like, rattling. Ang kinagaykay sa mga pitsas, The rattling of the mahjong pieces. 2 s.o. who talks too much without saying any thing of value. 3 a braggart. v 1 [A; a12] make a rattling sound. 2 [A13] talk much without sense (slang). Nagkagaykay lag íyang sinultihan. Wà giyuy unud, He is talking so much blah-blah. There’s nothing to it. 3 [A] brag around.

kagaykay2 n k.o. herb of waste places bearing beans: Crotolaria mucronata.

kagibúhì (from kaági and kinabúhì) n biography.

kagid n contagious skin disease, characterized by small eruptions which develop white scales and itch intensely. v [a4] be infected with kagid. kagirun a itch-ridden. v [B12] be, become itch-ridden.

kagidlay see *gidlay.

kagíit n high-pitched squeak or creaking noise caused by friction. v [A4] creak, squeak.

kagìkì n snicker, laughter that is suppressed. v [A; b3] snicker. Mikagìkì ang mga bátà kay walà makapamutúnis ang maistru, The children snickered because the teacher forgot to button his pants.

kagilkil n clinking, high-pitched sound of metal. v [A; a] make a clinking sound. Ang mga sinsilyu nikagilkil sa íyang bulsa, Coins jingled in his pocket. Ayawg kagilkíla ang kadína, Don’t rattle the chain.

kaging a stiff. v [B; a] become stiff. Makaging (mukaging) ang kusáhus ug mabulad ug dúgay, The jerked meat will get too stiff if you leave it out too long. Dúgay na siyang nakaging, He kicked off (lit. became stiff) a long time ago.

kagingking n 1 growth on a bamboo which extends like a vine and has thorns. It grows at the tips as branches. 2 k.o. spiny bamboo: Bambusa spinosa.

kágis v [A; ab] scrape s.t. carefully so it is not damaged. Kagísa ang pintal sa bungbung, Scrape the paint off the wall. 2 shave. Kagísan únà ang pasyinti úsà upirahi, They shave the patient before operating. paN- v [A2; b] shave oneself. -in- n scrapings.

kagiskis1 n shrill, scraping, scratching sound. v [A; a12] make a shrill, scraping sound. Nagkagiskis ang puthaw nga gikiskísan sa pintal, There was a scratching sound as the paint was being scraped off the metal.

kagiskis2 = agis-is.

kagiskis3 = agusahis.

kágit v [A; ac] make a creaking sound. Nikágit ang lansang dihang giibut, The nail made a loud, creaking sound as he pulled it out. Kagítun kung ákung ngípun, I’ll grit my teeth.

kagitkit n grinding, grating sound. v [A; b6] make a grinding, grating sound. Mukagitkit ang sín ug gabsun, Galvanized iron produces a grating sound if you saw on it. Magkagitkit ang lansang nga iwiriswiris sa bungbung nga simintu, Nails produce a high-pitched screeching sound when you grate them against [418]cement.

kágiw see lagiw.

kagkag1 a for hair to be standing up and going in every direction. v [B1; a12] have hair going every which way. Nagkagkag man nang buhuk mu, mu ra kag si Stukuski, Your hair is standing up and going in every direction. You look like Stokowski.

kagkag2 = kalagkag.

kagmu n snort of pigs or people when they are angry. paN- v [A] snort. Nangagmu ang bábuy ihás, The wild pig snorted.

kagmud = agmud.

kagù = bagù2.

kagubkub a 1 crunchy, crisp. Kagubkub kaáyug pánit ang inasal, The roast pig has very crisp skin. 2 making a crunching sound. Kagubkub pamatíun ang yílu nga giúsap, The ice he’s chewing sounds crunchy. v 1 [B; a] be, become crisp. 2 [A; a12] make a crunching sound.

kagud v 1 [A; a] grind s.t. to shreds by rubbing or scraping it. Kagdun (kagurun) ku ning ímung lubi, I’ll grate your coconut. 2 [b4] abrade, wear off. Wà pa kagdi ang ligid, The tire is not worn down yet. (←) v [C] have intercourse (slang). kaguran, kalagúran n shredder made of a serrated metal circle attached to a piece of wood to scrape out the coconut meat. paN-(←) n skin irritation of the toes characterized by welt-like eruptions and extreme itching. It is said to be caused by stepping in dung with the bare feet. The itching is relieved by an action similar to that of shredding a coconut. -in- n shredded coconut meat.

kagùkù1 v 1 [A] make a hollow thumping sound. Ug mukagùkù ang sambag, hinug na, When the tamarind rattles, it’s ripe. 2 [A; b3] laugh with a deep, loud voice. Nahikagùkù akug katáwa sa íyang isturya, I burst into loud laughter at his story. n 1 hollow sound in large fruits; chugging sound of trains in motion. 2 a large k.o. sweet pepper of the same type as is commercially grown in the States, so called because it makes hollow sounds if you tap it.

kagùkù2 n a large k.o. crab with a long, reddish body like a hermit crab, but dwelling in its own shell. Inedible, but used as bait.

kagulángan n virgin forest, untouched by man.

kagulíyang n noisy confusion. Ang kagulíyang sa nanúgat sa artista, The noise made by the people meeting the actress. v [A13; b3] be in noisy confusion. Nagkagulíyang ang mga táwu sa súnug, The people broke into noisy confusion at the fire.

kagulkul n noise made by the knocking of hollow and heavy things. v [A; a] make a hollow, rattling sound. Nagkagulkul ang mga húlin sa kumúda, The marbles rattled in the drawer. Mukagulkul kamu sa prisuhan, You will rot (lit. rattle) in prison.

kagumkum a 1 crisp (but not so crisp as kagubkub). Kagumkum kaáyu ang patátas, The cookies are somewhat crisp. 2 making a crunching, but slightly prolonged sound. v [B; a] be crisp.

kagung1 v [AN] 1 make a hollow sound when empty. 2 be empty, as if producing such a hollow sound. Nipaúlì ku gíkang namasul nga mikagung (nangagung) ang sakayan, I came home from fishing with an empty boat.

kagung2 = kagungkung.

kagungkung n 1 the portion at the base of the spine of fowl just above the triangular structure which holds the tail feathers (ísul). 2 the analogous structure in mammals. v [B26N; b6] be, become skin and bones (like the kagungkung which has little flesh or fat). Mangagungkung (mukagungkung) ka kun dì ka mukáun, You will become very thin if you do not eat. -un a bony, thin.

kagunkágun v [AC; ac3] go around as a group, take s.o. along with a group. Daghang mukagunkágun nákù sa pagpangharána, A lot of people take me around to go serenading. Dì ku makigkagunkágun sa mga palahúbug, I don’t go around with drunkards.

kagupà, kagúpà n collective term for one’s blood relations. Aku ray tituládu sa ámung kagúpà, I’m the only one in our clan that has a degree.

kágus v [A; a] scrape s.t. that is hard and coarse. Nagkágus siyag bagul, He is scraping a coconut shell.

kaguskus n dull, rustling sound. v [A; a12] make a dull, rustling sound. Nagkaguskus siyang nanguskus sa dukut, He made a dull, rustling sound, scraping the rice that stuck to the pot.

kágut n gnashing, grinding sound. v [a2] make a gnashing, grinding sound. Nikágut ang ákung ngípun sa kalágut, I gnashed my teeth in anger. Nagkágut ang galingan. Abdi, The grinder is making a grating sound. Pour more grains into it.

kagutkut n sound made by s.t. gnawing away at s.t. or scraping s.t. off. Ang kagutkut sa ilagang gakitkit sa kumúda, The gnawing [419]sound of the rats nibbling at the drawer. v [AN; c] make a continuous gnawing sound. Nikagutkut ang tísas pagsulat nákù sa islít, The piece of chalk made a scraping sound when I wrote on the slate. Ang kinagutkut sa limbas, The scraping sound of the carpenter’s file.

kagwang n 1 flying squirrel. 2 a joking, half-affectionate reference to a person implying a mild insult, general in nature but nothing in particular, made in annoyance or amusement. Kagwang nímu nga ímung gihúlug ang sulat nga way prangkíyu, You dodo! You mailed the letter without stamps.

kagyu = kalagiw. see lagiw.

káha n 1 box, pack, case made to contain s.t. Duha ka káhang sigarilyu, Two packs of cigarettes. 2 cash register. 3 safe. — diyíru n steel safe. — sa trák body of a truck. v 1 [A; a12] make into a case or boxes. Gwápu nang ímung gikaháan ang radiyu, The radio looks nice now that you’ve made a case for it. 2 [A; c] put into a cash box, register. kahíru n cashier. v [B15; a12] be a cashier. kahíra = kahíru (female).

kahà = kayhà.

káhà = kaláhà.

káham v 1 [A; c1] touch with the whole hand. Ang mukáham sa pagkáun manghunaw, Whoever touches food should wash his hands. Ikáham (kaháma) ang íyang líug kun gihilantan ba, Feel her neck to see if she has a fever. 2 [AN; a12] touch for sexual purposes. Dúnay báyut nga nangáham nákù sa sinihan, A homosexual tried to touch me in the movie house. 3 [A; a] steal. Wà hibaw-i ang mikáham sa mga aláhas, No one knows who stole the jewelry. -in- a s.t. that is one’s favorite. Ang kináham kung pagkáun, My favorite food. Kináham níyang basahúnun, His favorite reading matter. Kináham níyang prugráma, His favorite program. v [B1256] become one’s favorite.

kahamkaham n k.o. edible, greenish-brown seaweed, not highly esteemed.

kahangay1 v [A; b6] dare touch s.t. forbidden. Way mukahangay sa ákung gamit ayug latiguhun, Nobody dares touch my instruments for fear of getting whipped. Ayawg kahangyi nà kay wà pa mahuman, Don’t dare touch that because it’s not done.

kahangay2 v [A13; b6] a do s.t. to while away the time or in one’s spare time. Nagkahangay kug basabása samtang nagpaábut níya, I read the papers to while away the time while I was waiting. b do s.t. as one’s avocation during spare time. Nagkahangay siyag pangahintig mintiryu, She sells cemetery lots in her spare time.

kahápun = kagahápun. see gahápun.

káhas v [AN; a2] 1 have the audacity to get or use s.t. without the consent of the proper person. Gikáhas sa asáwa ang ílang tinígum arun ipalit ug tíbi, The wife had the nerve to take their savings to buy a T.V. set. Gikáhas níyag baligyà ang bábuy, He took it upon himself to sell the pig. Gikáhas ug lúgì sa íyang anak ang ílang kalubihan, His son had the nerve to harvest their coconuts. 2 embezzle. Ang tisuríru nga mikáhas sa pundu, The treasurer who embezzled the funds. pangáhas v [A2; b5] 1 do s.t. one should not. Ayaw giyug pangáhas ug paúlì nga mag-inusára sa kagabhíun, Don’t dare go home alone at night. 1a abuse s.o. sexually. Buut ku siyang pangahásan, I wanted to abuse her. 2 dare do s.t. that takes courage. Dì ku mangáhas pagtabuk samtang bahà pa, I don’t dare cross while the river is in flood stage. mapaN-un n daring to do s.t. forbidden.

kahátì = kalahátì.

kahid-un = kaihiun. see íhì.

káhig v [A; a] bring s.t. to one or push s.t. away with an instrument or, analogically, with the hand or foot. Kahígan ku ning daspan sa sagbut, I’ll sweep the rubbish into the dustpan. Ikáhig (kahíga) ang túbig ngadtu sa kanal, Sweep the water towards the canal. dala sa — swept along with the majority. Pagpanglíup sa mga kawáni, apil sad siya, nadá sa káhig, When there was a layoff of the employees, he was included, swept along by the tide. Hugut siyag kumbiksiyun, dílì madá sa káhig, He has strong convictions, he can’t be swept along by the majority. (→) n implement used to rake, poke, push things.

kahil1 v 1 [A; a1b2] touch, brush lightly against s.t. Nagkahil ang dáhun sa alambris kuryinti, The leaf is in contact with the electric wire. Kahila ug hínay sa lipak arun dílì mapakling, Touch it lightly with the bamboo stick so that it won’t fall over. 2 [A; b6] do an activity to a lesser degree than usual. Wà gánì ku makakahil níya, haluk na hinúun, I haven’t even touched her, much less kissed her.

kahil2 n k.o. small, green, somewhat bitter orange which turns yellow when overripe: Citrus aurantium. -áda n lemonade, orangeade. v [A; a2] make lemonade.

kahimtang see butang1.

kahir v [A3P; a] entice, lead s.o. to do s.t. not good for him. Dì aku makahir sa ímung pangatarúngan, I cannot be swayed by your [420]reasoning. Nakahir siya sa usa ka mamaligyag isdà, He fell for a fish vendor. Bísag karmilítus lay ikahir sa bátà, You can easily attract a child with candies.

kahíra, kahíru see káha.

kahis = kalis.

kahista n typesetter. v [B156] become a typesetter.

kahíta n small box, case. Kahíta sa aláhas, Jewel box.

kahug, káhug v 1 [A1; ac] mix moist and dry ingredients together. Kahugun ku ning tahup ug kinagud nga lubi, I’ll mix the corn bran with shredded coconut. Kahugi ang makarúni sa mayunis, Mix the mayonnaise into the macaroni. 2 [A; a] stir s.t. thick. Kahúga ang linúgaw arun dílì mudukut, Stir the porridge so it won’t stick.

kahun n 1 box. 2 square or rectangular section in a rice paddy. Napúlù ka kahun ang íyang pilapilan, There are ten square partitions in his rice paddy. 3 group of fives in tallying (four vertical lines and one slanting line). v 1 [A; a] make into a box. 2 [a12] divide into square, rectangular sections. 3 [A12] obtain groups of fives. Sa pag-iskutinyu wà gánì makakahun ang átung kandidátu, When the ballots were counted our candidate did not even get a score of five. -in- n enclosed in boxes. Mga kinahun nag íyang dala, The things were all enclosed in boxes. -is = kahun, 3 (plural).

káhuy n 1 tree. 2 wood, firewood. 3 búngang — fruit tree. v 1 [A12] obtain firewood. Nakakahuy (nakakáhuy) giyud mi sa ginubà sa ámung balay, We had firewood when our house was demolished. 2 [a] make into firewood. Kahúyun nátù ning gubang kural, We’ll make this broken fence into firewood. 3 [a2] steal by picking the pocket (slang). Gikáhuy ang íyang pitáka didtu sa Kulun, S.o. picked his wallet downtown. (→) v [B4] for muscles to get stiff with fatigue. Nagkahuy ang ákung abága sa pagpinas-ag kupras, My shoulders are stiff from carrying sacks of copra. paN- v [A2; b6] 1 cut down and gather firewood. Didtu sila mangáhuy sa búkid, They were in the mountains gathering firewood. 2 take parts from an engine. Gipangahúyan níla ang trák daut, They cannibalized the broken-down truck. 3 [A2; b(1)] steal by picking. Ang babáying gipangahúyan sa íyang trisintus, The woman who had three hundred stolen from her. pangahuykáhuy v [A] for muscles to get stiff with fatigue. Undang na tag pangarga kay nangahuykáhuy na ang ákung háwak, Let’s stop loading now because my waist is getting stiff. -in- n 1 fuel gathered. 2 s.t. shoplifted, cannibalized. ka-an(→) n woods. maN-r-/l-(→) n woodcutter. kahuykahuy n k.o. weed roughly resembling a full grown tree in structure, growing up to 1½′, the leaves of which are used as a poultice to stop bleeding. tig- n 1 log with branches cut off. 2 twigs. v [A; a] gather, cut down wood for firewood. Mitigkáhuy ku sa íyang tinápuk, I gathered the wood he had piled up. talig- n = tigkáhuy. v [A2N] gather logs for a house. Manaligkáhuy ta. Magbáy ra ba ta, Let’s gather logs because we’re going to build a house. -un a coarse, like wood.

kahúyung n variety of rice.

kaimítu = kaymítu.

kain = háin (dialectal).

kaína = ganíha.

kaing n large, cylindrical, rattan basket loosely woven in a hexagonal design, 3′ tall by 2′ across. v [A; a12] make, make into a kaing.

kaíngin n 1 slash and burn agriculture. 2 area in the forest cleared by burning for agriculture, of temporary or permanent nature. v [A; b5] make a clearing in a forest for agricultural purposes. -iru n one who practices slash and burn agriculture.

kaintì n variety of rice.

kairil = kayril.

kák v [A; c1] cock a firearm. Gáhì kákun (ikák) ang gáran, It takes a great effort to cock the garand rifle. a cocked. Kák na dáan ang íyang pistula, His pistol was already cocked.

káka = kàkà2.

kakà n k.o. grayish-brown spider with a body the size of a pea that spins webs in trees.

kákà n children’s word for female genitalia.

kàkà1 n tobacco tars. v [B246; a4b4] get filled up with tobacco tars. Mukàkà (kàkáan, kàkáun) na gánì ang hunsuy, limpiyúhi, If the pipe gets filled with tar, clean it.

kàkà2 a stammering, having a speech impediment whereby one repeats the beginning sounds of what he is trying to get out. v [B; b6] speak in a stammering way.

kákak n 1 cackle. 2 how a person reacts. Makítà ra giyud ang kákak ánang tawhána kun makaingkuwintrug buguy, We’ll see what k.o. a fellow that man is when he runs into a bully. v [A] 1 cackle. 2 chicken out, coward. Mu rag ísug apan kun suklan giyud, mukákak diay, He appears tough but if you challenge him, he runs away. 3 [A; b3] for a woman to squawk with displeasure. Nagkákak [421]ang asáwa kay dúgayng miulì ang bána, The wife is squawking because her husband came home late.

kakas v [A; a] 1 detach s.t. that has been stitched or similarly attached. Kinsay nagkakas niíning ginansilyu? Who undid this crochet-work? Kakasa (kaksa) na lang ang gubà nga atup, Tear off the worn-out part of the roof. 2 uproot vines in clearing an area. Gikaksan na ang kamutihan, The sweet potato patch has been cleared of old vines. -in- n 1 thin membrane which encases the small intestines of pigs and attaches it to the rear wall of the abdominal cavity, used for wrapping murkun. 2 = ilugun, n. see ílug.

kakaw n cacao.

kakawáti = madri kakaw.

kakha v [AN; ab2] scrape, scratch out s.t loose. Nangakha ang túru úsà mudasmag, The bull kicked the ground before charging. Nagkakha ug pagkáun ang manuk, The chicken is scratching around for food. — tukà, — tuhak a hand-to-mouth existence.

káki n 1 khaki cloth. 2 khaki color. 3 brown one-centavo piece. v 1 [A13] wear khaki or s.t. khaki-colored. 2 [B6] become khaki in color.

kakin = nakinnákin.

kaktil n cocktail drink.

kaktus n cactus.

kakyup n 1 yesterday (dialectal). 2 late in the afternoon, evening (dialectal).

kál1 a an egg-layer which has stopped laying at a profitable rate. v [B2; b6] for an egg-layer to have ceased laying profitably.

kál2 n cal, a white powder used as a whitener for shoes. v [A; b] whiten with cal. Káli ang sapátus putì, Apply cal to white shoes. (←) v [B1245] get cal splattered over it. -iru2 n 1 kiln for burning limestone or seashells to obtain lime. 2 any big fire for roasting or burning s.t. or obtaining s.t. v [A; c1] make a kiln or a large fire to obtain s.t.

kalába (not without l) n honeycomb. Ang tálu gíkan sa kalába, Beeswax comes from the honeycomb. v [AN] form or build a honeycomb.

kalab-ánan = kalabánan. see lában.

kalabanghan = balbangáan.

kalabantus = karabansus.

kalabásà n squash of various varieties: Cucurbita maxima. — nga putì general name for squashes with light-green skin and white flesh: Lagenaria leucantha. see also balantíyung, tabáyag, tambalíyung. — nga pula n 1 general term for squashes and pumpkins with red or orange meat. 2 zero grade. Kalbásà ang ákung nakúhà, I got a zero. 2a failure of grades or ratings. v [B126N] be a failure as a student. Ayaw pagbuguybúguy sa ímung pagtuun kay makalabásà (mangalabásà) ka unyà, Don’t play hooky from school or you’ll fail.

kalábat v 1 [A2; c] reach up to an amount or length of time. Ang húlaw nakakábat giyud ug tulu ka búlan, The dry season lasted for three months. Ikábat ug singkuwinta ka tápuk ang inasal, Make the roast pig do for fifty portions. 2 [A2; a] go as far as. Kabátun ku ang mga bitúun álang kanímu, I’ll go to the stars for you. 3 [A; a] walk holding on s.t. Gikabátan sa bátà ang mga silya, The child walked holding onto the chair. -an(→) n s.t. one holds onto while walking.

kalabaw n carabao, water buffalo. dakung — fully grown, old enough. Dakù ka nang kábaw wà gihápun kay buut, You’re fully grown now but you still are irresponsible. -in- v 1 [A; a12] work like a carabao. Nagkinábaw ku pagtrabáhu arun mu mabuláhan, I work like a horse to give you a better life. 2 [A13] have sexual relations. Ada, mag-agaw lag maadlaw, kun gabíi magkinábaw, They pretend to be cousins during the day but at night they have sexual relations. n stage in an infant’s development before it actually crawls. -un a 1 having thick and big feet like a carabao’s. 2 having a pregnancy that lasts more than nine months or so. Kabáwun siyang nagmabdus, She’s like a carabao in this pregnancy (having passed nine months without giving birth).

kalabíra n skeleton, skull. v [BN] become a skeleton or like one. Nangalabíra (nakalabíra, nikalabíra) na intawun ang íyang lawas, His body has become skin and bones. marka — n 1 skull and cross-bones. 2 poisonous preparation.

kalabkab v [A; b] 1 fan a fire. Nagkabkab siya sa kaláyu sa pagpasíga, He fanned the fire to make it catch. paN- v [A] fan oneself. Nangabkab siya sa kaínit, He fanned himself because it was so hot. n 1 hand fan. 2 delicacy made of flour or cassava flour baked thin and crisp in the shape of a large fan. a having large ears (humorous).

kalábu = klábu.

kalabus, kalabúsu (not without l) n jail. v [B125] land in prison, in jail. Nakalabus ra giyud ang kriminal, The criminal finally went to jail.

kaladángan n name for a large variety of fish similar to porgies.

kaladkad v [A3P] boil. Ug mukaladkad ang nilúgaw, If the porridge boils.

kaládu (not without l) n k.o. embroidery [422]stitch with a mesh design, usually done on fine fabric. v [a12] make a mesh design on.

kalag n 1 soul. Kaluy-an mu ang kalag ni Luísa, Have mercy on the soul of Louisa. 1a a person as reckoned for count. Walà giyuy bisag usa ka kalag nagtikawtikaw sa íla, Not a soul stirred in the house. 1b walay — a heartless, cruel. Wà kay kág, wà kay kalúuy, You’re heartless, without mercy. 2 ghost. 3 human skeleton showing itself as a ghost. Naingun kag kalag sa kaníwang, You’re as thin as a skeleton. — sa animas thin as a soul in purgatory. v [A; a12b2] for a ghost to haunt s.o. Mamatay gánì ku kágun (kalgun) tikaw, If I die, I’ll haunt you. Hikalgan siya sa íyang asáwa, He was haunted by his wife’s ghost. paN- [b8] for a ghost to come back to earth. kalagkálag n 1 All Souls’ Day or a small party of prayers and eating on All Souls’ Day, in honor of the dead. 2 = plasíbu, n, 1. v [A1] 1 hold such a celebration on All Souls’ Day. Káda adlaw sa minatay magkalagkálag giyud mi, Every year on All Souls’ Day we hold a celebration. 2 = plasíbu, v. pangalagkálag v [A2; b6] 1 go to s.o.’s home to celebrate the All Souls’ Day ritual. 2 = pamlasíbu. kalagkalag v [a4] get a sickness caused by the soul of a departed relative. Walay duktur nga makaáyus íyang sakit. Gikalagkalag man diay nà siyas íyang lúlu, No doctor can cure his disease. He is suffering from an affliction caused by the soul of his grandfather. kalagnun a spiritual.

kalagiw see lagiw.

kalagkag v [A; a] loosen soil, flour, and the like, breaking small lumps into fine particles. Nagkalagkag pa ku sa harína nga ákung ayágun, I’m breaking up the lumps in the flour I’m going to sift.

kalagu n dogs having long, shaggy, and curly hair.

kaláhà n frying pan with a rounded bottom and a handle.

kalahátì n 1 coin of the early 1900’s worth twenty centavos. 2 s.o. who shares with or is part of. Ang ákung mga anak mauy kahátì nákù sa pagtagad sa ákung bána, My children and I share my husband’s attention.

kalàkalà n 1 croaking sound of frogs. 2 sputtering sound of defective engines. 3 sound of s.t. boiled at a stage when the water and the material boiled has formed a soft and thick mass. v [A3] croak, sputter. Mukalàkalà giyud ang mga bakì sa panahun sa ting-ulan, Frogs croak on rainy days. Ipatan-aw ang trák kay nagkalàkalà ang tíngug, Have the car checked because the engine sputters.

kaláki see láki2.

kalakkalak n sputtering sound of a defective machine. v [B46; b6] for a defective machine to sputter. Mukalakkalak ang makina ug náay dipiktu, The sewing machine will sputter when there’s s.t. wrong with it.

kalam v [A; a] plow by describing a spiral starting at the outer edge of the field. Kalamun nákù pagdáru arun maapil ang mga daplin, I’ll plow the field circularly so that the outer edges are also plowed. n spiral described by this manner of plowing.

kálam (not without l) v [A; a2] 1 search, look for. Mukálam pa siya sa íyang hunsuy nga nawā̀, He still has to look for the pipe he lost. Labihan nakakálam ang pulis sa gipangítang kawatan, How the policeman looked for the thief that was wanted! Kaláma ang dinakpan ug wà bay armas, Search the prisoner to see if he is armed. 2 earn a living. Inyung amahan ang nagkálam sa átung gikaun, It is your father who earns what we eat.

kalamalunggay = kalamunggay.

kalamansi, kalamansì (not without l) = limunsítu.

kalamantígì n ornamental annual growing to 2′ high, bearing red, white, and pink flowers, and fleshy capsules which burst when touched: Impatiens balsamina.

kalámay n 1 sugar. 2 brown sugar (as opposed to asúkar). v 1 [A1; a2] make sugar. 2 [B5] become sugar. Kun itúsun ang tubà mukámay (makámay) diay, Palm toddy can also be made into sugar by crystallizing it. (→) v [A; c] 1 put sugar into. Kamayan tang ímung tsá? Shall I put sugar in your tea? 2 sweet-talk s.o. Ímu na pud kung gikamayan, You’re giving me sweet talk again. 2a bisan -an pa no matter what inducement is given (even if you put sugar on it). Bísag kamayan pa, dì giyud ku musugut níya, I wouldn’t accept him for all the tea in China. 3 [B246] for coconut taffy to fail to turn out and become crystalline and sandy. Daling mukamay ang kukunat ug kúwang sa lubi, The coconut taffy comes out sandy if you don’t use enough coconut milk. 4 [A; a] (not without l) make kalamay. n (not without l) sweets made from ground sticky rice boiled with the juice of coconut meat and brown sugar.

kalamayu, kalamáyu n an acute infection which has swollen and become red, but not yet open or oozing. v [BN; a4] be acutely inflamed. Nangalamáyu (nikalamáyu, nakalamáyu, [423]gikalamáyu) ang íyang samad, His wound became acutely inflamed.

kalambíbat = kabíbat.

kalambitay = kulumbitay.

kalambri1 (not without l) n cramp. v [BN; a4b4] get a cramp. Nikalambri (nakalambri, nangalambri) ang íyang tiil sa dúgayng hinúmul sa túbig, He got a cramp in his legs because he stayed in the water too long. Ang mabdus dalì kaáyung kalambríhun (kalambríhan), Pregnant women are easily attacked by sudden and painful cramps.

kalambri2 n cuss word, fairly strong, but which can also be used with a light note of humor, expressing annoyance. Kalambri ning tawhána, manúgug paningil íning wà pay swildu, Damn, this man. He tries to collect from me before I even get paid!

kalambúra = karambúla.

kalamidad n calamity.

kalamri = kalambri1, 2.

kalamúhuy n k.o. fish.

kalamúkat see lamúkat.

kalamundì, kalamundin, kalamunding (not without l) = limunsítu.

kalamunggay n 1 small, rapidly growing cultivated tree, with thrice pinnate leaves, the leaflets of which are one of the most popularly eaten vegetables in the Visayas: Moringa oleifera. 2 clubs in playing cards.

kalamutsing = kamuritsing. see muritsing.

kalan, kálan (not without l) n small portable stove made of clay. v [a12] make into such a stove.

kalandátay v [B; c1] for a conversation to drag on, going from one subject to another. Nakalandátay ang isturya kay púlus na hubug, The conversation went on and on because everybody had one drink too many.

kalandrákas n things of all different kinds and varieties coming at once. Ang kalandrákas sa inadlawng pagkinabuhì, The various activities of daily life. v [A; a12] be a conglomeration of various things or kinds. Magkalandrákas lang ang mahisgutan sa mga tapuktápuk, They talk about all different things in their gatherings. Kalandrakása pagpalit ang mga kulur, Buy all different colors.

kálang (not without l) n portion of a field which has been plowed at one time. v [A1; b5] plow a certain portion of the field. Nakakálang na sila sa katungà sa daruhan, They had already plowed half of the field. Ang duul sa sapà mauy ákung kalangun (kalangan) pag-úna, I’ll clear up the part near the river first.

kal-ang n 1 gap. Adtu lapus sa kal-ang sa paril, Pass through the gap in the wall (or between the two walls). 2 distance in time or space between two things. Ang kal-ang sa ílang pangidarun, The gap in their ages. v [B5; c1] be located with gaps in between. Kal-ángi ang mga silya arun dílì magkinupyahánay, Place your chairs far apart so you won’t be copying from each other. -an(→)n space between two things. Ang kal-angan sa sini ug iskuylahan gitukúran ug balay, A house is built in the space between the movie house and the school. -in-an(→) n place where there is the biggest gap.

kalangkálang (not without l) v [A; a12] estimate, consider s.t. carefully. Ikaw ra ang mukalangkálang ug makaáyu ba nímu, Weigh it carefully yourself whether it would do you any good. Aku ray mukalangkálang nga maígù ang pagkáun sa tanan, I’ll ration the food out so that it will go around. n estimation, consideration. Sa ákung kalangkálang mudaug giyud ang prutista ni Usminya, As I see it, Osmeña’s protest will be successful.

kálap1 v [AN; a] look for medicinal plants. Mukálap kag tambal didtu sa patayng búlan, You must look for medicinal herbs when there is no moon. Unsang mga tambála ákung kalápun? What medicinal plants shall I get? paN- v [A2S] look for s.t. one wants to obtain but is not easy to find. Makapangálap kag kwarta basta imirdyinsi, You have to scramble about to find money if it’s an emergency. -in- n medicinal plants gathered. Ang sulud sa básu mga kinálap nga gamut, The glass contained medicinal roots.

kálap2 v [A; b(1)] 1 touch, tinker, play with s.t. forbidden. Latusun ku ang magkáp sa gamitun, I’ll whip anyone who tinkers with the tools. Gikápan giyud ang tigib kay nagíbang, S.o. must have played with the chisel because it got nicked. 2 tease, play a joke on s.o. 3 [AN] engage in petty stealing. Bantáyi siyang musulud kay mukáp nà, Watch him if he comes in because he lifts things. kalapkálap v [A3] tinker, try one’s hand at s.t. new. Namikaniku siya kay ganáhan mukapkáp ug makina, He became a mechanic because he likes to tinker with machines.

kalapáti (not without l) v 1 [A; b5] calk, make s.t. watertight by filling the seams or cracks. Gikalapatíhan (gikalapáti) ang tanang sinumpayan sa káhuy nga mikang-a, All the wooden joints that came loose have been calked. 2 [B1; b6(1)] be covered with s.t. sticky and dirty. Nagkalapáti ang nawung sa bátà sa bábul gam, The child’s [424]face is smeared with sticky bubble gum. Ayaw pagdúwà sa taguk sa nangkà kay makakalapáti (makapakalapáti) nà sa kamut mu, Don’t play with the sticky sap of jackfruit, as it will get your hands all sticky.

kalapi1 n k.o. thin and thorny rattan used in fishing equipment because of its resistance to salt water. It produces clusters of edible, sour berries: Calamus sp.

kalapi2 (not without l) a a defect in coconut trees manifested by the fronds, such that the lowest fronds do not hang but tend to be vertical and easily break off. v [B1456] for a coconut tree to be of this sort.

kalapíti = kalapáti, 2.

kalapitsi = karapitsi.

kalapkap v [AN; b5] go to a woman’s bed to have intercourse with her without her knowledge.

kalapúti = kalapáti, 2.

kaláru = kláru.

kalas1 (not without l) v 1 [A; a] rake out s.t. that is growing, harrow. Kinahanglan kalasun ang mga sagbut samtang wà pay ulan, You must rake out the weeds before the rains come. Ímung kalasan ug úna ang dapit sa sapà, First harrow the part which is near the brook. 1a [a12] make into a harrow, rake. 2 [A; b1c] give the owner of gambling equipment a rake-off. Kalasan námù ang ímung baráha kun magpúkir mi, You will get a rake-off for your cards when we play poker. Kalasi si Pidru, Give Pedro his rake-off. n 1 rake, harrow. 2 rake-off to the owner of gambling paraphernalia. maN-r- n one who lets people gamble with his equipment for a rake-off.

kalas2 (not without l) v 1 [B12; a12] die in a disaster, accident, war. Kadaghang way lábut ang nakalas sa gúbat sa Byitnam, A lot of innocent people died in the war in Vietnam. Kalasun kamung tanan, You will all meet your death. 2 [a3] be destroyed, annihilated. Daghang ayruplánu ang nakalas sa Pirl Harbur, Many planes were destroyed at Pearl Harbor. (←) a (with l droppable) wasteful, using in an extravagant way. Kás kaáyu sa panahun ang ar-utísi, ROTC is a big waste of time. Kanang plantsáha kás ug kuryinti, That iron uses more electricity than necessary. v [A2; a2] waste, use wastefully. Ayaw kalása paggáwì ang túbig, Don’t waste the water. -an a wasteful, using more than necessary. Kalasan ka kaáyug papil, You use paper wastefully.

kalásag (not without l) n 1 shield. 2 defense. Ang pagkamatárung mauy bugtung níyang kalásag bátuk sa dautan, Righteousness is his sole defense against evil.

kalasíkas n rustling sound like that produced by the motion of leaves. v 1 [A3; c1] produce this k.o. rustling sound. Kasikása (ikasíkas) ang mga dáhun arun sila mahadluk, Rustle the leaves so they’ll be afraid. 2 [A1] bustle about in preparation for s.t. Mikasíkas ang mga tagibalángay kay nagkaduul na ang pyista, The people are bustling about with the fiesta approaching. Hápit ka na mugíkan, wà pa ka kakasíkas! It’s nearly time to leave and you haven’t made any preparations! — sa panahun n doings, activities of constant and ordinary nature.

kalaskálas n 1 = angalaskálas. 2 name given to tiny inedible crabs that dig holes in the sand.

kalaskas n a bird which appears at night, believed to be an unglù which has assumed this form. So called from its purported sound: kas-kas.

kalat, kálat1 v [A; b6(1)] cane with bamboo or rattan. Kamau kang mukalat ug síya? Do you know how to cane a chair? n s.t. caned from bamboo or rattan. Buslut ang kalat sa katri, The caned portion of the bed is broken.

kálat2 v 1 [AB46; c] be scattered in a confused manner, cause s.t. to be so. Kinsay nagkálat sa mga duwáan sa sáwug? Who scattered the toys all over the floor? Hipúsa ang mga papil nga nagkálat sa salug, Gather the pieces of paper scattered all over the floor. Ayaw ikálat ang mga bulingun sa salug, Don’t scatter the soiled clothes on the floor. 2 [A; cP] for news, rumors to spread. Mikálat ang hulungíhung báhin sa ribulusiyun, There were rumors about a revolution that began to spread.

kalatkat v [A; ac] climb up s.t. using the hands and feet: climb to get, bring. Nikatkat ang bátà sa lamísa, The child climbed up on the table. Katkátun gihápun nà sa iring dihà, The cat can still climb up there to get it. — sa kapáyas v [A] have intercourse with a woman (humorous). Inigdunggù giyus bána mukatkat giyud sa kapáyas pagkagabíi, As soon as the husband arrives from abroad, you can be sure he’s going to get him some papayas that night.

kalatsutsi n frangipani, k.o. ornamental tree planted for its flowers: Plumiera spp.

kalátung (not without l) n knocker made from a section of a bamboo with a slit on the side. It is resonant and is rapped to call or send signals.

kálaw n hornbill bird: Buceros hydrocorax.

kaláwan v [A23; cP] be somewhat raised, [425]get somewhat off the ground. Ang salug sa balay mikáwan lag usa ka pí gíkan sa yútà, The floor of the house is elevated about a foot from the ground. Nakakáwan nag ayruplánu sa pag-abut námù sa irpurt, The plane had already gotten off the ground when we got to the airport. see also kawankawan.

kaláwat (from dáwat) v 1 [AN2; b(1)] take Holy Communion. Nakakalawat (nakapangaláwat) ka rung Duminggúha? Did you take communion this Sunday? 2 [A; a12] accept s.t. as true. Dílì ku mukaláwat árung mga pangatarúngan mu, I will not accept any of your reasons. 3 receive, accept (Biblical). Kalawátun mu ba si Kurdaping nga ímung asáwa? Do you take Kordaping as your wife? n Holy Communion. -an(→), -ánan n communion railing.

kalaw-it v [AN; b25] 1 get s.t. with a hook, hook s.t. onto s.t. Mikaw-it (nangaw-it) siya sa ákung líug, She hooked her arm around my neck. Átung kaw-ítun (kaw-ítan) ang kaimítu, We’ll hook the star apple and pull it down. Íyang gikaw-it ang kawit sa íyang abága, He hooked the bamboo palm toddy container to his shoulders. 2 capture as the result of having run into by accident. Ang patrulya nakakaw-it ug kumpit sa ismaglir, The patrol ran into a smuggler’s boat and captured it. 3 s.t. with a hook on it to pull things out of reach to one. -an(→), -ánann hook onto which s.t. is hung.

kálay n k.o. children’s game similar to marbles played with cowries. v [AC2; b(1)] play kálay.

kalaykay1 v 1 [A; ab2] dig up s.t. with the hands, hoe up s.t. in a scratching manner. Nagkaykay siyag kamúti, He is digging up sweet potatoes. 2 [A; b5] press hard with the finger tips in the pit of the stomach to massage it in a manner similar to scratching. Mukalma ang kabúhì ug kalaykáyun (kalaykáyan) ang tiyan, A burning stomach calms down when you massage it in a digging motion. n hoe.

kalaykay2 n a k.o. tellin clams, about 1½″ long and 1″ wide, sand-colored and found in the sand along the shore.

kaláyu n fire. v [B2S6] 1 grow into, be on fire. Nakáyu ang bága nga giitsa sa basúra, The ember thrown into the garbage turned into a fire. 2 be on fire with an emotion. Nagkalayu siya sa kalágut, He was fuming with rage. 3 spark, produce sparks. Nagkayu ang ismiril sa dihang gidaítul ang amul, The sharpener gave off sparks when the bolo was pressed against it. kayukayu v 1 [A] for cooking utensils or burners to produce sparks while cooking s.t. 2 [B1456] for love to be burning. -in-(→) n boiled corn on the cob. kakalayúhan n fires of hell.

kalbaryu n 1 calvary. 2 situation causing intense mental suffering. Kalbaryu nákù ning pagtuun ug sista, Learning to play the guitar is utter torture to me. v [B126] become a calvary.

kalbásà = kalabásà.

kalbu n bald-headed. v [B1] be bald-headed.

kalbúru = karbúru.

kaldíra n 1 boiler of steam engines. 2 seat of one’s emotions as the source of ardent feelings. v [A; a2] install, make into a boiler.

kaldirin see kaldíru.

kaldiríta1 see kaldíru.

kaldiríta2, kaldirítas n 1 a stew of goat’s meat and spices. 2 stewed dog’s meat (humorous). v [A; a] make goat stew.

kaldíru n metal pot, usually flat-bottomed. baryu nga way — cemetery (humorous). kaldirin n cooking pot, cylindrical in shape, usually made of galvanized sheet metal, and flat-bottomed. kaldiríta1 n light metal pot with flat bottom, usually for storing food.

kaldíyu n egg drop soup, usually with a fish base but may be made of a different base. v [A1; a] make egg drop soup.

kaldu n 1 soup made by sauteeing meat and spices to which broth has been added.2 bowl, cup to hold soup. v [A1; a] make soup. kalduhan n tiny cup for chocolate.

kalgas n animal flea. v [a4] have a skin disease characterized by small, itchy pyramid-shaped eruptions. It spreads when scratched. -un(→) a having this type of skin disease.

kalhang = kal-ang.

kalhay1 v [AB1N; a] 1 make big tears in s.t. Nagkalhay (nangakalhay) ang íyang sinínà, Her dress was all tattered. 2 destroy utterly. Nakalhay ang taytáyan sa bumba, The bridge was utterly destroyed by the bombs.

kalhay2 a for grains or powder to be dry and not stuck into lumps. Kalhay ang balas nga uga, Dry sand is loose. v [AB2; a2] for grains or powder to be, become dry and loose, cause them to be so. Ag-ága ang harína arun makalhay, Sift the flour to make it nice and powdery. Kinsay mukalhay (magkalhay) sa nagbúgul nga yapak? Who will break up the lumpy soil?

káli v [A; a] gather root crops by digging. Magkáli (mangáli) tag balanghuy, Let us dig some cassava. kalihun a mature root crops (ready for digging).

kalibhay = kalìhay. [426]

kalibkib n the slivers of coconut meat and brown exterior portion which remain after the meat of the coconut has been shredded. binday nga -un woman’s sex organ that is thin like the kalibkib.

kalibri1 n 1 caliber, quality, ability. Mau nay kalibri sa táwung húmuk masukù, That is the k.o. man that gets angry easily. 2 caliber of a bullet or firearm.

kalibri2 (from libri) n k.o. cassava with red stems. It may be eaten with little cooking without poisoning effect in contrast to other varieties. It is so called from the phrase makalibri sa kagútum ‘save from starvation’.

kalibugan see líbug.

kalidad n 1 quality. Maáyug kalidad ang panaptun, The cloth is of good quality. 2 kind, sort. Unsa may kalidad sa íyang pagkatáwu? What k.o. a person is he? -is(←)1 a of various kinds. v [B1; a1] be of various types. Nagkalidádis lang ang ákung tinda, I sell all sorts of goods. — ang tíngug for the voice to change pitch in fear. Basta malísang ku, makalidádis dáyun ang ákung tíngug, When I get frightened my voice gets uncontrolled.

kalidádis2 n k.o. small sweet potato with an orange flesh and dark-red skin.

kálids n 1 college. 2 one in college. Kálids ka na? Kabátà pa gud nímu! Are you already in college? You sure are young for that! v [B6] be in college. Mukálids na siya sa sunud abli, She will be in college next schoolyear.

kálids swing n college swing, a k.o. old-fashioned permanent wave where the hair is cut up to the nape of the neck. v [A; c1] wear a college swing permanent.

kaligkig = kigkig, 3, 4. paN- = pangigkig. see kigkig.

kaligutgut = aligutgut2.

kalìhay v [A; c] carry s.t. by having it slung over the shoulders. Nagkalìhay ug pusil ang mga mangangáyam, The hunters had shotguns slung over their shoulders.

kalíhim n secretary, an official in charge of a department of the government. v [B1256] become a secretary.

kalimbagas v [A] run as fast as one can to get away from s.t. Mikalimbagas siya ug dágan paghitungud sa mintiryu, He ran as fast as he could as he passed the cemetery. Kábaw nga nagkalimbagas ug ginukdánay, The mad rushing of carabaos running after one another.

kalimpus n a variety of white-grained paddy rice.

kalimutaw, kalimútaw n 1 iris or pupil of the eye. Mudakù ang kalimutaw sa iring ug magabíi, A cat’s eyes grow large in the evening. 2 by extension, eyeball. Ang nagbudlat níyang kalimutaw, His bulging eyeballs.

kalindaryu n calendar. káwas, lápas na sa — for a girl to be above thirty (and get beyond a marriageable age—lit. go beyond the calendar).

kalinding = kalíring.

kaling n small dried anchovies. -in-(←) = kaling.

káling v 1 [AB6; c1] turn over on the side, cause s.t. to do so. Mukáling ang kúlun nga ibutang sa lamísa nga way bangil kay língin ang lubut, If you put a clay pot on the table without a support it will turn over on its side because it is round-bottomed. Kalínga (ikáling) ang mga libru sa lamísa básin nadat-ugan ang sulat mu, Turn the books over on the side. Maybe the letter is just underneath them. 2 [A; a12] move s.t. solid and heavy showing it one side at a time. Kalíngun lang nátù ang pridyidir kay dì ta makadaug, Let’s just move the refrigerator by shoving it one side at a time because we cannot carry it. 3 rock a small boat that has been grounded so it will move free. Kalíngun nátù ang búti kay mitaub na, Let’s rock the boat to free it because the tide is beginning to come in.

kalíngag = kaníngag.

kalingkaling n k.o. mussel living in the roots of mangroves, about 1½″ long.

kalingkit n old variety of red, fine-grained paddy rice.

kalinyas n 1 bobbin on which the thread for weaving is wound. It is attached to the shuttle. 2 amount of thread put on one bobbin. v [AN; a] wind thread around the bobbin in weaving. -an(→) n = kalinyas.

kalípay n 1 name originally given to an ornamental shrub planted for its leaves: Polyscias fruticosa. 2 name now also given to the croton, an erect ornamental shrub planted for its large, shiny leaves in various mottled colors and in a variety of shapes: Codiaeum variegatum. -an = kalípay, 2.

kalipikar v [A] register for voting.

kalipikasiyun n 1 qualification. 2 registration of new voters. v = kalipikar.

kalipir n caliper, an instrument used to measure the thickness or diameter of s.t.

kalipláwir = kulipláwir.

kalipsu n 1 calypso song, dance. 2 calypso outfit, consisting of a straw hat and a sport shirt or blouse, the lower edges and sleeves of which are scalloped or raggedy.

kalíring v [APB3(1); c1] roll, usually said of flat disk-like things; cause s.t. to do so. Ang [427]taklub sa kaldíru mikalíring sa kanal, The pot cover rolled into the canal. n hoop used as a toy for children to roll.

kalíru1 v [A; c1] stack ears of corn or rice on the stalk in an orderly arrangement. Íyang kalirúhun (ikalíru) ang ináni, He’ll stack the harvested rice. n orderly stack of rice on the stalk or ears of corn.

kalíru2 see kal.

kalis v 1 [A; a12] flatten off s.t. that heaps up to measure them exactly. Kalisun nátù arun way bintáhà, Let us level it off carefully so no one gets too much. 2 [a12] dismiss a group from office. Ug malibiral ang administrasiyun kalisun mu sa inyung katungdánan, If we get a Liberal administration you will all be swept from office. n s.t. used to level off a measured item.

kális1 n chalice.

kális2 n k.o. pointed sword, around 18–20″ long with serrations near the handle.

kalísa n a two-wheeled horse drawn carriage. v [A13] ride in a kalísa.

kaliskis n scale-like crust on the skin. v [B1456; a4] have such scale-like encrustation on one’s skin. Butangig lána ang ímung bitíis kay nagkaliskis (gikaliskis), Rub oil on your legs because they have scales on them.

kalit a 1 sudden. 2 suddenly, abruptly. Sa kalit lámang nalímut siya kanákù, He suddenly forgot all about me. v 1 [B] happen suddenly, quickly. Nikalit (nakalit) lag abli ang pultahan, The door opened suddenly. 2 [AN; abc] do s.t. suddenly, quickly. Átù ning kalitug kúhà, Let’s grab this quickly. Gikalitan ku siyag haluk, I suddenly kissed her. Ayawg ikalit pagbutang, Don’t put it down hastily. 3 [b8] be surprised, caught unaware. Nakalitan siya sa balità. Walà giyud siyang katíngug, He was shocked by the news. He couldn’t speak. kalitkálit v [BN; abc] squeeze in s.t. in one’s spare time. Nagkalitkálit silag ábut, They took time out for a quick tryst. Kalitkalíti nag silhig, Take out a few moments and sweep it. pa- v [A; b(1)] take s.o. by surprise. Átù siyang pakalitan arun dílì makapangandam, Let’s take him by surprise so that he cannot prepare himself. paniN- v 1 = kalitkálit. 2 [A2; b] walk out on s.o. or one’s obligation. Dílì ku makapaningalit kanímu kay ikaw may ákung pakaslan, I can’t desert you, for I am going to marry you. Wà kung kauban níla kay íla man kung gipaningalitan, I did not get to go with them because they walked out on me. ma-(→) a sudden. Makálit nga katalagman, A sudden calamity. ma-un(←) a do things on the spur of the moment, without proper thought. Makalítun ka ra kaáyu sa ímung mga sáad, You are two-faced in your promises.

kalítang n k.o. banana eaten raw, rarely grown commercially because it keeps poorly.

kalkag a for the hair to be disheveled, in disarray. v [APBN; c1] for hair to become disheveled, cause it to do so. Ang hángin mauy mikalkag (mipakalkag) sa ákung buhuk, The wind caused my hair to get disheveled. Panudlay kay mikalkag (nangalkag) nang ímung buhuk, Comb your hair because it is disheveled.

kalkal v [A; a] dig with light instruments. Magkalkal ta ug tambákan sa mga sagbut, We will dig a pit to throw the garbage into. Nakakalkal silag usa ka kaban nga buláwan, They have dug up a trunkful of gold.

kalkulu, kalkúlu = karkulu.

kalma a 1 calm. Kalma kaáyu ang panahun run, It’s a very calm day. Kalma kaáyu siya taliwálà sa kakuyaw, He remains very calm in the face of danger. 2 slow, deliberate, and sure in behavior. Kalma kaáyu siyang nagtrabáhu bísag giapíki, He worked slowly and deliberately even if he was under pressure. Kalma siyag sinultihan, He speaks slowly and deliberately. v 1 [B; a12] become calm, be unruffled of feelings, be soothed in pain. Kalma lang. Ayawg kasukù dáyun, Calm down. Don’t get mad right away. Nakalma (mikalma) na ang dágat. Mularga na kita, The sea has become calm now. Let’s go. Makakalma (makapakalma) sa sakit ning tambála, This medicine can soothe pain. 2 [b4] be becalmed. Wà makairug ang barútung gikalmáhan, The sailboat was caught in a calm and could not move. -du a calm and collected. -nti n tranquilizer. Kalmanti lang tung iniksiyun nga gihátag sa duktur, The injection that the doctor gave was only a tranquilizer.

kalsáda = karsáda.

kalsadur see kalsu.

kalsitin n socks. v [A; b] put socks on s.t., get, make into socks.

kalsu v 1 [A; ac] wedge s.t. into s.t. to make it hold or to make it come on or off. Kalsúhun sa panday ang tabla nga gilansang sa bungbung, The carpenter will pry off the boards that were nailed to the walls. Kalsúhi ang ímung sapátus arun sayung isul-ub, Use a horn for your shoes so you won’t have any trouble putting them on. Ikalsu ning papil sa húnus arun dílì mabukas, Wedge this paper in the drawer so it won’t come open. 1a wrench s.t. loose at the [428]joints or s.t. tied around s.t. else. Ang kawatan nakakalsu sa íyang mga kamut gíkan sa púsas, The thief managed to wrench his hands out of the cuffs. 2 [A; c1] stick s.t. in the pocket. Ayaw ikalsu (kalsúha) ang ímung daug. Iplantáda giyud sa lamísa, Do not pocket your winnings. You must keep them on the table. n 1 lever to pry s.t. off, open. 2 shoehorn. kalsadur n shoehorn or anything used for putting on the shoes.

kalsúnis = karsúnis.

kalsunsilyu = karsunsilyu.

kaltik n an empty can of motor oil about 7″ long with a diameter of about 2′, locally used as a unit of measurement for sea shells.

kaltiks n 1 Caltex, name of a company and a brand of gasoline. 2 = kaltik.

kalù1 = kalùkalù. kalùkalù a stupid, mentally defective. Sugúa lag simpling butang ang táwung kalùkalù, Give morons simple orders. v [B12; b6] become stupid, slow-witted; consider s.o. as such.

kalù2 v [A; c1] scoop out the top part of a liquid. Ikawù (kaw-a) ang buwà sa linung-ag, Scoop away the foam from the top of the boiling rice.

kálù n hat. — sa pitrumaks n shade of pressure lantern. v [A; a] wear a hat, make into a hat. kalùkálù n 1 glans penis (humorous). 2 conical cover for a chimney top. v [A; b6(1)] put up a conical cover over a chimney. Gikalùkalúan níyag sín ang panghaw, He put a conical cover made of iron sheeting on the smokestack.

kalub a for the surface of s.t. round and flat to be depressed. Dílì giyud muhárì ning usa ka dakúa kay kalub man ang patay, This one centavo coin will not come up heads because its tail is depressed. v [B; a12] get depressed in the middle. Nagkalub man lang ang ági niíning plakáha, My! How warped this record is.

kalubay n a variety of common squash that has a club-shaped fruit, 2–4′ long, with smooth whitish-green skin and white flesh, the skin and flesh of which are edible. It is sold commercially as kalbásang putì: Lagenaria leucantha. v [A13; b6] cook kalubay or with kalubay.

kalúbid n an old variety of paddy rice with white grains.

kalubkub n small, low-roofed hut for temporary shelter. v 1 [A; b] make such a hut. 2 [A; c] put, store in such a hut.

kalug n k.o. hand tool similar to a small sickle used in cutting rice panicles during harvest. v [A; a] use this instrument.

kalugkalug = kalùkalù. see kalù1.

kalugpus, kalugpuy = kulugpus.

kalugtì n k.o. sweet potato with white peelings and yellow or reddish meat.

kalugungkugung n name given to several aromatic herbs, used as a hair rinse. In some areas the name is given to a plant used as a spice, probably Ocimum sanctum. — sa kabáyù a tall, strongly aromatic, woody herb of waste areas: Hyptis suaveolens.

kalúha (from duha) n twin, twins. Si Pidru ákung kalúha, Peter is my twin. Nanganak siya ug kalúha, She gave birth to twins. v 1 [C3] be twins. 1a [A12; b6] have as one’s twin. — ug sawa be born at the same time as a snake. Some people are thought to have snakes around them that bring good luck. These snakes are thought to have been born at the same time as the person and are considered his twin. 1b [b(1)] be coupled with. Ang íyang mga kasákit gikaluháag pagmáhay, His sufferings were coupled with regrets. 2 give birth to twins. Ang íyang asáwa gikaluháan ug babáyi, His wife gave birth to twin girls.

kalukalu (not without l) n sweet made of very fine corn grits (tiktik) boiled with coconut milk and sugar. v [A13; a] make kalukalu.

kalukálu1 (not without l) n fried rice, made of leftover rice and usually nothing else but salt. v [A; a1b(1)] cook or make simple fried rice.

kalukálu2 n the sweet, watery outer coating of coconut meat.

kalukhu v [A; a] scrape, scratch off s.t. that sticks to a surface with a thrusting motion. Gáhì kalukhúun ang dukut sa kúlun, It’s hard to scratch burnt rice in the pot. Kukhúi ang dárug lápuk, Scrape the plow clean of mud. kalukhuun n 1 meat of very young coconut at a stage that it is just scraped, not dug out, or the dalínug. 2 dredged to the point that only a little is left to dig out.

kalúkud = kulúkud.

kalúkus = kulúkus.

kalumingking = kulumingking. see kingking1.

kalumitsing = kamuritsing. see muritsing.

kalumpang n spreading tree which reaches a height of twenty meters or more bearing foul-smelling flowers which are deep-red in color and kidney-shaped fruit, as big as a child’s fist with edible peanut-like seeds: Sterculia foetida.

kalumpit n an old variety of paddy rice with white grains.

kalung1 n upland river crab with a red breast. [429]

kalung2 = kalug.

kalunggu n 1 feathers just coming in. 2 warts. v 1 [AN; b6] for feathers to come in, either in young birds or after shedding. Ug mangalunggu ang balhíbu, sakit nga hikápun, If the feathers are just coming in, it hurts the bird if you touch them. 2 [B26; a4b4] turn into a wart, be affected by a wart. Ug makahikap kag kawunggug manuk, kawunggúhun ka, If you touch sprouting feathers, you will get warts. Gikalunggúhan (nangalunggu) ang tibuuk níyang bukubuku, His back is all covered with warts.

kalungkung v [B; c1] for the body or limbs to be curled up, bent. Nagkungkung siya sa katri sa túmang katugnaw, He curled up in bed from severe cold. Nakungkung ang mga tudlù sa tigúwang, The old man’s fingers are gnarled. Ikungkung (kungkunga) ang ímung tiil, Pull in your legs. a curled up, bent.

kalunsing = lunsing.

kalúpù v 1 [A; c] wrap s.t. around s.o. or oneself. Kalupúi ang bátà kay tugnaw, Put s.t. around the child because it’s cold. 2 [c1] make, use as a shoulder wrap. n s.t. used to wrap around oneself. Unsa may kalúpù mu ug paalut ka, tualya? What do you use around your shoulder if you get a haircut, a towel?

kalus v [A; a] 1 fetch water. Nakakalus na kug pára ikalígù, I’ve already fetched water for my bath. 2 get liquid out with a dipper. Mukalus na lang ku ug sabaw, I’ll just ladle out soup for myself. Kalusun lang ni nátù arun maángay, Let us just ladle this out so we will have equal shares. n 1 s.t. used as a dipper. 2 dipperful. (←) n intense action of fetching water. v = kalus, 2. paN- = kalus, n1.

kaluskus1 v 1 [A; ab] scrape or scratch to remove s.t. from a surface. Kuskúsag maáyu ang kan-un nga namilit sa kaldíru, Scrape out the rice that is sticking to the pot. 2 [AN; b5] scratch the hair hard with the hands. Nagpanguskus siya sa kakatul sa íyang úlu, He kept on scratching because his head itched so intensely. Nakakuskus (nakapanguskus) siya sa íyang úlu tungud sa kalisud sa prublíma, He scratched his head due to the difficulty of the problem.

kaluskus2 v 1 [AN; a12] pull up the trouser legs or sleeves. Nangaluskus (mikaluskus) siya sa íyang karsúnis, He rolled up his trousers. 2 = kuyuskus.

kaluskus3 = kaguskus.

kálut v [A; a] 1 dig, excavate. Ang luyu sa balay gikalútan ug atábay, A deep well has been dug in our back yard. 2 scratch an itch. Kalúta ang ákung likud, katul, Scratch my back. It’s itchy. — ug dílì katul = hikap sa dílì hilikápun. see híkap, 6. (→) n 1 pit or hole dug up. 1a amount dug up. 2 instrument for scratching oneself. paN- v [A] scratch oneself. Nangalut siya sa íyang tingkuy, He scratched the back of his neck. -in-an(→) n 1 place where a hole or pit is dug up. 2 place s.o. scratched. maN-r-(→) n 1 one who digs s.t. 2 gravedigger.

kalutkut v [A; a] scrape off s.t. hard by rubbing it back and forth. Nagkalutkut siyag dukut, He’s scraping off the food sticking to the pot.

kaluwaan see duha.

kaluykuy n whooping cough. v [a4] have a whooping cough. Nanglugwà ang íyang mata ug inubu kay gikaluykuy siya, He is coughing his head off because he has a persistent cough.

kalyi n street. Náa sa Kalyi Magalyánis ang mga dagkung tindáhan, The large department stores are on Magallanes Street. pasa- girl one is playing around with, not seriously in love. Unsa guy mangasáwa? Pára pasakalyi lang nà siya, Who said I was going to get married? I’m just playing around with her.

kalyu n corns on the toes. v [B126; a4b4] get corns. Gikalyu (gikalyúhan) ang ákung tiil, I have corns on the feet. kalyuhun a having corns all over it.

kalyus n dish made from the legs and tail of cows or carabaos. The bones are removed and the meat is sliced, sauteed with spices, and then stewed with vegetables.

kám = kalam.

káma n 1 bed, usually with mattress. 2 a large stack of s.t. piled in an orderly fashion. v 1 [A1; ab] make one’s bed, make into a bed. Magkáma ka sa katri inigmata nímu, Make your bed after you wake up. Kun walay láing higdáan mahímu rag kining tag-as nga bangkù kamáhun, You can use these benches as beds to lie on. 2 [A1; c1] stack into a neat way. Ákù ning ikáma (kamáhun) ang káhuy sa sílung, I’ll pile this firewood under the house. -in- n in a large neat stack. -da = káma, 2 n, v. kinamáda = kináma.

kamadutsay n married man’s mistress. v [A; a12] have, make into a mistress.

kamagkù = kumalagkù.

kamagung n k.o. large forest tree producing a highly prized, hard, black wood used as building material and for making canes. The fruit is brown and hairy with white flesh and edible. Varieties bearing fruit with few [430]seeds are planted and sold commercially as mabúlu: Diospyros discolor. a a person who is very dark black. †

kamálig n 1 storehouse for farm products. 2 stable for work animals. Ang Diyusnung Bátà natáwu sa kamálig, The Christ Child was born in a stable. v [c1] store farm products in a storehouse. atup nga -in- roof consisting of a single piece of wood set at an angle. -in-, -in-(→) a by the granaryful. Kinamálig kun mupalit siyag bugas, He buys rice by the granary.

kamálù (not without l) n k.o. poultry disease characterized by black spots on combs or eyes of fowls. v [A123P; a4b4] be affected with this poultry disease. Gikamálù (gikamalúan) ang mata sa manuk, The chicken’s eyes are affected with poultry disease.

kamalunggay = kalamunggay.

kamandag n 1 meconium, the first stools of a newborn baby. 2 poison venom.

kamandir n commander. v 1 [BN; a2] be a commander. Kinsa na man karuy nagkamandir (nangamandir) sa mga huks? Who is the commander of the Huks? 2 [AN; a2b2] commandeer. Ákung awtu nakamandir sa armi, My car was commandeered by the army. -un a like a commander.

kamang n k.o. red snapper producing red fat: Lutianus sp.

kámang v [A2S; b5] 1 creep, crawl. Tabúni ang pagkáun kay kamángun unyà sa mga uk-uk, Cover the food or the cockroaches will crawl all over it. 1a — sa kalisud, — daw úmang be in utter poverty. Nagkamang kami sa kalisud, We’re crawling in poverty. 1b be sent sprawling on the floor. Nakakámang intáwun ang táwu nga naigù sa suntuk, The poor fellow was sent sprawling to the floor after he was hit by the blow. 2 [A; a12] go to a woman’s bed without prearrangement to have illicit relations. Ang ílang búy nagkámang ni Pitra, Their houseboy crawled into Petra’s bed. 3 [A; a12] go after a voter to keep him from voting for the opposition. Ang wà pa nímu mahaylu, kamánga. Kinahanglang way bútung Usminya dinhi, Go after those you can’t win over. There must be no votes for Osmeña. -in-ay(→) n going after voters in the last moment to keep them from voting or buy their votes.

kamangyan n a dried form of the resin obtained from almasíga and other forest trees. It is burned over coals for its smoke, which is used in folk medicine and other rituals for magical purposes and also used as a mosquito smudge or for other non-magical purposes.

kamaníru n one who works on street or road maintenance. v [B16; a2] worker on street maintenance.

kamansi n breadfruit with seeds, the seeds and pulp of which are eaten as a vegetable when not ripe: Artocarpus camansi.

kamansili, kamansilis n medium-sized tree with short, sharp spines at the base of the leaves and on the branches that bears a white or reddish edible fruit similar to tamarind (sambag) but smaller and with a more pronounced spiral. The bark is used for tanning: Pithecolobium dulce.

kamantígì = kalamantígì.

kamanyan = kamangyan.

kamara báha n House of Representatives, the lower house of the Congress of the Philippines.

kamarin n warehouse with an iron roof. v [A12; a2] make, build, make into a warehouse. -in- a by the warehouseful.

kamarun n dish of shrimps, split and dipped in eggs, optionally mixed with ground meat. v [A; a] make, have kamarun. — ribusádu = kamarun.

kamarúti n an officer’s quarters on the deck, cabin in a sailing vessel.

kámas1 v 1 [AN; c6] struggle, strive intensively in an endeavor. Hala, kámas arun ka mulampus, Strive hard so that you’ll be a success. 2 [AN; a] do s.t. in the shortest time possible. Nagkámas siya pagpanghúgas arun makasúruy dáyun, She did the dishes hurriedly so that she could go out soon. kamaskamas = kámas1, v2.

kámas2 = kamras.

kamátis n tomato. v 1 [b6(1)] cook s.t. with tomatoes. 2 [B2S] be green or red like a tomato. 2a [B2S46N; a4S] for a penis just circumcised to swell like a tomato. Nagbulad ka man gud sa ínit maung nagkamatis (nangamátis, gikamatis) ang ímung tulì, You went out in the sun, so your penis you just had circumcised has become red and swollen.

kamáug1 n a mild cuss word, euphemism for kamatay, expressing disgust or anger over s.t. or s.o. Kamáug, nahibilin man diay ang yáwi, Darn! I forgot the key.

kamáug2 n k.o. terrestrial orchid that grows in waste places, commonly under coconut trees. It has a fleshy rootstock which produces a sticky sap, used as a glue for guitars. The scrapings also have medicinal uses: Geodorum nutans. v [A; b6(1)] glue s.t. with kamáug.

kam-aw n shallow earthen bowl, used to hold food. v [c16] put in a small earthen bowl. [431]

kamay v [AN; b5] summon by a wave of the hand. Ang dakung pátag sa Kauswágan daw nagkamay (nagpangamay) kaníya, The wide plains of Kauswagan seemed to be beckoning to him. Ákù siyang gikamay (gikamayan), I beckoned to him.

kámay (from kalámay) n 1 taliwálà, ibabaw sa — in ecstasy (usually sexual). Bisag mamatay ku karun dáyun basta sa ibabaw sa kámay, I don’t mind if I die this instant as long as I’m in the midst of ecstasy. — mu 1 now see what you have done! Kámay mu nà karun, nadakpan hinúun ta, Now see what you have done! We’re caught! 2 can you imagine this surprising thing happened! Kámay mu bay siya pay manghulam, unyà mangísug pa, Can you beat that! He borrows and then gets angry! 2a — ug imagine if this surprising thing were to happen. Kámay mu bag láking makigminyug láki! Imagine a man marrying a man!

kamayingking = kumingking. see kingking1.

kamayu = kalamáyu.

kamba v 1 [A3; b4] have a quickened heartbeat. Mikamba ang ákung dughan sa gitiúnan aku sa pistúla, My heartbeat quickened when the pistol was pointed at me. 2 [B46; b4] be inhibited by a feeling of fear and respect. Mukamba giyud ming sír, We are all scared of the teacher.

kambang n k.o. grouper.

kambantulì n a k.o. long sword with a pronounced and a flat end jutting out to a point at the bottom.

kambas v 1a [AN; b5c] canvass for votes or sales. Kambásun (kambásan) nátù sila kay wà pa sila hibaligyai, Let’s canvass them because they haven’t bought any. Ikambas ning bag-ung pruduktu sa kasilinganan, Bring this new product around the neighborhood. 2 [A; a12] count votes, ballots.

kambat v [A; a] tie or weave a network: a around a bottle to protect it or across the mouth of s.t. to keep the contents from falling out. Kambáta ang pagbáat sa bukag arun dílì kataktákan, Tie the basket up with a net over the mouth so that nothing can fall out of it. Átung kambátan ning dáma sa tubà, Let’s weave strips of rattan around the demijohn. b to mend or patch s.t. Gikambat nákù pagsursi ang midyas, I darned the socks by weaving a network.

kambáya n 1 reenforcing string tied crisscross over a kite’s frame to which the paper is pasted. Butangig kambáya ang tabánug, Put reenforcing string on the kite. 2 parallel lines crossing each other at right angles, forming a design similar to plaid. Ang kambáya sa íyang bistídu pula ug birdi, Her dress has crisscrossing red and green lines. v [A; b(1)] tie or put reenforcing string. -in- = kambáya, 2.

kambirs n brand of expensive high sneakers.

kambiyáda n 1 transmission of cars and other automotive vehicles. Ang kambiyáda sa íyang awtu may kwarta martsa, The transmission of his car has a fourth gear. 2 change of key in a piece of music. Nindut kaáyu pamináwun ang kambiyáda íning kantáha, This song is very melodious the way it changes keys. — sa hángin change of wind. Kining hilanáta dala sa kambiyáda sa hángin, This fever was brought on by the change of weather. v [A; c1] 1 put or shift into gear, operate the gearshift. 2 change the key in a piece of music. 3 [B; b4] for the wind to change.

kambiyu n 1 transmission of automotive vehicles. Daut ug kambiyu ning awtu, This car has a defective transmission. 1a stick shift of the transmission. 1b gear. Kambiyu sa primíra, First gear. Kining trakturáha may dusi ka kambiyu sa abanti, This tractor has twelve forward speeds. 2 change of key within a piece of music. 3 change of wind. 4 money given as change. Pila may kambiyu sa ímung písus? How much change did you get for your peso? v 1 [A; c6] shift gears. 2 [A; c1] change the key in music. 3 [B; b4] for the wind to change. 4 [AC; c] exchange things with s.o., give s.t. in exchange. Magkambiyu ta ug lingkuránan, ha? Let’s exchange seats, shall we? Singku písus ákung ikambiyu sa matag dulyár, I will give five pesos for every dollar. 4a [A23; c] give s.o. his change. Wà ku nímu kambiyúhi, You haven’t given me my change. -in- n s.t. given in exchange for s.t. else.

kambiyúlu n 1 vertical roulette, table roulette. 2 raffle drum.

kambúha n 1 chicken whose feathers are naturally upturned like those of an angry hen. 2 name given to fish with fins sticking out prominently like the kambúha chicken, e.g. kinds of dragonets.

*kamhir nagdala ug — for a woman’s action to have a note of flirtation in it. Ang íyang pahíyum nagdala ug kamhir, Her smile said, ‘Come here.’

kami we (not including addressee). Kami mubáyad ug makagustu, We pay if we like it. mi short for kami. Dílì mi mubutar ni Markus, We will not vote for Marcos. námù 1 gen. Amahan námù, náa ka sa mga lángit..., Our Father, who art in heaven. 2 [432]short for kanámù. kanámù dat. Ári kanámù ihátag, Give it to us. Ayaw língì kanámù, Don’t turn around to look at us. ámù preposed gen. 1 our. Ang ámung irù, Our dog. Ámung ibaligyà, We will sell it. 2 my place, at home. Si Pápa túa pa sa ámù, Dad is at home. taga- one from our place. Si Pídu taga-Karkar, dílì tagaámù, Pedo is from Carcar. He is not from our place. 3 the one that is ours. Ang inyung irù putì, ang ámù itum, Your dog is white, ours is black. 3a ang — gud the thing that worries us. Ang ámù gud ug mahibalu sa plánu ang amahan, The thing that worries us is that the father will know of the plans. 4 [verb] ug ámù [do] by ourselves. Magdúwà mig ámù, We’ll play by ourselves. 5 sa ámù = kanámù. amúa = ámù. kamikámi n 1 just us, no one special. Kamikámi ray naglútù áni, We cooked this ourselves. 2 — ra [nom. or dat.] be distantly related to us. Kamikámi ra si (ni) Markus, Marcos is distantly related to us. 3 — ra we are of the same caliber, age, in comparison. Kamikámi ra si Ríta ug abilidad sa mat, Rita and I are about the same in math. v [A13; a12] do s.t. by ourselves. Nagkamikámi lang mig puyù áning gamayng balay, We’re just living by ourselves in this small house.

kámig a cold to the touch. Kámig kaáyu ang ayis, Ice is very cold. v [BN; c1] be cold. Nangámig na ang patayng láwas, The corpse is cold.

kámil, kamilyu n camel.

kamingking = kumingking. see kingking1.

kaminíru = kamaníru.

kamintang1 = kumintang.

kamintang2 variety of croton (kalípay, 2).

kamira n camera.

kamísa = kamísa tsínu. — dintru n men’s dress shirt. v [A3; a] wear, make into a dress shirt. — tsínu n men’s outer garment worn loose and hanging either long or short-sleeved and collarless. It is used by older men for formal or casual wear. v [A3; a2] wear, make into a camisa chino.

kamisin n undershirt, sleeveless or T-shirt style. — dibrásu sleeveless undershirt. v [AN; a] wear, make into an undershirt.

kamisíta = kamisin.

kamisúla n a k.o. loose, chemise-like, sleeveless undergarment for women, with a rounded neckline, worn below the kimúna and nagwas. v [A; a] use, make a kamisúla.

kamisulin = kamísa dintru. see kamísa.

kamisun n whole slip. Naglabaw ang ímung kamisun, Your slip’s showing. v [AN; a] wear, make into a slip. -in- a like a slip in shape.

kamkam v 1 [A; ab2] touch with the fingers. Ayawg kamkáma ang tunukung sanga, Don’t touch that thorny branch. 2 [AN] take s.t. that is not one’s own. Ngánung mikamkam ka man sa dílì ímung butang? Why did you touch s.t. that didn’t belong to you? Nasakpan ang tisuríru nga nangamkam, The treasurer was caught embezzling.

kamlà v [A; a] touch s.t. heavy-handedly. Dúnay nagkamlà sa ákung linabhan kay nabuling, S.o. pawed my laundry because it has dirt on it. Nakakamlà kug basang iti, I inadvertently touched wet chicken dung.

kamlas = kamras.

kamlut v [A; a] pull out s.t. with little force or pull gently on s.t. with the hands. Ayaw kamlúta nang sanga kay mahurut katágak ang mga dáhun, Don’t pull on that branch because you’ll knock all the leaves off. Kamlúta ang húnus, Pull out the drawer. Kamlútan níya ang basakan sa mga sagbut, He’ll pull out the weeds in the rice paddy.

kampamintu n encampment, temporary camp. Ang kampamintu sa mga trabahadur duul sa subà, The laborers’ camp is near the river.

kampána n 1 church bell. 2 uvula. v 1 [A; b6] ring the bell. Ug kampanáhan ang bunyag, dakù ang báyad, You have to pay a lot if you want them to ring the bell for the baptism. 2 [b6] install a bell. kampanakampána = kampána, n 2. -ryu n belfry, bell tower. v [b6(1)] put a bell tower to a church. kampanilya1 n small bell. v [A; b6] ring a small bell. Kinsa guy ímung gikampanilyáhan dihà? Who are you ringing that bell at? di- having a small bell at one’s disposal. abugádu di- a high-class lawyer (lit. one who uses a bell [to summon assistants]). 2 anything high-class. Púru dikampanilya ang ákung kahúguy, I only associate with high-class people. kampaníru n one who rings bells. v [B156; a2] be a bell ringer.

kampanilya2 n ornamental shrub with large, yellow bell-shaped flowers: Thevetia peruviana.

kampanti a dressed elaborately, esp. with jewelry. v [A; c] be elaborately dressed and adorned with jewelry.

kampanya n campaign. v [ANC12; c] campaign, talk in campaigning. Nangampanya siyag pára itúkud ug iskuyláhan, He is campaigning for money to build a schoolhouse. Kampanyáhan tikaw básin adtu kang Markus butar, I’ll talk to you. Perhaps you’ll vote for Marcos. Kampanyáhan nátù si Markus, [433]Let’s campaign for Marcos. Sa naandan bakak lang gihápuy ikampanya, As usual, they’ll tell a lot of lies in their campaign.

kampat a having paint, powder, or the like unevenly applied. Kampat ang pagpintal, The paint job was uneven. v [AB; c1] become splotched or uneven, cause s.t. to be so. Nawung nga nagkampat sa pulbus, Face, splotched with powder.

kampi1 v [A2C; b(1)] take sides with. Dì ku makakampi sa usag usa níla kay púlus nákù sila minahal, I can’t side with either of them because they are both dear to me. Nagkakampi ang Hapun ug Aliman sa gúbat, The Japanese and Germans were on the same side during the war.

kampi2 v [A; b5] tuck overlapping or dangling parts of a skirt, esp. a wrap-around, into the waist. Akuy mukampi sa ikug-íkug sa ímung sáya, I’ll tuck in the train of your skirt. Kampíhun (ikampi) níya ang subrang tumuy sa patadyung iniglíkus níya niíni sa háwak, She’ll tuck in the overlap of her wrap-around when she wraps it around her waist.

kampílan n k.o. long, sharp sword, straight-bladed, with the top sloping down to form a point and having a sharp spike protruding from the top side 2 or 3″ in the back of the tip.

kamping v [A; b] go camping, esp. scouts.

kampísaw = kulampísaw.

kampiyun n champion, winner of the first place in a competition. v [B16; a2] be, become a champion. -atu(←) n 1 championship: being a champion or period of time that one is a champion. Ang kampiyunátu ni Ilurdi nilungtad ug dúgay, Elorde was champion for a long time. 2 championship contest. Kampiyunátu run ang amatyur, Tonight’s amateur program will determine the champion.

kampu1 n encampment, permanent or temporary. — santu n cemetery. v 1 [A1; b(1)] encamp. Nagkampu ang mga trabahadur sa may karsáda, The workers encamped near the road. Ang tiilan sa búkid mauy gikampúhan sa mga kaáway, The enemies encamped at the foot of the mountain. 2 [a12] make into a camp.

kampu2 = alundris2.

kampur n camphor oil.

kampus n campus, the grounds of a school or college.

kamras v [A; a12b2] scratch with the nails or claws. Ayawg híkap sa halu kay hingkamrasan ka, Don’t touch the monitor lizard. It might scratch you. -in-an n scratch marks. Nagdugù ang íyang buktung daghag kinamrasan, His arms were all bloody with the numerous scratches he had received.

kamray n pineapple fiber woven into a cloth.

kamrut v [A; a] 1 touch, grab s.t. with the bare hands. Ayaw kamrúta kanang atsára kay mapan-us, Don’t grab that sauerkraut made from papayas with your bare hands because that will cause it to go bad. 2 = kamlut.

kamu you (plural). Kamung duhay gitawag, I called the two of you. short form in position other than predicate: mu. Kinahanglan magtuun giyud mu, You must study. kamukámu 1 just you all and no one else. Kamukámu ras inyu run kay namaúlì na ang mga bisíta, You are the only ones left in the house now that the visitors have left. 2 distant relative. Kamukámu ra si Uyung kay mag-ágaw inyung isig ka amahan, You and Oyong are distant relatives because your fathers are cousins. v [A] do s.t. by yourselves. Magkamukámu lang diay mug adtu ug dì mu mangimbitar, Are you going by yourselves and not invite anyone else along? kamuhánun n related to you distantly or coming from the same place. Kamuhánun mu si Isku kay tagadidtu pud siya, You and Esco are from the same place because he also comes from there. ninyu gen.: your, by you. Bahinbahina ni ninyu, Divide this among yourselves. 2 = kaninyu. kaninyu dat.: you. Kaninyung duha kinsay maáyung mukanta? Who sings better of the two of you? Muawhag ku kaninyu sa pagpaningkámut, I urge you to strive hard. inyu 1 preposed gen.: your, by you. Ang inyung suliran, Your problem. Inyung buhátun, You all will do it. 2 belongs to you. Inyu ba ni? Does this belong to you? v [a12] make, get, have s.t. for yourselves. Kinta inyúhun na lang ang yútà bisag wà pa kabayri, In other words, you will have the land for yourselves even if you have not paid for it? inyuinyu v [A13; a12] do, have s.t. by, for yourselves. Mag-inyuinyu man mug kartíyu ug dílì musampit ug pakitábang, You manage things by yourselves and don’t call on anyone else for help. tagainyu n one coming from your place.

kámu v [AN; c1] prepare, cook food. Mabuntag siyay mukámu sa ámung pagkáun, She cooks our food in the morning.

kamù v [A; a] touch food with the bare hands. Kamua ang pagkáun ug dalì dang mapan-us, Touch the food with your fingers and it will get spoiled right away.

kamug = kamul. [434]

*kamug way — 1 with no inheritance. Nakaasawa siyag way kamug, He has married s.o. without any inheritance. 2 penniless. Wà na kuy kamug kay nahurut ug pamáyad, I’m flat broke again because I paid all my bills.

kamúgaw = kabúgaw.

kamúhuy = kalamúhuy.

kamukámu n k.o. vine of open fields resembling the sweet potato, with violet, pink, and white flowers resembling the morning glory: Ipomoea sp.

kamul v [A; b5] moisten s.t. Kamulun (kamulan) ang binlud úsà ilúnud, The corn grits are moistened before you put them into the boiling water.

kámul a numb, devoid of sensation. Kámul pa ákung lagus sa iniksiyun, My gums are still numb from the injection. Kámul ákung tiil sa pagtinindug, My legs are numb from standing so long. v [B3PN; b4] be, become numb. Nagpangamul man ang ákung tiil, tingáli may piang, My foot is becoming numb. Maybe it is broken.

kamulitsing = kamuritsing. see muritsing.

kamúlu (not without l) 1 for s.t. to occur just when an activity starts or is about to start. Kamúlu giyud námung pangáun, pagkapálung sa sugà, We had just started eating when the lights went out. 2 simultaneously, while. Kamúlung gasirbisyu sa simbahan, gabúnù pud sa gawas, While the church service was going on, there was a murder outside.

kamunggay = kalamunggay.

kamúning n k.o. small tree of the secondary forest and also cultivated, furnishing a yellow wood used for canes, sword handles, and the like. The leaves are used to make wreaths or for other ornamental purposes: Murraya paniculata.

kamuritsing see muritsing.

kamusta = kumusta.

kamut n hand. v 1 [a12] do with the hand. Kamuta lang pagkáun, Just eat it with your hands. 2 [b8] be obtained, achieved. Makamtan nímu ang kalípay, You can achieve happiness. -in- v 1 [A; c1] do s.t. by hand. Magkinamut na lang kug tahì, I’ll just do my sewing by hand. Magkinamut ta, Let’s eat with our hands. 2 [A1] go about barefooted (humorous). Nagkinamut na lang siya kay gibanus ang íyang sinílas, He walked barefooted because s.o. was using his slippers. (←) = kamrut. paN-, paniN- v [A2; b6] 1 do s.t. by one’s own hand. Pangamutan (paningamutan) ni nákug trabáhu arun way mga sayup, I will do this work myself so there won’t be any errors. 2 = singkámut. n skill, ability of the hand. Ang íyang pangamut sa burda, Her skill in embroidery. maN-, maniN- v do s.t. expertly with the hands. Maáyu mangamut pandáya, A skilled carpenter. sing-, sin-(←) see singkámut.

kámut = kamlut.

kamúti n sweet potato: Ipomoea batatas.v [A2] have sexual intercourse with (humorous slang). Nakapangamúti si Isku gabíi sa íyang asáwa, Isko had sexual intercourse with his wife last night. — nga káhuy cassava: Manihot esculenta. paN- v 1 [A2; ab] dig sweet potatoes. Makapangamúti gánì kug usab hatágan ku ikaw, Next time I dig sweet potatoes, I will give you some. 2 [A23] be way behind in a contest, race, exams. Ang búgù nangamúti sa iksámin, The stupid fellow was way behind in his exams. kamutihan, kamutinhan n sweet potato patch.

kamuy = kulamuy.

kamwà n 1 the young of the katang, k.o. fresh-water crab. 2 k.o. harp shell.

kamya n k.o. ornamental ginger producing good-sized, white, fragrant flowers. The rhizomes are used medicinally: Hedychium coronarium.

kamyas = bangkiling.

kanà1 1 that (near hearer, far from speaker). Mau kanay ákung gustu, That is the one I want. -y bátà, láki expression of praise: atta boy! Kanay bátà! Síging nubinta, Atta boy! You always get ninety’s. 2 him, her (referred to previously or well-known). Sígi, bisitáhan nátù nà (nà siya), All right. Let’s visit her. 3 that, this, just mentioned or well-known. Ug pagbutar kaníya ang gikinahanglan, buhátun nátù nà, If what we have to do is vote for him, that’s what we’ll do. — nga when one does [so-and-so], when [so-and-so] happens. Sálum gud, kanà bang mulanguy sa ilálum sa túbig, Diving is, you know, when you swim under water. Arun lamì ang litsun kanang ínit pa isirbi, Serve the roast pig while it is still hot so that it will be tasty. 4 — nga ... pause word used while speaker is trying to think of what to say. Kanang, ímu úsà nga kuan, panítan, Er, you watchamacallit, you peel it first.— siya = kanà, 2. short for kanà or niánà. niánà short form: ánà. 1 gen.: of this. Háin man ang tabun niánang kahun? Where is the lid of that box? 2 dat.: to, at this. Ibutang ang siya niánang iskína, Put the chair in that corner. usa — ka [word of time] one day (week, month). Usa niánà ka buntag miabut ang bána, One morning the husband arrived. unsa may náa — what is the matter [435]with that? Unsa may náa ánà, paríha ra man nang duha, What difference does it make? They’re both the same. Sigi lang, unsa may náa ánà? Gitan-aw man lang níya, Never mind. There’s nothing wrong with it. He was just looking at it. wà ku — I have nothing to say to that. Unsa may ímung ikatubag áni? Wà ku ánà, What can you say to this? I have nothing to say to that (lit. I don’t have that). naánà = niánà. ánà short for niánà. v [A3; a12] do like that, that way. Muánà ka paglingkud, You sit that way. Nag-ánà siya paghigdà, He lay down like that. Anáun nímu pagbatil, Stir in that way. taga- n Cebuano speakers of Leyte, so called to distinguish them from the speakers of Samar-Leyte Visayan (Warays) whose language does not use kanà.

kanà2 n American lady (colloquial).

kanáas v [A2S3] make a rustling, rushing sound. Mikanáas ang mga dáhun nga gihuyup sa hángin, The leaves rustled in the wind. Nagkanaas ang túbig sa busay, The water in the waterfalls made a rushing sound. n rustling, rushing sound.

kanahan1 a eager, enthusiastic in anticipation of s.t. Ang hinayaw kanahan kaáyu muadtug bayli, The girl who is so fond of dancing is eager to get to dances. v [B126; b6] get to be very eager.

kanahan2 a 1 silly, stupid. Kanahan kaáyu ning batáa. Dì makatunung sugúun, This child is very stupid. He just can’t do things right. 2 reference to a person who causes one slight anger, given as a mild reproof. Kanahang dakù, gibílin lang ang suklì! You oaf, you forgot to get the change!

kanáhù = kanákù (dialectal). see aku.

kanáit see náit.

kanáka1 = inday-inday, 3. see inday.

kanáka2 n a native Hawaiian woman, usually thought of as being big and heavy-set. a of a kind that is tall or long and big in size. Kanáka kaáyu ug tiil nang bayhána. Makahubas ug dánaw, That girl has huge feet. They’re big enough to dry up a pool. Kanáka tingáli ning kapayása kay dagkù, These are monster papayas because they are so big.

kanákù see aku.

kanal n 1 ditch. 2 the grooves on the sides of a bowling alley. v 1 [A; b6(1)] dig a ditch. Magkanal ku sa átung balisbísan, I’ll dig a ditch around the house. 2 [B25; c16] be thrown towards the ditch, bowling grooves. Makanal (mukanal) pirmi ang búla inigdúwà níyag búling, The ball always rolls along the groove whenever he bowls. kanalkánal n small linear depression running on or along a surface. Kanalkánal sa lubut, Linear depression between the cheeks of the buttocks. Kanalkánal sa ilung, The depression running between the nose and the upper lips.

kanámù see kami.

kánap v [B; c1] spread over an area. Ang tipdas mikánap (nakánap) sa tibuuk láwas, Measles spread all over his body. Ikánap (kanápun) níya ang íyang mga ahinti dinhi sa syudad, He will spread his salesmen over the city. Ang baul gikanápan sa túbig, Water spread all over the field. kanapkanap a blurred, dim eyesight. v [B; b6] for the eyesight to become blurred. Mukanapkanap na giyud ang átung panan-aw kun magkatigulang na kita, As we grow older our eyesight becomes more and more blurred.

kanastru n a large hamper made of thin, loosely woven strips of bamboo or rattan, with no handle. It is usually used as a container for rice or corn grains, or versions with a lid are used as clothes hampers.

kánat v [B; c1] cover an area, length. Mikánat (nakánat) ang balità sa daling panahun, The news spread in a short time. Nikánat ug usa ka líbu ang gastu, The expenses reached a thousand pesos. Kanátun (ikánat) ni nátung písì arun hikit-an ang gitas-un, We should unwind this rope to see how long it is. n spread, breadth, length. Taas ang kánat sa kaláyu, The spread of the fire covered a large area. -in-, pina- a writing in longhand.

kanátù see kita.

kanáug see *náug.

kanáway1 n wind that blows from a westward direction. Kanáway sa amíhan, Northwest wind. Kanáway sa habágat, Southwest wind. v 1 [B5] for the west wind to blow. Ug mukanáway ang hángin, dílì ta mularga, If the wind blows from the west, we will not sail. 2 [AN] sail before the west wind. Nanganáway sila paglarga, They sailed before the west wind. -an n direction from which the kanáway blows.

kanáway2 n k.o. white sea bird, some 6″ long and 4″ high, found perched on driftwood or on sea corals.

kanawkánaw v [A2N] be perceived at a great distance, extend into the distance. Ang íyang tíngug mikanawkánaw sa mamingáwung kagabhíun, Her voice can be heard from way off in a distance coming through the stillness of the night. Nanganawkánaw ang kalapad sa humayan, The rice fields extended into the distance. Gamay na ang ayruplánung nanganawkánaw sa kalangítan, The airplane looked very small in the distance. [436]

kánay v 1 [A23] for a feeling to spread throughout one’s body. Ang kabugnaw sa túbig mikánay ngadtu sa ákung tinái, The coolness of the water spread through my innermost bones. 2 [A23N; b6] for a sound to reach out or come from a great distance. Ang kagabhíun gikanáyan sa uwang sa irù, The stillness of the night was broken by the howling of the dog. kanaykánay = kánay.

kanày particle expressing surprise at what s.o. did and implying that the agent should be ashamed of himself. Kanày, naunsa mag táwu, nanghaluk nákù! Hey! What has gotten into this man, kissing me like that!

kanayun (from náyun) v [A13] say s.t. in a conversation. ‘Sa átù pa,’ nagkanayun siya, ‘In other words,’ he continued ...

kanbas1 n canvass cloth.

kanbas2 = kambas.

kandádu n padlock. v [A; b] padlock s.t. Baul nga gikandadúhan, A trunk that is padlocked. rumpi — k.o. barracuda.

kandaktur n musical conductor. v [B1256] be a conductor of a musical group.

kandi = kindi.

kandidáta n female candidate, usually in beauty contests. v [B12356] be a candidate.

kandidátu n 1 political candidate. — upisiyal candidate nominated for a certain post by the Party. 2 s.o. to whom s.t. unpleasant is likely to happen. Niánang ímung ubu kandidátu ka sa mintiryu, You’re a candidate for the cemetery with that cough of yours. Kandidátu mu sa kastígu hiniral, You’re both in for a spanking. v [B12356; a2] be a candidate. Nakandidátu siya apan walà kadaug, He was a candidate but he didn’t win.Unsang pwistúha ang ímung kandidatúhan? What position will you be running for?-ra n candidacy.

kandidit n candidate for office. v [B12356; a2] be a candidate.

kandíis1 n dimples. -un a having dimpled cheeks.

kandíis2 n k.o. tree about 30′ tall producing a lot of sap and bearing small rounded edible drupes: Garcinia sp.

kandil n 1 k.o. oil lamp made of a piece of bamboo about 2–4′, to the bottom of which a clam shell to hold the oil is attached. It is usually hung near the altar in a house or s.w. else in the house and kept burning throughout the night. 2 cylindrical metal cooking pot having a flat bottom.

kandílà n candle. v [A13] use a candle. Walay kuryinti karung gabíi, magkandílà na lang ta, There will be no electric current tonight, so we’ll just use candles. paN- v [A23] be like a candle. a be standing like a candle, bare and stripped. Nangandílà ang kamaisan nga naagian sa dúlun, The corn stalks stood bare and stripped of everything after a swarm of locusts had passed over them. b become skin and bones. Nangandílà siya sa kaguul, She is all skin and bones now because of her sorrows. c be grades of one. Nangandílà ang mga grádu sa iskálar, The scholarship student got all one’s (A’s). 2 [A2; b6] sell, make candles for sale. Nangandílà si Nánay pára nga makakitag kwarta, Mother makes (or sells) candles to earn money. 3 [A2] be kept standing for a long time. Haskang nakapangandílà nákug pinaábut nímu, My! I waited and waited for you. mag-r-(→), maN-r-(→) n candle seller. -un a shaped like a candle. Kandiláun siyag tudlù, She has long, slender fingers.

kandilabra n candelabrum.

kandilarya n 1 church festival celebrated on the second of February (forty days after the Nativity) for the blessing of candles. It is in commemoration of the presentation of Christ in the Temple and the purification of the Blessed Virgin and marks the end of the Christmas season. 2 candles blessed on this day, burnt during lightning storms. paN- v [A2] 1 sing carols during candelaria (carols about the three Kings, not about the birth of Christ). 2 spend this holiday s.w.

kandílaw (made up from kandílà and sílaw) n candlelight (literary).

kandilíru n candlestick or chandelier.

kanding n goat. — nga way súngay n dog, viewed as food (slang). Nag-íhaw silag kanding nga way súngay, They are butchering a dog. -un(←) a 1 goat-like. 2 hating to take baths. v [B12] develop an aversion for bathing. -an(←) n herd of goats. v [A13] raise goats commercially. kandingkanding n lantana, a k.o. aromatic perennial herb planted as an ornamental for its flowers and also growing wild. So called because the fruit resembles goat’s dung: Lantana camara.

kandul = kundul.

kandungga n a triangular neckerchief worn around the shoulders with any native dress, originally of heavily starched cotton. v [AN; a] wear, make into a kerchief of this sort.

kandus v [A; ab2] scoop up or shovel off s.t. Mikandus siyag balas sa karumáta, He shoveled sand out of the cart. Kandúsi ra kug sabaw, Please dip me some soup. n 1 scoop, shovel, dipper. 2 hand net used for scooping fish out of the water. 2a scoopful, [437]shovelful, dipperful.

kanduwálì n k.o. long, straight sword with a V-shaped indentation at the end.

kang1 dat. marker for proper names. Ihátag kang Tasyu, Give it to Tacio. Aku ang nag-ingun kang Tátay, I was the one who told Dad. Ang kang Tiryu nga balay, The house that belongs to Terio. — kinsa to whom? Kang kinsa nang baláya? Who does that house belong to?

kang2 n four mahjong pieces of the same suit (same design and number). Having a kang wins a certain amount. — buki a kang consisting of a buki. — sa búlak (pláwir) a kang consisting of four búlak’s. sikrit — a kang which one has not laid down, but retains in his hand. úpin — a kang which has been laid on the table. v [A2; a] get a kang. Mukang ku ánang karta nga ímung gilábay, I’ll get kang with the piece you discarded.

kángà a stammered speech due to nervousness. Kángà ang tubag sa maistra nga gipangutána sa supirbaysur, The teacher gave a stammering answer to the supervisor’s question. v [B6; a12] be rattled or stuttering in speech because of nervousness. Nakángà (mikángà) ang sinultihan sa tistígus nga gipangutána, The witness stammered under interrogation. kangàkangà = kángà.

kang-a a slightly open, having come off, having a long crack. Nanglìlì ang mga bátà sa kang-a sa pultahan, The children peeped through the small opening in the door. v [B3(1); a12] come off, develop a crack, get slightly opened. Mikang-a ang kaban kay punù ug bisti, The trunk opened up a bit because it was chockful of clothes. Nagkang-a ang laminisyun sa playwud, The veneer came off the plywood.

kang-al = kang-a.

kangga n k.o. carabao-drawn sled with two large runners laid flat on the ground to which traces are attached, with or without a whippletree. látay sa — v [c6] be thrown into the bargain. Way lábut ang karír sa mutur apan átù na lang ilátay sa kangga, The carrier doesn’t come with the motorcycle, but we’ll throw it into the bargain. kanggahan = kangga.

kanggaru n kangaroo.

kanggrína n gangrene. v [B2N; a4b4] develop into gangrene. Nakanggrína (manganggrína, mikanggrína) ang samad, The wound developed into gangrene. Giputul ang wala níyang tiil kay gikangrína (gikangrináhan) man, His left foot was amputated because it was infected with gangrene.

kangkang v [B36; c1] for two or more things which are joined at the base to spread apart. Mikangkang (nangangkang) ang íyang kamut nga nidáwat sa kwarta, He spread out his palm to receive the money. Nagkangkang ang mga panid sa libru, The leaves of the book are spread open. Ayaw kangkánga (ikangkang) ang ímung tiil, Don’t sit with your legs spread apart. a spread apart.

kangkárut a having lost all of one’s gambling money; go bankrupt. v [B12; b6] lose all gambling money; go bankrupt.

*kanghu walay — not have a cent. Wà kuy kanghu diri, I don’t have a cent with me.

kangrína = kanggrína.

kángù v 1 [AB; c16] shake s.t. erect, be shaken. Kinsay nagkángù sa lamísa? Nayabu ang sabaw, Who shook the table? The soup spilled. Unsay nakakángù (nakapakángù) sa ímung ngípun? What caused your teeth to get loose? Nikángù ang bintánà paghampak sa makusug nga hángin, The window shook from the impact of the strong wind. Nagakakangù na ang úlu ni tátay, tigúlang na giyud, Dad’s head is becoming shaky. He’s growing old. 2 [B] be rattled by a question. Mikangù ku adtung gipangutána kus abugádu, I got rattled when the lawyer put a question to me. 3 [B6] for an engine to sputter just before conking out. Mikángù ang makina dáyung kamatay, The engine sputtered and then conked out.kangùkangù a rickety and shaky. Kangùkangù nga taytáyan, tigúlang, A rickety bridge, old man. v [B; b6] be rickety or rickety and old.

kanhi 1 in former times. Kanhi, sa wà pay gíra, barátu ang palalítun, Formerly, before the war, goods were cheap. Sa kanhing mga tyimpu, In olden times. 2 the one which was formerly. Si kanhi Prisidinti Garsíya, Ex-President Garcia. Asáwa níya si kanhi Dga. Maríya Ríyis, His wife is the former Miss Reyes. Ang kanhing balay lungsud, The former town hall. 3 at end of phrase: it was [so-and-so] long ago that s.t. or s.o. achieved a new status. Naminyù siya sa Amirika tulu ka búlan kanhi, He got married in the States three months ago. kanhíay = kanhi, 1. kanhiánun a the ones of former times. Ang kanhiánung mga múda, The styles of former times.

kani = kini1.

kaniadtu formerly. Kaniadtu ang pantalan didtu sa lawis, Formerly the pier was at the point. n 1 past event. Nindut handúmun ang átung mga kaniadtu, It’s nice to think back on what we used to do years ago.2 former sweetheart. Mipahíyum tu níya kay íya man tung kaniadtu, She smiled at him [438]because he was her former sweetheart. niadtu, adtu short for kaniadtu in all uses but as n. — pa long ago was the first time—i.e., [so-and-so] has been since long ago. Kaniadtu pa aku mamaistra, I’ve been a teacher since way back. Kaniadtu pa ku kabalità ánà, I’ve known about that for ages. Kaniadtu pa aku makakità sa ingun, That time was the first time I saw the like.

kaníha = ganíha.

kaníla see sila.

kanilun v [A; a1] do s.t. severely or in rapid-fire order. Kusug siya mukanilun ug súgù mu rag katsílà, He gives a lot of heavy orders like a Spaniard. Gikanilun kung Tátay ug kasábà kay nakapaburus ku, Father scolded me severely because I got a girl pregnant. Gikanilun nákug human ang mga buluhatun, I finished the work up in rapid-fire order.

kanímu see ikaw.

kanína = ganíha.

kaníngag n small to medium-sized tree of the forest, the bark of which produces cinnamon: Cinnamomum mercadoi and perhaps some other species of this genus.

kaninyu see kamu.

kánit v 1 [AC3; c16] do, be in close succession, form a close line. Mikánit ang mga duguung hitabù, Bloody events came one after another. Nagkánit lang ang mga balay sa daplin sa baybáyun, The houses are one right next to the other along the seashore. Kaníta (ikánit) pagláray ang mga silya, Put the chairs in a line close together. 2 [A] spread fast. Nagkánit ang káyu sa silinganan, The fire has spread through the neighborhood. Nagkakánit na ang mga hulungíhung, The rumors have spread. n action of spreading. a in close, uninterrupted succession.

kaníya see síya.

kaniyun1 n cannon. v [A; a2] shoot with a cannon or artillery piece. -ásu v [A; a] bomb intensively with artillery. Ang bapur sa níbi nagkanyunásu sa Nurt Byitnam, The navy ship fired a barrage on North Vietnam. n artillery bombardment.

kaniyun2 n 1 bobbin 4″ to 5″ long which holds newly spun yarn or fiber. 2 warp in a loom. 2a length of cloth being woven. v [A; a12] wind thread on spools.

kankan v 1 [A; b6] for movement of water to erode or wash s.t. away. Ang balud kusug mukankan sa yútà, Waves are rapidly washing away the beach. Nakankanan ang bakilid, The slope is all eroded. 2 [A; a] remove soil or sand from an area. Nagkankan siya sa lápuk nga naglúup sa kanal, He shoveled the mud which clogged the ditch. Átù ning kankánang dapíta arun mapátag, We’ll remove some of the soil from this place to make it level. a eroded, worn away. -in- n s.t. that has been removed by eroding action.

kanlat v [A; a] 1 tear s.t. off or out with force. Dinhay buut mukanlat sa íyang kwintas, S.o. tried to pull her necklace off. Kinsay nagkanlat sa abísu sa bulitin burd? Who ripped the notice off the bulletin board? Ang kakusug sa hángin mauy nakakanlat sa atup, The wind tore the roof off. 2 throw a basketball downwards with force. Sulud giyud ug siyay mukanlat sa búla sa gúl, It’s sure to be good if he hurls the ball into the basket.

kansa (from kang kinsa) -ng whose. Kansang sulat ni? Whose letter is this? Babáyi, kansang dagway ..., A woman, whose face ...

kansil v [A; a] 1 cross out s.t. written. Kansíla ang subrang sintins, Cancel the extra sentence. 2 cancel s.t. already set. Kinsay nagkansil sa ákung urdir? Who cancelled my order? Ímu gánì syang kansílun sa lista, If you strike her off the list. Gikansílan ang tindáhan sa lisinsiya sa ilimnun, The store lost its liquor license. -d a crossed out, cancelled. kansilkansil n k.o. game of ‘she loves me, she loves me not’ done by cancelling the letters in the two persons’ names.

kansilar = kansil.

kansiling n crime of concealing a deadly weapon. Gikíha siyag kansiling kay hisakpang naglukluk ug báraw, He was caught with a dagger in his waist and was charged with concealing a deadly weapon.

kansir n cancer. v [B26; a4b4] become a, get cancer. Makansir ang tumur ug pasagdan, A tumor may turn into cancer if you let it go. Gikansíran (gikansir) ang íyang súsu, She has cancer of the breast. -un(→), -us(→) a having cancer.

kansiyun1 v [AN; b] serenade. Gikansiyunan námù si Míla gabíi, We serenaded Mila last night. n song sung in a serenade. karáang — old tune, s.t. one cannot believe because it has been repeated too often. Wà nay mutúu ánang ímung karáang kansiyun, No one can believe that old song and dance of yours any more. -íru n the one who does the singing in a group of serenaders. v [B156; a12] be the singer.

kansiyun2, kansiyung n in mahjong, drawing of the piece needed for one to go mahjong from the flower pile (payil sa búlak). Winning in this way entitles one to extra pay. [439]

kansursilyu = karsunsilyu.

kanta n song. v 1 [A; a] sing. Káda buntag kantáhun níla ang nasudnung áwit, They sing the national anthem every morning. 2 [A; c] confess a crime, squeal on others (humorous slang). Nikanta siya sa kapulisan, He confessed to the police. Kinsay nagkanta ngadtu sa átung ámu nga miabsin ku? Who squealed to the boss that I was absent? — mísa n first high mass offering of a newly-ordained priest. v [A; b6] offer his first high mass. kantakanta a musical movie or play. v [A13] in a jolly mood, humming and singing. mísa -da n sung mass. Kantáda ang mísa karun, There will be a choir at the mass today. v [A12; c1] hold a high mass. -du s.t. sung as opposed to spoken. Púru kantádu ang mga linya áning papíla, The lines for this role are all sung.

kantalíta v [AN; b3c] mock, scorn. Sapían nga nagkantalíta sa mga kabus, A rich man who scorns the poor. Gikantalitáhan siya kay musugut kang bísan kinsa, She is scorned because she gives herself to anyone. n scorn. Kantalíta nga katáwa, Mocking laughter. makantalitáhun a scornful, derisive.

kantidad n 1 amount of money. 2 value or worth of s.t. in money or its equivalent. v 1 [B346] reach a certain amount or value. Mukantidad ning baláya ug kinsi mil písus, This house will be worth fifteen thousand pesos. 2 [c] give a certain monetary value to s.t. Pila giyuy ímung ikantidad sa itlug kung dinusinahun ku pagpalit? What price will you quote me for a dozen eggs? táwung di- a person of more than ordinary social standing.

kantil n drop-off in the ocean close to the shore. a be sharply dropping. -adu = kantil, a.

kantin n water canteen.

kantína n company store or eating place. v [a2] make into a canteen. paN- v [A2; c] go to the canteen to eat or shop.

kantíru see kantu.

kantu n corner, edge of s.t. rectangular. Isig gúnit mug kantu sa kahun, Each of you take hold of a corner of the box. Túa sila sa kantu mag-istambay, They are hanging around at the street corner. Kantu sa halígi, The edge of the post. — barína n corner brace used to bore in cramped places. — buy n punk who hangs around on the street. v [B16; b6] be a street punk. kantíru n stonemason, stone cutter.

kantur n male singer in a church. v [B16; a2] be a singer. -a n female singer in a church.

kanù n American (colloquial).

kanukay v [A; a12] disturb s.o.’s peace, disturb s.t. put in order. Way láing makakanukay sa mga híman sa laburaturyu gawas sa tiglilimpiyu, No one may disturb the laboratory equipment except the janitor. Mu rag gikanukayng hulmígas ang syudad sa paglínug, After the earthquake the city looked like an anthill that had been disturbed. Kanukayun ka sa mga maniníngil ug daghan kag útang, Your creditors will keep disturbing you if you have lots of debts.

kan-un see káun.

kanúnay a 1 always, frequently. Muy kanúnay nímung isulti, That’s what you always say. Muadtu siya kanúnay sa Buhul, He frequently goes to Bohol. 2 steadily consistent. Kanúnay ang inandaran sa makina, The engine runs steady. v [A; b5c] do s.t. always. Kanunáyag (kanunáyig) batil, Keep stirring it all the time. Ang íyang kalampúsan mauy ikanúnay níya ug sulti námù, His success is all he ever tells us about. -an(→) v [A13; b5] frequent a place, do s.t. frequently. Sukad niadtu, magkanunayan siyag bisítang Maríya, From that time on, he always visited Maria. Kanunayana (kanunayani) ug páhid ang singtánun mung nawung, Wipe your sweaty face frequently. ma-un a constant.

kanunisar v [A; b5] canonize s.o. into a saint.

kanus-a when? Kanus-a man ka muabut (miabut)? When did you arrive? Kanus-a ka man mularga? When will you leave? — lang when did [so-and-so] ever happen (when it never did)! Kanus-a lang gud ku mutíaw nímu? When did I ever joke with you?

kanúus n loud hissing sound. Sa kanúus sa suplíti dì ta magdúngug, We won’t hear each other over the roar of the blowtorch. v [A2S; ac1P] make a loud hissing noise. Mikanúus ang pitrumaks, The pressure lantern made a hissing sound.

kanyáhay 1 no wonder [such-and-such] a thing usually happens. Kanyáhay kang maníwang kay dì ka mukáun, No wonder you lose weight. You don’t eat. 2 sa — eventually, in the long run. Sa kanyáhay mamatay ra giyud siya tungud sa ínum, In the long run he will die from drinking too much.

kanyamásu, kanyamu n k.o. thin transparent cloth made of pineapple, maguey, or abaca fiber. Ang kanyamu mauy tahiun nga kimúna, Kanyamu cloth is used for the kimona.

kanyunásu see kaniyun1.

kanyútu n small tube or hollow cylinder: e.g., a cylindrical metal tube in a kerosene lamp where the wick is inserted, or an enema [440]tip. v [A; a] use, make a small cylindrical tube. Mikanyútu siyag papil nga sungsúngan sa upus, He rolled a piece of paper into a small tube to hold his cigar stub.

kap n short for kapitan, captain.

káp = kalap1, 2.

kápa1 n cape. v [A; a] put on a cape, make into a cape.

kápa2 = kápal.

kapagkapag v [A13; c1] walk fast—half running, half walking. Nagkapagkapag ang asáwa nga niápas sa íyang bána sa sugálan, The wife half-walked, half-ran to the gambling den after her husband.

kapakápa v [A2S; c1] 1 flap the wings or arms. Nikapakápa siya sa túbig kay dílì maantigung mulanguy, He flapped his arms in the water because he did not know how to swim. 2 jump up and down in happiness. Nagkapakápa ang bátà sa kalípay, The child jumped up and down in happiness. n fluttering or flapping of wings or arms. Ang kapakápa sa mga manuk mauy nakapúkaw kanákù, I was awakened by the flapping of chicken wings.

kapákut see pákut1.

kapal n k.o. dark gray, highly esteemed fish, as big as a man’s palm, about as wide as it is long.

kápal, kap-al v [B3; c1] 1 cover, coat s.t. with a thick layer. Mukápal (makápal) nang buling sa ímung líug ug dì ka manglúgud, Your neck will be caked with dirt if you do not rub it when you bathe. Nakakápal ang abug sa mga silya, The dust has formed a thick layer on the chairs. Gikapálan ug lápuk ang tapalúdu, The fender got mud caked on it. 2 for an emotion to appear all over the face. Mikápal ang kalípay sa íyang nawung, His face shone with happiness.

kapálaw n k.o. sweet potato, oblong-shaped, with white meat and reddish peelings.

kapan, kapankapan = alisiwsiw.

kapan-usan n evening star, said to be so called because it disappears and by the time it returns its food has become spoiled (napan-us).

kapar v 1 [A; a2] spend money belonging to s.o. else or on a purpose for which it was not supposed to be spent. Mukapar (mangapar) nà siyag kwartang ipiyal níya, He is apt to spend money entrusted to him. Nakapar nákù ang igbalayad sa sugà, I spent the money I was supposed to pay the electric bill with. 2 [A; a12] buy, take all of s.t. Dì mi kapalit ug kaparun sa nigusyanti, We won’t be able to buy any if the merchant takes all of it. Kaparun námù ang tanang lingkuránan, We will take all the seats.

kapasidad n 1 power one has to do s.t., power of a machine. Sa kapasidad sa pagkaprisidinti, mabúhat nákù nà, As president it is within my powers to do that. Pilay kapasidad niíning pabrikáha? How much can this factory produce? Walà sa ákung kapasidad ang pagpahulam nímug kwarta, It’s not within my powers to lend you money. Susíhun giyud ang kapasidad sa mulún, We must check the borrower’s capacity to repay. Makinang may kapasidad nga kwarintay singku kabalyus, A motor with a capacity of 45 hp. 2 amount s.t. has space to hold. Ang sinihan may kapasidad nga dus míl ka táwu, The movie house has a capacity of two thousand people. v [A2] have a certain power or capacity to hold.

kapatas n 1 foreman. 2 one who loafs on the job, esp. in hard manual work done by a group (humorous). Dì mahuman kay daghan mang kapatas, It won’t get finished because there are too many supervisors. v [B6; a2] 1 be a foreman, act as a foreman. 2 act like a supervisor and not work.

kápaw v [B3; cP] 1 come to the surface. Mikápaw ang sílik sa íhu, The shark fin appeared above the water. 1a rise up into s.t. Mikápaw ang ayruplánu sa kapunawpunáwan, The airplane went up into outer space. Usa ka maitum nga láraw nakakápaw sa íyang hunàhúnà, A diabolical plan hatched in his mind. 2 for an emotion to show. Nakápaw sa íyang nawung ang túmang kasukù, Intense anger showed on his face. n amount that s.t. shows above a surface. Ang kápaw sa submarínu, The amount of the submarine which appears above the water. saling- see salingkápaw.

kapay n 1 pectoral fins on a fish. 2 anything analogous that propels: wing, flipper. Ang mga kapay nga gigámit sa mananáwum, The flippers the diver used. Kapay sa langgam, The wings of the bird. v [A; a] 1 swim, fly with flapping motions. Tiil na lay ikapay ug kapúyun na ka, Kick your feet to help you swim if you get tired. 2 make flippers, wings for s.o. or s.t. kapaykápay v [A; c1] flap s.t. repeatedly. Nagkapaykápay ang kabaw sa íyang dunggan pag-ábug sa lángaw, The carabao flapped its ears to shoo off the flies.

kapáyas n papaya, small tree which bears a melon-like fruit. It is eaten ripe as a melon, unripe as a vegetable, esp. pickled, and the leaves are used medicinally: Carica papaya. katkat, dap-us sa — v have intercourse (humorous). — sa Amirikánu variety of large [441]and often tasteless papaya. -un a 1 tending to cry readily, like the papaya, the skin of which exudes sap at the slightest touch. Kapayásun nang batáa, That child is a cry-baby. 2 for breasts to be pendulous like papayas. Tambuk ang mga anak niánang babayhána kay kapayásun man siyag dughan, The children of that woman must be fat because she has large and pendulous breasts. v [B12] get to be a cry-baby, have pendulous breasts.

kapdrap n cough drops.

kapi1 n 1 coffee bean, plant, drink. 2 brown in color. Panaptun nga lútù kapi, A piece of dark brown cloth. v 1 [A13; b(1)] make, prepare coffee. 2 [A1; a12] make into coffee, grind into coffee. 3 [B2; a] turn brown in color. Kapihun ku ning ákung sinínà nga putì, I’ll dye my white dress brown. 3a [A1] wear s.t. brown. Magkapi ang dúnay dibusiyun sa Karmin, A devotee of the Lady of Carmel wears brown. paN- v [A2; b6(1)] drink coffee. kapihun, kapinhun a colored s.t. like coffee. -tíra n coffeepot.

*kapi2, *kápi1 sa — nga instead of doing [so-and-so]. Sa káping muhílak, mikatáwa ang bátà, Instead of crying, the child laughed.

kápi2 = kalapi1.

kapi aspirína n brand of aspirin.

kapìkapì v [A13] for an emaciated person or animal to move with unsure steps. Nagkapìkapì na intáwun ang tisísun, The T.B. patient is walking unsteadily.

kapilya n small chapel or temporary chapel built annually to honor a patron saint. v [A1; a2] construct a chapel.

kapin v [B456; b(1)] be in excess or extra. Mukapin sa gatus ang mitambung, More than a hundred people attended. Nagkapin ka na sa ímung pagpasagad, Your irresponsibility is getting too much. Kapinan ug sulti sa tabian ang íyang mga libak, The gossip always exaggerates the stories she tells behind people’s backs. Kapin sa tungà ang ganansiya, The profit was more than half. — kun kúlang more or less. Ang íyang mga apu kapin kun kúlang, singkuwinta ka buuk, He has fifty grandchildren, more or less. — nga buut ulterior motive. Ayaw laínag sabut. Way kaping buut niíning ákung ihátag, Do not misunderstand me. I have no ulterior motives in giving you this. may (way) — nga kabubut-un having strings attached. Dúna giyuy kaping kabubut-un ang paghátag, kay unyà lisud pagbalíbad, There are strings attached to that gift, because she’s going to have a hard time refusing him after she has accepted it. — pa moreover. Kapin pa, nasáyud na giyud ang bána sa íyang gibúhat didtu, Moreover, the husband also found out about everything she did there. pa- v [A; c] give an excess or extra. Ngánu bang mukapin pa man giyud siyag sulti? Why does he have to say more than what is necessary? Gipakapinan kug usa ka buuk kay mipalit kug usa ka dusína, She gave me an extra one, because I bought a whole dozen. n extra, s.t. additional given. hiN-, hiN-(→) v [B1456] be done to an excessive degree. Naghingápin ra ang íyang pag-inum, He drinks too much. -an(→) 1 having anomalous growth s.w. in the body. 2 the donkey’s ears abalone, or any oval-shaped abalone, so called because there is more flesh in proportion to the shell-size than other types of bivalves. -an = -an(→), 2. tag-(→) each more than. Tagkápin sa gatus ámung báhin, We get more than a hundred as our share.

káping n capping ceremonies for nurses. v [A1; b(1)] hold capping ceremonies.

káping sú n coping saw.

kápir n copper.

kapisnun n old variety of white, fine-grained rice.

kapistuwa n k.o. medium-sized forest tree producing a hard wood, used as lumber.

kápit n influence or special connections for getting s.t. Dì ka madáwat ug wà kay kápit sa byúru, You won’t be successful if you don’t have influence in the bureau. v [A12; b6] manage to have s.o. influential to whom one can turn. Makakápit ta kang Sidru ug mapílì siyang diputádu, We can have s.o. to pull strings for us if Sidro is elected congressman.

kapital n 1 capital letter. 2 capital city. 3 capital, resources. 3a quality that is an asset to success. Kapital na nímu nang ímung pangútuk, Your brains are an asset to you. v 1 [A; c1] write in capital letters. Kapitala (ikapital) pagsuwat ang mga ngálan sa táwu, Write the names of persons in capital letters. 2 [B126; a12] make into a capital city. 3 [A; c] put up capital. Niuprisir siya nga mauy mukapital sa manukan, He offered to put up the capital for a poultry business. 4 [c6] use as a source of profit or benefit. Ang kaálam ug katakus mauy maáyung ikapital sa panginabúhì, Knowledge and skill are assets in our struggle for existence. -ista n capitalist. v [B156] be a capitalist or financier.

kapitan n 1 boat captain. 2 army captain. — sa baryu n barrio captain, the titular head of the village. — birínu n the one who treats [442]when a group eats and drinks. v [A1] treat a company. Kinsa may mukapitan birínu sa átung nangakáun? Whose treat is this dinner?

kapitíra see kapi1.

kapitiríya, kapitirya n cafeteria, usually serving snacks, not heavy meals. v [A; c1] make, have a cafeteria. paN- v [A2; b6] go to a cafeteria.

kapitul n provincial government building housing the provincial government administrative offices.

kapitulu n chapter of a book, Bible.

kapitulyu = kapitul.

kapkap1 v 1 [A; b6] grow clinging onto s.t. Bágun nga nagkapkap sa paril, A vine climbing on the wall. Dakù na ang dákit sa káhuy nga íyang gikapkápan, The strangling fig is larger than the tree it has grown around. 2 [A3N] grope for s.t. Nagkapkap (nagpangapkap) na lang kung naglakaw sa ngitngit, I had to grope my way in the dark. 3 [A; b(1)] search a body for s.t. Gikapkápan sa gwardiya ang buut musulud, The guard searched those who wanted to get inside. 4 [A2N] struggle to obtain s.t. Mukapkap (mangapkap) giyud ang táwu arun mabúhì, A man has to struggle to live. 5 [AN; a2b2] sneak into a house with the intention of having intercourse with a girl. paN- v [A] 1 grope. 1a grope for s.t. to say. Ang táwung namakak mangapkap sa unsay itubag, A person who lies gropes for what to say.

kapkap2 = kalapkap.

kapkáp n k.o. trigger fish, bigger than the pugut, and black in color.

kaplag (from pálag) v [A12; ab2] find s.t., come across s.t. Adtu níya sa Mindanaw kaplága ang íyang kapaláran, He will seek his fortune in Mindanao. Nakaplagan na ang tambal sa tísis, The cure for TB has already been discovered. Hikaplagan na ang taguánan sa tulisan, They found the hiding place of the robbers. Bag-ung kaplag sa maputing tábil, New movie discovery.

kapling n 1 cuff links. 2 coupling, mechanical device for joining things. v 1 [A; b6] wear, make into cuff links. 2 [A; b] join s.t. with coupling. di- having cuff links.

kapri = agtà, n 1.

kapritsu n caprice. Kapritsu tung ámung pagminyù, We got married on a whim. v [A; c1] make whimsical demands. Nagkapritsu ang asáwa níyang burus, His pregnant wife is making capricious demands. -sa = -su (female). -su a capricious.

kápul v [A; b6] form a thick layer that sticks. Mukápul ang tayà sa sulab, Rust will form a thick layer on the blade. Gikapúlan ug kayankan ang hunsuy, The pipe had a thick layer of tar in it. n encrustation, coating. Ang kápul sa buling sa íyang líug, The layer of caked-up dirt on his neck.

kapulíhay see púli.

kapulut (not without l) n bird trap made of a sticky sap extracted from a tree and placed on a stick tied to a branch. Any bird that alights on the stick will adhere. v [A; a] catch s.t. with this trap.

kapun v 1 [A; b5] castrate or spay domestic animals. Kapni (kapna) ang iring arun dì mahígal, Castrate the cat so it won’t get over-sexed. 2 [b2] take s.t. away from s.t., take a little bit out of s.t. Gikapnan ang kík, The cake has had s.t. removed. Nakúlang ang ákung suklì kay gikapnan níya, I didn’t get enough change because she held some of it back. 3 [A; b] cut off a portion from a plant to make growth take place in a desirable part. Kapni ang tabákù arun managkù ang dáhun, Cut off the terminal buds of the tobacco plant to make the leaves grow large. kinapnan n castrated.

kápung n woman prostitute (colloquial).v [B126; a2] be a prostitute. paN- v [A2; c] patronize a prostitute, engage in prostitution. -an(→) n red-light district.

kapunsa n a k.o. fine-grained, white rice with a savory, permeating smell.

kapupungtan see púngut.

kapus1 v [B; ab] for s.t. which cannot be replaced to be practically running out. Nagkapus ang ámung bugas, ug dúgay pa ang swildu, Our rice is practically gone, and we won’t be paid for a long time. Nagkakapus na ang panahun nga gilugway kanákù, My time has practically run out.

kapus2 = kap-us.

kap-us v [A; a1] 1 finish eating. Bag-u pa giyud kaming nakakap-us sa ámung panihápun, We have just finished our supper.2 finish s.t. else. Mahingpit giyud ang átung pagpahúlay kun makap-us na ang átung kinabúhì, We can have eternal rest when our life is over. a be done eating. ‘Mangáun ta.’—‘Salámat na lang. Kap-us na ku,’ ‘Would you like to eat?’—‘No, thanks. I’m done eating.’

kaput = kubut.

káput1 = kuláput.

káput2 = kápit.

kapúti n 1 raincoat. 2 condom (humorous). v 1 [A; a] wear, make into a raincoat.2 [A; b6] use a condom.

kápuy a 1 tired, weary, exhausted through exertion. 2 s.t. that is too much trouble, [443]one who is too lazy to do. Dì ku musimba kay kápuy, I won’t go to church because I’m too lazy. — na it is too much to believe, it’s tiring to hear this repeated thing. Kápuy na ug tinuúrun nímu kug prí sa sini, I’m sick of hearing you say it. I doubt if you would really treat me to a movie. v1 [A123P; a4b4] be tired. Pahúway ta kay gikápuy (gikapuy, gikapúyan) ku, Let’s take a rest. I’m already tired. 2 [b4] be too lazy to do s.t., find s.t. too much trouble to do. Kapúyan ku mutambung ug parti, I find it tedious to attend parties. Kapúyan ku malígù inigmata, I am too lazy to take a bath when I wake up. 3 [a4b4] be bored with s.t. oft repeated. Gikapúyan (gikápuy) kug pamínaw sa íyang mga panghambug, I have grown tired of his bragging. Gikapúyan (gikápuy) na kug kináun ug bulad, I am tired of eating dried fish. paN- v [A23; a4b4] be affected with a sore, tired feeling in the bones, of the sort one feels when ill. May hilánat ku maung nangápuy ákung láwas, I have a fever so my bones are all weary.n feeling of weariness. ka- n exhaustion, weariness.

kapyaspirína = kapi aspirína.

kapyut 1 = kulapyut. 2 = kápit.

kára n a gambling game just like hantak but using two coins. dubli — see dubli. kára krus = kára. laba- n washcloth. v [A2C3; ac3] play kára.

kárà v 1 [A; c1] speak rapidly with excitement. Mikárà siyag sugílun sa nahitabù níla pagbagyu, She described their experiences in the typhoon with great excitement. Hilum, nagkárà lang nang bàbà mu, Keep quiet, you blabber-mouth. 2 [A23] rush, go excitedly and hurriedly. Mikárà siya sa bangku pagkadawat sa tsíki, She excitedly rushed to the bank when she received the check.

karáan see dáan.

karab, kárab v [A; b6] for monkeys to chatter. Nagkarab ang ungguy mu rag dinhay gikahadlúkan, The monkey was chattering as though there was s.t. it was scared of.n monkey chatter.

karabalyas = karbalyas.

karabansus n k.o. bean with long pods having four, longitudinal, angular lobes, which are eaten: Psophocarpus tetragonolobus.

karabaw1 = kalabaw.

karabaw2 expression of slight annoyance. Karabaw. Sakit sa ákung tiil, Damn! That hurt! Karabaw. Kadúgay adtung ákung gisúgù, Damn! What could be taking him so long?

karábu = klábu.

karadutsi = kalatsutsi.

karadyaw = kaáyu (dialectal). see áyu.

kárag v 1 [A2; a] wander about. Imbis ka magkárag, maáyu pang magtuun ka, Instead of wandering about, you’d do better to study. Unsa pay inyung karágun, gabíi nang dakù? What do you all want to go out for when it’s already night? 2 [A2] do in a hurry, right away. Mikárag siyag trabáhu pag-abut sa íyang agálun, She rushed back to her work when her mistress arrived. (→), -an(→) a 1 restless, given to wandering. Karagan (karag) siya. Dílì magpuyù sa balay, He is restless. He does not stay at home. 2 for women to go out or deport themselves uninhibitedly (with lots of motion, gestures) in a way deemed unsuitable for women. Karagan (karag) nímu à! Ayawg yapayapa ug musulti ka, How immodest you are! Don’t throw your arms around when you talk. 2a for a top to jump about instead of spinning steadily. Karag (karagan) kaáyu nang ímung kasing, Your top moves about as it spins. 3 — sa mga babáyi tending to go after women. v [B; b6] 1 get to be restless, wandering, uninhibited. 2 for a top to jump instead of spin steadily.

karahay1 v [AN; b] do s.t. by borrowing s.t. which s.o. else owns. Nakapanahì ku kay nakakarahay (nakapangarahay) man ku sa íyang makina, I managed to sew some things because I got to use her sewing machine. pa- v [AN; ab] lend s.t. for s.o. to use while the owner is not using it. Pakarahaya ra ku sa ímung makinilya, May I use your typewriter while you’re not using it? Dì níla pakarahayan ang ílang utaw, They don’t lend their iron.

karahay2 n cast-iron skillet with a round bottom, 2–4″ smaller in diameter than the kaláhà with proportionate depth.

karahay3 v [A2; b4] leave a place in a hurry. Unsa may naingnan átu? Mikarahay man tu pag-abut nákù? What’s the matter with her? She left as soon as I arrived. Amù ang tanang líhuk run kay gikarahayan mi sa mga míd, We do all the work now because our household help walked out on us suddenly.

karáhu1 n half-humorous reference to a big, clumsy, slow-witted person, often said in anger, but not necessarily so. Natumban ákung tiil sa karáhu, The lout stepped on my feet. Putì, dílì itum, karahúa ka, I said white, not black, you oaf.

karáhu2 n lizard fish: Trachinocephalus sp. and Saurida sp. [444]

karáhu3 n penis (slang).

karakara v [A; b(1)] hurry s.o. or oneself up. Káda human sa ámung trabáhu mukarakara dáyun kug paúlì, As soon as work is over, I hurry home. Dì ka angayan mukarakára níyag súgù, It’s not right for you to give her orders and tell her to hurry it up. karakarahun a fond of hurrying others.

karaktir1 n character in fiction.

karaktir2 n one of the nine mahjong pieces that have Chinese characters as their design. v 1 [B126] for the piece as drawn to turn out to be a ‘character’. 2 [A12; b8] get a ‘character’ mahjong piece.

karakul n general name for volute shells or other univalves similar in shape.

káral v 1 [A2S3] rattle, give a clattering sound. Mikáral ang baldi ngadtu sa kanal, The pail fell into the ditch with a clattering noise. 2 [c1] do s.t. in a rattling, noisy way. Ayaw ikáral (karála) paggúyud ang silya, Do not drag the chair so noisily. n clattering sound.

karamba reference to s.o. made in mild anger, but not implying anything about the person to whom the reference is made. Karamba ning bat-ána. Nangáyù na pug túbig, Darn this child! He asked for another glass of water.

karambúla n 1 free-for-all cockfight in which three or more cocks take part. 2 free-for-all among people. 3 way of playing billiards such that the cue ball must hit both balls to score. 3a score thus made. v 1 [AC; c1] hold a free-for-all cockfight. 2 [C; a2b3] have a free-for-all fight. Sa iláwum sa íyang dughan ingun sa adúnay daghang butang nga nagkarambúla, It was as if there were numerous matters fighting it out with each other deep in his breast.Husáyun ta lang ni. Ngánu bang karambuláhun pa man giyud? Let’s settle this case amicably. Why do we have to fight it out? 3 [AC; b] play carom billiards.

karamílu n white sugar that has been melted and allowed to harden, cut into rectangular pieces. It is used for beverages or flavoring. v [A1; a2] make rock sugar, put rock sugar into s.t.

karampag n k.o. sweet potato with slightly lobed and almost rounded roots (some irregularly shaped) white-skinned, with very light yellow, mealy meat, not sweet.

karamúsing n noisy fight, such as that between cats and dogs. v [C23; b3] have a noisy fight.

karamutsing = kamuritsing. see muritsing.

kárang n 1 stilts or similar contrivance to walk on, used for walking through water or for amusement. 2 = andadur. a tall and lanky. v [A; a] 1 walk on stilts, make into stilts. 2 = andadur.

karansa, karansay v 1 [A] be active and moving about a good deal. Nagkaransa ang duha ka buksidur nga nagpagayun, The two boxers danced about waiting for a chance. Nagkaransa na sad ang byúda, The widow is back in action again. 2 [C] have a noisy quarrel, ruckus. Nagkakaransa na sad ang magtiáyung palaaway, The quarrelsome couple is at it again. n action of moving about a lot, quarreling. Karansa sa istukáda, Dancing about in fencing.

karapáta n 1 k.o. fast multiplying, blood-sucking mite that burrows under the skin in the pubic hair causing intense itching. It is commonly spread by prostitutes. 2 k.o. tick. v [a4] be infested with this k.o. mite or tick.

karapatdápat humorous euphemism for karapáta.

karapitsi n sugarcane crushing apparatus composed of two steel rollers stood vertically on a platform, turned by a long piece of timber which is pulled by a carabao. The carabao is made to walk round and round to turn the rollers while the sugarcane stalks are fed into them one or two at a time, and the juice is squeezed out into a vat. v [A; a12] crush and squeeze juice out of sugarcane stalks with the karapitsi. karapitsihun ug bàbà having a mouth like a karapitsi—i.e., a voracious eater.

karapkarap v [A13] grope blindly for s.t. to hold on to. Nagkarapkarap ming misúbay sa pasilyu kay napáwung ang sugà, We groped our way along the corridors because the lights went out.

karas v [A; a] 1 rake out s.t. growing, harrow. Karasa ang mga sagbut, Remove the weeds by raking. Karasi ang humayan human madáru, Harrow the paddy after you plow it. 2 scratch lightly. Nakaras ang íyang buktun sa tunuk, His arm got scratched by the thorns. 3 scratch out, cross off. Karasun ku ang ngálan mu sa lista, I’ll cross your name off the list. n 1 rake, harrow. 2 light scratch. 3 marks made to cross s.t. off.

káras1 a 1 for citrus to be acrid and biting. 2 for the throat to be raspy, dry, and sore. v 1 [B46; b6] for citrus fruit to be biting in taste due to acidity. 2 [B3N; a2b4] for the throat to be raspy, dry, and sore. Nagkáras ang ákung tutunlan pagkináun sa buúngun nga káras ug lamì, I felt a stinging sensation [445]in my throat after eating too much of the acrid pomelo.

káras2 v [B6] do s.t. suddenly in a hurry. Mikáras siyag saka sa táas pag-abut sa mga bisíta kay nagkarsunsilyu lang, He suddenly rushed upstairs when the visitors arrived because he was in his underwear.

karaskaras v [AP] behave roughly and ill-mannered, as when drunk. Dì ta makakaraskaras sa parti kay purmal man, You can’t let your hair down in the party, for it is a formal affair.

karat v [B; c1] for a top to keep jumping about instead of spinning steadily. Mukarat (makarat) ang ímung kasing ug dì matàrung ang lansang, Your top will jump about if the nail is not in straight.

kárat1 a 1 giving off a grating sound like the sound given off by a sharp-pointed metal instrument rubbed on a surface. 2 = árat1. v [B; c1P] give off a scraping or grating sound. Nakárat (mikárat) na ang tíngug sa radiyupúnu kay hilis na ang dágum, The victrola gives off a raspy sound because the needle is worn down. Makakárat (makapakárat) sa pawuntin pin kung iduut ni pagsuwat, Pressing down hard on the fountain pen causes it to give off a rough, grating sound.

karáti n karate. v 1 [A23] practice, do the art of karate. Ayaw siyag hagíta kay kamau nang mukaráti, Don’t challenge him because he is skilled in karate. 2 [A; ab2] deliver a karate chop with the side of the palm. Buak ning halublak ug ákung karatíhun, This cement block will break in two if I hit it with a karate chop. karatihay v [C2] engage in karate blows against each other. -sta, -syan n one versed in karate. v [B126; a12] become an expert in karate.

karatil1 v [A; b3c] move away from s.w. fast and suddenly. Pagsirbátu sa pulis nikaratil ug panágan ang mga nanaghantak, When the cop blew his whistle the gamblers immediately took to their heels.

karatil2 n large reel to which strands of hemp fiber twisted into rope are wound, used in rope manufacture. v [AN; a] reel twisted hemp strands on a frame in the process of making rope.

karatsutsi = kalatsutsi.

karatsutsu v [A; a] pile or roll chips or coins into groups of the same denomination. n pile or roll of chips or coins of the same denomination.

karatula n signboard, small hanging sign. v [A13; a] put up a signboard.

karátung = kalátung.

káraw1 v 1 [A; a1] stir or shuffle s.t. around to mix it. Gikáraw nákù ang mga pitsas sa madyung, I shuffled the mahjong pieces. Karáwa ang armirul arun dílì magbitulbitul, Mix the starch so it won’t get lumpy. 2 [B; c1] shake back and forth. Mukáraw ang mga dáhun sa balíli inighuyup sa hángin, The blades of grass will stir when the wind blows. Nagkaraw ang síga sa kandílà, The candle flame is flickering. Karáwa (ikáraw) ang langkay arun manglúpad ang mga máya, Shake the dry coconut fronds to scare away the rice birds. 3 [AN; a12] touch or take things belonging to s.o. Kinsa na puy nangáraw sa ákung midiyas? Who could have used my socks? Walay makapangáraw sa butang sa upisína, Nobody can touch things in the office. -an(→) a tending to touch or take s.o.’s things. karawkaraw v [A; a12] 1 move around continuously. 2 busy oneself in household chores. Bísi ku kay daghan kug karawkarawun sa balay, I’m busy because I have lots of things to do in the house.

káraw2 v 1 [B46] make a clattering noise. 2 [AC; b6(1)] play mahjong (so called from the noise made by the pieces). n noise made by movements of things that fall or are knocked.

karáwi n k.o. upland rice.

karaygan n the right side of cloth, the side which shows the design, as opposed to the obverse side which does not. v [c1] have clothing such that the right side shows. Karaygana (ikaraygan) ang lugum nga kulur sa panaptun, Sew the cloth with the darker color on the outside.

karbalyas n k.o. crevally: Caranx sp.

karbansus = karabansus.

karbáyin, karbin n carbine rifle.

karbun1 n 1 coal. 2 carbon paper used in duplicating written or typed work. v [b] use carbon paper. Karbúni ang sulat, Make a carbon of that letter. — kápi n 1 carbon copy. 2 exact replica; children that look just like their relatives. Ang ímung anak karbun kápi giyud nímu, Your son looks exactly like you. v [A; c1] make a carbon copy of s.t.†

karbun2, karbǔn n largest public market in Cebu City. paN- v [A2; c6] go shopping at the Carbon market. Mangarbun mi ug mabirnis kay tábù, We go shopping at Carbon on Fridays because that’s the market day. — kálids humorous appellation for the public market in Cebu, so called because most of the public transportation routes to the market also pass the schools, and where other passengers are heading for this and that college, [446]the maids are heading for Carbon.

karbunátu = bikarbunátu.

karburadur n carburetor.

karbúru n calcium carbide. v [b1] treat a fruit with calcium carbide to make it ripen faster. kinarburúhan n fruit that has been treated with calcium carbide.

kard n 1 student’s report card. 2 in set phrases: balintayins, birtdi, krismas, pus — Valentine’s, birthday, Christmas, post card. v [A; a] list s.t. on a card.

kardába n variety of banana, 6–8″ in length, square in shape, and yellow when ripe. Usually cooked, though edible raw.

kardinal n cardinal in the church. v [B126; a12] be, become a cardinal.

kardíru = kaldíru.

karga v [A; c] 1 load, put in or on a conveyance. Suhúli ang nagkarga sa bukag sa trák, Pay the man who loaded the basket on the truck. Ikarga ring ságing sa balsa, Load these bananas on the sled. 1a [A] take a load. Mukarga ug tris tuniládas ning tráka, This truck can take a load of three tons. 2 charge a firearm or battery. Gikargáhan nákù ang ripli, I loaded the rifle. Gikargáhan na ba ang ákung batiríya? Has my storage battery been charged? 2a [A] hold a certain charge. Dì na mukarga ning batiriyáha, This battery cannot be charged any further. 3 [A; c1] carry s.o. in one’s arms. Akuy mukarga sa bátà kay nagkagúkam ka sa mga dad-unun, I’ll carry the baby for you. You’ve got enough to carry. 4 [A1; c] include figures in another figure. Kinsay nagkarga sa sumáda karun sa lista sa miáging búlan? Who included today’s totals in last month’s list? Ikarga ni sa útang nákù, Add this to what I owe you. 5 [A13; b6] charge s.o. for s.t. falsely. Gikargáhan siyag útang, He was falsely charged a debt. 5a charge interest on. Ang ákung útang gikargáhan ug diyis pursiyintu, I was charged ten percent interest on my debt. n 1 load. hustu sa — well prepared. Antis mularga, hustu sa karga, Before venturing into s.t., everything should be prepared in advance. trák di- cargo truck. 2 — búru, búrut k.o. card game, similar to idiot’s delight. Each player gets five cards. The dealer pulls a card from the pack and puts it down face up. Each player follows suit. Whoever cannot follow suit must draw from the pack until he can. The one who puts down the highest card leads. The object is to rid oneself of his cards. v [A; c] play carga burro. — siráda a full, filled to capacity. Wà mi makasakay kay pulus karga siráda ang mga trák, We did not manage to get a ride because the buses were filled to capacity. Karga siráda ang ákung tiyan adtung kaúna, My stomach was filled to bursting after that dinner. v [B12; c1] become full. paN- v [A2; b6] work as a laborer loading goods. -da n 1 action of loading cargo on a boat. Ug way kargáda, wà say trabáhu ang mga kargadur sa piyir, If there is no loading to do, the stevedores are idle. 2 supplies or materials issued to an army, workers, and the like. v [A; c] 1 supply with materials or provisions. Kargadáhan mug dúgang bála, You will be supplied with additional bullets. 2 give supplies to. Ang SWA mikargáda (nagkargáda) ug panaptun sa nasunúgan, The SWA supplied the fire victims with materials for clothing. -du a 1 loaded, full. Dì na pasakyan ang trák. Kargádu na, The truck will take no more passengers. It’s full. 2 drunk. Ayaw na siyag paimna kay kargádu na, Don’t give him any more to drink because he’s already loaded. 3 full of, having lots of. Kargádu ug búnga ang nangkà, The jackfruit is full of fruits. 3a most of. Kargádu sa mga istudiyanti karun way batásan, Most of the students nowadays are ill-mannered. 3b be present in large quantities. Kargádug Insik sa Hungkung, Hong Kong is full of Chinese. Kargádu mga way kwarta ang nagpuyù dinhi, A lot of the people that live here don’t have money. Kargádug asin ang ímung timpla, You use a heck of a lot of salt in your cooking. v [B1; c1] 1 get to be loaded. 2 get drunk. -dur(→) n one who loads things onto a conveyance. v [B156; a12] become a loader, stevedore. -mintu n cargo, baggage.

karganti a making a pest or nuisance of oneself. v [b6] consider a pest. Gikargantíhan ku ánang batáa, sígig pangáyug singku bísag gibalibáran na, I find that child a pest because he keeps asking for a nickel even though I already told him no.

kargu n financial responsibility. Ímung kargu ang pagpaiskuyla sa ímung anak, It is your responsibility to send your child to school. Kargu sa suluguun ang mga plátung íyang nabuak, The servant is held responsible for any plate he breaks. v 1 [A; a1] take financial responsibility. 2 [A; c6] hold s.o. responsible.

*kari1 — dipáta n dish of beef joints and feet with banana bud and eggplants cooked into a thick soup with rice and peanuts added. karikari n a dish of beef joints and feet cooked with Chinese spices. v [A; a2] have one of these two dishes.

kari2 1 = kiri. 2 = ari (dialectal). [447]

kári n curry powder. v [A; a12] cook with curry. karihan n curry powder container.

karidad n charity. íhas di — Daughters of Charity, a religious order.

karikatúra n drawn caricature. v [A; b5c1] portray in caricature.

karikit = kurikit.

karína n k.o. skirt with no tail which gathers around the hips and with projecting ends used for tying around the shoulders, usually of home-woven cloth. It is worn around the house. v [AN; b6c1] wear the karína, make into a karína.

karindiríya n a small eatery where ready-to-eat foods are displayed. v [A13; a2] engage in a carenderia business. paN- v [A13; b] go to a carenderia to order food.

karingking v [A23] for women to conduct themselves so as to attract admirers. Kanúnay na siyang magmik-ap run, mikaringking na tingáli, She always makes her face up nowadays. She must be trying to attract admirers. n paramour, mistress (humorous).

karinyu n showing of affection by words or action. v [AC; b] express affection physically or with words. Ang hustis mikarinyu sa íyang kustumir, The nightclub hostess caressed her customer. Karinyúhun únà ang pagdúlug úsà magkúan, We engage in tender exchange of affections before we do it. Karinyúhan gánì siya sa íyang anak, mawā̀ dáyun ang kasukù, As soon as his little girl kisses him, his anger vanishes. -sa1 a 1 showing affection. Dì ku kabalíbad sa karinyúsa nákung anak, I cannot refuse my daughter because she is so affectionate. 2 being charming in action and speech. Ang mga Ilungga karinyúsag tíngug bísag masukù, The Ilongo women talk sweetly, even when they are angry. v [B12; c1] 1 become affectionate. 2 become charming and pleasant. Ang íyang sanag nga pagtan-aw sa kinabúhì mauy nakakarinyúsa níya, Her bright attitude on life allows her to be sweet and charming. -su = karinyúsa (male).

karinyúsa2 n 1 folk dance in 3/4 time. 2 song which accompanies this dance. v [A2C2; b6] dance the cariñosa.

karír = kírir.

karíra1 n 1 horse race. 2 = anilyu, n1, v. v [A13; b6c1] have or run a horse race. karirahan n 1 race track for horse racing. 2 racehorse.

karíra2 n career.

karista (from káru) n one who works in a sawmill placing the logs to be sawed on the carriage that conveys them to the revolving blade. v [B156] become a loader.

karíta1 n 1 spool for thread. 2 spoolful.

karíta2 n Carreta, name of an area near Cebu City, where there is a leprosarium.

karíti n 1 spool. 2 spoolful. v [A; c1] wind s.t. on a spool. karitihan n bobbin on a sewing machine or on which thread is wound.

karitil = karatil1.

karitíla n 1 calesa, k.o. horse-drawn cab, holding two passengers facing frontwards. 2 = karitilya. v [A1] 1 ride such a carriage. 2 = karitilya.

karitilya n wheelbarrow or small three-wheeled cart for transporting light items. v [A; c1] load or transport s.t. in a wheelbarrow.

karitíra, karitíras n main road or public highway running outside of a town. v [A13; a2] make, make into a highway. paN- v [A2] go along the main road. — prubinsiyal main or arterial road or highway.

karítis = karíti.

karitun n 1 device consisting of a pole and a wheel or two wheels, from which a load is suspended. 2 drifter, one who always goes about anywhere like the karitun. v [A; c1] transport s.t. with a karitun.

karkulu, karkúlu v [A; a12] reckon, calculate. Karkulúha ug pilay átung magastu sa piknik, Estimate how much we will spend for the picnic. n 1 reckoning, calculation. 2 viewpoint, way one regards a situation. Sa ákung karkúlu mu rag dílì háyan ang gíra, As I see it, there’s no likelihood of war.

karlang1 = bisul.

karlang2 n liar, boaster (euphemism).

karmas = kamras.

karmilítus n candy.

karmílu = karamílu.

karmin n 1 the Virgin of Mount Carmel. 2 badge worn by Carmelite nuns and devotees. 3 habit worn by devotees of the Virgin of Carmel. v [A; b] wear this habit. paN- v [A2] make oneself up pretty, smell nice (like the Virgin of Carmel). Nangarmin siya kay mamasíyu, She’s making herself up nice because she is going for a walk. lubag ang paN- what happened is the result of [agent]’s own stupidity (lit. your dressing up has turned sour). Lubag na ang ímung pangarmin. Ayaw na pagkatkat ug usab, You brought it on yourself. Next time do not climb. v [A; b4] for s.t. to happen to one as a result of his foolishness. Naglubag na ang ímung pangarmin, What’s happened is your own doing.

karminatíbu n carminative, a k.o. liquid medicine for expelling gas from the stomach.

karnába = kardába. [448]

karnabal1 n carnival or fair. v [A1; b6] hold a carnival or fair. paN- v [A2] go to a fair or carnival. -an(→) fair grounds.

karnabal2 n in playing mahjong with a deal of sixteen pieces, the situation where a player has eight pairs. He is then in a position to get seven pairs of two (syíti páris) and one three of a kind on his next draw, which gets him mahjong.

karni n 1 meat, flesh of animals (not fowl) used as food. 2 a woman viewed as having a nice body. Kanay karni! Maáyung kusìkusíun, What a woman! It would be fun to pinch her all over. v 1 [A; a12] have meat for meals. Talagsa na lang kitang makakarni panahun sa kwarisma, We rarely eat meat during Lent. Karung mga panahúna makarni na ang irù, Nowadays dog meat can be used as food. 2 [A; a] use s.t. for meat. Ang usa ka bábuy átung aslun, ang usa karníhun, One pig will be roasted, the other will be cut into pieces for meat. — asádu roast meat. — nurti n corned beef. v 1 [A13] have corned beef. 2 [A3; a12] make into corned beef. — púra lean meat. karnihan n meat section in the market. -síra, -síru n meat dealer.

karníru n sheep. -in- a a way of weaving, usually of a blanket or a towel, that comes out thick and curled like a sheep’s pelt.

karpintíru n carpenter. v [B156; a12] be, become a carpenter.

karpit n carpet. rid — n 1 red carpet, royal welcome. 2 seats placed just outside a ring where live shows, boxing, or wrestling matches, or exhibitions are held.

karsáda n street, highway. v [A; a2] build a road. Ang mga baryuhánun mismu mauy nagkarsáda niíni, The village people themselves built this road. Karsadáhun ning dapíta, This place will be made into a road. paN- v [A2] go along the street or highway.

karsil n prison house. v [AP; c1] put s.o. in prison. Karsílun (ikarsil) nang táwung walay salà? Imprison an innocent man?

karsitin = kalsitin.

karsu = kalsu.

karsúnis n 1 trousers. 2 = nag-, 1a. v 1 [A; a] wear, make into trousers. Mukarsúnis ka bag dáan? Would you wear old trousers? Bísag mga babáyi run magkarsúnis na, Even the women wear trousers these days. Ang babáyi dílì pa makakarsúnis sa simbahan, Women still cannot wear trousers to church. Karsunísun ku kining panaptúna, I will make this cloth into trousers. Karsunísi ang bátà, Put the child’s pants on him. Ikarsúnis ning bag-u. Tan-áwun ta, Put on these new trousers. Let’s look at them. 1a nag- men, viewed as potential partners for women. Unsay ákù? Dílì ra ikay nagkarsúnis (karsúnis), What do I care? You’re not the only man in the world. 2 [A12; b8] get pants. Nakakarsúnis ku pagbisíta nákù sa ákung uyuan, I got me a pair of pants free when I visited my uncle. Lúgus ku makakarsúnis niíning ímung iswildu nákù, I can hardly afford to buy pants with what you pay me. Pagbisíta sa ákung bayaw hikarsunisan kug mahalun, When my brother-in-law came for a visit, it cost me an expensive pair of pants. paN- v [A2] put one’s pants on. Nangarsúnis pa ku pag-abut sa bána, The husband arrived while I was putting my pants on. Midágan siyang wà ngánì makapangarsúnis, He ran off without even getting a chance to get his pants on. -un(→) n cloth to be made into pants. Bayinti ang karsunisun niíning panaptúna, This cloth costs twenty pesos per cut (enough to make a pair of pants). -in- n made like a pair of pants. Paldang kinarsúnis, A skirt made like a pair of pants. -in-an n way one wears one’s pants. Yasyas ug kinarsunisan nang tawhána, That man wears his pants crookedly.

karsunsilya = karsunsilyu, n1.

karsunsilyu n 1 panties. 2 man’s undershorts or boxer-style trunks. v [A; a] wear, make panties, underpants or boxer trunks.

karta1 n letter sent by a prospective groom’s parents to the parents of the prospective bride announcing that they will come to the house to ask for the girl’s hand formally (pamaláyi). v [A; b6] send such letter.

karta2 n 1 cards or mahjong pieces. 2 hand in cards or mahjong. Sa íyang karta dihay duha ka alas, He got two aces in his hand.†

kartabun v [AN; a1] strike from an upraised position with the hand or s.t. held by the hand. Mukartabun ning batáa sa íyang gulunggulung ug sungúgun, This child will strike you hard with his rattle if you tease him. Way sakit ang unlan nga ikartabun sa ū́, A pillow does not hurt if you strike the head with it.

kartil n placard, poster, notice for display in a public place.

kartilya1 n 1 system of teaching reading where the student starts by learning the alphabet, then the combination of two or three letters to form syllables, and finally the blending of the syllables to form words. 2 primer reader teaching this method.

kartilya2 = karitilya.

kartíra1 n 1 wallet. 2 lady’s bag. 3 small briefcase or suitcase.

kartíra2 = karitíra. [449]

kartíru n mail carrier, postman. v [B156; a2] be, become a postman.

kartíyu v 1 [AN; a] be able to work out a problem, think one’s way out of a tight spot. Wà siya makurnir kay maáyung mangartíyu, They couldn’t pressure him into marriage, because he was a quick thinker. Kartiyúhun nátù ang makina básig muandar, Let’s try to use our brains on this sewing machine. Maybe we can figure out how to make it go. 1a [A; a12] accomplish s.t. with less than what one would normally have available. Ug maáyu kang mukartíyu, makapaiskuyla ka sa ímung anak, If you handle your limited resources right, you can still send your son to school. Wà tay istrungkadur, átù lang kartiyúhun ug kutsilyu, We don’t have a screwdriver, but we’ll manage it with a knife. 2 [A13] slap together a plan hastily. Nagkartíyu lag usa ka dinalìdaling ripurt, He just waffled up a quick report. n ability, thinking power to solve problems. kartiyúhan a having a knack for solving problems.

kartulína n k.o. smooth and fine-grained cardboard of a thin and sturdy sort.

kartun1 n 1 cardboard box. 2 cardboard. v [a12] put in a cardboard box. Gikartun ang mga rilip, The relief goods were put in boxes. -in- n 1 put in a box. 2 by the boxful.

kartun2, kartuning n animated movie cartoon. v 1 [A] have, show a movie cartoon. 2 [c1] make into or show as a cartoon.

kartutsu = karatsutsu.

káru n an open carriage on wheels used for carrying sacred images of saints during a religious procession or a body in a funeral procession. v [A; c1] put on a carriage, make a carriage for a procession.

karù v [AB; a12] shake s.t. to see if there is anything inside or to loosen it, for s.t. rooted to be loosened. Dúnay nagkarù sa halígi kay nagharag na, S.o. must have shook the post because it’s leaning to one side. Nagkarù na ang íyang ngípun ug ipaibut na, His tooth is loose and should be extracted. Karua nang kawit ug may sulud ba, Shake the toddy container to see if there is any inside.

karul (from arul) v [AB16N; a] pluck feathers out, molt. Nagkarul (nangarul) ang mga balhíbu sa manuk, The chicken is molting. Gikarul níya ang balhíbu sa manuk, He plucked out the chicken’s feathers.

kárul1 v [AC12; b] go Christmas caroling.

kárul2 v 1 [A3] clatter, make a clattering sound. Mukárul ang bakyà níya sa salug, Her wooden slippers will clatter on the floor. 2 [B2S46; a4] for the teeth to chatter. Mikárul (gikárul) ákung suwang sa katugnaw, My teeth (lit. chin) chattered because of the cold. n clatter. Dungug sa sílung ang kárul sa mga plátu, The clatter of the plates could be heard downstairs.

karumáta n k.o. large two-wheeled cart with shafts, designed for draft animals but in urban areas pushed by people, used for transporting s.t. heavy. v 1 [A; a2] haul s.t. in a carromata. Karumatáhan ta kag balas tulu ka biráda, I will deliver you three carromata-loads of sand. 2 [A13; a12] go s.w. in a carromata. paN- v [A2; b6] earn one’s livelihood by hauling things on a carromata. karumatilya n a small three-wheeled cart, pushed by people.

karun short form: run 1 this time now. Gikinahanglan ka karun, You are needed now. Sukad karun ayaw na pagpakítà dinhi, From now on, don’t show yourself here. sa pagka — as of this moment. Sa pagkakarun wà kuy ikabáyad nímu, For the moment, I can’t pay you yet. — dáyun right now. Lakaw karun dáyun, Go this minute. matag — ug unyà every now and then. Nahigmata siya matag karun ug unyà, He kept waking up every so often. 2 this time, immediately ahead of us. Latiguhun ta ka run, I’ll whip you in a minute. — na I’ll do it in just a minute. ‘Mangáun na ta.’—‘Karun na!’ ‘Let’s eat.’—‘OK. Just a minute.’ — pa a just now. b in a little while. Wà pa siya. Karun pa tu siya, He hasn’t gotten here yet. He’ll be here presently. — ka giyud you’ll get it in a minute. Karun ka lang giyud, bayhána ka, You’ll get from me, woman. 3 today. Unsa man ta run (rung adláwa)? What is it (lit. are we) today? — nga [time] this [time] we are at now. Karung simanahúna, This week. Karung adláwa, Today. Sus, ínit rung udtúha, My, how hot it is this noon. 4 -ng this coming. Kitáun ku siya karung udtu, I’ll go to see him this noon. Karung Hulyu, This coming July. Mugíkan mi karung alas dúsi, We’ll leave this coming noon (twelve o’clock). 4a -ng bag-u recently. Gibisitáhan ku níla karung bag-u, They recently visited me. 5 the ones now as opposed to people at other times (Nominative or Dative). Ang karung mga istudiyanting nagbanhà dihà, sa ímung klási, The students that are making noise there are from your class. Karung (niárung) mga panahúna, mahal tanang palalítun, These days everything is very high. niárun, árun (Genitive, Dative). Wà ku mahibalu niárun, I don’t know this thing here. Sáma niárung panahúna, Just about like the weather we’re having here. 6 particle used to keep a narration on track: now. Karun, [450]kadtung ákung giingung babáyi ..., Now, this woman I was telling you about ... 7 ba — particle of pause in making a calculation: let’s say. Padangtan ba rug diyis minútus, Let it boil, say, for about ten minutes. Sumā̀ sa ímung gustu. Dus písus ba run ang ihátag, maáyu na, Whatever amount you want—say, two pesos, that’s good enough. karún (from karun, 5) that’s right. Karún. Mau nang tubága ákung gustu, There. That’s the answer I want. karunkarun v [A12; a12] tell s.o. to do s.t. in a hurry. Dílì ta makakarunkarun ug súgù níya, We cannot tell him to do s.t. in a hurry. karunkarun dáyun this very instant. Lakaw karunkarun dáyun, Go this very instant. -ay at this very moment. Karúnay pa siya batíag kalúuy sa íyang asáwa, It’s only now that he felt pity for his wife.

kárung a disheveled. v [B3; c1] be, become disheveled, become tousled (hair). Human sa áway nagkárung íyang buhuk, After the fight her hair was all disheveled.

karunsing n a variety of sweet potato, oblong-shaped, reddish-skinned, and with white meat. When cooked it has dry and powdery, but tasty meat.

karúsa n 1 = káru. 2 = karumáta. 3 float, a decorated vehicle for carrying exhibits in a parade. v 1 [A; c1] make, use as a karúsa. 2 [A; c] carry on a karúsa. 3 [A; a12] go s.w. on a karúsa.

karut, kárut1 v 1 [A; a] scratch hard so as to take flesh. Ayaw karúta ímung pangágud, kay magdugù, Don’t scratch deeply into your athlete’s foot because it will bleed. 2 [A; a] get the last bit that remains in a container out, such that the bottom of the container is scraped. Karúta ang dukut kay wà nay kan-un, Scrape out the rice sticking to the bottom of the pot because there is no more rice. 3 [B126; a12] run out of gambling money or go bankrupt in a business. Nakárut siya sa tárì, wà giyuy nahibilin sa íyang kwarta, He lost all his money at the cockfights. He had nothing left. Nakárut ang tindáhan nga wà maáyu pagkadá, The store went bankrupt because it was not well managed.

kárut2 n carrot.

karwáhi n a horse-drawn passenger carriage, usually four-wheeled. v [A13; ac] go, bring s.t. by carriage.

karwas = kamras.

karyáda v [A; a] transport things with animals or people. Nagkaryáda mi ug bála sa kaniyun ngadtu sa panggubátan, We hauled artillery shells to the front. Nalúya ang kabáyù kay usa na ka simánang gikaryáda, Our horse is weakened because it was used to haul things for the whole week. n action of hauling. Sa maung gidaghanun sa mais ang karyáda mulungtad ug duha ka adlaw, With that much corn, the hauling will take two days. paN- v [A2] engage in a hauling business. karyadahan n vehicle used for transporting. kinaryadáhan n money earned in hauling.

karyír = kírir.

kás1 n 1 cash, money on hand. Pílay kás náa nímu dihà? How much do you have? 2 money as opposed to other things of value. Ang nakáwat aláhas ug kás mga dusintus, I lost jewelry and two hundred pesos cash. v [A; a2] pay s.t. in cash. Kásun ku lang ang báyad, I will make the payment in cash. — adbans advance on one’s salary. v [A; ac] ask for or give a cash advance.

kā́s2 = kálas. see kalas2.

kasa v [A; bc] bet on s.t. or an amount. Mukasa ka sa ákung manuk? Will you bet on my cock? Kasahan kug usa ka líbu si Ilurdi, I’ll bet one thousand pesos on Elorde. Pilay ímung ikasa? How much do you bet?

kása n 1 business firm. 2 commercial building. — digubyirnu government building. — riyal the term given during the Spanish regime to refer to the building in which government offices were located.

kásà v 1 [A; c16] produce a crackling, rustling sound. Nagkásà ang mga ilagà sa táas sa atup, The rats are rustling up in the roof. Ayawg kasáa (ikásà) ang pagkúmut sa mga papil, Do not make the papers crackle when you crumple them. 2 [B] talk loudly, too garrulously. Mukásà nà siya basta náay babáying mamínaw níya, He talks a lot and loud when there are women listening. Ngánung nakásà man mu dinhà? What are you chattering about over there? n 1 crackling, rustling sound. 2 preparation for a party, esp. cooking, as evidenced by noise. May kásà sa íla. May kumbira dagway, There’s the noise of preparations at their house. They must be planning a party. a a chatterbox, talking too much.

kas-a1 1 short for kanus-a. 2 see usa.

kasába = kamúting káhuy. see kamúti.

kasádu 1 see kasal, 2. 2 see kasar1, 2.

kasag n k.o. edible salt-water crab growing to 4″. paN- v [A2; b6(1)] catch kasag.

kasáhus = kusáhus.

kasal n 1 wedding. 2 taking of vows by a nun. v 1 [A; a] officiate marriage rites. Ang misiyun mukasal sa mga magtiáyung mansibádu, The missionary priest will marry the common-law [451]couples. Daghan ang kaslun basta Hunyu, Many people get married in the month of June. 2 [a12] for a nun to take her final vows. Gikasal na ang madri, The nun has taken her final vows. (←) n intense wedding activity. pa- v [AC12; c] marry s.o. Kinahanglang mupakasal siya nímu kay burus ka, He should marry you because you’re pregnant. Íyang gipakaslan ang babáying íyang napaangkan, He married the woman who had borne him a child out of wedlock. Ipakasal nà sila, Have them get married. kasádu 1 having gone through a marriage ceremony. Mansibádu ang ákung ginikánan kay dílì kasádu (kinasal), My parents are common-law husband and wife. They have not been married. 2 married, as opposed to divorced or single. -in- = kasádu, 1. kaslunun, kalaslun n s.o. about to be married. kasamintu, kasamyintu n state of being officially married. Ang kasamintu dílì garantíya sa malipáyung panagpúyù, It’s no guarantee that you will be happy living together, just because you have been officially married.

kasaníhan see *sáni2.

kasap a not being able to taste. v [B; b6] get to be so one can’t taste a thing. Mukasap ang bàbà basta kahilanatun ta, One loses his sense of taste when there is an incipient fever.

kasapuygu n a box of matches.

kasar1 v [A; c1] load or cock a gun. Nagkasar siyang dáan kay nahadluk siyag hiunhan, He loaded his gun beforehand because he was afraid he would be shot at first. Gikasar níya ang pistúla ug gitan-aw kun dúna bay bála, He cocked his pistol and looked to see if it had bullets in it. kasádu a for guns to be loaded.

kasar2 v [A; bc] put up money for a bet, see s.o.’s bet. Mukasar kug dusintus. Mudáwat ka? I’ll bet two hundred. Do you accept? Kasdan ku ang ímung mil, I’ll accept your thousand-peso bet. kasádu n amount put down in a bet. Pilay kasádu ninyu? How much money is involved in the betting? a for a bet to be finalized. Kasádu na. Dì na ta makabakwì, The bet’s been made. We can’t get out of it. v [AC; a2] make it a bet, bet money against each other. Nakigkasádu kug milyunaryu, I bet against a millionaire. Hinúgay nang ímung hambug. Kasadúhun nátù, That’s enough of your big talk. Let’s make it a bet.

kásaw v [A; c1] make noise by splashing water. Wà siyay kuhà kay dinhay nagkásaw, He didn’t make a single catch because s.o. was splashing.

kasba1 v [A; a] eat greedily like a pig. Nakakasba ka na, mangáyù pa giyud, You have already eaten, but you are asking for more. Gikasba sa bábuy ang ákung kamutihan, The pigs chewed up our sweet potato garden.

kasba2 v [AC; ab2] for animals to mate, or (applied vulgarly) for people to do so. Pakasbahun ang ámung butakal sa ímung anay, We’ll have our male mate with your sow.

kasbu n k.o. heron that eats rice: Nycticorax caledonicus.

kási1 almost all, nearly all. Kási sa mga istudiyanti nakabayad, Nearly all of the students have paid. Kási sa (ang) mga nagpuyù dinhi dátù, Almost everyone who lives here is rich. kasikási = kási1.

kási2 v [AC; ac] make or take on a bet, make it a bet, bet with each other. Nagkási sila. Siya didtu kang Markus ug ang usa kang Sirhing, They made a bet. He was for Marcos and the other one was for Serging. Kasíhi siya, ambi mukasar ba, Bet him. Let’s see if he takes it. Ikási ang ákung kwarta sa manuk níya, Bet my money on his cock. n bet made.

kasibáya = kisibáya.

kasíkas = kalasíkas.

kasíli1 = bais.

kasíli2 n k.o. darter: Anhinga melanogaster.

kasílik n general name for wrasses.

kasilyas n toilet, room with a toilet in it. v [A13; a2] build a toilet, bathroom. a nothing as compared to. Kasilyas lang ang Sibu sa Manílà, Cebu is nothing compared to Manila. paN- v [A2; b6] go to the toilet. Hulat únà kay mangasilyas pa ku, Wait a moment. I’m going to the toilet. kasilyíru n a person hired to empty the septic tank or a toilet hole of its contents. v [B136] be a kasilyíru.

kasing n top. v [a12] make into a top. (←) n game of playing with a top. v [AC; b6(1)] play with a top. -in- a shaped like a top. Talabánug nga kinasing, Kite shaped somewhat like a top. kasingkásing n heart. Laming adubáwhun ang kasingkásing, Heart tastes good stewed in soy sauce. Dakung haw-ang sa ákung kasingkásing, A feeling of emptiness in my heart. Tigpatantu nga way kasingkásing, A heartless money-lender. gastu ang — = gastu ang kunsinsiya. see kunsinsiya. -in- a sincere. Kinasingkásing ang íyang pahalípay, He was sincere in his congratulations. -an a 1 kindhearted. 2 heartless. Nakaáku pagbíyà sa íyang mga anak, kasingkasíngang amahána, He could actually abandon his children. What a heartless father! 2a iron-nerved, stouthearted. [452]Kasingkasíngan giyung duktúra kay nakaáku pag-upira sa kaugalíngun níyang asáwa, He’s a very stouthearted doctor because he can operate on his own wife.

kasíra n 1 one who gets room and board. 2 amount paid for room and board. v [A; c] board s.w. Balay nga íyang gikasiráhan, The house he is boarding at. Háin mu ikasíra ang ímung anak? Where did you have your child board? kasirahan n boarding house.

kasirúla n a covered saucepan with a long handle or with ear-like handles at the sides.

kasíyu = kisíyu.

kaskádu = kaskáru.

kaskáru n 1 name given to skin infections characterized by numerous sores. 2 scaly skin infection caused by ringworm. v [B126; a4b4] be, become affected with this k.o. skin disease.

kaskas1 v 1 [A; a1] dig in, scratch to get a foothold. Makakaskas kining ligíra bísan dangug ang dálan, This k.o. tire can hold even on a slippery road. 2 [A23N] strive hard, make great efforts. Mukaskas (mangaskas) ku karun myintras bátà pa, I’ll strive hard and make use of my time now while I’m still young. n activities, intense work. Ímu ra man ang tanang kaskas dinhi, You are the one doing all the work here.

kaskas2 v [A; a1] strum a guitar. Kaskása ang sista kay musáyaw ku, Play the guitar because I’m going to dance. n action of strumming. Akung kaskas, ákung sáyaw, Why do I have to do everything around here? (Lit. It’s my strumming and my dance.)

kaskas3 v [A; ab2] uproot vines to clear an area. Kaskása ang kamutihan, Clear off the sweet potato patch.

*kaskas4 -in- n mesentery, the membranes which enfold the intestines and their appendages and connect to the dorsal wall of the abdominal cavity. It is used to wrap murkun.

kaskas5 = kalaskas.

kaskás = kalaskálas.

kasku n 1 the framework and the main structure of s.t. without appendages. Kasku sa sakayan, The hull of the boat. Kasku sa kutsi, The body of the car. Kasku sa táwu, The torso of a man. Kasku sa muskitíru, Walling of the mosquito net. 2 a blunt-bowed wooden boat with square stern about 30′ long, towed or with a sail, used for lightering or for river or coastal transport. It is so called because it consists of little more than a hull. v [A; a] build the basic structure of s.t., use as the basic structure. Wà pa ku makakasku sa ákung muskitíru kay wà pa kuy ilangitlángit, I haven’t made the sides of the mosquito net because I don’t have materials for the top.

kaskug v [A12] muster enough strength to move or to do s.t. Dì pa makakaskug sa pagbángun ang masakitun, The patient doesn’t have enough strength to get up out of bed.

kasla = tubatuba. see túba.

kaspa n dandruff. v [A123P; a4] get dandruff. kaspahun a having dandruff.

kaspag a for hair to be dry. Brilyantíni ang ímung buhuk kay kaspag kaáyu, Put brilliantine on your hair because it is very dry. v [B] for hair to become dry.

kaspat = kampat.

kasta v 1 [A; b(1)] for animals to mount in copulation. Ug mukasta ang báka sa láing báka, nag-ulag na, When the cow mounts another, it means she’s in heat. 2 [A] have sexual intercourse, copulate (derogatory). Hígal kaáyung tawhána. Mukasta bisag unsang bayhána, He’s over-sexed. He’ll go to bed with anybody.

kastanits = kastanyas, n2, v2.

kastanyas n 1 chestnut. 2 castanets. v 1 [a1] make into castanets. 2 [A; b6] use castanets.

kastanyíta, kastanyítas = kastanyas, 2.

kastǎr = kasta.

kastígu v [A; ab2] inflict punishment on s.o., usually physical. Ginadilì sa maistru ang pagkastígu sa istudiyanti, It is forbidden for teachers to inflict physical punishment on their students. n physical punishment. — hiniral punishment meted to all in a group, without distinction. kinastiguhan n manner of inflicting punishment.

kastílà = katsílà.

kastilya n Castile. kastilyanhun n 1 Castillian. 2 Castillian speech.

kastilyu n 1 castle. 2 ornate fireworks, pyrotechnical display. v 1 [A13; b] display fireworks. 2 [a12] make into pyrotechnic fireworks.

kastur úwil n Castor oil.

kastus n celibate. Ang mga munghi mga kastus, Monks are celibates. v [B16; c1] be, become a celibate, take the vow of chastity or celibacy.

kásu n case, suit. palit ug — get dragged into a case. way — nothing serious. Síging bayli kay way kásu, On with the dance because there’s nothing serious. v [A23C; b3c1] make a legal case. Magkakásu giyud kamu kun dílì mu magkasinábut, You will have to go to court if you can’t come to an understanding. Makásu giyud nang yutáa [453]kay way mga dukumintu, That property will become a matter of legal dispute because the papers are not in order. Pára singku sintábus kasúhun pa giyud nà? You want to make a federal case out of a nickel? paN- v [A2; b] get involved in a lawsuit. Kun mangásu ka kinahanglan hustu ka sa bulsa, If you get involved in a lawsuit, you must have enough money. Hitabù nga gipangasúhan, Incident that was the subject of a lawsuit. ing-, pur-ing- see ingkásu.

kasulya n chasuble. v 1 [A; b] have, put on a chasuble. 2 [a12] make into a chasuble.

kasuy n cashew: Anacardium occidentale.

kaswal n casual worker, government worker employed with no permanent appointment.

kasway n 1 k.o. deep-sea crab about the same size as the langbay and with longer claws. Parti na gánì sa nigusyu kasway nà sa lápuk, hínay nga mangapay, lagsik mamiluk, When it comes to business, he is like a crab in the mud: he moves slowly but his eyes are constantly blinking (i.e. he is alert). 2 crab legs. Walu ang kasway sa langbay, Sea crabs have eight legs. 3 limbs of people. Tag-as ug kasway ang taas nga táwu, A tall person has long limbs.

kasya1 n traces of the harness of a plow. v [A; a] use as the traces in a plow. kasyahun n rope to be used as trace in a plow.

kasya2 = akasya.

kasyahan = akasyahan. see akasya.

kasyúti, kasyútis = sayúti.

kát1 v 1 [A; b(1)] take or give a cut from an amount of money due s.o. Kátan sa ahinti ang halin, The agent will take a cut from the proceeds. Kátan ang ahinti ug dyís pursintu, The agent will get a cut of ten percent. 2 [A; a] cut playing cards. Kátun ang baráha paghumag saksak, The deck of cards is cut after it is shuffled. 3 [A; a] for a movie to have s.t. cut out of it. Gikát sa sinsur ang hílas nga parti, The lewd scenes were cut out by the censors. 3a [A; a12] stop a recording to correct an error by re-recording. 4 [A; a2] cut the ball in table tennis, hitting it with the edge of the paddle to make it spin. n 1 one’s share in a deal, commission. 2 action of cutting in cards or table tennis. 3 portions of a movie removed by the censors. 4 recording. Maáyu kaáyu mukanta. Usa lang ka kát, úki na, He is really a good singer. Just one recording, and it is O.K. 4a single side of a record.

kát2 = kálat1, 2.

káta a for sounds to be rapid, in quick succession. Kátà lang ininglis níya! He talks English so fast! v 1 [B6; c1] talk rapidly. Mikátà lag tabian ay, There’s the babbler talking at full speed. Ug katáun (ikátà) nákù ang ákung sinultihan, dì mu kasabut, If I talk rapidly, you won’t understand. 2 [B3(1)6] make a series of sharp short sounds in quick succession. Mikátà ang masinggan, The machine guns rattled. Makakátà gánì ang makinilya, If the typewriter makes a rapid popping noise. Mikátà na ang ákung gilung-ag ságing, The bananas I’m cooking are bubbling now. (→) a talking rapidly.

kátab v [A; ac1] chatter, talk rapidly about s.t. trivial and not sensible. Nagkátab ang bàbà sa tabì, She’s running off at the mouth with gossip. -un(→) a given to chattering.

katabuk n k.o. sweet potato with reddish peelings and white, not prized meat.

katadkatad v [A; c] stamp one’s feet in anger or in a tantrum. Mikatadkatad ang bátang gustung muuban, The child stamped his feet because he wanted to go along.

kátag v [AB16; c1] spread, scatter out, cause s.t. to be scattered. Ngánung nagkátag mu dihà. Tápuk mu ngari, Why are you scattered out all over? Come in close here. Ikaw nagkátag sa mais sa bululáran? Was it you that spread the corn out on the drying tray? n how good one is in s.t.: one’s ability as it appears after being tested in competition. Hawud aku sa Pámas. Makatulu nga bist aktur. Kanà ang kátag ku, I’m one of the top actors. I won the FAMAS award as best actor three times. That’s how good I am.

katakáta a 1 for s.o. to be too eager to do work no one told him to do. Katakáta ka man giyung mudáru. Hala tiwasag dáru tung umahan, You have been wanting to plow so much, so go ahead, plow the whole field. 2 daring to do s.t. one is not supposed to do. Katakáta giyud ning bayhána mulakaw magabíi nga mag-inusára, This woman is daring. She goes out all alone at night. v [A13P] take s.t. onto oneself one shouldn’t. Kinsay nagkatakáta (nagpakatakáta) ug lútù niíning bábuy nga wà may mandù nga lutúun? Who went and cooked this pork when nobody told you to do it?

katála1 (not without l) n monkey wrench with straight gripping edges as opposed to one with curved grips (yábi túbu). v [A; a2] use a monkey wrench on.

katála2 (not without l) n k.o. white parrot with a red beak.

katalagman see tagam.

katalug, katalugu n catalog, esp. of fashion design. v [A13; c1] compile or make a catalog.

katambak n general name for porgies and [454]sheepheads, esp. Lethrinus spp., and also loosely given to fish of similar appearance such as Monotaxis grandoculis.

katang n k.o. edible fresh-water crab growing to 4″ by 3″, dark brownish-green in color.

kátap v 1 [B; c1] spread all over. Mikátap ang mga táwu sa plása, People were all over the plaza. Ang usa ka galun nga pintal dílì makakátap sa pisami, A gallon of paint will not cover the entire ceiling. 2 [B] for vision or reasoning powers to be blurred. Nagkátap ang ákung tinan-awan sa mga lúhà, My vision was not clear because of my tears. Mikátap ang íyang hunàhúnà sa hilabihang kasábà, He couldn’t think clearly because of the incessant din. a 1 be spread widely. Kátap kaáyu ang balità, The news spread widely. 2 for vision or thoughts to get blurred.

katarak, kataráta n cataract of the eyes.

kataru n cough. v [A1; a2] have a cough.

kataw n supernatural sea creatures with the head and trunk of a beautiful woman and the tail of a fish, which play practical jokes on fishermen, kidnap them, or drive them crazy. v [A13; a12] for a kataw to annoy a fisherman. Dúna kunuy nagkataw ni Pidru sa íyang pagpamasul gabíi, They say a mermaid took an interest in Peter (played jokes or tried to lure him) last night while he was fishing. Gikataw nà siya maung nabúang, A mermaid went after him, and that’s why he went crazy.

katáwa see tawa.

kátay v 1 [AN; b(1)] for plants to creep or climb onto s.t. Nakakátay na ang kamúti sa tibuuk baul, The sweet potato vines have spread all over the field. Ang kural nga gikatáyan sa bágun, The fence the vines were climbing on. 2 [B3(1)6; aP] for news, fire, and the like to spread. Mikátay dáyun ang balità, The news spread quickly all over the place. Dakùdakung lunà ang gikatáyan sa súnug, The fire spread over a wide area. pina- n longhand writing. ka- v [A13] for s.t. to trail in a scattered way behind s.t. moving forward. Nagkakátay ang tinái sa hidunggaban, The intestines of the stabbing victim trailed behind him. -an(→), -ánan n s.t. on which vines climb.

káti, kátì v 1 [A; a] set s.t. into motion by providing a stimulus or catalyst. 1a use, lure s.t. with a decoy or lure in hunting or fishing. Katíhun nákù ang núkus íning uwang-úwang, I’ll lure squids with this artificial shrimp. Kining ákung sunuy mauy ikáti sa mga ihás manuk, We’ll use my cock to lure wild chickens. 1b [A13SN; a12] win a big amount in gambling with a small starting bet. Nakakati (nakapangati) giyud kug bayinti sa ákung písu, I managed to win twenty pesos with my one peso. 2 [A; b5] prime a pump by pouring water in until suction is established. Dílì muágay nang bumbáha ug dílì katíhun (katíhan), That pump won’t work unless it is primed. 2a [A; a] induce vomiting. Katía ang íyang pagsúka arun isúka ang hilu, Induce him to vomit so that he will vomit out the poison. 2b [A; a] remove water that has gotten into the ears by priming with warm water. Kinahanglan inadlaw ang túbig nga mukáti sa túbig nga nahasulud sa dalunggan, Use warm water to get the rest of the water inside your ears out. 3 [A3P; a1] stir up emotions. Bantay ka lang sa ímung kakiriwan. Magkáti ka lang sa ákung pangísug, You’d better stop touching my things. You might stir up my anger. (→) n 1 decoy. 2 water used to prime a water pump. katihan, paN- n decoy, lure in fishing. katihanan n place where one catches or traps game or fish by using a decoy or lure. maN-r- n person who traps game. katikatiun, katìkatiun, katikatihun a 1 for a woman to be provocative. Kanang bayhána katikatiun kaáyu sa íyang míni nga sinínà, That woman is provocative in her miniskirt. 2 inciting trouble, butting in to create trouble. Katìkatiun kang pagkatáwu. Dalì ra kang makaagig áway, You’re such a trouble-maker. It doesn’t take you long to find a quarrel.

katíbu n children’s game of tag played by two. v [A1; b6] play katíbu.

katidral n cathedral.

kátids n vacation home, house in the mountains or on the beach where one spends one’s leisure time. v [A13] have a vacation house.

kátids indastri n cottage industry.

kátig n float of the outrigger. v [A; a] provide a boat with outriggers. Gikatígan na ang sakayan, The floats are being put up now.

katigbì = ílas.

katiguríya n category. v [c1] place in a class or category.

katíkat v [A; a] climb up s.t. vertical using both hands and feet. Nahadluk kung mukatíkat sa bintánà, I’m afraid to climb through the window. Katikáta kanang hinug kapáyas, Climb up to get those ripe papayas.

katikati n doodlebug, larva of the ant lion.

katikismu n catechism. v [A13] hold a catechism class.

katikista n a person who teaches the fundamentals of religion. v [AB16; a12] be a catechist. [455]

katisismu = katikismu.

katimpa n k.o. large sweet potato with white peelings and yellowish meat, rather dry and good eating.

kátin a for things to be suspended or hanging higher than the normal level. Iubus-ubus paghikut ang muskitíru, kátin ra kaáyu, Hang the mosquito net a little lower. Its edges are too high. v [B1; c1] hang, be suspended in mid-air or not hanging down as far as the normal level. Mikátin (nakátin) ang íyang sinínà kay mabdus man siya, Her dress is kind of up in the front because she is pregnant. udtung —, — ang búlan half-moon in the last quarter (so called because the moon is high in the sky at daybreak).

kat-in v 1 [A; b6] cut in in a dance. Maglágut ku ug kat-ínan ta, I get irritated if s.o. cuts in on me. 2 [A; c] insert s.t. in its proper place in a file or series. Ikat-in ring bulyúma sa láray sa insayklupidiya, Replace this volume in its proper place in the row of encyclopedias.

káting n cuttings of plants to be propagated. Wà gyud kuy pinalit niíning ákung mga tanum. Pulus ni káting nga ákung pinangáyù, I didn’t buy any plants. They all come from cuttings that I got from my friends.

káting klásis v [A] cut classes. Gisuspind ang iskuylang nagkáting klásis, The student got suspended for cutting classes.

katípa n k.o. freshwater catfish of swamps, dark brown with venomous spines at the base of the pectoral fin. Edible, but not prized.

katípan n k.o. dark brown, very hard-shelled cowries up to 3″ (k.o. sigay): the humpback and snake-head cowries.

katipúnan, katipuníru see típun.

kátir1 n cutter in a tailoring shop. v [B16; a2] be a cutter in a tailoring shop.

kátir2 v 1 [A; b6] cater food for a party. Mukátir mi ug náay kaslun, We cater to weddings. 2 [AP; acP] hire a caterer. Sa átung parti magkátir (magpakátir) lang ta arun way hikayhíkay, For our party let’s just get a caterer so we won’t have to prepare.†

kátir3 n coast guard cutter.

katitir n catheter. v [A; bc5] insert a catheter into, catheterize s.o.

katkat1 v [A; a] undo s.t. sewn or crocheted. Ang sastri nagkatkat sa karsúnis nga usbunun, The tailor undid the seams of the pants to be altered. Katkáta ang tahì sa atup, Undo the shingles of the roof. Nakatkat ang atup sa hángin, The roof came off in the wind.

katkat2 = kalatkat.

katmun n k.o. fruit.

katri n bed. v 1 [A13; b] lie on a bed. Dílì siya makatulug kun dílì magkatri, She can’t sleep unless she lies on a bed. 2 [a12] be made into a bed.

katsa n unbleached muslin cloth.

katsap = kitsap.

katsaw n secondary rafters, beams which slope from the ridgepole down to the eaves, to which nipa shingles are attached. The katsaw are smaller than the primary rafters (salagunting). v [A; b6] put or attach secondary rafters to s.t.

katsílà n Spaniard. -in-(→) a 1 like the Spaniards. Kinatsilang batásan, Strict and hard in discipline (like the Spaniards). 2 the Spanish language. v 1 [A1; c1] do s.t. like a Spaniard. 2 [A; a2] speak, write Spanish. -un a Spanish-like. Katsiláun nga ilung, Spanish nose.

katsir n 1 catcher in baseball. 2 a woman who tends to get pregnant. Katsir kanang bayhána. Dílì hisaghirag bahag, That woman is very fertile. You must have to look at her to get her pregnant. 3 a woman who will accept any suitor if she can get s.t. from him. 4 a person that hangs around restaurants to pick up the leavings of the diners. 4a fish that eats anything. Ang bugáung katsir kaáyu, Jarbua is a fish that eats excrement. 5 not missing out on any gossip. Katsir kaáyung bayhána. Dì masipyatag tabì, That lady is good at ferreting out gossip. v [B56; a2] be, become a catcher in baseball, softball.

katsúrì (from katsílà) n Filipino with Spanish blood (derogatory). Kining katsúrì ay. Patuutúug kinatsilà, That half-breed! He thinks he can talk Spanish!

katu1 n k.o. dog tick. v [A123P] be infested with dog ticks.

katu2 fast speech for kadtu.

katù — ang úlu a little deranged. May katù ang úlu sa ímung anak kay mukáun ug sabun, Your son must be a bit deranged because he eats soap.

kátù v [A13B; b4] for dirt to cake on s.t., have dirt caked on it. Nagkátù (gikatúan) lang ang lamísa sa abug, The table is thick with dust on it. Nagkátù ang buling sa kwilyu, The collar is caked with dirt. (→) a be dirty or untidy in one’s clothing. Katù nà siyang mamistibisti, She dresses in a dirty and shabby way. katùkatù v [A; b5] make s.t. very dirty, untidy. Ayaw mug katùkatù sa sála kay dúna tay bisíta, Don’t make the parlor untidy because we are going to have [456]visitors. Dì ku mulaba sa ímung sinínà ug ímung katùkatuun (katùkatuan), I won’t wash your clothes if you make them very dirty.

kátud v [B; b6] have lots of dirt sticking to it. Mukátud ang bisti ug dúgayng hubúun, The dress will become very dirty if you do not change it for a long time. Kaligúa nang anak mu kay nagkátud na, Bathe your child. He is filthy.

katuk v 1 [A; a1] conk s.o. on the head. Katuka siya sa martilyu, Conk him with a hammer. 2 [B2; b6] become stupid, slow to understand and lacking in sense (as if having been hit on the head). Mukatuk siya kun higutman pag-áyu, He gets so he doesn’t understand readily when he is very hungry. n blow delivered on the head. a lacking in good sense as if one has been conked on the head.

katukà n k.o. large sweet potato with reddish peelings and white meat, too dry for good eating.

katukatu n common sense, ability to reason, knowledge. Dílì ka makasabut? Háin gud nang ímung katukatu? You can’t understand? Where’s your head? Wà giyud nay katukatung bayhána kay wà katunub ug iskuyláhan, That woman is illiterate because she hasn’t gone to school.

katul1 a 1 itchy. Katul ákung kamut. Kwarta na, My hands are itching. I must be due to get some money. 1a having a social disease (lit. having an itch). Ug katul ang gamítun nímung babáyi ..., If you happen to have sexual contact with a woman who has the itches ... 2 causing itch. Katul ang dápaw sa mais, The hairs on corn plants are itchy. — ug kamut a having hands that itch to steal. v [AN; b4] 1 itch, feel itchy. Mukatul ang ákung pánit ug abugan, My skin itches if dust gets on it. Nangálut siya sa bukubuku kay gikatlan, He is scratching his back because he itches. 2 feel a restless desire or craving to do s.t. Makabatì gánì kug tukar, katlan dáyun ku, Whenever I hear music, I feel the itch (to dance). 2a [b8] feel the itch to have sex. Ug katlan ka, pangrílis, If you feel the urge, go to the rílis (red light district). (←) v [AN; b4] itch intensely. katulkatul n 1 skin disease that itches. 2 s.t. which is enough to stimulate, but not satisfy and then displeases because it is inadequate. Mu ra nay ihátag mung kwarta? Nagkatulkatul lang nà nákù, Is that all you’re giving me? It just makes me itch. It isn’t enough to satisfy.

katul2 n mosquito repellent in coil form, burnt to give off smoke (from the brand name Katul). v [A13] burn a mosquito coil.

katulik dipindir n Catholic Defenders, an organization sworn to defend the Roman Catholic church against attacks from within or without. v [B156] be a member of the Catholic Defenders.

Katulika n Roman Catholic (female).

katuliku n 1 Roman Catholic religion. 2 a Roman Catholic. v [B1; a12] become a Roman Catholic.

katulisismu n Catholicism.

katumsan = patumsan. see tumus.

kat-un (from tuun) v [B36; b8] learn to do s.t. Makat-un ka pagmakinilya kun magsígi kag praktis, You will learn to type by constant practice. Walà ka giyuy nakat-unan didtu, You learned nothing there.

katunggan see tungug.

katursa1 n reddish fish about an inch long with fine scales, rough skin, eaten stewed in vinegar or fermented, preserved in salt.

katursa2 n variety of short-term paddy rice with large reddish or white grains.

katursi n fourteen. v see disiutsu.

katyális n brand name of a medicinal ointment for skin diseases.

katyubung n k.o. coarse herb of waste places and cultivated for its long, white, trumpet-shaped flowers, which are burnt for the treatment of asthma: Datura metel.

kaub v [AB36; c1] lie down on one’s belly, be turned over, cause s.t. to do so. Mukámang na ang bátà kay makakaub na, The baby will soon be able to crawl because it can turn over now. Nakaub ang sakayang gihampak sa balud, The boat was turned over when it was lashed by big waves. Gikauban níya sa kaldíru ang íyang bánang libudsuruy, She left no food for her good-for-nothing husband (lit. she turned the pot upside down on him).

kaug a active, lively in movement of body. Kaug kaáyu ning batáa. Dílì mahamutang, This child is very active. He cannot keep still. v 1 [B] be, become or act lively. Nagkakaug ang sáyaw nunut sa sunáta, The dance is getting lively together with the music. 2 [A; c1] make s.t. at rest move by touching it, touch s.t. and disturb it. Dúnay nagkaug sa gipaugang pinintal nga laráwan, S.o. touched the portrait before it had a chance to dry. Ayaw kauga (ikaug) ang lamísa arun dì mahíwì ang ákung gibágis, Do not shake the table so the line I’m drawing won’t get crooked. (←) v [B] be intensely active or misbehaving by moving about. [457]Nagkáug ang mga bátà samtang milakaw ang maistra, The children misbehaved and ran about while the teacher was out of the room.

kaugalíngun see ugáling.

káun v 1 [A2S3S; a] eat. Nagkaun ka na? Have you eaten? Nakakaun na kug amù, I have eaten monkey meat. Unsa may kan-un sa masakitun? What should the patient eat now? 1a [a3] be eaten to get one to act in an unusual way. Unsay nakáun sa táwu? Mangúhit man, What got into you that you touched me? 2 [A; a2] destroy by fire, erosion, corrosion. Ang asidu mukáun ug tayà, Acid eats away rust. Ang balay gikaun sa kaláyu, The house was destroyed by the fire. Nahánaw siya kay gikaun man sa kangitngit, He suddenly vanished because he was engulfed in darkness. Gikaun ang túbu sa tayà, The pipe is corroded with rust. Dimungkug! Wà uruy kan-a sa kílat, The devil! Why didn’t lightning strike (lit. eat) him? Pangpang nga nakan-an sa balud, Cliff eroded by the waves. 3 [A12] consume, use up. Ang ímung plansa mukáun ug dakung kurinti, Your iron consumes a lot of electricity. 4 [A; ab7] take a man in games of chess, checkers, and the like. Wà pa kan-i ang ákung mga piyun, None of my pawns has been captured yet. 4a [b48] when one returns the shuttlecock in takyan (by kicking it), for the return kick to be caught and kicked by the opponent. Hikan-an ang ákung pátid kay ang ákung patid napatiran níya. Sa átù pa, hikan-an ku, My kick was returned (lit. eaten) because he returned the shuttlecock when I kicked it. In other words, I had my kick returned. 5 [A] for a man to have sexual relations with a blood relative. Háyup ka mukáun kag kaugalíngung anak, You’re a beast. You have intercourse with your own child. 5a [a3] for a girl to be old enough to be had for sexual intercourse. 6 [b4] for a fish to bite on one’s line. Wà ku kan-i gabíi, I didn’t get a bite last night. n 1 food served. Sa míting adúna usáhay puy káun, In the meeting they sometimes serve food. Sa pagpabulan lábut na ang káun, If you work as a maid, food is included. 1a action of eating. Tris díyas kung way káun, I went three days without food. 2 consumption, amount of s.t. that is used up. Dakug káun sa gasulína ning kutsíha, This car consumes a lot of gas. 3 in games of chess, checkers or drafts: a turn to take an opponent’s man. Ákung káun, kúhà na ang ímung dáma, Now it’s my move to take your man. I have your king. 3a action of taking a piece in mahjong which another player had discarded. 4 biting of fish. Kúsug ang káun sa isdà run, The fish are biting in force. pa- v [A; ac] feed, give to eat. Pakan-a na ang mga bátà, Feed the children. Unsay átung ipakáun níla? What shall we give them to eat? pina- n s.t. fed with s.t. special on a regular basis. Ákung sunuy pinakáug karni, My rooster is given meat. panag-(→) v [A23; a2] for several to eat. Gipanagkaun sa bilat sa ílang ina, The sons of bitches ate it. paniN- v [A23] feed on, look for s.t. to feed on. Naningáun sa kahumayan ang mga langgam, The birds are feeding in the ricefield. kan-anan v [AP3] eat s.w. regularly. kaunkáun, kaunkaun v [A1; a12] eat light snacks between meals. Aníay mga biskwit ug kúkis kun gustu mung magkaunkáun (magkaunkaun), Here are some biscuits and cookies for your snacks. kan-anan, kalan-an n place to eat (eating table, dining room, restaurant). hiN- a fond of eating. Hingáun kug mga prútas, I’m fond of fruits. -in- n s.t. eaten, consumed. Kináun sa gabas, Sawdust (what was eaten by the saw). kinan-an n way of eating. kakan-unun, ka-un(→) a feel very much like eating. Kakan-unun kug bága, I’m so angry I could eat coals. ma- n food ready to eat. Inig-ulì ni Máma, daghan siyag dáng makáun, When Mom comes home, she will bring lots of food. pag- n 1 meal. Maáyu sab tung pagkaúna dà, That was a good meal. 2 food. Unsay átung pagkáun dihà? What food do we have? kan-un n cooked rice or corn. kalan-un 1 food. Kalan-un námù sa matag adlaw ihátag mu karung adláwa, Give us this day our daily bread. 2 snacks. -um-r-(→) a ready to eat. — ug táwu be very angry. Ayaw mu pagsurangsurang kay kumakaug táwu ning ákung ginháwa, Don’t provoke me because I’m so angry I could eat s.o. right now.

ka-un affix added to nouns which refer to a time of day or of life to form nouns which mean ‘period of time that it is [so-and-so].’ Kagabhíun, In the evening time. Manunggù ang mananagat sa sayung kabuntágun, The fishermen return in the early hours of the morning. Pribinihig kwarta ang ímung katigulangun, Set money aside for your old age. Kamatáyun, Death.

ka-un(→) 1 affix added to verbs which refer to personal feelings to form adjectives which mean ‘be on the verge of, feel that one is going to do and cannot keep himself from it.’ Kahilakun kaáyu ku, I was on the verge of tears. Kaihiun ku, I have to urinate very [458]urgently. 1a affix added to words referring to meteorological phenomena to form adjectives which mean [such-and-such] an event is about to burst forth. Kaulanun kaáyu run, It’s just about to burst into rain now. 2 affix added to adjectives which refer to a state to form noun which refer to the achievement of the state. Way katagbawun, There’s no satisfaction. Way katapusun ning trabahúa, There’s no end to this job.

kaung1 = kagung1.

kaung2 = bígà1. kaungkaung n a small aroid similar to bíga often gathered and planted in flower pots as an ornamental.

kaung3 n a sweet delicacy made from the young fruit of the buri palm.

kaungkuy n old variety of white-grained paddy rice.

ka-unun(→) alternant to the affix ka-un(→) added to roots with a short open penult where the vowel of the final syllable is dropped when affixation takes place. Kakataw-unun kaáyu ku, I felt very much like laughing. Way kahutdunun, It never runs out.

kaw short for ikaw (dialectal).

káwà n a broad, deep pan without a handle used for stewing, made of cast iron. kawàkáwà n concaved depression on the ground roughly having a depth and diameter of a káwà.

kawáli, kawálì n round bottomed skillet with no handle, smaller than the káwà.

káwan = kaláwan.

káwang a futile. Káwang lang ang paghílak kay nahitabù na, It is futile to cry because it is already over and done. v [B126; a12] fail, be in vain. Walà makáwang ang íyang ginadamgung kalampúsan, Her dreams of success were not in vain. They came true. Dílì ku kawángun ang ímung kinahanglan, I will never fail you if you need me.

kawáni n white collar employee. v [B1256; b6] be, become employed. Nakalit siyag kasapían sukad nakawáni sa adwána, He has grown rich suddenly since he was employed at the Customs Office. kawaníhan n employees’ force. Kinahanglang magyunyun ang kawaníhan, The employees should form a union.

kawankawan (from kaláwan) v [BN46] for an area to look very large because of little or scattered content. Mukawankawan (mangawankawan) ang awdituryum ug way táwu, The auditorium looks very large when there’s no one in it. (←) v [BN46] for s.t. to stretch into, appear in the distance. Mikawankáwan (nangawankáwan) ang tabanug sa tumuy sa taas nga tugut, The kite soared way high at the end of the long string.

káwas v [AB; c] 1 get, bring out of a vehicle. Tabángi kug káwas íring kahun gíkan sa trák, Help me unload the box from the truck. Nikáwas na ang tanang pasahíru sa barku, All the passengers have gotten off the ship. Ikáwas ang mga kargamintu sa dyíp, Unload the cargo off of the jeep first. 2 get, bring s.t. out of the water. Mikáwas siya gíkan sa línaw, She came out of the water. Ikáwas ang báling, Pull in the net. 2a [B2S4N] for solids to come out of their container. Mikáwas ákung tiil sa sapátus kay gitubúan, My feet came out of my shoes because I outgrew them. Iduut ang mga bulingun kay nanggáwas na nà sa bàbà, Press down on the laundry because it is coming out of the hamper. — sa kalindaryu for a woman’s age to get to be more than the days of the calendar (and thus be beyond the age of marriage). Dì na tingáli siya maminyù kay nikáwas na man sa kalindaryu ang íyang idad, I doubt if she will get married because her age has outgrown the calendar. n on dry land. Mamatay ang isdà sa káwas, Fish won’t survive on dry land.

kawasdak n k.o. white rice with long, fine grains. It grows both in the paddy and in the uplands.

káwat1 v 1 [A3S; a2] steal s.t. Way mukáwat ánang rilu mung baratuhun, No one would steal that cheap watch of yours. Kawátun ku nà ug dì nímu ihátag, I’m going to steal it if you don’t give it to me. Gikawátan ang tindáhan, The store has been robbed. 1a [A2; b7] steal space from s.t. Nakakáwat ug duha ka pulgáda ang dapit nga ímung gigunting, You cut off about two inches when you cut it with the scissors. 2 [A23SN; b(1)] do s.t. without s.o.’s knowledge or while he wasn’t watching. Mikáwat ku pagtan-aw níya, I stole a glance at her. Mikáwat siyag lakaw samtang natúlug ku, He stole away while I was sleeping. Gikawátan nákù siyag haluk, I stole a kiss from her. 2a steal a basket ball from s.o. while he is dribbling. n theft. Ísip káwat ang pagtípig sa kinit-an, It’s considered theft to keep what you have found. panghiN- v [b5] charge s.o. with being a thief, usually with malicious intent. Gipanghingáwat (gipanghingawátan) siya sa íyang agálun, Her employer falsely charged her with thievery. kawatkawat v [AN] do s.t. surreptitiously, secretly, and repeatedly. Mukawatkawat (mangawatkawat) giyud siyag káun ug bábuy [459]bisag gidid-an, She eats pork secretly even though she’s not supposed to. kinawatkawat a s.t. done surreptitiously, secretly. Kinawatkawat nga kalípay, Happiness (in love) stolen on the sly. -an n thief. -in- n loot, booty, spoils. -in-ay n outbreak of thievery. -un(→), kawatúnun n s.t. to be stolen.

káwat2 n wire used for conducting electricity. hatud — n message sent by telegraph or apparatus used to send telegraph (literary). v [A; c] send a telegram.

kawatkáwat = sakáti.

kaway = gaway.

kawáyan n general name for bamboo, but most specifically refers to armed species, esp. Bambusa spinosa. -un a resembling a bamboo.

kawbuy n cowboy movie. a like the cowboy of the movies: rough, rugged, tough. Kawbuy kaáyung tawhána. Buut ug ruburúbu, abtik kaáyung muiskápu, He’s a cowboy sort. He puts up with anything and is quick to escape. -in- n 1 like a cowboy as shown in the movies. Kinawbuy ang íyang bisti, He is dressed up like a cowboy. 2 Western movie. 3 rough and informal. Mau ni gustu kung kumbira, kinawbuy, This is the kind of party I like, informal and rugged. v [A3; a12] do s.t. in an informal, cowboy way.

kawhaan = kaluhaan. see duha.

kawhat v [AN; a] reach for s.t. Kawháta ang libru kay dì kung kaabut, Reach for the book because I can’t. n 1 action of reaching. 2 extent of reach. Taas ug kawhat ang buksidur, A boxer has a long reach. paN- v [A13] reach for s.t. without quite being able to get it. Nagpangawhat ang bátà sa plátu, The child is grabbing for the plate.

kawhit n pole or stick, usually with a hook at the end, used in picking or getting s.t. which is out of one’s reach. v [A; a] get, pick s.t. with a kawhit. Akuy mukawhit sa baskit, I’ll get the basket down with a pole.

kawil = kawilkawil. kawilkawil v [A; c1] dangle loosely. Níay nagkawilkawil sa sidsid sa ákung sinínà, S.t. is dangling at the hem of my dress. Nagkawilkawil ang nindut níyang aríyus, Her beautiful earrings were dangling. Ayawg kawilkawila (ikawilkawil) ang ímung tiil ug magsakay kag swíng, Don’t let your feet dangle when you swing.

kawinkáwin = kawilkawil. see kawil.

kawit n container made to hold the water from the palm blossom as it is gathered. It is made out of two or three bamboo nodes, with a wooden hook on the upper side to hook over the shoulders.

kaw-it = kalaw-it.

kawkaw v 1 [A; ab2] touch s.t. with the hands. Dúnay nagkawkaw sa mga inutaw, S.o. put his dirty paws on these clothes. Hala kawkáwa nang bága, Go on, touch those glowing embers. Sa pagkawkaw lang mailhan ug pila ka búwan ang tiyan, You can tell just by feeling how many months the baby is in the stomach. 2 [AN; a2b2] steal s.t. that one has access to. Mahadluk kung mukawkaw sa pundu, I’m afraid to touch the fund. -an, maN-r- n one who steals things.

kawkus n political caucus or similar discussion. v [A12C; ab3] 1 hold a caucus. 2 discuss, confer as in a caucus. Nagkawkus ang magsúun kun unsáun pagbáhin ang yútà, The brothers were discussing how to divide the land.

kawpi n k.o. medicinal seeds.

kawras = kamras.

kawrut = kamrut, v1.

kawsa v [A13; bc] accuse s.o. Gikawsáhan (gikawsahan) siyang naníkas, He was accused of embezzling. Unsang saláa ang ímung ikakawsa níya? What crime can you accuse him of? n 1 accusation. 2 cause one espouses. Nagpasákit si Risal sa íyang kaugalíngun tungud sa kawsa sa kagawásan, Rizal suffered for the cause of freedom.

kawu n handle for s.t. that is lifted or strap that hangs over the shoulder. Kawu sa kamisin, Strap of one’s undershirt. Kawu sa kabù, Handle of the dipper. Kawu sa tásà, The handle of the cup. Kawu sa baldi, Handle of the pail. v [A; b] make a handle or strap for s.t.

kawu- see also kalu-.

kawunsil n council.

kawuntid a for a point to be counted. Kawuntid tu kay ids bul man, It’s good because it was an edge ball. nat — for a point not to be counted.

kawuntir1 n counter of a store, bar, or eatery.

kawuntir2 v [A2; b] 1 in boxing, strike one’s opponent while parrying. Pagsumbag ni Ilurdi gikawuntíran siyag usa ka istrit, When Elorde delivered a blow, his opponent countered with a straight. 2 make a counter drive in pingpong.

kaw-uy v [A12; c] have the strength to get up or lift the limbs. Dì na ku makakaw-uy kay gútum na kaáyu, I cannot lift my arms or legs because I’m famished.

kay 1 because, for the reason that. Undang na ta kay gikápuy man ku, Let’s quit because I’m tired. Kay magminyù ka man giyud, [460]na hala, sígi, Since you’re bent on getting married, all right, go ahead. ábi — just because. Ábi kay bag-ug awtu muhambug dáyun, Just because he has a new car, he has to brag about it. — arun because in that way a desired result will happen. Magtuun ka kay arun makapasar ka, You should study so you can pass. kúmu — seeing as how, because the situation is that ... Kúmu kay ikay amahan, ikay mubadlung, Since you’re the father, it’s your duty to keep him in line. Kúmu kay wà kuy kwarta, dì ku magminyù, Since I have no money, I won’t get married. maáyu — it’s good that. Maáyu kay nía ka, It’s a good thing you’re here now. tungud — because, just for the reason that. Tungud kay gikusì ka, mamúnal diay ka? Just because he pinched you, you beat him up? untà — since it is, was like that, [so-and-so] should have happened. Untà kay ikaw may magulang, ikaw untay dílì magpabuyag, Since you are the elder, you should have behaved yourself. Untà kay wà nay bugas, ímu untà kung giingnan, Since we were out of rice, you should have told me. 2 why is it that way? Traynta? Kay pabayrun ba diay ang bátà? Thirty cents? Why? You mean to say the baby has to pay fare too? [interrogative] Why is it like that? Who, what, why, how, etc. is it, that it should be like that? Misulti siyag ingun? Kay kinsa ba nà siya, Is that what he said? Why, who the hell is he? Dì mau? Kay unsa man diay tu? Isn’t that it? Why? What was it then? Kay ngánu man diay? Dì ka mutrabáhu? What do you mean? You mean you don’t want to work? Dì mau? Kay unsáun pa man diay? What do you mean it’s not the right way? How are we to do it then? 3 [dative] than. Dakù siya kay kanákù (sa ákung anak), He is bigger than I am (than my child). 4 — basta a if [so-and-so] is done, [such-and-such] is the result. Kay basta (basta kay) ímung dugáyun ug ínit, madáut giyud, If you heat it for a long time, it will get ruined. b that’s the way it is. Kay basta (basta kay) mu tuy gisulti, That’s the way it is. That is what he said. 5 dílì — a it is not really that way. Dílì kay aku ray nagmulù, It’s not as though I were the only one that had a complaint. Ang giingung barátu, dì kay barátu giyud, ubus-ubus lang sa uban, When he says it’s cheap, it’s not really cheap. It’s just a little lower than the others. b not only is it [so-and-so]. Dì lang kay barátu, barátu gayud, It’s not just cheap, it’s very, very cheap. dílì — ... kun dílì not only ... but also. Dì lang kay gwápu, kun dì dátù, Not only is he handsome, he’s rich.

kaya n youngest child. Ságad sa mga bátà nga kaya manyahun giyud, More often than not, the youngest child is wilful.

káya (slang) 1 within one’s ability, easily tackled. Ayaw na lag tábang. Káya ku ra ni kaáyu, Never mind helping me. I can easily tackle this job. 2 within one’s financial capacity to shoulder. Káya kaáyu nákù ang balur ánang awtúha, The car is very much within my reach. v [A12; a] tackle, handle s.t. with ease. Dì ku makakáya pag-alsa ánà, I can’t lift that thing easily. Kayáhun giyud nímu bísag labihang lisúra? Are you going to force yourself to tackle it even if it’s very hard for you? -an a having the means to spend for whatever one likes. Dakù kaáyu ang íyang báy; kayáhan (kayáan) giyud tingáli, His house is very big; he must be rich.

kayà = kayhà.

kay-a n a small square-mouthed basket made of loosely woven thin bamboo strips. v 1 [c16] put inside a kay-a. 2 [A; a12] make a kay-a.

káyab v 1 [APB; c1P] for cloth or the like to flap, cause it to do so. Mikáyab (mipakáyab) siyag panyù paglarga sa barku, She waved her handkerchief as the boat moved away. Nagkáyab ang bandílà sa hángin, The flag waved in the breeze. Kayába (ikáyab) ang ímung kamut, Wave your hand. 2 [A; c1P] raise a flag or unfurl a sail. Kayába (ikáyab) ang bandílà, layag, Raise the flag, unfurl the sail. 3 [A2] for a divinity to ascend into the heavens. Mikáyab si Kristu sa lángit, Christ ascended into heaven. n the Ascension of Christ.

kay-ag v [A3P; a] 1 disarrange s.t. that was put in order, scatter s.t. put together neatly. Hángin nga mikay-ag sa pinunduk nga papílis, The wind that scattered the piles of paper. Ayaw kay-ága ang kamáda sa káhuy, Don’t get the stacks of wood all in disorder. 2 cause things in one place to scatter. Ang pinusílay nakakay-ag (nakapakay-ag) sa mga táwu sa plása, The shoot-out scattered the people in the plaza. — ang láwas v [B125] for a dead body to be in an advanced state of decomposition. Nakay-ag na ang láwas sa nabangalang patay, The body they found was in an advanced state of decomposition. — ang tinái v [A; c1] kill a man by stabbing. Kay-águn (ikay-ag) nákù ang ímung tinái ug maglúib ka, I’ll kill you if you betray me. a scattered about.

kayag-ang = kagangkagang. see kágang. [461]

kayagkag1 n k.o. fishing in which the net is made to touch the bottom of the sea. The fish are driven towards it by people beating large cans. paN- v [A2; a] catch fish with this method.

kayagkag2 v [B; c1] be in disorder, dishevelled. Mikayagkag ang íyang buhuk sa hángin, Her hair was all in disorder from the wind. Nagkayagkag ang mga sinínà sa aparadur, The dresses were all in disorder in the closet.

kayálì n k.o. large, spineless bamboo similar to butung but with itchy hirsutes on the trunk and with smaller nodes.

kayamúkat = kalamúkat. see lamúkat.

káyang n shed consisting of a roof of buri palm thatch supported by sticks or poles with no walls: 1 put on a small boat as a shelter against rain. 2 used as a shed by transient vendors or purveyors of entertainment. v [A; b] put up such a shed.

kayangkayang v [A3] fall on one’s back tottering and grasping the air with the limbs. Nagkayangkayang siyang natikalbung sa kanal, He fell backwards into the ditch, waving his arms wildly.

kayankayan n 1 tobacco tars. 2 burnt food stuck at the bottom of cooking utensils. v 1 [a4b4] get clogged with tobacco tars. Gáhì yupyúpun ang hunsuy kay gikayankan (gikayankánan) na kaáyu, It’s hard to puff the pipe because it’s too clogged up with tars. 2 [B26] for food to burn at the edges or bottom. Ayaw palabihig síga ang ímung gilútù kay mukayankan (makayankan) unyà nà, Don’t turn the fire up too high or the food will burn. 3 [A; ab] mix tobacco tars into drinks as a practical joke. Gikayankanan ang ímung ilimnun, maung nalípung ka, Tobacco tars were mixed with your drink. That’s why you got dizzy right away.

kayapà = kudyapà.

káyas v [A; a] harvest corn. Gikáyas níla ang mais bísan anagun pa, They harvested the corn while the ears were still young. n harvest of corn.

káyat v [AC2; ab2] have sexual intercourse (not coarse, but replaced by a euphemism in polite speech). Kayátun ku siya run kay wà na dug-a, I’ll have her today because she’s not menstruating any more. n sexual intercourse. Ang káyat mauy lamì nga dì ikapangagda, Sexual intercourse is one of the pleasures which we need not, in fact cannot, invite our friends to share. hiN-(→), pala-(→) a having a great appetite for sex.

káyaw1 v 1 [A; b6] fly up high to a distance. Mikáyaw ang pati pagkabuhì, The pigeon flew up high when it got loose. Mikáyaw sa lángit si Kristu, Christ ascended into heaven. 2 [A3P; b4] for one’s spirit to soar, be elated. Ang maung hitabù nakakáyaw (nakapakáyaw) sa ákung pagbátì, That event lifted my spirits.

káyaw2 = kálaw.

kaybuy n cowboy of the movies (humorous—children’s talk).

kayda n covered porch in the front of a house and an extension of the main floor. v [A3; a] make a front porch in a house, make into a front porch.

kayhà (usually pronounced kahà) 1 perhaps, possibly. Kayhà mahikalimut pa usab siya kang Mirilin kun mahigugma siya sa láin, Perhaps he will forget Marilyn again if he falls in love with s.o. else. 1a kayhà ... kayhà maybe because ... or perhaps because. Nanghátag siya—kahà kay manggihatágun, kahà kay dihay giapas, He gave me s.t., maybe to be nice or maybe he was after s.t. 2 in questions a with no interrogative: by any chance, I wonder if. Muanhi ba kahà siya? Will he come by any chance? Dílì siya makahúbad, aku pa kahà? Even he can’t translate it. Could I possibly do so? b with an interrogative: who (what, where, etc.) can it be? Ginúu ku, unsa kahay nahitabù? My Lord! What can have happened? Unsáun ku kahà pagbáyad sa útang? How could I ever pay the debt? c maybe, approximately. Magkinahanglan kahà kug tulu, I’ll need approximately three. 3 man — since apparently [so-and-so] is the case. Mutan-aw ka man kahà sa sini. Ngánung nía ka pa man? You said you were going to the movies. Why are you still here? -an(→) a 1 s.t. held doubtful or uncertain. ‘Makapasar kahà siya sa iksámin?’—‘Kayhaan pa,’ ‘Will he pass the examination?’—‘It is still doubtful.’ ‘Anus-a ka magpakasal níya?’—‘Sa kayhaan,’ ‘When will you marry her?’—‘Someday (but when, I still do not know).’ 2 accidentally, unexpectedly. Sa kayhaan nagkítà sila sa Manílà, By chance they met in Manila.

kayhun v [A; b6(1)] lean on s.t. with the hands. Mukayhun ku nímu arun dì ku matumba, I’ll lean on you so I don’t fall. Nabálì ang sanga nga íyang gikayhúnan sa duha níya ka kamut, He leaned on the branch with both hands and it broke. paN- v [A] lean on s.t. for support.

kayi v [A; c1] pull in s.t. not stiff or push it with a sidewise motion. Láin ang magkayi sa báling, ang uban mamunit sa mga isdà, Some of them will pull in the net and the [462]others will gather the fish. Kayiha (ikayi) ang túbig sa lamísa arun dílì mutúlù sa ímung páa, Wipe away the water on the table so it won’t drip on your legs.

káyì n piles of sand made by small sand crabs (agúkuy) along the beach or on tidal flats. v [A; b1] for small crabs to dig up the sand or do like them. Magkaun ka, mu rag agúkuyng magkáyì kay daghang mumhu sa ímung atubángan, When you eat, you are like a sand crab digging up sand because you spill the rice all over the edge of the table.

kaykay1,2 = kalaykay1,2.

kaykay3 n a k.o. round cookie about 3″ in diameter, topped with ground peanuts.

kaylab, kaylap v [A; b6] 1 for s.t. that leaves some sort of effect to spread. Mikaylap ang kaláyu sa balay, The fire spread to the house. Ang pagmariwána nagkaylap na, Smoking of marijuana is spreading everywhere. Gikaylápan ang íyang láwas sa nukanuka, His body is covered with sores. 2 for roots to spread. Inigkadakù na sa lubi, layù ug kaylápan ang gamut, When the coconut tree reaches a good size, the roots spread far.

kaymítu n star apple, a medium-sized tree cultivated for its fruit which is the size of an apple, green or purple when ripe with juicy, white flesh: Chrysophyllum cainito.

kayril n watch chain. v [A] wear a watch chain.

káyu = kaláyu.

*káyù paN- v 1 [A2S; ac1] ask for s.t. Nagpangayug pakitábang ang nabanggà, The accident victims shouted for help. Pangayúa ang suklì, Ask for the change. Dúna untà kuy ipangáyù (pangayúun) nímu ug mahímù, I would like to ask s.t. of you if it isn’t too much. 2 [A2; a] set a bride price. Pangáyug barku arun dì makatúman, Set the bride price so high they cannot meet it. 3 — ug katahúran v [A2; b6] greet s.o. by saying ‘good morning’, etc. Ug makahinagbù kay tigúlang, pangáyug katahúran, When you meet an elderly person, bid him good morning (evening). n 1 s.t. asked for. Pilay pangáyù sa nanaygun? How much are the carolers asking for? 2 bride price. pinaN- n 1 s.t. which has been obtained by asking. Dì ni pinalit, pinangáyù ni, I didn’t buy this. I solicited it. 2 child born to a childless couple that prayed to God for it. Pinanggà kaáyu ang bátang pinangáyù, A child born to a childless couple after fervent prayers is highly cherished. -an(→) a fond of asking for things. Kayuan kaáyu, dì maglútug iyáha, He is fond of asking for things and doesn’t bother to fix his own.

kayúang n a large and deep sore caused by an infection on the legs. v [B12; a4b4] for the legs to become ulcerated. Gikayuángan (gikayúang) íyang batíis, His legs got deep ulcers on them.

káyud v [A2; b] work hard (slang). Ang draybir kinahanglan giyung mukáyud sa hustu arung makabawì sa ábang, A jeep driver has to work hard to earn enough money to pay for the rent of his jeep.

kayug = kalug.

kayugpus = kulugpus.

kayukayu (from kaláyu) v [B1456; b] rain blows on s.o. or strike s.t. in quick succession. Nagkayukayu ang tigbas sa huramintádu, The man who ran amok is swinging his sword like a blazing fire. see also under kaláyu.

kayunda v 1 [A; b(1)] misuse equipment by treating it too roughly. Nagubà ákung makina kay bísag kinsa lay mukayunda niíni, My sewing machine broke because anybody and everybody was allowed to use it in any old way. 2 [A; a12] work energetically to get a lot of things done. Dílì ku makadiskansu kay gawas nga mukayunda sa labhanan, náa pa giyuy ulutáwun nga kayundáhun, I can’t rest because I have to get the laundry done, and then there is the ironing to do.

kayung v [A; a] cook root crops with steam.

kayúring v [A3] jabber, talk rapidly and noisily, often unintelligibly. Nagakayúring ang mga Suban-un human sa butu, The Subanos jabbered away after the explosion. n action of jabbering. Hinúgay nang inyung kayúring dihà. Matúlug na ta, That’s enough of your jabbering. Let’s go to sleep.

kayut v 1 [ANC; abcP] hold or touch s.t., hold on to s.t. so as to be joined to it. Ang bátà mikayut (nangayut) sa sinínà sa inahan, The child held his mother’s dress. Magkáyut tang tanan nga manglábang sa subà, We will all join hands together in crossing the river. Kayútun ku ning duha ka tabla, I will join these two boards together. Wà kuy kwartang makaytan, I can’t get my hands on any of the money. 2 [A23] in pool, for the cue to slip off the ball when shooting.

kayútis = sayúti.

ki 1 [verb] — dílì, walà, or [verb] whether [so-and-so] happened or not. Ki nagkahigugmaay sila ki nagdinumtanay, ambut háiy tinúud, Whether they love each other or hate each other, I don’t know. Ki mutangdù [463]ki dílì, ayaw panigurúa, You can’t be certain whether or not he will consent. 2 [verb] ki [verb] (where the verb refers to an action) doing [so-and-so] intensely. Ínum ki ínum lang mu. Wà giyud muy láing nahunàhunaan, nu? All you do is drink and drink. You don’t think of anything else? Búnal ki búnal lang ang pulis. Wà giyud siya mutug-an, The police kept beating and beating him. He refused to reveal anything.

n key in music.

short for súkì.

kiamkiam = tiamtiam.

kiang v [B] limp, become crippled in the feet or legs. Nagkiang siya kay natunuk, He is limping because he got a thorn in his foot. Nakiang siya tungud sa aksidinti, He became crippled due to an accident. (←) v [B; b4] for an enterprise to be crippled by the absence of some part or member. Nakíang (gikiángan) ang trabáhu pagrisáyin nímu, The work was crippled because you resigned. a 1 having a limp. 2 being crippled. -un a = kiang, a.

kiat a 1 restless and inclined to rowdy or bouncy actions. Nagsáyaw sila inubanan sa kiat nga tugtug, They danced to the bouncy music. Kiat ka man kaáyu dì nadam-ag, You jump about all the time so you slipped and fell. 1a immodestly forward toward men. Dalì makúhà ang babáying kiat, One easily gets a loose woman. 2 doing s.t. carelessly because one’s attention jumps to other matters. Wà magkadimáu paglútù kay kiat man kaáyu, The dinner came out awful because she was so careless and heedless. v [B] get to be rowdy, unreserved in manners or restlessly inattentive. a get to be immodest, unreserved towards men. Nakiat siya tungud sa íyang pagkuyugkúyug ánang taga Manílà, She has become immodest due to her association with that girl from Manila. b be intensely restless, careless or immodest. Mikíat lang paglakaw, binyáan ang dinung-ag, She just walked off without thinking what she was doing, leaving the food on the fire.

kiaykíay v 1 [A; c1] sway the hips. Nagkiaykíay ang hawayána, The Hawaiian dancer is swaying her hips. 2 [AP] walk around to exhibit oneself. Sabadu ipanudlay, Duminggu ikiaykíay (ipakiaykíay), Saturday is to make oneself up. Sunday is to promenade. n swaying of the hips or metaphorically, a similar action. Ang kiaykíay sa mga dáhun nga gihurusan sa huyúhuy, The playing of the leaves in the breeze.

kibà v [AB; ab7c] for liquids to spill over the top of a container, cause them to do so. Paghínay arun dílì mukibà ang túbig sa baldi, Walk carefully so the water in the pail won’t spill. Kibai nang básu kay punù ra, Spill some of the water out of the glass because it’s too full. Anhà ikibà sa masitíra ang túbig, Toss the water onto the potted plant. n liquid spilt over the top of a container.

kibad v [A23] 1 get out of a place without losing time. Pag-abut sa kubradur mikibad ku sa kusína, When the bill collector arrived, I left on the double through the kitchen door. 2 move by swiftly. Mikibad lang ang dyit sa íyang paghangad, The jet just zoomed by when he looked up.

kibag a 1 behaving in a strange and socially unacceptable way: tactless in speech, oblivious to the propriety of what one is saying or doing. Kibag ang íyang pamisti kay way nakabadlung níya, She dresses immodestly because no one ever told her what was proper. Kibága nímu uy! Dì tu níya mutsátsa. Asáwa tu, You idiot! That wasn’t a maid. That was his wife. 2 not to the point, not reasonable. Kibag tung ímung tubag. Swítu kug unsay nahitabù. Tug-áni kug kinsa, You didn’t answer my question. I know what happened so just tell me who did it. v 1a [B6; c6] be, become improper in one’s behavior. Ug mag-ismágul ka sa simbahan kibagan giyud ang mga táwu, If you wear rubber slippers to church, the people will consider it bad manners. 1b [AP; aP] do s.t. in a socially unacceptable way. ‘Ma! Nía na ag yàyà,’ mipakibag ug singgit ang bátà, ‘Mom! The old goat you were talking about has arrived,’ shouted the little girl thoughtlessly. 2 [AP; aP] get off the point, be unreasonable.

kibhang v [B26; b7c] be lessened or diminished. Wà giyud mukibhang ang átung kalisud bísag gamay, The misery of our condition hasn’t lessened a bit. Nakibhang ug dakù ang íyang tinipígan sa nagastu níya sa uspital, His savings were greatly reduced after he paid his hospital bills. n deduction in amount.

kibídu n eyeglasses. v [A; a2] wear, get, make into eyeglasses.

kibkib v [A; ab7] wear down s.t. bit by bit with the front teeth. Ákù lang kibkíbun ning lubi kay gáhì nang kuskúsun, I’ll just bite the coconut meat from its shell because it’s hard to scrape it out. Ang punúan sa kapáyas gikibkiban sa bábuy, The pig has nibbled away at the trunk of the papaya tree. n = kalibkib.

kibra v 1 [B; ab7] be decreased, be diminished. [464]Usa ka kalihúkang nakakibra (nakapakibra) sa ákung pagmahal, An action which makes my love for you grow less. Kibráhan ang takus kay mahal na man, They give you less in a package because the price is going up. Dakù na ang kibra sa ákung timbang, I have lost a lot of weight. 2 [A; a] in a card game like rummy, deal a player a card which will force him to put down or discard cards he is holding—i.e., cause an opponent’s hand to diminish. Nakakibra siya sa ákung baráha ug nahátag ku ang ákung gikuptan, He dealt me a card such that I had to open, and I relinquished the cards I had been saving. -da n 1 downgrade. Giatángan sila sa kibráda, They were ambushed at the downgrade. 2 decrease. Kibráda sa mga prisyu, Lowering of prices. v [A] 1 for the road to descend. 2 for s.t. to move downward, becoming less.

kibù v [B246] 1 do s.t. in reaction. Wà siya mukibù dihang gitiúnan na, He didn’t move a muscle or say a word when I aimed at him. 1a [B126] be affected. Wà giyud makakibù (makapakibù) ang mga balud sa sakayan, The waves had no effect on the boat. 1b [A2; b(1)] show signs of recognition upon meeting s.o. Dì man lang ta nímu kibuan, You go by me as if you don’t know me. 1c [A2; b(1)] for the shoulders to be shrugged. Ígù lang ku gikibuan sa abága. Wà ku níya klarúhig unsa, All he did was shrug his shoulders. He didn’t give me a clear answer. 2 = kibà. n 1 movement in reaction. 2 liquid spilled over. pa- v [A; c1] move a part of the body in reaction: shrug the shoulders, nod the head, and the like.

kibul a 1 having a cropped or cut-off tail. 2 for s.t. else to be cropped short. v [A; ab] 1 cut a tail off or short, usually of animals but by extension, also of fowl. Kibulun nátù ang íkug sa ituy, Let’s cut off the puppy’s tail. 2 cut s.t. else short. Buhuk nga kibulan, Hair which was cut short. ka-(←) v [A13] with the tail cut short. Tan-áwa ra ang irù nagkakíbul lang ang íkug, Look at the dog with its tail cut short.

kíbul1 v [AC; b5] mate, have sexual intercourse (euphemism). Nagkíbul ang duha ka irù, The two dogs are mating. Kibúlun (kibúlan) ku nang bayhánag kalugar ku, I will have that woman if I get a chance.

kíbul2 n textile cone shell.

kíbul3 v [B3(1)46] for the spines of sea urchins to go deep into the skin; for the flesh of sea shells to recede into the inner part. Mukíbul ang kinhasun ug mapalabian ug lútù, Sea shells shrink into the shell if you overcook them. Gáhì nang kuháun ang tunuk sa tuyum ug makakíbul na, It’s hard to pick out the spines of sea urchins once they penetrate into the skin.

kíbut v [A2S] 1 for the anus to move in contracting. Huypa ang lubut sa manuk dì ba mukíbut, Blow on the chicken’s rear. See if it doesn’t twitch. 1a for any part of the body to twitch. Dúnay kusug nga kalit lang mukíbut, There are muscles that suddenly just twitch. 2 for the mouth to move in chewing or speaking. Mikíbut ang íyang ngábil pagyamyam, Her lips moved as she uttered her prayers. 3 [B256] for a mass of s.t. to move in a somewhat wriggling fashion. Nagkíbut ang mga úlud sa ginamus, The worms are wriggling over the preserved fish. n 1 movement of the anus or lips. 2 anus. 2a — nímu, níya expression showing complete disbelief (lit. your anus) (not refined usage). Madátù sa ímung kíbut! We couldn’t become rich, and you know it. Buta sa íyang kíbut. Makakità bayà siya, Blind, my foot (lit. his ass)! He can see.

kid n 1 friendly address to children or to persons younger than the speaker. 2 friendly term of address among intimates of the same age. 3 title affixed before names of boxers.

kida, kída v 1 [A; bc] deduct s.t. from an amount. Mukída nà siyag swildu sa míd basta makabuak, She deducts it from servants’ wage if they break anything. Kidahi ang íyang yútà kay dakù ra, Lessen his quota because it is too large. 2 [B6] for s.t. to remain after division. Hustung pagkabahína kay walà magkída, It was very well divided. There was no extra. n 1 deduction. 2 amount remaining after division.

kída bwilta = ída bwilta. see bwilta.

kidangkídang v [A3; c1] rock or sway. Mukidangkídang ang barku ug bawrun, The boat rocks sideways when it is buffeted by waves. Íyang kidangkidángun (ikidangkídang) ang silyang tuwangtúwang, He will rock the rocking chair.

kidhat v [AN; b6] signal with the eyes or eyebrows. Kinsa man nang tawhána nga nagkidhat (nagpangidhat) nímu? Who’s that fellow winking at you? Kidhátan ta lang kag úras na, I’ll just signal you with my eyes when it’s time. n signal with the eyebrows.

kidlap v [A; b6] for a light (strong or soft) to be intermittent: glitter, flash. Mikidlap ang bitúun, The star twinkled. Nagkidlap ang sugà sa patrul, The police car’s light is flashing. n flash, sparkle. paN- v [A13] sparkle intermittently and rapidly. Nagpangidlap [465]ang linantip sa kaháit, The bolo is sparkling, it is so sharp.

kidnap v [A; a] kidnap, abduct. Mga ribildi nga mikidnap sa upisyal, The rebels who kidnapped the official. Gikidnap siya sa sinalikwayng trátu, She was abducted by the man she had spurned. maN-r- n a kidnapper. paN- n kidnapping.

kig-(←) prefix, short form for nakig- and makig-.

kigi v [A; a] strip fiber from a plant by running it between two things that squeeze out all matter but the fiber. Magkigi siya ug lánut arun himúung písì, He’ll strip abaca fibers to make them into rope. Gikighan níya ang íyang útang nákù, He worked off his debt by stripping abaca. kilighan n 1 abaca stripper. 2 debt to be worked off by stripping abaca.

kigkig v 1 [B46] twitch in death spasms. Nikigkig ang manuk pagkaigù sa tarì, The cock twitched in its death spasm when the gaff hit it. Maáyu rag mukigkig nang malditúha nà, If that devil dies (twitch in a death spasm), that will be fine by me. 1a [B] become very thin such that the bones become prominent. Mukigkig ka giyud ug sígi kang gapulaw, You will become all skin and bones if you keep staying up late at night. 2 shiver or shudder due to cold, fright. Mikigkig siya sa katugnaw, He shivered with cold. 3 [b6] for water shaken off the fur to land on one. 4 [b6] for s.t. to scratch itself in front of one. paN- v [A; b6] 1 shake water off the fur. Nangigkig ang irù gíkan sa ulan, The dog shook water off its body when it came in from the rain. 2 scratch the body vigorously. Síging pangigkig ang irù nga gikarapáta, The dog which is infested by fleas is constantly scratching. -un a of a thin sort and not tending to get fat by nature.

kignat v [B126] start because of s.t. that distracts the attention. Nakignat siya pagkamatngun nga may táwung nagbarug sa íyang luyu, She started when she noticed a man standing behind her.

kigul n 1 place around the sacrum and coccyx in man and animals. 2 by extension, the anus. Hugási ang kigul sa bátà, Wash the baby’s rectum. (sa) ímung — affectionate and humorous expression of disgust or disappointment. Unsay nakakaun? Unsa may kan-un, ímung kigul, nga walà may nahibilis kan-un! What do you mean, have I eaten? What is there to eat when you didn’t leave me anything, you fool! v [a12b2] be hit in this area.

kigwa n tiny white intestinal worms which appear in the anus and tickle intensely. v [A123P; a2] have these worms. Makakigwa kunu kanang magtiniil tag lakaw, They say walking barefoot causes pinworm infestation. kigwahun a having these worms.

kíha v [A; c6] file a case in court. Ikíha ta ka sa ímung pagpakaúlaw nákù, I’ll sue you for slandering me. — ug atras v [c6] sue s.o. for backing up, a joking threat (inasmuch as there is no such crime as ‘backing up’). Ug mangulitáwu, ikíha ug atras, If he courts you, sue him for ‘backing up’. n complaint in a lawsuit. Ang kíha gidismis kay kúwang sa ibidinsiya, The case was dismissed for insufficiency of evidence. -nti n complainant.

kihar v [A1; b3] complain on account of s.t. Nagkihar mi tungud sa kasábà sa makina sa ámung duul, We are complaining about the noise the machine near our house is making.

kihat = kidhat.

kihud, kìhud v [B; c1] walk with a limp. Nagkihud siya kay mubù ug píkas tiil, He walks with a limp because one of his legs is short. Nakihud siya pagkabálì sa íyang páa, He limped after he hurt his leg. n one who walks with a limp. tang- = kihud.

kihul v [A; b6] make motions to do s.t. Wà lang mukihul gisúgù ay, I asked him to do s.t., but he didn’t make a move. n motion made preparatory to s.t. Wà tingáli kumbira sa íla kay way kihul, I doubt that they’re going to have a party because they haven’t made a move to prepare.

kíim n 1 acronym for Kabatáang Makabáyan. 2 be a member of the k.m. 3 person short in height (humorous slang—so called for the term kabatáang mugbù ‘short children’ a teasing reference to Kabatáang Makabáyan).

kík n cake. v [A; a] make a cake.

kikbak n money given as kickback. v [A; c] give, get kickback. Padag-a sa bíding ang kusug mukikbak, Award the contract to the one that gives the biggest kickback. Mukikbak sad ang ahinti sa biay-ar, Internal revenue agents also get kickbacks.

kikhi v [A; a] scrape off s.t. that cakes onto s.t. Kikhía ang buling sa tsinílas, Scrape the dirt off of your slippers.

kíkì n child talk for female genitalia.

kìkì n food particles left in the teeth. hiN- v [A] pick s.t. out of the teeth. n s.t. used to pick the teeth. panghiN- v [A2] pick one’s teeth. Díay tutpik u. Panghingìkì, Here’s a toothpick. Pick your teeth. ígù rang ipanghingìkì for food to be so little as to be just [466]enough to stick between the teeth (lit. to pick out of the teeth). Mu ra ni ihátag mu? Ígù ra nang ipanghingìkì, Is this all you are giving me? It’s hardly enough to stick to the teeth.

kíkik1 n 1 bird which makes the sound kíkik which is said to accompany an úngù or, in other versions, which is a form the úngù takes. 2 illegitimate woman abortionist (slang). 2a gold digger. v 1 [B126] turn into a kíkik bird. 2 [A; ab2] for a kíkik to harass s.o. Ug dúnay magkíkik sa manganak, patay ang ianak, If a kíkik harasses a mother in labor, the baby will be stillborn. paN- v [A2; b6] for a kíkik to go about its evil business.

kíkik2 = kikbak (slang).

kikílu n name given to flat fish nearly as wide as they are long: Scatophagus argus.

kikim v [A; b6(1)] wring out, rub off dirt or stains with little water from a worn clothing.

kíking n kicking the ball, a violation in basketball.

kilá = kilála.

kilab v [A3] flash by swiftly, do s.t. in a flash. Mikilab lang ang dyit, The jet plane flashed by. Ang íyang hulagway mikilab sa ákung panumdúman, Her image flashed through my memory. Nagkilab ang mga katuígan, The years went by like a flash. kilabkilab v [AN] glitter, flash intermittently. Ang sikwins sa íyang sinínà nagkilabkilab, The sequins in her dress sparkled. paN- v [A13] = kilabkilab. -in- n gleam, flash, luster. Dakug sángat ang kinilab sa linti gíkan sa barku, The flash of the boat’s light ranges over a wide area.

*kilába pa- v [A] plead, implore, ask earnestly. Kun magkalisudlisud ka, ása ka mupakilába? When you are in dire need where do you go to ask for help? Nagpakilába siya sa katawhan nga pamináwun ang íyang katarúngan, He pleaded to the public to listen to his explanations. paN- = pa-.

kilála n ornamental shrub, the reddish leaves of which have medicinal use: Cordyline fruticosa.

kilas a 1 characterized by making rapid and shifting movements. Kilas ang talabánug kay dílì balansi, The kite is unsteady because it is not balanced. Kilas nga tugtug, Fast and lively song. 2 moving about too much, roaming about. 2a flirting too much with the opposite sex. Ikaw, kay babáying kilas, buut rag ása makatulug, Since you are a woman who lets herself go all the time, you would agree to sleep anywhere. Bisag minyù ka na, kilas gihápun ka sa mga babáyi, Even though you are married you go after women too much. v [B; b6] 1 be, become unsteady and shifting in motion. Unsa guy nindut ánang kasing nga nagkilas? What’s so good about that top? It is unsteady. 2 roam about, move about too much, get to have loose morals. Ayaw pagkilas. Paúlì dáyun human sa klási, Don’t go roaming about. Come straight home after school.

kílat n lightning. kusug pa sa — faster than greased lightning. v 1 [A] for lightning to flash. Mukílat gánì, dúna giyuy dalugdug, Where there is lightning, there is thunder. 1a -an curse hoping lightning strikes s.o., esp. for doing s.t. immoral. Nagpabaliw ang amahan ug anak. Kilátan pa untà, The father and daughter are having sexual relations. May lightning strike them! 2 [b(1)] have a lucky break in a seemingly impossible situation (lit. have lightning flash at one). Mupalit kug tíkit sa swipstiks uruy. Ug kilátan dì madátù unyà ku, I’ll buy a sweepstakes ticket. Who knows. If I get a lucky break, I’ll be rich. Musúkul ta bísag maáyu sila. Básin pag kilátan nga makadaug, We will play against them, strong as they are. Who knows we might get a break and win. 3 [b6] be done with lightning speed. Gipanggútum ang kabatáan kay gikilátan lang ang pagkáun sa lamísa, The children must have been hungry because they finished their food with a lightning speed. paN-(→) v [A13] for lightning to be flashing intensely. Dautan ang panahun kay nagpangilat, The weather is bad and the sky is ablaze with flashes of lightning. -nun a with lightning speed.

kiláti n carat, unit of weight for precious stones or metals.

kílaw v 1 [A; a] eat s.t. raw or unripe. Kiláwun sa bátà ang bugas, The baby will eat the rice raw. 1a eat vegetables slightly cooked or raw fish or meat together with vinegar and spices. Maáyung kiláwun ang púsù sa ságing, The end of a bunch of bananas is good for salads. 1b [C2; b6] have a raw seafood eating spree. Magkílaw ta sa hunásan, Let’s have a raw seafood party at the seashore. 2 [A; a12] take care of a task handily and easily. Kiláwun lang níya ang mát, He’ll just breeze through mathematics. 2a -un ug way sukàsúkà I’d like to make mince meat out of you (lit. cut you up for raw fish without vinegar). Kagágu bayà nímu. Maáyu giyud kang kiláwun ug way sukàsúkà, What a dumbbell you are. I’d like to [467]make mince meat out of you. 3 = kilawkílaw. n raw seafood to eat. Nindut ang kílaw ug dúnay tubà, Raw seafood goes well with palm toddy. -in- n a dish, usually of raw foods prepared with vinegar and spices. v [A1] prepare or eat kinílaw. -un(→), -nun n s.t. for eating raw, esp. raw fish meat. kilawkílaw v [A; a] speak hurriedly with poor enunciation. Unsáun pagsabut nga gikilawkílaw man lang níya ang íyang pakigpúlung? How could people understand when he just mumbled his speech hurriedly?

kiláwan n k.o. porgy.

kílay n eyebrows. v [A; a] put on false eyebrows, line the eyebrows. hiN- v [A] pluck one’s eyebrows. -un a having bushy eyebrows.

kilditáyim v [A; c] in games, kill time so that the losing team won’t have time to make points.

kílid n side. Samad sa kílid ni Hisus, Wound on Jesus’ side. Ipapilit sa píkas kílid sa bungbung, Paste it on the other side of the wall. v [B2S6; c1] lean to one side. Mikílid (nakílid) ang barku paghampak sa bawud, The ship leaned to one side when the waves hit it. Nagkilid ang trák sa kadaghan sa pasahíru, The truck was leaning to one side because it was overloaded with passengers. Kilíra (ikílid) nang baril arun karútun ang túbig, Turn the barrel sideways so that the water can be scooped out to the last drop. (→) v [A; a12] hit on the side. Nakilid pagsumbag si Humaw-as, Jumao-as was hit on the side. kiliran n at one’s side. Milingkud ku sa kiliran sa masakitun, I sat beside the patient. hiN-(→) a tending to be hit on the side.

kiligkilig v [A; b6] shudder from cold or on experiencing s.t. that raises goose bumps; shake the body. Nagkiligkilig kung nagtan-aw sa sud-an nga tambuk, I got goose pimples seeing the fatty food. Gikiligkiligan ku sa irù human nákug lígù áni, The dog shook off his water on me after I had bathed him.

kilígù humorous for kalígù. see lígù. Way kilígù, Needing a bath.

kilikísi = kisikísi. see kisi.

kilikíti v 1 [A; a] make s.t. into a tight roll. Nagkilikíti siyag papil nga gam-ung pabílu sa ribintadur, She made fine, tight rolls of paper to make into firecracker fuses. 2 [A; a1] make motions with the palms or fingers of the sort one makes in rolling s.t. Arun paglínis sa tablíya, kilikitíha (kilikit-a) ug maáyu ang buluníyu, In order to dissolve the chocolate, twirl the stirring stick between the palms. Kilikit-a ang tútuy, Tickle the nipples by rubbing them between the thumb and forefinger.

kilíkug see kulítug.

kilíkut = kulíkut.

kilim n k.o. large tree.

kíling v [A2S; c1] 1 lean, list to one side. Nikíling ang sakayan paghampak sa dagkung balud, The boat tilted because the waves lashed at it. Nagkiling ang túri sa Písa, The tower of Pisa is leaning. 2 defect to the opposite side. Ang ámung partídu mauy íyang gikilíngan, He defected to our political party. (→) a listing, tilting to one side. Kiling ning lamisáha, This table is tilting to one side.

kíling ditayim = kilditáyim.

kilípay humorous for kalípay. see lípay. Way kilípay kay wà íyang bána dinhi, She hasn’t been having any (sexual) fun because her husband isn’t here.

kilis v [A; b] wash cereals, sand, or anything granular. Kisli ang mais únà lung-ága, Wash the corn grits before you cook them. Ang balas sa dágat kislan úsà imása sa simintu, The sand from the sea has to be washed first before one makes the cement mixture. -in-, -in-an n water which had been used in washing grains. kislanan, kilislan, kislunun, kilislun n grains to be washed.

kilísiw = kulísiw.

kilkig v [A; a] get scrapings from s.t. Ang tambálan nagkilkig ug tambal pára sa masakitun, The folk doctor is scraping medicinal bark for the sick man. Kilkígun ang pánit sa kaníngag pára ipanákut, They scrape cinnamon bark to get a spice. -an thing on which one scrapes s.t. -in- n scrapings.

kilkil v [A; ab] 1 scratch an itch. Nakilkil ku na, lakip ang dílì makatul, I’ve scratched it, including the part that doesn’t itch. 2 extort money. Gikilkílan kug singku sa pulis, kay nadakpan nga way lisinsiya, The policeman extorted five pesos from me because he caught me without a license. -in-, -in-an n s.t. extorted. paN- n occupation of extortion.

kilu = kítung.

kílu n 1 kilogram. 2 weight as it comes out on the scale. Mu rang kilúha, dinhi sa átug sa íla, It’ll come out to be the same weight, on our scale or theirs. v 1 [c1] buy or sell s.t. by the kilogram. Kilúha (ikílu) pagbaligyà ang bwáhan, Sell the fruits by the kilogram. 2 [A; a] weigh. Kilúhun ni nákung ripulyu, I will weigh the cabbage. 3 [B256; a12] be a kilogram. kiluhan n scales graduated in kilos. -in-, -in-(→) n 1 s.t. measured [468]by the kilo. 2 sex on a business-like basis (as one would buy a kilogram of s.t.). Gustu mu bang mupalit na lang kug kinilu? You want me to go to a prostitute (buy flesh by the kilogram)?

kilù v [AN; c1] wink the eyes to signal. Nagpangilù siyang nagtan-aw sa gwápa, He kept on winking as he was looking at the pretty girl. Kiluan ta lang ka ágig sinyas, I’ll wink at you as a signal. n wink.

*kilug paN- v [A; b4] shudder (with pleasure or revulsion). Nagpangilug (gipangilugan) aku sa kalamì, kangilngig, I shuddered with pleasure, horror. pangilugkilug v [A; c] shudder, shiver in waves. Nangilugkilug ang kabáyù pag-ábug sa lángaw, The horse made his skin shudder to get rid of the flies.

kilumitru n kilometer. v [B256; b6] be a kilometer. Wà ra mukilumitru (makilumitru) ang gilay-un sa ámung gibaktas, The distance which we hiked did not reach a kilometer. kilumitráhi n 1 kilometer post. 2 mileage (reckoned in kilometers). Bag-u ning awtúha mau nga mabà ug kilumitráhi, This car is new. That is why it has low mileage. -s kilometers (plural—used with numbers of Spanish origin).

kilumkílum n dusk. v [B5N; b2] be dusk, be overtaken by dusk. Manghúp ang manuk ug magkilumkílum na, Chickens roost when it’s dusk.

kilya n 1 an edge that is square. Háit ra ang kilya sa lamísa, The square edge of the table is too sharp. 2 keel, chief timber or piece of steel which extends the entire length of the bottom of a boat or ship and supports the frame. v 1 [A; c1] make the edges of s.t. square. 2 [B126] bump against an edge. Nakilya ang íyang úlu sa pasamánu pagkatumba, He hit his head against the bannister when he fell. kilyakilya v [A23; c] keep knocking the ball at the edge of the table in pingpong to keep the opponent off balance. Magdagandágan ang íyang kuntra ug íya nang ikilyakilya ang búla, His opponent has to run all over the place when he keeps bouncing the ball off the edge. n action of hitting the ball this way.

kimàkimà v [B6; b6] talk haltingly, stammer. Mukimàkimà siya ug pangutan-un na sa huwis, She stammers when the judge questions her.

kimaw = kiwaw.

kímay v [B26; b4] have a broken, twisted, or deformed wrist. Nakímay siya pagkabálì sa íyang kamut, He got a twisted wrist when he broke his hand. Kimayan ta ka ug mangáwat ka pa, I’ll break your wrist if you steal again. (→) n having a broken, twisted, or deformed wrist.

kimba n low cliff or gully. Nahū́g ang kábaw sa kimba. Maáyu nga wà kabalíig tiil, The carabao fell into the gully. It was a good thing it didn’t break its legs. v [B; a] develop into a gully. Mukimba (makimba) giyud ning dapíta sa tantung kinankan sa túbig, This area will turn into a series of gullies from erosion.

*kimbid paN- v [A; b4] shudder, get goose-pimples. Nagpangimbid aku sa kaísug sa álak, I shuddered because the liquor was so strong. hi-/ha- v [B1256] have shudders come over one. Nahakimbid siya sa pagkahinumdum sa mangilngig hitabù, He shuddered when he remembered the grisly incident.

kimbig = *kimbid.

kimi = kumi.

kimì1 a awkwardly hesitant in doing s.t. Mau diayng kimì manglihuklihuk, buta giyud diayng tinuuray, So that’s why he moves hesitantly. He really is blind. kimìkímì v [A13] move in an awkward manner as if hesitating. Nagkimìkimì siyang naggámit sa tinidur. Wà man gud maánad, He looks awkward when he uses the fork because he is not used to it.

kimì2 v [A; b] wash out dirt or stains from s.t. without washing the whole thing. Akuy mukimì sa mantil nga natuluan sa kitsap, I’ll wash out the ketchup stain which got into the table cloth.

*kimì3 = *timì.

kimika n chemistry. -l n chemical engineering course. v [B156] take up chemical engineering. — indyinir n chemical engineer.

kimikna, kimiknà v [A; a] ask s.o.’s final decision or say on a matter.

kimiku n chemist. v [B156; a12] be, become a chemist.

kímin n person holding an important position in a company. v [AB1; c1] become, make into a key man. Makímin (kimínun, ikímin) giyud siya kay anak sa tag-íya, He will be given an important position because he is the son of the owner.

kimist n 1 chemist. 2 mixer of the drinks in a drinking party (humorous slang). v [B156] become a chemist.

kimpang v 1 [B; c1] walk with a limp as if with one leg shorter than the other, become a limp. Mikimpang ang íyang linaktan kay way tikud ang píkas sapátus, She limped because she lost the heel on one of her shoes. 2 [B] for a table or chair to wobble with one leg shorter. Mukimpang (makimpang) ang lamísa ug ímung mab-an ang usa [469]ka tiil, The table will become wobbly if you make one of its legs short. a 1 limping in walk with one leg shorter than the other. 2 wobbly with a short leg.

kimpì a knock-kneed. Magpingkì ang túhud sa kimpì iniglakaw, A knock-kneed person’s legs bang against each other as he walks. v [B6] be knock-kneed.

kimpit 1 = kumpit2. 2 = kulampit, 1.

kimpitay n the Kempetai, a branch of the Japanese army in charge of liquidation, or a Japanese soldier belonging to that branch. v 1 [B156] become a member of the Kempetai. 2 [c1] send to the Kempetai prison.

kimù1 v [A; b6(1)] 1 wash out a stain with a little water without taking the clothes off. Kimui lang nang namantsahan arun makúhà, Just wash out the stain you got on your dress to get rid of it right away. 2 eat up s.t. in a jiffy. Kimua (ikimù) na lang nang ímung gikaun kay manlákat na ta, Eat your food down quickly because we’re leaving.

kimù2 = kímud.

kimud, kímud v [A; c1] point to a place or at s.t. with mouth or chin. Mikímud siya diin sila padúng, He pointed out where they went to with his mouth.

kimug v [A3; b4] twitch involuntarily. Nagkimug ang ákung unud sa kagiluk, My flesh trembled because it tickled me so much. Gikimúgan siyang namínaw sa mangilngig nga balità, The terrible news chilled her. paN- v [A13] keep trembling. kimugkimug v [AN3] = paN-.

kimùkímù v [AN] for flesh to quiver, shiver. Mukimùkímù (mangimùkímù) ang átung unud basta tugnaw, Our flesh quivers if it’s cold. Magkimùkimù ang unud sa kabáyù nga isugba, Horse flesh appears to twitch when it’s put over the coals.

kímun v [A2N2; c1] gather a wide skirt together in front of the body to hide s.t., or get it out of the way, or minimize body odor, and the like. Kimúnun (ikímun) sa girigla ang íyang sayal ug náay muági, The woman gathers her skirt close to her body when s.o. passes by because she is menstruating.

kimúna n k.o. loose, short-sleeved blouse worn as part of the native costume, cut low at the neck and made of a flimsy, translucent material. v [A; a] wear a kimúna, make into a kimúna.

kimut, kímut, kim-ut a murky, or dark such that it is difficult to see. Kimut ákung mata kay bag-u pa kung nagmata, My eyes are dim because I just got up. v [B; c1] 1 be, become gloomy, dark. Mikímut ang kalibútan pagsálup sa búlan, Everything became dark when the moon set. 2 for one’s expression to be gloomy. Unsay suliran, tì, nga nagkim-ut man nang dagway mu? What’s your problem, friend? Your face is so gloomy.

kina-an(→) affix added to adjectives or nouns referring to a position to form nouns which mean ‘the most [adj.]’ or ‘the very heart of.’ Kinadak-an, The largest. Kinamaayuhan, The best. Kinalawran, The deepest part of the sea. Ang trapik layit náa sa kinasang-an sa dálan, The traffic light is in the very middle of the crossing.

kináham see káham.

kinahángan, kinahanglan (from hangul) should, must, it is necessary. Kinahanglan (kinahanglang) magtuun ka arun makapasar ka, You must study if you wish to pass. n s.t. needed, required for a particular thing. Pilay ímung kinahanglan? How much do you need? v [AN; a] need, require. Kun mulangyaw kita magkinahanglan (manginahanglan) giyud kitag bísa, When we travel abroad we need to have a visa. Gikinahanglan ka sa míting, You are needed at the meeting. Kinahanglánun kaáyu ang bitamína sa bátà, Vitamins are very necessary for children. paN- n needs. -un(→) n s.t. required in general, for general use. Mau kiniy mga kinahanglanun sa iskuylahan, These are the things we need for school.

kinaíya (from siya) n 1 characteristic traits of s.t. or s.o.; the way it (he) is. Maáyug kinaíyang bayhána, A woman good in her ways. Kinaíya giyud niánang tawhána nga matúlug lang kun mahubug, It’s that man’s characteristic just to fall asleep when he is drunk. 2 natural thing for s.o. Kinaíya sa asáwa nga mangabughù, It is natural for wives to get jealous. Kinaíya man nang bun-ug nga mapáyuk, It is natural for a bruise to be bluish. Kay wà man makatunghà, kinaíya níya nga dílì makabasa, He never went to school, so naturally he can’t read. 3 genitalia (euphemism). v [B1246] become one’s habit. Nakinaíya na nákù karun ang pagmata ug sayu sa buntag, I have gotten into the habit of getting up early in the morning. kinaiyáhan n nature, the natural things one observes in the world: the sky, sea, mountains, trees, et al. kinaiyanhun a pertaining to nature.

kinákin = nakinnákin.

kinampay n any root crop or fruit that is violet, usually said of yams, and by extension star apples and ice cream.

kinaunsa see unsa. [470]

kindàkindà = kírà.

kindang, kindangkindang a wobbling, rocking from side to side. v [AB; c1] rock from side to side. Tupúnga ang tiil sa lamísa kay nagkindangkindang, Even out the table’s legs because it wobbles. Kindangkindángun (ikindangkindang) ang kúna sa bátà, Rock the baby’s crib. n action of wobbling from side to side.

kindaykinday v [A] move with slow waddling or gracefully swaying motion. Nagkindaykinday ang tambuk babáy, The fat lady was waddling. Gikindaykindáyan níla ang sunátang pandanggu, They swayed gracefully to the music of the Fandanggo. n action of swaying or wobbling slowly.

kindi n candy. v [A; a] make candy. Lamì kaáyung kindíhun ang duryan, Durian can be made into a very delicious candy. Amirkánu, Amirkána nga walay — persons of fair complexion or with American blood but not American citizens; or persons who do not have a trace of American blood or do not look American but have American citizenship (humorous).

kindir, kindirgartin n 1 kindergarten, the year before first grade. 2 at kindergarten level. Duhay ákung bátà nga kindirgartin, I have two children in kindergarten. v [B56; c1] be in kindergarten.

kindwit n k.o. rattan tie to hold beams in place in bamboo dwellings, used instead of supporting pegs (tarúgu).

king contraction for kini nga (literary).

kíng n 1 king in a playing card. 2 king in chess. v [A12] get a king in cards.

kíngas v [B2S; b6] move about too much, be careless, lack poise and grace. Mukíngas ang nawung ánang bayhána ug náay mga laláki. Malukup ug língì, That woman becomes restless when there are men around. She has to keep turning around to look at them. Nagkíngas ka man gud maung hintumban lang ang ákung tiil, You were so rowdy, you stepped on my foot. Ngánung makíngas man ang nawung ánang maistráha ug ubsirbahan? Why does that teacher get fidgety when her superior observes her? Nagkakíngas lang mu. Tan-áwa dì nabyaan ang átung bálun, You were so careless. Look, you left our lunch behind. (→) a rowdy, carelessly inattentive.

kíngat v [B6; c1] do things fast, in a rough, rowdy manner. Kuyaw ug mukíngat ug drayib ang draybir, It’s scary if the driver drives roughly. Nakingat lang bayà ang íyang nawung nga misulud sa kwartu, He entered the room in such a rowdy manner.

kingki1 n k.o. hanging kerosene lamp with a glass chimney and a covering. v [A13] use this kind of kerosene lamp. -lya n k.o. small kerosene lamp similar to the kingki, often used to light an altar or a room while all the other lights are out. v [A13] light a kingkilya.

kingki2 a kinky. v [B; b6] for hair to become kinky. Mukingki (makingki) ang ímung kulung ug lutúug maáyu, Your permanent will become kinky if it’s overdone.

kingking1 v [A1N; a] do in a gingerly way with the thumb and the forefinger. Nangingking siyang mikuput sa tiil sa bakì, He held the frog’s feet carefully with his thumb and forefinger. -alum-, -ulum-, -um- n little finger. walà sa — 1 not as big as the little finger when compared. Si Karangkál walà sa kulumingking itandì niadtung dakù kaáyung isdà, Tom Thumb wasn’t as big as a little finger compared to that huge fish. 2 nothing as compared to. Kanang ímung abilidad walà ra sa ákung kumingking, Your ability is nothing compared to mine.

kingking2 = takingking.

kingkiri expression used by children when they want to have a group of children compete for s.t. they are to give away: ‘Who wants it?’ The first one who says yukayu gets it. v [A13; c1] have kids compete for s.t. by saying quien quiere.

kingpin n the kingpin placed at the center in bowling. v [A12; a12] hit the kingpin in a game of bowling.

kingpus n the king post, a vertical supporting post connecting the apex of a triangular truss (e.g. of a roof) with the base. v [A1; a] put up the king post, make into the king post.

kingsan n k.o. pink snapper that turns deep pink when caught: Lutjanus sp.

king sayis a 1 king-sized cigarettes. 2 s.t. unusually big for its kind.

kinhas (from hunas) v [A; a] 1 gather seashells on tidal flats. Sayun nang kinhásun kay magmata, It’s an easy k.o. shell to gather because it is open. 2 [A2] go around caroling for money (slang). paN- v 1 [A2; b] gather shells. Manginhas ta inighunas, Let’s gather shells when it’s low tide. 2 [b5] get hold of money by any means whatsoever, usually dubious. Manginhas kug ipangmadyung diri sa bulsa sa ákung bána, I’m going through my husband’s pockets to find some change to play mahjong with. 2a go caroling for money (slang). -un(→) n seashells. -in-an n 1 seashells one has gathered. 2 money acquired by dubious ways. 2a [471]money acquired by caroling.

kinhud = kihud.

kini1 short forms: ni, king 1 this (near speaker and person spoken to). Pila man ni? How much is this? 1a mau -g — expression used in lieu of giving reasons or excuses why s.o. failed to do s.t. or cannot do s.t. Mau kinig kini, mau kanag kanà ... Sus, daghan kaáyug katarúngan, Because of this and this, and that and that ... there’s no end to reasons why he couldn’t do it. 1b this one now. Tinúud na karun kining ákù, What I am saying now is true. 2 this well-known kind of. Natural, kay láin man ning kumbira ug walay bayli ug ínum! Of course! Because a (lit. this) party is no good without dancing or drinking. 3 he, she (person just referred to). Átù ning tabangan, Let’s gang up on him. 4 — nga pause word used when one is hesitant about plunging into things. Kining, nía ku kay dúna kuy ihangyù, Err, I came here because I have a request. 4a this action of, when one does. Uh, unsa gud ning ámut na pud! What’s all this stuff about contributions again! 4b when, at that time you know well. Pag-abut níya sa íla, kining pagsaka níya sa íla, When he arrived home, when he went up the stairs. niíni, niáni gen., dat. Niíni, nakat-un aku pag-amping, Because of this, I learned to be careful. Ang amahan niíni, His father. íni, áni short for niíni, niáni.

kini2 = kumi. kinihun n k.o. shark that resembles the kumi fish.

kinína n quinine.

kinis, kínis a clear and smooth on the surface. v [B2] become clear and smooth on the surface. Mukínis (makínis) ang ímung nawung niíning lusyúna, This lotion will give you a creamy complexion. Mukínis ang káhà, The frying pan will become clean and smooth. ka- n fineness of complexion or surface.

kinkin v [BN; c1] for the hemline, sleeves, curtains, and the like to be shorter than intended. Ayúhag táud ang muskitíru kay mikinkin (nanginkin), Fix the mosquito net because it is up too high off the bed. a for the hemline to be shorter than it is supposed to be. Kinkin rag buktun ang púlu, The sleeves of this shirt are too short.

kinlaw a gleaming brightly, shining with a steady reflected light. Kinlaw ang lamísang gisilakan, The table is gleaming because it was shellacked. v [B; a] gleam brightly with a steady light. Nagkinlaw ang linimpyáhang sapátus, The shoes I polished are gleaming.

kinsa 1 who, whose? Kinsay muanhi rung hápun? Who will come this afternoon? Kinsa ring lapis? Whose pencil is this? [noun]-a 2 which person (of several). Kinsang batáang naligsan? Which child was it that was run over? 3 in phrases: bísan — anybody, and everybody. Ang mayur nag-awhag kang bísan kinsa nga ang sidula pagabayran giyud, The Mayor urges anyone and everyone to pay his head tax. Abúga bísan kinsang batáang magdúlà dinhi, Drive away any child that plays here. ni, si bísan — no one at all, no matter who it is. Way si (ni) bísan kinsa ang makahilabut niíni, No one, and I don’t care who, can touch this. kang — whose. Kang kinsa ni? Who does this belong to? — pa a who else? Kinsa pay gustung mupalit? Who else wants to buy? b who in the world! Kinsa pay layhan nga mutrabáhu ug mau nay swildu! Who in the world would want to work here if that is the salary! -y ngálan [gen.] what is [gen.]’s name? Kinsay ngálan níya? What is his name? si — a1 s.o. who thinks he’s of importance but is not. in interrogative sentences: who does he (she) think he is? Si kinsa ba siyang musúgù nákù? Who is he to command me? a2 mu rag si — as if he were s.o. Nagpasugùsúgù si Ambuy mu rag si kinsa, Amboy is giving orders as if he were s.o. a3 abi, kaingun [gen.] ug si — [gen.] thought it was s.o. of importance, when it wasn’t. Ingun nákù ug si kinsa, ikaw diay, For a moment I thought it was s.o., but it was just you. b — kadtung whoever, anyone who. Si kinsa tung makapildi sa higanti hatágag primyu, Whoever can kill the giant gets a reward. kinsáun, maha-, mahakinsakinsa whoever it turns out to be. Bísan kinsáun (mahakinsa, mahakinsakinsa) padayunun sa balay, Whoever comes, she just lets him come into the house. kinsakinsa anybody and everybody. Kinsakinsa na lang duktur ákung gitawag. Wà ma maáyu ang masakitun, I called every doctor there was, but the patient did not improve.

kinsan = kingsan.

kinsay = kintsay.

kinsi n fifteen. Kinsi anyus, Fifteen years old. Kinsi ka buuk, Fifteen pieces. v see disiutsu.

kinsína, kinsínas n half a month. v [c1] do on a bimonthly (twice a month) basis. Sukad karun dì na sinimanal. Kinsináhun (ikinsína) nátù nà, From now on, we won’t do it every week. We’ll do it twice a month. Culu- every half month. -in-(→), -l-(→) n by the fifteen days. Kininsina (kinsinal) ang ámung pagswildu, We pay salaries every fifteen days. [472]

kinta1, kintà1, kintǎ 1 let’s just consider how it would be—perhaps it is so, perhaps not. Naghátag sila arun kinta pagpakítà sa kadaghánan, They gave some perhaps just for appearances’ sake (or perhaps in all honesty). 1a supposing that it is or will be the case. Kinta nagtúu kang kináwat ku kadtu. Unsay pagtúu mu kanákù—kawatan? Supposing you think I stole it. What do you think I am, a thief? Kinta ig-adtu ku didtu, bayran na ku nímu? Let’s say I go there. Will you pay me? Kinta bungatan kag dyís, hangyúag dus, If he offers to sell it for, say, ten, offer two for it. 1b let’s say for the sake of the game or the story. Ang nakakuhag dyís puntus, kinta, muy mananáug, The one who gets, say, ten points wins. Ang gilay-un sa ílang balay gíkan sa ámù, ingun kinta dinhi ug ngadtu sa Kapitulyu, Their house was about as far from ours as, say, it is from here to the Capitol. 2 pretending to be. Naghilak kinta ka, ayaw paila nga nagkumidiya, You’re supposed to be crying. Don’t let on you’re joking. 2a since [so-and-so] is, after all, the case. Ikaw man kintay pinyalan dinhi—ayúha pagdá ning ímung mga sákup, You’re supposed to be in charge here, so treat your men fairly. 3 kay — why, is [so-and-so] really the case (when it shouldn’t be)? Kay kinta ikaw bay magbuut dinhi? Why, do you think you have the right to have the say here? Kay kinta siya ra giyuy taypist—mangítà tag láin, What the hell. Does he think he’s the only typist in the world? We’ll look for another one. Kay kinta patrabahúun pa giyud kug maduminggu? What? Do I have to work on Sundays, too? kintáhay = kinta1, 1, 2.

kinta2 — martsa fifth gear of vehicular engines. — siniyal the fifth signal in a typhoon. v [AC6] do, put into fifth gear.

kintà2 a 1 for horses, dogs to be sprightly, frisky. Ang ákung kabáyù batan-un, abtik, ug kintà, My horse is young, alert, and frisky. 2 self-confident in a posturing, showy way. Kintà siyang musulti, mu rag siya ray kamau, He speaks so self-confidently—as if he were the only one who knew how. Mukintà ang kabáyù nga laki basta dúul sa bayi, The male horse becomes frisky if there is a female around. 2 [B] be, become self-confident in a showy, posturing way.

kintab a shining, gleaming with a steady reflected light. Kintab kaáyu ang pagkalimpiya sa ímung sapátus, Your shoes have been polished very shiny. v [B; c1] become clean and shiny.

kintal n a unit of weight measurement roughly equalling fifty kilograms. v [B256] reach or add up to a kintal. Ug mukintal (makintal) ang timbang sa kupras ibaligyà, If you get enough copra to make fifty kilograms, sell it.

kintid a short, for s.t. to be hanging such that its lower edge is more above the ground than normal. Kintid kaáyu ang íyang míni, Her miniskirt is very short. v [B; b6] come out too short. Magkakintid ang kurtína káda laba, The curtains become shorter every time they are washed.

kintsay n variety of celery (Apium graveolens) with narrow stalks, the leaves of which are used as a seasoning in Chinese dishes.

kintu1 v 1 [A; c1] move, be on one’s tiptoes. Mukintu ang mubù arun makakità sa intabládu, The short person will stand on his tiptoes to see the stage. Magkintu ta paglakaw kay dúnay natúlug, Let’s walk on our tiptoes because there’s s.o. asleep. 2 [A13; b6] be cautious, be extra wary of s.o. Magkintu giyud ming Tátay kay istriktu kaáyu, We are very circumspect with Dad because he is quite strict. n high-heels. -in- = kintu1, n.

kintu2 1 fifth grade. Kútub ra ku sa kintu, I just went as far as the fifth grade. 2 fifth grader. Kintu na si Maríya, Maria is a fifth grader now. — distrítu n fifth congressional district. — grádu n fifth grade. — limbu n a region bordering Hell, where souls of unbaptized children are consigned. Bísan ug magtágù ka sa kintu limbu, pangitáun ta giyud ka, Even if you hide in the fifth limbo, I’ll look for you. v [B56] be in the fifth grade, be fifth in rank.

kintuplits n quintuplets.

kinù v [AB45; a2] shake s.t. Akuy mukinù sa alkansiya ug bug-at na ba, I’ll shake the piggy bank to see if it’s heavy. Mukinù giyud ang lahing, A mature coconut sloshes when you shake it. — ang útuk v [B; b4(1)] become somewhat mentally unbalanced. Nakinuan siya sa útuk dihang nabangkarúta, He went slightly crazy after he went bankrupt. n 1 mature fruit of the coconut. Ang mga kinù lang mauy taktákun, Only the mature fruit of the coconut should be harvested. 2 — ug útuk mentally unbalanced.

kinul, kínul v [B2] 1 shrivel up. Mukínul ang útin human ug tíra, The penis shrinks after coitus. Ínit mauy makakínul (makapakínul) sa kupras, Heat causes copra to shrivel. 2 become callous, insensitive after being subjected to s.t. for too long. Mikínul na nang batáa ug kinasábà, The child got hardened [473]to the parents’ constant scolding.

kínut a for food to be tough and hard to break but flexible. v [B; b6] come out tough, become tough. Mukínut (makínut) ang sitsarun ug dílì isulud ug sirádu, Pork rinds get tough and lose their crispness if you don’t keep them in a jar.

kinyintus number five hundred. v see disiutsu.

kípat v [A; c1] blink the eyes. Ikípat (kipáta) sa túbig ang ímung puling, Blink your eyes in a basin of water to get the speck out. (→) v [A] do s.t. quick as a flash. Mikipat lang ang íyang úlu sa bintánà, His head just appeared for a second in the window. a constantly blinking. Kipat siyag mata kay nirbiyusun, Her eyes blink all the time because she is nervous. n action of blinking.

kipditsíns don’t give or ask to be given the change. Kipditsíns na lang kay wà kuy isuklì, Just let me keep the change because I have no change. v [A2; c6] ask to keep the change. Ang mga silbidúra run kusug kaáyung mukipditsíns, The waitresses nowadays ask to keep the change.

kípì v [A; c1] draw the knees and thighs together. Mikípì paglingkud ang nagmíni, The girl wearing a mini skirt sat with her knees drawn together. Kipía (ikípì) ang ímung mga páa inigkanáug nímu sa hagdan, Keep your legs together as you go down the stairs. kipìkipì n 1 k.o. spreading, half woody herb with leaves consisting of four pinnae which contract when touched: Mimosa pudica. 2 name also given to a related ornamental herb, less sensitive with yellow axilliary flowers.

kípit v [A12; b6] hold or take hold of s.t. between two fingers or with two sticks, tongs or the like. Ikípit ning duha ka lápis sa singkuwinta nga náa sa lungag, Pick out the half-dollar in the hole with these two pencils.

kíput1 v 1 [AB2; ab7] for an opening to become closed or s.t. exposed to get to be covered or hidden, cause it to do so. Si Dyúli ang mikíput sa lungag sa bungbung, Jolly closed up the hole in the wall. Mikíput (nakíput) ang íyang mga mata ug hinílak, Her eyes became mere slits from crying. Kipútun ku nang ímung dakung bàbà, I’ll shut that big mouth of yours. Kipúti ug gamay nang ímung mga páa, Keep your legs more together. 2 [A2] disappear from one’s sight in a flash. Wà gánì siya makatimbayà nákù. Mikíput lang, He didn’t even greet me. He just flashed by me. (→) 1 = kíput1, 2. 3 [A2; b2] for the surface of the water or ground to be high enough to bury s.t. standing erect. Lawum na ang buhù kay mikiput na sa ímung úlu, The pit is now deep enough because it is higher than your head. Inigtáub kiptan ang bungsud, When it’s high tide, the sea rises above the fish corral. pa- a woman who plays hard to get. Dì dáyun nà musugut nímu kay pakíput nang dakù, She won’t accept your love right away because she is great at playing hard to get. v [A; b] for a woman to play hard to get.

kíput2 v [A; ab3] move about or do s.t. busily, in quick movements and in a quiet manner. Sígi ka lang gakíput sa kusína bísag gabíi na, Why are you still busying yourself in the kitchen at this late hour? kiputkiput = kíput2.

*kíra pa- v [A13] 1 allow s.o. to get the last word in a quarrel. Ngánung magpakíra man ku nga magulang man ku, Why should I let you get the last word in when I’m older than you are? 2 let oneself get left behind, outclassed by others. Dílì giyud siya pakíra sa urug, She won’t let herself get left behind by the fashion.

kírà v [AB; a12] move or wobble rapidly back and forth or side to side. Nagkírà ku sa kúna pagtū́g sa bátà, I’m rocking the crib to make the baby sleep. Mikírà ang sakayan kay dagkù kaáyu ang bawud, The boat rocked because of the big waves. kiràkírà rock or wobble rapidly back and forth. n rocking motion. síya nga — n rocking chair.

kírang = kindangkindang.

kirat a having a scar in the upper part of the eye. Kirat nà siya kay mibutu ang hubag sa íyang mata, He has a scar on the upper part of his eye because his boil burst. v [B126; b6] develop such a scar.

kíraw v [A; a] 1 mess, mix things up. Gikíraw ang ákung aparadur unyà wà hipúsa, S.o. messed up my closet without putting the things back. 2 steal s.t. Putlan kug kamut ang mikíraw sa alkansiya, I’ll cut off the hands of whoever stole the piggy bank. n activity, hum of business. Ang kíraw sa balay sa kaslunun, The hum of activity in the bride-to-be’s place. a noisy, with confusion. Dílì ku gustu muistǎr sa siyudad kay kíraw kaáyu, I do not want to stay in the city because it is very noisy. -an(→) n a petty thief. kirawkiraw v [A; a12] move about busily doing little chores. Sígi gihápun ka dihang kirawkiraw bisag gabíi na kaáyu? You’re still very busy taking care of little things even if it’s already late?

kiri short form: ri. 1 this (near speaker but not near hearer). Dì nákù ihátag ring librúha [474]nímu, I won’t give you this book. 2 this (on side of speaker away from hearer). Kawháta ring písì ug ihukut dihà sa pusti, Grab this rope and tie it to that post. niíri gen. and dat. Ag taklub niíring bulpin nabuak, The cover of this ballpoint pen is broken. Ibutang ang kahun niíring lamísa, Put the box on this table. íri, ári = niíri.

kíri see pahilihíli.

kirída n mistress, concubine. v 1 [A; a12] have as one’s mistress. Ságad sa mga dátù magkirída, Most rich men take mistresses. 2 [B156] become s.o.’s mistress. Nakirída nà siyag kapitan, She became a ship captain’s mistress.

kírig v [B246] go into violent convulsions, usually leading to death. Nikírig ang ilagà nga nakakaun sa hilu, The rat went into convulsions after eating the poison. kirigkirig v [B456; c1] for the body (or part of the body) to move, shiver, move in convulsions. Mikirigkirig ang íyang kamut, His hands are shaking. Nagkirigkirig ang láwas sa mananayaw, The dancer wiggled her body furiously.

kirilya n charges of a criminal nature. v [A; b(1)] file charges against s.o. for a criminal offense. Gikirilyáhan na ang nakabunù, The murder suspect has now been formally charged.

kiring, kíring v [A] for a doorbell, phone, clock, or the like to ring. n ringing sound of an alarm clock, phone, etc. pa- v [A; c1] set the alarm clock. Mupakiring kug sayu arun ku mahimata, I’ll set the alarm ring early so I can wake up early.

kírir n bicycle carrier at the back. v [b6] put a carrier on a bicycle.

kiríring = kíring.

kiritkirit a do s.t. at a fast clip. Kiritkirit siyang mulakaw, lisud apsun, She walks at a fast clip. It’s difficult to catch up with her pace. v [A; a] do things hurriedly. Gikiritkiritan kug suwat ang ákung papil kay tayim na, I wrote the answers on my test paper hurriedly because the time was up.

kíriw v 1 [A2S] wriggle, move rapidly in a wriggling motion. Mikíriw ang íkug sa tùtù nga naputul, The house lizard’s tail squirmed when it was cut off. Tudlù nga nagkiriw sa tikla, Fingers that flew over the keyboard. 1a [A] cause s.t. to move or wriggle about. Nagkíriw na lang mig agipu pag-ulì, We lighted our way home by shaking a glowing stick back and forth. 2 [A2S] wriggle with the itch to do s.t. Magkiriw sa pagsáyaw ang ákung tiil ug dúnay sunáta, My foot itches to dance when there is music. 3 [A; a] steal s.t. of little value. Bantáyi nang sinsilyu kay kiríwun unyà, Keep an eye on that change because s.o. might swipe it. -an(→) a tending to swipe things.

kirkir n skin eczema caused by mites, characterized by intense itching which spreads with scratching. v [A3P; a12] have this eczema. Sígi lang siyag pangáwut kay gikirkir siya, He kept scratching with his kirkir. -un a having kirkir.

kirubínis n cherubim, heavenly beings of some sort.

kirug = *kilug.

kírus v 1 [A; b3] do s.t. hurriedly in less time than one has available. Mikírus dáyun mig panghípus pag-abut sa tiligráma nga papaulíun mi, We hurriedly got busy packing when we received the wire to go home. Unsa may inyung gikirúsan? Náay bag-ung niabut? Why are you bustling and hustling about? Is there a new arrival? 2 [B26; b6] scratch an itch intensely. Mikírus siya ug pangálut, She started to scratch violently. 2a itch to do s.t. Mikírus siya sa kahínam sa pag-abli sa sulat, She was itching to open the letter. paN-(→) v [A13] itch to do s.t.

kirut v [AN; a1b2] pinch to inflict pain. Unsa bay salà nákù nga gikirut mu man aku? What have I done to make you pinch me? n pinching.

kiryi n kyrie eleison in the mass. v [A; b(1)] be at the kyrie eleison.

kiryulína = kriyulína.

kís v 1 [A] kiss (usually said for babies). Ngánung dì man ka mukís? Why don’t you want to kiss me? 2 [AC3; c1] for two or more balls in billiards to be just touching. Ug nakalígid pag singku mukís (makís) untà tu sa katursi, Had the number five ball rolled it would have touched number fourteen. Nagkís ang bulimánu ug ang dús, The lead ball is touching the number two ball.

kísà = kásà.

kisákit n socket for an electric bulb that has a switch in it.

kisami n ceiling of a house. v [A; c1] put up the ceiling. Kinahanglang kisamihan ang balay nga sín kay ínit, A house with iron-sheet roofing must have a ceiling because it’s hot.

kisamkisam = kisapkisap.

kisap a for eyes to have sand in them. Kisap kaáyu ang ákung mata ug katulgun ku, My eyes get sand in them when I am sleepy. v [B; b6] for the eyes to get sand in them.

kisapkisap v [A1; a] move the jaw up and down in a chewing motion, munch. Pirming magkisapkisap ang kábaw bísag dì manabsab, A carabao is always munching even if [475]it’s not grazing. Maáyu ning swinggam kisapkisapun samtang magdúlà, It’s good to chew gum while playing.

kisas v [A23P; b2c1] fail to follow through on s.t. set forth. Mukisas ka sa átung sábut, You don’t adhere to our agreement. Kining mga pitsipitsing gastu mauy makakisas (makapakisas) sa átung badyit, These miscellaneous expenses wreak havoc with our budget.

kísaw v [A; a] 1 make a soft, pleasant rustling sound. Mukísaw lang ang kalasangan ug huypun sa hángin, The forest rustles only when the wind blows through it. 2 disturb the water. Ayaw kisáwa ang túbig kay dúnay namasul, Don’t disturb the water because s.o. is fishing. 3 [B46] hum with activity. Magkísaw ang kusína ug mapista, The kitchen hums with activity during fiestas. 4 [A; b6] stir up, disturb the peace. Nakísaw ang ílang pamuyù sa parinting niípun, The relatives which moved in with them disturbed their peace. 4a confuse s.o.’s mind. Usa ka dakung suliran mikísaw sa íyang kaisípan, A serious problem is disturbing his thoughts. Kisáwan kaáyu ku niánang dúwà nga madyung, I find mahjong very confusing. n 1 sound of rustling or splashing. 2 activity. a disturbing or confusing. ka- = kísaw, n.

kisaykísay v [AN; c1] thrash the arms and legs around in water to stay afloat or thrash the legs and arms about while lying on the back. Bísag dì makamaung mulanguy basta mukisaykísay (mangisaykísay) lang dílì giyud malumus, Even if you don’t know how to swim, if you thrash your arms and legs about, you won’t drown. Nagkisaykísay ang bátà sa kúna, The baby thrashed its arms and legs about in its crib.

kisdum v 1 [B; b6] for the sky to darken. Nagkisdum ang panahun kay may bagyung muabut, The weather is gloomy because a typhoon is coming. 2 [B; a2] for the face to get a gloomy and frowning expression. Nagkisdum ang nawung. Nasukù tingáli, He has a dark expression on his face. He must be angry.

kisdung = kisdum.

kisi, kisikísi v [A2S; b6] 1 wriggle around as if to get free. Nagkisikisi ang isdà sa ákung kamut, The fish wriggled in my hand. 2 for a child to stamp its feet, jump around or just insist on fulfilling its desire. Magkisikisi (magkisikísi) ang bátà ug dì paubanun, The child throws a tantrum if you don’t let him go along. pa- v [A; b6] insist, be insistent. Mipakisi siya pag-adtu bísag gibalibáran, She insisted in going though she wasn’t permitted to.

kisì = gisì.

kisibáya I don’t care, to hell with it. Kisibáyag kurawun sila, dì ku giyud sila tabángan, I don’t care if they starve. I won’t help them. Kisibáya nang kwartáha. Kalimti, To hell with that money. Forget it.

*kisíra — ug, kun 1 in case, in the event that. Kisíra ug madúgay ku, una na lang, In case I am late, just go ahead. 2 had it been the case. Kisíra ug dì pa amígu nákù tung pulísa, nadala na ta, If that policeman hadn’t been my friend, we would have been arrested.

kisíyu n k.o. cheese made from carabao milk.

kiskis v [A; ab] scrape, to remove, smooth, or get scrapings. Nagkiskis ku sa tayà sa mga kubyirtus, I’m scraping the rust off the silverware. Kiskísun nákù ang bágun kay gamítun ang pánit, I’ll scrape the vine because I would like to use the bark. -an(→) n corn mill that grinds to a highly polished degree. -in- n scrapings left. -in-an n thing scraped.

kislabù n potholes, small depressions formed by water. hi-/ha- v [B126; b8] fall or step accidentally into a water-filled depression. Nakislabù siya sa las-ag, He stepped into a mud puddle. ka- v [A13] be all full of potholes. Nagkakislabù ning dána, This road is full of holes.

kislap n gleam, sparkle. Ang kislap sa íyang mga mata, The gleam in her eyes. v [B; c1P] sparkle, flash momentarily. Ang tinúud nga diyamanti mukislap, A true diamond will sparkle. Nagkislap ang suwab nga nasilawan, The blade flashed in the sunlight.

kisma = kusmu.

kismi n short strands of hair near the forehead curled upwards, called the ‘kiss me’ hair style. Nagwápa kag samut nga náay ímung kismi, You look prettier with your ‘kiss me’ curls. v [A13; a2] have a ‘kiss me’ curls.

kísu n cheese. v [A13; b] have, put cheese in s.t. — dibúla n cheese shaped into a ball and coated with red wax.

kisul n k.o. perennial herb about 10–12″ high with dull, yellow-green, cordiate leaves, aromatic in root-stock and leaves. The leaves and roots are used medicinally. The leaves are also given to cocks to make them aggressive and used as a rinse after washing the hair.

kisum a for toddy to be sour. v [B; a] become sour.

kita 1 we, us (including person addressed—nominative). Kita ra giyud way láin, Just us. No one else. Short form in position other [476]than predicate: ta. Kinahanglan kita (ta) magbantay giyud, We must be on the alert. 2 I, me (humble). Makaagi ba ta áning karsadáha? May I pass on this road? 3 you (patronizing). Nindut man lagi ta ug sinínà run! My! Aren’t we wearing a pretty dress today! kitakíta 1 just us, no one else. Kitakíta ra bítaw. Way kauláwan, It’s just us. There won’t be anyone to cause us embarrassment. 2 one who promotes a love affair by carrying messages, arranging meetings and the like. 3 distant relative. Kitakíta si Pítir kay púrus mag-ágaw ang átung isig ka apuhan, Peter is our distant kin because our grandfathers are cousins. v [A] 1 do s.t. by ourselves. Bída, nagkitakíta man lang ta ug trabáhu áni, My, we are doing the work (by) ourselves. 2 be the go-between in a love affair. Kanang magkitakíta ka makapahanig nímu sa impiyirnu, If you act as a go-between, you’ll be sent to hell to pave the way for the lovers. kitahánun n related to us distantly or just coming from the same place. Ayaw ug duhadúha ug pangáyù ug hinábang kay kitahánun ra ta, Don’t hesitate to ask help from me because we are relatives. nátù 1 gen. form. short form: ta. Dílì nátù (ta) buhátun, Let’s not do it. Kumusta na man ang kásu ta? How is our case coming along? ta ka, ta ikaw, ta kamu I will [do] to you, you are my [noun]. Ihatud ta ka (tikaw, ta ikaw) sa pultahan, I will see you to the door. Amígu ta ka, You are my friend. 2 = kanátù. kanátù dat. form. Kanátung tulu usa ray dawátun, Of us three, only one will be accepted. Tingáli gitudlus níya kanátù (nátù) ganíha, Perhaps he gave it to us a while ago. átù 1 gen. Ang átung balay, Our house. Átung tan-áwun, Let’s see. Átù ra kini, This is just between us. unsa may — what would you like. Unsa may átù, kukakúla u bir? What would you like, Coca-cola or beer? sa — pa in other words. Sa átù pa, ay na lang ug anhi kay way trabáhu, In other words, don’t come because there will be no work. láin pay — by the way. Láin pay átù, nakapamahaw ka na? By the way, have you had your breakfast yet? atuánun coming from our place. Ayaw panigláin. Atuánun ra ta, Make yourself at home. You’re from our place. inátù a informal, like at home. Inátù lang ning kaúna, This is a simple dinner, just like at home. v [A; a12] behave, do s.t. with informality. tagaátù n one coming from our place.

kítà v 1a [A123S; a2b2] see. Nakakità ka ba sa pilikula? Have you seen the movie? Makítà ba nímu ang ayruplánu? Can you see the plane? Nakit-an ku siyang nagsakayg dyíp, I saw her riding a jeep. Ingun sa pagahikit-an ku ang dautang sangputánan sa ákung gugma, It was as if I could see the terrible results of my love. — ug aniníput see stars (lit. fireflies) after being hit. 1b [A123S; b8] find. Nakakità kug diyis, I found a dime. Dalì rang makit-an kay dakù, It won’t take long to find it because it’s big. 1c [a3b2] see s.t. good in s.t. Unsa kahay nakit-an ni Mildi kang Atilyu? What does Meldy see in Atillo? Wà kuy nakítang maáyu niánà, I don’t see anything good in that. 1d [B12] become visible. Makítà dinhi ang búkid ug way gábun, You can see the mountain from here if there’s no fog. 2 [C; a4c] meet with. Magkítà ra tag usab, bastus, We’ll meet again, you rat. Kitáa ang duktǔr, Go see the doctor. Talagsa rang igkítà kanang klasíha, You rarely meet with that kind. 3 [A2; a12] earn. Mukítà siyag trayinta ang adlaw, He earns thirty pesos a day. a visible. Kítà kaáyu ímung panti, Your panties are very much in view. — mu You see what you did? Kítà mu? Gubà na núun, See what you did? Now it’s broken. (→) a = nakakità. kitàkítà v [C; a12] 1 meet secretly. Nagkitàkítà ang duruha kay may kabilinggan, They met on the sly because one of them is married. 2 meet occasionally. pa- v [A; b5c] show, let one see. Dì ku mupakítà níya kay utángan ku, I will not show myself to him because I owe him money. Pakitáa (pakitái) mi sa abilidad nímu sa sáyaw, Show us your dancing talent. Ayawg ipakítà ang ímung baráha, Don’t show your cards. paN- v [A2S; a2] 1 look for. Nangítà kug trabáhu, I am looking for work. Human ka makatilaw áni, magpangità ka sa maung klási, Once you try this kind you will always look for it. Mahímù. Pangitáan nátug paági, It’s possible. We’ll look for a way. 2 court trouble. Nagpangità ning batáa ug latus kay nagminalditu, This child is asking for a whipping the way he is so naughty. n work, job. paN-(→) v [A13; a12] look for s.o. with intent to harm. Gipangità ka sa mga buguy, The toughies are looking for you. pinaN-(→) a highly sought-after. Pinangità nga klási sa mangga, A highly sought-after variety of mangoes. Pinangitang tulisan, Highly wanted robber. paN-un(→) n s.t. available, but not everywhere all the time, s.t. one has to expend effort to get. Pangitaun kaáyu ang písa niíning awtúha, Spare parts for this car are hard to get. paka-(→) v 1 [A13] see (plural). 2 [A12] cause one to see. Usa ka suntuk nga nakapakakità [477]níyag aniníput, A blow that caused him to see stars. hiN-, hiN-(→) a 1 easily finding things. Hingítà siya ug sayup sa ímung tináyip, He easily finds the errors in your typing. 2 fond of looking for. Hingítag away, One who looks for trouble. pinaN-an, -in-an n earnings. Katungà sa íyang kinitáan ihúlug sa bangku, Half of his earnings he deposits in the bank. pala-(→) = hiN-, 1.

kitaipúni a detachable, removable. Kitaipúni ang ákung pustísu, My false teeth are detachable. v [c1] be detachable, removable. Maáyung kitaipuníhun (ikitaipúni) ang sira sa tindáhan, It’s good to have the doors of a store that are removable.

kitang n k.o. longline sea fishing, done with a main line (baháyan) to which individual leaders with hooks are attached, for catching large fish. v [AN; a2] fish with the kitang.

kitára1 n a small four-stringed ukelele, the body of which is made of coconut shell. v [AN; a2] play the kitára.

kitára2 n tantrum, a fit of ill-temper or caprice. Mau giyuy ilíhuk sa kitára niánang batáa kun maghimatayun ang búlan, She always throws a fit of temper whenever the moon is in the last quarter. kitaráhun a temperamental.

*kitbì — ang, sa atay, kabúhì v [B246; b4] be gripped with a feeling of revulsion or gruesomeness at some blood-curdling or revolting experience. Mikitbì ang ákung atay pagkakità sa dugúung hitabù, I was overcome by a feeling of revulsion when I saw the bloody incident. Makapakitbì sa atay ang íyang pagdagmal sa tigúwang, It’s revolting the way he mistreats the old man.

kítib v [A; b6] move rapidly in a repeated action. Mikítib siyag lakaw, He walked with rapid steps. Mikítib íyang bàbà mu rag masinggan, His mouth chattered away like a machine gun. (→) v [B46] for the heart to beat rapidly. Mikitib ang íyang kasingkásing, His heart beat rapidly. -an(→) a chattering incessantly.

kítid a taking short and hurried steps, or stamping the feet in place. v [B; aP] walk with short, hurried steps. Ang bátà mikítid pagsunud sa íyang pápa, The child walked with short and rapid steps following his father. (→) a short in length or height. Kitid ang ákung lápis sa pagginámit, My pencil is worn short after being used so much. Ang magulang kitid kay sa manghud kay dì man kaáyu mukáun, The elder child is shorter than the younger one because he doesn’t eat much. Kitid na ang mga sinínà run, They are wearing short dresses these days. v 1 = kítid, v. 2 [AB; ab7] shorten, become short. kitidkitid v [A; c1] stamp the feet in place. Nagkitidkitid ang bátà kay wà paubana, The child stamped his feet because they would not take him along.

kitíkut v [A2; ac] squeeze into or penetrate deeply and slowly into a very tight space. Ang kasakit mikitíkut sa ákung kahiladman, The pain creeped deep into my innermost self. Ákù giyud nang kitikútun ngadtu arun ku makadúul sa artista, I’ll squeeze through the crowd to the front so I can get near the actress.

kitin = kiting.

kiting n 1 tendons of the heel. 2 tendon in the back of a carabao’s leg joints. v [b6] cut the heel tendon or the carabao’s tendon in back of the knees. Kitnan ku nang kabáwa ug manabsab sa ákung mais, I’ll cut the tendons in back of that carabao’s knees (thus rendering it useless) if it feeds on my corn. unsay sakit sa — Who cares? It does not bother [so-and-so]. Unsa bay sakit sa kiting ku kun byáan mu aku, What do I care if you leave me. putì (bakud) ang — v [B6] take to one’s heels (lit. the heels will look white [rise]). Naputì (nabakud) ang kiting ni Tumas pagkakità nákù, Thomas took to his heels when he saw me.

kitiw n clitoris.

kítiw v [B; c1] move from side to side with quick motions, take quick steps. Mikítiw ang mga tudlù sa pyanista, The pianist’s fingers moved rapidly. Tiil nga nagkítiw pagtinindak sa bisiklíta, Feet moving swiftly, pedaling the bicycle. Pwirting nakakítiw ang irù sa íyang íkug, How the dog wagged its tail. n quick movement from side to side. kitiwkitiw = kítiw.

kitkit v [A; ab7] wear s.t. down, wear off bit by tiny bit, with the front teeth taking tiny bites. Ilagà ang nagkitkit sa kísu, A rat nibbled at the cheese. Kitkíta ang lubi ug way lugit, Bite off the coconut meat if there is nothing to get it out of the shell with.

kitsap n ketchup. v 1 [A; a12] make ketchup. 2 [A; b6] use ketchup.

kitu 1 = kadtu. 2 = kini1.

kítung n a deep-sea fish with a compressed body and very fine, soft, thin scales, usually golden brown, speckled with grey, similar to danggit, but a good deal larger.

kítuy v 1 [A2S] for the fingers or toes to twitch. Búhì pa ang gipusil kay nagkítuy (nagkituy) pa ang tudlù, The man that was shot is still alive because his fingers are twitching. 2 [A; c1] play close and open [478]the palm with a baby. Inigkatulu ka búlan makakítuy na ang kamut sa bátà, At the age of three months a baby can open and close its palms on command. n expression used to induce a baby to open and close its hands. Kítuy nang kítuy. Báyad sa tútuy, Open your palms to pay for your titty.

kiug, kíug v [AB2; c1] jounce, shake, cause s.t. to do so. May nagkiug tingáli sa lamísa kay nayabu ang sabaw, S.o. must have shaken the table because the soup spilled. Mukíug ang sakyanan ig-ági sa daghang libaung, A vehicle that passes over a bad road bounces a lot. Wà mukiug ang íyang panagway pagkadungug sa pamalíkas nga íyang nadáwat, He didn’t betray a bit of emotion upon hearing curses that were heaped upon him. (→) a jouncing, shaking. Kiug nga lingkuránan, A wobbly seat.

kíum = kyúum.

kiung = kiang, 1.

kiwà, kiwag, kíwag a awkward because of self-consciousness or not knowing how to do s.t. well. Kiwag ta sa trabáhu ug bag-u pa, We do things awkwardly when we’re new at them. v [B; c1] be awkward or clumsy. Mukíwag ang átung panlihuklihuk basta maúlaw ta, One tends to be awkward if he feels self-conscious. (→) v [A; c] for s.t. long to stick out prominently. Nagkiwag ang ímung káhuy nga gibugkus, Some of the pieces of wood you bundled are sticking out. Nagkiwag ang ayis pik sa íyang bulsa, The ice pick stuck out of his pocket. Ayaw ikiwag ang ímung mga tiil sa agiánan, Don’t stick your feet into the passageway.

kiwákiw v [A; b6] wag one’s tail. Mikiwákiw ang íkug sa irù, The dog wagged its tail.

kíwat v [B3(1); c1] move busily and fast. Mikíwat ang íyang bàbà ug pangatarúngan, Her mouth went like a machine gun as she explained herself. Mukíwat ug panghípus ang mga bátà inigpamúhì, The children move as quick as they can putting their things away when classes are over.

kiwaw a awkward, esp. in movement, but also, by extension, in speech and behavior. Kiwawng linihukan, Awkward movements. v [B; b6] feel awkward. Makiwaw ang pagbúhat áni basta primíru pa, One usually does this awkwardly the first time around. Kiwawan kung mulakaw nga magbirmúda, I feel awkward going out with bermuda shorts on.

kiwì, kíwì v [B; c1] grow stiff or cramped in the joints, twisted out of shape. Mikiwì ang íyang bàbà sa pagpangyam-id, She screwed up her mouth into a frown. Mikiwì ang tabla nga nainitan pag-áyu, The board got twisted out of shape in the sun. Nangíwì ákung tudlù ug hinílut, My fingers got stiff from massaging so much.

kiwiskiwis n a long, tapering tip of bamboo, or the ends of palm fronds including the leaflets, or the tips of branches at the top of a tree.

kiwkiw v 1 [A2] shake rapidly in pain. Nakakiwkiw ku dihang nadukdukan ang ákung tudlù, I shook my hand in pain after I hit my fingers with the hammer. 2 [A3N] pick, hold s.t. gingerly with the tips of the thumb and index finger. Nangiwkiw siyang mipunit sa ilagang patay, She gingerly picked up the dead rat.

kiwut see kíyut.

kíya, kíyà v [AB; c1] rock from side to side, cause s.t. to do so. Dagkung balud mauy nagkíyà sa sakayan, Big waves rocked the boat. Kiyáun (kiyáhun, ikíyà) nátù ang dyíp arun mahadluk sila, Let’s rock the jeep to scare them.

kiyag-ang = kagangkagang. see kágang.

kíyas v [A; a] scrape or shave s.t. close to the surface. Nagkíyas ku sa takuling sa kaldíru, I’m scraping off the soot from the kettle. Ákung kyásun ang balhíbu sa ákung íluk, I’ll shave my armpits. -in- n scrapings.

kíyaw n 1 k.o. bird that stays on the ground. It is nearly as big as a wild chicken, and good to eat, named for its sound. 2 the cry or sound emitted by the kíyaw bird. v 1 [B46; a] emit the sounds of kíyaw. 2 [B; a] make a lot of fuss over trifles.

kíyud v 1 [A; b] thrust the lower part of the body forward, as a male does in sexual intercourse. 2 [AC; b] have sexual intercourse (coarse, though not as taboo as iyut). kiyudkiyud v [A; b] keep moving the belly forward. Hílas ang bag-ung sinayawan nga magkiyudkiyud ang duruha, I find it revolting the way they thrust their bellies forward in the modern dances. kiniyúran n offspring (coarse).

kíyus v [B2] for meat to shrink. Mu rag daghan nang karníha, piru ug malútù, mukíyus na, That looks like a lot of meat, but when you cook it, it’s going to shrink.

kíyut n 1 k.o. wild black bee that does not sting, smaller than a fly. It builds a nest of wax (kabulay) in sheltered places, often dwellings, and produces a small amount of honey. 2 = kabulay.

KKK n letters placed in the center of the flag of the insurgents against the Spaniards, an abbreviation of the Tagalog name of their society: Kataastaásang Kagalanggalángang [479]Katipúnan ng mga Anak ng Báyan ‘The Supreme, Most Venerable, Union of the Sons of the Nation’.

klab n club, organization. nayit — n night club. paN- v [A2] go to a night club.

klábu n k.o. aromatic mint with hairy, fleshy leaves which are used as a spice for cooking and also for curing coughs and boils.

klag-ap v [B26] for a water outlet to get clogged up. Ayawg lundi ug buhuk ang labábu kay muklag-ap (maklag-ap), Don’t throw the hair from your comb into the washbowl because it will clog it up.

klam n carpenter’s clamp. v [A; b] fasten together with a clamp. Maáyu pang kláman nà arun malig-un, It’s better to fasten it with a clamp to strengthen it. bar — n bar clamp, a device used in joining the sides of boards together to set them in place.

klap v [A3; a] clap the hands. Maáyu na kaáyung mukláp ang bíbi ku, My baby can clap its hands very well now. n clapping of hands.

klára n egg white.

klarinit, klariníti n clarinet. v [A3] play the clarinet.

kláru a 1 clear, clearly defined and easily made out. Kláru ning ritratúha, This picture is clear. Kláru dinhi ang Buhul, You can see Bohol clearly from here. Kláru ang tútuy sa hugut nga bistídu, Her breasts stand out clearly in her tight dress. Kláru siyang bakákun, She is obviously a liar. Kláru ang tíngug níya sa tilipunu, Her voice on the phone was clear. 1a — na lang obviously, naturally. Kláru na lang mangísug siyag dì ka mananghid, Naturally, she will get angry if you don’t ask permission. 2 unequivocal, definite. Way kláru tung inyung panagsábut, Your agreement hasn’t come to any definite results. Kláru na ang kadaúgan, Victory is clearly in our hands. Kláru pa sa adlaw nga musubang sa sidlakan, As sure as the sun will rise in the East. 3 for vision or optical instruments to enable the user to discern clearly. Kláru pa ang ákung panan-aw, I can still see clearly. Kláru ang mikruskupyu, The microscope offers a clear view. v 1 [A12B2] see clearly; be, become distinct and clear. Makakláru lang kug tan-aw ug dúnay kibídu, I can see clearly only if I wear glasses. Makláru ang litra ug gamítan ug linti, The letters will be clear if you use a magnifying glass. 2 [AB12; c1] become clear, apparent; make s.t. clear. Ug nagkláru ka pa dì ka untà dudáhan, Had you made yourself clear, you won’t have been suspected. Sa katapúsan nakláru na giyud kun kinsay sad-an, At last it came out clearly who was the guilty party. Klarúha (ikláru) unsay ímung túyù, Make it clear what you really want. 2a [A; c] tell s.o. frankly. Klarúhan ta kang dì nà mahímù, I’ll tell you frankly that that can’t be done. 2b [A; a12] go ahead and really do s.t., not just do it half-way or a semblance of it. Nag-igwad-igwad kang bayúta ka. Kláruha na lang nag sáyaw, You wiggle your fanny so much when you walk, you fairy. Why don’t you just dance and be done with it? 3 [A; a3] find out for sure, make out s.t. clearly. Nagkláru lang kug mangadtu ba ta run, I’m just trying to get it clear if we’re going or not. Nakakláru ka ba unsay íyang gisulti? Did you hear clearly what she said? Makláru ba ang ákung pustísu? Are my false teeth really obvious? klaruhay v [C] have s.t. clear with each other, tell each other frankly. Sa katapúsan nagkaklaruhay na giyud sila unsáun pagbáyad sa útang, In the end they got it clear how to pay the debt.

klás a showing class, classy. Ristawran nga klás, A classy restaurant. pirs, síkan — first, second class.

klási1 n 1 class, kind. Primíra klási nga panaptun, First class cloth. Klási sa mananap, A kind of animal. Way mutagad ánang klasíha sa pagkatáwu, No one pays that sort of person any heed. v [a12] classify, sort out by kind. Klasíha ning panaptun, Classify these pieces of cloth. ka- v [A13] be of all different kinds. Nagkaklási lang ang táwu sa Karbun, There are all different types of persons at the Carbon market. klasiklási a be all different kinds. v [AB1456; a] put, be of various types or kinds. Magklasiklási giyud ang táwu, There are all different sorts of people. Klasiklasíha pagpalit ug utanun, Buy vegetables of various kinds.

klási2 n 1 class of students. Klási sa mil nuybisyintus bayinti utsu, Class of 1928. 2 class session. Way klási maduminggu, There are no classes on Sundays. v 1 [A; b(1)] hold, teach classes. Dì kita magklási ugmà kay pista upisiyal, We don’t have class tomorrow. It’s a legal holiday. Giklasíhan mi bísag nagbagyu, We held classes even though there was a typhoon. ka- n classmate.

klasika a classical music, dance, and the like.

klasipikar v [A; c16] sort out, separate by type. Átù ning klasipikahung mga sambag: ang hinug diri, ang hilaw dihà, We’ll sort out these tamarinds: the ripe ones go over here, and green ones, over there. [480]

klasmit n 1 classmate. 2 people who have similar defects, sicknesses (colloquial). Náa rang ímung klasmit u, nga hubákun sad, Here comes your ‘classmate’. He is asthmatic, too. v [A12C; ac3] be classmates. Nakaklasmit kug púlus bráyit, I had nothing but bright students as classmates. Nagkaklasmit mi sa Ingglis, We were classmates in English.

klas ríkurd n teacher’s grade book.

klas ring n class ring in school.

klats n clutch or clutch pedal. v [A; b(1)] put in the clutch. Klatsan úsà nímu antis ka mukambiyu, Step on the clutch first before you shift gears.

klik1 v [A23C3] for people to click with, take to each other. Miklik dáyun mi, We hit it off immediately.

klik2 v [BP; ac1] click, make a clicking sound. Wà kung kabantay nga miklik na diay ang kamira, I was unaware that the camera had already clicked. Paglingkud nákù sa taksi nagklik dáyug súgud ang mítir, As soon as I was seated in the taxi, the meter began to click. Ábi kug mubutu giyud ang pusil, giklíkan lang diay ku níya, I thought the gun would go off, but it just clicked.

klím v [A; a2] claim for possession. Wà pay nagklím dinhi kay pablik lan pa man kini, Nobody has made a claim here because it is still public land. Dúna kuy klímun nga pákids sa adwána, I have a package to claim at the customs bureau. n mining claim.

klíma n 1 climate. 2 fever. v [B1456] be feverish. Hikápa ra ning bátà, mu ra mag nagklíma, Feel the baby. She seems to be running a fever.

kling n word to represent the sound of ringing.

klínik, klinika n medical clinic. v [A; b6] hold clinic hours. Dúnay duktur nga muklínik sa Sintir káda Sabadu, A doctor attends the clinic at the Center every Saturday.

klinsing krim n cleansing cream. v [A; b6(1)] apply cleansing cream.

klip v [A; b] fasten s.t. with a clip. Nangalkag ang ákung buhuk kay wà ku makaklip (makapanglíp), My hair is a mess because I didn’t fasten it with a clip. Klípi ang papílis arun dì magbúlag, Clip the papers so they won’t get separated. n paper or hair clip.

klíping n clippings from newspapers or magazines.

klír1 a free of T.B. or V.D. v [B1256] for a medical examination to come out clear.

klír2 v [A; b5] give s.o. leaving a job clearance from financial or other responsibilities, Dì ka pa matranspir ug dì ka pa maklír, You can’t transfer before you’re cleared. -ans n clearance, certification of freedom from encumbrance.

klirikal n clerical work. Laáyan kug trabáhung klirikal, Clerical work is boring for me.

klirk n clerk. v [B16; a2] work as a clerk.

klitsi n cut for pictures or designs to be printed. v [A; a] make a cut for printing. Klitsíhun ning ritratúha kay iapil sa prugráma, They will make a cut of this picture because it will be included in the program.

kliyinti v client. v [B126; a2] be s.o.’s client. Manlulugus ang nakliyinti ni Aturni Gu, Atty. Go got a rapist for a client. Maáyung kliyintíhun ang mga langyaw kay maáyung mubáyad, Foreigners make good clients because they pay generously.

kliyintíla n clientele.

klum1 n term used during the war to refer to relay stations for porters which also doubled as lookout posts for approaching Japanese.

klum2 n sluiceway for irrigation, either dug into the ground or above the ground, made of boards. v [A13; a2] install, make into a sluiceway.

klúruks n Chlorox, solution for bleaching clothes. v [A13; b(1)] apply Chlorox to s.t.

klús a being close, intimate. Klús na kaáayu ang managtrátu, The lovers are now very intimate. Klús kaáyu mi sa mayur, We’re very close to the mayor. v [A23C1; a12] become intimate with s.o. Muabusar nang tawhána ug ímung klúsun, If you get intimate with that man, he’ll take advantage of you.

klusnik n turtleneck, opening at the neck, or a narrow opening which comes as far as the neck but does not cover it. v 1 [A1; b6] wear s.t. with a turtleneck or near turtleneck opening. 2 [c1] cut clothing with a turtleneck opening.

klus-úpin v [A; b(1)] for a baby to close and open the hand upon being told to do so. Makamau nang muklus-úpin ang bátà sa íyang kamut, The baby can close and open its hands when told to do so.

krak1 word used in writing to represent a cracking sound.

krak2 n in table tennis, a ball bouncing in an unexpected way due to some foreign particle on the table. Way kwinta sa puntus basta krak, They don’t count a dead ball. v [B26] for a ball to bounce off irregularly in table tennis.

krákir, krákirs n crackers, usually square-shaped. [481]v [A13] eat or have crackers.

krang n crank to start a motor. v [A; b(1)] 1 crank an engine to start it. 2 goad s.o. into a feeling. Wà tà tu siya mangísug, ímu pung gikrangan, He wouldn’t have gotten angry, but you goaded him into it.

krás1 v [B126; c] for vehicles to crash. Nakrás ang ayruplánu (trák), The plane (bus) crashed. n crash, accident.

krás2 v [A; ab] cancel or cross out s.t. written. Kinsay mikrás sa ákung sinulat? Who crossed out what I wrote? Krásun nátù ang íyang ngálan sa lista, Let’s cross his name off of the list. Ayaw nag krási kay hustu nà, Don’t put a line through that because it’s correct.

krás3 v [B126; b8] have a crush on s.o. Nakrás ku ni Sinatra, I had a crush on Sinatra. Artistang íyang nakrásan, The actor she had a crush on. n crush, infatuation.

kratsis n crutches. v [A; b] use crutches. Kinahanglang kratsísan nang ímung balì nga tiil, You need to have crutches for your broken leg.

kraysis = krísis.

krayula, krayúla n crayons. v [A; b] draw, color with crayons.

kridinsiyal n 1 documents required for enrollment in a school. 2 certificate of ownership of work animals. v [A; b6] make a certificate of ownership for work animals. Munisipyu ang mukridinsiyal sa kábaw, The municipal office makes credentials for carabaos.

kriditu n 1 credit, acknowledgement of s.t. good. 2 credit rating, trust people have in one’s ability to repay. Maáyu siyag kriditu sa ámung tindáhan, His credit is good in our store. 3 the time allowed for payment. Ang kriditu nákù sa tindáhan báli rag usa ka búwan, My credit in that store is only good for one month. v [A12] get credit for s.t. done.

krídu n the Nicene Creed or the part in the mass where it is recited. v [A1] recite the Nicene Creed; be at that part of the mass where the Nicene Creed is recited.

krím n cosmetic cream. v [A; b6(1)] apply cream.

kríma a cream-colored, cream-complexioned. Kríma ang kulur sa íyang bág, Her bag is cream-colored. v [A13; a] wear s.t. cream-colored, make s.t. cream-complexioned. krimáhun a of a creamy-complexioned sort.

krímin n crime. -al(→) n 1 one who has committed a crime against a person. 2 criminal deed. v [B126] be, become a criminal. -alidad(→) n extent to which crime exists. Midagsang ang kriminalidad sa syudad, Crime has become rampant in the city.

krín n mechanical crane. v [c1] use a crane.

kring = kíring.

kríp n crepe. — pípar n crepe paper.

krís n a kris, double-edged sword with a wavy blade. v 1 [A1] wear or use a kris. 2 [A; a12] make a kris.

krísis n dire scarcity of s.t. Krísis sa túbig kun hulaw, There’s a severe shortage of water during droughts. 2 depression of the Thirties. Daghang magpapatigayun nga naghíkug niadtung dakung krísis sa trayinta, Many businessmen committed suicide during the Great Depression of the Thirties. v 1 [A13; a4b4] experience severe shortage. Human sa iliksiyun magkrísis (krisísun, krisísan) ang násud sa kwarta, After the elections the nation will undergo a financial crisis. 2 [B26] become severely lacking. Nakrísis (mikrísis) ang humay, There is a severe rice shortage.

krismas n 1 Christmas season, day. 2 Christmas present. v [B56; b8] be Christmastime. — kard n Christmas greeting card. — tri Christmas tree.†

kristal n 1 crystal, brilliant glass. 2 watch glass. 3 glass pane of a showcase. — bul n crystal ball. — silk n k.o. cloth made of pressed fabric of fibrous material, soft and silky with a shiny gloss on one side. v [A1] wear s.t. made of crystal silk.

kristíya = sakristíya.

kristiyánu n Christian person or in practice. kristiyanismu n Christianity.

kristiyánus n Christian person. Múrus nà siya, dílì kristyánus, He’s a Muslim, not a Christian. v [B16; a12] be, become a Christian.

Kristu1 name Christ. v [B16; a1] be like Christ. Magkristu ka nga dílì ka man musúkul? Do you want to be a Christ that you do not fight back? iglisya ni — name of a religious sect or a member thereof. — Rí n a religious feast day in honor of Christ the King. kristuhánun a Christian.†

kristu2 n in cockfights, a gambler with no capital but who makes money by placing bets for other people who give him a cut of their winnings.

krít n crate. v [A; c1] put s.t. in a crate. Mga dilikádung butang ang ílang krítun (ikrít), They will put the fragile things in crates.

kritikal a critical, grave. Kritikal ang kahimtang sa masakitun, The patient’s condition is critical.

kritiku n critic. [482]

kriyáda = kriyádu (female).

kriyádu n household help. v [B6; a2] be, become a servant.

kriyulína n a disinfectant compound, so called from the trade name Creolin.

krúdu n crude oil. v [B124; b] get crude oil on it.

krukidnul, krukignul n 1 croquignole, a method of making the hair wavy by winding the hair around metal rods and applying heat or chemicals, or a hairstyle fashioned by this method, e.g., like the hair styles of the Thirties. v [A; c1] wave the hair by this method or wear the hair in this style.

krumyu n chromium.

krúnir n crooner. v [B56; a2] be a crooner.

krus n 1 cross. 2 the cross one has to bear. Ang palahúbug kung anak mauy ákung krus, My drunkard son is the cross I must bear. v [B156] become the cross one has to bear. -an n hammerhead shark.

krusáda n crusade, vigorous campaign for or against s.t. v [A; b(1)] crusade for s.t.

krúsing n place where a path or road crosses another path, road, or a river. Didtu siya banhígi sa may krúsing, He was ambushed near the highway intersection.

krusipíhu n crucifix. v 1 [A; b] wear, place, show s.t. a crucifix. Mudágan ang abat ug krusipihúan, The ghost will run away if you raise the crucifix at it. 2 [a12] make a crucifix.

krusipiksiyun n the crucifixion of Jesus.

krusláyin n 1 misconnection in a telephone where, when one dials a busy number, one can talk to another party which also has dialed a busy number. 2 action of purposely dialing a number one knows to be busy in the hopes of finding s.o. to talk to through the cross line. v [A1NC1; b(1)] look for s.o. to talk to by the cross line.

krus raypul n crossed rifles, the insignia of the infantry. v [A1; c] wear this insignia.

krus rúha n 1 Red Cross. 2 red cross pin.

krutsay = kurutsay.

krutsítis = kutsítis.

ku see aku.

kuadhutur, kuadutur n assistant priest to the parish priest. v [B16; a2] be, become an assistant priest.

kuan 1 pause word used to fill in when the speaker cannot think of the right word: um, well. Kining, kuan, Day! Ikúhà kug bir! Err, um, you. Bring me some beer. 1a as a verb (with any affixes). Human nímu pagkuan, pánit, ímung kuanun, pikásun, aw kuanan úsà, hugásan, After you um, whatchamacallit, peel it, you, umm, cut it up, rather um, wash it. 2 word used to avoid saying a taboo word. Maáyung kusiun sa kuan, It would be nice to pinch her in the — you know (the genitalia). Pwirting kuánay níla, My how they were busy doing IT. pakuankúan v [A13; b6] pretend to be s.t. Nagpakuankúan siyang dátù, He was pretending to be rich.

kuaw1 a 1 for s.t. packed in s.t. to be lacking, not tightly filled. Ayaw ku baligyáig puspurung kuaw, Don’t sell me boxes of matches that are not filled. Kuawng itlug, An addled egg (egg that has failed to develop and has an empty area inside it). 2 — ug útuk addle-brained, confused, not having complete thinking functions. Kuaw ug útuk ang tigúwang, Mawálà ug mulakaw, The old woman is confused. She gets lost whenever she goes out. (←)1 v [B12; b6] 1 get to be lacking in content. Ngánung nakúaw man ning biskwit? Inyung gikan-an? How come this box of crackers isn’t full? Did you eat any of them? 2 for the brain to get confused.

kúaw2 v [AB; a] disturb liquids, thrash them about; get disturbed. Mukúaw ang túbig sa subà kun magbahà, Water in the river gets all muddy when it floods. Ayaw kutáwa ang kapi kay makúaw ang linugdang, Don’t stir the coffee because you will stir up the sediment. (→)2 a for liquids to be disturbed, mixed up.

kū́b = kúlub.

kuba v [A; b4] for the chest to tighten from fright or from suddenly realizing s.t. frightening. Mikuba ang ákung dughan kay dihay misinggit, I got a tight feeling in my chest because I heard a scream. Gikubahan ku kay dinhay ákung nabyaan, I felt my chest tighten because I forgot s.t. n a pang in the chest from fright. (←) v [B; b(1)] for the heart to beat in a pounding way. Nagkúba ákung dughan humag túngas sa bakilid, My heart pounded after I climbed the slope. kubakuba v [A13] for the chest to pound wildly, repeatedly. Nagkubakuba ang ákung dughan samtang nagtíun ku sa liyun, My heart pounded wildly as I aimed at the lion.

kúbà = kulbà.

kubad a 1 for children to be moving around too much, making a nuisance of themselves. Dì ta makasuwat dinhi kay kubad kaáyu ning mga bataána, I can’t write properly because these children are running about too much. 2 engaging in vice constantly. Kubad na kaáyu siya sa panúgal, He is a constant gambler. 3 thoughtless or tactless in speech. Naghisgut sa ákung kirída atubángan sa ákung [483]asáwa. Dì ba nà kubad? He talked about my girl friend in front of my wife. That’s what I call stupid. 3a asking questions when one knows the answer. Kubára nímu uy. Nakakità sa ákung gidala, nangutána pa, You sure are stupid. You saw what I brought, so why ask? v [B] 1 move around too much. 2 engage in a vice constantly. Nakubad siya sa babáyi, He became woman crazy. 3 become thoughtless in action and speech. 4 do things quickly in a rapid, careless manner. Mikubad man lang tug ági, He just walked by in a flash. Nagkubad ang bàbà ni Dyíni nga nakig-áway, Jenny’s mouth rattled away as she fought. (←) v [B] 1 move about much too much. 2 engage in a vice to an extreme degree. Mikúbad ang pinalitay sa balúta, There was rampant vote buying. Manday natigúwang, mikúbad sa pamabáyi, In his old age, he has gotten worse and worse in his lust for women.

kubal, kúbal n 1 callus. 2 thick skin on a pig. Maáyung tsitsarunun ang kúbal sa bábuy, The thick part of the pig’s skin is good for fried pork rinds. v [B1246; b(1)] develop calluses. Gikubálan na lang ning ákung túhud ug linuhud wà gihápun dungga ang ákung pag-ampù, I have been praying until I got calluses on my knees, but my prayers were never answered. -un a thick-skinned, callused. v [B126] become callused. kubalkúbal n k.o. salt-water fish with thick and tough skin.

kubana = gwayabanu.

kubanug = kukug banug. see kuku.

kubásà = kalabásà.

kúbaw = kúbal.

kubay n name given to young bean pods that are eaten, the young of the balátung, tahúri, munggu, and habitsuylas.

kubiku n cubic meters.

kubìkubì v [AN; a12] 1 touch, monkey with. Ayaw kubìkubia ang mga butang sa lamísa, Do not mess with the things on the table. 2 touch things to steal them. Wà gyud ku makakubìkubì sa mga butang sa ímung bulsa, I have never touched the things in your pocket. -un, -an a having the tendency to monkey with things or engage in petty thievery.

kubil v [A; a12] touch s.t. so as to do s.t. to it. Bunálan giyud nákug dúnay mukubil ning ákung papílis, I’ll spank anyone who touches my papers. Unyà na nákù ni kubila kay gabíi na, I’ll work on this later because it’s now late.

kubing n tripletail, a k.o. fish: Lobotes surinamensis.

kúbir n 1 cover. Kúbir sa magasin, Magazine cover. 2 amount charged per setting in a dinner party at a restaurant. Tagsingku písus ang kúbir sa parti, The party will be five pesos per person. v 1 [A; b6(1)] cover s.t. Kubíri ang libru, Put a cover on the book. 2 [A; a] take cover, shelter. Mukúbir ta ánang batu inigpinusílay, Let’s take cover behind that rock when the firing starts. 2a [A; b] cover up for s.t. Bisag unsay íyang buhátun kubíran dáyun sa inahan arun dì hibaw-an sa amahan, Whatever he does his mother will cover it up, so the father won’t find out. 2b [A; b] shield s.o. in a ball game. Kubíri ku samtang magdríbul ku, Cover me while I dribble. 3 [a3] be put on a magazine cover. Makúbir si Imilda sa Layip, Imelda will be on the cover of Life. 4 [A] give s.t. news or radio-TV coverage. Ang istasiyun sa radyu diway-ar-ip mauy nikúbir sa dakung súnug sa dálan kulun, Station DYRF covered the big fire on Colon Street. kubirkúbir v [A13] walà, dílì — be direct, keep nothing concealed where propriety would require the opposite. Wà siya magkubirkúbir sa íyang pagkadisgrasyáda, She made no bones about not being a virgin. way — frank, without concealing anything (when one should).

kubirta = kubyirta.

kubirtus = kubyirtus.

kubit v 1 [A; a] touch s.o., curling the fingers to get his attention. Milíngì ku kay dihay ningkubit nákù, I turned around because s.o. poked me. 1a turn to s.o. influential for help. Dúna ba tay makubit didtu sa kustums? Do we have anybody influential to help us out in the custom? 1b [A1; a2b2] steal s.t. not of great value. Bantayi nà kay kubitun unyà nà, Keep an eye on it because s.o. might lift it. 1c [A2; a12] get a woman for illicit sex. Wà giyuy mukubit niánang tigulánga, No one wants to have an affair with that old woman. 2 [A; a12] take the bait. Kusug mukubit ang isdà ánang paúna, Fishes like to take that k.o. bait. 2a [A12; b4] catch a fish by hook and line. Nakakubit ang mananagat ug íhu, The fisherman caught a shark. Gikubitan kug bugáung, I caught a jarbua. 2b [A2; a12] hook s.o. in marriage. Nakakubit siyag sapíang bálu, She hooked a rich widower. 2c — ug way paun 2c1 confirm s.t. bad the interlocutor suspects but doesn’t know for sure by assuming that he does know for sure and letting out s.t. to confirm it. Wà tà ka hibaw-i, ningkubit ka sa tagà nga way paun. [484]Nabistu na hinúun, I wouldn’t have known about you but you took the bait. Now I found out. 2c2 butt in in a conversation where one has no business or answer remarks intended for s.o. else. Dílì ikaw ang gisultíhan, ngánung mukubit ka man dihà nga way paun? I wasn’t talking to you. Why do you butt in when I wasn’t talking to you? n fish caught with hook and line. (←) n biting of fish. Hínay ang kúbit basta way súg, Fish don’t bite if there is no current.

kubkub1 v [A; a] dig away dirt scooping it with the hands or with a similar motion using an instrument. Gikubkub sa irù ang gilubung níyang bukug, The dog dug up the bones he had buried. Ilang kubkúbun (kubkúban) ang daplin sa sapà arun mutubig, They will dig a shallow hole next to the river to get water. n shallow well made by scooping sand out in the vicinity of the river, seashore, or above an underground spring. -ay n k.o. narrow spade or a long pole used to dislodge rocks. -un(→) a s.t. one can easily scoop out to dig a hole.

kubkub2 n purse seine or impounding net used to catch fishes that run in schools. The school is surrounded with the net which is then pursed at the bottom. paN- v [A1; b6] catch with the kubkub net.

kublà = kulbà.

kubli, kublì v [A; c] take cover, hide behind s.t. to keep from being seen. Mikublì ku sa pakshul, I took cover in the foxhole. Mikubli ku luyu sa pusti, I hid behind the post.

kubra1 v 1 [A; a2] get money coming to one or collect a debt. Nikubra na ka sa ímung swildu? Have you already drawn your salary? Kubráha ang ábang, Collect the rent. Basta dátù dílì kubrahan sa buhis, As long as he’s rich, no one will collect taxes from him. 2 [A; ab7] pull in a rope or a string. Kubráha na ang pundu kay mularga na ta, Lift the anchor. We are leaving. Kubráhi ug mga bayinti ka dupa ang tugut, Pull in twenty fathoms of rope. -da n fish harvested from fishing gear. Kubráda sa bungsud, Harvest from the fish corral. v [A] collect fish caught s.w. -dur(→) n bill collector. v 1 [B156] be, become a bill collector. 2 [A12] have as bill collector. -nsa see kubransa.

kubra2 n cobra. rid — n breed of fighting cock.

kubransa v [A; b(1)] make a collection of a certain amount. Mukubransa kug duul ug manggátus káda adlaw, I collect almost a hundred pesos daily. n 1 action of collecting. 2 amount collected or bill presented.

kubri1 = kubli.

kubri2 n k.o. simple kerosene lamp made of a flat bottomed metal cup with a spout having a wick on it.

kubri3 v [A; b6(1)] cover one’s obligation or what is lacking. Dúnay nagkubri sa ákung amutan kay wà man ku paningli, S.o. paid for my obligation because nobody collected from me.

kubrikáma n bedspread, bed cover. v 1 [A; b] put a bedspread on a bed. 2 [a12] make into a bedspread.

kubu = kuba.

kubù a stoop-shouldered. Ságad sa mga tisísun kubù, Most people with TB are stoop-shouldered. v 1 [A; c1] stoop a little, bend over. Nikubù siya pag-ági sa mabang pultahan, He stooped when he went through the low door. 2 [B] for the posture to be hunched over.

kubul v [B2] 1 for s.t. cooked to come out tough or hardened. Mukubul ang pánit sa giasal kun dì humdan ug túbig, The roast pig skin becomes tough if it has been roasted without daubing water on it. Nagkakubul na ang kindi nga ákung gilútù, The candy I’m cooking is gradually hardening. 2 become hardened, insensitive. Mikubul (nakubul) na ang íyang kasingkásing sa tanang biaybíay, Her feelings have become hardened to any and all insults. Nagkakubul ang ákung láwas sa katugnaw, My body is gradually becoming inured to the cold. a 1 hardened. 2 hardened in feelings, insensitive. Kubul siya sa mga pakilúuy, She is insensitive to pleas for mercy. kublan a 1 invulnerable. Dì nà siya dutlan ug bála kay kublan, Bullets can’t pierce him because he is invincible. 2 = kubul, a. v [B] become invulnerable.

kubung1 n drinking glass made of a piece of bamboo some 5″ long cut just below a node which serves as the bottom. v 1 [A1; c16] make into such a bamboo glass. 2 [A13; c1] use or put s.t. in such a bamboo glass.

kubung2 n 1 protective covering. 2 mosquito net. v [A1; b6] put up a protective covering, make into a protective covering. Gikubungan sa mananagat ang lampara arun dì mapálung, The fisherman put a covering over the lamp to keep the wind from blowing it.

kubung3 = kúlut.

kúbung n keyhole limpets, limpets with a small hole at the top of the shell, living in shallow water.

kubus a low in amount. Kubus ang bili sa ismágul, [485]Smuggled goods are cheap. v [AB2; b7c] for an amount to become less, cause it to do so. Mukubus ang swildu ug hínay ang nigusyu, Salaries go down when business is poor. Kubsan ang ímung tagal sa pagbáyad sa útang, We’ll shorten the term for you to pay off the debt.

kubut v 1 [AC; b(1)] hold, take hold of s.t. Kinsay nagkubut sa lyábi? Who has the key? Magkúbut ta arun dì ta magkabúwag, We’ll hold hands so that we won’t be separated. Nawálà ang lápis nga ákung gikubtan, The pencil I was holding got lost. 1a [AN; b6(1)N] hold on to s.t. to keep from falling. Nangubut (mikubut) siya nákù kay danglug, He held on to me because it was slippery. 1b [A3; b8] get hold of s.t. to have it. Wà pa ku makakubut ánang kantidára, I had not held such an amount (of money). Hikubtan sa pulis ang kawatan nga miiskápu, The policeman happened to get hold of the thief who was about to escape. 1c [A2] hold on by sticking to it. Ang iskats tip mukubut kaáyu sa átung papitlan niíni, Scotch tape adheres well to whatever you stick it to. 2 [A; b(1)] occupy, hold a certain position or office. Ang katungdanan nga íyang gikubtan, The position he is holding. 3 [A; b26] handle, play, operate. Maáyu siyang mukubut sa sista, She plays the guitar well. Sipii ang nagkubut sa íyang libru sa tindáhan, A CPA takes care of the accounts in their store. 4 [A; b(1)] keep a mistress. Dúna siyay gikubtan nga hustis, He has a night club hostess for a mistress. (←) v [A; a12] wed s.o. on his deathbed by just having the couple hold hands and blessing them. Kadaghan na makakúbut ang párì ug himatyung páris nga nabúhì, The priest has officiated at many deathbed weddings where the dying partner recovered. kubtanan n handle. kinubtánan n keepsake among close friends or sweethearts.

kubútan = kulabútan.

kubyirta n covered decks of ships.

kubyirtus n silverware. v [A1; c] use silverware. Magkubyirtus mig mangáun kun adúnay bisíta, We use silverware when we have visitors. paN- v [A; b] put silverware on the table.

kúd n code, secret writing. v [A13] write in code.

kū́d = kúlud.

kudak n camera. v [A; b] take pictures. Maáyu kudakan nang byúha, That is a good view to take a picture of. pa- v 1 [A; b] have one’s picture taken. Nagpakudak ang bag-ung kasal, The newly weds had their picture taken. 2 [A13] for the cue ball and the target ball to be directly aligned in the direction of the pocket. -ir n photographer who attends affairs and roves about taking pictures to sell to the people who attend it (humorous slang). maN-r-(←) n photographer.

kudakíris n photographer that takes still pictures. v [B156] be, become a photographer.

kudambus = kurambus.

kudigu n 1 code of laws. — iliktural election code. — iliktural ribisádu revised election code. — pinal penal code. — pinal ribisádu revised penal code. — sibil civil code. 2 compilation of answers to cheat from in exams or similar jottings for a talk or other public performances. v [A; b] use notes in an exam or in a talk. Dílì ku mukudigu kay mahadluk kug hisakpan, I won’t look at my notes because I am afraid I might be caught. Wà siya masayup sa pagkanta kay nagkudigu man, He didn’t miss any words in his song because he had a copy to glance at.

kuding = kuting1.

kudkud v 1 [A; a] grind into fine pieces by rubbing or scraping. Kudkúra ang lubi, Grate the coconut. Kudkura ang yílu, Take some shavings off the ice. 1a [A; a2] carry s.o. astride the hips (from the notion that the way the child is carried is analogous to the coconut put over the shredder). 2 [A; a] file off metal to clean it or thin it before sharpening it. Kinahanglan kudkúrun kanang tayà sa suwab únà baíra, You should scrape the rust off the blade before you whet it. kudkuran n coconut shredder.

kudkúd = kuludkúlud.

kudlis v [A; b] make a scratch or a mark on a surface. Kinsay mukudlis sa ímung hubag? Who will make an incision in your boil? Gikudlísan sa bátà ang bungbung ug krayúla, The baby marked up the wall with crayons. n scratch or mark left on a surface.

kudlit v [A; a] 1 make a scratch, pinprick, or line on s.t. Kasingkásing nga gikudlit sa buktun, papil, káhuy, A heart tattooed on the arm, drawn on the paper, carved into the tree. Gikudlítan sa duktur ang hubag, The doctor made an incision in the boil. [A; b] 1a vaccinate. Nía na ang nars nga mukudlit sa mga bátà, Here is the nurse to vaccinate (lit. prick) the children. 1b change the palm configuration of a child that has the mark of a crocodile on his palm (buayáhun) which betokens ill. Kinahanglang kudlítan ang buayáhun arun kabuhíag anak, A child that bears the mark of the crocodile on his palm should have it extended so his parents will not have all their children die [486]on them. 2 write s.t. (literary). Bálak nga gikudlit sa íyang dágang, The poem that his pen produced. n lines, scratches, pinpricks. — sa pálad 1 lines in the palm. 2 one’s fate or fortune as indicated by the palm. pa- v [A; ab] have oneself inoculated or have the lines on the palm extended. -anan n person to be inoculated, place to be punctured, surface to be written on. -in- n marks made. mag-r- n one who inoculates or tattoos.

kudrísu = kurdísu.

kudsan = kurusan, 4. see kurus.

kudyapà n herb of waste places, the tender parts of which are eaten as a vegetable. There are two species called by this name: -ng bayi an unarmed species, the best for use as vegetable (Amaranthus viridis) and -ng laki an armed species (Amaranthus spinosus).

kudyapì n musical instrument with six or more strings, having a flat, rectangular, wooden body. It is laid down and plucked with both hands.

kugal a for the meat of fruit or eggs to be completely separated from the skin or the pit. Daling panítan ang sambag kugal, It’s easy to peel ripe tamarinds when the skin is separated from the flesh. v 1 [B2] for the flesh to separate from the peelings or pit. Mukugal ang lísu sa abukádu basta mahinug na, The seed in the avocado gets loose when it is ripe. 2 [B; b6] for a cough to loosen. Tambal nga makakugal (makapakugal) ning ubúha, Medicine that can loosen this cough.

kugan n dry crust, scab of a sore or wound. v [B4; b(1)] for a scab to form. Maáyu na ang núka kay mikugang (gikugangan) na, The sore is healing because it is forming a scab.

kugang1 a startled. Hastang kugánga nákù paglagpak sa sira, God! How that slamming door startled me! v [B1256; b4(1)] startle, be startled. Nakugang (nakugangan) ku sa pagbutu sa ribintadur, I was startled when the firecracker burst. kugangkugang n 1 skin eruptions on some parts of the body of various sizes, thought to be caused by fear, fright, or being startled. This disease is usually diagnosed in small children and the cure is smoke treatment with the kugangkugang herb. 2 low-growing, woody herb of waste places used to treat children who have the skin eruptions also called kugangkugang. The kugangkugang is set on fire just after sundown, and the child is made to inhale the smoke. The treatment is repeated for three consecutive afternoons.

kugang2 = kugan.

kugaw, kúgaw n fingerling of the milkfish (bangrus) at the stage 4–8″ in length: Chanos chanos.

kugay1 v [AB; ac1] make brown sugar in a dry and powdered state. Kun sagúlag apug ang dúgà sa tubu nga intúsun mukugay (makugay) ang kámay nga malútù, When lime is added to milled cane juice, the brown sugar will come out dry and in powdered form. n brown cane sugar in its powdered form.

kugay2 n delicacy made of buri palm starch, brown sugar, shredded coconut meat, and, optionally, other flavorings. v [A; a12] make kugay. -in- n = kugay1, n.

kughad v [A; c1] clear the throat vigorously, loosen mucous or phlegm stuck in the lower throat by agitating the throat organs with a clearing-the-throat-like action. Mikughad siya dáyung nangluwà, He cleared his throat vigorously and then spat. -in- n phlegm one spits up.

kughal n phlegm.

kughay n midrib from a coconut leaflet. Kughay sa lubi ang ákung himúung tutpik, I’ll use a midrib for a toothpick.

kughun n part of the weaving loom: the heddle and its mounting which alternately raises and lowers each of the two sets of the warp threads. v 1 [A; c] put threads in the kughun (heddles). 2 [A12; a2] attach, make into a weaving harness.

kúgi v [A; b(1)] do s.t. with a little extra effort. Wà giyud ninyuy nakakúgig limpiyu sa salug, nu? None of you ever took the initiative to clean the floor, did you? Ákù giyud ning gikugíhan ug trabáhu arun mahuman dáyun, I put in extra effort to finish the work quickly. n extra effort put into s.t. Walay kúgi nga dílì musangput sa kaayúhan, If you put in effort, it is bound to result in good. a taking to doing certain things which require effort, doing them with enthusiasm. Kúgi siyang mamunit ug láta, He’s very diligent in picking up old cans. Kúgi manakup ug alasiwsiw, He’s great in catching grasshoppers. paN- v [A23] woo a girl hard to win her (slang). ka- n = kúgi, n. kugihan a industrious, hard-working. kinugíhan n s.t. reaped from one’s diligence. Ayawg usíki ang ákung kinugíhan, Don’t waste the fruit of my labor.†

kuging = kigwa.

kugíta n 1 k.o. octopus with the body about the size of a baby’s head. 2 eye disease in which there is a growth on the eyeball which spreads out like the tentacles of an [487]octopus. v [b4] get cataracts on the eyes. paN- v [A2] catch octopuses. kugitáhun a like an octopus.

kugíut v [A2S] creak, squeak. Mikugíut ang salug nga kawáyan sa ákung paglakaw, The bamboo floor made a creaking noise when I walked on it. Nagkugiut ang sira, The door creaked.

kugkug1 v [B; c1] 1 curl up stiff and hard. Ug mukugkug ang sinugbang bulad núkus, kuháa, When the dried squid curls up, take it off the coals. Nagkugkug ang tiil sa inasal, The feet of the roasted pig is curled up stiff. 2 for the body to be hunched over. Tigúlang na si Lúlu magkugkug na maglakaw, Grandfather is old now, and he is hunched over when he walks.

kugkug2 v [A3; b4] shiver from cold, usually with quivering lips. Pagdyákit kay nagkugkug ka nas katugnaw, Wear a jacket because you are shivering with cold.

kugkug3 = kulugkug.

kugmat v [B126; a12] get startled. Nakugmat ku sa nagsungasung nga butubutu sa pusil, I was startled by the rapid report of gunfire.

kugmu n dry, hardened mucous in the nose. v [A123P; a4b4] get hardened mucous in the nose. hiN- v [A; b1] pick the hardened mucous out of a nose. panghiN- v [A; b] pick one’s own nose. kugmuhun a nostrils full of dry hardened mucous.

kugpus = kulugpus.

kugpuy = kulugpus.

kugtung n name given to very large groupers: Epinephelus spp.

kugum1 v [A; b5] hold on to s.t. with the fingernails or claws. Tag-as ug kuku ang dalága nga mikugum sa íyang buktun, The girl who clutched his arms with her nails sure had long ones. Gikugman (gikugum) sa banug ang pisù, The hawk clutched the chick with its claws.

kugum2 n muscular cramp. v [B26; b4] get a muscular cramp. Mikugum (gikugman) ang íyang tiil sa dúgayng linanguy, He got a cramp in his feet from swimming so long.

kúgun n tall, tough grass, with solid, slender stems, somewhat like bamboo. This grass together with taláhib moves into deforested areas and takes possession after the area is burnt. The leaves are used for thatching and the stems for various handicrafts: Imperata cylindrica and exaltata. v [a12] thatch roof with cogon. kakugnan n cogon lands. v [B1246] become cogon lands.

kugungkugung = kalugungkugung.

kúgus v 1 [A; a1] carry s.t. in the arms. Nagkúgus sa bátà ang inahan, The mother is carrying the baby in her arms. Kugúsa ang bulsíta arun dì mabutbut, Carry the paper bag in your arms so that the bottom won’t come out. 2 [A; a2b2] be a child’s godparent. Kinsa tung batáa ang ákung gikúgus sa bunyag? Which child did I sponsor in baptism? -in- n godchild.

kugwa = kigwa.

kúhà get and bring, get and take away. v 1 [A3S; ab7] get. Magkúhà kug túbig pára nímu, I’ll get you some water. Kuháa (kwáa) na ning mga plátu, Come, take these plates away. 1a [A; ab7] take away, remove. Makakúhà ning syampúha sa kaspa, This shampoo removes dandruff. Nakúhà ang ákung kasukù pagpangáyù níyag pasaylu, My anger vanished when she apologized. Ayaw nig kuhái (kwái), Don’t take any of this. 1b [A; ab4(1)] perform an abortion, have a miscarriage. Way mananambal nga mukúhà sa ímung gisabak, No doctor will perform an abortion on you. Nakuháan siya human madakdak, She had had a miscarriage after she slipped and fell. 2 [A3S; a] obtain. Mikúhà kug lúti sa subdibisyun, I bought a lot from the subdivision. Nakakuhà si Pilimun ug tambasákan, Filemon caught a mudskipper (fish). Kuháan ta kag apidábit, I’ll get an affidavit from you. 2a [A2] get goods on credit. Kúhà ug bugas sa íyang tindáhan, Get some rice at his store on credit. 2b [A; a12] hire for service. Si Isku lay ákung kuháun arun pagpanday sa kusína, I’ll hire Isko to repair the kitchen. 3 be able to do s.t. 3a [A3S; a2] catch what s.o. said. 3b imitate, catch on how to do s.t. by following what s.o. else does. Kuháun ku ang dúyug pinaági sa pagpamínaw sa pláka, I’ll pick up the accompaniment by listening to the record. 3c have the capacity to do the sexual act. Mukúhà ug tulu ka ráwun ang íyang bána, Her husband can do it three times in a row. 3d manage to get a girl to engage in sexual acts. Húmuk siyang makúhà, It’ll be no trouble to get her for sexual intercourse. Ug dì musugut, kuháa sa kusug, If she doesn’t agree to do it, rape her. a achievable. Kúhà nákù nang nutáha, That note is very much within my range. n 1 action of getting s.t. 2 s.t. one got. Pilay ímung kúhà sa mat? What did you get in Math? 3 production of a photo. Dì maáyu ang kúhà kun ngitngit, The picture doesn’t come out good if it’s too dark. (→) n catch of fish or game. Way kuhà ang mananagat, The fisherman came home without any fish. hiN- v [b(1)] get one’s livelihood from. [488]Way láing gihinguháan níya sa paggastu sa pag-iskuyla gawas sa pagpabúy, He had no other source of income for his studies other than his wages as a servant. tiN-, paniN- see tingúhà.

kuhil v [A; ab2] 1 touch lightly against s.t. Ákung gilíngì kun kinsa ang nagkuhil sa ákung buktun, I looked back to see who had touched my arm. Ígù lang nakakuhil ang dyíp sa awtu. Wà gánì makadlasi, The jeep just brushed against the car. It wasn’t even scratched. 2 touch and disturb. Ug kuhilun ning mga butang mailhan nákù, If anyone touches these things I’ll know right away.

kuhin n 1 a cushion or soft pad for sitting or kneeling on. 2 special church wedding where there is a special white cloth for the bride and groom to walk over. v 1 [A; a] use, put s.t. as soft cushion. Átung kuhinan ang lingkuránan sa dyíp, Let’s put cushions on the seats of the jeep. 2 [A; c1] hold a special wedding. Kuhinun (ikuhin) kunu ang kasal maung nangútang, The wedding will be special. That’s why they are going around borrowing money.

kuhir v [A; a12] reach a certain number of points agreed to as the winning score in billiards or pool. Ug makakuhir siyag dyís, daug na kay mauy íyang wíting, If he gets ten (by hitting the number ten ball into the pocket), he will win because he needs ten points to reach the number we agreed to.

kúhit v [A; a] 1 poke, jab, touch s.t. with the fingers or s.t. long to remove or obtain it. Kuhíta nang búla nga nasaling-it sa sandayung, Poke the ball that is stuck in the gutter. Kuhíti akug bayábas, Knock a guava down for me. 2 touch s.o. by curling the fingers to attract his attention. Milíngì ku dihang may mikúhit nákù, I looked back when s.o. touched me. 2a [AN; a12] approach s.o. influential to ask for a favor. Ug mikúhit (nangúhit) ka pa nákù dì untà ka madá sa prisintu, Had you approached me you would not have been brought to the police station. (→) n 1 stick to get s.t. 2 thin, tapering stick with a slit in it used in the process of weaving designs to catch hold of strips of grasses or palms that are being woven. 3 hook used in embroidery to catch hold of threads.

kúhu v [B12; b4(1)] for the hands to be disabled with the joints stiffening such that a person is unable to make a fist. Nakúhu ang kamut sa sanlahun, The leper lost the ability to use his fingers.

kukakúla n 1 coca-cola. 2 tb (so called from the name Koch’s bacillus (humorous slang). Ayaw paduul ánang tawhána kay kukakúla nà, Don’t go near him because he has tb. v [A1] drink coca-cola. — bádi n having a curvaceous body (like a coca-cola bottle).

kukhan see kuku.

kukhu = kalukhu.

kúkib n cave, pit, large hole in the ground. v [AB12; a] for a hole to develop in the earth, dig a pit or cave. Ang mga miníru nagkúkib sa kílid sa pangpang, The miners are excavating the side of the mountain. Nakúkib ang daplin sa sapà kay natimpag ang yútà, The edge of the river caved in because the earth washed away.

kukiri n cookery, a course in cooking.

kuku n 1 fingernails, toenails. 2 claws, hooves. v [b] get caught or hit by the claws. Gikukhan sa banug ang pisù, The hawk got the chick in its talons. 3 -g banug n k.o. wild shrub, the leaves of which are eaten as greens and sold commercially under the name of salúyut: Corchorus olitorius. hiN- v [A; b6(1)] cut nails of. Tinúud bang hinguk-an (hingukúhan) ang kabáyù? Is it true that they trim horses’ hooves? panghiN- v [A; b6(1)] trim one’s own nails. kukhan a 1 having claws. 2 grasping, inconsiderate of others’ needs. Kukhang dakù kay patúngan ug dakung pursintu, She is a grasping thing because she charges a huge percentage on her loans. 3 k.o. crevally.

kúku n unbleached muslin. — krúdu = kúku. v [A1; a2] wear or use s.t. of unbleached muslin.

kùkù v [A; c1b] shrink back, curl up into oneself. Mikùkù siya sa íyang gilingkúran sa panghináut nga dì siya himatikdan, He shrank back into his chair in hopes that no one would notice him. Kùkúa (ikùkù) ang ímung tiil arun ka masulud sa kaban, Draw in your legs in so you can get into the trunk. a drawn into oneself, curled back. ti- see tikùkù.

kúkud = kulúkud.

kúkug = kulkug.

kúkuk1 n k.o. bird, the Philippine coucal: Centropus viridis.

kúkuk2 n prostitute (slang). paN- v [A2] go out with prostitutes.

kuku krúdu = kúku.

kúkuks n euphemism for kulúkuy.

kúkus = kulúkus.

kukwa n 1 cocoa powder. 2 chocolate milk. v [A13; a] drink, make chocolate milk or make s.t. with cocoa powder.

kúl1 n 1 phone call. 2 a summons to duty, need. Dúnay kúl ang duktur bísag gabíi, A doctor gets calls even at night. 3 a bet or [489]bid shouted or called out (without giving money). 4 invitation to drink at s.o.’s expense. Adtu ta sa Dayamun Táwir kay ákù rung kúl, Let’s go to the Diamond Tower. It’s my treat. v 1 [A; c1] call on the phone. Dúna ruy mukúl nákug lungdistans, S.o. will call me up long distance today. 2 [A; c1] call s.o. to duty. Gikúl siya sa armi, He was called into the army. 3 [A; a] give or accept a bet without showing cash. Kúlun ku ang ímung pusta bisag pila, I’ll accept whatever bet you offer. 4 [A2; c1] accept a challenge to a fight or contest. Ug áway ímung gustu, mukúl ku, If you want a fight, I’ll take you up on it. -ay n system of betting without showing money.

kúl2 n inferior quality of wood taken from the interior portion of the trunk.

kúl3 v [A; a2] sort out chicks according to sex.

kula, kúla1 n 1 glue to hold s.t. together. 2 hard rubber. Kúla ang sudlay, Hard rubber comb. v [A; b5] glue s.t. together. Kuláha (kuláhi) ang gitára, Glue the guitar together.

*kúla2 pyánu di- grand piano.

kulabting (not without l) v [A; a] hang onto or cling to with little or no support from below. Ang kabug nikulabting sa sanga, A bat was hanging on the branch. Trák nga gikulabtíngan ug daghang pasahíru, A bus which had lots of passengers clinging on the outside.

kulaburítur n collaborator with the enemy. v [B16; a12] be a collaborator with the enemy. Kuútun sa girilya ang magkulaburítur, The partisans will liquidate those who are collaborators.

kulabútan n k.o. large cuttlefish sometimes growing to 25″.

kulabyaw n a k.o. edible fruit bat similar to but smaller than the kulaknit. paN- v [A2] catch kulabyaw.

kulabyun v [A; b6(1)] 1 cling to for support. Kabyun lang nákù arun dì ka muunlud, Cling to me so you won’t sink. Nabálì ang sanga kay gikabyúnan sa mga bátà, The branch broke because children hung on to it. 2 have influential connections. Náay ímung parinting makabyúnan sa kustums, You have relatives to turn to for influence in the customs.

kulag (not without l) a be panic-stricken. v [B126; b3] get panic-stricken. Nakulag ang mga táwu sa paglínug, The people became panic-stricken when there was an earthquake. -an a of a hysterical type.

kulagting = kulabting.

kulágù1 v [A2S; b3c] cry wildly and loudly. Mikulágù ang bátà nga giilúgan sa duwáan, The child screamed wildly because s.o. took his toy away from him. Ikuwágù ku na lang ang ákung kaguul, I will shriek with grief. n a loud, wild cry, or crying. Ang íyang kulágù nabátì sa mga silíngan, His loud cries were heard by the neighbors.

kulágù2 n k.o. owl: Tyto sp.

kulakdup n brown, edible fungus growing on rotting wood, used as a condiment with noodles (pansit).

kulaknit n k.o. edible fruit-eating bat, larger than the kulabyaw. paN- v [A2] catch such bats.

kulambus = kurambus.

kulambut v 1 [A; b6(1)] tie a string across a row of strings, crisscross fashion, to make netting for s.t. to protect or secure it. Magkulambut ku sa bàbà sa baskit sa itlug, I’ll crisscross strings across the mouth of the basket of eggs. Dì na mabungkag nang kartun kay gikulambútan na ug maáyu, This bundle of boxes won’t get untied because I have tied it securely in a crisscross fashion. 1a [A; ac1] make or attach a leader in longline fishing. 2 [A; b6] wrap oneself up entirely in a blanket. Nagkulambut siya kay gitugnaw, He wrapped himself up with a blanket because he felt cold. n 1 string used in longline fishing connecting the hook with the main line or the leader with another ganging line. 2 blanket.

kulambútan = kulabútan.

kulampísaw n k.o. frigate bird, a large sea bird: Fregata arielariel.

kulampit v [A; c] 1 wind one’s limbs around tightly and firmly. Wà kalíhuk si Pidru kay gikulampítan siya sa líug sa kuntra, Pedro couldn’t move when his opponent locked his legs around his neck. 2 be entwining. Gikulampítan ang ríhas sa bintánà sa mabagang bágun, Thick vines entwined themselves around the window grill.

kulámug = dalínug.

kulámus v [A; a] grab with the fingers and nails and squeeze or crumple. Kulamúsun nákù ning papílis ug maglágut ku, I’ll crumple these papers if I get mad. Kulamúsun ku nang nawung mu dì ba makísì nang ngábil mu run, I’ll grab your face with my fingernails and rip your lips off.

kulamuy n 1 claws of birds, shellfish. Ang idágan sa kasag mau ang íyang mga kamuy, The crab runs by means of its claws. 2 fingers and toes. Tag-as kag kulamuy. Angayan kang magtuun ug pyánu, You’ve got long fingers. You should take piano lessons. — sa baláud n arms of the law. [490]

kúlan n long-term variety of white rice with very fine and slender grains that ripen after eight months.

kulandir n colander.

kúlang a lacking, deficient. Kúlang ra ni pára nákù, This is not enough for me. 2 too puny to pose a challenge. Magsinumbagay? Kúlang ka ra nákù, You want to fight? You’re not strong enough to pose a challenge. n balance, the amount needed or lacking. Pilay kúwang? How much is needed? v 1 [B; ab7] be wanting, lacking, deficient. Dì kita makalingkud kay nagkúlang ang lingkuránan, We can’t take a seat. There are not enough chairs. Ayawg kulánga pagsuklì, Don’t fail to give the right amount of change. Arun ka makaganansiya, kulángi ug gamay ang takus, If you want to make a greater profit, make the measure a little bit short. 2 [A13] not give s.o. his proper due or attention. Nanglaki ang asáwa tungud kay nagkúlang kaníya ang íyang bána, The wife took up with other men because her husband didn’t give her adequate affection. 3 dílì, walay — v [B2456; a4] be not less than. Dílì makúlang (kulángun) sa singkuwinta ang mitambung, The number of people who came is not less than fifty. ka-an n deficiency, shortcomings. Pasaylúa aku sa ákung mga kakulángan, Forgive me for my shortcomings. kulangkulang a mentally retarded, slightly lacking in intelligence for the age. v [B126; a12] become mentally deficient. -un a not quite enough. Kulángun ra ning usa ka bábuy sa mga bisíta, One pig is not enough for the visitors. -an a lacking a lot to reach the proper amount. Kulángan kaáyu ning usa ka sáku, This isn’t a whole sackful. There’s a lot missing.

kulangù a slightly retarded mentally, silly. Trayinta anyus, magdyúlin pa. Kulangù, He is thirty years old but still likes to play marbles. He’s a bit retarded. v [B12; b6] be, become stupid, silly, or slow-witted. -un a of a slightly retarded or silly sort. Kulanguun tung mga pangutána, Those were silly questions.

kulángut (not without l) n moist nasal discharge in the nose, but not soft. v [B124; a4b4] be full of moist, hard nasal discharge. Limpiyúhing ilung, nagkakulángut (gikulángut, gikulangútan), Clean your nose. It’s dirty. -un(→) a always having a stuffed up nose.

kulansi = kulasísi.

kulap, kúlap a dim, not affording much light; or for the eyes to be dim. Ang kaháyag sa sugà nga lána kulap kaáyu, The light of the oil lamp is very dim. v [B; b6] 1 for light or vision to dim. 2 for one’s popularity to fade. Nagkakulap na ang kabantug ni Ilbis Prisli, Elvis Presley’s popularity is fading. kulapkúlap v [B46; c1] blink the eyes. Nagkuwapkúwap ang ákung mata sa kasulaw sa adlaw, My eyes are blinking in the glare of the sun.

kul-ap v [A; a] call s.o. on the telephone. Kul-ápun ku ang ákung asáwa sa lungdistans, I’ll call up my wife by long distance.

kulapíti (not without l; from kúla and piti) v [B13; b] get s.t. sticky on s.t. which does not come off easily. Nagkulapíti ang íyang buhuk sa pumáda ug buling, His hair is sticky with dirt and pomade. Gikulapitíhan sa bábul gám ang íyang kamut, His hands are all sticky with bubble gum.

kulápu n 1 brand of a cheap local wine. 2 penis (humorous slang). Kay dakù man siyang pagkatáwu, dakù sab giyud nag kulápu, He is a big fellow, so he must also have a big penis.

kuláput v 1 [A; c] twine around s.t. Putla nang kalabásà nga nagkuláput sa kapáyas, Cut down the squash that is entwined around the papaya tree. Ikuláput ang ímung buktun sa ákung líug, Twine your arm around my neck. 2 [A2SN; b6] cling to s.t. by twining s.t. long around it. Ungguy nga nagkulaput (nanguláput) sa sanga, A monkey clinging to the branch.

kulapyut v [A; a] 1 hang down from s.t. holding on with the limbs. Mukapyut ang sirkadur sa tsíning bar, The acrobat clings to the chinning bar. Ayawg kapyúti ang ákung líug, Don’t cling to my neck. 2 [A12; b] ask a favor by turning to s.o. influential. Nasúd siyas kapitulyu kay nakakapyut man ug pulitiku, He got a job in the Capitol because a politician recommended him. — sa sagbayan v [A3] get sick with venereal disease (lit. hang on to the rafters). Patúu ug tambag ug dì ka gustung mukapyut sa sagbayan, Listen to advice if you don’t want to get v.d. paN- v [A] cling, hold on to s.t. vigorously or frantically. Nagpangapyut sa bágun ang táwung nahū́g sa bung-aw, The man who fell into the chasm clung frantically to a vine. -ánan n place for clinging or holding onto.

kulasísi n k.o. parakeet with a shrill voice, commonly kept as a pet: Loriculus philippensis.†

kulasiyun n a light repast taken in place of a real meal when fasting. v [AN; b6] take a light repast. Magkulasiyun ang rilihiyúsu sa Byirnis Santu, Religious people take only a [491]light repast on Good Friday.

kulat v [A; a12] splice long pieces of rope by unravelling the strands, running the two pieces together, and retwisting or make the ends of a rope into a loop by an analogous process. Maáyung kulatun ang tumuy sa písì ug dugtúngun arun dílì mubaknal, It is good to join the two pieces of rope by splicing them so there will be no bulges in the middle. n the finished splice. maN-r- n one who splices rope.

kuláta1 (not without l) v [A; a] maul s.o., beat s.o. badly. Mga pulis ang nikuláta sa mangunguut, The cops beat the pickpocket up. n mauling administered. -du a badly beaten up. Kulatádu siya sa íyang kuntra gíkan sa it ráwun, After the eight round, he was badly punished by his opponent.

kuláta2 (not without l) n gunstock. v [A13; a2] make, make into, attach a gunstock to s.t.

kulating (humorous euphemism for kuláta) v [A; a12] maul, beat s.o. badly. Maáyung kulatingun ang asáwang kusug muputak, A wife that nags all the time needs a good mauling.

kulatiral (not without l) n collateral on a loan. v [A; c] offer or use s.t. as collateral.

kulat-ug n venereal disease. v [a4] be infected with venereal disease. -un(→) n infected with venereal diseases.

kulaw-it = kalaw-it.

kulánap = kuyánap.

kulaykulay a double jointed. v [B126] get to be double jointed.

kulbà a 1 provoking a feeling of fear at s.t. impending. 2 startling, provoking a pang of fear suddenly. v [b4] 1 have a feeling of fear at s.t. impending or unexplained fear. Gikulbaan kug maáyu kay mu rang usa ra ang bátà sa balay, I feel very apprehensive because the child is all alone in the house. 2 be very frightened by s.t. sudden. Gikulbaan ku pagpaghut sa irù, I was startled when the dog barked. — hínam a anticipated with eagerness and fright. v [B] for s.t. to get thrilling, breathtaking. Nagkakulbà hínam ang isturya kay nagkasulbad na ang mistiryu, The story is getting very exciting because the mystery is nearing solution. paN- v [b4] have an intense feeling of apprehension or be intensely startled. ka- n feeling of fearful apprehension. -ánun, kululbáan a given to being apprehensive.

kulbásà = kalabásà.

kuldas = kwirdas1.

kuldun n drawstring or cord passed through the waist of a garment. Nahushus ákung karsunsilyu kay naputul ang kuldun, My underpants fell down because the drawstring broke. v [A; ab] 1 tie s.o.’s drawstring. 2 [A; c1] supply with, make into a drawstring. paN- v [A2] tie one’s drawstring. Panguldun dihà uy. Mahushus unyà nang panti mu, Tie your drawstring or your panties will come falling down.

kulgirl n prostitute that gives home service. v [B1] be, become a call girl.

kulgit n toothpaste, so called from the brand name Colgate. v [A1N; b] use toothpaste. Asin na lay ikulgit, Just brush your teeth with salt.

kulhánun see kulu1.

kulhíad = kulíhad.

kulì v [a4] get senile in the mind. Ang táwung gikulì mu ra na lang bátà, A person who gets senile behaves like a child. -un, -ánun n confused due to old age. Kuliánun na si Lúlu. Ábi níyag ang íya kung anak, Grandfather has gotten confused now. He thinks I’m his son.

kúlì a 1 having a hard time doing s.t. because of some obstacle. Kúlì kaáyu ning mahuman kay kúwang ug panahun, This is going to be hard to finish because there isn’t enough time. Kúlì ta makasakay ug mag-uwan, We have a hard time getting transportation when it rains. 2 reluctant. Kúlì siyang musugut, I doubt if he will consent to that. Kúlì kaáyu sa ákung buut ning pagpangáyug ámut, I find it very much against my will to ask for contributions. 3 seldom, rarely. Kúlì siya muanhi, He seldom comes here. Kúlì kang kakità ug dunsilya dinhi, You rarely find virgins here. v [B; a2] have a hard time doing s.t. Ngánung mukúlì ka paghátag sa ímung anak? Why do you find it hard to give s.t. to your own child? Kun muhátag ka, hátag dáyun. Ngánung kulíun pa man? If you want to give, all right, give. Why make it so hard? ma- a = kúlì. v [B1; b3c] be hesitant, be reluctant. Magmakúlì ku sa pagpaiskuyla ug tapulan, I’m reluctant to send a lazy person to school. ka-an n obstacle, difficulty. Mga kakulían nga dì kapugngan, Circumstances beyond our control. ma-un a hesitant, reluctant. Makulíun kaáyu siyang nikúyug nákù, She was very hesitant to go with me.

kulibugan = kalibugan. see líbug.

kulígi v [A; b3] cry noisily and loudly. Mikulígi ang bátà nga wà hatágig singku, The child cried noisily because he did not get his nickle. Nagkulígi ang masúsu kay gigútum, The baby is crying because it is hungry.

kulíhad, kulìhad v 1 [AN; c] loosen phlegm [492]in the throat and expel it. Humag pangíhì, nangulíhad siya ug nanglup-ad, After urinating he loosened his phlegm and spat out. 2 [A23N; b] clear out phlegm in the throat as a sign of derision or contempt. Mangulíhad (mukulíhad) dáyun ang Dunyag náay pubring mangulitáwu sa íyang anak, The Doña clears her throat in contempt as soon as a poor man comes to pay a call on her daughter. n derision and contempt. Giantus ni Magdalína ang mga pagbiaybíay ug kulíhad sa katawhan, Magdalene endured all the people’s derision and contempt. -in- n s.t. expectorated. paN- = kulíhad, n.

kulihiyála n a student in an exclusive girls’ high school or college. v [B156; a12] be, become a student in a girls’ school.

kulihiyu, kulihíyu n college or lower grade affiliated with a college. — iliktural n polling place where voters cast their votes in an election.

kulíik n shrill, piercing shriek. v [A; b3] shriek or scream with a shrill or piercing voice. Mikulíik ang bátà nga naipit sa siras pultahan, The child that got its finger wedged in the door let out a piercing scream.

kuliksiyun n 1 a collection, an accumulation of things collected, esp. as a hobby. 2 aggregate amount of money received at any one time, receipts. Kuliksiyun sa simbahan, Church collection. v [A; a2] 1 have a collection. Nagkuliksiyun ku ug silyu, I collect stamps. 2 take up a collection. Magkuliksiyun ta pára sa namatay, Let’s take up a collection for the deceased.

kulikta v 1 [A; ac] collect, give payments, usually not for any pre-existing contractual obligations. Nagkulikta siyag dilihinsya sa mga draybir, He is collecting protection money from drivers. Gikuliktáhan ku ug ámut pára sa simbahan, They collected a donation for the church from me. Písu ang ákung ikulikta, I’ll give one peso for the collection. 2 [AN; a2] gather for a collection. Nangulikta siyag trátu, He is collecting girl friends. 3 [A1] come to the part of the church service where the offering is collected. Nagkulikta na pag-abut nákù, The offering was already being passed when I arrived. n 1 money collected from payments, dues, taxes, etc. 2 items collected or gathered for one’s hobby. 3 collection taken up during a church service.

kuliktar = kulikta, v.

kuliktur n 1 bill collector. 2 collector of s.t. as a hobby. Kuliktur nà siyag mga silyu, He is a stamp collector. 3 collector of fares on public transportation. v 1 [B156; a2] be a bill collector, collector as a hobby, collector of fares. 2 [B156] be a collector of items, such as coins, stamps, etc.

kulíkug v [A23] for sound to penetrate into one’s ears. Dì ku makatulug kay mukulíkug giyud ang tíngug sa bátà nga naghilak sa ákung dawunggan, I can’t sleep, because that child’s cries are penetrating into my ears.

kulíkut v 1 [AB; c] squeeze, penetrate into a narrow space; cause s.t. to do so. Mikulíkut siya sa daghang mga táwu, He elbowed his way into the crowd. Singgit nga mikulíkut sa ákung dawunggan, A scream that penetrated deep into my ears. Ayaw ikulíkut nang lápis sa ímung dunggan, Don’t shove that pencil into your ear. 2 [A; b6(1)] make or bore a hole usually with a twisted instrument or twisting motion. Ubang buyug mukulíkut sa yútà unyà mangitlug, Some wasps bore a hole in the ground to lay eggs in. (→) n tiny chili pepper with a strong bite. síling — = kulikut.

kulikutkut v [A] be curled up. Tag-as na ang ímung patilya, mukulikutkut na gánì sa dunggan, Your sideburns are so long, they are curling up to your ears. Nagkulikutkut siya sa kasakit sa íyang tiyan, He is curled up because of his stomach ache.

kulíling n ringing, tinkling sound as that of a phone or small bell. v [A; c1] for a small bell to ring.

kulilísi n a game played during wakes after the prayers in which the participants recite verses (ditsu), contesting with each other. -ng hárì the leader of the kulilísi. v [A] hold a kulilísi game.

kulímà v [A2S; c] screw up the face in pain or upon experiencing an unpleasant taste. Mukulímà ka giyud kun makakaun kag aslum, You will grimace if you eat s.t. sour. Mikulímà ang bátà sa dihang gikusì, dáyung mihílak, The baby screwed up its face when I pinched it and then burst into tears.

kuling v [A; a] bring s.t. into disarray, shuffle it all up, as in searching for s.t. Nagkuling siya sa libru kun dúna bay gisalip-it, She is going through the pages of the book to see if s.t. was placed between them. Kulinga ang kaban ug túa ba ang dukumintu, Search the trunk to see if the document is in it.

kulípà v [AN; c] expel from the mouth by pushing with the tongue or blowing. Mukulípà (mangulípà) ang bátà kun ímung dalìdaliun paghungit, The child will spit the food out if you feed it too rapidly. Ikulípà nà kay húgaw, Spit that out. It’s dirty.

kulípad = kulípà. [493]

kulípas v [AN; c1] refuse to acknowledge. Ang mga táwung bakákun dílì mahadluk mukulípas (mangulípas) sa ílang sulti, Liars are not afraid to disclaim their own words. Si San Pidru mauy nagkulípas nga wà siya makaila ni Hisus, St. Peter denied Jesus saying he did not know Him. hiN- a fond of denying. paN- n denial.

kulípat v [A; a2b2] tweak, pinch s.t. and twist. Kulipátun ku nang ímung bulug ug ímung samúkun ang nagtuun, I will tweak you in the groin if you bother these children that are studying.

kulípì1 v [AN; b6] 1 cover up for s.o. Ang inahan mauy nangulípì pagbalíbad nga wà mulakat ang íyang anak, The mother covered up for her son by saying he hadn’t gone out. 2 take on s.o. else’s duties. Aku lay nangulípì (mikulípì) sa íyang trabáhu kay nagtuun man, I took over his duties because he was studying. paN- v [A2; b] be jealously possessive of s.o. Mangulípì ang inahan sa mga ituy ug duúlun sila, The mother dog guards her puppies jealously when s.o. goes near them. -an a jealously possessive.

kulípì2 v [A3P] shrink, cower in fear. Mikulípì sa suuk ang mga bátà pagkadungug sa dalugdug, The children cowered in the corner when they heard the thunder. Mukulípì ang irù ug han-an ug bunal, The dog will shrink in fear if you raise a club at him.

kulipíti = kulapíti.

kulipláwir n cauliflower.

kúlir n cooler. v [c1] put s.t. in a cooler.

kulira n 1 cholera. 2 rather strong curse uttered in anger. Kulira! Napildi nímung ákung pusta dà! Damn! I lost my bet! v 1 [A123P; a4] cause, get cholera. 2 [a4] curse in which s.o. is wished ill (lit. may you be afflicted with cholera). Kulirahun ka pa untà! Nagpakaulaw ka lang sa átung bánay, God damn you! You only bring shame to our family.

kulirit n euphemism for kulira, n2.

kulirù1 n a half centavo copper coin. Wà gayud kuy kulirù diri, I don’t have a cent. a stupid, simpleton. v [B12] become stupid. Nakulirù siya human masakit ug típus, He became slow-witted after he got sick with typhus.

kulirù2 euphemism for kulira, n2, v. Gikulirù ka ba nga walà man ku nímu salinig kan-un? Are you sick or s.t. that you didn’t leave me anything to eat?

kúlis n 1 collards: Brassica oleracea var. acephala. 2 ornamental shrub with yellow leaves which are eaten as a vegetable, esp. together with fish stewed in vinegar: Pisonia alba. v [A13; b6] cook, cook with kúlis.

kulisaw, kulísaw a annoyingly noisy, disturbing, chaotic. Dì ku makatulug kay kulísaw kaáyu ang mga bátà, I can’t sleep because the children are so noisy. n a noisy disturbance. Unsa may naingnan adtung kulísaw ganíha? What was the cause of the fracas a while ago. v [B; b6] be, become disturbing with a chaotic noise.

kulisdum, kulisdung = kisdum.

kulísiw n loud, piercing shriek. v [A2S; b3] shriek. Mikulísiw siya pagkakità sa abat, She screamed when she saw the ghost. Nagkulisiw ang bátà nga nasakitag maáyu, The child screamed because it hurt.

kulisíyum n coliseum.

kulismaut v [AP; c1] grimace in disgust or dissatisfaction, be frowning. Nagkulismaut ang nawung kay wà tugti, She’s frowning because they didn’t allow her to go. a frowning, grimacing. n grimace of disgust. -un a of a frowning sort.

kulismut = kulismaut.

kulistirul n cholesterol.

kulísuk v [A2S; b3] scream loudly in anger, pain, or fright. Mukulísuk ang bátà sa pagkakità sa duktur, The child screamed wildly in fright on seeing the doctor. Úngù tung íyang gikulisúkan, She screamed at seeing the vampire. n loud scream.

kulisyun = kwalisiyun.

kúlit v [A; ac] carve or engrave. Magkúlit kug istatúwa sa anghil, I’ll carve the statue of an angel. Kulíta nang ági sa lápis, Remove the pencil marks by carving them out. Ikúlit ang litra sa káhuy, Carve the letters into the tree. -in- n engraving, carving. -in-an n s.t. engraved. Ilhan ra kay kinulítan tug ngálan, You can identify it because it has a name engraved into it. mag-r-, maN-r- n sculptor.

kulítis = kudyapà.

kulitu = akulitu.

kulítug v [A; a] insert s.t. into a hole and move it around. Nagkulítug siyag gápas sa íyang dunggan, He is cleaning his ears with cotton. Kulitúga nang gul-anan arun mudakùdakù, Insert a stick into the outlet and turn it around to make it bigger. n s.t. used to insert into a hole.

kulitus = akulitu.

kuliut = kulikut. see kulíkut.

kulíut1 v [B2S46; c1] grimace or distort one’s face in anger or pain. Ayaw kuliúta (ikulíut) ímung nawung bísan ug dì ka ganáhan, Don’t contort your face, even if you don’t like it. [494]

kulíut2 = kulíkut.

kuliyun n Culion island, a leper colony. v [A2; c1] send lepers to Culion.

kulkug v [A; a] shove s.t. slender into an opening just about big enough for it and work it around. Kulkúga íring lipak ang lungag sa ilagà, Thrust this stick into the rat hole. Ayaw ikulkug ang ímung tudlù sa ímung ilung, Don’t stick your finger in your nose. n 1 s.t. used to thrust into a hole. 2 action of inserting s.t.

kulkul v [B46; a] 1 grow to be gnarled, curled up. Mukulkul untà ang mga tudlù sa nagkúhà adtu, May the fingers of the person who stole it stiffen with arthritis. Mikulkul ang tinubúan sa káhuy, The tree grew into a gnarled mass. 2 shrink back in fear. Mukulkul sa kahadluk ang ímung irù ug pirming bunálan, Your dog will shrink back in fear if you constantly beat it. 3 withdraw, back out from an undertaking out of apprehension. Ngánung mikulkul ka sa ímung nigusyu? Why have you gone out of business? a curled up stiff. -ánay n withdraw, back out. Sábut nga way kulkulánay, An agreement we cannot withdraw from.

kultibar v 1 [A; a] cultivate land for growing crops. Kultibahun ku ning luyu sa balay arun tamnan kug mga utanun, I will dig up the back of my house to grow vegetables. 2 [A; a12] use up, get rid of. Ang ákung mga anak mauy mikultibar sa kík, My children ate all the cake. Ang banggiítang kwirpu sa mga sikríta mauy nakakultibar sa nanaghítak nga sugálan, The crack group of detectives rid the place of gambling dens. Kultibahun lang sa lídir sa kandidátu ang kwarta, dílì ipamalit ug balúta, The leader of the candidate just pockets all the money for himself. He won’t use it for buying ballots. kultibádu a 1 cultivated land. 2 all eaten up or drunk. v [B1246] become cultivated land. Ang yútà níya sa Mindanaw may kagulángan ug may nakultibádu na, He has forest lands in Mindanao and also some which are now cultivated.

kultsun = kutsun.

kultu1 n a Protestant service held at a member’s house. v [A13; b6] hold a service at a member’s house. Nagkultu sila sa balay sa ansiyánu kay naáyu ang íyang anak, They are holding a service at the elder’s place because his son recovered.

kultu2 v [A; a1] shoot marbles with the thumb. Hingígù siyang mukultu sa húlin, He shoots marbles like a marksman. 2 [A23] in a game of marbles, commit a foul by shooting the marbles into the wrong hole. Mukultu ka sa síkan ug mudyurds ka dihà, You will commit a foul if you shoot the marble in the second hole. n foul in marbles.

kultúra n culture, civilization.

kulu1 v [b(1)] 1 use s.t. awkwardly because of unfamiliarity. Daghan siyag sayup kay gikulhan pa sa bag-ung aybíim, He made lots of mistakes because he doesn’t have the feel for the new IBM machine yet. 2 be awkward, nervous. Wà ka kulhi nga nikanta sa daghang táwu? Did you not feel nervous singing in front of all those people? 3 [b4] be unable to react upon seeing violence due to fear. Gikúhan ku pagkakità nákus bátà nga naligsan, I was transfixed when I saw the child run over. kulhánun a 1 operating s.t. awkwardly because of unfamiliarity. 2 nervous, fearful, apprehensive. Dì ka giyud makat-un ug dráyib kay kulhánun kaáyu ka, You’ll never learn how to drive, you’re so nervous. v [B12] become nervous, fearful. kakulhánun n fearfulness, timidity. Tungud sa íyang kakulhánun wà gihápun siya makaabla níya, He is so timid he hasn’t brought himself to tell her he loves her.

kulu2 n seedless breadfruit, usually cooked with syrup as a sweet or used as an ingredient in sweet preparations: Artocarpus communis.

kúlù v 1 [B23(1); b4(1)] shrink in length or width. Panaptun nga dílì mukúlù, Cloth that doesn’t shrink. Kwáa ang sinugba sa dì pa makakúlù, Take the meat off the coals before it shrinks. Nainútil siya kay nakulúan ug ugat, He became disabled because he had contracted tendons. 2 [B46; b34c1] curl up, draw back. Ug mukúlù ang tamalà sa bangag, lisud hisakpan, When the octopus shrinks into the hole, you can’t catch it easily. Kulúa (ikúlù) ímung tiil kay dúnay gustung muági, Pull your feet in because people want to go by. Namatay siya kay gikul-an sa dílà, She died because she swallowed her tongue (her tongue shrunk into the throat). 2a draw back in fear. Mukúlù ka man lagi ug hanaan, You draw back in fear if s.o. threatens you. n shrinkage. igsaktu, hustu sa — be a bit too large so that it fits after shrinkage. Sagdig luag ang bistída kay hustu nà sa kúlù, Never mind if the dress is a little too loose because it will fit perfectly after it shrinks. kulùkúlù v [B6] writhe, double up in pain. Mikulùkúlù siya sa kasakit sa tiyan, He was doubled up with stomach pain.

kulub v [AB6; c1] lie on one’s belly, be overturned. Ug mukulub (makulub) ang sakayan, [495]patay ta, If the boat turns over, we’re done for. Magkulub paghigdà ang buktut, A hunchback sleeps lying on his belly. Kulba (ikulub) ang mga hinugásang plátu, Lay the washed plates face downward. — sa plátu, kúlun, etc. v [b(1)2] deprive s.o. of his livelihood (lit. turn the plate, pot, etc. upside down on him—as a sign that it is empty). Kun kuháan mu siya sa trabáhu sáma ra sa gikulban mu sila sa kaldíru, If you deprive him of a job, it’s just like overturning the kettles on them. — hayang a unstable, uncertain: one day up, the next day down. Kulub hayang ang kinabúhì sa sugarul, A gambler’s life is up today, down tomorrow. n game of group tag in which s.t. is tossed and one group chases the other according to which side the thing that was tossed falls on. ma-, mahayang whatever will be will be, whatever happens. Pasagdi ang ímung anak. Tutal makulub mahayang laláki man siya, Let your son do as he pleases. Anyway, whatever happens, he is a man. — hubag n a boil which swells downward instead of outward and fails to develop a head (lit. an overturned boil).

kúlub v [B23; b6] shrink, shrivel up. Mukúlub ang prútas nga linghud rang pagkapùpù, Fruits that are picked too young will just shrivel up. Nagkakulub na nà siya kay tigúlang na kaáyu, She is shriveling up with old age. Mikū́b ang núka. Wà na magkamayu, The sore has shriveled up. It’s not infected any more.

kulubútan = kulabútan.

kulud = kuludkúlud.

kúlud n midrib, the central rib of a leaf. v [AN; b7] remove the midrib of leaves. Nagkúlud siya sa lukay, He is removing the midribs of the palm fronds. Ákung kulúran ang mga dáhun sa tabákù, I will remove the midribs of the tobacco leaves.

kuludkúlud a be undulating in little waves. Kuludkúlud nga sín, Corrugated iron. n undulation. Kuludkúlud sa tuud, The rings in the stump. v [ABN; c1] undulate, cause s.t. to do so. Mikudkū́d (nangudkū́d) ang kahumayan, The ricefield is undulating. Ang midisína mauy mukudkū́d sa buhuk, The medicine will make the hair wavy. Nagkudkū́d ang linámang dikulur, The color is in an undulating pattern.

kulugkug v [A; a] insert s.t. slender into a narrow opening and work it around. Akuy mikulugkug sa túbu nga nasampungan, I worked a stick around in the pipe that was clogged up. Gikulugkúgan níya sa húgaw ang hunsuy, He cleaned out the tar in the pipe.

kulugpus v [AN; c1] 1 fold the arms in any position with the forearms crossed as a sign of repose. Nangulyugpus lang siya nga nagpaábut ug trák, He stood with his arms folded waiting for the bus. Nagpangulyugpus sa íyang mga buktun nga nangalíya sa mahal nga birhin, She prayed to the blessed Virgin with her arms crossed, hands on the shoulders. 1a curl the legs up close to the body. Íyang kulugpúsun ang íyang mga tiil ug tugnawun, He’ll curl up his feet if he feels cold. 2 do nothing in the face of a situation which calls for action. Nangulyugpus lang siya samtang nagkapulíkì mig trabáhu, He just stood by with his arms folded while we went crazy with so many things to do. Magkiyugpus ba lang tang magtan-aw sa ílang kalisud? Shall we just stand by utterly indifferent to the situation?

kulugpuy = kulugpus.

kulukar (not without l) v 1 [AP; c] place s.o. in a job. Kunggrisman ang mikulukar (mipakulukar) nákù sa trabáhu, A politician procured me a job. Ikulukar ta kag maáyung trabáhu, I’ll find a good job for you. 1a [A; c1] find, obtain s.t. for which there is fierce competition. Kun mag-ulan kúlì kang makakulukar ug sakay, When it rains it is difficult to get public transportation. 2 [A; c] attend to s.t. so that it is done properly, in the proper situation. Wà giyuy paryinting nagkulukar sa minatay, There was not a single relative to attend to the funeral. Sa nakulukar na ang minatay nag-áway dáyun sila sa kabílin, As soon as the body was laid to rest, they set out to fight over the inheritance. Ákung ikulukar ning ákung manghud úsà ku magminyù, I will see my younger brother through school before I get married. kulukádu a settled in a job, marriage, having a place to stay. kulukasiyun n job, occupation. paN- v [A; c] go job hunting. Muadtu siya sa siyudad mangulukasiyun, He will go to the city to look for a job.

kuluks, kúluks n euphemism for kulúkuy.

kulúkud v [A2S; a] bundle up dried coconut leaves to make a torch. Kulukúra ang langkay, Bundle up the dried coconut leaves for a torch. n torch of this sort.

kulúkus v [B; c1] curl up. Mikúkus ang mga dáhun sa kahúlaw, The leaves curled up in the long drought. Nagkulúkus gihápun sa katri bísag taas na kaáyu ang adlaw, He’s curled up in bed even though the sun is high in the sky. Kulukúsa (ikulúkus) ang alambri, unyà hipúsa, Roll up the wire and put [496]it away.

kulukúsu (not without l) = kusukúsu.

kulúkuy a stupid, lacking in common sense and sound judgment. Kulukúya nímu! Ímu man siyang gisultíhan sa surprísa, How dumb you can get! Why did you tell her our surprise? v [B12; b6] be lacking in common sense and sound judgment.

kulumbabit, kulumbábit v [A2S; b6(1)] hang or cling onto s.t. with the body suspended but leaning or working against part of it. Mikumbábit ang bátà sa ákung líug, The child clung to my neck. Ang kawatan nagkumbabit sa ríhas, The thief is clinging to the window bars.

kulumbitay, kulumbítay v [A; b6] 1 hang down from s.t. by clinging to it. Palwang gikumbitayan sa kwaknit, A palm frond on which a bat was hanging. 2 hang down suspended. May parul nga gakulumbitay sa ílang mga bintánà, There were lanterns hanging in their windows. Bágun nga gikumbitayan sa úbas, Vine loaded with (from which were suspended) grapes.

kulumna (not without l) n column, pillar in a large building.

kulumnista (not without l) n 1 newspaper or magazine columnist. 2 member of the fifth column. v [B156] be a columnist.

kulumpiyu (not without l) n rocking chair. v [a12] make into a rocking chair. paN- v [A2; a12] rock oneself in a rocking chair. Kinsa man nang nangulumpiyu sa diskansu? Who is that rocking on the porch?

kulumrínu = byatilis.

kúlun1 n cooking pot made of clay. v [A13; a1c] cook in this k.o. pot, make into this k.o. pot. hayang ang — 1 a sure thing, very certain of victory (lit. the pot is upright—the implication being that s.t. is inside). Ari pusta sa ákung kandidátu kay hayang na dáan ang kúlun niíni, Place your bet on my candidate. You are sure to win with him. 2 for s.t. to make do as a livelihood. Bísan lang ug pangáyu ug rilu apan hayang na ang kúlun, Even if it’s just watch repairing, it’s enough for a livelihood. baryu nga way — cemetery. tak-ang sa — v [A] for a woman to answer the call of nature (urinate or defecate—humorous euphemism). -un a clay soil for making pots. kulunkulun 1 = angulunkulun. 2 one who sees to it that no one uses his things and is careful not to use things belonging to others. Nag-ípun ug usa ka bubung apan kulunkulun, They live under one roof, but each has his own things (lit. cook with different pots).

kúlun2 (not without l)n colon, k.o. punctuation mark.

kulung1 a for the hair to be curly, wavy. v [AB; a] for the hair to become curly or wavy; cause it to do so. Ikaw ray ginindutan ánang buhuk mung nagkulung, You’re the only one that considers your curly hair pretty. Akuy nagkulung sa íyang buhuk, I gave her a permanent. n 1 the process of curling hair. 2 its result. Dúgay ang ákung kulung mituy-ud, The permanent I received lasted for quite a while. -un a curly, wavy in hair. maN-r- n beautician. pa-an n beauty parlor where one gets a permanent. paN- n the profession of curling hair.

kulung2 v [A; a] put in confinement of some sort. Nagkulung ang byúda sa sulud sa íyang balay, The widow shut herself up in her home. Nakulung ang tibuuk pamilya sa uma tungud sa bahà, The family was imprisoned on their farm because of the flood. -an n 1 place of confinement. 2 = kurung1. kulungù = kulangù.

kulunya n colony.

kulúpug v 1 [A; b] attack in the manner of a mother hen attacking s.t. Mikúpug ang himungáan sa midúul sa íyang mga pisù, The mother hen attacked the man who went near her chicks. Gikupúgan siya sa nasukù níyang asáwa, His wife set on him like an angry hen. 2 [AC2; b(1)] jump over one for sexual purposes. Dinhà pa sa gawang mikúpug dáyun ang laláki sa pampam, They were hardly through the door when the man set upon the prostitute. Nisúkul ang babáyi sa dihang gikupúgan na siyag haluk, The woman put up resistance as she was showered with hot kisses.

kulur, kúlur n 1 color. 2 one’s true colors, real character. Mu ra nà siyag buútan apan dílì nà mauy tinúud níyang kulur, She appears to be of good character, but that is not what she really is. v [A; b] color s.t. Kulúri ug lainláing kulur ang mga búlak, Color the flowers with all different colors. di-(→) a colored. Sayal nga dikulur, Colored skirt. (←) n pud — food coloring. tikni — technicolor. wútir — water color. kulurkúlur a of different colors. Ning-ayun ku sa ímung sinínà kay kulurkúlur, I like your dress because it is of all different colors. -áwu a 1 of many colors, having different colors. Kuluráwu kaáyu ang mga sugà sa Pasku, The Christmas lights are of all different colors. 2 flushed in the face. Kuluráwu siyag nawung kay nakainum-inum na pud, His face is flushed because he’s had one drink too many again. v [B2; a] become, be made colorful. Mu ra unyà kug mag-aawit sa [497]nayitklab kun kulurawhun kaáyu nímu ang ákung sinínà, I’ll look like a night club singer if you make my dress too colorful. agwa diáwu(←) n cola drinks, or palm toddy or liquor mixed with cola drinks (humorous).†

kuluríti, kulurítis n rouge. v [AN; b] put rouge or lipstick on.

kulúrum a 1 unlicensed. Kulúrum nga pistúla, Unlicensed pistol. Kulúrum nga taksi, Cab without a franchise. 2 without a name. Kulúrum nang klasíha sa manuk, That kind (breed) of chicken has no name. 3 a dissident group in Surigao in the early twenties, who always wore a red band around the head. paN- v [A2] hire an unauthorized car for a ride. Nangulúrum man gánì kug sakay arun mamínus ang plíti, naabiríya hinúun, I hired an unlicensed cab to minimize the expenses, but it broke down.

kulus a having a kink or a tight loop in it. v [B; b6] get a twist or kink in it. Nakulus ang hús maung wà kaagi ang túbig, The hose got a kink in it so the water couldn’t go through it.

kuluskulus n rustling sound made by leaves or paper. v [A; c1] produce a rustling noise. Nagkuskús ang mga ilagà sa kumúda, The mice were rustling about in the drawer. Ayawg kuluskulusa (ikuluskulus) ang mga papil kay sábà, Don’t rustle the paper around. It’s disturbing.

kuluskus = tikuskus.

kulut1 a curly haired. Kulut kaáyu ang buhuk sa Nigrítu, The Negritos have very curly hair. v [AB2; b6] for hair to become curly, cause it to do so. Byutisyan ang mikulut sa íyang buhuk, A beautician gave her a permanent.

kulut2 n culotte. v 1 [A; c1] wear, make in a culotte.

kúlut n k.o. wild yam, a hairy climbing vine, having immense poisonous tubers with yellowish flesh. It is eaten in famine situations after the poison has been washed away: Dioscorea hispida.

kulyáda1 v [A; c] bleach wash by putting it under the sun. Kining mga dikulur ayawg ikulyáda, Now don’t bleach these colored things in the sun.

kulyáda2 a windy weather. Dì maáyung ipanágat ug kulyáda, It’s not good to go fishing during windy weather. v [B6; b6] for it to be windy weather.

kulyar n animal collar, harness. v [A; b] attach a collar. Kulyari ang irù arun ilhang tag-iyáhan, Put a collar on the dog so that people will know it has an owner.

kuma1 v [AN; c] get a good hold with the hands or feet by holding tight with the fingers, toes, nails, etc. Kinahanglan mukuma (manguma) ang ímung tiil kun danglug ang dálan, You should try to get a good grip on the path with your feet if it’s slippery. Inigsaka nímu sa pangpang, ikuma giyud ang ímung kamut, When you climb up the cliff, get a good grip with your hands. a for a child to be troublesome because it likes to hold on to the mother all the time. (←)1 n a contest of strength similar to Indian wrestling using just the hands clamped into each other instead of the forearms. v [AC; b] wrestle in this way.

kuma2 a cute and cuddly, such that one would love to pick it up and squeeze it. v [b6] feel like fondling s.t. cuddly. Gikumhan kung nagtan-aw sa ímung bátà, I feel like squeezing your baby when I look at it.

kúma2 n comma. v [b] put a comma. Kumáhi, ayawg piryúdi, Put a comma, not a period.

kumadri = kumári.

kumads short for kumadri, used intimately. v [C2] call each other kumads.

kumagat see kagat.

kumagkù = kumalagkù.

kumàkumà v [B4] speak haltingly because of being flustered. Mukumàkumà giyud ku ug pangutan-un na sa kurti, I’ll surely get rattled if I am questioned in court.

kumalagkù (from dakù) n thumb, big toe. v [a12] hit on the thumb or big toe.

kuman = karun (dialectal).

kumandansiya n headquarters, building where the command of a military unit is located. Dad-a ni sa kumandansiya, Bring this to the headquarters.

kumandanti n commandant, commanding officer. v [A; a] be, become a commandant.

kumandir = kamandir.

kumári n a woman who has one of the following relations to one: she is the mother, godmother, or mother-in-law of children to whom one also is a parent or godparent (but not one’s wife). Kumári ku si Kurdaping sa tulu ka higayun: inahan siya sa ákung kinúgus, ug sa ákung linudhan, ug sa ákung binaláyi. Aku sad kumári níya, Cordaping is my kumári on three grounds: she is the mother of my godson, and of another son whom I sponsored in marriage, and the mother of my daughter-in-law. And for that reason I am also her kumári. a term of address to a person with whom one has a relation of kumári. b friendly term of address to a woman of one’s own generation with whom one is familiar. Short form: mari. Kumusta mari? [498]How are you, dear? v [C; ac3] 1 be in the kumári relationship. Gikakumári ku si Imilda kay siyay nagkúgus sa ákù pung gikúgus, Imelda became my kumári because she sponsored a baby which I also sponsored. 2 [A; a] call s.o. by this title. Ayaw kug kulukumaríha dihà. Dì ka makapangútang nákù, Don’t bother calling me kumári. You can’t borrow another cent from me. — kumablit n a godmother who has some clandestine relationship with the father of her godchild.

kumaw a awkward in the way one does s.t. Kumaw kaáyu siyang mugansilyu kay dì anad, She crochets awkwardly because she is not used to it. v [B12; b6] do s.t. awkwardly. Kumawan kung musuwat sa wá, I find it awkward to write with my left hand.

kumayingking = kumingking. see kingking.

kumbabit = kulumbabit.

kumbal n k.o. hammer the ends of the head of which are rounded, used in moulding metallic sheets into bowl-shaped objects. v [A; a] use this k.o. hammer.

kumbansíru n musical ensemble having a singer, accordion, string instruments, and maracas or substitutes therefor, usually playing Mexican-style songs. v [A13] join this sort of ensemble.

kumbat n army combat boots. v [A13; b6] wear combat shoes.

kumbáti n fight, battle on land. Sígi pa gihápun ang kumbáti sa Byitnam, The war in Vietnam is still raging. v [C; a] 1 do battle or come to a physical fight. Nagkakumbáti mi kay íya man kung gitulísuk, We came to a fight because she wagged her fingers at me. 2 [A; a] combat a vice or disease. Ang mga ismaglir kinahanglang kumbatíhun sa átung kagamhánan, The government should combat smuggling. sugà nga di- barn lantern.

kumbi n closed van of the microbus type.

kumbiksiyun n 1 seriously considered opinion. Unsa may ímung kumbiksiyun báhin sa átung násud karun? What is your opinion about the state of our country? 1a conviction or belief. Way kumbiksiyun siya kay usáhay mulában sa trabahanti, unyà sa tag-íya, He’s a man of no conviction. Sometimes he sides with the workers and sometimes with the owners. 2 conviction of crime. v [A; a3] convict of a crime.

kumbinar v 1 [A; ac] combine things that belong together or complement each other. Kumbinahun ku ning dalag ug kapi, I’ll combine yellow and brown colors (in one dress). Maáyung kumbinahan ning bungbung adúbig táyil, Tiles would go well with this adobe wall. 2 [A; a] modify s.t. so that it goes with s.t. else. Kumbinahi ning radiyu pára kuryinti, Adapt this radio to house current. Ang barútu kumbinahan ug makina, They’ll adapt a motor to put in this boat.

kumbinasiyun n 1 combination of things that complement one another. Nindut ug kumbinasiyun sa mga kulur ang ímung sinínà, Your dress has a beautiful combination of colors. Nindut ug kumbinasiyun ang adúbi ug batu, The rocks and adobe make a good combination. 2 underhanded agreement. Gibinuángan lang ta. Kumbinasiyun tung awáya, They made a fool out of us. It was a fixed fight. 2a illusion produced by some device or sleight of hand. Dì tu tinúud nga nagkumbitay siya sa pangpang. Kumbinasiyun lang tu, He isn’t really hanging from a cliff. It was just a camera trick. 3 combination of a lock. v 1 [A; a2] rig s.t. up with a combination of things that complement each other. Kumbinasiyunun nímu ang bilin ug sugang palungpálung, Rig the nativity scene up with blinking lights. 2 [C; b2] get in cahoots to do s.t. shady. Kumbinasyuni ang pagadur ug magpatantu ka sa impliyádu, Make an agreement with the paymaster if you lend money to the employees.

kumbinasyun n 1 combination shot in pool whereby the cue ball hits another ball into the pocket by deflecting off the target ball. — nga pinasúgù a combination shot where the target ball knocks the desired ball into the pocket instead of the cue ball. 2 = kumbinasiyun. v [c1] make a combination shot in pool.

*kumbíni walay ma- nothing good can be gotten out of [such-and-such] an action. Wà tay makumbíni ánang súgal, We can derive no good from gambling.

kumbininsiya n good gotten out of s.t. Unsa may kumbininsyang makúhà ánang pagsingárig katúlug? What good can you get from staying in bed all the time?

kumbinsi, kumbinsǐr v [A3P; a1] convince, persuade. Musugut lagi siya basta ayúhun lag kumbinsǐr, He will consent to it if you do a good job of convincing him. Kumbinsiha (kumbinsira) giyud ang kurti nga wà kay sà, You must convince the court that you are innocent. kumbinsídu a persuaded, convinced. Hustu na. Kumbinsídu na ku, That’s enough. I’m convinced. v [B12] become convinced.

kumbinsiyun n convention, assembly. v [A1; b3] hold a convention. Mau nay ílang kumbinsiyúnan [499]karun ang pag-itsapuyra ni Lawril, That is what they’re having a convention for: to expel Laurel. — kunstituyinti n Constitutional Convention.†

kumbintu n convent or rectory. v [a2] build a convent or rectory.

kumbinyinti a convenient, affording ease of action or use. Kumbinyinti kaáyu ang rilu nga dì na lyabíhan, A watch that needs no winding is very convenient. v [b6] find, consider s.t. convenient. Gikumbinyintíhan ka uruy ug lakaw sa tarbáhu, You really find walking to work convenient.

kumbinyu n out-of-court settlement. abugádu di- lawyer with no business: so called because of the practice for such lawyers to sit around the courthouse and waylay opposing parties on their way to court to try to convince them to settle out of court (for which he gets a small fee). v [C1; a12] 1 settle out of court. Kumbinyúhun ta lang ni arun way sámuk, Let’s settle it out of court to avoid trouble. 2 get reconciled, make up in general.

kumbira n a feast, sumptuous party. v [A; b] hold a feast. Kumbirahan ta ka ug makapasar ka sa burd. I will give you a banquet if you pass the board exams. paN- v [A2; b6] go to a feast. Pangumbira mu sa ámù, Come to the feast at my house!

kumbirs = kambirs.

kumbirsiyun n conversion to a religion. Ang kumbirsiyun sa mga Pilipinhun mauy tingúhà sa mga Kungkistadúris, The goal of the Conquistadores was the conversion of the Filipinos.

kumbirtibli a convertible clothing that can be used for several purposes by making small adjustments. Kút nga kumbirtibli nga mahímung balibalíhun pagsul-ub, A convertible coat that you can wear inside or rightside out. Pilipína dris nga kumbirtibli. Ug kuháan sa buktun mahímung sinínà pára sa balay, A convertible Filipina dress with removable sleeves to use as a house dress.

kumbirtibul n convertible automobile.

kumbirtǐr v 1 [A; a12] convert s.o. to a faith. Makumbirtǐr kahà ang Múrus sa Kristiyanismu? Do you think the Moros could be converted to Christianity? 2 [A1; a1] convert to an idea, convince of s.t. new. Nakumbirtǐr aku paggámit sa Táyid, I was converted to Tide detergent. 3 convert, change s.t. into s.t. else. Ang dakung balay kumbirtihung ristawrant, The large house will be turned into a restaurant.

kumbis n flooring in a small boat. May kumbis ang sakayan ibabaw sa luwang, The boat has a flooring above the bilge. v [A; a] make the flooring in a small boat.

kumbitatay, kumbitay = kulumbitay.

kumbíti = kumbira.

kumbu n combo, instrumental ensemble. a having clothes of the same color or cut (like the musicians in a combo). Kumbu ug sinínà ang kalúha, The twins are wearing identical outfits. v 1 [A13; b6] have combo music for an affair. Nagkumbu mi sa ámung parti gabíi, We had a combo for our party last night. 2 [A13] wear clothes of the same color or style.

kumbù n fritters made from cooking bananas, sliced crosswise, mixed with a binder of flour, and deep fried. v [A13; a12] make this sort of banana fritters.

kumbukasiyun, kumbukisyun n program in school held for a special purpose where speakers in a particular field are invited to speak. v [A; b6] have, hold a convocation.

kumbulsiyun n convulsions. v [B46; a4] suffer convulsions. Ug mukumbulsiyun (kumbulsiyunun) ang bátà, dágan dáyun sa uspital, If the child gets convulsions, rush him to the hospital.

kumbútan = kulabútan.

kumbuy v [A; b] accompany s.o. going s.w. as a protection. Sikyuriti ang mukumbuy sa pimastir, Security guards will escort the paymaster. Nabyaan sa barku ang nagkumbuy sa kábaw nga itúmud sa Manílà, The man who was supposed to go along with the carabaos being shipped to Manila missed the boat. n protective escort.

kumbúya n 1 partner in a business or ally in war. 2 naval convoy. v [C; ac3] 1 be, become partners or allies. Nagkumbúya ang duha ka magsúun sa nigusyu, The two brothers joined their capital together into a business enterprise. Nagkakumbuya ang Alimanya ug Hapun sa gúbat, The Germans and Japanese joined forces during the War. Nakigkumbúya ang mga ismaglir sa mga písi, The smugglers were allied with the P.C. soldiers. 2 provide convoy protection.

kumi n suckerfish, remora: Remora spp. kumì v [A; b] rub out a smudge, dirty spot, wetting the whole piece of clothing or just wetting the dirty spot. Kumian dáyun ang mansa arun dì makataput kaáyu, Wash out the stain immediately before it gets fixed in the cloth.

kumída n meal. libri — n free meals. Maáyu ang prisuhan kay libri kumída, Jail is fine because you get free meals.

kumidi a 1 for a person to be funny because of s.t. stupid he did. Kakumidi bayà nímu. [500]Ngánung nabyaan ka sa barku? What a dope! Why did you miss the boat? 2 comedy show. v [A3] do s.t. stupid in a funny way. Nagkumidi ka mag suruysúruy nga nagkampat nang nawung mu sa mik-ap, What a funny sight it is to see you going around with your face spattered with make-up.

kumídiya v [A; b] 1 play a joke on, tease s.o. with s.t. fabricated. Ayawg hílak. Nagkumídiya ra bítaw ku, Don’t cry. I was only joking. Kumidiyáhi siyag itsa ug dinamíta nga dì mubutu, Play a joke on him by throwing a stick of dynamite at him that won’t go off. 2 bluff s.o. Kumidiyáhi ang bátà nga dì ta mulakaw arun dì mukúyug, Fool the child into thinking that we aren’t going out so he won’t want to come with us. 3 [b(1)] for supernatural beings to play a prank or cause harm to s.o. Nabúrut ang íyang tiyan kay gikumidiyáhan sa dílì ingun nátù, His stomach swelled because the spirits played a practical joke on him. n 1 joke played on s.o. 2 s.t. bad that happens to one brought on by a supernatural being. -nti a given to playing jokes or doing things to make people laugh. n minor character in a play or movie whose role is to make people laugh. v [A13; a2] become a comedian or a person who does things to make people laugh. Angayan kang magkumidiyanti kay muut kag nawung, You’d make a good comedian because you’ve got a funny face.

kumidur n dining room in a house. v [a12] make into a dining room.

kumiks n comics.

kumilik n Comelec, acronym for the Commission on Elections.

kumingking see kingking.

kumintang n periwinkle, a small ornamental grown as a border plant and for its flowers: Catharantus roseus.

kumintarista n newspaper, radio commentator. v [B16; c1] be, become a commentator.

kumintaryu n comment, observation on s.t. v [A; c] say s.t. about s.t. Wà ku manaway ígù lang kung nagkumintaryu, I am not criticizing. I’m just making a comment. Wà kuy ikakumintaryu báhin sa ímung pamulitika, I have no comment to make about your politics.

kumintítur n radio, newspaper commentator. v [B16; a2] be, become a radio commentator.

kumirsiyal n commercial on radio or TV. a 1 done on a large scale for commercial purposes. Pamuhig bábuy nga kumirsiyal, Raising pigs commercially. 2 area where commerce is carried out. Distrítu (nga) kumirsiyal, The commercial district. v [A13] broadcast commercials.

kumirsiyu n 1 commerce, business. Gipuhúnan dáyun níyag kumirsiyu ang íyang salapì, He immediately invested his money in business. Ang iskuyláhan nahímù nang kumirsiyu, The school has been turned into a business enterprise. 2 course in business or commerce. v [AN; c1] be engaged in business. Nangumirsiyu siyag panaptun, He is engaged in the textile business. Babáyi íyang gikumirsiyu, Prostitution was his business.

kumirsyanti n businessman. a like a businessman in dealings. Kumirsyanti kaáyung tawhána. Bísan igsúun paganansiyáhan ug dakù, He is a real businessman. He even makes a profit on his brother. v [B156; a12] be a businessman.

kumisiyun, kumisyun n 1 commission on s.t. sold. 2 commission, a group of people appointed by the government for certain duties. Kumisiyun Iliktural, Commission on Elections. 3 officer’s commission. v 1 [A12; c] get a commission. Nakakumisiyun ku sa bakpi nga ákung gihíkay, I got a commission on the back pay claim that I saw through. 2 [A; b5] commission an officer. -ir(→), -ádu n commissioner, one in charge of a certain government department or of a colony.

kumíta n comet.

kumiti, kumíti, kumitíba n committee. v [A13; c1] organize into a committee.

kumitir v [A; c1] commit oneself or s.t. Dì ku mukumitir sa ákung kaugalíngun ánang sabúta, I won’t commit myself to that agreement. Ayaw ikumitir ang primírung batalyun kay irisirba, Don’t commit the first battalion because it is in reserve.

kumkum v 1 [A; c1] hold s.t. in the hand with the palm closed. Kumkúma (ikumkum) pag-áyu ang sinsilyu arun dì mawā̀, Hold the change tightly in your hand so you won’t lose it. 2 [A; a12] get possession of s.t. Ang kadaúgan nga karun ílang gikumkum nakúhà sa limbung, Victory is in their hands now, but it is an ill-gotten one. Kun muabut kanang higayúna, kumkúma dáyun kay dì na nà mubálik, When the chance comes, grasp it and hold onto it, for it will not come back again. — ug kamut a tight-fisted. Kumkum kaáyug kamut. Asin ray isulà, He’s terribly tight-fisted. He won’t eat anything but salt with his rice. n a fistful. Paghakup ug usa ka kumkum nga balas, Take a handful of sand. pa- v [A; a1] let a [501]baptized child hold an amount as a baptismal gift from his godfather or godmother who failed to bring a gift. Ákù lang pakumkúmun ug singku písus ang ákung kinúgus kay wà man kuy dáng rigálu, I’ll let my godchild hold five pesos as a baptismal gift because I didn’t bring any gifts.

kumnay name given to nosefishes: Naso spp.

kumpabli v [A2; b(1)] admit one’s guilt, defeat. Dì ku mukumpabli nga aku nasayup, I won’t admit that I was wrong. Dì nátù kumpablíhan ang íyang kadaúgan kay may tíkas, We won’t concede his victory because there was trickery involved.

kumpad v [A; a1] toy, play around with s.t. with the fingers. Kumpárun sa bátà ang íyang pagkáun ug pasagdan, The child will play with his food if he is left alone.

kumpadri = kumpári.

kumpang n k.o. disease of pigs, manifested by a foul odor emanating from the mouth and giving a yellow color to the fat. v [a4] get kumpang. -un(→) a sick with kumpang.

kumpaníya n 1 business establishment. Sákup siya sa usa ka mauswágung kumpaníya, He is a member of a prosperous company. 2 business partners. Kumpaníya sila niadtu piru nagbúlag ug nigusyu, They used to be business partners but now they have split their business. 2a habitual associate. Pirmi nákù siyang kumpaníya sa pagpangharána, He is always with me when we go serenading. 3 military company. v [C; ac3] 1 be partners or associates in business. Nagkumpaníya sila niánang ílang tindáhan, They are partners in that store. Gikumpaniyáhan sa mag-ágaw ang pagpalit sa yútà, The cousins bought the land as co-partners. 2 be a constant companion or associate.

kumpanya = kampanya.

kumpanyíra = kumpanyíru (female).

kumpanyíru n term of address to intimates, used esp. among lawyers. Kumpanyíru, nauswag ang átung bista, Our hearing has been postponed, friend.

kumpara, kumparar v [AC2; ac] compare with. Ug kumparahun kamung duha, wà kay dag-anan, If you two are compared, you have no chance of winning. Sayun ni ikumparar niadtu, This is easy compared to that. kumparasiyun n comparison, act of comparison. Way kumparasiyun nang duha, The two have no comparison. Sa ákung kumparasiyun lugum tung usa, As I look at them, one is darker than the other.

kumpári n 1 a male who has one of the following relations to one: he is either the father, godfather, or father-in-law of children to whom one also is a parent (but not one’s husband). 2 term of address to a person with whom one has this relation or general term of address to s.o. of one’s own age with whom one feels intimate. short form: pari. v 1 [C; ac3] be in this relationship. 2 [A1; a] call s.o. kumpári.

kumparsa n 1 ensemble of plucked, stringed instruments. 2 folk dance interlude at a dance. 2a folk dance pageant, presented as a contest among groups in a school or among different schools. v 1 [A13; b(1)] have music from a string band. 2 [A1; b(1)] present this sort of dance pageant.

kumpas1 a 1 being in harmony or correct timing with s.t. else. Mikanta siya kumpas sa dúyug, She sang in time to the accompaniment. 2 deliberate, slow, and poised in action. Kaanindut niánang bayhána, kumpas kaáyu manlihuklihuk, That girl is very nice; she moves slowly and gracefully. Kumpas pinadulut ang íyang sinultihan, She is slow and careful in speech. n 1 beat, time. Dílì ku makaagpas sa kumpas niánang sunatáha, I cannot catch onto the tempo of that song. 2 acts, mannerism. Mu ra man nà siyag buang sa íyang mga kumpas, She seems like a mad woman, the way she acts. kuntra — out of rhythm or tempo. Kuntra kumpas ang ímung sinayawan, You are not dancing in time to the music. v 1 [AC; c1] act or do s.t. in harmony or time. Mikumpas siya pagpakpak uban sa sunáta, She clapped in time to the music. Nagkumpas ang duha ka bátà ug singgit, The two children shrieked in unison. 2 [B; a] be, become deliberate and posed in action, cause s.t. to be slow and deliberate. Mikumpas ang íyang tíngug (mikumpas siya sa íyang tíngug) sa nasukù na ku, Her voice became soft and measured as I grew angrier and angrier. Ug dì ka magkumpas, mahúlug ka, If you aren’t slow and deliberate, you’ll fall. 3 [C2; b] keep up with what s.o. else does. Makigkumpas man gud ning ákung anak ug unsay buhátun sa mga anak sa dátù, This child of mine wants to do whatever the rich people’s children do.

kumpas2 n compass for determining directions or for drawing circles.

kumpay1 n k.o. grass growing wild or cultivated in wet places for hay: Panicum maximum. Unsáun pa ang kumpay ug patay na ang kabáyù, Locking the barn door after the horse has been stolen. (Lit. What are they going to do with the hay after the horse is dead?) v [AN; a] gather s.t. for animal fodder. Humana silag pananggì, kumpáyun [502]na nátù ang mais nga sinanggian, The harvest is over. Let’s gather the cornstalks to feed the water buffaloes. -an n a field with hay.

kumpayut v [AN; b] cling to s.t. hanging from it with or without support from below. Nagkumpayut ang ubang pasahíru kay kargádu ang trák, Some passengers clung to the sides because the truck was overloaded. Gikumpayútan siya sa íyang asáwa kay dì siya pagikánun, His wife clung to him because she didn’t want him to leave.

kumpì a 1 limping in one’s walk because of an injury or permanent defect in the legs. Lúgus makadágan ang bátà nga kumpì, The lame child can hardly run. 2 = kimpì. v [B6; b6c1] walk with a limp. Mikumpì (nakumpì) ang íyang linaktan tungud sa piang, He walks with a limp because he has a sprained ankle.

kumpidinsiyal n confidential. Kumpidinsiyal ni. Ayawg isábà ug láin, This is in complete confidence. Don’t tell anyone.

kumpirinsiya n 1 conference. 2 organization of local Protestant churches of the same denomination. v [C; b3] hold a conference. Nagkumpirinsiya ang mga myimbru sa búrd, The board members are holding a conference.

kumpirma n confirmation, a religious rite. v [A; b(1)] 1 perform confirmation rites. 2 confirm an appointment or certify a law. Dílì mukumpirma ang prisidinti sa íyang apuwintmint, The president won’t confirm his appointment. Kumpirmahan na gánì sa mayur ang urdinansa anhà pa nà muipiktu, As soon as the mayor certifies his approval, the ordinance will take effect. -du a confirmed, having received the sacrament of Confirmation. -siyun(→) n 1 confirmation in a religion. 2 confirmation of an appointment or ratification of a law.

kumpisal v [A; c] 1 go to confession. Kinahanglang mukumpisal úsà mukaláwat, One should go to confession before taking Holy Communion. 2 confess to a crime. Mikumpisal ra ang mamumúnù, The murderer finally confessed. pa- v [A; a] hear confession. Túa ang párì sa uspital magpakumpisal sa mga masakitun, The priest is in the hospital hearing confession for the patients. -an(←), kumpisinaryu, kumpisinaryuhan n confessional box. paN-, paN-(←) n act of confessing in church.†

kumpisinaryu see kumpisal.

kumpiskǎr v [A; a2] confiscate. Gikumpiskǎr ang tíbi kay wà siya makadata, His TV was confiscated because he didn’t keep up the payments. kumpiskádu n s.t. that has been confiscated. Gibaligyà ang mga sigarilyung kumpiskádu, They sold the confiscated cigarettes. kumpiskadur n one whose job is to confiscate things. v [B156] be, become a confiscator.

kumpisur n priest who hears confession and gives absolution.

kumpisyun n 1 confession of guilt. 2 the sacrament of confession in church. v [A2N; b8] go to confession. Kausa ra ku mukumpisyun (mangumpisyun) sa usa ka túig, I go to confession only once a year. pa- v [A3; b] hear confession. -aryu = kumpisinaryu. see kumpisal.

kumpit1 n k.o. full-bodied boat with a deep draft and without outriggers, wider than other native boats. They are used for long distance travel, esp. by Muslims in carrying on trade. v [A; ac] travel, bring by kumpit.

kumpit2 v [A; a] squeeze s.t. between two long things to hold it. Nagkumpit siya sa íyang pinangkù, She held her hair bun in place with a hairclip. Kumpíta pagkúhà ang inánag mais, Take the roasted corn with tongs. Ikumpit kining duha ka lipak pagpunit sa ilagà, Pick up the rat with these two sticks. Gikumpítan sa asáwa ang láwas sa bána, The wife held her husband’s body firmly with her legs. n 1 hairclip. 2 tongs. 3 chopsticks.

kumpitinsiya n competition or competitor. Mahal ning tindahána kay way kumpitinsiya, This store is expensive because there are no competitors. v 1 [AC; b] be competing. Mukumpitinsiya man nímu nang bag-ung istudiyanti, The new student is going to give you competition. Sa nigusyu ra sila nagkakumpitinsiya, They are rivals in business only. Gikumpitinsiyáhan ang Amirika sa Rusya sa pag-adtu sa búwan, Russia competed against America to get to the moon. 2 [b] outshine. Nasukù siya kay nakumpitinsiyahan (nakumpitinsiyaan) man ang bag-u níyang sinínà, She got mad because s.o. else outshone her in her new dress.

kumpítis n confetti.

kumpiyansa n confidence in s.o. or oneself. Wà kuy kumpiyansa sa táwu nga bakákun, I have no confidence in a liar. a confident. Napildi siya kay kumpiyansa ra kaáyu, He lost because he was so over-confident. v 1 [A; b] have trust or confidence in oneself or s.o. Nagkumpiyansa siyang makadaug, maung wà na magpraktis, He was sure he could win so he didn’t practice. 2 [A; c] entrust s.t. to s.o. Makumpiyansahan kahà nà siyag sikrítu? Do you think we can trust [503]her with a secret? Ayawg ikumpiyansa nang ímung anak sa míd, Do not entrust your child to your maid. abúsu di- breach of confidence or of trust. Ug isugílun nímu ang sikrítu, kanà abúsu dikumpiyansa, If you tell the secret, that will be a breach of confidence. Ang pagkawkaw mu sa sáping gibílin ku nímu mauy abúsu dikumpiyansa, It was a breach of trust for you to touch the money that had been left with you.

kumpli a 1 finish with one’s service or study. Ang tanan kung mga bátà kumpli na sa ílang pagtuun, All my children have completed their studies now. 2 completely ruined, spoiled beyond use. Mau pay pingag ang pinggan, ímu pung gibuak, kumpli na, The plate may have been chipped, but it was still useful. Now you broke it. So that’s it. 3 all done, finished. Kumpli na ang bayranan sa balay, My payments on the house are complete now. v 1 [A] finish a term, one’s study. Magpaábut lang ku hangtud makakumpli ku sa ákung sirbisyu, I’ll wait until I can complete my service. 1a [A2; b6] retire from the armed forces. Kapitan ang ranggung íyang gikumplihan, He retired a captain. 2 [a12] be completely ruined beyond use. Kumplíha na lang nà arun kailisdag bag-u, Finish it off, why don’t you, so we have to buy a new one. n = kumplianyu.

kumplianyu n birthday. v [A13; b] hold a birthday party. Káda túig kumplianyúhan giyud siya sa íyang mga ginikánan, Every year her parents give her a birthday party. paN- v [A2] attend a birthday party.

kumplikádu a complicated, difficult to untangle or understand. Mas kumplikádu ang makina sa mutursiklu kay sa muturbáyik, The motorcycle has a more complicated motor than a motorbike. Kumplikádu ning kasúha, This is a complicated court case. v [B1245] be, become complicated.

kumplikar v [B] for a disease to have complications. Mikumplikar (nakumplikar) ang íyang plú ngadtus íyang kasingkásing, His flu developed complications of the heart. kumplikasiyun n complication in a sickness.

kumplimintu n 1 s.t. said or done out of respect or good manners. Kumplimintu lang tung íyang pagdápit nímu kay silíngan man mu, She invited you out of courtesy because you’re her neighbor. Bísan wà nay gustu, gibaslan ku ang suwat ágig kumplimintu, Even though I don’t like her any more, I answered her letter for politeness’ sake. 2 compliment, s.t. said in admiration or praise. v 1 [A; b(1)] say or do s.t. insincere out of politeness. Mukumplimintu lang kug tambung sa íyang parti, I’ll just attend his party out of courtesy. 2 [A2] say s.t. in admiration or praise. Mikumplimintu siya nakù sa bag-u kung hirdu, She complimented me on my new hairdo.

kumplín v [A2; c6] complain about one’s grades in school. Kun wà ka mahimuut sa ímung mga grádu, ngánung dì ka man mukumplin? If you aren’t satisfied with your grades why don’t you complain?

kumplítu a complete, having s.t. complete. Kumplítu ang iskuyláhan sa mga kasangkápan, Our school is completely equipped. Kumplítu ang ákung gamitun sa pamanday, My tools for carpentry are complete. Kumplítu ta sa impliyádu, We have our full contingent of employees. Ang búhat nga kumplítu ihátag sa maistru, All papers that are complete should be turned in to the teacher. v [AB12; a] be, become complete, make s.t. complete. Mukumplítu kug báyad sa matrikula, I’ll pay the tuition fees in full. Kining istáma mauy mukumplítu sa ákung kuliksiyun, This stamp will make my collection complete. Nagkakumplítu na ang ngípun sa bátà, The child’s teeth are almost complete. Mu ray ikakumplítu námù ug ma Pasku, The only time the whole family can get together is on Christmas.

kumplut n 1 conspirator. Ang kahíru usa sa mga kumplut sa pangílad sa sápì, The cashier was one of the people who plotted to swindle the money. 2 person with whom one is intimate such that arrangements can be made on favored terms. Giprumut siya kay kumplut man sa manidyǐr, He was promoted because he had made especial arrangements with the manager. v [C] 1 conspire. Nakigkumplut ang ismaglir sa pulis sa pagpalusut sa mga sigarilyung ismágul, The smuggler connived with the policeman to let in his smuggled cigarettes. 2 become intimate with s.o. to make special illegal arrangements.

kumpra v [AN; a] buy s.t. in quantity, go shopping. Nakapangumpra ka na bag pára sa ímung kumbira? Have you bought the things for your party? Kumpráha ning tanang nía sa lista, Buy all the things on this list. n things bought. Unsa may ímung kumpra? What things did you buy? -dur(→) n buyer, dealer in some commodity. Mga kumpradur sa kupras, Dealers in copra. v [A13] become a dealer. see also malapí.

kumprumísu n 1 committal to s.t. onerous or objectionable from which there is no [504]turning back. 2 spouse or family as one’s responsibility. Karun nga may kumprumísu ka na sa ímung kinabúhì, pagbinuutan na, Now that you’re married, you must resolve to be good. v [A; a] be committed to such objectionable situations. Nagkumprumísu nákù ning pagkapalíta sa awtu kay dì kung kaabut sa dáta, It put me in a tight fix to buy this car because I can’t meet the installments. Ayawg paságad ug pirma kay tingálig makumprumísu ka, Don’t sign anything recklessly. It might get you into hot water. Nakumprumísu ku pagbúrd sa ákung bátà, I got myself into debt when my son took the bar exams.

kumprumitíbu = kumprumitídu. see kumprumitir.

kumprumitir v [A2; c] promise, pledge. Mikumprumitir ku nga mubáyad sa tápus búlan, I pledged to pay at the end of the month. Gikumprumitir na níya ang íyang kasingkásing sa láing táwu, She has already pledged her heart to another man. kumprumitídu a bound, committed to do s.t.

kumprunta v 1 [A2N; c] ask or seek one’s opinion or advice on s.t. Mikumprunta (nangumprunta) na mig abugádu íning ámung kásu, We consulted a lawyer about our case. Ngánung dì man nímu ikumprunta nang prublimáha sa ímung kumpisur? Why don’t you seek the advice of your father confessor regarding that problem? 2 [A; a] sound s.o. out to see how he feels about s.t. Kumpruntaha si Tátay ug úyun ba siyang iprinda ang yútà, Ask father’s opinion if he will go along with mortgaging the land.

kumpruntǎr v [A12; c] set a timepiece. Ikumpruntǎr ang rilu sa radiyu, Set your watch by the radio.

kumpuni, kumpunir v [A; abc] do make-shift repairs. Átù lang ning kumpunihun kay way bag-ung pyísa, We’ll just do make-shift repairs because we don’t have new spare parts. Kumpunihan lang ug pasta ang bangag sa tangu, Just put a temporary filling in this tooth. Ikumpunir lang ug tápak ning playwud sa bungbung, Just fix this wall with a piece of plywood.

kumpurmi 1 depending on, in accordance with. Ang gidak-ung palitun kumpurmi lang sa sukud, The size to buy depends on her measurements. ‘Unsay ákung ihátag nímu?’—‘Aw, kumpurmi lang,’ ‘What shall I give you?’—‘Oh, it depends on you (whatever you have).’ 1a according to what is necessary. Nanghípus na sila sa ílang mga kumpurmi lang nga dad-unun, They were packing whatever it was that they used to take. Isigbáyad sila kumpurmi sa ílang nakúhà, Each one paid according to the amount he had borrowed. 1b whatever happens to be at hand, whatever comes into the head. Kumpurmi lay pangayúun ning batáa, This child asks for whatever enters his head. Kumpurmi sa íyang makítà íyang palitun, He buys whatever he sees. 1b1 different kinds or sorts. Kumpurmi lang ang ílang gipamalit sa Karbun, They bought all different things in the market. 1b2 nanimáhung — an odor to be so foul that words cannot describe it (lit. smells like anything and everything bad). 2 be in agreement. Bisag kaáway ta apan kumpurmi ku sa ímung idíya, We may be enemies, but I agree with your ideas. Kumpurmi ka ba nga sa Sabadu na lang ta mangadtu? Is it all right with you if we go on Saturday instead? 3 same as. Unsa ka dakù ang lungag nga tamnan ug ságing? Kumpurmi sa tamnan ug lubi, How large a hole do we make for planting bananas? The same size as the hole for planting coconut trees. ‘Pila ka mitrus nga panaptun ang ímung palitun?’—‘Kumpurmi sa imúha,’ ‘How many meters of cloth will you buy?’—‘The same as what you buy.’ 4 now look who’s talking. ‘Túa ag kawatan!’—‘Kumpurmi lag kinsay nadakpan,’ ‘There you are, you thief!’—‘Look who’s talking? Who was arrested, anyway, me or you?’ Unsay dakug káun? Kumpurmig kinsay nakahurut ug usa ka bandihádu nátù! What do you mean eating too much! Look which one of us finished a whole platter off? v [A12] be agreeable. Ang mga táwu nga dílì mukumpurmi sa súgù silútan, Whoever doesn’t agree to follow the orders will be punished. Wà siya mukumpurmi sa plánu, He was not agreeable to the plan.

kumpurtabli a comfortable. Kumpurtabli ning síya, This chair is comfortable. Kumpurtabli ílang kahimtang, They are in comfortable circumstances. Kumpurtabli ning sinináa. Dílì hugut, dílì galhà, This is a comfortable dress. It’s not tight, and it’s not hot. v [B2] be comfortable.

kumpúsir n composer. v [B156] become a composer.

kumpusisyun n 1 a musical composition. Ang átung nasudnung áwit kumpusisyun ni Hulyan Pilípi, Our national song was composed by Julian Felipe. 2 composition book. 3 written theme. v [A1] write a composition.

kumpusitur disapátus n shoemaker.

kumpúsu n ballad in a minor key treating of love or heroism. It is composed of stanzas of four lines of no set number of syllables [505]and which may have one or two syllables more than the song allows, but at least two of which must be rhymed. The melody may be the same throughout the kumpúsu or two melodies may be alternate, the second modulated four notes higher than the initial. v [A; b6] compose this sort of ballad.

kúmu 1 [noun, adjective] as one in [such-and-such] a capacity. Kúmu magulang siya nímu, mutáhud giyud ka níya, As your older brother, you must obey him. Kúmu gwápa, daghang mulíngì iniglabay níya, Being beautiful, many people turn to look at her as she passes by. 2 — kay since, seeing that. Kúmu kay girikumindar kag pulitiku, nakulukar ka na, Because a politician recommended you, you got placed in a job. Kúmu ba kay prisidinti siya sa kapunúngan, dílì siya muámut? Just because he is the president of the organization, he doesn’t contribute? 3 may, way — there is s.t. (nothing) as good as ... May kúmu pa bang basahun ingun sa Bisayà? Is there any magazine as good to read as the Bisaya? Way kúmu ning dúna tay amígu sa Kustum, There’s nothing as good as having a friend in the Customs Bureau.

kúmù n 1 clenched fist. 2 interjection indicating a brusque rejection of one’s suggestion: go to hell! ‘Ikay manghúgas run, ha?’—‘Kúmù!’ ‘You wash the dishes today, OK?’—‘Drop dead, will you?’ v [A1N; ac1] clench one’s fist, keep s.t. tightly in one’s palm. Nangúmù siya sa hilabihang kalágut, He clenched his fists in anger. Kumúa nang kindi arun dì makítà, Keep the candy in your fist so that no one can see it. Kumúa (ikúmù) ang ímung kamut, Clench your fists. -in- = kúmù, n. -in-ay v [C23] clench fists at each other.

kumuda, kumúda n drawer. Túa sa kumúda sa ákung lamísa, It’s in the drawer in my table.

kumudkumud v [A; b3c5] mumble under one’s breath in complaint. Mukumudkumud nà siyag sugúun, She mumbles under her breath when she is told to do s.t. Gamay ra nang trabahúang ikakumudkumud, That work is too light to grumble about. kumudkumuran a tending to mumble under one’s breath.

kumúhuy = kalamúhuy.

kumulga, kumulgǎr v [AN; b6] take Holy Communion. Adlaw-adlaw siya mukumulga, She takes Communion daily. -nti n one who takes Holy Communion. -siyun n Holy Communion.

kumun a 1 common, ordinary. Kumun kaáyu nà dinhi. Daghan man gud, That’s awfully common here. There is so many of them. 2 ordinary, not special. Kumun kaáyung pagkáun, Very ordinary food. 3 shared equally among all the members of a group. Kining yutáa wà pa mabáhin. Kumun kini, This land hasn’t been divided yet. It belongs to everyone in the family. Mísa karun nga kumun álang sa tanang kalag sa purgaturyu, This is a common mass for all souls in purgatory. v 1 [B126; a2] become common. Dílì madúgay makumun na sab ang tag-as nga sanínà, It won’t be long before long dresses get to be a common sight. 2 [c1] make s.t. common property, shared by many in a group. Ug way tistamintu, makumun ang kabílin, If there is no will, the inheritance becomes common property. sintídu — n common sense.

kúmun v 1 [A; a12] crumple s.t. up into a ball, put s.t. that can be crumpled s.w. carelessly without folding it or smoothing it out. Kumúna na lang nang mga sinínà sa malíta, Just throw those dresses into the suitcase any old way. Ayaw kumúna nang papil kay magámit pa ang luyu, Don’t crumple up those papers because we can still use the back. 2 [A; a2] wrap s.t. up by just crumpling the wrapper. Kumúna lang ang mga hirpin sa panyù, Just wrap up the hairpins in the handkerchief. 3 [A; a] hold s.t. in the fist. Kumúna pag-áyu ang kwarta arun dì mahúlug, Hold the money tightly in your fist so it won’t fall.

kumunal n for public use. Ang kasilyas sa mirkádu kumunal, The comfort stations in the market are for public use.

kumungkumung = alikúmù.

kumunikasiyun n communication.

kumunismu n communism.

kumunista n communist. a ill-mannered, grasping. Kumunista ka giyud. Bísag gibahínan, nangílug pa giyud, What a grasping sort you are. You have been given your share, but you still want s.o. else’s share! v [B1; a12] be, become a communist. Ug makumunista ning nasúra, magkumunista sab ku, If this country goes communist, I’ll become a communist, too.

kumunwilt n commonwealth. v [B126] become a commonwealth.

kumunyun n the sacrament of Holy Communion. v 1 [AN; c] receive Holy Communion. 2 [A1] give communion. primir, primíra — n 1 first communion. 2 first communicants. -an(→) n communion rail.

kumurga = kumulga. -nti = kumulganti.

kúmus1 = kulámus. [506]

kúmus2, kum-us = gum-us.

kumusta how is (was, are, etc.). Kumusta ka? How are you? Kumusta ang ímung pagbisíta? How was your visit? Kumusta ang ímung anak? Nakatápus na ba sa íyang pagtuun? How is your child? Has he finished his studies now? v [AC; a1] greet s.o. upon his arrival. Mukumusta ku sa bag-ung abut, I’ll greet the new arrivals. paN- v [A2; a1] 1 ask how s.o. is, send regards. Aníay íyang sulat nangumusta kanátung tanan, Here’s a letter from him asking how we all are. Ipangumusta lang kung Pápa mu, Give your father my regards. 2 = kumusta. pangumustahay n exchange of greetings upon arrival. -mus friendly greeting to s.o. familiar, after not meeting for some time.

kúmut v [AN; ab2] 1 lay hands on any part of the body including the hair and squeezing or clawing at it. Kumútun ku nang nawung mu, I’ll claw your face. 2 crumple in the hands. Kumúta ang papil úsà ilábay, Crumple the paper before throwing it away. Kalamì rang kumútun sa bátà, How I would love to squeeze that chubby baby. 3 extract the juice of s.t. by squeezing. Akuy mukúmut sa amirul nga bugas, I’ll get starch for the laundry by squeezing the cooked rice. 3a [A; b] put salt on s.t. and squeeze it to remove undesirable properties in the juice. Kumúti ug asin ang paliya arun makúhà ang pait, Squeeze the bitter vegetable together with salt to remove its bitter taste. 4 wash small pieces of clothing in a basin. Kumúti ang mga kamisin sa kabatáan, Wash out the children’s undershirts. 5 [A2; a12] afflict with anguish, grief, etc. Ang mapait níyang mga púlung mikúmut sa íyang kasingkásing, His bitter words clawed at her heart.

kum-ut = gum-ut.

kun 1 if. Kun mau kanà, iitsa ta ikaw sa kaláyu, If that is the case, I will toss you into the fire. Kun maarang, adtu na lang sa prusintu pangatarúngan, Please (lit. if it is all right), explain at the precinct. Ang ákung ngálan si Husi Krus kun adúnay isúgù, My name is Joe Cruz. At your service (lit. if you have anything to command). Kun wà pa nímu iúlì ang awtu, ikíha ta ka, If you hadn’t returned the car, I would have filed a case against you. 1a when [so-and-so] happens. Kun mulakaw na siya pahibalua ku, When he goes, tell me. Kun ting-init dinhi, ínit giyud, During the hot season it is really hot. 1b if, whether. Pangutan-a si Máma mu kun haúnun na ba ring kík, Ask your Mother if I should take the cake out of the oven. 2 — dílì 2a if not. 2b except. Way láin makasulbad sa ákung suliran kun dílì ikaw, No one can solve my problem except you. 2c dílì (walà) lang ... kun dì 2c1 not only ... but also. Wà lang gánì siya magmuru nákù, kun dì milingiw pa giyud, He not only frowned at me but even turned his back to me. 2c2 not ... but rather. Sa ílang dríl dílì lámang káhuy ang gigámit kun dílì ripli giyud, In their drill they did not use wooden guns but rather real rifles. 3 expression to introduce an explanatory phrase: that is to say. Ang mga gradwádu karun walay kadásig sa pagtuun kun sa pagtukì sa kinaadman, The recent graduates have no enthusiasm for study that is to say, to delve into knowledge.

kún = kúlun1.

kúna n crib.

kúnan n conant coins, coins issued by the American occupation authorities for circulation in the Philippines during the period before the Commonwealth.

kúnat a being tough and slightly elastic, difficult to chew. Kúnat ang intiriyur sa bisiklíta, A bicycle tube is tough and slightly elastic. Kúnat ang tiratíra, Taffy is very tough and hard to chew. v 1 [B; b6] turn out to be tough and difficult to chew. Way kaláki ang inasal nga magkúnat ang pánit, Roast pig is no good if the skin is tough. 2 [A; a] tweak and pull. Kunáta ang dunggan sa inasal, Twist off the roast pig’s ear.

kúnay v = kunaykúnay. kunaykúnay v [A; a] 1 play around with a mass of s.t. with the hands. Ang bátà nagkalingawg kunaykúnay sa lápuk, The child is having fun with the mud. 2 fondle, stroke. Ganáhan mukunaykúnay si Tátay sa íyang hiniktan, Father likes to fondle his fighting cock. Gikunaykúnay sa irù ang íyang mga ituy, The dog is fondling its puppies. 3 take good care of s.t. Ug dúna kay kwarta, kunaykunáyun ka sa mga narsis, If you have money, the nurses will give you first class service.

kundádu see kundi.

kundas v [A2N; b] snarl at s.o. as if about to charge at him. Mikundas (nangundas) ang irù sa dihang natumban ang íyang íkug, The dog snarled when I stepped on its tail.

kundat v 1 [AC12; b] play together vigorously, usually involving physical contact. Ganáhan siyang mukundat sa mga bátà, He likes to engage in horseplay with the children. Gustung makigkundat ang irù sa bátà, The dog wants to play with the boy. 2 [A; b6] move about noisily, in a fluttering or loud way, unbecoming to a woman. Mikundat [507]dáyun ang mga silbidúra pag-abut sa ílang mga súkì, The bar waitresses immediately flirted and acted noisily when their customers arrived. Gikundátan kaáyu ku sa íyang sinayawan, I consider her way of dancing boisterous and unbecoming. n horseplay, boisterous actions. -an(→) a moving about in an exuberant, boisterous way, unbecoming to a woman. v [B12] get to have these characteristics of behavior. Nakundatan na kaáyu ang ámung míd, Our maid has become flirtatious now.

kundi n count. v [B156; a12] be, become a count. Gustu ka bang magkundi sa átung dráma? Would you like to play the count in our drama? kundádu n area ruled over by a count. -sa n countess. v [B156; a12] be, become a countess.

kundim v [AN; c1] condemn s.t. as unfit for use. Ang layinman mauy nagkundim íning kuniksiyúna kay dilikádu, The lineman declared this connection unfit for use because it’s dangerous. Ang mga libru lang nga dunut mauy kundima (ikundim), Declare the worn-out books unfit for use. a declared unfit.

kundíman1 n k.o. red cotton cloth of a cheap variety, commonly used for pillows. v [A13] wear clothes made of kundíman cloth.

kundíman2 n k.o. love song of a traditional genre.

kundina v [A; a12] treat s.o. with condescension and contempt. Ayaw siya kundinaha nga usa ka patay gútum, Don’t look down on him for being extremely poor.

kundína n punishment, imprisonment for heavy offenses. Napúlù ka túig ang kundína sa binilanggù, The prisoner was sentenced to ten years. v [A; c] pass a sentence for a heavy crime. Nakakundína na siyag daghan, He has already sentenced many people to heavy punishment.

kundinǎr v 1 [a3] be condemned by God to eternal wandering. Magbalikbálik ang kalag nga nakundinar, A restless soul returns and haunts his place. 2 [A3; a12] be carried by bad influence. Kun dílì pa ikaw mauy nagkundinar nákù dì untà ku maingun niíni karun, If it had not been for your bad influence, I wouldn’t be what I am now. Kundinahun ka na sab ánang tawhána sa súgal ug ínum, That good-for-nothing fellow will again drag you to gambling and drinking. 3 [A; b] condemn or convict a prisoner to severe punishment. Tulu ka binilanggù gikundinahan sa kamatáyun, Three prisoners were condemned to die. kundinádu n soul condemned by God to eternal punishment, said to go back to earth to roam and wander restlessly. a reference to a person one is angry at, implying that he deserves to be damned. Ang kundinádu mung anak mauy nakadaldal sa ákung anak sa kadaútan, Your damned son led my son into evil. v [B156] be, become a doomed soul.

kundinsáda a condensed milk. litsi — n condensed milk.

kundísa see kundi.

kundisiyun n 1 manner or state of being. Kumusta ang kundisiyun sa masakitun? How is the patient’s condition? Lisud ámung kundisiyun human ku papháa, Our situation has been difficult since I was fired. 2 requirement, stipulations. Mga kundisiyun sa kuntrátu, The conditions in the contract. 3 grade given on condition that the student make up specified deficiencies. May kundisiyun ku sa Mát, I have a conditional pass in Math. v 1 [A; c] set conditions to s.t. Nagkundisiyun ku nga makalakaw ka basta mupaúlì ug sayu, I make the condition that you can go out if you come home early. Unsa may ímung ikundisiyun kun magpahulam kag kwarta? What conditions do you impose when you loan money? 2 [A12; a12] be given a conditional grade. Nakundisiyun (nakakundisiyun) ku sa Histuri, I got a conditional pass in History. -al conditional, dependent upon certain stipulations. v [B1256] be conditional. Ug makundisiyunal ang pagsurindir, dílì dawátun, They will not accept any surrender hedged with conditions.

kundukta1 n behavior, deportment.

kundukta2 v [A; b] guide, escort s.o. to a place. Akuy mukundukta sa mga turista, I will guide the tourists. Gikunduktuhan ku siya kútub sa istasyunan, I conducted her up to the bus station.

kunduktur n conductor in public transportation. v [AB156; a2] be, become a conductor in public transportation.

kundul n spreading annual vine producing long, green melons of oblong or bottle-like shape, eaten cooked when unripe, and when ripe made into candy: Benincasa hispida.

kundun n condom, a contraceptive device put on the penis. v [A; b] wear, use a condom.

kung = kun.

kúng = kulung1.

kungas = kingas. see kíngas.

kunggrísu = kungrísu.

kunggu = kalunggu.

kungking n vagina (euphemism used to children). [508]

kungkista v [A; a12] subject a foreign land and make it a colony. Gikungkista ang Pilipínas sa mga Katsílà, The Philippines were conquered by the Spaniards. -du a conquered people or land that is subjugated and made a colony. -dur(→) n one who conquers a land or people. v [B1256] become a conqueror.

kungkiyang, kungkíyang n conquian, a k.o. rummy played by two players. v 1 [A; c1] play conquian. 2 [B6; a2] win in conquian.

kungkrítu = kunkrítu.

kungkung = kalungkung.

kungrigasiyun n church congregation.

kungrísu n congress, the national legislature. kungrisista n congressman. v [B156; a2] be, become a congressman.

kunhud v [APB; c2] reduce, diminish. Mukunhud ang prisyu sa bugas kun ting-ani, The price of rice goes down during the harvest season. Adúnay baláud nga nagkunhud sa gidaghanun sa mga mulangyaw gawas sa násud, There’s a law lowering the number of those who may go abroad. Kining tambála makakunhud (makapakunhud) sa prisiyun, This medicine can lower blood pressure. Ikunhud (kunhúran) ang swildu kun hínay ang trabáhu, The wages are reduced if business is slow. see also túbù.

kuníhu n 1 rabbit. 2 expression indicating annoyance or pretended annoyance, referring to a person, but not really saying anything about him. Nía na sad ang kuníhu, karun pa magpakítà, Here you are, you s.o.b. Where have you been hiding yourself? Kuníhu! Nasayup na sad ku dà, Darn! I made another mistake.

kunik v [A; c] in rummy, put cards down which are of the same suit or from a series with cards that have been laid on the table.

kuniksyun n 1 pull, connections. May kuniksyun siya sa síti hul, He has connections in City Hall. 2 connection in plumbing, wiring, telephone, and the like. Naputul ang kuniksyun sa túbu, The connection in the pipeline broke. 3 connections in transportation. v 1 [A12] be connected with influential people. Muasinsu dáyun ang makakuniksyun ug pulitiku, A person who has connections with a politician can rise in the world. 2 [A2; b6] have an electrical connection. Mukuniksyun na ku sa minláyin, I will be connected to the main line. 3 = kunik.

kuniktádu see kuniktǎr.

kuniktǎr v [A; ac] 1 connecting, going through two disparate things. Ang sakit sa ngípun mukuniktǎr sab ngadtu sa tampihak, When the tooth aches, the pain also seems to be in the temples. Ang Sibu ikuniktǎr ug taytáyan ngadtu sa Maktan, Cebu will be connected to Mactan by a bridge. 2 connect a telephone, electric line. kuniktádu 1 connected, connected up. Ayaw nag hikápa ang alambri kay kuniktádu na kanà, Don’t touch that wire. It is connected up now. 2 having connections in high places.

kuniktid a 1 be connected with some institution. Kuniktid ku sa Yúbi, I’m connected with U.V. 2 be connected, hooked up electrically, telephonically, and the like. v [B1256] be, become connected with.

kunínit v [A; b] for a large number of agents to do s.t. to one thing. Ang mga táwu mikunínit sa artista, The crowd mobbed the movie star. Nagkunínit ang mga táwu sa mga tinda sa baratilyu, The people crowded in to buy the goods at the bargain sale. Gikuninítan sa mga iring ang isdà, The cats crowded around on the fish to eat it.

kunis v [A; a] tear apart, into shreds. kuniskunis v [A; a] 1 tear into pieces, into small bits. Sa íyang kalágut gikuniskunis níya ang suwat, In her anger she tore the letter to shreds. Nakuniskunis ang íyang sinínà sa irù, Her dress got ripped to shreds by the dog. 2 break the heart. Túmang kaguul nga mikuniskunis sa ákung kasingkásing, The sorrow tore my heart to shreds.

kunklusyun n conclusion drawn, deduction. Usa ray kunklusyun átung mahímù ánà, We can come to only one conclusion about that.

kunkrítu n concrete, cement. Balay nga kunkrítu, A concrete house. v [A; a] make s.t. of concrete.

kunkun1 v [AN; b] rinse the hair and scalp with s.t. Magkunkun kug suwà human ug kalígù, I’ll rinse my hair with citrus fruit after my bath.

kunkun2 n name given to the Constitutional Convention, begun in the summer of 1971.

kunpirma = kumpirma.

kunpirmasyun = kumpirmasiyun. see kumpirma.

kunpisinaryu = kumpisinaryu. see kumpisar.

kunpisur = kumpisur.

kunsábu v [C; c3] plot or connive on the sly to do s.t. shady, or detrimental to s.o. Nagkunsábu ang ubang impliyádu nga malagput ku, Some employees are conniving to see if they can get me kicked out. Nakigkunsábu ang tulisan sa gwardiya, The robbers connived with the security guard. n co-partners in a shady act. Kunsábu tu sila maung nakalusut sa kustum, They plotted together; [509]that’s why it got through the Customs. ka- n accomplice in conniving.

kunsad v [A23; b(1)] descend from heaven or into hell. Daw manulundà nga mikunsad gíkan sa lángit, Like an angel descended from heaven.

kunsagrar v [A; b(1)] 1 consecrate, declare sacred. 2 ordain a priest. kunsagrasiyun n 1 consecration of the host in the mass. 2 ordination to a sacred office.

kunsidirar v 1 [A; b(1)] give especial consideration, give allowance for. Mukunsidirar ku karun kay primíru pa nímung sayup, I’ll give you especial consideration this time because it’s your first mistake. Kunsidirahi pud ku, tsip, kay daghan kung anak, Please give me a chance, officer, because I have so many children. 2 [A; a] consider s.t. to be s.t. Dì ka ba mukunsidirar nga maáyu ning panwildúha? Don’t you consider this a good wage? Gikunsidirar ku siyang inahan, I considered her a mother. kunsidirasiyun n 1 consideration, understanding of s.o. else’s problems. Way kunsidirasiyun ang ákung agáwun. Bísan namatyan mi, wà giyud ku tugúti pagpaúlì, My master has no consideration for my problems. We had a death in the family, but I wasn’t allowed to go home. Kining kwartáha ági lag kunsidirasiyun sa dúgay nímung pagsirbisyu nákù, This money is in consideration for your long period of service to me. 1a special benefits, considerations of employment. Gamay túud ug swildu, apan daghan ug kunsidirasiyun, The salary is small, to be sure, but there is a lot of extras. 2 the way one thinks. Sa ákung kunsidirasiyun dílì ángayng patrabahúun ang minur diidad, The way I look at it, a minor should not be made to work. abáhu — 1 under advisement, with the expectation of giving it further thought. Dawátun ku nang ímung tubag pagkakarun, apan báhu kunsidirasiyun, I’ll accept your answer, under advisement. 2 bound by the way s.o. else thinks. Ang asáwa báhu kunsidirasiyun sa bána, The wife follows what her husband thinks best.

kunsigrar = kunsagrar.

kunsigrasiyun = kunsagrasiyun. see kunsagrar.

kunsihal n member of a city or lower level council. v [B156; a2] be, become a councilor. -in- n waltz. v [A; c1] dance the waltz.

kunsihála = kunsihal (female).

kunsíhu n council. Kunsíhu ihikutíbu, Executive council. Kunsíhu munisipal, Municipal council.

kunsilba n a sweet made of sliced, dried bananas immersed in syrup. v [A; a] make, make into kunsilba; be made into kunsilba.

kunsilyu n council in the church.

kunsimisiyun = kunsumisiyun.

kunsinsiya n conscience. gastu ang, sa — v [A; b] for one to be concerned and disturbed mentally and emotionally. Mugastu giyud ang asáwa sa kunsinsiya ug mamabáyi ang bána, It disturbs a woman emotionally when her husband fools around with other women. Ayaw igastu ang ímung kunsinsiya sa mga pitsipitsing kahásul, Don’t worry so much about trifles.

kunsintadur = kunsintidur. see kunsintǐr.

kunsintǐr v [A2] allow s.o. who is in one’s charge to do s.t. wrong: either by helping him overtly or by closing the eyes to it. Ug makasalà mi, dì giyud mukunsintǐr ákung inahan. Isumbung giyud mi sa ákung amahan, My mother won’t go along with it if we do s.t. wrong. She tells my father right away. kunsintidur a one whose job is to keep an eye on s.o. but lets him get away with s.t. kunsintidúra = kunsintidur (female).

kunsirba1 = kunsilba.

kunsirbatib a conservative in morals or religious conviction. Dì siya patambúngun ug parti sa kunsirbatib níyang Pápa, Her conservative father will not allow her to attend parties.

kunsirbaturyu n conservatory, a school for teaching music.

kunsirtu = kunsiyirtu.

kunsisiyun, kunsisyun n concession, right given to exploit natural resources, usually forest or sea resources. May kunsisiyun sila sa kalasangan sa Mulábi, They have a concession in the forest of Molave. v [A1; a2] get a certain concession. Singkuwinta ka iktarya ang íyang gikunsisyun álang sa íyang pastu, He obtained a concession of fifty hectares for his ranch. -aryu n concessionaire.

kunsiyirtu n concert. v [A13; c] hold a concert. Nagkunsirtu na sad dinhi kay kastígu hiniral, We’re having a concert (of crying) again because everybody got punished. Púru mga klasika mauy ílang ikunsiyirtu, They will present a concert of purely classical music.

kunstabularya n Philippine Constabulary.

kunstabularyu n member of the Philippine Constabulary.

kunstitusyun n constitution. -al(→) n 1 pertaining to the constitution. Kwistiyun kunstitusiyunal, A question of Constitutional legality. 2 in accordance with the constitution. [510]Dílì kunstitusyunal kanang balaúra, That law is unconstitutional. -al kumbinsiyun n Constitutional Convention.

kunstituyinti see kumbinsiyun.

kunstruksiyun n 1 construction site. 2 building viewed as the work of a certain person. Kanang mga bildínga kunstruksiyun ni Inhinyíru Lim, Those buildings were constructed by Engineer Lim. 3 way s.t. is constructed. Usa nà ka mátang sa kunstruksiyun nga mulungtad sa katuígan, That k.o. construction will last for years.

kunsul n consul. v [B156; a2] be a consul. kunsuládu n consulate.

Kunsulasiyun n town of Consolacion. — guwà n humorous name given to the town of Consolacion. — súd leprosarium situated at Consolacion.

kunsulisyun prayis n consolation prize. v [A12; c] win, give a consolation prize.

kunsulta v [AP; b5c] consult, see s.o. for consultation. Kunsultáha (kunsultáhi) sila ug muúyun ba, Consult them to see if they are amenable. Ikunsulta ug ispisyalista ang ímung mata, Consult a specialist for your eyes. n consultation. -siyun n consultation.

kunsumisiyun n intense grief that wastes away the body. Ikay ákung kunsumisiyun, bataána ka, You’ll be the death of me. Kunsumisiyun ang gikamatyan sa asáwang gibiyáan, The wife wasted away and died of grief after she was abandoned. v 1 [B16; a4] be afflicted with grief that wastes away the body. Gikunsumisiyun (nagkunsumisiyun) ang inahan sa kamaldítu sa anak, The mother wasted in grief because of her wayward son. 2 [B1456; b3] worry very much over a trifle. Ngánung magkunsumisiyun ka man ánang druwínga ug dì giyud mahímù? Why do you have to worry yourself to death over that drawing if you can’t do it?

kunsumpsiyun = kunsúmu.

kunsúmu n 1 consumption. Dakug kunsúmu ning awtúha, This car uses a lot of gas. Mínus karun kitag kunsúmu sa túbig, We use less water now. 2 provisions, food supplies. Kun muadtu mu sa isla, pagdala ug kunsúmu kay way pagkáun didtu, If you go to the island, bring provisions because there is no food there. v [A] consume. Mukunsúmu mig tagsa ka bákid bugas bulanbúlan, We consume a cavan of rice each month.

kunsurti n consort of a reigning beauty queen or muse. v [AB156; c1] become, be the consort.

kunsuylu n 1 s.t. that makes s.t. unpleasant easier to bear. Bug-at ning trabahúa apan kunsuylu sab ning magswildu tag sayu, The work is hard, but one thing that makes it easier to bear is that we are paid early. 2 improvement, a happy sign in s.t. that had been distressing. Sukad siya madapati sa tambal, may kunsuylu na ang íyang pangláwas, Since she has been taking that medicine, there has been an improvement in her health. 3 situation that provokes enjoyment, fun. Wà tay kunsuylu áning tindahánang magpalit kay púlus magmug-ut ang mga tindíra, We get no pleasure in buying in that store because the salesgirls are all unfriendly. 4 advantageous. Kunsuylu ning may awtu kay dílì lisud sa pagpaúlì, It is an advantage to have a car because it is no problem to get home. v 1 [A123P; a] give consolation, make s.t. easier to bear. Bísag sulat makakunsuylu na kaáyu sa kamíngaw ku kanímu, A letter from you would be enough to console me in my loneliness for you. Pabakasyuna siya pára ikunsuylu sa íyang kapakyásan sa burd, Give him a vacation to give him solace and comfort after his frustration in the board exams. 2 [B; b6] for a situation to provoke excitement, delight. Mukunsuylu ang dúwà ug payitpáyit ang tím, A game gets more fun if the teams are equally good. pa- v [A; b] give consolation. n s.t. which can give consolation.

kuntadur n 1 meter. Ngánu gung dus písus nga písus ra man ang náa sa kuntadur? Why two pesos, when the meter reads only one peso? — sa túbig water meter. 2 scorer, scorekeeper. v [A1; ac1] have a meter.

kuntak n contact, connection in an organization or high places. Basta nigusyanti daghang kuntak, A businessman has to have lots of contacts. v [A; a] contact, get in touch with. Kun makigkuntak ka níya, tawga lang sa tilipunu, If you want to get in contact with her, just call her on the telephone. Inig-abut sa mayur, kuntáka dáyun ku, As soon as the mayor arrives, contact me immediately.

kuntǎr v [A; c1] 1 keep score, count a score. Tulu ka táwu ang mukuntǎr (magkuntǎr) sa buksing: ang ripiri ug ang duha ka huwis, In a boxing three persons keep the score: the referee and the two judges. Dílì tu níya kuntarun (ikuntǎr) kay páwul man, He won’t count that shot because they had called a foul. Ikuntǎr (kuntara) sa papil ang matag puntus níla, Mark a score for each point they make on a piece of paper. 2 shout out the score. Ikuntǎr (kuntara) ang matag puntus, Shout out the score every time s.o. makes a point. [511]

kuntidyus n contagious ward in a hospital.

kuntimpuraryu n contemporary, one living in the same era as another or being in a certain association at the same time. Kuntimpuraryu si Aginaldu ni Risal, Aguinaldo was a contemporary of Rizal. Kuntimpuraryu ku siya sa hayiskul, We were in high school at about the same time. v [C13] be contemporaries.

kuntindir n contender for a title in fight. v [B126] be a contender.

kuntininti n continent.

kuntintu a satisfied, contented. Dì ku kuntintu sa ákung swildu, I’m not satisfied with my salary. v [B12; b6] be, become satisfied. Wà ku makuntintu adtung kaúna, I wasn’t satisfied with that meal. kakuntintuhun n state of reaching contentment. Dúnay mga babáyi nga way kakuntintuhun, There are women that are impossible to satisfy (sexually).

kuntis n a contest, competition. Kuntis sa áwit, Singing contest. v [AC; ab] have a contest. Kuntísun nátù kun kinsa giyuy maáyung láki, We must have a contest to determine who is really the best. Ispíling ang ílang gikuntísan, They will have a spelling bee.

kuntra a 1 s.t. contrary to one’s liking. Kuntra ku giyud nang táwung palahúbug, I very much dislike people who drink too much. 1a — sa dugù s.t. that is regarded with aversion. Kuntra sa ákung dugù ang mga maut, I loathe people who are hypocrites. 1b — gustu done against one’s will. Kuntra gustu siyang mitúman, She complied against her will. 1c — hitsu for a body or s.t. manufactured to be unproportional in build or structure. Kuntra hitsu kaáyu siya kay tambuk unyà gagmayg bitíis, She is out of proportion because she is fat but her legs are small. 1d — kumpas out of time, not in rhythm. 1e1 — partídu political opponent. Magsúun nga kuntra partídu sa pulitika apan dílì sa lamísa, Brothers and sisters may be opponents in politics but not in their relationships with each other. 1e2 people who are always opposed to everything. Mga kuntra partídu kaáyu nang mga tawhána sa tanan tang buhátun, dì maáyung iuban sa punduk, Those people are always opposed to everything we do. Let’s not include them in our group. v [B23(1)6C] be, become political opponents or always oppose s.o. else’s views or stand. 1f — tyimpu an impediment to a course of action to be done in the future. Ug way kuntra tyimpu, karung Duminggu mag-ayskrim ta, If nothing gets in the way, we can have ice cream on Sunday. 2a causing unpleasant bodily reaction to s.o. Kuntra sa húbak ang pasáyan, Shrimps are bad for asthma. 2b remedy for s.t. bad. Kuntra sa húbak kining tablítas, These tablets are good for asthma. 2b1 — sa ampay love s.t. very much (humorous—lit. it’s a remedy for my craving). Mukáun ug inasal? Kuntra nà sa ákung ampay! Do I like roast pig? No, I love it! 3 — sa opposed to, rather than. Maáyu na lang ning makalilímus kuntra nímu nga kawatan, It’s better to be a beggar than to be like you, a thief. Mas maáyu ang bínu kuntra sa túbà, Wine is much better than palm toddy. Maíbug kahà ku níya kuntra nímu? Would I be attracted to him more than to you? 4 — ug [such-and-such] an amount bet against [so-and-so] much. Ímung pusta singku kuntrag kwatru, I bet him five to four. n 1 enemy or opponent. Kuntra sa Inglatíra ang Alimanya, Germany was Britain’s enemy. Kuntra si Ilurdi ni Usáka, Osaka was Elorde’s opponent. 2 in folk belief, s.t. used to drive away evil spirits, usually hidden in one’s clothing. 3 s.t. used to reinforce s.t. which is placed at the other side of it. v 1 [AC; ab2] be, become hostile to each other. Dì ku mukuntra ug parinti, I won’t act hostilely toward my relatives. Nagkakuntra ang managsúun tungud sa kabílin, The brothers became enemies on account of the inheritance. Nakuntrahan (gikuntra) ang íyang trátu sa ginikánan, Her parents took a dislike to her suitor. 2 [A2C; ac3] oppose s.o. in a contest, politics, and the like. Dílì siya mukuntra ug dakù níya, He won’t play against anyone bigger than he is. Kuntráhun nímu sila sa pagkamayur nga paryinti man? Are you going to oppose them in the mayoralty contest when they are your relatives? Ikaw mauy ikuntra námù níya, We will pit you against him. 3 [c6] use as a remedy. Kining tablítas ikakuntra sa tulug, These tablets are good to take to keep you awake. 4 [c] be [so-and-so] much against [such-and-such] an amount. Sigurádu man kahà ka, kuntráhan ta nang diyis mug singku, If you’re so sure, I’ll bet five pesos against your ten. 5 [A12] wear s.t. sewn in the clothing to drive away evil spirits. 6 [c] put a reinforcement behind s.t. Kuntráhi (kuntrahi) nang gitaúras batúnis arun dílì magísì, Put a reinforcement behind where you sew on the button so it won’t rip. 6a = balinsiyána, v 2. -in- n a seam sewn with the balinsiyána stitch. paN- n s.t. worn as protection against s.t.† [512]

kuntrabandu n contraband. v [B1256] be classified as contraband. Makuntrabandu giyud ang butang nga dílì ipaági sa kustum, Smuggled goods that don’t pass the Customs can be called contraband. kuntrabandista n smuggler, one who deals in contraband goods. v [B156] be a smuggler.

kuntrabída n 1 a villain in a drama or story. 2 one who acts like a villain, spoiling or opposing s.t. good. Kuntrabída kaáyu nà si Máma uy, dì ku patambúngun sa parti, Mother is a killjoy, she won’t let me attend the party. v [B156; c1] be, become the villain in a drama.

kuntra gustu see gustu.

kuntraktur n contractor for the construction of s.t. v [B156; b6] be, become a contractor. Pruyiktu sa gubiyirnu nga ákung gikuntraktúran, Government projects for which I was the contractor.

kuntraryu a being enemies. Kuntraryu mi kaáyu kay wà siyay batásan, We’re enemies because he has no manners. v [C1] be enemies with each other.

kuntrasinyas n password or secret signal. Ug muhíngus ku, kuntrasinyas nà nga wíting ku, If I sniffle, it’s a sign that I’m about to go rummy. Unsay kuntrasinyas sa pagsúd sa kampu? What is the password to enter the camp? Dúnay kuntrasinyas ang balúta arun hibaw-an nga mibutar ka nákù, There’s a secret mark on the ballot so we know you voted for me. v [A3; c6] give a word or secret signal.

kuntráta, kuntrátu n written contract or verbal agreement. Pilay kuntrátu sa matadíru íning ímung bábuy? What price have you agreed upon with the butcher for your pig? v [ANC2; c] make a contract or verbal bargain. Nagkuntrátu kug sakyanan pára sa átung ikskursiyun, I have already made an agreement for our transportation on the excursion. kuntratádu a bound with a contract or oral agreement. Kuntratádu na ning babúya, This pig has already been spoken for. kuntratista n one who buys and sells things or services on a professional basis, contracting for the things bought or services rendered. Kuntratista sa bábuy, One who buys and sells pigs. Kuntratista sa hákut, One who contracts to haul things. v [B156] be, become a contractor of this sort.

kuntribusiyun n 1 financial contribution. 2 tax on real property. v [A1; c] give a contribution or pay a real property tax.

kuntringkanti n opponents in a political election. v [C; ac3] be opponents for electoral office. Dì sila maáyung kuntringkantíhun kay manag-ágaw sila, They should not be made to oppose each other because they are cousins. Bag-ángang pulitiku ang ákung gikakuntringkanti, The man I fought against was a seasoned politician.

*kuntrisiyun aktu sa — n Act of Contrition.

kuntrǔl n control over s.o.’s actions, discipline. Ang mayur way kuntrǔl sa kapulisan, The mayor has no control over his police force. v 1 [A] control oneself or the actions of s.t. else. Nagkuntrǔl lang giyud ku nga dì makapangísug, I did my best to control my temper. Wà na ku makakuntrǔl sa manubíla, I couldn’t control the wheel any longer. 2 [C2] exercise birth control. Wà mi magkuntrǔl, maung daghan mig anak, We didn’t practice birth control so we had lots of children.

kuntrular v [A; a] control s.t. Kuntrulaha ang inyung mga bátà, Control your children. Gikuntrular sa mga Huk ang Sintral Lusun, The Huks control Central Luzon. Ang pamaligyag bugas gikuntrular sa mga Insik, The rice trade is controlled by the Chinese. kuntruládu, kuntruláwu a 1 in the control of. Ang Kunggrísu kuntruládu sa Nasyunalista, The Congress is in the control of the Nacionalista Party. 2 under control, subdued. Kuntruládu na ang mga prísu nga nagráyut, The prisoners that rioted are now under control. 3 done with control. Kuntruládu ang íyang paghapak sa búla maung nasúd ni sa lungag, He drives the golf ball with control. That’s why it goes into the hole.

kuntud1 v [AB; b2c1] decrease in amount or quantity. Mukuntud (makuntud) ang tubà sa tinghangin, The coconut palm toddy yields less when it is windy. Dì siya makakuntud sa íyang pagkáun, She can’t cut down on her food intake.

kuntud2 a for the surface of a piece of land to be uneven. Ayúha pagpátag kay kuntud pa kanang dapíta dihà, Level that part carefully. It is still bulging there. v [B; c12] be, become uneven. Ipapátag sa buldúsir kanang dápit nga nagkuntud, Have the bulldozer level that part where it is bulging.

kuntúdu a elaborate, having all the trimmings. Kuntúdu siyang mamisti, She is dressed elaborately. Ang kuntúdu nga kumbira dakug gastu, An elaborate feast will incur great expense. — ubligasiyun n job involving all chores there are to be done. Ang ímung trabáhu dinhi kuntúdu ubligasiyun. Ímu ang tanang líhuk, Your work here includes anything there is to do. You must do [513]everything. v [A1] go about in grand style. Kláru na lang nga makakuntúdu si Imilda kay milyunarya man, Of course Imelda can live in style because she is so rich.

kunu short form: nu 1 it is said, s.o. said. Namatay kunu ag pilútu, They say the pilot died. 2 with imperatives: particle used to person with whom one is familiar implying that he is not under obligation to obey it—i.e., is not a person one has a right to command: ‘please, do me a favor and ...’ Itúnul kunu nang libru, Do me a favor and hand me the book. 2a followed or preceded by verb: do [so-and-so] as a trial. Ikuniktar kunu nátù ring alambri, tingáli ug muandar na ang makina, Try connecting this wire. Perhaps the engine will start. 3 in conditions: on the chance that. Madúgay pa ba nu ku dinhi kay muanhi siya, If I stay here long, he will come. Ákung gihípus kay básin kunu magámit unyà, I kept it on the chance that we might be able to use it later. kunhun take s.o. to be ignorant of s.t. Akuy kunhun nímu nga kadúgay na nákù niíni, You take me for ignorant when I’ve been at this for such a long time. paN- v [A] show one is uncertain of s.t. by saying kunu. kaáyu siya sigúru kay nangunu, He’s not that certain because he said ‘they said’. kunúhay 1 allegedly, they say, but I’m not sure whether or not it is true. Pipila ka mga pulitiku nga nagsabutsábut kunúhay tu, A few politicians who were allegedly making agreements under the table. 2 do s.t. to make a show of being a certain thing. Arun pagrispitar nanghúnung kunúhay mi ug paghungit, In order to show respect we made a pretense of stopping eating for the moment. Nagpakítà siya sa íya kunúhay nga pagkamanggihunàhunáun, He is displaying his supposed thoughtfulness. Ayaw ug katáwa kay nangísug kunúhay ka, Don’t laugh. You’re supposed to be angry. 1a be supposedly. Ísug kunúhay ka—dì ka muhílak ug sugsúgun, You’re supposed to be brave. You shouldn’t cry if they tease you. 2 particle giving an excuse for doing s.t. in preparation. Namalit kunúhay mi sa dì pa musáka ang bili, We are buying food before the prices go up. 3 particle belittling s.o.’s accomplishments. Prisidinti kunúhay kanà siya sa kapunúngan, He’s the so-called president of their organization. 3a particle of modesty detracting from one’s own or one’s family’s accomplishments. Magsusúlat kunúhay kining ákung bána, ug kini mauy bugtung níyang pangítà, My husband is a writer, you know, and that’s how he earns his livelihood.

kúnu n large rice mill or the building which houses it and serves as a storehouse for the rice to be milled.

kunùkunù v [A; c16] speak haltingly, uncertainly, and in short syllables. Nagkunùkunù siya pagbungat sa íyang hangyù, She made her request in a halting, unsure way. Ayawg kunùkunua (ikunùkunù) ang ímung pagsulti kay maklárung ginirbiyus ka, Don’t speak haltingly because everybody will see you’re nervous.

kunul v 1 [B24] fail to ripen or to grow. Mikunul ang mga lubi nga tinanum nga naatul sa huwaw, Our coconuts didn’t grow because they were planted during the dry season. 2 hardened because of failure to ripen. Mikunul ang ságing kay ahat, The bananas failed to ripen and just hardened because they were picked too soon. 2a [B] become hardened, calloused from abuse. Nakunul na lang giyud ang bátà sa pagbinúnal nímu, The child has gotten hardened because you’ve punished him so much. 2b [A23] be stubborn, uninterested in obeying orders. Mukunul na lang nang batáag sugúun. Dílì muirug sa íyang nahimutangan, That child is just stubborn when you tell him to do s.t. He won’t move from his place. 3 [A23] give a dull knock when s.t. hits. Mikunul ang lápuk nga miigù sa sín, The mud went thunk as it hit the galvanized iron sheets. a 1 hardened from failure to ripen. 2 hardened. 3 — ug úlu stubborn. 4 for s.t. to lack the hardness needed to give bounce to things that hit it. Ang nipis playwud kunul kaáyu untúlan sa búla, If a ball is hit against thin plywood, it won’t bounce well. -un a of a hard, shrivelled-up sort.

kúnun = kulúnun. see kúlun.

kunup v [B24] disappear suddenly en masse. Mukunup ang tipdas ug mahanginan, A measles rash will disappear if you expose it to the wind. Pag-abut sa prinsipal, mikunup ang mga maistrang nagtábì, When the principal arrived, the teachers just disappeared. Mikunup ang mga duut sa isdà nga gitugaw sa dinamíta, The schools of fish disappeared because of the dynamite fishing.

kunuskunus v [A3] make a rustling sound. Mukunuskunus gánì ang papil sa basúra náa giyuy ilagà, If the paper in the trash rustles, there must be a rat. Nagkunuskunus ang dáhun sa hángin, The leaves were rustling in the wind.

kunut n 1 wrinkle, fold in s.t. Daghang kunut ang íyang nawung, She has lots of wrinkles in her face. May kunut ang karsúnis, [514]The trousers had pleats in them. 2 anus or female genitalia (humorous allusion). 2a sa ímung — expression of disbelief. Diyis písus sa kunut mu, pára usa ka buuk nga gilabhan, What do you mean ten pesos? You only washed a single piece. a having wrinkles, not flat and smooth. bira sa — v [a4] grow way over a marriageable age (lit. have one’s wrinkles pulled—humorous insult). v 1 [ABN; a2] for a piece of cloth or skin to be not flat and smooth, cause it to be so. Mikunut ang tinahian sa sinínà, The dress is sewn with wrinkles at the seams. Nangunut ang nawung paghinunàhúnà, Her face is wrinkled from thinking so much. Nakunut ang papil pagkabasà, The paper got wrinkled when it got wet. 2 [A; c1] gather pleats or ruffles and sew them into a piece of cloth. -un a wrinkled.

kúnut v [A; ab2] pinch s.o. with a finger and the thumb. Kunútun ku nang búgan mu, I’ll pinch your groin.

kunya n wedge. Bagang kunya ang ipasuk arun mahuut, Insert a thick wedge so it will be tight. v 1 [A; a] make into a wedge. 2 [A; b] wedge s.t. into s.t. Kunyáhi ang ubus sa takup arun dì ipálid sa hángin, Place a wedge in the lower part of the shutter so it cannot be blown open by the wind. 3 [A; b5] get a lock on s.o. so that he cannot move. Kunyáha (kunyáhi) ang ímung kaáway, Hold your opponent in an armlock.

kupa, kupà a 1 for the roof to be almost flat, not steeply inclined. Kupa ra ug atup ang ámung balay mau nga nitúlù dáyun, Our house has quite a flat roof, and that’s why it developed a leak quickly. 2 for s.t. flat to be close to the ground. Kupa ang lamísa nímu, The table is too low for you. v 1 [c1] build a house roof almost flat. 2 [B; a2] become low, not raised from the ground.

kúpa1 n 1 goblet. 2 goblet design of the Spanish cards. v [A13; c6] use a goblet.

kúpa2 = makúpa.

kúpà v [A; b] want to do what s.o. else is doing. Mukúpà nà siya ug makakitag náay mulakaw, She’ll insist on going out too when she sees s.o. going out.

kúpad1 v [A; c] 1 toss grains to fowls. Busug na ang mga manuk kay gikuparan na man, The chickens are satisfied because they have been given their feed. 2 expel s.t. from the mouth. Kinsay nagkúpad áring kindi? Who spat out this candy?

kúpad2 = kumpad.

kupal a for speech to be unintelligible, badly articulated. v [B; b6] for speech to become unintelligible. Nagkakupal na ang sinultihan sa himatyun, The speech of the dying person is becoming unintelligible.

kupas v [B23(1); b6] for s.t. to lose its aroma from having been left uncovered. Mukupas ang tabákù ug dì pustun, Dried tobacco leaves will lose their flavor if you don’t keep them wrapped. a having lost its aroma.

kúpas = kúpa1, 2.

kúpat v [B3(1); c1] move fast, busily. Wà magkadimáu ang tabì kay nagkúpat ang bàbà, Her speech is incoherent because she talks too fast. Nakúpat silag panlimpiyu kay náay umaábut nga bisíta, They are cleaning as quickly as they can because they are expecting visitors.

kúpay v [A; a] play around with in the fingers. Nagkúpay ang bátà sa íyang tái, The baby is playing around with its feces. Ayawg kupáya nang ímung binahugan, Don’t put your fingers in your food and play around with it.

kupidu n Cupid.

kupil a indistinct in pronunciation, not intelligible. Kupil siya ug sinultian kay miági man siya ug daut, He has been unable to talk understandably since he underwent a grave illness. v [B; a12] for one’s speech to become impossible to understand. Mukupil ning átung dílà usáhay basta kuyawan ta, We sometimes get tongue-tied when we get frightened. (←) a speaking rapidly and indistinctly. v 1 [B; b6] come to speak this way. 2 [A] talk back in self defense. Ígù lámang siyang naníngud sa walay pagkúpil sa matag higayun nga hisgútan siya sa íyang kumpári, All he could do was stand idly by and listen whenever his friend would talk about him. (He was so ashamed.) pa-(←) v [A13] 1 allow oneself to be left behind, outclassed or outdone. Aku pay sapían dì giyud ku magpakúpil sa mga urug sa panaput, If I were rich, I would never allow myself to get left behind by the fashions. 2 let s.t. go by without answering back. Ang asáwa wà magpakúpil sa íyang bána, The wife wouldn’t let the husband get the last word in.

kupirar = kuupirar.

kupit v [AN; b] extort petty amounts. Ang dispatsir mangupit ug diyis sintábus sa draybir káda byáhi, The dispatcher extorts ten cents out of the driver each trip.

kupíta n a small goblet.

kupitinsiya = kumpitinsiya.

kupkup a for hair to be lying down flat close to the scalp. v 1 [B] for hair to become flat on the head. Mukupkup ang buhuk basta lutúun pagkulung, The hair will become so kinky it sticks to the head if you wave it [515]with too much heat or too many chemicals. 2 [A; b6] stick close to s.t. for protection. Mikupkup ang mga pisù sa himungáan, The chicks kept close to the mother hen.

kupras n copra, dried coconut meat. v 1 [A; a2] make, get copra. Magkupras mig ipatimbang, We will make copra to sell by the kilo. Kuprásun ang kalubihan káda trimistri, The coconut plantation is harvested (made to copra) every four months. 2 [AN; a12] get money from a candidate and then fail to vote for him. Gikupras lang diay ang salapì sa kandidátu kay napildi man, The people must have pocketed the money and not voted for him because he lost.

kupù v [A; b3] lower the head, cower. Nikupù sa suuk ang irù nga gibunálan, The dog was beaten and cowered into the corner. Kupù arun dì ka makit-an, maigù, Crouch down so they won’t see you, hit you.

kúpù v 1 = kalúpù. 2 [A; c16] fold the arms across the breast. Ang bátà nga nag-ampù, nagkúpù sa íyang mga buktun, The child is folding his arms across his breast as he prays. (→) n = kalúpù, n.

kúpug1 v 1 [A3P; a1] crumble s.t., break into tiny pieces. Kupúgun nátù ning báhawng pán, Let’s crumble this stale bread. 2 [B] crumble into ruins. Nakúpug ang túri sa kadugayun, The tower crumbled as the years passed.

kúpug2 = kulúpug.

kupukúpu v [A2S; b(1)] quiver and flutter noisily, twitch, thrash around. Mikupukúpu ang manuk sa abug, The chicken shook the dust off. Dì siya kamaung mulanguy maung nagkupukúpu sa túbig, He can’t swim. That’s why he just thrashed around in the water. Wà makakupukúpu ang táwung naantimánu pagkapusil, The man suffered a direct hit and didn’t even have time to twitch before he died.

kupun, kúpun n coupon, blank form in an advertisement filled out to order goods or which can be used to redeem a prize.

kupun bán n coupon bond, a k.o. typewriter paper.

kupungkupung, kupungkúpung n thick and dense plant or a cluster of plants. Mitágù siya sa kupungkupung, He hid in the thickets. (←) v [A2N] for plants to grow thick and dense. Pul-úngi ang búwak arun mukupungkúpung, Prune the flowers so they grow thick and lush. ka-an n thicket, area covered with dense growths.

kúpus v [A; ab] 1 squeeze to extract the juice from s.t. Kupúsa ang kinagud lubi, Squeeze the juice out of the shredded coconut meat. 1a squeeze s.t. together with s.t. to change the flavor. Kupúsig súkà ang kinílaw, Squeeze the raw fish together with vinegar. 2 = kupus. (→) a shrunken, shriveled after the juice has been extracted. Kupus na ákung hubag, My boil has dried up now. v 1 [APB2] shrivel, shrink, usually because liquid has been removed, but by extension, because of disease; cause it to do so. Mikupus ang karning gibulad, The meat shrunk as it was dried in the sun. Magkupus tag tambuk, Let’s fry fat meat until all of the lard comes out. Nagkakupus ang láwas sa tisísun, The tubercular’s body is shriveling up. 2 [B] shrink away in fear, from cold. Mukupus nag ímung suklan, He’ll shrink away if you stand up to him. Mikupus siya sa katugnaw, He shrunk his body into a small ball because of the cold. -in-an n pulp left after extract has been removed. kinupsan, pinakupsan n fat meat fried until all of the lard is removed and nothing but a crunchy mass remains.

kuput = kubut.

kúput a characterized by intense activity or movement. Kúput kaáyu tu sila sa ílang priparasiyun sa pista, They were bustling about in preparation for the fiesta. Dalì rang mahuman ang trabáhu kay kúput man ang tanan, The work will get done in no time because everybody is working hard. n intense movement. v [B46; b(1)] characterized by intensely active movement. Nagkúput man lang ning lamuk dinhi sa inyu, This place is buzzing with mosquitoes.

kupuy a timid, shy, shrinking back. Kupuy siyang pagkalaláki, mahadluk ug babáyi, He is a shy person. He is afraid of women. v [B2; b6] be, become timid or shy. Mikupuy siyang gihagítan, gikasab-an sa asáwa, He just shrunk back when he was threatened, when his wife cussed him out.

kupya v 1 [A; a] copy, imitate, make a copy of s.t. Kupyáhun ku nang ímung disáyin, I’ll copy your design. Unsa mang ritratúha ang gikupyáhan? For which picture did you have copies made? 2 [AN; a] copy in an exam. Nangupya siya. Maung nakapasar, He copied. That’s why he passed. n 1 copy. Sitinta sintábus na ang kupya sa Bisayà, The Bisaya costs seventy cents a copy now. 2 print of a photo. pa- v [A; b6] have a photograph reproduced. -dur(→) n 1 a copyist, one who makes written copies. Náay kupyadur sa ámung upisína kusug kaáyung mumakinilya, There’s a copyist in our office who types very fast. 2 one who imitates, [516]copycat. 3 one who copies in exams. v [B156] be, become a copyist. -mus a a cheat in exams (colloquial). Gibantayan pag-áyu sa maistra si Ális kay kupyámus kaáyu, The teacher watched Alice closely because she is known to copy.

kupyur n coiffure, hairdo. v [A; a] give s.o. a hairdo. Kupyúri kunu kug paríhas kang Imilda, Do my hair up like Imelda’s.

kura, kúra1 v [A2] for the heart to pound or beat rapidly due to fear. Mikúra (mikura) ang ákung dughan pagkadungug nákù sa balità, My heart beat with intense fear when I heard the news. kurakura = kura.

kúra2 n parish priest. v [B156; a2] be, become a parish priest. — parúku = kúra2.

kurà n 1 the money which circulated during the Japanese occupation. 2 Japanese.

kuradang n 1 name of a k.o. folk dance with lively movements. 2 general name for dancing. 3 insulting term of address to a woman named Dádang. v [A] 1 dance the kuradang or with lively movements. 2 go to a dance. — kun danggit nonsense words used to fill out the lines in a rhyme. Kuradang kun danggit, Kumusta ang inun-únan, Mudúul lag muduslit, Dáyung dalágan, Kuradang or danggit (k.o. fish), How is it stewed in vinegar? He only comes near me if he wants sex, and then, when he’s done, he leaves me.

kurag a for a woman to be fast. Túa na sang kurag, mau pa gánì pag-abut gíkan sa sini, mangnayitklab na pud, There goes that fast woman again. She just got home from the movies. Now she’s going to the night club. v [B12] get to be fast. Nakurag na dà, sukad nakapuyù ug syudad, She’s gotten to be a fast gal since she went to live in the city. -an a = kurag.

kurakul n 1 snail. 1a k.o. olive shell of the sea. 2 woman of easy virtue, easy to get. v [B16N; c1] for a woman to engage in promiscuous and ready sex. Nagkurakul siya kay bigáun, She is over-sexed so she goes about engaging in promiscuous affairs. paN- v [A2; c] go after loose women.

kural n fence, enclosure. v [A; b5] fence s.t. in. Kinsay nagkural ug tunukung alambri sa misítas? Who put barbed wire around the plants? Kuralun (kurawun, kuralan) ku ning ákung lúti, I will fence my lot in. -in- n 1 fenced. 2 dance held in a street and enclosed with an improvised fence: considered a dance for the hoi polloi and not for the rich and sophisticated. Dì ku mubaylig kinural uy, You won’t catch me dancing in a street dance!

kuralun n k.o. synthetic fiber.

kurambus v [A2C; ac] pool funds in a bet or, by extension, for some other common purpose. Kurambúsun nátù ning átung kwarta ipalit ug sista, Let’s pool our funds to buy a guitar. Tagpíla may átung ikurambus áning pustáha? How much do we chip in in this bet?

kurambúsà n chicken with feathers which curve outwards instead of lying flat.

kurang n lesbian (derogatory). v [C; c1] for females to have homosexual relations. Gikurang ni Hinya si Tasing, Genia made Tasing her lover.

kurangut a 1 rough, rugged in surface. Kurangut ug pánit, Rough-skinned. 2 ugly-faced. Ug kurangut tag dagway bawiun tas batásan, If you have an ugly face, compensate for it with a pleasant disposition. v [B; b6] 1 become craggy of surface. Mukurangut (makurangut) ang ibabaw sa lamísag hiwáan, The surface of the table will become rough if you use it to slice things on. 2 become ugly in face.

kurapkurap v 1 [B146] for lights to flicker. Nagkurapkurap ang lamparilya nga wà nay gás, The kerosene lamp is flickering because the kerosene is almost gone. 2 [A13P] grope in the dark. Nagkurapkurap mi sa kangitngit, We were groping in the dark. 3 [B4N] for vision to become blurred. Nagkurapkurap ang mata sa tigúwang, The vision of the old man is blurred.

kurapsiyun n corruption in the government or in a corporation. Naghítak ang grap ug kurapsiyun sa subasta sa gubyirnu, Corruption is rife in government bidding.

kurasiyun n a medical certification as to the extent of one’s wounds used as evidence in court. v [A; b(1)] certify the extent of wounds.

kurat v [B126] (usually with hi-, ha-) be startled or frightened by s.t. sudden. pa- v [A; b] startle or frighten s.o. with sudden surprise. Pakuratan nátù siya lábun nagtalikud, Let’s startle him now that his back is turned to us. Gipakuratan ku níla ug parti, They surprised me with a party. hi-/ha- v [B1256; b] be startled with s.t. sudden. Nahikurat siya sa íyang pagkatúlug, She was suddenly awakened from her sleep. Kinsa guy dì hikuratan sa kalit níyang kamatáyun? Who wouldn’t be shocked by his sudden death? ka-, kahi- n startling or shocking surprise. Sa dakù níyang kahikurat, nabuhian níya ang butilya, Because of his great shock, he lost his hold on the bottle. -l-an(←) a nervous, easily startled. [517]

kuratsa n curacha, a lively folk dance of the Eastern Visayas or the music thereto. v [A2C; c1] dance the curacha.

kuraw1 n starvation. Ang tigúlang makililímus namatay sa kuraw, The old beggar died of starvation. v [A123P; a4] starve, die or weaken with hunger. Daghang gikuraw sa panahun sa gúbat, Many people died of starvation during the war. -l-an(←), -l-un(←) a one who cannot stand hunger.

kuraw2 = kural.

kúraw v [A; a] 1 stir or agitate to make it smooth and even. Nagkúraw ku sa amirul arun dì matibug-uk, I’m stirring the starch so that it won’t form lumps. Kuráwa ang binulad arun mauga ug dalì, Stir the corn around so it will dry quickly. 2 shuffle mahjong pieces. — ug kinhasun v [AC] play mahjong (lit. shuffle shells—colloquial). Walay láing búhat gawas pagkúraw ug kinhasun, They have nothing to do but play mahjong. (→) n s.t. used to stir. -in- n sound produced from the shuffling of mahjong pieces.

kúray v [B2S46N; a4] shiver with cold or fear. Tualya bi kay nagkuray (nagpanguray, gikuray) na ku sa katugnaw, Give me a towel. I’m shivering with cold.

kurayag v [A] move with a wriggling motion. Mukurayag ang kasing nga karagan, An unbalanced top wriggles. Nagkurayag ang mga wayawaya, The mosquito larvae are wriggling.

kuráyus v [B26N; b6] be, become shriveled, wrinkled, withered. Mikuráyus (nanguráyus) pag-áyu ang kusáhus sa hilabihang kaínit, The jerked meat shriveled up very much because it was left in the sun too long. Mikuráyus (nanguráyus) ang luy-a nga dúgay nang gihípus, The ginger got shriveled because it was left lying around too long. Makuráyus ang nawung basta tigúlang na, Your face wrinkles when you get old.

kuráyut v [B2SN; b6] get wrinkled and shriveled and thus wither. Ang nagkurayut níyang kaapíngan, Her wrinkled, sunken cheeks. Wà nay lamì nang kamutíha kay nagpangurayut na, That sweet potato is not very good because it is on its way to becoming all shriveled and dried up. (→) a all shriveled up.

kurba n curve. Ang kurba sa karsáda, The curve in the road. Ang kurba sa íyang láwas, The curves of her body. v [AB3; c1] describe a curve; cause s.t. to do so. Nagkurba ang linya kay walà ka mugámit ug rúlir, The line is curved because you didn’t use a ruler. Kurbáha (ikurba) ang búla pagpits nímu, Pitch the ball in a curve. -da n a curve in a road. Nagkabanggà ang duha ka trák sa may kurbáda, The two buses collided at the bend. v [A; c] for a vehicle to turn sharply. Mikurbáda ug kalit ang trák ug nakulub, The bus swerved suddenly and turned over. -du a curved, curving. v [B; c1] become curved; be curving. Nagkurbádu man ning ági sa tahì, The stitches are not sewn in straight. pina- a shaped in a curve; curved. Ang lamísa níya pinakurba, His table is shaped like a curve. kurbáhun a shapely body. Dílì siya maanyag apan kurbáhun siya ug láwas, She isn’t beautiful but her body is shapely.

kurbáta n 1 necktie. 2 k.o. cracker shaped like a bow tie. v 1 [AN; b6(1)] wear a necktie. mananggíti nga nag-/mag- be a toddy gatherer that wears a necktie (i.e., prepare artificial coconut palm toddy). — ang tubà for toddy to be artificial. 2 [a12] make into a necktie.

kurbáwu = kurbádu. see kurba.

kurbu a convex or concave, shaped round like a bowl. Kurbu ang atup sa kampanaryu, The roof of the bell tower is rounded. v [B; b6(1)] be, become bowl-shaped. Nagkurbu ang sáku sa kapunù, The sack is bulging because it is so full.

kurd n cord for electrical appliances.

kurdaping n 1 name given to male homosexuals in derision. 2 male homosexual. Ságad sa mga kurdaping mga maáyung mangulung, Most fairies are good at curling people’s hair.

kurdíru n lamb. — sa Diyus Lamb of God.

kurdis n musical chords.

kurdísu n 1 window sill. Mitikang ang kawatan sa kurdísu sa bintánà pagsulud sa balay, The thief stepped over the window sill in going into the house. 2 horizontal piece in the frame of a building to which vertical boards are nailed, placed at the height of the window sill. Íyang giláray ang mga butilya nga basíyu sa kurdísu sa bungbung, She lined the empty bottles on the sills along the wall. v [A13; a] put up, make into a window sill or a window-height sill.

kurdun n 1 = kuldun. 2 cord sewn into embroidery work. v [A; b6] embroider with a cord.

kurduruy n corduroy cloth. v [A1] wear s.t. made of corduroy.

kúri1 = kurídas.

kúri2 frequently, always. Kúri siyang mamisíta sa ámung dalága, He frequently visits our girl. Kúring abyirtu, Always open. v [A; a12] do s.t. often, always. Gikúri níyag [518]sul-ub ang paburítu níyang sinínà, She always wears her favorite dress.

kuríbut n paramour, lover. v 1 [A1NC; c1] for a married man or woman to have a lover or have a married lover. Nakigkuríbut ang asáwa sa higála sa íyang bána, The wife took her husband’s friend as her lover. 2 [A2N] fool around with married men, women or for a married person to fool around.

kurídas n 1 for a number of examples of an item to be bought or otherwise taken at random without selection. Tagsingku písus ang gatus sa tamátis, apan kurídas. Walay pílì, Tomatoes are five pesos a hundred, but you take them at random. You’re not allowed to choose. Kurídas ang pagkasulud sa prútas sa baskit, They put the fruits in the basket without sorting them out. v [A; a] 1 take a bunch without selecting. 2a in billiards, make a carom with all the three balls in straight line but with the cue ball not bouncing off the sides of the billiard table. 2b shoot two or more billiards into the pocket with one shot.

kurídu n long narrative poem made for oral recitation, but otherwise like the kumpúsu. v 1 [A; b6(1)] recite the kurídu. 2 [c1] make a story into a kurídu.

kuridur1 n corridor.

kuridur2 n dealer of livestock, but not poultry. Gisaáran nga palitun sa kuridur ang ákung báka, The animal dealer promised to buy my cow. v [B156] be, become a dealer of livestock. paN- v [A2] buy and sell livestock. -a(←) n a woman who recruits girls for employment, not usually said of women who recruit for the white slave traffic. v 1 [AN; b8] recruit girls for employment, usually prostitution. 2 [B156] become a white slaver.

Kurihidur n Corregidor, an island in Manila Bay.

kurihir v [A; b1] correct mistakes. Akuy mikurihir sa inyung tist pípar, I corrected your test papers. Naúlaw siya nga gikurihian atubángan sa kadaghánan, She was embarrassed because she was corrected in public.

kurik exclamation of agreement that s.t. is the right thing. Kurik! Dílì giyud siya ángayng pasaylúun, Right! He should not be pardoned. Kurik nang Binisayáa, That’s correct Visayan. mau rag (si) — 1 as if he were the real one, as if it were the real thing. Naghiraghírag ka bayà sa silya sa manidyǐr, mu rag kurik! You are sitting and leaning back in the manager’s chair as if you really belonged there! 2 know it all. Patubagtúbag bisag dì makamau, mu rag si kurik, He knows-it-all, answers all the questions (as if he knew). v = kurihir. -siyun n correction. v [b1] correct an error. Ayaw kug kuriksiyuni, Don’t correct me. Kuriksiyuni ang ákung mga sayup, Correct my mistakes.

kurikit n 1 variety of rice which yields a high quality cereal. The grains are about 1 cm. long, white, smooth in texture and taste comparatively good. 2 small variety of cooking banana.

kurìkurì v [AN; a2b2] putter around doing little things, petty chores. Mga kurìkuríung mga búhat ni piru dúgayng mahuman, These are just little odd chores but it’ll take a long time to finish them up.

kurindu v [A; c6] push, shove s.t. away that one doesn’t want. Ag nawung nga mukurindu sa íyang plátu, mu rag daghag pagkáun sa íla, The nerve of him to shove away his plate as though he had plenty of food at home. Ikurindu ang irug musámuk nímu, Shove the dog away with your foot if it bothers you.

kurinti = kuryinti.

kuríput a miserly, not liking to spend money. Kuríput kaáyu. Kamúti lay ipaniudtu bisag daghang kwarta, He’s terribly cheap. He has nothing but sweet potatoes for lunch even though he has plenty of money. v [B2; b6] be, become miserly.

kuríring = kulíling.

kuriskuris v [A; b6] make squiggly or criss-cross lines on s.t. Gikuriskurisan níya ang ákung drúwing kay nangísug siya nákù, He scratched out my drawing because he was angry at me.

kurispundinsiya n correspondence, mail matter.

kurispunsal n news correspondent. v [B1256] become a news correspondent.

kur-ispunsur n corps sponsor chosen to accompany an ROTC cadet commander in social functions or activities. v [B156; c1] be, become a corps sponsor.

kurista n a member of a choir or chorus. v [AB156; c1] make s.o. a choir member; be a choir member.

kurit v [A; ab7] take a small pinch or piece of s.t. by pinching, pinch a small area of s.t. Kurita lag bátà. Ayawg latusa, Just pinch the child. Don’t spank him. Kurita kunu ang unud ug húmuk na ba, Try to nip off a piece of the meat and see if it’s tender now. Nadáut ang purma sa kík nga gikuritan, The cake is ruined now after you have [519]picked a little piece off the sides.

kuríya n 1 belt for the transmission of power or rotation. Kuríya sa makina, The belt on the sewing machine. 2 cord used to tie around the habit of devotees. Ang nagdibútu sa Birhin sa Karmin nagbakus ug kuríya nga kapi, The devotees to the Virgin of Carmel wear brown belts. v 1 [AB; b6] attach a belt for transferring motion. 1a [a12] make into such a belt or band. 2 [A13; b6] wear a cord around the waist with a habit. 2a [a12] make into such a cord.

kuríyu n mail. v [c6] send through the mails. — rihistrádu n registered mail.

kur kamandir n cadet commander of an ROTC unit in a school. v [B156; a2] be, become a corps commander.

kurkubádu, kurkubáwu a crooked, having a curve. Ilinya nímu sa papil nang káhuy nga kurkubádu? Are you going to use that crooked stick to line the paper? Kurkubádu siyag bukubuku, She has a crooked back. v [B12P; a] become curved, crooked. n hunchback. Nagminyù siyag kurkubádu, He married a hunchback.

kur kumandir = kur kamandir.

kurlir n hair curlers. v [A; b6] put hair curlers in the hair.

kurmáta = karumáta.

kurna1 v 1 [A; c1] tow s.t. that cannot run on its own power. Kurnáhun (ikurna) na lang nang dyíp ngadtu sa talyir, Better have the jeep towed to the repair shop. 1a drag s.o. s.w. Nangumprang gikurna ang mga bátà, Shopping dragging the children along. 2 [AN; a2] find s.o. unexpectedly s.w. and pick him up. Sundálu ang nagkurna sa tulisan ngadtu sa búkid, A soldier found the bandit unexpectedly in the mountains and picked him up. 2a meet s.o. with goods of his own production on the way to market and buy them from him. Ug makurna nímu ang kuhà sa mananagat, barátu ra, If you can buy the fish directly from the fisherman, it’s cheap. 2b pick up a girl in a public place for promiscuous petting. Adtu siya sa barátung sinihan mangurna, He goes to cheap movie houses and picks up s.o. to pet with. 2c [A; a12] take a girl around for rides. Gwápa tung ímung gikurna gabíi, The girl you took around last night was pretty. -da = kurna1, 1.

kurna2 = kurnir.

kurnáwu n 1 partners in a small business. 2 companion. 2a side-kick. Dì siya mubulag sa íyang kurnáwu, He won’t separate from his side-kick. v [AC; c1] be business partners. Kurnawhun (ikurnáwu) kung Pápa sa íyang nigusyu, Father will make me his business partner.

kurnil = kurunil.

kurnir1 v [AN; a2b2] 1 trap s.o. into marriage. Láyas kay makurnir ka sa ginikánan sa ímung gipamabdus, Escape or you’ll be forced into marriage by the parents of the girl you made pregnant. 2 trap a criminal or s.o. into doing s.t. Wà makabalíbad ang amahan sa gipangáyù sa íyang anak kay nakurnir giyud siya, The father couldn’t refuse his daughter’s request because she trapped him into it. Miampù ang púga dihang gikurnir siya, The escapee surrendered when he was cornered.

kurnir2 n boxer’s corner in the ring.

kurnit n skin eruptions at the neck characterized by a copious flow of pus from the eruptions; the knotted, ugly scars which this disease leaves. Dalìdalía pagtambal nang ímung lusay kay arun dílì makurnit, Treat that swelling on your neck immediately before it turns into ugly scars. -un a having these eruptions or scars therefrom.

kurníta = kurnitin.

kurnitin n 1 cornet, a brass instrument. 2 bugle. v [A; c6] play the cornet.

kurpinyu n k.o. loose blouse worn under a kimúna of the Filipina dress. It is usually ornately decorated because it is seen under the kimúna. v 1 [A; b] wear such a blouse. 2 [A; c1] make into such a blouse.

kurpiyu n 1 curfew. 1a the whistle at curfew time. 2 sexual intercourse (humorous usage). Kapila ang kurpiyu ninyu gabíi? How many times did you have intercourse last night? v 1 [A3; b2] for the curfew to sound. Dakpun ang makurpiyuhan sa karsáda, Anyone caught in the streets when the curfew sounds is subject to arrest. 2 [AC2; b5] have sexual intercourse.

kurpural n corporal in the military or police. v [B156; a2] be, become a corporal, be made a corporal.

kurpurasiyun n 1 group of people associated for a common purpose. Kurpurasiyun sa mga magyuyútà, Association of landowners. Kanang napalit nga asyinda kurpurasiyun sa mga magsúun, The brothers formed a corporation to buy the plantation. 2 pool of money to be spent for a common good. v 1 [B156] organize oneself into an association. 2 [C2; c1] pool money to spend for the benefit of everybody. Mag-ínum ta piru magkurpurasiyun lang ta kay singkwinta rang ákù diri, Let’s have a drinking spree, [520]but let us pool our money because I only have fifty centavos.

Kurpus Kristi n Corpus Christi.

kursan = kurusan. see kurus.

kursǐ n corset. v [A1; b] wear a corset.

kursikan n polo shirt (from the brand name Corsican). v [A1] wear a polo shirt.

kursilyu n an association of lay people who go on a three-day retreat to renew their faith. v [A1; b6] go on the kursilyu retreat. kursilyista n one who has undergone this retreat. v [B16] become a person who has gone on this retreat. Sukad siyang nakursilyista dakù kaáyu ang íyang pagkabalhin, After he became a cursillista, he has changed a lot.

kursit = kursǐ.

kursu1 v [B3(1)N; b6] be full of guts or courageous in carrying out a difficult course of action. Nagkursu ang inahan sa pagpaiskuyla sa íyang mga anak, The mother moved heaven and earth to send her children to school. Usáhay muinum ang ulitáwu arun makursung mudíga sa íyang gipangulitawhan, Sometimes a young man drinks to summon enough courage to speak his love to a lady.

kursu2 n course of study, major subject. Nakatápus na siya sa kursu sa midisína, He has finished medical school.

kursunáda n 1 guts, courage, drive. May kursunáda siya. Dì giyud mahadluk musulay, He has guts. He is not afraid to try. 1a unashamed boldness, impudence. May kursunáda giyung tawhána sa pagpangáyù ug umintu sa íyang súhul, That man had the nerve to ask for a raise in salary. 2 have an interest in doing s.t. Wà kuy kursunádang mubayli níya kay maut, I don’t feel like dancing with her because she is stuck up. 3 a girl one is interested in. Mutambung kug sigúru sa parti kay túa ang ákung kursunáda, I won’t fail to attend the party because a girl I am interested in will be there. v [B2N; bN] get an interest, guts enough to do s.t. Mukursunáda (mangursunáda) siyag hákut basta suhúlan, He’ll develop an interest in hauling the stuff if you pay him. Nakakursunáda ku human makainum, I became bold after I had a drink. Sapátus nga ákung gipangursunadáhan (gikursunadáhan), The shoes I was interested in.

kurt n court for playing games. balibul — volleyball court. baskitbul — basketball court. tínis — tennis court.

kurta1 n jackknife. -ng awtumátik switch blade. — diabaníku k.o. jackknife with a single blade which is covered by two pieces which pull apart and fold back to form the handle. — plúma penknife. v [a12] use, stab with a knife. -dur(→) n in logging: 1 an apparatus which slices planks or sawn timber into smaller sizes. 2 the operator of such a machine.

kurta2 a 1 for eggs or milk to be spoiled, usually from exposure to sun. 2 for the brain to be addled. 3 for menstruation to stop or hardly flow. v [B2; b6] 1 for eggs or milk to get spoiled. Mukurta ang gátas (itlug) ug dílì hipúsun sa pridyidir, Milk (eggs) spoil if you don’t keep them in the refrigerator. 2 for the mind to be addled. Mikurta ang íyang útuk sa kahadluk, His brain became addled because of his extreme fright. 3 [B246; b4] for menstruation to stop suddenly before the proper time. Mukurta ang dugù ug mag-útas ug káun ug aslum, Your menstrual flow will halt if you always eat lots of sour foods. -du = kurta2.

kurtal n cortal, a patent medicine for pain relief.

kurti1 n 1 measure of cloth cut in advance. Tagpíla man ang kurti íning karsunisúna? How much is this pant, material per cut? 2 shape, type of a face. Nawung nga kurtig katsílà, A face with a Spanish shape. 2a style in which s.t. is cut. Nindut ug kurti ang ímung alut, Your hair is cut in a nice style. Wà ku makagustu sa kurti sa íyang bistídu, I don’t like the cut of her dress. v 1 [A; ab] delineate a desired shape or pattern on s.t. to be cut or cut into a certain shape. Akuy kurti sa panaptun ikay tábas, I’ll make the pattern on the cloth, you cut it. Kurtíhag kinasingkásing paggabas ang tabla, Saw the wood into the shape of a heart. Kurtíhan ta nang kílay mu, Let’s trim your eyebrows. 2 [A; b(1)] cut a deck of cards. Wà pa gániy nakakurti, íya nang gipanghátag ang mga baráha, No one has cut the cards, but he has already dealt. 3 [A2; b6] join in a pleasurable activity where one is not immediately concerned. Samtang gikasab-an ag míd, mikurti sab ku, While they were cussing out the maid, I also put in my two bits. Gikurtíhan sa mayur ang ílang pag-isturyahánay, The mayor put his two bits into their conversation. 3a participate in the giving of punishment, usually physical punishment. Mikurti kug sumbag sa kawatan nga hidakpan, I joined in mauling the thief they caught. 3a1 [b8] be ganged up on. Hikurtihan siya pag-adtu níyas Pásil, S.o. ganged up on him when he went to Pasil. 3b [A; b(1)] acknowledge that s.o. has new wearing apparel or haircut by touching the new thing. [521]Nakakurti na ku sa bag-ung sapátus ni Buy, I have already acknowledged Boy’s new shoes by stepping on them. Kurtíhi si Ramun kay bag-ug tupi, Slap Ramon on the head in acknowledgement of his haircut. 4 [A; b] use s.t. belonging to s.o. else usually for a brief period of time. 4a try doing s.t. Nakakurti na bitaw kug sakays mutur, piru nabanggà ku, I have tried driving a motorcycle, but I crashed. 5 [A; b] refute s.t. said. Kurtíhan ku nang ímung gisulti, I will refute what you said.

kurti2 v [A; b] 1 court a girl. 2 have sexual relations (humorous).

kurti3 n 1 court for ball games. 2 law court. — supríma n Supreme Court. v [a3] for an incident to be brought to court.

kurtína n curtain. v 1 [AN; b] put up curtains. 2 [a12] make into a curtain. paN- v [A23] for one’s slip to show. Unsa gud, pyista karun sa inyu nga nangurtína ka man? Is it fiesta now (the time people hang up curtains) because your slip is showing (lit. the curtains are up)? kurtinahun n cloth to be sewn into curtains.

kurtin rísir n 1 preliminary boxing bouts before the main events. 1a boxer who fights only in preliminary bouts, usually in four rounds. 2 a short play or skit presented before a longer and more elaborate production. v [B156; c] be, become a curtain raiser. Pirmi ka lang magkurtin rísir, wà giyud mamin-ibintir, You are always used as a curtain raiser. You never fight in a main event. Ang ímung áwit mauy ikurtin rísir sa dílì pa ang banggà, Your song will be made the curtain raiser for the contest.

kurtisíya n good manners. Way kurtisíyang tawhána, He’s an ill-mannered person.

kurtsítis = kutsítis.

kurtsu = kutsu.

kurtu a 1 made short, low. Kurtu na kaáyu run ang mga sinínà, Dresses are very short these days. Kurtu ra kaáyu ning lamisáha pára makinilyáhan, This desk is too low to type on. 2 — ug buut short-tempered. Ang táwung way kwarta malagmit nga kurtu kaáyug buut, If a man has no money he is likely to be short-tempered. v 1 [B2; c1] be, become short, low. Putli ang ákung buhuk, piru ayaw lag kurtúha (ikurtu) kaáyu, Cut my hair but don’t cut it too short. 1a — sa buut short-tempered. 2 [A13] wear s.t. short. Kanang nindut ug páa lang ang magkurtu ug sinínà, Only those with pretty legs should wear short dresses.

kúru n 1 choir. 1a choir loft. 2 the refrain of a song following the verse.

kúrù n 1 game played similarly to jackstones but different in that the stone or ball must be caught in the palm before it hits the floor. 2 = balinsay, n.

kúrug v [B2S; ab3(1)] tremble. Mikúrug ang yútà paglínug, The ground shook during the earthquake. Nagkurug ang tíngug sa kalísang, Her voice is trembling with fear. Ayaw kurúga ang lamísa kay mayabu ang sabaw, Don’t shake the table or the soup will spill. n vibration, shaking. Ang kúrug sa makina, The vibration of the machine. (→) a trembling, quivering. Dì na siya hingígù kay kurug na ang íyang kamut, He is no longer a sharp-shooter because his hands have become unsteady. v [B12] become shaky, quivering. paN- v [A2S; b3] for a person to tremble. Nagpangurug ku paghúbit sa dugúung kaági, I trembled as I recounted the bloody event. ma-un a shaky, trembly.

kurúhay = kurutsay.

kúruk v 1 [A; a] call a chicken to come by saying krrrk-krrrk, rolling the r’s in a high-pitched voice. 2 [A] for a chicken to go krrrk-krrrk. Mikúruk ang sunuy sa dihang gihapyudhapyud, The rooster went krrrk-krrrk when I patted him. n the krrrk-krrrk sound produced by chickens.

kurukignul = krukignul.

kurukunghu a being a simpleton and slightly crazy. Lisud pasabtun ning mga táwu nga kurukunghu, It’s very difficult to get simpletons to understand. Naghúbù sa kadaghánan ang kurukunghu, The simpleton is getting undressed in public. v [B12] be, become silly, witless, a simpleton.

kurukuntung a eccentric in behavior, doing things deemed unusual if not improper. Kurukuntung siya kay nagswitir ug ting-init, He is eccentric because he wears a sweater during hot weather. v [B125; b6] be, become eccentric.

kurukúru v [A; b6] for cocks to parry and stab on the wing. Lúgus maila unsang manúka naigù sa nagkurukúru silang duha, It is hard to tell which rooster was hit while the two were parrying and stabbing at each other on the wing. Midágan ag íyang sunuy dihang gikurukurúhan sa ákù, His rooster fled when mine parried and stabbed at it on the wing.

kurukutuk1 n sound made by chickens in summoning other chickens. v [A; b6] for a rooster or hen to make a sound like kurukutuk. Mingkurukutuk dáyun ang sunuy pagkakità sa himungáan, The rooster immediately called the hen when he saw her. Gikurukutukan sa himungáan ang íyang [522]mga pisù, The mother hen called her chicks.

kurukutuk2 n k.o. bird, the zebra dove: Geopelia striata.

kúrum n 1 quorum of a meeting. 2 have a requisite number of people for a game of cards or other table game. Kúrum na giyud ta, magmadyung na ta dáyun, We’ve got a quorum, so let’s start our mahjong at once. 3 have an intimate get-together, esp. for drinks (slang). Dúnay kúrum sa ámung balay karung gabíi, We’ll have a drinking session in our house tonight. v 1 [B13(1)6; b6] form a quorum in a meeting or for a game. 2 [C; c] have an intimate get-together among friends.

kurúna n 1 crown of royalty or royalty in a pageant. 1a garland put on the head. 1b crown as a symbol of supremacy. Maílug kahà ang kurúna sa átung kampiyun? Will anyone wrest the champion’s crown from him? 2 wreath of flowers as an offering for the dead. 3 priest’s tonsure. 4 tails of a coin. 5 the curved lower part of the anchor. Ang kurúna sa angkla mauy mag-una pagbungad sa bunbun, The crown of the anchor touches the sand first. 6 a small side-compartment in the fish corral (bungsud) into which the fish which were not caught in the main compartment are driven. v 1 [A; b6(1)] crown royalty. Ang gubirnadur mauy mikurúna sa hára, The governor crowned the beauty queen. Si Kristu gikurunáhan ug tunuk, Jesus Christ was crowned with thorns. 1a [a12] make into a crown or wreath. 2 [A; b6] put a wreath on a grave or coffin. 3 [b(1)] tonsure a priest. Gikurunáhan na ag manghud kung siminarista, My brother in the seminary has already been given his tonsure. 4 [B256; a2] for tails to come up in coin tossing. Mukurúna (makurúna) gánì ni, ikaw na say antug, If this comes out tails, you take a turn in tossing. paN- v [A2; b(1)] for the baby to crown in delivery. Nangurúna na ang úlu sa bátà, The baby has already crowned.

kurunasiyun n coronation. v [A13] perform a coronation ceremony.

kurung1 n chicken cage about 2–3′ high and just as deep and wide, usually set in rows abreast. v [A12; b6] construct or put a chicken cage s.w.

kurung2, kúrung n veil or any other head covering used by women in church. v [A; b] wear a veil on the head while in church. Salingawhan ku ug dílì ku makakúrung sa simbahan, I feel uneasy if I do not wear a veil in the church.

kurungkuntung a somewhat mentally retarded or not able to think. Dílì makatumung sugúun ang táwung kurungkuntung, A person who is somewhat retarded cannot do errands properly. v [B12] lose one’s common sense, ability to think reasonably. Nakurungkuntung siya pagkabangkarúta sa íyang nigusyu, After he went bankrupt he began to act unreasonably—as if his mind were s.w. else.

kurunil n colonel in the military or police. v [B1256] be, become a colonel.

kurunit n woman’s hair style in which the curled hair is formed like a crown around the head.

kuruntù a stupid, not knowing what to say. Kuruntung tawhána. Ug pangutan-un, dílì mutubag, He’s a stupid man. If you ask him a question, he won’t answer.

kurupsiyun = kurapsiyun.

kurus n 1 cross, crucifix. Way kurus nga lubung, A grave without a cross. 2 trouble, problem that tries one’s virtue. Ang pagkabisyúsu sa íyang bána mauy kurus nga íyang giantus, Her husband with his vices is a cross she has to bear. — pa cross my heart and hope to die. Kurus pa, mangasáwa lagi ku nímu, Cross my heart, I’ll marry you. v 1 [A; b] make the sign of the cross on s.t. Kurusi ang ímung ngábil ug makalimut ka sa ímung isulti, Make the sign of the cross on your lips if you forget what you were going to say. 1a make a cross mark. Ngánung ímu mang gikurusan ring ákung tubag nga hustu man? Why did you mark my answer with a cross when it is correct? 2 [A1P] become s.o.’s cross in life. Ang íyang bána nga himabayi mauy nakakurus (nakapakurus) sa íyang kinabúhì, Her philandering husband was the cross she had to bear in life. 3 [A; ab5c] cross s.t., bring s.t. across, cross each other’s way. Mikurus siya pagdalì sa karsáda, She quickly crossed the street. Tápus sa dúgayng panahun nagkúrus pag-usab ang ílang mga dálan, After many years their paths crossed each other’s again. Kurusa (kurusi) nang plása padúng sa simbahan, Cross that plaza on your way to the church. (←) v [C; c1] be in a position crossing each other. Magkúrus ta paghigdà arun dílì ku hitakdan sa ímung kútu, Let’s lie crosswise so I won’t get your lice. kuruskurus v [A; b] make criss-cross marks or lines on s.t. n 1 criss-cross lines. 2 k.o. grass of waste places, with four or five short spikes, eaten by water buffalo: Dactyloctenium aegyptium. 3 brittle star, k.o. sea creature similar to a starfish but with long flexible tentacles that easily break off. kuruskúrus [523]v [A; a] travel or negotiate a distance back and forth several times. Kuruskurúsan ni nákung kadalánan pagpangítà nímu, I’ll go back and forth over those streets looking for you. paN- v [A2N; b] make the sign of the cross. Nangurus siya pagkílat, She quickly crossed herself when the lightning flashed. -an n 1 person having crossed lines on the palm. Maáyu kag kapaláran kay kurusan ang ímung pálad, You’ll have good luck in life because you have a cross on your palm. 2 the spot at the center of the forehead between the eyebrows in line with the nose. 3 place one crosses. 4 hammerhead shark. kina-an n 1 the center of the forehead. Pagbantay nga dílì ka maigù sa kinakurusan, Beware that you don’t get hit at the center of your forehead. 2 center point of a junction of two streets.

kúrus n 1 chorus, refrain of a song. 2 chorus, a song rendition by a group. v [A13; a12] 1 sing as a chorus. 2 answer in chorus.

kurut, kúrut v [AN; a] pinch, squeeze hard using the thumb and the sides of the bent forefingers. Dúnay nagkúrut sa ímung buktun kay nangalágum man, S.o. must have squeezed your arms because they’re bluish.

kurutsay a call uttered by becalmed sailors to bring on the southwest wind (habágat).

kúruy v [B2S46N] shiver with cold. Nangúruy siya sa katugnaw, He was shivering with cold.

kuryinti n 1 electric current. 2 electric wire. Ang tabánug nasángit sa kuryinti, The kite is entangled in the electric wire. v 1 [A23; b] shocked with electricity. Kuryintihan kag hikápun nà nímu, You’ll get a shock if you touch that. 2 [A23] give a feeling similar to a shock when the soft area within the elbow joint is hit. 3 [b(1)] for s.o. not invited to be taken along to a party by s.o. who was invited (humorous). Nitambung sad sila sa parti kay nakuryintihan tu sila, They attended the party as well because they were taken along by one of the invited guests. 4 [A2; b] among children, for a child to do to the person nearest him, what s.o. did to him, and for the person who had that happen to him to go ahead and do it to another child, and so forth. Nanghapak siya, dì gikuryintihan sab dáyun nákù ang ákung tupad, He slapped me, and so I slapped my seatmate. di- electrified, operated by electricity. -syan n electrician (humorous slang).

kuryúsu1 a queer, strange. Kuryúsu kaáyu nang buwáka kay mangalimyun lag tungang gabíi, That is a very strange flower because it only blooms at midnight. Midiyu kuryúsu ang kinaíya sa mga langyaw, Foreigners seem to have queer ways. v [B12] become queer, odd. Ang pagkaláin sa íyang úlu mauy nakakuryúsu (nakapakuryúsu) sa íyang linihukan, A mental disturbance made him behave strangely.

kuryúsu2 n k.o. arum, the roots of which are edible. It is violet and when boiled it gets an even tenderness without becoming soggy.

kuryúsu3 n k.o. spider conch.

kús = kulus.

kusáhus n 1 jerked meat, esp. beef, preserved with spices and dried under the sun. 2 s.t. s.o. used in bathing hung over the line to dry (so called because of the way it grows stiff on the line like jerked meat). v [A; c1] jerk meat, esp. beef.

kúsaw v [A; a1] swish the liquid around. Kusáwa ang anyil sa túbig, Swish the indigo around in the water.

kusay a fast in doing s.t. Kusay kaáyu kang mugamà ug kálù, You are very fast in making hats. Kusay ang úras basta náay kalingawan, Time goes by fast if you’re busy. v [B2; c1] accomplish s.t. rapidly; be, become fast in doing s.t. Ayaw kusaya (ikusay) ang ímung pagkáun kay hituk-an ka, Don’t eat so fast or you’ll choke.

kusbat 1 in a mess, disorder. Kusbat kaáyu ang ímung buhuk kay wà nímu bubhúig brilyantin, Your hair is a mess because you didn’t put any brilliantine in it. 2 having a nasty expression on the face. v 1 [A; a12] tear s.t. apart with the hands or teeth. Mga irù ang mikusbat sa baskit, The dogs tore the basket apart. 2 [AB1; ab4] get in disarray, disordered; cause s.t. to become messy. Kinsay nagkusbat íning butang sa lamísang mu rag giagiag bagyu? Who made this mess on the table? It looks as though a tempest had passed over it. Nagkusbat (gikusbátan) ang íyang nawung sa lápuk, His face was a mess with all the mud. 3 [B; c1] for the face to get a nasty expression on it. Mikusbat ang íyang nawung pagkáun sa aslum, Her face screwed up when she ate the sour stuff.

kusi = kulasísi.

kusì v 1 [AN; a1b2] pinch. Kusiun ku ang ímung ngábil ug magsábà ka, I’ll pinch your lips if you make any noise. 2 [A; b7] pinch off from. Íyang gikusian ug gamay kaáyu ang íyang tsís, She got a very small pinch from her cheese. n action of pinching. (←) v [A; a2] tear, rip. Nakúsì ang ákung sinínà sa alambring tunukun, My shirt got torn on the barbed wire. Ang mangupya kusían sa [524]papil, Whoever copies will have his paper ripped up. kusìkusì v [A; a] tear meat into small shreds. Nagkusìkusì ku sa linat-ang manuk nga pára sa bam-i, I’m tearing the cooked chicken into pieces to mix it with the noodles. paN- v [A] causing a pricking or pinching pain. Nagpangusì ang kagútum sa ákung tiyan, Hunger pangs are pinching my stomach. -in-ay(←) v [C] pinch one another. Dì ta magkinusíay kay sakit, We won’t pinch each other because it’s painful. -in-an n 1 part of the skin which is pinched. 2 manner of pinching. hiN- a fond of pinching s.o.

kusína n kitchen. v [A; a] build a kitchen. paN- v [A2; a] work in the kitchen, esp. preparing foods. Káda pyista sa íla aku giyuy mangusína, Every fiesta I do the cooking at their place. a nothing compared to a place. Kusína lang ang Urmuk sa Sibu, Ormoc City is nothing compared to Cebu City. Kusína lang ning bildínga sa Lúim, This building is nothing compared to the Lu Ym building. duul sa — a close to the powers that be. Nakasulud dáyun siyag trabáhu kay duul ra man sa kusína, He landed a job immediately because he is close to the powers that be. kusiníra n female cook. kusiníru n chef. v [B56; a] be, become a chef. maistru — n head chef.

*kusing way — not having any money at all. Wà giyuy ákù bísag kusing na lang, I don’t have anything, even a single cent.

kúsing n (from singku) five centavos or five pesos (slang). Napildi siyag kúsing sa hantak, He lost five pesos in the game of tossing coins.

kusinilya n a pressure-burner stove using kerosene as fuel. v [A13] cook on such burner.

kusísang = súkà (dialectal).

kusitsa = kutsitsa.

kuskus1 v [A; a] strum a stringed musical instrument. Kinahanglang kuskúsun ug kusug ang sista kay bungul, You must strum the guitar hard because it’s dull. — balúngus making a lot of fuss about s.t., having to meet a lot of useless requirements. Daghang kuskus balúngus ning aplikasiyun. Daghang purma, daghang mga pirma nga way hinungdan, This application involves too much red tape. There are too many forms, too many irrelevant signatures. v [A; a1] put to a lot of needless trouble and red tape. Kuskus balungúsun ang barku ug dílì hiphípan ang tagakustum, The boat won’t be allowed to sail without a lot of red tape if they don’t bribe the customs people. Daghang ikuskus balúngus ug wà kay ikatíngal, They’ll give you a lot of trouble if you don’t have s.t. to bribe them with.

kuskus2 = kaluskus1.

kuslad n host of lice and nits. v [B124; a4] for hair to be infested with lice and nits. Sulúra ang nagkakuslad nga buhuk, Comb the louse-infested hair with a fine comb. Sígi lag pangáwut sa buhuk ang babáying gikuslad, The woman keeps scratching her hair because she is infested with lice.

kusmáut v [B2S] grimace, distort one’s face. Mukusmáut ang nawung sa babáying magbatì, A woman’s face becomes distorted with pain during labor. Nagkusmaut ku sa kabahù, I’m grimacing from the smell. Nakusmáut ang íyang nawung sa ritrátu, Her face is distorted in the picture. (→) a grimacing, frowning.

kusmítik n cosmetic pomade in stick form. v [AN; b] apply stick pomade to the hair.

kusmu v [b6] snort, blow air out through the nose and vocalize at the same time. Gikusmúhan lang ku sa kabáyù, The horse snorted at me. n snort. paN- v [A; b(1)] snort in anger or as a sign of displeasure. Nagpangusmu ang bána sa kalágut nga milakaw ang íyang asáwa, The husband snorted in anger upon hearing that his wife had gone out. Nakapangusmu ku sa kabahù sa patay nga ilagà, I snorted with displeasure at the smell of the dead rat.

kusmud v [B46; c1] pout and frown in displeasure or disapproval. Ayawg kusmúra (ikusmud) nang nawung mu ug dì ka tumánan, Don’t pout when you don’t get what you want.

kusmus n odorless variety of marigold with orange flowers and a single row of wide petals.

kusnit v [A; b6(1)] 1 rip into little pieces, pinch off a tiny portion from s.t. Mikusnit kug gamay sa ímung sinugbang isdà, I pinched off a tiny portion from your broiled fish. Ayaw kusníta ang papil, Don’t rip up the paper. 2 pinch, tweak. Kusníta ang íyang dunggan ug dì mamínaw, Tweak her ears if she doesn’t listen. n 1 action of ripping or pinching. 2 amount pinched off from. kusnitkusnit v [A; a1] pinch s.t. softly many times over a surface to tickle or caress. Duha ka babáyi ang mikusnitkusnit (nagkusnitkusnit) sa íyang áping didtu sa bar, Two women were pecking at his cheeks in the bar. -in-an n thing s.o. pinched. Nagdugù ang ímung kinusnitan, The part of the skin that you pinched is bleeding.

kusnut a wrinkled, crumpled. Kusnut na kaáyu ning ákung sinínà, My clothes are very [525]wrinkled. v 1 [a] wrinkle, crumple. Sa ákung kalágut gikusnut ku dáyun ang ákung papil, In my anger I immediately crumpled my paper. 2 disarrange hair. Ayawg kusnúta ang ímung buhuk, Don’t rumple your hair. 3 [AN; ab2] take hold of s.o. with a pinch and a twist. Mukusnut (mangusnut) ra ba ku dáyun kun akuy maglágut, I readily take hold and pinch when I am provoked. n wrinkle in cloth, paper, and the like.

kuspag a for the hair to be in disarray. Kuspag pa ang íyang buhuk. Bag-u tingáling nagmata, Her hair was still in disarray. She must have just woke up. v [B; c1] for the hair to get dishevelled.

kuspidur n cuspidor.

kustabli n member of the Philippine Constabulary. v [B16; a2] be, become a member of the Philippine Constabulary. kakustablíhan n constabulary. -s = kustabli (plural).

kustabularya = kunstabularya.

kustanyíra n irregular slabs of wood which have been cut off from the ends and sides of a log when it was squared off for sawing into lumber.

kustǎr1 v [A] be worth, cost. Kining klasíha mukustǎr ug dus míl, This kind costs two thousand.

kustǎr2 v [A2] last, take a certain length of time. Mukustǎr ug dúgay ang karni basta ibutang sa ripridyirítur, Meat will stay fresh long if you keep it in the refrigerator. Makakustǎr sigúru ug dúgay ang pag-imbistigar sa krímin, The investigation of the crime may well take a long time. Kustahan giyud siyag tagurha ka túig sa íyang sapátus, His shoes last him two years.

kustiyáda, kustiyar v [A12N; c] go, travel to another place for a purpose. Mangustiyáda (mangustiyar) silag panugal, They go to other places to gamble. Nagkustiya (nagkustiyáda) sila sa kabaryúhan ug pamaligyag panaptun, They traveled to the rural areas to sell dress material. paN- v 1 [A2; c] venture into some undertaking. Nangustiyáda (nangustiyar) siyag apil sa banggà sa áwit, He ventured to participate in the singing contest. Kining kantidára ígù nang ipangustiyáda (ipangustiyar) ug nigusyu, This amount is enough to venture into business with. 2 [A2; a12] make efforts, do whatever it takes. Sa kawad-un mangustiyáda giyud ta arun mabúhì, Because of our poverty we must do whatever is necessary to make ends meet. n 1 going to other places for a purpose. 2 venturing to do s.t. 3 efforts expended to achieve s.t. kustiyadur a one who ventures to go out to other places with a purpose.

kustiyun = kwistiyun, n 2, 3; v 2, 3.

kustum n 1 customs bureau. taga- n people who work for the customs bureau.

kustumbri n 1 customs, established practice of a group. Kustumbri dinhi sa upisínang mangadyì úsà mutrabáhu, It is a custom in our office to say a prayer before we begin work. Kustumbri sa mga Pilipínu nga muamin sa mga tigúlang, It is the custom of Filipinos to kiss the hands of their old folks. 2 characteristic nature of an individual. Ngil-ad ug kustumbri nang babayhána, bintahúsa, That woman has a bad character. She takes advantage of others.

kustumir n 1 customer in a store. 2 customer in a night club or bawdy house. v [A12; b8] have as a customer. Nakakustumir siyag kulat-ugun, She got a customer that had syphilis.

kustumri = kustumbri.

kusturíra n a seamstress. v [B156; b6] be, become a dressmaker. Magkusturíra ag inyung baklà, Your son, who is a pansy, wants to become a seamstress.

kusug a 1 fast, rapid. Kusug mudágan ang trín, The train travels fast. Kusug kaáyu ang dágan sa úras, Time flies very quickly. 2 loud, heavy or forceful motion. Kusug ang butu sa luthang, The bamboo cannon gave out a loud boom. Kusug kaáyu ang pagkahagbà ni Sísar, Caesar fell with a hard thug. Kusug nga bundak sa uwan, Heavy downpour. 3 selling brisk. Kusug kaáyu ang pálit áning tindahána, This store does a brisk business. 4 avid doer of s.t. Kusug siyang mangulikta ug silyu, He is fond of collecting stamps. Kusug siyang mukáug mangga, He loves to eat mangoes. v [AB3; c1] 1 do s.t. fast, rapidly, become fast, rapid; cause s.t. to do so. Mikusug siya paglakaw kay nalít na siya, She walked quickly as she was already late. Kinsa may nagkusug ug patúyuk sa bintiladur? Who made the electric fan turn very fast? Nakusug (mikusug) ang pag-andar sa makina, The engine started to revolve faster. 2 do s.t. in a loud, heavy way; become loud, heavy. Kusga (ikusug) pagsulti kay bungul nang ímung gikaatúbang, Talk loudly because the person you are conversing with is deaf. Dílì ni makakusug hangína, This won’t develop into a strong wind. 2a [A12] have strength to do s.t. Káun pag-áyu arun makakusug kag dáru, Eat well so you’ll have the strength to plow. 3 [B2; b(1)] for sales to become brisk. Ang pálit sa dulyar mauy gikusúgan [526]karun, Dollar-buying is brisk business nowadays. 4 [B2; b4] do s.t. avidly, at a rate more than normal. Mukusug siyag káun basta ganáhan, He eats plenty if he feels like it. Gidalì pagtabang ang bag-ung nanganak kay gikusgan sa dugù, The woman who has just delivered was treated as an emergency case because she was bleeding fast. n 1 dynamic strength, force. Wà na kuy kusug itrabáhu tungud sa kagútum, I have lost my strength to work because of hunger. 2 muscle. Nangugdal ang kusug sa barbiládu, The weight lifter’s muscles bulged. paN- v [A2; b(1)] 1 exert strength, do s.t. energetically. Nangusug siyang miupunir sa ákung musiyun, He opposed my motion energetically. Wà maalsa ang lamísa kay wà ku makapangusug, I didn’t lift the table because I didn’t exert enough effort. Pangusgi pagpugung ang bátà arun dì kadágan, Hold the child securely so he can’t run away. 2 tense one’s muscles. Ayaw pangusug ug indyiksiyunan ka, Don’t tense your muscles if you are injected. hiN-(←) v [A13N; b(1)] do s.t. as quickly as one can, putting all one’s energy into it. Naghingúsug (nanghingúsug) mi sa pagtiwas niíni dáyun, We are putting all our efforts into finishing this right away. Hayáhay sila samtang nanghingúsug pa ang ílang tindáhan, They lived in comfort as long as their store continued at its height of activity. Sa paghingúsug sa kampanya daghang mga ginamus ang nayagyag, At the height of the campaign, we witnessed lots of dirty linen being washed in public. kusgan a strong. Gamay apan kusgan, He is small but strong. gi-un, kakusgun n 1 speed. 2 loudness or intensity. 3 briskness of sales. pa-(←) n 1 contest of strength. Ang barbil pakúsug, Weight-lifting is a sport that involves a contest of strength. 2 rough play. v [A13] play rough.

kusukúsu v 1 [A; a] rumple or rub s.t. in the hands. Kusukusúha ang papil nga iílu, Rub the paper to soften it so you can use it for toilet paper. 1a [A; b5] rub to remove dirt or stains in washing. Kusukusúhag (kusukusúhig) maáyu ang sinabunan, Rub the clothes vigorously after you soap them. 1b [A; a] rub in washing the hair. Kusukusúha ang buhuk arun mubulag maáyu ang syampu, Rub it well so that the shampoo will get nice and foamy. 1c [A; a12] twirl the beater in the palms to beat a chocolate drink. 2 [A; a12] treat s.t. violently. Gikusukúsu ang kalubihan sa kusug hángin, The coconut grove was lashed by the violent wind. Kusukusúhun ku kanang ímung bátang lampingásan, I’ll give that naughty child of yours a sound thrashing. 2a [a12] beat soundly in a game. Gikusukúsu námù ang ílang tím, We thrashed their team soundly. n = buluníyu.

kusung a for cloth or thin sheets to be wrinkled, crumpled, creased. Ayawg sulati nang papíla kay kusung kaáyu, Don’t write on that paper. It’s all crumpled. v [A; a] wrinkle, crumple. Kining panaptúna húmuk kaáyung makusung, This k.o. material wrinkles easily. Dì na ku musul-ub ning sinináa. Gikusungan na ku niíni, I won’t wear this dress any more. It looks so crumpled to me.

kút n coat. — an tay n coat and tie outfit. v [A] wear a coat.

kúta n quota, a certain quantity assigned to be met. v [A13; b6(1)] give s.o. a quota. Gikutáhan mig tagnapúlù ka tíkit, We were given a quota of ten tickets to sell.

kútà n fort. v [A1; a] make a fort.

kútab = kátab.

kutána v [a1] ask a question, inquire about. Kutan-a siyag unsa ni, Ask her what this is. paN- v [A; b5] ask a question, inquire about. Nangutána ang kustumir sa prisyu, The customer asked about the price. Syárug wà tay kapangutan-an (mapangutána) nga uturidad sa panulat, We could surely ask s.o. who is an authority on writing. Unsay ímung ipangutána? What would you like to ask? n question, asking. mapangutan-un a questioning, showing curiosity.

kutang1 v [A; b6] faint. Mikutang si Pí pagkabasa sa tiligráma, Fe fainted upon reading the telegram. Ínit kaáyu didtu sa kwartung íyang gikutangan, It was hot inside the room where she fainted.

kutang2 v [B] for s.t. that flows or blows to lessen in intensity. Manágat tag mukutang na ang hángin, Let’s go fishing once the wind stops blowing. Turniki ra ang nakakutang (nakapakutang) sa dugù sa íyang samad, The tourniquet caused the flow from her wound to stop.

kutang3 = gutang.

kutas1 a 1 panting for breath from exhaustion. Kutas bayà kaáyu. Ayaw giyud kug sugúa, I’m so exhausted. Don’t make me do anything yet. 2 causing s.o. to run out of breath. Kutas trabahúa, Terrible hard work that makes you pant. v [A123P; b4] cause to be gasping or panting for breath. Gikutasan lang kug inagpas nímu, I was panting from trying to catch up with you. pa- v [A; b(1)] work s.t. till it pants for breath. Ayaw pakutasi ang kábaw. Tangtangig palunánga, Don’t work the carabao till it’s panting. Unhitch it and let it wallow from time [527]to time. paN- v [b4] be severely short of breath. hiN- v [A13] gasp for breath when one is dying. Ang aláut nga masakitun naghingutas na, The patient is exerting great effort to catch his breath. ka- n hard breathing. -l-an(←) n prone to running out of breath.

kutas2 a hungry. Mangáun na ta kay kutas kaáyu, Let’s eat now because I’m very hungry. v [B2; b4] feel, be hungry. Gikutasan na tingáli nang bátà, The child must be hungry now.

kutat v [B; b4] abate, for a flow to weaken. Salámat kay mikutat na ang bagyu, Thank heavens, the wind has finally abated. Mikutat ang gátas sa inahan, The mother’s milk gave out. Walay pagkutat ang ági sa mga táwu sa háyà, The flow of people that passed by the bier did not subside. Ug kutatan ta sa bahà, mutabuk ta, When the flood subsides, we can cross.

kútaw v [A; a] 1 stir two liquids or a liquid and powder around to mix them. Kutáwag maáyu ang pintal, Stir the paint up well. Kutáwi ra kug niskapi, Please mix me some instant coffee. 2 stir up water and disturb it. Nakútaw ang dágat tungud sa kusug nga hángin, The sea was stirred up in the strong winds. 3 get disturbed, confused. Suliran nga mikútaw sa ákung hunàhúnà, Problems that disturbed my thoughts. Makútaw ang kalínaw sa panimalay kun magbisyu ang bána, The peace in the family will get disrupted if the husband takes up a vice. 4 — ang líbug v [B; c1] be confused or worried as to what to do. Nagkútaw ang ákung líbug ug diin tu nákù ikabutang ang ákung rilu, I’m confused as to where I could have put my watch. Nakútaw ang ákung líbug nímu, I don’t know what to do about you. (→) n stirrer.

kutay v 1 [A1; c] string a line from one point to another. Nagkutay kug písì pára hayháyan, I tied a rope for the clothesline. Ikutay ang mga bumbilya sa duha ka halígi, String the light bulbs up between the two posts. 2 [B146; c] place, arrange things in line. Nagkutay siyag batu daplin sa alagían, He lined the pathway with stones. Nagkutay ang mga pumapálit sa tíkit, The people buying tickets were standing in a long line. n 1 line; row of. Ang kutay sa bungtud milagbas sa duha ka baryu, The range of mountains stretches across the two barrios. Naputul ang kutay sa íyang hunàhúnà pagkadungug sa butu, The trend of his thought was interrupted when he heard the explosion. 2 rope.

kuthan see kutu.

kuti a 1 intricate, requiring close attention and exactness. Kuti kaáyu ang pagburda sa kamut, Hand embroidery is very intricate work. 1a intricate and thus tiresome. Kuti kaáyung pitsipitsing atubangun, Tiresome little details to take care of. 2 thoroughly done, with attention to doing details. Makuting imbistigasiyun, A thorough investigation. — báru trouble, bother. Kuti báru kaáyu ang paghímug hamun, It’s a nuisance to make ham. v [A13B12; a2] become intricate, complicated. kutikúti v [A; a12] going into small details, fussing over minor details. Ang ámung agáwun mukutikúti giyud ug inspiksiyun sa ámung ági, Our master inspects our output to the minutest detail. n fuss, bother. a inquisitive about every aspect of a thing. Kutikúti siyang pagkabátà, sígi lang pangutána, He is a very inquisitive child. He keeps asking questions. kutikutihan a fussy, paying attention to small details. makutíhun a doing things with great attention to details. Makutíhung tukì, A very detailed investigation. kutiháwu a meticulous, extremely or excessively careful in details. Pulídu ang íyang búhat kay kutiháwu kaáyu, Her work is highly polished because she’s very meticulous. v [B12] be very meticulous over details. Ug dì ka makutiháwu daghang sayup nga mulusut, If you don’t get fussy over details lots of errors will make their way into the work.

kúti = kasing.

kútib v [B3(1); c1] for the lips to move rapidly as in mumbling or eating. Mikútib (nakútib) ang bàbà sa tigúlang nga nangadyì, The woman’s lips are moving fast in prayer. Bàbà nga nagkutib sa pagkináug pakwan, A mouth moving rapidly, chewing watermelon seeds.

kutíhu n list of winning numbers in a raffle or draw. v [A; c1] compare the list of winners against one’s tickets. Dúna kuy tíkit nga ákung ikutíhu (kutihúun), I have a ticket that I will compare to the list of winning numbers.

kútiks n 1 sanitary napkin, so called from the brand name Kotex. 2 nail polish so called from the brand name Cutex. v 1 [A1] wear a sanitary napkin. 2 [A] polish fingernails, wear a certain k.o. fingernail polish. paN- v [A2] polish one’s nails. Mangútiks ku kay mamista, I’m going to polish my nails because I’m going to the fiesta.

kútil n drink consisting of palm toddy (tubà) mixed with eggs and/or hot chocolate. v [A; a] 1 mix a strong drink with a non-intoxicating [528]beverage, esp. palm toddy with eggs and/or hot chocolate. Káda buntag sayu magkútil giyud siyag itlug, tubà ug sikwáti, Early every morning he drinks an egg-cocktail. 1a mix any sort of drink. Magkútil kug gátas pára sa bátà, I will mix a formula for the baby. 2 [B125; a12] for the mind to get all disturbed or confused. Nakútil ang ákung úlu pagpininsar unsay ibáyad, My mind is in a whirl thinking of how to pay. kutilkútil, -in- = kútil, n.

kutim v [A; a1] nibble small hard seeds. Paspas mukutim ug humay ang ilagà, Rats nibble rice grains fast. Kutima ang pakwan, Chew on the dried melon seeds.

kuting1 n kitten.

kuting2 n bedbug. v [a4] be infested with bedbugs. Gikuting ang mga silya sa sinihan, The seats in the movie house are infested with bedbugs. -un a infested with bedbugs. Kutingun kaáyu ning katríha, This bed is very much infested with bedbugs.

kúting n coat of paint.

kutingkuting n sound of the strumming or plucking of the strings of musical instruments. Náa tingáli mangharána kay náa may kutingkuting, There must be some serenaders now. I seem to hear the strumming of strings. v 1 [A2; a1] sound a stringed instrument by plucking or strumming. 2 [a12] have lots of little things to do. Daghan pa kug kutingkutingun sa báy, I have lots of little things to do in the house. n things one might collect or little things to do.

kútir = kútil.

kútis n skin texture, fineness of complexion. v [A12] get a certain k.o. complexion. Makakútis lang kug sáma sa ímu, If I only could have a complexion like yours!

kutítub a 1 given to talking, loquacious. Ang babáying kutítub bísag sa simbahan magpúnayg tabì, A talkative woman keeps babbling away, even in church. 2 given to talking back, murmuring against, or making lots of unpleasant, irritating remarks. Kutítub nang batáa. Ug kasab-an mutubag giyud, That child is big-mouthed. He talks back when you scold him. v [B12; b6] 1 become talkative. 2 be given to talking back, murmuring, or making lots of unpleasant remarks.

kutkut v 1 [A; a] scrape off s.t. hard by rubbing on it back and forth. Kutkúta ang takuling sa kaldíru, Scrape off the soot on the pot. 2 [A; ab2] paw s.t. up, dig s.t. up like a dog. Daliag kutkut ang kamúti, Dig up the sweet potatoes fast. Gikutkut sa irù ang gilubung nga bukug, The dog dug up the buried bones. 2a befriend a person for what one can get out of him, be a gold digger. Gikutkut lang ang byúda sa palikíru, The gigolo was just getting what he could out of the widow. 3 [AN; a] scratch an itch. Nangutkut siya sa íyang úlu, He scratched his head. Kutkútun ku ning katul sa ákung tiil, I will scratch this itch on my feet. 4 [AN; a] gnaw. Nalúngag ang bungbung nga gikutkut sa balagtuk, Some rats gnawed a hole into the wall. Gikutkut ang ákung tiyan sa kagútum, Hunger gnawed at my stomach. -in-, -ag-, -inag- n sound of gnawing. -in-an n gnawed part of the thing, having a gnawed part. Ang kapáyas nga hinug dúnay kinutkutan sa kabug, The ripe papaya has a hole where the bat pecked on it.

kutlì v [A; ab2] break off s.t. soft by twisting it between the thumb and index finger. Kutlía ang mga bátung, Break up the string beans into small pieces.

kutlig v [A; a] detach or pick s.t. tiny between the fingers or teeth with a quick twisting or snapping motion. Mikutlig si Tátay ug tabákù nga íyang gimaskáda, Father bit off a piece of tobacco to chew. Kutlíga lang ang mga udlut. Ayawg gabnúta, Just pick the young leaves gently. Don’t rip them off.

kutlù v 1 [A; a] break off a flower, leaf, seed stalk, bud carefully. Ángay na bang kutlúun ning buláka? Is this flower right to pluck? Kutlúag udlut ang tabákù arun mudagkù ang dáhun, We pluck the buds off the tobacco plant so the leaves will get bigger. 1a reach for the stars (literary). Kutlúun ku ang mga bitúun tungud kanímu, I’ll pluck the stars for you. 2 [AN; a2] pick out a quotation, take s.t. from a certain source. Sirmun nga gikutlù gíkan sa Salmu, Sermon taken from the Book of Psalms. Ay in is ang kutlúan níla sa balità, They get their news from the I.N.S. (International News Service). -in- n quotation, s.t. gotten from a certain source. paN- n action of harvesting rice.

kúts n coach, usually for a team. v 1 [A; b6] coach a team. Way nagkúts sa ákung diklamasiyun, Nobody coached me for my declamation. Unsang tíma ang ímung gikutsan? What team are you coaching? 2 [B156; a12] be a coach. Nakúts siya sa ámung tím sa baskitbul, He used to be our basketball coach.

kutsára n tablespoon. Gáwì sa kutsára ug tinidur igkáun nímu, Use a spoon and fork when you eat. v 1 [a] eat with a tablespoon. [529]Kutsaráhun diay ang kúkis? Are you going to eat the cookies with a spoon? 2 [A; a12] spoon s.t. out. Kutsaráha ang harína, Get the flour out with a spoon. Gikutsára sa duktur ang gilúgus, The doctor took a spoonful of secretion from the girl that had been raped. paN- v [A2] use a tablespoon on s.t., eat with a tablespoon. kutsaríta n 1 teaspoon. 2 k.o. fleshy ornamental herbs grown for their colorful leaves as a border plant: Alternanthera spp. v [A13; a] use, eat with a teaspoon. kutsarun n ladle, large serving spoon. Kutsarun ang isanduk sa linúgaw, Use a ladle to scoop out the porridge. v 1 [A1; a1] dip out with a ladle. 2 [b6] provide with a serving spoon or ladle. Kutsaruni ang sabaw inigsilbi nímu, Provide a ladle for the soup when you serve it.

kutsi n car, automobile. v 1 [A13; a2] ride in a car, use as a car. Kutsíhun pa giyud nà nga kaduul ra niánà? Do you need to go there by car when it is so near? 2 [A12] get an automobile.

kutsilyu n table or kitchen knife. v 1 [b5] use a kitchen knife. Kutsilyúha (kutsilyúhi) ang litsun, Cut up the roast pig. 2 [b] supply with a table knife. paN- v [A2] use a knife. Ang mga Amirikánu nga magkaun mangutsilyu giyud, When the Americans eat, they are sure to use knives. huwis di- n massacre.

kutsína = kutsínu2 (female).

kutsinta = pútu kutsinta. see pútu1.

kutsínu1 a unthinking about small but important details. Kutsínu ning mutsatsáha kay nagbáli ang kutsára ug tinidur, What a careless maid. Her mind must be in the clouds because she put the tablespoons and forks on the table backwards. v [B1245; b6] doing things without thinking. Nagkakutsínu siya nga síging naghunàhúnà ug piknik, He doesn’t think about what he is doing because his mind is on the picnic.

kutsínu2 a dirty in one’s habits. Kutsínung bataána, nagkupaykúpay sa íyang linúgaw, That child has dirty habits. He plays with his porridge. v [B12; b6] be, become uncleanly or dirty in one’s habits. Gikutsináhan ku nímu dà, dúgay kang mag-ílis, I think you’re a slob because you rarely change your clothes.

kutsínu3 a be the one in a group that fails to do s.t. Kutsínu ang way kwarta, dì kauban, Whoever doesn’t have any money will be left out. He cannot come along. v [B126; a2] fail to do s.t. that others in a group get to do. Makutsínu ang maulahig mata, dì na kapamahaw, Whoever wakes up late will be left out. He won’t have any breakfast. Nakutsínu siya kay wà makatápus sa pagtuun, She wound up the only one who didn’t finish her studies.

kutsíru n rig, coach driver. v [A3; a2] be a rig driver. Kinsa may nagkutsíru sa ímung tartanilya? Who is the driver of the rig you were riding on? paN- v [A2; b(1)] be a rig driver by occupation. Wà may láing pangítà, mangutsíru na lang siya, He has no other job, so he just drives a rig. n the occupation of rig driving.

kutsítis n small snap fasteners on clothing. v [A; b] attach snap fastener on s.t. paN- v [A2] fasten one’s snaps. Milakaw siya nga wà makapangutsítis sa kílid, She went out without snapping up her sides.

kutsitsa n 1 crop, harvest. Ikaduha kining kutsitsa námù karung tuíga, This is our second harvest this year. 2 amount harvested. Gamay ra tung kutsitsa, It was a small harvest. v 1 [A; b(1)] have [so-and-so] many crops. Mukutsitsa kamig katulu sa usa ka túig, We can have as many as three harvests a year. 2 [A; c6] raise, plant a certain crop. Gustu ka bang mukutsitsa ug kurikit karung timpúha? How would you like to raise kurikit rice this season?

kutsu n k.o. women’s slipper, made of thick soles and solid cloth or leather end. v [A1; c6] wear this sort of slipper.

kutsukutsu v [A; b3] make a lot of fuss, ado about s.t. Nagkutsukutsu siya kay gamay ra ang íyang báhin, He is making a fuss because he only got a small share. n fuss.

kutsun n cushion. v [A1; a] use, have, be provided with a cushion, make into cushions, use as cushions. di- having cushions. Dikutsun giyud ang ílang mga lingkuránan, Their seats are all upholstered or have cushions.

kutu v [b4N] be extremely hungry. Gikuthan (gipanguthan) na ku sa pinaábut nga malútù ang paniudtu, I’m starved waiting for lunch to be cooked. kutukutu n pit of the stomach. v [a12] hit in the pit of the stomach. Gikutukutu nákù siya pagsumbag, I hit him in the solar plexus.

kútu1 n head louse. v [a4] be infested with head lice. Kutúun ka giyud ug dì ka malígù, You will get infested with lice if you don’t bathe. hiN- v [AN; b6(1)] delouse the head. Hingut-i (hingutúhi) ang bátà kay síging paniksik, Delouse the child because she keeps scratching her head. hingut-ánay v [C; c3] pick each other’s lice. kutuhun, kutuun 1 infested with lice. 2 for a woman to have [530]the karapáta, a k.o. louse spread by sexual contact. Ayawg paduul ánang bayhána kay kutuun nà, Don’t get near that woman. She is full of lice in the genitals. v [B1256] become a woman of this sort.

kútu2 v [A] cut down, hold back on doing s.t. Mikútu siya sa íyang pagkáun ug bábuy tungud sa íyang prisiyun, He is restricting his intake of pork because of his high blood pressure. Kinahanglan giyud nga kutúhan (kuthan) nátù ang átung paggastu, We have to limit our spending. (→) n action of restraining oneself.

kútù1 a fast in doing s.t. or getting s.t. done. Kútù siyang mulálag banig, She weaves mats quickly. v [B3; c1] do s.t. rapidly. Makútù (mukútù) ang dágan ánang rilúha ug yawíhan, That watch runs fast when you wind it. Ug ímung kutúun (ikútù) pagsulti, dì ku makasabut nímu, When you talk rapidly, I can’t make out anything you say.

kútù2 n creak or cracking sound. v [A2; a12] creaking or cracking noise. Mikútù ang salug nga kawáyan sa ákung pagtunub, The bamboo floor creaked as I stepped on it. Mikútù ang sanga, dáyung kabálì, The branch made a cracking sound and then broke. kutùkutù v [A] make a crackling noise. Mukutùkutù ang sitsarun inig-úsap, Fried pork rinds make a crackling noise when you chew them.

kutub a having wrinkles sewn into it. v [B6] for sewing to come out so that wrinkles appear in unintended places. Mukutub (makutub) ang buktun sa ímung sinínà ug dì nímu ilagdà, The sleeves of your dress will come out wrinkled if you sew them directly without basting them.

kútub 1 as far as a certain point in space or time. Kútub ang karsáda sa Bukánu, The road reaches as far as Bocano. Kining trabahúa kútub ra sa Disimbri, This job will last only to December. Ása kútub kining dalána? Where does this road go up to? 1a — sa [word referring to action] only as much as doing, no more than. Kútub ra sa paghisgut, way líhuk, They only went so far as to discuss it. They didn’t take any action. 2 as much as. Gikúhà níla kútub sa ílang madala, They took as much as they could carry. 2a whatever, anyone. Patákà ka lag tubag kútub sa ímung mahunàhunaan, You just take a stab saying whatever enters your head. 3 — karun starting now. Kútub karun dì na ka mamisíta nákù, From now on don’t visit me any more. -in-an, kinutbánan n end, limit. Walay kinutúban ning ákung pag-antus, My suffering has no end. v [B2456] last, go as far as. Basta mukútub ra sa háluk, way piligru, As long as it does not go beyond kissing, there’s no danger. Ug mukútub sa alas utsu ang prugráma, makapanini pa ka, If the program doesn’t last later than eight o’clock, you still have time to go to the show.

kutubkutub n throbbing, low, booming sound. Kutubkutub sa lansa, The put-put of the launch. v 1 [A] make a low throbbing or booming sound from a distance. 2 [A; a12] mumble words incoherently. Sugúun gánì nà siya, mukutubkutub dáyun ang bàbà, When you ask her to do s.t., she immediately starts mumbling under her breath. Dì makláru ang pangadyì kay nagkutubkutub lang ang bàbà, You can’t understand the prayers because they are just mumbled.

kutud v [B; b4] for liquids to slow down or stop flowing at the source. Mikutud na ang tubud, The stream dried up. Sustinihi lag pananggut ug dì pa makakutud ang buluk, Keep getting the juice from the bud before it stops flowing. Nagkakutud na giyud ang ákung gátas, My milk is growing less and less in quantity. Gikutdan na ang gúma, The rubber tree has ceased giving latex.

kutukkutuk = kurukutuk1.

kutul v [A; ab7] pinch s.t. hard with the thumb and the index finger. Kutulun (kutlun) ta ka ug dì ka mamínaw, I’ll pinch you if you don’t listen. Ayawg kutli ang kík, Don’t pinch anything off that cake.

kutuy v 1 [A; a] pinch a comparatively small area of the skin, esp. with the nail of the thumb and a finger. Mikutuy siya sa ákung buktun ágig paráyig, She pinched my arm as a sign of affection. 2 [B146] feel a sharp, steady pain in the stomach or pangs of hunger. Wà man gud kuy pamáhaw, nagkutuy na ang ákung tiyan, I’ve had no breakfast, so I’m having hunger pangs now.

kuub a bent forward in body posture. Ságad sa mga tigúlang kuub ug láwas, Most old people have bent bodies. v 1 [B1; c1P] be bent forward. Nagkuub ang ímung láwas. Itísu, Your body is bent forward. Straighten up. 2 [AB] be lying face down, place s.t. face down. Nakuub ang bátà sa salug, The child was lying face down on the floor. Ikuub (kuuba) ang mga kaldíru, Place the pots face down. (←)1 v = kuub, v2.

kúub2 v [A; b] snuggle up under a blanket of the like. Mikúub ku sa hábul pagtunghà sa kág, I curled up in a blanket when the ghost appeared. Gikuúban sa himungáan [531]ang íyang mga pisù, The mother hen covered her chicks with her wings.

kúug v 1 [B346] for the head to move to and fro or up and down with short, rapid movements. Mikúug ang úlug dinágan, His head shook as he ran. 2 [A23] go away hurriedly without turning the head to any direction but forward. Mikúug lang siyag lakaw, wà gánì ku hulata, She went out straight away without waiting for me. kuugkuug v [B146] shake involuntarily, as with weakness or disease. Magkuugkuug nga maglakaw ang paralitiku, A paralytic trembles when he walks.

kúul n k.o. edible bubble shell.

kúum v [B246] double up in pain, esp. as a result of a blow in the solar plexus. Mikúum ku dihang naigù ku sa kutukutu, I doubled up in pain when I received a blow in the pit of the stomach.

kúup n canteen in school or small business establishment run on a cooperative, non-profit basis.

kuupirar v [A2; b] cooperate, do s.t. to facilitate the accomplishment. Mikuupirar ang mga ginikánan sa pagpamaligyà sa tíkit, The parents cooperated with their children helping them sell tickets. Mabungkag ang punduk ug dì mukuupirar ang tanan, The group will be dissolved if everybody doesn’t cooperate. kuupirasiyun n cooperation.

kuurdinadur n coordinator. v [B156] become a coordinator.

kuurdinasiyun n coordination.

kúut v [A; a] 1 thrust one’s hand into a small place to fish s.t. out or just feel it. Mikúut siya sa íyang bulsa pagtan-aw ug náa pa bay sinsilyu, He felt around in his pocket to see if he had any more change. Kuútun sa duktur ang bátà ug maglísud ang pag-anak, The doctor pulls the baby out if it is a difficult delivery. 2 pick a pocket or handbag. Gikuútan ku. Wà gánì kuy ikapamilíti, My pocket was picked. I don’t even have carfare. 3 do s.t. underhanded, pull strings to get s.t. done. Kuútun kung ímung aplikasiyun arun madáwat, I’ll pull some strings with your application to make sure it is accepted. 4 [A; a12] fall back on s.t. Maáyu gánì nga dúna tay gamayng tinipígang makúut, It’s a good thing that we have some small savings to fall back on. 5 [A; a12] tap s.o. to liquidate him. Gikúut ang impurmir sa mga girilyista, The guerrillas tapped the informer for liquidation. 6 [AN; ab2] touch s.o.’s genitals. Kuúta lang ug gustu ka, Go ahead and touch it if you want to. 7 [A12; c1] get in a blow or a shot in basketball under difficult circumstances. Bísag maáyung gwardiya kuútun ni Martiris, Martires can outmaneuver the best of guards. paN- n 1 pickpocketing. 2 catching of sea life by sticking the hands into holes or crevices. kuutkúut n getting in shots or blows under difficult circumstances. -l-un(→) a intricate, difficult. Kuutun ning prublimáha. Dílì ni masulbad, This is a difficult problem. We can’t solve it. Kuutun na kaáyu ang túbig sa bangà kay hápit na mahurut, The water in the jar is very difficult to reach because it’s almost gone. Kuutun kaáyu ang mga tapuy nga íyang gigámit, He uses very difficult chords. Kuluutung nutáha, A difficult-to-reach note. — sa kuluutun manage to do s.t. difficult by exerting oneself to the utmost (reach in to get the things difficult to get). Bída ning may ámut, unyà way kwarta. Makakúut ta sa kuluutun, God! When they take up a collection, if we don’t have money, we have to come up with it somehow. maN-r-(→) n pickpocket.

kuuykuuy a feeble, trembling with weakness. v [B146] become trembly with weakness. Nagkuuykuuy siya sa katiguwangun, He’s shaking all the time because he is so old.

kuwa- for words beginning with kuwa- see also kula- and kwa-.

kuwak = miriku, n.

kuwan = kuan (dialectal).

kuwing n guinea pig.

kuyabug n 1 nestling, a young bird that has not abandoned its nest. a 1a neophyte, a beginner at s.t. Usa lang ku ka kuyabug nga magsusúlat, I am only an amateur writer. 1b young and inexperienced person. Ayawg sagbat sa isturya sa mga dagkù kay kuyabug ka pa, Do not butt into the conversation of your elders because you are still a child. 2 mistress, concubine. Mahal níya ang íyang kuyabug kay sa asáwa, He loves his mistress more than his wife. paN- v [A2] hunt for nestlings.

kuyáig v [AB16; c] scatter s.t. that had been in one place, usually such that it makes a sound. Ang mga irù mauy mikuyáig sa mga sagbut gíkan sa basurahan, The dogs scattered the garbage that was in the trash can. Nakuyáig ang básu nga nahagbung sa simintu, The drinking glass fell on the cement floor and broke to pieces all over the place.

kuyákin = nakinnákin.

kuyákiw v [A; b6] wag back and forth. Mikuyákiw ang íkug ni Bantay pagkakità nákù, Rover wagged his tail when he saw me. Ang putul nga íkug sa tikì nagkuyákiw sa salug, The severed part of the lizard’s tail wriggled [532]on the floor.

kuyaknit = kulaknit.

kuyamad n newly-hatched head louse (kútu). a young, innocent, and inexperienced. Ayawg salga ánang buháta kay mga kuyamad pa mu, Don’t go in that work yet, young and innocent as you are. paN- v [A2N] turn into a small louse. Siksíkun ang mga lusà sa dì pa manguyamad, Pick out the nits before they hatch into little lice.

kuyámang v 1 [A2S; b] for insects to crawl. Mikuyámang ang básul sa ákung buktun, The caterpillar crawled on my arm. 2 [A; b(1)] spread slowly to an area. Mikuyámang sa Sugbu ang pamúhat ug lílas, Film-making spread slowly in Cebu. 3 [A23; b(1)] creep deep through one’s feelings. Ang kalalim sa íyang haluk mikuyámang sa ákung kinahiladman, The sweetness of his kisses crept through my innermost senses.

kuyamas n long and sharp fingernails, claws of a bird, crab, etc. Hikawrasan ku sa kuyamas sa iring, I got scratched by the sharp claws of the cat.

kuyámis n 1 the soft parts in a young coconut at a stage prior to the formation of meat (pútut) where the insides are edible and not bitter. Most coconuts are bitter when young (pútut), but there are varieties which have edible insides at this stage. 2 a variety of coconut with orange-colored outside husk, smaller in size than the ordinary coconut.

kuyámud v [A; c1] get an expression of distaste or dislike on the face. Mikuyámud siya sa aslum nga sambag, She puckered her face at the sour tamarind. Ayaw ug kuyamúra (ikuyámud) ang ímung nawung ug sugúun ka, Don’t get a nasty expression on your face when I tell you to do s.t.

kuyámug = dalínug.

kuyamuy = kulamuy.

kuyánap v [A; b(1)] spread all over an area, for emotions or feelings to creep over one. Ang katugnaw mingkuyánap sa tibuuk kung kalawásan, The cold spread throughout my body. Nagkuyánap lang ang mga nagkalainláing mga bágun sa ílang tugkaran, All different kinds of vines spread over his yard. Gikuyanápan ang ákung kasingkásing sa túmang kaguul, My heart is overwhelmed with grief.

kuyap n 1 fainting spell. Magpalit kug ítir kay tambal nà sa kuyap, I’ll buy a bottle of ether, as a medicine for dizzy spells. 2 a condition of slight nausea and drowsiness caused by eating certain foods, esp. greasy ones. v [A123P; b4] 1 faint. Gikuyapan ang babáyi nga napunáwan sa dugù, The woman fainted from loss of blood. 2 feel slight nausea and drowsiness after eating s.t. Kuyapan ku ug mukáun ug tinunuan, I feel somewhat nauseous and drowsy when I eat food cooked in coconut milk. -l-an(←) n prone to fainting.

kuyapì a 1 for fruit or seed to develop in a faulty way such that there is no flesh. Kuyapì kaáyu ang mga ságing. Wà kaáyuy unud, The bananas are very thin. There’s not much flesh to them. 2 for a person to be thin, emaciated. Kuyapì kaáyu ning batáa kay naátas man, The child is very emaciated because he is undernourished. v [B2] come out to be undeveloped and no good. Mikuyapì (nakuyapì) ang ubang lísu sa kakaw kay kúwang sa abúnu, Some of the cacao seeds are thin and undeveloped because they lack fertilizer.

kuyáput = kuláput.

kuyárut = kuráyut.

kuyaw a 1 frightful, dreadful. Labihang kuyáwa ang ákung damgu gabíi, My dream last night was very dreadful. 2 dangerous to the extent of inspiring fright. Anáa sa kuyaw nga kahimtang ang pasyinti, The patient is in a critical condition. Kuyaw ning tubíga kay húgaw, This water is dangerous because it is dirty. Kuyaw ang dálan sa Tulídu, The road to Toledo is hazardous. Kuyaw nà siyag masukù, That man is dangerous when he gets angry. 3 unusually skillful, awesome in his ability (slang). Kuyaw nang tawhána mupingpung, That man plays pingpong frightfully well. 3a terribly, unusually good and attractive (slang). Kuyaw ka manguyab bay, blúsil man, You’ve got yourself a hell of a girl. She’s an American. v [A123P] feel scared, frightened. Gikuyawan ku pagkahúlug nímu, I was frightened when you fell. Gikuyawan ku dihang dihà na ku atubángan sa daghang táwu, I felt nervous when I was standing before a large audience. paN- v [b8] be terribly frightened. Gipanguyawan ku, I was frightened out of my wits. pa- v [A; b6(1)] frighten s.o. Mikalit ka lag labang sa karsáda, nagpakuyaw ka lang nákù, You suddenly dashed across the street, giving me a terrible fright. n s.t. used to startle, scare, or frighten. ka- n terror, fright. kuyawkúyaw a for s.t. grave to be touch-and-go. Kuyawkúyaw pa malibri ba ang masakitun, It’s touch-and-go if the patient will recover. Kuyawkúyaw tung ákung iksámin, It’s touch-and-go as to how I did on the exams. v [A13; b4] feel apprehensive and nervous. Hápit na ang iliksiyun. Gikuyawkuyáwan [533]na ang mga kandidatu, Election is near and the candidates are now becoming troubled and uneasy. -l-an(←), -ánun a easily frightened. v [B1256] be, become easily frightened.

kuyayì n k.o. edible small mushroom that grows on dead trees and glows in the dark. v [b4] have this sort of mushroom growing on it.

kuyba n cave, hollowed out portion in the sides of a slope or cliff. v [A1B12; b5] become a cave, cause s.t. to do so. Ang mga miníru mauy nagkuyba sa bungtud, Miners dug out a cave in the side of the mountain. Nagkakuyba na man ning dapíta nga gisigíhag káwut, This place is fast turning into a cave because they keep digging in it.

kuydáwu watch out! be careful! Kuydáwu! May kurinti nà, Be careful! That’s a live wire. Paubanun ku ikaw apan kuydáwu kun maghásul ka didtu, I’ll let you come with me, but watch out if you make a nuisance of yourself. n responsibility one must personally answer to. Tagáan tikawg libru. Ang pagpasar ímu nang kuydáwu, I’ll give you books. But it is your lookout to see that you pass. Kúmu sirínu ímung kuydáwug dúnay mawā̀ dinhi, As the night watch, it’s your responsibility if s.t. gets lost here. Ug magminyù ka, may kuydáwu ka na sa kinabúhì, If you marry, you have responsibilities on you. 3 way — nothing to worry about. Wà nay kuydáwu. Púru lang nà panghásì, That’s nothing to worry about. They are just empty threats. Culu-, kuydawukuydáwu n hesitation, inhibition. Wà miy kuydawukuydáwu nga mangáun sa íla, We are not hesitant about going to their place to eat. v [B1456] for s.o. to do s.t. without inhibitions. Ang mga nars dì magkulukuydáwu paghíkap sa láwas sa mga masakitung laláki, Nurses do not have inhibitions about touching the bodies of male patients.

kuykuy v [A; a] dig up s.t. by scratching things that cover it. Lawuma paglubung kay kuykúyun unyà sa irù, Bury it deep under the ground or the dog will dig it up. Daghan siyang nadala gíkan sa basurahan nga íyang gikuykúyan, He found a lot of nice things in the garbage he was digging around in.

kuyláda = kulyáda2.

kuylaw a provoking the feeling of nervous excitement, almost fright. Kuylaw kaáyu nang muági na ta sa sigsag, It is nerve-racking to negotiate the zigzag curves. v [b4] be nervously excited. Gikuylawan ku pagkadawat sa rás nga tiligram, I was nervous when I got the rush telegram.

kuymi n umpire in a cockfight or in jai-alai. v 1 [B156; c1] act as a referee in jai-alai or a cockfight. 2 [A; b8] eavesdrop in a quarrel. Ngánung midúul man mu sa magtiáyung nag-áway? Kamuy mikuymi? Why did you go near the couple quarreling? Did you want to referee their quarrel or s.t.?

kúyug v [AC; ac1] go together with. Kinsay mukúyug nákù sa sini? Who’ll accompany me to the movies? Ayaw kuyúga pagdispatsar ang púlus daut, Don’t sell any one buyer all bad ones. Unsa may ímung kuyúgun sa búkid? What will you get out of accompanying me to the mountains? Walà sukad siya ikúyug (kuyúga) sa íyang amahan, His father never had taken him along. Kuyúgi siya kay mahadluk, Go with her because she is scared. — sa lupad v [A23] 1 plunge imprudently into s.t. uncertain after having been persuaded. Way maáyung sangpútan ang mga táwung mukúyug lang dáyun sa lupad bísag hanap, No good can come to people who do not look before they leap (go along with the flight even if they cannot see). 2 abide with the decision of the majority. Dì lang ku mutambung sa míting. Mukúyug lang ku sa lupad ug unsay masabútan, I will not attend the meeting. I’ll abide with whatever decision they reach. n 1 companion. 2 together with. Miláyas siya kúyug sa íyang trátu, She went away together with her boy friend. (→) — babuy n one who always tags along. kuyugkúyug n 1 gang mate, regular companion. 2 going together with a gang regularly. Ang kuyugkúyug mau usáhay ang sinugdánan sa gúbut, Going out with a group regularly is often the beginning of trouble.

kuyugpus = kulugpus.

kuyúkus = kulúkus.

kuyus v 1 [BN] shrivel and wrinkle up. Tigúlang na giyud si Túnay kay nanguyus na ang mga áping, Tonay has grown really old because her face has become all wrinkled. Ímu pang ilámas nang luy-a nga nakuyus na kaáyu? You’re going to use that wrinkled up piece of ginger? 2 [B2] get shrunk or diminished in quantity. Mikuyus (nakuyus) na ang íyang nawung nga naghubag, Her swollen face has shrunk now. Punù man untà ning sáku sa bugas. Ngánung dalì ra kaáyung nagkakuyus? This sack was so full of rice. Why has it shrunk so rapidly? 3 [A23] shrink back, lack guts. Ísug siyang musulti apan mukuyus ug suklan, He talks big, but when s.o. stands up to him, he shrinks away.

kuyuskus v [B2N] shrink and curl up. Karun [534]nga mikyuskus (nakyuskus) na ang kusáhus wà na makapunù sa palanggána, Now that the jerked meat that we set out to dry has curled up, it no longer fills the basin. Ang túmang kaínit mauy nakakuyuskus (nakapakuyuskus) sa mga dáhun, The intense heat caused the leaves to wither and curl up.

kuyut1 a for the flesh to sag due to old age. v [BN] for the flesh to sag. Namínus ang ákung timbang ug nanguyut ang ákung buktun, I lost a lot of weight and the flesh on my arm is sagging.

kuyut2 v 1 [AC; b6(1)] get hold of s.t. Nagkúyut ang magtiáyun, The couple held hands. Nawálà ang paypay nga ákung gikuytan (gikuyutan), I lost the fan I was holding. 1a [AN; b] hold on to s.t. for support. Dì ku mukuyut (manguyut) nímu, wà kay umuy, I won’t hold on to you (for support). You have no strength. 2 hold, occupy a certain position or office. Ang katungdánan nga ákung gikuytan pait kaáyu, I am holding down a very difficult job. 3 [A] play, operate s.t. Mukuyut sad nà siyag bayulin, He also plays the violin.

kwa- see also kula.

kwabútan = kulabútan.

kwadhutur = kuadhutur.

kwadirnu n soft-backed composition book.

kwadra n stable or stall. v [A1; c1] lodge or keep in a stable or stall.

kwadráda [measurement] square [measurement]. Tris pís kwadráda, Three feet square.

kwadrádu a square or having square sides. Tabási kug mga kwadrádu nga mga panaptun, Cut me some square pieces of cloth. Kwadrádu ang paghíwà sa mga patátas, Cut the potatoes into cubes. v [AB12; a] be, become square-shaped, make s.t. square.

kwadrísu = kurdísu.

kwadru1 n frame for a mirror, picture, diploma, and the like. v 1 [A; a] enclose in a frame. 2 [B1256] for the picture in a movie to be out of focus. Kwadru! Nakwadru ang salída, Focus! The picture is out of focus. 3 [A; b] obstruct a person’s vision. Kwadru dihà! Down in front!

kwadru2 v [A; a] in a benefit dance, outbid s.o. else for the privilege of dancing with a certain girl.

kwadruplikit n quadruplicate. v [A; c1] make s.t. in quadruplicate. Kwadruplikita (ikwadruplikit) ang ímung aplikisyun, Make your application in quadruplicate.

kwáhab v [A; c1] cry aloud (with the mouth wide open). Mukwáhab nà siya ug sugsúgun, He’ll go ‘waa’ if you tease him.

kwahaw, kwáhaw n k.o. black bird said to portend a long drought, so named from its sound.

kwáhu n 1 anus of pigs. 2 human anus (humorous).

kwákig n 1 pig’s tail with a little portion of its base. 2 tail of a fowl or bird where the tail feathers grow.

kwákir uts n quaker oats.

kwáku n pipe for smoking. v 1 [a12] make into a pipe. 2 [B246N] become thin and bent like a pipe. Mukwáku (mangwáku) ang babáyi basta bulus ang pamuyù, A woman becomes very thin if she lives in poverty. paN- v [A2] smoke a pipe.

kwalipikar = kalipikar.

kwalipikasiyun n qualification.

kwalisiyun n political coalition. v [C; c16] form a political coalition.

kwalta = kwarta1, n.

kwámug = kuyámug. see dalínug.

kwandig v [A; c1] sit up in bed, with the body in a reclining position. Mukwandig siya sa pinatungpatung nga unlan, She’ll sit up reclining on the pillows that were piled up. Butákang uway ang íyang gikwandígan, She reclined on the rattan chaise lounge.

kwanggul a lacking common sense. Ngánung wà nímu hanigig panaptun pagplantsa nímu, kwanggúla ka, You idiot! Why didn’t you put a piece of cloth over the pants when you ironed them? v [B12] become silly. But-an ka man untà kaniadtu, apan karun nagkakwanggul ka na man, You used to be so sensible before, but now you’re becoming more and more idiotic. -ù(→) a = kwanggul. -un(→) a of the sort lacking common sense.

kwári, kwárì n quarry.

kwarinta n 1 forty. 2 = kwarinta díyas, 2. v see disiutsu for verb forms. — díyas n 1 forty days. 2 the fortieth day after a person’s burial, an occasion commemorated with a novena ending on that day and usually a banquet. — isingku n forty-five caliber revolver.

kwarintína, kwarintínas n quarantine. v [A; a12] place under quarantine.

kwarisma n Lent. v 1 [B256; b4(1)] be the Lenten season. Hikwarismahan pa ang ikaduhang simistri, The second semester classes will still be on during Lent. 2 [B1456] be sad and gloomy. Kanúnay lang nang nagkuwarisma ang ímung panagway. Unsa bay [535]suliran mu? You are always sad and gloomy. What is the matter? paN- v [A23; b6] spend Lent s.w.

kwarta1 n 1 money. 2 it’s going to be a profit, a point, be in the bag. Ug masyát nà ni Mumar run, kwarta na, If Mumar sinks that ball, the game will be in the bag. Ug alas ning mabúnut ku, kwarta, If the card I’m going to draw turns out to be an ace, it’s going to help me a lot. v 1 [A; a] buy, purchase s.t. Mukwarta kug kindi pára sa bátà, I’ll buy some candy for the child. Unsay ímung kwartáhun sa tindáhan? What are you going to buy in the store? 2 [A12; b8] make money out of s.t.; secure money. Nakakwarta kug arang-arang sa ákung nigusyu, I have made quite a profit from my business. Makwartahan (makwarta) ra gihápun ni nátung tinígum nga papil, We can still make some money out of the waste paper we are saving. paN- v [A2; b5] 1 engage in s.t. as a means of earning money. Mangwarta ku sa Nigrus inigtingtápas sa tubu, I’ll go to Negros to earn some money during the season for harvesting sugar cane. 2 earn money illegally, immorally. Nakwartáhan nang mayúra kay nangwarta sa íyang katungdánan, That mayor became wealthy because he enriched himself in office. Ayaw mug apil ánang Ápag kay tingálig pangwartáhun (pangwartáhan) lang mu niánà, Don’t pay AFAG (Anderson’s Filipino-American Guerillas) a membership fee. They’ll just get money out of you for nothing. n means of getting money, esp. for a living. kwartáhan a moneyed, wealthy. v [B12] become wealthy.

kwarta2 — klási, martsa, parti fourth class, gear, part. n fourth gear. v [A; c6] put into fourth gear.

kwartil n barracks and headquarters of a military or police group. v [a2] be made a headquarters and barracks.

kwartisar v [A; a] divide s.t. into four equal parts. Kwartisara nang butung pára ninyung upat, Divide that young coconut into four equal pieces for each of the four of you.

kwartu1 n 1 room. 1a bedroom. Ang sála ug kan-anan náa sa ubus ug ang mga kwartu sa itáas, The living and dining rooms are on the first floor and the bedrooms are upstairs. v [A1; a2] make a room or partition in a house. Dakù pa ning lugaráha. Makakwartu pa bisag duha, This is quite a large space. We can even make two rooms here. Ímu man ning gibungbúngan. Kwartúhun nímu ni? You are putting up walls here. Are you partitioning it off into a room?

kwartu2 a 1 fourth. 2 quarter. v 1 [B256] be, become fourth in a series. Mukwartu anyu na siya sa hayiskul sa sunud túig, She will be in her fourth year in high school next year. 2 [A1; a1] divide into four equal parts. Kwartúha ning usa ka kílung bábuy, Divide this kilo of pork into four parts.

kwatru number four, used only with words of Spanish origin. Kwatru písus, Four pesos. v see tris. — kantus n 1 name given to the bottles with four sides made to contain gin. 2 dagger with a square four-edged blade, usually made from steel girders. numiru — see numiru.

kwáyir n 1 choir. 2 quire of paper.

kwilyu n collar of a dress or shirt. — sa matris cervix of the uterus. v 1 [A; ab] attach a collar, make into a collar. 2 [A; b] hold s.o. by the collar. Gikwilyuhan sa pulis ang mangunguut, The policeman grabbed the pickpocket by the collar.

kwín n 1 k.o. sweet, small pineapple. — áni = kwín, n1. 2 queen in cards. 3 queen in chess. 4 title for a queen. v 1 [A12] get a queen in cards. 2 [B256] be, turn out to be a queen in chess.

kwinpus n the queen post supporting a roof.

kwinta1 v 1 [AC12; a] compute, sum up accounts. Nagkuwinta ang tindíra sa bayranan, The salesgirl is summing up the total cost. 2 [A; a12] count things numerically. Makamau nang mukwinta ang bátà, The boy knows how to count. Kwintáha ug pilay nadá nímung sinínà, Count the number of shirts you brought with you. 3 [b6] count favors done to s.o. Bísag paryinti, íyang kwintahan sa íyang mga natábang, He counts the favors he has done, even to relatives. n computation, an accounting of. walay — worthless. Way kwinta ang táwung tapulan, A lazy person is worthless. Ayawg palit ánang mga walay kwintang butang, Don’t buy those worthless things. paN- v [A23] count favors done to s.o. Kusug kaáyung mangwinta nang bayhána sa mga nahátag níya nákù, mu rag dílì igsúun, That woman certainly counts things she has given to me, as if I weren’t her sister. hiN- a given to counting favors done. kwintakwinta n rough estimate. v [A13] 1 make a rough estimate. Nagkwintakwinta na siyag pilay magastu sa íyang kasal, He is making a rough estimate of how much his wedding will cost. 2 weigh s.t. on one’s mind. Kwintakwintáha kunug háin ang maáyu, mubakasiyun ba ta ug dì ba, Decide which way is better, to go on a vacation or not. -da n accounting. Ipatában ang mga risíbu sa kwintáda, Attach the receipts [536]to the accounting. v [A] make an accounting.

kwinta2 = kinta1.

kwintas1 n necklace. v 1 [AN; c] wear a necklace or s.t. around the neck. Ikwintas ring tinúhug sampagíta, Wear this string of jasmine flowers around your neck. 2 [a2] make into a necklace or ornamental chain around the neck. 3 — ug bukug v [A13N] become very thin and haggard. Mangwintas (magkuwintas) ka lag bukug sa kabadlungun niánang ímung bána, You will be reduced to skin and bones by your husband’s vices.

*kwintas2 — kláras n proper accounting of. Ang awditur muhátag ug kwintas kláras sa kagastúan sa kapunúngan, The auditor will render a proper accounting of the expenses incurred by the organization.

kwirdas1 n string of a musical instrument. v [A; b] string a musical instrument. nalisúan sa — see lísù.

kwirdas2 n clock or watch spring. v [A13; b6] put or install a spring in a time piece.

kwirpu n a body of police or military force. Nagkaanam kadakù ang kwirpu sa kapulisan sa syudad sa Sugbu, The police force in the city of Cebu is growing bigger and bigger.

kwistiyun n 1 question raised in a class, meeting, examination. Píla ka kwistiyun ang tís? How many questions are there in the test? 2 problem, thing wrong with s.t. Ang kwistiyun gud nímu dílì ka man mamínaw ug tambag, The problem with you is you never listen to advice. Way kwistiyun nang sayúpa. Gamay ra kaáyu, That error is no problem. It’s a very minor one. Dì gud nà pait kaáyu. Kwistiyun lang nà sa ánad, It’s really not difficult. It’s just a question of getting used to it. 3 controversy, dispute. Mupalit ka niánang yutáa nga nag-atubang kanà karun ug dakung kwistiyun? You are going to buy that land when it is being seriously questioned at the present time? v 1 [A; ac6] ask questions in a class or session. Mukwistiyun giyud ku basta dì kung kasabut, I ask questions when I don’t understand. Kwistiyunun ka gánì sa maistra, tubag dáyun, When your teacher questions you, answer immediately. Kini ang ákung ikwistiyun sa tís, I’ll have this question in the test. 2 [A12; c1] be a problem or difficulty. Maáyu ang plánu, ang nakakwistiyun lang kay way kwarta, It is a good plan, but the problem is there is no money. 3 [A; c1] raise s.t. to challenge or dispute. Wà kahay mukwistiyun niíning inyung gibúhat? Don’t you think anybody will question what you did? -abli a open to suspicion, having s.t. anomalous or dishonest about it. Kwistiyunabli nga transaksiyun, A questionable transaction. Kwistiyunabli kaáyu ang kagíkan ánang bayhána, The real background of that woman is open to suspicion.

kwítis n fireworks consisting of rockets. v [A1; b(1)] explode fireworks consisting of rockets.

kwúta = kúta.

kyag-ang = kagangkagang, n. see kágang.

kyaknit = kulaknit.

kyampaw n sting rays of genus Dasyatis, but usually not brightly marked species.

kyampi k.o. fish, name given to species of slipmouth that are thick and fleshy, as opposed to the rather thin and rounded species (palutput and sapsap): e.g., Secutor ruconius.

kyamud = kuyámud.

kyamuy n k.o. candied fruit sold in Chinese stores with a single seed, the size of a small prune, with a taste that is salty, sour, and sweet at the same time.

kyápù n 1 Quiapo, a district in the heart of Manila. 2 female genitalia (humorous allusion, originating with a movie in which the hero, a jeepney driver, keeps peeping at his female passengers’ genitalia while shouting his destination, Quiapo).

kyawkaw, kyawkyaw n fussy complaints. Ug mupirma ka, pirma lang. Way daghang kyawkyaw, If you are going to sign the papers, sign them. Do not make such a fuss. v [A; b3] making complaints on small things. Bísag gamay kaáyung sayup, mukyawkyaw ang manidyǐr, The manager makes a fuss about the tiniest mistakes.

kyugpus = kulugpus.

kyúkus = kulúkus.

kyungkung v [B3(1)6; c1] curl up. Mikyungkung (nakyungkung) ang núkus sa ínit nga bága, The dried squid curled up in the glowing embers. Nagkiyungkung pa gihápun ka dihà bísag taas na ang adlaw? You are still curled up there, even at this hour of the day?

kyusku n a kiosk in a park or plaza, usually used as a bandstand or a place for resting. v [b6] put a kiosk up s.w.

kyuskus = kuyuskus.

kyúum v 1 [B; c1] for s.t. with a horizontal opening to close tightly. Mukyúum ang imbaw ug matugaw, Clams shut tight when they are disturbed. Makyúum nang samára, That wound will close. Nagkakyúum ang mga dáhun sa akasya nga nagkagabíi na, The acacia leaves are slowly closing up as night is drawing near. 2 keep the mouth shut and [537]not talk. Mukyúum nà siya ug hisagpaan, She’ll shut up if you slap her. Kyuúmun (ikyúum) ku lang ang tinúud nga nahitabù, I’ll just keep my mouth shut as to what really happened. 3 [B; a1P] be doubled up in fear or pain. Mikyúum siya sa pagkaigù níya sa kutukutu, He doubled up from pain when he was hit in the solar plexus. a 1 tightly closed. 2 keeping the mouth shut.




la1 = lámang (dialectal).

la2 n 1 la, the sixth note in the musical scale. 2 a syllable used in place of words forgotten when singing a song.

lā́ = lála1, 2.

láag v [A; ac] roam about for no special purpose, just for diversion. Atúa si Pidru sa syudad miláag, Pedro is downtown roaming about. Unsay ímung laágun didtu? Mangítà na pud kag áway? What are you going to roam around there for? Are you looking for another fight? (→) a roving about, going nowhere in particular. Lagmit paangkan ang babáying laag, A woman that roams about is likely to get pregnant. Ang laag níyang panan-aw didtu mahiúrung sa babáyi, His roving gaze stopped at the woman. v [B12] get to be a wanderer. -an(→) = laag.

láang n 1 noose of a trap. Biraha ang láang inigtunub sa manuk, Pull the noose when the chicken steps in. 1a any trap that has a noose. 2 stratagem designed to catch or trick s.o. Babáyi ang gamíta nga láang pagsíkup sa ispíya, Use a woman as a trap to snare the spy. v [A; a] 1 trap s.t. with a noose. Laángun nátung bábuy, Let’s trap the pig with a noose. 2 employ a trick to catch s.o. Dì siya madiritsu ug dakup. Laángun giyud, He can’t be caught easily. He should be trapped. -in- = láang, n1.

laas v 1 [A; c] take a sword or rod and raise it. Naglaas ug sundang ang hurimintádu, The amok was brandishing a bolo. Gilaas sa tigúlang ang íyang ulísi, The old man raised his cane in the air. 2 [A13; b6] go bare of protection. Naglaas ka lang nga tugnaw kaáyu? Why aren’t you dressed when it’s so cold?

láas v [A; a] 1 tear leaves or thin sheets lengthwise into strips. Miláas siyag papil pára himúung bandirabandíra, She tore some papers into strips to make into pennants. 2 tear, peel s.t. off from an attachment. Nakaláas ku sa bulsa sa íyang púlu, I accidentally tore the pocket off his shirt. Ang uban nga táwu laásun lang ang pánit sa kanding, Some people just peel the skin off of goats. 2a remove the cloth-like sheathing of the coconut bud as the first step in tapping the toddy. n 1 the lower part of the leaves of the areca palm which sheathes the trunk. Maáyu kaáyung buhátun ug sudlanan sa bugas ang mga layà nga láas sa káhuyng búnga, Several pieces of dry palm frond sheaths of the areca palm can be made into useful containers for rice or corn grits. 2 the covering cloth-like sheath of the coconut bud which grows from the sides of the bottom of the frond.

laaw n stray cat.

láay a 1 monotonous, wearingly boring. Láay kaáyu ning wà tay búhat, It is so dull to be without anything to do. Láay kaáyu ang pagpaábut, It is very boring just to wait around. 2 disgusting, disappointing in that one doesn’t conform to what is expected of him. Laáya nímu uy, ingun ka palitan ku nímug sapátus, How disgusting! You promised to buy shoes for me (but you didn’t). Kaláay bayang Nína, gipanabì diay níya ang ákung sikrítu, How disgusting of Nina. She told my secret to everybody. v [B124; b4] be boring, feel bored. Nagkalaay na ning trabahúa kay mu ra gihápun, This work is getting boring because it is always the same thing. Mipaúlì na lang siya kay gilaáyan nag pinaábut nímu, He just went home. He got tired of waiting for you. (→) n a variety of corn that takes a long time to mature. laaylaay v [A; b(1)] while away time or do s.t. for the meantime. Samtang magpaábut ku mulaaylaay lang kug gansilyu, While I’m waiting, I’ll while away the time crocheting. Gilaaylaayan ku lang nig búhat, nahuman na giyud, I just did this little by little during [538]my spare time, and now it’s finished. ka-(→) = laaylaay. ka- n boredom.

láb1 n half of the number of points or one less half the number of points that make a tennis or pingpong game. (From the notion that when the one who is behind reaches half the number of points—usually ten points, that number is subtracted from the winner’s points and the one behind is reckoned at zero. E.g. a score 12 to 10 is reckoned at dus láb instead of dúsi diyis.) v [A; b6] for the one who is behind to get as far as the half-way point. Makaláb lang ku, sigurádu giyud kung makaagpas ug makadaug, If I can make it to love (ten points), I’m sure I can catch up and win. Siya ang kampiyun apan gilában ku siya, He is the champion, but I was able to get ten points (out of twenty-one).

láb2 n lab.

laba v 1 [A; b1] wash clothing. Gilabhan níya ang ákung púlu, She washed my shirt. Ang batu nga ílang gilabhan, The stone where they do their washing. 2 [A; b] scold, talk against. Gilabhan ka na sad sa ímung bus? Did your boss give you a cussing out again? 3 [b(1)] be badly defeated. Gilabhan námù ang ílang tím sa baskitbul, We trounced their team in basketball. -kára n washcloth. v [A; b] wash the face with a washcloth. labalába v [A; bc1] work furiously, in a concentrated way. Átung labalabáhan pagpanday ang iskuylahan, Let’s work furiously building the school. 2 keep scolding, ranting against. a done at a furious pace. labhanan n 1 dirty laundry. 2 place to do wash. 3 place to air grievances. labhunun = labhanan, n1. nilabhan (linabhan) n clean laundry. -bu(←) n lavatory, sink. -da(←) n laundry done for pay. v [AN; b5] take in wash, work off a debt by doing laundry. Naglabáda (nanglabáda) na lang siya, She took in wash. labandíra n washerwoman. v [B156; a] be a washerwoman. labandíru n laundryman. -dur n basin.

labà1 n stains, spots, uneven color. Ang labà sa íyang mga sinínà walà makúhà, We could not get the stains out of her dress. v [B; c1] get stained, spotted in color. Mulabà (malabà) ang kulur sa sinínà ug ibuwad kini sa ínit, The color of the dress will become uneven if it gets exposed to the sun. Ayaw nag labaa (ilabà) ug pintal, Don’t paint it unevenly. labàlabà v [B46] have splotches of lighter or darker hue, not evenly smooth. Naglabàlabà ang sinínang dikulur nga giladlad, The colored dress got splotched when it was bleached in the sun.

labà2 = taas (dialectal). pa-(←) v [A; b6] do s.t. to enhance one’s image in public. Kanang íyang panghátag kwarta nagpalábà lang sa íyang papil, He gave money, but only to enhance his public image. n action of doing s.t. for the show and not with earnest intent.

*lába see kilába.

labábu see laba.

labad a 1 for the head to ache. Labad kaáyu ang ákung úlu, I have a terrible headache. 2 giving a headache, problem. Labad kaáyung tudlúan. Búgù unyà dì pa mamínaw, It’s a real headache to teach him. He’s stupid and on top of that, he won’t listen. Ang pagbáyad ímung labad, It’s your headache how to pay it off. v 1 [B46; b4] get, have a headache. Naglabad ning ákung úlu sa inyung kasábà, I have a headache because of your noise. Labdun (labarun) pa giyud ku ninyu ánang mga sulirána, You still have to trouble me with those problems. Tumar ug aspirin ug labdan ka sa úlu, Take aspirin if you have a headache. 2 [B12; b4] be mentally disturbed. Malabad siya basta higutman, He becomes deranged if he misses meals. labdunun a mentally disturbed. labdanan a prone to headaches.

*lábad pa- n 1 propeller of a plane or windmill. 2 toy propeller. v [a2] make into, install a propeller. labadlábad = palábad.

labáda see laba.

labadur see laba.

labadúra n batter. v [A; a2] make a batter.

labag, lábag1 n 1 a bundle of abaca fibers consisting of thirty-two smaller bunches (bituul). 2 any large bundle of threads or yarn. v [A; a] group fibers into bunches. Labágun lang ning tingkal arun mahibaw-ag pilay abutun, Let’s take this twine and group it in bundles so we know how much it amounts to.

lábag2 v [A; b(1)] wring water out. Gilabágan sa mga sumasákay ang ílang mga saput nga nahumud sa dágat, The passengers of the boat wrung out the sea water from their wet clothes. -in- n s.t. wrung out.

labáha n straight razor. v [A; b] shave s.o. with a straight razor. Mubui ang tingkuy piru ayaw labahái, Make the nape short, but don’t shave it. paN- v [A2] shave oneself with a straight razor.

labak v [A; c] 1 throw s.t. hard on the ground. Nakalabak na bayà kag daghang plátu. Tingálig mahurut ni, You’ve already thrown down a lot of plates. No doubt you intend to break all of them. 2 throw s.t. away. Ayaw nag ilabak, ákù na lang, Don’t [539]throw that away. Let me have it. 3 [A; a1b2] spank with open palm. Nakalabak ku sa íyang samput, I spanked her on the buttocks.

lábak v [B26] for a sore or an infected wound to be opened wide. Milábak (nalábak) ang íyang hubag nga gitambálan niánang tambála, Her boil opened wide when that medicine was put on it.

lab-ak v 1 [AB; a] get to have spaces or omissions in between; cause s.t. to do so, skip. Mulab-ak lang kug pila ka klási arun ku masayu, I will just skip some classes so I can get home early. Nakalab-ak kug usa ka linya sa ákung pakigpúlung, I accidentally left out a line in my speech. Gilab-akan níya ang tulu ka balay únà siya muhúnung, He passed up three houses before he stopped. Kining pula ilab-ak nímu sa putì, Intersperse these red things between the white ones. 1a for colors to get uneven. Mulab-ak ang kulur sa sinínà ug ibulad sa ínit, The dress will get uneven in color (with dark interspersed with light) if you dry it in the sun. 2 [A; b7c1] go beyond a measure, too far or too deeply. Ang karsáda milab-ak ug usa ka mitru sa ámung yútà, The road encroaches onto one meter of our land. Pasaylúa ku kay nakalab-ak kug sulti ganína, Please forgive me for having spoken beyond the bounds of decency a while ago. Gilab-ak níya paghíwà ang íyang báhin sa kík, He sliced a bigger portion of the cake for himself than for others. a 1 having spaces or omissions in between. Lab-ak nga pagkakural, Fencing with the posts put too far apart. 1a being uneven in color. 2 cut too deeply, gone over the mark or limits. n space left, area beyond which one has gone.

labakára see laba.

laban (from labi) greater in number, size, intensity. ka-an, ka-an(←) n most of a number of. Kalabanan (kalabánan) sa mga Pilipínu mugbù, Most Filipinos are short. v 1 [B3; b2c1] exceed, be more. Mulaban (malaban) sa úras ang íyang paglakaw nganhi, It will take more than an hour for him to get here. Hinglabanan na sad nang ímung bisyu, Your vices have gone beyond the limits of tolerance. 2 [b2P] do s.t. excessively. Ayaw ug palabani (labani) ug latà ang tinúlang karni, Do not cook the meat overly soft.

lában v 1 [A; b] take sides with. Mulában ku nímu ug hustu ka, I’ll go to your defense if you are right. Gilabánan sa Yúis ang Israil, The U.S. took sides with Israel. 1a — sa nigusyu cooperate in making a business do well. Dúnay mga tindírang dílì mulában sa nigusyu sa ílang agáwun, Some salesgirls do not do anything to help their master’s business. 2 [A; b(1)] defend s.o. in a lawsuit. Si Aturni Katunggal ang mulában sa ákung kásu, Attorney Catunggal is defending me in a lawsuit. 2a [A; b] defend one’s honor, uphold the stand he has taken. Naglában lang ku sa ákung dungug sa pagpatay ku níya, I killed him in defense of my honor. Gilabánan níya ang íyang barugánan, He stood by his principles. paN- v be a lawyer by occupation. n occupation of lawyer. -an(→) a tending to take sides with one’s child or other person in whom one is interested. Ayg pakig-áway ánang bat-ána kay labanan ra ba kaáyu nag inahan, Don’t quarrel with that child because his mother tends to take sides with him. v [B126] become one who mixes in quarrels. maN-r- n attorney.

lab-an = laban.

labana = gwayabanu.

labandíru, -a see laba.

labang v 1 [A; b5c] cross s.t., go across, bring across. Mulabang na ta, rid láyit na, Let’s cross now. It’s red light. Labangun pa nímu ang pitu ka lawud úsà ku nímu maangkun, You cannot have me (lit. you have to cross seven seas before you can possess me). Ilabang siya ngadtu sa píkas, Bring her across the street. 2 [A2; b8] pass examinations. Gamay ra ang milabang sa pasúlit sa pagkaduktur, Only a few people passed the doctor’s examination. 3 [A; b5] come through a crisis. Labangun (labangan) pa nímu ang túmang kaguul, You will have to pass through great sorrow. 4 [A; b] surpass. Labangan pa kunu níya ang ríkurd ni Sulayman, She says she will beat Sulaiman’s record. Ayaw ilabang sa napúlù ang ímung pagkúhà, Don’t take more than ten. n place across from s.t. Ang ílang baul náa sa labang sa sapà, Their field is across the river. — pa, sa further than, more than. Labang pa niánà ang ákung buhátun ug tagáan kug higayun, I’ll do more than that if I’m given the chance. —, -un ug pitu ka lawud may it not happen, may it be impossible (lit. have to cross seven seas to commit). Simbaku. Labangun (ilabang) ug pitu ka lawud nga mamatay, God forbid. Let it not happen that he die! -unun(←) n things one has to surmount, trials to which one is put. -anan(←), labnganan n place one crosses.

lab-ang v [A; ab] pass over, miss. Milab-ang siyag usa ka dahun sa íyang gibása, He skipped a page of what he was reading. Lab-ang ug usa ka parapu, Skip one paragraph. n amount missed, interval. [540]

labanus n radishes. The white (Chinese) radishes are the variety most commonly grown in Cebu.

labas1 (from lab-as) v [AN; a2c] vend or peddle fish that one has bought (usually from the fisherman). Naglabas lang ang íyang anak únà kay wà pa makasulud ug trabáhu, Her daughter works buying and selling fish for the while because she doesn’t have a job. Ilabas ring ákung kuhà, Peddle my catch. -íra female fish vendor. -íru = labasíra (male).

labas2 = gulà (used only by speakers strongly influenced by Tagalog). pa- n boast, ostentatious display. Ayaw tug tuúhi ang íyang hílak, palabas lang tu, Don’t pay attention to his crying fit. That was just a put-on.

labas3 v [A; ab7] spend entrusted money for oneself. Gilabasan kug diyútay ang ímung gibílin nákù, I used some of the money you had me keep for you.

lab-as a 1 for s.t. quickly perishable to be fresh. Lab-as nga hángin, Fresh air. Lab-as nga balità, Fresh news. Lab-as nga búlak, Fresh flowers. Lab-as isdà, Fresh fish. 2 fresh in manner. Lab-as ra kaáyu nang ímung panlihuklihuk, Your actions are very fresh. n fresh fish. Musúruy siyag lab-as káda buntag, She peddles fresh fish every morning. v 1 [B2] be fresh. 2 [AB2; a12] make s.t. fresh to one’s mind. Mga handumánan nga naglab-as sa átung kagahápun, Memories that keep our past fresh. nilab-as a in a fresh way. v [a1] do s.t. in a fresh way. Ginilab-as ku níyag pangutána, He asked me in a disrespectful way. -íra n female fish vendor. v [B1; a12] be a fish vendor. -íru = lab-asíra (male).

labat n 1 fence. 2 patches made in clothing, walls, fence. Ang labat sa íyang karsúnis lainláin ang kulur, The patches on his pants are of various colors. v [A; b5] 1 put up a fence. Si Angì ang milabat sa ámung gardin, Angi fenced our garden. Labatun (labatan) nákug kawáyan ang bakilid sa ámung kalubihan, I will fence the sloping part of our coconut plantation with bamboo slats. 2 repair a hole by filling or patching it. labatlabat n 1 rough and hurried mending. 2 makeshift fence or barrier. v [A; b5] 1 put up a temporary fence. 2 make coarse, temporary repairs. Gilabatlabatan lang námù ug mga pinunit nga káhuy ang nagubang kural, We patched up the broken fence with whatever pieces of wood we found. Átù lang ning labatlabatang karsúnis, We’ll just do quick patchwork on these trousers.

labatíba n 1 enema. 2 the apparatus used to give an enema. v [A; b] give s.o. an enema. Labatibáhan ta kag dì ka malibang, If you don’t have a B.M. I’ll give you an enema.

labaw v 1 [B3; c] jut out higher than s.t., stick out farther from the margin or limit. Milabaw ang íyang úlu sa mga táwu, His head jutted above the crowd. Naglabaw ang ímung kamisun, Your slip is showing. Ilabaw ang antína sa mga atup, Put the antenna higher than the rooftops. 2 [B3; b] be more, over in degree, number. Way makalabaw sa íyang kahingatag, No one can surpass his generosity. Labwan nákù ang ímung kininhas, I’ll gather more shells than you did. 3 be ahead in a contest. Isáka ang pusta ug mulabaw ta, Raise the bet if we are ahead. 4 prevail over. Milabaw ang ákung gugma sa kayugut níya, My love for her prevailed over my hate. a 1 sticking out from the general level or margin. Putla ang mga labaw, Cut off the ones sticking up above the rest. 2 more, over in degree or number. Labaw siyang dátù kay kanámù, He is much richer than us. 3 ahead in a contest. n 1 amount s.o. is ahead. Pilay labaw sa ímung kuntra? How many points is your opponent ahead of you? 2 superior, boss. 3 — pa, sa in addition to, beyond. Hatágan kag primyu, ug labaw pa niánà, makabyáhi ka, You will be given a prize, and in addition to that, you can travel. Buútan siya, utúkan, ug labaw sa tanan, gwápa, She is good, brainy, and above all else, she is pretty. pa-(←) v 1 [C; b3] try to outdo one another, vie with s.o. Nagpalábaw sila sa hambug, They try to outdo each other with their big talk. Unsa may inyung gipalabáwan nga nagpanghugyaw man mu? You must be having some sort of a contest that you’re shouting so much. 2 [A12C2; b5c] play a game of any sort whereby the one who gets the highest number wins. Nagpalábaw sila arun sa pag-ila kung kinsay musúgud sa dúwà, They drew cards to determine who will start the game. n s.t. done to outdo s.o., e.g. action of winning by getting the highest number. palabwánay = palábaw.

labay v 1 [A2; a] go, pass by s.t., bring s.t. by s.w. Milabay lang ku, wà ku muhapit, I just passed by, I didn’t drop in. Nakalabay na ba ang dyip? Has the jeep passed by yet? Labyun ku unyà tung ákung nalimtan sa inyu, I’ll come by to get the thing I forgot at your house. Gilabyan lang ku nímu, You just passed by me. Ilabay kining sud-an unyà sa íla, Bring this food by to them on your way. 2 [b(1)] pass over, bypass. Gilabyan [541]níya ang ákung ngálan sa pagpanghímug prumusyun, He passed my name over when he made the list of promotions. 3 [A2] for time to pass. Milabay ang daghang katuígan, Years passed. a passing, short-lived. Labay lang ning hangína kay unus man, This strong wind is only temporary. It is just a squall. pa- v [A; c1] let s.t. pass by. Magpalabay ku sa ákung kasukù únà ku muulì, I will let my anger pass before I go home. Palabyun (ipalabay) lang tu nákung íyang sulti, I just won’t mind what she says. -um-r-, -um-r-(←) n 1 people passing back and forth. 2 passing, transient. — pa 1 beyond. Ang íla labay pa sa pusti, Their place is just beyond the post. 2 in addition, even more. Maáyu siyang mutrabáhu, labay pa musayu siyag anhi, He works well and furthermore, he comes early. ‘Duha ka túig ka didtu sa Amirika?’—‘Labay pa,’ ‘You were two years in the States?’—‘More than that.’ 3 surely, even more than sure. ‘Makapasar kahà ka?’—‘Labay pa,’ ‘Do you think you can pass?’—‘Most assuredly.’

lábay v 1 [A; ac] throw at. Labáyun tikawg hanggranid animála ka, I’ll throw a hand grenade at you, you beast. Labáyi tag duha ka buuk bi, Throw me down a couple. Ilábay kanákù ang búla, Throw me the ball. 1a [A; c] throw away. Ilábay ang mga latà, Throw away the spoiled fruits. 1b throw, discard in a card game. 2 [A; c] assign to a remote place. Way láin makalábay sa mga impliyádu ngadtu sa layù gawas sa supirintindinti, No one can assign the employees to a remote place except the superintendent. n throw. Kinsang lábay run? Whose turn is it to throw? Ang íyang lábay walà makaabut sa paril, His throw didn’t get as far as the wall. -an(→) n line drawn to indicate the place at which to stand in throwing s.t. -anan n dumping place. Ang Pásil labayánan sa tanang húgaw sa syudad, Pasil is the place they dump all garbage in the city.

labayan n 1 of several species of sea fish growing to 6″, with fine scales, found individually zigzagging in seaweed. 2 one who seems to be always on the go, like the labayan.

labhà v 1 [ABN; b4] for the skin to get welts, bruises, or red splotches; cause it to do so. Nalabhà (nalabhaan) ang íyang nawung sa sagpà, She got red splotches on her face when she was slapped. Nanglabhà nang ímung nawung sa tipdas, Your face is all splotched with measles. 2 [BN; a1P] blush, redden. Milabhà (nanglabhà) ang íyang nawung sa kasukù, His face became red with anger.

labhag n welts, marks, splotches on the body. Ang mga labhag sa kuku maila kaáyu, You can easily tell welts made by the fingernails. v 1 [B4; b4] get welts, splotches on the body. Milabhag ang íyang láwas sa tipdas, His body became splotched with measles. Ngánung nalabhagan ka man? Gipawù ka? Why are you all covered with welts? Were you given a whipping? 2 [B; b4] appear like welts. Milabhag dihà sa íyang agtang ang nagbandaybanday nga ugat, His criss-crossing veins appeared like welts on his forehead. 3 [A; a2] for emotions to leave their mark. Milabhag sa ákung panumdúman ang íyang mga háit nga púlung, Her sharp words etched themselves deeply in my memory. 4 [BN] blush, turn red all over. Manlabhag ákung nawung ug makainum ku ug bínu, My face gets red if I drink wine.

labhak n rectangular piece, area. Gibáhin ang syudad ug dagkung labhak, The city was divided into large rectangular areas. v [A; c1] divide into rectangular pieces or areas. Kinsay naglabhak sa káhuy nga wà maángay? Who cut the wood into rectangular pieces of all different sizes?

labhu, labhù v [A; a3b] pour boiling water over s.t. Nakalabhù ka na ba sa mga sus-anan sa bátà? Have you scalded the baby’s bottles yet? Ayaw pagdúul sa abu, malabhù (malabhuan) ka unyà, Don’t go near the stove. You might get scalded. -in-an n s.t. scalded. Háin man ang ímung linabhúan? Where are the things you have scalded?

labi a more, greater. Ug mau nay paági pag-uma, labi ang abut sa yútà, If that is the method of farming employed, the yield of the land will increase. v [B; b] 1 be greater than s.t. else or excessive. Mulabi ang sakit ug mulíhuk ka, The pain will increase if you move. Naglabi ang mga gagmay sa mga dagkù, There are more small ones than big ones. Asgad ni kay nalabihan (nalabian) nákug timplag asin, This is salty because I put too much salt into it. 2 — nga more, most. Siyay labing dátù, He is the richest one. 2a — pang [adj.], [verb] even more [adj.], [do] all the more. Usa ka labi pang kusug nga pátid, Even a stronger kick. Ug búang ku, labi pa siyang búang, If I’m a fool, he’s a greater one. Ug sultíhan, labi pa siyang mangísug, If you tell him, he gets all the angrier. 3 — na a = ilabi na. b — nang [verb] [do, did] all the more. Labi na siyang nangísug, He got all the more angry. Labi na (pa) siyang muhílak ug sugsúgun, He will cry all the more if you tease him. i- na, — [542]na especially. Lamían, ilabi (labi) na ug timpláhag asin, It’s very tasty, esp. if you season it with salt. pa- v 1 [A; a12] prefer, favor. Magpalabi kung magpabíling pubri kay sa ingun nímu, I would rather be poor than be like you. Palabihun ba nímu ang ímung irù sa ímung asáwa? Do you favor your dog over your wife? 2 [A; bc2] do s.t. to excess. Nagpalabi siyag ínum, He is drinking too much. Ayaw palabihi (palabii) pagpanggà ang ímung anak, Don’t dote on your child too much. Ayaw ipalabi (palabii) ang ímung hílak, Don’t cry too much. pina- n s.o. preferred, favored. Sa iskuyláhan way pinalabi, No one gets special treatment in school. pa-(←) = pa-, 2. labilábi way — no one gets more than anyone else. Way labilábi. Púrus ángay, No one gets more than anyone else. We all get a fair share. palabilábi v [A; b(1)] mistreat s.o. Ayaw kug palabilabíhi (palabilabíi). Dì bayà ku nímu suluguun, Don’t kick me around. I’m not your servant, you know. palabilabihun a tending to mistreat. mapalabilabíhun a characterized by mistreatment. Mapalabilabíhung kasábà, Arrogant scolding, far beyond the limits of propriety. su-(←) 1 especially, all the more so. Sulábi nag timpláhag asin, wà giyuy lamì, Esp. if you mix salt with it, it will have no flavor. 2 — ug better than s.t. else which has the same disadvantages to a worse extent. Ibaligyà lang nà run bisag barátu sulábig mubarátu pa ugmà, You’d better sell it now, even at a low price. Better than getting even less tomorrow. v [AP] 1 do s.t. all the more. Manday gitagáan ug diyis, misulábi (mipasulábi) ug hílak, I gave him a dime, but he cried all the more. 2 = palabi, 2. mapasulabíhun characterized by excessive indulgence. Mapasulabíhun sa babáyi, Indulging in women excessively. si- = su-, 2. hilabihan a carried out to excess. Nahugù siya tungud sa kaguul nga hilabihan, He became thin because of his excessive sorrows. labihan, labian, hilabihan, ilabihan, hilabian, hinglabihan, labihánay, hilabihánay, labhan a — nga [adj.] -a, ka-[adj.] how very! Labihang mahála sa karni, Labihan kamahal sa karni! How expensive the meat is! b — nga [maka-/naka-verb] how it [did]. Labihang makaulan dinhig mahulyu, How it rains here during the month of July. Labihan níyang nakaantus, How he suffered! labíhay, labihánay pud (sad) It’s unbelievable. Labihánay pud. Nakaáku (makaáku) siya niánà? It seems incredible that he could do (would do) that!

lábid v [AC3; a] braid, become entwined. Akuy mulábid niíning lánut, I will braid these abaca fibers into rope. Nalábid ang íyang dílà sa kalisud sa mga púlung, His tongue became twisted because of the difficult words. Nagkalábid ang duha ka hiniktan, The two roosters became entwined. Kataas sa ímung buhuk! Nindut labírun, How long your hair is! It would be nice to braid it. n s.t. braided. Unsay gidak-un niánang ímung lábid? How big around is the rope you braided?

labigan n k.o. herb of moist places, with stout-branched, aromatic rhizomes and long, flat leaves with medicinal uses: Acorus calamus.

lábil n label, a mark put on s.t. for identification. v [A; b] label s.t. Labílan lang ni nátung malíta, Let us label this suitcase.

lábing a like sweethearts. Lábing kaáyu silang magtiayúna, They are a very loving couple. v [B1] be loving. Malábing ra man nà silag náay mutan-aw, They get to be very loving if s.o. is watching them.

labit v [A; b] stitch with a loop that holds but can be unravelled. Si Lúsi ang mulabit niánang ímung panyù, Lucy will stitch loops around the edges of your handkerchief. labitlabit n small bits of meat adhering to the bones or any part of a slaughtered animal. v 1 [AN; b5] stitch s.t. hurriedly and unevenly by hand. 2 [A13] for bits of meat to be left adhering to bones. Panguháag mga unud nga naglabitlabit sa bukug, Get the small bits of meat that are adhering to the bones. a meat which has lots of sinews. Gáhì kaáyu usápun ning karníha, labitlabit, This meat is very tough to chew. It is sinewy. labitlabitun = labitlabit, a. -íra, -íru n one who works stitching materials.

labka a partially cooked, usually said of root crops and bananas, but sometimes of cereals as well. Labka pa man ning kamúting ímung gilútù, These sweet potatoes that you are cooking are still half done. v [B26; b5c1] cook root crops halfway, and, by extension, cereals. Mulabka (malabka) ang linung-ag ug dílì maángay ang káyu, Rice will become unevenly cooked if the fire underneath it is uneven. labkahan = labka, a.

lablab v 1 [AB12; ab2] slash, tear in a long slash. Malablab ang bandíra ug kusgun ug hángin, The flag will get ripped if it is blown in too strong a wind. 2 [B6; c1] be loose fitting. Mulablab (malablab) ang ímung sáya ug ímung padakuan, Your skirt will be very loose if you have it enlarged. — ang bàbà v [B6; c1] shoot off the mouth with unsensical, boasting talk. Naglablab ang bàbà sa táwung nahubug, The man who [543]got drunk became very talkative. n 1 big rip, slashed part. Ang lablab sa sáku gipíkut, The big rip on the sack was mended. 2 nonsensical talk, boasting. a loose fitting.

labnaw a 1 heavily diluted, having too much water. Labnaw ra ning pagkalúgaw, This porridge has too much water in it. Labnaw ug dugù, Weak-blooded, lacking drive or guts. 2 cool, lacking in warmth. Labnaw siyag tinagdan sa mga bisíta kay dílì íyang grúpu, She received her visitors coolly because they weren’t her crowd. v [B; ab7] 1 be diluted, put too much water in a mixture. Nagkalabnaw man ning ímung kapi nga daghan na hinúun kag súkì, Your coffee is becoming weaker now that you have lots of customers. 2 get too cold, lacking in ardor.

labni v [A; a] snatch, grab with a jerk, esp. s.t. that s.o. has. Wà mailhi sa dalága ang milabni sa íyang pitáka, The maiden did not recognize the man who snatched her bag. Gilabni lang níya ang suwat sa ákung kamut, He just snatched the letter out of my hand.

labnit v [A; a] snatch s.t. attached or just placed s.w. with a jerk. Gilabnit ang íyang bangkaw ug mikaratil pagkanáug, He grabbed his spear from the place he had put it and rushed out.

labnub, labnug = lagnub.

labnut v [A; a] pull s.t. with a jerk, usually s.t. that is in s.t. else. Sa íyang kapungut gilabnut níya ang tahì sa sanínà, In her anger she ripped out the stitches of her dress. Ang kurd sa plantsa dílì labnútun, hináyun pag-ibut, You should pull out the cord slowly, not with a jerk. Gilabnútan aku níya sa buhuk, He pulled my hair.

labsik a lovesick. Labsik kaáyu nà siya, maung ganíwang, He is so lovesick that he has grown thin. v [B12] get lovesick.

labsit n game of tennis or pingpong played so that a player is declared winner if he gets half the score of the set without letting his opponent get a single point. v 1 [A; a12] win by this method. Musúkul ka nákù labsítun tika, Are you going to play against me? I’m going to beat you eleven to nothing. 2 [a12b8] get nothing for one’s efforts. Wà ku makalabsit sa ákung pagpanágat, I did not go fishing for nothing. I got s.t.

labtik v 1 [A; b] strike with a flicking or snapping motion. Labtíkan tikaw sa lastiku, I’ll flick the rubber band at you. Hilabtikan ka sa nawung ug buy-an ku ring sanga, You’ll get lashed in the face if I let go off this branch suddenly. 2 [B46] for a mechanism to click or snap. Nagpúsing pa ku, nilabtik na diay ang kamira, I was still posing, but the camera had already clicked. 2a [A] for the heart to beat. Milabtik ang ákung dughan sa kahinangup, My heart beat with joy at seeing her. n 1 whip or s.t. to flick at s.t. 1a reins of a carabao: a rope usually about 3–4 meters long attached to the end of the nose cord (pangilung). It is snapped on the carabao’s back to urge it on. 2 action of flicking. pa- hint, s.t. said indirectly. Ang íyang mulù nga wà pay swildu ági lag palabtik nga muhulam siyag kwarta, His complaints that he hadn’t been paid were just his way of hinting that he’d like to borrow money. v [A; b] give hints.

labting v [A; b6(1)] whip s.o. by flicking s.t. long and somewhat pliant at him. Gilabtíngan nákù siyag tualya, I flicked her with my towel.

labtingaw, labtíngaw a moderately salted fish, not completely dried. v [AB6; c1] dry fish, but not completely, with a moderate amount of salt. Milabtíngaw silag bulad ug daghang isdà pára sa húngus, They half dried a quantity of moderately salted fish for the work bee. Walà malabtíngaw (mulabtíngaw) ang buwad kay naulanan, The salted fish did not dry even part way because it got rained on.

labu1 a 1 for ripe fruit, cooked root crops, and squash to have a dry and consistent texture of meat without being soggy. 2 for skin to be dry. v 1 [B2] get to have a dry and consistent texture. 2 [B] get dry skin. Mulabu ang pánit sa síging kalígù, A person who always goes swimming will get dry skin.

*labu2 kwartang ma- sure, easy money. Kwartang malabu ug maáyu kang ahinti, láway ray puhúnan, It’s sure money if you’re a good sales agent. All you need for capital is yourself (lit. your saliva).

lábu1 v 1 [B; c1] sink deeply. Milábu ang ayis pik sa dughan ni Kindi, The ice pick sank deep into Candy’s breast. Mu ra ka man ug bairan nga nalábu sa lápuk, You take forever to come back when I send you s.w. (Lit. You are like a whetstone thrown into the mud and fail to come up.) 2 [A1; c6] throw overboard. Ang mga ismaglir naglábu sa ílang mga karga samtang gibugtaw sa taga kustum, The smugglers jettisoned their cargo when the customs men pursued them. 3 [AP; b5] go into a woman. Kinsa na sad kahay mulábu (mupalábu) niánang bayhana karung gabíi? I wonder who will use that woman tonight. 4 [B26; a1] for [544]garments to become loose-fitting and flapping. Milábu (nalábu) ang íyang mga sinínà karung daut na siya, Her clothing has gotten loose now that she lost weight. n depth of s.t. sunk in. Usa giyud ka pulgáda ang lábu sa lansang sa íyang lapalapa, The nail sank 1″ into the sole of his foot. pa- n k.o. net fishing whereby the net is spread before the sun sets and hauled in some hours later, but before the sun rises. v [A; c1] go net fishing in this way.

lábu2 v [AN; ab2] fool s.o. by flattery or lies. Nalábu sa kandidátu ang mga pumipilì, nakadaug giyud, The voters were fooled by the candidate, so he won. — líbà, — kasuy n s.t. said to fool s.o. Lábu líbà (kasuy) lang ang mga pasálig sa tinuryu, The Don Juan’s promises are designed to deceive. linabúhan, pinanglabúhan n s.t. gained by flattery or deceit. -um-r- a flatterer, deceiver.

lábu3 v [B46] for fish to run in schools. Mulábu ang mga isdà sa ímung tungud kun patungdan mug sugà, Fish gather in throngs beneath you if you beam a light down into the water. Ang paun nga íyang gisabúlak mauy nakalábu (nakapalábu) sa mga isdà, The bait that he sprinkled around in the water made the fish gather in schools. n school of fish, throng of people.

labù = labu1, v2.

lábù1 v [AB] for vision to get blurred; cause it to do so. Milábù ang íyang mga mata sa lúhà, Her vision was blurred with tears.

lábù2 v [B2] grow thick and lush. Mulábù ang mga tanum kun hambúkan, Plants will grow thick and lush if you loosen the soil around the base. a lush, thick in growth. Lábù ug kílay, Thick eyebrows.

lab-u = labhù.

labud n 1 welt. Dílà ra ang walay labud nímu, I’ll beat every inch of you. (Lit. only your tongue will escape welts.) 2 k.o. millipede, about 5″ long and an inch around, found in moist earth. The body is covered with a hard, black shell divided into thin segments which go around the body and overlap. It does not bite but secretes a clear yellow substance which burns the skin and may blind the eyes. 3 lies designed to convince s.o. (slang). Dì ku mutúu nímu kay labud nà, I don’t believe you, because that is nothing more than big talk. v 1 [BN; b4N] get welts on. Nanglabud (gipalabdan) ang ákung bukubuku, My back has welts all over it. 2 [a4] infested with millipedes. Gilabud ang sílung sa ámung balay, The area under our house is full of millipeds. 3 [A; a] convince s.o. with lies (slang). Nakalabud siya sa íyang asáwa nga pasurúyun, He told his wife some tall stories so she would let him go out.

labug n 1 dish consisting of shredded boiled fish stewed in vinegar, coconut juice, and spices. 2 dish consisting of shredded broiled fish mixed with pickled fish. v [A; ac1] fix labug. Labugun lang ni nátung pági, Let’s cook this rayfish in vinegar and coconut juice. -in- = labug.

lábug v 1 [A; c] throw out. Dílì ku mulábug ug butang hangtud dílì madúnut, I don’t throw things away until they are rotten. Sábà dinhà, ikaw unyà ang ákung ilábug, Keep quiet, or I will throw you out. Nahilábug (nalábug) ku paglíkù ug kalit sa trák, I was thrown a distance when the bus made an abrupt curve. 2 [A3P; c] assign s.o. to a far away place. Ang kuntra níyang supirbisur mauy milábug níya ngadtu sa búkid, The supervisor that had a grudge against him assigned him to teach in the mountains. n distance to which s.t. is thrown.

labuk v 1 [A; b] for a chicken to attack. Milabuk ang himungáan dihang gihilabtan ang pisù, The hen charged when s.o. messed with her chicks. 1a charge into a fray like a chicken. Gilabukan níya ang íyang kuntra sa dihang gimiramiráhan siya, She lunged at her enemy when he waved his finger at her. 1b [CP; acP] have cocks fight each other for practice. Nakiglábuk (nakigpalábuk) si Talyu sa íyang tiksas sa halsi sa íyang silíngan, Talyo had his Texas cock have a practice fight with his neighbor’s Hulsey. 1c [A] come in a gust. Milabuk ang hángin ug unyà mikalma dáyun, The wind gusted and then calmed down. Katáhap nga milabuk sa íyang pangísip, A suspicion that suddenly arose in his mind. 2 [A] go after what one wants. Ingun ka báyut siya. Mulabuk sad nà ug makalugar, You said he was a sissy, but I assure you he won’t sit on his hands if he gets half a chance. 2a — sa hílum go after what one wants without letting on to others. Milabuk siya sa hílum ug nakaunag hangyù, He moved in without letting others notice it, and he was the first one to ask. n way of attacking. hílum, sikrítu ug — doing things on the sly (secretly). Pahilumhílum nang tawhána, apan sikrítug labuk, That man pretends to be quiet, but actually he is doing things on the sly. (←) n action of clashing with one another. labuklábuk v [A; b] do s.t. intermittently. Ígù lang siyang mulabuklábuk sa trabáhu [545]kay may láin siyang lingaw, He just appears at work from time to time because he has other diversions.

lab-uk v [AN; b3] 1 swallow one’s saliva. Nagpanlab-uk siya sa láway sa kaíbug, He swallowed his spittle in his great desire. 2 = lad-uk. n 1 action of swallowing the saliva. 2 = lad-uk.

labulábu v [AC; ab25] do s.t. with intensity and unrestrainedly. Ug mulabulábu ug trabáhu wà man gihápuy ingkris, If I work very hard, I still won’t get a raise. Naglabulábu ang káun sa inyu, They were eating in great quantities and without restraint at your house. Hinglabulabúhan lagig hawuk, padilìdílì bítaw, She was subjected to intense and rough kissing. That’s what she gets for pretending not to want to.

labun, lábun 1 when in fact, actually. Gwápa kaáyu, labun hugawan diay, She is beautiful, but actually she has dirty habits. 2 — kay anyway, [so-and-so] is OK. In any case ... Musugut sad kug dílì ta mangadtu, labun kay daghan ku ug trabáhu, It would be all right with me if we don’t go there. Anyway, I have lots of work to do. 3 while, to take advantage of a situation. Manan-aw tag sini labun daghan pa kug kwarta, Let’s go see a movie while I still have lots of money. (→) v [B46] be more prevalent. Maglabun ang sulti kay sa búhat, There is more talk than action. -ay(←), si-, si-(←) = labun, 1. pa- v [A; ac] be partial, have preference for. Nagpalabun si Albin sa pagkatúlug kay sa pagsuruysúruy, Alvin would rather sleep than go around. Palabunun kung mag-inusára kay sa magminyù nga maglisudlisud, I’d rather be alone than marry and be financially hard up. Ákù ning ipalabun ang dakung páhat sa tigúlang, I’ll give the old woman the bigger share.

labung1 = dabung.

labung2, lábung a 1 abundant and long of growth. Labung (lábung) ang buhuk sa ákung anak, My child has thick, lush hair. Lábung ang kúgun, The saw grass is growing tall and thick. 2 exaggerating for the sake of bragging. Labung ug sinultihan, Boastful in his speech. v 1 [B] growing abundantly. Milabung ang mga sagbut pag-ulan, The weeds and grasses became thick and lush when it rained. 2 [B; c1] become boastful. Gilábung níya ang íyang sinultihan arun pagpatúu nga dakù siyang asyindíru, He spoke in a bragging way to make people believe he was a big plantation owner.

labur n embroidery. v [AN; b6(1)] embroider. Mga madring Bilgas ang naglabur sa mga bílung pinya, The Belgian sisters embroidered the pineapple fiber veils. Ákung gilaburan ang tanang panyù nga ákung gipangrigálu, I embroidered all the handkerchiefs I gave out as gifts.

laburaturyu n laboratory.

labut n = lubut (dialectal).

lábut n 1 concern, connection, part of. Wà kay lábut sa ámung gipanagsultíhan, What we are talking about is no concern of yours. Wà kuy lábut sa nahitabù, I have nothing to do with what happened. 2 including. Lábut ba ning baskit sa prisyu sa prútas? Is the basket included in the price of the fruits? Lábut ka sa íyang kasukù, You’re included in his anger. 3 — pa besides that. Tagáan siyag primyu. Lábut pa maasáwa níya ang prinsísa, He will be given a reward, and besides he can marry the princess. v 1 [AN23; c1] concern oneself with s.t., be included in the responsibility for s.t. Dì lang ku mulábut (manlábut) ánà kay mu ra mag siyay sad-an, I won’t mix into that affair because he’s apparently guilty. Ayawg ilábut ang inahan nákù sa áway, Don’t drag my mother into the quarrel. (→) v = hilabut. hi-(→) v [AN; a] 1 touch, meddle with s.t. or s.o., cause trouble or bother. Ang muhilabut niíning ákung butang mapawù gayud, Whoever touches my things will get a whipping. Hilabtan gánì nang ákung manghud, If you dare meddle with my little sister,... 2 steal. Hipúsa ang ímung aláhas, hilabtan unyà, Put your jewels in a safe place. They might be stolen. 3 have sexual intercourse (euphemism). Wà siya muhilabut (manghilabut) sa íyang asáwa kay nagdaut pa man kini, He did not have sexual intercourse with his wife because she was still sick. 4 harm. Dílì na makahilabut nátù ang úngù kay dúna man tay panagang, That vampire can’t harm us because we have a charm. hilabtánun a 1 meddlesome, given to stealing. 2 tending to molest women. Sus, pagbantay giyud mu ánang lakíha, hilabtánun ra ba nag babáyi, My! Better be careful. That man is known to be dangerous to women. labutlabut v 1 [B1256] become meddlesome. Ayawg labutlabut sa ámung áway, Don’t meddle in our quarrel. 2 [c] include s.t. which shouldn’t be included. Ayawg ilabutlabut sa átung lális ang way lábut, Don’t include irrelevant matters in our argument. pangi-, panggi-, pangin-, panghi v [A; b(1)] meddle in with s.t., make s.t. one’s business. Ngánung manggilábut ku sa inyung prublíma? Why should I mix in with your problems? Ngánung panggilabútan [546]pa níya ang ákung kaminyúun? Why is he meddling into my wedding plans? ig-, dílì ig- not related. Makapangasáwa ka níya, kay dílì mu siya iglábut, You can marry her because she is unrelated to you. ka-an n involvement, responsibility. Ang taksi draybir may kalabútan sa káwat, The taxi driver had s.t. to do with the robbery.

*labuy pa- v [A; c1] ignore s.t. said against one’s own person. Maldíta kaáyu nang bayhána, dì giyud nà mupalabay ug sulti, suklían giyud, That woman is ill-natured. She never lets a word pass without answering back. Ipalabuy (palabuya) lang ang mga huhungíhung nga way katinúan, Just ignore groundless rumors. palabuylábuy v [A; b(1)] give hints. Palabuylabúyi ug sulti si Máma arun makasabut nga nagkinahanglan tag kwarta, Give Mama some hints so she will understand that we need money.

labúyù n 1 adolescent rooster. 2 wild chicken, male or female, characterized by its smallness as compared with the domestic ones. -un a having the characteristics of a wild chicken.

labyug v 1 [AB46; c] swing vigorously with a sweeping arc. Grabíha sad nímung nakalabyug sa dúyan, My, how vigorously you swing the hammock. Milabyug ang bágun nga gikumbitáyan ni Tarsan, The vine that Tarzan rode swung with sweeping arc. Ilabyug ang písì úsà ilábay, Swing the rope vigorously before you throw it. 2 [A13] wear a loose style of trousers. n 1 swinging motion with a sweeping arc. 2 style of loose-fitting trousers. paN- v [A13; a] go fishing with a line. Ang katambak panlabyúgun, Porgies are caught by casting a line. pina- n = labyug, n2.

lad-an see lála.

lad-ang a 1 water having a slightly salty taste. Lad-ang ang túbig sa atábay nga duul sa dágat, Water from a well near the sea tends to taste a bit salty. 1a for drinking water or soup to have a flat taste. 2 responding with no enthusiasm, coldly. Lad-ang ang íyang tinagdan kanákù, She gave me a cool reception. v 1 [B; a6] get, be flat or salty tasting. Mulad-ang (malad-ang) ang túbig human pabukála, Water tastes flat after it is boiled. 2 [B; a12] be cool in one’s dealings with s.o.

ladíla n trowel for plastering or smoothing out cement. v [A; b5] use a trowel on s.t.

ladlad v [A; c] 1 spread soaped white clothes under the sun to bleach them. Nagladlad siya sa íyang mga sinabunan sa kasagbutan, She spread the soaped clothes on the grass. Ang mga dikulur ayaw iladlad, Don’t spread the colored things out to bleach. 2 spread for display. Iladlad ang mga baligyà sa asíras, Spread the goods to display them on the sidewalk. Dílì ángay iladlad ang láwas sa publiku, It is not proper to display your body to the public. 2a show, present, tell. Miladlad siya sa ákung angsu nga kagahápun, She spread the smelly details of my past out for the public to enjoy. 3 [A; c] set a fishline or net. Dì ta muladlad sa pukut sa duha ka dupa kay mabaw ra, We will not set the net at two fathoms because it’s a bit too shallow. n goods laid out on the sidewalk for display. Kining guntínga didtu níya mapalit sa ladlad, She bought this pair of scissors from a sidewalk vendor. -in- n soaped clothes spread for bleaching.

láds v [A] lodge, rent a room or sleeping space. n loge in a movie house. ladyir n lodger.

lad-uk v [A; b6] 1 gulp down a liquid. Mulad-uk lang siyag kapi dáyung adtus trabáhu, He gulps down a cup of coffee before leaving for work. 2 = lab-uk. n 1 action of swallowing liquids. 2 quantity of liquid in a swallow. Tulu ka lad-uk sa túbig ígung ipugung sa uhaw, Three swallows of water, enough to stave off thirst.

ladyir see láds.

laga = hulmígas.

làgà v [A; a] broil water or water with s.t. in it: coffee, medicinal herbs, and the like. Naglàgà kug luy-a pára sa nagsakit kung tiyan, I am brewing ginger tea for my stomachache. -anan n any cooking utensil used for boiling purposes.

lagáak v [B2S3(1)46] produce a loud cracking or splitting sound. Kusug nga nakalagáak ang kawáyan pagpíkas niíni, The bamboo produced a loud cracking sound when it was split.

lag-ab1 v [A; a] drink in large gulps, drink greedily. Adtu na pud sa tubaan. Paglag-ab na pud didtu, Go on to the drinking stand. Swig your toddy. Ug lag-ábun nímu ang sabaw, dì na hisalinan ang uban, If you gulp all of the soup down, there won’t be any left for the others. n gulp. Sa usa ka lag-ab nahurut níya ang usa ka básu, He drank up the glassful in one gulp.

lag-ab2 a having spaces in between. Lag-ab ang pagkasalug sa balay, The flooring was put in with spaces between the floor boards. v 1 [B2; c1] get spaces between. Naglag-ab ang kamaisan kay daghan ang wà muturuk, The corn plants came up far apart because so many failed to germinate. Nalag-aban ang ámung baul sa karsáda, The road divided [547]our field. 2 [A; b7] destroy a large portion of s.t., remove a large chunk out of. Ang bagyung Naring milag-ab sa ámung kalubihan, Typhoon Naring destroyed a large number of our coconut plants. Gilag-ában ug dakù ang kík, A big part was taken off the cake. n amount taken off.

lag-ab3 v [A; b6] belch, burp. Milag-ab siya sa kabusug, He burped because he was full. Dílì makatulug ang bátà ug dílì makalag-ab, The child can’t go to sleep unless he burps.

lagablab (from lablab) a 1 for clothing to be loose so as to be flapping. 2 talking continuously and inconsequentially. Katuúhan ba gud nà nga lagablab man, Can you believe him when he babbles on all the time? v 1 [A] be loose and flapping. Nalagablab ang pagkatahì sa íyang sinínà, After it was sewed, her dress was so loose it flapped. Naglagablab ang íyang ági sa íyang paglabay, She passed by with her skirts flapping. Naglagablab ang bandíra, The flag flapped. 2 [A; c] blab, talk too much. Sugut lang nà siyag way káun basta makalagablab lang, She doesn’t mind not eating so long as she can shoot off her mouth. Pagbantay unyag kining ímung hidunggan ímung ilagablab, Better watch out if you blabber about what you heard here.

lagak, lágak v [A; c1] lower s.t. on a line. Dinhi lang nátù lagákun (ilágak) ang báling, Let us just cast the fishing net here. n length of line lowered.

lagàlà a given to loud boasting. n action of boasting. Maáyu sa abugádu nang lagàlà, kay dílì palúpig, Having a big mouth is good for lawyers, because no one can outdo them. v [B12] be vocally boastful. Nagkalagàlà si Ídi nga nagkadakù ang íyang katungdánan, Eddie is getting more and more loud-mouthed with his boasting now that he has been promoted. -un(→) a boastful sort.

lagàlagà n a darting light from a flickering fire or phosphorescent light. Ang lagàlagà sa mga aniníput nakahátag ug talagsaung dan-ag, The flashes of phosphorescence given off by the fireflies gave an unusual brightness. v [A] give off flashes of darting light. Naglagàlagà ang lamparilya nga nahutdan sa gás, The kerosene lamp is flickering because it ran out of gas.

lagalaw (not without l) = lagaraw.

lagamak = lugamak.

lagang1 n chambered nautilus.

lagapak, lagápak = lugapak.

lagaplap v [A] for s.t. flat to come partly off so as to flap. Mulagaplap ang lapalapa sa sapátus ug maukang, The sole of your shoe will flap if it comes partly off.

lagarat, lagárat a harsh and grating sound of voice. Misinggit siyag pakitábang sa lagarat nga tíngug, She called for help in a raspy, hoarse voice. Lagarat sa masinggan, The rat-a-tat-tat of the machine gun. v [B2S; a] for the voice to get harsh, grating. Magkalagarat ang tíngug sa táwu nga palaínum, A heavy drinker’s voice becomes harsh with time.

lagaraw n k.o. long machete with a blunt end which curves downward, used for rough clearing, picking up coconuts, and the like. v [A1; b6] wear or use a lagaraw.

lagárì n saw. v [A; a] saw.

lagas1 a 1 for a person to be old. Dalágang lagas, Old maid. 2 for corn to ripen. Lagas na ang mais. Sanggiun na, The corn is mature, ready for harvesting. 3 withered, shriveled up to the point that it falls off the stem. Nagkayamúkat ang nataran sa lagas, The yard is untidy with all the fallen leaves. 4 having spent long s.w. Lagas na ku dinhi sa Pilipínas, I’ve spent a long time here in the Philippines. v 1 [B2] for a person to become old. Mulagas (malagas) kag dalì ug maghínay kag panuyù, You’ll age fast if you are always angry. 2 [B2] for corn to mature, be ready for harvest. 2a [b8] be overtaken by the ripening of corn. Malagasan ka na lang ánang ímung gitanum, dílì ka pa makaamural, Those corn seedlings will be ready for harvest before you get around to proposing. 3 [APB; a] for leaves, fruits to wither and fall off; cause them to do so. Yugyúga ang mansanítas arun mulagas (malagas) ang mga búnga ug dáhun, Shake the tree so that its dried leaves and fruits will fall off. 4 [B5] for a period of time to come to an end. Maghinayhínay na kug panghípus kay nagkalagas na ang adlaw, I had better begin packing up as the day is coming to an end.

lagas2 v 1 [A; a] pursue, run after. Nakalagas ku sa trák kay gilabyan lang ku, I was forced to run after the truck because it just passed me by. 2 [b8] get caught up with. Diin ka hilagasi? Where did they catch up with you?

lagasak n splattering, pattering noise made by water falling on s.t. v [A] for water to make a splattering noise. Naglagasak ang íhì níya sa batu, Her urine made a splashing sound as it hit the rocks.

lagat1 a for root crops or bananas to have a soft, stringy consistency with no flavor. Lagat ning sagínga kay ahat pagkahinug, These [548]bananas are soft and stringy because they were picked before they were ripe. v [B; a1] get soggy and fibrous. Mulagat ang kamúti ug madugay ug húmul sa túbig, Sweet potatoes become soggy if they are left soaking in water too long.

lagat2 a for the eyes to be bulging. (←) v [B23] for the eyes to bulge. Nilágat ang íyang mga mata sa kahibúlung, His eyes popped out of his head in surprise.

lagatak n 1 a clattering, slapping, thudding noise of numerous things hitting s.t. 2 = lagasak. v [A; a1] 1 strike with a clatter. Milagatak ang mga batu sa bungbung, The stones hit the wall with a rattling sound. Milagatak ang mga sinsilyu sa simintu, The coins dropped with a clatter on the cement floor. 2 shell out a large amount of money for s.t. not necessary. Upat ka gatus ang nalagatak níya sa nayitklab, He spent four hundred pesos at the night club. 3 = lagasak.

lagatlat a for corn grits to be wet and unevenly cooked. v [B6; c1] for corn grits to come out lagatlat. Mulagatlat ang linung-ag ug daghan ang túbig ug kúwang sa káyu, Corn grits come out wet and unevenly cooked if you use too much water and not enough fire.

lagatukan a almost cooked, but not quite. Lagatukan pa ang kamunggay, ayaw únà haúna, The vegetables are not quite soft. Let them cook a bit longer.

lagaw n k.o. deep sea fish with pink skin about 6″ in length and 2″ in width, caught in large schools.

lagay1 n 1 penis (coarse). 2 scrotal sack encasing the testicles. v [a12] be hit or struck on the penis or in the scrotum. Lagaya siya pagpátid, Kick him in the balls.

lagay2 v 1 [A; c] bribe, grease the palm (slang). Wà man ka mulagay mau nga gidakup ka, You didn’t give him anything, so you were arrested. 2 bribes given to s.o. in power.

lagbà = labà2.

lagbas v 1 [A2; b5] pierce or traverse through. Milagbas sa íyang panumdúman ang tíngug sa íyang asáwa, The voice of his wife passed through his mind. Milagbas ang lansang ngari sa píkas, The nail pierced through the other side. Lagbasun (lagbasan) ning sinilása ug lansang, A nail can pierce through these slippers. 2 [A2; a123] arrive at a destination after having gone through s.t. Dúgay kung kalagbas dinhi kay daghan kug gihapithapitan, It took me a long time to get here because I had to stop at several places. 3 [AC; bc] go, bring s.t. beyond s.t. Tingálig magkalagbas ta, I’m afraid we might pass by each other without knowing it. Makalagbas ka kahà sa íyang abilidad? Do you think you can surpass his ability? Gilagbasan námù ang inyung balay, We went beyond your house. — sa 1 through an area or over a stretch of time. Babáying naglakaw lagbas sa háwan sa tulunghaan, A woman walking across the courtyard of the school. 2 beyond s.t. Lagbas pa sa pusti, Beyond the post. -anan n place one passes through. -in-an(→) n a mark left by s.t. that passed.

lagdà n pattern or outline to which s.t. is to conform. 1 rules of behavior or action. Lagdà sa gramatika, Rules of grammar. Lagdà sa pamatásan, Code of behavior. 2 temporary stitches to be sewn over. 2a tracing. 3 signature. Way lagdà ang tsíki, The check lacks a signature. v 1 [A; c] give a set of rules to be followed. Unsay gilagdà sa Kudigu Pinal báhin niíni? What does the Penal Code state about this? 2 [A; a] baste, make temporary stitches prior to sewing. Gilagdaan pa ni, dílì untà maghíbat, If you had basted it first, it wouldn’t have come out crooked. 2a [A; c1] trace a pattern. Ang tiil sa bátà gilagdà ku sa papil, I traced the outline of the child’s foot on a piece of paper. 3 [A; b] affix one’s signature.

lagdas a careless, not giving s.t. its proper attention. v [AP; bP] 1 do s.t. without proper care. Mulagdas (mupalagdas) lang nag higdà bísan ása, He lies down any old place. Hikaiktan kay naglagdas man lag sulti, He got scolded because he spoke without thinking. Gipalagdásan (gilagdásan) lang níla ang nigusyu maung nabangkarúta, They just let their business go, so it went bankrupt. 2 be any old place, everywhere. Gibutangan nákug hilu ánang gabíi. Pagkabuntag nanglagdas na ang ilagà, I put out poison for the rats that night, and in the morning the rats were scattered all over the place. 3 [A12] = pa-, 1. pa- v 1 [A; b6] stay in a place without moving away, though there may be good reason to settle elsewhere. Mupalagdas (magpalagdas) lang ku sa ámù kay mahadluk kung mulangyaw, I’ll stay in our place forever because I’m afraid to migrate. 2 [A; c1] fish with the palagdas set s.w. n fishing with a pole which is left alone s.w. and tended only when s.t. bites. pama- v [A2] put in an application s.w. on a slim chance. Mamalagdas lang kug aplay dihà básin pag dawátun, I’ll try my luck in applying in case I am accepted. [549]

lagdù n droplets. Gagmayng lagdù nga namilit sa kadahúnan, Small droplets that stuck to the leaves. v [B6] form droplets, fall in droplets. Milagdù ang ákung mga lúhà sa ákung kaapíngan, My tears formed droplets on my cheeks.

lagduk n 1 a small stake. 2 penis (humorous slang). 3ang anínu noon (lit. for the shadow to have been driven in the ground like a stake). 3a noon (short for lagduk ang anínu). Lagduk na (ang anínu) pag-abut námù, It was noon when we arrived. v 1 [A; b] drive a small stake into the ground. Maglagduk kug tugwáyan sa kábaw, I’ll drive a peg to tether my carabao to. 1a stick s.t. into s.t. Ilagduk ang kandílà sa kik, Stick the candles into the cake. 1b [A; c] hold oneself upright and firm. Makalagduk na si Bíbi pagtindug, Baby can stand by herself now. 2 [A13; c] put a fighting cock out in the yard by staking the tether string to the ground. Kinsay naglagduk sa manuk diris gardin? Who tied the cock here in the garden? 3 [A; a2] in bowling, throw the ball keeping the feet together in place without moving them or taking a step. Nakalagduk na ku, apan wà ku kadaug, I tried throwing the ball without taking a step, but I couldn’t win. 4 [B3; b4] for the sun to be directly above one. Mulagduk ang adlaw ug maalas dúsi, The sun gets directly above you at twelve o’clock. 4a be, become noon. Gilagdúkan na lang siya sa adlaw wà pa giyud mahumag dáru, It was already noon, and he still had not finished plowing. 4b for s.t. to be above one like the sun. Milagduk ákung tabánug, My kite soared above me. 4c [B246; c1] for the eyes to roll upwards. Milagduk íyang mata sa kalamì, Her eyes rolled upward in ecstacy. (→) v [a4] become absent-minded. Uy, gilagduk na tingáli ka kay walà ka makapanira sa ímung karsúnis, My, you have become absent-minded because you haven’t buttoned up your pants. -an(→) = lagduk. n 1.

lagdung n sinker for a fishing line, net, or any other rope dropped into the sea. v [b] use or put a sinker.

laghang = lahang (plural), a and v.

laghaw a low and throaty in voice. Laghaw ang tíngug ni Lurin Bakal, Lauren Bacall had a low and throaty voice. v [B; c1] be, become husky, rasping. Makalaghaw (makapalaghaw) ug tíngug ning sip-un, Colds make the voice weak and throaty.

laghay a for s.t. in grains or powder to be hard and dry. Gaan ang laghay nga munggus, Dry mung beans are light. — nga ubu dry cough, difficult with no discharge. v [B1; c1] be, become hard and dry. Ilaghay (lagháya) paglung-ag ang kan-un, Cook the rice hard and dry so that each grain is separate.

laghus (from lahus) v [A; ac] proceed, take s.t. directly s.w. Dì ku magdúgay dinhi. Mulaghus ku sa ákung gidulngan, I won’t stay here long. I’ll go directly to the place I’m headed for. a straight without bends.

lagi particle used to assert emphatically that s.t. is what it is. 1 particle giving assurance about s.t. the interlocutor may be inclined to disbelieve: believe it or not, I assure you [so-and-so] is the case. Ayaw ug kabaláka kay muabut lagi si Máma mu, Don’t worry. Your mother will come back. Wà lagi nákù tuyúa. Ayaw kasukù, I told you I didn’t mean to do it. You shouldn’t get angry. 1a in narration, a particle acknowledging that there might be reason to disbelieve: believe it or not. Ang manuk lagi ni Pidru nga bayat nakabunù, Believe it or not, that weakling cock of Pedro’s managed to win! 1b — kay because, after all, that is what one would expect. Tungud lagi kay abtik man tu siya, siyay nakadaug, And since he was, after all, pretty smart, he won. 2 expressing surprise at s.t. contrary to one’s expectations. Ingun kang wâ. Nía ra man lagi, You said it was gone, but here it is! Ingun kang dílì mulubad, milubad man lagi, You said it wasn’t going to fade, but it did. 2a náa na pud — expression of deep exasperation at s.t. that occurred a second time, which already was exasperating to start out with. Náa na pud lagi. Ímu na pung gihilabtan, There you go again. You touched it again. 2b apan — but despite what might have been expected. Apan lagi, dinhi puy pipila nga nanambung, However, there were a few who attended. 2c [so-and-so] is the case, after all, much as one might wish it otherwise. Nalípay nga naadtu sa Amirika ang ílang anak, piru kay anak man lagi, mingawun giyud sila, They are happy that their son went to the States, but because he is, after all, their son, they will miss him. 2d with a repeated command or request: didn’t I tell you to do [so-and-so]? Now do it! Ibutang lagi nang kutsilyu, Didn’t I tell you to put that knife down? Ayaw lagig sábà, I said stop that noise. Tris lagi. Dì lagi ni ikatúgut ug dus, I said three. I told you I can’t let you have it for two. 3 indicating that the speaker was right all along about a certain point in contention: see, I told you. Lagi, giingnan ta lagi kang hustu tu, See, I [550]told you that was right! ‘Uu. Mubálik giyud ku. Duul ra man.’ — ‘Lagi,’ ‘Yes, I will come back again. Anyway, it’s right close.’ — ‘Yes (that’s what I’ve been saying).’ dáan pa — [gen.] that’s what [gen.] thought. Dáan pa lagi ku, wà siya dinhi, That’s just what I thought! He’s not here. 3a conceding a point with some reservation. ‘Gwápu siyag kutsi.’ — ‘U lagi, piru inútang,’ ‘He’s got a nice car.’ — ‘He sure does, but it’s not his.’ v [b(1)] emphatically assure s.o. by saying lagi to him. Dì ku musálig sa íyang pasálig bísan ug gilagihan ku níya, I won’t count on his promises even though he assured me emphatically.

lag-i n thin piece of bamboo or rattan used for flooring, fencing, or tying. v [a; a] split bamboo or rattan.

lag-id1 a hard, tough. Lag-id ang tugas labi na ang íyang lúbas, Molave is a hard wood, esp. the heartwood.

lag-id2 v [A; bc] brush, whizz, speed by s.t. touching or grazing it slightly. Duha ka íhu ang milag-id (naglag-id) níya, Two sharks whizzed by him. Ígù lang nakalag-id sa íyang nawung ang bala, The bullet just grazed his face.

lagilági kinds, quality. Lagilági ang buluk sa bángaw, The rainbow has various colors. v [A; c16] be, get, make various kinds. Dílì ta makalagilági sa putáhi kun wà tay kwarta, We can’t have all different kinds of food if we have no money. Ayaw lagilagíha (ilagilági) ang ímung ági, Don’t vary your penmanship. ka- of all different kinds. v [A13] be of all different kinds. Ang útan nga magkalagilági lamían, A vegetable stew of various kinds of vegetables tastes good.

lagilhi v [A; b] smooth sticks by scraping or whittling off unnecessary edges. Siyay milagilhi sa kawáyang igsalálug, He smoothed the slats to put in as flooring.

láging = lúging.

lagingling n soft tinkling sound. Ang lagingling sa kampanilya, The tinkling of the small bell. Ang lagingling sa íyang kinataw-an, The tinkling of her laughter. v [A; c1] make a tinkling sound.

lagínit v [B2S45] emit a ripping, tearing sound. Nagkalaginit ang pánit nga giláras, The leather that was sliced gave a ripping sound. n a ripping, tearing sound. Nadungug námù ang lagínit sa pagkasìsì sa íyang karsúnis, We heard the sound of his trousers ripping. -in- = lagínit, n.

lag-it a 1 rough and sharp. Mga lag-it nang mga batu, Those rocks are sharp and rough. 1a sharp, keen, piercing. 2 hard and durable. Lag-it nga káhuy, pánit, Hard wood, durable leather. v 1 [B12; a] be, become sharp, piercing. Sigíhig báid hangtud malag-it, Keep working at it until it becomes sharp. Dinhà na ang babáyi batíag kahadluk sa nagkalag-it na ang tinan-awan sa táwu kaníya, The girl didn’t feel frightened until the man started shooting penetrating glances at her. 2 [B] be, become hard and durable. Mulag-it ang kámay ug latikun, Sugar becomes crystallized if you make it into syrup.

lagitì n a sharp, snapping or cracking sound. Ang lagitì sa pistúlang gikák, The snapping of the pistol that was cocked. v [B46] make a cracking, snapping sound. Milagitì ang gamayng sanga nga ákung natumban, The twig cracked when I stepped on it. Ang asin mauy nakalagitì (nakapalagitì) sa káyu, The salt thrown into the fire made it crackle. -in- = lagitì, n.

lagiting a intense heat of the sun. Mulakaw kang lagiting ang ínit? Do you have to go when the heat is scorching? v [A] for the sun’s heat to get intense.

lagiw v [B56; b3c] run away, escape from a place. Milagiw (nalagiw) ang mutsatsa kay gidagmálan, The maid ran away because she was badly treated. Unsay ímung gilagiwan sa inyu? What did you escape from at home? Ilagiw ang ímung uyab gíkan sa íyang pamanhunun, Take your girl away from her husband-to-be. n escapee, stowaway. Nasakpan ang lagiw sa pínal kuluni, They caught the escapee from the penal colony. ka- v = lagiw. kágiw = kalagiw.

lagiwliw n spiny outgrowths from bamboo plants. v [A; b] gather lagiwliw.

lagkaw n makeshift shelter for staying in temporarily. v [A; a] make a temporary shelter. Naglagkaw ang mga bakwit sa lasang, The evacuees erected lean-to’s in the forest. -in- a built like a temporary shelter.

laglag a 1 fallen off. Mga laglag nga dáhun, Fallen leaves. 2 destroyed, ruined. Laglag nga mga damgu, Ruined dreams. v 1 [B; a] fall off, cause to do so. Ang hángin naglaglag sa mga lusuk sa humay, The wind caused the grains of rice to fall off. Nagkalaglag ang íyang buhuk human masakit sa típus, Her hair has been constantly falling off after her bout with typhoid. Gilaglag níyag túyù ang panyù arun nákù punitun, She dropped the handkerchief on purpose so that I would pick it up. 2 [B6] abort, have a miscarriage or an abortion. Prisúhun ang duktur nga mulaglag ug bátà, A doctor who performs abortions will be put in prison. [551]Bag-u pa siya nga nalaglágan, She just had a miscarriage. 3 [AB12; a] bring to a downfall, destroy. Ang Diyus naglaglag sa Súdum, God destroyed Sodom. ma-un a destructive. Malaglágung hunàhúnà, Destructive thoughts.

laglum see lalum.

lagmaw = lugmaw.

lagmun n impulse, what one wants to do at a certain instant. Unsa may lagmun ku? Sa pagkakità kung nanágan sila, midágan sab ku, When I saw them run away, my impulse was to run away, too.

lagmit likely, the chances are very good that s.t. will happen. Ayúhag báat kay lagmit mabadbad ang hukut, Tie it well because the knot will likely come undone. Lagmit sa (ang) mapasahan sa gútum mabúang, A person who has become over-hungered is likely to go crazy. ma- = lagmit. ka-an 1 = lagmit. 2 probability. Ang kalagmítan nga may gíra dílì ikalimud, It cannot be denied that there is a good likelihood of war.

lagnak a loose, sagging. Lagnak ra nang pagkahigut sa muskitíru, The mosquito net has been tied so that it is sagging. v [B; c1] be, become slack, loose. Nagkalagnak ang íyang mga sinínà gíkan sa íyang pagkasakit, Her dresses have become too loose for her after her sickness.

lagnas v [A; b(1)] for water to spread out or flow over. Mulagnas ang túbig sa subà ngadtu sa pilapílan ug tingbáhà, Water from the river spreads over the rice paddies during the flood season. Basta dakung dágat maglagnas ang ámung sílung, When the tide is high, water spreads under our house.

lagnaw = labnaw.

lagnay a sagging for lack of firmness. Lagnay kaáyu ang unlan nga kúwang sa dasuk, A pillow that lacks stuffing is very soft. v [B; a2] sag for lack of firmness. Mulagnay ang tútuy sa inahan basta dì na sus-an, The breast of a mother sags after she stops nursing.

lagnub n erect shrub or small tree with smooth, glaberous, and shiny oval leaves, used to stop bleeding: Ficus hauili.

lagnut = labnut.

lagpad = lapad (plural).

lagpak v [A; a1b2] 1 slap, strike a part of one’s body with the hand or with s.t. flat. Kinsa tung naglagpak sa ákung bukubuku? Who slapped my back? 2 [A; b] patch a hole. Lagpáki na lang nà bisag unsa arun dì ka lìlíun, Patch that with anything so they won’t peep at you. Pula ang ilagpak sa ákung sinínà, Use a red piece of cloth to patch the tear in my dress. n slapping sound. -in- n having a checkered or striped design. Linagpak nga hinabul, Cloth woven in a checkered design. v [A; a] weave cloth in a checkered design.

lagpang v [AN; c1] broil peeled mature bananas. Lagpangun (ilagpang) níya ang salin nga ságing linung-ag, He will broil the leftover cooked bananas. -in- n broiled bananas.

lagpì v [A; a2] harvest corn. Hinug na ang púsù sa mais hustu nang lagpíun, The corn ears are ripe, just right for harvest. -unun n corn that is ready for harvest.

lagput v 1 [B26; b6] be knocked a distance. Milagput ang búla ug layù pagpátid ni Rúmi, Romy kicked the ball, and it flew off in the distance. Hilagputan ku sa íyang láway, I was hit by his spit. Nalagput ku nga giigwáran níya, I was thrown to the side when she hit me with her buttocks. 2 [B246] remove from a job, expel. Nalagput na siya sa iskuylahan. Hasta ikaw mulagput ug dì ka mag-amping, He was kicked out of school, and you will be, too, if you don’t watch it. 3 [B26] be caused to move with alacrity. Milagput mi pagkadungug sa mandasiyun, We moved off smartly when we heard the command. pa- v [A; c1] 1 cause to fly off. 2 expel from school or job. Wà na lang nákù siya ipalagput (palagpúta) sa íyang gisap-an, I didn’t expel him from the land he was working.

lagsaw1 a for the voice to be cracking, dry. v [B] get to be cracked and dry. Milagsaw ang tíngug sa bátà ug hinílak, The child’s voice became hoarse from crying.

lagsaw2 a 1 tall and lanky. 2 having bones sticking out prominently. v [B; b6] 1 become tall and lanky. Milagsaw lag kalit ang batan-ung laláki sa pagkabayung na, The young boy suddenly shot up when he reached his teens. 2 for the bones to stick out. Naunsa man kang nanglagsaw na nang ímung gúsuk? What’s the matter with you that your ribs are sticking out?

lagsaw3 n deer.

lagsik1 a 1 speedy and energetic. 1a doing s.t. quickly. Lagsik kaáyu siyang mulálag banig, He is quick in weaving mats. 2 healthy. Lagsik na man si Máma. Wà nay hilánat, Mother is fine again. She doesn’t have any fever any more. v [B; ab] get to be energetic, healthy. Milagsik ang ílang mga lákang pagtaligsik, They started walking faster when it started to rain. Inum sa ímung tambal arun ka malagsik, Take your medicine so you get your energy. ka- n briskness. ma-un a of a quick, brisk, healthy sort. [552]

lagsik2 v [B456; b2] for small things to fly off, splatter. Milagsik ang lápuk pagluksu nákù, Mud splattered in all directions when I jumped. Nanglagsik ang bildu pagkahúlug sa básu, Bits of glass flew off when the tumbler fell. Hilagsikan ku sa íyang láway pagsulti níya, His saliva splattered on me when he spoke. n matured coconut fruits which were thrown in all directions as they were gathered from the trees. -in- n s.t. that flew off.

lagsut v [B246; b2] splatter up or out, for things in pieces to scatter in various directions. Mulagsut ang íyang láway inigsulti, His saliva showers you when he talks. Nangalagsut ang mga lubi sa pagkahúlug sa búlig, The coconuts that came off the tree fell all over the place.

lagtang1 v [A; a] roast kernels of corn. Dúnay nanimáhù, may naglagtang tingálì ug mais, S.t. smells good. S.o. must be roasting corn kernels. -in- n roasted corn kernels.

lagtang2 n k.o. woody vine, the seeds of which are roasted and used for poisoning fish: Anamirta cocculus. v [AN; b5] fish using this plant as poison. -in-an n fish caught in this way.

lagtiw v [B26] 1 for s.t. small to be knocked off to a distance. Mu rag milagtiw (nalagtiw) ang ákung ispiritu pagbutu sa bumba, It seemed that my spirit left my body when the bomb exploded. Nanglagtiw ang mga binughà nga íyang gibundak, Pieces of wood flew off in all directions when he dropped the logs. 2 be caused to move with alacrity under some pressure. Nalagtiw ming gisingkáhan ug súgù, We moved smartly when we were given orders in no uncertain terms.

lagtub a 1 giving off a single thud. 2 giving a crunchy sound. 2a cooked half-way so that it is still crunchy. 2b cooked so that it is crisp. 3 inflamed, blistered (like s.t. cooked crisp). Unsa man nang lagtub sa ímung buktun? What is that blister on your arm? v 1 [A] giving a thudding sound. Naglagtub ang batu sa íyang bukubuku, The stone bounced off his back with a thud. 2a [B; c1] get to be cooked in a half-done manner. Lagtúba (ilagtub) pagsugba ang atay, Broil the liver rare. 2b get to be overcooked, till it is crisp. Mulagtub ang adúbug lat-an úsà, The spiced meat will get crisp if you boil it first. 3 [B] blister (like s.t. fried crisp). pina- n 1 food that is broiled or fried half-way. Mais nga pinalagtub pagkaánag, Corn broiled half-way. 2 food fried crisp.

lagù a filthy, very dirty. Ilísi nang kurtináha, lagù na kaáyu, Change the curtains. They are so filthy. v [B; a] be, become filthy. ka-(←) v [A13] all covered with dirt. Nagkalágù siya gíkan sa trabáhu, He was filthy when he came from work. -un a dirty-looking.

lágub1 v [A2C; c1] join s.t. of value together, as money, land, business. Mulágub ku sa inyung nigusyu, I will join your business. Nagkalágub ang ámung duha ka lúti sa usa ka titulu, Both of our lots are included in the same title. Lagúba (ilágub) ang inyung puhúnan arun mu makalíhuk sa nigusyu, Pool your capital so that you can start a business.

lágub2 v [A; bc1] for s.t. long to penetrate all the way into s.t. (not said of things put in a case). Milágub ang lansang sa íyang lapalapa, The nail went all the way into the sole of his foot.

lagubu, lagúbu n dull, hollow thudding sound. Ang lagúbu sa bawud sa baybáyun, The thudding of the waves on the seashore. v [B46P] be thudding in a hollow way. Milagubu ang ákung likud sa íyang sumbag, My back resounded with his thudding blows. -in- n = lagúbu.

lagudlágud n ovary of a sow. layà ug — incapable of bearing children, said of a woman who marries late in life (derogatory). Ang babáying dúgayng maminyù layà na ug lagudlágud, A woman who marries late in life is incapable of bearing children.

laguk1 n 1 sticky, resinous substance taken from trees, esp. the tipúlu tree. 2 trap for birds and small insects using this resin. The trap is baited and the birds get stuck. v [A12N; ab2] trap birds with laguk. Nakalaguk si Silis ug limúkun, Celes caught a dove with laguk. paN- v [A2; b6(1)] go trap game with laguk.

laguk2 v [A] for a liquid to come out scantily from its source. Ígù na lang nilaguk ang túbig sa tubud, The water in the spring was just coming out in a few drops. Wà giyud mulaguk ang íyang mata sa pagkamatay sa íyang inahan, Not a tear formed in her eyes when her mother died. Wà na giyud maglaguk ang sanggutan tungud sa huwaw, The coconut palm didn’t produce a drop of toddy because of the drought.

laguk3 = lad-uk.

lag-uk= lad-uk.

lagukluk (from lukluk) v [A; b(1)] hide, conceal by staying out of sight or away from the open. Dì ka giyud makalagukluk ug pangitáun ka níla, You can’t hide from them if they look for you. Lawum ang lungag nga gilaguklúkan sa kasag, The hole where the crab hid itself was deep. [553]

lagúlu n coarse fern with huge leathery pinnate leaves found in open mud flats, in mangrove swamps, and along tidal streams: Acrostichum aureum.

lagum a dirtyish white, greyish. Lagum ang linabhan ug dì iladlad, Washed clothes are greyish if they are not bleached. Lagum na ang íyang ngábil kay nagdúgayg húmul sa dágat, His lips are blue from staying in the water too long. v [B; b6] be, become darkish, greyish in color. Milagum (nalagum) siya kay sígig kalígù sa dágat, He has become dark because he always goes swimming. paN-(←) v [A23] get dark all over in color. Nanglágum ang bátà nga dúgayng natáwu, The baby that took long to be delivered is blue all over. Nanglágum ang bukubuku sa binunalan, His back is black and blue from being beaten too much.

lagumlum (from lumlum) v 1 [A13; b(1)] for s.t. to lie dormant and hidden beneath or inside s.t. Naglagumlum sa átung kabukíran ang daghang mína, Ores to be mined are lying dormant in our mountains. Naglagumlum nga kahadluk sa íyang dughan, Fear lurking in her heart. 2 [A; c16] keep s.t. one doesn’t own or should share for oneself. Ang tagakustum kusug mulagumlum sa dílì íla, The Customs people are quick to keep things that don’t belong to them. Ayaw lagumlúma ang sikrítu. Ibutyag, Don’t keep the secret to yourself. Tell us. 3 [A; b3] stay s.w. for some good reason. Milagumlum siyag usa ka simána sa íyang panágat, He stayed out fishing for a week. Unsay ímung lagumlúman sa tubaan, dì ínum? What are you hanging around at the toddy stand for if not to drink?

lagumù, lagúmù a producing a crunchy sound. Lagumù ang sinángag mais kan-un, Roasted grains of corn are crunchy to eat. v [A2S; c1] make a crunching, grinding sound. Milagúmù ang bildu nga gigaling, The glass made a crunching noise as it was ground.

lagumuk, lagúmuk1 n the sound of s.t. brittle which is being crushed. v [A; b6] produce this sound. Milagumuk ang itlug nga ákung hitumban, I stepped on the egg and it made a crunching sound.

lagúmuk2 v [A23P; c1] fall down helpless on the floor, ground, ring, etc. Milagúmuk sa ring ang kuntra ni Ilurdi, Elorde’s opponent fell prostrate on the ring.

lagúna n a meadow. v [B126] turn into a weed-covered field.

*lagundà Culu- v [A; c1] fall asleep some place other than one’s usual sleeping place before transferring to one’s own bed. Ayaw paglulagundà dihà sa sála kay mahinayak ka, Don’t take a nap in the living room because you won’t be able to wake up till morning.

lagundì n k.o. shrub of thickets and waste places, bearing palmately-arranged groups of fine leaflets, with a velvety undersurface, used as a poultice for panúhut: Vitex negundo.

lagung n name given to flies larger than houseflies, including the bluebottle fly. v [a4] be infested with lagung. Gilagung ang patayng irù, The dead dog was covered with bluebottle flies. ambut sa — see ambut. simbaku — see simba.

lagunit n screeching, ripping sound. Ang lagunit sa tayaung lansang nga giibut, The screeching of the rusty nail that was pulled out. v [A] make a ripping, screeching sound. Naglagunit ang papil nga gilaksì sa bungbung, The paper that was ripped off the wall made a ripping sound.

lagunut, lagúnut n dull ripping sound, as when weeds are pulled out. v [A] make a dull ripping sound. Milagunut ang gamut sa sagbut nga giibut, The roots of the weeds made a dull ripping sound as they were uprooted.

lagupù, lagúpù n dull cracking sound of bones. (←) v [A2S] for bones to make a dull cracking sound.

lagúrul v [A; b] shave the head clean. Gilagurúlan ang prísu nga patyunun, They shaved the prisoner’s head clean.

lagúrut n grating sound or sound of uprooting s.t. Ang lagúrut sa balhíbu sa manuk nga gilabnut, The sound of the chicken feathers being pulled out. v [A2S] make this sound. Naglagurut ang kamúti nga gilidgid, The sweet potatoes make a scratching sound as they were being grated.

lagus n gums. Ang íyang lagus makítà inig katáwa níya, Her gums show when she laughs. †

lagusà n hissing, splashing sound of water. Ang lagusà sa busay, The swirling sound at the bottom of a waterfall. v [A13] hiss, as when waves dash on the rocks or bubbles burst. Ang balud nga naglagusà sa lapyahan, The waves hissing against the beach.

lagusu v [A; c6] involve, include s.o. in some sort of mischief or punishment. Ikaw mauy nakalagusu (nakapalagusu) nákù sa tinuntu, You dragged me into doing mischief. Ayaw kug ilagusu sa ímung kasábà kay wà kuy lábut, Don’t scold me, too, because I didn’t have any part in it. [554]

lagúsù n a soft, crunching sound, as for example that produced by chewing s.t. fleshy and easy to chew, but not soft. v [A2S] produce such a sound. Mulagúsù ang kapáyas nga tagudtud ug kan-un, A hard but ripe papaya produces a faint crunching sound when you eat it.

lagut v 1 [A; a12] chew tobacco. Bahù ug bàbà ang táwung mulagut, A person who chews tobacco will develop foul-smelling breath. Lagutun ku ning tabakúa, I’ll chew this tobacco. 2 [A13; a1] do chewing motions. Ang kábaw maglagut kanúnay, The carabao is always chewing. Íya lang gilagut ang karni, He just chewed the meat. n chewing tobacco. a for a child to be so cute one would love to pinch or bite it. Lagút kaáyung bataána. Kaáyu dyung kusiun, This child is so cute. How I’d love to pinch it. (←)1 v 1 [A; c1] gnash the teeth. Gilágut níya ang íyang ngípun sa kasukù, She gnashed her teeth in anger. 2 [B146; b3(1)c3] get irritated, angry. Naglágut si Ibuy sa ímung sugsúg, Iboy was irked at your teasing. Ángay ba nà nímung ikalágut (kalagútan)? Is that worth getting mad about? a irritating, irksome. Lágut kaáyu nang bataána, samukan, That brat is very irritating. He’s a pest. pa-(←) v [A; ac] get s.o.’s goat. Unsa na puy ílang ipalágut nákù? What are they going to think of next to annoy me? n s.t. to irk, anger s.o. or rouse s.o. to resentment. paN- v [A2] for a child to be teething. Paliti ug lagutan ang bátà kay nanglagut na, Buy the baby a teething ring because he’s beginning to teethe. -an n teething ring. -unun n tobacco for chewing. maka-r-, maka-r-(←) a very maddening. Makalalágut kanang ímung binúang, Your foolishness is maddening. ma-un(←) a irritated. ka-(←) n anger, irritation. †

lágut2 v [B126] be knocked to a distance by a force. Nalágut ang bisiklítang hidumbulan sa dyip, The bicycle was thrown off to a distance because the jeep bumped into it.

lagutmun see lagutum.

lagutù n 1 dull, cracking sound. 2 for rice or corn grits to be half-cooked, such that they still crunch. v 1 [AN] make a dull, thick, cracking sound. Milagutù ang ákung lutáhan pagtindug nákù, My joints made a dull cracking sound when I stood up. Ang nagpanlagutù nga pundu sa gángu, The creaking of the ropes tying the large raft. 2 [B15; b6] for rice or corn grits to be half-cooked.

lagútub v [A2S] make a low, prolonged, resonant thud. Milagútub ang kílid sa tangki nga nasaghiran sa trák, The tank made a prolonged thudding sound when the truck scraped it. Naglagutub ang bumbu nga nagkalinding sa handag, The drum resounded as it rolled down the slope. n this sound.

lagútuk n knocking sound produced when the bony part of the body is hit, cracking sound of bone joints. Ang lagútuk sa túhud sa íyang pagtindug, The cracking of his knees when he stood up. v [B2346] produce this sound. (→) = lagutù, n 2, v 2.

lagutum (from gútum) v [A; bc] eat, feed with root crops and bananas in times of scarcity. Naglagutum mig balanghuy paggíra, We ate nothing but cassava during the war. Gilagutuman nákug kamúti ang mga bátà paggútum, I fed my children sweet potatoes during the famine. Ang gábi ikalagutum ug magníhit ang pagkáun, Taro can substitute for the staple food when food is scarce. lagutmun n crops which can be used to replace the staple (corn or rice): root crops and cooking bananas. Ang binignit nilútù sa nagkalainláing lagutmun, Binignit is a sweet soup made of all different kinds of root crops and cooking bananas. v [A13] = lagutum, v.

lagutuy v [B456; b4] for the stomach to have nothing in it. Naglagutuy ang tiyan sa nagpuása, The man who was fasting was starving to death. Nalagutuyan ang bábuy nga nakalimtan ug pásaw, They forgot to feed the pig for a long time and it practically starved to death.

laguy 1 = lagiw. 2 going about to avoid work, not staying put. Gipapaháwà siya kay laguy man, He was fired, because he never stayed put in his place. laguyláguy1 v [A; b(1)] roam around on the job. Gamay siyag ági kay naghínay lag laguyláguy, He hardly accomplished anything because all he ever did was gad about on the job.

laguyláguy2 v [A; c1] chew s.t. tough. Ígù lang siyang makalaguyláguy sa kúbal, She couldn’t do anything but chew away at the tough pork rinds.

laguyluy = byatilis.

lagwirta n small vegetable garden or, by extension, a yard planted to grass or flowers.

lagwis a tall and slender. Lagwis kaáyu ug mga bitíis nang bayhána, mu rag tukun, The legs of that woman are long and straight like a bean pole. Lagwis nga pinútì, Long sword. v [B3(1); b6] grow tall and slender. Mulagwis ang kawáyan, Bamboo grows tall and slender.

lagwum = laglum. see lalum.

lagyu = lagiw. [555]

lagyum = laglum. see lalum.

láhà v [A; b6(1)] trim or clean the top of coconut trees to prepare them for becoming toddy-producing palms.

lahang n crack in between s.t. Naglìlì siya sa lahang sa bungbung, He was peeping through the cracks in the walls. a have spaces in between, be at wide intervals. Gwápa untà apan lahang lag ngípun, She would be beautiful if it were not for her teeth which are too wide apart. v [AB; c1] be so arranged as to have spaces in between. Kinsay naglahang ug pugas sa mais? Who planted the corn so far apart? Naglahang man ning sawug. Simpúta, The floor slats are so wide apart. Put them close together.

láhap v [A; ab2] slice a thick slab off, cut off s.t. wide and thick. Muláhap untà kug gamay pára isugba, I’d like to slice off a chunk to broil. Ang bahà nakaláhap ug dakung parti sa íyang yútà, The flood took off a big chunk from his land. Naláhap ang tumuy sa íyang tudlù sa blíd, The blade sliced off the tip of his finger. a having been cut widely and deeply. Kaúsik sa mansánas, láhap nga pagkapánit, What a waste! The apples were peeled with so much flesh adhering to the peels. -in- n chunk sliced off. -in-an n s.t. from which a chunk has been cut off.

lahawlahaw v [A; b5] wander without purpose over a wide area. Nalahawlahaw (nalahawlahawan) na nákù ang tanang suuk sa kalibútan, I have wandered aimlessly over the face of the earth.

*lahay walay — 1 not having a liking, inclination for s.t. Wà kuy lahay sa baskit, I have no inclination for basketball. 2 lacking flavor. Walay lahay ang kan-un kun hilantan ta, Food doesn’t taste good when one is sick. v 1 [B23(1)46; b4] feel like doing s.t. Ang táwung hilantan dílì mulahay sa káun (layhang mukáun), A person with a fever won’t feel like eating. 2 [A; b(1)] do liberally to one’s heart’s content. Mulahay silag katúlug kun wà ang agálun, They sleep to their hearts’ content when the mistress is not home. lahaylahay v [A; b(1)] do s.t. to pass the time. Maglahaylahay lang kug bása samtang maghulat níla, I will pass the time reading while I wait for them.

lahì a different. Káda táwu lahì sa usa, Each person is different from every other. v 1 [BC; ac] be different or dissimilar. Malahì giyud kag muadtu kag magdyins, You’ll surely be different from everybody else if you go there in jeans. Nagláhì ang ílang hitsúra bisag kalúha sila, They look different even though they are twins. Ilahì (lahia) ang pagkáun sa mga binatunan sa átù, Give the servants different food from ours. 2 [AC12] do s.t. apart from others or the main group. Mulahì sila sa grúpu inigpangáun na, They eat in a small group off to themselves. pa- v [A; a] do s.t. different from the ordinary. Dílì ku manundug, mupalahì giyud ku, I won’t imitate, I’ll do s.t. different. lahìláhì a of different kinds. Lahìláhing mga panaptun ang íyang gipalit, She bought different kinds of cloth. v [B16; a] be of different kinds. ka- v [B1456] be of various kinds. Nagkalahìláhì ang ámung upiniyun, Our opinions were varied.

láhib, làhib v [AN; b6(1)] slice off the end part of the coconut bud to induce a flow of palm toddy. Gilàhíban na nákù ang ákung sanggutan, I have sliced off the end part of the coconut buds for the toddy.

láhid v 1 [A; c] spread, smear s.t. over. Lahírig túbig ang pánit sa inasal, Rub water over the roast pig’s skin. Gilahíran ug dyam ang pán, They spread jam on the bread. 2 [A; a1c1] involve s.o. else in s.t. unpleasant. Muláhid man ka sa uban nga way sâ, Why do you involve others who are blameless? Ayaw kug iláhid sa kastígu, Don’t include me with the punishment. (→) n magical medicine of coconut oil and herbs used for skin ailments of supernatural origin, or the application of this medicine. v [A; c] subject to this treatment. ka- v [A13] get all smeared. Nagkaláhid ang bungbung ug húgaw, The walls are all smeared with dirt.

lahing, láhing n 1 mature coconuts. 2 matured person, of age (metaphorical). Lahing na siyag hunàhúnà kay idad-idaran na, He is mature in his ways of thinking, because he’s middle-aged. v [B2] for coconuts to become mature. Dalì mulahing (malahing) ang lubi nga inariglǎr, Coconut fruits mature early if they are well tended.

láhit v [AN; b26(1)] cut, slice off with a sharp blade. Muláhit (mangláhit) pa ku sa ákung sanggutan, I still have to make a cut in the coconut buds. Kinsay nagláhit sa sáhà sa ságing? Who cut off the banana shoot? Mityábaw ang kanding nga gilàhítan sa dalunggan, The goat cried because a part of his ear was cut off. n sickle, scythe.

lahù v [A2; a2] pass loosely through s.t. Milahù ang búla sa dakung lungag, The ball easily went into the large hole. Gilahù níyag tulun ang dakung lísu, She swallowed the large seed with ease. Kanang gilhánga sa kural lahuan lang nà sa irù, With those gaps in the fence, the dog will pass through it with [556]ease. a fitting loosely inside s.t. Lahù ang íyang tiil sa íyang sapátus, His shoes are too big for his feet.

lahug v [A; b5c1] mend a tear in a rough way using long stitches. Ákù lang lahugan (lahúgan, ilahug) ang gisì, kay kápuy sursíhan, I’ll just stitch the tear hastily because it’s a nuisance to darn it.

láhug v [AC; c1] 1 mix s.t. together and stir around. Nagláhug ang mga trabahanti ug simintu, The laborers are mixing the cement. Nagláhug ang dátù ug pubri niadtung mitínga, The rich and the poor mixed together in that gathering. 2 get all mixed up in no special order. Nagkaláhug ang ílang sulti, They were talking on all different topics mixed up without any order. -ay v [B] = láhug. lahuglahug v [AC12; a] 1 roam around with others. Dì ku gustung makiglahuglahug ka sa mga buguy, I don’t want you to roam around with bums. 2 roam around in general for no good purpose. Sa kaping magtrabáhu magpúnay lag lahuglahug, Instead of working, he just used to roam about. 3 go straight s.w. Manglahuglahug ta dihà ánang mga lagúna paingun sa ámù, Let’s cross those meadows to get to our house.

lahundung n k.o. grunter (lipti or alatan), also called the alatan nga Maniláun.

láhung v [AC; b] help carry a load. Nagkaláhung mi sa kaban, We carried the trunk together. Lahúngi ninyu ang pyánu, Carry the piano together. ka- n one with whom one carries s.t.

lahus v 1 [AC; ac] proceed, go on or forward, esp. after an interruption or stop. Mulahus lang kug pangumpra human sa simba, I will just proceed to the market after going to church. Nagláhus ang nagsaaray, The engaged couple went through with their marriage. Lahusa nyà ákung karsúnis sa tiluring, Please go ahead to get my pants at the tailor’s. Ilahus ni ngadtu sa íla, Bring this on ahead to their house. 2 [A2] penetrate, pass through. Lahusa (ilahus) lang ang ímung mga plánu, Just go ahead with your plans. 3 [B3; c1] get through, finish s.t. successfully. Milahus na siya sa íyang abugasíya, He has gotten through his law course. 3a [a12] be finished in the first fight. Gilahus ang íyang sunuy, His cock was killed in the first fight. — sa going through s.t. Lahus ning lansánga sa píkas bungbung kay taas, This nail goes through to the other side. Mu rag kining ákung tambag lahus lang sa píkas mung dunggan, Apparently my advice to you goes in one ear and out the other. n k.o. small shark, so called because its liver causes instant defecation. (←) v 1 [C23; a12] for two things to lead into each other. Nagláhus ang duha ka lángub, The two caves lead to each other. Lahúsa ang duha ka kanal, Have the two ditches connect to each other. 1a [C23] for two openings to be arranged in a straight line configuration. Nagláhus ang duha ka pultahan, sayun ra paglahus, The two doors are right in line with each other. It’s easy to go through. 2 [B; c1] do s.t. straight without interruption. Naláhus ang ílang isturya hangtud sa tungang gabíi, Their talk lasted until midnight. Lahúsun (iláhus) ni nákù ug laba kay gamítun ugmà, I will have to wash this in one day because I’m going to use it tomorrow. sa — entirely. Ang ákung kaguul nawálà sa láhus, My sorrows are gone forever. Malimtan ku nímu láhus, You will forget me entirely. lahusláhus a 1 for s.t. to have lots of openings so that it is easy to pass through it. 2 taking things easy without much sense of responsibility. Mamána ka niánang lahusláhus nga pagkatáwu? What, you want to wed that irresponsible person? v [A] go s.w. readily without bother. Mulahusláhus lang mu sa ákung kwartu mu rag ristawran, You keep coming into my room without any ado as if it were a restaurant. Malahusláhus na ang Úpun ug mahuman na ang taytáyan, You’ll be able to get to Opon in no time when the bridge is done. pa-(←) n k.o. tarik that consists of one long piece of timber going from one outrigger float to the other, usually put on large-sized boats.

láhus n slaughtered animal and other food given by the bridegroom’s parents to the bride’s parents on the eve of the wedding. v [A; b6(1)] give the láhus.

lahútay v [A; c] continue doing s.t. one has started, endure to continue s.t. Mulahútay kug isturya hangtud sa kaadláwun, I can go on talking till dawn. Mulahútay ba ang ílang panagdáit hangtud mahuman ang pruyiktu? Will their good feelings for each other endure to the end of the project? Dílì makalahútay sa trabáhu ning ákung láwas, My body cannot endure to keep on with the work. n action of persevering. Bilib ku sa íyang lahútay nga musimánag bilar nga way pupahúway, I take off my hat to his ability to continue keeping vigil for a week without rest.

lahuy v [A] pass or go through with ease, slip in or through without a hitch. Milahuy man lang wà giyud mangáyug katahúran, He just went through without greeting anyone. [557]Milahuy ang kawatan sa kasayun kay wà may táwu, The thief slipped in and out with ease because there was no one about. Ang ákung mga tambag mulahuy lang sa píkas dunggan, My advice went in one ear and out the other. lahuyláhuy v 1 [A; b6] pass back and forth easily, smoothly. Maglahuyláhuy ang hángin niíning baláya, The breeze blows in and out of this house unobstructed. Singsing nga naglahuyláhuy sa íyang tudlù, A ring that passes readily over his fingers. 2 [A; c1] escape from s.t. Ilahuyláhuy man lang gud nímu ang súgù sa ímung inahan, You try to get out of what your mother tells you to do. lahuylahuy v [A1; b5c] go from one place to another with no purpose. Gilahuylahuy (gilahuylahuyan) sa ulitáwung gúlang ang kalibútan úsà pahikut sa pilitína, The bachelor roamed around the world first before he let himself get hooked.

láin a 1 different, another. Láin ning klasíha sa panaptun, This is a different k.o. cloth. 1a may — pa of course, could it be different? ‘Wà na pud tingáli nay kwarta.’—‘May láin pa?’ ‘He’s probably out of money again.’—‘Of course, could it be otherwise?’ 1b — nga kalibútan afterworld. Adtu ta magkítà sa láing kalibútan, We’ll meet in the afterworld. 1c sa — nga báhin on the other hand. Hustu pud ang íyang sulti, apan sa láing báhin, sayup pud siya, What he said is true, but on the other hand, he’s also wrong in some ways. 2 bad, sick. Láin kaáyu ning ákung gibátì, I feel very sick. 3 odd in behavior, different from what one would expect. Kaláin nímu nga dílì gánì mupahíyum inighinagbù nátù! How odd of you not even to smile when we meet! Láin ug báhù ning agwáha, This perfume has a strange smell. 3a — ug buut, úlu unpredictable in behavior, somewhat crazy. Ayaw nà siya kumpiyansáhi kay láin ra ba nag úlu, Don’t trust him, because he’s somewhat crazy. 3b — ug sabaw acting strangely, unexpectedly. Láin siyag sabaw kay manáug manday nanghúkad, He’s a strange fellow. He leaves just when they are serving dinner. 4 not of a good sort, bad. Láin ang panahun run, The weather is no good now. Láin kaáyu ug batásan nang íyang asáwa, That wife of his has very offensive manners. 4a — ug buut, úlu short-tempered. Ayaw siya bikla kay láin ra ba nag buut (úlu), Don’t irritate him because he’s short-tempered. 4b — ug kamut tending to steal. Láin ug kamut tung ákung binatunan, Daghan ang nawā́, Our servant was a thief. So many things disappeared. 4c — ug sabaw sensitive, easily taking offense. Láig sabawng bayhána. Wà bayà kuy gipasabut nga dautan! What a sensitive woman. I didn’t mean anything by that remark. 5 for a person to be dangerous, capable of supernatural harm. Láin kaáyu ang mga táwu sa Nága. Daghang mga unglù, The people in Naga are dangerous. There are lots of vampires. 6 — nga táwu unrelated person, outsider. Nagbalunbálun pa man ka. Mau ra ka mag láing táwu, You’re bringing food, as if you weren’t related to us. Way láing táwung pasudlun dinhi, No outsider is allowed in. 7 — pay ákù, átù 7a by the way. Láin pay átù, tagadiin man tu ka? By the way, where do you say you come from? 7b = mau pay ákù. v 1 [A3] be, become different, unusual. Ug muláin ang andar sa makina, pahunúnga, If the engine develops a strange sound, turn it off. Ayaw laína pagsabut, Don’t take it the wrong way. 1a [B126; b4(1)] become mentally deranged. Nalaínan (naláin) siya tungud sa labihang kaguul, He went off his rocker because of his extreme grief. 2 [A13] be or feel bad, sick. Nagláin ákung ginháwa, I feel sick. 3 [B] get bad, worsen. 3a [B1256; b6] be disconcerted, feel distaste. Naláin siya pagkabatì níya sa balità, He reacted with distaste upon hearing the news. Gilaínan ku sa ákung pagkabutang, I feel uneasy in my situation. dílì ig- 1 related by blood. Dílì ka nákù igláin, You’re not unrelated to me. 2 of the same family as. Ang barílis dílì igláin sa tulíngan, The tuna is not unrelated to the mackerel. Ang arti sa panugilánun dílì igláin sa arti sa pamintal, The art of story writing is not unrelated to the art of painting. (→) v 1 [A; a12] separate oneself from the group, do s.t. s.w. else or at another time. Milain ang dalágag káun sa laláki, The girls ate apart from the boys. Mulain ta kay lisud ug ípun ta sa mga bayaw, We will live separately because it is difficult to live with in-laws. Lainun nákù ni ug anhi kay dì nákù madala run, I will come back for this some other time because I can not take it now. 2 [A; ac] separate s.t., set aside. Laina ang hilaw ug ang hinug, Keep the unripe and the ripe ones separate. Ilain kini pára níya, Set this aside for him. lainlain a 1 k.o. crazy. 2 thieves. Kaning mga iskwátir mga lainlain, The squatters around here are a bunch of thieves. 3 people of supernatural powers. Dílì maáyung paliwatan nang mga tawhána nga lainlain, We mustn’t marry our children off to those people because they are thought to be vampires. lainláin a various. Lainláin ang mga klási sa pagkáun, There are all different [558]kinds of food. v [A13; a12] 1 be varied. Lainlaínun nákù ang kulur sa bungbung, I’ll paint the walls all different colors. 2 do s.t. separately or alone by oneself. Ngánung naglainlàin ka mag káun dihà? Why are you eating alone by yourself there? kalainláin v [A13] be all different. ka-an n 1 difference. Wà kay kalaínan sa kawatan, You’re no different from a thief. 2 change. Dakù ang kalaínan nga mahímù sa ímung pánit ug mugámit kag Kamay, It will make a great difference for your skin if you use Camay. -un(→) a — ug buut, úlu, kamut, etc. of the sort that gets easily angered, tends to be crazy, tends to steal. pa-(→) v [A; b6] change the subject in a conversation. Wà ku maagpas kay mipalain siya sa íyang isturya, I did not understand because he changed the tack of his story. Palainan nátù ang sulti, Let’s change the tack of our conversation. panag- v [c] = panig-, 1. panig- v 1 [A23; c2] feel like a stranger, be treated like a stranger. Dílì siya manigláin nákù kay dúgay na mi nga nagkaíla, He feels at home with me because we’ve been friends for a long time. Mahiubus ku ug ímu kung paniglaínan (ipanigláin, ipanagláin), I will be hurt if you treat me like a stranger. 2 [A23; c3] treat s.o. as if he were not related. Dì ku manigláin sa paryinti sa ákung asáwa, I will not treat my wife’s relatives like outsiders.

láis n fibers made from the strippings of the outer part of coconut, buri palm fronds, or from bamboo. Pagkúhag láis ibugkus sa sugnud, Get strips of coconut palm fronds to tie the firewood. v [A; a] get fibers from the outer part of coconut, buri palm fronds, or bamboo.

Laíti = layti.

lák n lock, latch. v [A; b5] lock. Wà ku kasulud kay gilákan (gilák) man ang gít, I was unable to come in because the gate was locked.

lak-ab1 = lab-ak.

lak-ab2 n a stanza in a poem or song.

lákad v 1 [A; a] step over s.t. Dílì ku makalákad sa kanal kay pinsil ang ákung palda, I cannot step over the ditch because my skirt is too narrow. Lakárun lang níya nang kurála, He’ll just step over that fence. 2 [A; b6] go beyond, exceed. Kun mulákad sa trayinta díyas dubli na ang bayranan, If it exceeds thirty days you will have to pay double. Kadtung ímung mga sulti nakalákad sa maáyung pamatásan, What you said went beyond the bounds of proper behavior. 3 [A; b(1)] marry or wed ahead of big brothers or sisters. Dì sà ta magminyù kay dì ku gustung lakdan (lakáran) ang ákung magúwang, We won’t get married because I don’t want to get ahead of my big sister. 4 — sa adlaw v [b4] for s.o. to be caught by the noon sun still asleep. Gilakdan (hilakdan) siya sa adlawng natúlug, maung nagluya ang láwas, He slept until afternoon so his body is weak. a 1 — sa beyond a limit. Lákad sa baláud ang ímung buhátun, What you are going to do is a transgression of the law. 2 — ang búlan for the moon to be moving toward the noon position in the early hours of the evening—i.e., the second quarter. (→) v [b4] — ug búlan 1 affliction of individual coconuts whereby the meat of the coconut is hard, grooved, and scanty or there is none at all, and the juice, if there is any, is sour, unfit to drink. A coconut with this disease is called búang nga lubi (lit. ‘crazy coconut’) and is believed to be caused to be so by the moon’s rays. 2 be mentally deranged. A person is so called because he is compared to the coconut afflicted by the moon (called búang ‘crazy’). Mu rag gilakaran (gilakdan) ug búwan ang linihukan ánang tawhána, That man acts as if he had been exposed to the moon (i.e. crazy). -in-an, linakáran n fine given to the older siblings by a younger sibling who marries ahead of them.

lakag v [AC; ac3] chase. Naglákag ang duha ka trák, The two buses are chasing each other. Lakaga (lakga) ang manuk nga nakabuhì, Chase the chicken that escaped. -ay v [C; c3] chase each other. Naglakagay ang mga bátà, The children are chasing one another.

lákang v [A; a] step across. Lakángun ku nang kanal, I’m going to step across that ditch. Ilákang pag-úna ang walang tiil, Take the first step with your left foot. n step, stride. Hínay ang íyang lákang padúng sa simbahan, She walked to church slowly. tag-as ug — arriving at a house in time for a meal (lit. having long leg strides). Such a person is considered lucky. Tag-as kag lákang, Dù, kay mu pay pagsúgud námù, You are lucky you came in time, young man, because we just started to eat. sayup nga — false move.

lak-ang v 1 [A; b(1)] stand or squat with legs wide apart. Ayaw lak-ángi ang unidúru kun mugámit mu, Do not squat with your feet on the toilet bowl when you use it. 2 [A; c] set s.t. on a fire to cook. Ang kalapíhan ang ilak-ang pag-úna, Set the pot of coffee on the stove first. 3 [A2; b] miss, skip s.t in a series. Milak-ang ang íyang dugù ug usa ka búlan, She missed her period for one [559]month. Nalak-angan ang íyang ngálan pagrulkul, They skipped his name when they called the roll. 3a [B] for there to be a gap. Naglak-ang ug dakù ang idad sa íyang mga bátà, Her children were widely spaced. n 1 s.t. skipped or missed. 2 distance, gap. Dakug lak-ang ang kinaíya nílang duha, There is a big difference in their character.

lakat v 1 [A; a] walk. Mulakat na ang bátà, The baby is able to walk now. Duul ra man nang ámù. Laktun ta lang, My house is near here. Let’s go on foot. 1a [A] for s.t. to be going on. Milakat ang daghang katuígan, Many years went by. Samtang naglakat ang pangadyì, While the prayers went on. 1b approaching an age, length of time. Mulakat na ug usa ka túig sukad sa íyang pag-anhi, It’s been close to a year since he came here. Naglakat na ku sa kwarinta, I’m approaching forty. 2 [A2; ab3c] go away, depart. Wà ra ba dinhi. Milakat na, He’s not here. He went out. Unsa may laktun mu sa lungsud? What are you going to the city for? Kagamay ra ánang butang nga ímung laktan, My, you are running away from such an insignificant thing. Ilakat ang bátà sa parki arun malingaw, Take the child to the park to amuse him. 3 [B46; c] spread. Milakat ang balità nga bakak, The false news spread. Maáyung puúhun ning bagúna arun dílì makalakat nganhi, It would be best to kill this vine off completely so that it can not spread here. 4 [AP; a1] follow up. Akuy milakat (mipalakat) sa titulu sa ámung yútà, I followed up the title to our land. Laktun sa supirintindinti ang átung apuwintmint, The superintendent will follow up our appointments. n 1 trend, course or direction s.t. is taking. Lakat sa panahun, Trend of the time. Lakat sa nigusyu, The way business is going. 2 errand, chore s.o. is sent to do. Wà kuy lakat run, I don’t have anything to do now. 3 trip, journey. 4 procedure for doing s.t. Ang lakat sa sinadiyap lahì sa yánung paghablun, The procedure for weaving twill is different from that of a simple design. (←) n action of going some place on foot. Lákat na pud ta kay wà nay sakyanan, Here we go, having to walk again because there is no transportation. v = lakat, 4. pa-, pa-(←) v 1 [A; c6] make s.t. walk, go away, spread news, follow it up. 1a move pieces around the board in a game. Sígi, ipalákat pa ang mga batu kay dì ra ka mapasu, Go on, keep moving your stones because you haven’t stopped in an empty hole. 2 [A; a] operate an enterprise; business. Antígu siya mupalákat ug nigusyu, He knows how to run a business. 3 [A; b6(1)] continue working on a design that was started. Akuy mupalákat niíning ginansilyu, I’ll continue working on your crochet work. n 1 way, means of doing s.t. Ang íyang palákat sa íyang tindáhan inantigu, She runs her store in a knowledgeable way. 2 manner or process of doing. -an a prone to roaming about. hiN-(←) a tending to go out a lot for business or for just plain roaming. linaktan, nilaktan n way of walking. laktunun n 1 way or distance to be walked. 2 errand to be run. tali-(←), -um-r-(←) n about to go out, depart.

lakatan = bángan2.

lakaw = lakat.

lakayan n container consisting of a bamboo tube about 8″ long with the node serving as its bottom. It is worn strapped to the side as container for miscellaneous little things: seeds for farmers, bait for fishermen, et al. v [A12; a12] make into a lakayan.

lakbang n step, procedure. Ang íyang mga lakbang nagkahinay, Her steps began to falter. Unsay inyung mga lakbang arun madakpan ang kriminal? What steps have you taken to catch the criminal? Hukmanan sa únang lakbang, Court of First Instance. v [A2; a] go s.w. walking. Milakbang na kug súgud apan íya kung gialíhan, I began to walk away, but he blocked my path. Kaduul ánà, lakbángun rag katulu, It is very close-by. You can get there in three steps.

lakbay v [A; b5] travel, take a trip. Pila ka adlaw makalakbay na ang táwu sa búwan, Soon we’ll be able to take trips to the moon. 2 [A; a] walk, travel on foot. Mulakbay (maglakbay) siyag paúlì mahápun, He walks home from work in the afternoon. Lakbáyun lang nátù ang lungsud, We will just walk to town.

lakbit a 1 brief, short in time. Sa lakbit nga pagkasulti, In short or briefly. Lakbit nga pagkakítà, A brief meeting. 2 sa — all of a sudden. Sa lakbit misantup sa íyang panumdúman, Suddenly it occured to him that ... v 1 [A; a] make s.t. brief. Átù lang ning lakbítug sulti, We’ll just say this briefly. 2 [b2c] touch on s.t. briefly and suddenly in the main course of the conversation. Lakhiti ku dihag ampù, Mention me in your prayers. Gilakbit níya pagtug-an ang tinúud, He revealed the truth in the course of his conversation. n a brief portion, part. Usa ka gamayng lakbit sa ákung kagahápun, One small bit of my past. pa- v [A; c] drop hints. Gipalakbítan (gipalakbitan) ku níya sa íyang gustung pinaskúhan, She dropped some [560]hints as to what she wanted for Christmas. pa- n hints.

lakdap v 1 [A3C3; a12b2] for chickens to dash into fight for only a few clashes. Milakdap ang mungà sa banug, The hen dashed at the hawk. Naglakdap ang duha ka sunuy, The two roosters clashed for a short time. 1a [A3P; c16P] have chickens clash with each other. 2 [A; b] swoop down over, whizz close by. Milakdap ang ayruplánu sa digíra, The plane swooped down over the battleship. Lakdapi siya pagpusil, Let a bullet whizz by him.

lakdup v 1 [A] swoop down. Banug da tung milakdup sa mga pisù, It was a hawk that swooped down on the chicks. Ilakdup ang ímung tabánug sa iyáha, Make your kite swoop down on his. 2 [A23; b6] appear in one’s mind in a flash. Milakdup sa ákung panumdúman ang íyang mga túgun, His last words came back in my mind. n swoop.

lakgak v [A; a2] join strands of abaca fiber (lánut) end to end to make thread. -an(→) n container into which the strands of fiber are laid after they have been joined.

lakgut v [AC3; a] tie a series of things together by means of a series of locked knots. Lakgutig maáyu ang mga nípà. Adtu ilakgut sa katsaw, Tie the palm shingles up firmly. Tie them to the rafters. n tie that cannot come undone.

laki n 1 male animal or plant. 2 descriptive term given to plants, where the same name is given to different species or varieties. The thorny and/or smaller variety or species is called laki, as opposed to a larger and smoother species or variety called bayi ‘female’. 3 paramour. v 1 [B1256; b6] have male offspring. 2 = laláki, v. (←)1 n = laláki. v [B1256; c1] turn out to be a boy. Maáyu untag maláki ning ákung gisabak, It would be nice if my baby turned out to be a boy! laláki n 1 human male. Laláki kaáyu siyang manlihuklihuk, He acts all man. 2 paramour. Pusilun ku ang laláki sa ákung asáwa, I’ll kill my wife’s paramour. 3 -ng búhat acting in a way proper to a man. Mu nay láking búhat nga makig-áwayg babáyi? Is that what a gentleman does—quarrel with a woman? 4 mau nay — Atta boy, that’s the way you ought to do it (said only to males). la-(←), panla-, panla-(←) v [A; a] have a paramour. Nanglaláki (naglalaki) ang íyang asáwa, His wife has a paramour. Gipanglalaki (gilalaki) níya ang íyang humagbus, She took her stepson for a lover. -in-(←) a done like a male; man-like. Lináki ang íyang tupi, She has a man’s haircut. v [A; a] do things like a male. Mulináki ku ug ímu kung suhúlan, I’ll act like a man if you pay me. Ilináki (linakíha) ang ímung pagbayhun arun dì ka hiilhan nga báyut, Carry yourself like a man so people won’t recognize that you’re a fairy. -in- n 1 man’s bicycle. 2 riding astraddle like a man. v [A; a2] ride astride an animal or vehicle. Maglinaki ku pagbakráyid sa mútur, I’m going to ride astride the back of the motorcycle. pakala-(←) v [A13; a12] act like a man, consider, treat like a man. Kinahanglan kang magpakalaláki arun dì ka ingnung báyut, You have to act like a man so they won’t call you scared of women. kalalakin-an n 1 the menfolk as a group. 2 = tag-(←). lakin-un a a female that acts like a male, tomboy. tag-(←), taglakin-an, taglalakin-an n the groom’s relatives at the wedding.

láki1 see laki.

*láki2 maáyung — have exceptional ability. Maáyung láki si Maríya sa ininglis, Maria has exceptional ability in English. ka- n 1 ability, skill. Pwirtig kaláki níya sa karáti, He is very skilled in karate. 1a extraordinary ability of supernatural origin. May kaláki siyang makatihul samtang mag-inum, He has the ability of whistling while drinking. 1b walay — no good. Way kaláki ang pagkáun dinhi, The food here is no good. 2 course of action, maneuver. Ug dì ta mangampanya, masíru giyud ta íning kalakíha, If we don’t campaign we will get no votes in this race. Maprísu ta ánang kalakíha nímu, We might land in jail with those plans of yours. 3 doings, usually evil. Unsa tung inyung kaláki sa Manílà? What was going on in Manila? 3a way one does things. Kanúnay kang malít ug mau nang kalakíha, You’ll never be on time if that’s the way you do things. 3b unsay ka- how are things? Unsay kaláki run bay? How are things, pal? v 1 [ANP; a1] find ways and means to remedy a problem. Akuy mukaláki (mupakaláki, mangaláki) niíni arun dílì magkúlang, I’ll do s.t. so that this will be enough for all of us. Kalakíha ri ug mahímù pa ba ning pawuntin ping daut, See if you can do s.t. with this broken fountain pen to make it work. 2 [A1P] do s.t. one shouldn’t be doing. Nagkaláki (nagpakaláki) ka dihag languylánguy ug malumus ka, You dare to swim where you shouldn’t be. You might drown. Kaláki (pakaláki) kag mulumakinilya ug sakpan ka sa tag-íya, Better stop playing with that typewriter. The owner might catch you. paka- v [A1] 1, 2 = kaláki, v. 3 do one’s best. Magpakaláki giyud aku sa pagtuun, I’ll do my best in my [561]studies. kalakíhan a having an extraordinary ability of supernatural origin.

lakiláki, lakìlákì n splint to brace s.t. broken: broken plants, broken bones, broken furniture legs, and the like. v [A; a1] make into a splint, put a splint on. Gilakìlakían sa duktur ang ákung piang, The doctor put a splint on my broken arm.

lakináyin n a card game in which the winning number of points is 9, wherein the face cards count zero. v [A] play lucky nine.

lakip including, included. Lakip na niíning báyad ang túbù, This payment includes also the interest. Nangamátay ang mga manuk sa tukdaw lakip ang mga pisù, All the chickens died of the pest including the chicks. v 1 [A; c1] include in a group or activity; be, become included in a group or activity. Dì ku mulakip ug kasábà sa way lábut, I won’t scold (lit. include in the scolding) anyone who had no part in the ruckus. Wà ka malakip sa lista, You were not included in the list. Ayawg lakipa (ilakip) kining ámung yútà pagsukud, Do not include our land in your survey. 2 [A; a] enclose s.t. within s.t. Nalakip tingáli ang risíbu sa sulat pagpadala, I must have accidentally enclosed the receipt in the letter when I sent it.

lákir1 n lacquer. v [A; a] apply, put lacquer on s.t.

lákir2 n locker.

lákit n locket. v [A; c1] have, wear or attach a locket.

laklak v [B; c1] for trousers, pants, underpants to be too loose. Mulaklak ang karsúnis basta luag ang hawakan, Trousers hang loosely if the hip part is loose. Naglaklak ang pundíyu, The undershorts are big around at the seat.

laknit v [A; a] tear or peel s.t. off with a certain amount of force. Makalaknit ba kahà ning hangína sa atup, I wonder if this wind can rip the roof off. Gilaknit ang íyang bág sa kawatan, A thief snatched her bag. Nalaknitan ug gamay ang ákung sinínà sa alambri, The wire ripped a small piece off my dress.

lakpawlakpaw v [A; c1] walk very lightly, hardly touching the ground. Naglakpawlakpaw siya sa katunukan, He walked carefully over the thorny ground.

lakra v [B; b6] 1 make an impression on a surface. Mulakra sa iláwum nga papil ang ági kun iduut pagsulat, If you write with pressure it will leave a mark on the paper beneath it. Mga tudlù nga naglakra sa líug sa gibunù, Finger marks left on the murder victim’s neck. 1a for s.t. to show through a transparent or thin surface. Naglakra ang ímung panti kay hugut ang ímung sinínà, Your panties are showing through because your dress is too tight. 2 for feelings or emotions to show in one’s face. Milakra sa íyang nawung ang íyang kaguul, Her sorrow was apparent on her face. n impression on a surface. Lakra sa banig sa íyang likud, Impression of the mat on his back. a showing through clearly. Lakra kaáyu ang ímung tútuy sa ímung blawus, Your breasts show clearly through your blouse.

laksà n measure of quantity: ten thousand. Usa ka laksang lubi, Ten thousand coconuts. v [B256] reach ten thousand.

laksanti n a laxative.

laksi = laski.

laksì v [A; a] 1 tear off, detach with a jerk. Mulaksì kug usa ka pálid sa ímung nutbuk, I’ll tear a sheet out of your notebook. Laksíun ku nang pahibalu nga gipapilit sa bungbung, I’ll tear off the notice pasted on the wall. 2 wipe out of one’s mind. Dì na malaksì gíkan sa ákung panumdúman ang átung kagahápun, Our past can never be obliterated from my memory.

laksut a bad, ugly, unpleasant to the senses. Laksut ug hitsúra, Ugly in face. Laksut ug batásan, Having bad manners. Laksut ug lamì, Tasting bad. v [B; a] be, become ugly. Milaksut (nalaksut) man hinúun ang ákung nawung nga gimik-ápan, This make-up makes my face uglier instead of prettier. Ang makalaksut (makapalaksut) sa managhigála ang panaglinibákay, What is bad among friends is when they backbite each other.

laktaw v [A; b] miss, skip over. Sukad sa iskína mulaktaw kag tulu ka balay. Ang ikaupat ámù, From the corner, skip three houses. The fourth is my place. Ug makalaktawg pila ka púlung, maigsaktu ang ihap sa tiligráma, If you can skip a few words, the telegram will have exactly the right number of words. Ayaw laktawi (laktáwi) ang ákung ngálan sa pagtawag, Don’t miss my name in the roll call. n s.t. skipped over. laktawlaktaw a not continuous, unevenly spaced. v [B; a] have gaps or omissions. Ayawg laktawlaktáwa pagpintal, Paint every inch. Don’t keep skipping spaces. ka- v [A13] have gaps or omissions. Nagkalaktawlaktaw ang íyang isturya sa íyang kahadluk, His story had several details missing because he was so frightened.

laktud a 1 direct, not going round about. Laktud ning dalána kay diritsu, This is the direct route because it is straight. 2 done directly, straight to the point without spending [562]time on s.t. else. Sa laktud nga pagkasulti, In short, to say it directly. 3 suddenly, straight away without warning. Laktud man lang siyang nawálà, way pupananghid, She just disappeared without saying good-bye. v 1 [A; a] go or take s.t. right away, directly. Milaktud siyag súd, way tulutuktuk, He came in directly without bothering to knock. Laktúra pagsulti ang ímung túyù, Say what you want directly. Ilaktud ni Káti pagsulat ngadtu sa manidyǐr, Cathy will send the letter direct to the manager. 2 [AN; b] go, take a shortcut. Nanglaktud ku padúng sa simbahan, I took a shortcut to church. -anan, lakturánan n shortcut. -in- a done in the shortest possible time, with unnecessary steps omitted.

lakun v [A; a] coil s.t. Lakunun (laknun) únà nang písì úsà hipúsa, The rope should be coiled before you store it. n a coil. Usa ka lakun alambri, A coil of wire.

lakung v 1 [AB6; c1] loop around, wind into a loop. Dihay hálas nga naglakung sa sanga, There was a snake curled around the branch. Siyay naglakung sa pasul, He coiled the fish line up. 2 [B; b5] warp or curl up at the edges. Nagkalakung ang playwud, The plywood is curling up at the edges.

lakuy n k.o. wrasse.

lakuy-ung v [B2] fall in a heap when the legs or props give way. Mulakuy-ung nang silyáhag lingkúran kay balig tiil, That chair will collapse if you sit on it because it has a broken leg. Nakalakuy-ung siya sa dihang gipatíran ku ang íyang batíis, I kicked him in the shins, and he fell in a heap.

lakwatsa v [AC12; ac] go about with no fixed destination and have fun doing so. Adtu ta sa Talísay maglakwatsa, Let’s go to Talisay to stroll about. Ayawg ilakwatsa ug uban ang nagtinarung pagtrabáhu, Don’t take the serious workers along when you go roving about. lakwatsíra = lakwatsíru. (female). lakwatsíru a one who gallivants about. v [B12] become a gallivanter.

lakwig a tall and lanky. v [B] be, become tall and lanky. Naglakwig lang ang bayungbáyung, The adolescent is tall and lanky.

lála1 v [A; a] weave leaves, straw, plastic. Mulā́ silag mga kálù, They will weave hats. Lad-i (láhi) akug banig, Weave me a mat.

lála2 a 1 for bites to be poisonous. Lā́ kaáyu ang tuyum, Black sea urchins inflict a painful sting. 2 — ug bàbà, dílà one who has the trait that whatever bad he utters will come true. Such people usually have a birthmark on the tongue. Dì siya makabuyag, mahitabù dáyun, kay lā́g dílà, He cannot make comments, because they will come true right away. He has a poisonous tongue. Simbaku malála kag bàbà, God forbid if what you said comes true. (Lit. God forbid that you be a person with a poisonous tongue.) v [b4] 1 be affected by venom. Dì siya lad-an sa suyud sa buyug, He is not affected by bee stings. 2 be hurt or embarrassed by a comment regarding s.t. which is secret but true. Nalad-an siya sa ílang panaghap nga may kurang, She was embarrassed when they figured that she was having homosexual relations with s.o. because it was true. 3 [b4] feel the effects of an activity so that one cannot continue doing it. Gilad-an sa bayli maung dì na gánì gustung mamínaw ug sunáta, She has danced so much that she doesn’t even want to hear music. lad-ánun a having strong reactions to venom. †

lálà = balalà.

làlà v [A; a] 1 slurp, lap up s.t. noisily. Gilàlà sa iring ang gátas, The cat lapped up the milk. 2 drink liquor (slang). Naplastar kay milàlà man gabíi, He is flat on his back because he tied a good one on last night. n drinking spree (slang).

lalag 1 = dalag1. 2 yellow of complexion, having jaundice. v [B1] get a yellow, sickly complexion. Malalag sab ang mata sa maawásan sa apdu, Your eyes get a yellow cast if you suffer from jaundice.

lalagan n k.o. scaly, yellowish fish about three fingers wide and 5″ long found in shallow waters.

lalan (not without l) v [A; a12] 1 eat food one usually eats with staples alone. Ayaw lalana ang sud-an kay wà na unyay isulà sa paniudtu, Don’t eat the food without rice because we’ll run out. 2 eat s.t. without the thing it usually accompanies. Ayaw lalana ang mantikilya, Don’t eat the butter without bread.

lalang (not without l) v [A; a] create. Ang mga táwu gilalang nga dì managsáma, Men are created different from one another. n 1 creature. 2 power. Unsa kahay lalang ánang tawhána nga mu ra mag tukúyun ang mga babáyi, What sort of power does this man possess that women come to him like chickens coming for their feed. -in- = lalang, n1.

lalau n muddy water. Ayaw pagdúlà sa lalau arun dì ka nukaun, Don’t play in the muddy water because you’ll get sores. kalalauhan n a swampy area, portion of a river or bay where the water is muddy.

lalawígan see lawig.

lalha v [A; a] strip leaves or fronds off of a [563]stem by ripping them with a sudden downward motion or cutting downward with a knife such that a clean break is made. Lalháun ku ang dáhun sa tubu, I’ll strip the leaves off the sugar cane.

lálì n k.o. amberjack.

lálik v [A; a] form into a certain shape. Ang iskultur nga naglálik ánang istatwa, The sculptor who carved that statue. Maáyung pagkalálik ang íyang batíis, She has well-formed legs. Gilálik ku na sa ákung hunàhúnà ang ákung buut isulti, I have already formed in my mind the things I want to say. -in- n s.t. carved, formed. Dílì ka magyukbù sa linálik, Thou shalt not worship graven images.

lalim a 1 pleasurable. Lalim pamináwun ang Rúsas Pandan, The song Rosas Pandan is very pleasant to listen to. 2 delicious, delightful to eat. Lalim kaáyung kan-un ang práyid tsíkin nímu, Your fried chicken tastes delicious. — mu, ka, ninyu, -y or nga imagine that, can you believe it! Lalim mu ba nga (y) wà diay kuy ikapilíti, Imagine! It turned out that I didn’t have money for fare. v 1 [B; b6] be, become pleasurable. Magkalalim ang tubà imnun ug madúgay nang ininum, Coconut palm toddy becomes more delicious after a quantity has already been taken in. 2 [b6] don’t you think that is s.t.? Gilaliman kag bulagan ug uyab? Don’t you think being jilted is bad enough? Gilaliman ka ba ánang kantidára? Don’t you think that amount is s.t.?

lálin v 1 [A2; b6] emigrate, transfer one’s residence to a far place. Ang pamilya ni Mútuk mulálin ngadtu sa Amirika, Mutuc’s family will immigrate to America. 2 [A; c1] transfer s.t. to a new location. Lalínun (ilálin) ang ámung upisína diin adúnay kahílum, Our office will be transferred to a quiet place. (→) n emigrant.

lális v [AC; ac3] argue about the rightness of s.t., dispute. Dì ku malális nga may rasun ku, You can’t deny that I’m right. Ngánung lalísun pa man, sumbagayun na lang, Why argue over it? Just fight it out. Gilalísan níla ang paági sa pagbáhin, They were arguing about how it was to be divided up. Dì mamínaw ug rasun ang ákung gikalális, The man I had a debate with won’t listen to reason. n argument, dispute. -an(→), -un a quarrelsome. ka- n s.o. with whom one has or had an argument.

lálug v [A; c] 1 feed slop to animals. Ang mga subra iláwug sa bábuy, Give the leftovers to the pigs. 2 feed a person (deprecatory). Gilalúgan na ba sad nímu nang ímung way prubitsung bána? Did you feed your no-good husband again? (→) n 1 slop to feed animals. 1a fodder, feed for animals that graze. Tambúgig lalug nga kumpay ang kábaw, Give the carabao some hay for fodder. 2 food served (deprecatory). 3a fine sediment. Ihuwad nang lawug sa tubà ngadtu sa sukaan, Pour the sediment from the toddy into the vinegar container. 3b slime clinging to the bottom of containers. 4 youngest child in the family (humorous slang).

lalum a 1 deep, extending far down from the surface. Lalum nga bangag, A deep hole. Ang subà dinhi lawum, The river here is very deep. 2 late in the night. Lalum nga kagabhíun, Deep in the night. 3 deep, low in tone. Lalum nga pangaghu, A deep sigh. 4 profound, hard to understand. Lalum nga tirminu, Difficult terms. Lalum nga pinsar, Deep thought. 5 — ug bughat for a relapse after childbirth to be severe. v 1 [AB; ab] deepen, cause to become deep. Ang kaminíru mauy mulalum sa mga kanal, The street cleaners will deepen the ditches. Mulalum (malalum) ang samad ug dílì limpiyúhan, A wound will become deep if it is not cleaned. Laluma pagbúhù ang lubung, Dig the grave deep enough. Lalumi pag diyútay ang bulsa, Make the pocket a little bit deeper. 2 [B25] become late at night. 3 [B2] become deep and low, reaching from the depths. Milalum ang íyang pangaghu nga nagtan-aw sa masakitun, Her sighs grew deeper as she looked at the sick man. 4 [B2; b6] get to be profound. Makalalum (makapalalum) diay ug pinsamintu ning kalisud, I have found out that hardship makes one think deeply. 5 — ang bughat [A] for a relapse after childbirth to be severe. Ang kasagunsun sa pagpanganak mauy makalalum (makapalalum) sa bughat, Having babies one after another makes one get severe relapses. 6 — ug dulut see dulut. -g- = lalum, a, v (plural). gi-un, giladmun n depth. Ang giladmun sa íyang pangútuk, The depth of his intelligence. ha- a deep. Halawum nga ginháwa, A deep breath. ka- n depth, deepness. Dílì masukud ang kalalum sa íyang gibátì, The depths of her feeling cannot be fathomed. kahi-an, kahiladman n depths, the innermost recesses. i-(←) n underneath, under. Ilálum sa káma, Underneath the mattress. Ilálum sa gahum sa Katsílà, Under the Spanish regime. Iláwum sa dágat, Under the sea. pai-(←) v 1 [A3; bc] go under, underneath s.t. Mipailálum ang isdà sa sapyaw, The fish went underneath [564]the fish net. Pailadmi sa libru ang mga papil, Put the papers under the book. 2 [A; a12] assume responsibilities or duties. Akuy mupailálum sa tanang trabáhu dinhi, I’ll do all the chores around here. 3 [A] be subject, subservient to. Násud nga nagpailálum sa bandílang langyaw, A nation that allowed themselves to be subject to a foreign power. hai- v [B1256] get to be underneath s.t. Lisud kuháun ang libru kay nahailalum sa uban, It’s difficult to get the book because it’s way underneath the others.

lálung v [A; a] 1 grow seedlings. Maglálung kug talung rung tuíga, I will grow eggplant seedlings this year. 2 transplant, transfer from one place to another as a whole. Maglálung ku íning similya, I’m going to transplant these seedlings. Ang tanang balay sa iskwátirs lalúngun ngadtu sa Lahug, All the squatters’ houses will be transferred to Lahug. -un(→) n 1 seeds for seedlings. 2 seedlings to be transplanted. 3 houses or things of great bulk to be transferred.

lamà n 1 imprint, stain left behind. Lamà sa ngábil, Mark left by the lips. Lamà sa kuldun sa íyang háwak, The imprint of the cord on his waist. 2 stain on one’s character. v [AB2; b] 1 leave a mark, have a mark left on it. Naglamà sa mantil ang kitsap, The catsup left a stain on the tablecloth. 2 bring a moral stain or blemish upon. Ang ímung pagkadisgrasyáda mauy naglamà sa átung kadunggánan sa bánay, You got pregnant, and it has blemished the honor of our family. 3 become clearly apparent. Ang kaguul mulamà giyud sa hitsúra, Sorrows show themselves in one’s countenance. (←) v [A; c1] dye thread or cloth. Ang usa ka putus tinà makalámà ug tulu ka sinínà, A packet of dye can dye three dresses. -in-(←) n 1 dyed large cotton threads, usually used for weaving into blankets or towels. 2 red weft thread. lamàlamà a smeared, uneven in color. Lamàlamà nga pagpintal, Not evenly painted. v [B6; a] be, become smeared or uneven in color. Maglamàlamà ang kulur sa sinínà ug iladlad, Your dress will get all uneven in color if you bleach it.

lamak, lámak n muddy, watery place. v [B; c1] become, make into a muddy, watery area. Lamákun (ilámak) sa kábaw ang pilápil úsà tanumi, The carabaos are made to tramp over the paddy to turn it into a mire before it is planted. -an n = lamak.

laman, láman = lámang.

lámang short form: lang. only, just. 1 merely, [do] nothing more than. Naglingkud lang siya didtu ug walà magtingug, He just sat there without saying anything. Mutsátsu lang siya unyà magbuut, He’s just a houseboy, but he wants to have the say. Walà ku muanhi arun lang kasab-an, I didn’t come here merely to get a scolding. Ígù lang siya sa paghílak, All she could do was cry. (Lit. She was merely up to crying.) Káwang lang ang ákung pag-antus, My sufferings were all in vain (nothing more than vain). Barátu ni kay písus lang, This is cheap because it is only a peso. Tú lang ákung gidá, I only brought three. 1a with commands or exhortation: just do [so-and-so]—it’s a small thing to do. Hulata lang ku sa gawas, Just wait for me outside. Maglakaw lang ta, duul ra man, Let’s just walk. It’s not far. 1b sígi — please [do], it’s just a little favor to ask. Sígi lang. Tugti lang ku, Come on. Please, let me do it. 1c with negatives: not bother to do. Dì lang ta mangatúlug rung gabíi, Let’s not bother going to sleep this evening. 1c1 walà (dílì) — ... kun dílì ... not only ... but also ... Dì lang ang inahan kun dì hasta anak maapiktahan, Not only the mother but also the child will be affected. 1d basta — just so it happens, though it isn’t desirable. Iwarì lang nà. Basta lang mawálà sa ákung panan-aw, Get rid of it. Just so it gets out of my sight. 1e karun, bag-u, gahápun — just now, just recently, just yesterday. Karun lang siya miabut, He just arrived now. Bag-u lang silang namalhin, They just recently moved. Gahápun lang siya maulì, He just went home yesterday. 1f [expression of time] just do at [such-and-such time] (and no other time). Mahuybis lang sila mamasúra, They just collect garbage on Thursdays. 1g balu, ambut — gee, I don’t know (I’m only up to saying I don’t know). 1h dipindi, sigun —, sa [verb] depending on. Ákung ibaligyà sa makauna lang, I’ll sell it to whoever is first. Sigun lang sa prisyu, It depends on the price. 1i gáni, gáling — the only thing wrong. Maáyu untà, gáling lang nasayup ang miskla, It should have been good, only the mixture was in the wrong proportions. 2 just, take [so-and-so] rather than some other choice. 2a with nominal predicate and verb subject: let [so-and-so] do it. Aku lay dá áni bi, There, let me carry this. Ikaw lay pangutána, You ask. (Lit. let you be the one to ask.) 2a1 [pronoun, noun] [so-and-so] will take the consequences. Ug ímung buhátun, ikaw lang, If you do it, you take the responsibility. 2b with quantities: just make it [so-and-so] much. Trayinta lang ni ha? Can I have it for thirty? 2b1 anhi, dinhi, [565]nganhi — only up to here. Anhi lang ku dinhi manáug, I’ll just get off here. 2c with verb: take the choice of [do]ing. Ang isdang dílì mahálin gamsun lang, dílì bularun, If they can’t sell the fish, they just salt it. They don’t dry it. Ayaw lag anhi ugmà, kay mahímu man sa Huybis, Don’t bother coming tomorrow because you can do it on Thursday. sígi — 2c1 never mind. 2c2 well, all right, I’ll agree to it. Sígi lang. Dì lang ku mudayug palit kay mahal, Never mind. I won’t buy it because it’s expensive. Sígi lang, itúgut ku na lang nig bayinti, Oh, all right. I’ll let you have it for twenty centavos. ákù (íya, ímu) — just let me (him) have it rather than s.o. else. Ákù lang ni. Kadtu lay ihátag ni Pidru, Let me have this one. Just let Pedro have the other one. 2c3 can’t help [do]ing. Mahadluk lang ta bisan sa pagpanimátì lang, We can’t help getting cold shivers, even just hearing about it. 2c4 mau — 2c4a it cannot be otherwise. ‘Mu ba siya ang nakaingun?’—‘Mu lang!’ ‘Is he the one that caused it?’—‘Of course! Who else could it have been. 2c4b yes, most certainly so. ‘Mukáun kag surbíti?’—‘Káun mu lang,’ ‘Would you like to eat ice cream?’—‘I sure would.’ 3 na — 3a now it is only [so-and-so much] where it was more before. Sukad sila namalhin aku na lang ang nahibilin, After they moved away I was the only one left. Human na ang tanan, paglimpiyu na lang, Everything is done. Only the cleaning remains. Duul na lang ang átung gidulngan, It is just a little way further to where we’re going. 3b just take [so-and-so] rather than some other manifestly better choice. 3b1 with nominal predicate and verb subject: [so-and-so] will do it, though it should not be so. Aku na lay tiwas áni, kay madúgay ug láing táwu, Let me just do this myself because it would take forever if s.o. else were to do it. 3b2 with quantities: just make it [so-and-so much] (which is less than what one would ordinarily get). Trayinta na lang ni, ha? Just let me have it for thirty, this time, all right? 3b2a anhi — just here (when I really want to do it elsewhere). Kay lisud man ug musúd, anhi na lang ku sa iskína manáug, Since it’s difficult to take a vehicle in, I’ll just get off at the corner. 3b3 [do] as the best choice under the circumstances. Gamsa na lang nang isdáa kay wà nay mupalit, You might as well just salt that fish because there isn’t anybody who’ll buy it. Ayaw na lag dad-a ug bug-atan ka, Don’t bother taking it if you find it too heavy. sígi na — = sígi lámang. ákù, íya na — let me (him) have it (although you might have s.t. better to do with it). Ákù na lang ni, ha? Let me have it, may I? salámat na — I thank you, since I can’t pay you any other way. Ug dì ka pabáyad, salámat na lang, Since you won’t let me pay you, just let me thank you. 3c can’t help [do]ing. Sa tantung kapungut nalímut na lang siya sa íyang kaugalíngun, He was so angry he just forgot himself. 3c1 following expressions referring to time: it’s already [so-and-so] late and s.t. still hasn’t happened or hasn’t stopped happening. Udtu na lang ug naglúkun lang gihápun sa banig, It’s already noon, and he’s still curled up asleep. Gabíi na lang wà gihápun siya, It’s already night and he still has not come home. 3c2 dayag, kláru na — obviously, can’t help being that way. Kláru na lang nga muhílak ug ímung kusiun, Obviously he’s going to cry if you pinch him. 3c3 salámat na — nga the only saving grace was. Malumus untà ku. Salámat na lang nga dinhay nakakità nákù, I would have drowned, but thank God, s.o. saw me. 4 pa — 4a following expression of time: 4a1 [such-and-such] was the first. Karun pa lang ku makakità sa ingun, This is the very first time I ever saw anything like that. 4a2 if it was so at [such-and-such] a time already, it would be even worse later. Sa súgud pa lang nahanákan na siya, At the very beginning he was already out of breath. 4a3 [so-and-so] just happened now. Karun pa lang siya muabut, He just arrived now. Daw kagahápun pa lang, It seems like only yesterday. 4b lest [so-and-so] happen. Dì ku mudúul sa irù kay paákun pa lang ku, I won’t go near the dog, because I might get bitten. 4c if [so-and-so] had been the case. Dì pa lang ka amígu nákù, ikíha ta ka, If you were not my friend, I would have filed a case against you. Aku pa lay gipabúhat, gwápu tag ági, if they had told me to do it, it would have come out nice.

lam-ang1 v [A; b4] 1 overstep, go over s.t. Nalam-angan ku ang lítir dyi, I skipped letter g. 2 go beyond what is normally expected. Milam-ang sa maáyung pamatásan ang ímung pag-ukit-ukit, Your inquisitiveness has gone beyond the limits of good manners. Hilam-angan ra sad ang ímung pagkaáyu, Your goodness is far beyond what one would expect. a taken beyond normal bounds. Lam-ang kaáyu ang íyang pagpangasábà, Her scolding has gone too far.

lam-ang2 n name of an Ilocano epic.

lamánu v 1 [AC; ab2] shake hands. Naglamánu ang managkuntra apan dúmut gihápun, [566]The two protagonists shook hands but they still were full of hatred. Lamanúhun ku ang bag-ung kasal, I’ll shake hands with the newly-weds. 2 [A; c1] join two edges of metal sheets with one hooked into the other. Lamanúhun (ilamánu) ta lang pagsumpay, Let’s join it bending the two edges around so that one fits into the other. n 1 handshake. 2 joint of two things whereby the two things fit into each other. Nabungkas ang lamánu sa baldi, The pail came apart because the joint where the edges of the metal were made to fit into each other came apart. 3 powdered milk donated by the U.S. government which bears a picture of a handshake (slang). †

lamas, lámas1 v 1 [A; b] spice. Las-ay ang útan ug dì lamásan, Vegetables are tasteless if you don’t spice them. Ang habubuyna ikalámas, Mint can be used as a spice. 2 [b] spice s.t. not food. Gilamásan sa kandidátu ang íyang diskursu ug mga kumidiya, The candidate spiced his speech with jokes. (→) n 1 spice. 2 s.t. that lends color or richness. Ang kanta lamas sa kinabúhì, Songs add spice to life.

lámas2 v [A; c6] rinse off, wash s.t. to eat. Gadanghag ka lang naglámas sa kamúti, lapúkun gihápun, You were careless in the way you washed the sweet potatoes. They are still muddy.

lámat v [A; a1] 1 deceive the eyes with an illusion. Gilámat ra tingáli ku pagkakità adtung gwápang babáyi, Maybe it was only an illusion when I saw that beautiful woman. 1a for supernatural beings that have taken and hidden a person to put a banana trunk in the person’s place and make it look like the body of the dead person. 2 enchant, bedazzle. Usa ra ka pahiyum ang milámat kaníya, One smile was enough to enchant him. Nalámat siya sa katahum sa kagabhíun, He was enchanted with the beauty of the night. n thing with which s.o. is bedazzled. Ang lámat sa bahandì, The enchantment of wealth. ma-un a enchanting, bedazzling. Malamátung húni, Enchanting melody.

lamaw n 1 slop fed to animals. Lúpig pay lamaw ning sud-ána, This food is worse than pig’s slop. 2 k.o. sweet made of the meat of young coconut mixed with its water, milk, and sugar. 2a k.o. sweet made of a mixture of the meat of papaya or avocado with milk and sugar. v [A1; a] make, eat lamaw. (←) v [A1; b6] have lots of lamaw. -in- = lamaw, n2, 2a. -an n 1 pail for collecting slop. 2 feeding trough for animals.

lámay1 v [A; b] for a sickness, feeling, vice to become deep-seated and take root or for medicine or s.t. else taken in to take its full effect. Mawad-an siya sa hwisiyu ug mulámay na ang ispiritu sa álak, He loses his good judgment when the alcohol begins to take its effect. Ang kalúuy milámay sa íyang kahiladman, A feeling of pity took root in his innermost being. Ug dílì ka magpatambal lamáyan giyud ka sa sakit, If you don’t submit to treatment, the sickness will get worse and worse.

lámay2 v [A; b(1)] join a wake for the dead without sleeping. Ang nakalámay sa Lúnis sa Myirkulis na sad mubálik, Those who kept vigil on Monday will do so again on Wednesday. n wake for the dead.

lamba v 1 [A; b5c] slam s.t. long and hard against s.t. Kinsang pliyíra tung milamba sa bátir sa yútà? Who was that player who swung the bat hard against the ground? Kupti ang hā́s sa íkug unyà ilamba sa paril, Hold the snake by the tail and swing it hard against the stone wall. Nalamba ang sakayan ngadtu sa kabatuan, The boat was slammed against the rocks. 2 [A; b6(1)] pass a basketball from a distance to one’s teammate. Lambahi (lambáhi) tung kaúban nátung way gwardiya, Throw the ball to the teammate that no one is covering. lambalamba v [B5; c1] be repeatedly thrown or struck against s.t. Naglambalamba ang sira sa bintánà sa kakusug sa hángin, The window shutters swung back and forth against the sills with the force of the wind. n the action of throwing or striking repeatedly.

lambang v [AC; ac] 1 join two things, usually live, to each other. Nagkalambang ang duha ka hiniktang sunuy nga gidúul paghigut, The two roosters that were tied too closely to each other got entangled with one another. Lambánga ang duha ka karabaw, Tie the two carabaos together. 2 for animals to have sexual intercourse, and, by coarse extension, for people to do so. Duha ka irù nga naglambang, Two dogs copulating. À, makiglambang lang nà bisag unsung bayhána, He doesn’t care who he screws.

lambanug, lambánug n alcoholic drink made from the water taken from the nipa palm bud that has been fermented and distilled.

lambáruk n k.o. mackerel (small adlù).

lambay1 = langbay.

*lambay2 -in- n 1 k.o. stage play, usually about heroic deeds of past ages, with a dialogue delivered in verse. 2 s.t. put on for the show of it. Kanang paggúkud kunúhay sa mga dagkung ismaglir usa lang ka linambay, The drive against the smugglers is nothing [567]but a big show. v 1 [A1; b(1)] present a linambay stage play. 2 [A23] play in a linambay.

lambáyaw n k.o. hardwood timber.

lambáyung n creeping vine of seashore with purple morning-glory-like flowers: Ipomoea pes-caprae.

lambì a for one of two things that should fit together to overlap. Lambì ang ngábil, ilhánang nanaway, The lower lip is sticking out, a sign that he is criticising you. v [B6; ac] get to be protruding. Nalambì ang sira sa kaban, The cover of the trunk jutted out over the edge.

lambid v [A2C3; a] be wound around in an irregular way. Milambid ang gaway sa kugíta sa íyang páa, The tentacles of the octopus were wound around his thigh. Ayaw idúul ang mga hiniktan arun dílì maglambid, Don’t put the cocks close to each other so that their strings don’t get all tangled up. -in- n k.o. budbud made with white and violet-colored sticky rice, such that the dark and light colored rice forms intertwining streaks. linambíran = linambid.

lambígit v [AC; ac] get entwined, latched on to. Magkítà gánì ming magsúun maglambígit dáyun mig isturya, When we sisters get together we get engrossed in conversation with each other. Nagkalambígit ang ílang mga ngálan tungud sa ílang kasuud, Their names became linked with each other because they are close to each other. Nagkalambígit ang duha ka pasul, The two fishing lines got entangled. Kanúnay ilambígit niíni ang hitabù, Always connect the incident with it. hi-/ha- v [c6] be involved, tied up in. Wà ka ba mahilambigit sa tikas? Are you not involved in the swindle? Ag ákung kwarta nahilambígit sa tindáhan, My money is tied up in the store. ka-an n involvement. Maprísu ka ug dúna kay kalambigítan sa huld-ap, You will go to jail if you have s.t. to do with the hold-up.

lambing v [AC; c1] join two things together with a length of s.t. Lambínga ang duha ka baskit, Tie the two baskets together. Gidúul ninyu paghigut ang kanding. Dì nagkalambing hinúun, You tied the goats too close together so they got entangled. n fishing line with two hooks attached to the main line.

lambiyaw n the fry of a k.o. crevally, silver in color and glossy green on the back with smooth skin: Selaroides leptolepis (so called from the color resemblance to the bíyaw beetle).

lambiyug, lambíyug = lambuyug.

lambíyung v [A3P; c1] whirl around, go around in circles. Naglambiyung ang bintiladur, The electric fan is revolving. Lambiyunga (ilambíyung) ang ímung buktun, Whirl your arm around. Ang tugpahánan gilambiyungan sa ayruplánu únà kini mutugpa, The airplane circled the airport before it landed.

lambu n 1 cord made of cotton strings twisted together. Lambu ang ibáat sa putus kay lig-un, Use cord for tying the bundle because it’s strong. 2 fishing line made from such cord. paN- v [A2; b6] catch fish with a hook and line made of lambu dragged behind the boat.

lambù a growing lush and tall, prospering. v [B3] 1 for plants to grow lush and tall. Milambù ang tanum nga giabunúhan, The fertilized plants grew lush. 2 prosper, flourish. Milambù sa ngadtungadtu ang íyang nigusyu, His business flourished with time. 3 for good feelings to grow in time. Sa kadugáyan nilambù ang ákung pagbátì níya, With time, my feelings for her grew intense. -anan n a place where s.t. flourishes. Lambuánan sa mga yawan-ung hunàhúnà, Place where evil thoughts flourish. ka-an n prosperity. Álang sa kalambúan sa násud, For our nation’s progress. ka-an(→) n advancement, growth. Way kalambuan ang ímung paningúhà kaníya, Your romantic efforts have made no progress whatsoever. ma-un a growing luxuriantly and tall.

lambud v [AC; c] wind around, get wound around. Milambud ang gaway sa kugíta sa íyang páa, The tentacles of the octopus wound around his thigh. Ipalayù ug hikut ang kábaw ug kanding arun dílì magkalambud, Tie the carabao and the goat far from each other so that their ropes will not get entwined with each other. Ilambud ang hílu sa karitisan, Wind the thread around the spool. lamburan, lamburánan n reel or anything on which s.t. is wound. budbud linambúran n k.o. budbud made of white and violet colored rice or millet, rolled and wound together.

lambun v [A; c1] broil s.t. in between embers. Pagkúhà ug dáhun kay maglambun tag kamúti, Get some banana leaves. We’re going to broil some yams. -in-an a cooked by having been broiled in live coals.

lambúnaw n medium-sized tree of the forest producing bunches of oval, red fruit, 5 cm. or longer, with an edible pulp and a single pit: Aglaia everettii.

lambung v [A; b(1)] grow long and thick, clinging or hanging over s.t. Naglambung na [568]sa tingkuy ang íyang buhuk, His hair is already hanging thick over his nape. Gilambúngan sa balantiyung ang ílang atup, The squash grew over their roof, covering it entirely. a hanging long and thick covering s.t. -ay n mane. paN-ay v [A2] grow profusely in strands or bunches as if a mane. Maáyung alutan ang ímung buhuk kay nanglambúngay na, It’s about time to cut your hair because it is like a mane. -ayun a thick and long like a mane.

lambúnit v [C] fight with one another to get s.t. Naglambúnit ang babáyi ug ang mangangagaw sa bág, The woman struggled with the purse-snatcher.

lambus v [A; c1] strike with s.t. heavy, usually in a downward motion. Mga balud nga milambus sa gamayng sakayan, Waves that lashed at the small boat. Makalambus ka kahà ánang kaban níya? Do you think you can slam that trunk on him? Gilambúsan ang kawatan sa alhu, We struck the burglar with a pestle. Alsáhun tikaw run ug ilambus sa yútà, I’ll lift you and throw you hard against the ground. n 1 blow with s.t. heavy. Kusug nga lambus sa íkug sa buáya, Heavy lash inflicted by the crocodile with its tail. 2 stick used to strike s.o.

lambut v 1 [A2; a2b2] reach a certain amount, length, or distance. Milambut ug usa ka líbu ang ílang halin, Their sales amounted to one thousand pesos. Nakalambut ug usa ka gatus ang mga bisíta, The visitors reached one hundred persons. Lambuta ang syudad sa duha ka úras, Get to within reach of the city in two hours. 2 [A2; b6] catch up or overtake. Mulambut pa ta sa únang byáhi, We can still make the first trip. Gilambutan námù sila sa Karkar, We caught up with them in Carcar.

lambuyud a feeling dizzy. v [B6; b6] feel dizzy. Mulambuyud (maglambuyud) ang ákung panan-aw ug magsígig libutlíbut sa halígi, I get dizzy if I keep running around the post. 2 = lambuyug.

lambuyug, lambúyug v 1 [A; ac] whirl s.t. around on a string and throw it off in a distance. Lambuyugun ku nang langgam nga nagbatug sa sanga, I’ll sling a rock at that bird perching on the branch. Gilambuyug níya ang láang úsà pasaplúti ang báka, He whirled the rope before he lassoed the cow. 2 [B26] for attention, thought to veer off on a target. Nalambuyug ang íyang mga mata sa nagkiaykíay nga babáyi, His gaze was diverted to the girl with the swaying hips. n sling for hurling stones made of a piece of cloth, leather, or palm leaf which holds the stone and a pair of strings which are whirled around. When one of the strings is released, the missile flies off.

lamdag a bright. Lamdag kaáyu ang síga sa plurisin, The fluorescent lamp gives a bright light. Ayaw pagsugà kay lamdag man, Don’t turn on the light because there’s enough light. Lamdag ug kaugmáun ang táwung kugihan, An industrious person has a bright future. n 1 illumination. Ang lamdag sa sugà, The lamp’s illumination. 2 enlightenment. Lamdag sa Ispiritu Santu, The enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. v 1 [AB; ab] give light or brightness; be, get bright or well-lighted. Adlaw nga naglamdag sa kalibútan, The sun that gives light to the world. Dúnay táwu kay naglamdag mag ílang báy, There must be s.o. home because the house is lighted. 2 [A; b(1)] enlighten. Pagtulun-an nga milamdag sa ákung hunàhúná, A lesson that enlightened my mind. 3 [B1; b6] for a place to be stripped of plants or parts of plants. Ang pagpahit sa kamaisan sa mga bábuy mauy nakalamdag (nakapalamdag) niíni, The pigs ate the corn plants and made the area bare. Gilamdágan ku sa mga káhuy sa lagwirta nga gipamutlan sa mga sanga, The trees in the yard looked bare to me after some of the branches were pruned. pa- v [A; b] go, put to a lighted or illuminated area. Ayawg palamdag kay hiilhan ka, Don’t go under the light because you might be recognized. Palamdági ku ngari arun makítà ring ákung trabáhu, Give me some light here so I can see my work. ka-un n clarification. ma-un a enlightening.

lamdaman (coined from lamdag ‘light’ and panumdúman ‘thoughts’—root dumdum) n inspiration. Ang dalága mauy lamdaman ni Rinaldu sa íyang pagpanulat, Reynaldo took his inspiration for his writings from the girl.

lamhun v [B3] for a wound or bruise to get infected and swollen, but not severely so. Tambáli nang núka sa dì pa makalamhun, Put medicine on your sore before it gets infected.

lamhung a 1 growing thickly and profusely, esp. such that other plants are crowded out. 2 choking off or overshadowing, keeping plants from growing well. 3 swollen and inflamed. v [B3; b6] 1 grow thick and/or tall such that other growths get stunted. Ang kamukámu milamhung sa lagwirta, The morning glories spread all over the garden (and choked other plants). 1a stunt other plants by choking them off or overshadowing them. Makalamhang ang dáhun sa kaymítu [569]sa mga tanum, Star apple leaves are used as a cover to kill off other plants. Nalamhungan ang mga munggus sa balíli, The grass stunted the bean plants. 2 [B2346] get inflamed. Milamhung ang pinaakan sa lamuk, The mosquito bite became inflamed.

lamhuy v [B1236] for bruise to swell and get soft. Nalamhuy ang ákung tudlù nga nadukdukan sa martilyu, I struck my finger with a hammer and it became soft. Wà makalamhuy ang buktun nga giiniksiyunan, The arm that was injected didn’t swell.

lamì a 1 tasty, giving a delicious feeling or taste. Lamì nga pagkáun, Delicious food. Lamì nga isturya, A pleasurable talk. 1a — nga i-[verb] it would be lovely to . . . Lamì rung ikalígù sa dágat, How nice it would be to go swimming now. 2 beautiful to look at. Lamì kaáyu siyag kurtína, She has beautiful curtains. n 1 taste, flavor. Way lamì, Tasteless. Kining isdáa lamig lápuk, This fish tastes like mud. 2 orgasm. Dúgay siyang abtan sa lamì, It takes her a long time to come to her orgasm. v [B; a] 1 be, become pleasant to the senses. Mulamì (malamì) ang sud-an ug bitsinan, The food becomes tasty if monosodium glutamate is added to it. Ang pagsinabtanay mauy makalamì (makapalamì) sa panagtiáyun, Understanding is the thing that makes a marriage pleasant. Lamian kung mubunal ug bátang pilyu, I love to whip naughty boys. 2 [b4] reach orgasm. — ug kalit v [A23] take a sudden unexpected turn. Maáyu pa tung ámung isturya unyà milamì lang siyag kalit, nasukù man lang nákù, We were having a nice talk. Suddenly s.t. got into her, and she got mad at me. Lúya na ang buksidur, unyà sa katapúsang ráwun milamì lag kalit, gidabudabuhan ang kuntra, The boxer had gotten weak. Then suddenly at the last round he seemed to have gotten his second wind and rained heavy blows on his opponent. v [A13] become more interesting. Naglámì (nagkalámì) ang ílang isturya human makainum, Their talk got more interesting after they had had some drinks. pa-(←) v 1 [A; ac1] do s.t. to add to the taste, pleasurableness of s.t. 2 [A13] indulge oneself in s.t. nice. Nagpalámì siya ug katúlug ug wà gánì maghunàhúnàg digámu, She’s sleeping blissfully without even thinking about cooking breakfast. n seasoning. palamìlámì v [A] indulge in sexual pleasures of any sort. n sexual indulgence. -an a delicious. v [B126] get to be delicious.

lamígas = hulmígas.

lamigmig v 1 [A; a] pat successively and shake or massage lightly, usually on a full and fleshy part of body. Gustu siyang mulamigmig sa ákung páa, She likes to play with my thigh by patting it, shaking the hand while pressing down. Lamigmígi ug asin ang hinimulbúlan nga manuk, Pat some salt into the flesh of the dressed chicken. 2 [a2b2] be repeatedly hit with s.t., usually not fatal. Hinglamigmigan ka lagi kay nakigsumbagay kag buksidur, If you pick a fight with a boxer you’ll get yourself soundly pummelled.

lamili = damili.

lamina n framed picture, esp. of a saint. v [A; a12] make framed pictures, esp. of saints.

laminasiyun = laminisyun.

láming v [A; c1] 1 confine an animal for the purpose of controlling its food prior to slaughtering. Lamíngun ang alimángug mga simána únà lutúa, They keep mud crabs and feed them a special food about a week before they cook them. 1a do a similar thing to people. Iláming sa duktur ang pasiyinti sa dì pa upirahan, The doctor will confine the patient and put him on a special diet before he operates. 2 keep s.t. in confinement. Kadtung íyang pagsiyágit didtu ra maláming sa íyang kinahiladman, He kept his shouts stifled in his innermost being. Naláming silang tanan sulud sa balay, They were all kept imprisoned in the house. 2a in the game of tubigtúbig, imprison players in one of the squares. n animal that had been kept confined prior to slaughter. (→) = láming, n. -an(→) n 1 the first two squares the players at play enter in the game of tubigtúbig. 2 the player guarding these squares.

laminisyun n lamination of plastic over s.t.

laminit v [A; a] laminate with plastic.

lamísa n 1 table, desk. 2 food set out. Náa na bay lamísa dihà kay musaka mi, Do you have a table set? If you do, we’ll come in. v 1 [a12] make into a table. 2 [A; c] set the table, put food on the table. Lamisáhi ang bag-ung abut, Put dishes on the table for the visitor that just came in. 2a have a lot of food on the table (usage taken from the custom among poor people that a table is set only when there is a decent meal—otherwise people just take what there is and gobble it down). Basta bag-ung swildu maglamísa giyud mi sa Dinghaw, As soon as we get paid we’ll have a banquet (lit. table set) at the Ding Hao restaurant.

lamisíta n small table or desk.

lamiti a smeared with s.t. sticky. v [B1; aP] be, become smeared with s.t. sticky. Naglamiti [570]ang nawung sa bátà sa tsukulit, The child’s face is besmeared with chocolate.

lamlam1 n a k.o. itch affecting the parts between the toes, usually caused by walking barefoot on ground soaked with horse urine. Katul kaáyu ang lamlam sa ákung tiil, The itch in my toes is so bad. v [A123P; b4] get lamlam.

lamlam2 v [A; c] talk too much, nonsensically or boastfully. Lamlámi lang si Tátay mu kay aku dì na mutúu, Just hand that line to your father. As far as I’m concerned, I don’t believe you. Unsa na man say gilamlam mu didtu sa imnanan? What sort of foolishness did you tell the boys in the toddy stand this time? n talk, words. Pulus lang lamlam nang tawhána way nabúhat, That fellow is all talk, no action.

lampaag, lampáag a 1 stout, fat. Kalampáag sa náwung ánang bayhána! Ikatalakpun, What a broad face that woman has! You could use it as a shutter for a window. 2 spreading lushly. Lampaag kaáyu ang lambáyung dapit sa hunásan, The vines are spreading out lushly near the edge of the tidal flat. 3 for the hair to look bushy. v [B; b6] 1 be, become broad, flat. 2 get to grow lushly. Mulampáag ang mga balíli ug muuwan na, The grass will grow lush when the rains come. 3 for hair to get bushy. Naunsa man ang ímung hirdu nga naglampaag man. Gitís tingáli, What happened to your hair that it’s so bushy? You must have teased it.

lampágà = lampaag.

lampakanay nga kúgun n k.o. reed found in marshland.

lampánug v [A2; b3] go out without saying goodbye to escape, get out of work, in anger. Túa, milampánug kay gikasab-an, There, he ran out of the house because I scolded him. Ang pagpanglimpiyu sa sílung muy íyang gilampanúgan, He left the house to get out of helping clean out the cellar.

lampara n 1 oil or kerosene lamp without a chimney. 2 pressurized kerosene lantern where the light shines downward, used mainly for fishing. v [A13; a1] make, use a lamp of this sort. paN- n type of fishing using a pressurized lantern to attract the fish, used esp. in shallow waters for catching schools of small fish. v [A2; c] catch fish by this manner. lamparahan = lampara, 1. lamparista n one who fishes using the panglampara method. lamparahánan n boat used in panglampara fishing. lamparilya n a small kerosene or alcohol lamp without a chimney. v [A13; b6] make, use as a small kerosene lamp.

lampáru v [A; a1b2] slap with the hand, usually at the head. Dílì ku mulamparu kay piligru kunu sa útuk, I would not slap anyone on the head because it might hurt the brain. Gilampáru ku sa kusug nga hángin, I was struck by a strong wind. n slap.

lamparúnis n k.o. pussy, slow-healing abscesses around the neck that leave large scars. v [B124; a4b4] be afflicted with lamparúnis.

lampas1 v [AN2; b] cut down, sickle grass and undergrowth with a swinging motion. Pagsúhul ug mulampas (manglampas) sa kalubihan, Hire s.o. to cut down the grasses in the coconut grove. n the cutting down of grass or undergrowth from an area. — tánum v [A; b5] cut down the plant growths and plant rice or corn at the same time. This is done in paddies under deep water which cannot be plowed or in second-growth forests between the trees. Gilampas tánum (gilampas tanúman) ang anut, The plants were cut down, and at the same time corn was planted in the second-growth forest. n the process of cutting plant growths, plant rice or corn at the same time.

lampas2 = lápas.

lampásu v [A; b] polish a floor by rubbing a half a coconut husk or s.t. similar over it. Lampasúhi ang sála, Polish the floor in the living room with a coconut husk. 2 [A; b2c] pummel, shake and throw to the ground. Ilampásu ku kinsa ninyu magbinúang, If anybody cuts up I’ll scrub the floor with him. Ilampásu námù ang inyung tím, We’ll give your team a thorough trouncing. 2a have s.t. done thoroughly to it. Hilampasuhan unyà mug kasábà, You’ll get a thorough tongue-lashing. n s.t. to polish the floor with, esp. a half a coconut husk.

lampay n k.o. small shallow porcelain bowl to eat out of.

lampin n diaper. v [A; c1] put on, make into a diaper. Lampínun (ilampin) lang ning dáang palda, Just use this old skirt for a diaper. Lampíni ang bátà, Diaper the baby.

lampíngas n indifference to how s.o. is affected. Ang lampíngas sa kapalaran, The arbitrariness of fate. -an a indifferent and oblivious to how other persons are affected. Lampingásan nga táwu nga walà mabalísa sa íyang gipamabdúsan, A brute, completely indifferent to the fate of the woman who bore his child. v [B12] be, become indifferent, oblivious to others.

lampínig n yellow jacket. Ang lampínig sa panúlat nakaúkub sa íyang tingkuy, He was [571]bitten by the writer’s bug. (Lit. The yellow jacket of writing bit into the nape of his neck.)

lampírung n 1 white, translucent material taken from the inside of the shells of certain oysters, used for windows, lampshades and other ornaments. 2 name of the oyster from which this material is taken. v [a12] use lampírung shells for windowpanes.

lampis n k.o. small edible crab of streams.

lampuay, lampúay v [B6; b6] flow or spread beyond the limits. Milampuay ang íyang tiyan sa katambuk, His stomach bulged from excess fat. Naglampuay ang sabaw sa panaksan (ang panaksan sa sabaw), The soup spilled over the edge of the bowl.

lampurnas v [A; b6(1)] 1 scrub, wipe with force to clean s.t. Nalimpiyu ang pansayan human siya makalampurnas niíni, The comfort room looked spotless after she scrubbed it. 1a clean s.t. by splashing water over it. Nakalampurnas na ku sa banyu, I have already splashed water to clean the bathroom. 2 destroy. 2a [A13; a12] beat heavily. Ang way kalúuyng igsúun naglampurnas níya sa gamay lang sayup, His heartless brother beat him mercilessly for the slightest mistake. 2b [c6] badly beaten in games. Ilampurnas lang nang inyung tím nga bayat sa iláha, Their team will just trounce your inept team. 2c be struck by a severe storm. Nangalúad ang káhuy nga gilampurnas sa bagyu, The trees that were battered by the storm were uprooted. 2d [a12] wipe off or out swiftly. Gilampurnas lang ang mga pagkáun nga gidū́t sa pista, The food that was served at the fiesta was rapidly wiped out. 2e [A; c] throw s.t. to the ground with force. Íyang ilampurnas ang mga kaldírug way sud-an, He’ll smash the pots on the floor if there’s no food. 2f [A; a1] pet torridly with a girl (slang). Gilampurnas níya ang íyang trátu sa sinihan, He petted frantically with his girl friend in the movie house. n scrubbing. Way lampurnas ang ílang salug, Their floor has not been scrubbed.

*lampus v [A24] be successful. Milampus ang íyang plánu, His plans succeeded. ka-an n success. ma-un a successful. Malampúsun nga míting, A successful meeting. v [A13] be, become successful. Hináut untang magmalampúsun ka sa ímung tingúhà, I hope you will be successful in your undertaking.

lampuug, lampúug = dampuug.

lampuyang = luy-aluy-a. see luy-a.

lampuyut, lampúyut a for flesh to be flabby and loose. v [B; c1] be loose and flabby. Mulampúyut ang átung pus-un ug wà tay iksirsayis, The lower part of your abdomen becomes loose and flabby if you do not exercise.

lamù v [A; a] temporarily preserve tiny fish by salting lightly. Lamua ang subrang tugnus, Preserve the leftover fry by salting them lightly. -in- n small fish, temporarily preserved with light salt. lamùlamù, lamùlámù v [A; b5] 1 do s.t. fast in a slipshod and careless way. Gilamùlamuan (gilamùlamù) lang nímug laba ang mga bisti u, daghan pang buling, You washed these clothes so fast and carelessly. See, they are still all dirty. Ayaw lamùlamúag bungat arun makasabut ku, Don’t speak so hurriedly and indistinctly, so I can understand. 2 done rapidly and without reserve. Gilamùlamù lang níya ang usa ka panaksang pansit, He just gobbled down a whole bowlful of noodles. Gilamùlámù níya ang íyang uyab sa súd sa sinihan, He engaged in a heavy petting session with his girl friend in the movie house.

lamudlaw n k.o. vine of waste spaces bearing edible fruits, the size and shape of a hen’s egg with stripes, acrid and pulpy, but with little juice and lots of tiny seeds.

lamugdung a overcast, gloomy. Lamugdung ang lángit, muuwan tingáli, The sky is overcast. It will probably rain. Lamugdung siyag nawung mu rag kahilakun, She has a gloomy expression as if she were about to burst into tears. v [B; b3c1] become overcast, gloomy.

lamúgay v 1 [A; c1] mix, jumble thoroughly. Kamiy milamúgay (naglamúgay) sa balas ug simintu, We mixed the sand and cement thoroughly. 2 [B26C3; c1] for a crowd to mill about in confusion. Milamúgay ang mga táwu pagkakità sa kaláyu, The people ran about in confused panic when they saw the fire. a topsy-turvy, in disorder. Lamúgay ang sála, The living room was topsy-turvy.

lamuglamug n slimy substance. 1 slime which forms where water has been allowed to stand. 2 slime exuded by certain animals, such as snails. 3 thin film that forms on the eyeballs of seriously ill persons. 4 thin, filmy membranes adhering to meat or tendons. 5 gelatinous substance found under the bark of young trees. 6 oily substance found on the surface of coconut meat ripened beyond maturity ( = dalínug). — sa tubà sediment in the coconut palm toddy. v [B1246; a4b4] form slimy substances of these various kinds.

lamugmugan = limugmugan. see limugmug. [572]

lamuk n mosquito. v [a4] 1 be infested with mosquitoes. Ang lugar nga may lámak lamukun, A place where there is standing water gets infested with mosquitoes. 2 wait s.w. too long. Gilamuk na lang kug hinuwat, wà giyud mupatim-aw, I waited for a long time, but he did not show up. (←) v 1 [A; b6] be present in large numbers with confusion and bustle. Naglámuk ang mga táwu sa baratilyu, People crowded the bargain sale. Míting man untà ni, nalámuk na man hinúun, This is supposed to be a meeting, but it has become a melee instead. 2 [BC3] be, become a free-for-all, melee. Nagkalámuk ang mga istudiyanti ug mga pulis, There was a free-for-all between the students and the police. a busy and chaotic with large numbers of people. n a free-for-all, melee. lamuklámuk = lámuk, n, v2. -ay(←) see lamúkay.

lamúkat v [B16; a] be, become disorderly, messed up. Naglamúkat ang íyang nawung sa mik-ap, Her make-up was in chaotic disarray. Nalamúkat ang mga dáhun sa sular, The leaves were strewn all over the yard. Ayawg lamukáta nang ímung ásuy arun hisabtan ka, Do not tell your story incoherently so that you’ll be understood. a all in disorder. Lamúkat nga administrasiyun, A chaotic administration. ka- (not without l) v [A; a2] be in chaotic disorder. Nagkalamúkat ang labábu sa mga plátu ug kaldíru, The sink is a mess with all the kettles and plates piled up in it. Magkalamúkat ang panimalay kun way pagsinabtanay, Home life is chaotic when there is no understanding.

lamúkay (from lamuk) a in chaotic disorder, topsy-turvy. Lamúkay ang kwartu, The room is in chaos. v 1 [A; a] mix, stir things up thoroughly. Naglamúkay si Ipì sa simintu, Ipe was mixing the cement. 2 [B] for there to be chaos, things in great numbers in disorder. Naglamúkay (nagkalamúkay) ang mga táwu sa tyanggihan pagsúnug, The people in the market were rushing about in all directions when the fire broke out. ka- = lamúkay, v2.

lamun n 1 k.o. badly infected boil which goes deep and fails to develop a head. It often leads to blood poisoning. 2 word used in a curse hoping the one cursed gets a lamun. Wà ka dad-a sa lamun! Damn you! (Lit. Haven’t you been killed by blood poisoning?) v [b4] be infected with lamun. Ang bátang gilamunan namatay, The child who was infected with a lamun died.

lámun v [A; c1] put large chunks of food in the mouth whole. Makalámun kug usa ka parak bingka, I can put a whole piece of rice cake in my mouth. Kúlang ka rang lamúnun (ilámun) sa higanti, You’re not even enough to stuff in the giant’s mouth.

lamuruk a plump in the cheeks. v [B] for the cheeks to become full and rounded. Nagkalamuruk ang íyang áping sukad maáyu, Her cheeks are beginning to get rounded now that she has recovered. -un a of a plump sort.

lamuy v 1 [A; a] take in s.t. by swallowing. Maglamuy kug tablítas pára katúlug, I’ll take some sleeping pills. Gilamuy si Hunas sa balyína, Jonah was swallowed by a whale. 1a eat greedily or gluttonously (coarse). À, milakaw man lang dáyun human makalamuy, After he gorged himself, he immediately left the party. 1b — sa bakunáwa ang búwan [a12] for there to be a lunar eclipse (for the moon to have been swallowed by the bakunáwa). 2 [A; a2] swallow words or feelings. Milamuy ka lang dáyun sa íyang gisulti, You swallowed his story, hook, line, and sinker. Gilamuy ku ang ákung kasukù arun way masilù, I just swallowed my anger so that nobody would have hard feelings. 3 swallowed up in a figurative sense. Galastúhan nga milamuy sa ílang tinipígan, The expenses which swallowed up their savings. Gilamuy siya sa kangitngit, He was swallowed by the darkness. n food consumption. Ang ámung mutsatsu dakug lamuy, Our servant eats too much. walay — poor as a church mouse (deprecatory). -in-an n manner of eating.

lamúyà v [B] get excessively fat. Naglamúyà siya sa katambuk, He is bulging with excessive fat. Nagkalamuyà ang tiyan sa palaínum, The drunkard is getting a beer belly.

lamwas v 1 [A; b6] for water to come in or spread over s.t. Hápit malúnud ang sakayan nga nalamwásan sa túbig, The boat nearly sank because water came in it. Gilamwásan ang tugkaran sa túbig gíkan sa kanal, The water from the drainage ditch flooded our yard. 1a for water to run out over a container. Milamwas ang túbig sa planggána, Water ran out over the basin. 2 [A; c1] extend beyond a certain limit. Mulamwas ang ákung tiil sa katri kay mubù ra, My feet spill over the end of the bed because it is too short. Lamwása (ilamwas) sa túhud ang sidsid sa ákung sinínà, Extend the hem line of my dress beyond the knees.

lamyat a sluggish, doing things slowly and lazily. v [B; b6] be sluggish in doing things. Nagkalamyat ang mid nga nagkadugay sa báy, The longer the maid stays in the house [573]the slower she works.

-l-an alternant for -anan, added to some, but not all, bases which occur with -anan and usually with the same meaning. Palalítan, Place one buys things. Halatagan sa limus, Person to whom alms are given.

lána1 n 1 oil obtained from plants. 2 a concoction of oil and herbs having special curative properties or power to ward off evil of supernatural origin. — nga pangulang oil to counteract supernaturally caused skin ailments. 3 may, walay — have (not have) sexual potency in old age. Mamána ka ánang tigúlang bálu? Wà na nay lána, Are you going to marry that old widower? I doubt if he can do it any more. v 1 [A; a] make oil. Dílì ku mulána ánang lubi kay kápuy ug kagud, I will not make oil because it is tiresome grating those coconuts. 2 [b6] put oil in a lamp. 3 — ug pútut v [A13; a12] do the impossible (lit. extract oil from a very young coconut). Maáyu pay maglána ug pútut kay sa mulansar nga way kwarta, It would be easier to squeeze oil out of a young coconut than to win an election without money. (→) v 1 [A; b] apply oil on. Lanahi ang halígi arun dílì anáyun, Put oil on the post so the termites can’t get at it. 2 [B3(1)46] be, become oily, exude oily secretion. Naglana ang íyang pánit, Her skin is exuding oil. 3 [A; b6] coax s.o. by flattery. Lanahi siya dì ba húmuk musugut sa ímung hangyù, Give her some sweet talk. See if she doesn’t give you what you ask for. lanáhan, lanhan n folk doctor who practices healing with the use of special oils. lanahan n container for oil. lanahun, lanáhun a full of oil. †

lána2 = dilána.

lánag n mild, not fatal poisoning. Ang lánag ságad dílì makamatay, makapabúyud lang, Mild poisoning usually doesn’t kill. It just makes one dizzy. v 1 [B126; b4(1)] have, be affected by poisoning. Nalánag ku sa amúting káhuy nga wà maáyung pagkalung-ag, I got food poisoning from the cassava that wasn’t prepared properly. 2 [B126] be sickened, nauseated. Nalánag ku sa báhù sa karni didtus ihawan, I was sickened by the smell of meat at the abattoir. 3 be bored to tears. Nalánag ku ánang ímung isturya nga gibalikbálik, I am bored to tears by your story that you keep telling again and again. (→) n s.t. to smoke (derogatory). v [A; c1] smoke. Naglanag ka na sab nga gidid-an ka man sa duktur? You’re smoking again when the doctor told you not to.

lanang n watery, slushy ground. v 1 [B; b6] become watery and slushy. Milanang (nalanang) ang sílung sa ulan, The yard became watery and muddy in the rain. (←) v [A; b6] for liquid to spread out on an area. Milánang ang ímung íhì sa salug, Your urine flowed over the floor. -an n slushy, muddy place. lananglanang v [A] be greasy, oily. Mulananglanang ang ímung nawung ug dí ka mamulbus, Your face will get oily if you don’t powder it. Maglananglanang ang sud-an nga labihan kamantikáun, A dish that has too much fat is greasy.

lánap v [A; b(1)] overflow or flood an area. Ang karsáda nga gilanápan sa dágat napunù sa mga gapnud, The road that the sea had flooded is full of driftwood. Sa pagkusug sa ulan, gilanápan ang ámung sílung sa túbig, Because of the heavy rain, our basement was flooded with water.

lanat v [A; a12] pursue, chase. Dílì ku mulanat níla ngadtu sa ngitngit, I will not run after them into the dark. Lanata ang kawatan! Chase the thief. mabà ug — tend to be short-winded, easily tiring out. Dì siya kaagwanta ug bugtaway kay mabà siyag lanat, He doesn’t last in a race because he is short-winded. (←) n pursuit, chase, race. Ang lánat sa kinabúhì, The rat race of life.

lanátad n sea which is flat and even, as for example, at high tide before it begins to go out again, or water over tidal flats. v [B2] for a large area to become covered with a smooth surface of water. Ug magbahà, mulanátad ang túbig sa kaumahan, When it floods, the water floods over the fields.

lánaw = danaw, dánaw.

lánay v 1 [AB2S; a] melt, become soft Naglánay ku ug tinggà pára gam-ung pamatu, I am melting lead to make into a sinker. Naglanay ang mantikilya, The butter is soft. 2 — ang atay [B246] get flattered. Milánay ang íyang atay pag-ingun nákung gwápa siya, She swelled with pride when I told her she was pretty. (→) a 1 soft, partially melted. Itì nga lanay, Soft and watery droppings of fowl. 3 — ug tíngug for the voice to be flat in tone, not full, as if cracked. Way kaláking pamináwun ang lanay nga tíngug, A flat voice is not pleasant to listen to. v [B; b6] 1 for the voice to become flat. — ug sinultihan a way of speaking characterized by a slow and slurring intonation, not brisk. v [B] for the manner of speaking to be slow and slurring in intonation.

landa v [A; a] put copra in a tray to dry. Ákù lang landahun ang kupras kay wà may ínit, I’ll just dry the copra in a tray (and [574]put it in a kiln) because there’s no sun. landahan, landáhan n 1 tray for drying copra. 2 kiln where copra is dried.

landag1 v 1 [A; a2] cook eggs by boiling. Ayaw ug landága ang mga itlug kay papusaun, Don’t boil the eggs because we are going to let them hatch. 2 broil bananas or tubers that have been peeled, usually leftover. Landágun nátù ang báhaw nga kamúti ugmà puhun, We’ll broil the leftover sweet potatoes tomorrow. -in- n hard-boiled eggs.

landag2 = lamdag.

landang n 1 a powdered buri palm starch. 2 sweet preparation made of buri palm starch, sugar, juice of coconut meat to which fruit may optionally be added. v [A; a2] make the dish called landang.

landasan n anvil.

landay1 a for female humans or mammals to be sterile. v [B1] be, become sterile. Ságad sa masakitung babáyi malanday, Most sickly women tend to be sterile.

landay2 n a sack that holds more than twenty-five gantas and is of a strong material, designed esp. for holding heavy contents. Usa ka landayng kupras, A large sackful of copra.

landig v 1 [A; c] for boats or airplanes to land. Ang idru mulandig sa Masbáti, The plane will land on Masbate. 2 [B256] come to rest after falling. Didtu mulandig (malandig) ang awtu sa sapà pagkatambug sa pangpang, The car fell off the cliff and landed in the stream. †

landing n airfield, airport. v [A; c] 1 for airplanes to land. Gilanding ang idru sa dáru, The plane landed on the plowed field. 2 for invasion forces to land. Ang pwirsa sa mga Amirkánu milanding sa Layti, The American forces landed on Leyte. — bards landing barge. v [A13] go by landing barge. — pild n airfield.

*landrákas see kalandrákas.

landung n 1 image, replica. Daw landung sa kamatáyun ang íyang panagway, Her face is a picture of death. Landung giyud siya sa íyang inahan, She is the image of her mother. 2 shade, shadow. Ang purma sa káhuy mailhan sa íyang landung, You can tell what a tree looks like just from the shadow. a shady. Landung kaáyu sa kalubihan, It is nice and shady in the coconut grove. v 1 [B46] for an image to form itself, come into the mind. Walà mulandung sa ákung kaisípan nga mau kiniy mahitabù, It never occurred to me that this is what would happen. 2 [A1B; b2] be, become shady, overcast; cause to become so. Ang akasya nga naglandung sa nátad, The acacia tree that shaded the yard. Naglandung ang kalibútan kay bagà ang pangánud, The world is overcast because there is a thick cloud covering. Hinglandungan ang misítas sa lubi, The ornamental plant is in the shade of the coconut tree. pa- v [AN; b5] 1 think, ponder. Nagpalandung ku sa unsay mahitabù nákù, I am pondering over what will happen to me. Ang átung pagpamalandung gikutlù gíkan sa salmus, Our meditation is taken from the Psalms. 1a walà, dílì — v 1 [A13; a12] not expect s.t. to happen. Wà palandúnga sa tanan nga madátù ka, Nobody thought you’d get rich. 2 [A; b(1)] put or go to the shade. Palandúngi (palandungi) ang kábaw kay ínit na ang adlaw, Put the carabao in the shade because the sun is hot now.

landuylanduy v [A; be] gallivant about, bum around (instead of doing s.t. one should be doing) Maglanduylanduy lang ku kay wà kuy trabáhu, I’m just bumming around because I have no work. Ayawg landuylandúyi (ilanduylanduy) ang ímung pagtuun, Don’t spend the time you’re supposed to be studying in roaming about.

lang = lámang.

lángab v 1 [a12] do all of a set portion of work. Langába ug sanggì ang tibuuk maisan, Harvest the entire cornfield. Langábun ku pagpintal ang usa ka bungbung úsà ku musúgud ug láin, I’ll paint one whole wall before I start the next. 2 [A12; a12] inadvertently work on an area assigned to s.o. else. Nalángab ug dáru sa sinuhúlan ang nasikbit nga uma, The hired hand inadvertently plowed the adjacent farm as well.

lángan v 1 [A3P; a2b3] delay, waste time. Naglángan ka sa ámung byáhi, You are delaying our trip. 2 [A13; b(1)] spend or waste time, effort doing s.t. Naglángan ka lang ug limpiyu ánang kahun, You are just wasting your time cleaning that box. n delay. Sa walay lángan miadtu dáyun siya sa prisidinti, Without delay he went at once to the President. a wasteful of time. Lángan (langan) kaáyu ning paagíha, This procedure is very wasteful of time. (→) = lángan. -an(→) a taking a long time. Langanan kaáyu siyang sugúun, He takes his sweet time about it when you tell him to go s.w. ka- n delay, waste of time. Ang kalángan nákù dílì kabayran ug sápì, Money cannot make up for the delay I suffered. ma-un a wasteful of time.

langas a 1 noisy. Langas kaáyu ka nga magtuun, You are very noisy when you study. 2 moving about a lot, engaging in horseplay. [575]Langas kaáyung ikadúlug, He’ll bother you a lot if you sleep with him because he tosses and turns. v 1 [A; b6] make noise. Dílì mu maglangas kay matúlug ku, You should not make noise because I’m going to bed. 1a [A3] breathe a word. Dílì ka maglangas kang bísan kinsa sa ímung nakit-an, Don’t you tell anyone what you saw. 1b shut up! Langas! Naglamlam ka lang! Shut up. You are talking nonsense! 2 [A] moving about, not keeping still. Langas! Ayaw paghikaphíkap, Hold still. Keep your paws to yourself. 3 [A] make a fuss about s.t. Mulangas man ku ug dílì bahínan, I will make a fuss if you do not give me a share. n 1 noise. 2 fuss, ado. Mitrabáhu dáyun sa walay daghan nga langas, He went to work without much ado. -an a noisy, engaging in horseplay. Kadtung langasan kaáyu dílì dad-un sa sini, Those of you who don’t keep still will not get to go to the show.

langátad = lanátad.

lángaw n housefly. v (→) [a4] 1 be infested, swarm with flies. Langawun ang pagkáun, The food will be swarming with flies. 2 get tired waiting. Dúgay kaáyu siya nga mag-ílis, langawun ka ug pinaábut, It takes her a long time to dress up. You will get tired waiting. 3 do not sell, sell little. Gilangaw ang íyang tinda, way hálin, Her store did poorly—she had no sale. pa- v [A12] attract flies. Ang pálut sa mangga makapalangaw, Mango peelings attract flies. ambut sa — search me, I don’t know (and I don’t care much). langawlangaw = abungaw1.

lángay a wasteful of time. Lángay ka kaáyu sa pagkalígù, You take your sweet time about taking a bath, don’t you? v 1 [A13] waste time. Naglángay ka lang kay dílì nà musalir, You are wasting time because that won’t do. 2 [A13; a12] cause delay. Naglángay ka sa ámung trabáhu. You’re holding up our work. Dílì mistil langáyun ang kasal bisan ug wà pa dinhi ang amahan, You do not have to hold up the wedding just because the father is not here yet. -an(→) a always dilly-dallying.

langayà = langayan. see lángay.

langbay n edible swimming crabs, found in shallow and deep waters, rather similar in shape and flavor to the blue crabs sold in the States. They differ from other crabs in that the shell has two sharp points on the sides, both claws are the same size and only slightly larger than the other limbs. Deep-sea specimens may grow as big as a foot across. paN- v [A2; b6] catch this sort of crab. -an, paN-an n place where these crabs are found.

langbì = lambì.

langbù = lambù.

langbud = lambud.

langday = landay, 1, 2.

langgà short for palangga.

langgam n bird. -an(→) n a small instrument used to cut rice panicles during the harvest. -un a bird-like. Ang íyang sunuy mu rag dílì igtalarì kay langgámun kaáyu ug hitsúra, His rooster doesn’t look like a fighting cock because it has a bird-like appearance.

langgaw1 a lukewarm. v [AB2; c1] be, become lukewarm, cause s.t. to become so. Malanggaw (mulanggaw) ang tubà ug hiinitan, The palm toddy will become lukewarm if you leave it under the sun. Naglanggaw siyag túbig pára ikalígù nákù, She’s heating water for my bath.

langgaw2 n vinegar. v [A13; a12] make, make into vinegar.

langgì v [A3P; a] snap s.t. off from the main part at the joint. Ákung langgíun ang sanga sa ímung tanum, I’ll break a branch off your plant.

langgíkit v 1 [A; a12] tie or attach things together or side by side. Mulanggíkit ka ug pila ka bulus kawáyan pára gam-ung gákit, Tie several lengths of bamboo together to make a raft. Langgikítun nákù ning duha ka buuk káhuy arun makas-a ug dala, I will tie these two pieces of wood together so I can carry them all at once. 2 [C23] be near one another. Sígi sila nga maglanggíkit bisag ása lakaw, They are always near each other wherever they go. 3 [A; c6] involve s.o. in s.t. Ang ímung binúang naglanggíkit nákù sa kaúlaw, Your foolishness involved me in your shame. Ayaw kug ilanggíkit sa inyung tinuntu, Do not involve me in your shenanigans. n link, means of connecting. Kining suláta mauy langgíkit sa kagahápun, This letter is a link to the past.

langgilanggi n shrub or small tree with a straight, light-brown trunk used for fencing. The leaves are alternate, elliptic, with entire margins, green on top, whitish on the bottom and smooth. It bears sweet, pea-sized, white berries in axillary clusters.

langgis a high-pitched, screeching noise. Langgis ang ági sa tísà sa pisára, It’s very spine-tingling the way the piece of chalk scratches the blackboard. v [A] make a spine-tingling, screeching noise. Ayúha nang ímung pagkiskis kay naglanggis, Try not to make it so spine-tingling when you scrape. ka- n the way s.t. is shrill and screeching.

langgisaw n k.o. fish.

langgíta n loop at the waist of trousers [576]through which the belt is passed. v [A; b6] make or attach belt loops.

langgíti n anvil.

langgung v [B56; c1] in pool, for the cue ball to go into the hole and not be counted.

langgus v [A; a12] chafe, injure a wide area slightly. Ayawg hukti ug alambri kay mulanggus sa pintal, Don’t tie it with a wire because it will scratch the paint. Nalanggus ákung buktun pagkatumba nákù, I chafed my arm when I fell.

langgut v 1 [A; a1b2] for a fish to break a line. Nalanggut ang pasul kay gidawíhag dakung isdà, The fishing line broke because a huge fish got hooked on it. 2 [AN; a] embezzle, cheat. Nalanggutan (hilanggutan) ku níyag singku písus, He cheated me out of five pesos. Íyang langgútun nang inyung kwarta ug siyay inyung pagunítun ánà, She will pocket your money if you entrust it to her. -íra = langgutíru (female). -íru a embezzler, swindler.

langgwíta = langgíta.

langì1 v [A; a2] 1a loosen s.t. rigid and long from a place it is embedded. Way makalangì sa pusting maáyung pagkataruk, No one can loosen the post, it is so firmly implanted. 1b bend s.t. rigid out of shape. Nakabuhì ang isdà kay nalangì ang tagà, The fish escaped because the hook was bent out of shape. 1c break the finger or toenail. Malangì ang ákung kuku ug dì hinguk-an, My nails break if I don’t trim them. 2 twist off a branch from plants. Nakalangì ku ug usa ka sanga sa íyang san pransisku, I broke a branch off from her croton. a hangnail, loose in its place. Hustu nang tangung langíun. Langì na kaáyu, That tooth is about ready to pull out. It has gotten very loose.

langì2 v [A] 1 ask for affection by making demands. 2 act spoiled and abusive from having been pampered. Naglangì nà siya kay labánan man. He has gotten uncontrollable because s.o. always takes his side. a asking for affection, being spoiled. Kanang íyang pagpangáyug pagkáun ági lang nag langì, When she asks for food like that she’s just asking for attention.

langigngig a for foods to be too greasy or oily to digest readily. v [B; c1] be too greasy and heavy in the stomach. Dì mulangigngig (malangigngig) ang tiil sa bábuy basta lat-an ug butangag bátung linata, Pig’s legs won’t be too fatty to eat if you add salted black beans. Magkalangigngig ang bíku sa tantung káun, The more sticky rice you eat, the heavier it is in the stomach.

langis v [A2; c] hoodwink s.o. into doing s.t. by giving him sweet talk. Maáyu siyang mulangis sa íyang apuhan arun tagáan ug kwarta, He is good in talking his grandfather into giving him money. Gilangisan ku níyang mupalit ug libru piru íya diayng gipanugal, He hoodwinked me into giving him money which he said was for a book, but actually it turned out to be for gambling. n sweet talk, flattery employed to gain one’s ends. -íru n one who sweet talks people and pulls the wool over their eyes.

lángit n 1 heaven, sky. Ang lángit gibuti sa mga bitúun, The sky is pock-marked with stars. 2 joy, happiness. Lángit ka sa ákung panan-aw, You are a joy to my sight. ikapitung — the last tier of heaven where perfect happiness is to be found. Dad-un ku ikaw sa ikapitung lángit, I’ll bring you to the seventh heaven of happiness. v [B1256] go to heaven. Ikaw kay makasasálà, dílì ka malangit, You, who are a sinner, will not go to heaven. kità ug — v [A12] experience the most painful sensation of one’s life, esp. pain in childbirth. Nakakità na siyag lángit sa íyang pagpanganak, She experienced the most painful sensation of her life when she gave birth. ka-an n skies. -nun a pertaining to heaven. Langitnung kaháyag, A heavenly light. langitlángit n 1 egg white. 2 canopy of an altar or bed. 2a — sa muskitíru top of a mosquito net. langitlangit = langitlángit, 1.

langitngit = alangitngit.

langkap v [A; ab7] take over all or part of s.o.’s obligations so that they be completely fulfilled. Akuy milangkap sa íyang bayranan kay wà man siyay kwarta, I paid up all her obligations because she had no money. Langkápa ang ákung báhin sa gunahun, kay may laktun ku, Finish my weeding work for me because I have to go s.w. Gilangkápan sa uyuan ang kúwang sa twisyun, The uncle paid the amount lacking in the tuition fees.

langkat v 1 [A; a] rip off, out, tear forcibly away. Átung langkátun ang salug, Let us rip the floor out. Ámung gilangkátan sa mga balágun ang kural, We ripped the vines off of the fence. 2 [A; b6] strip s.o. of power, rights, or privileges. Gilangkátan siya sa ranggu, He was stripped of his rank. 3 [A; a2] remove s.t. as if pulled away by force. Ang ímung paglúib naglangkat sa ákung gugma kanímu, Your unfaithfulness has killed my love for you. Sukad karun langkátun ku ang hunàhúnà nga kita manag-amígu, From now on I will banish the thought that we are friends. 4 [A; a1] slam a basketball that is in the air above the head in a downward [577]direction. Pag-untul giyud sa búla sa ring, gilangkat dáyun kini ni Wilyam, As soon as the ball rebounded from the ring, William slammed it down.

langkaw a tending to loaf on the job, playing hooky. Gamay kag ági kay langkaw ka sa trabáhu, You haven’t accomplished much because you’ve been loafing on the job. v [A; b6(1)] loaf on the job, play hooky. Dì ka makapasar ug sígi kang langkaw, You won’t pass if you keep playing hooky. Langkáwi ang ímung pagdáru kay minúsan ku ang ímung swildu, Loaf on the job while you’re plowing and I will take it off your pay. -an(→) a always loafing or playing hooky.

langkay1 n 1 dried coconut palm frond. 2 old maid (humorous). v [B12] become an old maid.

langkay2 = díwit.

langkì a for teeth to be crooked. Makadisgwápa sa babáyi ang mga ngípung langkì, Crooked teeth mar a woman’s beauty. v [B; b6] for a tooth to become crooked. Maáyung pagahilútun ang ngípung magkalangkì, It’s good to massage into place a tooth that is growing in crooked.

langking n k.o. black pigment shaped into rectangular sticks used for shoe blacking, drawing, and by the Chinese for writing. v [A; b6] blacken s.t. with this material.

langkit v [A; ac] join two pieces of material together by sewing, welding, and the like at the edges. Langkítun ta ang duha ka hábul arun ta makatulda, We’ll sew the edges of the two blankets together so we can have a tent. Ilangkit ang usa ka playwud ngari, Join a piece of plywood to this place. 2 [c] add an affix in grammar. ig-l- n affix.

langkiya, langkiyà1 n spadefish: Scatophagus argus.

langkiya2, langkíyà (from kíya) v [B236(1)] for airplanes or kites to wobble, dart from side to side in losing altitude. Mulangkíya ang talabánug kun mabugtù ang tugut, The kite will wobble from side to side and continue losing altitude when the string snaps.

langkub v 1 [AC12; ac1] combine several things, ideas, quantities into a group at the same time. Akuy mulangkub ug dala áning duha ka bugkus, I will take these two bundles at one time. Kining duha ka súma nagkalangkub (gilangkub), The two sums have been put together. 1a [A13] include, comprehend. Ang lungsud naglangkub ug lima ka baryu, The municipality includes five barrios. 1b [B1256] be included in a group, identified with. Pagkadátù níya nalangkub siya sa alta susyidad, After he got rich he was identified with high society. 2 [A; b5] make s.t. a complete whole. Langkúbi (langkúba) ang kúwang sa báyad, Complete the amount lacking in the payment. 2a [A13; a12] fix one’s decision, decide to do s.t. with no wavering. Naglangkub ku sa ákung hunàhúnà sa paglikay sa sugal, I am determined to avoid gambling. -in- n things that are taken together, done collectively. Linangkub nga sisiyun, A joint session.

langkuy1 v 1 [A2; b5c] walk or travel around without any particular purpose. Mulangkuy sila inigpangítag bulad sa tabuan, They walk about in the market when they look for dried fish. Ilangkuy ang masakitun sa wiltsir sa plása, Take the wheelchair patient for a walk in the park. 2 [B2; b6] be, become an idler. Malangkuy (mulangkuy) siya kun dúnay kwarta, He becomes lazy when he has money. 3 [AC; a12b2] have sexual intercourse with (slang). Naglangkuy ang magtiáyun súd sa kwartu, The couple are making love inside the room. a idler, lazy. n sexual intercourse (slang). langkuylangkuy v 1 = langkuy. 2 [A; b(1)] dawdle about instead of working. Sukad sa ákung pagsulud ug trabáhu dinhi wà ku makalangkuylangkuy, Since I started working here I haven’t dawdled around on the job.

langkuy2 n cutlass fish: Trichiurus spp. a tall and thin (like the cutlass fish).

langpus = lampus.

lan-grábir n landgrabber. v [B1256] be, become a landgrabber.

langsa a having a fishy smell or the taste of blood. Bahung langsa ang mga pasahírag isdà, Fish vendors have a fishy smell. Ang mulmul langsa nga isdà, The parrot fish has an intense fishy taste. Langsag báhù ang babáying girigla, Women smell of fish when they menstruate. v [B12; b6] be smelly from fish or blood.

langsad v 1 [A; b6] run for an elective position or office. Mulangsad ku pagkagubirnadur, I will run for governor. 2 [A; c] take the gamecock out of his cage. Ilansad ang sunuy sa silinganan, Tether the rooster in the yard. 3 [A; c1] take a hen and young chicks out of the nest and set them on the ground. Ug ilansad (lansárun) ug sayu ang pisù, patyun sa umígas, If you take the chicks out of the nest too early, they are likely to get killed by the ants. lansaránan n ground on which gamecocks are tethered out.

langsi = langsa.

langsub a for an area to be shady and dark, [578]either because it is depressed below the surrounding land or because it is surrounded by tall trees. Ságad sa lugar nga langsub bugnaw, A depressed or shaded area tends to be cool. v [B] for an area to be shady because of its depressed situation or the trees surrounding it. Ang mga dagkung káhuy mauy nakalangsub áning inyung sular, The trees make your lot shady.

langtaw v 1 [AN13; a2] see, look at s.t. in a distance. Lantáwa ang búkid ug gigabúnan ba, Look at the mountain and see if it is shrouded in mist. Nalantawan ku sa ákung gitindúgan ang pag-abut níya, I could see him coming from where I was standing. 1a [A; a12] watch a movie or stage performance. Mulantaw kag sini rung gabíi? Will you see a movie tonight? 2 [A; a2b2] look to the future, perceive with foresight. Lantáwun mu ang kaugmáun ug panagána, Look to the future and be prepared. Nalantawan ku nga kanang trabahúa walay kauswágan, I have perceived that that job offers no advancement. 3 [A; a12] look after. Akuy mulantaw sa bátà ug mulakaw ka, I will look after the child if you go out. Lantáwa ang ákung sinugba nga isdà arun dílì mapágud, Keep watching my broiled fish to see that it doesn’t get burnt. -an(→), -anan n an elevated place which affords a good view. paN- n foresight. Kanang ímung paági kúlang sa panglantaw, Your procedure lacks foresight.

langtu a having the smell of green beans, spinach, burned feathers, hair, nails, and some kinds of plastic. Ayaw pagsúnug ug balhíbu kay langtu kaáyu ang báhù, Don’t burn feathers because the odor is very disagreeable. v [B1; b6] get this particular smell. Ang balátung mauy nakalangtu (nakapalangtu) sa linat-an, The string beans made the stew taste peculiar.

langtung n the point in the tide where the highest level is reached and when it is about to start going out again. — sa hunas point in the tide where the lowest level is reached before it begins to come in again. v [B3N; b6] for the tide to reach its highest point. Ug mulantung ang dágat muabut giyud sa ílang tugkaran ang túbig, At the highest point the tide reaches their front yard.

langù a 1 dizzy due to poisoning. 2 drunk (slang). v 1 [B12; b6] be, become dizzy due to poisoning. Nalangù ang iring human makakaun sa hilu, The cat became dizzy after eating the poison. 2 [A1P; a] make s.o. drunk. Kadtung ikaduhang lungnik mauy naglangù (nagpalangù) nákù, The second fifth sure made me drunk.

lang-u a having a dank, unpleasant smell. Lan-u ang básung giimnan sa bátang nagsuwag inun-únan, The glass that the child drank from after he ate the vinegarized fish has a dank smell. v [B; b6] develop a dank smell. Mulang-u ang trápung way laba, A rag will develop a dank smell if you don’t wash it. ka- n foul smell. Ang Láyipbuy makakúhà sa kalang-u sa láwas, Lifebuoy can get rid of body odor.

lángub n cave. v [B1256; a12] become, make into a cave.

lang-ug a having the putrid smell of severe halitosis. Lang-ug ang bàbà ug bag-ung mata ug dì makapanutbras, A person that has just woke up has awful halitosis until he brushes his teeth. v [B] get a foul smell. Mulan-ug ang túbig sa bangà ug dílì kailísan, The water in the jar will turn foul if you don’t change it.

lángut v [A2; b] stick to work until it is done. Tiwas dáyun nà ug langútan nákù ug tulu ka úras, It’ll get done quickly if I stick to it for three hours.

languy v 1 [A; ac] swim. Gikalambrihan siya samtang naglanguy, He had an attack of cramps while he was swimming. 2 [A13] float as if swimming. Ayawg isirbi ang sud-ang naglanguy sa mantíkà, Don’t serve food that’s swimming in fat. 3 [b8] for soup to be too dilute. Grábi sab ka makasabaw kalanguyan man, How terrible the soup is! You could practically swim in it. (←) v [A12] swim for pleasure. n 1 action of swimming. Ang ámung lánguy niadtung Duminggu, Our swim last Sunday. 2 swimming contest. linangyan n style of swimming.

langyaw v 1 [A; b6] travel abroad. Mulangyaw ku inigkahíkay sa paspurt, I’m going abroad as soon as my passport is ready. 2 [A2; b6] emigrate. Mulangyaw sila sa Mindanaw, They will emigrate to Mindanao. n foreigner. buhatang, kalihúkang — Department of Foreign Affairs. 2 extra-marital relations (humorous). Human sa trabáhu dílì pa nà siya mupaúlì kay dúna pay kalihúkang langyaw nga atimanun, After work he doesn’t go directly home because he still has some foreign relations to attend. — nga kalabútan foreign affairs.

lanipgà n forest tree with wood that smells like cedar, used for making cigar boxes, finger boards for guitars, et al.: Toona calantas.

lanit v [A; a] grab s.t., usually with speed. Milanit siya sa íyang amirkána ug miadtu sa huspital, He grabbed his coat and went [579]to the hospital. Gilanit ang íyang pitáka sa kawatan, The thief snatched her purse. Gilanitan ku níya sa íyang pistúla, He drew his gun on me.

laniw n k.o. small flying fish, smaller than the barúnguy and bangsi.

lankay = langkay.

lanlan v [A; a12] 1 eat food usually taken with rice or corn (sud-an) all alone. Mulanlan siya sa isdà úsà mukáun sa kan-un, He eats the fish and then eats his rice afterwards. Mau ra niy bulad, ayaw ug lanlána, This is all the dried fish we have. Don’t eat it without rice. 2 by extension, eat s.t. alone that usually accompanies s.t. else. Mulanlan lang siyag dyam nga way pán, He eats jam all alone without bread.

lanlídi n landlady of a rooming or boarding house. v [A13] be a landlady.

lansa n launch. v [A13; a12] go or travel by launch. Maglansa mi pag-adtu sa Buhul, We will travel by launch to Bohol.

lansad = langsad.

lansadíra n 1 shuttle in weaving. 2 case for the bobbin in a sewing machine. v [A13; b6(1)] make into, attach, use a shuttle.

lansalíra = lansadíra.

lansang n 1 nail. Lansang sa kabáyù, Nail for a horseshoe. 2 dried anchovies (slang). v 1 [A; c] drive a nail, nail. Dì na ni maukang kay gilansángan, You can’t get this off because it is nailed down. Ilansang sa bungbung ang kahun arun dílì mahúlug, Nail the box to the wall so it won’t fall. 2 [a12] sit or stand rooted to a place, as if nailed. Gilansang ku sa ákung gilingkúran sa kalísang, I sat nailed to my seat in fright. 2a [a3] for the gaze to be fixed, as if nailed. Ang íyang mga mata nalansang didtu sa dalága, His eyes were glued to the maiden. 2b [c6] be fixed at a certain quantity, as if nailed. Gilansang sa diyis ang ámung iskur, hangtud nahuman, Our score was stuck at ten points to the very end. 3 [A; b4] get a tire puncture from nails. Lansángan ang dyip nga dì mubigay, If you don’t give protection money, they’ll puncture the tires of your jeep.

lansar = langsad, 1.

lansaríra = lansadíra.

lansaru n leprosy. v [a4] be affected with leprosy. lansaruun, lansaruhun n leper. v [B1256] become a leper.

lansilíra = lansadíra.

lansis v [AN2; b] tell a lie about what one is doing when one is actually doing s.t. else, make a lying excuse. Nanlansis siya paghulam ug libru apan namisíta diay, He came on the pretext of borrowing a book, but he actually wanted to visit my daughter. Unsa may átung ilansis sa maistru ug pangutan-un ta? What excuse will we give the teacher if he asks us? n lie told to disguise one’s actions.

lansíta n small launch.

lansíyang = galansíyang.

lanslayid n landslide. v [A; b4] for there to be a landslide. Ang tibuuk lungsud gilanslayran sa mga dagkung batu ug yútà, The whole town was buried under a landslide of rocks and earth.

lansu, lansun n thin, white, coarsely woven cotton fabric. v [A; c1] use lansu. Pubri man, dì maglansu lang, I’m poor, so I wear lansu.

lansúnis n tall, slender tree bearing a fruit of commercial importance. The fruit is whitish-yellow, up to 6 cm. long, growing in bunches from stalks which come out of the larger branches and trunk, and has juicy translucent pulp encasing one or two irregularly-shaped seeds: Lansium domesticum.

lanta n dressing for open wounds consisting of absorbent cotton soaked in a mixture of lime, vinegar, and coconut oil. v [A13; a12] make such a dressing. -in-, ni- = lanta, n.

lantáka, lantákà = luthang, n2.

lantap1 a for liquids to have oil or streaks of oil on the surface. Lantap kaáyu ang sabaw, Soup is full of oil. v [A; b] for the surface of a liquid to be oily. Naglantap ang dágat sa usik nga gasulína, The surface of the sea is full of oil because of the gasoline that spilled.

lantap2 a for the sea to be high and calm, as when the tide is coming in and there is no wind. v [B2; b6] for the sea to get high and calm.

lantaw = langtaw.

lantay n anything with a top or bottom consisting of bamboo slats: a bed, table, tray, bench, shelf. v [A13; a12] put, make into a lantay.

lantáyug a growing very tall. v [B] grow very tall. Mulantáyug ang lubi ug magúlang na, Coconut trees grow very tall when they get mature. Naglantáyug ka lang nga way buut, You may be tall, but you don’t have a grain of sense.

lantì a clear, clearly defined with sharp edges and contrasts. Lantì kaáyu ang makítà diri sa largabista, I see everything very clearly with the binoculars. v [B2; b6] be, become clear. Mulantì ang ákung panan-aw ug mag-antiyúhus, My vision becomes clear if I wear glasses.

lanting v [AC; ac] for boats with no anchor or floats to tie up to or together with another [580]boat. Mulanting ku sa ímung sakayan kay walà kuy pundu, I will tie up to your boat because I don’t have an anchor. Lantíngun ta ning duha ka bátang arun makadaug nátù, Let us tie these two logs together so that they can carry us.

lantip a 1 sharp of blade. Lantip kaáyu ning kutsilyúha, This knife is very sharp. 2 sharp of mind. Lantip ug salabútan, Having an incisive mind. v [B2; a2] be, become sharp-edged or sharp of mind. Kanang ímung binairan dílì makalantip (makapalantip) sa sundang, The machete will not get sharp the way you are doing it. -in- n a bolo always kept sharp and not usually used for household chores. ka- n sharpness, keenness of mind.

lantsa = lansa.

lantugay v [A12] linger, dilly-dally over s.t. or at a place. Dílì makalantugay ang ákung mga anak sa iskuylahan kay daghag búhat sa ámù, My children cannot afford to linger around after school because there are so many things to do at home. pa- v [A; b5c1] linger, dilly-dally. Hingkaadlawnan kanúnay ang bána pagpaúlì kay adtu man magpalantugay sa sugálan, The husband used to come home in the wee hours of the morning because he stayed late in the gambling den.

lantúgì n argument, quarrel. Ang inyung banhà nga lantúgì nakapamata nákù, Your noisy argument woke me up. v [A2C; a2] argue, quarrel. Dì ku mulantúgì nímu ánang butánga, I won’t quarrel with you over that matter. Naglantúgì sila ug unsáun pagpaguwà sa pyánu, They are arguing about how to take the piano out. ka- n an opponent in an argument. ma-un a contentious, argumentative. Malantugíun kaáyu siya nga mitubag sa íyang inahan, He talked back to his mother in an argumentative tone. mag-r- n debater. mamumulung — orator-debater. -un(→) a controversial. Lantugiun ang risulta sa iliksiyun, The results of the election are very much a matter of controversy.

lantung = langtung.

lan-u = lang-u.

lanúbù a 1 grow lush and big. Lanúbù ang tanum dinhi kay tabunuk ang yútà, The plants grow large here because the land is fertile. 2 be economical to use because a small amount does the same job as a larger amount of similar material. Lanúbù kining bugása kay kusug mutúbù, This rice is economical to use because it expands well. Lanúbù kining sabúna. Gamay kaáyu ang gawíun, This soap is economical. You just need to use a little. v [c1] make s.t. go far. Lanubúa (ilanúbù) ug gámit ang sabun, Use the soap sparingly.

lánug a loud, resonant. Lánug kaáyu íyang tíngug sa pagtawag nákù, He called me with a very loud voice. v 1 [B2] be, become loud. Mulánug (malánug) ang ímung tíngug ug magmigapun ka, Your voice will become loud if you use a megaphone. 2 [A] echo, resound. Naglánug ang íyang singgit sa dyím, His shout resounded in the gym. n 1 loudness. 2 echo. Walay mitubag gawas sa lánug sa íyang tíngug, There was no answer except the echo of his voice. 2a echoes, reminiscenses of the past. Kining mga awíta mga lánug lámang sa kanhíay, These songs are but echoes of the past. pa- v [A; c6] broadcast, disseminate by word or publicity. Ipalánug ning balitáa sa tibuuk násud, Broadcast this news throughout the nation.

lan-ug = lang-ug.

lanulin n lanolin.

lan-us a have the bad smell of eating or drinking utensils which have been used but not well cleaned. v 1 [B; b6] for utensils to develop a bad smell from not having been properly cleaned. 2 [A; c1] let coconut milk curdle to use the curds for medicine. Maglan-us kug tunù nga himúung lanta, I’ll ferment coconut milk to make into a medicinal plaster. -in- n sediment from fermented coconut milk.

lanut n gelatinous water that develops when rice or beans are boiled. Lanut ang ipainum sa masusu, Give the baby water from boiled beans. v [A] develop this substance. Kining humáya húmuk mulanut ug lugáwun, This rice develops gelatinous water when you make porridge of it.

lánut n 1 hemp from abaca. 2 any k.o. long, tough plant fibers. Ánang trabahúa ang ímung kinabúhì naglatay sa usa ka lugas lánut, Your job is very dangerous. (Lit. In that job your life walks over a long thin strand.) v 1 [A; a12] make hemp from abaca. Anus-a man lanúta ninyu ang pinutul nga abaka? When will you make hemp from that abaca you cut into pieces? 2 [B5] show fibrous components, become threadbare. Dáan na kaáyung kalsunísa naglanut na gánì ang panaptun, These trousers are very old. They are already threadbare. 3 [B456] for s.t. sticky like syrup, glue, and the like to show fiber-like portions when stretched. -un a fibrous, having fibers. Lanútun kaáyu ug unud ang páhù, Páhù is a stringy kind of mango. lanutlanut n fine fibers of fruits.

lápà v 1 [AC12; a] cut into sizeable chunks. [581]Lapáa ang bábuy unyà atarúha, Cut the pig in chunks and group them into portions for sale. 2 [A; a] hack to pieces. Dinhi siya lapáag sundang sa naghuramintádu, He was hacked to pieces in this place by a man who ran amok.

lapad a 1 flat, level surface. Lapad siyag nawung, She has a flat face. Lapad ug tiil, Flat-footed or having the toes wide apart. 2 broad, having considerable width. Lapad nga karitíra, The broad highway. Lapad nga kayutáan, Vast stretches of land. v 1 [AB; a] be flat, wide. Mulapad kag baril, mauy ikural, Flatten barrels to make into a fence. Naglapad lang nang ilung mu, Your nose is so flat. 2 [APB2; ab7] widen or broaden. Nagkalapad na ang baul nga gihawánan na, The field has more area now that it has been cleared of bushes. Lapdan ang lamísa kay gamay ra, The table will be made wider because it is too narrow. — ang atay v [B26] be, become flattered (lit. for the liver to expand). Mulapad (malapad) dáyun nang íyang atay basta daygun, It goes to her head if you flatter her. n flat, pocket-sized bottle for liquor (slang). pa- n matting made out of woven palm fronds. v [A; c1] make this matting. pa-(←) sa papil, kaugalíngun v [A; c6] do s.t. so as to project a good image of oneself. Nagpalápad siya sa papil maung midunar, He made a donation in order to give himself a good public image. -g- = lapad (plural). ha- a wide, broad. laparun a flattish in surface. ka- 1 state of being large, broad. 2 = gilapdun. gilapdun n width. Kwatru piyis ang gilapdun (kalapad) sa playwud, The plywood is 4′ in width.

lapak1 n 1 an area differing in color or texture from the surrounding area: splotch, stripe, spot. Ang sanínà may lapak nga pula ug itum, The dress has red and black dots (stripes, splotches). 2 a piece, irregular scrap of material. Paggunting ug lapak sa putì nga panaptun, Cut a piece of white cloth. v [A; a] put spots, stripes, smudges on s.t. Milapak ang pintal nga basà sa íyang buktun, His arm got a splotch of wet paint on it. Nakalapak (nakapalapak) sa salug ang húgaw nímung tiil, My floor has become splotched with your dirty feet. Lapakun pagtáud ang mga lainláing kulur sa buluhátung bidsprid, Sew patches of assorted colors into the bedspread you are making. -in- n plaid design.

lapak2 v [A; a1b2] spank s.o. lightly. Sakit ang sinílas nga ilapak, It hurts if you are spanked with a slipper.

lápak v [A; b(1)] step on s.t. Nabuling ang linadlad kay gilapákan sa bábuy, The bleached clothes got dirty because pigs stepped on them.

lap-ak n splotch, splatter. Dakung lap-ak sa dugù sa samput, The big blood stain on the bottom of the dress. v [B6; c1] splotch, splatter. lap-aklap-ak v 1 [B6; c1] splotch, splatter. Gilap-aklap-ak (naglap-aklap-ak) ang íyang buktun sa bun-i, His arm has ringworm marks all over it. 2 [AB; c1] do s.t irregularly, such that the results are splotched or irregularly spaced spots. Ang bungbung naglap-aklap-ak sa litrátu, Photos are pasted all over the wall in an irregular fashion (as if spattered on the wall). Abanira giyud. Ayaw lap-aklap-áka (ilap-aklap-ak) pagpintal, Paint it a square at a time. Don’t skip around.

lapalapa n 1 sole, bottom surface of the foot. 2 sole of shoe, boots, etc. v [A; b6(1)] work on the sole of a shoe being manufactured.

lapánag v [A2S; b4] for s.t. to spread over an area. Milapánag ang túbig sa daruhan, The water spread over the fields. Ang íyang ap-ap naglapanag sa íyang tibuuk láwas, His fungus is spreading all over his body. Wà makalapánag ang balità, The news didn’t get very far.

lapáru = lampáru.

lápas a past, beyond a time or place considered right. Lápas na sa alas unsi, It’s past eleven o’clock. Lápas na ang dyíp sa átù, The jeep has gone past our place. v 1 [B2; b6c] go past a certain time or place, do s.t. beyond, esp. where one shouldn’t. Bayri sa dì pa makalápas sa tagal, Pay it off before it goes beyond the due date. Dì na makalápas sa túhud ang sinínà sa átung mga kababayin-an karun, Women’s dresses these days no longer go beyond their knees. Ayawg lapása (lapási, palapása, palapási) ang utlánan, Don’t build beyond the boundary of your land. Ayaw ug ilápas (ipalápas) ang kural sa utlánan, Don’t have the fence go beyond the boundary. Naminyù na ang ímung manghud ikaw walà pa, hinglapasan hinúun ka, Your younger sister has gotten married, but you haven’t. You have been passed over. 1a — na sa kalindaryu v [B2356] for a woman to have reached an age greater than the number of days in the calendar (lit. gone beyond the calendar). Lisud ka nang maminyù ug mulápas (malápas) ka na sa kalindaryu, You’ll find it hard to get married if you get above thirty. 2 [A; a12] violate a law, go beyond certain rules or agreements. Wà pa dungga nga mulápas kug sáad, I’ve [582]never been known to break a promise. Nakalápas ka sa maáyung pamatásan, You have gone beyond the bounds of good behavior. (→) n abalone, so called because the meat tends to extend beyond the shell. ka-an n violation, actions going beyond a code. Pasaylúa kami Ginúu sa ámung mga kalapásan, Forgive us, Lord, our trespasses. ma-un a going beyond the limits of right action.

lapasì = lupasì.

lapat1 a for the contents of a container to be practically gone. Lapat na ang bugas, The rice is right down to the bottom of the rice can. v [B3] be almost to the bottom of the container. Nagkalapat na ang túbig sa tangki, The water in the tank is getting near the bottom.

lapat2 n clothes for home wear.

lápaw v [B23; cP] go above or beyond a certain amount. Milápaw na ang ákung anak nákù, My son has gotten to be taller than I am. Ug malápaw na sa dus písus ang gantang sa mais, ambut lang, If corn goes beyond two pesos a ganta, I don’t know. Makalápaw ka bag luksu ánang gilay-úna? Can you jump beyond that point? Sa íyang abilidad dì ka makalápaw, You can not surpass his ability. Gilapáwan ang mga atup sa lúnup, The flood water rose above the rooftops. Ilápaw (ipalápaw) giyud ang sabaw sa gilung-ag, The water level should be higher than the rice. a gone far beyond, over. — sa beyond. tagi-, tagi-(→) a high above a certain level. Ang bahà tagilápaw (tagilapaw) sa túhud, The flood is above the knees.

lapay n k.o. purple-brown heron of swamps and tidal flats: Ardea purpurea.

lapdus v [A; b6(1)] lash, whip. Midágan ang kabáyù dihang gilapdúsan, The horse galloped when it was lashed. Makapahilánat kunu kanang íkug sa pági kun mauy ilapdus, They say that it will make a person ill if you whip him with a stingray tail. n lash, a stroke with s.t. pliable.

lapgus n 1 bundle of twine or hemp. 2 standard size by which a bundle of twine is sold. v [A1; c1] make a bundle of twine.

lápì v 1 [A; a12] bend or fold s.t. over double. Lapía ang panaptun ug adtu guntínga sa piniluan, Fold the cloth over and cut it in the fold. 1a [C3] for two flat surfaces to be close together as if there were only one. Ábi kug usa ra ni ka písus. Duha man diay, nagkalápì lang, I thought there was only one peso, but it turned out they are two bills stuck together. 2 [B3(1)6] double, increase twofold or by extension, a few folds more. Milápì (nalápì) ang prisyu karun sa tanang mga palitúnun, The price of everything has doubled. Anam-anamun ku ni pagbúhat arun dílì maglápì, I will do the work as it comes up so I won’t have but one thing to do at a time. 2a [A12; a12] do s.t. to two where one is usual. Búang ka ug lapíun nímug pangulitáwu ang mga mag-ágaw, You’re crazy if you court both the cousins at the same time. 3 [A; a] break s.t. off a plant by bending it over and twisting. Maglápì lang kug ígù tilaubun, I’ll pick just enough young corn to broil. Putla, ayaw lapía ang pagkúhà sa sanga, Cut the branch off, don’t break it off. Malápì nang palwa ug ímung tungtúngan, The frond will break off if you step on it. n 1 action of folding s.t double. 2 times in division. Pila ka lápì ang unum sa trayinta? How many times does six go into thirty? (→) a coconuts with dry, oilless meat that is easily detached from its shell, and which has failed to sprout. v [B2; b6] be, become a lapì coconut. -an(→) n k.o. coconut, the fronds and fruit bunches of which break off easily.

lapida n tombstone. v [A; a] make a tombstone, put a tombstone on.

lapikì n repeated, sharp smacking sounds. v [A; c] make a smacking sound. Milapikì ang íyang nawung pagtamparus nákù, Her face resounded when I slapped her. Gilapikig latus sa kutsíru ang kabáyù, The rig driver cracked his whip on the horse.

lapilapi v [B56; c1] for a liquid to reach the brim or to the top of an embankment, almost spilling over. Milapilapi na ang subà. Maglúnup man kahà, The river has risen to the banks. It looks as though it’s going to flood. Gilapilapi nákù ang tása sa kapi, I filled the cup to the brim with coffee. a filled up to the brim.

laping v [A23; c1] graze s.t. but not hit it squarely. Swirti kay milaping lang níya ang batu, Fortunately the stone just grazed him. Gilapingan lang ku sa bála, The bullet only grazed me.

lapínig = lampínig.

lapis1, lápis1 v 1 [A; a12b2] do the same thing to two things at once. Lapísa ang duha ka langgam sa usa ka tíru, Hit two birds with one shot. Ayaw lapisa sa paghigugma ang duha ka magsúun, Don’t fall in love with both sisters. 2 [A; c1] be included in s.t. that happened to s.o. else. Nalapis ku sa kasábà kúmu kaúban, I was included in the scolding since I was their companion.

lapis2 n k.o. leather jacket: Scomberoides spp.

lápis2 n pencil. v [A1; a12] write with a [583]pencil. Lapísa lang pagsulat. Usbunun pa bítaw nà, Just write it with a pencil. It has to be rewritten anyway.

lapiti v [A; b6(1)] make s.t. dirty by bespattering it. Siyay nakalapiti ug lápuk sa bungbung, He spattered mud on the wall. ka-, ka-(←) v [A13] get s.t. smeared, spattered all over one. Nagkalapíti ang bátà sa tái, The child got smeared all over with his stool.

laplap1 a for clothing to be loose and flapping. Namanus kag sinínà nu kay laplap man kaáyu nímu, You must be wearing s.o. else’s clothes because they are so loose on you. v [B; c1] for s.t. to flap or clothes to be loose. Naglaplap ang bandíra sa hángin, The flag is waving in the breeze.

laplap2 v [A; ab7] slice off s.t. from a surface. Mulaplap kug gamay sa karni pára isugba, I’ll slice off a small piece of meat to broil. Laplápa ang apdu ug ilábay, Slice off the gall bladder and throw it away. Laplápi ang lapalapa sa kúbal, Cut the callous off the sole of your foot.

lapnis n fiber stripped off the outside of a banana or abaca trunk used to tie things.

lapnut1 a for liquids to be thick and sticky. v [B; a] be thick and sticky. Mulapnut (malapnut) ang sabaw sa útan ug dúnay ukra, Vegetable soup gets sticky if you put okra in it.

lapnut2 v [AN; ab2] remove s.t. rooted, attached, or sticking fast. Kinsay milapnut sa papil nga ákung gipilit sa lamísa? Who ripped off the paper that I had pasted on the table? Íyang gilapnut ang íyang lásu kay gisáput na man pud, She pulled the ribbon out off her hair because she was in a bad mood again.

lapnuy v [B2] glide, move through an area smoothly. Milapnuy lag lísu sa santul sa ákung tutunlan, The seed of the santol slipped down my throat. Mulapnuy ang kasíli sa kadanglug, The eel is so slippery, it will come right out of your hands. a moving through an area smoothly. Lapnuy ianak ang gamayng bátà, You will have a smooth delivery if it’s a small baby. lapnuylapnuy v [A3; b6] glide up and down on a surface. Naglapnuylapnuy ang gapnud sa mga balud, The driftwood is gliding over the waves.

lapris n rabbet plane. v 1 [A; b6] make or smooth a groove with a rabbet plane. 2 [A13; a12] make into a rabbet plane.

lapsaw a watery, diluted in taste. Lapsaw kaáyu ang ílang litsi kay giligaban ug túbig, Their milk is watery because they adulterated it with water. v [B1; a2] get to be watery, have a diluted taste. Kinsay ganáhan sa ímung sabaw nga naglapsaw ang lamì? Who likes your soup since it tastes so watery? — ug dugù sluggish, lacking in vigor, movement. — ug útuk stupid.

lapta a splotchy. Lapta kaáyu ang pagkapintal sa kisami kay nubátus ang nagpintal, The paint of the ceiling is splotchy because the painter is inexperienced. laptalapta v [B; c1] be splotchy. Naglaptalapta ang mga bun-i sa íyang buktun, Ringworms are appearing in splotches on her arms.

lápu v [A; a1] spank s.o. with the hand or with s.t. long, rigid, and flat. Lapúhun ta ka íring lipak ug dì ka mutúman, I’ll spank you with this bamboo slat if you don’t obey.

lapug n k.o. large grouper.

lápuk n 1 mud. 2 derogatory remarks. Nag-iyáhay lag lábay ug lápuk ang mga kandidátu, Political candidates resorted to mudslinging. — sa agtang a smear on a man’s reputation incurred when his wife commits adultery. v 1 [B; a] be, become muddy. Mulápuk (malápuk) lang kita dinhi kun mag-ulan, This place becomes muddy when it rains. 2 — sa agtang v [A13; b5] for a wife to smear her husband’s reputation by committing adultery. lapuklapuk v [A1; b5] make muddy. Gustu giyud maglapuklapuk ang mga bátà, Children enjoy getting themselves all muddy. Gilapuklapukan ang salug sa mga bátà, The children made the floor muddy. ka- v [B1456] be spattered with mud. Nagkalápuk ang tiil sa irù, The dog’s feet are muddy. -un a muddy. ka-an n places that are muddy.

lapulápu1 n commercial name given to groupers (pugápu).

lapung v [AN; c1] involve s.o. in s.t. bad that he should not be involved in or do s.t. to more members of a group than should have had it done to them. Siyay naglapung ug pangulitáwu sa tulu námù ka tindíra, He courted all the three of our salesgirls at one time. Makalapung kag dakup niánang mga manúka? Could you catch all those chickens at one time? Gilapung ku níyag áway bísag wà ku makasâ, She quarreled with everyone, including me, even though I had not done anything wrong. Nalapung ang ámung balay sa súnug, Our house got burnt along with the others.

lapus v 1 [A2; ac] penetrate, pierce through the opposite side. Dì makalapus ang ulan sa atup, The rain can’t penetrate the roof. Nalapsan sa panà ang isdà, The spear went through the fish. 1a [b4] have one’s menstrual blood penetrate to one’s clothing. Gilapsan ku, maung mag-ílis ku, I got menstrual [584]blood on my dress so I have to change. 2 [A2; b6(1)] bypass, pass through or beyond a point. Dì na ku mulapus ngadtu sa píkas bungtud, I won’t go beyond the other side of the hill. 2a [A12; b6(1)] finish one’s studies. Nakalapus na siya sa abugasíya, He has gotten through his law course. 2b [A2; a1c] go up to, reach. Milapus ba ning karsadáha ngadtu sa Lilúan? Does this road go all the way through to Liloan? 3 [C23; a12] for two holes to lead through to each other. Ang duha ka lángub naglápus, The two caves lead into each other. 4 [B2] for the foreskin of the penis to get loose so that the glans can be exposed. Magpatúlì ku kun mulapus nag ákung tintin, I’ll get circumcised when the foreskin of my thing is loose enough to pull back all the way. a 1 be finished with one’s course of studies. 2 turn out to be relatively more beautiful than the others in a group. Námung magsúun si Nína ray lapus, Nena is the only good-looking one among us children. (←) a going clear through the other side. Lápus ba ang lungag sa masig ka dawunggan? Do the earholes go clear through the head to the other side? lapsanan n place where s.t or s.o. exits. Dúna bay lapsanan ning pasilyúha? Does this passageway have an exit?

laput n term for various kinds of fry or tiny fishes caught by the sanggab.

láput = lap-ut2.

lap-ut1 v [B126; b2] get slightly burnt, lightly injured from heat or acid. Nalap-ut ang ákung tudlù sa asidu muryatiku, My finger got scalded with muriatic acid. Nalap-ut ákung bukubuku sa ínit, My back got burnt in the sun. n light burn.

lap-ut2 a for a liquid to get thick and sticky. v [B3(1)] for soup to thicken. Mulap-ut ang sabaw sa útan nga sagúlan ug bisul, Vegetable soup thickens if yautia is stewed with it. Haúna sa dì pa makalap-ut, Take it out before it gets thick. Ang harína nakalap-ut (nakapalap-ut) sa sabaw, The flour made the soup too thick. -ay, -ay(→) = lap-ut.

lapuy v [B; a4b4] be weary, fatigued. Nalapuy (milapuy) ang ákung mga buktun sa pagginúna, My arms have become fatigued from weeding. Gilapuy (gilapuyan) kug maáyu sa paglinanguy, I was exhausted from swimming so much. a fatigued. ka- n body fatigue.

lapwa v [A; b6(1)] put s.t. in boiling water, to blanch, sterilize, or prepare it for further cooking. Lapwái (lapwáhi) ang kutsára sa masakitun, Sterilize the patient’s spoon in boiling water. Lapwáhi ang útuk sa túbig nga may asin, Parboil the brain in salted water.

lapya n lapping or dashing of waves, sound of waves coming onto the shore. Ang lapya sa mga balud sa baybáyun, The lapping of the waves on the shore. v [A; b6] for the waves to strike the shore. lapyahan, lapyahánan n the place where the waves strike the shore. -in- n sound of waves striking the shore.

lapyà a broad in face, flattened out. Lapyag nawung, A broad, flat face. v [B] be, become flattened out. Nalapyà ang nígu nga naligsan sa trák, The winnowing tray is flattened out because the truck drove over it.

lapyat a 1 fat and flabby. Dalágang úlay kunu piru lapyat na ug dughan, She’s supposed to be a virgin but she has sagging breasts. 2 slow and languid in movement. Lapyat nga manlihuklihuk, Moving sluggishly. v 1 [B; a2] be, become flabby or lacking in fullness. Wà kay iksirsayis maung nagkalapyat ang ímung buktun, You lack exercise. No wonder your arms are getting flabby. 2 [B; a2] move without energy. Dì giyud mahuman ang ímung trabáhu ug maglapyat ka, Your work will never get done if you work slow.

lapyù a young and tender. Ang lapyung bágu mauy maáyung utánun, Young and tender bágu leaves make an excellent vegetable stew. Lapyù nga kaisípan, Young and tender minds.

lárag v 1 [B2] for leaves to yellow. Nagkalarag ang mga tanum kay way ulan, The plants are becoming yellow because there hasn’t been any rain. 1a [B12] for leaves or flowers to wither and fall off. Nalárag ang mga dáhun sa lawus nga kamunggay, The withered kamunggay leaves dropped off. 2 [B12] be faded. Nalárag na ang íyang kaanyag, Her beauty has faded. 2a — ang búlak, pagkabúlak lose one’s virginity (for the flower to fade). Nalárag ang íyang pagkabúlak sa dihang gipaangkan siya, She lost her chaste beauty when she became pregnant. 3 [B] get completely drunk. Sa ílang pag-ínum gabíi si Tunyu ang únang nalárag, In their spree last night Tonio was the first one to get under the table. 3a [B12; a1] be fascinated with s.o. Ang íyang kaanyag mauy nakalárag (nakapalárag) nákù, Her beauty fascinated me. (→) a withered, yellowed leaves, flowers, faded beauty, unchaste. Gipangasáwa siya bísan usa na siya ka larag nga búlak, S.o. married her even though she was a faded flower (no longer a virgin). n fallen leaves. [585]

láran v [A12; a12] beat, outdo. Dakù túud si Klí apan walà siya makaláran ni Prísir, Clay may be big but he couldn’t beat Frazier. pa- v 1 [A3] allow oneself to be outdone. 2 [A13] allow oneself to get carried away with his emotions. Magpaláran ka gánis ímung kaguul, masakit ka giyud, If you allow yourself to get carried away with your emotions, you will surely get sick.

lárang v [A; c1] 1 stew s.t. with coconut milk and nothing else but spices. Lamì ang kyampaw ug ilárang (larángun), The best way to cook ray is by stewing it in coconut juice. 2 reheat s.t. to remove the fat. Laránga ang adúbu arun dílì kaáyu ngilngig, Heat the adúbu so it won’t be so greasy. n dish stewed in coconut milk, usually stingray.

láras v [A; b6] saw along the length. Larásun nátù ang átung giputul nga káhuy, We’ll saw the log into lumber. (→) v [A; c1] 1 do s.t. to all of a group. Ang huramintádu nga milaras ug patay sa tibuuk pamilya, The amok who killed all the members of the family. Ayaw mi larasa (ilaras) ug kasábà kay usa ray nakasâ, Don’t include us all in the scolding because only one of us did anything wrong. Gilaras ku pagsuruysúruy ang mga dálan dinhi, I wandered through all of the streets. 2 do s.t. to a larger number of a group than would ordinarily be expected. Gilaras níyag pangulitáwu ang duha ka magsúun, He courted two of the sisters at the same time. n ripsaw, saw for cutting with the grain. -an(→) n sawhorse. -in- n boards sawed off with a ripsaw.

láraw v 1 [A; ab] make plans to do s.t. Nagláraw ang prisidinti nga magdiktadur, The president is planning to become a dictator. Dúna siyay gilárawng buhátun nímu, He is plotting to do s.t. against you. Ikay gilaráwan níyang patyun, He is planning to kill you. 2 [A; a2] plan how and where s.t. is to be built. Magláraw ta sa átung balayan, We’re going to map out the place where the house is to be built. n plan, plot. Wà kuy láraw sa pagbiyáhi, I have no plans to travel. -an n 1 picture. 2 graven image (Biblical). Dílì ka magsimba sa mga laráwan, Thou shalt not worship graven images. 3 image, likeness of. Laráwan ka sa ímung inahan, You are your mother’s image. 4 typical example. Laráwan sa kakúgi ug kabuútan, Paragon of industry and virtue. Laráwan sa kahimsug, A picture of health. v [A; a] showing clearly, picture s.t. Ang ílang kahimtang naglaráwan sa túmang kakabus, The condition shows what utter poverty is. Nalaráwan sa íyang panagway ang kahadluk, Fear was etched on her face. Larawána kunúhay ang lángit, Try to picture heaven in your mind.

laray1 v [A; b6(1)] sing a song with meaningless syllables (la la la). Naglaray siya sa bátà nga gitū́g, She hummed the child to sleep. n song sung with meaningless syllables.

láray v [A; c1] be in a row or line; cause s.t. to be so. Siyay miláray sa mga masitíra sa agiánan, She lined the path with flower pots. Nagláray ang mga patyunun atúbang sa payring iskwad, The condemned men were lined up before the firing squad. n line, row. (→)2 = láray, n. v [A; ac] display goods for sale on the sidewalks or in open booths in the public market. Adtu tas tábù tan-áwun tag unsay gilaray, Let’s go to the market and see what is being displayed.

larga v 1 [B36] for a passenger vehicle to leave. Milarga (nalarga) ang trák binyáan ang kunduktur, The bus went off, leaving the conductor behind. 1a leave for a distant place. Mularga mi ugmà pára Butwan, We’ll leave for Butuan tomorrow. Ug malarga na mi mahibáwu ka ra, You’ll surely know it if we have gotten off. 1b used in commands only: go ahead, start. Ug muingun kung ‘larga’, dágan ... Na, larga na, When I say ‘OK’, run ... OK, run! — manuk = larga, 1b. 2 [A3P; b] allow, permit s.o. to do s.t. freely. Kinsa may naglarga nímu nga ipatandug nang trabahúa? Who gave you a free hand to touch that work? 2a [A; b] meet a price offered, agree to do s.t. for a certain price offered. Mularga ku ánà sa bayinti, I’ll let it go for twenty. 3 [A; b7] pay out the line. Ayaw palabii ug larga sa tugut ang tabánug, Don’t pay out the string of your kite too much. Largahi ang pasul, Pay out the fishline. 4 [A; bc] let cocks go for a fight. Largáhan na gánì nang duha ka manuk, súgud na ang búlang, When those two cocks are released, that means the game is on. 4a [B; b] set on s.o. Gilargahan siya sa mga buguy, The bullies set on him. -da n all set to go, well-prepared, showing confidence as one goes into a fight, examination, or contest. Hustu sa largáda si Klí. Walà giyud magpakítag kahadluk, Clay was all set to go with complete confidence. He didn’t show a trace of fear. -dur(→) n 1 one who releases cocks in cockfighting. 2 one who formally announces the candidacy of s.o. running for an elective office.

largabista n binoculars. v [A; b5] look at s.t. with binoculars.

largu lead directly to. Kining dalána largu sa subà, The path leads directly to the river. v [586]1 [A2; ac] go straight, take a straight course s.w. Mulargu lang ku ngadtu sa íla, I’ll just go straight to their place. 2 [A2; abc] do s.t. directly straight away. Mulargu ka lang ug hílak bísan gipangutána ka lang, You cry right away even though I only asked you. Dílì ka makalargu ug sulud, You can’t just go straight in. Ay na lang ug sukda. Largúha na lang pagputul, Never mind measuring it. Just cut it right off. Largúhi lang siyag ingun nga wà kay gustu, Just tell him directly that you don’t like him. Ayaw ilargug hátag, Don’t give it to him directly. 2a [A2] happen fast without any previous indication. Milargu ug butu ang ribintadur ug wà gánì musíyù, The firecracker exploded right away and it didn’t even sizzle. 3 [B16; c1] be, become straight. Naglargu lang ning sinináa mu rag sáku, This dress is straight at the sides like a sack. larguhánan n short, direct route toward. di-, pantalun di- n long pants.

láring n k.o. sword similar to the kanduwálì but with a slight curve to the blade.

larínu a speaking clearly and fluently. Larínu kaáyu nang Kanúa mubinisayà, That American speaks Cebuano very fluently. v [B12; c1] speak clearly and fluently.

láruk = lagduk, in all meanings except 1a.

larut v [A3P; a] 1 pull up by the roots. Maglarut kug mani pára lapwáan, I’ll pull up some peanuts to boil. Íyang larutun ning tangúha, He’ll pull this tooth out. 2 pull s.t. off from its moorings, as if uprooting it. Bagyu ang nakalarut (nakapalarut) sa mga barungbárung, The typhoon knocked the shanties over. 3 [B12N; b3] lose one’s hair. Nanglarut ang íyang buhuk, His hair is falling out. n 1 hair that has fallen out. Matag kalígù níya dúnay daghang larut, Every time he takes a bath he loses a lot of hair. 2 bad luck, allegedly brought on by s.o. Ngánung miduwà pa giyud ka, napildi na núun ta. Ikaw lay nagdá sa larut, Why did you have to play with us? Now we lost. You must have brought this bad luck. (←) v [A; ab7] take rice seedlings out from their bed ready for transplanting. Larútun na nátù ang similya kay andam na ang basak, Let’s take the seedlings out of the seedbed now because the field is ready for planting.

laruylaruy, laruyláruy v [A; b6] roam idly, aimlessly about instead of doing s.t. Gilaruylarúyan níya ang íyang pagtuun maung nahagbung, He wandered about instead of studying, so he failed.

laryang n meaningless word used in singing a song without words.

las for the last time. Hatági pa ku bi, las na lang, Please let me have one more. This is the last one, for sure.

lása1 a oil floating on top of liquids. Lása kaáyu ang sabaw sa linat-ang manuk, The chicken soup is oily because the chicken is fat. v [B2S] for oil to appear on liquids. Naglasa ang dágat tungud sa gasulína, The sea is covered with a film of oil from the gasoline leak.

lása2 n taste. Tayam ang lása sa ílang túbig imnunun, Their drinking water has a salty taste. v [B2346; c5] be tasty. Dì mulása ang útan ug daghan ang sabaw, Vegetable stew does not taste good if there’s too much water. n spices. (→) v [A; b6c1] add or use spices. Mulasa kug tanglad sa linat-ang manuk, I use lemon grass to spice chicken stew.

las-ag n puddle, esp. a dirty one.

lasak n money contained in s.t. (slang). Pilay lasak sa pitákang inyung gilunggub? How much was in the bag you snatched?

lasang n 1 forest, jungle. 2 the trees on such land. v [B2; b6] be, become a forest. Malasang (mulasang) ning yutáa ug dì nímu trabahúun, This land will become a forest if you don’t cultivate it. ka-an n forests. -nun a from the forest. Lasangnun nga mga mananap, Jungle animals. (←) v [A; b5] clear the forest. Nangahánaw ang mga Suban-un sa dihang gilásang (gilasángan) na ang ílang lugar, The Subanos disappeared when their land was deforested.

lásaw v [A; c1] for liquids to flow or spread all over. Mulásaw ang ámung sílung ug mag-ulan, Water flows under our house when it rains. Mu rag túbig ang álak nga naglásaw sa kumbira, Wine flowed like water at the party. (→) a diluted, watery. Lasaw ang miskla sa simintu, The cement is watery. v [AB; b7] dilute s.t., make a mixture thin. Ayaw lasawa ang kapi, Don’t make the coffee so weak. — ug dugù a cowardly. Ang lasaw ug dugù níyang manghud wà muambak, His brother was too chicken to jump.

las-ay a lacking flavor. Las-ay ang sabaw, kúwag útan, The soup is tasteless because it lacks vegetables. v [B; c1] get to be tasteless. Ang manggang ahat pagkahinug las-ayg lamì, Mangoes which are not tree-ripened have an insipid taste.

lasbi — ug rather than that [so-and-so] happen (s.t. else is better). Maáyu pa ug bayran nímu ang buhis, lasbi ug mamurúsu ang yútà! Pay your taxes. It’s better than to have your land foreclosed. Dawáta na lang ning diyis, lasbig wâ, Just accept this dime. It’s better than nothing. Gihátag na lang nákù, [587]lasbig kawátun, I just gave it to him. Better than having him steal it.

lasgas a 1 for a smooth surface to be rough with tiny scratches, such that it would make a grating sound if s.t. were rubbed over it. 2 for corn to be mature (for the husks to become dry and rough). v 1 [AB; a] for a smooth surface to get roughened, cause it to do so. Nalasgas ang imabaw sa lamísa kay gikuriskurisan, The table top got all scratched because s.o. rubbed s.t. sharp over it. 2 [A13] get a k.o. scaly formation on the skin, caused by contact with contaminated water. Naglasgas ang ákung pánit kay nagtrabáhu mi sa kanal, My skin is infected with scales because we have been working in the ditch. 3 [B12] for corn to mature (from the notion that the husks get rough and wrinkled when the fruit is mature).

lasib v [A; a] slice into long, thin pieces or slice a thin portion off a larger slab. Lamì ang hamun ug nipsun paglasib, Ham tastes better if you slice it thin. Aku na lay mulasib íning karni nga ipanugba, I will slice off portions from this meat to broil. Basta mag-apritáda lasibun ang karni, Apritáda is made with meat cut into slivers.

lasid v [A; c1] involve, include with the others, esp. in s.t. unpleasant. Ang kastígu sa Diyus mulasid sa tanan, Everybody gets involved in God’s punishment. Bísag usa ray makasalà, lasirun (ilasid) ming tanan ug búnal ni Máma, Mother whips everybody even if only one of us does s.t. wrong.

lásik v [B26; b8] be thrown off for a distance under a forceful impact. Milásik (nalásik) ug layù ang búla nga íyang gipatíran, He kicked the ball and it went far. Hilasikan (nalasikan) siya sa lápuk, She got mud splashed on her.

lasing a drunk. Kusug na nà siya muisturya ug lasing na kaáyu, He becomes talkative when he is very groggy. v [A13B12; a] get drunk, cause s.o. to do so.

laski a be fast, sprightly in doing s.t. Laski mulakaw, A fast walker. Laski ang láwas, A body that is active and full of energy. Laski siyang muhímug kálù, He is energetic in making hats. v [B2; b6] be fast or brisk in doing s.t. Mulaski (malaski) nà siyang sugúun ug suhúlan, She’ll run an errand with alacrity if you pay her. Nagkalaski na ang nagluyang mga manuk, The chickens were weak, but they are regaining their strength now.

laskúta n guy rope: 1 a rope, chain, or rod to guide a carabao in plowing. 2 a rope tied from the boom of a sail to the stern to control the sail. v 1 [A; b6(1)] use or attach a guy rope to a carabao or to a sail. 2 [A; a2] make into a guy rope.

laslas v [A; a] cut s.t. with a sawing motion to make a slash in it or to remove leaves and small twigs. Gilaslas níya ang mga lukay, He cut off the leaflets from the palm frond. Gilaslasan sa kawatan ang ákung bag, The thief made a gash in my bag. Malaslas na lang nang ímung bàbà ug tinambag, dílì gayud pamatíun, You can give him advice till you’re blue in the face (lit. you can rip your mouth giving him advice), but he won’t listen to you. n slash, cracks like slashes.

lasmu a having the fishy odor of stagnant water or a body of a person who has not bathed in weeks. Lasmu kaáyu ang kabù kay walà kahugási, The dipper smells bad because it hasn’t been washed. Lasmu kaáyu ang isdà sa batu, Fishes that live in rocks tend to have a revolting smell. way — a without making a fuss or bother (colloquial). Wà giyud nay lasmung amahána. Muhátag dáyun bísag unsay pangayúun sa anak, That father never makes a fuss. Whatever his son asks for he gets. v [B; b6] smell fishy or revolting like stagnant water. Mulasmu ang plátung dì sabunan inighugas, Plates develop a fishy smell if you don’t wash them with soap.

lasnit v [A; a] tear s.t. that sticks or is attached off with force. Akuy milasnit sa ngil-ad ritrátu nga ímung gipilit sa bungbung, I stripped off the indecent picture that you had pasted on the wall. Gilasnítan níyag pánid ang nutbuk, He tore a page out of his notebook.

laspa v [AB126; c1] do s.t. which brings ill or good to s.t. else besides the thing for which it was intended. Ang inyung binúang nakalaspa (nakapalaspa) ug daghang táwu, Your foolishness has involved lots of people. Kay dihà man ku pagpanghátag sa mga kindi, gilaspa hasta aku, When they gave out the candy, I also got some because I happened to be there. Íyang gilaspa ug larut ang tanum uban sa sagbut, He uprooted the plant together with the weeds.

last1 n in table tennis, one point away from winning. Ug makapuntus siyag kausa daug na, kay last na man ang íyang iskur, If he makes one more point, he wins because he needs only one point. v [B56] be a point away from winning.

last2 = las.

lastats n in basketball, the one who was the last to touch a ball which went out of [588]bounds. Inyu ang búla kay lastats man ang inyung kuntra, It’s your ball because your opponents touched the ball last. v [B1236] be the last to touch a ball which went out of bounds.

last díl n last deal in a mahjong or card game before quitting. v [c1] be the last deal in a mahjong or card game. Last dílun (ilast díl) na ni nátù kay buntag na, Let’s make this our last deal because it’s already morning.

lasti v [A; c] 1 carry, ride with s.o. on a bike or other vehicle meant for one. Dílì ka makalasti kay kúlang ug hángin ang gúma, You cannot ride double with me because there isn’t enough air. 2 tie a rock to leaves or fronds which hang down from a raft to keep them from floating. Ang palwa sa lubi gilastíhag batu arun dílì mulutaw, The palm fronds have rocks tied to them so they won’t float.

lastiku n 1 rubber band. 2 slingshot made of a rubber strip. v 1 [b6] bind or fasten with a rubber band. Ákung gilastikuhan ang usa ka bugkus lápis, I bound the bundle of pencils with a rubber band. 2 [A; a1] shoot with a slingshot. Lastikuhun lang ang kaimítu, Get the star apple with a slingshot. paN- v [A2; b6(1)] go hunting with a slingshot. Manglastiku ku ug manuk ihálas, I’ll go hunting wild chickens with a slingshot. di- having an elastic garter. Dilastiku ang ákung panti, I am wearing a panty with an elastic garter.

lastrip n 1 last trip of the day by passenger vehicles or trains. 2 one’s trip to the cemetery (humorous). 3 last chance to get married. Nangartig maáyu si Marta arun dì hibyaan sa lastrip, Martha makes herself up carefully in the hope that she can still make the last train. Bisag lastrip basta pransit, It does not matter if it’s the last trip (last chance to get married), so long as it’s the front seat (that is, a rich husband). v 1 [A; c] take the last trip, be the last trip. Mulastrip ku rung hápun, I’ll take the last trip this afternoon. Ug malastrip na ni, musakay na lang ku, If this is the last trip, I’ll just take it. 2 [B26] die (humorous slang).

lásu n 1 ribbon, bow. 2 lasso. v [A; a] 1 tie into a bow. Lasúha ang listun, ayawg balitùtúa, Lace the shoelace, don’t tie it into a knot. Gilasúhan níya ang íyang dalága, She tied a ribbon in her little girl’s hair. 2 lasso. Lasúha ang kábaw nga nakabuhì, Lasso the carabao that escaped. 3 [a3] get entangled in a rope or vines. Nalásu ang mangangayam sa daghang bágun, The hunter got entangled in the vines.

lasù v 1 [A13] masturbate (coarse). 2 [A; a] misuse s.t. so as to break it. Hala, lasua nang bisiklíta kay ikaw mauy mupaáyu, OK, fool around with that bicycle, and you will have to fix it.

las-u v 1 [A; b] heat s.t. by pouring boiling water on it. Wà pa ku makalas-u sa gikan-an sa pasyinti, I haven’t poured boiling water over the patient’s eating utensils. 2 [B126; b4] get burnt with s.t. very hot. Nalas-u (nalas-úhan) ang ákung kamut sa bágang ákung nahikapan, I burnt my hand with the coals that I touched.

lasugas v [A; ac] expose oneself to the elements. Ngánung naglasugas ka man íning ulan nga dakù? Why are you going out in this heavy rain? Dì maáyung lasugasun nátù ang ínit, It is not good to expose yourself to the sun.

las-ung v [A; a] catch with a noose. Maglas-ung tag tamsi pinaági íning láang, Let’s catch a small bird with this noose. Las-únga nang kabáyung idlas, Catch that wild horse with a lasso. n lasso or noose that tightens when you pull it.

las-ut1 a 1 bad, ugly. Las-ut kaáyug batásan nang bayhána, That woman has a very bad character. Las-ut ug dagway, Ugly in face. 2 shoddy, badly done, poor in quality. Las-ut kaáyung pagkabúhat ning trabahúa, This piece of work is very badly done. Las-ut nga klási sa panaptun, A lousy k.o. cloth. v [B12; a2] get to be bad, ugly, poor in quality, do s.t. badly. Ang kadaghan sa adurnu mauy nakalas-ut (nakapalas-ut) sa íyang sinínà, Her dress was spoiled by the excessive decorations. Ayaw las-úta ning ímung ági, Don’t make your penmanship poor.

las-ut2 = lap-ut1.

laswa v [AB; b5] pour boiling liquid on. Ákung gilaswáan (gilaswáhan) ang giíhaw nga manuk arun himulbúlan, I poured hot water on the slaughtered chicken to get the feathers off. Pagbutukbutuk sa mantíkà nalaswahan (nalaswa) ku, When the fat popped, I got burnt.

lasyu n 1 canal for diverting water. 2 grooving plane. v 1 [A; a] divert water with a canal. Lasyúha (lasyuha) ang túbig sa tubud arun ipatubig, Divert the water from the river for irrigation. 2 [A; b6] cut a groove. 3 [A13; a12] make into a grooving plane. lasyadur n grooving plane.

lat = usab (dialectal).

láta n 1 tin can. Láta sa gátas, Can of milk. 2 a canful of. Usa ka látang biskwit, A canful of biscuits. -in-(→) n canned goods. Karni nga linata, Canned meat. v 1 [A1; b1c1] [589]prepare canned food for a meal. Maglinata lang ta kay kápuy ilútù, Let’s just have canned foods because I’m too lazy to cook. 1 [A] can s.t. di- = linata. abri- n can opener. batu- n game of kick-the-can.

latà a 1 for fruits to be extremely soft or rotten. Ipásaw ang mga latà nga prútas, Feed the rotten fruits to the pigs. 1a decayed, rotted. Latà na ang halígi, The posts are rotten. 2 for foods to be cooked, well-done, and soft, Latà na ang linúgaw, The porridge is soft now. 3 rotten in character. Ang latà nga pamunúan ni Markus, The rotten Marcos administration. 3a for a woman to have been had so often she is putrid (coarse). 4 slow in action as well as thinking power. Unsáun nátù pagkadaug nga latà kaáyu ang kuts? How can we win with a rotten coach? v 1 [B12] become rotten or very soft. Náay ilagà nga nalatà sa tangki, There’s a dead rat that has rotted in the water tank. Nagkalatà ang mga nuug nga pirming gihúmul, The cloth is rotting because it is always kept in water. 2 [A; ab] boil food until it is tender. Ayawg lat-a paglútù ang kamúti kay mawálà ang lamì, Don’t cook the sweet potatoes too soft or they will lose their flavor. Lat-i ang karni úsà adubúha, Boil the meat tender before you fry it. 3 [B12] be crushed to flatness. Malatà giyud ka ug hiligsan ka sa pisun, You’ll be crushed flat if you are run over by a steam roller. 4 [A3P; b] maul, gang upon s.o. viciously with blows. Ang kawatan kun hisakpan lat-an sa mga táwu, The people will maul the thief if they catch him. 4a [b1] defeat badly. Gilat-an ang bangà nílang tím, Their lousy team got a sound thrashing. 4b [b] subject to vigorous questions or criticisms. Gilat-an ang tistígus sa abugádu, The lawyer absolutely pulverized the witness. Pirming lat-an si Markus sa piryudiku, The newspapers always lambast Marcos. ka-(←) v [A13] be present in huge quantities. Nagkalátà lang ang sayup sa íyang papil, There were plenty of mistakes on his paper. Nagkalátà ang lansúnis didtu sa Misámis, There are plenty of lanzones in Misamis. nilat-an, linat-an n s.t. stewed.

látab n name given to young samúk: Gerres spp.

látab1 v [B6; b] for liquids to have oil, usually edible, floating on top. Ang sabaw naglátab sa mantíkà, The soup has streaks of oil floating on top of it.

látab2 v [A13] for liquor to be present in inexhaustible quantities. Maglátab ang tubà sa ámù maduminggu, The toddy simply flows at our place on Sundays.

látad v [A; c] spread s.t. out under the sun. Ilátad ang mais (kupras) arun mauga, Spread the corn (copra) under the sun. Ilátad ang putì, Bleach the white clothes under the sun. lataran n place one spreads things out under the sun.

látag = látad.

latagaw (from tagaw) a wanderer, rambling about without destination. Ang latagaw dílì mahimuyù, A vagabond won’t stay in one place. Latagaw ang ílang isturya, Their conversation wandered from one topic to another. Latagaw ug mata, Having eyes which rove all over. v [A13B2; b(1)] wander aimlessly about, without destination. Mulatagaw (malatagaw) ang irù ug dílì pakan-un, A dog roves about if you don’t feed it. Síging yawyaw ang maistra piru naglatagaw ang ákung hunàhúnà, The teacher kept talking away but my mind wandered. Bisan unsang dapíta ang íyang gilatagawan karun, He roams about any place he feels like going.

latak a standing out clear. Latak kaáyu ang panti, You can clearly see her panties (through her skirt). Latak kaáyu ang litra sa aybiim, The ibm typewriter types clearly. v [B3(1)] for a mark, outline or imprint to stand out clear.

látak v 1 [B36] for fruits, flowers, or leaves to fall. Malátak ang mga mangga kun hinug na, Mangoes fall off the tree when they are ripe. 2 [AN] lower (not cast) fishing equipment into the sea. Anhi ta dinhi manlátak sa báling, We’ll lower the net in this place.

latang a soft and ripe to the point just prior to getting rotten. Tam-is kaáyu ang búngan ug latang na, The green table bananas are very sweet when they are ripened soft. v [B12] become very ripe.

lat-ang v 1 [A; b(1)] miss or skip a chance in a series. Ug makalat-ang kag tumar sa tablítas, maburus ka dáyun, If you miss taking a pill you will get pregnant. Lat-angig duha ka linya úsà isulat ang uluhan, Leave two lines before writing the title. 2 [A; c] for s.t. to be placed in between s.t. else. Upisína sa prinsipal ang nakalat-ang sa ámung duha ka kwartu, The principal’s office is between our two rooms. Lat-ángi ug munggus ang mga tudling sa mais, Plant mung beans between the rows of corn. lat-anglat-ang v [A13; c1] for things to be in a series so that they alternate; put them so. Naglat-anglat-ang ang mga babáyi ug láki paglingkud, The boys and girls are seated alternately.

latas v 1 [A; a] cross or pass through. Latasun [590]nímu nang subáa padúng sa íla, You have to cross that river to their place. 2 pass or go through experiences. Mga kalisud nga íyang gilatas, Difficulties he passed through. — sa across. Mipánaw aku latas sa kadagátan, I travelled across oceans. -unun n s.t. to be crossed.

lat-as v [A2; b5c] 1 go straight across s.t., take a short cut. Milat-as (nanglat-as) kug ági sa plása arun maapsan ka, I walked across the plaza to catch up with you. Dílì mahímung lat-asan ang lún, You’re not allowed to take a short cut across the lawn. 2 go across. Mulat-as úsà kag subà adisir ka muabut sa íla, You have to cross a river before you get to their house. -anan n path, road for taking a short cut.

látay v 1 [A2S; b5c] go over a narrow walkway. Milátay sa andamyu ang mga pasahíru, The passengers walked over the gangplank. Usa ka gamayng alambri ang gilatáyan (gilátay) sa sirkadur, It was only a small piece of wire the acrobat walked over. 1a — sa usa ka lugas lánut be precarious (passing over a single strand). Ang kahimtang sa gikidnap naglatay sa usa ka lugas lánut, The kidnap victim’s life is hanging by a thread. 2 [A2S; b(1)] run, flow through a tube or tube-like thing. Dúnay dugung Aliman nga naglatay sa íyang kaugatan, There is German blood running in her veins. 2a [A2; b(1)] for a feeling to creep through. Ang kabugnaw sa íyang nahikapan milátay sa íyang tudlù ngadtu sa íyang buktun, The coldness of what he touched crept from his fingers up to his arm. 3 [A23; c] add a new debt to one’s current account. Ilátay na lang ning útang sa ákung ristanti, Just add this debt to my bill. n small wooden bridge for pedestrian or vehicles. -an(→), -anan n narrow bridge or passageway to walk over.

latbù a fast-growing. Latbù kaáyug tinubuan ang bátà nga daghang sustansiya, A child grows fast if he gets good food. v [B2; b6] grow or develop fast. Mulatbù (malatbù) ang tinubuan sa tanum ug abunúhan, Plants grow fast if they are fertilized. Nagkalatbù kining syudára, This city is growing by leaps and bounds.

latbug v 1 [A; c] throw or knock s.t. heavy, using force, usually with an initial backward swing. Tabangan nátug latbug ang patayng irù sa dágat, Let’s all help throw the dead dog into the sea. 2 [b6] for the mind to wander away from the subject or situation at hand. Samtang nagklási mi, layù ug gilatbúgan ang ákung hunàhúnà, My mind wandered far while we were in class.

lathang n space between two adjacent teeth which are not close together. Ayaw ug ngísi kay ngil-ad tan-áwun ang lathang, Don’t smile because the spaces between your teeth are ugly.

lati = nati.

latíba = labatíba.

látid n 1 line which delineates an area or boundary. Sa taliwálà sa dálan dúnay látid nga putì, A white line is drawn in the middle of the road. Sapà ang látid sa duha ka lungsud, A river is the boundary between the two towns. 2 path, plan by which s.t. is carried out. 3 rules, laws. Dúnay mga látid ang pagdúlag baskitbul, Basketball is played according to set rules. v [A; a] 1 delineate an area, esp. where s.t. is to be built. Pagkúhà ug lambu kay maglátid ta sa ámung balayan, Get some string because we will stake out where the walls for the house are to be put. 2 plan or arrange a method to be followed or done. Ang mga Libiral naglátid sa ílang buhátun sa kampanya, The Liberals were laying out plans for their campaign. Mauy átung pagasubáyun ang nalátid sa átung kapaláran, What fate has decreed for us to do is what we must follow. 3 establish laws or rules.

latigu n 1 whip. Latigu sa kabáyù, Horsewhip. 2 punishment inflicted with a whip. Nakadawat ug latigu kay nakasalà man, He got a whipping because he did s.t. 3 k.o. aerial orchid with small, violet flowers and long, whip-like projections. v [A; ab2] 1 whip. Gilatigu sa kutsíru ang kabáyù kay misúki, The rig driver flogged his horse because it balked. 2 attack with scathing criticism. Ang kandidátu sa upusisiyun milatigu sa kaatbang, The opposition candidate lashed out at his opponent.

latik n 1 syrup made of sugar and water or sugar and coconut milk. 2 sweet prepared from seedless breadfruit (kulu) cooked in syrup mixed with coconut milk. v 1 [A1B23(1); a] make syrup, for syrup to develop. Ilúnud ang ságing kun mulatik (malatik) na ang gipabúkal nga kámay, Put in the bananas when the sugar turns into syrup. 2 [b(1)] put syrup on food. 3 [A; a2] prepare the latik made from breadfruit. -in- = latik, n2.

látik v [A13] for a school of fish to swim near the surface and disturb it. Andáma ang inyung pasul kay nía na ang bansíkul naglátik, Prepare your lines because there is a school of mackerel thrashing around on the surface.

latin n 1 Latin. 1a special k.o. prayer with [591]magical effects. May nakat-unan kung latin nga sumpà sa kasukù, I know of a special prayer that works against anger. 2 a tongue-lashing. Ayaw paglangaylángay ug paúlì kay ang latin sa ímung asáwa taas ra ba kaáyu, Don’t tarry on your way home. Your wife’s tongue-lashings are no joke. v 1 [A; a2] speak Latin. 1a utter a special magical prayer. 2 [A1; c] give s.o. a tongue-lashing. Gilatinan ku ni Máma pagpaúlì nákù, Mother gave me a good tongue-lashing when I got home.

lating v [A2; b4(1)] for a missile to ricochet. Ang bála dílì makalating kay húmuk ang yútà, The bullet cannot bounce off because the ground is soft. Nalatingan ku sa bála, The bullet ricocheted off on me.

láting v [B246] for a wound or other injury to swell because of an infection. Muláting ang samad ug ibuwad sa ínit, A wound swells if you let the sun get on it.

látu v 1 [B126; a2] have so much of s.t. that one loses pleasure in it or it fails to have the normal effect. Latúhun ta kag pakáun ug mangga, I’ll give you so many mangoes you will get sick of them. Nalátu na ku sa ímung pangatarúngan, I can’t believe your sob stories any longer. 2 [A2PB12; a1] feel nauseated from exposure to s.t., cause s.t. to do so. Dugà sa tabákù ang ilátu sa tamalà, Stupefy the octopus with tobacco-leaf juice.

latù n a branching, semi-transparent seaweed, greenish in color and edible. It has small, rounded growths on the branches which pop when pressed.

latuk1 v [A3; b(1)] have a blank and stupid look on the face. Naglatuk lang ang tuntu. Wà makasabut, The idiot just stared blankly. He didn’t understand. Gilatukan lang ku sa íyang mata dihang ákung gisultíhan, She just stared at me blankly when I talked to her.

latuk2 n cassava flour, very fine, white sediment from cassava juice.

latun n 1 cylindrical pail with the mouth as big as the bottom. 2 drum for petroleum products.

latundan = alitundan.

latung a very ripe, bordering on over-ripeness. Húmuk na kaáyu ang kapáyas kay latung na man, The papaya has turned soft because it is very ripe. v [B2; b6] be, become very ripe.

latungdan = alitundan.

latus v [A; a1b2] 1 whip with anything flexible. Dílì giyud tu mulatus ang ámung amahan apan mahadluk giyud mi níya, My father never whipped us but we feared him. Ang mga madri maglatus sa ílang kaugalíngun inigka Byirnis Santu arun pagsakripisyu, The nuns flog themselves on Good Fridays to mortify themselves. 2 attack, criticize severely. Kanúnay níyang latusun si Markus sa íyang lindug, He always criticizes Marcos in his column.

latuy a for edible beans or pea pods to be tender. v [b6] cook s.t. together with tender pods. Latuyi ang linat-an nga báka, Put tender string beans into the beef stew.

lau = lalau.

laubláub a increasing and diminishing in intensity periodically. Laubláub ang hilánat íning batáa, This child’s fever rises and falls. v [B456] for s.t. to increase and diminish in intensity periodically. Mulaubláub giyud ang nigusyu, Business fluctuates, as you would expect. Maglaubláub ang pagguwà íning tabuguk, Tabuguk octopuses appear in great numbers from time to time. Ang tilíik sa sirína naglaubláub, The wailing of the siren rises and falls.

laud v [A; c] tie s.t. to s.t. letting the rope go around it several times before knotting it. Ang kunduktur mauy mulaud sa mga kargamintu sa stipburd, The conductor ties loads to the running board. Ang táwung gikastígu gilaud sa halígi ug gipahulmigasan, The offender was tied to a post and left to the ants.

laug a 1 liking s.t. very much and, therefore, disliking to share it. Laug kaáyu kug ayis krim, I’m very fond of ice cream. Laug siyag bayli, She loves to dance. 2 selfish. Laug nga batáa, dílì manghátag, What a selfish child. She won’t give anything to anyone else. v [B12] get to be greedy. (←)1 [B12] take a strong liking to s.t. Nía rag ímung libru. Way naláug, Here’s your damn book. Who wants it anyway (lit. no one has taken a liking to it).

láug2 v [A; a] 1 go out to go about with no particular purpose. Unsay ímung giláug didtu? Dúna kay gibisitáhan? What did you stroll over to their place for? Did you visit s.o.? 2 get out of a place, flee. Miláug ang manuk, The chicken flew the coop. Laúgan ka sa ímung mga sákup kun mag-inistriktu ka, Your employees will leave you if you are too strict. -an(→) a tending to go out to roam about. v [B12] get to be a roamer.

laugdu (from ugdu) v [B; c1] pile, heap up. Nagkalaugdu ang mga sagbut nga wà kuháa sa mga basuríru, The garbage is piling up because it hasn’t been collected by the garbage men.

láum v 1 [A; b(1)] expect s.t. hopefully. [592]Nagláum ku nga mausab pa siya, I still have hopes that he’ll change. Laúmi ang íyang pagbálik, Hope for his return. 2 [A; bc5] rely. Makaláum ba ku sa ímung sáad? Can I trust your promises? Kining lúti ang bugtung námung gilaúman sa panginabúhì, This small lot is our sole means of support. ka-an, pag- n 1 hope. Nawad-an na siyag pagláum sa kinabúhì, He has lost hope in life. Kini rang midisináha ang ákung pagláum, This medicine is my only hope. ma-un a full of hope.

laumlaum v [A1; b(1)] prolong one’s stay in a certain place for a purpose. Naglaumláum ang mga batan-un human sa pangadyì tungud sa bayli, The young men who joined the prayers stayed late for the dance. Gilaumlaúman nákù sa Manílà ang pagpaluap sa ákung apuyintmint, I stayed in Manila for some time to follow up on my appointment.

laun a aged: 1 for s.t. that gets better as it grows old to be mature. 1a mellowed, aged. Bínung laun, Aged wine. Tabákung laun, Mellowed tobacco. 1b for a plant or animal commonly found immature to grow to its full extent and thus improve. Laun nga aháan ang midáwi kaníya, He caught a full-grown giant snapper. 2 old stock left over from the previous harvest. Unáhug dispatsar ang laun, Get rid of the old stock first. 3 old maid (humorous). v [B3; b4(1)] for s.t. to age. Ang kamúti nga malaun (mulaun) sa uma dagkù ug tam-is, If you leave sweet potatoes in the ground to maturity, they will be big and sweet. Wà makalaun ang tabákù kay anam, The tobacco didn’t get a chance to age because they kept smoking it as it matured. Ug subra ka kaistrikta, hilaunan kag dalága, If you are too strict, your daughter is going to turn into an old maid on you.

launduk = taliunduk.

laung = ingun2 (dialectal).

laus a past one’s peak or popularity. Laus na ang buksidur, The boxer is past his prime. v [B12] be past one’s peak or popularity.

laúsag v [B4] for undesirable characteristics to worsen. Milaúsag ang íyang kakiriwan, His thievery got worse. Naglaúsag ang pagkapilyu sa bátà, The child misbehaved more and more.

lauy a lacking sleep. Lauy ku kay nagbilar ku gabíi, I lack sleep because I kept vigil last night. v [B126; b6] lack sleep. (←)1 v [A13] stay up late at night. Nagláuy siya tungud sa íyang paynals, He is staying up late to study for his finals.

láuy2 v [A; c1] go, see to visit or to see how s.t. is doing. Muláuy (magláuy) ku sa ákung higála sa uspital, I will visit my friend in the hospital. Laúyun (iláuy) nátù ang kamaisan sa walug kun túa na ta sa búkid, While we are in the mountains we will go see how the corn we planted in the valley is doing.

láwà1 n a spider. lawàlawà n spider web, cobweb. v [b4] 1 be filled with cobwebs. Gilawàlawaan na lang ang ímung makinilyang way gáwì, Your typewriter is all covered with cobwebs because it’s never used. 2 for a dying man’s eyes to become dull and blurred (lit. have cobwebs in one’s eyes).

láwà2 (from walà) not have (slang). Láwà nu siyay takwal, He says he’s out of dough.

lawáan n name given to a number of forest trees producing inexpensive timber, widely used in construction: Pentacme and Shorea spp. — nga putì: Pentacme contorta. — pula: Shorea negrosensis.

láwag n k.o. fishing with lights. Several boats illuminate a wide area and when the fish appear, the boats gradually converge, drawing the fish into a small area from which they can be scooped up with a net.

lawak n room in a house or building. v [A1; a] make a room. Gilawakan ku ang sílung pára sa mga gamit, I made a room in the basement for the tools.

láwang a for an area to be wide, spacious. Mas láwang ang tinisan kay sa baskitan, A tennis court is wider than a basketball court. n space across, width. Pila ka mitrus ang láwang sa kalsáda? How many meters wide is the road? v [B23] be, become wide or spacious. lawanglawang, lawangláwang v [B4] 1 have too much space for the amount of material put in. Naglawanglawang ang trák padúlung sa syudad kay way pasahíru, The truck went to the city nearly empty because there were no passengers. 2 be in a place which is too spacious. Maglawanglawang ta sa dakung balay, We’ve got room to burn in that huge house. 3 [c1] make s.t. wider. Gilawanglawang ang silya sa manidyǐr, The manager’s chair was given a wider seat.

lawanlawan = lawanglawang. see lawang.

láwas n 1 body of human or animal. taput — the clothes on one’s back. Ang ákung nasalbǎr sa súnug ang taput láwas, All I could save from the fire was the clothes on my back. 2 the frame or main part of a structure. Láwas sa ayruplánu, Fuselage of the plane. Ang láwas sa angkla, The shank of the anchor. 3 one’s turn in a game where the players perform one at a time in succession. [593]Sa bíku kamuy páris ug aku rang usa, apan duhay láwas ku, It’ll be you two against me in hopscotch, but I get two turns. 4 — ug katarúngan body and reasoning, all one arms oneself in fighting for justice (as opposed to money, weapons). Láwas ug katarúngan ang ákung iatúbang sa ímung lantúgì, I come here not to fight, but to talk it out (offer my reasoning). 5 one who takes another person’s place, performing his functions in his absence. Ang kinamagulángang babáyi mauy láwas sa íyang inahang patay na, The eldest daughter took the mother’s place when she died. 6 tantamount to, as good as. Sa pag-insultu nímu sa ákung bána láwas ug aku ang ímung gipasakitan, If you insult my husband it is the same as if you hurt me. Bisag usa ray ákung anak, láwas gihápun ug tulu kay duha may ákung binuhì, I have only one child, but it is good as three because I have two adopted ones. 6a good for. Miurdir kug pagkáun láwas ug tulu ka táwu, I’ll order food enough for three persons. 7a physical strength, resistance. Tungud niíning ákung sakit walà na akuy láwas nga ikatrabáhu, Because of my illness I do not have the strength to work. 7b one’s single body, all that one has to dispose of in working (and no more). Ug ákù ang tanan, unsa pa may ákung láwas? How could I possibly do everything. I don’t have but two hands. v 1 [B145] have a certain k.o. body. Kaniadtu nagláwas sab kug sáma kalísun kanímu karun, Formerly, I had as nice a body as you have now. 2 [A2; c] make a body for some structure. Kining kahúya ígù rang makaláwas sa píkas kílid sa sakayan, These boards are only enough to make one side of the boat. (→) n 1 internode, section of a plant stem between two successive nodes. Tag-as kaáyug lawas kining ímung tubu, Your sugar cane stalks have long internodes. 2 strands of hair above the base. paN- v [A] be in the upper part of the strands of hair. Kasagáran manlawas ang lusà basta mamusà na, Usually nits stay in the upper part of the strands of hair when they hatch. -in-, -in-(→) n in person, one’s physical presence. v [A; a1] appear personally. Mulinawas pagsalída si Súsan Rúsis, Susan Roces will appear personally. hi- v [ANC12; bN] have sexual intercourse outside of marriage. Dì mahilangit kadtung manghiláwas, Those who fornicate will not go to heaven. Dì ka makighiláwas sa mga way bunyag, Lie not with the heathen. panghi- n fornication. makighi-un a fornicator. -an(→) a physically well-built, stocky. ka-an n the whole body. paN- n health; general well-being of a person or animal. tagi-, tag- n one’s person, what k.o. body one has. Náa ra sa tagiláwas ug makaagwanta ba sa bug-at nga trabáhu, It depends on the person if he can stand hard work. lawasnun a pertaining to the body or flesh. Lawasnun nga kalimpiyu, Cleanliness of the body. Lawasnun nga kahínam, Desires of the flesh.

láway n saliva. — ray puhúnan n persuasive talk (lit. spit was all that was used). Láway ray ákung puhúnan áni kay ákù siyang giulug-ulúgan, I got this by fast talk because I soft-soaped him in giving it to me. (→) v 1 [B46] drool. Milaway dáyun ákung bàbà pagkakità nákù sa hilawng mangga, My mouth watered when I saw the green mangoes. Maglaway siya nga matúlug, He drools when he sleeps. 2 [B1456] feel very desirous of s.t. one cannot have. Maglaway ta áning mga dátù nga makapalit bísag unsa, All we can do is drool at what rich people have. pa-(→) v [A3; a1] make s.o. desire s.t. strongly which he cannot have. Dì úsà ku magminyù, magpalaway ku úsà sa mga laláki, I won’t get married yet. I’ll just let men drool over me. Ímu lang kung gipalaway sa ímung tíbi, You were just making me envious of your TV set. -an(→) n 1 a folk doctor who treats patients with his saliva. 2 k.o. carangoid fish, shiny-white in color, that spits a transparent, sticky liquid. lawaylaway n name given to various whelks.

law-ay a offensive to decency, revolting to the taste. Gisinsur ang law-ay nga libru, The obscene book was censored. Law-ay kaáyung tan-áwun ang dakù nga magbinátà, It’s disgusting to see a grown-up act like a child. v [B12; b6] be lewd, obscene. Nagkalaw-ay ang mga sini karun, Movies are all lewd nowadays. Gilaw-ayan ku sa báhù sa patay, The odor of the corpse was revolting to me.

lawgaw v 1 [A; ac] touch, stir up s.t. with the bare hands. Panghunaw kay milawgaw ka man sa pasaw, Wash your hands because you stirred the slop with them. Ayawg lawgáwa nang túbig imnunun, Don’t stick your hands in the drinking water. 2 [B1] be all mixed up, confused. Naglawgaw ang iksplikasiyun. Wà kung kasabut, His explanation was all mixed up. I couldn’t understand it. 2a get to be no good. Nalawgaw ang ílang sáyaw kay yabag ang dúyug, Their dance number was unsuccessful because the music was out of tune. 3 [AN] mix into s.t. and disturb its orderly performance. Ngánung gilawgaw man nímu si Pidru nga nangamural? Why did you butt in on Pedro just [594]when he was proposing? a 1 falling below good standards. Lawgaw tawhána puru lang sáad, He is no good. He is all promises. 2 mixed up and chaotic. Lawgaw tung iliksiyúna, dúnay pálit, The election was chaotic with rampant vote-buying. 3 creating disturbance or confusion in an otherwise orderly performance. Ay siyag paintraha sa sáyaw kay lawgaw, Don’t let him take part in the folk dance because he tends to bungle. maN-r- n one who habitually creates trouble and confusion in otherwise smooth and peaceful proceedings.

láwi, láwì n sickle feather, one of the long curved feathers in the tail of domestic cocks. lawiláwi s.t. like a tail feather. Lawiláwi sa kúgun, The flower of the cogon grass. lawían, lawíhan n name given to fish of various families that have filamentous projections, usually from the fins.

lawig v 1 [A; a] pasture livestock. Ilawig ang kábaw sa lagúna, Pasture the carabao in the meadow. 1a give an additional length of line. Lawigi ang tugut sa tabánug, Pay out more string to the kite. Lawigi ang kábaw arun daghan ang masabsab, Give the carabao more rope so that it can graze over a wide area. 1b [A; b] tie an anchor to a boat. Lawigi ang sakayan arun dì madala sa sulug, Keep the boat anchored so the current won’t carry it away. 2 [A; b6] sail. Naglawig na ang barku pagdasmag sa unus, The boat was on the high seas when a storm hit us. Kadagátan nga gilawigan sa barku, The seas the ship sailed across. 2a travel in general. Bag-u ka pa gánì nahiulì mulawig na pud ka? You have just arrived and now you are going to take another trip? n 1 cord tied to s.t. 1a anchor rope. 1b tether rope. 1c cord wound around the neck. Taas ug lawig ang íyang pag-antus, She has a long chain of suffering tied around her neck. 2 tentacles. -an place s.t. is tethered. -l-an(←) n province (lit. place one sails to). -um-(←) n a slender thread which, in folk belief, attaches the placenta (inunlan) to the womb (matris) s.w. in the vicinity of the umbilical cord (púsud) and is the passageway for food from the mother to the baby. The lumáwig is considered very delicate, and if there is intense bleeding during childbirth it is believed due to a rupture of the lumáwig. v [b4] have one’s lumáwig ruptured and then suffer intense bleeding.

lawiláwi n variety of croton (kalípay).

lawis n spit, a point of low land extending from the shore into the water. v [B6] jut out. May unud nga daw tudlù ang milawis sa kumagkù sa táwu, A finger-like growth is sticking out from the man’s thumb. Nasungkù aku sa naglawis nga kawáyan, I bumped my head on a piece of bamboo that was sticking out. Gibaligyà ang yútà nga nalawis sa kinadak-an sa yútà, They sold the lot that was jutting out from the main portion of their land.

lawiswis = alawiswis.

lawit v 1 [B456] for s.t. almost cut off to dangle. Naglawit ang ákung tudlù kay nabakgutan sa sanggut, My finger is dangling because I nearly cut it off with a sickle. 2 [A; b6] hang, cling barely or precariously to s.t. Naglawit ang kinabúhì sa masakitun sa usa ka lugas lánut, The patient’s life is hanging by a single thread. lawitlawit n pieces of tissue hanging from cuts of meat.

lawitan n the two boats holding the ends of the net in a k.o. fishing with a large net (sinsúru) where the fish are driven into a small area by small boats (buntúlan) converging.

lawlaw1 v 1 [A; c1] slacken a line. Maglawlaw ku áning mikubit arun dì mabugtù ang pasul, I am paying out extra fishing line so the line won’t break. Ayaw ilawlaw (lawláwa) ang hayhayan, Don’t make the clothesline so loose it sags. 1a [B] get to be loose, sagging. Mulawlaw ang kurtína kun luagun ang hílu, The curtain will sag if you make the string loose. 1b [AB] for trousers to be cut loose at the crotch, wear trousers cut loose at the crotch. Ságad sa tigúlang maglawlaw ang kinarsunisan, Most old people wear pants loose at the crotch. 2 [AN; b3] go round the edge of s.t. instead of directly across or along it. Manglawlaw tag ági diri kay dì man katadlasan ang ílang baul, We’ll have to go around this way because they won’t let people cut across their field. a be cut loose at the crotch. pa- v [A; c1] let time pass idly by. Ang nagpalawlaw sa panahun way maáni, Those who waste their time doing nothing will have nothing to harvest.

lawlaw2 n sardines which have been preserved in a large quantity of salt, such that not all the salt is dissolved in the juices of the fish, and the result is a dry fish enveloped with fishy grains of salt.

lawngun = lalungun. see lálung.

lawril n bay leaves used as a spice.

lawriyat n k.o. Chinese banquet with ten or more courses tendered on special occasions.

lawsi 1 poor, sloppy, bad in quality or appearance. Lawsi siya mamisti, She dresses poorly. Lawsi kadtung pagkáun, That was lousy food. 2 boring and uninteresting. Lawsing parti, A lousy party. Lawsi tung salidáha, [595]That was a lousy movie. v [B12; a12b6] be, become lousy.

lawting n attic consisting of a shelf built underneath a roof and which runs part of the distance covered by the roof. It is used as a storage place or sleeping area. v [A1; a] make a lawting.

lawud n deep open sea. pitu ka — seven seas. see lábang. v [A2NP; a] 1 go out into the deep sea, usually to fish. Ug maáyu ang panahun mulawud (manglawud) ku karung gabíi, If the weather is good, I will go out to sea tonight. Kinahanglang lawrun ta giyud ang malasugi, You have to go to the deep to get the sailfish. 2 [A13] = lawudláwud. lawudláwud v [A] be like a sea. Naglawudláwud ang halapad nga humayan, The vast rice field is like a sea. i-(←) n place toward town and away from rural areas. v [AP; ac6P] go, bring s.t. toward town. i- = iláwud, v. kalawran n seas. kinalawran n deepest part of the sea. lawudnun n of the seas.

láwug v [A2SB] for stiff and long things to warp or bend. Miláwug ang tabla human initi, The board warped after having been exposed to the sun. (→) n long bent things.

láwung n lionfish, a brightly colored fish of coral reefs with very poisonous dorsal fins: Pterois spp.

lawus a 1 withered. Ngánung lawus ang utanung ímung gipalit? Why did you buy withered vegetables? 2 withered or wizened from age or sickness. Lawus na si Glurya Rumíru, gúwang na man gud, Gloria Romero is faded now. She is quite old. 3 past one’s prime. Lawus nang pagkabuksingíru si Ilurdi, Elorde is over his peak as a boxer. 4 for feelings to have faded. Lawus na ang ímung pagbátì nákù, Your love for me has faded. (←) v [B2S; b6] 1 get withered. Ang búlak muláwus (maláwus) ug initan, Flowers wither if you expose them to heat. Nagkalawus na ang tanum kay wà katubigi, The plants are getting withered because they were not watered. 2 get old and shriveled. Naglawus ka man. May balatían ka? You look shrunken. Are you ill? 3 get beyond one’s prime. 4 for feelings to fade. Kanang prisyúha makaláwus (makapaláwus) giyud sa gána, That price sure throws cold water on my desire. Nagkalawus ang ákung pagláum nga maulì pa siya, My hope for his return is wavering.

láwut v [B; a12] for liquids to become thick and gooey. Magkalawut ang linúgaw madúgayng sinukgay, The more porridge is stirred the thicker and more viscous it becomes. a thick and gooey. Láwut ning utána kay náay tugábang, This vegetable dish is gooey because it contains tugábang.

law-uy a cooked vegetables without fish, meat, or fat. Law-uy lang ning útan kay way subak, This vegetable dish is cooked just plain because we have nothing to cook with it. v [A13B; a12] cook vegetables plain, be plain and tasteless.

láya n a k.o. shallow water cast net, conical in shape, made of fine sewing thread with a fine mesh. Weights are put on the mouth to spread the net when thrown, and when the net is lifted the weights cause the mouth to contract so that escape is impossible. v 1 [AN; a2] catch fish with a láya. 2 [A; a12] make into a láya. layaláya n very thin membrane that envelopes the stomach, used as a wrapper for murkun.

*láya see iláya.

layà1 n k.o. fresh-water fish which grows 2′ long and 6″ wide, with big, silvery scales, spotted with black.

láyà a dried, withered up. v 1 [B23(1)] dry, become dry or withered. Unyà ra daúbi ang sagbut kun muláyà (maláyà) na, Burn the leaves when they become dry. Himalatyun na ning kahúya kay nagkalayà nag mga dáhun, This tree is going to die because its leaves are withering. 2 [B2; b6] for the ears of corn to mature. 3 — ang bágà v [B2; a12] for the lungs to be damaged from drinking too much. n paper money (slang). (→)2 a 1 dried up. 2 for ears of corn to be mature. 3 — ug bágà having inflamed lungs from overindulgence in drinking. 4 dáhung — paper money (slang).

láyag1 n sail of a boat. v [A; b6] put up the sail. Mularga na ang sakayan kay gilayágan na, The boat is ready to sail because they have hoisted the sails. (→) v [A13] 1 for a sailboat to sail. 1a lantaw ug — sit idly by watching people that are working without lifting a finger to help (as if watching s.o. sailing). Naglantawg naglayag bisag gikinahanglan kaáyu ang íyang pagtábang, He just sits idly by watching, even though his help is badly needed. 2 for the ears to stick out. Naglayag ang dunggan, His ears stick out. -an(→) k.o. volute shell growing to 3″ by 1½″ with no operculum. Edible but bitter. -in-an n boat with sails. -un a favorable for sailing. -un ug dátù for a wind to be slow (lit. good only for rich people with plenty of time to sail with). -um-an n k.o. small squid, growing to 8″ with a very reduced internal plate. paN-um-an(→) v [B; c] go to catch lumayágan. panlumayaganan [596]place one can fish for lumayágan. 2 boat for fishing for lumayágan.

láyag2 n the missing of one’s menstruation but not because of pregnancy. v [b4] miss one’s period. Ábi kug gilayágan ku, burus giyud diay, I thought I just missed a period, but I was actually pregnant.

láyag3 v [A; b(1)] join others who have food, drinks, or cigarettes to mooch off of them. Way makaláyag níya kay adtu siya sa tágù magkaun, He ate in seclusion because he didn’t want anyone to mooch off of him.

layangláyang n 1 awning or temporary shelter made of four posts and a cloth or thatch covering. 2 principal rafters placed at the thwart edges of a roof which, in a thatched roof, hold the thatch in place. v [A; b] put a temporary shelter s.w.

láyas v [A2; b6] 1 leave a place to avoid s.t. unpleasant. Miláyas siya sa dagmalan níyang inaína, She escaped from her cruel stepmother. Gilayásan siyag suluguun, Her servant walked out on her. 2 get out of a place for any reason. Láyas, animal, Leave this home, you beast. (→) n escapee. Siya layas sa Bilíbid, He is an escapee from Bilibid prison.

layat1 v [A2; a] jump to a place: up, down, or over. Milayat ang kabáyù sa kural, The horse jumped over the fence. Layata lang nang bintánà nga mubù, Just jump down from that low window. n act of jumping.

layat2 n large, edible tree fungus, shiny, dark-brown in color.

láyaw v [A2] for animals to roam about. Muláyaw ang mga háyup nga buhían, Domestic animals stray if you don’t tether them. (→) n 1 animal that has been allowed to stray. Kinahanglang lamíngun ang manuk layaw kay langsag unud, You have to keep stray chickens and feed them special food before you kill them; otherwise they have a terrible flavor. 1a going out when one should not be doing so, person that has been allowed to stray. Madisgrasya giyud ang babáying layaw, A woman that gallivants about is likely to get into trouble. 1b off the mark, far from correct. Layaw kaáyu ang ímung pangagpas, Your conjecture is way off the mark. 2 for a mixture to be too weak in consistency. Layaw nga pintal, Paint that’s too thin. 3 in phrases: — ug dugù cowardly, lacking guts. — ug hunàhúnà given to sudden whims or fancies. Way pundu ang táwung layaw ug hunàhúnà, A person who is given to sudden whims or fancies is unstable. — ug útuk a dull person. Ang táwung layaw ug útuk gáhing makasabut, A dull person does not understand easily. v [B1] become a wanderer, one who gallivants around. -an n open land where animals are allowed to roam and graze. pina- a spoiled, left alone by parents to do as he pleases. Way trabáhung makat-unan ang bátang pinalayaw, A spoiled child that has been left to do as he pleases will not learn a trade.

laybrari n library. -yan n librarian. v [B16] be a librarian.

laygay v 1 [A3P; a12] make s.o. bedridden. Sakit nga milaygay kaníya, The sickness that incapacitated him. Gilaygay siyag tísis, He was bedridden with T.B. 2 [a4] be affected with great financial difficulty. Mga kabus nga gilaygay sa kalisud, Poor people who are wallowing in difficulty. a incapacitating, leaving one bedridden. Laygay sakíta nang paralisis, Paralysis leaves one bedridden.

layhan see *lahay.

layi diantigwa n old, outmoded laws or customs. Sunud ka man ánang layi diantigwa. Kabag-úhan na run! You’re following old, out-moded ways. We’re in the Twentieth Century now!

láyì n tool for cutting abaca fibers or buri strips, made of a thin, flat piece of bagákay bamboo, 3″–4″ long.

láyik v [A12] have a liking or crush for s.t. or s.o. (slang). Nakasabut giyud ku nga nakaláyik nà si Idyun nímu, I realize that Edion has taken a liking to you.

layiku n layman, laity. Ang buluhatun sa layiku sa iglisya, The role of the laity in the church.

láyip n life imprisonment. Gisintinsyahan siyag láyip, He got life imprisonment.

layit wit n lightweight boxer or wrestler.

laylay1 a 1 tired, drooping from fatigue. 2 for plants to be limp or drooping. Pangúhag laylay nga mais, itambug sa kabáyù, Get the drooping corn leaves to feed the horses. 2a for leaves to be colored red or yellow. 2b people at the bottom strata of society. v 1 [BN; a2b4] be tired. Milaylay (nalaylay) ang ákung abága ug pinas-an sa baskit, My shoulders got tired from carrying the basket. Wà mu layláyig tinindug, Aren’t you all exhausted from standing? 2 [AB; c1] droop, cause s.t. to do so. Naglaylay ang abaga, His shoulders are drooping. Layláya (ilaylay) ang sanga arun makab-ut ang búnga, Bend the branch so you can reach the fruit. 2a [AN; b] gather bent or discolored leaves. ka- tiredness, feeling of being weak from fatigue. n yellowed leaves on trees that are about to drop. [597]

laylay2 v [A; a2] sing with no words other than meaningless syllables. Naglaylay ang inahan nga nagpakatúlug sa bátà, The mother is singing the baby to sleep. n song hummed or sung with syllables la, la.

laylu v [A; c1] not do s.t. one would normally do, esp. combat, because of some danger. Manglaylu tag panágat kay nagdáut ang panahun, We won’t go out fishing because the weather is bad. Manglaylu lang ku, kay náa ang amahan, I won’t visit her for the while because her father is home. Wà na gániy bála, laylúhun (ilaylu) dáyun sa mga girilya ang ílang kalihúkan, When the guerrillas run out of bullets, they lie low for awhile.

layning n lining or cloth used for lining. v [A; a] put a lining in s.t.

laysul n lysol.

Layti n Leyte.

laytir n cigarette lighter. v [b(1)] light with a lighter.

layu v [A; c1] broil unhusked young corn over flames, cooking it half-way. Layuhun (ilayu) nátù ang linghud arun dalì rang malútù, Let’s just pass the young corn unhusked through the flames so it won’t take long to cook it.

layù a 1 far, distant. Layù kaáyu ang Urúpa, Europe is far away. Paryinti mi piru layù na, We are relatives but rather distant. 1a far from being correct. Layù ra kaáyu ang ímung tubag sa dyakpat kwistiyun, Your answer to the jackpot question was far off the mark. 1b — ra sa tinái for mishaps not to be serious (far from the intestines). Gamay ning samára layù ra sa tinái, It’s a superficial wound. It’s not serious. 1c — ra sa tinái sa manuk for answers and guesses to be wide off the mark. Ang ímung tubag sayup ug layù ra sa tinái sa manuk, Your answer is wrong and is way off the mark. 2 comparatively far behind in some good trait. Layù ra si Magsaysay ni Salungga sa abilidad, Magsaysay can’t hold a candle to Salonga. v [B25C; ab7c] be far. Ug mulayù ang tugdúnan sa búla, ipakúhà lang, If the ball lands far away have s.o. go get it. Ug makigláyù ka nákù, mingawun ku nímu, If you want us to be far from each other, I’ll miss you. Layúun ta mu kay palaaway mu, I’ll keep you two far apart because you are quarrelsome. Layui pa kay duul ra nà, Move it farther away because it’s too close. dílì ig-(←) not distantly related by blood. Dílì ta igláyù magtagsa ang átung inahan, We are not distantly related because your mother is my mother’s first cousin. hi-/ha- v [B1256] get to be far away. pa- v [A; bc] go far away, stay away from a place, hold s.t. at a distance. Ngánung magpalayù ka man kanámù? What makes you want to keep your distance from us? Gipalay-an ni pagsiyát arun makúhà ang byú, This picture was shot from a distance to get the view. pahi- v [A; a3] go far away. Tungud sa ákung kahiubus, magpahilayù ku, I’m going away because I was terribly hurt. linay-ánay, linay-anay v [C] be far from one another. -g- = layù (plural). ha- = layù, a 1. gilay-un, kalay-un n distance. Usa ka kilumitru ang gilay-un, The distance is one kilometer. kinalay-an a farthest.

lay-u1 n a body of standing water in low-lying areas formed by overflowing floodwaters or heavy rains. Dúnay daghang isdà sa lay-u, There are lots of fish stranded in the pool.

lay-u2 v [B; a2] for plants to wither from being in the heat after being uprooted or damaged by wind. Malay-u (mulay-u) ang mga tanum sa kusug nga hángin, The plants will wither because of the strong wind. Lay-úhun nang mga sagínga nga nangatumba sa ínit run, The heat will wither those plants that were uprooted.

layug v [A2C; a2] 1 grapple with s.o. Giulang ku ang duha ka bátà nga nagláyug, I intervened when the two boys were wrestling with each other. Gilayug ku siya kay ákung giílug ang kutsilyu, I wrestled with him to get the knife from him. 2 wrestle with a woman in foreplay. Daw may gilayug nga dalága, It seems that s.o. was wrestling with a girl (to rape her). tig- a 1 fond of wrestling. 2 fond of mutilating plants by breaking off branches, flowers, etc. as if having wrestled with them. Kining mga bátà dinhi muy tiglayug sa mga tanum, It’s the children that destroy the plants here.

láyug a tall and quite straight. Láyug kaáyu nang lubíha, That coconut tree is very tall. v 1 [B2] become tall. Muláyug (maláyug) nang kahúya ug dì pul-úngan, That tree will grow tall if you don’t prune it. 2 [A; b6] fly (usually said of fowls that keep to the ground). Miláyug ang manuk nga gigúkud sa irù, The chicken flew up when the dog chased it. Taas ug gilayúgan ang manuk, The rooster flew high up. n flight of birds or fowl. Gisunud kug tan-aw ang láyug sa mga langgam, I followed the flight of the birds with my eyes.

lay-ug v [AP; c1] for plants to be badly shaken by a strong wind, such that they are damaged and likely to die in hot weather. [598]Kusug hángin ang milay-ug (mipalay-ug) sa mga tanum, A strong wind caused severe damage to the plants. Ug malay-ug ang mga lubi, madagdag ang mga búnga, If a coconut tree is shaken by the wind, its fruit will fall off.

layuglayug n k.o. edible brown seaweed with a leaf-like structure.

layun a for bananas to be almost ripe, but still hard. v [B23(1); b6] for bananas to be almost ripe. Hustung pritúhun ang kardábang malayun na, Cooking bananas are best to fry when they are nearly ripe.

láyus v [B12; a12] for plants or fruits to wither. Nagkalayus ang mga tanum kay dúgayng wà ulana, The plants are withering gradually because it has not rained for a long time. Naláyus ang mga utanun nga wà mangahálin, The vegetables that were left unsold withered. (→) a withered (of plants or fruits).

n lei, a garland of flowers hung on visitors’ necks as a sign of welcome. v [A; c1] give, make a lei.

líab n neckline of garment. Ang íyang bistída mabà ug líab, Her dress has a low neckline. v [A; b6] put a neckline. (→) v [A; a12] grab s.o. by the collar. Bi, tan-áwun ta ug muliab ba giyud siya nákù! Well, let’s see if he dares grab me by the collar.

liad v 1 [A2] bend or throw one’s body backward. Dílì makaliad ang bátà kay ákung gigunítan ang abága, The baby can not throw his body backward because I’m holding onto his shoulder. 2 [A; a12P] be in a position with the stomach sticking out and shoulders back. Dílì ka muliad ug maglakaw ka, Don’t walk with your stomach sticking out a in a position with the stomach sticking out and the shoulders back. 3 [B3(1); b6] for lumber to warp or twist. Nagkalíad ang mga káhuy nga gibulad sa ínit, The pieces of wood they dried under the heat of sun are getting warped. liadlíad v 1 [A13] writhe about in pain. Nagliadlíad siya sa kasakit, He is writhing in pain. 2 [A13; c1] walk with a distended stomach due to pregnancy or obesity. Nagliadlíad ang mabdus nga naglakaw sa karsáda, The pregnant woman walked down the street with her stomach sticking out.

líap v [A; c] make a shot from under the goal in basketball. n a shot of this sort in basketball.

liat v 1 [A2; b(1)] skip over, by-pass. Dì mu makaliat sa ámù kay mag-atang mi sa bintánà, You could not miss our house because we will be watching for you at the window. Way giliatan ang íyang láwas sa labud, His body is covered with welts. Way giliatan sa kaláyu, The fire got everything. 2 [A2] go, pass by in time or space. Muliat sa duha ka lungsud ang trín, The train will pass through the two towns. Mubáyad ku nímu sa dì pa makaliat ang usa ka simána, I will pay you before a week goes by. 3 [A; a] take time out to go s.w. for a short while. Muliat giyud nà siyag tábì bísag daghang búhat, She takes time out for some quick gossip, even if she’s very busy. Liata ang kan-un ug lútù na ba, Take a quick peep at the rice to see if it is cooked yet. Iliat ni Nánay ning matam-is, Run to Grandma’s and give her these sweets.

líawt n proper, optimum disposition of things or component parts put s.w. v [A; c] put things in their proper relative positions. Ilíawt úsà ang mga kuniksiyun úsà suldáha, Lay the connections out in their proper disposition before you solder them.

líb v [A2] go on leave from a job. Mulíb siya usa ka simána antis manganak, She will take her maternity leave one week before she has her baby. matirniti — n maternity leave. sik — n sick leave.

líbà a 1 ignorant, lacking knowledge of certain ways. 1a disrupting by adding confusion to s.t. that is otherwise smooth and orderly. Ay nà siyag paintraha sa dráma kay líbà, Don’t assign him a role in the play because he is a great bungler. 2 acting in a socially unacceptable way so as to cause resentment. Líbà kaáyu nang maistráha, duha ray gipapasar, That teacher really has a lot of nerve. She failed the whole class except two. v 1 [B12; b6] be, become ignorant, lacking in knowledge of certain ways. Malíbà ka sa bag-ung dapit, If you go to a new place, you will be ignorant of how things are there. 2 [A; a12] fool, pull a trick on s.o. Nakalíbà silag duha ka sapíang Insik, They swindled two rich Chinese. Malíbà kahà nà siya sa baráha? Can anyone pull one over on him in cards?

líbad pa it’s the same thing, it’s just as good. Samu lang ug di ku makaadtu sa parti. Tutal muadtu man ang ákung páris. Líbad pa, Never mind if I can’t attend the party. Anyway my husband will attend. That’s just as good. Dílì na ku makahuwat sa ímung bána. Líbad pa ug ikawy ákung tagáan sa kwarta? I can’t wait for your husband any longer. Wouldn’t it be the same thing if I gave the money to you? Bisag ása sa duha. Líbad pa, Either one of the two. It’s all the same. [599]

libadúra n leaven. Pán nga way libadúra, Unleavened bread.

libagbag = *alibagbag.

libaghà v [A2N; b4N] 1 develop a rash on the skin. Nanglibaghà (gipanglibagháan) ákung pánit human nákug káun ug bulad, I broke out in a rash after I ate dried fish. 2 for an emotion to show itself to a great degree. Sa íyang nawung nilibaghà ang kalísang, A look of terror erupted on her face. n rash on the skin.

libak v [AN; a1] backbite, say bad things about s.o. when his back is turned or cannot understand them. Maáyung mudáyig sa atubángan, manlibak sa luyu, She says nice things to your face, but turn your back, and you’ll get it. pa- v [A; ac] allow s.o. to backbite. walà, dílì pa- appear right after being spoken about. Walà palibak si Duruy ug nakaabut sa ámung ínum, Talk about the devil and there he is — Doroy arrived at our drinking session just as we were discussing him. n backbiting. -iru(←), maN-r-(←), ma-un(←) a given to backbiting. v [B12] be, become fond of backbiting. -ira(←) = -iru(←) (female).

libákag v [A2] stand up on its ends. Mulibákag ang ákung balhíbu kung makadungug kug irù nga mag-ulang, My hair stands on end whenever I hear a dog howling. Milibákag ang ákung dalunggan sa pagkadungug ku sa íyang ísug nga sinultihan, My ears perked up when I heard her commanding voice.

liban v [B126] 1 overlook s.t. inadvertently. Naliban ku sa pagsukip sa kwarta, I forgot to include the money in the letter. 2 be preoccupied and fail to notice s.t. Naliban ku, wà ku kamatngun pag-ági níya, I was preoccupied. I didn’t notice her going by.

libang1 n activities or chores to keep one busy. Dì ku makaatiman niánà kay daghan kug libang sa panimalay, I have no time to take care of that because I have lots of chores to keep me busy at home. a having many things to attend to. Libang siya kaáyu mau nga labihan kalimtánun, She has so many things to attend to, she tends to forget details. v [B12; b3(1)] be busy attending to s.t.

*libang2 v [B125] defecate. Nalibang (mikalibang) ku hasta kalima kay naghibús ku, I defecated five times because I had LBM. — ang bàbà [A] vomit (humorous and coarse). ka- v [A; c] defecate, move one’s bowels. Gikalibangan sa bátà ang íyang karsúnis, The child defecated in his pants. Gikalibang nákù ang lísu sa santul, I expelled santol seeds when I defecated. ka- ang bàbà [B1236] vomit (humorous and coarse). ka-(←) v [B146] have diarrhea. n diarrhea. Kalíbang ang namatyan sa bátà, The child died of diarrhea. súka ka-(←) n vomiting combined with diarrhea. ka-an(←) n toilet. kina- n stools. ka-un a feel like defecating.

libanta v 1 [B36; b3(1)c1] for a dog’s ears to prick up in alertness. Mulibanta dáyun ang ámung irù ug náay kasíkas, Our dog pricks up his ears when there is a slight noise. sinta — see sinta.

libas = alabíhid.

libat a cross-eyed. v [B12; b6] become cross-eyed. Nalibat ang bátà kay nahagbung, The child became cross-eyed because he had a fall. (←) v 1 [B12; a2] cross one’s eyes. Nalíbat siya pagkaigù sa ákung kúmù, His eyes went to the center of his head when I hit him with my fist. Libáta ímung mata arun ang mga bátà mangatáwa, Cross your eyes to make the children laugh. 2 [B12] look at s.t. so hard one gets cross-eyed. Nalíbat kug pangítà nímu, I got cross-eyed looking for you. Ang kadaghan sa gwápa nakalíbat (nakapalíbat) nákù, I got cross-eyed looking at the pretty girls.

libaung n potholes in a road. v [B12] get potholes in it. Malibaung ang dálan ug muulan, The road gets potholes in it when it rains. ka-(←) v [A13] be full of potholes. -un a having potholes.

libayan n k.o. fish.

libgaw n small anchovy, a kind of bulinaw: Stolephorus commersonii.

libgus n k.o. edible mushroom growing to a height of 3″–4″, having a conical pileus around 2″ in diameter, usually gray in hue and somewhat darker at the center. It is a good deal thinner than the úhung and thicker than the uwáping.

libiláwu = nibiláwu. see nibil.

libílu n libel.

libinta v [B2] for s.t. to give way because what is in it is too big for it. Nilibinta ang sáku kay gidasuk ug maáyu ang sulud, The sack ripped open because the contents were stuffed in too tight.

libintadur n firecrackers.

libiral1 a 1 liberal, generous. Ang pilantrupu libiral kaáyu nga muhátag, A philanthropist gives liberally. 2 permissive, not strict. Libiral kaáyu nang amahána nga mudala sa ílang mga anak, That father is very liberal in bringing up his children. v [B12; b6] be, become generous or permissive.

libiral2 n Liberal, member of the Liberal Party. partídu — the Liberal Party. v [B156] [600]become a Liberal. Ang Nasyunalista nga mayur naglibiral na, The mayor, who was a Nacionalista, has crossed over to the Liberal party.

libirasiyun, libirisyun n the period following the ouster of the Japanese and the achieving of independence (end of 1944–1946). v [B1256] be the liberation time.

libirtǎd n freedom. Ang ákung bátà way libirtǎd sa pagpílì sa íyang gustu, She has no freedom to choose what she wants.

libítus = lubítus.

libkas v 1 [APB3(1)] for a trap to spring, for s.t. held back to be released suddenly; cause it to do so. Milibkas na ang pas-ung, tingáli nakakuhà, The trap sprung. Maybe it has caught s.t. Milibkas ang kabli dihang napalus sa ligid, The cable lashed out when it slipped off the wheel. Hilibkasan ka bayà ánang bawug, The spring pole might snap back on you. 1a slip off under weight. Ayúhag bángil ang tiil arun dì makalibkas, Put the support under the leg carefully so that it won’t slip off. 2 [B3] for s.t. to slip inadvertently out of the mouth. Nalibkas sa bàbà ang tinúud, maung nahibaw-an sa tanan, The truth inadvertently slipped out of my mouth so that everyone found out. 3 [A23] appear, occur all of a sudden. Usa ka pahiyum milibkas sa íyang nawung, A smile lit his face. Nakapaúlì siya sa wà pa mulibkas ang gúbat, He had a chance to go home before the war suddenly broke out. pa- n slingshot.

libra1 n pound, a unit of weight. Napúlù ka libra, Ten pounds. -s = libra (plural). Diyis libras, Ten pounds.

libra2 n the Libra in the horoscope.

libri1 a 1 free, not restricted. Libri na ang binilanggù, The prisoner is free. Way pugsanay, libri sa gustu ang táwu, There’s no forcing. Each man is free to do as he wishes. 2 without cost or payment. Libri ang íyang káun, libri siya sa káun, He gets his meals free. 3 having clearance for passage. Inig-ági sa trák sa gawang, tan-áwa ug libri ba ang kílid, When the truck passes through the gate, see if both sides have clearance. 4 safe from destruction. Libri na ang giupirahan, The patient who was operated on is safe. v [A; a1] 1 give s.o. free use of s.t. by paying for him or not obliging him to pay. Íya kung libríhun sa pasáhi, She is going to pay for my fare. Nalíbri ku sa plíti, I got to ride free. 2 save from s.t. bad. Ang balanghuy makalibri sa gútum, Cassava can save you from starvation. — kumída, pasáhi n free meal(s), free passage. Libri pasáhi ka sa barku kay díay rikumindasiyun iadtu sa kapitan, You get free passage on the boat because I have a recommendation for you to give to the captain. librilibri n a k.o. kick-the-can game. v [A12C; b(1)] play kick-the-can. librihay, librihánay v [C13] do s.t., each man for himself. Maglibrihay (maglibrihánay) tag plíti, Let’s each pay his own fare.

libri2 humorous expression uttered upon hearing s.o. clearing his throat: ‘spit it out’.

libriríya n library.

libríta = librítu, 2.

librítu n 1 a small book containing magical prayers (urasiyun) which comes into a person’s possession through the agency of a supernatural force. The uttering of the prayers by the owner of the book is thought to have special healing or protective powers. 2 any small booklet. — sa bangku n bank-*book. — sa tíkit n book of tickets.

libru n 1 book. 2 subject one is enrolled in. Tulu na lang ka libru ang íyang kúlang pára nga makagraduwar siya, He lacks three courses to graduate. 3 accounts. tinidur di- bookkeeper. v [A; a12] bind into books. librulibru = mandunggu.

líbu1 n one thousand. v 1 [B256] be a thousand. Mulíbu na run ang sáka sa lubi, The coconut trees now yield one thousand nuts. 2 [c1] do by the thousand. Libúhun (ilíbu) ni nákù pag-ihap, I’ll count these by the thousands. libulíbu thousands and thousands. -in-(→), ni-(→) n by the thousand. Linibu ang ílang gastu matag búlan, They spend by the thousands every month. v [c1] do by the thousands. kalibúan n thousands. Kalibúan ang íyang gitabángan, He has helped thousands of people. libúhay n 1 about a thousand. Libúhay ra ang íyang nagastu, He spent about a thousand. 2 thousands of. Libúhay ka mga túig, Thousands of years.

líbu2 n carry a number in addition. Singku imas utsu, trísi, líbu únu, Five and eight is thirteen, carry your one. v [c6] carry a number. Ug pilay ímung ilíbu isulat sa ibabaw sa numiru nga nagsunud, Write the number you carry above the next column.

líbud v 1 [A; a] go around a place. Libúra úsà ang abúhan únà ka mulíbud sa kalibútan, Don’t tell me you’re going around the world. You haven’t even gone in back of your stove! 2 [A; ac] go, bring around to several places. Ang bangkadur mauy mulíbud sa baráha, The dealer will distribute the cards. Libúrun ku ang mga saup arun patambúngun sa míting, I will go around to all the tenants to have them attend the meeting. [601]Mani ang ákung ilíbud ugmà, I’ll go around selling peanuts tomorrow. 3 [B12] get to be round about. a round about. Líbud na kaáyu ug muhapit pa mi sa inyu, It will be a very long way out of the way if we go by your place first. n 1 church procession. 2 round in games. (→) = líbud, a. (→)suruy n tramp, one who wanders from place to place with no particular course or destination. v [B1; b6] become a roamer. Maglibud suruy na lang ku ug wà na kuy trabáhu, I’ll just become a tramp when I have no more work. libudlíbud v [A; b6] roam around aimlessly.

líbug v 1 [A1B1; a2b3(1)] confuse, be confused. Naglíbug kug diin nákù ikabutang ang kwintas, I’m at a loss to figure out where I could have put my necklace. Ay kug tudlúi. Naglíbug ka lang nákù, Don’t try to teach me. You are just confusing me. 2 [AP; a2b3(1)] cause s.o. to go crazy through supernatural means or from natural causes. Ang mga kalakíhan makamaung mulíbug (mupalíbug) sa úlu sa táwu, People who possess supernatural powers can make people insane. 3 [A; a1b8] make the rounds, attending to each and every member of a group or assemblage. Akuy naglíbug ug kík sa mga bisíta, I was the one who passed the cake around to the visitors. Libúga (libga) pagpangutána ang tanang mitambung sa míting, Ask each and every one who attended the meeting. a perplexing. Líbug kaáyu ning prublimáha, This is a perplexing problem. (→) n 1 fuss or ado about s.t. Way daghang libug mikúut siyag kwarta unyà gibayran ang manunúkut, Without much ado he took the money out of his pocket and paid the bill collector. 2 be of mixed blood. Libug kining batáa. Ang amahan Pilipínu ug ang ínahan Amirkána, This child is of mixed blood. The father is a Filipino and the mother an American. -an(→), libgánun a prone to get confused. Libugan (libgánun) kaáyu siya kay húmuk ra mawálà bisan sa kinasayunang iksplikasiyun, She easily gets confused because she gets lost with the easiest of explanations. -ay(→) n k.o. work bee wherein the members work for each other in turn and each member repays the people who worked for him with an equivalent amount of work. v [C] hold this sort of work bee. ka- n confusion. ka-an, ka-an(→) n a crossbreed or person of mixed blood. Ang anay pulantsína ug ang butakal dyirsi. Ang mga baktin kalibugan na, The sow is a Poland China variety and the boar a Jersey. The offspring are a crossbreed. v [B126; a2] become a crossbreed. maka-r- a causing confusion.

lib-ug n pool in the tidal flat, left when the tide goes out.

libun1 n tick. v [A123P; a4] get infested with ticks.

libun2, líbun1 a solid, not hollow. Líbun ang ligid sa íyang bisiklíta, His bicycle has solid rubber wheels. v 1 [B1256; a] be solid. 2 [B1256] for a boil not to come to a head. Nalíbun ning hubága maung nagngutngut, This boil hasn’t come to a head; that’s why it aches. 3 [AN; a12] in a game of sungkà: to take all of one’s partner’s stones without giving the opponent a chance to take his turn. Sayun ang maglíbun ug tuluy sunug, It is easy to get all of your opponent’s stones when he has three empty holes.

líbun2 n thicket. v 1 [B] become a thicket. Mulibun (malibun) pagbálik ang kaíngin nga byáan, The abandoned clearing will revert to a thicket. 2 [A; c] reforest with small trees or shrubbery. Byatilis mauy maáyung ilíbun sa mga yútà nga dagul, Ipil-ipil is suitable for reforesting infertile lands. ka-an(→) = líbun, n, v1.

líbur n amount paid for the labor on a piece of work. Mugastu ka sa mga matiryális lang. Walay lábut sa líbur, Your only costs will be the materials. The labor is free. — dí n Labor Day. — yunyun n labor union.

libúrus v [B2S3(1); b6] have rashes or hives. Milibúrus ang ákung buktun sa pinaakan sa mga namuk, My arms are covered with rash from the mosquito bites. Til-as ang nakalibúrus (nakapalibúrus) sa ákung nawung, The hairs of the caterpillar caused my face to break out.

líbut1 v 1 [A; a12] go, bring, put s.t. around a place. Mulíbut siya sa punúan sa káhuy, He’ll go around the tree. Siyay milíbut ug batu sa mga tanum, She put stones around each plant. Libúta ang pusti makalima, dì ka ba malílung, Go around the post five times. See if you don’t get dizzy. Ákù siyang ilíbut sa syudad, I’ll take her around the city. 2 [A2S; b6(1)] surround. Dì makalíbut ning tirása sa líab, This lace isn’t enough to go all around the neckline. Gilibútan ang mga sundáwu sa mga kaáway, The soldiers were surrounded by the enemies. n action of going around. — sa around. Mudágan ku líbut sa plása, I’ll run around the plaza. pa- n surroundings. Limpiyu kaáyu ang inyung palíbut, Your surroundings are very clean. ka-an n 1 the world, the earth. 1a láing ka-an the next world. 2 sexual activity (euphemism). Ayaw mu pagpalábi [602]sa kalibútan, Don’t indulge in sexual activity too much. ka-ánun worldly. Kalibutánung mga kalípay, Worldly pleasures.

*líbut2 unsay ka-an [gen.] what does [gen.] know about it? Unsay kalibútan ku kun diin ka paingun? How would I know where you went to? walay ka-an 1 unconscious. Gidá siya sa uspital nga way kalibútan, They brought her to the hospital unconscious. 2 unaware. Way kalibútan ang ákung gipangulitawhan nga minyù na ku, The girl I’m courting has no idea I’m married.

libutug n small bulge, swelling. v [B; b4] swell, bulge. Mulibutug ang pinaakan sa lamuk ug kalútun, Mosquito bites swell if you scratch them.

libúu n k.o. edible clam which buries itself into the mud of mangrove swamps. It has a thin, greyish shell, growing to 3″.

líbuy n 1 handle of a plow. 2 penis (humorous euphemism). v [A13; a] put, use as a plough.

libwas v [A; b] 1 put a new roof on a house. Íyang gilibwásan ang tanang atup nga dáan, He replaced all the old roofing. 1a replace anything. Maáyung malibwásan mu ang ímung kinaíya, You had better change your ways. 2 [B126] for one’s savings to be used up (lit. get to the stage that it must be replenished). Nalibwas ang tanan kung tinagúan karung Paskúha, Christmas ate up all of our savings. -únun a needing a change of roof. 3 [B; b] for one generation to replace another. Maglibwas ang táwu sa kalibútan, A new generation will replace the old generation of people in the world. libwaslibwas v [A13; b] do s.t. several times. Walà pa giyud ka mabusug nga naglibwaslibwas man kag káun? Haven’t you gotten your fill? You have eaten several times.

líd1 n 1 lead guitar. 2 music performed by the lead guitar. v [A; b6(1)] play the lead guitar in a combo performance. — gitar = líd, n1.

líd2 n lead-projectile of a bullet.

lidgid v 1 [A; a] grate. Lidgíra ang kamúti, Grate the sweet potatoes. 2 [A; a] make the delicacy called lidgid. n sweet made of a mixture of finely grated cassava or sweet potato mixed with grated young coconut and sugar which is rolled, wrapped in banana leaves, and boiled. ni-, -in- = lidgid. lidgiran, lidgíran, lidgiránan n grater.

lidibag n k.o. ladybug commonly found on squash plants.

lídir1 n 1 ward-leader or other person who can command a block of votes. 2 leader of a group. v [B156; c1] be, become a political leader. -atu(←) n political leadership. Kusgánun ang lidirátu ni Duránu sa Sugbu, Durano has strong political influence in Cebu.

lídir2 n a go-between or one who is the bearer of communications between lovers. v [B156; b8] make s.o. a go-between between lovers.

lidirátu see lídir1.

*lídis — dringk n a drink with only a small amount or no liquor for ladies to drink at a party. — diyis n a dance number where the ladies choose the men and the men have to pay ten centavos per dance, which goes to charity. v [A1; c1] make a dance number, one where the men have to pay ten cents. — tsuys ladies’-choice-dance number where the girls choose the partners. v [A1; c1] make a number a ladies’ choice.

lidlid = lidgid.

liga, líga1 n s.t. added to s.t. to enhance its quality. Táyid nga may ligang anyil, Detergent with bluing added. v [A; c] 1 put an addition to s.t. Ligahi ug suwà ang lána, Put citrus juice into the coconut oil. 2 adulterate. Giligáhan ang tablíyag mani, They adulterated the unsweetened chocolate with roasted peanuts. — puul a being enough to give one his fill until he tires of it. Líga puul giyud ang súruy rung bakasiyun, When I get my vacation I’m going to roam about until I get sick of it.

líga2 n tournament. Líga sa baskitbul, Basketball tournament. v [A13] hold a tournament.

líga3 n The League of Nations.

lígad1 v [A2S; c6] for people or animals to lie down. Ayaw ilígad ang ímung igsilimba, Do not lie in your Sunday clothes.

lígad2 v [A2S; b5] pass, pass by, go by. Wà kay gibúhat samtang nagligad ang úras? You did nothing as the time went by? Dì mu makalígad sa Argaw kun muadtu mu sa Baríli, You do not go by Argao when you go to Barili. Ligárun (ligáran) ta nang buntúra, We will go beyond that mountain. (→) a afternoon, the time after the sun has passed the zenith until sunset. n crops that are left over after the harvest. Nanghagdaw silag mga ligad sa mais, They are gleaning the few ears of corn that were missed in the harvest. (→) sa kasarángan excessively, more than normal. Ligad sa kasarángan ang ímung pag-inum, You drink excessively.

ligadíra = rigadíra.

ligal a legal, within the law. -idad n 1 legality, lawfulness. Ang ligalidad sa ámut mauy ámung gilalísan, The legality of the contribution [603]was what we were arguing about. 2 the legal point in contention. Ang ligalidad nga gikagubtan nagagikan sa pagsabut sa púlung ‘dupa’, The legal point that is in contention lies in the interpretation of the word ‘fathom’. †

ligas v [B256; b4(1)] 1 for s.t. to slip off of what it is placed on or for one’s footing to slip. Bangíla ug maáyu ang tiil sa lamísa arun dílì muligas (maligas), Wedge the table leg carefully so it won’t slip off. Naligas ang ákung tiil sa hakhak, My foot slipped out of the notch in the coconut tree. 2 commit a mistake. Muligas (maligas) ka lang ug kas-a, itsapuyra dáyun ka, If you make a single mistake, you will be fired at once. Naligas ang ákung bàbà pagtug-an, The truth slipped out of my mouth. 3 fail, be unsuccessful. Sáyang, miligas ang átung plánu, Too bad. Our plan failed. 4 be past the high noon mark. Musúgud ta pagtrabáhu sa dílì pa muligas (maligas) ang adlaw, We will start work before the sun gets past high noon. a 1 be past the zenith. Ligas na ang bulan. Kay daktul, saylu na sa tungang gabíi, The moon is past the zenith, and since it is full moon, it must be past midnight. 2 for a pig to be below the accepted standard weight (forty kilos) for wholesale shipment. (←) v 1 [A13; b] miss a number or proportion by a small amount. Ug maglígas ang ímung timpla sa abúnu mamatay ang tanum, If your fertilizer is not mixed in the right proportions, the plant will die. Ang madaúgun nga tíkit ug ang ákù naglígas ug duha ka numiru, My ticket was only two numbers off of the winning number. 2 [b3(1)] have differences over s.t. Gamay ra gud nang inyung gikaligásan, sultíhun lang gud nà, You are having a quarrel over such a small thing. You should talk it out. pa- v [A; a12] look for errors s.o. has made to justify harsh action against him. Gipaligas ka lang sa ímung manidyǐr arun maháwà ka, The manager is just waiting for you to slip so he can fire you. pa-(←) v [A; b] provoke s.o. to provide the excuse to beat him up. -an(←) n the amount or extent to which one thing differs from another.

lígas n garter to hold the stockings up.

ligásun n ribs in a boat frame to which the boards or steelplates which form the hull covering are attached.

ligaw v [A12; b8] do s.t. right by accident. Nakaligaw ku ug bungat sa hustung tubag, I happened to hit on the correct answer. Nakaligaw ku sa hustung timpla, I hit on the right mixture.

ligay n swollen lymph node. v [B46; b4] get swollen lymph nodes. Giligayan ku kay giansúyan ang ákung tunuk, I have swollen lymph glands because my wound got infected.

ligdas v [A3] 1 lie any old place to sleep. Nagligdas sa dálan ang hubug, The drunk was lying in the road. 2 die. Muligdas mug way tawutáwug ikakuntra ninyu ang taga Pásil, You’ll be killed without even anybody knowing who did it if you make enemies with people from Pasil.

ligdung a 1 upright. Ligdung kaáyu siya sa íyang trabáhu. Dì manáwat ug suburnu, He is very upright in his work. He won’t accept bribes. 2 keeping in one’s place, proper and refined in deportment. Usa siya ka táwu nga ligdung ug dílì maakuakuhun, He keeps in his place and is not presumptuous. 3 serene in demeanor, but dignified and reserved. Ligdung kaáyu siyang manubagtubag, She answers with very dignified reserve. v [B1; a12] be upright, refined, and stay in one’s place. ka- n doing what is proper to one’s station. Ipakítang ímung kaligdung; pangáyug katahúran, ayaw ipabundak ang ngálan sa ímung isigkatáwu, ayawg tubagtubag sa mga tigúlang, Show you know how to behave: greet people, don’t address people without using a title, don’t talk back to old people.

lighut (from lihut) v [A13; b6] sneak out, leave surreptitiously. Mulighut ta sa klási, Let’s sneak out of the class. Milighut siya ug sakay sa ayruplánu, He boarded the plane surreptitiously. Mag-ábut nyà ta ug makalighut ku sa ámù, I’ll see you later if I can sneak out of the house.

lígid v 1 [APB2S6; c1] roll, roll s.t. Si Pidru mauy mulígid (mupalígid) sa búla, Pedro will roll the ball. Lígid dáyun ug masúnug ang sinínà, Roll (on the ground) if your clothes are afire. Ligírun (ligdun, ilígid) ku kanà kay nakaáli sa ákung agiánan, I will roll it out of the way. 1a [A23] for days, years, etc. to roll by (literary). Túling milígid ang katuígan, Years rolled by swiftly. 1b [A] throw a tantrum by rolling on the floor. Ngánung milígid ang bátà? Unsa na puy íyang gustu? Why is the child throwing a tantrum? What does he want now? 2 [A] lie down. Mulígid siya dáyun igkahumag káun, He lies down as soon as he finishes eating. 2a — sa banig be bedridden. Tulu na ka túig siya nga naglígid sa banig, She has been bedridden for three years. 3 [A; b6] wallow. Ang kábaw sa panahun sa ting-init mulígid sa tunaan, On hot days the carabao wallows [604]in the pond. Kanang daginutána naglígid sa bahandì, That miser is wallowing in riches. Naglígid siya sa kasal-ánan, She is sinking deep in sin. 4 [A; a1] do s.t. to s.o. mercilessly without letup. Gilígid kug pangutána sa abugádu, The lawyer cross-examined me. Ang asáwa gilígid ug hawuk sa íyang bána, The husband smothered his wife with kisses. (→) n wheel. kaligiray v [A13] roll around. Nagkaligiray si Duman sa túmang kasakit, Duman rolled around in intense pain. kaligiran v [A13] roll head over heels. Nagkaligiran ang táwung nadakin-as sa bakilid, The man slipped on the slope and tumbled down head over heels. pa- n hoop to play with.

ligingliging v [B1456] be bulging all over from obesity. Si Áyik Lusáda nagligingliging sa katambuk, Ike Lozada is bulging all over from obesity.

lígings n leggings worn with riding pants. v [A13] 1 wear leggings. 2 wear stockings (humorous).

ligis v 1 [A; a] flatten or mash s.t. into powder by pressing s.t. heavy on it. Ligisa (ligsa) ang asin ug kutsára, Pulverize the rock salt with a tablespoon. 2 [A; b2] for a vehicle to run over s.t. Dariyut ku maligsi sa taksi, The taxi nearly ran me over. n pestle, rolling pin, or anything else used for crushing things into fine particles. ligsanan n s.t. on which s.t. is crushed.

ligitlígit v [A13; a12] knead, roll into a ball with the thumb and forefinger. Naghunàhúnà siya samtang nagligitlígit sa íyang búngut, As he was thinking, he twisted his beard with his fingers.

ligngin = língin (plural).

ligpit v 1 [A; b6(1)] fasten s.t. temporarily by pressing it down with s.t. that holds it in place. Bungbung amákang giligpítag dus pur dus, Sawali walling that was held in place by two-by-two’s. Ligpíti ug kumpit ang mga hinayhay, Clip the wash with clothespins. 2 [A; b2] press down on s.t. Hiligpitan ang ákung tudlù sa sira, My finger was caught in the door shutter. Bug-at nga batu ang iligpit sa binanggud balanghuy, Use a heavy stone to press out the juice of the grated cassava. 3 put pressure on s.o. Gitug-an níya kay giligpítan siya sa pulis, He revealed the truth because the police pressured him. n 1 clip to fasten s.t. 2 s.t. used to press s.t. in place.

ligsì v [B26; a12] for bamboo to crack along the grain under pressure. Ayaw ug ibundak ang sag-ub kay muligsì (maligsì), Set the bamboo tube water container down gently so it doesn’t crack.

ligsik (from lisik) v 1 [B23(1)46] expel s.t. solid from within with a sudden force. Muligsik ang lísu sa nangkà ug hugtun paggúnit, The seed of the jackfruit will jump out if you grab the meat. 2 [B246] be wide-eyed with fear, amazement, surprise, etc. Miligsik ang mga mata sa táwu sa kahibúlung, The man’s eyes became wide with amazement.

ligtak v [B26C; a12P] for the skull to crack. Miligtak ang íyang úlu pagkabunsù sa simintu, He cracked his skull when he fell, striking his head on the cement. Ligtákun ku nang úlu mu, I’ll crack your skull wide open.

ligtì v [B26; a12] 1 for brittle things to crack due to sudden change of temperature. Ang básu muligtì ug butangan ug pinabúkal nga túbig, The tumbler will crack if you put boiling water in it. Miligtì ang sundang kay dì maáyung pagkasubu, The sword cracked because it was not well tempered. 2 [B26; a12] crack s.t. Ligtíun ku nang bagulbágul mu, I’ll crack your skull.

ligtik v [B26; a12] for s.t. to crack under pressure or sudden change of temperature. Muligtik nang ímung tiyan ug magpalábi kag káun, Your stomach will burst if you eat too much. Muligtik (maligtik) ang sag-ub ug ímung ipusdak, The bamboo water container will crack if you slam it down hard on the ground.

ligtiw v [B2346; b8] fly off to a distance. Naligtiwan ku sa aligatu sa nag-ismiril, The sparks flew off from the sharpening stone and hit me.

lígù (from dígù) v [A; a] 1 bathe s.o. Ang inahan naglígù sa bátà, The mother is bathing the baby. Ligúa ang irù. Bathe the dog. 2 [B123S56] take a bath, go swimming. Malígù (mukalígù) ta sa Talísay, We’ll go swimming at Talisay Beach. Dì ta makaligù kay way túbig, We cannot take a bath because there is no water. 2a [B1256] (in proverbs) do s.t. to a certain extent. Puslan mang malígù, manlúgud na lang giyud, Since we took it on, we might as well go through with it. (We’re bathing so we might as well rub the dirt off.) Puslan mang mahumud, malígù na lang, Since you took it on, you might as well go the whole hog. (Lit. You got wet, so you might as well bathe.) walay (→) a not having had a bath. Húgaw batáa. Way ligù, What a dirty child. He didn’t take a bath. ka- v 1 [A2; b6(1)] take a bath. Ayawg kaligúi ang banyu kay naistak-ap, Do not take a bath in the bathroom because it is plugged up. Ínit túbig ang ikalígù, Bathe with hot water. 1a [A123S] take a bath after being bedridden, and therefore be cured. Makabalik ka na sa trabáhu kay nakaligù [605](nakakaligù) na ka, You may go back to work because you are all better now. 2 [A123S] be wet all over, as in taking a bath. Nakaligù (nakakaligù) ang nangharánag íhì, The serenaders were bathed with urine. n action of taking a bath, going swimming. ka-an(→), ka-anan n place one bathes or goes swimming. †

lig-un a 1 strong, sturdy, durable. Lig-un kaáyu ning baláya kay walà matumba sa bagyu, This is a strong house because it was not blown down in the storm. Lig-un ning panaptúna, This is durable cloth. 2 firm in will or endurance. Dílì ni makapahílak níya kay lig-un siya ug balatían, You cannot make him cry with that because he is a strong child. Nagsáad siya sa lig-un nga dì na muusab, He firmly resolved never to do it again. 2a — ug kasingkásing a stouthearted. Ang táwung lig-un ug kasingkásing dílì daling mahadluk ug mawad-ag pagláum, A stouthearted man is not easily frightened nor easily discouraged. 3 strong, difficult to defeat. Lig-un nga tím sa baskitbul, A strong basketball team. way — a weak, not strong. Way lig-un ning báya kay gabuk na ug halígi, This house is not strong because it has weak posts. v [AB; a12] be, become strong, durable, sturdy; cause s.t. to become so. Lig-úna ang ímung kaugalíngun. Ayaw paghílak, Brace yourself. Don’t cry. ka- n strength, durability, firmness. ka-an n documents as evidence of a contract, agreement, and the like. Dúna kay kalig-únan báhin sa íyang útang? Do you have any evidence of her debt? Kining singsing kalig-únan sa ákung gugma nímu, This ring is a token of my love for you.

ligung = binga.

ligutgut = aligutgut.

liguy a trying to get out of work. Ang maistrang liguy muatúbang ug klási nga way lísun plan, The lazy teacher comes to class with no lesson plan. v 1 [B; b6] get out of work by being absent or simply not tending to it. Ug dúnay mga bug-at nga buluhatun, muliguy siya, When there are unpleasant things to do, he bugs out. 2 [A2; b6] play hooky. Muliguy ku sa klási kay mutan-aw kug sini, I will skip class to go to the movies. liguylíguy v [A; b(1)] 1 loaf on the job. Mauwaw kung muliguylíguy sa ákung trabáhu ug náa ang ákung ámu, I am ashamed to loaf on the job when my boss is around. 2 be absent from school every once in a while. ka- n being a bug-out.

ligwa n measurement of distance: a league.

ligwan n k.o. small wild honeybee, having black and light orange stripes, nesting inside trees or walls.

ligwat v [A; b6] pry s.t. off or open. Ligwáti lang ang kaban kay nasúd ang yáwi, Just pry the trunk open because the key is inside. Náay lansang sa bungbung muy iligwat sa pipsi, There’s a nail on the wall to open the Pepsi. n s.t. used to pry s.t. open. pa- ug sulti v [A; b] make nasty allusions about s.o. Pirmi siyang kakitag áway kay kusug mupaligwat ug sulti, She tends to pick quarrels because she tends to make nasty allusions.

líha v [A; b6] rub or smooth down s.t. with sandpaper or s.t. similar. Ikay mulíha sa tabla ug akuy mupintal, You sand the board, and I will paint it. n sandpaper or s.t. used like sandpaper. papil di- = líha.

lihang n 1 vertical space made when two long things are not placed closely. Ang tayùtù nakalusut sa lihang sa bungbung, The lizard went through the space between the parts of the walling. 2 the space between teeth that are set somewhat apart.

lihat v [B126] do s.t. inadvertently. Ang kadaghan sa pumapálit mauy makalihat (makapalihat) nákù sa pagpanuklì, I made mistakes in making change because there were so many customers. Nalihat ang pulis patrul sa kutsi nga ílang gisunud, The police patrol inadvertently lost track of the car they were following.

lihay, líhay v 1 [A2; c] dodge, evade a blow. Ilihay ang ímung nawung, ayawg atras, Pull your face away, but don’t back off. 2 [A2; b(1)] evade a question, wriggle out of s.t. Maáyu siyang mulihay ug pangutána kay abugádu man, He is good in evading questions because he is a lawyer. Dì ka na giyud makalihay ánang mga pruyba, There is no way you can wriggle out of it in the face of this evidence. 2a escape one’s obligations. Buluhatun nga íyang gilihayan, A job that he wriggled out of.

lihi v 1 [A; b] inaugurate s.t. with the proper ceremonies or magical ingredients. Maglihi sila sa iskuylahan, They will have the school blessed. Kámay mauy ilihi sa mag-anak, When a woman is in labor, give her brown sugar to insure that she will recover quickly. 1a bury s.t. with plants to insure a good harvest. Lihian ug tablíya ang tabákù arun lugum ug kulur ang dáhun, They plant chocolate together with tobacco seeds to assure that it will have dark-colored leaves. 1b begin the new year with a certain action which is believed will then endure for the rest of the year. Gilihian níla ang bag-ung túig ug áway, They began the new year with a [606]quarrel. 1c use s.t. for the first time following the proper prohibitions or injunctions. Lihian nátug simba ang bag-u nátung sapátus arun mulungtad, Let’s wear our new shoes to church so they will last. 2 [A1; b6(1)] crave s.t. in the first few months of pregnancy such that the appearance of the thing desired appears as a birthmark in the offspring. Kun maglihi kag asin, putì kunu ang ímung bátà, If you crave salt in your early months of pregnancy, your child will be white. 2a [b4] for a child to get the appearance of a certain thing his mother craved while she was conceiving him. Náay pula nga tap-ing sa íyang nawung kay gilihian siyag kundíman, He has a purple splotch on his cheek because his mother craved red cloth in her pregnancy. 2b [b4] get to have a certain characteristic by starting out in a certain way. Bag-ung túig gánì, sayug mata arun dì ka lìhan pagkahingatulug, Get up early on New Year’s day so you won’t get the characteristic of being a sleepyhead for the whole year. n 1 injunctions or prohibitions observed upon inaugurating s.t.; anything used as a magical means to insure success of s.t. inaugurated. Ang lihi sa pagtanum ug mangga, asúkar, They use sugar to plant with mangoes to insure sweet fruit. 2 birthmark which is thought invariably to be due to a mother’s cravings in her early stages of pregnancy. pistang ig-l-(←) n holiday of obligation in the Catholic Church.

lihíru 1 doing things with agility and rapidity. Lihíru siyang sugúun, When you tell him to do s.t. he does it quickly and without hesitation. Lihíru siyang mulálag banig, She’s quick in weaving mats. 2 ready to do s.t. Lihíru nga mangusì ning batáa sa íyang kadúlà, This child is quick to pinch his playmates. 3 skillful. Lihíru siyang mudúwag ahidris, He’s good in playing chess. 4 bright. Dakù siyag grádu kay lihíru man, He got high marks because he is intelligent. 4a smart, resourcefully shrewd. Dì kang kaliput ánang kumirsiyantíha kay lihíru nà, You can’t put one over on that shrewd businessman. 5 — ug kamut a light-fingered. Kinahanglang magbantay ang mga tindíra sa mga lihíru ug kamut, The salesgirls had better watch out for light-fingered customers. v [B125] get to be expeditious, skillful. Malihíru man lang ni si Puduy ug náay diyis, Podoy will move if he knows he can get a dime out of it.

lihisladur n legislator. v [B1456] be, become a legislator.

lihislatíbu n legislative.

lihislatúra n legislature.

lihiya, lihíya n lye: caustic soda or lye obtained from wood ashes. v [A; a2] make lye.

líhù v [A; c] guide s.o. while he urinates or defecates. Ang míd mauy mulíhù sa bátà sa bangkíyu, The maid makes the child sit on the potty. Ilíhù ang masakitun sa inudúru, Guide the patient while he goes to the toilet.

*lihug pa- 1 please. Palíhug, ikúhà akug túbig, Please, get me some water. 2 work bee in which people are not paid for their labor. v 1 [A; ac] ask s.o. to do s.t. as a favor without pay. Palihúgun ku siyag húlug ug suwat, I will ask him to do me the favor of mailing a letter. Dúna kuy ipalíhug nímu, I have a favor to ask of you. Ipalíhug kug kúhà ánà bisag wà kuy iháwun, Please do me the favor of getting it, even though I have no pig to roast (from the notion that people who are asked to do a big job without pay are generally given a good meal). 2 [AN] hold a work bee in which people work for free except for food and drinks. Mupalíhug (mamalíhug) kug paalsa sa ákung balay, I’m having a work bee to move my house. n 1 = -in-. 2 favor asked. pina- n persons requested to help.

líhuk v 1 [A2S] move. Búhì pa diay ang isdà kay naglihuk, The fish is still alive because it is moving. 1a [A; a12] cause s.t. to move. Kinsay naglíhuk sa hárì áring damahan? Who moved the king here on the checkerboard? 1b [A2; a12] betake oneself to do s.t. Dì mulíhuk ug dílì suburnúhan, They won’t make a move unless you bribe them. 2 [A2; b4] for a characteristic to make its appearance. Ug mukatursi anyus na ang láki, mulíhuk na ang gána, When a boy reaches fourteen years or so, he begins to feel his sexual drives. Milíhuk na pud ang túlis, Robbery cases are on the rise. Gilihúkan na pud siya sa íyang kabúang, His insanity is making its appearance again. n 1 action, deed. Katahápan ang íyang líhuk, His actions are arousing suspicion. 2 one’s turn to move a piece in a game. hínay ug — a 1 timid, lacking aggressiveness. Hínay nímug líhuk! Musugut na untà tu ug ímu pang giapríta, You sure don’t move! She would have accepted you had you pressed her. 2 slowpoke. Hínay bayà nímug líhuk, wà man nímu mahuman nga udtu na man, You sure are slow! You haven’t finished and it’s already noon! (→) n movement, stirring. Basta way irpákit, wà giyuy lihuk ang ayruplánu, As long as there are no air pockets the airplane will fly smoothly. a 1 always moving, [607]unstable. Lihuk kaáyung tabanúga, An unstable kite. Lihuk nga bátà, A restless child. 2 for women to have excessive sexual desire. Ang mga babáying lihuk bísag minyù na, manguríbut pa giyud, Women who have excessive sexual desire fool around with men, even if they are married. v [B12; b6] be, become s.t. that moves around too much or a woman of excessive desires. pa- v [A23; a12] set s.t. into motion. Ubang pulitiku mupalíhuk dáyun sa ubras publikas sa panahun sa piliay, Some politicians will set public works projects into motion during elections. hag- v [B1256] be able to move. Pwirti nákung lisánga. Wà ku mahaglihuk, I was so frightened I couldn’t move. -an(→) a given to moving around, restless. Lihukan siyag kamut sa sinihan, He has wandering hands in the movie house. -in-an(→) n way one acts. ka-an n 1 activities. Unsay kalihúkan sa iskuylahan rung gabíi? What is going on in school this evening? Kalihúkang langyaw, Foreign affairs. 2 movement, organized activities to gain a certain objective. Kalihúkan sa pausbaw sa swildu, Movement to increase wages. ma-(→) = lihuk, a. paN- n 1 the way one carries himself. Mga babáying artipisyal ang panlíhuk, Women with artificial ways about them. 2 things to be done, chores to attend to. -un(→) = paN-, n2.

lihut v 1 [A2] take time out to do s.t. for a moment. Bisag daghang trabáhu, mulihut giyud siyag dúaw dinhi, In spite of all the things he has to attend to he still takes out time to come here. Makalihut pa giyud siyag suwat bísan ug bísi, She still found time to write to me even if she was busy. 2 [A2; c1] do s.t. secretly. Kun maúlaw kang hidunggan, lihuta (ilihut) lang pagsulti, If you are ashamed to let anyone hear it, just tell it secretly.

likag n k.o. ray.

likat v [b8] overlook or miss s.t. Nalikatan (hilikatan) níyag ihap ang usa ka libru, He overlooked one book in counting them.

likay v 1 [A; b6] avoid s.t., s.o.’s company. Mulikay siya sa buluhatun, He tries to avoid work. Maglikay ka sa sámuk, ha? You must keep away from trouble, understand? Likayi nang tawhána kay palaaway siya, Keep away from that man because he is quarrelsome. Dílì kalikayan ang sayup, You can’t avoid making some mistakes. 1a [a3] be delivered, safe from actual or feared evil. Mag-ampù ta básin ug malikay siya sa kadaútan, Let us pray and hope that he be kept safe from evil. 2 [A2; c] dodge s.t., duck out of the way. Walà ku makalikay sa íyang suntuk, I was not able to dodge his blows. Naglikay sa bága, nahasugba sa síga, Out of the frying pan, into the fire (lit. avoiding the coals, he got broiled in the fire).

likbung v [A; b6] put s.t. in the way to prevent passage. Ikaw bay naglikbung ug síya sa pultahan? Were you the one who placed a chair across the doorway? n anything placed across an opening or passageway to prevent passage.

likhad v [B3(1); b(1)] for the brim of s.t. stiff and woven to open out. Mulikhad (malikhad) ang daplin sa nígu ug wà pay liskug, The sides of a winnowing tray will come out open if there’s no ring to keep it in place.

likì1 v [B2] crack. Mulikì ang yútà ug dúgay nga ulanun, The earth cracks if there is no rain for a long time. Ang ínit makalikì (makapalikì) sa tabla, Heat can make boards crack. Ang lapalapa mulikì ug dílì sapatúsan, Your soles will crack if you don’t wear shoes. n crack. bibingka nga usa ray — female genitalia (humorous—lit. rice cake with a single crack). — sa kawáyan n of unknown origin. a illegitimate children. Kanang mga anak mung gíkan sa likì sa kawáyan, Those illegitimate children of yours (lit. who come from the cracks in bamboos). b appearing from nowhere. Mu ra mag gíkan sa likì sa kawáyan nang tawhána. Nikalit lag tunga dinhi, That man seems to have appeared out of nowhere. He just appeared in this place. a having a crack. Sugung nga likì, A bamboo container with a crack. (←) v [a12] do s.t. to s.o. intensely. Likíun (likiyun) kag búnal ni Pápa mu ug sakpan ka, Your father will beat you mercilessly if he catches you. pa- v [A; a] cause a crack or s.t. like a crack to appear s.w. Palikiun ku ang ákung hinápay, I’ll do my hair with a part (lit. cause my hairdo to have a crack). †

likì2 v [A12] take a liking to s.o. (humorous slang). Nakalikì siya sa íyang bag-ung silíngan, She took a liking to her new neighbor.

líkid v [A2] go around a winding path or road. Kun milíkid na gánì sila dílì na nímu sila makit-an, If they have already gone around the bend you won’t see them any more. Dúgay silang miabut sa ibabaw kay milíkid man sila, It took them long to reach the top because they took the winding path up.

likida, likidar v [A; a] liquidate, kill. Sinuhúlan ang milikidar sa kunggrisman, The congressman was killed by a hired goon.

líkids n leakage in a government examination, [608]where the answers are given to buyers. May líkids matag iksámin sa Síbil Sirbis, There is always a leakage every Civil Service exam. v [A12] obtain the answers in advance through leakage. Nakalíkids man maung nakapasar, He got the answers ahead, and that’s why he passed.

likidu n liquid, not solid.

líkin n 1 cigar made of finely crushed, roasted tobacco rolled in the lungbuy leaf or some other material formed into a tube. 2 the wrapper for this sort of cigar. v [A; a12] make, make into this sort of cigar. (→), -an, -an(→) = líkin, n2. -in- = líkin, n1.

líkis v 1 [A13B; c] be wound around, cause s.t. to do so. Didtuy dakung sawa nga naglíkis sa sanga, There was a big snake wound around the branch. Ilíkis ug hugut ang písì sa halígi, Wind the rope tightly around the post. 2 [A; c] put s.t. all around s.t. Akuy mulíkis aring mga batu líbut sa punúan sa tanum, I’ll put these stones around the base of the plants. -an(→) n the beam at the far end of the loom around which the warp threads are wound.

líkit v [A; a12] roll s.t. flat into a tight tube, or turn a tube to wind s.t. around it. Maglíkit kug mga papil pára sa rípa, I will roll pieces of paper up for the raffle. Likta ug maáyu ang ímung tinustus arun dílì muhungaw, Roll your cigar tightly so it will draw in air well. n tight roll. Usa ka líkit nga kwarta, A roll of paper bills. -in- = líkit, n.

liklik v [A2N] go along the edges of s.t. or round about, not straight across or in the center. Nangliklik ku sa asíras kay nag-ulan, I walked along the sidewalk (rather than in the street) because it was raining. Mangliklik lang ta kay náay daghang buguy dihà sa agiánan, Let’s go around because there are lots of toughs on the road.

likmù v 1 [A; c] conceal s.t. so others will not know it. Ilikmù nákù ang ákung daug, I’ll conceal the fact that I won. Likmúi ang inahan nga namatay ang íyang anak, Keep it hidden from the mother that her son died. 2 [A; a2] cheat s.o. by withholding part of the amount or number to be handed in. Likmúun nákù ang katungà sa hálin, I’ll keep half of the proceeds to myself.

liksi v [A2] jump up or aside, usually by reflex action in fright or to avoid danger. Miliksi siya sa kakurat, He jumped back with fright. liksiliksi v [A; b6] jump about violently. Paknga ang isdà arun dílì muliksiliksi sulud sa baskit, Knock the fish on the head so they won’t thrash around in the basket.

liksiyun n 1 lesson in school. 2 object lesson, an event or experience that should teach one to do s.t. differently. Kadtung baháa liksiyun nátù báhin sa pagpanagag káhuy, That flood should be a lesson to us with regards to deforestation. v 1 [A; a12] assign, study a lesson. Akuy muliksiyun ninyu run báhin sa paghúbad, I will give you a translation exercise today. Nagliksiyun mi báhin sa birbu, We were having our lesson on verbs. 2 [A12; a12] make s.o. know the disagreeable consequence of an act. Liksiyunun ta ka sa ímung binúang, I will discipline you because of your foolishness.

liktyur n 1 lecture. 2 scolding (humorous slang). v [A; b6] 1 give a lecture. 2 scold. Sa sayu sa buntag nagliktyur na siya sa íyang mga suluguun, It’s early in the morning, but she is already reading her servants a lecture.

likù, líkù v 1 [A2; c] turn, change directions. Mulikù ka sa wala padúlung sa pantalan, Turn left towards the wharf. Ilíkù ang dyíp dihang iskináha, Turn the jeep at the corner. 2 [AB6; c1] bend, be wound around. Nakalikù siya sa bakus sa líug sa irù, She managed to get the belt around the dog’s neck. Kining karsadáha naglikù sa bungtud, This road encircles the hill. (←) v [B; c1] for a way to be, become round about. Mulíkù ang átung pagkaági ug manúbay ta sa karsáda, Our way will be round about if we follow the road. a round about way. (→) n a bent pipe for channelling gas in a lantern. likùlíkù a 1 zigzagging. 2 not direct to the point, beating around the bush. v 1 [B456] be, become zigzagging. Mupahínay ka ug mulikùlíkù ang karsáda, Slow down if the road starts to zigzag. 2 [A; c1] beat around the bush. Sultíhi ku sa inyung túyù. Ay na lag ilikùlíkù (likùlikúa), Tell me what it is you want. Don’t hem and haw. n action of beating around the bush. Sa way daghang likùlíkù mipadayag siya sa íyang túyù, Without beating around the bush, he disclosed his intentions. likùlikuan a one who is inconsistent in what he says, unreliable. Dílì kasalígan ang táwung likùlikuan, A person who doesn’t say the same thing twice can’t be trusted. v [B12] become inconsistent and unreliable. -an(→), -anan n 1 curve, bend of a road. Náa ang íla sa may likúan, Their place is near where the bend is. 2 place one turns off.

likub v [A; b6(1)] place or put s.t. in the middle or across a path to prevent or obstruct passage. Akuy mulikub ug batu áning agianána, bir ug kinsay muyawyaw, I will [609]put a rock in the middle of this pathway. Let’s see who dares complain. Ang kanal nalikban ug sagbut, The ditch was blocked with trash. n anything in the way to obstruct passage.

likud 1 behind, at the back of. Ang ámung balay náa sa likud sa simbahan, Our house is behind the church. Didtu siya maglingkud sa likud sa trák, He sat in the back of the bus. 1a one’s back. Palíhug kalúta ang ákung likud, Please scratch my back. 2 coming after. Likud sa íyang mga pag-antus miabut ang kalampúsan, On the heels of his sufferings came success. 3 coexistent with but not readily apparent. Likud sa íyang pahiyum nag-umidu ang kayugut, There is a seething rancor behind her smile. Didtuy mistiryu nga nahitágù sa likud sa kangitngit, There was s.t. mysterious hidden in the midst of the darkness. v [AN; c1] betray, turn one over to his enemies. Gilikud si Taruk sa íyang sákup ngadtu sa Písi, Taruc’s men betrayed him to the P.C. likuran n place in back of s.t. likudlíkud n eve before a wedding. Mikalit lang siyag kahánaw sa likudlíkud sa íyang kasal, He suddenly disappeared on the eve of his wedding.

likug v [AB; c1] for s.t. long and thin to get crooked or curled. Gilikug níla ang alambri sa punúan sa káhuy, They tied the wire around the trunk of the tree. a crooked, not straight. Dì na magámit ang rúlir, kay likug na, We can’t use the ruler because it is bent.

likulikuhan = likùlikuan. see likù.

likung, líkung v [A; c1] make into a circle, coil. Likúngun (ilíkung) ku ning alambri, I will coil up the wire into a circular loop. n s.t. fashioned into a coil, loop. Dúnay líkung nga gipátung níya sa íyang úlu silbing hapin sa íyang lukdúun, She has a piece of cloth rolled into a coil which she placed on her head to cushion what she is going to carry. Kuháang likung kay maghulahup ku, Get me a hoop. I’m going to play hulahoop.

likup, líkup v [A2S; a] surround, enclose. Ang mga kaáway milíkup sa ílang kampu, The enemies surrounded their camp. Daghang mistiryu ang naglikup niíning hitabúa, The event is shrouded in mystery. Likpa (likupa, palikpi) ug kural ang balay, Build a fence around the house. (→) n distance or measurement around s.t. ka-an, pa- n surroundings, environs.

lik-up v [A; b6(1)] close, cover a passage. Dì mu makalik-up ning dalána kay agiánan man ni sa publiku, You can’t block this road because this is a public thoroughfare. Ákung gilik-úpan ang sapà arun muhubas ang ubus, I’m damming up the brook so that the area below will dry up.

likuplikup n a climbing vine with whitish-yellow flowers and round, smooth leaves, belonging to the family Dischidia.

líkus v [A; c] be coiled around s.t. Sawa nga nagalíkus sa sanga, A snake coiled around the branch. Milíkus sa payag ang mga sundálu, The soldiers surrounded the hut. Dúnay paril nga naglíkus sa simbahan, There is a stone wall that is surrounding the church. Ílang giliksan sa púkut ang dakung duut sa isdà, They encircled the big school of fish with the net. n measurement around s.t., perimeter. (→), likuslikus n k.o. itchy skin infection where eruptions of watery pustules appear in splotches around the body and later burst.

likut a slit-eyed. Likut siya kay kalíwat ug Insik, He has narrow eyes. He is of Chinese extraction. v [B15] be, become slit-eyed.

likuy, líkuy a going in a curve. Líkuy ang dágan sa búla kay walà man manibil ang mísa, The ball is rolling crooked because the billiard table is not level. v [B2S] for a ball to curve or swerve. Lisud saw-un ang búla nga naglikuy, It is hard to catch a curve ball.

likwa v [c] buy stock with the proceeds of a day’s sale. Ígù rang ilikwa ang halin karung adláwa, Today’s sales are just enough to buy new stock. likwalikwa n the system of small-time buying and selling in which the entire capital is tied up in a single day’s sales and the proceeds go for buying new goods. v [A12; c] operate a business on this method.

likwad v [AN; c] cleverly deny s.t. or conceal a truth when accused. Dì ka makalikwad kay nasáyud na ku, Don’t try to be clever and hide anything because I already know. Ayawg ilikwad nákù ang hustung kítà, Don’t try to conceal exactly what the proceeds are. a cleverly denying or concealing s.t. when accused. likwadlikwad v [A; c1] investigate, cross-examine thoroughly, turning questions inside out. Ug likwadlikwárun (ilikwadlikwad) ang mga pangutána, tingálig maluba ang giakusar, If the questions are turned inside out in the course of the cross-examination, the accused will probably give in.

likwála n k.o. ornamental palm with wide, round, accordion-like leaves and long, slender stalks lined with thorns at the sides: Licuala spp.

likwang v [A; b2c1] tilt or turn s.t. heavy over. Likwángun (ilikwang) ku ang batu ug [610]náa bay kinhasun sa iláwum, I’ll turn the stone over to see whether there are any shells under it. Ilikwang (likwánga) ang baril arun mayabu ang súd, Turn the barrel over to pour the water out.

likyad v [B23(1); c6] curl up at the edges. Milikyad ang playwud nga giparka sa sakayan, The plywood they used to wall the boat curled at the edges. Milikyad ang papil nga gipapilit sa bungbung kay natangtang ang ngilit, The paper that had been pasted to the walls curled up because the edges got loose.

líla a violet. v [A13; a12] color s.t. violet.

lílang n k.o. herring.

lílas n 1 long strip, usually of young buri palm leaves, used in weaving mats or bags. 2 film on which movies are recorded. 2a the motion picture industry or art form. Sa kalibútan sa lílas, In the world of film. 2b movie. Lílas nga aksiyun, An action film. v 1 [A; a12] make s.t. into strips for weaving. 2 [A13; a12] make a movie out of a story. -an n device for cutting s.t. into strips.

lìlì v 1 [A; a2] peep at s.t. while hidden. Ug malígù ka dihà, lìlíun kang Piduy, If you bathe there, Pidoy will peep at you. 2 [A13; a12] take a look to see how things are. Lìlía ang kan-un ug nahubsan na ba, Take a look at the rice to see if the water has evaporated. -un(→) n small variety of eggplant, so called because one has to look under the leaves to see it.

lilígan n in a bamboo house, thin bamboo slats to which flooring slats (salug) or walling slats which hold the walling material (lugpit) are tied and which serve to hold them in place.

lilinglíling v [A; a2] circle around looking for s.t. Mulilinglíling ang ayruplánu úsà mamumba, An airplane circles over a target first before it begins dropping bombs. Lilinglilínga ang ákung singsing nga nahúlug sa sílung, Look around for my ring that fell under the house.

lílit v [A2S] for s.t. to bulge out through an opening. Mililit ang tinái sa samad, His guts were sticking out through the wound. Naglilit ang íyang tiyan sa guut nga karsunsilyu, His stomach is bulging through his tight shorts.

lilítik = handilítik.

lílù n whirlpool. v 1 [A] form a whirlpool. Mulílù ang túbig ug ang duha ka sulug magbanggà, A whirlpool forms if two currents meet. 2 [A12] be agitated as if swirled in a whirlpool. Naglílù ang ákung pagbátì tungud sa kalíbug, My feelings are all awhirl with confusion. 3 [A23] for a dimple to form a whirlpool-like depression. Mulílù ang íyang kandíis ug mupahíyum siya, Her dimples form whirlpool-like depressions when she smiles. -an n place where there is a whirlpool.

líluk v [A; a] carve. Maáyung mulíluk ug istatúwa ang manlilíluk, A sculptor carves statues well. Maanindut nga dibúhu ang íyang gilíluk, He carved a beautiful design in the wood. paN- n occupation of carving.

lílung1 v [A; c] conceal, hide a true state of affairs. Ayaw kug lilúngi, duktǔr, Do not conceal the truth from me, Doctor. Ilílung nátù níya ang nahitabù, We’ll keep what happened from him.

lílung2 a making dizzy. Lílung sakyan ang tyubíbu, It makes you dizzy to ride a merry-go-round. n dizziness. Ang táwung makaagwanta sa lílung puyding maastrunut, A man who can stand dizziness can qualify as an astronaut. v [B126] be, become dizzy. paN-(→) n dizzy spell, occasional feeling of dizziness. Kasagáran sa magsabak batíug panglilung, Most women experience dizzy spells in their early months of pregnancy. panga- v [A13] be in a state of slight dizziness. Nagpangalilung ku sa kagútum, I’m somewhat dizzy from hunger.

lima numeral five. v see tulu.

limangkà v [A3; c1] having the legs crossed at the ankles. Milimangkà siya sa salug, He sat on the floor with his legs crossed in front. Niambak siya sa túbig nga naglimangkà arun pagtimpasaw, He jumped into the water with his ankles crossed to make a big splash.

límas v [A; b] bail water out. Ug dílì ka mulímas malúnud ta, If you do not bail, we will sink. 2 empty a pool or a big container by bailing the water out. (→) n s.t. used for bailing. -un(→) n water in the bottom of a boat, bilge water.

limátuk = alimátuk.

lim-aw n small, shallow pool of water. Mga lim-aw nga mahibilin inighunas, Pools left after the tide has gone out. Lim-aw human sa ulan, Pools of water after the rain. v [B] form a small pool.

limba v = limbalimba. limbalimba v [A1] toss, roll around. Ug muinum kug kapi maglimbalimba lang ku tibuuk gabíi, If I drink coffee, I toss and turn the whole night.

limbag v [A] writhe, wriggle, esp. from stomach pain. Bisag giunsa níya paglimbag, wà makabuhì, No matter how he wriggled, he couldn’t free himself. Naglimbag siya kay [611]gisirulan, He was writhing in pain from his stomach cramps.

limbáhun a having a yellow color with a reddish cast. Ang limbáhung bidlísiw sa nagsalup nga adlaw, The pink rays of the setting sun. n fruits that have this color. a coconuts that have red or yellow-orange husks. b variety of shaddock (buluungun) with pinkish meat.

limbákug v [B456; c1] twist and squirm vigorously. Naglimbákug sa kasakit ang táwu nga gisul-an sa tiyan, The man was writhing in pain because of his stomach pains. Naglimbákug ang bitin nga naputlan sa úlu, The snake was writhing because his head was cut off.

limbaruk strong curse word expressing exasperation or irritation. Limbaruk, dimálas baraháa, Damn! What an unlucky card. v [a4] be cursed. Mu rag gilimbaruk kining ámung kahimtang, It looks as though we’re completely out of luck.

limbáruk v [B126; b6] fall headlong. Nalimbáruk ang bátà sa bintánà, The child fell headlong out of the window.

limbárut = *limbáwut.

limbas = lingbas.

*limbásug paN- v [A; b5] strive hard, exert effort to accomplish s.t. Nanglimbásug siya nga makabuhì, She struggled to free herself. Panlimbasúgan (panlimbasúgun) ku nga makapasar, I will try my best to pass the course. n act of striving hard or exerting effort. Ang panglimbásug dílì laksut basta dílì lang palabihan, It is not a bad thing to strive hard as long as you don’t overdo it. mapaN-un a characterized with assiduous work or effort. Nagpúlaw siya sa mapanglimbasúgun nga tingúhà sa paglampus, He works till late at night in his ardent desire for success.

limbatiánun (from bátì1) a heartfelt, with feeling (literary). Gugmang limbatiánun, Deeply-felt love.

limbáun = limbáhun.

*limbáwut paN- v [A; b4] for hair to stand on end, get goose bumps. Nanglimbáwut ákung balhíbu pagkadungug nákù sa isturya, My hair stood on end when I heard the story.

limbu n 1 whirling current of wind. Nadala sa limbu ang mga dáhung layà, The dry leaves were whirled about in the wind. 2 place between heaven and hell to which unbaptized children are consigned. 3 sa — be up on the air, not certain. Túa pa sa limbu ang ámung plánu, Our plans are still up in the air. v 1 [A3P] for the wind to whirl around. 2 [A; c1] be blown about in the air. Mulimbu ang asu ug huypun sa hángin, Smoke moves rapidly through the air when the wind blows it. Milimbu ang tabánug nga nakabugtù sa tugut, The kite soared when its string broke.

limbúkad = alimbúkad.

limbung v [AN; b6] cheat, deceive. Ása gud nà siya mulimbung (manglimbung) nákù! He would never cheat me! Dílì ku makalimbung (makapanglimbung) sa paghigugma nímu, I cannot commit deception by pretending to love you. Gilimbúngan mu aku sa pag-undang mu ug iskuyla, You deceived me when you stopped attending school. n action of cheating, deceiving. -an(→) n 1 inclined to cheat or defraud. Dílì ku makigdúlà nímu kay limbungan kaáyu ka, I will not play with you because you cheat. 2 giving the illusion of being taller than it really is. Limbungan ang babáyi nga naghayhil, The woman gives the impression of being taller than she is because she is wearing high heels. ma-un a deceptive. Dílì ku mamátì sa íyang malimbúngun nga mga sáad, I will not listen to his deceptive promises. paN- n deception.

limbu rak n a k.o. dance, the limbo rock. v [A] dance the limbo rock.

limbuwad, limbúwad v [AB26; c] fall headlong, topple over; cause s.t. to do so. Milimbúwad (nalimbúwad) ang kaang paghángin, The flower pot toppled over in the wind. Gilimbúwad ni Buy ang lamísa sa íyang kasukù, Boy toppled the table over in his anger.

limbúyuk v [B126] be in chaotic confusion. Nalimbúyuk ning ákung kaisípan sa túmang kalíbug, My mind is whirling in confusion.

límin v 1 [A13; b] wrap cloth around the body, swaddle. Lanahi ang pinútì unyà limíni ug lampin, Put oil on the bolo then wrap it up in a diaper. Dinhay masúsu nga gilimínan ug mga nuug, There was an infant that was swaddled in rags. 2 [A; b6] pervade, envelop as if to cover entirely. Kangitngit nga milímin sa kasilingánan, Darkness that enveloped the neighborhood. Ang íyang pagbátì nákù gilimínan sa mga duhadúha, Doubt pervades her feelings toward me.

liminlimin v [B6; c1] be all jumbled, thrown together without order. Muliminlimin (maliminlimin) nang búla sa hílu ug dì nímu baátan, Those pieces of string will get all tangled up if you don’t tie them together. Ákung liminliminun (iliminlimin) ang mga bulingun, I’ll throw the dirty clothes in a bunch.

límis v [A3P; b5] 1 wrap, envelop. Nagkinahanglan kug dakung papil nga makalímis [612](makapalímis) niíning kartun, I need a large sheet of paper to wrap this box in. Limísa (limísi) sa tualya ang bátà ighumag kalígù, Wrap the child in a towel after his bath. Duha ka makusgánung buktun ang gilímis kaníya, Two strong arms embraced her. 2 envelop completely with. Nangamátay ang mga tanum kay nalímis (nalimisan) sa mga sagbut, The plants died when they were completely covered with weeds. 3 shower with affection. Gilímis (gilimísan) ku níyag hawuk, She smothered me with kisses.

limitar v [A; b(1)] put a limit to. Gilimitahan níya ang úras sa pagbisíta, She put a limit to the visiting hours. limitádu a given in insufficient amounts, limited. Ang pagkáun limitádu kaáyu sa kasirahan, They serve an insufficient amount of food in the boarding house. v [B1256] be limited.

limiti n limit. Way limiti ug pilay ímung gustung dad-un, There is no limit to how many you may take. v [A; b6] set limits. Dílì ku mulimiti sa ímung pagkáun, I will set no limits as to how much you may eat.

limpangug (from pangug) a silly, stupid; lacking good judgment or common sense. Ayaw na lang pagsalig nga matúman ang tanan mung súgù, limpangug kaáyu nang tawhána, Don’t expect that man to carry out your instructions properly, he is so stupid.

limpísa v [A; c] clean a mechanism. Kamau kang mulimpísa ug karburadur sa awtu? Do you know how to clean the carburator of a car? Limpisáhi ang pitrumaks arun musíga, Clean the pressure lantern so it will light. n cleaning of mechanical equipment.

limpiya v [A; b6] polish shoes. Nagkabítun ang ákung kamut kay naglimpiya ku sa ákung sapátus, My hands have shoe polish on them because I was polishing my shoes. n 1 shoeshining as a business. Kusug ang limpiya gikang mag-uwan, After it rains we get plenty of business shining shoes. 2 materials for shining shoes. way — badly needing a shine. Way limpiya ang ímung sapátus, Your shoes need a shine. paN- v [A2; b6] polish shoes for a living. n occupation of shining shoes. — bútas n bootblack. mag-l-, maN-l- n bootblack.

limpiyáda a for a woman to be neat and clean in her ways. Hinlù ílang báy kay ang inahan limpiyáda, Their house is clean because the mother is a demon for cleanliness. v [B1] be habitually neat and clean.

limpiyu a 1 clean, devoid of dirt, sanitary. Limpiyu kaáyu ang salug run, The floor is very clean today. Limpiyu ang ristawran nga ámung gikan-an, The restaurant we ate in is sanitary. 1a clean, without VD. 2 clear, unsullied. Limpiyu ku ug kunsinsiya kay wà kuy salà, I have a clear conscience because I am not guilty. n 1 action of cleaning. Kahúgaw, way limpiyu, How dirty it is! No one cleaned it! 2 clean clothes. Wà kuy limpiyu isimba, I have no clean clothes to wear to church. 3 amount gained clear. v 1 [AB; ab] clean, rid s.t. of dirt, become clean. Hugáwan siyang mulimpiyu sa kasilyas, He thinks cleaning the toilet is dirty. Malimpiyu ra nang kasilyas ug nía ku, The only time that toilet is clean is when I’m around to watch you. Limpiyúhun nátù ang átung trabáhu arun dílì ta maúlaw, Let us do a clean job of our work so we won’t be put to embarrassment. Limpiyúhi ang kusína, Clean the kitchen. 2 [A2; a12] make a net gain or income. Nakalimpiyu kug kinsi sa ákung pamaráda karun, I netted fifteen pesos in my driving today. ig-l- n thing used in cleaning. mag-l- n one who cleans.

limu n magical practices used to help a baby go through his various stages of development easily and successfully or to cure a grown person of a bad characteristic or to get rid of s.t. undesirable that is s.w. These practices may consist of having the baby or the afflicted adult perform an action analogous to the actions one wishes to develop or stop or may consist of special foods or potions together with magic words. Ang limu sa bátang magngipun, ang lagus pahírag tái, The ritual for a child that is teething: feces are rubbed on his gums. v [A; a] treat with limu. Limuha ug sagu ang palaínum nímung bána, Mix a dead man’s saliva into your husband’s drink to stop his vice.

limù v [A; a] hide, keep s.t. a secret. Naglimù ba ku nímu sa ákung makítà? Do I hide my earnings from you? Sa prubinsiya dì ka makalimù bisan gamayng sikrítu, In the country you cannot keep the tiniest secret. Ayaw ilimù sa ímung ginikánan ang ímung prublíma, Do not keep your problems from your parents.

limud v [A; c] deny, conceal s.t. upon being confronted. Mulimud ka pa giyud nga kláru man ang pruyba! You still dare to conceal it when the evidence is so clear! Ayaw ug ilimud ang ímung pag-anhi, Don’t deny that you came here. malimdánun a given to denying or concealing the truth when confronted.

limugmug v 1 [AN; c1] rinse the mouth out. Mulimugmug (manlimugmug) giyud ku human ug káun, I rinse my mouth after I eat. 1a [A; b] slosh water around in the mouth [613]to warm it and spit it out on s.t. to bathe it. Limugmúgi ang sunuy matag buntag, Bathe the cock every morning with water you slosh around in your mouth. 2 [AP; a] take a drink of liquor, usually in a large gulp (humorous slang). Mulimugmug (manlimugmug) siyag usa ka básung tubà, He will gulp down a glass of toddy. 3 [c] be unconcerned about s.t. s.o. says or s.t. embarrassing that happens. Way kapuslánan ang kasábà, gilimugmug lang, No use scolding him. It runs off him like water off a duck’s back. (Lit. He just gargles with it.) -an(→) n 1 the oral cavity. 1a by extension, the throat. 2 the outside of this area: the cheeks, including the lower part of the jaw and the base of the ear. 3 the place in a monkey’s mouth where he stores food.

*limúhag ka-an n 1 knowledge of how to do s.t. Ayaw ku ug paayúha ug makina kay wà kuy kalimuhágan ánang mga butánga, Don’t ask me to repair engines because I have no knowledge of that sort of thing. 2 knowledge about or of what a thing is. Manukutsukut ta sa mangingisdà arun makabatun tag kalimuhágan sa mga isdà, Let’s ask the fishermen so we can learn s.t. about fishes.

limúk v [A2N; b6] give a look of anger or disgust with pursed lips, and make a humming sound. Milimúk (nanlimúk) siya nákù kay wà man nákù pakapíha, She gave me a sour look because I did not allow her to copy my work. Íya kung gilimúkan, mu rag nakasalà ku níya, She gave me a look of disgust, as if I had offended her.

limukun n k.o. edible shellfish of the depths, finned and similar to a crab, but without claws.

limúkun = alimúkun.

limulímu v [A; c1] hide, withhold s.t. from s.o. that he ought to know. Kusug siyang mulimulímu sa íyang kalihúkan sa íyang bána, She is fond of keeping her activities from her husband. Gilimulímu níla sa ílang inahan ang kamatáyun sa ílang igsúun, They concealed their brother’s death from their mother.

limun n k.o. hard candies.

límun v [A; b5] roll and wrap s.t. up to conceal it, facilitate disposal, carrying, and the like. Limúni (limúna) ang mga bulingun sa hábul, Wrap the dirty clothes in the blanket.

limunáda n lemonade, usually made of calamondin juice (limunsítu). v [A13; a12] make lemonade. — ruhi n a k.o. purgative for children, prepared under physician’s prescription and taken hot.

limunglímung = limulímu.

limunsítu, limunsítus n calamondin, a small citrus tree bearing small, round, acid fruit, orange-colored when ripe, with an easily separable peel. It is the most widely sold sour citrus: Citrus microcarpa.

limuruk, limúruk = lamuruk.

limus n 1 alms. 2 a voluntary contribution to the family of a person who died. v [A; b6(1)] 1 give alms or a voluntary contribution to the family of a person who died. Mulimus giyud ta inigdúaw sa namatyan, We ought to give a little s.t. when we visit the family of the deceased. Limusi ang makililímus nga buta, Give alms to the blind beggar. 2 give s.t. of great value to the recipient but of little value to the owner. Intáwun, Kurdaping. Anus-a pa man ku nímu limsig pahíyum? Have pity, Cordaping. When will you bestow a smile on me? 3 give s.t. of little value, but unwillingly. Ug dì níya bayran tung dus, ilimus na lang tu, If he doesn’t give me my two pesos back, forget it. I’ll write it off as charity. paki- v [A] go begging for alms. Magpakilimus na lang ta ug wà nay mahímù, We’ll have to go begging if there’s no other way. linimsan n amount collected by begging. maka-r-(←), maki-r-(←), paki-r-(←) n beggar.

límut v 1 [B123S6; b8] forget. Nalímut ku sa átung sábut, I forgot our appointment. Uy, nakalimut ka ug butúnis sa ímung karsúnis! Hey! You forgot to button your pants! Nalimtan nákù ang ákung pitáka! I forgot my wallet! Kalimti ang nangági kanátù, Forget what happened between us. Dílì ku kalimtan tung nawnga bísan ug ása, I will not forget that face anywhere. 2 [B126] lose consciousness. Nalímut ku pagkapangkà sa ákung úlu, I got unconscious when my head bumped into s.t. 3 = limut, v. (→) n 1 anesthetic. 2 k.o. antidote to make s.o. stop a vice. v [A; a1] 1 give general anesthesia. Dílì mulímut ang duktǔr ug dúnay sakit sa kasingkásing, A doctor won’t administer anesthesia to s.o. with a heart disease. Unsay ilimut sa bátang palaihì magabíi? What antidote shall we use on a child that wets his bed? 2 hypnotize, dazzle s.o. to make him lose his sense of reason or see things in a different way. Ingkantu ang milimut (naglimut) kaníya, An enchanted being led him into a different world. Limutun ka sa íyang katahum, You will be dazzled by her beauty. limutlímut v [b6] forget s.t. at every occasion. Íyang gilimutlimútan ug úlì ang bumba sa ligid, He forgets to return the air pump every time. hika-/haka-(→) v [B1256; b8] happen to forget. Nahikalimut [614]siya pagpalit ug sibúyas, She forgot to buy onions. paN- v [b1] 1 lose consciousness. 2 lose control of oneself. Gipanlimútan siyang misagpà sa íyang asáwa, He lost control of himself and hit his wife. -a(←) how very forgetful. Labihan nákung limúta uy! Jesus, how forgetful I am! ka- n action of forgetting s.t. Way nagtuun sa kalímut, No one learns how to forget. (You’re born with that knowledge.) ma-un, malimtánun, manggilimtánun, limtánun a forgetful. v [B12] become forgetful. pa- = limut, n.

limúut = alimúut.

línà1 v 1 [A13; a12] collect toddy before the normal time to gather it, most usually take the toddy in the evening instead of the following morning. Maglínà ku sa dawat kay gustu kung muinum ug tam-is nga tubà, I will take the toddy this evening because I want to drink sweet palm toddy. Lináa ang tubà arun tam-is, Gather the palm toddy early so that it will be sweet. 2 [A; a1] restore s.o.’s health by drinking fresh unfermented coconut toddy. Gilínà ang bátà kay luyahun, The child was given fresh toddy as a tonic because he was so weak. n sweet palm toddy. (→) = línà, n.

*línà2 pa- n 1 a process of purification in folk medicine whereby some evil or bad effect is removed by exposing the victim to magical smoke, obtained from certain plants and compounds. 2 the material burned in the process of palínà. v [A; b6(1)] administer this treatment. Gipalináan ug sagbut sa mintiryu ang gilubatan, She became ill after attending a funeral and was treated with smoke from plants taken from the cemetery.

línab n woman born with a very narrow or no vaginal opening.

línaw1 a 1 calm, free of agitation. Línaw ang dágat, The sea is calm. 2 calm, free from excitement. Línaw átung hunàhúnà ug walà tay mga suliran, Your mind is calm if you don’t have problems. v 1 [B2S; b4(1)] be, become calm. Naglínaw ang panahun, The weather is calm. Dúgay ming naabut kay nalináwan ang sakayan, We arrived late because the boat was becalmed. 2 [B1; a12] be calm, undisturbed. Dílì maglínaw ang ímung tanlag, Your conscience will not be at peace. Lináwa ang ímung kaugalíngun, ayaw ug katarantar, Compose yourself. Don’t panic. n peace, calm. Walay línaw ning panimuyúa, The way we’re living, there is no peace and quiet. ma-un a calmly, peacefully. Malináwun siya nga namatay, He died calmly. ka- n = línaw, n.

línaw2 n pool, lake. v [A; b6] form into a pool, pond, or lake. Mulínaw ang túbig sa sílung ug kusug ang ulan, A lake forms under our house when it rains hard.

lindag v [B456] toss about restlessly in bed. Naglindag ku sa higdaánan gabíi, wà giyud kung katulug, I didn’t sleep the whole night last night. I just kept tossing around in bed.

lindug n 1 unbranching trunk of a tree. Lindug sa lubi, The trunk of a coconut tree. 1a column in a building. 2 column in a newspaper or journal. Lindug sa mga bálak, Poetry section. 3 warp threads. mag-r- n columnist.

linga, línga (from alinga) a inattentive due to preoccupation with s.t. else. Balikbalíka pag-isplikar kay linga kaáyu, Repeat your explanation because he is very inattentive. n preoccupation that keeps one from concentrating. Dì siya makatrabáhu kay daghan siyag linga, He can’t do work because he has lots of other things to think about. v 1 [B12; b3] be inattentive. Wà kung kabantay pag-ági níya. Nalinga lang ku, I didn’t see her go by. I wasn’t paying attention. Subrang dúwà ang nalingahan ánang batáa, The child has nothing but play on his mind and thus is inattentive. 2 [A12; a] hold one’s attention. Nalinga kug tan-aw sa lamígas nga nanag-áway, I was amused watching the ants fighting each other. Lingaha ang gwardiya kay muipsut ku sa píkas, Keep the guard occupied because I will slip through the other side. 3 [B1256] be so occupied. Ang tindíra nalinga ug paninsíyu, The salesgirl was so busy she couldn’t make change properly. maka-r-(←) a being easily diverted, distracted. Pangidad nga makalilínga, Age at which one has a short attention span.

língab a having the congenital defect of a narrow or no vaginal opening.

lingabngab n yawn. v [AN2] yawn. Mulingabngab (manglingabngab) lang ku ug katulgun na ku, I yawn when I feel sleepy.

lingag a lacking concentration, preoccupied with many other things so as to make stupid mistakes. Lingag man maung bisag kurik girúngan, She is so careless. She marked correct answers wrong. Wà siya makatúman sa túgun kay lingag man, She didn’t do what she was told because she was careless. v [B1] be, become careless, preoccupied with other distracting activities. Nagkalingag na ning draybir námù. Sígi na lang makabanggà, Our chauffeur is getting careless. He keeps having accidents.

lingagngag = alingagngag. [615]

lingas a unable to keep still but moving about all the time instead. Lingas kaáyu ning batáa, dì mahimutang, This boy is always moving about, he can’t keep still. v [B; b6] be moving about always and not keeping still.

língat v 1 [AB24] for the eyes to rove, move the eyes. Milíngat lang ang íyang mata pagsúd níya sa palasyu, Her eyes popped out of her head when she went in the palace. Naglíngat siya sa simbahan, She looked around at the people in the church. 2 [A] behave badly, wildly when one is in a place where formal behavior is expected. Mulíngat lang ning mga bátà kung túa sa láing báy, My children act wild when they are in other people’s houses. Naglíngat lang siya didtu sa baylihan kay hubug man, He acted wildly at the dance because he was drunk. (→) a 1 careless, not paying attention to what one is about. Hibyaan níya ang bág kay lingat man, She left her bag because she was careless. 2 failing to behave modestly and composed in a place where one is expected to be on one’s good behavior. v [B12; b6] be, become careless. Nalingat siya kay giapura, She was careless because she was rushed.

lingátung n shrub or small tree having numerous stinging hairs, with magical uses to drive unglù away: Laportea brunnea. v [b4(1)] get the stinging hairs of this plant on one.

lingaw v 1 [A; a12] attract one’s interest or attention. Ákung lingawun si Máma ug ikay kúhà sa dulsi, I’ll keep Mom’s attention while you get the candy. 2 [A2; a12] entertain, amuse. Ang íyang kumidiya dílì makalingaw nákù, His jokes don’t amuse me. Nalingaw ang bátà ug panakup ug apan, The child is amused, occupying himself with catching grasshoppers. n thing to keep oneself busy with. Ug wà kay lingaw, pagtuun, If you don’t have anything to do, you could study. ka- v [A3; b6] do s.t. in one’s spare time, spend one’s time doing s.t. Samtang nagpaábut ku, magkalingaw kug bása, While I am waiting, I will pass the time reading. lingawlíngaw v 1 [A13] amuse, divert oneself. Human sa trabáhu, maglingawlíngaw mi, After work we amuse ourselves. 2 [A13; b6] spend one’s spare time doing s.t. Human dáyun ni kay ákung lingawlingáwan ug pintal human sa trabáhu, It won’t take long to get done painting because I’ll do it in my spare time after work. n recreation, amusement. Álang kaníya ang panulat usa ka lingawlíngaw, For him writing is a form of relaxation. palingawlíngaw v [A; b6] pretend to be occupied or engrossed with s.t. to avoid confronting an embarrassing situation. Nainsultuhan gud siya piru nagpalingawlíngaw lag hinábì sa uban, She felt insulted but she just pretended to be engrossed in her conversation with other people. ka-an(←) n amusement. Sa karnabalan daghang kalingáwan, In the fair grounds there are lots of amusements. maka-r-(←) a affording amusement.

lingay, língay v [A2] for the sun to move beyond the zenith and the shadows to lengthen in the afternoon. Milingay na ang adlaw ug wà pa sila makapaniudtu, The sun has moved beyond the zenith and they still have not taken their lunch. Nakalingay ang anínu sa lubi gíkan sa kural apan ang aláyun wà pa makasúgud, The shadow of the coconut tree has moved beyond the fence, but the work bee has not yet started.

lingbas n file. — nga língin rattail file. — nga mídiya língin half-round file. — nga tris kantus triangular file. v [A; a1] 1 file s.t. down, off. 2 make, make into a file. -in- n filings. -in-an a for the voice to be cutting and sharp. Gitubag ku níya sa usa ka tíngug nga linimbásan, She answered me in a sharp and cutting voice.

lingbáhun = limbáhun.

linggà v [B6; a12] for boats to roll. Pag-ági sa barku gilinggà ang sakayan, The fishing boat rolled in the wake of the ship.

linggalingga v [A; c16] rock a vessel or vehicle from side to side. Ayawg linggalinggáha ang búti kay mayabu, Don’t rock the life boat. It might overturn.

linggánay n 1 church bell. 2 ringing of church bells. v [A] for church bells to ring. -an n bell tower.

linggawas = lingkawas.

linggíru n k.o. soldierfish.

linggúkud n the young of the agápang (k.o. mullet).

lingguwáhi n language.

lingguwista n linguist. v [B156] be, become a linguist.

lingguwita = langgíta.

linghud a 1 immature plants. Aslum ang manggang linghud pa, Mangoes are very sour when they are young. Dílì maáyung isugnud ang linghud káhuy, Green wood is no good for fuel. 2 young and immature. Ang linghud níyang pangísip, His immature mind. ka- n state or condition of being young and immature.

língì v 1 [A3S; a2b2] turn one’s head to the side to look back. Milíngì siya nákù, He looked back at me. Ayaw siyag lingía, Don’t [616]turn to look at him. 2 [A2S; a12] give s.t. the attention it requires. Ayawg ipanugal ímung kítà, lingía usab ang ímung mga anak, Don’t gamble away your earnings. You have your children to think of. 2a [A23; a12] pay attention to s.t., recognize its existence. Karun nga dátù na siya dílì na ta lingíun níya, Now that he is rich, he will not take notice of us. paN-(→) v [A13] keep looking back. Nagpanglingì ku sa pagtan-aw ug náa bay nagsunud, I kept looking back to see if anyone was following us.

lingig v 1 [A; b6] bend the teeth of a saw alternately to the side to widen the kerf and to prevent sticking. Lingigi ang gabas arun dakug ági, Twist the teeth on your saw so it will have a wide kerf. 2 [B12; b6] get one’s neck twisted. n 1 saw set, tool to give set to saw teeth. 2 set, the amount of bend imparted to saw teeth. a for the neck to be twisted to one side. Mau ra nà siyag kanúnayng maglingì kay lingig man, He looks like he is always looking to the side because he has a twisted neck.

língin a round, circular. Língin kaáyu ang singsing (búla), The ring (ball) is round. — ang búla still in the running, all is not lost. Língin pa ang búla, puydi pag mabawì nákù sa paynals ang ákung grádu, I still have a chance. Maybe I can make up for my failing grade in the finals. n money (slang). v [AB2S; a] form a circle or sphere, cause s.t. to do so. Naglíngin ku áring tabla pára ligid sa duláan, I am cutting this board into a circle as a wheel for the toy. Ang naglíngin níyang mata, Her round eyes. Lingína ang bulabúla, Form the meat into little balls. Lingíni sa tungà ug human, gabsa ang tungà, Make a circle in the middle and then saw out the middle portion. n circle. -g- = língin, a (plural). ma- a 1 round. 2 disgrasyang ma- a most unlikely misfortune which nevertheless takes place, though the victim does not deserve it. -un(→) a roundish.

lingiw v [A2] look away. Mulingiw siya ug ákung tan-áwun kay sad-an man siya, He looks away when I look at him because he’s guilty. Ígù lang ku nga nakalingiw kay dì ku kaagwanta ug tan-aw, All I could do was look away because I couldn’t stand to look at him.

lingka v [A; a] uproot vines to clear a place. Lingkáhun námù ning kamutihána kay tumus na, We’ll uproot this sweet potato patch because the potatoes have all been gathered.

lingkáang v 1 [B46N] for plants to spread out. Milingkáang (nanglingkáang) ang lambáyung sa baybáyun, The vines spread out over the beach. Dákit nga naglingkáang ang mga sanga, A spreading banyan tree. 2 [BN; a1] for parts of the body to spread like a plant. Tiil nga nanglingkáang kay dúgay nga wà kasapatúsi, Spreading feet that hadn’t worn shoes in ages. Lingkaángun (ilingkáang) sa pábu ang íyang balhíbu ug duúlun, A turkey will puff itself up if you get near it. 2a for the ears or hair to stand up upon feeling an emotion. Nanlingkáang ang íyang dawunggan pagkadungug sa isturya, Her ears stood up when she heard the story. Hutwang sa irù nga makalingkáang sa balhíbu, The howling of a dog that can make your hair stand on end.

lingkag a having ears that stick out sidewards. Lingkag kaáyug dalunggan ang kuníhu, Rabbits have ears that stick out. v [B2] for the ears to prick up, esp. in surprise. Nalingkag ang íyang dalunggan pagkadungug sa íyang ngálan, His ears pricked up when he heard his name.

lingkálang = lingkáang.

lingkáng = lingkáang.

lingkas = lingka.

lingkawas v [APB3(1); b6] escape. Kinsay mulingkawas (mupalingkawas) nátù niíning kalisud? Who will save us from our poverty? Mulingkawas siyag dúnay buluhátun, He escapes when there is work to do. Dílì ka makalingkawas sa sílut sa kamatáyun, You cannot escape the death penalty.

lingkit a for two things to be joined along their lengths. Ang lingkit nga ságing isípung usa, They count two bananas joined together as one. Lingkit ang pán nga grasyúsa, The graciosa bread comes linked. bátà, kalúha nga — Siamese twins. v 1 [B126C3; b6] be joined along the lengths. 2 [A; c1] tie two or more coconuts together by joining them with a small piece of husk slashed from each of them.

lingkúbaw = lintúbaw.

lingkud v 1 [A1; b6(1)] sit down. Ayaw ug lingkúri nang syáha kay basà pa ang pintal, Don’t sit on that chair because the paint is still wet. Ayaw ug ilingkud nang ímung bag-ung inutaw nga karsúnis kay malum-it, Do not sit down in your newly pressed pants because they will get crumpled. 2 [A; b6] assume, hold office or position. Mulingkud siya pagkaprisidinti sa kumpaníya ugmà, He will assume office as president of the company tomorrow. 3 [b(1)] sit to give serious, full time and attention to a piece of work. Kinahanglang lingkúran ning trabahúa, This work must be given full time [617]and attention. 4 [A] for a coconut to grow to the stage that its trunk shows. Sa duha ka tuig dílì pa mulingkud ang lubi, At two years the coconut still does not show its trunk. pa- v [a3] fall down into a sitting position. Nahisabiklan ku sa táwu ug napalingkud ku sa bangkù, The man bumped into me and I fell down in a sitting position on the bench. lingkuránan n seat, chair, bench. lingkurun n 1 for an occupation to be sedentary. 2 the bride’s family and guests at a wedding party (who sit and are served as opposed to the groom’s friends and relatives, the tindugun, who do the work). pina- n made to sit down. pina- sa urinúla toilet trained. Ang bátà nga pinalingkud sa urinúla dílì mangíhì sa salug, The child that is toilet trained doesn’t urinate on the floor.

lingkung a for s.t. long to be bent so that the middle part is higher than either end. Lingkung kaáyu ning sundánga, This bolo has a good curve. Lingkung ang íyang buktun. Dì matuy-ud, He has a bent arm. It won’t straighten out any longer. Lingkung siyag tiil ug mag-untul-untul siyang maglakaw, He is club-footed and he walks with a bounce. v [B126] come out curved.

lingkús v [B; b6] for s.t. long to curl up or come out in knotted form. Mulingkús ang písì ug madúgay nang gámit, The rope will curl up if it is used for a long time. Nagkalingkús na ang mga dáhun sa tabákù nga naláyà na, The tobacco leaves are curling up now that they are withering.

lingla v 1 [A2; a12] deceive. Milingla siya nákù pag-ingun nga ulitáwu siya, He deceived me by saying he was a bachelor. Gilingla ku níya sa pagpasugut sa kuntrátu, He deceived me into accepting the contract. 2 [A; a1] divert one’s attention to achieve one’s purpose. Akuy mulingla sa tindíra arun makúhà nímu ang sigarilyu, I’ll divert the storekeeper’s attention while you filch the cigarettes. n deceit. malingláhun a deceitful.

lingling v [AN; a2] peep. Linglíngun ta ka inigkalígù nímu, I’ll peep at you when you take a bath.

lingù v [A2; b6] shake one’s head to say no or in hopelessness or resignation. Dílì tingáli siya musugut kay milingù tu siya, He probably won’t agree because he shook his head. paN- v [A] keep shaking the head in hopelessness and resignation. Nagpanglingù ang párì nga nagtan-aw sa nanagparisparis didtu sa plása, The priest shook his head as he looked at the people paired off in the park.

linguglingug v [AP; b(1)P] ignore s.t. by pretending not to hear; pay no attention to s.t. Gilinguglingugan man lang nímu ang ákung gipangáyù, You just pretend not to hear when I ask you for s.t. Bisag unsáun nákug tambag mulinguglingug (mupalinguglingug) lang, No matter how much I advise her, she pays no attention.

lingugngug = alingugngug.

ling-un n 1 a small area. Ling-ung gitamnag mais, A parcel planted to corn. 2 mass of people in a certain area. Ang ling-un sa mga katawhan sa plása, The mass of people in the square. 2a a group of people, social class. Ling-un sa mga timáwà, The poorest classes.

linimintu n liniment. v [b6] apply liniment to s.t. Linimintuhi ang pamául mu, Apply liniment on your sore muscles.

línin n 1 linen cloth. 2 stationery having a linen finish. swis — n k.o. fine cloth.

línis1 v 1 [A23B2; a12] melt, wear down or eat away. Ang ayis krim dalì mulínis sa ínit, The ice cream will melt rapidly in the sun. Nagkalinis ang kutsilyu pagbináid, The knife is being worn down from being sharpened so often. Linísa sa túbig ang tablítas, Dissolve the tablets in water. 2 [A123; a3b4(1)] digest food eaten. Wà malínis ang ákung kináun, What I ate did not dissolve. (→) a worn down.

línis2 v 1 [AB12; b5] make s.t. clean. Ang dyanitur mauy mulínis sa mga lawak, The janitor will clean the rooms. Malínis na unyà ning sapatúsag kalimpyáhan, These shoes will be clean once they are shined. Kinahanglang linísun (linísan) nímu ang báy pirmi, You should always clean the house. 2 [APB12; b5] cleanse or purify the soul, reputation, etc.; become cleansed. Ang paghinulsul mauy mulínis (mupalínis) sa ímung kunsinsiya, Repentance will cleanse your conscience. Kinahanglang linísun (linísan) nátù ang átung banságun, We must clear our family name. ma- a clean, pure.

linlang v [A; a1] 1 deceive, fool. Naglinlang ka sa mga táwu ánang pagparìpárì mu, You are deceiving the people by posing as a priest. 2 distract, divert s.o.’s attention. Dì ka makalinlang níya kun magtan-aw siyag tilibisyun, You cannot divert his attention when he is watching TV.

linsa v [A; b6] string a guideline in construction. Akuy mulinsa sa pagpinsa arun dì maghiwì, I’ll string a guideline for the fence so it won’t come out crooked. n string used as a guide. [618]

linsúwak v [B1256] fall headlong. Nalinsúwak siya gíkan sa bintánà, He fell headlong from the window.

lintà n leech.

lintar v [B126; b3(1)c5] lose one’s head, panic. Nalintar siya maung gasulinadur hinúuy íyang gisikáran, He panicked, so he stepped on the accelerator instead. Wà pa gánì ka kasab-i nalintar na, You haven’t even got your scolding and you already panic. lintádu a tending to panic.

linti n 1 lens, magnifying glass. 2 searchlight. v 1 [b] use a magnifying glass on s.t. Lintíhi ang mga litra arun sayun nga basáhun, Use a magnifying glass on the letters so you can easily read them. 2 [A; b] beam with a searchlight. Gilintíhan sa barku ang pantalan, The ship beamed a searchlight on the wharf. 3 [A; a] make into a magnifying glass, searchlight.

lintì n lightning, thunderbolt. v [b4] 1 be struck with a thunderbolt. Lintian (lintían) kunu ang táwung makigminyù ug paryinti, They say that a man who marries a relative will be struck with a thunderbolt. 2 get severe punishment. Kay ímung gidáut nà, lintían kang Pápa, Since you broke it, you’ll get hell from Dad. 2a [b4(1)] be in a very unpleasant situation. Nahutdan ta ug gasulína ug layù tas lungsud, nalintían na ta áni, We’re out of gas and we’re far from town. Now we are in trouble. a incorrigible in behavior. Sa piyir náay daghang mga buguy nga lintì kaáyu, There are lots of incorrigible bums at the waterfront.

lintihuylas = lintuhílas.

lintúbaw v [B1256] fall down headlong. Nalintúbaw ang bátà ngadtu sa atábay, The child toppled into the well.

lintuhílas n small sequins or spangles used as ornaments for clothing. v [A; b] put sequins on s.t.

lintungánay a 1 principal source of s.t. Lawum ug dulut ang gamut nga lintungánay, Primary roots go deep. Kanang ákung sanggutan mau ang lintungánay sa ákung katigayúnan karun, Palm toddy is the source of my current wealth. 2 original. Nagkahanaw na karun ang pinulungan nga lintungánayng binisayà, The original and native Visayan is fast disappearing.

lintúwad (from tuwad) v [AB16; a12] 1 fall down, topple over, usually landing wrong side or tail end up; cause s.t. to do so. Didtu sa kanal malintúwad ang awtu, The car fell front-end first into the ditch. Kinsay naglintúwad sa bukag nga gisudlan sa mangga? Who turned over the basket with the mangoes in it? 2 be in utter disorder. ka- v [A13] be in utter disorder. Nagkalintúwad lang ang hugasun sa hugasan, The sink is in utter disorder with all the dishes in it.

lintuwang, lintúwang (from tuwang) v [A; c1] turn s.t. over. Akuy naglintuwang sa mga lingkuránan pag-uwan, I turned the chairs over when it rained.

linù v [A; b6] slosh liquid around inside s.t. Naglinù ku ug gasulína áring butilya arun makúhà ang asíti, I am sloshing gasoline around inside the bottle to get the oil out. Linui ug ínit túbig ang tirmus úsà sudli ug ínit nga kapi, Slosh hot water around in the thermos before you put hot coffee in it. n pieces of dough collected from the mixing bowl by sloshing water around in it. -in-an = linú, n.

línug n earthquake. v [A; b6] for there to be an earthquake. Ug mulínug, hugnù giyud ning taytayána, If there is an earthquake, this bridge will surely collapse. Nangabut ang hinábang sa gilinúgan, Aid arrived for the earthquake victims.

linulyum n linoleum. v [A13; b6] put a linoleum covering on s.t.

linya n 1 lines drawn or formed by things in a row or column. Ang linya sa ímung papil hiwì, The lines on your paper are crooked. Ang linya sa mga táwu miabut ngadtu sa iskína, The queue reached to the corner. 2 electric, telephone, telegraph lines. Naputul ang linya sa tilipunu, The telephone line was cut. 3 transportation line. Barátu ang plíti kay duha ka linya nagkumpitinsiya, The fare is cheap because the two lines are in competition. 3a the route served by a line. Ang ámung dapit may linya sa pasahiruan, Our neighborhood is on a public transportation line. 4 the field of one’s special knowledge, interest. Dílì ákung linya ang pagkamagtutudlù, Teaching is just not my line. 5 line of things similar to each other. Ang bansíkul ug tulíngan paríhug hitsúra kay mau ra mang linyáha, Tuna and mackerel are similar in appearance because they belong to the same family. v 1 [A; c] line s.t. Naglinya ku áring tabla pára damahan, I am making lines for the checkerboard on this piece of wood. 2 [A; c1] form, put into lines. Sayu nga mulinya ang mga táwu pagpalit ug tíkit sa sini, The people queue up early to buy tickets to the movie. Linyáha (ilinya) ang mga síya diri, Put the chairs in line here.

lipad v [A23P] swerve or veer while in flight or traveling at very high speed. Sa kusug nga dágan, ang gaan nga awtu mulipad, Light cars swerve at high speeds. Ang kapii [619]sa bála mauy makapalipad sa íyang ági, The bullet is deformed, so it won’t go straight.

lipaghà = libaghà.

lipaghung v [A2N] turn red in embarrassment or pique. Nanglipaghung ákung nawung pagkabatì ku sa insultu, My face flushed when I heard the insult.

lipak n bamboo slats. v 1 [A; a1] cut bamboo into slats. Lipaka ang kawáyan pára ikural, Cut the bamboo into slats to use for fencing. 2 [a12] strike with a bamboo slat. Lipaka ang irù, Strike the dog with a bamboo slat.

lípak n loud thunderclap. v 1 [A] for there to be a loud thunderclap. Bantayi ang irù ug mulípak, dì ba mukúrug, Watch the dog when there is a thunderclap. He’ll quiver. 1a [b(1)] be struck by a thunderbolt. Wà lipáki nang amahan nga nag-unay sa kaugalíngun níyang anak! Surely the father was struck by lightning for having relations with his own daughter! 2 [b6] get a severe scolding, severely punished. Lipákan kang Dádi mu ug hibaw-an ka, You will get hell from Daddy if he finds out.

lipakà n itchy red splotches on the skin from allergies or insect bites. v [B6; b4] have splotches on the skin. Naglipakà (gilipakaan) ang láwas sa bátà sa tipdas, The child is covered with rash from his measles.

lípang v 1 [B6] grow well and profusely. Milípang ang mais human kaabunúhi, The corn grew lush after it was fertilized. Nanglípang ang láwas sa bátang pinainum ug litsi, The child grew robust because they fed it milk. 2 [A3P] for emotions to intensify. Milípang ang ílang panaghigugmaay human sa panag-úlì, After they were reconciled, their love for each other grew more intense.

lip-an rayit a giving without discrimination or restraint. Lip-an rayit silang naglamánu sa mga butanti, They shook as many of the voters’ hands as they possibly could. v [A13; c] give without discrimination or restraint. Naglip-an rayit ug panghátag ang ahinti sa mga sampul, The agent gave out samples left and right.

lipárak v [B2] be, become fat, pudgy. Mulipárak giyud ka ug magpatúyang kag káun, You’ll surely get fat if you eat as much as you like. Nagkaliparak ang bátà kay naayun sa litsi, The baby is getting fat because the milk agrees with him.

lípas v [A2; c] not go directly over s.t., pass around. Ilípas ang kutsi kay gubà ang taytáyan, Take a detour because the bridge is out. (→) a gone beyond a point in time. Lipas na ang úras sa pagkáun, The time for eating has passed. v [B2; c1] get beyond a certain point in time. Nilípas na ang búwan sa udtuhan, The moon has passed the midpoint in the sky. — ang gútum for one’s hunger to disappear after the time for eating has passed. Ug kanúnay nímung lipasun (ilipas) ang ímung gútum ulsirun ka, If you always fail to eat on time, you will develop ulcers. -an n detour, place a route goes around s.t.

lipat v [B1256] 1 make an error through inattention: lose track or forget what one was talking about. Sa pag-ihap nalipat ku ug pila na tu, I was counting, but I lost track how many there were. Nalipat ku ug diin ikabutang ang hunsuy, It slipped my mind where I put my pipe. 2 mistake s.o.’s identity. Nalipat ku. Ingun ku ug si Nítuy ka, I was mistaken. I thought you were Nitoy. 3 [B1256; b8] fail to notice s.t. Nalipat ku ug walà ku makamatikud sa pag-ági sa bátà, I failed to notice, and I was not aware of it when the child passed by. Nalipatan ku ang usa ka linya ug kupya, I missed a line when I was copying. 4 [A; a12] deceive s.o., causing him to fail to notice s.t. Lipatun ka lang níya sa mga púlung nga tam-is, He will just deceive you with sweet words. pa-(←), lipatlípat n 1 sleight of hand, esp. a thimblerig game where a seed is hidden under one of the three thimble-shaped cups and is quickly shifted from one cup to another. The players gamble as to where the seed is located. 2 deception, chicanery. Ang íyang pagdaug sa kuntrátu nahímù sa palípat, He won the contract through chicanery. v 1 [A13] have a thimblerig game. 2 [A; a12] deceive with chicanery.

lipáta, lipátà = alipátà.

lipatpat = alipatpat.

lípay a glad. Lípay kaáyu kung midaug ka, I’m very glad that you won. v 1 [A2; a12] make s.o. happy. Wà nay láing mulípay nákù kun dílì ikaw, No one can make me happy but you. 2 [B156; c5] be happy, glad. Nalípay ku nga nía ka, I am glad that you’re here. Maglípay ta kay milampus ang átung plánu, Let’s be happy because our plans succeeded. Gikalípay kug dakù ang ímung kalampúsan, I am very happy at your success. paha- v [A; b6] congratulate, felicitate. Usa aku sa mupahalípay nímu sa ímung kadaúgan, I am one of those who will congratulate you on your victory. n congratulations. Dawáta ang kinasingkásing kung pahalípay, Accept my heartfelt congratulations. ma-un a happy. Malipáyun kaáyu siya nga misugut sa ákung hangyù, He was happy [620]to comply with my request. — nga pasku Merry Christmas. v [A13] be happy. ka- n happiness. Ang íyang pagkaasáwa walay kalípay, She knows no happiness as a wife. mag-r- n the Holy Spirit as Comforter.

liphuk n left hook in boxing.

lip-istik = lipstik.

lip-it v [AP; b2] put s.t. in between two flat surfaces. Ilip-it ang mamísus sa libru, Stick the peso bills in the book. Didtu ra malip-iti ang dukumintu sa mga inutaw, The document was right there, in between the ironed clothes.

liplip n k.o. matting used to wrap tobacco in bales or as walling, made of nípà or coconut leaflets laid flat side by side with some overlap and stitched together with fiber. v [A13; a12] make into a matting of this sort.

lipstik n lipstick. v [A; b6(1)] use a certain k.o. lipstick. paN- v [A; b6(1)] put lipstick on.

lipsut = ipsut.

lipti n painted grunter: Plectorhinchus pictus.

lipting n the violation in dribbling a basketball where the ball is not hit, but lifted slightly before being bounced. v [B126; b6(1)] commit this violation.

liptung n lake formed in a river by a dam or similar obstruction. v [B6, b5c1] gather into a pool, make into a dam, gather in a dam. Naliptung (miliptung) ang sapà kay naalihan sa dakung káhuy nga natumba, The water of the brook formed a pool because a fallen log obstructed its course. Liptúngi (liptúnga, iliptung) ang sapà arun kalanguyan, Make a dam in the river so we can swim in it.

*lipu kalipuhan v [A13] be hard-pressed by time or quantity of work. Nagkalipuhan siya didtu sa kusína kay dúnay muabut nga bisíta, She was very busy in the kitchen because there were visitors coming.

lipudlípud v [A; c] hide s.t. by circumlocution or covering up. Náay ímung tinagúan kay naglipudlípud ka sa pagtug-an nákù, You must be hiding s.t. because you are beating around the bush instead of telling me right out. Gilipudlípud sa inahan ang mga salà sa íyang mga anak ngadtu sa íyang bána, The mother covered up for her children in front of the father. n action of concealing s.t. Sa walay lipudlípud nga pagkasulti tikasan ka! Let’s call a spade a spade. You’re a cheat!

lipulipu v [B16] be hard-pressed to do s.t. because of the quantity of work or the lack of time. Naglipulipu mi karun kay umaábut ang supirbisur, We are very busy now because the supervisor is about to come. ka- v [A13] be very hard-pressed. Nagkalipulipu siya pagpamatúnis pagbuthù sa mga bisíta, He was in a dither trying to get his pants buttoned up when the visitors suddenly arrived.

lípung v 1 [B126] be, become dizzy, woozy. Nalípung siya human makatimahù adtung báhù sa tambal, He became woozy after he smelled the odor of the medicine. Pwirting makalípung ang argulya, The merry-go-round can get you real dizzy. 2 [A123P] be enormously high in price. Biling makalípung, A dizzyingly high price. paN-(→) v [A13] undergo dizzy spells. Nagpanglipung siya kay masakitun pa siya, He has dizzy spells because he is still sick. n recurring dizziness. ka- n dizziness, giddiness.

lipun-ug = tipun-ug.

liput1 v 1 [A2; b6] go behind s.t. Ang kawatan miliput sa usang balay ug nawálà, The thief ducked in back of the next house and disappeared. Maigù untà ku sa batu ug wà pa ku makaliput sa baril, I would have been hit with a stone if I had not ducked behind a barrel. 2 [A3; a12] catch s.t. by going the other way. Lingawa siya kay muliput ku sa píkas arun ákung sakpan, Hold his attention because I will go the other way around so I can catch him. (←) v 1 [A; b6] doublecross, betray. Ug mangispíya ka pára sa píkas, naglíput ka sa átung násud, If you do espionage work for the other side, you are betraying our country. 2 [AN2; b6] fight unfairly by doing s.t. treacherous or taking unfair advantage. Gilipútan siyag dugmak sa luyu, S.o. treacherously stabbed him in the back. n treachery. pa-, pa-(←) ug pusta v [A13; c6] secretly place a bet on the opposing cock (instead of one’s own) or simply bet on an opposing cock in addition to one’s own. ma-un(←) a treacherous, traitorous. paN- = líput, n. ka-an n anus (euphemism).

liput2 n k.o. ray.

lip-ut a narrow in space or width. v [B; c1] for a space or width to be narrow. Nalip-ut ang sayal kay gamay man ang sun-ut sa panaptun, The skirt was made narrow because it was a narrow piece of cloth. Ang mga butang mauy nakalip-ut (nakapalip-ut) sa lugar dinhi, The space was too small because too many things were put in it.

lipuwa paN- v [A23P] blush. Nanglipuwa ang náwung ni Balúduy dihang giintrudyǔs siya sa usa ka maanyag, How Balodoy blushed when he was introduced to a beauty.

lipyà n moldboard, a curved iron plate attached [621]to a plowshare (punta) which lifts, turns, and pulverizes the soil. v [A; b] attach a moldboard on a plowshare.

líra n lyre.

líraw v [A2; c6P] for the eyes to dart back and forth, roll. Milíraw ang íyang mga mata sa kalamì, Her eyes rolled because it was so delicious. lirawliraw v [B456] 1 for the eyes to roll continuously. Naglirawliraw ang íyang mata mu rag dúnay gipangítà, His eyes moved back and forth as if he were looking for s.t. 2 for the thoughts to move rapidly from place to place.

lirì v [B4] 1 split, tear open from fullness. Ayaw nag daska ang sáku kay naglirì na sa kapunù, Don’t fill the sack further because it’s so full it’s bursting. 2 get obese as if about to split. Milirì siya sa katambuk humag panganak, She got terribly fat after she had her baby.

liru = rilu.

liruliru v [A; c1] for the eyes to roll. Miliruliru (nagliruliru) lang ang íyang mga mata pagkutána nákù, He just rolled his eyes when I questioned him.

lírung a circular, rounded. Lírung ang pláka, A record is round. n a shallow circular basket used for winnowing or as a container for vending fish or vegetables.

liryu n name given to several k.o. ornamental bulbs, some of which also occur wild: Hymenocallis littorale, Zephyranthis rosea, et al. In poetry, this flower symbolizes beauty.

lís1 n lace. v [A1] wear lace. Naglís siyag panti, She is wearing lace panties.

lís2 n k.o. kalípay, 2.

lisa v [a3] sprain or dislocate a joint. Nalisa ang íyang túhud pagkadagmà níya, His knee was dislocated when he fell down. n sprain or dislocation.

lísang v [A; a12] terrify, frighten severely. Nalísang ku pagkalintúwad sa kutsi, I was terrified when the car somersaulted. Ayaw kug lisánga ánà kay dílì na tinúud sawa. You can’t scare me with that because that’s no real snake. (→) n ailment, usually fever, that results from intense fright. ka- n terror. maka-r- a terrifying. Makalilísang kaáyu tung bagyúha kay hasta ang mga awtu nakulub, That was a terrifying storm because it even turned cars over.

lisay n lymph node. v [B; b4] have swollen lymph nodes. Naglisay (gilisayan) ang ákung íluk kay náay hubag ang ákung kamut, I have swollen lymph glands in the armpits because I have a swollen hand.

lisik v [A] stick out from a hidden or partly hidden position. Milisik ang íyang mata sa kalágut, His eyes bulged in anger. Ang itlug sa tigúwang naglisik, The old man’s testicles are hanging out in view. n testicles. putì ug — cowardly.

lisinsiya n 1 license, a document evidencing permission to engage in s.t. 2 permission to do s.t. Ayaw ug uban námù kay wà kay lisinsiya ni Pápa, Don’t go with us because you don’t have Daddy’s permission. v [AN2; b6] ask permission. Walà ku lisinsiyáhi ug táwu nga magbayli áning baláya, Nobody asked me permission to hold a dance here in this house. paN- n s.t. said or used to obtain permission. -du(←) n having a license. Ribulbir nga lisinsiyádu, Licensed revolver.

lísis n shoelace. v [A; c] tie the shoes. paN- v [A2] tie one’s shoes.

liskad = liskag.

liskag v 1 [B2; c1] for s.t. that wraps s.t. to come open. Miliskag ang dáhun sa ságing nga gipustan sa bulad, The banana leaves which the dried fish were wrapped in came undone. Nagkaliskag ang sáku kay labihang dasúka, The sack is coming apart because it was filled too full. Liskága (iliskag) ang baat, Untie the string. 1a for s.t. woven to get undone. Naliskag ang banig kay wà masapay, The mat came undone because the edges weren’t closed up. 2 [B2N] spread out, stick out. Maliskag ang balhíbu sa pábung duúlun, The turkey puffs up its feathers if you get near it. Naliskag ang íyang dunggan pagkadungug sa íyang ngā́n, Her ears perked up when she heard her name. a spread out, undone. Liskag ug tiil, Spreading feet.

liskug n 1 coil of rattan, wire, or anything stiff. 2 stiff band attached to the rim of a basket, tray, and the like to strengthen the rim. v [A; ab] 1 coil up s.t. stiff. 2 make, attach a reinforcing band on the rim of a basket or tray. 3 [B] for s.t. long to curl up at the ends. Naliskug ang lipak kay nainitan, The bamboo slats curled up because they were exposed to the sun.

liskúhag v 1 [B26] move, be stirred from an inactive or suppressed state. Miliskúhag ang mga lútì sa baskit nga wà kalugpíti, The bamboo strips on the rim of the basket came open because it wasn’t clipped. 2 [A23] for a feeling or emotion to spring forth in one’s inner self (literary). Miliskúhag pagkalit sa ákung kasingkásing ang usa ka tawhánung pagbátì, Some sort of human emotion emerged within me.

lisngag a having nostrils larger than would be ordinary for a given size of nose. v [B; c16] for the nostrils to be unusually large. Naglisngag lang nang ilung mu mu rag kabáyung [622]nasukù, You have nostrils that are drawn up like the nose of an angry horse.

lisngig v 1 [A; b] turn the face away in scorn, disgust, and the like. Milisngig dáyun ang kasíra sa pagkakità sa sud-an, The boarder turned her face away in disgust when she saw the food. 2 [B6; c1] look, turn the face sideways, usually due to a defect. Nalisngig ang íyang tinan-awan tungud sa íyang hubag sa líug, She has to keep looking sideways because of the big boil on her neck.

lispu = pulis (slang).

lista1 n 1 list. Wà maapil ang ímung ngálan sa lista, Your name is not on the list. 2 list of debts. v 1 [A; c] list, enumerate in writing, Ilista ang palitúnun arun way makalimtan, List the things to buy so we don’t forget anything. 2 [A; c1] charge s.t. to one’s account in a store, add to one’s list of debts. Hápit tanang pamilya sa sundáwu naglista sa kantína, Almost all the soldiers’ families charge all the goods they get from the canteen. Listahun (ilista) lang ni, ha? Just charge this, O.K.? pa- v [A; c6] enroll s.o. or oneself in a course. Dílì ku makapalista kay wà kuy kwarta, I cannot enroll because I don’t have any money. listahan = lista, n1. paN- n enrollment.

lista2 = alistu (female).

listu = alistu.

listun1, listǔn n shoelace. v [A; b6] put, tie s.o.’s shoelaces. paN- v [A2] tie one’s own shoelaces. Huwat úsà kay nanglistun pa ku, Just a second, I’m still tying my shoelaces.

listun2 n molding, a strip of wooden material for edging in a building or boat. v 1 [A; b] put a molding s.w. Ikaw bay mulistun sa mga daplin sa bungbung? Will you be the one to attach the molding at the edges of the walling? Íyang gilistúnan ang mga piktiyur prim, He attached the mouldings (around the sides) of the picture frame. 2 [a12] make into a wooden moulding. Listúnun ku ning kahúya, I’ll make a moulding out of this piece of wood.

lísu n seed. makaagpas sa — get the implication of s.t. spoken by indirection. Wà ku makaagpas sa lísu adtung íyang pasumbíngay, I did not get what he was driving at. lisulisu, lisuhan a for corn or rice to be half cooked, as if there were seeds in the center. v [B126; b6] for rice or corn to come out half-cooked. lisúhan a having seeds. Kadaghánan sa mga prútas lisúhan, Most fruits have seeds.

lísù v 1 [A; a12b2] turn, cause s.t. to rotate on its axis. Pugngi ang twirka samtang maglísù ku sa pirnu, Hold the nut in place while I turn the bolt. Lisúa ang ímung síya ug atúbang diri, Turn your chair around and face this way. 1a ma- pay buku sa kawáyan impossible to change (lit. it would be easier to twist a bamboo node). Malísù pay buku sa kawáyan kay sa ákung hukum, I’ll stick to my decision come hell or high water. 1b [b4(1)] — sa buut, kwirdas, pangísip, twirka, útuk go off one’s rocker. Ang pubring inahan nalisúan sa pangísip pagkamatay sa íyang mga bátà, The poor mother went crazy after her children died. 2 [A2; c6] twist one’s body as if on an axis. Milísù siya ug mitan-aw nákù, He turned around and looked at me. Ilísù ímung láwas ngadtu arun makaagi ku, Turn your body that way so I can pass by. 2a [A2] turn one’s body over. Ug pukáwun siya mulísù lang ug mubálik ug katúlug, If you wake him, he just turns over and goes back to sleep. (→) n turning pegs of musical instrument. -anan n 1 = lísù. 2 knob or switch one turns to turn s.t. on. lisùlísù v [A13] 1 turn around. Naglisùlísù siya sa silya nga nangítà nákù, He was turning around in the chair looking for me. 2 toss and turn. Naglisùlísù siya tibuuk gabíi ug walà makatulug, He was tossing all night and was not able to sleep. -ay(→) v [B146] be very busy. Naglisuay (nagkalisuay) ku íning trabáhu kay wà kuy katábang, I’m up to my neck with work because I don’t have anybody to help me.

lisud a 1 difficult. Lisud kaáyu ning liksiyúna, This lesson is very difficult. 2 in short supply, requiring effort. Lisud ang túbig sa ámù, Water is hard to come by at our place. Lisud ang dálan sa Tulídu, The road in Toledo is difficult. 3 for a situation to be hard to save or remedy. Lisud na ang kahimtang sa masakitun, The patient is in critical condition. v 1 [B2; a2] be, become difficult. Dílì nákù lisdun ang mga pangutána, I won’t make the questions difficult. 2 [B145; b6] have, encounter difficulty in doing s.t. Naglisud ku ug paandar sa makina, I am having difficulty starting the engine. Wà ka ba lisuri (lisdi) sa pag-ílis ug ligid? Did you have difficulty in changing the tire? 2a [a12] put s.o. to great inconvenience. Ug ímu kung lisdun, muundang ku sa trabáhu, If you make things hard for me, I will quit this job. 3 [A13] be in bad shape financially or in health. Naglisud si Lúlu mu, Your grandfather is gravely ill. Naglisud mi run kay wà kuy trabáhu, We’re hard up because I have no work. n thing that constitutes the hardship or difficulty. Ang lisud mau nga dílì siya muadmitir nga utángan siya nímu, [623]The difficult thing is that he won’t admit that he is indebted to you. (←), ka-(←) v [A13] have a hard time doing s.t. Naglísud (nagkalísud) kug báyad, I’m having a hard time paying. ug magka-(←) if need be, if things get bad enough. Ug magkalísud mubáyad na lang ku arun maariglu ang kásu, If there is no other way, I’ll just pay up so as to get rid of the case. lisudlisud v [A13; a12] 1 do s.t. the hard way. Lisudlisurun man nímu ug limbas. Gabsa! You are doing it the hard way with a file. Use a saw! 2 impose unnecessary work or difficulty on s.o. Naglisudlisud ka lang nákù pagpatubig sa tanum nga muulan man run, You are making me water the plants for nothing when it is going to rain. kalisudlisud v [A13] be hard up financially. Nagkalisudlisud sila kay walay trabáhu ang amahan, They are hard up because the father has no work. ka- n hardship. Ang kalisud nga ímung masagubang, The hardships you will encounter. kalisdánan n hardships.

lisuglisug v [B46; b4] for the body to have cysts or cyst-like protrusions. Mulisuglisug ang ákung íluk ug pamlúgan ku, I get swollen glands in my armpit whenever I get a lymphatic infection.

lísun1 a filled out, well-built in body. Ang himsug nga bátà lísun kaáyug láwas, The healthy child has a well-filled-out body. Ságad sa mga trabahadur lísun kaáyug láwas, Most workers have good bodies. v [B2; b6] for a body to be well-built, rounded. ka- n state of being well-built.

lísun2 n name given to various fleshy carangoid fish.

lisun plan n lesson plan for schools. v [A; b] make a lesson plan.

liswi n 1 = habasan. 2 blood-mouthed conch.

lisyinsiya = lisinsiya.

lít a late, not on time. Diin gud ka! Lít kaáyu ka, Where have you been? You are very late. v [B126] be late. Ug malít ka sa klási, ay na lang ug sulud, If you are late for class, don’t attend.

lit-ad a bent or twisted from warping, warped. Lit-ad kaáyu ning tabláha kay dúgay nga nabulad sa ínit, This piece of wood is all warped because it was left under the sun. v 1 [A2] get warped. 2 [A] bend the body backwards or writhe. Ayúhag kúgus ang bátà kay mukalit ug lit-ad, Hold the child firmly because he’ll just suddenly throw himself backward. lit-adlit-ad v [A] writhe, wriggle. Naglit-adlit-ad siya sa kalamì, She writhed in ecstasy.

lit-ag n k.o. snare with a running noose, actuated by a spring pole which is released when the quarry steps on the cross piece that holds it down. — nga mubutu booby trap. v 1 [AN; a12] catch with this sort of snare. Manglit-ag mi sa lasang ug ihálas manuk, We will snare wild chickens in the forest. 2 [A13; a12] make into a snare.

litaníya n 1 litany. 2 enumeration of things in a series. Túa na, gibungat ang litaníya sa ímung mga sayup, There he goes, reciting the litany of all your faults. v 1 [A13] say the litany. 2 [A13; a] say s.t. in an enumeration. Wà ku katíngug dihang gilitanyáhan ku níya sa ákung mga salà, I could not say a word when he enumerated my faults to me.

litì n thunderbolt. Usa ka makabungul nga litì milánug sa kagabhíun, A deafening thunderbolt echoed in the night. v [A2] for a thunderbolt to crash. — sa udtung tútuk sudden and unexpected happening (like a bolt of lightning at high noon, a rare occurrence). Ang pagbali sa sinalígan sa partídu ngadtu sa píkas mauy usa ka litì sa udtung tútuk, The party leader’s defection to the other side was a most unexpected move.

litik v 1 [AN; c1] snap one’s finger. Nagpanglitik siya sa íyang tudlù sa higayun nga nalipatan, He snapped his fingers in annoyance that he missed the opportunity. Litki (litiki) ang irù arun mudúul, Snap your fingers at the dog so it will come near. 2 [A; b] flick s.t. with the fingers. Litkan (liktan) ku nang dunggan mu ug dì ka mamínaw, I’ll flick your ears if you don’t listen. (←) = litiklitik, n2, v. litiklítik, litikay, litikánay, litkanay, liktanay n 1 a game of flicking each other’s knuckles to see who will surrender in pain. 2 game of detaching or scattering a bunch of knotted rubber bands by flicking with the thumb and middle finger. v [C] play a finger-flicking game or game scattering rubber bands.

litiliti a for s.t. in a container to be used up, very close to the bottom. Litiliti na kaáyu ang túbig sa bangà, The water in the jar is falling pretty close to the bottom. v [B36] 1 for s.t. to be used up, usually to the bottom of the container. Nagkalitiliti ang átung bugas, Our rice is getting close to the bottom of the bin. 2 be reduced to a very small amount. Naglitiliti ang nanan-aw sa prugráma kay taligsik, Only a small sparse crowd saw the program because it was drizzling.

litíra = ritíra.

litiral a literal. Litiral nga intirpritasiyun sa Biblíya, A literal interpretation of the Bible. [624]v [a12] do s.t. literally.

litiratúra n 1 literature. 2 literature carrying advertising or information.

lítis = litsúgas, 1.

litra n letter of the alphabet. v [A; b6] mark with a letter. Litráhan ku ning ákung mga punda, I will mark my pillowcases with my initials.

litrátu = ritrátu. litratista = ritratista. see ritrátu.

litru n 1 liter. 2 dry measure for grains and other items equal to one-third of a ganta. Ipalit ku ug usa ka litru nga asin, Buy me a liter of salt. v [A13; a12] measure s.t. by the liter. litruhan n a container used as a liter measure.

litsi1 n milk. v 1 [b6] put or add milk to s.t. Gilitsihan ba nímu ang ákung kapi? Did you put milk in my coffee? 2 [a12] raise s.t. or s.o. on milk other than the mother’s. Litsíhun ku ning itúya kay namatay ang inahan, I will raise this puppy on canned milk because the mother died. — plan n k.o. custard baked or steamed in syrup. kulur dí- a cream-colored. litsihan, litsíhan n a unit of dry or liquid measure the size of a milk can.

litsi2 1 mild cuss word uttered in annoyance or anger (euphemism for pisti). Litsi! Gibálì na pud nà nímu, Darn! You broke it again. 2 reference to s.o. one is annoyed at. Giindiyan ku sa litsing dakù, The son of a gun stood me up. -ng yáwà expression of strong anger. Litsing yáwà! Aku pay hulaman ug libru ug aku pay pahatdun didtu sa íla! Shit! He borrows a book from me and then I’m supposed to bring it to his house as well! litsilitsi v [A13; a12] say litsi to s.o. Ayaw kug litsilitsíha, Don’t you say litsi to me!

litsúgas n 1 lettuce: Lactuca sativa. 2 mild cuss word uttered upon being annoyed (euphemism for litsi). Litsúgas ning batáa, kanúnay rang mangáyù ug singku! This darn child! He always asks for a nickel.

litsun n 1 pig roasted whole over coals. 2 by extension, fowl so roasted. — dilitsi roast suckling pig. 3 euphemism for litsi, a mild curse said when one is annoyed with s.o. Litsun ning batáa samukan kaáyu, Darn this child. He’s such a nuisance. v [A; a2] roast a pig, have a roast pig or, by extension, a fowl. -in- n animal so roasted whole over coals. -un(→) n a pig in the stage of growth considered ideal for roasting.

litu, lítu v [A; a] buy rice or corn for home consumption. Lisud kaáyug hasta bugas litúhun pa, It’s very difficult if we have to buy rice, too. pa-(←) v [A; c] 1 sell corn grits or rice. 2 sell corn grits or rice on a rationed basis. Magpalítug bugas mais ang arsii, The RCA will sell corn meal on a rationed basis.

litù v 1 [AB; a12] for joints to crack, crack the joints. Kamau ka nga mulitù sa ímung tudlù? Do you know how to crack your knuckles? 2 [A; a12] rub a leaf over an angle to make the leaf pliant. Lituun nímu ang dáhun sa lumbuy sa ngilit sa lamísa arun sayun nga lukútun, Rub the lumbuy leaf over the edge of the table so it will be easy to roll. -anan(←) n s.t. one can rub a leaf over to make it pliant.

lítub n k.o. edible arc shell. — sa amù k.o. small arc shell (½″) which clings to cliffs along the seashore. It is not eaten.

lituglítug v [AN; c1] 1 hide, refuse to tell the truth when asked. Ayawg lituglítug, tug-an sa tinúud, Don’t try to hide s.t. Tell the truth. Ayaw kug lituglitúgi. Háin ang kwarta? Don’t try to hide anything from me. Where’s the money? 2 withhold s.t. which one is supposed to turn over. Gilituglítug sa pyádu ang abut sa humay, The man who was in charge didn’t turn over all of the rice crop.

lituk1 v 1 [A; a12] pronounce. Kamau nang mulituk si Bíbut sa púlung ‘Máma’, Bebot already knows how to say ‘Mama’ distinctly. 2 [A; b6(1)] express, convey s.t. by speaking. Naglituk siya sa íyang gugma ngadtu sa dalága, He was expressing his love to the maiden. Litukan ta ka sa prisyu nga walay makaparíhu, I will quote you a price no one can match.

lituk2 n flick with the fingers. v [A; b] hit s.t. by flicking the fingers at it. Ang tabian gilitukan sa maistru sa ū́, The teacher flicked the pupil on the head for talking in class.

lítuk a for rice plants to sprout fresh, lush leaves. v [B] for rice transplants to get lush new leaves. Naglítuk ang íyang humay kay dinisibi man, His rice plants are sprouting lush leaves because they are well cared for.

litundan = alitundan.

líu = líhù.

líug n neck. Butilyang taas ug líug, A bottle with a long neck. (→) v 1 [A123S; a12] hit in the neck. Liugun níya ug pusil ang liyun, He will shoot the lion in the neck. 2 — sa bitik ni San Markus v [a3] be hooked into marriage (lit. be caught in the neck by the noose of St. Mark). Ígù lang kung migraduwar, [625]naliug dáyun ku sa bitik ni San Markus, As soon as I graduated I got married. paN- v [A2] get thick at the neck. Nanglíug siyag maáyu, mu rag bábuy, He’s got lots of fat around the neck like a pig. panghi-(→) v [B2456] for a young bull to become fully mature, as shown by an enlargement of the neck. Manungag ra ba nang turíyu nga manghiliug, That young bull will gore you now that he’s getting mature. paN-(→) n in plowing with a water buffalo, a rope tied from one end of the yoke to the other, passing under the animal’s neck, the purpose of which is to prevent the yoke from slipping off. taga-(→) a up to the neck. Tagaliug ku sa mga útang, I’m up to my neck in debt. v [B156] get to be up to the neck.

liunduk = taliunduk.

lius v 1 [A2] pass by s.t. unnoticed. Sa luyung pultahan siya mulius, He passed thru the back door unnoticed. 1a [C3; b5] fail to see s.t., skip over s.t. Naglíus lang sila ug wà magkítà, They passed each other without seeing each other and they failed to meet. Giliusan (gilius) námù siya pagsilbi, We skipped her when we were serving. 2 [A3B; a12] distract s.o.’s attention from s.t. Akuy naglius sa irù; siya usab nangáwat, I distracted the dog’s attention, while he broke into the house. 3 [A12] for s.t. to come and go without being given adequate or passing attention. Pila na ka Sabadu ang milius? How many Saturdays have come and gone? (←) v 1 [A13] keep coming in succession. Naglíus na man lang tung mga maáyung tanyag, Those good offers have just been coming to you one after the other. 2 [A2; b5] wriggle through a tight opening. Liúsa (liúsi) ang mga táwu arun maabut ka sa altar, Wriggle through the throng so you can reach the altar. liuslíus v [A; b6] 1 avoid being caught by changing direction and speed constantly. Lisud siyang dakpun kay maáyung muliuslíus, He is hard to catch because he is good in dodging. 2 manage to get through an argument or interrogation by evasive means. Maáyu siyang muliuslíus sa katarúngan, He is good at giving evasive reasons.

líut v [A2; b6] 1 squeeze one’s way through. Milíut siya sa daghang táwu, He squeezed his way through the crowd. Nasámad siya sa alambring íyang giliútan, He sustained cuts from the barbed wire he squeezed through. 2 get out of a difficult spot by verbal cunning. Bísag pit-un siya, makalíut pa giyug pangatarúngan, Even if you push him against the wall, he will manage to come up with an answer that will somehow get him out of it.

líwa v [A; a1] destroy mankind and rid the world of evils. Ang lúnup mauy milíwa sa kalibútan, The great deluge destroyed mankind and rid the world of evils.

líwag v 1 [A; c1] move s.t. at one end to get it out of the way or make it change position. Liwágun nátù ngadtu ning tabla arun dílì magbalabag sa dálan, Let’s push this board to one side so it won’t be in the way. 2 [B6; c1] face a different direction. Pastilan ug mulíwag nang kanyun, If that cannon turns in this direction, we’re in for it. 2a shift one’s direction in squatting without taking the soles off the ground. Milíwag siya arun maduul sa íyang tiráhan nga dyúlin, He pivoted around to get nearer to the target he was shooting his marble at.

líwas n period after a holiday or big occasion. Sa líwas sa pyista, After the fiesta. Líwas sa gíra, The post-war period. v [B256; b] for it to get to be the time after some period. Mulíwas na lang ang pasku wà giyud kuy pinaskúhan, Christmas will soon be over and I still haven’t received a single Christmas gift. Giliwásan giyud mi sa ting-ani didtu sa búkid, We stayed in the mountains until after the harvest season.

liwat a taking after. Liwat siya sa amahan nga taas ug ilung, He got his father’s long nose. — sa giliwatan being exactly like the parents, a chip off the old block. v 1 [B256N; b6] take after s.o. 2 [A12] obtain or produce an offspring or young. Maáyu na lang ug makaliwat (makapaliwat) ning sunúya kay dì na ikatárì, This rooster is no good for fighting any more, but we can still use him as breeder. n 1 species, breed of. Ang dumánu liwat sa lubi nga inánu, Dumánu is a species of dwarf coconut. 2 one’s children. Pila nay ímung liwat karun? How many children do you have now? pa- v [A; b5c] breed s.t. Paliwatan (paliwatun) nákù ning ákung alumnus, I will use this boar for breeding purposes. Ug gustu kag maáyung nati, anhà ipaliwat sa ílang túru, If you want to have a good calf, breed it from their bull. paN- v [A2] have an offspring. Ug mangliwat ímung bábuy, paambíta ta ug usa, If your pig has a litter, let me have one. ka-(←) n 1 descendant. Ang kalíwat ni Busyu mau ang mga adunáhan sa Karkar, The wealthy families in Carcar are the descendants of Bosio. 2 breed, race, species. Kining mungaána kalíwat ug hingitlug, This hen is an egg-laying breed. Lubus nga kalíwat, Purebred. Mau ni ang kalíwat sa úhung nga [626]gagmayun apan pinangità, This species of mushroom is small but highly prized. Tabúnung kalíwat, The brown race. †

liwayway n 1 name of a Tagalog weekly. 2 brand of cheap cigarettes.

liwit = diwit.

liyalíya n rocking chair. v [A; c1] sit or be rocking in a chair. Midiskansu siya, nagliyalíya, He is sitting in his rocking chair, relaxing.

liyinda n legend, a story handed down from early times by tradition and popularly regarded as historical.

líyu v [A2; b6(1)] circle around. Milíyu ug katulu ang ayruplánu únà mutugpa, The airplane circled three times before it landed. n things located in a circle around an area. Mga balay nga líyu sa simbahan, The houses surrounding the church.

líyug a for s.t. long and slender to be bent or crooked, warped. Dílì magsirbi nà pára pálu kay líyug kaáyu, This would not do for a mast because it is crooked. v 1 [A13] be crooked or bent. Unsang klási sa mitrusána ni nga naglíyug man? What kind of meter stick is this that it is so crooked? 2 [B246] for a missile to go crooked. Mulíyug ang lapad nga batu ug ilábay, A flat stone curves when you throw it. liyuglíyug v [A] bend back and forth. Ug muliyuglíyug ang lubi, bagyu na nà, If the coconut sways back and forth, it’s a typhoon.

líyuk v [A2S; c] be, go around s.t. Mga bátang naglíyuk (nagliyuk) sa nag-ásuy, Children sitting around the storyteller. Makalíyuk ba ning písì sa paldu? Will this rope go all around the bale? Wà mi makasíbug dihang giliyúkan mi sa mga Hapun, We were not able to retreat when the Japanese surrounded us. a being around. Líyuk sa ílang balay may káhuy nga namúnga, There are trees covered with fruit all around their house.

liyun n lion.

1 n law course. Lú ang íyang giistudiyúhan, He is taking up law.

2 v [A; c6] feel weak and with no energy. Mulú lang nang tawhána ug magdaut, That man feels weak and lazy only if he is ill. Ug ilú nímu ang plú, musamut, Your flu will get worse if you give in to it.

lúad v 1 [AB126; a12] be uprooted and fall on its side, uproot s.t. Bagyu Ámi ang naglúad ánang kasya, Typhoon Amy felled that acacia tree. Nalúad ang pusti nga naagian sa bahà, The post was uprooted when the flood went through it. 2 [A; a12] for brothers to marry sisters. Gilúad sa mga Plánas ang mga Bakalan, The Planas brothers married the Bacalan sisters.

luag a 1 loose, not tightly attached or wound around. Luag kaáyu pagkabaáta ang písì, The rope is loosely tied. Luag nga sapátus, Shoes that are too big. 2 having ample space. Ang bangkù luag pára lingkúran sa lima ka táwu, The bench is big enough for five persons to sit on it. Luag nga kalubinhan. Large tracts of coconut land. 2a for s.t. not to occupy a whole area. Ípun diri ug lingkud kay luag pa mi kaáyu, Sit with us because there’s plenty of room here. 3 being in a comfortable situation. Luag na ang átung panimuyù kay may trabáhu na silas Pápa ug Máma, We have a comfortable life now that Dad and Mom both have jobs. 4 for emotions or a sickness to be relieved. Luag na ang ákung ginháwa dihang naulì na ang bátà, My anxiety has been relieved now that my daughter came home. v 1 [APB; a2] be loose, loosen. Bi, akuy muluag (mupaluag) sa ímung kurbáta, Here, I will loosen your necktie. Hugti ug maáyu ang twirka arun dílì muluag, Tighten the nut very well so it will not loosen. Luagi ug báat ang ákung kamut, Tie my hands loosely. 2 [B5; b6] be, become wide in area. Nagkaluag ang ílang kahumayan kay nanáwat silag prinda, They are getting more and more rice lands because they accept mortgages. 3 for one’s financial or emotional situation to ease up. ha- = luag, a2. luaglúag v [B26; b(1)] for there to be a slackening of pressure, treat leniently. Apikíha siya. Ayawg luagluági ang ímung paghangyù, Pressure him. Don’t ease up in your pleading. Ug luagluágan nímu ang ímung mga anak, mangabusar nà, If you are too lenient with your children, they will become abusive.

luaryang, luaryung (from luag) a for a woman to have a large vagina, no longer a virgin (coarse). Mangasáwa ka ánang luaryang? Are you going to marry that fallen woman? v [B126] be a fallen woman.

lúas n tiny sore in the gums or inside of the mouth. v [b4] have tiny sores in the mouth.

luátan n joints, a place of union between two separate bones.

luay1 n leader in fishing with a line. v [A; b6(1)] attach a leader to a line.

luay2 v [B2; b6] be, become weak and limp. Muluay (maluay) ang láwas sa táwung kuyapan, The body of a person who faints becomes limp. Nagluay ang úlu sa bátà nga nakatúlug sa silya, The child’s head was hanging limply after he fell asleep in the chair. a flexible, limp. Luay ang alambri, [627]Wire is flexible.

luay3 = dul-ay.

luba v [B26] give way under pressure, persecution, public opinion. Dì muluba (maluba) ning ákung pagbátì bísan taliwā̀ sa pagtámay, My love will not give way no matter how much scorn they may heap on me. Ang lúhà sa íyang asáwa mauy nakapaluba (nakaluba) sa íyang hugut nga hukum, His wife’s tears moved him to back down from his firm decision.

lúbà v [A3S; a1] stab. Naprísu siya kay nakalúbà, He was put in jail because he stabbed s.o.

lubad v 1 [B2] fade. Milubad (nalubad) ang púlu kay gibakhan, The shirt faded because it was bleached in the sun. Nagkalubad ang singsing pansi, The imitation ring is fading. 2 [B246; b4] for colors to run. Gilubdan ang putì nga giságul sa dikulur, When the white and the colored clothing were washed together, the colors ran onto the white cloth. 3 [B2] for feelings, traits, etc. to fade. Ang panahun makapalubad (makalubad) sa panaghigalaay, Time can make a friendship fade. 3a [AB] change one’s mind, cause s.o. to do so. Dì giyud siya maglubad sa íyang hukum, He never changes his decisions. Milubad (nalubad) ang íyang hunàhúnà pagkabuntag, She changed her mind the following morning. 4 for the voice to break. Ulitáwu ka na kay milubad nag ímung tíngug, You are an adolescent now because your voice has started to break. a faded. Sinínang lubad, A faded shirt. pa- v [A; c6] shift the topic of conversation. Mipalubad dáyun siya dihang ákù na untang sukmátan, He changed the subject right away when I was about to confront him. lubarun a of a faded sort. Lubarun na ning pulúha, dáan na man gud, This sport shirt is faded because it is already old.

*lubag1 pa- v [A2; c] change the topic of conversation, take s.t. back. Mangumidiya siya, apan kun masukù na ang íyang kumidiyáhan, mupalubag (magpalubag) dáyun siya, He teases, but when the fellow he is teasing gets angry, he immediately takes it back. Báhin sa gugma ang íyang gipalubag, He changed the topic of conversation to love.

lúbag v 1 [AB6; ab] twist s.t., wring s.t. out. Lubágun ku nang líug mu, animála ka, I will wring your neck, you beast. Lubági ang linabhan arun daling mauga, Wring out the clothes so they will dry quickly. 2 [A13] for flat boards to be warped. Naglúbag ang tabla kay dúgayng nabulad sa ínit, The board is warped because it was left in the sun for a long time. (→)2 n liquid obtained by squeezing plants for their sap. Maáyung bubhu ang lubag sa bawnus, The squeezings from the gogo vine make good shampoo. v [A2; c] 1 exude a juice, taste, color when soaked in water. Pula ang ilubag sa tungug, Mangrove bark gives off a red color. 2 for the results of bad behavior to come out. Milubag na ang íyang pangarmin. Napaangkan siya, Her habit of always making herself up has borne fruit. Now she got pregnant. 3 [A2N] for dirt to loosen so that it comes out easily. Ihúmul únà sa sabun nang mga bulingun bwáhan makalubag ang buling, Soak the dirty clothes in soapy water so that the dirt can come loose. lubaglúbag v [A; c6] writhe. Naglubaglúbag siya sa katri sa kasakit, He is writhing in pain on the bed. -in- n liquid or juice squeezed out of s.t. Waswási pag linabhan kay lubug pag linúbag, Rinse the clothes once more because the water you are wringing out is still dirty. pa- v [A; c] cause s.t. to exude its juice or dirt to come out. n s.t. which can loosen dirt.

lubak v [A; a] pound, beat heavily with s.t. Tulu ka táwu ang mulubak (maglubak) sa humay, Three persons will pound the rice. Lubakun ku sa kúmù ang ímung nawung, I will beat your face with my fists.

lubakan n 1 a coconut palm with the defect that its nuts and fronds easily break or fall off. 2 the way certain coconuts develop with a husk so thick that the nut looks very much bigger than the ordinary, but with an ordinary amount of meat. v [B1256] for a coconut tree to get to be so that the nuts and fronds break off easily.

lubang1 v [A; c] transplant seedlings. Kamiy mulubang sa mga lubi, We will transplant the coconut seedlings. n seedling.

lubang2 v [B246] for pimples or rash to come out. Mulubang ang mga butuybutuy ug mukáun siyag pasáyan, She breaks out in rash if she eats shrimps.

lúbang n k.o. upland rice with big, round, reddish grains that ripen in five months.

lub-ang1 v [A; c] put all of s.t. in one container. Kinsa may naglub-ang íning tanang ságing sa kúlun? Who put all the bananas in the pot? Ilub-ang ang tanang linabhan sa duwang, Put all of the laundry in the basin.

lub-ang2 n 1 pothole. 2 hole to plant seedlings in. v [B12] for potholes to develop. -un(→) n seedling ready for transplanting to holes dug for the purpose.

lúbas n 1 heartwood of timber. 2 maturity, enough years to become seasoned (literary). [628]v [b4] have well-developed heartwood. -an a 1 having well-developed heartwood. 2 seasoned, experienced. Lubásan nga magbabalaud, Seasoned lawmaker.

lubat n illness caused by a frightening experience, esp. contact with the dead. The cure is palínà. (see *línà2) Kanang íyang gibátì lubat nà niadtung kalit nga pagdawugdug, Her sickness is due to the intense fright she suffered from hearing the thunder. v [B246; b4] for an illness to develop or for s.t. that one has to get worse because of intense fright. Mulubat ang kabahung basta iadtug mintiryu, Sores get worse if you go to a cemetery when you have them. Gilubatan ang bátà kay gidúul sa minatay, The child got ill from fright because he was made to go near the corpse. pa- v [A; c] startle s.o. by s.t. sudden—a shout or a sudden spring from a concealed position. Palubatan nákù si Náti inigsúd sa kwartu, I’ll frighten Natie when she enters the room.

lubaung= libaung.

lubay, lúbay a pliant, easily bent. Lúbay ang kawáyan, Bamboo bends. v [B2; b6] become supple. Mulúbay (malúbay) ímung láwas ug mukúhà kag bali, Your body becomes supple if you take ballet lessons. (→) n tender string beans. lubaylúbay v [A1P; c16] move or do s.t. slowly with a wiggly body. Maglubaylúbay (magpalubaylúbay) giyud nà siyang maglakaw, mu rag báyut, He walks slowly wiggling his body like a fairy. n k.o. wrasse.

lubi n coconut: Cocos nucifera. mugbù pa ang — long ago. — nga lupísan n variety with green husks. — nga ugis n variety with whitish nuts, used in making coconut oil for medicinal purposes. v [b(1)] mix milk extracted from coconut meat with s.t. Nindut ang sabaw sa kinhasun ug lubihan, A chowder of seashells tastes good if coconut milk is added to it. lubilúbi v [A; ab] weed or clean the area around each coconut plant. Ug dì nátù matibuuk paglimpiyu, lubilubíhun lang, If we can’t clean the whole area, just clean under each tree. n 1 name given to various plants commonly found in coconut groves. 1a k.o. shrub with no branches and reddish leaves growing at the tops. 1b k.o. ground orchids, e.g. the ornamental orchid: Spathoglottis plicata. 2 name given to k.o. palm. palubilúbi v [A] play hard to get (from the notion that coconut meat is hard to extract from its shell). Nagpalubilúbi siya ábig ákung lugítun, She is playing hard to get. She thinks I’m going to try to extract her from the shell. kalubihan, kalubian, kalubinhan n coconut grove. taga- n a system of trading in which the merchandise, esp. home-made food preparations as cakes, etc., are bartered for mature coconuts. v [c6] barter goods for coconuts. Itagalubi ni nákung bibingka, I’ll barter these rice cakes for coconuts.

lúbid v [AB12; a] twist together, twine. Nagkalúbid íyang dílà pagsinultig ininglis, His tongue gets all twisted up in trying to speak English. Lubíra ang duha ka wáyir arun lig-un giyud, Twist the two wires together to make them really strong. n abaca twine. lubiran n device for twining rope. lubidlúbid, -in- n k.o. hard, crunchy pastry, fashioned like twine, sprinkled with flakes of sugar.

lubing n loop or noose of a lasso which tightens when pulled. Dakua ang lubing kay dakù ug líug ang báka, Make the loop large because the neck of the cow is large. v [A; c1] 1 catch or ensnare using a lasso or noose which tightens when pulled. Akuy mulubing (maglubing) sa mga báka, I’ll lasso the cows. 2 win s.o. through deceit or by fast talk. Gilubing sa pulitiku ang publiku, The politician had won the public support through his glib words.

lubintadur = libintadur.

lubítus n very small beads sewn on s.t. for decoration. v [A; b6] decorate s.t. with lubítus.

lublub v 1 [A;b(1)] bury oneself. Kuykúya ang gilublúban sa hanlilítik, Dig down to where the scorpion shrimp buried itself. 2 [A; b6] stay long in a place without much activity. Naglublub lang siya sa íla kay way kwarta, He just stays home because he doesn’t have any money. -anan n place where s.o. buries himself or stays long in. †

lúbu1 v [B26; c1P] for s.t. to be projected upwards at a sharp angle. Ayawg ilúbu (lubúha ipalúbu, palubúha) inigsirbi kay sayun nang sagngun, Don’t serve it high because it will be easy to spike it. a projected at a sharp angle. Lúbu ra nga pagkasirbi, Served too high. n 1 balloon. 2 hot-air balloon. Misáka ang lúbu human kadagkuti ang pabílu, The hot-air balloon rose after the wick was lit.

lúbu2 n wolf.

lúbù v [A; a] 1 remove grains of corn from the cob. Lubúa nang mais arun ipagaling, Remove the kernels so we can mill them. 2 remove teeth, serrations, or anything protruding in a series, like the grains of corn. Malúbù run nang ngípun mug musúpak ka, You’ll be minus your teeth if you don’t [629]cooperate. hangyù — request made in such a way it cannot be turned down (so called from the notion that as one is asking for corn he is at the same time picking at the grains).

lubug v [A; b6] 1 for a person to sit with the rump smack on the ground or for an animal to sit or lie with its limbs flat on the ground. Milubug sa sawug ang irù, The dog was stretched out on the floor. 1a for the sun to be about to set. Milubug na ang adlaw sa kasadpan, The sun was about to set (lit. sitting on its rump in the west). 2 stay in a place for some time, but temporarily. Duha na ku ka simánang lubug dinhi kay way kasakyan, I have been stuck here for two weeks because there has been no transportation. 2a — sa banig [A13] stay in bed due to illness. Mutúig na siyang galubug sa banig, He has been bedridden for almost a year. lubganan n place where animals habitually lie down.

lúbug v 1 [AB2; a] for liquid to get or be made murky with sediment. Mulúbug (malúbug) ang subà ug mubahà, The river becomes muddy during floods. Ang nangaligúay mauy naglúbug sa subà, The bathers made the river all muddy. 2 [AB12] for one’s sight to become, be made blurry. Bulug sa lúhà nga milúbug sa íyang mata, A torrent of tears that blurred her sight. 3 [A; a12] make a wild disturbance so as to disrupt an activity. Tagagawas ang naglúbug sa ámung parti, Some outsiders disrupted our party. a murky, blurred. (→) = lúbug, a. -un(→) a of a muddy, murky sort.

lubuk v 1 [A; a] pound with a pestle. Lubka (lukba) lang ang tipasì. Ayawg ipagaling, Just pound the rice. Don’t have it milled. 2 [A; a12] rain blows on the body. Lubkun únà sa buksidur ang tiyan sa íyang kuntra, The boxer pounds his opponent’s stomach first. lubkanan n 1 place where pounding is done. 2 mortar.

lubulúbu n 1 a bitter, inedible powdery material from buri palm flour, which is separated from the edible portion (natuk) and disposed of. 2 thin, white membranous covering on the inside surface of bamboo stems.

lubun v [B23(1)] sink into s.t. soft. Nalubun ang trák sa lápuk ug dì na makadúwal, The truck is stuck in the mud and cannot move any further. Nagkalubun na ning ákung singsing kay nagkadakù man ning ákung tudlù, My ring is getting embedded more and more deeply in my finger because my finger is getting fatter. Ilubun (lubunun) pag-áyu ang batu sa aláhas arun dílì daling mulagput, The stones are set deeply so that they can’t fall out. a for stones to be set deep. pa- n meat or fish inserted into the boiled rice one carries s.w. as his lunch (malutù). pa-(←) n in weaving, a rod stuck into a groove made in the cloth beam (likisan), the purpose of which is to hold the woven cloth wound around the cloth beam in place and maintain tension on the warp.

lubung v 1 [A; c] bury. Naglubung silag bahandì sa sílung, They buried a treasure under the house. Gipamisáhan ang háyà únà ilubung, A mass was said for the dead man before he was buried. 1a be beaten by an overwhelming victory in an election, contest, game. Gilubung ang Libiral sa Nasyunalista, The Nationalists defeated the Liberals by a landslide. 1b bury fish in the sand to make them look fresh. 1c embed a charm inside a part of the body. Gilubung níya ang mutyà sa íyang brásu arun mahímu siyang kublan, He embedded the magical pearl in his biceps to make himself invulnerable. 2 [AB6; cP] sink, drive s.t. into the ground; for s.t. to sink into the ground. Milubung ákung tiil pagtámak nákù sa lápuk, My foot sank when I stepped in the mud. Naglubung silag mga trúsu sa pundasiyun, They drove logs into the foundations. — sa kalímut v [c6] forget s.t. completely. Ilubung sa kalímut ang ímung makauúlawng kaági, Forget your shameful past. n 1 grave. 2 interment. lubngánan n place of interment. Bawnun ku sa lubngánan ang ákung pagmáhay, I will regret it to my dying day (lit. carry my regret to my grave). lubnganan, kalubngan n cemetery. lubnganánun a appropriate to the cemetery. Lubnganánung kahílum, A cemetery-like silence. -in- n fish buried in the sand near the shore so that they would look fresh.

lubus v [AN; a12] acquire a supernatural ability by means of undergoing a series of difficult tasks (táhas) in preparation for it. Ug mulubus (manlubus) kag kaláki kinahanglang makatúman ka sa táhas, If you want to acquire supernatural ability, you must be able to accomplish the series of difficult tasks. Gilubus sa ákung apuhan ang kaláki ni Dun Liyun Kílat, My grandfather acquired Don Leon Kilat’s supernatural ability.

lúbus1 a 1 entirely of one color and texture. Ang ákung irù lúbus nga putì, My dog is entirely white. Ang kulur sa bistídu lúbus kaáyung pula, My dress is colored a very pure red. Lúbus pánit ákung bág, My purse [630]is all leather. 1a — kalíwat purebred. Lúbus kalíwat Tiksas kining manúka, This cock is a purebred Texas. 2 for a decision to be final. Lúbus na ang ákung hukum, My decision is final. v 1 [B2; c1] be, become purely one color. Ug usban nímug pintal, mulúbus (malúbus) ang kulur, If you paint it once more, the color will be pure and even. 2 [B26; c1] be, become decided.

lúbus2 a tied, wound around tight. v [a12] tie s.t. tight. Ayaw lubúsa pagbáat arun sayun badbárun, Don’t tie it tight so it will be easy to untie. ka- n tightness of a knot or the way s.t. was tied up.

lubut n 1 anus, rump. Lúpig pay lubut sa himungáan sa katabian níya, She’s more talkative than a hen’s behind (which keeps opening and closing). walay — having hips and buttocks far too forward. Ayg tak-in kay wà kay lubut, Don’t tuck in your shirt because you have flat buttocks. 2 vagina (euphemism). Ang bátà anhà mulusut sa lubut sa babáyi, A baby comes out through the mother’s bottom. 3 bottom part of a container or receptacle. Lubut sa baskit, Bottom of the basket. 3a — sa básu costume jewelry (lit. made from the bottom of a glass). Daling mulubad ang singsing nga lubut sa básu, A dimestore ring soon fades. 4 rear end of vehicles. Ikarga sa lubut sa trák, Load it at the back part of the truck. 5 — mu 5a expression of disbelief. Lubut nímu! Kinsay mutúu, My foot! Who’d believe that! 5b expression of disgust. ‘Tagai kug dus ipamúwang.’—‘Dus sa ímung lubut. Hái kwartáhun?’ ‘Let me have two pesos to go to the cockfights.’—‘Two pesos. You must be nuts. We don’t have any money!’ 6 nakahikap sa — s.t. must have happened to [subject] that he did s.t. nice since he doesn’t usually do that. Nanghátag mag kwarta ang tihik. Nakahikap sa lubut, Suddenly the miser is giving out money. S.t. must have happened to him. (Lit. He must have gotten his hand on s.o.’s rear end.) 7 mabaw ug — easily angered. v 1 [ANC; c1] do s.t. at s.o.’s rear end. Nanglubut siya ug suntuk, He hit him on the buttocks. Nagkalúbut mig higdà, We lay with our buttocks touching each other. Lubuta siya pagtindak, Kick her in the arse. 2 [B; c] get to be at the rear or bottom. Nagkalubut na man ku sa ámung klási, I am gradually slipping to the bottom of my class. Inay kay nag-una kug sakay, nalubut na hinúun, I was the first to get on the bus, but I wound up in the rear end anyway. Ilubut lang ning ákung karga, Just place my baggage at the rear. 3 [A12N; a12] enter through the back way. Lubtun lang nátug súd ang báy arung dì ta makit-an, Let’s go in through the back door so that nobody will see us. — ug anay n nutmeg shells (lit. sow’s anus) so called because of the similarity of the lips of this shell to the anal lips of a sow. lubutlubut v [B4] have more work to do than one can handle. Nagkalubutlubut kug laba, I’m going crazy trying to do all this laundry. Dílì man ka mutuktuk, magkalubutlubut man lang tag panábun sa átung láwas, Why didn’t you knock? I went wild trying to cover myself. lubutlúbut v [AP; c] follow s.o. around. Ayaw kug lubutlubúti, Don’t follow me around all the time.

lubyuk v [B] be, become hollow, sunken. Kandíis nga naglubyuk sa íyang isig ka áping, Dimples that are deeply set on each cheek. Ang húmuk nga yútà malubyuk kun tumban, Soft earth caves in when you step on it.

lúd n load of courses given to a teacher. v [A; c] have a certain teaching load. Gamay ra kug makítà kay naglúd lang kug duha, I don’t earn much because I have only two courses. Pilay ilúd nímu káda simistir? How many courses are given you per semester?

ludà v [AN; c] spit, spit out. Giludà níya ang íyang giúsap, He spat out what he was chewing. n spittle, saliva.

ludábi n name of Cebuano writers’ organization, abbreviation of Lúbas sa Dágang Bisayà, ‘The elite (lit. heartwood) of Visayan literature’.

lud-an see luwà.

ludhan see luhud.

lúgà = lugàlúgà.

lugabu, lugábu n dull hollow sound of impact. Lugábu sa mga táwung nagsáyaw sa táas, The thumping sound of the people dancing upstairs. v [A2S3] produce a dull hollow sound of impact. Milugábu ang likud nga gisumbag, His back resounded with a thump when I slapped him. Naglugabu ang bawud sa lapyahan, The waves pounded against the shore. -in- = lugábu, n.

lugabung v [B1456] make a thumping sound. Naglugabung ang mga lamísa ug síya nga gipatíran sa mga hubug, The chairs and tables made a thumping sound as the drunken men kicked them.

lugak v 1 [AB; ab7] for s.t. which grips or is tied round s.t. to loosen. Wà siya mulugak ug gakus nákù sa kahadluk nga byáan, She did not let go of her embrace for fear of being left behind. Lugaka ang ímung sinínà arun hayáhay, Loosen your dress so it will [631]be comfortable. Lugaki ang turniki káda singku minútus, Loosen the tourniquet every five minutes. 2 [B4; b(1)] abate, slow down from doing s.t. with energy. Ang bag-ung dálan makalugak (makapalugak) sa trapiku dinhi, The new street can relieve the traffic here. Ayawg lugaki ang pagpanguyab níya, Keep courting her for all you’re worth. Don’t let off. 3 [B2456N] for the knees to give way, for a person to budge from his convictions. Dì siya mulugak sa íyang barugánan bísag hulgáun, He won’t budge from his stand even if you threaten him. Nanglugak ang íyang mga túhud, His knees gave way. 4 [b(1)] loosen one’s control or discipline over. Ug ímung lugakan ang ímung anak muabusar nà, If you rear your child leniently he will become abusive.

lugàlúgà v [A13; a12] move s.t. in a hole back and forth. Naglugàlúgà siya ug lipak sa nabúlit nga túbu, He worked a stick back and forth in the tube that was stopped up.

lugamak, lugámak v [B456; c1P] fall with a crash, be thrown down with force. Mulugamak ka giyud ug mahugnù nang ímung gitungtúngan, You will fall with a crash if that thing you are standing on collapses. Gilugamakan (gipalugamakan) ang mga búlak sa mga inibut nga sagbut, They threw the uprooted weeds with force on top of the flowers. Nalugamakan (nalugmakan) ku sa íyang kasábà, I received the brunt of his scoldings. Ímu man nang ilugamak (ipalugamak) ang ímung láwas bísag ása, You throw yourself down anywhere. n sounds of s.t. falling with a crash. (→) [B126; b8] rush headlong into s.t. Nalugamak siya sa usa ka byúda nga way kwarta, He rushed into marriage with a penniless widow. -in- = lugámak, n.

lugan-ub n thundering, reverberating sound. v [A3] produce a thunderous or loud reverberating sound. Milugan-ub ang kabukíran nga gipabuthan ug dinamíta, A deafening sound echoed through the mountains when the dynamite was exploded. n a thundering, reverberating sound. -in- = lugan-ub.

lugapak, lugápak n banging, slapping, cracking sound. Ang lugapak sa kawáyan, The cracking of the bamboo. v [A2S; ac] make a cracking, slapping, banging sound. Milugapak ang pultahan nga gikalit pagsira, The door was slammed with a bang. Naglugapak ang samput sa íyang anak sa bakus, The leather belt cracked over his son’s buttocks. -in- = lugápak, n.

lugar1 n 1 geographical place. Nakaadtu na ku sa lainláing lugar sa kalibútan, I have been to various places in the world. 1a situation one is in. Ikaw sa ákung lugar ug lalim ba, You try being in my place and see if it is nice. 2 proper place, occasion for s.t. Ibutang sa lugar ang ímung pagpangmik-ap, Use make-up at the proper occasion. Walà sa lugar tung ímung pagsaway níya kay daghang namínaw, It was not the right time for you to criticise him because there were lots of people listening. 2a proper place of vehicles in the flow of traffic. Patuu. Wà ka sa lugar, Move to the right. You’re not in your lane. 3 vacant place. Dúna pa bay lugar sa dyíp? Is there room in the jeep? 4 available time for s.t. Wà kuy lugar pagsúruy run, I don’t have time to go around now. 5 chance or opportunity to do s.t. Way lugar pagdúul níya kay gwardiyádu, There is no chance to get near him because he is guarded. 6 primíru (ikaduha, etc.) in the first (second, etc.) place. Ayawg adtu. Primíru lugar istranyu ka, Don’t go there. In the first place, you are a stranger. lugráha, lugaráha n particular place, time, chance. v 1 [A; b(1)] give way or space to. Milugar siya arun makalingkud ang babáyi, He gave his place so the lady could sit. Lugari ang Prisidinti inigsúut níya sa nanambung, Give way to the President when he goes through the crowd. 2 [A3; b(1)] give the chance to do s.t. Musabut giyug íyang pápa kay mulugar man inigpamisíta nákù, Her father is sure understanding because he leaves us alone (lit. gives a chance) when I go visiting. Ayaw siyag lugari nga muantug, Don’t give him the chance to shoot the ball. 3 [A12] 3a get a chance to do s.t. Hagki dáyun siya ug makalugar ka, Kiss her as soon as you get the chance. 3b have the time to. Buháta ni ug makalugar ka, Do this if you have the time to. 4 [A2; c6] pull over in a place proper for stopping a vehicle. Ilugar ang dyip ug muhúnung ka, Pull over to the side of the road when you stop. a 1 having available space. Kargáhi pa kay lugar pa kaáyu, Put in more passengers because there’s still plenty of space. 2 for there to be a chance. Dì ku mangupya bísag lugar kaáyu, I won’t cheat even if I have a good chance to do so. pa- v [A; b(1)] give s.o. a chance to come near or touch one. nà siya magbinúang bísag palugaran, He won’t do anything foolish even if given the chance. tag- n spirit inhabiting a particular place. Gidaútan nà siya sa taglugar kay íyang giputul ang káhuy, The spirit of the place made him ill when he cut the tree down. [632]

lugar2 = kinta1.

lugas n 1 grain. Usa ka lugas humay, A grain of rice. Maáyu ang lugas sa igtalánum nga binhì, The seeds for planting have well-formed grains. 1a drops (figurative). Pipila ka lugas nga lúhà, A few teardrops. 2 strand. Usa ka lugas buhuk, A strand of hair. 2a — lánut a hair’s breadth (lit. strand of abaca fiber) by which one is kept from death. Usa ka lugas lánut ang nakauwang nákù sa kamatáyun, I came within a hair’s breadth of meeting my death. 3 word counter for people. Pipila ka lugas táwu ang didtu sa sinihan, There were only a few people in the movies. 4 word counter for things which can be counted but not concrete. Pipila ka lugas púlung, A few words. Pipila ka lugas kanta, A few songs. Pipila ka lugas idíya, A few ideas.

lug-as v [B12; a12] remove husk from rice or other grains. Ang ímung linubkan dì makalug-as (makapalug-as) sa dáwa, The way you are doing it won’t get the husks off the millet. a already unhusked. Taphi ang linubuk kay lug-as na, Winnow the pounded rice because the husks are off now.

lugátub n deep, loud, hollow sound. v [A] resound with a deep loud, hollow sound. Milugátub ang baril nga gilábayg batu, The barrel went bonk when a stone was thrown at it. -in- = lugátub.

lúgaw n porridge from rice or corn grits. v 1 [A; a] make porridge. Bag-ung humay ang lugáwa, Make porridge from the new rice. 2 [B12] turn to, become a mud puddle or mire. Malúgaw ang dálan ug mag-úlan, The path becomes slush during rainy days. -in-, ni- n = lúgaw.

*lugay -nan, -nun n pertaining to politics and elections. Bugnù nga lugaynun (lugaynan) diin napárut si Kirínu, The political fight where Quirino lost.

lugbak v [B26] for organic matter to decay. Malugbak ang prútas nga may tatsa, The fruit will rot if it has been damaged. Bisan malugbak ang ímung bukug, dílì ka kabalus sa ímung ginikánan, You can never repay your parents no matter how much time goes by (lit. even after your bones have rotted). Mauy nakalugbak (nakapalugbak) sa káhuyng halígi ang kanúnayng paghúmul níini sa túbig, The wooden post rotted because it was immersed too long in water.

lugbáti = alugbáti.

lugda v [A; b(1)] start, originate some foolishness or mild misbehavior. Kinsa ninyuy naglugda ug kuriskuris sa bungbung? Which one of you started making scratches on the wall?

lugdang v [A2; b6] 1 settle to the bottom of a liquid. Wà makalugdang ang húgaw kay pirming gikútaw, The dirt would not settle because s.o. kept stirring the water. Dúgayng milugdang ang íyang paun kay súg man, It took his bait a long time to reach the bottom because there was a current. 2 for results of bad action to make themselves felt. Milugdang ang íyang tinuntu. Nakalabus, That is the fruit of his foolishness. He was sent to prison. 3 [B3(1)4] for tender rice grains to solidify. Wà pa gánì makalugdang ang humay aníhun na nímu, Are you going to harvest the rice when the grains haven’t solidified yet? -in-, ni- n 1 s.t. that settled. 2 results of bad action. Kanang batáa linugdang sa ímung tinuntu, The child is the fruit of your stupidity. 3 one’s youngest child (humorous). -in-an = -in-, 1.

lugdat v [B46] for the eyes to bulge. Milugdat ang íyang mata sa katingála, Her eyes bulged with surprise. Gwápa untà apan naglugdat lang ang mata, She looks pretty but she has bulging eyes.

lugdum, lugdung a heavily overcast, particularly with rain clouds. v [B46] be heavily overcast. Dúnay taliábut nga unus kay naglugdung ang lángit, A rainstorm is coming because the sky is heavily overcast.

lúgì1 v 1 [A; a] extract dried coconut meat from shell. Hustu nang lugíun ang gihudnu nga lubi, The coconuts are dried and the meat can be extracted. 2 [A; a12] process coconut into copra, from harvesting to drying. Maglúgì mi káda trimistri, We make copra every three months. n copra. Isulud sa sáku ang lúgì, Put the copra in the sack. (→) n instrument for extracting coconut meat from the shell.

lúgì2 a being outsmarted, fooled (slang). Lúgì ka kay mitúu kang mubáyad siyag útang, You have been fooled for believing that he pays his debts. v 1 [B126] be tricked into s.t. (slang). Nalúgì ku sa Múrus pagpalit sa imitasyung rúliks, I was tricked by the Moro into buying a fake Rolex watch. 2 [B126; a12] for a business to fail, fold up. Ang kalit nga pagbahar sa prisyu mauy nakalúgì (nakapalúgì) sa íyang nigusyu, The sudden drop in prices caused his business to fail. 3 [A; a2b3(1)] defeat in a game or fight. Ang manghud ra nákuy maglúgí níya sa ahidris, Even my little brother could defeat him in chess. Ang liphuk ni Prasyir mauy nalugian ni Klí, It was Frazier’s left hook that defeated Clay.

lúging n logging company, industry. Náa ku [633]sa lúging, I work for a logging firm.

lug-is v [AB6; a1] split or break into smaller sizes. Maglug-is kug kawáyan pára ikural, I will split some bamboo for fencing. Naglug-is ang pintal, The paint is cracking.

lúgit v [A; a] 1 extract s.t. buried or fastened hard to a surface with s.t. pointed or sharp. Gilúgit ang bála gíkan sa íyang páa, The slug was extracted from his thigh. 2 extract coconut meat from the shell in making copra. Ang láhing ray lugítun, Extract copra only from mature nuts. 3 force oneself or s.o. to dig deep for money when he is financially hard up. Napugus ang pubri paglúgit sa íyang tinagúan, The poor man was forced to dig into his savings. 4 ask for s.t. in a forceful way. Milúgit siyag hangyù sa íyang bánang mulakaw siya, She twisted her husband’s arm to let her go out. (→) n s.t. used to extract s.t. buried or fastened hard to a surface, esp. an instrument to separate coconut meat from the shell. pa- v [A] act unwilling to make s.o. trouble himself or plead. Gustu túud siya, piru nagmagáhì kay magpalúgit giyud, She actually wanted to, but she put up resistance because she wanted him to implore her.

lugituk v [B46; b6] for cereals to be half-cooked but moist. Naglugituk ang linung-ag kay wà ayúhag síga, The rice is half-cooked because the fire wasn’t hot enough.

lugitum (from itum) v [B4] be dark, gloomy because of denseness. Milugitum ang lángit sa kabagà sa dag-um, The sky got dark with thick clouds. Ang naglugitum nga kamaisan, The dense and dark cornfields.

lugkab = lungkab.

lugkat (from lukat) v [A; a] 1 pry off things that are nailed or stuck into s.t. Nakalugkat siya sa dakung lansang nga nagtaup sa káhuy, He managed to pull the large nail out of the wood. Gilugkat ang mga dáang baldúsa, They removed the old tiles. 2 uproot, fell, including roots and all. Nalugkat ang pusti nga nadasmagan sa trák, The truck rammed into the post and it knocked it over.

luglug1 v [A; a] thrust s.t. long repeatedly into a narrow opening. Luglúga ang kasilyas kay nasampúngan, Thrust a stick into the toilet pipe because it is stopped up. n stick or the like used to thrust into a narrow opening.

luglug2 v [A; a1] slaughter an animal by slicing the neck. Way sud-an, magluglug tag manuk, We have nothing for dinner. Let’s slaughter a chicken.

*luglug3 pansit — see pansit.

lugmak v 1 [B2; a1] give way or break in the middle due to force or weight. Mulugmak (malugmak) nang salúga kun tungtúngan ug daghan, That floor will collapse if lots of people stand on it. 2 [A; a2] trample on plants and destroy them. Gilugmak sa bábuy ang mga buwak, The pig trampled over the flowers.

lugmaw v 1 [A2; b6] show up or appear. Ingug musultis Prisidinti Markus. Hái Markúsang milugmaw? They said President Marcos would give a talk. But no Marcos appeared. Gilugmáwan siyag dílì ingun nátù, A supernatural being appeared to him. 2 [A2] for part of s.t. buried to be sticking out. Giunsa man ninyu paglubung ang irù nga milugmaw man ang tiil? How did you bury the dog when its feet are sticking out? 3 [A2N; b6] for tears to well up in the eyes. Nalúbug ang ákung mata nga gilugmáwan sa lúhà, My eyes were blurred with the tears that started to form.

lugmay = lukmay.

lugmuk v [AB26; a2b2] for structures or people to collapse. Ang línug mauy naglugmuk sa Rúbi Táwir, The earthquake destroyed the Ruby Tower. Nalugmuk sa simbahan ang táwung nakuyapan, The man who fainted in church suddenly collapsed. pa- v [A; c] tear down structures. Ipalugmuk sa gubyirnu ang mga bawungbáwung, The government will tear the shacks down.

lugmuy = lukmuy.

lugnas v 1 [A23P] for plants to die from disease or from being past the fruit-bearing age. Gagmay nag búnga ang tamátis kay hápit na malugnas, My tomato plants are bearing few fruits now because they will soon wither and die. 2 [B126] be brought to utter ruin. Nalugnas ang íyang nigusyu kay miintra siya sa súgal, His business was brought to utter ruin because he took to gambling. 3 [B1256] for structures to fall apart. Dílì na madúgay nga malugnas ang balay kay dáan na kaáyu, It won’t be long for the house to fall apart because it is very old.

lugnut v [A2; c6] struggle to free oneself from s.t. that holds one. Ayawg ilugnut ímung buktun ug gunítan ka paglabang, Do not pull your arm away when I’m holding on to you to cross the street. paN- v [A1] struggle vigorously to get free. Nagpanglugnut ang babáying gikidnap, The girl struggled vigorously to get loose from her abductors.

lugpad v 1 = lupad. 2 [A2] fly up. Milugpad ang abug paglabay sa trák, Dust flew up [634]when the truck passed by. 3 [A23] send s.o. reeling as though flying. Mulugpad ka run ug suntúkun ta ka, I’ll send you reeling if I strike you.

lugpit v [A; b] pin s.t. down tightly or between two things. Tabángi kug lugpit sa kúgun íring duha ka lipak, Help me fasten the grass thatch down with those two pieces of bamboo. Lugpíti (lugpiti) ang libru sa íluk, Hold your book tightly under your arm. Hilugpitan ákung tudlù pagsira nákù sa húnus, I caught my finger when I closed the drawer. n 1 s.t. used to clip or pin s.t. tightly down or against s.t. 2 chord on a guitar formed by pressing the finger straight across the strings. pa- v [A; ab] cause s.t. to be pinned down. Puting kamisadintru nga íyang gipalugpítan (gipalugpitan), A white shirt which he had tucked in.

lugput v [B246; b6] pop up like a jack-in-the-box. Milugput ku sa silya sa kakurat, I shot up from my seat in my fright. Layù siyag gilugpútan pagkalingkud níyag dágum, He jumped a mile when he sat on a pin.

lugru n advantage given in betting where the odds are not even. Ang lugru tris kuntra sa ímung dus, The advantage is three to your two. v [A; b6] give advantage in betting, not said of tossing coins. Lugrúhan ta sila ug singku tris arun mudáwat sila sa pusta, We will give them an advantage of five to three so that they will take the bet.

lugsad v 1 [A; c1] get to the ground or bottom. Milugsad na ang ayruplánu sa tugpahánan, The airplane has landed at the airport. Naglugsad sila samtang kami nagtungas, They were coming down the hill while we were going up. 2 [A; c] bring s.t. down. Adúnay mulugsad (maglugsad) sa mga abut ngadtu sa lungsud, S.o. will bring the produce down to the town.

lugsung v 1 [AB36; ac] go, bring downhill, to town. Mantinir lang únà tag manuk kay wà mi makalugsung, Let’s just put up with chicken because we haven’t had a chance to go down to town (to buy anything better). Maglugsung sila sa ílang mga pruduktu ngadtu sa lungsud, They bring their products down to the city. Unsay ímung lugsúngun maduminggu? What do you go to town for on Sundays? 2 [A1] eat canned fish (humorous). n 1 — sa down to. Kining kasagingan gíkan dinhi lugsung sa subà ákù, This banana plantation from here down to the river is mine. 2 canned fish (so called from the joke that mountaineers consider canned fish better than chicken because they have to go down to get it—see the first sentence under v). -un, -un(→) a downhill.

lugsut v [A2; b8] eject s.t. with force. Milugsut ang lísu dihang naligsan sa ligid, The seed was ejected when the wheel ran over the fruit. Milugsut ang ákù sa tantu níyang hamilhámil, I ejaculated because she kept rubbing and rubbing it. Nalugsutan ku sa asíti paghasù sa bumba, Oil spurted onto me when he worked the pump.

lugtab v 1 [A; b5] force a door open. Wà nay kawatang makalugtab áning pultahána, No thief can break this door open. 2 [A; ab2] cut a string or rope with a long slashing stroke of the blade. Naglugtab siya sa tahì sa sinínang usbunun, She is cutting the stitches of the dress she has to alter. Lugtaba ang hukut arun malibri ang kabáyù, Cut the tether rope to free the horse. Hinglugtaban nákù ang halayhayan, I accidentally cut the clothesline. 3 [A3P; a12] deprive s.o. of his power. Unsay íyang pagabuhátun arun malugtab ang gahum sa ingkantu? What shall he do to overcome the power of the spirit?

lugtas v 1 [A; a] break a rope, thread, string, etc. by pulling on it with force. Naglugtas pa ku sa tahì sa ákung sinínà, I am ripping out the stitches in my dress. Kun dì mahúbad, lugtása lang, If you can’t untie it, just break it off. 2 [A; b4c1] terminate, put an end to s.t. Kaguul nga mulugtas sa ímung kinabúhì, Sorrows that can terminate your life. Lugtásun (ilugtas) ba lang nímu ang ímung mga damgu tungud lang sa usa ka babáyi? Will you destroy your hopes and dreams all because of a woman? 3 [a12] finish a task or job. Kanang labhanan na lang ímung lugtásun karun. All you have to finish is that laundry.

lugtì v [AB; a] for s.t. crisp or brittle to break, cause it to do so. Milugtì ang básu nga gibùbúan sa túbig nga nagbukal, The glass cracked when boiling water was poured into it. Dì ku makalugtì niíning bukúga. Gáhì kaáyu, I cannot break this bone. It’s too hard. Lugtía nang mitrusan, Break that meter stick.

lùgù v [A; a] shake a vessel with liquid in it to slosh the liquid around. Lùgúi nang butilya kay namilit ang húgaw sa sulud, Slosh water around in the bottle because there’s dirt sticking to the sides.

lúgud v 1 [AN; a1] rub the eyes. Ayawg lugda ímung mata ug mapúling ka, Don’t rub your eyes when you get dirt in them. 2 [A; b] rub the skin with a stone to remove dirt. Lugdi ímung líug kay daghang buling, Rub your neck because there’s lots of dirt on it. [635]paN- v [A2; c6] rub oneself with a stone to remove dirt. Panlúgud, unyà human, panabun, Scrub yourself, and after that, soap yourself. Puslan pa mang malígù manlúgud gayud, Since I’ve started, I might as well go the whole hog. (Lit. Since I am bathing I might as well scrub myself.) (→) n stone used for scrubbing oneself to remove dirt.

luguk, lúguk v [B2456; b6] well up. Milúguk ang dugù sa tudlung nadukdukan sa martilyu, The blood welled up in his fingers when the hammer struck them. Lúgus siyang kakità kay gilugúkan íyang mata sa lúhà, She could hardly see because of the tears which welled up in her eyes.

lugum v [B2; ab7] make, become dark or deep in hue. Mulugum ang kulur ug putì ang ipaluyu, A color becomes deeper in hue if it is set off against a white background. Luguma pagpintal arun matabunan ang suwatsúwat, Paint it dark to cover the writing. a dark or deep in hue. Hanap dì lugum ang ági sa drúwing pinsil, Your pencil made light lines, not dark ones.

lúgum v [B3(1)6] for water to collect and form into a pool. Maglúgum giyud ang túbig kay wà nay kaagásan, The water will form a pool because there is no way for it to get out.

lúgus v 1 [A; c1] force, force oneself. Milúgus kug iskuyla bisag gihilantan ku, I forced myself to go to school even though I had a fever. Kinsay naglúgus ínig pasuk sa buhù bísag huut, Who forced this into the hole even though it’s too big? Ayawg ilúgus (lugsa) ímung láwas ug dì giyud mahímù, Don’t force your body if you can’t manage it. 2 [A; a2] rape. Gibítay ang naglúgus sa babáyi, The man who raped the girl was hanged. a hardly, barely. Tíngug nga lúgus mabátì, A barely audible voice. Lúgus gánì ming makapalit ug bugas, We can scarcely afford to buy rice. (→) v [A] barely do s.t. under difficult odds. Naglugus giyug iskuyla bísag walay kwarta, He managed to get through school despite his poverty. linugsánay, lugsanay, lugsánay = lúgus, a. paN- n rape. maN-r-(→) n rapist.

lugut n 1 thicket, woods. Miadtu siya sa lugut arun pagkúhag talibugsuk, He went to the woods to cut down stakes for fencing. 2 ravine or gully. Túbig nga nag-ambak ngadtu sa lugut, Water that leaps down into the ravine. ka-an n 1 = lugut, 1. 2 series of ravines or narrow valleys.

lugwà (from gulà) v [B3(1)6; b6] 1 be forced out. Wà makalugwà ang bítuk kay giundángan ang pagpurga, The intestinal worms didn’t come out because he stopped taking his medicine. Mihuphup ang hubag human lugwái sa nánà, The boil shrank after the pus had come out of it. 2 go out in general. Way púlung nga milugwà sa íyang bàbà, Not a word came out of his mouth.

lugway v 1 [A; b] lengthen the rope on a tether. Kinsay naglugway sa kábaw nga nakaábut man sa maisan. Who gave the carabao enough rope to get to the cornfield? Lugwáyi pa ang tabánug, Give the kite more rope. 2 [AB; b] extend, prolong time allotted, for time to be extended. Ug mulugway ang ákung kinabúhì, If my life is extended. Lugwáyi ang panahun sa ákung pagbáyad, Give me more time to pay. 3 [A] have enough of s.t. at one’s disposal. Kun makalugway ka sa pagdágan, If you can stand to run for a long distance. n 1 length of rope used in tying s.t. that moves. Mub-i ang lugway sa hiniktan, Shorten the rooster’s tether. 1a length of rope in a fishing apparatus used in connecting one part with another to render moveability. 2 extra time allowance given. Mangáyù tag lugway ug dì ni mahuman ugmà, We will ask for an extension if this doesn’t get done tomorrow. 3 length of s.t. one has at his disposal. Dakù kug lugway sa pasinsiya, I have a great deal of patience. Bisag gastúhan nimug usa ka gatus, dúna pay lugway nga ikapalit ug sapátus, Even if you spend a hundred of the money, there is still enough to buy shoes.

lúhà n tears. — sa bau crocodile tears. (→) v [AN] get tears in the eyes. Nag-áway sigúru sila kay nagluhà íyang mata, They must have had a quarrel because her eyes are moist. Nangluhà siya pagkabatì sa sintimintal nga isturya, She got misty-eyed upon hearing the sentimental story. -an, -un(→) a with tears. walug sa gin-an n the world, this vale of tears. — sa dalága n k.o. ornamental hanging vine: Dischidia oinantha.

luhag a not still, restless. Luhag kaáyung kamut nang ímung uyab, Your boy friend has restless hands. v [A; c1] move about, not be still. Way magluhag ug dúnay bisíta, You sit still (lit. nobody move) when the visitors are here. Ayaw nig luhaga kay igsaktu nang pagkatáud, Don’t move this an inch because it is just in the right place.

luhàluhà n joints of the human or animal anatomy. v [A; a] cut up a chicken or slaughtered animal in the joints. Luhàluhaa ang iníhaw nga manuk, Cut up the slaughtered chicken in the joints.

lúhit v [A; a] remove the meat of a sea shell with a pin or the like. Luhíti ang bátà ug [636]unud sa kinhasun, Remove some of the meat from the sea shells for the child.

lúhu a with refinement and elegance in appearance. Mutambung sigúru siyag parti kay lúhu kaáyug pamisti, He must be going to a party because he is elegantly dressed. Lúhung pagkabúhat nga tukadur, A finely built dresser. v [B12(1); c1] be elegant, luxurious in appearance.

luhud v 1 [A; b] kneel. Nagluhud siya atubángan sa birhin, She is kneeling before the Virgin Mary. 2 [A; b6] worship. Tahúra ang mga santus; ayawg ludhi, Venerate the saints; don’t worship them. 3 [A] surrender. Miluhud ang Hapun human bumbáhi sa atúmik bam, Japan surrendered after the atomic bomb was dropped. 4 [A; b6] sponsor a wedding. Daghan nang kasal ang ákung naludhan, I have been a sponsor at many weddings. pa- v 1 [A; ac] be made to kneel. 2 [a3] be thrown to one’s knees. Napaluhud siya pagkaigù sa ákung krús, He fell on his knees after being hit with my cross. linudhan n person sponsored in a wedding. ludhanan, luhuránan n rail one kneels on. tali- n about to kneel. tik- see tikluhud.

luhudluhud n a prostrate, spreading herb found in wasteland and open spaces, bearing small blue flowers in an axilliary, peduncled, leaflike spathe: Commelina diffusa.

luib n small bits of cooked rice or other burnt or partially burnt food that stick to the corners and creases of leaves which line the bottom of a cooking vessel.

lúib v [A2S3S; b(1)] betray, be unfaithful to s.o. Way mapyúsu nga makaluib sa mapya, No Mafioso can betray the Mafia. Giluíban siya sa íyang asáwa, His wife was unfaithful to him. ma-un a unfaithful, tending to betray. n see maluíbun.

luing a having weak knees such that one can’t stand. v [B12] be, become weak-kneed. Pulyu ang nakaluing (nakapaluing) nang batáa, Polio has caused that child to have weak knees.

lúka1 v 1 [A; a] uproot, pull s.t. out by the roots. Átung lukáhun ang mga tanum nga way hinungdan, We’ll uproot the useless plants. 2 [a3] for two sisters to be married to two brothers. Ang íyang duha ka anak dalága nalúka pagkaminyù sa magsúun, His two daughters were married to the two brothers. 3 [A; a12] dislodge from power, put one’s reign to an end. Way makalúka ni Duránu sa únang puruk, No one can dislodge Durano from his hold on the first district. n a case of marriage where brothers marry sisters. lukahay v [C23] for brothers to marry sisters.

lúka2 = lúku (female).

lukà n short piece of bamboo tube, usually used as repository of documents, jewelry, or anything important. v [A; c] store s.t. in a lukà for safekeeping.

lúkab v 1 [A; a1] pry open. Hiraminta nga ilúkab sa salug, Tools to use in prying the floor up. 2 [A; b5] open a door or window shutter. Nalúkab ang pultahan tungud sa kusug hángin, The door came open in the strong wind. Íyang gilukában (gilúkab) ang íyang tindáhan ug sayu, She opened her store early. 2a burglarize. Gilúkab (gilukában) ang ílang upisína ug nawad-an silag tayipraytir, Their office was broken into and they lost a typewriter. n opening. Dakug lúkab ning tarúha, This kerosene can has a wide opening.

lúkad v [AB26; a1] uproot, dig out from the ground. Dalì malúkad (mulúkad) nang haligía kay dì lawum ang pagkalubung, That post will get uprooted because it’s not planted deep into the ground. Naglúkad silag mga sáhà sa ságing, They uprooted some banana shoots.

lukal n local. Iliksiyun nga lukal, Local elections. (←) — mid n locally made product.

lukalúka n the groin of animals, the area connecting the upper thigh and the body of the animal. a detachable. Lukalúka ang mga tiil sa lamísa, The legs of the table are detachable.

lúkap n nightmare in which a person is unable to move or make a sound. Failure to wake up is said to lead to death. v [A12; a4] cause, have such a nightmare. Kanang hilabihang kabusug únà matúlug mauy makalúkap, Overeating before sleeping causes deathly nightmares.

lukápa v 1 [B26; b6] stumble, be knocked down and hit the ground hard. Milukápa (nalukápa) ang baksir, The boxer hit the deck hard. 2 [B26] fail in an exam or course. Milukápa siya sa bár, He flunked in the bar exam. 3 [B26] fall from power, be ruined. Nalukápa ang gahum sa ílang punduk sa pagkamatay sa ílang lídir, After the death of their leader, their party lost its power.

lukas v [A123P; b] for laundry to become clean and white or for skin to become lighter in complexion. Malukasan ang ímung pamánit ug dì ka magpainit, Your skin will become lighter if you stay out of the sun.

lukat v [A; a] 1 redeem s.t. pawned or mortgaged. [637]Marimáti ang singsing ug dì nímu lukatun, The ring will be foreclosed if you do not redeem it. 2 ransom. Gilukat na ang gikidnap, The man that was kidnapped has been ransomed. 2a redeem, save (figurative). Malukat ku ra gihápun siya sa íyang kalisud, I can save her from her difficulties. 2b redeem, compensate for. Ang íyang kaligdung makalukat sa kalaksut sa íyang dagway, His good manners make up for his ugly face. 2c — sa signus v [A1; a12] in folk belief, an occurrence or happening which spares a person’s life by taking s.o. who dies in his stead. Gituhúan nga lukatun ang signus sa tag-íya sa íyang mga buhì, It is believed that domestic animals spare their owners from death by dying in their stead. 3 pay a fee and get s.t. back that one had fixed or reworked. Lukata nag gipaáyu nímung rilu, Go pick up the watch you had repaired now. 4 pay for tokens of privilege like tickets, licenses, etc. Mularga giyud ku kay nakalukat na kug tíkit, I’m really going to leave now because I already paid for my ticket. Díay písus ilukat ug sidula, Here is one peso to pay for a residence certificate. 5 — ug áway, lális [A12] get involved in a dispute or fight. Ayawg tambag ánang lantúgì kay makalukat kag lális, Don’t give advice to people who are arguing because you will just get trouble for yourself. n 1 amount for redemption or ransom. 2 fee for having s.t. made or repairs done. -an(←) = lukat, n. Pila may ákung lukátan (lukat) ning sinináa? How much do I pay to have this dress sewn?

lúkat v [AB12; a1] uproot s.t., prying the roots out of the ground. Ang bagyu mauy nakalúkat (nakapalúkat) sa lumbuy, The typhoon uprooted the lumbuy tree. Lukáta nang muhun ug ibalhin, Dig out that buried landmark and move it.

lukay n coconut palm leaves. lukaylúkay 1 the bridge of the nose, including the central bony ridge that separates the nostrils. 2 = hanlulúkay. han-r-(←) see hanlulúkay.

lukba v [AB12; a] uproot a finger or toenail. Nagkalukba ang íyang kuku nga nalaswahan, His toenail that got scalded is falling off. Tug-an arun dì lukbáhun ímung kuku. Confess so they don’t pull your fingernails out.

lukbun see lubuk.

lukdu v 1 [A; c1] carry a load on the head. Mas sayun pag lukdúhun (lukdúun, ilukdu) nákù ang duwang, It would be easier for me to carry the basin on my head. 2 [c6] for one to be so many years old. Bísan pa sa katuígan nga íyang gilukdu batan-un siyang tan-áwun, He carries his years well. He still looks young. 3 — ug kalbásà [A] be held back a grade. Makalukdu ka giyug kalbásà ug dì ka magtuun, You will fail the grade if you don’t study.

lukdulukdu n name given to many species of ornamental ferns.

lukgaw n the slender-billed cuckoo dove: Macropygia phasianella.

lukguk a one-testicled, having one testicle not descended. Ang lukguk dì kapamabdus, A man with only one testicle cannot get a woman pregnant.

lukim v 1 [A; c6] tuck in, put in between two hugging surfaces. Si Nánay pay mulukim sa ákung púlu, Mother tucks my shirt in for me. Ilukim ang kwarta sa libru arun mahúping, Put the peso bill between the pages of the book to make it smooth. 2 [c6] give a little money to s.o. who would naturally refuse it in such a way that he will accept it (putting it into his pocket). Ilukim lang ning písus dihà pára panigarilyu, Here’s a peso for cigarettes. 3 [A; b(1)] sew a fold into a garment. Ákung gilukiman ang ákung sinínà kay taas ra kaáyu, I sewed a fold in my dress to make it shorter because it was too long.

lukimya = lyukimya.

luking a knock-kneed. Dáan na siyang luking sa íyang pagkatáwu, She has been knock-kneed since birth.

lukip v [A; c] enclose or insert s.t. in a letter. Ilukip ring bayinti sa birtdi kard, Enclose this twenty-peso bill in the birthday card.

lukluk v 1 [A3; c] go, put into a tight or hidden place. Sawang naglukluk sa kakugnan, A snake lurking in the grass. Ilukluk ang kwarta sa sikrítu, Put the money into your watch pocket. 2 [A; c] get s.o. into a job (slang). Ang uyuan níyang kungrisman mauy naglukluk níya sa Kustum, His uncle who is a Congressman got him into the Customs. a put in such a way that it is hidden or not easy to get at. Lukluk kaáyung pagkabutang sa tutbrás sa iláwum sa bág, The toothbrush was put way in the bottom of the bag.

lukmay v 1 [AB12; a12] for feelings to become or be made soft such that a person is persuaded. Ang íyang tíngug mulukmay sa labing tig-a nga kasingkásing, Her voice will soften the hardest of hearts. Nagkalukmay ang íyang balatían sa tantu námung hinangyù, Our imploring is gradually softening his feelings. 2 [B126N; c1] be dejected. Nanlukmay si Maryu pagkahibáwung nahagbung [638]siya sa burd, Mario was dejected when he learned he had failed the board exam. a having a dejected look. ma-un a having the quality of softening or soothing feelings.

lukmuy a having a crestfallen, dejected look on the face. v [B126; c1] get a dejected, crestfallen look on the face. Malukmuy giyud si Nardu ug makahibáwu siyang nahagbung sa burd, Nardo will surely be crestfallen when he learns that he flunked the board examination.

luksu v 1 [A; a] jump. Miluksu ang ungguy sa kalípay, The monkey jumped up and down with joy. Luksúa lag kanal kay way latayan, Just jump over the ditch because there is no span. Bintánang íyang giluksúan, The window he jumped down from. 2 [A2] skip a grade in school. Miluksu kanà siyag grádu mau nga naapsan ku níya, He skipped a grade in school so he has caught up with me now. n distance or height jumped. hi-/ ha- v [B1256] jump involuntarily. Nahaluksu siya sa kakurat, He jumped involuntarily when he was startled.

luktun n young of a locust.

lúku a stupid in action. Lúku. Ngánung mitug-an man ka nga wà ka pangutan-a? You fool! Why did you let on when nobody even asked you? v [AN2; a2] make a fool of s.o. Ilára tits. Lukúha si Lúla mu, Don’t try to fool me, buddy. Fool your grandmother. — diamur a gone crazy because of love. v [B12] go crazy from love. Nalúku diamur ang ulitáwu sukad bulagi sa íyang trátu, The young man went crazy after his girl friend left him. lukuluku a somewhat stupid or foolish. kalukúhan n foolish doings. maN-r-(→) n one who makes a fool of people.

lúkù v 1 [B6; c1] be curled up. Ilúkù (lukúa) ímung láwas arun masúd ka sa baril, Curl your body up so you can get into the barrel. 1a loaf in bed. Bísag taas na ang adlaw naglúkù lang gihápun siya, The sun is high in the sky, but he is still lying around in bed. 2 [B1256] fall down in a curled up position. Nalúkù (nahilúkù) siya sa kanal human ku patíri, He fell curled up in the ditch after I kicked him. (→) n piece of cloth formed into a ring used as a cushion when carrying a load on the head. v [A; b] place a cushion of coiled cloth on the head. Kinahanglang maglukù ka ug dúna kay lukdúhun, You should put a cushion on your head when you carry a load on it. lukùlúkù n inside of the knee joints.

lukub1 v [A; b] 1 close and lock. Grábi sad nímung nakalukub sa pwirta dì na man maabli, You sure bolted the door hard. I can’t get it open. 2 enclose s.t. in an area or by putting s.t. over it. Pagsígig hílak kay lukban ta ka sa kasilyas, Go on, keep crying and I’ll lock you in the bathroom. Lukbi ang kan-un arun dì tugdúnan sa lángaw, Cover the rice so the flies won’t get on it. Gilukban ang lagwirtag paril, The garden was enclosed inside a wall. n 1 shutter. 2 cover. 3 space enclosed. Túa si Máma sa lukub sa kwartu, Mother is inside the room. 4 k.o. fish corral for impounding fish in a receding tide.

lukub2 n k.o. chisel with a curved (concave-convex) cutting edge. Ang lukub mauy gamítun sa pagkúlit, The curved chisel is used for carving.

lúkub v 1 [A1; b6(1)] wrap up in s.t. flat. Naglúkub ku sa hábul kay gitugnaw ku, I wrapped myself up in a blanket because I felt cold. 2 [A; b] for an atmospheric condition to engulf an area. Milúkub ang kangitngit sa kalibútan, Darkness engulfed the world.

lukublukub n k.o. starfish with poisonous spines.

lúkud = kulúkud.

lukun n k.o. large shrimp with short and small claws.

lúkun v [AB456; a12] coil up, coil s.t. up, usually in several coils. Naglúkun siyag nuug arun himúung lukun paglukdu níya sa kahun, He rolled a piece of cloth into a coil to cushion the box he was carrying on his head. Dúnay sawa nga naglúkun sa tugkaran, There is a large snake coiled up in the yard. Lukúna ang hús ug hipúsa, Coil the hose and put it away. (→) n 1 s.t. coiled. 2 piece of coiled cloth used as a cushion for carrying a load on the head. — sa búlak n wreath. -an n inside of the knees. lukunlúkun = -an.

lúkung v [A; a12] make a coil, form a circle from s.t. stiff. Naglúkung kug alambring gihímung ríng, I coiled a piece of wire to make into a basketball ring. Lukúnga ang alambri ug isang-at, Coil the wire and hang it up. (→) n s.t. coiled. — sa búlak n wreath. lukunglúkung n inside of the knees.

lukup v 1 [AB2; a12] do s.t. to the entire area of s.t. Mulukup sà kug súruy sa syudad, I will wander all over the city. Dì kang kalukup ug tanum sa lapad níyang yútà, You can’t plant every inch of his vast lands. Nagkalukup na sa lungsud ang pisti, The epidemic is spreading all over the town. Lukpag silhig ang sawug, Sweep the entire floor. 2 [B1256; a12] do s.t. to each and every [639]one or thing. Nalukup kug pangutána báhin nímu, I asked just about everybody where to find you. 3 [B12] be up to the ears in debt. Nalukup na kining átung balhíbu sa útang, We’re up to the ears in debt (lit. every single hair of our body is in debt). lukuplúkup v [A12; a12] go over almost the entire area of s.t. Nalukuplúkup na níyag súruy ang mga dagkung syudad sa Amirika, He has gone to almost all the big cities in America.

lukut1 v [A2; b6] leave a mark or cut into the flesh. Milukut ang patiyan sa kabáyù, The bellyband cut into the horse’s flesh. Naluktan ang íyang kamut sa gapus, The bonds left a mark on his arms.

lukut2 n edible excretion from a k.o. sea cucumber called dungsul, similar in appearance to bean threads, but green, tightly curled up.

lúkut v 1 [AB; ac6] roll up, cause s.t. to do so. Mulúkut ang dáhun inigkaláyà, The leaf will roll up when it is withered. Lukúta ang banig inigmata nímu, Roll up the mat when you wake up. Ilúkut ang panaptun sa káhuy, Wrap the cloth around the wood. 1a — sa banig v [A; c1] for political protegees to vacate a position when their political party loses. 2 [B126] for the body to get rolled over by some force. Nalúkut siya uban sa bawud, He rolled with the waves. 3 [B126] be beaten badly in a contest. Nalúkut si Sirhing sa miáging iliksiyun, Serging was crushed during the last election. paN-, panga-, lukutlukut v [A3] for dirt on the body to come off in rolls when scrubbed or rubbed. À, nangalúkut (naglukutlukut, nanlúkut) man lang ágis íyang tagiptip nga gilúgud, My! How the dirt on his body comes off in rolls when you rub it!

lúla (not without l) title for grandmother or any woman old enough to be one’s grandmother. v [A; a12] call s.o. lúla.

lúlan v [A; c] board, put on a vehicle. Ilúlan ang bátà sa bisiklíta, Put the child on the bicycle. n s.o. or s.t. aboard a vehicle.

lúlaw v [B] wake up late, stay in bed long. Ngánung naglúlaw ka man, nag-unsa ka man gabíi? Why are you staying in bed long this morning? What did you do last night?

lulhu v [AN; c1] roll up sleeves or pants. Makig-áway sigúru siya kay nanglulhu man, He must be preparing to fight because he is rolling up his sleeves. Lulhúa (ilulhu) ímung karsúnis iniglabang nátù sa subà, Roll up your pants when we cross the stream.

lúlid n crippled due to a deformity or underdevelopment of the legs. v [B126] become a cripple. Nalúlid siya kay gitakbúyag pulyu, He was crippled after his bout with polio.

lulingháyaw v [A; c] take a trip, go out for leisure. Ilulingháyaw nákù siya sa Hungkung, I’ll take her on a tour to Hong Kong. n leisure.

lulipap n lollipop.

lúlu (not without l) title for grandfather or any other man old enough to be one’s grandfather with whom one is close. v [A; a12] call s.o. grandpa.

lùlù v 1 [A; abc] masturbate. Dì na muutug bísan pag lùlúun, I can’t get an erection, even if I masturbate. Ug dì ka kaiyut níya lùlúi na lang, If you can’t have her, just think of her while you abuse yourself (lit. masturbate for her). Ilùlù na lang ang ímung kahígal, Just masturbate your craving away. 2 [A13; a12] use equipment improperly. Kinsa na puy naglùlù áning makinilyang nagubà na man pud? Who has been abusing my typewriter? It’s broken again. Hala, lùlúa arun makailis ka, Go on abuse it so you can buy me a new one. n 1 penis (coarse). 2 — mu expression of disgust at a person. Lùlù nímu, ingun kag mukúyug ka, wà man lagi, You SOB. You said you were coming along, but you didn’t. Diyis sa lùlù mu! Háin may kwartáhun ta run, Hell, if I’ll give you a dime. Where am I going to get the money from! 3 expression of disgust in general. Lùlù! Pirmi lang patay way hárì, Shit! It’s always tails, never heads!

lúlut a tender eyes or looks. Lúlut nga mata sa inahan, A mother’s tender eyes. v [b8] for s.o. to be tenderly loved. Nalulútan giyud ning batáa sa mga ginikánan kay bugtung, The parents love this child dearly because he’s an only child.

lúluy a sleepy, dull eyes. v [A23B; b6] for the eyes to become drooping or dull. Mulúluy (malúluy) giyud ang mata ug way túg, Your eyes will start to droop if you have gone without sleep.

lumà v 1 [A23; b(1)] for a liquid to seep through s.t. and stain it. Milumà ang dugù sa bindáhi, Blood seeped through the bandage and stained it. Gilum-an nag buling ang kwilyu, Dirt has stained the collar where sweat seeped into the cloth. 2 [b6] leave a mark. Milumà ang banig sa ímung nawung, The mat you were lying on has left marks on your face. n 1 stain or dirt carried by liquid. 2 mark. pa- v [A; b6(1)] trace on s.t. to reproduce a copy. Mupalumà ku sa ímung drúwing, I’ll trace your drawing.

lúmà v [B126] be overshadowed by s.t. else, put into the background (used by speakers [640]influenced by Tagalog). Malúmà nang púlu nímug isul-ub ku tung ákung mahalun, Your sport shirt will be relegated to the background if I wear my expensive one.

lúmad v [A2; b(1)] stay, stick long on. Mulúmad kahà ku niánang trabahúa kun dì pa maáyu ug súhul? Would I stick to that job if the pay wasn’t good? (→) n native, natural-born citizen. -nun n of native origin, make, or quality. Lumadnun nga sáyaw, Native dance.

lumag v 1 [B3(1); b6] for dirt, color to come off s.t. soaked in water. Mulumag (malumag) ang buling ug ímung ihúmul úsà ang mga bulingun, Some of the dirt will come out if the clothes are soaked in water. Naglumag ug kulur úbi ang itum sinínà, The black dress exuded violet color on the water. 2 [B3] for the results of bad behavior to come out. Milumag na ang pagsígig súruy, mimabdus na siya, Now her habits of going out have borne fruit: she got pregnant. n colored juice that is squeezed out from s.t. that fades.

*lumaluma pa- v [A3] undertake to do s.t. one is incapable of doing. Ayawg palumalumag áyu sa radiyu kay musamut hinúun nag kadáut, Don’t take it on yourself to try and fix the radio. It’ll just get worse. palumalumahun, mapalumalumahun a daring to take on s.t. which one may not be capable of doing.

lumat n 1 tubers left accidentally in the ground after the harvest which sprout again. 2 trait that is inherited in a family. 3 highly contagious skin eruptions or lesions on the soles of the feet which occur after an eruption of yaws (tabukaw). The lumat are roundish with small fleshy protuberances and continually emit watery pus. v 1 [A2; b6] for tubers left in the ground by accident to sprout. Mulumat ra gihápun ang mga unud sa úbing wà nátù makit-i, The yams we failed to find will sprout again. 2 [A; b] for a certain trait to be inherited. Basta kalíwat ug búang mulumat giyud, If insanity runs in the family, it will sooner or later show in the children. Kinsa may gilumatan niíning íyang batásang ngil-ad? Who does she take after with her bad behavior? 3 [A; b4] for a bad character trait in a person to make its appearance. Mulumat giyud ang íyang pagkamaldítu kun makainum, His mischievous ways come out when he takes a drink. 4 [a4b4] get lumat. Gilumat (gilumatan) si Markus, Marcos has lumat.

lumáwig see lawig.

lumay n a magical love potion used to cause s.o. to be irresistibly drawn to the user. v 1 [A; b5] use a love potion on s.o. Kinsa guy mulumay ánang húmuk ug ilung, No need to use a love potion on her when she is so easy to conquer. 2 [A; a1] draw s.o. irresistibly with an attractive quality. Ang íyang kabuútan mauy naglumay nákù ngadtu níya, Her good attributes made me irresistibly attracted to her. -an, -an(←) a having a lumay.

*lúmay ma- a slow and effeminate in speech. Malúmay kaáyung musulti nà si Lusyu kay bayutun man gud, Lucio speaks slow like a girl because he is effeminate.

lumbà v 1 [A2C; ac3] race, have a race. Lumbáun nátù. Ang mangíkug muy mubangka, Let’s race it out. The one who is last will pay. Lumbáun nátù ang átung bakì, Let’s have our frogs race. 2 [b8] outrace. Hilumbaan ku níyag kalígù kay wà siya manabun, He beat me bathing because he didn’t soap himself. 3 [C23] outdo each other, as if to see who can do it the more. Naglumbà ug katúlug, They are sleeping as if they were trying to outdo each other. Naglumbà ug isturyag hambug, Outdo each other in telling tall stories. n race. -anay v [C; c3] race with each other. Naglumbaánay ang mga balud sa lapyahan, The waves are racing against each other to the shore. ka- n one’s opponent in a race. -anan n racetrack.

lumbaglumbag v [ASP] writhe, twist in pain. Naglumbaglumbag siya sa kasakit sa íyang tiyan, He writhed in pain with his stomachache.

lumbágu n lumbago, a rheumatic pain in the joints of the lumbar region.

lumban n turban shells, k.o. edible univalve. mata ug — the operculum of turban shells (which resembles an eye).

lumbang n large forest tree, cultivated for its fruit, the seed of which yields an oil similar to linseed oil: Aleurites moluccana.

lumbay n 1 row or column of units. 2 k.o. tic-tac-toe game for two players. A square with nine dots (three on each side, one in the middle) is drawn and the players take turns putting down their stones on the dots. Whoever gets a row of three stones, wins. v 1 [A; ac] queue up, fall in line facing in the direction of the line; do, put in a row. Naglumbay ang daghang pumapálit ug prankíyu, Lots of people were queuing up to buy stamps. Naglumbay siya sa mga pyísa, He is lining up the spare parts. Lumbáya ang pagtanum sa humay, Plant the rice in rows. Ilumbay ning silya sa únang lumbay, Put this [641]chair in the first row. 2 [AC] play lumbay. -an(→) n a board for playing lumbay.

lumbiya n sago palm, the trunk of which is used to starch and the leaves for roofing: Metroxylon sagus.

lumbuy = lungbuy.

lúmi n dish of long Chinese noodles, usually served in broth.

lumì n crease, fold, wrinkles. v [A; a] get to be all wrinkled, creased. Ayawg lumia nang bag-ung inutaw, Don’t wrinkle your newly ironed shirt. -un a wrinkled, creased.

lúmid v 1 [A; c] wallow or roll in mud, flour, etc. Ang bábuy mulúmid sa lápuk, Pigs roll in the mud. Ilúmid ang pinirítung ságing sa asúkar, Roll the fried bananas in the sugar. 2 [B456] roll in sin, vice. Naglúmid sa salà ang mga babáying nagbaligyà sa ílang dungug, Women who sell their reputation are wallowing in sin.

luminarya n numerous lighted candles placed along the streets during religious processions or in the church during services. v [A; b] light candles for a religious procession or church service.

lúming a tender, soft voice or way of speaking. v [B2; b6] for the voice to become soft and tender. Mulúming dáyun íyang tíngug ug ikasulti ang uyab, Her voice suddenly becomes tender when she speaks with her boy friend.

lumiru = numiru.

lum-it n crease, wrinkle. Ang lum-it sa karsúnis nahíwì, The crease in the trousers came out crooked. v [AB126; a1] crease, get creased. Ayawg lum-íta ang bag-ung pinalansa nímung sayal, Don’t crease your skirt. You just ironed it. a creased.

lumlum v 1 [A; b(1)] sit on eggs. Wà pa mapisù ang gilumlúmang itlug, The eggs the hen was brooding have not hatched yet. 1a [b] sit on papers which need processing or attention. Kadtung aplikisiyun nímu sa lún gilumlúman lang, They are just sitting on your application for a loan. 2 [A13] stay inside s.t. Dúgay na siyang lumlum sa íla kay maúlaw nga mupakítà, He stayed cooped up in his house for a long time because he was ashamed to show himself. 2a [A13] for feelings to be in the breast. Ang kasína nga naglumlum sa íyang dughan, Enviousness that is stored up in her heart. Naglumlum sa dughan ni Kaluy ang kamíngaw kang Plúra, Caloy feels loneliness for Flora.

lumpag v [AB12; a] 1 crumble down; cause s.t. to do so. Nagkalumpag na ang paril, The wall is crumbling. Hilumpagan ku sa kinamádang láta, The cans that were stacked up neatly came tumbling down on me. 2 bring to a downfall. Ayawg lumpága ang íyang mga damgu, Do not destroy her hopes. Lumpágun nátù ang gahum sa impiryalismu, We shall overcome the power of imperialism.

lumpánug v [A23; b6] flee suddenly and rapidly to a far place. Milumpánug lagi pagkakità sa ákung pistúla, He sure got out of there fast when he saw my gun. Layù ang gilumpanúgan sa ákung hunàhúnà samtang namínaw sa diskursu, My mind wandered as I was listening to the speech.

lumpat v [A2] bounce up suddenly. Milumpat ákung kasingkásing sa kahikurat, My heart leaped in sudden surprise. lumpatlumpat v [A; b6] bounce up and down. Naglumpatlumpat ang dyíp sa batsihun nga dálan, The jeep was bouncing up and down on the bumpy road.

lumpayat v 1 [A13; b6] jump vigorously up and down. Ngánung naglumpayat man ang mga bátà sa katri? Why are the children jumping up and down vigorously on the bed? 2 [A; c] jump up and down to get free, tug against s.t. that restricts movement. Milumpayat ang ungguy sa halwa pagkakità sa ságing, The monkey jumped up and down in the cage upon seeing the banana. Naglumpayat ang irù sa huktanan pagkakità sa iring, The dog jumped up and down tugging against his leash upon seeing the cat.

lumpì, lumping a dented, having a dent. v [A3P; a] dent. Ayawg lumpínga ang táru nga igbabaligyà, Don’t dent the kerosene can we’re planning to sell. Lumpíngi ang kílid sa láta, Make a dent in the side of the can. n dent.

lumpiyà n egg roll, a dish consisting of a thin pancake filled with sauteed meat and vegetables. — nga prisku an egg roll with the pancake soft and pliant. — nga prítu an egg roll with the pancake fried crisp. v [A; ac] have, make egg rolls.

lumpu v [B126; a4] feel tired and sleepy after taking a swim. Gilumpu (nalumpu) ang bátà human malígù, The child felt tired and sleepy after taking a swim.

lumpù a lame, cripple. Dì siya makalakaw kay lumpù, He can’t walk because he is lame. v [B12; b5] be, become lame.

lumpung v [AC3; a] 1 for s.t. concave to fit or be made to fit snugly in s.t. else convex. Lumpúnga ang mga básu arun sayun dad-un, [642]Put the glasses inside of one another to make them easy to carry. Ilumpung ning basurahan sa láin, Put this trash can on top of the other. 2 for two or more things to be or to take place at the same time when they should not be overlapping. Lisud nang maglumpung átung uyab kay gastu, It’s hard to have several girl friends at the same time because it’s expensive. Bísag lumpúngun mung duha, káya gihápun mu nákù, Even if it’s two against one, I can still beat you.

lumput n home-woven cloth of a checkered design and with a plain weave. v [A13] wear clothing of this weave.

lumu a tender, gentle in personality. Lumu nga kasingkásing ni Hisus, Jesus’ tender heart. v [B2; b6] become gentle, tender. Nagkalumu íyang tíngug samtang nagkabugnaw ang íyang kasukù, His voice got gentler as his anger cooled off. (←) n tenderloin cut of meat. ma- = lumu, a.

lúmù v [A; a1] crush s.t. out of shape without breaking it. Nalúmù ang munyíkang ákung natumban, The plastic doll that I stepped on got crushed out of shape. Ayaw lumúa nang láta kay ákung gamítun, Don’t crush that can because I’m going to use it.

lumud n k.o. porpoise.

lúmud v [A2C; c1] 1 be together with s.o. in a place designed for one. Naglúmud silang tulu sa gamayng katri, The three of them slept together in a small bed. 2 stay with s.o. in the same house. Nakalúmud ku níla ug unum ka búlan, I have lived with them for six months.

lumuk a for the hair to be oily after oil has been applied to it. v [B; a] be, become oily. Ákung lumukun ímung buhuk sa hisù kay ákung hingut-an, I’ll put lots of hair oil in your hair to get rid of the lice.

lúmun v 1 [AC; c] live, keep together. Milúmun ang bátang ílu sa íyang tiyù, The orphaned child went to live with his uncle. Naglúmun sila bísag wà pa makasal, They lived together even though they weren’t married. Ayg ilúmun ang dunut nga mangga sa mga maáyu, Don’t put the rotten mangoes together with the good ones. 2 [A; a12] crumple or roll up a piece of cloth into a ball. Naglúmun siyag nuug íyang gihímung tutuytútuy, She made a ball out of the cloth to make a false breast.

lúmung v [A13; b6] for water to collect and form a pool. Naglúmung ang túbig sa tugkaran kay way kagwaan, The water formed a pool in the front yard because there was no way for it to exit.

lumus1 v 1 [AB16; b1] drown, get drowned. Naglumus siya kay nadispirádu, She drowned herself because she got frustrated in love. Gidaghanun sa tubà nga makalumus (makapalumus), Enough toddy to drown you. Lumsan tikaw sa subà, animála ka, I’ll drown you in the river, you beast! Subang nalumsan níya, The river he drowned in. 1a — sa sabaw v [B1256] disappear into thin air (usually said of a father deserting a family). Nalumus sa sabaw ang amahan niíning batáa, The father of this child disappeared into thin air. 2 [B1256] for an engine to get flooded with fuel. Dì muandar ang makina kay nalumus, The engine won’t start because it’s flooded. 3 [B126] suffocate, choke in an embrace. Hápit ku malumus sa íyang gakus, I almost suffocated to death in her embrace. 4 [A2; b(1)] overwhelm with feelings. Kaguul nga milumus sa kasingkásing, A heart drowned in grief.

lumus2 = ung-ung, n1.

lúmut n general term for lichens or algae of the sort that attach themselves. v [b4] 1 be covered with moss or seaweed. Gilumútan ang lubut sa tangki, The water tank is covered with algae on the bottom. 2 be left idle (until moss covers it). Gilumútan na lang siya, dága lang gihápun, The years have come and gone, but she remains single. -un a covered with moss or green seaweeds. lumutlumut n tiny lichens which grow on the trunks of palms and other trees, or on the sides of water containers not cleaned, greenish in color.

lumuy, lúmuy a soft and delicate, not rigid. Lúmuy (lumuy) ang buktun sa way trabáhu, One who doesn’t work has soft arms. Lumuy nga tsíku, A soft sapodilla. v 1 [B2; b6] become soft and delicate, not rigid. 2 [BN26] become momentarily weak on experiencing a great emotion. Nalúmuy ku pagkabatì nákung nakadaug ku sa swipstik, My legs gave way when I heard that I won the sweepstakes. (→) n a breed of pigs that easily grows fat, and with soft and thin skin. lumyan n variety of jackfruit (nangkà) the flesh of which is soft, sweet, and juicy with no dry pulp.

lún1 n lawn. -máwir lawn mower. v [A; a2] cut the grass with a lawn mower. Nindut nag lún kay ákung gilunmáwir, The lawn looks good now because I mowed it.

lún2 n loan money from the bank. v [A; b6] loan from the bank. Unsang bangkúha ang ímung gilúnan? What bank did you get your loan from?

-l-un alternant for -unun, added to almost all the bases to which -unun is added, usually [643]with no difference in meaning from -unun. Kalan-un, Things to eat. Palalítun, Things to buy.

lúna n canvas. Ang tulda hinímù sa lúna, The tent is made of canvas.

lunà n vacant place or area; piece of land. Dúna pay lunà sa yútà nga kabalayan, There is still space on the land to build a house. May lunà pa ba ku sa ímung kasingkásing? Do I still have a place in your heart? hi-/ha- v [B1256] happen to be in a position. hi-/ha-(←) v [B1256] 1 be settled down to a place or position. Dì ku mubalhin ug lingkuránan kay nahilúnà na ku diri, I won’t move to another seat because I am already settled here. 2 be at ease, not restless or nervous. Wà siya mahilúnà nga nagpaábut sa nanganak níyang asáwa, He couldn’t sit still waiting for his wife to have her baby. pahi-/paha-(←) v [A; c] 1 put oneself or s.t. in proper or convenient position. Mipahilúnà siyag lingkud únà musúgud ug káun, He seated himself properly before he started to eat. Ipahilúnag maáyu ang karga sa bisiklíta, Put the load on the bicycle securely. 2 accommodate s.o. in a good position or job. Ang manínuy níyang kunsihal mauy nagpahilúna níya sa sitihul, Her godfather, who was a councilor, got her a job in City Hall.

lúna dimiyil n honeymoon. v [A; b6(1)] have a honeymoon.

lunag v [A2] for the results of bad behavior to come out. Milunag na giyud ang kalaag ánang bayhána. Gipamabdúsan, Now that woman’s propensity for gadding about has borne fruit. She got herself pregnant.

lúnang v 1 [A; b6] wallow. Naglúnang ang gibunù sa kaugalíngung dugù, The murder victim is wallowing in his own blood. Ang gilunángan sa kábaw, The place the carabao wallows. 2 [A] be in a bad state to an excessive degree. Ang kalibútan nga naglúnang sa kasal-ánan, The world that is wallowing in sin. Ang katawhan nga naglúnang sa katimáwà, People wallowing in poverty. -an(→) n mud pool for the water buffalo to wallow in.

lunas n k.o. smooth bamboo with a yellowish-green trunk: Bambusa vulgaris.

lun-as v [B12] for plants or flowers to become withered, faded, or dried up. Ang kaínit mauy nakalun-as (nakapalun-as) sa mga rúsas, The hot sun caused the rose plants to wither and dry up. Ilísi ang mga búlak nga nagkalun-as na, Replace those flowers since they are withering and fading.

lunaw v [A; b6] cook chopped sweet potatoes with water. Maglunaw ku áring kamúti pára miryinda, I’ll boil chopped up sweet potatoes for my afternoon snack. n chopped, boiled sweet potatoes. -in- = lunaw, n.

lunay v [B2] for pain or illness to subside. Mulunay ang suul sa tiyan ug tambálan, The stomach ache will subside if you take medicine.

lundag v [B; b] sink to the bottom. Manggáwas ta sa dì pa mulundag ang barku, Let’s go over the side before the boat sinks.

Lundris1 n London.

lundris2 = alundris1.

lunduk1 v [B345; b4] for the wind to stop blowing. Human sa bagyu milunduk ang hángin, The wind stopped blowing after the storm. Gilundúkan mi sa hángin sa lawud, We were becalmed in the middle of the sea.

lunduk2 v [AB3(1)6; a2] for things usually soft and having length to fall, settle down gathering in a heap; cause them to do so. Milunduk (nalunduk) sa salug ang kurtína pagkaputul sa higut, The curtain fell down in a heap on the floor when the string snapped. Siyay naglunduk sa mga bulingun sa suuk, She heaped the dirty clothes in the corner. n k.o. affliction where part of the intestine settles down into the scrotum. a having a large scrotum due to such an affliction.

lunga1 n sesame seeds used for tidbit decorations or flavoring on sweets: Sesamium orientale.

lunga2, lungà v 1 [A2C23; b(1)] give up doing s.t. which one had been doing with great expenditure of effort. Wà siya mulungag pangítà sa nawálang anak, He didn’t give up in his search for the lost child. Ayaw siya lung-i (lunghi) ug sugsū́g hangtud muhílak, Don’t stop your relentless teasing until she cries. 2 [B26] stop from bothering, subside. Mulunga lang ang íyang húbak kun mutumar siyag tambal, Her asthma attacks do not stop until she takes her medicine. a not persisting in one’s work, working off and on. -an(←) = lungà, a.

lúngab n cave, pit, or any large hole in the ground. v [AB12; b] dig a cave or pit, become one.

lúngag v [A; b] dig, bore a hole. Maglúngag kug pára kumpus pit, I will dig a hole for a compost pit. Nalúngag ang atup nga nahulgan sa lubi, The roof got a hole in it after a coconut fell through it. Lungági ang láta sa litsi, Punch a hole in the milk can. (→) n 1 hole. Lungag sa dágum, Eye of a needle. Lungag sa ilung, Nostrils. 2 vagina (euphemism). [644]

lung-ag v [A; a] boil rice or any carbohydrate until the product is cooked and dry. Lung-ága nang ságing hilaw pára pamáhaw, Cook the green bananas for breakfast. -in- n 1 staple being cooked. Sigáig linung-ag, Turn up the fire under the rice. 2 cereals or carbohydrates prepared by boiling, as opposed to any other way. Linung-ag ságing palita ayaw nang minantikaan, Buy the cooked bananas, not the fried ones.

lungas a 1 given to much playing and moving around. 2 for females to be lacking in modesty and proper restraint. v 1 [B; b6] move, play around vigorously. Ayaw mu palábig lungas kay mangadagmà unyà mu, Don’t keep running about; you might stumble and fall. Magkalungas giyud ang bátà samtang magtubù, A child gets to be terribly active as it grows bigger. 2 [B12; b6] for females to become wanting in modesty and proper restraint. Nalungas ílang anak kay nagpúnayg kuyugkúyug ánang hustis, Their daughter started to be immodest in her behavior because of her association with that hostess.

lungay a 1 drooping, hanging loosely. Ang puya lungay ug líug, A very young baby can’t hold its head up. 2 unable to stand or flex physically defective muscles, as if without bones. Ang lungay nga bátà nagsígi lag higdà kay dì man makabángun, A crippled child lies in bed all his life for he cannot get up. v 1 [B] droop, hang in a drooping way. Nalungay na ang ákung úlu sa kakatulugun, My head is drooping from sleepiness. Nagkalungay na ang sanga nga nabug-atan sa búnga, The branch is drooping down more and more because it is so laden with fruit. 2 [B126] turn out to have the defect of lungay, a2.

lungbuy n 1 small tree with elliptic leathery leaves 6–12 cm., bearing clusters of juicy, oval fruit, dark purple, 1.5–2 cm. long: Syzygium cumini. 2 the blunt-nosed lead of small-arm bullets which resemble lungbuy fruits (slang). -in- having the color of lungbuy. lápis -in- indelible pencil. -un a of the color of lungbuy.

lungdistans n 1 long-distance call. 2 long-distance passenger bus or trip. Magsakit ákung likud ug byáhing lungdistans, My back aches when I take long-distance trips. 3 long-distance shooting in basketball. Maáyu siyang musiyát bísag lungdistans, He is good even in long-distance shots. v 1 [A; c6] call by long-distance. 2 [A; c6] make a long shot in basketball. 3 [A; a12] masturbate (from the notion that one is getting sexual gratification thinking of s.o. not present). Gilungdistans níya si Maríya nga nalígù, He masturbated thinking of Maria taking a bath.

lunggù v [A; b] decapitate. Gilunggúan sa mga magahat ang misiyuníru, The headhunters beheaded the missionary.

lunggub v [A; a2] grab, wrest s.t. away from s.o. Ayawg lunggúba ning ritrátu kay nagtan-aw pa ku, Don’t grab the picture away because I am still looking at it.

lunggung1 v 1 [A3P; c1] keep inside, imprison, lock up. Daghang trabáhung milunggung nákù sa upisína, Lots of work kept me imprisoned in the office. Lunggúnga (ilunggung) ang mga bábuy sa álad, Lock the pigs up in a pen. 2 [A; c1] shake a container in the hand to shuffle things up. Lunggúnga (ilunggung) únà sa kamut ang dáyis únà iitsa, Shake the dice in your hand before you throw them. 3 [AC; b(1)] bet on dice thrown from a container. The one who bets on the number which comes out wins. n game of dice of this sort. -an(→) n the container in which the dice are shaken.

lunggung2 v [AN; a12] cheat to gain. Gilunggung ku sa tindírang migámit ug gantangang way aríyus, I was gypped by the vendor because she used uncertified measures. Gilunggung ku nímu kay dì kung kamaung mupúkir, You cheated me because I don’t know how to play poker.

lúngì v [A; a] wrench s.t. off to detach it. Kinsay galúngì sa buktun sa munyíka? Who wrenched the arm off the doll? Lungía nang usa ka dawin ságing, Get me a banana from the bunch.

lúngib n cave. v [B2; b6] form a cave or hole in the side of a slope. Nalúngib ang kílid sa bungtud nga gikwári, The side of the mountain that was quarried formed a cave.

lúngis v [A; a] wrench off, twist s.t. off its attachment. Mulúngis kug usa ka dawin sa ímung ságing, I’ll take a banana from your bunch.

lungkab v [A; a1] break s.t. open by prying so as to get into it. Kawatan ang naglungkab sa ámung baul, A robber broke our trunk open. Lungkába ang kandádug way yáwi, Pry the lock open if there is no key.

lungkaub n thumping sound. Ang lungkaub sa mga túnub, The thumping sound of footfalls. v 1 [A] make a thumping sound. Naglungkaub ang mga balud nga mihasmag sa mga batu, The waves beat against the stone with a thudding sound. 2 [A13] throb vigorously in the depths of one’s feelings. Ang kayugut nga naglungkaub sa íyang dughan, Anger that is raging in his heart. -in-, -in-(←) n heavy sound of thumping. [645]

lungkì a limping, partially disabled in the leg, usually permanently. v [B16; c1] walk with a limp. Naáyu túud siya sa pulyu apan nalungkì giyud intáwun, He recovered from his polio, but now he walks with a limp.

lunglayin n longline fishing.

lungnik n fifth of liquor. v 1 [B256] be a fifth full. Hápit mulungnik (malungnik) ang písu nga idibul nga íyang gipalit, He bought a peso’s worth of cooking oil which nearly filled a fifth. 2 [c1] make it a fifth of liquor. Lungnikun (ilungnik) na lang kay daghan man tang manginum, Let us buy a fifth because a lot of us are going to drink.

lungnus n long-nosed pliers.

lungpli n 1 long-playing record. 2 lengthy monologue in a conversation. v [c1] record s.t. on a long-playing record. Lungplihun (ilungpli) ug diritsu ang ímung únang pláka, Make your first recording a long-playing record.

lungslib n long-sleeved shirt. v [A; c1] wear, make into a long-sleeved shirt.

lungsud n 1 town. 2 citizenry. Tunug na sa tibuuk lungsud nga gipaangkan siya, It has been bruited about town that she has had a child out of marriage. háring — n the electorate, sovereign people. kalungsúran n towns. lungsuránun n local citizen. katagi- n one from the same town. -nun a 1 pertaining to s.t. civic. Katungdánang lungsudnun sa matag lungsuránun, Civic duty of each citizen. 2 pertaining to the town or municipality. Mamahanding lungsudnun, Municipal treasurer. maki-, maki-nun a civic-minded.

lungtad v [A2; b(1)] 1 last for a period of time. Makalungtad ug dúgay ang isdà ug aysan, Fish will last long if you put them on ice. Wà lungtári ug tris díyas ang ákung puása, My fast didn’t last for three days. 2 stay with, at s.t. for a long time. Dì mu lungtáran ug míd ánang inyung taras, No maid will stay long with you, the way you act. pa- v [A; c1] make, cause to last. Ayaw palungtára (ipalungtad) ug dúgay inyung dúmut, Don’t allow your desire for vengeance to last long. malungtárun a durable.

lung tíbul n wedding, with reference to the banquet (colloquial). Anus-a man ang lung tíbul? When are you getting hitched? v [A13] get married.

lungùlungù v [B46; c1] for one’s head to sway or shake uncontrollably as when drunk or in old age. Naglungùlungù na siya sa katigúlang, His head tremors due to old age.

lungun n coffin. v [c1] bury in a coffin, as opposed to other modes of burial.

lungutlungut v [B1456; b3] be restless, moving about and talking in anger, exasperation, impatience to do s.t. Naglungutlungut siyang makaapil sa banggà, He was restless in his impatience to take part in the contest. Ang gisibat níyang alkansíya mauy íyang gilungutlungutan, She rushed about in anger on account of her piggy bank which got stolen.

lunhat v [B126; a2b3] have a relapse, most often said of sprains or fractures or illness thought to be derived from them. Nalunhat íyang piang kay nagpúnay siyag lungas, His sprain came back because he kept moving around.

lunhaw a 1 for growing things, not fruit, to be green. Lunhaw nga sibsibánan, Green pastures. 2 recent, young. Sa lunhawng kinabúhì sa kabatan-un wà pa níya masinátì ang kapakyásan, He was a callow youth, and had never experienced failure. v 1 [B2; b6] for growing things to be green and fresh. Mulunhaw (malunhaw) ug bálik ang sagbut inig-abut sa ting-ulan, The grass will become green again when the rains return. 2 [a12] bring back s.t. to make it recent, young again. Tam-is lunháwun ang malipáyun tang kabatan-un, It’s nice to reminisce on our happy childhood.

Lúnis1 n Monday. v see birnis. pa-(→) n work bee done on a Monday. v [A; b6] hold a work bee on a Monday. Palunisi lang nang pagtúkud sa taytáyan, Have the bridge built by a Monday work bee.

lúnis2 n odd number.

lúnit v [A; a1b2] tweak the ears. Hinglunitan si Marta sa maistra kay nagtábì, The teacher tweaked Martha’s ears because she was talking. n action of tweaking.

lunlun a all of one kind, no mixture. Ang kinabúhì dì lunlun kalípay, Life is not all happiness. v 1 [A1; c16] have all in one kind, no mixture. Sagúlig pinágud mais ang tablíya, ayawg ilunlun (lunlúna) nga kakaw, Mix some roasted corn in the chocolate tablet, don’t make it pure cacao. 2 [A12C; b] be all together in a place. Dì ta makalunlun ug lingkud sa píkas lingkuránan kay kúlag hángin ang ligid, We can’t all stay on one side because the tire lacks air. Dì ta maglunlun dinhis píkas kay malúnud unyà ta, Let’s not huddle on one side of the boat because it might capsize.

lunsay a 1 pure, unadulterated. Lunsay nga gátas sa báka, Pure cow’s milk. Lunsayng kaputlì nga wà pa kamansáhi sa kasinatían, Unadulterated innocence that has not been [646]polluted by experience. 2 simple, peaceful in way or outlook. Lunsay kaáyu ang kinabúhing banikanhun, Farm life is very simple and peaceful. v [B1; c1] be simple or peaceful in ways or outlook. Ang maglunsay sa kinahanglan dílì magápus sa útang, One who is simple with his needs won’t get himself engulfed in debt. Malunsay ang átung pamuyù ug mubíyà ka sa súgal, Our life would get peaceful once you stop your gambling.

lunsing n k.o. very small, yellow banana, particularly delicious and sweet, but not commercially grown.

lunsud = lungsud.

luntad = lungtad.

luntalunta v [A; c1] leap up and down in joy or to get free. Miluntalunta ang kabáyù sa pagkakità sa bayi, The horse struggled to get free when it saw the mare. Mahugnù ang lantay ug inyung luntaluntáhan, The bamboo bed will collapse if you jump up and down on it.

luntud v [AC; ac] for two things of about the same size to lie atop one another, cause them to do so. Dì ka makaluntud ug libru sa Bibliya, You can’t put a book on top of the Bible. Nagluntud silag higdà sa gip-ut kaáyung bangkù, They lay on top of one another on the narrow bench. Luntúra nang duha ka malíta, Put those two suitcases on top of one another. luntudluntud v [AC23; c1] pile up, be piled up. Nagluntudluntud ang mga sáku sa bugas, Sacks of rice are piled up.

lunu v [A3N; b6] for an animal to shed its skin or shell. Dinhay naglunu nga hálas dinhi kay dúnay lunu nga gibyáan, A snake must have shed its skin here because there’s an empty snakeskin left behind. n skin or shell shed. linunhan = lunu, n.

lun-ub v [AB2; a12] for s.t. to get a big depression in it, cause it to do so. Kinsay galun-ub sa palanggána? Gilingkúran tingáli, Who made a big dent in the basin? S.o. must have sat on it. Húmuk malun-ub ang hubun sa bátà, A child’s fontanel easily gets sunken. n rather large depression.

lúnud1 v 1 [A; a] sink s.t. Ang maldítu mauy naglúnud sa sakayan nákung papil, The meany sunk my paper boat. 2 [B12; c1] — ang puhúnan for capital to get used up. Magkalunud ang puhúnan sa nigusyung way maáyung kwintáda, Business without proper accounting gradually exhausts capital. — ang buwan n new moon. Hunas run kaáyu kay lúnud ang buwan, We have an extra low tide today; it’s new moon. (→) v [B26; b4] for an illness to settle. It is believed that an illness to get better must come out in hives, rash, or the like, and if it does not do so, it settles, thus becoming worse. Namatay siya kay nalunud (milunud) iyang dáp, He died because his measles didn’t come out. Nabákul siya dihang nalunuran sa íyang buti, He became a cripple after his smallpox sank. a causing illnesses to sink. Makamatay nang lunud nga hilánat, A fever that sinks can cause death. udtung — ang búwan half moon of the third quarter.

lúnud2 v 1 [A; c] put s.t. together with s.t. else which is being processed. Lundi nag bugas ang túbig, Put some rice into the water now. Ilúnud lag ímung bulingun sa ámù nga náa sa wásing masin, Just put your dirty laundry together with ours that’s already in the washing machine. 2 [A; c6] put in money, etc. to a pool. Ilúnud ring ákung bayinti sa ímung pusta, Here’s my twenty pesos to put into your betting pool. — palit n in cockfighting, a purchase of the cock where the owner is not paid, but the value of the cock is made part of the bet. The purchaser then proceeds to fight the cock. If the cock wins, the owner is paid double the purchase price and the purchaser keeps the cock. If the cock loses the owner is given nothing (since his purchase price was his bet). — pátay a die-hard, inveterate. Lúnud pátay (lunud pátay) nga Libiral, A die-hard Liberal. -in- n way of cooking adúbu such that the meat is boiled first and then after it is boiled it is put into the bubbling fat. v [A; c1] make adúbu in this style.

lunuglunug v [B146] for the fat of meat, jelly, or the like to be soft, flabby, and quivering. Naglunuglunug sa katambuk ang unud, The meat is soft and shaking like jelly because it’s all fat.

lúnuk n 1 brown, granular residue which remains after the oil has been cooked from the coconut. 2 an old man who has lost his virility (humorous). Mamána ka ánang lagas nga wà nay lána, lúnuk na lang, Are you going to marry that very old man, when he doesn’t have any oil (sperm) left? He’s all dried up. v [A2B12] form granules like lúnuk. Sigíhi ug ukay ug mulúnuk na ang tunù, Keep stirring when granules form in the coconut juice. Nalúnuk ang sabun nga íyang gilútù kay sayup ang timpla, The soap he cooked formed granules because he had the wrong mixture.

lúnup v [B456; b(1)] 1 flood. Pirmi lang maglúnup sa Butwan kay gipamúril ang kakahuyan, There are always floods in Butuan because the mountains have been deforested. [647]2 for an emotion to flood over one. Gilunúpan siya sa túmang kalípay, He was overwhelmed with immense joy. n flood. Ang dakung lúnup sa tyimpu ni Nuwi, The great flood in Noah’s time.

lúnus v 1 [AB; a12] for fruits, vegetables, root crops to soften; cause them to do so. Mulúnus (malúnus) ang tawung nga dílì lutúun dáyun, Eggplants will soften and wither if you don’t cook them right away. Maglúnus kug ságing nga isugba, I’ll soften bananas for broiling. 2 [B126] get burned, heavily tanned from the sun. Ang kaínit sa adlaw mauy nakalúnus (nakapalúnus) sa pánit sa mag-uúma, The heat of the sun scorched the farmer’s back. 3 [B16; b4] be starved, extremely hungry (as if withered). À, lunúsan man sad ta sa gútum ug pinaábut nímu, I’m famished waiting for you. n starvation. (→) a for fruits to be soft and withered. Ságing nga lunus, Softly cooked bananas.

lun-us = lusnù.

lun-ut v [A2C; ac] share a small space ordinarily occupied by one or two people. Makiglun-ut siya nákug higdà kay tugnaw kunu, She wants me to sleep in her bed because she says it’s cold. Lun-úta lag mga bátà sa baksit, Just put the children together in the backseat.

lunuy a thoroughly soft and tender to touch. v [B2; a] become, make very soft and tender. Nalunuy ang hinug ságing nga giban-ug, The ripe banana got very soft and tender because it got bruised. (←) v [BN] become weak to the point of near collapse. Mulúnuy (manglúnuy) ku basta gutmun, I become weak when I’m hungry. Nalúnuy dáyun ku pagkahibalu sa íyang kamatáyun, I felt weak all over when I learned of his death.

lupa, lupà v [B; b6] be somewhat depressed below the surrounding land. Giabunúhan níya ang mga dapit sa yútà nga naglupà, He filled up all the places in his land which were depressed. n land that is below the level of the surrounding land. Kanúnay bahaan ang íyang baul kay lupà man, His farm is always flooded because it is located in a depression.

lúpà v [A] for one that is misbehaving to do it all the more. Human siya tambági sa pagsúgal, milúpà hinúun, After being cautioned about his gambling, he indulged in it all the more. Ayawg labáni nang batáa arun dì mulúpà, Don’t take that child’s part or he’ll misbehave all the more. — ang atay v [B246] swell with pride. Milúpà íyang atay pag-ingun nákung gwápu siya, He swelled with pride when I told him he was handsome.

lupad v 1 [A; ac] fly, take a plane, be sent flying. Lupdun lang sa ubang langgam ang láing kuntininti, Some birds fly from one continent to another. Pugngi ímung kálù kay tingálig ilupad sa hángin, Hold on to your hat or the wind will blow it away. 2 [B2456] pass swiftly by. Túling milupad ang mga túig, The years passed swiftly by. 3 [b8] fly into a rage. Hingluparan kus maistra kay nayabu ang tintà, The teacher lost her temper at me because I spilled the ink. 4 [A2] travel, go s.w. (humorous, mildly derogatory). Mau pa gánì pag-abut milupad sad dáyun, He just arrived then he immediately went away again. n act of flying. Kusug ang lupad sa dyit, The jet flies fast. kúyug, uban sa — v [A; b6] keep up with the latest fad, with the in thing. Dì siya magpaiwit. Muuban giyud sa lupad (panlúpad) sa mga dátù, She does not want to be left behind. She keeps up with the rich. mubù ug — see mubù. (←) n expanse of one’s travel. Taas nag lúpad nang tawhána. Nakaabut nas Lundun, That man is widely travelled. He has gone to London. taas ug —, (←) a 1 always be out of one’s home and be at places where he is not supposed to be. Taas ug lúpad (lupad) bayhána. Ásang bayli túa, This woman goes out too much. Wherever there’s dance, she is bound to be there. 2 travelling a lot. Dì ba didtu kas Dábaw, nía na man sab lagi ka sa Manílà. Taása pud nímug lupad uy, You were in Davao, weren’t you, and now here you are in Manila. You sure do travel. paN- n act of flying (plural). †

lup-ad v [AN; b6] spit saliva. Kinsa ninyuy naglup-ad diri sa panghugasan? Which one of you spat in the sink? Gilup-aran ku níya, He spat on me. paN- v [A13] keep spitting. lup-aránan n spittoon.

lupak1 v [A; a] 1 poke or pound repeatedly with the end of a stick. Naglupak ku sa túbu nga nasampungan, I’m shoving a stick into the pipe that was stopped up. Lupakun ku kanang ilagà nga náa sa sulud, I’ll shove a stick into the hole to flush the rat out. 2 pound to mash or pulverize s.t. Milupak siya sa humay, He pounded the rice. Maglupak tag ságing, We will mash bananas. 3 make lupak. n a k.o. sweet made out of pounded, cooked, unripe bananas, mixed with half-matured coconut, shredded, and sugared. ni-, -in- = lupak.

lupak2 n the young of the rudderfish (damagan, 1).

lupasì a pallid in complexion. Ang bátang bitúkun [648]lupasì ug pamánit, A child infested with parasitic worms tends to have a pallid complexion. v [B] for the complexion to become pale.

lupì n 1 turned down corner of a page. 2 = alupì. v [A; c1] turn down a corner of the leaf of a book. Gilupian níya ang tumuy sa pahina nga íyang giundángan, She turned down the corner of the page where she stopped.

lúpig a inferior, outclassed. Lúpig ku siyag ínum, He is no match for me when it comes to drinking. Lúpig pa nímuy buguy, You’re worse than a hoodlum. walay — nothing is better than (lit. outclassed by). Way lúpig sa mag-amping, There’s nothing better than being careful. Lúpig pa níyay galingan mukáun, He can consume more than a mill. v 1 [A23S; a2b2] overpower, outclass. Way makalupig sa íyang katabian, Nobody can outdo her in talkativeness. Mubangka ku ug lupígun ku nímug bú, I will treat you if you beat me in arm wrestling. 2 [AN; b(1)] exploit, take advantage over s.o. by cheating. Kusug siyang mulúpig (manlúpig) sa uban salig kay abugádu siya, Basing himself on his ability as a lawyer, he takes advantage of people. ma-un a exploiting in a cruel way. Malupígun ang mga Katsílà kaniadtu, The Spaniards were oppressive in former times. paN- n taking advantage of s.o. and cheating him out of s.t.

lúpir n sport jacket. v [A; c] wear a sport jacket.

lúpis n dried strips of abaca trunk or certain varieties of bananas which have not been processed into fibers, used for tying and other similar purposes.

lup-it v [A; b] press s.t. tight between two surfaces. Naglup-it ug mga dáhung layà ang libru, The book has some dead leaves pressed inside it. pa- v [A; b] put s.t. in between two flat surfaces so as to press it. Pusturáwu siyang tan-áwun ug magpalup-it sa púlu, He looks good when he tucks his shirt in.

lupnis = lúpis.

lupù1 n k.o. small blackish fish with lightly toxic dorsal spines, often found on the bottom in fresh or brackish waters: Gymnapistes niger.

lupù2 v [A3P; b6(1)] shut off, block a passage or flow. Gúmun sa buhuk ang nakalupù (nakapalupù) sa labábu, The wash basin was stopped up by some hair. Ílang gilup-an (gilupuan) ang agiánan arun pagbanhig sa ílang mga kaáway, They blocked the way so that they could ambush their enemy. n s.t. used to block the flow or passage.

lúpug1 a for the eyes to be smarting. v 1 [A123P; b4] for the eyes to sting. Bùbúig túbig ang bátà kay gilupúgan, Pour water on the child because his eyes are stinging. 2 [B; b6] for tears to fill the eyes and blur the vision. Nalúpug ang íyang mga mata sa lúhà, Tears filled her eyes.

lúpug2 v [A; a12b2] chase, run after s.t. that is running. Mulúpug nang irúag mudágan ka, That dog will chase you if you run. Lupúgun ta ka run ug dílì ka muari, I will run after you if you don’t come here. Hinglupugan siya kay nangáwat ug mangga, He got himself chased because he stole some mangoes.

lup-ug v [B26; b6] slump down to one’s feet. Nadismáyu siya ug nalup-ug (milup-ug) sa yútà, She fainted and slumped to the ground. Dihà ra hibuntagi ang hubug sa íyang gilup-úgan, Morning found the drunk lying where he had fallen.

lúpuk n young locust.

lúpus1 v [B12] for a person to be drenched. Nalúpus siya sa singut, He was drenched in sweat. Diyútay rang túbig ikalígù. Dì gánì makalúpus, This isn’t enough water to bathe with. It won’t even get me wet.

lúpus2 v [A; a12] bully. Lupúsun lang mi nímu kay dakù man ka, You bully us because you are bigger than us.

luput v [B23(1); b4] 1 leave a mark on or injure the skin after winding, tying, etc. s.t. tightly on it. Miluput ang písì sa tiil sa bábuy, The rope was tied so tight around the pig’s foot it left a mark. 2 leave a crease on a cloth upon folding or pressing. Muluput (maluput) ang íyang inutawan, She irons creases into the clothes. n 1 mark left on the skin after tying s.t. tightly around it. 2 crease, fold on a cloth.

lup-ut1 = luput, n1, v1.

lup-ut2 v [AP; cP] tuck s.t. in or under. Ilup-ut (ipalup-ut) ang ímung púlu, Tuck your shirt in.

lup-ut3 v [A2C1; b6] share a space for sitting or sleeping with s.o. Dì ta makalup-ut sa tihíras, We can’t sleep together on one small cot. Naglup-ut ming duhag lingkud sa usa ka síya, We sat together in one chair.

lupuy n the fry of andúhaw.

lupyak v [AB2; b6] 1 get, make a dent in s.t. Lupyákig gamay ang táru ágig timáan, Put a small dent into the kerosene can to mark it. 2 for earth to sink, cause it to do so. Ang yútang giabúnu sa bangag mulupyak ug ulanun, The earth that was filled into the hole will collapse when it rains. a sunken, dented. [649]Lupyak ug áping ang níwang, A thin person has sunken cheeks.

*lupyù (from puyù) -um-r-, mu- n inhabitant, resident of a locality. Ang kasagáran sa mga lumulupyù (mulupyù) dinhi mangingisdà, Most of the inhabitants here are fishermen.

lurang v [B24] 1 for a storm or some other natural force to abate. Milurang na ang bagyu, The typhoon has let up. 2 for problems, anger, etc. to abate. Wà giyuy paági nga makapalurang (makalurang) sa kagúbut sa midul-ist, There seems to be no solution to the trouble in the Middle East.

lúrat v [A2S; c1P] 1 open the eyes wide. Papyúnga ang mata sa minatay kay naglurat, Close the dead man’s eyes because they are wide open. Dì kang kakità? Luráta (ilúrat, paluráta, ipalúrat) ímung mata, You can’t see? Open your eyes wide. 2 glower at s.o. to show angry disapproval. Gilurátan sa maistru ang mga istudiyanting nagtábì, The teacher glowered at the students who were talking. n act of glowering. Sa usa lang ka lúrat ni Tátay hílum ming tanan, Father can silence us with just one look. hi-/ha- v [B1256] have one’s eyes pop wide open. Nahalúrat siya sa kahibúlung, Her eyes opened wide in surprise.

lúray1 v [B3(1)6] for a top to wobble as it spins to a stop. n wobbling of a top as it spins to a stop.

lúray2 v [B2; c1P] for the voice to be affectionate with a slurring intonation. Mulúray na gánì íyang tíngug dúna siyay ihangyù nímu, When her voice gets sweet, she has a request to make. a affectionate with a slurring intonation. pina- a with an affectionate, slurring intonation. Pinalúray ang íyang tíngug nga mihanggat nákù sa pagpangatúlug, With an affectionate voice, she asked me to come to bed.

lúrir = rúlir.

luru v [B2N] for hair to fall out. Mangluru (muluru) ang buhuk basta kaspahun, If you have dandruff your hair will fall out. paN- n falling hair.

lúrù1 v 1 [B6] be drooping. Milúrù ang sangang namungíngi sa mga búnga, The branch was drooping, it was so laden with fruits. Nalúrù ang babáying gikuyapan sa simbahan, The lady fainted in church and sat there limp. 2 [B126] become dizzy. Nalúrù ku sa bangkà kay bawud, I felt seasick in the boat because of the rough seas. Tyubíbu ang nakalúrù (nakapalúrù) níya, The merry-go-round made her dizzy.

lúrung v [B12; b3(1)] get dizzy from motion or from being poisoned or nauseated. Nalúrung ku humag tuyuktúyuk nákù, I got dizzy after I turned myself round and round. Ísug nga sigarilyu nga ákung nalurúngan, The strong cigarettes made me dizzy.

lús v [A; c1] lower the sail of a boat. Lúsun (ilús) ang láyag ug línaw ang dágat, The sail is lowered when the sea is calm.

lusa, lusà1 v [A13] stare unseeingly into space, usually due to lack of interest, comprehension. Unsay ímung gihunàhúnà nga naglusa na man lang nang ímung mata? What are you thinking about? You’re just staring blankly into space.

lúsa n plate made of metal coated with enamel. v [A13; b6] eat from metal plates.

lusà2 n nit, the egg of a louse. v [a4] be infested with nits. paN- v [A2] for lice to lay eggs. -un a full of nits. v [B126] be, become full of nits.

lúsad v 1 [A; ac] go, bring down, descend, dismount. Lugar bay. Anhi lang ku lúsad, Stop, Driver. I’m going to get off here. Milúsad siya sa hagdanan, He went down the stairs. Patábang ug lúsad sa pyánu ngadtu sa sílung, Let some people help you bring the piano down. Lusára ang búla sa sílung, Go down and get the ball. Ang walang tiil mauy ilúsad pag-úna, Descend with the left foot first. 1a [A2; a1c] go, bring to the sea to fish, bathe. Mag-íhaw mig bábuy ug maglúsad mig panágat, We slaughter a pig when we bring our fishing nets to the sea for the first time. 2 [A; b] launch one’s or s.o.’s political candidacy. Kadaghan na siya makalúsad, karun pa giyud kadaug, He ran so many times, but this is the first time he won. lusaránan n place one descends onto or over.

lusak v 1 [A; a] pound s.t. by hitting it with the blunt end of a stick or with bombs. Kusga paglusak ang halu nga náa sa lungag, Poke the monitor lizard that is in the hole hard with the end of the stick. Lusaka ang inad-ad nga báni pára sa bábuy, Pound the sliced banana stem with a pestle for the pig. Gilusak ang Hanuy sa mga bumba, Hanoi was pounded with bombs. 2 [A; a] make linusak. ni-, -in- n k.o. delicacy made of pounded cooked banana mixed with shredded coconut meat and sugar.

lusay n swollen lymph node. v [B46; b4] have a swelling in the lymph nodes. Milusay (gilusayan) ang íyang búgan, She had a swollen lymph node in the groin. lusaylusay n small swollen lymph nodes. v [B4; b(1)] have a small swelling in the lymph nodes.

lúsay n seaweed. sáma sa — not firm in one’s [650]convictions (drifting like seaweeds). ka-an n place where seaweeds abound.

lusbà v 1 [APB2; a12] for s.t. with an area to collapse or cave in. Bumba ang naglusbà (nagpalusbà) sa atup sa simbahan, The bomb caused the roof of the church to collapse. Mulusbà (malusbà) ning salúga kun tungtúngan ug bayinti ka táwu, This floor will collapse if twenty persons stand on it. Lusbáa ang tayaung lubut sa baril, Knock out the rusty bottom of the barrel. 2 [A; a1] press s.t. rounded or bulging to level it off or flatten it. Dì ka makalusbà sa búla sa baskitbul kun dì kuháan ug hángin, You cannot flatten a basketball if you do not let the air out.

lusbak1 v [B26] for a horizontal surface to give way or yield to pressure above it. Mulusbak (malusbak) ang taklub sa kaban ug tungtúngan ug bug-at, The trunk lid will get a dent if s.t. heavy is put on top of it. n shallow depression, dent. Daghang lusbak sa karsáda kay dílì pinisun, The road has lots of holes because it has not been rolled.

lusbak2 v [A; a2] cook very small fish in vinegar and garlic. -unun n very small fish to be cooked in such a manner. ni-, -in- n dish of small fish cooked in vinegar.

lusbù v [B16] 1 sink, sag, get a dent on the top or simply give way. Ayawg lingkúri ang táru kay malusbù, Don’t sit on the can because it will get a dent in it. Nalusbù ang tánil, The tunnel caved in. Ang kabug-at sa sulud mauy nakalusbù (nakapalusbù) sa bulsíta, The heavy contents caused the bottom of the paper bag to give way. 2 for a person to slump or the bones that hold him to get dislocated. Nalusbù ákung háwak, I got a dislocated hip.

lusbug v [APB; c] immerse oneself in s.t. Milusbug siya sa túbig ug milanguy, She immersed herself in the water and swam. Ang lambay maglusbug sa balas, A sea crab buries itself in the sand.

lusgus v [A1; a] rub s.t. rough vigorously against s.t. to clean it. Akuy naglusgus sa kasíli arun pagkúhà sa danglug, I rubbed the eel vigorously to get the slime off. Lusgúsa ug maáyu ang takuling sa kaldíru, Scrub the soot off the kettle.

lúsì v [A; a1b2] tweak or pinch with a twisting motion. Milúsì kug usa ka dawin sa sipì nga ságing, I twisted off a banana from the bunch. Kagáhì mu karug úlu, lusíun ta giyud ka, How hard-headed you are. I’m going to tweak your ears. (→) v [A1; a1] 1 work on an itchy foreskin by pinching, twisting and turning it inside out. Ang mga bátang pisut maglusì kay katlan man, Uncircumcised boys rub their foreskin because it itches. 2 = lùlù (humorous).

luslus v 1 [A; c1] for s.t. that wraps s.t. and is attached to it to slip off, esp. the foreskin. Human na siya makaluslus sa unud gíkan sa mga bukug, She managed to slip the meat off the bones to which it had been attached. Naluslus na ang pánit sa íyang tintin, hustu nang tulíun, He can pull his foreskin back, so he’s ready to be circumcised. 2 [A; a12] use s.t. in a way that will destroy it. Hala, luslúsa nang makinilya arun makailis ka, Go on and use that typewriter in such a way as to break it so you can buy me a new one. 3 [AN; a] swindle, make a fool of s.o. (coarse). Giluslus ming Pidru. Inay ibáyad sa bangku ang kwartang gihátag námù, íya hinúung giláyas, Pedro swindled us. Instead of paying the money we gave him to the bank, he skipped out of town. n 1 penis (vulgar). — mu, níya 1a expression of anger at s.o. Luslus mu! Wà man gánì ku swildúi íni unyà kasab-ankasab-an pa, Damn! You scold me but I’m working for you without pay! 1b expression debunking s.o. Maáyu sa luslus mu, nga húmuk rang mabálì! Good, my eye! It breaks so easily!

lusnù v 1 [B126; b8] for a structure to collapse, crash down. Nalusnù ang taytáyan pagbagyu, The bridge collapsed in the storm. 1a [B1256] for a person to collapse. Nalusnù siya pagkadungug sa aksidinti, She collapsed upon hearing of the accident. 2 [B12] for feelings, hopes, and aspirations to collapse. Nagkalusnù na ang ákung damgu sa kadaúgan, My hopes for victory are gradually crumbling.

luspad a pale, for a person to have lost his color. v [BN; a] be; become pale. Nanluspad siya pagkadungug sa hukum, She paled when she heard the decision. lusparun a of a pale sort. Ang lusparung kaháyag sa búlan, The pale light of the moon.

luspì a pallid in complexion due to some physical deficiencies or sickness. Luspì kaáyu ang masakitun, The sick man is very pale. v [B1; b6] be, become pallid in complexion.

lusù a hypocrite (slang). Ang lusù nga dakù daw santus giyud nga ímung iatúbang, apan mangtas diay, He is a terrible hypocrite. He looks like a paragon of virtue, but actually he’s a monster.

lúsù n 1 penis (coarse). 2 — nímu, níya 2a expression of anger at s.o. Lúsù nímu, ikay naghulam sa libru unyà akuy paulíun! Nuts [651]to you. You borrowed the book and you want me to return it! 2b expression of disbelief. Lúsù níya. Ayaw ku níyag patuhúa, Hell! Don’t try to make me believe him.

lúsub v [A; b5] attack, force one’s way into s.t. Gilúsub (gilusúban) sa milù ang tangkal sa manuk, The civet broke into the chicken coop.

lusug a stout, corpulent, usually said of children. v [B2; b6(1)] grow stout. Mulusug (malusug) ka ug mukáun kag kusug, You’ll grow stout if you eat a lot.

lúsug v [AC; c] ride together in tandem, usually on s.t. most often ridden by one. Unsa! Maglúsug ta ánang pyangguy nga kabáyù? What! Shall the two of us ride together on that scrawny horse?

lusuk n 1 clove or segment of any fruit that has segments. Usa ka lusuk áhus, One garlic clove. 2 drops or beads of tears, perspiration, rain, and the like. Pipila ka lusuk lúhà, Some drops of tears. Lusuk sa rusaryuhan, Rosary beads. v 1 [A; a] break off s.t. that comes in sections. Lusuka úsà ang áhus úsà pa paníti, Split the garlic into cloves first before you peel it. 1a [A; a] gouge out an eye. Luskun ku nang mata mu run, I’ll gouge out your eyes. 1b [A13; a12] wrench s.o.’s feelings. Gilusuk ang íyang dughan sa túmang kakulbà, Her heart was wrenched with anxiety. 2 [B2N] form segments or similarly shaped things. Milusuk (nanlusuk) ang mga lúhà sa íyang mga mata, Drops of tears formed in her eyes. -in- n dangling earrings with little pellets at the bottom.

Lusun n Luzon, the largest island in the Philippines.

lusung n 1 large mortar for pounding rice. 2 a mortarful. v [a12] make into a mortar. (←)1 v [A; c1] pour grains into the mortar. 2 lower a coffin into the burial pit. n = lusung, 2.

lúsung2 v [A; c1] huddle, crowd close together. Dì ta makalúsung íning gamayng barútu kay súd ra nig duha ka táwu, We can’t all ride in this small boat because it is only good for two people. Lusúnga (ilúsung) lang nang mga sinakung humay sa karumáta, Just pile those sacks of rice in the cart.

lusut v 1 [A3P; ac] pass, go through. Milusut ang kumagkù sa gisiung midiyas, The big toe came out of the torn socks. Dílì giyud ku makalusut (makapalusut) ug hílu sa dágum, I can never thread a needle. Kanang kupúa lutsun gihápun sa tun-ug, Cold air can still pass through your cape. 2 [A2] go through, come out successful. Magbluáwut ku basta makalusut sa burd, I’ll have a party if I hurdle the board exams. 3 [A2; b(1)] in basketball, drive through the defense. Sayun ra kaáyung lusutan (lutsan) ang inyung dipinsa, It is very easy to drive through your defense. pa-(←) v [A2; c] squeeze in a witty remark in a conversation. Maáyung mupalúsut nà siya, He is good in making funny remarks in a conversation. n the act of squeezing in some witty remarks during a conversation. lutsanan n a way out.

lusyun n lotion for use as a cosmetic or cleansing the skin. v [A23; b] use a certain k.o. lotion. paN- v [A2; b6] apply lotion on oneself.

luta1 n nosepiece that is made to pass through the hole in the nose of domestic animals to which a tether rope is attached. v 1 [A; a12] make a nosepiece. 2 [A; b6(1)] tie such a nosepiece onto s.t.

luta2 n joints in the body. Haplási ang mga luta (lutaluta, lutáhan) ug lána arun mawálà ang pamául, Rub oil on the joints to relieve the pain. lutaluta, lutalúta, lutáhan = luta.

lúta, lutà n imprints made by the pressure or weight of s.t. Lúta sa ligid dihà sa lápuk, Tire marks in the mud. Lúta sa tudlù sa básu, Finger marks on the glass. v [B6; b(1)] 1 make an impression, mark on s.t. Milutà (nalutà) ang íyang ngípun sa ákung buktun, Her teeth left their mark on my skin. 2 be visible through s.t. Milutà ang mamisus sa íyang nipis nga bulsa, The peso bills were visible inside his shirt pocket.

*lútab -an, -un a 1 for fruits and sugar cane to be watery, lacking in sweetness. 2 for nípà or lumber to be too soft or have a tendency to rot. v [B12] become watery and lacking in sweetness.

lutak n crack, a break usually without complete separation of parts. Náa nay gamayng lutak sa básu, There’s a slight crack on the glass. v 1 [B3(1)6] crack. Ang yútà milutak sa paglínug, The earth cracked in the earthquake. 2 rack one’s brains. Makalutak (makapalutak) sa úlu ning prublimáha, This problem can crack one’s brains.

lutang v [A2] surface in the water. Ug walà mulutang ang bátang nalumus dílì untà makit-an, If the body of the boy who was drowned had not floated on the surface, it would never have been found. lutanglútang v [A13] float freely in the water.

lútang v 1 [A; a12] heal s.t. completely. Manghihilut mauy naglútang sa ákung piang, A bone setter set my dislocated bone. Gilútang sa tambálan ang ákung sakit, The folk doctor completely relieved me of my [652]ailment. 2 [AB12; a1] solve or clear up a problem, esp. a financial problem. Ang pagdaug ra sa swipstik ang makalútang (makapalútang) sa átung mga suliran, The sweepstakes are the only solution to our problems.

lutaríya n 1 lottery. 2 k.o. bingo game played with many players, where the cards have the figures of the Spanish cards in place of numbers, which are covered when the corresponding card is drawn. v 1 [A] hold a lottery. 2 [A; b6(1)] play lutaríya.

lutas v [A; a12] overcome, surmount. Kinsay naglutas sa ímung galastuhan sa iskuylahan? Who shouldered all your expenses in school? Hápit na ku makalutas sa ákung pagtuun, I am almost through with my studies.

lútas v 1 [A; a1] wean. Lutásun ang bátà ug manghúran na, A baby is weaned when the next child is born. 2 [A; a12] have a boy or girl friend five years or more younger than oneself. Ganáhan siyang mulútas ug hayiskul sa íya nang pagkálids, He likes to go out with high-school girls though he is in college. 3 [a3] for a husband to be temporarily deprived of marital relations (humorous slang).

lutaw v 1 [A; b6] float. Ang asyíti mulutaw sa túbig, Oil floats on water. 1a [AB] move gracefully as if floating on air. Nindut tan-áwun ang maglíap nga maglutaw, It is nice to see a basketball shot where the player just floats up to the basket as he sinks it in. 2 [A2] show, manifest itself. Usa ka pahiyum milutaw sa íyang nawung, A smile showed on his face. 2a for a character trait, truth, and the like to come out. Milutaw na ang tinúud níyang batásan, His real character now came out. Mulutaw ra ang tinúud, The truth will eventually come out. 2b — ang ganansiya [B3(1)4] for it to be clear that there is going to be a profit. 3 [A23] for fish to come to the surface. Andáma ang báling kay hápit na mulutaw ang bansíkul, Prepare the net because the mackerel are about to surface. 4 [A2] for fever or measles to come out and fully develop. Walà nay kuyaw kun mulutaw (makalutaw) na ang dáp, There is no more danger once the measles rash appears. 5 — sa hángin [A13] a lacking awareness of s.t. Dílì mahímung maglutaw sa hángin ang átung mga anak sa kalisud sa pangwarta, Our children should know how hard it is to earn money. b having an uncertain outcome. Naglutaw pa sa hángin ang ákung numramyintu, My appointment is still up in the air. n freeboard. Lagmit ta malúnud kay gamay ang lutaw sa sakayan, We might sink because the boat has a small freeboard. — ug dugù glowing with a healthy pink color. Lutaw ug dugù ang mga dugung Katsílà, People who have Spanish blood have a healthy pinkish complexion. — ang ganansiya clearly affording a profit. Lutaw ang ganansiya sa nigusyung bay-ansil, You clearly will make a profit in the buying and selling business. (←) n low-lying place near the shore into which sea water enters, but separated from the main sea by a bar of dry land. pa- n s.t. to hasten the coming out of a rash or fever. pina- n a k.o. rice cake (bibingka) cooked by steam.

lutay a for s.t. long to be supple. Lutay kaáyug láwas ang misáyaw sa bali, The person who danced the ballet has a very supple body. v [B2; b6] be pliant, easily bent. Mulutay (malutay) ang lipak ug nipsun ang paglútì, Bamboo sticks will be pliant if they are stripped thin.

luthang n 1 popgun made of a small bamboo stem which shoots seeds or paper pellets. 2 bamboo cannon that makes a loud retort using kerosene, used for noise-making during festive events. v [A; a] 1 shoot with a native popgun or bamboo cannon. 1a shoot s.o. with any gun. Naprísu siya kay nakaluthang, He went to prison for shooting a man. 2 [A1; a12] make s.t. into a luthang. luthangluthang v [A12C2] play games with luthangs.

lúti n lot, a parcel of land, usually residential. v 1 [A; a12] divide land into lots for sale. 2 [A12] obtain a lot.

lútì v [A; a] split a piece of bamboo, rattan, or nítù into narrow strips. Lutíun ang kawáyan pára himúung búbù, When they make a fish trap, they split narrow pieces of bamboo for it. -in- n thin strips of bamboo, rattan, or nítù.

lutiríya = lutaríya, n1, v1.

lutlut v [AB; c6] squeeze s.t. extra into an area which has little room, be squeezed in. Mulutlut lang ku áring mga karga arun lang makapaúlì ku, I will just sit here in between the cargo, just so I can get home. Unsang librúhang ímung gilutlútan sa sulat? What book did you put the letter in? Ilutlut lang ning lubi sa ilálum sa lingkuránan, Just squeeze these coconuts under the seats.

lutu, lutù1 n blister gotten by rubbing. v [B23(1)6; b4] develop or form blisters. Milutu (giluthan) ang íyang tudlù sa paglinúbù sa mais, Blisters have formed on her fingers from shelling the corn. [653]

lútu v 1 [A; b3] wear black clothes in mourning. Kinsa may inyung gilutúhan? Whom are you mourning? 2 [a12] make, sew into mourning clothes. 3 [b(1)] consider a member of the family or s.o. close to the family dead because of his rebellious or unforgiveable act. Gilutúhan si Sunya sa íyang mga ginikánan kay nakigminyù siya sa ílang draybir, Sonia’s parents simply considered her dead when she married their driver. n mourning clothes.

lutù2 v 1 [AB246N; a12P] crack one’s knuckle(s); for the joints to crack. Mulutù (manglutù) ang íyang lutáhan inigtindug níya, His joints crack when he stands up. 2 [A13] stay idle doing nothing, twiddling the thumbs, cracking the knuckles, and the like. Naglutù lang. Walà makahunàhunà unsay maáyung kurìkuriun, He’s just twiddling his thumbs. He hasn’t thought of anything worthwhile to do. 2a [A13; a12] do things at a slow and lazy pace. Ug lutuun nátù ang átung líhuk magabin-an ta, If we walk lazily, we will be overtaken by night. n sound produced by cracking the joints.

lútù v 1 [AB12; a] cook. Humut ang nagkalutung inasal, The roast pig smelled delicious as it was cooking. Lutúun nátù ang kík, Let us cook the cake. 1a [AB12; b6] make ice products. Gáhì na ang áyis, nalútù na diay, The ice has hardened; it is done. 2 [AP; a1] make s.t. tender. Súkà ray mulútù (mupalútù) sa kinílaw, Vinegar can get the raw fish tender. Alkuhul ang naglútù sa atay niánang palaínum, Alcohol is giving that drunkard a tender liver. 3 — dáan [a12] have the outcome pre-planned. Ang banggà gilútù dáan sa mga maghuhúkum, The judges prejudged the contest. 4 [B; c6] become darkened. Mulútù (malútù) ug samut ang ímung pánit ug magsígi kag painit, Your skin will become darker if you keep staying in the sun. n 1 cooked rice or corn grits. Paghúkad ug lútù, Bring some cooked rice to the table. 2 manner of cooking. Kináham ku ang lútung binisayà, I love Visayan cooking. a 1 done, cooked. Ug lútù na ang kamúti átung kan-un, If the sweet potatoes are done, let’s eat them. 1a for ice to be frozen. 2 dark in shade. Ang blú sa dágat mas lútù ikumparar sa lángit, The blue of the sea is darker than the blue of the sky. 3 — dáan prejudged. Lútù na man dáan ang ákung grádu, My grades are fixed. 4 — nga makaw a dish prepared for short-order cooking. b shabbily made. Lútung makaw ang pagkabúhat sa lamísa, The table was poorly made. c prejudged. Lútung makaw ang kumbinsiyun, The convention was rigged. (→)3 a 1 well-fermented fish. 2 = lútù, 1a. v [b3] become fermented fish paste. Wà pa gánì makalutù ang ginamus nahurut na námug káun, The fish paste had not even gotten fermented before we ate it up. ni-, -in- n food bought prepared. Pagpalit ug linútù ug kabsan tag sud-an, Buy some carry-out food if we run short. ni-an(→), -in-an(→) n manner of cooking. ma-(→) n boiled rice usually wrapped in banana leaves carried as one’s lunch. v 1 [A] bring a lunch of this sort. 2 [A; a2] prepare a lunch of this sort.

lútub v [B2; b6] 1 form a blister from burning or rubbing. Milútub (nalútub) ang ákung pasù, My burn formed a blister. 2 for blood to form a black spot under a finger- or toenail that has been injured. Milútub ang dugù sa ákung tudlù nga hingdukdukan sa martilyu, Blood formed a black spot on my fingers where I had hit them with a hammer.

lut-ud v 1 [AC23; ac] pile up on top of one another. Naglut-ud ang mga plátu, The plates are stacked on top of one another. Lut-úra pagdala nang mga libru, Carry the books in a pile on top of one another. 2 [B36] pile up, accumulate. Paspas uy kay naglut-ud na ning ímung mga buluhatun, Faster! Your work is piling up. n 1 s.t. stacked up. Tulu ka lut-ud nga libru, Three stacks of books. 2 having several rows of petals. Antuwángang lut-ud, Hibiscus with several rows of petals.

lutuk v 1 [A; a12] put a finger into an orifice of s.t. living, usually to get at s.t. Akuy mulutuk sa bàbà sa bátà arun makúhà ang singsing, I will reach into the child’s mouth to get the ring out. Luktun ku nang mata mu, I’ll poke out your eyes. 2 [A; a] squeeze and pull off the edible flesh of jackfruit. Dì ku makalutuk sa súuy sa nangkà, I can’t take out the edible flesh of the jackfruit.

lútuk v [A; b6] stare at. Namula siyang gisalíhan nákug lútuk, She blushed when I kept staring at her.

lutung a for fruits to be very ripe, almost overripe. v [B12] be, become very ripe. Mas lamì kan-un ang nangkà kun malutung na, Jackfruit is most delicious to eat when it is very ripe.

lútung n contraction of the uterus during labor. v [A2] for the uterus to contract during labor. Maggahìgáhì ang pus-un sa umaának ug mulútung na, The stomach of a mother in labor hardens when her uterus is contracting.

lutup v 1 [A23] for s.t. to show through s.t. [654]translucent that touches it. Milutup ang íyang tútuy sa nipis níyang bláwus, Her breasts showed through her flimsy blouse. 2 [A2; b(1)] for s.t. to give off a reproduction on s.t. that touches it. Milutup ang banig nga íyang gihigdáan dihà sa íyang bukubuku, The mat he lay on left an impression on his back. 2a leave a crease in cloth upon folding or pressing. Naglutup ang pinil-an sa sinínà, There was a crease left on the dress where it was folded. n 1 mark, imprint on the skin. 2 crease, fold on a cloth. pa- n 1 reproduction of a picture made by rubbing it with a candle and then scratching a sheet of paper over it. 2 tracing. v [A; b6(1)] reproduce a picture by rubbing or tracing.

lútus1 v 1 [A; ab2] chase or run after. Daghan kaáyung táwung milútus sa mangunguut, A lot of people were chasing the pickpocket. Bísag ása pa mutágù ang kriminal, lutúsun giyud sa baláud, No matter where the criminal hides, the law will go after him. 2 [A; a12] persecute. Si Níru naglútus sa mga Kristiyánus, Nero persecuted the Christians.

lútus2 n lotus plant cultivated for ornamental purposes, flowers esp. used for decorating altars: Nelumbium nelumbo.

lútuy v [B2S3(1); b4] for the skin to swell and form a blister from being burnt with s.t. hot or cold. Milútuy ang ákung buktun nga napiksan sa ínit nga mantíka, Hot lard spattered on my arm and it swelled. n swelling on the skin caused by heat or acid.

lutya, lutyà = bisul.

lúub v [A; b(1)] 1 brood on eggs. Luúban sa himungáan ang itlug, The hen will sit on the eggs. 1a stay around a place. Dì ka ba pul-an ug lúub sa balay? Aren’t you sick of hanging around the house? 2 for emotions to be stored up in one. Kasína nga naglúub sa ákung dughan, The envy that dwelt in my breast.

luud a nauseous, causing nausea. Luud kan-un ang pagkáung pan-us, Stale food is nauseous to eat. v [B2; a4] become, feel nauseous. Nagkaluud ang báhù sa kasilyas, The toilet is getting to smell more and more nauseous. Lud-un giyud kung mamínaw sa ímung mga pasálig, I really get nauseated listening to your promises. lud-ánun, lud-unun a easily given to feeling nauseous.

*lúud paN- v [A2; b3] sulk by refraining from doing s.t. because of an offense or a wish not granted. Dì na siya mukanta. Nanglúud nga wà pakpáki, She won’t sing any more. She is sulking because she didn’t get enough applause. luuray v [C23] take offense at each other and sulk. Way mahímù ang átung kláb kay nagluuray ang mga upisyális, Our club won’t achieve anything because the officers are constantly taking offense at each other and refraining from doing things. luuran a easily given to sulking, withdrawing from an activity.

luug a 1 savage, uncivilized. 2 ignorant, lacking sophistication like a savage. Ayg tudlùtudlúa nang mga trák. Luug ka man tingáli, Don’t point your finger at those vehicles. Are you ignorant? v [B12; a2] be, become ignorant, unsophisticated. Maluug kag adtu ka magpuyù sa búkid, You will grow up ignorant if you stay in the mountains. -in- a in the manner of a savage. Linuug nga búhat ang panglúgus, Rape is a savage act. v [A; c1] act like a savage. -ing(←) = luug, a2 (humorous euphemism).

lúuk1 v 1 [A; a] strangle, esp. with two hands. Luúkun ta ka dihag musúkul ka, I’ll strangle you if you fight back. 2 [AC2; a12] neck, pet to the point of or nearly to the point of intercourse (slang). Gilúuk bítaw nákù, sugut lagi, I got her over-excited, and you bet she gave in. maN-r-(→) n strangler.

lúuk2 n bay. Pagbagyu mitágù ang lantsa sa may lúuk, During the typhoon the launch took shelter in the bay. luuklúuk v 1 [A1] eat food alone by oneself. Siya ray nagluuklúuk ug káun sa íyang bálun, She was eating her lunch off in a corner by herself. 2 [A13] do the work alone by oneself without help from others. Aku ra giyuy nagluuklúuk niíning trabahúa, I did this work all alone by myself. kina-an(→) n inmost part of a bay.

lúum v [A; c] put s.t. entirely into the mouth. Íyang gilúum ang usa ka buuk pán, He put the whole piece of bread into his mouth. (→) v 1 [A23] hold one’s breath, stifle back one’s breath. Napakung ang íyang bitíis ug miluum siya sa kasakit, He banged his shins and he held his breath in pain. 2 [A; c6] repress, keep to oneself or cry in a repressed way. Miluum siyag hílak dihang ákù siyang gibyáan, She cried softly when I left her. Ayawg iluum ang ímung kayugut sa ímung amahan, Don’t repress your resentment at your father.

lúun v [A2C; ac] 1 share a space to occupy it. Naglúun mig sakay sa kábaw, We rode on the carabao together. Dì mahímung luúnun ang duha ka himungáan sa usa ka pugaran, You can’t put two hens in one nest. 2 live together in the same house or room. Ayaw silag ilúun sa ámung kwartu kay hugawan, [655]Don’t let them stay with us in our room because they are messy. 3 for an unmarried couple to live together. Gilúun níyag íyang uyab, He brought his girl to live with him. (→) v [A; b] put a buffer sheet over the mouth of a vessel between the mouth and the cover. Lun-ig dáhun ang linung-ag kay hungaw ang takub, Put some leaves as a buffer for the pot of rice because the cover is not airtight. n s.t. used as a buffer for a pot top. ka- n one whom one shares a space with.

luup v [A; b] shut off or block a passage or flow. Ílang gilup-an ang sapà ug mga dagkung batu, They blocked one end of the stream with stones. n s.t. used to shut off or block a passage or flow.

luus v [A; b6] 1 be constantly doing s.t. Dílì ka makaluus ug lingkud dinhi kay binatunan ka, You can’t constantly sit around because you are supposed to be the maid. Gilus-an níyag bása ang kúmiks, She did nothing but read the comics. 2 stay long in a place. Dì ku muluus sa baryu, I will not stay in the village long.

lúuy1 a pitiful. Lúuy kaáyu ang mga ílung tuwápus, Orphans are very pitiful. v [B1256; b5c] have pity, mercy on s.o.; give s.t. out of pity. Ayaw táwun kug patya, malúuy ka, Don’t kill me. Have mercy. Limus, Dung, kaluy-i (kaluy-a) ang kabus, Alms, lad. Have pity on the poor. Ihátag lag suklì ikalúuy lang nà sa draybir, Just give the change to the driver out of kindness. paki-, pakima- v [A; c] 1 beg for mercy. Nagpakilúuy (nagpakimalúuy) sila sa asindírung hakug, They beg for mercy from the greedy landowner. 2 plead. Mipakilúuy (mipakimalúuy) siya nga dì nákù byáan, She begged me not to leave her. n pleading for mercy. ka- n pity, mercy. Kalúuy sa Diyus, Thanks be to God. maluluy-un a kind, merciful. makalulúuy a inspiring pity.

lúuy2 v [B3(1)6; bc1] be, become stagnant. Malúuy (mulúuy) ang túbig dinhi kay wà may kanal, Water stagnates here because there is no canal.

luwa- see also lula-.

luwa1 a word of command for a carabao to halt. pa- v [A; a12] command a carabao to stop. Paluwaha sà ang kábaw arun makapahúlay, Stop the carabao so it can take a rest.

luwa2 v [A; ab2] dismember a slaughtered animal. Dalì siya nga nakaluwa sa kábaw nga giíhaw, He dismembered the slaughtered water buffalo in no time. n piece cut off of a slaughtered animal.

lúwa n k.o. poem, one of the forms used by the players in the murumúru play, consisting of short lines of around ten syllables, in rhyming couplets. v [A; c] 1 recite the lúwa. 2 recite any poem from memory.

luwà, lúwà v 1 [AN; c] spit or eject from the mouth. Giluwaan (gilud-an) níya ang sáwug, He spat on the floor. Iluwà nang kindi kay húgaw, Spit out that candy. It’s dirty. 1a [AN; b(1)] spit to express contempt. Nakaluwà (nakapangluwà) ku dihang nanghambug siya, I couldn’t help spitting when he started to boast. 2 [c6] for a processing machine to expel a solid by-product. Inigsúd sa tubu, ang iluwà sa makina bagásu, Sugarcane is fed into the crushers. Then it comes out as bagasse. n 1 spit, spittle. 2 action of spitting. maabut sa — near not far. lud-anan, -anan n spittoon.

luwàlúwà n the reed suspender in a loom, two pieces of wood which suspend the reed (suluran) and allow it to swing back and forth, holding it in proper position with regard to the warp threads.

luwag, lúwag n ladle. duul sa — be close to influential people such that one has pull. v [A2; a12] make into, hit with, use a ladle.

luwak, lúwak n the other side of s.t. elevated. Ang ílang dápit luwak niánang bungtúra, Their place is s.w. beyond that hill. v [A2; ac] 1 pass over a summit, go up to a pass and then come down, bring s.t. over a pass. Gíkan dinhi muluwak ka pa ug duha ka bungtud, From here you have to climb over two hills. 2 climb up and over s.t. elevated in coming down towards the other side. Makaluwak ang bátà sa abatan, The child can climb over the railing. Nakaluwak ning baúla ngadtu sa tapun, This field stretches over the mountain to the other side. n other side of a mountain or elevation.

luwang n 1 bilge, the rounded lower part of a ship’s hull or hold. Ákung hinubígan ang luwang sa sakayan, I’ll bail out the water from the bilge of the boat. 2 quadrilateral section of a rice paddy bounded by dikes. Tulu ra ka luwang ang ákung nadáru, I have plowed three sections of the rice paddy. v 1 [A; a2] divide the rice paddy into sections. 2 [c1] harvest the rice partition by partition. -in- a by the section. v [A; c1] do by the section.

luwas1 v [A3P; a1] 1 save, remove s.o. from harm. Tambal ang nakaluwas (nakapaluwas) nímu, Medicine has saved your life. Ákung luwasun ang bátà sa balay nga nasúnug, I’ll [656]save the child from the burning house. 1a save from sin and death. Maluwas ta sa kalisud ug makatrabahu na ku, We will escape from our financial worries when I find a job. a 1 safe from danger. 2 free from debt, discomfort. ka-an(←) n 1 safety, preservation from destruction. 2 salvation. 3 freedom from difficulties, problems, etc. maN-r-(←) n saviour, esp. The Saviour, Jesus Christ.

luwas2 v = hi-, v. hi-, hilwas v [A12; a12] 1 articulate, pronounce words or letters. Dì makahilwas ug íri ang Insik, The Chinese can’t pronounce an r. 2 utter taboo words. Sa íyang kasukù, nakahilwas siyag mga púlung nga law-ay, In his anger he uttered profanity. a well articulated. Hilwas na kaáyug sinultihan ang bátà, The child can now speak very articulately. -in-(←), ka-an(←) n one’s full name. Idut ang íyang anggà apan Prídu ang íyang kaluwásan (linúwas), His nickname is Edot but his real name is Fredo.

luwat1 v 1 [A; b(1)] quit a job. Muaplay ku sa trabáhu nga ímung giluwatan, I’ll apply for the job you quit. 2 [b2] accidentally let go of s.t. Hiluwatan níya ang mga plátu nga íyang gidala, She accidentally let go of the plates. 3 [A2B236; b] let out, cause to come out from within. Nakaluwat siyag usa ka makahulugánung pahiyum, She gave forth a meaningful smile. Way usa ka púlung nga miluwat (naluwat) sa íyang bàbà, Not a single word came out of his mouth. 3a [A; b(1)] issue a press release, communiqué. Mau ni ang balità nga giluwatan sa imbaháda, This is the news issued by the embassy. 3b [A; b(1)] issue for a purpose. Miluwat ug kasugúan ang Prisidinti sa pagpadakup sa mga Huks, The President gave out orders to capture the Huks.

luwat2 v [A2; a] climb up and over s.t. elevated and come down to the other side. Miluwat siyag tulu ka bungtud paingun nganhi, He passed over three hills to get here. Luwatun sa bátà nang mubù mung abatan, The baby will climb over that low railing of yours.

luwat3 too, also (dialectal).

lúwis, lúwist n low waist, a style of trousers in which the waist line is cut comparatively low. v [A; b6] wear, make trousers in this style.

lū́y = lúluy.

lúya a 1 weak, or lacking in strength of body or muscle. Lúya kaáyu ku gíkang nasakit, I am very weak after my illness. 2 not active, aggressive enough. Lúya man gud ka maung láin ang nadáwat, You were slow. That’s why s.o. else got the job. 3 weak in a subject. Lúya kaáyu ku sa mát, I’m weak in math. v [A1B12S; a12] be, become weak, tired out, make s.o. tired. Dì kung katrabáhu kay nagluya ku, I can’t work because I’m weak. Nalúya kug dinágan, I got tired running. Luyáha ang isdà úsà kubráha ang pasul, Tire the fish out before you pull in the line. maluyáhun, luyahun a of a weak sort. Luyahun (maluyáhun) nga tíngug, A feeble voice.

luy-a n ginger: Zingiber officinale. — nga tapul n k.o. purple ginger used medicinally. v [A3; b6] flavor with ginger. luy-aluy-a n k.o. herb similar to ginger: Zinziber zerumbet.

lúyang n sweet prepared of cooked plantains pounded and mixed with grated coconut and sugar. v [A; a] prepare this dish. -in-, ni- = lúyang, n.

luyat, lúyat a 1 lacking in fullness and firmness. Luyat ra kaáyu ning unlána, This pillow is too soft. Luyat kaáyu kug láwas, I’m very flabby. 2 for bananas to be soft before getting mature. Luyat kaáyu ang ságing kay linghud pagkapùpù, The bananas are soft because they were immature when they were cut down. v [B12; b6] 1 get to be soft and flabby. 2 for bananas to get soft before maturity.

luyluy1 a drooping, hanging limply. Luyluy na ang íyang buktun sa túmang kakápuy, His arms are limp from utter exhaustion. v [B; b6] be, become drooping or limply hanging. Nagluyluy na ang mga sanga sa káhuy nga nabug-atan sa búnga, The branches of the tree are bending under the weight of the fruits.

luyluy2 = byatilis.

luyu 1 at the back of, behind. Tágù luyu sa batu, Hide behind the rock. Anáa luyu sa pangánud ang adlaw, The sun is behind the clouds. 1a behind what is shown, as an action or attitude. Luyu sa íyang pahiyum anáa ang pagbudhì, Treachery lurks behind her smile. 1b one’s back. Kalúta ning ákung luyu, Scratch my back. 2 on the other side of. Luyu sa panaptun, Reverse side of the cloth. Luyu nga dágat, Sea on the other side of the island. Luyu nga bulsa, Back pocket. Luyung dunggan, The other ear. Luyung kwartu, The adjacent room. 2a — ug — both sides of. Putì ang luyug luyu sa playwud, The plywood is white on both sides. 3 despite. Luyu sa ákung pagsakripisyu way bili níla ang tanan, Despite the sacrifices I had made, they counted it all for nothing. v [A; c1] assist s.o. in his work. Nars ang miluyu sa duktǔr pag-upira, A nurse assisted the doctor in the operation. Ikaw lay ákung iluyu [657](luyuhun) sa trabáhu, I’ll have you be my assistant in my work. pa- v 1 [A; c] stay, put at the back. Nagpaluyu ug lingkud ang mga mayukmuk, The small fry sat at the back. Ipaluyu nang ímung karga, Put your baggage at the back. 1a [A13] lurk, be behind s.t. as a cause. Adúnay kahulugang nagpaluyu sa íyang pahiyum, There is a hidden meaning lurking behind her smile. 2 [A; b(1)] support from behind the scenes. Ang kudita gipaluyuhan sa siay-i, The coup d’état was backed up by the CIA. luyulúyu n assistant. luyhánun, taga- n one living on the other side of the island. †

lúyung v 1 [A; c] sow seeds in a seedbed. 2 [A; c] transplant. Ilúyung ang mangga ngadtu sa luyu, Transplant the mango tree in the back. 2a [A; c1] dump corpses into a big pit. Mga sundálu ang naglúyung sa ílang gipamatay, The soldiers dumped the corpses of the people they massacred. (→) n 1 seedling. Ang átung luyung hustu nang ibalhin, Our seedlings are ready to be transplanted. 2 s.t. transplanted. tag- n one who transplants.

lúyut v [B12] for s.t. not firm to sag out of shape under a weight. Nalúyut ang bakat nga ákung gilingkúran, The hamper I was sitting on sagged out of shape. Nagkaluyut ang dúyan nga pirming higdáan, The hammock is sagging out of shape because it is constantly used. (→) a be out of shape.

lyábi1 = yábi. -ra, -ru = yabíra, yabíru.

lyábi2 n 1 lock in judo or wrestling. 2 in Jai-alai, where one bets as to who comes out first and second place out of six players, bet twice: once that those numbers come out first and second place, respectively (e.g. 1 first place and 5 second place), and once that the same numbers come out in reverse order (i.e. 5 first place and 1 second place). Thus, one avoids betting on the right combination in the wrong order. v 1 [A; b4] get a lock on s.o. 2 [A13; c1] make a bet a lyábi.

lyágay n k.o. flying fish smaller than barúnguy.

lyamáda n home service for a haircut and shave. v [A; c1] request home service for a haircut and shave.

lyamar v 1 [A; c6] summon, call s.o. to come or for s.t. to be brought. Mulyamar ku ug lima ka saup arun patrabahúun sa pinsa, I will summon five tenants to work on the fence. Naglyamar na pagsúgud ang armi sa mga bayinti anyus, The army is beginning to draft the twenty-year olds. Ilyamar ku ug taksi, Call me a taxi. 2 [A2; c] speak to s.o. to ask for s.t. Milyamar si Pidru nga manghulam siya ug kwarta nákù, Pedro called me to borrow money. 2a [A] signify one’s intention. Milyamar ug pangasáwa ang ákung anak, My son signified his intention of getting married. 3 [A2] for a disease or mania to show signs of recurring. Milyamar na sad ang ákung mata. Magkibídu na giyud ku niíni, My eyes are bothering me again. Now I really will have to wear eyeglasses. 3a — ang tiyan feel hungry. 4 [A2] for a gear to engage. Dílì mulyamar ang primíra sa ákung mutur, My motorbike won’t go into first. 4a for one’s ability or strategy to produce results. Walà mulyamar ang ákung lung syát, My long shots did not score. 5 [A2] for wind to change directions. Milyamar ang hángin paingus habagatan, The wind changed directions to the south. n summons, order to start doing s.t. lyamadur n one who calls for bets at a cockfight.

lyáwi = yábi, n1, v.

lyukimya n leukemia. v [B1246; a4] be afflicted with leukemia.

lyúpis = lúpis.




ma n short for the vocative of máma, ‘mother’.

= mala.

mā̀ n 1 onomatopoetic word for the lowing sound of a cow or a water buffalo. 2 a cow or water buffalo (child’s talk). v [A; b6] low, produce a lowing sound.

ma-1 future verb affix. (Past: na-. Subjunctive: ma-.) 1 potential of the direct passive. (See -un1 for meanings of the direct passive. See maka- for meanings of the potential.) Mapalit nà nímu bísag ása, You can buy that anywhere. Wà ku pa mabása, I haven’t had a chance to read it. Uy! Dì man diay [658]ákù ning nadá nákung pitáka, Heavens, I took s.o. else’s purse by mistake. 2 potential of the instrumental passive. (See i-1 for meanings of the instrumental passive.) Dì ni mabaligyà kay mahal da kaáyu ang prisyu, You can’t sell this because it’s too expensive. Wà pa nákù mahátag níya kay wà pa siya muabut, I haven’t had a chance to give it to him because he hasn’t arrived. Halá! Nabungat ra ba nákù ang sikrítu, Oh God! I let out the secret. 3 active of stative verbs: may become [so-and-so]. Ayaw nag hikápa. Magubà unyà nà, Don’t touch that. It might break. Ilhan nga mulubad nang panaptúna ug mapula ang túbig, You’ll know the cloth runs if the water turns red. Nawálà ang ákung singsing, My ring got lost. 3a with roots that refer to nonvolitional actions: [do]. Matingála siya ug ngánu tu, He will be amazed at why it should be so. Wà ku mabaláka, I am not worried. Mahū́g unyà ka ug mabálì ang sanga, You will fall if the branch breaks. Ug matúlug na sila, When they are asleep. Mahadluk ku, I am afraid. Dì ka ba malúuy níya? Don’t you feel sorry for him? 3b with nouns: become [so-and-so]. Ug maduktur ka na, When you get to be a doctor. 3c with nouns which refer to a place: wind up in [such-and-such] a place. Malangit kag maimpirnu ba? Will you go to heaven or will you go to hell? Mauspital giyud kag pasagdan lang nà nímung sakíta, You’ll end up in the hospital if you let your sickness go. 3d with nouns referring to time: get to be [such-and-such] a time. Ug maalas tris na gánì, mulakaw na ku, If it gets to be three o’clock, I’ll leave. Ug magabíi nag wà pa siya, If it gets to be nightfall and he hasn’t arrived. 3e (only with the future) when [such-and-such] a time or season comes about. Magkítà ra silag mapista, They only see each other during fiestas. Tábù dinhi ug maduminggu, They hold market here on Sundays.

ma-2 1 affix added to most adjective roots which do not refer to a measurement to form adjectives which mean ‘very [so-and-so]’. This formation is used in literary or formal styles. Usa ka mapait nga pahíyum, A very bitter smile. 2 added to some verbs to form adjectives meaning [do]ing, usually with a short penult. Bátang mahilak, A crybaby. Matulug, Of a sleepy sort. Matawa, Full of laughter.

ma-ánun alternant of ma-un, used with some bases in place of ma-un. Masuk-ánun, Tending to get irritated.

máas a old, aged. Bisan máas na siya tisar gihápung mulakaw, He may be old, but he still walks erect. v [B] become old. Kun mumáas na ang kalbásà dílì na maútan, When a squash becomes too old, it is no longer good to eat.

maáyu see áyu.

mabà = mubù.

mabaw a 1 shallow. Mabaw ra kaáyu nang ímung pangatarúngan, Your reasoning is very shallow. Dì kalanguyan nang subáa kay mabaw, You can’t swim in that river. It’s too shallow. Ang baskit nga mabaw ug lubut diyútayg sulud, A shallow basket holds little. Mabaw nga panaksan, Shallow bowl. 2 in set expressions: — ug lubut sensitive or quick to anger. Muhílak diay bísag kumidiya ra. Kamabaw nímug lubut uy, Why did you cry when it was just a joke? How sensitive you are! 3 — ug salabútan unintelligent. Dúgay siyang kasabut kay mabaw rag salabútan, She doesn’t understand readily because she is unintelligent. v [B; b7c1] become shallow. Imabaw (mabwa) lang pagkálut ang tamnan ug kamúti, Just make the hole for the sweet potatoes shallow. hi-/ha-(→) see himábaw under babaw. -g- shallow (plural). i- n place above s.t. Imabaw sa kaban nákù gibutang ang libru, I put the book on top of the trunk. -in-, -in-g- v [a12] do in a shallow way. Kun minagbáwun lang ni nátù pagsabut ang giisplikar sa maistru, dílì giyud ta makapasar, If you fail to understand (lit. understand shallowly) what the teacher explained, you won’t pass. ka-(←) n half brother, sister. Kamábaw ku siya kay paríhu mig inahan, He is my half brother because we have the same mother. v [A23] be half brothers, sisters.

mabdus a 1 pregnant. 2 for rice grains to be in the panicle. Mabdus na ang humay, The rice grains are forming. v 1 [B26] get, make pregnant. Mimabdus si Maríya kay hagithagitun kaáyu, Maria got pregnant because she was flirtatious. 1a [A1; c] carry in the womb. Gimabdus nà siya pagkamatay sa íyang amahan, He was in his mother’s womb when his father died. 2 [B] for rice grains to form in the panicle. 3 [B1] for borrowed things to have been kept too long. Dúgay kaáyu nímung giúlì ang ákung libru. Mimabdus na nà, You kept my book too long (lit. so long that it got pregnant). 4 [B1] — sa pasálig get fooled by assurances (lit. got pregnant because of promises). Daghan nang mimabdus sa pasálig sa mga pulitiku, Many people have been fooled by the politician’s assurances. pa- v [A; c2] get s.o. pregnant. Gipamabdus (gipamabdúsan) si Maríya ni [659]Pidru, Pedro got Maria pregnant.

mabgas = malubgas.

mabúlu n k.o. medium-sized tree of the primary forest, cultivated for its fruit. The wood is hard and used for furniture, the heartwood being nearly black: Diospyros discolor.

mad-as a land that has dried up. v [B1] be, become dry land. Nagmad-as ang pilapilan nga walà na makultibar, The rice paddies are dry after being left uncultivated.

mádil n fashion model. v 1 [A1; c] model s.t. 2 [B156; a2] be a fashion model. -un(→) a having a body like a model.

madrasta n stepmother.

madri1 n nun. — dipamilya woman head of the family. — supiryúra mother superior. v [B156; a] be, become a nun. paka- v [A; a12] pretend to be a nun, treat like a nun. madrihun a having ways or traits of a nun. Madrihun kaáyug nawung bayhána, inusinti kaáyug dagway, That woman is like a nun. Such an innocent face.

madri2 n main frame of a door or window shutter. v [c1] make a main frame of a shutter.

madri kakaw n small ornamental tree flowering profusely with pink or lavender blooms, used for firewood and fencing: Gliricidia sepium.

madri míya an exclamation of alarm, surprise, or disgust mainly by speakers who have been under Spanish influence. Madri míya, tingálig mahū́g nang bátà, My God! Watch out, the baby is going to fall. Madri míya! Nabúhat nímu tu! My God! You actually did that!

madrína n godmother, the female sponsor at one’s baptism, wedding, confirmation, or ordination. v [B136; c1] be, become the madrína.

madyik n 1 magic involving supernatural powers. 2 sleight-of-hand trick. Nalingaw ang mga bátà sa ákung madyik, The children enjoyed my tricks. v 1 [A1; a2] practice magic. 2 [A; a] steal s.t. small. Huy, kinsay nagmadyik sa ákung bulpin diri? Hey, who swiped my ball point pen? -íru n magician.

madyung1 n 1 sandspurs, k.o. coarse grass growing about 1′ that bears spikes with rows of round burrs, around ¼″ in diameter. 2 the burrs of this grass. ka- v [A13] get sandspurs all over one.

madyung2 n mahjong. a win the mahjong set. Pung! Madyung ku, Bingo! I get mahjong! v 1 [A3; a] play mahjong. Dílì na lang ta magdúlag baráha. Madyúngun ta na lang ni, Let’s not play cards. Let’s just play mahjong. 2 [A12] win at mahjong. Wà pa ku makamadyung, I haven’t gotten mahjong yet. -an(→) n 1 mahjong den. 2 mahjong set. 3 piece needed to get ‘mahjong’. Ang madyungan ni Turuy tris sirkulu, Toroy is waiting for the three circle piece. -íru, -íra a mahjong addict.

madyurit n drum majorette. v [B16; a2] be a majorette.

mag- durative active verbal affix, future. (Past: nag- or ga-. Subjunctive: mag-.) Magmata sila árung urása, They are awake at this time. Nagmata (or gamata) pa ba kahà sila? Do you think they are still awake? Walà na sila magmata, They are not awake any more. Verbs with mag-, nag- have the following meanings (as opposed to verbs with mi-, mu-see mu-): 1 action not necessarily intentional. Walà siya magsulti, He didn’t say. Walà ku maghátag níya ánang librúha, I didn’t give him that book. 2 durative action, action or state continuing in time. Wà na siya maghilak, He isn’t crying any more. Ug magtindug ang mga táwu sa atubángan, dì mi makakità, If the people in front are standing, we won’t be able to see. 2a added to nouns. Ug magkalayu na ang kakugnan háyag kaáyu ang lángit, When the fields are ablaze, the skies light up. Human sa púlù ka gutlù, ang puthaw magbaga, After ten seconds the steel will glow. 3 added to verbs referring to a state: be in [such-and-such] a state. Ug mag-abri ang pultahan, musulud giyud ang lángaw, If the door is open, the flies are sure to come in. Walà na magtuyuk ang ligid, The wheel is no longer turning. 3a added to adjectives: be [adj.]. Magmalipáyun ta, Let us be happy. Mawà kay hitsúra ug magpula nang ímung nawung, You will not look good if your face is all red. 3b added to words referring to a state of the weather. Atúa giyud siya sa dágat, magbálud kinig maglínaw, He is at sea, whether it is wavy or calm. Mag-ulan kag mag-ínit, Rain or shine (lit. whether you are rainy or shining). 4 referring to an action which redounded on the agent: do [so-and-so] to oneself. Mag-ílis pa ku, I will change my clothes. Gustu kung maglumus, I want to drown myself. 4a added to nouns: become a [so-and-so]. Magpárì ku, I will become a priest. Magsirkadur tingáli ning bataána, This child probably wants to become a trapeze artist. 5 referring to an action which two or more people did with each other. (Verbs with mag- of this sort always have penultimate stress.) Didtu sila mag-ábut, They met in that place. Magsákay ta, [660]Let us ride together. Ug maglagyù pagkabutang ang mga balay, If the houses are far apart from one another. 5a with nouns: be in the [noun] relation. Magkumpári kami ug akuy pakugúsun sa íyang anak, We will be kumpári’s if I become his child’s godfather. Mag-amígu lang ta, Let’s be friends.

maga- alternative form for mag- in meanings 2, 2a, 3, 3a, 4. Words with maga- can substitute for the examples there given.

Magahat n pagan non-Cebuano peoples in the mountains (applies to pagans in Negros and in Mindanao). v [A13] be very touchy. Ug napildi ka ug dakù magmagahat diay ka? You are touchy just because you lost heavily?

magalyánis n downtown shopping district of Cebu (after the name of Magallanes Street, which formerly was the principal shopping street in Cebu).

magang, mágang v [BN] for corn to flower. Inigmagang sa mais, mugítib na ang lugas, When the corn flowers, the grains begin to develop.

magasin1 n magazine, periodical.

magasin2 n ammunition clip for automatic firearms.

magay n maguey, cultivated as a source of sisal fiber: Agave cantala or sisalana. (←) v [A] make into sisal hemp. magay mágay n ornamental plant similar to the maguey but smaller in size: Sansevieria spp.

magaya = malagaya.

Magindánaw n Muslims of Cotabato and Zamboanga del Sur.

magka- durative active future for verbs referring to a state: be, becoming more and more [so-and-so]. (Past: nagka-. Subjunctive: magka-.) Verbs with this affix always have a stressed final syllable. Imbis nga magkakusug, nagkahinay hinúun, Instead of getting faster and faster, it was getting slower and slower. Wà lagi magkaduul ang bapur nganhi, nagkalayù hinúun, The boat is not coming nearer. It’s actually getting further and further away.

magka-(←) potential active verb affix, future. (Past: nagka-. Subjunctive: magka-.) Used with verbs referring to mutual actions (cf. mag-1, 5) but otherwise paralleling the potential meanings listed under maka-. 1 can [do] with each other. Dì tang tanan magkasákay, We cannot all ride together. 2 manage to [do] with each other. Wà mi magkasábut, We didn’t manage to come to an agreement. Nagkaábut sila sa tungàtúngà, They met in the middle. 3 happen to [do] with each other. Ug magkakítà gánì ang ímung babáyig asáwa, If your mistress and your wife happen to run into each other.

mag-l- alternant of mag-r-, and usually in competition with it, but with some roots only mag-r- is frequent or the form with mag-r- has acquired a different nuance. Magbalantay, Watchman. Magbuluhat ug mga mwiblis, Furniture maker.

maglalatik n k.o. folk dance in which half coconut shells are knocked to the rhythm of the accompanying music.

magnisya n milk of magnesia. — simpli a half dose of milk of magnesia (as opposed to — dubli, the full dose).

magnit n 1 magnet. 2 kissing scene (slang—from the notion that the faces come together as if magnetized). Daghang magnit ánang salidáha, There are plenty of kissing scenes in that movie. 3 syúgar — sugar magnate. v [A; a] 1 pick up with a magnet. 2 swipe, steal, spirit away. Kinsay nagmagnit sa ákung bálùn? Who swiped my lunch? 3 [C] kiss one another usually in a show (slang). a won over. Inigkanta nímu, magnit na silang tanan, When you sing, they’ll all be won over.

mag-r- n prefix added to verbs to form nouns which refer to one who does [verb] on a regular basis. Magbabantay, Watchman. Magsusúlat, Writer. Magpapatigayun, Businessman. Magyuyutà, Landowner or farmer. Magbubúhat, The Creator (God) or one who does.

magsúun see *súun.

magtalisay n k.o. tree similar in shape and appearance to the talísay, but with smaller leaves and harder wood: Terminalia sp.

mágu n 1 magi. 2 s.o. outstanding, expert. Mágu sa kinablit, A wizard at the guitar.

mágù n tarsier.

magus = amagus.

máha n name given to various puddings and confections. — blangka pudding made of kernels of young corn and coconut milk or just plain milk. — diúbi a pudding made of úbi and coconut milk. — riyal candy made out of peanuts, milk, and sugar.

mahal a 1 dear, expensive. Mahal na kaáyu ang bugas karun, Rice is very expensive now. Magbáyad kag mahal sa ímung gibúhat, You shall pay dearly for what you have done. 2 beloved. Siya ang ákung mahal (minahal) nga bána, He is my beloved husband. 3 blessed (address to saints). Pasalamáti ang Mahal nga Birhin, Give thanks to the Blessed Virgin. 4 — nga adlaw the days of the Lenten season. 5 in set phrases: very little, almost without. — ug pahíyum stingy with [661]the smiles. — ug tíngug weak-voiced. v 1 [B; ab7] become expensive, go up in price. Basta Amirkánu mupalit, mahalun giyug baligyà, For an American the price is always jacked up. 2 [A; a12] love. Ang mga bayáni nagmahal sa ílang yútang natawhan, Heroes love their native land. Gimahal ku ikaw, I love you. -in- n beloved, dear one. ka-an(←) n majesty (address to royalty). Matúman ang ímung gihangyù, kamahálan, Your order will be fulfilled, Your Majesty. -l-un(←), -un(←) a precious. -un a dear or costly kind. ma-in-un(←) a loving, affectionate.

mahan = man kahà (dialectal). see man.

maharlika n the name given to the native nobles in pre-Hispanic times.

máhay n feelings of hurt and regret at what s.o. did. Arun walay máhay apúran ta kamung tanan, So there will be no hurt feelings, I’ll give you each one. v [A; b3c5] have feelings of hurt. Nagmáhay kung napalit ku tung sapatúsa, I’m sorry I bought those shoes. Ikay ákung gimaháyan sa nahitabù, I blame you for (lit. you are the reason I’m regretting) what happened. Gikamaháyan ta ka kay wà ka mudúaw nákù, You hurt me because you did not pay me a visit. walay — v [A13] there was nobody that felt bad, said in two situations: when people who attack on s.o. are beaten up instead (i.e., they cannot blame anyone but themselves), and when people who set on s.o. are unsuccessful (i.e., no one felt bad because they were successful).

mahika n magic.

mahiku n word referring to an unknown location when asking or giving a location, usually used in anger. Lupad ngadtu sa mahiku, animála ka, Get out, I don’t care where, you beast. Ambut ásang mahikúha tu nákù ikabutang ang pisti nga hunsuy, I don’t know where the heck I left that blinkety-blank pipe.

mahistrádu n judge. v [B156; a12] be made, become a judge.

mahugani n mahogany.

maigang n medium to large tree of the primary forest, with fruit similar in flavor and taste to lungbuy: Eugenia polycephaloides.

mailúku = mamilúku.

ma-in-un(←), ma-in-ánun alternant of ma-un used with some bases in place of ma-un. Matinabángun, Helpful. Masinabtánun, Full of understanding.

mais n 1 maize, the corn plant or any part of it. 1a bugas — corn grits. Mahal na ang prisyu sa bugas mais karun, The price of corn grits has increased. v [A1] have corn grits as one’s staple food. Nagmais lang mi kay barátu man kay sa humay, We had corn grits as our staple food because it is cheaper than rice. -an, ka-an, -al n cornfield. v [A1; a12] have a cornfield. maismáis n 1 ornamental plant similar to the corn plant, and growing up to 3′: Dracaena sanderiana and D. fragrans. 2 folding knife with a handle that is made of sheet metal, molded into the form of an ear of corn. 3 name given to the largest species of flying fish (bangsi). -un = maismáis, 3.

maistra n 1 female teacher. 1a term of address or title for a teacher. Nía na si Maistra Lúling, Here is Mrs. Loling, the teacher. 2 education course. Maistra ang gikúhang kursu ni Pirla, Perla is majoring in Education. (→) voc. teacher, ma’am. v 1 [A; b6] for a woman to teach. Tunghaan nga gimaistráhan ni Sunya, The school where Sonia is teaching. 2 [B156; a1] be a (female) teacher. Maistráhun ku ning ákung anak, I’ll make my daughter into a teacher. ubra — see ubra.

maistru n 1, 1a = maistra (male). 2 education course. 3 the leader or instigator of activity, usually bad. Ikay maistru sa tanang mga binúang, You are the instigator of all the foolishness. 4 band or orchestra master. Pasakalyi, maistru, kay mukanta ku, Introduction, maestro. I shall sing now. — ámu boatswain. — kusiníru chief cook. v 1 [A; a] teach. 2 [B6; a1] be a teacher. †

maka-1 potential active verb affix, future. (Past: naka-. Subjunctive: maka-. Short form: ka-.) Dì ku makaalsa (kaalsa) niánà, I cannot lift that. Nakatilaw (katilaw) na ku niánà, I have tried that. Wà ku makasakay (kasakay), I couldn’t get a ride. 1 refers to an action s.o. has the capability of doing. (Only the future form is used in this meaning.) Makamau na kung mukinatsilà sa nag-idad kug diyis, I knew how to speak Spanish when I was ten years old. 2 refers to an action which one had the opportunity or managed to do. Ug makaadtu ku sa inyu human sa paniudtu, muhapit ku, If I get a chance to go to your place after lunch, I’ll drop in. Wà ku makalakaw kay síging abut ang mga bisíta, I didn’t have a chance to go out because we kept having visitors. 2a with nouns: manage to get. Ug trís ákung mahulbut run, makamadyung ku, If I draw a three, I will get mahjong. Niíning trabahúa hálus ta makasininà, With this work I can hardly earn enough to buy a shirt. 3 refers to an accidental or unintentional action. Diriyut siya makaihì sa dihang gilatigu siya sa íyang [662]inahan, Her mother whipped her so hard she nearly wet her pants. Makaingun kag nindut ug makakità ka, Once you see it, you won’t be able to help exclaiming at how beautiful it is.

maka-2 short form: ka-4 n affix added to numbers to form words which mean [do so-and-so] many times. Makapila (kapila) ku na ikaw ingna? How many times did I tell you? Makaduha na ku malígù didtu, I have gone swimming there twice. Makadaghan na ku mabiktima, I have been victimized many times.

makahiyà = kipìkipì. see kipì.

makalibri = kalibri2.

makan n 1 macan, k.o. large-grained rice of wet fields, highly prized for ordinary eating. 2 k.o. very fat pig. a obese. Gwapahun untang bayhána apan makan lang, She’s quite beautiful, only she’s fat.

makapunù (from punù) n variety of coconut which produces ordinary fruit and once in a while fruit which are completely full of soft meat, slightly harder near the shell. The makapunù fruit is highly esteemed and is used for sweets.

maka-r- affix added to verbs referring to a state to form adjectives which mean cause s.o. to get into [such-and-such] a state to a great extent. Forms with this affix usually have long penults. Makasusúbung hitabù, A very saddening event. Makalulúuy, Inspiring pity. Makalalagut, Angering.

makarúni n macaroni. v [A13] cook a macaroni dish.

Makaw n 1 Chinaman from Macao. 2 Chinaman in a restaurant business (so called because many cooks in Chinese restaurants immigrated from Macao). lútung — see lútù.

máki1 n a large, enamel-coated, round, metal platter, 18″ or so in diameter for holding cooked rice or corn.

máki2 n a Chinese dish of sliced meats, stewed and thickened with cornstarch.

makig-(←) prefix added to bases with a prefix pakig- to indicate future, volitional active forms. Past: nakig-. Subjunctive: makig-. No durative or potential forms. (See pakig- for meanings.) Short forms: kig- and tig-. Makigkáun (kigkáun, tigkáun) siya nákù sa gawas, He wants to take me out to eat. Nakig-áway siyag dakung táwu, He picked a fight with a large person. Walà ku makigpustaánay níya, I did not challenge him to bet.

makina n 1 machine. 2 engine. Dílì na muandar ang makina sa awtu, The automobile engine won’t start. 3 sewing machine. Ang makina kinahanglánun kaáyu sa sastri, A sewing machine is a necessity to a dressmaker. 4 — sa bugas corn, rice mill. — dimutur n motorized machine, engine. v [a12] 1 do by machine. Ayawg kinamuta nà pagtahì, makinaha nà, Don’t sew it with your hands. Do it by machine. 2 put an engine s.w.

makinarya n 1 machinery, set of machinery put together for a specific use. 2 machinery, set of activities or groups organized to accomplish s.t. Ang makinarya sa Partídu Libiral, The machinery of the Liberal Party.

makinilya n 1 typewriter. 2 clipper to trim hair. 3 windlass. v 1 [A; a2] type. Makinilyáhun giyud basta sulat nga aplikisiyun, Letters of application should be typed. 1a [A; a12] hit with a number of rapid blows, as if punching a typewriter. Gimakinilya nákù siyag dyab, I hit him with a rapid-fire succession of jabs. 2 cut hair with a clipper. -ádu, -in- a typewritten.†

makinista n engine man, machine operator. v [B16; a2] become an engine man.

makiníta n 1 process of embroidery done by pricking the needle over the design on the top side of the cloth until the whole design is completed, after which the design on the bottom side is trimmed. The top becomes the right side. 2 needle for this sort of embroidery. v [A; a2] embroider in this method.

makmak v 1 [A; a1] pound s.t. hard with s.t. Makmáka ang puthaw samtang ínit pa, Pound the iron while it is hot. 2 [A; ab2] beat severely, pound. 2a — ug kasábà, sulti [A; a12] scold severely, lambast. Dì ka ángay mumakmak níyag kasábà kay dì ka ginikánan, You have no right to scold him severely because you are not his father.

makra = marka.

maksut = laksut.

mákù = dakù (dialectal). — dyamù very big. Mákù dyamù ang ílang báy, They have a huge house.

makúpa n k.o. small tree cultivated for its red, top-shaped fruits, with white, spongy meat and a mild flavor, a large meaty variety of the Syzygium samarangense. The same genus as tambis, but much firmer of flesh.

mal n 1 in billiards, a false shot causing one to lose his turn. 2 unlucky number. Daghang mahadluk sa numiru trísi kay mal kunu, Lots of people are afraid of thirteen because it is said to be an unlucky number. v [B126] make a bad shot. Mamal kag láin ang maigù sa bulamánu, You lose your turn if you hit [663]the wrong ball. — numiru = mal, n2. — tiráda n in billiards, a shot that is not well executed. Mal tiráda tung ímu kay layù ra kaáyu sa lungag ang ímung gitiráhan, That was a bad shot. The target ball was a mile from the pocket.

mala a 1 dry, not wet. Mala na ang mga hinayhay, The clothes that were hung up are dry now. 2 not displaying lively attention, disinterested. Tingálig dì siya muapil kay mala siya ug tinubagan, He probably won’t participate because he gave a disinterested answer. v 1 [APB; a2] dry up, become dried. Mimala ang mga sapà, The rivers dried up. Ang kaínit sa adlaw mauy mumala (mupamala) sa mga basakan, The heat of the sun will dry the rice fields up. Nag-úsik lang sa panahun ang nagmala (nagpamala) íning salúga, Whoever dried this floor off was just wasting his time. Tiil nga makamalag (makapamalag) basakan, Big feet (lit. that can dry up a rice paddy). Namad-an ug singut ang íyang bukubuku, The sweat on his back has dried up. 2 [A13] be uninteresting, boring. Wà ku mutiwas sa sini kay nagmala lang, I did not see the movie to the end because it was boring. 2a [b4] — sa dugù become pale. Pagpangutána sa pulis, gimad-an sa dugù ang nawung sa dalága, The lady’s face became pale when the policeman questioned her. ma- n land. Ang ubang bakì nagpuyù sa túbig, ug ang uban sa mamala, Some frogs live in water and some on land. tilapya sa ma- n prostitute (humorous). kamad-an n upland rice field.

malabagákay n k.o. rattan used in house building.

malabanu = gwayabanu.

malabutang n k.o. rattan used in construction.

malagaya n k.o. white-husked rice with very small, roundish, white grains, used in preparation of medicinal rice cakes or mixed with medicinal plants in poultices.

Malakanyan, Malakanyang n Malacañang, the Philippine Presidential Palace.

mal-am a 1 old in age. 2 grown up, but not doing things befitting one’s age (derogatory). Mal-am na, lubut gihápuy ilingkud, He is already grown but he hasn’t got anything upstairs (lit. all he does with his buttocks is sit on them—a readily understood circumlocution which avoids stating outright a hurtful truth).

malangsi n k.o. sardine or small herring, growing to 4″ long and 1″ wide.

malapati n k.o. fish.

malapi (not without l) kumpradur di- n one who buys goods which he knows the seller has no right to dispose of. v [B1256] be a buyer of stolen goods. Makumpradur dimalapi giyud ka kun makapalit ka niánang kináwat, You’ll be a buyer of stolen goods if you buy that stolen article.

malapunti n k.o. red deep-sea fish with big reddish scales, 2′ by 6″, similar to a snapper, but with a filament projecting from the tip of the tail.

malarya n malaria. v [A123P; a4] get, cause to get malaria. Way lamuk nga makamalarya (makapamalarya) dinhi, There are no mosquitoes here that cause malaria. Tambáli ang gimalarya, Give medicine to the man with malaria. malaryahun a having malaria.

málas see dimálas.

malasádu, malasáwu a soft-boiled, half-cooked. Malasádung itlug, Soft-boiled eggs. Ang atay malasádu nga pagkalútù, The liver was cooked rare. v [A1B26; a2] come out soft, rare, cause to do so.

malasugi, malasúgi n swordfish or sailfish: Xiphias gladius, et al.

malatálu a bananas that are almost full-grown (but still far from ripe). Basta tinggutum tub-un na ang ságing bísag malatálu pa kaáyu, In times of famine they cut down the bananas even before they mature. v [B3; b6] for bananas to reach this stage.

malatinduk n mackerel scad, k.o. carangoid fish, but long and fleshy like a tinduk banana.

*málay walay — innocently unaware, unknowing (slang). Way málay ang asáwa nga may kabit ang íyang bána, The wife was unaware that her husband had a mistress. Wà silay málay nga gipitluk nag ílang manuk, They were unaware that their chicken had been stolen.

maláyang n k.o. fine, white rice introduced by the PACD.

malaypálay n poisonous part of the viscera and skin of a pufferfish, which is removed before eating.

Maláyu n Malay in race. a tending to have the features of the Malayan race.

malbas = marbas.

maldisiyun n malediction, a curse. v [A; b2c1] curse. Imaldisiyun (maldisiyunun) siya sa párì, The priest will pronounce a malediction on him.

maldíta = maldítu (female).

maldítu a 1 naughty, evil. Kadtung maldítung bátà ang nagpapilit sa babulgam sa ímung sinínà, That naughty child put bubble gum on your dress. Daghang maldítu [664]sa piyir, There are lots of bad types at the waterfront. 2 having unexpected ability. Maldítu! Natubag giyud ang dyakpat nga pangutána dà, He’s smart! He answered the jackpot question correctly. — sa babáyi one who deceives women. v [B12; b6] become naughty. -in-(→) a in an evil way. v [A; b] do mischief, evil, philander. Makamau nang muminalditu ang gamay kung anak, My little baby has already learned how to be naughty.

mal-idukáda = mal-idukádu (female).

mal-idukádu a ill-educated, ill-mannered. v [B126; b6] be ill-educated or bad-mannered.

malígas = hulmígas.

malignu n spirits of departed people who have not entered heaven and are doing their penance (kundínu). If they are not prayed for they may inflict sickness as a reminder. ispiritu — = malignu. v [A1; a4] be sick with an illness sent by a malignu.

malignù = karbalyas.

malimnu = karbalyas.

malingka see himalingka.

malisya n 1 awareness of sex. Dúna na siyay malisya kay dì na man maghúbù ug malígù, She is already aware of her sex because she won’t bathe in the nude any longer. 2 bad thoughts regarding sex. Ug way malisya, ngánung miagik-ik man ka? If you are not harboring evil thoughts, why are you snickering? 3 ill will. Way malisya ang ákung paghátag niíni, There’s no ill intent in my giving this to you. 4 bad omen, usually of death or misfortune. v [A13; b] send such an omen. Nagmalisya siya únà mamatay. Nagpakítà únà siya sa íyang mga anak nga túa sa Amirika, He sent an omen before he died. He appeared to his children in America. malisyúsa = malisyúsu (female). malisyúsu a 1 conscious of sex in an unwholesome way. Ngánung dì ka man pagúnit? Kamalisyúsu gud nímu! Why don’t you want me to touch your hands? How sex-conscious you are! 2 maliciously done, out of ill will. Malisyúsung mga pasángil nga way gipasikáran, Malicious and baseless accusations. v [B12; a2] 1 be, become sex conscious in an unwholesome way. 2 become malicious in behavior.

málit n mallet.

malíta n suitcase. v [A13] carry a suitcase. Magmalíta lang ku kay daghan kug dalhunun, I’ll take a suitcase because I have so many things to take.

malitin n 1 a leather bag designed to hold medicine and some medical instruments. 2 a small suitcase.

malmal1 v [B1256; a12] be taught, rehearsed, or be inculcated to a high degree. Namalmal mig maáyu sa ininglis kay Amirkánu ámung maistru, We were taught English thoroughly because our teacher was an American. Malmálun nátù ang bátà sa bili sa pagdagínut, We will inculcate the value of thrift in the children’s minds.

malmal2 v 1 [A; a1] beat s.o. up, usually in the mouth. Akuy mimalmal sa irù nga mikáun sa isdà, I gave the dog that ate the fish a sound beating. 2 [A; a12] use s.t. or scold s.o. abusively. Natural nagubà ang makinilya kay gimalmal, Of course he broke the typewriter because he abused it. Malmálun kag kasábà bísag gamayng sayup, You get abusive scoldings for the slightest mistakes.

malpagadur a failing to pay one’s debts. v [B1256] get to be a defaulter in one’s debts. Ug mamalpagadur ka, wà nay musálig pagpaútang nímu, If you become a bad debtor, no one will dare allow you credit. -a(←) = malpagadur (female).

maltabána n glazed brown urn, about 2′ high with a small mouth and handles at the shoulders. v [A13; a12] make into, put in glazed clay jars.

maltratar v [A; a12] maltreat, mistreat. Maltratahun siya sa íyang amaáma, His stepfather will maltreat him.

*málu — pa ug 1 on the chance that [such-and-such] a good thing happen. Palit tag swipstik, málu pag makaswirti, Let’s buy a sweepstake ticket. We might just win. 2 [so-and-so] isn’t bad, if that is what comes out. Málu pa nà ug swildúhan kag bayinting adlaw? Would it be bad if you were paid twenty pesos a day?

malù1[dat.] serves [dat.] right. Malù nímu nga gipagirawut kay tapulan ka, Serves you right that you were fired because you are lazy.

malù2, málù1 n pollen of corn. v [A1] grow pollen. Dì na dúgayng masanggì ang mais basta magmalù na, It won’t be long before the corn can be harvested if there is pollen in the tassel.

málù2 n the one who is ‘it’ in the game of takyan or marbles. v [A; a12] make a person remain ‘it’ for a long time. Malúun kug maáyu si Huwan pinaági sa pagpátid sa takyan ug layù, I’ll make Juan be ‘it’ for a long time by kicking the shuttlecock far away.

malubgas n k.o. small anchovy with a dark blue dorsal region and silvery white on its ventral region, widely eaten preserved in salt. [665]

maluíbun n name given to ornamental climbing vines with dark green or yellow green cordate leaves, often grown indoors: Scindapsus aureus and Philodendron oxycardium.

málung n name of the sarong worn by the Muslims. v [A13; b6(1)] wear a málung. 2 [a2] make into a málung.

malunggay = kalamunggay.

málus1 a highly fermented salted fish paste. Málus na ang ginamus, The salted fish paste is already highly fermented. v 1 [AB2] for salted fish to become highly fermented, cause it to do so. 2 [B] develop a horrible smell. Kalígù na kay nagkamálus ka na, Take a bath. You’re beginning to smell awful.

malyíti n gavel.

malyurka n a k.o. liquor of low proof made from cane sugar, flavored with anise.

mám n 1 ma’am, term of address to a teacher or woman of high station. Maáyung buntag kanímu, mám, Good morning, Ma’am. 2 lady teacher. Usa sa mga mám nákù sa hayiskul mau si Mis Agápay, One of my teachers in high school was Miss Agapay. v [A13; a12] call s.o. Ma’am.

máma1 n mother. v [B13; a12] call s.o. máma.

máma2 n mute. v [B12] become a mute. Namáma nà siya tungud sa kalísang, He was struck dumb by his great fright.

mamà n 1 chew of betel nut (búnga) and piper betel leaves (búyù) with lime (ápug) and optionally tobacco. 2 action of chewing. v [AC12; a12] chew betel nut. Dì ku makamamà kay hálang, I can’t chew betel because it burns the tongue. — ug dugù v [A13; c] get a bloody mouth (lit. chew blood). Magmamà ka giyug dugù ug hisumbagan ta ka, You will have a bloody mouth if I punch you. mam-anan, malam-an n container for the lime, betel nut, and betel leaf. malam-un n set of complete ingredients ready for chewing. hiN- a fond of chewing betel.

mamadur n breast pump. v [b] use a breast pump.

mámam n 1 baby talk for inum ‘drink’. 2 drinking spree (humorous slang). v 1 [A] drink (baby talk). 2 [AC; a] hold a drinking spree. Puwa na ang tápay, nakamámam tingáli, His ears are red. He must have had s.t. to drink.

mamay n 1 wet nurse. 2 any nursemaid. v 1 [A; a] wet-nurse. Gimamay ang bátà nga ílu, The orphaned infant was wet-nursed. 2 [A; a] take care of a child. Siyay nagmamay sa tanan námung mga bátà, She took care of all our children.

mambad = manbad.

mambu n mambo, a Latin American dance and its music. v 1 [A; a12] dance the mambo. 2 [c1] play music in mambo rhythm.

mámi1 n mommy. v [A3; a12] call s.o. mommy.

mámi2 n a Chinese dish consisting of soup and narrow egg noodles with meat. v [A; a] make mámi.

mamilúku n child’s sunsuit, a one-piece romper with short pants and no sleeves. v 1 [A; a] wear a sunsuit. 2 [c16] make into a sunsuit.

maming = lubaylúbay, n. see lubay.

mampud short for mánu man pud. see ngánu and upud.

Mampur n Montford, a person who is said to have lived in olden times. karáan pa ni — older than Montford. Tabas sa íyang bistídu nga karáan pa ni Mampur, Style of dress that dates back to Montford’s time. panahun pa ni — very old, from Montford’s time. Sa panahun pa ni Mampur ang ákung radiyu ug wà pa giyud magubà, My radio is as old as the hills and still in fine shape. Sa panahun pa ni Mampur nang kumidiyáha, That joke is as old as the hills.

mamsà1 n 1 name given to the large species of Caranx, a highly-prized food fish. 2 dakung — influential, important person.

mamsà2 n schoolteacher, humorous word play on mám. Ayaw mug sábà kay náa na si Mamsà, Everybody shut up. The teacher is coming. v [B126] be a schoolmarm.

mamun1 n k.o. sponge cake. v [A; a12] make, make into mamun.

mamun2 n k.o. fruit tree similar to a gwayabanu but with a smaller and rounder fruit: Anona sp.

mámurd, mámurds a 1 marbles without a flaw. 2 for girls to be well-rounded and smooth-skinned. Mámurds kaáyu ang trátu ni Bin, Ben’s girl friend is very beautiful. mamuray v [C2] compare which is the smoothest, most well-rounded. Mamuray tag dyúlin, Let’s compare our marbles to see which is the smoothest and best rounded.

man 1 because. Kay ang íya dapit man sa dáhun, mamúnga dáyun, Because his part was the part with the leaves, it would bear fruit quickly. — ugud because (giving an explanation). Namatay ang tanum kay wà man gud bùbúi, The plant died because no one watered it. 2 after an interrogative: particle to make the question not abrupt. Háin man siya? [666]Could you tell me where he is? 3 particle with a statement contradicting a previous statement or presumption. Dì man nà mau, That’s not the one. 4 particle with a statement giving information. Nía man si Pidru karung buntága, Oh, Pedro is here this morning. — diay I notice that. Nindut man diay ka kaáyung mukanta! Oh, I see you sing very beautifully. — kahà [so-and-so] apparently is the case. Kami man kahay muluhud, anus-a man ang kasal? We are supposed to sponsor you, so when is the wedding going to be? Dì lang ka tagáan. Dì man kahà ka gustu, I won’t give you any. You apparently won’t want any, anyway. — lagi I notice [so-and-so] is the case, nevertheless. Ingun siya dì ka muanhi. Nía ka man lagi, He said you weren’t coming, but here you are! 5 in other phrases: ingun — as well as. Mubuhis ang tagasyudad ingun man ang tagabaryu, The city people, as well as the barrio folks, pay taxes. mau — gánì that’s why, despite what you would expect ... Mau man gánì nga namula ang ákung pánit kay nabulad ku, I have red skin, despite what you would expect, because I was out in the sun. na — see na, 4. pála — run that’s flattery. Pála man run ug dì pa tinúud, That would have been flattery if it were not true. túud — and so, as one would expect. Túud man miabut dáyun ang pulis, And so, as one would expect, the police immediately arrived.

maN- (see p. xvi for the meaning of the symbol N) prefix added to bases with a prefix paN- to indicate future volitional active forms. (past naN-; subjunctive maN-. Durative forms: future and subjunctive magpaN-(→); past nagpaN-(→). Potential active: future and subjunctive makapaN-; past nakapaN-.) Mangutána ta kun háin siya, Let us ask where he is. Wà siya mangutána, He didn’t ask. Nangutána ku piru way tubag, I asked but there was no answer. Nagpanguput siya sa kahadluk, He held on with all his might for fright. Walà ku makapangutána, I didn’t get a chance to ask. Makapangasáwa ka na, You can get married now.

mana, mána1 n a title of respect to a female older than the speaker. v [A13; a12] call s.o. mána.

mána2 n k.o. cultivated tree, the bark and leaves of which are used for spices.

manáging n k.o. white parrot, the racket-tailed parrot: Prioniturus discurus.

manalabtan see sabat.

manámù short for amahan námù n the Lord’s Prayer.

mananabtan see sabat.

manananggal = anananggal.

mananangkuy n folk doctor (general term). v [B13; a12] become a healer.

mananap n animal, beast, insect. a brute, having the feelings of a beast. Ikawng mananápa ka. Ngánung gibun-ug man nímu ang ákung anak? You beast. Why did you beat my son? -in- a beastly.

manan-aw n general name for ornamental air orchids.

manandis a henpecked husband. v [B2] become henpecked.

manang, mánang n 1 title for elder sister. 2 title given to any woman older than the speaker. v [A13; a12] call s.o. manang. (→) voc. form. short form: nang.

mananggíti n toddy gatherer. v [B156] be, become a toddy gatherer.

manánuy a sweet-sounding, melodious. Ang manánuyng tíngug sa langgam, The sweet, melodious voice of the bird.

manátad n k.o. dove: the green-winged ground dove: Chalcophaps indica. túlin pa sa — very swift.

manau, manaul1 n k.o. parasitic air plant, with long linear lanceolate leaves radiating from the center: Asplenium nidus.

manaul2 n the white-breasted sea eagle: Haliaetus leucogaster.

manay, mánay n title for a female much older than the speaker. v [A13; a12] call s.o. manáy. (→) voc. form.

maN-ay regional alternant of maN-r-.

manbad (from subad) n 1 any large deep-sea fish. 2 usurer. Nadátù siya kay mambad nga dakù, He became rich because he was a great usurer. 3 dakung — an important person of great influence. Si Lawril dakung mambad sa pulitika, Laurel is a big figure in politics. a 1 fierce and grasping. Púru mga mambad ang tagaadwána. Padug-un ka giyud ug táman, The customs people are voracious beasts. They’ll bleed you dry. 2 fierce, termagant woman. Túa na pud, gitapuk-an na pud si Tiryu sa íyang mambad nga asáwa, There goes Terio’s shrewish wife at him again. 3 s.o. that is dangerous to women. Ayawg túu níya kay mambad nà sa mga babáyi, Don’t believe him because he is dangerous to women. ka- n quality of being fierce and grasping. Ang kamambad sa pamingkúngan, The fierceness of a hammerhead shark.

mandalúsa = salimbángun.

Mandalúyung n a district in Rizal, Luzon. taga-, gíkan sa — crazy (lit. one who has been a patient at the mental hospital in [667]Mandaluyong).

mandamyintu diaristu warrant of arrest.

mandǎr n 1 command; word or phrase esp. in set form by which a command is given. Ang mandǎr sa kapitan pagpahúnung ug tíru, The captain’s command to cease fire. 2 order, a serving of food in a public eating place. Unsa man tuy ímung mandǎr, pipsi u kuk? What did you order, Pepsi or Coke? v [A; c] 1 command, give an order to. 1a command, order people around. Nagmandǎr na sad ang tapulan, The lazy lout is giving orders again. 2 order, request a serving to be brought. Nakamandǎr na ba mu? Have you ordered? mandasiyun n command. Ang mga ultimu mutúman sa mandasiyun sa kábu, The privates follow the commands of the corporal. a liking to give orders. Mandasiyun kaáyu nang ákung maguwang unyà dì mutábang sa trabáhu, My older brother loves to give orders, and yet he doesn’t help with the work.

mandasiyun see mandǎr.

manday 1 it’s too late to be of use. Manday human na ang baratilyu, It’s too late. The sale is over. 1a just when s.t. happens that is too late or inconvenient, s.t. else happens. Manday wà tay kwarta mu puy idaut sa mga bátà, Just when we are broke, the children get sick. Manday human ka nag káun mu pay ipanangpit, You invite me to eat only after you’re done? Manday lumalarga na aku mu pay pagkaíla námù, We got acquainted just as we were about to leave town. 2 — untà instead of doing what was expected. Manday untà masukù siya, mipahíyum hinúun, Instead of he getting angry, he smiled. 2a although, despite the fact that. Manday daghang anak, gastadur hinúun, Although she has lots of children, she spends money like mad.†

mandi, manding n a title of address for an elder sister or female relative much older than the speaker. v [B2; a12] call s.o. manding.

mandù v 1 [A; b6(1)] give an order, command. Gimandúan ang mga tríni pagdágan líbut sa kampu, The trainees were ordered to run around the camp. 2 [A; b6] rule or reign. Siya ang hára nga mimandù sa pangílin, She was the queen that reigned over the fiesta. 3 [A3; b6] prevail. Human sa makusug nga litì ug bagyu mimandù ang túmang kalínaw, After the fierce thunderstorm, quiet prevailed. n 1 order, command. Tumána ang ákung mandù, Carry out my order. mag-r- n ruler, commander. ma-un a commanding. ‘Lakaw,’ tíngug ni Aldu nga mamandúun, ‘Go!’ said Aldo in a commanding voice. ka-an n area over which s.o. rules. Ang kamandúan sa armi pinangulúhan ni Hiniral Riyis, The Army Command is headed by General Reyes.

mandunggu n beef tripes. mandunggáda n dish made of blood and the internal organs of beef. v [A12; a12] make, make into a dish of blood and internal organs of beef.

manga always written mga. 1 particle optionally placed preceding a noun or adjective to indicate plurals, but referring only to things that are not all exactly alike. Ang mga istudiyanti nanambung sa míting, The various students attended the meeting. Mga karáan kining mga libru, These are all old books. 1a particle preceding the name for parts of the body of which there are more than one. Sakit ákung mga mata, My eyes hurt. 2 preceding a form referring to time, measurement: about, approximately. Mga alas utsu, At around eight o’clock. Mupalit kug kutsi, tingáli mga Iníru, I will buy a car, probably around January. Mga duha ka búwan kanhi, About two months ago. Mga duha ka pulgáda, About two inches. Mga dus písus, Around two pesos.

mangagat, mangágat n snapper, name given to most species of Lutianus.

mangágaw n k.o. annual, stiff-haired herb, much-branched from the base, with small flowers in dense axilliary clusters. The stem yields a white milky sap which is used to cure fevers: Euphorbia pilulifera and hirta.

mangga n mango: Mangifera indica. manggáhun a 1 plump in cheeks. 2 having red splotches like some varieties of mangoes. manggahan n mango orchard. v [A13] grow mangoes.

manggad n 1 prized position, treasure, riches, wealth. Náa sa baul ibutang ang ílang manggad, Their treasures are placed inside a trunk. 2 dry goods. Nabasà ang mga manggad nga íyang gisúruy, The dry goods he was peddling got wet. v 1 [AB; c] treasure, hold s.t. dear. Wà sila magmanggad sa kabílin sa ílang katigulángan, They do not value the things their ancestors left them. Manggára (imanggad) ang íyang mga púlung, Treasure his words. 2 [A] care for with devotion, lavish attention. Way mumanggad sa ákung mga tanum ug mubyáhi ku, No one will tend to my plants if I go on a trip. manggaránun a wealthy, rich. Lagmit sa mga manggaránun mga garbúsu, The rich are usually arrogant.

manggas n 1 sleeve, cuff. Íyang gilúkut ang manggas sa íyang kamisadintru, He rolled [668]up his shirt sleeves. 2 bottom of trousers. Bukad ug manggas ang bilbátum, Bell-bottom trousers have wide trouser legs. v [A; a] provide with sleeves or cuffs.

manggátus see gatus.

manggi- the future volitional active form of verbs with a prefix panggi-. past: nanggi-. Didtu sila sa sála manggidáma, They were in the living room playing checkers.

manggilis n k.o. sweet potato with light reddish peelings and white meat. Its rather dry meat makes it good eating.

manggi-un(←) alternant of ma-un used with some bases instead of ma-un. Manggihatágun, Generous.

manggu n handle of a pick, ax or a similar tool. v [b6(1)] make a handle of this sort.

manggulimbaw n k.o. shrimp growing to 1½″ with one claw bigger than the other.

manggustan n mangosteen.

manghud n younger brother, sister. a 1 younger in age than s.o. else. Manghud ka nákug duha ka túig, You are two years younger than I am. 2 less in intensity. Ang íyang pátid manghud lag diyútay sa pátid sa kabáyung simarun, His kick was just a little less than a wild horse’s. Ang ímung tíngug manghud lag diyútay sa hunghung, Your voice is just a little softer than a whisper. v [A1; b(1)] have a younger brother or sister. Pilay idad sa nagmanghud ning batáa? How old is the child just before this one? Anus-a man nà siya manghúri? When are you going to have another baby (lit. when is he going to have a younger brother or sister)? ig- n younger brother or sister. Kanang mga gagmayng bátà pulus níya igmanghud, Those little children are all his younger brothers and sisters. kamanghúran, kinamanghúran n youngest child.

mangkay n old maid. Dílì tanang mangkay masulub-un, Not all spinsters are lonely. v [B1; c1] become an old maid.

mangkimangki n fast dance characterized by monkey-like movements of the hands. v [A] dance the mangkimangki.

mangku n s.o. with an arm deformity characterized by being twisted at the elbow. v [B12] have a deformed arm. Namangku siya dihang napíang íyang síku, He got a deformed arm when he broke his elbow.

mangkù n k.o. small mackerel with a maximum width of 3″.

mangkumu = † magkunu.

mangliw, mangluy = amamangluy.

mangnu, mangnù v 1 [A12; b2] remember. Hatági kug diyútay nga panahun tingálig mamangnuan (himangnuan) ku, Give me a little time. Maybe I will remember it. 2 [AP] cause to notice, be aware of. Ang pagbagting sa rilu mauy nagmangnù (nagpamangnù) nákù nga udtu na, The ringing of the clock reminded me that it was already noon. 2a [A] be careful. Magmangnù (magmangnù) ka kanúnay arun dì ka masayup, Be careful so that you won’t commit any mistakes. 3 [A12; b2] come to. Didtu na siya makamangnù sa huspital, He regained consciousness in the hospital. pahi- v [A; b6(1)] advise, instruct s.o. not to do s.t. Gipahimangnúan ku siya nga dílì pasudlag ínit ang pridyidir, I have warned him against putting anything hot into the refrigerator. n instruction against.

mangsi = malangsi.

mangtas n 1 cruel, fierce beast. Ang táwung nalúnud gikaun sa usa ka mangtas sa dágat, The drowning man was eaten up by the shark (lit. fierce beast of the sea). 2 fierce, heartless in character. Dílì makamaung malúuy sa pubri kanang mangtas nga adunáhan, That heartless rich man does not know pity for the poor. Mangtas nga katalagman, A fearful calamity. v [B2; b6] be, become fierce and devoid of tender feelings.

mangù a brainless, dull, stupid. Mangù ka man kahà kay dì ka man kasabut, You must be brainless because you don’t understand. v [B23; b6] be, become stupid.

Mangyan n non-Christian natives of Mindoro.

manhak n k.o. bird.

mani n peanuts. — sa kasuy a the edible nuts of the cashew. manimani 1 k.o. creeping herb similar to purslane (ulasíman) in appearance, used as pig feed. 2 k.o. balat found a few inches beneath the sand along the shore. It roughly resembles a peanut.

*máni n dinuwin, gud — during World War II, the name given to the prewar money as opposed to the Japanese kurà and the imirdyinsi máni. girilya — money issued by the guerilla authorities during the war. imirdyinsi — the emergency money issued after the outbreak of hostilities and prior to the Japanese occupation. — urdir money order.

manibila = manubíla.

mánids v [A] manage a business. -ir(→) manager. -ir(→) hiniral n general manager. n manager of a business or boxer. v [AB156] be, become manager.

maníhu v [A; a2] 1 drive a motor vehicle. Ambi, aku lay mumaníhu sa dyíp, Let me drive the jeep. 2 operate or manipulate a contraption. Makamaníhu man nà siyag dagkung [669]makina, He can operate big machines. 3 manage to make s.t. operate. Manihúa ra ring pawuntin pin ug makahímù ka bag paági, Try fooling around with this fountain pen and see if you can make it write. 3a see to it that s.t. gets done. Aku lay mumaníhu arun magmalampúsun ang átung prugráma, I’ll see to it that our program is successful. 3b manage to do s.t. in a roundabout or underhanded way, where the usual methods won’t work. Makamaníhu ka ba pagpasulud nákù sa trabáhu? Can you manage to get me into the job? 3c do s.t. surreptitiously or secretly. Lingawun ku ang tindíra manihúa pud ang káha, While I keep the store clerk busy, you take care of the cash register.

maniit n k.o. edible, small crab of shallow waters with a thick shell and strong pincers. a quarrelsome, esp. said of women.

manikin n mannequin.

manikiyur n nail polish. v [A; b] manicure. -ista n a manicurist. v [B156; a12] be a manicurist.

Maníla, Manílà1 n Manila, the largest city in the Philippines. — buy boy who has grown up in Manila and is, therefore, sophisticated. — pípar Manila paper. v [B1256] be in Manila. manilan-un n from Manila, of the Manila type. manilinyu, -a n one from Manila.

manílà2 n k.o. striped grouper: Grammistes sexlineatus.

maniN- future volitional prefix of verbs with the base paniN-. (Past: naniN-. Subjunctive: maniN-.) Manimalus giyud ku, I will get revenge. Walà ku manimúhì sa ákung gikuptan, I didn’t let go what I was holding on to.

manínay n godmother, the female sponsor at one’s wedding, and, by extension, the sponsor at one’s baptism, confirmation, or ordination. v [A; a] become one’s godmother.

maniníyut n photographer. Word play on maniníyat to make it sound humorously risqué (recalling iyut, the taboo word for sexual intercourse).

manínuy n godfather, the sponsor at one’s wedding, and, by extension, at one’s baptism, confirmation, or ordination. v [A; a] become one’s godfather.

manistil = mistil.

maniubra n 1 maneuver, skillful handling of a vehicle. 2 s.t. done in a secret and underhanded way. Maniubra sa pulitika, A political maneuver. v [A; c1] 1 maneuver s.t. skillfully. Maniubráha (imaniubra) pag-áyu ang sakayan arun dílì masángad, Manipulate the boat skillfully so that it won’t run aground. 2 contrive s.t. skillfully in an underhanded way. Nakalusut dáyun ang ákung lún sa bangku kay gimaniubrag maáyu sa ákung amígu, My loan went through OK because my friend maneuvered it skillfully.

mankumunidad n commonwealth. v [B1256] become a commonwealth.

maN-l- 1 = maN-r-, but used only regionally. 2 affix added to verbs referring to sorcery, praying, and other relations with the supernatural to form nouns which mean one who engages in this activity. Manalagnà, Seer. Manalabtan, Leader in prayers. Mamalaktul, One who practices the sorcery called paktul.

manlà n k.o. edible crustacean similar to a prawn but with pincers. It burrows under soft mud in swampy places.

manlawud (from lawud) n name given to fishes that are found in deep waters.

manlulundà = manulunda.

manlut1 = banlut.

manlut2 n k.o. large, green grasshopper.

maN-r- affix added to verb bases to form a noun referring to a person who does [such-and-such] as an occupation. It is most commonly added to roots which form verbs by the addition of paN-. Mangingisdà, Fisherman. Mananabang, Midwife. Manunúnud, Heir.

maN-r-ay regional alternant of maN-r-.

mansa n 1 stain. Dílì makúhà ang mansa sa tubà, Stains from palm toddy won’t come out. 2 moral blemish, dishonor. Walay mansa ang ákung ngálan, My name is unsullied. v [A; b25] 1 stain. 2 stain one’s honor. Kaputlì nga walà pa kamansáhi sa kasinatían, Purity that has not been stained by experience. -du a 1 stained. Dì giyud nà siya musul-ub ug sinínà nga mansádu, She never wears stained clothes. 2 easily stained. Mansádu kaáyu ang sinínà nga putì, A white dress easily gets dirty. mansahun a 1 having stains. 2 panty stained with blood. Iladlad pag-áyu ang mga mansahun, Bleach those stained panties very well.

mansánas n apple.

mansanilya n k.o. perennial aromatic herb cultivated for ornamental and medicinal purposes: Chrysanthemum indicum.

mansanítas n small spreading tree of waste spaces, the bast fibers of which make rope in times of scarcity: Muntingia calabura.

mansibádu n common-law couple. v [B16; a12] live as man and wife without the benefit of a church wedding.

mansinítas = mansanítas.

mansiyun n mansion. [670]

mansu v [A; a] 1 break in a work animal. Si Dyígu ray makamansu ning kabayúa, Only Diego can tame this horse. 2 train, discipline s.o. Namansu sa párì ang walay hibangkaágan nga bátà, The priest trained the child that was innocent of all knowledge. 2a give s.o. a lot of work to do. Kining batáa namansu sa mga trabáhu sa balay, The household chores were dumped on the child. mansuhan, mansuhánan n training ground.

mantágà = mantalágà.

mantálà (not without l) v 1 [A13] herald, announce. Ang tuktugáuk sa sunuy nagmantálà sa umaábut nga kabuntágun, The crowing of the rooster announces the approaching morning. 2 [A; c] publish in a magazine or newspaper. Gimantálà sa mantaláan ang umaábut nílang kasal, Their approaching wedding was published in the papers. 3 [A13] advertise. Mga lúhà nga nagmantálà sa ákung kapildíhan, Tears that advertised my defeat. -an, paN-an n 1 newspaper, magazine. 2 press. mag-r- n publisher. tagapaN- n press relations officer. tig- n 1 advertising man. Milíhuk ang tigmantálà sa bag-ung kumpaníya, The new company’s ad man worked hard. 2 an announcer, s.o. or s.t. who or that spreads talk or news around. Kanang bayhána mauy tigmantálà sa tanang mahinabù dinhi, That woman is the person who spreads the gossip of all that is going on around here. 3 publisher.

mantalágà n giant octopus.

mantas = mangtas.

mantiának = mantiyának.

mantíaw interjection showing dismay and displeasure, but to be taken lightly. Mantíaw ning batáa, muulì lag mukáun, My! This child never comes home except to eat.

mantíkà n 1 lard, fat from flesh. 1a lúpig pay — kun matúlug tending to sleep deeply (lit. better at sleeping than lard). 2 cooking oil. bugnaw ug — derisive reference to one who has indolent habits or is a slowpoke. (→) v 1 [A; b] fry in lard. Mantikai ang báhaw, Fry the leftover food. 2 [A] exude lard or oil. Haúna dáyun kun mumantikà na ang tambuk, Take the pan out of the fire when lard comes out of the pork fat. 3 [A] for public transportation to move slowly and sluggishly at times that there are few passengers. Wà giyuy pasahíru. Nagmantikà ang trák sa dálan, There are few passengers, and the bus is moving slowly down the street empty. -in-an n food fried in oil. -un a 1 greasy. Sud-an nga mantikáun, Greasy food. 2 obese. Babáying mantikáun, An obese woman.

mantíka dikakaw n cocoa butter.

mantikilya n butter or margarine. v [A; c] spread butter on s.t.

mantil n tablecloth. v 1 [A; b] put, use a tablecloth. 2 [a12] make into a tablecloth.

mantilya n veil used to cover a woman’s head in church. v 1 [A; b] wear a veil. 2 [a12] make into a veil.

mantilyína n head covering for wearing inside a church. v [A; c] wear a head covering in church.

mantinil, mantinir v [A3; c] make do with, content oneself with s.t. less than the best. Magmantinil lang tag amútig way bugas, We’ll make do with sweet potatoes if there’s no rice. Nagmantinil lang siyag pangarga, He just took a temporary job as a stevedore. Mantiniri (mantinihi) lag kawáyan pára halígi ang balay, Just use bamboo for the meantime as a post for the house. -in- a of makeshift or second choice sort.

mantiw a tall and lanky. v [B; b6] be, become, make lanky.

mantiyának n supernatural being which preys on newborn infants. It drinks the blood from childbirth and tries to get at the newborn baby’s liver. If the baby dies, he drinks the mother’s milk without her knowledge and kills her thereby. It is pictured the size of a baby, with horns and fangs, with long pointed ears, dirty brown in color and angular in features. It has the ability to walk, change its appearance, and make itself invisible.

mantsa = mansa.

mantsinítas = mansanítas.

mantsúsu a easily soiled or stained. Mantsúsu kaáyu ang putì nga bistídu, White clothing gets soiled easily. v [A3P; b6] be, become easily soiled.

mánu1 v [AC2; a] in ball games, play off one with another to determine who plays first or whose play it is. Átung manúhun ug kinsay mayur, I’ll play it off with you to see who starts the game. n act of determining the order of who plays first. manuhan n a line from which s.t. is tossed to determine who is first.

mánu2 n title of address for a male older than the speaker. v [A; a12] call s.o. mánu.

mánu3 n hand of dried tobacco leaves containing 100 leaves. v [A; a12] bind tobacco leaves into hands.

mánu4 = ngánu.

*mánu5 see dimánu, armas di-, bula di-, buyna —, sigunda —. manumánu v [AC2; c1] do s.t. by human strength, hands alone. Manumanúhun (imanumánu) lang ni nátug [671]bira ang awtu, Let’s just push this car by hand. n fight with the hands. †

manúbig (from túbig) n k.o. crab of swamps and rivers lighter in color than the kágang.

manubíla n a mechanism one manipulates to steer: steering wheel, handle bars, etc. v [c1] make a steering mechanism.

Manúbu, Manúbù n name of an ethnic group in the mountains of eastern Mindanao.

manugimpu, manugimpul n k.o. parasitic plant which attaches itself to trees. It extends out a vine-like trunk which clings and covers the host.

manuk n 1 chicken. Pinirítung manuk, Fried chicken. 1a layù ra sa tinái sa — 1a1 off the subject, not to the point. (Lit. far from the chicken’s intestines.) 1a2 wound of no consequence, harmless scratch. 2 gamecock. 2a a protegé involved in any race or competition: politics, boxing, love, et al. Napildi ang íyang manuk, His candidate (protegé) was defeated. v 1 [A1] have chicken for one’s meal. 2 [A; a12] make s.o. one’s protegé, candidate in a competition. Akuy mumanuk nímu ug dì ba sugut dáyun nang bayhána, If I put you up as a candidate that girl will surely accept you. Midaug siya kay gimanuk mang Sirhing, He got elected because he was a protege of Serging’s. -an, -an(←) n 1 poultry business. 2 one who has lots of chickens. v [A1] have a poultry business. -in- a sleeping half-awake because of insomnia or because of a need to remain conscious. v [A; c1] sleep in such manner. Magminanuk kug katū́g paghuwat sa pirs trip, I’m just going to nap because I have to make it to the first trip. -un(←) a slightly cross-eyed. Gwápa untang bayhána, ugáling manúkun lang, That girl is beautiful, but she is cross-eyed. n = lukgaw. -un a = -un(←), a. n the cow-nosed ray, so called because it moves like a bird in the water: Rhinoptera javanica.

manukmánuk n 1 wind coming in strong gusts. 2 weather vane. v [B456; b4] be caught in gusting winds. Piligrung ilawud ug magmanukmánuk ang hángin, It’s dangerous to set sail in gusty weather.

manukúlu n monocle. v 1 [A1] wear a monocle. 2 [A12] get a monocle.

manul n variety of jasmine of the same species as sampagíta but with double petals and rounded leaves: Jasmimum spp.

manulunda, manulundà n angel. Daw manulundà ang íyang kaanyag, She has the beauty of an angel.

manumbága = tinumbága. see tumbága.

manung, mánung n 1 title for an elder brother. 2 title of respect for a man older than the speaker. v [A; a12] call s.o. mánung. (→) voc. form. Short form: nung.

manunggal n k.o. tree.

manunggul n k.o. limestone found in tidal flats, rough and irregular in surface, grey on the outside, but white on the inside. It is used for road surfacing, stone walls, or wherever a porous stone is desirable.

mánus = amánus.

manútu = mánu3.

mánuy n 1 title for an elder brother or uncle. 2 expression used by a person who has been defeated in a scuffle to indicate submission. Hala, mánuy arun dílì ku lubáun ning ímung buktun, Go on, say ‘uncle’ so I won’t twist your arm. v [A; a12] call s.o. mánuy. (→) voc. form. Short form: nuy.

manwal n manual, handbook.

manya n 1 fit of bad temper. Ang paghilakhílak ánang batáa manya lang nà, That child’s persistent crying is just a tantrum. 2 caprice, fancy. Manya lang tung pagpapalit níyag láing sapátus, His asking for another pair of shoes was just out of caprice. a for a horse to tend to balk, move slow. v 1 [B; c1] throw a tantrum, act like a spoiled brat. 2 [A; b6] for a horse to throw a fit or just balk. Dinhà giyud sa kinasang-an ang kabáyù magmanya, ug wà mulíhuk bísag unsáug búnal, The horse balked right in the middle of the crossing and wouldn’t move no matter how hard it was whipped. 3 [A; b5c1] move slowly. Ang mumanya ug tambung sa lamísa dì masalinan, If you dilly-dally in getting to the table, nothing will be left for you.

manyak a having an uncontrollable urge to do things, esp. sexual. v [B12; b6] be, become a maniac. Namanyak siya human makatilaw ug kausa, She became a nympho after her first experience. Ngánung namanyak man siya sa pangáwat nga sapían man? Why did she become a kleptomaniac when she is so rich?

manyampuk = láwung.

*manyána — ka lang, ka purin you’re out of it, you don’t know what’s going on. Manyána ka lang (purin). Nagkúyug ímung trátug láin, You don’t know what’s going on. Your boy friend is going out with other girls.

manyang n hard liquor distilled from fermented water obtained from the bud of the nipa palm.

mápa n map. v 1 [A; b(1)] plan a course of action, esp. in committing a crime. Nagmápa sila unsáun pagtúlis ang tindáhan, They [672]are planning how to rob the store. 2 [B36; b] for dirt or stains to form a map-like configuration on s.t. Mimápa ang íyang buling sa líug, The dirt formed map-like configurations on his neck. Gimapáhan sa tintà ang ímung bulsa, The ink has formed a map-like configuration on your pocket.

máping1 = mápa, v1.

mapunti = malapunti.

Mar. n abbreviation for Marsu ‘March’.

marabal a person or animal that has grown very large. Kadakung marabal sa ilipanti, What a giant that elephant is! Kadakung marabal ning batáa, What a giant this child has gotten to be.

marabilyas n a k.o. ornamental bush often called alas kwatru because its flowers open at around four o’clock in the afternoon: Mirabilis jalapa.

marabya = murabya.

maragábit n k.o. rice suitable for planting in uplands or in paddies.

maragáti n k.o. fishing whereby a line with several hooks baited only with decoys is dragged behind a boat.

marákas n maracas. v [A3; a] play the maracas, make into maracas.

maral n k.o. carnivorous civet, dark gray in color, having a very offensive odor.

máram = márang.

maramà, marámà a tough, roughneck. Ang marámà nga táwu ísug ug walay gikahadlúkan, A tough guy is rough and is not afraid of anyone. v [B12] be tough and bad.

Maranaw n Lanao Muslims.

marang = malasugi.

márang n k.o. large fruit tree, bearing fruit similar to the jackfruit (nangkà), but smaller and sweeter. Not commonly cultivated except in Mindanao: Artocarpus odoratissima.

marapíta n variety of banana with thick green peelings, 20 cm. long and 5 cm. wide coming to what looks like a nipple at the end, eaten cooked.

maratun n 1 marathon race. 2 any long-distance or endurance contest. v [C2; c1] hold a marathon, compete in a marathon.

marbas n k.o. half-woody herb of waste places, with numerous medicinal uses: Abutilon indicum.

margarin, margarína n margarine. v [A; b] put margarine on s.t.

margáti n system of planting rice which has increased the yield, whereby the bed is more carefully prepared and the seedlings planted further apart than is traditionally done.

mari = kumári.

maribágu n k.o. shrub of the seashore: Hibiscus tiliaceus.

maribuhuk = agúhu.

mariguld = ahítu.

marihwána n marijuana.

márik n pickax. v [A; a] do s.t. with a pickax.

marika = umari ka. see ari.

marína n collar in a woman’s dress. Taúri unyag marína ang ákung sinínà, Attach a collar to my dress. v 1 [b6(1)] attach, make a collar. 2 [a12] make into a collar.

mariníra n sailor’s collar or the middy collar on a woman’s dress. v [A; c] make a middy collar.

marínu n sailor on a merchant ship or in the navy or soldier assigned on a boat. v [B156] be a sailor. Magmarínu kang dagatun ka man? You want to be a sailor even if you easily get seasick? asul — navy blue. mariníru = marínu.

maripúsa n a k.o. orchid that has flowers that look like white butterflies, branching in sprays: Phalaenopsis amabilis.

marísi = mirísi.

Maríya name Mary. — klára 1 character in Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere who embodied the traditionally praised feminine virtues of modesty and shyness. 2 traditional nineteenth century costume with a full skirt and low-cut blouse worn with a triangularly-folded kerchief. v [A; c16] behave like or act the role of Maria Clara. 2 wear the Maria Clara. — Santisima n The Blessed Virgin Mary. Santa — n mildly profane exclamation of discomfiture. buhuk ni — = maribuhuk. see agúhù. †

maríya buhuk = maribuhuk. see agúhù.

mariyal = máha riyal. see máha.

marka n 1 a visible trace or impression on a surface. Dúnay mga marka sa tiil sa kawatan didtu, The burglar left footprints over there. 2 a brand, label or sign printed, written, or stamped on s.t. Unsay marka ánang ribintadúra? What brand are those firecrackers? 3 grade in school. Pagtuun pag-áyu arun muísa ang marka mu sa klási, Study hard so that your grades will get better. v 1 [A; b] put a mark on. Kinsay nagmarka áning ákung libru? Who put a mark in my book? Markáhan sa mga inspiktur ang karni únà ibaligyà, The meat inspectors will first stamp a mark on the meat before having it sold. 2 [A] for a meter to give an indication, read. Nagmarka nag utsinta ang dágan sa awtu, The speedometer already read eighty. 3 [b] be eyed for a purpose. [673]Gimarkáhang patyun, Marked for assassination. Sapátus nga gimarkáhan níyang palitun, Shoes which he has long been having his eye on. — bulkan n twenty-peso bill (slang—so called from the picture of Mount Mayon that was on the back of the bill in former times). — dimunyu n strong liquor, so called from a brand of strong liquor which has the picture of the devil on it. — kalabíra n the skull markings on the container of highly poisonous matter. v [B26N] be dead (slang). Biyà sa ínum arun dì ka mamarka kalabíra ug sayu, Stop drinking or you will die young.

markir n 1 marker or piece of paper to keep track of the lines. 2 marker put s.w. to indicate a location.

markis n marquis. v [AB156; a12] be made or become a marquis. -a(←) n marchioness.

*markit may (walay) — marriageable (not) marriageable. Minyù nang tawhána, wà na nay markit, That man is already married. He is not available any more. walà ang — v [B126; a12] get to be unavailable for marriage or considered so to be.

marku1 n wall stud. v [A; a] make a wall stud.

marku2 n breasts. Nagbitay ang mga marku sa babáyi, mu rag búnga sa kapáyas, The woman’s breasts are hanging like papayas. v [A; a] nudge s.o. in the breast.

markut v [A; b] propagate plants by marcotting. n propagation of plants by marcotting.

marmul n marble. Dúwang nga marmul, A marble font. v [A12; a1] have marble, make into marble.

marpil n false teeth. v 1 [A1; b6] have false teeth. Kinahanglang marpílan ang ímung pangag, You should have a bridge made for your missing tooth. 2 [A; a] make into false teeth.

marsanti = martsanti.

marsíku = amursíku.

marsiyal n marshall, a military commander. Mag-una ang marsiyal ug may paráda, The marshall leads a parade. v [A; b6] be, become a marshall.

Marsu n March. see abril for verb forms.

marsútu n k.o. suiting material of high quality (from the brand name Marsotto). v [A1] wear clothing made of this cloth.

martabána = maltabána.

Marti n Mars.

martilyu n hammer. — dikabra n claw hammer. — dibúla n ball peen hammer. v [A; a1] hammer. Martilyúha ang tabla arun matangtang, Hit the piece of wood with a hammer to get it off.

martiníku = bartuníku.

martir n 1 martyr. — sa Gulgúta Jesus Christ. 2 one who has suffered like a martyr. Si Lusíla usa ka martir tungud kay gisákit siyag maáyu sa íyang bána, Lucila is a martyr because she is tortured by her husband. v [Ab16] make s.o. suffer like a martyr.

Martis n Tuesday. See birnis for verb forms. — Santu the Tuesday of the Holy Week.

*marts un yur —, sagitsit, gu command in a race: On your mark, get set, go!

martsa v 1 [A; b6] march. 1a attend one’s graduation exercises. 2 [A; c1] dance a march or play a march number. n speed of an automotive transmission used at higher speed. Kwarta, kinta martsa, Fourth, fifth gear.

martsanti n middleman, one who buys and sells commodities between producers and retailers.

martuníku = bartuníku.

marubya = murabya.

marúnung a 1 wise to the ways of the world. Dì nà maílad kay marúnung nà, He knows what’s coming off. You can’t fool him. 2 have proficient knowledge or skill in s.t. Katubag si Pidru sa lisud nga pangutána. Marúnung giyud, Peter was able to answer the questions. He certainly is bright. v [B12] be, become sly or crafty. -in-(→) v [A; c1] do s.t. in a cunning, sly way. Minarununga (iminarunung) sad nà pagpaági arun ka makabalus, Be cunning about it so you can get revenge.

maruy = miruy.

marúya n name given to a variety of sweets, all of which are formed into rounded patties and fried: 1 made of ground rice. 2 made of sliced bananas. (= bangdaybangday). 3 made of shredded sweet potatoes (= bitsubitsu). v [A; a] make marúya.

maryánas = biyatilis.

Maryúsip see hisusmaryusip.

*mas 1 [adj.] more [adj.]. Ang ákung balay mas gamay sa imúha, My house is smaller than your house. Mas maáyu nga pritúhun ni kay sa tanukun, It is much better to fry this than to boil it. 2 — báli it is better to [do]. Mas báli ihátag kay sa hulaman nga dílì iúlì, I would rather give s.t. away than lend it and not get it back.

mása1 v [A; a] mix solids with a little liquid. Kinsay mumása sa simintu? Who’ll mix the cement? Masáha na nang himúung dúnat, Mix the dough for the doughnuts now. n 1 dough or other mixture of solids with water. 2 proportions, things that make up a [674]mixture. Ang másang gigámit tris dus, They use a mixture in proportions of three to two. masahan n place to mix dough or similar mixtures.

mása2 n the masses, common people. — kumun n 1 common masses. 2 property owned in common by heirs.

masáhi v [A; b] massage. Masahían ta nang ímung páang gipamaúlan, Let’s massage your sore legs. n massage. -sta n masseur, masseuse. v [B156; a12] be, become a masseur.

masámung n a man who is married into one’s immediate family—i.e., is married to one’s sister or daughter. Masámung si Íki námù kay naminyù siyang Maríyang ákung manghud. Masámung sad siya sa ákung ginikánan, Eke is a masámung to us because he married my sister Maria. He’s also my parents’ masámung. v [A12; a12] get as a son- or brother-in-law; be, become this relation.

másang v [A23; c1] hit s.t. directly with full impact. Mimásang sa ákung nawung ang íyang kúmù, His fist smashed into my face. Imásang (masánga) ang garapun sa pusti, Smash the glass jar against the post.

masariyal = máha riyal. see máha.

mási n k.o. sweet made from mashed taro or ground sticky rice formed into balls with peanuts. v [A; c1] make mási.

*masig1 — ka [noun] each of two or more in a group. Nahiyusan ang masig ka ligid, All of the wheels had a flat tire. Nagdápat ang ílang masig ka áping, Their two cheeks touched.

masig2 short for maskin ug. See bísan.

masimasi v [A; b5] hurry s.o. to work. Ug náay magmasimasi nátug patrabáhu, dì na hinúun tang katunung, We make mistakes if we are always pressed to hurry our work. Dílì kaáyu haum ang sinínà kay gimasimasi (gimasimasihan) man ang sastri ug pahuman, The dress does not fit well because the dressmaker was pressed to finish it hurriedly. ka- v [A13] be pressed to work in a frenzy. Magkamasimasi mig panlútù basta pyista, mau nga dì mi makalingawlíngaw, We get so busy cooking during fiestas we can’t enjoy ourselves.

masimási n mashi-mashi, a k.o. dance. v [A] dance the mashi-mashi.

masin-gan = masinggan.

masinggan n 1 machine gun. 2 k.o. rapid-firing bamboo popgun. v [A; a12] shoot with a machine gun. -in- a like a machine gun. Kasábang minasinggan, Scolding like a burst of machine gun fire.

masítas n small ornamental plants, a flower pot with a plant in it. — sa ingkantu = lukdulukdu. v [A12] obtain ornamental plants. -an(→) n flower pot. masitíra n flower pot.

masiyar v [A; c1] 1 offer, quote a price in selling. Ug mumasiyar siya sa kálù ug písus, palita, If he offers the hat for a peso, buy it. 2 bet money on s.t. Áning manúka mumasiyar ku ug mil písus, On this cock I will bet a thousand pesos. masyáda n 1 the amount placed as bet. Gatus ang ákung masyáda apan sitinta ray gidáwat, I wanted to bet one hundred, but they only accepted seventy. 2 total amount of money bet by both sides. 3 fee paid in playing a set of bowling, tennis, pingpong, and the like. v [A; b] pay this fee. masyadur n the person in cockfighting who calls out bets offered and matches them with other bets.

maskáda n bits of tobacco for chewing. v [A; a] chew tobacco.

maskara n mask. v [A; b] wear a mask.

maski, maskin = bísan.

maskipap, maskipaps n k.o. popular dance. v [A] do this dance.

maskirid bul n masquerade ball. v [A1; c1] hold a masquerade ball.

maskuláda = muskuládu (female).

maskuládu = muskuládu.

masputítu, masputítus n k.o. dance, the mashed potatoes. v [A] do this dance.

*mastir — kátir n master cutter of a tailoring shop. — ki n master key. — mayind n mastermind. v [A; a2] be the mastermind. Pulis ang nagmastirmayind sa túlis, A cop masterminded the robbery.

masturbisyun n k.o. dance wherein both hands are alternately used as if masturbating. v [A] do the masturbation dance.

másu n sledge hammer. v [A; a1] do s.t. with, make into a sledge hammer.

mas-uk v [B126] die, be killed. Nakrás ang ayruplánu ug namas-uk ang pilútu, The plane crashed and the pilot got killed.

masun n freemason. v [B156] become a freemason.

masuy n brand of mild liquor taken for medicinal purposes or for pleasure. bínu uy — = masuy.

masyáda see masiyar.

masyádu a 1 being too much of s.t. Kini si Tunyu masyádu na, dúgayng mukáun ug dì pa manghúgas sa plátu, This Tonio is too much; he eats late and doesn’t even do the dishes. 2 how very. Masyádu kamahal! How very expensive!

masyadur see masiyar.

masyaw n yellow corn. [675]

mat n mat for gymnastics.

mát n math, a subject in school.

mata n 1 eyes. Nagluhang mga mata, Eyes filled with tears. 1a tawutáwu sa — the pupil of the eyes. 2 eyeglasses. Nangítà ku sa ákung mata, I’m looking for my glasses. 3 eyelets in the shoes. 4 any growth or structure in some way similar to the eyes. — sa báling mesh of the net. — sa baskit mesh of the basket. — sa lubi two spots in the coconut shell which resemble human eyes. — sa gábi a button-like outgrowth on the flesh of the taro rootstock. — sa, ug lumban an eye-like operculum found in turban shells. — sa pinya eyes of the pineapple, the hollow cavity found on the surface of the flesh of the pineapple fruit which contains seeds. -g tikì n small boil that has come to a head. 5 — sa ulitáwu (dalága) expression used when playing with children to make them blink their eyes. 6 = ay4. 7 -mbáka = mat-an, 5 (lit. cow-eyes). v 1 [a12] hit in the eye. Mat-a pag-igù ang mantágà, Hit the giant octopus on the eyes. 2 [A; a2b23] wake up, be awake. Ngánung mimata ka mag sayu? Why did you wake up early? Nagmata ka na ba? Are you awake now? 2a — ug buntag [A13] be unaware of what’s going on (lit. be awake only in the morning). Nagmata ka lag buntag sa gibúhat sa ímung asáwa, You don’t seem to know what’s going on with your wife. 2b himat-an, hikatulgan have s.t. constantly in one’s mind, awake or asleep. Himat-an hikatulgan ku ang ákung prublíma, I am constantly thinking about my problem, day and night. 3 [b8] for a child to become aware of his surroundings. Ang íyang namat-an nga pagmatutù mau ang kang Iyù Sinun, The first parent he ever knew was Uncle Senon. 3a be born s.w. (lit. aware of light). Kining dapíta ang ákung namat-ag maháyag, This is the place I was born. 4 [A; a12] for fats to liquify. Mumata ang mantíkà kun inítun, The lard will liquify when you heat it. — pubri a looking down upon others as not one’s equal. Mata pubri kaáyu. Dì mutagad sa mga kabus, She looks down on others and pays no attention to the poor. (←) v 1 [A2; a12] estimate a measurement by inspection. Wà nay kinahanglan ug pulgadíra, matáun na lang, You don’t need a measuring stick. You can estimate it just by inspection. 1a look for s.t. simply with the eyes. Matáun lang ang imbaw, You can find clams by just looking at the water. 2 [AC; a1] say frankly, tell face to face. Nagkamáta ang duha ka kandidátu sa platapurma, The two candidates had it out face to face on the platform. Matáhun tikag sulti, I’ll talk to you frankly. 3 [A13] for bivalves to be active, as manifested by their being open or bubbling. Magmáta na gáning mga imbaw sayun ra pagtultul, When the clams are active it is easy to locate them. matamata v [a4] 1 see an illusion, mirage. Gimatamata ug busay ang táwu sa disyirtu, The man in the desert saw a mirage, a waterfall. 2 be unable to choose or decide wisely because of bedazzlement. Wà giyud ku kapílì. Gimatamata ku sa kadaghang palítun, I wasn’t able to choose because there were so many beautiful things to buy. matamáta = máta, v1. hig-/hag- v [B1256] 1 wake up accidentally. Nahigmata ku kay sábà, I woke up because it was so noisy. 2 become aware of s.t. Karun pa ku mahigmata sa íyang kabangis, For the first time I became aware of what a terrible person he was. mat-an a 1 having eyes or an eye-like configuration. 2 artful, wily, cunning. Ang mga Insik mat-an kaáyu sa nigusyu, Chinese are very shrewd in business. 3 mat-ay balíli, dunggánay gabíi the walls have ears. (Lit. the grass has eyes and the night has ears.) Hináya ang inyung sulti kay mat-an ra bay balíli ug dunggánay gabíi, Talk quietly because the walls have ears. 4 mat-an pa sa pinya a wily, cunning (having more eyes than a pineapple). Dì ka kaílad ni Dyú kay mat-an pa nà sa pinya, You can’t fool Joe. He is very alert. n k.o. fish with huge eyes: Selar crumenophthalmos. paN- = ay4. tagi-, tagli-, tagu- n k.o. eye infection. v [A123P; a4] get this infection.

matáda v 1 [A; a] divide the meat into portions. 2 [c16] sell meat by the portion. -in- = matáda, v2.

matadíra = matadíru (female).

matadíru1 n 1 butcher, one who slaughters and cuts up animals. 2 butcher who sells meat. v [B156; a] work as a butcher.

matadíru2 a clever, skillfully shrewd in deception and trickery. Ayawg kumpiyansahi nang tawhána kay matadíru kaáyu nà sa baráha, Don’t trust that man because he’s very cunning in card games. v [B1; b6] become cunning.

matadur n 1 = matadíru1, 2. 2 matador. 3 killer, fierce. Manuk nga matadur, A killer gamecock. v [B156; a12] be, become a matador.

matag 1a [word referring to time or day] every. Bisitáhan ku níya matag adlaw, He visits me every day. 1b [verb base] every time [so-and-so] is done. Usa ka bandihádu ang [676]mahurut níya matag káun, Each time he ate he consumed a platter of rice. — karun ug unyà every now and then. Tan-áwa ang linat-an matag karun ug unyà, Take a look at the stew every now and then. — usa [dat.] each and every one of [dat.]. Matag usa níla muámut ug singku písus, Each and every one of them will contribute five pesos.

matalak-un, matak-ánun see taka.

matang1 humorous euphemism for matay, exclamation.

matang2, mátang a kind. Ipiktíbu kining matánga sa midisína, This k.o. medicine is effective. Makasayaw siya sa tanang mátang sa tugtug, She can dance to all kinds of music. ka-(←) a of the same kind, alike. Túa ra ang íyang kamátang nga mga mugbug lupad, That’s where you find her k.o. people, prostitutes.

matansa v [A; a] butcher an animal, slaughter it or cut it up. n fee paid to the market authority for approval to slaughter animals.

matansíra, matansíru = matadíra, matadíru.

matay v 1 [B126; b3(1)4(1)c5] die. Namatay si Simyun sa tísis, Simeon died of tuberculosis. Sakit nga makamatay, A disease that kills. Katigúlang ang íyang namatyan (gikamatyan), He died of old age. Namatyan silag bag-ung inanak, They lost a newly-born child. Ikamatay nákù ang ímung pagbíyà, If you leave me I will die. 2 [B126] stop functioning. Namatay ang rilu, The watch stopped. Namatay ang makina taliwā̀ sa lawud, The engine went dead in the middle of the sea. Namatay ang sugà pagbutu sa pyús, The light went out when the fuse blew. 2a [B12] for the moon to be in its invisible phase. exclamation 1 of displeasure. Matay! Kabahù, Jesus! What a smell! Matayng mahála, How expensive it is! 2 swearing as to the truth of s.t. Matay! Ug wà pa ka, patay tà ku run, Believe me. If it hadn’t been for you, I’d be dead now. Tinúud lagi nà. Matay pa, It’s true, so help me God. ka-(←) v [C2] for people to be killing each other. Nagkamátay lang kanúnay ang mga nanagkaáway didtu sa Byitnam, There is a lot of killing in this war in Vietnam. n mass death, killing on a vast scale. Mahitabù ang kamátay tungud sa típus, Typhus can mean mass death. paka- v [A13; b6] 1 die for a cause. Gipakamatyan níya ang yútang natawhan, He gave his life for his country. 1a commit suicide. Magpakamatay siya kun mapakyas, He will kill himself if he fails. 2 [a12] allow s.o. to die. Pakamatyun lang mi ninyu sa gútum? Will you let us die of hunger? 3 [b6] allow dirt to get deeply engrained. Ang linadlad nga pakamatyan sa sabun kúling maputì, If you bleach clothes under the sun without sprinkling (lit. allow the soap to die in the bleaching), it will never get white. panga-(←) v [A23] die (plural). Nangamátay ang ákung mga manuk, My chickens died. sa tanang nanga- more [so-and-so] than anyone else (said of bad traits). Tapulan ka sa tanang nangamátay, You’re the laziest of the lazy. hi-un nga búlan n last quarter. bispiras sa hi-un the last day the moon can be seen before the new moon (patay ang búwan). himalatyun a dying. Lúya na kaáyu ang himatyun níyang inahan, His dying mother is already very weak. Himatyun na ang sugà kay wà nay gás, The lamp is dying down because the kerosene is all gone. -in- n human corpse. adlaw sa — All Souls’ Day. -in-(←) v [A; b3c] cry loudly, wail, usually over the dead. Ngánung nagminátay ka man, namatyan ka? Why are you wailing so loud? Did s.o. die? n loud wailing. ka- expression of strong anger or disgust. Kamatay, wà giyud masúd ang tris dà, Damn! The number three ball didn’t go into the pocket! kalamatyan, kinamatyan n a fatal spot in the body. Kalamatyan ang kasingkásing, The heart is a fatal spot in the body. ka-un(→) n death. Kalit nga kamatáyun, Sudden death. kina-un a as if one is about to die. Ngánung kinamatyun nang ímung trabáhu? Wà na bay ugma? Why are you working as if you were going to die? Is there going to be no tomorrow? mag-l-(←) n about to die. Lawus na ang dáhun sa mangga kay magmalátay man, The leaves on the mango tree are withering because they are dying. †

máti v [A; a12] checkmate in chess. Bantayi ang hárì kay matíhun tikaw, Watch the king because I’m going to checkmate you. n checkmate.

matikmátik v [A3; a12] do s.t. with careful reckoning and planning. Aku lay magmatikmátik ug paági nga mabáwì ang yútà, I will find means to get the lot back. Matikmatíka pag-áyu arun dì ka maalkansi, Figure it carefully so you don’t lose.

matikud v [A12; b8] notice, become aware of s.t. Karun pa aku makamatikud sa dakù kung sayup, I just realized what a big mistake I had made. Wà ku mamatikdi ang ímung pag-abut, I didn’t notice your arrival.

matimáti wait for a while. Matimáti úsà kay náa pay átung paabútun, Wait awhile. We are expecting some more people to come. v 1 [c1] finish slowly. Átù lang ning matimatíhun [677](imatimáti) pagkáun arun dúgay mahurut, Let us eat it slowly so it can last a little longer. 2 [A; c1] make do with less equipment, or give s.t. less attention, disregarding the quality of the work. Matimatíhun ku lang nig kinamut ang drúwing bísag way rúlir, I’ll just make a rough drawing by hand because there is no ruler.

matimátiks n mathematics.

mating humorous euphemism for matay, exclamation of displeasure. Mating bug-áta ning ákung dá! My! How heavy this is!

matiriyal1 n particle or trace of truth in feelings and emotion. May matiriyal sa katinuúran ang íyang púlung, His words have some particles of truth. v [A] for feelings and emotions to start developing. Mimatiriyal ang íyang pagdúda dihang kanúnay nang higabin-ag paúlì ang bána, She developed suspicions when her husband started always coming home late nights. Nakamatiriyal ang gugma sa ílang duha ka kasingkásing, Love sprouted in their hearts.

matiriyal2 n person’s capability for a certain position. Maáyu siyang matiriyal pagkaprisidinti, He is a good presidential timber.

matirniti n 1 maternity clinic. 2 maternity dress. v 1 [A13; c16] wear, make a maternity dress. 2 [B1256] wind up in the maternity clinic—i.e. have a baby out of wedlock. Mamatirniti ka giyung bayhána kag mag-unauna ka sa mga láki, You’ll end up in a maternity clinic if you are forward with men. — lib maternity leave.

matiryális n materials used for constructing. — pwirtis 1 durable materials for construction. 2 for a woman to be well-built. Maáyung pangasaw-un kay matiryális pwirtis, She’s a good prospect because she is well built.

matmat1 v 1 [A; a1] unravel, undo s.t. all tangled. Aku ray mumatmat sa hílu nga nagubut, I’ll unravel the tangled thread. 2 [A; c] recount a story, events. Ákung imatmat sa husgádu ang nahitabù, I’ll tell the judge what happened.

matmat2 = alimatmat.

matngà v [A; a12] be hit full in the area intended with a big impact. Namatngà pagkaigù ang langgam sa batu, The stone hit the bird squarely. a hit square. Matngà giyud pagkaigù ang lansang nga gimartilyu, He hit the nail square on the head.

matngun v 1 [A13; b(1)] take care of by observing precautions, handle carefully. Magmatngun ka arun dì ka madisgrasya, Be careful so you don’t meet an accident. 2 [A1; b(1)] pay attention, heed. Wà mu magmatngun sa ákung tambag, ha? You didn’t heed my advice, did you? 3 [A12; b8] be aware of, realize. Nakamatngun siya nga walà na ang íyang pitáka, He noticed that his wallet was gone. Namatngunan na níya nga walà diay salà ang bátà, He has just realized that the child was innocent. — ug buut v 1 [A; b8] be aware of, reach the age of reason. Dinhi na ku ning baláya sukad ku makamatngun ug buut, I have lived in this house since I saw light. 2 [A12] regain consciousness. Didtu na siya makamatngun ug buut sa uspital, He regained consciousness in the hospital. pahi- v [A; c] advise and admonish. Pahitmangúni siya báhin sa íyang pag-inum, Advise him about his drinking. n admonishment. kahi- n awareness of s.t.

matráka n grager, used as a noisemaker in the procession on Good Friday. matrakáhun ug bàbà talking like a machine gun. Báhu ning tabian matrakáhun ug bàbà, This gossip! Her mouth goes like a machine gun.

matrídu = matríru.

matrikula n school fees. v [c6] pay tuition.

matrimunyal n double bed.

matríra = matríru (female).

matríru a 1 wise to the ways of the world. Dì na nà siya matuntu kay matríru, You can’t pull a fast one on him. He’s wise to the ways of the world. 2 wise, tricky. Matríru ang mga matansíru kay dílì hustu ang timbangan, The meat sellers are very tricky because the scales are not honest. 3 for game to be shy and not easily approached by persons. v [B1] be, become wise to the ways of the world or tricky.

matris1 n uterus.

matris2 n mattress.

matrúna n 1 the head maid in a wealthy household, the one in charge of running the household. 2 housemother of a women’s dormitory or boarding house. a matronly-looking, old, and slightly stout. v [B136; c16] be, become a house mother or head maid; get to be matronly in appearance.

mats v [B; c6] for wearing apparel to match. Mimats ang ímung sapátus sa pitáka, Your shoes match your purse.

matsa v [A1; c1] do s.t. in a relaxed and unhurried manner. Ayaw matsaha (imatsa) nang ímung linaktan ug sugúun ka, Don’t take it so slow when you are told to do s.t.

matsing1 n small monkey. a 1 like a monkey in appearance. 2 mischievous. Matsing kaáyu ning batáa u, lukup lag panúngug sa uban, This child is mischievous. He keeps on teasing the others. v [B145] look ugly [678]like a monkey. Nagmatsing lang nang dagway mu, You have a monkey’s face.

matsing2 n matching type exam.

matsuy humorous euphemism for matay, exclamation of displeasure. Matsuy ning batáa, langas kaáyu, My! What a nuisance this child is.

mátud [gen.] according to what [so-and-so] says. Mátud níya, maáyu kanang klási, According to him that is a good kind. ‘Adtu na ta,’ mátud níya, He said, ‘Let’s go.’

matulì n k.o. balat (sea cucumber).

matúmat v [C; bc3] engage in a friendly, casual chat. Dì ku makigmatúmat nímug dúgay kay nagdalì ku, I can’t chat with you for long because I’m in a hurry.

matun n ruffian, tough guy. Daghang istambay nga matun sa piyir, There are many ruffians hanging around at the pier. v [B2; b6] be, become a tough guy.

matutù v [A; a12] 1 take care of a child. Kinsay nagmatutù sa ímung anak samtang walà ka? Who took care of your child when you were gone? 2 rear, bring up. Akuy nagmatutù kaníla hangtud sa ílang pagkaulitáwu, I reared the boys until they were teen-agers. 2a [A; b5c] inculcate with s.t. Matutua (matutui) ang mga tinun-an sa nasyunalismu, Teach the pupils nationalism. 3 nurture a feeling. May gimatutù siyang pagdumut álang kanákù, He is nursing a grudge against me. n care, guidance. Matutù sa inahan, Mother’s guidance.

matyag v [A; a12b2] observe, watch to see. Siyay mumatyag sa kamaisan nga dì kan-un sa mga amù, He will watch the cornfield to see if the monkeys are getting at it. Nakamatyag ka nag táwung giupirahan? Have you ever watched a person being operated on? see also batyag.

matyanak = mantiyának.

mau short forms: mu, maw is, are, was, were. 1a preceding subject in sentences with nominal predicates. Kadtung íyang gisulti mau ang nakapalágut nákù, What he said was what angered me. Ang kangihit sa tambal muy nakapataas sa prisyu, The scarcity of medicine is what made prices high. 1b with no subject: it’s [predicate] which is the one. Nagtúu giyud aku nga kanà mau, I believe that that is the one. Ug mau kanà, ang útang maimpas sunud búlan, If that is the case, the debt will be paid off next month. Ang ímung tubag dílì mau, Your answer is not right. — bítaw that is so. Kadakung trabáhu nu? Mau bítaw, What a big job, isn’t it? It certainly is! — kaáyu the very one. Mau ni? Mau kaáyu, Is this the one? Yes it is the very one. — gayud that is the way it is. Mau giyud nà siya ug mahubug, That is the way he is when drunk. — gihápun it’s (it was) as usual. Ang atup sa ámung balay mau gihápun, nípà, The roof of our house is the usual kind—of palm thatch. — lang see lámang, 2c1. — kini ug kini, — kanà ug kanà in giving excuses, reasons or alibis: it is because of this, because of that. 1c in response to a question as to the identification of s.t.: yes, it is the one. Mau ba ni ang imúha? Dílì mau, Is this yours? No, that is not the one. Si Pidru na ba nà? Mau na, Is that Peter now? It’s him all right. 1d yes, that is the case, said esp. in response to negative comments. ‘Kusug siyang manghulam mu rag kamaung muúlì.’—‘Mau,’ ‘She likes to borrow things as if she knew enough to return them (which she doesn’t).’—‘Yes, that is so.’ 1e — nang, — na sa ginháwang [verb] doing one’s best, tiring oneself out doing [verb]. Mau na nga pangítà nákù, (or mau na sa ginháwa nákung pangítà) ug sápì apan kamu nagsígi lang ug ínum, I wear myself out earning money, and all you do is drink. 1f — ra pud núun that’s the only thing that’s wrong with it. ‘Dì man pasulayan sa dì pa mapalit.’—‘Mau ra pud núun,’ ‘It’s good, but you can’t try it out before you buy it.’—‘That’s the only thing that is wrong with it.’ 1g -y (ang) pag-[verb], i-[verb] is the time [so-and-so] happens. Mauy ipanangpit níya manday human na, He calls you after he’s finished eating. Pag-adtu níya mau say pag-adtu nákù, When he went was the time I went, too. 1g1 — pa see pa-, 2e, 8b. 1h — nga [noun] the aforementioned, said. Wà ku makaila sa maung táwu, I don’t know that particular person. 1i — pay ... — pay even though [such-and-such] is the case, [so-and-so] is true of the same person anyway. Mu pay mangáyù mu pay mangísug, He asks a favor, and yet he has the nerve to get angry. 2 — nga [sentence] therefore, consequently. Sígi kung praktis, mau nà nga maáyu kung mubayli, I always practice. That’s why I dance well. Sa ámù kanúnay nga mangísug si Máma. Mau gánì nga dílì layhang mupaúlì si Pápa, Mother is always angry at home. That is why even Dad doesn’t like to go home. 3 — ra no more, that’s all. ‘Adúna pay láin?’—‘Mau ra,’ ‘Is there any more?’—‘That’s all there is.’ 3a — ra nga the same. Mau rang klasíha nà. Purus tagdiyis, Those are of the same class. They are all ten cents apiece. 4 — ra ug 4a it seems. Mu rag láin nà, It seems to be a different one. [679]4b rather. Mu rag giuhaw ku, I am rather thirsty. Ang báhù dílì mangga, mau rag nangkà hinúun, The smell is not that of the mango, it is rather like that of the jackfruit. Mau ra ug nahuwasan na ku sa ákung kakulbà, I feel a bit relieved from my fright. 4c as if [so-and-so] were the case. Nagpaduludiskursu siya mu rag si kinsa, He took it upon himself to give a speech as though he were s.o. v 1 [B1256] turn out to be correct. Gisulaysuláyan kug duut ang usa sa mga timbri, namau bayà, I tried pressing one of the buttons at random. It happened to be the right one. 2 [A13] be the same. Bísan ug atbang ta sa pulitika magmau lang gihápun ang átung pagbinatiay, Though we are opponents in politics, our feelings towards each other are still the same. ka- v [B1256; b8] know how to do s.t. Makamau kang musulat? Do you know how to write? Wà kuy nakamauhan, I don’t know anything. di-(←) see dimáu. paka- v [A13; a12] pretend, consider s.t. as right or the one. Ngánung pakamauhun man nímu nga ang ákù man ni? Why do you insist this is the very one, when it is mine? maumáu v [A; a12] 1 make temporary repairs by just trying things out, make do with s.t. less than what is really needed. Ug maáyu kang mumaumáu ug áyu, mudágan giyud nang mutúra, If you are good at fiddling around with your motorcycle, at least it will run. 2 fabricate, make s.t. not real. Sa mga kumunista ang Diyus usa ka maumáu, To the communists, God is a figment of man’s imagination. maumáu na sa ginháwa = mau, 1e.

ma-un(←) affix added to verbs and adjectives to form adjectives which mean ‘having the characteristic of doing or becoming [so-and-so]’. Malipáyun, Happy. Maluyáhung tíngug, In a weak voice. Mapangilyupúung naghangyù sa Prisidinti nga luwasun ang íyang anak, With pleas she implored the President to spare her son. Mapasalígung balità, Reassuring news. Matuhùtuhúun, Gullible, superstitious.

maung n blue denim. v [A12] wear blue denim.

mauraúra somewhat similar. Ang ibid mauraúra sa halu ug hitsúra, gáling may sílik lang sa líug, The agamid lizard is somewhat similar to the monitor lizard, only it has a crest on its neck.

maut a hypocrite, one who puts up a praiseworthy, but completely false front. Pagkamaut bayhána, manugilun nga hingatag piru labihan diayng hakúga, What a hypocrite that woman is. She claims to be generous but actually she is a terrible tightwad. v [B12] be, become a hypocrite. -in- a hypocritical. v [A13; c1] act hypocritically. Ayawg minaut kay nasáyud mi sa ímung pagkatáwu, Don’t be hypocritical. We know what you are.

máut (from daut) a 1 not good, substandard in quality. Máut ning ripridyiritúra kay dì muayis, This refrigerator is no good because it won’t produce ice. 2 unfavorable condition or state. Mubagyu tingáli kay máut man ang panahun, There seems to be a typhoon because the weather is bad. 3 unpleasant in ways. Máut ug batásan, Disagreeable in his ways. Máut bayà nang mamalíkas, It’s bad to curse. 4 unpleasant in looks, smell, and the like. Máut kaáyu árung bahúa uy, What a bad smell! v [B; a1] be, become bad, ugly, unpleasant to the senses, etc. ka- n badness, ugliness, defectiveness.

mawu- for words with mawu- see also malu-.

mawungmáwung v [A; c1] cover up, hide one’s feeling. Dúnay mga táwu nga makamau giyung mumawungmáwung sa ílang kaguul, There are people who know how to hide their grief.

mawutpis n 1 boxer’s mouthpiece. v [A13] wear a mouthpiece.

maw-uy a arousing pity, touching. Maw-uy kaáyung tan-áwun ang bátà nga makalilímus, The child beggar was a pitiful sight.

may 1 there is, are, was, were. May tulu ka táwung nangítà nímu, There were three persons looking for you. Kun may isúgù, At your service (lit. if there is an order to give). 2 have. May sigarilyu ka dihà? Do you have any cigarettes on you? 2a may pagka- be somewhat. May pagkatabian ni si Áning, Aning is somewhat talkative. 2b — idad be of age. May idad na siya ug makabutar na, He is already of age and he can vote now. 3 near a place. Didtu siya magtindug sa may pultahan, He was standing there by the door. 4 some, [so-and-so] long ago, May duha ka búwan na níyang trabáhu dinhi, He’s been working here for about two months now. 4a — mga at about [such-and-such] a time. Didtu siya sa may mga alas kwatru, He was there at around four. — láin pa yes, of course (is there anything or anyone else). Siya giyuy nagkúhà sa libru kay siya ra may dihà. May láin pa? He must have taken the book because he was the only one there. Who else could have? Kan-un giyud ni níya. May láin pa? He’ll eat this, don’t worry. Would he fail to do so! [680]

máya n k.o. small bird found in rice fields, the chestnut mannikin: Lonchura malacca. — nga bungul n k.o. brown-colored maya which is believed to be deaf because it is not easily disturbed or afraid of noise.

mayà a happy and cheerful in appearance. v [B4; c16] be, become gay. Pagmayà kay adlaw nímu run, Be cheerful. Today is your birthday. Imayà (mayaa) nang inyung panagway kay litratúhan na ta, Put on a cheerful expression because they are going to take our picture. ka- n cheerfulness.

mayáman a rich, moneyed (colloquial). Mayáman kaáyu ku run kay bag-ung swildu, I am very rich now because I have just received my pay.

mayamaya, mayamáya n red snapper, Lutianus spp.

mayánà n k.o. ornamental herbs with variously colored green and purple leaves which have medicinal uses: Coleus blumei.

mayáus n k.o. thin-bodied slipmouth (palutput).

maybay n k.o. large, light green, cooking banana, only a little smaller than the tinduk.

mayhu, mayhum (from humay) n rice (humorous slang). Ayay! Mayhum diay karun ang átung kan-un, Goody. We are going to have rice today. v [A1] eat rice as one’s staple.

mayik n 1 microphone. 2 sound system with an amplifier. Mayik ang ílang gigámit sa bayli kay mahal ang musiku, They used a sound system for the dance because an orchestra would be too expensive. v [A1] use a mike or sound system.

maylab n one’s sweetheart or loved one (humorous). Ímu nang maylab ang ímung kúyug? Was that your sweetheart that was with you?

maymay v [A; b] advise, admonish s.o. in a nice tone. Maymáyi siyang dílì na maghubughúbug, Advise and encourage him not to get drunk any more. n advice or admonition. pa- v [A3] listen to advice. Ang táwung dì magpamaymay háyan mahitabù, A person who does not listen to advice is likely to get into trouble. ma-un a admonishing.

maynur n one’s minor subject. v [A; a2] take as one’s minor.

maypáy = malaypálay.

mayrun a having money (colloquial). Mayrun tingáli ni dà, kay nangimbitar man, You’re probably in the clover today since you’re inviting us.

maytir n miter joint. — baks miter box.

Máyu n May. see abril for verb forms: plúris di — see plúris.

mayukmuk n 1 powdery soil. Ayaw pagdúlà sa mayukmuk kay abug kaáyu, Don’t play with the powdery soil because it’s very dusty. 1a river sediment. Ang mayukmuk sa subà nadala sa bahà, The river sediment was carried off by the flood. 2 small fry: little children, anything small or lower in class. Basta mga mayukmuk lagmit way púl, If you are a small fry you have no influence. Nangatū́g na ang mga mayukmuk, The kids are all asleep now. v [b2] get powdered soil on one. ka- v [A13] get powdery soil all over one.

máyung a for the weather to be somewhat overcast, sunless. v [B] be, become overcast. Maáyu rung ipasíyu sa bátà kay nagmáyung na, It’s a fine time to take the baby for a stroll. It is a little overcast.

may-ung v 1 [C3; c6] have a resemblance, make things look alike. Magkamay-ung ug panagway ang mag-ágaw, The cousins have a resemblance. Imay-ung ang ímung nawung sa kang Dulpi nga kataw-anan, Make your face like Dolphy’s funny face. 2 [A12; b8] recognize, be familiar to s.o. Mu rag nakamay-ung ku sa ági niíning sulat, I think I recognize the handwriting in this letter. 3 [A12; b2] notice s.t. Namay-ungan níya nga may táwung misulud, She noticed a man entering. ka- n s.t. which resembles s.t. else. Kamay-ung ang ímung panagway ánang artistáha, You have a resemblance to that actor.

mayunis, mayunísa n mayonnaise. v [b] put, use mayonnaise.

mayur n 1 municipal or city mayor. 2 in a game, the one who has the first play or turn. 3 major chord or key. Du mayur, C major. — diidad a of legal age. v [B256] be of legal age. — dúma = — dúmu (female). — dúmu majordomo of an estate, hotel, ship, or other large institutions requiring a chief steward. v [B156] be, become the majordomo. For other phrases with mayur as the first word, see the entry under the second word. v [A3; a2] be, become mayor. Si Talyuks ang átung mayurun sa syudad, Let’s make Talyux the mayor in the city. (←) v [A2C2; ac3] play off against one another to see who goes first in the game. Átung mayúrun kun kinsay muúnag lábay sa búla, Let’s play it off to determine who will be the first to throw the ball.

mayuríya n majority of a body convened. Mibutar ang mayuríya sa musiyun, The majority voted for the motion. Si Usminya nakakuhag singkuwinta bútus nga mayuríya, Osmeña got a majority of fifty votes. v [A] [681]get a majority of votes.

mayurù n k.o. white upland rice with long and slender grains, harvested after six months.

mayuskula n majuscule.

mga abbreviation for manga.

mi1 see kami.

mi2 n the note mi. — mayur E major. — minur E minor.

mī̀ n 1 representation for the sound made by a goat. 2 goat (slang). Mukáun kug mī̀ piru dì kug aw-aw, I eat goat meat but not dog.

mi- past punctual active verbal prefix. see mu-.

míd n a female household help. v [B156; a12] be, become a maid. pa- v [A] hire oneself out as a maid.

mídal n medal. Nakadawat ug mídal ang balidikturyan, The valedictorian was awarded a medal. v [A12; b(1)] receive a medal. bruns, guld, silbir — n bronze, gold, silver medal. -ist(→) n gold, bronze, silver medalist. v [B1256] become a medal awardee.

midalya n 1 medal. 2 religious medal worn by devotees. 2a dried palutput, so called because of its resemblance to a medal (humorous). v [A1; c] wear, win, award s.o. a medal.

midalyun n medallion. v [A1; c] wear, put a medallion on s.o.

mídi n midi skirt. v 1 [A13] wear a midi dress. 2 [c1] make a midi dress.

midída n cloth tape measure used in dressmaking.

midikal a connected with the practice or study of medicine.

midikilyu = miriku.

midiku n physician, doctor. — ligal n legal physician who certifies the medical facts surrounding a death.

mid-in dyapan n 1 shoddy in workmanship or quality. 2 weakling, sickly. Tambuk tan-áwun apan mid-in dyapan. Dalì rang mayasmì, She looks fat, but she is weak. She easily gets sick.

midisin n course of medicine. — kabinit n medicine cabinet. — bag n medicine bag.

midisína n 1 medicine. Pagpalit ug midisína sa butíka, Buy medicine at the drugstore. 2 chemical for the processing of s.t. Midisína sa kulung, Chemicals for a permanent wave. 3 course in medical school.

midiya half. Midiya pulgáda ang gibag-un, Half an inch thick. Midiya ang bátà sa sinihan, A child pays half fare in the movies. Midiya kílu nga karni, Half a kilo of meat. i- thirty minutes after the hour. Alas dus imidiya, Two thirty. v [B56] get to be to the half hour. ‘Alas singku na ba?’—‘Mumidiya na hinúun,’ ‘Is it already five o’clock?’—‘It is nearly five thirty.’ — agwa n a roof projecting beyond the wall at a downward angle over the whole length or width of a house, or just over a window or door. v [A; b] add an overhang. — bangku n wind coming at a forty-five degree angle from directly in back of a boat. Pabur gihápun sa sakayan ang hángin nga midiya bangku, A wind which comes from the back but at an angle is still favorable to sailboats. — díya n half day. Midiya díya ra ang trabáhu basta Sabadu, We work half-day on Saturdays. v [A; c16] do s.t. half-day. — nutsi n the dinner served at midnight on Christmas. — pága n half fare. — táwu n s.o. who is extraordinarily short. midiyamidiya v [b(1)] do s.t. in a moderate way. Midiyamidiyáhi lang pagpadágan arun dílì ta madisgrasya, Drive at a moderate rate so we don’t meet an accident. Midiyamidiyáhi ug hugut ang twirka arun dílì maharùs, Tighten the screw moderately so it won’t get stripped. midiyahan n 1 a fifth, so called because it contains half the volume of a bottle which formerly was in wide use. 2 small train station between two main stations where a train can stop to take on or discharge passengers or freight but cannot issue tickets. †

midiyas n 1 socks, stockings. 2 condom (humorous euphemism). v 1 [A; b] put on, wear socks, stockings. 2 [A; c] use a condom. -an(←) n for an animal to have a different color on its legs so that it looks as if it is wearing stockings.

midiyu — [adj.] somewhat, a little bit. Midiyu hubug ka dà, You’re a little bit drunk. Midiyu língin ang purma, It is somewhat roundish in shape.

midiyus n 1 makeshift or temporary means to accomplish s.t. Pangitáan ta nig midiyus arun muandǎr ang makina, Let’s look for some temporary way we can get this engine to run. 2 means of resolving a problem. Kadtung íyang labad sa úlu midiyus lang tu sa paglikay sa trabáhu, His headache was just an excuse to get out of doing work. Wà kuy láing midiyus gawas sa pagpangútang, I have no other way of resolving the problem except borrowing money. Ang labing maáyung midiyus sa ímung ubu, The best remedy for your cough.

midtik n 1 Medical Technology course. Ang íyang gikúhà midtik, He is taking up Med. Tech. 2 housemaid (humorous and depreciatory word play on míd). Naíbug ka ánang midtik man nà? Did you fall for that girl [682]when she’s just a maid?

midtirm n mid-term exams. v [A1] have the mid-term exams.

mid-ub-ánur n maid of honor at a wedding. v [A12; c6] be, become the maid of honor.

mídul kard n name given to the pieces in mahjong from 2 through 8 as compared to the tirminális (1 and 9).

midwayip n 1 trained midwife. 2 course of midwifery. 3 maid (humorous, deprecatory word play on míd). v [B156; a12] be, become a midwife. -iri n midwifery.

midyur n 1 major in the military or police force. 2 major field of study in an academic course. Sáyans ang íyang midyur, She is a science major. v 1 [B126; a12] be, make s.o. a major. 2 [A; c16] take a certain course as one’s major.

migkap v [B146] be slothfully inactive. Ang táwung magmigkap dì madúgay niíning trabahúa, A person who loafs will not last long on this job.

migkat = migkap.

migrupunu = mikrupunu.

mihihì = bahìhì.

mihìmihì v [A; b6] for a child to whimper or cry softly from discomfort or naughtiness. Nagmihìmihì na sab si Bíbi. Katulgun tingáli, Baby is whimpering again. She probably is sleepy. Ayaw kug mihìmihii ug dúna kay pangayúun, Don’t whimper at me if you want s.t.

mihit = nihit.

mihúras n 1 improvements. Ang Mayur walay nahímung mihúras hangtud karun, The Mayor has not made any improvements to this day. Kining mangga usa lang sa daghang mihúras niíning yutáa, This mango tree is only one of the many improvements on this land. 1a favor of a financial nature. Unsang mga mihúras ang ímung nahátag kaníya nga dakù man siyag útang buut nímu? What have you done for him that he owes you a debt of gratitude? 2 virtues, good qualities. Unsa may mga mihúras niánang bayhána nga nakagustu man ka níya? What are the good qualities that made you like that woman? 3 assets. Kanang magtiayúna dakù kaáyug mihúras nga ikabílin sa ílang mga anak, That couple has a large number of possessions to leave their children. v [A12] make improvements. Dílì makamihúras kaaáyu ang mayur sa íyang lungsud kun kuntra partídu siya sa administrasiyun, A town mayor can make few improvements in his municipality if he is not aligned with the administration.

mík n 1 a Mexican copper coin worth one-hundredth of the Mexican peso. Formerly circulated, it is now used only as offerings to spirits or used topically for medicinal purposes. 2 fake coin.

mikà a idle, not doing things. v [B145] 1 sit around lazily. Magmikà lang ang babáying way hibangkaágan sa panimalay, A girl who knows nothing about household work sits around lazily. 2 go about in low spirits. Unsay nahitabù nga nagmikà ka man? What happened that you are in such low spirits?

mikanikal n course of mechanic engineering. — indyinir n mechanical engineer. — indyiníring = mikanikal.

mikaniku n mechanic. v [B156; a2b8] be, become a mechanic.

mikanismu n mechanism, the workings of a machine.

mik-ap1 v [A; b] make up a lacking subject or part of a subject in school. Kinahángang mik-ápan ang absin, You have to make up your absences.

mik-ap2 n make-up, cosmetics. Bagà siyag mik-ap, She had heavy make-up on. v [A; b] put make-up on s.o. or on oneself.

míki n 1 k.o. large yellow noodle made of wheat flour. 2 dish made of such noodles. v 1 [A; a2] make, make into noodles. 2 [A13; b(1)] prepare a dish of noodles.

mikrubyu n microbes.

mikru krúm n mercurochrome.

mikrupunu n microphone. v [A13] use a microphone.

mikruskupyu n microscope. v [A1; b6] look at with a microscope.

mikskla v 1 [A; a] mix solids or liquids. Mikskláha ang pintal ug túbig, Mix the paint and the water together. Mikskláhi ug pulug ang minása nga simintu, Mix dye into the cement mixture. 1a [A1] prepare s.t. that has to be mixed. Nakamikskla ka na ba ug ilimnun? Have you prepared (mixed) the drinks? n mixture, proportion in which s.t. is mixed. Ispísung mikskla, A thick mixture.

mil n thousand. Ang balur sa ákung awtu trayinta mil, My car is worth thirty thousand pesos. v see disiutsu. — únu, dusyintus, etc. One thousand one, two, etc. milmíl a valued in thousands. Dì ku makaabut pagpalit niánang mga milmíl nga kantidad, I cannot afford to buy things that cost in three figures.

míl v [A; c6] post in the mail. Imíl ba kining suwáta? Shall I mail this letter?

milagru n 1 miracle. Milagru ray makaluwas sa masakitun, Only a miracle can save the sick man. 2 — ug it would be a miracle if [so-and-so] were to happen. Milagrug mutúgut [683]si Pápa mu pagpatan-aw nímug sini, It will be a snowy day in May before your father will let you go to the show. v 1 [A; b6] perform miracles. 2 [A1] do s.t. which is completely unexpected. Nagmilagru uruyng tihik nga nanghátag, A miracle! The cheapskate is giving out money. -sa = milagrúsu (female). -su a miraculous. Ang milagrúsung birhin sa Patíma, The miraculous Virgin of Fatima. v [B1246] be, become miraculous.

milàmilà v [B146; a4] for eyes to be watery, full of pus. Gimilàmilà (nagmilàmilà) ang mata sa palahúbug, The drunkard’s eyes are all watery.

milangkuliya, milangkulíya v [A13; a4] feel melancholic, esp. from homesickness. Gimilangkulíya nà siya sa íyang trátung túa sa Amirika, She is homesick for her boy friend in the States.

miláru n thick syrup from brown sugar. v [A; a] make thick brown-sugar syrup.

milbaks n mailbox.

milibiki n brace, a carpentry tool used for boring wood. v [A; a12] use this tool.

miligrámu n milligram.

miliguy = kawatkawat. see káwat.

milimitru n millimeter.

milindris n k.o. ornamental shrub with white, pink, or purplish flowers growing on small terminal panicles: Lagerstroemia indica.

milisya n collective term for Filipino recruits during World War I. -nu n member of the Filipino militia. v [B156; c1] become a member of the Philippine militia.

militar n the military, soldiers. Nanghilabut ang militar sa iliksiyun, The military interfered with the election. pwirsa — military force. salúdu — military salute. upisyal — military officials. v 1 [A1; b6] wear a military uniform. Gimilitaran ang sundálung namatay, The soldier who died was dressed in a military uniform. 2 [B1356; c1] become a military man. 3 [c1] be done in a military manner. Militarun (imilitar) ang kasal sa ákung manghud kay níbi may íyang pamanhunun, My younger sister will be married in a military wedding because the groom is a navy man.

*milk pawdir — n powdered milk.

milma v [B; a] lessen, slow down. Bísan tigúlang na siya wà mumilma ang íyang kusug, Even when he was old, his strength did not decrease. Nagmilma na ang dágan sa trák, The truck slowed down. Hilánat ang nakamilma sa íyang gána sa pagkáun, Fever has lessened his appetite. Milmáhan ta ang paggastugastu, We will go slow on spending. Unsa kahay imilma ku niánang íyang pagkahimabáyi, I wonder what I can do to discourage his amorous activities.

milù n k.o. civet similar to the maral, but lighter in color and not so odorous.

milun, mílun n cantaloupe: Cucumis melo.

milung v [B126] feel disappointed and embarrassed that s.t. expected did not turn out to be or happen. Dà, namilung lagi sila kay walà man diay salída sa sini, labun pa, walà na giyud maniudtu, They were embarrassed and disappointed. There was no movie that day, and they had gone without even eating lunch.

milya n mile. v [B256] be, get to be about one mile. Mumilya giyud ang gilay-un, The distance is about a mile. -hi n mileage.

milyun n million. v see disiutsu. — dálar ismayil n a million dollar smile. — dálar ligs n shapely legs. -arya = milyunaryu (female). -aryu n millionaire. v [B16] be, become a millionaire.

milyun pláwir n k.o. low, ornamental shrub with large, rounded, hairy leaves and clusters of blue or pinkish flowers: Hydrangea macrophylla.

mimbru n member. Mimbru sa simbahan, Church member. v [B156; c16] be, make a member. pa- v [A3] join s.t. to become a member.

mími baby talk for: 1 going to sleep. 2 drinking. v [A23] sleep or drink.

míming n term of endearment for a cat.

mímis1 v [c] rub s.t. violently on s.t. Gimímis sa iring ang ilagang gitangag dihas yútà, The cat rubbed the rat it was holding in its mouth on the ground.

mímis2 n 1 a variety of first-class rice having white, smooth, shiny, slender, and long grains. 2 any first-class white rice.

mímu, mimurandum n memorandum.

mimuráyis v 1 [A; a12] memorize. 2 [a12] skip a meal. Gimimuráyis ku ang paniudtu, I skipped lunch.

mimurya v 1 [A; a12] memorize. 2 [a12] skip a meal. Gimimurya námù ámung pamáhaw sa ámung byáhi, We skipped our breakfast during our trip.

mimyu = mimyugrap.

mimyugrap v [A; a12] mimeograph. Magmimyugrap ku sa prugráma, I am going to mimeograph the program. tig- n mimeographer.

mína1 n 1 mine, mineral deposit. 2 explosive mine. v [A; a2] mine a mineral deposit. minahan n mine. Túa siya magtrabáhu sa minahan, He is working in the mine. minahun n mineral deposit to be mined. [684]

mína2 n situation in pool wherein two or more balls are in contact with each other and the one in the back is directly in line with one of the pocket holes, so that it is almost certain that the ball or balls in front will be knocked into the hole. Sigurádung masúd nang utsu kay mína man, The eight ball will surely go into the hole because they are directly aligned.

minandis = manandis.

Mindanaw n Mindanao.

ming- = mi-.

míng n 1 sound used to call cats. 2 baby talk for a cat.

míngaw a 1 lonely, deserted. Míngaw ang balay, kay nanáug ang tanan, The house is deserted because everyone went out. 2 lonely in feeling. Míngaw ang syudad ug istranyu ka, A city is a lonely place for a stranger. v 1 [B; b6] be lonely, quiet. Nagmingaw ka man gud, ikaw ra bang usa? You seem to be lonely. Are you alone? 2 [a4b3] feel homesick, miss s.o. Wà ka ba mingáwa (mingawa) sa ímung mga bátà? Didn’t you miss your children? Buut akung magpaduul gayud sa namingáwan (gikamingáwan) kung asáwa, I want very much to be near my wife whom I miss so much. — sa gunting v [a12] for hair to be uncut (humorous). Ang buhuk sa mga Bítuls gimíngaw sa gunting, The Beatles’ hair is lonely for the scissors. ka- n loneliness, homesickness. ma- a quiet, silent. Mamíngaw nga kagabhíun, Quiet night. ma-un a lonely. Mamingáwun kaáyu siya sukad mamatay ang íyang bána, She has been lonely since her husband died. ka-an a lonely, deserted place. Nagtubù siya sa kamingáwan sa kabukíran, He grew up in the lonely mountains.

minghuy = pinghuy.

mingkay n endearing term for a cat.

mingming = míng.

minì a 1 unintelligent. Lisud ikasulti ning minì kay láin ug tubag, It is difficult to talk with an unintelligent person because he can’t answer to the point. 2 fake, counterfeit. Kwartang minì, Counterfeit money. Diplúmang minì, Fake diploma.

min-ibin, min-ibint n main event in boxing. v [A13] hold a main event. †

minimu2, minimum n minimum wage. Sayis ang adlaw ang minimu karun, The minimum wage is six pesos a day. v [A; c1] pay a minimum wage.

minindyaytis n meningitis. v [a4] be afflicted with meningitis.

miniral, minirális n minerals. Miniral nga gikinahanglan sa láwas, Minerals which the body requires. Ang yútà sa Sibu tugub sa mga miniral, The lands in Cebu are rich in minerals.

minirba n hand-fed printing press (so called from the trade name, Minerva).

miníru n miner. v [B1456] be a miner.

miniskirt n miniskirt, k.o. skirt that hugs the hips and is 2–5″ above the knee. v [A] wear a miniskirt.

ministil see mistil.

ministiryu n divine or religious ministration. Ang ministiryu sa iglisya álang sa kalibútan, The church’s ministry is to the whole world.

ministru n 1 minister, usually of a Protestant church. 2 minister to a head of state. primir — prime minister. v [B156; a12] be a church minister or minister to a head of state.

míns n menstruation. v [A13; a4] have menstruation. Ayaw kalígug magmíns (minsun) ka, Don’t bathe if you’re menstruating.

minsáhi n 1 message left for s.o. Nagbílin bag minsáhi ang mitilipunu nákù? Did the man who called me leave a message? 2 message. Ang minsáhi sa Santu Pápa, The Pope’s message. -ru n messenger. v [B156; a2] be, become a messenger.

mintal n mental hospital. v [B1256] wind up in a mental hospital. Ayaw pagpalábig hunàhúnà sa ímung prublíma kay mamintal ka unyà, Don’t worry too much about your problem or you’ll wind up in the loony bin.

mintalidad n mentality, mental ability or way of thinking. Mubù kaáyug mintalidad ang mga bátà sa ákung klási, The children in my class are of a low mental ability. Mau nay mintalidad sa mga batan-un karun, That’s the way young people think these days.

mintira a pronouncing words with phonemes metathesized, e.g. balyu for baylu, sùdan for sud-an, etc. v [B; c1] pronounce words with phonemes reversed. Nagmintíra ang íyang ubang púlung kay natakdan sa mga taga Simala, He pronounces some of his words with the sounds reversed because his speech is influenced by the Simala speech.

mintiryu n cemetery. v [B1256] die (lit. go to the cemetery). Sa ímung kabágis mamintiryu giyud kag sayu, You are such a ruffian you won’t live long.

mintras while, during or the time that. Mintras naghulat ka, pagkalingawg basabása dihà, While you are waiting, just amuse yourself reading. Paglípay mintras búhì pa, Enjoy yourself while you’re still alive. — tantu 1 = mintras. 2 for the time being. Lápis lay gamíta mintras tantu nga wà tay bulpin, Just use a pencil for the time being since [685]we have no ball point pen.

mintul n mentholated candy.

mínù n a magic spell cast by supernatural inhabitants of forested areas on persons wandering in their area. The victim is caused to see mirages and loses his way. The mirage may consist of trails diverging from the main path or thick underbush, so that the trail vanishes, or a person whom the traveler follows and then vanishes. The spell may last for days but can be counteracted if the victim removes his clothing and puts it back on inside out. v [a4] be lost because of the mínù spell.

minúdu a sold in small quantities. Binaskit giyud ang sambag, dílì minúdu, You have to buy the tamarinds by the basket; you can’t buy just a few. v [A; c1] sell in small quantity or amount. pa- v [c6] for a young woman to engage in sex occasionally. Ayaw ipaminúdu ang ímung pagkababáyi, Don’t sell your virtue bit by bit (i.e. don’t give in to sexual advances).

minuldi see muldi.

minúnga = binúnga.

min-úpis n main office.

minur1 n 1 in low gear or speed. Gibutang ku sa minur ang mútur, I put the motorcycle at low gear. 2 for engines to be revolving at slow speed, idling speed. v [B6; b7c] for an engine to slow down. Wà siya muminur sa kurbáda, He didn’t slow down at the curve. Ningminur ang dágan sa makina kay way gasulína, The engine slowed down because it ran out of gasoline. minurmínur v [b7] decrease the intensity of, or the amount of work. Minurminúri lang ang ímung káun arun dílì ka mutambuk, Decrease your food intake so that you will not grow fat.

minur2 n 1 minor key. 2 minor chord. 3 songs in a minor key.

minur diidad n minor in age.

minuríya n minority.

mínus a 1 few, less in quantity. Mínus ang abut run kay húlaw, The yield is lower this time because of the long drought. Mínus kaáyu ang pumapálit ánang klasíhas panaptun, Few buy that kind of cloth. 2 low. Mínus ang grádu, Having low marks. 3 inferior in quality. Ayawg palit íni kay mínus kaáyung klasíha, Don’t buy this because it’s an inferior sort. 4 slow in comprehension. Ikaw kay mínus ka, dílì dáyun makasabut, Because you are slow in comprehension you don’t get it right. v [APB6; b7] lower or reduce; be less, get scarce. Dílì giyud mumínus (mamínus) sa kinyintus ang ákung kítà, My income will not be less than five hundred pesos. (→) v [A12; b] look down haughtily on s.t. Nakaminus ka nákù nga biyà may ímung ihátag? Do you look down on me since you give me the rejects? Gikaminusan níla ang ímung trabáhu, They look down on the kind of job you have.

minuskula n lower case letters.

minutíru n minute hand of a clock.

minútu n minute. Lima na lang ka minútu sa dílì pa ang alas singku, It is five minutes before five o’clock. -s minutes (used after the numbers of Spanish origin). Dus minútus, Two minutes. see also unminútu.

minyak, minyat n k.o. small musk shrew.

minyù a married. Pagdagínut na kay minyù ka na, Be thrifty because you’re married now. Daghan sa mga minyù nga nanagbúlag, Many married couples have separated. v [B16C; ab] get married. Gustu na si Rumulítu nga magminyù, Romulito wants to get married now. Ug maminyù na ku, When I am married. Makigminyù na ang ákung trátu, My girl friend wants to get married now. Minyúun (paminyúun) sila arun dì magkawatkawat sa gawas, Let’s let them get married so they won’t be meeting outside in secret. Gipaburusan siya, piru wà minyúi, He made her pregnant but did not marry her. ka-un n marriage. Gihiúsa sila sa kaminyúun, They were united in marriage. Kinabúhì sa kaminyúun, Married life. mag-l- n about to get married.

míra n myrrh.

mirakul a persons short in height (humorous—so called from miracle rice, a newly developed variety of rice which ripens rapidly). — rayis n miracle rice.

miramíra v [A; b] wave the fingers at s.o. in anger. Gimiramiráhan ku níya, mu rag si kinsang dunyáha, She waved her fingers at me as if she were some grand señora.

mirasul n sunflower: Helianthus annuus.

mirída n bad omen, usually portending death of s.o. far away. v [A13; b(1)] for a portent of death to appear. Pagkamatay ni Pidil sa Manílà nagmirída sa íla kay may itum nga alibangbang nga nagtuyuktúyuk, When Fidel died, there was an omen that appeared to them: a black butterfly fluttering about in their house.

miriguráwun n a children’s game in which all the participants hold hands to form a circle; then they let the circle turn singing at the same time.

mirkánu = amirikánu.

miriku n folk doctor that treats illnesses of natural or supernatural cause. v 1 [B156; b(1)] be, become a folk doctor. 2 [A; c1] [686]have a sickness treated by a folk doctor. Imiriku (mirikuha) kanang ímung buyagbuyag, Have a folk doctor take care of that skin ailment. pa- v [A; c] go to a folk doctor for treatment.

mirinda = miryinda.

miringgi1 n meringue. v [A; a] make meringue, put meringue on s.t.

mirísi expression indicating that s.o. got his just desserts. Mirísi nga nahúlug ka kay kiat man, That’s what you get when you won’t sit still. Now you fell.

miritu n merit, praiseworthy quality. Way miritu ang ímung paghátag ug hinábang ug ímung gikabug-at sa buut, There is no merit in giving help with strings attached.

mirkádu n market. Mamalit kug útan ug sibúyas sa mirkádu, I will buy vegetables and onions in the market. v 1 [A1N; a12] go shopping. Mangmirkádu (magmirkádu) tag sayu, Let’s do our shopping early. Isdà lay ákung mirkadúhun kay náa na man ang tanan, All I’ll buy is fish because we’ve got everything else. 2 [B1; a1] make into, become a market. Gimirkadúhan ang iskwátir irya, A market has been put up in the squatter’s area.

mirkána, mirkánu = amirkána, amirkánu.

Mirkulis n Wednesday. see birnis for verb forms. — Santu Wednesday of the Holy Week.

mirkyur krúm, mirkyuru krúm = mikru krúm.

mirma v [B] for the body to reduce. Mumirma ang ímung láwas ug wà kay tulug, You will lose weight if you lack sleep.

mirtiyulit n merthiolate.

mirun n 1 spectator in table games. 2 one who goes to cockfights but doesn’t pay admission and attaches himself to people on the outside that want to bet, helping them place their bets. 3 one who eats without paying, mooching off others or who rides, enters, or engages in any other activity without paying. 4 anyone who asks for handouts shamelessly, though perfectly able to support himself. v [B6; c1] 1 be a spectator. 2 act as the mirun for gamblers. Gimirun nà siya sa mga tahur, The professional gamblers use him to help place their bets. 3 get to act like a moocher. Mamirun kag magtsinílas sa simbahan, You will be no better than a moocher if you wear slippers to church.

miruy a having lost all one’s money in betting. Miruy na ku ug mapildi ning katapúsan kung kwarta, I’ll go home in a barrel if I lose this last piece of money. v [B126; a12] lose all one’s money in betting. Miruyun ka lang ánang mga tawhána, You will just lose all your money to those men.

miryinda n light meal taken between lunch and supper. v [A; c] take one’s afternoon snack. — sína n a light supper given in the afternoon. v [A13] have a merienda cena.

mis1 n 1 Miss, a title of high respect for an unmarried woman, e.g. term used to address a nurse. 2 muse, beauty queen. v [B16; c1] be, become a muse, beauty queen.

mis2 n month, used only after un or usa ka ‘one’. Un (usa ka) mis, One month. v [B256] be a month. Hápit na mumis sukad sa íyang paggíkan, It’s almost a month now since she left. -is(←) = mis2 (plural). Dus (duha ka) mísis, Two months.

mísa1 n mass in the church. — diaginaldu, digalyu nine consecutive dawn masses ending on Christmas Eve. — digrasya thanksgiving mass. — ditris mass officiated by three priests. — griguryána mass said for one hundred successive days for the soul of a departed person. — ispisiyal any special mass. — kantáda mass that is sung. — kumun mass said for a number of dead people at once. — kunsilibráda mass celebrated by more than one priest. — mayur high mass with incense. — puntipikal pontifical mass. — rikim requiem mass. — risáda low mass. — sulimni high mass with a special offering, usually offered for the patron saint of a place. v [A; b] say mass. pa- [A; b] have a mass offered. n 1 mass offered. Maghatud kug pamísa sa simbahan pára sa kalag sa ákung inahan, I will make a mass offering for the soul of my mother. 2 amount given to have a mass said.

mísa2 n billiard table. Maáyung pagkaníbil ang mísa. Tul-id kaáyu ang dágan sa búla, The billiard table is good and level. The ball rolls straight. sarhintu di- n desk sergeant. -da n amount paid for the use of game facilities, usually based per game. Bayinti sintábus ang misáda sa bilyar, Each game you pay twenty centavos. v [A; b6(1)] pay the misáda.

misal, mísal n missal. v [A13] bring, use a missal in church.

misay n pet cat.

misbuy n messboy on a boat. v [B156; a2] be, become a messboy, make s.o. a messboy.

misik v 1 [a3] for s.t. to be misplaced. Namisik ang ákung papil nga gitrabáhu, I misplaced the paper I was working on. 2 walay — v [c6] nothing was missed, s.t. happened to all. Way namisik níla, nakadawat silang tanan ug latigu, Not one of them was spared. [687]They all got whipped. Way imisik níla sa pagkáun nga ibutang sa lamísa, They did not miss a morsel of the food left on the table.

misímis v [A; c1] attack s.t. with utter abandon and intense violence. Kinsa may nagmisímis niíning bag-ung piryudiku? Who crumpled this newspaper till it is utterly ruined? Gimisímis sa iring ang ilagà nga íyang nadakpan, The cat picked up the mouse it caught and moved it about violently.

misimus = musimus.

misirabli a miserable. Misirabling kahimtang sa prísu, The prisoners are in a miserable condition. v [B1; c1] be, become miserable, look miserable. Misirabli ang pamilya sukad abandunaha sa amahan, The family has been miserable since the father abandoned them.

misirinúbis Cebuano pronunciation of miserere nobis in the litany of the Rosary.

mísis1 see mis2.

mísis2 n 1 Mrs., title given to a married woman. 2 one’s wife. Siya ang mísis ni Tínung, This is Tinong’s wife. v [a12] call s.o. Mrs.; be, become Mrs. (→) voc. short form: sis. Ása ka, sis? Where are you going, Ma’am?

misíta = lamisíta.

misítas = masítas. misitasan = masitasan.

misitíra = masitíra. see masítas.

misíyas n Messiah. Si Kristu ang Misíyas, Christ, the Messiah.

misiyun n 1 a series of special exercises getting the people in an area to fulfill their church obligations. Magsúgud na karung adláwa ang misiyun sa simbahan, The church mission will start today. 2 foreign missionary. Misiyun ang nagdala ánang simbahána, A missionary is running that church. 3 mission for which s.o. is being sent. Unsay ímung misiyun pag-adtu sa Amirika? What is your purpose in going to America? v [A; b6] hold a church mission s.w. to get the parishioners to fulfill their religious obligations. -aryu, -íru n missionary. v [B156] be, become a missionary.

miskínu a in small quantities, scarce. Miskínu ang túbig tungud sa húlaw, There’s very little water because of the drought. Miskínu ang taksi dinhing dapíta, Taxis are scarce in this area. Miskínu sila mupakáun sa ílang mga kasíra, They feed their boarders in a niggardly way. v [AB; c1] get to be scarce, small in quantities. Mumiskínu (mamiskínu) ang ímung ginastuhan ug maminyù ka, You won’t spend on such a big scale once you get married.

miskla = mikskla.

mismis n particles of yellowish substance sticking to the face after sleep, hardened mucus from the eyes or mouth. v [A123P; a4] cause, have such substances on the face. Panghilam-us kay gimismis ka, Wash your face because you have mucus on your face.

mismu 1 with nouns or pronouns referring to a person: even [so-and-so]. Sa klin-ap wik ang mismu nga mga tituládu manilhig, During Clean-up Week even white collar workers sweep. Aku mismu many milútù niíni, I cooked this myself. walay — not even this little bit. Way mismung usa ka dakù ang íyang gitábang nákù, He didn’t even give me a single penny in help. 2 with forms referring to a place: right in [such-and-such] a place. Sa Maníla mismu may mga Huk, There are Huks right in Manila. Didtu mismu siya mamatay, He died right in that place. 2a karun, awra — right this very moment. Karun mismu nag-íhap na sila sa mga balúta, Right this very moment they are counting the ballots.

mistík n mistake. v [B126; a12] make a mistake in school or on one’s paper.

mistil need to, have to do (used only negatively or in questions). Mistil pa ba nà nímu buhátun? Must you do that? Dì na siya mistil sultíhan, He does not need to be told. -in- = mistil.

mistir n 1 title for a gentleman. 2 husband. Háin man magtrabáhu ang ímung mistir? Where is your husband working? 3 title for the winner of a contest among men, as Mr. Universe. v 1 [A3; a12] call s.o. Mr. 2 [B156; c6] be, become Mr. [so-and-so]. Kun gustu kang mamistir Pilipins pagbarbil, If you want to become a Mr. Philippines, practice weight lifting. (→) voc. Ása ka Mistǐr? Where are you going, Sir?

mistiri tyún n mystery tune contest on the radio.

mistiryu n mystery, one of the fifteen events in the lives of Jesus and Mary serving as a subject for meditation during the saying of the rosary. Mistiryu sa Himáyà, Kalípay, Kasákit, The Glorious, Joyful, Sorrowful Mysteries. 2 mystery, s.t. that is difficult to understand. -sa = mistiryúsu (female). -su a mysterious. Usa ka mistiryúsung istranyu ang nagluwas nákù, A mysterious stranger rescued me. v [B12] get mysterious. Nagkamistiryúsu na hinúun ang íyang kamatáyun, His death is getting to become more and more of a mystery.

mistísa n 1 woman of mixed blood. Mistísa Insik, Woman with Chinese blood. 2 k.o. light-skinned cooking banana. 3 drink of [688]beer, coke, and cheap hard liquor. — dris n a modern version of the old Filipina dress (sáyang pinarawhan) which may lack the panuylu or long skirt (íkug) or the stiff sleeves (paráwu). mistisahun a having Caucasian features. mistisilya a having some mestiza blood or features.

mistísu n 1 person of mixed blood. 1a person with Caucasian features, considered to be handsome. 2 animal of mixed breed. v [B126; b6] be, become mestizo. — balúlang, bangus, patsang n a word of ridicule for an ugly mestizo. mistisuhun a looking like a person with Caucasian blood. -in-(→) n k.o. working knife (búlu) with a square end, longer than the usual búlu but shorter than the sundang.

mistra = maistra, 1.

mistru = maistru, 1.

miswa1 n fine, brittle, thread-like noodles of white flour. v [A1; b(1)] make a dish of miswa.

miswa2 n humorous term of address for young ladies, used intimately without affixing the name. Huy, Miswa, dalì na, Miss, Miss. Come here. Nía nang mga miswa, Here comes the girls.

misyunibirs n Miss Universe. v 1 [B16] be, become Miss Universe. 2 [A12; b8] get a Miss Universe winner. Nakamisyunibirs (namisyunibirsan) na ang Pilipínas, The Philippines has produced a Miss Universe.

mitad n half the number or size of s.t. Ang mitad sa karni kang Piduy, Half the piece of meat belongs to Pete. v [b6] in a game, give s.o. a handicap of half the number of points. Arun lang magkadúlà ta mitaran ta ka, Just so we can play I will give you a handicap of half the number of points.

mítal n metal. Palábad nga mítal, Metal propeller.

mitalika see tíla.

mitaliku a metallic. Hílu nga mitaliku, Metallic thread.

mitàmità1 v [A; b6] act childishly by crying or threatening when demands are not met, complaining all the time, and the like. Ug dúna kay gustu ayawg mitàmità kay dakù ka na, If you want s.t. don’t just scream. You’re too big for that.

mitàmità2 v [A; b6] pick at food, eat without appetite. Magmitàmità siyag káun ug way sud-an, She only picks at the food if there’s no food to go with the rice. -un a always without appetite in eating, given to picking at food.

mithì n ideals, virtues. Unsay ímung mga mithì sa kinabúhì? What are your ideals in life? v [a12] have s.t. as one’s ideal, cherish. Ibaligyà hasta kalag tungud sa gimithì nga kalampúsan, They sell their souls to attain the success they so desire. paka- = mithì, v.

miti, mitimíti, mitilmítil = mitirmítir.

míting n 1 meeting convened. 2 political meeting or rally. — diabansi political rally the night before an election. v [A2C2; ab] hold a meeting. -anan n place for holding meetings.

mitirmítir v [A; a] put a limit to or limit one’s acts. Ása mumitirmítir ug sulti si Máma ug manuyù, Mama does not mince words when she is angry. Karung panahúna kinahanglan nga magmitirmítir ug sinud-anan, In these times it is necessary to limit our food consumption. a being done in a scarce, limited way.

mitkan n mess kit, commonly used as a lunch box. v [A1; c6] put s.t. in a mess kit.

mitmit v [B46; a4] for the eyes to be full of yellowish discharge. Nagmitmit (gimitmit) íyang mata sa mútà, His eyes are full of eye discharge.

mitnà n minute. Pipila ka mitnà ang nanglábay únà ku makatíngug, Several minutes elapsed before I could say a word.

mitru n 1 taxi meter. 2 meter (not used after the numbers of Spanish origin). Duha ka mitru (mitrus), Two meters. -s meters. Dus mitrus, Two meters. v [A3; c1] measure by the meters. mitrusan, mitruhan n measuring stick or tape.

mitsa1 n small cylindrical tin can of around 4–6 oz. in a size used for kerosene lamps. Mitsa nga punug sinsilyu, A tin can filled with coins. mitsahan n kerosene lamp made out of small empty tin cans.

mitsa2 n wick, fuse of explosive. Mubù ra ang mitsa sa dinamíta. Maung mibutu dáyun, The dynamite has too short a wick. That is why it exploded immediately. v [A; c1] use, make as a dynamite wick.

mitsádu n dish consisting of round of beef into which strips of pork fat have been inserted stewed with spices to tender, served sliced with tomato sauce.

mitsilin n cement used for patching rubber (so called from the brand name). v [A13; a2] patch with rubber cement.

mituáku short for: Mitúu Aku The Apostles’ Creed.

mitudu n 1 method of teaching, learning in music. Mitudu sa sista, Method of learning how to play the guitar. 2 being methodical. Way mitudu ang pagpanglimpiyu, You [689]aren’t being methodical in your cleaning.

mituluhíya n mythology.

miunmíun v [A; b5] 1 be careful in using money or consuming goods. Magmiunmíun ta sa bugas arun mulungtad, We must economize on our rice so it will last. 2 hold back one’s temper or feelings, restrain oneself. Ayawg imiunmíun ang ímung kaguul arun dílì ka masakit, Don’t suppress your grief so that you will not get ill.

*míya íha — my darling girl. Uy, íha míya dì nà mau ang ímung nadá. Iúlì nà, Oh, honey, you took the wrong one. Put it back! see also madri.

miyaw n 1 meow of a cat. 2 cat in baby talk. (←) v [A] cry meow. Kusug mumíyaw ang iring nga mangúlag, A cat in heat cries loud.

míyur n mayor.

Mlbn. n abbreviation for manlalában. see lában.

mm 1 sound made prior to plunging into one’s speech. Mm, kinsa tu? Umm, who was it now? 2 sound emitted in showing approval of s.t. tasted or smelled. see also um.

Mr. n abbreviation for Mistir.

mu1 see ámù.

mu2 see ikaw.

mu3 see kamu.

mu4 = mau.

mū̀ = múlù.

mu- punctual active verbal prefix, future. (Past: mi- or ni- or ming-. Subjunctive: mu-.) Muadtu ku didtu ugmà, I will go there tomorrow. Miadtu (niadtu, ning-adtu, ming-adtu) ku didtu gahápun, I went there yesterday. Walà ku muadtu didtu, I did not go there. Verbs with mu-, mi- have the following meanings (as opposed to verbs with nag-, mag-; see mag-). 1 volitional action. Walà siya musulti, He wouldn’t (refused to) say. Gipapaháwà siya kay walà muhátag sa báhin, He was evicted because he refused to give the landowner his share. 2 action which is non-durative. Muhílak siyag kusiun, He will burst out crying if he is pinched. Mumata mi sa alas singku káda buntag, We wake up every morning at five. Mutindug mi ug musulud siya, We will get up if he comes in. 2a added to nouns to form verbs of this meaning. Mukaláyu ang kakugnan, The grasslands will burst into flames. 3 added to verbs referring to state: come into [such-and-such] a state, become [so-and-so]. Muabri ang pultahan, The door will open (come open). Mutúyuk ang galingan, The mill will turn. 3a added to adj.: become [adj.]. Mugamay ímung láwas ug dì ka mukáun, You will get thin if you don’t eat. Mupula ímung ngábil ug ímung lipistíkan, Your lips will become red if you put lipstick on them. 3b added to roots referring to measurements: become [so-and-so] much. Ug mualas utsu na gánì, lakaw na lang, If it gets to be eight o’clock, just go on ahead. Muduha na ka túig, It is almost two years now. (Lit. It will become two years.) Mutúhud ang túbig, The water is nearly knee-deep (lit. will become knee-deep). 3c added to verbs referring to capability: be capable of [do]ing. Kining sakayána mukarga ug lima ka táwu, This boat will hold five people. Kining dyípa musakay ug dúsi ka buuk, This jeep can carry a dozen people. 4 added to verbs or adjectives referring to manner: [do] in [such-and-such] a way. Mukusug siyag katáwa, He will laugh loudly. Maáyu siyang mulútù, He cooks well. 5 added to nouns referring to a place: go to [such-and-such] a place. Mugráhi ang taksi run, The taxi is headed for the garage. Mulawud siya bísan magbagyu, He will go to sea, even in the typhoon.

múb n move in chess and the like. Ákù pang múb ha, It’s my move, all right? v [A; c] make a move. Dugáya sad nímung mumúb, uy, Heavens, how long does it take you to move?

mubgas = malubgas.

múbil n 1 mobile patrol. Pag-abut sa múbil nanágan ang mga sugarul, When the mobile patrol arrived, the gamblers disappeared. 2 Mobil oil gasoline station. — patrul = múbil, 1.

mubù a 1 short, brief. Mubù nga sirmun, A brief sermon. 2 short in height or quantity. Mubù si Napuliyun, Napoleon was a short man. Mubù ang mga sinínà karun, Dresses are short nowadays. 3 low. Mubù ang lamísa pára sa mga bátà, The tables for the children are low. 3a low in price, grade. Pilía nang tinda nga mubù ra ug prisyu, Choose low-priced goods. Mubù ug grádu ang buluk, The dull child got a low grade. 4 in phrases: having little. — ug buut in a bad mood. Ayaw nag samuksamuka kay mubù run nag buut, Don’t disturb him because he is in a bad mood now. — ug ginháwa short-winded. — ug idukasiyun having little education. Mubù siyag idukasiyun maung way batásan, He’s just ignorant. That’s why he is ill-mannered. — ug lánat lacking endurance. Mubù ra siyag lánat sa lánguy, He cannot swim very far. — ug lupad like a prostitute. Ang mga babáying mubù ug lupad tinámay sa katilingban, Women of easy virtue are held in contempt by the community. [690]— ug paminsar lacking thinking power. Mubù nà siyag paminsar. Maung gigastu ang puhúnan, He didn’t think very hard and that is why he spent his capital. — ug panlantaw lacking foresight. — ug pasinsiya lacking patience. — ug tinan-awan nearsighted. — ug tubul sensitive, easy to take offense. Kamubù nímug tubul uy. Dì man ka kakumidiyáhan, You’re too sensitive. It’s impossible to make a joke with you. — ug tul-an having short limbs. 5 low in pitch. Mubù siyag tíngug, She has a low voice. v 1 [B1; ab7] be brief, concise. Mub-a ang ímung tubag, Make your answer short. 2 [AB; b7c1] become low, make s.t. low. Imubù (mub-a) lang pagtábas ang ákung sayal, Just cut my skirt short. Mub-i ning ákung buhuk dapit sa kílid, Cut my hair short on the sides. ha- a short. -g- a short (plural). Sa mugbù pa ang lubi, In olden times (when the coconuts were still short). -in- n shortenings. Ang yúbi mauy minubù sa University of the Visayas, U.V. is short for the University of the Visayas.

múda n mode, current fashion. Múda karun ang mugbù nga sinínà, Short dresses are the style these days. v [B1; c1] be in fashion.

mudílu n 1 fashion model, one who poses for photographers or artists. 2 style or design. 3 model to emulate. Mudílu sa maáyung pamatásan, A paragon of good behavior. 4 a small copy, model of s.t. Mudílu sa ayruplánu, Model airplane. v [A; c6] work as a model that poses.

mudipikar v [A; c1] modify s.t. to adopt it for a new use. Mudipikahun nátù ning silyang himúung tuwangtúwang, Let’s modify this chair to turn it into a rocking chair.

mudiradur n in the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (a merging of several Protestant sects), the executive head of a conference composed of several local congregations in a certain area. v [B156; a2] be the moderator.

múdirn n modern dance of the late sixties and seventies. v [A23] dance a modern dance.

mudirnu a modern. Mudirnung paági sa panguma, Modern farming methods. v [B12; a12] be, become modern; make s.o. or s.t. modern.

mudista n seamstress, usually one who sews very ordinary clothes. v [B156; a12] be, become a seamstress.

mudmud v 1 [A; c] press or bury one’s face hard against s.t. Mihilak siya ug mimudmud sa íyang nawung sa unlan, She cried and buried her face in the pillow. 2 [A; c6] put s.o. in a tight situation. Gimudmud siya sa labihang kapit-us, He was oppressed by extreme poverty.

mudtu = udtu (except with hiN- and doubling).

múdu a liking as evinced by pleasant behavior. Wà ka ba kamatngun nga si Kurdapya may múdu nímu? Have you not noticed that Cordapia has a liking for you?

mud-uk a having an unsmiling, sour expression. v [A; c1] have a sour look on the face from being in a bad mood. Dílì giyud nang batáang makamaung mumud-uk bísag kasab-an, That child never looks angry even when he is scolded. -un a of an unsmiling, angry sort.

múdus n procedure, system. Karáang múdus sa panguma ang íyang gigámit, He uses old methods of farming. Mau kanà ang ílang múdus pag-ílad sa táwu, That is their procedure for swindling people. †

mug-aw v [B1256] feel lonely and empty when parted from a dear one. Namug-aw sila pagkahibalu nílang gitában nag ílang anak, They had a lonely and empty feeling when they heard that their daughter had eloped. Namug-aw man lang tag hinulat nímu, I felt so lonely waiting for you.

mugmug = limugmug.

mugnà v [A; a2] create, bring into existence. Kinsay nagmugnà sa kasámuk dinhi? Who created a disturbance here? Gimugnà sa Amirika ang mga mangilngig nga paági sa pagpatay, America has created terrifying devices to kill people. Gimugnáan ku níya ug usa ka kanta sa gugma, He composed a love song for me. n creation. Ang kalibútan mugnà sa Diyus, The earth is God’s creation. mag-r- n creator. tig-, tag- n creator, originator of a certain thing. Si Baldu ang tagmugnà sa pagpalusut sa mga kuntrabandu, Baldo is the one who thought up ways of smuggling contraband goods.

mugtuk a frowning, scowling of face. Kinsay ganáhan makig-úban níya nga mugtuk kaáyug náwung? Who cares for her company when she has such a frowning face? v [B; c1] look gloomy, sad, pouting. Nagmugtuk siya kay gipugus pagpatrabáhu, He pouted because he was being forced to work. Nagmugtuk ang íyang nawung kay gipapha siya sa trabáhu, He has a dejected look because he was fired from his job.

mug-ut = mud-uk.

*muhir babáying — derogatory, but meaningless, reference to a woman (from the analogy of phrases of the form babáying [adj.], which mean ‘woman doing s.t. improper’—[691]e.g. babáying kiat ‘flirt’, whereas muhir [from Spanish] has no meaning by itself.) Nía na pud magsamuksamuk nang babáying muhir, Here comes that female again, making a nuisance of herself.

muhun n 1 concrete land marker buried in the ground. 2 penis (humorous). v [A; b] post land markers.

mukasin n moccasin shoes, shoe that has no heel and is made of soft leather. v [A; b] wear moccasins.

mukda v [A12; b2] 1 suddenly realize s.t. so as to get startled. Dihà na ku makamukda nga wà kuy kwarta pagbáyad nákù, I suddenly realized I had no money when I was about to pay. Namukdahan ku pagkadungug sa balità, I was stunned by the news. 2 be caught in the act. Himukdahan ang mga sugarul sa pulis, The police caught the gamblers red-handed.

múku n variety of cooking banana, growing in bunches with fewer hands and shorter individual pieces than the kardába, but firm of flesh and round.

*múkuy = sagmúkuy.

mul n mould or pattern for making a hat the right size. v [A; a1] use, make a head mould.

múla n large breed of horse, reddish-brown in color.

mulásis n molasses.

muldi n 1 mold for forming s.t. Muldi sa halublak, Mold for making hollow blocks. 2 piece of s.t. shaped by a mold. Pila ang muldi sa bibingka? How much are the rice cakes apiece? 3 anything that is made in large quantities in the same size and shape, such as spare parts. v [A1; a] mold for s.t., make s.t. with a mold. muldihan = muldi, n1. -in- n printing, block letters. v [A; c16] print, write in block letters.

mulignù = karabalyas.

mulínu n a small hand-cranked mill. v [A; a12] grind s.t. in a grinder. Maáyung mulinúhun dáyun ang kapi human ug sanlag, You should grind the coffee beans immediately after roasting them.

mulistiya v 1 [A; b5] molest, bother s.o. Ipadakup kanang táwung nagmulistiya kanímu, Have that man who molested you arrested. 2 [A; ac] inconvenience, bother s.o. asking a favor. Ayaw kug mulistiyáhag hulamhúlam ug kwarta, Don’t you bother me by borrowing money. Unsa na say ímung imulistiya nákù? What are you going to bother me with this time?

mulitsing = muritsing.

mulmul1 n general name given to parrot fish: Scarus spp.

mulmul2 n chicken feather coloration, ranging from light tan to reddish brown with a yellowish tinge.

multa n fine. Adúnay multa sa mangíhì dinhi, Whoever urinates here will be fined. v 1 [A; b6(1)] pay a fine. Ngánung mumulta man ku nga wà man ku makalápas sa baláud? Why should I pay a fine when I haven’t broken the law? 2 [A; c] impose a fine. Multáhan ang muabsin sa parti, Anyone who is absent from the party will be fined.

multibaytamins n multi vitamin tablets.

multiplay v [A; c1] multiply, do the operation of multiplication. Ang mga hay-iskul karun dì pa gihápun makamaung mumultiplay, High school students nowadays don’t even know how to do multiplication.

multiplikar = multiplay. multiplikasiyun n multiplication.

multu n ghost of a dead person. Gipakítà siya sa multu, The ghost appeared to him. v [A13; a2] for ghosts to appear. Nagmultu ang kalag ni Krispin sa ikakwarinta díyas human siya mamatay, The ghost of Crispin appeared on the fortieth day after his death. Ang balay nga gimultúhan sa namatay, The house where the soul of the deceased appeared.

mulù v [A; bc] complain about grievances or what one feels. Nagmulù ang mga saup kay gagmay rag ílang mabáhin, The tenants are grumbling because they got a small share. Ayaw imulù nákù ang ímung sakit. Didtu sa duktur, Don’t tell me your complaints. Tell it to a doctor. n complaint about what one feels. mud-ánun a given to much complaining and grumbling.

mulyi1 n pier, wharf. Nagkargadur siya sa mulyi, He is working as a stevedore at the pier. v [a12] make into a wharf, pier.

mulyi2 n spring, tightly coiled wire that rebounds. v [A1; a] attach, use as a spring.

mulyi3 v [A; a12] sharpen a thin-bladed instrument. Kinsay mumulyi niíning bulang? Who will sharpen this gaff? Mulyíhun ta ning mga habulan nga bulang, Let’s sharpen the blades of these dull gaffs. mulyihan n k.o. grindstone used to hone thin-bladed instruments.

mulyínu n mill consisting of a large stone turned by a draft animal.

mumhu n little particles of cooked rice or corn that fall next to the plate when eating. ka- v [A13] be full of morsels of rice. mumhuun a full of morsels of rice or corn.

mumintu n moment. Mga mumintu sa kinabúhì nga dì níya hingkalimtan, Moments in his life which he cannot forget. see also [692]unmumintu.

múmu n muumuu. v [A; c] wear, make into a muumuu.

mumù a having as much of s.t. as one could want. Mumù sa pagpanggà ang bugtung, An only child has love lavished on him. v [B12] get to have as much of s.t. as one would want. Nagkamumù mi sa pagkáun sa nagkadatù mi, We were getting to have all the food we want as we got richer.

mùmù v [A; c] bump the mouth against s.t. Nagdugù ang ngábil sa bátà kay namùmù sa lamísa, The child’s lip is bleeding because he bumped it against the table.

múmug = limugmug.

múmuy n pet name for a monkey. Gipakáun níyag ságing ang múmuy, He fed the monkey a banana.

munamúna a doing s.t. to the best of one’s ability, with maximum effort. Munamúna giyud nákung dágan apan wà giyud kung kaapas, I ran as fast as I could but I couldn’t overtake her. Náay ákung tinígum apan munamúna sab nákung dagínut, I have saved some money, but with great sacrifice.

munarkíya n monarchy.

munastiryu n monastery, nunnery.

múnay n k.o. bread made with more eggs and butter than ordinary bread and covered with a thin layer of beaten eggs which is baked onto it.

mundu1 = baul mundu.

mundu2, munduy n small, thin-skinned, but very full and compact variety of cooking banana.

mungà n mother hen. v [A1; a12] raise a mother hen. Mungaa ang hingitlug, Make the hens that are good layers into mother hens. -an(←) = himungáan. see búnga.

*mungálung hi-/ha- v [B1236; b8] 1 be aware. Sa pagkahimungáwung nákug buut, nawálà na sila, When I came to, they were gone. Wà ku makahimungáwung nga nawálà ákung singsing, I wasn’t aware that my ring was gone. 2 remember a face vaguely. Wà ku makahimungáwung sa íyang dagway, I couldn’t place his face. 3 get a good enough look at a face to recognize it. Wà ku makahimungáwung sa íyang dagway kay ngitngit, I couldn’t recognize his face because it was dark. pahi- v [A; a] bring s.o. to his senses. Ug wà makapahimungáwung nákù ang ákung mga anak, mapatay ku siya, If my children hadn’t brought me to my senses, I would have killed him.

*mungawmúngaw pa- v [A] pretend not to know or be aware. Nagpamungawmúngaw siyang wà kahibáwu nga nakadaug siya sa swipstik, He pretended not to know that he had won a prize in the sweepstakes.

*mungáwung = *mungálung.

munggus n mung bean, stewed like lentils or made into bean sprouts: Phaseolus aureus. v [A13; b6] prepare a dish of mung beans. Nindut munggusan ang bulad bulinaw, Dried anchovies goes well if cooked with mung beans.

mungha n cenobite nun. v [B156] 1 be a cenobite nun. 2 cloister oneself like a nun.

munghi n cenobite monk. v [B156] be, become a monk.

mungit n 1 k.o. edible fish of the rocks of an unusually strong smell. 2 allusion to s.o. who smells bad. Kalígù uy nanimáhù ka mang mungit, Wash yourself, man. You smell like a mungit fish.

mungkádu kuluni n colony of members of a religious brotherhood, so called after their founder Hilario C. Moncado. mungkadista n a follower of Moncado.

munha, munhi = mungha, munghi.

*munisipal hunta, kunsíhu — n municipal board.

munisipyu n 1 municipal building in a town. 2 town not as big as a city. v [B126; a12] be, become a municipality.

munitur n monitor, a student chosen to help a teacher with order, attendance, and other non-teaching chores. v [B126; a12] be, become a monitor, make s.o. the monitor.

muntáda v 1 [A; c] mount, set s.t. up resting on s.t. Nagmuntáda sila sa mga kanyun ibabaw sa kútà, They are mounting the cannons on the upper walls of the fort. 2 [A] be mounted, put up s.w. Nagmuntáda ang bátà sa kúna, The baby is lying flat on the crib.

muntǎr v 1 [A; c] set s.t. up, install s.t. for use. Wà pa ku makamuntǎr sa utáwan, I have not set the ironing board up yet. Gimuntǎr na ang ilibítur, The elevator has been installed. 2 [A2] mount, get on a saddle. Dì ku makamuntǎr sa silyíta sa bisiklíta kay hábug, I can not get on the bicycle seat because it’s too high. 3 for male animals to copulate. Dílì mumuntǎr ang butù kay walà bigái, The male won’t mount because he isn’t sexed up.

munti1 n = muntinglúpà.

munti2 n monte, k.o. card game. v [A2C; b6] play monte.

muntinglúpà n Muntinlupa, national penitentiary of the Philippines. v [B1256] be sent to Muntinlupa. [693]

muntúra n 1 saddle. Lisud ang magkabayù nga way muntúra, It’s difficult to ride a horse without a saddle. 2 seat of a bicycle. v [c] mount s.t. on s.t., usually so as to put it in full view. Kamira nga gimuntúra ibabaw sa lamísa, A camera mounted on top of the table. pa- v [A3] place conspicuously s.w. À, náa man giyus úna magpamuntúra, mu ra mag hárì, Hm, how he dared take a seat right in the front, as if he were a king!

munumintu = munyumintu2.

munyíka n doll. v 1 [A13; c6] play with dolls. 2 [A12] obtain a doll. 3 [a12] make into a doll. — nga nuug n rag doll.

munyumintu1 n monument. v [A13; b(1)] set up a monument.

munyumintu2 n small marker of cement to indicate the corners of land boundaries. v [A; a2] put a cement marker up.

múr (from murtál) I swear, it’s true. Tinúud laging gipalitan kag sinínà, múr, I swear to God, she bought you a dress. — pa I swear, it’s true.

mura = mau ra. see mau.

múra n muslim woman.

murabya n variety of banana.

murádu a reddish purple. n = amurádu. v [a12] color s.t. reddish purple.

mural n 1 morale. Makadáut sa mural sa sundáwu, Can destroy the soldiers’ morale. 2 moral or moral lesson.

muralidad n morality, moral conduct. Mubù na kaáyu ang muralidad sa mga táwu karun, The current generation does not conform to high standards of morality.

muralista n one who is a stickler for moral propriety.

murdir v [a12] murder, corrupt a language, song. Gimurdir ni Nína ang ispíling sa ákung ngálan, Nena murdered the spelling of my name.

murgi n morgue. v [c1] be kept in a morgue. Murgihun (imurgi) na lang ang minatay samtang maghulat kun kinsay mukúhà, The body will be kept in the morgue while they wait for s.o. to claim it.

murína = murínu (female).

murínu a brown or dark-brown in complexion. v [B125] be, become brown in complexion.

muritsing v [B12; b6] be smeared, spotted with dirt, grimy. Mauy nakamuritsing (nakapamuritsing) sa ákung sinínà ang úling nga ákung gidala, The charcoal which I was carrying soiled my dress. ka- [A13] be smeared all over. Nagkamuritsing man lang nang nawung mu sa sikwáti, Your face is all besmeared with chocolate.

murkun n dish made of ground meat mixed with spices and wrapped in the leaf fat or thinly sliced pork or beef, and boiled and then fried. v [A13] make, have murkun.

murpína n morphine.

mursíku, mursíkus = amursíku.

murtal1 a 1 mortal sin. Ayawg pangáwat kay salà kanang murtal, Do not steal because that is a mortal sin. 2 I swear, it’s true. Wà lagi ku mamakak, murtal (murtal sin) pa, I am not lying, I swear. — sin = murtal, 2.

murtal2 n mortar cannons. Murtal ang gamítun pagbungkag sa kaáway, They use mortars to scatter the enemy. v [A; a] fire a mortar cannon on.

murtar sin = murtal1, a2.

muru a pouting, unsmiling face. v [B46; c1] having a sour face in displeasure. Nagmuru ang babáying nasukù, The angry woman is frowning.

murumúru n 1 play in verse, dramatizing noble deeds of royalty, performed on an elaborate and lavish scale on the feast day of a patron saint. 2 s.t. put on merely as a show, not with serious purpose. Usa lang nà ka murumúru ang imbistigasiyun sa kahugáwan sa Arsii, The investigation of the Rice Administration scandals is all a big show. v [A1; c1] hold a Moro-Moro play.

murun n k.o. torch made from a section of bamboo around 3 cm. in diameter with a neck and fuelled with kerosene. v [A13; a12] make, make into a torch of this sort.

múrus n 1 Muslim (derogatory reference). 2 unbaptized infant (humorous). -in-, -in-(←) a doing things like the Moros: 1 speak the language of the Moros. 2 fight, settle arguments like the Moros. 3 setting outrageously high prices. 4 traitorous, stabbing in the back. v [A; c1] do s.t. like the Moros. ka-an n place where many Muslims live.

murúsu = amurúsu.

muryumuryu n a notorious red light and slum district near the waterfront of Cebu City.

mus n k.o. soil with heavy humus content used by florists.

músa n 1 muse, a beauty queen. Si Bilin ang nahímung músa sa klási, Belen became the class muse. 2 in a benefit dance where girls are auctioned off to dancing partners, the girl who gets the highest amount of money. v [B1256; a2] be, become a muse; make s.o. the muse.

musgut v [A; c1] pout and frown from annoyance. Mimusgut siya nga ákung gisúgù, She frowned when I sent her on an errand. -un(→) a always frowning in countenance. [694]

musì n name given to an edible k.o. pufferfish with no spines.

musika n music.

musikal n musical film.

musiku n music band. Mitukar ang musiku ug usa ka martsa, The band played a march. v [b6] provide a band. musikíra = musikíru (female). musikíru n 1 musician. 2 member of a band. v [B156] be a musician or member of a band.

musimus a being of the poorest and lowest class (derogatory term). Musimus giyud nga pagkatáwu dì kahibawu mugámit ug kutsára, He was born in a stable. He doesn’t even know how to use a spoon. v [B126; b6] be, become lowly and looked down upon. Ug mutumpang ka ánang way grádu, mamusimus ka sad, If you step into the gutter to fight with that ignoramus, you’ll bring yourself down to his level.

muskatil n muscatel wine.

muskit n 1 a ship cook’s helper. Ang muskit mauy katábang sa kusiníru, The ship cook’s helper gives the cook assistance. 2 cook who is hired or just offers his services for a special occasion. Mau nay ámung muskit káda pyista, He is our cook every fiesta. 3 the one who is it (the server) in a game of takyan or marbles. v 1 [B136; a2] be, become a cook for a special occasion. 2 [A; a12] make a person remain it for a long time. Muskítun kug maáyu si Pidru. Lagyuun nákug pátid ang takyan, I’ll make Pedro be it for a long time. I’ll kick the shuttlecock far away.

muskitíru n mosquito net. v [A; a] put up, use a mosquito net; make into a mosquito net. Magmuskitíru ta kay daghang namuk, We have to put up a mosquito net because there are lots of mosquitoes. — ug tabla v [A13] be dead (lit. wearing a wooden mosquito net). Ug dì ka muhúnung ug ínum magmuskitíru kag tabla, If you don’t stop drinking, you will wind up in a coffin (wearing a wooden mosquito net).

muskubádu n raw, unrefined sugar.

muskuládu, muskuláwu a muscular, brawny. Dì siya musúkul nímu kay muskuládu ka, He won’t fight with you because you are brawny. v [B1256] be, become muscular.

musmus v 1 [A; c6] push s.o.’s face hard against s.t. Imusmus ku nang nawung mu sa bungbung, I’m going to push your face against the wall. 2 [B1256] fall down hard hitting one’s face on s.t. Nadalispang siya ug namusmus sa lápuk, He slipped and fell down face first in the mud.

mus na short for bámus na. see bámus.

mustása n mustard, commonly raised as a vegetable: Brassica integrifolia.

mustra n explanation by example, showing how s.t. is or works. Mustra kun unsáun pagbúhat ang plánu sa balay, A demonstration on how to make the plans of a house. Mustra lang kini. Dílì ibaligyà, This is just a sample for display. It is not for sale. v [A; c] demonstrate how to do s.t. -dur(→) n mannequin or showcase used to display.

músu v 1 [A; b] hire oneself out to do a piece of work. Bugas ang gisúhul sa nagmúsu ug gúna, The man who did the weeding was given rice in compensation. 2 [c2] hire a work animal. Íyang karabaw mauy átung imúsu (musúhan) sa dáru, We will hire his carabao. n s.o. or s.t. hired out. pa- v 1 [A; a] hire s.o. 2 [A; c] hire one’s work animal out to s.o. else.

musulíyu n mausoleum.

musyun n motion in a meeting of a voting body. v [A; c6] make a motion.

mútà n dried pus or mucous secretion in the eyes. v [B126] become this secretion in the eyes. Ang abug sa mata mamútà, If dust gets into the eyes it will turn into pus. (→) v [B146; a4] be filled with this secretion. Nagmutà (gimutà) ang mata sa gipiskat, The man with the sore eyes has dried pus in his eyes. hi- v [A; b] remove the mútà from the eyes. paNhi- v [A2; b] remove pus from one’s eyes. hi-an(→) n the corner of the eye where the mútà is deposited. -un(→) a full of mútà.

mutíbu n motive. Pangabubhu ang mutíbu sa pagpatay, Jealousy was the motive for the murder.

mutil n motel or cabins, usually used for illicit romance.

mutimuti = kamukámu.

mutsatsa = mutsatsu (female), n, v1.

mutsatsu n 1 male servant, houseboy. 2 in children’s games, the loser who serves out a penalty. v 1 [B126; a2] be, become a servant. 2 [A12] hire or have s.o. as a servant. Nakamutsatsu mig kawatan, We got a thief as a servant. pa- v [A1] hire oneself out as a servant. Didtu siya sa Manílà magpamutsatsu, He worked as a servant in Manila. paka- v [A13; a12] consider, treat like a houseboy.

mutsu a being temporarily rich (colloquial). Daghan kug amígu basta mutsu ka, You will have lots of friends as long as you’re in the clover. — diníru having lots of money. v [B1256] have lots of money. Mamutsu lang tag tingswildu, We are rich only on payday.

mutu, mutù n mound, hill. Túa sa luyung [695]mutu ang ámung balángay, Our town lies beyond that hill.

mut-uk (from but-uk) v [b2] be dumbfounded, be struck speechless because of the sudden impact of words or events. Hingmut-ukan (namut-ukan) ku sa ímung nutisya kay mu rag dì katuúhan ang nahitabù, I was struck dumb by your news because it sounded unbelievable.

mutùmútù1 = tumùtúmù.

mutùmútù2 v [A12; a12] estimate, calculate approximately. Mutùmutúa lang unsa kadaghana ang gikinahanglan, Just estimate how many we need.

mutun n block, a metal or wooden case containing a pulley or pulleys. v [A13; a2] attach a block to s.t.; haul out s.t. by means of a block.

mutung a for an animal in a group or flock to be fierce and domineering over the others. v [B1] gain supremacy over others. Ang sunuy nagmutung sa pultri, The cock is the boss of the chicken yard. †

mutur n 1 engine, motor. Nadáut ang mutur sa tiprikurdir, The motor of the tape recorder got broken. 2 motorcycle. 3 corn or rice mill. Túa siya sa mutur nagpagaling ug mais, He is at the corn mill to have the corn milled. -bayik, -saykul n motorbike, motorcycle. v 1 [c] put s.t. as an engine; use s.t. as an engine. 2 [A; a12] go by motorcycle. di- motorized, having a motor. -ista n motorist, driver.

mutursaykul, mutursiklu n motorcycle.

mutyà n 1 precious gem with magical properties. May mutyà nà siya búsà dílì dutlan, He has a charm and so he is invulnerable. 1a — sa ságing tinduk n in folk belief, a precious stone which falls from the blossom of a tinduk banana when it opens at midnight on a moonless night. Supernatural beings in the form of powerful monsters watch for this stone to fall. If a man obtains this stone, he is endowed with magical powers but he must wrest it from the supernatural beings who are also after it. 2 anything precious or valued highly. Ang bugtung níyang mutyà dinhi sa kalibútan mau ang íyang anak, Her only treasure here on earth is her child. 2a daw may -ng gisapnay, nagsapnay ug — being extraordinarily careful in handling s.t. (as if one were carrying a precious gem). Ampíngi ang ímung dungug sáma sa mutyang sinapnay, Guard your honor like a jewel. 2b treasured, most valued. — sa mga mata apple of one’s eye. v [A12; b(1)] possess a precious gem having a charm. paka- v [A13; a12] consider, treat as a precious gem.

muu = mau.

múuk v 1 [A1] be asleep soundly. Magmúuk ug katúlug ang bátà human digúa, A baby sleeps soundly after you bathe it. 2 [A1; b(1)] stay in bed due to inactivity. Magmúuk lang siya kanúnay sa banig bísag udtu na, She is always staying in bed, even if the sun is up. 3 [A13] be so that air cannot get at it. Ug magmúuk ang ímung samad, dílì mamaáyug dalì, If your wound is wrapped up so air cannot get at it, it will take a long time to get better. muukmúuk ug katáwa v [A; b3] roll with laughter, suppressing the sound. Nagmuukmúuk mi pagkatáwa sa ámung maistrung wà makapamutúnis, We practically exploded with laughter at our teacher because he hadn’t buttoned his pants. -an(→), pala- a sleepyhead.

muung n k.o. cardinal fish: name given to numerous small, red, lightly-scaled fish of the family Apogonidae.

muut, múut (from buut) a funny, extremely laughable. Muut kaáyu si Dulpi mudala ug kumidiya, Dolphy is very funny in a comedian’s role. v 1 [B12; a2] be funny, hilarious. Muúta nang ímung mga líhuk arun mangatáwa sila, Make your actions funny so that they will laugh. 2 [B1256] be, become amused at s.t. funny. Namuut ku sa íyang kumidiya, I was amused at her jokes. para-(←) a funny, laughable. Ang mga salída ni Dyíri Líwis pulus paramúut, Jerry Lewis’s films are all funny.

muwaybuway = buraybúray.

muy 1 exclamation initial to a sentence: My! How very. Muy hináya pud nímu nga musulat! How slow you write! 2 exclamation expressing deep disgruntlement or dissatisfaction. Muy! Ug magsígi ning gastúha, makapútu, My! If these expenses go on, it will make us go bankrupt.

mùy = muy, 2.

*muyù hig-/hag- = hisag-/hasag-. see sagmuyù.

mwiblis n furniture. v [A12] get furniture.

mwilyi = mulyi1, 2, 3.

mwistra = mustra. -dur = mustradur.

myápi = pyápi.

myáus = mayáus.

myimbru = mimbru.

myintras = mintras.

Myirkulis = mirkulis.

myúsik n 1 piece of music being played. Dúnay myúsik sa intirmisyun sa sini, There’s music during the intermission in the movies. 2 music as a course. 3 go, word uttered [696]by a conductor of a passenger vehicle to signal the driver to drive off. Dihang misinggit ang kunduktur ug myúsik, mipabulhut dáyun ang draybir, When the conductor shouted ‘music, maestro’, the driver immediately took off.




na1 particle following the first word of the predicate. 1 now [so-and-so] is the case by now, will be the case by a certain point of time. Ang ákung kinamagulángan sayis anyus na, My eldest son is six years old now. 1a with commands and exhortations: [do] now! Mag-agwáda na ta ug túbig, Let us fetch water now. Lakaw na, Go on now! ayaw — stop [do]ing! enough! Ayaw na! Dílì na ku muusab! Stop! I won’t do it again. 1b adtu, ari — ku, mi good-bye. Adtu na ku, Ma, Good-bye now, Mom. 1c ása, diin, háin — where is [subject] now? Háin na kahà si Bíbut? Where can Bebot be now? 1d unsa — 1d1 how are you now? Unsa na, Ping? Ganíha ka ra? How are you, Ping? Have you been here long? 1d2 how did it go? Unsa na ag ímung iksámin? How was your exam? 1d3 what is it this time? Unsa na, kapi gihápun? What is it this time? Coffee again? unsa -ng urása what time is it now? 1e túa — answer given when called: coming! (Lit. He is gone.) ‘Pidung, dálì.’—‘Túa na!’ ‘Pete, come here.’—‘Coming!’ 2 other phrases with na: see the first word of the phrase. 3 — lang, lámang see lamang. 4 — man particle correcting oneself when one has misspoken. Pidru! A Pidru na man, Husi! Pedro! I don’t mean Pedro. José! Bútù na man. Bútu diay, I don’t mean vagina, I mean votes. tagad ka — man don’t worry about it. Adá, tagad ka na man ánang mga tabì, Nonsense. Don’t worry about that gossip. 5 — pud, sad, sab 5a again. Nía na pud ang sabaan, Here comes that loud-mouth again! 5b in turn. Si Tunyu na pud ang miluslus sa bisiklíta, This time Tonio was the one who broke the bicycle.

na2 particle preceding a sentence. 1 all right, I give assent. Na, ímu na tung ákung kabáyù, All right, you can have that horse of mine. 1a particle terminating a conversation: well, all right. Na, adtu na lang ku, Well, I’ll be going now. 1b before exhortations or commands to begin as action: well, O.K. Let’s get on with it and [do]. Na, adtu na lang mi, All right, we’ll be going now. 2 particle preceding a statement that concludes a conversation: well, all right, I give up. Na, ikaw ray mahibalu ánà, Well, it’s all up to you. 2a in narrations: now anyway, that’s the way it was. Na, mau tu nga ang amahan ug anak kaúban sa klási, Well, the situation was that the father and the son were in class together. 2b word expressing exasperation or helplessness in coping with a situation. Na, dì na man giyud muhílum ning batáa uy, My, the baby is not going to stop crying. 3 — — expression comforting s.o. who has hard feelings. Na, na, hílum na, Now, now! Stop crying!

na3 word following an apodosis (‘then’ clause) which precedes the protasis, giving the tone of a veiled threat. Dì ta man núun ka paubanun sa sini na, ug magpadugaydúgay kag ílis, Well, if you take so long to get dressed, I’m not going to take you along to the movies.

see kanà1.

na- see ma-1.

náa = anáa.

naáka n expression of mild displeasure at s.o. with a note of affection. Ag naáka! Muamin ra nákù kay mangáyù ug singku! You little devil! You are only kissing my hand because you are asking for a nickel.

na-an see -an1.

nába = unsa ba (dialectal).

nabal see bási.

nában n husband (slang).

nabdus = mabdus.

nabigar v 1 [A; c] navigate, sail. 2 [a12] cover distance in sailing. Nabigarun (nabigahun) ang Pasipiku sa usa ka búlan, The Pacific can be navigated in one month. 3 [A] roam around. Unsa bay singaríhan ninyug nabigar magabíi? What do you roam around at night for?

nabu = anabu. [697]

náda n nothing, naught. Walà siya hatági ug swildu sa íyang trabáhu. Náda lang ang tanan níyang kahágù, She wasn’t paid for her work. All her efforts amounted to nothing. walay — 1 no good, inferior. Way náda ning klasíha kay baratuhun, This kind is no good because it is cheap. 2 nothing, of no importance. Dì ka mutagad nákù kay wà man kuy náda nímu, You don’t notice me because I am nothing to you. 3 good for nothing. Wà kay náda pagkabanáha ka kay palahúbug ka, You’re a good-for-nothing husband because you’re a drunkard. v [c1] make s.t. insignificant, go for naught. Ginadáhan ka lang ning ákung trabáhu nga dakung panahun ang naúsik ku niíni? You just dismiss this work as nothing when I’ve spent so much time on it? Unsa? Dì ku nímu suhúlan? Nadáhun (ináda) lang nímu ang ákung kabudlay? You won’t pay me? You mean you’re going to make all my efforts go for naught?

nadtu = ngadtu (dialectal).

nag- durative active verbal affix, past. see mag-.

naga- alternative form for nag- in meanings 2, 2a, 3, 3a, 4. see mag-.

nága n narra, a large forest tree yielding a hard, red wood, highly prized for furniture-making: Pterocarpus indicus. v [a12] make s.t. of narra.

nagiknik n light and continuous rain. Magbuntag ning ulána kay nagiknik, This rain will last the whole night because it is light and continuous. v [B456; b4] for rain to fall slowly but continuously.

nagmù = námù, kanámù (dialectal).

nagnag v [A; b6] in preparing a field for planting, separate lumps of earth from roots and break them up. Ang mga bátà munagnag sa daruhan, The children will break up the lumps of earth in the field.

nagumnum a having a nutty flavor. v [B; a2] get a nutty flavor. Butangi ug mani arun managumnum ang bingka, Put peanuts into the rice cake so that it will get a nutty flavor.

nagutnut a miserly. Nagutnut (nagutnútan) kaáyung tawhána. Mugastu lang ug diyis pára káun káda adlaw, That man is such a miser. He spends only ten centavos a day for his meals. v [B12] become miserly. -an = nagutnut.

nagwas n ankle-length petticoat. Nindut ug tíras ang íyang nagwas, Her petticoat has a beautiful lace-edging. v [A1; a] wear, obtain a nagwas.

náhù = nákù (dialectal). see aku.

nahut n leavings from the abaca stem after the fibers have been stripped off. walay — penniless, extremely poor. Ayaw pangáyù nákù kay wà kuy nahut, Don’t ask me for anything because I’m penniless. v [b6] be considered poor. Giwaynahutan ka uruy nákù nga anak ug mag-uúma, You consider me a nothing just because I’m the son of a farmer. paka- v [A13; a12] pretend to be, treat as penniless.

náit (from dáit) v [c3] be contiguous to each other. Ang ámung mga parsíla nagnáit, Our lots are contiguous. ka- n the adjacent one. Sa kanáit nga lawak bátì kaáyu siya, He can be heard clearly in the adjacent room.

nak-áwut v 1 [AP; a] knock out in boxing. Ginak-áwut ku níya sa usa lang ka sumbag, He knocked me out with just one blow. 2 [B126] get knocked out from drinks, fatigue, drugs. Nanak-áwut giyud ku human sa ákung trabáhu, I was knocked out after my work. n knockout.

nakdáwun v [AN; a12b3(1)] knock down in fighting. Si Prísir pa giyuy baksir nga nakanakdáwun (nakapanakdáwun) ni Tsubálu, Frazier is the only boxer up to now who has been able to knock Chuvalo down. n knockdown in boxing.

nakig- past volitional active of bases with pakig-. see pakig- and makig-.

nakinnákin v 1 [A; c1] let the feet swing back and forth. Ayawg nakinnakína (inakinnákin) ang ímung tiil kay matay-ug ang lamísa, Don’t swing your feet back and forth because the table will shake. 2 [A; b5] do s.t. with ease (from the notion that letting the feet dangle is a manifestation of ease). Kasayun sa iksámin à, ákù man lang ginakinnakínan (ginakinnákin), How easy the test was! I just breezed through it.

naknak v 1 [AC; c1] knock s.t. lightly against s.t. else. Kinsay nakanaknak niíning básu nga nabalanáan man? Who knocked this glass against s.t. to make it crack? 2 [B] for fish to be plentiful and spread over a wide area (so called because the fish are attracted by a banging sound—Cf. dagukduk). Nagnaknak ang mga tugnus karun maung daghang nanlampara, There’s millions of anchovy fry around, so everybody is out catching them. a for a school of fish to be so plentiful they are easy to catch.

nákù see aku.

*nalam, *nálam hi- = higálam. see *gálam.

namarku n 1 Namarco, acronym on the abbreviation of National Marketing Corporation, a now-defunct organization set up to stabilize food prices. 2 commodity sold by [698]the Namarco under its brand name.

nambir v [A; b] put a number on. Kun nakanambir na mu, sugdan na nátù ang tis, When you have numbered your papers, we will begin the test. n number put on s.t. baydi — a slow in doing things, as if counting the steps. Baydi nambir bayà níyang maglakaw, You sure take long when you walk. v [A1; c1] do things very slowly. Ug baydi nambírun (ibaydi nambir) ang líhuk dì mahuman ang trabáhu, We can’t finish the work if we don’t move. — wan a 1 one’s favorite friend or sweetheart. Nadúgay ang íyang trátu. Niági pa tingáli sa nambir wan, Her boy friend is late. He probably passed by to see his number one girl friend. 2 the one who is the best. Ikay nambir wan sa klási, You’re the best in the class.

námù see kami.

namuk n mosquito. v [a4] 1 be bothered by mosquitoes. 2 be kept waiting too long. Pagkadúgay nímu mag-ílis, namukun man lang tag paábut, You sure take long to change. I have been kept waiting till mosquitoes have eaten me up.

nan1 1 = dan. 2 in narrations, particle preceding a statement that is off the subject but important for the course of the story. Nan, kadtu si Antunyu, palainan ta lang, ákù tung ámu, Now, this Antonio, to change the subject, was my employer.

nan2 = ug, 1 (dialectal).

nana meaningless syllables used in humming out a tune.

nána n title for a related female: 1 for grandparents or women of an older generation. 2 for one’s elder sister. v [A; a12] call s.o. nána.

nánà n pus. v [b4] be filled with pus. (→) v [A] give off pus. Munanà nang ímung hubag, Your wound will exude pus. hi- v [A; b] take out pus. panghi- v [A2] remove the pus from one’s wound. Ambi tung dágum kay manghinánà ku, Hand me that needle because I’ll remove the pus from my wound.

nának n sleep personified (literary). Si Nának nga maluluy-un mauy nakaluwas sa bátà, Merciful sleep saved the child. sabakan ni — n sleep personified (literary). Ang kagabhíun nahinánuk sa sabakan ni Nának, The night slept soundly in Nának’s womb.

nanam a for prepared foods to contain s.t. to make them unusually tasty. Nanam ang bibingka kay gibutangag itlug, The rice cake is delicious because it has an egg in it. v [B2] be, cause to be tasty. Ang mantíkà sa bábuy makananam (makapananam) sa pán, Lard will make bread tasty.

nánang n term of address or reference for one’s mother or grandmother.

nánaw v [A; a2b2] 1 gaze over a wide area. Ginánaw sa mamumulung ang mga nawung sa nanambúngay, The speaker looked at the faces of the audience. 2 scan an area to look for s.t. Minánaw siya sa dágat pamásin nga dúnay mga isdà, He scanned the sea in hopes of finding fish.

nánay n mother. Háin man si Nánay mu? Where is your mother? v 1 [A; a12] call s.o. mother. Nanáyun lang ka nákù kay sáma ka sa inahan nákù, I’ll call you Mother because you are like a mother to me. 2 [B1256] become a mother. (→) voc. short form: nay.

nang see manang.

nangkà n jackfruit, a medium-sized tree cultivated for its large spiny fruit, which may reach 70 lbs. and is eaten unripe cooked and raw when ripe. The seeds are eaten as a vegetable, roasted or boiled: Artocarpus heterophyllus. nahulugan ug — for a face to have smallpox scars (lit. a jackfruit fell on it). v [A13; b6] cook s.t. with unripe jackfruit. Nangkaan nátù ning bulad, Let’s cook the dried fish with jackfruit.

nangnang v [B] be badly infected and festering (more severe infection than ngasngas). Ug magbulad ka, munangnang (manangnang) giyud nang hubag mu, If you keep staying in the sun your inflammation will worsen and fester.

nanhi = nganhi (dialectal).

naniw = laniw.

nánu1 = ngánu, unsa (dialectal).

nánu2 n = nána (male).

nánuy a soft and sweet, melodious. Nánuy nga sunáta sa tipanu, The soft and sweet melody of the flute.

napkin n sanitary napkin, table napkin. v [A1; a] use a sanitary or table napkin.

napta n horoscope.

naptalína n naphthalene. v [b6] put naphthalene.

napù n fertile, flat land.

napúlù = púlù.

nára = nága.

naranghíta n a variety of small orange.

narkutiku n narcotic.

nars n nurse. v [B156] become, work as a nurse. Adtu ku magnars sa kabukíran diin way mga duktǔr, I’ll work as a nurse in a rural place where there are no doctors. -is n nurses (plural). -ing n nursing course.

nasiyunalismu n nationalism.

nasiyunalista n name of a political party, or a member thereof. v [B156] become a [699]Nacionalista.

nasnas v 1 [B] for a wound, tear to enlarge, spreading little by little, and growing worse and worse. Munasnas (manasnas) ang ímung samad kun mukáun kag parat, Your wound will grow worse if you eat salty foods. Nagkanasnas na ang gisì sa karsúnis, The tear of the trousers is getting larger and larger. 2 [B12; b6] wear off and become thin, weak, and about to be torn. Nanasnas ang samput sa karsúnis sa síging liningkud, The seat of his trousers got worn out from constant sitting.

naspu (from Tagalog púnas) v [A; b6(1)] wipe oneself with a wet towel or face cloth (slang). Dì na lang ku mugúli kay nakanaspu na ku, I will not take a bath because I have already wiped myself with a wet towel.

násud n nation. v [B1256] become a nation. Pag-abut sa mga Katsílà wà pa ta manásud, When the Spaniards came we were not a nation yet. maki-nun a nationalistic. Kasagárang makinasudnun mga antiamirikan, Most of the nationalists are anti-American. -nun a national. Si Risal mau ang átung nasudnung bayáni, Rizal is our national hero. kanasúran n group of nations. Tinípung Kanasúran, United Nations.

nasyunalisar v [A; a12] nationalize, put under government control.

nátad (for lanátad) n 1 yard of a house or building. Gitamnan ug mga búlak ang nátad (nataran) sa ílang balay, There are flowers planted in the yard of their house. 2 sphere of work or activity. Sa nátad sa pulitika giila siyang ikspirtu, He is considered an expert in the field of politics. nataran = nátad.

nati n young of a pasture animal, calf or kid.

natibidad n nativity of Jesus Christ.

nat kawuntid see kawuntid.

nátù see kita.

natuk n powdery starch of any sort that has been obtained by soaking the source in water and letting it settle. v 1 [A; c1] make starch this way. 2 [A; b6] mix natuk into s.t.

nátun = nátù (dialectal). see kita.

natural a 1 normal, natural. Dúnay trátu ang ímung anak. Natural kanà, Your daughter has a sweetheart. That’s normal. 2 short form: tural of course. Natural muhátag ku kay mahal ka nákù, Of course, I’ll give you some because you’re dear to me. n person’s real character. Nagpaayuáyu siya apan bantayi kun mugulà ang íyang natural, He is pretending to be nice, but watch out when his real character comes out. v [A23] for one’s real nature to come out. †

naturalísa n 1 the natural thing to do. Naturalísa sa táwung mamakak basta dílì sakpan, It’s only natural for people to lie if no one ever catches them. 1a inborn characteristics or behavior especial to one. Ang íyang naturalísang mangil-ad mulutaw giyud, His disagreeable character will sooner or later show itself. 2 whitish fluid secreted by women. Ang babáying naughan sa naturalísa nagkaluspad, The woman who failed to secrete white blood corpuscles was getting pallid. 2a menstruation. Dalága ka na inig-abut sa ímung naturalísa, You’ll be a full-grown girl when you have had your first menstruation.

naturalya n menstruation.

*náug ka- v 1 [A3SB; ac] climb, bring down; go, bring out of a house; get off, unload from a vehicle. Nanáug (nikanáug) ang mananggíti gíkan sa lubi, The toddy gatherer climbed down from the coconut. Ang kuliktǔr ray mukanáug ánà, The bus conductor will unload it. Kanaúga ra ang silya sa sílung, Go get the chairs downstairs. Ayaw ikanáug ang bátà kay nag-ulan, Don’t bring the child downstairs because it is raining. 2 [A23] resign, abdicate. Nanáug ang hárì sa trúnu arun pagpangasáwa, The king abdicated the throne in order to marry. pa- v [A; c6] 1 hand down a decision. Ang hukum nga ipakanáug sa maghuhúkum dílì na mausab, The decision the judge hands down is irrevocable. 2 pass, promulgate a law. kalanaugun a situated below a certain level. Ang balay kalanaugun pa gíkan sa karsáda, The house needs to be reached by descending a way from the road.

naugnaug = nuugnuug2.

nawása n 1 acronym for the National Waterworks and Sewerage Authority. 2 plain drinking water (humorous slang). Wà man tay ikapalit ug supdringk, mag-agwanta lang tag nawása, We don’t have any money for soft drinks, so we’ll just have to put up with plain water. — dyus n (lit. Nawasa juice) drinking water from the tap (humorous slang).

náwi n strip of rattan. v [A; a] cut rattan into strips. Dagkung buuk sa uway ang ámung nawíhun, We cut big stems of rattan into strips. nawihan n a device for cutting rattan into strips.

nawnaw v [A; c] put s.t. in a liquid and swish it around. Munawnaw ka áring patis? Will you dunk it in this sauce? Inawnaw ang sinabnan sa túbig, Swish the soapy clothes around in the water. hi- v 1 [A; a] rinse. Hinawnáwi ang mga plátu arun matíluk [700]ang sabun, Rinse the plates to remove the soap. 2 [AN; c6] have an expensive meal as a change from the usual. Muhinawnaw (manghinawnaw) kug inasal ug maswilduhan ku, I will have roast pig when I get my salary. panghi- v [A2] rinse oneself off. Parat ang ímung pánit kay wà ka manghinawnaw, Your skin is salty because you didn’t rinse yourself.

nawug n 1 fine sediment that settles at the bottom of a container. 2 youngest child in the family (humorous).

nawung n 1 face. 2 giving the impression of being. Nawung ka man ug búang, You seem to be crazy! 2a k.o. s.t. Nagkalainláing nawung ang galáhan sa karnabal, There were various kinds of amusements at the carnival. 3 the right side of s.t. Nawung sa panaptun, The obverse side of the cloth. 3a — sa dágat, lángit the surface of the sea, the face of the sky. Nagbusing-ut ang nawung sa lángit, The skies are somber. 4 nerve, shamelessness. Dúna ka pa uruy nawung, nu, mangáyu human sa ímung nabúhat, You sure have a lot of nerve, don’t you, to ask for s.t. from me after what you did. 4a [gen.] the nerve of [gen.]. Nawung nímu à! Some nerve you’ve got! 5 other phrases: duhay — unfaithful in love (two faces). — ug kwarta, sápì greedy. Húgaw ang gubyirnu kay ang mga upisyális nawung ug kwarta, The government is corrupt because the officials are greedy. hílas nang — nímu derisive interjection showing disbelief. Nanugílun man kang gisugut kang Tirya. Hílas nang nawung mu! You told everyone that Terya accepted you. You don’t look like it! see also bagà, bug-at. v 1 [a12] hit in the face. Ákung nawngun arun mablak-ay, I’ll hit him in the face so he’ll get a black eye. 2 [A; b5] tell bluntly. Ginawung (ginawngan) ku siyag sulti nga wà siyay batásan, I told him bluntly that he had no manners. 2a [C] come face to face with s.o. to settle s.t. Magkasábut tingáli mu ug magnáwung mu, Maybe you’ll see eye to eye if you confront each other. 3 [a12] sew or iron with the obverse side up. -anay v [C] = nawung, v2a. -an a good-looking. nawungnáwung v [A1; a12] obtain, be consisting of various kinds. Makanawungnáwung ka sa útan ug náay daghang utanun, You can have all different kinds of vegetables to eat if we have lots of vegetables. ka- v [B1456] be of various kinds. Magkanawungnáwung ang tambal nga gidápat sa masakitun, All sorts of medicines were given to the patient.

này short for kanày.

nayanáya v [A; c1] take sorrows easily. Ikaw na lay maantígu munayanáya sa ímung kaguul, Try to dispel your gloom.

nayintináyin a moronic, simple-minded (from the notion that a simple-minded person is somewhat lacking [kulangkulang] and 99 is slightly lacking to make 100).

nayitklab n night club. v [A13; a12] make, make into a night club. -ing v [A1; c6] go night clubbing. n action of going to night clubs.

nayitlítir n night letter telegram. v [c6] send a night letter.

nayits ab kulumbus n Knights of Columbus.

nayitskul n night school. v [A13] attend night school. Magnayitskul lang ku kay trabáhu man ku maadlaw, I’ll just attend night school because I work days.

naylun n nylon.

náyun (from dayun) a adjacent, in line with. Ang ákung balay náa náyun ra sa mirkádu, My house is just adjacent to the market. v [A13; c1] straight-lined. Walà giyuy purma ang íyang láwas. Nagnáyun lang, Her figure is without curves. It’s just formed straight way down. Nayúnun (ináyun) ku lang pagtábas ning ímung bistída, I’ll cut your dress straight down.

NBI see inbíay.

NDB see indíbi.

ng 1 short form for ni1 and kang1. 2 short form for nga.

nga grammatical marker. short forms: ng after vowels, n, ʔ; zero after consonants. 1 following preposed gen. Íya kung gilípay, He made me happy. Ang íyang payag, His hut. 2 following demonstratives and interrogatives. Taw-an kanang kahúya, That tree is inhabited by spirits. Unsang adláwa run? What day is it today? 3 between members of a two-headed endocentric construction. Nindut nga sinínà, A beautiful dress. Plawtang kawáyan, A bamboo flute. Usa ka húngut nga tubà, A coconut shell full of palm toddy. Ang ákung gihulaman nga bulpin, The ball point pen that I borrowed. Gihilásan ku nga namátì sa íyang hambug, I was disgusted listening to his boasts. 4 preceding a clause: that. Nahadluk siya nga mapugus pagminyù sa Insik, She feared that she would be forced to marry the Chinaman. Huhungíhung nga daghan kag babáyi, Rumors that you have many mistresses. 4a when [such-and-such] a thing is the case. Unsáun man nímu pagpanghimakak nga náa may nakakità? How can you deny it when so many people saw it? 5 linker between a word that expresses manner or mode and a [701]verb that follows it. Siya gustung magpárì, He wants to be a priest. Maáyu siyang mubinisayà, He speaks Visayan well. Mahímù ka nang mulakaw, You may leave. 6 preceding the goal of a verb which refers to the same thing as the subject of the verb. Gipílì siyang prisidinti, He was chosen president. Nagpabílin silang malipáyun, They remained happy. 7 daghan — there are, were many. Sus, kadaghang táwu, My! How crowded it is! 8 [noun] nga [noun] the very [noun] itself. Si Biguy nga Biguy mihukum gánì sa ingun, ikaw pa! Biguy himself (great as he is) thought so—how could you say otherwise!

ngà = ingà.

ngáab v [A; b6] cry loudly. Kanang batáa mungáab dáyun kun dì tagáan sa gustu, That child yells right away when he is not given what he wants. n loud crying.

ngáan = ngay-an, dialectal for diay.

ngā́b = ngálab.

ngába = unsa ba, ngánu ba (dialectal).

ngábil n 1 lips. 2 brim of a container. Pun-a ang bangà hangtud sa ngábil, Fill the jar up to the brim. v [A; b6] put a brim to a container.

ngabngab v 1 [AB; c1] for the wound or an opening to become big or wide. Mingabngab ang íyang samad kay wà tambáli, His wound grew big because he did not have it treated. Ang kalihuk níyang matúlug mauy nakangabngab (nakapangabngab) sa gisì sa muskitíru, The tear in the mosquito net grew because he kept moving in his sleep. 2 [A; b3c] shoot off one’s mouth, say things that are nonsensical and that one doesn’t know anything about. Nagngabngab ka lang sa ímung pagdúda sa mga butang nga wà nímu makítà, You are shooting off your mouth doubting things you haven’t even seen. Dì nímu ángayng ingabngab ang íyang pagkatáwu, You should not gossip about his real character. a gaping, wide open.

ngadtu going to over there (far from speaker and hearer). Gíkan dinhi mupaingun siya ngadtu sa píkas, From here he goes to the other side. v = adtu. — nganhi v [A; a2] go back and forth. Nigusyanti siya maung magngadtu nganhi sa Manílà, He is a businessman, so he goes back and forth to Manila. pasi- v [A3] be on way to, headed for (literary). Daw pagalantawan ku nga nagpasingadtu ikaw sa dakung kapildíhan, I can see that you are heading for a great failure. ngadtungadtu in the long run. Kun naglísud ka karun, sa ngadtungadtu makakat-un ka ra, If you find it hard this time, you’ll learn how to after a while.

ngalab = ngáab.

ngálab n dividing line between the sea and the shore at lowest tide. Daghang batu ug kinhasun sa ngálab, There are plenty of stones and sea shells at the edge of the shoreline. pa-(→) v [A] to go to the edge of the shoreline. Nagpangalab sila búsà naabtan sila sa taúbun, They went to the edge of the shoreline so the tide caught up with them.

ngálan n name. sa — 1 in the name of, on account of. Sa ngálan sa átung panaghigalaay buhátun ku kanà, I’ll do that for the sake of our friendship. 2 concerning. Sa ngálan sa ímung gugma dílì na aku mamínaw pa niánà, As far as your love is concerned, I don’t want to hear any more about it. — nga being, as. Ngálan nga managsúun ángay untang magpinasayluay, Being brothers, we ought to forgive each other. Ngálan nga mauy nagpadakù nákù may katungud siyang mangáyù, Being the one who raised me, he has the right to ask me for favors. v [A; c] 1 call, give a name. Ginganlan siyag baklà kay báyut kaáyu, She calls him ‘quebo’ because he is a fairy. Dyunyur ang ingálan sa bátà, Call the child Junior. 2 mention, enumerate. Makangálan kug bayinti ka langgam, I can name twenty kinds of birds. hi- = ngálan, v.

ngalngal v [A; c1] make thoughtless, extravagant demands. Ningalngal ang mga ginikánan sa babáyi ug mga pangáyù, The girl’s parents made such fabulous demands for their daughter’s hand. Gustu kag iskútir? Nagngalngal ka lang! You want a scooter? You’re making an unreasonable request! Bisag unsa lay ímung ngalngálun (ingalngal), You demand whatever comes to your head.

ngámig (from kámig) a cold, lacking in heat. Ngámig na ang sabaw, The soup is already cold. v [B2S3P; a12P] be, become cold. Mangámig ang minatay, The corpse will get cold.

ngan (from dungan) and (dialectal).

ngā́n = ngálan.

nganga, ngánga v [A; c1] open the mouth. Mingánga siyag dakù pinakítà ang lingagngag, He opened his mouth wide showing the back of his mouth. (←) v [A13] be unable to speak, usually out of not knowing what to say. Nagngánga lang ku adtung ílang giisturyáhan. Pulus man tu báhin sa sáyans, I stood there like a dummy while they talked about science. (→) v [B36] for things that have edges to gape. Minganga (nanganga) ang samad nga dakù, The wound gaped [702]wide. Nagnganga ang malíta kay punù ra, The suitcase is open because it’s too full. n amount s.t. gapes.

ngàngà a stuttering. Maáyu kaáyung musuwat nang tawhána apan ngàngà kaáyung musulti, That man writes well but he stammers terribly when he talks. v [B; c1] stutter. Mungàngà nà siya ug makuyawan, He stutters when he is scared.

ngangha v [B1256; b3(1)] be open-mouthed with sudden surprise. Nangangha (nahingangha, nahangangha) aku sa nutisya, I was left open-mouthed by the news. hi-/ha- = ngangha.

nganhà going there (near hearer). Muanhà ku nganhà karun dáyun, I’ll go there right away. v = anhà. pasi- v [A3] be on the way there.

nganhi here (near speaker and hearer). Anhi nganhi ku mulingkud, I will sit over here. ngadtu — see ngadtu. v = anhi. pasi- v [A3] be on the way here. Nagpasinganhi sila, They are on their way here.

ngánì = gánì.

ngánu 1 why? Ngánung nangutána ka? Why are you asking? 2 what is the matter with, what has happened to? Nagmugtuk man ka. Ngánu ka? You are sulking. What’s the matter with you? 3 — ug who cares? Ngánug mabálì nà? Who cares if that breaks? Ngánu ba uruy ug mahagbung ku sa bár, basta dì mabúang, Who cares if I fail the bar, as long as I don’t go crazy.

ngari to, towards me (nearer me than to you). Ngari lingkud sa wala, Sit over here on my left. pasi- v [A3] be on the way here.

ngasngas1 v [B] for wounds to fester. Ang pasáyan mauy nakangasngas (nakapangasngas) sa ákung mga katulkatul, The shrimps caused my eczema to fester.

ngasngas2 v [A; a] damage by scraping. Kinsay nagngasngas sa tapalúdu? Who scraped the fender? Nangasngas ang ákung síku pagkadagmà nákù, My elbow got scraped when I fell. n abrasion, scratches. ka- v [A13] be covered with abrasions.

ngatanan n all (Biblical). [adj.] sa — very [adj.]. Nakakità kug barkung dakù kaáyu sa ngatanan, I saw a very big boat.

ngatngat v [A3P; a12] separate two or more things clinging to each other. Kinsay nagngatngat sa duha ka nagsinumbagay? Who separated the two people who were fighting? Ngatngáta ang babáying migakus sa namatay níyang bána, Try to get the woman to let go of her dead husband.

ngawngaw1 v [A; b3] cry loudly. Ang bátà nagngawngaw kay gigútum, The child cried hard because he was hungry.

ngawngaw2 = ngalngal.

ngayà (from mungayà) a cheerful in appearance or feelings. Ngayà siyang pagkatáwu, He is a cheerful person. v [B; b3(1)] cheerful. Nagngayà ang ílang mga hitsúra kay Pasku, Their faces are cheerful because it’s Christmas.

ngí word of derision used by children, equivalent in meaning to sticking out the tongue (which has the same nuance as sticking out the tongue in the States). Ngí! Manghátag ba gud ku nímu? Nma, do you think I’d give you any?

ngíaw1 a lonely and deserted. Ngíaw kaáyu ang kulisíyum kun way gámit, The coliseum is very lonely and deserted when it is not in use. v [B; b6] deserted, lonely. Mungíaw (mangíaw) ang kadalánan basta kaadláwun, The streets become deserted in the morning.

ngíaw2 v [A; b6] laugh in a mocking way. Dílì maáyung mungíaw sa mga dipiktu sa átung isig ka táwu, It is wrong to laugh at a person’s defects.

ngibingibi n edge of a precipice, tall structure, or deep ravine.

ngidlis a a sharp, high-pitched sound, as of the screeching of brakes. Ang kuku nga mahakarwas sa hugasan ngidlis kaáyung pamináwun, If you scratch your nails against the galvanized iron of the sink, you will make a screeching sound.

ngidngid = nidnid.

ngigngig a be fatty, greasy. Ngigngig kaáyu ang ímung bíkung hinímù, The sticky rice you made is very greasy. v [B; c1] be, become greasy.

ngihit = nihit.

ngil-ad a bad, ugly, evil. Ngil-ad ug dungug ang usa ka hustis, A night club hostess has a bad reputation. v [B; ac5] become bad. Nangil-ad ang íyang dagway kay napásù sa asidu, Her face became ugly because it was burned with acid. Sukad ta maminyù nagkangil-ad ang ímung kinaíya, Ever since we got married your disposition has been getting worse. Gingil-ad ku pagsabut ang maáyu níyang túyù, I construed her good intentions the wrong way. Ngil-aran aku sa ímung pagpakaúlaw níya, I consider it bad the way you embarrass her.

ngilbit a part of material near the edges or ends. Ngilbit ra pagkalansang ang tabla maung milutak, The wood was nailed too close to the edge so it cracked. v [A13; c1P] attach to, put s.t. down on top of the edge of s.t. Kun ngilbítun (ingilbit, ipangilbit) paghikut [703]ang tukun muhiplus lang ang písì, If you tie the pole near its end the rope will just slip off.

ngili a causing a chilling sensation in the spine (said of worms, snakes, and the like). Ngili kaáyu hikápun nang wati, It is spine-chilling to touch a worm. v [b4] have a chilling sensation. Gingilihan kung nangúhà sa mga lintà sa ákung batíis, I had a chilly sensation taking the leeches from my leg.

ngilit n edge. Milingkud siya sa ngilit sa katri, He sat at the edge of the bed. v [C1P] put s.t. at the edge. Nangilit nákug butang sa lamísa ang básu maung nahúlug, I put the glass at the edge of the table, so it fell. Ayawg ingilit (ngilita) pagháwid kay mahiplus, Don’t hold it at the edge because it might slip out of your hands. pa- v [A3] go to the edge. Ayaw ug pangilit sa pangpang kay mahúlug ka, Don’t stay at the edge of the cliff. You might fall.

ngílit v 1 [A2; b(1)] grin. Pwirti siyang nakangílit sa pagkakità níya kanákù sa layù, How he grinned at me upon seeing me at a distance. 2 [A3] bare the teeth in anger. Ayaw pagdûul sa magngílit nga irù, Don’t go near a dog that has bared teeth.

ngilngig a 1 gruesome, stirring revulsion. Ngilngig tan-áwun ang naligsan, The man who was run over by a truck was a gruesome sight. 2 terribly good. 2a very skillful. Ngilngig siya musista, He is very skillful in playing the guitar. 2b big shot, prominent. Ngilngig siya run. Tag-íya nag láging, He is a big shot now. He owns a logging concession. 2c excellent. Ngilngig kaáyu siyag trabáhu, Nilibu ang swildu, He has an excellent job. He has a salary in four figures. 3 greasy, fatty. Ang mantikáun nga kalan-un ngilngig kan-un, Food with lots of fat is greasy. v [B12; b6] 1 be, become horrible. 2 be excellent, skillful. 3 make greasy. Ayaw ngilngíga paglútù, Don’t cook it with too much fat.

ngilu a setting the teeth on edge, causing the spine to tingle (said of eating sour things, shrill noises, having teeth filed). Ayaw kagísa nang puthaw kay ngilu kaáyu pamináwun, Don’t scratch that metal because it makes my spine tingle to hear it. v [B; b4] have a tingling sensation in teeth. Mingilu (nangilu) ang ákung ngípun ug kináug hilawng mangga, It set my teeth on edge to eat unripe mangoes.

ngílu a yellow color (humorous).

ngípun n 1 teeth. 2 teeth of saws, gears, and the like. (→) v [A; b4] for a baby to cut teeth. Magdautdáut ang bátà basta magngipun na, A child tends to be sickly if it is cutting its teeth. ngipnan a 1 having serrations or teeth. 2 litter born with teeth.

ngísi v 1 [A2S; c1] grin. Nagngisi man ka mu rag gihadlà sa anghil, You’re grinning as if an angel were titillating you. 2 [B12S456] be slit, lacerated. Ipatahì sa duktǔr kanang nagngisi nímung samad, Have a doctor sew up that gaping wound. n grin. ngisingisi n name given to various things that cause one to screw up his face: 1 k.o. small fish with poisonous spines. 2 other sea creatures which exude poisonous matter. 3 young head lice (kuyamad). 4 k.o. skin infection characterized by intense itching and scattered sores. v [A123P; a4] 1 be beset with young lice. 2 get this skin infection. †

ngislit v [A; a2] smile in an ugly way, showing the teeth. Ningislit siya sa dihang hindiskubrihan ang íyang kabúang, She grinned sheepishly when her stupidity was discovered. Gingislit níyag lúgus ang íyang nawung pagdismular sa kaúlaw, He forced himself to grin to cover his embarrassment.

ngislù v [A; a2] grimace, distort the face upon experiencing s.t. disagreeable. Nakangislù siya sa kasakit, He grimaced in pain.

ngisngis1 a very pale-skinned, like tissue paper. Ngisngis kaáyu ang pamánit kay anak sa ingkantu, He is white as tissue paper because he is an albino (the son of an encanto).

ngisngis2 = alingisngis.

ngitngit a for the atmosphere to be dark. v [B; ab] get dark, be out of the light. Panáig mu kay nagngitngit lang ang balay, Light some candles because the house is dark. Wà makláru ang íyang nawung kay nangitngitan, We couldn’t make out his face because it was in the dark. pa- v [A; b] be in a dark place. Nagpangitngit sila arun dì himatikdan, They stayed in the dark in order not to be noticed. ka-an n place where there is darkness. Ang panulay mauy hárì sa kangitngítan, Satan is the ruler of darkness.

ngitungitu n the part of the sea with the deepest hue indicating great depth. Didtu siya mangisdà sa ngitungitung dápit, He fished where it was very dark because of the depth. v 1 [B] having its deepest hue. Nagngitungitu sa kalawum ang dágat, The sea is deep blue due to its depth. 2 [B] for the night to be very dark. Magngitungitu sa kangitngit ang kagabhíun kay dúnay dag-um, The night becomes very dark when there are rain clouds. a for the night to be very dark.

ngíub a 1 dark and eerie with no human noise. Sa mga hilit nga dapit mangíub ang [704]kagabhíun, In isolated places the night is dark and quiet. 2 gloomy of outlook. Ngíub kag kaugmáun ug dì ka muiskuyla, You have a gloomy future if you don’t go to school. v [B] become dark and quiet.

ngiwngiw n k.o. grass owl: Tyto capensis.

ngiyan = unyà (dialectal).

ngiyaw, ngíyaw n mewing of a cat or a similar sound. v [A; b6] 1 mew. 2 screw up the face at an unpleasant sensation. Ningíyaw ang íyang nawung kay naasuhan ang íyang mata, He grimaced because he got smoke in his eyes.

ngual n 1 manner of speaking characterized by inadequacy in pronouncing some consonants. 2 s.o. with a short tongue causing such a speech defect. Unsay gisulti ánang ngual? What’s that man with a speech defect talking about? v [B; c1] for speech to be badly pronounced. Nagngual síyang nagsulti kay punù ang bàbà, He speaks unintelligibly because his mouth is full.

ngugngug = alingugngug.

nguhal a thick, speaking with indistinct articulation like a drunk. Nguhal ang sinultihan sa himatyun, A dying man speaks indistinctly. (←) v [B; c1] talk thickly and indistinctly. Mungúhal (mangúhal) ang sinultihan ug mahubug ka, Your speech will become thick if you get drunk.

nguhù a talking through the nose. v [B; c1] become nasal in speech. Nagnguhù siya kay gisip-un, He is talking through his nose because he has a cold. ka-(←) v [A13] be nasal in speech. pa- v [A; c1] make one’s speech nasal.

ngulngul v [B46] deep-seated pain over a wide area. Mingulngul ang ákung mga buktun sa pagpanglaba tibuuk adlaw, My arms ached because I washed all day long. a having deep-seated pain. Pahílut ku kay ngulngul kaáyu ang ákung kalawásan, I will get a massage because my whole body aches.

ngúlub v [A; b6] growl. Ayaw pagdúul sa irù nga nagngúlub kay mamáak nà, Don’t get near a growling dog because it will bite you. Ayaw kug ngulúbig masukù ka, Don’t growl at me if you are angry. n growling.

ngúlut v [A; b6] growling in defiance or complaint. Ug mungúlut ang irù ayawg duúla, If the dog growls, don’t go near it. -an(→) a given to growling.

ngúmiks n comics section or magazine (humorous). Nagbása ug ngúmiks, Reading a comics magazine.

ngúngù n monster referred to in scaring children.

ngurk word used to represent the sound of snoring in writing.

ngusngus v [A; a] scour, rub s.t. hard to remove s.t. Dílì ku mungusngus ng adyaks sa awtu kay makadáut sa pintal, I will not rub Ajax on my car because it destroys the finish. Ngusngúsa ang húgaw, Rub off the dirt.

ngutngut a pulsating, throbbing pain. Ngutngut kaáyu ang ákung bunul, My boil is very painful. v [B46] be in pain. Nagngutngut ning ákung dughan kay gibulagan ku, My heart is aching because I was jilted.

nguwal = nguhal.

nguynguy = danguynguy.

nguyunguyu n larvae of mosquitoes.

ngyáwà particle expressing discomfiture when one is put on the spot (euphemism for yáwà). Ngyáwà ni si Angkay! Nakumprumísu ku áning íyang pakig-áway, Darn! Angkay sure has put me on the spot the way she picks fights.

ngyílu = ngílu.

ni- = mi-.

ni1 1 gen. marker before names or titles. Ang kangga ni Tasyu, Tacio’s sled. Ang gibúhat ni Tasyu, What Tacio did. 1a — kinsa of whom, whoever. Gikúhà ni kinsa? It was taken by whom? 2 dat. marker = kang.

ni2 nor. Sukad karun dì na ku makigsulti ni magpakítà nímu, From now on I will not talk with you nor will I show myself to you. 2 preceding a subject in sentences with a negative predicate: nor did [subject] do. Ni aku walà pud kakità kaníya, Nor did I see him either. Ni siya ni ikaw way katungud pagbadlung nákù, Neither you nor he has a right to reprimand me.

ni3 see kini.

nía = anía.

niadtu 1 see kadtu. 2 = kaniadtu.

niánà see kaná1.

níbi n navy or one in the navy. v [B156] become a navy man. — blu n navy blue color.

nibil n level, device for establishing horizontal lines. v [A; b5] use the level. Ubus-ubus ang píkas tumuy kay wà nibila (nibili), The other end is lower because no level was used on it. -adu(←), -awu(←) a flat. Lunang nibiláwu, A flat lot.

*níbir — gayud that will never be. ‘Magminyù ka níya?’—‘Níbir gayud,’ ‘Will you marry him?’—‘Never.’ ayil — giyud I won’t ever. Ug nahibalu pa lámang aku, ayil níbir giyud, If only I had known, I’d never have done it. — mayin v [B1256] become disregarded, become s.o. about whom no one cares. Ug musugut ka ánang palikíru [705]maníbir mayin ka, If you give in to that philanderer, what will happen to you? He’ll forget all about you anyway.

nibíra n refrigerator.

nidnid v [A; c1] grate. Nidníra (inidnid) ninyu ang kamúti kay maglidgid ta, Grate the sweet potatoes because we’ll make sweet potato fritters. nidniran n grater or shredder. nidnirun n s.t. to be grated.

nigar v [A; c6] deny having done s.t. Inigar giyud ang ímung kalabútan sa krímin, Just deny that you had anything to do with the crime.

nigatib1 n having negative indications of a disease. Sa iksámin sa duktǔr nigatib ku sa tíbi, The doctor’s exam showed me negative for TB.

nigatib2 n negatives of film.

nigra a dark-skinned (female). n negress. v [B12] become dark-skinned.

nigru a dark-skinned. Aku ray nigru námung managsúun, I’m the only one who has dark skin among my brothers and sisters. n Negro. v [B126; b6] for the complexion to become dark.

nigrus n k.o. plow (so called from the commercial name).

nígu n rattan winnowing tray. v [A; a12] make, make into a winnowing tray.

nigusiyar v [A; c] 1 negotiate a sale. Siyay munigusiyar (magnigusiyar) sa ámung yútà, He will handle the sale of our land. 1a sell a person as a prospective marriage partner. Inigusiyar ku si Birting kang Siling, I will sell Berting to Celing. 2 engage in the business of selling s.t. Nakanigusiyar kug bábuy sa syudad, I sold pigs in the city.

nigusyabul a available for marriage (slang). Nigusyabul pa nà siya kay bálu, He is available for marriage because he is a widower.

nigusyanta = nigusyanti (female). see nigusyu.

nigusyu n business. may, dúnay — court a woman (slang). Nagpagwápu man si Lálit, may nigusyu (magnigusyu) tingáli dà, I wonder why Lalet is dressed up. He must be courting s.o. v 1 [A; c1] put up a business. Magnigusyu kug uway kay halinun, I’ll go into the rattan business because it sells. 2 [A; a12] play a trick on s.o. by leading him to believe or do s.t. Maáyu siyang nigusyúhun kay dalì mutúu, It is easy to play a trick on him because he is gullible. 3 [A13] court a woman (slang). nigusyanti n businessman. v [B156] be, become a businessman.

nihit a 1 scarce. Nihit kaáyu ang túbig kun húlaw, Water is very scarce during dry periods. 2 scarcely, rarely. Nihit ka na nákung ikatagbù sa dā́n, I rarely meet you on the street any more. Nihit na níya mabátì ang mga púlung sa pagmahal, She rarely hears words of affection. (←) v [B; b6] become scarce. Kun magníhit ang humay, mapugus pag-impurt ang gubiyirnu, If the supply of rice is scarce, the government is forced to import it. nihitníhit v [A1; c1] use s.t. sparingly. Magnihitníhit tag gáwì niíning bugas kay mahal kaáyu, We have to use rice sparingly because it is so expensive.

niíni see kini.

niíri see kiri.

niítu the gen. and dat. of kitu. 1 = niíni. see kini. 2 = niadtu. see kadtu.

nikiládu, nikiláwu a nickel-plated. v [a12] be nickel-plated.

nikinikinu a simple-minded. Ang táwu nga nikinikinu dílì makasabut dáyun, A simple-minded person will not understand readily. v 1 [A; a] tease s.o., do foolishness. Munikinikinu siya sa mga babáyi, He teases the women. Ug nikinikinuhun ka, ayawg tagda, If he teases you, pay him no mind. 2 [B] be simple-minded. Munikinikinu siya kun higutman, He becomes simple-minded when he is hungry.

nikruluhíya n necrological service, services honoring a dead person after his death but before he is buried. v [A1; b6] hold a necrological service.

niktay n necktie. v [A; a] wear a necktie.

nikutin, nikutína n nicotine.

níla see sila.

nilkátir n nail cutter. v [A; a12] clip one’s nails with a nail cutter. Nilkatíra lang ang kuku ug ayawg abisag kurta, Trim your nails with a nail cutter and don’t cut them with a knife.

nimpa n female supernatural being thought to inhabit streams, not considered very dangerous but capable of doing mischief or good.

nímu see ikaw.

nindut = anindut.

ning- = mi-.

ninu n a small tree similar to bangkúru but with smaller and lighter-colored leaves: Morinda sp.

ninyu1 n the Holy Infant Jesus, a small image of the Holy Infant brought from place to place to be kissed during the Christmas season. Inighawuk nímu sa ninyu muhúlug sab kag kwarta, When you kiss the image of the Holy Infant, you also have to give some money. — bunítu n person being idolized. Si Sirhing mauy ninyu bunítu sa Sibu, [706]Serging is the idol of Cebu. paka- v [a12] treat with the fear and respect accorded the image of the Christ Child.

ninyu2 see kamu.

nípà n palm of great commercial importance growing along tidal streams and in dense stands in brackish swamps. The leaves are used mainly for thatching, but also for bags, hats, and handicrafts. The sap is fermented into toddy and distilled into a stronger liquor called manyan. It also is used as vinegar: Nypa fruticans. v [a12] make s.t. out of nipa or nipa thatch.

nipay, nípay = anipay.

nipis a 1 thin, not thick. Nipis kaáyu ang mga pánid sa Biblíya, The Bible’s pages are very thin. 2 thin, scanty. Nipis siyag buhuk, He has thin hair. 3 in billiards, shot hitting the target ball at an angle so that it goes off at right angles to the hole. v 1 [AB; c1] become, make thin. Minipis (nanipis) ang dalunggan sa bag-ung bána, The ears of the newly-wed husband became thin (from the notion that sexual indulgence causes one’s ears to become thin). Kun magnipis kag puthaw makmákag kusug, When you flatten metal, hammer it hard. 2 [A; b7c1] do s.t. on a scanty scale, thin s.t. out. Nipsa (inipis) pagpulbus sa ímung nawung, Just apply a little powder to your face. Nipsan nátù ang ímung buhuk, Let’s thin out your hair. 3 [A3P; b5] hit a target ball so that it goes off at right angles to the target. pa- v [A; b6] come too close to another vehicle. Ayaw pagpanipis sa ingkuwintru, Don’t drive too close to the oncoming traffic. tag-(←) n name given to various kinds of long and slender sardines and herrings.

nipul n small nipple-like projection on glass or metal.

nirbiyus n nervousness, easy excitability. Mitukar ang ákung nirbiyus pagtan-aw nákù sa sirkus, I got nervous when I watched the circus. v [B126; a4] get nervous. Makanirbiyus (makapanirbiyus) ang pagpúnay ug inum sa kapi, Too much drinking of coffee can set your nerves on edge. Ginirbiyus kung nagpaábut sa iksámin, I got the jitters waiting for the exams. -a, -u a nervous, tending to get nervous.

nislagan = inislagan. see islag2.

nisnis v [A; ab] clean or smooth s.t. by rubbing s.t. back and forth over it. Nisnísa ang almirul nga mitaput sa plansa, Rub off the starch that is sticking to the iron. Nisnísi ang káhuy úsà nímu pintáli, Rub the wood smooth before you paint it.

nít1 n net (in games). v [a12] hit the ball in the net. Ginít man nímu. Sayid-áwut na sad, You hit the ball in the net. Now it’s their serve.

nít2 a neat, well-groomed, clean. Maáyung pagka-ariglǎr kining ímung kwartu. Nít kaáyu, Your room is well-arranged. It looks very neat. Nít siyang mamisti, She dresses neatly.

nitbul n net ball in a game. v [a12] hit a net ball. Kun wà pa manitbul, puntus na untà, Had it not been a net ball, it would have been a point.

nitruhínu n nitrogen.

nitsu n vault in a cemetery big enough to accommodate a coffin or two, built against a wall or above the ground. v [A12; c1] have s.o. buried in a nitsu.

nítù n scrambling ferns, the stems of which are used in weaving baskets, hats, boxes: Lygodium spp. -ng putì species of nítù that does not turn black when it grows old.

níwang a thin, not stout. Níwang ang sibúyas nga way bùbù, The onions are undersized. They haven’t been watered. v [B2S] become thin. Nagníwang ka kay kúlang kag maáyung káun ug katúlug, You are thin because you lack good food and sleep.

niwniw v [AN; c] swish s.t. around in water. Nagniwniw kug anyil sa túbig, I’m swishing bluing about in the water. Ang usa ka tásang ínit túbig nga niwniwan ug gamayng ampiyun, A pinch of opium swished around in a cup of hot water.

níya see siya.

niyan = unyà (dialectal).

níyun n neon lamp, neon light. Níyun nga bilburd, Neon billboard. v [A1] have neon lights.

NPC see inpísi.

nu1 1 isn’t that right? ‘Muinum man ka, nu?’—‘Mu lang’, ‘You drink liquor, don’t you?’—‘I sure do’. 2 so it is, isn’t it? Martis man diay run, nu? Today is Tuesday, isn’t it? 3 particle asking the hearer if he understands: You know what I mean? Ákù siyang giabláhan. Unyà nu, mihílak siya, I proposed to her. And then, you know what? She cried. sa — = sa. see unsa, 5.

nu2 = kunu.

Nub. n abbreviation for Nubimbri, November.

*nubáli [number of Spanish origin] in billiards, the amount of handicap a player gives his opponent, the amount he must reach before giving up the cue if his score is to be counted. Way kwinta tung nakuhir nímung singkwinta kay nubáli siyin may ímung gihátag nga bintáhà, The fifty points [707]you scored do not count because your handicap was no points unless they amount to one hundred or more. — náda a without effect, useless. Nubáli náda lang ang tambag nímu ánang tawhána kay dì nà mamínaw, It’s useless to give advice to that fellow because he doesn’t listen. v [B12; c1] be without effect. Dílì giyud manubáli náda ang kahibalu sa makinilya, A knowledge of typing always will come in handy.

nubátu, nubátus a inexperienced, neophyte. Kumaw siya kay nubátu pa ánang trabahúa, He does it awkwardly because he is inexperienced in that job.

núbi n decoration representing clouds used in the background of the representation of the nativity scene in church at Christmas.

nubíla n novel. nubilista n novelist.

nubimbri = nubyimbri.

nubína n novena. — nga bug-us n special novena for one person or soul. — sa kumun n novena offered for all souls on All Souls’ Day or on the nine days before. v [A; b6] hold a novena. Nakalingkawas tu siya sa purgaturyu kay nanubináhan, He has probably been saved from purgatory because a novena was held for him. — ug sugung, almanáki v [A12; b6] I’ll eat my hat, do the impossible (lit. read a novena from a bamboo tube, almanac). Magnubína kug sugung ug makapasar kas síbil sirbis, I will eat my hat if you pass the Civil Service exams. nubinahan n book used in praying the novena. nubinaryu n the nine-day period in which a novena is held. v [A13] hold this feast.

nubinta number ninety. see disiutsu for verb forms.

nubù = mubù.

núbù (from lanúbù) v [a2] make s.t. go far. Nubúag gámit ang sabun, Use the soap sparingly.

nubya n 1 fiancee. 2 bride. v [B1256; a12] become, be one’s bride. Kun akuy manubya, kuntúdu giyud ang ákung kasal, When I become a bride, my wedding will be on a grand scale.

nubyimbri n November. v see abril.

nubyu n 1 fiance. 2 bridegroom.

nudnud v 1 [A; a] rub on with moderate pressure. Nudnúrig kandílà ang utaw, Rub wax on the iron. 2 [c6] impose a discriminating burden or imposition. Mau pay pubri ku, inudnud pa giyud tag palukat ug lisinsya, Poor as I am, I still have to pay for a license.

núdul sup n noodle soup.

nugbù = mugbù. see mubù.

nuísu n in billiards, points not counted. Nuísu ang tiráda kay walà makarambúla, The shot doesn’t count because it wasn’t a carom. — karambúla n shot that is not a carom.

núka n 1 sore, infection on the skin, not of great size. 2 north wind pieces in mahjong (slang for nurti). v [B; b6] become a sore. Minúka (nanúka) ang íyang samad, His wound became a sore. (→) v [a4] be affected by sores. Ginuka siya kay dì manghimatíis, He has sores on his legs because he doesn’t wash them. nukaun a infested with sores.

nukanuk a 1 for rain to be steady and continuous, but light. 2 for a war or battle to be off and on, light and dragging. Nukanuk ang inawayan sa girilya, Guerrilla warfare is not steady. It drags on and with heavy fighting interrupted by periods of calm. 3 for persons to be bothersome, pestering, with repeated requests. Nukanuk siya. Káda adlaw túa sa upisína arun paghulam ug kwarta, He is a pest. He comes to the office every day to borrow money.

nukliyar n nuclear.

núkus n squid. — sa ípil n k.o. small squid with a caudal fin running the length of the body. — tarúrut = tarúrut, n2. nukusnúkus v [A13] keep changing one’s mind about agreeing to s.t. Dì ku gustung magnukusnúkus ka. Muuban kag dílì, Make up your mind once and for all. Are you coming or not? paN- v [A2; b6] go fishing for squids.

núli n Rizal’s novel Noli Me Tangere.

núlu n null and void. v 1 [A; a12] nullify. Ginúlu sa huwis ang ílang kasal, The judge annulled their marriage. 2 [a12] turn to nothing. Nulúhun lang ang ímung salapì kun muapil ka niánang klasíha sa nigusyu, Your money will disappear into thin air if you engage in that k.o. business.

numbrar see numrǎr. numbramyintu = numramyintu.

numbri = numri.

numinar v [A; b5c1] nominate. Numinahun (inuminar, numinahan) ta siya pagkasarhintu, Let’s nominate him sergeant-at-arms. numinasyun n nomination for voting.

numiráwu a numbered for easy identification or guidance. Numiráwu ang mga lingkuránan sa awdituryum, The seats in the auditorium are numbered. v [B1256] for s.t. to be numbered.

numiru n number. — únu n 1 number one, greatest in degree. Siya ang numiru únung ismaglir sa násud, He is the number one smuggler in the country. Siyay numiru únu [708]sa klási, He’s number one in his class. 2 a favorite girl or boy friend. Daghan túud kug trátu, apan ikay numiru únu, It’s true I have lots of sweethearts, but you are number one. — kwatru sitting with one ankle crossed over the knee. Numiru kwatru ang íyang nilingkuran, He sat down resting his ankle on his knee. v [A; c1] sit in such a position. †

numrǎr v 1 [A; c] appoint. Makalingkud ka na sa katungdánan kay ginumrahan ka sa prisidinti, You can assume office now because the president appointed you. 2 [A; b] nominate. Ginumrahan aku pagkaprisidinti, I was nominated president. numramyintu n appointment to public office.

numri n 1 name. Ang titulu sa yútà anáa sa numri ni Nánay, The title of the land is in Mother’s name. 2 family name. 3 signature. Gikinahanglan ang ímung numri sa dukumintu, Your signature is needed in the document. v 1 [A; c] have or give a name or family name. 2 [A; b] affix a signature, sign a name. Kinahanglan nga munumri ka sa pírul, You have to sign the payroll.

-nun = -anun.

nung short for mánung. see mánung.

nungka 1 it will never happen. Muampu ku níya? Nungka! Me, bow to him? Never! Nungka nga muhátag ku níyag danyus, I will never pay him for the damages. 2 rather than [so-and-so], which is worse. Mas báli pag mamatay nungka nga makigminyù ánang animal, I’d rather die than marry that beast.

nunut 1 together with. Natundag ang karyir nunut sa daghang ayruplánu nga gidala niíni, The carrier sank together with the planes it was carrying. 2 with [subject] as accompaniment. Nag-áwit kami nunut ang singgit sa hudiyákà, We sang and shouted in merriment. 3 for hair or fibers to be easily workable, amenable, doing others’ bidding. Nunut ang íyang buhuk búsà sayun sudláyun, His hair is easy to work. That’s why it’s easy to comb. Nunut kaáyu kanang kabáwa. Bísan bátà makabalhin, That is a very complaisant water buffalo. Even a child can lead it. v [A2; ac] 1 follow along. Kun mulawig ka, ingun sa mununut usab ang mga pangánud, When you sail, the clouds seem to follow along. Nunta didtu ang libru, Go along with him to get the book. 2 accompany with. Ang kakúgi kinahanglang nuntan ug kaálam, Industry must be accompanied by wisdom. 3 follow a new faith, idea, custom. Makaminyù lang ta kun mununut ka sa ámung rilihiyun, We can get married only if you embrace our religion. pahi-(←) v [A; b6] go along with an idea, submit oneself to an outside force. Wà siyay dugúkan kay magpahinúnut lang kanúnay sa ámung hukum, He is spineless because he always agrees with our decision without any objections. Gipahinuntan siya sa gustu, She is given her whims. sag-/sig-(←) v [A23; b6] go along with, follow. Misagnúnut ang ákung panan-aw sa milabay nga dalága, My eyes followed the woman who passed by. pasig-/pasag-(←) v 1 = pahinúnut. 2 = sagnúnut.

nu puydi see puydi.

nuranti short for ignuranti.

nurmal1 a normal. Nurmal na ang búang human katambáli, The insane man is normal now after he has been treated. v [B] become normal. Minurmal (nanurmal) ang íyang timpiratúra human sa indiksiyun, His temperature went back to normal after the injection.

nurmal2 n 1 normal school, a training school for elementary teachers. 2 elementary teaching course. Nurmal ang ákung gikúhà, I’m taking elementary teaching.

nurt = nurti 2, 3, 4.

nurti n 1 north. 2 north wind piece, the name of one of the winds (bintus) in mahjong. 3 the player to the left side of the dealer. 4 the name given to the fourth round (cf. ráwun, 1a). karni — see karni.

núrul n simple way of polishing shoes without bothering to rub the polish in well. Dì kaáyu sínaw ang sapátus kay núrul pagkalimpiya, The shoes are not very shiny because they were polished in a simple way. v [A3; a] polish in a simple way.

Nurwígu n Norwegian.

nusnus v [A; ac] rub s.t. back and forth on s.t. else with pressure. Siyay nagnusnus ug tinúnawng ispirma sa salug, He applied (lit. rubbed on) melted wax on the floor. Nusnúsi ug abu ang kutsára arun musínaw, Rub ashes onto the spoons so they’ll get shiny.

núsul n nozzle.

núta1 n 1 rating grade. 2 notes in music. di- n played looking at the music. v [A; c1] play looking at the music.

núta2 n stain, blemish on one’s character. v 1 [A; b5] put s.t. on record, note down. 2 [A; b6] note s.o. down as s.t. Ginutáhan nang istudyantíha nga aktibist, That student is marked as an activist. -du a notorious. Nutádung mangingilad, A notorious embezzler. v [B12] be, become notorious.

nutaryu n notary. v [A; b] notarize. Nutaryúhan [709]giyud arun maligal, It should be notarized to make it legal. †

nutbuk n notebook.

nutikal n nautical course.

nutisya n news. May nutisya ku báhin níya, I have some news about him. v 1 [A; c] give information. Nutisyahi (nutisyai) siya báhin sa nahitabù, Inform him about what happened. 2 [A12] receive information. Nakanutisya ku nga minyù na ka, I heard that you are married.

nutrisyunista n dietician. v [B1456] be a dietician.

núts n notes taken for future study or reference. Núts sa Písiks, Physics notes. v [A; c] take notes.

*nutsi — buyna n 1 the night of Christmas Eve or the repast prepared for eating at midnight or after mass on Christmas Eve. 2 New Year’s Eve. v [A; c6] prepare a Christmas Eve meal. Magnutsibuyna lang tag pinubri, We’ll have a simple meal at midnight on Christmas Eve. paN- v [A2; c6] spend Christmas Eve. dáma di- see dáma. midiya — = nutsi buyna, 1.

núud (from túud) v [A13] prove true. Nagnúud ang ákung katáhap, My suspicions proved true.

nuug n 1 cloth. Maáyung pulúhun ning nuúga, This cloth will make a good sport shirt. 2 discarded clothes for rags. Pagkúhag nuug arun himúung pahiran, Get some discarded clothes for rags. v [B1256; c1] be made into rags. nuugnuug1 n k.o. hairy shrub bearing globose fleshy green or yellowish fruits, the leaves of which are used to clean dishes instead of soap: Solanum verbascifolium.

nuugnuug2 n name given to various kinds of small fish with stinging spines.

núun = hinúun.

nuy short for mánuy.

nuybi number nine. v see tris.

nuybinta = nubinta.

nwistra see sinyúra, 2.

nyà see unyà.

nyíbi n snow.

nyur see siniyur.

nyura, nyúra see sinyúra.

nyuralhiya n neuralgia.

nyuríta see sinyuríta.

nyurítu see sinyurítu.

nyús n 1 news. 1a newspaper. 2 in mahjong, a four-piece combination consisting of the nurti, isti, wisti, and sur which gets extra winnings. v 1 [A; c6] release news. Patingúgag radiyu kay nagniyús na, Turn the radio on because the news is on. 2 [A12] receive news about s.t. Nakanyús ka ba báhin sa katalagman? Have you read the news about the disaster? — pípar = nyús, 1a.

nyusbuy n newsboy. v [B156; a12] become a newsboy.

nyutral n 1 neutral in an argument. 2 neutral gear. v 1 [A13] stay neutral. 2 [A13; c6] shift into neutral.




pa1 1 still, yet: up to now, up to a specific point in the past. Natúlug pa si Pidru, Pedro is still asleep. Si Huwan pay naabut, So far only John has arrived. 1a with measurements: only [so-and-so much] up to now. Tungà pa ug túbig ang baril, The barrel is still only half full of water. 1b dílì, walà — 1b1 not yet. Ang linung-ag nga ságing walà pa malútù, The boiled bananas are not cooked yet. 1b2 before. Hipúsa ang libru sa dílì pa si Pápa muabut, Put the book away before Dad arrives. Sa wà pay gíra, Before the war. 2 else, in addition. 2a with future verb: [so-and-so] will still happen. Sulatan pa nákù si Husi, I still have to write to José. 2b with a past verb: [did] besides. Human siya sagpáa, gisultían pa ug pait, He was slapped and bitter words were said to him as well. 2c with existential: [so-and-so] also is in existence. Náa pa bay túbig sa baril? Is there any more water in the barrel? 2d interrogative —: 2d1 what, where, why, etc. else. Kinsa pay muadtu? Who else will go? 2d2 what, where, why, etc. could it be. Unsa pa ug dílì kwarta? What could it be if not money? Ngánu pa nga ikaw giyud? Why, oh why, was it you, of all people? 2d3 unsa, háin -y [noun]-un what [noun] are you talking about? Unsa pay radiyúhun nga dúgay nang gikáwat, What [710]radio are you talking about when it was stolen long ago. 2e in phrases bringing up a new subject: láin —y átù by the way, to change the subject. Láin pay átù, minyù ka na ba? By the way, are you married? mau — diay átù by the way, I just thought of it. Mau pa diay átù, wà ta kadág abridur, It just occurred to me. We didn’t bring a can opener. úsà, ísà, tayim — excuse me a second (lit. one more second). Ísà pa kay ákung pagngun ang radiyu, Excuse me. I am going to turn off the radio. 2f in phrases meaning in addition: bísan — even ... too, despite. Bísan pa ang mga bátà giapil, Even the children were included. Bísan pa niánà, dì ku muadtu, Despite that, I won’t go! gawas, lábut — besides. Gawas (lábut) pa niánà, unsa pa may púlung níya? Besides that, what else did he say? labaw — in addition to. Labaw pa niánà tagáan tikag primiyu, And in addition, I will give you a reward. 3 [predicate] is superfluous; [do] when one shouldn’t or shouldn’t have to. Ug nagbayadbáyad pa siya nga wà man tu kinahanglána, And he was paying for it when there was no need. Sus! Ipakítà pa giyud níya mu rag dílì baratuhun, Heavens! She has to show off, as if it weren’t s.t. cheap. 3a [do] some more so that [such-and-such] a bad thing will happen again. Nasagpaan ka. Panabì pa, You got yourself a slapping. Go on. Blabber some more. Nadagmà ka núun. Sígi, dágan pa, You fell down. Go on. Keep on running around (so you can fall again). 3b that’s what happens when you do [so-and-so]. Minyù pa. Mu ra na kag irung panit, That is what you get for getting married. You’re no better off than a mangy dog. 3c walà nay [doubled verb] — didn’t even do [so-and-so] though it is customary. Gipalit níya ang kutsi dihàdihà nga wà nay hangyùhangyù pa, He bought the car, then and there, without even bargaining. 3d mau —y [verb] [so-and-so] was the case, which was bad enough, but then ... Mau pay kisì, ímu pung iuran ug sígi, nadúnut, It was already torn. You kept wearing it, so it was ruined. 3d1 mau —y [verb, adj.] ... mau —y [verb, adj.] he [did, does] and yet dared, dares to do [so-and-so] in addition. Mau pay sad-an mau pay mangísug, He is at fault, but he dares to get mad. Mau pay nangáyù mau pay mipílì, He is asking the favor and yet he is choosy. 4 [subject] is still in a group with other things mentioned. Ang íhu isdà. Isdà pa ba ang pági? Sharks are fish; are rays also considered fish? 4a málu — nà that’s not so bad, is it? Sígi málu pa nà ug makadiyis ka, Go ahead. If you make ten bucks on it, that ain’t bad. 5 in comparisons: even more. Gwápa pa ka kang Maríya, You are more beautiful than Mary. 5a [adj.] pay [subject] [subject] is more [adj.] than ... Lamì pay lamaw niíni, This is worse than garbage. (Lit. Garbage is more delicious than this.) Lisud pay magkaug mani, It’s harder to eat peanuts than do this. 6 in quotations, preceded by gen.: [gen.] said. Ug mau tu ang nahitabù, níya pa, And that is all what happened, he said. 6a mátud — [gen.] [gen.] says, said. Mátud pa níla aku dílì ángay, They say I am not worthy. 6b siya — he said. Kay na, siya pa, unsáun man nákù? Well, said he, what can I do? 6c sa átù — in other words. Aw, sa átù pa diyis ákung ibáyad nímu, Oh, in other words, ten is what I pay you. 7 with the apodosis of a condition contrary to fact. Ug walà pa nímu kawáta, ngánung náa man nà nímu? If you hadn’t stolen it, why do you have it? 7a [noun] —y [noun, pronoun, adj.] if [noun] were [noun, pronoun, adj.]. Aku pay Huwan, If I were John. Aku pay ikaw (aku pa nímu), If I were you. Aku pay dátù, If I were rich. Aku pa nímu, níya, If I were you, him. Kami pa ninyu, níla, If we were you, them. 7b [predicate] —y ímu! [so-and-so] is stupendous in quantity, quality (lit. if you could only see [such-and-such]). Mais pay ímu, sus kadaghan! If you could only see my corn. My! There’s a lot. Si Pidru pay ímu, káun giyud tug irù, Believe me, Pedro will eat dog meat, and how! 7b1 [noun] —y ákù I never thought [so-and-so] was what he was. Si Pidru pay ákù may kirída diay nà siya, I never thought it was possible, but Pedro has a mistress. 7c — lámang see lámang, 4b, c. 7d agad, maáyu — it would be, would have been better if, it would have been good. Maáyu (agad) pa untà ug átung napintálan ang kahun úsà gawía, It would have been better if we had painted the box before we used it. Agad (maáyu) pa ug magtuun ka kay sa magkantakanta, You would do better to study than just sit around singing. 7e hináut, básin, básun — I hope that. Hináut pang dílì muulan, I hope it won’t rain. 8 modifying a phrase referring to time: [so-and-so] recently happened, won’t happen until ... Dílì madala ug bálik ugmà, Huybis pa, I cannot bring it back tomorrow. Not until Thursday. Bag-u pa siya nga milakaw, He left just now. Gíkan pa siya sa Manílà, He is just back from Manila. Karun pa siya muabut gíkan sa Buhul, [711]He arrived just now from Bohol. 8a1 ayhà, anhà — only then [will so-and-so] happen. Ayhà (anhà) pa siya mulíhuk ug pakit-an ug latigu, He only moves if he sees a whip. 8a2 dihà — only then [so-and-so] happened. Dihà pa siya mutuun nga hápit na ang iksámin, He only started to study when it was nearly exam time. 8b mau —y [abstract form] or [instrumental passive] that is the first time [abstract] happened, [instrumental passive] will happen. Mau pay pagkadungug nákù niánà, That is the first time I heard that. Mau pay ilung-ag ug mudtu na, Don’t cook it until noon. (The first time to cook it when it’s noon.) 8c [future verb abstract form] — but then when [so-and-so] was done. Dúgay nákung limpiyu sa salug. Baldiyúhan pa nákù, human dáyun, It took me a long time to clean the floor. But then when I hosed it down, it was finished right away. Pag-abri pa nákù sa subri, wà diay sulud, When I opened the envelope, there was nothing in it after all. dáan — [subject] knew [so-and-so] in advance. Dáan pa lagi ku, I knew that long ago! 9 much less [do]. Dì gánì aku makasulti, kanta pa, I cannot even talk, much less sing. Dì gánì aku makahímù niánà, ikaw pa, I can’t even do that, much less you.

pa2 short form for pápa1. Pa, háin man si Máma? Pa (Dad), where is Mommy?

pa3 n fa. — mayur F major. — minur F minor. — sustinídu F sharp.

n k.o. tiny ant, smaller than the utitud, pale yellow in color and does not bite, found swarming over food. v [a4] for food to get over it. Cf. pala.

pā̀ = pálà1.

pa- derivational verb-forming affix to which inflectional affixes are added without morphophonemic alternation. 1 referring to actions one has caused s.o. to do (either to s.t. else or to oneself). Palútù ta ug sud-an, Let’s have s.o. prepare (lútù) some food. Palutúun nátù si Maríya, Let’s have Maria cook. Ipalútù ang sud-an, Have the food cooked. Patupi ta, Let’s get a haircut (cause s.o. to cut hair [tupi]). 1a added to adjectives. 1a1 have s.o. make s.t. [adj.]. Ipaitum ang ákung sapátus, Have s.o. dye my shoes black. 1a2 have s.t. become [adj.]. Patambúkun ta ka sa uma, We’ll fatten you up on the farm. 1b added to nouns: cause s.o. to do [the action that verbs derived from the noun refer to]. Gustu ka ba pabakyà? You want me to hit you with a wooden slipper (cause me to use the bakyà)? Dì ku paulípun, I will not let myself be made a slave. 2 added to doubled adjectives: pretend to be. Ayaw pasakitsákit dihà, Don’t pretend to be sick! Nagpadiyusdiyusnun ang sungáyan, The devil is pretending to be saintly. 3 added to nouns: go to [noun]. Padaplin ug dì ka gustung hiligsan, Get out of the way if you don’t want to get run over. Papiliw ba ang ímung sakayan run? Is your boat headed for the shallow waters now?

páa n thigh, legs from the knees up. v [A12] obtain a thigh for one’s effort in slaughtering domestic animals. (→) v [a12] hit in the thighs. paN- n the way the thighs are. Hastilag pamáa ning bayhána. Makabúngug, My, how huge this woman’s thighs are. They’re absolutely amazing (lit. deafening). paahan n the upper leg of a pair of pants.

paagpaag a staggering, tottering walk. v [B6; c1] stagger, totter. Nagpaagpaag ang hubug, The drunk staggered in his walk.

páak v 1 [A; ab2] bite, sting. Gipáak aku sa bátà, The child bit me. Hipaakan ku sa kasag, I got bitten by the crab. 2 [b2] be caught in s.t. Hipaakan (napaakan) ákung karsúnis sa kadína sa bisiklíta, My pants got caught into the bicycle chain. 3 [A; a] charge high prices on s.t. sold. Ayaw sad kug paákag maáyu íni, Don’t charge me too much for this. 4 [A] buy or ask for a small amount of s.o. else’s purchase, just enough to meet one’s needs. Mupáak kug singkwinta stábus sa ímung isdà, Let me buy fifty centavos worth of the fish you have bought. (→) n claw, pincer of crustaceans. Paak sa kasag, Crab’s claw. pa- v 1 [A; ac] allow to bite. 2 [c] hold s.t. with pliers. Ipapaak ang twirka sa alikáti samtang hugtan ang pirnu, Hold the bolt with the pliers while you turn the screw. paN-(→) v [A13] 1 be biting with heat. Nagpamaak ang kaínit sa adlaw, The heat of the sun is scorching (biting). 2 bite one’s lips or tongue. Nagpamaak siya sa íyang ngábil sa kasukù, He is biting his lips in anger. -in-ay(→) v [C23] biting each other, kissing lovingly. Lábing kaáyu sila nga nagpinaakay, They were very loving and kept kissing each other. -in- n s.t. acquired from the things s.o. has just bought. -in-an(→) n bite. Wà muskitirúhi si Bungbung. Dì daghag pinaakan sa lamuk, Bongbong wasn’t given a mosquito net, so he got lots of mosquito bites.

paas, páas a having a tired voice, hoarse from overuse. v [B; c1] for the voice to be tired and hoarse from overuse. Mupaas (mapaas) ímung tíngug ug magsígig tábì, Your voice will become hoarse if you keep talking too [712]much.

páaw1 v [B12] be anxious about s.t. over which one has no information or over which one has little control. Mapáaw giyud ku níya ug wà siya sa balay sa alas nuybi, I get worried about him if he isn’t home at nine. Napáaw ang amahan kay diyútay na lang ang bugas, The father got worried because there was little rice left. ka- n 1 need of s.t. which one cannot do without. Way nakatábang sa ákung kapáaw. Wà kuy masangpit, No one helps me in my great need. I have no one to turn to. 2 anxiety for s.t. over which one has a great concern.

páaw2 = pálaw.

pabalúnan see bálun.

pabhas = pahubas, n, v1. see hubas.

pabílu n 1 wick of a lamp. 1a drainage, sterile gauze inserted into a wound. 1b fuse of dynamite. 2 cause, agent of intensity. Siya ang pabílu sa kasámuk sa ámung balay, She is the cause of the troubles in our house. v 1 [A; b6(1)] put a wick in a lamp, fuse in dynamite, drainage in a dressing. 2 [A; b6] give a cause for a quarrel or misunderstanding. Wà tà tu siya mangísug apan ímu pung gipabilúhan, He wouldn’t have gotten angry if you hadn’t given him cause.

pablik n 1 public school. Paiskuyláhun ku siya sa pablik, I’ll have him attend public school. 2 in phrases: — bíding public bidding. — disturbans public disturbance. — iskúl public schools. — markit government-run market. — sirbis government service.

pablikar = publikar.

pabliku = publiku.

pablísir n publisher. v [B156] be, become a publisher.

pablisiti n publicity.

pablum n pablum, cereal for children.

pabrika n factory. v 1 [A; b6] put up, operate a factory. 2 [a2] make into, put up a factory. 3 [A; c1] manufacture goods in a factory.

pábu n turkey. — riyal n peacock.

pabur a 1 advantageous to. Ang kasabútan pabur kanátù, The agreement is advantageous to us. — sa hángin have the wind at one’s back. Túlin ang sakayan kay pabur sa hángin, The boat sails fast when the wind is in back. 2 in favor of, on the side of. Ang disisiyun pabur kang Rimutígi, The decision was in favor of Remotigue. 3 within easy reach. Pagbantay! Kay pabur ka ra ba sa ákung tuu! Watch out! You’re in easy reach of my right hand! 4 move towards. Iirug-irug ang lamísa pabur sa tuu, Move the table more to the right. n 1 advantage, concession. Nangáyù siyag pabur sa kumpári níyang mayur, He asked a favor from his friend who was the mayor. 2 port, left side of a ship. v 1 [A12] a have the edge or winning trend. Kusug ming musyágit ug makapabur nag ámung manuk, We shout boisterously when our cock gets the edge. b be in a position to hit, strike well. 2 [A; b6] favor, take sides. Ayawg paburi ang bísag háing grúpu, Don’t take sides with either group. pa- v [A; c] turn a boat to the left side. pur- please (said in asking a favor). Purpabur ayaw na kug samúka, Please, don’t bother me any more. Purpabur ikúhà kug túbig, Please, get me a glass of water. †

paburíta n k.o. salt cracker.

paburitismu n favoritism. Dúnay paburitismu ang pagdumálà sa ámung prinsipal, Our principal practices favoritism in the way he runs the administration.

paburítu a favorite. Ang adúbu mauy paburítu kung sud-an, Adobo is my favorite dish. v [B126] become one’s favorite.

pad n pad of paper.

pád = pálad.

padayugdug see dayugdug.

páding n 1 padding. 2 padding of the payroll. v 1 [A; a] put, use, make into padding. 2 [A; a] pad the payroll. Mipáding sila sa pírul, They padded the payroll. -in-an n having padding.

padir n cemented fence.

pádir n title for a priest. (→) vocative.

padlak n padlock. v [A; b] padlock s.t. Padláki ang kusína, Padlock the kitchen.

padlas v 1 [A; a12] drive s.o. out of the house. Ímu gánì kung padlásun (padlasun) dì ku magduhadúha paglakaw, If you ask me to leave, I will not hesitate to do so. 2 [A; b5] fish in the padlas way. n k.o. fishing in shallow or moderately deep waters where a rectangular net is set, into which fish are driven.

padpad v 1 [A; c] for wind or water to carry s.t. in the current. Ang dag-um nga walà makabundak ganíha gipadpad, The rain clouds did not fall a while ago and were dispersed. 1a bring s.o. s.w. Unsang hangína ang mipadpad nímu nganhi? What (wind) brought you here? 2 [A; a] remove s.t. from whatever it was mixed with or stuck to. Padpára ang amursíku sa ímung sinínà, Pull the burrs from your dress. Padpárig pasì nang bugas, Pick out the unhusked grains from the rice.

padpád = paladpalad. see pálad.

padri n title for a priest. Si Padri Rudrígis Hiswíta, Father Rodriguez is a Jesuit. (→) [713]vocative. short form: dri.

padrǐ short for kumpadri, vocative.

padri dipamilya n male head of the family. Ang amahan mauy padri dipamilya sa balay, The father is the head of the family in the house.

padrínu n sponsor in marriage, baptism, or other religious ceremony. v [AC; a2] become the sponsor in baptism or marriage.

padri nwistru n the Lord’s Prayer.

padrun1 n 1 pad of paper. 2 padding, lining. Butangig padrun ang abága sa amirkána, Put padding in the shoulders of the coat. 3 dress pattern. v [A; b] 1 put a lining or padding. Siyay mipadrun ug gápas sa lingkuránan, He put cotton padding on the seats. 2 make a pattern for s.t. Ákung gipadrúnan ang tahiúnun, I made a pattern for the dress.

padrun2 n registry books for newly-born babies of a parish, town, or locality.

padyáma n pajamas. v 1 [A; b6(1)] wear, use pajamas. 2 [A; a12] make into pajamas.

pag- prefix added to most bases which take the verbal inflectional affixes. 1 forming imperatives (used esp. after ayaw ‘don’t’). short forms: g, or ug. Ayaw paglakaw (ug lakaw, glakaw), Don’t go away. Ayaw siya pagpatya, Don’t kill him. 2 forming infinitives. Gisugdan níya pagtágik ang íyang bálak, He began to compose his poem. Arun sa pagbutyag sa íyang tinagúan, In order to make his secrets public. 3 forming nouns meaning the action of [do]ing. Dílì maáyu ang pagpalabi, It’s no good to do things to excess. Nakabungkag sa ílang pagpúyù, Destroyed their life together. Ang pagburunda sa simbahan dì na kinahanglan, It is no longer necessary to wear a veil to church. 4 forming words which mean ‘when [so-and-so] was done’. Pag-abut nákù sa balay, mau say íyang paglakaw, When I arrived at the house, he left.

pág = palag.

paga, pága1 exclamation shouted in a game of marbles or for other kinds of pieces, when a player has hit a piece not intended, thus nullifying the game for the player. v [A; a12] to commit paga.

pága2 v [A; b] pay in full. Gipagáhan na nákù ang bayranan sa iskuylahan, I have paid the tuition fees in full. — distínu = pagádu distínu. midiya — half fare. -du n paid off. Pagádu na ang útang, The debt has been paid off. v [B125] get paid up. -du distínu for a passenger’s fare to be paid on arrival. Pagádu distínu ang ákung paglakaw, My trip was on the payment-upon-arrival basis. v [A] travel on the payment-upon-arrival basis. -díru distínu = pagádu distínu. -dur n paymaster. v [B156] become the paymaster.

pága3 n 1 shelf put above the stove. Limpiyúhi ang mga kúlun ug ibutang sa pága, Clean the pots and place them on the shelf. 2 platform built close to the roof forming a loft but not extending the entire length of the house. v [b6] put a shelf, loft in a house.

paga-a see paga-un.

paga-an local passive durative affix, future. (Past: gina-an. Subjunctive: paga-i.) For the use of the durative passive forms see the entry under paga-un. Pagabantayan ang dáwang anihun, Millet that is ready for harvest should be looked at every so often. Ingun sa pagahitan-awan sa íyang hunàhúnà, It was as if it kept appearing in his mind. Ang maung hitabù nahímung ginahisgútan sa mga táwu, That event became the subject of conversation for these people. Pagaabunuhi ang lubi, Keep putting fertilizer to the coconut trees every once in a while.

paga-i see paga-an.

pagakpak n 1 sound produced by clapping, clapping of wooden sandals, clopping of horses, and the like. Limpiyang pagakpak, Shoeshine done by slapping a piece of cloth over the shoes with a popping sound. 2 instrument for making a clapping sound. v [A; c1] make a clapping, clip-clop sound. Ikaw bay mupagakpak sa humayan? Will you sound the clapper in the rice field? Nagpagakpak ang ílang bakyà pag-ági níla, Their wooden sandals made a clapping sound as they passed by. Pagakpákan nátù ang nakadaug, Let’s applaud the winner.

págal v [B12] be broke (slang). Miundang siyag súgal sa dihang napágal na siya, He stopped gambling when he went broke. (→) a flat broke.

pagan, págan = paga. (←) v [A; a12] involve s.o., cause s.o. to be included in a misfortune. Kanang ímung tinuntu mupágan sa uban, That mischief of yours will likely involve the others. Pagkasúnug sa dakung balay napágan ang mga balay nga silíngan, When the large house burnt, the neighboring houses were included.

pagang a for hair to be dry and lack oil. v [B] for hair to become dry and lose its gloss. Mupagang (mapagang) ang buhuk kun sabunan, The hair will lose its luster if you wash it with soap. -un a easily getting dry and losing luster. [714]

paganti a paid off. Paganti na ang útang, The debt has been paid off.

pagánu n pagans.

pagapak = palagupak.

pagari n 1 s.t. payable on an installment basis. Mukúhà kug tíbi nga pagari, I will get a T.V. set on an installment basis. 2 promissory note. Pirmáhi ring pagari arun masigúru, Sign this promissory note to be sure. v [A; b6] sell, pay for s.t. on an installment basis. Nakapagari aku ug sininaun, I got a piece of dress material on an installment basis.

págas n hardened crust on top of a wound. v [B3] form a crust on top of a wound.

pagatpat n k.o. tree of mangrove swamps: Sonneratia caseolaris and acida.

paga-un direct passive durative affix future time. (Past: gina-. Subjunctive: paga-a.) Literary style except in Southern Leyte and Bohol where it is colloquial (with the dialectal prefix a- substituting for paga-). Forms with paga-un are used to refer to actions repeated at intervals or after preposed forms meaning ‘it is good, proper, necessary,’ and the like. Ságad pagabasáhun níya ang Biblíya sa dì pa matúlug, She usually reads the Bible before she goes to sleep. Unsay ángay nátung pagabuhátun? What is the proper thing to do? Forms with gina- refer to an action which goes on in time. Ginapasundáyag pa gihápun ang mga dúlà ni Piyuks, Piux’s dramas are still performed. The forms with paga-a are used when the subjunctive is required, or for the imperatives, in contexts referring to repeated or enduring actions. Ang humay adtu pagadagamíha sa búus, They take the rice on the stalks to the granary, and there they get the rice grains (as they need them).

pagaw a hoarse. v [BN] become hoarse. Mipagaw (napagaw, namagaw) ang ákung tíngug sa pagsinyágit, My voice got hoarse from shouting. ka-(←) v [A13] be very hoarse. Undang na lang ug kanta dihà uy. Nagkapágaw lang ang ímung tíngug, Stop singing. Your voice is hoarse. -un a of a hoarse sort.

pagáwal see gáwal.

pagawpaw a for soil to be used up. Ang yútang pagawpaw gamay nag abut, Leached-out land has a low yield. v [B] be, become barren. -un(→) a worked-out k.o. soil.

pagba v 1 [A; a] fire objects in a kiln. Ikaw bay mupagba sa mga kúlun? Will you fire the pots? 2 [B; a12] tan, darken the skin in the sun. Napagba siyag kinalígù sa dágat, His skin got dark from bathing in the sea so much.

paghid (from páhid) v 1 [A; b(1)] put s.t. on by spreading. Ikaw bay nagpaghid ug mantikilya sa pán? Did you spread butter on the bread? 2 [A12; b8] brush against momentarily. Nakapaghid kug bátà sa ákung pagdalìdalì, I brushed against a child because I was rushing about.

paghut v 1 [A; a12] bark. Gipaghut mu sa irù kay sábà man mu kaáyu, The dog barked at you because you were very noisy. 2 [A] cough (humorous). Nagpaghut ka lang ánang tantu nímung pag-inubu, You are coughing so much, you sound like you’re barking. n 1 barking. 2 action of coughing (humorous).

pági n general term for rays.

pagiyun n k.o. ornamental bulb, the spider lily: Crinum asiaticum.

pagka-1 affix added to most bases which occur with the verbal inflections in one or more of the following usages. 1 forming a noun meaning the action of having had [so-and-so] done or happen to it. Maáyu ang pagkalútù níya sa kík, He baked the cake well. (Lit. The action of his having baked the cake was good.) Ang kabílin wà maángay pagkabáhin, The inheritance was not divided fairly. Dalì rang pagkamatay, He died quickly. 1a forming a noun meaning ‘having done [so-and-so]’. Hustu ra giyud ang pagkaabut ninyu kay dáyun na námung paniudtu, You arrived just in time because we are about to eat lunch. 2 forming a word meaning when [so-and-so] had happened, had been done. Pagkapalit níya sa pán, When he had bought the bread (lit. when the bread was bought). Pagkakità níya niánà, When he saw that. 3 forming an infinitive referring to completed action or the coming into a state. Walà maángay pagkabáhin ang kabílin, The inheritance had not been fairly divided. Misamut siya pagkahubug, He got all the more drunk.

pagka-2 prefix added to adjectives to form exclamations. Pagkadakù bayà niíning syudára, Gee! What a huge city this is! Pagkabuútan giyud nímu, How awfully nice of you!

pagka-a(←) forms with the prefix pagka-1 and pagka-2 to which -a(←) has been added. 1 prefix added to adjectives to form exclamations, with a greater degree of emotion or intensity of the exclamation than pagka-2. Pagkadakúa sa ílang bag-ung balay! Their new house is absolutely tremendous! 2 form meaning particular action of having done [so-and-so]. Hustu giyud tung pagkaabúta [715]ninyu, Your arrival (lit. that particular arrival of yours) was just at the right time.

pagkang = pakgang1.

pagkut = pakgut.

pagpag a for hair to be dishevelled. v 1 [BN; c1] for hair to be dishevelled. Mipagpag (napagpag, namagpag) ang ákung buhuk sa hángin, My hair became dishevelled in the wind. 2 [A; b6(1)] agitate to remove dust. Íyang gipagpágan ang ílang mga butang sa abug, She shook the dust out of their things.

pagtung v 1 [BN; a12] burn, scorch. Napagtung siya sa kaínit sa adlaw, He got burned by the heat of the sun. 2 [B12; a12] for popcorn to fail to pop. Napagtung ang bitì ug walà mubukad, The corn turned brown and did not pop. a thoroughly burnt from baking or being otherwise exposed to heat. Pait ang ságing nga pagtung pagkasugba, Burnt bananas taste bitter.

pagu a burnt to a crisp. Dì na ni makáun kay pagu na kaáyu, You can’t eat this any more because it has been burnt to a crisp. v [B] be burnt to a crisp.

págu v [A; c1] welsh on a bet, delay payment. Kinsay nagpágu sa tanang pusta nga nahánaw man lang? Who ran away without paying the bets? Ákù lang úsà ning pagúhun (ipágu) nga pusta, I won’t pay my bet for the time being. n 1 amount which one failed to pay. Pilay ímung págu kaníya? How big an amount did you welsh on? 2 comeuppance, just deserts. Mau kanay págu nímu, That’s what you get!

pagù n a small brownish bird of the bush, with a body about 2″ in length.

págud v 1 [AB12; a12] burn, burnt. Baliha ang adúbu arun dílì mapágud, Turn the fried meat to the side so that it will not get burnt. Ínit sa adlaw muy nakapágud (nakapapágud) sa ákung pánit, The heat of the sun burnt my skin. Nagkapagud na ang pán. Dalia pagháun, The bread is burning. Take it out quickly. 2 [A; a] roast cereals black. Magpágud tag mais pára ikapi, Let’s roast some corn grits for coffee. (→) a burnt. Akuy káun sa pagud nga pán, I’ll eat the burnt bread. Kasagáran sa mga mananagat pagud ug pánit, Most fishermen have deeply tanned skin. -in- n cereal roasted black, esp. corn grits. Pinágud ra giyuy ámung kapi, All we have for coffee is burnt corn grits.

pag-ud a tough, strong, hardy. Pag-ud ang simintu kay sa káhuy, Cement is stronger than wood. v [B2; a12] become tough, strong. Nagkapag-ud na ang íyang láwas, He is getting stronger now.

pagudpud a crumbling, but hard; brittle. v [B; a12] be brittle. Mupagudpud (mapagudpud) ang tiratíra ug butangan ug mani, Taffy becomes brittle if you put peanuts in it.

pagúha n k.o. wild banana with yellow fruit when ripe, with sweet but seedy flesh: Musa errans.

pag-uk a grayish, darkened due to dirt. v [B] be, become grayish or darkened due to dirt. Nagkapag-uk na ang mga bisti nga wà ikaladlad, The clothes that are not bleached are becoming discolored.

pag-ulíngun n k.o. small tree or shrub of the secondary forest: Cratoxylon blancoi and celebicum.

pag-umangkun (from anak) n niece, nephew: son or daughter of one’s siblings or of a cousin of one’s own generation of any degree. — sa pag-agáwan (panag-agáwan) child of a cousin of one’s own generation.

pagupak n clapper made from bamboo, banana, or wood. v [A; c1] make such a clapper.

pagúrut see *gurut.

pagut a for a woman to be forward in making advances to men. Ug manghagad kag láki, pagut ka, If you make advances to men, you are forward.

pagutput n 1 put-put sound. 2 croaking sound of frogs. v [A] make a put-putting or croaking sound. Mupagutput giyud ang makina basta may dipirinsiya, The machine goes put-put if s.t. is wrong with it.

pagya, pagyà n way of referring to s.o. in a humorous, but indirect way. Layágun ug dunggan si Pidru mu nay nahímung pagyà, Pedro has large ears so that became the way they used to refer to him. v [A; b5c] refer to s.t. by making a joke about it but not naming it. Napagyà karun nga ang dalágang mamatay pabawnan ug alhu, It is a common joke to say that when a spinster dies, they should put a pestle at her side. Gipagyà (gipagyáan) námù siyang pahak, We used to refer to him as scar head.

páha n girdle or abdominal binder. v [A; c] wear a girdle, binder; make into a binder.

páhak v [A; a3b] make a gash, slash or gorge a piece out of s.t. Ang kalabaw mauy nagpáhak sa ámung tágud, The carabao consumed a portion of our seed bed. (→) n 1 the space left in an area after a piece has been removed. May pahak ang ímung agigísing, There’s a spot on your temples with very short hair. Dakug pahak ang kík, mu rag gikan-an, There’s a piece missing in my cake. I think s.o. touched it. 2 scar on the [716]head. Nipsa pagtupi ang buhuk arun dílì makítà ang pahak, Just trim the hair off so you can’t see the scar.

pahamtang see butang1.

pahang, páhang v [B] smell of food beginning to rot. Napahang na ang sud-an sa paradur úsà níya hikit-i, The food got rancid in the pantry before he found it. (→) a having the smell of s.t. rotting. Kapahang sa pípì sa bátà, wà hugási, The baby’s vagina smells terrible because no one washed it.

páhat v 1 [A3S; ac] divide food, property, money into allocations. Ang gubyirnu mupáhat nímu ug dúsi iktariyas, The government will allocate you twelve hectares. Paháta ang kík sa lima ka báhin, Divide the cake up into five portions. 2 [A12; b6] get a portion, allocation. Nakapahat (napahatan) siyag dakùdakù kay sa ákù, He managed to get a slightly larger allocation than mine. n allocation, portion. -anan n mail section in the post office where mail is sorted and placed in different bags.

pahaw = pagaw.

pahawin see háwin.

páhi n personal valet, servant to wait on hand and foot. v [A; c1] be a personal valet.

páhid v 1 [AN; c] rub on, apply by wiping. Akuy mupáhid ug mantikilya sa pán, I will spread butter on the bread. Pahírig túbig ang inasal, Wipe water over the roasted pig. Ipáhid kini sa tutunlan, Rub this on the throat. 1a — ug salà lay the blame on s.o. else. Ayaw ipáhid ang ímung salà nákù, Don’t put the blame for what you did on me. 2 [A; ab1] wipe slightly to remove s.t. Pahíra ang mumhu sa lamísa, Wipe the morsels off the table. Pahíri ang ímung lúhà, Wipe your tears. Pahíri ang lamísa arun mauga, Wipe the table lightly so that it will get dry. (→) n s.t. used to wipe. paN- v [A2; b1] wipe oneself to remove s.t. Namáhid siya sa lúhà, She wiped her tears away. pahiran, pahiránan n 1 doormat. 2 rags to wipe the hands.

pahilihíli bágu kíri set phrase from Tagalog: saying one doesn’t want to, but actually be dying to do it.

pahimangnù see mangnù.

pahimulus see pulus1.

pahimús = pahimulus. see pulus.

pahína1 n page, leaf of a book. v [A; b] mark, number pages. Gipahináhan ku na ang ripurt, I have already numbered the pages of the report.

pahína2 v [C2; a2b] for a group to work on s.t. without compensation. Magpahína pagpatay sa ilagà ang tibuuk baryu káda Sabadu, The whole village works on a project to exterminate rats every Saturday. Gipahinahan sa Pitii ang pagtrabáhu sa iskuylahan, The P.T.A. volunteered to work on the school building. n work bee to accomplish a certain project.

pahináhin see *hináhin.

pahinanti n worker that does heavy unskilled labor, esp. hauling. v [A1; a12] do heavy unskilled labor. Íya kung pahinantíhun sa ílang trák, He’ll put me to work as a laborer on their truck.

pahinar v [A; c1] fix the hair. Dì ku makapahinar sa ákung buhuk ug aku ra, I don’t know how to fix my hair alone. pahinadur, pahinadúra n one who fixes the hair. v [B156] become a hairdresser.

pahit v [AN; a2b7] 1 bite using the front teeth, for insects or animals to bite. Gipahit ku sa mga umígas, The ants bit me. Pahitan nákug gamay ang ímung pán, I’ll take a bite from your piece of bread. 2 for animals to go at young corn. Gipahit sa irù ang mais sa anagun pa, The dog went at the young corn. paN- v [A] 1 bite one’s lips. Nakapamahit ang sarhintu sa íyang ngábil sa kasukù, The sergeant bit his lips in anger. 2 for heat to be biting. Nagpamahit nga kaínit sa adlaw, The scorching heat of the sun. -in-an n bite inflicted on one. Pinahitan sa lamuk, Mosquito bites.

pahiyum see híyum.

páhù n k.o. small, fibrous mango: Mangifera altissima.

pahugpahug a somewhat stupid. Dílì siya makahímu niánang buháta kay pahugpahug, He is not capable of doing the work because he is such a stupid fellow. v [A; b] roam around aimlessly. Tibuuk adlaw nákung pahugpahug sa syudad, I roamed around the city the whole day.

pahúlì see húlì.

pahung a a person who acts strange or does things people would consider stupid. Báhu ning pahung nagyasyas lang nang kinarsunisan, Of course he’s a fool, he wears pants too big for him. v [B1] become foolish.

pahunpáhun n general appearance, actions. Mu rag giputul nang batáa sa amahan kay amahan giyud ang pahunpáhun, That child is a chip off the old block. He acts and looks just like his father. paN- v [A23] 1 for the hazy outline of s.o. or s.t. to appear at a distance. Mamahunpáhun ang kabukíran sa sayung kabuntágun, The mountains loom clear in the early morning light. 2 [717]carry oneself. Mu ra giyud nà siya sa íyang inahan nga mamahunpáhun, She moves just like her mother. n general outline, contours.

pahut v 1 [A; b] lace shoes. Pahuti sa listun ang sapátus sa bátà, Lace the child’s shoes. 2 [A; ac] tie with any interweaving knot. Pahuta ang písì pára dílì mabadbad, Make the rope into a looped knot so it won’t come undone. n knot which is interlooped so that it cannot slip, like a square knot or a slipknot. pahutpahut v 1 [A; a] darn a tear with big temporary stitches. Dalìdaliag pahutpahut ang gising hábul, Stitch the torn blanket quickly. 2 [A; b6] travel in and out across s.t. as if describing the course taken by a needle in darning. Nagpahutpahut sa kabukíran ang mga girilyíru, The guerillas traveled across the mountains.

pahuy n 1 scarecrow. 2 a person who is manipulated by others. Insik ang tag-iya niánà. Pahuy lang nà siya, A Chinaman owns that. He’s just a dummy. Si Markus usa ka pahuy sa mga impiryalista, Marcos is an imperialist lackey. v [AN; c1N] put up a scarecrow.

páig v 1 [A; a2] roast s.t. till it becomes charred. Magpáig kug bugas nga kapihun, I will roast some rice to make into coffee. 2 [B12] scorch the skin. Ang adlaw nakapáig (nakapapáig) sa pánit sa mananagat, The sun burnt the fisherman’s skin. 3 for a business to fail or go bankrupt. Nagsígi mag paútang maung napáig ang ílang tindahan, Their store went bankrupt because they allowed so many people to credit. (→) a totally burnt with only charred remains. Ang kík paig kaáyu, The cake was completely burnt. -in- n s.t. roasted till charred, esp. corn grits, for making into coffee. -un(→) a dark in complexion.

paílub n patience. v [A; c] endure, be patient with. Nagpaílub siya bísag kápuy ang trabáhu, He is patient although his work is wearisome. ma-un a patient, enduring.

pais v [A; b6] cook s.t. by wrapping it in leaves and burying it in live coals. Gustu kung paisan lang ang útuk, I want the brains prepared by broiling them in leaves. -in-an n s.t. cooked broiled in live coals.

paisánu n one’s compatriot, s.o. from the same town or village.

pait a 1 bitter in taste. 2 bitter in situation. v [B; a2] 1 be bitter in taste. Mipait (napait) ang atay kay napusà ang apdu, The liver became bitter because the gall bladder broke. Paita ang timpla sa ákung kapi, Make my coffee strong (lit. bitter). 2 be a bitter situation. Ang nakapait nímu kay dì ka mamátig katarúngan, What’s bad about you is that you don’t listen to reason. -an(←) a 1 for pork liver to taste bitter on account of what was fed to the pig. 2 k.o. 1″ vase shell, the meat of which tastes bitter. v [B12] for liver to get bitter in taste. pa-(←) n dish of Ilocano origin made from goatskin, cut into tiny pieces, and cooked in vinegar with spices and made to taste very bitter by mixing spleen into it. v [A1; a12] prepare papáit.

pak n word used in writing to represent the sound of a slap, or explosion of firecrackers.

paka n pincers of shellfish.

páka v [AB12; a] break s.t. off from the thing to which it is attached, become broken off. Mapáka giyud ang pul-an sa kutsilyu ug itigbas sa bukug, The handle of the knife will surely break off if you use it to chop bones. n cuttings for planting, usually of sugar cane. Ákung itanum ang mga páka sa tubu, I’ll plant the cuttings of the sugar cane.

pakà = palakà.

pákà n loud cracking sound like that of guns, wood cracking, slapping sound. v 1 [A] make a cracking sound. Mupákà giyud nang ímung nawung ug dílì ka patúu, Your face will resound with a crack if you don’t listen. Mipákà ang butu sa pusil, The gunshot resounded with a crack. 2 [A; b6P] for a language to be spoken fast and fluently like a machine gun. Mupákà lang ang ininglis kay Amirikánu siya, His English comes fast and fluent because he is an American. — ang inamang not talking in a situation where conversation would be normal. (lit., talking like the mutes). Pulus man gud sila mauwáwun, pákà lang ang inamang, They were both shy and they just sat there in silence.

paka- derivational verb forming prefix. 1 added to adjectives or nouns referring to a person in a certain capacity, forming verbs which occur with the durative active affixes (mag-1) and the direct passive affixes (-un1). With the durative active affixes, verbs with paka- mean ‘pretend to be, act like [so-and-so]’ and with the direct passive affixes they mean ‘consider as [so-and-so]’ or ‘treat like [so-and-so]’. Nagpakadakung asyindíru, Pretended to be a big plantation owner. Nagpakatigúlang, Acted like an old man. Ángayng pakabathaláun ang bána sa asáwa, A wife should consider her husband a god. Gipakasayun lang nímu ang kaminyúun, You think marriage is an easy thing. 2 added to most verbs to form verbs with potential meanings (see maka-1) to which the durative active affixes (mag-1) are added. [718]This form is literary and usually refers to several agents. Nagpakapusta sila sa manuk nga napildi, They bet on a cock that lost. Nagpakabatì sila apan nagpakabungulbúngul, They heard but remained silent. 2a added to a few verbs meaning see, hear, smell, sense, and the like to form verbs which mean ‘cause s.o. to hear, etc.’. Verbs with paka- of this sort occur only with the potential active affixes. Suntuk nga nakapakakità ug aniníput, A blow that made him see stars. 3 added to roots referring to a state to form verbs meaning ‘bring oneself or s.o. else into [such-and-such] a state purposely.’ Verbs with this paka- occur with the active durative and local passive affixes. Nagpakabúhì siya álang sa íyang mga anak, He lived for his children. Nagpakaúlaw kug panghangyù, I lowered myself to beg. Gipakamatyan níya ang yútang natawhan, He gave his life (lit. caused himself to die) for the sake of his country. 3a added to roots referring to a time of day or life: stay s.w. until [such-and-such] a time. Usually with (→). Magpakatigulang ku dinhing dapíta, piru adtu ku magpakamatay sa ámù, I will stay here until my old age, but I will go home to die. Didtu sa barku pagpakakaadláwun, Stay on the boat until daybreak. †

pákal v [A; c] 1 put a large piece into the mouth. Ayaw ipákal ug hurut ang kan-un sa ímung bàbà, Don’t put all the food into your mouth. 2 stuff a hole. Pakálig batu ang lungag sa ilagà, Put rocks into the rat hole.

pakang1 v 1 [AC; ab2c] hit with s.t. fairly good-sized. Nagkapákang ang ílang úlu, Their heads slammed into each other. Pakngag hínay ang silsil, Tap the chisel lightly. 2 [A; a] rap s.o. on the head. Sira sa kabinit ang nakapakang sa ákung úlu, I bumped my head on the cabinet door. Pakngun ta ka run ug dílì ka mutúu, I’ll rap you on the head if you don’t obey me. n s.t. used to tap or drive s.t. in. (←) v [C; ac] set off one’s debts against each other. Átù na lang pakángun ang átung útang. Ang ímung singku kuntra sa ákung usa ka lungnik, I owe five pesos and you owe me a fifth, so let’s just say we’re even. hiN-(←) a fond of rapping.

pakang2 n flat, pocket-sized bottle of liquor holding 350 cc. (slang).

pak-ap v [A; a12] pack up. Nagpak-ap na mi kay mularga, We’re packing up because we are about to leave.

pákas v [A; a] 1 slice a fish in two, lengthwise, to dry it. Ákù lang pakásun ning subrang isdà kay ákung ibulad, I’ll split the extra fish to dry them. 2 break s.t. in two. Pakása ang pán, Break the loaf in two. 3 [c] share in a bet. Nagpákas sila sa usa ka tíkit, They went in together on one ticket. n half of a pair. Pákas sa karsúnis, One of the trouser legs. -in- n dried fish.

pakat v [A2; b8] snag s.t., catch. Ayúha ug lábay ímung pasul kay hipaktan ta sa tagà, Throw your fishline carefully because the hook might snag me.

pakaw a 1 bowlegged, pigeon-toed. 2 have an inarticulated elbow, such that one can not straighten his arm. v [B] be bowlegged, pigeon-toed. Mapakaw giyud ang bátà basta pirming sap-ángun, A child will become bowlegged if it is always carried astride.

pákaw1 n 1 corncob. 2 handle stuck into a frying pan with a rounded bottom (kaláhà).

pákaw2 n 1 buoy or float made of a long bamboo node 1½″ to 2′ used principally as a marker for fishing equipment. 2 the part of a floating anchor (paladyaw) that offers a drag, consisting of woven coconut fronds. v [A; c] tie this sort of float to s.t., buoy.

pakdul v [B126; b8] 1 knock s.o. on the top of the head. Sakit ákung úlu nga napakdul sa halígi, My head hurts because I bumped it against a post. 2 stub one’s toes. Mapakdul giyud kag mulakaw ka sa ngitngit, You will stub your toes if you walk in the dark. 2a [B1256] mispronounce a word in speech due to haste in speaking or due to the difficulty of pronouncing the word.

pakgang1 v [A; a12] stop s.t. short. Way nakapakgang sa íyang batásan nga laksut, No one has put a stop to his ugly ways. Gipakgang ku ang íyang pamakak, I put a stop to his lies.

pakgang2 n 1 dried sugar cane leaves. 2 frond of a buri palm.

pakgut1 (from gákut) v [A; c] tie s.t. tightly around several things or over an opening so that nothing can budge. Pakgúti ug maáyu ang kináhuy, Tie the firewood together securely. n s.t. to tie around. Ang uway maáyung pakgut sa kartun, Rattan is good for tying around boxes.

pakgut2 v 1 [A; ab7] cut, slice with a sickle. Pakgútan sa manananggut ang buluk káda buntag, The toddy gatherer slices a piece off the young coconut blossom every morning. 2 [A; a] strip an abaca trunk into fibers. Ayaw pakgúta kanang abaka nga butung pa ang tugdan, Don’t strip an abaca plant with a young stem. n action of cutting.

pakha n Chinese woman whose feet have been bound from birth to make them tiny. [719]

paki- prefix added to nouns to form adjectives meaning ‘extremely fond of [noun]’. Paki Núra giyud ning mga batan-un run, The youngsters these days are very fond of Nora Aunor. Pakiayiskrim, Very fond of ice cream.

páki, pakì1 n 1 a bar made of bamboo or other light wood put between the upper and lower sail in two- or more-piece sails. 2 the lower sail in a two- or more-piece sail, which is rolled up when the skipper wishes to reduce the amount of wind which can hit the sail. v [A; ac1] 1 roll up the lower sails. 2 make or attach a páki bar or lower sail.

pakì2 a 1 stiff. Pakì ra ning sinináa pagkaarmirul, This shirt has been starched too stiff. 2 recently dead, stiff. Pakì na siya pag-abut nákù, He was dead when I arrived. v [ABN; c1] 1 be stiff, cause s.t. to become stiff. Namakì ang karni nga gisulud sa prísir, The meat in the freezer became stiff. 2 be dead.

pakíbut v [c16] send letters by the paquebot mail service, formerly provided by the Post Office, whereby a mailbox was placed on a boat in which letters destined for the port of call or interior ports are placed.

pákids n package, esp. sent by mail.

pakig-(←) (see makig- for illustrations of the tense forms of the active voice.) Derivational verb forming affix, added to almost all roots which refer to an action and also to bases with -ay, (-anay) to form verbs which mean ‘engage s.o. in [such-and-such] an action’. Ayaw pakigkítà níyag usab, Don’t go see him again. Dakù ang ákung tingúhà pakiglákaw níya sa plása, I am very intent on taking her for a walk in the plaza. Ayaw pakigsumbagay ug gamay, Don’t pick a fight with s.o. smaller than you.

pakig-an(←) local passive future prefix added to some bases with a prefix pakig-. (Past: gipakig-an(←). Subjunctive: pakig-i.) Pakigsabútan ku siya, I will make an agreement with him. Gipakigbungúlan ku siya, I got onto bad terms with him. Ayaw siya pakigkitái, Don’t go to see her.

pakig-i see pakig-an.

pak-il a hard and compacted. Pak-il ang kamúti kay wà nímu tabúni paglung-ag, The sweet potatoes came out hard because you boiled them without a cover. v [B; a] become hard and compacted.

páking1 n packing plant. Nanarbáhu didtus páking sa Dil Munti, magdilatag pinya, Working at the Del Monte packing plant, canning pineapples. -an(→) n = páking.

páking2 v [A; b] apply packing to a hemorrhage. Duktǔr ang mipáking níya kay nagdugù man siya humag panganak, The doctor applied packing because she had a hemorrhage after her delivery.

pákit n 1 pocket in billiards. 2 = pákit sáyis. v [AN; c1] pocket money dishonestly. Kinsay nagpákit sa inyung swildu? Who pocketed your salary? Pakítun (ipákit) kunu sa tisuríru ang kwarta sa kapunúngan, They say the treasurer will pocket the money belonging to the organization. — buk n a paperback book. — máni petty cash one has for s.o.’s sundry expenses. — sáyis n flat bottle of liquor holding 350 cc. sayid — n side pocket of a billiard table. sikrit — see sikrit.

pakíti n package. Usa ka pakíting sigarilyu, A pack of cigarettes. v [A; c1] put in a package.

paklang n petiole of a buri palm frond.

paklay n dish made from goats’ or dogs’ entrails and blood, cut up and sautéed with spices. v [A; a12] make paklay.

paklì v [A3P; c1] turn s.t. that is flat. Ang kusug hángin mauy nakapaklì (nakapapaklì) sa páwud sa atup, The strong wind turned the shingles of the roof over. Paklía ang sunud panid, Turn the next page.

paklid (from kílid) v [A; c1] remove a thick, heavy sheet which has been attached to or lodged against s.t. Ang kawatan ang nagpaklid sa mahalung kwadru nga gilansang sa bungbung, The thief knocked off the expensive frame that was nailed to the wall. Gipaklid níyag hínay ang tabun sa bugásan, He opened the cover of the rice container slowly.

pakling v [A3P; c1] knock over s.t. erect and not rooted, usually to a lower place. Kinsay nagpakling sa masitíra? Who knocked the flower pots over? Napakling ang makililímus kay nasabdan sa irù nga milabay, The beggar was knocked down by a passing dog that brushed against him.

pakluy a 1 tending to loaf, take it easy when not watched. 2 lacking the energy to improve one’s lot. v [B; b] 1 idle, be loafing. Mahímu rang paklúyan nátù ning buháta, walà bítaw tay súhul, We can take it easy on this job. We’re hardly paid anyway. 2 be slow and unaggressive. Ug magpakluy ka sa kinabúhì, dì ka madiyus, If you are not sufficiently aggressive, you’ll never succeed.

paknit (from aknit) v [AB; a] peel off s.t. thin with care, flake in small bits, peel. Akuy mupaknit sa mga silyu arun dílì madáut, I’ll be the one to take the stamps off so they won’t get damaged. Napaknit ang pintal [720]sa bungbung, The paint on the walls peeled off.

pakpak1 n 1 husk, bark of trees. Pakpak sa mais, Corn husks. 2 by extension, peels. v [ABN; a2] peel off, shell. Nagkapakpak ang íyang pánit tungud sa ínit, He is peeling because of his sunburn. Isirbi ang mani nga gipakpákan, Serve the peanuts that we shelled. -an(→), -un, -un(→) n nearly ripe tamarinds, the peelings of which are loose.

pakpak2 = palakpak.

pakshul n foxhole. v [A; b6] dig a foxhole. Nagpakshul dáyun ang mga sundálu, The soldiers dug foxholes right away.

paksì, paksit v [A; a] rip off s.t. flexible that is adhering firmly to s.t. Kinsang buánga ang nagpaksì (nagpaksit) sa anunsiyu? Who is the fool that ripped off the announcement? Paksíun (paksítun) ku nang ngábil mung nagbagà, I will rip your thick lips off your snout.

paksiw n dish of meat or fish cooked with vinegar and spices. v [A; a2] make paksiw. Paksíwun nátù ang subrang inasal, We’ll make paksiw of the extra roasted pig.

paksiyun n faction.

paksul = pakshul.

paksut v [AB12; a] peel off s.t. which is adhering in a film or layer over s.t. else. Akuy mupaksut sa mga ritrátung ímung gipapilit sa bungbung, I’ll peel the pictures off that you pasted on the wall. Napaksut ang íyang túhud sa pagkadam-ag níya, His knees were bruised when he stumbled. n place s.t. was peeled off. Dúnay paksut ang káhuy nga napingsan sa bala, There is a slight bruise on the tree that the bullet grazed.

paktaw = patánì2.

paktu n pact, an agreement between two or more parties. — diritru sale of land subject to repurchase within a period of time. v [c1] execute a deed of sale with the right to repurchase.

paktul v 1 [A; a2b2] knock the head with s.t. Paktúlan ku nang ímung úlu arun makasabut ka, I will conk you on the head so you can understand. 2 [b4(1)] have paktul practiced on one. n k.o. sorcery whereby s.t. is done to a skull, doll, or some other representation of a person, and the person against whom it is practiced feels the effects of whatever is done to the image. paN- v [A2] practice paktul. maN-r-, maN-l- n sorcerer who practices paktul.

paktúra n 1 invoice of goods bought. 2 label attached to merchandise indicating the price in code. v [A; b(1)] make price tags for goods to be sold.

paku1 n k.o. fern, the young leaves of which are eaten as a salad: Athyrium esculentum.

paku2 n plaster of belladona: k.o. plaster applied locally for muscular aches. v [A; c] apply a plaster of belladona.

pakù n 1 wings. 2 ventral fin. 3 means or instrument to achieve s.t.: money, credentials, ability (colloquial). Dì ku makapamyista kay wà man kuy pakù, I can’t attend the fiesta because I don’t have the money for the fare. Dì ka mauwaw nga murikumindǎr níya kay hustu nà sa pakù, You need not be ashamed to recommend her because she has the qualifications. 4 armpit (humorous euphemism). v [A; b6] put wings on. pakùpákù n upper part of back just below the shoulder. paN- v [A; b6] grow wings. pak-an a 1 winged. 2 devilish. Pak-an bayà nímung dakù! You are a devil.

pákù v [B126; a12] be frustrated in one’s efforts to accomplish s.t. Wà ku mapákù sa ákung pagpanágat gabíi kay nakadá kug diyútay, It was worthwhile going fishing last night because I managed to catch some.

pakug v [AC; c] bang the head against s.t., bang heads together. Pakúgun ta mu kay paríhu mung sad-an, I’m going to bang your heads together. You are both guilty. Íyang ipakug ang íyang úlu sa halígi ug sapútun, He bangs his head against the post when he is angry. pakugpákug v [B46; c1] for things hanging loosely to bang repeatedly against each other. Magpakugpákug ang mga buwad nga binítay ug hangínun, The dried fish which are hung up knock against each other when the wind blows.

pakul n name given to good-sized triggerfishes with a larger mouth than the pugut.

pákul = pagúha.

pakúma n FACOMA, the acronym for Farmers’ Cooperative Marketing Association.

pakung v [AC; ab2c] give s.t. a light rap with s.t. else, bump a small part of the head against s.t. Kanang maistrang saputun ang nagpakung nákù, That irate teacher rapped me on the head. Napakung ang ákung úlu sa nag-abring sira, I knocked my head against the open door. v [A; ac] bang repeatedly.

pakupak = palagupak.

pákut1 v 1 [A; a] bind s.t. tightly. Tulisan ang nagpakut níla sa halígi, The robber bound them to the post. Pakúta ang mga bulus sa kawáyan arun sayun dad-un, Bind the bamboo stems together so they will be easy to carry. 2 [A13; c1] be of all different kinds, do s.t. to all different kinds. Ug pakútun (ipákut) ninyu ang prútas nga inyung kan-un maimpatsu giyud mu, If you eat all different [721]kinds of fruit at one time you’ll surely have indigestion. (→) n bond. ka- a of various kinds put together. Kapákut lang ang ímung pamalíbad, You have run the full gamut of excuses. v [B1456] be of various kinds put together. Nagkapákut ang íyang sinínà sa mga tapak, Her dress was all patches of every sort and shape.

pákut2 n wild boar.

pakwan n 1 watermelon. 2 dried watermelon seeds.

pakyas a failed, come to nothing. Pakyas na ang ákung panganduy, My dreams have come to naught. v 1 [A; a] fail, make s.t. fail. Dílì aku mupakyas nímu, I will not fail you. Dílì ka mapakyas, You cannot fail. Ayawg pakyása ang ákung tingúhà, Don’t cause my aspirations to fail. 2 [A2; b5] fail to do s.t. Gipakyas (gipakyásan) níya ang íyang pagsimba, He missed going to church. ka-an n failure.

pakyaw v 1 [A; a12] hire for the whole job, buy the whole lot. Nagpakyaw mig usa ka trák pára sa ámung ikskursiyun, We chartered a bus for our excursion. Magpakyaw tag panday paghímug aparadur, Let’s hire a carpenter to make the cabinet, paying him for the job. Pakyáwun ku ang pagtúkud sa balay, I’ll have the house constructed, paying a lump sum for the whole job. Pakyáwun ku ang tanang ságing basta itúgut ug barátu, I’ll buy all your bananas if you let me have them cheap. 2 [A2; a12] finish a game by making all the points consecutively without changing balls or hands. Ug aku nay makasirbi, pakyáwun giyud nákù, If I serve, I’ll do it to the end of the game (the other side won’t get the ball again). 3 [a12] skip doing s.t. one regularly does. Way bugas, pakyáwun na lang nátù ang átung paniudtu, We don’t have any rice. Let’s just skip our dinner. n s.t. hired or paid for as a whole. Dílì ni inadlaw. Pakyaw ni, We are paid for doing the whole job, not on a daily basis. maN-r-, maN-ay n whole lot buyer or worker of jobs under agreement.

pál1 n one’s pal. v [C; c] be pals.

pál2 n acronym for Philippine Air Lines. v [A13] take a PAL flight; by extension, take a plane.

pala n k.o. black ant, the size of an ordinary red ant (hulmígas) infesting fruits. It does not bite but secretes an acid which can sting the eyes. v [a4] be infested with black ants. see also pa.

pála1 (not without l) v [A; c] flatter, sweet talk. Akuy mupála ni Nánay arun ta palitan ug bag-ung sinínà, I’ll sweet talk Mother into buying us new dresses. n flattery. palapála = pála1.

pála2 (not without l) n spade, shovel. v [A; ac] move s.t. with a shovel. Paláha nang balas dihà, Shovel that sand away. Ipála ang balas ngari, Shovel the sand over here. (→) = pála2, v.

pála3 (not without l) n propeller.

pálà1 v [A; a] erase. Mam, akuy mupálà sa blakburd, Ma’am, I’d like to erase the board (for you). Lisud kang pad-un (paláun) sa ákung panumdúman, It’s difficult to erase you from my mind. -an(→) n eraser for pencil or typewritten figures. -in-an, pinad-an n erasure. Daghan rag pinalaan (pinad-an) ang ímung tinayip, Your typing has too many erasures. †

pálà2 v [A12; a3b2] get s.t. as a result of one’s actions or behavior. Makapálà kag maáyung kapaláran ug magtinarung ka, You will get good fortune if you are a good and upright person. Way láing hipaláan sa táwung burukintu kun dì áway, A troublemaker gets nothing but trouble.

palábad see *lábad.

palabangáhan, palabanghan = balbangáan.

palabra (not without l) n 1 word of honor. Wà siyay palabra kay dílì mutúman ug sáad, He has no word of honor because he does not hold to his promises. 2 talk as opposed to action. Palabra lang, way nabúhat, It’s all talk, no action. — diunur word of honor. -s see síti.

palábu see lábu1.

pálad n 1 palm of the hand. 2 one’s fate. Dì ku madátù kay mau nay ákung pálad, I will not get rich because it’s my fate not to. 2a pilay — who knows? Ayaw siyag sawaya. Pilay pálad ug maprisidinti siya, Do not scorn him. Who knows, he might one day become president. 2b walay — unfortunate. Mis — name Miss Palm, the hand as used in masturbating (humorous). Napildi kung Mis Pálad gabíi, I gave my all to Miss Palm last night (i.e. masturbated). (→) n 1 general name given to various flatfishes: flounders, brills, soles. 2 k.o. creeping grass: Cynodon dactylon. paladpalad 1 = palad, 1. 2 = bilabila. panim- v [A; b(1)] venture, try one’s luck. Adtu ku sa Manílà manimpálad, I will go to Manila to try my luck. Panimpalári ug hangyù si Pidung básig musugut, Try your luck in asking Pedong to do it. He might agree to. hiN- v [AN; b(1)] read the palm. Human siya kahimadli naghingári lang siyag hinuktuk, Ever since he had his fortune read, he has moped. panghiN- n palmistry. manghihimalad n palmist. [722]

paláran a fortunate. Paláran ka kay ikay napílì, You’re lucky you were chosen. kapaláran n fate, destiny. Súgù sa kapaláran ang nahitabù, What happened was the decree of fate. Balud sa kapaláran, The cruelty of fate. palárun a turning out lucky, successful. Ug palárun ang plánu, If the plan is successful.

paladyaw (from layaw) n k.o. floating anchor attached to a line, consisting of a float and s.t. tied to it to offer resistance (pákaw), the purpose of which is to slow down s.t. drifting or hold back s.t. moving. v [A13; a2] attach a paladyaw. Paladyawi ang palíhan arun malúya dáyun ang íhu, Attach a float to the harpoon line so the shark will tire easily.

palag v [A12] = hi-. hi-(←) v [A12C3; b8c3] meet with, run into. Nakapalag (nakahipálag) na ku sa hustung tubag, I found the right answer. Hipalgan sa mga pulis ang patayng láwas sa nalumus, The policemen found the dead body of the drowned person. Gikahipálag ku siya didtu, I ran into him there.

palagpag1 n 1 tray made of bamboo latticework that is hung s.w. for various uses, e.g. in the kitchen as a storage place for food, or hung in the garden as support for vines, et al. 2 bamboo stretcher for carrying corpses, the flooring of which is made of bamboo slats. Palagpag ang gikargáhan sa minatay, The corpse was carried on a bamboo stretcher. v [A1; a] put in, make into a tray of this sort or in a bamboo stretcher.

palagpag2 v [A; ac2] agitate s.t. to remove dust. Ipalagpag (palagpági) ang sinínà arun makúhà ang abug, Beat or shake the dresses to remove the dust.

palagupak n clapper made of bamboo or a banana leaf stalk. v 1 [A; b6] sound the palagupak. 2 [A; a12] make a palagupak.

palahúta = plawta.

pal-ak n a leafstalk and its leaf. v [A1; a] remove the leafstalk from the mother plant. Pal-áki kug pila ka dáhun sa pitsay, Take some Chinese cabbage leaves off of the plant for me.

palakà n frog.

palakáya n k.o. trawling with a V-shaped net (púkut) usually in deep waters. v [AN; a2] trawl, catch by trawling.

palakíru = palikíru.

palakpak n applause. v [A; b] clap. Ang gipalakpákan ug maáyu mauy nakadaug, The one who got the most applause won.

palakpalak n 1 croaking of frogs, flapping of wings of fowls, clacking of wooden slippers. 2 = palagupak. 2a lesbian, so called from the bamboo clapper which consists of two like-shaped pieces of bamboo. v 1 [A; c1] make the palakpalak sound. 2 [C] engage in lesbian behavior.

palakul, palákul (not without l) n hatchet. (→) v [a12b2] hit with a hatchet. Palakulun ku nang irúa, I’ll hit that dog with an axe. -un a like a hatchet. -un ug tiil having feet with spreading toes.

palakupak = palagupak.

palamban = pangtamban. see tamban.

palamingku (not without l) n long, sharp, pointed knife, of light weight, about 8″ long, used for slaughtering or slicing meat. v [A; ab2] strike, stab with a palamingku.

palanas n 1 flat, smooth rock or stone cliff. 2 eroded untillable area where large stones stick out. v [B2] for the soil to become barren, eroded. Mupalanas (mapalanas) ang yútà ug mabahaan, A piece of land becomes infertile if it is subject to floods.

palandung see landung.

palanggà (from danggà) v [A; a12] love and care for s.o. Mupanggà ku sa bátang buútan, I’ll love a good child. Palanggáun ku ikaw hangtud sa kahangtúran, I will love and care for you till the end of time. n dearest, darling. short form: langgā̀. Natúlug ka na ba, palanggà? Are you asleep, darling? ma-in-un a bestowing loving care, full of love. -in- = palanggà, n.

palanggána, plangganíta = planggána. plangganíta.

palangging, palanggingging n form of endearment for palanggà. Unsa may gustu nímung kan-un palangging? What do you want to eat, little dear?

palangka1 (not without l) n religious offering or pledge in the form of prayers, sacrifices, and penance for the success of a kursilyista (see kursilyu). v [A; c1] make a palangka.

palangka2 = plangka.

palangkì = pulangkì.

palangri n general name for longline fishing in deep waters. v [AN; b6] go longline fishing.

palanhay (not without l) a sloping gradually. v [B1; a12] be, become a gradual slope. Abunúhig yútà sa ubus arun mapalanhay ang baháda, Put in filling in the part below so that it will be an easy grade.

palansa = plantsa. -in- n flat-topped haircut with short sides.

palantig v [A; ab2] throw s.t. at s.t. Gipalantig nákung manuk nga mituktuk sa binlad, I threw stones at the chicken that was pecking [723]at the rice.

palantígun = balantígun.

palàpà = palàpálà.

palapag n 1 strong, permanent trellis, with posts, usually made of metal or hardwood, used as a support for climbing plants or as a screen. 2 matting made of closely woven bamboo slats. Katága sa palapag ang kupras, Spread the copra on the bamboo slats. 3 a round winnowing tray.

palápag n 1 improvised litter. Ang masakitun gibutang sa palápag ug gibayúngan ngadtu sa tambalánan, The sick person was placed on the improvised carriage and was taken to the hospital. 2 = palagpag1. v [A; a2] 1 carry in a litter. 2 make a litter.

palapála = palàpálà.

palàpálà1 n 1 horizontal trellis for plants to grow on. 2 temporary shed without walls with a flat roof. v [A; b6(1)] make such a shed or trellis for climbing plants. Magpàpà lang tas sílung nga pára kan-anan sa bisíta, We’ll make a pergola in the yard for the dinner guests.

palàpálà2 n advantage given an opponent whereby the stronger player agrees to make a certain multiple of the score gotten by the weaker, e.g., he must make five points for every one point of his opponent. v [A; c] give this advantage.

palaríti (not without l) = plaríti.

pálas1 (not without l) v [A3P; a] erase writings, memories. Ákù ta kang palásun sa ákung listahan, I’ll erase your name from my list. (→) n eraser. -in-an n erasure.

pálas2 (not without l) v [A; a12b2] summon people to work. Palásun ku ang mga silíngan kay maglálung ta sa balay, I will go notify the people to come because we’re going to move the house.

pálas3 (not without l) v [A; a12] continue weaving s.t. already started. Nasugdan ku na man, ikaw na lay magpálas, I started it. Now you continue weaving it.

palásan n k.o. rattan with a stem as big around as the arm, and the nodes approximately 1½″ apart. The heart stem is edible but bitter. The stalk is used for furniture and the split stems for tying.

palasíbu (not without l) = plasíbu.

palastǎr (not without l) v [AB; c1] 1 lay flat, lie down flat. Kinsa man nang nagpalastǎr dihà sa katri? Who’s that lying down on the bed? Ipalastǎr (palastára) ang panaptun sa lamísa úsà nímu tabása, Lay the cloth flat on the table before you cut it. 2 set in proper place. Palastáran ku sa ákung tinda kining ímung lamísa, ha? May I set my goods up here on your table?

palásu 1 = plásu. 2 = palatsu.

palasyu (not without l) n 1 palace. 2 archbishop’s residence. v [a12] make into a palace.

palata n k.o. fish found around rocks in shallow waters, not particularly good eating.

palatik (not without l) n outrigger boom to which the float (kátig) is attached. v [A; a] make or attach an outrigger boom.

palatíru (not without l) = platíru.

palatsu n k.o. flowing gown for women consisting of a flaring, full skirt modified to form two pant legs. v [A; a2] wear this sort of gown.

palátu (not without l) = plátu.

palatun n 1 plate, 9″ to 12″ in diameter, made of enamel-coated tinplate, round and deep like a shallow soup plate. 2 any plate. v [A; c1] 1 use a palatun. 2 make into a palatun. a eating a lot.

palaw (not without l) v [B1256] feel disappointment tinged with embarrassment at the failure of s.t. to happen. Napalaw ang mangunguut kay way sulud ang pitáka, The pickpocket was disappointed because the wallet contained no money. Napalaw mi pagkanta námug hápi birtdi kay dì diay adlaw níya, We were embarrassed when we sang happy birthday because it wasn’t his birthday.

pálaw n k.o. large, vigorous growing aroid, the tubers and leaves of which are eaten, esp. in times of scarcity: Cyrtosperma merkusii. v [A; b6] plant pálaw. -an(→) 1 = pálaw. 2 name for a similar aroid.

palaw-a = palwa.

paláwir (not without l) n female genitalia. paN- v 1 [A2; b6] adorn with flowers. 2 [A2; b3] make oneself up pretty, dress to kill (humorous). 3 [A2; a12] for a young girl to do s.t. appropriate to grown-ups. Ngánung nangmik-ap ka? Namaláwir ka na ba? Why are you putting make-up on? You want to act like a grown-up? 4 [A23] gather fallen coconuts, esp. from plantations not one’s own (humorous—word play on pamúlak ‘gather fallen coconuts’ which looks as though the root is búlak ‘flower’ [whereas actually the root is púlak]).

palaypay v [A; c] spread s.t. out or hang it up to air, dry. Didtu sa gawas ipalaypay ang hábul, Spread the blanket out outside. -an(→) n place where laundry is hung out to dry.

palbangáan, palbangáhan = balbangáan.

palda n skirt. v [A; a] wear, obtain, make into a skirt. — iblúsa n skirt and blouse. v [724][A; c] wear a skirt and blouse.

paldíyas n 1 brim of a hat. 2 part of the leg of the trousers from the knees to the cuffs. v [A; b] make the brim of a hat.

paldu v [A; a12] pack into bales. Átung paldúhun ang mga pamantaláan, Let’s bale the newspapers. n bale, bundle. -in- n s.t. packed in bales.

palhi a for a place to be inhabited by supernatural beings that can get easily angered and inflict diseases on the object of their ire. Giila ra ba ning yutáang palhi. Buháti únà úsà darúha, This land is notorious for the supernatural beings that guard it. Make an offering before you plow it.

palhug v [A; c] slip s.t. long under or in between s.t. else, usually not tightly placed. Ayawg palhúgi ug malíta ang ilálum sa hagdanan, Don’t keep a suitcase under the stairs.

palì1 n large scar. v [B; b4a4] form, have a scar. Mupalì ang kabahung ug mataptan ug mík, The infection will form a scar if you treat it with a coin.

palì2 v [B126] for the upraised hands to be bent back with some force. Kusug ra kaáyu tung pagkapasáha sa búla, makapalì (makapapalì) man pud sa magsáwù, You really threw the ball with force. It can bend the hand over backwards.

palias a having pale and very dry lips. (←) v [B26N; b4] for the lips to be, become pale and very dry. Ang táwung masakitun mipalías (namalías) ang ngábil, A sick man’s lips turn pale and get dry. -un a of a pale and powdery sort.

palibkas see libkas.

palid1 n 1 sheet of paper, metal. Duha ka palid nga sín, Two iron sheets. 2 door or window shutter. 3 installment of a story. Dì ku saypan ang matag palid sa sugilánun, I won’t miss a single installment of the story.

palid2, pálid1 — sa luwag n handle of a ladle. v [A; c1] make the handle of a ladle.

pálid2 v 1 [A; c1] for the wind to blow s.t. away. Gipálid sa hángin ang hinayhay, The wind blew the laundry away. 1a [c6] be blown off course. Didtu ipálid ang sakayan sa Buhul, The boat was blown over to Bohol. — ug hangínun [c] be so thin the wind could blow it away. Gisumbag pa sa salbáhis nga bána ang íyang asáwa nga ipálid gánig hangínun, The wife was so thin she could have been blown over by a gust of wind, but that didn’t stop her brute of a husband from boxing her. 2 [A; b6] winnow, throw grains in the air so the wind can carry them off or winnow with a machine. Magpálid mig humay sa baybáyun, We’ll winnow rice at the seashore. (→) = pálid, v2. palidpálid v [AB; c1] sway back and forth in the wind, make sway. Nagpalidpálid ang kurtína sa hángin, The curtains waved in the wind. Ang hángin nagpalidpálid sa íyang buhuk, The wind blew her hair in all directions.

palidpid v [AN; b6] pass close along the side of s.t. Namalidpid (mipalidpid) kug ági sa karsáda, I walked along the side of the street.

palíhan n rope tied to a harpoon or arrow with which the quarry can be held after it is speared. v [A13; a] attach, use for a harpoon rope.

paliháru n k.o. large sweet potato having soft, yellowish meat.

palíhug see *líhug.

palikíru a philandering. — ug mata being flirtatious with women, using the eyes.

palinà n k.o. small sugar cane that has a dark maroon color and is decidedly sweeter than the commercial variety. The stem is soft and easily chewable.

palínà n 1 k.o. fumigation practised for medical treatment or for various rites, the purpose of which is always purification or nullification of s.t. 2 materials used for this treatment. v 1 [A; b] give s.o. this treatment. Magpalínà ku sa bag-ung balay, I will have my new house purified by magic smoke. 2 [AN; b] give oneself this treatment. Namalínà ku gíkan sa mintiriyu, I exposed myself to fumigation after I left the cemetery.

paling v [AB126; c1] for s.t. not rooted or fixed at the base to fall over to its side; cause it to do so. Iring ang mipaling sa masitíra, The cat knocked the flower pot over. palingpaling a having no strong convictions and easily yielding to influence. v [B56] be not firm, an easy prey to influence. Way íyang kaugalíngung panghunàhúnà, mupalingpáling (mapalingpáling) pa, He can be swayed in his decision. He has no mind of his own.

palìpì v [AN; b6(1)] place thorns around the base of plants to keep them from animals or thieves. Ug wà pa ku makapalìpì sa ákung mangga, mahurut untà sa káwat, If I hadn’t put thorns around the base of the mango tree, the fruit would have all been stolen. n thorns placed around plants.

palinpinun n a narrow road with a sharp turn having a high cliff on one side and a deep precipice on the other side.

palis n early afternoon, between noon and 4 P.M. v [B5; b4(1)] be in the afternoon. Napalisan [725]kug laba sa mga bulingun, I washed the clothes until afternoon. Palisan ku ang ímung bábuy, I will pay for your pig with an afternoon’s work.

pális = pálid2, v2.

palispis v [AN] for leaves to start sprouting. Sa tulu ka adlaw mupalispis (mamalispis) na ang pugas, In three days the corn seeds will be sprouting. Nagpalispis na ang sanga nga íyang gitisuk, The branch of a tree that she planted is beginning to grow leaves. n 1 short, thin sprouting leaf, not fully grown. 2 sheath of a stem of the bamboo plant. 3 sheath wings, usually of insects. 4 caudal fin of the squid. -in- n a fraction of s.t. Pinalispis lang kini sa ímung abilidad, This is only a fraction of your ability.

palit v 1 [A; a] buy. Akuy mupalit ánag diyis, I’ll buy it for ten pesos (lit. if it’s ten pesos). Kinsay nagpalit sa ímung awtu? Who bought your car? Nakapalit mig barátung kutsi, We managed to buy a car cheap. Palitun ku ning tambála, I will buy this medicine. Kinsay ímung gipalitan sa kutsi? Who did you buy the car from (or for)? Wà kuy kwartang ipalit ug awtu, I have no money to buy a car with. 2 [A; a12] — ug áway, burúka get into trouble with s.o. with whom one had no quarrel simply because of too much meddling. Sa ímung tábì nakapalit kag áway, You bought yourself a quarrel with your gossip. n amount paid to buy s.t. Pilay palit nímu sa isdà? How much did you pay for the fish? — baligyà n buying and selling. Ang íyang patigáyun palit baligyà sa mais, He is in the business of buying and selling corn. (←) n sales. Kusug ba ang pálit sa ímung tinda? Are your goods selling fast? a selling well. v [b5] 1 sell in large quantities. Bulad mauy gipálit (gipalítan) run sa mga táwu kay mahal ang lab-as, Dried fish sells well now because fresh fish is dear. 2 [A13] for a farmer who raises his own to buy when his stock runs out. Nagpálit na run mi kay nahurut na ang abut námù nga mais, We are buying corn grits now because we used up our stock of corn. hiN-(←) a fond of buying. Himálit kaáyu siyag prútas, She is fond of buying fruits. hiN-an, hiN-an(←) a selling well. Himalitan (himalítan, pálit) ang ímung tinda kay bubaratu, Your goods sell well because they’re cheaper. †

palíta n 1 brick trowel. 2 a flat paddle for removing baked foods from an oven. v [A3; ab2] 1 smooth with a trowel. Palitáha ang pinising, Smooth out the finishing cement. 2 use a paddle, hit with a paddle. -da = palíta, v1.

palitaw, palítaw n sweet made of finely ground sticky rice patties boiled in water and covered with sugar and shredded coconut. v [A; a] make palitaw.

palítu1 n toothpick, matchstick. v [a12] make a toothpick. paN- v [A2] use a toothpick. Namalítu siya human ug káun, He picked his teeth after he ate.

palítu2 see lítu.

paliya, palíya n widely cultivated vine producing an elongated fruit with wart-like skin, eaten unripe as a vegetable, having a bitter taste: Momordica charantia.

paliyar v 1 [B6; b4(1)] for an engine to malfunction. Sus, nagpaliyar na pud ning kagangkagang! Darn! This rattletrap is breaking down again! 2 [B6] for a plan to fail to come out successfully. Mipaliyar ang ámung sábut nga mangalígù kay nag-ulan, Our plans to go swimming didn’t materialize because it rained. 3 [A2; c1] default in payment. Nakapaliyar kug usa ka instulmin sa pagdaut nákù, I failed to pay one installment when I got sick. 4 [B36] for one’s health to fail. Mipaliyar ang íyang láwas tungud sa síging bilar, She kept staying up nights and it ruined her health. palyádu, palyáwu a 1 malfunctioning. 2 failing to come out. 3 defaulting in payments. 4 failing in health. v [B12] break down.

paliyu n flat, pointed stick, usually bamboo, used as a needle to string tobacco leaves together. v [A; a12] make into a paliyu. (←) n 1 match stick, toothpick. 2 swab of cotton on a thin stick. v [A; c] swab s.t. Paliyúhan giyud ang búug arun dì mudalítay, Swab the thick ear discharge so that it won’t ooze out.

palku n 1 balcony of a theater or a house. 2 small improvised hut built fronting a stage as a box for viewers. palkupalku n a raised flooring or stage for a performance.

palma n palm plant or any part thereof. Ang palma simbulu sa kadaúgan, The palm is a symbol of victory. — ulíba olive palm, a palm of the same genus as the pitúgu, but somewhat smaller.

palmíra n any of a number of small pinnate-leafed palms, potted or planted for ornamental purposes.

palmíta n 1 rod for punishment. 2 punishment with a rod. v [A; a] administer the rod. Kusug mupalmíta ang mga páring Katsílà, The Spanish priests were fond of punishing the children with a rod.

palmu n a game of marbles in which marbles are made to bounce off a board. The first player shoots and the second player tries to [726]hit the first player’s marble or get within a certain distance. If he fails, the first player throws again, and so forth. v 1 [AC; c] play a game of palmu. 2 [c6] in basketball, shoot the ball into the basket by making it bounce off the board first.

palmug = pamulug. see bulug3.

palpag a disheveled. v [B; c1] be disheveled. Ang íyang buhuk mipalpag tungud sa hilabihang kauga, Her hair was disheveled because it was so dry.

palpagu n k.o. herbaceous ground cover with creeping stems also grown in pots: Pellionia daveauana.

palpal v [A; a1b2] 1 hit s.o. on the open palm. Palpálun ku run nang ímung kamut, I’m going to slap your palms. 2 knock s.t. with the flat palm. Si Martiris ang nakapalpal sa búla gíkan kang Plurinsiyu, Martirez knocked the ball out of Florencio’s hands. 3 [B1] for the feet to get flat. a flat of feet. -un(→) a somewhat flat-footed.

palpara n a ruffle or frill attached to the neckline or to the sleeves of a dress. v [A; c] decorate a dress with ruffles or wear a dress decorated with ruffles.

palsipikar v [A; a12] falsify papers or documents; forge s.o.’s signature. palsipikádu a forged, counterfeit document, forged signature. palsipikasiyun n falsification of documents.

palsu a 1 false, incorrect. Palsu ang ímung pangatarúngan, Your reasons are wrong. 2 failed. Palsu ang ílang tingúhà, Their endeavors came to naught. v [B2; a12] fail, not come to fruition. Mipalsu (napalsu) ang ílang plánu, Their plans failed.

palta v 1 [A; a2] fail to do s.t. Walà pa ku makapalta sa ákung klási, I never missed a class. Napalta ug hatud run ang Tayims, The Times wasn’t delivered today. 2 [A; a12] break up people fighting. Gipalta sa pulis ang duha ka batan-un nga nagsinumbagay, The policeman separated the two youngsters who were engaged in a fist fight. n 1 failure to attend some function. 2 fail to do s.t. Way palta ang íyang pagbisíta magabíi, He never failed to visit her in the evening. 3 amount less in a score, amount lacking in a count. Palta úna ug tabla na kamu, One more point and you’ll be even. Ang ímung ihap kúlang. Palta ug duha, You counted wrong. You lack two. kúhà ug — v [b(1)] be held culpable. Makuháag palta ang mga ginikánan nga kinamatayun nga mukastígu ug anak, Parents can be held culpable if they punish their children too severely. hiN- a tending to be absent.

paltik n 1 homemade firearms. 2 fake money. 3 in baseball, foul ball. 4 s.o. who rides s.t. or enters without a ticket. Daghang paltik sa ílang pasahíru, There were lots of non-paying passengers. paN- v [A2] go s.w. without a ticket. Náay ákung amígu sa sini. Mamaltik ta, I have a friend that works in the theater. Let’s sneak in.

paltus v [B26] fail in one’s plans or strategy. Mipaltus ang íyang plánung manúlis kay hipanid-an man, His plans for the robbery were foiled because s.o. had observed him.

palu (not without l) v [B1256] 1 be disappointed and embarrassed due to the failure of one’s expectations. Napalu siyag hátag ug gása kay dílì pa diay mau ang adlaw, He was embarrassed when he gave his birthday gift as it turned out it was not the man’s birthday. 2 for a top to fail to spin. †

pálu (not without l) n 1 mast. 2 pole. v [a] make a mast, pole, put a mast on. Káhuy nga palúhun sa bangkà, A piece of wood to make into a mast of the boat. — Maríya = bitáug. — síbu n name of a game in which s.o. tries to climb a greased pole to get a prize on top. palupálu n paddle used in pounding clothes. v [A; b5] beat with a paddle.

palù v [A; ab2] hit, slap in punishment. Paluun ku ang ímung nawung, I will slap your face. Hipaluan siya sa sinílas, He got slapped with the slippers. n s.t. used to slap with. hiN- a fond of hitting.

pálù a infatuated (slang). Misugut dáyun kay pálù man siya nákù, She accepted me right away because she has a crush on me. v [B12; b3] get a crush on s.o.

paluap v 1 [A; a] follow up one’s orders or request to see if they have been acted on. Madúgay ang aplikisyun ug way mupaluap, The application will take forever if no one follows it up. 2 [A; c] in basketball, knock the ball into the basket after it bounces from the ring or board. Ug dì masyát ang búla ipaluap dáyun, If the ball doesn’t get in the first time, knock it in by hitting it again. n act of knocking a ball which bounces off the ring or board into the basket.

pálud n shingle of palm thatch, usually nípà but also lumbiya, used for roofing or walling. It is made by wrapping the leaflet around a piece of bamboo and sewing it. v [A; a] make into, provide with shingles of this sort. palawran n piece of bamboo around which the shingle is wound and sewn.

palug1 n half a buck (slang).

palug2 n a k.o. fresh-water fish, about 3″ long, blackish and scaly. [727]

palumar n dovecote. v [A1; b6] construct or put up a dovecote s.w.

palung1 (not without l) = palaw.

palung2 v 1 [A; b] whittle the end of s.t. to make it taper or smooth it. Gipalungan níya ang pasamánu sa hagdan, He made the edges of the bannister rounded. 2 [A; a] cut the ears so that they hang. Gipalung ang dalunggan sa bábuy ági ug timailhan, They cut the pig’s ear as a mark. 2a cut the cockscomb. 3 [A; b] move the end of a line to make it parallel or directly vertical to s.t. Gipalungan níya ang linya dapit sa tuu, He moved the line a little to the right. a having an ear that hangs due to injury. Si Huwan palung, Juan has a dangling ear. n deformations on the ear. paN-(←) n stempost or sternpost of small outrigger boats. pinaN-(←) n k.o. small outrigger boat, the stempost and sternpost of which are exactly alike.

pálung v 1 [A; a] extinguish a fire, turn off a light. Bumbíru ang nakapálung sa kaláyu, The firemen put out the big fire. Pagnga ra gud ang sugà, Please turn the light off. 2 [B126] for the vision to become blurred. Nagkapáwung ang ákung panan-aw sa kagútum, I can hardly see, I’m so hungry. 3 — ang kasukù v [B126; a1] for anger to die down or subside. Dílì mapáwung ang ákung kasukù nímug dì ka mangáyug pasaylu, Nothing can quench my anger unless you apologize. paN- n instrument for snuffing out candles.

palungpung1 n cluster or bunch. Misuksuk ang manuk sa palungpung, The chicken hid itself in the cluster of bushes. Palungpung sa lyábi, A bunch of keys. v [AB; a12] be in cluster or bunch, bunch s.t. Mupalungpung ang búnga sa úbas, Grapes come in bunches. Pungpúnga ang ímung buhuk arun dílì magwarung, Tie up your hair so it won’t get dishevelled.

palungpung2 n toddy container made of a bamboo tube, two or three nodes long, with no handle. v [A; a2] make into a palungpung.

paluphu v 1 [A; b] scrub cooking utensils. 2 = puphu, v1. n s.t. used to scrub cooking utensils, usually coconut husks. Paluphu ang ákung ilimpiyu sa dukut sa kaldíru, I’ll clean the rice stuck to the pot with coconut husks.

palúrus = parúlus.

palus1 v [A; c1] 1 cause s.t. loosely tied or attached to slip off. Palusa (ipalus) ang baskit nga gisab-it sa ákung abága, Slip the basket off my shoulder. 2 slip the foreskin back. Ug mapawus ang yámis hustu nang tulíun, If the foreskin can be pulled back, it is ready to circumcise. a a foreskin that can be slipped back.

palus2 n measurement of a skein of thread one hundred fathoms in length.

pálus1 (not without l) n 1 score in a game. 2 advantage in score given in billiards to a weaker opponent. v 1 [A; c1] score in a game. Ipálus (palúsa) nang syíti, Make seven points (knock the seven into the hole). 2 [A; c] give s.o. an advantage in score. Kining tiradáha ipálus ku nímu, I will give you the score of this shot.

pálus (not without l) v [A; b7c] pay out additional length of line. Gipalúsan níya ang tugut arun musákag maáyu ang tabánug, He paid out more line so that the kite would climb higher.

pálut v 1 [A; b] peel skin off. Gipalútan ku na ang mansánas, I peeled the apple. 2 [B2] for the skin to get chafed. Napálut (mipálut) ang líug sa kábaw tungud sa yúgu, The yoke chafed the water buffalo’s neck. 3 [AB12] for land to become bare. Napálut ang kaumahan kay way ulan, The fields became bare from lack of rain. 3a [A; b5] shave the head bald. Akuy mupálut sa ímung úlu ug dì ka magpatupi ánang ímung bítul, I’ll shave your head bald if you don’t get rid of your Beatle cut. n peelings. a bare of vegetation. Kanúnay kitang bahaan kay pálut na ang kabukíran, We have constant floods because the mountains have been denuded. — ságing banana peel, said esp. in stating that s.t. is of no more worth than a banana peel. Ngánung wà man ku kunsultahi. Unsa man ku, pálut ságing? Why was I not consulted? What am I around here, anyway? Just a piece of furniture? (→) n 1 sorely chafed area. 2 scar on the head. Nakítà ang palut sa íyang úlu, You can see the scar on his head. a having a bald spot on it. Ang sal-ing palut ug úlu, The coleto bird has a bald spot on the head.

palutput n k.o. fish, general name for slipmouths: Leiognathus spp.

paluy = pakluy.

palwa n 1 petiole of a palm frond, banana leaf, or similarly-shaped leaves. 2 the whole palm frond, banana leaf. 2a the leaf (petioles and leaflets) of the kalamunggay. Duha ka palwang kalamunggay, Two branches of kalamunggay leaves. — sa kadaúgan n palm of victory. paN- v [A2; b8] 1 grow fronds. Namalwa (gipamalwáhan) na ang pitsay, The Chinese cabbage has grown leaves. 2 gather palm fronds. Mamalwa tag isugnud, We’ll gather palm fronds for fuel. palwáhun a like a frond. Palwáhun ug ilung, Flatnosed. [728]

palya = paliyar. -du, -wu see paliyar.

palyu n canopy covering the bishop in religious services or processions.

pam- for forms beginning with pam- see also B- and P-.

pamáda = pumáda.

pamaláyi see bayi.

pamálung 1 see palung. 2 see pálung.

pamául n muscle ache. v [A2; b4] for muscles to be sore.

pambul n violation of fumbling in basketball, consisting of hitting the legs or the feet of one’s opponent while he is dribbling.

pambut n pump boat, a small motorized boat. v [A; a12] go by pump boat.

pamili — sayis a family-sized packaged products. pil indi — wi feel at home (humorous—from the English ‘be in the family way’ meaning to be pregnant). Ayaw lag kaúlaw pil indi pamili wi, Don’t be shy. Just feel at home.

pamilínu see pilínu.

pamilya n 1 immediate family, group of closely related people who live together. 2 large group of related people with the same name. Ang mga Lúpis dátung pamilya sa Pilipínas, The Lopezes are a rich family in the Philippines. 3 belonging to a class or a family. Kining isdáa pamilya sa mga pági, This fish is in the ray family. v [B1256] become a member of a certain family by virtue of marriage. Ayaw lag kaúlaw kay mapamilya ka na námù, Don’t be shy because you are soon going to become a member of our family. di- n 1 family man. Lisud sa usa ka dipamilya kun way kapangwartáhan, It is terrible for a person with a family if he has no work. 2 man’s undershorts, cut in boxer style. 3 of a large size, designed for two or more people in a family. Muskitírung dipamilya, A large-sized mosquito net. 4 s.t. done together by all the members of a family. Dipamilya manan-aw ug sini, See the movie with the whole family. v [A13] wear boxer-style underpants. padri di- n head of a family.

pamilyar a familiar with s.o. or s.t. v [B12] be familiar with or close to s.t. or s.o. Wà pa ku makapamilyar nímu, I’m not familiar with you yet.

pamimislun = amimislun.

pamínaw v 1 [A2S; ab2] listen, hear. Mamínaw ta sa nyús, Let’s listen to the news. 1a [A23; a12] listen, heed. Dì ka untà maingun ug namínaw pa ka, If you had listened, that wouldn’t have happened to you. 2 [A12; a12] feel, think. Pamináwun ku lang ug makaadtu ku, I’ll see if I can go. 3 [A2S; a12] watch, keep an eye on. Pamináwa ra ang balay samtang wà ku dinhi, Watch the house while I’m away. 4 [A2S; b5] look to find out. Pamínaw didtu ug dúna ba silay bakanti, Go find out if they have any openings. n 1 feeling. Kumusta ang ímung pamínaw karun? How are you feeling now? 2 observation. Sa ákung pamínaw dílì siya kasalígan, As far as I have noticed, he is not to be trusted. †

pamingkúngan see bingkung.

pamingwit see bingwit.

paminta = pimyinta.

paminti, pamintì (from bintì2) v [B46N; b(1)] be angry so that the whole body is trembling. Mibathay ang ugat sa ákung agtang sa dihang naminti ku, I was fuming with rage and the veins stood out on my forehead.

pamintun n spicy red seasoning, sold packaged. v [A; b7] mix pamintun into food.

pamisliun 1 = amimislun. 2 region of the body around the kidneys.

pamlug = pamulug. see bulug.

pampam n prostitute (slang). v [B5N] become a prostitute. Nagpampam lang siya kay gustu siyag kwartang sayun, She just became a prostitute because she wanted easy money. paN- v [A2; b6] patronize a prostitute. Daghan ang mamampam run kay bag-ung swildu, Lots of people will go to the prostitutes tonight because it’s payday. -an(→) n 1 whorehouse. 2 red light district.

pampangginya = pampangginyu, n1.

pampangginyu n 1 a native of Pampanga, a province in Central Luzon. 2 the language of Pampanga.

pampbut = pambut.

pamplit n pamphlet. v [A; c1] make a pamphlet.

pamúg = pamulug. see bulug.

pamulígi v [A2; b3c5] for s.o. to be hurt and envious because of s.t. good which happened to s.o. else but did not happen to him. Kinsa guy dílì mamulígi nga si Turyu ra may gihatágan ug gása? Who won’t be hurt and envious when Torio was the only one that got a present? Gipamuligíhan ku níla kay dakù kug grádung nadáwat, They were hurt and felt envious of me because I got good grades (and they didn’t).

pamúu v 1 [A2] work for s.o. in seasonal work in order to be paid in kind. Mamúu kug mais ug humay sa Mindanaw karung ting-ani, I’ll go to Mindanao to help with the harvest to earn some rice and corn. 2 [A2; b6] labor for wages. n labor, work accomplished. [729]Kinahanglan giyud nga kaangáyan ang pamúu, Labor should be given a fair recompense. maN-r-(→) n 1 laborer. 2 employee. †

pamúuk = panúuk. see suuk.

pamyinta = pimyinta.

pán n bread. — amirikánu n bread in a rectangular loaf. — disal n k.o. hard roll. v [A; a12] make bread. -adíru n baker. v [B156] be a baker. -adiríya n bakery. v [A1; b6] have a bakery. †

pan- for forms beginning with pan- see also S, T, and D.

paN- (see p. xvi for the meaning of the symbol N. see maN- for illustrations of the tense forms of the active voice.) 1 derivational verb forming prefix. 1a forming verbs that refer to plural actions: action done by one or more agents to several things, or several agents to one thing, or one (or more) agents to s.t. more than once. Pangáun na, mga bátà, Come eat, children. Ikay pangúhà sa mga hinayhay, You be the one to bring the laundry in. Hinúgay na ug pangusì ánang bat-ána, You’ve been pinching that child for long enough now. 1a1 added to nouns referring to living beings to form verbs meaning ‘catch [such-and-such]’. Pamangsi, Go catch flying fish (bangsi). Nanginabúhì sila sa pagpangisdà, They live by catching fish. 1a2 do [so-and-so] as an occupation. Dúgay na níyang pangutsíru, He has been a rig driver (kutsíru) for a long time. Dì ka makakwarta sa pagpangáhuy lang, You cannot get rich by gathering firewood (káhuy). 1b forming verbs referring to an energetic action or happening. Nagpanlugnut ang dalága nga gikidnap, The girl that was being kidnapped struggled to get free. Gipaningut ku, I am completely drenched with sweat. Nagpangamay siya iyáwat makit-an, He waved for all he was worth in hopes that he would be seen. 1c added to verbs referring to the action of cleaning, beautifying, and the like to form verbs meaning ‘[do] to oneself’. Panipilyu uy! Brush your teeth! Panabun ug maáyu, Soap yourself well. Ayaw pangìkì, Don’t pick your teeth. 1d added to nouns referring to an event or a place to form verbs meaning ‘attend [such-and-such] an event, go to [such-and-such] a place’. Pamirnis Santu sa inyu, Spend Good Friday (Birnis Santu) at home. Pangarbun na, Go to the Carbon market now. Pamista sa ámung lungsud, Come to the fiesta in our town. 1d1 added to other nouns to form verbs. Ayaw úsà pamána, Pirla, Don’t get married (lit. take a husband—bána), Perla. Hápit siya mamatay pagpanganak, She practically died in childbirth. Ginadílì ang pagpangíhì dinhi, It’s forbidden to urinate here. 1e added to adj. to form verbs meaning be [adj.]. Nag-inánay pagpamula ang íyang náwung, His face gradually started getting red all over. Pagpangínit na sa íyang bukubuku mibákud siya, When his back was warm, he got up. 1f verb forming affix with no ascertainable meaning. Pangáyù didtu níyag kwarta, Ask for (káyù) money from him. Pananghid úsà ka mulakaw, Say good-bye (sanghid) before you leave. 2 noun forming affix. 2a added to roots which form verbs taking paN-: action of [do]ing. Way kaláki ang pangisdà dinhi, Fishing is no good here. 2b instrument for [do]ing. Panlaba, S.t. to wash with. Panágat, Fishing equipment. Panápì, Means of obtaining money. 2c sense of. Panimhut, Sense of smell.

panà n arrow, spear projected. v 1 [A; ac] shoot an arrow, spear. Panàa ang dakung isdà, Spear into the huge fish. Ipanà ang udiyung ngadtu sa irù, Shoot the arrow into the dog. 2 [A; a12] make into an arrow, spear. igù sa — ni Kupidu v [a3] fall in love (lit. hit with Cupid’s dart). Si Idyun naigù na sa panà ni Kupidu sígi nag iskulbus, Edion is in love because he is always escorting s.o. home. igù sa — v [a3] be drunk from drinking Kulafu, a brand of cheap liquor which shows a hunter aiming with a bow and arrow on its label (slang). Nagpiraypiray na siya kay naigù sa panà, He is staggering because he had one too many shots of Kulafu. (←)1 v = panà, v1. paN-(←) v [A; a] hunt with bow and arrow, go spear fishing. Ayawg lubúga kay náay namánà, Don’t stir the water because s.o. is spear fishing (a humorous phrase uttered in the presence of s.o. wearing sunglasses—likening him to a spear fisherman). n hunting with bow and arrow, spear fishing. pinaN-an(←) n s.t. caught with a bow and arrow or by spear fishing.

pánà2 a crazed. Uy! Pánà kang tawhána ka, gahúbù ka man, You’re mad! Why are you going around naked? v [a4] be crazy. Nawung ka man ug gipánà, sígi ka man lag katáwa, You seem to be crazy, the way you’re laughing all the time. -in- cuss word to express mild annoyance. Ang pinánà wà uruy kan-a sa kílat, The devil! Why doesn’t lightning strike him? Pinánà! Diyut ku mapásù, Darn! I nearly got burned. [730]

panábu = gwayabanu.

panabúgan (from tabug, 2) n puffer fish.

panagána see tagána.

panag-ing = panig-ingun. see ingun1.

panahun, panáhun n 1 weather. Dì ta mularga kay dautan ang panahun, We cannot travel because the weather is bad. 2 season, recurring time. Panahun sa ting-ulan, Rainy season. 3 time s.t. happened or happens. Sa panahun sa libirasiyun, In the liberation period. 3a times of s.t. Mahinumdum ka lang sa Diyus panahun sa kalisud, You remember God only in times of hardship. Natigúlang ku sa dì pa sa ákung panáhun, I became an old man before my time. 3b — dì átù we are not the masters of our fate (lit. time is not our own). Magpaábut ta sa pagbuut sa Ginúu, ang panahun dì átù, Let us wait for what God ordains. We are not the masters of our fate. 4 time to do s.t. Wà na kuy panahun paghulat nímu, I have no more time to wait for you. 5 chance, occasion. Daghan ka pang panahun pag-usab, You still have a lot of chances to reform. v 1 [B1456; b8] come at a certain season. Magpanahun ang mangga; dílì kanúnay, Mangoes come in season. They aren’t always available. 2 [A12] have a chance, time to do. Ug makapanahun ka, pamisíta sa ámù, If you have time, come visit us.

panaksan see takus.

panákut see sákut.

panalamban = pangtamban. see tamban.

panálang see tálang.

panalángin n 1 prayer. Ang ákung panalángin nga makapasar untà ku walà dungga, God did not answer my prayers to let me pass. 2 blessings, benediction. Pangayúa ang panalángin sa Diyus, Ask for God’s blessings. v 1 [A2; c] pray. 2 [A; b] bless.

panama n panama hat, made from select leaves of buri palm. v [A1; b] wear a panama hat.

panamban = pangtamban. see tamban.

panamílit v [A2; b6] bid farewell. n bidding farewell.

panangítan (from sángit) n general name for biting eels with teeth that curl inwards, snagging on the prey.

panaptun see saput.

pánas1 v 1 [A; a] erase, make s.t. unclear. Ang maung hitabù dílì mapánas sa ákung panumdúman, That incident cannot be erased from my memory. Panása ang sulat sa blakburd, Erase the writing on the blackboard. 2 [B2] for s.t. engraved, s.t. raised to become worn down and unclear. Mupánas kanang salapì ug isígi nímug bagnus, That fifty-cent piece will get worn down if you keep rubbing it. (→) a 1 erased, not clear. 2 worn down.

pánas2 = palanas.

panatiku n religious fanatic.

panatismu n religious fanaticism.

pánaw n 1 travel, journey. 2 regularly scheduled trip. v [A; b5c] make a travel or journey. Layù kaáyung dápit ang ámung gipánaw (gipanáwan), We traveled to a place far away. — sa láing kalibútan [A23] die, pass away into the other world. -an(→) v [A12] go to a place regularly.

panay n earthenware vessel, usually hemispherical but shallow, used to hold liquids.

pandak a short and stout. v [B] be short and stout. Mupandak ku ánang tabása, I’ll look short and stout in that cut.

pandan = pangdan.

pandanggu n name of a folk dance. -in- a like the Fandango.

panday v [AN; a] 1 forge. Walu ka ispáda ang íyang gipanday, He forged eight swords. 2 build s.t. from wood. Kinsay namanday (nagpanday) sa inyung balay? Who made your house? 3 circumcise (colloquial). Ang mga Ilunggu hadluk kunu papanday, They say the Ilongos are afraid to get circumcised. n 1 blacksmith. 2 carpenter. — (sa) pandaut, dáut inept in carpentry or blacksmithing. -an(→) n 1 blacksmith shop. 2 bátà pa ang -an be early in one’s child-bearing years (lit. the blacksmith shop is still young—humorous). Sayung sundan ang kamanghúran kay bátà pa ang pandayan, They’ll soon have another baby after this one because the baby-factory is still productive. paN- n occupation of blacksmithing or carpentry.

pandíta n muslim preacher. v [B5; a] become a muslim preacher.

pandul = pangdul.

pandung n 1 s.t. held over the head as protection. 2 reflector of a pressurized kerosene lantern. v 1 [A; c] cover the head, esp. to protect it. Karun dílì na kinahanglang magpandung sa simbahan, Now it is no longer necessary to cover the head in church. Pandúngi nang bátà kay náay ulan, Cover the child’s head because it’s raining. 2 [A12; a] attach, make into a lantern reflector.

pang- for forms beginning with pang- see also k-, and initial vowel.

panga n 1 forked stick. 2 forked handle of a slingshot. v [A13; a12] make, attach a forked handle of a slingshot. pang-an n having an extra finger branching from the side [731]of the hand.

pangadyì v [A2; a] pray. Átung pangadyíun ang Santus nga Rusaryu, Let us pray the Holy Rosary. n 1 action of praying. 2 period of nine days in which the novena is said. -un, -un(→) n prayers.

pangag a lacking one or a few teeth. Pangag nga sudlay, A comb with teeth missing. (←) v [AB12; b] knock out, lose teeth. Makapángag kining anagúnang gáhì, This hard corn can make you lose your teeth. -un(→) a lacking teeth.

pangaghu n sigh noisily. v [A; c] sigh with strong aspiration. Nangaghu siya sa kakápuy, He went ‘whew’ because he was exhausted.

pangágud see kagud.

pangáhas see káhas.

pangalíya v [A2; c] cry out in supplication. Pangaliyáhan ta ang Makagagáhum básin pa ug pamatíun ta, Let us implore the Almighty to hear us. n supplication. — panalángin invocation offered at the beginning of a religious service.

pangalwan = panghalwan.

pangalyúpu, pangalyúpù = pangilyúpù.

pangampis n saddle feathers of roosters.

pangamúyù v [A2; b6] 1 beg, pray for with humility. 2 ponder, meditate. Gipangamuyúan ku ang pagkamatay sa átung Ginúu, I am reflecting on our Savior’s death. n humble plea, prayer.

pangan, pángan n k.o. fresh water scavenger fish.

pang-an a expert, experienced and practiced. Pang-an nga abugádu, An highly experienced lawyer. v [B1256] become outstanding in s.t. Napang-an ra giyud siya sa nátad sa áwit, He became an outstanding singer.

*pangandak see andak.

panganduy n great desire, craving. v [A; c1] crave, desire s.t. very much. Nanganduy ang balbal ug dugù, The vampire craves blood. Ayaw pangandúya (ipanganduy) ang kinabúhing harúhay, Don’t wish for an easy life.

panganti v [A; c1] wish for s.t. to happen. Nanganti siyang manimalus sa nagpatay sa íyang amahan, He cried out for revenge on his father’s killer. Kamatáyun ray ákung gipanganti, I wish only for death. n wish. Káwang lang ang tanan mung panganti kun dì ka mulíhuk, It is no use wishing if you do not act as well. pangantihan n s.t. to make a wish on. Singsing pangantihan, Wishing ring.

pangánud see ánud.

pangapang, pangápang v [A2S3P; b6] for leaves to become lush and vigorous in growth. Mipangápang (nangápang) ang mga tanum sa pag-uwan, The plants grew lots of leaves when it rained. a growing lush and vigorous leaves.

pangarmin see karmin.

pangáwan = panghalwan.

pangáyam see áyam.

pangáyaw v [A2; c] go to another place to do or get s.t. Túa sila sa Lilúan mangáyaw ug pananggì, They went to Liloan to help with the corn harvest. Ipangáyaw nátù ning banig sa Manílà, Let’s sell the mats in Manila. n persons coming from other places. Nía sila kay mga pangáyaw sa súgal dinhi, They came here to do some gambling.

pangdan n pandanus, any of the plants of the genus Pandanus, esp. tectorius. — nga humut, tsína a small species with fragrant leaves, used to line the bottom of containers for cooking rice, grown as ornamental: Pandanus odoratissimus.

pangdul v [B12; b8] 1 stub one’s toe. Pagtan-aw sa ímung laktan arun dílì ka mapangdul, Look where you’re going so you don’t stub your toes. 2 mispronounce a word in speech due to haste or difficulty in speaking. Basta magpaspas tag sulti mapangdul usáhay ta, We are bound to mispronounce once in a while if we speak fast. pangdulpangdul v [B145] 1 keep stubbing the toes. 2 be hard up financially. Nagkapangdulpangdul na sila nga wà na ang ílang amahan, They are in bad financial straits now that their father is dead. a hard up financially. ka-an n obstacle.

panggà = palanggà.

panggal n 1 k.o. fish or crab trap, made of thin woven bamboo, rounded in form, with a hole in the top to afford easy entry but no exit. 2 a woven container shaped like the fish trap to hold chickens. v 1 [a12] make a panggal. 2 [A12; a12] catch fish or crabs with a panggal. 3 [c] put in a panggal-shaped basket. paN- v [A2] go fishing with a panggal trap. n action of fishing with a panggal.

panggalatuk n the language of Pangasinan.

panggasininsi n people from Pangasinan.

panggaw = panggal.

panggi- 1 prefix added to almost all verb bases to form verbs which refer to an action carried out by more than one person. (See manggi- for illustrations of the tense forms of the active voice.) This affix is productive in Leyte and in other regions, but elsewhere almost unknown. Ayaw mu panggiáway, Don’t fight among yourselves. 2 dead prefix added to a few roots with no plural meaning. [732]Ayaw panggilábut sa ílang mga prublíma, Don’t mix into their problems.

panggus n small abrasion. v [B126] be chafed. Napanggus ákung túhud kay nadam-ag ku, I scraped my knee because I stumbled.

pangguun n ornamental shrub with thin linear leaves, bearing yellow, bell-shaped flowers: Thevetia peruviana.

panghak a smelling bad as, for example, salted fish in an advanced stage of fermentation or clothes wet with urine that weren’t rinsed out. Panghak na ning ginamúsa. Dì na maáyung kan-un, This salted fish smells awful and is unfit for human consumption. v [B1; a12] be, become bad-smelling.

panghaw n chimney. v [A; b6] put a chimney s.w.

panghit v 1 [A; b1] take a bite. Gipanghítan ni Bíbi ang ákung kindi, Baby took a bite of my candy. 2 [A; a2] snap at, bite with force. Mamanghit nang irúa, That dog snaps.

panghupaw n sigh without much noise. v [A; b3] heave a sigh. Nanghupaw kug dakù dihang nakit-an ang ákung brilyanti, I heaved a big sigh of relief when my diamond was found.

pangilába see kilába.

pangílin n fiesta, the annual celebration in honor of a patron saint. v 1 [A2] attend a fiesta. 2 [A13] hold a fiesta. Ángay silang magpangílin, They should celebrate the fiesta. mangingílin n people who go to the fiesta.

pangilyúpù v [A2; b6] ask for, pray with humility. Mangilyúpù ku ug diyútay nga hinábang sa mayur, I entreated the mayor to grant a little help. n entreaty, prayer. ma-un a self-effacingly humble. Mapangilyupúun siyang mihangyù, He asked in an imploring, humble tone.

pangimbig = pangimbid. see kimbid.

pangimbísug v [A2; b(1)] strive, do one’s best. Nangimbísug ku sa pagpangítà ug trabáhu, I am doing my best to find a job. Sa kapubri makapangimbísug ku sa ákung pag-iskuyla, I was so poor I had to struggle to get through school. n action of striving.

panginánu v [A; a2] care about s.t., bother about s.t. Wà lang manginánu si Isku kun háin ang íyang asáwa, Esko didn’t care about where his wife was. Ngánung wà ninyu panginanúhag pangítà ang mga papílis nga nawálà? Why didn’t you bother looking for the papers that you lost?

pangindáhay n wishful longing, desire. v [A2; b6c1] dream of s.t. wishfully, long for s.t., asking for it. Kun magbulhut kag turútut lukay mangindáhay kag sakit, If you blow a horn made of coconut leaves, you are asking to get sick. Makapangindáhay giyud ang kabus sa mga mahalung butang, A poor man can’t help dreaming of luxurious things. ma-un a wishfully desirous.

pangit v [A; a2b2] bite, take a bite. Mipangit kug gamay sa íyang mansánas, I took a small bite off his apple. Pangita ang tansan sa butilya, Bite off the bottle cap.

pángit a ugly (slang). Dílì angay magrayna. Pángit ug hitsúra, She’s not fit to be a queen. She’s ugly. v [B2; a2] be ugly.

pang-it = panghit.

pangítà see kítà.

pangkà v [AC; ac] bump against s.t. Mipangkà aku kanímu, I bumped against you. Nagkapangkà mi apan wà giyud ku makaila níya, We bumped against each other, but I don’t know her. a be in dire financial straits. Pangkà na sila sukad mamatay ílang amahan, They are in bad straits since their father died. pangkàpangkà, pangkaay v 1 [A] keep bumping against s.t. 2 [B1] go from place to place to get s.t. one vitally needs. Nagkapangkàpangkà akug panghulam, I went from place to place trying to borrow money. 3 [B1] be in dire poverty. Napangkàpangkà ku kay wà kuy trabáhu, I was in desperate financial straits because I had no job.

pangkay n child’s word for the female genitalia.

pangkì = pulangkì.

pangkù1 v [A; c1] knot the hair. Pangkúa (ipangkù) lang ang ímung buhuk, Tie your hair in a knot. -in- n hair tied in a knot.

pangkù2 n k.o. large sailing ship used by Muslims. v [A1; ac] ride on a pangkù.

pangkug n single step, stair. Walu ka pangkug ang ámung hagdánan, Our stairway has eight steps. v [A; c] lay steps in place.

pangkul n handle of a hand-powered corn or rice mill.

pangli, panglin v [A; ab2] harvest root crops. Panglíhun na nátù ang gábi, We’ll harvest the taro. n dull knife, bar, or stick, pointed on one end, used to gather root crops.

pangpang n cliff. v [B2; a12] become a cliff, make a cliff. Mupangpang (mapangpang) nang lugára ug sigíhag kúhà ang yútà, The place will become a cliff if they continue taking soil away. -anun a cliff dwellers. hiN-un(→) n a section of road cut into a side of a steep slope. Paghínay ug maníhu kay nía ta sa himangpangun, Drive slow because we are at the place where the road has been cut into the hillside. ka-an n 1 cliffs. 2 the province Pampanga, its people, and its language. [733]-un(→) a characterized by having cliffs. Pangpangung baybáyun, Shore with cliffs going to the sea.

pangsud n offensive odor in the armpits. v [B12] have bad-smelling armpits.

pangsut 1 = pangsud. 2 smelling like urine. Pangsut kaáyu ka kay dì ka man manghúgas inig humag pangíhì, You smell because you don’t wash yourself after you urinate. v [B; b6] have a pangsut smell.

pángu, pangug a stupid, tending to do the wrong thing unthinkingly. Ang pangug giapil ang baskit paglábay sa basúra, The idiot threw the basket away with the garbage. v [B2; b6] be somewhat stupid. -un a a stupid sort.

pangulílang see ulílang.

pangulípas see kulípas.

pangunggu1 v [A23] try to pull a fast one. Dílì ni diyamanti uy. Lubut ni sa básu. Nangunggu sad ka dà, This is no diamond. It’s a glass. You’re trying to pull a fast one on me. Tagdiyis ra ni uy! Nangunggu sad, What do you mean, it’s only worth ten cents. Are you trying to be funny?

pangunggu2, 3 see kalunggu, unggu.

pángus = panggus.

pang-us v [A; a1] chew on a stalk, or stick. Mupang-us kag tubu? Will you chew sugar cane stalk? Ayaw pang-úsa ang ímung lápis, Don’t chew on your pencil! -in-an n bagasse, the pulp of sugar cane.

pangusmu see kusmu.

pangut v [A; a1] bite, chew on s.t. Pangtun sa bábuy ang íyang higut, The pig will chew on the rope.

pangyas = ílas.

pangyáwan n climbing fleshy vine of thickets, the bitter sap of which has wide medicinal application; used as an aborticide: Tinospora rumphii. pait pa sa — more bitter than the pangyáwan. Haskang kasabáa, pait pa sa pangyáwan! What a cussing out. It was harder to take than the pangyáwan.

panid1 v [A; c1] arrange, do s.t. in the proper order. Siyay mupanid sa mga insayklupidiya, She will arrange the encyclopedia in alphabetical order. Panira ug kúhà, ayawg laktawlaktawa, Take it in order. Don’t skip around.

panid2, pánid n 1 panel, sheet. Duha ka pánid playwud, Two panels of plywood. 2 page. 3 section in a publication. Pánid sa bálak sa Bisayà, The poetry section in Bisaya. v [A; a12] cut into panels, small sheets.

pánig n 1 side. Pánig sa wala, On the left side. 2 group faction. Mitapun siya sa ámung pánid, He joined our group. v [A23P; b(1)] take s.o.’s side. Ug kasab-an ang anak, mupánig dáyun ang inahan, If they scold the child, the mother takes his side right away. Panígan ta ang mga dinaugdáug, Let us take the side of the oppressed.

paníga n a unit of dry measurement containing one-third of a cavan (eight gantas and one liter). v [a12] measured by paníga’s. Panigáha lang pagtakus ang humay, Measure the rice by the paníga.

panígù see ígù.

pánil n panel truck or car, mostly the closed type for delivering goods. v [A1; a12] use, ride in a panel truck or car.

paniN- derivational verb forming prefix forming verbs with a number of meanings or nouns referring to the action of doing s.t. in this way. Not a live prefix. Makabungkag sa panimúyù, Can destroy one’s family life. Ayaw paninágad sa mga tabì, Don’t pay attention to the gossip.

paningud see singud.

pánis see badli pánis.

panit n k.o. tuna.

pánit n 1 skin. 2 peelings. 3 bark. 4 leather, s.t. made of leather. 5 shell of a shrimp, egg. bukug ug — skin and bones. v 1 [A; b6] skin, peel s.t. Sayun ang ukban panítan, It is easy to peel a tangerine. Paníti ang itlug, Take the shell off the egg. 1a [B1256; b6] for a barber to take too much hair off. Gipanítan ku sa barbíru, The barber butchered my hair. 2 beat s.o. in gambling. Gipanítan ku sa madyung gabíi, I lost in mahjong last night. 3 be trounced in a fight. (→) mu rag irug panit miserable poor (like a dog with no fur). Kung wà tay kwarta mu ra tag irug panit, If we don’t have money, we are miserable. paN- n complexion. Is-is siyag pamánit, She has smooth, white skin.

pankik1 n pancake. v [A; a] make, have pancakes.

pankik2 n pancake make-up. v [A; b1] use pancake make-up.

pans n fans, usually of people in show business.

páns n facial cream (so called from the brand name Pond’s).

pansak v [A; c] 1 drive or stuff s.t. forcibly into s.t. Ipansak ang sungsung sa bàbà sa butilya, Shove the cork into the mouth of the bottle. 2 in basketball, put the ball into the ring from above. Basta taas ipansak lang ang búla, A tall player simply places the ball in the ring.

pansat n prawn. paN- v [A2; b6(1)] catch prawns.

pansayan n outhouse. v [A1; b6] make a [734]comfort room.

pansi n costume jewelry.

pansil n place with rocks. Didtu kami mamánà sa pansil (kapansílan), We went spear fishing in the coral reefs. a eroded. v [B] become rocky, eroded. Nagkapansil na ning yutáa, This land is becoming eroded. -un(→) a rocky. ka-an n place where there are rocks.

pansing1 v [A3; b4] punch a hole into s.t. Gipansíngan na mig tíkit sa lantsa, Our ferry tickets have been punched. n punch to make holes.

pansing2 n punch in boxing. — bag n punching bag.

pansir n paper punch.

pansis n punches, thrusting blows with a fist.

pansit n dish of míki noodles. — kantun k.o. pansit with crisp noodles. — luglug pansit in broth. v [A; a] have, make pansit. Magpansit ta karung panihápun, We’ll have pansit for supper. -an(→), -iríya, -irya n an eatery specializing in short order Chinese dishes.

pansiyadur n in a sawmill, the person who spots planks to edge. v [B456] be a spotter.

pansu1 n punch to make holes. v [A; b6(1)] 1 punch a hole. Pansúhan ku ning buklit arun matuhúgan ug ríbun, I’ll punch holes in the booklet so I can tie it with a ribbon. 2 punch one’s time in a Bundy clock.

pansu2 n k.o. thick unsweetened roll with a crust.

pansud = pangsud.

pansung a for a nose to be flat and turned up at the end. v [B12; a12] for the nose to flatten. Mapansung ang ilung basta iduut sa bildu, Your nose gets flattened and turned up if you press it against the window pane.

pansut1 = pangsud.

pansut2 n pantsuit, a set of clothes for women composed of a pair of long pants and blouse of the same material. v [A1; a] wear, make into a pantsuit.

pantalan n wharf.

pantalun n pants. v [A13; a] wear, make into long pants. Ang bátà nga ringbírir sa kasal nagpantalun ug itum, The ring bearer in the wedding wore long black pants. — dilargu n long pants. — dipuntu n short pants.

pantalya n 1 shade reflector put over a lamp to diffuse light. 2 facade, cover for s.t. Ang nigusyung bay-ansil pantalya sa íyang ismagling, His buying and selling business is just a facade for his smuggling. v [A; b] 1 put a reflector on a lamp. 2 put up a false front, cover. Dì na mapantalyahan ang kahimtang sa íyang láwas, She can’t hide it that she’s pregnant any longer. 3 [c] show, display. Ayaw ipantalya kanang law-ay nga mga ritrátu, Don’t display those dirty pictures in public.

pantasma n terrifying apparition.

pantat n 1 k.o. fresh water catfish. 2 = pansat.

pantaw n porch which may or may not be roofed and/or walled. Usually in back of a house. v [A3; b6] make, add a porch. -an n = pantaw.

pantaypantay a more or less equal in ability (slang). Pantaypantay ra mi sa klási, We have about the same standing in class.

panti1 n panty, briefs. v [A; b1] wear, make into a panty.

panti2 n k.o. nylon fishing net for deep water. paN- v [A2; b6] go fishing with this k.o. net.

pantíhan n manta rays, esp. Mobula eregoodoo-tenkee.

pantilit n pantalettes, drawers edged with lace, sticking out from under a skirt. v [A; c] wear pantalettes.

panting n palace, castle.

pantiyun n grave consisting of a rectangular concrete box raised above the ground, or building used as a tomb. v [B; b6] make a tomb.

pants n punch, beverage consisting of a mixture of water and sweet drinks often with liquor. v [A; a12] make, have punch.

pantsak = pansak.

pantug n urinary bladder of man and animals.

pantuk v [A; c] knock s.t. against s.t. else. Ipantuk ang pul-an sa simintu arun matáup ang gítung, Bang the handle on the cement so that the tang will go all the way in.

pantun v [A; a12] 1 discipline, correct s.o. to be good. Pantúna ang mga bátà nga gagmay pa, Discipline children while they are young. 2 train s.o. or s.t. to do s.t. Si Huwan ang mupantun sa gamayng piríku pagsulti, Juan will train the young parrot to talk. 3 form s.t. in a desired shape. Gipantun nákù ang sanga sa tiradur, I bent the slingshot at the fork to shape it properly. a amenable to formation. Pantun ang íyang buhuk. Sayung sudláyun, His hair is not unruly. It is easy to comb.

pantuplas n pantofles, k.o. slippers for outdoor wear with a solid toe and hard sole. v [A; b6] wear pantofles.

panuku see tuku.

panukus = panuklus. see tuklus.

panulindaw = tulindaw.

panúlung (from dúlung) n 1 bow of ship. 2 fascia board providing facing for the rafters underneath the eaves of a roof.

panumbálay see *tungbálay. [735]

panumbaling see tumbáling.

panun n large group of people, birds, planes, or other animals. v [AC; c1] go in a group. Ngánung nagpanun kamug anhi? Why have you come in a group? (←) = panun, v.

panúni n = panghúni. see húni.

panurámik n wide movie projection. — bilt n webbed belt with a metal buckle.

panurúsu see trúsu.

pan-us a for food, wash, or the body to get a rancid smell from having been wet and not allowed to dry out well. Pan-us ang kík nímu, Your cake is spoiled with a sour smell. v [B] get spoiled, sour in smell.

panut a bald-headed.

panutsa n penuche, a k.o. fudge made of unrefined sugar, cream, and nuts. v [A; a] make penuche.

panuylu n a kerchief consisting of a square cloth folded triangularly and worn over the neck like a collar. v [A; a] use, make into a panuylu.

panuyù see túyù2.

panyas = ílas.

panyáwan = pangyáwan.

panyù n handkerchief. v [A; a] use, make into a handkerchief.

panyulítu n small handkerchief. v [A; a] use, make a small handkerchief.

panyulun n square shawl worn over the shoulder folded into a triangle, larger than the panuylu. v [A; c] use a panyulun.

pápa1 n father, term of address to one’s father, father-in-law, or godfather. v [A13; a12] call s.o. pápa. (→) voc. Short form: pa.

pápa2 n Pope. Santu — = pápa2.

pápà v [A; a] child’s talk for eat. Unsay ímung papáun, gà? What are you going to eat, sweetheart?

pàpà v [A; a] 1 bite s.t. or grab it with the teeth without tearing or wounding it. Maáyu ning irúa sa pangáyam. Dílì mupàpà sa kuhà, This is a good dog for hunting because it just takes the game in its mouth without tearing it. 1a for a pig to chew on s.t. without eating it. Pàpáun sa anay ang íyang pasawan ug dì dáyun mapasawan, A pig will chew at its trough if it is not fed on time. 2 slurp up greedily, eat s.t. completely. Mipàpà ang kaláyu ug ubay-ubayng balay, The fire consumed quite a number of houses.

pàpā́ = palàpálà1.

pápal nunsiyu n Papal Nuncio.

papan n stone slab.

pápang n address of respect for a father or an old man closely related to one.

pápap n sound of a low-pitched car horn. Wà siya mudayun ug labang kay nakadungug ug pápap, She did not cross the street because she heard a horn.

pápas v [A; a] erase, obliterate s.t. Dílì siya mapápas sa ákung hunàhúnà, I cannot erase her from my mind. Ang ulan sa kadugáyan makapápas sa mga kinulit sa lapida, With the passage of time the rain will obliterate the engraving on the tombstone. (→) n eraser. -in-an n erasure.

pápay n child’s talk for snack. Mukáun ug pápay si Inday parísan ug pitsi, Baby is going to eat some snacks with her Pepsi.

pap-ay n hand in mahjong where only an ay4 is needed to get mahjong. v [A3; a12] have a pap-ay hand.

papha v 1 [A; a] brush away dust or particles from a surface with the open palm. Papháa ang mumhu, Wipe away the bits of rice. 2 [A; a12] fire s.o. from a job. Papháun ka sa trabáhu ug dì ka magtárung, You’ll be fired if you don’t do your work right. — sa mapa v [a12] annihilate a place. Napapha sa mápa ang Hirusíma, Hiroshima was wiped from the face of the earth. paN- v [A] brush off dust from oneself. Nagpamapha siya kay giulmigas íyang karsúnis, He keeps brushing himself off because he got ants all over his pants.

papil n 1 paper. 2 role. Dakù ang papil nga gidala sa Amirika sa Asya, America has a big role in Asia. súgù sa — according to the script. 2a basà ang — lose one’s good name, reputation. Mabasà átung papil ug sakpan tang maníkas, You will lose your reputation if you are caught cheating. 3 paper in a game of pik (hammer, paper, scissors). — intirmidiya ruled pad paper. v [A; a] make into paper, use paper. — dibangku paper money. — dihapun, hapun thin, colored tissue paper for wrapping, kites, lanterns, decorations, and the like. — dilíha sandpaper. di- a strict, stickler for the rules. Dì ka makadalìdálì niánang tawhána. Dipapil kaáyu nà, You can’t approach him easily just like that. He is a stickler for proper rules.

papílis n documents, papers.

papilíta n small piece of paper bearing one’s record of birth issued by the civil registrar for presentation to the priest during baptism.

papilítus n 1 a dose of powdered medicine wrapped in a piece of paper. 2 a piece of paper on which an urasiyun has been written.

papkurn n popcorn. v [A; a] make popcorn.

paplin n a k.o. coarse cotton cloth, plain woven, sometimes printed. v [A13; b(1)] [736]wear a dress made of poplin cloth.

paprika n paprika.

papsikul n popsicle. v [A; a] make a popsicle.

pár n 1 a pair of s.t. of the same kind. Mupalit kug tulu ka pár tsinílas, I’ll buy three pairs of slippers. 2 bottle of liquor and a bottle of soft drink which will be mixed together. 3 being of the same color or cut. Pár silag kurbáta, púlus pula, They have matching ties, both red. v [C; ac] 1 wear s.t. which is of the same color or cut as s.o. else’s. Dì ku mupár nímug sinínà, I don’t want to wear a dress the same style as yours. 2 be a pair, match. Maáyung párun ang ítik arun musánay, It would be good to make it a pair of ducks so they can multiply. Kining bága mauy ipár sa ímung sapátus, This is the bag you should match your shoes with. parpár n a hand in mahjong containing two pairs. v [A; c1] have two pairs, either one of which may allow one to go mahjong.

para v [b(1)] result in. Ug unsay ímung parahan, wà kuy lábut, Whatever happens to you, I won’t be responsible. Unsa may giparahan sa inyung nigusyu? What happened in the end to your business venture? n chance of winning or succeeding. May parahan kahà ning átung tím? Think our team has a chance of winning?

pára1 1 — sa, [dat.] for. 1a for the sake or benefit of. Nagdala kug isdà pára nímu, I brought some fish for you. 1b in the direction of. Mau ba ning barkúha pára sa Manílà? Is this the boat for Manila? 1c in the estimation of. Pára nákù paríha ra ang duha, For me, it’s all the same. 1d as change for money. Dúna ka bay sinsíyu pára sa diyis písus? Do you have change for ten pesos? 1e with an end to. Gáwig Isu Tayudyan pára sa mas daghang maáni, Use Esso Thiodian for a better harvest. 2 [verb] for the purpose of, in order to, so that. Ímung sigáhan pára malútù dáyun, Turn the heat up so that it will get done right away. 2a [noun referring to action] to be used in [doing]. Ákung gawíun ning kardburd pára paypay, I will use the cardboard for a fan. 3 — alas ([so-and-so] many minutes) before [such-and-such an hour]. Karun bayinti minútus pára alas singku, It is now twenty minutes to five o’clock. 4 [noun] all it is is [noun] and yet ... Pára dalugdug ug unyà matarantǎr ka dáyun, All it is is thunder and you get wild with fright. 4a just because [so-and-so] is the case. Pára gamayng sayup ímung papahawáun dáyun? For such a small mistake you want to fire him right away? 4b [such-and-such] a bad thing is nothing. Maáyu siyag láwas. Pára nawung ray dipirinsiya, She has a nice body. The only thing wrong with her is her face.

pára2 v 1 [A; a2b2] hail a vehicle or ask the driver to stop. Pára bay, Stop, driver! Paráha ang bús kay musakay ku, Stop the bus because I want to get on. 2 [A123P; c1] discontinue a course of action. Dílì siya makapára sa íyang pag-inum, He can’t stop his drinking. Paráhun (ipára) ang átung pinsiyun ug mamatay na aku, If I die my pension will be cut off. 3 [A23; b5] hesitate doing s.t. (usually in negative sentences). Dílì mupára ug súkul nang batáa bísag kinsa, That child doesn’t hesitate to fight back, no matter who it is. Wà kuy gipára (giparáhan) sa mga kan-unun, There is no food I hesitate to eat. -da1 n two-wheeled, horse-drawn rig that plies the streets and takes up to four passengers who sit facing each other. v [A; c] park a vehicle in a certain place. Ang íyang giparadáhan gidilì, He parked in a no-parking zone. pamaráda v [A2; b6(1)] operate the paráda. n rig-driving occupation. paradahan n vehicle terminal. -dista n one who drives a paráda. v [B156; a12] be in this occupation.

parabir [verb] before [doing]. Parabir ka mukáun panghunaw úsà, Before you eat wash your hands first. Parabir siya milákaw (mulakaw) nagbílin ug kwarta, He left some money before he went out.

parabula n parable. Ang parabula sa parasan, The parable of the vineyard.

paráda1 see pára2.

paráda2 n parade. v [A1; c] 1 have a parade. 2 display s.t. before the public. Ayaw iparáda ang gisiun nímung sinínà, Don’t parade around in your torn shirt.

paráda3 n bet involving a large amount of money. v [A; c] place a bet of major size.

paradista see pára2.

paradur = aparadur.

paragátus n slippers made of braided abaca. v [A; a] wear, make this sort of slipper.

paragáyu = kalípay, 2.

paragparag a tottering. v [B; c1] walk unsteadily, zigzagging. Nagparagparag ang hubug nga naglakaw sa karsáda, The drunkard is staggering down the street.

paragù = pagù.

paragwa n forge, place or furnace where metals which are to be worked are heated.

paraísu n paradise.

parak1 n counter for things that come in large lumps. Dakung parak nga pagkababáyi, A huge hulk of a woman. Mupalit kug bibingkang duha ka parak ug kalamayng usa [737]ka parak, I will buy two rice cakes and one piece of sugar candy. a being fat and large. Parak siyag nawung, She has a fat and round face. Antaw kaáyu ang parak ánang nagbáting siyut, You can clearly see the bulges in the genital region on that girl wearing a bathing suit. (←) v [B2S5] get large and round. Mipárak (napárak) na ang íyang nawung pagkináun ug tambuk, His face got fat and round because he kept eating fat. -in- v [c1] [do] by the piece.

parak2 n cop (slang).

parakayda n parachute. v [A; ac] use a parachute.

parakul = palákul.

parakyut = parakayda. -ir n paratrooper. v [B156; a12] be a paratrooper.

paraláyis v [B12] be, become paralyzed.

paralisar v [B16; c1] paralyze, immobilize activities. Maparalisar ang trabábu kun madáut ang makina, The work will be paralyzed if the machine breaks down. Paralisahun (iparalisar) ang nigusyu sa mga impliyádu nga nagwilga, The business will be paralyzed by the employees who are on strike. paralisádu a paralyzed.

paralísis n paralysis. v [B126; a4] become a paralytic, paralyzed. Dúgay na siyang naparalísis, He has been a paralytic for a long time. Dì na siya makalakaw kay giparalísis, He can’t walk because he is paralyzed.

paralitiku n paralytic. v [B126; a4] be a paralytic.

párang v [AC; ac] pair off with s.o. in a contest, fight, dance, or anything else where people oppose one another. Mupárang kag sinumbagay níya? Do you want to be his opponent in boxing? Nagkapárang giyud ang duha sa tabiay, The two gossips made a pair. Nindut silang tan-áwun ug parángun sa kuratsa, They look nice when they dance the curacha together. Kinsa may ímung ipárang sa ákung manuk? Who are you going to put up against my protege? ka- n one’s opponent in s.t. or dance partner. Kinsay ímung kapárang sa ahidris? Who was your opponent in the game of chess?

parapara n frills, lace trimmings. v [c] put frills or lace trimmings on a dress.

parapin n paraffin. v [A; b6(1)] apply paraffin to s.t.

parapirnalya n groups of things used for a specific purpose: tools for a trade, items worn with a uniform. Hitsu ka na sa parapirnalya sa ar-utísi? Do you have all the items for your ROTC uniform complete?

parapu n paragraph.

páras1 n grapes, raisins. v [b6] make into a vineyard. Maáyu ning lugára parásan, This is a good place to plant grapes. ka- n raisin. -an(←) n vineyard.

páras2 v [A; c1] split a fish lengthwise to dry it. n dried fish. -in- = páras2, n.

parasparas1 v [A; b5] do s.t. hurriedly, usually with shoddy results. Kun parasparasan (parasparasun) mug lútù ang sud-an dì mulamì, If you cook food hurriedly, it won’t taste good.

parasparas2 a acting uncouthly without taking time to think. v [AB; b5c] act or do s.t. in a coarse way. Ang bínu ang nakaparasparas (nakapaparasparas) sa íyang linihukan, Alcohol made him rough in his behavior. Giparasparas níyag súgù ang mga kargadur, She ordered the porters around in a rough and rapid way.

parat, párat a salty. v [B; a2] be, become salty. Ayaw paráta ang sud-an, Don’t make the food too salty. (→) ang — [A12] what makes it bad, the thing that is wrong. Ang nakaparat nímu kay dílì ka mamínaw ug tambag, What’s wrong with you is that you don’t listen to advice. hiN- a fond of eating salty foods or making foods salty.

paraw n a large sailboat with two or more masts, one rigged in the bow and one in the stern.

paráwu n stiff triangular kerchief worn around the shoulders as an accessory to the mistísa dress. v [AN; a] wear a paráwu, make into a paráwu.

paray n 1 truck with compartments used for transporting pigs (so called from the name of a pig merchant who used these trucks). 2 any truck used as a bus for passengers. v [A1; a12] ride on a truck, make into a truck.

paráyig (from daláyig) v [A; b6] asking for affection, usually by showing affection. Nagparáyig nang batáa maung gasígig hílak, That child is crying because he is asking for attention. Ákung giparaygan si Máma arun paadtúun ku sa bayli, I played up to Mother so she would let me go to the dance. paN- v [A2; c] ask for s.t. in an endearing way. Mamaráyig aku níyag sapátus, I’ll ask her for shoes in a sweet way. Dúna kuy ipamaráyig nímu, Pri. Ipasúd ring ákung umágad, I have a little favor to ask of you. Help my son-in-law get into the company. paraygun a affectionate, demanding of affection. Paraygun kaáyu ang sinultihan sa mga Ilunggu, The Ilonggos speak in an affectionate tone of voice. v [B2] be affectionate, demanding of affection. Maparaygun ang bátà ug sigíhag kúgus, A child gets to be demanding if [738]you keep picking him up. parayganay v [C] be affectionate with each other.

pardnir = part.

pardu = paldu.

pardun n pardon granted to a convict. v [a12] give or grant pardon to a convict.

pári n 1 = kumpadri. (→) term of address to one’s kumpadri. 2 term of address used by men who are close friends. v [AC; a12] call s.o. pari, be kumpadri’s.

párì n 1 priest. 2 cop (slang). 3 mi-/muguwà ang — for cuts to bleed. Way kásung tadlása. Wà muguwà ang párì, That cut was nothing. It did not bleed. v [B156; a12] be, become a priest. -an(→) n 1 group of priests. 2 area in the city of Cebu, so-called because during the Spanish times it was inhabited by the Spanish friars. parìpárì n person in the game of balaybálay who acts as the go-between between the opposing teams. -un(→) a being like a priest.

parid = paráda2. v [A13] go s.w. in droves as if on parade. Nagparid ang mga táwu nga nanagbù sa artista, The people trooped out to meet the actor. Nagparid ang mga hulmígas nga nanúguk sa kan-un, The ants swarmed over the food.

parigla see rigla.

paríha a similar, identical to another. Sigi lang, paríha ra nà, It’s all right, it makes no difference. (It’s all the same.) Paríha kaáyu ang nawung sa kalúha, The twins look exactly alike. n pair. Píla ka paríhang sapátus? How many pairs of shoes? v 1 [B13C; ac] be the same. Maparíha kahà ang átung grádu? Will our grades come out the same? Way makaparíha sa ímung kaáyu, No one could equal your goodness. Nagkaparíha ang ámung sinínà, Our dresses happened to be similar. Ayaw kug iparíha nímung tabian, Don’t say I’m like you, a gossip. 2 [AC; ac] pair up with. Akuy muparíha níya sa kuratsa, I will pair off with her in dancing the curacha. Nagkaparíha sila sa patigáyun, They teamed up in business. Pariháun nátù ang átung sunuy, Let’s pair off our cocks. ka- n partner. Culu-, pari- a somewhat similar. Puparíha (pariparíha) sa kang Risal ang ímung sinudlayan, The way you comb your hair looks s.t. like Rizal.

paríhas, paríhu = paríha, a, v1.

paril n tall stone or concrete wall enclosing or at the edge of an area. v [A; b5] 1 put a stone or concrete wall around. 2 k.o. stone fish corral in tidal flats in which fish are trapped by the receding tide.

parilya n grill bars for broiling. v [A; a] broil on a grill.

parinhayit n Fahrenheit.

parinti = paryinti.

páris n 1 pair. Duha ka páris nga kapling, Two pairs of cuff links. 2 the other one of a pair. Háin man ang páris niíning sapátus? Where is the other shoe of this pair of shoes? 2a the thing that matches s.t. else. Kining bága páris sa ákung bistídu, This bag is the one that matches my dress. 3 partner in doing s.t. 4 spouse. 5 food or drink served with s.t. else. 6 even in number. Lúnis u páris ba? Odd or even? v 1 [A3SC; ac] pair off, go with, match. Nagpáris silang nanglákaw, They were walking in pairs. Maáyu untà ug makaparis kug kugihan, It would be good to get an industrious girl for a helpmate. Ákung parísan ang barung Tagálug ug karsúnis itum, I’ll match my barong with black trousers. 2 [C13; c] eat or drink together with s.t. else. Mangga ang maáyung ipáris sa budbud, Mangoes go well with rice sticks. 3 [B; c1] be even in number, [do] by two’s. Ug mupáris mudaug ka. Akuy pildi, If it comes out even you win and I lose. parispáris v [C; c1] be in several pairs. Parisparísun (iparispáris) sa Ginúu ang mga maáyug batásan, The Lord will pair good people up with each other. parisparis n a game of cards, usually of four players, each dealt five cards. The players draw and discard in turn with the object of getting three pairs (where the last card drawn making the third pair is not discarded). -an(→) n pair. ka- n partner. -un(→) a things that fit together. Parisun kaáyu silang duha, They are a good pair.

parisíyu n pharisee (Biblical).

parka n 1 wallings of a small boat made of planking or sawali (amákan) waterproofed with tar. 2 wooden siding added to the sides of a boat to lend more freeboard. v [A; b6] make or put walling on a small boat.

parki n park.

parking v [A; c] park vehicles. Dílì mahímung iparking ang ímung kutsi dinhi, You may not park your car here. nu — n notice of no parking. -an(→) n parking place.

parliyamint, parliyamintu n parliament.

parlur n 1 beauty parlor. 2 refreshment parlor. v [A1; b6] construct, make a beauty or refreshment parlor.

parmasya n drugstore. v [A1; b6] make a drugstore. parmasyutika = parmasyutiku (female). parmasyutiku n pharmacist. v [B156; a12] be a pharmacist.

parnásu n Parnassus, the mountain sacred to the Muses (literary). Niadtung higayúna wà pa siya mag-ampù sa Parnásu, At that time [739]he had not begun writing poetry (worship at Parnassus).

parsíla n parcel of land. v [A; a12] divide land into parcels.

parsir = pursir.

parsiyar v [B] for eyesight to fail or be impaired. Na, ug muparsiyar ug súgud ang átung mata, lisud na ta makabasa, When your eyesight starts to get impaired, you can hardly read. parsiyádu a for the vision to be weak.

part n term of address among men of the same age, usually among friends. Mangharána ta unyang gabíi part, Let’s go serenading tonight, partner.

partayim a part-time work, working part-time. v [A; b] work part-time. Nagpartayim kug tyútur samtang nagmaistra, I worked part-time tutoring while I was teaching. -ir n one who works part-time. v [B1456] work as a part-timer.

parti1 n party, a social gathering. v [A; b] have, throw a party. Ámung gipartíhan ang bag-ung nanggraduwar, We held a party for the new graduates. — layin n party line of a telephone. v 1 [C; c] be on the same party line. 2 [A12] get as one’s party line. partiparti n parties collectively, esp. dance parties. Túa siya kanúnay ug ása tung partiparti, Wherever there is a party you’ll be sure to see him. Daghang partiparti sa Disimbri, There are lots of parties in December.

parti2 n 1 share of s.t. Tagáan ta kag usa ka parti, I’ll give you one share. Kwarta parti, A quarter part. 2 part assigned to s.o. in a play, program, and similar activity. Unsay ímung parti sa dráma? What’s your part in the drama? 3 a specific part of a certain location or place. Háin kang parti sa Mindanaw puyù? In what part of Mindanao do you live? 4 concerning about. Nangutána siya parti sa nahitabù, He asked about what happened. Parti sa ímung anak ayaw kabaláka, Don’t worry about your son. v [A; c] 1 divide s.t. 2 relay a message; report. Iparti ni nátù dáyun, Let us report this immediately. -da1 n 1 message, report. -da dibawtismu baptismal certificate. 2 share, part of s.t. divided. v = parti, v.

partída1 see parti2.

partída2 (from parti2) n 1 s.w., in a certain part of some place. Adtu ku maninda sa partída sa Mindanaw, I sell things in some places in Mindanao. 2 place one goes outside of the home on business. 3 amount paid for goods bought wholesale or in big quantities. v 1 [A; ac] migrate, travel. Gipartída námù ang mga dagkung syudad sa Urúpa, We visited the big cities of Europe. 2 [AN; c] peddle. Túa siya sa kabukíran nagpartídag bulad, She is in the mountains peddling dried fish. 3 [AN; a] buy in great quantities. Nakapartída kug barátu kaáyung isdà, I managed to buy a big quantity of fish cheaply. 3a [c] sell wholesale. Íyang ipartída pagbaligyà kay sámuk ug minudúhun, He will just sell it wholesale because it is too much trouble to sell it in small quantities.

partída3 n 1 advantage given in a game. Dakù ang partída nga ílang gihátag sa kaatbang, They gave their opponents a big advantage. 2 in billiards or games of pool where dice are thrown to give the player part of the score, the points the player must make to win in addition to the number rolled on the dice. 2a have made the requisite number of points in billiards. Makakuhir lang kug dus puntus, partída na ku, If I can get two points, I win. Dus puntus na lay ákung partída, I need only two points to win this game. v 1 [A; ac] give an advantage to the opponent in games, contests, etc. Kun partidáhun ku ning ákung manuk, musúkul ka? If I have my cock give you an advantage, would you bet against it? 2 [A; a12] need [so-and-so] many more points to win in billiards.

partidista see partídu1.

partídu1 n political party. — Libiral Liberal Party. — Nasyunalista Nacionalista Party. partidista n one engaged in partisan politics. v [B12] get engaged in partisan politics.

partídu2 n person related to another, usually said only of blood ties. v [B126C; b] be related by blood, said occasionally of relations by affinity. Mapartídu na ta inigkaminyù ninyung manang, We will be relatives if you marry my sister. ka- n person with whom one is related by blood. paN- v [A2C12; b6] claim, try to establish kinship with s.o. Ang kandidátu namartídu nákù, The candidate claims that I’m his relative. -s = partídu (plural).

partikular n 1 peculiarity, characteristic act. Partikular sa manuk nga mubátug matag gabíi, That’s the way chickens are. They roost in the evening. 2 specific, the very one. Ngánung kanà mang partikular nga bran sa rilu ang gustu nímu? Why do you like just that particular brand of watch? Ang partikular nga táwu mauy tagáan giyud sa sulat, The letter should be given to the man himself. 3 ordinary in looks or ways. Milyunaryu, apan mu ra lag táwung partikular [740]nga musúruy, He’s a millionaire, but you’d think he was an ordinary person when he goes out. 3a mga — unimportant matters, nothing of special concern. A, mga partikular lang tung ámung gipanaghisgútan, Oh, all we talked about were trivial things. 4 place outside of the home one goes to on business. Ang mga nigusyanting bulanti náa pirmi sa partikular, Traveling salesmen are always away from home on business. a exacting, fussy about things. Partikular kaáyu ku sa ákung sapátus, I’m very particular about my shoes. v 1 [a3] become a trait. 2 [A; c1] for s.o. who is expected to be in uniform to wear civilian clothes. Dì magpartikular ang sundáwu sa patrulya, A soldier does not wear civilian clothes on patrol.

partíra n midwife who hasn’t undergone any formal training in assisting in childbirth. v 1 [B16] become a partíra. 2 [c1] hire a partíra. Wà may kásu ug partiráhun (ipartíra) ug maáyu lang ang pag-anak, I don’t mind having a baby with an untrained midwife if it’s a normal delivery.

partisipasiyun n 1 participation in a business. 2 the amount one has put into a business with other people. Dakù ang ákung partisipasiyun sa susyu, I have a large share in the partnership.

partisiyun n partition, room divider. v [A; a] 1 partition a room. 2 partition land. Partisiyunun ta ang yútà samtang búhì pa si Tátay, We’ll partition the land while Father is still alive.

parts = part.

párù v [A; a] cook rice or corn grits dry. -in- n rice or corn grits cooked dry. parùpárù v [A; c1] cook a small amount of rice, enough for a couple of people. Magparùpárù ku ug aku rang usa sa báy, I just cook a little rice when I’m alone in the house. n cooking of a small amount of rice.

paruk v 1 [AC; c] bang the head against s.t. Akuy muparuk nímu sa bungbung, I’ll bang your head against the wall. 2 [B16; a4] be sleepy with the head nodding. Giparuk kung namínaw sa diskursu, I started to nod listening to the speech.

parúku, parukya n parish. v [B1256; a12] be a parish. parukyánu n 1 parishioner. 2 a person who buys regularly from s.o. 3 a person who frequents a place regularly. v 1 [B1256] be a parishioner. 2 [AB126C; a2] be a regular customer. Pahangyúa ku básin pag maparukyánu ku ninyu madúgay, Let me bargain. Maybe I’ll become your steady customer. 3 [B126] become one who frequents a place on a regular basis. Nagparukyánu ku sa tubaan, I started to hang around the toddy stand.

parul1 n hanging lantern. — dikumbáti n barn lantern. v [A; b6] use, have a lantern. -íru n one whose job is to light the lanterns in the street.

parul2 n parole. v [A; a12] be a prisoner out on parole. -i(←) n parolee. v [B1256] be a parolee.

parúla n lighthouse. v [b6] 1 put up a lighthouse. 2 glass jar of palm toddy (slang). Daghan kaáyung parúla sa imnanan, There are lots of jars of palm toddy in the stand. parulíru n lighthouse keeper. v [B156; b6] be a lighthouse keeper.

parulíru 1 see parul1. 2 see parúla.

parúlus n long, heavy horizontal beam that supports the framework of a bridge, bottom of a building, or a roof. v [A; ac] make or put horizontal supporting beams.

parúni v [A; a] cut a ripe jackfruit into pieces. Nakaparúni siyag walu sa usa ka búnga, Each ripe jackfruit she cut into eight pieces.

parús = parúlus.

párut v 1 [B12; b5] be utterly defeated. Sa pulitika mapárut giyud ang way sápì, In politics the person who has no money is sure to get defeated completely. 2 go bankrupt. Ang íyang pagsúgal nakapárut (nakapapárut) sa íyang nigusyu, His business went bankrupt because of his gambling. (→) n a hand in mahjong or cards that lacks a card or has one card too many and thus cannot win. v [B12] get in the parut situation. ka- n defeat suffered by s.o. ka-an n utter defeat. Dawáta ang ímung kaparútan, Accept your utter defeat.

parutput = palutput.

páruy v [A; a12] call s.o. in a sing-song manner. Ábi nákug nagkanta siya, íya diay nga gipáruy ang íyang anak, I thought she was singing. She was just calling her son.

paruyparuy v [B; c1] be unsteady, tottering on one’s feet. Nagparuyparuy ang hubug, The drunk is tottering as he is walking. a staggering, tottering.

paryinti n 1 relative, related by blood or by affinity. 2 as good as, not much different from. Paryinti na man nas pangáyù ang ímung hinangyuan, The way you haggle over the price you might as well ask for it for nothing. 3 people having similar defects or sicknesses (humorous colloquial). Mikúyug siyag pakilimus sa íyang paryinti nga bakul sab, He went begging together with his fellow-cripple. v [A12NC] be related by blood or by affinity. kaparyintíhan n group of relatives. [741]

pas, pás1 v [A; c] in drinking sprees where only one glass is used, let one’s turn to drink pass onto the next person. Mupás sà ku íning tagáya kay kasukaun ku, I will pass this drink onto the next person because I feel like vomiting.

pás2 n pass giving free access to places where tickets are required. v [A1] get a pass.

pás3 = pastíkum.

pás4 v [A; c] hand in. Ipás na ang tispípar, Pass in your test papers now.

pasa1 n abdominal binder for an infant, the purpose of which is to press down the navel, or an abdominal binder put around a mother when she has just given birth. v [A; b] put on a binder on s.o. pasahan = pasa, n.

pasa2 v [A; b] press clothes which have not been laundered. Pasahan ku ang sinínang ákung gisul-ub ganína, I’ll iron up the shirt I had on a while ago. pasahánan n clothes to be pressed.

pása v [A; c] pass s.t. to s.o. Abtik siyang mipása sa búla, He passed the ball quickly. Palíhug ipása ang kan-un, Please pass the rice. pasapása v [A; c] pass s.t. around from one to the other. Gipasapása sa mga mangangagaw ang pitákang ílang sinabnit, The purse snatchers passed the bag they had snatched on to their comrades. — banda = pasburd. pasapasa v [B16; c1] be scattered around in disarray. Napasapasa ang mga anak sukad mangaílu, The children were scattered after they were orphaned.

pásad v [AB6; c] scatter s.t. all over a place; be scattered. Siyay nagpásad ug mais álang sa manuk, He scattered corn for the chickens. Nagpásad ang mga butang sa kwartu, The things are scattered all over the room.

pasádu see pasar1.

pasadur n sanitary napkin. Labhi ang pasadur, Wash out the sanitary napkin. v [AN; a1] wear, make into a sanitary napkin.

paságad see *ságad2.

pasáhi1 n fare on public transportation. v [A; c] pay one’s fare.

pasáhi2 n 1 introduction, prelude to a musical rendition. 2 hints and words said before one gets around to his real purpose. v [A; b] 1 play or sing the opening part of a musical composition. 2 give indirect words and hints by way of introducing the real purpose. Pasáhi úsà. Ayawg diritsug abla, Make some opening hints first. Don’t propose right off.

pasahíra n 1 a woman fish peddler. 2 female passenger. paN- v [A2] peddle fish. Si Tikay namasahíra ug isdà sa mga balay, Tikay is peddling fresh fish from house to house.

pasahíru n passenger. v [A12B156; b8] get passengers, be a passenger. Nakapasahíru kug wà mubáyad, I got a passenger who did not pay. paN- v [A2; c] drive a passenger vehicle to pick up passengers. Mamasahíru ku káda human sa klási, I drive a passenger jeep after classes. pasahiruan n passenger vehicle. v [a12] make into a passenger vehicle. di- n a passenger vehicle, boat. Ayaw pagsakay ug dipasahíru kay daghang hapitan, Don’t take a passenger vehicle because it makes many stops. v [A; a12] convert a vehicle into a passenger vehicle.

pasakalyi, pasakayli v [B; b6(1)] 1 do the introduction to a musical number. 2 give a long prologue before getting around to one’s real subject. 3 [A; b] pass the time away by strolling around. Mipasakalyi ku sa plása, I was passing the time strolling in the park. n 1 introduction to a musical number. Mauy nindut ang pasakayli kay sa kanta, The introductory portion was nicer than the song itself. 2 round-about speech in preparation for saying s.t. else difficult. Hinúgay nang pasakalyi mu. Sulti na, That’s enough of your beating around the bush. What do you want?

pasakpasak v 1 [A; c1] spatter, splatter s.t. soft or liquid. Ayawg pasakpasaka (ipasakpasak) ang pintal sa sawug, Don’t let the paint spatter on the floor. 2 [A1] make a pattering sound. Nagpasakpasak ang uwan sa atup, The rain makes a pattering sound on the roof. n 1 spatter, splatter. 2 pattering sound.

pasamánu, pasamánus n 1 handrail of a staircase. 2 window sill. v [A1; a] make, put a handrail.

pásan = palásan.

pas-an v 1 [A; a1] carry s.t. over the shoulders. Nagpas-an siya ug ripli, He was carrying a rifle over his shoulder. 2 [A; a12] assume the burden of s.t. Pas-ánun ku ang tanang buluhatun sa balay, I will shoulder all the housework. 3 [A13; a12] bear, endure a burden or problem. Tigúlang kansang kurayut nga láwas nagpas-an sa suliran sa kinabúhì, An old man, whose shrunken body bore the problems of life. -l-un, -unun n s.t. to be carried, burden to be shouldered by s.o. mag-l-, mag-r- n s.o. who carries things on his shoulders or shoulders burdens. n action of carrying or amount carried on the shoulders. Kining kantidára madá sa usa ka pas-an, You can carry this amount on your shoulders in one trip.

pasángil see *sángil.

pasanib see *sanib.

pasápul v [A; b(1)] take or assume the responsibility [742]for doing s.t. Mupasápul kug hímug kík basta dúnay katábang, I will take the responsibility for making the cake as long as s.o. helps me. n assurance of getting s.t. done. Sa mga pasápul nga gisáad walay natúman, He gave lots of assurances but accomplished nothing.

pasapurti n 1 passport. 2 s.t. that leads to s.t. Sakit nga mauy íyang pasapurti ngadtu sa lubngánan, An illness that leads to the grave.

pasar1 v 1 [A2; a2b2] pass an exam, screening, or the like. Mipasar siya sa iksámin sa sirbisyu sibil, He passed the Civil Service test. 2 [A2] pass a certain time, deadline. Nakapasar na nang tagal sa pagbáyad, The term to pay me has expired. 2a [B2] for canned or packaged foods to spoil after being kept too long. Nagkapasar na ning tablitása kay nalánay na, These tablets must be expired because they have already melted. 3 [B2] go out of style or fashion, be not with the times. Napasar na ang tag-as nga múda sa palda, The long skirt is out of fashion. 4 go through, go by s.t. (used in set phrases). 4a — ang gútum, káun v [A2; b4] fail to eat at the proper time and lose one’s desire to eat. Makapasar gánì ang ákung gútum dì na ku gustung mukáun, If I fail to eat during meal times, I lose my appetite. 4b — ang gána v [B2] lose one’s fondness for s.t. Mipasar (napasar) na ang ákung gána sa mga kalingáwan, I have lost my interest for amusements. 4c — sa kamut v [A2; c6] for s.t. to pass through one’s hands. Mipasar nang bayhána sa ákung kamut únà maminyù, That girl passed through my hands before she got married. Ipasar ang papílis sa ákung kamut únà idusù, The papers go through my hands before they are passed forward. [noun, pronoun] [so-and-so] has a passing mark. Pasar ka sa sibil sirbis tist, You passed the Civil Service test. pasádu a 1 successful in an exam. Pasádu tanan kay may líkids, Everybody passed because there was a leakage (the test questions were known to the examinees). 2 past a certain time. Pasádu alas dúsi na, It’s past twelve o’clock now. 3 canned foods, packaged products which are so old that they have become spoiled. v 1 [B126] be successful in an examination. 2 [B6; c16] be past a certain hour. 3 [B] for canned foods or other packaged products to spoil from being too old. Mupasádu (mapasádu) na gánì ang sardínas, ilábay na lang, If the can of sardines is already spoiled, throw it away.

pasar2 = pasa2.

pásas n raisins. v [b6] put, mix with raisins.

pasatyimpu n 1 pastime. 2 girl with whom one is just passing time without being serious. Pasatyimpu lang nang bayhána nákù. Dì nákù pangasaw-un, That girl is just for the pleasure of the moment. I have no intentions of marrying her. v [A; c6] 1 pass, spend one’s time doing s.t. Nagpasatyimpu lang kug bása ug nubíla, My pastime is reading novels. 2 have a temporary affair with a girl.

pásaw v [A; b] feed food mixed with water to domestic animals. Aku ray mipásaw sa bábuy, I’ll feed the pigs. (→) n feed for domestic animals mixed with water. -an(→) n trough for feeding the animals.

pasáyan n shrimp. paN- v [A2; b6] gather, catch shrimp. n occupation of catching shrimp. pasayanpasáyan n fishing lure which is formed like a shrimp.

pasaylu see saylu.

pasburd n shot in basketball made by bouncing the ball off the board and into the ring. v [A2; c6] make a goal in this way.

pasgung n trap for land crabs and mice made out of a node of bamboo having an opening with a trap door at one end. v [A; a] catch mice or land crab with this k.o. trap. paN- v [A2; c] catch land crabs or rats with a pasgung. -in-an n s.t. caught with a pasgung trap.

pasì n rice in the husk or corn grains with a shell. -un a having unhusked rice or corn grains mixed in it. ti- see tipasì.

pasiatab see átab1.

pasig n shoals, a shallow place in a body of water. v [B2; a] for a water-covered area to become shallow. Mupasig (mapasig) ang bukána sa subà ug kusug ang bahà, The mouth of the river will become shallow if there is heavy flooding.

pasignunut see nunut.

pasíkat see síkat.

pásil n place near the seashore which becomes rocky due to the action of the sea. v [B12; a12] get to be a rocky shore.

pasilyu n corridor, covered passageway. v [b6] put a passageway, corridor.

pasinsiya n patience. v [A; b6] be patient with s.o. for doing s.t. Gipasinsiyáhan ku lang ang idlut níyang púlung, I just endured his painful words patiently. pasinsiyúsa a having lots of patience (female). v [B12] get to be patient and long-suffering. pasinsiyúsu = pasinsiyúsa (male).

pasinti = pasyinti.

pasipála v [A; b6] 1 mistreat, treat s.t. roughly, abusively. Ayaw pasipad-i ang mwiblis, [743]Don’t mistreat the furniture. 2 abuse a woman. 3 — ug sulti mistreat s.o. by saying s.t. inconsiderate and painful to him in a light, unthinking way. Ngánung nagpasipála ka mag pamasángil nga dì ka man sigúru? Why do you accuse me unthinkingly if you are not sure? 4 dare do s.t. dangerous. Dì ku mupasipála ug labang ánang kusug nga bahà, I don’t dare cross the river because it is so high. mapasipaláhun, mapasipad-ánun n 1 abusive, maltreating. 2 careless with things that are dangerous.

Pasipiku n Pacific Ocean.

pásis1 = pás1.

pásis2 explanation indicating surrender, accompanied by raising the hands. Pásis. Dì na ku, I give up. I quit. v 1 [A2] raise the hands in surrender or as in a stick-up. Ayaw ug pusila kun mupásis na sila, Don’t shoot if they raise their hands. 2 [B126C; c16] settle personal differences. Makigpásis ku sa ákung kuntra, I’d like to settle my quarrel with my enemy. †

pasistur n table with a top that flips for storage. v [A12; a] make or obtain such a table.

pasitib n positive result of a medical test.

pasiugda see ugda.

pasiuna see úna.

pasiyal v [ANC12; b6(1)] take a leisurely stroll or ride s.w. Ug mupasiyal (mamasiyal) ka diri, hapit sa báy, If you take a stroll this way, drop in the house.

pasiyu, pasíyu v [A; c] 1 take a leisurely walk, stroll, ride. Mupasíyu ku sa parki mahápun, I take a stroll in the park in the afternoon. Ipasíyu nang bátà arun mainitan, Take the child for a stroll to get some sun. 2 drop by a place to see s.o. Pasyúhan ku siya matag Duminggu, I drop by her place every Sunday. pasyuhan v [A13] take a stroll habitually in a certain place. Magpasyuhan ku ngadtus íla ug maduminggu, I usually take a stroll to their place on Sundays.

*pasiyu ba — it is highly impossible that [such-and-such] happen (said as if addressing s.o. named Pacio). ‘Mipasar ka sa iksámin, Ting?’—‘Pasar ba, Pasiyu!’ ‘Did you pass the exams, Ting?’—‘Hell, no!’ ‘Musugut ka ba?’—‘Musugut ba, Pasiyu!’ ‘Do you agree to do it?’—‘Are you kidding? (No!)’

pasiyun n 1 Passion of Jesus Christ. 2 hymns relating the Passion of Jesus Christ sung during the Holy Week. v [A; b6(1)] sing the Passion of Jesus Christ.

paskan exclamation at the high degree s.t. is. Paskang iníta run! How hot it is today! — nu it would be terrible. Paskan, nu, ug mahibalu ánà ang Prisidinti! What if the President should come to know about it!

paskin n 1 notice or announcement displayed publicly. 2 s.t. bad about a person written anonymously in a public place or an anonymous poison-pen letter. v [A; c] 1 put up as a public announcement. Nagpaskin si Lútir sa pultahan sa simbahan, Luther posted his theses on the church door. 2 post an announcement ruining s.o.’s reputation. Kinsay nagpaskin nga si Pidru pisut? Who wrote on the wall that Pedro is uncircumcised? 2a send an anonymous poison-pen letter. Gipaskínan ang ginikánan nga kidnápun ang ílang anak, The parents received an anonymous letter that their baby would be kidnapped. 3 [A; a12] play a game in which the letters of the name of a man and a woman are compared to find out if they will fall in love, be married, and the like.

Pasku n 1 Christmas season, day, or Easter. Maáyung Pasku, Merry Christmas! — sa kalípay n Christmas. — sa kasákit n Lenten season. — sa labadúra Feast of the Passover. — sa pagkabanhaw Easter. v 1 [A; b2] spend Christmas day. Nagpasku ang mga sundálu sulud sa ílang pakshul, The soldiers spent their Christmas in their foxholes. 2 [B3; b8] for it to be Christmas. Mupasku na lang wà pa kuy kwarta, It will be Christmas and I still have no money. 3 [b8] get a Christmas present from s.o. paN- v [A2; c] 1 spend or celebrate Christmas. Didtu ku mamasku sa prisuhan, I spent my Christmas in jail. 2 go caroling. Mamasku ta sa kumbintu, Let’s go caroling at the rectory. pinaskúhan n Christmas gift. v [A12] get a Christmas present. †

paskuwas n poinsettia.

paslag v [A; ab2] 1 drive s.t. away by poking or throwing s.t. at it. Akuy mupaslag ug batu sa mga bábuy nga misúd sa gít, I’ll drive the pigs that entered the gate away by throwing rocks at them. 2 throw a lot of things at s.t. Gipaslag ang balay gabíi, S.o. threw rocks at the house last night.

paslak v [A; bc] stuff s.t. into s.t. with force, not carefully. Pasláki ang lungag arun way mabulásut, Stuff s.t. into the hole so nobody will fall into it. Gipaslak lang sa nars ang pítu sa labatíba ngadtu sa ákung lubut, The nurse just shoved the enema nozzle into my behind.

paslang v [A; a12] exterminate, defeat a great number of people or things. Ang usa ka iring dì makapaslang sa mga ilagà dinhing baláya, One cat is not enough to get rid of [744]the rats in this house. Gipaslang níla ang mga sagbut sa uma, They got rid of all of the weeds in the field.

paslayit = plasláyit.

pasluk = pasuk.

paslut v [B26; b8] chafe the skin from scalding or friction. Ug mubutu ang lutu, mupaslut ang pánit, If the blister bursts, the skin will come off. Ang ínit kaáyung kapi makapaslut (makapapaslut) sa dílà, Hot coffee will blister your tongue. Mapaslutan ang ímung kamut ug magsígi kag gúna, Your hands will get chafed if you keep on weeding.

pasmu n ailments characterized by a feeling of weakness and dizziness, or in debility in a single limb, or by swollen veins, from two causes: 1 failing to eat at one’s meal time, eating s.t. at the wrong time. 2 exposing the body to water after having done heavy work. v [B126; a12] get pasmu. Napasmu ang ugat sa íyang tiil kay nanghimásà human magbaskit, He got swollen veins in his feet because he washed them after playing basketball. Makapasmu usáhay ang pagpuása, Sometimes fasting can cause pasmu. — ang, sa bítuk v [B126] starve (lit. make the roundworms get pasmu from not eating). Napasmu ákung bítuk sa kagamay adtung rasyúna, We got so little to eat my roundworms began to starve. — sa pasálig v [A123P; a12] frustrate s.o. through promises (humorous). Napasmu siya sa pasálig sa íyang trátu, She became frustrated with her boy friend’s promises. — sa gútum = pasmu, n, v1. — sa kusug = pasmu, v2. hiN- v [AN; b] treat pasmu. Gihimasmu nákù ang itlug nga lab-as, I treated my pasmu with fresh eggs. n s.t. to treat pasmu.

paspas1 a fast in motion or doing s.t. Paspas siyang mukáun, He eats fast. Paspas siyang mudrayib ug awtu, He drives fast. Paspas siyang musulti, He speaks rapidly. v [AB2; b5] do s.t. hurriedly, get to be fast. Mupaspas kug káun kay tayim na, I’ll eat hurriedly because it is already late. Mupaspas (mapaspas) ang ákung pulsu ug kulbaan ku, My pulse beats fast if I’m scared. Paspásig (paspásag) bugsay, Row fast. -in-an n 1 anything gotten or obtained illegally. Kanang kwartang gigastu sa tagakustum pinaspásan nà, The customs examiner is spending ill-gotten money. 2 magic food left s.w. (e.g. fish in a fish trap) by an unglù which will cause the eater to become an unglù or develop some sort of ailment, usually losing his teeth.

paspas2 n 1 duster. 2 stick with strips of paper at the end to chase away flies. v [A; b] 1 dust off s.t. with a duster. Paspási ang bangkù, Dust off the benches. 2 drive flies away with a fly whisk. 3 [A; ab2] hit s.o. with a duster or a fly whisk. Hingpaspasan siya nákù kay labihang nakapanugsū́g, I hit him with a duster because he teased me too much.

paspasanan n a batten running under the eaves of a roof.

paspáyit v [A; b5] do s.t. with utmost vigor. Pastilan níyang nakapaspáyit ug káun sa pansit, My! How he laid into the noodles! Paspaytan (paspaytun) ta nig trabáhu arun daling mahuman, Let’s work hard on this so it will get done right away.

paspurt n passport. v [A12] obtain a passport.

paspuru = puspuru.

pasta1 n filling for a tooth. v [A; b] 1 fill a tooth. 2 fill s.t. like a tooth. Gipastáhan na ang lungag sa bangà, They filled the hole in the jar.

pasta2 n 1 mixture of flour or starch and water used as paste. 2 foodstuff pounded or ground until fine and creamy, made into a sauce. Pastang tamátis, Tomato paste. v 1 [A; a] make pasta. 2 [A; c] paste with pasta. Pastáhun (ipasta) ku ning ritrátu sa ákung nutbuk, I’ll paste this picture in my notebook.

pasta3 n a k.o. grass with long lanceolate leaves which is used for horse feed.

pastang = paskan.

pastidiyar v [A; a1] discipline, train, break in. Ayaw luagluági ug magpastidiyar ka ug kabáyù, Don’t be lenient when you break in a horse. Ug pastidiyáhun ang mga bátà magtubù nga matinahúrun, Children grow up to be obedient if you discipline them.

pastidiyu a bothersome, annoying. Pastidiyu kaáyu ning mga sayup sa tím, These mistakes in the compositions are annoying. v [A; a1] be bothersome, annoying. Dì makapastidiyu sa maistra ang mga pangutána, Questions won’t annoy the teacher. Aku na say pastidiyúhun ning batáa, This child is going to annoy me again.

pastíkum n 1 the custom of the Roman Catholic church of carrying the image of the Infant Jesus lying on a crib by two acolytes from house to house for people to adore, for which people usually give money as an offering. The pastíkum begins on the 25th of December and ends on the 2nd of February. 2 the words uttered by the acolyte when the image has been kissed.

pastilan short form: tilan 1 expression of [745]great worry or grief. Pastilan ang ákung bátà naligsan sa trák, Heavens! My son got run over by a truck! 2 expression of feigned surprise or concern, with a disdainful tone: what are you worrying so much for? Pastilan, Tiryú, kasayun niánà ug mahadluk kang mubúhat! Goodness, Terio, that’s so easy and you’re scared to do it? 2a expression of scorn or derision at s.o. trying to tell a lie. Tilan nímu uy, bísag klárung bakak patuhúun gihápun ta ánà! You sure are s.t.! It’s such an obvious lie and you expect me to believe it! 3 expression of pain or annoyance. Tilan ning mga batáa, pagkasabaan! My these children, how noisy they are! Pastilang labára sa ákung úlu! Oh! How my head aches! 4 exclamation of how intense s.t. is. Pastilang gwapáhang bayhána! What a beautiful woman!

pastiliríya n frosting or decorations on a cake. v [A13; c] put frosting or decorations on a cake.

pastilyas n 1 k.o. pastilles for deworming. 2 name of various confections cooked, rolled, and sliced into pastille shape. — dilitsi k.o. sweet made from condensed milk. — dimani sweet made from peanuts. — diúbi k.o. sweet made from ground úbing kinampay.

pastiyurisádu a pasteurized milk.

pastu n pasture. Túa sa pastu ang báka, The cows are out in the pasture. v 1 [A13; a12] raise animals that are put to pasture, make a cattle farm. Íyang pastúhun ang yútà níya nga pagawpaw, He will transform his barren land into a cattle ranch. 2 [A; c] put out to pasture. Ipastu ang kábaw, Put the carabao out to pasture. pastuhan n pasture lands.

pastǔr1 n herdsman. v [A; b(1)] attend to a herd.

pastǔr2 n minister of a Protestant congregation. v [B156; a12] become a minister.

pastúra n a shepherd’s play put on in the Christmas season by players going from house to house. It depicts the visit of the shepherds to the Christ Child and consists of song and dance sequences. v [AN; c] go s.w. to put on the shepherd’s play.

pastúris n 1 herdsmen. 2 participants of a pastúra. v = pastúra, v.

pasu v [B26; b8] commit certain violations in games: get a score of more than the winning number of points and therefore be out of the contest, step on the demarcation line in hopscotch, et al. Mapasu (mupasu) ka na ug mulápas nang ímung puntus sa bayinti únu, You lose if you get more than twenty-one points. n violation of this sort.

pásu v 1 [A; c1] walk slowly and deliberately. Mipásu siyag lakaw kay dihay natúlug, He walked slowly because there was s.o. asleep. 2 [A; c] march before a crowd in a ceremony. Mipásu na ang mga intranti sa banggà sa kaanyag, The beauty contestants marched before the judges. Wà kuy sinínà nga ipásu sa gradwisyun, I don’t have a dress to wear when I march in the commencement. 3 [A2; c] walk in front and in view of many people as if on parade. Mupásu giyud ta íni kay nagsúgud na ang klási, Now we are going to have to pass in front of the whole class because the class has already started. a for one’s walk to be refined and slow, not rough or erratic. Pásu ang linaktan sa rayna, The beauty queen walked elegantly. n manner of walking, esp. a graceful walk. Nausab ang pásu sa babáyi nga gitaghúyan, The woman lost her poise when the men whistled at her. pasupásu v [A; b6] pace to and fro. Nagpasupásu siya samtang nagbatì ang íyang asáwa, He paced to and fro while his wife was in labor.

pásù v 1 [AB126; b4] injure s.t. by burning it or subjecting it to s.t. that gives similar effects. Ang asidu makapásù, Acid can burn you. Napásù ákung tudlù sa tangsi pagbinira sa kubit, I burnt my hand pulling on the nylon rope when I caught a fish. Gipasúan níyag sigarilyu ang ákung áping, He burned my cheek with a cigarette. 2 = pasu, v. (→) n 1 burnt part of the skin. 2 = pasu, n. 3 in sungkà, the hole that is not in use because the player lacks requisite pieces to use it. -an = pasù, 3.

pasugbu see sugbu2.

pasuk v [A; c] stuff or place s.t. in a small enclosed place. Gidalì níyag pasuk ang sinínà sa bulsíta, She hurriedly put the dress in the paper bag. Paski (paksi) ug gápas ang ilung sa minatay, Stuff cotton into the nose of the corpse. paskanan n place where things are stuck or dumped into.

pásuk n peg, short stake to which animals can be tethered. v 1 [A; a] put a stake in the ground. 2 [a1] use, make into a short stake.

pasul n fishing line. v 1 [A12] obtain a fishing line. 2 [a12] catch with a fishing line. Sayun ra paslun nang isdáa, It’s easy to catch that k.o. fish with a hook and line. paN- v [A2; b6] go fishing with a hook and line. pamaslanan, pamaslánan n 1 fishing [746]place. 2 fishing boat. pinaslan n fish caught with a hook and line.

pasulábi (from sulábi) see labi.

pasúlit n test or exam. v [A13] hold or give a test. Ang gubyirnu magpasúlit pára sa mga aplikanti, The government will hold a test for the applicants.

pasumánu = pasamánu.

pasunding n civic or military parade. v [A; c] parade. Mipasunding sa íyang alimpatakan ang mga nindut níyang kaági, He could see the memorable experiences of his past parading before his mind’s eye. Ang mga bisíta gipasundíngan sa Rusya sa íyang mga rákit, Russia paraded her rockets before the visitors.

pasung n cockscomb. v [AN; a] trim a cockscomb. paN- v [A23] grow a cockscomb. Wà pa ang mga pisù mamasung, The chicks have not developed combs yet. pinasngan n rooster with a trimmed cockscomb.

pásung n 1 trough, originally made of a hollowed-out log, but now of anything fashioned into a long but rather shallow open vessel, used as manger or for pounding stripped palm trunks. 2 a unit of dry measure for unhusked rice more or less equal to ​5⁄7​ of a bushel, with a good deal of local variation. v [A12; a12] make into a manger or trough. -an(→) = pásung, n.

pas-ung = pasgung.

pasunud see sunud.

paswurd n password. v [A1; c1] have or use as a password.

pasyinsiya = pasinsiya.

pasyinti n patient, sick person. v 1 [A12; b8] have a patient. 2 [B125] be s.o.’s patient.

pasyunarya = sayúti.

pasyun syú n fashion show. v [A; c] 1 hold a fashion show. Nakapasyun syú na sila, They have had their fashion show. 2 parade oneself to show off a dress and other personal apparel. Mupasyun syú nà siya basta makabag-ug sinínà, She parades herself around whenever she has a new dress.

pat. n abbreviation for patrulman ‘patrolman’.

páta = palata.

pátà v [A3] fall with a plop. Mupátà ang tái sa báka, The bowel movements of a cow fall with a plop.

patad, pátad1 v [A; c] bet, place a bet. Diyútay ray nagpatad sa ugis, Only a few people bet on the white cock. Ayaw ipatad ang tanan mung kwarta, Do not bet all of your money. n bet, betting. Way pátad ning duláa, No betting this game.

pátad2 v [AC; ac] pair off in a contest or in love. Nagkapátad ang duha ka pulitiku sa miáging piliay, The two politicians were pitted against each other in the last election. Patárun ta ang átung isig ka bátà, Let us match your daughter and my son. Ayaw kug ipátad ug dakù, Don’t pair me up with s.o. big. a evenly matched, well paired off. Pátad kaáyu ang duha ka igtatarì, The two cocks were evenly matched. n action of matching, pairing off.

pátad3 v [B3(1); c1] lie scattered all over a place, such as things for sale, things in disarray, dead bodies, litter. Mipátad ang patay nga Bitkung sa pilapilan, The bodies of the Vietcong lay scattered over the rice fields. Nagpátad ang tinda apan mínus ang pumapálit, There were things for sale displayed everywhere but there were few buyers.

patadyung n k.o. loose wrap-around skirt worn overlapping in the front, made of hand-woven cloth together with a native blouse (kimúna). v [A; a] wear a patadyung, make into a patadyung.

pátag a for an area to be flat and level. Pátag ang ibabaw ánang búkid, The top of that hill is flat. v [AB12] for an area to become level, cause it to be so. Patágun ang yútà úsà gam-ang pilapilan, They level the land before they make it into rice paddies. Patágun ku nang likud sa buktut ug magbinúang siya, I’ll flatten that hunchback’s back if he makes trouble. (→) n flat level land, plains. ka-an n plains. kina-an(→) n place that is most level.

pátak v [B46; b6] for a large number of things to be scattered over an area. Daghang bitúun nga nagpátak sa lángit, A myriad of stars dotting the sky. patakpatak v 1 [B6; a] be scattered or strewn over an area. Nagpatakpatak ang tái sa bátà, The baby’s stools were scattered all over the place. 2 [AB6; a1] break, tear to pieces, get broken, torn to pieces. Nagpatakpatak na sa katagù ang ákung sinínà, My dress is almost tattered into pieces, the fabric is so weak. Patakpatakun ku ning hunub nga kúlun, I’ll break this leaky pot into pieces. 3 produce a pitter-pattering sound like falling rain. n pitter-patter of falling rain.

pat-ak v [A; c1] splotch, spatter all over s.t. Nagpat-ak ang buling sa salug, The floor is splotched with dirt. Ayaw pat-áka (ipat-ak) ang ímung pagpintal, Don’t paint so that it splotches all over everything. pat-akpat-ak v [A; c1] do at random and irregularly with blank spaces in between. Nagpat-akpat-ak ang ap-ap dihà sa íyang dughan, Her breasts had fungus splotches all over them. Ayawg [747]pat-akpat-aka (ipat-akpat-ak) ang pag-iskuyla arun dì ka hagbúngun, If you do not attend classes on a regular basis you will be dropped.

patal a fatal, usually said of a wound or blow. v [a] fatal.

patálas (not without l) n knife or any sharp instrument used as a weapon (slang). v [a1] stab with a knife. Namatay ang buguy nga gipatálas, The ruffian who was stabbed died.

patánì1 n 1 k.o. chicken which has dark-colored meat and bones. 2 a very dark-skinned person. gíra — 1 civil war. 2 all-out quarrel among people residing together. v [B126] be dark-skinned.

patánì2 n lima bean: Phaseolus lunatus.

pátas v 1 [AC; b5] even up a score, debt, wrong. Nagkapátas ang duha ka tím, The two teams were tied. Mapátas na gánì átung iskur dì na ku mudúlà, I’ll quit as soon as the score is tied. Patásun (patásan) ku giyud ang insultu, I’ll get even for the insult. 2 [A2S; b6] match, be the equal. Way makapátas nímu sa ímung kamaldítu, There is no one as mean as you are. a 1 even in score. Pátas ang ílang puntus sa tungàtúngà, Their score was even at half time. 2 of equal ability or achievement. Pátas giyud ang duha ka manuk, The two fighting cocks are exactly even in ability. 3 have an equal share of s.t. unpleasant. Pátas tang tanan. Púlus gikasab-an, We’re even. We were all scolded. paN- v [A2; c6] for a person who has suffered to harm others, innocent or not, so that they too will suffer as he has. Mamátas na lang ku kay gidaugdáug kug maáyu, I’ve been oppressed enough. Now I will raise hell for everybody.

patátas1 n k.o. flaky brown cracker. v [A1] serve, have patátas.

patátas2 n potatoes.

pataw n buoy tied to s.t.: buoy used to hold up fishing nets, used to mark a fish trap in the sea, used to mark an unattended fishing line tied to a rope with a harpoon (paladyaw) to hold the fish back, et al. v [A; b] use a float, fasten a float to a rope. Ang ámung púkut gipatawan ug gúma, We tied rubber floats for our fishing net. -an n 1 place a pataw has been put. 2 = pataw, n.

patay v [A; b7] 1 kill, slay. Dì makapatay ning sakíta nímu, This sickness won’t kill you. Patyun ku siya, I’ll kill him. 2 put an end to s.t. as if killing it. Ang pagkapakyas makapatay sa kadásig, Failure can destroy one’s enthusiasm. Adtu sa Kamara Báha patya ang balaudnun, The bill will be killed in the Lower House. Angay patyun nang balitáa, That news should be suppressed. 3 shut off an engine, light; put out a fire. Patya nang sugà, Turn off the lights. 3a neutralize chemicals or colors. Putì ang ipatay niánang pula nga kulur, Neutralize that red color with white. 3b consume time. Maáyu ning duláa ipatayg úras, This game is good for killing time. 4 [A; b] whittle s.t. down to reduce its size or smoothen it. Patyi ang ngilit sa lamísa, Round off the edges of the table. 5 [a3] be all tails in a game of tossing coins. Mapatay na ni rung antúga, This toss will be all tails. 6 in a game of sungkà, drop the last stone in an empty hole. 7 in set phrases: a — sa báhù [A2P; a1] mask a pungent smell. Lamas ang ipatay sa báhù sa isdang langsa, Spices can cover the fishy taste of fish. — ug hálas b1 for men to urinate. b2 for men to masturbate. c — sa kabugnaw [A; a1] heat water until it becomes tepid. Patya úsà ang kabugnaw sa túbig nga idígù sa bátà, Warm the baby’s water before you bathe him. a 1 dead. Patay na si Tátay, My father is dead. 2 for s.t. to have been killed, deadened. Patay ang ákung pagláum, I have no more hope. Patay ang makina, The engine is dead. 3 for coins to come out tails. 4 for the last stone to have been dropped in an empty hole in a game of sungkà. 5 new moon. Himatayun ang buwan run. Dì na madúgay patay na, We are in the last quarter now. Pretty soon it will be the new moon (no moon). 6 for nits to be hatched (lit. for the eggshell to be dead). 7 be head over heels in love. Patay siya nákù, She’s head over heels in love with me. 8 in phrases: — ug dugù do s.t. in an unenthusiastic way. Hinay siyang mangulitáwu kay patayg dugù. Kinahanglan hulhúgun, He isn’t doing a very good job in courting the girl. He is unenthusiastic and needs prodding. — gútum poor as church mice. Asa gud sila makapaiskuyla sa ílang mga bátang patay gútum man nà sila? How could they send their children to school when they are poor as church mice? — nga irù miserable, wretched. Patayng irù ang táwung way kwarta, A man who is penniless is miserable. — ug lamì having excessive sexual desires. Patay kaáyu ug lamì nang bayhána maung kuyawng pangasaw-un, It’s dangerous to marry that woman because she has excessive sexual desires. — ug limud an inveterate liar. (←) n intense action of killing. v 1 [A13] for several killings to be going on. 2 [C; a12] fight it out with killing. Patáyun nátù ang átung dúmut, We’ll settle our hatred by fighting it out to the death. lunud, [748]lúnud — die-hard, inveterate. Lúnud pátay nga sugarul, An inveterate gambler. -an(←) v 1 [C23; c6] for roosters to fight it out to the death. 2 [A; a] play patáyan. n game of betting on heads or tails played by twirling a coin. pataypátay v 1 [A; c] do s.t. intensely. Pataypatáyun (ipataypátay) nákù ning ákung láwas sa trabáhu arun ku mabúhì, I wear myself out working just to live. 2 [A; b(1)] do, act slowly without energy or enthusiasm. Ug magpataypátay ka, mabyaan ka sa trák, If you take so long, you’ll miss the bus. 3 [AP] pretend to be poor when one is rich, be a nobody when one is s.o. Nagpapataypátay nang tawhána apan unásis diay, That man acts like a nobody but actually he’s an Onassis. patyanay, pinatyánay = pátay. palatyanan n 1 place s.t. is killed. — sa utug girl used to satisfy one’s sexual desires (lit. s.t. to kill one’s erection on). 2 total part of the body, place in the body which will cause instant death if struck. paN- n s.t. used to kill. Maáyung pamatay sa kágaw kanang sabúna, That soap is a good germicide.

pathaw v [A3; b6] do s.t. suddenly without sufficient reason, warning, or propriety. Mipathaw lag katáwa ang búang, The madman suddenly burst into laughter.

pat huldir n pot holder.

pati1 ang [noun], [nom.] it happened to [so-and-so] as well. Gibunù tanan. Pati ang mga bátà, They were all killed, including the children. Pati aku naapil sa kasábà, I was included in the scolding, too.

pati2 = salampáti.

pátid v 1 [A; b] kick at. Kusug mupátid ang plíyir sa sákir, A soccer player kicks hard. Patíri ang itlug sa kuntra, Kick your opponent in the balls. 2 [c6] move s.t. s.w. by kicking it. Ipátid ra ákung sinílas diri, Kick my slippers over to me. n 1 kick. 2 kick of drinks (humorous). Pwirtig pátid ning tubáa dà, This toddy packs quite a kick. paN- v [A1; a] kick with intensity. Nagpamatid siya sa kasukù, He was kicking in anger. patidpátid v [A; b] go on foot in a leisurely manner. Magpatidpátid lang ku inigpaúlì, I’ll walk home leisurely. — sa láta = patidpátid, v1. 2 play patidpátid. n children’s game of undoing knotted rubberbands with the feet. The one who separates one from the rest wins all of them.

patig n 1 army fatigues. 2 colored olive drab. Karsunsilyung patig, Olive-drab undershorts. v [A1] wear fatigues.

pátik1 v [A; c] 1 tattoo, mark with a brand. Ákù siyang gipatíkan ug agila, I tattooed an eagle on him. 1a implant kisses. Patíkan kug hawuk ang ímung dughan, I’ll cover your breasts with kisses. 2 print or publish. Napátik ang íyang hulagway sa mantaláan, Her picture was published in the newspaper. 2a [c6] be fixed indelibly s.w. Napátik sa ákung kasingkásing ang ímung pangalyúpù, Your pleas have been imprinted in my heart. (→) n 1 implement used for marking animals. 2 tattoo, brand. May patik nga iks sa samput, There is an X branded on the rump. 3 explanatory annotation on a land title that it has been made collateral for a loan. v [b(1)] be so annotated. Napatikan na giyud ang ákung titulu, I finally had to borrow on my land. (Lit. My land has finally gotten an annotation.) -ánan n printing press. -in-an n one who has been tattooed, esp. ex-convicts. mag-r-(→), mag-l-(→) n 1 publisher, printer. 2 one who brands or tattooes.

pátik2 a terrific in execution, appearance (slang). Pátik kaáyu siya sa íyang amirikána dà, He sure looks terrific with his coat. Pátik sag sinayawan nang bayhána dà, That girl can really dance.

patikan = aníbung.

patilya n sideburns, growth of hair next to ears. v [A; b(1)] wear, leave sideburns.

pátin n paten, the plate used to hold the host in the mass. v [c] use as a paten.

pating n general name for small sharks. — nga bungul 1 k.o. shark. 2 deaf as a door post (lit. like a pating). a unconcerned about what is right or wrong (from the notion that one acting this way is being deaf to what people say just as the pating is called bungul ‘deaf’). Pating giyud nang batáa. Dì giyud magtamud bísag unsáug pína, That child doesn’t care to be good. He won’t obey no matter how much you tell him. v [B46; c] not give a damn about whether an action is right or not. pa- v 1 [B1346; c16] be deaf to s.t. Nagpapating lang siya sa ákung pagpakiluuy, He was deaf to my pleas. 2 [A; c16] do s.t. regarded as wrong no matter what people think. Nagpapating ang bigáun bísag bulgǎr sa kadaghánan, The over sexed woman didn’t care what people said any more. She went right ahead even though everybody knew about it. patingpáting v [A12; b(1)] ignore, pretend not to hear. Ayúhag pamínaw kining ákung súgù. Ayaw kug patingpatíngi, Listen carefully to what I tell you to do. Don’t just ignore me.

patínga n make a down payment on s.t. bought or ordered. v [A; c] make a down payment. Gipatingáhan ug singku písus ang [749]ákung pinatahì, I put down five pesos as deposit on the trousers as I was having made.

patinti1 n container for measuring liquids, esp. palm toddy, that has been registered and licensed. -ru n 1 palm toddy dealer. 2 any merchant. v [B156] become a dealer in palm toddy.

patinti2 n patent. May patinti siya paggamà ánang klasíha sa dáru, He has a patent to manufacture that k.o. plow. v [A; b] issue a patent.

patipati n weed of waste places: Acalypha indica.

pátirn n dress pattern. v [A; c6] make a dress pattern.

pátir nustir n the Lord’s Prayer.

patis n 1 liquified preserved fish paste. 2 soy sauce. v 1 [A; a2] make patis. 2 [A12; b] add patis to s.t.

patriyúta n patriot. v [B126; b6] be a patriot.

patrǔl n 1 police patrol, esp. in vehicles or boats. 2 boy scout patrol. v = patrulya. -man n patrolman. Patrulman Ruhíru, Patrolman Rogero.

patrulya v [A; b6(1)] 1 go on patrol. Gipatrulyahan (gipatrulyáhan) sa mga Písi ang mga prisintu sa pag-iliksiyun, The P.C. patrolled the precincts during the elections. 2 go out for a walk. Magpatrulya ta sa plása, Let’s go out for a walk to the plaza. n patrol.

patrun, patrǔn n patron saint of a place or occupation. v [A23; c1] take a saint as one’s patron. -a(←) n female patron saint. †

patsáda a good to look at, good in quality. Kapatsáda ning batáa, What a pretty child. Patsáda silag baul, They have a first class farm. v [B2; a12] be, become good. Mapatsáda ang ímung tíngug ug makakaun kag úlud, Your voice improves if you eat worms.

patsi n medicinal plaster for headaches or muscular pains. v [A; b6(1)] 1 patch s.t. by laying it on top. Ang buslut gipatsíhag gúma, The hole was patched up with rubber. 2 wear a medicinal plaster. Nagpatsi ku kay labad ákung úlu, I am wearing a medicinal plaster for my headache.

patsing n 1 cement binding. 2 decorative patching on material. v [A; b6(1)] 1 bind stones with cement. Patsíngi ang batu sa paril arun dì matumpag, Bind the stones forming the wall with cement so it can’t collapse. 2 put a decorative patching on s.t.

pátu n general name for ducks.

pátù v [A; c16] pair s.o. teasingly with s.o. else. Kinsay nagpátù nímu kang Pidru? Who wanted to pair you off with Pedro?

pat-ud = pat-ul.

patuk a having a protruding bulge in the front or back of the head. Patuk ug agtang, Having a bulging forehead. v [B26] for the front or back of the head to protrude. Mapatuk ang úlu sa bátà ug sigíhag patakílid, The child’s head will develop a bulge if he is always put down on his side.

pátul n k.o. fit characterized by convulsions and foaming of the mouth. v [B246; a4] suffer a seizure of this sort. -l-un n one who is subject to these seizures.

pat-ul1 v [A; c] 1 put s.t. where it can be chopped, hit, or broken. Kining tadtaran mauy pat-úlan inigtadtad sa bukug, Put the bone on this chopping block, when you chop up the bones. 2 put s.t. on top of s.t. for a short period of time. Íyang gipat-úlan ug ínit nga hampul ang íyang bun-ug, He put a hot compress on his bruises. 3 put the blame on s.o. Íyang gipat-ul nákù ang tanang salà, She put all the blame on me. -ánan n chopping block.

pat-ul2 v [A2N; cN] match s.o. with s.o. else with the purpose of marrying him or her off. Ngánung ipamat-ul man nímu nákù nang tiguwánga? Why are you trying to pawn that old geezer off on me?

patúla n 1 k.o. squash: Luffa acutangula. 2 by extension, name also given to the sikwa, a similar vegetable.

patung = butung2.

pátung v [A; c] place s.t. on top of s.t. else. Ang lángaw nga makapatung sa kábaw magpakakábaw sad, A fly that alights on a carabao thinks he, too, is a carabao (becomes swell-headed). Patúngi ang mga papil arun dì manglúpad, Put a weight on the papers so they won’t get blown away. n 1 pile. Natumpag ang pátung sa mga diláta, The cans that were stacked up neatly came tumbling down. 2 interest on money. Pilay pátung sa kwartang ímung gihulaman? How much interest did they charge on the money you borrowed? patungpatung v [AB6; c1] pile, be piled up, accumulated. Nagpatungpatung ang ákung trabáhu, maung sígi kug ubirtayim, My work is piling up, so I keep having to work overtime. hi-/ha-(→), hi-/ha- [B1256] 1 be at the top of s.t. Paghipátung níla sa bungtud, When they reached the top of the mountain. 2 reach a certain height of affluence. Nahipátung ku sa kahamugáway kay nakadaug kus swipstiks, I was on easy street when I won the sweepstakes.

patùpátù v 1 [A; a12] compose lines, extemporaneously, to form a rhyme. 2 [A; c] fabricate insidious gossip against others. Maáyu [750]kang mupatùpátù sa mga butang nga wà mahímù sa ímung isig ka táwu, You are good at inventing gossip about other people, things they couldn’t possibly have done. n 1 rhymes composed extemporaneously. Sa balítaw ang ditsu patùpátù, In the courtship poems, the verses are extemporaneous. 2 fabrication made up against s.o.

paturágas see *turágas.

patúru see túru.

patyu, patyù n 1 open, round booth built in the center of a plaza. 2 patio, grounds enclosed within a building.

paud v [A; bc] 1 put s.t. against or over s.t. hard to steady it. Pad-i ang libru sa ímung pagsulat, Write on top of the book. 2 press s.t. against s.t. hard with one’s weight. Gitabangan nílag paud ang búang sa bungbung, They all pressed the lunatic against the wall. Napaud ku sa pusti pagtulud niya, I was knocked against the post when he pushed me. 2a press part of the body against s.t. Íyang gipaud ang íyang dughan sa ákung likud, She pressed her breast against my back. 2b fix the sight on s.t. Gipaud ku sa kisami ang ákung mga mata, I fixed my eyes to the ceiling. 3 [b] put the blame on s.o. Ngánung aku may pad-an sa ímung salà? Why do you put the blame on me for what you did? pad-anan n buffer for s.t. one writes or applies pressure on.

páuk = páyuk, a, v1.

paun n bait. subad nga way — butt in on a conversation where one has no business doing so (lit. bite when there is no bait). Dílì ikaw ang ákung gisultíhan. Ngánung musubad ka man dihà nga way paun? I wasn’t talking to you. Why do you butt in? subad ug way — believe s.t. just because s.o. said it (lit. bit an unbaited hook). Dì kakumidiyáhan siya kay musubad ug way paun, You can’t kid him because he will take you literally. v 1 [A; b] bait s.t. Gipan-an ku ang ilagà ug pán, I baited the rats with bread. Kwarta ang ipaun sa kiriwan, Use money to lure the thief. 1a [c1] make, use as bait. 2 [A; c6] use s.o. else as a means to deflect danger from oneself. Ipaun man lang ta nímu sa piligru, You are exposing me to danger to protect yourself.

paúruy n liquor distilled from nipa or coconut toddy. v [A; a2] make paúruy.

paus, páus a severely hoarse. Páus kaáyu ákung tíngug sa pagkinanta, My voice is very hoarse from singing so much. (←) v [B] get severely hoarse.

páw = pálaw.

páwà n size of area cleared by weeding or plowing. Dakug páwà ang ákung gisuhúlan paggúna, The man whom I hired to weed covered quite a large area.

paw-ak v [A; ab7] take a large part or chunk off of s.t. Ang mga ungguy dakug gipaw-ak sa kamaisan, The monkeys consumed a large part of the corn in the field. n chunk taken off of s.t.

paw-ang n 1 gap between things that are normally solid or close to each other. Daghang paw-ang ang pinugsan sa mais, The way they planted the corn the plants are too far apart. 2 distance in time. Dakù ang paw-ang sa idad sa magtiáyun, The couple are quite far apart in age. v 1 [B; c1] have spaces in between. Ang bungbung mupaw-ang (mapaw-ang) ug dílì pakupsun ang káhuy, Cracks will develop in the wall if the wood is not aged beforehand. Nagpaw-ang ang pultahan maung nakasulud ang ilagà, The door was ajar and so a mouse managed to get in. 2 [A12; c1] miss, skip. Nakapaw-ang siyag usa ka linya, He skipped a line.

pawdir milk n powdered milk.

pawíkan1 n sea turtle. v [b4] be affected by a sea turtle—i.e. be unable to come apart in intercourse (from the k.o. sorcery where the penis of a sea turtle is hidden in the clothing of an adulterer so that he can not disengage when he has intercourse). Wà kunu mag-úkang ang mga mananapaw. Gipawíkan (gipawikánan) tingáli, They say the adulterers could not come apart. No doubt they were victims of sea turtle sorcery. -in- a crying with a profuse flow of tears (like a sea turtle is said to do). -un a tending to cry easily. Kadaghánan sa mga babáyi pawikánun, Most women are crybabies. v [B12] get so one cries at the slightest provocation.

pawíkan2 = guyungguyung.

páwir v [b(1)] be given a power of attorney. — ab aturni n power of attorney.

páwis n shark fins.

pawla = palwa.

pawpaw v [A; ab7] scoop s.t. off the surface of s.t. to remove it. Pawpáwa ang nanglútaw nga buwà sa tubà, Scoop off the foam from the toddy. Pawpáwi ang kan-un úsà sukára, Remove the upper part of the rice before you serve it. n 1 the sweet upper layer of the surface of coconut meat, scraped off from the rest. 2 container for liquids made of approximately half a coconut shell (shallower than the húngut and deeper than the payà).

pawu- see also palu-.

páwud = pálud. palawran see pálud.

pawug = kagwang, 2. [751]

páwul n foul committed in sports. v [A; a12] commit a foul, in sports. Giwarníngan ang buksidur kay gipáwul níya ang kuntra, The boxer was warned because he committed a foul against his opponent. 2 [B126] not be able to do what one had planned to do. Napáwul ang ámung ikskursiyun tungud sa dautang panahun, We had to call off our excursion because of the bad weather. dúbul — n double foul, the situation in which two players bump into each other, such that both have technically committed a foul. — láyin n foul line. — syát n foul shot, given to a player against whom a foul has been committed.

pawundirs dí n Founder’s Day celebration in a private school. v [A13] celebrate a school’s Founder’s Day.

pawuntin n 1 fountain. 2 fountain pen. v 1 [b6] make a fountain. 2 [A1] use a fountain pen. — pin fountain pen.

pay n pie. pig — n pie made of stale crackers with pork fat and onions.

payà n shallow bowl or scoop made of a third of a coconut shell. v [A1; a12] make or use a coconut shell as plate or bowl. Magpayà mi sa ámù kay wà man miy plátu, We use coconut shell plates because we don’t have dishes.

payadpayad v [B; c1] be unsteady, staggering in one’s walk. Nagpayadpayad siya human sa dúgay níyang paglubug sa banig, She was unsteady on her feet because she had lain in bed for a long time.

payag n hut, small house constructed of light materials. may táwu na ang — for a girl to have a sweetheart. Way tsans ang ímung gugma kaníya kay may táwu na ang payag, You don’t stand a chance with her because she already has a beau. v [A1; a] make a hut.

payakpak a for the stomach to be so empty as to sag and form a hollow on the sides. Payakpak kaáyug tiyan ang bábuy nga wà hipasáwi, The pig has a hollow stomach because they forgot to feed it. v [B3(1)N] for the stomach to be, become sagging inwards. Namayakpak ang ímung tiyan, Your ribs are sticking out (lit. your stomach is hollow).

payanpayan v [A; b(1)] do s.t. half-heartedly or do s.t. with just enough motion to give the appearance of working. Gipayanpayanan lang ang pagdáru maung wà mahuman, He didn’t put any effort into his plowing, so it never got done.

payas a for a pig’s abdomen to be thin, not filled. v [B] be thin, not filled. Ang bábuyng dílì maáyung mukáun magpayas lang ang tiyan, A pig that doesn’t eat well has a sunken stomach.

payásu n clown, jester. v [B6; a12] play the part of a clown. Mangítà ku ug mupayásu sa dráma, I’ll look for a person who will act as a clown in the play. -in-(→) v [A; c1] act, dress, speak like a clown.

payat a very meager and small in amount. Alang kaníya payat kaáyu ang duha ka gatus nga gastúhun sa usa ka adlaw, For him it is chicken feed to spend two hundred pesos in one day.

páyaw n a k.o. bamboo raft used in fishing, used to attract fish. It is left in deep waters with weighted coconut fronds suspended from it, on which algae develop and attract fish which can then be caught with a net. v [A; a12] make a páyaw. paN- n fishing with a páyaw.

paybut v [A2; c6] in basketball, for a player to pivot on one of his feet. Mipaybut únà siya sa wà pa musyát arun mawā̀ ang gwardiya, He pivoted before shooting the ball to give him a clear shot. see also tsindying.

payhag v [A; a1] destroy s.t. by knocking it to pieces, consume or scatter s.t. as though destroyed. Ang bumba mipayhag sa mga balay, The bomb destroyed the houses. Tiradur ang ipayhag sa balay sa putyúkan, Smash the beehive with a slingshot.

payhaw n 1 a characteristic shout or cry in calling s.o. at a distance. 2 a shout or cry to ease the tightness in the chest due to panting, uttered esp. when one climbs a steep hill. v [AN; c1] let out this sort of shout, calling s.o. at a distance or to ease up shortness of breath. Pamináwa náay nagpayhaw (nagpamayhaw) sa píkas buntud, Listen. S.o. is yelling on the other side of the hill.

payì a lame from having a defect in the articulation of the bones of the foot or arms. Si Ingkar magtakiang paglakaw kay payì, Encar limps when she walks because she is lame. v [B126] get a dislocation and thus become lame. Napayì siya sa íyang pagkahúlug, She was crippled when she fell down.

payib kúlum n fifth column.

payib pinggir v [A; c1] masturbate (slang). Payib pinggíra (ipayib pinggir) kun muutug, Masturbate when it erects.

payil1 n pile of mahjong pieces from which the hand is drawn. — nga ininsik Chinese way of piling mahjong pieces, 9 double decks and 16 single decks. — sa búlak the pieces on the right hand side of a player’s pile stacked in pairs. How many pairs are in the payil sa búlak depends on the number [752]rolled on the dice at the beginning of the game. v [A1; c1] pile the mahjong pieces.

payil2 v 1 [A; c] file papers and the like. Ipáyil kini sa a, File this under a. 2 [A; c] file a complaint in court for an offense or misdeed. Ipáyil ku ang kíha ngadtu sa hípi, I’ll file the complaint with the chief of police. n file in which s.t. is kept.

payin tri n pine tree.

payir 1 a command to commence firing: fire! 2 a signal to start doing s.t.: come on, go ahead (colloquial). Sigi, payir, sugdan na nátug inum nà, Come on, let’s go. Let’s start drinking. v [A; c] have sexual intercourse. Payri siya kanúnay arun dì ka awáyun, Have frequent intercourse with her so she won’t quarrel with you.

payir tri = arbul2.

payit n 1 boxing. 2 sexual intercourse. v 1 [A; a] fight in a boxing event. Mupáyit si Balug karung Sabadu, Balug will fight this Saturday. 1a have a fist fight. 2 [A; a2b2] have sexual intercourse. Dílì siya pilian. Mupayit bísan ug tigúlang, He’s not choosy. He will go to bed with anybody, even an old woman. -unun a be a perfect match, go well together (colloquial). Paytunun kaáyu sila si Ális ug si Kulas, Colas and Alice make a perfect pair. Paytunun kaáyu ang tubà ug ang Pipsi, Pepsi goes well with toddy.

payla = paliya.

paylas n infectious inflammation of the skin on the legs, accompanied by fever. v [a4] get this sickness.

*payling — kabinit n filing cabinet. — klirk n filing clerk. v [B156] be a filing clerk.

*paylut harbur — n 1 small motorized boats which serve as a guide for vessels in the harbor. 2 pilot for the pilot boat. — háwus n office of the harbor pilot. — sa lubi, — sa kukunat, kukunat — n palm toddy gatherer (humorous).

payn-ápul n pineapple. — dyús n pineapple juice.

paynar v [A; a2] dress the hair. paynadúra n hairdresser, one who arranges a woman’s hair. v [B156; a2] be, become a hairdresser.

paypay1 n 1 fan. 2 k.o. thin, fan-shaped bivalve, found in sandy seabeds, of no food value. v [A; b] fan s.o. paN- v [A; c6] fan oneself. Nagpamaypay ku sa kaalimúut, I fanned myself frantically, it was so hot.

paypay2 = palaypay.

payramid n 1 pyramid in gymnastics. 2 the Pyramids of Egypt. v [A1; b6] form a pyramid in gymnastics.

payr-awut v [A; a2] dismiss s.o. from a job or position. Payr-awtun ang mga kaswal, All casual employees will be dismissed.

payriks n pyrex, a k.o. heat-resistant glassware.

payring v [A1; b(1)] fire on s.o., for there to be gunfire. Manlukluk ta sa dì pa magpayring, Let’s get out of the way before the firing starts. — layin n firing line. — pin n firing pin in a rifle. — iskwad n firing squad.

payta = palata.

payting ispírit n will to fight or play under stress or against odds. Lúpig siya, piru may payting ispírit, He was outclassed but he had a fighting spirit.

payting pis n 1 fighting fish. 2 pornographic movies.

paytir a having a fighting spirit, esp. in defending one’s position or what one thinks is right. Paytir kaáyung sinadúra. Wà mag-apas nga pasublì, That senator is a great fighter for his cause, because he isn’t interested in reelection. v [B126] become a fighter for what one thinks is right.

payud n 1 the shoulder blades, scapula. 2 = dapìdápì.

payudpayud v [A13] walk with unsteady steps due to weakness. Nagpayudpayud nga naglakaw ang apyugun, The convalescing patient walks with unsteady steps.

páyuk a for s.t. light in color to get darkened. Páyuk ang tísirt nga way ladlad, A T-shirt comes out greyish if you don’t bleach it. v 1 [AB] become darkened or discolored, cause s.t. to do so. Mipáyuk ákung pánit sa ínit, My skin got black in the sun. Háin na tung táwung nagpáyuk sa ímung nawung? Where’s that man who made your face black and blue? 2 [B236; b4] for the skin to become black and blue. Mipáyuk ang binunalan, He turned black and blue where he was whipped. (→) a discolored, dark and dirty. Payuk siyag linabhan, Her wash comes out grey. n bruise. Dúgayng naáyu ang mga payuk sa íyang láwas, It took a long time for the bruise on her body to heal. v [A12] inflict bruises. Hínay kaáyu siyang manukmag, walà gánì makapayuk nákù, He didn’t even hit me hard enough to inflict a bruise. ka-(→) [A13] get bruises all over one. Nahúlug siya ug nagkapayuk ang láwas, He fell and he got bruises all over his body.

pay-uk = páyuk, a, v1.

páyung n umbrella. — sa búlan n ring around the moon. — sa libgus, úhung pilleus of mushrooms. v 1 [A; b] use an umbrella, shelter under an umbrella. Payúngan ta ka [753]kay ínit kaáyu, I’ll shelter you with an umbrella because the sun is hot. 2 [A12; b(1)] stretch arms over s.o. in basketball in guarding a teammate or in preventing an opponent from passing or shooting the ball. (→) = v1. payungpayung n 1 — sa santus artificial halo around the statues of saints. 2 k.o. limpet which looks like an umbrella found clinging to stones.

payúpas n fan, any device used for fanning. v [AN; b] fan s.o. Payupási ang bátang natúlug, Fan the child as he sleeps. paN- [A2; b] fan oneself. Namayúpas kug kardburd, I’m fanning myself with a piece of cardboard.

payuphu = paluphu.

payuríya n pyorrhea, infection of the gums. v [a4] be infected with pyorrhea.

payus v [A; b5] cut a piece off ears, usually of animals as a marker. Napayus (napayusan) ang dawunggan sa buksiyadur, The boxer had cauliflower ears. a having the ears or a piece of the ears cut off. Hiilhan ang ámung bábuy kay payus man, I can easily identify the pig because of the way its ears are cut. -in-an a having a piece of an ear cut off.

páyut = pay-ut1.

pay-ut1 a for skin to be wrinkled and sagging. Maáyu untag kurti nang bayhána apan pay-ut ug nawung, She has a nice face, but it is wrinkled and sagging. v [B12; a2] for skin to become wrinkled and sagging. Ági sa kaláyu ang nakapay-ut (nakapapay-ut) sa íyang láwas, Scars from burning caused wrinkles on his body.

pay-ut2 a for clothes to be discolored, darkened with dirt. Pay-ut na kaáyu nang sinínà nga dúgay nang wà hubúa, You have been wearing that dress so long it is black with dirt. v [B2; c1] get discolored with dirt.

pi1 n letter P. — dibawtismu baptismal certificate (acronym for partída dibawtismu).

pi2 may láin — humorous euphemism for may láin pa. see láin, 1a.

= pyi.

píang v 1 [A; b] dislocate, sprain, fracture s.o. Napíang ku pagkadakin-as nákù, I got a sprain (fracture) when I slipped and fell. Kaáyung piángan nang ímung kamut nga kiriwan, How nice it would be to break your thieving hands. 2 [A; b6] make s.t. crippled, be at a disadvantage because of a loss or absence of s.t. indispensable. Napíang ang nigusyu pagháwà sa kasusyu, The business was crippled when one of the partners withdrew. Gipiángan na mi dáan kay nasakit ang ámung sinalígan nga magdudulà, We are already on a disadvantage because one of our important players is sick. (→) n 1 general term for dislocation, fracture, or sprain. It may manifest itself in other ways than in the sprained or fractured limb, e.g. respiratory ailments are commonly thought to result from piang. 2 lacking. Piang tag usa sa kúrum sa madyung, We’re lacking one to play mahjong. -an(→) n = piang, n2. -un(→) a having a sprain, dislocation, or fracture.

píar n acronym for P.R., public relations. Dì siya mulampus kay kuwag píar, He won’t succeed because he is bad in dealing with people (lit. lacks public relations).

píay n dump truck used by the Bureau of Public Highways (from the PI mark on its plate number).

Pib. n abbreviation for Pibríru, February.

píbak v [A; c] pay back an overpayment. Nasubrahan kag swildu. Magpíbak ka niánà, They overpaid your salary. You have to pay back the extra amount.

Pibriru n February. v see abril.

píbur v [A2; b(1)] be partial to s.o., playing favorites. a partial, playing favorites. Píbur kaáyu námù ang ripiri, maung midaug mi, The referee was partial to us, so we won.

píd v [A; c] make assists in basketball by passing the ball to a free teammate near the goal. Dakug puntus ang purward basta náay maáyung mupíd, The player who plays forward will make a high score if he gets good assists.

pídal n 1 pedal. 2 pedal pushers. v 1 [A; b] pedal s.t. 2 [A; a] make, wear pedal pushers. — púsir n pedal pushers. (→) = pídal, n1.

pidásu = pirásu.

pidbak n feedback in electronic equipment. v [A2] produce a feedback.

pídi n payday. v [B156; c6] become, have it be payday. Unsa mang adláwa ang ipídi? On what day do you receive your pay?

pidídu n one’s order of dry goods. Día ang pidídu sa ákung gikinahanglan, Here is the order for the things I need. Ihatud sa inyu ang pidídu mung káhuy, They’ll deliver the lumber you ordered to your house. v [A; c] order dry goods. Kining klasíha mauy ipidídu, This is the kind to order. -s = pidídu.

pidikab n pedicab, a bicycle or motorcycle with a side car for passengers. v [A1; a] ride in, bring by pedicab.

pidikiyur n pedicure. v [A; b] get, give a pedicure. -ista n one who gives a pedicure.

pidirasiyun n 1 labor union. 2 member of a labor union. 2a stevedore (so called because they were among the earliest workers to have unions). v [B156; c1] 1 be, become a [754]member of a labor organization. 2 be, become a stevedore.

pídir rud n feeder road going from remote areas to the main highway. v [A1; b6] build a feeder road.

pídir wit n 1 featherweight boxer or jockey. 1a any lightweight person. 2 the amount a featherweight weighs. v 1 [B156; c1] become a featherweight boxer or jockey. 2 [B2] be very much reduced in weight. Nagdiyíta ka nga mipídir wit (napídir wit) na man ka? Are you on a diet that you’ve lost so much weight?

pidistǎl n pedestal on which a flower pot, vase, lamp, etc. is put. v [A; c1] make into, use a pedestal.

pidíyus n k.o. egg noodles of the same material as macaroni but made into various shapes: shells, stars, half-moons, etc. v [A; b] cook s.t. with pidíyus.

pidlà v [A; c] 1 spurt, for liquid to be ejected with force for a short period of time. Inig-abut sa lamì mupidlà ang tús (útin), When you have your orgasm, the sperm spurts out (the penis spurts). Magpidlà gánì ang lungag, dúnay tamalà sa iláwum, If liquid spurts out of the hole, that means there is a small octopus inside. Gipidlà níya ang túbig sa ákung nawung, She spewed the water in my face. 2 treat a sickness by chewing herbs and spitting on the joints of the patient, usually following massage and prayers. n this medical treatment.

pidlasut v [A; b6] for liquids to come out in a long, thin spurt. Hipidlasutan ku sa túbig, The water spurted on me.

pidlut = pidlasut.

pidpid a very near or close. Pidpid ra kaáyu ang ímung paglingkud kanákù, You took a seat too close to me. Ibutang ang katri pidpid sa bungbung, Put the bed against the wall. v 1 [A2; c] put, stay very close along s.t. Mipidpid ku sa paril arun dì himatikdan, I stayed close to the wall so no one would notice me. 2 [AN; b6] travel close along s.t. Namidpid ang sakayan sa baybáyun, The boat sails close to the shore.

Pidru n 1 Peter, man’s name. 2 si — one’s penis (euphemistic slang). Paghúbù níya, mitindug dáyun si Pidru, When she started to undress, my peter stood up.

pidsbuy n pageboy bob. v [A; c16] wear a pageboy haircut, cut the hair in the pageboy style.

pid-uk1 v 1 [AB; b7c] make or grow dim. Mupid-uk ang sugà ug wà nay gás, The light will get dim (or flicker) if there’s no more gas. Pid-úki ang sugà kay matúlug na ta, Dim the light, because we’re going to sleep now. 2 [AN3; b6] for a light or the eyes to flicker. Mipid-uk (namid-uk) siya nákù nga dílì paubanun níla, She winked at me not to go along with them. n wink of the eye.

pid-uk2 v [N; b6] look out of the corners of the eyes with suspicion or disdain. Ngánung namid-uk ka nákù? Why are you looking at me with disdain?

pigà v [A; a12] press, squeeze s.t. Akuy mupigà sa kinagud lubi, I will press the juice out of the grated coconut. Gipigà níya ákung kamut sa kahinangup, He squeezed my hand in welcome.

pigádu a 1 for an area to be too small for s.t. Pigádu kaáyu ning baláya pára ninyu, This house is too small for you. Pigádu ra ning baláya sa dálan, This house is too close to the street. 2 hard up financially. Pigádu mi kay wà kuy trabáhu, We are hard up because I have no work. 3 for there not to be enough time. Pigádu na rung ipaúlì, There is not enough time to get home any more. 4 in billiards, for the cue ball to be touching another ball or be touching the edge of the billiard table. v 1 [B12; c1] get to be too small in space or area. Nagkapigádu ang ákung mga sinínà nga nanambuk na ku, My dresses are getting too tight as I gain weight. 2 [B12] get to be hard up financially. 3 [A] give s.o. little time to do s.t. Mipigádu siya ug paningil kay nanginahanglan giyud, He pressed his debtors for immediate payment because he needed the money.

pigal v [A; c1] roll s.t. into a cylinder by turning it over and over on itself or s.t. else. Magpigal kug panaptun nga ákung suksúkan sa báraw, I will roll up a piece of cloth to insert the knife into. Ayaw ipigal (pigala) ang kwartang papil, Don’t roll up the paper money. n a cylindrical mass of s.t. — pang dáhun n young leaf buds or shoots rolled into a cylinder. -in- n cigar rolled and pressed flat.

pígat v [A12; a12] squash, squeeze s.t. soft out of shape. Siyay nakapígat sa kartun nga íyang natumban, He stepped on the box and squashed it. Napígat ang ságing nga nalingkuran, He squashed the bananas when he sat on them.

pigáwu = pigádu.

piging n party with sumptuous food. v [A; b] give a banquet.

pigiri n piggery. Daghan na ang bábuy sa íyang pigiri, He has lots of pigs in his piggery now.

pigis v [AB; c1] crush or mash s.t. fine with a rolling pin or in a mortar. Pigisa (pigsa, [755]ipigis) ug maáyu ang kakaw, Crush the cacao fine. pigsanan n flat board where s.t. is crushed. pinigsan n pork fat cooked to extract the lard and then squeezed in a squeezer into rounded slabs. v [A] make, have pinigsan.

pigit a 1 for the string of a musical instrument not to sound well because of s.t. that impedes proper vibration. Ang tíngug sa íyang sista pigit kaáyu, His guitar doesn’t give a full sound. 2 for the voice to be cracked. Pigit kaáyu ang íyang tíngug ug mutaas ang kanta, Her voice cracks in the upper register. 3 for rounded things not to be true, out of shape. Ang íyang kasing pigit kaáyu, His top is very much out of true. v [B] be, become cracked, out of shape; fail to vibrate properly.

pig-it1 a narrow, tight. Pig-it nga sinínà, A tight dress. v 1 [B; a12] become tight-fitting, be narrow. Napig-it ang ákung sinínà kay mikúlù, My dress became tight because it shrunk. Ug pig-itun ang kalsáda dílì makaági ang trák, If the road is made too narrow, the bus won’t be able to use it. 2 [A; a1] press s.t. tightly in one’s hand or embrace. Ang mga kandidátu kusug mupig-it ug kamut, The candidates are shaking hands for all they are worth. Ayaw pig-íta ang bátà pagkúgus, Don’t hold the baby too close. 3 [A; a] pressure s.o. into doing s.t. Pig-íta arun musugut, Exert pressure on her so that she will accept you. 4 [A; b5] subject s.o. to strong disciplinary constraint. Kinahanglan pig-ítan ang anak nga dalága, It is necessary to keep tight reins on one’s daughter. -in-ay v [A13] press, shake each other’s hands. Nagpinig-ítay sa kamut ang mga bisíta, The guests were shaking each other’s hands.

pig-it2 = pigit, a1, 2.

pignit v [A; a12] pinch, pick off with the thumb and the forefinger. Pigníta ang íkug sa ilagang patay, Pick up the dead rat by the tail. Gipignit ku ang íyang áping, I pinched her cheek. n a pinch of s.t. Usa ka pignit nga asin, A pinch of salt.

pigsà v [A; a] mash, squash s.t. not dry into a fine pulp. Magpigsà kug nilung-ag patátas, I’ll mash the potatoes.

pigsang v [B] 1 for flowers to be in full bloom. Mipigsang ang mga búlak sa hardin, The flowers in the garden bloomed. 1a for s.t. to manifest itself to a great extent. Nagpigsang ang íyang nawung sa kaúlaw, His face became flushed with shame. 2 for a sickness to be developing to a stage where a rash or skin inflammation will burst out. Mipigsang na ang íyang tipdas, His measles is in the incubation period. 3 [AB; a] for pus to come out of infections; cause to do so. Mupigsang nang hubag mu ug pislítun, The pus will come out of your boil if you press it. a 1 flourishing, manifesting itself in great quantities or to a great extent. 2 full of pus.

pigsat v [A; a12] mash, squash into a pulp, usually a large quantity or s.t. large.

pigsik v [AB246; a2] squeeze s.t. to cause it to squirt out; for liquid to squirt out when pressed or squeezed. Mupigsik ang balat kun hikápun, Sea cucumbers will squirt out liquid if you touch them. Gipigsik níya ang bugas sa íyang ilung, She squeezed the pimple on her nose to get the acne out. -an a for rice grains or coconut to be mature enough to squirt out white juice if you press the grains or meat.

pigsit, pigsut v [A; b2] spurt out through a tiny, narrow opening. Mipigsut ang nánà pagpislit sa hubag, Pus spurted out when the boil was pressed. Hingpigsutan ku sa átà sa nukus, The squid spurted ink at me. n spurt.

pigting v [A; b] 1 hit briskly with the end of a stick. Gipigtíngan nákù sa sungkud ang íyang kamut, I whacked him on the hand with my cane. 2 hack an animal’s tendon prior to slaughtering it so that it cannot escape when it is stabbed.

pigtul = pintul.

pígung v [A; b] grip or hold s.t. firmly. Ayúhag pígung ang baktin kay makabuhì unyà, Hold the piglet tight or it will get away. Pigúngi ning káhuy kay ákung gabsun, Press this board tight because I’m going to saw it.

pigúra n 1 figure, contours of a body, esp. of a woman. 2 a drawing or representation of a figure. 3 figures in statistics.

pigurin n 1 a figurine. 2 a framed picture of a saint.

pigus a smallest animal in a litter and, by extension, among children in a family.

pig-ut (from piut) a 1 narrow, not affording enough space. 2 hard up financially. Pig-ut ang ámung kahimtang, We are in a tight financial situation now. 3 ugly. v [B12; a] 1 become small, narrow in space. Napig-ut ang kwartu sa mga butang, The room was crowded with so many things inside it. Nagkapig-ut ang dálan ngadtu sa búkid, The trail into the mountain gets narrower and narrower. 2 get financially hard up. 3 become ugly. 4 [A; b] subject s.o. under one’s care to tight restrictions. Dì ku mupig-ut ninyu basta magtárung mu, I won’t be too strict with you as long as you behave. 5 [A; b5] [756]pressure s.o. into s.t. Dílì siya mubáyad ug dílì pig-útun (pig-útan), She won’t pay if you don’t press her.

pihádu see pihar.

pihak v [B6] for a child’s fontanel to get depressed. Mupihak ang hubun sa bátà ug masakit, The baby’s fontanel becomes depressed when it’s sick. a for the fontanel to be depressed. pihakpíhak = tampihak.

pihar v 1 [A12; b8] notice s.t. Wà ku makapihar nga miági siya, I did not notice that he passed by. 2 [A12; a12] make sure of s.t. Pihara ug náa ba giyud siya, Make sure if she is really there. 3 [A12] have the edge or advantage in doing s.t. Nakapihar siya sa tanang aplikanti kay paryinti man, He had the edge over the other applicants because he was a relative. pihádu be certain. Pihádu kaáyu kung kawatan siya, I’m certain he is a thief. v [B1256; a12] make, become sure of s.t. Pihadúa úsag túa na ba siya, Make sure he’s gone first.

pihaw a 1 embarrassed, self-conscious. Pihaw kaáyu ang íyang linihukan, She acts in a very self-conscious manner. 2 out of tune. v 1 [A; a12] embarrass slightly. Napihaw ku kay hisakpan kung nagpasiklap, I was embarrassed because she caught me stealing a glance at her. 2 [B12; a1] get out of tune, off-key. Mapihaw ku ug mutaas ang núta, I go off-key on the high notes.

pihig a 1 slanting, not straight. Ang halígi pihig sa tuu, The post is tilted to the right. 2 favoring. v 1 [B; a] become leaning or slanting. Napihig man nang ímung hinápay, The part in your hair is crooked. 2 [A; c1] show partiality in favor of. Dì ku mupihig kang bísan kinsa, I won’t play favorites with anyone. 3 separate according to class or kind. Pihigun (ipihig) ang gagmay nga lísu, Separate out the small seeds. -in- n one discriminated against.

pihing a being not quite spherical, irregular. Ságad sa buungun pihing, Most pomelos are not quite spherical. v [B; c1] become uneven or irregular, not quite round. Mupihing ang úlu sa bátà ug pirming magtakilid, The child’s head will grow uneven if you always have it lie on one side.

píhu, píhù a sure, certain. Píhu kaáyu nga siya ang sad-an, It is certain that he is the culprit. — na lang obviously. Píhu na lang nga mangísug siya ug mamakak ka, Of course he will get mad if you tell lies. prisyu — n fixed price. Wà nay hangyù, prisyu píhu na, You can’t bargain. It’s fixed price. v 1 [B] become certain. Nagkapíhu na ang kadaúgan sa ákung kandidátu, My candidate’s victory is getting more and more certain. 2 [A; a] verify, see if s.t. is true. Pihúa usà ka musumbung, Make sure it’s true before you report it.

pihuk = pilhuk2.

pii a be not perfectly spherical or circular. Pii ang ligid kay nadusmug ang mutur sa paril, The wheel is not round any more because the motorcycle crashed into a wall. v [B; a2] be out of true. Mupii (mapii) ang yanta ug hugut kaáyu ang radiyus, The rim will be out of true if the spokes are too tight.

píi n acronym for P.E., Physical Education. v [A1; b6] hold p.e. activities.

píis n acronym for P.S., postscript. v [A1; c] write a postscript. Ipíis ku na lang nang ímung panúgun, I’ll put your request in the postscript.

piit a 1 too narrow. Piit kaáyu siyag sinínà, She has a very tight dress on. Piit kaáyung dálan, Too narrow a street. 2 close, not affording proper distance. Piit kaáyu siya nga mubayli, He dances too close. v 1 [B; a] for an area to be too narrow or small, get into too narrow a place. Napiit ang ilagà sa káhuy, The mouse was wedged tight in the firewood. 1a [A; a] hold s.t. tightly, in a close embrace. Gipiit ni Inting ang láwas ni Tabúra, Inting held Tabora’s body in a close embrace. 2 [A; a] compel s.o. to do s.t. with pressure. Pit-un gánì ku, mutug-an na lang ku, If I’m pressed, I’ll tell the truth. 3 [B; c1] for a singing voice to be tight and forced on a high pitch. Mupiit ang tíngug ug taas kaáyu ang núta, The singing voice becomes tight on very high notes. -an n contrivance to squeeze juice out of s.t. slowly, made of two pieces of wood, the top of which is weighed down.

pík n a game of hammer, scissors, paper, used esp. to decide who is it in games. v [A12; a] play this game. Píkun giyud arun way bagulbul, Let’s decide it by playing hammer, scissors, paper so that no one will grumble.

pika v [A; b] 1 beat, strike. Human makapika sa táwu, nanágan sila, After beating the man, they fled. Pikhi nang tawhána, Give that fellow a beating. 2 berate s.o. with stinging words. Gipikahan ni Maryu ug insultu ang kandidátu sa upusisiyun, Mario insulted the opposition candidate with stinging criticisms. 3 take a picture. Gipikhan ku níya samtang nagsáyaw, He took a picture of me dancing. 4 [A; b] have sexual intercourse (euphemism). Makapika ka bag kalima? Can you do it five times? n 1 blow delivered. [757]2 action of having intercourse.

píkak n peacock.

pikal, píkal n irritability, bad temper. Ayaw paubani ug pikal ang ímung trabáhu, Don’t work in a bad mood. (Lit. Don’t bring irritability to work with you.) Pikal kaáyung tan-áwun ang íyang nawung, Just to look at his face is enough to make anybody angry. ka- n bad mood, state of being annoyed. Tungud sa ákung kapíkal wà gánì ku makapanumbaling níya, I was in such a bad mood I didn’t pay any attention to her. ma-un a characterized with or having irritation or anger. v [B12; a12] get in a bad mood. Mapikal siya kun samúkun, He gets angry if you bother him.

pik-ap1 n pickup, acceleration. Maáyug pik-ap ang íyang dyip kay bag-u ang makina, His jeep has excellent pickup because it is new. v [A] pick up speed. Mubagrung ang awtu kun mupik-ap na, The car zooms the moment it picks up speed.

pik-ap2 n a small passenger bus plying unscheduled routes. v [A; ac] take a pickup, bring in a pickup bus.

pik-ap3 n contact microphone for guitars. v [A23] for a microphone to pick up sound. Kusug mupik-ap sa sáwun ning maykrupúna kay sinsitib, The microphone picks up sound well because it is sensitive.

pik-ap4 v [A2N; a2] 1 pick s.o. up on the way s.w. Kun makapik-ap ka nákus upisína, pik-ápa na lang ku kay dúna ka may sakyanan, If you can pick me up at the office, please do so, as you have a car. 2 pick up girls of easy virtue in public places. Namik-ap mig babáyi sa pwinti, We found some pickups at the park.

píkas v 1 [A3P; a] split, cut s.t. into halves lengthwise. Siyay mipíkas sa kawáyan, He split the bamboos. Pikása ang isdang ibuwad, Split the fish you are going to dry. 2 [C2; a2] share half of s.t. with s.o. else. Magpíkas ta áning pán, Let’s split this piece of bread. Pikási siyas ímung gikaun, Split what you’re eating with him. n 1 half of s.t. sliced in two. Usa ka píkas kík, A piece of cake. 2 the other one of a pair. Dakù ang íyang píkas tiil, His one foot is bigger than the other. Píkas tumuy, The other end. 3 the other side. Píkas kwartu, The next room. 4 the other place (said of people who may be in either one of two places). Túa siya sa píkas báy, He is in the other house. (→) v [B456; a1] get to be half undone, half the wrong thing. Mupikas ang linung-ag ug dílì maángay ang kaláyu, The rice will get cooked on only one side if the fire is uneven. Nagpikas ang ímung sapátus, You’re wearing shoes of two different pairs. Nagpikas ang sawug kay katungà ray gilampasúhan, The floor is unevenly cleaned because only half of it was polished. a for s.t. to be uneven and half-done or in pairs. Pikas nga linung-ag, Unevenly cooked rice. n general name for flatfishes (soles, flounders, et al.). -in- n 1 part in the hair. Náa sa tungà ang íyang piníkas, His hair is parted in the middle. 2 combing the hair with a part. Piníkas ang íyang sinudlayan, He wears his hair parted. a 1 split, cut. 2 for physical characteristics to be similar, alike. Kanang ímung anak mu ra ug piníkas gíkan nímu, Your son is a chip of the old block (lit. like a half cut off of you). ka-, — sa kinabúhì n spouse. — dughan, kasingkásing one’s loved one, sweetheart. pikaspikas v [A; a] divide into pieces. Gipikaspikas ni Hisus ang pán, Jesus broke the bread into pieces.

pikat1 v 1 [AN; a2] draw down the lower eyelid either to get s.t. out of it or to make faces at a person in a gesture of disrespect. Ug dì ka mupikat sa ímung mata unsáun man pagkúhà sa puling, If you do not pull the lower eyelid down, how can I get the particle out. Pikatan ta ka ug dílì musalir nang ímung kaláki, I will make faces at you (by pulling my eyelid down) if your idea does not work right. 2 [B] for the eyelids to get deformed. Mapikat ang mata ug hubagan ang tabuntábun, The eyes will get deformed if the eyelids have a boil. a 1 for the eyes to be slightly deformed. 2 interjection used to embarrass s.o. who made a mistake or who has been denied s.t., uttered together with the gesture of putting the index finger to the lower eyelid and drawing it down. Pikat! Wà siya tagáig kwarta, Nma! You didn’t get any money.

pikat2 v [A; a] push tall grass or s.t. flexible to the sides in order to clear a path, get a clear view. Ang mag-una mauy mupikat sa mga tag-as sagbut, The one in front has to push the tall grass to the sides. Pikata (ipikat) ang kurtína kay ngitngit, Push the curtains to the side because it’s dark in here.

pikatúrum expression denoting sudden, mild surprise. Pikatúrum. Ímu pung gimab-an ang sukud nga wà ku pahibaw-a, Humph! You gave me less without telling me you were going to do so.

pikbung n 1 sound produced by the Japanese infantry rifles of World War II. It fires with a tick followed by a bong. 2 the rifle producing this sound.

pikdul, pikdung v [A; b2] rap s.o. with s.t. [758]long and rigid with a short jerk of the forearm (not with the whole arm raised above the head). Hingpikdungan si Nik sa sungkud sa amahan sa dalága, The father of the girl rapped Nick on the head with his cane.

pikdut a cute, cuddly. Pikdut kaáyu nang batáa, That child is very cuddly.

piki n pique, k.o. cloth.

pikì1 = pitì.

pikì2 n margin shells, small colorful seashells of numerous species and designs.

píking v [A; a12] play a guitar by plucking the strings a note at a time. Nindut siyang mupíking sa ‘Báya Kun Díyus’, He plays ‘Vaya Con Dios’ beautifully, plucking the strings. n playing the guitar by plucking the strings.

píkit1 v 1 [A; c1] hold s.t. by clipping or joining it in some way. Pikítun (ipíkit) nátù nang ímung sinínà ug alpilir, Let us fasten your dress with a pin. Pikíti ang ímung buhuk arun dílì ilupad sa hángin, Put a clasp in your hair so it will not fly in the wind. 2 [AC; c1] glue s.t., stick together. Pikíta (ipíkit) nang nagísing mápa, Paste the torn map back together. Nagkapíkit núun ning mga silyu, The stamps are all stuck together. 3 [AC; c1] make s.t. close, tight. Nagkapíkit mig lingkud, We sat too close to each other. Ug ímung pikítun (ipíkit) ang ímung sinínà mulakra ang ímung samput, If your dress is too tight, your buttocks will show. (→) n 1 clip or ferrule tied around s.t. to hold it together: handle of knives, swords, and the like, hoop of a barrel, loop to hold the outriggers to the body of the boat. 2 glue or s.t. used to fasten things in place or together. 3 ring (slang). Gitagáan siya sa iyang bána ug pikit nga diyamanti, Her husband gave her a diamond ring. a sticking, stuck. v 1 [B6] become stuck. Mupikit ang buling ug dì ka malígù, The dirt will stick to you if you don’t bathe. 2 [C; c] wear a ring (slang).

píkit2 v [A; b1(1)] picket. Gipikítan níla ang kumpaníya, They picketed the company. n 1 picketing. 2 picket line. — layin picket line. -ir n one who pickets.

piknat v 1 [A; a] twist and pull at s.t. with the thumb and forefinger. Piknátun ku nang dalunggan mu ug dílì ka mamínaw, I will tweak your ears if you don’t listen. 2 [A; a12] pull and fluff up cotton fibers and loosen them from the seeds prior to putting them in a deseeding device. Nagpiknat kug gápas pára ilúnud sa dutdutan, I am fluffing up the cotton before I put it into the deseeding device.

piknik, piknit n picnic on the beach. v [A; b] hold a picnic.

pikpik v 1 [A3; a12] pat, tap lightly on the body. Dinhay nagpikpik sa ákung abága, S.o. tapped me on the shoulder. Pikpíka ang tiyan sa bátà ug dì ba butud, Tap the child’s stomach to see if he doesn’t have gas. 2 [A; a] make pottery by tapping with a flat wooden paddle. 3 [A13; a12] hammer out dents in a car. Kinsay nagpikpik sa mga lumping sa tapalúdus awtu? Who hammered out the dents in the car fender? n 1 small and short wooden paddle used by the potters in shaping pots. 2 k.o. sorcery inflicted by tapping s.o. on the back, counteracted by tapping the person who sent it on his back. maN-r- n 1 potter. 2 person who removes dents from an automotive vehicle body. maN-l- n sorcerer who causes illness by means of pikpik.

piktus v [A; b] hit with a chopping blow. Gipiktúsan nákù íyang kamut nga naggunit sa kurta, I hit the hand that was holding a knife with a chop.

piktiyur tíking n taking pictures at parties or other events. v [A1] for a group to have their picture taken. Magpiktiyur tíking ta sa átung piknik, Let’s have our pictures taken at our picnic.

píku1 n pick axe. v [A; a12] dig with a pick axe.

píku2 n picul, a measure of around 63 kilograms. v [A; b6(1)] weigh s.t. heavy on a steelyard.

pikù v [AB; a] for s.t. pliant to bend into a position where it stays, cause it to do so. Magpikù tag kartun himúung kálù, Let’s bend some cardboard to make hats. Nagpikung alambri, A bent piece of wire. Pik-a ang hábul, Fold the blanket. a folded, bent. pikùpíkù v [A; a] be doubled up, bent over. Nagpikùpíkù mig katáwa, We were doubled up with laughter. — nga páyung folding umbrella. — nga síya folding chair.

píkuls n pickles. v [A1] make, have pickles.

pikun a sensitive, easily provoked to anger or hurt. Ayawg sugsúga nang pikun, Don’t tease s.o. who is too sensitive. v [B126] become easily provoked or sensitive. -an a of a sensitive, easily provoked sort.

píkut1 v 1 [AB; a12] close a long, narrow opening, get closed. Nagkapíkut na ang samad, My wound is gradually closing up now. Pikúta ang bàbà sa sáku, Sew the mouth of the sack. 2 [B] for the eyes to become mere slits. Napíkut ang íyang mata sa paghinílak, Her eyes became mere slits from crying. (→) n 1 having slant eyes. 2 name [759]given to the Japanese during World War II.

píkut2 v [A; a12] corner a man into marriage (slang). Gipíkut si Luis sa tigúwang dága, Luis was trapped into marriage by the old maid.

pikuy 1 = piríku. 2 child’s word for the penis.

píl1 v [A; ab8] fail a student. Mupíl ku sa bátà nga dílì makamau, I’ll fail a pupil who doesn’t know anything. Napíl si Birting sa klási, Berting failed in his class.

píl2 v [A; a] peel moles off the face chemically.

pila 1 how much, how many, to what extent. Pila ka buuk ímung palitun? How many are you going to buy? 1a how much does it cost. Pila man ni? How much does this cost? 1b -y pálad who knows. Pilay pálad ug madátù ku, Who knows, I might get rich. 2 = pipila. 3 in phrases: 3a — ra gud it’s nothing, what does it amount to anyway? Pila ra gud nà ug buut buhátun? What does it amount to anyway if you put your heart into it? 3b — may sugílun to make a long story short. Pila may sugílun, si Binut nahímung magsusúlat ug nabantúgan, To make a long story short, Binot became a writer and became famous. v [b6] consider s.t. to be very little. Gipilahan ka ba íni nga daghan kaáyu ni? You think this isn’t very much, when it is so much? (←) 1 = tag-(←). 2 = pila, 3a. piláhay 1 only recently, not so long ago. Piláhay pa tung naminyù si Buduy, Bodoy got married not so long ago. 2 a few. Piláhay na lang ang nanghibilin sa ámung buungun, Only a few of our pomelos are left. 3 = pila, 3a. ika- which [number] is it? Ikapila na nà ka (nga) básu nang ímung giinum? That makes how many glasses that you have drunk? ka- 1 = pila, 3a. 2 = maka-. kapiláhay = piláhay, 1. kapid-an a group of many. Kapid-an na ka adlaw walà pa mahiulì ang amahan, For several days now, the father has not returned. maka-, ka- how many times? Makapila nímu hugási ning imbaw? How many times did you wash these clams? tag-(←) how much apiece? Tagpíla man nang mansánas? How much are those apples each? tinag- v [a12] do s.t. in lots or multiples. Gitinagpila man nímug dala ang káhuy? How many pieces of wood did you bring at one time? piláun, pilahun, tagpilahun n the kind that cost how much. Pilahun (tagpilahun) man tung íyang gipalit? What kind (the kind costing how much) did he buy? r- 1 several. Human sa pipila ka úras, haúna, Take it out after a few hours. 2 a few. Pipila na lang ang nahibilin, Only a few are left.

píla n queue. Taas kaáyu ang píla sa manan-áway sa sini, There was a long line of people waiting to get into the show. v [A; a2P] queue up.

pílak n 1 silver. Ang pintúrang pílak many ságad ipintal sa puthaw, They usually use silver paint to paint metal. 2 money. Daghan siyag pílak apan dalù, He has plenty of money, but he is stingy. v [b6] plate with silver. Gipilákan ang kuptanan sa pultahan, The door knob is silver-plated. a silvery, silver-coated. -nun a silvery.

pilantrupu n philanthropist. v [B156] be or become a philanthropist.

pil-ap v [A; b] fill out forms. Pil-ápi ang ímung purma, Fill out your forms.

pilápil n rice field; rice paddy. v [A1; a12] prepare a piece of land for planting rice. -an(→) = pilápil, n.

pílas v [B6; b4] get chafed. Mupílas (pilásan) ang bukubuku sa kabáyù ug way hampílù, The back of the horse will get chafed if you don’t use a saddlecloth. Gipilásan ang ákung páa pagsinakay sa kabáyù, My thighs got chafed from too much horseback riding. n chafe, sore. (→) = pílas, n.

piláta a snooty, stuck up. Ang piláta bayà wà na giyud patim-aw dinhi sukad nakadyakpat ug Amirkánu, Now that she landed an American she’s too damn high class to come around here any more.

pilátu a rowdy, naughty, mischievous (from Pilátu, Pontius Pilate). Magubut giyud ang punduk ug musalga na ni si Pilátu, The whole group becomes disorderly when this ruffian (Pontius Pilate) joins them. Kapilátu bayà íning batáa. Magpakúgus, What a naughty child this is. He wants to be carried all the time.

pilaw n vigil. Dúgay kaáyu ang ámung pilaw sa minatay, We held a long vigil for the dead. a 1 drowsy, sleepy. 2 not having sleep. v 1 [A123P; a4] become drowsy or feel sleepy. Makapilaw (makapapilaw) man ning trabahúa, This work makes you sleepy. Gipilaw na ku, I’m sleepy. 2 [A] take a nap, snatch sleep. Mipilaw kug kadalì únà mutrabáhu, I took a quick nap before I went to work. 3 [A; b] go without sleep, have a vigil. Pilawan námug bantay ang kawatan, We will stay up all night watching for the robber. tag- v [A2] take a quick nap. Mutagpilaw ku kadiyut, I’ll take a quick nap. hatag-, hitag- v [B1246; b8] doze off. Nahitagpilaw ku sa sinihan, I dozed off in the movies.

pílay v 1 [B2S6; a] bend or droop at its base [760]limply. Nagpilay ang bátà nga nahikatulug sa silya, The child drooped his head when he fell asleep in his seat. Nagpílay ang humay nga naagian sa bahà, The rice plants were bent double after the flood rushed over them. 2 [A; a] fell trees. Mangadtu ta sa lasang magpílay ug káhuy, Let’s go to the forest to cut trees. pilaypílay v [A; a] be swaying to and fro. Nagpilaypílay ang uhay, The rice stalks are swaying. a spineless, as a person without conviction. Pilaypílay nà sa pulitika, He has no convictions in his politics. †

pilbaks n k.o. homemade bomb used in street demonstrations.

pildi v 1 [A3P; a] lose in a contest. Mupildi siyag nilibu, He loses by the thousands. Wà pay nakapildi sa kampiyun, No one has beaten the champion yet. Mu ra ka mag napildi sa sugal, You look as if you lost in gambling. Gipildi ang ílang kandidáta sa ámù, Our candidate beat theirs. 2 [B126; a4] die of a sickness. Pildíhun (mapildi) ka sa tísis ug dì ka mupatambal, You’ll die of TB if you don’t get treatment. 3 [A; a12] cause a woman to lose her virtue. Ang uyuan ray mipildi ánang bayhána, That woman was despoiled by her own uncle. n 1 loser. Kinsay pildi? Who lost? 2 loss, as in gambling, business, crops. Dakù ang pildi sa ákung humay pagbagyu, The rice field suffered a big loss because of the storm. a 1 outclassed. Pildi kaáyu ang tím ninyu, Your team was severely beaten. 2 an exclamation of disgust, disappointment. ‘Pildi!’ nakasinggit si Isku. ‘Gihabhab ang ákung karsúnis sa bábuy,’ ‘Damn!’ shouted Esco. ‘The pig ate my trousers.’ kapildíhan n loss, defeat. Angkúna ang ímung kapildíhan, Concede your defeat. -ru n loser (male). Pildíru sa iliksiyun, The losers in the election. -ra = pildíru (female). †

pildir n outfielder in baseball. v [A; c1] be an outfielder.

pildúra = pildúras (singular).

pildúras n medicinal pills.

pilhuk1 v 1 [A2; c1] take a catnap. Mupilhuk kug kadiyut kay dúna kuy pamuwáwan, I’ll take a catnap because I have to work all night through. 2 [B1] for the eyes to droop in drowsiness. Katū́g na kay nagpilhuk na nang ímung mata, You’d better go to sleep now because your eyes are drooping.

pilhuk2 n deep dent, fairly deep hollow made in a surface. v 1 [A; b5] dent s.t. rather deeply, but not too broadly. Kinsay nagpilhuk sa tapalúdu sa bisiklíta? Who made a dent on the bicycle fender? 2 [B; b6] for the eyes to be sunken. Nagkapilhuk ang mata nga masakitun, The diseased eye is gradually becoming sunken.

pilhung n large shallow dent in the surface of s.t. v [A; b5] make a large shallow dent in the surface of s.t. Napilhungan (napilhung) ang planggána nga natumban, The basin got dented when s.o. stepped on it.

píli n the pili nut tree of the primary forest also cultivated for its almond-like nuts. The sap is used for waterproofing boats: Canarium ovatum.

pílì v [A3S; a] 1 choose, pick a choice. Pílì háiy ímu, Choose which one you want to have. Nakapilì kug barut, I happened to choose an inferior kind. 1a elect s.o. to office. Mupílì tag maligdung nga pangúlu, We should elect a leader of integrity. 2 sort out the good or bad. Nagpílì ang kumpradur sa mga mangga, The wholesale buyer is sorting the mangoes. Pilíi ang bugas kay daghang tipasì, Clean (lit. sort) the rice that has lots of unhusked grains in it. 3 walay ma- all the same. Tapulan ang íyang mga anak way mapílì, Her children are all lazy. pa- v [A; c] be a candidate. Mupapílì si Mádu pagkamayur, Mado is running for mayor. -an(→) a = hiN-(→). -ay(→) n election. haN- a noble, highly-esteemed. Kagíkan siya sa hamílì nga bánay, He comes from a noble family. Hamíling katilingban, maáyung gabíi, Friends (highly-esteemed people), good evening. kahaN- n state of being noble. hiN-(→), hiN-an(→) a choosy, finnicky. -in- n 1 s.t. or s.o. elected or chosen. 2 s.t. select, especial, select k.o. large-grained rice. -in-an n s.t. left over after choosing. -um-r-(→) n elector, voter. -unun(→) n candidate for election.

pilígis n 1 a pleat, fold sewn in s.t. 2 crease. Ayúhag plantsa ang pilígis, Iron the crease carefully. Daghang pilígis sa íyang agtang, He had lots of wrinkles on his forehead. v 1 [A; c1] make pleats, creases in s.t. 2 [B4N] get creases. Namilígis ang nawung sa katigúlang, His face was creased with age.

piligru a offering or exposed to danger. Piligru ang kahimtang sa masakitun, The patient’s condition is critical. Piligru ang kinabúhì sa ismaglir, A smuggler’s life is full of danger. Piligru ning baláya, This house is unsafe. n danger. Ginúu ilikay ku sa mga piligru! Lord, keep me safe from danger. paN- v [A2] be in danger. Mamiligru ku dinhing masakpan, I am in danger of getting caught in this place. -su = piligru, a.

pilígu n a sheet of galvanized iron, plywood, paper. v [c16] count by the sheets. [761]

pilíik v 1 [A2S; c1] cry loudly in a high-pitched voice, squeal. Mipilíik ang bátà nga íyang gikusì, The child he pinched shrieked. Nagpiliik na ang mga bábuy. Pasáwi na, The pigs are squealing. Feed them. 2 [A2S] for the tires to screech on braking or negotiating a curve. n high-pitched screeching or squealing sound.

pilik v [A2; b] spatter liquid by shaking s.t. or flipping. Gipilikan ku ang inarmirulan, I sprinkled water on the clothes to iron. pilikpilik1 v [AN; a] shake the body, flap the wings, such that water gets spattered. Mupilikpilik (mamilikpilik) ang bábuy human siya makalúnang sa lápuk, The pig shakes the mud off its body after it wallows.

pilikpilik2 v [A; a] choose a person to do s.t. by flipping coins, drawing lots, counting off (pinpin), etc. Magpilikpilik ta ug kinsay muúna, Let’s count potatoes to see who goes first. Pilikpilikun lang nátug kinsay makatag-íya sa kábaw, We will just draw lots to determine who will get the carabao.

pilikpilik3 n k.o. night bird. When it shows itself it is thought to indicate that s.t. bad is happening in the vicinity.

pilikula n motion pictures. paN- n film industry.

pilínu v 1 [AN; b6] drive an animal or car. Rás ang namilínu sa kutsi, The person who is driving the car is reckless. Dì na pilinúhan ning kabáwa kay katultul na, You don’t have to drive this carabao because he knows the way. 2 [A; a] make s.t. spin. Akuy únang mupilínu sa ákung kasing, I’ll make my top spin first. n the rope used for leading a draft animal. a spinning wheel.

pilípig n roasted young rice grains. After being roasted the grains are pounded, winnowed, and used for making sweets. v [A; a] make pilípig.

Pilipína n Filipino woman.

Pilipínas n Philippines. pilipinismu n Filipinism.

pilipinista n 1 the Philippine Independent (Aglipayan) Church. 2 a member of this church. v [B156] become a member of the Aglipayan church.

Pilipínu n 1 Filipino person. 2 the national language of the Philippines. pilipinhun n Filipino, from the Philippines. Laráwan sa Pilipinhung mithì, A picture of the Filipino virtues.

pilípit v [A; a] roll or twist s.t. small between the fingers or with the palm of the hand. Pilipítun paghugut nang lumbuy, Roll that lumbuy leaf tight (for a cigar). — ang dílà v [BN] get tongue-tied. Mupilípit nang íyang dílà ug magsulti siyag Binisayà, She gets all tongue-tied when she speaks Visayan.

pilipíti v [A; a] roll or twist s.t. very small in the hands or between the fingers. Pilipitíha ang hílu arun masulud sa dágum, Twist the thread to make it easy to pass through the eye of the needle. Pilipit-i (pilipitíhi) ug balhíbu ang ímung dunggan, Twirl a feather around in your ears.

pilípug n k.o. dwarf coconut, growing no more than three meters, producing small fruits. -un a of the pilípug sort.

pilípul n crown of the head where the hair forms a whorl. Duhay pilípul ánang batáa, That child is double-crowned.

pílir n loose-leaf paper filler for a notebook.

pílir gids n feeler, a thickness gauge consisting of a thin, narrow strip of metal of a given thickness.

pilis n a pinch of s.t. fibrous as cotton, fiber, thread, etc. v [A1; b] get a pinch of s.t. fibrous. Pilisi kug gápas nga ákung ihúnad, Get me a pinch of cotton to dress the wound with.

pilit v 1 [AC3; b6] stick on. Mipilit ang tikì sa ákung tangkúgù, The gecko stuck to the nape of my neck. Nagpílit ang mga silyu, The stamps got stuck to each other. Pitlan tag istíkir ang kutsi, Let’s stick a sticker on the car. 2 [A23] stick to one’s lover (slang). Mupilit nà siya nímu ug ímung makúhà, She’ll stick to you once you manage to get her to go to bed with you. 3 [A; b6] for one’s gaze to be fixed. Mipilit ang ákung panan-aw sa íyang atubangan, My gaze rested on her front (genital region). a sticky so as to adhere. Pilit kaáyu ning papilíta, This paste is very sticky. n sticky rice, used for sweets. — mais n k.o. corn that produces sticky grits, used for making desserts. — ug kamut thieving. — ug dílà having difficulty pronouncing. (←)1 — ang dílà v [A13] have difficulty pronouncing. Nagpílit ang ákung dílag pangatarúngan, I got all tongue-tied trying to explain. pa- v [A; c] paste, stick s.t. to s.t. Mipapilit siyag pahibalu sa bungbung, She pasted an announcement on the wall. n paste. pilitpílit a having difficulty enunciating. Walay pilitpílit nga pamatíun, He speaks glibly. (Lit. You don’t hear the tongue sticking.) †

pílit2 v [A; a] insist on doing s.t. or that s.o. else do s.t. Mipílit siya pagsulud sa kwartu nga ngitngit kaáyu, He insisted on getting inside the very dark room. Ayaw kug pilíta sa pagpasulti sa tinúud, Don’t force me to say the truth. ma-un a insistent. [762]

pilíti = plíti.

pilitína n 1 drawstring in the waistline used instead of a garter. 1a apron strings. pahikut sa — for a man to get married (lit. allow himself to get tied to the apron strings). 2 belt worn around the waist. v [A; a] make into a drawstring or belt.

píliw a area of the sea near the shore, but still covered at low tide. v [B25; c] go to the sea near the shore. Akuy dalas timun ug mupíliw na ang lansa, I’ll take the wheel when the launch gets in close to the shore. Nagkapiliw na ta. Palawri ug diyútay, We are slowly moving toward the shore. Steer toward the deeper waters. pa-(→) v [AP; b1] go toward the sea near the shore. ka-an n portion of the sea near the shore. kina-an(→) n part of the sea nearest the shore (but covered at low tide).

pilkag n acronym for the Philippine Civic Action Group, a group of soldiers sent to South Vietnam in the mid 1960’s.

pilm n film for cameras.

pilpil v [A; ab2] slap s.o.’s hands lightly. Pilpílun ang kamut sa bátang hugawan, Any child that plays with dirt, I will slap his hands. n slapping the hands.

píls n contraceptive pills. v [A13] take contraceptive pills.

pilt n felt.

piltir n 1 filter tips of cigarettes. 2 filter. v [A; a] put, make a filter. Kinsay nagpiltir sa tangki sa túbig? Who put a filter in the water tank?

pilu v [A12; b8] look down on, have a low regard for s.o. Dílì ángay kapiluhan ang kapubri sa táwu, It isn’t right to look down on s.o. just because he’s poor.

pílu n the cutting edge of a saw.

pilù v 1 [A; a12] fold s.t. flat. Pil-a (pilua) ang mga lampin, Fold the diapers. 2 [A; a] crease, get creased. Napilù ang litrátu kay gipasuk lang sa subri, The photo got creased because it was just stuffed into the envelope. 3 [A; b] make a crease in; turn a hem up. Nahíwì man pagpilù ang sidsid, The hem is crooked. Ayawg pil-i ang karsúnis, Don’t put a crease in the trousers. 4 [B25; a12] be doubled, multiplied several times. Patubúun kini hangtud mupilù ang gidak-un, Let it rise until there is double the amount. Katulu piluun (pil-un) ang ákung gastu kay sa imúha, My expenses are three times greater than yours. 5 — sa, ang túhud [A3; c1] bend one’s knees to ask forgiveness. Dì ku pasaylúun ang ákung asáwa bísag magpilù pa siya sa íyang túhud, I will never forgive my wife even if she crawls to me on hands and knees. 6 [B3] for the eyes to close in falling asleep. Duyána ang bátà kay nagpilù na ang mata, Put the baby in the cradle because it’s asleep. n 1 the hem or fold in s.t. 2 the crease. 3 the number of times s.t. increases. Pila ka pilù ang pagdaghan sa liwat? How much has the stock multiplied by now? — sa — to the fullest extent. Pilù sa pilù ang ákung pagbásul, paghigugma, pag-úyun, pagláum, I regret, love, agree, hope (etc.) with all my heart and soul. pilùpilù v [B456; a] be doubled or multiplied several times. Mupilùpilù ang panalángin ug manggihatágun ka, Your blessings will be multiplied if you are generous. pinil-an n 1 the crease or mark made by folding. 2 s.t. on which a hem or fold has been made.

piluk n 1 eyelash. 2 fringe, trimming of cords or threads hanging like eyelashes. — sa nípà end tips of nipa shingles. 3 wink or blink of an eye. 4 first few days of the third quarter (so called because only the width of the eyelash has been taken away from the moon). Primírung, ikaduhang piluk, The first, second day of the third quarter. v 1 [A2N; c1] wink or blink the eyes. Ayawg ipiluk (piluka) ímung mata ug han-an ka, Don’t blink when he raises his fist to strike you. 2 [A; b] put eyelashes, a fringe on s.t. -in-an n 1 s.t. adorned with fringes. 2 way of blinking the eyes. paN- n a wink of an eye. Sa usa ka pamiluk nawálà siya, He vanished in the blink of an eye.

pilúka n wig, wiglet, false hair. v [A; b] use a wig or false hair.

piluk maríya = agúhù.

pilung a for a pointed instrument to be bent out of shape at the tip. v 1 [A; a12] bend the point of an instrument. Napilung ang tumuy sa pín pagkahúlug, The pen point was bent out of shape when I dropped it. 2 [A; b6(1)] cut the ear or part of it so that it dangles, usually as an identifying mark.

pilus n k.o. cloth with a soft, furry surface.

pilusupíya n philosophy.

pilusupu a 1 philosopher. 2 argumentative, given to meticulous argumentations on trivial points. Pilusupu kaáyung tawhána kay lantugíun bísag gagmayng butang, He is a very argumentative person because he argues on even the most trivial of things. v [B1; a12] become argumentative. Culu- v [A1] acting argumentative on trivial points where one shouldn’t do so. Dì siya makapupilusupu nákù kay suphun man dáyun, He can’t start subjecting me to his spidery logic because I’ll cut him short. [763]

pílut v [AB; a] sew up, patch a hole permanently, become so. Akuy mupílut sa gisì sa ímung sinínà, I’ll mend the tear in your dress. Mapílut ang lungag sa dawunggan ug dílì ariyúsan, The holes in your ear will close if you do not wear earrings. Pilútun ang mga lungaglungag úsà silákan, The tiny holes are filled before you apply shellac. (→) a 1 slit-eyed. 2 for seeds or fruits to be thin, compressed. Dílì maáyung itanum ang mga lísung pilut, It is no good to plant scrawny seeds. v [B25] for seeds or fruits to be too thin or scrawny.

pilutári n jai alai player. v [B156; a12] be a jai alai player.

pilútu n pilot of a plane or boat. v 1 [A] pilot s.t. 2 [B156; a2] be, become a pilot.

pilya = pilyu (female).

pilyu a naughty, mischievous. v [B12] become naughty, mischievous. Napilyu siya kay pinatuyángan sa kapritsu, He became a naughty child because they catered to his caprices. — sa babáyi a philanderer. -in- v [A; c1] behave mischievously, usually at s.o.’s expense. Mangasábà ang maistra ug pinilyuhun (ipinilyu) nímu pagpangutána, The teacher will scold you if you ask questions in a naughty way.

píma n cloth made of pima cotton. v [A13] wear s.t. of pima.

pimbríra = timbríra.

piminta = pimyinta.

pimríra = timbríra.

pimyinta n black or white pepper. v [b6] put pepper in s.t.

pín1 n pen point of a fountain pen. — puyint pen point of a dip pen.

pín2 v [A; c] pin a ribbon or badge of honor, an ornament, and the like. Pínan ang balidikturyan ug midalya, They’ll pin a medal on the valedictorian.

pina- prefix consisting of pa- plus -in-2.

pína1 v [A; c] tell s.o. not to do s.t. Nagpína si Tátay nga dì ta pagul-un, Father told us not to go out. Gipináhan ang dinakpan sa dílì pagpamakak, The suspect was told to tell the truth. Tumána ang ákung gipína nímu, If I tell you not to do s.t., don’t do it.

pína2 v [A; c1] hit s.t. at an angle instead of directly. Pináhi ang burilyus arun mapingkian ang tupad, Hit the bowling pin obliquely so that it will knock the other pins over, too. a grazing a target or hitting it obliquely.

pinal v [B1456] be laboring for breath on one’s deathbed. Nagpinal pa gánì ang amahan, nag-ílug na sila sa katigayúnan, The father was still laboring for breath on his deathbed, and they were already quarreling about the inheritance. kudigu — n 1 penal code. 2 = kudigu, n2, v.

pináli n finale, the closing of a show.

pinápul n a k.o. ornamental cactus which has pineapple-like leaves with thorny margins and pinkish tips.

pinatbátir n peanut butter. v [A; a] make, use peanut butter.

pinay n Filipina (colloquial).

pinbuy n pin boy in a bowling alley. v [B156; a12] be a pin boy.

pindaypinday v [A; c16] move in a wobbly way. Nagpindaypinday ang kabáyung bag-ung nahimugsù, The horse that was just born is tottering.

pindì v [A; a2] 1 remove unhusked rice or corn grains or pebbles from a batch of rice or grits one is about to cook. 2 select good ears of corn from a group. Pindía ang mais nga pára binhì, Select the good ears of corn for seeds. -in-an n 1 rice from which the unhusked grains or pebbles have been culled. 2 ears of corn not selected.

pinding n pending, unacted on as of yet. Pinding ang kásu, The case is pending.

pindir n a fielder in baseball.

pindisítis n appendicitis.

pindulu, pindulum n pendulum in a clock.

pindulun n king post supporting a roof.

ping n word used in writing to represent the sound of a bullet hitting s.t.

píngag v [A; b5] chip the edge. Napíngag ang daplin sa pinggan, The edge of the plate chipped. (→) a chipped. v [B1256] be a chipped one. Ug mapingag ang tadiyaw ayawg palita, If the jar is chipped, don’t buy it.

pingak a flat-nosed, esp. at the bridge. v [B12; b6] be, become flat-nosed.

pingakpíngak v [A] breathe laboriously with a wheezing sound in the breast, as in stifling a sob or in an asthmatic spasm. Mupingakpíngak dáyun nà siya ug kasab-an, She starts sniffling when she’s scolded just the slightest bit. Nagpingakpíngak ang hubákun, The asthmatic is breathing laboriously.

pingay n child’s talk for female genitalia.

pingga v [A; a] carry s.o. in a chair with poles attached to it. Gipingga ang Santu Pápa, The pope was carried seated on a throne. n chair used to carry s.o. pinggahan n = pingga, n.

pinggan n dinner plate, usually china. v [A1; a2] eat from china plates. Dì ta magpinggan kay kápuy paghúgas, We won’t use plates because it’s tiresome to wash them. pingganpinggan = bukinggan: Gomphrena [764]globosa.

pinggiring n fingering in playing an instrument or operating a typewriter. Unsay pinggiring íning nutáha? What’s the fingering for this note?

pinggir prin, pinggir print n fingerprint. v [A; b6] take s.o.’s fingerprints.

pinghuy a disappointed and downhearted. Pinghuy ang nawung sa pildíru, The man who lost in gambling had a dejected look on his face. v [BN; c1] be disappointed and downhearted. Naminghuy siya sa pagkahibalu nga wà siya dawáta, He was disappointed when he discovered he was not accepted.

pingis v [A12; ab] fail to hit s.t. directly or right on the mark. Gipingsan sa bála ang ákung agtang, The bullet grazed my forehead. a not hit directly. Pingis rang pagkaigúa maung nakalupad, I just grazed it so it managed to fly away.

ping-it v 1 [B; c1] grimace, usually in pain or suffering. Miping-it siya sa kasakit, He grimaced in pain. 2 [A13] suffer in much misery or difficulty. Nagping-it ang tanan sa kamahal sa palalítun, Everybody is suffering from the high prices of commodities.

pingk a pink-colored.

pingkaw = singkaw, n2, v.

pingkì v [AC; ac] knock lightly, esp. s.t. that produces a clinking noise. Hináyag pingkì ang duha ka básu, Clink the two glasses together lightly. Pingkíun ku unyà nang inyung úlu, I think I’ll knock your heads against each other. a knock-kneed. Pingkì ang babáyi nga íyang naasáwa, He married a knock-kneed woman. n clinking, clanking sound. Ang pingkì sa yílu sa básu, The clinking of the ice against the glass. -in- = pingkì, n.

pingkit a for things that are alike to be joined by some part of themselves. Pingkit ang tiil sa bíbi, Ducks have webbed feet. Pingkit nga ságing, Two bananas joined together as one. v [A; a] tie things together using a part of them to do the tying. Nagpingkit siya sa mga butung nga dad-un, He tied the two young coconuts together for us to take home. -in- n things joined in this way.

pingpung n 1 ping-pong. 2 ping-pong ball. v [A2C; b6] play ping-pong. -an n place to play ping-pong.

pinguspingus v [A13] make quick sniffs at intervals as in sobbing or simply drawing mucus back into the nose. Naghilak tingáli ang bátà kay nagpinguspingus man, The child must have been crying because he is sniffling. n sniffling.

píngut a irritated, slightly angry. Píngut kaáyu ug makakità kug bátang húgaw, I get very annoyed if I see a dirty child. v [B; ab3c5] get annoyed, irritated. Nagpíngut ning ákung úlu sa kasábà, My head is buzzing from the noise. Kinsay dílì mapíngut sa kabúgù nímu? Who wouldn’t be irritated by your stupidity? ka- n irritation, anger.

ping-ut a for the nose to be stuffed. v [B6; b4] have a stuffed nose. Muping-ut (maping-ut) ang ákung ilung ug hitun-ugan ku, I will get a stuffed nose if I expose myself to the draft.

pinguypinguy v 1 [A; a3] let one’s head hang limply, as in being sleepy, drunk, feeble, and the like. Nagpinguypinguy siya kay gitulug, His head is hanging limply because he is so sleepy. 3 [AP; b6] hang one’s head in shame. Mupinguypinguy (mupapinguypinguy) lang nà siyag kasab-an, He just hangs his head when he is reprimanded.

pingwit v 1 = bingwit, v1. 2 [AN; a] pick pockets, filch (slang). Gipingwit ang mga sinínà nga gihayhay sa kwartu, The clothes that were hung in the room were stolen. Pingwíti ang íyang bulsa, Pick his pocket. 3 fish for a compliment, gossip, and the like. n the equipment for hook and line fishing in shallow or moderately deep sea waters. -in-an n 1 fish caught by hook and line in shallow or not too deep waters. 2 thing stolen or pickpocketed. 3 talk gathered.

pinhuldir n 1 penholder for a dip pen. 2 dip pen. v [A; ac] use, write with a dip pen. Magpinhuldir mi sa ámung tim rayting, We’ll use dip pens for writing our themes.

pinid v [A; a] 1 separate things out by class. 2 do s.t. in proper order, not skipping around. Pinira ang paglimpiyu sa salug arun dì ka magbalikbálik, Clean the floor square at a time so you don’t keep having to go over the same things again and again. Akuy mupinid sa mga maáyung púsù sa dì maáyu, I’ll separate the good ears of corn from the bad ones. Pinira ang mga piryudiku sa tinuig, Separate the newspapers out according to years.

pinig v [A; c1] 1 put aside. 2 sort or separate according to kind. Nagpinig kug dagkung lubi pára ibinhì, I put aside the large coconuts for seedlings. 3 exclude from. Gipinig siya sa iksǎm, She was excused from the exam. 4 favor, show partiality to or discrimination against. ma-un(←) a showing discrimination. Mapinígun siyag higála, He is choosy about who he makes friends with.

pinikáda n k.o. disinfectant solution. agwa — = pinikáda.

pinikítu v [A; b5] enforce rules or collect [765]debts in a strict manner. Dúnay mga kumirsiyanti nga kusug mupinikítu ug paningil, Some business people are merciless when it comes to collecting their debts. Gipinikítu (gipinikitúhan) na run sa gubyirnu ang mga ismaglir, The government is tightening the reins on the smugglers.

*píning maáyu ang — throwing the ball in bowling so that lots of pins are knocked over. Dakù siyag puntus kay maáyu ang íyang píning, He has a large score because he knocked lots of pins over.

pinípig = pilípig. — krans n ice cream on sticks with chocolate coating that has pilípig embedded in it.

pinipíta = sirbilyíta2.

pinisilin n penicillin.

pinising, pinísing n finish, final coating. v [A; b] apply finish. Hámis ang simintung pinisíngan, The concrete floor will be smooth after it has been finished. (→) n k.o. nail without a head used to nail things in such a way that it is invisible.

pinitinsiya n penance. a involving difficulty or suffering. Pinitinsiya kaáyu, kita pay mulíhuk nga nagsakit ta, It is purgatory to do household chores when you’re not feeling well. v 1 [A; b6] impose penance. Gipinitinsiyáhan kug usa ka nubína, I was given the penance of performing a novena. 2 [A13; a12] annoy or burden s.o. with sufferings. Pinitinsiyáhan ta ka arun ku makabalus, I’ll make you go through hell so I can get even with you.

pinkaw = singkaw.

pinkusyun n pincushion. v [A; c] use a pincushion.

pinpal n pen pal. v [A2C; c3] have a pen pal, be pen pals. Makigpinpal ang tigúlang pinsiyunádu ug Pilipína, The old pensioner wants to engage in correspondence with a Filipina (for the purpose of marriage).

pinpin n game of eeny, meeny, miny, mo. One version of the rhyme: Pinpin sirapin, kutsilyu dialmasin. Hawhaw dikarabaw, bá tú tin. Another version: Pinpin sarapin dilmun. Bayintisingku kapun. Kulikulik bastun. v [C2; a12] choose by pinpin.

pinsa n 1 fence of wood or bamboo slats. 2 space fenced with slats under a house which is raised on posts. v [A; b5] 1 fence s.t. 2 fence the part under a house. -in- n rough walling made of bamboo slats, groups of two vertical slats woven through groups of three horizontal slats.

pinsar, pinsǎr v [AN; a12] think of a way, solution. Pinsárun (pinsarun) ta nig maáyu ug unsay maáyung paági, Let’s think hard about this, what the best solution is. n one’s way of thinking, thought processes. Hínay kaáyu ang íyang pinsar, apan pulus hustu, He thinks slowly, but it is always correct. paN- = pinsar. pinsáda = pinsar. pinsamintu, pinsamyintu = pinsar, n.

pinsil1 v [A; b] treat a puncture with drops from a burning tobacco midrib dipped in coconut oil. Kinahanglang pinsílan ang tunuk sa lansang, The way to treat that wound from the nail is to apply tobacco and coconut oil drops.

pinsil2 n skirt, cut like a sheath, straight, narrow at the hips and all the way down to the hem. v [A; c1] wear, make a skirt of this type. — kat = pinsil2.

pinsing n the sport of fencing. v [A2C; b3] fence.

pinsit n dish made of ground meat, wrapped in triangular pieces of dough and fried crisp. v [A; a] make pinsit.

pinsiyun n 1 pension. 2 allowance given to a son or daughter with a family of his own. v [A; c] give or support a daughter or son with a family of his own. Gipinsiyunan mi sa ákung ginikánan samtang wà kuy trabáhu, My parents are sending us an allowance until I find a job. -áda = pinsiyunádu (female). -ádu n 1 one who receives a pension. 2 person whose studies are subsidized by the government. v [B126] become a pinsiyunádu.

pinta1 v [A; abc] 1 do s.t. all at once. Pintáha paghákut ang káhuy, Carry the firewood all together. Pintáhig báyad ang iskuyláhan, Pay the school fees all at once. 2 do s.t. in large quantities. Pintáhag palit arun mabarátu, Buy it in large quantities so it will be cheap. 3 [A2; a12] hit s.t. squarely such that it has complete effect. Ug mapintag búnal ang irù mamatay giyud, If you hit the dog squarely, you’ll kill him. a be hit squarely. -da = pinta.

pinta2 v [A2; a1] guess the value of an inverted mahjong piece by feeling it with the finger tips. Pintáhun ku ang ímung witingan, I’ll feel the piece to see which one is the one you are waiting for. -da = pinta2.

pintakási1 v [A; b] work in a group without pay on a public project. Gipintakasíhan sa tagibaryu ang iskuylahan, The people in the village held a working bee to construct the school. n free group work on a public project or the action of taking part in this k.o. group work.

pintakási2 n licensed cockfight of champion fighting cocks. v [A1; c] hold, have a champion cockfight. Magpintakási sa ámung baryu [766]mapista, They hold champion cockfights in our village during fiestas.

pintal n paint. v 1 [A; b] paint s.t. Pintáli ug asul ang lantsa, Paint the launch blue. 2 [A2N] put lipstick on. Mamintal lang ku iniglakaw, I put lipstick on when I go out. 3 [B1256] for one’s feeling to show in the face. Napintal sa ílang nawung ang dakung katingála, Their great surprise showed on their faces. -in- n paintings. -in-an n s.t. that has been painted. maN-r- n painter: 1 artist. 2 painter of houses, furniture, etc. paN- n 1 style of painting. 2 occupation of painting.

pintas a ferocious, cruel and merciless. Pintas kaáyu ang liyun, A very fierce lion. Ang pintas nga mga balud, The raging waves. v [B12] become cruel and ferocious. ka- n ferocity, brutality. Ang kapintas sa mga kaáway mauy gikahadlúkan sa mga sibilyan, The civilians feared the merciless enemy.

pintik1 n slingshot. v [A; a2b2] shoot with a slingshot. Pintíkun nátù ang hinug nga búnga, Let’s knock the ripe fruit down with a slingshot.

pintik2 = puntik.

pintikustis n Whitsunday.

pintuk1 a terse, to the point. Památig maáyu kay pintuk ning ákung túgun, Pay close attention because I’m going to tell you in a couple of words what I want you to do. v [B26; c16] talk or answer in a terse manner. pintukpintuk v [A; b(1)] do s.t. once in a while in short, irregular periods of time and usually not whole-heartedly. Wà mahuman ang trabáhu kay pintukpintúkan lang, The work never got done because he didn’t stick to it and he didn’t have his heart in it.

pintuk2 v [A12; b8] hit s.o. in back of one accidentally. Ayaw ug barug sa ákung luyu kay hingpintukan unyà kas atsa, Don’t stand in back of me because you might get hit with my axe.

pintil pin n felt-tip pen.

pintul (from putul) n pieces of wood left over after carpentry. Magámit pa ning pintul pára sa bangkítu, We can use these pieces of wood for a stool. v [A; a] 1 cut wood into short lengths, chop logs crosswise. Nagpintul siya sa mga sugnud, He is cutting the firewood into lengths. 2 shorten or stub s.t. by cutting off a length. Gipintúlan níya ang mga tabákù, She cut off the tops of the tobacco. a cut off short, into short lengths. Irù nga pintul ug íkug, A dog with a stubbed tail.

pintur, pintǔr n painter: 1 artist. 2 painter of houses and the like. v [B156; a12] be, become a painter.

pintúra n paint. v [A; b] paint s.t. Nabag-u ang balay nga gipinturáhan, Their house looks new because it was just painted. ka- v [A13] get paint all over it.

pintus n 1 sweet made of shredded young corn mixed with condensed milk or coconut milk and sugar, wrapped in husk and steamed (= alupì). 2 the same sort of sweet made with fine corn grits (tiktik) or sweet potatoes or cassava and wrapped in coconut or banana leaves. v [A; a] make pintus.

pínu1 a 1 refined, not coarse in manners. Pínug linihukan, Refined in movement. 1a fine, of delicate composition. Pínug lís, Fine lace. 2 fine, not coarse in texture. Pínug kútis, Soft skin. Pínug buhuk, Fine hair. Pínung pagkagaling, Milled finely. 2a done in small pieces. Pínung pagkahíwà, Cut up fine. 2b closely spaced. Ang súlud usa ka sudlay nga pínug tangu, The comb for lice is a very fine-toothed comb. 2c very tiny. Pínung kinusian, A small and sharp pinch. n children, as opposed to grown-ups. Ilain ug lamísa ang mga pínu, Set another table for the children. v 1 [B12; a12] become refined, do s.t. in a refined way. 2 [A; a] make s.t. fine. pinupinu v [A13; a1] break, reduce into tiny bits. pinuhan n a whetting stone of fine texture used for the finishing touches.

pínu2 n pine tree.

pínul v [A; a] press hard on the muscles with the tips of the thumb and fingers to massage them.

pin-ut = ping-ut.

pinúun n a k.o. ginger plant similar to alimpuyang, producing small, sweet berries.

pinuy1 n Filipino, esp. one who is a resident abroad.

pinuy, pínuy n duck’s eggs cooked after they have began to develop. v [A; a] make, have pinuy.

pinya n 1 pineapple. 2 cloth woven from the fibers of the pineapple leaves. pinyahan n pineapple plantation.

pinyátu n peanut brittle. v [A1; a1] make peanut brittle.

pípa n 1 cigarette holder. 2 pipe. v [A; c6] smoke a pipe or cigarettes with a cigarette holder. Magpípa ku arun dì madág ang ákung tudlù, I use a cigarette holder so that my fingers don’t get yellowed.

pípar bag n large paper sack with a handle.

pípì n child’s word for female genitalia.

pìpì v [A; a12] hammer or pat s.t. into shape. Nagpìpì siyag kúlun, He’s shaping a pot by patting it. Pìpíun nátù ang tapalúdung nalumping, Let’s hammer the dented [767]fender back into shape.

pipínu n cucumber.

pípir n canned white or black pepper in powder form. v [b] use or put pepper.

pípir bag = pípar bag.

pipis n a small bundle of abaca fibers (about the size of a finger) used for tying s.t. v [A; a2] make abaca fibers into such a bundle. Pipisun nákù ning lánut kay ákung ibángan sa sugnud, I’m going to bundle up this abaca fiber to use it to tie up the firewood.

pípis n cotton bud that is about to open. v [A1] for cotton buds to be about to open.

piplum n peplum, a short flared skirt attached at the waist of a dress, blouse, or jacket, and extending around the hips. v [b(1)] add a peplum to clothing.

pipsi n pepsi cola. v [A13; b(1)] have, offer pepsi cola. paN- n money to buy a pepsi.

pipti v [AC2; b6] share s.o.’s cigarette or drink with him. Mupipti ku ánang ímung gitangag, ha? Let me share your cigarette with you, may I? piptipipti a equal, even (colloquial). Piptipipti ang ílang báhin sa ginansiya, They share the profit equally.

pír n pier.

pira n k.o. bladed hand weapon 18″ to 24″ with a blade that curves upwards slightly toward the tip and flat at the tip.

píras n pear.

pirásu v [A; c] cut s.t. to pieces. Pirasúhun ang nangkà arun ibaligyà, Cut the jackfruit into pieces to sell it. n a piece of s.t. Usa ka pirásung karni, A piece of meat. -in- n s.t. cut into pieces. Ang pinirásung karni dílì na mahímung hamun, You can’t use the meat for ham once it has been cut up. -in-(→) a by the piece. Pinirasu ang íyang iniphan sa labáda, She charges for the laundry by the piece. v [A; c1] pay or charge by the piece.

pirat v 1 [B146; a4] be sleepy. Gipirat (nagpirat) na kug binása, I’m sleepy from reading so much. 2 [A] dilly-dally, take time in doing s.t. Nagpirat sila sa ílang trabáhu kay wà swilduhi, They worked slowly because they didn’t get their salary. n lazy, loafer. Ang pirat nga trabahadur wà umintuhi, He was a lazy worker so he didn’t get a raise. piratpirat v 1 [A; c1] blink the eyes. Nagpiratpirat pa ang íyang mata nga mibángun, He was still blinking his eyes when he got out of bed. 2 [A] for a flame to flicker. Gási ang sugà kay nagpiratpirat na, Put kerosene in the lamp because it is flickering.

piráta n pirate. v [B156] become a pirate.

piraypiray, piraypíray v [B46; c1] move unsteadily as if about to collapse. Nagpiraypiray ang masakitun, The patient walked on unsteady feet. sam- see sampiray.

pir bay pir a being paired off, esp. boys with girls. v [A12C; c16] do s.t. paired off, be paired off. Nagpir bay pir ang mga nagdít sa Pwinti, The couples dating in the park are paired off.

pir dayim n per diem. v [A13; b(1)] give or have a per diem allowance. Magpirdayim (pir dayman) mig diyis písus ang adlaw, We get a per diem of ten pesos. Ang kumpaníya magpirdayim námug diyis, The company gives us a per diem of ten pesos.

pirdi = pildi. -da a for a woman to have lost her virginity.

pirdigána n game of chess, checkers, or the like in which the object is to make the opponent win all the pieces. v [C2; c1] play pirdigána.

pirdigun, pirdigúnis n 1 air rifle or shotgun pellets. 2 seeds of the mung bean (humorous). Nag-útan mig pirdigúnis, We’re having mung bean stew.

pirdisiyun n loss or destruction. v [B46; b4(1)] cause loss or destruction. Napirdisiyunan mig diyútay sa ámung mga lubi sa pagbagyu, We lost a few of our coconut trees during the typhoon.

pirdǔn n 1 release from temporal punishment or from punishment for a soul in purgatory. 2 candle blessed on February 2 in the kandilarya celebration together with the kandilarya candles. The pirdǔn candles are lighted to ask forgiveness for the sins of a dying man. kandílà sa — = pirdǔn, 2.

pirgula n pergola. v [b6(1)] make a pergola.

pirhisyu = pirhwisyu.

pirhwisyu a making a nuisance of oneself. Pahatud ka sa iskuylahan. Pakúhà. Pirhwisyu ka kaáyu, I have to bring you to school and get you. You’re a nuisance. v 1 [B; a2] make a nuisance of oneself. Nagpirhwisyu ang bátà kay giinítan, The child is crying in an annoying way because he feels hot. 2 [a12] be put to useless effort or inconvenience. Napirhwisyu kug adtu sa Karkar kay wà didtu ag ámung túyù, I went to a lot of trouble for nothing when I went to Carcar because the person we wanted to see was not there.

piri v [A12; b2c3] surpass in ability or possessions. Dílì giyud nang bayhána mapiri sa mga istayil, That woman has to keep up with the latest styles at all costs. Dì nà siya hipirihan sa pagkagwápa, She is second to none in her beauty. pa- v [A13] allow oneself to get surpassed in ability or possessions. Ug sukmatan, dì siya papiri. Mutubag pud, If you scold him, he won’t let you get the [768]last word. He talks back.

píri n ferry. v [A; ac] ferry; go, take on a ferry. — but n ferry boat.

pirigpirig v [B46; c16] wobble, move unsteadily. Dì pa ku manáug kay nagpirigpirig pa ku, I won’t go out yet because I still feel wobbly. Nagpirigpirig siya sa hagdan nga nagkurugkurug, He was walking gingerly on the wobbly steps.

pirigrínu n pilgrim. v [A1; c] make a pilgrimage. pirigrinasiyun n pilgrimage.

pirigula = pirgula.

pirihisyu = pirhwisyu.

piríku n 1 parrot, esp. the blue-naped parrot: Tanygnathus lucionensis. 2 one who mouths and repeats things without understanding them. — pikuy 1 parrot. 2 male genitalia (child’s talk). — táwu phrase uttered to a parrot to make him answer the same thing. pirikúhun a parrot-like. Taas untà siyag ilung apan pirikúhun, He has a long nose; only it’s like a parrot’s.

pirimyu = primyu.

pirinda = prinda.

piris wil n ferris wheel. v [A] ride in a ferris wheel.

pirítu = prítu.

pirkal n percale, k.o. closely woven cotton, usually with large flowery designs. v [A; b(1)] wear clothing made of percale.

pirlas n pearl. paN- v [N2; b6] dive for pearls. n pearl diving. mag-r- n pearl diver.

pirma1 n signature. v [A; b] affix one’s signature. Pirmáhi ang tsíki sa luyu, Sign your name on the back of the check.

pirma2 = kumpirma, n, v1.

pirmaninti a permanent. Kaswal lang ku. Dílì pirmaninti ning ákung trabáhu, I’m just a casual employee. My work is not permanent. v [B; c1] be permanent, make s.t. permanent. Maáyug magpirmaninti ning ákung dibuynas, It would be nice if my luck were a permanent thing. Pirmanintíhun (ipirmaninti) na nátù ang átung kapilya, We’ll build a permanent chapel.

pirmi a 1 always. Pirmi ka lang malít, You’re always late. 2 steadily, consistent. Ug pirmi ang inandaran sa mutur, way daut, If the motor runs steadily, there’s nothing wrong. v [A; ac] do s.t. always or regularly all the time. Nagpirmi lang siyag katúlug, He is sleeping all the time. Pirmíha ang ímung maáyung gáwì, Maintain your good ways. Ipirmi ang ímung kamut sa ákung tiyan, Keep your hand on my stomach. — ang táku 1 hold on to the cue in billiards—i.e., not lose the play. (When one misses, the cue is passed to the next players.) 2 go steady with a girl. 2a have intercourse steadily. 3 be employed steadily in one job. v 1 [AB6; c16] keep the cue in billiards. 2 go steady with s.o. Mupirmi (mapirmi) ang táku nátù kun pahagkun ku nímu, I will go steady with you if you will let me kiss you. 2a [A; c16] have sexual intercourse regularly. Nagpirmi ang ílang táku kay nahigám, They always make love because they have come to learn how much fun it is. 3 [B6; c16] become permanent in a job. Mapirmi ang ímung táku basta maáyu ang ímung ági, I will keep employing you if you do well.

pirmíru = primíru.

pirmísu n permission, permit. Dúnay pirmísu ang ílang bayli, They have a permit to hold their dances. Milakaw silang way pirmísu sa inahan, They went out without their mother’s permission. v [A; b6] give permission.

pirmisyas = primisyas.

pirmit n permit, license to do s.t.

pirnu n bolt. v [A; b6] make, use a bolt s.w.

pirpiktu a perfect. v [A12; a12] make s.t. perfect.

pirpitwa see kadína.

pirpúmi n perfume. v [A; b] use perfume.

pirs = pirst.

pirsigir v [A; a3c] force oneself or s.o. to do s.t.; do s.t. with persistence and determination. Mipirsigir ang masakitun pagtindug, The patient forced himself to get up. Pirsigiha siya pagpakasal sa íyang gipirdi, Make him marry the woman he disgraced.

pirsing kap n cap with a visor in the front, of the type worn by army officers. v [A13] wear such a cap.

pirst n 1 first place in a competition. 1a one who is first place, first-placer. Akuy pirst sa ámung klási, I’m the best in my class. 2 the one before the second. Ang ímung ngán pirst sa lista, Your name is at the top of the list. — bis n first base in baseball. v 1 [A2; b4(1)] reach first base. Hingpirstbisan ta sa átung kuntra, Our opponents managed to reach the first base. 2 [A12] get to first base with a girl, get a favorable reaction. Gidatungan kug maáyu ang inahan piru wà giyud ku makapirst bis sa anak, I bribed the mother, but I still couldn’t get to first base with the daughter. — hap n first half of a basketball game. -id n first aid. v [A; b6] give first aid. Pirst-íri dáyun ug dúnay makuyapang kadíti, If a cadet faints, give him first aid immediately. — klas n first class. Pirst klas nga pasahíru, First-class passenger. Púru mga pirst klas ang ákung saput, My clothes are all of the best quality. v [A] go [769]by way of first class, get first class things. — lídi n first lady, wife of the top official. v [B1256] be the first lady. — prayis n first prize. v [A12] win the first prize. — plur n ground floor. — ran n first-run movie. v [B1256] be a first-run movie. — trip the first trip of the day of a passenger vehicle. v [A] go on the first trip.

pirsúna n one of the three persons of the Holy Trinity.

pirsunáhi n 1 participant in a movie or play. 2 important persons. Mga pirsunáhi sa nátad sa kasinihan, Important personages in the movie world.

pirsunal a 1 in person. Gustu kung makítà si Núra Unur sa pirsunal, I want to see Nora Aunor in person. 2 personal, pertaining to one’s private life. Ayawg basáha ang sulat kay pirsunal kanà, Don’t read that letter. It’s personal. v [A2; c16] do s.t. in person. Pirsunalun (ipirsunal) nákù paghátag ang rigálu, I’ll give the gift in person. — apírans n personal appearance. v [A] make a personal appearance. Mupirsunal apírans sa istudiyu ang Mis Yunibirs, Miss Universe will make a personal appearance at the studio. -minti = pirsunal, a1.

pirsunalidad n personality, personal charm or attraction. Wà giyud siyay pirsunalidad, He has no personality.

pirtilaysir n fertilizer. v [A; b] use fertilizer.

piru, píru but. Mahal piru maáyu, It’s expensive, but good.

pirù = piruk.

piruhwisyu = pirhwisyu.

piruk v [B6; c1] for the eyes to blink once. pirukpiruk v 1 [A; c1] for the eyes to keep blinking. Dì na mupirukpiruk ang ákung tabuntabun sukad ákung gihílut, My eyelids don’t blink anymore after I massaged them. Nagpirukpiruk lang siyang gipangutána, She simply blinked her eyes when she was interrogated. 2 [A] for a flame or light to flicker.

pirukpiruk n k.o. bird with light brown feathers and black speckles, inhabiting meadows, usually staying perched, singing a rhythm which sounds pirukpiruk.

pírul n 1 pay roll. 2 amount of money to make the pay roll. v [A1] make out the pay roll.

pirut, pírut n 1 a small bird of meadows, the grass warbler: Cisticola sp. 2 the smallest person in a group.

piruypiruy v [B6; c1] be unsteady and trembly on one’s feet. Magpiruypiruy pa kug mubángun ku, I’m very wobbly if I try to get up.

pirwil parti = dispidída. see dispidir.

pirwisyu = pirhwisyu.

pirya n 1 fair, carnival. 2 booth in a fair. Daghang pirya sa karnabal, There are lots of booths in the carnival. v [A; b6] hold a fair.

piryud n 1 period, punctuation mark. 2 period, there’s no more to be said about. Dì ka makalakaw. Piryud, You can’t go, and that’s all there is to it. Piryud na mi kay hustu ra ang tulu, We’re not going to have any more children. Three is enough. v [b6] put a period.

piryudikal n periodical test given prior to the grading period. v [A] have, take a periodical test. — tist = piryudikal.

piryudiku n newspaper.

piryudista n journalist. v [B156; a12] be, become a journalist.

pís = pyis.

písa1 n 1 spare parts of a machine. 2 bolt or roll of cloth. v [c16] buy cloth by the bolt.

písa2 n music, musical score. v [A13; b6] use the music in playing. Maáyung magpísa arun dì masayup ang pagtukar, Better use the music so you won’t make a mistake.

pisà, písà v [A2S; a] press down s.t. hard and move back and forth over it to crush or mash it. Magpisà kug ságing ipakáun sa bátà, I’ll mash a ripe banana for the child. Pisaa ang lisay hangtud mawálà, Press down hard on the swollen lymph node until it disappears.

pisáda1, pisadur see pisar3.

pisáda2 n the measurement or distance between the frets of stringed instruments. v [A; a12] measure the fret distance.

pisak, písak a muddy ground, mire. Pisak kaáyu ang dálan kay nag-ulan man, The street has turned to mud because it was raining. v [B; c6] become a mire. Mupisak (mapisak) nang silung ug pirmihag yabu sa hinúgas, The ground underneath the kitchen will turn into a mire if you keep throwing the dishwater on it. pisakpisak v 1 [A; c1] spatter or splatter dirt or liquid. Nabasà ang sawug kay nagpisakpisak ang bátà sa banyu, The floor got wet because the children were splashing around in the bathtub. 2 [A; c16] make a spattering sound. Hilabihan nga nakapisakpisak ang ulan sa gawas, How the rain went pat, pat, pat. n 1 spattering, wet spot caused by spattering. 2 spattering sound.

pis-ak v [A; a] split wood along the grain, or by extension, split similar materials. Nagpis-ak ka na ba ug káhuy isugnud? Have you split wood to use for fuel? n piece chopped off. [770]

pisami = kisami.

pisan v [AN; a1] buy s.t. in bulk. Pisánun ku ang ímung pitu ka alat mangga, I’ll buy your seven basketfuls of mangoes. maN-r- n one who buys in bulk.

pisar1 v [A; a] press down on. Nagpisar kaniya ang daghang prublíma, Numerous problems weigh down on him. Pisara siya arun mutug-an, Press him so he will tell. Napisar siya sa duha ka dagkung batu, He was pressed between two huge boulders.

pisar2 v [A; a12] think about, weigh s.t. in the mind. Gipisar niya kun muadtu ba siya u dílì, He is weighing it in his mind whether to go or not.

pisar3 v [A; a] for a dealer to weigh goods he is going to buy. Átung pisarun ang ímung bábuy, I’ll weigh your pig (to buy it). pisáda n computation of how much s.t. weighs and is worth. pisadur n the one who weighs produce being bought, usually copra. v [B156; a12] become a weigher.

pisára n blackboard. v [A13] use, write on the blackboard.

pisat v [A; a] mash, squash s.t. Napisat ang kamátis nga natumban, He squashed the tomato when he stepped on it. a crushed, flattened.

pisaw n a k.o. kitchen knife usually with a metal handle.

písi n acronym for P.C., the Philippine Constabulary. v [B156; a12] be, become a member of the P.C. pa- v [A; bc] have the P.C. arrest s.o. Ipapísi (papisíhan) nang hubug, Have the P.C. arrest (watch) that drunk. — kuntrul n P.C. control. v [a4] put under the control of the P.C. Gipísi kuntrul ang lungsud kay gubut pirmi, The town was placed under P.C. control because of the frequent outbreaks of violence.

písì n rope consisting of two or three strands (lúbid) twisted together, usually made of fiber. v [A; a] make a rope, twist s.t. like a rope. -an n a device for twisting rope. -in- n tidbit, made of a heavy dough twisted like a rope and fried until it is brown and crunchy. v [A; a12] make, have pinísì. mag-r-, maN-r- n rope maker. -un(→) n fiber to be made into a rope.

pisik v 1 [A; b2c1] spatter, splatter. Hingpiksan kug lápuk, I got spattered with mud. 2 [A; b2c] channel s.t., cause a little bit of s.t. to come to certain people. Kinsang kandidatúhay nagpisik ug kwarta pára sa átung lungsud? Which candidate was it that cornered a little bit of money for our town? Hingpiksan kug diyútay sa íyang daug, I managed to get my hands on a little of his winnings. a spattering, shooting off of droplets. Pisik duul sa bintánà ug mag-uwan, The water splashes next to the window if it rains. hiN-/haN- v 1 [B1256] for a small amount to be channeled off to s.o. Way sud-ang nahimisik sa mga mutsatsa. Gihurut ug káun sa bisíta, Not a bit of food seeped to the servants. The visitors ate every bit. 2 walà, dílì — not spared. Way mahimisik sa kaligutgut sa Diyus, No one is spared God’s wrath.

pisikal n 1 pertaining to the body as opposed to the mind. 2 physical education class. 3 physical examination. v 1 [A1] have a physical education. 2 [A] give a physical examination.

písiks n physics course or class. v [A13] have a physics class.

pisil, písil v 1 [A; ab2] squeeze s.t. with the tips of the fingers fairly far apart. Pisíla (pisla) ang mangga ug humuk na ba, Squeeze the mango to see if it is ripe yet. 2 squeeze with the fingers to massage or convey a feeling. Kamau kang mamísil (mupísil) sa gilabdan ug úlu? Do you know how to massage a headache? Gipisil níya ang kamut sa dalága, She gently squeezed the girl’s hand.

piskadur n fisherman. v [B156; a12] be, become a fisherman.

piskal n fiscal, district attorney. — sa simbahan n church clerk or one in charge of keeping the records of the church. v [B156; a12] be or become a fiscal. -íya n office of the district attorney.

piskanti n 1 box in a carriage where the driver sits. 2 balcony on the outside of a house. Didtu siya magdiskursu sa piskanti, He made a speech from the balcony. 3 davit, a crane projecting over the side of a ship for hoisting lifeboats.

piskat1 (euphemism for pisti) 1 expression of disgruntlement. Piskat ning kinabuhía kay kanúnay lang tang gidimalas, What a hell of a life this is. We always have bad luck. 2 expression of surprise after having done s.t. inadvertently or failing to have done s.t. Piskat nabyaan ang ákung pitáka, Heavens! I forgot my wallet.

piskat2 = mitmit.

piskay a 1 alert, active and full of energy. 2 full of life. Piskay ang plásag maduminggu, The plaza is lively on Sundays. 3 good-looking or well-dressed woman. 4 pretty in general. v 1 [B2] active and full of energy, sprightly. Mupiskay ang átung láwas basta hustug túlug, You are full of vim and vigor if you get the right amount of sleep. Nagkapiskay [771]na ang masakitun, The patient is getting stronger. Gipiskáyan ku sa ákung gibátì karun, I feel sprightly now. 1a [AB; a] do s.t. briskly or hurriedly. Nagkapiskay ang ámung paglakaw pagtaligsik, We walked faster when it started to rain. Piskáya ang pagkuwinta kay naghulat siya, Hurry up with your counting because she is waiting. 2 get lively and bright. Kining mga búlak ang nakapiskay sa ámung panimalay, These flowers made our home lively. 3 [B12; a1] get nice looking, pretty. -un a of a lively, alert, cheerful sort.

piskul = piskat1.

piskur n U.S. Peace Corps volunteer. v [B156; a12] be a Peace Corps volunteer.

piskut, piskuy = piskat1.

pislà v 1 [A; b6c1] spurt s.t. out. Ang mga táwung dilì idukádu mupislà lang sa bungbung ug manlúwà, Uneducated people go out and spit their saliva against the walls. Magpislà ang núkus sa íyang átà ug matugaw, Squids spurt out ink if you disturb them. 2 [A3P; c1] produce a splattering, plopping sound. Mupislà ang lápuk ug tunubtunuban, Mud produces a plopping sound when you step in it.

pislangù a 1 having a stuffy nose. 2 flat-nosed. Madaníhun nang bayhána bísag pislangù, She’s charming even if she’s flat-nosed. 3 ugly in manner or looks. Wà tay pagaunúhan kay gawas nga pislangù ug dagway, pislangù pa giyud ug batásan, She doesn’t have a single redeeming feature because aside from being homely she has an unpleasant disposition as well. n light disease of chickens similar to colds. v [B1; a4] have a nasal voice due to cold. Nagpislangù (gipislangù) ku kay giulanan, I have a bad cold because I got caught in the rain.

pislat v 1 [A; a12] squash, flatten and mash s.t. Pisláta ang ságing nga ipakáun sa bátà, Crush the banana to feed to the baby. 2 [B16; b6] have a flat nose. Ug ang mga ginikánan pislat, mapislat pud ang anak, If the parents are flat-nosed, the offspring will also be flat-nosed. a flat-nosed. Ayaw ug panaway kay pislat ka man sad kaáyu, Don’t ever criticize for your nose is flat, too.

pislayit = plasláyit.

pislit v 1 [A; a2b2] press s.t. hard with the fingers. Kinsay mipislit sa timbri? Who pushed the buzzer? Ayaw pislíta ang mangga kay mabun-ug, Don’t squeeze the mango because you will bruise it. 2 [AN; a12] massage s.o. by pressing with the finger tips. Pislítun ta ka arun mawā̀ ang ímung pamául, I’ll massage you so that your muscle pains will disappear. — layit n flashlight (humorous).

pisluk v 1 [B26] go to sleep (said in anger). Mupisluk (mapisluk) ka na ba sad nga buntag na man? Are you going to go back to sleep again when it’s morning already? 2 [B12; b6] be dark, be getting dark (said in anger). Nagkapisluk na núun mau pay ipangáhuy! Why do you wait until it begins to get dark to look for firewood!

pislun n a brand of strong synthetic thread used in line fishing and in weaving into fishing nets.

pislung n dent, a slight depression, small hollow. a dented. Pislung ug ilung, Having a flat nose. v [AB126; a1] dent s.t. on the surface. Kinsay nagpislung sa takurì? Who dented the kettle?

pislut = pidlasut.

pismil n fish meal, ground dried fish used as feed for poultry. v [A1; a12] make fish meal.

pisngà, pisngag, pisngi, pisngì, pisngig mild cuss word expressing disgust (euphemism for pisti). Pisngì! Ngánung nalimtan man nákug dala, Darn! Why did I forget to bring it?

pisngù = pislangù.

pispan n fishpond. Kasagáran sa pansat gíkan sa pispan, Most prawns come from the fishpond. v [A; a12] make a fishpond. Magpispan ku sa may katunggan, I’ll make a fishpond near the mangrove swamps. Pispánun níya ang swíming pul, He will convert the swimming pool into a fishpond.

pispis n k.o. green tree insect that makes a shrill sound at night (so called from its sound). It is believed that a pispis in the house is the voice of a departed one who has come to ask for help in the form of prayers for his salvation. aN-r- = pispis.

pista n 1 feast in honor of a patron saint. — upisiyal public holiday. — sa simbahan church holiday. 2 expression meaning ‘your slip is showing’ (humorous—from the notion that people hang out curtains during fiesta and another way of calling a woman’s attention that her slip is showing is to use pangurtína which literally means, ‘hang out curtains’). v 1 [A1; b(1)] hold or celebrate a feast day. Magpista mi sa tris di Máyu, We hold our celebration on the third of May. 1a [A13] — sa inyu your slip is showing (they’re celebrating the feast day in your place). 2 [A13] it would be a miracle if (such-and-such an unlikely thing) were to happen. Magpista ug muanhi pa tu siya, It would be a miracle if he ever were to [772]come here. Magpista ug sugtun ka ni Maríya, It would be a miracle if Maria were to accept you. paN- v [A2; c] attend the celebration of a feast day. Nakapamista sila sa pista sa Santu Ninyu, They attended the celebration of the feast of the Holy Child. ikapaN- presentable, look good enough to take to a fiesta. Bubintahag nawung ang bána ni Nilya, ikapamista man sab, Nelia’s husband is good-looking enough. You wouldn’t be ashamed of him. -in- a eating in large quantities like at a feast. maN-r-, mamistáhay n fiesta goers.

pistayim n the period immediately after the war. Pistayim na kug maminyù, I got married after the war. v [B126C] be in good terms after a quarrel or misunderstanding, usually said of couples. Nagkapistayim na ang magtiáyung nag-áway, The quarreling couple are in good terms again.

pisti n 1 pestilence. 2 s.o. or s.t. who causes a pestilence. Tambal bátuk sa mga pisti, Medicine against germs. 3 strong curse expressing anger or disgust. Pisting yáwà gikáwat ang mga búnga, God damn it to hell. They stole the fruits. Pisti ning kinabuhía. Kanúnay lang way kwarta, What a goddamned life! We never have money. -ng yáwà n strong curse expressing anger or disgust. v [a4] 1 be affected with pestilence. Ang ginharían nalúpig dihang gipisti ang mga ginsakpan, The kingdom was vanquished when a pestilence hit the people. 2 go to hell. Pistihun ka pa untà, Go to hell! (Lit. I hope a pestilence takes you.)

pistud = pistul.

pistul (euphemism for pisti) exclamation of disgust. Pistul! Nalimtan ku ag bálun, Darn! I left my lunch home. — (nga) yawáa euphemism for pisting yáwà exclamation of disgust.

pistúla n 1 pistol, revolver. 2 prominent hipbone (humorous). v [A; a12] shoot or hit s.o. with a pistol. Gipistúla ang kaáway, He shot the enemy (or he hit the enemy on the head) with a pistol.

pistun1 n piston. — ring piston ring. — rad piston rod.

pistun2 n home-made detonator put into dynamite, made of a little cigarette-sized roll of tin plate, filled with gunpowder. v [A; c3] attach or use a detonator of this sort.

písu1 peso, the Philippine unit of currency (singular). Un písu, One peso. 2 peso bill. Duha ka písu, Two peso bills. 3 — kuntra usa ka dakù [so-and-so] is nothing (a penny) as compared with s.o. else who is s.t. (a peso). Ngánung ashan pa nímug súkul nà nga písu ka man kuntra usa ka dakù? Why do you have to bother fighting with that bum who’s nothing but so much trash compared to you? -s peso. Pila ni? Písus? Dus písus? How much is this? A peso? Two pesos? v 1 [B56; a2] cost a peso. Nagpísus na ang kílu sa kamátis, Tomatoes cost a peso a kilogram. Pisúsa lang ni, Let me have it for a peso. 2 [A123S] receive a scolding. Makapisus ka sa ímung gibúhat, You’ll get a scolding for what you did. maN-, maN-(→) costing a peso each. v [a12] 1 price s.t. at a peso. 2 change s.t. into one-peso notes. maN-un n 1 the one-peso kind. 2 one-peso bills.

písu2 n storey of a building. Náa sa ikaduhang písu ang íyang klási, Her class is on the second floor.

pisù n 1 chick or young of other birds. 2 endearing reference for one’s children. 3 novice, s.o. new to s.t. Pisù pa lang siya sa panuwat, He is new to the writing profession. v [AN; a] hatch an egg. Ang ubang himungáan dì mupisù sa ílang itlug, Some hens won’t hatch their eggs. (←)1 n birdling. pis-an n 1 hen or bird that has chicks. 2 an egg that has a chick in it.

písù2 v 1a [A; ab2] press the tip of one’s fingers over a part of the body to massage it. Magpísù pa ku sa ákung buktun nga namanhud, I’ll massage my arms because they are numb. Hipisuan ku ang íyang hubag, I accidentally pressed her boil when I massaged her.

pisuk, písuk v [A; a] 1 push s.t. small into a depressed position. Pisúkun ku nang mata mu, I will push your eyes into your head. 2 hit a certain small point right on the head (as if it were being pushed inwards). Pisúkun ku nang batu sa ákung kasing, I will hit the stone directly with my top. 3 make a dent in s.t., covering only a small area. (→) a 1 for s.t. small to be depressed, sunken. Maglisud pagtútuy ang bátà kay pisuk ug atngal ang inahan, The child has difficulty suckling because the mother has inverted nipples. 2 being hit right at the spot aimed for.

pisukut n 1 inflammation of the eyes characterized by watery and mucal secretion. 2 disease of poultry characterized by watery eyes, eruptions, and debility. v [B16; a4] 1 get this eye infection. Nagpisikut (gipisikut) ang íyang mata, His eyes are infected. 2 for chickens to get this sickness.

písul = písù2.

písun n steamroller. v [A; b5] steamroller. Hámis ang dálan kay human na man pisuna (pisuni), The road is smooth because it has [773]been steamrollered.

pisut1 a 1 uncircumcised. 2 not having holes in the ears. 3 an inexperienced beginner. Ikaw nga pisut pa ánang tárì, dílì ángay nga mupusta ug dakù, You’re just a greenhorn so you should not bet great amounts. v [B126] turn out to be uncircumcised.

pisut2 n k.o. small edible sea cucumber, dark brown to black in color.

pisyat= pislat.

pisyu (from upisyu) v [A13; abc] always, keep on doing s.t. Ngánung nagpisyu siyag hilak? Why is he always crying? Pagminatarung. Mau nay gipisyug maymay sa ákung mga ginikánan, Be good. That’s what my parents always remind me to do.

pisyútis n the tiller in small boats. v [A13; a12] attach, make into a tiller.

píta n an ordinary variety of rice with white grains.

pità n ground which is muddy and dirty. Ang bábuy milúnang sa pità, The pig wallowed in the mud. v [B2] become muddy and dirty. Mupità (mapità) nang sílung ug sigíhag yabu ug hinúgas, The ground underneath the kitchen will become a dirty mire if you keep throwing the dishwater there.

pitáda n the sound of a loud and sharp whistle blast or siren.

pitak n muddy area, mudhole full of water. n muddy place. Ayaw tumbi ang pitak, Don’t step in the mud puddle. (←)1 v [B12; b6] become muddy or a mud puddle. Napitak ang nataran nga gisigíhag uwan, The yard became a mire because it kept raining all the time.

pítak2 v [A; a1] for s.t. fragile to be crushed into pieces. Napítak ang ákung bulpin nga natumban, My ball-point pen was broken because s.o. stepped on it. v [AB12; c1] squash s.t. flat leaving it intact. Dagkung makina ang mupítak sa mga awtung gubà, Huge machines will flatten the old cars. Napítak ang mga kamátis, The tomatoes got squashed flat.

pitáka n purse, wallet, pocketbook. v 1 [A; b6] use a purse, wallet, pocketbook. Nagpitáka ku bisan ug way sáping ikasulud, I was carrying a purse even though I didn’t have any money to put inside it. 2 [A12] obtain a purse, wallet, pocketbook. 3 [A; c] put s.t. in a purse, wallet, pocketbook. Ipitáka nang ribulbir, Put the revolver in a pocketbook.

pitáti n k.o. mat (banig) made of heavy straw woven through fine fibers. v 1 [A; c] use a pitáti mat. 2 [A; c1] obtain, make into a pitáti mat.

pítay n loose hanging skin or cock’s wattles: the loose skin on the underside of a circumcised penis, the skin hanging under the chin or on the upper part of the neck.

piti1 a for the body to be wet and dirty with things sticking to it. v [B] get dirty and sticky. Nagpiti ang ímung buhuk, Your hair is all sticky with oil.

piti2 = pitiw, n1.

pitì n slapping, crackling, or popping sound. v [A] resound with this sound. Mipitì ang íyang nawung kay nagtubagtubag man, She received a slap because she answered me back. Mipitì ang papkurn, The popcorn crackled. Nagpitìpitì ang kakugnan nga nasúnug, The grass field was crackling as it burnt. (←) n intense action of producing this sound. Pítì lang ang ílang kinatsilà ay, They’re rattling off Spanish. v [A] make this sound intensely.

pitibut n PT boat. v [A1; ac] take a, go by PT boat.

pitii n PTA, acronym for the Parent-Teachers’ Association. v [A1] have a PTA meeting.

pitik v 1 [A; b] flick s.t. with the thumb and forefinger. Kinsay nagpitik sa ákung dawunggan? Who flicked my ear? Gipitkan níyang ákung kúmù, He flicked my knuckles. 1a [A; c] flick s.t. away with the fingers. Anhà sa astri ipitik ang sigarilyu, Flick your ashes into the ash tray. 1b [A; b] in carpentry, mark a line on a piece of wood by stretching a string soaked in dye or soot and letting it snap onto the wood. 1c [A; ab2] shot with a slingshot. Pitkun ku nang manuk ihálas, I’ll shoot that wild chicken with a slingshot. 1d [A; b6] whip s.o. with s.t. small, making a snapping sound. Ákung gipitkan ang íyang tiil ug tualya, I flicked a towel at his legs. 2 [A] for the heart or pulse to beat. Nagpitik pa ang íyang pulsu, His pulse is still beating. 2a [A] for the heart to beat for s.o. Mupitik lang ang ákung kasingkásing kang Artúru, My heart beats only for Arturo. 3 [A; c1] make a click, as when a mechanism is released. Mipitik lang ang pistúla. Wà nay bála, The pistol clicked. There were no more bullets. Pahíyum kay ákù nang pitkun (ipitik) ang kamira, Smile because I’m going to snap the camera now. n 1 s.t. which flicks or snaps: slingshot, chalk line in carpentry, et al. 2 beating of the heart. 3 clicking, snapping sound. 4 action of flicking or snapping. -in- n 1 continuous sound of the heartbeat. 2 the dictates of the heart. Sunda ang pinitik sa ímung kasingkásing, Follow the dictates [774]of your heart.

pitikut n petticoat. v 1 [A; b] wear a petticoat. 2 [A; a12] make into a petticoat.

pitimini n k.o. rose with very tiny pink, red, or white flowers.

píting a tight-fitting clothes. v 1 [A23] sew s.t. that fits well. Maáyu nang sastríhang mupíting, That seamstress sews clothes that fit well. 2 [B2; a12] become, make tight-fitting. Mupíting (mapíting) nang pulúha ug mukū̀ nà, That shirt will be tight if it shrinks. Pitíngun nátù ning karsúnis nímu pagtahì, Let’s cut your pants in a tight-fitting style. 3 [A13] wear a tight-fitting outfit. 4 [A; c] have a fitting of s.t. sewn. Dì na lang ku mupíting kay hustu lagi nà, I don’t need fitting because I’m quite sure it fits. — rum n fitting room.

pitisyun n petition. v [A; c3] petition for s.t. Ipitisyun sa pamúnù ang inyung prublíma, Make a petition to the President about your problems.

pitiw n 1 trigger device in a trap which actuates a spring. 2 clitoris (humorous). v [A; b6] put a pitiw in a trap. pitiwpítiw = pitiw, n1.

pitla v [A; a1] untangle hair or fibers, separate things that are stuck or crumpled together. Nagpitla mi sa mga pahína sa librung nagpílit, We are separating the pages of the book that got stuck together. Ákung gipitla ang hílu nga nagubut, I untangled the thread.

pitlà = pidlà.

pitlag v [A; c1] turn sheets of paper or pages of a book over one by one. Ipitlag (pitlága) nang únang lima ka dahun, Leaf through the first five pages.

pitlagung n 1 bamboo stick with a tufted end used to clean the palm toddy containers left in the tree (sugung) (so called from the sound produced by using it). 2 sound produced by using the pitlagung. v [A; b] clean a toddy container.

pitlud v [A; b] 1 pluck off the ends of young stems to make the plant spread. Pitluran ang tabákù arun managkù ang dáhun, They pluck the tops of the tobacco plants so that the leaves will grow big. 2 break off of young stems in general.

pitluk v 1 [A; ab2] strangle s.o. with the hands. Pitlúkun ta ka ug mutug-an ka, I’ll strangle you if you tell. 2 [A; a12] swipe fowls (slang). Limbaruk! Gipitluk ang ámung sunuy gabíi, Damn! They swiped our rooster last night! 3 [a12] thrust the finger in s.o.’s eyes. Bísag pitlukun pa ang mata sa tudlù dílì makítà tungud sa kangitngit, It’s so dark you couldn’t see a finger thrust into your eyes.

pitnit = piknik.

pitpit1 v 1 [B46N] be wet through so that clothing, hair or feathers stick to the body. Nagpitpit siyang miabut sa balay, She was dripping wet when she arrived in the house. 2 [BN; a4] for the eyes to get sticky with yellowish discharge. Mupitpit (mapitpit, pitpítun) ang ímung mata ug tagimatahun ka, Your eyes get filled with yellowish discharge if you have sore eyes. 3 [A2N; b(1)] for the strands of hair to be thick with nits. Mupitpit (mamitpit) ang buhuk sa lusà ug dílì hugútan, The hair gets thick with nits if you don’t get rid of them. -un a having pussy eyes.

pitpit2 n 1 k.o. swift. 2 the mahjong piece with one bamboo that resembles the pitpit bird. v [A123; b6] get a pitpit.

pitpit3 v [A; c] squeal about a crime or tattle (slang). Mipitpit na ang dinakpan, The suspect that was arrested squealed. Kinsay nagpitpit sa maistra nga nangupya ku, Who told the teacher that I copied?

pitpíta n chicken ailment characterized by the development of a thick rough epidermis on the outer layer of the tongue rendering it difficult for the chicken to eat. Dílì mukáun ang manuk kun may pitpíta, A chicken with pitpíta will not eat. pitpitáhun a of a sort having this disease.

pí trap n P-trap, an S-shaped tube for the escape of water or gas that prevents the water or gas from returning. v [b6] put a P-trap s.w.

pitrulyu, pitrulyum n 1 petroleum. 2 kerosene. v [A1; b6(1)] fill up with kerosene. Gipitrulyuman ang kusinilya, They put kerosene in the pressurized stove.

pitrumaks n a pressurized kerosene lantern (so called from the brand name petromax). v [A; b6(1)] use a petromax.

pits1 n peaches.

pits2 n pitch of a note.

pits3 v [A; c6] pitch in a baseball game.

pitsa n date. Unsang pitsáha run? What date is it today? v [c] put or write the date. Núlu kanang kuntrátu kay wà pitsáhi, That contract is null and void because it wasn’t dated.

pitsas n 1 mahjong pieces. 2 chips in poker. 3 money (slang). v 1 [A12; b8] have a particular mahjong piece in one’s hand. 2 [A1; a12] use chips in playing a game. -an a moneyed, rich (slang). Pitsásan nang bayhána maáyu pangasaw-un, That woman is well-heeled. She’d make a good wife. v [B1256] become moneyed. [775]

pitsay n Chinese cabbage, a vegetable cultivated for its long, whitish leaves, eaten cooked: Brassica pekinensis. — bisayà n k.o. pitsay with darker leaves: Brassica chinensis.

pitsbuy = pidsbuy.

pitsi = pipsi.

pitsikurnu n brass knuckles. v [A; ab2] use brass knuckles.

pitsil n pitcher, a container for holding and pouring liquids. v [a12] place s.t. in a pitcher.

pit sinyur exclamation shouted when dancers dance the sinulug in front of the image of the Holy Child (Santu Ninyu). v [A] exclaim pit sinyur.

pitsipitsi n 1 miscellaneous sundry goods. Mga pitsipitsi ra ning ákung baligyà, I just have small, sundry goods here. 2 miscellaneous, trivial things. Mga pitsipitsing balità gikan sa barbiríya, Bits of trivial news and information from the barber shop. 3 s.t. trivial, not worth paying attention to. Pitsipitsi ang inyung gikaawáyan, You are quarreling over nothing. v [a1b] buy or sell s.t. in small amounts. Pitsipitsihun (ipitsipitsi) nákù ang pagpalit sa ákung mga kinahanglanun, I’ll buy the things I need a little bit at a time.

pitsir1 = pitsil.

pitsir2 n pitcher in baseball. v [B56; c1] be, make s.o. the pitcher.

pitsu n 1 breast of fowl or birds. 2 chest bones, sternum. Balíun ku ang ímung pitsu ug magbinúang ka, I will break your ribs if you do foolishness. v [A; a12] hit s.o. in the chest. punta — see punta2, n5.

pitsukurnu = pitsikurnu.

pitu n seven. labangun ug — ka láwud see labang. v see tulu. ika- seventh. Ang ikapitu ka (nga) táwu, The seventh man. Ikapitung lángit, Seventh heaven, bliss. kapituan seventy. ka-, maka- seven times. tag-(←) seven at a time.

pítu1 n 1 whistle. 2 whistling sound. v [A; b6(1)] blow a whistle, usually as a signal. Mipítu ang barku paglarga, The ship blew its whistle as it left port. Gipitúhan ka sa ripiri, The referee blew his whistle on you.

pítu2 = pitúru.

pitúgu n k.o. ornamental plant with pinnate leaves resembling a palm. The male plant produces once a year an enormous cone at the tip of the stem: Cycas rumphii.

pituk1 v [A; b] 1 flick the fingers. 2 [A12; b8] for an instrument to hit s.t. accidentally. Paháwà dihà kay hipitukan ka sa sundang, Get out of there because the bolo will hit you. 3 [A; a] hit with a sudden, sharp blow. Gipituk níya ang babáyi sa martilyu, He hit the woman with a hammer. n 1 flick of the fingers. 2 sharp, sudden blows.

pituk2 v [A13] for the eyes to stare blankly into space. Nagpituk ang íyang mata kay lawum ang íyang gipinsar, He stared blankly into space because he was absorbed in deep thought. pitukpituk v 1 [A3; c1] stare without thought, blinking the eyes. Mupitukpituk lang nang batáa ug latiguhun, dílì muhílak, The child will just stare and blink his eyes if you whip him. He won’t cry. Nagpitukpituk lang ang búang nga gisultíhan, The deranged man just kept staring and blinking his eyes as they talked to him. 2 [B46] for a light to blink on and off. Mipitukpituk ang síga sa lamparilya kay wà may gas, The light of the kerosene lamp is flickering because it has no more kerosene. Pitukpitukun (ipitukpituk) gánì níya ang plaslayit, kanà libri na ta pagsulud, When he blinks the flashlight, that will mean that we are free to enter.

pítul v [A; a1] impose punishment to discipline. Dì na siya magpabuyag kay napítul na siya nákù, He won’t make a nuisance of himself any longer because I gave him a good whipping.

pitupitu n 1 mosquito wrigglers. 2 tadpole. (←) game played with small children where the child puts the fingers on the palm of the adult’s hand who recites or sings a rhyme closing the fingers on the child’s hand. One version: Pitupítu santubud, kan-un púru budbud, Putdang sanggutan, ang bílin kawatan, Pitupítu santubud, all he eats is budbud, Cut the toddy-producing tree down, Whoever is left is the thief. v 1 [a4] be infested with mosquito wrigglers or tadpoles. Gipitupitu ang danaw, The pond is full of mosquito larvae (tadpoles). 2 [B256] become mosquito wrigglers, tadpoles.

pitúru n enema tip.

pit-us a 1 not affording enough space. Pit-us nga kwartu, A room that is too small. Pit-us ang dálan ngadtu sa búkid, It’s a narrow road that goes into the mountains. 2 hard up financially. Pit-us kaáyu mi kay wà kuy trabáhu, We’re very hard up because I don’t have a job. v 1 [B12; a] make s.t. narrow. Nagkapit-us ang asíras sa mga tinda, The sidewalks are getting jammed because of all the goods for sale. 2 [B12] be hard up financially. 3 [b8] be in a difficult situation, in a tight corner, etc. Musúkul ku ug mapit-usan, I’ll fight back if I am cornered. ka- n tightness, esp. of one’s financial condition. [776]

pitut n act of derision made by expelling air with the two lips allowing them to vibrate a couple of times and punctuating it with a t. paN- v [A23; b(1)] make this sound. Sagpáun ku siya ug pamitutan ku níyag usab, I will slap her if she says ‘ptt’ to me again.

pitwurk n footwork of a boxer.

piud v [A; c6] hold, press close to oneself. Gipiud níyag maáyu ang libru arun dílì mabasà sa ulan, She held the book close to her so it wouldn’t get wet in the rain.

píud v [A; b6] weave the edges of s.t. made of straw in such a way that it won’t come undone. Gipiúran ku pa ang banig, I’m still weaving the edges of the mat.

piug v [A; a1] 1 forcibly keep s.t. from moving. Way nakapiug sa búang nga nangísug, No one can control the violent madman. 2 keep under control. Mapiug lang nátù ang bátà kun mulatus ta, We can keep the child under control only if we whip him. pa- v [A13] allow oneself to be prevailed upon. Dílì giyud nà siya magpapiug. Gustu giyung manimawus, He can’t be prevailed upon. He wants to take revenge.

piut= pig-ut.

píward n ward in a hospital where the patient is charged, as opposed to a private room or charity ward. v [c6] stay in a pay ward.

píyad v [B; c1] for the back to become bent and, by extension, the stomach. Nagpíyad ang bukubuku sa kabáyù sa kabug-at sa íyang dala, The horse’s back sagged under the burden of his load. Ipíyad (pyára) ang ímung tiyan arun magtakdù ang bakus, Pull your stomach in so the belt will go all the way around. (→) v [A; c1] stick out the stomach. Ug ímung pyarun (ipiyad) ang ímung tiyan mu ra kag mabdus, If you stick your stomach out, you’ll look like a pregnant woman. piyadpiyad v [B46; c1] walk and writhe at the same time. Mupiyadpiyad ang magbatì, A woman that is in labor will writhe as she walks.

piyak1, píyak n cheeping sound of chicks or young birds. v [A; b3] 1 peep, cheep. Pangitáa rung pisù nga nagpiyak, Look for the chick that is peeping. 2 [A12] stand a chance to win (lit. get a chance to cheep). Wà makapiyak ang ákung singku písus nga gidúlà, I bet five pesos, but they didn’t get a chance.

piyak2 a for the stomach or flank of an animal to be thin, not full. Pasabsába ang kábaw kay piyak kaáyug tiyan, Put the carabao out to pasture because its flank is very thin. v [B] having an empty stomach.

piyal v 1 [A2] trust. Way mupiyal ánang tawhána kay bakákun, No one trusts that man because he is a liar. 2 [A; c] entrust s.t. to s.o. Ayawg ipiyal ang mga bátà sa binatunan, Don’t entrust your children to the maid. Kapyalan kaáyung tawhána, A very trustworthy person. -in-an n a person who is entrusted with a responsibility of caring for, looking after s.t.

piyangpiyang, piyangpíyang n 1 cymbal, a musical instrument which is a pair of metal concave plates that ring when struck together. 2 a lesbian (humorous metaphor). v 1 [A; b6(1)] play a cymbal. 2 [A; a12] make into cymbals. 3 [C1; b2] do lesbian acts; be a lesbian.

píyas a for s.t. which was full to be without its contents and flat and crinkled. Dì na píyas ang tiyan sa bátà nga nakakaun na, Now that the child has eaten, his stomach isn’t sunken. v 1 [B; c1] cause s.t. that was bulging to flatten out. Mapíyas ang ligid sa awtu ug way hángin, The tire of the car goes flat when there is no air. Nagpíyas ang sáku nga way sulud, The empty sack was crinkled. 2 [A; c1] split s.t. laterally or peel around the edges. Gipíyas níya ang íyang pitáka ug gipakítà ang sulud, He opened his wallet to show the contents. Gipíyas níya ang ságing nga mantikaan, She cut the bananas in half to fry them.

piyatpiyat n variation of poker with up to four players, each of which is dealt thirteen cards, which are divided into three groups, two with five cards each, and one with three cards. The players’ three different hands are pitted against each other, and the player who has two winning hands gets the pot. v [A; c] play this sort of poker.

píyu see prisyu.

píyù n k.o. edible fresh water crab about 2″ by 3″ in size.

píyuk v [B2S3; ab7P] for lamps or lights to grow dim. Nagpiyuk man ang sugà. Limpiyúhi ang túbu, Why is the light dim? Clean the chimney.

piyun, píyun n 1 common laborer, esp. the lowest-ranking. 2 pawn in chess. v [B156] be, become a common laborer. Mapíyun giyud kag dì ka mulampus, You’ll become nothing but a common laborer if you don’t succeed in your studies.

píyung v [A2S; c1] close the eyes. Pyúnga (ipíyung) ang ímung mata; unyà tag-ána ni, Close your eyes; then guess what it is. 2 [A12; b6] for one to be so good at doing s.t. he can do it with the eyes closed. Pyúngan nà nákug áyu, I can fix that with my eyes [777]closed. 3 [A; a12] close one’s eyes to s.t. bad, tolerate it. Kadtung nagpíyung sa ílang mga mata sa mga kasaypánan sad-an pud, Those who close their eyes to the irregularities are also guilty. (→) a for the eyes to be closed. tag-(→) v [B; c1] take a short nap. Mutagpiyung lang kug kadiyut, I’ll just take a short nap. Natagpiyung tingali siya kay naawahi man sa trabáhu, He must have dozed off because he was late to work.

plág n electrical plug. v = plag-in.

plag-in v [A; c] plug in an electrical plug.

plagpul n flagpole.

plagrísing n flag-raising ceremony before the day’s activities start. v [A1] hold the flag-raising ceremony.

plagritrǐt n flag retreat ceremony at the end of the day’s activities. v [A] engage in a flag retreat ceremony.

plagsirimúni n flag-raising ceremony. v [A1] hold a flag-raising ceremony.

plagsut v [B246; b8] pop out when squeezed, be propelled from a confined space when pressed. Muplagsut ang lísu ug pislítun nímu ang búnga, The seed will pop out if you squeeze the fruit. Naplagsutan siyag asíti pagbumba nákù sa tangki, When I pumped the tank, oil spurted out on her.

plahúta = plawta.

pláka n 1 phonograph record. 2 plate from which a photograph is made. 3 plaque. 4 license plate of a vehicle. v 1 [A; b] record s.t. on a phonograph record. 2 [b] use a plate in a camera. 3 [A] get, give, have a license plate.

plakul = palakul.

plamingku = palamingku.

plámir n plumber. v [B156; a12] be a plumber.

plán n custard. v [A; c] make, have custard.

planggána n wash basin.

plangganíta n small basin.

plangka n service switch, the switch on a service box used to connect or disconnect electricity to a house. v [b6] put a service switch s.w.

plangkíru n one who saws timber into planks or controls the machine doing so.

planhay a sloping gradually. Planhay ang ílang yútà dì bakilid dì sad pátag, Their land is a gradual slope. It is not steep, nor is it level. v [B; c1] slope slightly or gradually. Iplanhay (planháya) pag-atup, Make the roof at a slight slope.

planíla = praníla.

planíta n planet, esp. as a source of astrological information.

plansa = plantsa.

planta n plant, factory, powerhouse. v [A12; b6] put up a plant.

plantáda a in plain, unobstructed view. Plantáda kaáyu ang ílang balay gíkan sa iskína, You can see their house clearly from the corner. v [AB; c6] be in full view, cause s.t. to be so. Miplantáda siyag lingkud arun makit-an sa tanan, She sat where everybody could see her. Kanang munumintung nagplantáda dihà, The monument that you see there.

plantasiyun n plantation. v [A1; b6] have a plantation.

plantilya n 1 list of permanent employees. Wà ka sa plantilya kay kaswal pa ka, You are not in the roster because you are a temporary employee. 2 cut-out pattern, sheet pattern. v 1 [A; b6] make a list of employees. 2 [A; c1] make, make with a pattern. Plantilyaha (iplantilya) ning dáan nga sín, Use this old iron sheet for your patterns. Plantilyáhi ang panaptun arun sayun ra tabásun, Use a pattern on the cloth so that it will be easy to cut.

plantsa n 1 flatiron. 2 trowel. 3 crew cut. a for iron sheets to be flat and smooth. Plantsang sín ang itaptap sa lamísa, Cover the table with smooth sheets of tin. v [A; a] 1 iron s.t. Plantsáha ri day, Please iron this for me, Miss. 1a flatten out metal sheets that are corrugated or wrinkled. 2 smooth out cement. 3 [A; c1] give a crew cut. plantsahan n ironing board. -du, -wu n ironed clothes. -dur(→) n presser. v [B] become a presser. -in- n 1 s.t. ironed. 2 crew cut. plantsahun, plantsahúnun, plantsaduhun n clothes to iron.

plánu n 1 plan of s.t. constructed on a piece of ground. 2 plan, program of what one is going to do. 2a plan, intention. Wà kuy plánu paglangyaw, I have no plans to go abroad. v 1 [A; b6] make a plan of s.t. 2 [A; ab] make plans, devise a plan for s.t. Akuy muplánu sa kasal, I’ll make the wedding plans. Giplánu giyug maáyu ang pagtúlis sa bangku, The bank robbery was well planned. 2a plan, intend to do s.t.

plaríti n ribbing of a boat to which the walling is attached. v [A; b] make the ribbing for a boat.

*plas [number of English origin] [so-and-so] many points advantage. Hatágan níyag plas payib ang bangà níyang kuntra, He will give his weaker opponent a five-point advantage.

plás1 v [A; b1c] flush the toilet, flush water over an area. Iplás ang kasilyas humag gámit, Flush the toilet after using it. Giplásan [778]níya ug túhig ang húgaw sa salug sa banyu, She flushed water over the bathroom floor to get rid of the dirt. n flush mechanism.

plás2 n flash equipment of a camera. v [c6] flash news over the radio or on the screen. Ang kalit nga kamatáyun sa prisidinti sa násud giplás sa radiyu karun, The sudden death of the president was flashed over the radio now. -ing1 n 1 appearance of the characters on stage before a play begins. 2 short advertisement flashed on the screen in the movies before the show begins.

plása n plaza, a public square or market place in a city or town. v [ac] make a plaza.

plas balb n flash bulb.

plasíbu n 1 feast celebrated in the evening before All Souls’ Day where food is prepared as an offering to the departed. Originally it was unsalted and put at the altar or before a grave. It marks the end of a novena. 2 the food prepared for this occasion. 3 funeral rites preceding a burial accompanied or followed by a solemn tolling of bells. Human sa plasíbu dad-un sa mintiryu ang minatay, After the church ceremony the body will be taken to the cemetery. 3a the tolling of the bells for the dead. v [A; b] hold this feast or funeral ceremony. paN- v [A2; b6(1)] partake of this feast. Mamlasíbu ta karung gabíi sa íla, We will participate in their All Souls’ Eve celebration.

plásing2 n flashing at the edge of a roof. v [A1; c] put up the flashing at the edge of a roof.

plásis n 1 hand in mahjong consisting of only one unit: sirkuls, or bambu, or karaktir with any other combination of wind pieces (bintus) or dragons (drágun). 2 flush hand in a card game. Lúpig ang plásis sa pulháwus, A flush can’t beat a full house.

plaskíya n long, wooden straightedge of no standard length.

plasláyit n flashlight. v [A; b] shine a flashlight on, use a flashlight.

plasta, plastǎr = palastǎr.

plastik n 1 plastic. 2 plastic surgery. v [A; a] perform plastic surgery. — surdyiri n plastic surgery.

plastir n medical plaster or adhesive. — ab paris n plaster of Paris. — kast n plaster cast. v 1 [A; b6(1)] use, put a plaster to cover a wound or s.t. 2 [A; c1] apply a plaster cast to s.o.

plásu n extension, postponement of the agreed deadline, esp. of payment. v [A; b6] give an extension or postponement. Giplasúhan lang kug usa ka búlan paghátag sa bugay, I was given a month’s extension to give the bride price.

plat n garden plot. v [A; a] divide a garden into plots.

plát a 1 flat, not having depressions or elevations on it. Plát ug dughang bayhána, A flat-chested woman. 2 completely without money, penniless. Plát kaáyu ku run, I am completely broke. 3 flat tire. 3a tire without enough air. Bumbáhi pa kay plát pa, Put more air in it because it still is flat. 4 flat-heeled shoes. 5 be knocked flat. Naigù sa ákung liphuk, dà plát lagi, I hit him with my left hook and he was knocked out flat. v 1 [B] get to be flat. Maplát ang bisiklíta ug sakyan ug tambuk, The bicycle tires will get pressed down flat if a fat person rides on it. 2 [B; a] get a flat tire. Naplátan mi, maung nadúgay mi, We had a flat tire, and so we were delayed. 3 [A1] wear flat shoes, slippers. 4 [A2; a12] refuse s.o. flatly. Giplát ku níya dáyun nga wà kuy ispiransa, She told me flatly that I had no hope. — syus n flat-heeled shoes. — tayir n flat tire. — tap crew cut. v [A; c16] get a crew cut.

pláta n 1 silver. 2 silver coin. v [b] alloy s.t. with silver. búda di- see búda.

plátap = plát tap. see plát.

platapurma n 1 stage, platform. 2 platform of a political party. v [A; b6] make a stage or platform.

platik = palatik.

platínu, platínum n interruptor of an internal combustion engine.

platiríya n goldsmith shop. v [A; a] put up a goldsmith shop.

platíru n silver-, goldsmith.

platítu1 n saucer. v [a2] put a saucer or small plate.

platítu2 n k.o. ornamental bush: Polyscias scutellaria.

platnus a flat-nosed.

plátu, platun1 n general name for plates of any material, flat or deep. v [A; a2] eat from plates. hayang angsee hayang.

platun2 n platoon in the military. — lídir n platoon leader.

pláwir n 1 female genitalia (euphemism). 2 minor characters in a play, insignificant performers in a game. 3 = búlak, 2a. v 1 [A; a12] be a minor character in a play or game. Napláwir ku adtung duláa kay wà ku hipasahi, I didn’t do anything in that game because they never passed the ball to me once. 2 [A12; b6] draw a búlak in mahjong. — bis n vase. — gil n flower girl. v [B56; c16] be a flower girl. — pat n flowerpot.

plawta n flute. v 1 [AN; a] play the flute, [779]make into a flute. 2 [A23N2; a12] eat s.t. long as if playing the flute. Kusug siyang muplawta (mamlawta) ug inánag, He really eats broiled corn on the cob fast.

*play mu-(→) a = unglù (humorous—so called from the ability of the unglù to fly). kan-(→) = muplǎy.

play-awi n hair style of shoulder-length hair hanging down loosely. v [A1; c1] fix, wear the hair in this style.

playing súsir n flying saucer.

pláyir= playis.

playis n pliers. v [A; a2] use pliers.

playit n scheduled flight of an airplane. Unsang urása ang ímung playit? What time is your flight? — atindant n flight attendant.

playwit n flyweight boxer. v [B126] be in the flyweight class.

playwud n plywood. v [A1; a12] use, make s.t. of plywood.

plí1 n exclamation uttered to make a game start. Nakatágù na mu? Plí! Are you all hidden? Coming ready or not.

plí2 v [AC; ab5c2] have sexual relations (euphemism). Káda gabíi magplí sila, They have sexual intercourse every night.

plibisítu n referendum, special election over a single issue. v [A13; c] hold a referendum.

plíbul v [A23] go along s.o. else’s proposal or decision just to gain or stay in his good graces. Kay mau may íyang gustu, muplíbul lang ta, If that’s what he wants, let’s just go along with it.

plíbuy1 n short-sleeved sport shirt. v [A; a] wear, make into a sport shirt.

plíbuy2 a philanderer, one who plays around with lots of women. v [B12] be a philanderer.

plígis = pilígis.

pligráwun n 1 playground. 2 a set of activities such as dances, calisthenics, gymnastics, and the like, performed en masse on an open area. v [a2] make a playground. — dimunstrisyun = pligráwun, 2.

plígu = pilígu.

plíma n phlegm.

plimíru = primíru.

plín1 n airplane. v [A1; a1c] take, bring in an airplane. Magplín ku paingun sa Manílà, I’ll take a plane to Manila.

plín2 n cloth that is unfigured, untwilled.

plirayid n unofficial player in a game or gambling, participating as filler so that there is a full contingent of the required number of players. His scores are not counted and he cannot take part in betting. Daghan untà kug puntus apan walà ikwinta kay plirayid ra man ku, I got lots of points, but they were not counted because I just filled in. v [A] fill in to make a full contingent.

plirt a for a woman to be flirting or coquettish. v [A; b6] flirt with s.o.

plísing v [A; c] in ball games, played with a net, place the ball in a certain spot in the opponent’s side. Iplísing sa wala ang búla ug náa siya sa tuu, Place the ball in the left side if he is on the right side. a hitting in a place that is difficult to return the ball from.

plismat n placemat for putting under dishes. v [A; c] use placemats.

plít = pilígis.

plíti n 1 fare. Pilay plíti ngadtus Manílà? How much is the fare to Manila? 1a fare money. Díay ímung plíti, Here’s the money for your fare. 2 rental. v 1 [A; c] rent. Muplíti ra kug libru kay wà kuy ipalit, I’ll just rent my books because I don’t have enough money to buy them. 2 [A; c] pay the rent, fare. Siyay nagplíti nákù, He paid my fare.

plitína = pilitína.

plitnambir n vehicle plate number. walay — palm toddy which is artificially made (slang). Way plitnambir ning tubáa, magkalíbang ta íni, This is an artificial palm toddy. We’ll get diarrhea from it. v [A; b6(1)] issue a plate number to a vehicle.

plíts = pilígis.

plitsa n a four-wheeled horse-drawn carriage used in former times. v [A3; a12] ride in this sort of carriage.

plú n flu. v [B12; a4] be sick with flu. Plúhun gánì ka, pahúlay dáyun, Go immediately to bed if you get the flu.

plúhu = pulúhu.

plúma n 1 ornamental feathers. 2 fountain, or dip pen, quill. 3 the graphite in pencils. v 1 [A; b(1)] adorn s.t. with feathers. Giplumáhan ang mga kálù sa mga sundálung bitiránu, The veterans adorned their hats with feathers. 2 [A1; a12] use, write with a fountain pen or dip pen. Magplúma ta inigsulat sa átung tím, We’ll use a dip pen for writing our themes.

plumáhi n ornamental feathers. v [b] adorn s.t. with ornamental feathers.

plumíru1 n feather duster. v [A; a] dust s.t. with a feather duster, make a feather duster.

plumíru2 = plámir.

plúmu n 1 lead. Plúmu ang gihímù níyang pamatu, He used lead for his sinker. 2 washer put under nails. v [A; b6] nail s.t. with a washer. Ang lansang sa sín plumúhan arun dì mutúlù, They put washers under the roof nails to prevent it from leaking.

plur n floor, storey of a building. Unsang [780]plúra ang ímung upisína, sa pip plur? What floor is your office, on the fifth floor?

plúral upiring n flower offering put on a monument or given to a beauty queen with a ceremony. v [A1] hold such a ceremony.

plurdilis n zinnia.

pluríra n flower vase. v [A; c1] use s.t. as a flower vase.

plúris 1 = búlak, 2a. 2 — di Máyu season in the month of May when flowers are offered to the Virgin in the church. v 1 [A12; b6] draw a búlak in mahjong. 2 [A1] hold the celebration of the May flowers.

plurisin n fluorescent lamp. v [A1; b(1)] use, install a fluorescent lamp.

plurlídir n 1 floor leader in the legislature. 2 the one of a group that sleeps on the floor (humorous). Kay kúlang ug katri, ikay plurlídir, There’s not enough beds so you sleep on the floor. v 1 [B156; c16] be made the floor leader. 2 [A2B6; a12] be the one to sleep on the floor, cause one to be such.

plurwaks n floor wax. v [A; b] apply floor wax.

plút n float in a parade. v 1 [A2] ride on a float. Magplút ang rayna nga iparáda, The beauty queen will be paraded around on a float. 2 [A; a12] make s.t. into a float.

plúting n k.o. dance wherein a dancer appears to float. v [A] do this dance.

plúting rít n floating rate of currency. Ang plúting rít mauy nakapamahal sa prisyu sa mga palalítun, The floating rate is the reason prices have gone up. v [B1456] for the floating rate to be in effect.

plúwid n a cigarette lighter fluid. v [A; b] fill with lighter fluid.

prá (from pára) cry to get horses to stop: whoa.

prabir = parabir.

pragáta n frigate with sails. v [A; a12] ride, load s.t. in a frigate.

pragátus = paragátus.

pragmin n frogmen.

prak1 n formal evening gown for women. v 1 [A1; b6] wear such a frock. 2 [a12] make into a frock of this sort.

prak2, prák n onomatopoetic sound of exploding firecrackers.

prakásu v [A; a12] fail to carry out an agreement. Makasálig ka nákù kay dì ku muprakásu ug sábut, You can count on me because I do not break agreements.

prakayda = parakayda.

praktikal a practical, simple but useful. Praktikal kaáyu ang sinínang dastir pára sa balay, A duster is a very practical dress to wear in the house. v [c1] do s.t. in a practical way.

praktis v 1 [A; a2] rehearse, train s.o. Akuy mupraktis sa mga bátà ug kanta, I’ll train the children how to sing. 2 practice, rehearse. Magpraktis ta sa átung drama, Let’s practice our drama. 3 [A; b6] practice one’s profession. Mupraktis kug makapasar ku sa bár, I will practice law if I pass the bar. n practice or rehearsal. Lisdan ku magkinatsilà kay wà na kuy praktis, I have a hard time speaking Spanish because I don’t have practice. walay — 1 unskilled (as if lacking practice). 2 rough, accustomed to inflicting pain (derived from the sarcastic usage where s.o. good in fighting refers to himself as walay praktis ‘unpracticed’). Makatilaw ka giyud íning kúmù kung way praktis, If you don’t watch out, I’ll smack you one with my ‘unpracticed’ fists. — titsing n practice teaching. v [A; b(1)] do practice teaching. praktisádu a 1 proficient from having practiced. Praktisádu nà siya sa karáti, He is proficient in karate. 2 brawny due to constant body-building. v [B126] be, become well-practiced or trained in s.t.

prákul = palakul.

prangha v [A1; c] decorate; dress up smartly, esp. with jewels. Dílì musimba nang tigulánga ug dílì makaprangha, The old woman never goes to church without her jewels. Pranghái ang sakyanan sa bag-ung kinasal, Decorate the automobile of the newly-weds.

prangka a frank, saying exactly what one thinks. Prangka pud kaáyu nímu, How very frank of you! v [A; c1] tell s.o. frankly. Ákù siyang giprangkáhan nga wà kuy gustu níya, I told him frankly that I don’t like him.

prangkísa n franchise.

prangkisíya n franchise.

prangkíyu n postage stamp. v [A; b6(1)] put a postage stamp on s.t. Giúlì ang sulat kay wà kaprangkiyúhi, The letter was returned because they didn’t put stamps on it.

prangku1 n day off. Dílì siya mutrabáhu karun kay prangku man níya, He will not go to work today because it is his day off. v [A2] take a day off from work. Muprangku ku sa trabáhu ugmà kay magpagíkan ku sa ákung anak, I’ll take the day off tomorrow because I’ll see my child off at the airport.

prangku2 = prangka.

praníla n flannel. v [A; b6] wear, make of flannel.

pransis n an elongated loaf of bread with pointed tips and a cut at the center. [781]

Pransiya n France.

prantáda = plantáda.

prantsit = prunsit.

prásis v [A; a2] process papers or documents. Madúgay pang prasísun ang mga papílis, It will take time to get your papers processed. -ing(→) 1 preparation of s.t. 2 processing of papers.

prasku n tall wine bottle with four sides, holding more than a liter. v [c16] put s.t. into a bottle of this sort.

prawud a 1 proud and arrogant. Prawud kaáyu nà sila ábi sapían man, They are arrogant just because they have money. 2 proud of s.t. Prawud kaáyu ang ginikánan sa balidikturyan, The valedictorian’s parents were mighty proud. v [B12] 1 become proud and arrogant. 2 become proud.

praybasi n privacy from view. Dì ku malígù dinhi kay way praybasi, I won’t take a bath here because there’s no privacy.

praybit n 1 private, not for public use. Praybit dyíp, Private jeep, not used for public transportation. 1a private, not publicly maintained. — iskul private school. — rud road maintained by the owner. 1b private, for the exclusive use of s.o. or a group. — nars private nurse. — rum private room in a hospital. 2 private rank in the military. v [B156; c1] be a private enlisted man. Magpraybit lang ku, I’ll content myself with being a private.

prayid rayis n fried rice. v [A; a] make, have fried rice. Prayid raysa ang kan-un, Make fried rice of the food (rice).

prayid tsíkin n fried chicken. v [A; a] make, have fried chicken.

prayli n Spanish priest that is a member of a religious order. v [B156; a12] become a Spanish friar.

praymari see primarya.

pri = pari. see pári.

prí a 1 free to do as one likes. 2 without cost or free. Kining tanan gihátag kanímung prí, All these things are given free to you. Prí ka sa pagkáun, You don’t have to pay for your food. 2 in a game, free to make a shot unhindered. v 1 [A; a1] allow s.o. to do s.t. free. 2 [B1256; b(1)] get a chance to take a shot unhindered.

pribáda, pribádu a private, not for public use or not financed by the government. Dì nà dihà pasudlan kay pribádu, You cannot go in there because it is private. v [B1256; c1] become private.

pribilids 1 = isplǐt2. 2 — ispits privilege speech allowed to a member of Congress during its session.

pribilihiyu n privilege. v [A12] enjoy a privilege. Tagsa ray táwung makapribilihiyu ug sáma sa átung naangkun karun, It’s rare for a person to get privileges of the sort we are enjoying now.

pribinir v [A; b6(1)] set s.t. aside for a purpose. Nakapribinir ka nag kwarta pára sa ímung pagpanganak? Have you set anything aside for your delivery? Pribinihi kug dagkung púsù pára binhì, Set some big ears of corn aside for me for seedlings. pribinídu n s.t. set aside. Pribinídu ning pagkaúna pára sa kasíra, This food has been set aside for the boarder.

pribyu n a showing of a movie before its normal run. v [A; c6] see a preview showing of a movie. Mga kadagkúan sa punduk sibiku mauy mupribyu niánang salidáha, The heads of civic organizations will preview that movie.

prídi n a k.o. popular dance. v [A] do this dance.

pridikar v [A; c] preach the gospel. Mupridikar ang Murmun bísag lingiwlingíwan, The Mormons preach even if no one listens to them.

pridiktǎr v [A; a2b2] foretell, predict. Íyang hingpridiktahan ang súnug sa wà pa mahitabù, He predicted the fire before it happened.

pridyidir n refrigerator. v 1 [A] use, own a frigidaire. 2 [A; c] put s.t. in a frigidaire. Maprisirbǎr ang pagkáun ug ipridyidir, Food keeps in the frigidaire.

prigunta v [A; ac] ask s.o. a question, inquire. Priguntahun ka gánì, sulti sa tinúud, If they question you, tell the truth. Unsa pay inyung iprigunta? What else will you ask? n question.

príhu = paríhu.

prilansir n free-lancer. v [B156] be a free-lancer.

prílim n preliminary exam in school. v [A1] have a prelim. Magprílim ta karun tápus sa búlan, We will have our prelims at the end of this month.

priliminári n preliminary games or bouts in boxing, prior to the main event.

prilimináris = priliminári (plural).

príma = prímu (female).

primarya n primary grades, from grades one to four. v [A] study on the primary level.

primatiyur a premature in birth. v [B126; b4(1)] have a premature delivery, be prematurely born. Iingkiyubítur ang bátang maprimatiyur, They put premature babies in the incubator.

prí mid n 1 pre-medical course leading to a [782]B.S. degree. 2 girl who is just a servant (humorous). Mangasáwa ka lag usa ka pri mid nga prupisyunal ka man? You want to marry a mere maid when you work at a profession? v [B156] be a pre-medical student.

*primir short for primíru — grádu first grade. — kumuniyun first communion. v [A; c] take first communion. — ministru n prime minister. v [B56; c1] be, become a prime minister.

primíra a first. — dáma n 1 First Lady, wife of the highest official. 2 a beauty princess next in rank to the reigning beauty queen. — klási first class. n first gear in an automotive transmission. v [A; c1] put into first gear. — kumuniyun n first communion. v [A; c] have one’s first communion. di- klási, marka n of the first rank in s.t. bad, number one. Palaaway siyang diprimíra marka, She is number one when it comes to picking fights.

primíru n 1 first, firstly. Daghan kug balayran: primíru, ang iskuylahan, sunud, ang kasíra, I have lots of payments to make: first, the school, then, my board. 1a — nga [verb] the first one that did, had [so-and-so] happen to it. Ang primírung makakità níya, The first one to see him. Ang primírung masakpan, The first one caught. 2 first day of a month. Prímiru sa Marsu, The first of March. — anyu first year of college or high school. — grádu first grade. — upisiyal chief mate on a boat. v [B56] be, become first. Nagprimíru na ang Marsu ug wà pa si Makuy, Here it is the first of March, and Macoy still hasn’t come.†

primisyas n celebration in thanksgiving for success attained or safe recovery from a disastrous event or illness. v [A13; b] give thanks with some sort of celebration. Nagprimisyas kay nakadaug siyas iliksiyun, He is celebrating because he won the election. paN- n s.t. to celebrate a thanksgiving with. v [c] celebrate a thanksgiving with.

prímu n male first cousin. v 1 [A12; b8] have a male cousin. 2 [AC2; a] call s.o. ‘cousin’. (→) vocative.

primyu n reward, prize, or premium. v 1 [A; c] give a reward, prize, premium. Muprimyu ku sa makasalbǎr sa ákung anak, I’ll give a reward to whoever rescues my child. 2 [A12; b] get a reward. Nakaprimyu (naprimyuhan) siyag radiyu, She got a radio as her prize.

prinátal n prenatal care. v [A; b5] give prenatal care.

prinda n 1 mortgage of land whereby the mortgagee uses the land in lieu of interest. 2 mortgage or pawn in general. — indúnu see indúnu. — pálit a mortgage where the mortgagee has the option to buy the thing mortgaged. v [A; c] mortgage, pawn s.t. Nakaprinda siyag yútà tungud sa madyung, He mortgaged a lot to pay for his mahjong debts. Iprinda ring rilu sa ahinsiya, Pawn this watch to the pawnshop. prindahánan n pawnshop. -du, -in-, pinirinda n s.t. pawned.

prinsa1 n 1 printing press or a printing establishment. 2 the press: newspapers, magazines in general or the persons who write for them. Kagawásan sa prinsa, Freedom of the press.

prinsa2 n plant for pressing abaca hemp into bales. v [A; c1] press abaca hemp into bales.

prinsipal1 n 1 principal in a school. 2 lead role in a drama. 3 instrument that plays the lead, person who plays a lead instrument. v [B156; a2c1] be a school principal, player of a lead role, lead instrument in a band.

prinsipal2 n 1 capital invested. Ígù ra kung nakabawì sa prinsipal, I barely recovered the capital. 2 amount of money for a large expense. Wà silay prinsipal nga ipatunghà námù, They have no funds to send us to school. v 1 [A12] obtain capital. Magnigusyu ku kun makaprinsipal, I will go into business if I can secure capital. 2 [A; a] provide capital. Láway ray giprinsipal námù, All we could capitalize on was our gift for words (lit. spit). Prinsipali ug dus míl, Provide two thousand pesos capital.

prinsipi n 1 prince. 2 preeminent person in a class or group. Si Pirnandu Pu mau ang prinsipi sa pilikulang Pilipínu, Fernando Poe is the prince of the Philippine film. v 1 [B156; a2] be, become a prince. 2 [A12] get a prince (as offspring). — digális n 1 the Prince of Wales. 2 a man who is handsomely and smartly dressed.

prinsipyu n principle, rules of conduct adhered to by persons of right conduct.

prinsísa n princess. v [B156; a2] be a princess. prinsisíta n little, young princess, esp. in festivities where people chosen as royalty take part in the program. v [B156; a2] be made a little princess.

prinsis kat n princess cut, a one-piece, close-fitting women’s garment, gored and unbroken at the waistline. v [A; c1] wear, make into a princess cut dress.

prinspus n the prince post supporting a roof.

printing pris n printing press.

prínu n brakes. v [A2; b6(1)] 1 put on the brakes. Prinúhi ang dyíp ug buut kang mupahúnung, Apply the brakes if you want to [783]stop. 2 restrain one’s actions or movements. Ayawg húnung apan prinúhi lang ang ínum, Don’t stop but put a limit to your drinking.

prípab n pre-fabricated building. v [A; c1] build a pre-fabricated building. Pripábun (iprípab) na ang mga bag-ung iskuylahan karun, The schools are all going to be pre-fabs.

priparar v [A; a] 1 prepare, get s.t. ready. Priparaha ang pagkáun sa bisíta, Prepare the food for the visitors. 2 [A] hold a feast. Magpriparar giyud mig adlaw nákù, We always hold a dinner party on my birthday. priparádu a prepared. Priparádu na mi kaáyu pára sa byáhi, We are all prepared for the trip. v [B1256] get prepared. priparasiyun n 1 preparation. Kining duláa nagkinahanglan maáyung priparasiyun, This play requires a lot of preparation. 2 preparations for a banquet. 3 in billiards, shooting the cue ball in such a manner that it knocks the target ball into the pocket and at the same time is in perfect position to hit the next target ball. Hináya lang pagtíra ang utsu arun priparasiyun sa nuybi, Hit the number eight ball lightly so that the cue ball will be in vantage position for hitting the number nine. v [A12; b6] = priparar, 2.

priparatúri a preparatory course preparing for a higher course.

pris n press. Miguwà sa pris ang maung balità, The news came out in the press.

prís n freeze, a game of statue telling the players not to move. v [AB; c1] freeze s.t., get frozen. Maáyu kaáyung muprís ang ámung pridyidir, Our frigidaire makes ice well. Wà pa maprís ang ayisdrap, The popsicles haven’t frozen yet.

Pris. abbreviation for prisidinti.

prisidinsiya n town hall.

prisidinsiyal a presidential. — tíbul n presidential table where the honored guests are seated.

prisidint = prisidinti.

prisidinta = prisidinti (female).

prisidinti n president. v [B156; a] be a president.

prisidiyu1 v [A; a12] put to hard labor, make s.o. do heavy work. Makamau giyung muprisidiyu nang bayhána sa íyang mga suluguun, That woman certainly knows how to make her servants do heavy work. Prisidiyuhun ka giyud sa kalabúsu ug hisakpan kang mangáwat, You’ll be sentenced to hard labor in prison if you are caught stealing.

prisidiyu2, prisidiyum n a local chapter of the Legion of Mary.

prisintabli a suitable for presentation. Dì prisintabli ning sinináa, This dress is not presentable. v [B12; c1] be presentable.

prisintǎr v [A; c] 1 present oneself for a job or to help do s.t. Dúnay miprisintǎr pagkasuluguun, A girl came to apply as maid. Way usa ninyu nga miprisintǎr paglampásu, Not one of you came forward to volunteer to polish the floor. 2 present an idea or a person. Iprisintǎr nang ímung mga idíya sa kadaghánan, Present your ideas to the public. prisintáda = prisintádu (female). prisintádu a speaking when not spoken to, offering one’s services unasked. Prisintádu siyang mutábang apan way nahímù, He is great in volunteering his services, but what has he ever accomplished? Ngánung mutubag ka mang dì ikay gipangutána? Prisintádu kaáyu ka, Why do you answer when I didn’t ask you? You’re very forward. v [B126] become rash to offer one’s services, forward in speaking.

prisintu n 1 precinct for election purposes. 2 a polling place. 3 police precinct. v [a2] make into a polling place, police precinct.

prísir n freezer. v [A; c1] put in a freezer.

prisirb v [A; c1] preserve food in jars. n preserves.

prisirbing dyar n jar for preserves.

prisiyun n 1 blood pressure. 2 prison sentence handed down by a court. v 1 [A] have [such-and-such] blood pressure. Miprisiyun siyag mubù, He had low blood pressure. 2 [A; c] mete out a prison sentence. Kamatáyun ang prisiyun sa manlulugus, The rapist was sentenced to death. alta — n high blood pressure. v [A123P; a4] have high blood pressure.

priska = prisku, a2, v2 (female). litsi — n fresh milk. Mas lamì ang litsi priska kay sa linata, Fresh milk tastes better than canned milk.

priskráyib v [A; c] prescribe medicine. Mau ning tambála ang gipriskráyib sa duktǔr, This is the medicine the doctor prescribed.

priskripsiyun n doctor’s prescription. v [c] give a prescription. Gipriskripsiyunan ka ba sa duktǔr? Did the doctor give you a prescription?

prisku a 1 fresh. 1a not spoiled or stale. 1b fresh air. Prisku nga hángin, Fresh air. 1c fresh in feeling. 2 fresh in behavior. Prisku nà siyang manubagtubag, He answers in a fresh way. v 1 [B26] be, become fresh. Muprisku (maprisku) ang átung památì human malígù, We feel fresh and vigorous after we take a bath. 2 [B1; b6] be, become rude or ill-mannered.

pristihiyu n prestige. [784]

prísu n prisoner. v 1 [A3P; a2] put in jail. Unsang saláay nakaprísu (nakapaprísu) nímu? What crime did you commit that you went to jail? Prisúha ang nakapatay, Send the murderer to jail. 2 [AB16] confine, be confined. Siyay nagprísu sa bábuy sa álad, She locked the pig in the pen. Nagprísu siya sa kwartu tibuuk adlaw, She locked herself in her room the whole day. Naprísu ang mga isdà sa bungsud, The fishes got caught in the fish corral. — kabalyíru n 1 trustee in a prison. 2 person under house arrest. prisuhan n jail.

prisupwistu n money or goods allocated for a certain purpose. Dakù ra ang prisupwistu álang sa dipartamintu sa dipinsa nasyunal, The department of defense gets much too large an allocation. v [A; c] allocate money or goods for s.t. Kinahanglan magprisupwistu álang sa katigulangun, It is necessary to set s.t. aside for one’s old age.

prisyat n 1 foul shot in basketball. 2 free shot for a photograph. Ang síkan prayis dúnay prisyat gíkan sa Bínus Istudyu, The second prize winner receives a free shot from Venus Studios. v [A; c] make a foul shot.

prisyu n price. a high-priced. Prisyu kaáyu ang isdà karun kay nihit man, Fish is high-priced today because it is scarce. v 1 [AB456; c] set a price on s.t., have a price. Ug muprisyug barátu palita, If it is priced cheap, buy it. Dì ku makaprisyu ug ubus pa niánà, I can’t give a lower price. Mahal ra tung ímung giprisyu nákù, The price you quoted me was a bit high. 2 [A12; b] get s.t. for a certain price. Wà ku makaprisyu (maprisyuhi) ug barátu niánà, I couldn’t get a low price on that. — píhu, píyu fixed price. pa- v [A] for a woman to conduct herself as if she were very high class in order to make a good marriage. Ug magpaprisyu, lagmit dì ka mahálin, If you set a high price on yourself, no one is going to buy you.

pritindǐr v [A; c] show s.t. off. Gipritindihan ku níya sa íyang mga pundang binurdáhan, She showed her embroidered pillow cases off to me. Ipritindǐr ang maáyu, itágù ang dautan, Show off the good; hide the bad.

pritru = prisyat, n1, v.

prítu v [A; a] cook s.t. in deep fat. Pritúhun (iprítu) ta ang ságing, Let’s cook the bananas in deep fat. n fried food. -in- = prítu, n.

príwar n pre-war, from before World War II.

príward n free ward in a hospital. v [A13; c] stay, put in a free ward.

príwur = príwar.

prubar v 1 [A; bc] try s.t. out. Muprubar kug hímù ánang risipíha, I’ll try making that recipe. Ákù siyang giprubahan (giprubaran) ug musugut ba, I only tried her out to see if she would give in to me. Prubahan ka lang ug makaapas ka sa trabáhu, I’ll try you out to see if you can do the job. Iprubar lang nag haum ug masúd ba, Try putting it in and see if it fits. 2 [A; c6] prove s.t. Dì ku makaprubar sa ákung tyuríya, I can’t prove my theory.

prubidinsiya n Divine Providence.

prubinsiya n 1 province, a political division of a country. 2 area not in the big city. Daghang tagaprubinsiya muiskuyla sa Sugbu, Lots of people from the province come to Cebu to study. v [B126; a12] be a province, be made into a province. -na = prubinsiyánu (female). -nu, -nhun n 1 from the rural areas. 2 like s.o. from the rural areas, bumpkin. v [B12; c1] become like one from the country. -l a provincial, on the provincial level. Bilangguang prubinsiyal, Provincial jail.

prubinsyal a provincial, on the provincial level (used only in set phrases from English). — burd n provincial board. — dyil Provincial jail.

prubisung n school supervisor (humorous).

prubisyun n clause in a contract, provision of a law.

prubisyunal a temporary. Prubisyunal lang ning kural tang kawáyan. Átù unyà ning ihalublak kun makakwarta ta, This bamboo fence is just temporary. We’ll replace it with hollow blocks when we can afford it. v [c] have s.t. temporary. Prubisyunali lang nag atup myintras tantu, Just put up temporary roofing for the time being.

prubitsǎr v [A; a] avail oneself of some benefit that presents itself on occasion. Kami ang nagprubitsǎr sa íyang balay samtang wà siya dinhi, We availed ourselves of his house while he was gone. Prubitsahi siyag súgù samtang nía pa siya, Use him for your errands while he is still here. prubitsáwu a useful. Karáan túud nig dagway, apan prubitsáwu kaáyu ni kanákù, It looks old, but it is useful to me.

prubitsu v = prubitsǎr. n use that can be made of s.t. Way prubitsung pagkatáwu ang tapulan, A lazy person is useless. Unsay prubitsu ánang gubà na man? Of what use is that since it is broken?

prublíma n problem. Ímu nang prublíma. Sunud ayaw na pangútang, That’s your problem. From now on, don’t borrow money. Daghang prublíma ang migawas sa pasúlit, Many problems came out in the exams. [785]a being a problem. Prublíma kaáyung anáka kay buluyágun, That child is a terrible problem because he is mischievous. v [B12; a12] get to be a problem. Nagkaprublíma na ning ákung alap-ap, My rash is turning into a real problem.

pruduksiyun n 1 yield, output. Gamay ra ang pruduksiyun sa pabrika sa kámay, The sugar refinery has a small output. 2 stage or movie production.

pruduktu n 1 product, output, yield. Dakug pruduktu ang ámung yútà, Our lands have a high yield. Ang pruduktu niíning pabrikáha, The products of this factory. 1a item of manufacture. Ang kinabag-uhang pruduktu muabut niíning lugára, The latest products reach this place. 2 one’s children (humorous). Duha nay ílang pruduktu, They have two kids now. v 1 [A; b6] yield, have [so-and-so great] an output. Nakapruduktu na ning anáya ug kinyintus písus, This sow has yielded five hundred pesos (worth of piglets). 2 [A12; b8] have children (colloquial).

prudyúsir n producer of a play or movie. v [B156; a12] be, become a movie producer.

prugram = prugráma, n1, v1.

prugráma n 1 program of entertainment or ceremony. 2 program listing the details of an entertainment. Naimprinta na ang prugráma, The program has been printed. 3 plans. Ang prugráma sa gubyirnu sa panguma, The government’s agricultural program. v 1 [A; c] have a program. 2 [A1] make out a written program. Magprugráma pa ku sa tulumanun sa pista, I’ll make out the program of the events during the fiesta.

prugrisista n a short-lived third party of the nineteen sixties, the Progressive Party of the Philippines, or a member thereof. v [B156] be a PPP member.

prugrísu n improvement from a state, condition, or station. Way prugrísu ang átung lungsud kay naghítak ang pamulitiku, The town never makes progress because everything is politics.

pruhibir v [A; a2] prohibit s.o. from doing s.t. Dì ku mupruhibir ug unsay ímung buhátun, I won’t stop you from doing what you want.

pruklamar v [A; c] announce s.t. officially. Ang mayur mauy mupruklamar sa rayna, The mayor will proclaim the beauty queen. Wà ipruklamar nga pista upisiyal ugmà, Tomorrow hasn’t been proclaimed a public holiday. pruklamasiyun n proclamation, s.t. announced officially. v [A; b6] hold a program to proclaim s.t. Magpruklamasiyun sa rayna rung gabíi, The queen will be proclaimed in a program tonight.

prumininti a of high standing in society. v [B126] be, become of prominent social standing. Naprumininti sila tungud sa ílang pagkasapían, They become prominent because of their wealth.

prumísa n promise relating to s.t. important, not trivial. v [A; c] make a solemn promise. Iprumísa nákù Ginúu ug buháyun ku nímu, I promise, Lord, if you prolong my life ...

prumusyun n promotion to a higher position. Wà nà siya maapil sa prumusyun, He was passed over for promotion. v [A1; b8] promote s.o. to a higher position.

prumusyun síl, prumusyunal síl n special sale to promote products. v [A1; c6] hold such a sale.

prumut v [A; c6] promote to a higher position in a job or grade. Kinsa guy nagprumut ánang buluk? Who promoted that stupid child? -id(←) v [a3] be promoted to a higher grade or position. Maprumútid (maprumut) ka pagkapurman, You will get promoted to foreman.

prumútir n boxing promoter. v [B16; a2] be a boxing promoter.

prunáwuns v [A; a12] pronounce s.t. articulately. Dílì siya makaprunáwuns ug ip, She can’t pronounce an f.

prunsit, pruntsit n front seat. v [AP; c6P] sit, put in the front seat. Dì ku mupruntsit (mupapruntsit) ug lingkud sa trák, I won’t sit in the front seat of the bus. Ipruntsit (ipaprunsit) pagsakay ang bátà, Let the child sit on the front seat. bísag maulahi basta — don’t mind being the last (to get on) as long as I get the front seat—said of an old maid that gets married late but makes a good marriage or a person that eats last but gets the best.

pruntu a on time, punctual. Pruntu kanúnay ang ámung swildu, Our salary is always on time. v [A2; c1] do s.t. on time, promptly. Kasab-an ka giyug dì ka mupruntu pagtambung sa upisína, They’ll surely call your attention to it if you don’t report to the office on time.

pruntun n fronton for jai alai.

prunumbri n pronoun.

prup n galley proof or proof of photos. v [b6] make proofs. Prúpi ang ritrátu arun mi makapílì, Make proofs of the pictures so that we can make a choice.

prupidad = prupyidad.

prupaganda n 1 propaganda. 2 advertisement over the radio or in the form of leaflets or billboards. Prupaganda sa sini, Leaflets advertising the movie. v [A; c] 1 spread propaganda. [786]2 advertise. Dì ta makaprupaganda sa radiyu ug way báyad, We can’t advertise free over the radio. Ayaw ug iprupaganda ang ímung pagkaignuranti, Don’t advertise your ignorance. prupagandista n one who disseminates propaganda or advertisements. v [B156; a12] be, become a propagandist.

prupagar v [A1; c6] display, show off for all the world to see. Nagprupagar sila sa ílang kaadunáhan, They are showing off their wealth. Kun mau nay ímung buhátun magprupagar ka lang sa ímung kaignuy, If you do that, you will just be displaying your ignorance.

prupisiyun n profession. v [a12] study s.t. as a profession. -al n 1 one who is trained for a profession. Prupisyunal na ang ákung mga anak, My children are all trained for a profession. 2 professional in some field. Prupisyunal nga kantúra, Professional singer. v [B156] become a professional s.t. or a person who has been trained for a profession.

prupisur n 1 teacher at an institution of higher learning. 2 music or art teacher. v [B156; c1] become a college, music, or art teacher.

prupisúra = prupisur (female).

prupíta n prophet. v [B1256] be, become a prophet.

prupitaryu n one who owns a landed estate. v [A13] be an estate owner. Ug magprupitaryu ka, dakù na pud ang buhis, If you are a landowner, you also have a big tax.

prupursiyun n 1 well-proportioned. Prupursiyun kaáyu ang ímung láwas, You have a well-proportioned body. 2 mixture, ratio of constituent ingredients. Pilay prupursiyun sa balas ug simintu? What is the ratio of sand to cement? v [B; c1] become well-proportioned.

prupusisiyun n proposition, proposal. Ang prupusisiyun nga bahínun ang Sibu ángay tun-an, They should study the proposal to divide Cebu.

prupyidad n real and personal property.

prúsa n prose.

prusikusiyun n the prosecution in a criminal case. Pruyba nga gipakítà sa prusikusiyun, Evidence offered by the prosecution.

prusisiyun, prusisyun n religious procession. Bísag unsa kataas sa prusisyun, mupaúlì giyud sa simbahan, No matter how long the procession, it always winds up back at the church,—i.e. no matter how far the husband wanders, he returns home. v [A; c] 1 hold a procession. 2 go s.w. in a long line, as if in a procession.

pruspik n prospective customer or candidate. Gilista sa ahinti ang gituúhan níyang pruspik, The agent listed his prospective customers. Gwápa ang íyang pruspik, He is eyeing a beautiful girl. v 1 [A; a2] prospect for minerals. Nagpruspik silag buláwan, They are prospecting for gold. 2 [A12; a3] get as a prospect, make a prospect out of s.o. Básig makapruspik ta níla sa pagpalit ug insiyúrans, We might get them as prospective customers for insurance.

pruspiktus n prospectus of a school.

pruspirar v [A23] prosper. Wà mupruspirar ang ílang láraw, Their plans did not prosper.

prusúsu = *pursúsu.

prutagunista n 1 protagonist in a story. 2 opponents in an election. v 1 [B156; c1] be, become a protagonist. 2 [C] be opponents in an election. Nagprutagunista ang duha ka magsúun pagkamayur, The two brothers were opponents in the race for mayor.

prútas n fruit. v [A] eat, have fruits.

prutihir v [A; b(1)] protect. Átung prutihian ang átung katungud, We will protect our rights. prutihídu a s.o. or s.t. protected. Ang mga táwu prutihídu sa batakang baláud, The people are protected by the Constitution. v [b6] be protected by. Ang mga ismaglir giprutihidúan sa mga pulitiku, Smugglers are protected by politicians.

prutiksiyun n protection. v [A; b6(1)] give protection. Prutiksiyuni ang ímung mata sa sulaw sa adlaw, Protect your eyes from the glare of the sun.

prutína n protein. Tugub sa prutína ang karni sa báka, Beef is rich in protein.

prutíra n fruit bowl. v [A; c1] use, place s.t. on the fruit tray.

prutista v [A; b3c] protest against, make an objection to s.t. Ang mga Libiral miprutista sa iliksiyun, The Liberals protested the election results. Wà kuy ikaprutista sa bag-ung riglamintu, I have no objections to make against the new regulation. n action of protesting. Prutista sa hukum, Protest against the decision.

prutistanti n Protestant church or a member thereof. v [B6; a12] be, become a protestant.

prut kik n fruit cake. v [A; a] make, have fruit cake.

prúwa n prow, the forward part of a ship or boat. v 1 [A; a] make a prow of the ship. 2 [c6] put at the prow. Iprúwa pagbutang ang mga karga, Put the cargoes at the prow.

pruyba n 1 proof tending to establish the truth of s.t. 2 galley proof or proof of a photo. v 1 [A; a1] prove s.t. true, use s.t. as proof. Pruybáhun ku nà arun ka maprísu, [787]I’ll prove it to get you put in jail. Kining sundánga ipruyba sa pagbunù, Show this bolo as proof of the murder. 2 [A; c1] make galley proofs or proofs for photographs. 3 [A; b5] proofread. Magpruyba pa ku sa katapúsang pahina, I still have to proofread the last page.

pruyiktu n project, a proposal to do s.t. v [A; c1] make a project. Nagpruyiktu sila pagpanindut sa plása, They have a project to beautify the plaza.

P.S. see píis.

P.S.K. abbreviation for pahúlay sa kalínaw ‘rest in peace’, engraved on tombstones.

pū́ = púlu2.

= pulù.

pū̂ = púlù.

púan = pul-an. see púlu2.

puángud n compassion, tender regards. Tungud sa puángud sa Mahal nga Birhin, Through the compassion of the Blessed Virgin. Pirmi siya nga gidagmálan sa íyang walay puángud nga inaína, She was constantly maltreated by her merciless stepmother. mapuangúrun a 1 compassionate, tender. Mapuangúrung kasingkásing, Compassionate heart. 2 patient, bearing with others’ faults. Mapuangúrung kalabaw, The patient water buffalo.

púas walay — there’s no end or stopping. Walay púas ug ági ang mga trák tibuuk gabíi, The trucks kept coming by without end, the whole night through.

puása n 1 fasting. 1a abstinence from anything. 2 a day or period of fasting. v [A; b3] 1 fast. Magpuása ku sa Simána Santa, I’ll fast during Holy Week. 1a abstain from anything. Mupuása únà ku sa paghilabut sa ákung asáwa, I’ll abstain from having relations with my wife. ting- n day or period of fasting.

púay v 1 [B6; b5] spill over, overflow. Mipúay ang bínu sa kupíta, The wine spilled over the goblet. 2 [B; a1] sag, droop listlessly. Nagpúay ang búlak sa pláwir bis kay way túbig, The flowers in the vase drooped for lack of water. puaypuay, puaypúay v [BN] filled to overflowing; bursting at the seams. Namuaypúay ka na sa katambuk, You’re bursting at the seams, you’re so fat. Mga bátà ang nakapuaypúay sa dyíp, The children filled the jeep to its seams.

publasiyun n 1 town proper, the place in a town where there is a concentration of houses. 2 town as a political unit. v 1 [a12] make into the town proper. 2 [B; a12] be, become a town. Publasyunun na ang ámung baryu, Our village will be made into a town.

publikar v [A; c] 1 make known to the public. Gipublikar sa radiyu ang kadaúgan, The victory was announced over the radio. Gipublikar na ang risulta sa bár, The results of the bar examination have been published. 2 publish s.t. Ámung imprinta ang mupublikar sa ílang piryudiku, Our printing press will publish their newspaper. publikadur n publisher. v [B156; a12] be a publisher. publikasiyun n publication.

publiku n 1 public. Makiglantúgì ku nímu sa publiku, I want to debate you in public. 1a public, not private. Salakyanan nga (sa) publiku, Public transportation. 2 audience. v 1 [B1256; c1] be, become s.t. for public use. Napubliku na ang ílang bumba tungud sa kadaghang mugámit, Their water pump has become public property since so many people use it. 2 [A12; a3] have an audience; be an audience. Nakapubliku siyag ubay-ubay, She drew a large audience.

publisidad n publicity. Kinahanglan ang publisidad sa dráma, We need publicity for the play.

pubri a 1 poor, not having money. Pubri apan ligdung, Poor but honest. 2 poor, unfortunate. Pubring mga ílu, Poor orphans. v [APB12; a12] make s.o. poor; become poor. Súgal mauy nagpubri (nagpapubri) námù, Gambling made us poor. mata — see mata. -ng káhuy n k.o. shrub with fleshy, green, smooth branches but no leaves: Euphorbia tirucalli. pubrihun a destined to be poor. Taas nang adlaw, natúlug gihápun. Mau nang táwung pubrihun, He’s still asleep even at this hour. That’s the way it is with people who are destined to be poor. -síta a poor little thing (female). Pubrisíta intáwun ang bátà nga gilábay sa gáhung, The poor little thing was thrown into the pit. Kapubrisíta sa mga pisù nga inyung gikúhà, You took the poor little birdlings. -sítu = pubrisíta (male).

pud = upud.

pū́d = púlud.

puday = puray.

púding n pudding. v [A; a] make, have pudding.

pudir n 1 rights one has over another person to regulate or order him. Ang kumandanti may pudir sa pagdisiplína sa mga kadíti, The commander has the right to discipline the cadets. Agálun ku apan wà kuy pudir pagpugung sa íyang kwarta, I am her boss, but I have no right to hold her money back. 1a place one has control or rights over. But-an ba ku nímu sa ákung pudir? You dare to order me around in my own house? Kay [788]miláyas kas ákung pudir, dì ku manggilábut nímu, You left my house so I have nothing more to do with you. Karun kay midaug tas piliay, náa na tas pudir, Now that we won the election, we are in power. -úsu a powerful, influential. Ang mga Duránu pudirúsu kaáyus pulitika, The Duranos are very powerful in politics. túdu -úsu n all powerful, almighty. Ilikay kami sa kadaútan, Diyus nga túdu pudirúsu, God Almighty, deliver us from evil. v [B12] be, become powerful.

pud kuluring n food coloring.

pudlung v [A; a1] destroy plants completely, uprooting everything. Kainginíru ang nagpudlung sa lasang, The slash and burn cultivators destroyed the forest. Pudlunga ang mga balágun nga mikáput sa atup, Get rid of the vines that are growing over the roof.

pudlus1 v 1 [A2; b6] run away fast from s.t. usually in a temper tantrum. Mipudlus siya pagkakità sa dintista, She fled when she saw the dentist. 2 [A] for animals that are tied to run about restlessly in excitement. Mupudlus ning ákung túru ug makakitag bayi, The bull that is tied keeps running back and forth when it sees a female.

pudlus2 n clothesline. v 1 [A; a2] make a clothesline. 2 [A; c] hang up on the clothesline. Ayaw nà ihayhay sa kural. Ipudlus giyud, Don’t hang it over the fence. Put it over the line.

pudlus3 v [A; ab2] beat or whip vigorously. Ang táwung nagkastígu sa íyang anak mu rag nagpudlus ug bitin, The man is beating his child as if he were clubbing a snake. n s.t. to beat s.o. with.

pudngan n k.o. bird, the yellow-breasted fruit dove: Ptilinopus occipitalis.

pudpud1 v 1 [APB1; a12] wear down or decay at the ends or tips, become so. Dulsi ang nagpudpud (nagpapudpud) sa íyang ngípun, Her teeth decayed from all the candy. Nagkapudpud ang halígi sa ulan ug ínit, The post is getting decayed from the rain and the sun. Nagkapudpud na ang íyang bakyà, His wooden slippers are becoming worn out. 2 [A; a] knock the ashes off s.t. burning slowly. a worn down or decayed.

*pudpud2 -in- n dried malangsi fish.

púdul n poodle cut, hair cut like a poodle. v 1 [A; c1] give s.o. a poodle cut. 2 [A13] wear a poodle cut. Angayan siyang magpúdul, She looks becoming with a poodle cut.

pudyut v 1 [A; a] pick up s.t. or pinch s.t. Gipudyut níya ang íkug sa ilagà, He carefully picked up the rat by the tail. Kaáyu giyung pudyútun nang ilung mu, How nice it would be to pinch your nose. 2 [A; a2] give or take a small quantity of s.t. Syáru dì giyud ka makapudyut nákug dyútayng isdà, Surely you can give me a little bit of your fish. Pudyútig asin, Add a pinch of salt. n small amount, amount which could be grasped in the tips of the fingers. Pipila ka pudyut nga bugas, A few pinches of rice.

púg = pulug.

púga1 v [A2; b26] escape from prison. Nakapúga ang bitayúnun, The prisoner escaped from death row. n escapee from a prison. (→) = púga, n.

púga2 a for a woman to be beautiful (slang).

pugà v 1 [A; a] squeeze to extract juice. Pugaa (pug-a) ug maáyu ang limunsítu, Squeeze the calamondin dry. 1a — sa útuk [A135; a12] rack one’s brains. Nagpugà ku sa ákung útuk ug unsay itubag, I’m racking my brains to think of how to answer. 1b kapug-an ug singut dripping wet with sweat. 2 [AN; a12] force s.o. to do s.t. Kinsay nagpugà nímu pagpahátag sa kwarta? Who compelled you to give the money? Dì ka makapugà (makapamugà) nákù pagbutar nímu, You can’t force me to vote for you. Gipugà siya pagpatug-an sa mga pulis, The cops forced him to confess. -in- n s.t. squeezed out.†

púgad v [A; a12] 1 put fowl away for the night. Si Núnuy nagpúgad sa mga manuk gabíi, Nonoy was the one who put the chickens away for the night last night. 2 put newly hatched baby chicks down from the nest for the first time. Ug sayung pugárun ang pisù háyang lamigasun, If you take chicks out of the nest too early, the ants are likely to get at them. n action of gathering fowl. pugaran n chicken’s nest.

pugáhan = aníbung.

pugápu n general name for groupers, except for extremely large ones.

pugapúga v [A; b5] do s.t. in a rush. Nagpugapúga silag pangarga kay lumalarga nag barku, They loaded the cargo as fast as they could because the boat was about to leave. Pugapugáha (pugapugáhi) ninyug hípus ang binulad kay hápit na muulan, Gather the rice quick because it is about to rain.

pugas v [A; c] plant grains or seeds in a hole. Akuy nagpugas ánang lísu sa kapáyas dihà, I was the one who planted the papaya seeds there. Íyang gipugsan ug munggus ang usa ka parsíla, He planted one lot to mung beans. n 1 seed that has been planted. Giánud ang mga pugas sa bahà, The seeds were washed away in the flood. 2 the amount of seeds planted to a given area. Pugas ug tulu ka gantang ang ákung baul, I can plant three [789]gantas of grain in my field. pugaspúgas v [AN; c1] do s.t. with the expectation of a return in the future. Kanang íyang paghátag namugaspúgas nà arun hiayunan sa ginikánan, His gift is actually an investment so that her parents would like him. pugsanan n place to be planted. iga-, ig-r-(←), ig-l-(←) 1 thing to sow. 2 = ting-l-. ting-l-(←) n sowing season.

pug-aw = pughaw.

pugáwù n k.o. small grouper, found in shallow waters, with dark spots all over the body.

pugdaw1 v [B125; a12P] be burned to ashes, burn oneself out. Ug mapugdaw ang sugnud, hipúsa ang abu ug paglihíya, When the fuel burns itself out, gather the ashes and make lye out of them.

pugdaw2 = pukdaw.

pugdul a trimmed, cut short. Pugdul ang íkug sa irù, The dog has a stubbed tail. Pugdul ang íyang buhuk, She has short hair. Pugdul ang mga tanum sa kadaplínan, The plants along the sides have been trimmed down. v [AP; ab] trim s.t. down. Ang bagyu mauy nakapugdul (nakapapugdul) sa lubi, The typhoon ripped the tops off the coconut trees.

pughad a 1 for root crops to have a fine, mealy consistency when cooked. 2 for a woman to be good-looking (slang). v [B2] be tasty with this smooth consistency.

pughak n egg yolk.

pughaw a for s.t. colored to be faded. v [B] get faded. Mupughaw ang sinínà ug ibulad sa ínit, The dress will fade if it is dried in the sun.

púgi a for a boy to be handsome (slang). Púgi apan dihin gúli, He may be handsome but he’s dirty. v [B2; a1P] be, become handsome (slang).

pugì v [A; b(1)] be the first to do s.t. to s.t. Akuy mupugig sakay sa ímung kutsi, Let me be the first one to ride in your new car. Akuy mupugì ánang dalagáha, Let me be the one to break that virgin in. -in-an n first use made of s.t. new. Pinugian ning linung-ága sa átung abut humay ning aníha, This is the first rice we cooked from the rice we harvested this season.

púgis, pug-is v [B; ac] having too much powder on the skin. Nawung nagpúgis (gipugísan) sa pulbus, A face with face powder caked on it. (→) a faded to the point of whiteness. v [B] become faded to the point of whiteness. Mupugis (mapugis) ang sinínà ug isígig ladlad, The dress will turn white if it’s always put in the sun. pugispugis a streaks or spots of whitish or grayish substances which form on the skin or may come from external sources. v [B] for skin to get pugispugis on it. Magpugispugis ang pánit sa sabun ug dílì hugásan ug maáyu, The skin will get streaks of soap if you don’t rinse it off.

pugnit v [A; a12] pick, pinch with the tips of the fingers and the thumb. Gipugnit níya ang bugas nga naúsik, He picked up the rice that had spilled.

pugpug v 1 = pulpug. 2 [BN] be covered with dust. Namugpug ang ákung tiil sa abug, My feet are covered with dust.

pugsak v [A; bc] drop or dash s.t. downward so that it lands with force. Ang tuntu mauy nakapugsak sa básu, The fool let the glass crash to the floor. Gipugsakan níyag dakung batu ang hás, He bashed the snake’s head with a huge stone. Napugsak ang baskit ug nangabúak ang itlug sa súd, He put the basket down hard and the eggs in it broke.

pugsit v [A13] have loose bowel movements in spurts. Nagpugsit ku kay wà ku kahilísi, I have diarrhea because I had indigestion.

pugtas1 v [B126; a12] get exhausted from doing s.t. strenuous, get out of breath. Napugtas ang bátà ug dinágan, The child exhausted himself running. Makapugtas ang hilabihang kabusug, Eating too much can get you out of breath. -an, ma-un a prone to fainting spells.

pugtas2 v 1 [AB; ab8] snap or break off suddenly. Pagpílì ug alambri nga dílì tayaun arun dílì mapugtas, Choose a wire that’s not rusty so that it will not break easily. 2 kill, cause s.t. or s.o. to die with suddenness and force. Si Dyíma nagpugtas sa íyang kaugalíngun, Gemma killed herself. Ang kasukù dílì ígù makapugtas sa ákung gugma nímu, Anger cannot kill my love for you.

pugtud (from putud) v [AB26; a] break into separate pieces, esp. things which easily come apart, due to age, wear. Napugtud ang kaptanan sa tása, The handle of the cup broke off. Ákung pugtúrun ning hilúa arun wà nay mugámit niíni, I’ll break this thread into pieces so that no one can use it anymore.

púgu n k.o. bird.

púgud v [B] for a bud to form and swell. (→) n infected pimple on the face. pugudpugud v [B6; a4b4] for the face to get little bumps from infected acne. Nawung nga nagpugudpugud (gipugudpugud, gipugudpuguran) sa mga bugas, A face with bumps all over it from acne. pugurun a acne infected.

pug-uk v [A3P; a12] 1 hold s.t. back to prevent [790]growth or development. Ang maung baláud nagpug-uk sa átung nasudnun nga pag-uswag, Such a law stifles the progress of our nation. Gipug-uk sa Insik ang kámay arun silay magbuut sa prisyu, The Chinese hoarded the sugar so that they could determine the price. 2 cut a branch too close to the trunk. Ug ímung pug-úkun ang sanga pagputul, madáut ang tanum, If you cut the branch too close to the trunk, it will ruin the plant. 3 acquire s.t. surreptitiously. Nakapug-uk ang lídir ug daghang kwarta, The politician managed to get his hands on a lot of money. 4 manipulate cards one is dealing. Maáyu kaáyu siyang mupug-uk sa baráha, He is very good in manipulating the cards. 5 [a12] be stung by the truth of what s.o. says. Napug-uk siya sa ákung gisulti kay namatud-an, He was stung by what I said because it was true.

púgul v [B; c1] for s.t. to be massed in a small area. Mipúgul ang túbig kay nasap-ungan ang bangag, There’s a pool of water because the outlet got stopped up. Nagpúgul ang asu sa kwartu, The room is full of smoke. Nagpúgul ang mga babáyi sulud sa kwartu, The women were all huddled together in the bedroom. Dugung nagpúgul sa inunlan, Placenta filled with a big clot of blood. Gipugúlan siya sa kasukù, She is filled with anger.

pugun n range for cooking, baker’s oven, kiln or oven for drying s.t. v 1 [A; c1] use a range in cooking. 2 [A12] obtain a range. -íru n one who operates the baker’s oven or the kiln drier.

pugung v 1 [A; b] hold or keep in place, restrain the movement of. Gitabangan pagpugung ang búang nga gustung mugawas, The people held the lunatic that wanted to escape back. Pugngi ang hagdanan kay musaka ku, Hold the ladder because I’m going up. 2 [A; a2b2] keep s.o. from doing s.t. Dílì ku ikaw pugngan sa ímung buut buhátun, I won’t prevent you from doing what you want. 2a [A1] control oneself. Nagpugung lang ku arun way mahitabù, I’m just keeping myself under control so nothing happens. 3 [A; b] clip, tie the hair in place or clip clothes to the line. n clip or safety pin. paN- v [A2S] clip, tie one’s own hair in place. n s.t. to tie the hair with or clothespins. pinugngan a suppressed. Pinugngang katáwa, Suppressed laughter. mapugngánun a tending to be strict, having a restrictive attitude. v [A13] be restrictive.

pugus v 1 [A3PN; a1cN] compel s.o. to do s.t. Dì untà ku mupalit, apan mamugus giyud ang ákung asáwa, I didn’t want to buy any, but my wife insisted. Way nagpugus nímu pagpakasalà, No one is forcing you to commit a sin. 1a pugsun ug — it cannot be helped that [such-and-such] is the case. Pugsun ug daghang mangulitáwu nákù, Can I help it if lots of men fall for me? Pugsun ug nasayup ku, I couldn’t help making a mistake. 2 [A; c1] force s.t. to give way. Ayaw pugsa (ipugus) pagpasulud kay mabúngì, Don’t force it in or you might break it. Mabugtù nà ug pugsun pag-ínat, It will snap if you stretch it too far. pugsunun a needing to be urged or told to do s.t. Ang mutsatsang pugsunun maáyung ikurindu, You might as well get rid of a maid that you have to keep telling to get to work. pugsunun ug útuk a slow in comprehension. Intirisádu siya muiskuyla apan pugsunun kaáyug útuk, He likes to study, but he is very slow. mapugsánun, mapinugsánun a insistent (literary). Usa ka mapugsánung maghahálad, He is a persistent suitor. -u(←) a insistent, demanding of oneself or others. Pugúsu ka man gud. Ímung pugsun bísag dì mahímù, You are highly demanding. You try to force people to do things they can’t do. Pugúsu nang pliyíra, mulusut bísag blakíngan, He is a persistent player. He forces his way through to the basket even if he is blocked. v [B12] become insistent, persistent in doing s.t.

pugut n name given to trigger fishes, esp. species with very small mouths (as opposed to the pakul, which have larger mouths). -un ug bàbà having a small mouth.

pugwat v [A36; a1] startle s.o. that is asleep or so engrossed in s.t. that he is oblivious of his surroundings. Napugwat ang bátà sa pagbutu sa libintadur, The child was startled out of his sleep when the firecracker exploded. Pugwátun ku siya sa íyang paghinuktuk, I’ll startle her out of her deep thought.

púhag v [A; a] 1 scatter a large group of s.t. Napúhag ang mga táwu sa plása pag-ulan, The people in the plaza scattered when it started to rain. 2 destroy completely. Napúhag ang syudad sa bumba, The city was destroyed by bombs. 3 get honey from a beehive (for which one must destroy the hive). Ang mipúhag sa putyúkan wà hipaaki, He got the honey but he was not bitten.

puhal v 1 [A; b(1)] undersell s.o. or bid a higher price for s.t. than a rival. Ákù tà tung palitun, apan gipuhalan giyud sa babáyi, I was going to buy it, but a lady came and bought it from under my nose (by offering [791]a better price). Puhali ang kumpaníya arun kitay makapalit sa awtu, Outbid the company so we can buy the car. 2 [A12; b8] be outclassed or outstripped in comparison. Hipuhalan ang átung dyíp sa bag-ung awtu sa átung silíngan, Our neighbor’s new car quite outclasses our jeep. n higher bid than s.o. else offered or lower than s.o. else asked. -in-ay n competition or rivalry in selling or bidding. v [ANC] be in competition.

puhaw a 1 for a color or voice quality to be lacking its full intensity. Puhaw na kaáyu ang ímung sinínà sa tantung linadlad, Your skirt is all faded from being put under the sun. Puhaw ang íyang pamánit kay bag-ung naáyu sa sakit, His complexion is pale because he has just recently recovered from his illness. Ang puhaw ug tíngug dílì mahímung mag-aawit, One with a weak voice cannot become a singer. 2 become embarrassed. v 1 [B; c1] get to lose its full quality. Napuhaw ang buhuk pagkinalígù sa dágat, His hair turned blond from swimming so much. 2 [A3P; ab3(1)] embarrass s.o. Napuhaw siya kay wà tagda sa íyang gikutána, She was embarrassed because the man she asked didn’t pay any attention to her. pamuhawpuhaw v [A2] for the face to change colors in embarrassment. Namuhawpuhaw ku dihang giingnan ku níyang wà kuy batásan, My face turned all colors of the rainbow when she told me I had no manners.

puhun in the future, God willing. Puhun, ug may kinabúhì pa, mulangyaw ku, Someday, God willing, I will go abroad. Mugíkan ku ugmà puhun, I’m leaving tomorrow, God willing. puhunpúhun v 1 [AN2; a12] say that one will do s.t., God willing. Mupuhunpúhun (mamuhunpúhun) ta kay dì ta makasigúru sa ugmà, We should say ‘God willing’ because we cannot be certain of the future. 2 [a12] for it only to be a matter of days for s.t. expected to happen to s.o. Puhunpuhúnun na lang ang gilaygay. Dì nà madúgayng mamatay, It’s only a matter of days till the patient dies. He’ll pass away soon.

puhúnan n 1 capital invested in a business or gambling. 2 any source of profit. Láway ray ákung puhúnan kay maáyu kung muulug-úlug, I had no capital other than my gift of gab because I’m good at flattery. v 1 [A] for an investment to reach a certain amount. Dílì gamay ang nigusyu nga mupuhúnan ug nuybinta mil, A business that has ninety thousand for capital is not small. 2 [A12] get a certain amount as capital. Nakapuhúnan na ku pára sa súgal, I was given some money for gambling. 3 [A; c] put down a certain amount as capital. Pilay ipuhúnan ninyu sa susyu? How much will you invest in the partnership? paN- v 1 [A2; c6] use s.t. as an asset or means to accomplish s.t. Ubang babáyi mamuhúnan sa ílang kagwápa sa panghantuk, Some women use their beauty to land a husband. 2 [A2; c] rest up in anticipation of work or activity. Namuhúnan kug katúlug pára sa pagbilar rung gabíi, I got some extra sleep because I’m going to stay awake all night tonight. mag-r-(→) n one who capitalizes.

puhúun see púu.

puk onomatopoetic word for a rapping sound. Bunálan bítaw nákù siya sa ū́, puk, dà tuwad lagi, I struck him on the head, and puk, he fell flat.

púk n a low foresail rigged in front of the mast and ahead of the mainsail. v [A; a] put up, make into this k.o. sail.

puka v [A; a] break s.t. that is attached to s.t. by holding tight to it. Siyay mipuka sa ákung singsing, She broke my ring. Mapuka nang pul-an sa ímung sundang ug ímung ibughà, The handle of your bolo will break if you use it to split firewood. a broken and thus loose.

pukak n child’s word for female genitalia.

pukakha a fluffed up, not tamped or packed down. v [B; a12] be fluffed up, for s.t. in small pieces or powder to be loose and not packed down so that it looks like a large quantity. Diyútay ra apan mu rag daghan kay nagpukakha, It isn’t very much, but it looks like a lot because it is fluffed up.

púkan v [AB12; ab2] 1 topple s.t. tall and erect. Hángin ang mupúkan ánang kahúya, The wind will uproot that tree. 2 bring to a downfall in a struggle. Mga Amirikanhun ang nakapúkan sa ribulusiyun, The American forces crushed the revolutionary movement. Mapúkan ra ang hiwing pamunúan, The crooked administration will some day be brought down. 3 [A; ab3(1)] dishonor. Ang íyang ámu ang mipúkan sa íyang kaputlì, Her own master violated her. ka-an n downfall, fall from power or loss of honor. Ang kapukánan sa Impiryu sa Rúma, The fall of the Roman Empire. (→) n trees that have fallen.

pukang n child’s word for female genitalia.

pukas v 1 [AB6; c1] lift up s.t. that covers or hides s.t., become uncovered. Mipukas (napukas) ang tabun sa pagkáun, The cover of the food was blown open. Gipukas sa maldítu ang sayal sa mutsatsa, The bad boy pulled up the maid’s dress. 2 [A13] for a [792]girl’s dress to creep upwards uncovering her legs. Kítà íyang páa kay natúlug nagpukas, You could see her thighs, because her skirt crept up as she slept. hiN- a allowing the dress to creep up in one’s sleep, exposing the body in the process.

pukat, púkat = puklat.

púkaw v 1 [AN; ab2] wake s.o. up. Pukáwa kug sayu, Wake me up early. 2 [A3; a12] awaken an emotion that had become inactive. Pukáwun nátù ang nindut nátung kagahápun, Let’s revive our happy past.†

pukay n child’s word for female genitalia.

pukdaw, pukgaw n k.o. fowl pestilence that is characterized by drooping of the limbs and head, causes the flesh to turn yellow, and generally kills all the fowl in one place. v [A3P; a4] get this pestilence. ting- n season when this disease strikes.

pukgù v [A; a1] 1 put the hands around a sack to clasp it before tying it firmly. Dì na ku makapukgù sa sáku kay punù na kaáyu, I cannot gather and tie the mouth of the sack because it is too full. Pukgúa nang buhuk mu íning lastiku, Gather and tie your hair with this rubber band. Gipukgù níya ang tiil sa manuk, He grabbed the chicken by the feet. 2 nip in the bud, cut s.t. short. Ang ákung pagkasakit mauy nakapukgù sa ákung pagtuun, My illness has prevented me from studying. Pukgúa ang íyang pagpanugal sa dì pa siya mahigám, Nip his gambling in the bud before he gets accustomed to doing it.

púkì n 1 female genital organ (euphemism). 2 k.o. ornamental herb, the leaf and flower of which are reminiscent of the female genitalia: Rhoeo discolor.

púkir n game of poker. v [AC; a] play poker.

puklat v 1 [A3B36; c1] open the eyes. Nars mauy nagpuklat sa mata sa babáying mitumar ug islíping tablit, A nurse pried open the eyes of the woman that had taken sleeping tablets. Mipuklat lag kadiyut ang ákung mata apan napilù lang sad dáyun, My eyes opened for a short time but they closed right away. 2 [B26] awaken due to a disturbance. Mipuklat ang bátà sa syágit, The shout woke the baby up. puklatpuklat n eyelids. paN- v [A] start to wake up. Wà pa giyud nílay namuklatpuklat pagsubang sa adlaw, Not one of them had begun to wake when the sun rose.

puklid, pukling = pakling.

puklu n base of the abdomen just below the pus-un, but above the genitalia.

puknit = pugnit.

pukpuk1 v 1 [AN; ac] pound with the fist or s.t. held in the fist, not necessarily with force. Mipukpuk siya sa lamísa sa kalágut, He pounded on the table in anger. Nagpamukpuk siya sa íyang dughan nga nangadyì, She kept striking her breast while praying. 1a [A; a2] masturbate (slang). Nagpukpuk na sad ka? Have you been beating it again? 2 [A12] get a good profit from the sale of s.t. Nakapukpuk siya sa pamaligyà ug kupras, He made a killing in the sale of copra. n 1 action of pounding or hammering. 2 drumstick. -in- n k.o. cloth made from fine abaca fiber that has been pounded after weaving. v 1 [A1] wear, use pinukpuk cloth. 2 [A; a] make pinukpuk cloth.

pukpuk2 n pin. v [b(1)] fasten with a pin. Ákung pukpúkan ang ákung tahian, I’ll put pins where I’m going to sew.

puksì v [A; a] tear off s.t. pasted or attached onto s.t. Kusug nga hángin ang nakapuksì sa mga sín sa ílang atup, A strong wind tore the corrugated iron sheets off their roof. Ayaw puksía ang silyu sa subri, Do not tear the stamp off the envelope.

pukù1 n k.o. infectious yaws characterized by lesions of the skin which are resistant to any topically applied medicine. v [b4] have this infection.

pukù2 n k.o. basket coming in various shapes and sizes characterized by a tapering mouth. v [A; c1] make this sort of basket.

púku mas u mínus more or less. Púku mas u mínus mga singkwintahun ka táwu ang mitambung sa parti, Fifty persons more or less attended the party.

puk-ung v [A; b6] sit on one’s haunches. Ayawg puk-úngi ang inudúru, Don’t squat on top of the toilet.

pukupúku v [A; b5c1] do s.t. on a small, restrained scale. Ug dì ka mupukupúku sa ímung ínum, musamut ang ímung ulsir, If you don’t control your drinking, your ulcer will get worse. Pukupukúha ang túbig, Use the water sparingly. Pukupukúha ang ímung kalágut básig mahayblad ka, Take it easy on your anger lest you have a heart attack.

púkut n general term for fish nets put s.w., into which the fish are driven and caught by the gills or which are used in trawling. paN- n fishing with a púkut. salim-, salim-(→) n rope netted around the edges of the púkut to give it strength.

pukuy n = pulukuy.

pukwang v [A3P; c1] turn s.t. over on its side. Ang awtu gipukwang sa mga rayutir, The rioters overturned the car.

pukwat = puklat.

pukway = bukway. [793]

púl1 n pull, influence wielded by a person, usually to obtain favors. v [A12] have pull. Ug dì ka makapúl dì ka makatrabahu, You can’t get a job without pull.

púl2 n pool, k.o. pocket billiards played with a cue ball and object balls numbered from 1 to 15. v [AC; c] play pool. -an n pool hall.

pula a 1 red. 1a any color ranging from dark yellow through orange, red, and brown. 1b — ug sáya palm toddy, esp. inside a transparent glass container where the redness shows (slang). Puwa ug sáya ang ílang giinum, They drank palm toddy. 2 not true, lie (so called from the color of the butbut2 which is homonymous with a word meaning lie, butbut1—colloquial). Anus-a ku mutúu nga pulus man nà pula? Don’t expect me to believe that when it’s all lies. 3 = dágir, 2. v 1 [ABN; ab7] become red, cause s.o. to do s.t. Akuy mupula sa ímung sapátus, I’ll make your shoes red. Mipula siya kay gisugsū́g, She turned red because they teased her. Napula ang íyang kamut sa dyúbus, Her hands got red with dye. Namula ang ákung nawung sa kaúlaw, My face was red with shame. Nagpula ang langit pagsawup sa adlaw, The sky was all red at sunset. Nagkapula ang binágang puthaw, The iron that was heated is turning redder and redder. Pulahun ta nang putì mung sapátus, I’ll make your white shoes red. Gipulahan ku sa ímung sinínà, Your dress looks red to me. Pulahi pa nang ímung ngábil, Put more red on your lips. 2 [B126] for the voice to crack and become discordant. Napula ang íyang tíngug sa kalísang, His voice went off pitch discordantly in fright. 3 háin bay na- expression to show contemptuous disbelief. Ingun siya dúna na siyay awtu, háin bay napuwa? He said he got a car. That will be the day that I believe that! pulapula n scattered red spots or dots. puláhan (not without l) n 1 the name given to the Filipino fighters for independence against the Spaniards and then the Americans (so called from their red badges). 2 types of fish with predominantly red hues. puláhay n infant. ka- redness. pa- n lipstick. pulahun a reddish. n = puláhay.

púlak v [AB; c1] 1 fall down from a height, cause s.t. to do so. Magpúlak kug mga tambis, I’ll knock some tambis fruits down. Mupúlak (mapúlak) ang prutas ug labihan na sa kahinug, Fruits will fall when they are overripe. Napúlak ang misitíra gíkan sa bintánà, The potted plant fell from the window sill. 2 fail in an examination or subject. Sa nangúhà sa iksámin usa ray napúlak, Of those that took the exam, only one failed. (→) n 1 a nut, fruit that has fallen. 2 coconuts that have fallen off the tree. paN- v [A2; a2] gather fallen fruits, esp. coconuts.

pulákì a 1 odd, not evenly divisible by a given number. Duhay pulákì. Tulu mi, unyà limay inyung gihátag, There are two left over. There are three of us and you gave five. 2 be the leftover when s.t. is divided. Ang pulákì ámù na lang pikásun, Let’s just divide the one left over. v [B126; c16] come out not evenly divisible.

pulákut v [B; c1] be lighted and burning. Dì mupulákut ang tinustus kay basà ang tabákù, The cigars won’t burn because the tobacco is wet. Pulakúta (ipulákut) úsà ang káyu úsà sugnúri, Let the fire start burning before you add fuel.

pulálak, pulálay n = puray (humorous euphemism).

pul-an 1 = púlu2. 2 see puul.

pulána = pulánu (female).

pulang n k.o. sharp machete with a round or square tip for heavy-duty work. v 1 [A1; a2] make a machete of this type. 2 [A12] acquire this k.o. machete.

púlang1 v [A] for a baby to learn to jump, bounce up and down when held. Mupúlang na ang bátà, The child is now learning to jump. Dì pa makapúlang si Bíbi, Baby can’t jump yet. 2 [A; c1] put a child in a pulangan. -an(→) n chair attached to a spring pole in which a baby is placed so that it can jump up and down.

púlang2 v [A; a12] die from intense cold, feel as cold as if one was about to die. Ang katugnaw mauy mupúlang sa mga háyup, The cold will kill the animals. Gipúlang ku, I’m freezing to death.

pulángì = pulangkì2.

pulangkì1 n 1 space under the roof parallel to the ridge pole immediately beneath it. 2 the space including a platform just below it which forms an attic.

pulangkì2 red (humorous). À, kapulangkì nímug sinínà, What a red dress you’ve got on!

pulánu n name given to a hypothetical male. Bísag si Pulánu pay muimbitar nímu, ayaw pag-uban, Even if it’s Mr. So-and-so that invites you, don’t go with him.

pulas, púlas v 1 [A; c1] remove s.t. from s.t. that covers or encircles it, or remove the covering thing. Napulas ang kálù paghurus sa hángin, The hat was blown away in the wind. Ug ímung pulasun (ipulas) ang ímung kamut sa púsas, muhugut hinúun kini, If you try to slip your hands out of the handcuffs, [794]they’ll just tighten. 1a [A; b] remove the tie from the coconut palm bud to stop the toddy flow and allow the bud to develop fruit. Pulasi ang sanggutan arun mamúnga, Untie the coconut bud so it will bear fruit. 2 allow s.t. to run over the face to remove s.t. Puwasa ang dágat sa ímung nawung, Let the sea water run over your face. 3 [B23(1); c1] for s.t. to wear off, disappear. Mipúlas ang adlaw sa búkid, The sun disappeared behind the mountains. Wà pa makapulas ang ispiritu sa bínu, The effect of the liquor hasn’t worn off yet. 4 papulaspúlas v [AN; c1] rub the hands over the face. Namulaspúlas ku pagpawálà sa katulúgun, I rubbed my hands over my face to get rid of my feeling of sleepiness.

pulásik (from lásik) v [B2S3(1)N; b2c1] fly apart in various directions because of force. Mipulásik (namulásik) ang lápuk pag-ági sa trák, The mud spattered in all directions when the truck passed by. Pagkahúlug sa búlig, namuwásik ang mga lubi, When the bunch of coconuts fell, the coconuts flew off in all directions.

pulaspulas v [A; b5c1] do s.t. with hurried motions. Dì ka makapulaspulas ánang ímung líhuk kay dilikádu nang ímung búhat, You can’t do that work hurriedly because it is a delicate piece of work.

pulaw, púlaw v 1 [AN; b] stay up very late at night or the whole night through. Nagpulaw ku sa bátà gabíi, I stayed up all night to watch the child last night. Dì ku mupulaw (mamulaw) ug tuun, I won’t stay up late studying. Gipuláwan (gipamuláwan) sa sastri ang ákung sinínà, The seamstress stayed up late finishing my dress. 2 [A; b] keep a fire or lamp going the night through. Magpúlaw ku arun dúna tay káyu kanúnay, I’ll keep a fire burning so that we’ll always have fire. 3 [A3] for a feeling to be kept alive. Ang tingúhà sa pag-adtu sa Amirika nagpúlaw sa íyang dughan sukad sa bátà pa, The desire to go to America has been kept burning in his breast since his childhood. (→) n = -an(→). -an(→), ka-an n 1 small lamp that is left lighted throughout the night. 2 log that is kept burning day and night.

pulaw-as (not without l) v [AN; c6] sell s.t. at a lower than usual selling price. Namulaw-as ku ug baligyà sa ákung awtu kay daghan kug útang balayran, I had to sell my car cheap to get money to pay off my debt. n sold at a sacrifice. Maáyu ni nga pagkapalíta kay pulaw-as nga pagkabaligyáa, This is a good buy because it was sold at a sacrifice.

pulay = puray (humorous euphemism).

pulaynas (not without l) n leggings to protect the lower legs. v [A; ab] use, make leggings.

pulbíra n powder case. v [A1; a] use a powder case.

pulbu = pulbus.

pulbura n explosive powder.

pulburun n k.o. candy made of powdered milk, flour, sugar, and butter and roasted. v [A; a] make, serve pulburun.

pulbus n 1 powder. Patúbung pulbus, Baking powder. (Lit. yeast that is powder). 2 face powder. v [A; b] wear face powder, powder s.t. Nagpulbus kug tablítas nga itambal sa samad, I am pulverizing a tablet to put on the wound. paN- v [A2] put face powder on. Ayaw pamulbus sa kadaghánan, Do not powder your nose in public.

puldir n file folder.

pulgáda n inch. Duha ka pulgáda, Two inches. v [A; c1] measure s.t. by inches. Panday ang mipulgáda sa káhuy, The carpenter measured the piece of wood. Pulgadáha (ipulgáda) pagsukud ang íyang láwas, Measure her body by the inches. pulgadahan n a stick or tape graduated in inches. -s = pulgáda (plural—used only with numbers of Spanish origin). Dus pulgádas, Two inches. pulgadíra n carpenter’s measuring tape wound in a case or a folding meter stick. pulgadirista n in logging, the person who marks the dimensions of the log or lumber to be cut or edged.

pulgas n flea. v [a4] be infested with fleas. Nagpangilkil ang irù kay gipulgas, The dog is always scratching because he is infested with fleas. -un(→) a flea-ridden.

pulhawus a full house, full to capacity. Pulhawus pagsalída sa Binhur, There was a full house when they showed Ben Hur. n full house in poker. v [B12] for there to be a full house, get filled to capacity.

pulhù v [A; b6(1)] shuck off the outer husks of an ear of corn leaving the white inner leaves. -in-an n ears of corn with the outer husks removed.

puli v [A; b] chop the bottom of a coconut to make it easy to husk. Pulihi ang lubi únà bunti, Chop the coconut’s bottom before you husk it.

púli n replacement, one who spells s.o. Aku ang púli nímu, I am your substitute. [noun] vice-. Púli pangúlu, Vice-president. v [A; c] 1 take the place of s.t. else. Kinsay mupúli nímug magbakasiyun ka? Who will take your place when you take your vacation? [795]Ang kasadyà gipulíhan sa kaguul, Now his mirth changed to sorrow. Munggus ang ipúli pagtanum sa mais, Plant mung beans after the corn. 2 (by extension) replace. Pulíhan tu nátung pawuntin pin nga nawálà, Let’s replace the fountain pen that got lost. pulipúli v 1 [A; b] take turns in doing s.t., do s.t. alternately. Gipulipulíhan nílag bantay ang masakitun, They took turns keeping watch over the patient. 2 [A; a] do s.t. to s.o. by turns. Pulipulíhun lang sila nákug kasábà, I’ll give them a scolding alternately. ka- n substitute or replacement. kapulíhay in the long run. Sa kapulíhay masáyud ra siya, In the long run, he will surely find out the truth.

pulída a done with craftsmanship, doing good work (female). Pulída kaáyung trabahúa, Well-executed piece of work. Pulída siyang manahì, She sews with skill.

pulídu a for workmanship to be neat and well-done. Pulídu kaáyu ning íyang baskit, The basket he made is of excellent workmanship. v 1 [B12] for s.t. to come out excellently done. 2 [A12] do s.t. with good workmanship.

pulíkì a extremely busy. Pulíkì ku run sa báy kay daghan mig bisíta, I’m extremely busy in the house because we have lots of visitors. v [B14] be extremely busy doing s.t. as much as one can. Nagpulíkì kug tubag sa íyang mga pangutána, I had a hard time answering all his questions. Nagkapulíkì siyag sagang sa latigu, He was busy trying to shield himself from the lashes.

púling n foreign body or matter in the eye or eyes. v [A12; a3b4] have a foreign body in the eye. Makapúling ang abug, Dust can get into one’s eyes. Napúling ku, napulíngan ákung mata, I got s.t. in my eyes. Way dakung makapúling, There are some things a small person can do that a big person can not do. (Lit. S.t. big cannot get into the eyes.) — sa mata v [A12; a3] offend one’s moral sense. Salídang law-ayng makapúling sa mata, A dirty film offensive to the morals.

pulípug = pilípug.

púlir n tweezers for plucking hair out. hir — = púlir.

pulis n 1 policeman. — sa bantuk a two-bit cop (lit. policeman from the uplands). 2 a wife who checks on her husband (humorous). 3 — klírans n police clearance. v 1 [B156; a12] be, become a policeman. 2 [AN2; a12] check up on one’s husband or children like a policeman (humorous). pa- v [C6] report s.o. to the police. Láyas na kay ug dílì, ipapulis ta ka, Get out of here or I will report you to the police. -íya 1 = kapulisan. 2 = pulis, n1, v1. paN- n occupation of being a policeman. ka-an n police.

pulísa n policy, written contract. Pulísa sa insyúrans, Insurance policy. v [b6] issue s.o. a policy.

pulitika n politics. v [b(1)] 1 do s.t. only as a matter of formality. Ákù lang siyang gipulitikahan ug imbitar, I invited him for formality’s sake. 2 say s.t. in the hopes of obtaining s.t. for it. Pulitikahi lag hangyù si Máma, básig musugut, Try your luck asking Mother because she might agree to it. paN- v [A2; c6] engage in politics or electioneering. Namulitika lang gihápun bísag tápus nang iliksiyun, They are still engaging in politics even though the elections are over. n politicking, electioneering. pulitikanhun a political. Partídung pulitikanhun, Political party.

pulitiku n 1 politician. 2 one who promises but accomplishes nothing. Ayawg sálig ánang pulitiku nga musáad ug bísan unsa, He’ll promise just about anything, but don’t count on it. v [B156] be a politician.

pulka n polka dance or music.

pulkas v [A; a] 1 annihilate, destroy utterly. Ang mga girilya nagpulkas sa usa ka trák nga Hapun, The guerrillas annihilated a truckload of Japanese soldiers. Mahinánuk na ku nga napulkasan na sa dughù ang ákung katri, I sleep soundly now that my bed has been rid of bedbugs. 2 remove a fish corral from the sea. Pulkása nag inyung bungsud kay tinghabagat na, Remove your fish corral now because the windy season is setting in. 3 [A; a] pay off debts. Nakapulkas siya sa útang pagkadaug níya sa swipstik, He managed to pay off his debts when he won the sweepstakes.

pulkum n acronym for pulis kumisyunir, member of the Police Commission.

pulmun, pulmunya, pulmuníya n diseases of the lungs, esp. pneumonia. v [B126; a4] get pneumonia or other pulmonary diseases.

pulpitu n pulpit. v [A; b6] make the pulpit in the church.

pulpug v 1 [A; a] break s.t. brittle into tiny pieces. Napulpug ang básung nahagbung, The glass fell and broke into smithereens. 2 [A; b] tap, knock off fine particles. Akuy mupulpug sa ágiw sa ákung sigarilyu, I’ll knock off the ashes of my cigarette. Ákung gipulpúgan ug sulpanilamáyid ang ákung samad, I tapped sulfanilamide powder onto my wound. -an(→) n cave under a river bank [796]where crocodiles make their abode (and bring their prey to destroy them).

pulpul a 1 not bright. Pulpul kaáyu nang batáa sa klási, That child is very dull in class. 1a unskillful in doing or executing things. Pulpul kaáyung mikaniku kay wà kaáyu sa dyíp, The mechanic was no good. He could not repair the jeep. 2 for vehicles or animals to be slow in running speed. Pulpul kaáyung mudágan nang kabayúa, That horse runs very slow. v [B12] be, become mentally slow, unskilled, slow in movement.

pulríra = pluríra.

pulsíras n bracelet. v 1 [AN; c] wear a bracelet. 2 [A12; b8] get a bracelet.

pulsu n 1 pulse. 2 wrist. maáyu ug — a having steady hands. Hantir kaáyu nang tawhána kay maáyu man kaáyug pulsu, That man is a sharpshooter because he has steady hands. pugung sa — n 1 s.t. to stave off hunger (lit. hold back the pulse). 2 s.t. done temporarily in the absence of s.t. better. Náay íyang trabáhu apan pugung lang nà sa pulsu kay wà may láin, He has a job but it is just temporary because he doesn’t have anything else. v [AP; c] 1 stave off hunger. Mupugung (mupapugung) sa pulsu ang kindi, Candies will stave off hunger. 2 make do with s.t. Ígù pang makapugung sa pulsu ning diyútayng gasulína sa gasulinahan, This little gasoline is enough to get us to the gas station. hiN- v [AN; b6] take s.o.’s pulse. Ang duktur ang muhimulsu (manghimulsu) nímu, The doctor will feel your pulse. rilu di- n wrist watch.†

pulta n 1 door, doorway. — mayur main door. 2 admission fee. 3 = pwirtu2. v [A; c] pay admission. Akuy mupulta nímu sa sini, I’ll pay your way to the show. pultahan n 1 doorway. 2 store space used as a retail establishment. Duha ka náyung pultahan ang ílang giabángan, They rented two adjacent store spaces. pultíra = pultíru (female). pultíru n doorkeeper, usher who collects admission tickets. v [B16; bc1] be a ticket collector.

pultri n 1 one’s fowls and the equipment to maintain them. Nasúnug ámung pultri gabíi, Our chicken coop burnt down last night. v [A; c1] 1 operate a poultry business. Magpultri ku arun ku makabaligyag mga itlug, I want to raise poultry so that I can sell eggs. 2 set up a poultry house. Magpultri kug kabutangan sa mga manuk, I’ll make a coop to shelter the chickens.

púlu1 (not without l) n short-sleeved sport shirt. — barung, barung — short-sleeved barung. v [A; ac] get, make into a púlu. puluhun n material to make into a púlu.

púlu2 n 1 handle of bladed instruments. 2 butt of a pistol or a revolver. v [A; c1] make, supply the handle of a bladed instrument. Íya nang gipulúan (gipul-ánan) ang ímung sundang, He has made a handle for your bolo. puluan, pul-an = púlu, n, v. mag-/nagdáyig ug pul-an ug guna extolling the virtues of one’s own possessions. Ang amahan nga nagdáyig sa kagwápa sa íyang kaugalíngung anak mu rag nagdáyig ug puluan ug guna, A father who praises his own daughter’s beauty is like a man who praises a bolo handle he made himself.

pulù n island. ka-an, kapupud-an n archipelago. Ang kapupud-an sa Pilipínas, The Philippine Islands.

púlù numeral ten. v see pitu. n ten-peso bill. ika- a the tenth. ka-, maka- ten times. na- = púlù.

pulud, púlud v [A; a] cut down plants, esp. large and tall ones. Magpulud mig usa ka púnù nga lubi, We’ll cut down a coconut tree. n trunk of a plant that has been cut down. Usa ka púlud nga káhuy, A log.

pulug n 1 dye. 2 color. Musíga na ang pulug nga pula sa sugà sa trapiku, The traffic light is red. 3 power or strength to do s.t. or produce an effect. Pila ra may pulug sa linúgaw nga ipanihápun? There is nothing to a dinner of mere rice porridge. v 1 [A; a] dye, color s.t. with a dye. 2 [A; a12] give s.t. its appearance by its very presence. Mga púlung nga gipulug sa pagmáhay, Words that were fashioned by her deep remorse. Ang tibuuk palíbut gipulug sa langitnung katahum, Heavenly beauty that bathed the surroundings. 3 [a12] picture, describe s.t. in words. Dì mapulug ang ílang gibátì, What they felt was beyond description. 4 [A; a12] consider s.t. carefully in the mind. May mga púlung nga manlugwà sa bàbà nga dì pulugun sa hunàhúnà, Words that come out of the mouth without having been carefully thought over in the mind.

pulúhu (not without l) a 1 lazy, not eager or willing to work or exert oneself. 2 mentally slow. Pulúhu kaáyu nang batáa sa klási, That boy is very weak in class. 3 not knowing how to do anything. Pulúhu nang bayhána. Dì gánì kahibáwung mulung-ag, That woman has no skills. She doesn’t even know how to cook rice. v 1 [B12] be, become lazy. 2 [B12] become slow in learning. -in-(→) a done in a lazy, indolent way. Pinuluhu man nang ímung linaktan! Hurry up! You are walking so lazily. v [A; b5] do s.t. in a lazy and indolent manner. [797]

pulukuy child’s word for male genitalia.

púlun v [A; c1] wind a string or rope into a ball.

púlung n 1 word. Maáyu ka lang sa púlung, You are only good in talking. 1a Word, as used in theology. Sa sinugdánan mau ang Púlung, In the beginning was the Word. 2 statement or message. Unsay íyang púlung? What did he say? [gen.] [gen.] said. ‘Asa ka?’ púlung níya, ‘Where are you going?’ said he. 3 word received as a point of honor. Bakákun ka kay wà kay púlung, You’re a liar because you didn’t keep your word. v [A12C; c] have a dialogue, conference. Nagpúlung ang mga tinugyánan sa duha ka násud, The representatives of the two nations had a conference. Gipulúngan námù ang ímung suliran, We discussed your problem in a conference. pulungpúlung v [C; bc] engage in a conversation. Wà siyay ikapulungpúlung sukad mabálu, He had no one to talk to after his wife died. paN- v 1 [A2; c6] deliver a speech, say s.t. before an audience. Siya ang únang namúlung, He was the first one to speak to the group. 2 [A2; c] say s.t. about s.t. Unsay ímung ikapamúlung niánà? What can you say about that? 3 [A2; b] speak to the parents asking for their daughter’s hand. Nakapamúlung na siya sa ginikánan sa babáyi, He has already asked the parents for the girl’s hand. n celebration held in asking a girl’s hand from her parents. tigpaN- n 1 speaker in a program. 2 one who speaks for others. -in-an(→) n 1 language, way of speech. 2 word of honor. maN-r- n speaker, orator. pakig- n speech. -un(→) n saying. Dúnay pulungun nga nag-ingun, ang nagputak mauy nangitlug, There is a saying that goes, the one who cackles laid the egg (i.e. whoever complains the loudest must be the culprit).

pul-ung v [A; a] lop off with one or two strokes. Nagpul-ung ang hardiníru sa mga balasbas, The gardener is trimming the hedge. Gipul-úngan sa líug si Karlus Únu, Charles I was beheaded. -in-an n pruned or trimmed.

pulúris = plúris, 2. paN- v [A2] attend a flowers of May celebration.

pulus1 v [A1; b8] be of use, do. Kining kahúya dílì magpulus sa halígi, This piece of wood will not do for a post. Láing táwu ang makapulus sa kwarta, S.o. else can make use of the money. Kining likì nga tadyaw dì na kapuslan, This jar is of no use any more because it is cracked. walay — there is no use, benefit. Wà na nay pús. Ilábay nà, That is no good any more. Throw it away. pahiN- v 1 [A; b6] make use of. Pahimusli (pahimudsi) ang mga taknà sa pagbása, Make use of the hours by reading. 2 [A; b6] take advantage of. Dílì ku mupahimulus sa kahúyang sa uban, I will not take advantage of others’ weaknesses. Pahimudsi ang tanyag, Take advantage of the offer. 3 [A; b(1)] take advantage of a woman sexually. Gipahimuslan ang íyang pagkababáyi samtang gikuyapan siya, She was molested while she was unconscious. puslan (pudsan) man inasmuch as [so-and-so] has happened, [such-and-such] might just as well happen, too. Puslan (pudsan) man nga nahumud ku maáyu pa ug malígù, Now that I got wet, I might as well go in all the way (i.e., since I started it, I might as well go the whole hog). kapuslánan n use or benefit that can be gotten from s.t. Unsa may kapuslánan ánang ímung paglakwatsa? What good is it for you to roam about? mahimuslánun, mapahimuslánun a inclined to avail oneself of any opportunity that comes one’s way. mapuslánun, mapudsánun a useful. v [A13] be useful. Ihátag nà nákù kay magmapuslánun (magmapudsánun) ra gihápun nà, Give it to me because it is still of use.

pulus2, púlus1 (not without l) be all s.t. Pulus babáyi mi dinhi, We are all women here. Pulus ka lang balíbad dà, You always say no. Pulus dáan ang ákung libru, My books are all old. v [B1256; c16] be covered all over with, be all full of s.t. of one kind. Napulus patik ang buktun sa prísu, The prisoner’s arms are all covered with tattoos.

pulut (not without l) = KAPULUT.

púlut v 1 [A; a1b6] pick up s.t. with the hand(s). Mipúlut kug batu pagdúul sa irù, I picked up a rock when the dog came toward me. 2 [A12; b8] come across s.t. by accident. Íyang giúlì ang pitáka nga íyang hipulutan, She returned the wallet that she had found. paN- [A2; b6] gather by picking up. Mamúlut kug dalag sa lumbuy pára líkin, I will gather yellowed lumbuy leaves for cigars.

pulyitu, pulyítus n leaflet, handbill.

pulyu n polio. v [A123P; a4] get polio.

pumáda n pomade. v [A; a2] make into, apply pomade. paN- v [A2; b6] put pomade on oneself.

pumpung = palungpung.

púna = púlung níya. see púlung, n2.

púnà1 v 1 [A; bc] replant spaces in a field where a seed or plant failed to grow. Íya nang gipunáan ang dapit nga wà tugki, She has already replanted the places where nothing sprouted. 2 [A; c] repair a fishnet. Gipunáan [798]pa ang púkut, They’re still mending the net.

púnà2 v [A; a] dye and strengthen a fishline or net by rubbing it with the scrapings from the bark of a k.o. mangrove (tabígì). (→) n bark scrapings from mangrove for fishlines.

púnas v [A; b6] wash the face and limbs with a soapy washcloth. paN- v [A2; b6(1)] wash oneself off with a washcloth. Mamúnas lang ku kay diyútay ra ang túbig, I’ll just wipe myself off with a washcloth because there isn’t very much water. (→) a 1 having no pubic hair. 2 in the game of balinsay, failure to catch s.t. on the back of the hand. Kurug man gud kaáyu ang ákung kamut mau nga kanúnay lang punas inigbalinsay nákù, My hands are shaky. That’s why I always catch nothing at the back of my palm (get a bald head) when I play balinsay.

punaw n k.o. edible clam about 1½″ in diameter. It is a dark reddish-brown color.

púnaw v 1 [B126; a4b4] feel faint. Gipúnaw (gipunáwan) ku sa kabúhì, I felt faint from my stomach pain. 2 [b4(1)] be overcome by a strong emotion. Napunáwan siya sa hilabihang kasubù, She was overcome with grief. 3 [B126] be overcome by shame. Mu rag napúnaw ku sa íyang tinutukan, The way he stared at me, I wanted to sink into a crack in the floor. punawpúnaw paN- v [A] go far away from s.o. to the horizon or upper spaces where the image is blurred. Namunawpúnaw ang langgam sa kahitas-an, The bird soared up to the highest reaches of the sky. kapunawpunáwan n 1 horizon, upper reaches of heaven. 2 deepest recesses of one’s consciousness (literary). Ang íyang tíngug mikulíkut sa kapunawpunáwan sa ákung katúlug, Her voice pierced into the depths of my slumber.

punay, púnay1 v [A13; ab36c] do s.t. always, keep on doing s.t. Ngánung nagpúnay ka mag tan-aw níya? Why are you always looking at (keep on looking at) her? Unsay ímung gipunáyan ug hílak? What are you always crying about? Ayaw ipúnayg kalígù sa dágat ang ímung hubag, Don’t keep going swimming in the ocean with that boil of yours.

púnay2 n k.o. bird, the pink-necked green pigeon: Treron vernans.

punda n pillow case. v [A; a] put on, use, make into a pillow case.

pundadur n k.o. imported liquor.

pundahan n small variety store that also sells food and drinks.

pundǎr v [A; c1] found or set up an organization. Nagpundǎr sila ug kaugalíngun nílang iskuylahan, They founded their own school.

pundasiyun n foundation, supporting material. v [A; c] 1 apply a foundation before putting cosmetics on. Nahámis ang íyang náwung kay nagpundasiyun man, Her face is smooth because she is using a foundation. 2 make a foundation for a structure. Malig-un ang balay ug pundasiyunan, The house will be strong if it has a foundation.

pundídu see pundir1, 2.

pundilyu = pundíyu.

pundir1 v [A; a2] melt and cast metal. Pundíhun ni námung brunsig kampána, We will cast this bronze slab into a bell. pundihan, pundihánan n foundry. pundídu n cast iron. Ang gigáwì sa paghímù sa kaláhà pundídu kay muagwanta ug ínit, They use cast iron for frying pans because it can take heat.

pundir2 v [AB12; ab4(1)] 1 burn out a bulb, use up a battery, machine; become burnt out or used up. Ilísi ang bumbilyang napundir, Replace the bulb that burnt out. Nagkapundir ang mga makina kay dáan na man, The engines are going out of commission one after another because they are so old. 2 knock s.o. out of commission. Uy, makapundir sa láwas ning álak, This liquor can put you out of commission. a burnt out of commission. pundídu v [B12] get burnt out.

pundíyu n length in pants from the waist along the fly to the crotch. pundiyúhan = pundíyu.

pundu n 1 anchor. 2 deposit, amount paid to guarantee the return of s.t. 2a funds, money set aside for s.t. 2b stock, amount of s.t. set aside. v 1 [A; a1] make an anchor. 2 [A; c] drop anchor. Mupundu ta dinhi, Let’s drop anchor here. Gipundúhan na ang sakayan, The boat dropped anchor. 2a [A; b6] stay s.w. for a while. Mupundu ta sa landung kadiyut, Let’s rest in the shade for a while. 2b [A; b6] settle down, stop doing s.t. Nagpundu na ang íyang pagtambuk, He has stopped putting on weight. 2c [A; b] put animals away for the night. Gipundúhan na ba nímu ang kabáyù? Have you put the horse away for the night? 3a lay a vehicle or machinery aside. Ámung gipundu ang ámung kutsi samtang nagbakasiyun mi, We stored our car while we were on vacation. 3b [A; c] deposit s.t. as guarantee. Ang butilya gipundúhan ug diyis, They deposited ten cents for the bottle. 4 [A; c] fund a project. Usa ka miliyun ang gipundu álang sa ubras, A million pesos have been funded for public works. 4a set aside stock for s.t. Bangà ang gipundúhan sa túbig, They stored [799]the water in a jar. punduhánan n 1 anchoring place. 2 place one stays for a while, animals are put away for the night. 3 place s.t. is stored, deposited.

punduk v 1 [AC; b6] gather, assemble together in a group. Dì kita makapunduk sa pasilyu, We can’t gather in the passageway. Plása ang ílang gipundúkan, They gathered in the town square. 2 [A; c1] gather s.t. Pundúka (ipunduk) ang mga sagbut arun daúban, Pile the trash up to burn it. n 1 group. 2 pile. 3 political party. Mubali ku sa punduk Libiral, I’ll cross to the Liberal party. pundukpunduk n 1 social gathering. Sa pundukpunduk dì pud siya mapiri, She would not be out of place in social gatherings. 2 k.o. small cerith shells (daludalu), so called because they are found gathered in bunches.

pundul = pungdul.

pundyi n pongee, a k.o. thin cloth of raw silk.

pung1 n onomatopoetic word for an exploding sound, used in children’s games. Pung, patay ka na! Bang, you’re dead!

pung2, púng1 n 1 in mahjong, the making of a set of three like pieces (tríyu) by adding a discarded piece to one’s hand (káun, 3a). 2 = tríyu. túdu — a hand consisting of all tríyus and an ay4 (and thus wins). túdu — plásis a plásis hand which also is a túdu pung. túdu — ul-ap a túdu pung hand where no tríyu has been laid open on the table. túdu — uldáwun n a túdu pung hand where the tríyus have all been laid open on the table. v [A; b2c1] 1 make a set of three like pieces. 2 make a tríyu hand in card games.

púng2 = púlung.

punga1 n operculum, a shelly plate attached to the foot of gastropod mollusks which covers the mouth part of the shell when the animal retracts its foot.

punga2 = pungángu.

púnga a experiencing difficulty in breathing from having too full a stomach or being pregnant. v [B; b4] experience difficulty in breathing from these causes. Mupúnga (mapúnga) ang pagginháwa ug malabian ug káun, You will experience difficulty in breathing if you overeat. Hala palabiig káun arun pungáhan ka, Go ahead. Eat too much so you’ll have difficulty in breathing.

pungag, púngag v [A; a] break off a projection, usually s.t. hard, but said also of the part of the water buffalo’s nose where the rope is passed or a person’s nose. Napúngag ang ákung tangung nasukmagan, My teeth got knocked out when s.o. hit me. (→) a having s.t. broken off. Pungag ang básu, The glass is chipped. Dì na magámit ang kábaw nga pungag, You can’t use a carabao any longer if his nose has been ripped open.

púngal v [A3P; a] break off s.t. from its place of attachment, usually s.t. firmly attached. Binúkal túbig ang nakapúngal (nakapapúngal) sa kuku sa báka, We got the hoofs off the cow’s feet with boiling water. Pungála lang ang ruska ug dì na maibut, Break the screw off if you can’t get it out.

pungángu n pedicel or peduncle of flowers and fruits, the stalk which attaches the fruit or flower to the larger peduncle or to the branch. Lig-un ug pungángu ang nangkà, The jackfruit is attached to the branch with a strong stem. punganguhan n place where the pedicel attaches to the branch or peduncle.

pungàpungà v 1 [A] gasp for breath in drowning or in a heavy wind or onrush of water. Nagpungàpungà ang bátà nga gipaatubang sa bintiladur, The baby was gasping for breath because it had been placed in front of an electric fan. 2 [A13] having difficulty eluding a flurry of punches or strokes. Nagpungàpungà ang buksidur sa kúmù ni Ilurdi, The boxer had his hands full dodging Elorde’s blows. ka- = pungàpungà.

pungasì v [A13] be coming in fast and in rapid succession. Nagpungasì ang mga bala sa masinggan, The machine gun bullets are coming in rapid succession. Nagpungasì ang ulan, The rain is coming down relentlessly. Nagpungasing kaínit, The relentless heat.

pungdul a blunt-ended. Lisud itahì ang dágum nga pungdul, It is difficult to sew with a blunt needle. v [AB1; b5] be, become blunt-ended. Gipungdul (gipungdúlan) ku ang mga tumuy sa kural arun way matúsuk, I cut the sharp ends off of the fence posts so no one could get hurt on them.

pungga n game of shooting pebbles into holes using a stone to knock the opponent’s stones (pangának). v [AC; b6] play this game.

punggak v 1 [A; a1b7] knock s.t. down by breaking it off at its base or from its attachment. Makapunggak ka ba ánang manggag pusil gamítun? Can you knock that mango down with a gun? Punggakun (punggákun) ta nang balay sa lapínig, Let’s knock the beehive down. 2 [B12] for the seat of the pants to be worn out. Nagkapunggak na ang lubut sa ákung karsúnis, The seat of my trousers is gradually wearing out. a worn-out at the seat.

punggit v [A; a1b2] 1 hit s.t. with a missile [800]to knock it down or off. Wà siya makapunggit sa iruplánu sa kaáway, He was not able to shoot down the enemy plane. Batu ray ákung ipunggit ánang bayábas, I’ll knock that guava down with a stone. 2 hit s.t. directly. Punggíta ang úlu sa manuk, Hit the chicken in the head. 3 break, cut s.t. off. Ang hitabù nakapunggit sa íyang ambisiyun, The event cut down his soaring ambition. 4 mark s.o. for s.t. bad. Ug mapildi ang Libiral punggítun siya sa ubus nga pwistu, He’s marked for demotion to a low position if the Liberal Party loses.

punggud = pugud. see púgud.

punggut v [AN; a] behead. Ayaw punggúta ang líug sa inusinti, Don’t cut off the head of an innocent man.

púngì, púngil v [A; a12] detach or break off s.t. from an attachment or joint, esp. s.t. delicate or breakable. Akuy nagpúngil sa lugpit sa pawuntin pin, I broke the clip off the fountain pen. Ayaw pungíla ang mga gihay sa mga búlak, Don’t pluck the petals off the flowers.

pungíngi = bungíngi.

pungkay1 n 1 summit. Naabut na ang pungkay sa Mawunt Ibirist, They have reached the top of Mount Everest. 2 highest degree of s.t. Ang pungkay sa kalampúsan, The highest point of success. kina-an(→) a topmost part, as of a summit, highest degree of s.t. Kinapungkayan sa lamì, At the highest point of ecstasy.

pungkay2 n child’s word for female genitalia.

pungkù v [A; b6(1)] 1 squat. Nag-alírung silang nagpungkù nga nagtan-aw sa hantak, They were squatting in a circle watching the tossing of the coins. 2 sit down. Mahugnù ang lamísag inyung pungkúan, The table will collapse if you sit on it. 3 sit idly doing nothing. Ang ímu dihang gipungkù ug gihinayhínay pa nímug trabáhu may ági ka na, The time you wasted sitting around, if you had used it to start work little by little, you would have had s.t. to show for it by now. 4 [b(1)] — sa bilangguan be willing to go to prison just so s.t. is accomplished. Pungkúan lang nákù ang Bilíbid, basta lang mapatay siya, I’m willing to go to Bilibid prison as long as he dies.†

pungkul n 1 lacking a limb. Ang pungkul makasulat gihápun, The amputee can still write. ságing — k.o. short and thick banana growing closely packed in large bunches, eaten when ripe: Musa sapientum var. humilis. 2 short pants. v 1 [B126; b4] get amputated. Gipungkúlan (napungkul) ang kamut sa kawatan, The hand of the thief was cut off. 2 [A; c1] wear, make short pants.

pungkuy n child’s word for the penis.

pungli n aspiration to become a certain sort of person, reach a high degree of virtue in s.t. Adúna siyay pungli sa pagkasantus, He has the aspiration to become a saint.

pungpung = palungpung1, 2.

pungpungáya n game played with a baby where one takes the hands and the feet, bunches them saying a rhyme and letting them go: pungpungáya, pungpungáya, bukhad iláwum, Pungpungáya, open underneath. v [A; b5c1] play pungpungáya with a baby.

pungpung lálung = pungpung pyángaw, n, v. v [A12C2] have sexual intercourse (humorous). Bag-u tingáling nakapungpung lálung kay gipaningut man, He probably played pungpung pyángaw because he is perspiring.

pungpung pyángaw n a game of the hands played by children wherein the players put their fists one on top of the other. A child not participating is the leader (abat) and recites a verse after which the fist at the bottom opens; the verse is repeated and the next fist opens, and so forth, until everybody has opened his fist. Then the leader inserts his index finger into the pile of hands letting the players guess in turn if his finger have touched bottom. The verse recited goes: Pungpung pyángaw, Bukadbukad iláwum, Kulítug kulítug, Lagbas na ba? Pungpung pyángaw, Open up the lowest hand, Thrust the finger in, Has it reached the bottom? v [AC; c1] play pungpung pyángaw.

pungtud n 1 hill, a natural raised part of the earth’s surface often rounded, smaller than a mountain. 2 anthill. 3 shoal or sandbar, an island-like formation in shallow seas, visible during low tide. Manginhas ku sa pungtud inighunas, I’ll gather shells at the shoal during low tide. v [B126; b6] be formed into a hill. kapungtúran n hills. kinapungturan n topmost part of the hill.

pung-ul = pul-ung.

pungun n sharp object (spine, thorn, and the like) that has pricked and is lodged into the body. v 1 [A2; a3b4] prick and be lodged in the body. Mupungun gayud ang mga tunuk sa tuyum, The spines of the sea urchins will surely be lodged in the skin if they prick you. 2 [b] for a woman to be had for sexual intercourse (humorous). Kay natúlug siya uban sa íyang trátu, sigúru giyud ku nga gipungnan siya, Because she slept with her lover, I’m sure she had sexual intercourse [801]with him.

púngus v [A; c1] 1 gather the hair and tie it in a knot. Mupúngus ku sa buhuk ug inítan ku, I’ll knot my hair when I feel warm. 2 tie up the hair with a ribbon or wig, wiglet. Magpúngus lang ku arun mapangkù ning ákung buhuk, I’ll use a wig so that I can wear my hair in a chignon. (→) n wig or a piece of cloth worn with the hair knotted or swept up.

pungut a irritating, maddening. Pungut bayà kaáyu nímu nga mukatáwa lag kasab-an, It’s maddening the way you simply laugh when you are scolded. pila ray — how badly did [so-and-so] want to eat it, when he only eats very little (said of things s.o. wanted to eat very much and then when it was served, he didn’t eat a great quantity). Manganduy tag inasal apan kun náa na, pila ra giyuy pungut, One yearns for roasted pig, but when it’s there, you can only eat so much. v [B126; a2b3] be, become angry, highly irritated. Kanang sayúpa ang nakapungut (nakapapungut) nákù nímu, That mistake made me mad at you. Unsa may ímung napungtan nákù? What made you mad at me? Gipungtan ku ning trabahúa, I hated this k.o. work. pungutpungut v [B1456; a12] be in an irritable mood. Nagkapungutpungut ku run sa ákung trabáhung wà magkadimáu, I am in a bad mood now because I didn’t do my work properly. paN- v [A2] fly into a rage, fury. Namungut ang buksidur dihang nagdugù ang íyang ilung, The boxer flew into a rage when his nose was bloodied. n fit of rage, fury. pahiN- v [A; b(1)] vent one’s anger on. Aku lay íyang gipahimungtan sa áway sa íyang trátu, He took his anger at his girl friend out on me. ka- n anger. pungtánun, pulungtánun, mapungtánun a irritable, easily getting angry.

púngut v 1 [A; c1] join things together by tying or pasting them. Magpúngut kug písì nga hayháyan, I’ll join together pieces of rope for a clothesline. 2 [C; c1] for two people to have a claim on part of a piece of money for lack of loose change. Ang ímung singkwinta nagpúngut sa písus nga gibáyad nákù, Your payment is included in the peso bill which he paid me. 3 [A13] for a thicket to form with intertwining weeds. n thick cluster of intertwining shrubs and grasses. Ságad ang buntug mulukluk sa púngut, Usually the quail hides in the underbrush. -ay(→) v [C] have intercourse (coarse, but not very much so). kapupungtan, kinapungtan n 1 the endmost part of s.t. long where it joins to s.t. else. Putla ang tinái dihà sa íyang kapupungtan sa túngul, Cut the intestines at the place where they join the stomach. 2 the endmost part of anything very long or high. Didtu níla hiapsi ang kawatan sa kapupungtan sa sapà, nag-inum, They came across the thief at the head of the river, drinking. Ang payag túa gitúkud sa kinapungtan sa búkid, The shack was built at the top of the mountain.

pungyut v [B; c1] for an area of s.t. to sag so as to hang unevenly or make a bulge. Nalibang tingálig bátà kay nagpungyut ang panti, The child must have dirtied his pants because they are bulging. Ayawg pungyúta (ipungyut) ang ímung bulsa sa húlin, Don’t let your pocket sag with marbles.

puni n tablecloth. v 1 [A1; b6(1)] cover with a tablecloth. 2 [a12] make into a tablecloth.

púni v [A; b6(1)] replant a part of a field where seeds failed to sprout or where plants are damaged. Ákù nang gipuníhan ang mga mais nga gikaun sa kábaw, I replaced the corn plants that the water buffalo ate.

punirarya n funeral parlor. v [A1; c1] make, put up a funeral parlor.

punit v 1 [A; ab2] pick up with the hands. Punita nang ímung duláan sa salug, Pick your toys up from the floor. 2 [A12; b8] find s.t. Nakapunit kug daghang kwarta, I found a large sum of money. 2a [A; a12] pick up a lesson, take s.t. and steal it. Makapunit kag daghang pagtulun-an niíning sugilambúnga, You can pick up a lot of lessons from this novel. 2b choose a girl. Kinsa guy mupunit nákung laksut man ku? Who would ever choose me when I’m so ugly? n action of picking s.t. up. (←) v [A3P; b3(1)4(1)c1] abort, miscarry. Ang midisína nga íyang giinum mauy nakapúnit (nakapapúnit) sa íyang gisabak, The medicine that she took caused her to abort her child. Napunítan siya kay nangā́ unyà wà matúman, She lost her baby because she didn’t get the things she craved. -in- n s.t. picked up. -in-an n s.t. found. Gisagup sa rayna ang bátang pinunitan, The queen adopted the child that s.o. found.

punitil n ponytail style of tying the hair up and letting it hang down loose. v [A; c1] do one’s hair in this style.

puniyal n dagger. v 1 [a12] stab s.o. or s.t. with a dagger. Ang táwung gipuniyal sa kasingkásing namatay dáyun, The man who was stabbed in the heart died immediately. 2 [c1] make into a dagger.

punlas v 1 [A; b1] rinse washed clothes with citrus juice and water, esp. pineapple fiber [802]cloth to stiffen it. 2 [AN; b] apply aromatic leaves, citrus and the like, to the hair after bathing. Mupunlas kug suwà sa ákung buhuk, I rinse my hair with lemon.

punpal n person whom one calls up regularly to talk to on the phone, but whom one does not know in person. v [C1; a12] be, become a phone pal. Ug makigpunpal ka ayaw gawía ring ákù, If you are calling just to make friends with s.o., don’t use my phone.

punpun v 1 [A; a12] gather powder, grains into a heap by scooping them together with the hands. Punpúna ang ímung giníuk humay sa taliwā̀ sa banig, Pile the rice you threshed in the center of the mat. 2 [A3; a12] compile, collect. Gipunpun ang tanang mananáug nga sugilánun sa usa ka bulyum, All the winning entries of stories were compiled in one volume. 2a [B; a12] accumulate, pile up. Ug sa matag adlaw nga milabay láing kahásul ang mipunpun dihà sa íyang kaisípan, And each day that passed another worry accumulated in her mind. 3 [A; c1] in weeding, knock off the soil and heap up the weeds for disposal. Mamunpun (mupunpun) ku sa ímung ginúna, I will knock the soil off the weeds you pulled up and heap them at the side. n 1 pile of s.t. powdered or in grains. 2 compilation. 3 accumulation.

punsi v [A; b6(1)] 1 mix an alcoholic beverage with another drink (but not water). Tubà nga gipunsíhag pitsi, Toddy mixed with pepsi. 2 [A; a] make punch. Punsíhun nákù ning diyútay nga bínu ug ang limunsitu, I’ll make a punch of this little bit of wine and calamondin juice. n 1 beverage used as a mixer. 2 punch.

punsísuk a for vertical things to be situated packed very closely and tightly. Punsísuk ang púsù sa bukag, The ears of corn were crammed into the basket. n crowded mass of s.t. v 1 [A2S; b6] crowd closely around s.t. or in s.t. Nagpunsísuk (nagpunsisuk) ang mga táwu sa sini, The people packed the movie house. 2 [A; c1] pack things close together tightly.

punsiyun n social function: gathering, reception, banquet. Makabuhung nga punsiyun ang gidálit níla, They served a most satisfactory banquet. v [A13N; b] wear s.t. decorative in one’s hair. Babáyi nga nagpunsiyun (namunsiyun) ug rúsas sa íyang buhuk, A girl wearing a rose in her hair.

punsiyunaryu n high-ranking government official.

Punsiyu Pilátu n Pontius Pilate. a wicked. Bísag pakan-un pa nas pád, punsiyu pilátu giyud nang dakù, You might feed him from the palm of your hand, but he’s a wicked beast.

punsu1 n poncho, usually a rubberized one against rain. v [A; b6(1)] wear, use, make into a poncho.

punsu2 n 1 = punsun. 2 the dent mark made by a prick punch.

punsun n 1 a long piece for hammering a bolt or bar. 2 various kinds of punches: 2a center punch for making holes in sheet metal. 2b nail set. 2c prick punch. v [A; b5] use a punch on s.t.

punta1 v 1 [A; b6] head towards a place. Diin siya punta, Where was he headed? 2 [A; ac] head s.t. s.w. Kanang kahúya mauy puntáhun, Head toward that tree. Ipunta ang sakayan ngadtu, Head the boat in that direction. 3 [B12356] end up with a certain husband or wife. Namílì siyag dátù, nahipunta núug buguy, She tried to get a rich husband but wound up with a tramp. hi-/ha- [B1256] end up s.w. Nahapunta siya sa bilangguan, He ended up in jail. -da n destination. Basta mag-ispúting, nasáyud na kug ása ang puntáda, I can readily tell where you are headed for when you are dressed up like that.

punta2 n s.t. pointed: 1 fluke of anchor. 2 the pointed end, tip of s.t. Nadasmag siya sa punta sa utáwan, He bumped into the pointed end of the ironing board. 3 plow-*share. 4 cape, pointed piece of land that projects into the sea. 5 — pitsu n brisket of beef. v 1 [A; b6(1)] attach or put a plowshare s.w. 2 [APB26] turn into a cape, cause a place to do so. kinapuntahan n the tip of pointed or tapering things.

punta blangku n shooting competition or target practice. v [A1C; a2] hold a shooting competition or target practice.

puntaríya n s.t. at which one aims. Wà kuy puntaríya nga naglakaw, I walked with no fixed direction. v 1 [A; a] aim s.t. or head towards s.t. Kinsa nang nagpuntaríya sa íyang pusil ngari? Who is that fellow aiming his gun this way? Dílì ta makapuntaríya sa píliw, We can not go towards the shore. 2 [A; c6] direct one’s remarks at s.o. Dílì ku mupuntaríyag táwu kay ang kasábà páras tanan, I am not referring to anyone in particular because the scolding is for everyone.

puntik n spot, dot. v [A; b(1)] get tiny spots on s.t. Siyay nagpuntik ug pintal sa salug, He was the one who splattered paint on the floor. puntikpuntik v [B6; b6c1] be covered with dots, spots. Nagpuntikpuntik (gipuntikpuntíkan) [803]sa mga búlak nga lainláin ug kulur ang lagúna, The meadow was dotted with flowers of all colors. -in-an n s.t. that is dotted or spotted. -un(→) a dotted or spotted.

puntil n small bag of cloth, paper. v 1 [A; c1] put into a bag. Ipuntil ang mga sinsilyu, Put the change into a pouch. 2 [A; c1] make a bag.

punting v 1 [A; a] hit a target. Ákung puntíngun nang langgam nga nagbatug sa sanga, I’ll shoot the bird that’s perching atop the branch. 2 [A; a1] aim at s.t. Didtu níya ipunting ang íyang panan-aw sa gwápang dalága, He directed his eyes towards the beautiful woman. 2a direct one’s remarks at s.o. Siyay gipunting sa maung biaybíay, She is the one alluded to in the ridicule. n in games, action of hitting s.o.’s piece. Ákung punting run kay human na mu, It’s my throw now because all of you have finished.

puntinpin = pawuntin, n2, v2.

puntiríya = puntaríya.

puntíru n pointer which indicates the reading on clock, meter, and the like. v [A; b6(1)] attach a pointer or indicator on s.t. Ákung puntirúhan ug luminus ning ákung rilu, I’ll have a luminous dial attached to my watch. puntiruhan = puntíru.

puntíyas n lace. v [A; c] edge s.t. with a lace.

puntu n 1 point, the important or main idea. Klarúha ang puntu sa buut mung ipasabut, Clarify the point that you want to make. — dibista point of view. 2 period in writing. 2a — ikúma semicolon. 2a1 speaking slowly. Puntu ikúma kaáyug sinultihan, Speaking slowly and tediously. 3 accent, pronunciation. Puntu sa Dalagit ang íyang sinultihan, She talks with a Dalaguete accent. 3a tune of a musical piece. Dì nà mau ang puntu, That’s not the tune. 3b timing, rhythm. Maáyug puntu ang íyang sinayawan, She dances in a good rhythm. a 1 fitting, mixed to the right proportion, done at the right time, right for the purpose for which it is meant. Puntu kaáyu ang timpla sa sabaw, The soup is perfectly seasoned. Puntu nang aníhun ang humay, Now is just the time to harvest the rice. Dílì puntu ang midisína nga nadápat sa duktur, The doctor did not administer the right medicine. Dílì puntu ang ímung tubag, Your answer is not exactly to the point. 2 doing s.t. regularly. Dílì puntu ang ílang pagpangáun, They don’t eat regularly. v 1 [A; b6(1)] punctuate with a period. 2 [A2B16; c1] sing with the correct tune and rhythm. Kamau ming mupuntu ug náay musúgud, We know how to get the correct tune if s.o. starts. Ipuntu (puntúha) ang ímung sinayawan sa sunáta, Dance in time to the music. 2a [C; ac] in harmony. Nagkapuntu ang ílang tíngug, They sang in harmony. 2b [A; a] in pounding rice, when s.o. wants to join in pounding together with s.o. else, to tap the side of the mortar each time the other person’s pestle is out in order to get the rhythm prior to pounding, so that when the two are pounding together the pestles will not collide. Puntúhi úsà antis ka muásud, Tap your pestle on the mortar to get the rhythm before you enter in. 3 [A2; c1] add seasoning in the right consistency. Lamì ang sálad ug puntúhun (ipuntu) ang asin, súkà, ug asúkar, The salad will come out nice if the salt, vinegar, and sugar are added in the right proportions. 3a [A; a] do s.t. at the right time or in the right way. Mipuntu giyud síyag adtu arun dílì sila magkabaíwas, He went just at the right time so they wouldn’t miss each other. 3b [A2] make a point in an argument, answer to the point. Mipuntu siya niadtung tubága, He hit the point with that answer. 3c [A2N; b(1)] score a point. Siyay mamuntu sa baskit kay hingígù, He makes a lot of baskets because he is a crack player. 4 [C1] do s.t. on a regular schedule. 5 [c] — ikúma speak slowly. panghiN- = puntu, v2b. di- n short pants. v [A; b6] wear short pants. puntíru n one who blends the sugar being refined. paN- n regional pronunciation.

puntud = pungtud.

puntun n pontoon. Ang ílang pantalan hinímus puntun, Their wharf is made of pontoons.

puntus n 1 points in a game. 1a blow in boxing as reckoned as a criteria for winning a game. 2 mahjong player. Dì sila makadúlà ug madyung ug kúlang ang puntus, They can’t play mahjong if there are not enough players. 2a regular player at a certain gambling joint. a 1 superior in any way (slang). Usa ray ákung uyab piru puntus man sab, I have only one girl but she really is s.t. Ang puntus nga mga bisíta ispisyal giyud nga pagkatagad, Important visitors should be given special treatment. 2 for a statement or opinion to be loaded with bright ideas. Diyútay ra siyag sulti, piru ug mutíngug, puntus pud, He doesn’t have much to say, but when he speaks, it is to the point. v 1 [A] score. 1a [A2N; b2] land a good blow at s.o. Bísag gamay si Tiryu nakapuntus sab sa íyang kuntra, Though Terry is small he managed to land a blow on his opponent. 2 [A; c1] have a player or players for a mahjong game. [804]-ay(→) n game played for points. v [A13; a12] play for points.

púnu n phonograph or radio-phono.

punù a 1 filled, full. Punù ang ímung úlu sa binúang, Your head is filled with all sorts of foolishness. 2 covered with s.t. v 1 [AB56; a2] fill up a container or space. Siyay nagpunù sa baldi ug balas, He filled up the pail (with sand). Ang lawak napunù sa mga táwu, The room was filled with people. 2 [B1246; a12] be full of s.t., all covered with. Napunù sa kawras ang íyang mga bitíis, Her legs are all covered with scratches. 3 [A; c] add s.t. to. Íyang gipun-an ang ámung swildu ug tagdiyis písus, He added ten pesos each to our salary. 3a [A23; c] say s.t. further in a conversation. Wà na kuy ikapunù sa ákung gisulti sa úna, I have nothing further to add to what I said before. 3b [b(1)] [so-and-so] is true on top of s.t. else. Gipun-an pa sa íyang pagkadátù ang íyang pagkabrayit, He is rich and also smart. n 1 amount added or thrown into a bargain. Pila may ímung punù sa pagbugtì sa ímung báka sa íyang kabáyù? How much money did you throw in when you bartered your cow for his horse? 2 things said in addition to. ‘Kaáyu untang ipuyù dinhi,’ punù níya nga nanghupaw, ‘How nice would it be to live here,’ he added, sighing. maka- n a variety of coconut, filled with meat which remains soft even when mature. pulun-an, pulun-anan n amount to add. pun-unun, pulun-un n container to be filled up.

púnù1 n trunk of a tree, main stem or body of a tree, apart from the limbs and roots. -an n 1 = púnù. 1a the tree as a unit for numeration. Tulu ka punúang mangga, Three mango trees. 2 base, lowest part of s.t. Balay nga náa sa punúan sa bungtud, A house at the foot of the hill. Punúan sa hagdan, Foot of the stairs. 2a point of attachment of a part of the body. Gihubagan ku sa may punúan sa ákung páa, I have a boil right at the base of my thigh. Punúan sa buhuk, The roots of the hair. 3 officials in charge of an office. Punúan sa lungsud, The town officials. 4 main office of a company. paN- n president, governor. paN- lalawígan governor of the province. paN- násud president of the nation. v 1 [A2; b6] be the president. 1a [A12] get as one’s president. 2 [A2] govern. Gibutáan tas mga Katsílà sa dihang silay mipamúnù (namúnù), The Spaniards blinded us when they governed us. paN-an n 1 administration of a certain regime. 2 way of administering. paN-an nga kumpaníya head office, mother company. v 1 [A2; b6] govern. Ug ikay mamunúan, wà kay mahímù, If you are in power, you won’t be able to do anything. 2 [A12] get a certain regime as one’s government.

púnù2 n k.o. ulcerated scalp infection. v [B12; b5] get this infection.

punugrapu n phonograph. v [AC12; b6] have a phonograph to supply music. Magpunugrapu ta sa átung parti, We’ll have a phonograph for our party.

punuk n bruise, a discoloration of the body resulting from a contusion. (←) v [B2; b(1)] for the blood to congeal under the skin in a contusion. Mipúnuk ang dugù sa íyang tudlù nga nadukdukan sa martilyu, He hit his finger with a hammer, and the blood congealed.

púnung n fishpond for raising fish to eat. v [A; a2] make, dig a fishpond. ka-an n organization or association of people. v [A13] organize people into an association.

punyal = puniyal.

punyímas euphemism for punyíta: an expression of anger or discomfort. Punyímas! Ngánung ímu mang gisilihan ang súkà? Darn! Why did you put hot peppers in the vinegar?

punyíta1 light curse expressing sudden anger. Punyíta! Ímung gipatay ang makina ínay pakusgan, Darn. You killed the motor instead of making it run faster. v [a2b2] shout punyíta to s.o. Gipunyíta (napunyitahan) ku sa ákung ámu kay nakapildi kug istanti, My boss shouted ‘darn’ at me because I broke a display case.

punyíta2 = punyíti.

punyíti v [A; a1] strike s.o. with the fist in the face. Kaáyu giyung punyitíhan ánang bugasun mung nawung, How I’d love to smash your pimply face in.

punyitíra = punyitíru (female).

punyitíru light curse expressing anger, addressed to a male. Punyitíru ning tawhána, ngánung ímung gikuháan sa tabun ang pagkáun? Darn this man. Why did you uncover the food? v [A; a12b2] call s.o. punyitíru. -s = punyitíru (plural). Mga punyitírus! Ihúnung na ang inyung pagsyagitsyágit, Stop that shouting, you punks!

punyu v [A; b6] reduce the intensity, amount of what one does. Makapunyu ka ba sa ímung gastu? Can you reduce your expenditures? Punyúhi ang pagkáun sa tambuk, Reduce your intake of fat. Gipunyúhan ni Bín ang andar sa makina, Ben reduced the speed of the engine. a doing s.t., but in restricted quantities. Káun nga way punyu, Eating without restraint. — siráwu a doing s.t. on any extremely restricted scale. [805]

punyus n cuffs of the sleeves. v [A; c1] make, attach the cuffs of the sleeves.

púpa n 1 stern of boats. 2 = apúpa. v 1 [A] go toward the stern. Mipúpa ang hángin, The boat sailed into the wind. 2 [A; a] make or build a stern for a boat. pa- v 1 [A; c] head the stern of a boat s.w. 2 [A; a] go near. Mipapúpa man gud ka sa nag-áway, naapil ka hinúun, You went near the persons quarreling, so you got involved.

pupanda n rectangular piece of cloth worn by women around the shoulders as a shawl. v 1 [A; b6(1)] wear a shawl. 2 [c1] make s.t. into a shawl.

puphu v 1 [AN; a] scoop up with the hands. Siyay mipuphu (namuphu) sa bugas nga naúsik, She scooped up the rice that spilled. Magpuphu ku sa mga sagbut nga ákung sinilhig, I’ll pick up the trash that I swept. 2 [A12; a3] gather information, earnings. Nakapuphu ang pulis ug dúgang kasayúran báhin sa túlis, The police have gathered additional information on the robbery. Íyang napuphu ang íyang minilyun gíkan sa íyang patigáyun sa trúsu, He earned his millions from his logging business. 3 [A; a12] annihilate, wipe out of existence en masse. Sakit mauy mipuphu sa tanang pumupúyù, Pestilence wiped out the whole population. puphuay = bùbuay, see bùbù. see also paluphu.†

púpù n title or address to grandparents. v [A; a12] call s.o. púpù.

pùpù v 1 [A; a] pick fruits, leaves, flowers from a tree by breaking off the peduncle. Pùpúun ku tung hinug nangkà, I’ll pick that ripe jackfruit. 2 [A12; a12] gather, obtain s.t. from one’s efforts. Nakapùpù kug mga kasayúran báhin sa íyang kagahápun, I have gathered information about his past. Wà kay mapùpù sa pagsúruy, There’s nothing you can get out of roaming about. 3 [A23] yield fruits as produce. Usa ka punúang mangga mupùpù ug usa ka líbu ka búnga, A mango tree yields a thousand fruits. 4 [B12; b8] — ang púsud for the umbilical cord to break off (shortly after birth). Sa ikaupat ka adlaw magkapùpù na ang púsud, On the fourth day the umbilical cord begins to fall off. -in- n s.t. picked or excerpted. Basáha kining mga pinùpù sa Baláang Kasulátan, Read these excerpts from the Holy Bible.

púpug = pulpug.

pupular a popular, beloved of the people. Pupular kaáyu si Núra Awnur, Nora Aunor is very popular. Pupular nga sáyaw, Popular dance. v [B12; b6] become popular.

pupulasiyun n population, number of people s.w.

púpus v [B12; c1] coming to its end. Napúpus ang tugut sa íyang tabánug, The string of his kite is giving out. Napúpus na ang pabílu sa ákung paílub, My patience is running out. Sa nagkapúpus na ang íyang gininháwa, nisulti siya sa tinúud, When he was about to breathe his last, he told the truth. ka-an, ka-un(→) n coming to an end. Kaguul nga way kapupusun (kapupúsan), Sorrows without end.

púpuy = púpù.

pupúyu = bartuníku.

pur word used in reckoning dimensions: ‘by’. Dus pur kwatru nga káhuy, Piece of wood two by four. Kwatrung diyis pur katursi piyis, A room ten by fourteen feet.

pur- 1 per, by the. -díya by the day. Purdíya ámung swildu, We are paid by the day. Utsu písus purdíya, Eight pesos a day. -úra by the hour. 2 prefix for exclamations. -bída short form: bída a exclamation of surprise. Purbídang lisúra, My God! How difficult it is. Purbídang gwapáha, Jesus! How beautiful she is. b exclamation chiding. Purbída sab ka! Wà ka makapakáun sa bátà? Heavens! You mean you didn’t feed the baby? -pabur see pabur. -diyus see purdiyus. in other phrases: pur-abir a1 testing s.t. out, not necessarily in earnest. Wà kuy disíyu nga mupalit íning awtúha. Pur-abir lang tung ákù ug itúgut ba sa ákung hangyù, I did not intend to buy this automobile. I was just trying to see if it could be gotten for the price I offered. a2 trying s.t. on a long gamble where there is nothing to lose. Pur-abir ning pagpaupira sa kansir, kay ug dílì upirahan, sigurádu man giyung patay, The cancer operation is just a gamble. If you don’t operate, the man will die anyway. b -ihimplu for example. c -ingkásu = ingkásu. see also pur-ísu, purlumínus, purmidyu, *pursikásu.

purà v [B1; a] indulge in s.t. to the point of satiety, where one does not desire any more. Nagpurà mig káun sa usa ka batúang mangga, We indulged ourselves eating a large basket of mangoes. Gipurà námù ang ámung mata sa makaiíbug nga talan-awun, We feasted our eyes on the lovely landscape. Napurà na kug babáyi, I’ve had women until I am sick of them.

púrang v [A; c] cut fish into halves neatly along the vertebrae and bone structure, usually for drying. Purángun únà ang isdà nga igbubúwad, The fish to be dried should first be cut in two.

púras n 1 policeman’s billy. 2 penis (humorous). [806]v [A; a1] 1 beat with a billy or the like. Túbu ákung ipúras níya, I’ll bludgeon him with a pipe. 2 make into a club.

purawundir n boxer who fights in four-round bouts preliminary to the main event.

puray n woman’s genitalia (euphemism). panghiN-(←) v [B236] bloom into full womanhood. Nanghimúray na ang íyang anak nga dalagíta, His adolescent daughter is now blooming into full womanhood.

purba = prubar, 1.

purbída see pur-.

purbinggay, purbingguy, purbisgut, purbista euphemism for purbída. see pur-.

purbitsu = prubitsu.

purdiyus expression of utter discomfiture, disgust, or disagreement with s.t. over which one has no control. Purdiyus, ngánu gud nga mau niy gidangátan ku, Heavens! Why, of all things, did this have to happen to me! a making things difficult, giving s.o. a hard time. Purdiyus kaáyu nang tigulángang hangyúag kwarta, That old man gives you a hard time if you ask him for money. v 1 [A13; a12] give s.o. a hard time. Gipurdiyus ku nímu pagpangítà nímu, You gave me a hard time looking for you. 2 [A13] have a hard time doing s.t. Magpurdiyus giyud tang maghungit íning batáa kay magdagandágang pakan-un, It’s an ordeal to feed this child because he runs about when you’re trying to feed him. Culu-(←) v [A1; b6] make an honest appeal, plead. Nagpulupurdíyus ang inahan sa bitayun ngadtu sa prisidinti, The mother of the condemned man pleaded to the president for her son’s life. — ipursantu exclamation over s.t. overwhelmingly surprising or causing intense discomfiture. Purdiyus ipursantu, ngánung gibúhat mu man tu? For God’s sake, why did you do that?

purga n purgative. Purga sa bítuk, Purgative for intestinal worms. v 1 [A; a1] administer a purgative. 1a [A] take a purgative. 2 [A] eat s.t. which is unpalatable because it has been served so often. Háy. Ginamus gayud ang sud-an nátù adlaw-adlaw ug magpurga na sad sa tangkung, All we have to eat is fish paste every day, and kangkong vegetable as a purgative. 2a [B1256] have so much of s.t. one is sick of it. Dalùdalù mag mangga. Pasagdahan bítaw nákug pagkáun, napurga lagi, He just loved mangoes, so I let him have as many as he wanted and he got sick of them. -nti n purgative.

purgáda = pulgáda. -s = pulgádas.

purgas = pulgas.

purgaturyu n 1 purgatory. 2 place of hardship like purgatory. v [B126] be in purgatory.

purhan n forehand stroke in tennis or pingpong.

purhisyu, purhwisyu = pirhwisyu.

purigit a watery bowel movements. v 1 [A3P] have loose bowel movements. Mupurigit ka giyud ug ímung sagulsagúlun ang ímung kan-un, You’ll get diarrhea if you eat all different kinds of food at once. 2 [B; b6] for bowel movements to get watery. Nagkapurigit ang tái sa bátà nga giilísan ug litsi, The child is getting loose bowel movements because they tried a new brand of milk on him.

purikit n a k.o. small banana about 3 by 6 cm., orange in color when not ripe and darker orange when ripe: eaten boiled or raw.

puríku n packaged lard (so called from the brand name Purico). v [A; b(1)] use packaged lard.

púril v [A; ab7] 1 cut down plants to exterminate them. Ákung purílun ang mga kawáyan kay magtanum kug ságing, I’ll cut down the bamboos to replace them with bananas. 2 fell trees. 3 [A3P; a12] destroy, kill en masse. Dángan ang mipúril (nagpúril) sa mga tanum, The pest wiped out the plants. Ang dinamíta makapúril (makapapúril) sa mga isdà, Dynamite will wipe out the fishes.

purin term of address used only in the expression manyána ka. see *manyána.

puririt v [A13] for soft, watery feces to be discharged in a spurt. Wà pa gánì siya makalingkud sa bangkíyu, nagpuririt na ang tái, Before he could even get seated on the toilet, the feces spurted out.

púris rindyir n forest ranger.

purísu, pur-ísu 1 therefore, in that case, then ... Pur-ísu magtuun ka arun ka makapasar, Therefore, you must study if you want to pass. Wà ka magtuun. Purísu nahagbung ka, You did not study. Therefore, you failed. 2 that’s exactly what must happen (said in a context where the interlocutor has said, ‘If [so-and-so] does not happen, [such-and-such] a bad outcome will follow’). ‘Midalì siyag báyad arun dílì maimbargu’—‘Purísu.’ ‘He paid right away to avoid having it repossessed.’—‘Exactly. That’s what he had to do.’

purk an bins n baked beans. v [A1; c1] have baked beans.

*purki ang — v [A12] the only thing wrong. Ang nakapurki ning tawhána kay dì mamínaw ug tambag, The only thing wrong with this fellow is that he won’t heed advice. [807]

purk tsap n pork chops. v 1 [A1; bc] have pork chops. 2 [a13] make it pork chops.

purlumínus 1 at the very least. Purlumínus misangpit tà giyud ka nákù, The least you could have done was call me. Ug dì ku kaadtu purlumínus magpadá kug kwarta, If I can’t go at least I’ll send some money.

purlun n hearse to convey the dead to the grave. v [A12; c16] transport in a hearse.

purma n 1 form, outline: the way s.t. looks. 1a wooden structure used to hold wet cement in place. 2 a printed document to fill in. v [AB2; c1] take form, shape; cause s.t. to do so. Ígù lang kung mupurma sa balay, I’ll just form the framework of the house. Mupurma (mapurma) ug maáyu ang ímung dughan ánang brá nga ímung gigámit, Your breasts will get a nice shape with the bra you are wearing.

purmal a 1 behaving properly according to one’s station. Purmal kaáyu siyang manglihuklihuk, She is very formal in her ways. 2 formal, according to ceremony. Purmal kaáyu ang ílang kasal, Their wedding was a very formal one. 3 formal clothing. 4 done formally, not off the record. Ang purmal nga pagtiman-anay, Formal signing ceremonies. v 1 [B3(1); c1] be, behaved properly according to one’s station. Magpurmal ka. Dì ka magpabuyag, Act properly. Don’t misbehave. Dì ku makapurmal uban sa ákung mga gang, I can’t behave prim and proper when I’m with my gang. 2 [c1] make s.t. formal. 3 [A13] wear formal attire. 3a [c1] make it a party with formal attire. 4 [c16] do s.t. formally, not off the record. -idad(→) n formality, as a matter of form. Purmalidad lang nang íyang pagpangimbitar kanátù. Dì giyud kinasingkásing, He invited us only for formality’s sake. He didn’t really want us to go.

purmalin, purmalína n formalin, k.o. disinfectant solution. v [b6] preserve with formalin solution.

purman n foreman of a group of workers. v 1 [B3(1)6] be a foreman. 2 [A; c16] make s.o., have a foreman. 3 [A12; b(1)] have as a foreman.

*purmidiyu — sa by [such-and-such] means. Nidilantu sila purmidiyu sa ílang kakúgi, They prospered by working hard.

purmula n 1 formula for the composition of s.t. 2 formula in mathematics. v [A; c1] 1 compose s.t. by means of a formula. Dì na mistil purmulahan ang paghímù sa gátas sa bátà, You needn’t use a formula to prepare the baby’s milk. 2 solve a problem by using a formula.

purpulyu n portfolio, a flat portable case. v [A; c16] use, put in a portfolio. Ipurpulyu (purpulyúha) pagdá ang mga papílis, Carry the papers in a portfolio.

pursigir = pirsigir.

*pursiakásu, pursikásu — ug, kun just in case. Mag-andam lang ta kay pursikásu ug muanhi siya dúna tay tagána, Let’s prepare extra food so that just in case he comes, we have s.t. ready.

pursilána n enamelware dishes. v [A; c16] use enamelware dishes.

pursilína = pursilána.

pursintu = pursiyintu.

pursip n forceps or tongs to hold s.t. v [A; c1] use forceps or tongs, get out with forceps. Magpursip ku iniglimpiyu sa íyang samad, I’ll use tongs to clean his wound.

pursir n purser on a boat. v [A; c] be, become a purser.

pursíras = pulsíras.

pursisyun = prusisiyun.

pursiyintu n per cent v [A; c] 1 give a rate of interest. Pursiyintúhan ku ang íyang kwartag diyis ang búlan, I’ll pay him (or I will charge him) ten percent interest a month. 2 get or give a percentage commission. Mupursiyintu mig singku káda hálin, We get (or give) five percent commission on each sale. 3 give or get a percentage of the winnings to the owner of gambling equipment. Mupursiyintu silag gamay káda daug, They get (or give) a small percentage of the winning as a fee to the owner of the house. paN- v [A2; b6] borrow money with interest. Mamursiyintu lang ku kay wà kuy láing karimidiyúhan, I’ll borrow money because I have no other place to get money from.

*pursúsu — nga anak n legitimate child. Tuluy ákung pursúsung anak ug upat sa gawas, I have three legitimate children and four illegitimate ones.

pursyut n fighter plane.

purtáda n s.t. in the front: front of a house, cover of a magazine, front row of people, or the like. Namungíngi ang purtáda sa balay sa mga bumbilyang dikulur, The front of the house was covered with colored lights. bálak, sugilánun nga — feature poem, story. v [A; c] use as feature story, put on the cover. Mupurtáda sila ning sugilanúna? Will they publish this as their feature story? Nagpurtáda silag babáying naghúbù, They used a picture of a nude woman as cover.

purtamunída n 1 portfolio, attaché case. 2 purse. v [A13; a12] put, make into a portfolio.

purtintúsu a portending a major event. Purtintúsu [808]kunu kining kumíta. Basta musubang, mugíra kunu, They say that this is a portentous comet. Whenever it appears, there’s going to be war.

purtipayib n 1 forty-five r.p.m. record or record player. 2 forty-five caliber pistol or revolver. — arpíim = purtipayib, 1.

purtíru = pultíru. see pulta.

purtis = prutistanti.

purtúna it is a good thing; it is a fortunate occurrence. Purtúna nga miabut ka kay gikinahanglan ta ka, It is a good thing you came because I need you. n fortune, fate. Ang purtúna sa táwu dílì matag-an, A man’s fate cannot be foretold. v [A12; a3] have the luck to have a certain k.o. spouse. Nakapurtúna siyag dátù, She had the fortune to marry a rich man.

púru1 a 1 pure, free from adulterants or impurities. Púru giyud ning tabliyáha, This chocolate is pure. 2 pure of breed. Púrung halsi, Pure Halsey (cock). v [B2; b6(1)] be pure, devoid of adulterants or all of the same kind. Ug mapúru bastus ang ímung baráha, If your hand is all clubs.

púru2 = pulus2.

puruhan n probability that s.t. will happen. Dakù kag puruhan nga mudaug ning iliksiyúna, There’s a great likelihood that you’ll win in this election.

púruk n district, a geographical or political division made for a specific purpose.

purúkù a 1 stocky and short. Purúkù na kaáyu siya sa katambuk, He is very short and thickset because he is so fat. 2 s.t. low and short like a short person. v [B; b6] be, become short and thickset.

purul n short pants or drawers. v 1 [A; b6(1)] wear, use short pants or underpants. Magpurul run ang mga babáyi, Women wear short pants nowadays. 2 [A; c1] make into short pants.

purung, púrung n cloth wrapped around the head like a turban or bandana. v [A; b6(1)] wear s.t. wrapped around the head. Ságad sa mga sabungíru magpurung ug panyù, Cockfighters usually wrap a handkerchief around their heads. purungpúrung v [A; b6(1)] crown s.o. Ang mayur ang nagpurungpúrung sa rayna, The mayor crowned the beauty queen. Si Hisus gipurungpurúngan sa mga maidlut nga mga tunuk, Jesus was crowned with sharp thorns. n s.t. worn around the head like a crown. Purungpúrung sa mga dáhun, A wreath of leaves worn as a crown.

purus, púrus = pulus2.

puruspurus v [A; a12] hurry up doing s.t. or s.o. into accomplishing s.t. Anam-anamun nátù ni arun dílì ta magpuruspurus sa katapúsan, If we do it little at a time, we won’t be rushed at the end.

purward1 n forward in games where there are players positioned toward the front. v [B3(1); c1] play the position of forward.

purward2 v [A; c6] forward to a new address. Wà níla ipurward ang ákung sulat, They didn’t forward my letter.

purya = puyra.

puryut = pudyut.

pús1 = pulus1.

pús2 v [A; b(1)] strike a pose for a picture. Nagpús na bayà siya nga wà pa ang mangungúdak, My, you are posing even if there is no cameraman around.

pusà v 1 [A; a] crush or squash s.t. soft. Sabaw nga gipus-ag síli, Soup into which crushed chili was added. 2 [A; a1] break s.t. fragile. Akuy mipusà sa plátu, I broke the plate. 3 [A; b6c1] hatch an egg. Ang himungáan mauy mipusà sa mga itlug sa bíbi, The hen hatched the duck’s eggs. 3a [b8] for eggs to break in the hen’s womb. Napus-an (hipus-an) nang manuk nga nagbasà ang lubut, That hen that has a wet bottom had an egg break in its womb. a broken, esp. eggs.

pusak, púsak v [A2S; a] break s.t. hard. Ikaw bay nagpusak sa pinggan? Were you the one who broke the plate into pieces? Másu ang ipusak sa simintung salug, Use a hammer to break up the cement flooring. hiN- v [APN] 1 come in abundance. Muhimúsak (muhimusak) na gánì ang ulan, malígù ku, If the rain falls in torrents I’ll bathe in it. Naghimusak ang búnga sa mga mangga run, Mangoes are plentiful now. 2 for flowers or young fruit to come out. Ígù lang nakahimusak ang púsù sa mais dihang gidagsángan sa mga dúlun, No sooner had ears of corn developed, when the locusts descended on them. a being crowded, numerous. Himusak sa táwu ang lungsud sa baryu, The town has more people in it than the village.

pusamánu = pasamánu.

púsas n handcuffs, shackles. v [A; b6(1)] handcuff or shackle. Gipusásan sa pulis ang mga binilanggù, The policeman put handcuffs (shackles) on the prisoners.

pusaw n bud of a coconut tree from which the cluster develops. v [AN; cN] for coconuts to develop. Mipusaw (namusaw, gipusawan) na ang lubi, The coconut tree is developing buds now. Ang primírung ipusaw (ipamusaw) ánang lubíha way búngang mahímù, The first bud that coconut tree will bring forth will not develop fruit. [809]

pus-aw v [B; b6] 1 for a color to fade. Mipus-aw (napus-aw) ang sinínà sa dúgay nga uran, The dress faded after long use. 2 for liquids to become clear, less murky. Mupus-aw ang túbig kun papundúhun, Water will become clear if you let the mud settle. a 1 faded in color. 2 light-colored. Angayan ka sa pus-aw ug kulur nga sinínà, You look becoming in a light-colored dress.

pusbútun n push button, done by push button. Pusbútun na ang pagpalákaw íning pabrikáha, Everything is done in this factory with push buttons.

pusdak v [A; c] let s.t. fall with a crash either by slamming it down or just dropping it if it is heavy. Ákung gipusdákan ug dakung batu ang úlu sa hálas, I bashed the head of the snake with a big stone. Ayaw ipusdak nang usa ka sákung kamúti, Don’t slam that sack of sweet potatoes down. paN- v [A2; b6(1)] stamp one’s feet. Mamusdak na gánì nà, sukù na nà, If she stamps her feet, that means she is angry.

pusdù v 1 [A13; c6] put s.t. down with considerable force. Ayaw ug ipusdù ang sag-ub arun dì mabuak, Do not put the bamboo water container down hard or it will break. 2 [bc] invest all of a sum on s.t. Gipusdù ni Tátay ang íyang ritayirmint ug yútà, Father invested all of his retirement pay on a piece of land.

pusgay v 1 [A3PB12; c16] break into many pieces, shatter. Napusgay ang búlig paghiantug sa yútà, The coconuts broke off the stem when the whole bunch hit the ground. Mapusgay na gánì ang kristal, dì na maúlì, Once the glass is shattered, it can’t be repaired. Nagkapusgay na ang mga simintu sa dáyik, The cement on the dike is slowly crumbling. 1a [B1256] for liquid to splatter against s.t. Napusgay ang mga balud sa kabatuan, The waves broke on the rocks. 2 [A; c16] ruin one’s reputation, good name. Tabì nga makapusgay sa kadunggánan, Gossip that can ruin one’s reputation.

pusgù a for sacks to be filled up to the neck so that only a small bit can be gathered at the top to tie. v 1 [B2; c16] for sacks to be filled up with a little part left for tying. 2 [A2] hit the jackpot in business, fishing, or any endeavor. Ug mupusgù ning ákung bungsud rung tingbungsud mupalit kug dikarga, I’ll buy a cargo truck if I hit the jackpot with my fish corral. Nikalit nag kasapíang tawhána kay nakapusgù nà siya sa ismagling, He got rich suddenly because he made a killing in smuggling.

pusibilidad n possibility. Dakù ang pusibilidad nga mahagbung ku, There is a great possibility that I will fail.

pusibli a possibly happening. Pusibli kaáyu nga mitan-aw tu sa sini, It’s very possible that she went to the show. v [B126; b6] may possibly happen. Mapusibli nga milakaw sila, It may be possible that they went out. Pusiblíhan ku nga siya mauy mikúhà sa kwarta, To me it’s possible that she stole the money.

pusil n firearm. v 1 [A; a] shoot. 2 [A23; a1c] shoot a question or an answer in a classroom (colloquial). Ug pusilun si Nílu ug pangutána mupusil man sag bawus, If a question is fired at Nilo, he fires back an answer. 3 [A; a] masturbate (slang). (←) [A1] have a question and answer session in a class (colloquial). Magpúsil run, unyà wà ra ba ku katuun, There will be a question and answer session in class now, and I have not studied my lesson. n question and answer session in class. paN- v 1 [A2C12; b6(1)] go hunting with firearms. Makigpamusil siya nákug langgam, He wants me to go hunting birds with him. 2 [A23] shoot as a character trait. Ayawg pangingkwintru níya kay mamusil, Don’t tangle with him because he shoots. pusilpúsil, Culu- n 1 toy gun. 2 spear, powered by a rubber sling, the general form of which resembles a rifle. 3 anything shaped like a rifle. Pulupúsil (pusilpúsil) nga laytir, A pistol-shaped lighter. di- n armed with a gun. -in- n a cut in men’s trousers which is tight on the legs (like a rifle). v [A1; c1] wear, make trousers in this style.

púsing v [A; b6] strike a pose, pose to have one’s picture taken. Mupúsing giyud nang bayhána ug náay láking mutan-aw, That woman will strike a pose whenever there’s a man looking at her. n action of striking a pose.

pusísit v [A2S] for watery feces to jet out in a thin stream continuously. Mupusísit ang tái basta mag-ígit, If one has loose bowel movements, his feces jet out in a thin, continuous stream.

pusisiyun n 1 position, the manner in which s.t. is placed. Hiwì ang pusisiyun sa ritrátu, The photograph has been pasted in crooked. 2 position in which one is employed. Taas siyag pusisiyun ánang kumpanyáha, He has a high position in that company. v 1 [A; c1] move into position. Magpusisiyun na gánì ang mga bátà sa ílang sáyaw, isúgud dáyun ang sunáta, When the children are in position for their dance, start the music. 2 [A12] get a position in a firm. [810]

pusit n k.o. small squid.

pusitib = pasitib.

pusitíbu n positive pole of batteries.

pusiyun n fusion of two political groups. v [C] for two political groups to form a fusion.

puskay = pusgay.

pusmastir = pustmastir.

pusngà v 1 [A3P] gasp for breath. Mipusngà siya sa dihang naigù sa kutukutu, She gasped for breath when she was hit in the pit of the stomach. 2 [AN; b6(1)] squirt liquid out through a small opening. Pagbantay mu kay mupusngà (mamusngà) nà rung núkus ug átà, Watch out! The squid will squirt ink at you. paN- v [A1] gasp for breath frantically.

puspas n dish composed of rice porridge together with chicken and optionally other ingredients. v [A] have, make puspas.

puspun v [A; c16] postpone, put off until later. Ayaw na ipuspun (puspúna) ang kasal, Don’t postpone the wedding further.

puspuru n box of matches. v [A; b6(1)] use, make matches. bilug, bílug, gúngì, palítu sa — n matchstick.

puspus v 1 [AN; b(1)] strike hard with s.t. stiff and long. Puspúsan ku siyag alhu, I’ll beat him with a pestle. 2 [c6] be dashed onto s.t. Giísa ang sakayan sa balud ug napuspus sa batu, The boat was lifted by a wave and dashed onto the rocks. 2a [B1256] fall heavily. Nadalispang siyas pálut ságing ug napuspus sa asíras, He slipped on a banana peel and fell to the sidewalk with all his force. 3 [ABN; a12] for leaves to be violently torn to shreds; cause them to be so. Mipuspus (namuspus) ang mga dáhun human sa bagyu, The leaves were torn to shreds after the typhoon. 4 [B2N] for leaves to wither and fall, leaving only the stalk or trunk. Mupuspus (mamuspus) ang dáhun sa gábi basta magúlang na, The leaves of taro wither when the plant matures. n club, staff, stick, and the like.

puspuygu n match (word play on puspuru and puygu—humorous).

pusta n 1 bet, wager. Pilay ímung pusta? How much do you bet? 2 — ku sa think [so-and-so] is likely to happen. Pusta ku sa muulan, I bet it’s going to rain. v 1 [A1; c] bet. Kabáyung ákung gipustáan (gipustáhan), The horse I betted on. Pilay ímung ipusta? How much will you bet? 2 [A] think s.t. is likely to happen. — dirikta direct bet. -da = pusta. ig-r-, ig-l- n money to bet.

pustal n postal. — aydi n identification card for a post office. v 1 [A; b6] issue a postal ID. 2 [A12] get a postal ID. — kard post card. híru money order.

pusti n post. Pusti sa iliktrisidad, Electric light post. v [A; a] put up, make into, use a post.

pustir n poster. v [A; c16] make, put up posters.

pustísu n false teeth. v 1 [A; a12] make false teeth. 2 [A; c] fit with false teeth. 3 [B126; c16] be false teeth. Ug mapustísu gánì ang ímung ngípun, lisud nang ikáun, It is hard to eat with false teeth.

pustmastir n postmaster, person in charge of a post office. v [A; c1] become postmaster.

pustri1 n s.t. served for dessert. v [A; c1] have, make s.t. for dessert.

pustri2 n electric light, telephone post.

pust-úpis n post office. v [A; a2] make, install a post office.

pustúra n the way s.o. looks all dressed up. Nindut tag pustúra run. Mamisíta ka? You are all dressed up. Going s.w.? paN- v [A2; b6] get all dressed up. Mamustúra ka gánì, magwápa kag samut, If you dress up, you’ll look more beautiful. n way of carrying oneself. Mu ra sa inahan ang pamustúra ánang bayhána, That girl has her mother’s bearing. -wu a chic and smart-looking. Pusturáwu kaáyu ka sa ímung hirdu, You look very chic with your hairdo. v [B1256] look smart, chic. Mamusturáwu ang balayg pintálan, The house will look nice when it is all painted.

púsu n 1 artesian well, naturally flowing or operated with a pump. 2 hand pump used to draw water from under the ground. — artisyánu = púsu, n1. v [A; b6] construct an artesian well.

púsù n 1 banana blossom including the petals. 2 ear of corn. v [A2N; b(1)] for corn to have ears or bananas to develop their blossoms. Daling mamúsù (mupúsù) ang mais nga masurku, Corn will quickly bear ears if the soil around it has been dug up. (→) n 1 rice cooked in woven coconut leaves formed like a banana blossom. 2 woman’s breast (euphemism). v 1 [A; a12] make, have rice of this type. 2 [AN; b6(1)] gather, get banana blossoms for food. pusùpúsù sa bitíis n biceps or the muscles of the lower legs. -in- n by the ears. v [c16] count, share corn by the ears. -in-(→) n large ears of corn. Ipanglain ang mga pinusù sa mga buging, Separate the large ears of corn from the small ears.

púsud n 1 navel. 2 center point of s.t. Púsud [811]sa syudad, The center of the city. 3 the filament-like structure found at the tip of bananas. hiN- v [AN; b] cut the umbilical cord. n instrument for cutting the umbilical cord. kinapusuran n 1 centermost portion. Didtu siya dágan sa kinapusuran sa lasang, She ran deep into the innermost part of the forest. 2 s.t. at the very heart. 3 core, innermost; heart of the thing. Abtun giyud íning tambála ang kinapusuran sa sakit, This medicine will reach down to the heart of the pain.

pus-un n the outside region of the body in the front, just below the stomach, and by extension, the part underneath. Musakit ang pus-un ug dúgay tang walà kaihì, Your lower stomach hurts if you go long without urinating. v [b4] have a prominent belly. pus-únun a having a prominent belly. v [B12] get to have a prominent belly.

púsung a a person who is good in putting up a front of innocence when committing mischief, so called from the character Huwan Púsung of folk tales who is always getting the better of people in high places. Púsung kaáyu siya ug hitsúra mu rag dílì mauy nagtágù sa ákung sapátus, He looks innocent, as if he did not hide my shoes. papusungpúsung v [A1] pretend to be innocent. Nagpapusungpúsung siya, mu ra ug walà ku makakità sa íyang gibúhat, He is pretending to be innocent as though I had not seen what he did.

pus-úpis = pust-úpis.

pusut v [A; b26] for liquid to spurt out. Mipusut ang dugù sa ákung tudlù nga naputul, Blood spurted out from the cut in my finger. (←), pusutpusut v [B46; c16] come in rapid succession, come thick and fast. Mipusutpusut ang mga pangutána sa abugádu, The lawyer fired off his questions in rapid succession. Nagpusutpusut lang ang íyang anak, Her children came one after another in rapid succession.

put n bribe (slang). Dílì sila mutrabáhu sa mga lún kun walay put, They won’t act on the loan application unless they are given a bribe. v [A23; c] bribe.

pút = púlut.

púta1 n 1 whore (coarse). 2 curse word to express anger, disgust. Púta, ngánung aku pa ang nadisgrasya, Damn! Why did it have to be me that had the accident! v [B12; b6] be, become a whore, prostitute. paN- v [AP; b6] engage in prostitution. íhu di- son of a bitch; reference to s.o. whom one wishes to curse or a curse expressing anger (coarse).

púta2 v [A1] shatter, crush s.t. to bits. Krásir ray makapúta niánang mga dagkung batu, Only a stone crusher can crush those large rocks. Way mapunit sa butilya kay napúta giyug maáyu, No one can pick up that bottle because it was smashed to smithereens.

*putablis see agwas.

pútad a squat because of short legs. Ang pútad níyang payag, His shack, elevated only slightly above the ground. v [B126; b6] be squat. Ngánu kahang napútad man ang anak nga tag-as man ang ginikánan? I wonder why the child is squat when the parents are tall.

putáhi n 1 a dish consisting of meat as a main ingredient. 2 especial treat, anything that gives great or unusual pleasure. v [A; c1] have, eat a meat dish.

putak v [A; b3] 1 for chickens to keep squawking, as when laying eggs. Ayaw ug pakurati ang mungáan kay muputak, Don’t frighten the hen because it will squawk. 2 complain, talk, or protest loudly. Muputak dáyun siya basta maalkansi sa báhin, She complains loudly right away if she doesn’t get her share. 3 nag, scold by babbling. Milakaw dáyun ang bána dihang giputakan na siya sa íyang asáwa, The husband went out immediately when his wife started to nag him. 4 [A2] talk or butt in in a conversation which is not one’s business. Muputak ka man lang bísag wà kay lábut, Why do you butt in when I’m not talking to you?

putaputa v 1 [B12] be easily torn or tattered from age or decay. Naputaputa na ang mga papílis sa kaban, The papers in the trunk are all brittle with age. 2 [c16] tear paper or cloth into pieces.

putbul n soccer. v [A; a12] kick s.o. out. Putbúlun ka dinhi ug magtinapulan ka, You will be kicked out if you are lazy in your work.

puthaw n iron, steel. Taytáyang puthaw, A steel bridge. v [c16] make s.t. of iron or steel.

púti v 1 [A; a12] break off, but not with a snap. Kinsay nagpúti sa gítung sa sundang? Who broke the tongue of the knife? Napúti ang dágum sa makina, The needle of the sewing machine broke. 2 [AB126; ab4] abort a fetus. Arun dì mainahan ílang putíhun ang ílang giburus, To escape motherhood they abort the life they are carrying in the womb. Bag-u nà siyang naputíhan, She just had a miscarriage. n aborted fetus. Gilábay sa basúra ang púti, They threw the fetus into the garbage.

putì a 1 white. 1a in plant description, green varieties of plants that have green varieties [812]and red or brown varieties. Síling putì, Green peppers. Mandalúsang putì, The mandalúsa with green leaves (as opposed to the species with red leaves). 2 white race. Ságad sa mga putì taas ug ilung, Most white people have long noses. — pay agipu, lubut sa kúlun, urasiyun dark skinned (lit. a firebrand, the bottom of a kettle, the evening prayers [said after dark] are whiter). Putì pay agipu ning bána mu, Your husband is darker than the tip of a firebrand. n 1 white vaginal discharge. 2 = ispíhu. v 1 [APB; b6] be, become white, cause s.t. to become so. Klúruks ang muputì (mupaputì) sa ímung sinínà, Chlorox will make your dress white. 2 [A1; b6] wear s.t. white. Magputì ang mga nars, Nurses wear white. 3 [b(1)] tell s.o. frankly of his anger or hurt feelings toward him. Giputian (gipaputian) ku siyag sulti nga naglágut ku sa íyang gibúhat, I had it out with her because I was angry at what she did. — ug itlug, lisik a cowardly. v [B2456] chicken out. Miputì ang itlug ni Krustsib dihang naninuud si Kinidi, Khrushchev chickened out when Kennedy showed that he meant business. — ang kiting, tiil v [B246] run away in fright. Miputì ang íyang tiil pagkakità níya sa íyang kuntra, He turned tail when he saw his adversary. — nga tábil movies. Bitúun sa puting tábil, Movie star (lit. star of the white screen). -anay v [C; c3] have it out with s.o. -an(←) n variety of coconut and pineapple more orange in color than the ordinary. -in-(←) long, slender, sharp sword. ka- n whiteness. -un a whitish, fair-skinned.

putik n rectum. v [c16] put, insert s.t. into the rectum. Putika (iputik) ang tirmumitru pagbutang, Insert the thermometer into the rectum.

putikar v [A; a] mortgage one’s property as security, usually to a bank. Miputikar mig yútà sa bangku nga gipalit ug láing yútà, We mortgaged a piece of land to the bank to buy another lot. putikádu a mortgaged, esp. to a bank.

púting n footing, the cement base in which a post is set. v [A; a] make the footing of a post.

pútis = pulaynas.

putítu tri n potato tree, an ornamental shade tree bearing violet inflorescences with yellow centers: Solanum macranthum.

putlì a 1 pure, free from sin or guilt. Putlì kaáyug kasingkásing ning bayhána, This woman is pure-hearted. 2 immaculate, chaste. ka- n purity, virginity. Íyang gimahal ang íyang kaputlì, She treasures her chastity.

putput1 n 1 piece of wood or stick which has been cut from a larger piece. 2 person of no consequence in society (just as a putput is a piece of wood not good for anything except fuel). v 1 [A; a] cut into pieces, esp. for firewood. 2 [B1256; b6] be a person of no consequence. (→) v [a12] hit with a stick. Putputun tikaw run, I’ll hit you with a stick.

putput2 = palutput.

putput3 euphemism for púta1.

putris mild cuss word, euphemism for púta1. Ay, putris! Nasayup na sad ku, Darn! I made a mistake again.

putru n adolescent colt. Muúlag na ning kabayúa ánang bayi kay putru na, This horse will cover that female because it is an adolescent now.†

putsíru n 1 dish of stewed beef and vegetables. 2 the fleshy part of the leg between the knee and the ankle of a cow. Linat-ang putsíru ang sud-an nátù karun, We have stewed beef shanks for dinner today. v [A; c1] prepare putsíru.

pútu1 n cake made of steamed starches, coconut, and other optional ingredients. — nga balanghuy pútu made from shredded cassava. — nga binangkung pútu made from cassava flour. — kutsinta pútu made from ground rice mixed with brown sugar. — máya pútu made from pilit rice and coconut extract. — nga pinalutaw steamed rice cake. — sulut pútu made from cassava flour with water or milk and fried. v [A; c1] make pútu. paN- v 1 [A] engage in the business of selling pútu. 2 [A; b6] go s.w. to eat pútu. n business of selling pútu.

pútu2 a bankrupt. v [B12; a12] be, become bankrupt. Putúhun man ta ánang ímung bisyu, Your vices will send us to the poorhouse.

pútù v [A; a] break, cut into lengths. Putúun ku ning káhuy pára sa halígi, I’ll cut this timber into lengths for the posts. n a length of s.t. cut from a bigger or longer piece.

putud = putul.

putugrapiku n photographer. v [B16; c16] be, become a photographer.

putugrapu n photograph.

putuk n small arms, esp. a handgun (slang).

pútuk = tútuk2.

put-uk v [B126; b8] swallow air or jump involuntarily from surprise. Naput-uk ang ákung buut sa íyang gisulti, I was dumbfounded with what she said. Hiput-ukan (himut-ukan) ang maistra sa kalit nga pagbisíta sa supirbisur, The teacher was taken aback [813]by the unexpected visit of her supervisor. Nahimut-ukan aku sa íyang pirsunal nga pangutána, I was dumbstruck by his personal question.

putukputuk n rapid beating or throbbing of the heart. v [B456] for the heart to throb. Nagputukputuk ang íyang dughan sa kalípay, Her heart was throbbing with joy.

putul v 1 [A; a1] sever with a bladed instrument or by snapping. Dì makaputul ang ákung ngípun sa hílu, My teeth can’t break the thread. Putlag kaduha arun matulu ka pútù, Cut it twice to make three pieces. 1a [A; a12] cut down. Kinsay nagputul sa mangga? Who cut the mango tree down? 1b [A; b7] cut s.t. out of s.t. Ákung giputlan ang pálu kay taas ra, I cut a length from the mast because it was too long. 1c [A; a] cut s.t. out of s.t. Giputul sa sinsur ang mga báhing law-ay, The censors cut out the lewd parts. 2 [A; a2] break a connection. Giputlan mig sugà, Our electricity was cut off. 3 [A12; a] cut s.t. short. Naputul ang ámung isturya pag-abut sa mga bisíta, Our conversation was cut short by the arrival of the visitors. 3a [A12; a1] put an end to s.t. Putlun ku ang ímung ngil-ad nga batásan, I’ll put a stop to your bad manners. a 1 s.t. cut off from s.t. or s.t. which had s.t. cut off of it. Putul ug íkug ang irù, The dog has a stubbed tail. 2 the other one of two things which had been cut from one piece. Háin man ang putul ári? Where is the other piece of this stick that had been cut in two? — sa adlaw half a day. — sa píkas a quarter. 3 s.t. said in cutting in. (←) v [C; c16] divide s.t. into, between two. Magpútul ta ánang isdà, Let us divide that fish between us. n — ug tinái sibling. Pútul mu ug tinái, búsà ayaw mu pag-áway, You are sisters, so don’t quarrel. putulputul v [A; a] cut into small pieces. putulpútul v [B16] be intermittently discontinuous. a intermittent, discontinuous. Putulpútul man tung salída nga sikan ran, The second-run movie kept being interrupted. ig-(←) ug tinái n relative. Igpútul ku siya ug tinái, She is my relative. ka-, ka-(←) n the other half of a piece cut off.

putung a 1 quick-tempered, immediately resorting to violence when provoked. 2 [verb] lang ug — do s.t. in a rage without the slightest thought of changing one’s mind. Kun mulagiw ka, kágiw lámang ug putung, kay kun mubálik ka patyun ta ka, If you run away, run away and don’t ever think of coming back, for if you do, I will kill you.

pútung v [A; a1] tie s.t. around the head. Nagpútung ug tualya ang draybir, The driver tied a towel around his head. Gipútung sa babáyi ang íyang buhuk, The woman knotted her hair at the top of her head. (→) s.t. worn wrapped around the head. v [A; c1] make s.t. into a headband, bandana, or the like. -in- n s.t. tied around the head.

put-ung v 1 [A; c16] pile things up. Put-únga ang mga mangga sigun sa ílang gidak-un, Pile the mangoes into heaps according to their size. 2 [C; b6] gather together in a group. Dì ta makaput-ung dinhi sa daplin sa dálan kay abug kaáyu, We can’t gather here at the side of the road because it is too dusty.

putuputu n the smallest pieces of banana located at the tip of the bunch, usually the last two or three hands. a persons that are short in height and small in build (humorous colloquial).

putus n 1 wrapper. 1a membranous covering of organs or parts of organs in the body of animals. 2 small bundle, package. 3 male genitalia (humorous). Mihulma nang putus mu ánang hugut nímung karsúnis, Your pants are so tight they show your genitals. 4 an infant born wrapped inside a thin membranous covering which must be pinched open to save the infant from suffocating. A baby born in this manner is said to be likely to grow into a strong and quick-tempered adult. v 1 [A; a] wrap s.t. Unsa may ímung gipustan (giputus) sa kík? What did you use to wrap the cake? 2 [B1245; c1] be full of or covered with. Naputus ang bátà sa núka, The child is covered with sores. Pustun tikag haluk, I will smother you with kisses. paN- [A2] pack up for a journey. Mamutus na ku pára sa byáhi, I’ll pack up for the trip.

putustǎt n photostat. v [A; b6] make a photostatic copy.

putut a full-grown person that is short. v [B12; b6] be, become a short person. Naputut ku kay putut man ang ákung nánay, I am short because my mother was short. (←), ka-(←) v [A13] be short (said in derision).

pútut1 n 1 a small coconut. Maáyu pay maglána kag pútut, It is about as easy as extracting coconut oil from the small fruit (i.e. impossible). v 1 [A2N; b(1)] bearing forth small coconuts. Mipútut (namútut) na ang lubi. Dì na madúgay may butung, The coconut tree has nuts. We’ll have young coconut to eat soon. 2 [A] for flowers to form buds. Musúgud nag pangalimyun ug mupútut (mamútut) na ang búwak, A flower begins to smell sweet when it begins to form buds. [814]-un a young, inexperienced, and uninitiated (literary). Sa putútung salabútan, In the young, innocent mind.

pútut2 = bantut, v2. -un = bantutun, a1.

putyúkan n a k.o. bee forming hives hanging from the branches of trees, fiercer than the ligwan. -un a slim-waisted like a wasp.

púu v [AB12; a1] 1 exterminate all things of a certain kind. Ang iring ray nagpúu sa mga ilagà ning baláya, It was the cat that annihilated the rats in this house. Nagkapuu na ang tamaraw, The tamaraw is becoming extinct. Puúhan ang syudad sa mga buguy, They will get rid of the thugs in the city. 2 get rid of completely. Ngil-ad nga batásan nga ángay puhúun (puúhun), Bad manners that should be gotten rid of. 3 ruin a business. Ang ímung pagkasugarul mau ray makapúu sa ímung nigusyu, Your gambling is enough to ruin your business. puuhun nga apilyídu a family name that is disappearing (because of lack of males).

púuk v 1 [A1; c16] cut s.t. short close to the base. Ang mga úlud nagpúuk ug putul sa mga turuk nga pugas mais, The worms cut the corn sprouts right down to the ground. 2 [AP2B2SN; c1P] drive s.t. so deep that the end is level. Akuy mupúuk (mupapúuk) ánang lansánga, I’ll drive that nail all the way in. Lisud pag-ibut sa nagpuuk nga lansang, It is difficult to pull out a nail that is driven all the way in. Ákung puúkun (papuúkun, ipapúuk, ipúuk) ang gasulinadur arun kusug ang dágan, I’ll push the gas pedal to the floor to go full speed. 3 [BN] for the nits to be right at the roots of the hair. a cut close to the base, driven down even with the base. (→) a 1 = púuk, a. 2 for nits to be located right in the scalp at the base of the hair. Wà ka katli nga puuk man kaáyu ning ímung mga lusà? Isn’t it itchy? Your nits are right in your scalp. v [A; b] tie, hold a tethered animal close to the attachment. Nagpuuk ku sa kábaw sa káhuy arun dì siya makaabut pagkáun sa mga gagmayng lubi, I’m tying the carabao close to the tree so that it can’t reach the small coconut plants. Ákung puk-an ang irù inig súd ninyu, I’ll hold the dog close to me when you enter the house.

puul a boring, wearying by being dull and uninteresting. Puul kaáyu ning kinabúhì ug wà kay lingawlingaw, Life is very boring if you have no leisure. v [B12C3; b4(1)] be, become boring. Nagkapuul na man ning trabahúa, This work is becoming boring. Nagpúul na sila kay nag-áway na man, They must be sick of each other because they are already quarrelling. Wà siya pul-i ug tan-aw sa íyang katahum, He never got tired looking at her beauty. pul-ánun a easily bored.

púung = pul-ung.

púut a 1 airless, lacking fresh air. Púut ning kwartúha kay usa ray bintánà, This room lacks air because it has only one window. 2 for gases or some other congesting thing to be s.w. or for a place to be congested with s.t. pent up in it. Púut kaáyu ang asu sa kusína (or Púut sa asu ang kusína), The kitchen is full of smoke. Púut kaáyu ning ákung ilung sa sip-un, My nose is congested with mucus. 3 for an emotion to be pent up s.w. or for the breast to have an emotion pent up in it. v 1 [B3] be, become airless or having s.t. pent up in it. 2 [A1; c16] be, become pent up. Kaguul nga nagpúut sa ákung dughan, Sorrows pent up in my breast. 3 [A; b(1)] put a dog’s nose into a container filled with burning feathers in order to make it come to hate the smell of chickens. Puútun ku ning irúa arun dì na manukub ug manuk, I will asphyxiate this dog with burning chicken feathers so it won’t prey on chickens.

puwa- see also pula-.

puwak n tonsure. v [A; b6] tonsure s.o.

puwi sound used to represent spitting, said as a gesture of scorn. Puwi, nagpauluininglis pa nákù ag dakug bàbà arun mahibalu ang uban nga antígu siya, Phooey, the big mouth has to go speaking English just to show everybody that he knows how.

puwi- see also pwi- and puy-.

púwin, púwint n point in a score. v [A23P; a2] score a point in a game. Matabla silag mupúwint ang nagpawul syát, They will be in a tie if they make a point with this foul shot. Wà pa makapúwint ang ámung magdudulà, Our players have not scored a point.

puwis = pwís.

puwit = puyit.

puwíta n poet. v [B12; b6] be, become a poet.

puya n 1 infant, esp. a newly born baby. 2 child, offspring. Wà siyay natígum sa íyang kinitáan kay daghan siyag puya nga buhiun, He has not saved anything because he has so many children.

puyasut a 1 weak, thin. Puyasut ug tíngug, Weak-voiced. Puyasut ug láwas, Thin-bodied. 2 for seeds, fruits to be stunted and lacking fullness. 2a for a child to be thin and stunted in growth from malnutrition. v [B] 1 be, become weak and thin. Nagpuyasut man ang ímung mga buktun, Your arms [815]are mighty thin. 2 come out thin and stunted. Nagpuyasut ang búnga sa ságing kay walà ulana, The bananas are undersized because they didn’t get enough rain.

púyat v [A3P; a] flatten s.t. soft into a soft mass. Puyátan ta kag kamúti ipakáun sa bátà, I’ll squash cooked sweet potatoes for you to feed the child. (→) a bananas that are thin and lacking in flesh from improper development, and by extension, other fruits and vegetables. Puyat ning sagínga kay búnga sa ting-init, These bananas are fleshless because they grew in the dry season. v [B2; b6] come out thin and lacking in flesh.

puyay n 1 name given to Japanese money during the war. 2 any fake money. 3 money that is all wrinkled and dirty. v 1 [b6] look like funny money. Gipuyayan ku sa mga bag-ung kwarta karun, The new type of notes issued recently look funny to me. 2 [B126] for money to get all crumpled and dirty.

puydi 1 it is all right to do. Káun, puydi apan way ínum, It is all right to eat. But no drinking. 1a — nga may do. Puydi ba nga makagawì ku sa ímung tilipunu? May I use your phone? 2 be very possible. Puydi kaáyung muanhi siya, He may well come here. nu- it is not possible. Nupuydi, kay ginadilì ang pagsúgal dinhi, You can’t because gambling is not allowed here. Nupuydi, dílì nà mahitabù, Never. That will never happen. Nupuydi katabuk dundi gabahà, You can’t have intercourse when your wife is menstruating. (Lit. You can’t cross a river in flood.)

puydut = pudyut.

puygu n matches. Nangáyù siyag puygu nga iháling, She asked for matches to build the fire. see also *apuntin.

puyit n 1 first grade child. 2 being last in line or coming in last in a contest. 3 anus. — sa anay = lubut sa anay. see lubut. 3a female genitalia (euphemism). v 1 [B56] be, become a first grader. 2 [B126N; c1] come out last in a contest, be last in line. Naúlaw ku kay namuyit ku sa banggà, I was embarrassed because I came out last in the race.

puypuy v 1 [B24N; c16] for the muscles to become weak from fatigue or nervousness. Mipuypuy (namuypuy) ang ákung mga buktun, My arms grew heavy with fatigue. 2 [A3P; c16] placate, calm s.o. down. Puypúya (ipuypuy) ang ímung kasukù pinaági sa pagsuruysúruy, Let your anger calm down by taking a walk. 3 [A23P; c1] relieve, alleviate pain. Puypúyun (ipuypuy) sa hílut ang ímung pamául, Massage will relieve your muscle pains. a weak, lacking strength. Puypuy kaáyu ang ákung mga tiil, My legs are very weak.

puyra n place away from home. Kúlang sa disiplína ang mga anak nga may mga ginikánan nga atúa kanúnay sa puyra, Children lack discipline if their parents are always away from home. in phrases: 1 get out! Puyra! Dì ku gustu nga náay hubug dinhi sa balay! Out! I want no drunks in this house! 1a — bisíta all ashore that’s going ashore. 1a1 bell announcing that the visitors must get off the boat. 1a2 after visiting hours in a hospital. 1b [so-and-so] keep away, may [so-and-so] not happen despite the fact that s.t. is being said to make it happen (said in the belief that the mention of s.t. may cause it to happen unless the formula puyra [so-and-so] is said). Puyra báliw ang duha ka manag-ágaw nagminyù, May lightning not strike them, the cousins married. Puyra búsung, natumban ang kan-un, May you not get divine punishment. You stepped on the rice. Puyra buyag nindut kaáyu kag mata, Evil spirits keep away. You have beautiful eyes. Puyra dámag, hisgútan nátù ang kamatáyun ni Pulánu, Pulanu, keep away. We will talk about your death. Puyra damgu, si Pulánung namatay nagdiwal ang dílà, Pulanu died with his tongue hanging out, may we not dream of him. Puyra gábà, May you not reap divine punishment. Puyra handum (hisgut), labaw pa tu ka grábi ang ákung sakit kay sa ímu karun, Sickness keep away despite our talking about it, I was even sicker that time than you are now. Puyra patrun, pubri kaáyu nang lungsúra, May the patron saint not get angry at us. That is a terribly poor town. Puyra pungag nakabahù kug humut agwa sa taliwā̀ sa lasang, May my nose not be knocked off, I smelled a most delicious odor in the middle of the forest. 2 — sa 2a aside from, in addition to. Puyra sa panaptun náa pay balayran sa butúnis ug sípir, Aside from the cloth, you still have to pay for the buttons and zipper. 2b excepting. Púrus mga tapulan puyra sa pipila ka lugas, They’re all lazy except for a couple. 2b1 — lus buynus except for a few good ones. Puyra lus buynus, kábaw ray but-an sa taga Líti, With some exceptions, only the water buffaloes in Leyte have good morals (from the notion that formerly prostitutes in Cebu used to say they were from Leyte). 2b2 — dáyig modesty aside. Puyra dáyig akuy nangháwud sa ámung klási, Modesty aside I am at the top of my class. 2b3 — uluúlu no kidding. [816]Puyra uluúlu tinúud kang gwápa, No kidding. You’re very beautiful. 3 únu —, dus —, tris —, kwatru — in tallying by fives, the number in addition to the groups of five. Singku kahúnis, tris puyra. Sa átù pa, bayinti utsu, There are five blocks of five and three extra. In other words, twenty-eight. itsa — see itsa. v 1 [A; c1] eliminate, dismiss. Huwis ang nagpuyra sa íyang sumbung kay way ígung kamatuúran, The judge dismissed his complaint for lack of evidence. Puyráha (ipuyra) sila sa átung punduk, Eliminate them from our group. Napuyra ang maung tápad kay gamay ra ug pusta ang kuntra, The fight was cancelled because not enough people bet on one of the cocks. 2 [AP; c1] dismiss s.o. from his job. Dì ku mupapuyra (mupuyra) nímu sa ímung trabáhu, I won’t dismiss you from your job.

puyrut = pudyut.

puyu = bartuníku.

púyu n 1 bag, sack, or anything that can be put together at the ends and closed. 2 hammock tied up like a sack to hold a baby. v [A; c1] 1 make a púyu. 2 put s.t. in a bag or in a hammock. Puyúha (ipúyu) ang bulingun sa hábul, Wrap the dirty clothing in a sheet. Puyúha (ipúyu) ang bátà, Put the baby in its hammock.

puyù v 1 [A; b3] live, reside s.w. Unsa pay ákung gipuy-an ning kalibutána? What am I in this world for? Balay nga ákung gipuy-an, The house I am staying in. 2 [A; b6] stay s.w. Mupuyù ku sa báy ug dúna kuy trabáhu, I’ll stay home if I have s.t. to do. 3 [A] be, become still. Ug dì ka mupuyù, latiguhun ta ka, If you don’t keep still, I’ll whip you. 4 [b(1)] be willing to go to prison just to get s.t. Puy-an ku ang prisuhan basta lang makabalus ku, I am willing to go to prison just so I can get revenge. (←) v 1 [C2; ac4] live together with s.o. Dílì ku makigpúyù ug táwung palaaway, I don’t want to live with a quarrelsome person. Lisud kang igpúyù, You’re a hard person to live with. 2 [C; a1c] live with s.o. as husband and wife. Nagpúyù lang mi ug wà lang pakasal, We just lived as husband and wife and we didn’t get married. puyùpúyù n common-law husband, common-law wife. v [C; a1c] live together as common-law spouses. hiN-/haN- v [B126] 1 stay in a place. Dì ku mahimuyù sa balay kay pul-an ku, I can’t hang around the house because I get bored. 2 dílì, walà — be restless. Walà siya mahimuyù kay dúgayng naulì ang íyang anak, She was restless because her daughter stayed out late. paniN-, paniN-(←) v [A2; b6] 1 reside and have one’s livelihood in a certain area. Adtu sila sa Mindanaw manimuyù, They are going to Mindanao to live. 2 live in a certain style. Malináwun silang nanimuyù, They live a peaceful life. n one’s family life. Ang sugal mauy nakabungkag sa ílang panimuyù, Gambling destroyed their home life. higN-, hagN-, sagN- see sagmuyù. puy-anan, puluy-ánan, pinuy-anan n residence, dwelling place. paN- = paniN-, n. pag- 1 action of staying s.w. 2 = paniN-, n. maN-r-/l-, -um-r-/l-, mulupyù, lumulupyù, tagpúyù n residents, inhabitants.

púyù = púyu.

puyuk1 v [A; ab2] get a favor or a favorable reaction by saying the right thing. Gipuyuk nákug kindi ang ákung anak arun magpatupi, I bribed my son with candy so that he would agree to get his hair cut. Hipuyukan ku sa ákung anak maung milugwag ákung diyísun, My son talked me out of a ten-peso bill.

púyung v [A; c1] 1 gather the ends of a sack or bag to close it up or take s.t. flat and fold up the ends to put s.t. inside it. Ákung gipúyung ang mga daplin sa bàbà sa puntil, I closed the sack by gathering the upper edges. 2 pull one’s hair back, gathering the ends and tying or clipping them. n clip, ribbon, or the like to hold the ends of gathered hair in place.

púyus v [A; a2] 1 carry s.t. in a piece of cloth or paper by pulling up the edges. Gipúyus níya ang siriguylas sa íyang sayal, She carried the small fruits in the folds of her skirt. 2 carry a child in the womb (humorous). Nagpúyus na siyag tulu ka búlan pagkasal níya, She was three months pregnant when she was married. 3 harbor emotions, rain (literary). Dag-um nga hingbug-atan sa gipúyus nga ulan, Clouds weighted down with the rain they were carrying.

puy-us = bayúus.

pwí, pwì = puwi.

pwídi = puydi.

pwintsitya = paskuwas.

pwinti1 n 1 fountain. 2 a short-spanned stone bridge with thick stone walls dating from the Spanish era. 2a the bridge of a boat.

pwinti2 n k.o. treatment for rheumatism whereby the impurities which are thought to cause it are drained from the afflicted area by making a wound and wrapping it with a banana trunk and other medicinal herbs. v [A; b] treat a patient with pwinti. Naáyu ang riyúma sa tigúlang human pwintíhi ang bitíis, The old man was cured of [817]his rheumatism after he was treated with pwinti. paN- v [A2] get this treatment.

pwíra = puyra.

pwirsa a 1 strong in intensity, force. Pwirsa kaáyu ang hángin sa miáging bagyu, The last typhoon brought very strong winds. 2 plenty in quantity. Pwirsang táwu sa plása, There are lots of people in the plaza. — rimidiyu a with the utmost effort. Ang pagpaiskuyla ug siyam ka anak pwirsa rimidiyu giyud, Seeing nine children through school takes the utmost effort. v 1 [BN(1); b47] become strong. Mupwirsa (mapwirsa, mamwirsa) na gánì ang ulan, mubahà giyud, If the rain pours down hard it is likely to flood. 2 [AN2; ab] force s.t., do s.t. forcibly. Ayaw pwirsaha pag-abri (pwirsahag abli) kay mabúngì nyà, Don’t force it open because it might break off. Ayaw pwirsaha (ipwirsa) ang pag-ukang sa bindáhi arun dì mudugù ang samad, Don’t take off the bandage forcibly so the wound won’t bleed. 3 [b8] be overworked. Hipwirsahan siya sa trabáhu mau nga nalúya, She was overworked. That’s why she is fatigued. n 1 strength. Way pwirsa ang ákung buktun, My arms have no strength. 2 armed force. — militar military force. — nabal naval force. — sa kahangínan air force. paN- v [A2; b6(1)] exert effort. Dì ku makapamwirsa kay bag-u pa kung naáyu, I should not strain myself because I have just recovered from an illness. -du a 1 working, forcing oneself to exert more than proper effort. Daut siya kay pwirsádu siya sa trabáhu, He is skinny because he works harder than he should. 2 strong, possessing great strength.

pwirta1 = pulta, n1.

pwirta2 = pwirtu2.

pwirti 1 doing s.t. vigorously, to a great extent, existing in great quantities or being to a great degree. Pwirting hílak sa bátà, The child cried hard. Pwirting mukáun ning batáa, The child eats a lot. Pwirting mahála sa isdà run, Fish is terribly expensive these days. Pwirting pagkadusmúa sa dyíp sa pusti, How hard the jeep smashed into the post! Pwirting ulána gahápun, How it rained yesterday! 2 do s.t. very well. Pwirting mubayli si Pidru ug tanggu, Peter dances the tango very well. 2a having s.t. that enhances one’s standing, terrific. Sigúrung madáwat si Míli kay pwirti siya ug rikumindasiyun, Millie will surely get the job because she has terrific recommendations. Pwirti siyag tútuy, She has magnificent breasts.

pwirtu1 n 1 port, harbor. 1a a city or town that is a port. v [c1] make a place into a port of call, make a port for a place.

pwirtu2 n the opening in the vagina through which the baby passes in childbirth.

pwís so, therefore, for that reason. Pwís, átung buhátun arun mahuman, So, let’s do it so that it will be finished. Kun tinúud kang nahigugma, pwís, dawáta, If it is true you like him, accept him.

pwistu n 1 place, position. Ang mga gwardiya mitultul dáyun sa ílang pwistu, The guards found their posts. 2 position, job. Dúgay na siya ánang pwistúha, He has been employed in that job for a long time. — sa f.o.b., reckoned at [such-and-such] a price at a certain place. Kanang prisyúha pwistu sa pabrika, That price is what you pay at the factory. v [A12; b6] get a job. Gipwistuhan man gáling kug trabáhu apan túa sa búkid, I was given a job, but in the mountains.

pyádu n caretaker of lands, estates. v [AB156; a2] make s.o. the caretaker or overseer, become such.

pyahuk, pyáhuk a depressed, sunken. Pyahuk ug mata, Sunken-eyed. Pyahuk ug hubun, Having a sunken fontanel. Pyahuk ug áping, Sunken-cheeked. v [B; b6] get depressed or sunken. Nagpyahuk ang tiyan sa munyíkang hitumban, The doll’s stomach is all squashed because s.o. stepped on it. -un a having s.t. depressed or sunken.

pyáit v [A3P; b6(1)] squeal to the authorities, betray a secret about a crime. Mipyáit ang kaúban sa mga tulisan nga hidakpan, The accomplice of the robbers squealed when he was arrested.

pyakpak = payakpak.

pyamríra = timbríra.

pyangà a flat-nosed (humorous). v [B12] be flat-nosed. Siya ray napyangà nílang tanan, She is the only one in the whole family that has a flat nose.

pyangaw n yellowish-green insect about 1″ long, that is a rice pest, preying on the sheaths before the grain develops. They have an unpleasant odor which permeates the rice field. v [a4] be infested with pyangaw.

pyangguy a tall and thin, lanky. Musalir tingáli kas baskit kay pyangguy kaáyu ka, You might do for basketball because you are lanky. v [B12; b6] be, become lanky.

pyanghaw n a winning hand in mahjong with no flower piece (búlak, 2a.). — mídul kard n a pyanghaw composed entirely of mídul kard’s. búnut — a pyanghaw in which the piece one is waiting for is drawn.

pyanguk n = †pungaw. [818]

pyangut a having a look of distaste on the face. Pyangut ang íyang dagway kay gibahuan siya, He has a look of distaste on his face because it stinks here. v [B; c1] get a look of distaste on the face. Mauy ipyangut ug kasab-an ku, I get a sour look on my face if I’m cussed out.

pyanista see pyánu.

pyansa n bail, financial guarantee for a released prisoner. v [A; b6(1)] 1 put up bail. 2 guarantee s.o.’s debt. Dílì ku mupyansa nímu kay wà kuy ikabáyad ug mupalya ka, I won’t guarantee your debt because I will not be able to pay if you default. -du a be out on bail. Nakasuruysúruy gihápun ang kriminal kay pyansádu man, The criminal still roams around because he is out on bail. -dur(→) 1 one who posts bail. 2 one who guarantees s.o. else’s debts. Ang pyansadur pagadur, The one who guarantees winds up paying the debt.

pyánu n piano. v [AN; c1] play the piano. pyanista n pianist. v [B16; a12] be a pianist.

pyanúnu n jelly roll. v [A; a12] make, have jelly rolls.

pyapi a be flat instead of round as it should be. Pyapi ug píkas úlu ang ímung anak, Your son’s head is flat on one side. (←)1 v [AB12; a] come out flat, flatten s.t. Ang bumba mipyápi sa tibuuk balángay, The bomb levelled the whole village. Napyápi ang bibingka. Wà makatúbù, The rice cakes came out flat.

pyápi2 n tree of saltwater swamps: Avicennia officinalis.

pyásà = pyásat.

pyásat v [AB16; a] smash, crush or flatten s.t., be crushed, mashed or flattened. Dì ku makapyásat sa láta, I can’t flatten the can. Íyang pyasátun ang hinug ságing úsà ipakáun sa bátà, She’ll mash the ripe bananas before feeding them to the child. (→) a fruit of any plant with a shell or husk that has failed to develop. Pyasat man lagi ning mais. Way unud, This corn is defective. There are no grains.

pyasut = puyasut, a2, v2.

pyaus1, pyáus1 = bayúus.

pyaus2, pyáus2 a for the voice to be grating and weak, usually as a result of strain. v [B2S; c1] for the voice to be hoarse in this way. Nagpyaus nag íyang tíngug sa paghinílak, She lost her voice from crying so much.

pyí n a measure, about a foot. Duha ka pyí, Two feet. v [b6c1] buy, measure s.t. by the foot. di- foot-powered, esp. by means of a treadle. -s = pyí (plural—used only after Spanish numbers). Dus pyís, Two feet. pyís dil pátu n k.o. ornamental palm around 2′ high with semi-circular leaves, slit nearly to the base: Rhapis excelsa.

pyimríra = timbríra.

pyirdi = pildi.

pyirdigána = pirdigána.

pyirnu n bolt, a threaded metal pin. v [A; a] fasten with a bolt.

pyís = pyí (plural).

pyísa = písa1, 2.

pyista = pista.

pyunggut = pyungkut.

pyungkù v [A; b] sit on one’s haunches. Pyungkúi ang inudúru, ayaw lingkúri, Squat on the toilet, don’t sit on it.

pyungkut v [AB6; c16] get bunched up, gathered into folds and wrinkled, cause s.t. to become so. Mupyungkut (mapyungkut) nang ímung buldáhan ug dílì ka mugámit ug bastidur, You are going to sew wrinkles into your embroidery if you don’t use an embroidery frame. Pyungkúta (ipyungkut) lang ang bàbà sa sáku arun dì mayabu ang bugas, Bunch up the mouth of the sack and tie it so the rice won’t spill.

pyúr a 1 unadulterated, pure. Pyúr tablíya ang ákung palitun, I’ll buy pure chocolate. 2 virgin, chaste. Pyúr siyang pagkababáyi, She is a virgin. 3 the genuine, unmixed breed. Pyúr nga danggit, The genuine danggit fish (not the one that looks similar to it and which may still be so called but is not the real one). v 1 [A2; c16] drink liquor straight. 2 [B126; c1] be pure, unmixed. Ug mapyúr ang ímung tubà mailhan ku, I can recognize unadulterated toddy. n winning hand in mahjong consisting of only one design.

pyuríya = payuríya.

pyúrus = bayúus.

pyuus, pyúus = bayúus.




ra particle following the first word of a predicate. 1 only [predicate] and nothing else. Si Pidru ra ang mitábang nákù, Pedro was the only one that helped me. Mau ray ákung gianhi, That is all I came to get. Ginúu ray mahibalu ug unsáun nà, Only the Lord knows what to do with that. 1a [so-and-so] did it himself. Siya ray nag-unay sa íyang anak, He raped his own daughter. 1b [preposed gen. pronoun] it is all my, your, his, our, etc. very own. Ang mais, ímu ra pud diayng abut? Oh, is the corn your own product, too? 1b1 íya — may this bad thing happen only to him (phrase to ward off the possibility that the bad thing may happen to s.o. else). Ag íyang úlu, íya ra, maáyung pagkapusà, He got his head completely smashed—may it only happen to him. 1c — hinúun 1c1 it’s merely, only. Sitinta ra hinúun ning íyang ámut apan makatábang ug tapal sa galastúhan, He only contributed seventy, but it can help cover the expenses. 1c2 oh, it’s nothing (said in modesty or sarcastically about s.t. impressive). Rulsruys ra hinúun ang íyang awtu, His car is only a Rolls Royce. 2 exactly [so-and-so]. 2a with measurements: [so-and-so much] and no more. Tulu ray makaadtu, Only three people can go. 2a1 with words referring to fitness, sufficiency, preciseness: just exactly right, fitting, etc. Hustu ra ning tulu, Three is just the right number. Paríha ra ang duha, The two are exactly alike. Mahímù ra nang gidak-úna, That size will do perfectly. 2b with words referring to location: it is right here, there. Día ra ku, I’m over here. Náa ra sa ímung atubángan, There it is, right under your nose. 2b1 no further than [such-and-such a place]. Anhi ra kútub ang dálan, The road doesn’t go any further than this. Didtu ra mi manáug, We got off there and went no further. 2b2 anáa — [dat.] it is up to [so-and-so]. Náa ra níya ug mupalit ba siya, It is up to him if he wants to buy. Náa ra nímug mupadáyun ka, It’s entirely up to you if you will continue. 2c mau — ug, nga just exactly like, as if. see mau, 3, 4. 2d maáyu — it would be just the right thing. Maáyu rag mamatay siya, It would serve him right if he died. Maáyu rang napildi siya, Serves him right that he lost. (see also 3c and 4d.) 3 [so-and-so] is certain to happen. Muanhi ra nà, He’ll come, don’t worry. May adlaw rang gabáan ka, The day will come when you get yours. Magkítà ra tag usab, We’ll surely see each other again. 3a — gayud [so-and-so] will, did finally happen, despite everything. Nakatápus ra giyud ku, I finished, despite everything. Gimahalan ra giyud mi sa tambal, Much as we needed it, we found the medicine too expensive. 3b bantug — no wonder. Bantug rang nagdalì. Mamisíta diay siya, No wonder he was in such a rush. He wants to visit s.o. 3b1 kanyáhay — no wonder [such-and-such] a thing always happens. Kanyáhay rang dì padúul nang batáa nímu, kay hingúsì ka, No wonder that child won’t let you get near him. You keep pinching him. 3c maáyu — some day it will be good for s.t. Ayg ilábay kay maáyu ra unyà nà, Don’t throw it away because someday it will be of some use. 4 [adj.] 4a too or more [adj.] than satisfactory. Ang sapátus dakù ra kaáyu pára nákù, The shoes are too big for me. 4b with adjectives indicating the smaller, the easier, cheaper, lesser of two opposites: only a (small, light, short) very (easy, cheap, etc.). Kanang Tuway gamay ra nang baryúha, Toway is just a small barrio. A, sayun ra kaáyu, Oh, it’s so easy. 4b1 láin, lahì — very much different. Lahì ra ang ímung batásan kay sa ákù, Your ways are very different from mine. subra — much too much. Subra ra ang ímung gihátag, You gave much too much. 4b2 layù —, walà — very far behind in, not anywhere near as good as. Ang inyung balay layù ra sa ámù, Your house isn’t anywhere near as nice as ours. Walà ka ra sa kumingking itandì nákù, You’re nothing compared to me—not even up to my little finger. 4c sámuk — leave me be. (You’re too much of a nuisance.) Sámuk ra. Magtuun ku, Leave me alone. I want to study. 4d maáyu — very nice. Maáyu rang ipakung nang úlu mu sa bungbung, How nice it would be to smash your head against the wall. 5 with imperatives: particle taking [820]the abruptness out of a command but definitely a command given to s.o. who doesn’t have the right to refuse. Ambi ra nang kutsilyu, Let me have that knife. 5a — ugud = ra, 5, but with slightly less curtness. Kuháa ra gud ri, Would you come get this, please. 5b tan-áwa —, — gud can you beat that! Tan-áwa ra, siyay nangúna siya pay nangísug, Take a look at that! He started it and now he gets mad! 5c — gánì go on now and do [so-and-so]. Lakaw ra ngánì kay dúru na nílang paábut, Go on now. They have been waiting forever. Ayaw ra gánì nag garùgarúa, Stop jiggling that. You know you shouldn’t. 6 yátì, yáwà, yátis — I don’t believe it. Kadaug kas swipstik? Yátì ra! You won the sweepstakes? I don’t believe it. 6a in accepting a challenge: I don’t believe you dare challenge me! Yátì ra! Makigsumbagay ka nàkù? You mean to say you dare challenge me to a fight? 7 — ba 7a particle with a reason which is given as advice or warning. Higúpa dáyun kay ínit pa ra ba, Eat it right away because it’s still warm. Mangísug ra ba tug madúgay ka, He will get angry if you take too long. 7b ordinarily [so-and-so] would have been OK, but ... Sus, nía na ang mga bisíta. Wà ra ba tay giandam, My! The visitors have arrived and here we don’t have anything to give them. Dà, nag-uwan na hinúun. Wà ra ba kuy páyung, Darn! It’s raining, and I don’t have an umbrella. 7c particle with an apology. Wà ra ba diri si Nánay, I’m sorry, Mom’s not here.

rabana = gwayabanu.

rabanit a 1 in rags, tatters. Kadtung bátà kanhi nga rabanit, karun maáyu na nga mamisti, That child used to be in tatters, but now he dresses well. 2 poor, destitute. Napútu mi, ug karun rabanit na, We went bankrupt. And now we’re destitute. v [B12] 1 be in rags. 2 be penniless. ka- v [A13] be all in rags.

rabanus = labanus.

rabatikung n porridge of sticky rice and mung beans boiled with coconut milk and brown sugar. v [A; c1] make, have rabatikung.

*rábir — plant, tri n rubber tree planted as an ornamental: Ficus elastica.

rábis n rabies.

rábit n rabbit.

rábuls n breed of fighting cock.

rabunit n k.o. grass grown potted, of two kinds: one with yellow and green leaves, the other with all green leaves.

radar, rádar n 1 radar. 2 the ears or any way one has of picking up gossip or conversation. Ngilngig kaáyug radar ni si Asay kay daghag tabì nga mahípus, Asay has terrific radar when it comes to picking up gossip. v [A13; a12] do s.t. by radar.

radikal a radical, one who wants to change the social structure radically, or for ideas to be radical. v [B12; b6] be, become radical or a radical.

rádis = labanus.

radiyu n 1 the radio business. Usa ka mag-aawit sa radiyu, A singer on the radio. 2 radio set. v [A; c] broadcast over the radio. Giradiyu nga may bagyung umaábut, They broadcast that a storm was approaching. — baktas one who repeats idle talk. — balágun (kawáyan) the grapevine, orally repeated news. Sa panahun sa girilya ang ámung nutisya gíkan sa radiyu balágun (kawáyan), During the war we got our news over the grapevine. -gram n radiogram. -púnu n radio-*phono. -upirítur n radio operator.

radya = ráha1.

radyaw = áyu (dialectal — from dáyaw).

rágid a 1 rugged, strong and robust. Ang gustu níyang mabána kanang laláking rágid, She wants a rugged man for a husband. 2 not polished, coarse. 3 ragged, shabby, worn-out. v 1 [B12] be, become rugged. 2 [A1B12] dress in old clothes. Magrágid tag sinínà sa búkid, We’ll wear old clothes to the mountains. Narágid na ang mga bátà nga walay inahan nga mag-atiman, The children have become shabbily dressed because they lack a mother’s care. ka- v [A13] be all shabby.

ráha1 n the rajahs of pre-Spanish Filipinos.

ráha2 n wood cut from freshly cut ipil-ipil (byatilis) or mangrove (bakhaw) trees, peeled and dried for firewood. v [A; a] cut and sell mangrove or ipil-ipil commercially.

rak-an rúl n rock and roll. v 1 [A2C; c6] dance the rock and roll. 2 [A13] for the stomach to be rumbling from indigestion. Nagrak-an rúl ang ákung tiyan tungud sa sagulságul nga pagkáun, My stomach is doing the rock and roll from all the things I ate.

rak-in rúl = rak-an rúl.

rákit1 n racket for tennis, pingpong, and the like. v [A12; a12] have, make into a racket.

rákit2 n rocket ships or bombs.

rákit3 n racket, fraudulent means of obtaining money. Rákit lang giyud nang kapunúngan. Pangwarta lang, Their organization is just a racket to get money. v [c16] dishonestly take money entrusted to one. Girákit lang ang ámung ámut, The man just pocketed our contribution. [821]

rakrak v [A; b(1)] 1 fire bullets rapidly in bursts. Balay nga girakrakan, A house riddled with bullets. 2 in billiards, hit the target ball forcefully so as to scatter the balls that surround it with the hope that one or two of these balls will go into any of the holes. n bursts of rapid rifle fire.†

rám n rum. v [A13; b6] have rum.

ráma v [A; b] set flowers on a palm leaf as decorations. Nagráma mig búwak sa kapilya, We set some flowers on palm leaves in the chapel.

rambul1 n 1 rumble, free-for-all fist fight. 2 in Jai-alai, betting on the first three players out of a series such that whatever order they are in, the bet wins—e.g. if one bets that players 3, 6, and 2 are the first, second, and third place, his bet wins as long as this is so, no matter which one was first, which was second, and which was third. v [A2C; a12] engage in a rumble. Ang ílang punduk mauy mirambul sa nangharána, It was their group which engaged the serenaders in a brawl. Nagrambul ang magtiáyun, The husband and wife had a brawl.

rambul2 v [AC; c1] take a ride with s.o. on his bicycle or motorcycle. Magrambul lang tas ímung bisiklíta, Let us just ride double on your bicycle. Irambul (rambúla) ning tutú ka bátà dihas ímung mutur, Take these children on your motorcycle.

rami1 n shrub cultivated for its fiber, which is made into blankets, cloth, and string. Rami cloth is coarse, but very sturdy: Boehmeria nivea.

rami2, rámi n 1 game of rummy. 2 situation where one goes rummy. v 1 [AC2; ac3] play rummy. 2 [A2; ab2] go rummy.

rámids sil n rummage sale. v [A1; c6] hold a rummage sale.

*ramus Duminggu di- n Palm Sunday.

rán n run in stockings or knitted fabrics. v [B26] develop a run. Kausa pa gánì nákù masul-ub narán dáyun, I only wore the stockings once and they got a run right away.

ran-abáwut n an automobile with a rumble seat.

ranggu n 1 rank. 2 high position in society, high standing, eminence. Ang nanambung sa kasal púrus táwung may ranggu, The wedding guests were all persons of rank. v [A13] have a rank of.

ráning n running, a violation in basketball wherein a player takes more than two steps while the ball is in his hands. v [B1256] commit the running violation.

ráning burd n 1 board laid along a bridge for vehicles to pass over. 2 boards put underneath a passenger bus running parallel to the chassis, one on either side, between the front and rear wheels, used for cargo. 2a running board of cars.

ransiyu1 a spoiled meat or cooked food. v [B2; b6] be, become rancid. Muransiyu (maransiyu) ang karni kun dílì ipridyidir, The meat will spoil if you don’t put it in the frigidaire.

ransiyu2 = ransu1.

ransu1 n ration, share of food given out. Ang ransu sa mga nasunúgan, The ration for the fire victims. v 1 [A2; a] give rations. 2 [A12] obtain a ration.

ransu2 n ranch. v [A1; a2] have a ranch. ka- n associates, friends (slang). Walay táwu nga manghilabut níya sa piyir kay pulus karansu níya ang mga buguy didtu, No one will harm him at the waterfront because all the tough guys there are his friends.

rantsu = ransu.

ranwi n runway in an airport.

rapal = arapal, n.

rapdrap n rough draft. v [A1; c1] make a rough draft.

rapidu v [A; a12] 1 fire a volley. Rapiduha ninyu ang miláyas nga kriminal, Fire a volley on the escaping criminal. 2 do s.t. in rapid succession, like the firing of a volley. Nagrapidu siyag búnal niánang maldítung dakù, She gave that naughty child a sound whipping. Girapidu nílag káun ang inasal, They consumed the roast pig with machine gun-like rapidity. a done machine gun-like. Rapidung pagkasábà, A scolding like the burst of a machine gun. di- n weapon that is capable of automatic fire.

rápir n wrapper for manufactured goods or gifts.

rás a rushing, doing s.t. hastily. Kanúnay ka lang kabuk-an ug plátu kay rás ka man gud kaáyug líhuk, You keep breaking plates because you work in such a rush. v [A; c6] do s.t. in a hasty, rushing way. Kinsa ka gud nga murás ka man lang dáyun ug súd nga way pupananghid? Who are you just to rush in without asking permission? Ámung girás ang masakitun sa uspital, We rushed the patient to the hospital.

rása n breed of animals or fowl. Unsang rasáha nang ímung sunuy? What breed is your rooster? di- of a special breed, pedigreed.

rásak n RASAC, acronym for a government organization: the Regional Anti-Smuggling Action Center.

rasiyun n 1 allotment given out for subsistence. 2 one’s share of s.t. rationed. v 1 [A; c] [822]give out rations. Girasyunan lang intáwun ang mga sundálu ug mais ug bulad, The soldiers were being given corn grits and dried fish as their ration. 1a [c] cater food on a regular basis. Mahal, piru maáyu ang ílang irasiyun, It’s expensive, but the food they cater is good. 2 [A; a12] ration s.t. in short supply. Rasyunan ang túbig sa tinghuwaw, Water is rationed during droughts.

raspa1 n scraping of the womb (dilation and curettage). v [A; b(1)] 1 perform the d and c on s.o. Raspahan ang babáying talinug-an, A woman with excessive bleeding has to get a d and c. 2 trim and thin the hair with a razor. 3 shred papayas or other things in a similar way. raspahan, -dur n papaya shredder.

raspa2 = laspa.

rasun n 1 reason that s.t. happened. Unsa may rasung mipalta ka? What is the reason you were absent? 2 reasoning. Ang íyang rasun walà makakumbinsǐr nákù, His reasoning was not convincing to me. v [A2N; c6] give reasons why s.t. is or is not. Ngánung murasun (mangrasun) ka pa man nga naabtan man ka? Why do you keep trying to explain, when I caught you red-handed? Mau tuy ákung girasun níya nga nasakit ka, The excuse I gave to him was that you were sick. -abli a 1 reasonable. Rasunabli ang íyang gibúhat kay maalkansi man tà tug wà, What he did was reasonable because he would have lost money if he hadn’t. 2 tending to give excuses, reasons why s.t. was or was not.

ratatat n 1 rattling sound of a machine gun. 2 rattling off scoldings. Ayg kan-a nang kík, ratatat ra ba kaáyu si Tiyà, Better not eat that cake. Your aunt is great at reading lectures. v 1 [A2] for a machine gun to rattle. 2 [A13] scolding in a rattling way.

ratipikar v [A; b(1)] 1 ratify. 2 approve an action after it has been carried out by a subordinate. Núlu ang kuntrátung dílì ratipikahan sa manidyǐr, The contract is null and void if the manager doesn’t ratify it.

ratsáda everybody [do]. Bugsay, ratsáda, Everybody row. Ratsáda, bira, Everybody pull. v 1 [a3] be included in s.t. that is supposed to have happened to s.o. or s.t. else. Naratsáda ku sa ákung ábin pagkapildi sa íyang manuk, I lost the amount I put in on his bet when his cock lost. Naratsáda núun ku sa kasábà bisag wà kuy salà, I was scolded as well, even though I hadn’t done anything. Daghang mga way lábut ang nangaratsáda sa pinusílay, A lot of innocent people got caught up in the crossfire. 2 [A; c1] win successively in a mahjong game. Wà ka makaratsáda sa wà pa ka muílis sa ímung silya, It was only when you moved to another chair that you started winning successively.

ratsar = ratsáda, v1, 2.

*rátu káda — each time s.t. happens. Káda rátu na lang kung gikasab-an bísag dílì ákung sā̀, I’m always scolded even if I’m not at fault. — ug each time [so-and-so] is done. Káda rátug ínum, mahubug giyud, Each time he drinks, he gets drunk.

rauk n money (slang). Wà giyud kuy rauk, I don’t have a cent.

raw = daw.

rawraw v [A13] talk nonsense. Sabà dihà! Nagrawraw ka man lang, Shut up! You are just talking nonsense. n nonsense.

rawun, ráwun n 1 round in sports. Gipahaplà sa ikalimang ráwun, The boxer was knocked down in the fifth round. 1a round in mahjong in which all four players have had the deal. 1b walay — no chance of winning. Wà giyud kay ráwun kun makig-áway kag buksidur, You don’t have a chance if you fight with a boxer. 2 one complete sexual act. Nanghambug siyang makalima siya ka ráwun, He boasted that he could do it five times. 3 a complete round of a circular course. Duha ka ráwun ang ithandrid, The 800-meter run is two rounds of the track. a good in many things. Ráwun siya sa tanang sabdyik, He is good in all his subjects. v 1 [A23] make a complete circuit around. 2 [A; a] make the rounds of. Nagráwun ang mga bumbíru sa syudad, The firemen are making regular rounds in the city. Giráwun námù ang tanang nayit klab, We made the rounds of the night clubs. 3 [B126] get to be good in many things. — rúbin n 1 tournament done such that each contestant is paired off with every other contestant. 2 session practicing basketball in which every player has a chance to shoot in turn. v [A1; c] hold a rawun rúbin practice in basketball. rawunrawun v 1 [A; c6] keep going around and around. Nagrawunrawun ang mga bátà líbut sa balay, The children kept running around the house. 2 [A13; c6] go round for a walk, pleasure. Mintras wà pay abri ang mga sinihan magrawunráwun lang únà ta sa syudad, Let’s walk around downtown until the movie houses open. 3 [A; c6] spend money going about. Girawunráwun sa istudiyanti ang kwartang pangmatrikula, The student squandered the money for tuition fees by gallivanting around.

*rawundir pur, payib, siks — boxing match of four, five, six (etc.) rounds.

ráya n 1 long narrow band or streak. 2 game [823]of chance played by tossing coins on a surface marked with criss-crossing lines. Coins that land on the lines are given to the opponent. v 1 [A; b(1)] mark stripes. Ang bandíra sa Amirika girayáhan ug putì ug pula, The American flag has red and white stripes. 2 [AC; b(1)] play ráya. -du, rinaháyan, nirayáhan n having stripes.

rayadilyu n a strip of ribbon sewn along the side seams of trousers, as in uniforms. Pula ang rayadilyu sa unipurmi sa písi, The P.C. have red stripes on their trousers. v [A; ac] attach, make a stripe on trousers.

rayban n sunglasses (so called from the brand name). v [A13; b6(1)] wear sunglasses.

rayit han n right-hand man. Ang banggiítang kriminal ug ang íyang rayit han nadakpan na, The notorious criminal and his right-hand man have already been arrested. v [B16; c16] be, become s.o.’s right-hand man.

rayit huk n right hook in boxing.

rayna n 1 queen. 1a beauty queen, woman reigning over a celebration. 2 woman that is foremost like a queen. Si Glurya Sibilya mauy rayna sa pilikulang Binisayà, Gloria Sevilla is the queen of the Visayan screen. v [B16; a12] be, become a queen; make into a queen. — ilína n the queen of the feast of the Holy Cross as practiced with a procession in Manila (Santa Krúsan). v [B6; c1] be made the Queen Elena. — sa panimalay n wife as the head of the family. — sa kalibángan n ugly woman (lit. queen of the toilet—humorous).

ráyu íkis, rayuiks n x-ray. pa- v [A1] get an x-ray.

rayúma n rheumatism. v [B126; a4] cause, become affected with rheumatism. rayumahun a suffer from rheumatism.

ráyus1 n spokes.

ráyus2 n a two-wheeled cart usually drawn by a water buffalo or ox. v [A13; a12] travel by cart.

ráyus íkis = ráyu íkis.

ráyut n riot, wild or violent disorder. v [A13; a12] riot. Nagráyut ang mga pinirísu, The prisoners are rioting. Ug dílì sila makigdayalug rayútun nátù, If they don’t have a dialogue with us, we’ll riot. anti — iskwad n anti-riot squad. — gan n riot gun.

Rdu. abbreviation for Ribirindu, Reverend.

ri1 n the note re in music. — minur n d minor. — mayur n d major.

ri2 short for kiri.

riaksiyun n reaction. Nagkalainláin ang riaksiyun sa namínaw, The audience responded with various reactions. v [A; b4] give s.o. a reaction. Wà siya riaksiyuni sa tambal, He was unaffected by the medicine.

riay = diay (dialectal).

Rib. = rdu.

ribáha n discount. Adúnay singku pursintung ribáha ug bayran ug kás, There is a five percent discount if you pay cash. v [A; c] 1 allow a discount on s.t. Iribáha ang útang sa swildu, Deduct the debt from the salary. Ribahái ang prisyu kay sigunda mánu man ni, Give me a discount because it is second hand. 2 deduct the tare weight. Dus kílus iribáha sa pisáda pára sa sáku, They will allow two kilos for the weight of the sack.

ríbal n rival. v [A2C; b(1)] be, become rivals; engage in rivalry. Ákung ribálan nang nangulitáwu ni Tinay, I’ll compete with him for Tinay’s hand. ka- n rival.

ribansa, ribansin v [AC; c1] 1 play a game again with the same adversaries. Makigribansa ug dúlà ang mga pildíru, The losers want to have a replay. 2 do s.t. a second, third, or more time around. Human sa usa ka básu miribansa pag katulu, After the first glassful, they had another three. n 1 in games, the second time around. Isyút ang pusta kay way ribansa ning duláa, Bet all you’re going to bet because there is going to be no replay. 2 s.t. done the second or more time around.

ribáwun v 1 [A23; b6] bounce. Hínay na muribáwun ning buláha, This ball bounces poorly. 2 [A; a12] get the rebounds in basketball. Hawud siyang muribáwun kay taas, He is good in catching the rebounds because he is tall. n 1 bounce. 2 rebounds in basketball. -ir n a ball that rebounds in basketball.

ribildi n rebel. v [AC1; b6] rebel. Muribildi ang bátà nga pinugngan, A child that is repressed usually rebels.

ribilyun n rebellion against the government in power. v [A] hold a rebellion. (→) v [a12] settle s.t. with a rebellion.

ribintadur1 n k.o. reddish fish with a cylindrical body about the size of a firecracker.

ribintadur2 = libintadur.

ribirb n electronic mechanism which causes the sound to reecho or resound, usually used for guitars.

Ribirindu a Reverend.

ribisar v [A; a12] 1 inspect, examine s.t. closely. Nagribisar ang isklibinti sa mga papílis kay dúnay impurtanting dukumintu nga nawani, The clerk is examining all the papers because an important document was misplaced. 2 revise, make changes. Naribisar ang ubang sirimunyas sa simbahan, They have revised some of the Church ceremonies. ribisádu n s.t. revised. Libru nga ribisádu, [824]Revised edition books.

ribisiyun n revision.

ribista n magazine.

ribíti n edgings, trim. Ribíting pula iláwum sa kurdísu, A red trim underneath the window sill. v [A; b] 1 put edgings on. 2 take a strip off s.t.

ribulbir, ribulbǐr n 1 revolver. 2 prominent hipbone. v 1 [A13] carry a revolver. 2 [A12] obtain a revolver.

ribultu n 1 sculptured figures used as sacred objects. Ribultu sa mga santus, Images of the saints. 2 sculpture, statue. Ribultu ni Husi Risal, The statue of Jose Rizal.

ribulusiyun n 1 revolution, complete political or social change. 2 revolution of a machine. v 1 [C2; b35] have a revolution. Háyang magribulusiyun dinhi ug way kausában, They will surely have a revolution here if things don’t change. 2 [A] make the engine turn over. 2a for an engine to turn over. -aryu n a revolutionary, one who wants a social revolution. gubyirnu -aryu government of the revolutionaries.

ríbun n 1 decorative ribbon, ribbon of honor. — dans n benefit ball where the gentlemen wear ribbons of different colors. Each ribbon has a price and before each dance the color of the ribbon is announced, for which the men must pay the specified price. 2 typewriter ribbon. v 1 [A; a] wear, make into a ribbon. 2 [A12; b(1)] obtain a ribbon in a contest. Nakaríbun ku sa dibit, I got a ribbon in the debate. 2a [A; b(1)] pin a ribbon on. 3 [b] put a typewriter ribbon in.

ribunit = rabunit.

ribyú v 1 [A; a12] study one’s lesson for review. Muribyú ta pára sa tist, We’ll review for the test. 1a hold a review class. 2 [A; b(1)] attend review classes for board exams. 3 [AC12; a12] stay to see a movie for a second time. Muribyú ku kay wà kung kasabut sa isturya, I’ll see the movie again because I didn’t get the story the first time around. 3a eat again. Human na ku makapaniudtu apan muribyu ku kay wà pa ku mabusug, I’ve already had my lunch, but I’ll eat some more because I’m still hungry. n 1 review classes. 2 action of studying for review. 3 action of seeing s.t. or eating a second time around.

ríd n 1 police raid. 2 raid on the enemy in war. v [A; a12] 1 conduct a police raid. Giríd sa mga pulis ang sugálan, The police raided the gambling den. 2 conduct a raid against the enemy. Giríd ang kampu sa mga kaáway, The enemy raided the camp.

rid drágun = dágir, 2.

ridhart n suit of hearts.

rídi a ready, prepared for use or action. Rídi na ang paniudtu, Dinner is read now. Rídi na ku. Mularga na ta? I’m ready now. Shall we go? Rídi, ím, payr, Ready, aim, fire. — mid ready-made clothes. v [B136; c1] be, get ready.

ridiskwintu v [A12; b] give a second discount. Dílì na mi makaridiskwintu kay maalkansi na mi, We can’t give any further discounts because we will lose.

ridiyu upirítur = radiyu upirítur. see radiyu.

rid karpit n in boxing, cockfights, and other spectator sports, the seats nearest the ring or platform.

rid krus n Red Cross.

ridyistǐr n record, list of names and personal particulars of items. Káda absin italà sa ridyistǐr, Each absence is listed in the register.

ridyistir-ub dids, ridyistir-up dids n register of deeds.

ridyun n region, certain large area.

ridyǔs v [B24] for the body to reduce in weight. Miridyǔs siya pagkasakit níya, She lost weight when she got sick. pa- v [A; c1] go on a diet to lose weight.

*ridyuyridyǔy ka- v [A13] be in a miserable condition, esp. financial. Nagkaridyuyridyǔy siya sukad mawad-ig trabáhu, He has been miserable ever since he lost his job.

rigadíra, rigadur, rigadúra n sprinkling can.

rigálu n 1 gift, present. 2 in games, a free ball. v 1 [A; c] give as a present. Sa kasal ninyu murigálu kug inasal, On your wedding day, I’ll give you roast pig as a present. 2 [A12; b6(1)] get a free ball.

rigla n 1 principle of almost established certainty. Mauy ílang rigla nga kun manggulà ang mga ípus, mag-ulan, As a rule, when winged termites come out in the open, it will rain. Sumálà sa rigla, ang sunud háyan hárì, According to the pattern, the next one is sure to be heads. 2 menstruation (normal, untinged word). Birhin sa — the Guiding Mother, the patron saint of missionaries and of Opon (now Lapulapu City). v [A13; a4] menstruate. Ug magrigla (riglahun), dílì malígù, Don’t bathe when you are menstruating. pa- v [A; b] 1 deviate from the usual norm of conduct, do things not in the usual way. Muparigla kug pakítà sa ákung katapúsang baráha, I’ll do s.t. unusual. I’ll show my last card to everybody. 2 destroy s.t. belonging to s.o. else maliciously. Dúna giyuy nagparigla sa mutur kay nagáras man, S.o. must have messed around with this motorcycle because it is all full of scratches. 3 attack [825]passers-by and unknown people without provocation and for no purpose. Mga buguy tung nagparigla níya, It was street toughs that attacked him. n 1 unusual behavior. 2 malicious destruction of others’ things. 3 thrill attacks on unknown people. -mintu, -myintu n regulations, rules of conduct.

rigudun n formal ballroom dance done in squares. v [A2C2; c6] dance this dance. — diunur = rigudun.

rigul = rigur.

rigular a 1 average, conforming in form to the normal. Rigular ang íyang gidak-un, He is of average build. Rigular ang íyang rigla, She has a normal menstrual cycle and normal amounts of discharge. Rigular na ang íyang pulsu, His pulse is now regular. Lahì kini sa rigular nga kútiks, This one is different from the ordinary Kotex. 1a regular, not special student. Rigular purt yir siya run, He is a regular fourth year student this year. 2 consistent or habitual in action. Rigular kining tulumanun sa radiyu, This is a regular program over the radio. v [B1256] become a permanent worker, employee.

rigulasiyun = riglamintu. see rigla.

rigur v [B146] feel uneasy when s.t. pent up can’t be released. Nagrigur nà siya kay wà tugúting muadtu sa bayli, She is ill at ease because she was not given permission to go to the dance. Magrigur giyud kug dì kapanimalus, I won’t rest until I get revenge.

rigyular = rigular.

ríhas n window grills. Migúnit ang prísu sa ríhas sa prisuhan, The prisoner clung to the prison bars. -in-an n having grills put in front of it. v [A1; c1] install grills on windows or doors.

*rihistráda marka — registered trade mark.

rihistrǎr v [A; c] register, officially record. Irihistrǎr ang yútà sa ákung ngálan, Register the land in my name. rihistrádu a registered; officially recorded. Kuríyu rihistrádu, Registered mail.

rihistru = rihistrǎr.

rihiyunal n regional. Banggà rihiyunal sa amatiyur, Regional contest for amateur performers. Kumpirinsiya rihiyunal, Regional conference.

riiliksiyunista n s.o. up for reelection.

rík n rake. v [A; a] rake s.t. Ríka ang mga sagbut, Rake up the trash. Ríki ang sílung, Rake the yard in front of the house.

rikábir v 1 [A2] for a boxer to get back on his feet or regain his composure. Wà gánì siya makarikábir, giusban dáyug sukmag, Hardly had he recovered when he was hit again. 2 [A; a12] recover s.t. lost or stolen. Dì na marikábir nang puhúnan, The capital can no longer be recovered.

rikádu n spices. v [A; c] spice food. Dì ku murikádu ug luy-a sa tinúlang isdà, I don’t put ginger into fish stew.

rikap v [A; ab2] recap tires. n recapped tires.

rikargu n surcharge. v [A; b] cause s.o. to pay a surcharge. Murikargu nímug diyis pursintug mulápas ka sa tagal, You’ll have to pay a ten percent surcharge if you go past the due date.

ríkim n requiem mass.

rikísa v [A; ab2] search for s.t. hidden. Abtik nga mirikísa sa dinakpan ang pulis, The cop quickly frisked the suspect. Girikísa ang ákung malíta sa kustums, My suitcase was thoroughly searched in the Customs.

rikisisiyun n requisition. v [A; c1] requisition s.t. Nakarikisisiyun ka na ba sa mga kinahanglanun sa upisína? Have you requisitioned the things we need for the office? Girikisisiyun sa mga sundáwu ang ámung dyíp, The soldiers requisitioned our jeep.

rikisíta, rikisítas, rikisítus n requisites, requirements. Kwarta ray rikisíta sa kaminyúun, Money is the only prerequisite for marriage. Unsay rikisíta sa pag-istudiyug narsing? What are the prerequisites for studying nursing?

rikiyim = ríkim.

riklamadur a one who complains all the time. Riklamadur kaáyung kasiráha. Dì kaángay sa káun, The boarder complains all the time. She doesn’t like the food. v [B12] be, become a complainer.

riklamasiyun n reclamation area.

riklámu n complaint, utterance of dissatisfaction. Wà pamatía ang riklámu sa mga trabahanti, No one heeded the laborers’ complaints. v 1 [A; b3c5] complain. Unsay giriklamúhan (giriklámu) sa mga istudiyanti? What are the students complaining about? Adtu nà iriklámu sa kapulisan, File your complaint with the police. 2 [A; b(1)] request food or money, usually on a short-term loan. Muriklámu kug bayinti nímu, I would like to ask you for a loan of twenty pesos.

rikrak n 1 ricrac, a k.o. trimming for clothing. 2 k.o. ornamental bush with leaves that look like they have a ricrac, a variety of kalípay, 1 (Polyscias fruticosa). v [A; b] trim, adorn with ricrac.

rikta a using a language that is rudely brief and curt (female). Rikta kaáyung manubagtubag nga bayhána mu rag hawud, She answers [826]in a curt and rude manner as if she were the boss. riktahun a being blunt and curt in one’s replies.

riktanggul, riktanggulu a rectangle. v [B1256] become rectangular.

riktu1 = rikta (male).

riktu2 n penis (slang—so called from Claro M. Recto, a statesman whose bald pate reminds one of the glans).

riktur n rector. v [B56; a2] be, become a rector.

rikúbir = rikábir.

rikúdu v [A; c6] for a land vehicle to turn a corner, negotiate a curve. Ayaw ug pakúsug ug magrikúdu ka, Don’t drive fast when you negotiate a turn. rikuduhan n curve in a street.

rikúla v [A; b6] 1 refuse to do s.t., usually for some reason. Dì giyud nà murikúla kun sugúun, He doesn’t refuse if you tell him to do s.t. Ug áway ímung gustu, dì ti ka rikuláhan, If it’s a fight you want, I am not afraid. 2 back out of s.t. Sáad nga dílì marikuláhan, An agreement you cannot back out of. 3 [A2; b3] raise an objection to s.t. Mirikúla siya sa ákung hukum ug páwul, He raised an objection to my calling a foul.†

rikulúta1 n military recruit. v [A; a12] recruit for military service. a novice, greenhorn. Rikulúta pa siya sa panganak, She is still new to childbirth. Rikulúta pa ku sa kinaíya sa mga Múrus, I am not accustomed to the ways of the Moros.

rikulúta2 a be distrusting and saying so openly. Rikulúta kaáyu siya sa ímung mga pasálig, He disbelieves your promises and says so. v [B12] be, become distrusting and vocal about it. Makarikulúta (makaparikulúta) nang ímung binahinan, Who wouldn’t say s.t. the way you divide it up?

rikumindǎr v [A; c6] recommend s.o. or s.t. Dì ku murikumindǎr ug tapulan, I don’t recommend lazy people. Kining librúha ang girikumindǎr sa maistru, The teacher recommended this book. rikumindádu n recommendee. Nadáwat siya kay rikumindádu man sa mayur, He was accepted because he is one of the mayor’s recommendees. v [B1256] be one’s recommendee. rikumindasiyun n recommendation for a job.

rikunsidirasiyun n reconsideration.

rikunusir v [A; a12] examine s.o. physically. Rikunusihun ka ug wà ka bay tíbi, You will be examined for T.B. pa- v [A; ac] have oneself medically examined. Iparikunusir ang ímung asáwa ug mabdus ba, Have your wife examined to see if she is pregnant.

ríkurd n 1 record, official account of s.t. Tan-áwa sa ríkurd pilay íyang grádu, Look into the records to see what his grades were. 2 the known or recorded facts about anything: one’s conduct, performance, one’s career. Si Dígu may ríkurd sa íyang pagkakriminal, Diego has a criminal record. 3 phonograph record. 4 record, the best performance. Ang íyang ríkurd wà pa hilupigi, No one has surpassed his record. v [A; c6] put in the record. Iríkurd ang mga gastus, Record the expenses. klas — n class record in school. -ing n recording. v [A1] have a recording session. Paghílum mu kay nagrikurding na mi, Keep quiet. We are recording.

rikurída, rikurídas v [b5c] 1 advertise a movie or some public event with a roving truck. 2 make the rounds to check, inspect. Murikurída ang pulis patrul sa tanang dapit káda gabíi, The police make their rounds in our neighborhood every evening. 3 make the rounds of s.t. for pleasure. Girikurídas námù ang tanang nayit klab dinhi, We made the rounds of all the night clubs here. n action of making the rounds to advertise s.t. or check up.

*rikursus naturális Dipartamintu sa Agrikultúra ug Rikursus Naturális n Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

rikwirdu n souvenir, keepsake. Rikwirdu sa ílang kasal, Souvenirs of their wedding.

rikwisasiyun n = rikisisiyun.

rikwisisiyun, rikwisisyun = rikisisiyun.

rikwisítus = rikisítus. see rikisíta.

rilak, rilaks v [A; c6] relax, take it easy. Rilaks lang. Ayg kabaláka, Just take it easy. Don’t worry. Murilaks ku human sa iksámin, I’ll take a vacation after the exams.

rilansi a shoddy, poor in workmanship. v [AB12; b6c1] do work poorly or shoddily. Maáyu nang mananahía kay dì giyud murilansi sa íyang trabáhu, That seamstress is good because she never relaxes on the quality of her work.

rilasiyun n 1 kinship by blood or marriage. Wà silay rilasiyun bísag paríhug apilyídu, They are not related even though they have the same surname. 2 love affair. Dúna tingáli rilasiyun ang manidyir ug ang sikritarya, The manager seems to be having an affair with the secretary. 3 relations among nations. Ang rilasiyun sa Pilipínas ug Malisya tandugun kaáyu, The Philippines’ relations with Malaysia are very shaky.

rilíbu n s.o. who relieves s.o. else on duty. v [AC; c] relieve s.o. on the job, work on a rotation basis. Nagrilíbu mig bantay sa masakitun, We took turns watching the sick [827]man. Girilibúhan na ba ang gwardiya? Has the guard been relieved?

rilidyun n religion, a subject in school consisting mainly of catechism. v [A1] hold a religion class.

rilihiyun n religion.

rilihiyúsa = rilihiyúsu (female).

rilihiyúsu a religious, devout. v [B12; b6] be, become religious.

rilikaryu n place where religious relics are kept.

rilikyas n religious relic.

rilip n second-hand clothing gathered by charitable organizations and sold cheap. v [A1] have, wear relief clothing. -an n place where second-hand clothes are sold.

rilis1 v 1 [c6] set free. Narilis ang binilanggù, The prisoner was released. 2 [A; c6] issue a permit, publish test results. Narilis na ang ímung lún, Your loan has been released. Hápit nang irilis ang risulta sa bar, The results of the bar exam are about to be released. pris — n press release. v [A; c] issue a press release.

rilis2, rílis n 1 railway tracks. 2 district in Cebu where the railroad station used to be, and where there is a red light district. babáyi sa — n prostitute. paN- v [A2] 1 patronize a prostitute. Nangrilis siya kay gibigáan, He went to the red light district because he got the urge to have sex. 2 go through the area where the railway used to be. Mangrilis tag ági igpaúlì, Let’s go by the railway tracks when we go home.

rilisiyun = rilasiyun.

rilu n watch or clock. — dibulsa pocket watch. — dipasmu a watch that is always late. — dipulsu wrist watch. v 1 [A; c] wear a watch. 2 [A12] get a watch. riluhíru n watch repairman; watchmaker. v [B156] be, become a watch repairman or maker.†

rilus n watch pocket.

rilyíbu = rilíbu.

rilyínu n dish of fowl or shellfish, prepared by removing the inner bones or shells and the meat, replacing them with meat mixed with other ingredients. v [A; a] have, make this dish.

rím n 1 ream of paper with 500 sheets. 2 a carton of cigarettes.

ríma n rhyme. v 1 [A2; c1] make rhymed verse. 2 [A; c1] make words rhyme. 3 [A2C3; b(1)] rhyme with. Wà muríma ang púlung kahil sa púlung kahun, The word ‘orange’ does not rhyme with the word ‘box’.

rímas = kulu2.

rimatádu n for s.t. pawned to be foreclosed so that it is no longer the possession of the owner. v [B1256] get foreclosed. Ug marimatádu na nà, únu lus dus ug mabalik pa nímu, If you don’t redeem it before the due date, it’s all a matter of luck whether you can ever get it back.

rimáti1 v [A] for many bells to peal in a jumble. Tána kay nagrimáti na ang kampána, Come on! The bells are ringing for the mass.

rimáti2 v 1 [A; c1] for a pawnshop to take over possession of articles that weren’t redeemed. 2 [B126] for a matter to become worse. Ang ulan mauy nakarimáti (nakaparimáti) sa ákung ubu, The rain made my cough worse.

rimatsi n rivet. v 1 [A; ac] attach with, make into, put a rivet. Rimatsihun nátù ni arun lig-un, Let’s attach this with a rivet so it will be strong. Irimatsi ni sa babag, Rivet this to the crossbar. 2 [A; a12] beat, like riveting. Rimatsíhun ka sa mga buguy ug dì ka manghátag ug sigarilyu, The toughs will beat you up if you don’t give them cigarettes. 3 [A; a12] finish up, get done with. Awáya siya kay akuy murimatsi ug kasábà, Quarrel with her, and I will finish her up with a tongue-lashing. 3a finish a girl by having intercourse with her. Rimatsíha (rimatsía) ang imung uyab, Do s.t. to your sweetheart that will complete your relationship. 4 [A; a2] steal surreptitiously (slang). Nagrimatsi siyag manuk sa ílang silíngan kagabíi, He stole his neighbor’s chicken last night.

rimidiyu v [A; a2] 1 acquire s.t. for one’s needs. Magrimidiyu kug kwartang ibáyad sa iskuylahan, I must secure money to pay for the school. 2 tinker around with s.t. to improve it. Rimidiyúha nu nà ug muandar pa ba, Tinker around with it. Maybe it will still run. 3 [AC2; a2b2] have sexual intercourse (humorous). Dì ku makarimidiyu sa ákung asáwa kay gidugù, I can’t do anything with my wife because she is menstruating. pa- v [a12] lend. Parimidiyúha ku dihag písus kay ákung ipamúlang, Lend me one peso to use for the cockfights. n remedy, s.t. that can repair or restore s.t. to good state. Wà na kay rimidiyu kay kansir man, You have no hope because it’s cancer. Wà nay rimidiyu nang makinilyáha, That typewriter is broken beyond repair. rimidiyuhay v [C] have sexual intercourse. n action of having intercourse.

rimin v [A; a12] stay after school.

rímu v [A; b6(1)] scull, move a boat forward by twisting an oar from side to side over the stern of a boat. Rimúhi ring búti kay [828]punù nag kupras, Scull this small boat because it’s already full of copra. n scull.

rimulatsa n light brown sugar, closest in class to the refined white sugar.

rimurki1 v [A; a] tow or drag s.t. in the water. Dakung trúsu ákung girimurki, I’m towing a big log in the water.

rimurki2 v 1 [A; a12] make use of, eat s.t. with or without proper permission (colloquial). Nagrimurki ang mga irù sa basúra, The dogs are busy with the garbage. Nakarimurki na nà sa kusína kay nanghingìkì na, He has eaten in the kitchen because he is picking his teeth. 2 [A3; a12] open up s.t. to get at the contents illegally. Taga kustum mauy mirimurki sa pákids, A Custom official helped himself to the contents of the package.

rimut kuntrul v [A; c6] broadcast away from the radio station. Magrimut kuntrul mi sa mísa sa Santu Rusaryu, We will broadcast the mass from Santo Rosario church by remote control.

rína = rayna.

rinda n reins. sigunda — checkrein. Pahugti ang sigunda rinda arun dílì madugmù ang kabáyù, Tighten the checkrein so the horse won’t stumble. paghátag ug — let s.t. go free, release the restraints. Wà siya magduhadúha sa paghátag ug rinda sa íyang mga kapritsu, She did not hesitate to give full course to her caprices. v 1 [A13; a12] attach, make into a rein. 2 [b6] pull on the reins. Rindáhi arun muhínay ang kabáyù, Pull on the reins to slow the horse down.

rindǐr v [A23] 1 give way, collapse. Hápit na ku murindǐr sa kalisud sa trabáhu, I’m practically ready to collapse because the work is so hard. Kining bangkúa dì murindǐr bisag daghang maglingkud, This bench won’t give way no matter how many people sit on it. 2 for s.t. to expire. Murindǐr na ang sidula sunud búwan, The residence certificate expires next month. rindídu a 1 having given way. 2 come to an end, expired. Búlan sa Disyimbri aku natáwu, rindídu na ang túig, I was born in December when the year was ending.

rindyir n ranger, unit in the Philippine Constabulary or member thereof, highly trained in hand-to-hand combat. see also púris.

ring n 1 boxing or wrestling ring. 2 ring in logs. 3 basketball ring.

ríng v [A; c1] for the telephone or doorbell to ring. Muríng gánì ang tilipunu tubaga dáyun, When the telephone rings, answer it immediately.

ringgíru n k.o. fish.

ringlis a shot in basketball which does not touch the ring in going into it. Basta maáyung musyát, ringlis pirmi, A player who is a good shot always makes clean shots.

rinigar v [B16] be, become desperate enough to do s.t. at the peril of one’s own life. Kinsay dílì murinigar (marinigádu) nga hápit na malumus ang bátà, Who would not be out of his mind with desperation if his child was at the point of drowning. rinigáda = rinigádu (female). rinigádu a desperate to the point of not caring whether one lives or dies. v [B16] be, become desperate.

rintas n internal revenue. Bayranan sa rintas, Payments to be made to the Bureau of Internal Revenue. — intirnas = rintas.

rinyun n 1 kidney. 2 kidney ailment. Dì makakaun ug parat ang dúnay rinyun, A person with a kidney ailment can’t eat salty foods. v [A123P; a4] get a kidney ailment.

RIP abbreviation on graves for Requiescat in Pace.

rip. n abbreviation for riprisintanti representative.

ríp v [A; a2] rape. Mga batan-un ang miríp sa usa ka tigúlang, It was a bunch of young men that raped the old woman.

rípa n drawing of lots or game of chance, usually with lots. v [A; a2] draw lots; conduct a raffle. Átung ripáhun kun kinsay makabangka, Let’s draw lots to see who treats. pa- v [A; b(1)] raffle off. Unsay giparipáhan? What are they raffling off?

ripan v [A; c] make a refund. Katungà na lang sa kantidad ang iripan, Only half of the amount will be refunded. n refund.

riparasiyun n reparations.

ripásu n rehearsal. v [A; a2] rehearse s.t. or s.o. Kinsa may muripásu ninyu sa dráma? Who will rehearse you for the drama? Nakaripásu ka na ba sa ímung diklimisyun? Have you rehearsed your declamation piece?

ripíki n pealing of a large number of bells. v [A; c1] for bells to peal.

ripílint n 1 water repellent cloth. 2 mosquito repellent rubbed on the skin.

ripinádu n refined sugar. v 1 [A13; a2] make refined sugar. Maripinádu ang sintripugal kun usbun kini paglútù, The semi-refined sugar will become refined after it is processed again. 2 [A; c] put refined sugar in s.t.

ripir v 1 [A; a12] repair s.t. mechanical. 2 [A; c1] stitch up the genitalia after childbirth (humorous). pa- v [A; ac] 1 have s.t. repaired. Iparipir nátù ang tíbi, Let’s have the TV fixed. 2 have the genitalia stitched [829]after childbirth.

ripiri n referee. v 1 [A; a2] referee s.t. 2 [A; c1] make s.o. the referee.

ripitir v 1 [A; c1] say or do s.t. again. Ayaw ug ripitiha (iripitir) ang ímung sayup, Don’t repeat your mistake. Gihangyù si Múna nga iripitir ang íyang kanta, Mona was asked to sing her song again. 2 [A; a1] do s.t. to s.o. in rapid succession. Giripitir ku níyag sumbag, He struck me again and again. 2a [A2; a12] in a certain k.o. billiard game, make successive caroms, usually ten times or more. Maáyu gánì ang mísa muripitir man kug sín, If it is a good billiard table, I can make a hundred successive caroms. 3 [A; c] ask for an encore by throwing money. Giripitir níya ang singku písus sa mananayaw, He threw in five pesos so the dancer would give an encore. (←) n a student who has to repeat a course.

ripitisiyun encore, an exclamation asking for repetition of a performance. n encore given by a performer. Walà muhátag ug ripitisiyun, He wouldn’t give an encore.

riplǎn n 1 folk belief about s.t. that will happen. Mauy riplǎn sa karáan nga kun magdamgu ug tái makadaug sa súgal, It’s a folk belief that when one dreams of feces he will win in gambling. Mauy riplǎn sa mga karáang táwu nga muabut ang panahun nga ang puthaw manglúpad, Old folks believe that time will come when iron flies. 2 proverb, saying. Adúnay riplǎn nga nag-ingun nga ang tábì dílì maputus, There’s a proverb which says ‘You can’t wrap gossip up (i.e. keep it secret).’

ripli n rifle. v 1 [A12; a12] shoot s.t. with a rifle. Riplihun ku nang irúa kay mamáak, I’ll shoot that dog with a rifle because it bites. 2 [A12] obtain a rifle. — nga dibumba n air-rifle.

riplí v [A; c1] replay recorded music.

ripliksiyun n reflection in a mirror or the like.

ripliktur n reflectors for motor vehicles.

riprǎn = riplǎn.

ripridyirítur n refrigerator. v [A1; c6] use, obtain a refrigerator.

riprisintǎr v [A; b(1)] represent. Si Glurya Díyas mauy miriprisintǎr sa Yúbi sa banggà, Gloria Diaz represented U.V. in the contest. Siya mauy nagriprisintar sa ikaduhang distrítu, He is the representative of the second district. Unsang kapunungána ímung giriprisintahan? What organization do you represent? riprisintanti n 1 congressman. 2 s.o. who represents. Dúnay riprisintanti ang átung punduk sa maung kumbinsiyun, Our organization sent a representative to the convention. v [B156; c1] be, become a congressman or representative. riprisintasiyun1 n representatives collectively sent s.w. Ang riprisintasiyun sa kabisay-an mauy nanaug sa Prisáa, The representatives of the Visayas won the PRISAA athletic meet.

riprisintasiyun2 1 standard to maintain, a front to keep up. Gamay ra ug swildu ang magtutudlù apan kinahanglan may riprisintasiyun ang íyang pamuyù, A teacher has a meager salary, but he still has to keep up a front. 2 bearing, personality that impresses. Ang íyang kunsurti way riprisintasiyun kay mabag tambuk, Her consort is unimpressive in his bearing because he is short and fat.

riprisku n refreshments. v [A; c] take refreshments.

riprismin, riprismint n 1 refreshments esp. cold drinks. 2 — parlur refreshment parlor. v [A12N; c] take refreshments.

ripublika n republic. v [B1256; c1] be, become a republic.

ripulyu n cabbage.

ripurt n 1 report, piece of news. Mátud sa mga ripurt, tulu ang patay, According to the reports, three were killed. 1a piece of malicious information. Ayaw panumbalinga kanang mga ripurt, Don’t pay any heed to that gossip. 2 official report or presentation of facts. Way kamatuúran ang ripurt sa prisidinti, The presidential report lacks credibility. v 1 [A2] report to a place of work. Dílì ku muripurt sa upisína ugmà, I will not report to the office tomorrow. 2 [A; c] report s.t. wrong. Iripurt ta ka sa manidyǐr, I shall report you to the manager. Ímung giripurt ang tilipunung nadáut? Did you report the telephone out of order? 2a give a report, piece of news. Giripurt siyang patay, He was reported dead. -ir n 1 news reporter, one who reports bad things to the authorities. Dúna giyuy ripurtir ning átung upisína, There’s a spy in the office. 2 gossip. Paglikay ánang bayhána kay ripurtir nà, Keep away from that woman because she is a gossip. v [B156] be, become a news reporter.

rirayit v [A; c1] rewrite. Irirayit nà kay di mabása, Rewrite that because it’s illegible.

*risáda mísa — n low mass.

Risal name Jose Rizal, a national hero of the Philippines. v [B1456] be earnest, diligent like Rizal. Mutrabáhu giyud nà siya bísag Duminggu. Magrisal tingáli, He goes to work, even on Sundays. He must want to be a [830]hero. -in- a hair style like Rizal’s.

risáyin v [A2; b3] quit one’s job. Mirisáyin ang sikritarya, The secretary resigned.

risáyit v [A; c1] recite a poem in class.

risaytal n musical recital. v [A1; c6] hold a recital.

risgu n risk, the chance or danger of injury, loss. Risgu ang pagpanguntrabandu, Smuggling is a risky business. Ang paglabang ánang subáa dakung risgu sa kinabúhì, You cross that river at the risk of your life. v [A3P; c1] take a risk. Dautan ang panahun apan murisgu lang ku pagbiyáhi, The weather is bad, but I’ll take a risk and travel.

risibi v [A; a12] 1 look after, take care of. Ug dì ka kamau murisibi sa mga urkids, mangamátay lang nà, If you don’t know how to take care of the orchids, they’ll die. 1a entertain, receive a guest or visitor. Maáyug mga bigsyat ta kay risibihun dáyun, They would have tried to outdo each other in entertaining us had we been big shots. 2 pay attention to what one is about. Risibiha ang ímung gibúhat arun dílì magkasayupsayup, Pay attention to what you are about so it won’t be full of mistakes. -dur(→) n living room. -in- n s.t. given full care and attention.

risíbu n receipt. v [A2; b] make or issue a receipt.

risidídu = disidídu.

risidins n 1 = risidinsiya. 2 residence in school to graduate or get honors.

risidin sirtipikit n residence certificate.

risidinsiya n 1 residence, dwelling place of a nice sort. 2 residence to fulfill voting requirements. v [A] have a long enough residence.

risikáda n copra that has dried beyond the usual standard moisture content. Ang kupras risikáda mas mahal ug prisyu, Very dry copra fetches a higher price. v [A2; a1] be, become quite dry.

risíku n decrease in weight from evaporation. v 1 [A2] for copra to lose its moisture content. Mugaan ang kupras ug murisíku, Copra becomes lighter if it loses moisture. 2 [A; b6(1)] deduct possible loss in weight due to evaporation from the material weighed. Risikúhi ang timbang ug báli singku kílus, Deduct five kilos from the original weight for evaporation.

risintǎr v [A; c] resent. Dílì ta murisintǎr ug tagáan ug mga maáyung tambag, We should not resent it when we are given good advice.

risipi n 1 recipe. 2 recipe book. v [A1; b] use a recipe book.

rísir n racing bicycle.

risirba n 1 s.t. spare for later use. Kining kwartáha risirba pára sa timpu sa kalisud, This money is a reserve for difficult times. Wà nay hángin ang risirba, The spare tire has no air. 2 s.t. set aside for a special person. Adúna ka nay risirba nga lamísa sa nayitklab, You already have a table reserved in the night club. 3 reservist in the armed forces. v 1 [A; c] reserve, set s.t. aside for later use. Átung irisirba ang ítik pára sa pista, I’m reserving the ducks for the fiesta. 2 [B1256] be a reservist. -du a s.t. set aside for a special purpose. Gidilì ang pagtagà sa mga risirbádung kalasangan, Felling trees in a forest reservation is prohibited. n forest reservation. -siyun n forest reservation.

risis n recess. v [B56; b(1)] be recess time, begin recess. Mupaulì siyag marisis, He goes home at recess time.

risistinsiya n 1 resistance. Risistinsiya sa inpiksiyun, Resistance to infection. 2 endurance. Way risistinsiya sa bug-at nga trabáhu, He cannot endure hard work. Dúgay siyang kapuyun ug magbaskit bul kay maáyug risistinsiya, He doesn’t easily run out of breath in basketball because he has lots of steam. -du(←) a having lots of endurance. v [B12] get to have good endurance.

risíta n doctor’s prescription. v [A; c] issue a prescription.

risma n ream of paper of 500 sheets.

rispitar n 1 respect, showing s.o. the deference and courtesy due him in his station. Wà kay rispitar sa ímung ginikánan, You don’t show your parents the respect that is due them. 2 sign of courtesy. Rispitar lang tung ákung pagtambung sa íyang kasal, I went to his wedding out of respect for him. v 1 [A; b(1)] respect, recognize a person’s station and rights. Nagrispitar ku sa ímung katungud, I respect your rights. Rispitai ang butang sa uban, Respect other peoples’ properties. 2 [A; b6] do s.t. out of respect for s.o. Rispitahan lang nátù ning básung gitágay, We’ll just accept this glass as recognition of the person who offered it. rispitádu a 1 respected. Mutúu giyud ang mga táwu níya kay rispitádu kaáyu siya, People believe him because he is very much respected. 2 respectful. Rispitádu kaáyu nang tawhána sa mga babáyi, That man is very respectful to women.

rispítu = rispitar, n.

rispundi v 1 [A] take the responsibility for s.t. Ikay murispundi ug madáut nà, You’re responsible if that breaks. Kinsay nagrispundi pagpakatúlug sa mga bátà? Who’s responsible for putting the children to sleep? 2 [A] shoulder expenses, provide. Akuy murispundi [831]sa ímung pagtuun, I’ll take care of your studies. 2a [A; b6] take care of s.o.’s expenses for the moment. May talagaan kung dus sa taksi. Rispundihi sà ku, I owe the taxi driver two pesos. Take care of it for me, will you?

rispunsabli a 1 reliable, having a sense of responsibility. Makasálig ka ánang tawhána kay rispunsabli nà, You can rely on that person because he is trustworthy. 2 responsible for s.t. Dì ku rispunsabli sa ímung mga útang, I’m not responsible for your debts. v [B12] develop a sense of responsibility.

rispunsabilidad, rispunsibilidad n responsibility.

rispunsu n ceremony of blessing a tomb, usually at the funeral, on death anniversaries, or on All Souls’ Day. v [A; b(1)] bless the tomb.

rista v [A; a12] check up on how s.t. is. Akuy muristar kun natrangkahan bag pultahan, I’ll check the door to see if it is bolted. Pagaristahan ang kík ug mitúbù ba, Keep checking the cake to see if it rose.

ristanti n balance, the amount still owed after a partial settlement. Ilátay ang ákung bag-ung útang sa ristanti, Just add my new debts to the balance I owe. v [A; c] leave a balance after partial payment.

ristǎr = rista.

ristawran n restaurant. v [A1; c1] engage in a restaurant business; make into a restaurant. paN- v [A2; c] go to a restaurant.

risulta as a result. Sígi lang siyag ínum. Risulta, giulsir, He keeps drinking. As a result, he developed an ulcer. n result. Makaguul ang risulta sa iksámin, The results of the exam are depressing. Mau kanay risulta sa gahiag úlu, That’s what happens to s.o. who is stubborn. v [A23] result in s.t. -du n result of a bad practice or behavior. Ang ímung ulsir risultádu na nà sa sígi nímung pagpagutum, The ulcer you’ve got comes from letting yourself go hungry all the time.

risulusiyun n formal resolution to do s.t. v [A13; c] pass a resolution.

risuriksiyun n the Resurrection of Christ.

ritásu n 1 remnants of cloth. 2 remnants of wood, metal. 3 children (humorous). Kadaghan sa ímung mga ritásu! What a lot of kids you have! 3a small ones. Inigsúgud sa bayli padaplin mung mga ritásu ha? When the dance starts the small fry step to the sides, will you? v [B1256] be, become a remnant.

ritatsir n one who retouches pictures.

ritáyir v [A2] retire from one’s job or position. -d retired. -min n 1 retirement. 2 retirement pay. Inigkadawat ni Tátay sa íyang ritayirmin, makapadáyun ku sa ákung pag-iskuyla, When Dad receives his retirement pay, I can continue my studies.

rítim n 1 an instrument for giving the rhythm. 2 music played by the instrument which gives the rhythm. 3 rhythm method of birth control. v 1 [A; b6(1)] play the rhythm in a combo performance. 2 [A; a12] use the rhythm method for birth control.

ríting n rating in a board examination. v [A] get, obtain a rating of.

ritíra v [A2; b36] 1 retreat, withdraw. Miritíra sila pag-abanti sa kaáway, They retreated as the enemy advanced. 2 leave a place. Ngánung miritíra ka man sa Sugbu? Why did you leave Cebu? 3 [A2; b36] back out of an agreement. Dílì ku muritíra sa átung sábut, I will not back out of our agreement. pa- v [A2; a12] kick s.o. out of a home or job. Paritiráhun ka nákù sa ákung pudir, I’ll kick you out of my home.

ritmu n rhythm. Adúnay ritmu ang pitik sa átung pulsu, Our pulse beats rhythmically.

ritratar v [A; c] take pictures. Akuy muritratar nímu, I’ll take your picture. Dílì makaritratar sa sulud sa simbahan ang ritratista, Photographers can’t take pictures inside the church. pa- v [A; b(l)] have one’s picture taken. Nagparitratar mi sa dágat, We had our picture taken by the sea. ritratista n photographer. v [B156; c1] be a photographer.

ritrátu n photograph. v [A; b(1)] take a picture. pa- v [A1; ab] have one’s picture taken.

ritrít n religious retreat. v [A; b] hold a retreat. Magritrít mi antis sa Simána Santa, We will hold a retreat before Holy Week.

ritríta n ceremony held in the evening of the first day of a novena which precedes the day of the patron saint of a place, where people shouting ’Bíba’ together with a band parade to herald the coming fiesta. Also, the parade held at the dawn of the feast day, where the image of the Saint is paraded with a band to the church for blessing and back to the chapel.

ritru di- see paktu.

ritrúku n k.o. combination shot in billiards where the player makes a carom when the cue ball is between the two object balls. v [A2; c1] make this sort of shot.

ritubáda = ritubádu (female).

ritubádu a given to talking back. v [B12] get into the habit of talking back.

ritubar v [A; c1] make clothing from an old piece of clothing. Ritubahun ku ning sinínà [832]sa ákung anak kay gamay na man ni nákù, I’ll remake this into a dress for my daughter because it is too small for me.

ritukadur n one who touches up photographs.

ritúki v [A; a12] touch up a photograph. Batan-un siyang tan-áwun sa litrátu kay maáyung pagkaritúki, He looks young in the picture because it was well touched up. dílì ma- for s.t. to be so ugly nothing can be done to make it look nice. Dílì maritúki ang íyang nawung sa kasukù, When he gets angry he looks terrible.

riturn báwut n return bout in boxing. v [A2C] have a return bout.

riurganisar v [A; a12] reorganize. Riurganisahun sa Prisidinti ang íyang gabiníti, The President will reorganize his cabinet. riurganisasiyun n reorganization.

riyal1 a liberal spender. v [B126; c1] be liberal in spending. Wà kay kaugmáun kun magriyal ka sa ímung kwarta, You have no future if you spend your money liberally.

riyal2 n silver coin worth one eighth of a peso, circulated in Spanish times. -is(←) = riyal (plural—used only after the numbers of Spanish origin).

riyal3 in the variation of billiards game called hardin, the downing on the first strike of the four billiard pins placed in the center. v [B1256; a12] become, make a riyal.

riyal istít n real estate. v [A] go into the real estate business.

riyúma = rayúma.

riyumatismu n rheumatism.

riyunyun n reunion of a class or family. v [C] hold a reunion. Magriyunyun ang pamilya káda Pasku, The family holds a reunion every Christmas. paN- v [A2] attend a reunion.

RPS /arpíis/ abbreviation for Republic of the Philippines Ship put on Philippine naval craft. Ang arpíis Lapulápu mauy yáti sa Prisidinti, The RPS Lapulapu is the yacht of the President.

rubar v [A; a1] draw a mahjong piece. n action of drawing. rubáda = rubar.

rubi n ruby, a precious stone.

rublis = gawaygáway.

rúbu v [A2C; ab2] 1 rough s.o. up. Unyà mu na ba buyaga kun magrúbu na nang duha? Will you reprimand them only after they have started roughing each other up? Rubúhun nátù ang dúlà ug lúpig ta, Let’s play the game rough if we get out-classed. 2 engage in heavy petting. Hikit-an si Liyun nga nakigrúbu sa íyang trátu, Leon was seen engaging rough romance with his sweetheart. n fight or rough and tumble romance. Kun gustu kag rúbu, andam ku, If you want to play rough, I’m ready. pára — n rough and tumble. Kanang sinináa pára rúbu, This dress is for rough use. ruburúbu a 1 rough and tumble. 2 informal, rough and easy-going without paying attention to niceties of etiquette. Wà nay platuplátu. Ruburúbu bítaw ni, Let’s not bother with plates. This is a rough and tumble get-together anyway. v [A; a] do s.t. in a rough way.

rúbut n robot.

rud-aylan n Rhode Island chicken.

rúgi a groggy, dizzy. Rúgi siya kay naigù sa usa ka búl, He’s groggy because he got drunk on his jarful of toddy. v [B12; ab3(1)] get groggy from a blow or liquor. Liphuk nga makarúgi (makaparúgi), A left hook that will send you reeling.

rúl1 n 1 rules of sports. 2 rules of a school, religious order, and the like.

rúl2 v [A; c1] roll the hair up on curlers.

rúling1 n 1 the rules or procedures by which s.t. is carried out. Mga rúling sa baksing, Rules of boxing. Unsa may mga rúling sa inyung kapunúngan arun makasúd ta? What are the rules for joining your organization? 2 the decision pronounced by a referee, ruling handed down by a judge. Unsa may rúling sa ampayir? What was the umpire’s decision? May rúling sa kurti nga dílì dawátun kúmu piyansa ang yútang prindádu, The court ruled that you cannot post bail with mortgaged property.

*rúling2 — báyan n snack made of old bread, sugared, fried, and shaped into an oval. — dú = bùbuay. see bùbù. — istǔr n store or canteen set on wheels.

rúlir n ruler. v [A; ac] make into, use as a ruler. (→) v [ab2] hit with a ruler. Rulirun ta ka run ug dì ka muhílum, I will whack you with a ruler if you don’t keep quiet.

rulíta n roulette wheel, a rotating disc divided into numbered or colored portions for gambling or drawing lots.

rulkul v [A; a12] call the roll. Magrulkul ang maistru inigsúgud sa klási, The teacher calls the roll at the start of the session. Rulkúlun ang mga diputádu kun dúna bay kúrum, The roll is called for the congressmen to see if there is a quorum. n roll call.

rulpad n pad of ruled paper.

rulyu1 v [A; c1] coil or roll s.t. up. n anything that is stored by rolling it up: roll of film, paper, coil of rope.

rulyu2 n lecture in the cursillo (a series of religious lectures and prayers for laymen). v [A; b6(1)] give the lecture in a cursillo. [833]

rulyista n lecturer in a cursillo.

rúmi = rami2.

rúma = arúma.

Rumanista n member of the Roman Catholic church. v [B1256; b6c1] be, become a Roman Catholic.

rúmans a petting or necking. Báhin sa sining may rúmans, The part of the movie that shows scenes of romance. pára — a not to be used for anything but romance, i.e. not for hard work (humorous). Ayaw táwun ku pagunáha kay pára rúmans ra ba ning kamúta, Don’t make me weed. These hands of mine are made only for romance. v [C] engage in petting.

rumansa n 1 romance, love affair. Ang rumansa sa duha ka bitúun, The love affair of the two stars. 2 = rúmans. v = rúmans.

rumantika = rumantiku (female).

rumantiku a 1 romantic, evoking feelings of amorousness or sentimentality. Rumantikung lugar, A romantic place. 2 romantic, amorous. Rumantikung mga mata, Romantic eyes. v [B12] be, become romantic.

Rumánu n 1 Roman. 2 Roman Catholic. katuliku — n Roman Catholic. v [B156] become a Roman Catholic.

rumba n rhumba. v [AC; c1] do the rhumba.

rumblun n k.o. pandanus grown widely as an ornamental and for its leaves which are particularly pliant and suitable for weaving. The color is lighter than the other species and the leaves are armed along the edges and the midribs.

rumbu v [A; ac] 1 head towards the direction of; take s.t. s.w. Sakayang nagrumbu dinhi, A boat heading this way. Ang ímung kabúang nagrumbu nímu sa kadáut, Your foolishness is leading you to misery. Rumbuha nang kahúya, Head towards that tree. 2 be the target or object of. Aku tung íyang girumbu sa insultu, I was the target of his insult. 3 [A; a] batter, ram s.t. down. Rumbúhun ta ning pultahan kay nawálà ang yábi, Let’s batter the door down because we lost the key. n 1 direction or heading taken. Tan-áwa ug unsay rumbu sa barku, See what direction the ship took. Ása rumbu ning dalána? Where does this road lead to? Gitumba níya ang káhuy rumbu sa sapà, He felled the tree directly into the river. 2 destination, goal. 3 target, object aimed at.

rumíru n rosemary, sold as a dried herb for spice.

rumlun = rumblun.

rumpi v [A; a] 1 destroy s.t. by breaking it to pieces. Ang mga tulisan mauy mirumpi sa pultahan, The robbers broke the door down. Si Ilurdi mauy nagrumpi sa gúsuk ni Kusáka, Elorde shattered Kosaka’s ribs. 2 destroy a girl’s reputation. Narumpi na ang kadunggánan ánang bayhána, The reputation of that girl is ruined. n = rumpi kandádu. — kandádu n general name for barracudas (the lock breaker): Sphyraena jello, et al.

run short for karun.

runda v [A; a12] 1 police raid. Mga Písi ang mirunda sa sugálan, The P.C. raided the gambling den. 2 go to s.o.’s house unexpectedly to collect a debt, ask for charity. Girunda mi sa mananaygun, The carollers came to see us to solicit money (lit. raided us).

rundalya n orchestra consisting mainly of native stringed instruments. v [A1] form a rundalya.

rúng a wrong answer in an exam. Rúng tanan ang ákung ansir, All my answers were wrong. v 1 [A; b(1)] mark s.t. wrong. 2 [B126; b6] be, become wrong.

rungkilyu n name of a notorious bandit during Spanish times. v [B3(1)] flare up at s.o. unreasonably at the slightest provocation. Murungkilyu (marungkilyu) siya kun mahubug, He gets mad easily when he is drunk.

runíyu n mimeographing machine (so called from the brand name Roneo). v [A; a] mimeograph s.t.

rup gardin n roof garden.

rúral n rural doctor, bank. Dílì maáyung ipanghuwam sa rúral kay dakug pursintu, It’s no good to borrow from rural banks because they charge a high percentage. — duktur rural doctor. (→) bangku — rural bank.

rús n rose. byitnam — 1 ornamental herb bearing rose-like flowers: Portulaca grandiflora. 2 k.o. venereal disease.

rúsa n rose-colored, pink. v [B] be, become rose-colored.

rusal n gardenia, grown as an ornamental.

rusaryu n rosary. v [A; b(1)] pray the rosary. rusaryuan, rusaryuhan, rusaryúhan n rosary beads.†

rúsas n 1 rose. 2 = rúsa. — dihapun, — dipapil kinds of chrysanthemums. — dipúkì = púkì, 2. di- a rose-colored. Dirúsas ang ákung páyung, My umbrella is rose-colored. v [A12] anything that is wrong with (humorous euphemism). Ang nakadirúsas nímu kay dì ka kamau, The thing that’s wrong with you is that you don’t know how.

rusítas n rosette design of jewelry. [834]

ruska n screw or small nut. v [b6(1)] attach with, drive in a screw or bolt.†

ruskilyus n k.o. ring-shaped fancy cookies made of flour and egg yolks. v [A; a2] have, make this k.o. cookie.

Rúsu n Russian.

rúta n route, itinerary. Ang rúta sa ámung paglangyaw muági sa Rúma, Our tour will go through Rome. Dílì ku muhatud sa Pwinti. Dílì nà ákung rúta, I don’t take passengers to the Fuente because that is not my route.

rutisiyun n working in shifts or on a two-week rotational basis. v [A13; c1] work in shifts or on a rotation basis. Hínay ang trabáhu maung nagrutisiyun ang mga trabahanti, Business is slow so the laborers are working on a rotation basis.

rutunda n small round park or grass island at an intersection.

rúyal a winning mahjong hand consisting of only one design. — buki n a buki consisting of all black or all red numbers. — iskalíra see iskalíra. — midul kard a rúyal hand composed of midul kards. — pyanghaw a rúyal hand consisting of a pyanghaw.†

ruyda n 1 wheel with wooden spokes. 2 wheel or flywheel with spokes in a printing press. 3 arena or ring in a cockpit, boxing stadium, circus. v [B46; c1] turn around. Nagruyda ang ákung úlu sa pagkainum, My head is awhirl after I drank s.t. Nagruyda ang palábad sa ayruplánu, The airplane propeller is whirling. Ruydáhun (iruyda) sa kábaw ang galingan sa intusan, The carabao will pull the sugar cane grinder around.




sa1 particle indicating grammatical relations. short form: s. 1 preceding a phrase referring to a place. Niadtu sa Manílà, Went to Manila. Sa ibabaw, Up on top. Lakaw ngadtu sa unáhan, Walk up ahead. Ihátag sa bátà, Give it to the child. Nahúlug sa pangpang, Fell off the cliff. Amíhan sa kanáway, Northwind from a westerly direction. 1a following a word meaning ‘be in a place’. Nia dinhi sa Sibu, It is here in Cebu. Didtu siya sa Manílà iskuyla, He went to school in Manila. Walà sa lugar, Not at the right time or place. 2 preceding a phrase referring to time. Muanhi sa alas dúsi, Will come at twelve. Malígù ta sa sunud Duminggu, Let’s go swimming next Sunday. Sa káda ámut mutugbang pud siyag hátag, Each time they contribute, he gives an equal amount. 2a preceding a sentence referring to past time. Sa pag-abut na níya didtu, When he arrived there. Sa nagalakat ang panahun, As time went by. 3 indicating gen. relations. 3a possession or analogous concepts. Ang balay sa ákung amígu, My friend’s house. Ang mga pagtulun-an sa Bibliya, The lessons given in the Bible. Ang sa ákung mga igsúun, The ones belonging to my brothers and sisters. Usa sa ákung mga sákup, One of my people. Ang kamahal sa palalítun, The high cost of things. Búlan sa Máyu, The month of May. 3b agent of a passive verb. Gihambat sa liyun, Was devoured by the lion. Kaúnun sa mga bátà, The children will eat it. 3b1 preceding the agent of a nominalized verb. Ang pagkamatay sa bátà, When the child died (lit. the dying of the child). Káda kanáug sa pasahíru, Each time a passenger got off. (Lit. Each getting off of the passengers.) 3c following an exclamation to mark the thing exclaimed over. Kamahal gud sa ímung gibáyad! What a high price you paid! Dakúa sad sa balay! What a huge house it was! 4 indicating dat. relations. 4a specific goal of an action. Nakabunù sa íyang kaáway, Killed his enemy. Akuy gitagáan sa libru, The book was given to me. 4b in comparisons: than. Dátù pa sa ákung amahan, Richer than my father. 4c — ákù, ímu, íya, ámù, átù, inyu, íla = kanámù, kanímu, kaníya, kanámù, kanátù, kaninyu, kaníla. 5 indicating causal, instrumental, or concomitant relations. Mihílak sa kapungut, Cried out of anger. Sa tantung paningkámut, milampus, He succeeded after trying so hard. Íyang gisuntuk sa walang kamut, He hit him with his left hand. Sa minaayug sa dinautan, By hook or by crook. Sapátus nga naghilíra sa kadaghan, Rows and rows of shoes, there were so many of [835]them. Mitandù sa walay lángan, He agreed without delay. 5a following a word which expresses these relationships. Báhin sa ákung hangyù, As for my request. Tungud sa kalúuy, On account of his mercy. Uban sa íyang amahan, Together with her father. Para ni sa Nága? Is this bound for Naga? Human sa klási, After class. 6 optionally preceding an infinitive with pag-. Arun sa pagpauswag sa lungsud, In order to develop the town. Misúgud na sad siya sa pag-inum, He began to take to the bottle again.

sa2 1 short for unsa used at end of phrases. see unsa, 5. 2 short for unsa gánì. see gánì, 5a.

sā́ = sála2.

short for ísà, úsà.

= salà.

sáa 1 where (past or present tense)? Sáa man tu paingun ag bátà? Where could the child have gone? Sáa man ang inyung balay? Where is your house? 2 which of the several. Sáa áning duha imung palitun? Which of these two are you going to buy?

sáad v [AC; c] promise. Nagsáad siya nga mubálik, He promised to come back. Dílì ku makasáad nímu ug trabáhu, I cannot promise you a job. n 1 promise. Tumánun ba nímu ang sáad? Will you keep your promise? Yútà sa mga sáad, The Land of Promise (Mindanao). 2 s.t. promised. Diyis pursyintu ang ákung sáad sa Ginúu, I promised to give ten percent to the Lord. Bag-ung, Dáang — New, Old Testament. paN- v [A2; c6] make a promise or vow to oneself. Nanáad si Supru nga dílì na siya mubálik, Sofro vowed that he would never go back. n vow, solemn promise to do s.t. if s.t. is fulfilled. Panáad ku nga dì ku muusab, basta lang maluwas siya, I made a vow never to do it again, if only she would get better. sinaáran n 1 s.t. spoken for. Dì na ni mabaligyà kay sinaáran, I can’t sell it because it has been spoken for. 2 a betrothed girl that has never been married. ka- n one with whom s.o. made a promise of love or marriage. masaárun a promising. Masaárung kaugmáun, A promising future. pakig- n covenant, mutual giving of promises.

saag (from saláag) a stray, not in the usual course or passage. Usa ka saag nga huyúhuy mipakítuy sa mga dáhun, A stray breeze stirred the leaves.

sáag = saláag.

saang n spider conch.

sab = usab.

sáb = sálab.

sábà a noisy. Sábà kaáyu ang tyanggihan, The marketplace is very noisy. n noise. Ang sábà abut diri nákù, The noise reaches me here. — dihà 1 shut up! (said in anger). Sábà (sabà) dihà, nagrawraw ka lang, Shut up! You’re talking nonsense! 2 Oh, come on, you’re kidding. Sábà (sabà) dihà uy, gipaláhan na pud ku nímu, Oh come on. You’re just flattering me. See also bà dihà. v 1 [A; b6] make noise. Ngánung nía man mu magsábà sa huspital? Why are you making noise here in the hospital? Gisabáan ka ba námung nagdúlà? Do you find it too noisy if we play here? 2 [A3; c] tell s.t. to s.o. Ayaw isábà ang átung rilasiyun ha, Don’t breathe a word about our affair, O.K.? -an(→) a 1 given to making noise or talking. 2 given to divulging secrets. v [B12] be, become noisy or tending to divulge secrets. ka- n 1 din, noise. 2 scolding. Ang kasábang ákung nadáwat dílì makáun ug irù, I got a scolding not fit for a dog. v [AN; b(1)] scold. Ayawg ihagpak ang sira kay kasab-an kang Máma, Don’t slam the door because Mom will scold you. hinga-, hinga-(→) a fond of scolding. kalasab-an a 1 always scolded. 2 worthy of a scolding.

sab-a n 1 variety of cooking banana with rectangular fruit similar to but smaller than the kardába, with 7–12 or more hands in the bunch. The fiber can be made into cloth: Musa sapientum var. compressa. 2 cloth made from the sab-a.

sabad a restless, unsteady, always moving. Sabad kaáyu ang tabánug, The kite was very unsteady. n propeller, blade of a fan, windmill. v 1 [B] be, become annoyingly restless, unsteady. Musabad ang mga bábuy ug gutúmun, Pigs get restless when they are hungry. 2 [A13; a12] attach, make into a propeller or fan, windmill blade. 3 [A; c1] whiz closely by, moving fast. Wà gánì makasabad sa íyang gipusil ang bála, The bullet did not even go near the target. 4 [A; c1] go near s.t. for a purpose. Gisabaran níya kanúnay ang asáwa nga nagsugal, He kept hanging around his wife who was gambling. Isabad (sabara) ang bátà kun túa ba sa iskuylahan, Go by the school for a moment and see if the child is there.

sabadista n Seventh-day Adventist. v [B15] be, become a Seventh-day Adventist.

Sabadu n 1 Saturday. — iglurya, Santu the Saturday of the Holy Week. 2 one point short of winning. Sabadu na ang ílang iskúr. Usa na lay kuwang pára mudaug, They are one point short of winning. They only need one more point to sew up the game. see birnis for verb forms. -in- v 1 [A; b5] use [836]s.t. sparingly or in little amounts. Musinabadu lang ku ug pangagwa basta lang mahumut ta, I will use the perfume sparingly just enough to smell sweet. 2 [A13; a12] preserve fish with a small amount of salt. Magsinabadu ta kay daghang bulinaw ug dì nátù mahurut, Let’s make fish preserves because we’ve got lots of anchovies and we can’t consume them all. n fish preserved with a little salt.

sab-ag1 v [A; c] hang s.t. light over the shoulders or a projection. Isab-ag ang tualya sa abága, Drape the towel over your shoulders. Isab-ag ang bukag sa lansang, Hang the basket on the nail.

sab-ag2 = sabwag, 1.

sábak1 v 1 [A; c1] put s.t. in one’s lap to carry it. Dì ku musábak nímu kay dakù ka, I will not allow you to sit on my lap because you’re too big. Ákung sabákun (isábak) ring bátà arun makalingkud tang tanan, I will put the child on my lap so that all of us can sit down. 2 [a12] hit s.t. squarely. Usa ka suntuk nasábak sa íyang apapángig, A blow with the fist struck him squarely in the jaw. 3 [A13; a12] sponsor a bill, espouse a cause. Ang bag-ung urdinansa gisábak sa tanang mga kawáni, The new ordinance is supported by all the employees. 4 [A13] having a certain property (literary). Hángin nga nagsábak sa madulútung kabugnaw, A wind that brought penetrating coolness. — ug bitúun v [A3; a12] for a crescent moon to have a star just above it—a sign of good luck for courtship. Ug musábak gánì kunu ang búlan ug bitúun, dalì sugtun ang láking mangulitáwu, They say that a man will easily win the hand of a woman he courts when the moon is carrying a star in its lap. (→) v [A3; c] be pregnant. Kalúha tingáli ning ákung gisabak, I must be pregnant with twins. -an(→) n 1 lap or s.t. analogous to it. Nag-ulun sa ákung sabakan, Resting her head on my lap. Sa sabakan sa dakung búkid, At the base of a big mountain. 2 the mother’s womb (literary). Gíkan sa sabakan ni Maríya, From Mary’s womb. 2a one’s parents. Anak sa pubring sabakan, A child from poor parents. 2b -an sa yútà the bosom of the earth (literary). 3 female genitalia (euphemism). 4 small basket with an open mouth, usually rounded, made of rattan or bamboo, used as a container for the seeds when sowing or for harvested rice. v [a12] hit in the genital region.†

sábak2 n area of a field assigned to a particular person to work on.

sábal a 1 offering resistance to motion. Sábal kaáyu ning maggúyud ta ug gákit, It’s slow-going if you tow a raft. 2 entailing encumbrance, a burden. Sábal kaáyu ang bátà sa lakaw, The child is a nuisance to take with you when you go out. Kining mga lúun sa balay sábal kaáyu, It’s a burden to have other people live with you. 3 obstructing the vision. Sábal kaáyu sa átung panan-aw ang mga káhuy, The surrounding trees obstruct our view. v [B46; b6] be, become a drag to forward motion, burden, or obstruction.

sabana = gwayabanu.

sabang, sábang n area on or near the mouth of a river.

Sábas a name of a person, not much respected, who is a smart aleck who makes cheap puns and wisecracks. -in- v 1 [A1; b6] make foolish jokes and wisecracks. Ayaw kug sinabási, Don’t try to ridicule me. 2 [a12] treat s.o. the way one would treat Sabas (without proper deference). Sinabásun man ku níya ábig dílì musúkul, He treats me like Sabas as if I wouldn’t stand up to him.

sabat v 1 [A23] speak after s.o. has spoken. Unyà misabat pud ang usang táwu bísag walà sultíhi, And then the other man spoke in turn, though he hadn’t been spoken to. 1a answer. Ngánung dì man ka musabat ug tawgun ka? Why don’t you answer when you’re called? 1b repeat words after, as in prayer. 2 [A2] attend a novena. Dílì ángayng itambung ug kumbira ug walà makasabat ug pangadyì, You shouldn’t attend the banquet if you did not attend the prayer. — amin a always agreeable to another’s viewpoint. Ang táwung sabat amin pirmi lang úyun, A yes-man always gives his approval. panabtan v [A2; b6] lead the novena. manalabtan, mananabtan n one who leads the prayer in the novena.†

sabaw n 1 soup, gravy, juice given off by s.t. cooked. Sabaw sa manuk, Chicken soup. 2 water in coconut. 3 water that has gotten into a boat. 4 queer character trait, quirks. Láin nímug sabaw à, You sure are a strange sort. Magkauyun mu kay paríhu mu ug sabaw, You two will hit it off nicely because you have the same quirks. waw — exclamation of admiration for a sexy woman. v 1 [A3; b] cook s.t. with extra water or juice. Sabwi ug diyútay ang útan, Add a little water to the vegetable stew. 2 [b4] for a ship or boat to take in water. Nasabwan ang sakayan kay dagkung balud, The boat took in water because the waves are high. láin ug — v [A23] take a different tack in a conversation. Muláin ka man ug sabaw ug mag-isturyahánay ta sa ímung kaági, You change the subject when we talk about your past.

sabay1 n hand net used for scooping small fish out of water. v [A13; a12] make, make into such a net.

sabay2 often, usually. Sabay ingun niárung urása siya malígù, She usually takes a bath at this time.

sábay1 v 1 [A2C; bc3] walk with, beside. Misábay siya paglakaw sa íyang giulitawhan, He walked beside the girl he was courting. 2 [A2; b(1)] go by, around s.w. Unsa man tung mananápang misábay sa ákung úlu? What k.o. insect is this that is darting around my head? Gisabáyan nákù ang ákung kuntra arun maglágut, I purposely went by my enemy’s house to provoke his anger.

sábay2 n k.o. jellyfish with stinging cells in the tentacles.

sab-ay v [AN; c] let s.t. dangle over the edge of s.t. or over one’s shoulder. Kinsay nagsab-ay sa tualya diri sa kurdísu? Who hung the towel over the window sill? Ayawg sab-áyi ning ákung abága sa ímung buktun, Don’t hang your arms over my shoulder.

sabdyik n subject in school.

sabid n encumbrance, s.t. making action laborious. Way sabid nga mulakaw ang way anak, S.o. with no children can go out unencumbered. v [AB12; c5] become encumbered, cause encumbrance. Makasabid ning ákung pagsabak sa ákung trabáhu, My pregnancy is a terrible encumbrance to my work.

*sabikil (from bikil) v [b(1)] accidentally nudge s.t. with the elbow. Ayawg yapayapa kay sabiklan nímu ang butilya, Don’t wave your hands around because you might knock the bottle with your elbow.

sabilay, sab-ilay = sambilay.

sabin v [A; b6] do s.t. in addition to one’s main task. Musabin kug pangutaw samtang maglung-ag, I’ll do some ironing while I’m cooking the rice. Isabin ta kag palit ug sigarilyug manmirkádu ku, I’ll buy your cigarettes when I go shopping.

sab-it v [A; c] 1 put s.t. small around s.t. that holds it or pierce it with a hook. Nasab-itan ang ákung karsúnis sa alambring tunukun, I snagged my pants on the barbed wire. Isab-it lang nang ímung baskit sa halígi sa kural, Just hang your basket on the fence post. 2 decorate with a medal hung from a ribbon put around the neck. Gisab-ítan siyag midalya, He was decorated with a medal. 2a attribute credit to s.o., give him the honor due him. 3 put a curved thing around s.t. to pluck or bring it down. Sab-ítan lang [837]nímu ang búnga ug kaw-it, Dì na mistil sak-un, Just pull the fruit down with a hook on a pole. You don’t have to climb up for it. -anan n s.t. onto which s.t is hooked.†

sablag = sabwag, 1.

sablaw v 1 [B1256] for the strings to be out of tune. Unsáun nímu pagkuskus ánang sistáha nga nasablaw man nà? How can you play that guitar when the strings are not tuned? 2 [B1256] be somewhat off, crazy. Uy nasablaw ka nga nagswítir ug mudtung dakù, Hey, have you gone crazy, wearing a sweater at high noon!

sablay v 1 [A1; c] put s.t. on top of s.t. else going beyond its edge. Kinsay nagsablay íring kawáyan sa kural? Who placed the bamboo pole across the fence? Dì tà nímu sabláyan nang alambri sa iliktrisidad, You should not hang anything from the electric wire. 2 [a12] for a boxer to totter (lean on the ropes). Nasablay sa ring ang buksidur dihang nagrúgi siya, The boxer leaned on the ropes when he became groggy. — sa luwag state of development of the coconut where the meat is firm enough to hold together (lit. will hang over the edge of the ladle) but not stiff. -an(→) n longitudinal beams under the roof running along the posts on which the rafters (salagunting) rest.

sabli n saber. v [a12] make, make into a saber. (→) v [a12] stab with a saber.

sablig v [AN2; a12] throw or splash water on. Gisablígan níyag túbig ang nagbagang puthaw, He splashed water on the glowing steel. n action of splashing or throwing water. paN- v [A2; c6] splash water on oneself in bathing, -ay v [C23] for politicians to engage in mudslinging.

sabluk n intense desire to eat s.t. one hasn’t eaten in a long time. v [A123P; a4] have an intense desire to eat s.t. Gisabluk kug mangga sa didtu ku sa Istíts, I conceived an intense craving for mangoes when I was in the States. hiN- v [A] eat s.t. in great quantity to satisfy one’s intense desire to eat it. Makahinabluk tag káun ug mangga karung swildu, We can eat mangoes to our heart’s content on payday.

sabnit v [A; a2] snatch s.t., esp. in stealing. Nasakpan ang nagsabnit sa íyang pitáka, The man who snatched her bag was apprehended.

sabsab v [AN; a2] graze. Túa sa lagúna nanabsab, It’s in the pasture grazing. Háin áning kandínga nagsabsab sa misítas? Which of these goats ate the ornamental plants?

sabud1 v 1 [A2; b(1)] catch s.t. against an obstruction. Bantay kay musabud ang ímung [838]tiil sa tiil sa lamísa, Watch out or you will hit your foot against the table. Nasabdan ang misitíra sa íyang sáya, Her skirt accidentally caught against the flower pot. 2 [A; a12] trip, cause s.o. to stumble. Kinsay nagsabud sa ákung tiil? Who tripped me (lit. my foot)? 2a [A23] make a slip, trip up. Bisag unsáun nátug amping sa átung trabáhu, musabud giyud ta usáhay, No matter how careful we are, we can’t help making a mistake once in a while. 3 [a12] be delayed. Didtu na pud ka masabud sa bilyaran! You’re late again because you played billiards. walay — without offering obstruction. Way sabud nga pagkasyát, A basketball shot that went in without touching the ring. Pilipínu, apan way sabud ang íyang dílang musultig Ininglis, He’s a Filipino, but he can speak English with the greatest of fluency. (←)1 a cumbersome, giving hindrance to movement. Ubang bátà, dì layhan ug taas nga karsúnis kay sábud kunu, Some children don’t like long pants because they’re cumbersome.

sábud2 v [A; c] 1 sow, sprinkle seeds on a bed. Ang dáwang ákung isábud, The millet I am going to sow. 2 feed chickens by sprinkling grains on the ground. n action of throwing grains. Ákù rung sábud sa manuk, It’s my turn to feed the chickens. (→)2 1 grain to strew to fowls. 2 = saburan. saburan n seedbed where seeds are sprinkled for germination.†

sabug, sábug usually, most commonly [so-and-so] rather than s.t. else. Sabug siyang muanhi sa upisína maalas utsu, He usually comes to the office at eight o’clock. Sabug sa ákung midiyas putì, Most of my socks are white. ma- = sabug.

sábul = bulsa (slang).

sabúlag (from bulag) v [A; c] strew, scatter out. Nahisabúlag ang mga libru nga ákung gikaptan dihang gipakuratan ku, The books I was carrying fell in all different directions when s.o. frightened me.

sabúlak v [A; c] strew, sprinkle s.t. small. Kinsay nagsabúlak ug pasì sa mais sa ákung gardin? Who strewed corn grains in my garden? Sabuláki ug kinudkud kísu ang sud-an, Sprinkle grated cheese on the food.

sabun n 1 soap. 2 intense scolding. v 1 [A; b(1)] soap s.t. Sabnig maáyu ang kamisin kay nagkagrása, Soap the undershirt well because it is smeared with grease. 2 [A; b5] be severely scolded. Nasabun (nasabunan) ku. Ikaw man gud, I got a good scolding because of you. -in-an n s.t. onto which soap has been rubbed.

sábung n cockfight, usually without gaffs. v [AC; a] 1 fight cocks. Sabúngan ku nang ímung ugis sa ákung pula, I will try out my red cock on your white one. 2 pair off people, usually in a love match. pa-a let [subject] have a light from a burning cigarette. Pasabúnga ku bi, Let me have a light. -íru, maN-r-(←) n one who fights cocks.

sab-ung v [A; c6] 1 hang s.t. by passing it around s.t. else. Kasab-úngan nang ímung simud ug baskit, You’re pouting. (Lit. A basket could be hung from your mouth.) Isab-ung lang nang sista sa halígi, Just hang the guitar over the post. 2 decorate with a pendant medal hung from a ribbon. -anan n hook or nail from which things are hung.

saburnu = suburnu.

sabut v 1 [A2] understand. Walà ka makasabut kay dílì man ka musabut, You didn’t understand because you don’t want to understand. Ayaw ug sabta ug láin ug dì ku muadtu sa inyu, Don’t take it wrong if I do not go to your place. 2 [A12] sense, be vaguely aware of s.t. Midágan ang irù kay nakasabut nga iháwun siya, The dog ran away because he sensed that he would be slaughtered. Hingsabtan ming Máma nga manan-aw mig sini, Mama became aware that we were planning to go to the movies. 3 [A23] obey, do what one was told to do. Bísag sáun nímug ingun dì giyud nà siya musabut, No matter how much you tell him, he won’t obey. n one’s way of understanding. Sa ákung sabut, dì na tu mubálik, As I understand it, he won’t come back. interjection 1 I don’t know (giving a curt tone). ‘Kahibáwu kag háin si Tatay?’—‘Sabut,’ ‘Do you know where Father is?’—‘Nope.’ Sabút uruy níya ug mukúyug ba siya, I don’t know about him, if he is going. 2 understand? (short for nakasabut ka?) (←) v 1 [C; ab4] make, come to an agreement with s.o. Magsábut tag unsáun nátù pagbáyad sa útang, Let’s agree on how to pay the debt. Nagkasábut na ba mu si Pidru báhin sa pagbáhin sa yútà? Have you come to an agreement with Pedro about how the land is to be divided? Ikay makigsábut ni Binut kay kamuy amígu, You make the agreement with Benot because you two are friends. Unsay inyung gikasabútan? What agreement did you make? Lisud kang igkasábut kay dì ka mutúman, It’s impossible to have an agreement with you because you don’t stick to your promises. 2 [C; abc3] talk s.t over to reach s.t. mutually agreeable. Magsábut lang unyà ta ug pilay bayranan, We’ll come to an agreement later on [839]the price. Mahímù pang sabútun ang inyung gikasungían, You can still talk your quarrel over. Sabúti siya ug musugut ba, Have a talk with him to see if he is amenable. Dì siya ikasábut kay dì mamínaw ug rasun, You can’t come to terms with him because he doesn’t listen to reason. 3 [C; a12] conspire, be in cahoots, make special arrangements with s.o. Nagsábut ning duha kay paríhu ug pamasángil, The two are in cahoots because they have the same alibi. Sabútun nákù ang gwardiya arun mu paagíun, I will make arrangements with the guard so that you will be allowed to pass. 4 [C13] hit it off. Nagkasábut dáyun ning duha kay paríhu sila ug sabaw, The two hit it off nicely because they are both of the same ilk. n agreement reached. pa- v 1 [A3] show, give indications of doing s.t. Dì ka mupasabut nga nangísug ka, Don’t show that you are angry. 2 [A2; a2] explain to make s.o. understand s.t. Pasabta ku ngánung kining sumáhay miguwà, Explain to me why this sum appeared. Unsa may ímung ipasabut ánà? What do you mean by that? -in-(←), sinabtanay, sinabtánay v [C3; c3] understand each other’s viewpoint. ka-(←) n person with whom one has an agreement. ka-an(←) n agreement, pact. Ang kasabútan báhin sa nigusyu nakahátag ug dakung pabur sa Pilipínas, The trade agreement gave the Philippines a big advantage. -l-an(←) n mind, intellect. Háit ug salabútan si Míri kay húmuk siya makasabut, Mary has a keen mind because she easily understands. paN- = sabut, n. salabtunun a meaningful, giving hidden meaning. Mau tuy ímung nadungug apan sabtunun (salabtunun) tu kaáyu, That’s what you heard but it was full of hidden meaning. masinabtánun, masinabútun a considerate, understanding.

sabutáhi v [A; a12] sabotage. Sabutahíun nátù ang baskit arun mudaug ang pusta ni Pidru, Let’s sabotage the game so that Pedro will win his bet. n sabotage.

sabúwak = sabúlak.

sábuy v [A; b6] pass by close to a place. Misábuy lang mi sa Sikihur padúlung sa Dumagíti, We just went by Siquijor on the way to Dumaguete. sabuysábuy v [A; b6] pass back and forth. Nagsabuysábuy lang ang ulitáwu sa íla kay naúlawng mamisíta, The young man just walked back and forth in front of the house because he was too shy to go in.

sab-uy v [A; a] throw hot liquid at s.o. Sab-úyig ínit túbig nang nanghangad, Throw hot water at the peeping tom under the house.

sabwag (from bulag) v [AN2; c] 1 throw liquid or s.t. in grains. Kinsay nagsabwag nímu ug túbig? Who threw water on you? Sabwági ug balas ang dáub kay misiláub, Throw sand on the fire because it flared up. Isabwag ang sinsilyu sa mga bátà, Throw the coins out to the children. 1a supply in abundance. Dílì makadaug ang pulitikung way kwartang isabwag, The politician who doesn’t have money to spread out can’t win. 1b emit, send forth s.t. in extensive or intensive degree (literary). Búlan nga nagsabwag sa íyang kasílaw, The moon that was sending forth its rays. 2 [A13; c6] spread news, make s.t. known to many. Isabwag ang balità nga nakadaug kita sa burúka, Spread the news that we have won the court case. 3 [A2] spread. Misabwag sa íyang láwas ang hanggà, The smallpox spread all over her body. -ay n a version of jackstones where the player throws a number of stones on the ground and flips them against each other. v [AC; c1] play sabwagay.

sabyag v 1 [A; c6] throw water, sand. Akuy misabyag ug túbig sa káyu, I threw water on the fire. Kinsa man tung nagsabyag ug balas sa ákung nawung? Who was it that threw sand in my face? 2 [A13B; c6] spread, cause to spread. Isabyag ang balità, Spread the news. Misabyag ang hanggà sa íyang kalawásan, The chicken pox spread over his body.

sabyu a wise and deeply experienced, often with prophetic abilities. Ang sabyung tigúlang nakatagnà sa gúbat, The wise old man foretold the Second World War. v [B12] become wise.

sabyuk = sabluk.

sad = usab.

sád = sálad1.

sad-ang1 n in cockfighting, when a larger cock fights a smaller one, a manner of attaching the gaff on the larger one to offset his advantage: the gaff is placed higher than usual and the ring holding the gaff is not tied around the cock’s hind toe. v [c1] attach the gaff in this way.

sad-ang2 v [A; b6(1)] hook, snag s.t. s.w. Kinsay misad-ang sa sudlay sa ákung úlu? Who stuck the comb on my head? Gamay nga sanga ang íyang gisad-ángan sa kawit, He hooked the palm toddy container over a small branch.

sad-ay v [A; c] rest s.t. over s.t. else. Nagsad-ay siya sa íyang síku sa kurdísu, He rested his elbows on the window sill. Hisad-ayan [840]sa ákung kamut ang íyang páa, I accidentally rested my hand on her thigh.

sadiyà a lively and gay. v [B; a2b6] be, become, make lively, merry. Magsadiyà ta kay midaug ang átung kandidátu, Let’s be merry because our candidate won. Sa nagkahubug sila nagkasadiyà pud, The drunker they got the gayer they became. ka- n liveliness, state of being merry. ma-un a gay, lively.

sadlayin = sayid layin.

sadsad v [A; a2] dance, with the feet (rather than with the hands or some other part of the body). Hala! Panadsad mung tanan, All right! Everybody dance! n dancing. Dúgayng wà makatilawg sadsad, Hadn’t danced for a long time.

sadsarun = sitsarun.

sadtu 1 = niadtu. see kadtu. 2 = kaniadtu (dialectal).

saduk = saruk.

sad-ung1 = sab-ung.

*sad-ung2 -in- n close stitches for sewing buttonholes. v [A; ab] sew a buttonhole stitch. Akuy nagsinad-ung sa sidsid, I sewed the hem with buttonhole stitches. -in-an n trimmed with lace.

sadyap n k.o. twill weave of cloth done in the same way as amákan (cf. amákan). -in- v [A13; a12] weave s.t. in this way.

sā́g = sálag.

ságà n 1 portion or group from a larger quantity, esp. of things for sale. Tagpíla ang ságà sa kík? How much is the cake per portion? 2 portion of things strung. Usa ka ságang isdà, A string of fish. v 1 [A; a] apportion things. Akuy muságà sa dakung isdà, I’ll divide the big fish into several portions. 2 [A; a12] string things into groups, usually for sale.

sagábal a hindering, restricting movement, esp. in the achievement of s.t. Sagábal kaáyu sa átung panghunàhunà nga adúnay daghang atimanun, It’s difficult to think straight when there are too many details to attend to. n hindrance, s.t. that prevents achievement. v 1 [A; b6] constitute a hindrance. Ang íyang pagkaiks kumbik nagsagábal sa íyang pangimplíyu, His record was an obstacle to his getting a job. Sagabálan ka bag dala áning malíta? Will it be a burden for you to bring this suitcase? 2 [B46; b6] be unwieldy. Musagábal gawíun ang prakul ug tas-un ang pul-an, The hatchet will be unwieldy if the handle is made too long.

sagábay (from gábay) n friend, comrade with whom one has common interests and sympathies. Adúnay mga prupisur nga sagábay sa kumunista, There are professors who are communist sympathizers. v [B256C; a12] be friends with, stick together as friends. Musagábay kahà ka nákù ug tinuntuhan ku? Would you stick by me if s.o. tries to do s.t. to me?

ságad1 1 — sa most, all. Ságad sa muanhi taganurti, Most of those that come here are from the North. Ságad sa mga táwu dinhi, Most of the people here. Ang ságad gibug-atun, The usual weight. 2 with verbs: usually. Sàgad mulikì ang básu ug huwarag ínit túbig, Glasses usually crack if hot water is poured into them. 3 common, usual thing. Ang ságad nímung buhátun mau ang pagtug-an nímu sa inyung dakùdàkù, The usual thing for you to do is for you to report (it) to your immediate superior. v [A13] be, become usual, commonplace. Nagságad na ang pangáwat diri sa ámù, Stealing is rampant in our place. kasagáran = ságad, 1, 2, 3. 4 ordinary. Ispisiyal ni, dílì ingun sa ubang kasagáran nga bulpin, This is special, not like other ordinary ball point pen.

*ságad2 sagdi short for pasagdi. see pa-(→), 2a. pa- v [A2S; b6] 1 do s.t. without adequate preparation or forethought. Mipaságad ka lag tubag bisag wà masáyud, You just went and gave any old answer, even though you didn’t know. Ngánung magpaságad (magpasagad) ka man ug yabu ug túbig sa bintánà? Why do you throw water carelessly out of the window? Pasagári lang ug pusil. Makaigù tingáli kag usa, Just shoot at random. You might hit one. pa-(→) v 1 [A; b(1)] neglect, fail to give s.t. its proper attention. Tibíhun ka ug magpasagad ka sa láwas, You’ll contract T.B. if you neglect your health. Nahagbung siya kay nagpasagad lang sa pagtuun, He flunked because he neglected his studies. 2 [A12; b(1)] ignore, not heed, disregard. Makapasagad ka sa íyang mga abúsu? Could you ignore his abuses? 2a [b(1)] let be, don’t do anything to s.t. Pasagdiku. Lakaw lag ímu, Let me be. Go by yourself. Sagdi (pasagdi, pasagdahi) lang, Never mind, forget it. 2b [b8] be disregarded. Ang kalagmítan nga ang mamumúnù nía pa sa syudad dílì kapasagdan, The likelihood that the killer is still in the city cannot be disregarded. pinasagdan n s.t. neglected. mapinasagdánun, mapinasagárun a neglectful. 3 [A] live, stay unconcerned or resignedly (come what may). Magpasagad lang ku dinhi kay wà na kuy mga paryinti, I’ll stay here to rot for I have no more family.

sagadsad a shuffling. v [A13; a2b6] walk [841]with shuffling steps. -in- n shuffling noise. Ang sinagadsad sa íyang sinílas, The shuffling of his slippers.

sagahid1 v [B6; c1] drag one’s legs in moving from one place to another, usually because of an injury or defect. Magsagahid nang íyang mga tiil kay gipulyu man siya, She drags her feet when she walks because she is a polio victim. Ayaw sagahira (isagahid) ang ímung sapátus arun dì magubà ug dalì, Don’t drag your feet when you walk or your shoes will wear out right away.

sagahid2 = saghid.

sagákang = sagákay.

sagákay v [A; a12] carry or support s.o. with both arms under him. Amahan nga misagákay sa patayng láwas sa bátà, A father carrying his child’s dead body in his arms.

sagalak v [B2S46; c1] for liquid to flow with a noisy bubbling or slurping sound. Nagsagalak ang túbig sa tubud, The water in the spring is flowing with a bubbling sound. Ayaw sagaláka (isagálak) paghígup ang sabaw, Don’t sip your soup noisily.

sagalsal a rough with small bumps. v [B; c6] be, become rough. Nawung nga nagsagalsal sa bugas, A face dotted with pimples. -un a a rough, bumpy sort. v [B12] become rough. Nasagalsalun ang karsáda pag-ulan, The road became rough when it rained.

sagang v 1 [A; a12] fend off, ward off or block a thrust or blow. Wà siya makasagang (makapanagang) sa ákung hampak, He wasn’t able to ward off my blows. 2 [A; a12] support, keep weight up. Kining parúlus mauy musagang sa mga busaug, This crossbeam is what supports the joists. n 1 protection. Tambal nga muhátag sab ug talagsaung sagang sa mga sakit sa pánit, Medicine that gives unusual protection against skin diseases. 2 the action of fending off a blow. paN- v [A] answer, respond to a query. Wà ku makapanagang sa kinalisdang tuksù sa banggà, I was not able to answer the hardest question in the contest. n s.t. magical (charm, medicinal concoction, prayer) worn on the body as a defense against evil spirits or influences. sagangságang v [A; c] ward off hunger, difficulty temporarily. Makasagangságang giyud ning lagutmun sa kagútum, We can depend on root crops for food during the lean months.†

sag-ang1 a thin and emaciated. Sag-ang siya kaáyu human masakit, He was very thin after his sickness. v [B; b6] become thin and emaciated.

sagangat n a barb of a hook, spear, arrow, harpoon. v [A; a12] hit with a spear having several tines. (←) n spear with several tines for fishing. v 1 [AB6; a1] hook s.t. on a barb, be hooked. Misagángat (nasagángat) ang angkla sa dakung batu, The anchor got hooked on a big stone. Sagangáta ang isdà, Spear the fish. 2 [A2SP; a12] make, make into a spear with several tines.

sagangsang v [B] be rough with sharp projecting edges. Nagsagangsang ang íyang nawung sa buti, His face is rough with smallpox. -un a rough, not smooth. Sagangsangun ang ngilit sa dáhun sa magay, The edge of a maguey leaf is sharp and thorny.

sagansal = sagalsal.

ságap v [A123S; a3b2] 1 catch a whiff by accident. Nakasagap kug báhù sa patayng ilagà, I got a whiff of the dead rat. 1a catch some gossip. Dalì siyang makasagap ug tábì, She is good at sniffing out gossip. 2 come upon suddenly, become aware of the existence of s.t. Nasagapan sa mga sundálu ang tinabúnang masinggan, The soldiers came upon the hidden machine gun nest. 3 [A; a] search for s.t., covering an area. Giságap níla ang kabukíran sa pagpangítà sa púga, They covered the mountains looking for the fugitive.

sagapsap1 a 1 fibrous and dry to chew. Sagapsap kan-un ang lútung way sabaw, Rice with no soup is very dry to try to eat. Giluwà na nákù ang tubu kay sagapsap na, Wà nay dugà, I spit the sugarcane out because it was all pulp and didn’t have any more juice. 2 rough to the touch. Sagapsap na siyag nawung kay napunù sa bugas, His face is rough because of the pimples. n sound made by a pig eating. v 1 [B; b6] be, become pulpy or dry to chew. Masagapsap ang humay ug dì baghásan, Rice is hard to eat if it isn’t well-polished. 2 [B; b6] for a surface to be rough to the touch. 3 [B1; a12] make the noise of a pig eating.

sagapsap2 n k.o. fish.

sagarat, sagárat = lagarat.

sagàsà1 v [A] make the hollow cracking sound of s.t. splitting. Misagàsà ang sag-ub nga natumba sa batu, The bamboo container went crack when it fell on the stones.

sagàsà2 n k.o. small tree of second growth forest, commonly used as firewood. -un(→) a wood resembling sagàsà which has grains that do not run straight and parallel, such that splitting it lengthwise is difficult.

sagatà = sugatà.

sagay a matured coconuts at the stage when one can hear the water but the husk is still green. v 1 [B5] reach the mature, but not brown, stage. 2 [A; a] gather mature coconuts. [842]

ságay v [B2456] for s.t. highly fragile to break into pieces. Miságay ang bangà nga natumba, The earthen jar broke to pieces when it toppled over.

sagáyad v [A2S; c1] drag, trail behind. Nagsagayad ang íkug sa búda, The train of her gown was trailing behind her.

sagaysay v [AB3(1); c1] make stones skip over the surface of the water, for a stone to do so. Dílì makasagaysay ang batu nga língin, A round stone can’t skip over the surface of the water. n action of skipping a stone over the surface of the water.

sagbat = sakbat.

sagbay = sablay.

sagbuk = sabluk.

sagbut n 1 weeds or grasses: any herbaceous plants growing wild. — sa dágat n seaweeds. 1a leafy vegetables (humorous). Sígi lang tang mangáun niínig sagbut, We always have to eat weeds. 2 trash, rubbish. v [A; b6] put rubbish s.w. Kinsa may nagsagbut diri sa tugkaran? Who strewed rubbish all over the yard? ka-an(→) n place where there are weeds. -un(→) a full of weeds, trash. v [B1256] get to be full of weeds or trash.

saghid v [A; b4(1); c6P] brush, come into light contact. Napásù ku kay nasaghiran sa kamut ku ang ínit nga plansa, I burned myself when I touched the hot iron. Ayawg isaghid (ipasaghid) ang alambri sa atup, Don’t let the wire come into contact with the roof.

ságib1 v [A; a12] go about a place covering it thoroughly. Ang mga mananagat miságib sa dágat pagpangítà sa nalumus, The fishermen combed the sea searching for the drowned man. Sagíbun nátug panaygun ang tanang tindáhan, Let’s carol at every store.

ságib2 v [A; a12] transport firewood by letting it float from the place it was gathered to its destination. n this method of transporting firewood. mag-r-(→) n one who gathers firewood and transports it this way.

sagíbu v [A; a] scythe down weeds and small bushes. Ákung sagibúhun ang mga tanum nga wà kinahanglana, I’ll cut down the useless plants. n s.t. used to cut down weeds. sagibunhun n thicket of weeds. v [B2; a4] get overgrown with weeds. Nagkasagibunhun ang tugkaran nga way bungaybúngay, The yard hasn’t been weeded in ages and is getting overgrown. Gisagibunhun na ang plása, The plaza is all overgrown.

sagidsid v [A3; b4(1)] move too close to the edge of a pathway or passageway. Nagpasagidsid pagpadágan ang awtu mau nga nasagidsiran usab ang táwu nga dihà sa daplin nagtindug, The car was too close to the edge of the road, so the man standing by the roadside was sideswiped. pa- v [A; c1] get close to the edge of a pathway. Nagpasagidsid kus kabalayan nga galakaw kay gaulan man, I walked close by the houses because it was raining.

sag-ilay v [A13; c6] carry on or sling s.t. over the shoulder. Ang mananagat nagsag-ilay sa bugsay paúlì sa íla, The fisherman was carrying his paddle over his shoulder as he walked home. Isag-ilay ang bág arun sayun dad-un, Sling the bag over your shoulder so that it will be easy to carry.

sagílit v [A2S] move forward swiftly over the water. Musagílit ang sakayan basta kusug ang hángin, The boat will move swiftly if the wind is strong.

ságing n banana tree, fruit. v [b6] put bananas in s.t. Sagingan ba nátù ang linat-an? Shall we put bananas in the stew? -in-(→) n sweet made from mashed, ripe tungdan bananas mixed with rice flour, wrapped in young coconut leaves and boiled. v [A; a] make, have sinaging. sagingsaging n k.o. ornamental tuberous plant, the general name for members of the genus Canna.

sagiput v [A2; a2] get away, moving through s.t. with great agility. Dalì rang nakasagiput ang mangunguut sa daghang mga táwu, The pickpocket easily eluded capture by running through the crowd.

sagip-ut = hagip-ut, a1, v1. see gip-ut.

sagírit v [A2S; b6] speed away from s.t., whizz by s.t. Nagsagírit (nagsagirit) siyang nagsakay sa mutur, walà manumbáling ug hiabugan mi, He sped by on his motorcycle not caring that he was getting dust all over us.

sagísag n 1 name taken by a person as a pen name, stage name, or given as a representation of his character. Hitlir ang sagísag ni Sikilgrúbir, The world knew Schicklgruber as Hitler. 2 object used as a symbol. Pati ang sagísag sa kalínaw, The dove is a symbol of peace.

sagisi = bil-is. sagisihun n k.o. fish, a type of lagaw.

sagitsit v [A] speed on the surface of water or skip over the surface. Lisud ig-un ang tambasákan ug musagitsit sa túbig, It is hard to hit the mudskipper when it races over the surface of the water. Spidbut nga nagsagitsit sa túbig, Speedboat rushing over the water. — gu words uttered to start a race. Únu, dus, sagitsit, gu, Get ready, get set, go! [843]

sagiwsiw v [A] for blood to flow profusely. Misagiwsiw ang dugù sa gisubáan, Blood flowed profusely from the woman that had a hemorrhage.

sagka = saka, in all meanings and with all affixes except -da.

sagmukù v [B1456; b3] be in low spirits. Nagsamukù siya, may gikagul-an tingáli, She is in low spirits. S.t. must be bothering her.

sagmúkuy v [A3; c1] be crestfallen, have a downhearted look. Nagsagmúkuy ang íyang nawung kay wà hatági sa gipangáyù, She had a crestfallen look because she wasn’t given what she had asked for. hi-/ha- v [B1256] have a crestfallen, downhearted look. Nahasigmúkuy si Tátay sa pagkahibalu nga nahagbung ku sa bár, Father became silent in disappointment when he learned I failed the bar exam.

sagmun1 n cloth or clothes used to wrap a baby. v [A13; a] wrap a baby up in s.t. Sagmúni ang bátà kay tugnaw, Wrap up the baby because it’s cold.

sagmun2 = salúmun. see sálum.

sagmuyù (from puyù) v 1 [B156] be, become pensive and quiet. Nagsagmuyù siya sa paghinunàhúnà sa nawálang kwarta, She was pensive and silent thinking about the money that had disappeared. 2 [B26] be, become silent and dejected as if in disappointment, defeat, embarrassment. Nasagmuyù ang ulitáwung gibalibáran, The young man was dejected when she turned him down. hi-/ha- v [B1256] be struck dumb with surprise. Nahisagmuyù ang amahan pagkabatì sa nutisya, The father became speechless upon hearing the news. kahi- n silent, speechless surprise.

sagnunut see nunut.

sagpà v [A; a2b2] slap, strike the face with the open palm. mu rag gi- ug wala deeply insulted (as if slapped in the face with the left hand). Mitalikud si Pidru mu rag gisagpag wala kay gigahutan ni Ansay, Pedro turned away very much embarrassed because Ansay shouted at him. n 1 slap in the face. 2 insult. Sagpà sa ákung pagkatáwu ang íyang gipamúlung, What he said was an insult to my honor. — bahà n a k.o. freshwater shrimp about 1½″ long which has one claw broader than its body. paN- v [a1] for s.t. to boomerang on one such that he becomes the very thing that he scorns. Kusug kaáyung manaway nang bayhána kaniadtu sa mga laláking turútuy, apan gipanagpà kay inánu giyud hinúun ang nabána, That woman used to laugh at short men, but it boomeranged on her because she got a midget for a husband.

sagpang = sikuhan. see síku1.

sagpù v [A; a12b2] 1 catch birds in the nest by putting the cupped hands over the top. 2 touch parts of s.o.’s body with the whole hand, esp. private and other delicate parts. Ayawg apil ug dúlà sa mga láki kay hingsagpuan ímung tútuy, Don’t join in the boys’ games because s.o. might touch your breasts. paN- v [A2] go hunting for birds to catch them in their nests.

*sagráda — iskritúra n the Holy Scriptures. — Pamilya n The Holy Family.

sagrádu a sacred. Sagrádu kaáyu ning dapíta kay dinhi mahúgas ang kasundalúhan, This place is very sacred because here the soldiers were annihilated. v [B125; b6] be, become, consider s.t. sacred. Nasagrádu álang sa mga bitiránu ang singgit nga Batáan, The cry ‘Bataan’ has become sacred to the veterans. — Kurasun di Hisus n The Sacred Heart of Jesus.

sagu1 n starch obtained from palm trunks, esp. the sago palm (lumbiya) and the buri palm (buli).

sagu2 n dead man’s saliva.

sag-ū́ = sag-úlu. see úlu.

sagū̀ v [A23] produce a sudden but prolonged groaning sound. Misagū̀ siya dihang naigù sa kutukutu, He let out a groan when he received a blow in the solar plexus. Pagdusù níya sa tukun dihà sa túbig misagū̀ kini, The water produced a rushing sound when he thrust a pole into it.

sag-ub n a bamboo 6–7′ long with the nodes removed except at the bottom, used to fetch liquids. v 1 [A; a] haul liquid in this container. Sag-úbun ta lang ning tubà, Let’s haul this palm toddy in a bamboo tube container. Sag-úban tikag túbig, I’ll fetch you some water. 2 [A3; a12] make into such a container. maN-r- n one who carries water.

sagubang v [A; a1] face responsibilities, difficulties and endure them. Akuy musagubang sa ímung galastúhan, I will take care of your expenses. Nagsagubang tag daghang suliran, We are faced with many difficulties. Sagubangun ku ang kamíngaw, I will endure the loneliness.

sagud v [A; a1] 1 take over the responsibilities for the expenses or care of s.t. Akuy nagsagud sa mga galastúhan sa balay, I’m shouldering the household expenses. Sagura ang ílu, Take care of the orphans. 2 take the blame. Ang nakasalà mauy musagud sa tanang pagbásul, The culprit must take all the blame.

ságud v [B12; b6] for a rope or string to be [844]worn out by friction. Naságud na ang ákung pasul, My fishline is all worn out.

sagudsud n noisy sound of shuffling feet. v [A; c] walk with a shuffling sound. Ayawg isagudsud ang sapátus kay dalì mahílis, Don’t drag your shoes when you walk or they’ll wear out fast.

saguksuk n :triggerfish which grow the size of a man’s hand and which have a long projecting dorsal spine.

sagúkum v [A; a1] 1 take s.o. in the arms and :embrace him tightly. Ákung gisagúkum ang bátang naghilak, I took the child that was crying and embraced him. 2 assume :responsibility for. Ang uyuan mauy misagúkum sa mga ílu, The uncle took on the responsibility of taking care of the orphans. 3 incorporate into. Mga katungud nga gisagúkum sa Batakang Baláud, Rights incorporated into the Constitution. 4 harbor feelings within oneself (literary). Kasilù nga gisagúkum sa kinahiladman, The disappointments he harbored deep within him.

sagukuy v [A2] leave a group or gathering surreptitiously. Musagukuy ta arun dì ta hitawgan ug pakanta, Let’s sneak out of here so we won’t be called on to sing.

ságul v 1 [AC; ab2] mix s.t. with s.t. else, be mixed. Kinsay nagságul ug asin áring asúkar? Who mixed the salt and the sugar together? Sagúlun ta ning sibin-ap ug ram, Let’s mix seven-up and rum together. Bitsuylas ang iságul sa linat-ang bábuy, Put beans in the pork stew. 2 [AC] go, mix with a group. Nagságul ang hayiskul ug tagakálids sa bayli, The high school and college students were together in the dance. n 1 thing added or mixed in. May ságul nga ram ang kúk, The coke has rum added. 2 mixed, interspersed with. Gibatbátan ku níya sa nahitabù ságul bakhù, She told me what happened interspersed with sobs. (→) 1 = ságul, n1. 2 fresh coconut palm toddy which has old toddy mixed into it. Ang tubà nga sagul daling makahubug, Fresh coconut palm toddy mixed with old toddy makes you drunk quick. -in- n things mixed or used in mixing. saksak -in- a mixture of all different things. Ang ílang sud-an saksak sinágul nga karni: may bábuy, báka, kanding ug irù pa, The dish was a mixture of various kinds of meat: there was pork, beef, and dog’s meat as well. v [B145] be a varied mixture of all kinds. Nagsaksak sinágul ang íyang sinultihan—Tinagawug, Binisayà, Ininglis, Her speech is a hodgepodge of English, Tagalog, and Visayan. sagulságul varied in profusion. v [C] be varied and profuse. Sagulságul ang mga baligyà sa Tabuan, There’s all different things for sale in the market. ka-(←) n a different one each time. Kaságul lang nang ímung pamalíbad, You have no end of excuses. (You make a new one each time.) v [A13] come up with a different one each time.

sag-úlu see úlu.

sagumáyun n k.o. freshwater fish with a flat head, the size of a man’s finger.

sagum-ut a 1 unsmiling. Sagum-ut ug nawung ang mga pildíru, Losers in gambling have unsmiling faces. 2 for the hair to be disheveled, uncombed. Panudlay kay sagum-ut kaáyu ang ímung buhuk, Comb your hair because it’s all disheveled. v 1 [A; b6] get an unsmiling expression. 2 [B; c1] get disheveled. ka- n facial expression depicting a feeling of unhappiness.

sagungsung v [B; a12] speak through the nose. Magsagungsung ang átung sinultihan basta sip-unun ta, You speak through the nose if you have a cold.

sagúngut (from úngut) v [B246] pierce into s.t. and stick fast. Misagúngut ang tagà sa hásang, The hook got stuck in the gills.

sagunsun (from sunsun) v [A; a2] do s.t. in rapid succession or several times in a row. Misagunsun siyag ubu, He coughed repeatedly. Ug makasagunsun kag igù sa buls-ay, If you can hit the bulls-eye repeatedly. a done repeatedly. Sagunsun ang íyang panganak, She had babies in rapid succession.

sagunting = salagunting.

saguntù v [A2] 1 hit s.t. and jounce. Misaguntù ang dyíp sa batsi, The jeep bounced when it hit the hole in the road. 2 grunt, esp. when hit in the pit of stomach. Misaguntù ang pubring naigus kutukutu, The poor fellow groaned when he was hit in the pit of the stomach.

sagup v [A; a12] 1 adopt or take s.o. under one’s care. Ug sagupun ta ka, dad-un mu ang ákung apilyídu, If I adopt you, you will take my surname. 1a harbor, give temporary shelter. Saláud ang pagsagup ug púga, It is a crime to shelter an escaped convict. Ang ákung kandidatúra gisagup sa partídu, My candidacy was under the aegis of the party. 2 accept an idea, belief. Ang pagsagup sa binag-ung paági sa pag-uma, Adoption of the modern methods of farming. Ang kumunismu sayung sagupun sa mga pubring nagkalisudlisud, It is not hard for the poor people who have a hard life to embrace communism. -in- n an adopted person.

sagúran n cloth woven of fiber taken from the unopened leaf of the buri palm, similar [845]to raffia, used for curtains, blankets, and the like. v [A; b6] weave this material.

ságut v [B3(1)4] for a trawling net to drag on the bottom when it should just skim. Nagságut ang palakáya kay daghang bagal ug batu nga nadala, The trawl net is dragging on the sand because we took in lots of rocks and shells.

sagutsut (from sutsut) n 1 slurping sound. 2 = sagadsad. v [AP; c16P] slurp, eat or drink with a sucking sound. Insik nga nagsagutsut sa íyang nilúgaw, A Chinaman slurping his rice soup. ka-an n place where grasses or bushes are tall and dense and hard to get through (so called from the rustling sounds one makes in going through this sort of land).

sagutsutun1 a stunted of growth. Sagutsutun kaáyu ang mga tanum nga mahawngan, Plants growing in the shade are stunted in growth.

sagutsutun2 a rough-surfaced, not smooth. Sagutsutun kaáyu kag pánit, You have very rough skin. v [B; b6] for a surface to be rough.

saguy 1 = gaguy. 2 = buguy.

saguysuy n continuous, persistent cough that sounds resonant, vibrating against the back. v [B; a] have a persistent, continuous, dry cough. Akuy lisdan ug magsaguysuy na ang bátà, I am the one who feels uneasy when the child coughs continuously.

sagúyud (from gúyud) v [A2S; c1] be trailing along behind with one end being pulled at an elevation and the other end being dragged. Musagúyud ang kawáyan nga gikarga sa karumáta, The bamboo loaded on the cart will drag on the ground. Ug mulúun ka sa bisiklíta, dílì saguyúrun (isagúyud) ang ímung tiil, If you ride on the back of the bicycle, don’t drag your feet.

sagyad v [A; c6P] hang down and touch a lower level. Dílì makasagyad sa salug ang íyang tiil iniglingkud níya, His feet don’t touch the floor when he sits.

sáhà 0n shoot, a plant that comes up from the root. v [A2N2] grow shoots. Ug musáhà (manáhà) na nang ságing, mudaghan, If the banana grows shoots, it will multiply. paN- v [A2; b6] gather shoots. manggi-un a giving or growing abundant shoots.

sahì a different from the others. v [B6] come out different from the rest. Misahì ang íyang túnu sa ubang nanganta, He sang in a different key from everyone else. Sa parti siya ray misahì kay ang tanan nag-amirkána, He was different from everybody else in the party because everybody wore a coat except him.

sáhì 1 similar to, same as. Nagtindug siya sa prúwa sáhì sa usa ka aráyis sa sakayan, He stood at the bow like the skipper of a boat. 1a — pa could it be any different! Sáhì pa? Mau ra nà ang duha! Could it be any different? The two are the same. 2 as though. Naghigwaus sila sáhì nga may nakítà sa gawas, They were uneasy as though they saw s.t. outside. v [C3] be the same. Nagsáhì ang inyung taras, You have both the same sort of character. -um-, -ay it is exactly the same. Ayawg pasakiti ang bátà kay sahíay (sumáhì) ra bang paníta! Don’t inflict pain on the child because (his) skin is no different from anybody else’s. Ngánung aku may pangutan-ung sumáhì (sahíay) sa usa ka ignuranti? Why are you asking me, as if I were a fool?

sáhid = salahid.

sahù (from unsay áhù. see unsa, 1d.) Sahù bag dì ka mangasáwa nákù. Maáyug nahúngut ang kalibútan, Who gives a damn if you don’t marry me? You’re not the only fish in the ocean.

sáhù v 1 [A; ac] mix things well into each other. Sahúa ang harína ug ang asúkar, Mix the flour and the sugar together. Íyang gisahúan ug gamay nga putì ang lugum nga manikyur, She mixed a little light-colored nail polish into the dark polish. 2 [A; b6] be, move about in profusion and confusion. Nagsáhù ang mga kutsig dyíp sa Kulun, The cars and jeeps were in vast profusion on Colon Ave. Íyang panghunàhúnà gisahúan sa mga pagdúda, All manner of suspicions presented themselves to his mind. a full of all different things moving in confusion. Sáhù kaáyu ang Magalyánis ug mapasku, It’s a bustling confusion downtown at Christmas time.

sáhug v [AC; ac] be mixed together. Misáhug ang kawatan sa punduk sa táwu, The thief mixed with the crowd. Nagkasáhug ang asúkar ug asin, The sugar and the salt got mixed together. Dì ka makasáhug sa labadúra ug wà ang igbabatil, You can’t mix the dough without the mixer. -in- n mixture.

sahuy n k.o. striped fish of reefs, growing to 6″.

sái, sáin 1 which of the two or several. Sáin man nílang mga tawhána ang nagsumbag nímu? Which of those persons struck you? 2 which place is it, was it. Sáin ka ba trabáhu run? Where do you work? Sáin kahà nákù tu ikabutang? Where (which of the various possible places) could I have put it?

saka v 1 [A; ac] climb, bring s.t. up. Nagsaka [846]sa hagdan, Going up the stairs. Kinsay nagsaka sa ákung malíta? Who brought my suitcase upstairs? Sak-un ku nang hinug nga kaimítu, I will climb to get that ripe star apple. Isaka ning antína sa ibabaw sa atup, Put this antenna up on the roof. 1a [b(1)] work off a debt by gathering coconuts. Sak-an ku ang ákung útang nímu, I’ll work off my debt to you by gathering coconuts. 2 [A; a2b2] break into the house. Gisaka na mig kaduha, Our house has already been broken into twice. 3 [A; b6] lodge, stay in. Mu nay ákung gisak-an sa istudiyanti pa ku, That’s where I stayed when I was a student. n 1 yield of coconut trees. Pilay saka ning ímung kalubian? How much does your plantation yield? 1a action of climbing or gathering coconuts. 2 action of coming to stay at s.o.’s place. Káda saka níya sa ámù magdala giyud siyag sinugátan, Every time he comes to stay with us he brings a present. 2a one who is staying at s.o.’s place temporarily. — kanáug v [A; a2] go in and out of a house. Mga bátang nagsaka kanáug ug dúlà, Children running in and out of the house playing. 2 go up and down. — lugsung n going up and down. Dálang saka lugsung, A road that goes up and down. (←) v 1 [A; ac] go, bring uphill. Tuktuk nga bungtud nga dì masákag trák, A steep road that a truck cannot negotiate. 2 [A2S] rise to a high degree. Gasíging sáka ang prisyu, The prices keep rising. 3 [A2] formally ask permission to marry. Ugmà musáka na sila si Pidru sa ka Maríya, Tomorrow Pedro and his family will ask for Maria’s hand. 4 [A2; c] gain stones in a game of sungkà (putting them in the home base). 5 [A12; c6] carry numbers in adding or multiplying. Singkuwinta idus. Ibutang ang dus ug isáka ang singku, Fifty-two. Write down two and carry your five. 6 [A2; b6] for a school of fish to go near the shore. Ang mga bansíkul musáka sa búlan sa Máyu, The mackerel come near the shore in the month of May. 7 [A2; c] for a boat to put into shelter. Musáka ang mga barku ning luúka basta magdáut ang tyimpu, The boats put into this cove when the weather is not good. 8 [A] for cards to come to one. 8a [A12; b4] draw cards. Kun sakáan kug maáyung baráha, If I get good cards. n 1 set of cards coming up. 2 rental for a gambling device. 3 bag-ung — s.o. who has just recently become popular. Bag-ung sáka pa siya sa buksing mau nga sikat kaáyu, He is a new boxing star so he is very popular. 4, 5 = saka, n. — kanáug = saka kanáug. — us-us = saka kanáug, 2. pa-(←) v 1 [A; c] file a charge, application, petition. Kásung ákung gipasáka bátuk níya, The case I filed against him. 2 [A; c56] file, pass a law. Wà pa ikapasáka ang balaudnun, The bill hasn’t been passed (or filed). 3 [A1; b6] rent out a gambling device. paN-(←) v [A2] climb up to pick. Túa, nanáka ug lubi, He’s picking coconuts. sakaan n in a sungkà game, the hole nearest the home base (balayan)—so called because that is where the stones go into the home base from (sáka, 4). -da(←) n group of people recruited to work in another place. Adúnay sakáda sa mga trabahadur sa asyinda, They are recruiting labor for the plantation. v [A; a] recruit workers. sinak-an a 1 amount paid to a person picking coconuts. 2 gift of the groom to the bride following the marriage ceremony. 3 amount paid by a parent of children enrolled in a public school to pay for minor projects. 4 food and drinks stored up in a house one has moved into, enough to last for three days, usually including a slaughtered animal. The purpose of doing this is magical: it assures that the owner will not run out of anything while he lives there. mag-r-(←), maN-r-(←) n coconut picker. sakaun a s.t. one has to climb if he is to reach it. Layù ang íla ug sakaun pa, Their place is far away and you have to climb to get there.

sakáang v 1 [A2S3P] totter under a heavy weight with the legs spread far apart for balance and foothold. Pára usa ka tárung túbig, nagsakaang ka na! All you are carrying is a can of water and you are tottering! 1a [B28; b6c1] walk with the legs wide apart due to some ailment. Musakáang ang táwung danlákan, A person who has a hernia walks with his legs wide apart. 2 [A2S3P] undergo great hardship. Nagsakaang ku adtung pangutanáha, I sweated out that question.

sakab n k.o. fishing trap of shallow waters put directly over the fish to be trapped. v [A; a] fish with a sakab.

sak-absurbir n shock absorber.

sak-ang v [A; c] 1 sit down, set s.t. on s.t. that fits the bottom. Nagsak-ang sa inudúru, Sitting on the toilet. Gisak-ang níya ang kúlun sa dagang, He put the rounded pot on top of the holder. 2 sit, set s.t. down carelessly without noticing whether it is in the proper place. Ayawg sak-ángi nang kartun kay mahulbà, Don’t just plunk yourself down on that box because it will collapse.

sakapi, sakapì instead of (doing s.t.). Sakapì [847]nga magtrabáhu natúlug siya sa landung, Instead of working, he slept in the shade.

sakar a fitting exactly. Sakar kaáyu níya ang sinínà sa íyang kalúha, Her twin-sister’s dress fit her perfectly. v [B26; c6] fit exactly. Musakar kahà ning yawíha sa ímung aparadur, I wonder if this key will fit the lock in your chest.

sakat v 1 [A2; b4(1)] take hold by piercing. Dílì kaáyu musakat ang tagà sa gáhing paun, The hook doesn’t easily pierce hard bait. Nasaktan ang kabli sa angkla, The anchor caught the cable. 2 [A2; c6] for a gear to mesh. Ang kambiyu dílì musakat sa primíra, The transmission doesn’t mesh in first gear. 3 [A2; a1] be on time to do s.t. Musakat ku sa primírung byáhi sa trák, I want to catch the first bus trip. 4 [B246] believe s.t. obviously not true. Ug musakat ka ánang isturyáha, tuntu ka, If you believe that story, you’re a fool. a falling exactly on a certain time. Sakat giyud ang íyang kasal sa íya pung adlaw, Her wedding day falls just exactly on her birthday.

sakáti n a slender perennial grass of waste places: Paspalum conjugatum.

sakay v 1 [A; ac] put s.t., ride, get on a vehicle. Dì ku musakay ánang ímung awtu, I will not ride in your car. Wà ku makasakay dáyun, I couldn’t find transportation right away. Taksing ákung gisakyan, The taxi I took. Isakay ring bátà sa taksi, Get this child on the taxi. 2 [A2] for a vehicle to accommodate a certain amount. Ang sakayan níya musakay ug lima, His boat takes five. 3 [A2; b(1)] join in with other people. Dì ku musakay sa inyung hantak, I will not join your coin-tossing game. Dílì nímu ángay sakyan ang panagsultisulti námù, You should not butt into our conversation. Hungíhung nga isakay run sa Libiral si Pilayis, Rumor that Pelaez would cross over to the Liberal party. 3a [c6] include s.t. together with a list that has been made up. Ikasakay pa ba ni sa badyit rung tuíga? Can this be included in this year’s budget? Ikasakay pa ang ímung ngálan sa lista kay dì pa ulahi, We can still add your name to the list because it’s not too late. 4 [A2] believe or react favorably to s.t. not true. Dì ku musakay ánang ímung ulug-úlug, I will not believe your flattery. n 1 passenger, cargo. Pila may sakay sa dyip? How many passengers did the jeep have? Blu sil ang sakay sa bangkà, The boat was carrying smuggled cigarettes. 2 load capacity. Pilay sakay sa ímung sakayan? How many passengers does your boat hold? 3 aboard. Sakay na ang tanang pasahíru, The passengers are all aboard. Milarga ang trák sakay ang íyang asáwa, The bus left with his wife aboard. (←) v [C; c6] ride together. Táwung ákung gikasákay, The man I rode together with. a for there to be lots of people wanting rides. Kay ulan man, sákay kaáyu run, Since it is raining, there are lots of people who are looking for transportation. -an n wooden boat of any size, with or without a sail. v [A1; a1c] go, take by boat. paN-an v 1 [A2; b6] engage in hauling or passenger business with boats. Sa nanakayan pa ku abut kug Masbáti usáhay, I sometimes went as far as Masbate with my ferrying business. 2 [A2; c6] go boating. Manakayan ta ug mangalígù ta sa Talísay, We will go boating when we go swimming at Talisay. 3 [A2] man a boat. Duha ka táwu ang nanakayan niíni, Two people were manning this boat. -anun(←) n 1 crew on a sakayan. 2 fisherman. ka-(←) n fellow passenger. Mangunguut ang ákung kasákay, The other man in the vehicle was a pickpocket. salakyanan, salakyan n passenger vehicle. -um-r-(←), mag-r-(←), maN-r-(←) n passenger.

sakbang a across, on the opposite side. Ang naglingkud sakbang nákù, The one sitting across from me. v 1 [C] be across from each other. Nagsakbang mig balay, Our houses are across from each other. 2 [AC; a] be contenders, opponents. Akuy musakbang kaníya sa pulitika, I’ll run against him in politics. Makigsakbang ku bísag dakù, I’ll take him on, big as he is. 3 [A1; c6] push s.t. concave into s.o.’s face. Isakbang ku ning usa ka hulmahang litsi plan sa ímung simud, I will push this dish of custard on your snout. ka- n rival.

sakbat v [A; a1c] say s.t. after s.o. else has spoken, butting in or not. Way batásan tung nagsakbat sa panagsultiánay, The one who cut in on the conversation has no manners. n thing said in response or butting in. ‘Muadtu pud ku,’ sakbat níya, ‘I’ll go, too,’ said he.

sakbit a adjacent, very near. Ang ákung lamísa sakbit sa kang Abil, My table is beside Abel’s. v 1 [C; ac] be near, next to each other. Nagkasakbit sila paglingkud sa sini, They happened to sit beside each other in the movies. 2 [AC; b] touch lightly, brush against. Ang ílang gipanagsultíhan misakbit sa Kumunismu, Their conversation touched on the subject of Communism. Nasakbitan ang bátà sa naghagurus nga awtu, A speeding car brushed the child. 3 [A; a] snatch s.t. from s.o. Gisakbit ang ílang kalubihan [848]kay wà makabáyad sa útang, They lost their coconut lands because they couldn’t pay their debts. Nakasakbit kug pila ka púlung sa ílang panagsulti, I caught a few snatches of their conversation.

sakbut v [A; ab2] 1 scoop, get by cupping in the hand. Musakbut kug usa ka kumkum bugas, I will scoop out a handful of rice. 2 snatch, grab s.t. from. Gisakbut níya ang kwarta nga gibitbit sa táwu, He snatched the money the man was holding. 3 get fruits with a sakbut. n fruit picker made of a blade to which a basket or bag is attached, tied to a pole.

sakdap v 1 [A; b6] swoop down at, on. Gisakdápan ku sa dakung banug, A big hawk swooped down at me. 2 [A2; cP] touch swiftly and lightly with one’s hand. Kamut nga kugihang musakdap sa mga sangput sa dalága, A hand that readily touches young girl’s buttocks. -ay(→) n game with kites where the kites are made to battle each other. v [AC; c6] have a kite fight.

sakdaw v 1, 2 = sakgaw. 3 [A; a] divert s.o.’s hands or arm. Misakdaw ang ákung anak sa ákung kamut arun ku muundang, My daughter held my arm to stop me. Nanuyù nà siya nga nakasakdaw lang ku níyag gamay, She got angry at me when I happened to nudge her arm lightly.

sakdup v [A; b(1)] swoop down on. Ug musakdup ang ayruplánu, butangi dáyun, If the airplane swoops down, let him have it. Gisakdupan ku sa langgam pag-úlì nákù sa kuyabug, The bird swooped down on me when I put the nestling back in the nest.

sakgaw v 1 [A2; ab2] butt in on a conversation. Ug magsulti ku, dì ka musakgaw, If I talk, don’t interrupt. Ayawg isakgaw nang ímung mga hingì ug dúnay bisíta, Don’t interrupt with your whimpered requests when I have visitors. 2 [A; ab2] snatch, grab at s.t. Wà ku kità kinsay nagsakgaw sa ímung báhin, I did not see who snatched your share.

sakgum v [A; a1] 1 hold s.t. in both hands. Íyang gisakgum ang inágas arun imnun, He caught the flowing water in his hands to drink it. 2, 3, 4, 5 = sagúkum. n the amount held in both hands. Usa ka sakgum nga utanun, The amount of vegetables one can hold in both one’s hand.

sákir n soccer. v [B3C; b6] play soccer.

sakit a 1 painful. Sakit nga samad, A painful wound. 2 hurting, causing wounded feelings. Sakit kaáyung musulti si Pidru, Pedro speaks in a hurting way. 3 violent death or way of dying. Naimpas siya sa usa ka sakit nga kamatáyun, He expired in a violent death. n 1 physical pain. Sakit nga dílì maagwanta, A pain that can’t be endured. Sakit sa tiyan, Stomachache. — sa kalyu, pus-un, tíyan, tungà, túngul s.t. that bothers one intensely (used sarcastically). Sakit ba nà sa ákung kalyu ug dì ka pahulam? What do I care if you don’t lend me any (lit. you think it hurts my corns)? 1a ache, emotional pain. Ang sakit sa ákung kasingkásing, The ache in my heart. 1b — sa buut hurt to one’s pride or feelings. Sakit sa ákung buut nang pagsaway mu nákù, It hurts my pride the way you criticized me. 2 ailment, sickness. Ang sakit mikaylap sa kabaryúhan, The disease spread through the countryside. Sakit sa kasingkásing, Heart disease. binulang — menstruation. — sa babáyi a venereal disease. b menstruation. — sa láwas injury. Nagpakúsug siya sa íyang mutur kay nangítag sakit sa láwas, He rides fast on his motorcycle because he must want to get injured. v 1 [A; ab4] become, make painful. Nagsakit ba ang ímung tangu? Does your tooth hurt? Gisakitan kug maáyu, It hurts like hell. — ang dughan, kasingkásing [B46; b4] a be heartsick. b be very harrassed. Nagsakit ning ákung dughan pagpahílum ning mga bátà, I am going crazy trying to keep these children quiet. c be deeply worried over s.t. Nagsakit ang íyang dughan kay mikúyug ang íyang trátu ug láin, She is deeply worried because her boy friend went out with s.o. else. 1c — ang kalyu, pus-un, tíyan, tungà, túngul v [A3P; b6] bother s.o. intensely (sarcastic usage). 2 [AB1256] be, become ill. 3 [b4] for plants to bear less because of damage. Gisakitan ang agbáti nga gipanglabnut lang pagpangúhà kay dúgay nga nangudlut, The leaves were not taken off carefully from the agbáti vine and it took it long to develop new buds. sakitsakit v [B16] be sick now and then. Mamalhin kami ug láing puy-anan kay kanúnay lang kung magsakitsakit (masakitsakit) dinhi, We have to move to another place, as I always get sick here. n miscellaneous diseases. Sakitsakit sa pánit, Various skin ailments. (←) v 1 [A13; a12] torture, inflict unnecessary pain. Gisákit úsà patya, Tortured before being put to death. 1a [A; ac5] inflict emotional pain. Gikasákit ku kanang ímung gibúhat, I was deeply offended by what you did. 1b [A13; a12] ask insistently, as if torturing. Ayaw ku sakíta sa ímung bálun, Stop nagging me for your spending money. 1c [A3; b6] for children to put up a crying fit. Musákit na pud ning bátà kay kúlang ug tulug, [849]The baby will put up a crying fit again because he didn’t sleep long enough. pa- v [b(1)] inflict several small cuts on the trunk of trees to make them bear more fruit. pa-(←), paka-(←) v [A13; b6] make sacrifices. Magpakasákit ku arun mulampus ang ímung pagtuun, I will sacrifice to see you through your studies. -in-(←) n martyr. ka- n pain, physical or emotional. ka-(←) n 1 crucifix. mistiryu sa — the Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary. 2 severe suffering. -l-an(←) a 1 susceptible to diseases. Salakítan kaáyu búsà dì maáyu ang biyáhi pára nákù, I easily get sick so I shouldn’t travel. 2 infested with organisms that cause diseases. Salakítan kaáyu ning dapíta kay sunaup, This place is infested with disease-giving organisms because it is low and dark. ma-un n patient, an ill person. v [A13] be, become gravely ill. Magmasakitun ka ug magsígi kag kaguul, You will become gravely ill if you always worry. paN- n pains, aches, characteristics of a sickness. Kining banyúsa álang sa panakit sa labad sa úlu, This compound is for pains that accompany a headache.

sákit n socket for an electric light. — tayip nga tigib k.o. chisel in which the handle is set into a socket instead of having a tang.

sakíyu v [A; a2] get money or valuables belonging to s.o. else by stealing or swindling. Gigúkud sa pulis ang nagsakíyu sa ákung bág, The policeman ran after the man who snatched my bag. Gisakíyu ni Huwan ang kuliksiyun sa buhatan, John embezzled the office money.

saklaw v [A; ab2] snatch at s.t., grab s.t. away from s.o. Sukmágun ta ka ug saklawun mu ning ákung ayiskrim, I’ll hit you if you try to snatch my ice cream from me. aN-r- see ananaklaw.

saklit (from kalit) v 1 [AN; ab2] snatch with suddenness. Misaklit ang bátag duláan pag-ági níya sa tindáhan, The child quickly snatched a toy as he passed the store. Kamatayun, ngánung gisaklit mu ang bugtung kung kalípay sa kalibútan, Death, why did you snatch my only source of happiness in this world? 1a commandeer on the sea. Ang ílang sakayan nasaklitan sa Hapun, The Japanese commandeered his boat. 1b grab s.o.’s land. 2 [A; a] take a short time off from what one is doing to do s.t. else, do s.t. quickly. Musaklit kug higdà ug magtrabáhu ku, I will take a few minutes off from work to lie down. a sudden.

saklub1 n 1 sheath, holster. 2 wife (humorous). Bisag ásas Timyung uban giyud ang íyang saklub, Wherever Timyong goes his wife tags along. v 1 [A13; c6] put, put in a sheath, holster. Isakub na nang ímung ispáda, Sheathe your sword. 2 [A13; c1] make into a scabbard. -an n = saklub, n.

saklub2 n lid, s.t. put over s.t. else as a cover. v [A; b6(1)] cover s.t. over with a lid or a loose covering. Saklubi ug maáyu ang sud-an kay arun dílì sungkábun sa iring, Cover the dishes well so that the cat can’t get at them. Díay tualya isaklub sa ímung úlu, Here’s a towel to cover your head with.

saklut n sack cloth.

sakmal v 1 [A; a2b2] snatch at s.t. to hold it, grab at as if to hold. Manakmal siyag tutuy, He’ll grab for your breasts. Nakaikyas ang bábuy kay tiil ray ákung hingsakmalan, The pig got away because I only got hold of its feet. 2 [A; c1] put s.t. in the mouth, usually big enough to fit in it. Sakmala (isakmal) kunu ang ímung kinúmù sa ímung bàbà, Try putting your fist into your mouth.

sakmit v [A; a2] 1 snatch s.t. away from s.o. Gisakmit ákung rilu, S.o. snatched my watch. 2 confiscate. Sakmítun sa maistra ang kúmiks, The teacher will confiscate the comics. 3 take s.o. into custody from his home. Gisakmit sa Hapun ang gidudáhang girilya, The Japanese arrested the man they suspected of being a guerrilla. maN-r- n snatcher.

sakna, saknà v [A; a12] 1 ask s.o. whether he wants to do s.t. or is willing for s.t. to happen. Nagsaknà si Nítuy nímu ug muuban ka ba, Nitoy is asking you whether you would like to go along. Saknaa si Máma mu ug pakuyúgun ka ba, Ask your mother if she’s willing to let you go. 2 challenge s.o. to a fistfight. Saknaag musúkul ba, Challenge him and see if he fights. — ug pamaláyi v [A23] for a young man to notify his parents of his intensions of getting married. Misakna nag pamaláyi ang anak kung ulitáwu, Our son notified us of his intention of getting married.

saknib v [AC; c1] lay two things out flat so that the one is partly over the other. Nagkasaknib ang ámung mga banig kay gamay ra man ang kwartu, We spread our mats with the edges overlapping one another because we were in a small room. Sakníba ang duha ka hapin arun dílì mutagpas ang íhì sa bátà, Let the child lie on two pieces of cloth so the urine won’t seep through.

saknit = sakmit.

sakpaw a for a broad container to be too shallow. Diyútay rang masúd áning baskit kay sakpaw, You can’t get very much in [850]this basket because it is too shallow. v [B1; a12] be, become, make s.t. shallow. Nasakpaw ang panaksan kay gimasáhag simintu, The basin became shallow because they mixed cement in it.

sakramintu n Sacrament, one of the seven sacred rites of the Roman Catholic Church. anak sa — n legitimate child.†

sakrilihiyu n sacrilege.

sakripisyu a requiring an extraordinary expenditure of time, effort, or money. Sakripisyu kaáyu nákù ning ákung pag-iskuyla kay magtrabáhu pud ku, It is a great effort for me to study because I must also work. n sacrifices made. — sa mísa Sacrifice of the Holy Mass. v 1 [A; c] expend unusual effort or money or deprive oneself for some end. Magsakripisyu úsà kami arun sa ngadtungadtu makapalit mig balay, We’ll sacrifice ourselves so we can eventually buy a house. Unsay dílì nákù isakripisyu pára nímu, What wouldn’t I sacrifice for you? 2 [a12] put s.o. to an extraordinary expenditure. Ngánung sakripisyúhun man ku nímu ug paadtu ug dílì nà impurtanti? Why do you make me go there to no purpose if that is not important? 3 [A13; c1] sacrifice one’s principles. Sakripisyúhun (isakripisyu) man nímu ang ímung kadunggánan sa pagkúyug ánang mga tawhána? Why do you sacrifice your honor so you can go around with those people? 4 [A13; c] sacrifice s.t. for a future advantage. Isakripisyu ku ning túri arun mabábuy ang rayna, I’ll sacrifice my rook to checkmate your queen. 5 [A13; c1] mortify one’s body. Magsakripisyu ang mga madri sa ílang láwas pinaági sa búnal inigka Byirnis Santu, The nuns mortify their bodies on Good Friday by lashing themselves.

sakris n sack race. v [A1; b] hold a sack race.

sakristan n sacristan, the priest’s helper in performing various chores connected with religious duties. v [A3; c1] become, serve as a sacristan. — mayur n senior acolyte or assistant to the priest.

sakristíya n sacristy.

saks n sax. altu — alto sax. tinur — tenor sax.

saksak1 v [A; ac] 1 mix solids up or one solid into another. Akuy musaksak sa baráha, I will shuffle the cards. Ayawg saksákig balas ang kupras, Don’t mix sand into the copra. 2 chop s.t. into pieces, usually to mix into s.t. else. Akung saksákun ning sagínga, I’ll chop these bananas into pieces. 3 [A; a] cook rice or corn mixed with chunks of sweet potatoes. Musaksak mi ug wà miy sud-an, We mix in chunks of sweet potatoes in cooking corn or rice when we don’t have anything to go with it. n cooked cereals mixed with tubers, usually sweet potatoes. — sinágul see ságul. -in-an n corn or rice cooked with chunks of sweet potatoes.

saksak2 v [A; a] stab (slang). Nakasaksak siya apan wà mamatay, He has stabbed a person but he didn’t die.

saksak3 n 1 = lumbiya. 2 the starch taken from this tree.

saksak4 n k.o. small bird.

saksi v 1 [A2; b2] see, witness. Gustu kang musaksi ug bahugbáhug? Would you like to see a free-for-all? 2 [A2; c6] testify, say s.t. in evidence. Ayawg isaksi nà sa hukmánan kay makadáut nà nímu, Don’t make that declaration in court because it can harm you. 3 [A; c1] ask s.o.’s opinion about s.t. Nakasaksi ka na ba sa ímung mga ginikánan mahitungud niíni? Have you asked your parents about this? — ug pamaláyi for a man to notify his parents of his intentions of marrying. Andam na mi ug musaksi ug pamaláyi ang ámung ulitáwu, We are prepared if my son signifies his intention to get married. n witness. Bungbung ray saksi sa ílang gibúhat, Only the walls bore witness to what they had done. — ni Hiyúba a religious sect, Jehovah’s Witnesses.

saksupun n saxophone. v [AN] play the sax.

saktu short for iksaktu.

sáku1 n 1 sack of cloth. 2 sackful. Usa ka sákung humay, A sack of rice. v [A13; a12] put into a sack. -in-(→) v [A; a] do by the sackful. n by the sackful.

sáku2 = sákù.

sakù v [A; b6] thrust the buttocks forward with a jerk. Panagsaan ug sakù sa istriptis ang íyang sáyaw, The stripteaser jerks her buttocks forward every so often as she dances. a busy, having intense activity. Sakù kaáyu mi sa tindáhan matábù, We are busy at the store on market days. (←) v [A13] be intensely busy. Nagsákù mi sa upisína kay duha ra ming katábang, We are busy as heck at the office because there are only two of us helpers. sakùsakù v [A; b6] push the buttocks forward to and fro in rhythmic fashion. Pastilang nakasakùsakù sa irù, My! How the dog is pumping away at it.

sákù v [A; b6] refuse, not give s.t. Ug sakúan ku níya sa pagpaiskuyla, unsay ákù? Who cares if he refuses to send me to school? Dalù giyud kay isákù pa ang paggáwì sa íyang libru, He’s selfish because he denies me the use of his books. hiN- v [A; b6(1)] begrudge, fail to give s.o. s.t., esp. s.t. abstract. [851]Dì siya muhinákug bísan unsay ímung pangayúun, He will not begrudge you, whatever you ask. Naghináku siyag hátag sa íyang gugma kang Pidru, She refused to give her love to Pedro. -an(→) a greedy, selfish. -in- v [A] act selfish, ungiving. Dì mi musinákù sa ámung kusug ug musampit ka námù, If you call on us, we will not begrudge an ounce of our strength.

sakub = saklub1.

sákul n k.o. pútu, a sweet made of fine corn flour, cassava flour, and shredded or squeezed coconut and steam-cooked. v [A; a] make, make into sákul. -in- = sákul, n.

sakum n clearing in a forest or thicket for planting crops. v [A; b5] make a clearing for crops.

sakung a bent downwards more than it should be. Sakung kaáyu ning ímung sundang, bakikaw ug huyad, Your bolo is bent too much downwards. It is awkward to use. v [B6; a12] get to have too much of a downward curve. Musakung ang tulawug ug palabihan ug banting, The spring pole will get a curve in it if you weigh it down too much.

sakup1 v [A12; b4(1)] 1 catch, capture. Walà ku makasakup sa bábuy, I was not able to catch the pig. Hingsakpan ta gihápun kang limbungána ka, I’ll catch you yet, you cheater, you. 2 come upon s.o. doing s.t. Nasakpan ku sila nga nagháluk, I caught them kissing. 3 come to understand s.t., esp. for the first time. Sakpan ku na ngánung dílì muandar ang makina, Now I understand why the engine won’t start. (←) v [C3] meet each other. Dì mi magsákup kay sayu man kung mulakat sa trabáhu, We do not meet each other because I go to work early.

sakup v [A; b5c1] do s.t. for s.o. else at the same time as he is doing it for himself, include another action together with an action one is performing. Sakpa (sakpi, isakup) kug paniudtu, When you fix lunch, fix me some, too. n 1 included. Ayaw na lang pagbáyad kay sakup nang ímu sa ákù, Don’t pay because what I gave already includes yours. 2 interior, the inside of a house or any enclosure. Dayun diri sa sakup, Come on in. (←) n 1 member, part of a group. Sákup ka ba sa ílang kapunúngan? Are you a member of their organization? Sákup pa sa Kabisay-an ang Sikihur, Siquijor is a part of the Visayan Islands. Dílì ni sákup sa átung liksiyun, This is not included in our lesson. 2 member of a group subject to s.o. 3 household help. Gihiyáan mig bíyà sa ámung mga sákup, All of our household help left us at one time. v 1 [A23B; c1] make, become a member of s.t. Kining lungsúra nagsákup (gisakúpan) ug tulu ka baryu, This town includes three barrios. 2 [A13] have a household servant. Dì ta magsákup arun trabáhu ang tanan, We won’t get a maid so that everybody works. gin-an(←) n member of a group subject to s.o. Ang ginsakúpan ni Sultan Ramil, Sultan Ramil’s men. pa- v [A; ac] hire oneself out, be hired as household help.

sakup3 v [A; b5c1] close s.t. Ang maulahig lakaw mauy musakup sa pulta, The last to leave the house will close the door. Sakpa (sakpi, isakup) ang ímung libru, Close your book. a closed.

sákut = ságul. paN- n spice. v [A; b] put in spices. Panakútig tángad ang tinúwa, Put some lemon grass in the boiled fish.

sakuting n folk dance which portrays a mock fight between the Chinese settlers and native Filipinos. v [A13] dance the sakuting.

sakúung v [A2S; a12] bend forward when walking as if in pain. Nagsakuung ang táwung bag-ung giupirahan sa apindisítis, The man had been recently operated for appendicitis and bent forward in walking.

sakwat v [A; a12] lift s.t. up to carry it, putting the hands underneath it. Sakwáta ang bátà ug ibutang sa katri, Lift the child and put her on the bed. n action of lifting, amount carried at one time. Usa na lang ka sakwat ug dá na ang tanan, You can carry everything in your arms in one trip.

sakyab v [A; c] 1 spread out a blanket with a flinging motion, cast a net. Gisakyab níya ang basang kurtína sa ibabaw sa lamísa, She spread out the wet curtain on top of the table. Dì makasakyab ang usa lang ka táwu ánang dakung báling, One man cannot cast that huge net alone. 2 scatter, throw in a similar motion. Misakyab ku sa sabud sa mga manuk, I threw the chicken feed to the chickens.

sakyud v [A; b6] move, push one’s buttocks forward and backward with the rest of the body stationary. Nagsakyud siya sa pagpanghiláwas, He was working his buttocks back and forth in the coital act. Ngánung gisakyúran man ku nímung walay batasána ka? Why did you nudge me with your lower region, you shameless man? panakyuran n the hip joints. see also ananakyud and bangkiyud.

sála1 (not without l) n 1 living room. 2 dakù, lapad ug — one who wears house slippers outdoors (making the area outdoors as an [852]extension of his living room—humorous).

sála2 v [A; a12] strain, filter liquids. Saláhun (saláun) nímu úsà ang asíti úsà itibul, Filter the oil first before pouring it in. salahan, salaan n filter, strainer. v [A13; c] make, use as a strainer.

salà n 1 sin. 2 fault. Wà kuy salà nímu, I haven’t done anything wrong to you. v [A12; b(1)] commit a sin, fault. Nakasalà ka sa ímung pagbiaybíay, You have committed a sin in ridiculing him. Siyay ímung gikasad-an, He is the one you wronged. paka- v 1 [A13] be committing a sin. Nagpakasalà kag púyù ánang minyù, You are committing a sin living with that married man. 2 [a12] impute a fault on s.o. Ngánung pakasad-un man ku nímu nga wà man gánì ku makahikap ánà? Why do you blame me when I didn’t even touch it? sad-an a guilty. v [B1256] be found guilty. Ug masad-an ka, ipaprísu ka, If you are found guilty, you will be put in prison. kasal-ánan n wrongdoings or guilt. Ang kasal-ánan ímung gibúhat dílì mapasaylu bísan anus-a, Your wrongs can never be forgiven. maka-r-(←) n sinner. Ginúu, pasaylúa ning mapaubsánung makasasálà, Lord, forgive this humble sinner. masalad-un a sinful, inclined to commit faults or sins. tag- n one who committed a specific fault.†

*sálà1, salà — túud, gud just as I expected. Sálà ra gud túud. Dì wà mabakak ang ákung panagnà, See, my guess turned out true. Salà gud. Wà lagi kapasar, Just as I thought. He didn’t pass.

sálà2 = sála2.

saláag v [B1256] lose one’s way. Nalángan mi kay nasaláag mi sa Magalyánis, We were delayed because we lost our way downtown. (→) v [B46; c1] be off the topic, incoherent in speech, conversation. Musalaag ang ímung tubag ug dì ka mamínaw sa diskasyun, You’ll be speaking off the topic if you don’t listen to the discussion. Nagsalaag ang diskursu sa pulitiku. Wà maáyu pagkahan-ay, The politician gave an incoherent speech. It was not well planned.

sálab v [A; b6(1)] singe, pass a flame over. Gisában ku ang katring may kuting, I passed a flame over the bed that was infested with bedbugs.

salában (from súlab) v 1 [A1; a12] for an unglù to pass on the force that possesses him by inserting it in the food of the victim who then also becomes an unglù. Kunu makasalában ang pagkáun sa salin sa usa ka unglù, They say that eating the leftovers of an unglù will make you one. 2 [a12] be won over to and become crazy for s.t. Gisában na giyud ka sa madyung, You have gone crazy for mahjong.

salabat (not without l) = tahu.

salábay (not without l) n k.o. longline fishing for small fishes where several hooks are attached to a line with leaders spaced six feet apart, one end anchored to the sea bottom and the other end attached to a float. paN- v [A2; b6] go fishing with a salábay line.

sálad1 = sanggut, n, v.

sálad2 tsíkin — n chicken salad. saladsálad v [A; c1] hide poor quality products underneath or between things of good quality. Ang mga tindíra sa tabákù maáyung musaladsálad sa mga iskuhídu ug barut, The tobacco sellers are adept in mixing the first class leaves with the poor ones.

sálag n 1 nest. 2 the home (literary). 3 source, place where s.t. or s.o. comes from. Ang Pásil kunu mauy sálag sa mga butangíru, Pasil is where the toughs come from. — sa kaminyúun state of being married (literary). Bayinti anyus ang ílang ípun sa sálag sa kaminyúun, They have been living together in wedded bliss for twenty years. v [A; b6] nest. Dílì musálag ang langgam dinhi kay duul sa agiánan, The bird will not nest here because it is near a pathway.

salagmà = sulagmà.

salagsag n matting placed between layers of objects: 1 used in packing. 2 placed above boiling water to act as a double boiler. 3 in thatched roofing, the thin slat around which the cogon of the thatching is wound, tied to secondary rafters. v [A; a] install, pack s.t. with salagsag.

salag-un n the class of starchy foods consisting of plantains and root crops. v [A13] have root crops as staple food.

salagunting n principal rafters of a roof. v [A; a2b6] put, make, make into a principal rafter.

salahid v [A3S; ab2] 1 drag, search the bottom of water for s.t. with a net or grapnel. Ang pulis musáhid sa línaw pagpangítà sa patay, The police will drag the bottom of the lake to look for the body. 2 dig up information. Sahírun mu ang tanang kasayúran báhin sa disgrasya, Dig up all the information about the accident. Mau ning tabía ákung nasahiran, I stumbled across this little piece of gossip. (←) n general term for fish net, grapnel dragged along the bottom. paN- v [A2; b6] go fishing with the sáhid. n fishing with the sáhid.

salak v [A; a12] catch s.t. in the hands. Salka [853]ang búla, Catch the ball.

sálak n k.o. nonfatal sickness which is characterized by the yellowing of the white of the eyes, thought to be caused by stepping over certain plants or by walking at the back of s.o. who is believed to be a salakan. v [A123P; b4] get this disease. -an(→) n one who causes this disease if people walk behind his back. A person gets this supernatural power involuntarily and often may not realize he has it. He can also cure it by rubbing the patient’s clothing and saying puyra sálak.

sal-ak v [A; c] intersperse, insert in between. Sal-ákan tag sáyaw ang átung prugráma, We will insert a dance number every now and then in our program. Isal-ak ning kartun sa libru, Insert this cardboard between the pages of the book. n s.t. interspersed or inserted. sal-aksal-ak v [A; b6(1)] place alternately, do s.t. at intervals. Sal-aksal-ákan tag kamúti ning átung bugas kay layù pang tingsanggì, We’ll eat meals of sweet potatoes alternately with rice because the harvest is still a way off.

salakut (not without l) n 1 = saruk, 1. 2 name of a folk dance which uses the saruk hat. v [A; c] dance this dance.

salamà v 1 [A12; a12] mispronounce a word so that the resulting mispronunciation will mean s.t. else. Bútù na man. Bútu diay. Nasalamà lang ku, I don’t mean vagina. I mean votes. I just misspoke. 2 [B1256] miss a step in walking. Masalamà man gáning kábaw nga upat ang tiil, kita pa! If a water buffalo with four legs can miss its step, how much more can we!†

salamabit, salamabits = salumabits.

salamangka (not without l) n sleight of hand. v [A1; a12] 1 do sleight of hand tricks. 2 steal. Ayawg isayàsayà nang kwarta kay salamangkáhun unyà, Don’t display your money carelessly. S.o. might just magic it away. salamangkíru n magician.

salámat (not without l) thanks, thank you. daghang — thanks a lot. — na lang thank heavens! Wà miy uban sa balay. Salamat na lang kay miabut si Bidung pagkahápun, There wasn’t anyone in the house. Thank heavens Bidong arrived by that afternoon. pa- v [A; b6] thank, give thanks. Ángay kang mupasalámat níya, You ought to thank him. n thanksgiving, thanks. mapa-un a grateful, thankful.

salámi n salami.

salamin, salaming n 1 mirror. 2 s.t. made of glass: windshield, lens, spectacles. 3 paragon, example of s.t. good. Salamin sa kakúgi, A paragon of industry. paN- v 1 [A2; b6] look at oneself in the mirror. Manalamin ta arun makítà ug bulingun ba tag nawung, Let’s look in the mirror so we can see if we have dirty faces. 2 [b6] look at [so-and-so] and draw a lesson therefrom. Panalamíni lang ang anak ni Nang Lúling. Mu nay mahitabù ug maglaaglaag, Look at Loling’s daughter. That’s what happens if you go out. Panalamíni siya kay gustu kung mag-iningun ka, Look at her. That’s what I want you to be like. sulu-, salaminsalamin, -an n k.o. pomfret: Apolectus niger.

salampáti (not without l) n 1 general term for pigeons. 2 prostitute (euphemism). — nga mubù ug lupad = salampáti, 2.

salan n varnish. v [A; b6] apply varnish on s.t.

sálan = unsingálan.

salánap (from lánap) v [A2; b6] 1 flood or spread over an area. Huy, siradúhi ang grípu kay musalánap ang túbig diri sa kwartu, Hey, turn off the faucet because the water will flood the room. 2 affect the emotions intensely (literary). Nawung nga gisanápan sa túmang kalípay, Face flooded with joy.

sal-ang v 1 [A2; b6] skip over, leave out s.t. Si Pidru dílì musal-ang ug adtu sa sini káda adlaw, Pedro doesn’t fail to go to the show every day. Muihap ka gíkan sa iskína, musal-ang kag tulu ka balay, ang ikaupat mau nay ámù, From the corner, skip three houses. The fourth is ours. Nakasal-ang ang taypist ug duha ka linya, The typist skipped two lines. Ayaw sal-ángi ang sunud yugtù, Don’t miss the next chapter. 2 [C; c1] be placed in alternate sequence. Nagsal-ang ug lingkud ang mga láki ug báyi, The boys and the girls were seated alternately. n 1 miss, the instance one fails. Káda kablit usa ka butu. Walay sal-ang, Each time you squeeze the trigger, one shot fires. It never misses. 2 amount of time or space intervening. Dakù ang sal-ang sa ámung pangidarun, There’s a great interval between our ages. sal-angsal-ang v 1 [A12; c1] mix in two different ingredients alternately in small amounts. Isal-angsal-ang (sal-angsal-ángun) nímug lúnud ang harína ug asúkar, Put in the flour and the sugar alternately in small portions. 2 [A; c1] do s.t. at intervals. Isal-angsal-ang (sal-angsal-ánga) ang ímung pag-anhi dì kay káda adlaw, Come here every other day, not every day.

salánga = pantíhan.

salangásag a for the teeth to be overlapping and protruding. v [B] for the teeth to get to be crooked and protruding. Maung misalangásag (nasalangásag) ang íyang ngípun [854]kay mahadluk man magpaibut, Her teeth are crooked because she was afraid to have her baby teeth pulled.

salangásang = salangásag.

salangkap = langkap.

salantà v 1 [A2; b6] stop by, stay for a while. Inigbiyáhi nákù sa Manílà, musalantà sà kug duha ka adlaw sa Rumblun, When I take my trip to Manila I will stay for two days in Romblon. 2 [A; a12] put a stop to s.t., prevent s.t. Kapakyas nga makasalantà sa mga panganduy, Failures that foil one’s ambition. Salantáun ku ang íyang laksut nga batásan, I will put a stop to his bad habits.

salapang n spear that is thrown or a harpoon. v 1 [A; a12b2] hit with a spear, harpoon. Salapangun ku nang irúa ug mubálik diri, I will spear that dog if it comes back here. 2 [A13; a12] make into a spear.

salapat v [B1256] for s.t. not to go directly into a hole but get splattered around the edge. Kinsa may diri sa kasilyas nga nasalapat man ang tái sa bankíyu? Who used the toilet that there’s feces on the seat?

salapáti = salampáti.

salápi (not without l) n corn stalks, esp. the younger ones. v [AN; a] gather corn stalks as feed.

salapì n 1 money. 2 fifty-centavo coin. 3 silver. paN- n source of income. Sa alkabála may panalapì ang lungsud, The market fee provides a source of income for the town. kalíhim sa — Secretary of Finance. maN- n fifty centavos each. see also sápì.

salápid = sulápid.

salapsap n collective term for various k.o. tiny fish that are found in large schools.

salapwang v 1 [A; a12] carry s.o. with the arms underneath. Nagsapwang sa patay níyang láwas, Carrying her dead body in his arms. 2 [A3; a12] support that is placed on top of it. Ang usang halígi sa balay sapwángun áning lapad nga batu, This flat stone will support one of the posts.

salapyaw n dip net with a light mesh weight or a butterfly net. v [A; a] get with a dip net. Salapyáwa ang pitupitu, Dip out the pollywogs.

sálas = sála1.

salasa1 v [A; a] cut the leaflets from the fronds of the nipa palms for shingles. -in- n nipa palm frond leaflets cut and prepared for making into shingles.

salasa2 n k.o. garfish: Ablennes hians.

sálat v [A; a] catch s.t. by surrounding it, keep s.t. entrapped or confined. Kural ang nakasálat sa mga manuk, The fence kept the chickens penned. Ang gagmayng isdà dílì masálat niánang balínga kay dagkug mata, That net has too large of a mesh to catch small fish.

salátan n strong wind coming from the south during storms.

saláud (coined from salà and baláud—not without l) n crime against persons and property. Ang saláud sa pagpatay, The crime of murder.

salawákì = saluwákì.

salawásid = saluwásid.

salay v 1 [A; c6] lay s.t. over s.t. else so that part of it hangs over. Isalay lang ang tualya sa kurdísu, Just hang the towel over the window sill. 2 [a3b8] for s.t. that fell to be caught atop s.t., not reaching the ground. Ang gilábay nákung sinílas didtu masáy sa atup, The slipper that I threw landed on the roof. -an(→), saylanan n 1 drying rack. 2 boat rack made of two forked sticks. 3 wooden support for a stone mill.

salaysalay n k.o. fish, name given to various crevallies.

salba n shot fired into the air. Kadtung salba pára pagpahúnung sa kawatan nga midágan, That shot fired into the air was to make the thief that was running away stop. v [A; b6] fire a warning shot into the air.

salbabída n lifesaver or life jacket. v [A12; a12] wear, make into a lifesaver.

salbadur see salbǎr.

salbáhis a cruel or incorrigibly ill-mannered. Ang salbáhis níyang bána nanagmal na pud sa mga bátà, That beast of a husband of hers is beating the children again. v [B12] be, become a beast. -in-(→) v [A; b6] behave like a beast. ka-anan n atrocities. Ang mga kasalbahisánan nga nabúhat sa mga Hapúnis, The atrocities that were inflicted by the Japanese.

salbǎr v [A; a12] save from defeat, ruin, or dishonor. Aku may nagsalbǎr sa íyang nigusyu, I saved his business. Ug dúnay kaláyu salbaha ang mga mahalung mga butang, If there’s a fire save the things of value. salbadur dil mundu n one who saves the honor of an unmarried woman whom s.o. else made pregnant. v [B56] be, become a woman’s saviour.

salbáru1 n k.o. round thin, baked wafer, big as a dinner plate (or nowadays also in other shapes), made from a mixture of flour, sugar, and shredded coconut. v [A; a] make salbáru.

salbáru2 n euphemism for salbáhis.

salbasiyun n salvation of the soul from sin and hell.

salbid, salbids n 1 salvage from s.t. destroyed, [855]saved for later use. 2 used clothing sold cheaply. v 1 [A; a] salvage s.t. from s.t. destroyed. Salbidyun ku ning mga butilya. Mahálin ra ni, I will salvage these bottles. We can sell them. 2 [c1] donate used things as relief. Bag-u pa ning sapatúsa, apan salbidyun (isalbids) ku na lang, These shoes are still new, but I’ll donate them for relief.

salbu n style of fighting of a cock in which it leaps, slashing with its feet and moving backward at the same time to evade the blows of its opponent.

salga v [A2; b6] 1 put in one’s word in a conversation. Íya ra tanang sulti. Dì ku makasalga, She does all the talking. I can’t get a word in edgewise. 2 enter in a game or some collective activity. Way bátang makasalga áning súgal sa baráha, No child may participate in this card game.

salgu n in carom billiards, the opening shot of a round. v [A; c16] do the opening shot. salguhan n fixed points on the table where the three balls are placed for the opening shot.

sáli v [A; abc] [do] constantly. Nagsáli ka lag pangáyù, You are always asking me for s.t. Ayaw isáli ug dukduk ang rúlir sa lamísa, Stop tapping the ruler on the table all the time.

saliabgaw = adgaw.

saliat v [A] leave off what one is doing for the moment to do s.t. else. Káda anhi níya sa syudad musaliat giyud sa rílis, Every time he comes to town he stops in at the red light district.

saliay = sag-ilay.

salibadyaw = salibagyaw.

salibag v [A; c] 1 throw s.t. with force. Pagkabanggà sa mutur nasalibag siya sa kanal, When his motorcycle crashed, he was hurled into the canal. 2 throw s.t. away so as to have it out of one’s way. Isalibag na nang mga butilya, Throw those bottles away. -anan(←) n place where garbage and rubbish is thrown.

salibagyaw a 1 annoyingly noisy. Gustu tà kung mutuun, piru salibagyaw ka kaáyu dihà, I would like to study, but you are disturbing me with your noise. 2 having the head awhirl, not knowing what to do. n noise that is disturbing. v [B; b6] 1 be, become annoyingly noisy. 2 be confused with the head awhirl. Nagsalibagyaw ang ákung úlu karun ása kug ipalit ug bugas, I’m at a loss now as to where to get my next meal. Nasalibagyaw ang ákung úlu tungud sa pagpamabáyi sa ákung bána, I’m very disturbed because my husband is fooling around with women.

salibagyu = sulaybagyu.

salibay = salibag.

salib-ay v [A; c] carry s.t. slung over on the shoulder. Isalib-ay ang kamira, Sling the camera on your shoulders.

salíbu v 1 [A; b] sprinkle water on live embers. Gisalibúhan ku ang dáub únà mulakaw, I doused water on the fire before I left. 2 [A23; b6] for rain to be blown in by the wind. Ug musalíbu, tabúnig plastik ang mga písa, If rain comes in the window, cover the spare parts with a plastic sheet. 3 [A; b6] for it to drizzle lightly. n 1 rain blown into a sheltered area from outside. 2 light drizzle. Salíbu ra man ni. Dì na lang ta musílung, All this is is a light drizzle. Let’s not bother taking shelter.

salibut (from líbut) n dip net with a light weight mesh, used mainly in sea fishing. v 1 [A; a] get with a dip net. 2 [a1] catch s.o. by means of a ruse or trick; be caught by means of trickery. Nasalibut giyud ang kawatan sa gipan-an ug kwarta, They finally caught the thief when they baited him with money.

salibutbut n k.o. shrub, the leaves and milky sap of which have medicinal uses: Tabernaemontana pandacaqui.

salída1 n 1 appearance on stage. Ikapila na ni níyang salída sa dráma? How many times has she appeared in the play? 2 showing of a movie. 2a movie shown. 3 exit sign in a public place. v 1 [A; b] appear on stage. 2 [A23; c] show, expose s.t. conspicuously before. Mangaláwat musalída giyud sa atubángan, Making herself prominent when she goes to take communion. Ayaw isalída kanang gisiun nímung sinínà, Don’t display your torn shirt.

salída2 a for sales to be brisk. Way salída ang nigusyu, Business is no good. v [B1] for sales to be brisk. Masalída ang tinda basta Pasku, Sales are good during Christmas.

salid-ay v [A; c] carry s.t. with a sling or strap, dangling it over the shoulder. Misalid-ay siya sa ripli, He slung the rifle over his shoulder. Nagsalid-ay si Santa Kláwus ug sáku nga punù sa duláan, Santa Claus was carrying a sack filled with toys over his shoulder.

salidsid (from sidsid) v 1 [AN; c] go, take s.t. along the edge of s.t. Nanalidsid ang sakayan sa baybáyun, The boat followed the coastline. 2 [A; b6] skid, slide in doing a curve. Musalidsid ang trák kay danglug ang karsáda, The truck will skid because the road is slippery. [856]

sálig v 1 [A2S; b6] trust, rely. Dì ku musálig níya kay bakákun siya, I don’t trust him because he is a liar. Nagsalig ku nga muanhi ka apan wà diay, I was depending on you to come but you didn’t. 2 [c] entrust, leave s.t. in s.o.’s care. Isálig ku ning ákung kabtángan nímu ug wà ku dinhi, I will entrust my property to you while I’m gone. n trust in s.o. Wà kuy sálig níya, I have no trust in him. (→) v [A13; b6] depend on s.o. for s.t. Nagsalig ka nákù sa ímung iskuyla, You are depending on me for your schooling. pa- v [A; b6(1)] assure, give assurance. Mupasálig ku nímu nga buhátun ku nà, I assure you that I will do that. ma-un a confident. Milakaw siya nga masalígun nga kabayran siya, He went away confident that he would be paid. pag- = sálig, n. -in-an n 1 person left s.w. entrusted to run the affairs in the owner’s absence. 2 a team member considered the best on whom the rest put their hopes of success. Napildi mi kay nadiskuwalipáyid ang ámung sinalígan, We lost because our star player got disqualified. saligsalig v [A13P] give assurances of doing s.t. when one has no plans to do it. Nagsaligsalig (nagpasaligsalig) ka mag búhat nga hínay ka man, You assured us that you could do the job, when you’re so slow.

sal-ig v [A; c] for s.t. standing to be leaning against s.t. Nagsal-ig siya sa lubi, He leaned on the coconut tree. Isal-ig lang nang pála sa halígi, Just lean the spade against the post.

salig-ay = sag-ilay.

saligbay = salib-ay.

salihukngaw (coined word from sakayan, líhuk and hungaw) n steamboat.

salíid v 1 [A2S; ac] move very close or alongside. Musalíid ang adlaw sa kasadpan inigsawup, The sun sinks down close to the horizon at sunset. Misalíid kug lakaw sa daplin sa karsáda, I walked very close to the side of the street. Gisalíid níya ang íyang kamut sa hubù nga láwas sa babáyi, He ran his hand lightly over the woman’s naked body. 2 [A2S3P] reel, leaning to one side due to a heavy load. Nagsaliid ang trák tungud sa kapunù, The truck is leaning to one side under the load.

salíit v [A23] sound shrilly, shriek. Misalíit ang bumbíru samtang nagbagrung padulung sa káyu, The fire engine roared towards the fire with sirens screaming.

salik v [A; a2] 1 wind thread on a frame in a criss-cross fashion to determine its quantity. 2 for the water buffalo to wind its tether rope around its horns in an analogous fashion. 2a [A; a1b2] for a water buffalo to gore using the analogous motion with its head. saliksálik v [A; b6] pass by frequently near s.o. or s.t. Ang táwung nagsaliksálik sa ákung luyu mangunguut, The man who was going back and forth in back of me was a pickpocket. -an n 1 H-shaped frame around which the thread is wound. 2 hammerhead shark, the head of which resembles this sort of winding frame. 3 horn.

salíku n sleeveless sweater or vest. kamisin di- sleeveless undershirt. v [A; ab] wear, make a vest or sleeveless sweater.

salikubkub a for the back to be bent in a curve. v [B; c1] for the back to become bent. Musalikubkub (masalikubkub) ang táwung matigúlang pag-áyu, A man’s back gets bent when he gets very old.

salikwaut a 1 improper, lacking in tact and timeliness. Salikwaut tung ímung pag-imbitar sa Múrus ug litsunáda, It was very tactless of you to invite the Muslims to the roast pig feast. 2 awkward, lacking in grace. Salikwaut ang pagkahan-ay sa mga púlung, The words were awkwardly put. v [B4; b6] be, become awkward or improper.

salikway v [A; c] 1 push s.t. aside to show dislike or gain passage. Makasalikway ka ba ánang sanga nga nagbalabag sa dálan? Can you push aside the branch that’s in the way? Salikwayi mig diyútay diri, Toss some of that stuff you don’t want this way. Ayaw isalikway ang ímung pagkáun, Don’t push your food aside. 2 reject, spurn. Ikaw nga nagsalikway sa ákung gugma, You, who spurned my love. Ang maung hukum sigúrung isalikway sa kurti supríma, The Supreme Court will surely set that decision aside. -in- n s.o. rejected. Gugmang sinalikway, Spurned love. Sinalikway sa pálad, Unfortunate (lit. spurned by fate).

salikyat = dalikyat.

salikyaub a having a deep bow, shaped and curved like a half sphere. Ang salikyaub nga káhuy gihímung sakayan, The curving tree trunk was made into a banca. (←) v [B2P; a1c1] become curved, arc-shaped. Bumba ang nakasalikyáub (nakapasalikyáub) sa yútà, The bomb made holes in the ground. Isalikyáub (salikyáuba) ang papil arun sudlan nátù sa bugas, Fold the paper into a deep bowl to put the rice in. -un nga búlan n crescent moon.

salíli = alíli.

salimagaw, salimágaw a for the vision to be blurred. Salimágaw ang íyang panan-aw tungud sa katigúlang, His vision is blurred from old age. v [B; a4] for the vision to become blurred. Gisalimágaw (misalimágaw) [857]ang íyang panan-aw sa asu, Smoke made his vision blurred.

salimbágat n k.o. vine.

salimbángun n k.o. erect, branched, smooth shrub of waste places, the leaves of which have medicinal uses and are used for bathing babies, coming in two species or varieties: — nga pula a variety with maroon-tinged stems and leaves, and — nga putì a variety with green stems and leaves: Pseuderanthemum sp.

salimbung v [A; b6(1)] 1 cover s.t. as a protection from view or the elements. Dakung káhuy ang misalimbung sa ílang balay, A huge tree hid their house. Úlung gisalimbúngag piryudiku, Head protected from the sun (or rain) by a newspaper. 2 hide, conceal from s.o.’s knowledge (literary). Ang íyang mik-ap mauy misalimbung sa mga túig nga íyang gilukdu, Her make-up concealed her age. Gisalimbúngan níyag katáwa ang kaguul nga íyang gibátì, She laughed to cover the sadness she felt. n screen, protection from view, the elements, or public knowledge.

salimpúkut see púkut.

salimuang v [A13P; a4b] be delirious, talk in a delirium. Nagsalimuang (gisalimuang) ang tigúlang tungud sa hilánat, The old man is delirious due to his fever. Unsa may gisalimuangan sa pagsulti sa masakitun? What is the delirious patient saying? n 1 delirium. 2 random thoughts in one’s musing (literary), Kadtu mga salimuang lámang sa balaknun níyang hunàhúnà, Those were the random thoughts of his poetic mind.

salin n 1 leftover, leftovers. Ang salin ipasaw sa bábuy, Feed the leftovers to the pigs. Imúha ang usa ka dusína ug ang salin ihátag kang Bituy, One dozen goes to you, and the rest give Bitoy. 2 s.o. left behind or abandoned by s.o. else. Salin siya sa Kanù kay ang íyang amahan suldádung Amirkánung mipaúlì na, He is a war baby left behind by an American soldier that went home. 3 s.t. or s.o. that survived a disease or accident. Misánay ang íyang manuk nga salin sa átay, His chickens that survived the chicken cholera multiplied. — sa gúbat 1 war veteran. 2 s.o. born during the war. — sa úwak 1 a fallen woman. Mangasáwa ka ánang bayhána nga salin sa úwak? You’re going to marry that disgraced woman? 2 one who has lots of round scars on his head where the hair won’t grow. v [A; c] set aside, leave s.t. for s.o. Salinig sud-an ang kasíra, Set aside some food for the boarder.

salindánaw = alindánaw.

salindrun n mouth organ. v 1 [A2N2] play the mouth organ. 2 [A2N; c6] eat corn on the cob as if playing a mouth organ. paN- n action of playing the mouth organ or eating corn on the cob.

salindut v 1 [A; c6] shove s.t. away with force to make it slide. Isalindut ngari nang bangkítu, Shove the stool this way. 2 [A1; c6] cast or put aside, disregard. Ug dì nímu palitun nà, nagsalindut ka sa talagsaung higayun, If you don’t buy that, you are casting aside a rare opportunity. Isalindut lang níya nang átung pagmulù mu rag walà tay bili, He just disregards our complaints as if we were nothing.

salindyǐr n challenger to a sports title or record holder.

sal-ing n k.o. bird resembling the starling, the coleto: Sarcops calvus.

salingawa a annoying, making one feel uneasy. Salingawa kaáyung pamináwun ang kanúnayng panag-áway sa mga silíngan, It’s an annoyance to hear my neighbors constantly quarreling. v [b4] feel ill at ease, bothered. Mubalhin kug puyù. Gisalingawhan kaáyu ku niíning dapíta, I’ll move s.w. else. I feel ill at ease here.

salingay1 v [A; c6] put s.t. to one side or at some distance to get it out of the way. Ang tinúla isalingay lang arun ka makalung-ag, Put the stew off to the side so you can cook the rice.

salingay2 v [A; ac] carry s.t. on the shoulders. Salingaya (isalingay) ang kahun, Carry the box on one shoulder.

saling-ay v [A; c1] sling s.t. over the shoulders, hanging. Isaling-ay (saling-áya) lang ang mga butung, Just carry the young coconuts slung over your shoulders.

salinggáay n k.o. shrub of waste places and under coconut trees: Desmodium pulchellum.

salinggáway = gawaygáway.

salinggúkud n k.o. lined snapper.

saling-it v [A; c6] lodge s.t. firmly into s.t. V-shaped. Kinsay nagsaling-it sa búla diri sa sandayung? Who lodged the ball in the roof gutter? Isaling-it ku ning munyíka sa luyu sa aparadur arun dílì makit-an, I will lodge this doll behind the locker so they won’t find it.

salingkápaw1 a superficial, not heartfelt. Pagdáyig nga salingkápaw, Insincere praise. Salingkápaw nga imbitasiyun, An insincere invitation.

salingkápaw2 = mangágaw.

salingsing n 1 new branch growing out from a mature branch. 2 one’s offspring (literary). [858]3 outgrowth, outcome of s.t. (literary). v [AN2] 1 grow new branches. Musalingsing ang sanga sa san pransiskug itanum, A croton branch will send forth shoots if you plant it. 2 produce results (literary). Manalingsing ang ímung kakúgi, Your efforts will bear fruit.

salingtuud (from túud2) v [A1P; b6P] show s.t. around which one can see readily enough to draw people’s attention to it. Nagsalingtuud (nagpasalingtuud) siya sa íyang bag-ung rilu, He was showing his new watch around.

saling-uwang (from ulang) n scorpion.

salinrun = salindrun.

salintuud = salingtuud.

salinyási n k.o. sardine.

salip-ang v [A; c1] carry a child astride the hips. Ayaw salip-ánga (isalip-ang) ang bátà arun dílì mabakang, Do not carry the baby astride your hips or he will get bow-legged.

salipì v [AP; b8P] stay close beside or behind s.t in order to hide oneself. Musalipì (mupasalipì) ku áring dakung batu arun dì ku makítà níla, I will stay close beside this big stone so they won’t see me.

saliping, salíping v [AB56C; ac] go, put s.t. next to s.t. Musalíping ku sa kiliran sa ákung asáwa, I will lie down next to my wife. Si Nánay ang nagsalíping sa kúlun tupad sa takuri, Mother put the clay pot beside the teakettle. Salipínga nig butang, Put these things down side by side. (←) n twins. v [C23] be twins. 2 [B2356] for a pregnancy to turn out to be twins. ka- n one’s twin.

salip-ing v [AB; c] put s.t. next to or in between s.t., be put in this position. Musaliping pa lang ka sa luyu sa balay, dílì ka hikitan, If you just keep close to the back of the house, no one will see you. Nagsalip-ing kug kwarta sa libru, I placed some money in between the pages of the book. Makasalip-ing ba kug ínit túbig sa dinung-ag? May I put a kettle of water next to the cooked pot of rice to heat it?

salip-it v [A1P; c6P] wedge s.t. in between. Kinsa kahay nagsalip-it (nagpasalip-it) ug diyisun sa ákung libru? Who could have placed a ten-peso bill in the book? Isalip-it (ipasalip-it) ang lápis sa dalunggan, Put the pencil behind the ear.

salipnù v [A2; b6] duck down behind s.t. Didtu ku musalipnù sa luyu sa batu mau nga wà ku makit-i, I ducked behind the rock so they didn’t see me.

salipud (from lipudlípud) a completely or partially hidden behind s.t. Salipud kaáyu ang íla gíkan sa karsáda, You can’t see their house very well from the road. n s.t. that obstructs the view. v [A; b(1)] obstruct the view. Pangánud nga nagsalipud sa búlan, Clouds that are hiding the moon. (←) a very well hidden. pa- v [A; b8] hide behind s.t. paN-, paN-(←) v [A2; b(1)] defend, protect s.o., oneself from danger. Akuy manalipud (manalípud) nímu sa mga piligru nga maghulgà sa ímung kinabúhì, I will protect you from the dangers that threaten your life. n defense, protection.

salip-ut a narrow, having little room for motion. Salip-ut nga sayal nga lisud ilíhuk, A narrow skirt that is difficult to move in. Salip-ut nga dálan, A narrow road. v 1 [B; c1] be narrow, get to have too little space. Masalip-ut (musalip-ut) gánì ang kwartu, alimúut kaáyu, If the room gets too crowded, it will be very hot. 2 [A; c] wedge s.t. in between s.t. Isalip-ut nang papil sa pultahan arun dì maabli, Stick a piece of paper into that door so it won’t come open.

salir1 v [A23] do, be useful, come out successful. Dílì musalir nang ímung paági, Your procedure will not do. Misalir ang ákung buláda. Misugut siya, My flattery worked. She accepted me.

salir2 v [A2] engage in naughty behavior when there is some encouragement. Musalir ra ba dáyun ning batáag pangáyug kwarta ug náay átung táwu, The child comes out to ask for money when there are visitors around. Misalir ang hubug nga giabibáhan, The drunk started acting wild when the others egged him on.

salírap = sulírap2.

salíring v 1 [A] swerve, travel in a curve. Pagbutu sa ligid, ag awtu misalíring ngadtu sa kanal, When the tire blew, the car swerved into the ditch. 2 [A; b6] pass by near s.t. for a purpose. Musalíring ang bátà sa lamísa kay nakakità sa dulsi, The child will veer over toward the table because he saw the candy.

salisi, salísi n 1 drizzle. 2 rain or drops blown into a sheltered area. Salisi ang nakahumud sa salug, The rain that was blown into the house wet the floor. v [A3; b6] 1 drizzle. Buklása ang binlad nga humay ug magsalísi, Take in the rice we’re drying if it drizzles. 2 for the rain to be blown into a sheltered area. 3 sprinkle water on s.t.

salìsì (from sìsì) v [A; a] cut into strips or slats. Gisalìsì ang kawáyan, The bamboo was cut into strips. n slat, strip. Tagái kug usa ka salìsì, Give me one strip.

salit = tsalit.

salitri n saltpeter, potassium nitrate in crystal [859]form. v [A; b] use, put saltpeter on s.t.

salíut = sulíut.

saliut-ut v 1 [A; c6] force one’s way through a crowd or bushes. Musaliut-ut úsà ka ug púngut úsà ka muabut sa baul, You have to force your way through a thicket before you reach the field. 2 [A] force oneself into an overcrowded place to get accommodated. Misaliut-ut giyud siya sa dyíp bísag kargádu na, She squeezed herself into the jeep even though it was full.

salíyab v [A; c] 1 flap a cloth. Isalíyab ang alpumbra pagtaktak sa abug, Shake the rug to get the dust out. 2 scatter dust or water with a motion flinging it in the air. Íyang gisalyában ug íhì ang nangharána, She threw urine on the serenaders. 3 [A3P; c6P] scatter news, gossip. Isalíyab (ipasalíyab) sa kayutáan ang malipáyung balità, Spread the glad tidings to all the lands.

salmu n psalm. -s n the Book of Psalms.

salmun n 1 canned fish in large cylindrical cans. 1a k.o. herring. 2 the large cylindrical can, about 5″ tall, used as a measure. 3 orange-colored. v [A13] wear s.t. orange. -an(→) = salmun, n2.

salmuníti n k.o. small goatfish, reddish in hue.

salmut v [A2; b6] 1 enter, participate in a group activity. Dì ka musalmut sa rípa? Won’t you participate in the raffle? Dílì ka makasalmut sa lumbà, You cannot participate in the race. 2 engage oneself in some occupation. Unsang nigusyúha íyang gisalmútan? What business did he engage in? n entry in a contest, contestant: participant in a play or game. Ipadala ku ning ákung salmut sa banggà, I’ll send my entry.

salpù n k.o. edible sea cucumber, brownish in color and measuring up to 3″ long.

salsa n thick sauce made to eat with s.t. v 1 [A; a] make into a sauce. 2 [A; b6(1)] add sauce to.

salsag v 1 [A; a12] break into several pieces, usually in slivers or fragments. Ikay nagsalsag sa sag-ub, You broke the bamboo tube water container into slivers. Salságun ku nang kúlun sa ímung úlu, I will break that clay pot on your head. 2 [A; a] flatten s.t. cylindrical. Misalsag siyag kawáyan nga ibungbung, He flattened bamboo poles for walling. Gisalsag níya ang láta sa litsi, He flattened out the milk can.

salsal v 1 [A; c1] forge. Gisalsal na sa tigúlang ang ímung sundang, The old man has already forged your bolo. 2 [A; a] pound, hammer out metal that has not been heated. Nasalsal ang puluan sa tigib sa pagdinukduk, The handle of the chisel is all flattened due to constant hammering. 3 [A; c2] masturbate (slang—from the notion of moving the arms as in pounding steel). 4 teach, train. Makugíhun siyang misalsal sa íyang tím, He trained his team with zeal. -an(→), -anan n 1 blacksmith shop. 2 anvil. 3 one’s wife (the one on whom one forges his children—humorous). -íru a fond of masturbating. maN-r- n 1 blacksmith. 2 one who trains.

salsitsas = surísu.

salta v 1 [A2; b6(1)] get loose, out of position, but not disengaged. Ug musalta ang tabla ilansang ug bálik, If one end of the floorboard gets loose and comes up, nail it back down. Nasalta ang tikud sa sapátus, The heels of the shoes got loose. 2 [B; c1] rise, raise. Nasalta ang íyang tíngug sa kahikugang, His voice rose in surprise. Isalta (saltáha) ang ímung tiil, Raise your feet.

saltu1 n style of fighting of a cock in which it leaps, at the same time lashing out with the feet and moving backward to evade the thrust of its opponent.

saltu2 v 1 [A2; b] skip, miss doing s.t. Dì siya musaltu ug simba maduminggu, She attends mass every Sunday and never misses. 2 [A; c1] stop doing s.t. Misaltu nang tawhána sa ínum sa dihang giulsir na, That man stopped drinking when he developed ulcers. Nagsaltu ang trabáhu sa mína nga ákung gitrabahúan, The mine where I was working has stopped operations.

sálu v 1 [A2C; b6] eat together with s.o. from the same plate. Abúga ang irù kay gisalúan ang bátà, Drive the dog away because it’s eating off the child’s plate. Isálu ring bátà dihà arun ímung maatiman, Have this child eat with you so that you can attend to him. 2 [A; c6] share a place with s.o. for any action. Nagsálu mig kamarúti sa pagpaingun námù sa Manílà, We shared the same cabin when we went to Manila. 3 [C; c] go through s.t. together with s.o. Ang asáwang gikasálu ku sa kalípayg kasákit, The wife with whom I shared my sorrows and joys. 4 [A12] be born in the same period of time. Ang duha nákù ka bátà nagsálu ug túig, My two children were born in the same year. salusálu n get-together where food is served informally. v [A 13] hold such a party.

salù v 1 [A; a1] catch s.t. thrown or falling. Saw-a (sal-a) ang butilyang ákung ilábay, Catch the bottle I’m going to throw. 1a [A3; a12] accept, receive s.t. from s.o. Ang [860]múda gisalù sa mga batan-un sa madaling panahun, The youth took to the fad in short order. 2 [a12] for an ailment to develop into s.t. worse. Tinúud ba nga ang sip-un sal-un ug húbak? Is it true that colds will develop into asthma? 3 [A2; a12] talk or answer right away after s.o. has spoken. Sal-un dáyun nímu ug tubag ang íyang sukut arun dì ka dudáhan, Answer his questions immediately so he won’t doubt you. salùsálù v [A13; a12] for several agents to do s.t. in succession. Lahì na kaáyu ang isturya ug salùsalúun sa pipila ka bàbà, The story changes when it is repeated by several mouths.

sal-ub v [A; a] 1 place, fit s.t. bigger over s.t. smaller. Dì ku gustung musal-ub nímug sapátus arun ka makakat-un, I won’t put your shoes on you so you’ll learn to do it yourself. Sal-úbig iprun ang sinínà ug maghíkay, Wear an apron over your dress when you cook. Isal-ub (sal-úba) ang hapin sa makinilya, Put the cover on the typewriter. 2 catch a bird with a sal-ub trap. n bird trap set above a bird’s nest with three open sides through which the bird must pass in order to enter the nest. Each side is provided with a noose.

sálud v 1 [A; a] catch s.t. falling or thrown in s.t. Salúra ang tulù ug salúri (isálud) ring palanggána, Catch the dripping water and use this basin to catch it in. 2 [a12] catch s.t. by being in its path. Usa ka dakung kúmù ni Tasyu nasálud sa nawung ni Piduy, Tasio’s fist landed in Pidoy’s face. Sa búkid, ang húni ra sa mga langgam mauy masálud sa átung dalunggan, In the mountains, all we hear is the songs of the birds. (→) n 1 a vessel used to catch falling liquids, e.g. the container for catching the dripping toddy. 2 a unit of liquid measure equalling one toddy container full.

saludar (not without l) v [A; b6] 1 bow. 2 greet s.o. on meeting by nodding one’s head. 3 [A2; b6] pass by s.o.’s place to say hello. Káda anhi níyas syudad musaludar siya sa ámù, Every time he comes to the city, he drops by my place to say hello.

salúdu (not without l) v [A; b(1)] salute. Kinahanglan musalúdu ka sa bandílà úsà musaylu, You must salute the flag before going by it. n salute. — militar military salute.

salug n 1 floor. 2 storey. Ikaupat nga salug, The fourth floor. v [A; b6(1)] put, construct a floor. panalganan n 1 storey of a house. 2 floor joist. 3 floor clearance from the ground. Dílì kahuktan ug kanding ang sílung kay mabà ug panalganan, We can not tie goats under the house because the floor is close to the ground.

sálug (not without l) n river, any body of flowing water.

salugsug n splinter sticking into the skin. v [A123P; a4] get a splinter in the skin. Makasalugsug ug tiil nang tabláha kay way sipilya, You can get a splinter from that piece of wood because it wasn’t planed.

salukgu = salugsug.

saluksuk1 v [A; c] give s.t. small, e.g. small farm animals, in exchange for a part of a bigger animal. Nisawuksuk kug baktin niánang inasála, I gave a piglet in exchange for a part of the roast pig.

saluksuk2 n k.o. cricket living in fields.

salukut (not without l) = saruk, 1.

sálum v 1 [A2S; ac] swim under water. Misálum ang submarínu pag-abut sa bapur digíra, The submarine dove when the battleship arrived. Salúmun (sadmun, sagmun) ku tung imbaw, I will dive for that clam. Isálum ang úsuk, Bring the stake to the bottom of the water. 2 [A2S] for the sun to set (literary). Sa nagsalum na ang adlaw, As the sun was setting. 3 — sa lubug [A12S3] be doubtful (lit. swim under murky water). Way kasigurúan kun madáwat ba ku. Nagsawum pa ku niíni sa lubug, It’s not sure that I’ll be accepted. I’m still unclear. paN- v [A2; b6] go diving for fish, shells. maN-r- n diver.

salúma (not without l) n 1 song, melodious music (literary). Ang dinagayday sa sapà salúma sa íyang památì, The rippling of the river is music to his ears. 2 an improvised courtship song sung by a man and a woman (balítaw) and performed at social gatherings, accompanied by improvised dancing. v 1 [A; a] sing a melodious song. Walay makasalúma ug sáma kaníya, Nobody could sing like him. 2 [A; c1] hold a salúma session. Magsalúma sila ug makainum na, They’ll start the salúma after they’ve had s.t. to drink.

salumabit, salumabits (not without l) exclamation of mild anger shouted at s.o.

salumsum n dusk. v [A23; b4(1)] be dusk, for the sun to sink. Inigsumsum sa adlaw, When the sun sets.

salun (not without l) dance hall where a man goes to dance with girls employed by the management. -ira(←) n taxi dancer. v [B156] be, become a taxi dancer.

salundung v [A2; a2b2] gore. Ayawg dúul kay salundúngun ka ánang báka, Don’t go near that bull because he will gore you.

sálung n 1 dammar resin in a soft state or [861]as an ingredient of the balaw used to caulk boats, esp. from the almasíga tree. 2 = almasíga. — lúnay dammar resin in a soft state. salngan = almasíga.

salunggat n sliver, splinter, or anything that pierces the skin at an angle. v [A12; a3] for a sliver or splinter to lodge in the skin. Ayawg dalus-us ánang buungun kay ang tunuk makasalunggat (makapasalunggat) sa ímung láwas, Don’t slide down the orange tree because the thorns can stick into your body.

salungsung (from sungsung) v [AN2; c6] 1 go directly against the current or wind. Lúgus na mi makairug dihang nagsalungsung mi sa sulug, We could hardly move when we went against the current. 2 brave adverse weather conditions or a battle. Isalungsung níya ang ayruplánu sa nag-atak-atak nga bála sa kaáway, He braved the hail of enemy bullets, driving his airplane directly into them. 3 bravely face s.o. difficult to approach. Misungsung (nanungsung) siyag atúbang sa mga ginikánan sa babáyi, He faced the parents of his girl friend bravely. -un(→) a adverse, coming from the opposite direction.

salup v [A; c1] skim or scoop s.t. off from a surface or from the upper portion. Misalup siya ug tipasì unyà gisábud, She scooped a handful of kernels and threw them. Isalup (salupa) sa kutsára ang ayiskrim, Scoop the ice cream with a spoon. n = salúpan. -an(←) n unit of dry measure equivalent to one-sixth of a ganta.

sálup v 1 [A2S; ab8] for the sun to set. Ug musálup ang adlaw pasigáa ang sugà, When the sun sets, light the lamp. Sa nagsalup ang búlan miinánay ug língay ang anínu, As the moon was setting the shadows moved slowly. Nasálup na ang adlaw ug namátug na ang mga manuk, The sun has set and the chickens have gone to roost. 2 [B2S] for one’s life to come to an end in old age (literary). Sa nagsalup na ang kinabúhì sa tigúlang, As the old man’s life was reaching its end. kasaladpan, sadpanan n west. tali-(→), -um-r-(→) n about to set.

salúpan see salup.

salùsù v [A12; c6] move s.t. scheduled ahead to an earlier date or time. Gisawùsù ang kasal sa Sabadu imbis sa Duminggu, The wedding was moved ahead to Saturday instead of Sunday.

salut v [A; b] salute with the hands. Gisalutan níla ang bandíra, They saluted the flag. han — n a hand salute. v [A] execute a hand salute. gan — n gun salute.

sálut1 v 1 [A2P; a12] cause stunted growth. Ang taas nga húlaw musálut (mupasálut) sa tinubuan sa tanum, The long drought will stunt the growth of the plants. Masálut ang bátà ug kúlang ug tulug, The child will be stunted if it lacks sleep. 2 [B126] get sick, esp. for s.t. that brings general body weakening and loss of weight. Nasáwut ka ba nga miníwang ka man kaáyu? Were you sick? You lost so much weight. (→) a stunted or checked growth. Salut kaáyug tinubuan ang lubi, The coconut tree is stunted in growth.

sálut2 n the south of Cebu (humorous—from sáwut, so called from the fact that the dialects in the south of Cebu retain l where the city dialect has w. Cf. Section 5.211 of the Introduction). taga- one from the south of Cebu. v [B1256] become like the Southerners.

sal-ut v 1 [A23] butt in on a conversation. Dì ka musal-ut sa ámung panaglális, Do not butt in in our argument. 2 [A2] cut in on a queue or force one’s way into a crowd. Dì ka untà musal-ut sa tungà sa linya, adtu ka sa ulahi, You should not have butted into the middle of the line. Go back to the end. 3 [A2; b6] take part, participate in a game or group activity. Gustu kang musal-ut sa abat-ábat? Would you like to participate in a game of tag? 4 [A; c6] include s.t. in a group or batch. Kinsa may nagsal-ut sa imung papílis adtung grupúha? Who included your documents in that batch? Isal-ut ra ni dihà ug hílum, Put this in there with the others secretly. Nasal-ut ku sa kasábà bísag wà kuy salà, I got scolded as well even though I hadn’t done anything wrong. 4a [b6] be interspersed with. Ang íyang diskursu gisal-útan pud ug kumidiya, His speech was interspersed with jokes. sal-utsal-ut v [B1456; c1] be arranged alternately, do s.t. alternately. Gisal-utsal-útan ug mga áwit ug sáyaw ang prugráma, The program had song and dance numbers inserted into it.

salutaturyan (not without l) n salutatorian in a graduating class. v [B156; a12] be, become the salutatorian.

salutsut v 1 = sagutsut, n1, v. 2 = sutsut, v1.

saluwákì n k.o. sea urchin with short, non-venomous thorns and edible meat (tihìtihì).

salúwal n 1 pants. 2 woman’s panties. v 1 [A; b6(1)] put on, wear pants. 2 [A2; a] sew, make into pants.

saluwásid n k.o. halfbeak with greenish coloring: Hemirhamphus georgii.

salúyut n commercial name for a wild vegetable: [862]kukug banug. see kuku.

salwag n k.o. ornamental palm similar to the areca palm: Adonidia merrillii.

salwákì = saluwákì.

salya v 1 [A; b(1)] overflow, spill over. Musalya ang mga manan-áway kun nindut ang salída, There is an overflow of moviegoers when the picture is good. Nagsalya ang sinakung bugas sa budíga, Sacks of rice are spilling out of the door of the warehouse. 2 [B26; b2] be thrown off, splashed off from impact or pressure. Misalya (nasalya) ang mga táwu sa trák pagkaigù niíni sa bumba, The people were thrown from the truck when it was hit by the bomb. Hingsalyahan ku sa bawud, I was splashed by the water from the waves. 3 [A3; c] throw s.t. over into. Akuy musalya sa mga káhuy ngadtu sa trák, I will throw the firewood up into the truck. Ayaw isalya sa ílang kural ang mga sagbut, Do not throw the garbage over their fence.

salyáda v [A; c1] in trawl fishing, pull in the net from the sea.

sáma 1 like, same as. Sáma sa miáging iliksiyun, napildi siya pagkasinadur, Just as in the last election, he lost in the race for senator. 2 similar. Tan-áwa nang irúa, sáma kaáyu sa ímu, Look at that dog. It is very similar to yours. — ug balhíbu birds of a feather. Sáma silag balhíbu. Púru sila sugarul, They’re birds of a feather. Both of them are gamblers. v 1 [AC; b] be like, similar to. Ug musáma ka níya, primyúhan ta ka, If you can be like him, I’ll give you a reward. Samáhi ang íyang tanyag ug ákung ibaligyà, Match his offer and I’ll sell it. 2 [c6] treat, consider s.o. as, or similar to. Ngánung isáma man ku nímu ni Pinduy nga dílì man ku nímu sulugúun? Why do you treat me like Pindoy when I am not your servant? samasáma v 1 [C2] be fair, not taking undue advantage of one another. Magsamasáma ta ug wà lay pamintaháay, Let’s be fair to each other and let’s not take advantage of one another. 2 [C12] be in a spirit of good fellowship with s.o. Dílì siya makigsamasáma nátù kay pubri ta, He doesn’t want to mix with us because we are poor. paka- = sáma, v2. ka- n s.o. or s.t. that is similar to s.t. else. Kasáma nákù siya ug dugù, He has my type of blood. kasamáhan n equity, fairness. Usáhay sa pagpahamtang sa baláud mu rag walay kasamáhan, Sometimes in the application of the law there seems to be no justice.

samà n mistake. Ákung usbun ang mga samà sa ákung trabáhu, I’ll correct the mistakes in my work. v [B126; c1] make mistakes.

sámad v 1 [A; b(1)] wound, hurt. Ayawg dúlà ánang bildu kay makasámad nà, Don’t play with that glass because it can hurt you. Samári (samdi) ug diyútay ang pánit arun makaguwà ang nánà, Make a little incision in the skin so that pus can go out. 1a [A123S; b8] manage to inflict a wound. Ang íyang manuk walà makasamad sa ákù, His cock wasn’t able to wound mine. 2 [A; b(1)] hurt s.o.’s feelings. Púlung nga makasámad sa kasingkásing, Words that can hurt one’s feelings. (→) n 1 wound, cut. 2 — nga walay pagkaáyu vagina (lit. the wound that never heals—humorous). samaran, samarun, samdan n the wounded. Ang dinunggábay misamput sa tuluy samarun (samaran, samdan), Three were wounded in the stabbing. dughang samaran n heart bleeding in sorrows (literary). Kanus-a pa nímu kaluy-a ning dughang samaran? When will you take pity on this bleeding heart?

samágaw = salimágaw. see salimagaw.

samalabit, samalabits = salumabits.

samalúna = simalúna.

sam-ang n 1 cemetery. 2 grave. Mamíngaw kung sam-ang, My lonely grave. v [a12] make into a burial place or cemetery. Ang kanhi basakan sam-ángun sa gubyirnu munisipal, The former marshland will be converted into a cemetery by the municipal government.

Sámar n Samar, an island in the Eastern Visayas. -inyu, -nun n one from the island of Samar.

samàsamà v [A; b] dare do s.t. lightly, not in the proper place or time. Nagsamàsamà mag súkul sa pulitikung tang-an, dì namunbun, He had the nerve to take on a seasoned politician, so of course he was trounced. Dì ta makasamàsamà ug pangáyù ug kwarta ni Máma ug sapútun, We can’t just ask Mother for money like that when she is in a bad mood.

samaw, sámaw a glaring due to too much brilliance or light. Magsan-glas ta kay samaw, Let’s wear sunglasses because it’s glaring. v [B12; b6] be dazzled or temporarily blinded because of glare.

*samay -in- n cloth woven from abaca fiber, used for stiffening parts of a dress that are meant to be stiff or for the lining of native bags and for other kinds of native costumes.

samba1 v [A12; b8] 1 do s.t. or hit the correct answer by luck. Hingsambahan nákù ang tubag, I hit on the right answer by luck. 2 get a chance to do s.t. that one isn’t likely to get. Maáyu gánì kay nakasamba kug sakay [863]sa ímung dyíp. Maglakaw lang untà ku, Luckily I had the chance to get a ride on your jeep, because otherwise I would have had to walk. n s.t. done correctly by pure luck. Samba lang tung pagkaigúa, It was pure luck that you hit it.

samba2 n samba music or dance. v [AC; c1] dance the samba.

sambà v [B; c1] for plants to grow lush with plentiful leaves. Musambà ang tanum ug abunúhan, The plants will grow lush if you fertilize them. a having lush leaves.

sambag1 = tambag.

*sambag2 -un(→) n k.o. mackerel (tulíngan).

sambag3 n tamarind: Tamarindus indica. sambagsambag n k.o. bush with leaves similar to tamarind leaves and which are used to bring a fever to a head.

sambara = pík.

sambat = sakbat.

sambil = sumbil, v1.

sambílat n small loop at the end of a rope. v [A; a1] make a loop at the end of a rope. Sambiláti ang tumuys písì arun sayun nga kaw-ítan, Make a loop at the end of the rope so it will be easy to put a hook to it.

sambilay v [A; c6] carry s.t. draped or slung over the shoulder. Isambilay nang bag arun makahayun ka sa ímung buktun, Sling the bag over your shoulder so you can swing your arms.

sambíngay = sumbíngay.

sambiri n machine embroidery over the edges of cloth to prevent them from getting frazzled. v [A; a2] embroider the edge of a piece of cloth.

sambud = sangbud.

sambug v [AC; c] 1 mix things together. Isambug ring pipsi sa tubà, Mix this Pepsi into the toddy. 1a mix rice and corn together. 2 for emotions to have a tinge of s.t. else mixed. Kalípayng gisambúgan ug panganduy, Happiness tinged with a feeling of desire. n 1 mixture. 2 added ingredient. Tambal sa ubu nga may sambug nga makapakatúlug, Cough medicine that has an ingredient that will put you to sleep. 3 mixture of rice and corn. Unsay átung lung-águn, sambug u lunlun? What shall we fix for dinner. Pure rice or the mixture of rice and corn?

sambul a sensitive, readily susceptible to pain if touched. Sambul ug masabdan ang uluk sa bag-ung gitúlì, The head of a newly circumcised penis is highly sensitive. Sambul kaáyu ning puling ug kipátun ning ákung mata, The particle in my eye gives me discomfort when I blink my eyes. v 1 [A3] being sore and sensitive to pain if touched. 2 [A1; b6] be an eyesore. Kanang barungbárung makasambul sa nindut nga parki, These hovels are an eyesore in that beautiful park.†

sambúlak = sabúlak.

sambúnut n a rough scuffle with scrambling and no holds barred. Sa sambúnut nahuslut ang íyang karsúnis, In the scuffle his trousers came off. v [C; a2b3] have a rough scuffle with s.o. Magsambúnut ta run ug dílì nímu iúlì ang ákung rilu, We will have a real fight if you do not return my watch. -ay = sambúnut.

samì v [AB56; ac] smudge, smear s.t. by not having s.t. hit the area intended. Misamì (nasamì) ang lipstik sa íyang ngábil, The lipstick smeared her lips. Ayawg samia iniglitiring nímu, Don’t let it smudge when you print the letters. Ayawg isamì inyung tái sa bangkíyu, Don’t let your feces smudge the toilet seat.

sam-id v [A; c1] 1 hone, sharpen s.t. to a high degree. Sam-íra (isam-id) úsà nang labáha, Sharpen that razor first. 2 sharpen, refine one’s ability. Sam-írun ku ang ákung ininglis, I’ll sharpen my ability in English. sam-iran n s.t. to sharpen s.t. with. -in- n s.t. sharpened to gleaming sharpness.

samilya = similya.

sámin1 = salamin.

sámin2 = ispíhu, n3.

saminsámin1 (from salamin) n eardrum.

saminsámin2 = salaminsalamin. see salamin.

sámir n summer school. v 1 [A; b56] take summer classes. Unsang sabdyíka ímung samírun (samíran)? What subject are you going to take this summer? 2 [A2; c] take the ball used in practice shooting to the other goal for a short time, making a shot or two and bringing it back (slang).

samkun v 1 [A3N2] be in the early stages of pregnancy. Ug musamkun (manamkun) ku, kasukaun ku, If I get pregnant, I feel like vomiting. Dílì makasamkun (makapanamkun) ang íyang asáwa kay dipiktúsu siyag matris, His wife cannot conceive because she has s.t. wrong with her uterus. 2 [A13; c6] conceive an idea in the mind. Dílì mulibkas sa ngábil nang mga pulúnga ug wà pa na isamkun sa hunàhúnà, Those words would not have come out from the lips, if they had not been conceived in the mind. paN- v 1 [A2] develop a craving or dislike in early pregnancy. Ang mabdus nanamkun ug manggang hilaw, The pregnant woman craved for green mangoes. 2 [A23; c] for a conceiving mother to have her child be like [864]s.t. she has a liking or craving for. Gipanamkun siyag iring maung kusug mulayat, When his mother was in her first few months with him, she took a liking to a cat. As a result he can jump high. Ayawg panamkúni ang bábuy, Don’t conceive a fondness for pigs or your baby will be like one. n the cravings or dislikes one feels in early pregnancy.

sampablu = kardába.

sampaday = sampiray.

sampágà n k.o. deadly chicken ailment characterized by swelling on all parts of the body.

sampagíta n jasmine, spreading and ornamental bush, grown for its fragrant flowers: Jasminum spp.

sampak v 1 [A23BN; c6P] be stuck or pushed all the way into s.t. else. Misampak (nanampak) na ba ang gítung sa pul-an? Is the tang stuck all the way into the handle? Kinsay nagsampak (nagpasampak) áring lipak diri sa túbu? Who stuck this stick all the way into the tube? Isampak (ipasampak) ang pidal arun muháwid ang brík, Push the brake pedal all the way down so that the brakes will hold. 2 [B256] for s.t. moving to come into contact with s.t. stationary. Sa íyang pagtíra misampak ang táku sa táwu sa íyang luyu, He hit the man in back of him with his cue when he was making his shot.

sampáka = tsampáka.

sampal1 v [A; a1b2] slap s.o. with the hand on any part of the body, but esp. the face. Akuy nagsampal sa ímung abága, I slapped your shoulder hard.

sampal2 n k.o. magic charm tied to the branches of fruit trees to prevent the fruit from being stolen. Stealing the fruits causes the victim to suffer swelling of the stomach and sometimes death. v [A13; b6] attach this charm to a tree.

sampaling = sagpà.

sampalita = sagpà.

sampalung v [A; a2b2] slap s.o. in the face. Sampalungun ku nang mutsatsáha ug dílì mutúug sugúun, I will slap that maid if she does not do what she’s told to do. n 1 slap in the face. 2 an act or situation causing deep embarrassment.

sampan n a flat-bottomed, square-ended barge usually with no engines. v [A13; a1c] 1 go by, take a barge. 2 make into a barge.

sampangkung -in- a done poorly, shoddily. Sinampangkung kaáyu ning pagkalutúa sa kík kay dinalian, This cake is no good because we baked it hurriedly. Sinampangkung ning ákung ininglis kay gamay ra man kug grádu, My English is poor because I didn’t go far in school. v [A2; c1] do s.t. shoddily.

samparay = sampiray.

samparing humorous pronunciation of sampaling ‘slap in the face’ in imitation of Japanese soldiers.

sampay v 1 [A; c] hang laundry out. Isampay ang linabhan sa hayhayan, Hang the laundry on the clothesline. 2 [A; c] put up in s.o. else’s place, cause one to do so. Musampay unyà mi sa inyug higabin-an mi, We’ll put up at your house if it gets to be night. Mga disgrasyáda nga nagsampay sa ílang mga anak sa asílu, Unwed mothers who put their children in the orphanage. Nasampay siya sa ámù pagkaílu níya, He came to our place to live when he got orphaned. sampaysampay v [B; c] be shoved around from home to home as a dependent. Nasampaysampay sa kaparyintíhan ang mga ílu, The orphans were shoved around from one relative to another.

sampayna n 1 dish made of pig’s innards and blood. 2 menstrual flow (humorous). v 1 [A; a] make sampayna. 2 [a4] menstruate.

sampid = sampig.

sampidru = san pidru.

sampig v [A; c] put s.t. right next to s.t. else. Isampig ang kaldíru sa kaláyu, Put the pot next to the fire.

sampil1 a moving with a limp. Sampil kaáyung mulakaw si Badung kay balì siyag tiil, Badong walks with a limp because he has a broken leg. v [B126] get a limp.

sampil2 v [A; a1b2] touch or brush against s.t. lightly. Wà may nagsampil sa pluríra. Nahúlug lang nag íya ra, Nobody touched that flower vase. It just fell by itself. Sampíla ra nang táwu sa ímung duul arun mulíngì, Please touch the man next to you so he turns around.

sampilà v 1 [A; c16] carry s.t. astride the hips. Ayaw sampilaa (isampilà) nang bátà kay tingálig mabakang nà, Don’t carry the child on your hip because she might become bowlegged. 2 [A; c1] sit on one’s buttocks with the legs crossed. Binhúrun ka ug ímung sampilaun (isampilà) ang ímung paglingkud, You will get cramps if you sit on your buttocks with the legs crossed.

sampilay v [B; a12] be drooping over the shoulders. Misampilay ang úlu sa bátà, The child’s head was drooping on its shoulders. Gisampilay níya ang tualya, She drooped the towel over her shoulders.

sampiling v [A; a2b2] swat on the cheeks.

sampíling n 1 sideburns, the hair growing on [865]the face under the ears. 2 the back part of the jawbone under the ears or the analogous structure in animals. paN-(→) v [A2; b6] rest one’s head by propping his cheeks in his hands. Naglangkaw ka lang sa trabáhu kay síging nanampiling, You’re just sloughing off on the job because all you’re doing is resting with your cheeks in your hands. -un a having thick sideburns.

sampínit n a thorny vine with compoundedly pinnate leaves of a yellowish, green color profusely armed. Several leaves, tied to the end of a stick, are used as a swatter to catch fruit bats in flight: Caesalpinia nuga. paN- v [A2; b6] catch fruit bats with sampínit leaves.

sampiray v [A3] stagger or wobble in motion. Magsampiray ang tinday nga bag-ung nahimugsù, A newborn colt is wobbly. Nagsampiray siya sa kahubug, He was tottering because he was drunk.

sampit = sangpit.

sampiyad v [A3] walk with the abdomen well forward. Ang mabdus musampiyad ug lakaw, A pregnant woman walks with her abdomen well forward.

sampiyun n champion, the most superior of all competitors. v [B1; a2] be, become a champion.

sampul n sample given away to prospective users as a trial. v [c] give samples. — bálut n sample ballot.†

sampung v 1 [A; b(1)] cover or obstruct an opening or passage. Akuy musampung ug tabla ánang bangag arun walay ilagà nga makaági, I will cover the hole with a board so no rats can come in. Sampúngi ug nuug arun dílì mutúlù, Plug it with a rag so it won’t drip. 2 [A12; a12] reach the highest part of s.t. Ígù ming nakasampung sa bungtud mau say pagdulhug níla, They were descending just as we had reached the summit. n = -an(→). paN- v [A] cover an opening in one’s body. Panampung ug muatsi ka, Cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze. -an(→), paN-an(→) n the triangular portion in the upper part of the wall at the end of a ridged roof, from the level of eaves upwards. kina-an(→) n the highest part of s.t., apex. -un(→) n small part of the rice in the field left to be harvested. Aku na lay tiwas ug áni sa sampungun, I’ll just finish up harvesting this remaining portion of the rice field.

sampúngut (from púngut) n thicket of intertwining bushes, vines, and branches of trees. Didtu ang langgam magbatug sa sampúngut, The bird was perched in the thick growth of branches. v [A1] form a thick tangle of branches and growth.

sampura = sampurádu2.

sampurádu1 n a mixture of salt and fresh water or tasting thereof. Ang túbig sa bukána sa subà sampurádu, The mouth of a river is a mixture of salt and fresh water.

sampurádu2 n rice porridge with chocolate and sugar. v [A13; a12] make sampurádu.

sampuráwu = sampurádu1.

samput = sangput.

samsam v 1 [A; c1] move the lips in speaking without making a sound. Musamsam siya sa íyang urasiyun ug ang irù dílì makapaak níya, He mumbles his magic formula and the dog can’t bite him. 2 [A13; c1] eat light food to keep the mouth occupied while doing s.t. else. Magsamsam giyud nà siya kanúnay ug biskwit sa íyang trabáhu, He keeps eating crackers idly while he is at work. -un(→) n 1 in folk belief, a magic charm chewed so that one does not get hit in battle. 2 k.o. wild vine which tastes like betel leaves and chewed to treat toothache.

samsuy n k.o. hood made of woven palm leaflets covering the entire head and back, worn as a protection against rain. v [A; a] wear, make this sort of hood.

samtang while, at the same time as. Pagbása samtang nagpaábut ka, Read while you are waiting. ka-an n 1 time in the meanwhile. Sa kasamtángan, siya ang intsards, For the meantime, he is in charge. 2 person acting in temporary or substitute capacity. Kasamtángan nga mamahandì sa kapunúngan, The acting treasurer of the organization. ka-an(→) n temporary. Hatágan kag kasamtangan nga kagawásan kun magbinuutan, You will be given temporal liberty if you behave well.

samu short for sa ímu it doesn’t matter to me. Samu ug madáut, maáyu man ug ákù nang mutur, I don’t care if the motorcycle gets broken; it is not mine anyway. — lang 1 never mind, don’t take it to heart. Samu lang ug wà iúlì ang libru, ákù man tà tung ihátag níya, Never mind if she didn’t return the book. I was going to give it to her anyway. 2 it doesn’t matter. I accept the situation with good grace. Samu lag pagawpaw ang yútà. Dì ku man nà tamnan, It doesn’t matter if the land is barren. I wasn’t going to plant anything on it anyway.

sámù n k.o. brown seaweed that grows rooted, with small nodules scattered over its branches. It is hung on plants to rid them of worms.

samúal v [A3P] talk unintelligibly due to a cold or when the mouth is filled with food. [866]Nagsamúal ka dihà. Búsà tunla ang kan-un nga ímung giúsap, I can’t understand a word you’re saying, so swallow the food you are chewing.

samúhan n farm tenant. v [B56; a2] be a tenant. Samuhánun námù ang ímung igágaw, We will employ your cousin as a tenant. pa- v [A; b(1)] have one’s land be taken care of by tenants.

sámuk a 1 bothersome. Sámuk kaáyu ning batáa nga galmun kay kanúnayng mangáyù ug túbig, This child is a nuisance to take care of because he’s constantly asking for water. 2 crowded and chaotic with activity. Sámuk kaáyu ang Tabuan ug malúnis, Taboan market is very busy on Mondays. Sámuk kaáyu ang upisína kay namalhin mi, The office is in an uproar now because we just moved. v [A; a] disturb, bother. Latiguhan ang bisag kinsay musámuk dinhi, I’ll whip anybody that makes noise here. Dúna kuy isámuk nímu kadiyut, I have a favor to ask of you (lit. s.t. to disturb you with). n 1 fight, disturbance. Dinhay sámuk sa ámung klási; nagsumbagay, There was trouble in the class. S.o. was fighting. 2 that which bothers, annoys. Maáyu puy-an sa búkid kay way sámuk, The country is a nice place to live because there are no annoyances. ka- n 1 trouble, bother. Ang ímung pagkapalahúbug makahatag ug dílì gamayng kasámuk, Your drinking causes us no end of trouble. 2 war, esp. the Second World War. Natáwu siya sa miáging kasámuk, He was born during the recent war. -an(→) a given to causing trouble or giving inconvenience. -in(→) a endearing way of referring to s.o. that is troublesome. Samukin giyung bat-ána, This kid is a cute little troublemaker. †

samúk n k.o. fish: Gerres spp.

samung n top shells. samungsamung n small top shells.

samut v [A23P] become more so, do all the more. Pagkabatì níya sa balità, misamut siya ug hílak, After hearing the news, she cried all the more. Misamut kaguul, She got all the more worried. Ug dílì ka mupahúway musamut ang ímung húbak, If you do not rest your asthma will get worse.

samuyaw, samúyaw n k.o. citrus tree 6–10′ tall, with marble-sized fruit, very juicy and sour, tasting like limes: Citrus hystrix var. microcarpa.

san1 n title of address of most male saints.

san2 = sa1 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (dialectal).

sán = sálan.

sana1 short for unsa na.

sana2 = sanasána.

sanad (from anad) usually [do]. Sanad siyang muanhi sa may mga alas trís, He usually comes at about three o’clock. a 1 doing s.t. skillfully. Sanad na kaáyu kung mumaníhug awtu, I now drive the car very well. 2 being very familiar with s.t. Magpahagíyus lang kus dálan sa Tulídu kay sanad na kaáyu ku ánà, I just whizz over the road to Toledo because I am very familiar with it. v [B12] be, become expert in doing s.t. or familiar with s.t.

sanag a cheerful of countenance. v [B; a12P] be, become, make cheerful. Karung balitáa makasanag (makapasanag) sa átung buut, This piece of news can get us in a cheerful mood. ma-un(←) a 1 characterized with cheer. 2 giving intimation of a bright outcome. Masanágun siyag kaugmáun, He has a bright future.

sanan, sánan and (dialectal).

sánap = salánap.

sanasána v 1 [A; a12] practice, rehearse a particular skill or act. Nagsanasána ku sa ákung pakigpúlung, I am practicing my speech. 2 [A; c6] try s.t. on before actually wearing it. Isanasána ang sinínà ug angayan ka ba, Try that dress on and see if it becomes you.

sanaturyum n sanatorium.

sánaw1 v 1 [A; a] make a very watery porridge. Magsánaw ta pára pamáhaw, Let’s make watery porridge for our breakfast. 2 [A; b6(1)] stew food in coconut juice. Gisanáwan níya ang kinhasun, He stewed the seashells in coconut juice. -in- n very watery porridge. -in-an n food stewed in coconut juice.

sánaw2 a for heights to give a dizzy feeling. Pagkasánaw tan-áwun sa ubus, How dizzying it is to look below. v [B2; b6] give a dizzy feeling. Gisanáwan ku sa ubus gíkan sa kampanaryu, I felt dizzy looking down from the bell tower.

sánay v [A2; a12P] multiply, procreate. Ug musánay nang ímung ítik, baligyái kug usa ka pár, If your ducks multiply, sell me a pair. manggi-un, ma-un a prolific in reproducing.

sanaysánay = sanasána.

sanburn n sunburn. v [B12] get sunburned.

sandak v [B; b4] for the stomach to be distended with gas. Gipanúhut siya, maung nagsandak ang tiyan, He has had gas pains, and so his stomach is distended.

sandal = sandalyas.

sandalyas n sandals. v [A; b6(1)] wear or use sandals.

sandanan = sandanun. [867]

sandánaw = alindánaw.

sandanay, sandanun n a name close friends or relatives call each other mutually. v [C; c6] call each other by a special name mutually. Nagsandanay ang mga mag-ágaw ug ‘prímu’, The cousins call each other ‘primo’.

sandaw a for s.t. that normally produces a certain amount, to have a small yield. Sandaw ang lubi kay dúgay ang húlaw, The yield of the coconut trees decreased considerably in the long drought. v [B12; a4] come to give a low yield. Nasandaw (gisandaw) ang kadagátan dinhi sa pagdininamíta, The yield of the seas in this area has become considerably reduced because of all the dynamite fishing.

sanday v [A; c] lay or rest s.t. on and across s.t. else. Kanang trúsu nga nagsanday sa kural mauy makapahugnù niánà, The log that is laid across that fence will make it collapse. Isanday ang sumbuhan arun makatíun kag maáyu, Rest the barrel on s.t. so that you can take good aim.

sandayung n 1 roof gutter. 2 gutter, usually made of a large bamboo tube, used to channel water from an elevated position. Gihimúag sandayung ang tubud, A gutter was made for the spring. v [A; a2] make into, attach a roof gutter.

sandig v 1 [AB6; c] lean against s.t., cause s.t. to do so. Ayawg sandígi ang kural kay matumba, Don’t lean on the fence because it will topple. Isandig ang sag-ub sa káhuy, Let the bamboo water container lean against the tree. 2 [A2; b(1)] rely on, depend on s.t. one can avail himself of. Mudaug ang ímung kandidatúra ug musandig ka sa partídu, You will win if you rely on the party. 3 [c6] pin one’s hopes on s.t. Anhà nákù isandig ang átung kaugmáun sa ímung kalampúsan, I pin our hopes for the future on your success. — sa kalíwat take after a forebear’s characteristic or peculiarity. Palahúbug siya kay sandig man sa kalíwat, He is a drinker, because he takes after his forebears. pa- v [A; c1] 1 cause to lean. 2 base on. Sugilánung gipasandig sa Biblíya, A story based on the Bible. -anan n back rest.

sandi skul n 1 Sunday school. 2 gambling games and cockfights held Sundays (humorous). v [A13] hold a Sunday-school class.

sandíya n 1 watermelon. 2 watermelon seeds, dried and salted.

sandu n 1 sleeveless undershirt worn by women. 2 men’s sleeveless undershirt of similar shape. v [A1; b6(1)] wear this garment. Náa nay brá. Magsandu pa giyud, Are you going to wear chemise over your bra?

sandúgù (from usa and dugù) n blood compact. v [C; b6] make a blood compact. Nagsandúgù sila si Ligaspi ug Sikatúna, Legaspi and Sikatuna made a blood compact.

sanduk v [A; ab2] scoop s.t. out or off of. Sandúkun ta ning lápuk sa kanal arun makaagi ang túbig, We will scoop out the mud from the ditch so the water can pass through. n 1 scoop. 2 utensil used to scoop rice from the pot. 3 a scoopful. Butangi ug tulu ka sanduk balas, Put in three shovelfuls of sand. ig-l- = sanduk, n1, 2.

sandul = sindul.

sanduluy n cooked cereals, usually corn, with sweet potato mixed in. v [A13; b(1)] cook rice or corn with sweet potato. -in- v = sanduluy.

sandúrut a intimate. Sandúrut kaáyu silang amigúha, They are very intimate friends. v [C1] be, become intimate with s.o. Dílì ku makigsandúrut ug tabian, I don’t want to become intimate with gossipmongers. ma-in-un, ma-un a friendly, done as would be done to a friend. Masinandurútun nga pagabiábi, Entertaining in a most friendly manner. maki-un a friendly, tending to treat people amiably. Sayun ra siyang pakigsabútan kay makisandurútun man, It is easy to make an agreement with him because he is amiable. ka- n one with whom one is on intimate terms.

sandùsandù v [B6; b6] scurry about in all directions. Misandùsandù ang mga humígas pagpangítag makáun, The ants scurried about looking for food. Nagsandùsandù mig dágan paglínug, We ran every which way when the earthquake struck.

sang = sa1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (dialectal).

sáng v [B1; c1] be strewn all over, be in disarray. Nagsáng ang mga butang sa íyang lamísa, The things on his table are all in disarray.

sanga n 1 branch, limb of a tree. Ang langgam nagbatug sa sanga, The bird perched on a branch. 2 lateral extension of a road or path. Sa tuung sanga sa dálan, On the right branch of the path. 3 fork of a slingshot. 4 bamboo or wooden hook attached to a rope used to draw up a fish trap from the water. 5 an extra finger or toe in addition to the normal five. — nga buhatan branch office. v [A] 1 have or grow a branch. Ang mais dílì musanga, Corn doesn’t grow branches. 2 for the road to fork. Inig-abut sa nagsangang karsáda, disilya, When you get to the fork in the road, take the left. — ang dílà v [B1456] be fierce and violent (like a snake with a forked tongue). Musúkul [868]giyud ku nímu bísag nagsanga pa nang ímung dílà, I’ll fight back against you even if you are fierce and violent. — ang tinggil a for a woman to have sexual appetite (lit. have a forked clitoris). (←) v [A13] = sanga, v. sangasanga v [A; a12] fell a tree branch by branch. sanghan a having an extra finger or toe branching off. kinasang-an n 1 the place where the road forks off. 2 crotch of a tree branch.

sánga = pantíhan.

sángab n 1 swath or a long rectangular area designated as an area to be worked. Maggálab ta ug kúgun, kining sangába ákù, ang píkas ímu, We will cut down the cogon. This swath is mine and that one is yours. Sángab nga ági sa ílang panggúna, The swath that was left when they cut grass. 2 k.o. fish trap of shallow waters with a broad mouth tapering towards the bottom, set in the path of the fish. a right in the path. v 1 [A2; b5] 1 do s.t. in swaths. Sangábun (sangában) nátù nag sanggì ug tagurha ka dupa, We will harvest it in swaths two fathoms wide. 2 [A; c] put s.t. right in the path. Nasángab sa íyang mata ang páa sa dalága nga atbang níyag lingkud, He couldn’t help seeing the thighs of the girl sitting directly across from him. Isángab nang sugung sa túbud, Put the mouth of the bamboo tube to the spring. 3 [AN; c] catch fish with a sángab fish trap.

sángad = sanglad.

sángag = sanglag.

sángan = pantíhan.

sángat = sang-at.

sang-at v [A; c] 1 put s.t. up s.w. Isang-at ni dihà sa paril arun dílì maabut sa irù, Put this on top of the fence so the dog cannot get at it. 2 file a suit or complaint in court or petition with the proper authorities. Ang piskal mauy nagsang-at sa kíha imbis ang tagtúngud, The district attorney filed the complaint in place of the aggrieved party. hi-/ha- v [B1256] 1 be put up high. 2 for success or s.t. that one desires to be located s.w. (literary). Anhà sa paningkámut mahisang-at ang ímung kalampúsan, Your success rests on hard work. -anan n shelf, usually higher than shoulder-level.

sangay n people having the same first name. Ang santus kung sangay, The saint I’m named after. (←) v [C3] have the same first name.

sángay = sanglay1.

sang-ay v [A; c1] carry s.t. on or sling over the shoulders. Nagsang-ayg bátà, Carrying a child on one shoulder. Isang-ay (sang-áya) ang malíta, Carry the suitcase on your shoulder.

sangbat = sakbat.

sangbud v [B1; b8] for the tether rope of an animal to get tangled on itself or around s.t. else. Nagsambud ang písì sa kábaw ug diriyut matuuk, The water buffalo’s rope got tangled and the animal nearly choked. sangburan n length of tubing made of a piece of bamboo 7–8″ long, used for storing yarn.

sangga1 v [A2; a12] barge in on a conversation, games. Ngánung musangga man ka nga wà ka man mahibalu sa ámung gisultíhan? Why do you barge in when you don’t know what we are talking about? Ngánung sanggáhun man nímu ang dúlà ug dì ka paapilun? Why do you force your way into the game if you are not supposed to participate?

sangga2 n 1 in children’s games involving bets (of rubber bands and the like), one’s partner with whom one pools his bets. Pangáyù ug sigay sa ímung sangga ug mapildi ka, Ask for some more cowries from your partner if you lose. 2 close friend. Kaila ku kaáyu níya kay sangga ku siya sa ámung pagkabátà, I know him very well because he has been my chum since childhood days. v 1 [A2C; ac3] make s.o. his partner for games. 2 [C1] be friends with s.o. ka- = sangga, n.

sanggà v 1 [A13; a12] be underneath s.t. so that it supports or protects it. Kanang língin nga nagsanggà sa misitíra plastik, That round thing the flower pot is resting on is plastic. 2 [A3; a12] put s.t. under s.t. else. Sanggáa ug batu ang halígi arun dílì suphun sa umug, Place a stone slab under the post so moisture can’t penetrate. 3 [A; a] catch s.t. dripping or falling with a container. Nagsanggà siya sa inágay nga túbig sa íyang kamut, He cupped his hands to catch the dripping water. n saucer.

sanggab1 v 1 [A; a] catch a liquid that is dripping or falling by sticking s.t. under it. Sanggába ang gátas nga nagtulù sa lamísa, Catch the milk that is dripping off the edge of the table. 2 [a12] be caught by the ear. Ang huhungíhung sa pagwilga mauy nasanggab sa íyang dalunggan, The rumors of the strike caught his ears. 3 [A13; a12] make a palm toddy container sanggab. n a bamboo tube container for palm toddy, the length of one node, the bottom of which is the lower node.

sanggab2 n k.o. fishing net used in bays, attached to fish corrals, set such that the current hits them broadside at certain seasons of the year. v 1 [A] set the sanggab. Magsanggab [869]rung bulána, The sanggab will be set this month. 2 [a12] catch fish with a sanggab.

sanggabun a 1 gamecocks of a kind that are killed during the first match. 2 woman that easily gets pregnant out of wedlock.

sanggákà a for plants to spread out in the branches or roots. v [B] be, become outspreading. Ug musanggákà kunu ang sanga, diyútay ang búnga, If the tree has lush and spreading branches, they say it will bear few fruit.

sanggaráyung = singguráyung.

sanggat v [Ab6; b8] catch or snag when being pulled; cause s.t. to do so. Lagmit musanggat ang tagà sa mga batus ilálum, Most likely the hook will snag on the stones on the bottom. Ikay nagsanggat sa tagà; karun ikay tangtang, You let the hook snag so you get it loose.

sanggì v 1 [A; a] rip, break off s.t. stiff at the place of attachment. Nasanggì ang palwa pagtunub níya, The coconut palm frond broke off when he stepped on it. Misalingsing ang gisanggían sa sanga, The place where a branch was broken off grew new shoots. 2 [AN; a12] harvest corn. Mananggì ta rung simanáha. Layà na ang mais, We harvest the corn this week because it is ready now. n 1 action of harvesting. Ang sanggì pagahimúun sunud búlan, The harvest will be held next month. 2 output realized from a specific harvest. Dakù mig sanggì, We had a big harvest. -l-un(←) n mature, ready for harvest. maN-r-/l- n harvester.

sanggíkit v [AC; c1] for people, vegetation to be close to each other. Nagsanggíkit ang mga káhuy sa anut, The trees in the second-growth forest are growing thick. Dílì ku makatulug ug dílì makasanggíkit sa láwas sa ákung bána, I cannot sleep if I am not close to my husband’s body. Nasanggíkit ang pagbátì sa duha ka bihag, The captives developed a close feeling for one another. Ayaw sanggikíta (isanggíkit) pagbutang ang mga bangkù, Don’t put the benches close to each other.

sanggra n 1 vaccinate by pricking with a needle, not with a shot. 2 the wound caused by vaccination or the scar left. v [A; b(1)] vaccinate. Sanggráhan ka úsà ka makalangyaw, You have to be vaccinated before you can go abroad.

sangguli n drink made of palm toddy, chocolate, and eggs. v [A; c1] make, have a toddy shake.

sangguráyung = singguráyung.

sanggut n sickle. v 1 [AN2; b(1)N] get palm toddy from a coconut tree. 2 [a12] make into a sickle. -an(→) n coconut tree from which one obtains palm toddy. -in-an(→) n pidgin (lit. s.t. just picked up as toddy from a coconut tree). v [A; c] speak pidgin. maN-r- n palm toddy gatherer.

sangguwar n k.o. white, somewhat round-grained rice.

sanghid v [AN; b6N] ask permission. Misanghid (nananghid) siyang Máma níya nga muadtu siya sa sini, He asked his ma to let him go to the show. Ninyung tulu kinsay nananghid? Which one of you three asked permission to go? Ug nakasanghid (nakapananghid) kang Pápa, dad-a nang kabáyù, If you have asked Dad, you may take the horse. Kinsay ímung gisanghíran (gipananghíran) pagkúhà nímu sa mutur? Who did you ask when you took the motorcycle? n permission. Kini si Pidru kanúnayng mulakaw nga walay sanghid (pananghid), Pedro always goes out without asking permission. paN- = sanghid, n.

sangì v [AB6; a] break a piece off s.t. at its attachment or edge. Kinsay nagsangì sa sabungánan sa kálù, Who detached the thing to hang the hats on? Dalì ra ning ákung kuku musangì (masangì), My nails break easily.

sángì n road intersection.

sangig n k.o. erect, hairy, aromatic herb, widely used as a spice. v [A; b(1)] season with sangig.

*sángil pa- v 1 [A; b(1)] blame, impute s.o. with a fault. Siyay nagpasángil nga akuy naglábay sa irù, He is accusing me of stoning the dog. Ang húlaw gipasanginlan sa kangihit sa bugas, Drought was blamed for the scarcity of corn. Ug náay pyansa ang gipasanginlan makaguwà sa prísu, If bail is posted, the accused party can get out of jail. 2 [A; c6] make excuses, pretend to do s.t. for a purpose. Mupasángil ka ug pamisíta, sa tinúud naníid ka níla, You make a pretense of visiting them when in truth you are observing them. Ug mupalta ka, ipasángil lang sa labad sa úlu, If you want to be absent, just say you had a headache. n 1 charge, accusation. 2 excuse for not doing s.t. -um- v [A23] make or offer an excuse. Walà siya katubag ug misumángil nga gidukà siya, He was not able to answer and made the excuse that he was drowsy. pasumángil = pasángil, v2.

sángit v 1 [A2; b8cP] be in the way and hold s.t. in place, snag, catch. Kining tungguytungguy mauy musángit sa pinsúti, This lug is what holds the firing pin back. Kuháa nang mga lipak dihà kay makasángit sa muági. [870]Get those bamboo slats out of there because they might snag people that go by there. Way kasangítan ang antiyúhus kay mubù siyag ilung, The eyeglasses won’t hold because her nose is so short. 2 [B125; b4(1)] be delayed by s.t. which ordinarily should not have caused the delay. Naulahi mi kay nasángit mi didtu sa bilyaran, We are late because we were delayed at the pool hall.

sangkà1 n a contest matching skill, wit, strength or a quarrel. v 1 [C; b8] have a contest of strength, wit, skill. Magsangkà tag makatulu. Píhu giyud ug kinsay pildi, We will play it off three times. Then it should be clear who is the loser. Unsa may inyung gikasangkaan? What did you two quarrel about? 2 [a12] pair off two contenders in a match. Sangkáun nátù ang átung isig ka sunuy, Let’s pair off our gamecocks.

sangkà2 a for the crotch to be too tight. Apíking ilakaw ning karsunísa kay sangkà rag pundíyu, It’s hard to walk in these pants because the crotch is too tight. v [B12] have a crotch that is too tight.

sangkad a broad, having ample width. Sangkad nga panaptun, Cloth that is of ample width. v 1 [B1256] be completely covered with s.t. Ang íyang nawung nasangkad ug bugas, Her face is all covered with pimples. 2 [a12] do s.t. to the entire area of s.t. Sangkára ug páhid ug asíti ang káhuy, Smear oil all over the wood. 3 [A12; c16] be enough for everybody. Ang lima ka buuk tinápay ni Hisus nakasangkad sa gatusan ka mga táwu, Jesus’ five loaves of bread were enough to feed hundreds of people. 4 [b4(1)] have one’s fill of s.t. Nasangkaran sa bunal ang mga bátang nag-áway, The quarreling children got a whipping such that they decided they never wanted to do it again. ka-, gisangkarun, kasangkarun n width, breadth. Ang lamísa may kasangkad (gisangkarun, kasangkarun) nga duha ka mitru, The table is two meters wide.

sangkap (from salangkap) a complete, having the necessary equipment. Kusína nga sangkap sa galamitun, A kitchen completely equipped. Sangkap kaáyu siya sa pangáyu sa awtu, He is completely equipped to repair cars. v 1 [B2] for equipment to become complete. Ug musangkap na ang balhíbu, ang kuyabug makalupad na, The nestling can fly once he gets his complete feathers. Nasangkap na ang tangu sa bátà, The child has all of his teeth now. 2 [A; b6] equip with needed things. Akuy sangkap nímug galamitun sa pamanday, I will equip you with carpentry tools. 3 = salangkap. ka-an n equipment, tools. Gihímù ka lang kasangkápan arun mulusut ang kuntrabandu, They are only using you as a tool to smuggle in their goods.

sangkay1 n friend (slang). v [A3PC; a12] make friends, befriend, be close to each other (slang). ka-an n group of friends, gang.

sangkay2 v [A; c] throw s.t. with moderate force in an underhand motion. Kinsay nagsangkay ug sinilhig diris asíras? Who threw the sweepings on the sidewalk?

sangkayud v [B6; a12] walk slowly with halting steps and a slight forward thrust of the hips. Nagsangkayud paglakaw ang babáying nagbatì, The woman who was in labor walked haltingly with a thrust of the abdomen. a walking in this way.

sangki n k.o. aromatic Chinese spice. v [b(1)] spice with sangki.

sangkíguy v [AC; a] have sexual intercourse (humorous). Bisan sa banyu nagsangkíguy sila, They do it anywhere, even in the bathroom.

sangkiig v 1 [A3P; c1] totter as one walks under a burden or because of difficulty in getting one’s footing. Nagsangkiig ang kargadur, The stevedore is tottering under the heavy load. 2 [B146] be heavily burdened financially. Nagsangkiig ku sa pagpaiskuyla sa mga bátà, I am staggering under the burden of sending my children to school.

sangkil v 1 [A; a2b2] touch or brush s.o. or s.t. lightly. Ug musangkil ang alambri sa iliktrisidad sa linya sa tiligrama, náay hikurintihan, If the electric line touches the telegraph wire, s.o. will be electrocuted. Sangkíla sa kuhit arun matambug nang kartun, Touch the box with the stick so that it will fall. 2 [AN; a1b2] gore with the horns. Ayaw pagpaduul niánang kabáwa kay musangkil (manangkil) ra ba giyud nà, Don’t go near that water buffalo because it gores. 3 [A; a12] for an unpleasant feeling to bother one. Ang pangabubhu nga nagsangkil sa íyang dughan, Jealousy which pricks his heart. -aN-r- see ananangkil.

sangkiríbut = singkiríbut.

sangkis = sankis.

sangkiyud = sangkayud.

sangkù v 1 [A2; ac] reach, arrive at a point in time or place. Kining dalána musangkù sa subà, This path reaches the river. Makasangkù sa lángit ang ákung kasukù, My anger knows no limits (reaches the high heavens). Unsay gitas-un ang gisangkúan sa íyang pagluksu? [871]How high did he manage to jump? 2 [A23; b6] end up, result in. Ang ílang dúlà misangkù sa áway, Their game ended up in a quarrel. Ang ílang panaghigála misangkù sa panaghigugmaay, Their friendship eventually led to love.

sangkung = sakung.

sangkuráyung, sangkuriyung = singguráyung.

sangla n leprosy. v [a4] be afflicted with leprosy. sanglahun n leper.

sanglad v [AB2; c] run aground, stranded on the sand; cause s.t. to do so. Mangluksu ang mga sundálu sa dì pa musanglad ang bards, The soldiers jump off before the barge hits the beach. Ang barku nasanglad sa bàbà sa subà, The ship is stranded at the mouth of the river.

sanglag v [A; a2] roast s.t. in a pan with little or no oil. Maáyung pagkasanglag sa kapi, The coffee was well roasted. n action of roasting in a pan. -in- n thing roasted. Sinanglag mani, Roasted peanuts.

san-glas n sunglasses. v [A13; a12] wear, make into sunglasses.

sanglay1 v [A; a2] carry things tied to both ends of a pole over one’s shoulder. Sangláyun (sinangláyun) ku lang ang duha ka táru nga tubà, I will carry two cans of palm toddy on a pole over the shoulder. -in- = sanglay. -in-an n a pole on which things are carried.

sanglay2 n 1 variety of wild tomatoes having red, oval-shaped fruits, less than ½″ in diameter and about 1″ long. 2 [name] nga — Chinaman [so-and-so]. Nagpalit ug bugas sa ílang Singking Sanglay, Buying rice at the Chinaman Sing King’s store. mistísu — person of half Chinese, half Filipino blood.

sanglit since, for the reason that. Sanglit siya may amahan ni Husi, íya nang tulubágun, Since he is José’s father, it is his responsibility. paN- n example, supposition. Íning ímung pangatarúngan, kanang ímung pananglit dílì musalir, In your argument, your example won’t serve. a for example. Pananglit, kining librúha dílì na mapalit ug dúsi, This book, for example, cannot be had for twelve pesos. b if assuming that [such-and-such] a probable thing happens. Pananglit muanhi si Tasyu, siyay mudala sa sulat, Assuming Tasio comes, he will bring the letter. v [A; c6] give an instance as an example. Ipananglit ku nímu ang usa ka langgam nga ímung gipusil: mamumúnù ka ba? Let me give you as an example a bird you shot. Are you a murderer for that? paN-an = pananglit, n. -anan n 1 s.o. made into an example, reference. Si Hub nahímung sanglitánan sa paílub, Job became an example of patience. 2 story or saying made as an example. Ang nahitabù sa Truy usa ka sanglitánan sa nagsubrang kumpiyansa, What happened to Troy is an example of overconfidence.

sangpit v [A; a12] 1 call s.o. to come or attract his attention. Sangpítun ta ka ug manihápun na, I will call you when supper is ready. Gisangpit ku siya, apan wà siya mulíngì, I called to him, but he did not turn his head. 2 ask a favor or help from s.o. Sangpíta ang amígu nímu sa kustum, Call on your friend in the customs for help. paN- v [A2; c] 1 invite s.o. to partake in s.t. lami nga dílì ikapanangpit coitus (the delicious feeling one cannot invite s.o. to share). 2 in the búhat ceremony, to invoke the spirits and invite them to partake of the offering. n the invocation in the búhat ceremony.

sangput v [A23; b(1)] result in, become. Kanang inyung lantúgì musamput unyà sa áway, Your discussion will end up in a quarrel. n 1 buttocks. 2 = -an(→). -an(→) n seat of a pair of pants. -anan n outcome, result. Laksut ug sangputánan nang ímung hingárig ínum ug álak, You will come to a no good end the way you drink all the time. paN-an(←) n seat of pair of pants as reckoned for measurement.

sangsang1 v [A; a12] blunt s.t., bending the tip backward or spreading out the fibers at the tip. Ang batuun nga yútà makasangsang (makapasangsang) sa tumuy sa bára, Stony ground can blunt the tip of the bar. Sangsángun ta ning tumuy sa lipak arun walay masámad, Let’s blunt the tip of the bamboo slat so nobody will get hurt.

sangsang2 v [A; b6(1)] stuff a hole, cavity, or opening. Siyay nagsangsang ug papil nga kinúmut sa lìliánan, She stuffed a piece of crumpled paper into the peephole.

sangù v 1 [B256; cP] for s.t. pulled, pushed, or thrown to get caught on an unmovable obstacle. Wà masulud ang búla kay misangù (nasangù) sa búrd, The ball didn’t get into the loop because it hit the board. Átung isangù (ipasangù) sa tuud ang kangga abir makabira ba giyug kábaw, We will let the sled hit a stump and see if the carabao can pull it out. 2 [B1256] hit one’s jaw while moving. Nasámad ákung dílà kay nasangù ku sa kurdísu, I hurt my tongue because I hit my jaw on the window sill. 3 [B1256] be stuck with s.t. hard to solve. Nasangù ku sa ákung paghúbad sa isturya, I was stuck in the translation of the story. 3a [B2456] [872]stammer, speak or sing haltingly. Maáyu nga dílì ta musangù ug mudiskursu ta, Better not to speak haltingly in giving a speech. 4 [B126] be frustrated, foiled. Ang íyang pamalíbad nakasangù sa ákung mga plánu, His refusal foiled my plans.

sángud1 n nickname intimate friends call each other. ‘Way uyab’ ílang sángud kay púrus sila way trátu, They call each other ‘no girl’ because neither of them has a girl friend. v [C2] call each other with a common nickname.

sángud2 n an amulet which gives the owner an unusual chance for financial success or unusual power and strength. (→) v [A12] possess such a charm. Nakasangud kunu nà si Sisuy kay síging makadaug sa búlang, They say Sisoy has a charm because he always wins in cockfights. sangúran n s.o. who possesses a sángud.

sanguhal = sangúwal.

sángun v 1 [A; b] hitch up, harness an animal. Kábaw ságad sangúnan ug dáru, They usually hitch a water buffalo to the plow. Isángun na ang yúgu sa kábaw, Put the yoke over the water buffalo now. 1a [A2] go out to earn money with a horse and rig or draft animal hitched to a cart. Musángun ka ba rung buntag? Are you going out to get passengers this morning? 2 [b(1)] be entrusted with a responsibility or onerous burden. Ayaw kug sangúni ánang buháta kay dì ku suluguun nímu, Don’t burden me with that work because I’m not your servant.

sangúwal v [A13; c1] speak or talk indistinctly because the mouth is full or because of difficulty in articulating. Nagsangúwal ka kay punù man nang ímung bàbà, You’re talking indistinctly because your mouth is full. (→) a indistinct of speech. Sanguwal na kaáyu ang sinultihan sa nagpinal, The dying man’s speech is very unclear now.

sangyad = sanglad.

sangyag = sanglag.

sangyaw v 1 [AP; c6P] disseminate news, information. Ang balità nasangyaw na sa tibuuk gingharían, The news has spread throughout the kingdom. 2 [A; c6] proclaim, declare officially. Ang partídu nagsangyaw nga si Rúsis kandidátu upisiyal, The party proclaimed Roces an official candidate. n proclamation. ka-an n group of proclamations. mag-r- n preacher.

San Huwan n 1 St. John. 2 the twenty-fourth of June celebrating St. John’s Day where people go to the sea to bathe. paN- v [A2; b6] celebrate St. John’s day by swimming.

sani1, sáni (from unsa ni) 1 pause word used when one cannot recall what is to be said. Arun dílì mukángù ang makina hináyig búhì ang sani, klats diay, So that the motor won’t stall, slowly release the watchamacallit, um, the clutch. 2 particle expressing discomfiture or dislike at what s.o. is doing or is happening. Sani gud nga bisitáha! Mupaúlì man lang ug way panamílit, What kind of a visitor is he anyway! He just goes home without saying goodbye. 3 = unsa (dialectal).

*sani2 kasaníhan n department of health. sanidad n department of health.

sánib v [AB16; c1] arrange in tiers, neat pile; be so. Nagsánib siya sa mga papil, She is stacking the papers in a neat pile. Nagsánib ang mga tabla, The boards are piled on top of one another. n layer. May tulu ka sánib ang playwud, Plywood is composed of three layers. (→) v [A; b6(1)] 1 insert into or in between. Gisanib níya sa sakuban ang sundang, He inserted the bolo into its scabbard. 2 support, give assistance. Ang mga tinun-an misanib sa punduk sa mga mamumuu, The students gave their support to the labor union. Ang íyang súhul dílì makasanib ug lima ka táwu, His salary cannot support five persons. n layer situated or inserted in between. May sanib nga karni ang pán, There was a layer of meat in between the pieces of bread.

*sanib pa- v [A; b] court s.o.’s favor by showing exaggerated concern, giving lavish gifts, and the like. Dalì ra siyang miusbaw kay maáyung mupasanib, He quickly got promoted because he is great at boot-licking.

sanidad see *sani2.

sanílas = sinílas.

sanínà = sinínà.

sanípa n 1 edging similar to an eaves board which trims a roof. 2 a short curtain across the top of a window, framework of a bed, and the like. 2a design in series at one side or around the edges of the cloth. 3 folding room divider. 4 lamp shade to concentrate light. v [A; a] install, use, use as, make into a sanípa.

sanit v [A; a] 1 pull with a jerk. Ímung sanitun ang pasul ug dúnay isdà nga mukubit, Pull the line with a jerk if a fish bites. 2 snatch, grab. Maáyung musanit ug pisù ang banug, Hawks are good at snatching chicks. 3 [B6; c] snag, pierce and get caught in s.t. Musanit ang tagà sa bàbà sa isdà, The hook will snag in the fish’s mouth. Nasanit sa gamut sa káhuy ang dáru, The plow got caught in the roots of a tree. [873]

sanitári inspiktur n sanitary inspector. v [B126; b6] be a sanitary inspector.

sankis n sweet, juicy orange similar to the Valencia oranges (so called from the brand Sunkist). v [b6] put orange into s.t. as flavoring.

sanla = sangla.

San Markus n 1 St. Mark. 2 reference to marriage. Naliug siya sa bitik ni San Markus, She was hooked into marriage (lit. caught by the neck in Saint Mark’s trap). Nagpainrǔl siya sa Unibirsidad di San Markus, She enrolled in the University of Marriage (i.e. got married).

San Pidru n 1 Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul (June 29). 2 gatekeeper (just as St. Peter is the keeper of the Gates of Heaven). Sirádu man ang pultahan. Háin kahà ang san pidru dinhi? The gate is closed. Where could the gatekeeper be? v 1 [A13N] celebrate St. Peter’s Day by going swimming. 2 [B156] be a gatekeeper. — San Pablu = san pidru, n1.

sanpípar n sandpaper. v 1 [A; b(1)] rub or smooth s.t. with sandpaper. 2 [a] use a certain k.o. sandpaper on.

san pransisku = kalípay, n2.

sansan v 1 = sangsang2. 2 [A2; a12] in weaving, force the woof threads close to each other by swinging the beater hard. Sansánun nímu ang hulug arun singpun ang panaptun, Force the woof threads close to one another so that the cloth will be tightly woven, -in- n cloth made of abaca fiber tightly woven, as distinguished from the kind used as fish netting where the warp and woof are spaced far apart. †

sansiyut, sansut n sunsuit, playing suit for children, usually backless and sleeveless. v [A12; ac] make into, wear a sunsuit.

sansuy n collarless, short-sleeved shirt. v 1 [A; b6] wear a sansuy. 2 [a12] make into a sansuy.

santa n 1 exclamation: short for Santa Maríya (see 3b). 2 title for female saints. Santa Katalína, Saint Catherine. 3 in phrases: — búla the Papal Bull granting special indulgence to Spain and her colonies. — iglisya the Holy Church. — Kláwus Santa Claus. — krus a the Cross. b Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, celebrated in the Philippines in May, a novena culminated with feasting and merry-making. v [A1] offer a devotion to the Holy Cross. — Krúsan n the celebration of the Holy Cross as practiced in Luzon with a Rayna Ilína. — lána a holy oil. b extreme unction. — Maríya a Holy Mary. b exclamation of sudden surprise or worried fear. Santa Maríya, mahúlug ang bátà, Christ! The child is going to fall! — santíta see santíta. simána — The Holy Week preceding Easter. — sína communion given by Protestants as part of their church service (as opposed to the Catholic communion—kaláwat or kumulga). v [A] 1 administer communion. 2 take communion.

santà = salantà.

santak v [A; a12] pull a fishing line with a jerk to hook a fish that nibbled at the bait. Tandugun gáning ímung pasul santáka dáyun, If a fish tugs at your line, pull it up with a jerk.

santáku v [A; a12] strike or beat heavily with the fist. Hala, santakúhun man kunu ku nímu, sigi, O.K. you said you would beat me. Let’s see you do it.

santal n k.o. ornamental bushes: Ixora sp.

santa lusíya n k.o. ornamental crawling vine grown in pots: Zebrina pendula.

santan = santal.

santas n female saints. v [B1; a12] be, become a saint.

santíban (short for San Istíban) exclamation denoting helpless, sudden surprise. Santíban ning batáa, gikablit ang gátu, Heavens this child! He pulled the trigger!

santik1 v [A; a2] 1 build a fire by rubbing two dry bamboo sticks together. 2 build a fire by rubbing flint and steel together. n 1 method of producing fire by friction. 2 k.o. flint used in building a fire by friction. -an(→) n stone used for building fires by rubbing steel over it.

santik2 n slingshot. v [A; c] hit with a slingshot. paN- v [A2; b6(1)] go hunting birds with a slingshot.

santik3 = amimitas.

santilmu n light seen at night moving over swamps or the sea caused by natural phenomena but thought to be the soul of a dead person coming back to the world. v [A13; b(1)] for this wandering light to appear. Magsantilmu gánì, ayawg dágan, Don’t run if a will-o’-the-wisp appears.

santing v 1 [AN] swell with a pricking, burning sensation. Musanting (mananting) ang tútuy ug punù sa gátas, The breasts swell with a pricking sensation when they are full of milk. Nagsanting ang hubag nga wà pay buthanan, The boil has not come to a head and is swelling with a pricking, burning sensation. 2 [A3] for s.t. to penetrate the ear and stay there naggingly. Nagsanting pa sa ákung dalunggan ang íyang mabiaybiáyung talidhay, Her derisive laughter keeps [874]resounding in my ears. 3 for s.t. to appear suddenly to evoke recognition. Misanting sa ákung hunàhúnà nga dílì maabli ang pultahan, It suddenly struck me that the door couldn’t be opened. — ang dunggan v [B46] flare up in excitement or anger upon hearing s.t. Ang pagtubagtubag sa anak mauy makasanting (makapasanting) sa dunggan sa ginikánan, Parents flare up when their children talk back to them.

santisima exclamation denoting sudden surprise at s.o.’s behavior. Santisima, ning batáa, mulabang lang ug kalit bísan ug nangági ning mga awtu, Heavens, this child suddenly rushes into the street even though there are so many cars passing. — Trinidad The Holy Trinity.

santisimu n the Blessed Sacrament. — sakramintu = santisimu.

santisiyam euphemism for santisimu. — nga karáan humorous expression of sudden surprise.

santíta n fake saint. santa — a pretending to be saintly in behavior. Santa santíta silabun maldíta, She pretends to be a saint, but she’s naughty. santitasantíta v [A] pretend to be saintly.

santítu, santítù1 = santíta (male).

santítù2 n children’s game played with marbles, shells, stones in which the pieces are thrown on the ground and a lead piece is flicked to hit a designated piece and no other. v [A2C; b6(1)] play this game.

santu n 1 title for male saints. Santu Tumas, St. Thomas. 2 in phrases: purdiyus pur- exclamation denoting deep agitation at the gravity of a situation. Purdiyus pursantu, Bidung, ibutang nang pusil! God have mercy, Bedong! Put that gun down! — Intiyíru image of the dead body of Christ carried in a procession on Good Friday. — Kristu a the crucified Christ. b a small crucifix. — lána holy oil. — Ninyu a the Christ Child. b the image of the Christ Child thought to have been brought by Magellan. b1 the church which houses it. — Pápa The Pope. — Rusaryu the Holy Rosary. — santítu = santa santíta (male) see santíta. istígi — see *istígi. pasantusantu v [A13P] put on a pretense of good behavior. Magpasantusantu siya ug náa si Pápa níya, He puts on a pretense of good behavior if his father is around.

santul1 n medium-sized tree cultivated for its deep-yellow fruits, the size and shape of a tennis ball, sour and juicy with a seed in several sections in the center: Sandoricum koetjape.

*santul2 -un(→) a unsociable: tending to be quiet, keep to oneself and cranky if approached. Kasagáran santulun kaáyu ang mga dalágang gúlang, Usually old maids are very cranky. v [B12] be, become cranky.

santup v [A2; c1] come to one’s mind. Misantup sa íyang buut ang usa ka sayun nga paági, A simple method of doing it came to his mind. Isantup (santúpa) sa ímung hunàhúnà ang mga tambag, Implant the advice firmly in your mind.

santus n 1 saint, one like a saint in character. Kanhi mu ra ka ug santus, karun dakù kang salbáhis, You used to be like a saint, but now you’re a brute. 2 the sanctus of the Holy Mass. — Diyus Holy God. — nga Mísa the Holy Mass. — nga Rusaryu Holy Rosary. túdus lus — All Saints’ Day. v [a3] 1 be successful. Dì ka masantus ánang ímung pagiskuyla kay daghan kag absin, You will not be successful in your studies because you are always absent. 2 get a benefit from s.t. Dílì ka masantus ánang ímung hubughúbug, You will not reap any benefits from being drunk all the time. 3 [A3] get to the Sanctus of the Holy Mass. 4 [A13P; c16] make holy. Magsantus ta sa adlaw nga igpapahulay, Let us keep the Sabbath holy.

sanu = unsa nu. see unsa, 4.

san-u when, at what time (dialectal).

sanung v [A23; a12] 1 agree, consent to s.t. Wà musanung si Bin sa ákung hangyù nga muhulam ku sa íyang awtu, Ben did not consent to my request to borrow his car. 2 obey, comply with a request. Buútan ning batáa kay musanung dáyun sa ákung súgù, This child is obedient because he at once obeys my command. 3 [A13] verify that s.o. agrees to do s.t. Kining risibúha nagsanung sa ímung báyad, This receipt acknowledges your payment. n agreement to do s.t.

sanùsanù v [A; c1] be in rapid succession. Misanùsanù ang mga bala sa atumátik, The bullets from the machine gun came in rapid succession. Nagsanùsanù ang mga pangutána sa nag-intirbiyu, The interviewer’s questions came in rapid-fire succession.

san-ut a 1 for clothing to be baggy or crumpled from having been subjected to unusual strain at one spot. 2 worn-out from having been subjected to unusual strain at one spot. v [AB; a12] wear out or crumple s.t. by subjecting it to heavy wear; become so. Musan-ut (masan-ut) ang sangput sa karsúnis ug idalus-us, The seat of the pants will wear out if you slide in them. Ang íyang karsúnis nasan-ut sa túhud, His trousers became baggy at the knees. [875]

sanúud (from suud) a intimate, close in relationship as friends. (→) a close in physical space. Sanuud ra mu kaáyung pagkalingkud, You are sitting too close to each other.

sanuuy v [A] 1 give the appearance of being weighted down under a heavy load. Misanuuy ang sakayan sa kadaghan sa kuhà, The boat is weighted down under the load of a great catch. 2 look enervated, without life. Nagsanuuy ang bána pagkabuntag human sa kasal, The groom looked enervated the morning after the wedding.

sanwit, sanwits n sandwich. v 1 [A1; a12] make, make into a sandwich. 2 [c6] use as sandwich filling. 3 [A3P; a3] situate s.o. in between s.t. Nasanwits ku pagkalingkud sa duha ka dalága, I was seated between two ladies.

sápa n 1 washer; disc with a hole or flattened ring. 1a a rounded piece of coconut shell with a hole in the middle through which a tether rope is passed into to prevent it from slipping through the water buffalo’s nose. 2 a flat piece of s.t. wedged between two things to prevent looseness. v [A13; a] make, make into, put a washer or wedge.

sapà n brook or creek.

sapak a 1 apt, exact, just the right one. Ang ímung tubag sapak giyud kaáyu, You gave just the right answer. Sapak nga pagpangasáwa, dátù, A perfect marriage—a rich wife. 1a timely, well-timed. Sapak ang pagabut mu kay tingkaun, You arrived just at the right time. It’s time to eat. 2 having just the right qualities. Sapak sad ug láwas si Iyay ug magbáting sut, Iyay has a beautiful body when she wears a bathing suit. v 1 [A12; a4b8] do s.t. at just the right time. Nakasapak sad kag baligyà sa ímung mga ipiktus—subídu ang prisyu, You sold your things at just the right time—when the prices went up. Ug muadtu ka karun masapak (masapakan) nímu ang pista, If you go there now, you’ll be just on time for the fiesta. 2 [B2; b5] become perfect, having just the best qualities.

sapal v 1 [A; b1] back up s.o.’s obligations. Kinsa guy musapal sa ímung alkansi sa nigusyu, Who is going to cover your losses in business? 1a [A; a2] take charge or care of another person’s needs. Akuy musapal sa ímung káun ug muuban ka nákug paniudtu, I’ll treat you if you go to lunch with me. Saplan ku sa ákung tiyù sa gastu sa iskuylahan, My uncle will shoulder my school fees. 2 [A12; a3] be enough to cover expenses. Ang ákung swildu dì makasapal sa tanang galastúhan, My salary cannot cover all the expenses.

sápal n the pulp residue of grated coconut meat after the juice has been extracted. -un a having more pulp than what is ordinary. Tam-is ang buúngun apan sapálun, The pomelo is sweet, but it is pulpy.

sápang = salapang.

sap-ang = salip-ang.

sapar = sapal.

sápat1 n 1 an animal or insect. Kurali ang silinganan arun dílì makasulud ang sápat, Fence off the yard so the animals cannot get in. Tan-áwag unsang sapáta ning misulud sa ákung mata, Look to see what k.o. insect got into my eye. 2 a brutal, cruel person. Ang sápat nga hubug nanagmal na pud sa asáwa, The drunken beast is maltreating his wife again.

sápat2 = salapat.

sapatilya n open-heeled shoes or slippers with low heels. v [A; a] wear, make sapatilya’s.

sapátus n 1 shoes. — sa kabáyù horseshoe. 2 part of the plow analogous to the landside of steel plows. Sa dárung káhuy ang sapátus mauy hal-úpan sa punta, In wooden plows the share is fitted over the landside. 3 presser foot, a piece on sewing machines that presses the cloth against the feed. v [A; b6(1)] 1 wear, make into, get a pair of shoes. 2 shoe a horse. sapatíru n shoe repairman. v [A12] be a shoe repairman. sapatiríya n shoe repair shop.

sápaw v 1 [A13; ac] wear two things one on top of the other. Magsápaw ku ug midiyas, I will wear two pairs of socks. Sapáwi lang nang ímung amirkána ug rinkut, Just wear a raincoat over your jacket. 2 [AC; b6] be in the same place as s.o. else at the same time. Ngánung musápaw man mug dúlà nga kami may nahauna? Why do you want to play in the same place as we are playing when we were here first? Ngánung magsápaw man mung duha ug lingkud sa síya? Why do you two sit on the same chair? Sa maáyung radiyu ang usa ka istasiyun dílì makasápaw sa láin, With a good radio one station doesn’t overlap another. 2a drown out a voice with another voice. Ang ákung tíngug gisapáwan sa íyang danguynguy, My voice was drowned out by her wailing. 3 [A13; a] place s.t., usually flat, over s.t. else. Sapáwi ug sín ang kináma nga playwud, Just cover the stacked plywood with a sheet of galvanized iron. n layer, esp. of cloth. Nagsul-ub ku ug tulu ka sápaw, I am wearing three layers (of clothing). (→) v [B1456] for teeth to be overlapping. Magsapaw ang ngípun ug dì ibtun [876]ang tay-ug, The teeth will overlap each other if the loose ones aren’t extracted. n 1 s.t. worn or laid over s.t. else. 2 overlapping teeth. paN- v [A2] commit adultery. Dílì ka manapaw, Thou shalt not commit adultery. maN-r-, maN-r-(→) n one who practices adultery. †

sapay v [A; a12] in weaving with straw or the like, terminate the run of the weave by folding the ends of the strands at a right angles under and over the next two parallel strands.

sapayan v [A13; c4] mind, consider s.t. a bother or appreciate s.t. Wà lang ka magsapayan sa bili sa kahágù ug panahun, You just don’t appreciate the value of effort and time. Dílì ku igsapayan (isapayan) ang ákung sakripisyù, I will not mind the sacrifice. in phrases: — sa as recognition for s.t. bad done to s.o. who pays it no heed. Sapayan sa ímung pagtámay nákù, Diyus ray magígù, God will repay you for the way you scorned me. walay — 1 you’re welcome (reply to salámat ‘thank you’). 2 it doesn’t matter. Way sapayan ug kasab-an ku, It’s all right if I’m given a scolding.

sapáyan = pasáyan.

sapda v [A; a2b2] knock off s.t. being held or placed s.w. with a quick motion of the hand. Sapdáha ang íyang síku inigsiyát níya, Knock his elbow to the side when he shoots the ball. Nabuak ang básu kay ákung nasapdahan, I accidentally brushed my hand against the glass and broke it.

saphag v [A; a] 1 penetrate through a forest or thicket. Saphágun sa mga bátà ang kalibunan sa pagpamayábas, Children will penetrate thickets to gather guavas. 2 roam around with a purpose. Dúnay mga táwu nga magsaphag pa sa pagpangítà sa ílang pagkáun, There are people who roam around looking for their food.

saphid = saphig.

saphig v [A; c1] 1 remove s.t. by brushing against it. Balud nga nagsaphig sa húgaw sa baybáyun, Waves which washed away the dirt on the seashore. 1a brush against. Ayaw isaphig ang ímung kamut sa pintal, Don’t brush your hand against the paint. 2 level off grains heaped up over a measuring container. 2a level a cleaned rice paddy prior to planting. -in- n levelled off.

sapi v [A; a12] 1 ward off, brush away with the hand. Akuy misapi sa íyang kamut nga isagpà untà sa bátà, He was about to strike the child, but I warded off his hand. Wà ku makasapi sa búla nga gilábay sa ákung nawung, I was not able to ward off the ball that was thrown in my face. Hisapihan nákù ang tása sa kapi, nayabu hinúun, I accidentally brushed the cup of coffee, and it spilled over. 2 level off s.t. heaping. Sapiha ang bugas sa gantangan, Level the rice in the ganta measure. exclamation: word uttered to brush s.t. away. Sapi! Pahawà dihang irínga ka, Scram! Get out of there, cat.

sapì = saplì.

sápì (from salapì) n = salapì, n. v 1 [A23; a12] earn money from s.t. Kining gidaghanúna musápig mga mil písus, This quantity will derive some thousand pesos. 2 [a12] be sufficient for a purpose. Masápì nang ímung tíngug sa nayitklab, Your voice will do in a nightclub. (→) v [A12; b8] get hold of money. Nakasapì kug utsinta písus adtung baligyáa, I earned eighty pesos from that sale. paN- v [A2; a12] make, squeeze money out of s.o. or s.t. Tū́, nanápì na pug pulis ug pangubrag tung, There, the cop is making money collecting his protection money. n capacity for earning money. Ang kahibalu mupauswag sa panápì sa usa ka mamumúu, Knowledge can increase a worker’s earning capacity. -an a wealthy. v [B12] be, become wealthy. hiN-, maki- a too fond of money.

sápid = sulápid.

sapidpid v [A; c] move, be close to s.t. Nagsapidpid siya sa bungbung kay nag-ulan, He was walking close to the wall because it was raining. Isapidpid ni sa bungbung kay mapatiran unyà, Put this by the wall, for s.o. might stub his toe on it.

sap-ig = sampig.

sapígad v [A; b6] move close to s.t. so as to be touching it. Magkabalhibu ka ug musapígad ang iring sa ímung bitíis, You’ll get hair all over you if the cat rubs itself against your leg. Natúlug ang ituy nga nagsapígad sa inahan, The puppy slept snuggled close to its mother.

sapil v [A12; b8] brush against s.t., usually accidentally. Nataltag ang gihay sa buwak nga íyang hisapilan, He brushed against the flower and knocked the petals off.

sapilis = sipilis.

sapilya = sipilya.

sapilyu = sipilyu.

sapin n 1 footgear: shoes, slippers, boots, but not socks. 2 diaper.

sapinday v [A13] stagger, walk weaving from side to side. Tingáli hubug ka kay nagsapinday man ka nga naglakaw, You must be drunk because you are staggering. †

sapinit = sampínit.

*sapínu dì — v [b8] be trusted with s.t. Dílì masapinúhan ug kwarta nang tawhána, That [877]man cannot be trusted with money.

sapípid = sapidpid.

sapiray = sampiray.

sapiring n k.o. hairy worm with very itchy hair. v [b4(1)] be stung by the itchy hair of this worm.

sapiru1 n k.o. sapphire.

sapiru2 n variety of cultivated guava with fruit sweeter and more reddish than the wild varieties.

sapisápi n 1 a simple kite constructed of a cross with string strung around the edge to which paper is attached. 2 general name for small slipmouths, less than 3″ long: Leiognathus spp. v [A13; a12] make, make into this k.o. kite.

sapiti v [A; a12] trip, block s.o.’s feet so as to make him stumble. Siyay nagsapiti nákù pagbaskit námù, He tripped me when we played basketball.

sapla1 a 1 slightly bitter in taste with an astringent effect, as unripe bananas. 1a get this taste in one’s mouth. 2 for unpolished cereals to be rough on the tongue when eaten. v 1 [B126] become slightly bitter and astringent in taste or get this taste in the mouth. 2 [B16] for cereals to be rough to eat.

sapla2 v [a12] for branches to break off at the crook under weight or other force. Nasapla ang sanga nga gitumban, The branch broke at its juncture when he stepped on it.

saplag1 v [A; a1c] throw s.t. into s.o.’s face or hit s.o.’s face with the open hand, but not much force. Kaáyu rang saplágun nang nawung mu áring usa ka plátu nga nilúgaw, How I’d love to throw this plate of porridge into your face. 2 [A; ab2] brush, knock s.t. out of or off of s.t. that holds it. Abtik siyang misaplag sa búla nga ákung gikaptan, He quickly knocked the ball out of my hands.

saplag2 v [A; a2] go about with or without a purpose. Dílì makasaplag ang mga batan-un human sa kurpyu, Young boys don’t go around after the curfew hour. Gisaplag námù ang kabyabsan ug pamayábas, We wandered about among the thick growths of guava trees gathering fruit.

saplì v [A; a2] 1 pluck off a leaf, break off a branch at its point of junction with a downward pull. Nagsaplì kug sanga pára itanum, I broke off a branch to plant. 2 [AN] harvest corn. Manaplì mi sunud simána, We will harvest the corn next week. n harvest. Pilay abut káda saplì? How much do you get each harvest?

saplína (from disiplína) n whip or lash, esp. reserved for disciplinary purposes. v [A13; a12] discipline with a whip. Arun ka mabut-an maáyung saplináhun ka ug sígi, I should whip you constantly so that you will learn to behave.

saplù = salpù.

saplud a slightly bitterish in taste. v [B1; a2] get a bitterish taste. Gisaplúran ku sa sirbísa, I found the beer somewhat bitter.

saplung n sling, an instrument for throwing stones and the like consisting of a pair of strings fastened to a strip of leather or cloth. The missile is hurled by whirling it (lambuyug) and releasing one string. v 1 [A; a1] hit with this instrument. 2 [a12] make s.t. into a sling.

saplut v [A; c] 1 put a rope with a noose or loop around s.t. or ring s.t. Bi, akuy musaplut ug písì ánang naglutaw nga bátang, Here, I will lasso that floating log. Iitsa ang argulya nga musaplut sa butilya, Throw the metal ring over the bottle. Saplúti ang halígi makaduha, Put a double loop over the pole. 2 encircle s.t. with a rope or s.t. analogous. Gisaplútan nákù siya sa líug, wà makalíhuk, I put my arm around his neck, and he couldn’t move.

sapnay v 1 [A; a12] carry s.t. laid across one’s arms. Nagsapnay sa binughà, Carrying the firewood over the arms. 2 [A13; a12] for s.t. to cradle or support s.t. smaller placed on it. Usa ka tablun nga batu nagsapnay sa usa ka dakung baril, A slab of stone supported the big barrel. Ang sulang gisapnay sa duha ka kamut, His jaw was cradled in his hands. 3 [A13; a12] carry, have s.t. as an attribute. Kining katungdanána nagsapnay sa daghang mga pribilihiyu, This office carries with it many privileges. Kining kapangakuhána gisapnay sa ímung katungdánan, This is a responsibility that pertains to your office. n an armful. Usa ka sapnay nga dagámi, An armful of corn stalks.

sapnig v [A; c1] 1 strike off, level off s.t. heaping. 2 gather small things piled on s.t. flat towards the center by bringing up the sides. Aku ray musapnig sa bugas arun dì mayabu, I’ll pile up the rice at the center of the mat so that it won’t spill over the edges. 3 [C3; c1] for a sheet to overlap s.t. Isapnig (sapníga) ang isig ka daplin sa papil, Let the edges of the paper overlap. 4 [A; c] put s.t. right next to s.t. else. Isapnig ang kaldíru sa kaláyu, Put the pot next to the fire.

sapnut a for a surface to be rough or tacky. Sapnut ang salug kay nagkabálas, The floor [878]is rough because it is covered with sand. v [B1; a12] be, become rough or sticky. Ubang sabun makasapnut (makapasapnut) sa pánit, Some soaps make the skin rough. Masapnut ang buhuk ug dílì syampúhan, The hair will become sticky if you don’t shampoo it.

sapsap1 v [A3; b(1)] trim down a piece of wood by chipping pieces off. Sapsápi ang usuk kay dì masulud, Trim down the stake because it won’t go in. -in- n chips of wood which result from this process.

sapsap2 v [B1] be rough, not smooth to chew, esp. unpolished, unhusked corn.

sapsap3 n k.o. fish, general name for slipmouths: Leiognathus spp.

sapsing a 1 lean, scrawny. Sapsing ning batáa, mau ra ug gíkan sa dapit nga may gútum, This child is scrawny, as if he comes from a place where they had a famine. 2 for an amount to be too meager to meet the need (euphemism). Mau ra nay kwarta mu pára átung ipanini? Sapsing ánà uy! Is that all you have for the movies? What a meager amount! v 1 [B1; b6] be, become lean or scrawny. Láyug ta ug gisapsíngan ka nákù, Let’s wrestle if you consider me scrawny. 2 [b6] consider an amount meager for the need.

sapsiyútir n sharpshooter. v [B12] be, become a sharpshooter.

sapsuy n Chinese dish of mixed vegetables. v [A12; a12] make, have chop suey.

sapu v [A; a] wipe, put s.t. back in place using the hands. Ayúhag sapu ang tipasì nga muaslay sa lusung, Scoop the spilled rice back to the mortar carefully. Sapuha kanang buhuk mu nga nagyungyung, Put your loose strands of hair back in place. paN- v [A2] cover one’s genitalia from view. Panapu dihà uy. Kítà ímung antitirhi, Pull the back of your dress up between your legs so people can’t see your hoosy.

sapud1 n the first few mature leaves of the tobacco plants. v 1 [B23; b6] for the first few leaves of the tobacco plant to develop. 2 [AN; a] gather the first few matured leaves of tobacco plants.

sapud2 a next. Akuy sapud nímu sa linya, I am next to you in line. v 1 [A23; c6] do next after s.o. does it. Musapud ku nímu ug bása ug mahuman ka, I will read it after you when you’re all done. Isapud ku ikaw ug latigu, I will whip you next. 2 [b(1)] be followed by another event. Wà pa gánì matúig ang bátà nasapdan dáyun, Another baby followed even before the first was a year old.

*sápul1 pa- v [A; b(1)] bring oneself to do or undertake s.t. Ngánung nagpasápul ka man ug dáru nga nagdaut pa man ka! Why do you undertake to plow when you’re still sick! n sponsorship. Kining amatyúra ubus sa pasápul sa Akmi Tríding, This singing contest is under the sponsorship of Acme Trading.

sápul2 = syápul1, 2.

sapun1 v 1 [A12; b2] catch s.o. doing s.t. Hisapnan sila sa amahan sa dalága, They were caught redhanded by the girl’s father. 2 [A12; a12b2] be on time to catch s.t. before it leaves. Makasapung pa ta sa byáhi, We can still catch the bus.

sapun2 = sapud2.

sapung n k.o. river fish trap, usually cylindrical in form with an opening at one end, placed facing downstream to catch fish or shrimps going upstream. v [AN; a] catch fish with this trap.

sap-ung v [A; b] cover or block an opening. Tingáli papil ang nakasap-ung sa túbu sa hugasan, Probably a piece of a paper has blocked up the drainpipe. Sap-úngi ug tabla ang bangag arun walay mabulasut, Cover the hole with a piece of wood so no one will step into it accidentally. paN- v [A] cover one’s nose, mouth, ears with s.t. Nanap-ung ku kay nanimáhù, I covered my nose because it stank.

sapunir v [A23; a3] for an idea to pop into one’s mind. Misapunir sa ákung alimpatakan nga gibinuángan ku, It suddenly occurred to me that I was being made a fool of. Nasapunir sa ákung hunàhúnà ang pagpanimalus, The idea of revenge came to my mind.

sapúpu v 1 [A; a12] have, pick up s.t. in one’s arms. Ngánung misapúpu man tu siya sa íyang mga sinínà ug milakaw? Why did she gather up her clothes in her arms and go away? Sapupúha (sapupúa) ang masusu arun dì tugnawun, Hold the baby in your arms so it won’t feel cold. 2 [A12; a12] receive, get hold of what is there. Ang bugtung anak mauy makasapúpu sa tanang kabílin, The only son gets all of the inheritance. Mauy nakasapúpu sa tanang kasábà, The one who received all the scoldings.

saput n clothes. v 1 [A13] wear clothes. Kadtung nagsaput ug putì, The one wearing white. 2 [A; c1] cloth s.t. in s.t. Saputan ang nangkà arun dílì tamasúkun, Cover the jackfruit so the worms can’t get at it. paN- n 1 attire, the k.o. clothes one wears as opposed to the type worn by other classes or on other occasions. Panaput sa tugnaw, [879]Winter clothing. 2 the way one dresses. Maáyu siyag panaput ug wà ilhing makalilímus, He dressed well, and no one recognized him as a beggar. panaptun n 1 cloth, ready to make into clothing. 2 piece of cloth, rag.

sáput n bad temper or mood. v [B146; a4] be in a bad mood. Ayaw siya ug pangutan-a kay nagsáput (gisáput) siya rung buntága, Don’t ask him questions because he is in a bad mood this morning. -un(→), salaptun a easily given to bad moods. v [B12] be, become cranky.

sapúti v [A; a12] do s.t. in a secret, dishonest way. Abtik nga misapúti sa baráha ang dílir, The dealer stacked the cards deftly. Ang inyu ra pud nga mga diligádu ang nagsapúti sa kumpirinsiya, It was your delegates that worked to undermine the conference. Ug ímung saputíhun ang buksing, wà nay mupusta nímu, If you throw the boxing match, no one will bet on you again. n thing done in a secret and dishonest manner.

sapwang = salapwang.

sapya v [A; c1] for the waves to lap gently at. Sapyáhun (isapya) sa mga balud ang mga lúsay ngadtu sa baybáyun, The waves gently carry the seaweeds to the seashore.

sapyà a 1 flat, said of s.t. which is normally full and bulging. Sapyà siyag dughan, She is flat-breasted. Sapyà nga batu ang íyang gilingkúran, He sat on a flat stone. 2 for a plate or bowl to be shallow. n a flat liquor bottle containing about 375 cc. v 1 [A3B; b6c1] flatten, become flat. Musapyà (masapyà) ang úlu sa bátà nga pirming maghayang, The head of an infant will get flat in the back if it is always laid on its back. Hílum. Nagsapyà lang nang ilung mu, Shut up! You and your flat nose. 2 [B] for s.t. rounded to become flattish.

sapyag = sabyag, 1.

sapyaw v [A; a] cup, scoop s.t. using both hands. Musapyaw kug bugas sa sáku, I will scoop up rice from the sack with my hands. n = salapyaw.

sapyur n driver of an automobile vehicle. v [A13; b(1)] drive a vehicle, be a driver.

sapyut a 1 ungainly posture characterized with hips too far forward. 2 for the buttocks to be flat, not full. v [B; a12P] having the hips too far forward or flat buttocks.

sarà = karun (dialectal).

sarabya 1 = gwayabanu. 2 = kardába.

saragáti a having a bad character, heartless, cruel, arousing resentment (euphemism for salbáhis). Saragáti kaáyu nang maistráha, dì malúuy muhagbung, That teacher is a real s.o.b. She has no qualms about failing people. Saragáti ning batáa, kahúgaw, What a nasty child you are. You’re so dirty.

sarahintu = sarhintu.

sarang 1 adequate. Mangítà kag trabáhu nga sarang nímu nga pangabuhían, Look for a job that will give you an income adequate for you to live on. Kaanyag nga sarang ikapanghambug, Beauty that is worth bragging about. 1a be up to doing. Nalunúpan ang átung báy. Unsa may sarang nátung mabúhat niíni? Our house is all flooded. What can we do about it? 2 properly and justly. Mau nay sarang kung ikasulti áning kahimtánga, That is what I can properly and with justice say about this situation. v [A12; c5] be up to doing s.t. properly or adequately. Makasarang kag báyad sa binulang balayranan? Are you able to keep up with the monthly payments? (←) n k.o. bamboo tray made of loosely woven bamboo strips, usually hung above the kitchen stove. -in-(←) n a simple weave of wide bamboo strips or palm leaflets. ka-an(←) n average, moderate. Mau niy kasarángang gidak-un sa púsù, This is the usual size of the corn ear.

saranggat (from sanggat) n 1 a sharp barb which is pointed in the opposite direction from a point at the tip of a dart, hook, or the like to prevent easy extraction. 2 group of four or more fishhooks tied together so that the hooks are facing in different directions, used for catching squid or any fish that come in masses. v 1 [A; b(1)] attach a barb. 1a [AN; a] fish, catch with a saranggat. 2 [B6; b5c] lodge, take hold like s.t. with a barb. Misaranggat sa íyang tutunlan ang bukug sa isdà, The fish bone stuck in his throat. 3 [A; a] scratch with a sharp, pointed instrument. Lansang nga tayaun ang nakasaranggat sa íyang lapalapa, It was a rusty nail that scratched the sole of his foot.

sarap1 a delicious, said only of food. Kasarap sa sud-an, What delicious food. v [B2; a] for food to be or become delicious.

sárap v 1 [A; a12] go over a place in fine detail so as not to miss anything. Sarápun ta ang kakahuyan arun kit-an ang bátà, Let’s search the woods thoroughly to find the child. 2 [c6] move one’s line of sight in a different direction. Isárap ang ímung mata sa wala arun mu makítà ang sakayan, Point your eyes to the left so you can see the boat. 3 [A; cP] dive and make a pass at s.t. Misárap ang ayruplánu sa bapur sa kaáway, The airplane buzzed the enemy ship. Gisarápan sa lángaw ang sabaw, The fly made a pass over the soup. paN- v [A13; b6] go fishing with the sarap. (→)2 n finely woven [880]fish net dragged by two or more people walking in shallow water.

sarásay v [B26; a3] move in a waving, zigzag manner. Misarásay ang hubug, The drunk zigzagged as he walked. Usa ka kusug nga suntuk nakasarásay (nakapasarásay) nákù, A strong blow made me stagger. wátir — n coconut palm toddy, or, by extension, any alcoholic drink.

sardínas n 1 fish in oval cans. 2 any fish canned whole. v [A2S; b6] have canned fish. -in-(→) a closely packed, like sardines. v [A13; a12] be packed tight in a place for few people. Nagsinardinas ang mga táwu ug sakay sa trák, The people were packed in the bus like sardines.

sargáti = saragáti.

sarguylas = siriguylas.

sarhintu n sergeant. v [B36; a12] be, become, make one a sergeant. — dimísa n desk sergeant. v [B36; a12] become a desk sergeant.

saril = salir1, 2.

saring n class in school. -an n place where classes are held. ka-(←) n classmate.

sarìsárì n 1 all different types of things sold in one place. 1a category of store which sells miscellaneous items in small quantities. Dì ka na mulukat ug lisinsiya kay sarìsárì ra man nang tindáhan mu, You don’t have to get a license for your dime store. 1b be of all different types. Sarìsárì ílang písang gibaligyà, They sell spare parts of various brands. 2 dish made of pork with various vegetables and liver and sautéed. 2a dish made of various greens mixed with diced squash and eggplants and stewed. v [A13; a12] be varied or of different kinds. Sarìsaríun nátù ang klási sa prútas arun náay átung kailin-ilínan, Let’s serve fruits of different kinds so we can have a choice.

sarlistun n Charleston dance. v [A12; a12] dance the Charleston.

sarsa1 = salsa.

sarsa2 n bottle cap.

sarsaparilya n k.o. sweetened carbonated beverage similar to root beer.

sarsuyla n 1 zarzuela, a form of musical comedy. 2 the second part of the pastúra (shepherd’s play) wherein each lady participant renders a song and dance number. v [A; b6c1] present, stage a zarzuela.

sartin n an enamel-plated metal plate or drinking cup. v [A; a2] provide, use such a utensil.

sáru n 1 goblet. 2 the heady wine of love in sexual pleasure (literary). Malipáyun kaáyu ang nanaghigugmaay nga nagdimdim sa sáru sa gugma, The two lovebirds are happy [880]drinking the wine of love.

saruk n 1 a wide-brimmed hat with a sharp metal point at the center, tapering to the brim, usually made of buri palm leaves and black climbing fern (nítù), used as a protection against the sun. 2 hat in general (usage in areas which call the sun hat salukut). v [A; a] wear, make into a hat of this sort. saruksaruk n k.o. edible limpet, from 1″–3″, so called because of its resemblance to the saruk.

sarul1 n hoe with a short handle used for breaking up soil. v [A13; a12] loosen the soil with a hoe.

sarul2 = tsarul.

sarung, sárung n sarong, worn by Muslim men and women. v [A; c1] wear, make into a sarong.

sarunsuy n sweet made of white rice cake wrapped in banana leaves, steamed and shaped like a canoe. v [A; a] make into sarunsuy.

sása = salasa2.

sàsà v [A; a12] crack and flatten bamboo stems so as to make them resemble and serve as boards for walling. n sheet of cracked and flattened bamboo for walling, or the walling of this sort of material.

sasag n k.o. exterior walling made of bamboo slats and palm thatch, nailed to wooden studs.

sásing n k.o. edible, white worm of the mud near the seashore.

sasirdúti n priests of other religions than the Roman Catholic. labaw nga — High Priest. v [A13; a12P] be a priest.

sastri n 1 seamstress, dressmaker. 2 tailor. v [B156] be, become a tailor or seamstress. paN- v [A2; b6] go into the tailoring or dressmaking business. -ríya n dress or tailor shop.

sátan = salátan.

satanas n 1 Satan. 2 devil.

satgan n shotgun. v [a12] fire at with a shotgun.

satin n satin.

satispitsu a 1 satisfied with the way s.o. does s.t. Satispitsu ku sa íyang ági, I’m satisfied with his work. 2 satisfied, convinced by an argument or explanation. v [B12] be satisfied with work or an explanation. Kadtung íyang iksplikasiyun walà makasatispitsu (makapasatispitsu) ug diyútay kanákù, His explanation did not convince me a bit.

satsat v 1 [A12; c1] slurp, eat or drink in a noisy sucking way. 2 [A; c3] gossip, engage in idle talk. Ayawg isatsat ang átung gisultíhan, Don’t go blabbing around what we [881]have been talking about. n idle talk, esp. gossip. -ay v [c] engage in idle gossip. -íra n gossip.

sátu, sátum n children’s game played with two sticks, in which one is flipped in the air and struck a distance. The one who hits his stick the shortest way is punished by being made to run a certain distance shouting sátu (sátum). v [A1; b6] play this game.

satung v [A2; c1] 1 rush off and do s.t. Napáwul ang ránir nga misatung ug dágan sa wà pay butu, The runner who started before the go-signal was declared foul. 2 do s.t. straight without pausing for breath. Dì ku makasatung ug inum ug usa ka búl tubà, I cannot drink a whole jarful of palm toddy straight.

sátung (from satung) = sátu.

saud v 1 [B256C3; c] press s.t. hard against s.t. Walà nay kasibúgan ang lamísa kay misaud (nasaud) nas bungbung, You can’t move the table any further because it is already pressed against the wall. Nagsáud ang katri ug ang síya, The bed and the chair are pressed against each other. 2 [A; c] knock s.t. hard against s.t. Ákung gisaud ang lubi sa batu, I knocked the coconut against the stone.

saudsaud v [A; c1] do, occur one after another in rapid succession. Misaudsaud ang dimálas níya, He was hit by bad luck without letup. Labihang nakasaudsaud sa mga pumapálit niánang buntag, The buyers came steadily all morning long.

saudsáud v [A23C] be on friendly, cooperative terms, help each other when help is needed. Nagsaudsáud ang mga managsúun sa buluhatun sa balay, The brothers and sisters cooperated with one another in doing the household chores.

sáug v 1 [A; c1] drag a boat ashore or back to the sea. Tabangan tag sáug ang barútu, Let’s all help drag the boat ashore. 2 [A3; a12] move, carry away by an emotion (literary). Gisáug siya sa usa ka tawhánung pagbátì, She was carried away by an ecstatic feeling. -l-an(→), -l-anan n place where one usually drags a boat in going ashore or back to the sea.

sául n highest point of pain in labor when the baby is expelled. v [b4] reach this point in labor. Gisaúlan na ang babáying nagbatì, The woman in labor is in acute pain now.

saulì see ulì.

saulu = sag-ulu. see úlu.

saúlug v [A; b5] celebrate the memory of some event. Dílì ku musaúlug sa ákung adlaw, I will not celebrate my birthday. Magsaúlug mi sa ámung pyista rung dúsi ning bulána, We will celebrate our fiesta on the twelfth of this month. n celebration.

sáun short for unsáun. see unsa.

saup1 n sharecropper. Dílì ni ákung yútà, saup lang ku dinhi, This is not my land. I’m just a sharecropper here. v [A; b6] work a piece of land by sharecropping. paN- v [A2; b6] earn one’s living as a sharecropper. n sharecropping.

saup2 v [b4] be in an angry mood. Gisaupan ku kay gilabtan ag ákung butang, I was in a bad mood because s.o. touched my things.

sáup v 1 [A; ac] for a liquid or water level to be above the surface of s.t. Kinahanglang musáup ang túbig sa karning lat-an, If you boil meat, the water level should be above it. Gisaúpan (gisáup) sa túbig ang dakung pátag, The vast plain was flooded with water. 2 [A; b(1)] flood with feelings. Misáup sa íyang dughan ang hilabihang kamíngaw, She was overwhelmed with feelings of loneliness. Gútum nga misáup sa balángay, A famine which overwhelmed the village.

sáuy v [A13] for all sorts of people to move around in all directions in a certain place. sauysáuy v [A; b(1)] go back and forth over a place. May táwu nga misauysáuy tungud sa átù, There was a man who was going to and fro in front of our house. Mga mamistáhay nga nagsauysáuy sa kadalánan angat sa pyista, People passing back and forth in front of our house during the fiesta.

sawa n 1 large snake. 2 python. — nga baksan banded python.

saw-a a feeling uneasy when one stops doing things he usually does. Saw-a kaáyu ug dì ku maggirdul, I feel uneasy if I don’t wear a girdle. v [b4] get this feeling of uneasiness.

sawad n the measure of corn (usually basketful) left over after the crop has been divided. Sawad nga tungà sa bukag, A remainder of half a basketful after the crop had been divided.

sawáli = amákan.

sáwan a giving a dizzying feeling from looking down from heights. Sáwan ang walug gíkan sa tumuy sa búkid, It is dizzying to look down into the valley from the top of the mountain. n intense fear or shock. v 1 [b4] get a dizzy feeling. 2 [A123P; a4] be intensely frightened. Gisáwan ku sa butu sa bumba, I was terribly frightened by the explosion of the bomb. -anan(→) a prone to intense fright.

sáwang n town proper, the part of the town where the people are concentrated.

sawásid = saluwásid. [882]

saway v 1 [AN; a1c] speak disparagingly about s.t., mention bad qualities of s.t. Kadtung magsaway áning panaptúna dílì swítu sa panaptun, Whoever speaks disparagingly of this cloth doesn’t know anything about cloth. Walà kuy ikasaway (ikapanaway) sa íyang panglíhuk, I have nothing to criticize about his deportment. 2 [A12] disapprove, consider s.t. improper. Nakasaway ku sa íyang gisulti sa íyang diskursu, I think it’s improper what he said in his speech. hiN- v [B1256; b4(1)] disapprove, consider s.t. as improper. Unsa may nahinawayan nímu níya? What do you disapprove of in him? -l-un(←) a worthy of condemnation. Ang paglibak usa ka búhat nga salawáyun, Speaking ill of others is a contemptible act. v [B1256] become contemptible. hiN-un(←) a fond of criticizing or disparaging. v [B1256] be given to criticizing.

sawi a giving a feeling of uneasiness when s.t. is new. Sawi kaáyu ang antiyúhus basta bag-u pa, One doesn’t feel comfortable wearing glasses for the first time. v [b6] feel uncomfortable with s.t. new. Sawihan kaáyu kus marpil, I don’t feel comfortable with my new false teeth.

saw-id v [A23C3; a2] join two strands by winding them around each other, hook the fingers together. ‘Matay pa, tinúud lagi,’ nanumpà siya nga gisaw-id ang duha ka tudlù, ‘So help me it’s true,’ she insisted, hooking her two fingers together. Nagkasaw-id ang hukut sa duha ka bábuy, The tether ropes of the two pigs got tangled up in each other.

sáwil n children’s game wherein objects are placed in a circle for the players to hit out of the circle using a piece designated to hit other pieces. v [AC; a2] play this game.

sawilik (from wilik) v 1 [A13; c] flick s.t. away with the back of the hand. Ayaw ug isawilik ang úlud diri nákù, Do not flick the worm off on me. 2 [c] push or move aside or away, as if flicking. Isawilik lang unyà ang hábul ug galhaan ka, Just push the blanket aside if you feel warm.

saw-it v [b8] be caught or snagged by s.t. Walà masaw-iti ang kabli sa sáhid, The grapnel did not catch on the cable.

sawpan = salúpan. see salup.

sawsaw v [A13; c6] dunk s.t. into s.t. else and shake it around. Kinsay nagsawsaw áring túbig nga nahúgaw man? Who dunked (his hand) into the water (and swished it around)? It is dirty. Karing sukáa sawsáwi sa sinugbang bábuy, Dunk your roast pork and swish it around in this vinegar. Isawsaw ang nuug sa túbig, Swish the rag around in the water.

sawsyung n 1 a player who inadvertently gets more cards than the required number. 2 a player who announces mahjong on a false alarm, penalized if the other players have displayed their hands.

sawu- for words with sawu- see also salu-.

sáwun n 1 sound system of a movie. Kláru ug sáwun nang sinihána, That movie house has a clear sound system. 2 way — saying nothing in a group conversation (humorous). Tíngug bay, wà ka may sáwun dihà, Say s.t., pal. You haven’t said a word yet. — sirbis, sistim public address system.

sáwut = sur.

sawuy v [A13] feel weak and sickly from bad health. Magsawuy giyud ku ug musakit ang ákung ngípun, I feel ill whenever I have a toothache.

sáya n skirt of the native dress, usually ankle-length and generally having a tail, wound around and tucked in front. di- see abab and andir. v [A; a12] wear, make into a skirt of this sort. Ayaw kadispirádu. Siya ra bay nagsáya? Don’t get desperate. Is she the only fish in the sea (lit. only one wearing a skirt)? — sa búnga v [A13] for trees to bear fruit in abundance. Nagsáya sa búnga ang mangga nga maáyung pagkagalam, A mango tree that is well taken care of bears fruit in abundance.

sayà1 a 1 being in a merry or joyful mood. Ang dag-an sayag panagway, The winner had a joyful expression on his face. 2 engendering good feeling. Hílum ug sayà nga kabuntágun, Quiet and pleasant morning. v [A13B1] be, make merry. Magsayà ta kay Pasku run, Let’s be merry because it’s Christmas. ka- n mirth, gaiety. ka-an(←), kasayáhan n entertainment. Kasayáhan (kasayáan) sa karnabal, Entertainments at the carnival. ma-un(←) a gay and lighthearted.

*sayà2 pa- v [A; c6] leave, expose s.t. carelessly for others to be able to see or touch it. Nagpasayà silag háluk sa parki, They kissed openly for all the world to see in the park. Ayaw ipasayà nang sundang sa agiánan, Don’t just leave that bolo carelessly in the passageway. sayàsayà v [c6] expose s.t. carelessly or for public view. Musamut ang ímung ubu kun isayàsayà mu ang ímung láwas sa tun-ug, Your cold will persist if you expose yourself in the draft.

say-a1 v 1 [B1256; b6] for s.t. that fell to be caught atop s.t. Nasay-a sa sandayung ang búlang gilábay, The ball that was tossed landed in the gutter. 2 [A; b8] wind up s.w. Ang táwung maantígung mutrabáhu makakaun [883]bisag ása musay-a, A man who knows how to work can eat wherever he winds up. 2a stay in s.o. else’s home temporarily. Makasay-a kahà mi sa inyu ug magabin-an mi? Can we stay at your place if we are overtaken by night? Kamurúsan ang nasay-ahan sa mga bakwit, The evacuees happened to stay among the Muslims. say-asay-a = say-a, 2, 2a.

say-a2 v [B3(1)6; b6] overflow from a container. Nagsay-a ang isdà sa íyang sakayan, His boat is filled to overflowing with his catch. Napáwung ang káyu sa abúhan nga gisay-ahan sa sabaw, The fire went out when the soup spilled over on it.

sayab n k.o. disease affecting chicks making them droop. v [A13P] get this sickness. Magsayab ang mga pisù basta tinginit, During the hot season the wings of newly-hatched chicks droop.

sayad v [A; c1] for the hem of a dress or robe to touch the ground. Ang sidsid sa sutána mauy únang mabuling kay mau may musayad sa yútà, The hem of a soutane gets dirty first because that is what touches the ground.

sayag a cheerful or bright of countenance: bright and clear. Sayag na ang lángit kay gipálid na man ang dag-um, The heavens are bright again because the clouds have been blown away. v [B; c1] be, become cheerful or bright and clear. Musayag ang dagway sa mga maistra ug muabut ang tsíki, The teachers get a bright look on their faces when their paychecks arrive. -un a having a happy and cheerful countenance or disposition.

sayal n skirt. Sayal ug bláwus ang íyang sinínà, She wore a skirt and blouse. v 1 [A; c] wear a skirt. 2 [a12] make into a skirt.

sáyang expression of regret at s.t. wasted or an opportunity missed. Sáyang lang ang ákung pag-anhi kay wà mi magkítà, I came for nothing because we didn’t meet. Sáyang wà nákù madá ang ákung báting sut. Mangalígù tà ta, Too bad I didn’t bring my bathing suit. We could have gone swimming. v [B1256; b6] for s.t. to be a waste, consider it so.

sáyans n 1 science. Tungud sa sáyans nakaabut ang táwu sa búlan, Science has allowed man to reach the moon. 2 science course.

sayantis, sayantist n scientist. v [B156] be, become a scientist.

sayaw n general name for swifts: Collocalia spp. -in- a having the form of a swift in flight or of its tail.

sáyaw v 1 [AC; c] dance. Dì ku makigsáyaw ug hubug, I won’t dance with a drunk. Isáyaw ta kag makaduha ug mamaúlì na ta, I will dance with you twice, and then we’ll go home. 2 [A23] by extension, any movement likened to dancing. Misáyaw ang mga dáhun sa hángin, The leaves danced in the breeze. — ang kasingkásing v [A23] be gladdened (literary). Misáyaw ang íyang kasingkásing dihang gisugut siya, His heart danced when the girl accepted him. n dance. Sáyaw sa mga karáan, The dance of the old-timers. Pistang way sáyaw, A fiesta with no dance. sayawsáyaw n dance presentation, esp. folk dance. -an(→), -anan n dance hall, dance floor. hiN-(→) a fond of dancing. -in-an(→) n way of dancing. maN-r-(→) n dancers.

sayhanan n rack or anything flat on to which or over which s.t. can be laid. Gibutang níya ang awditíbu sa sayhanan, She put the receiver down on the cradle.

sayid-áwut n in volleyball, the situation where the serving team makes an error and loses the serve.

sayid bit n an extra bet with an individual in addition to the main bet of the game. v 1 [AC; c] make a side bet. 2 [A; a1] for a husband to play around with other women. Daug kaáyu siya sa asáwa. Dì giyud makasayidbit, He is such a hen-pecked husband he can never fool around.

sayid layin n 1 sideline, s.t. one does in addition to his usual occupation. 2 a married man’s mistress (humorous). Dílì nà asáwa uy, sayid layin lang nà, That’s not his wife. That’s his mistress. v 1 [A; c] have a sideline. 2 [A13] maintain a mistress.

sayid tru n throw-in in basketball. v [A; c] make a throw-in.

sayidwuk n sidewalk, as the place where things are sold. Didtu nákù palita sa sayidwuk, I bought it from a sidewalk vendor. — bindur n one who sells items displayed on the sidewalk or the stand or stall selling things on the sidewalk.

sayin1 v [A; b6] shine, polish the shoes. — syús expression uttered by shoeshine boys in asking s.o. if he wants his shoes shined. — syu buy n shoeshine boy.

sayin2 v [A; b6] sign. Gisaynan na nákù ang tsíki, I have signed the check.

sayinburd n 1 billboard. 2 sign indicating where a vehicle is going.

sayintist = sayantis.

sayin-up v [A; c6] terminate a broadcast, sign off for the day. n action of signing off for the day.

sayis1 number six. see tris for verb forms.

sayit1 v [A; a] cite s.t. in reference or evidence. Musayit ka sa urdinansa pabur sa ímung [884]pitisiyun, You quote the ordinance in favor of your petition.

sayit2 v [A; a2] sight, aim a firearm. n sight of a weapon.

sayit3 n eyesight (humorous).

saylà = suylà.

saylinsǐr n silencer, muffler of a combustion engine or silencer of a weapon.

saylu v 1 [A2C3; c] pass, bring by beyond s.w., pass s.o. by. Musaylu ka man lang, mu rag dì ta kaíla, You just pass me by as if we didn’t know each other. Musaylu ning karsadáha sa Talísay? Does this road go beyond Talisay? Atras. Nasayluan nátù ang ámù, Back up. We passed by our house. Isaylu lang ku sa unáhan sa taytáyan, Just drop me a little way beyond the bridge. 2 [A2; c6] do s.t. beyond a certain point in space and time. Ug musaylu sa alas utsu ímung pagpaúlì, dílì ka ablíhan sa pultahan, If you come home after eight o’clock, they won’t open the door for you. 3 [A1; b(1)] omit, leave s.t. out. Ayawg saylui ang rúsas ug magtubig ka sa mga tanum, When you water the plants, don’t forget the rosebush. a farther up, beyond, or into. Ang íla saylu pa kaáyu sa ámù, Their place is way beyond my place. saylusaylu v 1 [A3C] pass s.w. or each other repeatedly. Musaylusaylu ka man lag ági sa balay. Dì ka man giyung kahapit, You just keep going by our house, but you never drop in. Nagsaylusaylu ang mga trák, The buses kept passing each other. 2 [c1] overlap each other in alternating motion. Saylusaylúa (isaylusaylu) ang mga tiil igsáyaw nímu, When you dance make your left go over your right and then your right over your left. 3 [b] bypass. Gisaylusaylúan lang ang ákung mga papílis kay wà man ku muhátag ug bigay, My papers were just bypassed, because I didn’t give any grease money. pa- v [A; a12] forgive, pardon. Ang prisidinti nagpasaylu ug dúsi ka binilanggù karung Pasku, The president pardoned twelve prisoners this Christmas. n forgiveness. mapa-un a forgiving.

saylub v [A3C3; aP] 1 overlap. Ang duha ka tumuy nagsaylub ug mga dus purgádas, The two ends overlap by about 2″. 2 = saylu, but not with pa-.

saynus n sinusitis. v [a4] have sinusitis. -un(→) a having sinusitis.

saysay v [A; c] narrate, relate. Saysáyan ta ka unsay tinúud nga nahitabù, Let me tell you what really happened. Isaysay níya nímu ang mga paági sa pag-aplay, He will tell you the procedure for applying. n narration, declaration. Nakumbinsǐr siya sa mga saysay sa mga bakákun, He was convinced by the false declarations. lakbit — n synopsis. sagbat — v [A23] relate s.t. by cutting in on a conversation. ka-an n 1 history, chain of events. Mau tuy talagsaung hitabù sa kasaysáyan sa ikaduhang gúbat, That was an unusual event in the history of the Second World War. 2 legend, story handed down by tradition. Kasaysáyan sa amù ug sa bau, The tale of the monkey and the turtle. -l-un a eventful. Ang ílang kasal usa ka salaysáyung hitabù sa ámung baryu, Their wedding was an event of great moment in our village. maka-anun a historic, full of history. Manúaw sila sa makasaysayánun nga pulù sa Kurihidur, They will visit the historic island of Corregidor.

saysinta numeral sixty. see disiutsu for verb forms.

sayu a early. Sa sayung kabuntágun, In the early part of the morning. Sayu ming míabut. Dúgay pa ang prugrámang magsúgud, We arrived early. The program won’t begin for some time. v [AB5; c1] be or do s.t. early. Sayuhun (isayu) nímu ug híkay ang pamáhaw arun makasayu ka sa iskuylahan, Prepare breakfast early so you can get to school early. sayusayu v [A2; c1] do s.t. a little early, or a little too early.

sáyud v 1 [B1256; b4(1)] know; have cognizance or awareness of s.t. Nasáyud aku nga usa ninyu namutbut, I know that one of you is telling a lie. Wà ku masáyud kun háin ang ílang balay, I don’t know where their house is. 2 [b(1)] tell s.o. about s.t., give information, news, etc. Sayran ta kang dáan nga si Binduy usa ka minyù, Let me inform you beforehand that Bendoy is a married man. 3 [A; b] hold the sáyud ceremony. Human na mi makasáyud. Kasal na lay kúwang, We have already held the formal betrothal ceremony. Now only the wedding is left. n the ceremony held after the pamaláyi (in which the marriage proposal is made) in which the prospective groom returns to the bride’s family to find out whether or not they accept. In this ceremony all formal agreements and terms are stated, and the couple is engaged. a be thoroughly acquainted with s.t. Sáyud aku sa mga kinaíya sa mga táwu dinhi, I’m thoroughly acquainted with what the people here are like. paki- v [A13; b(1)] ask information about s.t. Magpakisáyud tag unsay nahitabù, Let’s ask what happened. n request for information. sinayúran n a girl who is engaged and has gone through the sáyud ceremony. v [B1256] be formally betrothed. kasayúran n information. [885]masinayúrun a informative.

sayukmù v [B5; c1] for the chin and lower jaw to jut out, esp. when one is pouting or sulking. Musamut kag kangil-ad ug musayukmù ang ímung suwang, You look more ugly if you let your chin protrude. Ug way marpil musayukmù ang suwang, If you do not have false teeth your chin will jut out. a 1 for the chin to be sticking out. 2 for the face to be squat and wide.

sayun a easy. Sayun kaáyu ang iksámin, The test was very easy. Sayun man gung bayhána maung pirming paangkan, That woman is easily had. She has had several children out of wedlock. v 1 [A12B125; a2] be or make s.t. easy. Sayun nà siya patuhúun, It’s easy to make him believe s.t. Ug gisayunan ka sa iksámin, handrid giyud ka, If you consider the test easy, you must have made a hundred. 2 [b(1)] be too familiar with s.o. so as to take him for granted. Ngánung manggáwì ka man sa ákung mga butang? Mu rag gisayunan ka nákù, Why do you use my things? It seems as though you take me for granted. sayunsáyun v [a12] 1 do s.t. with great ease or facility. Gisayunsáyun lang níya ug húbad ang ‘Ultimu Adiyus,’ He just translated the ‘Last Farewell’ with the greatest of ease. 2 take s.o. for granted. Sayunsayúnun (sayunsayunun) lang ku ninyu nu, ábi kay minsahíru ra man ku, You give me orders just like that just because I’m a mere messenger here. paka- v [A13; a12] take s.o. or s.t. for granted. Nagpakasayun ka lag kúhà sa ákung kinawus, You just help yourself to the water I fetched. Gipakasayun lang níla ang kaminyúun, They think marriage is such an easy thing. ka- n ease, facility of doing s.t.

sayup a wrong, erroneous. Sayup kaáyu tung ímung tubag, Your answer was wrong. n error, mistake. Náay sayup sa ímung lista, There is an error in your list. v 1 [B12; a2b2] be wrong, make a mistake. Nasayup ku sa ákung kalkúlu, I am wrong in my calculation. Ug masayup ka bísag kas-a, payir-awtun ta ka, Make just one mistake and you are out. Mau ning prublimáha ákung nasaypan, This is the problem I made the mistake in. 1a [b8] mistake s.o. for s.o. else. Hisaypan ka unyà sa pagkapampam ug mau nay ímung isul-ub, If that’s what you wear they’ll mistake you for a prostitute. 2 [a12] fail to avail oneself of an opportunity. Ayaw ug saypa ang sunud nga yugtù sa maung isturya, Don’t miss the next installment of the story. 3 [A23] escape, avoid a trap. Kanang lagsáwa dílì na giyud musayup áning balag-únga, That deer will not escape this trap for sure. masalaypun, masaypánun a erring. Ang íyang masalaypun (masaypánun) nga bána nangáyù na pug pasaylu, Her erring husband is now asking for forgiveness. kasaypánan, ka-an(←) n wrong, moral infractions. Ang kasaypánan nga ímung gihímù sa ímung asáwa, The wrongs you have done to your wife. see also istíping.

sayúti, sayútis n k.o. vegetable, similar in appearance to a pear, cooked and eaten like squash, growing on a climbing vine with squash-like leaves: Sechium edule.

si1 particle before names or titles of persons used in constructions which require the nominative. Si Pidru ákung ig-ágaw, Pedro is my cousin. Si Tátay, Father. — kinsa who does he think he is? Si kinsa ba siya nga musulti sa ingun? Who does he think he is to say that? Nagmandarmandar siya nákù mau ra ug si kinsa, He was ordering me around as though he were s.o. see also ni1 and kang1.

si2 n letter C.

yes, used only in response by people who are influenced by Spanish or jokingly by people who know a smattering of Spanish.

n sound used to drive away dogs and other small animals, but not fowls and pigs.

síad v 1 [B; b6] become distended or burst, as from internal pressure. Misíad ang ligid human bumbáhi, The tire became inflated after air was pumped into it. Nasíad na ang tiyan sa burus, The pregnant mother’s abdomen has become distended. 2 [B2; b6] be, become luxuriant or lush in growth. Misíad ang túbù sa tanum nga nating-ulan na, The plants have become lush in their growth now that the rainy season has set in.

siak v 1 [A; a12] split s.t. along the grain. Masiak ang tabla ug ibulad sa ínit, The board will crack if you leave it under the sun. 1a — sa úlu v [A12B1256] be a great mental burden. Suliran nga makasiak sa ákung úlu, A problem that can crack your head. 2 [A3; a12] disturb violently as if to crack. Singgit nga misiak sa kahílum sa kagabhíun, A shout that rent the stillness of the night. 3 [b3(1)] be worried, angry, sad. Masukù lang nà siya bísag way gikasiakan (gikasik-an, gikasilik-an), He gets angry even without cause. kasilik-an n enmity, misunderstanding.

siákù short for unsa bay ákù. see unsa, 1d.

siang v [B34] 1 come out partly. Misiang na ang adlaw, The sun is partly out now. Nagsiang na ang bátà, The child is now coming out. 2 for the vaginal opening to dilate. Sa [886]dì pa makasiang ang pwirtu, tawga na ang midwayip, Call the midwife before the vaginal opening dilates.

siátab see átab.

siaw a 1 mischievous, given to doing irresponsible but harmless fun. Siaw kaáyu ning batáa kay íyang gihuktan ug písì ang íkug sa irù, This child is very mischievous because he tied a rope to the dog’s tail. 2 misbehaving. Siaw batáa, way disiplína, A misbehaving, undisciplined child. — sa babáyi philandering. v [B123; b6] be, become mischievous, misbehaving. (←) v 1 [A23] get worse; grow more [adj.]. Ug pahilúmun siya, musíaw siya hinúun, If he is told to keep quiet, he gets noisier instead. 1a be, become worse, more intense. Misíaw ang ilagà sa Mindanaw, The rats are getting worse and worse in Mindanao. 2 [A13; b6] joke, play a prank on. Nagsíaw ka tingáli kay láin ang nutisya nga ákung nadunggan, You must be joking because I heard a different story. pa- v [A1] engage in mischief. Ug magpasíaw ka, mabanhà ang klási, If you are mischievous, the class will be noisy. ma-un a characterized with jocularity.

siawan = awayan. see áway.

síay v 1 [A3PC3] for different smells, tastes, atmospheres to be mixed together in one place. Ang tánang báhù nagsíay sa simbahan, All different odors are mixed together inside the church. 2 [A23C3] for different smells or atmospheres to mix and contradict each other. Magkasíay ang ginamus ug kámay ug dungánun pagkáun, Fish paste and brown sugar do not go well if you eat them together.

siay-is n acronym for the Criminal Investigation Service.

siba v [A; c] 1 add fuel to a fire to increase it or keep it going. 2 incite, get s.o. to do s.t. bad. Siyay nagsiba sa mga istudiyanti pagdimunstrít, He incited the students to demonstrate. †

síbà v [A2; b6] sip nectar from a flower. Mau niy klási sa búlak nga sibáan sa mga alibangbang, This is the class of flowers the butterflies sip nectar from. -un(→), -l-un(→) n flowers that are attractive to birds and insects.

sibakung v [A; c] cook a mixture of rice and corn grits.

síbang v [A; b6] nick a blade. (→) a nicked. n nick in a blade.

sibásid = saluwásid.

sibat1 v 1 [A2; b6] get out of s.w., usually without leave. Musibat ta sa prugráma arun dílì ta hingtawgan ug pakanta, Let us get out of this place before we are called upon to sing. Wà ka kinahanglána dinhi. Hala, sibat! You are not wanted here, So, scram! 2 [A1; c1] take s.t. without permission. Sibatun (isibat) ku ning libru ug walay magtan-aw, I will take this book when nobody is looking. †

sibat2 n small fishing spear, usually made of wire as thick as a man’s finger or bamboo pointed at one tip. v 1 [A; a] spear using the sibat. 2 [a12] make into a sibat.

síbaw v 1 [A2; b2] bounce from s.t. towards s.t. Misíbaw nákù ang búla nga gilábay sa bungbung, The ball was thrown against the wall and bounced toward me. 2 [A3] for a sound to reverberate and be noisy so as to rise above other sounds. Misíbaw ang butubutu sa mga ribintadur, The explosion of firecrackers resounded. 3 [B246] rise to an alarming proportion. Misíbaw karun pag-áyu ang pangáwat, Robberies have increased to alarming proportions. ka- n turmoil, confused noises, tumultuous sounds.

sibay n an extension room added to an already existing dwelling, with the floor raised some distance from the ground. v [A13; b6] add an extension to a house. sibaysíbay n woman maintained by a married man. Ang sibaysíbay sa íyang bána hustis, Her husband’s woman is a night-club hostess. v [A; abc] for a married man to maintain a woman.

sibáya = kisibáya.

*sibika, *sibiku kapunúngang — n civic organization. hinábang nga — civic aid.

sibil n 1 civil, not by the church. Sa sibil lang ta magpakasal, Let’s make it a civil marriage. Sibil nga mintiryu, Public cemetery. 2 = gwardiya sibil. v [c1] have a civil wedding. gíra — civil war. gwardiya — Civil Guard of the Philippines during Spanish times. -in- v [A; c1] punish s.o. heavily or make s.o. do a lot of work rapidly (as the Spanish civil guards do). Maáyung musinibil ug súgù sa mga sinuhúlan apan dílì maáyung mupakáun, Knows how to make farmhands work hard but doesn’t give them enough food to eat. Dì na run magsinibil ug kastígu ang mga maistra sa klási kay manúkul na man run ang mga istudiyanti, Teachers do not inflict heavy punishments in class any more because nowadays the students fight back.

*síbil — sirbis n civil service. — sirbis tist Civil Service test.

sibilisar v [A; a12] civilize. sibilisádu a civilized, well-mannered. v [B12] be, become civilized. sibilisasiyun n civilization. [887]

sibilsíbil n game of hide-and-seek played in pairs. v [A12C; c1] play hide-and-seek in pairs.

sibilyan n 1 civilian. 2 ordinary clothes as opposed to a uniform or frock. v 1 [A1] wear civilian attire or ordinary clothes as opposed to a uniform or frock. Dì giyud mailhan nga párì kay nagsibilyan man, You’d never know he was a priest because he was wearing ordinary clothes. 2 [a3] become a civilian.

síbin1 v [A; b6] 1 wipe s.o.’s face or any other part of the body with a moist cloth. 2 shave hair on the body. paN- v [A2; b6] 1 wipe one’s face with a wet cloth. 2 shave one’s body hair.

síbin2 v [b4] be a hermaphrodite. Gisibínan ang anak ni Maríya, Maria’s child had both male and female genital organs. -an a hermaphrodite.

sibin-ilíbin n k.o. dice game. v [A; c1] 1 play this game. 2 for males to masturbate (slang).

síbin pirs = síti páris. see síti.

síbins gríd n seventh grade of elementary schools. Karun wà nay síbins gríd, They have abolished the seventh grade of elementary schools. v [A3] be or get to be in the seventh grade.

sibintiit n 78 rpm record.

sibinti páak n grade of seventy-five, the lowest passing grade (humorous slang). v [A12] get seventy-five.

sibinti siks n k.o. rice introduced by the PACD.

sibit n 1 safety pin. 2 = pálud. v [A; b5] 1 fasten in with a safety pin. Sibta (sibti) ang lampin, Pin the diapers. 2 = pálud. -in- = pálud, n.

sibsib v 1 [A; a2b2] for animals that graze to nibble at plants. Hingsibsiban ang rúsas sa kanding, The goat nibbled at my rosebush. 2 [AN; a] nibble at s.t. boney to get at the meaty parts. Ákung sibsíbun ang mga bukug kay nía man dinhi ang lamì, I’ll nibble at the bones, for that is where the delicious parts are. paN- v [A2] graze. Didtu sa lagúna nanibsib ang kabáyù, The horse was grazing in the meadow. -anan n pasture.

síbu n fat of bovine and other animals with hooves, except pigs. v [B1245; b6] put beef fat. Nagkasíbu ang linat-an, The stew is full of fat. Sibúhi ang ímung hiraminta arun dílì tay-an, Smear beef fat on your tools so they won’t get rusty.

síbù a 1 fitting precisely, of exact dimension. Kining twirkáha síbù kaáyu sa pirnu, This nut fits precisely into the bolt. 1a exactly [so-and-so] long, at [such-and-such] a time. Síbung duha ka túig, Exactly two years. Síbung alas dúsi, At exactly twelve o’clock. 2 timepiece synchronized with another, musical instrument tuned to another. Dílì síbù ang ákung rilu sa íyang rilu. Alas dus nas íya apan walà pa diris ákù, My watch isn’t running at the same time as his. He has two o’clock, but I don’t. 3 harmonizing with, fittingly with the personality. Ang íyang papil sa dráma síbù kaáyu sa íyang pagkatáwu, His role in the drama fits his personality perfectly. 4 commensurate, proper in kind. Kadtung ímung tratamyintu níya síbù sa íyang nabúhat, What you did to him is just appropriate for what he did to you. 5 for the moon to be full. v 1 [A2] fit into s.t. 1a [B56; a12] be exactly [such-and-such] a time. 2 [A1C3; ac] tune a musical instrument to another, synchronize a watch with another. Sibúun ta ning duha ka sista, Let us tune the two guitars to each other. 3 [B2C23; c6] harmonize with, fit a personality or style. Kining kalúa musíbù sa bísan unsang kurti sa nawung, This hat goes nicely with any face. 4 [A; a2] borrow a quantity of s.t. and return the same amount or multiples thereof. Musíbù ku ug walu ka gantang mais. Ulían ta ka ug dubli sa tingsanggì, I will borrow eight gantas of corn, and I will pay you back double during harvest time. 5 [B245] for the moon to become full.

síbug v 1 [AB3(1); c1P] back s.t. up, move back. Ug musíbug ka, matambug ka sa kanal, If you step backward, you will fall into the ditch. Kinsay nagsíbug sa lamísa? Who moved the table back? 1a [A23; b6] back down from s.t. Dílì ta ka sibúgan ug sumbagay, I will not back down from you in a fight. 2 [A2; b6] back out of an agreement. 2a [A; c6] withdraw an application, candidacy, case in court. Dílì ku musíbug sa ákung kandidatúra, I will not withdraw my candidacy. Ug musíbug ka sa ímung kíha, ariglúhun ta lang ni, If you withdraw your case, we will settle it amicably. Isíbug ku ang ákung aplikasiyun, I will withdraw my application. 3 [A1; c] move an event to an earlier or to a later date. Átung isíbug ang kasal ug tulu ka adlaw arun tukmà sa pyista, Let’s move the wedding ahead (or postpone it) three days so that it will coincide with the fiesta. 4 [A2] visit (dialectal). Musíbug mis inyu rung pila ka adlaw, We’ll visit your place one of these days. n action of moving back, backing out, retreating. Pagsábut nga way síbug, An agreement you can not back out of.

sibúkaw n small tree with scattered prickles, [888]the wood of which is used for nails in boat building: Caesalpinia sappan.

sibul = subul.

sibut n k.o. very small dip net made of finely meshed cloth. v [A13; a2b2] pick out with a small dip net. Sibuta ang isdà. Ayaw ug kab-a sa panaksan, Catch the fish with a dip net. Don’t scoop it out with a cup.

síbut v [A3P; a1] inspire s.o. with enthusiasm to do s.t. Ang kanindut sa kahigayúnan sa Amirika mauy nakasíbut (nakapasíbut) nákù paglangyaw, I was inspired to go to America by the attractive opportunities that are available there. Gisíbut mi sa ámung ginikánan pag-iskuyla, Our parents inspired us to study. ka- n enthusiasm. ma-un a full of enthusiasm to do s.t.

sibúyas n 1 general name for various kinds of onions and leeks. 2 humorous name given to Union cigarettes (where Union is pronounced homophonous with onion in the Philippines). — amirikánu leeks with a slightly larger bulb than the bisayà. — bisayà leeks with tiny red or white bulbs, the tops of which are used. — bumbay onions with large bulbs. -un ug tíngug a squeaky-voiced.

sibuying n k.o. small onion or leek, smaller than sibúyas bisayà, with a small white bulb and a flavor differing from ordinary leeks.

sibya v 1 [AN; c] peddle fish. Sibyáhan kug lab-as nang mga báy dihà, I peddle fresh fish around to those houses. 2 [A; c6] broadcast. Isibya ang anunsiyu sa tíbi, Broadcast the announcement on T.V. 3 [A13; c6] announce, give notice of. Hinagtub nga nagsibya sa íyang pag-abut, Footfalls that announced his arrival. mag-r- n radio announcer.

sibyà = sibya, v2, 3.

sída n silk cloth. sidasida n name given to several grasses with silky tufts.

sidbaks n box used as a seedbed for germinating seeds. †

sidhawus n shed providing shade for seed beds. v [A; b6] construct such a shed.

sidi v [b(1)] receive favorably, approve. Wà sidihi sa huwis ang diklarasiyun sa sinumbung, The judge didn’t receive the allegations of the accused favorably.

sid-ing v 1 [A; a12] look closely at s.t. by bringing one’s face to it or putting it near the face. Nagsid-ing ku áring pínung litra, I am looking closely at this fine print. 2 [A1; a12] look at s.t. out of the corner of the eyes. Nasakpan ku siya nga nagsid-ing kang Marta, I caught him regarding Martha out of the corner of his eyes.

sidlak a sparkling, glittering. v [A] 1 sparkle. Diyamanting nagsidlak, A sparkling diamond. Hingsidlakan aku sa adlaw, I woke up after the sun had risen. 2 be glittering in prominence. Misidlak ang íyang kabantug, He reached glittering fame. n ray, beam. -an(→) n east. Layung sidlakan, The Far East. Duul nga sidlakan, The Near East.

sidlit v 1 [A; b2] squirt out in a stream. Misidlit ang nánà sa dihang gipislit ang hubag, The pus squirted out in a stream when I pressed the boil. Hingsidlitan ku sa íhì sa bátà, The little boy urinated on me. 2 [A23] for the sun to shine (literary). Sa walà pa musidlit ang primírung bidlísiw sa adlaw, Before the first rays of the sun shone.

sidlut = sidlit, v1.

sidsarun = sitsarun.

sidsid n 1 hem, lower edge of dress, curtain, or the like. 2 edge, border (literary). Ang sidsid sa kapunawpunáwan, To the outer reaches of space. sidsiran = sidsid, 2.

sid-uk n hiccup. v [A2; a4] have the hiccups. Misid-uk si Lúlu, unyà miyupyup sa íyang kwáku, Granddad hiccuped and then puffed on his pipe. Inum ug usa ka básung túbig ug sid-ukun ka, Take a glass of water if you have the hiccups.

sidula n 1 the head tax of the Spanish time and now, the residence tax. 2 the residence certificate, evidencing the payment of this tax.

síga1 a 1 bright, giving off intense illumination. Síga kaáyu ang sugà, The lamp is very bright. 2 bright-eyed or having big round eyes. Síga ug mata kining batáa paríha sa íyang uyuan, This child has big, round eyes like his uncle’s. n flame, light given off. v 1 [A2S; a2Pb7] burn bright. Nagsiga pa ba ang dáub? Is the fire still burning? Sigái ang linung-ag, Turn up the fire under the rice. 1a for the lights to be on. Sigáha (pasigáha) ang sugà kay ngitngit na, Put the lights on because it is dark now. 2 [A2S; b6] for the eyes to be big or bright. Misíga ang mga mata sa kahikugang, Her eyes grew wide in astonishment. 2a for the eyes to be wide, glaring at s.o. Gisigáan ku níya sa kapungut, He glared at me in anger.

síga2, sígà n notorious tough guy. v [B12; b6] be, become a tough. sigasíga = síga2.

sigabu n continuous, thudding sound. v [A3] be thudding, give a thudding sound. Musigabu ang balud ug ting-amihan, Strong waves dash against the shore when the northwind blows. Unsa may nagsigabu sa táas? Mga bátang nagdúlà? What is it that is thudding [889]upstairs? Children playing?

sigamnu v [A3; a12] care, give attention or concern to s.o.’s welfare or needs. Wà siya magsigamnu sa idukasiyun sa íyang mga anak, She doesn’t concern herself with her children’s schooling. Sigamnúa ang ímung láwas arun dì ka masakit, Take care of your body so you won’t get sick.

sig-ang1 v [A; c1] put the pot on the fire. Nagsig-ang na siya sa paniudtu, She is preparing lunch now.

sigarilyu1 n cigarette. v [a12] make into a cigarette. paN- v [A2; b6(1)] smoke cigarettes, ask s.o. for cigarettes or cigarette money. Kamau na diay ka nga manigarilyu, So, you already know how to smoke. Panigarilyúhan nátù si Iduy kay nakadaug sa súgal, Let us ask Edoy for cigarette money because he won in gambling.†

sigarit kís n cigarette case.

sigaw v [A; c] confess or tell s.t. which s.o. wants to be kept secret (slang). Nadakpan ang tanan kay misigaw ang usang nadakpan, All of them were caught because one of them sang. Íyang gisigaw ang tinagúan sa íyang inahan, She revealed her mother’s secrets.

sígaw a noisy, making a disturbance. n shouts and noise. Ang sígaw sa nagsúgal dungug sa ámù, You could hear the shouts of the gamblers as far as our house. v [B1; b6] be noisy. Nagsígaw ang mga istudiyanti kay way maistru sa klási, The students are all in uproar because the teacher is not in the room. ka- v [A13] be very noisy.

sig-aw v [A; b3] make a loud noise at the top of one’s lungs. Wà siya makasig-aw kay ákung gikasab-an, He did not dare make noise because I scolded him.

sigay n general name for small cowries.

sigbaw formula uttered to prevent one from being struck by lightning when making fun of animals. Ang ungguy mu ra sigbaw ug táwu, The monkey looks like man, may I not be struck by lightning. Sigbaw ug paríha ang táwu sa irù nga magpungutay, May lightning not strike me, how would it feel if people had intercourse like dogs.

sigbin n animal possessed by and at the service of s.o. It has the power of making itself invisible to a person other than the owner. The sigbin can do good to the owner, transport the owner, and will inflict fatal bites on whomever the owner commands it to. It cannot be killed as long as the owner can see it. It is said to have long hind legs and walks with the head looking back in between the legs. Ownership is handed down to relatives when the owner dies. A person who refuses a sigbin is said to go mad. -an n possessing a sigbin. v [B1256] get a sigbin handed down to one.

sígi v 1 [A; b5c1] continue or go on doing s.t.; do s.t. always. Ug magsígi ning ulána háyan mubahà, If this rain keeps on, it’s likely to flood. Sigíhun (sigíhan, isígi) nímu ug túyuk ang twirka hangtud muhugut, Continue turning the screw until it gets tight. Ngánung sigíhan man ku nímu ug tan-aw? Why do you always look at me? 1a [A23] walk or go on or forward. Inig-abut nímu sa iskína, musígi ka ug mga bayinti mitrus, When you reach the corner, go ahead for about twenty meters. 1b [A2; a12P] proceed with one’s studies. Dílì ku makasígi karung sunud túig kay wà kuy kwarta, I cannot proceed with my studies next year because I have no money. exclamation: 1 urging s.o. to do s.t. Sígi, káun na, Come on, eat! 2 expressing acquiescence. Ug walay láin sígi na lang ta áning nía, If there is no other, we will just have to make do with this. 2a O.K. Bye. ‘Adtu na ku.’ ‘Sígi,’ ‘I’m going now.’ ‘O.K., Bye-bye.’ 3 always. Sígi ka lang ug sulti, way búhat, You’re always talking. You never do anything. — lang 1 never mind, it doesn’t matter. Sígi lang ug pubri, basta malipáyun, Never mind if I’m poor as long as I am happy. 2 Oh, please. Sígi lang, tagái lang ku, Oh, please. Let me have some! (→) = sígi, exclamation.

sig-id n k.o. vine used for tying purposes: Malaisia scandens.

sigídas n 1 successive, frequent. Lápuk kaáyu sa ámù kay sigídas ang ulan, My place is very muddy because it keeps raining. 2 automatic, rapid-firing weapons. 3 freewheeling, such that the chain that links the pedal gear to the wheel gear engages only in the forward direction, and not in the backward direction. Sigídas ang bisiklíta nga rísir, A racing bicycle is freewheeling. 3a racing bicycle. v [A; a12] become frequent or successive; do s.t. successively or frequently. Nagsigídas ang ákung mga sulat rung mga adláwa, I keep getting letters one after another these days. Sigidásun nímu ug tindak ang pidal arun magsígi ug túyuk ang ligid, Keep pumping the pedal so the wheels will keep turning.

sigidilyas = karabansus.

sígin n k.o. net designed for taking out catch from the fish corral. (→) v [A; a] get the fish out of the corral with a net.

sigingsiging an exclamation uttered together with shaking s.o. emotionally upset by the [890]shoulders. v [A; a12] 1 shake s.o. and say sigingsiging. Sa nagsigingsiging ku sa bátà, mihínay ang íyang paghílak, After I had shaken the child and said sigingsiging to him, he began to stop crying. 2 make s.o. hurry in doing s.t. Kinsa mang kustumíra ang nagsigingsiging ug pagpakúha nímu ug túbig? Who was the customer that made you hurry in getting a glass of water?

sigisígi n name of a notorious gang of Tagalog hoodlums as opposed to the uksu (OXO) of the Visayans. — gang = sigisígi.

sigkat = siklat.

sigking = sikging.

sigkit = síkit.

siglu n century. Sa Siglu Katursi, In the Fourteenth Century.

sigmit v [A; ab2] 1 seize by the arms or legs, usually in a stealthy manner. Nakasigmit kug manuk, I managed to catch a chicken by the legs. Misáwum siya ug gisigmit ang tiil sa dalága, He swam under the water and seized the woman’s legs. 2 arrest s.o. wanted by the law. Mga sikríta mauy nagsigmit sa isnatsir, Plainclothesmen nabbed the snatcher.

sigmuk1 v [AN; a12] swipe or lift things of small value. Dúnay nagsigmuk sa ákung bulpin, S.o. swiped my ballpoint pen.

sigmuk2 v [A123P; a4] crave for food that one has not eaten for a long time. Gisigmuk na kug kinílaw tangígi, I crave for raw Spanish mackerel.

signal n signal. v [A; b6(1)] give a signal. Signáli ku sa busína, Blow your horn as a signal to me.

signit = sigmit.

signus n 1 in folk belief, the preordained agent through which one meets his death as revealed by fortune-telling. Pagkalúnud sa barku wà siya mamatay kay kaláyu may íyang signus, When the boat sunk he didn’t die because his fate was to die by fire. 2 = agnus. v [A12; b8] be saved from unexpected death because it is not one’s signus to die that way.

sigpat v [b8] get a glance stolen at one. Nasigpatan ku siya nga nangupya sa iksámin, I glanced at him copying during the test. pa- v [A; b6] steal a glance. Ayaw ug pasigpati ang babáyi kay masakpan ka, Don’t steal glances at the woman because you might get caught.

sigpaw n a small dip net around 4–6″ in diameter with a handle used for scooping up wrigglers, small bait, butterflies. v [AN2; a12] gather, scoop up with this k.o. net.

sigpit (from sipit) a narrow, not affording easy passage. Sigpit kaáyu ang mga kalyi sa ámung lungsud, The streets in my town are very narrow. v [B125; b6] be, become narrow.

sigsag a zigzagging, winding road or course. Sigsag kaáyu ang karsáda paingun sa búkid, The road into the mountains is zigzag. n zigzag stitches; fancy stitches made at the edge of cloth to keep it from getting unravelled. v 1 [A; a12] run a zigzag course. Nagsigsag ku ug dágan sa dihang gitirúhan ku, I ran in a zigzag course when they shot at me. 2 [A; c1] make zigzag stitching. — nga makina n a k.o. sewing machine that can make zigzag stitching. -in-an, -in-an(→) n having zigzag stitching sewn in it.

sígu a tight or precise in fit. Gáhing ablíhan ang pulta kay sígu kaáyu, The door is hard to open because it is very tight in fit. Ang sígu nga sinínà sa mga babáyi dílì ángay nga isimba, Clothes that fit the body too tightly are not appropriate for church. v [B] be, become tight or precise in fit, cause s.t. to be so. Sigúhun (pasigúhun) nímu ang sungsung ngadtu sa bangag arun dílì muhunub ang túbig, Make the stopper fit precisely so the water won’t seep through.

sígù a 1 fitting appropriately as words, action, attire. Ang íyang pakigpúlung sígù kaáyu sa ukasiyun, His speech fits the occasion. 2 exact. Sígù na kung usa ka túig sa ákung trabáhu, I’m exactly one year in my work. v [AC; c1] be appropriate or exact. Dílì musígù ag singsing sa ákung tudlù, The ring doesn’t fit my finger. Sigúa (isígù) ang ímung linihukan sa ímung idad, Act your age.

*sigun1 — sa 1 according to. Sigun sa ákung hibatian dílì nà mau ang íyang gisulti, According to what I have heard, that is not what he said. 2 in conformance with. Kining ákung gása kanímu sigun sa ákung gisáad, This gift of mine is just what I have promised you. 3 depends on. Sigun lang sa unsay náa, It depends on what is available. Mu ra ug dílì nà ikatúgut, apan sigun lang nà sa pagkumbinsǐr níya, It seems as if it is not allowed, but actually it is just a matter of convincing him.

sigun2 n a breed of chicken raised for meat purposes, referred to for their quality of developing feathers on the neck, thighs, and wings late in life.

sigunda n 1 second gear. 2 the second player in group games played by individuals in succession. 3 the second voice in group singing. — mánu a second hand. Pridyidir nga sigunda mánu, A second-hand refrigerator. [891]b a woman that has had sexual experiences prior to marriage. Nakaasawag sigunda mánu ang laláking himilì, He was so choosy in the end he had to settle for a second-hand woman. v 1 [B26; b6] do, happen after the first thing happened, was done. Ang pagkasúnug sa ílang balay nasigunda ang ílang Birtu, After their house burnt, the same thing happened to Berto’s. Gisigundahan siya ug pátid human siya matumba, After he fell, they kicked him. 2 [A; c6] put in second gear. Isigunda ang makina ug dulhugun, Put the car into second when you are headed downhill. -rya = sikundaryu.

sigundu n 1 second to perform in group games performed by players in a series. 2 second, one-sixtieth of a minute. — anyu second year of college or secondary school. — upisyal second mate.

sigurádu sure, [so-and-so] is true without a doubt. Ug mugíkan ka ug alas sayis, sigurádu nga túa ka sa mga alas unsi, If you leave at six, you are sure to be there at about eleven o’clock. Dílì katuhúan nutisyáha! Sigurádu ka? That’s unbelievable news! Are you sure? ‘Muadtu kas bayli rung gabíi?—‘Sigurádu!’ ‘Will you go to the dance tonight?’—‘Sure!’ v [B156] be sure. Nakabayad kug sitinta apan nasigurádu na ang ákung aplikasiyun, I paid seventy, but my application is a sure thing.

siguridad n 1 security, freedom from danger. Ang gikasabútan naglakbit sa siguridad sa átung násud, The agreement included the security of our country. 2 assurance of compliance. Kadtung panagsabúta way siguridad sa pagtúman kay walay mga papílis, There is no assurance that they will comply because there are no documents.

sigurista a inclined to take the greatest possible advantage from an agreement. Sigurista kaáyu ka kay dì ka mupahulam ug kwarta nga dílì kinuháan dáans pátung, You drive too hard a bargain because you take out the interest in advance when you lend money. v [B12; b6] inclined to take undue advantages.

sigúru 1 sure. ‘Muadtu ka sa bayli rung gabíi?’—‘Sigúru!’ ‘Will you go to the dance tonight?’—‘Sure!’ Uu, sigúru kaáyu ku nga mau nay íyang gisulti, Yes, I am very sure that that is what he said. Way sigúru ang ímung kaugmáun, Your future is uncertain. 1a butang sa — make sure of s.t. Ug makig-áway ka, ibutang sa sigúru nga náa ka sa bintáhà, If you pick fights, make sure you have the upper hand. 2 most likely, probably. Dì lang ku musulti apan muanhi sigúru tu siya, I won’t say for sure, but he probably will come. v 1 [A; a2] do s.t. without fail; be sure of doing or obtaining s.t. Musigúru (manigúru) ka ug anhi sa may mga alas unsi, Come without fail at about eleven o’clock. Sigurúun ta ni ug báwì kay makalimut siya nyà ug úlì, Let’s be sure to take this back because he might forget to return it. 2 [A12; a12] take for granted, that s.t. will happen. Ayaw kug sigurúa, kay wà ka kahibáwu sa ákung abilidad, Don’t be too sure of me because you don’t know my ability. 3 [A2N] be sure to do s.t. for oneself not minding or considering others. Misigúru (nanigúru) siyag lingkud kay daghang pasahíru, He made sure to get himself a seat because there were lots of passengers. 4 [A] insure s.t. Way kumpaníya musigúru sa ímung balay nga dáan kaáyu, No company will insure your house. It’s so old. n 1 insurance. Sitinta písus mátag túig ang ákung balayran sa sigúru, My insurance is twenty pesos a year. — dibída life insurance. 2 insurance company. Ang Pil-am usa sa mga dagkung sigúru dinhi sa Pilipínas, Phil-Am is one of the big insurance companies in the Philippines. kasigurúhan, kasigurúan n 1 assurance. Walay kasigurúan tung átung hangyù, There’s no assurance that our request will be granted. 2 protection, safety from s.t. Álang sa kasigurúan sa pangláwas mu, inum sa Tunikun, For the protection of your health, drink Tonicon.

sigwálu (from walu) n a deadly snake of shallow sea water. A victim is generally given only eight hours to live. If he survives he is given another eight days, then eight weeks, and so forth. Cf. tagiwálu under walu.

*sigwar pa- v [A; c1] show s.t. off. Mapagarbúhun kaáyu siyang mipasigwar sa íyang singsing brilyanti, She is proudly showing off her diamond ring.

sihag a 1 transparent or translucent. Sihag kaáyu siyag bláwus, She has a blouse on you can see through. 2 clearly visible through s.t. Sihag na ang kadaúgan, The glow of victory is visible at the end of the tunnel. v [A; a12] 1 be, become transparent or translucent. Musihag ang papil ug duhígan ug asíti, Paper becomes translucent if oil is smeared on it. 1a [B5; a] be, become apparent, clear, understandable. Kalit nga misihag sa ákung panumdúman ang buut níyang ipasabut, It suddenly dawned on me what she meant. 2 be visible through s.t. Misihag ang lángit sa buslut sa atup, The sky shone through the hole in the roof. paN- [892]v 1 [b5] read the past, present, or future through some magic article or power. Kahibáwu man kung muabut mu kay gipanihag (gipanihagan) man nákù, I knew that you were coming because I saw it in my crystal ball. 2 [A23] wear s.t. people can see through. Uy nanihag ka kay wà ka tingáli magkamisun, People can see right through your clothes because you are apparently not wearing a slip. n crystal ball or power by which one can read the past, future, or a person’s thoughts. panihagsíhag ang tutunlan v [A23] be very beautiful (lit. for the throat to be white and transparent). Daghang mga laláki ang nabatubaláni sa babáying nanihagsíhag ang tutunlan, Many men became magnetized by that beautiful woman. sihagsíhag, sihagsihágan n k.o. very tiny fish made into salted preserves.

sihì, síhì n nerite snails.

sihud n k.o. small fish trap made of flexible vines, used to scoop small fish from shallow waters. (←) v [AN; a] fish with the sihud. Kalita pagkabù ang isdà ug magsíhud ka, Pull the trap up with a jerk when you fish with a sihud.

sii = ugud, except after ra.

siin 1 where did or does? Siin man paingun ag irù? Where did the dog go? Siin man siya iskuyla? Where does he go to school? 2 which (of several)? Siin man íning duha ímung gustu? Which of the two do you like?

sik. abbreviation for sikritaryu, secretary.

sikà = sikàsikà. sikàsikà v [A; b6] talk harshly and loudly in giving commands. Gisikàsikaan ang suluguun sa dunya, The lady shouted at the maid, giving her one order after another. sikàsikaun a disrespectful in speech.

síkad v 1 [A; b(1)] propel s.t. with the feet, bending the knees and kicking the legs. Sikári ang síya arun dílì na lang nákù kuháun, Kick the chair over here so I don’t have to get it. 2 [A; b] pedal. Kumpása ug síkad ang makina, Pedal the sewing machine rhythmically. 3 [AC2; ac] have two fighting cocks spar by holding them by the tail and allowing their legs to scratch or kick the ground. Kanúnayng isíkad ang manuk arun lig-un ang tiil, Always have the cock spar to make its legs strong. 3a [A] — ang manuk for a candidate for a woman’s hand to say his piece. Dílì maáyung musíkad ang ákung manuk kay wà sugta, My man doesn’t know how to talk to women because he was unsuccessful. (→) = aninikad. pa- v [A; bc] base an argument or belief. Ayawg ipasíkad ang ímung hukum sa mga tabìtábì, Don’t base your decision on gossip. pina- n based on. Panglíhuk nga pinasíkad sa maáyung pamatásan, Behavior that is based on good manners. paN- v 1 [A; b6] push with the feet exerting effort. 2a kick the ground, as if eager to fight. Ag túru nagpanikad kay gustu nang muhasmag nákù, The bull is pawing the ground because it wants to charge me. 2b [A13] be very eager to do s.t. Nagpanikad siya ug adtu sa Manílà, He is very eager to go to Manila. -um-(→) v [A13] originate, start from. Ang ílang áway nagsumikad sa pagbáhin sa irinsiya, Their quarrel started from the apportioning of the inheritance. sikadsikad, aN-r-(→) see aninikad.

síkan n 1 second in rank, prize, sequence. Akuy síkan, bayinti ang ákung prayis, I was the second. I got twenty pesos as a prize. — bis second base of baseball. — grid second grade. — han second hand. — hap second half of a game. — plís second place. — plísir one who placed second. — rawun second round in boxing. — yir second year of high school or college. v [A2] obtain, get to be the second place. — dimusyun v [A; b(1)] second the motion.†

sikandir n a boxer’s second.

sikápat (from upat) n a coin of Spanish times originally worth a quarter of a peso, but ten centavos in the 1900’s.

sikat1 = siklat.

síkat a cocky, showing off one’s good looks or posture. Síkat kaáyu siya nga mulakaw, He walks in a very flippant and cocky manner. (→)2 a worthy of praise or envy. Sikat kaáyu siyag kutsi, He has a flashy car. pa- v [A; c] show off. Mupasíkat dáyun siya ug náay mga dalágang nagtan-aw, He shows off if there are girls around.

síkaw a being in large numbers and moving about noisily. Síkaw kaáyu ang mga táwu didtu sa tabuan, There is a noisy, bustling crowd in the market. v [B6] be noisy and moving about in different directions.

sikawalu n coin worth half a sikápat.

sikaysíkay v 1 [A2; c1] strive to make a move. Misikaysíkay (nanikaysíkay) pagbángun ang hubug, The drunk strove to get up. 2 [A2N] strive, struggle for existence. Basta musikaysíkay (manikaysíkay) ang táwu, mabúhì giyud, If a man struggles, he will survive. 3 [AN] buzz about in some activity. Sayu sa buntag nagsikaysíkay (nagpanikaysíkay) nag mga kumpradur, Early in the morning the dealers in produce were already buzzing about.

sikbat v [AN; a12b2] for a fierce animal or [893]an angry person to snarl at s.o. suddenly. Gisikbat ang iring nga midúul sa irù nga nagkaun, The dog snarled at the cat that came near him while he was eating. Hingsikbatan ku siya kay midúul man nákù ug nangáyù ug itan-aw sa sini, I snapped at him when he came to me asking for money to go to the movies.

sikbit n contiguous, located next to. Sikbit siya nákug lingkud, He sat next to me. Nagsikbit ang ámung lúti, Our lots are adjacent. ka- s.o. who is located next to s.t.

sikbut v 1 [A; a12] cut s.t. with a single stroke toward the agent, esp. with a sickle. Sikbuta lang ang písì arun maputul dáyun, Just cut the rope to get it loose quickly. 2 [AN; a12] swipe. Nanikbut ang bátag lumbuy sa tindíra, The little boy swiped a lumbuy from the fruit seller. 3 pick out with a small dip net. n 1 sickle. 2 small dip net. paN- v [A2; b1] finagle s.t. out of s.o. without much fuss and bother. Manikbut siya ug plíti sa mga amígu, He gets his friends to pay his fare for him.

sikdu1, sikdù1 v [A; a12] scoop s.t. up quickly by tossing, flipping up a container. Sikdúha ang binlud. Ayawg iípun sa bugas, Remove the fine meal by scooping it off as you flip it. Don’t put it together with the grain. n scoop. (→), ig-l- = sikdu, n.

sikdu2, sikdù2 v [A; a1b2] jab, nudge. Sikdúun ta lang kag makigpamaúlì na ku, I’ll just nudge you when I want to get home.

sikdù3 = sid-uk.

sikdul = sikdu2.

sikging v [A; a12] snatch at s.t. live suddenly to catch it. Biktun pa, pára ituy! Sikgínga lang, You don’t have to trap a puppy! Just grab it!

siki n fetlock, a thumb-like projection above the foot in the legs of animals.

sikil v 1 [B3(1)46; bP] for s.t. long to jut out. Misikil ang bukug sa íyang síku sa íyang pagkahū́g, The bone in his elbow stuck out when he fell down. 2 [A; a2b2] nudge s.o., esp. with the elbow. Musikil giyud siya nákù inig-ági níya nákù, He nudges me every time he passes by me. 2a pierce with a horn or tusk. Ang túru nga misikil sa mag-uúma, The bull that gored the farmer. n protuberance, s.t. that juts out.

síkit a close, with least distance. Síkit kaáyu siya nga mubayli, He dances very close. Didtu magtágù ang ilagà, síkit sa busaug, The rat hid close to the floor joists. Síkit silang mga higála, They are close friends. v [AC; ac] be or get close to each other. Sikíta ug butang ang mga misitíra, Put the flower pots close to each other.

siklahun a scarce. Lisud makatrabahu ang táwung siklahun ug ininglis, It’s hard for people whose English is limited to find work. v [B] be scarce. Nagkasiklahun na run ang bábuy ihálas, Wild pigs are getting scarce now.

si-klam n C-clamp.

siklap v [b4(1)] take a quick glance at. Nasiklapan ku siya nga nagbaylu sa baráha, I caught him switching the cards around. pa- v [A] take a glance at. Mupasiklap siya nákù matag karun ug unyà, She takes a glance at me now and then.

siklat n 1 fence or wall made of bamboo slats woven through or nailed to two or more horizontal slats. 2 one of the vertical slats of such a fence. v [A1; b5] put siklat fencing. Siklatun (siklatan) ku ang mga manuk, I will enclose the chickens with a fence of bamboo slats.

siklib n sick leave. Way siklib ang ámung gitrabahúan, There’s no sick leave in the company I’m working for. v [A2] take sick leave.

siklista n cyclist, bicycle rider.

siklit v [A12; b4(1)] 1 get a glimpse of. Nakasiklit ku sa íyang gisulat, I got a glimpse of what he wrote. 2 come to notice by chance. Hingsiklitan nákung dihay mihíkap sa ákung bulsa, I was suddenly aware of s.o. touching my pocket.

siklut n = balinsay. v 1 = balinsay, v1. 2 [A; c6] flip s.t. with the fingers by holding the middle finger with the thumb and letting it go with a snap. 3 [A12; b8] obtain s.t. with ease. Usáhay makasiklut siyag mamisus sa pamantayg awtu, Sometimes he gets a peso for watching cars.

sikma v [A2N2; b6] blow one’s nose. — ug dugù [A1] have a nosebleed. Nagsikma intáwun ug dugù ang aláut sa kakusug sa sukmag nga íyang nadáwat, The poor fellow was hit so hard he had a nosebleed. — ug kusáhus [A13] get a good punch in the nose (lit. blow jerked meat out of the nose). — ug manintimus, trín blow a long column from the nose after crying. Tan-áwa lang unyà ninyu dì ba manikmag manintimus kining búang nga asáwa, Just watch if that crazy wife of mine doesn’t blow her nose from crying.

sikmat v [A2N; b6] snarl at suddenly and without warning. Takwáhaw lang kung gisikmátan sa irù, The dog just suddenly snarled at me.

sikmul v [A; ac1] 1 touch s.t. lightly to the mouth or the mouth lightly to it. Igù lang [894]misikmul sa kan-unun ang irù ug milakaw, The dog just sniffed at the food and walked away. Sikmúla (isikmul) ang imáhin sa santus, Touch the image of the saint lightly to your lips. 2 touch s.t. to a child or baby animal’s mouth just before he begins to eat or talk, an action which is thought to influence the child’s or animal’s behavior for life. Sikmúla (isikmul) ug hulmígas ang mga ituy arun maísug, Give ants to the puppies before you wean them to make them become fierce. 3 hone s.t. by rubbing it back and forth lightly over a sharpener. n the thing put to a child’s or young animal’s mouth to influence its future behavior. Ang sikmul nga tamalà makapalistu sa paniil sa bátà, A small octopus is a good inauguratory feed for the child because it will make him quick on his feet.

sikpaw = sigpaw.

sikrit = sikrit kang. see kang2. — pákit 1 watch pocket. 2 pocket sewn in the side of a dress, esp. uniform at the seam. v [A; c] in blackjack, take an additional card. Musikrit ku kay layù ra sa bayntiúnu ang ákù, Hit me because I’m miles away from twenty one.

sikríta n plainclothesman. v [A13; a12] be, make one a plainclothesman.

sikritári n 1 secretary in an office. 2 an officer of the government who administers a department. v [A13; a12] be, appoint s.o. as secretary.

sikritarya n lady secretary in an office. v [A13; a12] be, make s.o. a secretary. -l n secretarial course.

sikritaryu n = sikritarya (male).

sikrítu n 1 secret. 2 watch pocket. 3 = sikrit kang. see kang2. v [A; a] do s.t. secretly. Sikritúhan ta kag ingun arun ikaw ray mahibalu, I will tell you secretly so that you will be the only one to know.

sikrítu diamur = amur sikrítu.

siksbay siks n k.o. six-wheeled motor transport with six driving wheels, used by the armed forces. v [A13] travel in a six-by-six.

siksi a sexy, stimulating erotic feelings. Si Ikang siksi kaáyu nga mamustúra, Ikang is very sexy when she dresses up. Kanang pilikuláha siksi kunu kaáyu, That is supposed to be an erotically stimulating film. v [B12; a2] be, become sexy.

siksik v [A; a] 1 go over an area in systematic detail to search for s.t., ignoring no inch. Ang kanipáang ílang gisiksíkan sa bátang nawálà, The nipa swamps they combed in search of the lost child. 2 screen applicants for a post. Átung siksíkun sila ug maáyu arun mapílì nátù ang kinamaayúhan, We will screen them carefully to get the very best. 3 = hiN-. paN- v [A] for birds and fowls to preen their feathers. n research, detailed investigation. hiN- v [AN2; b6] search for nits in the head by running the strands of hair between thumb and forefinger. maN-r- n researcher.

siksiríkay = sitsiríka1.

siksiyun n 1 section of a certain grade in school. Duha ka siksiyun ang tirsíru grádu, There are two sections in the third grade. 2 section in an article, chapter, law, and the like. v [A13; a12] set up sections in school.

siksrawundir n boxer who fights in six-round bouts preliminary to the main event. v [B126] become a six-rounder.

sikstináyin n the sixty-nine position in sexual intercourse. v [A; a12] do the sixty-nine.

sikstin kards n a manner of playing mahjong using sixteen pieces.

sikstring n 1 k.o. guitar with six strings. 2 the particular tuning of such a guitar (D or E, A, D, G, B, E). v [a12] tune a guitar in this way.

sikstu grádu n sixth grade.

siks-uklák n aim at six o’clock—i.e. slightly below the target.

sikswa a sexy, said in humorous reference to effeminate boys.

siktur n sector, area appertaining to a certain armed force.

siku = gwayabanu. — karabaw = siku. — kapúti = tsíku.

síku1 n 1 elbow. 2 a unit of measurement reckoned from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow, used to measure yarn. (→) v [AN; a2] nudge with the elbow. Ug dì ku nímu paagiun sikhun ta ka, If you do not let me pass, I will hit you with my elbow. sikúhan v [C] nudge each other with the elbows. sikuhan n a needle used for mending nets, made of a flat piece of bamboo about 6–10″ long with a pointed end that has a U-shaped slot and notch at the opposite end. maN-(←) n = síku1, n2.

síku2 (from risíku) v 1 [AP; a12P] boil off water from s.t. as in making syrup. Ikay musíku (mupasíku) sa dugà arun maispísu, Boil the water off from the juice so that it will get thick. 2 [B2] for s.t. to be cooked until it is thick and hard. Ilúnud ang pilit kun musíku na ang latik, Put in the rice when the syrup gets sticky. Lamì ang humay nga sikúhun paglung-ag, Rice tastes good when boiled hard. n s.t. cooked hard or thick.

síku3 a rigidly strict with an air of superiority [895]and unapproachability. v [B] be haughty. Nagkasiku siya sukad makabana ug Katsílà, She has become strict and haughty since she married a Spaniard. sikusíku v [AP; b6] act haughtily strict towards people. Ayaw kug sikusikúhi kay suhítu ku sa ímung kaági, Don’t try to be haughty and stand-offish to me because I know where you came from.

sikuláti = sikwáti, n, v1.

sikuluhíya n 1 psychology. 2 the knack of dealing with people to get them to perform in a desired way, read their feelings. Ug may sikuluhíya ka pa wà lang untà nímu palita arun itanyag ug barátu, If you’d had a better knowledge of human behavior, you wouldn’t have bought it right away so that you could have gotten it cheap.

sikundarya n secondary school (grades seven through ten).

síkund grid = síkan grid. see síkan.

síkup1 v 1 [AN; a12] catch fish or shellfish by running a net or hands along the bottom of the water. 2 [A1; a12] arrest, usually after a dragnet operation. Ug sikúpun ka sa ipbiay walà kay iskapaturya, If the FBI institutes a dragnet to find you, there is no escape. 2a trap an elusive bachelor into marriage. sinikpan n fish or shellfish caught by hand.

síkup2 n k.o. bird of prey. mata ug — a hawk-eyed.

sikuy v [A; a] steal s.t. not of great value (slang). Kinsay nagsikuy sa ákung bulpin? Who swiped my pen?

sikwa n k.o. squash: Luffa cylindrica.

sikwalu = sikawalu.

sikwáti n chocolate, a beverage made of sugar and ground roasted cacao beans, served hot and thick. v 1 [A13; a12] make, have chocolate. 2 [A123P; a12] defeat decisively. Sa baskit nasikwáti mi, We were trounced in the basketball game. 2a punish severely. Bantay ka lang ug sakpan kang Pápa kay masikwáti ka giyud, Watch out if Daddy catches you. You will get it. 2b perform badly. Pisti tung prublimáha. Mau tuy nakasikwáti (nakapasikwáti) nákù, That damn problem was my downfall in the exam. 2c be erotically stimulated to a high degree. Ug muuban nang bayhána nákù sa sini, masikwáti giyud, If that woman goes to the show with me, I’ll get her all hopped up.

sikway v [A; ab2] shove to the side with a sweeping motion of the arms. Sígi siyang sikway sa mga bugang pagsúut níya sa kalibunan, He kept shoving away the weeds to the sides as he went through the thicket. Hisikwayan nákù ang básu maung nahúlug, I happened to knock my arm against the glass, and it fell.

sikyuriti n security guard. — gard = sikyuriti.

síl v [A13; c] hold a bargain sale. Nagsíl karun sa Wayitguld, They’re having a sale at the White Gold. Krismas, prumusiyun, payir dámids, watir dámids — Christmas, promotional, fire, water damage sale.

sila they. Muadtu sila sa Mandáwi, They will go to Mandaue. — si, -ng [name] [name] and his friends or family. Túa na sila si (silang) Prid, Fred and his friends have left. silahánun n 1 townmates. Mutábang giyud si Pidru kang Husi kay silahánun ra, Pedro will surely help José because they are townmates. 2 distant relatives. Silahánun si Piduy ug Baldu kay mag-ágaw ílang isig ka apuhan, Pedoy and Baldy are distantly related because their grandfathers are cousins. níla 1 gen.: of them, by them. Ang awtu níla bag-u, Their car is new. Gibaligyà níla, They sold it. 2 short for kaníla. kaníla dat.: them. Wà ku kakità kaníla, I have not seen them. Kanílang duha, kinsay mas taas? Of the two of them, which one is taller? íla, iláha preposed gen.: their, by them. Ang ílang amahan, Their father. Ílang gipalit, They bought it. 2 thing that’s theirs. Ang ákung awtu bag-u, ang íla (iláha) dáan, My car is new. Theirs is old. 3 their home, place. Háin man ang íla? Where is their house? Adtu ku sa ílang (íla ka) Husi, I’m going to José’s house. silasíla n related to each other. Si Anuy ug si Badung? Ah, silasíla ra nà, Anoy and Badong? Oh, they are related to each other. v [A13] do s.t. by themselves. Nagsilasíla ra sila ug pangáun, walà manawag, They just ate by themselves. They did not invite us. ilaíla = silasíla, v. ilahánun = silahánun.

silab1 v [A; b6] set fire to, put s.t. burning close to s.t. else. Ayawg silabi ang ákung balay, Don’t set my house on fire. Silaban ku áring sulù nang nawung ánang irúa, I will put this burning torch to that dog’s face.

silab2 n blade, the sharpened edge of a cutting tool. v [A; a] put a blade on, make into a blade. Gisilaban ni Ingku ang kawáyan, Ingko made a cutting edge on the piece of bamboo.

sílab v [B12] for the leaves of plants to become reddish. Ang taas nga húlaw mauy nakasílab (nakapasílab) sa dáhun sa lubi, The coconut leaves became reddish because of the long drought.

silaba n syllable. [896]

silabi = sulábi, 2. see labi.

silabun = labun, 1.

sílag v [B1256; b8] 1 be, become envious. Kasilágan ka sa mga táwu ug ikaw ray mag-awtu, The people will be envious of you if you are the only one who drives a car. 2 have an intense hatred for s.o. Nasílag siya sa nagpildi níya, She came to hate the man who stole her chastity. Gikasilágan ku ang tanang Katsílà, I hate all Spaniards. ka- n enmity, hatred. Kasílag nga lubngánan ray kinutúban, A hatred that will end only in the grave. ma-un a envious.

siláhis n low-hanging, light-gray clouds, the movement of which indicate the velocity of the wind. Basta kusug ang siláhis may bagyung muabut, Fast-moving clouds indicate an approaching storm.

silak, sílak1 n shellac. v [A; b6] shellac s.t.

sílak2 a for the sun to be shining clear and bright. Sílak na, ay na lang pagpáyung, The sun is out now. You don’t need your umbrella. v [A2] for it to be clear and bright. Masilákun ang kaugmáun sa táwung buútan, One who behaves well has a bright future.

sílang v 1 [A2S; b4(1)] for heavenly bodies to rise. Hingsilangan mi sa adlaw kay dúgay mi nga nangatúlug, We went to bed late and got up after the sun rose. 2 [A23] appear, become known with fame and honor. Usa ka bantúgan nga magbabalak misílang kanátù, A famed poet is born among us. pa- v [A; b6(1)] peep, peer through. Nagpasílang sa largabista ang kapitan, The ship captain is peeping through the binoculars. -an(→) n east, general direction where the sun rises. halayù, layù nga — Far East. kinatung-an nga — Middle East. duul nga — Near East.

silangga n body of water separating neighboring islets.

silanis n celanese.

siláub (from dáub) v [A2S; b6] 1 burst into flame, flare up and burn brightly. Tayhúpa ang mga bága arun musiláub, Blow on the live coals so they will burst into flame. 2 for emotions to flare up. Hináya lang ug sulti. Musiláub ka man lang dáyun, Say it calmly. Don’t just flare up suddenly. 3 [B246] for war to break out. Misiláub ang ikaduhang gúbat sa kalibútan sa 1941, The Second World War broke out in 1941.

sílaw n 1 ray, beam of emitted light. Ang sílaw sa adlaw, The sun’s rays. Ang sílaw sa sugà sa trák, The glare from the headlights of the truck. v [A2S; b6] shine, emit rays of light. Nagsilaw ang ispat sa íyang nawung, The flashlight was shining into his face. ka- n brilliance.

silbátu = sirbátu.

silbi, silbidur, silbidúra = sirbi, sirbidur, sirbidúra. see sirbi1.

silda n cell of a prison or convent.

silhig v 1 [AN2; a] sweep or rake a surface to remove dirt. Silhígun mu ang ginabas, Sweep away the sawdust. Silhígan nátù ang tugkaran, Let’s rake the grass. 2 [a12] remove from office in numbers. Kadtung walà mubutar nákù silhígun sa katungdánan, Those who did not vote for me will be removed from office. n broom. — sa ngípun toothpick (humorous). maN-r- n sweeper.

síli n pepper: Capsicum spp. — nga amirikánu a large yellow variety. — nga ispáda long variety: Capsicum anuum var. longum. — nga kagùkù the large sweet pepper which turns red when ripe: Capsicum anuum. — kulikut tiny, hot, red peppers: Capsicum frutescens. (→) v [A; b6] use, put hot peppers to, into s.t. Musili ka ba? Do you use pepper in your food? — kay gihángan [A13] for s.o. to get hurt by some indirect hints which refer to what he was actually doing (if the shoe fits, put it on). Nahimangud si Líta sa ákung sulti. Nagsili tingáli kay gihángan man, Lita was hurt by what I said. It probably was true. (Lit. She must be putting pepper in her food if she feels it is too spicy.) sinilian, sinilihan a spiced with hot peppers.

silib n 1 sunray 2 place where rain can come in. Silib dihà sa bintánà kun mag-ulan, The rain comes in the window when it rains. v 1 [A2; b2] for the sun to shine from behind s.t., for rain to come in. Maháyag ang kwartu ug musilib ang adlaw gíkan sa kakahúyan, The room will become bright when the sun appears from behind the trees. 2 [A23] appear as if coming out from hiding. Pahíyum nga misilib sa íyang nawung, A smile that appeared on her face. 3 [a12] go and take a look. Ákung silbun ang kábaw nga ákung gitugway, I will go and see the carabao I put out in the pasture. pa- v 1 [A; b] peep, look at while remaining hidden. Ngánung nagpasilib man ka dihà luyu sa kurtína? Why are you peeping from behind the curtain? 2 [A3; c] look furtively out of the corner of the eyes. Dílì siya mutárung ug tan-aw. Mupasílib lang, He doesn’t look straight at you. He just looks furtively from the corner of his eyes.

silibrǎr v [A; b5] celebrate, observe the memory of an event. Dílì siya musilibrǎr sa íyang adlaw, He will not celebrate his birthday. silibrasiyun n celebration. [897]

silid n degree, a course of study or career. Silid sa pagkaduktǔr, Medical course.

sílid n bedroom, room.

sílik n 1 dorsal fin of fishes. 2 analogous growth on reptiles. 3 crease along a trouser leg. 4 in a hip roof, the junction of the lateral and end slope which forms linear edges somewhat in appearance like a dorsal fin. v [B2456] for a crease to form along a trouser leg. -an a crested, having a crest.

silik-an see siak, 3.

silin n k.o. one-stringed musical instrument, played with a bow, resting on the ground, high in pitch. The sound is produced by a trumpet at the bottom.

silindru n cylinder of an engine.

silindrun = salindrun.

silindrus = silindru (plural).

siling = ingun2 (dialectal).

síling v [A; a] fire shells, bombard. n act of shelling out.

sil-ing v 1 [A; a] look at s.t. closely to study it. Gisil-ing níya ang títik nga milakra sa papil, He studied the letters that appeared on the page. 2 peep, look hard through a small opening. Gisil-ing níya sa bungbung kung kinsay nahiabut, He peeped through the slit in the wall to see who was coming. -an(→), -anan n opening one can peep through.

silíngan n neighbor. v [A2C; c3] 1 be, have one for a neighbor. Lisud ikasilíngan ang palaaway, It’s difficult to happen to have a quarrelsome person for a neighbor. 2 [A23] border, verge on. Ang ílang kinataw-an musilíngan sa biaybíay, Their laughter borders on derision. -an(→), ka-an(→) n 1 yard, area surrounding the house. 2 neighboring. Kasilinganan (silinganan) nga lungsud, The neighboring towns. ka-an n neighborhood, group of people composing a neighborhood.

silinsiyu a silent, quiet. Silinsiyu kaáyu ang kurti pagpakanáug sa hukum, The court became very silent when the decision was handed down. -su(←) a for machines to be noiseless. Silinsiyúsu kaáyu ning makináha, This machine is noiseless. v [B; b6] for machines to become noiseless.

sílip, sil-ip v [A; a] peep through a small hole or opening. Misílip si Husi pagsúsi kun kinsay náa sa gawas, Joseph peeped to see who was outside. (→) n k.o. device in box form with one side covered with glass, used to look at s.t. under the water, held with the bottom in the water while the user peers into it. v [A; a1] look at or for s.t. using this device. pa-(→) v 1 [A; b6(1)] peer slyly or secretly; take a hasty furtive look. Nagpasilip siya sa ákung baráha, He snuck a look at my cards. 2 = sílip, v.

siliri n celery.

silísi = salísi.

sílit v 1 [A2S; b26P] flow in a continuous stream from where it is pent up. Misílit ang túbig sa grípu, The water flowed from the faucet. 2 [A23P; a12P] drive, move swiftly forward. Unsa tung awtúha, misílit (mipasílit) man lang? What car was that? It just whizzed on by. 3 [A2S; a12P] for firecrackers to fizzle or sputter. Usáhay ang ribintadur dílì mubutu. Ígù ra nga musílit, Sometimes the firecracker won’t explode. It just simply fizzles. (→) a leaky. Silit kaáyu ning tangkíha, This tank is very leaky.

sil-it v [B3(1)6; c1] come partly into view, be seen or exposed partly. Misil-it na ang adlaw sa ákung pagmata, The sun had already started to rise when I woke up. Wà pa makasil-it ang ngípun sa bátà, The baby hasn’t gotten any teeth yet. Ayaw sil-íta (isil-it) ang ímung kwarta sa bulsa, Don’t let your money stick out of your pocket.

silsil n cold chisel, a chisel for metal, stone. v 1 [A; a] inscribe, work s.t. with a chisel. Kinsay nagsilsil aring mga litra sa simintu? Who carved these letters into the concrete? 1a [A13; c6] fix in one’s mind, inculcate. Mga sulti nga nasilsil sa íyang kaisípan, Words that were chiseled into his mind. 2 [A; a] remove s.t. with a chisel. Átung silsílun ning kabilyáha, We will remove this reenforcement bar with a cold chisel.

silstuk n 1 sales talk. 2 glib talk to win over or convince s.o. v [A13; b6] give s.o. a glib line. Silstúkan na man pud ku sa íyang bakak, mu rag mutúu ku, He is giving me his line again, as if I could be taken in by it.

sílu n cello. v [A] play the cello.

silù v [B126C23; a2] have hurt feelings. Nasilù ku kay aku ray wà imbitaha, I was hurt because I was the only one not invited. Mga biaybíayng makasilù (makapasilù), Words of derision that can hurt the feelings. Nagsílù ang managtrátu, The lovers are on bad terms.

silulúsa n bagasse, sugar cane pulp left after the juice has been extracted.

sílung n 1 downstairs. May duha ka kwartu sa sílung, There are two bedrooms downstairs. 1a space underneath the house and including the surrounding yard. Didtu níya ihukut ang kanding sa sílung, He tethered the goat under the house. taas ug — a standing with the crotch comparatively high above the ground (humorous). Kasagáran sa mga Amirkánu taas ug sílung, Most of the Americans are tall. 2 protection, care. Lisud [898]ikíha ang usa ka táwu nga náa sa sílung sa usa ka pulitiku, It is difficult to press charges against a person under the aegis of a politician. 3 building where domestic animals, esp. cocks are kept. v 1 [AN; b] take shelter under. Anhi ku musílung (manílung) sa iláwum sa káhuy, I’ll take shelter under the tree. 1a [A; c] put into shelter in the shade. Isílung ang kanding ug muulan, Take the goat to shelter if it rains. Isílung pagtanum ang mga kakaw sa lubi, Plant the cocoa under the shade of the palms. 2 [A23] put oneself under s.o.’s influence or protection. Ang ílu misílung sa íyang uyuan, The orphan was put under the care of his uncle. (→) v [A; b6(1)] plant a crop between the rows of another crop that is taller. Musilung kug mais sa kalubihan, I’ll plant corn between the rows of s.t. taller. pa- = sílung, v1. 1a paN- v [A23] 1 for cocks to go to another chicken yard, not the owner’s. Manílung ang sunuy kun way mungà sa íla, A rooster will go to another house if there are no hens in its own place. 2 for an adolescent to begin or start visiting girls. Manílung na ang íyang anak laláki, His son has started visiting girls. -anan n shelter or shade.

silungsilung n minor recurrence of measles or chicken pox eruptions following a period of quiescence. v [A23N; b4] for measles or chicken pox to have a minor recurrence or eruption. Natural giyud nà sa hanggà nga silungsilungan (musilungsilung, manilungsilung), Chicken pox rash normally recurs in a mild way.

silupin n cellophane.

sílus v [A1; b3] feel jealous, esp. of a beloved one. Gisilúsan sa asáwa ang sikritarya sa íyang bána, The wife was jealous of her husband’s secretary. -a a jealous (female). v [B12] become jealous. -u1 a jealous (male).

silusíya n venetian blinds. v [c] put up venetian blinds.

silúsu2 a for machine parts to be loose and have too much free play. Piligru ning ímung taksi kay silúsu kaáyu ang manabíla, Your taxi is dangerous because it has a very loose steering wheel. v [B123] get to be too loose.

sílut1 n 1 penalty for a crime. Ang sílut sa pagpatay kinsi anyus, The penalty for murder is fifteen years. 2 penalty in a game for an infraction of the rule. v [A; b(1)] impose a penalty for a crime or in sports.

sílut2 n young coconut, the meat of which is harder than the ‘butung’ stage but softer than the ‘ungul’.

silúwid n celluloid.

síluy = asusíluy.

silya n chair. v [a12] make into a chair. — iliktrika electric chair. di- see disilya. silyíta n 1 saddle of a motorcycle or bicycle. 2 small bamboo or rattan stool. v [b6] put, attach a saddle. -dur(→), -dura n leader of a group of ten Roman Catholic lay people organized for a devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. v [B36; a1] be, become the silyadur.

silyu n 1 postage or revenue stamp. 2 seal, put on s.t. to show that it has been inspected. 3 seal to close an envelope. v [A; b6] seal or put a postage or revenue stamp on s.t. Gibálik ang suwat kay wà silyúhi, The letter was returned because there was no stamp on it.

símà n 1 barb. 2 glans penis (euphemism). v [A; b6] make, attach a barb. -an a barbed.

símag v [A; b6] glow, brighten up. Musímag ang mga aniníput inigkagabíi, Fireflies glow in the evening. Nagsímag siya sa kaputì, She is very fair. Gisimágan ang bátà sa maistra, The teacher glared at the child.

simalúna a happening in an alternate fashion. Simalúna ang hárì sa hantak gabíi, In the coin tossing last night it was alternately heads and tails all night long. Simalúna ang úlan sa miáging simána, Last week the rains came on alternate days. v [A3; c16] do s.t. alternately.

simána n week. v 1 [B2] get to be a week. Musimána na lang wà mahiulì ang amahan, A week passed, and the father had not returned. 2 [a12] do s.t. by the week. Simanahun ta ikaw ug suwildu, I will pay you by the week. 3 [A; b] earn [so-and-so much] every week. Gisimanáhan (nagsimána) akug singkuwinta, I earned fifty a week. — Santa n Holy Week. v [A13N] spend one’s days during the Holy Week. Ása ka man magsimána Santa (manimána Santa)? Where are you going to spend Holy Week? -in-(—), -l-(—), tag-(—) a weekly, by the week. Ang ámung swildu sinimana (simanal), Our salary is on a weekly basis. v [A; a12] do s.t. on a weekly basis. Culu- every week. Duáwun tika sulusimána, I will visit you every week. v [A13; b5] do every week.

simang v 1 [A; b6] change a course, turn off. Inig-abut nímu sa iskína musimang ka sa tuu, Upon reaching the corner, turn off to the right. 2 [A23] deviate from a previous course, track of conversation. Dílì usáhay siya masabtan kay musimang siya sa unsay gipanagsultíhan, Sometimes you can’t understand him because he deviates from what he was talking about. -l-an, -an, -anan(←) n fork of a road or path. [899]

simaníya n chimney of a house, smokestack.

simàsimà = simùsimù.

simba v [A; b] 1 go to attend church services. Musimba ku ugmà, I will attend church services tomorrow. 2 adore, regard with respect and affection. Ang babáying ákung gisimba, The woman I adore. 3 [A12; a3] know s.o.’s innermost thoughts. Nasimba ku na unsa ang ímung pagtan-aw kanákù, I can read your thoughts of what you think of me. n worship service. Unsang urása ang simba? What time is the service? simbasimba n praying mantis. simbahan n church, church building. simbahan ni Pilátu n female genitalia (humorous). -ku exclamation uttered upon remarking about s.t. bad to keep it from happening to the speaker. Simbaku ikaw lang untay mabúang, dílì aku, God forbid that I go crazy, too. -ku lagung humorous exclamation: May it not happen to me! Simbaku lagung, paúlì sa namúlung, I’m rubber, you’re glue. Everything you say to me bounces back and sticks to you. (Lit. May it not happen to me, but go to the one who said it.) panimbaku v [A2] say simbaku. ig-l- n 1 what one wears to church. 2 special girl friend. Daghan kug trátu, apan usa ra giyuy igsilimba, I have lots of girl friends, but I have only one special one. -um-l- n about to go to church. maN-r- n churchgoers. silimbáhun a worthy of adoration.

simbal1 v [A; c] add a piece of cloth or paper to another piece to make it larger. Ákù lang simbálan ang dapit sa íluk kay kúlang ang panaptun, I’ll add a piece of cloth to the armpits because there isn’t enough cloth.

simbal2 n cymbal.

simbu a pubescent youngsters, esp. girls who bloom into adulthood, developing curves and stoutness. v [B12; b6] be strong and healthy as a result of pubescence. hiN- v [B46] grow stout and healthy as one enters adulthood. Maghinimbu na gánì ka dì na madúgay nga madága ka na, If you grow stout and healthy, it won’t be long before you’re grown up.

simbug = sambug.

simbulu n symbol. v 1 [A13; c6] have or use as a symbol. 2 [B1456] symbolize. Ang pula nagsimbulu sa pakigbísug, The red symbolizes struggle.

simburyu n domed roof. v [A13; b6] construct a dome.

simhut v 1 [A; a2] smell, take a whiff. 2 [A12; b2] be aware, get wind of. Nía tus Baldu ug makasimhut tus átung kumbira, Baldo will be here if he gets wind of the party. paN- v [A] smell, sniff. Dílì nà mamáak irúa. Manimhut lang nímu, That dog doesn’t bite. He will just sniff at you.

simik v [A2] for any of a group to fail (usually negative). Way misimik sa ákung kandidátu. Lusut tanan, None of my candidates lost. They all won. Way misimik sa ákung antug. Púlus hárì, None of my tosses of the coin failed. They all came out heads. pa- v [a12] allow a single failure or miss. Ádik nà siyag sini. Way pasimikun ánang salída, He is a movie addict. He won’t let a single picture go by.

similya n 1 seedling, esp. for transplantation. 1a seeds used for propagation as opposed to those used for consumption. Ayaw ni ipagaling kay similya ning lisúha, Don’t have these seeds milled because we’ll use them for planting. 2 fingerlings. 3 breed of domestic animals used for food. Maáyu ug similya ning babúya kay dagkuun, This pig is of good breed because it is the big kind. v 1 [c1] reserve seeds for planting purposes. 2 [A; b6] plant seeds in a seedbed. similyahan n seedbed. similyahun ug láwas a for a woman to be healthy (lit. a body fit to bear children).

siminar n seminar. v [A13; b6] hold a seminar.

siminarista n student in a seminary. v [B156] be, become a seminarian.

siminaryu n seminary.

simintiryu = mintiryu.

simintu n 1 cement, concrete. Balay nga simintu, A concrete house. 2 the dikes around a rice paddy. v 1 [A; a2] cement s.t. Simintúhun ang mga karsáda sa prubinsiya, They will cement the highways in the province. 2 [A; a] put s.t. in plaster cast. Simintúhun ang íyang buktun arun dílì makalíhuklíhuk, His hand will be put in plaster cast so he can’t move it around. 3 [A13; b5] construct a dike for a rice paddy. 4 [A; a] fill the teeth cavities. Gisimintu ang lungag sa ákung ngípun, I had my cavity filled. simintádu a 1 cemented, concrete. 2 plaster-casted.

simirísir n 1 medium-sized bicycle tire, larger than a racer but smaller than the wide-tired bicycle. 2 bicycle with a medium-sized tire.

simistir, simistri n semester. v [b8] get to be a semester.

simpatika = simpatiku (female).

simpatiku a charming, having an attractive personality. Ang ímung anak simpatiku (simpatika) kaáyu nga mupahíyum, Your daughter smiles very charmingly. v [B12; b6] be, become charming.

simpatíya n 1 sympathy, the capacity to feel [900]the problems of others. Dúna giyud na siyay simpatíya sa mga tinun-an nga nagtrabáhu, He has sympathy for working students. 2 feeling of loyalty and tendency to favor s.t. Ang mga hurnǎl usáhay may simpatíya sa mga kumunista, Day laborers often are sympathetic to communism.

simpì = singpì.

simpig a close to. v [AB6; c] go, put s.t. s.w. near s.t. Musimpig ku sa bungbung arun musulud ta sa katri, I’ll keep close to the wall so we can all sleep on the bed. Kinsay nagsimpig áring parul diri sa baril sa gasulína? Who put the lantern near the barrel of gasoline? Isimpig ang ímung dunggan sa bungbung, Put your ears next to the wall.

*simpin see sinimpin.

simpís, simpiyis n k.o. ornamental fern: Nephrolepis biserrata var. furcans.

simplan v [B246] be thrown to a distant place after being hit by a strong blow. Musimplan ka run ug butangan ta ka áring kúmù ku, You will find yourself thrown to a distance if I strike you with my fist.

simpli a 1 simple, without ornament, artifice, or ostentation. Ang ílang kasal simpli kaáyu, They had a simple wedding. 2 easy to do, solve. Simpli kaáyung buhátun, It is very easy to do. v [B; a] make s.t. simple, become simple. Magsimpli tag káun arun makadagínut, Let’s eat simply so we can save.

simpul a 1 simple, without affectation and ostentation. Simpul ang ílang kasal, They had a simple wedding. 2 easy, uncomplicated to do. Simpul ra ang suliran sa ámung tíst, We were given simple problems in the test. v 1 [B2; c1] do s.t. simply, without ostentation. Simpúla ra nang ákung sinínà, Just make it a simple dress. 2 [A; c1] make s.t. simple to do. — líbing n a simple way of living. v [A; c1] live simply. Magsimpul líbing na ta run kay mahal na ang palalítun, We’ll have to live simply now that everything is so expensive.

simpun = singpun.

simput = singput.

simsim1 n k.o. low herb similar in appearance to purslane but with white axillary flowers, soft pilose leaves, and a woody stem.

simsim2 n a k.o. reed found in marshes, used for decorative purposes.

simsim3 v [A; b] taste a liquid in small sips. Ang mga buyug nagsimsim sa dugus, The bees are sipping the nectar. Dì ku makasimsim ug ínit nga sabaw sa luwag nga aluminum, I can’t sip hot broth from an aluminum ladle.

simtum, simtúma n symptom.

simúaw v [A; c] sound boisterously. Sayu pa gáning buntag nagsimúaw nas Maríya, nakamata lang kug ahat, Maria was talking loudly when it was still early in the morning and I woke up. Unsa man say gisimúaw ni Pidru? What is Pedro going on about again?

simud n 1 snout of an animal. 2 the analogous structure in a person (the lips and the area adjacent that can be pushed forward). Ayaw pabudlut sa ímung simud, Don’t pout (stick out your lips).

sim-ung a dark and dreary. v [B] become dark and dreary. Musim-ung ang kalibútan basta magdag-um, The world becomes gloomy when there is a heavy overcast.

simùsimù v [A; a12] eat a little, esp. enough to stave off hunger, but not be fully satiated. Musimùsimù lang ta ígù nga isustinir hasta paniudtu, Let’s take a little of s.t. enough to sustain us until lunchtime. paN- v [A2] nibble at grass leisurely.

simyat = sipyat.

sin = ug, 1, 2a, b, 4a, b (dialectal).

sín n 1 galvanized sheet-iron roofing. 2 house with sheet-iron roofing. Balay nga sín, A house with sheet-metal roofing. v [A13; a12] put, construct with galvanized sheet-iron roofing.

sína1 v [B126; b3(1)] be envious. Nasína si Dúdung sa ákung duláan, Dodong is envious of my toy. Ang pagkaadunáhan lagmit kasináhan sa uban, Other people are likely to envy your wealth. sinahan a tending to be envious. ka- n envy. masináhun, manggisináhun a envious.

sina2 see miryinda and santa.

sinádu n the senate. -r(→) senator. v [B156; a12] be, become a senator. -ra n lady senator.

sinagúga n synagogue.

sinaguylas = siriguylas.

sinamay see *samay.

sinampangkung see *sampangkung.

sinamun n cinnamon. v [A2; b6(1)] flavor with cinnamon.

sinaryu n scenery as a background for a stage. v [b6] use scenery. sinaryuhan n stage.

sinátì a 1 familiar. Daw sinátì nákù kaáyu nang tingúga, It seems that I am very familiar with that voice. Sinátì ku sa trabáhu dinhi, I am very familiar with this job. 2 well-known. Ang paghíngus mauy usa ka sinátì nga tilimad-un sa sip-un, Sniffling is a well-known sign of colds. v 1 [B1236] be familiar [901]with s.t. 2 [A12] experience. Nakasinátì kug kagútum sa gíra, I experienced hunger during the war. 3 [C13] be acquainted with each other. Wà pa kami magkasinátì kaáyu mau nga dapítun ku siya karun, We are not acquainted with each other so I am going to invite her now. ka-an n 1 knowledge. Wà kuy kasinatían báhin sa panglútù, I have no knowledge of cooking. 2 experience. Halandúmung kasinatían, Memorable experience.

sínaw a shiny, glossy. — ug úlu bald-headed or head with the hair shaved off. v 1 [B26; aP] be, become shiny. Musínaw (masínaw) ang salug ug bagnúsan ug waks, The floor will become shiny if you wax it. 2 [A; b(1)] give an opponent zero. Ang ámung tím nagsínaw sa iláha, Our team gave theirs a zero. n 1 zero score. 2 = ispíhu, 3. pa- sa lingkuránan v [A] keep sitting, not doing any work. Ang tapulang asáwa pirmi lang magpasínaw sa lingkuránan, A lazy wife does nothing but sit idly.

sindà n 1 k.o. illness which involves pain in a local area, esp. a spot on the back which may move to another area; or a migraine, a k.o. recurrent headache that affects the side of the head. 2 k.o. eye ailment in which the eyes become red and sometimes swollen from too much work. v [A123P; a4b4] have sindà. Pagpalit ug aspirína kay gisindà (gisindáan) ku, Buy some aspirin because I have an attack of sindà (headache or eye fatigue).

sindalan see dálan.

sindi v [A; b] light a pressure lantern. Nagsindi si Tátay sa hásag kay ngitngit na, Father is lighting the pressure lantern because it’s getting dark. -dur(→) n container from which alcohol is poured to fire up the pressure lantern.

sindikátu n syndicate, a group of people banded together for business or criminal purposes. v [B1256] become a crime syndicate.

sindul v 1 [A; a2b2] kick away, nudge s.t. with the toe of one’s foot. Akuy musindul sa láta, unyà manágù mu, I will kick the can, and you all go hide. 2 [A12; b8] find, come across s.t. Unsáun nákù pagbáyad ug dì ku makasindul ug kwarta, How can I pay if I do not happen to find some money. Tabì nga ákung nasindulan sa tyanggihan, Gossip I ran across in the market.

sindúrut = sandúrut.

sing-al v [A; b6] 1 talk harshly. Ayaw kug sing-áli, Don’t shout at me. 2 sing loudly. Mananaygun nga nagsing-al sa gawas, The carolers singing loudly outside. 3 [A; b3] cry loudly, bawl. Himì ka kay musing-al dáyun ug gutmun, You’re a cry-baby because you bawl as soon as you’re hungry. n harsh talk, loud singing.

sing-aling n shing-a-ling, a k.o. dance. v [A] do the shing-a-ling.

singán = unsingálan.

singáni = unsa (dialectal).

singári v [A; abc] keep on [do]ing, always do. Ug singaríhun nímu nà ug dukduk mabuak nyà nà, If you keep pounding that, it will break. Ayawg isingárig usar ang bag-u, Don’t always wear your new clothes.

sing-aw = sing-al.

singba = simba.

singdalan = sindalan. see dálan.

singgáak v 1 [A2S; b6] shout, cry. Pára gamay rang samad musinggáak ka dáyun! For such a small wound you scream bloody murder. 2 [A; bc1] shout, snarl loudly at s.o. in anger. Singgaákan níya ang bátà kun kasab-an, He shouts at the child when he scolds him.

singgalung n k.o. brownish civet.

singgapur = kamúting káhuy. see kamúti.

singgaráyung = singguráyung.

singgil n strong wire made of an alloy of copper, tin, and some other metals.

singgit v [A; b6] shout, yell at s.o. Gisinggitan siya sa pulis nga pasurindírun, The police shouted at him to surrender. n shout. Ang — sa Balintawak n the Cry of Balintawak, the signal for the Philippine Revolution of 1896. — awhag goading and urging done by shouting. — pakitábang cry for help. tubag — answer given by shouting. ka-un(→) a feel like shouting. Kasinggitun ku sa kalágut, I felt like shouting in anger.

singgul a single-sized, good for one occupant as opposed to a double one. Singgul nga katri, Single bed. v 1 [a12] make s.t. a single rather than double size. 2 [C2; ac3] play singles, make it singles instead of doubles. 3 [A; c1] goose. Ilang singgúlun ang mutuwad, They will goose you if you bend over.

singgurayung, singguráyung n k.o. large Cerith shell, 4–5″ long.

singhag v [AN; c] snarl, talk harshly to. Ngánung singhágan man ku nímu nga dílì man ku bátà? Why do you snarl at me? I’m no longer a child. Ayawg isinghag ang ímung gustu, Don’t say what you want with a snarl. n harsh talk, s.t. said snarlingly. -in-an n goods or articles acquired from inferiors by virtue of one’s influential position. Kanang íyang mga ilimnun pulus sininghágan [902]sa mga Insik, All those drinks were donated free by Chinese businessmen.

singhir n 1 Singer brand sewing machines and other appliances. 2 sewing machine. báyad nga -in- n installment payments.

singì v [A; a2] separate or take one piece off from a bunch of fruit. Kinsay nagsingì ug pipila ka dawin sa búlig nga ságing? Who took several pieces from the banana bunch? n space between the fingers and toes.

singil v 1 [AN2; a2N] ask for payment. Singlun (paninglun) na ba nímu ag ákung útang? Are you going to make me pay my debt? 2 [A13N; a2N] exact payment for what one has done, collect on a promise. Magsingil na ku sa íyang gibúhat nákù, I will now collect for what he has done to me. Maningil na ku nímu sa ímung gisáad nákù nga pinaskúhan, Now I will ask for the Christmas gift you promised me. maN-r- n bill collector. singlunun, paninglunun n amount collectible.

singilugun = ilugun. see ílug.

síngin n 1 fruits, ordinarily separate, joined together in growth with a common continuous skin. 2 Siamese twins. v [C3] for fruits to be joined as one.

síngir n singer, crooner. v [B156] be a singer.

síngit1 n 1 hand in mahjong and the analogous situation in rummy where a single number is missing to obtain a siyà. 2 the missing number. paN- = síngit, 2. búnut paN- n drawing of the paníngit.

síngit2 v 1 [A2; c] include one’s small amount together with a larger amount belonging to s.o. else. Misíngit kug písus sa íyang pusta, I put in one peso together with his bet. Nakasíngit kug lung-ag níla, I put my small amount of rice together with the rice they were cooking. 2 [A2; b] go in with a group or with s.o. important to share with their food, fun, etc. without sharing in the expenses. Misíngit ku níla sa sini, I tagged along to the movies with them.

sing-it = saling-it.

*singit pa-, pa-(←) v [A3; a12] give s.o. cause to goad him into a course of action. Pasingitun ka lang níya arun magkaáway mu, He will simply do s.t. to give you cause to quarrel with him. n goading.

singka v [A; c] speak harshly to s.o. Ayawg isingka ang ímung tubag kay nangutána lang ku, Don’t shout your answer at me because I was just asking. n s.t. said in a curt and harsh way. siningkáhan n things s.o. obtains from people under him by virtue of his position.

singkamas n k.o. vine cultivated for its fleshy and juicy turnip-shaped root, widely eaten raw and cooked: Pachyrrhizus erosus.

singkámut (from kamut) v [AN; b5] do one’s best, strive. Musingkámut (maningkámut) ku paglingkawas, I will strive to escape. Singkamútan (singkamútun) kung mabalhin ka, I’ll do my best to have you transferred. paN- n striving, earnest, hard work. Milampus siya pinaági sa íyang kaugalíngung paningkámut, He succeeded through his own efforts. mapaN-un a diligent, industrious.

singkaw n 1 scythe. 2 have the arms bent bow-shaped at the elbow like a scythe. v [B126] for the elbow to get to be this way. (→) v [a12] hit with a scythe.

singkiríbut n sexual intercourse (coarse slang). v [AC; c1] have sexual intercourse.

singkit v 1 [A; a12] tie two coconuts together by their husks partly stripped off. Singkítun ta ning duha ka lubi arun dílì magbúlag, We will tie these two coconuts together with their husks so they won’t be separated. 2 [C3] for two separate things to be physically joined. Gitawag ug sayamis twins kanang kalúha nga magsingkit, Twins that are joined in flesh are called Siamese twins. n two separate things joined in flesh. Usa ray ihap sa ságing nga singkit, Joined bananas are counted as one.

singku number five. n a nickle. Tagái kug singku, Let me have a nickle. v see trís.

singkul n hard growth on the skin covering bony parts, esp. on the ankles and elbows. v [b4] develop a singkul. Sigun sa karáan, singkúlan ka ug musúkul kag ginikánan, In folk belief, one gets singkul if one talks back to his parents.

singkulyágas n k.o. sweet table banana much stouter than the tundan, with dark red peelings and yellow-orange meat when ripe.

singkuríbut = singkiríbut.

singkurung v [A; a12b2] strike, knock the head hard in a sweeping motion. Tungud sa kalágut íyang gisingkurung ang bátà, He smacked the child on the head in anger.

singkurúyung = singguráyung.

singkuung a 1 well-curved on the sides. Singkuung nga sanggut, A sickle with a well-curved edge. 2 for the roof or the bottom of a boat to be curved so that it affords little room. v [B; c1] for the sides, roof, or bottom to become well-curved.

singkuwinta number fifty. v see disiutsu.

singkuy a having the defect of horses where the hocks knock against each other as they move. Dílì maáyu nga mudágan ang ímung kabáyù kay singkuy kaáyu, Your horse doesn’t run well because its hocks knock [903]against each other. v [B156] get this defect.

singpì n clay cover for clay pots, roughly conical in shape with a knob for a handle. v [a12] make into a cover of this sort.

singpun a tightly woven, with the threads close together. Nipis ang panaptun kay dílì singpun ang mga hílu, The cloth is thin because the threads are not tightly woven. v [B156; a12] get to be tightly woven.

singput a closely woven or fastened together, not sparsely. Simput nga pagkatágik ang ámung salug nga kawáyan, The bamboo slats in our floor were put down very close to each other. v [AB; a12] be closely woven, put down; cause it to be so.

singsing n 1 ring. Singsing nga ingkantádu, kahibulúngan, An enchanted, magic ring. 2 any metal band resembling a ring or small hoop. 3 short rope connecting the whippletree and the plow. v 1 [AN2; a] wear, put a ring on s.o. 2 [A; a] make into a ring. 3 [A; b] firmly hook an orifice with a finger. Misúkul siya piru dihang gisingsíngan nag iyáha, nagpuyù lagi, She fought back, but when I got my finger hooked into her vagina, she stopped moving. paN-an n ring finger.

síngu v [A12; a2b2] inhale a smell or aroma. Singúha ning kan-un ug maáyu pa ba, Smell this food whether it is still good. Mu rag gás tung nasinguhan nákù dinhà sa butilya, I smelled s.t. like gas in the bottle.†

síngud v [A; a12] observe intently. Nagsíngud siya kun nagtrabáhu ba mi, He was watching us to see if we were working. Wà ku makasíngud sa uma sa búkid, I did not visit my field in the mountain to see how they were doing. paN- v [A; a2] listen intently. Mupaníngud (maníngud) siyag sultíhan apan dì lagi mutúman, He listens intently to what you say, but he won’t do it. paningudsíngud v [A2; a2] go get some news. Paningudsíngud ug unsay nahitabù sa nakrás, Go get some news about what happened to the plane that crashed.

singulu (from úlu) v [A] for the child’s head to crown in childbirth. Sakit sa ngatanan kun musingulu na ang bátà, The pain is most intense when the child’s head crowns.

singut n 1 perspiration, sweat. 2 condensation on an object cooler than the atmosphere. búngag — prickly heat. a annoying, irritating to one’s nerves. Gipul-an ku sa íyang mga isturya, singut kaáyung pamináwun, I’m bored with her stories. They’re so annoying to hear. Singut kaáyu nà siyang manúgù nátù mu rag hárì, It really irritates me the way she gives orders like a queen. v 1 [B26; a4N] perspire, sweat. Ug musingut ang kabáyù papahuwáya, If the horse sweats, let it rest. Mupahúway ku ug singtun (singutun) ku, I will stop working if I perspire. 2 [A; a4] gather condensation. 3 [C123P] have a hard fight. Ug gustu kang makigsíngut (makigpasíngut), hala andǎr, If you want to have a fight, o.k. let’s get to it. paN- v [a4] 1 sweat profusely. 2 for a sick person to break out in cold sweat. Mukunhud ang hilánat ug paningtun ka, The fever lowers if you break out in cold sweat. ka-(←) v [A13] be all covered with sweat. pa-(←) v [A13] do s.t. to make oneself sweat. Wà mi magdúlà, nagpasíngut lang mi, We didn’t play, we just had a little workout. kadu-, du-(←) v [A13] sweat profusely. Undang na ug dúlà kay nagkadusíngut ka lang ug dágan, Stop playing now because you are sweating profusely from running around. singtánun a given to sweating easily with the slightest exertion.

sini n 1 movie house. 2 motion picture. 3 showing of motion pictures. Way sini run kay Birnis Santu, There are no movies today because it’s Good Friday. 4 love-making sight, as seen by peeping (humorous metaphor). Pirmi ming kakità ug sini inigpamisíta sa íyang uyab, We always see a ‘movie’ every time her boy friend comes. v 1 [A13] show a movie. Ang Yuis-ay-is magsíni (magsini) sa iskuylahan karung gabíi, The USIS will show a film in the schoolhouse tonight. 2 [a12] convert into a movie house. (←) v [A13] 1 show a movie. 2 display lovemaking. Nakakità ang mga bátà nga nagsíni sila gabíi, The children peeped at them necking last night. paN- v [A2] go to the movies. Manini ta, Let’s go to the movies. sinihan n movie house. kasinihan n 1 movie houses collectively. 2 movies, as a source of entertainment and as an art form. maki-, maki-(←) a fond of movies. sinisíni n 1 slide-show. 2 free outdoor movie offered by advertisement panels or mobile units.

siniguylas = siriguylas.

sinílas n slippers. v [A; a] wear, make into slippers. (→) v [a12] hit with slippers.

sinimaskup n cinemascope or wide-screened movie. v [B156] be in cinemascope.

sinimpin n k.o. plain finger ring with no gems.

sinínà n 1 dress. 2 shirt. 3 = gínit. v 1 [A; a] wear a shirt or dress. Nagsinínag pula, Wearing a red shirt, dress. Sininái ang bátà, Put a shirt on the child. 2 [A12] get a shirt. -un(→) n cloth to be made into a shirt or [904]dress.

sinípit see sípit.

sinisíru n ash tray. Sa sinisíru ninyu ibutang ang inyung upus, Put your cigarette butts in the ash tray.

siniyal = sinyal.

siniyur n title of address for men of high station. short form: nyur 1 Mr., sir. Si Nyur Pidru muabut rung hápun, Mr. Peter will arrive this afternoon. Andam na ang ímung awtu, nyur, Your car is ready, sir. 1a form of direct address between intimate male friends. Kumusta, nyur! How are you, man! 2 in set usage for names of saints (not shortened). — San Pidru St. Peter. — San Bisinti St. Vincent. — Santu Ninyu the Holy Child. pista sa — Feast of the Holy Child. -un a detesting manual work. Ságad sa mga dátù mga sinyurun ug kusug musúgù, Most rich people are too good to do manual work and tell people to do things for them.

sinkuwínta = singkuwinta.

sinsilyu n 1 small change. Wà kuy sinsilyu diri, I don’t have any change on me. wà kuy — humorous way of answering a compliment (implying one has no money to pay the person for his flattery). 2 change given back for a bill. Dúna kay sinsilyu áring písus? Do you have change for this peso? 3 washer. 3a metal rings found inside the hub of wheels. v 1 [A; b(1)] give change or break s.t. into change. Makasinsilyu ka áring singkuhun? Can you change this five peso bill? Wà ku nímu sinsilyúhi (sinsilyúi), You haven’t given me my change! 2 [B1256] be broken into fragments. Nasinsilyu ang básu nga natambug sa simintu, The glass was broken to pieces when it fell onto the concrete. pa- v [A] have children (humorous). Agad pay tibuuk, nagpasinsíyu giyud, You were doing o.k. single (lit. a whole bill). What did you have to go and have children for (lit. make yourself into small change)?†

sinsíru a sincere.

sinsitib, sinsitíbu a 1 sensitive, easily offended. 2 for electric equipment to be sensitive. v [B12] be sensitive or easily offended and irritated.

sinsiya n science.

sinsíyu = sinsilyu.

sinsu n census, an official enumeration of population or some other statistics of an area. v [A1; a12] have or hold a census.

sinsur n censor. v [A; a12] censor s.t. presented to the public. Gisinsur ang báhin sa salída nga dúnay naghúbù, The part where there was a nude scene was censored out. -s censors (plural).

sinsúru n large, deep-sea fishing net which encircles the fish. v [A; a] fish with this sort of net, esp. in harvesting fish from under the páyaw. sinsuradur n one who operates this sort of equipment.

sinsus = sinsu.

sinta v [A; b6] 1 for horses to rear up. Pagbantay kay musinta ang kabáyù! Watch out! The horse will rear. 2 flare up in anger, raising the head. Ngánung musinta ka man pára sa usa ka gamayng hangyù? Why do you flare up for such a tiny request? — libanta n a dog’s trick where the dog can sit or stand on its hind legs on command. v [A] perform this trick. hi-/ha- v [B1256] be taken aback so as to jerk one’s head back. Nahasinta ku sa íyang tinubagan, I was taken aback by the way he talked back.

sintà n pieces of wood or bamboo slats nailed horizontally across posts as fence railings, to which small vertical slats are attached. v [A; a] put up, make into this sort of fence railing.

sintábu = sintabus (singular). Usa ka sintábu, One cent.

sintábus n centavo. Singku sintábus, Five centavos. maN-(→) n 1 one centavo coin. 2 s.t. costing one centavo apiece. Kining gidak-úna sa agridulsi manintabus, This size of calamondin is one centavo apiece. v [A13; a12] be one centavo apiece.

sintak v [A; a12] pull a fishline or a line attached to a trap with a jerk. Sintákun nímu ang pasul inigkubit sa isdà, The moment the fish bites, pull the line with a jerk.

sintas n 1 strip of silken ribbon or cord with a religious medal worn around the neck as an indication of one’s devotion to a particular saint. 2 film-strip. 3 story. Nagsulat siyag sintas nga kawbuy, He wrote a cowboy story. 4 shoe laces. 5 — nga balátung n variety of very long balátung. v 1 [A13; b6(1)] wear a ribbon with a saint’s picture. 2 [A; c] lace shoes.

sintídu n 1 meaning, implication of. Laksut ug sangputánan ang sintídu sa íyang púlung, His words carried the implication of unhappy things to come. 2 final decision. v 1 [A13] have a meaning. Tambag nga nagsintídug kasábà, Advice that was meant as a scolding. 2 [A; c1] hit squarely or fatally. Nakasintidu siya sa katapúsan níyang tíra, He made a hit on his last shot. 3 [A; c] give one’s final, fixed decision or answer. Gisintidúhan na ang ginikánan báhin sa kasal, The parents have given their decision regarding the wedding. 3a [A; a12] ask, find out one’s answer [905]or word. Nagsintídu ku kun mahinayun ba ta, I want to get the final word from you as to whether we are going as planned. 3b [C13] come to an agreement. Nagkasintídu na ang isig ka ginikánan báhin sa kasal, Both parents have come to an agreement about the wedding. — kumun n common sense.

sintimintal, sintimintǎl a 1 sentimental, arousing tender sensibilities. Pilikulang sintimintal nga nakapahílak, A sentimental picture that made me cry. 2 having a sad expression on the face. v 1 [B1256; b6] be, become sentimental. 2 [B456] put on a sad face. Nagsintimintal siya kay napildi sa madyung, He is wearing a long face because he lost in mahjong. -ista a characterized by being sentimental.

sintimintu, sintimyintu see sintǐr.

sintimitru n centimeter.

sintimus n one centavo. Bísan sintimus dì ka makaabut? You can’t even afford a penny? maN- costing one centavo. see also sikma.

sintinaryu n centenary. v [A1; b6] have or celebrate a centenary.

sintinil = sintiníla.

sintiníla n sentinel. v [A; a2] act as sentinel.

sintinsiya n 1 sentence in court. Ang sintinsiya sa kurti nagpahamtang ug sílut nga lima ka túig sa prisuhan, The judgment of the court imposes a penalty of five years in prison. 2 obvious thing to do under the circumstances. Usa ray sintinsiya ánang bátang maldítu. Latiguha, There is just one thing to do to a mischievous child. Whip him. v 1 [A; b6] impose a sentence. Gisintinsiyáhan siya ug kamatáyun, He was sentenced to death. 2 [A23] have one’s way as to how s.t. is to be done. Pritúhun lang nà ug akuy musintinsiya ánà, If I am to have the say, we’ll just fry it. -du n one who has been sentenced.

sintinyal n centennial. v [B2456] be a century. Musintinyal nákung panguyab níya únà mi magkatrátu, I courted her for nearly a century before we became engaged.

sintir n center player in games like baseball, soccer, basketball, tubigtúbig. v [A; a1] play center.

sintǐr v 1 [B2; b3] feel offended and hurt, take offense. Unsa may íyang gisintiran, ang ákung gisulti u ag ákung gibúhat? What did he feel offended at? Was it what I said, or what I did? 2 [A23] rise to the bait. Gidakup ang asáwa ug anak básun musintǐr ang púga, The wife and the child were arrested in the hope that the fugitive would come out of hiding. sintimintu, sintimyintu n feeling of hurt, offense. Naghambin siya ug sintimintu mahitungud sa pagtratar níya, She is nursing a hurt because of the way she was treated. v [A13; b6] harbor a hurt feeling, without rancor. Subù siya kay nagsintimintu sa ímung pagkasábà níya, He is sad because he was hurt by your scolding.

sintral n 1 central school of a town. 2 mill for sugar cane. 3 [noun] sintral the dominant, central [noun]. Bangku sintral, Central Bank.

sintripugal, sintripyugal n light brown sugar obtained from sugar cane, lower in quality than the white refined sugar, but more refined than the muskubádu.

sintru n 1 center, point in the very middle. 1a central portion of an area. 2 place where certain activities are concentrated. Sintru purikultúra, Puericulture center. Ang Sibu sintru sa kumirsiyu sa Bisáyas, Cebu is the center of commerce in the Visayas. 3 = sintir. v [A1PB2; a1] be, put at the center.

sintu- (combining form) one hundred. Sintudyǐs, One hundred ten.

sintún v [A; b6] push work off on one another. Dì sila makasintún sa pagtrabáhu ug tagáag asaynmint káda usa, They can’t push the work off on each other if each of them has his own assignment.

sintunádu, sintunáwu a for a voice to be flat, lacking in tonality and pitch. v [B; a2] be, become, make flat. Musintunáwu ákung tíngug ug musáka ang túnu, My voice goes flat when the song rises.

sinturiyun n centurion.

sinturun n belt to hold trousers up. v 1 [A; a12b2] whip s.o. with a belt. 2 [A; c] wear a belt.

sin-u = kinsa (dialectal).

sinulug n ritual dance performed at the altar in fulfillment of a vow made to a saint or the Holy Child. v [A; c5] do or dance the ritual sinulug. Maáyu nang sakíta ug isinulug, That disease will be cured if you vow to dance the sinulug for it.

sinuylas = sinílas.

sinya, sinyas = plurdilis.

sinyadur (from sinyal) n in logging, the person who signals the directives of the foreman to the hauling machine operator.

sinyal n 1 sign or mark thought to have significance. Ang alum sa ngábil sinyal sa pagkatabian, A mole on the lip is a sign of being a gossip. 1a storm signal. 2 a scheme of scale arrangement on the legs of gamecocks which is thought to indicate the fighting ability. 3 birthmark. -an a 1 having a freakish or odd physical characteristic. Sinyálan nang batáa kay unsiy tudlù, That child is a [906]freak because he has eleven fingers. 2 having an odd or unusual characteristic (slang). Sinyálan tawhána kay mau ray ituun ug way iksámin, That man is really odd because he studies only when there are no exams.

sinyas n the movement of a part of the body as a sign to indicate s.t. v [A; b6(1)] signal with the body. Sinyásan ta lang ka. Paábut lang, I will give you a signal. Just wait.

sinyúra n 1 short form: nyúra. term of address for a married woman of high position: Mrs., madam. Si Nyúra Pilang, Mrs. Pilang. 2 in set usage before names of saints (not shortened). Nwistra — sa Patima Our Lady of Fatima. Nwistra — sa Lurdis Our Lady of Lourdes. a for a woman to demand solicitous service. Sinyúra kaáyung bayhána kay patágay pag túbig, She thinks herself a grand dame. She even has to have s.o. come to pour her water. v [A13; a12] call s.o. sinyúra. v 1 [A1] move with measured and unhurried steps. Makasinyúra nà siyag lakaw kay daghan mag masúgù, She can afford to move leisurely because she has lots of servants. 2 [A] not do any work. Ayawg pakan-a ug magsinyúra sila, Don’t feed them if they don’t do any work. sinyurahun, sinyuranhun a of the sinyúra type.†

sinyúris n term used in direct address: ladies and gentlemen or gentlemen. Atinsiyun, mga sinyúris, Attention, ladies and gentlemen.

sinyuríta n 1 short form: nyuríta. term of address to an unmarried lady of high station. Si Nyuríta Maríya, Miss Mary. 2 lady’s pistol, small pistol made esp. for ladies to use, usually of .22 caliber. pistula, ribulbir nga — = sinyuríta, n2. a wanting solicitous attention, considering oneself too classy to do any sort of work. Sinyuríta kaáyu siya. Paípis pa giyug kapi, She is very high class. She even has to have s.o. pour coffee for her. v [A13; a12] call s.o. sinyuríta. sinyuritahun a of the sinyuríta sort.

sinyurítu n short form: nyurítu. term of address for young boys of high standing. Nía tu run si Nyurítu Haymi, Master James will be here presently. a considering oneself too good for any sort of physical work. v [A13; a12] call s.o. sinyurítu. sinyurituhun a of the sinyurítu type.

síp a safe in games. v [B1256] be safe. Nasíp ku kay nabuhian ag búla, I was safe because he dropped the ball. sipsíp n hide-and-seek. v [A] play hide-and-seek. -anan(→) n home base in hide-and-seek.

sípà1 a 1 for a voice to be loud and resonant. Ang magsisibya kinahanglan sípà ug tíngug, An announcer must have a resonant voice. 1a loud and piercing. Mu rag mukulíkut sa dunggan nang tíngug nga sípà, The loud and sharp voice seems to pierce the ears. 2 ear-*splitting, resounding and sharp. Ang sípang butu, The earsplitting explosion. Sípang sagpà, Resounding slap. v 1 [B26S; a12P] be, become loud, resonant. 2 [A2; a12] give a loud, sharp sound. Musípà ka run ug sagpáun ta ka, You will resound with a crack if I hit you. ka- n loudness, resonance. Ang kasípà sa sista, The resonance of the guitar. ma-un a characterized with loudness, resounding. Masipáung haluk, A resounding kiss.

sípà2 n a game played usually with a woven rattan ball by participants standing in a circle. The ball is kicked with the instep and directed to another player, who in turn passes it on, and so forth. The player who misses the ball incurs a penalty. v [A; a12] kick s.o. with one’s instep as one would do in a game of sípà.

sipak v 1 [A2N] for plants to multiply by developing bulbs, shoots, spreading tubers, and the like. Ayaw kuhái ang sibúyas nga wà pa musipak (manipak), Don’t harvest the leeks that haven’t developed new bulbs. 2 [A; a] remove new growths, or pieces of tubers. Sipakun mu ang mga sáhà sa ságing, Split off the banana shoots. n shoots, bulbs, pieces of tubers. -in- n shoots, bulbs that have been gathered.

sip-ak v 1 [A; a12] split s.t. lengthwise along the grain. Sip-ákun nákù ning uwáya ug tulu, I will split this piece of rattan into three. 2 [A2; a12] disturb or destroy s.t. as if rending it. Kadtung mga pulúnga makasip-ak (makapasip-ak) sa ákung pagtagad níya, Those words can destroy my regard for him. n s.t. that has been split lengthwise from a bigger piece.

sípan n betel nut husk used as a toothbrush. v [A; b6(1)] brush the teeth with this material.

sipat a naughty, mischievous, making a nuisance. Sipat kaáyu ning batáa kay maghingári ug pabuyag, This child is very naughty because he always makes a nuisance of himself. Sipat ang mga lamuk dinhi kay mamáak bísan ug adlaw pa, The mosquitoes are a real nuisance here because they bite even at daytime. v [B12] be, become naughty or a nuisance. (←) v [B6] become rampant. Misípat ang panúlis kay krísis sa kwarta, Thievery is becoming rampant because [907]of the scarcity of money.

sípat v [A; a2b] look with a sharp, piercing look. Grábi siyang makasípat mu rag mudulut ang mata, My, how fiercely he looked at me, as if his eyes were piercing through me.

siphag v [B5; a12] for a group to disperse by running in different directions or for s.t. in a piece to break into smithereens and be thrown in all directions. Sa dihang mibutubutu misiphag ang mga dimunstríturs, When the shots rang out the demonstrators dispersed. Nasiphag ang mga parti sa awtu pagbutu niíni, The car parts flew in all directions when it exploded. Siphágun nákù nang ílang punduk, I am going to break their group up. -ay v [c] = siphag.

sipi interjection used to drive away cats. Sipi! Sámuk ning irínga, Scat! What a bothersome cat.

sipì n hand of bananas, a group of bananas growing in one line in the bunch. v [A; a12] separate into hands. Sip-a ang búligs ságing, Separate the banana bunch into hands.

sipii n acronym for CPA, Certified Public Accountant. v [A13] be a CPA. — lúyir one licensed as a CPA and as a lawyer.

sipilin n zeppelin. v [A13] do s.t. using a zeppelin.

sipilis n syphilis. v [A123P; a4] be affected with syphilis.

sipilya n plane for smoothing wood. v [A; ab] smooth wood with, make into a plane. Sipilyáhan nátù ning tabláha arun mahámis, Let us plane this board to smoothen it. -in- n shavings.

sipilyu n toothbrush. v [A; b6] brush s.o.’s teeth. paN- v [A2; c] brush one’s teeth. Manipilyu giyud ta káda human ug káun, We should brush our teeth after every meal.

siping v 1 [AN; b] gather small bulbs, small shoots for harvest or replanting. Magsiping ku sa sibúyas, I’ll get some onions. 2 [A2N; b(1)] reproduce by growing new shoots or bulbs. Misiping (naniping) na ang mga sibúyas, The onions are multiplying. n new shoots or bulbs growing from a plant.

síping1 v [AC; ac] stay, put close by the side. Musíping ku nímug lingkud inigtís, I will sit close to you during the exam. Isíping ning takurì sa linung-ag arun maínit ning kapi, Place the kettle next to the pot of rice to make it warm.

síping2 n rudimentary genital organ of the opposite sex in addition to one’s own genital organ. -an n hermaphrodite.

síping3 n shipping line.

sípir n zipper. v 1 [A13; b6] put or attach a zipper. 2 [A; b6] zip s.t. up. Sipíri ra ring ákung likud, Please zip my back. paN- v [A2] zip oneself up.

sipit1 n 1 earwig, a shiny black bug abounding in coconut trees about 1 cm. long with large mandibles. It does not bite. 2 k.o. small, blackish, scorpion-like insect about ½″ long which bites, found on furniture.

sípit v 1 [A; b6] carry s.t. between the arm and body. 2 [A; b6] hold firmly between the legs. Gisipítan ku níya sa duha níya ka páa, She held me firmly between her legs. — ug diplúma v [B1346] be a degree holder. Nagsípit na ku ug diplúma pagkaminyù nákù, I already had my degree when I married. (→)2 n pincer of a crab or lobster. -in- n a simple anchor made from a forked branch in between which a stone is tied.

siplà v 1 [A; c1] knock down s.t. s.o. is holding. Kalita pagsiplà ang gikaptan níyang búla, Knock the ball out of his hand suddenly. 2 [A; a1] slap with the palm or an open hand. Ákù siyang gisiplà kay nagsubìsubì, I slapped her when she talked back.

sipláag v [APB6C3] scatter over a wide area, cause to do so. Kinsay nagsipláag (nagpasipláag) áring mga pasì diri sa kwartu? Who scattered the corn all over the room? Natigwaláan ku siya dihang nagsipláag ang mga táwu, I lost sight of him when people ran away in every direction. Nagkasipláag ang mga magsúun pagkamatay sa inahan, The children were scattered when the mother died.

siplágay = suplágay.

siplat v [AP2N; b] glance, take a furtive look. Nasiplatan (hisiplatan) ta ka nga nanglìlì sa lyabihánan, I caught you peeping through the keyhole. Ákung gipasiplatan siya ug mulíngì ba nákù, I glanced at him to see if he would look my way.

siplin n seaplane. v [A13; a12] travel by, make into a seaplane.

siplit = siplat.

sipra n 1 monogram, a mark showing ownership. 2 sign, label. Sakay sa dyip nga dúnay siprang Lahug, Take a jeep which is marked Lahug. v [A; c] 1 put a monogram on s.t. 2 mark a sign, label.

sipris n cypress tree.

sipsáyid v [A; c] dock on the side of another ship. Musipsáyid na lang ang barkug wà nay lunang kadunggúan sa pír, A ship docks on the side of another ship if it can’t find any other berthing place.

sipsip1 v [AN; a12] cut s.t. with long sweeping strokes with a bladed implement. Maáyung kasab-an ang nagsipsip sa ákung mga misítas, How I’d love to scold whoever cut [908]down my ornamental plants.

sipsip2 v [A2N; b6N] polish the apple (euphemism for supsup). Mupasar siya kay musipsip (manipsip) man sa íyang maistru, He will pass because he licks the teacher’s boots. n one who polishes the apple. bútù apple polisher.

Sipt. n abbreviation for Siptiyimbri, September.

sipti v [c6] put s.t. in a place for safekeeping. Isipti nà sa sulud kay tingálig sibatun, Put it inside for safekeeping because s.o. might make off with it.

Siptimbri n September. v see abril.

siptimu grádu n seventh grade. v [B56] be in the seventh grade.

siptinaryu n a seven-day devotion, the Septinary for the Holy Ghost.

sipu v [A; b] clean or clear an area of grasses, bushes, and small trees, usually at the borders of a cultivated area to prevent the plants from being in the shade or to afford a good view of the field.

sípuk v 1 [A; b] gather around s.t. Misípuk ang mga táwu sa lamísa nga gibutangan sa pagkáun, The people gathered around the table where the food had been set. 2 [B6; a12P] for the head to be awhirl with too many problems. Sipúkun (pasipúkun) mu ang ákung ū́ ning ímung mga binúang, You are driving me mad with your foolishness. (→) a having the head awhirl and being short-tempered on that account. Ang táwung daghag prublíma sipuk kaáyu ug úlu, A person who has many problems is short-tempered. -un a of a short-tempered sort.

sipukar v [B16] for work to be fast-paced. Maáyung hinayhináyan ang trabáhu arun dílì magsipukar kun hápit na kinahanglána, Do the work little at a time so that you won’t have to do it in a great rush when the need arises. sipukádu, sipukáwu a 1 short-tempered. Sipukádu ang táwung daghag prublíma, A person with many problems gets to be short-tempered. 2 requiring a fast pace of work. Sipukádu na kaáyu ning ámung trabáhu kay dúna man miy didlayin, We are working as fast as we can because there is a deadline to meet. v 1 [B1; a12] be, become short-tempered. 2 [B12; c1] for work or a person to require a fast pace.

sipul n a knife 3–5″ long with a somewhat humped back used to cut threads and fibers in weaving. Instead of a handle it has a long tang curved at the end forming an eye. v [a12] make into, hit s.o. with a weaving knife.

sipulkru n sepulcher.

sipultíru n caretaker of a cemetery. v [B156; c1] be the caretaker in a cemetery.

sip-un n 1 head cold. 2 nasal mucous. Pahíri nang sip-un mu, Wipe your nose. v [A123P; a14] 1 have a cold. Ug sip-unun ka, inum áring tambal, If you have a cold, take this medicine. 2 have a runny nose. Gisip-un ku tungud sa abug, I have a runny nose from the dust. sip-unun a 1 having a runny nose. 1a tender in age, at the age when one has a runny nose. 2 awkward and ignorant.

sípung v 1 [A; a12] draw s.t. together, as a net or mouth of a sack. Dílì ku makasípung sa bàbà sa sáku kay punù kaáyu, I cannot gather the mouth of the sack because it is very full. Sipúngun níya ang buhuk, unyà pangkúun, She gathers up her hair and ties it into a knot. 2 [A; c1] join two ends or sides together. Sulda ray makasípung sa isig ka tumuy sa alambri, Only solder can join the two pieces of wire. 3 [A; b] finish a weave, terminating it. Magsípung na ku sa kálù, I’ll finish weaving the outer edges of the brim of the hat. 3a [A; c1] finish harvesting the rice, usually the little remaining part of the last part near the end of the field. -un(→), -unun n last small remaining part of the rice in the field to be harvested.†

sípur n C-4 rice, a recently introduced variety of white rice.

sip-ut a narrow and tight, affording little space or freedom of movement. Sip-ut kaáyu ang agiánan, The passageway is very narrow. Sip-ut nga sayal, A tight skirt. v [B2] be narrow and tight. ma- a crowded, thick with vegetation. Masip-ut nga kalibunan, Thick underbrush.

sipuy = sipul.

sipya n sepia in photography. v [A12] make a print in sepia.

sipyat v 1 [A23] make a mistake. Musipyat ka lang ug kas-a, papahawáun ta giyud ka, Just commit one mistake, and I’ll fire you. 2 [B26] miss an aim, fail in a plan. Dílì ku musipyat ug akuy patirúhun sa langgam, If I shoot the bird, I won’t miss. Plánung dílì masipyat, A plan that cannot fail. 3 [A23] overlook, fail to do s.t. Ug akuy pabasáhun walay sayup nga musipyat, I won’t overlook a thing if I read it. Ayaw sipyáta pagbása ang sunud gulà, Don’t fail to read the next issue. n 1 error committed. Way sipyat siyang muantug, He never misses in his shots. 2 failure to do s.t.

sír n term of address for male teachers and other men of high status. Si Sír Gabútin dílì makaanhi sa iskuylahan run, Mr. Gabutin cannot come to school today. Náay nagtawag nímu sa tilipunu, sír, S.o. is calling you [909]on the phone, sir. n [gen.] my, your, etc. teacher. Giingnan mi sa ámung sír, Our teacher told us. v [A; a12] address s.o. sir.

sira v 1 [A; b5c1] close a window or door. Sirhun (sirhan, isira, sirahun, sirahan) ta ning pwirta, ha? Let me close the door. May I? 2 [ABN2] close, cease to operate, cause s.t. to do so. Anus-a musira (manira) ang klási? When do classes close? Una lang kay magsira (manira) pa ku sa tindáhan, Just go ahead, because I will close the store. 3 [A2; a12] wind up, make complete. Átung sirhun ang nigusyu kay muadtu mi sa Amirika, We will wind up the business because we are going to America. 4 [A; b(1)] lock s.o. or oneself in s.t. Ug magpabuyag ka, akuy musira nímu sa kwartu, If you make a nuisance of yourself, I will lock you in your room. 5 — ug dugù v [b4(1)] miss several menstrual periods, usually for a long span of time. Nagmulù siya kay nasirhan siya ug dugù, She is worried because she has missed several menstrual periods. 6 [AB12; c1] plant fully with; be fully planted. Dì makasira (makapasira) ning tagúra sa basakan, These rice seedlings aren’t enough to fill all the rice paddies. n 1 door. 1a gate or anything that closes. 2 window shutter. 3 end of school. Kanus-a inyung sira sa klási? When do your classes end? — gána dessert. v [A; c1] have for dessert. paN- v [A2] 1 = sira, v2. 2 lock oneself in a house or room. Manira ta kay náay púsil sa gawas, Let’s close up because there is a gunfight outside. Nanira ku kay naglágut ku, I locked myself in my room because I was angry. 3 zipper or button up one’s clothes. Walà ku makapanira sa ákung karsúnis, I did not zipper my trousers. karga siráda see karga. sirádu a 1 tightly closed. Sirádu kaáyu ang kwartu kay walay hángin makasulud, The room is closed tight, and no air can get in. 2 full, filled to capacity. Dì ta makasakay kay sirádu kaáyu ang trák, We can not get on because the truck is completely full. v [B1256; b6] 1 be tightly closed, close s.t. tight. 2 filled to the last seating capacity. panirádu = panira, 2. siradúra n 1 device to close a door. 2 a lock for closing jewelry or anything to close wearing apparel.

sírà n venereal disease infection. v [B126] be infected with a venereal disease (slang).

siráli n k.o. fruit similar in appearance to cherries, green or dark red when ripe, with a single pit, growing in bunches on a small wild or cultivated tree: Flacourtia jangomas.

sirámiks n ceramics.

sirapínis n seraphim.

sirbandu n servant (sarcastic usage). Sirbandu ba ku nímu nga ímu kung sugúun niánà? Am I your servant to make me do what you command?

sirbátu n 1 whistle producing a high shrill noise. 2 horn on a vehicle. 3 notification, word of intimation for an important event (humorous). Nakasal na diay mu? Wà man lang muy sirbátu! Why, you got married without even giving us the slightest hint! v 1 [A; b6] sound a whistle or horn. Gisirbatúhan ka. Padaplin, He blew his whistle at you. Go to the side. 2 [A] give word or notification for an important event (humorous).

sirbi1 1 is considered, reckoned as. Kining kwartáha sirbi swildu nímu, This money is considered as your salary. 2 by way of. Sirbi ug pasalámat níay ákung gása álang nímu, By way of thanks I have a present for you. walay — useless. Way sirbing pagkaanáka! Tapulan, What a useless son! He’s so lazy. v 1 [A3] make do, serve. Magsirbi kahà ni pára halígi? Will this do for a post? 1a [A13] be of use, service. Ang ákung kahibalu sa ininglis nagsirbi nákù sa ákung trabáhu, My knowledge of English stood me in good stead in my work. 2 [A; b6] serve in a household. Adtung nagsirbi pa ku sa íla, At the time when I was serving in their place. 2a work off a debt by rendering menial service or serve time for a penalty. Sa átù pa, musirbi pa ku sa bayinti písus, In other words, I will work off the twenty pesos by serving you. 2b care, attend to. Ikaw ba tu ang nagsirbi nákù sa huspital? Were you the one who attended to me in the hospital? 2c serve in the mass. 3 serve food. Isirbi na ang panihápun, Serve supper now. -dur(→), -yinti n waiter. v [A13] be, become a waiter. -dúra, -yinta n waitress. v [A13] be, become a waitress. mag-l- n 1 waiter or waitress. 2 one who assists in saying the mass. -syu n 1 service, performance of a job in one’s line of duty. Sa dinhà pa ku sa sirbisyu sa pulis, When I was working on the police force. 2 function, purpose which s.t. serves. Unsa may sirbisyu áning pidála? What is the purpose of this pedal? 3 church service. Sa alas dyís ang sirbisyu, The service starts at ten o’clock. -syu Sibil Civil Service. v 1 [A13] serve, perform a job or duty in line of duty. 2 [b] serve or work to pay one’s debt. Sirbisyúhan ku lang ang ákung útang, I will just work my debt off. 3 [A; b6] hold a church service. -syáwu a having rendered a great service, served well. [910]Gisì na ning payúnga apan sirbisyáwu kaáyu ni kanákù, This umbrella is torn, but it has served me well.

sirbi2 v [A; c] serve in tennis and other games played with a net. n turn to serve, action of serving the ball. Kinsa rung sirbi (sirbisyu)? Whose serve is it? -syu n = sirbi, n.

sirbilyíta1 n napkin. v [a] make into, provide with napkins.

sirbilyíta2 n k.o. compact, seedy cooking banana, yellow-orange when ripe.

sirbis n 1 s.t. set aside for a certain specific use. Sirbis ning awtúha pára sa mga bisíta, This car is for the special use of the visitors. Maáyug sirbis tung ristawrána, That restaurant gives good service. v 1 [b6(1)] make s.t. available for a specific use. Ayaw ug kabaláka kay sirbísan ta mu ug dakung amplipáyir, Don’t worry because I will have a big public system available for you. 2 [A] service, provide maintenance for. Kinsa may musirbis sa mga awtu? Who will service the cars? — diluks n service in a de luxe manner. Gihatdan man giyug pamáhaw. Sirbis diluks man giyud, She was served breakfast on bed. De luxe service, I should say.

sirbísa n beer. sirbisahay v [A1; a12] play a game with beer as bets.

sirbisyáwu see sirbi1.

sirbisyu see sirbi1 and sirbi2.

sirbyinta = sirbidúra. see sirbi1.

sirbyinti = sirbidur. see sirbi1.

sirguylas = siriguylas.

siriguylas n small tree cultivated for its sweet and juicy fruits, yellow or reddish, similar to plums: Spondias purpurea. paN- v [A2; b6] gather siriguylas.

sirikinya n k.o. flying fish with a long nose.

síril v [A3; a12] look all around s.w. to find s.t. Nagsíril mi sa mga kasilingánan pagpangítà sa bátà, We were searching all over the neighborhood looking for the child. hasirilsíril v [B1256] go frantically looking for s.t. everywhere.

sirimunyas n 1 ceremony, prescribed procedure. Ang sirimunyas sa pag-inugurar sa tulay, The ceremony for the inauguration of the bridge. 2 fuss, ado. Way daghang sirimunyas gipapuyra siya, He was fired without much ceremony. v [A; b6] hold a ceremony.

sirína1 n siren. Sirína sa bumbíru, Fire engine siren. v [A; b6] sound a siren.

sirína2 n a mythical sea creature said to be a woman of some sort.

sirináta n an open air concert. v [A; b6] have, perform an open air concert.

síring = syíring.

siringsíring v [A; a] go about in a circular motion seeking or watching s.t. Misiringsíring ang iruplánu úsà mutugpa, The plane circled before landing.

sirínu n night watchman. v [A13] be a night watchman.

sirip1 n sheriff. v [A; a12] 1 attach property for nonpayment of a debt on it. Ang bangku mauy musirip sa yútà ug dílì kabayran ang lún, The bank will attach the land if the loan is not paid. 2 confiscate. Ákung siripun ang baráha kay dì mu magtuun, I will confiscate the playing cards because you don’t study.

sirip2 = silip.

siripinti = sirpinti.

síris n 1 Christmas tree lights. 2 series connection of bulbs or batteries. v [A; a] connect several batteries or electric bulbs in a series.

sírit v 1 [A2P; a12P] rush swiftly with a whooshing noise. Mipasírit (misírit) ug padágan sa awtu, Zoomed away in the car. 2 [A2] do s.t. fast and with ease. Misírit siya sa iksámin kay maáyu mang pagkaribyú, He answered the examination easily because he had reviewed well. n hissing noise of s.t. released under pressure. (→) v [A13] make a hissing noise. Nagsirit nga kaláyu, The hissing flame.

sirku v 1 [A3] fall headlong, tumble down into s.t. Misirku siya sa kanal pagkabanggà sa mutur, He fell headlong into the ditch when the motorcycle crashed. 2 [A; b6] flip, do tumbling. Human siya mudágan misirku siya didtu sa túbig, He ran and then somersaulted into the water. 3 [A13] for there to be a circus. Magsirku didtu sa ámung lungsud karung pista, There will be a circus in our town this coming fiesta. n circus. sirkíru, sirkadur n trapeze artist, acrobat. sirkíra, sirkadúra n a lady trapeze artist, acrobat. v [A13] be, become an acrobat.

sirkul n 1 circle. 2 the mahjong piece having the design of a circle. v 1 [AC23; c1] encircle, form a circle. Magsirkul na ta, Let’s form a circle. Nagsirkul ang mga girilya sa kampu sa Hapun, The guerillas encircled the Japanese camp. Gisirkulan ang mga sayup, The mistakes were encircled. 2a [A12; b] draw a circle in mahjong. 2b [B126] for the piece drawn to turn out a circle.

sirkular n circular, a directive distributed from a head to lower ranking departments.

sirkulasiyun n periodical circulation.

sirkulu = sirkul.

sirkumpirinsiya n circumference. [911]

sirkumstansiya n specific situation in which s.t. happened. Kining hitabù usa ka sirkumstansiya sa pangágaw sa katungdánan, The happening is a specific instance of usurpation of authority.

sirkus n circus. v [A13] hold a circus.

sirmun n 1 sermon delivered by a clergyman. 2 scolding. v [A; c] 1 deliver a sermon. 2 give a scolding. Gisirmúnan siya ni Máma kay tagdugay nga mupaúlì, Mom gave him a scolding because he comes home late.

sirpinti n 1 a mythological dragon or serpent of stories. 2 a treacherous and malicious person. v [B1256; b6] become, consider one a serpent.

sirta = sirtu.

sirtipay v [A; b6(1)] certify, make a written declaration concerning s.t.

sirtipikar v [A; b6] attest to the state or verity of s.t. Musirtipikar ku sa pagkatinúud sa íyang diklarasiyun, I will attest to the truth of his declaration. Gisirtipikahan na ba ang ímung tsiki? Has your check been certified? sirtipikádu n s.t. certified as true, valid. v [B1256] be, become certified.

sirtipíku n 1 certification of having finished a certain course or elementary grades. 2 a formalized declaration of thanks. 3 a document evidencing ownership of stock. — sa kandidatúra certificate of candidacy.

sirtu v 1 [A1; a12] ascertain. Nakasirtu ka ba unsay íyang súgù nákù? Have you ascertained what it was he wanted me to do? 2 [C; a12] come to final terms on an agreement. Nagkasirtu na mi sa prisyu, We have come to an agreement about the price. n 1 having come to an agreement. 2 expression in an auction sale indicating that the bid is closed. Dusintus! Ala úna! Alas dus! Alas tris! Sirtu! Two hundred! Going once! Going twice! Going thrice! Gone!

síru n 1 zero. 2 situation of having gotten nothing. Dimálas ang ámung pangisdà run kay síru, We had bad luck in our fishing because we got nothing. 3 exactly in round figures, no more, no less. Síru giyung kinsi písus ang hálin, The sales was exactly fifteen pesos. Síru nga siyam ka búlan ang íyang pagmabdus way subrang adlaw, Her pregnancy was exactly nine months, not a day more or less. v 1 [A; b6] give a zero, make s.o. come out with zero. Pagtuun kay musíru giyud nang maistrúha, Study, because that teacher will really give a zero. Gisirúhan mi sa ámung kuntra, Our opponents made us come out with zero. 2 [B256; c16] put into round figures. Hustu nang aníhun ug masíru nang duha ka túig, It’s time to be harvested when it gets to be exactly two years.

sirù1 v 1 [A; c] feed s.o. who is weak from childbirth or disease. Dì ku makalakat kay nagsirù kug masakitun, I can’t leave the house because I’m feeding s.o. that is sick. Sabaw sa báka ang isirù sa nagpatútuy, Give the nursing mother beef broth. 2 [A; b] give a dole or handout (deprecatory). Dì mu mauwaw nga gubyirnu ang magsirù ninyu? Are you not ashamed to receive handouts from the government?

siruhánu n surgeon. v [A13; a12P] be, become a surgeon.

siruk a 1 greedy, having a strong desire for food. Siruk kaáyu ning irúa kay walà makakaun ug tulu ka adlaw, This dog is very greedy because it hasn’t eaten for three days. 2 fond of, having a strong liking for. Siruk ug bayli ni si Pidru, Peter is crazy about dancing. 3 one who is present at any event where food is served, invited or not. v [B12] be, become greedy or fond of s.t. (←) v [A; b6] attend a party or feast uninvited, just to eat the food prepared. Mga bagà ug náwung nga misíruk sa híkay, Those nervy people who went to the party uninvited. paN- v [A2; b6] go s.w. to scrounge for food. Adtu sa mga basúra magpaniruk ang mga irù ug iring, The dogs and the cats scrounge for food in garbage cans. — buy a 1 attending banquets uninvited. 2 one starved for food, entertainment, or sex without scruples. v [B12] become a person of this sort.

síruks n 1 xerox machine. 2 a xerox copy. Síruks lay ihátag, dílì ang uridyinal, Just turn in a xerox, not the original. v [A; b6] xerox s.t.

sirul n stomach cramps. v [A123P; a4] get stomach cramps. Diyútay ray kan-a sa hilaw nga mangga arun dílì ka sirulun, Don’t eat so many green mangoes so you don’t get cramps.

sirumsirum n k.o. goby.

sirung v [B26; c1] for the eyebrows to be knitted. Masirung (musirung) ang ímung kílay ug masukù ka, You knit your eyebrows when you are angry. a knitted eyebrows.†

sírung = sinulug.

sirutsu n hand saw. — pára láras ripsaw. v [A13; a12] cut with a saw.

siryal n installment in a serialized movie, radio program, published stories. v [c6] have s.t. appear in installments.

siryal nambir n serial number.

siryus a 1 serious, earnest in one’s attitude to things. Siryus siya kaáyu sa íyang trabáhu, [912]He is very serious in his work. 2 seriously ill. Siryus na kaáyu ang masakitun, The patient is very serious. v 1 [B1; b6] be serious and earnest. 2 [B12; b6] for an illness to get serious. -in- v [A13] take things seriously.

siryúsa a serious-minded, not easy-going. Dì siya katiáwan kay siryúsang pagkababáyi, You can’t fool around with her because she is the serious type. v [B2] become serious-minded.

siryúsu a serious and earnest about what one does, not joking. Siryúsu kaáyu ning ákung ig-ágaw, panagsa ra mupahiyum, My cousin is serious. He rarely smiles. Sigúru kang maánur ug siryúsu ka sa ímung pagtuun, You will get honors if you are serious with your studies. v [B1] be serious.

sís 1 short for Mísis, term of address for a married woman. 2 term of address to a sister.

sisariyan n caesarian section. v [A; a12] perform or have a caesarian section.

sisi n k.o. small oysters.

sìsì v 1 [A; a] make an incision on s.t., rip s.t. open with a long tear. Sìsíun ta ning ímung dintru arun maabut ku ang samad, We’ll have to rip your shirt so I can get at your wound. Arun makúhà ang bála sìsían ang dughan, We’ll have to make an incision in the chest to get the bullet out. 2 [B126; a] for the edge of s.t. hard to have a tear in it. Nasìsì ang kílay sa buksidur, The boxer got a cut on his eyebrow. Sìsíun mu nang kílid sa silya nga ablíhan mu nang kúk? Are you going to rip the edge of the chair by opening a coke on it? 2a [b4(1)] have a vaginal laceration. Ang bátà nga gilúgus nasìsían, The child that was raped had a vaginal laceration.

sisig = alig-ig, v1.

sisik, sísik n carapace of a sea turtle, or similar material from a carabao horn, used for making combs. sudlayng — turtle-shell comb.

sisinta = saysinta.

sisip n s.t. tapered and thin, used as a wedge to hold s.t. tightly in place. Ayaw ug nipsa ang sisip arun dílì mahalù dáyun ang pul-an, Don’t make the wedge thin so the handle will not come loose easily. v [A; a] put, make into a small wedge.

sista n guitar. v [A23N; a12] play a guitar. Kaantígu kang musista (manista)? Do you know how to play the guitar? maN-r- n guitar player. paN- n art of guitar playing.

sisti what really makes it bad is... Walà lang untà tuy kásung gigisìgisì. Ang sisti (nakasisti) kay gisúnug man sab, It really wouldn’t have mattered if it had only been torn to pieces, but the thing that really is bad is that it was burnt too. Way kásu kanang samára, ang sisti (nakasisti) lang, ug ímung pasagdan, Don’t worry about that wound. It’s only s.t. to worry about if you don’t take care of it. v [A12] = sisti.

sistíma n system, way in which s.t. is done. Bag-ung sistíma sa pagtudlug ininglis, A new system for teaching English. v [a12] do s.t. in a sensible or systematic way. Sistimáha nà ug búhat, unáhun ri, isunud tu, Do it in a systematic way: This first, next that, and so forth. -tiku(→) a done in a systematic, sensible way.

sistu = sistusumyásis.

sistusumyásis n schistosomiasis. v [A123P; a4] be afflicted with schistosomiasis.

sísu n see-saw. v [A1; a2] play on, make into a see-saw.

sisyun n session, the meeting of members of a body to transact business. v [A1; b6] hold a session.

sít1 v [A; c1] set the hair. Rúla ang ímung buhuk usà isít (síta), Roll your hair on curlers before you set it.

sít2 n 1 set of dishes, furniture, mahjong, and the like. 2 in mahjong a set of three consecutive numbers (siyà) or a set of three pieces of the same number (tríyu). v [A12] obtain a set of s.t.

sít3 v [A; c] adjust the time of a timepiece. Isít ang rilu inigpítu, Set the clock when the siren sounds.

síta n letter z.

sitar v [A; c] express or cite s.t. Nausab ang íyang hunàhúnà human ku makasitar sa ákung túyù, He changed his mind after I had expressed my purpose. Bi, sitari ku ug usa ka higayun diin walà ka mapildi, All right, give me an instance where you did not lose. Hala, isitar ang prisyu ug pila man gáling nà, All right, tell me the price. How much could it be.

sitasiyun n summons, an official order to appear in court.

sithaw v [B] be embarrassed to the point of blushing in shame. Musithaw ta ug hisakpan tang mamakak, It is embarrassing to be caught cheating. Nasithaw ang duha ka managtrátu nga hinsakpang nagháluk, The couple blushed with shame because they were caught kissing.

síti number seven. Used only with words of Spanish origin: dates, prices, time of day. v see tris. n k.o. white rice with long and slender grains that ripens in seven months. [913]— Birnis n aged palm toddy. — duktúris n Christmas pageant concerning the life of Christ, especially focusing on the debate between Christ and the seven learned rabbis in the temple. — palabras n 1 the seven last words of Christ before He died on the cross. 2 a Good Friday ritual commemorating the seven last words. v [A] perform this ritual. — páris n a mahjong hand containing seven pairs (see karnabal2). v [B36; c6] make, get seven pairs.

sitihul n City Hall.

sitinta numeral seventy. v see disiutsu.

sitlayit n man-made satellite. v [b6] have a satellite s.w.

sitru n sceptre. Ang sitru mauy timailhan sa gahum, The sceptre is a symbol of power.

sí tru n see-through cloth, k.o. lace cloth which one can see through. v [A; b] wear s.t. of see-through cloth.

sitsaru n commercial name for peas or pea pods. The plant (or the vegetable) is called gisantis.

sitsarun n a tidbit made of hog skins fried crisp. v [A; a12] prepare, have sitsarun.

sitsiríka1 a gay, vivacious, and friendly. Lagmit makatratu ning bayhána kay sitsiríka kaáyu, This girl will likely get herself a boy friend because she is very vivacious and friendly. 2 dressing with verve, somewhat wildly. v [B12; b6] get to be vivacious and friendly.

sitsiríka2 = kumintang.

sitsiríku a being vivacious and friendly with the opposite sex, but not necessarily loose.

sitsiríya, sitsiríyas n miscellaneous goods for everyday use. Namaligyà mi ug sitsiríyas ingun sa asúkar, linata, panaptun, ug uban pa, We sell various goods for everyday use such as sugar, canned goods, cloth, and the like.

sitsit v [AN; b(1)] attract s.o.’s attention by hissing in short bursts: sst, sst. Mupatúu nà siya ug akuy musitsit, He’ll stop if I go sst, sst to him. Sitsíti si Nítu kay nabyaan ang íyang libru, Call Nito back because he left his book behind. n a hissing call to attract attention. paN- v [A13] hissing at s.o., call done in this way.

situn this, that (nom. and dat.—dialectal).

sitwasiyun n 1 state of health or well-being. Sa ímung sitwasiyun dílì ka pa makalakaw, In your delicate state of health you should not walk. 2 situation, the circumstances that pertain at a given moment. Ang sitwasiyun sa pamulitika sa Ilúkus, The political situation in Ilocos.

sityu n a territorial subdivision of a barrio, having no political signification.

síug v [A; b] press the abdomen downward in childbirth. Gisiúgan sa mananabang ang babáying nanganak, The midwife pressed down on the abdomen of the woman who was giving childbirth.†

síut a 1 crowded. Síut didtu sa sini kay maáyu ang pilikula, It was crowded in the movie house because it was a good film. 2 full of weeds or grasses that obstruct. Bungayi ang gardin kay síut na kaáyu, Weed the garden because it is full of weeds. 3 littered with trash. n trash, weeds. v 1 [A2; ac] force one’s way with difficulty through a crowd or thicket. Gisíut níya ang katawhan pagpaduul sa intabládu, He forced his way through the crowd to get near the stage. 1a for a sound to penetrate. Ang kabanhà musíut sa ákung dalunggan, The noise penetrates into my ears. 2 [B2] become full of weeds. 3 [B126; a12] become full of litter. Ginunting papil ang nakasíut (nakapasíut) sa sála, Cut up pieces of paper littered the living room. siutsiut v [A; b6] scatter litter.

siwag a jutting out inconveniently. Siwag kaáyu nang rúlir ilukluk sa bulsa, The ruler protrudes inconveniently if you stick it in your back pocket. v [A2S; c6] be, become protuberant and inconvenient.

siwagkang v [B6; c1] stick out or be crookedly placed. Dakù ang intráda sa ákung sapátus kay nagsiwagkang ang ákung kumagkù, I take a shoe with a very wide vamp because my big toe sticks out to the side. Ayaw siwagkánga (isiwagkang) ang ímung tiil kay malukápa ta, Don’t stick your legs out because we’ll stumble over them.

siwakug v [B3(1)6] be cumbersome and difficult to carry due to its long length. Magsiwakug dad-un ang tag-as nga mga lipak, Long bamboo slats are cumbersome to carry. a cumbersome to carry because of length.

síwang v [A; b6] cut or split the lips. Siwángun tikaw run ug dì ka magtárung, I’ll split your lips open if you don’t behave. (→) a harelip. Dáan na nà siyang siwang sukad sa gamay pa, She has been a harelip since childhood.

siwásid = saluwasid.

siwil v [A] for long slender things to stick out. Misiwil ang lansang sa píkas bungbung, The nail stuck out through the other side of the wall. Punyal nga nagsiwil sa bulsa, A dagger sticking out of the pocket.

siwit n clitoris.

siwitsiwit n gossip. v [AN; c1] gossip; bear [914]tales. Dì ta makasiwitsiwit ug daghan tag búhat, We can’t gossip if we’re busy.

siwsiw v [A] for blood to flow profusely. Misiwsiw ang dugù sa dakù nga samad, Blood flowed profusely from the wound.

siya he, she. Akù siyang igsúun, He is my brother. She is my sister. kanà, kini, kadtu — 1 him, her (used when speaking about s.o., usually saying s.t. unpleasant). Tabian nà siya, She is a gossip. 2 this, that thing. Kari siya indángan. Kanà siya mamsà, This is a surgeon fish. That is a crevally. 2a that umm... (used when one can’t think of the name of s.t.). Kanang instrumintu, kanà siyang ibángag sa puthaw gánì, That instrument, that thing they make holes in iron with, you know... siyasíya v [A13] do s.t. all by himself, herself. Way mitábang níya ug nagsiyasíya lang siya ug tuun, Nobody helped him out and he studied all by himself. níya 1 gen.: his, her. Ang libru níya, Her book. 2 dat., short for kaníya. kaníya dat.: him, her. Adtu kaníya ihátag, Give it to her. see also íya.

síya n chair, seat. v [a12] make into a chair.

siyà n 1 in mahjong, a set of three consecutive pieces of the same design. 2 act of obtaining siyà. v [A; a12] get siyà. — ditirminális a siyà which has a terminal (tirminális). — minay a winning hand which has one of each of the winds (bintus), dragons (drágun) and terminals (tirminális).

siyam numeral nine. v see tulu. — pa sa kamut not completely certain. (Lit. There are still nine when you count it on the fingers of the hand—from the notion that a newly conceived baby is not certain because much can happen in nine months). Bísag hinug nag humay, siyam pa gihápun ni sa kamut kay nía pa man sa yútà, Our rice is ripe, but we can’t be sure of the harvest because the harvest hasn’t been done yet. ka-an n ninety.

siyap1 v [A] peep, chirp. Musiyap ang pisù ug walà dihà ang mungáan, The chick will peep if the hen is not there.

siyap2 n shop, an establishment devoted to repairing things or making things. — sa makina machine shop.

siyatsíyat n shooting of the ball in basketball for practice or for leisure. Sa siyatsíyat hingígù siya, piru sa dúwà, sus lagyúa, In practice shooting he is a good shot, but when it comes to the actual game, his shots are way off the mark. v [A; c] do practice shooting, usually leisurely. Magsiyatsíyat únà ang mga magduduwà sa dì pa sugdan ang baskit, The players do practice shooting before the game starts.

siyin one hundred, used only before words of Spanish origin referring to measurements or quantities. Siyin mil, One hundred thousand. Siyin anyus, One hundred years. v see disiutsu.

síyuk2 v 1 [A2S] sputter. Ígù rang nakasíyuk ang ribintadur ug walà makabutu, The firecracker just sputtered and didn’t explode. 2 give a continuous hissing or screeching sound. Ang hángin misíyuk sa mga alambri, The wind hissed through the wires. 3 have the sensation of being filled with a humming sound, ring. Misíyuk ang ákung dalunggan human sa butu, My ears rang after the explosion. n 1 k.o. stone found in chunks which crackles and sputters when put into a fire. 2 hissing, sputtering sound. -in-(→) n = síyuk, n2.

siyun n a way of determining magically who stole s.t. v [A; a12] practice this sort of magic. maN-r-(←) n shaman who can help find things that have been stolen.

siyung n a nickname, often used in address to a hypothetical person in an exclamation to indicate disbelief. Ámut siyung! Ipalit níya ug dulsi sa iskuylahan unyà, My foot he wants the money for school. He wants to buy candy, that’s all. Tuntúha siyung. Maáyu mag karun pa ku ánà, Don’t you fool me, buddy roe. You think I haven’t heard that one before?

siyut1 a lacking in good judgment or prudence. Siyut kaáyu ning tawhána kay magswítir bísan ug galhà, That man hasn’t got a brain in his head because he wears a sweater no matter how hot it is. v [B12] be, become lacking in good sense.

siyut2 = syút2.

siyutsiyut = batiwtiw.

stábus short for sintábus.

sts. abbreviation for sintábus centavos.

1 word used to drive chickens away.

2 n zoo.

sū́ = súlù.

súag v [B46; b4] feel nauseated. Musúag ang ákung ginhawaan ug makabahù kug kanal, I feel nauseated if I smell a ditch. Makasúag (makapasúag) sa ákung ginhawaan ang tambuk sa bábuy, Pork fat nauseates me.

súb n substitute teacher.

súba = súbak.

subà n river. (←) n uterine hemorrhage. v 1 [b4] have a uterine hemorrhage. Ang babáying gisubáan sa dugù namatay, The woman who had a uterine hemorrhage died. 2 [A2] go upstream or to the hinterland. Kadaghánan sa mga táwung nagpuyus ubus misúbà sa panahun sa gúbat, Most of the people living [915]along the coast went to the mountains during the war. Walà makasúbà ang mga uwang sa pagkagámay sa túbig, As the water receded the shrimps could no longer proceed upriver. suban-un n 1 person living near the river. 2 the Subano, a non-Christian tribe of Western Mindanao. a having dirty habits, like the Subano’s.

subad v [A; a12] 1 devour a prey and swallow it. Subarun ka sa dagkung isdà ug mahúlug ka sa dágat, The big fish will devour you if you fall in the sea. 2 eat (said humorously of oneself or contemptuously of others). Maáyu ka lang musubad ug pagkáun apan tapulan ka, You’re good at eating, but when it comes to work you’re no good. Musubad kug bisan unsa, I’ll eat anything. 3 [A23; a12] be gullible enough to swallow s.t. Musubad dáyun nà siyag hambúgan, She believes any tall story told to her. — nga way paun = kubit nga way paun. see kubit. n fish caught by hook and line. (←) n the period when fish bite. Súbad run sa núkus, This is the time the squids are biting. subadsúbad v [A3; b6] for fish to start to bite. Misubadsúbad na ang isdà run, The fish are starting to bite now. paN- v [A2] 1 for fish to be biting. Dì pa manubad ang isdà kay dì patay ang búlan, The fish are not biting yet because the moon is still out bright. 2 prey on, upon. Unsa may manubad sa pisù, sawa u iring? What was preying on the chicks? A snake or a cat? maN-r- n wild animal that preys for its food. see also manbad.

súbak v [A; c] give a flavor to vegetables by adding fish or meat. Maáyung isúbak ang bulad sa munggus, Mung beans taste good if cooked with a little dried fish. (→) n meat or fish used with vegetables for flavor.

subang v 1 [A; b8] for heavenly bodies to rise. Pagsalup sa adlaw misubang ang daktul, When the sun set, the full moon rose. 1a [A] for it to be the first quarter. Mutári sila sa ílang manuk inigsubang, They will wait for the first quarter to fight their cocks. 2 [A] appear, become known as s.o. distinguished. Iládu na siya sa nakasubang na siya sa pamálak, He was well-known after he had distinguished himself in poetry. 3 [A23] appear as if to rise. Usa ka pahiyum misubang sa íyang dagway, A smile appeared in her face. n moon of the first quarter. Primírung subang, First day after the new moon. -an n east. subangsúbang = subang, n.

subasku n 1 squall. 2 a surge of emotion. Mu ra siyag malumus adtung subasku sa kamíngaw, It seems as though he would drown in that wave of loneliness. v [A; a2] squall. Nabalían mi ug pálu kay hingsubaskuhan mi, We had a broken mast because we were caught in a squall.

subasta v [A; c6] auction s.t. off. Isubasta ang mga rilu nga walà malukat, They will auction off the watches that were not redeemed. n auction.

súbaw n head cold. v [A12; b4] catch a cold. Gisip-un ku kay gisubáwan ku, I have a runny nose because I have a cold.

súbay v 1 [A2S; a2] follow, go along a certain way. Musúbay ka sa dálan ug likù sa tuu sa may mangga, Follow the path and turn right near the mango tree. Ang karsáda musúbay sa baybay, The road goes along the beach. Subáya ang alambri arun hibaw-an nímug háin ihukut, Follow the wire up so you will know where it is tied. 2 [A2; a12] imitate s.o. Maáyu siya nga musúbay sa sinultian sa maistru, He is good in mimicking the way the teacher speaks. 3 [A; a12] go through the details of an event to learn about it more clearly. Magsúbay ta unsay nahitabù adtung gabhiúna, Let’s discuss what happened that night in detail. 3a trace a family tree. Subáya ang kagíkan sa kaslúnun kay tingálig paryinti, Trace the engaged couple’s family tree, for they might turn out to be related. 3b go through accounts in detail. Subáyun ta ang nakúhà gíkan sa Hulyu, Let us review how much you took, starting from July. 4 [A12S3; a12] follow rules, customs, manners. Nagsubay ka ba sa baláud? Are you observing the law? 4a be in accordance with. Ug subáyun ang baláud sad-an siya, Under the law, he is guilty. n 1 along, following a path. Lakaw súbay sa karitíras, Go along the feeder road. 2 in accordance with. Ang ákung gibúhat súbay man sa baláud, What I did was in accordance with the law. hiN- v [A12S] 1 relate in detail. Naghinúbay (naghinubay) si Pidru sa íyang mga kaági, Pedro related his past experiences. 2 trace relationships. pina- according to. Pinasúbay sa baláud dakù tà kag buhis, According to the law, you should pay a big tax.

subdibáyid v [a12] subdivide an area of land into housing lots for commercial purposes.

subdibisyun n housing development. v [A; a12] make, make into a housing development.

*súbid paN-, subidsúbid n trolling with a swiftly paddled one- or two-man boat. v [A2; b6(1)] fish by trolling. subiran n a small and narrow outriggered boat used for trolling of this sort. [916]

subída n upgrade. v [A] go uphill, on an upgrade. Ug musubída ang karsáda, isigunda, When the road goes into an upgrade, shift into second. Nangínit ang makina samtang nagsubída ang trák, The motor overheated while the truck was negotiating the upgrade. subidahun a 1 steep. 2 difficult, hard to solve. Subidahun kaáyu ning sulirána, This problem is very difficult. v [B1256] be, become difficult or steep.

subing1 n individual stalks of rice not ripe during the harvest and left to be gleaned. v [AN; b6] glean rice that was left to ripen.

subing2 n a one-string musical instrument made of bagákay bamboo. v 1 [A] play the subing. 2 [c1] make a subing.

subir v [A] increase in price or intensity. Misubir ang prisyu sa mais, The price of corn went up. Misubir ang íyanq hilánat, His temperature went up. subídu a for prices to be high or s.t. else to be high in numerical quantity. Subídu ang íyang grádu, He got high grades.

subirbíya = subirbíyu (female).

subirbiyu, subirbíyu a difficult to discipline, insistent on doing as one likes. v [B12] be, become recalcitrant. Masubirbiyu ang prísu ug ímung lugaklugákan, A prisoner will become unmanageable if you show him leniency. pubring — a financially hard-up, but insisting on one’s wants. Pubring subirbiyu kaáyu nang tawhána. Gitagáan gánig trabáhu, dílì kay gustung magmanidyǐr siya, That man is a beggar but he won’t work except as manager.

subìsubì v [AN; b5] answer back when reprimanded. Hílum! Ayaw kug subìsubia (subìsubii), Shut up! Don’t you talk back to me.

sublì v 1 [A; a12] do s.t. twice, again for the second time around. Musublì ku ug káun kay gigútum pa ku, I will eat again because I am still hungry. 1a [a12] repeat, say s.t. again. Sublíun ku lag kas-a ug památig maáyu, I will repeat once. Now listen carefully. 2 [A; a12] go over s.t. for errors. Sublíun nákù nà ug makatulu arun walà giyuy mga sayup, I will go over it three times so there will be no mistakes. 3 [A13; b] reelect s.o. Sublían nátù si Anduy pagkamíyur, Let us reelect Andoy for mayor. n repeated term in office. ka-an n reelection aimed at.

submarínu n 1 submarine. 2 bedbug (humorous). Unsáun pagkatúlug nga ayruplánu sa táas submarínu sa ubus, How can you sleep with lots of airplanes (mosquitoes) above and submarines (bedbugs) underneath you? v 1 [A12] travel by submarine. 2 [A13; a12] sabotage an activity. Walà mulampus ang ákung paági kay ímu man nga gisubmarínu, My procedure did not succeed because you sabotaged it.

submasinggan n submachine gun. v [A13; a12] shoot with a submachine gun.

submit v [A; c] hand in or over. Kinsay nagsubmit áring blangku nga papil? Who submitted this blank piece of paper? Walà pa ku makasubmit sa ripurt, I have not yet handed in the report.

submitir = sumitir.

subpína n subpoena. v [A; b6] serve s.o. with a subpoena.

subra a in excess, too many, too much. Subra ra kaáyu ang túbig nga ímung gibutang sa linat-an, You put much too much water in the stew. Subra ra kaáyu ang ímung pag tabakù, You smoke much too much. v 1 [B46] be excessive. 2 [A] be more than a certain amount. Ang íyang swildu musubra ug gatus human ug báyad sa mga útang, His salary will be a bit more than a hundred after he pays off his debts. 2a [A12] get a little extra. Sa ákung pangisdà makasubra ku ug diyútay nga ibaligyà human kuhái sa pagkáun, I get a little extra from my fishing after taking out what we use for food. 3 [A; b(1)] set aside a bit for s.o. Subráhi (subrái) ku ug diyútay nga dulsi, ha? Leave some candy for me, will you? n the remainder left over after what is needed has been taken, the excess. Ang subra gibálik human ku mukúhag tulu, I returned the remainder after I took three. Iúlì ang subra kay kini ray ákung gikinahanglan, Return the extra ones because I only need this one. — ibasta a done in excess. v [B; c1] be given, done in excess. Dì na hinúun makamaung manikaysíkay ang táwu ug magsubra ibasta ra ang átung tábang kaníya, A man won’t know how to shift for himself if he is given more help than necessary. Bísag unsay buhátun basta masubra ibasta makadáut, Anything done in excess is harmful. hiN- v [A13; b6P] be excessive, too much. Naghinubra ang ímung pag-inum, You are drinking too much. pa- v [A; b6] exaggerate a story. Wà ra tuy kásu piru gipasubrahan ug sugílun, It was nothing serious but he exaggerated when he recounted it. subraánay a excessive, beyond the bounds of good taste. Subraánay pud nga nakapamulbus si Pilang, Pilang powders her face excessively.

subri n envelope. v [A13; c1] place s.t. inside an envelope.

subrikáma n bedspread.†

subrikargu n purser on a vessel. v 1 [B156; a2] [917]be, become a purser. 2 [A1; c1] make s.o. a purser.

subsik. abbreviation for subsikritaryu undersecretary.

subsub a frequent. Kasubsub nímu nga mutan-aw ug sini! How often you go to the show! v [A; a12] do s.t. often. Subsúbun nímu ug túbig ang tanum, Water the plants frequently.

subu v 1 [B23(1)46; b8] for s.t. boiling to overflow. Ukbi ang kardíru kay misubu ang inínit, Take the cover off of the pot because water is overflowing. 2 [A; b] douse water onto live embers. Subhi ang bága úsà ta manglákaw, Pour water on the embers before you leave. 3 [A; b(1)] temper, harden iron or steel by heating it and then immersing it in oil or water. 4 [A; b(1)] initiate a series of activities or wear s.t. for the first time. Ang prisidinti mauy musubu sa bayli, The president will start the dance. Siyay nakasubu ug sakay sa ayruplánu, He rode the inaugural flight of the airplane. n temper of metal. walay — inexperienced. Ayawg patugatuga ug pangulitáwung Maríya kay wà kay subu, Don’t try to court Mary because you are inexperienced.

subù a sad. Subù ug nawung, Having a sad countenance. Subù nga palandúngun, Sad to think about. v [A1; c5] be sad. Gikasubù ku ang dílì kalikayan nga hitabù, I very much regret the unavoidable incident. paha- [A; b6] extend one’s condolences. n condolences. ka- n sadness. kasub-ánan n grief, sorrows. Kasub-ánan nga way katapúsan, Sorrows without end. masulub-un a 1 characterized with grief, mournful. Usa ka masulub-un nga bakhù, A mournful sob. 2 grieving. Ang masulub-ung kapíkas, The grieving wife. v [A13] be, become sad. maka-r-(←) a saddening. Makasusúbung hitabù, A saddening event.

súbuk n pith. subuksúbuk sa mais n 1 pith of cornstalks or pith-like substance in the middle of a corncob. -un a mostly pith. Dílì lig-un ning kahúya kay subúkun kaáyu, The piece of wood is not strong because it is mostly pith.

subul n sprout from the ground, sprout of hair or feathers. v [A2; b6] sprout. Makasubul na sab ang mga balíli ug uwanun, The grass will sprout if it rains. Gisubulan nag balhíbu ang íyang íluk, Hair has sprouted in his armpits.

*subung see sumban.

súbung1 v [AC; c] light a cigar or cigarette from s.o. else’s cigarette or cigar.

*súbung2 -in- n gold alloyed with other metal. Sinúbung ning singsínga, This ring is not pure gold. v [B126] be gold alloy.

suburnu n 1 bribe. Madúgay ang papílis ug way suburnu, The papers will take forever if there is no bribe. 2 crime of bribery. Ang suburnu nabúhat sa panahun sa prisidinti pa si Makapagal, The bribery was done when Macapagal was president. v [A; c] give a bribe.

súbut v [B126] be pricked, get a splinter in one. Nasúbut siya pagpapha níya sa íyang gisapilyáhan, He got a splinter in him when he rubbed his hands over the board he was planing.

subwak v [B3(1)4; b6] 1 for water to burst out of a hole. Misubwak ang túbig sa tuburan, The water gushed out of the source of the spring. 2 for the contents to overflow a container. Misubwak ang mga pasahíru sa trák, The bus is overflowing with passengers. Nagsubwak ang mga táwu sa sinihan, The moviegoers spilled out of the movie house.

súd = sulud.

súda n 1 soda water. 2 soda crackers. v [b(1)] mix s.t. with soda. — krákirs = súda, n2.

sud-an see sulà.

sud-ip v [B1246; b8] choke on s.t. that went into the respiratory passage. Hingsud-ipan ka ug muinum ka ug dalìdalì, You will choke if you drink too fast. -an n k.o. sweet potato with reddish peelings and white meat, so called because the meat is moist and tends to stick in the throat.

sudiyà v [AN2; b(1)] point out to a person that he was wrong or that he failed to do s.t. Walà pa ku makasudiyà (makapanudiyà) níya báhin sa íyang gisáad nákù, I have not reminded him about what he promised me. Sudiyái ku ug mahustu ka kay sigúru ku nga sayup giyud tu, You may point it out to me if it turns out you were right, because I am sure that you are wrong. ma-un a characterized with a remonstrating attitude. Mitan-aw siya nákù sa usa ka masudiyáun nga pagtan-aw, He looked at me with a remonstrating look. paN- n the action of pointing it out to a person that he was wrong. adlaw sa paN- Judgment Day.

sudiyang1 n a cone-like, tapering structure used as an animal or fish trap into the smaller end of which the animal enters with ease, but which has tines, such that the animal cannot back out. v [A; b6] catch or make into this sort of trap.

sudiyang2 n large tree of the primary or secondary forest producing hard, dark red [918]lumber: Ctenolophon philippinense.

sudlay n 1 comb. 2 harrow, a raft-like device with toothed undersides pulled by a water buffalo, used for raking off weeds and breaking up the lumps of soil. v [A; a12] 1 comb s.o.’s hair. 2 harrow. 3 [a12] look at s.t. from one point to the other with deliberate care. Gisudlay níya pagtan-aw ang babáyi gíkan sa úlu ngadtu sa tiil, She scrutinized the girl from head to foot. paN- v [A2] comb one’s hair. Wà ka makapanudlay, You haven’t combed your hair!

sudlut v 1 [A; b2] spurt, squirt out. Misudlut ang dugù sa samad, Blood spurted out of the wound. 2 [B46; b6] bulge or come partially out of an opening. Nagsudlut na ang bátà sa pag-abut sa mananabang, The infant’s head was already out when the midwife arrived.

sudsud1 a close together. Sudsud kaáyu ang kamátis nga pagkatanum, The tomatoes are planted very close together. v 1 [A13; c1] place, or plant close together. Isudsud (sudsúrun) nímu ug butang ang mga silya, Place the chairs close together.

sudsud2 v 1 [A; a] dig up or turn up the earth by shoving with the tip of an instrument or (by animals) with the snout. Sudsúra ning mga balíli, Clear off this grass (with a pushing motion). Ang gisudsúran sa bábuy nga yútà nangalúngag, The place where the pig had dug out the earth with its snout is full of holes. 2 [AN; a] push sand lightly with the feet in search of crabs. 3 [A; a] catch fish with a sudsud. n 1 bladed instrument with a blunt end used to remove weeds by shoving under the roots. 2 k.o. small one-man fishing net made of coarse sinamay mounted on two poles, pushed through shallow water to catch shrimps or small fish. paN- v [A2] go fishing with the sudsud.

sud-uk = sid-uk.

sud-ung v [A13; a] look at s.t. or s.o. with interest or intent. Sud-úngun ku ang ímung ritrátu ug abutun ku ug kamíngaw, I will gaze at your picture if I feel lonesome. pa- v 1 [A; ac] allow s.o. to see. 2 [a12] live long enough to see the fruit of one’s labor, foolishness. Gipasud-ung ang amahan nga nagsípit ug diplúma ang tanan níyang mga anak úsà siya mamatay, The father lived long enough to see all his children graduate before he died. 2 [A13] live only long enough to be seen. Ígù lang nagpasud-ung tung batáa kay usa ra ka búwan sa maháyag, That child lived only long enough to be seen because it died a month after birth.

súduy = súruy.

suga v [A; a] repolish rice that still has some unhusked grains. Sugaha ang bugas arun hanglas kan-un, Repolish the rice so that it is smooth to eat.

sugà1 n 1 lamp. alambri sa — electric wire. -ng dikumbáti barn lantern. 2 electric lights. Way sugà karung gabíi, There will be no electricity tonight. v 1 [A; b(1)] light lights. Sug-i ang altar kay mangadyì na ta, Light the altar because we’re going to pray. 2 [A13; b(1)] use s.t. for light. Nagsugà mi ug kandílà pagblak-áwut, We used candles during the blackout. 2a ika- ang íhì for a woman to be very beautiful (lit. such that her urine could be used to light a lamp). Ikasugà ba ang íhì sa naasáwa sa ímung anak? Is your son’s wife beautiful? paN- v [A2; b6] go fishing using lamps. Manugà mi rung gabíi sa hunásan, We will hunt shellfish in the tidal flats tonight with a lamp. sugàsugà n 1 k.o. marine crab usually found inhabiting rocks and shallow water, 3″ across and round with a thick shell. 2 name given to dried lagaw.

sugà2 v [A] for corn plants to develop or grow tassels. Malípay ku kun magsugà na ang ámung mais, I am happy when our corn plants begin to grow tassels.

sugabin v 1 [A; bc] add s.t. to the principal thing. Sugabini ug kamúti ang kan-un, Supplement the rice with sweet potatoes. Isugabin sa ímung sulat ang ákung pangumusta kaníla, Give them my regards in your letter. 2 [A; a] have a sideline. Nakasugabin kug tudlù magabíi gíkan sa upisína, I got a job part-time teaching at night after office hours.

sugábu v [B26; b6] dive or fall with a splashing or thudding sound. Misugábu sa lunangan ang hubug, The drunk splashed into the mud puddle.

sugákud v 1 [A2] be up to doing s.t., keeping up with s.t. Dílì ku musugákud ánang trabahúa, I am not up to that job. Dì ku makasugákud sa instulmin, I cannot keep up with the installments. 2 [A12] bear, endure. Dílì siya makasugákud sa katugnaw, He cannot bear the cold.

súgal n gambling. Ang súgal mauy nakapútu níya, Gambling made him bankrupt. v 1 [AC; c] gamble. Ug isúgal nímu ang ímung kwarta, náa ra nà nímu, If you want to gamble your money away, it’s up to you. 2 [C3] click, be in position to come to an understanding with one another (humorous). Ulitáwu ku ug dalága ka, magsúgal giyud run ta niíni, I’m single and you are unmarried. [919]We would make an ideal pair. Dì ta niíni magkasúgal kay nagkalainláin ang átung mga iduluhíya, We can’t have a meeting of minds because we hold to different ideologies. (→) v 1 [A23; b6] go ahead with s.t. come what may. Musugal kag larga bísag bagyu? Are you going to take the risk and sail even though there’s a typhoon? 2 [A13; c6] risk, expose s.t. of value to loss. Nagsugal ka sa ímung kinabúhì ánang trabahúa, You are risking your life in that work. 3 [b6] pretend s.t. to serve as an excuse or to mollify s.o. Gisugalan níya si Pápa ug hilakhílak arun dì siya hilatiguhan, She treated Daddy to her crocodile tears to escape a spanking. Ayaw kug sugali ánang baráhang dunut, Don’t give me those phoney excuses. -an n gambling den. sugarul n gambler. v [B123] be, become a gambler.

sugála v [AN; b] bother or annoy by doing s.t. at a most inopportune time. Musugā́ (manugā́) ug sakit ang ákung riyúma ug tingtugnaw, My rheumatism bothers me terribly when the weather is cold. Ngánung magsugā́ ka bag pangáyug kwarta ug wà tay kulirù? Why do you have to annoy me by asking me for money at a time when I’m broke?

*sugamak hi-/ha- v [B1256; b8] 1 run into, collide. Ug didtu mahisugamak ang awtu sa paril, And the car ran smack into the stone wall. 2 run into s.t. to experience, meet. Ug dílì ka mag-amping mahisugamak ka sa kasámuk, If you are not careful, you will run into trouble. Patrulyang íyang hisugamakan, The patrol he ran into.

sug-ang n wood burner composed of three stones triangularly arranged or a heavy metal ring or a clay burner onto which pots are set. v 1 [A13; a12] put, make, make into such a burner. 2 [A1; c6] set the dinner on the burner. Nagsug-ang ku ug paniudtu kay alas unsi na, I am putting the dinner on the stove because it is eleven o’clock. -in- v [C; a12] be placed in a triangular arrangement like the sug-ang. Nag-atúbang silang tulu ug lingkud, nagsinug-ang, The three sat in a circle facing each other. -an(→) = sug-ang, n.

sugapà v [A12; a3b4(1)] encounter s.t. by accident. Nakasugapà mig bangkíti paglabay námù sa íla, When we went by their house we came upon them having a banquet. Dílì ka untà masugapà sa kadaútan, I hope you don’t meet danger.

sugarul see súgal.

súgat v 1 [AC; ac3] meet, approach from opposite directions. Dílì ka musúgat samtang maglatay na ku sa tabla, Don’t come across in the opposite direction while I am still walking along the plank. Nagkasúgat kami sa Magalyánis, We happened to meet downtown. Sugáta siya sa istasyunan, Meet him at the bus terminal. 2 [a1] welcome, greet heartily. Sugátun nátù siya sa usa ka masipáung pakpak, Let’s welcome him with a resounding applause. 3 [A23] meet the senses. Usa ka hínay nga hagíyus misúgat sa íyang dalunggan, A low hissing sound met his ears. n the Roman Catholic ritual on Easter dawn which represents the meeting of Christ and the Blessed Virgin. Two groups start out from different houses, one group of women, carrying the image of the Holy Mother veiled on a cart, and the other, a group of men carrying an image of Christ on a cart. The two groups meet where an arch has been erected in which a child or several children dressed as angels (alilúya) are suspended. Upon the meeting of the two groups the angels are lowered and white pigeons are released, and one of the angels lifts the veil of the Holy Mother. The decorations used in this ceremony are gathered by the spectators for their magical properties. -in-an n presents brought by a visitor.†

sugatà v 1 [A12; b4(1)] meet accidentally, run into. Ayaw ug súruy magabíi kay makasugatà ka ug áway, Don’t go around at night because you may just run into a fight. Nasugat-an nákù sila sa may taytáyan, I happened to meet them near the bridge. 2 [a12] experience, be met with difficulties or misfortune. Nasugatà siya sa usa ka pait nga katalagman, He was met with bitter calamity.

sugba v [A; c] 1 broil over hot coals. Isugba na ba ring karni? Shall I broil this meat now? 2 put or throw into the fire to burn. Akuy musugba sa ímung duláan ug dì ka maghílum, I will throw your toys into the fire if you aren’t quiet. aN-r- n moth. sugbaánan n 1 an open fire where meat is broiled. 2 forge. -in- n broiled meat or fish.

Sugbu1 n name of the island of Cebu. syudad sa — Cebu City. Sugbuánun n Cebuano, from the island of Cebu. sinugbuanun n Cebuano. v [A] speak Cebuano.

sugbu2 v [A2; a3] dive or jump into water. Dì ku musugbu dihà sa mabaw, I won’t dive where it’s too shallow. Nasugbu siya sa lunangan sa kábaw, He fell into the puddle where the water buffalo wallowed. pa- n k.o. fishing with a hand line for fishes that [920]feed on the bottom, composed of a line, sinker, and a hook with a long leader. The equipment is lowered, and when the sinker touches the bottom, it is raised so that the hook is a couple of inches off the bottom, and the line is held until s.t. bites.

sugi n k.o. halfbeak with very fine scales.

súgid v 1 [AN2; c6] tell, relate. Kinahanglan nga musúgid ka sa tinúud nga nahitabù, You must relate what really happened. 2 [AN; c] confess one’s sin to a priest to obtain absolution. Human siya makasúgid (makapanúgid) gimaymáyan siya sa párì, After he confessed his sins, the priest gave him words of advice. 3 [c3] be heard of. Wà na igsúgid ang nangalúnud sa barku, The passengers of the ship that sank were never heard of again. Ikasúgid ka pa kahag nakauban ka pa sa Byitnam? Do you think you would still be alive if you had been sent to Vietnam? paN- [A2] = súgid, v1. walay paN- wiped out, annihilated (lit. nobody was left to tell the story). Way nanúgid sa inasal nga gidá sa piknik, The roast pig that was brought to the picnic was wiped out. hiN- v [A12S; b(1)] tell stories at length. Naghinugid siya sa mga primyu nga íyang nadaug, He related in great length the prizes he won. sugilánun n short story. magsusugilanun short story writer. ig-r- n confession. kasugíran n 1 history, a related series of past events. 2 legend, s.t. handed down by tradition. see also sugílun.†

sugígi n large basket woven out of thin bamboo slatting, used for storing large amounts of grain. v [A12; a12] make, make into a storage basket.

sugilagming n very short story (coined from sugilánun and gagming).

sugilakbit n story in a summarized version of a longer story (from súgid and lakbit).

sugilambung n novel.

sugilánun see súgid.

sugílun (from súgid) v [AN2; c] 1 tell, report. Hilatiguhan ta ug musugílun (manugílun) kang Pápa nga nangáun ta ug mangga, We’ll both get whipped if you tell Daddy that we ate mangoes. Gisuginlan ka na ba sa balità? Have you been told the news? 2 enumeration of pertinent facts. May mga sugílun nga midagsang diri nga minyù ka, The story is going around that you are married. píla may — to make a long story short. Píla may sugílun gipangasáwa níya ang babáyi, To make a long story short, he married the woman. paN-(→) v [A2; c6] tell s.t. around. Nanugilun si Tasyu nga uyab na kunu mu, Tasio is telling people that you’re his girl now. hiN- = hinúgid. see súgid.

sugkay v [A; a] 1 stir a mixture that contains some solid. Sugkáya ang linúgaw, Stir the porridge. 2 for the emotions to be stirred up. Galamhan nga gisugkay sa túmang pagbásul, Thoughts that were disturbed by extreme feelings of repentance.

suglib = sugnib.

sugmat v 1 [A2; b4] for a quiescent disease to recur, act up. Misugmat na sab ang ákung riyúma, My rheumatism is acting up again. 2 [A2] for criminality to recur or be on the rise. Misugmat na usab ang kúut karun, Pickpocketing is on the rise again. n recurrence of an ailment.

sugmaw v [A3PB26; c1] 1 for a body to plunge into liquid, as a fly in coconut palm toddy, hot metal in water. Kinsay nagsugmaw sa ákung sapátus sa túbig? Who threw my shoes into the water? Misugmaw ang lángaw sa tubà, The fly plunged into the coconut palm toddy. 2 plunge into s.t. unpleasant. Nasugmaw siya sa mga útang, She plunged herself into debt.

sugmuy a dejected, with a slumping body. Sugmuy kaáyung kandidátung napildi, The candidate who lost was quite dejected. v [B126] 1 become crestfallen. Nasugmuy ang ulitáwu kay gibastid, The young man was dejected because he broke up with his girl. 2 be assuaged. Nasugmuy ang ákung kabaláka dihang nakítà ku siya, My worry was relieved when I saw him.

sugnib v 1 [A; b(1)] set s.t. on fire or touch a flaming brand to it. Ákù na ba ring sugníban ang sagbut? Shall I set fire to the trash? 2 [A3P; b(1)] incite s.o. into action, enthuse s.o. for s.t. Usa ka suliran nakasugnib nákù sa pagsulat kanímu ning pila ka púlung, A great problem goaded me to write you these few lines. Gisugníban níya ang mga istudiyanti pagdimunstrít, He goaded the students into demonstrating.

sugnud n 1 wood for fuel. 2 fuel for propulsion. v 1 [A; b] use s.t. as firewood or fuel. Dílì mi makasugnud ug bunut kay kusug muasu, We cannot use coconut husks as fuel because they give off too much smoke. 1a use fuel in an engine. 2 [A1; b(1)] add fuel to s.t. to increase the problem. Ang ímung sulti nagsugnud sa ílang áway, Your statement added fuel to their quarrel.

sugpà n vomitting or spitting of blood. Sugpà ang namatyan sa gikuláta, The mauling victim died of internal hemorrhage. v [B1463; b3(1)] vomit or spit blood. Nagsugpà si Tiryu, ang tibíhun, Terio, the TB patient, is spitting blood. [921]

sugpù v [AB12; a1] put an end, cut short s.t. that is flourishing. Akuy musugpù sa íyang dautang batásan, I will put an end to her ugly habits. Masugpù ang túbù sa bátà ug pukáwun ug sayu, A child’s growth gets stunted if he is made to get up early.

sugpung v [A; a] tie two ends together, add a span or length to s.t. Aku ray musugpung sa hayhayan nga nabugtù, I’ll tie the clothesline that snapped back together. Ákung sugpúngan ang sidsid sa ákung sinínà nga mubù, I’ll add a piece of cloth to the bottom of my skirt because it is too short. n knot formed in a joint. ka- ug tinái n one’s sibling. Kining batáa kasugpung ku ug tinái, This child is my brother. ka- ug kasingkásing n one’s lover. -in-an n s.t. made at the end of things to join them to s.t. else.

sugput (from suput) v [B26; b8] squirt or pop out. Misugput ag kitsup dihang gipikpik nákù ang samput sa butilya, The catsup squirted out when I tapped the bottom of the bottle. Nasugput ang sungsung sa syampín, The cork popped out of the champagne.

sugpuy1 v 1 [A; a1] calm s.t. down. Mga púlung nga makasugpuy sa kaínit sa úlu, Words that can calm one’s anger. Masugpuy ang hilánat ug butangag yílu ang úlu, It will lower his fever if you put ice on his head. 2 [B126] stunt the growth. Kakúlang sa sustansiya ang nakasugpuy (nakapasugpuy) sa tinubuan sa bátà, Undernourishment stunted the child’s growth.

sugpuy2 n feverish feeling in which the temperature of the upper part of the body is warm and the lower part is cold, esp. of children during teething. v [A123P; a4] have such an affliction.

sugpuy3 = sugmuy.

sugsug = salugsug.

sugsúg = sulugsúlug.

súgù v 1 [A; a1c] tell s.o. to do s.t. Sugúun ta ka ug pagpalit ug gasulína, I will send you to buy gasoline. Unsa may isúgù nímu nákù? What do you want me to do? Aku si Husi dila Krus ug dúnay isúgù, I am José de la Cruz at your service. -a ku ninyu forgive me for leaving the table while you are eating (lit. tell me to go fetch s.t. so I may leave the table). 2 [a12] in pool, hit a target ball in such a manner that it knocks another ball towards the pocket. Sugúa nang nuybi arung masúd ang kinsi, Knock the number nine ball towards the number fifteen ball to knock it into the pocket (lit. order the number nine ball to make the fifteen go in). 3 [A; a12] use a water buffalo for plowing. Dì pa masúgù ang turíti, You can’t use a young water buffalo for plowing. n 1 things one was told to do. Gitúman ba nímu ang ákung mga súgù? Have you done the things I told you to do? — sa Diyus napúlù the Ten Commandments. 2 specific duties in an organization, group activity. Unsa may íyang súgù ánang kapunungána? What are his duties in that organization? 3 in phrases: — sa láwas things one has to do out of biological necessity and cannot avoid: urinate, sleep, and the like. — sa panahun exigency resulting from a state of weather. — sa pálad decree of fate. — sa papil according to the script. — sa pagbátì needs arising from some emotion. pa- v [A13; b6] send s.o. s.w. to convey a message. Pasugúan ta ka ug magsúgud na ang dúlà, I will send s.o. over to notify you when the game starts. balin-an(→) a fond of giving orders, not liking to do things oneself. Balinsuguan bayhána dì mulíhuk sa íyang kaugalíngun, She is fond of giving orders to other people. She does not do things for herself. v [B12] be fond of giving orders. -in- n one sent on an errand. ka-an n orders, set of regulations. -l-un(→), -l-un household help, servant. pa-l-un, pa-l-un(→) v [A13] hire oneself out as a servant.

*sug-u pa- v [A; b6] 1 do s.t. with dark looks in order to hurt or put to shame s.o. who ought to do it or at least help do it. Nagpasug-u ang agálun pagpanglaba, The mistress is doing the laundry to put her servant to shame. 2 do s.t. bad for oneself in order to spite s.o. and make him feel he was the one that led the agent into doing it. Nagpasug-u siyag inum-ínum sukad nímu bulagi, He started drinking for spite since you left him. pahiN- = sug-u, v2.

sugub1 v [B3(1)6; b6] sprout from the earth or skin. Misugub (nagsugub) na ang ákung pugas mais, The corn I sowed has sprouted. Gisuguban na ang íluk nga íyang giibtan sa balhíbu, Hair has sprouted in her armpit where she had pulled it out. n new growths of hair, feathers, or sprouts from the earth.

sugub2 = sugud.

sugud n sting of an insect. v [A; b5] for poisonous insects to bite leaving a stinger in the thing bitten. Tánga ang misugud sa ákung bábuy, A scorpion bit my pig.

súgud v [A; b5] start, begin s.t.; begin doing s.t. Nagsúgud ug kapakpak ang pintal, The paint is starting to flake off. Sugdun (sugdan) nátù ug limpiyu dinhi, Let us start cleaning here. n start, beginning. Ang hagwà [922]mauy súgud (sinugdánan) sa áway, Horseplay is the beginning of a quarrel. Súgud ugmà wà nay byáhi sa Buhul, Starting tomorrow there will be no more trips to Bohol. sugudsúgud v 1 [A13; b6] start s.t. with no intention of finishing it. Nagsugudsúgud ka man ug túkud ug balay nga walà ka may kwartang ikagastu, You are starting to construct a house when you don’t have money to finish it. 2 [b6] begin s.t. with a slow start. sinugdan, sinugdánan n 1 start, beginning. 2 beginning from which s.t. results.

súguk v 1 [A; c1P] for liquid to rush and gather s.w. Ang túbig sa mga sapà musúguk ngadtu sa dágat, The water from the streams rushes into the sea. Gipasúguk (gisúguk) níla sa lungug ang túbig, They let the water rush into the hole and gather there. 2 [A2; b4] for blood to rush to the heart or head. Ang mamatay sa alta prisiyun ingnun nga gisugúkan sa dugù sa ū́, If a man dies of high blood pressure, it is said that he suffered from a rush of blood into the head. 3 [A2; ac] go, bring through a dense growth of vegetation. Dì ta makasúguk niánang kalibunan, We can not pass through that underbrush. n — sa dugù rush of blood.

sugung1 n a liquid container fashioned out of a section of a bamboo stem, the node of which serves as the bottom. v 1 [A; a12] make, make into this sort of container. 2 [A; b] get a cutting for propagation and put it in a bamboo section with rooting medium. -in- 1 cuttings propagated in this way, ready for planting. 2 style of cutting trousers with narrow legs.

sugung2 v [B246] become more, grow worse. Misugung siyag kasukù pagsugsúg námù, He got angrier when we teased him. Kakúlang sa káun ang nakasugung (nakapasugung) sa íyang sakit, Lack of food made his illness worse.

sugut v 1 [A2; a12] agree to do s.t., acquiesce. Musugut siya ug akuy mupakúhà níya sa libru, He will agree to do it if I will send him to get the book. Ug sugtun nímu nang matánga sa pagbáhin, maalkansi ka, If you accept that division, you will be at a disadvantage. 1a [A23] agree to let s.o. do s.t. Musugut ba si Máma mu nga mutan-aw ka ug sini? Will your mother agree to let you go to the show? 2 [A2; a12] accept as one’s fiancee. Dì siya musugut ni Pidru kay sugarul, She will not say yes to Pedro because he is a gambler. a willing to accept or comply. Sugut kag dì ka bahínan? Are you willing not to take a share? masinugtánun a amenable to requests.

súgut n edges all around s.t. Gitamnan ug lubi ang súgut sa uma, The farm had coconut trees planted all around the borders.

sugwak v 1 [A; b6] gush out in large quantities. Misugwak ang asu pag-abli níya sa pultahan, Smoke gushed out when he opened the door. Nagyánang ang dálan human sugwáki sa túbig, The path is flooded after the water gushed out on it. 2 [A] spread beyond bounds, spill over. Sa amatiyur misugwak ang mga táwu didtu sa karsáda, The audience of the singing contest spilled over into the streets. 3 [A13] for emotions to appear with suddenness and intensity. Nagsugwak ang íyang kalípay, He was overflowing with happiness.

sugyut v [A; c] 1 mention s.t. in a casual manner. Musugyut lang kung Pidru báhin sa ímung tanyag, I will just mention your offer to Pedro casually. 2 suggest, put an idea into the mind. Gisugyútan ku siya sa paglún sa bangku, I suggested that he get a loan at the bank. n 1 thing mentioned casually. 2 suggestion.

súhà v 1 [C; c1] for objects having length to be in disarray, with the ends pointing in different directions. Nagsúhà ang mga bátà nga nangatúlug sa katri, The children were asleep on the bed with their heads in all different directions. 2 [A2D; ac] go against, disagree. Makasúhà ka ba sa gustu sa ímung ginikánan? Could you go against your parents’ wishes?

suhì a 1 contrary, opposite. Suhì sa ímung pagtúu siya hinúuy mitábang kanákù, He helped me, contrary to what you think. 2 for babies to be born feet first. Suhì nga pagkatáwu ang bátà, The baby was born feet first. v [A1C; c1] put s.t. the wrong way around. Kinsay nagsuhì áning bangkù? Who put the bench the wrong way around? Nagsúhì ang ímung sapátus, You have your shoes on backwards.

suhid n oil extracted on Good Friday from a coconut growing as the only fruit on a tree. It is said to possess magical powers for curing various kinds of skin diseases. v [c1] treat with suhid. Suhira (isuhid) nang bun-íha, dì ba muhúnung nag lakaw, Try treating that ringworm with suhid. See if it doesn’t stop spreading.

súhid v 1 [A; a12] copy, mimic. Suhíra ang mápa sa libru, Copy the map in the book. Sayun ra ning baylíha ug suhírun lang nímu ang ákung lákang, This dance is easy if you follow my steps. 2 [A1; a12] watch s.t. intensely while it recedes out of view. Suhíra [923]giyud siya arun hibaw-an nátù háin baláya siya misulud, Watch him carefully so we will know what house he went into. 3 [A3; a12] retrace a course one has just passed. Nagsúhid ku sa ákung giagian kay nahúlug ang ákung pitáka, I am going back the way I came because I dropped my wallet. 4 [A; a12] scan, search thoroughly. Pulis ang nagsúhid sa ílang kalawásan, The police searched their bodies thoroughly. Ílang suhírun ang mga lasang sa Mindanaw, They will explore the forests of Mindanao. suhiran a given to copying or imitating.

suhildu = swildu.

suhítu1 = swítu.

suhítu2 n unmarried member in a group of brothers and sisters. Tulu nay naminyù. Usa na lay suhítu, Three are married now. Only one is left unmarried.

súhul v [A; c] hire for wages, pay a certain wage. Musúhul ku nímu ug písus matag adlaw, I will pay you a peso a day. Nagsúhul ku ug panday, I hired a carpenter. n wages. Pílay ímung súhul adtung trabahúa, How much were you paid for that work. -in-an n workers paid on a wage basis. pa-(→) v [A] work on a hired basis. Kay wà ka may grádu ígù ka lang magpasuhul, Because you don’t have an education, all you can do is unskilled labor.

suhung, súhung v [B12; b6] for charms and magical powers to become ineffective. Napildi ku kay nasuhung (nasúhung) ang ákung bangil, I lost because my amulet has become ineffective.

suhup v 1 [APB; a12] for liquids to penetrate or percolate into s.t., cause them to do so. Mawálà ang lim-aw ug musuhup (masuhup) na ang túbig sa yútà, The pool will disappear when the water seeps into the ground. Tintà nga suphun dáyun sa barut nga papil, Ink that is readily absorbed by cheap paper. 2 [A2; a12] for feelings to get into one’s being. Dakung kalúuy nga misuhup sa ákung dughan, Great pity that permeated my heart (lit. permeated into my heart). suhupsuhup v [A3N; b(1)] permeate throughout. Ang íyang dugù misuhupsuhup (nanuhupsuhup) sa íyang áping, The blood in her vessels penetrated through to the skin so that you could see them in her cheeks. Ang lála sa uhípan nakasuhupsuhup na sa ákung láwas, The poison of the centipede has penetrated through my body.

suhut v [A; a] clean an area by cutting down trees and weeds. Suhutun ku ning mga tanum nga nakaáwung sa gardin, I’ll clear off the plants that are shading the garden. -anan(←) n place to be cleared.

súhut v 1 [A; a12] go into or pass through a place, esp. with tall trees or grasses. Pagbantay sa limátuk ug musúhut mu sa lasang, Watch out for leeches when you go through the forest. 2 [A2; b6] enter a trap under water. Gisuhútan ang búbù ug pawíkan, The fish trap caught a sea turtle. n catch from a fish trap. kusug, walay — (ang báling) having a brisk (slow) business (lit. having lots of [no] catch in the net). Nagmíngaw ílang tindáhan. Way súhut ang báling, Their store is deserted. Business is slow. Kusug kaáyu ang súhut. Nagkapulíkì siyag atindir sa íyang kustumir, Business is good. She is very busy attending her customers. (→) bágun n 1 s.o. whose origin is not known. 2 vagabond, one who just roams about and does nothing. v [B1] be, become an idle wanderer. Nagsuhut bágun nang tawhána kay tapulan man mangítag trabáhu, That man became a vagabond because he’s too lazy to look for work. suhutsúhut v [A2N; b(1)] for odors to diffuse, be present in a diffuse way. Alimyun sa búlak nga musuhutsúhut (manuhutsúhut) sa huyúhuy, The fragrance of flowers diffused by the breeze. Karning may tambuk nga nanuhutsúhut sa unud, Meat with fat running throughout it. paN- n muscular ache resulting from exposure to damp or draft, esp. during sleep. v [A23P; b5] get muscle ache. Lagmit makapanúhut ang pagkatúlug nga dílì maghábul, Sleeping without a blanket can cause muscle ache.

suik a diagonal, oblique thrust. v [A; a12] execute a stroke or throw from an angle. Suikun nákù pagbundul arun maigù ang búnga, I will poke at the fruit from an angle so it will fall.

súka v 1 [A2S; c] vomit. Gisúka sa pasyinti ang tambal, The patient vomited out his medicine. 2 [A2] squeal, divulge a secret. Misúka na ang mangunguut ug nahibalu ta ug kinsay íyang kaúban, The pickpocket squealed and we know who his companions were. n vomit, the contents expelled from the stomach. — kalíbang n intestinal disorder of vomiting combined with diarrhea. v [A13P] be affected with this disorder. kasukaun a feel like vomiting.

súkà n vinegar. v [A12B12; a12] become, make into vinegar. Nagkasúkà na ang tubà, The palm toddy is becoming vinegar. (→) [A; b6] season s.t. with vinegar. ka- v [A13] get vinegar all over it.

sukad — sa [dat.] 1 from s.w. Sukad sa íla nganhi may mga dusintus mitrus, It’s about [924]two hundred meters from their house to here. 2 since, from [dat.] on forward. Sukad karun dì na giyud ku makigsulti nímu, From now on I will never speak to you again. Sukad niadtu, From that time on. Sukad pa sa alas utsu kung hinulat nímu, I have been waiting for you since eight o’clock. — mabakì since birth (humorous). — masukad 1 in negative statements: never ever. Wà pa giyud ku makakità ug babáyi ingun kagwápa sukad masukad, I have never, in all my born days, seen a woman so beautiful. 2 since, far back beyond the reach of memory. Dinhi na ang ílang katigulángan sukad masukad, Their ancestors have been here since the beginning of time. v 1 [A13N; b6N] start, originate from. Tan-áwa ug unsang kuniksiyúna ang gisukaran (gipanukaran) áning alambríha, See where this wire originates. 2 [AN; b6] rest on, be based on a certain support. Dílì untà muun-un ang balay ug didtu pa makasukad (makapanukad) sa batu nga tiúnay, The house would not have sagged had it rested on bedrock. 2a [A13N; cN] base, found. Tubag nga gisukad (gipanukad) sa usa ka katarúngan nga dílì malális, An answer based on an indisputable reason. paN- v 1 [A2; b6] start movement from a certain point. Ang prusisiyun adtu manukad sa kapilya, The procession will begin at the chapel. 2 have a foothold on s.t. Dílì ka makadusù kay balas ang ímung gipanukaran, You can’t push because you are standing on sand. 2a [A2] get a good foothold, steady oneself. Nanukad siya úsà muluksu, He steadied himself before he leapt. n 1 poise, standing posture. Ang trátu ni Iyay may panukad labi na kay taas ug gwápu, Eyay’s boy friend has poise, esp. because he is tall and handsome. Maáyu ug panukad ning manúka háyan maáyung muáway, The cock has a good posture. Most likely it fights well. 2 way of placing one’s feet while standing, action of gaining a foothold. sukaránan, panukaránan n 1 base, s.t. which supports or sustains s.t. immaterial. Ang ímung pangatarúngan walay sukaránan (panukaránan) sa baláud, Your reasoning has no basis in law. 2 runway for airplanes.

súkad v 1 [A; a2] take food out of a container or pot and set it on the table. Nagsúkad na si Máma sa pamáhaw, Mother is putting the breakfast on the table now. 2 [b6] proffer. Gisukáran siya nákù sa usa ka madaníhung pahiyum, I gave her a very engaging smile. sukaran, sukaránan n round platter to hold rice and corn. — nga bastus = sukaran.

sukalsukal v [B1456] be overflowing in fulness. Nagsukalsukal sa kapunù ang húngut sa tubà, The toddy glass is overflowing with toddy.

sukalu n 1 cement foundation under a house. 2 low cement fence surrounding a yard, made to prevent the water from getting inside. v [A; b6(1)] make a cement foundation or low walling around a house.

sukam-ag v [B1236; b8] walk or fall forward onto. Nasukam-ag ku níya kay napandul ag ákung tiil sa batu, I fell forward onto him because my foot tripped on a stone. Mau ning siyáha ákung nasukam-ágan sa ngitngit gabíi, This is the chair I bumped into last night in the dark.

sukámang (from kámang) v [B126; b6] fall forward sprawled on the stomach. Nasukámang siya sa kusug nga sumbag, He fell forward under the impact of the blow he received.

sukámud v [B12] fall forward on the ground. Nasukámud ku kay nakatunub ku ug pálut sa ságing, I fell down on my nose because I stepped on a banana peel.

sukárap v 1 [B1216] stagger and then fall. Didtu siya masukárap sa suuk dihang nabunalan ang íyang úlu sa ulísi, He was pummeled by a cane and he staggered and fell into the corner. 2 [B12S6] grope around. Nagsukarap ku nga nagsaka sa hagdan sa ngitngit, I groped my way up the stairs in the dark. 2a [B12S6; b8] bump into s.t. in the dark. Silyay ákung hisukarapan sa ngitngit, I bumped into a chair in the dark.

súkat v [AN; b] confront s.o. to make him prove or disprove s.t. which he previously said. Mu ra tag mabastus ug musúkat (manúkat) tag tabì, It makes you cheap when you confront a gossipmonger to prove or disprove his allegations.

sukbut v [A; c1] join by letting the edges touch each other. Nagsukbut kug upat ka síya nga katulgan, I put four chairs together to sleep on.

sukdip v [B6; c1] for the eyes to roll upward so that only the white can be seen. Misukdip ang mata sa bátang gihilantan, The eyes of the child with high fever were turned upward into his head.

súki v 1 [A; b6] for horses to prance and refuse to pull or be ridden. 2 [A2; b(1)] defy a command or authority. Misúki ang mga kadíti kay istriktu ra kaáyu ang sarhintu, The cadets rebelled because the commandant was too strict. Misúki na giyud kining ákung láwas sa tambal, My body seems [925]to be rebelling against the medicine. masukíhun a of a disobedient, rebellious sort. sukihan a 1 given to prancing and refusing to pull. 2 rebellious in behavior. 3 for hair to be unmanageable. v [B1256] be, become given to rebelliousness.

súkì n steady customer or seller. short form in address: . Ákung súking butíka, The drug store I always buy at. v [A2C; a2] be in the súkì relation, i.e. that of a seller and buyer. Magsúkì na ta. Dì ku mupalit sa láin, From now on I’ll be a steady customer of yours and I won’t buy from anyone else.

súkib a lower in elevation than the surroundings. Anhi magtígum ang túbig kay súkib kaáyu ning lugára, Water collects here because this place is very depressed. v [B1; a12] be, become depressed.

sukip v 1 [A; c] include s.t. together with s.t. sent. Isukip ring dukumintu sa ímung aplikisyun, Enclose this document with your application. 1a [A13] for a legal document to include a special clause. Ang kuntrátu nagsukip sa mátang sa pagbáyad, The contract stipulates the manner of payment. 2 put closely in between two things or inside s.t. Sukipi nang bulsa ug sápì, dì ba mulusut ang papílis, Put a little money in his pocket and see if the papers don’t get processed immediately.

sukit v [A; a1] ask a question that requires a specific answer. Sukita siya kun háin ang kwarta, Ask him where the money is. sukitsukit v [A; a12] interrogate, pester with questions. Sukitsukitun nátù siya básin ug mutug-an sa kadugáyan, Let’s keep pestering him with questions in hopes that in the end he talks. hiN- a inquisitive. Hinukit ning batáa mu ra ug sayun tubagun ang íyang mga pangutána, This child is very inquisitive as though his questions were easy to answer.

suklat v [b4(1)] be struck accidentally with the end of a stick or finger. Nasuklatan ang ákung tuu nga mata sa íyang tudlù, He accidentally poked his finger in my eye.

suklay = sudlay, n, v1, 2, paN-.

suklì n change given after paying for a purchase with a larger bill. v 1 [A; c] give s.o. his change. 2 [A2; b6] answer back, give back talk. Musuklì ka man ug kasab-an, You talk back when you are scolded. 3 [A23; c] do s.t. in return. Gisuklían kug kidhat ang íyang pahiyum, I winked at her when she smiled at me. -in-ay v [C] do back and forth to each other. n action of doing back and forth. Sinuklíay sa binutubutu sa mga pusil, The exchange of gunfire.

sukmag v [A; a12b2] box with the fist. Hingsukmagan ang íyang apapángig ug nawad-an siya sa panimúut, He was hit in the jaw and lost consciousness. n blow with the fist. -ay(→), -in-ay(→) n fistfight. v [C] have a fistfight.

sukmat v [AN; b5] 1 confront s.o. asking him about s.t. Sukmátan (sukmátun) ku siyag tinúud ba, I’ll confront him and ask him if it is true or not. 1a ask s.o. whether or not he intends to do s.t. Nagpanukmat siyag muadtu ba giyud ku, He kept asking me if I would really go. Ug sukmátun kag sumbagay, ayaw ug súkul, If s.o. challenges you to a fight, don’t take him on. n act of confronting s.o. with a question or challenging s.o.

sukmil = sikmul, n, v2.

suknà v [A; a2] press a person for an answer on whether or not he intends to do s.t. Ayaw kug suknáa. Ingnun ta ra kag mupalit ku, Don’t press me. I’ll tell you if I intend to buy one. n question ascertaining the permissibility or feasibility of s.t.

suknib v 1 [A; b6(1)] set s.t. on fire. Akuy misuknib sa mga sagbut sa baul, I set fire to the pile of grasses in the field. 2 [A; b] incite s.o. to do s.t. bad. Ikaw bay nagsuknib sa íyang kalágut? Did you incite him to anger?

suksuk v [AB; c] go or put s.t. into or in between s.t. else. Misuksuk ang bátà sa bilahan sa íyang inahan, The child snuggled between her mother’s legs. Kinsay nagsuksuk sa kálù luyu sa pyánu? Who stuck the hat behind the piano?

sukù a angry, mad but not such that one is impelled to take action. Labihang sukúa níya pagkadungug sa balità, He got real mad when he heard the news. v [B12; ab3(1)c5] be, get angry. Masukù ku ug mamakak ka, I will get angry if you tell a lie. Gikasuk-an ku ni Pápa kay nawálà ang libru, Daddy got mad at me because I lost the book. masuk-ánun a full of anger. v [A13] be angry. ka- n anger. Dílì magdúgay ang íyang kasukù, His anger won’t last.

súkub v [C12] for s.o. who ought to receive less to try to get an equal share. Ang anak sa gawas nakigsúkub sa mga tinúud anak báhin sa irinsiya, The illegitimate child wanted to have a share of the inheritance equal to that of the legitimate children.

sukud v 1 [A; a2] take measurements. Nagsukud kug pila ka dupa ring písì, I am measuring how long this piece of rope is. Gisukdan akug karsúnis, I had the measurements taken for my pants. 2 [A13C; a12] test ability against each other. Nagsukud lang tu [926]siya sa ímung pasyinsiya, He was just trying you to see how patient you were. Magsúkud ta ug kinsa giyuy ísug nátù, Let’s have it out which of us is the bravest. Sukdun nákù ang ímung ginháwa ug muagwanta ka ba, I will test your mettle to see if you can take it. 3 [A12SN; b6] distribute land grants. Nanukud ang gubyirnu ug yútà álang sa mga bitiránu, The government is distributing parcels of land to the veterans. 3a [A12] receive a land grant. 4 [C3; b6] be of the same size of fit. Nagsúkud ang ámung sapátus, Our shoes are of the same size. n 1 the measurements of s.t. Unsay sukud sa ímung sapátus? What size of shoes do you wear? 2 extent to which s.t. is done (literary). Way sukud sa báwus, Revenge that knows no limit. 3 land grant distributed by the government. sukdanan n 1 thing on the basis of which other things are measured: stick, cup, and the like. Ang kaangáyan mau untay sukdanan sa átung panglíhuk, We should use fairness as the yardstick for our actions. 2 = sukud, n2. mag-r-(←), maN-r-(←) sa yútà n land surveyor. paN- n meter of verse. Ang íyang mga bálak kanúnay nga naghambin sa panukud, His verses are always with meter. -in- a measured, slow and deliberate. Sa sinukud nga lákang, With measured steps. hiN-, kahiN- v [A13] for s.t. to be properly done. Dílì magkahinúkud ang ákung káun ug náay maghilak, I can’t eat properly if there is s.o. crying.

sukul n young mushroom that has not opened yet. v [A2; b6] 1 gather young mushrooms. 1a add or mix young mushrooms to s.t. 2 [AN] have body growths protruding on the skin. Nanukul na ang íyang dughan, Her breast has developed now. Gisuklan ang íyang nawung sa dagkung bugas, She has big pimples on her face. Way limpiyu ang nakasukul (nakapasukul) nímu, Your unsanitary habits caused you to have pustules.

súkul v 1 [A2; b] fight back against, stand up. Sa sumbagay musúkul siya kang bisan kinsa, He will stand up to anyone who challenges him to a fight. Pagsúkul sa ginikánan kanang pagtubagtubag, You are rebelling against your parents when you talk back. 1a [A23] react, snap back into place as if offering resistance. Bísan ug unsáun ug dukduk musúkul, No matter how much I pound it, it snaps back into place. 1b play against or engage in any activity where people are pitted against each other. Suklan ta kag tínis bisan anus-a, I’ll take you up on tennis any time. 1c tackle s.t. to be accomplished. Way misúkul sa tambuk, No one had the stomach to take the pork fat. 2 resist, endure. Musúkul sa ínit sa adlaw ning pintála, This paint resists the heat of the sun. 2a endure and do the same in return. Ayaw siya ug kumidiyáhi kay dì siya musúkul ug kumidiya, Don’t rib him because he can’t take jokes. 3 — sa kábu [A2] be rebellious. Húnit ang prumusiyun sa magtutudlung musúkul sa kábu, It takes a long time for a rebellious teacher to get promoted. — dágan n guerrilla warfare. Súkul dágan ang gigámit nga inawayan sa mga sundálung Pilipinhun bátuk sa Hapun, The Filipino soldiers used guerrilla warfare against the Japanese. v [A2] employ guerrilla warfare. paN- v [A23] for gamecocks to be in a state ready to contend in a cockfight. Bísan ug tulu pa ka búlan nga sunúya manúkul na, This rooster is only three months old, but he is ready to contend in a cockfight.

sukut v 1 [A; a12] ask a question regarding s.t. specific. Misukut ang maistra, The teacher asked. Suktun ku siya báhin sa ímung hangyù, I will ask him regarding your request. 2 [AN; b5] ask to collect payment. Akuy musukut (manukut) sa íyang útang, I’ll ask him to pay me his debt. 3 [A; c] ask a certain price. Gisuktan kug mahal sa tindíra, The salesgirl charged me a very high price. 4 [A; b5] challenge to a fight. Gisuktan aku níyag áway, He challenged me to a fight. sukutsukut v [A; a12] make inquiries in great detail. Dinhay mga imbistigadur nga misukutsukut báhin sa buhis, There were investigators that made inquiries regarding the taxes. maN-r- n bill collector. masuktánun a questioning.

sukwahì contrary. Sukwahì sa ímung pagtúu, ang anak sa gawas may báhin sa irihinsiya, Contrary to what you believe, the illegitimate child gets a share of the inheritance. Ang ímung gibúhat sukwahì kaáyu sa maáyung pamatásan, What you did is very much against good manners. v 1 [B56] be contrary, backwards. Nagkasukwáhì ang ámung mga hunàhúnà, Our ideas are opposed to one another. Ang písa nasukwahì nímu ug butang, You put the piece in backwards. 2 [B5; a12] be in error. Nasukwahì ang katapúsan mung tubag, Your last answer was in error.

sul1 n name of a dance or music for it. v [A] do this dance.

sul2 n the note sol.

súla n unopened terminal stem of plants that are sharp, e.g. of cogon or lagnub. suláhan n k.o. nose fish, a delicious fish with a sharp projection in front of the eyes: Naso [927]spp.

sulà1 v [A; b6(1)] eat s.t. together with the staple. Asin ray ámung gisuwà, The only thing we had to go with our rice was salt. n = sud-an. sud-an n s.t. eaten with the staple. v [A; a12] use to eat with one’s staple. Laming sud-ánun ang sikwáti, Chocolate is good to eat with your rice. panud-an v [A2] search for or obtain s.t. to eat with one’s food. Ari mi sa tyanggi kay manud-an mi pára sa panihápun, We’re off to the market to look for s.t. to go with the rice for supper. n action of searching for food to go with the rice. sud-anun n things to be cooked for the food to go with the rice. ig-l-(←) = sud-an, n.

sulà2 v [B1456] stare blankly. Nagsulà lang ang mata sa táwung nasakit ug amnisya, The amnesia victim is staring blankly.

súlà = súla.

sulab n blade, cutting edge of an instrument. v [A13; b6] put or make a blade.

súlab v [A3P; b4] cause one to be addicted or crazy over s.t. Ang madyung makasúlab (makapasúlab) sa táwu, It is easy to get addicted to mahjong. Gisulában ka na sa pagtabakù sa upyum, You are already addicted to smoking opium.

sulábi see labi.

sulad, súlad n hell, a place of much wickedness and turmoil. v [B126] wind up in hell. -nun a evil. Suladnun kang pagkatáwu, You are a devilish man. v [B12] become devilish.

sulagmà (not without l) a chance, coincidence. Usa lang ka sulagmà nga nag-ábut mi karun dinhi, It is a coincidence that we met each other here today. v [A12; b8] do s.t. correctly by coincidence. Salámat nga nakasulagmà ku sa pagtubag sa pangutána, Thank heavens, I chanced to answer the question correctly.

sulambì n 1 an extension to a house, appended to a side or end, usually used for storage. 2 paramour. v [A; c1] make an extension room for the house.

sulaminti (not without l) 1 one’s very own, [so-and-so] oneself. Sulaminting mga ginikánan níya nagpakabuta bungul sa íyang kalisud, His very own parents turned a deaf ear to his needs. 2 the only one. Sulaminti nga anak, An only child. 2a walà — not even a single one. Way sulaminting usa ka díyut ang íyang gitábang nákù, He didn’t give me a bit of help, not a half a cent. Way sulaminting paryinti nga midúul sa minatay, Not a single relative came to stay by the corpse.

sulampatid (from pátid) v [B6; a12] walk snagging one foot on the other. Nagsulampatid si Duruy kay hubug siya, Doroy kept catching his feet on each other because he was drunk.

sulang n chin and jaw bones. -un(→) a having a prominent jaw and chin bones.

sulanggà = kalamantígì.

sulápid v 1 [A; a12] braid, plait. 2 [B2S] walk crossing the feet over each other. Íning dápit sa sáyaw ang lákang magsulápid, In this part of the dance the feet cross over in front of each other. 3 — ang dílà [B] be inarticulate in speech. Sa nagkahubug ku nagkasulápid (nagkasulapid) ákung dílà, The drunker I got, the more inarticulate my speech became.

sular n yard or lawn immediately contiguous to the house. v [A12; a2] have an open space next to the house for a lawn. Makasular kag dakùdakù niíning gidak-úna sa lúti, With this size of a lot you can have a good-sized space for a yard.

sulat v 1 [A; c] write s.t. Ngánung gisulatan man nímu ang bungbung, Why did you write on the wall? Pagkúhà ug papil ug isulat ri, Get a piece of paper and write this down. 2 [A; a] write a letter, story. Ákù pang sulatun ring ákung humwurk, I still have to write out my homework. Gisulatan siya nákù, I wrote him a letter. n 1 letter, mail. 2 written or printed message. (←) n entry of the parties’ name into marriage records. pa-(←) v [A1] have entries made for marriage records. -anan(←) n writing desk. ka-an(←) n 1 collection of writings. baláang — Holy Scriptures. 2 set of written records. mag-r-(←) n writer. paN- n writing as an avocation or profession. tag-, tag-(←) n author.

sulatuk v [A13] stare blankly without blinking the eyes. Nagsulatuk lang ang búang nga wà kasabut, The idiot just stared blankly because he didn’t understand.

sulaw a 1 glaring, shining with a harsh and uncomfortably bright light. Sulaw kaáyu ang sugà sa awtu, His car has glaring headlights. 2 disconcerting, causing loss of composure. Sulaw kaáyu nga ikúyug nátù ang usa ka higála nga átung gikaáway, It is very disconcerting to have s.o. we just had a quarrel with come along with us. n glare, intensely shining light. Ang sulaw makadáut sa mata, Glare can damage the eyes. v 1 [A; b6(1)] give off a glare. Musulaw ang línaw inigsílang sa adlaw, The pool gives off a glare when the sun shines. Nagsulaw diri nákù ang ispíhu ug kasilingan sa adlaw, The looking glass is giving off a glare from the sun. 2 [A123P; b4c5] feel bad about s.t. [928]bad s.o. else did to a third party. Akuy gisulawan sa gibúhat sa ákung asáwa. Siya walà magpakabanà, I felt bad at what my wife did, but it didn’t bother her. (←) v [C; b3] be on bad terms with s.o., glaring at each other. Bísan ug nagkasúlaw ta wà man kuy pagdumut nímu, Though we have been on bad terms I don’t harbor a grudge against you. ka- n 1 = sulaw, n. 2 bad relationship.

sulay v 1 [A; b6(1)] try doing s.t. Sulayan ta ug paandar ang makina, Let us try starting the engine. Isulay ring sapatúsa ug maarang ba, Try putting these shoes on to see if they fit. 1a put s.t. to a test. Ang Diyus dílì musulay nátù labaw sa átung maantus, God doesn’t try us beyond what we can bear. Gisulayan ta lang kag kahibáwu ba giyud ka, I was only testing you whether you really were good at it. 2 [a3] get s.t. distasteful, e.g. a beating. Hala, balía lang nà arun masulay kang pápa mu, Go ahead and break that so you can get hell from your father. n 1 try. Sulay lang tung ákù ug mahímù ba giyud, I just tried it out to see if I could really do it. 2 expression challenging s.o. in a taunting way to see if he has the guts to do s.t. bad for him or try to prevent him from doing it. Mukáun giyud ka íni? Suway man ug magkalíbang, You sure you want to eat it? Watch if it doesn’t give you diarrhea. (←)1 v [C; a12] have it out, clear a matter of contention with a fight. Suláyun nátù ug kinsay ísug nátung duha, Let’s have it out to see which of us has guts. paN- v 1 [A23] tempt s.o. to do s.t. he won’t ordinarily have done. Dì tà ku mupalit ánà apan nanulay siya nákù pagpalit ug usa lang, I would not have bought it, but he tempted me to buy one. 2 [b6] be possessed of a devil. Gipanulayan nà siya dihang patábug na siya ug pamusil sa mga táwu, He must have been possessed of a devil to shoot indiscriminately at the people. 3 [a12P] get a dose of disciplinary action. Panulayun ta ka nyà ug ímu nang daútun, I’ll give you hell if you break that. n devil. Ug luwasa kami sa mga panulay amin. And deliver us from evil. Amen. pag- n 1 trial of one’s virtue. Kining mga hitabúa mga pagsulay lang sa átung pagsálig sa Diyus, These events are but trials of our faith in God. 2 experiment, testing out of s.t. maN-r-(←) n 1 = paN-. 2 a person who tempts s.o. into doing s.t. bad.

súlay2 v [AN; a1] brace, prop s.t. standing to prevent it from collapsing. Suláyun nátù ang ságing arun dílì matumba sa kabug-at sa íyang búnga, Let’s brace this banana tree before it falls from the weight of its bananas. n brace, prop placed against s.t. vertical.

sulaybagyu n 1 k.o. dwarf banana growing to 4′, with a large bunch of fruit similar to the búngan, eaten when ripe. 2 hornfish.

sulbad v [A; a12] 1 solve, find a solution or answer. Átung sulbárun ning kahimtánga kay dì ni madala nátù ug hilakhílak, We will find a solution because we cannot get it over with by crying. 2 undo a knot. Nasulbad ang baligtus sa písi, The knot of the rope came undone. n solution to a problem. Dì siya manug-an sa sulbad sa tanghágà, He won’t tell us the solution to the puzzle. a solved. sulbaran n swivel in a fishline, a revolving link placed between the line and leader to prevent kinking. kasulbáran, kasulbarun n solution reached. Walay kasulbáran ning sulirána, There’s no solution to this problem.

sulbǎr v [A; a12] solve a personal problem or puzzle. Dílì ku masulbǎr king mga prublíma ku, I can’t find a solution to my problems.

sulbung v [A; b8] splash up, rise rapidly. Pagbutu sa bumba sa dágat misulbung ang daghang túbig, When the bomb exploded in the sea, a lot of water splashed into the air. Nagsulbung pa ang asu sa súnug pag-abut námù, The smoke of the fire was still gushing upwards when we arrived. a for the voice, fever to rise. Singgit sa kahadluk misulbung gíkan sa nanan-aw, A cry of fear rose from the spectators. Pastilang nakasulbung sa prisyu! My, how the prices have risen!

sulda v [A; a12] solder. n solder. -dur(→) n soldering iron or gun. maN-r- n solderer.

suldádu n soldier. v [A13; a12] be, become a soldier.

súli v [A; a2b2] 1 look at s.t. to find s.t. out. Sulíha ang pitákag dúna bay kwarta, Look into the wallet to see if there is any money. Hisulihan siya nga patay na, He was found dead. 2 look for s.t. Nagsúli ku sa ákung kábaw nga nakabuhì, I’m looking for my carabao which got loose. sulisúli v [A; a2] peep. Hilabihan níyang nakasulisúli nímu sa lyabihánan! How he peeped at you through the keyhole!

sulì = suhì.

sulib v [A; b6(1)] put fire to s.t. Nasakpan na ang nagsulib sa katubhan, They have apprehended the man who set the sugar cane field on fire.

sulibag a crooked, not straight, askew. Sulibag kaáyu ang ákung gibadlis, The line I [929]drew is too crooked. v [AB; c1] come out crooked, cause s.t. to do so. Ikay nagsulibag sa linya, You made the line crooked. Musulibag (masulibag) giyud ning ákung sinulatan ug way linyang subáyan, My writing comes out all crooked when I don’t have lines to follow. (←) = sulibag, v.

súlid1 n small twine, thread of two or more strands twisted together. v [A; a2] make a thread of this sort. -in- = súlid, n.

súlid2 n name given to fish of the genus Caesio which are rounded (but not so broad as the bilásun).

sulíkat v 1 [A; c1] glare at s.o. with the eyes wide open. Musulíkat gánì ku, paháwà dáyun, If I glare, better beat it at once. 2 [A2S; c] for the eyeballs to roll up into the forehead. Misulíkat ang mata sa bátang nagkumbulsiyun, The child’s eyes rolled up into his forehead when he had convulsions. (→) a for the eyes to be rolled up into the forehead. Ang táwung sulikat ug mata mu rag pirming maghangad, A person with rolled-up eyes always seems to be looking up. n 1 a defect of the eyes where the eyelids don’t close from disease or injury. Dì siya ilhan ug natúlug ba kay sulikat siya ug mata, You never know whether he is asleep or not because his eyes don’t close. 2 one with such an eye defect. v [B1256] get this defect.

sulimaw a having one eye looking off in a direction it shouldn’t, e.g. when one has one weak eye which fails to move. v [B; c1] develop this defect.

sulimbad a having the eyes in the wrong position in the head: crossed, rolled upwards, one eye out of focus, and the like. v [B; c1P] get this defect. Musulimbad ang íyang mata ug makuyawan siya, She becomes cross-eyed when she gets scared. Gisulimbad níya ang íyang mga mata timáan nga wà siya makaayun, He rolled his eyes up as a sign that he did not like it.

sulimni a solemn ceremony or event. v [B126; c1] for an event to be made solemn. Masulimni giyud ang ukasiyun sa paghandum sa átung mga bayáni, It should be a solemn occasion when we remember our heroes. mísa — see mísa.

sulindir = surindir (colloquial).

súling v 1 [AN2; a12] peep. Ang táwu nga musúling (manúling) sa lyawihánan way batásan, A person who peeps through keyholes has no manners. 2 [A; a12] peer, look closely at s.t. to examine it. Sulínga ang ágig kang kinsa nà, Look at the handwriting to see whose it is. sulingsúling v [A13] look with careful attention from a distance. Táwung nagsulingsúling sa gít, A man standing at the gate, peering inside.

sulínga v [AN; c1] 1 look askance with contempt or anger. Nasukù tu siya nímung nanulínga man? Why did she look at you with scorn? Was it that she was angry with you? 2 make faces at s.o. jokingly. Misulínga siya nákù dihang giingnan nákù siyang gwápa, She made a face at me when I told her she was pretty. 3 [A; b6] growl in distrust or disobedience. Musulínga siya ug pakab-un ug túbig, He will growl if he is told to fetch water. masulingáhun a having a scorning or disbelieving look on the face. Hilum, apan masulingáhun kaáyu siyang namátì sa diskursu, He was quiet, but he listened to the speech with disbelief all over his face.

sulípat1 v [A; c1] glower at s.o. to show anger or disapproval. Ákù siyang gisulipátan kay nagsábà man, I glowered at her because she was being noisy.

sulípat2 v [A; c] blink the eyes in the water to remove a foreign body lodged in it. Ákung gisulípat ang ákung mata sa túbig arun pagkúhà sa puling, I blinked my eyes in the water to remove the speck in them.

suliping, sulíping 1 = salipì. 2 = saliping.

sulip-it = salip-it.

sulírab v [A2P; c] glower, stare fiercely with an angry frown. Gisulirában sa kapatas ang mga kaminíru nga nagpataypátay, The foreman glowered at the street cleaners that were dilly-dallying on the job.

suliran n problem, an unsettled condition or situation that requires a solution. Suliran nákù ang pagpakáun sa ákung pamilya, It is a problem for me to feed my family. v [A13] have a problem.

sulírap1 v [A23] for the eyeballs to move up so that they are almost hidden by the upper eyelid. Basta taas ang hilánat, musulírap ang mata, If the fever is high, the eyeballs move up into the forehead.

sulírap2 n matting made out of woven coconut palm fronds. v [A; a12] weave coconut fronds into matting.

sulírat v [AB6; c1] for the eyes to open wide in anger; cause them to do so. Mihílum ang mga bátà dihang ákung gisulirátan, The children kept quiet when I glared at them.

sulisilit v [A13; a12] solicit contributions (humorous—from sulisit).

sulísit v [A; a12] solicit contributions, donations. Nagsulisit ang maistrag hinábang sa nasunúgan, The teachers were soliciting contributions for the fire victims.

sulisitadur a prying or maliciously inquisitive. [930]Sulisitadur kaáyung bayhána, nangutána kun pilay ákung swildu, What a nosey woman. She asked me how much I earn.

sulisitur hiniral n Solicitor General, an officer of the Justice Department that handles government cases.

sulit v [A; b] set s.t. afire or ablaze. Sulitan nákù ang kakugnan, I’ll set the grass field on fire.

*súlit pa- n test, examination. v [A13] hold an exam.

sulitaryu n 1 solitaire card game. 2 solitaire ring with a single gem. v [A1] 1 play a game of solitaire. 2 wear a solitaire ring.

suliut n k.o. giant clam with yellow coloring around the edges of the mouth.

sulíut (from líut) v [A2; b6] force oneself through a crowd or s.t. similar. Misulíut siya sa katawhan arun makadúul sa intabládu, She forced her way through the crowd to get near the stage.

sulíyaw v [A; b6] for a crowd to shout either in applause or derision. Misulíyaw ang mga táwu pagdiskursu sa pulitiku, The people booed when the politician delivered a speech. Misulíyaw ang mga táwu pagkabatì sa balità sa kadaúgan, The people shouted upon hearing the news of victory. n shouts of a crowd.

sulpa n sulfa drugs.

sulpà n container for jewelry or important documents used in former times, made of a short bamboo tube, 1–2′ long, having another cover of bamboo which fits over it and reaches its base. v [c1] place s.t. in a sulpà.

sulput v 1 [A2; b6] issue forth suddenly, pop out of. Misulput ang sungsung ug miágay ang súkà, The stopper popped, and the vinegar flowed out. Misulput lang ang bátà pag-anak níya, The baby just popped out when she gave birth. 2 [A23] leave suddenly, move with speed. Nây, misulput siya ug mipaúlì nga way tingugtíngug, Well! He got up and went home without saying a word.

sulsul v [A; b] urge, egg s.o. into doing s.t. bad. Gisulsúlan sa mga iyaan ang mga bátà sa pagpasúkul sa ílang inaína, The children’s aunts incited them into rebelling against their stepmother. n urgings, incitement.

sultáda n a match in cockfights. v [A13] for there to be a cockfight match. Ug magsultáda ug bayinti sa hápun, dì na hínay ang tárì, If there are twenty matches in the afternoon, cockfighting is doing all right. sultadur n handler who releases fighting cocks in a match.

sultan n sultan, the name given the chief of some Muslim groups.

sultána n a sultan’s wife.

sulti v 1 [A1; c] tell, speak. Way láin nga makagsulti báhin níya kun dílì ang amahan, No one can say that about him but the father. Sultían ku pa siya ug musugut ba, I still have to tell him to see if he would agree. Ayaw nag isulti níya! Don’t tell him that! 1a [C; abc3] talk s.t. over together. Dúnay makigsulti nímu sa tilipunu, S.o. wants to talk to you on the telephone. Sultíun (sultíhun) nátù ni. Dì ta mistil maglális, Let’s talk this out. We don’t have to fight. Gipanagsultíhan pa námù ang nahitabù, We are still discussing the events. Gipakigsultíhan mu na ba siya? Have you gone to see him to talk it over? Gikasulti ku na si Pápa, I’ve already talked it over with Dad. 2 [A2] utter s.t., speak. Makasulti na ang ákung anak, My daughter knows how to talk. 3 [A23] deliver a speech. Maáyu musulti tung kandidatúha, That candidate speaks quite well. n 1 word of caution or advice. Usa ka sulti hustu na, One word is enough. 2 thing said as news, gossip. Unsa man nang sulti nga nabátì ku nga wà ka na mutunghà? What is that talk I hear that you are not attending classes? 3 speech or talk delivered. Daghang nakasaway sa ímung sulti, A lot of people criticized your speech. sultisulti v [A13; b6] chat, converse. Nagsultisulti mi báhin sa ámung gradwisyun nga umaábut, We are conversing about our forthcoming graduation. n gossip, rumor. Mga sultisulti nà nga dílì katuhúan kay gíkan sa mga tabian, That is gossip not worth believing because it originates from the gossipmongers. paN- v [A23] 1 circulate gossip or news. Ikaw may nanulti ánang tabía, You were the one who spread that gossip. 2 speak in a certain way. Sakit kaáyu siya nga manulti, He speaks in a very hurting way. sultiánay, sultihánay v [C; c3] have a conversation. n conversation.

sultiánan n subject of conversation. Ang nahitabù nahímung sultiánan sa mga táwu, What happened became a subject of conversation for the people. hinultihun a talkative. Dì siya hinultihun ug dì pa níya sinátì ang táwu, He doesn’t say much if he does not know the person well. v [B12] be, become talkative. ka- n person with whom one is talking. sinultihan n manner of speech, language. panultihun, sultihúnun n 1 saying, proverb. 2 thing usually said or spoken. Kanang mga pulúnga mauy panultihun ug táwung buangbuang, That is the k.o. thing crazy people say.

sultid bins n canned salted beans. v [A1] [931]have salted beans for food.

sultíra = sultíru (female).

sultíru n single, unmarried male.

súlu (not without l) v [A; a12] 1 sing a solo. Sulúhun ku lang ang kanta, I will make this song a solo. 2 do s.t. alone by oneself. Musúlu lang ku ug trabáhu kay aku ra may nía, I will just work by myself because I am the only one around. 2a sulúha expression of harsh rejection when s.o. asks for one’s company. ‘Manan-aw tag sini.’—‘Sulúha!’ ‘Let’s go to the movies.’—‘Go by yourself!’ n vocal solo. sulusúlu v [A1; b5] do s.t. alone. Magsulusúlu lang kag adtu sa parti? Are you going to the party alone? — pláyit v [A1] go s.w. alone. Magsúlu pláyit siya ig-adtu sa Mindanaw, He will go to Mindanao alone. -wist, -wista n soloist, lead singer or player of a group. v [a12] be, be made the soloist.

sulù n torch made of a dry palm frond bound tightly at regular intervals along its length to make it burn slowly. v 1 [A; a12] make into a torch of this sort. 2 [A13; a12] use a torch in doing s.t., or illuminate one’s way with a torch. Sul-un ku tung langgáma rung gabíi, I will catch that bird tonight lighting my way with a torch. paN- v [A2; b6] go hunting or fishing at night with torchlight.

súlù v [A2S] make a sizzling, hissing sound. Ug musúlù ang mantíkà ilúnud ang sibúyas, When the fat sizzles, put the onions in. Basà ang pabílu kay síging nagsulù, The wick must be wet because it keeps sizzling.

sul-ub v [A; c] 1 insert s.t. into s.t. that it fits into. Palíhug rag sul-ub ug bálik ánang húnus sa lamísa, Please put the drawers back into the table. Isul-ub ring argulya sa usuk, Insert this metal ring over the stake. 2 put on, wear. Sul-úbi ang bátà sa putì níya nga sinínà, Let the child wear her white dress. Isul-ub ang ímung singsing, Wear your ring. n wedding dress. Malagmit dílì mahinayun ang kasal ug isukud ang sul-ub, It’s likely that the wedding won’t go through if the bride tries on the gown beforehand.

sulud v 1 [A2; a12] go in, into. Dílì ta makasulud sa sini saylu sa alas nuybi, We cannot get into the movies after nine o’clock. Guwà dihà sa kwartu kay ug dílì ka, sudlun ku ikaw, Get out of the room because if you don’t I will go in after you. 1a — sa úlu [ac] for s.t. to have entered the head. Unsay nasulud sa ímung úlu sa pagbúhat sa ingun? What got into your head to make you do such a thing? Isulud nis ímung úlu, ayaw giyud ug lisúa ning twirkáha, Get this into your head. Don’t ever turn this screw. 1b [a3] understand s.t. Dílì masulud sa ákung úlu ang liksiyun, I cannot understand the lesson. 1c [b8] be pregnant, esp. in the early stages. Sa pagkasal níla nasudlan na ang babáyi, When they were married, the girl was already pregnant. 1d [b8] be under the influence of alcohol. Nanghágit nas Pidru ug áway, nasudlan na tingáli, Pedro was challenging people to a fight. He must be drunk. 1e [A2] for the gears of an engine to engage. Musulud (makasulud) ang primíra apan dílì mulyamar, The first gear will engage, but it won’t function. 1f [A2; c6] be sent into a game. Misúd si Basilan pagkasíkan hap, Basilan was sent into the game in the second half. 2 [A; b6] enter, take a job as. Musulud siya sa pagkapárì, He will enter the priesthood. Unsang trabahúa ímung sudlan? What k.o. job are you going to take? 3 [A; c] put s.t. inside s.t. else. Nagsulud ku aring mga linata sa kahun, I am putting the canned goods in the box. Isulud ni sa kumúda, Put this in the drawer. 3a — sa bulsa see bulsa. 3b [A; c6] in weaving: sley, arrange the threads of a warp in a reed. 4 [A2] accommodate, hold. Kining baríla musulud ug nuybinta ka litru, This barrel will hold ninety liters. n 1 contents. Way sulud ang pitaka, The wallet was empty. 1a capacity to hold. 2 place within. Túa siya sa sulud sa awtu, He is inside the car. 2a within, inside a period of time. Sulud sa tulu ka túig mupaúlì ku, Within three years I’ll go home. Lat-i sulud sa tulu ka úras, Boil for three hours. — sa búyut in the bag, absolutely assured. Sulud sa búyut ang ímung kadaúgan, Your victory is already in the bag. 2b an extra room in a house: a bedroom or a storeroom. sulud guwà v [A; b6] 1 go in and out. Ngánung nagsulud guwà ka man? Wà kay láing lingaw? Why do you keep going in and out? Have you nothing else to do? 2 shift one’s allegations in one’s tack of reasoning. Nagsulud guwà kas ímung sulti maung dì ka katuhúan, You keep changing your story. That’s why no one can believe you. pa- v [A; a2] give a job or recommend s.o. for a job. Pasudlun ta kag trabáhu iggradwar nímu, I’ll arrange for you to get a job when you graduate. suludsúlud n small room for storage. sudlanan n container. suluran n the reed in weaving, which has the purpose of slamming the weft threads tightly together, so called from the fact that the warp threads go through it. sinudlan n having a filling. Pan nga sinudlan, Bread with a filling baked inside. sudlunun a way back off the road or usual route (lit. a place [932]you have to go into to get to). Sudlunun kaáyu ang ílang balay gíkan sa karsáda, Their house is far back from the road. v [B1256] be way back from the usual route.

súlud n fine-toothed comb with two parallel rows of teeth, used to rid the hair of lice. v 1 [A; a12] comb with the súlud. 2 [a12] make into a súlud. paN- v [A2] comb one’s own hair with the súlud.

sulug n 1 current. Ang kabáyù naánud sa sulug, The horse was swept away by the current. 2 onrush of s.t. as if brought with the current. Usa ka sulug sa pagbátì mikánap kaníya, An onrush of emotion engulfed him. a 1 flowing with a swift current. Sulug kaáyu ang túbig sa subà, The water in the river is swift. 2 flowing copiously. v 1 [B2] be, become swift. Masulug man lang ning subáa sa ting-ulan, This river only becomes swift during the rainy season. Ang musulug nga kasukù, The onrush of anger. 2 [b4] have a copious blood flow. Gisulgan siya kay nakuháan, She had profuse bleeding because she had a miscarriage.

sulugsúlug v [A; a1] 1 tease, harass s.o. by irritating actions or remarks, or by poking fun at him. Ayg sugsúga si Maríya kay pikun, Don’t tease Maria because she easily cries. 2 annoy, bother with persistence. Sa kahapúnun ang lamuk na puy musulugsúlug nákù, The mosquitoes annoy persistently in the evening. n action of teasing. -an(→) a given to teasing.

suluksuluk n = kutukutu. see kutu.

sulum = pala.

sulumilyu (not without l) n loin of beef or pork, esp. the upper portion.

sulung v 1 [A] see, look at. Musulung ku sa ímung baligyà, Let me take a look at the things you are selling. 2 [cP] show s.t. Isulung (ipasulung) nákù ninyu ang ákung bag, I will show you my bag. pa- v [A; ac] show. Íya kung pasulúngun sa íyang bag-ung sapátus, She’ll let me see her new shoes.

súlung1 v 1 [A; a12] set against, attack. Sulúngun nátù ang Hapun rung gabíi, We will attack the Japs tonight. 2 [AN2; a12] go s.w. to look for trouble. Ug sulúngun (sulngun) ka níya sa iskuylahan, itug-an siya sa maistru, If he goes to school to pick a fight with you, report him to the teacher. 3 [A2N; a12] go s.w. to do s.t. Musúlung (manúlung) ta ug baskit sa Talísay, We will go to Talisay to play basketball. n attack. Ang súlung idungan sa bumbardíyu, The attack will be synchronized with the bombardment. dasmag — n rush attack or assault. maN-r-(→) n attacker, invader.

súlung2 v [A2] stare directly at s.t. dazzling. Mu ra kag mahálap ug musúlung kas adlaw, You get blinded if you stare directly into the sun. sulnganay, sinulnganay v [C] communicate by looking at each other without exchanging words (literary). Nagsinulnganay (nagsulnganay) si Hisukristu ug ang Íyang Mahal nga Inahan kay dílì matúkib sa púlung ang ílang gibátì, Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother looked at each other with emotions words could not express.

sul-ung v [A2; b4] for an illness or some personality quirk that recurs ever so often to make its appearance. Musul-ung ang íyang sáput kun magdugù, She gets her tantrums when she menstruates. sul-ungsul-ung v [A3] recur in intervals.†

sulup a dark, lightless. Wà kuy nakítà sa lángub kay sulup kaáyu, I did not see anything in the cave because it was very dark. n 1 early evening, just after the sun has gone down. Sulup na sa paggíkan nákù sa búkid, It was already dusk when I started home from the mountains. 2 jungle, thicket. bábuyng — wild pig. v 1 [B] become dark. Misulup ang lawak sa pagkapálung sa sugà, The room became dark when the lamp was put out. 2 [A; b6] disappear into the forest or tall grass. Duha ka táwu ang misulup sa bagang lugut, Two men disappeared into the thick brush. 3 [b6] be overgrown with brush.

sulusiyun n 1 solution, answer to a problem. Ang sulusiyun sa prublíma sayun ra, The solution to the problem is very simple. 2 a drug or chemical solution. Gipailísan nákù ang sulusiyun sa batiríya, I had the battery solution changed.

súlut1 a giving a piercing look, staring hard. Sulut kaáyu ug tinan-awan ang íyang mga mata, His eyes gave a piercing look. v [A2S; b6] look at piercingly. Gisulútan ákung bátà kay nagpabuyag, She stared hard at my daughter because she was being naughty.

súlut2 a tightly wound rope. v [a12] be, become, make tight. Sulútun nákù pagpísì arun dílì dalì nga mabugtù, I will make the rope tight so it cannot break easily. sutanan n a device used in rope-making having two or three cranks which impart an appropriate degree of twist to the individual strands after which the strands are twisted collectively into the rope.

sul-ut v 1 [A; c6] fit s.t. precisely over, around, or into s.t. else. Sul-útag plastik ang alambri dikuryinti, Encase the electric wire in plastic. 2 [c6] put s.t. on, wear. Isul-ut ang sapátus ug maarang ba, Try on the pair [933]of shoes whether they fit. Kanang putì isul-ut sa parti, Wear your white dress to the party. sul-utsul-ut = sal-utsal-ut. see sal-ut.

suluwist, suluwista see súlu.

sulyà = suylà1,2.

súm = sulum.

súma v [A; a12] total up, reckon the final amount. Kinsay nagsúma sa pátung sa mga sápì nga gihulaman? Who is reckoning the interest on the money we lent? n figure arrived after calculation. Ang súma diri nákù mil syitisyintus, The sum total I get is one thousand, seven hundred. -da = súma.

sumā̀ = sumálà.

súmad n 1 the day exactly one year after a certain event. Ang súmad sa kamatáyun sa ímung amahan mahiatul ug Byirnis Santu, The day exactly one year after your father’s death will fall on Good Friday. Súmad niá run túa na ku sa Amirika, A year from now I will be in America. 1a — nga Lúnis, usa ka simána, etc. it was exactly one Monday, one week, etc. after a certain event. Súmad nga usa ka búwan rung pitsa dús sukad sa íyang paggíkan, On the second it will be exactly one month since he left. 2 anniversary. Ang súmad sa átung kagawásan saulúgun karung Duminggu, The anniversary of our independence will be celebrated this Sunday. v 1 [A2; b8] get to be a week, month, etc. after s.t. Musúmad na karung Lúnis ang ákung pagkasakit, It will be exactly one week on Monday since I got ill. 2 [A1; c] celebrate an anniversary. sumadsúmad v [A; a12] do s.t. yearly. Musumadsúmad siya ug palit ug awtu kay dátù siya, He buys a new car every year because he is rich. kasumáran n birthday. Ása man ta magsaúlug sa ímung kasumáran? Where will we celebrate your birthday?

sumagang n second-class tobacco leaves somewhat smaller than the first class, not perfectly mature, and having minor tears.

sumálà1 1 according to. Náa kunuy bagyu sumálà sa balità, According to the news there’s going to be a storm. 2 [gen.] it’s up to [gen.]. Sumálà gud nímu ug muadtu ka ba, It’s up to you whether you go. 2a it is up to you. ‘Mangalígù ba ta?’—‘Sumálà!’ ‘How about going swimming?’—‘It’s up to you.’

sumálà2 v dílì mag- regret not doing s.t. which one had been warned to do. Padad-un kag bálun, dì ka. Dì ka magsumálà ug gutmun ka, I told you to bring your lunch, but you didn’t. Now you will regret it if you go hungry.

sumalabit, sumalabits = salumabits.

súman n = budbud, v3; n3. v [A1; a12] cook, make into súman. — nga hilaw the penis (humorous).

sumángil see *sángil.

sumarínu = submarínu.

sumat1 v [A; c] 1 ask for one’s answer. Misumat ang dalága sa laláki kun kanus-a sila pakasal, The girl asked the man when they would get married. Wà pa ku makasumat níya kun muuban ba siya nátù, I have not yet asked him whether he would go with us or not. 2 remind s.o. of s.t. Sumati siya sa íyang sáad, Remind him of his promise.

sumat2 v [A23N] for an unpleasant characteristic to be due to inheritance from forebears. Kanang kangil-ad sa batásan ánang batáa túa musumat (manumat) sa apuhang babáyi, That child’s nasty character is inherited from her grandmother.

sumatin n policeman.

súmay v [A; a12] repeat what s.o. said. Sumáya ug makadaghan hangtud larínu ka na nga mulituk, Repeat it over several times until you can say it fluently. sumaysúmay v [A; a12] ape, mimic. Ug musumaysúmay ka sa ákung sinultian, sukmágun ta ka, If you ape my way of speaking, I will strike you.

sumbag v 1 [AN; a12b2] strike with the fist, box. Nagpanumbag siyas bungbung sa kapungut, He banged his fist against the wall in anger. 2 [C; a12] have a fistfight with s.o. n blow with the fist. -ay v [C] 1 = sumbag, v2. 2 — ang kwarta (humorous) have plenty of money. Nagsumbagay ang kwarta ánang tihíka, That miser has loads of money. -in-ay(→) n fistfight. Ang sinumbagay dílì makasulbad sa inyung panagbángì, Your differences cannot be resolved by fisticuffs. sumbagsumbag v [b5c] dunk, dip food in s.t. to add more flavor to it (humorous). Pagkúhà ug unà nga átung sumbagsumbágun (sumbagsumbágan) sa ságing, Get some fish paste sauce to dip the cooked bananas into.

sumbalihuk (coined from sumbalik and líhuk) n reaction.

sumbalik (from bálik) v 1 [A2; ac] bounce back on, boomerang. Misumbalik kaníya ang batung íyang gilábay, The stone he threw bounced back at him. Ayaw ug bugtawg irung búang kay sumbalikun ka, Don’t chase a mad dog because he will turn back on you. Kanang ímung pangutána ákung isumbalik ug pangutána nímu, I’m going to turn around and ask you the same thing you asked me. 2 [B26] turn out to be the [934]exact opposite. n the exact opposite. Ang íyang nawung sumbalik sa linawas kay sa laráwan, In real life his face is the exact opposite of what it is in the picture. — dasdas n counterattack. v [A; a1] counterattack. Gisumbalik dasdas sa mga Aliman ang atáki sa mga Rúsu, The Germans counterattacked the Russians.

sumbaling = tumbáling.

sumban (from *subung) gisumban/sumban/sumbi v make s.t. modelled after s.t. else. Ritrátu ray ákung gisumban paggamà nákù áning dulaána, I made this toy by copying a picture. pa- v [b(1)] allow s.t. to go on without doing anything about it, happy that it is being done or resigned to it. Ikaw ray madáut ug pasumban mu ang ímung kaliguy, You will suffer if you just allow yourself to drift along doing nothing all the time. Gipasumban lang sa babáyi ang pagpanghikap sa íyang hinigugma, The girl just allowed her boy friend to keep on caressing her. -an(→) n 1 model, pattern. Sumbanan ni paghímù ug mga kartun, This is the pattern in making cardboard boxes. 2 code, regulations on which actions are based. Ang kaangáyan mauy sumbanan sa íyang pakigdáit, He bases his personal relations on fairness. Sumbanang baláud, Civil Code. 2a basis on which one acts. Panimalus mauy sumbanan sa íyang panglíhuk, His actions are motivated by a desire for revenge. -un(→) n s.t. that runs in a family. Ang pagkabúang sumbanun ánang pamilyáha, Insanity is hereditary in that family.

sumbil v [A; c] 1 make a piece of cloth larger by sewing another piece to it. Tinábas lay isumbil sa ubus arun mataastaas, Just add some remnants to the bottom to make it longer. 2 light one’s cigar or cigarette from s.o. Lisud nga sumbílan ang mubù nga sigarilyu, It’s difficult to light one’s cigarette on a shorter one.

sumbíngay n 1 parable, allegory. Ang sumbíngay sa magpupúgas, The parable of the sower. 2 hint, s.t. said in asking for s.t. indirectly. v [AP; cP] give hints for s.o. to do s.t., ask for s.t. indirectly. Ákung gipasumbingáyan (gisumbingáyan) ang táwu nga dì na pabalíkun sa balay, I gave the man hints not to come back to the house again. pa- = sumbíngay.

sumbríya n culvert. v [A13; b6] put or construct a culvert.

sumbuhan n barrel of firearm or ordnance.

sumbung v 1 [A; c] tell on s.o., report. Isumbung ta kang Pápa, I will tell Father on you. 1a [A2; c] tell s.o. about oneself in private. Ug makasumbung pa lang untà ku níya ning ákung gugma, If I could only tell her how much I loved her. 2 [A; b] accuse s.o. in court, file a complaint. Isumbung ta ka ug pangáwat, I will accuse you of theft. n 1 report, tale s.o. tattled. Wà panumbalínga sa supirintindinti ang sumbung, The superintendent did not heed the report. 2 complaint filed in court. -in- n the accused person. -íra = sumbungíru (female). -íru, mag-r- n tattle-tale, informer.

súmil n sawmill.

sumitir v 1 [A; c6] turn in for consideration, submit homework. Unsa mang upisináha sumitihan sa aplikisyun? What office will the application be submitted to? Isumitir ang ímung humwurk run, Submit your homework now. 2 [A23] submit, yield to a stronger force. Dinhay pila ka táwu nga walà musumitir sa gahum sa kaáway, There were a few persons that did not submit to the power of the enemy. 3 [A2] agree that a certain thing is right. Walay but-an nga makasumitir ánang ímung paági, No sane person could accede to that procedure of yours. 4 [B26; b3] be immensely impressed with s.o.’s ability. a be impressed by s.o.’s ability. Sumitir kaáyu ku nímung mudiskursu, I take my hat off to you for your oratorical ability.

sumpà n s.t. to counteract s.t. evil before it happens, usually of a magical nature. Sumpà sa ulan, S.t. to keep it from raining. Sumpà sa dápaw, S.t. to keep itchy trichomes from affecting one. Sumpà sa tunglu, S.t. to render a curse ineffective. v [A; a1] render s.t. ineffective, counteract some evil before it happens. Sumpáun ang bábuy arun dílì mahurut sa mamistáhay, They will put a special charm on the pig so that it won’t be all eaten up at the fiesta. paN- v [A; c] swear, make an oath to do s.t. or that s.t. will happen. Manumpà kung tinúud kini, I swear this is true. Gipanumpà níya nga manimalus siya, He swore he would get revenge. Ayaw ipanumpà ang ngálan sa Diyus sa pasipála, Don’t take God’s name in vain (make oaths in God’s name for light situations). n oath, solemn declaration of truth or one’s intention. ig-l- n = sumpà, n.

sumpákì n disagreement, dispute. Dì ta na lang painítun ang átung mga sumpákì, We won’t let our disagreements get heated. v 1 [A23C; b3] contradict, disagree. Musumpákì giyud nà siya sa bísan unsay ákung isulti, He contradicts whatever I say. Nagkasumpákì ang ámung hunàhúnà, Our ideas are not in agreement. 2 [C; b3] have a disagreement, [935]small argument.

sumpay v 1 [A; ac] join things together to make them larger. Sumpáyun ta ning duha ka mubung písì arun mataas, Let us join these two short pieces of rope together so it will be long enough. Nagsumpay mi sa pantalan ug mga bayinti mitrus, We are adding about twenty meters to the wharf. 2 [A2; b6] add, saying s.t. to s.t. previously said. Sumpáyan pa giyud níya ug kumidiya bísan ug unsay ákung isulti, He always adds jokes to whatever I say. n 1 the additional span or length added. 2 succeeding installment of a serial. ápas — n sequel. Kining sugilanúna ápas sumpay sa isturya sa bau ug ungguy, This story is a sequel to the story of the monkey and the turtle. ka- ug tinái n brother or sister. ka- sa kasingkásing n s.o. close to one’s heart. -in-an(→) n joint, place s.t. has been added or tied to s.t. else.

sumpit = sungpit.

sumpù v [A; a12] 1 put an end to s.t. bad. Sumpúun ku nang ímung pagkatabian, I will put an end to your gossiping. 2 check development. Tambal nga musumpù dáyun sa ubu, Medicine that checks a cough instantly. Kanang bisyúha makasumpù sa túbù, That vice stunts the growth.

sumpung v [B246; a4] be in one of one’s bad moods, have one’s sickness or fit come over one. Misumpung na sag sáput ni Lúla kay nagyawyaw man, Grandma must be in one of her ugly moods again because she is grumbling. Gisumpung siya sa íyang kabúang, She had her fit of madness again.

sumput = sungput.

sumsum v 1 [A; c2] eat s.t. with drinks. Isumsum (sumsuman) nátù ning surísu ug bír, Let’s have sausages with our beer. 2 [b6] be the subject of gossip. Aku na puy gisumsúman ninyu ug tabì, This time I am the subject of your gossip. n 1 thing eaten along with drinks. 2 action of having food with liquor. Dúnay sumsum sa ka Kardu rung gabíi, There’s going to be drinks with eating at Cardo’s tonight. -ay(→) n eating and drinking spree. -an n 1 = sumsum. 2 subject of gossip. v [A13] have an eating and drinking spree.

sumu1 a for tobacco to burn poorly. Sumu kaáyu ning tabakúa ug mabálaw tag yupyup, This tobacco is so hard to get to burn, and you go crazy trying to suck on it. v [B126; b6] be slow-burning.

sumu2 a boring, tired of s.t. due to its frequency and repetition. Sumu kaáyu ning kinabuhía! What a boring life this is! Sumu pamináwun ang sirmun nga gabalikbálik. It’s boring to have to listen to the same lecture over and over again. v [b4] be fed up with s.t. Gisumhan ku sa íyang pangatarúngan, I was bored with his reasoning. Gisumhan na kug kináun ug bábuy, I am sick of eating pork.

sum-uk v 1 [A; a2b2] go into a mass of s.t. Nakasum-uk na ang ayruplánu sa mga pangánud, The plane disappeared into the clouds. Ayaw ug sum-úka ang kasagbutan kay náay sawa dihà, Don’t go into the undergrowth because there are snakes. 2 [A2; a12] try, venture into s.t. Wà ku makasum-uk ánang mga mátang sa panarbáhu, I have not tried my hand at that k.o. work.

sum-ul a 1 for food to be unpalatable from having been served too often. Sum-ul ang bábuyng isígig sirbi, You can get fed up with pork if you have it all the time. 2 boring, tiresome. Sum-ul kaáyung pamatíun nang isturyáha, I’m fed up with hearing that story. — ug nawung a having a nice face, but not one so beautiful people can’t get enough of looking at it. v [B1; b6] 1 be, become repulsive and unpalatable. 2 become boring. ka- n feeling of repulsive dislike for food eaten too often.

suna v [A; a12] inquire of s.o. whether he is amenable to s.t., but without putting pressure on him, esp. asking for a second time. Nagsuna si Husi ug mahinayun ba ang piknik, Jose is asking whether the picnic will go on as scheduled.

súna n zone, area particularly designated. Ang Sibu gihímù nga súna libri, bisag kinsang tawhána makalansar, Cebu has been made a free zone. Anyone may launch his candidacy. v [A13; a12] divide into zones.

sun-ad v [A; c1] 1 boil young corn on the cob. 2 boil root crops or staple food. -in- n 1 boiled young corn on the cobs. 2 any starchy food boiled. sun-arun n the young corn ready for boiling.

sunánuy = sunítu.

sunáta n musical number, usually instrumental. Mau rag nakadungug na ku ánang sunatáha, It seems as if I have already heard that song. Pagtukar ug sunáta. Ayaw nang mga bag-ung sunghit, Play a classical number, not one of those new song hits. v 1 [A] play an instrumental number. 2 [A13] for a baby to cry (humorous). Nagsunáta na pud ang anak ni Iska, Eska’s baby is crying again.

sunaup a low, dark, and damp places. v [B12] for an area to be, become depressed and watery. Nasunaup ang ámung yútà kay naunlud human sa línug, Our land became depressed [936]and watery because it sank after the earthquake.

sunda1 v [A; a1] insert s.t. having length into a hole or cavity. Gisunda níya sa íyang tudlù ang íyang ilung, He inserted his finger into his nose. Masunda giyud ka ug dì ka makaihì, You’ll be catheterized if you can’t urinate. n s.t. of any size but with length to insert into s.t., e.g. a catheter.

sunda2 = sáyud, n, v3.

sundalísa n a letter sent by a boy’s parents requesting an audience with a girl’s parents for the formal marriage proposal (pamaláyi). v [A; b] send this letter.

sundálu n 1 soldier. 2 worms found in salted fish preserves (humorous). Náay daghang sundálus ginamus, There are lots of worms in the salted fish. kasundalúhan n group of soldiers or soldiers in general. Ang átung kasundalúhan giila pud nga ísug, Our soldiers have also shown themselves to be brave.

sundang n bolo, the general name for large knives, machetes, and swords used for heavy cutting work and as weapons. v [a12] make into a bolo. (→) v [a12] strike with a bolo.

sundanun = sandanun. see sandanay.

*sunding see pasunding.

sundug v [AN; a2] copy, follow s.o.’s way of doing s.t. Dì ku musundug (manundug) sa bag-ung alut, I will not follow the new style of cutting the hair. -in- n s.t. copied or adapted from.

súng = súlung.

sungad n 1 the upper snout of animals. Sungad ang ikálut sa amúti sa bábuy, The pig uses its snout to dig up sweet potatoes. 2 the area around the mouth of a person from the nose to the chin (humorous and derogatory). 3 the point of s.t. Sungad sa dáru, The tip of the plow.

sungag v 1 [A; a1] horn, strike or butt with the horn. Sungagun ka ánang kanding ug mudúul ka, That goat will butt you if you go near it. 1a [C; ac3] for animals to fight with their horns. Nagkasúngag ang duha ka kábaw, The two carabaos are goring each other. 2 [A; ac3] ram against s.o. with the head. Napáwul ang usang buksidur kay misungag sa kuntra, One of the boxers was penalized because he butted his opponent. 2a [A; a1] bulldoze s.t. Sungagun sa buldúsir ang pangpang human dinamitáha, After they dynamite the cliff, they will bulldoze it. 3 [AN; a12] hit the jaw with the fist. Makasungag giyud ku run ug magbinúang ka, I’ll hit you in the jaw if you do anything foolish. 4 [A; a12] go against the wind or current. Ug musungag ta sa hángin, dúgay ta muabut, If we go against the wind, it will take us a long time to arrive. 5 [A12; a12] plane against the grain in wood. Dì ka makasungag ug sipilya kay dílì hámis ang ági, You cannot plane against the grain because it won’t come out smooth. (←) n fight between horned animals.

sung-ag = lung-ag.

sungasung v [A; a12] brave adverse weather or conditions to do s.t. or get s.w. Ngánung misungasung ka mag anhi nga ulan kaáyu? Why did you brave the downpour to get here? Aku ang misungasung sa mga kasukù sa mga ginikánan sa babáyi, I had to face the anger of the girl’s parents.

súngay1 n horn. v [AN; ab2] butt, gore. Ug mudúul ka sa kábaw sungáyun giyud ka, If you go near the water buffalo, you will be gored. -an a 1 animal with horns. 2 the devil. 3 one like a devil. Ag sungáyan nagpabuyag na sab, The little devil is making a nuisance of himself again.

súngay2 n one’s lineal or collateral descendants of the fifth generation: grandchild, grandnephew, or grandniece of a great grandchild, grandnephew or grandniece. apu sa — = súngay. apuhan sa — grandparent, granduncle or grandaunt of a great-grandparent, uncle, or aunt.

sung-ay v [A; c16] 1 carry s.o. on one’s shoulder, esp. with legs astraddle the neck. Dì ku makasung-ay nímu kay sakit ang ákung abága, I cannot carry you on my shoulders because they are sore. 2 assume a financial burden, esp. for a political candidacy. Sung-áyun níya ang kandidatúra ni Kabaybay, He will support Kabaybay’s candidacy.

sungban = sumban.

sunggal v [A; a12] come to disturb or harass s.o. Kanúnayng musunggal sa íyang kunsinsiya ang dakù níyang kasal-ánan, The wrong he had done always disturbs his conscience. Hawu ang nagsunggal sa íyang manukan, A monitor lizard raided his chicken yard.

sunggat = salunggat.

sunggaw = sunggal.

sunggu n nosebleed. v [B16; a4] suffer nosebleed. Nagsunggu (gisunggu) ang buksidur pagkaigù sa ilung, The boxer got a bloody nose when he was hit in the nose.

sunghan n a very itchy k.o. scabies with tiny scales on top. see also sungu.

sunghit, sunghits n booklet in which the words to popular songs are printed.

súngì1 v [A1; a12] for the teeth of a comb, nails, and other projections that are somewhat flexible to break off. (→) having teeth [937]broken off. Ilábay nang sudlay nga sungì, Throw away that comb with the broken teeth.

súngì2 v 1 [B126] for the feelings to be hurt. Nasungì ku sa ímung gisulti, I was hurt by what you said. 2 [C13; b3(1] have bad feelings toward one another. Gikasungían níla ang pagbáhin sa yútà, They had a misunderstanding about the division of the land. a having hurt feelings. Súngì kaáyu ákung buut kay wà ku imbitaha, My feelings were badly hurt because I wasn’t invited. ka-an n misunderstanding.

súngil = sikmul, v2.

sungisuk a bulldog-faced: snub-nosed, having pudgy cheeks, and overhanging bones on the brow.

sungkà n a game for two played with a board and pieces, the object of which is to get as many pieces as possible. The board consists of two rows of five or seven holes each, each row assigned to one of the two players, and a hole at either end, each assigned as a home base (balay or balayan) of one of the players. One player picks up a given number of the pieces and distributes them on the board, one piece in each hole. At whatever hole the last piece is dropped, the player picks up all the pieces in it and continues on dropping pieces until he runs out, picks up the pieces in the hole where he ran out, and so forth until he comes to a hole with nothing in it, in which case the opponent gets the turn. Pieces are gained in three ways: (1) a stone is gained each time the home base is passed; (2) when the pieces run out in the player’s row opposite a hole in the opponent’s row with pieces in it, they go to the player (hantuk); or (3) when the throw ends in the hole immediately before the home base the pieces in that hole revert to the player (sáka, 4). v [A12] play sungkà. -an(→) n board for playing this game.

sungkab v [AN; a 12] get at food by breaking open the place where it is kept. -an(→) n an animal that steals food by forcing open the place in which it is kept.

sungkad a exact in fit. Ang íyang bistídu sungkad kaáyu nákù, Her dress fits me perfectly. v 1 [A2C] fit, fit into. 2 [A12; b(1)] make s.t. according to certain measurements. Unsang gidak-únag ímung gisungkaran, What size box did you take the measurements from? sungkaran n s.t. from which s.t. can be copied, from which the measurements can be taken.

sungkil n growth on the body resembling ginger roots, esp. on the joints, which appear after an infection of yaws. v [B246N; b4] get these growths.

sungkip v [A; c] patch a thatch roof. Pára mantinil, kartun lay átung isungkip sa atup, We will use cardboard as a make-shift patch for the roof.

sungkit n pole or stick, usually with a hook at the end used to get s.t. out of reach. v [A; a] get s.t. out of reach with a sungkit. Sungkítun nákù ang mga prútas nga dì maabut, I’ll get the fruits that are out of reach down with a pole.

sungkiub = singkuung.

sungkù v 1 [A2; c] reach up to a point. Musungkù ang Krismas tri sa pisami, The Christmas tree touches the ceiling. Isungkù ang kural sa kílid sa balay, Have the fence reach the side of the house. 1a [a3b2] bump one’s head against s.t. above. Gi! Nasungkù ang ákung úlu sa sanga, Ouch! I bumped my head against the branch. 2 [A; a12] go to see s.o. for a purpose. Akuy musungkù sa mga táwu arun sila mahibalu nga may trabáhu ugmà, I will go notify the people that there will be work tomorrow. Gisungkù ku ang ákung inahan arun papuy-un dinhi sa Sugbu, I went to fetch my mother to have her live here in Cebu. — sa reaching as far as. Sungkù sa lángit ang ákung kalípay, My happiness knows no bounds (lit. reaches the heavens).

sungkud1 n cane, crutch. v 1 [A; b6] use a walking stick or crutch. 2 [A; a1] make into a cane. 3 [a12] hit with a cane.

sungkud2 n great-grandchild, nephew, or niece. apu sa — = sungkud2. apuhan sa — great-grandparent, granduncle, or aunt. v [b6] have a great-grandchild. sungkuran n great-grandparent (uncle or aunt) or great-grandchild (nephew or niece).

sungkudsungkud n auger shells and other long stick-shaped shells.

sungkul n k.o. smooth herb coming in two varieties or species: — putì, with green leaves, and — pula with purple bottom surface: Clerodendron sp.

sunglug v [A; a12] 1 tease, provoke to anger with words or actions. Dì siya musunglug nákù kay dì man ku masukù, He does not tease me because I don’t get mad. 2 for circumstances to mock one, as if teasing. Naplát pa ta, giulan pa giyud. Gisúngug giyud ta sa panahun, We had a flat and got caught in the rain. Circumstances were conspiring against us. -an(→) a given to teasing.

sungpit n blowgun or s.t. used to squirt liquid. v [A; b5] squirt liquid or blow pellets [938]with a blowgun. Kinsay nagsungpit nímu ug túbig? Who squirted water on you?

sungput v 1 [AC; ac] put things in line, end to end. Isumput ning lamisáha sa usa arun ímung kahigdáan, Put this table next to the other one so you can sleep on it. 2 [A2] join a queue. Ngánung musumput ka man dihas tungà sa linya? Why do you butt in at the middle of the line? 3 [A23; b2] appear from nowhere. Misumput lang siya, wà gánì magtiligráma, He just appeared suddenly. He didn’t even send a telegram. -ay n tailgating.

sungsung1 v [A; b6] stop up or stuff s.t. into a tube or mouth of a bottle. Nagsungsung ku ug tabákù sa ákung hunsuy, I am stuffing tobacco into my pipe. Nasungsungan ang labábu, The washbasin got stopped up. Sungsúngi ang bàbà sa butilya, Put a cork into the mouth of the bottle. n 1 stopper. 2 pinch of pipe tobacco, enough to put in the pipe. 3 k.o. posthole digger made of a bamboo pole which is forced into the ground and then pulled out with the dirt stopped up inside it.

sungsung2 = salungsung.

sungu n 1 bill, beak of fowl or birds. 2 similar structure in other animals: trunk of elephants or the proboscis of mosquitoes. 3 the whitish triangular lower structure of a grain of corn that attaches it to the cob. 3a by extension, the tough, somewhat transparent covering of the corn kernel. (←) v [C; a12] in cockfighting, set the cocks and let them peck at each other before fighting them or determining the winner. n action of having cocks peck at each other. sungusúngu sa mais = sungu, n3a. sunghan = suláhan. see súla.

súngug = sunglug.

sung-un see suung.

sungut, súngut a acrid in smell. Sungut kaáyu ang báhù sa purmalin, Formaline smells acrid. (←) a irritating, irksome. Súngut kaáyu ning tawhána kay samukan, This man is very irritating because he always meddles in my affairs. v [A3P; b4] be, become irritated or irked. -an(←), masungtánun a irritable, easily irritated.

súnguy v [A; b5] for an illness, bad trait, public disorders, and the like to make their appearance in large quantities. Musúnguy ang ákung ubu ug hitun-ugan ku, My cough sets in when I get exposed to damp. Nagsúnguy ang panúlis run, Robberies are rampant now. Gisúnguy (gisungúyan) ug balatían ang ákung manukan, A chicken epidemic attacked my poultry.

sunítu n sonnet.

sunluk n sprain or dislocation caused by bending the limb backwards or knocking the bone on its end. v [AP; ab3(1)] sprain or dislocate bones in this way. Sunlukun ku nang ímung líug pinaági sa pagbunsù, I’ll dislocate your neck by banging you down onto the ground head first. Búla ang nasunlukan sa íyang tudlù, He sprained his finger when it was knocked backwards with a ball.

sunlut v [A; b5] peel off, draw off the skin or skin-like covering. Ákù nang gisunlut (gisunlútan) ang mga tiil sa manuk sa mga pánit, I have taken the outer skin off the legs of the chickens. -an(→) n the sea cucumber stripped of its skin and innards, ready for consumption.

sunsun a close together or to each other. Sunsun kaáyu ang pagtanum sa mga lubi, The coconuts are planted very close to each other. Sunsun nga pag-ubu, Coughing fits in rapid succession. v [A; a12] be close to each other or together. Bagà ning panaptúna kay nagsunsun ang mga hulug, This cloth is thick because the weft threads are close to each other.

sunting = asunting.

suntuk v [AN; a] strike with the fist, box. Nagpanuntuk siya sa bungbung sa kalágut, He banged his fists on the wall in anger. -ay(→) n fistfight.

súnù n k.o. medium-sized, red grouper (pugápu).

sunub v 1 [A2; b6] for liquids to penetrate, seep into or through. Gáhì musunub ang túbig sa yútang kúnun, Water doesn’t seep easily into clay soil. Dì makasunub ang uwan íning páyung, The rain can’t penetrate this umbrella. 2 [A; b] add a small amount of juice pressed from coconut meat to a stew of meat, fish, or vegetables and cook it. (←) = sunub, 2. -in-an, -in-an(←) n food cooked with coconut juice.

sunud v 1 [A; ab26] follow, go behind s.o. Sunda tung awtúha! Follow that car! 1a [A23; c] do s.t. later as the next thing. Pamáhaw na mu kay musunud ra ku, Eat your breakfast now because I’ll eat next. Silhígi ang salug kay akuy musunud ug lampásu, Sweep the floor because I will follow it up with scrubbing. Isunud ni pagmakinilya, Type this the next thing. 1b [A; a2P] do s.t. right after having done s.t. else. 2 follow, imitate. Dílì siya musunud sa bag-ung múda, She doesn’t imitate the new styles. Ayaw ug sunda nang batasána, Don’t imitate that sort of manners. Ayawg sunda ímung maguwang nga balirúsu, Don’t be [939]headstrong like your elder brother. 3 [A2N] inherit. Siyay musunud (manunud) sa ákung kabtángan, He will inherit my property. 3a [A2; b6] succeed in office. Ang bísi mauy musunud ingkásug mamatay ang prisidinti, The vice-president succeeds in office if the president dies. — ug kasal [AN] sponsor a wedding. Gubirnadur ang nagsunud sa ámung kasal, A governor sponsored our wedding. n 1 the next, the one following. Sunud simána, Next week. Sunud ugmà, The day after tomorrow. 1a the next thing done. Sunud ilúnud ang balátung human sa karni, After the meat, put the beans in next. 2 following, according to the. Sunud sa naandan nga batásan, Following the usual custom. 3 next. Sunud simána, Next week. Sunud gulà, Next issue. Siya ang sunud nga prisidinti, He will be the next president. (←) v [C; a12] be close to each other in a series, line or succession. Sunúra ang mga misitíra nga púlus pula, Put the red pots next to each other in line. sunudsunud v [A] do s.t. one after another, following each other in rapid succession. Musunudsunud ug pangaláyà ang dáhun sa tinghulaw, The leaves withered one after another during the drought. sunudsúnud v [A; a12] keep following, tagging along after. Kining irua musunudsúnud bisan ása ku mulakaw, This dog keeps following me around wherever I go. pa- v [A] set an example. Ikaw kay magulang, ikay mupasunud sa ímung mga manghud, You are the elder brother, so you should set an example for your younger brothers and sisters to follow. n in consecutive order. Hinganlan nákù pasunud ang ngálan sa mga táwu sa laráwan gíkan sa wala ngadtu sa túu, I will name the people in the picture in order from left to right. pa-(←) = pa-, n. sundánun a tending to have offspring closely spaced. masunúrun, masundánun, masinundánun a obedient. maN-r-(←) n heir. -um-r- n the following, as enumerated. -um-r-(←) 1 = maN-r-. 2 followers of a certain leader, belief, or religion. sulundun a exemplary, worth imitating. panulundun n s.t. which is inherited. Pagtúung panulundun sa katigulángan, A belief inherited from one’s ancestors. Panulundun sa ílang pamilyang pagkaunglù, The curse of needing to suck human blood is passed down from generation to generation in their family. salang panulundun 1 original sin. 2 act of coitus (euphemism).

sunug1 n small room added to a house, usually to a small shack. v [A; a] make such a small room.

súnug v 1 [A; a] burn s.t. up. Sunúgun nátù ning mga sagbut, Let us burn these weeds. Ang mga nasunúgan, The people whose houses burnt down. 2 [A] be burnt, destroyed by heat. Gisúnug man nímu ang dukut, You burnt the rice. Nasúnug ang tanum sa ínit sa húlaw, The sun burnt up the plants in the drought. 2a roast s.t. that one uses slightly burnt. Sunúga ang dáhun, kupúga, ug ibutíbut sa samad, Burn the leaves, pulverize them, and spread them over the wound. n fire, conflagration. (→)2 n 1 s.t. slightly burnt. Sunug man ning mani, These peanuts are burnt! 2 in a game of sungkà, any of the lateral holes which do not have pieces in them. -an2 = sunug, n2.

sunugan2 n flathead fishes.

sun-uk v 1 [A; c] insert, dump s.t. under s.t. to hide or protect it. Gisun-uk níyag ribulbir iláwum sa unlan, He hid the revolver under the pillow. 2 [A2; b2] push through an area with obstacles. Dì ka makasun-uk dihà kay tunukun, You can’t pass through that thicket because it is thorny. 2a go s.w. through great difficulty. Hisun-ukan ku ang tanang kalisud sa kinabúhì, I have gone through all kinds of difficulties in life.

sun-an, sun-un see suun1.

sun-ut n width of the opening around the hem of a skirt. v [b5c1] add to the opening of the skirt. Sun-úti (sun-úta, isun-ut) ang ákung sayal arun dì ku maglisud ug líhuk, Add to the opening at the bottom of the skirt so I can move without encumbrance.

sunuy n rooster, cock.

supa n sofa.

súpa n soup. v [A; a] have, make soup. supíra n soup tureen.

supà v [A; b6] feed s.o. pre-chewed food. Ug ubhun ang inahan hitakdan ang bátang gisup-an, If the mother has cough the baby is likely to get it if he is given pre-chewed food. n pre-chewed food. -in- = supà, n.

súpak v 1 [A; a12] go against, violate. Dílì ku musúpak sa súgù sa maistru, I will not disobey the teacher’s orders. 1a [B1256; a1c] cut against the grain in wood working. Ayaw ug isúpak ang tumung sa tigib arun dílì gáhì nga ihandus, Don’t chisel against the grain or it will be hard to push. 2 [AC2; a12] oppose, be contrary to each other. Musúpak ku sa ímung plánu, I will oppose your plans. Nagsúpak ang ámung mga paminsar, Our opinions are contrary to each other. n 1 person opposed. Kadtung súpak muísa sa ílang kamut, Those who are opposed, raise their hands. 2 s.t. contrary, against. Supak sa ákung kabubut-un nga mulakaw [940]ka sa walay pananghid, It is against my will if you go without asking my permission first. paN- n rebuttal. rigla sa paN- rebuttal technique. ma-in-un, -iru a disobedient, tending to oppose. -ira = supakíru (female).

sup-ak v [A; a12] split s.t. lengthwise, esp. along the grain. Ákù úsang sup-ákun ang káhuy arun masulud sa pugun, I will split the wood first so it will go into the stove. n the long piece split off from a bigger piece. Tulu ka sup-ak nga kawáyan, Three slats of bamboo.

súpan = salúpan. see salup.

súpang a fat and healthy. v [B2N; b6] be, become fat and healthy. Musúpang (manúpang) ang bátà ug sígi siyang inum ug gátas, The child will become fat and healthy if he keeps drinking milk. ka- n state of being fat and healthy.

súpas1 n crackers or cookies. v [A13; a12] make, have crackers or cookies.

súpas2 = súpa.

súpat n grain in wood that is irregular and intertwined. Ang súpat makapalisud sa pagsipilya sa káhuy, The irregular grain makes the wood difficult to plane. -un a 1 full of irregular grains. 2 be hard to split because of irregular grain. Káhuyng supátun kaáyung bugháun, Wood that is very difficult to split. v [B1256] be wood of this sort.

supbul n softball. v [A13; b6] play softball.

sup dringk n soft drinks. v [A1] have soft drinks.

súpi n a peso (slang).

súpil v [A23; b6] go against what s.o. wants one to do. Ug supílan mu ang tambag sa ímung amahan, gabáan ka, If you disobey your father’s advice, you will get your just desserts. ma-un a rebellious, disobedient. v [A13] be, become rebellious.

supíra see súpa.

supirbaysing n teacher in charge of the administration of a whole school, one rank above the principal.

supirbaysur = supirbisur.

supirbisar v [A; b6] supervise, superintend. Supirbisahi (supirbisari) ang mutsatsang nagdigámu, Supervise the maid while she is preparing dinner.

supirbisur n supervisor of a school district. v [A13; a12] be made, become the supervisor.

supirbisúri n supervisory position. v [A13; c1] hold a supervisory position. Dalì rang magsupirbisúri ang mga inhinyíru sa mína, It’s easy for mine engineers to get supervisory positions in the mining company.

supirbisiyun, supirbisyun n supervision.

supirintindint, supirintindinti n superintendent of the public schools in a city or in a whole province.

supir istár n superstar of the movies. v [B1256] be, become a superstar.

supiriyur a of a high quality. Supiriyur kaáyu ning panaptúna sa ímung napalit, This cloth is very much better in quality than the cloth you bought. n one’s superior in an organization or in rank.

supirmarkit n 1 name of one of the public markets in Cebu. 2 supermarket.

supiryúra n mother superior. v [A13; a12] be, be made the mother superior. madri — = supiryúra.

supla v 1 [A; a12] arrest the motion of dice or coins that have been thrown. Ákung supláhun (suplahun) ang dayis ug dílì maáyung pagkalábay, I will arrest the dice if they are not thrown properly. 2 [A; a2] interrupt s.o.’s speech, usually with a question. Makasupla ba ta sa nagsulti? May I put a question to the speaker? 3 [A; a12] check vice, bad manners. Ángay nga supláhun nang tarása nga laksut, That bad trait should be put to a halt. n violation of the rules in certain games. Sa dáma ubligádu ka pagkáun sa ákung batu. Ug dì ka mukáun, supla ka, In checkers you are obliged to take my piece. If you do not, you violate the rules. supládu a 1 curt, laconic to the point of rudeness. Supládu kaáyu siya ug sinultihan, He is very curt in speech. 2 characteristically bent on going against advice, orders, or instructions. Dì masápì ang supládu sa siminaryu, A disobedient person doesn’t fit in the seminary. v 1 [B125] be rudely laconic. 2 [B2] become characteristically inclined to disobey. supláda = supládu (female).

suplágay v 1 [A; a3] be dispersed into various directions, cause s.t. to be dispersed. Kinsay nagsuplágay sa mga húlin diri sa kwartu? Who scattered the marbles all over the room? Nasuplágay na mi human mamatay ang ámung inahan, We were scattered after our mother died. 2 [B2; a12P] disperse, run in every direction. Pagbutu sa pusil, misuplágay ang mga táwu, When the gun fired, the people scattered in all directions.

suplimintu n supplement to a publication, to a diet. v [A13; c] take or add s.t. as a supplement. Pagkáung gisuplimintúhag bitamína, Food supplemented with vitamins.

suplǐr = suprǐr.

suplíti n blowtorch. v [A13; b6] use a blowtorch.

suprímu n title of the leaders of some organizations. Si Suprímu Luis Taruk pangúlu sa [941]Kumunista kanhi, Supreme Chief Luis Taruc was the leader of the communists formerly.

suprǐr v [A; c] substitute for s.o., substitute s.t. for s.t. else. Ug mupalta ka sa trabáhu dúna bay musuprǐr nímu? If you’re absent from work do you have s.o. to substitute for you? Way hingpit nga makasuprǐr sa gátas sa inahan, There is nothing that can substitute perfectly for mother’s milk.

supsup v 1 [A; a] suck, take s.t. in by sucking. Ang búwak sa antuwángang dinukduk kusug musupsup ug nánà sa hubag, Crushed hibiscus flowers suck the pus from boils. Supsúpun sa limátuk ang dugù, Leeches suck the blood. 1a [A; b5] suck s.o. off. 2 [A2N] fawn, suck up to (somewhat coarse). Musupsup (manupsup) siya sa mga táwung íyang kapangayúan ug pabur, He sucks up to people he wants to ask favors from. — bútù n apple polisher (coarse).

supsupun n saxophone (word play on supsup and saksupun—humorous).

supu v 1 [A; a12] embarrass s.o. by proving his allegations false. Dílì ka makasupu nákù kay tinúud ang ákung gisulti, You cannot prove me wrong because what I said is true. 2 [A12; a3] discard a card or mahjong piece that allows an opponent to win the game. Dì ku masupu kay magbantay man ku sa mga karta nga ilábay, I don’t discard pieces that would allow anyone to go mahjong because I keep an eye on the pieces that have been discarded.

supurtǎr v [A; b6] 1 provide s.o. with sustenance, support. Pila ka kirída ang íyang masupurtaan? How many mistresses can he support? 2 provide support to an attacking unit. Ang atáki sa dágat supurtahan ug tulu ka bapur digíra, The sea assault will be supported by three battleships. 3 [A13; b6] support a certain weight. Unum ka halíging simintu nagsupurtǎr sa taytáyan, Six concrete columns supported the bridge. 4 [A; b6] endorse, support a candidate. Dì siya musupurtar sa ákung kandidátu, He would not support my candidate.

supurtir n athletic supporter. v [A; b6(1)] wear, use an athletic supporter.

suput v [A; a12] 1 shoot with a blowgun. Kinsay nagsuput sa ákung manuk? Who killed my chicken with a blowgun? 2 force s.t. out from a tight hole by hammering in s.t. in its place. Supta nang lansang ug láing lansang, Force out the nail by banging in another nail on top of it. 3 [A23; c] soar up as if shot from a blowgun. Mu rag misuput ang íyang kalípay ngadtu sa kawanángan, It seemed as though his happiness soared up into space. 3a do s.t. with speed, as if shot from a blowgun. Misuput siyag dágan pagkakità sa ákung pistúla, He ran like all get out when he saw my gun. Misuput siya ug usa ka pangutána sa tsirman, He shot a question at the chairman. n blowgun or a dart shot from a blowgun.

súput n general name for bags, esp. paper bags. v [c6] put in a bag. Isúput lang nang kámay, Place the sugar in the paper bag.

sup-ut v [A; c] 1 fit s.t. tightly over, in, or around s.t. else. Nagsup-ut ku áring plastik nga túbu sa bára, I am fitting this plastic tube over the iron rod. 2 put on a piece of clothing wear. Nagsup-ut siya ug bag-ung bistídu, She was wearing a new dress.

sur1 n 1 mahjong, the south piece, one of the winds (bintus). 2 the player at the right of the dealer. 3 the second round (ráwun) in a game.†

sur2 title for nuns. Sur Matildi, Sister Matilde.

súra1 v [A; b5] 1 tease, ridicule a person for a defect. Suráhi (suráha) siya nga pisut, Tease him for being uncircumcised. 2 bother, annoy. Ngánung inyung gisúra ang bátà nga natúlug? Why did you bother the child? She was sleeping so nicely. 3 ask a person to buy one s.t. Musúra na pud ning ákung bátà ug sapátus kay gradwisyun na, My son will ask me to buy him a pair of shoes because it will be graduation. masuráhun a teasing.

súra2 v [A] dance with the hands, feet, and body. Pwirting nakasúra sa bátà arun hatágan siyag singku, How the child danced to earn a nickle.

súrab v [AP; c1P] flash a fierce look of anger, hate. Surábun (isúrab, pasurábun, ipasúrab) níya ang íyang mga mata ug masukù, She flashes her eyes when she is angry.

suraban a greedy eater that eats another’s share as well as his own. Gipaulahi pagpakáun ang suraban nga baktin, The greedy piglet was fed last. v [B12] become a greedy grabber of food.

surambaw n 1 double-cross, tamper with a game so that the outcome is fixed. Way dalag-an ang átung pusta kay surambaw kaáyu tung duláa, We didn’t have a chance with our bet because the game was completely fixed. 2 name of a child’s game played with rubber bands knotted tightly together. v [A; a12] throw a game, double-cross. Kadtung nagsurambaw sa baskit dílì na paapilun unyà, Those who threw the basketball game will not be allowed to participate next time. Dílì gihápun ku mapildi sa iliksiyun bísag imu kung surambáwun, I will not lose in the election anyway, even if you double-cross [942]me.†

surangsurang v [A; a12] pester, annoy s.o. that is in a bad mood to start out with. Ayaw bayà ku surangsuranga kay ínit ning ákung úlu, Don’t anybody pester me because I’m in a bad mood as it is.

surbi v [A; a12] 1 survey land. 2 inspect a place to see how it is. Musurbi úsà ku ánang yutáa úsà ku mudisidir, I’ll inspect that land first before making any decision. 3 make a survey or poll. n 1 survey of land, inspection of how s.t. is. 2 survey, poll. -yur(←) n land surveyor. v [B156] be a surveyor.

surbíti n ice cream. v [A13; a12] make, make into ice cream. paN- v [A2; b6] have ice cream. -ru n ice-cream vendor. -s = surbíti.

surihir v [A; c] make a suggestion. Sa míting karun musurihir ku nga multáhan ang dílì mutambung, At the meeting today I will move that absentees be fined.

suriksurik v [AN; b5] inquire searchingly, search for s.t. meticulously. Ug musuriksurik (manuriksurik) kag trabáhu, makakità ka giyud, If you’re serious in looking for a job, you’ll surely find one. Ang sikríta nagsuriksurik ug pangutána sa kasilingánan sa mamumúnù báhin kaníya, The detective inquired in great detail about the criminal from his neighbors. Ang ákung maistra pwirting makasuriksurik (makapanuriksurik) ug buling sa suuk, My teacher searches the corners meticulously for dust.

surindir v 1 [A2; b6] surrender, give oneself up to proper authorities or a stronger power. Misurindir ang mga Hapun sa mga Alyádu, The Japanese surrendered to the Allies. 2 [A23] yield, concede defeat. Ug áway lang, dì ku musurindir nímu, I will never surrender to you in a fight. 3 [A23; b6] stop eating due to satiation. Dihà ku sa ayis krim musurindir, When we got to the ice cream, I had to stop eating.

suringiw a one who never does a thing right when sent on an errand. Suringiw kaáyu ning batáang sugúun tungud sa kalinga, This child never does a thing right when he is sent on an errand because he is so inattentive. v [B] fail to follow instructions. Ngánung musuringiw ka mag sugúun? Why don’t you follow instructions when you are sent on an errand?

surísu n Spanish sausage made of pork. — di Bilbaw k.o. imported Spanish sausage. — sa Insik Chinese sausage. v 1 [A; a2] make sausage. 2 [A13; b6] cook s.t. with sausage as a spice.

súrit n home-made rifle that uses empty bullet shells reloaded with broken nails and gunpowder. suritsúrit n bamboo squirt gun.

surku v [A; a12] plow between rows of corn to loosen the soil and remove weeds (done usually once about halfway to the harvest time). surkuhúnun n corn plants at about 2–3′ high, ready for weeding.

surpan = surtpan.

surplas n leftover military supplies and equipment sold to the civilian population.

surprísa n surprise, surprise gift. Dúna kuy surprísa pára nímu, píyung úsà, I have a surprise for you, close your eyes (first). v [c6] give s.t. as a surprise gift.

sursi v [AN2; b6] darn, mend by darning. Sursíhan nátù ang samput sa ímung karsúnis, Let us stitch over the seat of your pants. — tápak v [A; a1] put a piece of cloth under a tear and run stitches over it to strengthen the mend. n method of mending in this way. sinursihan n place that has been darned on a garment having been mended with darning stitches.

surtídus a of different sorts. Surtídus ang kulur sa pintal sa balay, The house is painted with all different colors. n 1 a k.o. folk dance performed by at least six pairs of male and female dancers. Each dance figure is to a different tune. 2 assorted sweets sold packaged.

surtpan n short pants. v [A3; a12] wear, make into short pants.

súrù1 n young of freshwater shrimp. paN- v [A2; b6] gather small freshwater shrimps.

súruk v [A2S] for the blood to boil in anger. Nagsuruk pa ning ákung dugù sa kalágut, My blood is still boiling in anger.

surup, súrup v [A2; b5] 1 for air to penetrate through the body causing gas pains. Musurup (manurup) ang tun-ug, Draft causes gas pains. Surupun (surupan) ka ug dì ka maghábul nga matúlug, You will have gas pains if you sleep without covering yourself. 2 for feelings to flow through one (literary).

surusúru n k.o. spiny shrub with fleshy tongue-shaped leaves of strong astringent effect, the young leaves of which are used to spice paklay: Euphorbia neriifolia.

súruy v 1 [A2; ac] go about, stroll. Diin ka musúruy gabíi? Where did you go to last night? Isúruy ang bátà sa parki, Take the child for a stroll in the park. 1a ika- presentable (lit. can be worn for strolling). Dílì ku mauwaw sa ákung uyab kay ikasúruy man pud, I am not ashamed to be seen with my girl friend because she is pretty. 2 [A; c1] bring s.t. around. Nagsúruy siyag isdà, She peddles fish. Isúruy ang mga ilimnun sa [943]mga bisíta, Bring the drinks around to the visitors. libud — a given to wandering about with no useful purpose. v [B1] become a vagabond. (→) bagduy = libud súruy. suruysúruy v [A13; b6] 1 promenade, take a pleasure stroll. Magsuruysúruy ta sa baybáyun, Let’s take a walk by the beach. 2 roam about uselessly. Nagpúnay lang siyag suruysuruy ug way nahímù, All he ever did was roam about and never accomplished anything. sinurúyan n 1 s.t. gained as a result of going about. 2 a woman’s child born out of wedlock (lit. s.t. obtained as a result of reckless wandering). 2a one’s eldest child (humorous). maN-r-(←) n peddler.

sus = hisus, n2. — maryusip = hisusmaryusip.

súsa n sodium hydroxide in white powder form used for making laundry soap.

susáyid v 1 [A3; b3] commit suicide. Nagsusáyid siya kay dispirádu, He committed suicide because he was disappointed in love. 2 [A23; bc] do s.t., gamble against very great odds (lit. commit suicide). Mususáyid lang kug kúhà sa tist bísag wà ku katuun, I’ll just take a long chance on the examination, even if I didn’t study. Isusáyid kug siyut ning tanan kung kwarta, I’ll bet all my money, come what may. 2a in rummy, pick up a card one needs but for which must also pick up a large number of other cards which will be a burden.

súsi v 1 [A; a2] look into s.t., go and see to find s.t. out. Nagsúsi mi sa mangga human sa bagyu, We went to see what became of the mango tree after the storm. Wà ku makasúsi ug dúna pa bay túbig ang bangà, I have not gone to see if there is still water in the jar. 1a [a12] look into, investigate. Susíhun sa Inbíay ang anumalíya sa Iltísi, The NBI will look into the LTC anomalies. (→) v [A12; b2] 1 come across s.t., inadvertently find s.t. out. Hingsusihan námù sila nga nagtabakù ug ampiyun, We discovered them smoking opium. 2 come into information about s.t. Nakasusi giyud ku ánang mga makina kay dúgay kung trabáhu sa taliyir, I got to learn s.t. about engines because I worked in a shop for a long time. susisusi v [A3N; a12] make inquiries about s.o.’s life, doings, habits, and the like, usually maliciously. pa- v [A13; c6] have a medical examination. Ipasúsi ang bátà sa duktǔr, Have the child examined by the doctor. paki- v [A13; b6] ask for information, inquire. Didtu mi ni Kaduy magpakisúsi báhin sa yútang ibaligyà, We asked for information from Cadoy about the land for sale. n investigation, inquiry.

suskribir v [A] subscribe to a periodical. Gustu ka bang mususkribir sa Tayims? Do you want to subscribe to the Times?

suskrisiyun n subscription.

suskritur n subscriber.

susmaríya (from Hisus and Maríya) interjection 1 expressing helpless frustration at s.t. which happened or about which nothing can be done. Susmaríya ning batáa! Giyabu na pud ag gátas sa lamísa, Goodness, this child! He spilled the milk all over the table again. 2 expressing reaction to fright. Susmaríya, pwirting kuráta nákù, Heavens! I sure was frightened.

suspi n peso or one peso (slang).

suspindǐr v 1 [A; a12] suspend from office or privilege. Suspindihun ka ug makítà ka nga sad-an, You will be suspended if you are found guilty. 2 [A1; a12] cause an action or practice to cease for the time being. Suspindihun ang klási sa Lúnis ug Martis, The class will be suspended on Monday and Tuesday.

suspinsu n suspension from office, school. v [A3P; a12] suspend s.o. from office, school. Ang prisidinti mauy mususpinsu níya sa íyang katungdánan, The president will suspend him from office.

suspíru, suspírus n sugar candy. — dimani k.o. sugar candy into which peanuts have been thrown. v [A; a12] make sugar candy.

suspitsa, suspitsǎr v [A; b(1)] suspect. Walay mususpitsǎr nátù áning kawáta, Nobody will suspect us of this robbery.

suspitsu v [A13; b6] suspect, regard s.t. in a certain way without proof. Nagsuspitsu ku nga walà ning batáa magtunghà karun, I am beginning to suspect that this child is not attending school. Siyay gisuspitsuhan nga mauy nagkúhà sa kwarta, I suspect him of being the one who took the money. n suspicion. -sa = suspitsúsu, 2 (female). -su a 1 arousing suspicion. Suspitsúsu ug líhuk ang istranyu, The stranger’s behavior is suspicious. 2 suspicious of others. Asáwang suspitsúsu sa íyang bána, A wife suspicious of her husband.

sustansiya n nutriment. Daghang sustansiya ang útan, Vegetables are very nutritious. ma-, masustansiyáhun a nutritious. Ang ayis krim nga Magnulya masustansiya (masustansiyáhun) kaáyu, Magnolia ice cream is very nutritious. v [A13] be nutritious.

sustinídu1 n 1 sharp, a note one-half step higher. Pa sustinídu, F sharp. 2 a sharp cord.

sustinídu2 see sustinir.

sustinir v 1 [A2; b6] last, manage to keep up [944]with some work. Musustinir ka nákù ug buksing ug mga lima ka ráwun? Can you last five rounds boxing against me? Sustinihan ku nang trabahúa, I will keep on with that work. 1a [A; c] withstand weight or pressure, sustain. Ang sanga dì na makasustinir sa gibug-atun sa mga búnga, The branch cannot withstand the weight of the fruits. 2 [A3; b6] stick to a line of reasoning or allegation. Musustinir ka sa ímung gisulti? Will you stick to your story? 3 [a2] make do with s.t. less in quality or quantity. Gisustinihan ku níya ug sulti sa íyang kinawayan nga ininglis, He made do, speaking to me in broken English. Ságing nga isustinir sa tinggutum, Bananas which we make do with in times of famine. sustinídu2 a 1 assiduous, sticking to s.t. Kadtung sustinídu sa ílang trabáhu pag-usbáwan ug swildu, Those who are assiduous in their work will be given a raise in salary. 2 having the capacity to endure, carry on with work. Sustinídu kaáyu siya ug kálut ug kanal kay dagkù siyag buktun, He has the capacity to dig ditches because he has muscular arms.

sustintu n money for one’s sustenance. Ang sustintu nga ipadala sa íyang bána ígù ra sa pagkáun, The sustenance her husband sends is enough for food. v [A; b6] give money for sustenance. Dì na ku musustintu nímu ug magminyù ka, I will not support you any more if you get married.

súsu n 1 breast, the mammary gland or its analogous formation in males. 2 angular corners of pillows, sacks, and the like which can be taken hold of. -g agtà n hornet’s nest hanging from a tree (lit. an agtà’s breast). v 1 [A2S; b(1)] suckle. Ang tútuy nga walà sus-i dílì bitay, Breasts that have not suckled a baby do not sag. 2 [a12] hit in the chest, underneath the breasts toward the arm. Ug sushun (susuhun) ug dunggab ang táwu, matigbak, If a man is stabbed on the side next to his breast, he will die right away. pa- v [A; ac] feed with the breast or bottle. Ayaw ni ipasúsu sa bátà kay dáan ning gatása, Don’t give the baby this milk because it is not fresh. sus-an a having a mammary gland or s.t. like it. Bitin nga sus-an ang gipakítà sa karnabal, They showed a snake with mammary glands in the carnival. 2 mother with a nursing infant. úmang sus-an see úmang. ma-(→) n infant.

susù n k.o. smooth cerith shell of fresh waters, black, dark green, or brown. paN- v [A2; b6] gather susù.

sùsù v [A; a1b2] 1 pound s.t. usually with short and moderately heavy strokes. Sùsúun nímu pag-áyu ang pánit arun mahúmuk, Pound the leather well so it will get soft. 2 knock s.t. on the surface and bruise it without breaking the surface. Sùsúun ku nang ngábil mu ug mutubag ka pa, I’ll bruise your lips if you answer back again.

susun a close together, in rapid succession. Susun ang mga balay sa syudad, The houses in the city are close to each other. v [B3(1)6; b6c1] do, situate in rapid or close succession. Misusun siya sa íyang inahan ug kamatay, She died soon after her mother died.

susut a 1 stunted in growth. Pulus susut ang mga tanum, The plants are all stunted. 2 scarce. Susut ang taksi árung urása, Taxis are scarce round about this time. v [B; b6] 1 be, become stunted or runty. Mususut ang mga bátà kun paalsáhun ug bug-at, Children will grow up to be stunted if they are made to carry heavy loads. Nagsusut ang mga tanum tungud kay wà abunúhi, The plants were stunted in growth because they weren’t fertilized. 2 be, become scarce. Nasusut ang mga isdà tungud sa dinamíta, Fish have become scarce because of the dynamite fishing.

susyádu (from susyu2) a having a defect on the surface. Dì na mahálin ang mga prútas nga susyádu, Fruit with defects on the skin is hard to sell. Dì na siyang patabak-un kay susyádu nag bágà, He is not allowed to smoke any more because he has defective lungs. v [B126] be, become defective.

susyal a fond of attending social functions. v [B12] be, become fond of attending social gatherings. Burung niadtu si Lurna, karun nasusyal na, Lorna used to be shy but now she has become fond of parties.

susyalayit n socialite. v [B1] be, become a socialite.

susyidad n 1 society. Susyidad nga maut, Hypocritical society. 2 society, club. Susyidad sa mga kababayin-an, Women’s society. alta — see *alta.

susyu1 n partnership. v 1 [C; b6] be partners with, make a partner of s.o. Magsusyu mi si Inting ug ristawrant, Inting and I are partners in a restaurant. 2 [A13; a1c] organize, contribute to a partnership. ka- n partner in business.

susyu2 n 1 defect or imperfection in a fruit. Kining mga mangga nga may susyu laina kay dílì ibaligyà, Separate these mangoes with imperfections because we won’t sell them. 2 mark, imperfection in s.t. that is supposed to be smooth. Kutsing way susyu, A car without a scratch.

sút = súlut1,2. [945]

súta1 n a coat coloration of animals consisting usually of half black and half white fur.

súta2 n 1 stable boy, groom. 2 the jack of the Spanish cards (number 10). v 1 [B156; a12] be, become a groom. 2 [A12; b8] draw a jack.

sútà v 1 [A13; a2b2] go to find out or verify s.t. Sutáa didtu ug pilay baligyà sa íyang kabáyù, Go and see how much he wants to sell his horse for. 2 [C; a1c3] have it out with s.o. to find out who is really who. Sutáun nátù ug kinsay talawan nátung duha, We will have it out and see which of us two is a coward.

sutána n 1 priest’s cassock, the soutane. 2 the priestly office. Ánang ímung gibúhat wà lang gánì ka maghunàhúnà sa ímung sutána, When you did that you completely forgot that you were a priest. v [A; a12] wear, make into a soutane.

sutanghun n bean threads or dish made of bean threads. v [A; b6] make sutanghun.

sutil1 = limunsítu.

sutil2 a rebelliously stubborn. Layhan kung mulatigu ánang sutil kaáyu nga bátà, I’d like to whip that stubborn child. v [B12; b6] be, become rebelliously stubborn.

sutsut v [A12; c1] 1 slurp, eat or drink noisily in a sucking way. Íya lang gisutsut ang usa ka panaksang sabaw, He simply slurped down one bowl of soup. 2 [AN; b6] attract s.o.’s attention with a low interrupted hissing sound, either to call him or reprimand him. n the hissing or slurping sound of this sort. paN- n act of hissing at s.o.

sutuy v [A2] 1 leave immediately without looking back or saying anything. Misutuy siya ug lakaw kay nangísug tu nákù, He walked straight away without looking back because he was mad at me. 2 zoom or shoot off like a projectile. 3 for a child to slip out easily on delivery. Misutuy lang ang bátà sa pagsakit sa íyang tiyan, The mother had a pain in her stomach, and the baby just slipped out.

suub1 n 1 pointed stake made of a length of thinnish species of bamboo (bagákay) put in the bottom of pit traps. 2 a spear fashioned in the same way. v [a12] make into a stake or spear.

súub = sul-ub, v. (→)2 = sul-ub, n.

suud a 1 close in space or time. Suud na kaáyu ang adlaw sa kasal, The wedding day is near. Ang baril sa gasulína suud ra kaáyu sa dapug, The gasoline barrel is a bit too near the stove. 2 intimate. Suud kaáyu ming amígu, We are very intimate friends. v [ABC; a] place, be set closely. Suúrun ta nig butang arun dílì magkabulagbulag, Let’s place these close together so they won’t get separated. 2 [BC; a12] be, become intimate, close to. Dílì ku makigsúud sa tabian, I don’t want to be intimate with a gossip. ka- banay n close relative. Ákù gihápun siyang kasúud bánay kay mag-ágaw mi, He is still a close relative because we are cousins.

suudsúud v [A; a12] mimic s.o. usually to make fun of him. Nagsuudsúud ang bátà sa nagdiskursu, The child is mimicking the man delivering a speech. Suudsuúrun ku siya arun manuyù, I’ll mimic her so she’ll get angry.

suuk n 1 corner, the inside space. Suuk sa kaban, Corner of a trunk. 2 a remote secluded place. Suuk tung íla sa iskwátir, They live deep in the squatter area. 3 in recesses of one’s thoughts. Sa mga suuk sa ímung kunsyinsiya, In the recesses of your conscience. 4 foul smell characteristic of a dank, dirty corner. Pag-ílis gánig sinínà, nanimáhù ka lang suuk dà, Change into s.t. clean. You smell like a dank and dirty corner. v [c] be put at the corner or in a remote secluded place. paN-(←) n wisdom tooth. v [b4] grow a wisdom tooth. ka-an n remote out-of-the-way places of s.t. Íyang gisangyaw ang balità sa kasuukan sa ginharían, He spread the news to the remote corners of the kingdom.

suul v 1 [A2; b4] for an illness or bad behavior that recurs at intervals to recur. Misuul na pud ang íyang kabúang, His foolishness is showing itself again. Gisul-an na pud siya sa íyang húbak, He is having an attack of asthma again. 2 [A; b4] have a stomach ache. Ug magsuul pa nang ímung tiyan, tumar áning tambal, If your stomach still hurts, take this medicine. n stomach pain. — sa irù very painful stomach cramps believed to be a kabúhì which has found its way into the pit of the stomach. sulul-an, sul-ánun a prone to having recurring sicknesses or emotional derangements.

súul v [A; c] wear, put s.t. on. Ngánung nagsúul ka mag bulingun? Why are you wearing dirty clothes?

suun1 v 1 [A; a2] imitate, adopt a fad or mannerism. Dílì ku musuun sa mga bag-ung múda sa pamisti, I will not follow the new dress styles. Sayun ra ning baylíha, sun-a lang ang ákung lákang, This dance is easy; just follow my steps. 2 [A; c16] wear s.t. belonging to s.o. else. Sun-un ang ákung sinínà sa ákung manghud, My younger sister will wear my dress. [946]

suun2 v [A; c] 1 fill up a hole, cavity with solid objects. Siyay misuun ug balas sa ímung sapátus, He filled your shoes with sand. Sun-ig batu ang mga láta, Fill the cans with stones. 2 = sul-ut, 2.

*súun ig- n brother or sister. ig- sa inahan, amahan n half-sister or brother on one’s mother’s or father’s side. ig- sa ngálang ig- a brother in the real sense of the word. v [A123S] have as a brother or sister. paN- v [A2; c1] consider s.o. as a brother or sister. Ug ang Muslim na gániy makapangigsúun nímu, unúngan ka giyud, When a Muslim considers you a brother, he is loyal to you. mag-, manag- n siblings. v [A13; c] do s.t. together as siblings. Imagsuun níla ang ílang nigusyu, The siblings will do business together. mag- sa lamísa apan dílì sa bulsa each must pay his own way, whether or not they are brothers (lit. brothers at the table but not with the pocketbook). Bayran giyud nímu ang ímung útang nákù kay bísan túud ug magsúun ta sa lamísa, dílì man sa bulsa, You should pay me what you owe because though we are brothers, we have different pocketbooks. inig-(→) n in a brotherly, sisterly fashion. Inigsuung tambag, Sisterly advice.

suung v [A; b5] go, swim under s.t. that is not far above one’s head. Misuung siya sa awtu pagtan-aw ug wà ba mabálì ang mwilyi, He crawled under the car to see if the spring hadn’t broken. Dílì ka makasuung sa pantalan kay daghang sisi didtu, You can not swim under the wharf because there are lots of sharp shellfish there. sung-anay n method of punishing the losers in a group game by making them crawl between the legs of the winners standing in a line. v [A1] impose this punishment on the loser. suungsúung = sung-anay. sung-unun a for s.t. to be so low one has to bend his head passing under it.

súung = sul-ung.

suup v [A23N; b6N] look and hear covertly to gather information. Hadluk ka nga musuup (manuup) sa ímung asáwa, You’re scared to spy on your wife. Unsay ímung gipanupan dihà? What are you spying on there?

suut n arthritic pains, usually in the finger joints. v [b4] have arthritic pains, esp. in the finger joints.

súut1 v 1 [A; a12] pass or force one’s way through tall objects. Dílì ta makasúut dihà kay bagà ang mga bágun, We cannot get through there because the vines are very thick. 2 [A2; a12] penetrate, pass through pores. Ang bulà sa Rinsu musúut giyud sa lugas sa panaptun, Rinso suds really penetrate the fibers of the cloth.

súut2 = sul-ut.

súuy n 1 the edible flesh of the jackfruit (nangkà) which encloses the seed. 1a name given in some localities to the jackfruit itself. 2 the inedible pulp of the jackfruit which surrounds the edible flesh. 2a undeveloped seed of fruit which is small and flat, and analogous to the inedible pulp of the jackfruit.

suwa n word to drive away chickens.

suwà1 n general term for various sour, fragrant citrus fruits with a taste similar to lime and thick peels that adhere to the flesh, varying in size from the tiny samuyaw to the byásung. suwàsuwà n bush bearing leaves with an odor like citrus and small mucilagenous berries, red when ripe: Triphasia trifolia.

suwà2 = sulà1.

suwa- for words with suwa- see also sula- and swa-.

súwal v [A2] for a sickness to recur (said of sicknesses for which it is possible to prevent recurrences). Nakasúwal ang íyang pamutu kay nag-abusar man siya sa babáyi, His skin disease came back because he indulged in women.

suwat1 a remark uttered by s.o. upon hearing s.o. else sneezing, as a way of preventing s.t. worse from happening (said as a sumpà).

suwat2 = sulat.

súwat v [A; a] pull up s.t. lightly rooted on the ground. Átung suwátun ang mga tag-as nga sagbut, We’ll just pull up the tall weeds.

suway bagyu = sulaybagyu.

súwing gam n chewing gum.

suwits n switch; a device for opening or closing an electric circuit. v 1 [A; c6] switch s.t. on. Isuwits ang sugà bi, Switch the lights on please. 2 [A23] shift from one course of study to another.

súyà v [B126; b3] feel dislike towards s.o. out of envy or because of an overbearing, braggart sort of personality. Makasúyà man nang ímung pagkahambugíru, Your bragging makes people resent you. Nasúyà siya nákù kay dílì man giyud siya makalupig, He resents it that he can never beat me.

suyágit = syágit.

súyak v [A; c] put a spike, thorn, or anything pointed on a path to pierce a foot or tire. Suyákan nátù ang kadaplínan sa gardin, Let’s put pointed stakes all around the edges of the garden. n = suyak. (→) n nail, tack or the like, to pierce the foot.

suylà v [A; ab7] 1 overflow, spill over. Kun [947]mag-ulan, ang túbig musuylà sa kanal, When it rains, the water spills out of the ditch. Sa prugráma ang mga táwu misuylà ngadtu sa karsáda, The people who attended the program spilled over into the street. Gisuylà níla ang mga prútas sa lamísa, They put fruit on the table until it spilled over the edges. 1a splash up as a result of pressure or impact. Dílì makasuylà ang tubà kay gamay ug bàbà ang sudlanan, The palm toddy cannot splash out because the container has a small mouth. 2 [A3] for an emotion to be extremely great. Misuylà ang ákung kalípay pagkadungug nákù sa balità, I was overflowing with happiness when I heard the news.

suylan = kamúning.

suylas n 1 small tacks of the sort used to nail the straps of clogs to the wooden sole. 2 side of the heels of men’s shoes. v [b] nail with suylas.

suysuy v [A; a] pound a small amount of rice with a pestle. Magsuysuy lang kug pára lugáwun, I’ll pound just enough rice for porridge.

suyud n bee stinger. v [A2N; b8] sting. Dílì makasuyud (makapanuyud) ang buyug ug kuptan sa pakù, Wasps can’t sting if you hold them by the wings.

súyup v [A2S; a12] 1 suck in, draw in air or liquid. Ug suyúpun ang túbig sa bumba, maáyu pa nang bumba, As long as the pump sucks in the water, it is still good. 1a absorb, draw by capillary action. Ang naylun kúlì musúyup ug singut, Nylon does not absorb sweat well. 1b for magnets to draw. Ang lansang mutaput ug suyúpun sa batubaláni, The nail will stick if it is attracted by the magnet. 2 [A3; a12] use up money as if it were sucked away. Ang gastu sa gasulína musúyup ug dakù sa ímung kítà, The cost of gasoline just sucks away a large portion of your earnings. n action of sucking, absorbing, pulling by a magnet.

swá n acronym for the SWA, Social Welfare Administration.

swábi1 a 1 bland, not irritating. Sa mga tambal sa ubu, kiniy swábi, Of all the cough medicines this is the one that is blandest. 2 socially graceful, smooth. Swábi kaáyu siya ug binaylihan, He dances very smoothly. 3 slow but perceptible in effect or outcome. Maáyu ning tambála kay swábi ug ipiktu, This medicine is good because it has a slow but perceptible effect. v [B2] be, become bland, smooth, not so harsh in effect.

swábi2 = sulábi. see labi.

swágir n k.o. loose blouse used by pregnant women. v [A; b6] wear, make into a blouse of this sort.

swágit = syágit.

swakan a eating anything that comes one’s way. Nagsakit ang tiyan sa bátà kay swakan man kaáyug bàbà, That child has a stomachache because he eats anything and everything that he can get his hands on.

swákì = saluwákì.

swángit (from swápang and pángit) a greedy and ugly.

swápang a oppressively opportunistic, taking advantage. Swápang insíka. Maáyu lang manghuwam, piru dílì magpahuwam nákù, That Chinese is a no good opportunist. He’s great at borrowing, but when it comes to lending, forget it. Swápang nímu uy. Ikay nagswildu, akuy mubangka, You are so inconsiderate. You get the salary and I have to pay the bill.

swásid = saluwásid.

swíbil n a joint that pivots freely and is attached between two lengths of line or chain to prevent kinking. v [A13; a2] make into, attach a swivel.

swildu n salary, fixed compensation paid regularly for services done. v 1 [A3N2; c] pay a salary. Ug siyay nagswildu nímu adtu ka magsirbisyu níya, If he pays your salary, you work for him. 2 [A; b] get a certain salary. Anhà na ku mangasáwa ug magswildu na kug míl, I will get married when I have a salary of a thousand a month. swilduánan n persons who are to receive their salary. di-, swildádu n having a salary, wage earner. Sa púlù ka magsúun, walu ang swildádu (diswildu), Of the ten brothers, eight are wage earners. Kusug kaáyu kang mugastu. Mu ra kag diswildu (swildádu), You sure do spend, as if you were earning money. v [B1256] be a wage earner. ting-, tingpaN- n payday. Lamì pud ta ug pagkáun sa tingswildu (tingpanwildu), We have delicious food on payday.

swiltu a free to do anything. Swiltu kaáyu nà siya sa paglakawlákaw kay daghan mag masúgù, She’s free to go anywhere she wants to because she has lots of servants. v [B123(1); b6] be, become free to do anything. Ang kadakù sa aláwans sa istudiyanti mauy makaswiltu (makapaswiltu) niíni ug gastu, A student spends money freely if he gets a big allowance.

swing n swing music. v [B1235; a12] play in swing time.

swíng n swing to swing on.

swípir n sweeper, the child assigned by the teacher to sweep. v [B156; a12] be the sweeper. -unun n one’s turn to be the [948]sweeper.

swipstik n sweepstakes, the national lottery, the winners of which are usually determined by horse races. v [A13] hold the sweepstakes.

swirti n 1 luck, good fortune. Ug may swirti ka makahálin ka ug tulu ka tíbi ang simána, With luck you can sell three TV sets a week. Swirti nga nahitabù tu kay nahibaw-an ang íyang binúang, It was a good thing that that happened because I found out what he had been doing. 2 fate, fortune. Íyang swirti nga maminyù ug bálu, It is her fate to marry a widower. Swirti nga naabut ang amahan ug naabtan sila, Unfortunately the father arrived and they were caught in the act. v 1 [A12; b8] do s.t. lucky by chance. Nakaswirti ku ug pílì sa únang ganti, By luck I picked the one that won first prize. 2 [A23; a4] be, get to be lucky. Muswirti usáhay pud ang ákung pangisdà, Sometimes I turn out lucky in my fishing. swirtiswirti a chancy, a matter of luck. Swirtiswirti kanúnay ang panágat ug maáyu nga mangítà ka ug trabáhu, Fishing is a chancy occupation, and you would do better to look for work. v [A13; a4] be, get to be lucky at times.

swis línin n k.o. finely woven imported cloth.

swít n slow music. v [A2; b6] dance to slow music. swit myúsik = swít.

swítik a clever, smart and mischievous at the same time. Swítik kaáyung batáa, kay mangáyù nákù bisag natagaan na siyang Máma, What a clever rascal. He asks me for money when his Mother already gave him some. v 1 [B125] be clever and haughty. 2 [A; a12] deceive with sleight of hand, esp. in cards. Ug wà pa tu switíka sa nagbangka, alas untà tuy ákung madáwat, If the dealer hadn’t cheated, I would have gotten an ace.

swítir n sweater, sweatshirt. v [A12; a12] wear, make into a sweater or sweatshirt.

swítu a 1 know how to do s.t. Swítu kaáyu siya sa panágat, He knows all about fishing. 2 familiar with a place. Swítu kaáyu siya ug ásang pampaman, He knows where all the bawdy houses are. v 1 [B125; b8] come to know s.t. Naswítu na ku sa inyung sikrítu, I have found out your secret. 2 [a12] go s.w. to find out s.t. Switúha didtu ug naunsa nang ílang ámut, Go and find out what happened to their contribution.

syágit v [A2S; b6(1)] shout. Walà siya makasyágit kay gitiúnan ug pusil, She wasn’t able to shout because a gun was pointed at her. Isyágit ang ímung tubag, Shout out your answer. n shout.

syákuy n tidbit made of flour, and optionally eggs, formed into long slender pieces and deep fried in fat. v [A13; a12] make, make into syákuy.†

syálan = unsingálan.

syampu n hair shampoo. v [AN; c] shampoo. Dì ku musyampu (manyampu) kay manglarut ang ákung buhuk, I don’t use shampoo because I am losing my hair.

syánga = pantíhan.

syáping v 1 [A1; b6] go shopping for dry goods. Magsyáping ka sa Wayit Guld? Will you go shopping in the White Gold (department store)? 2 [A; b6] window-shop.

syapirun = tsapirun.

syápù n k.o. shrub of waste places, the bark of which makes a weak rope.

syápul1 v [A; c1] shuffle cards, mahjong pieces.

syápul2 v [A2C23; b5] for a cock to fight by making thrusts with the feet. Syapúlun (syapúlan) dáyun nang inyung manuk sa akúa, My cock will attack yours with his feet instantly. n action of fighting, making thrusts with the feet. -in-an(→) n manner of fighting in this way.

syárap shut up! Syárap! Dì giyud ka pul-an ug sulti! Shut up! You never get tired of talking, do you!

syarpsyútir n 1 sharpshooter. 2 one who consistently puts the ball into the goal or hole. v [B12] be, become a sharpshooter or consistent scorer.

syáru — ug expression of disbelief: it’s impossible. Syáru ug mahúbad ning pagkabaáta, It is impossible that it should come undone the way it was tied. Wà giyud kay ikahátag? Syáru ug wà kay diyis! You can’t give a penny? Surely you can let me have ten!—[name, pronoun] How could [noun or pronoun] do such a thing! Syáru sab ka Tina. Wà na lang makapakáun sa bátà! Tina, how could you! You haven’t even thought of feeding the child!

syát v [A; c1] 1 shoot the ball into the basket or hole to score a point. 2 take a still photograph. n 1 point or goal scored by shooting the ball. 2 a shot of liquor. 3 shot, single exposure on a roll of film. -ir a one who is a good shot or good at throwing in games that require aiming. v [B12; b6] become a good shot. maniníyat n photographer (humorous). -gan n shotgun. v [A12; b2] fire a shotgun at.

syátir a see syát. n shutter of a camera.

syáuk v [A2S; b6] long, drawn out shout, [949]shriek. Misyáuk ang bumbíru sa pagpaingun sa kaláyu, The fire truck went to the fire with screaming sirens. Intáwun ang bátà nagsiyauk sa kasakit, The poor boy was shrieking in pain. n loud, long-drawn sound, shriek.

syáwir n 1 shower for bathing. 2 shower bath. v 1 [a2] install a shower. 2 [A] take a shower.

syáwir parti n shower for brides. v [A; b(1)] give a bridal shower.

syíding n shading of s.t. drawn or letters. v [A; a1b] shade s.t. drawn.

syílak = sílak1.

syimpri expression indicating an obvious and unavoidable consequence. Syimpri, ímu giyud tung bayran kay ikay mikáun sa mangga, Of course you must pay for the mango because you ate it.

syinsiya = sinsiya1.

syintipiku n scientist. a done in a scientific way. Gigamà ni sa syintipiku nga paági, This was made in a scientific way. v 1 [A1] be a scientist. 2 [a12] do s.t. scientifically.

syintu combining form for counting one hundred between 101 and 199. Syintu diyis, One hundred ten. -s hundreds, used only after the numbers of Spanish origin except singku ‘five’. Dus syintus, Two hundred. v see tris.

syíring v 1 [A; c1] sew s.t. with shirring. 2 [A; b6] wear s.t. with shirring. n s.t. sewn with shirring.

syirtu = sirtu.

syista n siesta, a brief nap after lunch. v [A] take a siesta.

syíti = síti.

syúap v 1 [A23] show up as expected. Dì na tingáli musyúap ang ímung dít kay lawum nang gabíi, Your date is probably not going to show up any more because it is already quite late. 2 [A2] shine in a field of activity. Ingun ug bráyit. Wà man lagi siya musyúap sa klási, They say she is very bright. Why didn’t she show up in class?

syudad n 1 city. 2 pubic region (humorous). Ug daghang táwu sa baryu, labi na sa syudad, There are plenty of people in the village (i.e., hair in the beard). How many more there must be in the city (i.e., hair in the pubic region)! v [B12; a12] be, become, make into a city. -nun n city resident. a like one from the city. v [B125] become citified in one’s ways.

syukang kaw n action of winning in mahjong where a player has obtained an úpin kang (see kang2) and the fourth piece which made the kang2.

syuktung n k.o. cheap commercial alcoholic drink, called after the brand name Se Hoc Tong.

syúmuy n 1 k.o. game of marbles in which the marbles are thrown toward five small holes such that only one marble gets in. If none does, the player hits a marble designated by the opponent without hitting any of the others. Hitting more than one marble or putting more than one marble in the hole nullifies the play. 2 action of putting the marble in a hole. 3 intercourse (humorous). v [A; c] 1 play syúmuy. 2 shoot the marbles into the hole. 3 [AC; c] have intercourse (stick it in—humorous).

syúpaw n snack made of rice flour filled with meat, eggs, and spices, and cooked in steam. v [A; a12] make, have syúpaw.

syurtkat n short-cut route, shortest way to reach a place. Kining karsáda mauy syurtkat sa Talísay, This road is a shortcut to Talisay. v [A2; a2] take a shortcut. Nagsyurtkat mi sa baul, We took a shortcut through the field.

syurt pants, syurts = surtpan.

syút1 go ahead ask the question. Ug andam ka na sa ímung pangutána, syút! If you are ready with your question, go ahead, shoot!

syút2 v [A; c6] put all the money one has on one bet. Isyút ang ímung pusta, daug lagi, Shoot your money. We’ll win, you can count on it.

syúting n filming of a motion picture. wà pa mahuman ang — a humorous phrase used in referring to a man with long hair, from the notion that actors wear long hair throughout the duration of the filming of s.t. v [A1; b6] 1 film a motion picture. 2 take pictures. Magsyúting mi sa baybay, We’ll take pictures at the beach.

syútis 1 = asyútis. 2 = sayúti.




ta1 see kita.

ta2 = tala2.

1 short for untà.

2 short for tátà.

táak v 1 [A; b6(1)] step on, tread. Ngánung gitaákan man nímu ang ákung sabud? Why did you step on my seedbed? 2 [A2; a] come to a place for the first time. Nakatáak (nakataak) na kug Amirika, Now, I have set foot in America. Taákun ku bisag impirnu pagpangítà nímu, I’ll go to hell and back in my search for you.

taal a genuine, pure. Sáyaw nga taal Pilipínu, Native Filipino dance. Taal nà siyang Árab, He is a full-blooded Arab. 2 mellow and well-aged. a said of root crops that have been left to mature in the ground. Kamúting taal, Mature sweet potatoes. b said of wine or vinegar. Súkà nga taal, Fully-aged vinegar. v [B3(1); a2] become well-aged.

taan v [AN; c] set a trap of any sort. Itaan ang búbu, lit-ag, Set the fish trap, the noose. taantáan n method of fishing with a hook and line in shallow waters where the fisherman looks in the water with a silip or goggles at the same time as he holds his line and maneuvers his boat. v [A; c] fish in this way.

*taantaan pa- v [A13; b6] let s.t. happen to s.t. or oneself a while longer. Magpataantaan pa ku ug bulad sa adlaw, I’ll stay out in the sun just a bit longer. Ákung gipataantaanan ang lúgaw sa kaláyu, I let the porridge cook on the fire just a little longer.

taas a long, tall, high. — ug ilung not see s.t. right in front of one’s nose. Taas kag ilung kay wà ka kakità sa lápis sa ímung atubángan, You’re blind because you didn’t see the pencil right in front of your nose. — ug tinuntu extremely naughty. — ug lupad see lupad. v 1 [B3(1); b6] grow, appear long, tall. Mutaas ka kun maghayhil, You’ll appear tall if you wear heels. Wà makataas ang káhuy kay giawngan, The tree didn’t grow tall because it was stifled by other trees. 2 [A; b] add more length, height. Tas-i ang lamísa, Make the table higher (longer). 3 [a] do s.t. in a long way. Ayaw tas-a ímung ampù, Don’t make your prayers long. 4 [B23(1)4; b6] rise in temperature, pressure, and other quantities. Nagkataas ang íyang hilánat, His fever is getting higher and higher. n fifth bottle (slang). (←) v [B3(1); a1] be stretched long, tall. Mitáas íyang líug ug pinangítà nákù, She craned her neck looking for me. n = i-. pa- v 1 [A; c] raise. Magpataas sa kamut ang dúnay pangutána, Anyone who has a question should raise his hand. 2 [A; b(1)] lengthen, increase the length. n 1 upward. Isíbug ang kwadru pataas, Move the picture upwards. 2 length-*wise, -g- high, tall, long (plural). gitas-un n height, length. ha- a very long, high. Hataas nga panahun, A very long time. i-, i-(←) n upstairs. katas-an n uplands. kahitas-an 1 sky, heavens. 2 God. Ihangad sa kahitas-an ang ímung suliran, Look to God for the solution to your problems. mapahitas-un, mahatas-un, mahitas-un a haughty. Mapahitas-un ang mga dátù, The rich people are haughty. v [B16] become haughty. kamapahitas-un, kahatas-un n haughtiness.

taay = tayà2.

tā́b = tálab.

tabà n pork fat.

tabaghak = baláhak, n, v.

tabagnul n a disease of bananas and root crops characterized by the appearance of hard masses of dark spores which sometimes break up into fine dust. v [a4] be affected with rust. -un(→) a blighted with fruit rust.

tabagsak n k.o. sardine, slightly fatter than the tagnípis: Sardinella sp.

tabagsuy = tibagsuy.

tabak v [A13P; b6P] give, furnish s.o. with s.t. that can be worn on one’s person for a purpose. Kinsay nagtabak (nagpatabak) nímu ánang tráhi? Who furnished you that suit? Walà siya mahadluk kay gitabakan (gipatabakan) ug pistúla, He was not afraid because he was furnished a pistol.

tab-ak v [A; c] cover s.t. or s.o. by heaping or dumping s.t. onto it. Daghan kaáyung trabáhu ang gitab-ak ni bus sa sikritarya, The boss heaped a pile of work on the secretary.

tabakalíra n large warehouse belonging to the Tabacalera organization where farmers sell their products.

tabákù n 1 tobacco. 2 piece of tobacco rolled for smoking. (→) v [A; a12] smoke. Ang [951]dáhun sa lumbuy maáyu tabak-un sa hubákun, Lungbuy leaves are good for asthmatics to smoke. paN- v [A2; c6] be smoking. Wà gánì tay ipanabákù, sini na núun, I don’t even have money for smoking much less for movies. tabakun-an, -an(→) n tobacco field.

tabal v 1 [A; a] preserve large fish by salting but not drying under the sun. 2 [a12] keep a piece of gossip. Gitabal nákù ang íyang pagkadisgrasyáda, I kept it a secret that she once had a baby out of wedlock. -in- n fish preserved with salt.

tabal-ak n a k.o. large woven sack, usually made of buri leaves, commonly used for holding brown sugar or salt. Usa ka tabal-ak kámay, A buri bag full of brown sugar. a for a woman to be fat and shapeless like a tabal-ak. v 1 [A; a2] make this k.o. container. 2 [c1] do by the tabal-ak. 3 [B1256] get to look like a tabal-ak. Lawásan pa nà run, apan manghinapū̂ ka túig karun matabal-ak na pud nà, She may have a good body, but give her ten years and she will look like a sack. -in- n put in the tabal-ak. v = tabal-ak, v2.

tában (from talában) v 1 [AC; a12] elope. Nagtában ang duha ug wà na lang pakasal, The two eloped and did not get married formally. 2 = talában. pa- v [A; c] 1 give, put s.t. miscellaneous along with the thing of primary interest. Magpatában siyag kwarta matag sulat níya, He encloses money each time he writes. Gipatabánan ug midiyas ang gipalit kung sapátus, A pair of socks went together with the shoes I bought. 2 do s.t. additional, do s.t. but not without making unwanted remarks. Muhátag lagi, apan patabánan ug sirmun, Sure, she’ll give you some but not without reading you a lecture. n s.t. enclosed or put along with.

tabanaw n 1 whore, prostitute. 2 fake. Dì ku mudáwat niánang tabanaw nga kwarta, I won’t accept that fake money. v [B16; a1c1] be a prostitute.

tábang v [A; b6(1)] help, give a hand. Tabángi siya, Help her. Kun may ikatábang ku sangpit lang, If I can do s.t., just call on me. (→) v [A; a12] 1 rescue, attend to s.o. suddenly ill. Tabanga siya kay hápit na malumus, Rescue him because he’s drowning. 2 [a] be helped, remedied. Matabang pa kahà ning dakù mag sayup, Can this big error still be corrected? 3 manage to do all of s.t. Dì na matabang ning kadaghanúna, I can’t manage to do this much work. 4 [A3; b(1)] gang up to do s.t. together. Napū̂ ang mitabang nákug sumbagay, Ten people ganged up to fight against me. Tabangan nátù nig káun kay daghan, Let’s all of us help eat this because there’s so much. 5 [A; a1] hook in a big catch with a gaff. Tabanga ang íyang kuhà arun dì makabuhì, Hook in his catch with a gaff so that it can’t get away. n a gaff attached to a handle used to help pull in a big fish caught on a fishline. paN- v [A2; b6] assist in child delivery. Akuy nanábang pagpanganak níya, I delivered her baby. n help, aid. -ay, -in-ay v [C2] help each other. hiN- v [A; c5] send aid (usually material assistance). Gihinabángan ang Byapra sa Ridkrus, Biafra is receiving aid from the Red Cross. n aid, assistance sent. paki- v [A2S3] ask for help. Nakitábang (mipakitábang) ang kundinádu sa kinataliwad-an sa íyang kaguul, The condemned man called out for help in the midst of his sorrows. Nagpakitábang (nagpakitabang) ang babáying gilúgus, The woman who was being raped cried for help. singgit paki- n cry for help. maN-r-(→) n medically untrained midwife. maN-r-(→) ug sanggì harvest help. tabangtábang, ka- n helper, assistant. ma-in-un, pahiN-un a helpful.

tab-ang a flat in taste, lacking sugar or salt. Pun-ig kámay ang kapi kay tab-ang ra, Put more sugar in the coffee because it tastes flat. Ang isdà sa dágat dílì mabúhì sa túbig tab-ang, Marine fishes do not live in fresh water. v 1 [B; a2] be flat in taste. 2 [b4] for a man or woman to feel cool toward his sweetheart. Nagbúlag ang managtrátu kay gitab-angan na ang usag-usa kaníla, The sweethearts separated because they got tired of each other. -an(→) a mentally deficient. Wà giyud magtúnu ang íyang gipanulti, mu ra giyug táwung tab-angan, The things he says do not make sense. He seems to be a stupid fool.

tabangkà = kagùkù2.

tabangkù n young barracuda (rumpi kandádu see rumpi).

tabánug = talabánug. see banug.

tábas v 1 [A; a1] cut lengthwise or through s.t. flat. Gitábas ang trúsu nga himúung tabla, The log was cut into boards. 1a go over a surface as if cutting it. Ang gamayng sakayan nitábas sa mabalud nga lawud, The small boat plowed through the stormy seas. 2 [A] make a dress. — sa nawung n shape of the face. Nindut kaáyug tábas ang íyang nawung, She has a finely-shaped face. (→) n 1 style of dress. Minugbù ang tabas sa sinínà karun, Short dresses are the style now. 2 k.o. cock feather coloration of a splotch of darker color on a light field. -in-an(→) n the style of a particular article of clothing. [952]

tábaw n joist, parallel board to which the floor boards are nailed. v [A3; c] put in joists. Ang báhì sa pugáhan lig-un itábaw, The core of the pugáhan palm make strong joists.

tabawung n trunkfish: Ostracion spp.

tábay = atábay.

tabáyag n k.o. edible squash, round in shape with a knob-like protrusion at the top. The shell becomes hard when mature and is used as a container: Lagenaria leucantha var.

tabì v [AN; c6] gossip, spread secrets. Ayaw siya suginli kay mutabì (manabì) dáyun, Don’t tell her because she gives away secrets. Ayaw ni itabì (ipanabì) kay makauúlaw, Don’t gossip about this because it’s embarrassing. n 1 talk, chat. 2 unpleasant gossip. (←)1, hiN-(←) n action of gossiping or chatting. Tábì (hinábì) ray inyung mahímù ug wà matiwas ang trabáhu, All you can do is blah-blah, and you never finish any work. v [A13C] engage in gossip or chatting. Túa na ang duha, nagtábì (naghinábì) na pud, There they are, shooting off their mouths again. -an a 1 talkative, loquacious. 2 gossiper.

tábì2 1 particle of courtesy used to ask permission to leave for a second, ask a question, pass in front of s.o.: excuse me. Tábì, kinsay ímung ngálan? Excuse me, what’s your name? Tábì úsà, byáan tikawg kadiyut, Excuse me, I have to leave you a second. 2 particle telling s.o. to get out of the way rather brusquely. Tábì diha u sikáran tika, Get out of the way or I’ll kick you. — iskína n 1 name of news column and radio program that exposes anomalies. 2 child that has a young sibling (and thus is shunted off to the corner). 3 woman beyond her prime (and not yet married). v 1 [B1256; a12] be aired in this program or column. 2 [B35] wind up a spinster. paN- v [A2; b6] say excuse me.

tabíbì = tíbì.

tabid1 v [B346; c1] trickle, drip, flowing down a side. Magtabid nang íyang láway ug matúlug, Her saliva trickles from her lips as she sleeps.

tabid2 v 1 [A; a12] braid the hair. Tabira nang buhuk mu, ayaw ipunitil, Braid your hair instead of having it in ponytail. 2 [A13; a12] make into a tabid. n k.o. hamper for containing clothes woven from bamboo strips around 20′ by 20′, with a cover. -in- n braided hair.

tabig = tabid2, v2, n.

tabígì n k.o. mangrove, the bark of which yields a red dye used for strengthening fishlines, nets or coloring the floor of a house: Xylocarpus granatum.

tabíki n houses in Spanish times made of stones evenly piled and plastered smoothly with lime. v [A; c1] build structures of tabíki.

tabikung v 1 [A3; c1] sit on s.t. straddling it. Mitabikung siya sa baksit sa bisiklíta, She sat on the backseat of the bicycle, straddling it. 2 [A; b(1)] have sexual intercourse (euphemism). Mihanà ang laki pagtabikung sa bayi, The male set out to mount the female.

tábil v [A; c] 1 put up a curtain in order to conceal s.t. Gitabílan ang katri sa pasyinting gilígù, They put a curtain around the bed of the patient while he was being given a bath. 2 blanket, engulf (literary). Ang kangitngit mitábil na sa kalibútan, Darkness covered the earth. n curtain for covering s.t. puting — n 1 movie screen. 2 world of the movies. (→) = tábil, n.

tabiláwan (coined from tábil and laráwan) n stage curtain, backdrop.

tabili n k.o. lizard, about 1½′ long with shining yellow and green skin, found out-of-doors. — sa dágat n lizard fish, a k.o. fish around 6″ long, living on sandy bottoms of shallow waters.

tabílis v [A2S] flow, drip continuously. Mitabílis ang túbig sa tangking nabuslut, Water flowed continuously from the water tank that had a hole in it. -in- n continuous flow, dripping, trickling.

tabilung n k.o. rounded slipmouth of two species: one with fine, black scales which peel off easily, and the other a smooth, rounded and silvery species: Leiognathus spp.

tabilus n k.o. slipmouth with a small mouth which could be elongated when stretched: Leiognathus sp.

tabing = marbas.

tabírak = binignit.

tabirnakulu n tabernacle.

tabirwak n vagina, said of women who have given birth to one or more children.

tabisay v [A; b6] flow down vertically in a thin stream, usually touching a surface. Nagtabisay ang dugù gíkan sa kílay nga nasìsì, Blood flowed from the cut eyebrow. Ang íyang suwang gitabisayan sa láway, Saliva dribbled down his chin.

tabíwis = tabílis.

tabla1 a 1 draw, tie. Tabla ang risulta sa iliksiyun, The election ended in a draw. 2 having experienced an equal amount of s.t., usually unpleasant. Tabla ta. Púlus hilatusan, [953]We both came out the same. We both got a whipping. 3 just like, just as if. Ang ímung pagluib nákù tabla ra sa ímu akung gipatay, When you betrayed me it was just as though you had killed me. Tabla ka ug búang ánang ímung taas nga buhuk, You are like a madman with your long hair. v 1 [A13; a12] declare a game a draw, end in a draw. Tabláhun ta na lang ni kay ngitngit na, Let’s call the game a draw because it’s getting dark. 2 [A12] play s.o. to a draw. Maáyu nag makatabla kag kampiyun, It would be good enough if you could play a champion to a draw. paN- v [A2; c6] give one’s life to get revenge. Kay nadisgrasya na ku manabla na lang ku níya, Because he has violated me, I’ll give my life to kill him.

tabla2 n 1 board, a piece of sawed lumber, made of lumber. Muskitírung tabla, coffin (lit. mosquito net of wood). 2 pieces of cloth cut ready for sewing. Upat ka tabla ang karsúnis, Trousers are sewn from four pieces of cloth cut according to the measurements. v 1 [A; a12] saw into boards. 2 [a12] cut cloth for sewing. -in- a gore, a style of skirt. v [A; c1] wear, make into a gore style skirt.

tabla3 v [A; a2] make off with s.t. that belongs to s.o. else. Nakatabla siyag duha ka líbu nga kubransa, He made off with two thousand pesos that he had collected.

tabládu = intabládu.

tablaw v [B126; a12] get a big enough quantity of s.t. pleasant not to desire any more. Dì ku matablaw pagtinan-aw nímu, I can’t get enough of looking at you. Makatablaw (makapatablaw) sad tung inyung híkay, Your dinner was more than filling.

tablíta, tablítas n tablet, capsule.

tablíya n ground cacao pressed into solid pieces. v [A; a1] mold cacao into pieces. -in- n molded into cubes or bricks. Nangismágul siyag tinablíyang buláwan, He smuggles gold bullion. Tinablíya nga batu, Stone blocks.

tablug v 1 [AB; c] swing, make a swinging motion. Mutablug ang kawáyan kun hangínun, The bamboo poles swing to and fro when the wind blows them. Siyay nagtablug sa dúyan nákù sa gamay pa ku, She rocked my cradle when I was young. 2 [A; c] throw s.t. out with a swinging motion. Gitablug níla sa barku ang mga patay, They threw the dead men overboard. Tablúgan ta unyà ka ug inínit, I’ll throw hot water on you, if you don’t watch out. (→) n rope or cloth that holds up a hammock. tablugtablug v [A] dangle as a result of almost being cut off. Nagtablugtablug ang íyang tudlù nga hápit maputul, His finger that was almost cut is dangling.

tablun n a log squared off and ready for sawing into boards. v [A; a] square off a log.

tabtab v [A; a1] hack s.t. off with several blows. Siyay nagtabtab sa písing gibugkus sa kaban, He cut off the rope that bound the trunk.

tábù v 1 [A; ac] meet s.o. Tabúun nátù siya sa piyir, We’ll meet him at the pier. Pirmi lang kasábà ímung itábù inig-abut nákù, You always meet me with nagging when I come home. 1a [C; c3] meet each other on the way. Ambut ása siya. Gikatábù man tu nákù, I don’t know where he’s going. We met on the way. 1b [AC; a2] assemble, meet, cause people to do so. Ang mayur mauy mitábù sa mga draybir, The mayor assembled the drivers. Magtábù ta sa simbahan, We will assemble in church. 2 [C3; c1] for two ends to meet, make them meet. Tabúa (itábù) ang masig ka tumuy arun glúhan, Make both ends meet so they can be glued. 3 [A13] converge at a place for market. Magtábù dinhi malúnis, They hold market here on Mondays. n periodical converging to hold market. paN- v [A2; b6] go shopping, esp. at a periodical market. Manábù ku sa Mantalúngun, I’ll attend the market day in Mantalongon. hi-(→) v [B1256] 1 happen, take place. Nahitabù nga nagkasákay mi, It so happened that we rode on the same vehicle. 2 for s.t. bad to happen. Ug magpadáyun kag paíbug nákù mahitabù ra man ta, If you keep on flirting with me s.t. will happen between us. Dúna tingaliy nahitabù sa báy kay gikulbaan man ku, S.t. bad must have happened at home because I feel uneasy. n incident, happening. Gisaysay níya ang hitabù, He told about the incident. ha-/hiN-/haN-(→) = hitabù (but not as frequent). hiN- v [C3; c3] meet s.o. by chance. Na, kay naglikay ku, nagkahinábù na hinúun mi, I was trying to avoid him, but instead we ran into each other. tabùtábù n small market. tabuan n place where periodic markets are held. -in-an n gift given by s.o. who arrives from a trip.

tabudlung = budlung2.

tabudyus a cylindrical. Tabudyus ang panghaw sa barku, The ship’s chimney is cylindrical. n 1 the fry of the gisaw. 2 sweet made of starch from the trunk of buri palm mixed with grated coconut meat, sugar, and [954]water, wrapped in banana leaves and rolled to cylinders the size of a child’s arm, about 7″ long, and roasted. v 1 [A; c1] roll into a cylinder, tube. Nagtabudyus siyag sín nga himúung túbu sa túbig, He rolled a galvanized sheet into a cylinder to make a water pipe. 2 [A; a] prepare tabudyus.

tabug n 1 = tablug, n. 2 beehive hanging from a tree branch shaped like a mammary gland. tabugtabug = tablugtablug. see tablug.

tábug1 v 1 [A; 1] drive, send away. Tabúga ang bábuy nga misulud sa kural, Drive the pig that got into our yard away. 2 [A; c] throw s.t. away to dispose of it. Itabug tikas bintánà, I’ll throw you out the window.

tábug2 v [AP; b6] 1 do s.t. in excess, way beyond reasonable bounds. Nagtábug (nagpatábug) ka man lag prisyu sa ímung baligyà! You are pricing your merchandise ridiculously high! Nakapatábug kug sulti tungud sa ákung kalágut, I said a lot of things I should not have because of my anger. 2 do s.t. without forethought. Nagpatábug lag tíru, lagmit makaigù, The way he is just shooting so carelessly, he might just hit s.o. 3 do s.t. hurriedly and carelessly. Dì ku makapatábug ug lútù sa sud-an, I can’t cook the food hurriedly and poorly.

tábug3 = tablug.

tabugsuk1 n k.o. large spider conch.

tabugsuk2 see bugsuk.

tabuguk n k.o. small octopus, larger than the tamalà, smaller than the kugíta.

tabuk v 1 [A; ac] cross over, bring s.t. across to the opposite side. Mutabuk na ta sa karsáda, Let’s cross the street. Kuyaw tabukun ning subáa kay sulug, This river is dangerous to cross because the current is strong. Itabuk ning asin sa píkas pū̂, Bring the salt across to the other island. 1a [A2; a] emigrate to another island. Mitabuk siya sa Mindanaw pamásin nga muasinsu, He migrated to Mindanao in the hope that he would be successful there. 2 [A2; b6] move from one group or affiliation to a rival one. Ang Libiral nga diputádu mitabuk ngadtu sa Nasyunalista, The Liberal congressman crossed over to the Nacionalista Party. n area on the other side, across the street. Túa siya manarabáhu sa tabuk, He works on the other island (other bank). -anan(←) n 1 ferryboat. 2 small, make-shift bridge. -anun(←) n people from across the street, the other island. -l-un a to be reached by crossing a body of water.

tabukaw n k.o. yaws, swelling with an oozing opening in the center, growing to 1″, after which sungkil develops.

Tabúli n a pagan ethnic group of Cotabato.

tábun1 v [A; c] 1 cover s.t. to protect or conceal it. Tabúni ang kan-un arun dílì langawun, Cover the food so it won’t get flies on it. 2 cover up for s.o.’s mistakes. Nagdasà siya kay mutábun ang ginikánan sa íyang binúang, He is abusive because his parents cover up for his foolishness. 3 drown out a sound. Hápit tabúni ang íyang tíngug sa makusug nga áwit, Her voice was almost drowned out by the loud song. n — sa láyag Passion Sunday, the second Sunday before Easter when it was the custom to cover the tabernacle and statue with a piece of purple cloth. (→) n cover. Hápit walay tabun ang íyang dughan, Her breast was almost uncovered. tabuntábun = tábun, v2. tabuntábun, tabuntabun n eyelid.

tábun2 n = tulábung.

tábung = tulábung.

tab-ung v [A; ac1] keep fruits in a dark, warm place to hasten ripening. -in-an n 1 fruit ripened in this way. 2 unsavory secrets about one’s past experiences.

tabunuk n fertile. Tabunuk ang yútà sa pátag, The soil in the plains is fertile. Káda túig man manganak, tabunuk giyung matrísa, She gives birth every year. She has a fertile womb. v [B] become fertile.

tabúnun a brown-skinned. n the brown race. Si Risal garbu sa yútang tabúnun, Rizal is the pride of the land of the brown race.

tabunus n a covered receptacle esp. for soiled clothes about 2–3′ long, made of sawali.

taburíti n wooden or rattan chair with a backrest.

tabuylug1 v [AB; b2c1] swing, spin around; cause s.t. to do so. Mitabuylug ang bátà sa písì, The child hung to a rope and swung around. Nagtabuylug ang tyubíbu, The merry-go-round is spinning around.

tabuylug2 v [AC; c1] go together. Magtabuylug ta ngadtu sa sini, Let us go to the show together. Gitabuylug níya paghigut ang mga bábuy, He tied the pigs together on one peg. n constant companion. Íyang anak ang ákung tabuylug, His son is my constant companion. -in- v [A1] walk together in groups; walk side by side together. Dílì kita makatinabuylug sa pagpanglákaw niíning pit-us nga dálan, We can not walk abreast on this narrow path.

tabyáyung = balantíyung.

tabyug v [AB456; a1] swing s.t. suspended. Mitabyug ang písing ákung gikumbibátan, The rope I was clinging to swung. Kinsay nagtabyug sa dúyan? Who swung the hammock? [955]Tabyúga ang butùbútù sa kampána, Swing the clapper of the big bell. n s.t. used to swing a hammock, such as a string.

tabyun = kulabyun.

tabyus = kadyus.

tád n k.o. small, slippery fishes of various colors, with large scales, found in seaweeds.

tadhan see tahud.

tadiyà v [A; a12] throw a knife such that the point sticks in at impact. Hingígù ka giyud ug makatadiyà ka ánang irung nagdagan, You’re really a marksman if you can sink a knife into that running dog. n knife throwing.

tadiyaw n large earthen jar to hold liquids. -in- a shaped like a tadiyaw. Ang íyang kasing tinadiyaw, His top is egg-shaped.

tadlas across an area. Midágan siya tadlas sa uma, He ran across the farm. v [A; a] go across a broad area. Tadlásun ku ang kadagátan pagpangítà nímu, I’ll cross the oceans searching for you. -an(→) n center player of the defensive team in tubigtúbig.

tadlip = adlip.

tadluk n coconut seedling. Pilía ang tambuk nga tadluk, Choose a healthy seedling. v [A; a12] let coconuts sprout for seedlings. Mutadluk (magtadluk) tag pila ka buuk, We will let a few coconuts sprout into seedlings.

tadlung v [A23; a12] go or walk straight to a place. Tadlúnga lang tung kahúya kay hilabyan mu ang tábay, Just walk straight to that tree and you will pass the well.

tadlungan n black-finned shark: Carcharias melanopterus.

tadluy n 1 small funnel for solids, used to get rice out of sacks to see what the contents are. 2 a k.o. fish with a round, tapered body growing about 5″ or 6″ in length, about an inch in diameter, white belly and darker back, with fine scales. a straight, in line with. Syárug dílì ka kapasulud sa numiru dyís nga tadluy man ni kaáyu ngadtus bangag, Surely you can get the number ten ball in because it is directly in line with the hole.

tadtad v [A; a] chop into bits. Nagtadtad siyag tinái arun himúung dugùdugù, He is chopping entrails into bits for the blood stew. 2 [A; a2b2] have sexual intercourse (slang). n 1 action of cutting. 2 sexual intercourse. maáyu lang tayáda way — all talk and no action. tadtaran n chopping board. -in- n dish consisting primarily of chopped entrails and blood.

tadyak v [A; b] kick hard with the foot. Tadyáki ang irung náa sa iláwum sa lamísa, Kick that dog under the table.

tadyaw = tadiyaw.

tadyus = kadyus.

tadyùtù = tayùtù.

tág n tag, a piece of paper identifying s.t. v [b6(1)] put a tag on s.t.

tag-1 affix forming nouns which refer to the agent of a particular action or to the particular person concerned. Si Risal ang tagsúlat (tagsulat) sa Núli Mi Tanghiri, Rizal was the author of Noli Me Tangere. Ang tagsalà, The one who committed the sin. Tagbalay (tagbálay), Owner of the house.

tag-2 1 prefix added to numbers and numerals to form numerals which mean [so-and-so] many apiece. Tag singku ang pan disal, Rolls cost five cents each. Tagsa ka sáku, tagurha ka sáku ang palitun káda palit níya, He buys a sack, two sacks at a time. 2 added to other parts of speech: [such-and-such] each time. Tagdugay siyang mupaúlì, He comes home late each time. Taglagyù siyag byáhi, He travels long distances each time.

tagà1 n fishhook. v [a3b2] caught, snagged on a fishhook. Hitag-an na bayà apan nakabuhì, It was already caught on the hook, but it broke free. paN- v [a12] catch with a hook and line.

tagà2 v [A; a12] cut down trees. Siyay nagtaga sa ímung tanum, He cut your plant down. Tagaa ang punúan sa ságing, Cut the trunk of the banana tree down. n action of felling trees. maN-r-(←) n woodcutter.

*tágà suppletive form for hátag used optionally for suffixed forms. Tagáan (hatágan) ta ka ug dulsi, I will give you candy. Pagbinuutan kay básig hitagaan kag gása, Be good because you might get a present. -l-an(→), -anan n 1 s.t. one is obliged to give. 2 person to whom given. -in-an n one to whom s.t. is given. -in-an(→) n manner of giving. ka-un a on the verge of giving. ma-in-un a generous, liking to give. -l-un, -unun(→) = tagaanan, 1.

taga- prefix added to words that refer to a place to form nouns which mean: 1 one who is from [such-and-such] a place. Tagamanílà diay ka, So, you are from Manila. Tagaámù, One who is from my hometown. 2 one who is associated with a certain group. Tagakustum, People in the Customs. Tagakíim, One of the members of the K.M.’s (Kabatáang Makabáyan, Patriotic Youth).

taga-(→) prefix added to words referring to parts of the body to form words meaning ‘up to [so-and-so]’. Tagaliug ku sa útang, I’m up to my neck in debts.

tagábung1 n strands of hair formed into a [956]wig to reinforce a chignon. v [A1; a] make into a hairpiece of this sort.

tagábung2 = tugábung.

tagad v 1 [A; a1] give attention to, mind. Wà na siya magtagad sa íyang pangláwas, She stopped paying attention to her health. Wà ku makatagad nímu dáyun, I wasn’t able to attend to you at once. Walà ni Li tagda ang ákung pakilúuy, Lee did not heed my pleading. 1a [A; c] pay attention to s.o. showing warmth, concern. Mutagad lang siya kun unáhan, He is friendly to others only when they speak to him first. Nagtagad pa giyud kag andam dà, You shouldn’t have bothered fixing anything to eat. 2 [A; a2] wait for. Ása ta magtagad ug sakyanan? Where shall we wait for the bus? n action of caring. Wà siyay tagad sa íyang pagkáun, He is not particular about his food. (←) = tagad, v2. tagdanay, tinagdanay v [C2] be on friendly terms with each other. -in- a looked up to, respected, considered important. Usa siya sa mga tinagad nga táwu sa lungsud, He is one of the respected people in the town. v [A13N] treat s.o. as worthy of attention. Magtinagad (maninagad) ka man niánang bastus, Why do you mind those rowdy fellows? -anan, tagaranan n waiting place. tinagdan n manner of attending to s.t. Lahì ang íyang tinagdan (pagtagad) kanákù karun sa kaniadtu, She treats me differently from the way she used to. matinagdánun a attentive. pag- n 1 attention. Ang íyang líhuk nakadani sa ákung pagtagad, The way she acted caught my attention. 2 = tinagdan.

tagadtad a for the meat of fleshy fruits and tubers to have hardened parts. Tagadtad kaáyu ang kamúti nga guwang, Matured sweet potatoes have hardened portions. v [B2] get to have hardened portions. Sakit ang nakatagadtad (nakapatagadtad) sa ságing, A blight caused the bananas to develop hardened lumps.

tagak1 v [A; a2] join strands of abaca at the ends to make a long thread. -an, -an(←) n k.o. basket, cylindrical in shape and with a large mouth, used to hold joined strands of abaca. -in- n joined abaca fibers.

tágak v 1 [A1; ac] cause s.t. to fall straight down. Matágak ang mga dáhun, The leaves will fall. Tagákun ku nang langgam sa usa ka tíru, I’ll knock that bird down in one shot. Namatay siya kay hitagakan sa lubi, He died because a coconut fell on his head. Itágak nang sapátus kay naglisud ka pagsaka, Kick off your shoes because you’re having trouble climbing. 2 [A; a12] fail in school. Tagáka siya kay absiníru, Fail him because he’s always absent. 3 [A2; c1] for coconuts to yield. Kanang kalubihána mutágak ug usa ka líbu, That coconut plantation yields one thousand nuts. 4 [B1267; b8] suffer a miscarriage. Natagákag makaduha, She has had two miscarriages. 5 [a3] for the curtain to fall signifying the end of a presentation (metaphorical). Ug dinhi natágak ang tabil sa átung sugilánun, And so, here our story ends. 6 — ang kwarta [a3] spend money. Natágak ang kwarta sa way hinungdan, The money was just wasted. n yield of coconuts. (→)2 n 1 fallen leaves of fruits. 2 fallen pieces, pieces which fell or spilled out of a container. Tagak sa kupras, mais, Extra pieces of copra, corn grain. tagaktagak v 1 [B6; c16] drop down in spurts or drips. Nagtagaktagak ang tái sa bátang nagkalíbang, The child with the diarrhea kept having his BM’s in spurts. 2 [A13; b6] drop things around, mess. Mauy musilhig sa sawug ang nagtagaktagak ug kan-un, Whoever throws rice all over the floor is going to have to pick it up. 3 [B145; c1] fail to do s.t. in unison. Dungána pagrisayit. Ayaw tagaktagaka (itagaktagak), Recite it together in unison, not raggedly. a not in unison. -in-(→) = tagaktagak, 3.

tagaktak1 n clacking or banging sound, but not resounding, e.g. that of slapping s.t. with wood. v [A2; c6] make such a sound. Mitagaktak ang sín pagbundak sa ulan, The metal roof made a banging noise when the rain came down hard. Ayawg itagaktak ang bakyà sa simintu, Don’t bang your wooden slippers on the concrete.

tagaktak2 n k.o. crunchy sweet made of a thick dough of ground rice or sweet potatoes and sugar passed through a sieve to form fine threads, fashioned into triangles or other shapes, and fried brown. v [A; b6] make tagaktak.

tagal n stipulated length or period of time to do s.t. Ang tagal sa pagbáyad sa útang tulu ka búlan, The stipulated period for paying the debt is three months. Ugmà ang íyang tagal nga mubálik, He set tomorrow as the day he’ll be back. v [A; c] stipulate a period of time within which or at which s.t. is to be done. Gitagalan ang masakitun ug lima ka adlaw, The patient was given five days to live. Daghang burúka ang gikatagal niánang adláwa, Many cases had been set for that day.

tagála n a woman from the Tagalog region.

tagalubi see lubi.

Tagálug n Tagalog language, people. -in-(→) [957]n Tagalog language, way. v [A; a] speak Tagalog.

tagalúla n k.o. rattan used in tying bamboo floor slats.

tagam v [B25; b2] refrain from repeating an act as a result of an unpleasant experience previously undergone. Mitagam (natagam) siyag pangáwat human maprísu, He didn’t steal again after he was put in prison once. Balikbálik, ayaw pagtagam, Come see us again (lit. don’t learn a lesson). Hitagman kag bisíta kun dì ka mutagad, People will not come to visit you again if you don’t entertain them. káun ug — v [A12] experience s.t. bad so as to feel that one doesn’t ever want to repeat it. Nakakaun ka bag tagam nga dì na ka muadtu sa ámù? Did s.t. bad happen to you that you don’t want to come back to our place? katalagman n calamity. Nahiágum sa katalagman ang Pilipínas paggúbat, The Philippines experienced great calamities during the war.

tagamtam v [A12; a12b2] have a taste, experience, feel of s.t., usually s.t. abstract. Nakatagamtam kug lángit uban nímu, I have tasted heaven with you. Tagamtáma ang ákung panimalus, Get a taste of my revenge.

tag-an v [A; a2b2] 1 guess. Akuy tag-an sa sulud sa bangà, I’ll guess what’s inside the jar. Hitag-anan nákung ikaw tung nagmaskara, I guessed right that you were the one wearing a mask. 2 foretell. Tag-ánun níya ang ímung kapaláran, He will tell your fortune. n 1 guess. 2 fortune told. tag-antag-an n 1 any k.o. guessing game. 2 guesswork. v 1 [C] play a guessing game. 2 [A; a12] conjecture, guess. Wà ku makasigúru sa íyang panuígun. Átù lang tag-antag-ánun, I can’t be sure of her age. Let’s just guess it. hiN- a good guesser. maN-r- n fortune-teller.

tagána v [A1; c] set s.t. aside for future use, prepare s.t. beforehand for s.t. Nagtagána kug aslúnun pára sa pista, I reserved a pig to be roasted for the fiesta. Itagána ku ang kwarta sa inyung pagtuun, I am setting this money aside for your studies. Ulì na kay gitagan-an kag latus ni Tátay, Come home because Father is preparing a whipping for you. a prepared. Andam ug tagána na síya sa iksámin, He is ready and prepared for the examination. (→) n s.t. prepared for s.o. esp. for a special occasion. Dakung bábuy ang ákung tagana sa pista, I prepared a huge pig for the fiesta. paN- v 1 [A2; b3c] do s.t. as a precaution just in case. Pagdág pistúla. Maáyu nang managána, Bring a gun. It’s a good precaution. 2 [A2S3; b3] hesitate to do s.t., have reservations about doing s.t. Nagpanagana kung mamisíta níya kay istrikta, I hesitate to visit her because she’s a difficult person. mapanagan-un a characterized with cautious hesitation.

taganas n k.o. small waterfall where the water glides along a sloping stone cliff, or the smooth, stone slope the water glides over.

tágas v = tágak. n 1 = tágak, n. 2 egg accidentally laid by a hen while walking.

tagasak, tagásak v [A; b6] make the sound of cascading water hitting s.t. Nagtagasak ang ulan gíkan sa sandayung, The rain made a splashing sound as it poured from the gutter. -in- n splashing sound.

tagasanta, tagasantu see *istígi.

tagáuk = tuktugáuk.

tagaw v 1 [A; ac] wander, roam. Nakatagaw na siya sa íyang mga saup, He has already made the rounds of his tenants. 2 [B; c6] deviate from, go separately. Sa pag-ikskursiyun námù mitagaw silang duha, During our excursion the two of them got separated from us. Mangulitáwu gánì nà siya, itagaw ang sulti, If he begins talking about love, change the subject. 3 [B] be boorish, ignorant in one’s ways. Makatagaw man diay ning subra ra sa paghigpit, I found out that being too strict with a child makes him develop into a shy, socially poor sort. 4 [A; b3c] talk, speak out loudly. Mitagaw siya sa mikrupunu, He spoke loud over the microphone. a ignorant and boorish. Giinum sa tagaw nga dakù ang patis, ábi níyag kukakúla, The oaf drank the soy sauce thinking it was coca-cola. n vagabond, wanderer. Dì ku mamánag tagaw, I won’t marry a vagabond. (←) v [B; a] be in confusion. Mutágaw (matágaw) ang panagsulti ug muintra na siya, If he takes part, the conversation will get utterly confused. Tagáwun ku ang ílang panimuyù, I’ll cause confusion in their home. la- see latagaw.

tagawtaw v 1 [A1; c6] talk nonsense to oneself. Kabuangun nà siya kay síging magtagawtaw, He is going crazy because he keeps talking nonsense to himself. 2 [A] nag and scold in a long rambling way. Nagtagawtaw ang asáwa kay nahubug siya, His wife kept nagging him because he was drunk. n 1 nonsense one speaks. 2 uninterrupted nagging talk. -an(→) a nagger.

tágay v 1 [A; c] pour alcoholic drinks into a drinking vessel. Ikay tágay kay ímu ning silibrasiyun, You pour the drinks because it’s your celebration. 2 [C2; c3] drink together. Makigtágay aku níya, I will drink together with him. 2a indulge in sensual pleasure together. Nagtágay sila sa kinawatkawat [958]nga kalípay, They shared stolen moments of joy. 3 [b6] be proffered s.t. Gitagáyan siyag madaníhun nga pahíyum, He was proffered a winsome smile. n 1 drink poured. 2 drinking party. -an(→) n vessel one drinks liquor from.

tagaylu v [AC] barter, exchange one commodity for another. Nakatagaylu kug humay ug rilip, I bartered some relief clothes for rice. n act of bartering.

tagaytay (from taytay) n mountain ridge. paN- v [A2] go along the mountain ridges. Managaytay lang ta kay gibahaan ang ubus, Let’s travel along the ridge because the valleys are flooded.

tagbagu = talagbagu.

tagbak1 n k.o. herring: Ilisha hoevenii.

tagbak2 n k.o. herbaceous plant of cool, damp places, with lanceolate leaves, similar to banana, growing to 1½–2 meters: Kolowratia elegans.

tagbaw v [AP1B16; a12] 1 satisfy to the point of satiety. Didtu siya sa Rílis, nagtagbaw (nagpatagbaw) sa kaugalíngun, He was in the red light district, satisfying his sexual needs. Manggáwas ta kay natagbaw na kug tíbi, Let’s go out. I’ve had enough TV. 2 get enough of s.t. to make one tired of it. Ang nawung ni Imilda dílì makatagbaw, One can’t get tired of looking at Imelda’s face. ka- n state of being satisfied, having had enough. ka-an n 1 satisfaction at s.t. done. Pagsirbisyu nga makahátag dakung katagbáwan, Service that can give great satisfaction. 2 = ka-un(→). ka-un(→) n satisfaction reached. Way katagbawung bayhána, An insatiable woman.

tagbaya1 n ulcer in the corners of the mouth. v [A123P; a4] have a mouth ulcer. Gitagbaya siya kay way kalígù, He has sores in the corner of his mouth because he hasn’t bathed. tagbayahun a having ulcers in the corners of the mouth. v [B1256] develop this condition.

tagbaya2 n k.o. bird, the Philippine bulbul: Hypsipetes philippinus.

tagbù n 1 work bee on a community project. Tagbù sa pagpúu sa ilagà, A work bee to exterminate mice. 2 = súgat, n. v 1 [A; b6] hold a work bee. 2 = tábù, v1, 2. hiN- = hinabù. see tábù. tagbùtagbù v 1 [A12C2; c1] meet in a clandestine manner. Dì na sila makatagbùtagbù kay nasakpan na ang ílang rilasiyun sa bána, They can no longer continue with their trysting because the woman’s husband found out about it. 2 [C3] keep passing by one another. Magtagbùtagbù lang ang nagkalainláing mga sakyanan sa kadalánan, All different vehicles keep passing each other on the streets. -anan n trysting place. -in-an s.t. s.o. brings when arriving from a trip.

tagduk v [A46; c] 1 for s.t. pointed to pierce and stick into s.t. Gitagduk níya sa punúan sa káhuy ang bára, He stuck the iron bar into the trunk of the tree. Tagdúki ang yútà ug kahiktan sa báka, Plant a stake into the ground to tie the cow to. 2 prick, make a small hole like a dot. Siyay mitagduk sa pabúrut, He punctured the balloon. n puncture, prick. Pilía ang síng walay mga tagduk, Choose iron sheets that have no punctures.

tagduy v [A; c] for s.t. pointed to pierce and stick into s.t. Mitagduy ang panà sa íyang dughan, The arrow pierced and stuck in his breast. Gitagdúyan sa tunuk ang íyang lapalapa, He got a thorn stuck in his sole.

tagdyaw = tadiyaw.

taghap v 1 [A2; a] guess. Taghápa ang ákung ngálan, Guess my name. 2 [A12; b8] hit on the right thing accidentally. Unsay kahibáwu! Hitaghapan ku lang, I didn’t know! I just guessed it. n guess. paN- v [A2; b6] do s.t. in a guessing way. Gipanaghapan níyag áyu ang radiyu, He took a stab at fixing the radio. n guess, wild try. taghaptaghap n hit and miss procedure. v [A1; b8] do s.t. by a hit and miss procedure.

taghud v [A; c] throw s.t. bulky s.w. with the intent of keeping others from finding out about it. Diin nímu itaghud ang nangkà nga ímung gikáwat? Where did you dump the jackfruit that you stole?

taghuy v [AN; ac] whistle, whistle at s.o. Taghúya ang túnu ánang kantáha, Whistle the tune of that song. Nasukù siya kay gitaghúyan, She got angry because s.o. whistled at her. n whistling.

tagibanwa see banwa.

tagidiyut see diyut.

tágik v 1 [A; ac1] tie things together carefully in construction. Nagtágik siya sa mga nípà didtu sa katsaw, He was tying the nipa strips to the rafters. Gitágik níya ang duha ka bulus kawáyan, He tied two bamboo poles together. 2 [A; a] create s.t. literary or musical. Maáyu siyang mutágik ug sugilánun nga kulbà hínam, He is good in composing suspenseful stories. 2a [a12] organize or arrange words or ideas. Tagíka (itágik) únà pag-áyu ang ímung mga púlung nga igsusulti, Compose what you are going to say carefully. (→) n s.t. used to tie things together. -in- n s.t. constructed by tying. mag-r-(→) n composer of poems or songs.

tagiktik n ticking, clicking. Tinagiktik sa rilu, [959]Ticking of the clock. v [A; c1] make the sound of tick-tick, pink-pink, or click-click. Mitagiktik ang bildu nga nahúgan sa lansang, The glass went pink-pink when the nails fell on it. Hastang nakatagiktik sa íyang makinilya, My! Her typewriter went clickety-clack.

tagilhus = tagulhus.

tagilhaw see hilaw.

tagilma see lima.

tagilpù = takilpù.

tagiltil n short, high-pitched somewhat resonant sounds: clink-clink. Tinagiltil sa kutsára, Clinking of spoons. v [A; c1] make a clinking sound. Mitagiltil ang tigib nga gimartilyu, The chisel went clink-clink when he hit it with a hammer.

tagilumbuy n k.o. tree of the second growth forest: Eugenia sp.

tagiluyluy = byatilis.

tagíma = tagilma.

tagimata see mata.

tagimtim1 n 1 discoloration of teeth or surface roughness on metals, concrete, stone, due to exposure to the elements. 2 very tiny seashells found attached to stones or the bottoms of logs that have lain in the sand for a long time. v 1 [b4] be discolored and dirtied by the elements. Munyumintu nga gitagimtiman na, A monument that has been discolored by the elements. 2 [a4b4] stay long s.w. (as if long enough to develop tagimtim). Gitagimtim (gitagimtiman) na lang ang lubut ug paninda, apan wà giyud muirug, He has been in business for a long time, but he has never prospered.

tagimtim2 n k.o. tiny oyster found adhering in clumps on rocks along the shore, similar in flavor to sisi.

tagingting n 1 jingling or clanging sound. 2 resounding, ringing of voice. Tagingting ang mandù sa sultan, The sultan’s command resounded. v [A; c1] go ting-ting or clang-clang. Nabátì níya ang tinagingting sa panagsingkì sa duha ka kris, She heard the cling-clang of the two swords. Tagingtínga (itagingting) ang kwarta kun minì ba, Make the coin jingle to see if it’s fake. paN- v [A23] for harsh words to ring in one’s ears. Nanagingting sa íyang dalunggan ang kasábà sa amahan, Her father’s scolding rang in her ears.

taginhus v [A13] go away from or arrive at a place, one by one or in small numbers. Nagtaginhus pag-abut ang mga mananagat sa baybáyun, The fishermen arrived at the shore one by one. Culu- = taginhus.

tagiptip n dirt, grime that is stuck hard on s.t. v [b4] have dirt sticking hard on s.t. Gitagiptipan ang labábu, The sink was covered with grime. -un(→) a dirty, grimy with dirt stuck to it.

tagitági v [A; a] do s.t. little by little. Madúgayng tagitági ug búhat ánà, mahuman ra man nà, That work will get done if you do it little at a time. Tagitagíhun nákù pagbáyad ang útang, I’ll pay the debt off a little at a time.

tagìtì n tartar that sticks on the teeth or tobacco tars formed from smoking. v [B6N; a4b4] be incrusted with tartar or tobacco tars. Nanagìtì ang hunsuy sa hinabákù, He smokes constantly so his pipe is incrusted with tars.

tagiwálu see walu.

tag-íya see íya.

tagkus = takgus.

tagmaya = tagbaya1.

tagming = tagning.

tagmuk = tagnuk.

tagnà v [A; a12b2] 1 predict, prophesy. Si Amus nagtagnà nga mahúlug ang Samarya, Amos prophesied that Samaria would fall. Hitagnaan níya nga patyun si Kinidi, She predicted that Kennedy would be killed. 2 guess. Tagnáag unsay ákung surprísa, Guess what my surprise is. n guess, prediction, prophecy. maN-r-/l- n one who has power to predict, prophet. paN- n guesswork. Púlus lang panagnà ang íyang panambal, His treatment was pure guesswork. paN-l- n prophecy.

tagning a resonant and high-pitched quality of voice. v [B] become resonant and high-pitched. Nagkatagning ang íyang tíngug kay síging praktis, Her voice is getting resonant and high-pitched because she constantly practices.

tagnipà = sirbilyíta2.

tagnípis see nipis.

tagnuk n k.o. gnat, tiny swarming insects of rice fields that bite. v [a4] be infested with this k.o. gnat.

tagpas v 1 [A2; a2] permeate, penetrate through material. Mitagpas ang ulan sa tulda, The rain permeated through the tent. 2 [b1] be splotched with menstrual blood from menstruation. Wà mutindug ang babáyi kay gitagpasan diay, The woman didn’t want to get up because her menstrual blood had seeped through her skirt.

tagpilaw see pilaw.

tagpis v 1 [A1; c1P] slice s.t. thinly. Tagpísun (itagpis) nákug hiwà ang kasahusun nga karni, I’ll slice the meat thin to make it into jerked meat. 2 [B12; b6] be skinny [960]and slim. Natagpis nà siya kay masakitun, He is skinny because he is sickly.

tagpud a crisp, brittle and easily breaking into small pieces like glass or like dry and mealy sweet potatoes. Ang tagpud nga kamúti kun lútù, uga ug unud nga húmuk mapulpug, A powdery sweet potato is dry when it is cooked and has meat that crumbles readily. Ang biskwit nga bag-ung lútù tagpud, Newly baked biscuits are crisp. v [B; a] become crisp or brittle. Nagtagpud ang íyang ngípun, His teeth are crumbling.

tagsa see usa.

tagsaun n k.o. thick rattan used as a rope.

tagsikan n coconuts that are beginning to turn brown, but not completely matured.

tagsip v [A; ab7] cut s.t. off of s.t., cut in thin, long pieces (narrow or broad). Halus makatagsip sa pánit sa káhuy ning sundánga, This machete can hardly cut the bark off a tree. Tagsípa ang kamúti, Slice the yams into thin pieces. -in- n 1 only a few of a large number. Tinagsip lang ang makapasar sa bár, Only a small percentage passes the bar. 2 thin chippings or slices.

tagsuk v 1 [AB16; ac] pack elongated things tightly in an upright position using every bit of space. Nagtagsuk ang mga táwu sa trak dikarga, People were jampacked into the truck. Tagsukun níya ang butilya sa sáku, He will pack the bottles tightly into the sack. Itagsuk ang putput sa alat, Pack the sticks tightly in an upright position into the basket. 2 [A; c] pierce, plant into but not through. Kinsay nagtagsuk ning sundang sa báni? Who stuck the bolo into the banana trunk?

tagù a for fibrous materials to be weak, not strong and durable. — ug kasingkásing, balatían a easily moved emotionally. Tagù ug kasingkásing (balatían) ang mga babáyi. Dalì da kaáyung madala sa pakilúuy, Women are soft-hearted. They easily get carried away with pity. — ug mata a shedding tears easily. Tagù siyag mata. Bísan diyútay lang kaguul, muhílak dáyun, She cries at the slightest provocation. Let anything go wrong and she bursts into tears. v [B2] for fibrous materials to become weak. Mutagù (matagù) ang sinínà kun sigíhag klúruks, Clothes become weak if you keep washing them with chlorox. -un(→) a of a weak sort.

tágù a hidden from view. Tágù kaáyu ílang balay gíkan sa karsáda, Their house is well hidden from view from the road. sa — in secret. Nahigugma siya nímu sa tágù, She loves you in secret. v 1 [B1256] be hidden from view. 2 [AB3; b5c2] hide, keep away from view or knowledge. Didtu siya mutágù luyu sa kamálig, He hid behind the barn. Makatágù ka bag sikrítu? Can you keep a secret? Walà ku tagúa (tagúi, itágù) ang sulat, I did not hide the letter. 3 [A; b5c2] put away in a safe place for future use. Nagtágù ka ug sud-an pára ugmà? Did you put away some food for tomorrow? tagùtagù v [A] hide away in fear, do in secret. Nagtagùtagù silag panagtagbù kay minyù man ang babáyi, They have their meetings secretly because the woman is married. tagùtágù, tagùtaguay n game of hide-and-seek. v [A; b6] play hide-and-seek. -anan n hiding place; hideout. -in- n s.t. hidden. Kristung -in- a religious sect, the ceremonies of which are strictly private. -in-an n 1 secret. Nasáyud na ku sa ímung tinagúan, I know your secret. 2 s.t. kept from being lost or used up. Gastúha na lang ang ímung tinagúan, Just spend your savings. ma-in-un a secretive. ka-un(→) a feel very much like hiding oneself. -um-r-, -um-l- n be about to hide.

taguangkan (from tágù and anak) n womb, esp. of animals.

tagubtub n deep, resonant, thumping sound produced by pounding. v [A] emit a boomp boomp sound. Mitagubtub ang íyang likud nga gisumbag, His back went thump when it was struck. Bul-ánung — n pure Boholano (humorous). Bul-ánung tagubtub, pakisabaw, pakibahug, usa ka buuk itlug, sabwag pitu ka sag-ub, A pure Boholano is so fond of soup and food mixed with soup that he uses seven bamboo containers full of water to boil one egg.

tágud1 v 1 [A; c] plant in a seedbed, esp. rice, but also other plants. Magtágud na ta pára pangulílang, Let’s plant the seedbed now for the second crop. Itágud sa kahun ang kamátis, Plant the tomatoes in the box. 1a [B2456] for a rice field to have a certain capacity. Mutágud ning basáka ug usa ka bákid, This rice field is big enough to have one cavan planted on it. 2 [A; c] drop in several numbers. Nagtágud siyag lima ka pasul, He dropped four hooks and lines. Gitágud ang mga bumba sa syudad, The bombs were dropped on the city. 3 [B125] be covered with wounds, sores. Natágud sa núka ang makililímus, The beggar is covered with sores. n rice seedlings. taguran n seedbed.†

tágud2 v 1 [A; a] cut or slice into small, but not fine, pieces. Gitágud ang kamúti nga giságul sa kan-un, The potatoes that were boiled with the rice were sliced into small pieces. 2 [AB125; a] tear into pieces. Bátà ang mitágud sa piryudiku, It was the child [961]who tore the newspaper into pieces. Nagkatagud ang tualya, The towel is being reduced to tatters. tagudtagud v [A; a] 1 cut s.t. small into many pieces. 2 cut s.t. with short, fast chopping strokes. Tagudtagurun ta ka rung tikasána ka! I will chop you to bits, you cheat, you!

tagudtud a having the quality of being rubbery when bitten by the teeth but yielding when subjected to increased pressure. Ang unud sa budyung tagudtud apan lamì, The meat of the conch shell is rubbery but delicious. Tagudtud kan-un ang hilawhílaw nga linung-ag, Inadequately cooked rice is not soft enough. v [B; b6] be rubbery in consistency.

taguk n 1 sticky sap of plants and fruits. 2 sticky, thin, membranous substance that sticks on the body of a newly-delivered child. v 1 [A; b8] give off sap. Mutaguk ang kapáyas ug tigbásun, The papaya will give off sap if it is cut. Hingtagukan ang ákung sinínà, My shirt got smeared with sap. 1a [A2; b6(1)] for s.t. to be sticky with sap. Dì na nà makataguk kay uga na, That sap won’t stick because it is dry. 1b [B] for sap to get sticky. 2 [A; ab2] catch s.t. with a sticky substance, esp. the sap of a plant. Tagukun ku nang langgáma, I’ll catch that bird with sticky sap. 3 [b(1)] remove, gather the sticky sap. Ákung tagukan ning púsù úsà utánun, I’ll remove the sap from this banana blossom before I cook it. ka-(←) v [A13] have sticky substance all over it. Nagkatáguk ang bátà nga bag-ung natáwu, The newborn baby had sticky substance all over it. -un a 1 a child having thin sticky substance on him at birth. 2 producing plenty of sticky sap. Tagukun kaáyung gumáha, Rubber tree producing lots of latex. 3 having lots of sticky sap on it.

taguktuk (from tuktuk) n knocking, thumping sound. v [A; c] make a knocking sound. Mitaguktuk ku sa pultahan apan way miabli, I knocked at the door, but nobody opened. Ayawg itaguktuk ang sapátus, Don’t let your shoes thump.

taguláki = taguraláki.

tagulhus (from ulhus) v [A1; c1] do s.t., come out in turns or alternately. Nagtagulhus ang háguk sa duha ka táwu, The two men were snoring alternately with each other. Itagulhus (tagulhusun) sila pagpabantay sa masakitun, They will be assigned to watch the sick man in turns.

tagulílung (from tágù and lílung) n 1 k.o. charm which enables a person to appear and disappear at will, said to be the egg of a k.o. bird (the tuktur) which flies only after dusk when he can be heard but not seen. The egg is also invisible but obtainable through magical procedures. 2 person who possesses this charm. 2a one who disappears as suddenly as he appeared. Mabáwu man tag pangítà nímu. Mu ra man kag tagulílung, I’ve been going crazy looking for you. You are harder to find than a tagulílung. 3 name also given to the tuktur bird.

tagultul1 n 1 a signalling device made of a nodule of bamboo having the nodes covering both ends and a slit on the side. 2 thonking sound. v [A; a2] beat this bamboo resounder or produce a similar sound. Mutagultul siya arun pagtawag sa mga silíngan, He sounds the bamboo resounder to call the neighbors. Mutagultul ang likiun nga kawáyan kun dukdúkun sa káhuy, A cracked bamboo tube will make the sound of thonk-thonk if you beat it with a stick.

tagultul2 = tagawtaw.

tagul-ul n k.o. bird.

tágum n indigo: Indigofera suffruticosa. panimáhung — for leafy vegetables to develop a fetid smell when they wither. Ngánung nagpalit ka ánang kamunggay nga nanimáhù nang tágum? Why did you buy kamunggay that isn’t fresh? v 1 [A; a] dye s.t. dark or stain s.t. Ang nayabung tintà mitágum sa mantil, The ink spilled and blackened the tablecloth. Gitágum níya ang pughaw níyang sinínà, She dyed her faded dress black. 2 [B] become dark, black. Mutágum ka kun magpúnay kag kalígù sa dágat, You will become dark if you keep going swimming. Nagtágum ang lángit, muulan tingáli, The sky is getting dark. Maybe it is going to rain. -un a 1 having the smell of indigo leaves (not fresh). 2 dark, gloomy, dirty-looking.

tagumbul v [B3(1)46; a12] produce a deep, thudding sound. Mitagumbul ang bungbung nga naigù sa lamísa nga gitulud, The wall made a thud when the table was pushed against it.

tágun a patient, long-suffering. v [A; a12] endure with patience. Mitágun giyud siyag bantay bísag gikapuy siya, He endured the long hours of the vigil even though he was very tired. Tagúna lang ang kasakit, kadalì ra lagi, Just endure the pain. It won’t last, I assure you. ka- n patience, endurance.

tagungtung n short, vibrant, low-pitched sound, such as that produced by a small closed gong. v [A; c1] make a tung-tung sound. Tagungtúngun (itagungtung) ni pára sa sáyawng Muslim, This gong will be clanged [962]during the Moslem dance.

taguntun1 n half the value of a domestic animal. Bayinti písus mauy taguntun sa ákung bábuy nga íyang gibatunan, He took care of my pig for which I gave him half the value, twenty pesos. Baktin mauy ákung taguntun sa katungà sa litsun níya, I exchanged a piglet for one-half of his roast pig. v [A; c1] give one-half the value of a domestic animal. Ákù na ning bábuy kay nakataguntun na ku, I’ve given for half the value of this pig for raising it, so it is all mine now.

taguntun2 n swellings around the legs or swollen glands in the joints, groin, axilla. v [AN; b4N] suffer this sort of swelling.

taguraláki (from laki) n male papaya (that bears no fruit, but bears male flowers).

tagurha see duha.

tag-usà = talagsa. see usa.

tagustus v 1 [AB; c1] for rope to unwind, get undone. Usba pagbúbud ang písì kay nagtagustus na, Wind the rope again because it is unreeling. Itagustus (tagustúsa) ang mga lánut nga gibugkus, Undo the abaca fibers that had been tied in place. 2 [AP; c1P] pay out a line slowly. Ikay tagustus (patagustus) sa láyag inigkusug sa hángin, Lower the sails slowly when the wind begins to blow hard. Tagustúsi ang tabánug. Taas bítaw ang lambu, Give the kite more line. Anyway it has a long line.

tagùtù1 v [A; a] chop rapidly with short strokes so that the result comes out finely minced. Átung tagùtúun ang dabung nga iságul sa kinílaw, Let’s chop the young bamboo shoots into fine pieces to mix them with the salad. -in- n s.t. minced finely.

tagùtù2 n 1 clicking of the tongue. 2 = talùtù. v [A] click the tongue. Kahibáwu kang mutagùtù? Do you know how to click your tongue? paN- v [A; b3] click the tongue in exasperation, dejection, anger. Nagpanagùtù siya kay napildi, He kept clicking his tongue in dejection because he lost. n action of clicking the tongue.

tagùtù3 = talùtù1.

tagutungan = dutù.

tagyaw = tadiyaw.

tagyum = lalum 1, 3, 4 (dialectal).

tahà v [B1256; b3(1)] feel shyness or inhibition in the presence of s.o. who commands distant respect. Matahà siyang mudúul ug dagkung táwu, He is afraid to approach big shots. Paríhu ra nátù nang ímung gikatahaan, You feel shy in his presence, but he is just like us. panahàtáhà v [A23] hesitate to do s.t. due to reservation, tact, or shyness. Manahàtáhà pa giyud nà siyag sampit sa ákung ngā́n, Why does he hesitate to address me by name? ka- n shyness due to respect. ka-an, ka-an(←) a worthy of distant respect. ma-un(←) a shy due to respect.

tahal v [A; b6(1)] sharpen a pencil. Talhi (tahali) ang lápis, Sharpen the pencil. n pencil sharpener. talhanan n pencil or s.t. which needs sharpening.

tahan v [A; c6] 1 offer part of the body in anticipation. Íyang gitahan ang náwung níya arun hagkan, She put her face forward to be kissed. 2 offer, render up, offer up in trust. Itahan ku kining kinabúhì sa kahitas-an, I’ll entrust my life to the Almighty. 3 offer without reservation. Itahan sa kaáway ang pagpasaylu, Offer forgiveness to the enemy. 4 for bets to be placed or handed over usually before the start of the game. Itahan nang ímung pusta arun sugdan ang dúlà, Place your bets so that the game may start. 5 [A; c] offer a bond, security. Itahan ku ang ákung yútà sa salapì nga hulaman ku nímu, I will put up my land as security for the money that I will borrow from you. n bond, guarantee. Ímu na kining singsing silbing tahan sa ákung pagmahal nímu, Take this ring as a guarantee of my love for you.

táhap v [B1256N; b3(1] be suspicious. Nanagána siya kay natáhap sa ákung túyù, She hesitated because she was suspicious of my motives. Siya ang gikatahápang tulisan, He is the suspected robber. paN- v [A2; b6(1)] assume s.o. to be guilty without good evidence. Kung manáhap ka, tinúa únà, If you presume s.o. guilty, be sure to ascertain the facts first. n suspicion. Ang ákung panáhap nga minyù tung tawhána natinúud giyud, My suspicion that that man was married came out true. ka-an = paN-, n. ma-un, manggi-un a suspicious.

táhas n 1 task or duty one must fulfill prior to acquiring possession of supernatural powers. Dúnay táhas únà makahuput ug urasiyun, You must perform a task before you may acquire a magic formula. 2 mission one is bound by vow or otherwise to accomplish. Matag táwu adúnay táhas sa kalibútan, Each man has a mission on this earth. v 1 [A1; c5] make a vow to accomplish s.t. Tahásun ku ang pagtúman sa íyang túgun, I will make it my mission to fulfill her commands. 2 [c] assign as a mission. Akuy gitahásan pagpatay nímu, I was entrusted with a mission to kill you. 3 [A12] able to be in some place alone without fear. Makatáhas ka bag mintiryu? Do you dare go to the cemetery alone?

tahì v [A; a] sew, stitch. Kinahanglang tahiun [963]ning samad, This wound requires stitches. Gitahian ku níyag birmúda, He sewed a pair of bermuda shorts for me. n stitches. -anan(←) n dress, tailor shop. maN-r-(←) n seamstress, dressmaker. -unun(←) n pieces of cloth to be made into s.t.

tahirig (from hirig) v [B; c1] lean, tilt to one side. Nagtahirig ang lubi padúlung sa karsáda, The coconut tree is leaning towards the road. Tahiriga (itahirig) pagtanum ang páka sa tubu, Plant the cuttings of sugar cane stalks in a leaning position.

tahisyan, tahisyan bird n k.o. dance wherein the buttocks wiggle like the tail of a bird. v [A] perform this dance.

tahu, tahù1 n ginger tea. v [A1] have ginger tea.

tahù2 v [A; c] notify, inform. Itahù kini níya arun siya mahibáwu, Inform him of this so that he will know. n reports about an event. tahùtáhù n idle gossip, reports passed around to instigate a quarrel. Nagpalákat silag tahùtáhù arun magkadisgustu ta, They are spreading idle gossip to make us quarrel.

tahud n spur of fowls and birds. v [b4] 1 get one’s spurs. Walà pa tadhi ang sunuy, The rooster hasn’t gotten his spurs yet. 2 become experienced. tadhan a experienced and authoritative in one’s line of work. Tadhan siyang kusiníru, He is an experienced cook. tahudtahud n 1 growths on the body, usually near the joints, which look like the spurs of the rooster. 2 small boils on small children’s heads.

táhud v 1 [A23; a12] obey. Tahúra úsà ang ákung gipabúhat úsà magdúwà, Do what I tell you to before you play. 2 [A; a12] respect. Tahúra ang ímung ginikánan, Respect your parents. 2a [A3; c6] use an address of respect to an elder. Nagtáhud siya nákug Tiyù, He addresses me as Uncle. n 1 respect. 2 address of respect. Púpuy ang ámung táhud níya, We addressed him as Grandpa. pa-(→) v [A] be arrogant, demanding of more respect than one has the right to. À, mu pay muhangyù mau pay mupatáhud! Hm, here you go acting as if you want me to kiss your feet when you are asking me for a favor! tahuray v [A13] respect each other. Ángay magtahuray ang managsúun, Brothers must respect each other. katahúran, pangatahúran n words of greeting. Nangáyù mig pangatahúran (katahúran) apan way mitubag nga tagbalay, We called out greetings but no one in the house answered. pangatahúran v [A2] say words of respect or greetings. Nangatahúran sila paglabay sa párì, When the priest passed by they greeted him. matinahúrun a 1 respectful. 2 short for kanímu matinahúrun in the complimentary closing of a letter: ‘Respectfully yours’. talahúrun n term of address to a person of distinction. Duha sila ka táwu, talahúrun, There were two of them, sire.

tahum a beautiful. v [B24; a12] be beautiful. Mutahum ka pa kun mangarmin, You’ll be more beautiful if you wear make-up. Nagkatahum ang kalibútan sukad ku ikaw makítà, The world has become a more beautiful place since I met you. pa- v [A; a] make oneself up. pa-, pangpa- n beauty products. ka- n beauty, loveliness. ka-an n great beauty (literary). ma- a beautiful, lovely.

tàhung v [A; c] put s.t. over and around s.t. else or hang it over. Akuy nagtàhung ug kawit dihà sa palwa, I was the one that hung a toddy container over the palm frond. Gitàhúngan níya ang kingki, He put a shade over the kerosene lamp. Láta ang itàhung sa pusti arun dílì dáyun magabuk sa ulan, Slip paint cans over the posts so they will not rot in the rain.

tahup n chaff of cereals. v [A; b6(1)] separate the husk from husked grains. Taphi nang linubuk, Winnow the pounded rice. -un a full of chaff, chaffy. Ayúha paglimpiyu ang bugas kay tahupun, Clean the rice well. It’s still full of chaff. taphanan n 1 ground cereals to be winnowed. 2 place where winnowing is done.

tahur a having the imposing posture of s.o. rich or of high rank. Tahur kaáyu siyang tan-áwun, apan nanghulam ra diayg bisti, He looks very imposing, but in reality he’s wearing borrowed clothes. n big-time, professional gambler. sugarul nga — = tahur, n. pa- v [A1; c] make oneself look imposing so as to appear rich or of high rank.

tahuri, tahúri, tahurì, tahúris n k.o. edible bean slightly bigger than the mung and rusty brown in color, growing wild and cultivated: Phaseolus calcaratus. v [A13; b6] have tahuri.

tahusyu n soy beans preserved in soy sauce. v 1 [A; a2] cook with preserved soy beans. 2 [A1] have tahusyu as the only food to eat with the staple.

tahuy1 v [A; a12] make a clay pot nonporous by heating it and then putting shredded coconut or vinegar in it. Kinahanglan tahuyun úsà ang kúlun únà gawía, You must treat the pot before you use it.

tahuy2 n soup made of sweet potatoes cut into small pieces boiled in water with nothing else. v [A; a] fix this soup.

tái n 1 feces of people and animals. 2 in the [964]game of bíku, the act of stepping on the line. 3 dross from molten metal. Tigúma ang tái sa kalbúru kay ipintal ta sa batu, Keep the dross of melted carbide because we can use it to paint the stones. dakung — see dakù. v [b4(1)] get feces on it. Mataíhan (mataihan) nang hapin ug iságul sa taíhun, That diaper will get feces on it if you put it with the dirty ones. taitai v [B145S; c1] 1 do s.t. with difficulty and turn out poor results. Nagtaitai kus iksámin. Hagbung ku adtu, I found the examination hard. I’ll probably fail it. 1a — ang búhat do one piece of work after another and leave most everything unfinished. Dì ku gustung magtaitai ang ákung búhat, I don’t want to begin another job before I finish the work at hand. 2 for a pen not to function well, resulting in dirty penmanship. 3 [B; b6] for plants to be growing at different heights in one field or bed. Init ang nakataitai (nakapataitai) pagtúbu sa mga mais, The heat of the sun caused the corn plants to grow at different heights. hiN- v [A; b] 1 take out entrails of animals. 2 clean the entrails of feces. Paghinái nákù sa bábuy, napisà ang apdu, When I took the pig’s entrails, I squashed the gall bladder. 3 have a woman for sexual intercourse. ka- v [A13] get feces all over it. taíhun a dirty with feces. -in- see tinái.

taka v 1 [A2; b4] get tired of doing s.t. and thus cease. Mitaka na siya, wà na maghilak, He got sick of crying so he stopped. Gitak-an kug hinuwat nímu, maung mipaúlì lang ku, I got tired waiting for you so I just went home. 2 [c5] not like to do s.t. Kun dì mu ikataka palíhug buháta kini, If you don’t mind, please do this for me. ka- n feeling of boredom or of being fed up. ma- a boring, tiresome, tak-ánun, matak-ánun, matalak-un a easily bored, tending to lose interest.

*takà, *tákà pa- v 1 [A1; b6] do s.t. without really knowing how to do it, without regards as to how he is doing it. Maghibús ka kun magpatákà (magpatakà) kag káun, You will have diarrhea if you eat indiscriminately. Patakai lag ansir. Sambahan lagi, Just answer them at random. You’ll guess some right. 2 [A1] tell s.t. untrue, inaccurate. Nagpatákà lang bisag siyay nánguna, He’s lying. He started the fight.

takaba, takabà v [A; c] 1 wrap a piece of cloth or the like around the body, esp. the torso. Human kag kalígù magtakaba kag tualya kay musihag ang sinínà, After you swim, you should put a towel around you because you can see through your dress. 2 use as a shield or cover for any part of the body. Nagtakaba siyag papil tungud sa ínit, She put a piece of paper over her head to protect her from the heat of the sun. 3 [A; c1] carry s.t. on the back or shoulders by tying it. 3a carry s.o. on the back or shoulders not tied. Gitakaba ni Mulit ang íyang manghud, Mulit carried his little brother pick-a-back. 4 [A; aP] for animals to mate. 4a have intercourse (derogatory). Mitakaba ka uruy ánang mubug lupad, You went to bed with that pig of a woman. n 1 wrap-around cloth. 2 s.t. to cover one’s head or shoulders.

takad v [A; b(1)] step on a line or specific area. Dì ka mutakad sa bágis kay páwul ka, If you step on the line, you are foul. Kining batúha ímung takaran (takdan) arun makaabut ka sa búnga, Step on this stone so that you can reach the fruit. takdanan n in games, the line on which one steps at the start or any phase of the game.

tákal1 n volume, contents. Ang garapun dakug tákal kay sa básu, A jar holds more than a glass. v 1 [A; a] measure out in a certain volume. Gitákal níla sa bukag ang kamúti, They measured the sweet potatoes by baskets. 2 [AB; c] for a measure to become full, cause it to do so. Lainláing butang ang nagtákal sa íyang pitáka, Her bag was filled with all different things. Nagkatakal ang baldi sa hinayhínayng túlù sa túbig, The pail is slowly filling up with water dripping into it. -an(→) n a measuring box, basket, or can of any convenient size.

tákal2 v [AC2; b(1)] for male pigs to mount another animal; by extension, for humans to do so (derogatory). Kaduha takáling anáya únà mumabdus, This sow was mounted twice before it got pregnant. bu-(→) see butakal.

tak-al v [B; c16] for a cover not to be closed tight, door to be ajar. Ang kaban nga labihang kapunù mitak-al, The trunk was part open because it was too full.

takam, tákam a ravenous. Ang táwung takam mukáun bísan unsa, A ravenous person will eat anything. v 1 [B] be hungry, ravenous. Kinsay dílì mutakam (matakam) nga tulu ka adlaw wà miy káun gawas sa prútas, Who wouldn’t become ravenous when for three days we did not have anything to eat except fruits. 2 [A; c1] take a large bite, chew. May nagtakam sa kík kay gamay na lang ang nahibilin, S.o. took a big bite from the cake because only a small portion of it is left. Itakam (takama) ug maáyu ang [965]kan-un únà tunla, Chew the food well before you swallow it. takamtakam v 1 [A13; c16] smack the lips. Nagtakamtakam ang bátà kay miángay sa lamì sa gátas, The child is smacking his lips because he likes the milk. 2 [A13] await eagerly. Nagtakamtakam na ku sa lamì sa mga sud-an, I am eagerly anticipating the delicious food.

takandal v 1 [A3P] for vehicles to run with a jouncing, bouncing motion. Mutakandal na pud ang trák kun mulabang sa kabatuan, The truck will bounce again when it crosses the stony area. 2 [B46; c1] make a clacking, banging sound. Mitakandal ang bakyà sa simintádung dálan, The wooden slippers went clickety clack over the cemented walk. Ang táru nga way sulud mitakandal kay ákung hipatiran, The empty can rattled when I kicked it.

tákang = lákang.

tak-ang v [A; c] put a pot or kettle on the stove. Itak-ang na ang lung-agúnun, Put the rice on the stove. tak-angánan n 1 stove. 2 pot or kettle rest.

tákas v [A2S; ac] 1 go up an incline. Takásun pa nátù ang pitu ka bungtud úsà muabut sa píkas baybay, We still have to ascend seven hills before we get to the other side of the island. Kining bakilíra dílì katakásan ug gamayng awtu, A small car cannot negotiate this slope. 2 go ashore. Ang pawíkan mutákas arun mangitlug, The sea turtles go ashore to lay their eggs. Dì ta makatákas kay balud kaáyu, We can’t go ashore because the sea is very rough. 2a [A; b6] land from a sea attack. 3 [A2; b(1)] escape from prison. Tulu na ka prisuhan ang ílang gitakásan, They have already escaped from three prisons.

takba v 1 [A; b] lean forward on s.t. or s.o. and cling to it. Mitakba siya sa bukubuku sa íyang bána nga nagkaun, She leaned on her husband’s back while he was eating. Maáyu kay nakatakba siyag bátang pagkalúnud sa barku, Luckily he was able to cling to a log for support when the boat sunk. 2 [A; a12] carry a child closely in one’s arms with the child facing one. Takbáha ang bátà kun butdan sa tiyan, Carry the child with his stomach pressed against you if he has gas in the stomach. 3 [AC; b(1)] mount for copulation, as if for copulation. Mitakba na ang butù apan dì gustu ang bayi, The male mounted, but the female did not like it. 3a for humans to have intercourse (coarse). 4 [A; b] wrap a part of the body with s.t. Gitakbahan níyag dyákit ang bukubuku sa dalága, He covered the girl’s back with a jacket.

takbas v [A; a] 1 swing a bolo or a similar bladed instrument. Mitakbas siyag bálus apan lúya na siya, He swung a bolo to retaliate but he was already too weak. 2 sever with a swing of the bolo. Si Simyun ang mitakbas sa gamayng punúan sa ságing, Simeon cut down the small banana trunk in one stroke.

takbuy v 1 [A; b] hug, cling closely in order not to fall. Mitakbuy ang tikì sa bukubuku sa manananggut, The gecko clung tightly to the toddy gatherer’s back. Nakatakbuy ang anak sa láwas sa inahan dihang midugdug, The child clung to his mother when it thundered. 2 [A2; b4] infect with a disease. Tíbi ang mitakbuy níya, He contracted T.B. 3 [A23P; b(1)] stay with s.o., usually as a dependent. Siyay ákung gitakbúyan ug dúgay kay kwartáhan man, I stayed long at her house because she was wealthy.

takdà v 1 [A; c] schedule, set a date. Átung itakdà ang sunud nátung tígum, We will set the date for our next meeting. 2 [A; c] sign, put a mark on. Siyay mitakdà (nagtakdà) sa sulat, He signed the letter. Takdái ug íkis ang punúan sa lubi, Mark the trunks of the coconut trees with an X. n 1 signature, mark. 2 reminder; s.t. that is used as a reminder. Ang anínu sa pusti mauy ákung takdà sa úras, The shadow of the post is my reminder of the time. -an(→) = takdà, n.

takdang v [A; ab2] 1 hack or lodge a blade laterally into s.t. Ang amul wà makatakdang sa punúan sa káhuy, The dull bolo did not cut the trunk of the tree. 2 make notches, nick. Ang bátà mauy mitakdang sa tiil sa silya, The child made notches on the legs of the chair. 3 [A; b] strike the forehead with s.t. heavy. Akuy mutakdang ug puthaw sa ímung agtang, I’ll strike your forehead with an iron rod.

takdù exactly, no more and no less. Takdù karung diyis anyus ang átung kaminyúun, We have been married for exactly ten years today. Takdù sa gikasabútan, In exact accordance with their agreement. Takdù giyud sa nahitabù ang íyang tahù, His report turned out to be exactly in agreement with what had happened. — ang búwan for the moon to be full. v [AB256C3; c1] 1 for things that are joined to fit exactly at their point of junction, make s.t. fit. Walà mutakdù ang takub sa kaban, The cover of the trunk doesn’t fit squarely. Takdúa (itakdù) ang duha ka iskína arun tíkup, Have the corners meet and fit to make it tight. 2 coincide, be in agreement with each other; [966]make things be in agreement. Ang íyang kamatáyun ug ang ímung damgu nagkatakdù lang, His death and your dream were just a coincidence. Itakdù ang ímung bakak sa akúa arun katuúhan, Make your lie be in accordance with mine so they will be plausible. 3 be appropriate. Kinahanglang mutakdù ang ímung isul-ub sa ukasiyun, Your attire must fit the occasion. 3a [C3] be on compatible terms with each other. Nagkatakdù ang duha ka buringug, The two fools hit it off nicely. -in-an n point of junction, place s.t. meets.

takdul1 = daktul.

takduy = tagduy.

takgus v [A; ac] 1 fasten s.t. to s.t. with a knotted cord. Palíhug rag takgus sa ríbun sa ákung buhuk, Please tie my hair up for me with a ribbon. Takgúsun na silang duha sa talikálà sa kaminyúun, They are going to be bound together in wedlock. Ang salug nga kawáyan takgúsan ug uway ngadtu sa busaug, The bamboo flooring is tied to the joists with rattan. 2 tie into a loop that easily gets undone. Takgúsa ang listǔn sa ákung sapátus, Tie my shoelace. 3 tie s.t. around s.t. Nagtakgus siyag sundang sa háwak, He strapped a bolo around his waist. Itakgus ang tarì sa tiil sa hiniktan, Tie the gaff around the cock’s leg. n s.t. that is fastened to s.t. else by entwining or the like. -in-an(→) n the knotted part of s.t. tied. Tan-áwa nga dílì mailhan ang tinakgusan, See to it that the knotted part does not show.

takiang (from kiang) v [A; c16] walk limpingly. Nagtakiang siya kay nalisa ang tiil, He is limping because he sprained his foot.

tákig n 1 malaria. 2 any disease characterized by chills and shaking. 2a fit of shivering due to illness. v [A123P; b4] 1 be afflicted with malaria. 2 have the chills. Gitakígan ang masakitun, The patient had the chills. -un(→) n one afflicted with malaria.

takigrapíya n stenography, shorthand.

takigrapu n stenographer. v [B156; a2] be, become a stenographer.

takihud, takíhud (from kihud) v [A13; c1] limp. Nagtakihud siya tungud sa pulyu, He limps because he had polio.

takílid (from kílid) v [A2S; c1] 1 tilt, turn over on the side. Nilísù siya kay mutakílid siya paghigdà, He turned over to lie on his side. Ang agúkuy magtakilid nga maglakaw, The fiddler crab walks sideways. Ayaw itakílid (takilíra, takilda), mayabu, Don’t tilt it. It might spill. 2 veer, change directions. Mitakílid ang barku sa tuu, The ship veered off to the right. 3 [A23] get money from one’s pocket (lit. lean over to stick the hands in the pocket). Mutakílid siya dáyun ug pangayúag kwarta, He immediately reaches in his pocket if anyone asks him for money.

takilpù v [B126] for one’s foot to slip to its side, ankles to give way. Natakilpù siya sa íyang bag-ung hayhil, Her foot slipped on its side on her new high heels.

takilya n box office, a place where admission tickets are sold. Si Klint Istwud gihugúpan pag-áyu sa takilya, Clint Eastwood is very popular at the box office. takilyíra n ticket seller (female). v [B156; a2] be a ticket vendor. takilyíru n ticket seller (male).

takin v [A; c] strap s.t. around the waist. Nagtakin siya ug sundang kay mangáhuy, He’s strapping a bolo on his waist to gather firewood. Itakin ang baskit kun mangáni, Strap the basket around the waist when you harvest rice. n basket fastened to the waist, used in harvesting rice.

tak-in v [A; c] tuck-in one’s shirt. Angayan kang magtak-in kay dì sapyut, You look nice with your shirt tucked in because your buttocks are not flat.

takinding v [A3] roll with a clatter. Pagkahúlug níya ang plátung íyang gidala mitakinding sa ubus, When he fell, the plates he was carrying rolled with a clatter.

takingking v [A; a] hop on one leg. Takingkínga kútub ngadtu, Hop up to there on one leg.

takinhud = tangkihud.

takip v 1 [A; c6] include along with, do to s.t. at the same time as one does it to s.t. else. Kinsay nagtakip sa ákung ngálan sa lista? Who included my name in the list? Nagtakip kug ritrátu sa ákung sulat, I enclosed a picture in my letter. Gikatakip nákug gastu ang ímung kwarta, I spent your money along with mine. (←) v [A; a1c] join flat things one on top of the other or at their edges. Takípa nang duha ka papil arun madakù (mabagà), Join those two sheets of paper to make them bigger (or Paste them on top of one another to make them thicker).

taklà v [A; b6] make a clicking, clacking noise with the tongue. Taklái siya kay mau nay ámung sinyas, Clack your tongue at him because that’s our signal. n 1 clacking of the tongue. 2 a k.o. small, dark-hued shrimp 2–3 cm. long which emits a loud clicking sound similar to tongue clacking. paN- v [A; b3] make a clacking noise with the tongue in exasperation, dejection, or admiration. Nanaklà siya kay hibyaan sa [967]bus, He clacked his tongue because he missed the bus.

taklap v 1 [A; c] spread, lay s.t. flat over s.t. so as to cover it. Itaklap ring hábul sa lamísa, Spread this blanket over the table. 2 [B2456] cover as if enveloping. Mitaklap ang kangitngit sa kalibútan, Darkness covered the world. n s.t. spread over s.t. to cover it.

taklas v 1 [A; b6] for dogs to jump all over s.o. Nabuling ang ákung sinínà kay gitaklásan ku sa irù, My clothes got dirty because the dog jumped all over me. 2 [A; b5] climb, clamber up on s.t. not affording a good foothold. Hipaakan tà ku sa irù ug wà pa ku makataklas sa kináma nga mga kahun, I would have been bitten by the dog had I not clambered on the stacked boxes.

taklay v [A13; c] hang s.t. loose around the neck. Dílì maáyu nga magsuruysúruy sa kalying magtaklay ug tualya, It is not good to go around the streets having a towel draped around one’s neck.

taklì v 1 [B2] draw one’s attention away from where it should be focused. Ang nakataklì (nakapataklì) sa íyang intiris sa panulat mau ang súgal, Gambling drew away his interest from writing. Nataklì ang atinsiyun ni Míla ngadtu sa íyang katúpad, Mila’s attention was drawn away from me towards her seatmate. 2 [c] transfer temporary ownership of land from one mortgage-holder to another. Ang pinirindang yútà gitaklì pagprinda diri kanákù, The mortgaged lot was transferred to me.

taklíad (from liad) v [A2; c1] bend the body backward to the extent that the head is at the same level as the chest or lower. Bantáyi nga dì mataklíad ang bátà, Watch out that the baby doesn’t throw himself backwards. Ákung itaklíad (takliárun) ug maáyu ang ákung láwas sa sáyawng limburak, I bend way back when I dance the limbo rock.

taklid v [A; a12] pin, tie s.o.’s hands behind his back. Gitaklid ang mga dinakpan, The prisoners had their hands tied behind their backs. hiN- v 1 [AN] fold one’s hands behind the back. Mihinaklid siyang nagdiskursu, He folded his hands behind his back while speaking. 2 [AN; bN] do s.t. difficult with ease. Panghinaklíran (hinaklíran) lang níya nang bungtúra, He will climb that mountain with ease.

taklíma v [B126] wrench the ankle or the foot. Nataklíma ang ákung tiil sa danglug nga batu, I wrenched my foot on a slippery stone.

taklub v [A; c] cover s.t. over with s.t. enclosing it. Akuy mutaklub sa basurahan, I’ll put the lid on the garbage can. Ingun kug nawálà ang ituy apan natakluban diay sa kahun, I thought the puppy got lost, but actually it had just gotten under the box. n 1 lid. 2 basket-like pen for fowl.

taklúbu n giant clams, esteemed for food, large specimens of which furnish shells for baptismal fonts.

taklung v [b8] be caught by being covered by s.t. which falls. Ang iring nataklungan sa kahun, The cat was caught by a box that fell on it.

taklus = takgus.

takmag v [A; b(1)] for a male animal to mount on the female. Basta mangúlag ang anay, mutakmag giyud ang butù, If the sow is in heat, the male will mount her.

takmù1 v [a3b8] hit one’s chin on s.t. Natakmù ku sa kurdísu pagkatumba nákù, I hit my chin on the window sill when I fell down.

takmul a drawing the lips in or biting the lower lip in defiance, anger, or when making an effort. v [A13; b6] for the lips to purse. Nagtakmul ang íyang simud, He drew in his mouth. paN- v [A; b6] draw in the lips, bite the lower lip. Nanakmul siyang nag-alsa sa kahun, He bit his lower lip while heaving the box.

takna = taknà, n2, 2a.

taknà n 1 identifying mark. Ang sáku nga may taknà átù, The sack that has an identifying mark on it is ours. 1a notch as an identifying mark. 2 hour. 2a moment. Sa taknang pul-an ka, byái siya, The moment you get tired of her, leave her. v [A; b] 1 put an identifying sign or label. Kinahanglang taknáan ang mga garápa sa tambal, We should label bottles containing medicine. 2 put a notch as an identifying mark. -an(→) n timepiece, watch.

taksay n k.o. fishing net, cast in shallow water and dragged by four people towards the shore. paN- v [N] go fishing with the taksay net.

taksi n taxi. v [A13; a12] 1 take a taxi. Mataksi ang pantalan gíkan dinhi, We can take a taxi to the wharf from here. 2 make into a taxi.

taksì1 n a game in which objects placed inside a circle are knocked out of the area. The ones displaced from the circle belong to the player that hit them. v [A13; b6] play taksì.

taksì2 v [A; a] strip abaca, buri palm leaves, and the like of vegetable matter to get the fiber. n instrument for stripping. -an n abaca [968]stripper. -in- n stripped stalks.

taksikab = taksi.

taksinilya n humorous word for tartanilya, used in contexts where one says he doesn’t have money to take the taxi. v [A; a] take the tartanilya. Taksinilya lang ta, Let’s just take the tartanilya brand of taxi.

taktak v 1 [AB26; ac] for small things or s.t. fastened or stuck to s.t. to detach and drop; cause to drop. Kinsay nagtaktak ug ágiw sa sawug? Who knocked cigarette ashes on the floor? Nataktak ang íyang pilukpíluk sa sawug, Her false eyelashes fell to the floor. Taktáka ang mga tambis, Knock the fruits off the tree. Wà kataktákig balhíbu, It was unharmed. (Lit. Not a feather was knocked off of it.) 2 [b4(1)] have a miscarriage. Nataktakan siya sa dihang nadakin-as, She had a miscarriage after she slipped and fell. 3 [A; c] cast a fishing net. Itaktak ang púkut kay dúnay duut, Cast the net because there’s a school of fish. 4 [A; c1] drop from a list. Taktáka (itaktak) sa listahan ang mining bitiránu, Drop the fake veterans from the list. 4a fire from a position. Mutaktak nà siyag impliyádung tapulan, He fires lazy employees. 4b drop a charge. Ang sumbung gitaktak sa huwis, The accusation was dropped by the judge. n 1 s.t. which has been detached and dropped. 2 action of casting a fishing net. -an(→) n designated place where the fishing net is emptied of catch. -un(→) a for coconuts to be mature enough for harvesting. Hustu na sak-un nang mga lubíha kay taktakun na, Now is the time to gather the coconuts because they are mature.†

taktakun n a k.o. edible starshell having a thin dark brown operculum.

taktika n 1 strategy, tactics. 2 scheme, ruse. Taktika lang tu nákù arun malipat siya, It was just a ruse to deceive him. v [a12] make a clever plan. Taktikaha giyug maáyu nga makumbinsǐr siya, Make a clever plan to convince him.

taktikal n examination given by military officers to cadets. v [A13] have a tactical inspection. — inspiksiyun = taktikal.

táku n billiard cue.

takúan = takúgan.

takub n a cover or lid of s.t. which has a different shape from the thing it is put over and is not attached. Ang takub sa pawuntin pin, The fountain pen cover. (←) v [A13; b6] put a cover on. Kinsay nagtákub sa kahun? Who put the lid on the box? -an n 1 pseudonym, alias. Ang ‘O. Henry’ takuban ni Wilyam Sidni Purtir, ‘O. Henry’ is the pen name of William Sidney Porter. 2 disguise. v [A13; c6] 1 use an assumed or pen name. 2 wear a disguise. Nagtakuban nga makililímus ang ditiktib, The detective disguised himself as a beggar. -an(←) = -an, v.

takúb = takúgan.

takubu n s.t. used to cover the roof ridge. v [A; c] put a cover over a roof ridge. Sín itakubu, Use galvanized iron sheets to cover the ridge of the roof.

takúbu = taklúbu.

takubù = tikubù.

takud v 1 [AC; ac] attach s.t. to s.t. else, put it right next to s.t. so that it touches. Nagtákud ang duha ka daplin sa lamísa, The two edges of the table are touching each other. Takúra ang duha ka daplin sa panaptung himúung hábul, Attach the two pieces of cloth at the ends to make them into a blanket. Itakud ang kwadru sa bungbung, Attach the picture to the wall. 2 [A; b6] harness an animal, hitch it for work. Ayaw takdi nang bakáha ug balsa kay gamay pa nà, Don’t harness the cow to a sled because it is still too small. 3 [A2; b4(1)] infect with disease. Makatakud nang hanggà, Chicken pox is contagious. Hitakdan kag mudúul sa tibíhun, You’ll get infected if you go near a tubercular person. 3a [C3] contaminate each other. Nag-úsa lang mug unlan magtákud giyud nang inyung mga kútu, You’re both lying on the same pillow, so you’ll get each other’s lice. 3b [A12] arouse or spread to s.o. else as if a contagious disease. Nahimuut siyang namínaw sa makatakud nga katáwa ni Rúsi, He was amused listening to Rosie’s contagious laughter. 3c [A12; b4(1)] influence so as to become like one. Natakdan ku sa kahinúun níya, I was influenced by his diligence in study. pa- v [A13; b4] pass a supernatural attribute on to another person upon death. Úngù na siya kay gipatakdan sa tigúlang úngù, He is a vampire now because the old man passed his supernatural power on to him. takdanan n an animal trained to take the harness. maN-r-(←), matakdánun a contagious, tending to spread from person to person.

tákud v [A12] manage to do s.t. that requires strength or money. Dì na siya makatákud ug alsa ug bug-at, She can’t manage to lift heavy things. Makatákud kahà kag patunghà sa ímung anak? Can you manage to send your child to school?

takúg = takúgan.

takúgan n k.o. chiton of rocks in tidal flats.

takúkung = saruk, n1, v.

tákul v [B46] for the chin to tremble causing [969]the teeth to chatter. Nagtákul ang ákung suwang sa katugnaw, My chin is chattering with cold.

takuláhaw 1 all of a sudden. Sa takuláhaw lamang siya natumba, Suddenly he collapsed. 2 not very long, just a few minutes ago. Takuláhaw pa tu siyang milakaw. Maapsan pa tingáli nímu kun ímung sundan, He left just a few minutes ago. You might still catch up with him if you go after him.

takuling1 n k.o. stout vine commonly found on coconut trees, with glossy, deep green, runcinate leaves and dark brown roots that anchor the plant to the tree: Rhaphidophora merrillii.

takuling2 n burned food particles sticking to the insides of cooking utensils. v [a4] have burnt food particles. Ug sigáhan nímu ug kusug, takulingun ang kaldíru, If you turn the fire high, the pot will have burnt particles. -un a encrusted with burnt food particles.

tak-um v [B46; a12] close the mouth or lips. Gihagkan ku ang nagtak-um níyang ngábil, I kissed her tightly pursed lips. 2 keep silent. Kwarta ray makatak-um (makapatak-um) sa íyang bàbà, Only money can keep his mouth shut. a closed mouth or lips.

takumba n 1 lean-to, hut. 2 roof of a single pitch. v [A; c1] pitch s.t. as a protection. Nagtakumba silag hábul ug didtu sila mangatúlug, They pitched a blanket and slept under it. Gitakumbáhan níyag playwud ang irù arun dì mahumud sa ulan, He set up a piece of plywood for the dog to get under to keep out of the rain. -in- n lean-to or s.t. set up with a single-pitched roof.

takun n heel of shoes. v [A; c] put a heel on shoes.

tákung n 1 sheath of coconut fruits. 2 sheath-like covering similar to that of coconuts. takungtákung 1 = tákung, 2. 2 the sheath-like covering on the back of grasshoppers and similar insects or the wing sheath of coleopterous insects.

takup = tak-up. talakpun n shutters.

tak-up v [AB26; b] 1 close, be closed. Kinsay nagtak-up sa pultahan nga mipákà man? Who closed the door banging it? Tak-úpi ang bintánà kay tugnaw, Close the window because it’s cold. 2 for schools or business establishments to close. Mutak-up ang klási karung Abril, Classes will close in April. n lid that fits flat over or a shutter. a closed.

takúpis n an oval-shaped, large but not tall basket with a cover, made of pieces of bamboo and rattan or nítù vine, used as a container for clothing.

takurì n kettle.

takus v 1 [A; a] measure with a measuring vessel. Taksa ang bugas arun hibaw-an pílay gibaylu, Measure the rice so we’ll know how much they borrowed. 2 [A; a12] measure s.o.’s capability. Gitakus níya ang ákung kahibalu kun madáwat ba, He tested my knowledge to see if I was qualified. (←) v [C; c3] vie with one another, fight it out in a test of strength. Makigtákus ku nímu kun kinsay hárì dinhi, Let’s fight it out to see who’s the king here. n a measureful. Gái kug duha ka takus kámay, Give me two measures of sugar. a worthy. Dì ku takus sa ímung gugma, I’m not worthy of your love. paka- v [A13; a12] claim to be, consider worthy. Nagpakatakus aku sa pagdápit kanímu, May I invite you? (Lit. I presume to consider myself worthy of inviting you.) ka- n capability. panaksan n bowl. talaksan, taksanan n measuring vessel. tinaksánay n test of strength. v [C] = tákus, v.

tákut n coral reefs. -un a full of coral reefs.

takuyan, takúyan n 1 a seed container used to hold corn when planting, usually from a short length of bamboo, and worn around the waist. 2 round-mouthed cylindrical container for farm products woven from buri strips. v [A13; a12] make into a takuyan.

takwáhaw = takuláhaw.

takwal, takwar n money (word play on kwarta, kwalta).

takway = bukway, n1.

takyab v [A; c] 1 cast a small fishing net into the sea, usually in the shallows. Dakung duut sa isdà ang íyang gitakyában sa láya, He cast the net on a big school of fish. 2 throw s.t. on and over s.t. as if casting a small net or throw s.t. with a similar motion. Ákung gitakyában ug hábul ang káma, I spread a blanket over the bed. Ákù ta kang takyában sa tahup ug anhà ka lingkud dihà, The chaff will fall off on you as I winnow it, if you sit there. 3 flap s.t. to shake s.t. off it. Gitakyab níya ang sinínà kay abugun kaáyu, She flapped her dress because it was so dusty.

takyan n 1 toy which is similar to a shuttlecock in badminton and kicked with the instep of the foot. 2 game played with this shuttlecock which involves kicking it with the instep of the foot. A server is chosen by kicking the takyan a required number of times without missing. The one who misses is the server. The other player (or team) has to kick the takyan when it is served. If the server catches it, he serves the next player, and so forth, until all the players have been served, at which point the game starts again. [970]If he fails to catch it he must serve the same player again. If he is able to return the takyan kicking it, the person whom he returned it to must take his place. v 1 [A; b6] play takyan. 2 [A2; a12] kick as one would a takyan.

takyap v [AB2456; c] spread over so as to cover. Mitakyap ang kangitngit sa kalibútan, Darkness covered the earth. Wà ka bisag tualyang ikatakyap sa ímung láwas? Don’t you even have a towel to cover your body?

tál full-fledged, genuine, through and through. Tál nà siyang abugádu kay nakapasar sa bar, He is a full-fledged lawyer because he passed the bar. Tál nà siyang Árab, He is a full-blooded Arab. Mau nay tál nga amígu, muúnung, That’s what I call a real friend. He stands by you.

tala1 let’s go. — na short forms: tána, tana let’s go now. Tala na (tana) kay malít ta, Let’s go now. We’ll be late.

tala2 (not without l) a out of one’s right senses. v [B12] get to be crazy. Natala ka. Ngánung asin may ímung giságuls kapi? Are you crazy? Why did you put salt in the coffee?

talà n a small surface depression on a toy top made by the nail tip of another top, pit mark. Way kaláki ang ímung kasing kay daghan ug talà, Your top is no good because it has lots of pit marks. v [b8] for a top to get a pit mark in it.

tálà1 v 1 [A2; b4(1)] set foot in a place. Nakatálà na ba ka ánang bukíra? Have you set foot on that mountain? 2 [A; c] step, tread on. Dì ka mutálà sa lápuk, ha? Do not step on the mud puddle, O.K.?

tálà2 v [A; c] list down. Itálà ang mga ngálan sa aplikanti, List the names of the applicants. pa- v [A1] enroll. Ása man kang iskuylahána magpatálà? In what school will you enroll? -an n list. talaadláwan n diary.

tálab n pen shells.

talaba n k.o. oyster.

talában v [A3P; c1] for a force to carry s.t. along with it. Nalumus siya kay natában sa sulug, He drowned because he got carried away by the current. see also tában.

talabánug n see banug.

talábun, talábung = tulábung.

tálad (not without l) n 1 table. 2 table in parliamentary usage. Si Husi P. Lawril mauy nangúlu sa tálad, José P. Laurel was the presiding officer.

taladru (not without l) n 1 k.o. drill with grooves along which a handle is pushed up and down, causing the bit to turn. 2 a wooden eggbeater made like the taladru drill. v [a12] use a taladru drill or eggbeater.

talagabung = tugábung.

talagbagu n k.o. delicious salt-water fish, yellowish-brown in color. It is flat-shaped and is as big as a palm, similar in appearance and taste to the kítung.

talagsa see usa.

talaguy (not without l) n one who keeps going out and neglects the chores at home. v [B12] become fond of going out. Natalaguy siya tungud sa barkáda, He started going out and neglected his duties because of his gang.

taláhib (not without l) n coarse, erect perennial grass with snowy white panicles which, like cogon, takes over lands denuded of forest cover: Saccharum spontaneum.

taláid (not without l) v [A; a12] do s.t. in an orderly manner covering progressively the area worked on. Talaíra ug sanggì ang mais arun walay hisayluan, Harvest the corn methodically, covering it square by square, so that you miss nothing.

talakítuk (not without l) n k.o. fish, name given to jacks and other good-sized carangoid fish.

talalak (not without l) n k.o. bird: the white-billed hornbill: Aceros leucocephalus.

talampad v 1 [A13; a1] place things in a row across s.t. Magtalampad tag butilya sa paril kay magpunta blangku ta, Let us arrange bottles in a row because we will have target practice. Italampad ning mga batu sa yanang arun náay átung katumban, Arrange these rocks in a row across the mud puddle so we have s.t. to step on. 2 [A; ac] compare. Tampárun nátù sila ug kinsay kinagwapahan, Let us compare them and see who is the prettiest. Ayawg itampad ang ákung pinintal sa kang Amursúlu, Don’t compare my paintings with those of Amorsolo. tamparay v [C; c3] compare with each other. Makigtamparay siya sa ákung núts, He wanted to compare notes with me.

tálang v [B1256] 1 be embarrassed. Natálang ku sa ákung tubag kay sayup kaáyu, I was embarrassed because my answer was completely wrong. 2 blunder or lose one’s way into. Natálang siya ngadtu sa iskuylahan sa mga babáyi, He blundered into a girl’s school. paN- n trick coin with two heads. v [a12] make into a trick coin.

talangígù = hingígù. see ígù.

talantar (not without l) = tarantǎr.

talantun (not without l) n talent, the unit of weight (Biblical).

talapya (not without l) = tilapya.

tálas = patálas. [971]

talatala (not without l) a foolish, slightly crazy. Talatala, ngánung giusíkan nímu, Stupid! Why are you wasting it? n 1 k.o. small frog about 2″, of marshy areas, often seen in trees. 2 one who is constantly chattering about unimportant things sounding like the talatala frog. v [B126] become crazy. Natalatala siya human bulagi, He became crazy when his girl left him.

taláuk v [A] crow. Sayu pa tu; nagtaláuk pa ang mga manuk, It was still early; the cocks were still crowing. n the sound of crowing. Ang taláuk sa manuk timailhan nga saylu na sa tungang gabíi, The cock’s crow means that it is past midnight.

tálaw (not without l) v [B456] back off, be afraid to do s.t. for lacking nerve. Mitálaw siya maung wà musúkul, He was afraid, so he didn’t fight back. paN- v [A23] be cowardly. Dì siya mangamural ni Biyay kay nanálaw siya, He can’t bring himself to propose to Biyay because he is a coward. -an(→) a cowardly. v [B1256] be, become cowardly.

talay (not without l) v [A; c] put or sit next to. Kinsa man tu nga nagtalay nímu? Who was that who sat beside you? Italay ni sa baril, Put this beside the drum. n 1 a loaf of bread made of easily separable sections baked together in a row in one mold. 2 one beside s.o. else. Kinsa man tung ímung talay sa sini? Who was it you were sitting next to in the movies? (←) v 1 [C; a] sit, set next to each other. Nagtálay mi ug lingkud sa bátang, We sat beside each other on the log. Taláyun ta ning duha ka lamísa, Let’s put these two tables next to each other. 2 [A; ac] fall, put in line. Nagtálay ang mamalítay ug arsii, Buyers of RCA rice are forming a line. Gwápa siya kun itálay sa mga maksut, She’s pretty if you put her next to the ugly ones. n line, row of people or things. hi- v [B1256] belong to a distinct group. Nahitálay siya sa hataas nga katilingban, She belongs to the upper class.

tálay n in hopscotch or basketball, the violation of stepping on the line. v [B126] step on the line.

talaytay (from taytay) v [A; c1] arrange things in a row. Talaytáyun (italaytay) ta ning mga batu sa daplin, Let’s arrange the stones in a row along the edges.

talayung (not without l) n a length of tubing used to convey water from a spring that flows out from a slope. v [A; a] attach, make into a tube spout for a spring.

talhà a 1 splitting easily due to its parallel grain. 2 root crops that are dry and crumble easily in the mouth.

talhung a shady, so as to retard the growth of trees. v [A13P; b4(1)] shade s.t. over. Ang mangga mutalhung (mupatalhung) sa kamaisan, The mango tree will shade the cornfield. Natalhungan ang ákung sibuyasan sa mga ságing, My onion bed is in the shadow of the banana plants.

tali v [A23; a12] for fowl to wean their chicks, letting them go off on their own. Ug sayu nga mutali ang mungáan sa pisù, dalì pud nga mangitlug, If a hen lets her chicks get independent early, she will also lay eggs sooner. n chick that has gotten independent of the mother.†

táli1 a for root crops and the flesh of fish to be soft and moist. v [B] get to be soft and moist. Mutáli (matáli) ang kamúti basta itanum sa yútà nga basà, Sweet potatoes become soft and watery if they are planted in wet ground.

táli2 = tálì2, n.

táli3, tálì1 v 1 [A; c] tally, mark. Dì ku makatáli kay kandidátu ku, I can’t do the tallying because I’m a candidate. Gitálì ku ang ímung palta, I have recorded your absences. 2 [A13; a3] have a note of a certain emotion. Ang íyang pagtubag daw sa nagtálì ug kasukù, His reply seemed to have a note of anger.

tálì2 v [A; c] tie, bind. Mga kawatan ang mitálì kaníla sa halígi, The robbers tied them to the post. Nakatálì na siya sa mga putus, She has bound the packages. n 1 between, concerning two people or groups. Tandugun ang rilasiyun tálì sa Amirika ug Pilipínas, The relations between the U.S. and the Philippines are touchy. 2 concerning, with regards to. Gisukutsukut siya níla talì sa nahitabù, They interrogated him about the incident. (→) n bond, tie.

tali- prefix to a verb forming adjectives meaning ‘about to [do]’. Talilarga na ku sa Amirika, I’m ready to leave for America. Taliának, About to give birth.

taliadlaw (from adlaw) n hot season. v [B56] be the hot season.

tálib v [A; b6] trim off or smooth around the end or the mouth of a container. Talíbi ang bàbà sa plastik nga sudlanan, Trim the mouth of the plastic container to make it even. (→) n walay — untrimmed around the mouth or at the ends.

talibud (from líbud) a fond of going about the neighborhood. v [B126] be fond of going about the neighborhood. Ang pagkatabian mauy nakatalibud (nakapatalibud) níya, She is fond of going about because she [972]likes to spread gossip.

talibugsuk see bugsuk.

talibwag (from bulag) v [A13P] disperse, run in different directions. Nagtalibwag pagdágan ang kabatáan kay nahadluk sa búang, The kids ran in all directions because they were afraid of the mad man.

talidhay n loud, prolonged, high-pitched laughter. v [A; b3c] laugh in a loud, high-pitched way. Mitalidhay ang mga babáyi sa kataw-anan níyang isturya, The ladies laughed at his funny stories.

talidngan = talirúngan.

talidúngan = talirúngan.

taligamà v [b8] overlook. Dúnay mga sayup sa íyang tím nga ákung hitaligam-an, There were lots of mistakes in his theme that I overlooked.

taligátus (from gatus) n 1 k.o. small mouse with a long snout. 2 k.o. roundish sweet potatoes with light pink skin and yellowish, sweet meat (so called because it produces an abundance of tubers).

taligmata n hallucination or vision where one sees s.t. not actually present. Nakit-an nákù si Pidru apan walà man siya dinhi. Taligmata diay tu, I saw Pedro, but he is not here. So it was just a hallucination. v [b5] have a vision or hallucination.

taligngan = talirúngan.

taligráma = tiligráma.

taligsik n large raindrops which fall in a scattered way, usually before or after a tropical rainstorm. v [A3; b4] rain in large scattered drops. Bukasa ang hinayhay kay mitaligsik na, Bring in the laundry because it is raining. paN- v [A2] fall in large scattered drops. Manaligsik íyang láway kun musulti, He sprays saliva when he speaks.

taligsuy a long and tapering. Taligsuy kaáyu ka ug ilung, You have a long, tapering nose. v [B3; b6] be, become long and tapering. Mutaligsuy ang pálu ug usa ka tumuy ra ang sipilyáhan, The mast will come out long and tapering if only one end is planed.

talíis = tilíis.

talikála, talikalà, talikálà (from tálì) n chain, fetter. Hugut ang talikalà sa ámung pagminahalay, Our love is held together by a strong bond.

talikìtikì (from tikì) = tabili sa dágat.

talikud1 (from likud) v 1 [aP1] turn the back, turn s.o. around. Gwápa siyag magtalikud, pirug mag-atubang pastilan, She’s pretty when she turns her back, but when she’s facing you, ouch! Italikud (ipatalikud, talikda) nang ispíkir kay mabúngul ta, Turn that speaker around or it will deafen us. 1a (←) [C2; c6] stay, put two things with the backs against each other. Nagtalíkud silag lingkud arun isig sandig sila, They are sitting with their backs against each other so they can lean on each other. 2 [A2; b(1)] go away from. Bag-u pa siyang mitalikud pag-abut níla, She had just left when they arrived. 2a pass away, die. Maanyag nga bálu ang íyang gitalikdan, He left behind a beautiful widow. 2b abandon, turn one’s back on. Talikdan ku ang bisyu, I will abandon my vices. 3 [A; b6] decline a good opportunity. Ug mutalikud ka ánang trabahúa dì ka na makakità ug láin, If you do not take that job, you will not find another one like it. (←) n eye of a fish hook to which the leader or line is attached, facing in a direction opposite to the barb.

talikud2 n a variety of banana, smooth-skinned, similar in form to the alitundan but bigger, consumed uncooked and particularly tasty.

talimughat see bughat.

talínga n ear (dialectal). (→) v [A; a12] 1 notice, pay heed. Gisampit ku níya piru wà ku mutalinga, He called me but I didn’t pay him any mind. Nakatalinga ku nga dinhay táwu sa ákung luyu, I noticed there was s.o. in back of me. 2 look after, pay attention to. Kinsay mutalinga sa mga manuk kun wà ka, Who will take care of the chickens while you’re away?

talinggab v [A; a12] cut, chip or saw off s.t. long at an angle so that the end is pointed. Talinggába pagsapsap ang káhuy arun mutalínis ang tumuy, Cut the piece of wood at an angle so the end will come out pointed. n 1 a cut made so that the result is pointed. 2 s.t. cut at a diagonal with a pointed tip.

*talinghug pa- v [A; b] listen, heed. Patalinghúgi ang púlung sa tigúlang, Listen to the words of your elders.

talingting v [A; c1] separate the very fine corn starch (tiktik) from the grits by shaking in a winnower, or separate the very fine grains from coarser ones. Nagtalingting pa ku sa ginaling, I’m still separating the corn starch from the grits. n the very fine corn starch that sticks to the winnower.

talingtíngun1 n long-legged, medium-sized bird frequently found in tidal flats. It feeds on small fish.

talingtíngun2 n k.o. stinging fish of shallow waters.

talínis a 1 sharp-pointed. 2 shrill in voice or sound. 3 — ug luyug luyu one who reports whatever gossip he hears from one person and then relays it to others (lit. sharp at [973]both ends). Ayawg kumpiyansahi nang bayhána kay talínis nà ug luyugluyu, Don’t trust that woman because she’s a snake. — maglúyu n two-faced, double-dealing. n pointed portion of s.t. v [A; b] make s.t. sharp pointed. Talinsi nang lagduk únà itagsuk, Sharpen the peg before sticking it into the ground. -un a of a pointed type.

talintu n talent, ability.

talinugù (from dugù) n uterine hemorrhage. v [b4] suffer a uterine hemorrhage. Talinug-an giyud ka basta mangusug ka human ug anak, You’ll suffer a uterine hemorrhage if you exert effort too soon after delivery.

talínum n k.o. small shrub with thick, lanceolate, pale-green leaves, planted as an ornamental and for its leaves which are used as a vegetable: Talinum triangulare.

talinupsan see tupus1.

talinùtinù = alundris2.

tálip v [A; a] slice root crops into thin strips to dry them under the sun. Talípa ang kamúti arun ibulad, Slice the sweet potatoes to be dried in the sun.

talipsay1 v [B356; b4] 1 glance off. Mitalipsay ang bála nga mitámà sa puthaw, The bullet glanced off when it hit the metal. Hitalipsayan ku sa pákul pagbughà nákù, The hatchet glanced off on me while I was chopping firewood. 2 slip in talking. Mitalipsay giyud sa íyang bàbà ang matúud nga kantidad, He let the actual price slip out of his mouth.

talipsay2 = tulipsay2.

taliptip n 1 tip or peak of a roof or mountain. 2 tip of s.t. pointed. v [A; a] sharpen s.t. to make it pointed. Way mitaliptip sa mga káhuy nga himúung bagduk, Nobody sharpened the wooden sticks to make into pegs. Taliptípun ku ang mga tumuy, I will make the tips pointed.

talirúngan (from dúngan) n people of the same age. v [C23] be of the same age. ka- n one who is the same age as s.o. else.

talis n maggots, larvae of housefly. v [a4] be infested with maggots. Gitalis ang patay nga irù, The dead dog has maggots crawling over it.

talísay n k.o. large tree similar to an almond tree, growing by the seashore, bearing edible nuts: Terminalia catappa. -un n rooster with black, dark green, and dirty white splotches.

talisik = taligsik.

talithi, talithì n very fine drizzle. v 1 [A3; b4] drizzle. Tána, nagtalithi ra bítaw, Let’s go, it’s just drizzling. 2 [AN; b6] spit with force, usually in derision. Gitalithian (gitalithían, gipanalithían) lang ku níya pag-abla nákù, She just spat derisively at me when I proposed to her.

taliti = talithi.

talìtì n encrustation of sediments, tartar sticking to a surface. v [B2; a4b4] be encrusted with sediments. Gitalìtian (gitalìtì) ang takurì tungud kay gisigíhag gámit nga way hugashúgas, The kettle is encrusted with sediment because they kept using it without washing it. Ngípun nga nagkatalìtì sa tantung tinabakù, Teeth covered with tartar from smoking so much. -un a encrusted with tartar and tobacco tars.

taliunduk (from unduk) v [B3(1); c1] be heaped up. Nagtaliunduk ang labhanan, The soiled clothes are piled up high. Ayawg italiunduk (taliundúka) ang kan-un sa ímung kutsára, Don’t put so much food on your spoon at one time. Akuy nataliundukan sa tanang búhat sa balay, All the housework was heaped on me. n heap of s.t.

taliwálà n 1 middle, center part. Ig-a ang taliwā̂ sa targit, Hit the center of the target. Taliwálà sa kakuyaw nangaliyúpù siya, In the midst of her danger, she prayed. — sa kámay in the height of excitement or ecstasy, esp. sexual intercourse. Bahálà nang mamatay basta taliwálà sa kámay, I don’t care if I die as long as it’s at the height of sexual excitement. v 1 [b6] be situated in between, the middle of. Gitaliwad-an kug lingkud sa ákung mga badigard, I was seated in between my bodyguards. 2 [c1] do s.t. to s.t. at its center, in its middle part. Taliwáa (taliwad-a) ug bángag ang kwarta, Make a hole in the coin at the center. pa- v 1 [A; c6] go, stay at the center or middle. Mipataliwálà sila sa baylihan ug nagsáyaw, They went to the center of the floor and danced. Ipataliwā̂ siya paglingkud arun way makatupad, Seat her in between us so that no one else can sit beside her. 2 [A] put oneself between people fighting. Mipataliwā̂ ang amahan paghúnung sa áway, The father cut in to stop the fight. kinataliwad-an n very middle of s.t.

talíwan v 1 [a3] for work to be disposed of or finished. Ayaw ug súgud ug láin ug dì pa matalíwan kanang ímu rung gitrabáhu, Don’t start anything else as long as you haven’t finished what you started there. 2 [A23] for feelings to vanish (literary). Mitalíwan kanákù ang kalípay pagtalikud nímu, When you left, all the joys of life departed with you. 3 [B2346] for a person to pass away. Mitalíwan na ang ákung mga ginikánan, My parents have passed away. -um-r- a about to disappear or vanish. Tumatalíwan [974]nga kaháyag sa kahapúnun, A fading afternoon sunlight.

taliwtiw a elongated and pointed with tapering sides. v [B26] become pointed with tapering sides. Mutaliwtiw (mataliwtiw) ang tumuy sa wating mag-aginud, The end of the earthworm becomes pointed and tapering when it stretches forward. -un a pointed and tapering. paN- v [A2; b4] for the nose to become narrower and pointed. Manaliwtiw ang ilung sa táwung himatyun, The nose of a dying person gets narrow and pointed.

taliyir n 1 repair shop. 2 tailor, dressmaking shop.

taliyuk v [A2] turn the body around. Taliyuk kunu. Átung tan-áwun ug haum ba nímu ang amirkana, Turn around. Let’s see if your jacket fits you.

talyir = taliyir.

talku n talc.

taltag v [A; c] 1 set out, forth several things in order, one at a time. 2 deduct a debt from one’s wages. Bayinti ang italtag sa ákung swildu, Deduct twenty pesos from my salary. 3 [A; b] tap s.t. off, esp. the ashes. Aku ray mutaltag sa bága sa agipu, I’ll tap off the embers from the firebrand myself. -an(→) n 1 raddle, a rod with pegs used to separate the warp threads and guide them into the desired position around the warp beam. 2 ash tray.

taltal v 1 [A; a] knock off s.t. that is attached or set. Taltáli ang ligid sa karitun sa yapak nga nakakápal niánà, Scrape off the mud from the wheels of your pushcart. 2 [A; c] deduct from one’s wages to pay for a debt. Taltálig diyis ang íyang swildu arun siya kabayad, Deduct ten pesos from his salary so that he can pay his debt. 3 [c] divide land, property informally among prospective heirs without legal papers. Ang tibuuk datag tampi sa subà mauy báhin nga gitaltal álang kanákù, All the level land along the riverbank was my share of the inheritance.

*talu (not without l), talutalu, talúun a having or showing little sense or judgment. v [B12] become stupid.

tálu (not without l) n tallow, the hard fat in animals or the wax from beehives, used for making candles, soap, et al. v [A; b(1)] gather or obtain tallow. talúun n sticky, like tallow. Yútang talúun, Clay soil.

talù (not without l) n 1 scratch, dot, impression made by scratching lightly. 2 marks made to keep a record of petty purchases on credit. Tan-áwa sa listahan ug pilay ákung talù, Look it up to see how much I owe. v [A1] 1 make scratches, dots. Kinsang kasing nakatalù niíni? Whose top made the impressions on this one? 2 make small purchases on credit. Nakatalù ku sa tindáhan gabíi, I bought s.t. on credit at the store last night. -un(→) a marked with dents all over.

talubig (not without l—from túbig) n 1 small yellowish pustules appearing individually on the skin. 2 other watery and itchy eruptions on the skin. v [b4] have a pustule of this sort. Dílì ku makasulat kay gitalubigan ang ákung tudlù, I cannot write because my finger has a pustule on it.

taludtud n the lower portion of the human spinal column. Sakit ákung taludtud kay nahapalingkud ku sa asíras, The bottom part of my spine hurts because I fell down on my buttocks on the sidewalk.

talukbuy1 v [A; c6] hand s.t. to s.o. Italukbuy ra ning suwat níya, Please hand this letter to her.

talukbuy2 = baluybuy.

taluktuk n 1 peg, stake. Gilibutan níyag taluktuk ang bag-ung turuk nga lísu, He put stakes all around the bed of the newly sprouted seedlings. 2 bar for gathering sweet potatoes. 3 in dugout boats, reinforcing studs stuck into the sides to which additional planking is nailed to make the hull higher. 4 top of a hill, cliff. v 1 [A1; b6(1)] enclose stakes. 2 [A1; a2] make a peg or stake. 3 [A; a] attach studs into the sides of a dugout. 4 [B; c1] be, become steep. Ug mutaluktuk ang dálan, dílì na makaági ang dyíp, If the road gets too steep, the jeep won’t go any further. a steep. Taluktuk nga pangpang, A steep cliff. -an n summit.

*talulu = *talu.

talumbang (not without l) n a length of bamboo with holes at both ends used to keep a pig from getting his tether rope hopelessly entwined. One end of the bamboo is attached to a short piece of the rope tied to the feet, and the other end of the bamboo is attached to a rope tied to the stake. v [A; b6] put, make into a talumbang.

talumtum n 1 mildew. 2 freckle. v [b4] get mildewed. Gitalumtuman ang hinamugan kay wà tiwasag utaw, The moistened clothes got mildewed because they were left unironed. -un(→) a mildewed, freckled.

talumus (from lumus—not without l) n anything used to cover the body when bathing. v [A; c1] put on s.t. during bath. Dílì magtalumus ang mga bátang mangalígù, Children don’t put on anything when they swim. [975]

talun n 1 pad of paper. 2 booklet of s.t. Gihurut kug palit ang usa ka talun nga tíkit sa swipstik, I bought a whole booklet of sweepstake tickets.

talung n eggplant: Solanum melongena. -an n eggplant patch. talungtalung n k.o. shrub planted for its ornamental orange or yellow fruit: Solanum mammosum. -un n wild shrub similar to eggplant, producing a spiked inedible fruit, used as a protection around the trunk of the coconut tree (hulud): Solanum sp. -un(→) = katyubung.

talungan (not without l) n pipe stem. v [A; a] make a pipe stem. Makatalungun ka sa bukug nga may lungag sa tungà, You can make a pipe stem out of a bone that has a hole in its center.

talúnung (not without l) v [A2S; b3] momentarily stop from one’s work to give close thought or attention to s.t. Usa ka manánuyng sunáta ang gitalunúngan sa mga trabahanti, The workers stopped to listen to the sweet music. hi- v [BP1256] stop, pause when taken back. Nahitalúnung (nahipatalúnung) aku pagkakità sa abling kaha, I was taken aback when I saw the open safe.

tal-up v [A; b6(1)] cover or block the opening of a tube-like structure. Lápuk ang nagtal-up sa imburnal, Mud is blocking the end of the culvert. Tal-úpi ang íyang ilung arun malumus, Cover his nose so he’ll suffocate. n trumpet mute.

talupì (not without l) = tubigtúbig.

talusì n k.o. hornbill: Penelopides panini.

talùtalù (not without l) v [AN; b(1)] flatter s.o. to get him to do s.t. for one. Dì ka makatalùtalù (makapanalùtalù) ánang tigulánga sa íyang kwarta, You can’t flatter money out of that old man. Kahibáwu kung mutrabáhu nag talùtaluan, I know he will work if you give him sweet talk. a mentally weak, stupid.

taluthu v [AN; c] 1 spit out what one has in the mouth in an explosive manner. Ayaw nag italuthu nang ímung gikaun dihà sa salug, Don’t spit what you’re eating out on the floor. 2 shoot with a pellet from a blowgun. 3 [A; b(1)] cure s.o. with taluthu. n 1 treatment for skin ailments or swellings of natural or supernatural origins whereby a sorcerer chews ingredients and spits them out on the afflicted area as he utters magical prayers. 2 pellet from a blowgun. maN- n sorcerer who can cure with taluthu.

talùtù1 n k.o. house lizard.

talùtù2 n k.o. large tree of secondary forests.

taluut n k.o. large spreading ficus tree.

talyáda n 1 putting on a lot and highly made up. 2 effeminate, homosexual. Ang mga talyáda dinaugdáug sa katilingban, Society treats fairies with contempt.

tama v [A123P; b4] be, become tired, sick or fed up with. Natamhan (hitamhan) na tingáli sa íyang pagkaulitáwu maung nagminyù, He must have become tired of being single so he finally got married. Gitamhan na kug kináug inasal, I’m sick of eating roast pig all the time.

tamà n 1 imprint or mark left on. Kining uwáta ang tamà sa ímung pagkatampásan, This scar is a mark of your cruelty. 2 identifying sign or mark. 3 = tamlà. v [A; b6(1)] leave a mark on. Mitamà ang latigu níya sa ákung láwas, His whip left a mark on my body. (←)1 1 put an identifying mark on. Akuy mitámà sa ámung kargamintu, I marked our cargoes. 2 = tamlà, v. -an n marker or identifying sign.

támà2 v 1 [A23; c1] for s.t. to hit squarely on s.t. Mitámà ang suntuk sa apapángig sa buksiyadur, The fist hit the boxer squarely on the jaw. Tamáa (itámà) pagdukduk ang martilyu sa lansang, Hit the nail squarely on the head. 2 [A23C3; c1] be just exactly on time. Mitámà ang pyista sa ámung lungsud sa ákung adlaw, The fiesta of our town fell exactly on my birthday. 3 [c1] make s.t. fit. Tamáa (itámà) pag-áyu ang sinínà sa ákung sukud arun dì ku magyàyà, Fit my dress according to my measurements so that it won’t hang loosely on me. 4 [c1] stop doing s.t. bad. Tamáa (itámà) na nang ímung pagpamabáyi, Put a stop to your romantic exploits. a squarely hit, on time, fitting perfectly. — na that’s enough. Támà na ánang ímung binúang, That’s enough of your foolishness.

tamâ see tamalà.

tamad v [b4] feel too lazy to do s.t. Gitamaran kung muadtu sa dawuntáwun kay ínit, I don’t feel like going downtown because it is too hot. tamaran a lazy. Tamaran, gustu lag síging katúlug, He is lazy. All he likes to do is sleep. v [B12] become lazy and indolent.

tamáing = ligwan.

támak v 1 [A3S; b] step on s.t. Aruy! Ímung gitamákan ang ákung kalyu, Ouch! You stepped on my corn. 2 [A23S; a12] come to, set foot on a place. Wà matámak sa mga Katsílà ang kamurúsan, The Spaniards never set foot on Muslim soil. 3 [A; b(1)] trample down by abuse of position or authority. Tamákan ka kun magpaubus ka, People will step on you if you don’t assert your rights. — sa dungug v [A; b(1)] dishonor, [976]insult. Ang ímung pagkadisgrasya nagtámak sa átung dungug, Your pregnancy has brought dishonor to us. pa- v [A; b] place s.t. beneath a religious image in the belief that the saint will do to the owner of the object whatever the person who put the object there prayed for him to do (good or bad). -in-an n s.t. placed beneath a saint’s image in this belief. -l-an(→) n doormat.

tam-ak1 v [A; c] 1 dump, throw a large quantity of s.t. in a heap s.w. Dì ka makatam-ak ug sagbut sa agiánan, You can’t dump the rubbish in the street. 2 fill up a hole in the ground. Íyang gitam-ákan ang atábay ug mga sagbut, He filled the well with trash. 3 heap work, blame, abuse on s.o. Akuy natam-akan sa tanang kasábà, All the abuse was heaped on me.

tam-ak2 v 1 [A2; b5] wind up s.w. one would not expect to be. Ngánung mitam-ak ka ning dapíta? How come you wound up in this place? Sa panahun sa kampanya gitam-ak (gitam-ákan) níla ang kinahilitang baryu, During the campaign they penetrated to the remotest villages. 2 [A12; b8] come across by chance. Nakatam-ak siyag bahandì pagkálut níyag lubung, He discovered a treasure while digging a grave. Hitam-akan námù ang duut sa isdà, We came across a school of fish.

tamalà n very small octopus the head of which is less than an inch in diameter. paN- v [A2; b6] go catch tamalà.

tamális n dish of ground roasted rice and peanuts mixed with coconut milk, meat, eggs, and other ingredients, wrapped in a banana leaf and boiled. v [A; a] make, have tamális.

táman 1 until, up to a certain part. Lakaw táman sa kural, Walk up to the fence. Butangi ug túbig táman sa pagkapunù, Fill it up with water until it is full. — sa ginháwa, kusug to the limit of one’s capacity. Dágan táman sa ginháwa, Run as fast as you can (lit. your breath allows). 2 be only up to doing s.t. less than one wants to. Táman ra ka sa tan-aw ug dì ka mudíga, You’ll only get to look if you don’t propose. 3 — na it is enough. Táman na ang usa ka bukag, One basket is enough. Táman na sa paghílak, That’s enough crying. 4 [verb] ug — [do] exceedingly. Mikáun ug táman sa útan, He ate lots and lots of vegetables. v [b(1)] do more than what is usually necessary. Íyang gitamánan ug kálut íyang buktun, He scratched his arm too much.

tamaraw n tamaraw, a k.o. wild water buffalo.

tamarindu n tamarind preserves. v [A1; a] make tamarind preserves. tamarinduhun n tamarinds good for making into preserves.

tamarung n k.o. carangoid fish with a tuna-shaped body, green dorsal and white ventral portion.

*támas panamastámas v [A; b] 1 despise, insult. Daghang nanamastámas sa bag-u níyang tinuúhan, Many people heap insults on him for his new faith. 2 molest physically. Naghíkug ang babáying gipanamastamásan, The girl that was raped committed suicide. n 1 slander, insult. 2 physical molestation. mapanamastamásun a slandering, molesting.

tamasak = tambasákan.

tamásuk n 1 rot affecting jackfruit caused by insect larvae. 2 k.o. worm that infests the wooden parts of ships. v [a4] be infested with rot or shipworm. a infested with this sort of rot.

tamátis = kamátis. (→) v [A3] for a baby’s feces to be like squashed tomatoes. Mutamatis ang tái sa bátà ug magngipun, The baby’s b.m. is like tomato juice when it teethes.

támay v [A3S; a12] despise, look down on, usually with derision. Gitámay siyang pubri, He was despised because of his poverty. -l-un a contemptible. Talamáyun ang ímung pagpanápaw, Your adulterous affair is shameful. ma-un a scornful, contemptuous.

tamba = tangba.

tambag v [A; c] advise. Mitambag ang duktur nga mupahúlay siya, The doctor advised him to rest. n advice, counsel. paki- v [A3] ask for advice. Nagpakitambag siya báhin sa íyang suliran, He asked for advice about his problem. -l-un, paN-un n piece of advice. mag-r- n giver of advice.

tambagísa, tambagísà n k.o. shrub of waste places, the leaves of which are used as a poultice: Cassia sp.

tambak v [A; c] dump a large number of things in or over s.t. Siyay nagtambak sa basúra sa ámung duwaánan, She dumped garbage over our playground. Gitambakan ug yútà ang atábay, The well was filled with soil. Itambak ku ning mga kartun nganhà nímu, I’ll push this pile of cardboard boxes over on you. -an(→) n 1 dumping ground. Ang Hungkung mau ang tambakan sa mga upyum, Hong Kong is the dumping ground of opium. 2 gathering place. Ang bwangan mauy tambakan sa mga táwu matag Duminggu, The cockpit is where the people gather on Sundays.

tambal v 1 [A; b] treat an illness, wound. Tambáli (tambali) nang ímung samad, Dress your wound. 2 [A; b2] reform, correct s.o. [977]Unsay itambal ning íyang katapulan, What remedy is there for his laziness? 2a [b8] get punished as a cure for being naughty. Hingtambalan ka lagi human ka latiguhi, Your whipping was just what the doctor ordered. n 1 medicine. 2 remedial measures. paN- v [A2] practice medicine. maN-r- n 1 medical doctor. 2 = tambálan. -an n folk doctor, specializing in diseases of supernatural origin. v [B156] become a tambálan. -anan n hospital, clinic. ma-un a medicinal.

tambalígay = balantíyung.

tambaliyug n k.o. blenny, greyish in color with large eyes, which jumps about.

tambalíyung n club-shaped, edible squash: Lagenaria leucantha var.

tambalùlù, tambaluslus (from lùlù and luslus) n 1 supernatural being in human form that has lips so large that they turn inside out covering the face when he laughs. 2 jerk, a stupid, contemptible guy. Pagkadakung tambaluslus nímu. Wà nímu syáta, You jerk! You didn’t make the basket.

tamban n name given to sardines of several species. -in- v [A13; c1] solve a problem by counting or by looking at and manipulating s.t. representing the thing counted (analogous to the way tamban are sold—by counting out each piece individually). Tinambana (itinamban) pagkwinta, Reckon it by tallying or counting on your fingers. n method of counting by manipulation of pieces. paN- v [A2; b6] fish for tamban. n occupation of fishing for tamban. panalamban, pangtamban = paN-, n.

tambangúngu n k.o. large, fleshy catfish living in marine estuaries.

tambasákan n mudskipper, a k.o. small fish that lives in shallow water, salt or fresh, with protruding eyes and spiny fins. It crawls out of the water, may travel considerable distance over land and is often perched on mangrove branches: Periophthalmus sp.

tambaúlì n 1 k.o. magic oil for open wounds which is said to make the wound close instantly. 2 condition in which a circumcised penis gets covered over again.

tambaw = tambal.

tambawu n k.o. frog that thrives on land.

tambayáwan n k.o. spider found in and inhabiting thickets, 3″–5″ in diameter including the feet, mottled green and black in color.

tambayáyung (from yáyung) v [A1C; b(1)] work together sharing the labor, share in expenses. Dílì siya mutambayáyung sa buluhatun sa balay, He does not help out with household chores. Nagtambayáyung mi sa ábang, We each pay a share of the rent. n one whom one works together with to accomplish s.t. ka- = tambayáyung, n.

tambid v 1 [AC2; c] lay s.t. long across s.t. else. Nagtambid ang duhang nangatúlug, The two put their legs over each other as they slept. Itambid nang lipak sa láin, kurus na, Lay a stick across another, and you get a cross. 2 [A1; c] carry a child astraddle one’s side. Ayawg itambid nang bátà kay mapakaw, Don’t carry the child on your hips. He might become bowlegged. -in- v [A; c] sit with an ankle crossing each other or one on the other knee. Makítà ang gising midiyas ug magtinambid ka, Everyone will be able to see your torn socks if you sit with your ankle on your knee. -in- ságing n fried banana fritters consisting of bananas cut lengthwise and laid across one another. hiN- v [A; c] sit with legs crossed at the knees. tambiray n game of rubber bands in which one band is flicked with the fingers over another band.

tambilagaw = tagilhaw.

tambilágaw a for the vision to be blurred. Tambilágaw íyang panan-aw sa lúhà, Her vision is all blurred from the tears. v [B; b6] for the vision to become blurred.

tambis n k.o. fruit tree with bell-shaped, pinkish fruits, about 2″ long: Eugenia aquea. — nga putì variety with white fruit. v [B56] for the external genitalia of a sow that is in the heat to redden like a tambis fruit. -un n full and pinkish. Tambísun ang íyang ngábil, She has full and red lips.

tambiyúlu = kambiyúlu.

tambling n tumbling. v [A; b6] do tumbling. Maáyu siyang mutambling kúmu sirkadur, He’s good in tumbling being an acrobat. Gitamblíngan lang níya ang íyang pagkahúlug, He broke his fall by tumbling.

tambù1 v [AN; c] appear, lean out of a window or s.t. similar. Mitambù (nanambù) siya sa bintánà, He was in the window. Lúhà nga nanambù (mitambù) sa íyang mga mata, Tears that formed in her eyes. Itambù ang bátà sa bintánà, Put the child in the window. -l-an, -anan n window.

tambù2 = tangbù2.

tambúbu n a building used for storing ears of corn. v [A13; a12] construct, make into a granary.

tambubúan n k.o. large wasp.

tambubúkag = hambubúkag.

tambud = tabili sa dágat. see tabili.

tambug v [A; c] 1 throw s.t. heavy or bulky into s.t. deep. Silay mitambug sa gipatay sa [978]dágat, They threw the murder victim into the sea. Maáyu itambug sa pangpang ning gubaung kutsi, Better throw this rickety car over the cliff. 2 give animals feed or fodder. Tambúgi lang ug pakpak ang kábaw, Just give corn husks to the carabao. 2a drop a coin into a piggy bank. 3 [B12; b8] fall. Ubang búnga matambug ug mahinug, Some fruits fall when ripe. Natambug ang bátà sa hagdanan, The child fell down the stairs.

tambuk1 a 1 fat. Bábuyng tambuk, A fat pig. Paridyǔs kay tambuk ka ra, Go on a diet because you’re too fat. Tambuk pay dyís, miswa, Thinner than a dime, a noodle. 2 fertile soil. Tambuk ang yútang daplin sa subà, The soil near the riverbank is fertile. 3 growing vigorously, lush. Tambuk ang tanum inabunúhan, Fertilized plants are vigorous. v 1 [BN; b3(1)] get fat. 2 [B; b3(1)] become fertile, vigorous in growth. Makahayblad ang pagsingárig káug tambuk, You can get high blood pressure from eating fat all the time. — nga nagdág luib a fat but sickly person. — ug, ang sulti, manulti a exaggerating, bragging. Dílì katuúhan nang tawhána kay tambuk nà ug sulti, You can’t believe him because he is a braggart. v [A12; a12] brag or exaggerate.

tambuk2 v [A; b6] throw s.t. out. Kinsay nagtambuk ug basúra dinhi? Who disposed of his garbage here?

tambukàkà, tambukákà n fat (derisive). v [B] become obese. Nagkatambukàkà siya human maminyù, She turned into a fat slob after she got married.

tambukíkuy a plump and chubby. v [B12; b6] become plump and chubby.

tambúku n k.o. grass of waste spaces bearing white tassels: Kyllinga monocephala. see also bulubutúnis under butúnis.

tambul1 n 1 bass drum. 2 pregnant woman (humorous). v [B26; b6] become pregnant. -in- a s.t. made in the shape of a bass drum, more or less. -iru(←) n 1 drumbeater. 2 one who beats the drums (is an apologist) for a politician. Kanang kumintadúra tambulíru sa administrasiyun, That radio commentator is an apologist for the administration.

tambul2 v [A; c] dam, put s.t. across a stream to stop the flow of water. Ayaw ug tambúli ang sapà kay mawalay túbig sila sa ubus, Don’t dam the brook because they will have no water downstream. n dam.

tambula n 1 k.o. play performed during Christmas depicting the Nativity, performed by an all-male cast wearing masks. It is in verse and accompanied by music. 2 participants of such a play.

tambúli, tambúlì n 1 melongena, k.o. conch. 2 horn made from the horn of a water buffalo or a conch. v 1 [A; b6(1)] call with a tambúlì. 2 [A; a2] make a tambúlì horn.

tambulingaw (from lingaw) v [B126] overlook s.t. due to preoccupation or distraction. Natambulingaw siyag panuklì tungud sa kadaghan sa mamalítay, She got mixed up in giving change because there were so many customers.

tambúluk n the hackles of roosters.

tambun v [A; b6] cover over, fill up with soil. Ayúhag tambun ang gamut arun sigúrung mutúbù, Cover the roots well so that they will be sure to grow. Tambúni ang písak arun dílì maghítak, Throw sand in the puddle so it will not turn into a mire. -an n k.o. small bamboo fish trap placed on the sea floor with its top covered with corals and stones. paN-an v [A2] catch, trap fish using such a fish trap.

tambung v [A2; b] attend a gathering. Mutambung ta sa íyang lubung, Let’s attend his funeral.

tambur n 1 = tambul. 2 cylinder of a revolver. pistúla nga di- revolver.

tamburábug = tambukàkà.

tamburabuy = babuybabuy, 1.

tamburábuy = tambukàkà.

tamburin n 1 tambourine. 2 round fancy earrings or necklace in tambourine shape or highly ornate filigree. v [A] wear earrings of this sort.

tambutsu n exhaust pipe of motor vehicles. v [A; a] use, attach an exhaust pipe.

tam dyuns n men’s long hair style patterned after the singer, Tom Jones. v [A13] wear one’s hair in the Tom Jones style.

tamhan see tama.

tamhang a carelessly inattentive, neglectful. v 1 [A; b(1)] be careless, neglectful. Labihan nímung nakatamhang sa ímung pamilya! How you have been neglecting your family! Gitamhángan níya ang íyang pagmaníhu maung nadisgrasya, He was careless when he drove so he had an accident. 2 [A; b] damage, destroy maliciously. Gitamhángan sa mga ilagà ang mga libru, The rats destroyed the books. -an(→) a bent on destroying, breaking things. Ang dúlun tamhangan sa tanum, Locusts are destructive to plants. v [B12] become destructive.

tamhung v [A1; b2] make a plant be in the shade. Dakung káhuy nga nagtamhung sa mga tanum, The tall tree that shades the plants.

támì a 1 sticky and moist. Támì nga armirul, Sticky laundry starch. Támì nga panahun, [979]Humid weather. 2 dirt-soaked. Támì nga sinínà, Soiled clothing. 3 wet and muddy. Támì ang ílang tugkaran kun mag-ulan, Their yard becomes wet and muddy when it rains. v 1 [B; b5] become sticky and moist, dirt-soaked, or muddy. Mutámì (matámì) ang kalámay kun hitun-ugan, Brown sugar becomes moist and sticky when exposed to damp. 2 [A] for rain to fall. Nagtámì na sad, It’s raining again. -un a moist or partially melted brown sugar.

tamíaw v [A; b5] visit s.o. or a place. Gitamiáwan (gitamíaw) nákù ang ákung apuhan, I visited my grandparents.

tamíhid v [AN; b] stick out the lower lip in derision. Nahiubus ang nangulitáwu nímu kay ímung gitamihíran, Your suitor was hurt because you stuck out your lower lip at him. matamihírun, matinamihírun a characterized with derision. Napikal ku sa íyang matamihírun nga katáwa, I got irked at her derisive laughter.

tamilì = himilì. see pílì.

tamíluk1 n 1 shipworms, edible marine mollusks that bore into wood. 2 k.o. edible insect grub, usually found in rotten logs. v [a12] be infested with shipworms.

tamíluk2 n mucous discharge when one has colds. v [A123P; a4] have a cold.

taming n 1 shield. 2 s.t. used as defense. v [A13; c6] use a shield. Naigù siya kay wà magtaming, He was hit because he didn’t use a shield.

tam-is a sweet. v [B26; a2] become, make sweet. Mutam-is (matam-is) ang prútas kun lihian kinig kámay, Fruits become sweet if sugar is injected into the tree when young. n sweets, such as candy, jam, et al. paka- v [a12] consider an unpleasant experience sweet (literary). Pakatam-ísun kung mamatay álang sa bulawánung tingúhà, I would consider it sweet to die for a lofty cause. ma-un a sweet in a figurative sense. Matam-ísung yuhum, A sweet smile.

tamislat n 1 k.o. brachiopod found burrowing in the sand, used in soup. 2 facetious term for s.o. with a flat nose. Tamislat kaáyu ning ákung palangging, My little darling has a flat nose.

tamlà n fingerprint, thumbprint. v [A; b6(1)] affix the thumbprint. Gawas sa pirma tamláan pa giyud, You have to sign and affix your thumbprint as well.

tampa, tampà1 v [A; a1] put a ladle into s.t. that is boiling over to settle it. Way nitampà sa linúgaw pagbúkal, Nobody came to take care of the porridge when it boiled over.

tampà2 v 1 [A; c] cover or patch an opening with a flat sheet. Tampái lang ug kartun ang lungag, Just cover the hole with a piece of cardboard. 2 [A3P; c1] lay s.t. flat over another flat surface. Ang lubut sa aparadur wà mutampà sa salug, The bottom part of the cabinet did not lay flat on the floor. 3 [A; a1] flatten or strike with the palm of the hand. Tampáun ta ang íyang dughan kun nagginhawa pa ba, Let us press the palm of our hands to his breast to see if he is still breathing.

tampà3 n bride price. v [A; b6(1)] give, pay the bride price. Gitampáan siya ug usa ka balay ug usa ka lunà nga yútà, They paid a house and a piece of land for her.

tampad = talampad.

tampak a square, straight on the path or focus of. Nahúlug ang butung tampak sa íyang úlu, The coconut fell smack on his head. Tampak sa habágat ang baybáyun sa Talísay, The southwest wind blows squarely across the beach at Talisay.

tampal v [A; b] overlay a patch on clothing at places of great wear to add strength. Gitampálan nákù ang samput sa purul, I put a patch on the seat of the short pants.

tampálas v [AN; b(1)] maltreat severely. Mutampálas (manampálas) sa asáwa ang bánang palahúbug, A drunkard husband maltreats his wife. -an a 1 s.o. who maltreats. 2 foul-mouthed, obscene in speech. Tampásan siyang manulti báhig babáyi, He speaks obscenely about women. v [B12; b6] 1 become severely abusive toward s.o. Nagkatampásan ang way uwaw nga inaína, The shameless stepmother is getting more and more abusive. 2 become foul-mouthed.

tampaling v [A; ab2] slap the face. Walà kay katungud mutampaling nákù, You had no right to slap me in the face. Kaáyu giyud níyang tampalingun, How nice it would be to slap her in the face. n 1 slap in the face. 2 insult like a slap in the face.

tampalung = tampaling.

tamparus v 1 [A12; c1] do s.t. hurriedly and carelessly. Ug tamparusun (itamparus) ninyu pagtáud ang bungbung mangatangtang lang nà dáyun, If you put the wall up hurriedly and carelessly, it will get loose right away. 2 [A; ab2] slap the face hard. Tamparusun ta kag magtubagtubag ka, I’ll slap you in the face if you talk back. n 1 hard slap in the face. 2 insult. Tamparus álang kanátù ang íyang pagbalíbad, His refusal is a slap on the face.

tampi n 1 bank of a body of water. 2 edge of a surface. a 1 nearby, close by. Ang kumbintu [980]tampi sa simbahan, The convent is near the church. 2 close to the edge. Tampi ra kaáyung pagbutang mu sa básu sa lamísa. Mahū́g, You put the glass much too close to the edge of the table. It’s going to fall.

tampì1 = tampi, n1, 2.

tampì2 v [A; c1] tuck a piece of cloth into another to hold it in place, e.g. a shirt that sticks out or s.t. wrapped around the waist. Tampía (itampì) ang karsúnis kay luag ang hawakan, Fold your trousers and tuck in the folds because they are loose at the waist.

tampihak (from pihak) n 1 temple of the head. 2 severe headache on one side of the head. v [a4b4] get a headache of this sort.

tampil n milled or pounded rice. v [A; a] cook rice. Nakatampil ka nag ipaniudtu? Have you cooked rice for lunch? Dì nátù tampílun ang paniudtu kay dì paígù ang usa ka litru, Let’s not have rice for lunch because a liter isn’t enough.

tamping n flat cake made of fine corn flour (tiktik) or buri flour (unaw) mixed with coconut milk and sugar. It is either fried in coconut oil or wrapped in banana leaves and put over live embers. v [A; a] make this sort of cake.

tampípì n a covered wicker suitcase. v [c1] make into a wicker suitcase.

tampiri v [B; c1] lean, tilt. Mitampiri (natampiri) ang lubi sa paghángin ug kusug, The coconut tree tilted during the strong wind. Kun magtanum kag kamúting káhuy, tampiriha (itampiri) ang láwas sa yútà, When you plant cassava, plant the stem into the ground at an angle.

tampu v 1 [AB3C; ac] join in a group, put together. Kinsay nagtampu íning bulingun sa inutaw? Who put this dirty laundry together with the ironed things? Tampúha lang ang tanan arun usa ray sudlanan, Put them all together so there will be just one container. Itampu nang bakláa sa mga babáyi, Put that sissy together with the girls. 2 [A; c] give a contribution. Magtampu (magtampuhay) ta pára sa parti, Let’s contribute for the party. 3 [A; c] contribute to a publication. Sugilánun ákung itampu sa sunud gulà, I’ll contribute a short story for the next issue. 3a [A; c] send in an entry to a contest. Gitampu námù ang basíyung káha sa sigarilyu, We sent the empty cigarette packs as entries to the contest. n 1 contribution. 2 entry in a contest. tampuhan v [A13] contribute to s.t. regularly. Magtampuhan siya sa Bisayà, He contributes regularly to Bisaya. tampuhay v = tampu.[980] matampúhun a generous in contributing.

tampuk1 v 1 [AB2456; ac] stab so as to make the instrument stick, be sticking in. Akuy mitampuk ug lápis sa báni, I stuck a pencil into the banana trunk. Báraw nga mitampuk sa dughan, A knife sticking into the breast. 2 [A; a] beat s.t. with the inside of the fist (as if sticking a dagger into it). Mitagubtub ang ákung likud nga íyang gitampuk, My back resounded when he hit it with his fist. -in-an a jewelry having precious stones embedded. †

tampuk2 v [A; c1] gather and dump into s.t. Ang mutsatsa mauy nagtampuk sa mga bulingun sa planggána, The maid put the dirty laundry into the basin. Tampúkun (itampuk) ku ang mga basíyung láta sa dakung kahun, I will dump the empty cans into the big box.

tampulung v 1 [B56] loom, stand out large. Dúnay dakung batu nga nagtampulung daplin sa likuánan sa dálan, There is a huge rock looming at the side of the road at the bend. 2 [A; b6c1] pile or heap stones. Magtampulung siyag mga batu líbut sa ílang balay, He will pile stones around their house as a wall. n 1 large rock or pile of stones that stands prominently in the middle of the sea, protruding or immersed under shallow water. 2 a dike of piled stones in the sea, constructed to trap fish behind it when the tide goes out.

tampúng = tampulung.

tampuug v 1 [A3] loom large, stand out prominently. Nagtampuug sa dálan ang buldúsir, The bulldozer is looming large on the road. 2 [B6; c1P] be piled in a large heap. Nagtampuug ang sagbut sa búngun sa ílang balay, There is a huge pile of garbage beneath their house. Ngánung gipatampuug (gitampuug) nímu ang makinilyahúnun únà mu buháta? Why did you allow the typing to pile up before working on it?

tampuuk = tampuug, v2.

tampúung = tampulung.

tampuy v [A; c] lay s.t. over sores, boils as a compress. Tabákù itampuy sa ímung hubag, Put a tobacco leaf over your boil. n compress.

tamsi n k.o. small bird with yellow plummage and black on the head, wings, and breast, the olive-backed sunbird: Nectarinia jugularis. tamsitamsi n k.o. snapper with yellowish coloring and a blackish blotch. -in- n manner of fighting of a gamecock characterized by hovering above the opponent with fluttering wings. v 1 [A; c1] for a gamecock to fight in this way. 2 [A23] for [981]the hair on the nape to come to a point. Mutamsi ang buhuk sa tingkuy ug taas na, The hair on the nape comes to a point when it gets long. tamsíhun a having hair at the nape coming to a point.

tamstak = tamtaks.

tamsun n Thompson submachine gun. v [a12] shoot s.o. with a Thompson submachine gun.

tamtaks n thumb tacks. v [A; b6] fasten with thumb tacks. Tamtaksi nang kalindaryu sa bungbung, Fasten the calendar on the wall with thumb tacks.

*tamtám paN- v [A23] do s.t. with restraint. Manamtám kug káug bábuy, I’ll limit the amount of pork I eat. Dílì manamtám ug gastu, Spend without restraint.

tamud v 1 [A; a12] obey; perform s.t. in obedience. Ang Kristiyánus magtamud giyud sa súgù sa Diyus, A Christian must obey the law of God. Tamdun ku ang tanan mung pagmandù, I will obey all your orders. 1a abide by one’s word, fulfill one’s promises. Kinahanglang magtamud ka sa átung gikasabútan, You should abide by our agreement. 1b [A3; a12] give respect to s.t. by heeding it. Ángay ka nga magtamud sa pahimangnù sa ímung mga ginikánan, You must respect the advice of your parents. 1c [A; a12] observe a custom, feast day. Uban nga mga táwu dílì magtamud sa adlaw nga iglilíhi, Some people do not observe holidays of obligation. 2 [A13; a12] respect. Magtinarung ta arun tamdun sa átung isigkatáwu, We must deport ourselves in an honest fashion if we are to be respected by our fellowmen. 3 [A; a12] gaze at s.t. with attention or intent. Ug magkupya ka, tamda sígi ang pahina, When you copy, keep looking at the page. 4 [A; b(1)] guide oneself by s.t. Sa mísa karun dílì na kinahanglang mutamud ug misal, Nowadays, it is not necessary to read the missal during the mass. Nagtamud siya sa margáti sistim, He is following the margate system of planting. Tamdi ang libru inigtubag nímu, Refer to the book when you recite. 4a [A13; b(1)] copy, trace off from. Ayaw ug tamdi ang libru kay mulamà ang ági, Don’t trace on top of the book because it will leave a mark. 4b [b(1)] mark s.t. for easy reference. Sayun ra nga bulúngun ang dápit sa sugilánun kay ákung gitamdan ang pahina, It is easy to locate the part of the story because I marked the page. 4c [b(1)] remember, make a note of. Tamdi ni, Wà pa giyud aku masayup niíning mga butánga, Take note of this: I have never made a mistake in these matters. -in- a respectable person. Tinamud nga mga dinápit, Respected guests. talamdan, tamdanan n basic guide, rules, and regulations to follow. Mau niy talamdan ug maggansilyu ka ug bidsprid, This is the instruction sheet to crochet a bedspread by. talamdun a worthy of being respected, revered. matinamdánun a characterized with faithful and regular observance of customs. Rilihiyúsa siya ug matinamdánun sa mga pista sa simbahan, She is religious and keeps good observance of church holidays.

támug v [B126] be soaking wet. Natámug ang íyang púlu sa singut, His shirt is soaking wet with perspiration.

tam-ug a paper or cloth that is slightly moist. not very dry. Tam-ug pa ang hinayhay. Dì pa ikasul-ub, The wash is still moist. You can’t put it on yet.

tam-uk = tam-ak1.

tamulù (not without l) a ugly, unpleasant to look at. Tamulù ang ímung trabáhu, Your work came out ugly. v [B12; b6] be, become ugly-looking. Dáan pa ku nga matamulù giyud kug samut niíning ákung hirdu, See, didn’t I tell you I’d look uglier in this hairdo?

támus v [A; b(1)] ingest s.t. by sucking and licking. Ug mutumar ka áning tambála ayaw ug usápa, tamúsi lang, If you take this medicine, don’t chew it, just suck on it. — sa tudlù v [A12S] be penniless. Kamu kay gastadur kaáyu magtámus ra giyud mu sa tudlù sa kaulahían, You are such spendthrifts you will end up poor as church mice.

tamuy = támus.

tan n 1 short for kapitan. 2 an honorary title of address for prominent citizens in former usage. — Birínu a person who assumes financial responsibilities for a group. v [A; a12] become a Tan Birínu. Ipadáyun lang kay akuy mutan birínu sa kumbira, Go ahead with it because I will foot the bills for the feast.

tana, tána short for tala na. see tala1.

tanáman n flower garden. v [A1] make a flower garden.

tanan (from ngatanan) 1 all, everyone. Tanan tsukuláti ang kík, The cake is all chocolate. 2 in all. Dúsi tanan ang ákung anak, I have twelve children in all. Ginadápit ang tanan sa prugráma, Everybody is invited to the program. sa — most, greatest in degree, magnitude (but less than sa ngatanan). Maldítu siya sa tanan, He’s the naughtiest of the naughty. Tabian sa tanang tabian, The most talkative of all talkative ones.

tan-aw v [A; ab2] 1 see, look at. Mutan-aw [982]kug sini karung gabíi, I’ll go see a movie tonight. Ispisyalista ang nagtan-aw níya, A specialist is examining her. Tan-áwa ang íyang ríkurd kun madáwat ba, Examine his records to see if he’s acceptable. 2 size up, form an opinion on s.t. Ayawg tan-áwa ang libru sa íyang tabun, Don’t judge a book by its cover. 2a [b8] see in s.o. Unsay ímung natan-awan ni Piyuks? What do you see in Piux? 3 look after. Gipítul kamu kay nagtan-aw mi sa inyung kaugmáun, I’m disciplining you because I’m thinking of your future. 4 [a12] wait and see what turns out. Tan-áwun ta lag kinsay mudaug, Let’s wait and see who wins. n way one regards s.t. Sa ákung tan-aw (panan-aw) igat nà siya, She is a flirt, the way I look at her. hi-/ha- v [B1256P] look at s.t. because of outside influence. Nahitan-aw (nahipatan-aw) siya nákù sa kahibúlung, She looked at me in surprise. hiN- v [ANB156] stare at, observe s.t as if unable to do anything about it. Naghinan-aw lang ang mga táwu sa naligsan, The people just looked at the traffic victim. -in-ay v [C; c6] look at one another. Nagkatinan-áway sila, They looked at each other. ig-r-/l- n eyes. -in-an(→) n 1 manner of looking. Ang íyang tinan-awan may kahulúgan, He gives you too meaningful a look. 2 = paN-, 2. pag- n 1 opinion one has. Dakù ang ámung pagtan-aw nímu, We have a high opinion of you. 2 = tan-aw, n. 3 concern, care. Walà siyay pagtan-aw sa íyang amahan, She has no feeling for her father. 3a liking, crush. Sugut nà dáyun kay may pagtan-aw nímu, She’ll accept you right away because she has a crush on you. paN- n 1 sense of sight. Maáyu pa siyag panan-aw, He has good vision. 2 gaze. Walà níya ibulag ang íyang panan-aw sa ákung nawung, He did not take his gaze from my face. 3 = tan-aw, n. paN-un n vision, s.t. seen in a trance. Nakakità kug panan-áwun sa lángit, I saw a vision of heaven. -um-r- n audience, spectators. -l-un n scenic attraction or s.t. on display. Makalingaw ang talan-áwun sa karnabal, There’s lots of interesting things to see at the carnival.

tandà1 v [A; a12] 1 go to inspect, take a look at s.t. one is taking care of. Tandáa tung linung-ag básig mihubas na, Go take a look at the rice. It must be cooked now. 2 visit s.o. Mutandà ta níya sa uspital, Let’s visit him in the hospital. 3 [A; b] report s.w. to do work. Nagtandà man tingálig aláyun si Tátay kay wà man diring íyang sanggut, Father is probably at the work bee because his scythe is not here. paN- v [A2; b6] go and attend a feast. Didtu ku gíkan nanandà ug kasal, I have just come from a wedding party. maN-r- n party or feast goers.

tandà2 n sign or mark which indicates s.t. Ang búlak nga íyang gihátag mauy tandà nga siya nagmahal, The flower that he gave is a sign that he cares. v 1 [A; b6(1)] mark, put a mark on, esp. for identification. Si Pápa ang nagtandà sa mga lubi nga amúa, Father marked the coconut trees that were ours. Tandái ang átung mga dalhunun, Put identifying marks on our baggage. 2 [A12] remember, recollect. Wà ku makatandà nga nag-áway mi, I don’t remember a time that we quarrelled. -l-an n indicator. Ang rilu mauy talandaan sa úras, A watch is an indicator of time.

tandang v 1 [A; b26(1)] for the sun or moon to shine. Bísan dì pa mutandang ang adlaw, túa na siya sa uma, The sun hadn’t shone yet but he was already in the field. 2 [A] for light to hit or shine upon. Pulis ang nagtandang sa ímung nawung, It was a policeman who beamed a light in your face.

tanday = tangday.

tandáyag = andáyag.

tandì = tangdì.

tanding = tangdì, v 1.

tandù = tangdù.

tandug v 1 [A13; a1b2] touch s.t. lightly to disturb it. Dinhà giyuy nagtandug sa rúsas kay nabálì ang sanga, S.o. must have brushed against the rosebush because a branch is broken. Ayaw siya tandúga kay natúlug na, Don’t touch her because she is asleep. 1a touch a wound. Ayaw ug apil sa dúlà kay hitandugan (hingtandugan) nyà ang ímung samad, Don’t take part in the game because s.o. might strike your wound. 1b [a3] produce an effect, affect. Bísan ug kusugkusug tung hangína, ang barku walà matandug, The wind was quite strong, but it did not affect the boat. 1c [A; a2] for fish to bite a line. Gitandugan siya, apan wà makúhà, A fish bit his line, but he didn’t catch it. 2 [A12; a12] touch s.t. in the process of using it. Wà gánì siya makatandug sa íyang pagkáun, He hasn’t even touched his food. 3 [A; a12] do s.t. to interfere with one’s thoughts, decisions, plans. Ang disisiyun sa kuymi dílì matandug, The umpire’s decision is final. 3a [A3P; a3] move s.o. to have sympathetic feelings or pity. Way kasingkásing nga dílì matandug adtung mga pulúnga, No heart could fail to be touched by those words. 4 [A13; a12] touch on past events. Dílì tà ángay nga magtandug sa inyung miáging kabangían, You ought not to touch on what [983]you quarrelled about long ago. 5 [AP; a2b8] cause a relapse of an illness or injury. Natandug ang piang, His broken bone broke again. n pull on the line when fish bite. -l-un(→) a 1 critical, grave in health or condition. Ang masakitun náa sa talandugun nga kahimtang, The patient is in a grave condition. Tandugun ang kahimtang sa Mídul Ist, The situation in the Middle East is critical. 1a prone to sickness. Tandugun siya. Hilantan lang, magkumbulsiyun dáyun, He is prone to sickness. Even if he has just a slight fever, it turns to convulsions. 2 touchy, temperamental. Paabúta nga maáyu siya kay tandugun nang íyang kinaíya, Wait until he is in a better mood because he is a bit temperamental right now. 3 subject to question, reconsideration. Hukum nga talandugun, A decision open to question. pag- n 1 test, trial. Kadtung hitabúa mga pagtandug lámang sa usa ka táwu nga gikasináhan, That event is just a trial for you because you are the object of envy. 2 strike, act of taking the bait. Sa ikaduhang pagtandug napaktan sa bàbà ang isdà sa tagà, On the second strike, the fish was hooked in the mouth.

tanduktanduk n top shells.

tánga n 1 scorpion. 2 cockroach.

tangà a inattentive, doing even simple things incompetently. v 1 [B1] stay put when one is supposed to do s.t. at hand. Nagtangà ka mang daghan tang trabahuun, You’re just standing around when we have so much work. 2 [b6] consider s.o. incompetent. Gitangaan ku níya kay dúgay kasabut, I consider him stupid because he takes forever to understand.

tángà v [A; a] climb up an incline. Gitángà níya ang hagdan sa tulu lámang ka lákang, He climbed the stairs in only three steps. -un a on an upgrade.

tangad, tángad = tanglad.

tangag, tángag v 1 [A; a] hold s.t. between the teeth, vise, and the like, or on s.t. pointed. Nagtangag ug papil ang makinilya, There is paper in the typewriter. Tagà nga nagtangag ug paun, A hook with bait on it. Gitangag sa iring ang tinap-ánan, The cat has got the smoked fish in its mouth. 2 [A13] for the key to be left in the lock or keyhole. Nagtangag ang lyábi sa yawihánan, They left the key in the keyhole. -an(←) n litters with teeth at birth.

tangali, tangáli n 1 a funnel-shaped holder made from coconut or banana leaves into which leaf tobacco or a cigarette is placed. 2 turrid shells (which look similar to a cigarette holder). v 1 [A; a] make a tobacco or cigarette holder of this sort. 2 [A; b6(1)] smoke with this device.

tangantángan n castor-oil plant, the seeds of which produce castor oil: Ricinus communis.†

tángas v 1 [A2S; a12] go up a slope or incline. Namatay ang makina samtang nagtangas ang trák, The motor quit while the truck was going up the slope. 2 [A23] step on, go to dry land. Sa tingpangitlug ang pawíkan mutángas sa mamala ug mangitlug sa balas, During the egg-laying season, the sea turtle goes on land and lays its eggs in the sand. -un(→) a upgrade, ascending slope. Tangasun kaáyung dalána, A very steep path. v [B125] be, become steep.

tangay1 v [A; a1] bribe s.o. into doing s.t. Akuy mutangay sa ímung bátà ug tsukulit arun dì muuban nátù, I’ll bribe your child with chocolate so that she will consent not to come with us. Dì ta makatangay ning irúa kay mupáak giyud, This dog will bite even if we give it food to keep away. tangaytángay = tangay1.

tangay2 v [A23] take a great liking to s.o. Mutangay dáyun ang babáyi níya kay gwápu, A woman will immediately take a liking to him for he is handsome. a taking a liking to s.o., easily won over.

tangba v [A3P; b8] inspire fear mixed with respect. Dílì mutangba ang mga istudiyanti ug dì mag-inistriktu ang magtutudlù, Teachers should be somewhat strict to inspire fear and respect from the students.

tangbid = tambid.

tangbù1 = tambù1.

tangbù2 n k.o. coarse grass of swamps with a hollow stem, used for the manufacture of brooms and hats: Phragmites vulgaris.

tangday v 1 [AB36C3; cP] for s.t. not wide to rest on top of s.t. else not wide. Kinsay nagtanday ánang tukun sa trúsu? Who laid that pole on the log? Purmag kurus ang nagtanday nga lápis, The crossed pencils looked like a cross. Itanday (ipatanday) ang lápis sa ngilit sa libru, Rest the pencil against the edge of the book. 2 [AC; c] rest one’s leg on s.t., rest with one’s legs on each other. Natúlug siyang nagtanday sa bána, She slept with her leg over her husband’s. -in-ay, -anay, -ay v [C; c3] have their legs resting on each other’s. -an n type of cushion for putting the leg over.

tangdì v 1 [AC2; ac] compare which is greater in degree, quality or size. Way makatandì (makagtandì) sa íyang kaanyag, Nothing can compare with her beauty. Makigtandì ka nákù sa katas-un? You want to compare [984]your height with mine? Tandía ang duruha kun háin ang mas putì, Compare the two to see which one is lighter in complexion. Way sarang ikatandì (ikagtandì) kang Risal, There is no one who can be compared with Rizal. 2 [A12C; c1] match fighting cocks for a cockfight. Natandian ang íyang ugis ug buyugun, His white-feathered cock was paired with a honey-colored one. -ay v [C; c3] compare with each other.

tangding = tangdì, v1.

tangdù v 1 [A; b6] nod the head. Mitandù siya ingun sa miúyun apan nagdukà diay, He nodded as though in approval, but in reality he had dozed off. Tandúan gánì ka nákù, byái mi, When I nod at you, leave us alone. 2 [A2; a2] consent to, accept. Tandúa nang íyang paghálad, Accept his proposal. n 1 consent, assent. 2 click or snapping beetle, a black or dark brown beetle growing to ⅔″ that moves its head with a clicking noise when trying to extricate itself from s.t. tangdùtangdù = tangdù, n2.

tanggab v [A3P; a1] cut s.t. down clean, usually with one stroke. Nananggab ang mag-uúma sa kasagingang gialkuhíris, The farmer is cutting down the bananas that are infected with a mosaic disease. a winning a card game with the first card that opens. Ang íyang kard wíting dáyun, unyà tanggab pa giyud siya kay ang íyang wíting mau say úpin kard, His hand needed only one card to make rummy on the deal, and then he won with the first card because the open card was the card he was waiting for.

tanggal v [AB12; a] detach, remove s.t. from where it is held firmly. Ug matanggal gánì nà, ipasulda lang, If that comes off, have it soldered. Lyábi túbu ang itanggal sa kupling, Use a pipe wrench to get the joint of the pipe off. see also anananggal.

tanggíli1 n k.o. large timber tree.

tanggíli2 = tangígi.

tanggu n tango. v 1 [A; b6] dance the tango. 2 [A; c1] play, dance in tango rhythm.†

tanggu3, tanggub1 n k.o. small, easily maneuvered, two-man fishing boat.

tanggub2 = tangkub.

tanggung v 1 [A; c1] incarcerate. Itanggung ang kriminal arun pagpanalípud sa susyidad, Criminals are jailed to protect society. 2 [A; b1] raise an animal for slaughter on a special occasion. Magtanggung kug bábuy pára sa sunud pista, I’ll raise a pig for next fiesta. Tanggúngi nang baktin pára sa inyung kasal, Raise that piglet for your wedding. 3 [B126; b8] be stranded, maneuvered into a place with no exit. Sulug mauy nakatanggung (nakapatanggung) námù sa isla, The strong current caused us to get stranded on the island. Ang batalyun natanggung sa kimba, The battalion was trapped in the gully. -an(→) n place one keeps an animal he is raising.

tanghag = danghag.

tanghágà n riddle, mystery. v [A; c] give a riddle, puzzle. Way makatubag kun akuy mutanghágà, No one can answer if I give a riddle.

tanghal v [A13] stare blankly. Wà ka makakità sa pag-ági sa bátà kay nagtanghal ka man lang, You did not see the child pass by because you were just staring blankly.

tanghun = sutanghun.

tangì v [A3P; a] break off, detach s.t. attached. Makatangì (makapatangì) ug tangu ang íyang suntuk, His fist can loosen your teeth. Ayaw tangia ang kaptanan sa bág, Do not detach the handle of the bag.

tangígi n k.o. Spanish mackerel, silvery white and black color, with no scales, popularly eaten raw: Scomberomorus commersoni and guttatus, and others.

tangil n charm worn for protection, e.g. by a fighting cock to keep it from being badly cut. v [A; c1] wear, make into a protective charm. Ang tangu sa buáya mauy maáyung tangilun (itangil) památuk sa buyag, A crocodile’s tooth is said to be an effective charm against buyag. paN-, paN-(←) = tangil.

tangíngi = tangígi.

tangis v [A; b3] cry, weep. Mitangis siya sa pagkamatay sa íyang inahan, She wept when her mother died. n cry, weeping.

tangítang n stalk of a banana bunch.

tangkà v 1 [A; b6] set to do s.t. Mutangkà kug alas syíti sa buntag sa ákung trabáhu, I set to work at seven o’clock in the morning. Gitangkaan níla ang usa ka litsun ug nahurut, They set to eating a roast pig, and they finished it off. 1a [AN; b] go s.w. to do work, usually the aláyun. Tangkái intáwun kug usa ka adlawng dáru, Please come to my place to plow for one day. 2 [A] reach an entrance, vicinity of a place. 2a [C23] agree to meet to do s.t. Nagtangkà silang mangalígù sa Sabadu, They agreed to meet to go swimming on Saturday. 3 [A; c] place on, set upon. Nakatulug siyang nagtangkà sa bangkíyu, He fell asleep sitting on the toilet. Tangkái únà ang sug-ang sa kaldíru únà dagkuti, Place the pot on the stove first before you light it. n 1 one’s turn to do work in communal rotational work (aláyun). 2 feast, banquet. Makabuhung nga tangkà ang gidúlut níla, They served a sumptuous banquet. [985]hi-/ha- v [B1256; b2] happen on s.t., come to a place by chance. Hitangkaan níya ang kawatan nga nangabli sa húnus, He came upon the burglar opening the drawers. pa- v [A; ab] have s.o. come to work. n one’s turn to have people come to work in communal rotational work. paN- = tangkà, v1a, n1.

tangkag a sticking out of ears. v [B; b6] for ears to stick out, prick up. Natangkag ang íyang dunggan kay gipanamkun siyag inasal, His ears stick out because his mother had a desire for roast pig when she was pregnant with him. Mitangkag ang íyang dunggan pagkadungug níyag isturyang hílas, His ears pricked up when he heard the dirty story.

tangkal n cage, covered enclosure. v [A; c1] 1 put in a cage. Malúuy kung mutangkal sa langgam, I pity the bird too much to put it in a cage. 2 jail. Tangkálun (itangkal) ang sinumbung, The accused will be put in jail.

tangkalù = tuktur.

tangkas v [A; a] 1 rip open the seam, rip off hinges, and the like. Nagtangkas siya sa sinínang guut, She’s ripping open the seams of her tight dress. Natangkas ang pultahan nga gilúgus pag-abli, The door was ripped off its hinges when s.o. forced it open. 1a [B1256] burst at the seams. Natangkas ang sáku ug naúsik ang pasì, The sack burst at the seam and the grain spilled out. 2 unfasten, unhook. Gitangkásan níya ang kábaw sa yúgu, He took the yoke off the water buffalo.

tangki n 1 tank for water, fuel, et al. 2 military tank used in warfare. 3 tank, artificial pool for fish. May tulu ka tangki ang ílang pispan, Their fishpond has three tanks. v [A13; c1] keep, raise in a fishpond. Daghang nagtangki ug bangus niíning dapíta, A lot of people here raise milkfish in fishponds.

tangkig n k.o. harmless freshwater snake, growing up to 2′ and 2″ in circumference.

tangkihud (from kihud) v [B16; b6] limp. Arun dì siya sugúun gitangkihuran ku níya, She walked with a limp in front of me so I wouldn’t send her on an errand.

tangkil v [A; c] 1 attach to s.t. so that it dangles. Tangkíli ug gamayng krus ang kwintas, Attach a small crucifix on the necklace. Gitangkílan ang patayng irù ug batu ug gitambug sa dágat, They attached a rock to the dead dog and tossed it into the sea. 2 carry s.t. attached to the body. Itangkil sa ímung háwak ang pistúla, Carry the pistol around your waist. 3 carry a baby while one is doing s.t. Bísag magmadyung, túa nagtangkil ug bátà, She carries her baby even while she plays mahjong. 3a for a man to drag along a woman wherever he goes. Dì nà siya mutangkil sa íyang asáwa kay ábi dì man gwápa, He doesn’t bring his wife along with him because she’s not beautiful.

tangkiyu thank you. Tangkiyu kaáyu sa gása, ha? Thank you very much for the gift. v 1 [A2; a2] say thank you. 2 [A23; a2] just say thanks without giving money. Dimálas giyud kun tangkiyúhun lang ang átung panaygun, We are out of luck if all we get is a thank you for our caroling.

tangkù v [AN; a2] take water for toddy from the coconut tree without the owner’s permission. Tangkúun námù ímung sanggutan ug magdináwù ka, We’ll steal the water from your coconut tree if you are so selfish. -an, maN-r- a one who steals palm toddy right from the tree.

tangkub n silverfish, a silver-colored insect that attacks papers and starched clothes. v [a4] be infested with silverfish.

tangkuban n the reed holder in the loom which holds the reeds (suluran) in place.

tangkud a exactly to date. Tangkud kung diyis run, I’m exactly ten today. v [B246] be exactly to date. Ugmà mutangkud nang túig, It will be exactly one year tomorrow.

tangkúgù n nape of the neck. (→) v [A; a12] hit in the nape. hi-/ha-(→) v [B1256] be hit where it hurts. Nahitangkugù ang mga insik kay gidid-an pagtindag bugas, The Chinese merchants were hit where it hurts because they were prohibited from selling rice.

tangkul1 n 1 a slender bamboo tube, about a foot or two in length, tied to an animal’s neck and to a tether rope, the purpose of which is to prevent the animal from biting the tether rope. 2 shackle, manacle. v 1 [A; b6(1)] tie with a shackle or with a piece of bamboo between the tether and the neck. 2 [a12] make into a shackle, or bamboo tether-guard.

tangkul2 n coral reef under 3–4 fathoms of water. -an(→) n place where there are corals under deep water.

tangkung n leafy vegetable of swamps and stagnant pools, cultivated and wild: Ipomoea aquatica. v [A13; b6] make, have tangkung.

tanglad n lemon grass, a k.o. tall grass that smells of lemon and is used as a spice: Andropogon citratus. v [A; b6] season with tanglad.

tanglas a smooth to the throat when drunk or taken as medicine. Maháwut ug tanglas nga tubà, Mellow and smooth palm toddy. ma- = tanglas. [986]

tangpi = tampi.

tangsà1 v [B; b6] be, become very thin, emaciated. Magtangsà (matangsà) ka giyud ug dì ka mukáug maáyu, You’ll grow thin if you don’t eat well. a emaciated, thin.

tangsà2 = tingsì.

tangsi n strong monofilament of nylon or catgut, used for guitar strings, fishline, and the like.

tangsù v [AB16; a1] be loosened from its socket or detached from its place, cause s.t. to be so. Kinsay nagtangsù sa tiil sa silya? Who loosened the legs of the chair? Natangsù ang kab-ing sa kibídu, One side of the eyeglass frame came off. Tangsúa úsà ang ngípun únà ibta, Loosen the tooth first before you pull it. tangsùtangsù v [B16] be wobbly after being loosened at its base. Nagtangsùtangsù ang pasamánu, The handrail is wobbly.

tangtang v 1 [AB123; a] take off, remove s.t. fastened or tied. Tabángi kug tangtang sa yúgu sa kábaw, Help me take off the carabao’s yoke. Nakatangtang ang bábuy sa íyang gihigtan, The pig worked himself loose from the place it was tied. Tangtánga ímung pustísu kun manutbras ka, Remove your false teeth when you brush them. 2 [A; a] pay off debts, free from obligation. Tangtángun ku ang útang, I will pay off the debt.†

tangu n 1 canine tooth. 2 fang of animals. Maáyung anting-anting ang tangu sa buáya, A crocodile’s tooth is a powerful charm. 3 cog of gears. — sa báliw, lintì n in folk belief, the tooth of a thunderbolt that gets lodged in places where it strikes. It possesses a magical power. tang-an a 1 highly unscrupulous. Pahiphip giyud kanang mga tang-an sa sitihul, Those unscrupulous people in City Hall have to be bribed. 2 tops in one’s field due to experience. Tang-an siyang magsusúlat sa Binisayà, He is one of the top Visayan writers. 3 rich, wealthy. Nagparti ang mga tang-an sa Maníla Hutil, The oligarchs are having a party at the Manila Hotel.

tangud v 1 [APB26; a1] attract s.o. with s.t.; be attracted. Ang balhíbu sa manuk makatangud (makapatangud) ug mga isdà, Chicken feathers will attract fishes. Karmilítus ang itangud níla sa mga bátà, They use candies to attract the children. Mutangud ang mga kwaknit sa mga búlak sa duldul, Bats are attracted to the flowers of the kapok tree. 2 [A; a12] heed, obey. Ang magtangud sa púlung sa Diyus malangit, Those who follow the words of the Lord will go to heaven. Gitangud ku ang tanang pahimangnù mu, I followed all your advice.

tang-ug = tan-ug.

tángul v [A2; b2] be, get lodged between the teeth. Sakit ang ákung bag-ang kay hitangulan ug gamay nga bukug, My molars hurt because a piece of bone got lodged between them. n particle of food stuck between the teeth.

tangul-ul n k.o. bird, the yellow-vented bulbul: Pycnonotus goiavier.

tang-un v [B23(1); b4] 1 for liquids to stop flowing. Mutang-un ang dugù kun baátan siyag turniki, The bleeding will stop if we tie a tourniquet around it. 2 come to a stop. Kun mutang-un ang pulsu wà nay kinabúhi, When one’s pulse ceases to beat he is dead. Mitang-un ang kasukù, His anger subsided. Wà pa giyud makatang-un ang kasábà sa gawas, The noise outside has not stopped. Kining tambála makatang-un (makapatang-un) sa sakit sa ngípun, This medicine can stop a toothache.

tangunan = talungan.

tangway v 1 [AN; a] buy coconut palm toddy. 2 [A; a] buy things in small quantities for consumption. Diin ka makatangway ug asin? Where did you manage to buy salt? Gitangway na ang tanan nílang utanun, Their vegetables were already all bought up. -anan n place where one habitually buys things in retail or palm toddy. maN-r- n buyer of palm toddy in large quantities.

tangyad = tanglad.

taniag a 1 for the day to be bright after being cloudy. 2 for glass to be shiny and clear. 3 clear, vivid in outline. Taniag kaáyu ang litra kun maggámit kag antiyúhus, The letters become very clear when you use spectacles. v 1 [B] for a gloomy day to brighten. Mutaniag gánì run, pangarmirul giyud, As soon as the sun shines, starch the clothes. 2 [B; c16] for the face to brighten. Unsa kahang balitáa nakataniag (nakapataniag) sa íyang nawung? What news could have brightened her face? 3 [APB; c1] for glass to be, become transparent and clear; cause it to become so. Túbig lang ang magtaniag (magpataniag) ánang lapúkung bildu, Only water will make that muddy pane of glass transparent and clear. Mutaniag ang básu kun hugásan ug tayid, The glass will become transparent and clear if you wash it with detergent. 4 [A; c1] foretell the past, present, and future. Taniagun (itaniag) ku ang ímung kaugmáun pinaági sa pagtan-aw sa ímung pálad, I will foretell your future by looking at the palm of your hand. 5 [A; c1] peer, peep through s.t. at s.t. else. Mitaniag [987]siya sa lungag sa yawihánan, He peeped through the keyhole. n s.t. to peer into to foretell the future.

tánil n tunnel. v [A; b] make a tunnel.

táning v [C3; c3] for two to die together. Nagtáning ang magtiáyun pagkalúnud sa barku, The couple died together when the boat sank.

tanlad = tanglad.

tanlag n conscience. Pamináwa ang ímung tanlag únà ka muhukum, Listen to your conscience before deciding.

tanlak n one’s child. Iyang gikúgus ang íyang tanlak nga naghilak, She carried her child in her arms as it cried.

tanlas = tanglas.

tansan n bottle cap.

tansil n 1 tonsils. 2 tonsilitis. v [a4] have swollen tonsils.

tantan1 v [AB126; c1] shake a container up and down to let the contents become more compact, settle. Walà matantan ang íyang kináun, His food did not settle in his stomach. Tantána (itantan) ang sáku arun daghang masúd, Shake the sack well so we can get lots in it.

tantan2 v [A3P; c] pay off a debt partially. Gikuháag bayinti písus ang swildu kay gitantan sa útang, Twenty pesos was deducted from the salary to pay off part of the debt.

tantiya, tantíya, tantíyar v [A; a] estimate. Tantiyaha lag pilay magastu, Just make an estimate of how much it will be. n estimate. Sa íyang tantiya ang gúbat sa Biyit Nam mulungtad ug napū̀ ka túig, According to his estimate the war in Vietnam will last for ten years.

tantu1 sa — nga [verb base] do [verb] to such an extent that s.t. else happens. Sa tantu nákung hinílak gilunúpan ang sáwug, I cried so much the floor was flooded. dílì — not very. Grábi piru dì tantu, It’s bad but not too much. myintras — for the time being, while. Paglípay myintras tantung bátà pa, Be merry while you are still young.

tantu2 n interest on money loaned. v 1 [A2N; b6(1)] borrow money with interest. Ug way kwarta, panantu lang, If you’re out of money, borrow. Tantúhan námù ímung kwarta, dílì libri, We will borrow your money with interest, not for nothing. 2 [cP] charge interest. Pilay ímung itantu (ipatantu)? How much interest do you charge? 2a [A; b6] give, pay interest. Mutantu kug kinsi pursintu ug pahulam ka nákù, I will pay fifteen percent if you lend me money. Nagtantu kus singsing nga ákung giprinda, I am paying off the interest on the ring I pawned. pa- v [A; bc] lend money for interest. Nagpatantu siyag kwarta, He lends money for interest. maN-r- n one who lends for interest or borrows on interest.

tanud1 a 1 tame. Tanud ang íyang langgam maung binuhían, His pet bird is tame so it is not caged. 2 for things which are normally elusive to approach, be submissive. Tanud nímu ang kapaláran, Good fortune does not elude you. v [B126] become tame, submissive. Kining lumáya makapatanud (makatanud) sa mga babáyi nímu, This potion can make girls submissive to you.

tanud2 n sewing thread. v [A; b6] thread a needle or sewing machine. Tanuri ang makina, Thread the sewing machine.

tánud v [A; b(1)] 1 keep watch over s.t. that needs care. Nagpulipúli mig tánud sa masakitun, We took turns keeping watch over the patient. 2 stay, live with s.o. Way makatánud nímu tungud sa kalas-ut sa ímung kinaíya, Nobody can live with you because you are so wicked. n s.o. who keeps watch over s.t. which needs care.

tanug = tanud2.

tan-ug v 1 [A; b1] store mature fruits in such a way as to hasten ripening. Tan-úgi nang ságing sa sáku, Store the bananas in the sack to ripen. 2 [A; b5] keep unused, dormant. Dúgay natan-ug ang yútà, The land was left unused for a long time. Ayaw tan-úgi ang ímung puhúnan, Don’t keep your capital unused. 2a [A; c] keep coconut juice for a time to ferment it before cooking into oil. Itan-ug ug mga usa ka adlaw úsà lanáha, Keep and ferment it for about a day before cooking it into oil. 3 harbor s.t. in secret. Dúgay na siyang nagtan-ug ug gugma, He has been harboring a secret love for a long time. -in- n raw oil which floats to the surface after the coconut juice has fermented. -in-an n 1 fruits kept for ripening. 2 things kept in secret. Sa ílang áway, nabutyag ang mga tinan-úgan sa kadaghánan, In their quarrel they exposed their secrets to the public. 3 = -in-.

tanuk v [A; a] boil starchy foods, but not rice: ears of corn, root crops, bananas. -in- a cooked root crops, bananas, or corn.

tanum v [A; c] 1 plant, grow plants. Katamnan nag sibúyas ang ímung líug, Your neck is so thick with dirt you could plant onions on it. 2 implant, nurture in the mind. Ayaw pagtanum ug kayugut sa ímung dughan, Don’t harbor hatred in your heart. Itanum sa ímung kaisípan ang ákung pína, Implant my admonition in your mind. n plant. (←) [988]v [A; c] plant a large crop. Makatánum ta kun dúnay ígung ulan, We can plant our crops if there is enough rain. talamnánan n area prepared for planting. mag-r- n s.o. engaged in planting. paN- n planting, farming. Pananum ang ílang panginabúhì, Agriculture is their source of livelihood.

tanungan = talungan.

tánus v 1 [APB; c1] straighten; be, become straight. Siyay mitánus (mipatánus) sa sangang báwug, He straightened the bent branch. Nagtánus lang nang ímung bukubuku, Your back is certainly straight. 2 [A; a12] discipline, impose disciplinary measures. Ang amahan ray makatánus ánang batáa, Only the father can discipline that child. 2a [B1256] be chastened. Natánus ang maldítung bátà human malatiguhi, The mischievous child was chastened after he got his whipping. a = tanus. (→) a straight, not curved or bent. Tanus nga karsáda, Straight road. Tanus nga bára, Straight bar.

tan-us n a yellowish swelling in the skin caused by an infection of a wound or sore. Gitusdikan níyag dágum ang íyang tan-us, He pricked the yellow swelling next to the scratch on his skin with a needle. v [B3(1)46; b4] develop a yellow-colored infection under the skin next to a wound. Gitan-usan ang íyang núka, His skin ulcers developed yellow swellings on the sides.

tanyag v [A; c] 1 offer s.t. for s.o.’s consideration. Mitanyag siyang ihatud ku, He offered to escort me. Gitanyagan aku níyag trabáhu, He offered me a job. Pilay gitanyag sa balay? How much did they offer for the house? 2 offer an opportunity, entertainment. Kining dúlà itanyag álang sa inyung kalingáwan, This play is offered for your enjoyment. n offer.

táp v 1 [A2; a2] be the tops in an exam. Siya ang mitáp sa bár, He topped the bar exam. 2 [A; a1] buy all of s.t. Akuy mutáp sa ímung mangga, I’ll buy all of those mangoes. Ákung baratúhun kun tápun nímug palit, I’ll give them cheap if you buy all of them. 2a [A; a12] take on all of s.o.’s bet. Tápun ku bísag pilay inyung pusta, I will take you on no matter how much you bet. n one who is tops in an exam.

tapa v 1 [A; a2] smoke fish. Makatapa kug isdà ug náay ginabas ipaasu, I can smoke fish if there is some sawdust to smoke it with. 1a [A; c6] broil fish not close to the embers. Bagul itapa sa isdà, Use coconut shells for broiling the fish. 2 [A; b(1)] kiln-dry copra. Magtapa mi sa kupras kay way ínit, We’ll kiln-dry the copra because there is no sun. n smoked fish. tapahan n 1 copra kiln-drier. 2 grate for broiling. -in- n = tapa, n. see also tap-an.

tápa v [A; b6] make jerked meat. Magtápa kug unud sa kábaw, I’ll jerk some carabao meat. -in- n 1 jerked meat. 2 canned fish in small, thin tin cans.

tapad, tápad v [A3SC; ac] 1 stay, put beside s.t. Nakatapad kug gwápa sa dyíp, I sat beside a pretty girl in the jeep. Ayaw sila tapára, Don’t put them next to each other. Itapad nang diksiyunári kun magbásag librung lisud, Put the dictionary beside you when you read a difficult book. 2 stay next to s.o. to keep him company. Bisan dì ka mukáun, tapari ku diri, Even if you don’t eat anything, sit here to keep me company. n 1 s.o. sitting beside s.o. else. 2 next. Ang ámung báy tápad (tapad) sa íla, Our house is next to theirs. (←) v 1 [C; ac] compare so as to match. Gwápa ka kun tapáran ug maksut (maksut ang itápad nímu), You are pretty if you are compared with an ugly person (if an ugly person is put next to you). 2 [A2; ab2] match a cock with another for a cockfight. Way mutápad sa ákung manuk nga maáyu mulabuk, No one will match his cock with mine because it is good in fighting. n comparison. Dì siya maiwit sa tápad, He does not lose out in comparison. taparan n place where cocks are usually matched for a cockfight. ka-(←) seatmate. Siyay ákung katápad sa klási, He is my seatmate in class.

tápak v 1 [A; b] patch. Tapáki ring gisì sa kurtína, Patch the tear here in the curtain. 2 [A12; c6] cover one’s debts. Karung swildúha ígù rang ikatápak sa mga bayranan, This salary is just enough to pay for the bills. 3 [A; c] cover up for undertime. Magtápak ku sa ákung naabsinan, I’ll make up for the time I lost when I was absent. 3a cover over a bad feeling. Ang pag-inum-ínum ray íyang itápak sa íyang mga kaguul, He drowns his sorrows in alcohol. (→) n patch on s.t. torn. -in-an(→) n s.t. patched. -un(→) a having patches.

tap-ak v [A13; b6] step on. Hingtap-akan nákù ang ímung ituy, I accidentally stepped on your puppy. Ngánung gitap-ákan man nímu ang ákung irasan? Why did you step on my seedbed?

tapal v [A; b1] 1 pay, make up for s.t. lost or short. Makatapal giyud kag wad-un nímu nà, You’ll have to pay for it if you lose it. Tapli tung adlaw nga naabsin ka, Make up for the day you were absent. 2 pay s.o.’s bills for later reimbursement. Tapli lang ku [989]kay nahibilin ang ákung pitáka, Pay for me because I left my wallet. n amount of s.t. made up.

tápal v [A; c] lay s.t. over a small area and stick it. Nagtápal siyag itsiban sa íyang payuk, He laid a medicinal plaster over his bruise. Itápal ning inúsap dáhun sa samad, Chew the leaves and spread them over the wound. n s.t. laid and stuck over.

tapalúdu (not without l) n mudguard, fender of a vehicle. v [A; a] put a fender on.

tápan v [A; c1] do s.t. for a successive period without interruption. Wà ku makatápan ug trabáhu karung bulána kay nagdaut ku, I was not able to report for work steadily this month because I was ill. Natápan nákù ang adlaw karung simanáha sa pagpanglaba, I spent the whole week doing the laundry.

tap-an (from tapa) v [b5] broil fish not close to the embers. Tap-áni ang isdà ayaw isugba, Broil the fish, but don’t charcoal broil it. -in-an n s.t. broiled but not close to the fire.

tapang v [A12; b2] hit or do s.t. right, out of sheer luck. Nakatapang siyag syát sa búla bísag layù, He put the ball into the basket from a good distance by sheer luck. Hitapangan (hitapngan) níya ang tubag sa pangutána, He guessed the answer to the question correctly out of sheer luck. †

tapangku n 1 lean-to roof, a single-pitched, sloping roof constructed at the sides or end of a building without the floors or walls. 2 awning. v [A13; b6] put, construct a lean-to roof or awning. Tapangkúhi ang inyung balay arun adúnay kabutangan sa awtu, Put a porte cochere next to your house so you will have a place to keep your car.

tapar = tapal.

tapas v [A; a1] 1 dress yarn for weaving by starching and combing it to eliminate fluff or lint and give it a degree of stiffness. 2 cut sugar cane and clean it of its leaves. Nagtapas mis tubu pára galingun, We are cutting sugar cane to mill. maN-r- n one who cuts sugar cane.

tapat v [A13] 1 be true and loyal to s.o. Sálig kay magtapat aku sa ákung sáad, Trust me because I’ll be true to my promise. 2 resolve oneself to reform. Nagtapat siyang dílì na mangáwat, He resolved not to steal any more. a 1 loyal. Tapat ang irù sa íyang agálun, The dog is loyal to its master. 2 sincere. Tapat ang íyang paghinulsul, He is sincere in his repentance.

tápay1 n 1 cock’s comb. 2 pula ang — for ears to be red from drinking (humorous). Daling mamuwa ang íyang tápay ug makainum. His ears grow red easily when he drinks. -an a 1 having a comb. 2 having a crest. Sawang tapáyan, Crested snake. tapaytapay n k.o. harmless insect resembling a spider but not spinning a web. tapaytápay n annual ornamental with red (or also white or yellow) flowers in panicles which resemble a cock’s comb: Celosia argentea var. cristata.

tápay2 v [B12; c1] for roasted rice grains to be pounded flat. Nagkatápay na ang pinípig sa tantung linubuk, The pinípig is becoming flat from constant pounding.

tapdagan n k.o. sweet banana with green peelings, growing to about 4″, similar to búngan. It is eaten uncooked.

tapdagay n k.o. light colored cerith found clinging to small stones. Upon sensing danger they draw back into their shells and release their hold thus falling down.

tapdas v [A; ab2] 1 brush off briskly with the hand or an instrument. Hadluk siyang mutapdas sa uk-uk sa íyang sinínà, She’s afraid to brush the cockroach off her dress. Hitapdasan níya ang básu pagkab-ut níya sa kan-un, He knocked the glass off the table when he reached for the food. 2 dust off by whisking. Tapdási sa kálù ang lingkuránan, Dust the bench off with your hat. 3 [A; b6] for waves, wind to dash against s.t. Makamig nga hángin mitapdas sa ákung nawung, A chilly wind swept my face.

tapdawun n a convertible with the top down. v [A; c1] have the top of a convertible down. Mutapdáwun lang siya sa íyang awtu ug way ínit, He will have his car with the top down when the sun is not out.

taphaw a 1 shallow, not well-based. Taphaw ra kaáyu kanang katarungána, That reasoning is too shallow. Gidakup siya bísan taphaw lang ang katáhap, He was arrested on very shallow suspicion. 2 insincere, superficial. Taphaw ang pahíyum nga pinugus, A forced smile is artificial. 3 silly. Dì ba taphaw nang babayhána, mukatáwa lag kalit nga walay hinungdan? Isn’t she silly the way she laughs suddenly without reason?

tapi1 a crooked, slanted, not well-rounded, off the mark. Tapi ning pagkasulat kay way linya ang papil, The lines are not straight because the paper has no lines. Tapi siyag úlu, His head is not well-rounded. Tapi man, wà mabuls-ay, It’s off the mark, not a bull’s-eye. v 1 [AB; c1] come out crooked, off the mark; cause s.t. to do so. Mutapi (matapi) ang úlu sa bátà ug pirmi takildun, A child gets an irregularly-shaped head if he is put down on his side. 2 [A; a1] fend off [990]a blow with a sideward motion of the arm or club. Tapihun nímu ang duslak kay mau nay labing piligrúsu, You must fend off the forward thrust because that is the most dangerous. tapitápi v [A; c1] do s.t. unevenly, zigzaggedly. Nagtapitápig lakaw ang hubug, The drunk walked in a zigzag way.

tapi2 n piece of cloth wrapped around the waist or upper body as a skirt. v [A13; c] wear a tapi. Nagtapi ang babáying nanglaba, The woman who was washing clothes was wearing a skirt that covered her bosom down to her knee.

tápig v [A; b1] 1 hide s.t. Tapígi iyang sapátus arun dì siya kalakaw, Hide his shoes so he can’t go out. 2 put s.t. where people can’t get at it. Akuy nagtápig sa midisína arun dì duláan, I put the medicine away so no one could play with it. 3 hold for safekeeping. Akuy tápig arun dì mawā̂, I’ll keep it so it can’t get lost. 4 keep in secret. Ang kagahápun nagtápig ug mga katáwag kasákit, The past hides joys and sorrows. -anan n hiding place. -in-an n s.t. kept hidden.

tapigas = dapigas.

tapik n one who is related to a family through marriage. v [B236] be, become an in-law to a family.

tápik n topic. áwut-ub — see áwut.

tap-il v [A; c] teasingly match s.o. with s.o. else. Ganáhan siyang itap-il nákù kay nakagustu siya nákù, She likes people to pair her off with me because she does like me. n pairing people off in a teasing way. Tap-il ang sinugdánan sa ílang pagkatrátu, They were teasingly matched and it led to serious courtship. -ay(→) n matching people off in a group with each other teasingly.

tapindas v [B126] slip, sliding and losing one’s balance, but not falling. Natapindas ku kay dangug ang ákung gilaktan, I lost my balance because the path I was walking on was slippery, but I didn’t fall. Culu- v [B] tip to the sides repeatedly because of unsteady footing.

táping n tap-dancing, dance with fancy footwork and tapping of the feet. v [A] tap dance.

tap-ing n 1 an animal with a solid-color coat and a splotch on the face of a different color. 2 big birthmark or splotch on the face. v [B126; b8] have a big splotch. Natap-ing (natap-ingan) ang íyang píkas nawung tungud sa sanla, Half of her face had a big splotch on it from leprosy.

tapiri = tampiri.

tápir wír n tupperware.

tapis, tápis n piece of cloth worn around the waist or upper body as a skirt. v [A; c] wear s.t. wound around the body. Hubù siya gawas sa tualya nga gitápis, She was naked except for a towel she wore around her waist. (→) v [B1456] be at the stage of developing a sheath around the trunk. Lubi kun magtapis na, A coconut when it gets its sheath.

tapíta n taffeta, a fine, rather stiff, silk cloth with a sheen. v [A; a] use taffeta cloth.

tapíti n 1 billiard table carpet. 2 sewing machine cover. v 1 [b6(1)] carpet a billiard table. 2 [A; a] use, make into a sewing machine cover.

tapiun v 1 [A; c] press or lay one’s hand on a part of the body. Itapiun ang kamut sa nag-agus nga samad, Press your hand down on the bleeding wound. 2 [A; b(1)] stifle progress, prevent from developing. Imbis tabángan arun muasinsu tapin-an na hinúun níya, Instead of helping her improve, he stifles her progress. 2a sit on an application or papers, pigeonhole them. Ug way mutapiun sa aplikisiyun, madáwat ka, If nobody pigeonholes your application, you will be accepted. 3 [A2; c6] play a chord by pressing it with the fingers. n chord of a guitar or any stringed instrument which is played by pressing with the fingers.

taplud n luggage carrier on top of vehicles. -ing n = taplud.

tapnatsir n top-notcher, one who is tops in an examination. v [B126; b6] be the top-notcher. Ang miáging bár mauy íyang gitapnatsíran, He was in first place in the bar examination last year.

tapsay n a triangular fishnet into which the fish are driven, operated by one or two people holding the V-shaped frame and two people working the scareline. paN- v [A2; b6] go fishing with a tapsay.

tapsing v 1 [A2; b8] sideswipe, graze. Ígù rang nakatapsing ang bála sa úlu, The bullet only grazed his head. Padaplin kay hitapsingan kag trák, Stay on the side. You might get sideswiped by a bus.

taptap v [A; b] cover s.t. by laying s.t. over it, putting s.t. flat on top of it. Usa ka táwuy mitaptap nákù arun dì ku makadumdum sa agiánan, A person blindfolded me so I wouldn’t know the way. Nagtaptap ug panyù ang mga tulisan, The robbers covered their faces with handkerchiefs. Taptápig puwa ang tabánug, Cover the kite with red paper. Ang lángit gitaptápan sa mabagang dag-um, The sky is covered with thick clouds. n s.t. lain over as a covering.

taptin n the first ten from the top. Nahiapil [991]ku sa taptin sa ámung klási, I am among the top ten in our class.

tápù v 1 [A; ac6] put all together. Kinsay nagtápù íning tanan sa sáku? Who put them all in the sack? 2 [A2C3; c16] for one end of s.t. tied around the body to meet the other. Nagtápù ang higut apan dì mabalighut, The two ends of the bond meet but you can’t tie them. Matápù nímu ang duha nímu ka kamut sa íyang páa, You can encircle her legs with your two hands. 2a join, connect. Gitápù ang ílang kamut, They joined hands. hi-/ha-(→) v [B1256] 1 be put together with the rest by chance. Ngánung nahitapù ning ákung butang sa imúha? Why are my things mixed with yours? 2 happen to join, live with a group. Maáyung nahitapù ku sa inyung grúpu, It’s a good thing that I joined your group.

tapuk a for fibrous materials to be weak, easily torn. Kining klasíha sa panaptun tapuk kaáyu, This k.o. cloth is very weak. v [B2] be weak, easily torn. Ang bisti nga ihúmul sa klúruks matapuk, Clothes soaked in chlorox get weak.

tápuk1 v [AC3; a2] 1 make a pile of s.t. scattered. Nagkatápuk ang mga pangánud, The clouds gathered. Tapúka ang mga dáhun, Pile the leaves up. 2 gather people, be gathered. Nagkatápuk uruy ang mga búang, A bunch of fools have gotten together in one place. Tapúka ang mga saup kay ákung pakigsultíhan, Get the tenants together so I can have a talk with them. n 1 pile of things. 2 crowd gathered. tapuktápuk v [A1; b6] form cliques within a larger group. Kinahanglang úsa tanan, way magtapuktápuk, All must be in one group, no forming of cliques. n 1 clique. 2 social gatherings, parties. Sa mga tapuktápuk náa giyud ang susyalayit, The socialites are sure to be present at gatherings. tapuktapuk = pundukpunduk. see punduk.

tápuk2 v [A; c] dump, throw away waste materials. Itápuk nang patayng ilagà sa kanal, Dump the dead rat into the canal.

tapukù = tipukù.

tapul n any variety of root crop, grain, or beans that is dark violet in color.

tápul v [B46; a4b4] be, become lazy. Mitápul siyas trabáhu kay gamayg swildu, He became lazy in his work because he got a small salary. Gitápul (gitapúlan) na sad siya maung miabsin, He felt lazy again so he’s absent. -an(→) a lazy. -in-an(→) v [A1] do lazily. a lazily done. -in- v [A13; b6] do in a lazy way. Gitinapúlan lang níya ang ákung súgù, He just ran my errand in a lazy way.

tapun1 v [A2; c] 1 move to another house or place. Kung mag-áway ang magtiáyun ang asáwa adtu dáyun mutapun sa íyang ugángan, If the couple quarrels, the wife immediately goes to stay with her mother-in-law. 2 move, bring to a nearby location separated by some k.o. barrier. Mitapun ang langgam sa láing sanga, The bird moved to another branch. 3 cross to the opposing party. Daghang mutapun sa partídung daúgan, Many people will cross over to the winning party. n area across s.t. Kining kaingína muluwak sa tapun íning búd, This clearing stretches over to the opposite slope of this hill.

tapun2 n s.t. used as a cover for a valve.

tap-ung v [A; b] cover, close an opening or passage. Manap-ung ka sa bàbà ug muubu ka, Cover your mouth when you cough. Natap-ungan ang kanal kay mikáwas ang túbig ngari, The canal is clogged up because the water overflowed this way. Tabla ang itap-ung sa lungag, Use a piece of wallboard to cover the hole. n s.t. used to cover an opening or passage.

tapun-ug = tipun-ug.

tapuruk n k.o. ark shell.

tápus1 v 1 [A; a1] put an end to, finish. Dakung kumbíti ang mitápus sa silibrasiyun, A big feast concluded the celebration. Tapúsa na siya arun mahílum, Kill him (lit. finish him off) to silence him. 2 [A2B12; a12] do to the end, come to an end. Wà ku mutápus sa sini kay way lamì, I didn’t finish the movie because it was no good. Mutápus (matápus) ang prugráma inig-aríya sa tilun, The program will come to an end when the curtain comes down. pagka- afterwards, after that. 3 [A13] hold the tápus feast. n 1 after, at the end of. Tápus sa gúbat, After the war. 2 the feast which is prepared on the ninth day of the prayer for a deceased person. (→) that’s all, that will do it. Kun masukù siya hagki lang. Tapus, If she gets angry, kiss her. That will do it. — dáyun n a story in a periodical or on radio or TV complete in one installment. hiN-(→) v [A13] coming to an end. Atangi ang naghinapus tang sugilánun, Watch for our story that’s nearing its conclusion. paN- v [c] make as a concluding point, part or finale. Ang sáyaw mauy ipanápus nátù sa prugráma, We will make the dance number the last part. n s.t. that concludes. Maáyung panápus tung bálak sa ímung diskursu, That poem made a good ending to your speech. paN-(→) a final, no matter what the consequences might be. Ibundak ku ning uska libu. Panapus ning [992]sugála kay nagkapildipildi ku, I ran out of luck, but I’ll gamble this one thousand pesos, come what may. ka-an n 1 end, termination. 2 = tápus, n2. v [A13; b6(1)] hold the tápus feast. -um-r-(→) n about to end or finish. Tumatapus na ang prugráma ug mamaulì na ta, The program is about to end, and we will go home.

tápus2 = tulápus. see ílu.

tap-us v [A; b6(1)] plaster medicinal leaves on an afflicted portion. Gitap-úsan níyag dáhun sa tubatuba ang piang, She put a plaster of tubatuba leaves on the sprain. n medicinal plaster.

tapusuk n wentletrap, k.o. edible univalve.

taput v 1 [AC3; b] stick, be firmly attached to s.t. Mitaput giyud ang buling sa sinínà, The dirt sure stuck to the clothes. Nagtáput ang láwas sa sayamis tuwins, The bodies of the Siamese twins are stuck to each other. Gitaptan ug sisi ang gapnud, Small oysters were attached to the driftwood. 2 [A2; b] for a disease to infect s.o. Dì makataput ang sakit sa himsug nga láwas, Disease cannot infect a healthy body. 3 [A2; b6] remain very close and loyal to s.o. Mutaput siya nímu kun ímu siyang makúhà, She will stick to you once you have had her. 4 [b4] be somewhat affected by an unpleasant feeling. Gitaptan siyag kalísang, Fear came over him. a 1 tight-fitting clothes. Taput kaáyu sa láwas ang sinínà ni Marilin, Marilyn has a very tight-fitting dress on. 2 sticking to the spot as if stuck. Kasing taput, A top that whirls without wobbling. — láwas see láwas. — sa pamilya one who has become a member of a family through marriage. Wà kay lábut sa panunud kay taput lang kas mga Ríyis, You do not get an inheritance because you are related to the Reyeses only by marriage. pa- n thin tissue paper used to make lanterns or kites. taptanan n joist in a roof to which the galvanized iron sheets are attached.

tapuy v [A; c] finger the strings or the keys of a musical instrument and the like. Bungul ang tíngug sa sista kay luag kang mutapuy, The guitar sounds dull because you’re not holding tight enough to the chords. Gitapuy níya ang íyang mga tudlù sa tikla, He let his fingers move over the keyboard. n fingering of chords. tapyanan n finger board or a fret of a stringed instrument.

tapwak v 1 [A3P; c] drag, push s.o. to danger or sin. Ikaw ang nagtapwak níya sa kadaútan, You drove her to danger. 2 [A; b(1)] dive, dash forcefully towards. Kinsa tung mitapwak sa ákung likud, Who was that who jumped on my back? 3 [a3b8] meet the eyes. Mauy natapwak (natapwakan) sa ákung panan-aw ang babáying naghúbù, A stark naked woman met my eyes. 4 [A; c] splash onto. Usa ka dakung balud ang mitapwak sa íyang náwung, A big wave splashed his face. Hitapwakan ug íhì ang nangharána, The serenaders got splashed with a potful of urine.

tapya v 1 [A; c1] for waves to dash against the shore. Tapyáhun (itapya) nang gapnud sa baybáyun, The waves will dash that driftwood against the shore. 2 [A; a12] fend off blows with the palm or with an instrument. Tapyáha íyang duslak sa ímung bangkaw, Fend off his thrust with your spear. n dashing of waves. tapyahan n seashore where the waves break.

tapyas v 1 [A2; b] graze, rub against slightly. Gitapyasan sa panà ang íyang áping, His cheek was grazed by the arrow. 2 [A; a1] deflect, hit with a swinging arm. Makatapyas ka íning dunggába? Could you parry this thrust? Tapyasa ang mga lamuk, Drive the mosquitoes away by swinging your arms. 3 [A; a] wipe s.t. off s.t. by sliding the palm of the hand over it. Tapyása ang mga sagbut sa lamísa, Sweep the scraps off the table.

tarà v 1 [A; cP] put s.t. where it is easy to get at, can easily be hit. Mitarà siya sa íyang nawung sa táwu nga nag-ingung musagpà, She put her face forward when the man threatened to slap her so he could hit her squarely if he dared. Kinsay nagtarà ug usa ka plátung mani sa mga bátà? Who put a plate of peanuts in front of the children where they could get at them? 2 [A; c] point at, train upon. Wà pa gánì siya makatarà, mibutu na ang pusil, The gun went off even before he could take his aim. Itarà ang ímung nawung sa adlaw, Face directly to the sun. a 1 in fighting, exposing the body and not parrying or ducking. Tarà muáway manúka, dì mulihay, That rooster exposes itself when it fights and fails to parry. 2 for a woman to be motionless, sexually unresponsive. Tarà babayhána, dì mubálus kun dyangdyángun, An unresponsive woman. She does not react to sexual play. pa- v [A; c6] fail to move and thus expose oneself instead of defending oneself or hiding. Ayawg patarà sa pinusílay, Don’t expose yourself to the line of fire.

tarabáhu = trabáhu.

tarabisíya = trabisíya.

taráha = tráha.

tarák = trák.

taraktarak1 v [A1; b6] put several blade marks on s.t. Ákung gitaraktarakan ang punúan [993]sa nangkà arun muági ang taguk, I put blade marks in the trunk of the jackfruit so the sap would flow.

taraktarak2 v [A1] make noisy footfalls. Gisabáan ang mga burdir sa sílung kay may nagtaraktarak sa táas, The boarders on the ground floor were disturbed by the person walking noisily upstairs.

táral v [A; a2] 1 force s.t. to come along by dragging. Gitáral nákug bábuy ngadtu sa ihawan, I dragged the pig to the slaughterhouse. 1a coax s.o. into coming along. Ayaw pagkúyug ug dúnay mutáral pagpangharána, Don’t go if s.o. coaxes you into going serenading. 2 bring before the court for trial. Tarálun sa hukmánan ang gikatahápan, The suspect will be brought to court. 3 drag s.o. to misery. Tarálun ta ka sa kauláwan uban nákù, I’ll drag you down to shame with me. Tarálun ka sa kamatáyun niánang labihan mung paghingaguul, You’ll be dragged to death with your excessive grief. taraltáral v [A3; a12] carry or take along where s.o. is. Ang íyang amígu mauy nagtaraltáral níya sa syudad, His friend took him out and around the city.

tarangka = trangka.

taranta, tarantǎr v [B126; b3(1)c5] 1 lose one’s head due to fright, panic. Natarantar siya dihang nagpúsil na, He panicked when the shoot-out started. 2 get rattled, lose one’s presence of mind. Natarantǎr siya dihang gipangutána siyas abugádu, He got rattled when the lawyer questioned him. tarantádu a 1 panicked. 2 stupid in one’s action. Katarantádu nímu! Ngánu gung ímung gihíkap ang pintal nga basà pa, You fool! Why did you touch the wet paint? v [B12; b6] 1 panic. 2 become stupid.

taras n one’s character trait in regards to the way he deals with other people. Gidáyig ku ang íyang taras pagkamaabiabíhun ug pagkamaluluy-un, I admire his trait of character, his hospitality and his ability to sympathize.

tarbáhu = trabáhu.

tardang1 v [A; c] strike at a trunk or branch of a tree with a bladed instrument with moderate force and without intention of cutting it off. Nagtardang ku sa punúan sa nangkà nga ákung gikuháan ug taguk, I chopped a mark in the jackfruit trunk to get sap.

*tardang2 pa- v [A; c] 1 expose s.t. or oneself to the elements or for others to see. Gipatardang ni Rúsa ang íyang páa arun ku makaalinggat, Rosa exposed her legs to catch my attention. 2 allow s.o. or oneself to do as much of s.t. as he wants. Ayaw patardánga ug pakáun ang bátà, Don’t let the child eat as much as he wants.

targit n 1 target. Aku bay targit sa ímung insultu, Am I the target of your insult? 2 skill in throwing the knife. 3 bull’s eye hit. Syátir giyud ka kay targit man, You must be a sharpshooter because it’s a bull’s eye. 4 children’s game in which the object is to hook rubber bands which have been laid on the ground with an arrow projected by a rubber band. 4a toy arrow made of coconut midribs used in a game of targit. 5 manner of shooting in basketball wherein the ball is made to go straight into the basket instead of describing an arc. v 1 [A; a1] hit the target. Makatargit ku ánang láta, I can hit that can. 2 [A; a] hit by throwing a knife. Ayaw siyag pusila. Targíta lang, Don’t gun him down. Just hit him with a knife. 3 [C; b6] play targit. 4 [A; a] make a targit shot in basketball. 5 [A; a12] have s.o. for sexual intercourse. — praktis n target practice. v [A1; b6] have target practice. targittargit = targit, n4.

tarha v [A; c] deduct tare weight. Ang Insik mitarhag singku kílus sa usa ka sákung kupras kay basà, The Chinese deducted five kilos from the total weight of the sack of copra to make up for its being wet. n tare weight deducted.

tarhíta n card, tag. v [A; b6] put a tag on s.t. Tarhitái ang pákids arun dì mawā̂, Put a tag on the package so it won’t get lost.

tárì v 1 [AC; a] enter, fight a cock in a cockfight with gaffs. Tarían ku nang ugis mu sa ákung pula, I’ll pit my red cock against your white one. 1a [A1C; b6] have, hold a cockfight. Magtárì rung Birnis, There will be a cockfight this Friday. 2 [A; b] tie the gaff on the cock’s leg. Hapini ang tiil únà taríi, Pad the leg before tying the gaff on it. (→) n gaff. Naunay ka sa kaugalíngun nímung tarì kay ang ímu hinúung irù ang nahílu imbis ang sa silíngan, You fell into your own trap (lit. got cut with your own gaff) when your dog was poisoned instead of your neighbor’s. pa- v [A13] be in a fighting mood or shape (lit. wants to be made to fight). paN- v [A2; c6] go to the cockfights. Kuháa ang hiniktan kay manárì ku, Get the cock, I am going to the cockfights. n cockfighting. ig-r-/l- n cock for fighting. maN-r-(→) n cockfighting enthusiast. -un(→) a a perfect match, ideal for pairing off in marriage. Ikaw duktur ug siya nars; tariun giyud mu kaáyu, You’re a doctor and she’s a nurse; you are a perfect match. [994]

tarik n 1 outrigger boom, the poles to which the floats are attached. 2 penis (slang). v [a] put, make into an outrigger boom.

taríkì = turíkì.

taríma n 1 movable platform on which cargo is placed in loading or unloading a ship. 2 vending stall, stand. Dúnay napúlù ka taríma sa isdaan, There are ten stalls in the fish section of the market. v [A; a] 1 make into, put up a movable platform. 2 make, put up a vending stall. Gitarimáhan na ang bag-ung tabuan, Stalls have already been installed in the new marketplace.

taringtaring a flirt. Dalì nang bayhána paangkan kay taringtaring, That girl will surely get pregnant because she is a flirt. v [B; b6] flirt; be a flirt. Kusug siyang mutaringtaring sa mga laláki maung daghang uyab, She flirts a lot. That is why she has lots of boys interested in her.

tarípa n customs duties.†

tarírit n a guide for the cue in billiards on which the cue is laid when one has to shoot a ball which is too far from the edge of the table for the hand to prop the cue.

tariya, taríya n assignment, allotment of work. v [A; c] assign a piece of work to s.o. Si Tatay nagtaríya nákug kawus, Father gave me the chore of fetching water. Gaan ang itaríya sa luyahun, Assign an easy job to weak persons.

tarsan name: Tarzan. -in- v [A; b6] act like Tarzan: climb and jump in a risky way. Ayawg tinarsan dihà kay mahúlug ka, Stop playing Tarzan. You might fall.

tarsin short for murtar sin. = murtal1, a2.

tartanilya n two-wheeled, horse-drawn rig. v [A13; a12] ride on a rig. Tartanilyáhun nímu nang duul kaáyu, Do you have to ride a rig for such a short distance?

táru n large cubical tin can made to contain kerosene and hold five gallons. v [B256] get to be one táru full. Wà ra mutáru ang nainum námung tubà, We didn’t even consume five gallons of palm toddy.

tarug v 1 [A; a12] budge a little. Ígù lang natarug ang kutsing ákung gitúlud, The car I was pushing just barely budged. 2 [B12; a1] for s.t. implanted to become loose. Manghíngù na ang bátà kay nagkatarug na íyang ngípun, The child will soon lose his teeth now that they are getting loose. 3 [B126] for feelings to be moved, softened. Bisan lúhà dì makatarug (makapatarug) sa íyang balatían, Even tears cannot move his feelings. a s.t. planted that is loose. Húmuk na ibtun ang lansang kay tarug na, It’s easy to pull the nail out now because it’s loose. n a loose tooth. Ipaibut na ímung tarug, Have your loose tooth pulled.

tarughuy = tarugsuy.

tarugsuy a tapering to a point. Daw tudlung nagsudiyà ang tarugsuy níyang dughan, Her breasts are pointed like an accusing finger. v [B6] be pointed. Nagtarugsuy lang ang mais kay wà ulana, The cornstalks stood like pointed sticks because there was no rain.

tarúgu n 1 a peg or rod to hold s.t. in place or provide support. 2 penis (slang). v [A; b6(1)] put a peg. Tarugúhan ug dakù ang halígi arun makadaug sa busaug, Put a large peg in the post to support it so it will hold up the joists.

táruk v [A; c] 1 plant a post or s.t. large. Lawma kun magtáruk kag pusti, When you plant a post make it deep. 2 erect a structure. Magtáruk tag bunggalu inigkaminyù nátù, We’ll construct a bungalow when we get married. taruktaruk v [AP] sit or stand motionless, not saying a word. Ang táwung hilumun nagtaruktaruk (nagpataruktaruk) lag lingkud, The quiet man was sitting without saying a word.

tárung a 1 straight, not curved. Tárung nga dálan, Straight path. 2 straight, not tilting or slanting. v 1 [A; a1] set upright or level s.t. slanting or tilting. Tarúnga nang pusting naghirig, Straighten up that leaning post. 2 [A; a12] do s.t. seriously and properly, not playfully or improperly. Káun ug tárung, Eat properly. 3 [B6] be reformed. Nagtárung (nagtarung) na siya gíkang giparul, He has reformed since he was paroled. 4 [B456] behave well. Magtárung ka kun dúnay bisíta, Behave when we have visitors. 5 [A; c1] do, put in a proper position. Ug mutárung tag higdà, masulud tang tanan dinhi sa sála, If we arrange ourselves properly we can all sleep in the living room. (→) a 1 right and proper. Wà kay mabúhat nga tarung kun matarantǎr ka, You won’t do anything right if you panic. 2 sane, not crazy. Tarung pa ba nang táwung síging tagawtaw, Could you call s.o. who keeps talking nonsense to himself sane? tarungtarung a quite presentable. Usa ra ka parisan ang ákung sapátus nga tarungtarung, I have only one pair of shoes that is presentable. ka- n right, justice. Ang katárung mudaug giyud sa dautan, Right triumphs over wrong. ka-an n 1 reason. Matag búhat dúna giyuy katarúngan, Every action must have a reason. 2 justice. Labánan ang katarúngan, Defend justice. láwas ug ka-an see láwas. v [c6] give as a reason. Milális giyud siya bisag way ikatarúngan, [995]He argued even if he had no argument to make. panga-an v [A2; c6] give an explanation or defense, justify oneself. Pangatarúngan kun hustu ka, Explain yourself when you’re right. n argument given in defense, explanation for justification. maka-anun a 1 reasonable. Makatarungánun ang íyang hangyù, Her request is reasonable. 2 just, fair. Makatarungánun ang Diyus, God is just. ma- a righteous. Wà siyay diyus, apan matárung siya, He knows no God, but he is righteous. mina-(→) a in a righteous way.

tarúngan a crested, having a circular growth of flesh or feathers on the crown or head. Ang tarúngan nga manuk dúnay balhíbu nga mag-ulbu sa úlu, A crested chicken has a puff of feathers forming a circle on the top of its head.

tarúrut n 1 paper, leaf rolled into a cone. Usa ka tarúrut mani, Peanuts in a piece of paper rolled into a cone. 2 k.o. squid characterized by its long tapering tail. 3 any musical instrument or noisemaker blown with the mouth. 3a drumbeater, publicity man. Gisangyaw dáyun sa mga tarúrut sa mayur nga siya ang nakapasimintu sa dálan Kulun, The mayor’s publicity men immediately broadcast that he was responsible for cementing Colon St. 4 cuckold. a short and stout. Tarúrut tan-áwun ang mubù nga mutambuk, A short person looks like a cone when he grows stout. v [A; a2] 1 roll s.t. into a cone. Nagtarúrut si Tátay arun ipúli sa íyang nawálang hunsuy, Father rolled a leaf into a cone to smoke with when he lost his pipe. 2 play a wind instrument. 3 for a wife to make a fool of her husband by taking up with other men. Gitarúrut siya sa íyang asáwa, His wife made him a cuckold.

tarúti n trot, a gait of a horse in which the legs are lifted in alternating diagonal pairs. v [A; a2] trot. Maáyu mutarúti ning kabayúa, dì kaáyu lihuk, This horse trots well. It does not bounce so much.

tarútut = tarúrut.

tarútuy = turútuy.

táruy = tagduy.

tása, tásà n cup. v [A13; a12] use a cup. Tasáa lang ang sabaw kun way yahung, Use cups if there are no soup bowls.

tasadur n assessor, a person who sets valuation on property for taxation purposes. v [B156] be, become an assessor.

tasal v [A; c] set a date or time to do s.t., or for s.t. to happen. Dì ku mutasal anus-a ku mubálik, I won’t set a date as to when I’m coming back. Gitasalan ang masakitun sa kansir ug usa ka búlan, The cancer patient was given a month to live. Lúnis ang gitasal nga adlaw sa kasal, Monday was the day set for the wedding. n date fixed for s.t. expected. tasádu n a fixed date, term. Way tasádu kun anus-a ang ílang kasal, There’s no date fixed for their wedding. v [A; b(1)] give a date, term or period. Mutasádu kag úras kun anus-a ku ikaw hapita, You have to set a fixed time as to when I shall pick you up.

tasar = tasal.

tasasiyun n valuation; assessment of s.t. v [A13; c] assess, value s.t. at. Gitasasiyunan lag mínus arun dì ku mabuktut sa buluhísan, My property was given a low valuation so I could escape the taxes.

tásik n 1 the liquid residue of sea water that has been crystalized in salt making. 2 liquid residue left after milling sugar. haluan — n snakeheads found in salt water.

taslak v [B3(1); b2] loaf, go about lazily in one’s work. Mutaslak ang mga trabahadur ug way magtan-aw níla, The workers loaf in their work if no one watches them. -an(→) a 1 lazy, fond of loafing. Taslakan kaáyu siya ug náay masúgù, She is very lazy when there’s s.o. to do the household work. 2 cowardly. Taslakan kaáyu nang bayhána, dì makatáhas sa báy nga mau rang usa, That woman is very cowardly. She is afraid to stay in the house alone. v [B12; b6] 1 become a lazybone. 2 become cowardly. ka- n fear, cowardice.

taslup (from salup) v 1 [A; c] penetrate, sink into. Mitaslup ang tinggà sa túbig, The sinker sunk into the water. Walà makataslup sa íyang buktun ang dágum sa indiksiyun, The hypodermic needle didn’t penetrate into his arm. 2 [A2; b(1)] penetrate deep into s.t.; impart s.t. into the thing penetrated. Mitaslup na ang kaparat sa isdà, The saltiness has penetrated deep into the flesh of the fish. Nakataslup na ang kahumut sa panákut sa kasahusun, The taste of the spices has penetrated deep into the jerked meat. 3 [A2] for the sun to disappear behind s.t., set.

tasngà v [A13] grin idiotically. Nagtasngà lang siyang gikasab-an, He just grinned stupidly as he was scolded.

taspuk v [A3P; b6] laze, loaf. Nagtaspuk siya sa íyang trabáhu, He is loafing on his job. -an(→) a lazy. v [B12; b6] become lazy. ka- n laziness.

tastas v [A; a] undo stitches. Tastása ang tahì sa sákung himúung hábul, Undo the stitches of the sacks to make them into a blanket. a stitches that came undone. [996]

táta n 1 father, address of respect to a father, esp. among Muslims. 2 address of respect to an old man, esp. a close relative. v [A; a] address or call s.o. táta.

tátà short form: n a pet name for boys or girls.

tàtà1 v 1 [B12; b6] worn out, damaged due to rough or constant use. Natàtà ang karsúnis ug ginámit, The pants are worn out after long use. 2 [B126; a12] badly bruised by blows. Tàtáun ku ang simud ánang pisti, I’ll pulverize that s.o.b.’s snout.

tàtà2 v [A; c1] 1 empty a container of its contents by turning it upside down and banging it downwards. Nagtàtà ku sa mga síli áring butilya, I’m pushing the chili peppers out of this bottle. Itàtà (tàtáa) ang mga sulud sa sáku, Shake out the contents of the sack. 2 pour, take out catch from a fish net or fish trap. 3 empty coconut-palm toddy in a container. 3a sell coconut-palm toddy to a permanent customer. Mutàtà kug tubà nímu káda buntag, I’ll sell you fresh coconut-palm toddy every morning. 4 [A; b] lap at a liquid. Irù ang mitàtà sa litsis bátà, The dog lapped the baby’s milk. -an n 1 a shed where catch from different bancas are put together for division into shares. 2 place where palm toddy is kept. 3 person who sells palm toddy on a regular basis.

tatak (slang) n 1 label indicating the make of s.t. 2 tattoo. v [A; c] attach a certain label. Dílì tinúud mahalun nang íyang sinínà. Gitatakan lang ug Kristiyan Díyur, It’s not really an expensive dress. She just sewed a Christian Dior label into it.

tátang n an address of respect given to an old grandfather or great-grandfather; sometimes used to address an old and well-respected leader in a community. v [A13; a12] call s.o. tátang.

tátaw a 1 clearly visible, not covered. Tátaw sa bintánà ang ílang rinubuhay, You could see them necking clearly through the window. 2 obvious. Tátaw kaáyu siyang nag-inartista, She’s obviously faking. v [B12; b6] 1 be clearly seen. Matátaw nímu ang dágat ibabaw sa búkid, You can clearly see the sea from the top of the hill. 2 be obvious. Minuri kay matátaw kaáyung gustu ka níya, Slow down. It’s obvious that you like him.

tatay, tátay n term of address to one’s father and sometimes uncle or grandfather. v 1 [A; a12] call s.o. father. 2 [B1256] become a father. (→) voc. short form: tay.

tatha v [A; a2] cut or lop off branches with a bladed tool. Tatháun ku ning sangáha nga nagdaplay sa alambri, I will cut off the branch that hangs across the electric wires.

táting n 1 tatting, knotted lace. 2 shuttle for making tatting. v [A; a2] make tatting.

tatsa v 1 [A12; b4(1)] mark or blemish on an otherwise smooth surface. Wà giyud makatatsa ang buksidur sa íyang kuntra, The boxer was not able to make a single mark on his opponent. Natatsahan ang íyang puting barung, His white barong has a spot on it. 2 [A2N; b5c] criticize; find fault with s.t. Kusug siyang mutatsa (manatsa) sa búhat sa uban, He is fond of criticizing others’ work. n mark, blemish. Way tatsa ang íyang pagkababáyi, Her womanhood is unblemished. -dur a fond of criticizing or despising. -dúra = tatsadur (female).

tatsǎr = tatsa.

tatsing v [a12] touch the net in volleyball. n 1 the violation of touching. 2 one who commits the violation. Tatsing ka. Ákung sirbi, You touched the net. My serve.

tatsu n a k.o. rounded, shallow brass or clay pan having two handles, used primarily in making sweets. v [A; a] use a tatsu.

tatu, tatù v [A; b] mark with a tattoo. Tatuhan tag kurus ímung buktun, Let’s tattoo a cross on your arm. n tattoo marks.

tátut = , 1.

tatuwa = lunaw.

táub a high tide. Táub (taub) kaáyu ang dágat run, The tide is high now. v [B45; b4] be high tide. Láwum ang pantalan kun mutáub, The harbor is deep when it’s high tide. n tide. Ang táub gaagad lang sa búlan, The tide depends on the moon. -un n 1 sea at high tide. Misíbug na ang taúbun, The tide is going out now. 2 high tide. Abtun giyud nang sináug nga barútu kay milíhuk na ang taúbun, When the high tide rushes in it will surely reach the boat that has been beached.

táud v 1 [A; c] put s.t. up or on by fastening, attaching, or inserting. Pagtáud ug muskitíru, Put up a mosquito net. Itáud ang singsing, Put the ring on. 2 [C2; c3] have sexual intercourse. Nagtáud sigúru sila kay nahílum, They must be having intercourse because they’re silent. 3 [A; a12] make a plow. n plow. Bargas karun ang ákung táud, I use a Vargas plow now. (→) n a trimming of lace attached to a garment as a frill.

taudtaud 1 after a while. Mihigdà ku, unyà taudtaud nakatúlug, I lay down, and after a while fell asleep. 2 be for some time. Taudtaud ka nang wà mubisíta nákù, It’s been some time since you visited me. 3 [do] every now and then. Taudtaud lag pangíhì ning táwung gibus-aw, This man with a bladder [997]ailment keeps having frequent urination. v 1 [B246; b] done some time ago. Mutaudtaud na karung wà kung kakità ug sini, It’s been some time now since I’ve last seen a movie. Pataudtauri (taudtauri) nà sa káyu únà haúna, Let it stay over the fire for several minutes before you take it off. 2 [A13] do s.t. every now and then. 3 [b8] taking a rather long time. Mataudtauran pa dagway úsà siya muulì, It will probably be some time before he comes home.

táuk = taláuk.

taun v [A; c] 1 set a trap or fishline in place. 2 offer a part of the body to receive blows or abuse. Gitaun sa irù ang íyang líug arun kahiktan, The dog offered its neck to let us tie it. 3 place s.t. as a bet. Ayaw itaun ang buakung húlin, Don’t put broken marbles down as your bet. n bet put together with others in a game.

taunduk = tausduk.

táup v 1 [A; P] pierce deep. Mitáup ang udiyung sa íyang dughan, The arrow pierced deep into his breast. 2 [B125] for the sound of s.t. one cannot see to fade away. Natáup ang tíngug sa nagkalayung ayruplánu, The sound of the airplane faded as it got further and further away. paN- v [A23] 1 sink, disappear below the level of. Nanáup ang barku sa pagkalúnud niíni. Bisan pálu wà makítà, The ship was completely hidden when it sank. Even the mast could not be seen on the surface of the water. Nanáup ang bátà sa daghang táwu, The child disappeared in the midst of the crowd. 2 for a score to be at the lowest, or at the bottom. Sa lima ka tím, íla rang iskur ang nanáup, Of the five teams, their score was the lowest.

tausduk v [B4; c1] be piled or heaped high. Nagtausduk ang labhanan sa palanggána, The laundry is piled high in the basin. Ayawg tausdúka (itausduk) ang kan-un sa plátu, Do not heap the food on the plate.

tawa a jovial of face or visage. Ang táwu nga tawa (matawa) ug panagway, A person of joyful mien. ma- = tawa. ka-(←) v [A2S; b3C5] laugh. Nagkatawa sila sa múut kaáyung sini, They were laughing at the funny picture. Gikataw-an ang bukidnun, They laughed at the bumpkin. Dílì ikakatáwa kanang hitabúa, That incident cannot be laughed off. n laughter. hika-/haka- v [B1256] laugh despite oneself. Nahikatawa ku pagkadalin-as níya, I couldn’t help laughing when he slipped. kataw-anay, kinataw-anay v [C3] smile at each other. hinga- a gay, easily aroused to laughter. kataw-anan a funny. kalataw-an n laughing stock. kinataw-an n manner of laughing. kataw-unun a feel like bursting into laughter. mataw-ánun a laughingly, jokingly. Mataw-ánung pangutána, A joking question.

tawà n k.o. fishing with a drift line for moderately deep seas. A swivel is attached between the leader and the line which is in turn attached to a bamboo float having a coconut frond stuck into it as a marker.

tawag v 1 [A; a12b2] call, call on. Tawga siya kay mangáun na, Call him. Lunch is ready. Pagtuun básig hitawgan kang mám, Study because the teacher might call on you. 1a [a12] consider one as s.t. Daw ikaúlaw níya nga tawgun silang magsúun si Dúris, Apparently she was ashamed to be called Doris’ sister. 2 [A3; a1c] call s.o. s.t. Tawga lang kug Suping, Just call me Sofing. Bahálà nag unsay ímung itawag nákù, I don’t care what you call me. 3 [A; b5] call up. Tawga (tawgi) ku inig-abut nímu, Call me up when you arrive. n 1 way one calls s.t. Unsay tawag nímu nang táwung hambugun? What name do you give to a braggart? 2 action of calling out. (←) v 1 [A; a12] call out the marriage bans. 2 = tawag, 3. n the call of marriage bans in church. paN- v [A13] 1 for a dead person to call the relatives to follow him shortly after his death. In folk belief, if a corpse fails to stiffen, it is a sign that he is calling for his relatives to follow him, and it must be warded off with a sumpà. Ang minatay nga húmuk mu rag búhì, magpanawag sa mga kaparintíhan, A corpse that is soft as if it were alive is calling his relatives to follow him in death. 2 — ug nánay, tátay, ginikánan call out in great distress or pain (lit. say ‘Máma!’). Nagpanawag ug nánay ang gisirulan, The man had stomach cramps and yelled ‘Mama!’ in pain. talawgun a 1 frequently called on for services. Talawgun kaáyu nang duktúra, That doctor is very busy. 2 requiring repeated calls to make him come. Talawgun nang batáa. Dì muanhi ug dì sigíhag tawag, That child needs to be called a lot. He doesn’t come unless you keep calling him. -l-un(←) n errand boy or girl. paN-an(←) n place where one makes a call, esp. for an assembly. pala-, pala-(←) n s.t. that calls. Ang bagting sa kampána mauy palatáwag sa mga manuk níla, The ringing of the bell gathers their chickens. a fond of calling on others. panawagtawag = pamutingting. see butingting.

tawak n a k.o. black fungus beetle that infests mung beans and stored cereals. v [A12; a4] [998]be infested with this sort of beetle. -un a beetle-infested beans or cereals.

tawal n treatment in folk medicine consisting of betel nut spit on the afflicted area and a magical prayer. v [A; b] treat with tawal. Gitawalan ang íyang pinaakan sa hálas, His snakebite was treated with betel nut spittle.

tawas n alum.

tawatawa = mangágaw.

tawgi n mung bean sprouts, used as vegetable. v [A1; a2b6] cook with or make into bean sprouts.

tawhay a 1 orderly, well-arranged. Tawhay ang mga butang sa lamísa, The things on the table are well-arranged. 2 relaxed, with the mind free from trouble or worries. 2a face looking fresh and relaxed, free from worry or pain. 3 work that is light and easy to do. Tawhay kaáyu ang trabáhu kay íhap lang, The work is very light because it’s just counting things. v [B2; c1] 1 be, become orderly, well-arranged. 2 be peaceful and free from trouble or worries. Mitawhay ang íyang buut pagkatápus sa mga bátà sa ílang kursu, He felt relaxed and relieved after his children had finished their courses. Tawháya (itawhay) ang mga trabahadur, Calm the laborers down. 2a for the face to look fresh and relaxed. Mitawhay (natawhay) ang náwung sa bag-ung nanganak, The face of the woman that had just delivered her baby looked relieved and relaxed. 3 become light. Mutawhay ang trabáhu ug hingpit ta sa kasangkápan, The work becomes easy if one has all the tools one needs.

tawid v 1 [A; a] cross; go over to the other side. Nagtawid na sa taytáyan ang trák, The truck is crossing the bridge now. Kining barkúha dì makatawid ug dagkung lawud, This boat cannot cross large seas. 2 [A2; b(1)] leave, go away from a place. Mitawid ang mga tulisan pag-abut sa písi, The robbers vanished when the P.C. arrived. n opposite side, place across.

táwid n meadow, uncultivated grassland for pasturing. Adtu nákù itugway ang mga báka sa táwid, I’ll pasture the cows in the meadow. v [B12; b6] be, become a meadow. Natáwid ang ámung yútà nga wà kultibaha, The piece of land that wasn’t tilled turned into a meadow.

tawiltawil v [A12] dangle to and fro. Lagmit sakmitun nang ímung kayril nga nagtawiltawil sa ímung bulsa, S.o. is likely to grab the watch chain that is dangling from your pocket.

tawngun n k.o. thorny vine of thickets, similar to the bougainvillea but sharper, with small leaves in three lobes and small white flowers.

tawsì n small, brown k.o. sunbird, similar to tamsi, white in front with a brown spot.

Tawsug n 1 the Muslims of Jolo. 2 their language.

tawsyu = tahusyu.

táwu n 1 man, person. 1a man, fellow. Naunsa mag táwu! Nanghawuk man! What’s gotten into the man! Kissing me like that. Kanà gung tawhána, That guy ... 2 follower. Táwu nà siyang Markus, He is one of Marcos’ men. 3 face card. Nindut íyang baráha kay púlus táwu, He has good cards, all face cards. 4 s.o. left to watch the house. Kinsay táwu run sa balay, Who’s left to watch the house? 5 visitor. Dì ku makalakaw kay náay táwu sa ámù, I can’t leave the house because we have visitors. 6 in phrases: anak sa — the son of man (Biblical). -ng Matúud Jesus Christ. dakung — see dakù. tawhána particular man. Kanang tawhána, That man. Kinsang tawhána? Which man? v 1 [A; b6] stay and watch the house. Taw-i ang báy samtang manábù ku, Watch the house while I go marketing. 2 [B1256; b8] be born. Natáwu siya sa pasungan, He was born in a manger. Unsang pitsáha íyang natawhan? On what date was he born? Yútang natawhan, Native land. 3 [AN] prepare for guests on special occasions. Manáwu sila unyà sa pista sa ílang baryu, They will prepare for visitors when it is the feast day in their village. 4 [A] attend an affair or special occasion. Mutáwu ta sa kasal níla, We will attend their wedding. Nagtáwu sila sa mísa sa kaadláwun, They are attending the early morning mass. 5 [AN; a12] pay a visit. Gitáwu níla ang mga prísu, They visited the prisoners. pa- v [A; ac] 1 have s.o. stay in a house. 2 give rise to a feeling. Mupatáwu sa talagsaung kadásig, Gives rise to an unusual enthusiasm. paka- v 1 [A13; a] come, bring into the world. Ngánung gipakatáwu pa aku? Why was I brought into this world? 2 [A13] take the form of man, pretend to be man. Magpakatáwu ang ingkantu kun mangulitáwu, The enchanted beings take the form of man when they go after women. hi-/ha- v [B1256] be left in a house to watch it. Siya na lay nahitáwu sa balay, She was the only one left in the house to watch it. tawutáwu n figurehead. v [A1B12; c16] make s.o. a figurehead, become a figurehead. taw-an n 1 not unoccupied. Taw-an nang payága kay dúnay sugà, That hut is not unoccupied because there’s [999]light. 2 inhabited by supernatural beings. Magdiwáta sila sa káhuyng taw-an, They’ll offer offerings to the tree that is inhabited by spirits. tawhánun a characteristic of humans, earthly. Gibyáan sa mungha ang mga tawhánung tingúhà, The nun put away earthly desires. Masayup kita tungud kay tawhánun, We commit mistakes because we are human. makitawhánun a humanistic, humanitarian. Makitawhánun siya, dílì manaugdáug sa láin, He is humanitarian. He does not oppress other people. -in- a done in a human way. Ang ímung gibúhat dì na tináwu, linuug na, What you did was no longer human but beastly. n paid by individuals, not by the whole vehicle, service, etc. Tináwu ang báyad sa dyíp, dì pakyaw, The amount of fare depends on the number of people. It’s not for the whole car. v 1 [c1] pay for individually, not for a whole. 2 [c1] do s.t. manually, use bare manpower on as compared to the use of machines. Kun tinawhun (itináwu) nà pagbúhat madúgay giyud, If you do it by hand it will take time. 3 [A13; b6] give a banquet. Dì ka ba magtináwu rung pyista? Aren’t you going to prepare a banquet this coming feast? katawhan n people, masses. Kabus ang átung mga katawhan, Our people are poor. pagka- n 1 character, personality. Kasalígan siyang pagkatáwu, He has a trustworthy character. 2 birth. kina- n 1 nature, inborn character or inherent tendencies of a person. Kinatáwu nà níla nga mga dagkù sila kaáyu, It runs in their family that they grow to be large people. 2 genitalia (euphemism). tawutáwu n 1 s.t. like a person, e.g. scarecrow or the like. 2 pupil and iris of the eye. tinawutáwu n comic strips. Unáhun kug bása ang tinawutáwung sugilánun, I’ll read the comic strips first. uli- see ulitáwu.

tawu- for forms with tawu- see also talu-.

tawugtawug v [A13] for s.t. long and thin that is standing with the base firmly attached to wave back and forth. Antína sa awtu nga magtawugtawug inighúnung sa awtu, An automobile antenna that waves back and forth when the car stops.

tawun v [A2; c] 1 move to a place to take shelter or refuge. Nakatawun na mi sa simbahan pagbahà, We moved to the church when there was a flood. 2 move to another place. Nakatawun na sila sa Mindanaw, They have already moved to Mindanao. tawuntáwun v [A; b5] transfer, go over from place to place. Nagtawuntáwun lang ang mga manaygúnay sa kabalayan, The carolers caroled from house to house. Gitawuntawúnan (gitawuntáwun) sa bátà ug paráyig ang íyang máma ug pápa, The child went back and forth between his mother and father asking for affection.

táwun short for intáwun.

tayà1 v [A; c] 1 place a bet. Adtu ku tayà sa hárì, I’ll bet on heads. Ayawg itayà ang tibuuk puhúnan, Don’t stake all the money you have. 2 stake one’s life, honor. Nagtayà ang sundálu sa íyang kinabúhì álang sa násud, The soldier puts his life on the line for his country. Ákung itayà ákung dungug paglában sa sinumbung, I’ll stake my name to defend the accused. 3 [A; b6(1)] pay for the others in a treat (slang). Akuy magtayà sa átung inúmun, I’ll pay for the drinks. n 1 bet. 2 treat, turn to pay (slang).

tayà2 n rust. way — ang bulsa be broke (slang). Wà giyud bisag tayà ákung bursa, My pocket doesn’t have a thing (lit. not even rust [from money]). v 1 [A2; b4] become rusty. Tay-an ang gamitung dì lanahan, Tools get rusty if you don’t oil them. 2 [b4] be rusty from lack of practice. Natay-an na ku sa pagtukar kay dúgay na kung wà kahikap, I’ve gotten rusty because I haven’t picked my instrument up in ages. -un a rusty.

tayáda v 1 [A23; b6] engage in the action of doing s.t., make the motions of doing s.t. Wà pa gánì mubagting ag kampána mitayáda dáyun ang usang buksidur, The bell had not even rung when one of the boxers started swinging his fist. 2 [A23] put on a big show, make ostentatious motions of doing s.t. Mitayáda dáyun siya sa íyang nakat-unan nga tanggu, He immediately set out to show off the tango steps he had learned. n act of making motions, esp. ostentatiously. Púrus lang tayáda, way natúman, They just put on, but accomplish nothing.

tayakan n a makeshift stall in a marketplace.

tayam, táyam a a little bit sweet or salty. Ang atábay nga duul sa dágat tayam ug túbig, The water of a well near the sea is a bit salty. v [AB; a] have a faint taste of sweetness or saltiness, make s.t. so. Wà na tay kámay maung ígù lang mitayam ang kapi, We’re out of sugar. That’s why the coffee is just slightly sweetened. Ígù rang mitayam (gitayam) ang asin sa íyang pagkáun, He used just enough salt to make his dinner slightly salty.

taydal wib n tidal wave. v [A; a4] have a tidal wave, be affected by a tidal wave.

taygir see urkid.

tayhad a having an erect posture with the abdomen thrust out. Tayhad kaáyu siya nga [1000]nagtindug, He is standing tall and straight. v [A] 1 stand erect. 2 stand around doing nothing when s.t. should be done. Nagtayhad ka man lang dihà nga daghan mang buluhatun, You are just standing around when there is so much to do!

tayhup v [A; b6(1)] 1 blow through a tube to build a fire. Magtayhup ku sa háling, I will blow on the fire I’m building. 2 treat sickness by blowing on the crown, nape of the neck or the spot that ails. Tayhúpi ra ring pinaakag hā́s, Would you treat this snake bite by blowing on it? n tube through which one blows to build a fire.

tayid n detergent (from the brand name Tide).

tayils n tile. v [a12] make s.t. tile. Gitayils níya ang sawug sa banyu, He made the bathroom floor a tile floor.

tayim n 1 time, o’clock. Unsay ímung tayim, What time do you have? 2 time at which s.t. is scheduled to begin or end. Daliag human kay hápit na ang tayim, Finish it quickly because it’s almost time. 3 time, chance. Wà kuy tayim pagrilaks, I don’t have time to relax. — pa 1 time out, let me have some more time. Tayim pa. Wà pa kung katágù, Time out. I haven’t hidden yet. 2 just a minute. Tayim pa kay tawgun ku siya, Just a minute. I’ll call her. 3 just a second, I’ll be right back. Tayim pa. Ákung kuháun, Just a second. I’ll get it. 4 excuse me, let me interrupt or change the subject. Tayim pa ra gud, kinsa tu? Excuse me. Who did you say it was? 5 excuse me (correcting oneself). Muabut sa Lúnis. Tayim pa diay, sa Martis, He is arriving on Monday, I mean, on Tuesday. — awut = tayimpa, 1. v 1 [A; b] ascertain the time, rate. Taymi kung magtayip, Time me typewriting. 2 [B256] be time to start or end. Buhíi ang klási kay hápit na mutayim (matayim), Dismiss the class because it’s almost time. 3 [A2] say ‘time out’, ‘wait a second’. Sa ríng dì ka makatayim ug kupúgan ka na sa kuntra, In the ring you can’t ask for time-out when your opponent mauls you.

tayim-áwut v [A; c] call for time-out. Itayim-áwut sà kay manginum ta, Call time-out so we can get a drink. n time-out.

tayimkípir n timekeeper at work, in a game. v [B156] be the timekeeper.

táyip v [A; a1] typewrite. Taypa inyung tirmpípar, Type your term papers. -in- n s.t. typed.

tayiprayting n typewriting paper.

tayipraytir n typewriter.

taylan = bígà1.

tayming n 1 timing, the way s.t. is made to coincide with s.t. else. 2 timing in music, rate of beating. 2a tempo. Rumba ang tayming íni, dì tanggu, This is a rumba beat, not tango. 2b sense of rhythm. Maáyug tayming nang batáa sa íyang pagkanta, That boy sings with very good timing. a 1 well, opportunely timed. Tayming kaáyu ang ámung pag-abut sa íla kay nagbinignit sila, We timed our arrival perfectly because they were serving binignit. 2 in time, rhythmical. Tayming kaáyu ang istíping sa íyang sáyaw sa ákung kanta, His dance steps are in time with my song. v 1 [A2NC3; b2c1] synchronize, do s.t. so as to make it correspond with s.t. else. 2 [A12; b2] happen on, get a chance to. Nakatayming siyag baylig gwápa, He happened to dance with a pretty girl. paN- v [A2] take a chance on. Panayming lag ansir. Siliksiyun tayip bítaw, Take a chance on your answer. Anyway it’s a multiple-choice exam.

taypist n typist. v [B156] be a typist.

taytay n 1 mountain range. 2 bridge. v 1 [A; b6(1)] make a bridge. Ákung gitaytáyan ug kawáyan ang ámung labnganan, I made a bamboo bridge for us to cross on. 2 [A; a] start weaving a hat or a mat, weaving the fundamental portion (the crown in the hat) from which the rest is continued. paN- v [A2; b6] travel along the mountain ridge. Manaytay ta arun makítà ang luyug luyu sa búkid, Let’s travel along the ridge so we can see both sides of the mountain. -an n 1 bridge. 2 means by which s.t. is attained.

taytul n 1 title. 2 title, championship. 3 law title. — payit n title fight in boxing. v [A; c] give a title to. Unsay maáyung itaytul ning baláka, What would be a good title for this poem?

tayúbung n starch made from cassava. v [a2] make into starch. Ilain ang dyábang tayubúngun, Set aside the cassava to be made into starch.

tay-ug v [AB6; a1] 1 shake s.t. large and tall, be shaken. Natay-ug (mitay-ug) íyang láwas sa pag-inubu, Her body shook with coughing. Tay-úga ang káhuy arun mangataktak ang búnga, Shake the tree so the fruits will fall off. 2 shake, affect the emotions with intensity. Ang túmang kalísang ang mitayug kaníya, Great fear shook him. pa- = paúyug. see úyug.

táyun n 1 row. Kining tayúna sa lubi tag-un arun kapadak-an ang karsáda, This row of coconut trees will be cut down so the road can be widened. 2 length or span of s.t. Nagkinahanglan pa ta ug usa ka táyun nga [1001]túbu, We still need a length of water pipe. v [a12] put or arrange several things in rows. Tayúna pagpamutang ang mga misitíra, Put the flower pots in rows.

tayúpì v [A; a2] cheat, defraud. Gitayúpì ta sa matadíru pinaági sa timbangang dílì hustu, The butcher cheated us with inaccurate scales. a cheat, defrauder. Ayaw pagsálig níya kay tayúpì kaáyu nà, Don’t trust him because he is a cheat.

tayùtù n 1 = talùtù. 2 = tagùtù2. v = tagùtù2.

TB see tíbi2.

ti n 1 letter t. 2 the seventh note in a musical scale. — minur B minor. 3 = tidyúwin.

short for itì (vocative).

tiad a with the back arched. v [A2; c6] bend one’s body backwards. Dì ku makatiad kay musakit ang piang sa bukubuku, I cannot bend backwards because it will hurt the sprain in my back.

tiágak v [A23] 1 for chickens to make the sound of being disturbed. Mitiágak ang sunuy kay ímung gisámuk, The rooster squawked because you bothered it. 2 yell, esp. when about to be punished. Mitiágak siya dáyun dihang gihanaan ku siyag latigu, He shrieked when I got set to whip him. n the action of squawking.

tiamtíam v [A2S; a] move one’s mouth slightly in mumbling, chewing, smacking to get the taste. Dúna siyay gihínuk pagkáun kay nagtiamtiam siya, She’s eating s.t. secretly because her mouth is moving. Tiamtiáma úsà ang tubà usà ka mupalit, Taste the coconut toddy first before you buy it.

tiámu short for tíaw mu. see tíaw, n2.

tiaw n k.o. goatfish.

tíaw v [A; b] tease, play a joke on. Ayawg túu kay gitiáwan ka lang níya, Don’t believe him. He’s just teasing you. 1a for supernatural beings to cast a spell on s.o. Gimínù siya kay gitiáwan sa ingkantu; He couldn’t find his way because a spirit cast a spell on him. n 1 joke, prank. dílì — no small thing. Dì tíaw nga búhat, No small job. Dì tíaw ang ákung kakurat, I was really frightened. 2 — (ba)y, nga; — mu (ba)y, nga just imagine! Tíaw bay limay íyang kabit, Just imagine, he has five mistresses. Tíaw mu nang diyut mi mabuku, Imagine, we were almost exposed. 2a — mu ugud nga, y can you beat that, [so-and-so] happened despite everything. Tíaw mu guy nakapasar ug bár, Imagine, he passed the bar despite everything. 2b — mu kanà I warned you, now see what happened. Tíaw mu nà ug mipatúu ka pa, I told you so. If you had only listened. (→) v 1 [a4] be punished by the soul of a departed relative for engaging in merry-making activities too soon after the person’s death. The victim usually behaves odd but only temporarily. 2 [A123P] cause to grow gray hairs early. Makatiaw kunu nang magkanta sa abúhan samtang naglung-ag, You will get grey hair before your time if you sing while standing before the stove and cooking. tiawtíaw v [A; b(1)] 1 be joking. 2 toy with an opponent in a contest. Gitiawtiáwan lang sa kampiyun ang tsalindyir, The champion just toyed with the challenger. -l-an n one who is the usual object of ridicule. Ang bungì gibúhat lang tiliáwan sa iskuylahan, The harelip was made the butt of ridicule in school. v [B126] be, become the object of ridicule. -an(→), pala-, ma-un a fond of making jokes.

tiáyun (from ayun) v [C3; a12] be married to each other. Gustu giyud sa ílang mga ginikánan nga tiayúnun ang ílang isig ka anak, It was the parents’ wish that their children be married to each other. mag- n married couple. Way anak ang magtiáyun, The couple is childless. panag- n marriage, the state of being married. Sa ámung panagtiáyun wà giyud mi magkaáway, During our marriage we never once quarrelled.

tibà v [A; b8] for liquid contents to spill out from a container. Dì makatibà ang tubà ug butangag sungsung, The palm toddy won’t spill out if s.t. is stuffed in the mouth.

tibadtibad v [A; b6] talk back in a grumbling manner. Dílì maáyu sa usa ka anak nga magtibadtibad kun kasab-an, It isn’t good for a child to talk back when scolded. tibadtibaran a given to back talk.

tibagnul a for root crops and fruits to have hard lumps in the flesh. v [B2; b6] having hard lumps in the flesh. Sakit ang nakatibagnul (nakapatibagnul) sa mga búnga sa tsíkus, Blight has caused the sapodillas to get lumpy. -un(→) a of a lumpy sort of fruit.

tibagsuy v [A2] go out straight without minding anything or anyone. Mitibagsuy lang siya, wà ku hulata, She went straight away without waiting for me.

tíbak1 n a k.o. rot causing decay in portions of jackfruit (nangkà). v 1 [a4; b4] be affected with jackfruit rot. Tibákun ang nangkà ug dì pustun, The fruits of jackfruit will get affected with rot if you don’t wrap them. 2 [B26; a4b4] for a body to be covered with sores. Natíbak ang íluk sa pamutu, The armpit is full of skin eruptions. -un a fruits affected with this rot.

tíbak2 = tíbin. [1002]

tibaknul = tibagnul.

tibalas n the Schach shrike: Lanius nasutus.

tíbas v 1 [A; a12] take the rest of s.t., finish doing the remaining portion. Akuy mitíbas ug pamutul sa mga káhuy sa maisan, I cut the rest of the trees in the cornfield. Kinsay nagtíbas ug palit sa ímung mga mangga? Who bought the rest of your mangoes? Tibása nang kan-un sa ímung plátu, Eat the rest of the food on your plate. 2 [B23; b6] for crops or fruits to be past their season. Hápit na matíbas (mutíbas) ang mga mangga, Mango fruits will soon be out of season. Nagkatibas na ang áni sa mga humay, The rice harvest season is starting to be over.

tibás = tibalas.

tíbaw v [A; a12] 1 visit, usually to see how s.t. is. Aku ray mutíbaw sa ákung nangkà ug nahinug na ba, I’ll take a look at the jackfruit that I kept and see if it’s ripe yet. Tibáwun na sad níya ang íyang tinagúan, He will visit his mistress again. 2 inspect a trap to see if there is a catch. Way kuhà ang gitíbaw kung lit-ag, The trap I inspected had no catch.

tibáwas (from báwas) v 1 = tibás. 2 [A; a12] finish, bring to completion. Ang hiniluang indiksiyun mauy nagtibáwas sa nagpinal, The poisoned injection finished off the dying man. 3 go all the way to marriage. Tibawása (ipatibáwas) na lang sila. Tutal, nag-ípun na man, Marry them off. Anyway they are living together. impas — v [B1256] be destroyed, done away with with irrevocable finality. Nabuak ang katapúsan. Naimpas tibáwas na ang huygu, The last of them broke. Now the set is completely gone.

tibhang v [A; b7] 1 remove a portion of a whole. 1a cut off a piece to make s.t. Ákung tibhángan ang pára sa bàbà sa sag-ub, I will chip off a piece of the end of the bamboo to serve as a mouth. 2 lessen, diminish. Way makatibhang sa ákung pagbátì nímu, Nothing can make me love you less. Matibhang ákung trabáhu kun mutábang ka, My work will be less if you help me. n 1 deduction from, lack. Gihátag níya ang swildu ngadtu sa íyang asáwa nga way tibhang, He handed his salary intact to his wife. 2 space left after s.t. was removed. Ang tibhang sa yútà nga giagian sa karsáda mga siyin mitrus kwadrádu, About 100 square meters were taken off the land for the road. tibhangtibhang v [A; b] chop the outer part of a tree trunk to leave open marks.

tibhung = tib-ug.

tíbi1 n TV. v [A1] watch TV.

tíbi2 n TB. v [B126; a4] become, get TB. Makatíbi nang subrang kahágù, Overwork causes TB. Matíbi ang ubung pinasagdan, A cough may turn into TB if you let it go. Gitíbi siya, He got TB. tibihun, tibíhun n one with TB.

tíbi3 n acronym for Tinípung Bansa (U.S.).

tíbì v [B46; c1] screw up the lips as if about to cry. Muhílak nà run siya kay mitíbì na, She is going to cry because she’s screwing up her lips. n action of screwing up the lips. pa- v [A; a12] tease a baby until it cries. Ang mupatíbì sa bátà mau say mupahílum, Whoever teases the baby is going to have to quiet him down.

tíbin n twenty pesos or twenty centavos (slang). v 1 [A12] secure twenty pesos or twenty centavos. 2 [B26] be, become twenty pesos or twenty centavos. Hápit mutíbin (matíbin) ang íyang daug, His winnings come to nearly twenty pesos.

tíbis v [A; a] 1 pour water on s.t. to rinse it off or sprinkle it. Túa siya sa gardin nagtíbis sa mga tanum, He is in the garden watering the plants. Bi, tibísan nátù ug túbig arun makapanghinaw ka, Here, let’s pour water on your hands so you can wash them. 2 pour liquid into a container. Aku lay mutíbis sa tubà arun dì mayabu, I’ll pour the palm toddy into your glass so that it won’t spill over.

tibíwis = tabílis.

tibtìb v [A; b] chip off, cut off small pieces with repeated strokes. Akuy mutibtib sa butung arun makainum tag sabaw, I’ll chip off the top of the young coconut so we can drink the water. Tibtíbi ang kawáyan sa buku arun mahámis, Chop off the nodes from the bamboo pole to make it smooth.

tibu n k.o. edible, dark-grey spindle shell, between one and two inches long, found in shallow bays.

tibù v [B126; a2] do s.t. in large quantity rather than little at a time, be in a large quantity. Natibù ang labhunun kay nasakit ku, My laundry piled up because I was sick. Kusgan giyud ang makatibù ínig hákut, Whoever can carry all of this at once must be strong. Tib-ag báyad ang útang. Ayawg datadatáhi, Pay the debts all at once, not bit by bit. (←) v [A2C; c1] group or join together. Nagtíbù sa usa ka dápit ang mga bantúgang mamumulung, All the best orators grouped in one place. Dílì makatíbù ang mga kabus ánang kapunungána, The poor cannot join that organization. tinib-anay, tinib-ánay a putting everything one has into it at once. Tinib-anay tung ílang panamílit, They poured all of their emotions into their [1003]farewell.

tibuagsà (from buagsà) v [B246; b3] move rapidly in various directions, be dispersed. Mitibuagsà ang punduk nga giitsáhag libintadur, The group scattered in all directions when firecrackers were thrown in their midst. Nagtibuagsà ang mga anak sa dihang nangaílu, The children were scattered when they got orphaned.

tibuagya (from buagya) = tibuagsà.

tibud n small clay jar.

tib-ug v [A; c] add a liquid to another liquid, usually to adulterate or dilute. Akuy mitib-ug ug túbìg sa payn-ápul dyús arun madaghan, I added water to the pineapple juice to make it go a long way.

tibugsuk (from bugsuk) v [A23; a3b6] dive or fall headlong. Mitibugsuk ang tikaruy ngadtu sa dágat arun pagdágit sa isdà, The kingfisher dove into the water to snatch fish. Natibugsuk siya sa íyang pagkahū́g sa hagdan, She fell headlong down the stairs.

tibug-uk (from buuk) a beads of sweat or drops of tears formed s.w. Tibug-uk nga mga lúhà, Drops of tears. v [B46N; b6] for beads of sweat to form or tears to well up. Mitibug-uk (nanibug-uk) ákung singut dihang gikasab-an kung Tátay, I got beads of sweat on my forehead when Father scolded me. Hápit na mutúlù ang nagtibug-uk níyang lúhà, The tears that welled up in her eyes are about to come streaming down.

tibugul (from bugul) n lump. Tumur nang tibugul sa ímung súsu, The lump in your breast is a tumor. Gilábay ku siyag tibugul nga yútà, I threw a clod of earth at him. v [B] be formed into lumps. Natibugul ang litsi kay dì maáyung pagkakútaw, The milk came out all lumpy because it was not well mixed.

tibug-ul = tibugul.

tibugun (from bugun) n lump, cyst. v [B3(1)] be formed into lumps or cysts. Mitibugun ang ági sa ákung indiksiyun, My injection formed a lump. Nagtibugun ang brásu sa buksiyadur, The muscles of the boxer are hard and firm. Dì makatibugun ang pawdir milk ug ayúhun pagkútaw, Powdered milk does not form lumps if you stir it well.

tibukul (from bukul) n lump, a mass of indefinite or irregular shape. v [B6; c1] be, become lumpy, form into a lump. Mitibukul ang harína nga ákung gikas-a paglúnud, The flour formed lumps because I poured it into the liquid all at once. Tibukula ang kan-un nga ímung ihátag sa bátà, Form the food into a lump before you give it to the baby.

tibuk-ul = tibugul.

tibul v [A; c] 1 pour liquid into a vessel with a narrow opening. Daghang úsik kun ikay mutibul sa lamparilya, You waste so much when you pour kerosene into the lamp. 2 pour a liquid over another liquid. Tibuli ug gás ang kanal arun mamatay ang wayawaya, Pour kerosene over the ditch so that the wrigglers will die. 3 have intercourse (humorous). Magbagulbul ang asáwa ug dílì katiblan káda gabíi, The wife complains if she doesn’t have bit of sex every night. -anan(←), tiblanan n 1 pouring vent or hole. 2 s.t. which needs to have liquids poured into it. Ayaw sag dagkuti nang sugáa kay tibulánan (tiblanan) pa nà, Don’t light that lamp yet because it has not been filled with kerosene.

tíbul v [A; c1] have a hostess sit at one’s table in a night club. Ug kwartáhan siya magtíbul siya ug duha ka hustis, If he is in the money he has two entertainers sit at his table. n in phrases: madyung, pingpung — mahjong, pingpong table. multiplikisyun — multiplication table. see also lung tíbul.

tib-ul = tibul.

tibuláag v [AC3] go in various directions. Mitibuláag ang mga táwu pagkadungug sa butu, The crowd ran to all directions upon hearing the gunshot. Nagkatibuláag ang mga Hudíyu human mabíhag, The Jews were scattered after their captivity.

tibùtibù v [A; c1] mumble words unintelligibly. Musúkul ang anak nga magtibùtibù ug kasab-an, It is a sign of defiance if your own child mumbles under his breath when he is scolded. Nagtibùtibù ang íyang bàbà sa pangadyì, Her mouth mumbled as she prayed.

tibuuk (from buuk) 1 whole, all of s.t. Gidúngug sa tibuuk lungsud ang ílang pagtában, The whole town knew about their eloping. Simbáhun ku ikaw sa tibuuk kung kasingkásing, I’ll adore you with all my heart. 2 whole, unfragmented. Sinsiyúi ring tibuuk písu, Change this whole peso bill. Palita nang tibuuk, ayaw nang píkas, Buy the whole piece, not just a half. 2a whole grain, not ground. Unsa man nang maísa, tibuuk u ginaling? What kind of corn is that, whole grain or ground? 3 solid tires, not pneumatic. Sa karáang mga trák ang gúma sa ligid tibuuk, The old trucks had solid rubber wheels. a resonant in timbre of voice. Máayu siyang mukanta kay tibuuk kaáyu siya ug tíngug, He sings well because he has a very resonant voice. v [A; a2] make whole, in one piece. Tibuk-a ning dyigsu pásul, Put the jigsaw puzzle together. [1004]siya katibuk-ig báyad, He hasn’t been paid in full. — ang hunàhúnà, hukum v [B126] be resolved, decided. Natibuuk ang ákung hunàhúnà nga magmadri (Natibuuk sa ákung hunàhúnà ang pagmadri), I have decided to become a nun. kinatibuk-an n 1 absolutely undivided whole. 2 aggregate, total sum.

tibwáag = tibuláag.

tibwagsà = tibuagsà.

tibway v [A; a12] 1 complete s.t. unfinished. Kinsay mutibway sa gibyáan nímung daruhun? Who’ll finish plowing the rest of the field? 1a buy the remaining portion of s.t. Tibwáya ring nahibilin kay ákung baratúhun, Buy all that’s left, and I’ll let you have it cheap. 2 put to an end. Kining hilu mauy mutibway ning kinabúhì, This poison will end my life. — ug should have [done], would rather [do] than what is the case now. Tibwayg mikúyug tu, malingaw untà ku, I should have gone with them. I would have had a good time. Tibwayg mamatay kay sa mag-antus, I’d rather die than suffer the way I am. tibwanay v [C2] put an end to each other. Ug wà ulánga magtibwanay ang duha, If they had not been separated, they would have killed each other.

tidisin = disinti (slang).

tídit = títit.

tidiyum, tidíyum n Te Deum, a religious service of thanksgiving.

tidlum (from lalum) v 1 [AP; cP] dive under water, sink. Mitidlum ang angkla, The anchor sank. Mitidlum (mipatidlum) ang mamamánà sa lawum, The diver dove into the deep. Itidlum (ipatidlum) ang submarínu kay dúnay kaáway, Submerge the submarine because there’s an enemy. 2 [A; b6] for the sun to set. 3 [A] sink into the mind or feelings (literary). Ang sirmun wà makatidlum sa íyang pagbátì, The message of the sermon did not sink into his feelings. hi-/ha- v [B1256] sink involuntarily. Nahílum si Lúlu, nahitidlum, Grandfather sank into silence.

tidlung = tidlum.

tidlup v 1 [AP; cP] dive sharply. Mitidlup pagkalit ang tabánug sa yútà, The kite suddenly nose-dived to the ground. Mipatidlup (mitidlup) ang langgam, The bird dove sharply downwards. 2 [A; b6] for the sun to set.

tidyúwin n T-joint. v [A; bc] join things in a T-joint.

tig- prefix added to most verbs which refer to an action to form nouns which mean one who usually does [so-and-so]. Siyay tiglampasu sa ámù, He is the one who usually scrubs the floor in our house. Irung tigkaun sa mga subra, Dog that eats the leftovers.

tig(←) prefix, short form for nakig- and makig-.

tig-a a hard, not soft. Tig-a daw puthaw, Hard as steel. Tig-a giyug balatían ang dì malúuy kaníya, You have to be heartless not to pity her. v [B24; b6] become hard, not soft. Mitig-a ang karning gibulad, The meat which was dried under the sun got hardened. ma- a very hard. v [A13] be hard. Nagmatig-ang kasingkásing, A hard heart. patig-atig-a v [A13] pretend to be unyielding. Nagpatig-atig-a siya kay magpalúgit, She pretended to be unyielding to give him a hard time.

tigáan = tagáan. see *tágà.

tig-ab v 1 [A2] make a jerky gasp for breath. Namatay lag diritsu, wà gánì makatig-ab, He was not even able to gasp for breath because he died suddenly. 2 = dug-ab.

tigalbung v [B26; b6] 1 fall hard, usually with a sound. Kinsa tung mitigalbung (natigalbung) sa katri gabíi? Who fell from the bed last night? 2 fail in an exam. Unsang iksamína ímung gikatigalbúngan? What test did you fail? n sound of s.o. falling with a thud.

tigáman v [A; b(1)] remember, keep s.t. in one’s mind thinking about it. Nagtigáman kug singsing nga ákung palitun inigswildu, I had my eye on a ring which I wanted to buy on payday. Nakatigáman ka kung unsang adláwa ang kasal ni Bíbi? Can you recall the date of Baby’s marriage? Tigamni ang ákung pahimangnu nímu, Always bear in mind the precautions I gave you. n sign to help recall s.t. Dúna kuy tigáman nga gikúlit sa mga káhuy arun dì ta mawā̂ sa lasang, I carved some signs on the trees so we won’t get lost in the jungle.

tigas a 1 tough, fearless. Tigas nà siya, dì madág hulgà, He’s tough and cannot be threatened. 2 exceptionally good in s.t. Tigas kaáyu nà siya mubaskitbul, He’s very good in playing basketball. v [B126; b6] 1 become tough or a toughie. Matigas ba ang baklà? Can a sissy become a tough guy? 2 be exceptionally good in s.t. Ang kaáyu níyang mulantúgì mauy nakatigas (nakapatigas) níyang abugádu, His skill in debate made him a very good lawyer. paka- v [A13; a12] act like a tough, treat like a tough. Ang tigas magpakatigas, A toughie will act like one. patigastígas v [A13] pretend to be tough. Nagpatigastígas uruy ang báyut, There goes the sissy pretending to be tough.

tigasub, tigásub = tikasub, tikásub. [1005]

tígaw1 v [A; a1] disturb, break up the quiet, serenity, or stillness of. Ang butu mauy mitígaw sa kamíngaw sa kagabhíun, The explosion disturbed the stillness of the night. Ayawg tigáwa ang duut sa isdà, Don’t disturb the school of fish. n 1 s.o. considered responsible for misfortune, trouble. Siyay tígaw adtung pagkakisas sa plánu, He’s the one responsible that the plan misfired. 2 dala sa — bring misfortune.

tígaw2 = áwuy.

tigayun (from gayun) v [B123(1)6] have good fortune, become prosperous. Matigayun ang táwu nga kugihan, A diligent man will prosper. pa-(←) v 1 [A; c6] put up a business. Magpatigáyun tag puthaw, We will put up a scrap iron business. 2 [A13] manage to do s.t. on one’s own without assistance. Nagpatigáyun ang bátà ug hímù ug duwáan, The child is making a toy on his own. n business, commerce. Muuswag ang patigáyun kun maáyung pagkadala, A business well-managed prospers. magpapa- n businessman. ka-an(←) n holdings, properties.

tigbábaw see babaw.

tigbak v 1 [A; a12] kill instantly on the spot. Maay rag tigbákun nang manúka áning taría, I hope this cock is killed instantly in this fight. 2 [B126] die (coarse). Maáyu rang natigbak ang animal, Served that beast right that he died. -ay(→) n unlicensed cockfight. v 1 [A13; c] hold an illegal cockfight. Magtigbakay sa buwangan kun mahiphípan ang pulis, We’ll hold an illegal cockfight if the police can be bribed. 2 [A12C; c3] have illicit sexual intercourse (humorous metaphorical). Nakatigbakay giyud ang duha kagabíi, The two managed to have illicit intercourse last night.

tigbas = tikbas.

tigbáyun = tigbaláyun. see balay.

*tigbung -in- = tinikbung. see *tikbung.

tighayà see hayà.

tighik a very skinny. v [B; b6] become skinny. Nagkatighik siya kay gitíbi, He’s getting emaciated from tb.

tighud v [B134] for the tide to begin to ebb. Sulug kaáyu ang bukána sa subà ug mutighud ang dágat, The current at the mouth of the river is strong when the tide ebbs.

tighulug see húlug.

tigi n a small anchovy of shallow waters, 4–5″, darkish brown in color on the dorsal part of the body and silvery sides: Thrissocles spp. and Scutengraulis spp. tigihun = tigi.

tígì1 v 1 [AC; a1c3] pit persons against each other to determine who is the best in s.t. Ang prinsísay mutígì sa buut mangasáwa níya, The princess will have the people that want to marry her vie with each other. Magtígì (magtigiay) ta kun kinsay taas ug utung, Let’s have a contest to see who can hold his breath longest. Palaínum sad tung gikatígì nákug ínum, The one I had a drinking bout with was also a drunkard. 2 [A; a12] diagnose an illness by a marble placed at the edge of a glass. A yes-no question is put by the sorcerer, and if the marble falls, the answer is ‘no’. Tigíun nátù ang sakit, We will divine the sickness. n contest between two people or teams. -ay(→) v [C] vie with one another. n contest. panag- n a vying with one another. Ang kulilísi panagtígì sa mga birsu, The kulilísi is a contest in making verses.

tigib n chisel. v [A; a1] chisel. Tigiba (tigba) kun magtábas kag sín, Use a chisel when you cut iron sheets. -in- n k.o. toy top with a chisel-shaped nail point.

tigidig word used in imitation of the sound made by a galloping horse. — bangbáng n a western movie. Ang salída run sa Uryinti tigidig bangbáng, A western is playing in the Oriente.

tig-ik v [A; b3] make a high-pitched, suppressed cry. Nakatig-ik ku dihang natumban ákung kalyu, I let out a short cry when s.o. stepped on my corn. n a high-pitched suppressed cry.

tígis v [A; a] pour liquid into a drinking receptacle. Nakatígis ka na bag ímung ilimnun? Have you poured some drinks for yourself?

tigistígis v [A; c1] do a little or a part at a time. Bísag mutigistígis ka lag báyad arun maimpas sa kadugáyan, Just pay me little by little. Eventually your debt will be paid off. Tigistigísa (itigistígis) ninyu paggáwì ang papil, Use paper sparingly.

tigkul v 1 [B26] turn deaf ears to an order or to pleadings. Mitigkul lang si Huwan nga gipakabù ug túbig, Juan just turned deaf ears when he was told to fetch water. 2 [B2] be, become stubborn. Mutigkul hinúun siyag buyagun, He’ll become more stubborn if he’ll be reprimanded. a 1 stubborn, unwilling to do as told. 2 turning a deaf ear to pleadings. Tigkul siya sa nangamátay, He is the stingiest of the stingy.

tigkung a stooped and thin. v [B] become stooped and thin. Nagkatigkung siya sa íyang sakit, She’s wasting away with her sickness.

tig-l- alternant prefix to tig-r-, but of more limited distribution. [1006]

tigma = tingba. see tingub, v1.

tigman (from tígum) v [A; a12] do several things together at one time. Mutigman ku nímu ug báyad sa ákung mga útang sa Lúnis, I will pay you all my debts on Monday. Tigmanun ku ug dala ang mga hiraminta arun wà nay balíkun, I will bring all the tools together at once so I won’t have to go back for anything.

tigmaya = tagbaya1.

tigmì = tignì.

tigmù v [A; c] give a riddle. Tag-ána ning ákung itigmù, Guess the answer of the riddle I’m going to give. n riddle.

tignì a 1 filthy. Tignì kaáyu ang ílang kasilyas, Their toilet is very filthy. 2 for floors or the ground to be wet. 3 chilly. v [B; b6] 1 be, become filthy. Nagkatignì ang lagúna kay síging gibalibayan ug sagbut, The meadow is becoming filthy because they always throw trash there. 2 become damp or moist. Mutignì ang tugkaran kun mag-ulan, The yard will become wet when it rains. 3 become chilly. Ang hángin sa búkid mauy nakatignì (nakapatignì) sa gabíi, The mountain breeze made the night chilly.

tigpud a 1 food that has been cooked crisp and brittle. Tigpud pagkaprítu ang isdà, The fish has been fried until it is crisp and brittle. 2 for teeth or other things with sharp points to be broken off. Talhi ring tigpud nga lápis, Sharpen the pencil because it is broken. v [B26] 1 get cooked brittle. Mutigpud (matigpud) ug bálik ang sitsarun ug inítun pag-usab, The pork rinds will get brittle if you reheat them. 2 be, become weak and easily broken, chip off easily. Ang karmilítus makatigpud (makapatigpud) sa ngípun, Candy ruins your teeth. Nagkatigpud ang ákung bag-ang, My molar is chipping off.

tig-r- alternant prefix to tig- but added only to some verbs which take tig-.

tigri n tiger. -in- a striped.

tigritigri = ispáda diúru. see ispáda.

tigsik v [B246; b4] grow gray hairs. Mutigsik ang úban kun matigúwang na ang táwu, A man gets grey hair when he grows old. -an a 1 grey-haired. 2 = tagsikan.

tigsù1 n game of tag played by two teams in which the object is to reach the base without getting tagged. Team A sends out a player to try to reach the base and team B sends out a player to catch him. Then team B sends out a player to reach the base and team A sends out s.o. to catch him, and so forth. v [A13] play this game.

tigsù2 n a k.o. bird that looks like a chick and lives near rivers and wet places so that it is always wet.

tigsuk = tisuk.

tigsun a 1 firm-fleshed. Tigsun nga ságing, Firm-fleshed bananas. Tigsun ug buktun, Firm arms. 2 for soil to be dry and hard. v [B2; b6] become firm of flesh.

tígul n 1 dried young leaf of a nipa or buri palm filled with tobacco, used as a cigarette. 2 anything made of dried buri leaves. Tígul nga banig, Mat made of buri leaves.

tigúlang see gúlang.

tígum v 1 [AC; a2] assemble, gather. Nagkatígum ang mga tabian sa barbiruhan, The gossipers are assembled in the barber shop. Tigúma ang mga iskuyla, Have the pupils assemble. 2 [A3S; a2] save up. Nakatigum (nakatígum) kug diyútay sa ákung paglangyaw, I have saved a little from my work abroad. Tigúma ang mga basíyu kay átung ibaligyà, Save the empty bottles so we can sell them. n meeting, conference. (→) n stored coconut palm toddy that has had fresh toddy added continually for several days. -in- n savings. tigumtígum n social gatherings. ka-an n meetings.

tigway = tugway.

tihad v [A2; a] stand erect, and straight. Dì makatihad ang taas nga táwu kay ubus ang kisami, A tall fellow cannot stand straight because the ceiling is low. a vertically erect, straight. Tihad ang mga sundálu, Soldiers are erect.

tihap n interest payable in kind (usually farm products) for money borrowed. The interest is paid continuously until the principal in cash is repaid. v [A; c] pay interest in kind for money borrowed. Mutihap kug tulu ka bákid sa ímung dus syintus písus, I’ll pay three sacks of palay as interest on your two hundred pesos.

tihaw a unnatural smile given to cover up a feeling of embarrassment. Tihaw kaáyu siya ug pinahiyuman kay sad-an siya, He is smiling with discomfiture because he is guilty. v [B1256; a12] get a funny expression on the face in embarrassment. Natihaw ang íyang nawung dihang nahibaw-an nga siya ang nangawkaw sa sápì, He got a strange expression on his face when it was discovered that he was the one who stole the money.

tihaytíhay v [AN; c16] straighten or stretch one’s back. Magtihaytíhay pud ta sa átung likud human sa dúgayng pagsinúlat, You should stretch your back after writing for a long time.

tihib v [A; b] make a hole in s.t. round by [1007]chopping off part of the surface. Tihibi (tibhi) ring lubing kuháag sabaw, Punch a hole in this coconut to get the water.

tihik a cheapskate. v [B12; b6] become tightfisted. Matihik ka kun síging kwinta sa gastu, You’ll become tightfisted if you keep counting expenses. Tihikan ku níya kay dì mutíp, I consider him a cheapskate because he doesn’t give a tip. tihiktíhik a done on a niggardly scale. Kasal nga way tihiktíhik, A wedding with no expenses spared. v [A; a12] 1 do s.t. in a niggardly way. 2 dílì, walà, ayaw tihiktíhik do s.t. extravagantly, without restraint (slang). Dì ka man magtihiktíhik mangasábà, You scold without restraint. Ayaw siyag tihiktihíka paghaluk, Kiss her without restraint.

tihíras n canvas cot. v [a12] make into a cot.

tihìtihì n edible meat of the sea urchin (saluwákì).

tihul v [AN; a2] whistle. Tihula kunu ang túnu ánang kantáha, Whistle the tune of that song. Tihuli ang irù arun mudúul, Whistle at the dog to make it come near. n whistling.

tiid v [A12] observe, observe in secret. Nakatiid ka bag katingad-an gabíi? Did you observe anything strange last night? paN-(←) v [A; b(1)] observe, observe in secret. Ayawg sábà kay dúnay naníid nátù, Be quiet. S.o. is watching us. Panid-ig muus-us bag íyang hilánat, Observe him and see if his fever goes down. n opinion based on observations. Sa ímung paníid mudaug kahang Libiral? As far as you have observed it, is the Liberal Party going to win? tigpaN-(←) n s.o. who makes observations as a profession or task. maN-r- n spy. mapaniírun a critically observant.

tiil n 1 foot. Sakit ang ákung mga tiil, My feet hurt. Lima ka tiil ang gitas-un, Five feet tall. 2 leg. 3 leg of a table or other furniture. v 1 [a12] hit in the leg or foot. Tiila lang siyag pusil kun muikyas, Shoot him in the leg if he escapes. 2 [A; b] put legs on furniture. paN- v [A2; c] fight with the legs. Nakabunù ang ugis kay maáyung maniil, The white cock won because it fought well with its legs. n 1 legwork, as in a cockfight. 2 a short length of rope tied to an animal’s foot and in turn attached to the tether rope to prevent it from kinking. -in- v [A; b6] 1 go barefoot. Magtiniil ku kun magsakag lubi, I climb a coconut tree barefoot. 2 do with the hands (humorous). Nagtiniil mig káun, We ate with our hands. -an n place at the foot: foot of mountain, bed, etc.

tíing v 1 [AC2; b1] pour liquid out for drinking. Nagtíing siyag tubà pára nákù, He poured me a glass of palm toddy. 2 [C2; c3] share joy, pleasure with s.o. Nagtíing sila sa dugus sa gugma, They are sharing the honey of love. -an(→) n container drinks are poured into.

tiíya n 1 small cup for chocolate. 2 small saucer.

tik1 n 1 sound made to get fowl to approach. 2 graphic representation of sound produced by clicking the fingers.

*tik2 — wan, tu in basketball, take one, take two foul shots. Tik tu basta pawlun ka, You will have two foul shots if you get a foul.

tika contraction for ta and ikaw. see ikaw.

tíka a for s.t. to be sticky. Tíka ra kaáyu ang almirul, The starch is too sticky. v 1 [B3; a12] solidify into s.t. sticky. Dugayng nakatíka ang gilútung kalamay, It took a long time for the coconut candy to become sticky. 2 [A13] for s.t. to become sticky from having come in contact with s.t. sticky. Nagtíka ang íyang buhuk sa pamáda, His hair is sticky with pomade.

tíkà n long, drawn-out coughing (as if one is about to vomit). Dì na man nà urdinaryung ubu. Tíkà na man nà, That is no ordinary cough. That is a churchyard cough. v [A13] cough in a hard, drawn out manner, as if vomiting. tikàtíkà v [A] breathe with difficulty due to suffocation or choking.

tikab n k.o. full-bodied tamban (sardine). tikabtikab v [A; c1] for the mouth to open and close in rapid succession in speaking, eating or any other activity. Mutikabtikab ang bàbà sa halu ug makakità ug manuk, The mouth of a monitor lizard moves up and down when he sees a chicken. Mutikabtikab siya kun dúgay kung muulì, She cusses me out good when I come home late.

tíkad v [AB124; a] cultivate, develop land, industry, mining. Kamiy mitíkad sa ámung kaugalíngung yútà, We developed our own land. Langyaw ang nagtíkad sa átung kamináhan, Foreigners are developing our mines. Nagkatikad na ang átung industriya, Our industry is gradually developing.

tikalbù = tigalbung.

tikalbung = tigalbung.

tikang v [A; a] place a foot on a step, rung, or any foothold. Mitikang siya sa istríbu arun musakay sa kabáyù, He stepped on the stirrup to get on the horse. Katulu ra níya tikanga ang hagdanan, He climbed the stairs in three steps. n act of stepping. -an(←), -anan(←), -l-an(←) n step, stirrup, place one gets a foothold. -in-an(←) n 1 first mass [1008]in a series of nine masses said at dawn for nine days before Christmas. 2 fine paid an older brother or sister by a younger brother or sister who marries ahead of him.

tikangkang v [B36; c1] lie or lean on one’s back and spread the legs, fall into such a position. Mitikangkang dáyun ang pampam, The prostitute immediately raised her legs and spread them apart. Natikangkang (mitikangkang) siya dihang ákung gibastruk, He fell down with his legs in the air when I hit him.

tikarul1 n the white-collared kingfisher: Halcyonchloris sp.

tikaruy = tikarul.

tikas v [AB12; ab2] raise s.t. which covers s.t. else into the air. Natikas ang ámung atup pagbagyu, The roofing was lifted off the house in the storm. Tikasa ang kurtína, Raise the curtain.

tíkas v [AN; a2] cheat, swindle. Ísug siyang maníkas (mutíkas) sa sugálan, He has got the guts to cheat in gambling. Gitíkas níya ang kwarta sa bangku, He swindled the bank’s money. n fraud. Ang tíkas nga nahímung isyu nasyunal, The fraud that made the national headlines. -in-an n s.t. gotten by swindling. -an(→), -íru n cheat. -íra = tikasiru (female). maN-r-(→) n swindler. paN- n graft, rampant fraud.

tikasub, tikásub v [A] fall into the water with a big splash. Mitikásub ang táwung nahúlug sa pantalan, The man fell from the wharf with a big splash. n splashing sound made when s.t. falls into the water.

tikaw contraction of ta and ikaw. see ikaw.

tikawtikaw v [A; b3] move about doing s.t. in a deserted place. Talagsa ray táwu nga nagtikawtikaw sa kadalánan, Only a few people were moving about in the streets. Unsay ímung gitikawtikáwan ganínang kaadláwun, What were you doing up and around at dawn?

tikay-ang v [B16; c1] fall on the back, overturn with the belly up. Natikay-ang ku dihang nabálì ang sandigánan sa silya, I fell on my back when the back of the chair broke. Tikay-ánga (itikay-ang) ang bisiklíta arun ilísan tag ligid, Turn the bicycle over so we can change the tire.

tikayhang = tikay-ang.

tikbà = tikwà.

tikbas v [A; a] slash or hack with a machete or similar long knife. Naputul dáyun ang kamunggay nga íyang gitikbas, The tree he slashed at was cut down. n action of slashing, hacking with a machete. -ay(→), -in-ay(→) n bolo duel. v [A23] have a bolo duel.

tikbil v [A; a12] stir up a sensitive feeling. Kadtung buháta mitikbil sa gitagúang kahiubus, What you did stirred up the feelings of humiliation which he had kept hidden. Ayaw tikbíla ang átung kagahápun, Don’t stir up the past.

tikbù v [B23(1)6; c] spill over the side of a vessel. Matikbù ang sabaw, The soup will spill over. Ákung tikbúan sa bulà ang sirbisa, I’ll knock the foam off the top of the beer.

*tikbung -in- n style of swimming where the feet are kicked. v [A; c1] 1 swim kicking the feet. 2 for a baby to produce a thudding sound by kicking its feet in the cradle.

tikdul v [A; b] rap, knock s.t. lightly. Kinsay mitikdul sa ákung úlu, Who rapped me on the head? Tikdúli lang ang búla ayaw batíra, Bunt the ball, don’t bat it. n light rapping. tikdultikdul v [A; bc1] do s.t. intermittently or once in a while or occasionally. Mutikdultikdul lang siyag tunghà arun ingnung nag-iskuyla pa, He goes to school once in a while so that people will say that he is still a student. Tikdultikdúlan lang nà nákug trabáhug makalugar ku, I’ll just work on it off and on, as I get the chance. a done off and on, little at a time.

tíki acronym for Tinípung Kanasúran, United Nations.

tikì n 1 gecko. matag — things which resemble a gecko’s eyes: a large pustule filled with pus similar to talubig, 1, but larger. b round blemishes on tobacco leaves. 2 baby in the womb (humorous). Pisti, dúna nay tikì ang tiyan sa ákung uyab, Damn! My girl is pregnant (lit. has a gecko in her womb). tikìtíkì = tabili sa dagat.†

tikig v [B; b6] become stiff. Mitikig (natikig) ámung líug ug hinangad, We got stiff necks from looking up. Nagkatikig ang bagung minatay, The body is getting stiff. a stiff. — ug líug a haughty. v [B; b6] become haughty. Ang kalampúsan makatikig (makapatikig) sa líug, Success makes one haughty. pa- v [A; c1] act haughty. Ayawg patikig sa líug, Don’t be haughty.

tikiltíkil v [A13; b] do s.t. little by little at intervals. Magtikiltíkil gánì ka niánang trabahúa, ambut lang anus-a nà mahuman, If you keep on working like that, a little at a time, God knows when you’ll get done.

tíkit n ticket. v [b4] be issued a ticket for violating s.t. Tikítan ka, You’ll get a ticket. paN- v [A2] issue tickets. Ang kunduktur mauy maníkit, dì ang draybir, The conductor issues the ticket, not the driver. pa- v [b4] hold an affair with admission. Patikítan [1009]nátù ang dráma, Let’s charge admission for the play. maN-r- n one who issues tickets. -íra n one in charge of the ticket counter.

tikitíki n k.o. liquid vitamin preparation.

tikiu n acronym for TKO, a technical knockout in boxing. v [A; a12] beat with a TKO. Gitikiu sa tsalindyir ang kampiyun, The champion was TKO’d by the challenger.

tikla n key of piano, organ, or typewriter. -du = tikla.

tikláub1 v [A2SB12S6; c1] turn a bowl, plate, or s.t. concave with its opening downward. Siyay nagtiklaub sa dúwang, He turned the basin over. Miabay mi sa nagtiklaub nga sakayan, We clung to the overturned boat.

tikláub2 v [B2456; c3] step or fall into the mud with a plop. Mitikláub (natikláub) ang ákung tiil sa lápuk sa kangitngit, In the darkness I stepped into the mud puddle with a plop.

tikling n k.o. long-legged bird, the barred rail: Rallus torquatus. a long-legged and lanky. Kasagáran sa mga mudílu mga tikling, Most models are long-legged and lanky. -in- n a dance in which dancers dance between two bamboo poles banged together in time to the music (in imitation of the tikling bird). -un(→) = tikling, a.

tiklù1 v [A; ab2] 1 catch s.t. by encircling the neck with a band or loop attached to an end of a pole. Mutiklù siyag ubud, He catches eels by grasping them by the neck. 2 steal s.t. petty (slang). Tiklúun ta nang íyang manuk karung gabíi, Let’s swipe his chicken tonight. 3 catch s.o. committing a petty crime. Maáyu nang pulísa mutiklù ug mangunguut, That policeman is good in catching pickpockets. 4 [A; ab2] kill, esp. violently (slang). Nakatiklù na siyag duha ka kuntra, He has killed two enemies. 4a have a girl for sexual purposes for the first time. Minyù ang únang mitiklù ánang bayhána, A married man had sexual intercourse with that woman for the first time.

tiklù2 = takilpù.

tikluhud, tiklúhud (from luhud) v [B26] go down on one’s knee(s). Mutikluhud siya sa usa ka túhud, He will genuflect. Natikluhud siya sa dihang ákung gipigtíngan sa tuwaytúway, He fell on his knees when I switched him on the knees.

tiklup v [A; c16] close by folding. Kinsay nagtiklup sa páyung nga basà pa? Who folded the umbrella while it was wet? Itiklup (tiklúpa) ang tanang libru, Close all your books. tikluptiklup n collapsible. Tikluptiklup nga silya, Folding chairs.

tikmìtikmì v [A; b6] eat slowly, pecking at one’s food. Ngánung nagtikmìtikmì ka man? Wà ka ba gutma? Why are you pecking at your food? Are you not hungry?

tiknik, tiknika n 1 technique. 2 cunning means of attaining s.t. Maáyu siyag tiknik kay nagpabúy arun makapaniktik, He was pretty smart, becoming a houseboy in order to spy on them.

tiknikal n 1 technical. Hinábang tiknikal ang itanyag sa yúin, The un offers technical aid. 2 = tiknikal nak-áwut. 3 = tiknikal pawul. — nak-áwut n technical knockout in boxing, where one of the boxers is still conscious but not able to continue fighting. 3 — pawul technical foul in basketball, committed against a player who does not have the ball. v 1 [A; ab3] beat by a T.K.O. 2 [A; a12] slap a technical foul on.

tikniku n technician.

tiknikúlur n technicolor movie. a brightly colored like technicolor. Tiknikúlur ang íyang púlu, His shirt is brightly colored. v 1 [c16] make a movie with technicolor. 2 [A; c1] do s.t. in colors.

tiknisyan n technician. v [B156; a12] be a technician.

tiknuludyi n school course in technology.

tiksas n 1 k.o. fierce gamecock (said to be bred from stock imported from Texas). 2 girl who is sexually aggressive. Tiksas nang bayhána kay mugukud giyug láki, That girl is aggressive because she runs after men.

tikstu n text of the Bible.

tiktak n 1 tick-tock sound of a clock and the like. 2 two pieces of wood clapped against each other to produce a tik tak sound, used as percussion in a combo.

tiktik1 v [AN; b4(1)] spy on, discover by snooping. Akuy maniktik (mutiktik) sa kalihúkan sa átung kuntra, I’ll spy on our enemies’ activities. Natiktikan siyang may laláki, She was discovered with a paramour. n detective. paN- n detective work.

tiktik2 n 1 portion of the corn grain that comes out powdery when the corn is ground into grits. 1a by extension, the similar by-product of rice. 2 dirt under the foreskin of the penis. v [B12] become dirt under the foreskin. Makatiktik nang way kalígù, If you don’t bathe you get dirt under your foreskin. — ug it’s impossible that [so-and-so] could happen (coarse). Tiktik pug magbag-u siya, I doubt that he’ll ever reform. -un(→) a 1 having dirt under the foreskin of the penis. 2 uncircumcised.

tiktik3 v 1 [A; c1] tap lightly on a hard surface, producing a sound of tick-tick. Tiktíka [1010](itiktik) ang linung-ag nga itlug sa lamisa, Tap the hard-boiled egg gently on the table. 2 [AN; b6(1)] chip off rust. Tayaun na gánì ang barku tiktikan dáyun sa mga tripulanti, When the sides of the ship become rusty, the crewmen chip off the rust. paN-an sa bakì n out-of-the-way, hardly accessible place (place where the frogs go tick-tick). Túa ku magmaistra sa paniktikag bakì, I’m teaching in the backwoods.

tiktik4 n 1 call for chickens to come near in feeding them. 2 call of the mother hen for her chicks. v [c1] call newly hatched or small chicks.

tikúb = tikulub.

tikubù, tikúbù (from kubù) v 1 [A2S; c] bend over as if to pick s.t. up. Mitikubù siya pagpunit ug batu, He stooped down to pick up a stone. Itikubù ímung láwas inigsumbag níya, Bend low when he swings at you. 2 [B2S; b6] be, become bent. Nagtikubù ang táwu sa katigúlang, The man is bent with age.

tikud1 n 1 heel of the foot. 2 heel of shoe. Pagtaas ug tikud, Wear high-heels. v 1 [A; b] put heels on shoes. 2 [A12; a12] hit s.o. on the heel.

tikud2 v [A; c] push back the lower part of the vaginal opening in delivery to prevent laceration.

tikug1 a selfish, ungiving and unsharing. Tikug kaáyu nà. Ayaw na lag pangáyù bísag unsa, He is very selfish. Don’t waste time asking anything from him. v [B12; b6] be selfish.

tikug2 a stoop-shouldered. Tikug na siya kay tigúwang na, He is stoop-shouldered because he’s old. v [B] be stoop-shouldered.

tíkug n 1 k.o. thin-bladed grass of swamps growing to 3 m., used for mats and hats: Fimbristylis globulosa. 2 sleeping mat made from the tíkug plant.

tikúgas n k.o. rail found in rice fields or marshy areas, 5–6″ high, and used for food, the white-breasted swamphen: Amaurornis phoenicurus.

tikugkug a for the body to be very bent. Tikugkug ka na kaáyu tungud sa tísis, You are very haggard and bent because of your tuberculosis. v [B6] for the body to become bent. Nagtikugkug na siya sa kaníwang, She has grown bent from extreme thinness. -un(→) a having a bent body.

tikúkà v [A] retch in choking or prior to vomiting. Nagtikúkà siya dihang nabut-ukan sa túbig, He coughed hard rapidly after he choked on the water. hi-/ha- v [B1256] retch.

tikùkù v 1 [A; c1] curl up tight, be bent over. Nagtikùkù siya paghigdà, He lay down curled up. 2 [B; b6] be curled up.

tikulub, tikúlub (from kulub) v [A3P; c1] turn over and lie on one’s belly; overturn. Makatikulub na ang bátà nga upat ka búlan, A four-month-old baby can turn over and lie on his belly. Tikulba (itikulub) ang mga kún, Turn the pots face downward.

tik-um = tak-um.

tikung = butíti.

tikungkung v [A; c1] curl up the legs. Nagtikungkung siyang natúg sa katugnaw, It was so cold that he slept with his legs curled up. Tikungkúnga (itikungkung) ímung tiil arun masúd ka sa kaban, Curl up your legs so you’ll fit in the trunk.

tikup n door or window shutter. v 1 [b6(1)] close an opening in a room or an enclosed area. Ákung gitikupan ang bintánà ug banig, I covered the window with a mat. 2 [c1] make into a shutter to cover an opening.

tíkup a closed tight, without holes or spaces in between. Tíkup pagkalála ning baníga, This mat was tightly woven. v 1 [A; c1] make s.t. tight. Kadaug kang mutíkup ug siklat ánà, Are you strong enough to weave the bamboo slats tight? 2 [A; a1] close up the opening of a hollow area or a hole in s.t. that wraps around s.t. else. Akuy mutíkup sa púyù, I’ll sew up the pouch. Tikúpa na ang kural líbut sa balay, Make the ends of the fence around the house meet.

tik-up v [AB46; b2c1] 1 cover over an opening with s.t. that moves over it and fits it. Gidalì níyag tik-up ang bintánà, She shut the windows at once. Mutik-up ang kurtína human sa káda isína, The curtain will close after each scene. 2 close up, be folded, cause s.t. to do so. Ganíha ra nà siyang tábì wà pa giyud mutik-up ang bàbà, She has been chattering for quite some time now. Her mouth never seems to shut. Nagtik-up pa ang biyúus, The bud is still unopened. Dì siya makatik-up sa páyung kay gáhì, She can’t fold the umbrella because it is stuck. 3 [A2] for the sun to set. Mingitngit ang kalibútan dihang nakatik-up na ang adlaw, The earth became dark after the sun had set.

tikus1 v [A; c] strap s.t. to the waist. Nagtikus ug sád ang mananggíti, The toddy gatherer straps a sickle to his waist. Itikus ang bukag inigpangáni nímu, Strap the basket to your waist when you harvest rice.

tikus2 n k.o. small triggerfish with a protruding mouth and no dorsal spine. nawung ug — having a snout that protrudes.

tikuskus v [AB; c1] curl up tightly, draw into [1011]itself. Nagtikuskus siya paghigdà, She lay curled up in a tight ball. Ínit mauy nakatikuskus (nakapatikuskus) sa dáhung tagak, The heat made the fallen leaves curl up.

tikutkut = tikuskus.

tíkuy1 v [A2; b3(1)] for s.t. baked to fall, settle and harden while baking. n 1 fallen cake. 2 dough left over, not enough to make a whole cake, but at least enough to form into s.t. 2a the youngest child in a family, still comparatively small in size (humorous—from the notion that tíkuy is a cake, not full-sized, made from the leftovers).

tíkuy2 v [A; a12] filch, swipe s.t. usually of small value. Kinsay nagtíkuy sa ákung mansánas diri sa lamísa? Who swiped my apple from the table?

tikwà v [A; a2] for a liquid to spill over. Hináyag dala ang tásà kay mutikwà ang kapi, Carry the cup carefully so the coffee does not spill. Ayawg tikwáa inigkáwus nímu, Don’t spill the water when you fetch it.

tikwang v [A; a2] tip over to the side. Dakung balud mitikwang sa sakayan, A big wave tipped the boat over to its side. Tikwánga ang barsahan arun mayabu ang sulud, Tip the sled over to get the load off.

tikwì1 n 1 sound made by a hawk. 2 name given to hawks or buzzards which sound tikwì: the ananangkil and the banug. v [A; b6] 1 produce such a sound. Mutikwì ang banug inigkakitag madágit, The hawk goes tikwì when he spies a prey. 2 fondle a baby by imitating a hawk’s sound raising the hand and letting it fall in some part of the body to tickle it in imitation of a preying hawk.†

tikwì2 v [B] get stiff in death (slang). Nagtikwì na ang táwung naghíkug sa dihang hindiskubrihan, The man who committed suicide was already stiff when they found him.

tikyáub = tikláub1 2.

tikyup v 1 [B456] close gently. Mutikyup ang hibìhibì kun makahilan, The leaves of the touch-me-not close when you touch it. 2 [B2456; b(1)] for darkness to close in. Mitikyup ang kagabhíun binyáan ang láing adlaw, Night came leaving behind another day. 2a [AB; b5] for lights to dim, cause them to do so. Tikyúpi (tikyúpa) ang sugà kun matúlug ka na, Turn the lamp down when you go to sleep. 3 [A; c1] fold s.t. flat over haphazardly once or twice. Tikyúpa (itikyup) lang ang banig arun dì kan-un ang humay sa manuk, Fold the mat so that the chicken won’t get at the rice on it.

tíla n cloth, textile. — mitalika wire screen of fine mesh. v [b6] screen s.t. with screening wire.

tílà v 1 [A; b] lick s.t. (normally not the lips). Hápit mutílà sa ímung tiil kanang nanguyab nímu, Your suitor nearly licks your foot. Gitiláan sa irù ang íyang núka, The dog licked his sores. 2 [a3] get s.t. out of s.o. or s.t. Daghan kag amígu kun dúna pa silay matílà nímu, You’ll have lots of friends if there is s.t. they can get out of you. 3 obtain, get s.t. out of s.t. Wà tay matílà dinhi? Isn’t there anything to get out of this place? 4 — ug háp v [b] for a certain quantity to be consumed entirely. Gitiláag háp ang ákung swildu tungud sa daghang bayranan, The bills completely ate up my salary.

tílab v [A; b5] slice off the flesh of fish close to the bone, usually lengthwise. Magtílab kug ipaun, I’ll slice some fish off for bait. -in- n fish sliced thin.

tilabhù (from buhù) v [B126; c] for the foot to slip into a hole, deep mud or the like. Natilabhù ku sa gabuk námung sáwug, The floor gave way where I stepped on it. (Lit. I stepped through the rotten floor.) Itilabhù ímung tiil sa lápuk kun unsa kaláwum, Stick your foot into the mud to see how deep it is.

tilad n mixture of betel nut, bettle-pepper leaves, and lime for chewing. v [AN; a] chew betel. tilaran n container for the betel chewing equipment.

tiladtilad n k.o. dark-brown millipede about 1¼″ long which coils up when touched.

til-ag v [A; b] thoroughly clean rice of chaff, bran, unhusked grains, etc. Til-ági ang bugas únà lung-ága, Clean the rice before you cook it.

tilagak v [A; b6] drip in long drops. Nagtilagak ang íyang láway, His saliva is drooling from his mouth. Gitilagakan ang sawug sa dugus, Honey dripped on the floor.

tilambù n young coconut fruit at a stage where it is full-sized but the meat has not developed, and only the soft shell and water are found within the husk.

tílang v [A12; a3] be pierced with a sharp, pointed object. Lansang ang nakatílang sa íyang tiil, It was a nail that pierced his feet. Natílang ang íyang páa pag-ikid níyas kural, Her thigh got spiked when she jumped over the fence.

tilangù n k.o. sea cucumber.

tilap, tílap v [A; b] 1 lick. Makahílu nà bísag makatilap ka lang, That’s poisonous even if you only lick it. Tilapi ímung wait, Lick your lips. 2 lap at, cover (literary). Gitilapan [1012]ang bungtud sa sílaw, The sun’s rays are touching the hill now. paN- v [A; b6] lick the lips in anticipation. Nagpanilap siyang nagtan-aw nákù, He was licking his lips looking at me.

tilapya n 1 k.o. fresh-water fish with a dark color, 6–8″ in length, commercially raised in ponds: Tilapia mossambica. 2 prostitute (slang). — sa mamala = tilapya, 2.

til-as n k.o. worm having hairs that cause a severe itch, commonly found in monkeypod (akasya) trees. v [b4] be stung by such a worm.

tilaub n boiled young corn on the cob. v [A; a2] boil young corn. Saktu tilaubun ning maísa, These ears of corn are just right to boil. -un n young ears of corn ready to boil.

tiláuk n region of the upper back of the mouth in the vicinity of the uvula. Maáyung pagkatáup ang tagà sa tiláuk sa isdà, The hook was well lodged in the fish’s throat. -an n esophagus, gullet.

tilaw v [A; b] 1 taste. Tilawi ang sabaw kun parat ba, Taste the soup to see if it’s salty. 2 try, experience. Mutilaw kug sakayg dyít, I’d like to experience riding a jet. 3 [A12; b2] get a beating, scolding, etc. Makatilaw ka giyug muusab ka, You’ll get it if you do it again.

tilhung = talhung.

tílib v [A; ab7] take a thin slice off of s.t. Tilíbi pag ákung kalyu kay bagà pa, Slice some more off of my corn because it’s still thick. Tilíban ug dakù ang bàbà sa sag-ub arun sayun pagtíing, Slice a fairly good-sized piece off the bamboo toddy container so that it will be easy to pour water out of it.

tilibisyun n television.

tiligráma n telegram. v [A; c] send a telegram. (→) n 1 line for telegraph transmission. Nabugtù ang tiligrama maung dílì ka na makatiligráma, The telegraph wire is cut, so you can’t send a telegram. 2 telegraph post. Kabáyù nga gihukut sa tiligrama, Horse that was tethered to the telegraph post.

*tiligrapiku híru — n telegraphic money order.

tiligrapista n telegraph operator.

tiligrapu n telegraph.

tilíis a shrill, high-pitched voice. v [B; c1] be shrill, high-pitched. Mitilíis ang singgit sa gilúgus, The girl let out a shrill scream as she was raped. Natilíis ang íyang tíngug tungud sa dipiktu sa tutunlan, Her voice became shrill due to some throat defect.

tílik v [A; a12] spin coins for gambling. Pusta úsà parabir nákù tilíkun ang usa ka dakù, Put your bet first before I twirl the penny. pa- n a betting game twirling a coin, usually the big centavo piece, and the bettor chooses heads or tails. v [A] play a game of patílik.

tilim = lunas.

tilimad-un (from balà1) n 1 sign which portends s.t. (not necessarily sent or known to an individual). Dautang tilimad-un ang kumíta, A comet is a bad omen. 2 indication, symptom. Musumpà sa mga tilimad-un sa kasagárang sip-un, Stops the symptom of the ordinary cold. v [A13] signify, show as a sign or omen of. Ang lapad nga agtang nagtilimad-un sa pagkautukan, A wide forehead signifies high intelligence.

tilingtiling v [A; a12] ring with the sound of tiny bells or the telephone. Tilingtilinga ang kampanilya, Ring the bell. n 1 ringing sound. 2 tiny bell.

tílip n k.o. ornamental similar to the kilála.

tilipunu n telephone. v [A; b] phone. Tilipunuhi ku, Call me up. tilipunista n telephone operator. v [B156] be a telephone operator.

til-is1 = tilíis.

til-is2 v [AN; b] for liquids, usually urine, to stream out with force. Kinsay mitil-is (nanil-is) sa ákung tanum? Who urinated on my plants? n urine.

tiliskupyu n 1 telescope, binoculars. 2 eyeglasses. v 1 [A; a2b] use, view through a telescope, binoculars. 2 [A13] drink from an upraised container (from the notion that the face is in the same position as when peering into a telescope—humorous). Sígi nang pangáun ang mga bisíta. Nagtiliskupyu na gánì ang uban, The people are eating in full swing now. Some have started making like a telescope with their bottles.

tilitayip n teletype machine.

tilitul = tulitul.

tiltil1 v 1 [A; b(1)] rap, tap lightly. Tiltíli, ayawg paknga ang íhi, Tap it gently. Don’t strike the axle hard. 1a [A; b] chip off s.t. small from s.t. hard by tapping on it. Tiltíli ang simintung sapáwag pinising, Roughen the concrete that we will put the finish on. 2 [A23; b(1)] make slightly biting or insulting remarks or allusions. Ug mapikal siya mutiltil pud, He makes slight digs when he’s irked.

tiltil2 v [B3(1)4N; b6] sink straight to the bottom. Nagkatiltil ang sakayan, The boat was sinking. Nakatiltil na siya pag-itsa sa salbabída, He had already sunk when the lifesaver was thrown to him.

tílù = tíluk.

tílub v [B1256] be, become deaf (said in scolding or in a mild curse). Nagsinggit na man gánì ku unyà walà gihápun ka kadungug. [1013]Unsa man? Natílub ka? I shouted at you, but you didn’t hear me. What is the matter with you anyway? You deaf? patilubtilub v [A; b(1)] pretend to be deaf, ignore. Gipatilubtiluban ku níya sa ákung gikinahanglan, He turned deaf ears to my needs.

til-ug n food prepared esp. for s.o. recuperating from s.t. v [A; ac] feed health food to s.o. Ug nahadagat pa, dì ikatil-ug, Terribly homely. (Lit. If it were a fish, it could not be used to feed a person recuperating from an illness.) Maáyu itil-ug ang mayamáya, Red snapper is good for s.o. recuperating from an illness. — sa hilánat n boil that comes out after one is cured of fever. v [b4] have a boil as an after-effect of fever. Gitil-úgan ang ákung hilánat, I had a boil as an after-effect of my fever. -un(→) n k.o. food good for convalescents.

tíluk v [A; a12] remove, consume to the last bit. Ang iring mauy nagtíluk sa salin, The cat got all of the leftovers. Tilúkag punit ang mga sagbut, Pick up all of the refuse.

tilun n 1 curtain on stage. 2 movie screen. abri — in stage presentation, expression meaning ‘curtains up’. búka — the main curtain that covers the whole stage. sira — in stage presentations, expression meaning ‘curtains down’. v 1 [a12] make into a stage curtain. 2 [c] put a stage curtain. Hábul lay átung itilun sa dúlà, We’ll just use blanket as a curtain for the play. 3 [A3; b6] hang like a curtain (literary). Nagtilun ang lasangnung kasagbutan, The jungle vines hung like curtains. -iru(←) n person in charge of opening or closing the curtain.

tiluring n tailor shop. v [A13] run a tailoring shop. May hílig ka sa pagpanahì ug karsúnis. Maáyu pag magtiluring ka, You have an interest in making trousers, so you will do well running a tailoring shop.

tilus n a spoon made out of a coconut shell. v [A; a2] make, use a coconut-shell spoon.

tím1 n team. Usa ka tím sa písi ang nagguwardiya níya, A p.c. team is guarding him. v [B1256C2; c3] form, be a member of a team.

tím2 n theme, a short composition required in school. v [A1] write a theme.

tima n a makeshift bit for a horse, made from a length of tether rope, usually in the form of a clove hitch, passed over the lower jaw. v [A; b6] put such a bit on a horse.

tíma1 n theme, subject. Kasína mauy tíma sa sugilánun, Envy is the theme of the story. v [c6] use as a theme.

tíma2 v [A; b(1)] plan, intend to. Nagtíma ming magpiknik ugmà, We plan to have a picnic tomorrow. Mau kini ang gitimáhan níla, This is what they plan to do.

tíma3 be done doing s.t., for s.t. to be finished. Tíma ka nas ímung humwurk, Are you through with your homework? v [AB126; a12] finish s.t.; be through with s.t. Aku nay mitíma sa íyang trabáhu, I finished his work. Matíma na gánì ang trabáhu, When the work is done.

timáan v [A3S; b(1)] 1 remember, take note. Maáyu siyang mutimáan ug ngálan, He’s good in remembering names. Nakatimaan ka ba sa átung giagían niadtu? Do you remember the road we took before? Timan-i unsáun pagbúhat íni, Take note how this is done. 2 keep, bear in mind. Magtimáan ka sa íyang panambágun, Keep his advice in your mind. Timan-i nga sinagup ka lang, Bear in mind that you are just a foster child. 3 [A; c] mark, indicate. Way kurus nga nagtimáan sa íyang lubung, No cross marks his grave. 4 [A13] mean, be an indication of. Ang pagpasákit nagtimáan sa gugma, Sacrifice is an indication of love. 5 [A; b] affix a signature or thumbmark. Ubligádu ka pagtúman kun mutimáan kag kuntrátu, When you sign a contract, you are obliged to abide by it. n 1 sign, mark. 2 indication. 3 signature or thumbmark. (→) — ug buut v [A12] 1 regain consciousness. Nagkatimaan nag buut ang nautas, The person who fainted has regained consciousness. 2 reach the stage in life where one is aware. Ílu na kung dáan pagkatimaan nákug buut, From the time of my earliest consciousness I have been an orphan. timan-anay v [C2] for two or more parties to sign papers agreeing to s.t. Nagtiman-anay sila sa kasabútan, They signed the agreement.†

timailhan n sign, symbol or mark to indicate s.t. v [A13] indicate, be a sign of. Ang kadautan sa panahun nagtimailhan sa umaábut nga bagyu, The bad weather is a sign of an approaching storm. n birthmark.

tim-an (from tíma) v [B126] for rumors, gossip to die out. Natim-an ang huhungíhung paglutaw sa tinúud, The rumors stopped when the truth came out.

timang v 1 [A2; b6(1)] change the topic or course of a conversation; digress. Makatimang ku usáhay sa ákung pagliktiyur, Sometimes I unwittingly digress in my lecture. Ayawg itimang ang inyung kabildu ug láin ug iksplikaran ka, Don’t change the topic of the conversation when a man proposes to you. 2 [A2; c] give an additional remark to supplement what has been said. Nanglibak sila kanímu ug gitimángan sab dáyun sa [1014]ímung karibal, They were talking against you and your rival quickly joined in with more information. n s.t. said in digression.

timàtimà v [A; a12] keep eating a little now and then, be munching on s.t. Wad-an kag gána kun pirmi kang magtimàtimà, You’ll lose your appetite if you keep nibbling on food. Pagdág matimàtimà sa sinihan, Bring s.t. to nibble on in the movies.

timaud v [A13] keep one’s word as to s.t. promised, Walà giyud siya magtimaud sa ámung sábut, She did not keep her word as per agreement.

tim-aw v [A23P; a12] appear, show up. Wà mutim-aw (mupatim-aw) ang nubya kay gitában, The bride didn’t show up because s.o. eloped with her. Wà siya tim-áwa sa íyang dít, Her date didn’t show up to get her.

timáwà n 1 poor, destitute. Timáwà pa sa ilagà, Poorer than a church mouse. 2 unfortunate and humble person. Dungga intáwun ning timáwang hinikáwan sa gugma, Hear the pleas of an unfortunate being deprived of love. v [B126] become destitute.

timayud, timáyud v [A1; a12] 1 recognize, be aware of the importance of s.t. Mutimayud lang ka nákù kun dúna kay kinahanglan, You bother about me when you want s.t. from me. Nagtimáyud ku níla ísip ákung mga ginikánan, I recognize them as my parents. 2 notice, be aware of s.t. Nakatimáyud kung may misaka sa balay, I noticed s.o. entering the house. 3 pay attention to, watch s.t. Timayúra ang ímung manghud kun túa ba sa iskuylahan, See if your brother is in school. Itimáyud ku sa balay kun wà mi dihà, Please watch the house for us while we are away. 4 do s.t. well putting one’s full attention to it. Mitimáyud na siyag trabáhu, He now works consistently well. Timayúra ug bása ang libru, Read the book carefully.

timbà v [A; ab1] fetch s.t. by dipping from a well, scooping from a pit, or the like. Magtimbà ku sa atábay, I’ll go fetch some water from the well. Timbáa ang kinubkub kay láwum nag buhù, Bring the earth up because the pit is deep now. n 1 pail, dipper, scoop. 2 pail-, dipperful. Gái kug usa ka timbà, Give me a dipperful.

timbakúwas v [A2; c] get up quickly from a lying position. Mitimbakúwas siya sa íyang higdaan, He got up instantly from his bed.

timbálung v [B26] fall headlong. Walà siya makabrík ug ang awtu mitimbálung sa pangpang, He didn’t get a chance to apply the brakes and the car fell headlong down the cliff. Íya kung gitulud ug natimbálung ku sa túbig, He pushed me and I fell headlong into the water.

timbang v 1 [A; a12] weigh s.t. Akuy mutimbang sa kupras, I’ll weigh the copra. Timbánga ang bábuy, Weigh the pig. 1a [A] weigh, have the weight of. Mutimbang siyag sisinta kílus, He weighs sixty kilos. 2 [AC3; a] make s.t. balance. Matikwang ang sakayan kung way makatimbang sa píkas, The boat will capsize if nobody stays on one side to balance it. Ang pagsálig ángay timbángan sa pag-amping, Trust must be balanced with carefulness. 3 [A; b] help. Timbángi ra ku, Help me. Mahímù siyang ikatimbang sa panimalay, He can be used as a helper in the household. 3a — ug kúgus (pangúgus), luhud (panglúhud) v [AC; c] be a sponsor in a wedding or baptism of a person of the opposite sex. Nagtimbang mig pangúgus sa pyista, We were co-sponsors of a baptism during the town feast. n 1 weight. 2 helper. 2a male sponsor of a female in wedding or baptism or the female sponsor of a male. a balanced. paN- v 1 [A] maintain balance. Nanimbang siyang milátay sa písì, He maintained his balance as he walked on the rope. 2 [A2] engage in the buying and selling of things by weight. Nanimbang siyag kupras, He is engaged in the buying and selling (lit. weighing) of copra. n balance. Nawad-an siya sa panimbang, He lost his balance. Culu-, timbangtimbang v [A; a12] ponder. Nagtulutimbang siya kun kinsay íyang sugtun, She is considering who to accept. Timbangtimbánga kun magpárì ka ba giyud, Think it over if you really want to be a priest. hiN- = paN-, v1. ka- n helper, assistant. Siyay ákung katimbang sa uma, He’s my farmhand. -an(→) n scale to weigh things.

timbaruk v [B6] stand unmoving, rooted or frozen on one’s feet. Mitimbaruk ang babáyi pagkakità sa hálas, The woman froze on her feet when she saw the snake. Ngánung nagtimbaruk man mu? Hala trabáhu! Why are you standing around like a bunch of statues? Get to work!

timbaya, timbayà v [A2; a12] greet. Mutimbaya siya káda súgat námù, She greets me each time we meet. Timbayahun diay nákù nang dì kaíla, Do I have to greet s.o. I don’t know? n greeting.

timbri1 v [A; b] 1 put an official stamp or seal on. Nutaryuy nagtimbri íning apidábit, A notary stamped this affidavit. Magámit ning istáma kay wà timbríhi, You can use this stamp because it doesn’t have a postmark. 2 affix one’s thumbmark. Timbríhi [1015]ang ímung balúta, Put your thumbmark on your ballot. n stamp affixed, seal, thumbmark.

timbri2 n pushbutton or the bell or buzzer the pushbutton manipulates. v [A; b] push a button or ring a bell or operate a similar contrivance.†

timbríra n k.o. food container consisting of several covered bowls which are hooked together.

timbul1 v 1 [AC; ac] mix s.t. into s.t. else in order to change the composition. Maáyu siyang mutimbul ug ilimnun, He’s good in mixing drinks. Nakigtimbul ang mga tigúlang sa mga tin-idyir, The old folks mixed with the teen-agers. Lamì timbúlun ang lambanug ug sibin-ap, Nipa wine and seven-up are good mixed together. 2, 3, 4 = tibul. n s.t. added to mix with the dominant element.

timbul2 n thimble. v [A; b6] wear a thimble. Natupukan ang íyang tudlù kay wà timbúli, She pricked her fingers because she didn’t wear a thimble.

timbúngan n general name for goatfishes.

timbúwad v [B1256] fall headlong. Natimbúwad siya ngadtu sa túbig pagkatambug níya sa taytáyan, He fell headlong into the water when he fell from the bridge.

timbuy v [A; c] 1, 2 = tibul, 3. 3 add a little amount of s.t. to s.t.; contribute a little. Mitimbuy (nagtimbuy) siyag písus sa ílang kapunúngan, He contributed one peso to their organization. Nakatimbuy ning librúha pagkúhà ku sa iksámin, This book helped a little when I took the examination. Gitimbúyan níyag asin ang sabaw, He added salt to the soup. 4 [A; b] have sexual relations with a married woman. Nakatimbuy ka ánang batáa? Have you contributed s.t. to the making of that child?

timgas a 1 neat, clean and white with a clear and fine texture. Timgas kang tan-áwun gíkang nalígù, You look clean-complexioned after bathing. 2 enunciated with clarity and determination. ‘Ipanimalus ku ang ákung asáwa,’ timgas ug maisúgung pamúlung ni Sultan Saranggáni, ‘I will avenge my wife,’ Sultan Saranggani averred firmly. v [BN] be clear, white and smooth in texture. Magtimgas ang lugas sa humay nga maáyung pagkauga, The grains of well-dried rice are smooth and clear. -un a of a fair and clean sort.

timhung = tamhung.

*timì timìtimì v [A1; b6] pick at food, eat without appetite. -an a prone to be having no appetite, just picking at the food.

timik walà — v [A3] keep completely silent, tight-lipped. Wà lang siya magtimik dihang giimbistigar, He didn’t say a word when he was interrogated. walay — totally silent. Way timik ang mintiryu magabíi, There’s not a sound in the cemetery at night.

timing n small, square or oblong fish trap made of basket work, set in shallow waters. paN- v [A2; a] catch fish with this trap.

timpag = lumpag.

timpasaw v [A; b6] 1 splash heavily and resoundingly into the water. Mitimpasaw ngadtus túbig pagkahúlug níya gíkan sa pantalan, He fell off the wharf and landed in the water with a splash. 2 be hit by the aptness of what s.o. might say about one. Ug átung buhátun mutimpasaw ta niadtung pagyà nga nag-ingun nga maáyus tayáda, way ági, If that is what we do, they’ll be able to apply that old saying to us—that we’re all talk and no action.

timpiramintu n temperament. Bisan ang managkalúha lahig timpiramintu, Even twins have different temperaments.

timpiratúra n temperature.

timpla v 1 [A; c] add s.t. so as to season, flavor. Himarat ang nagtimpla sa sabaw, Whoever seasoned the soup likes salt. Maáyung itimpla ang kámay sa kapi, Sugar is good to put into coffee. 2 [A; a2] prepare things in which s.t. is mixed or added. Timpláhi si Bíbig gátas, Mix some milk for Baby. 3 [A13; a12] weigh, consider carefully before deciding. Ikaw lay magtimpla kun mukúyug ka ba sa piknik, You decide for yourself if you are going to the picnic. n 1 flavoring, seasoning. 2 the proportions of a mixture. Layaw ra ang timpla sa mása, The concrete mixture is too watery. Unsa may timpla sa minása? Tris dus u kwatru dus? How is the dough to be mixed? Three to two or four to two? -da n 1 the solution or mixture that results. Layaw ra ang timpláda sa litsi, The milk is too watery. 2 temperament (slang). Dì sila magkadúul kay nagkaláhì silag timpláda, They can’t go together because their temperaments clash. -du n s.t. already seasoned, flavored. Ayaw nag kamayi ang sampurádu kay timpládu na, Don’t put sugar in the chocolate porridge because it is already sweetened. -dur(→) n one who is in charge in mixing. paN- v [A2; b6] size up s.o. Kamau siyang manimplag táwu, He knows how to size people up. Panimpláhan nátù siyag ángay bang pangasaw-un, Let’s size her up to see if she is worth marrying. n opinion reached on sizing s.o. up.

timplit n registration plate of vehicles.

timplíti n k.o. small pavilion built for special [1016]church services.

timplu n temple.

timpránu a 1 early. 2 just in time for s.t. Timpránu giyud pag-abúta nímu, talilákaw ku, You got here just in time, because I was about to go. v [A2; a2] do s.t. early or ahead of schedule. Timpranúhag human pagdáru arun timpránu tang makapugas, Finish the plowing early so we can plant early.

timpu n 1 time, chance. Wà kuy timpu ihalayhálay, I have no time for relaxation. 2 time, schedule. Timpu sa tingkaun ra mi magkitaay, We meet only at mealtime. 3 weather. Mubyáhi ka bísag dautag timpu? Are you travelling even in bad weather? 4 season. Timpu sa pagpangáni karun, It’s harvest season now. 4a propitious time to do s.t. Timpu na run sa íyang himbis, According to the scale configuration on its legs, now is the time to fight it. 5 era, period. Timpu sa Katsílà pa nang ímung purul, Your shorts go back to the Spanish times. 6 tempo. Swít ang timpu íning sunatáha, This dance is in a slow tempo. paN- v [A2; b6] do s.t. at the best time. Manimpu siyag súgal, kanà lang dibuynasun, He gambles only when the time is right, when it’s his lucky day. n doing s.t. at the best time. timputimpu v [c16] do s.t. at the right season. Itimputimpu (timputimpúhun) ang pagtanum kun way patubig, Planting is done in the right season if there’s no irrigation. a from time to time. Timputimpu nga musáka us-us ang prisyu, Prices fluctuate from time to time.

timpuraryu a temporary. n s.o. temporary in a job or position. v [c] put on a temporary basis. Patrabahúa siya bísag itimpuraryu lang únà, Give him a job even if it is only on a temporary basis.

timríra = timbríra.

tíms n small bus with the motor not in the front, accommodating twenty or so passengers and plying the provincial highways. (So called from the brand Thames.)

timsung n 1 theme song. 2 song chosen by lovers as their song. v [A; c] make as one’s theme song.

timtim v [A; b] taste or sample liquid. Timtími ang sabaw kun hustu bag timpla, Taste the soup to see if it is all right.

timtisyun n temptation, k.o. fast dance. v [A] dance the temptation.

timù n snack. v 1 [A; c1] have a snack. Bastanti nang itimù (timuun) ring biskwit, This biscuit is enough for a snack. 2 [A; c] put into one’s mouth. Arun dì masakpan gitimù nákù ang sigarilyu, To avoid being caught, I stuffed the cigarette into my mouth. timùtimù v [A; c1] eat snacks casually between meals.

tímug n wind that hits Cebu from the east.

timun n 1 rudder. 2 clitoris (humorous euphemism). v [AN2; b] steer a boat with a rudder, or with a paddle used like a rudder. Lihíru siyang mutimun (manimun) kúmu mananagat, He steers the rudder well since he is a fisherman. Timuni ang sakayan, Steer the boat. paN- v [A2; b6] steer, guide, lead a group. Ang Prisidinti mauy manimun sa násud, The President steers the nation. Ang punduk nga ímung gipanimunan, The group you are the leader of. -il n helmsman. v [B156; a2] be the helmsman.

timúna = kimúna.

timuri n a k.o. secret talk where certain phonemes are substituted for others: u for a, t for d, p for d, r for l, n for m, and y for s, the rest remaining. The word timuri is derived from binali (‘done backwards’). v [A; a2] speak in timuri. Kumuu kung nutimuri? (Kamau kang mubinali?) Cangre yougre speakgre Hoggre? (Can you speak Hog Latin?)

timus n k.o. light, brownish grasshopper less than 1″ found in bushes and tall grasses.

tim-us a pure, sincere. Ang gugmang tim-us dì mulubad, Pure love doesn’t fade.

timwurk n teamwork. Lawgaw ang ámung grúpu kay way timwurk, Our group is no good because it lacks teamwork. a have teamwork, right coordination. Timwurk kaáyu ang bahista ug ang pyanista, The bass player and the pianist coordinated beautifully. v [B12C; c3] team up with, do s.t. harmoniously together in coordinated effort. Nagkatimwurk ang duruha sa ílang pag-ílad sa sapian nílang iyaan, The two made a perfect team in swindling their rich aunt.

tin. abbreviation for tinyinti ‘lieutenant’.

tína n a child born with the umbilical cord wound around the neck. According to folk belief such a child will turn out hot-tempered.

tinà n k.o. brown-colored rot that affects rice plants stunting their growth or killing them.

tínà v [A; a] dye. Tináa ang milubad nga karsúnis, Dye the faded pants. Natínà sa dugù ang bindáhi, The bandage is stained with blood. (→) n dye. -an n dyeing vat.

tinabal see tabal.

tinabuylu (from buylu) n the rapid whirling motion of a body, as a propeller, motor, etc. Ang tinabuylu sa pála sa barku, The [1017]whirling motion of the propeller.

tinái (from tái) n intestines. — sa kawáyan n the inner sides of bamboo, stripped off from the hard outer part to use for weaving. layù sa — 1 off the target. 2 for a wound to be minor (humorous). Ayawg hílak layù ra nà sa tinái, Don’t be a sissy. It’s a minor cut. igsumpay, kasumpay ug —, igpútul, kapútul ug — n brother, sister.

tinápa n fish packed in small 2″ by 4″ cylindrical can. v [A1] have such fish for one’s meal.

tinápay n 1 bread. 2 pastry. v [A1] have bread.

tinatína n a k.o. children’s ball game mainly for girls where the ball is dribbled in a court made up of ten squares and the object is to dribble the ball in each square a specified number of times. v [A; b] play such a game.

tin-aw a 1 clear, not turbid or muddied. Tin-aw ang limpiyung túbig, Clean water is clear. 2 clear, definite. Tin-aw ang íyang báhad, His warning was clear. 3 clear-voiced. Tin-aw íyang tíngug kay dì siya muinum, He has a clear voice because he doesn’t drink. — ug íhì a a woman who can have intercourse again after having had a baby (lit. having clear urine). v 1 [B2; b6] become clear, not muddled or hoarse. 2 [AP; a2] clarify. Tin-áwun nátù nga akuy masunud dinhi, Let’s make it clear: you’re supposed to obey me here. Patin-áwig maáyu ang mga labhanan, Rinse out the clothing till the water becomes clear. (Lit. Make what is from the clothing clear.) -ay(→) v [C; c3] confront each other so as to iron out differences. Makigtin-away ku níya báhin niánang tabía, I’ll have it out with her about that gossip. ka-an n clarification, explanation.

tináwu see táwu.

tinda v [A; c] sell s.t. which is displayed in a store or on the sidewalk. Mutinda siyag báhawng pán, The bread he sells is not fresh. Gipanakup ang naninda sa asíras, The people that were selling things on the sidewalk were arrested. n goods for sale in a store. paN- v [A2; c6] go into the selling business. Ang lisinsiyádu ray makapanindag álak, Only licensed dealers can sell liquor. n selling business. tindáhan n store. tindíra, tindíru n salesgirl, salesman. v [B156; a2] be a salesman, salesgirl.

tindak v [A; c] push, kick with the sole of the foot; stamp the feet. Kusug siyang mitindak sa bisiklíta, He stepped hard on the bicycle. Itindak ang tiil iniglanguy nímu, Kick your feet when you swim. n kick. -an, -anan n treadle, pedal. -in- n two coconut trees planted right next to each other so that it looks as though one is kicking the other. Coconuts planted this way usually mark a boundary. v [c1] plant coconut trees in two’s.

tindaw v [A; a] visit a fish corral and find out if there is a catch.

tinday n adolescent female horse.

tindǐr v [A; c] expose, show openly. Mutindǐr sa ílang láwas sa kadaghánan, Expose their bodies in public. Gitindihan mi níya sa tanang sud-an, He laid all the dishes in front of us. tindída n in card games, a card placed face-upwards in the stack of discards.

tindíra, tindíru see tinda.

tindug v 1 [APB346; c1] stand, cause s.t. to stand. Kinsay nagtindug (nagpatindug) sa pusti, Who set the post up? Nagtindug ang ubang pasahíru, Some of the passengers were standing. Tindúga (itindug, ipatindug) ang butilyang natumba, Set the bottle that toppled back up. 2 [A; b6] act as a wedding sponsor. Mayur ang mitindug sa ílang kasal, The mayor acted as their wedding sponsor. 3 [A2; b] stand on, back up one’s word, idea, etc. Tindúgi giyud nang ímung pasángil, Be sure to back up your charges. 3a take responsibility for s.o.’s expenses for him. Akuy mutindug sa ímung matrikula, I will take care of your school obligations. n 1 height (said of living beings and objects). 2 a bride-to-be’s wedding ensemble, everything she wears on her person during the wedding ceremony. Namalit na ang mga ginikánan ni Idyun ug tindug álang sa íyang pangasaw-unun, Edion’s parents have bought his bride’s wedding ensemble. pa- v [A; ac1] construct a building. Íning sapía makapatindug na tag balay, With this money we can now construct a house. n stake set under beams to add support when there is a considerable distance between the supporting posts. hi-/ha-, hipa-/hapa- v [B1256] stand up involuntarily. Nahatindug (nahapatindug) ku sa kakurat, I stood up in shocked surprise. -in-an n wedding ensemble, including the accessories. -um-, -um-r- n original inhabitants, natives. Talagsa ray tumitindug (tumindug) sa syudad, There are few people originally from the city. -un(→) n the family, relatives, and friends of the groom. They serve the bride and her family (lingkurun) at the wedding festivities. Kita kay tindugun, átù ang tanang trabáhu unyà sa adlaw sa kasal, We are in the groom’s party so we have to do the work at the wedding party.

tinduk1 n k.o. cooking banana, a foot or [1018]more long, somewhat curved and about as big as a man’s arm: Musa paradisiaca var. magna.

*tinduk2 -um-, -um-r- n people indigenous to a certain area. Ang mga tuminduk (tumitinduk) sa Misamis mga Suban-un, The Subanos are the natives of Misamis. v [B1256] be a native.

tinduktinduk n shrub of seashore: Prosopis vidaliana.

ting- prefix added to roots which refer to s.t. which happens seasonally to form nouns which mean ‘season or time of the day that [so-and-so] takes place’. Most forms with ting- have short penults. Sayung buntag nga mauy tinglusad sa manuk, The early morning hours when the chickens come down from their perches. Tingbunga (tingpamunga) sa mangga, The mango season. Tingadlaw (ting-adlaw), The hot season. Tingbálud, The wavy season.

tinga n 1 food particle lodged between the teeth. 2 k.o. reddish breast tumor believed to be caused by eating any k.o. shellfish with nipple-like growths, and treated with steam from those k.o. shellfish. v [A123P] 1 have food particles lodged in the teeth. Makatinga (makapatinga) ang karni sa ngípun, Meat sticks in the teeth. 2 get this k.o. tumor.

*tínga pa- v [A; c] give advance partial payment. Mupatínga kag katungà kun magpakudak ka, You must pay half in advance if you have your picture taken. Tirsiyu lay ipatínga, Give one third of the cost as advance payment. n partial payment given in advance.

tingà v [A13] be in the throes of death. Pagkúhag párì kay nagtingà nag pasyinti, Get a priest because the patient is in the throes of death.

ting-ab v [A; b6] open the mouth to gasp for breath. Nagting-ab intáwun ang hubákun, The poor asthma patient is gasping for breath.

tingabngab v [B; c1] be gaping with a huge opening or hole. Mitingabngab ang bakilid nga gidinamíta, The hill had a big gape in it after it was dynamited. Ayawg tingabngába (itingabngab) ang ímung bàbà kay sudlag lamuk, If you open your mouth wide mosquitoes are going to come in.

tingag v 1 [B36; c] catch, snag or hold by piercing. Mitingag (natingag) sa íyang tutunlan ang bukug sa isdà, The fish bone got snagged in his throat. Nagtingag pa sa íyang bukubuku ang báraw, The knife was still sticking in his back. Gitingag níya sa kalindaryu ang dágum, He ran a needle through the calendar. 2 [A12; a] knock a piece of the circle in the game of taksì1. 3 [B126] suffer the relapse called tingag. Ang kalísang mauy nakatingag (nakapatingag) sa bag-ung nanganak, The intense fright caused the woman who had just given birth to have a fatal relapse. n fatal relapse suffered by a woman who has recently had a baby, caused by overstrain or emotional disturbance. bughat — = tingag, n.

tíngal v 1 [A; a1c] force s.t. into s.o.’s mouth. Tingálun ang bátang purgahun, If you give a child a purgative, you have to force it down his throat. 1a force a pig’s mouth open by sticking s.t. into it. 2 [A; c] bribe. Mamakak ang saksi ug dúnay mutíngal níya, The witness will lie if s.o. bribes him. Itíngal ni sa gwardiya, Give this as a bribe to the guard. 3 [A; c] for s.t. to be brought onto one (literary). Dílì ku na hápit maantus ang kapaítan nga gitíngal kanákù sa kapaláran, I can hardly bear the bitter experiences which fate has bestowed on me.

tingála v 1 [B1256; b3(1)c5] be surprised, mystified at s.t. unexpected. Natingála ku sa íyang pagkausab, It surprised me at how he had changed. Gikatingad-an ang butu sa laburaturyu, People were mystified by the explosion in the lab. Dì ikatingála ang íyang pagdaug, It’s not amazing that he won. 2 [B26N] for one’s body processes or health to be upset from being subjected to s.t. to which one is not accustomed. Naningála ang ákung tiyan sa pagkáun ug nangkà, The jackfruit upset my stomach. Natingála ang íyang láwas sa kabugnaw sa irkundisyunir, His body can’t seem to adjust to the air conditioner. paN-(→), paN- v [A23] 1 = tingála, 2. 2 be ill at ease from being new to s.t. Naningala ku áning bag-ung kambiyu, I find it hard to adjust to this new gearshift. ka- n state of being surprised. katingaláhan n 1 s.t. mysterious, wondrous. Katingaláhan ang búhat sa Diyus, God’s ways are wondrous. 2 enchanted, with magical power. Pangáyù bisan unsa sa katingaláhang singsing, Wish for anything at all from the magic ring.

tingalaw (not without l) v [A; b6] prepare food for people who are working on the farm. Nagtingalaw kus nagdáru, I’m preparing meals for the men who are plowing.

tingáli probably, maybe. Tingálig muulan run kay nanag-um, It will probably rain because the clouds are gathering. Ikaw tingáli ang nagsumbung, nu? You’re the one that told on me, weren’t you? Dílì tingáli mahímù [1019]kay ..., I don’t think I can do it because ... paN- v [A2] say ‘perhaps’ to signify uncertainty. Dì ku manigúru. Maningáli lang ku, I am not sure. Maybe I can. Culu- v [A13] = paN-.

tingalngal v [AB; c1] for a cover or shutter to open wide, cause it to do so. Nagtingalngal ang kaban tungud sa kadaghan sa sulud, The chest came open because so many things were inside it. Tingalngála (itingalngal) ug maáyu ang pultahan arun masúd ang bangkù, Open the door shutter wide so that the chair outside can be taken in. a opened wide.

tingàngà v [AB; c1] for a cover or shutter to be slightly open or ajar; cause it to do so. Nagtingàngà ang pultahan. Sirhi, The door is ajar. Close it. a opened a little way.

tingáyi = tingáli.

tinggà n metal, lead. -un a lead-like, heavy. -un ug kamut a clumsy, tending to break things easily.

tinggalung = singgalung.

tinggàtinggà n k.o. small wrasse of rocks in shallow waters.

tinggil n 1 clitoris. 2 mild curse word, expressing frustration or exasperation. Tinggil! Napalus na pud, Darn! It slipped off again.

tinggu n debt (slang for útang). v [A; c] buy s.t. on credit (slang).

tinghab v [A] gasp one’s last few breaths in dying. Nagtinghab na ang irù nga naligsan, The dog that the car ran over is now gasping for its last breath.

tinghágà = tanghágà.

tinghak v [A] be panting, gasping for breath. Nagtinghak siya human sa lumbà, He was panting after the race.

tinghuy n small oil lamp made of a wick of tightly rolled cotton blossoms floating in the oil, used as a wake lamp, kept burning the night through.

tingi v [AB26; b3] put s.o. to shame or deep embarrassment. Ang uyab níyang baklà mauy nagtingi níya sa kadaghánan, His homosexual lover put him to a great shame in public. Natingi ku pagpahalípay níya kay dì man diay adlaw níya, I was very embarrassed when I wished him happy birthday because it turned out it was not his birthday.

tingil = singil.

tingkad v [A; a12] do s.t. to the whole of s.t. Wà nímu matingkad paglimpiyu ang sular, You just cleaned part of the yard.

tingkag = tangkag.

tingkagul, tingkágul v [B6; b6] 1 make a loud banging noise. Mitingkagul ang silyang giitsa sa alkúba, The chair thrown to the attic made a heavy thud. 2 be in prison. Ang pagkakiriwan mauy nakatingkagul (nakapatingkagul) níya sa prisuhan, His thievery got him thrown into prison. 3 be thrown into a miserable situation. Anía akung aláut, nagtingkagul sa kagul-ánan, Here I am, wretched and suffering in grief. n banging noise.

tingkal n loosely twisted cotton thread made from low-grade cotton used for blankets, wicks, or twisted into fishing lines.

tingkálag v [B456N; b4N] for hair to stand on end. Mitingkā́g ang ákung balhíbu nga namínaw sa kaági ni Drakula, My hair stood on end while I listened to the story of Dracula. Nagtingkā́g ang balhíbu sa sunuy nga naggukud sa hingangkan, The feathers of the cock were standing on end while he chased the hen.

tingkalù = tuktur.

tingkap n enamel-coated tin cup. v [A; a2] use an enamel cup.

tingkarul1 v 1, 2, 3 = tingkagul. 4 [A1] light one’s way with a tingkarul torch. 5 [A; a] make a tingkarul torch. n k.o. kerosene torch made from bamboo or a bottle into which a tube nearly as big around as the mouth is inserted. So called from the noise this torch makes, and also from the fact that in the k.o. fishing with which it is used, a banging noise is made to draw the fish (cf. dagukduk).

tingkas = tangkas.

tingkiri = kingkiri.

tingkiyu = tangkiyu.

tingkù n, v 1 = tagultul1, n1, v. 2 pound rice in a mortar at the same time as s.o. else is pounding rice and in rhythm with him.

tingkubù v [A; a12P] hunch one’s shoulders forward. Nagtingkubù siya tungud sa íyang kagúlang, He is hunched over because he is old.

tingkuy n hollow space in nape of neck. lalum ug — greedy, ungiving or not sharing what one eats.

tingsì v [A; b6] draw the lips back in amusement or to smile. Nakapasar dagway siya kay nagtingsì, He must have passed the test because he is smiling to himself. Tingsíi lang sila kun kabsan kag isulti, Just smile at them when you run out of things to say. n a weak smile. hi-/ha- v [B1256] draw the lips back involuntarily in amusement.

tingsían n k.o. forest tree producing a dark-reddish hardwood.

tingting v 1 = talingting. 2 [AC; b(1)] [1020]have sexual intercourse (slang).

tingub v 1 [A; c1] do s.t. all at once. Tinguba (tingba, itingub) paglaba ang bulingun, Wash all of the clothes at once. 2 [B126C23] be combined in one, be entirely devoted to s.t. Magtingub tag pangadyì, Let’s all pray together. Kining mga híyas natingub sa íyang pagkatáwu, All these qualities were combined in his person. Natingub ang tanang pagpanggà sa bugtung nílang anak, They devoted all of their love and affection to their only child. Ang nasakpan mauy natingban sa tanang pasángil, The one who was caught got all of the blame. n s.t. complete in one. Ang tingub ánang idiyáha maúmul sa usa ka púlung, The entirety of that idea can be expressed in one word. a complete, covering everything. Usa ka mubù apan tingub nga pangutána, A short but all-embracing question. tingbanan n storage, reservoir. katilingban n society, community. katilingbánun a having to do with society, community. -in- a done all at once. tingbanay a 1 = -in-. 2 done to the fullest extent possible. Tingbanay giyud ning átung pag-ínum, Let’s not just drink. Let’s get completely soused.

tíngud = síngud.

tíngug v 1 [A2S] produce a sound. Ayúha nang tiklang dì mutíngug, Fix the piano keys that don’t sound. 2 [A2S; b3c] speak, speak up. Unsa pay tinggan nákù nga dì ka man mamínaw? What should I talk for, since you won’t listen? Tíngug sa míting ug dúna kay ikatíngug, Speak up in the meeting if you have s.t. to say. 3 [C; b6] be on speaking terms. Walà mi magtíngug (magtingganay), We aren’t on speaking terms. n 1 sound, voice. 2 one’s say or word in the proceedings of. Ang ákung tíngug mauy matúman, They will do whatever I say. pa- v [A; c1] turn on radio, TV, make s.t. sound. Patingúga (ipatíngug) ang radiyu, Turn the radio on. tingganay = tíngug, v3. paN- n the way the voice sounds, the manner of speaking. Subù ang paníngug sa namatyan, The bereaved person spoke in a sad tone of voice.

tingúhà (from kúhà) v [A13; a12] aim for, seek to possess. Matag baksir nagtingúhà sa kampiyunátu, Every boxer aims at the championship. Gitingúhà níyang magbúlag sila, It was her intention to separate them. n s.t. one intends, aspires to do. Wà kuy tingúhang dautan nímu, I do not have wicked intentions against you. Ang mga tingúhà sa bayánì álang sa násud, The hero’s aspirations for the country. paN- v 1 [A2; a12] give one’s utmost in doing s.t. Muasinsu ang táwung maningúhà, He who strives hard will succeed. Paninguháa nga mutáp ka sa tís, Try hard to top the exam. 2 [A2] court a woman. Naningúhà ku níya piru gibastid ku, I courted her for all I was worth, but I was turned down. n striving, trying hard. Káwang ang paningúhà nga dì nuntan ug kaabtik, It is futile to try hard if you don’t couple it with shrewdness.

tingusbáwan see usbaw.

tiniblas n the Wednesday before Easter.†

tinidur1 n 1 table fork. 2 forked bars that support the front wheel of a bicycle. 3 — sa yútà spade shaped similar to a pitchfork used to turn the soil. v [A; a] use a fork.

tinidur2 see tinir.

tin-idyir n teen-ager. v [B256; b6] be a teen-ager.

tininti1 = tinyinti.

tininti2 = tinuntu (humorous euphemism). see tuntu.

tinir v [A; c] 1 keep, have in possession. Nagtinir siyag babáyi, He’s keeping a mistress. Wà ku magtinir ug sapátus nga daghan, I don’t have many shoes. Magníwang kag itinir nímu nang kaguúla, You’ll grow thin if you harbor that sorrow. 2 detain. Itinir siya ug dì makapiyansa, Detain him if he cannot post bail. tinidur dilibru n bookkeeper. v [B156] be a bookkeeper.

tínir n thinner for paints, lacquers.

tínis n 1 tennis. 2 tennis or canvas shoes. v 1 [AC; b6] play tennis. 2 [A13; b6] wear tennis shoes. — kurt tennis court. — plíyir n tennis player. v [B156] be a tennis player. -an(→) n 1 tennis court. 2 dancing space out in the open.

tinrawundir n boxer who qualifies for ten-round fights. v [B1256] be a boxer who qualifies for ten-round fights.

tinsiyun = atinsiyun.

tintà n 1 ink. 2 ink of squids or octopuses. v [A; b4] put ink in a pen or on s.t. Palíhug rag tintà sa pawuntin pin, Please fill the pen with ink. Natintaan ang mantil, The tablecloth got ink spilled on it. — sa lumayágan, núkus, tamalà, etc. ink of squid, cuttlefish, octopus. tintíru n inkwell. tintiruhan, tintirúhan = tintíru.

tintal v [A2; a] 1 tempt, entice. Wáyis manintal (mutintal) ang yáwà, The devil tempts in a shrewd way. Ayaw kug tintála ánang ímung páa, Don’t entice me with your legs. Mau nang bukíra ang gitintálan ni Hisus, Jesus was tempted on that mountain. 2 bother so as to distract. Gitintal siya maung nagkasáyup, S.o. distracted him so [1021]he made errors. n temptation. maN-r- n tempter, temptress. ma-un a enticing. tintasiyun n temptation.

tintin1 n child’s word for penis (útin).

tintin2 = talingting.

tintíru see tintà.

tintu n red table wine. — dulsi sweet red wine, usually served as a lady’s drink. Gisirbíhan ang mga babáyi ug tintu dulsi, The women were served sweet red wine. — síku strong liquor. Ang mga láki ra ang gisirbíhan sa tintu síku, Only the men were served the strong liquor. bínu — = tintu, n.

tintúra n tincture of iodine. — arnika n tincture of arnica. — diyúdu, yúdu = tintúra.

tinù, tínù1 n insects which make a tiny ticking sound when squashed. v [B246] make a tiny popping sound when squashed. Mutínù ang búhì nga lusà kun tusdun, Unhatched eggs of head lice will make a tiny popping sound when you press them between your thumbnails.

tínù2 v [A; a12] ascertain, verify. Tinúang way bantay inigsulud nátù, Be sure there’s no guard when we break in. a absolutely certain. Tínù nang kadaúgan. Dílì malális, We most certainly will win. There is no dispute about it. ka-an n 1 certainty. Way katinúan nga magnúud ang ákung pangagpas, There’s no certainty that my guess will prove right. 2 s.t. that proves, verifies. Nagkinahanglag ígung katinúan arun mahukman siya, We need sufficient evidence if he is to be convicted.

tinur n 1 tenor voice. 2 tenor part in a choral group. 3 tenor instrument. — saks tenor saxophone. v [A; b6] sing tenor.

tinuryu n a Don Juan.

tinùtinù n k.o. herb of waste places: Physalis lanceifolia.

tinutuwa = lunaw.

tinúud see túud.

tinyaplába n 1 = alap-ap. 2 medicine for alap-ap. v [A123P; a4] be infected with tinea flava.

tinyinti n lieutenant in rank. v [B156] be a lieutenant. Dì ku gustung maultimu, magtinyinti ku, I don’t want to be a private but a lieutenant. — dil baryu n barrio chief. v [B156] be a barrio chief.

típ1 n tip, gratuity. v [A; c] give, get a tip, gratuity. Nakatíp siyag písus, He got a peso tip. Diyis pursiyintu ang hustung itíp, Ten percent is a big enough tip to give.

típ2 n tip, secret information. v [A; b(1)] tip off, give, get secret information. Nakatíp ang písi báhin sa túlis, The p.c. got a tip about the robbery.

típ3 v [A; b] fasten with, apply adhesive tape. Típi ang dinugtungan sa wayir, Tape the wire joints. n 1 adhesive tape. 2 magnetic tape. iskats — Scotch tape. — ríkurd tape, tape recording. v [A; c] make a tape recording. Akuy mutipríkurd sa íyang diskursu, I’ll make a tape recording of his speech. — rikurding n 1 tape recording session. 2 tape recording. v [C23] have a tape recording session. Nagtiprikurding mi sa ámung ispits klas, We had a tape recording session in our speech class. — rikurdir n tape recorder. v [A12] obtain a tape recorder.

tipak v 1 [A; ab7] break, chip a piece from. Natipak ang bàbà sa kupíta, The rim of the goblet is chipped. Ayawg tipki ni kay gamay na lang, Don’t break anything off of this piece. It’s already small as it is. 2 [A; b7] take away from one’s money, time, etc. Mutipak kug tirsiyu sa swildu pára sa buhis, I chip in one-third of my salary for taxes. Tipki kug diyútay sa ímung panahun, Spare me a little of your time. 3 [AB12; a1] crack. Kinsay nakatipak sa tibud? Who cracked the jar? Nagkatipak ang sag-ub nga pirming nabulad, The bamboo bucket is getting cracked because it is constantly left in the sun. Ayawg tipka nang básu, Don’t crack the glass. 4 [A; a3] get a profit from s.t. Dakù kug natipak sa gúmang ákung gibaligyà, I made a lot from the tires I resold. n 1 piece broken from s.t. 2 s.t. taken, deducted from.

tipaka, tipakà n 1 fragments, small broken pieces. Ang tipaka sa saang nahaságul sa unud, The pieces of the shell got mixed with the meat. Tipaka sa átung napusgay nga kaminyúun, The fragments of our broken marriage. 2 hard outer hull, husk, or shell of fruits and nuts, eggshells, shells of crustaceans. 3 k.o. land snail introduced by the Japanese for food purposes.

tipal-u n k.o. worm with legs, about 1″ long, that tends to seek dark places and gives off phosphorescence when crushed.

tipanu n bamboo flute.

tipas v 1 [A2; c] veer, go in a new direction. Mitipas siyag láing dálan arun dílì siya hikit-an, He turned off onto another road, so they wouldn’t find him. 1a take off the way, turn away from one’s goals. Ayawg itipas ang ímung panganduy ngadtu sa kahiláyan, Don’t let your ambitions veer to lustful pleasures. Inay idiritsu níyag hatud ang babáyi gitipas sa awáawng dapit, Instead of taking the girl directly home, he took her off to a deserted place. 2 [A23] for a conversation to take a new tack. Mitipas ang ílang [1022]panagsulti ngadtus pulitika, Their conversation shifted to politics. hi-/ha- v [B1256] be caused to veer, deviate. Nahitipas na nà sa maáyung pamatásan, That is far from good manners. -anan(←), -l-an(←), -an(←) n fork in a road, place where one turns off in a new direction.†

tipasak v [A; c] splash hard against s.t. Mitipasak ang ulan gíkan sa sandayung, Rain splashed from the gutter. n splashing against s.t.

tipasaw = timpasaw.

tipasì (from pasì) n 1 unhusked rice. 2 a nobody compared with s.o. big. Mangimbitar kag tipasì sa parti? You’re inviting a bunch of nobodies to the party? -un a for rice or corn to have lots of unhusked grains mixed in with it.

tipay n 1 k.o. pearl oyster with a thin, black shell and brittle, tooth-like projections at the mouth. It is a source of mother-of-pearl. 2 mother-of-pearl. Tipay ang gunitánan sa pistúla, The pistol has a mother-of-pearl handle. paN- v [A2; b6] dive for this sort of oyster.

tipdas1 n k.o. measles. v [A123P; a4] have tipdas.

tipdas2 v [A2; b8] hit lightly, just barely graze. Nagaras siya. Ígù lang nakatipdas ang panà, He was scratched. The arrow just grazed him. Way kásu, hitipdasan lang siya sa bála, It’s nothing serious. The bullet just grazed him.

típì v [A; a] kill (slang). Tipía ang saksi kun mupyáit, Liquidate the witness if he sings.

típig v 1, 2, 3 = tápig, v1, 2, 3. 4 [A1; b(1)] save money. Maáyu nang magtípig pára sa pagkatigúlang, It’s good to save for your old age. Tipígi ang subra sa galastúhan, Save whatever you haven’t spent. -in-an n 1 savings. 2 s.t. kept hidden. Dúna siyay tinipígang pagbátì nímu, She has a secret love for you. -anan n hiding place.

tipik v [A; b] take a bit off s.t. Dì giyud ka makatipik ánang kík pára nákù? Can’t you break a bit of that cake off for me? Tipki sad ku sa ímung pagtagad, Let me have a moment of your attention. n 1 small portion, a fraction of s.t. Ang íyang hinábang tipik lang sa íyang bahandì, His donation is only a fraction of what he has. 2 integral part. Tipik ka na sa ákung kaugalíngun, You’re already a part of my being. ka- n s.t. that forms a whole together with s.t. else. Ang yútà nga ákung gipalit katipik niadtu sa asyinda, The land I bought was formerly part and parcel of the hacienda.

tipíyu n acronym for Truck Public Utility, a group of vehicles classed for vehicular licensing purposes.

tiplas v [b8] graze slightly. Natiplasan lang íyang agtang sa bála, The bullet just grazed his forehead lightly. pa- v [A2; c1] aim s.t. so that it just grazes the target. Patiplasa (ipatiplas) lang ang pagtíru sa púga, Just graze the escapee when you shoot him.

tipmisyur n tape measure.

tipríkurd see típ3.

tipsing v [A2; b8] hit s.t. at the edge. Natipsingan ra níya ang targit, He just hit the target at the edge. walà sa — nothing as compared to. -in- n 1 slivers of wood left after chopping. Ang tinipsing sa káhuy nga átung gisapsápan maáyung idumálig, The slivers of wood that we chopped are good to use as kindling. 2 small amount as compared to s.t. else. Ang ímung natampu tinipsing lang (walà sa tipsing) sa akúa, Your contribution is nothing compared to mine.

tiptip v 1 [A; b] cut the tip of s.t. with scissors or shears. Ang mutiptip sa balíli gantíhan, Whoever clips the grass will get s.t. 1a [AP; c1] cut close to the surface or ground. Ákung gitiptípan (gipatiptípan) ang íyang buhuk kay gikutu, I cut his hair very short because he has lots of lice. 2 [A; a1] break s.t. with the teeth. Kalabaw níla ang nagtiptip sa ámung mais, Their carabao chewed up our corn. a cut close to the surface. Tiptip kaáyung pagkaputul ang mga tuud sa nataran, The stumps in the yard were cut close to the ground.

típu1 n a liquid measure of various amounts depending on the locality. 1 for palm toddy, usually containing six liters. 2 containing about a ganta (3 liters). tipuhan n container holding a típu, usually one or two nodes of bamboo.

típu2 n 1 contours, shape of face. Daw diyúsa ang típu sa íyang nawung, Her profile is like a goddess’. may — having an attractive appearance. May típu giyud nang tawhána dà, That man is sure good-looking. 2 type of person, personality. Ang típu sa babáying ákung gustu kanang igat, I like the type of girl that is a flirt.

típu3 n weight, registered weight on the scale. Pilay típu nímus timbangan? What is your weight? (Lit. How much do you register on the scale?) v [B256; c1] balance the scales by placing the rider on the zero mark. Tipúha (itípu) ang timbangan úsà manimbang, Place the rider on the zero mark before you weigh s.t.

típù v [A; ac] put together. Kinsay nagtípù sa mga tutbras? Bayag magkabaylu, Who [1023]put the toothbrushes together? Suppose they get mixed up? Tipúa ang tanang ináni únà bahína, Put all the harvest together before apportioning it. -an(←) n a crank-operated device for twisting strands into a rope.

tipug-uk a lumpy. v [B] be, become lumpy. Mutipug-uk (matipug-uk) ang harína ug dì ayágun, The flour will become lumpy if it is not strained.

tipuk v [A; a] rub out, liquidate (slang). Íyang gitipuk ang háwak sa Karbun silbing panimawus, The chief tough of the Carbon market area was killed in revenge.

tipuknul = tibugul.

tipuksul n lumps bulging out of a surface. Mga tipuksul sa nawung, Lumps on the face. v [A; a12P] bulge out of a surface, form a lump on. Ayaw ug ibutang ang pistúla sa bulsa kay mutipuksul, Don’t put the pistol in the pocket because it will bulge.

tipukù v [A; b(1)] 1 get on top of s.o. or s.t., hugging and bending it down. Gitipuk-an níya ang bábuy, He jumped on the pig and pinned it down. 1a have a woman for intercourse (euphemism). 1b use s.t. one sets oneself on. Maay ka lang mutipukù ánang bisiklíta apan dì ka muáyu ug madáut, You are good at using the bicycle, but are you good at fixing it if it breaks? 2 crowd around s.o. or s.t. Mitipukù ang mga táwu sa labasíru, The people crowded around the fish peddler. Gitipuk-an sila sa mga lángaw, A swarm of flies set on them.

tipuk-ul = tibugul.

tipúli n the monkey-eating eagle: Pithecophaga jefferyi.

tipúlu = atipúlu.

típun v 1 [A; ac] put, be together, join in a group. Dì siya mutípun sa mga pundukpunduk, He doesn’t mingle with groups. Iniglaba ayawg tipúna ang putì ug dikulur, In doing the laundry don’t put the white and colored clothes together. Malatà nang prutása ug itípun sa lataun, That fruit will get rotten if you put it together with rotten ones. 2 [A2C; c5] live together. Pait ikatípun ning kusug muháguk, It’s terrible to live with s.o. who snores. 3 [C; c3] live as a common-law couple. Magtípun lang ta, way kasalkásal, Let’s just live together without getting married. n being together. Típun mi niadtug kwartu, We were roommates formerly. tipuntipun n k.o. edible cerith shells, ½″–1″ long, mud-colored or black, found on rocks or mangrove trees. -in- n s.t. that has been put together. Tinípung Bansa, United States. Tinípung Kanasúran, United Nations. ka- n housemate. ka-an n the Katipúnan, a secret revolutionary society which aimed at independence from Spain. katipuníru n a member of the Katipúnan. v [B156] become a katipuníru. panag- n 1 living together, esp. as a couple. 2 gathering, coming together.

tipun-ug v [B3(1); c1] be piled up into a big heap. Nagtipun-ug ang hugasan human sa parti, There was a huge stack of dishes after the party. Siya ang gitipun-ugan sa tanang pagbásul, The blame was all dumped on him. Tipun-úga (itipun-ug) lang ang mga sagbut dihà arun dabúkan, Heap the trash there to burn it. n pile, heap of.

típus n typhus. v [a4] be sick with typhus.

*tipúsa, *tipúsu balay, túri nga — n name given to the Blessed Virgin in prayers.

tipuy n money (slang). Arang run mi kaambuy, way tipuy, We’re flat broke. Completely busted. v [A; ac1] have some money, have s.t. to use as money. paN- v [A; b5] get hold of money. Makapanipuy gánì nà siya, pasíkat dáyun, If he gets his hands on money he starts to show off.

tipyas = tiplas.

tíra v [A; b] 1 shoot. Tiráhi dáyug langgam inigbátug, Shoot the bird as soon as it lands on the branch. 2 dynamite fish. Tiráhi bísag duut sa gagmayng isdà, Blast it even if it’s a school of small fish. 3 go after a girl (slang). Mutíra siya bísag kinsa basta manimáhung babáyi, He courts anybody as long as it smells like a woman. 4 have a woman for sexual purposes. Mutíra nà bísag kúkuk, He will have sexual intercourse even with prostitutes. 5 [A; c] publish, appear in print. Itíra nang balitáa sa pamantaláan ugmà, That news will be published in the papers tomorrow. n shooting. — pula in a variety of billiards where only three balls are used, the condition that the player must hit the red ball first whenever he tries to make a carom. — paságad n hit-and-miss, at random. Diplánu ang ámung panúlis, dì tíra paságad, Our robberies are planned, not merely hit-and-miss. Dì siya makaigù kay tíra pasàgad siyang manumbag, He can’t hit the mark because he shoots at random. v [A3P] do s.t. thoughtlessly or indiscriminately. Ayawg tíra paságad. Pilía ang laláking buútan, Don’t pick just anybody. Choose a good man to marry. -da n 1 a single photographic exposure, shot. Kining tiradáha didtu makúhà duul sa taytáyan, This shot was taken near the bridge. 2 shot in a billiard game. biyin — good shot. 3 attack, verbal or physical. Kusug nga tirádang nakapalukápa níya, A hard blow that sent him reeling. 4 the [1024]way one tries to persuade or approach s.o. (slang). Sayup ímung tiráda hay imbis musugut, nasukù na hinúun, Your approach was wrong because instead of consenting he became angry. v [A; b(1)] attack s.o. verbally or physically. Mutiráda ku bísag kinsa, I’ll sock anyone. Gitiradáhan sa pastǔr ang mga maut, The minister lashed out at the hypocrites. -dur(→) n 1 slingshot. 2 one who lures victims into some sort of swindling operation. Tiradur kanang nagpatúung giáyu sa tambálan, The man who is pretending the doctor cured him is just there to lure victims. 3 one who engages in dynamite fishing. v [A; a12] shoot with a slingshot. Tiradura ang manuk nga nanuktuk sa binlad, Shoot the chicken that is pecking at the rice with a slingshot. paN- n dynamite fishing.

tirána n k.o. love song in a minor key of melancholy character. míngaw pay (pa sa) — a lacking in noise and gaiety. Ang ílang pyista míngaw pay tirána (pa sa tirána), The feast in their place was more mournful than the tirána love song.

tiranti n 1 high waistline. Human sa lúwis úsu na sad ang tiranti nga karsúnis, Pants with a high waistline became the fad following the low-waist. 2 suspenders. v [A; c] wear suspenders.

tirar v [AN; b] take s.o.’s picture. Pangítà ug táwu nga mutirar (manirar) kay nindut dinhi ug byú, Look for s.o. to take our pictures because there’s a nice view here.

tíras n lace used as trimming. v [A; c] put ornamental lace on s.t. Tirási ang sinínà arun manindut, Put lace on the dress to make it pretty.

tirása n terrace, an extension of the flooring of a house enclosed with a balustrade.

tirasis n terraced land or a piece of level land on the top of a mound for planting. v [b5] build terraces.

tiratíra n pull taffy. v [A; a2] make taffy.

tirbis v [AN; b(1)] for men to engage in illicit physical enjoyments with girls on a short term basis. Mutirbis ang bána ug manganak ang asáwa, The husband engages in extra-marital relationships when his wife is in the maternity hospital. paN- n act of playing around with girls illicitly. tirbistirbis = tirbis.

tirbisíya v 1 [B26; b8] miscarry, result in failure. Ug dílì mutirbisíya (matirbisíya) ang átung plánu, madátù giyud ta, If our plans don’t miscarry, we will surely be rich. Ang dagkung swildu mauy nakatirbisíya (nakapatirbisíya) sa átung nigusyu, Our business failed because we gave too big salaries. 2 [B126; b8] suffer a misfortune. Natirbisíya siya ug karun lúgus na makabisti sa íyang mga anak, He suffered a misfortune and now he can hardly clothe his children.

tirdrap n an encased pearl pendant in the shape of a teardrop. v [A] wear a teardrop pendant.

tiribli a 1 horrible. Tiribli ang nahitabù sa gilunúpang baryu, What happened to the flooded barrio was horrible. 2 unusual in ability, intensity, degree. Tiribli siyang mubaskitbul, He plays basketball terribly well. Tiribli níyang pagkagáhig úlu, He’s terribly stubborn.

tiriktirik v [A; b] mark with dots. Mga uwat sa buti mitiriktirik sa íyang nawung, Pock-*marks dotted his face. Ang birding panaptun giritiktirikan ug putì, The green cloth is dotted with white dots. n dots all over s.t.

tirírit = tarírit.

tíris n 1 an open terrace on top of buildings usually utilized as an open-air eating place. 2 = tirása.

tirituryu n territory.

tirmina = tirminar.

tirminal1 n passenger terminal.

tirminal2 n term in mahjong: 1 one of the end numbers (one or nine). 2 a sequence of three one’s or three nine’s of different designs. -is = tirminal2, 1 (plural).

tirminar v [A; b(1)] 1 give a specific date or time for. Wà siya mutirminar kun anus-a mubálik, He did not give a specific date for when he would come back. 2 predict that s.t. will happen. Way makatirmina sa dadangátan sa kalag sa táwu, No one can predict what will happen to a man’s soul. Gitirminahan nang dáan sa mga maistru nga mulampus siya, The teachers have predicted that he would be a success.

tirminit v [A; c1] fire s.o. from his job. Tirminitun (itirminit) ka giyud dáyun kun musúkul ka, You’ll surely be fired if you are insubordinate.

tirminu n 1 term, word. 1a meaning, nuance. Púlung nga nagdalag láing tirminu, Words that have a meaning other than what is usually understood. 2 limit, end. Adúnay tirminu ang tanan. Ang tanan lumalábay lámang, Everything must come to an end. Everything is transient. 2a term, tenure in office. 2b specific date or day. Way tirminu ning ákung byáhi kay nag-agad sa panahun, My trip has no fixed date. It depends on the weather. v [A; c] give a term, name. Unsay maáyung itirminu ánang sakíta? What would be a good term for that disease? [1025]

tirmumitru n thermometer.

tirmus n thermos bottle.

tirnu n 1 man’s suit. 2 formal woman’s native dress, of floor length and one piece. 3 outfit consisting of two or more pieces matching in color. v 1 [A1; a12] wear or make a suit or terno dress. 2 [A12] for different articles of apparel to match. Nagatirnu ang ímung bág ug sanínà, Your bag and your dress match. a matching, of the same color.

tirsíra n 1 third gear of a motor vehicle. 2 — klási third class. v [A2; c] put into third gear. Wà ku makatirsíra sa hustung higayun, I wasn’t able to put it into third gear on time.

tirsíru n 1 third in rank, grade. 2 one who is a third grader. v [B256] be in the third grade. Mutirsíru na siya karung abli, He’ll be in the third grade this year.

tirsiya parti n one-third.

tirsiyu n one-third. Tirsiyu ang báhin sa tag-íya sa yútà, The owner gets a third as his share. v [C2; a12] divide s.t. into three equal shares.

tirsiyupílu n velvet. v [A; b6] wear, put velvet on s.t.

*tirtin — kards n a manner of playing mahjong using 13 pieces for each player. — tils n a winning mahjong hand that has four iksibisiyun combinations.

tíru = tíra, v1, 2, 5. paN- = paníra.

tírung n a supernatural being of dwarfish proportions with a strong body of iron or stone, said to inhabit isolated cliffs and caves. It is popularly said that the machinery in sugar mills is under the control of a tírung and it will not function unless he is fed. Hence, children are popularly threatened to be fed to this monster. Hílak arun iláwug ta ka sa tírung, Keep crying and I’ll feed you to the monster.

tirungan = tulungan. see túlung.

Tiruray n an ethnic group in Upi, Cotabato.

tirurismu n terrorism. v [A; a1] terrorize. Mudaug lang siya kun tirurismúhun níya ang butanti, He will win only if he terrorizes the voters.

tirus v [A; a] squeeze nits or lice with the thumbnail or an itchy part of the body between the thumbnails. Tirusa ang mga katul sa ákung likud, Squeeze the itchy places on my back between your nails.

tirúti = tarúti.

tís1 v [A; a1] tease the hair. Tísa ákung buhuk, Tease my hair.

tís2 n test in school. v [A; a] have a test. Ákù mung tísun báhin sa asayinmint, I’ll give you a test on the assignment.

tísà1 n k.o. single-seeded fruit, the size and shape of a small pear with bright yellow, inedible skin and flesh which is sweet and fleshy but dry: Lucuma nervosa.

tísà2 n roofing tile.

tísà3 = tísas.

tisar v [A; c] sit or stand straight; have a bent back straightened. Mitisar ang kadíti dáyung salúdu, The cadet stood straight and executed a salute. Matisar pa nang ímung pagkabakù, Your bent posture can still be corrected. a straight in posture.

tísas n chalk. v [A; c1] use, apply chalk on s.t. (→) = tísas, v.

tisay (from mistísa) n woman with some Caucasian blood or features (slang).

tisiku n one who has tuberculosis. v [B126] be, become a tubercular.

tísirt n a sport shirt that slips over the head: T-shirt, polo shirt. v [A1; b6] wear a T-shirt.

tísis1 n tuberculosis. v 1 [B12] for a sickness to become tuberculosis. Matísis ang ubung pinasagdan, A cough that is not treated will turn into tuberculosis. 2 [a4] get T.B. Gitísis siya kay kúlag káun, He got tuberculosis because he didn’t eat enough. -un a tubercular person.

tísis2 n thesis, dissertation for a degree. v [A1] write a thesis.

tiskug v [B46] stiffen so as to lose a pliant quality. Mitiskug ang íyang líug sa kalísang, Her neck stiffened in fear.

tiskwir n T-square.

tislang v [B; c1] stand erect. Dì na mutislang ang kinatáwu sa tigúlang, An old man’s penis will no longer erect. Magtislang ang buhuk kun dì pamadáhan, Your hair will stand on end if you don’t put pomade in it.

tislaub, tisláub v [B26; b6] 1 fall into s.t. with a splash. Natisláub (mitisláub) siya sa tunaan, He fell into the mudhole. Mau nang basáka ang íyang gitislaúban, That’s the rice paddy she fell into. 1a fall into a state viewed as bad. Mitisláub sila sa bung-aw sa pulitika, They plunged into the sinkhole of politics. 2 [B126] for an area to get a depression in it. (→) n shallow depression.

tislub = tunlub.

tislup = taslup.

tisngì = tingsì.

tispípar n papers for a test.

tist = tís2.

tistamintu n testament, will. Bag-ung — New Testament. Dáang — Old Testament.

tistǎr v [A; c] make a will. Ang kamanghúrang anak mauy gitistahan sa karáang balay, The ancestral home was bequeathed to the [1026]youngest son.

tistígus n witness in court. v [A; c] act as a witness in court. Way mutistígus kay mahadluk nga maapil, Nobody wants to testify because they are afraid of getting involved.

tistimunyu n testimony. Ang tistimunyu sa tistígus, The witness’ testimony. v [A; c] give testimony, profession. Gitistimunyu níya ang íyang pagkakábig, She testified as to her conversion.

tisting v 1 [A; b] test, try s.t. Nagtisting pa gánì ta nadáut na, All we were doing was testing it and it broke. Tistíngi ang brík, Test the brakes. 2 [A; b(1)] try s.t. new to have a taste of it. Mutisting kug LSD kun unsay mahitabù, I’ll try LSD and see what it leads to.

tistir n tester used to detect electric, electronic problems.

tistis v [AN; c] joke. Mu ra kug gitíkun kun siya nay manistis (mutistis), It is as if he tickles me when he tells jokes. Dúna siyay bag-ung itistis káda prugráma níya, He has new jokes for each of his programs. n joke. -an(→) a given to joking. ma-un a joking. Matistísung kulukabildu, A joking conversation. -ay(→), -anay v [C2; c3] exchange jokes. Nagtistisay (nagtistisánay) ang mga hubug sa tubaan, The drunks are exchanging jokes at the toddy stand. n 1 exchanging jokes. 2 art of telling jokes. paN- = -ay(→), n2.

tísu a erect in posture. Ang suldádu tísu kaáyu ug láwas, A soldier has a very erect body. v 1 [B] be, become erect. 2 [A; c] carry one’s body straight and erect. Itísu ang láwas inigkaman ug atinsiyun, Stand straight at the command of attention.

tisuk v [A; c] 1 plant seed into the ground. Nagtisuk kug nangkà sa nátad, I planted a jackfruit seed in the yard. 1a thrust a sharp object on the ground. Gitisuk sa manggugubat ang íyang bangkaw sa atubángan sa rayna, The warrior planted his spear before the queen. 2 implant in the mind. Itisuk sa hunàhúnà ang ákung pahimatngun, Implant my advice firmly in your mind.

tisun = tísu.

tisuríra = tisuríru (female).

tisuriríya n treasury.

tisuríru n treasurer. v [B156; a2] be, make a treasurer. Tisurirúhun nímu nang kiriwan? Are you going to make that crook the treasurer?

tisuy = tisay (male).

tisyirt = tísirt.

títa = títu (female). titatíta = kitakíta, 2, v2. see kita.

titanus n tetanus. v 1 [B126] for s.t. to become tetanus. 2 [a4] get tetanus.

tithi v [A; c] spit out in a tiny squirt. Naíkug kung mutithi sa bínung labihang isúga, I was ashamed to spit out the strong wine.

títi n breast. v [A; b] suck the breast. Malináwung nagtíti ang masúsu, The infant is peacefully sucking the breast.

titì, títì1 a dirty (child talk). Titì kaáyu ang nawung nímu, Your face is very dirty. v [B126; b6] be, become dirty.

títì2 n address of respect to an elder brother or a close male relative. v [A; a12] call s.o. títì.

títì3 = títi.

tìtì v [A; a12] 1 drain, consume to the last drop or bit. Ang íyang bisyu mauy nakatìtì sa ílang tinígum, His vice exhausted their savings entirely. Ákung gitìtì ang katapúsang túlù sa kukakúla, I drained the last drop of Coca-Cola. 2 use s.t. up in a figurative sense. Natìtì na ang ákung paílub, My patience is exhausted. ka-un(→) n state of being used up entirely.

títik v [A; c] write, print letters or words. Ngálan sa kandidátu ang gitítik sa karatula, The candidate’s name is printed on the billboard. n letter of the alphabet. paN- n spelling. ka-an n writings, literature. Inila siyang magsusúlat sa Katitíkang Bisayà, He is a noted writer in Visayan Literature.

titip, títip a very steep. Way makasáka ánang titip nga pangpang, No one can climb that very steep cliff. v [b6] consider s.t. steep.

títit v [A; a] say beep-beep in pretending to blow one’s horn. Mutítit gánì ku, manlarga na kunúhay ta, When I say beep-beep, let’s pretend we’re leaving. n horn (child’s talk).

tits1 a humorous, impolite term of address to a man, usually used when negating s.t. he says: buster, buddy roe. Ilára tits. Úna pa ku nímu sa dúyan, Don’t try to fool me, buster! I wasn’t born yesterday. Hadlúka tits, You can’t scare me, buddy roe. v [a12] call s.o. by this title. À, gitits lang níya si prupísur, He dared call the professor ‘buddy’.

tits2 v [A; b6] teach in school. Nagtǐts dáyun ku humag graduwar, I taught right after graduation. praktis -ing n practice teaching. v [A; b6] do practice teaching. Ang mga búgù ang ákung gipraktis titsíngan, I have dull students for my practice teaching. -ir(←) n teacher. v [B1256] be a teacher.

títu n address of respect for an uncle. v [A; c12] call s.o. títu.

tituláda = tituládu (female).

tituládu n one who has a degree. Dílì ka makasulud [1027]ug trabáhu ug dì ka tituládu, You can’t get a job if you don’t have a degree. 2 land having a Torrens Title. v [B1256] have a degree.

titulu n 1 professional degree. 2 title, name of literary works. 3 document certifying legal ownership of a piece of land. humstid —, pripatin — homestead, free patent title. v 1 [A; c] entitle, name a work. Ang maung lílas gitituluhan ug Tintal, The movie is entitled Temptation. 2 [A; b(1)] make documents certifying to legal ownership of land. Makalún lang ta kun tituluhan nátù ang yútà, We can make a loan only if we have a title prepared for the lot. — túrins n Torrens Title.

titurun n tetoron cloth.

tiudtiud = taudtaud.

tíug v [c] be known and talked about. Wà matíug ang ílang panagtrátu kay tinagùtagù man, People don’t know that they are engaged, for they meet in secret. Gikatíug nga aku awuk, They say around here that I’m a vampire. a thing talked about. baN-(→) see baniug.

tiuk v [A; a12] choke s.o. by putting s.t. around his throat. Ayawg hugta ang kurbáta kay matiuk ku, Don’t tighten the necktie so tight or I will choke.

tíun v [A; c] point a weapon at close range. Íyang gitiúnan ang ákung agtang, He took aim at my forehead. Ayawg itíun nà nákù, Don’t point that thing at me.

tiúnay (from unay) n 1 s.t. deeply imbedded in the flesh such that one must dig to get it out. Gikúhà sa duktur ang tiúnay sa ákung dughan, The doctor removed the arrowhead from my chest. 2 true, sincere. Salígi king gugmang tiúnay, Trust this sincere love (of mine). 3 inherent, natural property of. Ang kabangis tiúnay sa tawhánung kinaíya, Pugnaciousness is inherent in human nature. 4 = kasya1. v [B] be deeply imbedded. Gugmang nagtiúnay sa dughan, A love that has penetrated deep into my breast.

tiúruk (from úruk) v 1 [AP; cP] dive, go down headfirst. Mitiúruk (mipatiúruk) ang ayruplánu, The airplane took a nose-dive. Itiúruk (ipatiúruk) ang tabánug unyà ipasáka na sad, Have the kite nose-dive then let it climb up. 2 [B1246] fall headfirst. Nabálì ang íyang líug kay natiúruk pagkahúlug, He broke his neck when he fell headfirst. — sa búhat v [A; b] do s.t. conscientiously, work without lifting the head. Dì nà siya mutiúruk sa búhat, He is not conscientious in his work. hi-/ha- v [B126] be caused to bow one’s head. Nahitiúruk siya sa dihang nauláwan siyag maáyu, He bowed his head in shame.

tiúrus v [B46; a] 1 continue going on, speed away. Mitiúrus siyag lakaw bisan gitawag, He continued walking away even though s.o. was calling him. Gitiúrus níya ang dágan sa trák, He sped away with the truck. 2 slide down, swoop down. Mitiúrus ang ayruplánu ngadtu sa kaáway, The plane swooped down on the enemy. Labihan níyang nakatiúrus sa káhuy sa pagkakità níya sa bitin, How quickly he got down from the tree when he saw the snake.

tius-us v 1 = daílus. 2 = us-us, v1.

tiwangwang v [B6; c1] spread or open apart from a vertex or hinge-like joint. Nagtiwangwang ang mga basahun sa lamísa, The books are laid open on the table. Gitiwangwang níya ang íyang páa, She spread her thighs apart.

tiwas v 1 [A; a12] finish, complete. Wà ku makatiwas ug káun kay nabukug ku, I didn’t finish eating because a bone got stuck in my throat. Tiwasa úsà ang iskuyla únà ka magminyù, Finish your studies first before you get married. 2 [A3P; b] give a finishing blow, kill in the end. Ang kaguul mauy nakatiwas (nakapatiwas) sa masakitun, Grief finished off the sick man. Ug mulíhuk pa gánì tiwasi (tiwsi), If he still moves, deliver him the coup-de-grace. 3 [C2] conclude a conflict by fighting it out to the death. Huy animal! Kanáug diri arun magtíwas ta, Hey you! Come on down here so we can fight it out to the death. n finished. Tiwas na ang ákung pípar, My paper is all done. pa- v 1 [A; ac] have s.o. bring s.t. to an end. 2 [c] have s.o. get married. Ipatiwas na sila si Tabúra ug si Tunyu, Have Tonio and Tabora get married.

tiwsan see tiwas.

tiwtiw1 v [A; b6] wave a finger at s.o. to scold, accuse. Sa íyang pagbuybuy nákù, gitiwtíwan ku, He waved his fingers at me as he listed all the good things he had done for me. -an(→) a 1 nagging, scolding by shaking a finger at. 2 gossiping. v [B126; b6] 1 be a nag. 2 be gossiping.

tiwtiw2 = batiwtiw.

tiyà, tíyà n term of address for one’s aunt or the female cousins of one’s parents, or by extension any woman older than the speaker. v [A; a1] call s.o. aunt. Tiyaa nang tindíra ágig táhud, Call the woman in the store auntie as a sign of respect.

tiyan, tíyan n 1 stomach. 2 pregnancy. Pila na ka búlan ang ímung tiyan? How many months along are you (lit. is your stomach)? [1028](→) v [a12] hit in the stomach. Gitiyan nákù siyag sumbag, I hit him in the stomach. -un(←) a having prominent stomach.

tiyù, tíyù n term of address for one’s parents’ brother or male cousins, or by extension, any man older than the speaker. v [A; c12] call s.o. uncle.

tl written representation of a dorso-palatal imploded click used in urging a horse to move.

tling written representation of the sound made by strumming a guitar.

trabáhu v 1 [A; b6(1)] work, go to work. Nagtrabáhu siya sa kapitul, He is working at the Capitol. Ámung tindáhan ang íyang gitrabahúan, She is working in our store. 1a [A123S] obtain employment. Lisud makatrabahu ang ikskanbik, An ex-convict has a hard time finding employment. 2 [A; a] work on s.t. Trabahúa ang íyang sinínà, Work on her dress. 3 [A; a2] have sexual intercourse (euphemism). Ayawg trabahúa ímung asáwa ug nagrigla, Don’t have intercourse with your wife when she menstruates. n 1 piece of work. 2 job. trabahadur n manual laborer. a one who works hard on manual labor. v 1 [B156] be a laborer. Natrabahadur siya sa gihímung karsáda, He was a laborer on a road-building project. 2 [B126; b6] be a hard worker (usually said of manual work). Ang tingúhang muuswag mauy nakapatrabahadur (nakatrabahadur) níya, He was a hard worker because of his desire to prosper. -a(←) n = trabahadur (female). trabahanti n laborer, employee. a hard worker. Ang táwung trabahanti dì gustung mupahúway, A hard worker does not want to rest. v [B156] be a laborer, employee. Natrabahanti siya sa ákung upisína, He was an employee at my office.

*trabiling — bag n traveling bag. — nga sinihan n commercial movie that moves from place to place.

trabilirs tri n traveller palm, an ornamental palm with leaves like a banana spread in a fan-like arrangement: Ravenala madagascariensis.

trabisíya v 1 [A; c] go around s.t., go the long way around instead of directly to one’s destination. Nakatrabisíya na ang gwardiya sa prisuhan, The guard has made the rounds of the prison. Itrabisíya ang sakayan kun sungsungun ang hángin, Let the boat go round about if you have to go against the wind. 2 [AN; c] place a private bet against a member of the crowd in the cockpit. Itrabisíya únà ang kwarta arun mutúbù, First bet the money around among the onlookers so it will grow. 3 [A13; c1] lie diagonally across s.t. Kun magtrabisíya kita paghigdà masulud kitang tanan niíning katri, If we lie diagonally across the bed, we can all get in it. n 1 place for onlookers, crowd, etc. around a cockpit. Anhà siya sa trabisíya, He stays in the place for the onlookers. 2 cockpit audience or crowd. Ang trabisíya nanghugyaw, The crowd in the cockpit yelled.

trabungku n in folk belief, a glowing, round stone which confers magical powers on whoever gets hold of it. It is said to be found in the possession of certain snakes.

tradisiyun n traditional customs. v [B1256] become traditional. Natradisiyun na dinhi ang pagpanaygun mapasku, It has become a tradition here to go caroling at Christmas.

tráha n 1 threads of a screw, pipe, and the like. 2 mechanical device for forming threads. v [A; b6(1)] make threads.

tráhi n 1 a complete men’s suit. 2 an article of clothing that is part of a suit. Kining karsunísa tráhi sa amirkána, This is the pair of pants that goes with the suit. v [A13; b6(1)] wear a suit. — dibayli n ball gown. — dibúda, sa kasal n wedding dress.

trahidiya n tragedy.

trák n 1 motor vehicle. 2 bus. v [A13] go by bus or truck. Mas dalì ang magtrák kay sa magbarku, Going by bus is faster than by boat. — dikarga cargo truck. — dipasahíru passenger bus. -ing n trucking, the business of trucking. Dúna siyay tráking ug láging nga kumpaníya, He has a trucking and logging company. v [A13] go into the trucking business.

traktur, traktúra n farm tractor. v [A13; a12] use a tractor.

trakúma n trachoma, an infection of the eyes. v 1 [B126] become trachoma. 2 [a4] have trachoma.

trambíya n tramway.

trambutsu = tambutsu.

trampas n trick set to deceive, fix s.t. Way trampas tung madyíka. Tinúud giyung madyik, There was no trick in the act. It was a real magic.

trampit n trumpet with pistons. v [A; b6] play a trumpet. Kinsay nagtrampit adtung sunatáha? Who played the trumpet in that piece? -ir(→) n trumpeter.

trangka v 1 [A; b] bolt a doorway, shutter, close with a crossbar. Trangkahi (trangkáhi) ang bintánà kay dúna unyay kawatan, Bolt the window, because a robber might come. 2 [AN2] bolt oneself in a room, house, etc. Nasukù siya maung nanrangka (nanarangka, nagtrangka) sa kwartu, She was angry and [1029]bolted herself in the room. n bolt or crossbar. trangkahan n gate or door fastened with a bolt. Giúyug sa prísu ang trangkahan, The prisoner shook the gate. -du a locked.†

trangkásu n influenza. v [A123P; a4] cause, have influenza.

transaksiyun n transaction. v [C2; c3] have a transaction with s.o. Dì ku makigtransaksiyun ug tikasan, I won’t do business with a cheat.

transistur n 1 transistor. 2 transistorized radio.

transkrip n a transcript of academic records.

transmisyun n 1 automotive transmission. 1a transmission of power. 2 radio, TV transmission.

transmit v [A; c] transmit a message by radio, telegraph, etc. Itransmit dáyun nang tiligráma kay dinalian, Transmit that cable right away because it’s urgent.

transmítir n 1 radio, TV transmitter. 2 transmitter site.

transpigurasiyun n transformation of the bread and wine in the mass into the body and blood of Jesus Christ.

transpir v [A; c] transfer from one school to another, from one job to another. Mutranspir ku sa Yúbi sunud túig, I’ll transfer to u.v. next year. Itranspir dáyun sa publasiyun kadtung duul sa luwag, Workers close to the officials (lit. ladle) don’t take long to get their transfer to town. n order or authorization of transfer.

transpurmir n electrical transformer. v [b6] use a transformer on. Transpurmíri ang tíbi arun magáwì sa dusbayinting bultáhi, Use a transformer with the television so we can plug it into 220 volts.

transpurtasiyun n transportation, mode of travel. Wà nay transpurtasiyun ngadtu human sa bagyu, There was no way to get there after the storm.

transpurti n transport, troop ship. Galamitun sa gíra nga gikargas dagkung transpurti, War equipment that was loaded on big transports. v [A13; c1] travel, convey in a troop ship.

trantádu = tarantádu. see taranta.

trapal n tarpaulin. Trapal ang gawíun sa paggamag tihíras, They use canvas to make cots. v [A13; b6(1)] cover s.t. with tarpaulin. Gitrapalan ang mga sinakung simintu pag-ulan, They covered the bags of cement with tarpaulin when it rained.

trápik n 1 traffic. 2 street intersection with a traffic light in it. 3 policeman directing traffic. 4 way — lacking manners. Wà kay trápik. Mulatas ka man sa taliwálà sa mga táwung nagsultihánay, You have no manners. You pass between people talking. a heavy traffic. Trápik kaáyu ug alas dúsi, The traffic is heavy at twelve o’clock. v 1 [A; b(1)] direct traffic. 2 [B156] be a traffic policeman. 3 [B6] for traffic to be heavy, congested. Magtrápik ang karsáda ug dúnay parid, Traffic is congested if there’s a parade. 4 [a12] be caught in a traffic jam. Natrápik ku sa Kulun, I was caught in a traffic jam on Colon Street.

trapiku = trápik, n, v2.

trápu v 1 [A; b1] wipe a large area. Nagtrápu siya sa singut sa bátà, She’s wiping off the child’s sweat. Trapúhi ang lamísa únà basyúhi, Wipe the table before setting it. Trapúhi ring lipstik sa ákung ngábil, Wipe the lipstick off my lips. 2 [A; b] clean s.o. by rubbing with a wet cloth. Trapúhi lang ang bátà kay kahilanatun, Just wash the child off with a wet cloth because he’s feverish. 3 [c6] in games: be badly beaten. Sa baskit gitrápu mi sa San Karlus, We were badly beaten by San Carlos in basketball. 4 [B1256; c1] make old garments into rags for wiping. Trapuha (itrapu) na lang ning gisiun nga bláwus, Make this old, worn-out blouse into rags. 5 [A1; c16] finish a big quantity of food. Duha ra ka táwu ang nagtrápu sa usa ka kū́ng linúgaw, Two people finished off the whole potful of porridge. (→) n rag or anything for wiping. paN- v [A2; c6] 1 wipe oneself dry. Nanarápu (nanrápu) siya human kalígù, He dried himself after he took a bath. 2 clean oneself with a washcloth. Dì ku malígù. Manarápu lang ku, I won’t take a bath, I’ll just wash myself with a washcloth.

traski [so-and-so] is bad enough, but in addition [such-and-such] must happen. Traski lisud ang kwartang pangitáun, náa sab kamu nga kusug mag-usik-usik, Money is hard enough to come by without your all having to go and waste it.

traspiri, traspirir v [A; c] 1 move, change residence. Mutraspirir mi sa bag-ung balay ugmà, We’ll move to the new house tomorrow. 2 transfer from one document to another. Itraspirir sa ímung ngálan ang kabtángan sa namatay, The deceased’s property will be transferred to your name.

traspurti n vessel used in transport. Miabut na ang traspurting hinábang álang sa Byapra, The transports with aid for Biafra have arrived.

tratádu n treaty between states.

tratar v [A; a12] 1 treat, bear oneself toward. Maáyung mutratar kaníla ang ílang inaína, [1030]Their stepmother treats them well. 2 attend to s.t. Mitratar dáyun ang mayur sa prublíma sa mga iskwátir, The mayor immediately attended to the problem of the squatters. 3 treat, deal with a question. Unsay gitratar sa párì sa íyang sirmun? What did the priest talk about in his sermon? tratamyintu n 1 treatment accorded to one. Maáyu ang íyang tratamyintu sa mga míd, He treats the maids well. 2 treatment, dealing with s.t. that needs attention. 3 treatment, discussion of a question.

tratsi n fret of a stringed instrument. v [A; c] put, use as a fret.

trátu n sweetheart. v [a1c3] be sweethearts. Musintinyal nákung panguyab níya únà mi magkatrátu, I courted her for nearly a century before we became sweethearts. (→) v [A12] get for a sweetheart. Nakatratu siyag bungì, He had a harelip for a sweetheart. paN- v [A2; c] go get a sweetheart. Unyà ka ra manarátug ugpas ka na? Do you intend to have a sweetheart only after you’ve become all used up? manag- n sweethearts. Managtrátu sila, They are sweethearts. panag- n relationship of being sweethearts.

tráyal v [A; b] try s.t. or s.o. out. Nagtráyal kug duha ka klási nga ripridyirítur, I have tried out two different brands of refrigerator. Pila na ka buuk ang gitrayálan álang niíning trabahúa, They have tried out several applicants for the job. n trial.

trayanggul n 1 triangle. 2 triangle, k.o. percussion instrument. v [A; c1] make, form a triangle. Trayanggula (itrayanggul) ang purmisyun sa banda, Form the marching band into a triangle.

trayanggulu = trayanggul.

trayinta number thirty. v see disiutsu.

trayintaydus n thirty-two caliber gun or cartridge.

trayintay-utsu n thirty-eight caliber gun or cartridge.

trayir v [A] betray. Nasáyud si Hisus nga si Húdas mutrayir kaníya, Jesus knew that Judas would betray Him. Kinsay nagdamgu nga mutrayir siya kanímu? Who ever dreamed that she could deceive you?

traydǔr a 1 traitor. 2 sickness that attacks without warning. Traydǔr kaáyung sakíta nang hayblad, High blood pressure is a treacherous disease. v [B156; b6] become a traitor. Natraydǔr siya tungud sa pasálig sa kaáway, He became a traitor because of the enemy’s promises.

traysikul n tricycle, pedicab. v 1 [A1; a1c] ride, bring on a pedicab. 2 [A; a] make into a pedicab.

tráyu = tríyu1.

tríbu n tribe.

tribukar v [A; c] divulge. Ang míd mauy nagtribukar sa paglúib sa asáwa, The maid divulged the wife’s infidelity. Ayaw itribukar nga partíhan nátù siya, Don’t say a word that we are giving him a party. 2 [B1256] be found out, brought out into the open.

tribunal n tribunal court of justice.

tribusun v [AB156; a1] have, set the hair in ringlets. Ang byutisyan mauy nagtribusun sa íyang buhuk, The beautician set her hair in ringlets. Nagtribusun ang taas nga buhuk sa bátà, The child’s hair hangs down in ringlets. n ringlet, long hanging curl.

tridayminsiyun n three-dimensional movie. v [c16] make a movie in three dimensions.

trid-in v [A; c] trade in for s.t. better. Itrid-in nang ímung uyab nga bughuan, Trade your jealous girl friend in for a new one.

trígu n wheat.

trím v [A; b] trim, cut to even lengths. Akuy mutrím sa antuwánga, I’ll trim the hibiscus plants. Trími lag ákung buhuk. Ayawg mubui, Just trim my hair. Don’t cut it short.

trimistral n done every three months. Trimistral ang báyad sa lisinsiya, You pay for your license once every three months. v [A; c1] do s.t. on a once-in-three months basis.

trimistri n period of three months.

trín1 n railway train. Byáan ka sa trín, You won’t get married (lit. miss the train). v [A13; a12] ride on the train.

trín2 v [A; a2] 1 train, teach to make proficient. Trína siyag maáyu, Train him well. 2 train, discipline. Gitrín sila sa ílang inahan ug trabáhu, They were trained by their mother to work. -i n trainee in military training. v [B1256] be a trainee. -ir n trainer. Akuy gitrínir sa bag-ung tím, I was made the trainer of the new team.

tringka v [A; a] fasten s.t. securely by binding it fast. Tringkáhan nátù ang átung dala arun dì kawátan, We’ll tie up our baggage securely so nothing can be stolen from it.

trinsas n U-shaped black hairpin for a top-knot or the like. v [AN; b6(1)] use this sort of hairpin. Manrinsas pa ku sa ákung pinangkù, I’m still putting hairpins in my chignon.

trinsíras n military trench. v [A; b6(1)] make trenches.

*trip pirst, last — n first or last trip of the day made by scheduled transportation. las — n funeral cortege to the cemetery (humorous).

tripilya, tripilyas n the small intestines of a [1031]pig.

triplikádu n triplicate. v [B126] be made in triplicate.

triplit n triplets. v [B1256] turn out to be triplets.

tripulanti n crew on a ship, member of a ship’s crew. v 1 [B156; b6] be a member of the crew. Barkung istranghíru ang ákung gitripulantíhan, I was a crew member on a foreign ship. 2 [A12] have as a member of the crew.

trís number three. v 1 [B256; c1] get to be three, make s.t. three. Mutrís na siya karung Marsu, He’ll be three this March. Hápit na siya matrís, di pa gihápun kalakaw, He’s almost three and he still can’t walk. Trísa (itrís) lang ning isdà, Let me have this fish for three pesos (lit. make it three pesos). 2 [A1] give or get three (pesos, centavos, etc.). Kinsang maistráha nagtrís nímu? Which teacher gave you a grade of three? Nakatrís ku sa paglinimpiya, I earned three pesos polishing shoes. 3 [b] incur expenses amounting to three. Hitrísan ku sa búlang, I lost three pesos in the cockpit. alas — three o’clock. — andánas n three-storey building. — anyus three years. tris-adus a 1 vision that is cross-eyed. 2 three-to-two odds in betting. v [A1] be cross-eyed. Nagtris-adus ang ímung panan-aw, You are cross-eyed. — bandas n three-sided billiards, where the ball is made to bounce off three edges. tris-idus = tris-adus. — kantus n three-edged blade, file, or anything that can have three edges. — kwartas three-fourths. — nuybis n in mahjong, a combination of three nines of different designs, one of the iksibisiyun combinations. — únus an iksibisiyun combination in mahjong of three one’s. -ay n betting for three (centavos, pesos) each time. v [C] bet three each play. Magtrisay tag baráha, Let’s play cards with three-peso bets. -un a of the three (peso, centavo) kind. Trisun man nang gidak-úna, That size costs three pesos each. tag- a three centavos (pesos) each. tag-un a of the type that costs three centavos (pesos).

trisahiyu n 1 a devotion offered to the Blessed Trinity for thanksgiving. 2 a k.o. rosary usually said or sung in Spanish for the souls of children under three years of age: prayed for seven nights in the case of children one or two years old, and three nights for infants.

trísi number thirteen. v see disiutsu. — kartas = *tirtin kards. — klásis n k.o. Chinese medicine, a drink made of thirteen kinds of herbs or barks, commonly taken during pregnancy for ease in delivery.

tri síkans n in basketball, the violation of having the ball inside the foul line next to one’s goal for more than three seconds. v [B1256] commit a three-second violation in basketball.

trisiklu, trisikulu = traysikul.

trisipílu = tirsiyupílu.

trísir n tracer used in dressmaking. v [A; b] trace with a tracer. Trisíran úsà nà unyà subáyug gunting, Trace it, then cut it out with scissors. — búlit n tracer bullet.

tris maríyas = alundris2.

tristi a sad. (literary). Pagkatristi ning ákung dughan, How sad this heart of mine is.

trisuríra = tisuríru (female).

triyanggulu = trayanggul.

tríyu1 n vocal trio. v [C; ac3] sing a vocal trio. Nagtríyu ang Litirmin, The Lettermen sang a trio. Triyúha lang kun way báhu, Make it a trio if there is no bass part.

tríyu2 n in mahjong, a set of three cards of the same design and number.

trubinayis, trubináyus n stiff-collared shirt. v [A1; a2] wear, make into a stiff-collared shirt.

trúbul v [A; a] stir up trouble so as to disrupt a proceeding. Trubúlun nátù ang míting, Let us disrupt the meeting by creating trouble. n fight, brawl (slang). — syúting n troubleshooting, looking for defects in a machine. — syútir n troubleshooter.

trúkis v 1 [AC] for two things to cross each other’s path but not meet; be facing each other but not squarely. Magtrúkis sila sa ílang ispáda, They will cross swords. Magtrúkis ang duha ka trín, The two trains will pass each other. Upat ka lamísa nga gatrúkis pagkabutang, Four tables placed facing each other in a disorderly way. 2 [AC; a2c3] trade two things for each other that are exactly in opposing functions or positions. Makigtrúkis aku nímu. Pusta ka sa ákung manuk, aku sa ímu, OK, I’ll trade with you. I bet on your cock and you bet on mine. Trukísun ang ílang gúl sa haptayim, They traded goals at half-time. Itrúkis ímung rákit sa iyáha, Trade your racket for his. 3 [C; c3] have a clash of ideas or exchange of words. Nagtrúkis mi si Sír báhin sa ákung swildu, I had a quarrel with the boss regarding my salary. Amígu gihápun ta bísag nagkatrúkis átung idíya, We will remain friends even if our ideas clash. 4 [C3] for ideas to contradict each other. Namakak ka kay nagkatrúkis ang ímung katarúngan, You are lying because your reasoning is self-contradictory. n 1 being in a crossed position. [1032]Trúkis kanang duha ka lubi, Those two coconut trees are growing so that they form an x relative to each other. 2 argument. Walay kahusayun ang inyung trúkis, There’s no solving of your argument.

trúling n trawling. Way trúling nga gitúgut sa dapit nga mabaw sa átung kadagátan, Trawling is not permitted in shallow waters. v [A; a2] do trawl fishing.

trumbun n trombone. v [A; b6] play the trombone.

trumpa n trumpet, funnel-shaped device used for amplifying or directing sound.

trumpit = trampit.

trumpíta n 1 trumpet with or without pistons. 2 triton trumpets, k.o. large univalve. v [A; b6] play a trumpet.

trumpíti = trumpíta.

trunsal n tuck or fold stitched into a garment for a better fit or for decoration. v [A; c] make a fold or dart in a garment. Ákung gitrunsalan ang háwak arun mahustu, I made a dart in the waistline in order to make the dress fit your body.

trúnu n 1 throne. 2 high position, top post (humorous). Maáyu ka na man giyung pagkamuntǎr dihà sa ímung trúnu, ayaw táwun mig kalimti ang día sa ubus, Now that you are nicely established on your throne, don’t forget those of us left down here below. v [B1456] be seated at a higher level than the others in watching an event (humorous).

trúpa n 1 troop of soldiers. 2 troupe of entertainers, actors.

trúpi n trophy. v [A12] win a trophy. (→) = trúpi, v.

trupiku n tropics.

trupíya, trupiyu = trúpi.

trúsu n log. mag-r- n logger. panurúsu n logging business. Panurúsu ang ákung pangítà, I’m engaged in logging.

tsá n tea. v [A13] have tea. Magtsá ta ug way kapi, We will have tea if there is no coffee. -ríra n teapot.

tsalíku = salíku.

tsalit n small bungalow. v [A; a] make a bungalow.

tsamba = samba1.

tsampáka n k.o. small ornamental tree grown for its fragrant flowers: Michelia alba and champaka. — sa insik k.o. cream-colored magnolia: Magnolia coco.

tsampiyun n champion. v [B126; b6] become the champion. Natsampiyun ang ámung tím, Our team became the champion.

tsampurádu = sampurádu2.

tsampuy n = kyamuy.

tsáns n 1 chance, possibility for s.t. to happen. May tsáns kahang mabúhì siya, Is there a chance that she will live? 2 chance, opportunity. Mangupya ang istudiyanti kun dúnay tsáns, The student cheats if he gets the chance. 3 chances of attaining s.t. Dakug tsáns kang madáwat, You have good chances of getting the job. Wà kay tsáns níya, You don’t have a chance with her. v [A12] get a chance, opportunity. Makatsáns lang mig háluk sa sinihan, We get the chance to kiss only in the movie house. — pasindyir n stand-by passenger without reservations. v [A13; c] go on a stand-by basis. -ing v [A2] touch s.o. with the intention of making sexual advances (humorous). Dílì kaduúlag babáyi nis Abil. Mutsansing giyud siya dáyun, No woman dares get near Abel because he’ll try her out if she does.

tsápa n 1 badge. 2 washer, a ring made of metal or other materials. v [A; c] 1 wear, put a badge. Tsapáhi ímung púlu arun mu ra kag sírip, Put a badge on your shirt so you look like a sheriff. 2 put a washer on s.t. Tsapáhi ang ruska arun dì mulubung, Put a washer around the screw so it will not sink in.

tsapirun n chaperon. v [B3; b(1)] be accompanied by a chaperon.

tsaplin n chaplain. v [B156; a1] work as, become a chaplain.

tsapstik n chopsticks. v [A; a] use chopsticks.

tsapsuy = sapsuy.

tsaptir v [B256] have a wreck. Dalì dang mutsaptir (matsaptir) ang mga sakyanang gaan basta kusgun pagpadágan, Light vehicles will easily meet an accident if you drive them fast. Nabálì ang kamut ni Pidru sa dihang natsaptir siya sa íyang mutur, Pedro broke his hand when he had a wreck with his motorcycle.

tsardying n 1 charging, an offensive foul called on a player who charges into a guard. 2 one who commits this foul. v [B1256] commit this foul.

tsaríra see tsá.

tsarlistun n Charleston dance. v [A] do the Charleston.

*tsarming pa- v [A13; b(1)] do s.t. to look beautiful, make oneself charming. Magpatsarming giyud ta sa ritrátu, We’ve got to make ourselves beautiful for our pictures. -un(→) a charming, beautiful-looking. Nadani siya sa babáying tsarmingun, He was attracted to the charming girl.

tsart n chart.

tsarul n 1 patent leather. 1a patent leather shoes. 2 spit shine. v 1 [A; b6] wear, use [1033]patent leather. 2 [A; a1] give a spit shine.

tsatsa n cha-cha-cha. v 1 [A; b6] dance the cha-cha-cha. 2 [A; c1] play, dance in cha-cha-cha rhythm.

tsatsuy = hatsuy.

tsáw, tsáwu = siyà.

tsaynamut n k.o. commercial preparation of the mixture called trísi klásis. see trísi.

*tsaynis — bambu n small ornamental bamboo: Bambusa multiplex. — bras n brush for writing Chinese. — guld n twenty-four-carat gold in jewelry. — gwába n variety of large guava with few seeds. — payil n way of arranging one’s pieces in mahjong. — pitsay n variety of pitsay that is esp. long and whitish: Brassica pekinensis. — tsikir n Chinese checkers.

tsi 1 = tsipi. 2 expression denoting contempt for s.o. Tsi, hitsúra níyang mangulitáwu nákù, Huh, imagine a guy like that courting me. v [b6] snort at s.o. in contempt. Gitsíhan lang ku níya kay wà man kuy barku, She just snorted at me because I’m not rich (lit. have no ship).

tsì = .

tsík1 v [A; b] 1 mark with a check. Tsíki ning brákit kun muurdir ka, Put a check in the bracket if you want to order. 2 check, correct s.t. written. Gitsíkan nag átung tirm pípar, Our term papers have been checked. n check mark.

tsík2 v [AC2; bc3] share a cigarette. Magtsík lang ta kay wà nay láin, Let’s just share this cigarette because I haven’t got any more.

tsík3 v [A; a12] say ‘check’, put an opponent’s king in danger of being checked. Mutsík giyud ka basta muatáki ka sa hárì, You have to say ‘check’ when you attack the king.

tsikà, tsikalà n meal, refreshment (slang). Mutambung ta sa kasal kay dúnay tsikà, Let us go to the wedding party because there is going to be a feed. v [A; c] eat a meal or refreshment (slang). Adtu ta mutsikà sa ristawran, Let’s eat in the restaurant.

tsik-ap v 1 [A; a] check up, examine. Ispisyalista ang nagtsik-ap nákù, A specialist examined me. 2 [A; a12] check up on s.o.’s activities. Nagtsik-ap ku ug nagsígi bag tunghà ang ákung bátà, I am checking up to see if my son is attending classes.

tsik-awut v [A; b6] 1 check out from a place of work. 2 check out from a hotel. n check-out time. Alas singku ang átung tsik-áwut, We check out at five o’clock.

tsíki n check. Kás, dílì tsíki ang ámung dawátun, We accept only cash, no checks. v [A1; b(1)] issue a check. Kinsa may nagtsíki nímu nga miuntul? Who issued you a bouncing check?

tsíkin1 a for a male to be chicken. Tsíkin kaáyu ka. Ngánung dì man nímu kumplimintuhan siya? You sure are chicken. Why don’t you compliment her? v [B2; b6] be, become chicken.

tsíkin2 a good looking (slang). Tsíkin pa níya ang íyang manghud, Her younger sister is more beautiful than she.

tsíkin3 n k.o. dance characterized by a scratching-like motion of the feet. v [A] dance the tsíkin.

tsik-in v [A; b6] 1 check in to one’s place of work. Kinahanglan tang mutsik-in únà musúgud ug trabáhu, We have to check in before we start work. 2 check into a hotel. 3 check in for a flight. n check-in time.

tsikiníni n telltale toothmark or scratch on the skin as a result of torrid necking.

tsíkin pid a 1 for a large amount to be negligible in cost to a person with lots of money. 2 for s.t. hard to be easy for a person with great capability. Kanang bár tsikin pid ra nà nímu, The bar exam is too easy for you. v [b6] consider a large amount negligible or consider s.t. difficult quite easy.

tsíkin sálad (not without l) n chicken salad. v [A; a] make, have chicken salad.

tsíkir1 v [AC; b6c3] play checkers. Magtsíkir ta palabay sa panahun, Let’s play checkers to pass the time. n checkerboard.

tsíkir2 n checker, person who checks incoming or outgoing things. v [B156; a2] be a checker.

tsíkird n checkered cloth. v [A1] wear s.t. of checkered cloth.

tsikitilya n vest. v [A; b6(1)] wear a vest.

tsiku n familiar term of address to male, usually to one’s peer or younger. Basta ikaw, tsiku, arigládu, So long as it is you, my friend, it will be done. v [a12] call s.o. chico.

tsíku n sapodilla, a small tree cultivated for its sweet, juicy fruit: Achras zapota. (→) — karabaw = gwayabanu. — kapúti = tsíku. tsíkus = tsíku, n.

tsikut = kutsi (slang).

tsimaníya n chimney or stack, esp. of a ship. v [A; c] make, put a chimney s.w.

Tsína n 1 China. 2 Chinese (female).

*tsindying — gips v [c2] exchange gifts, as at Christmas. n exchanging gifts. — paybut n in basketball, the violation of pivoting and then stepping. v [B1256] commit this violation.

tsinílas = sinílas.

tsíning v [A; b6(1)] chin oneself. Managkù [1034]átung buktun ug magtsíning ta, Your arms will grow large if you chin yourself. n chinning exercise. — bar n chinning bar.

tsínu see kamísa.

tsíp n chief, head of an office. v 1 [A; a12] call s.o. chief. Ayaw kug tsípa kay paríhu ra ta, Don’t call me chief because we are the same. 2 [B1256; b6] become, be chief. (→) term of address to s.o. superior in authority, particularly a law officer. Wà táwun ku mangáwat tsip, I didn’t steal anything, officer.

tsipi short form: tsi. expression used to drive away cats. Tsipi! Nagpanan-aw na pud ning irínga sa pinirítung isdà, Scat! That cat is looking at the fried fish.

tsipun n 1 chiffon fabric or cloth material. 2 chiffon cake.

tsíris = siráli.

tsirman n chairman. v [AB56; c1] be chairman.

tsís1 = tsísir. -ir n chaser taken after liquor. v [A13; c] have a chaser. Túbig lay átung itsísir kay way kúk, We will just have water as chaser since we do not have Coke.

tsís2 v [AC; b6c3] play chess. Balà siyang mutsís, He plays chess poorly. Makigtsís ku nímu kun dúnay pusta, I’ll play chess with you if we bet. n chess. — burd n chessboard.

tsís3 n cheese. v [A13] have cheese.

tsismis n idle gossip. Nagpakasal na lang sila paglikay sa tsismis, They got married to stop the gossip. v [A12C; c] engage in idle gossip. Bísag unsa lay itsismis níya nákù báhin sa ílang bag-ung silíngan, She tells me everything about her new neighbors.

tsismúsa a given to gossip. v [B12; b6] be, become a gossipmonger.

tsismúsu = tsismúsa (male).

tsitsà, tsìtsà v [A; c] take light refreshments or snacks (slang). n eating.

tsitsiríka = sitsiríka1, 2.

tsitsiríyas = sitsiríyas.

tsk spelling to represent the sound produced by clicking the tip of the tongue against the alveolar ridge with an implosion. 1 in calling animals. 2 in expressing an adverse reaction to a mistake. Tsk, tsk, dì na ni mahímù, Tsk, now we can’t do anything about it.

*tsu mau diay — (humorous for mau diay tu) So that’s the way it is! Mau diay nasuud sila kay uyab man. Mau diay tsu, Oh, I see. They are close because they are sweethearts.

tsù = tsuy.

tsug word used in writing to represent the sound of an arrow piercing an object.

tsuk word used in writing to represent the sound of s.t. darting and piercing into s.t. like an arrow.

tsúk1 n chalk. ka- v [A13] be covered with chalk marks. Nagkatsúk ang bungbung, The wall is covered with chalk marks.

tsúk2 v [A; b] choke a motor or engine. Ug dílì muandar tsuki, If it doesn’t start, choke it.

tsúkir n choker, a short necklace that fits closely around the neck. v [A; b6(1)] use, wear a choker.

tsuktsuk v [A; a] masturbate (slang). Gitsuktsuk níya ang ákung útin, She banged away at my penis.

tsukuláti (not without l), tsukulit n chocolate drink. v [A; a2] have, make a chocolate drink. ka- v [A13] get chocolate all over it. Nagkatsukuláti ang mantil, The tablecloth has chocolate all over it.

tsulítas n k.o. dish of breaded pork chops, where the meat is pulled to the bottom of the rib bone. v [A; a] make chuletas.

tsunggu n small monkey.

tsup n word used in writing to represent the smacking sound of a kiss.

tsupà v [A; a1] suck off (coarse slang). Dì ku musugut nga tsupaun ang ákù nga way báyad, You’re going to have to pay me if you want to suck me off.

tsupir n driver, chauffeur. v [B156; a2] work as a driver, chauffeur. Natsupir siya sa ámung dyíp, He was the driver of our jeep.

tsupun n rubber nipple of a bottle or pacifier. v [A1; c6] suck on a pacifier.

tsúra see hitsúra.

tsurísu = surísu.

tsuwinggam = swinggam.

tsúwit n child’s word for chocolate candy.

tsuy (from atsuy) n term of address to male, suggesting familiarity or informality. Ása ta run mag-ínum tsuy, Where are we going to have a drink, pal? (←) v [A; a12] call s.o. pal.

tu1 (from tuu) command for a carabao to turn right.

tu2 see kadtu.

1 (from kadtu) those (pointing to s.t. far from both speaker and hearer).

2 = tulu.

túa = atúa.

tuab v [B26] for a group to burst into loud and boisterous laughter. Natuab (mituab) ug pangatáwa ang íyang giisturyáhan ug kataw-anan, The group broke into boisterous laughter when he told them s.t. funny.

túab n neckhole or armholes in a dress. v [A; b6(1)] cut the neckhole or armhole of a garment. [1035]

tuagsik = tuásik.

tuak v [A; a12] strangle. Mu rag mutuak nákù ning huut nga kwilyu, This tight collar is about to choke me. Gituak sa manyak ang íyang biktima, The maniac strangled his victim. tuaktúak v [A; c1] eat so greedily one seems to choke. Ayawg tuaktuáka (ituaktúak) nang ímung pagkáun kay mabukug ka, Don’t eat your food greedily because you might choke on a small bone.

tuáli v [AB2S3(1)6; c1] be, turn upside down. Kinsay nagtuáli íring bangà? Who turned this jar upside down? Magtuali ang kabug kun maghúp, Bats hang upside down when they perch.

tualya n towel. itsa sa — see itsa.

tuang v [A23P] for rain, flood, flow of blood to let up or stop. Manlákaw ta ug mutuang ang ulan, We are going out when the rain stops. Tambal nga makapatuang (makatuang) sa pagdugù, Medicine to stop the flow of blood. tuangtúang v [B456] keep raining off and on, stopping and starting.

tuáruk v [B256; b6] fall headfirst. Patay untà kun simintu pay gituarúkan sa bátà, The child would have died if it had been concrete he had landed on with his head.

tuásik v [A2S3; b6] spatter, for little things to fall in all directions. Mituásik ang bawud nga misúgat sa pambut, The waves dashing against the motorboat splashed in all directions. Nagtuasik ang mga bála dihang gimasinggan mi, We were machine-gunned, and bullets fell all over the place. -in- n spattering given off by s.t.

tuaw v 1 [A2] exclaim in surprise or wonderment. Nakatuaw ug nakapanghisus siya sa kahibúlung, She exclaimed and uttered ‘Jesus’ in amazement. 2 [A] cry out. Náa siya nagtuaw sa gawas naghangyù nga mubálik ka, He is outside, crying out, imploring you to come back.

tuay v 1 [B456; c6] for s.t. attached to hang limp from its base. Nabálì sigúrug íyang buktun kay nagtuay man, His arm must be broken because it is hanging limp. Ituay ímung úlu ingun sa patay ka, Let your head hang limp as if you were dead. 2 [B123(1)] become bent over in maturity. Ug matuay na ang mga mais, aníhun na nátù, If the corn is quite bent over, we can harvest it. a for corn to be bent over when it is mature.

túba n k.o. croton plant: Croton tiglium. — nga bákud = tubatuba. tubatuba n k.o. shrub, the leaves of which are used as a poultice and the seeds of which produce oil for soap: Jatropha curcas. tubatubang murádu n k.o. tubatuba with reddish leaves: Jatropha gossypifolia.

tubà1 n fermented and processed toddy from coconut palms. v 1 [A; b] give water for toddy. Ang buluk dílì mutubà pag-áyu sa ting-init, The flower bud doesn’t produce much water during the hot season. 2 [b8] get toddy all over it. Natubaan ang ákung púlu, My shirt got toddy all over it. 3 [b8] be the one who has to treat others to toddy. Hingtubaan ku kay napildi ku sa pustahánay, I had to pay for a round of toddy because I lost the betting. paN- v [A2; b6(1)] go out to get toddy. n s.t. for buying toddy. Gái kug diyis, panubà ba, Let me have ten centavos to buy a glass of toddy. ka-(←) v [A13] get toddy all over it. -an n stand which sells toddy. hiN-, hiN-(←) a fond of toddy. -un a for a cock to be colored like red palm toddy.†

tubà2 v [A; a1] cut down a banana stalk for the fruit. Tub-a na nang saginga kay gúwang na, Cut down that banana because the fruits are mature.

tubag v 1 [A; a1c6] answer. Akuy mutubag sa pangutána, I’ll answer the question. Tubaga ang nangutána, Answer the person who asked a question. Pahiyum lay íyang itubag sa ákung hangyù, The only answer she gives to my plea is a smile. 1a [A; b5] answer correspondence. Wà ku makatubag dáyun sa ímung sulat, I couldn’t answer your letter right away. 1b [A2; a12] talk back, retort. Hisagpaan siya kay mitubag sa inahan, She got a slap in the face because she talked back to her mother. 1c [C3; c36] exchange heated words. Nagkatúbag mi dihang giinsultuhan ku níya, We exchanged heated words when he insulted me. 1d [A23; b5] for an uncommon event to recur or be followed by s.t. similar (in folk belief, a not-so-common event is followed by s.t. similar). Tubagun (tubagan) pa nang ímung swirti sa láing táwu, S.o. else will have good luck in response to your good luck. 2 [A2N; a12] answer for, take responsibility. Ángayng tubagun nimu ang dadangátan sa ímung kirída, You ought to take responsibility to whatever happens to your mistress. 2a [A2; a1] bear s.o.’s expenses. Tubagun sa sigúru ang bayranan nímu sa uspital, The insurance will cover your hospital bills. n 1 answer. 2 s.t. which happens after s.t. in response to it. — pangutána, úyun, etc. question, agreement, etc. given in answer. ‘Náa ka na diay?’ tubag tuksù ni Kulasing, ‘Are you really there now?’ asked Kulasing in answer. paN- v [A2; c6] answer questions. Pasar siya sa intirbiyu kay maáyu siyang [1036]manubag, She passed the interview because she answered the questions well. Unsay ákung ipanubag ug imbistigarun ku? What shall I answer if I am investigated? tubagtubag v [A; a12] talk back insolently. Ayawg tubagtubaga ang ímung magulang kay gabáan ka, Don’t talk back insolently to your elder brother or you will get divine retribution visited on you. matubagtubagun a inclined to talk back insolently. tubagtúbag v [A; a1c] sing, read s.t. alternatingly or with a responsive reading. Tubagtubágan ta pagbása ang kasulátan, Let us read the scriptures responsively. -in-ay(←) v 1 = tubag, v1c. 2 = tubagtubag. n 1 heated exchange of words. 2 responsive or alternate making of sound. Ang tinubágay sa mga langgam mabuntag, The alternating sounds of birds in the morning. -in-an n manner of answering. -l-un(←) n 1 responsibility that one has to answer for. Tulubágun sa tsapirun ug unsay mahitabù níla, It is the chaperon who has to answer if s.t. happens to them. 2 material from which a responsive reading or singing is read.

tubas n off-season for fruit-bearing trees. v 1 [B23] for trees to stop bearing fruit. Nagkatubas na ang pamúnga sa kaimítu, The fruit-bearing season for star apples is coming to a close. 2 [B2] stop raining. Ug mutubas na ang ulan, dì na ta magpáyung, If the rains stop, we won’t need an umbrella any more. 3 [b4] get, be rain-soaked (lit. be in the rain till it stops). Gitubasan (hingtubasan) ku sa ulan, I got soaked by the rain.

tub-as v 1 [B23] for the season of a certain fruit or crop to be over. 2 [b4] be drenched with rain. n off-season for crops or fruits.

túbaw v [B12; a] for the husks to come off of pounded grains. Gáhì matúbaw ang humay nga pínug lugas, It is difficult to get the husk off fine-grained rice.

túbay v [A2C; b(1)] keep on doing s.t. Dì siya mutúbay ug trabáhu kay pul-ánun, He does not keep working for long because he gets bored easily. Aku ray nakatúbay ug pamínaw sa taas nga sirmun, I was the only one left that kept on listening to the long sermon. Nagtúbay silag ínum hangtud sa buntag, They kept their drinking spree going until morning. ma-un a s.o. capable of keeping on doing s.t. Matubáyun sa trabáhu, One who sticks to a piece of work.

túbig n 1 water. buyag sa — see buyag, n2. — sa butung water in the young coconut. Túbig sa butung ang ákung gustung imnun, I want to drink water of the young coconut. 2 score in a game of tubigtúbig. v 1 [B2] become water. Natúbig ang ayis drap, The popsicle melted. 2 — sa úlu [a12] master in one’s mind. Tubíga sa ímung úlu kining kúd, Master this code. (→) v 1 [A; b] put, mix with water. Tubigi ang wiski ug ísug ra, Add water into the whiskey if it is too strong. 2 [AP; bP] irrigate. Gipatubigan (gitubigan) ang basak, The rice paddy was irrigated. 3 [B456] water, produce liquid. Mutubig ákung bàbà ug makakità kug sambag, My mouth waters if I see tamarinds. Nagtubig ang íyang núka, His sore is watering. paN-(→) v 1 [A2; b6] fill glasses with water. Panubig diri, Give us some water. 2 [A2; b6(1)] get one’s water s.w. Ang mga taga isla adtu manubig sa unay, People from small islands get their water from the mainland. hiN- v [AN; b] bail water out. Sígi kung hinúbig kay milikì ang luwang, I kept bailing water out because the bilge leaked. n instrument for bailing. hiN-an(→) n place water is bailed out from. pa-(→) n irrigation system. tubignun n water spirit. tubigtubig n k.o. skin disease characterized by itchiness and tiny pustules with watery discharge. v [B146; a4b4] have tubigtubig. tubigtúbig n child’s game played with two teams of an offensive and defensive side. Two rows of adjacent squares are drawn, two squares for each defensive player. The offensive team aims to get in and back through the series of squares without being touched by the defensive team whose movements are restricted. A point, called túbig, is made when a player gets in and back through the squares untouched. v [A1; b6] play tubigtúbig. tubigtubigan a well-to-do; s.o. having much money on hand. v [B126; b8] become well-off.

túbil v [A; c] 1 pour fuel in a tank or container. Íya nang gitubílan ug gás ang sugà, He has already poured kerosene into the lamp. Trayinta litrus ang itúbil sa trák, Fill the truck with thirty liters. 2 pour drinks for s.o. (colloquial). n 1 liquid poured into a container. 2 drink poured.

tubitubi, tubìtubì, tubiltubil v [A; b6] answer back when one is reprimanded. Íya kung gitubiltubilan, maung ákù siyang gilúsì, He talked back, so I pinched him. ma-un, -un a given to answering back when reprimanded.

tublag v 1 [A; b6] dilute s.t. Ákung gitublágag túbig ang súkà, I diluted vinegar with water. 1a [A12] for a food ingredient added as a seasoning or sweetening to be well diffused. Dílì makatublag ang diyútayng asúkar [1037]sa usa ka tásang kapi, A little sugar cannot sweeten a cup of coffee. 2 [B126; c5] for everybody to get some of s.t., usually food. Dílì makatublag sa tanan ug maglútù lang kug gamay, If I don’t prepare but a little, not everyone will get s.t. to eat. Natublag ang tanan sa ákung gilútù, I prepared enough to take care of everybody.

tubli n k.o. shrub growing along streams and in secondary forests, the leaves and branches of which are used as fish poison: Derris elliptica. v 1 [A; a2] poison fish with tubli. 2 [A2; a12] give off a terrible odor, enough to make one groggy. Ang báhù sa íyang utut makatublig búnug, When he breaks wind it could kill a goby. 3 [B126] be tired of the same old thing: hearing the same story, music, etc. Natubli na ku ánang ímung isturyang balikbálik, I’m tired hearing the same story over and over again. paN- v [A1; c6] catch fish with tubli. tinublíhan n fish caught with tubli.

tubluk = tulbuk.

tubtub1 v 1 [A; a1b7] cut s.t. at its base, very close to the surface. Tubtúba pagputul ang ságing arun sayun ang pagpanáhà, Cut the banana stalk close to the ground so it will readily grow suckers. 2 [A; b5] cut around s.t. cylindrical, usually bamboo poles, little by little with short hacks, resulting in a clean finish. Tubtúbi (tubtúba) ang tumuy sa kawáyan arun malimpiyu, Cut around the tip of the bamboo pole so it will be clean. 3 [A; a] make a toddy container out of a length of bamboo. a being cut close to the surface. Tubtub rang pagkaputúla ang íyang buhuk, Her hair was cut too close to the roots. n 1 section cut from a long piece. Usa ka tubtub nga láwas sa lubi, A section of a coconut tree trunk. 2 one node length of bamboo, usually used as a container, esp. for palm toddy.

tubtub2 v [A; b] for chickens to charge, flapping the wings and kicking the feet. Mutubtub ug táwu ang íyang hiniktan, His gamecock will charge at people. n action of charging.

tubu n sugar cane. -ng palinà, pula red sugar cane. — lumhan, putì green sugar cane. paN- v [A2] cut sugar cane for milling. Manubu ku sa ílang asyinda, I shall apply as a laborer to cut sugar cane stalks on their hacienda. katubhan n sugar cane plantation.

túbu n 1 tube. 2 water pipe. 3 chimney of a lamp. Gianuúsan ang túbu sa lampara, The lamp chimney is covered with soot. hínis sa — see hínis.

túbù1 v [A2S; b17] 1 grow, become larger. Mutaas pa siya kay nagtubù pa, She will grow taller because she is still growing. Dus pulgádas ang ákung gitubúan, I grew two inches taller. Gitubúan na ang sinínà, She has outgrown her dress. Ang gitubúan sa dákit, Where the banyan tree was growing. 2 earn interest. Mutúbù ang kwartang ibangku, Money put in the bank earns interest. 3 [b(1)] develop feelings. Gitubúan kug kasína sa íyang paglampus, I grew envious over his success. 4 [A2S] for water, dough, land to rise. Hurnúha ang harínang gimása ug mutúbù na, Put the dough in the oven when it rises. Síging magtubù ang dágat ug dì pa makalantung, The sea continues to rise until it reaches its highest point at high tide. n 1 growth. Kusug ang túbù sa tanum, The plant grows fast. 2 interest on loan. bag-ung — see bag-u. pa- v [A; b] lend money with interest. Patubúan diay nímu tung ákung gibaylu? Are you going to charge interest on the money I borrowed? n 1 leavening agent. 2 wall stud of bamboo. pina- n grown, raised. Sankis nga pinatúbù sa Kalipurníya, California-grown sunkist. -in-an, -in-an(→) n outgrown outfit. tubùtúbù n growth on the skin. Mu rag áwum nang íyang tubùtúbù piru nagkadakù, Your growth looks like a mole, but it is getting bigger. halinub-un a having a tendency to grow fast even with no care. Halinub-un ning sagbúta, pirmi lang hagbásan, This k.o. grass grows fast. It has to be trimmed frequently.†

túbù2 n k.o. edible white mushroom that grows on decaying trees. It has a tougher stipe and pileus than the úhung.

tubud v 1 [A; b6] flow in a steady stream. Mitubud ang dugù sa dakung samad, Blood flowed from the big wound. Sandayung ang tuburan sa ulan, The rain flowed out of the gutter. 2 [B46] for liquid to leak out of a container or boat. Nagtubud ang sakayan maung sígi kung gahinúbig, The boat sprung a leak so I kept bailing out water. n 1 water spring. 2 leak. pa-, pa-(←) sa úhung v [A] make people believe s.t. about oneself which is impossible (lit. make a water flow from a mushroom). Nagpatúbud na sad sa úhung ang hambugíru, The boaster is bragging again. Ayaw pagpatúbud dinhi kay suhítu mi sa ímung kaláki, Don’t try to talk big around here because we know what you are. tuburan n 1 spring. 2 source of s.t. that gushes in abundance. Diyus nga tuburan sa kalúuy, All-merciful (lit. giver of all mercy) God. tinubdan n source, origin. Tinubdan sa sapà, The brook’s source. Tinubdan sa balità, Source of news. [1038]

tubug n k.o. medium-sized tree having small, round, green, inedible fruits in bunches growing directly from the trunk and branches: Ficus sp.

tubuk v [A; b36] commit suicide. Mau nang pangpánga ang íyang gitubukan, That is the cliff he jumped to his death from.

túbuk = tulbuk.

tubul n hard stools. v 1 [B] for stools to become hard. 2 [a4] have constipation. Gitubul siya maung dúgayng nalibang, It took him long to have his bowel movement because he is constipated.

tubung v [A; a] cut down abaca plants at the base before stripping off the outer stalks.

tubus v 1 [A; a1] redeem, save from. Ang ímung bahandì dì makatubus sa mahúgaw mung ngalan, Your wealth cannot redeem your filthy name. Gitubus sila ni Muysis gíkan sa kaulipnan, They were saved from slavery by Moses. 2 [A; a2b2] in games where several people play in turns, take a player’s turn for him to keep him from losing his turn (e.g. when a player is in a difficult position, for s.o. better to play for him for that one move). 2a take s.o. else’s place in his absence or in the event of his inability. Akuy mutubus ug káun sa ímung báhin kay dì ka man muadtu, I’ll eat your share because you aren’t going. Dì ku makatubus sa ímung trabáhu kay mulakaw man ku, I can’t take your work over for you because I’m going out. katubsánan n redemption. maN-r-(←) n redeemer; Christ the Redeemer.

tub-us v [A; c1] cut down off the main part with a sharp cutting instrument, esp. in one stroke. Ang hábul sundang dì makatub-us ug ságing, A dull machete can’t cut a banana plant down.

túbuy v 1 [A; c16] hold, put upward and above the rest. Makatúbuy ku ánang barbil, I can raise that barbell above my head. Daw tubúyun (itúbuy) siya sa lángit kun pahiyuman siya ni Adilayda, It was as though he was being raised to the heavens when Adelaida smiled at him. 2 [C; c6] put up for election. Itúbuy nátù siya pagkakunsihal, We will put him up as councilor.

túda a 1 fast, rapid. 2 hard, with much force. 3 doing to a high degree or in excess. Túda siyang mukáun, He eats ravenously. Túda siyang matúlug, He sleeps soundly. Túda siyang mangasábà, He scolds very severely. v 1 [A2; b(1)] do s.t. fast, rapidly. Ayaw tudáhig lakaw, Don’t walk too fast. 2 [A; b5] do s.t. with much force. Tudáhag (tudáhig) lísù ang takub, Turn the cap with a good deal of force. pa- v [A; b(1)] drive fast. Gipatudáhan sa kapitan ang dágan sa yáti, The captain made the yacht go fast.

tud-an see tula.

túdas v 1 [AB; a] be totally lost or used up, cause s.t. to be so. Akuy mutúdas ánang ímung baligyà basta barátu, I’ll take all of your wares if you let me have them cheap. Ang ákung mga anak nga kiat mauy nagtúdas sa ákung mga básung tarungtarung, The children played around and broke all my decent glasses. Natúdas ang ákung singsing nga mihiplus sa ákung tudlù, The ring slipped off my finger and is lost. 2 [A2; a2] draw the card that makes the hand complete. Búnut na kay tudásun ku na ni, Draw a card because I am going to go out now. 3 [AB126; a1] murder (slang). Tudásun nátù nang hambugírung dakù, We will kill that bigmouth. a completely used up, lost, killed. Hansákan ku bítaw sa tris kantus, túdas lagi, I stabbed him with a three-bladed knife. That was the end of him. n the card in a game of tudasay that completes the last pair. paN- v [A2; c] for s.o. who is desperate, and sure to die anyway to kill s.o. to die along with him. Manúdas na lang ku kay wà na man kuy mahímù, I’ll just kill s.o. to die along with me because I am at the end of my rope. tudastúdas n k.o. coin-tossing game where three coins are tossed up and the bettors win only if it is three heads or three tails. v [AC2; b6(1)] play tudastúdas. -an(→) n card that allows one to go out in tudasay. walay -an(→) be no match for s.o. Haníti kaáyu nà. Wà kay tudasan ug musúkul ka, He is very skillful. You won’t have a chance if you play against him. -ay(→) n card game with drawing and discarding in which the object is to compete to get three pairs from a hand of five cards. v [A2; c] play tudasay.

tudkan = tugkan. see turuk.

tudling v [A; a] furrow the field for planting. Magtudling ta arun katamnan ang uma, We will furrow the field so we can plant on it. Tudlínga ang daruhan humag sudlay, Furrow the field after harrowing. n 1 a furrow in the field. 2 row of plants. 3 column in a periodical. — púlung n sentence.

tudlis v [A; a1] prick with a needle to get s.t. out. Akuy mutudlis sa ímung tunuk sa tiil, I will prick your foot to get the thorn out. Tudlísa ang hubag arun mugulà ang nánà, Prick the boil so the pus can come out. n needle or the like to get s.t. out. — sa tabákù = paliyu.

tudlù v 1 [A; a1] point at, out. Kun mutudlù si Sír nímu sulayi lag tubag, If the teacher [1039]calls on you just try to answer. Tudlúa ang sinumbung, Point out the one who did it. 2 [A; c6] point, give directions. Kinsay gatudlù nímung nía ku magpuyù? Who told you that I live here? 3 teach. Nagtudlù siya sa pablik, She is teaching in the public schools. 4 [A; c16] appoint. Ang prisidinti nagtudlù níya pagkahuwis, The president appointed him judge. n 1 index finger. 2 the fingers in general. hamuy sa — see hamuy. 3 [numeral] ka — [so-and-so] many fingers wide. 4 — sa tiil toes. 5 — dalága, dátù see dalága2, dátù2. tudlùtudlù n eatery where the food for sale is put in a case on display. -in- n appointee. ka-an n appointment. mag-r- n teacher.

tudluk = tusluk.

tudlun dátù = tudlù dátù. see dátù2.

tudlus v 1 [A; c] hand s.t. to s.o. Tudlúsi ku diri ug lansang, Hand me some nails up here. 2 [A3; c6] extend one’s hand to give a handhold. Mitudlus siya sa íyang kamut nákù ug nanggúnit ku, He extended his hand to me and I held on to it. 3 [A2; b6] give aid or small things. Tudlúsan nátù ug diyútayng inasal ang átung mga silíngan, Let us give a little roast pig to our neighbors.

tudtud v [A; ab2] hit on the fingers or toes. Tudtúrun ku nang ímung tudlù ug mangáp ka, I will rap your fingers if you touch anything. Hitudturan ákung kumagkù paglansang nákù, I hit my thumb while I was driving a nail.

tuduk = turuk.

tudulukyíri a woman who is promiscuous. v [B126] be, become promiscuous. Natudulukyíri nang bayhána human byái sa bána, That woman became promiscuous after her husband left her.

tudu pudirúsu a All-Powerful. Ang Diyus tudu pudirúsu, God is All-Powerful.

túdus1 all, everyone, everybody. Bíi, Tay, Nay, Ingku Imuk, túdus, Good evening Father, Mother, Uncle Imuk, and everybody. — lus Santus n All Saints’ Day.

túdus2 n in a game, to double the bet by placing the entire amount or quantity won from the preceding game. v [A; c] bet all the preceding game’s winnings.

tudútut n = turútut. see tarúrut.

tudyuk v [A; b] prick, pierce with s.t. large and pointed. Kinsay nagtudyuk ug dinágum sa ákung pabúrut? Who pricked my balloon with a pin? Lúya na tung ihúa kay natudyukan ku na tu sa sápang, That shark must be weak by now because I have pierced it with my spear. n prick in a piercing action with s.t. pointed.

*tuga pa- v [A] dare do s.t. in unreasonable disregard of one’s capacity to do it. Magpatuga siyag minyù bísag way pangítà, He dares to get married without a job. magpatugatuga = patuga.

túga1 v [A; c] for God or nature to bestow, endow. Gitugáhan siyag diyútay nga kaísug, He has been endowed with a little courage. Ang kaálam itúga sa Diyus niadtung nagtáhud kaníya, God bestows wisdom on whoever shows Him reverence. n s.t. esp. given, directly from God. Túga sa lángit nang ímung anak, Your child is a gift from heaven. v [b6] be given s.t. exclusively by a supernatural being. Si Hárì Artur gitugáhan ug usa ka ispáda, King Arthur was given a sword by a supernatural being. n s.t. presented exclusively to s.o. by a supernatural being.

túga2 n cap and gown worn for graduation. v 1 [A; b6(1)] wear a cap and gown. 2 [A2; a2] make a cap and gown.

tug-ab = dug-ab.

tugábang = kukug banug. see kuku.

tugábung n artificial chignon. Úsu niadtu ang tugábung, Chignons used to be in vogue. v [A; c] wear, make into an artificial chignon.

tugahálà (from túga ni Bathálà) n 1 s.t. done or sent by divine will. Usa ka dakung tugahálà nga nahibalik na ang kurúna sa úlu sa Birhin, It was a great gift of the Lord that the crown was restored to the Virgin’s head. 2 miracle. Usa na lang ka tugahálà ang makaluwas kaníya gíkan sa silya iliktrika, Only a miracle can save him from the electric chair.

tugáhuk n clitoris.

túgal v [A3N; b5] disturb, bother order or peace. Way mutúgal (manúgal) ug wà kay útang, Nobody disturbs you if you don’t have any debts. Gitúgal (gitugálan) ang baryu sa mga tulisan, Robbers disturbed the peace of the village.

tugalbung = tigalbung.

tugalhab (from galhab) a 1 having a gaping tear or wound. 2 no longer a virgin. Tugalhab na nang babayhána kay kadaghan na paangki, That woman is no longer a virgin for she has had several illegitimate children. v 1 [B1; b] get torn wide open. Nagkatugalhab ang gisì kay wà dáyun sursíhi, The tear became a gaping hole because she didn’t darn it at once. 2 [B126] lose one’s virginity.

túgan see túlug.

tug-an v [A; c] 1 reveal, report s.t. revealing. Mitug-an ang sinumbung sa íyang saláud, The accused confessed his crime. Tug-áni ku [1040]sa ímung sikrítu, Tell me your secret. Itug-an tikawng Tátay nga ímu kung gisumbag, I’ll report you to Father that you hit me. 2 confess. Ug dílì ka mutug-an, kastigúhun ka, If you don’t confess, I will beat you.

tugas n molave, k.o. wood producing extremely hard timber: Vitex parviflora. v [a12] make s.t. out of molave. Tugasun nátù ang sáwug arun lig-un, Let us make the flooring out of molave so it will be durable.

tugastugas n k.o. small marine crab, poisonous to eat.

tugasub, tugásub v [A2S; b6] fall into the water with a deep sound. Mitugasub ang batu nga gilábay sa dágat, The stone was thrown into the water and fell with a loud splash. n deep sound, like one produced by a heavy object falling into water.

tugáuk = tuktugáuk.

tugaw a disturbed from a peaceful state. Tugaw na ang mga bábuy sa pangayam maung namalhin, The hunting has disturbed the wild pigs so they have gone elsewhere. walay — there’s nothing to disturb. Maáyu dinhi isturyáhan kay way tugaw, This is a good place to talk because there is nothing to disturb us. v [A; a12] disturb one’s peace. Manira ku arun way makatugaw sa ákung pagtuun, I will lock myself in the room so no one disturbs my study. Ayawg tugawa ang natúlug, Don’t disturb the man sleeping.

tugbábaw = tigbábaw. pa- = patigbábaw. see babaw.

tugbang v 1 [A2; c] give s.t. as counterpart; match. Ug muámut ka ug kanding sa kumbira mutugbang ku ug ámut ug bábuy, If you give a goat for the feast, I will give a pig to match it. 2 [C; b6] sit across or in front of each other. Nagkatugbang mi ug lingkud sa dyip, We happened to sit across from each other in the jeep. 3 in activities where people are paired off: be s.o.’s opposite. Dílì ku makigtugbang nímu sa kuntis kay maáyu ka, I don’t want to be matched against you in the contest because you’re good. n 1 thing given as counterpart. 2 one’s opposite in a contest. 3 s.t. which happens which makes up for s.t. else. Kining átung mga pag-antus run tugbang sa átung kalípay niadtu, Our sufferings now are exact payment of our happiness formerly. 4 s.t. commensurate in degree or weight. Ang tugbang sílut sa pagpatay mau ang pagbítay, Hanging is the punishment appropriate for murder. 5 = ka-. — púlung antonym. Ang tugbang púlung sa ‘layù’, ‘duul’, The antonym of ‘far’ is ‘near’. ka- n analogous, counterpart. Ang inbiay tugbang sa ipbiay sa istíts, The NBI is the counterpart of the FBI in the States.

tugbaw a lofty, high up. Tugbaw kaáyung miuntul ang búla, The ball bounces high. Hilabihang katugbaw sa garbu! What a great pride! v 1 [B246; a3] rise to a considerable height. Mitugbaw ang tíngug ni Níning sa kasukù, Nening’s voice rose in anger. Natugbaw sa íyang hunàhúnà ang mga hudlat ni Maks, Max’s threats came to his thoughts. 2 [c1] put s.t. high up or way up. Itugbaw (tugbáwa) pagdala nang isdà arun dílì maabut sa irù, Lift the fish you are carrying high so the dogs can’t reach it. ma-un a lofty (literary). Matugbáwung damgu, Lofty dreams. 3 [A12C1; a2] match in height, popularity, or ability. Walay makatugbaw sa kataas ni Pidru, No one is as tall as Pedro. Tugbáwun ku ang kaálam níya sa makina, I’ll try to learn as much about machine as he knows.

tugbù (from túbù) n new sprouts of leaves. Utána ang tugbù sa alugbáti, Make a soup of the alugbáti sprouts. v [B46] for leaves to sprout. Mitugbù (nanugbù) nag mga dáhun sa kamunggay nga gipul-úngan, The leaves of the pruned malunggay are now sprouting.

tugbung v [A; a2c] go, bring to the town or coastal area from the mountains or country. Mitugbung siya kay mipalit ug ginamus, He went down to the town to buy fish paste. Kinsay nagtugbung sa utanun? Who brought the vegetables to town?

tugdà n stumps of cornstalks left in the field after cutting off the stalks.

tugdan n 1 a pole or stem-like handle. Ang tugdan sa latigu sa kabáyù, The handle for the horsewhip. Tugdan sa timbà, A bamboo pole to which the bucket for drawing water is attached. 2 cornstalk.

tugdang v 1 [AB23(1); c1] sink to the bottom of water, cause s.t. to do so. Mitugdang na ang lawug, ug tin-aw na ang túbig, The mud in the water has settled, and it is clear now. Natugdang na ang bapur digíra, The battleship has sunk. Nakatugdang na ka sa taliwálà ánang línaw? Have you gone to the bottom in the middle of that lake? 2 [A2; b6] land hard after being projected or dropped. Didtu siya mutugdang sa bunbun pagluksu níya, He landed on the sand when he jumped.

tugduk v [B1256; ab2] for s.t. pointed to pierce or thrust into, not necessarily sticking. Natugduk ang tumuy sa bangkaw sa bukubuku sa túru, The end of the spear pierced the back of the bull. Hingtugdukan ang [1041]ákung tiil sa tumuy sa kutsilyu, The knife hit my foot when it fell.

tugdun v [A; c] alight, set down from the air. Mitugdun ang buyug sa búwak, The bee alighted on the flower. Gipálid siya sa alimpús. Diin siya itugdun? The whirlwind carried her away. Where was she set down? -anan n place where s.t. lands. Tugdunánan sa ayruplánu, Airplane landing field.

tughang v [A; a1] break and pulverize hardened soil for planting. Lisud pagtughang sa yútà kay nabantuk na kaáyu, It is difficult to break up the soil because it has gotten very packed down. a no longer a virgin.

tughaw a lukewarm. v [AB2; a] be, become lukewarm, cause liquids to do so. Magtughaw kug túbig para ikalígù, I’ll heat some water for bathing.

tughù = dughù1, n2.

tughuk1 v [A23; b(1)] appear suddenly, unexpectedly. Walà ku damha nga muanhi siya, mitughuk lag abut, I never expected him to come. He just arrived suddenly. Trabáhu kay tughúkan unyà tag dúaw sa átung agálun, Keep working. Our boss might come without notice.

tughuk2 n formal asking of a girl’s hand by the groom’s parents, always accompanied with food brought by the groom’s delegation. v [A2; b5] formally ask for a girl’s hand. Mutughuk gihápun ta bísag burus na ang babáyi? Do we still have to make a formal proposal when the girl is already pregnant?

tughung v [A; a] cook leftover cooked staple which stuck to the pot by adding water and usually boiling it with sugar. Tughúnga nang dukut, Recook the leftover rice stuck to the pot. -in- n food prepared by the process of tughung.

tughuy = tarugsuy.

tugkad v 1 [A; a12] touch the bottom standing in water. Makatugkad ka ba dihà? Can you stand there? 2 [B456] for the feet or s.t. dangling to reach the ground. Dílì makatugkad ang íyang tiil sa salug ug kanang siyáhay lingkúran, His feet don’t touch the ground if he sits in that chair. Nagtikwangtikwang ang lamísa kay wà magtugkad ang usa ka tiil, The table is jiggling because one of the legs isn’t touching the ground. 3 [A; a12] fathom, comprehend s.t. mysterious. Way makatugkad sa ákung hunàhúnà, Nobody can read my mind. Lisud tugkárun ang sumbíngay sa páras, It is hard to understand the meaning of the Parable of the Vine. tugkaran n 1 yard of a house. 2 foot of a hill. tulugkárun n s.t. that takes deep understanding.

tugkalan = tugkaran, 1. see tugkad.

tugkay n stalk of a leaf or flower.

tugmadan = tugkaran, 1. see tugkad.

tugnà v [A; c] dip, dunk into liquid. Dì pa ku malígù, apan mutugnà lang úsà ku sa túbig, I won’t swim yet, I’ll just immerse myself quickly. Ang balanghuy laming itugnà sa mantíkà, Cassava tastes good if you dip it into pork fat.

tugnaw a cold to the touch, feel. Tugnaw kaáyu sa Bagyu, It’s very cold in Baguio. v 1 [B] become cold weather. Mutugnaw (matugnaw) ang panahun inigka Disimbri, The weather gets cold in December. 2 [a4] feel cold. Gamítag hítir kun tugnawun ka, Use the heater if you feel cold. 3 [b8] be exposed to the cold. Gisip-un siya kay hitugnawan, He caught cold because he was exposed to the cold. n cold. Dì kung kaagwanta sa tugnaw, I can’t take the cold. ka- n state of being cold. Nagkuray siya sa katugnaw, She is shivering with cold. paN- n chills. Ang panugnaw mubálus sa hilánat, Chills come right after fever. v [a4] get the chills. ting- n cold season.

tugnub v [A; c] dip s.t. or oneself into a liquid. May disinpiktanti ang gitugnúban sa mga hiraminta sa duktur, The liquid the doctor dipped his instruments into has disinfectant. Itugnub ang plúma sa tintiruhan, Stick the pen into the inkwell.

tugnus n k.o. small anchovy with a silver stripe, which comes seasonally in great abundance, most commonly eaten preserved in salt. ting- n season for tugnus fish.

tugpa v 1 [B346; b6] for s.t. that flies to land. Mitugpa ang salampáti sa atup, The dove alighted on the roof. Nagtugpa na ang ayruplánu, The airplane has landed. 2 [A2; b6] jump from a high place. Ang tulay nga íyang gitugpáhan, The bridge he jumped off from. tugpahánan n 1 place where airplanes land: airport or runway. 2 place where persons jump off, diving board.

tugpù1 v [A; c6] 1 toss s.t. up in the air. Itugpù ang búla kay akuy mubumba, Toss the volleyball and I will spike it. 2 put up s.o. as candidate. Siyay átung itugpù pagkamayur, We will put him up as candidate for mayor. n 1 a coin-tossing game with three coins where one wins when all heads or all tails appear. 2 one’s turn to toss the coin.

tugpù2 v [A; a1] tease unmarried people by pairing them off. Ug akuy mutugpù, magkadáyun giyud pagkaminyù, If I tease people by pairing them off in marriage, they end up getting married. [1042]

tugsad v [A2; b6] hit, reach the ground from an elevated position. Milayat siya ug didtu mutugsad sa píkas tampi, He jumped and landed on the opposite bank. Gibukhárag panaptun ang gitugsáran sa rayna gíkan sa hagdanan, A cloth was laid over the area the queen stepped on when she came down from the stairs.

tugsaw v [A; a3b] plunge into water, dunk s.t. straight into a liquid. Nagtugsaw ang íyang tiil sa dágat samtang nagdagan ang pambut, His feet were immersed in the water while the boat was moving. Natugsaw siya sa kanal, He fell into a ditch.

tugsuk v 1 [A; ab2] strike s.t. pointed into s.t. Nagtugsuk siyag káhuy silbing timáan, He planted a stake as a marker. Tugsukun níya ang linung-ag ságing sa tinidur, He will stick a fork into the boiled banana. 2 [A; b6(1)] stick one’s finger into liquid and immediately remove it. Ang binditahan nga ákung gitugsúkan sa ákung tudlù, The font of the holy water into which I dipped my finger. n skewer, s.t. to stick into s.t. Ambi ra ang tugsuk kay átung isuway sa amúti, Let me have a stick so I can see if the sweet potatoes are done.

tugsuy v [B46; b6] for s.t. to appear as an elongated shape. Unsa nang mitugsuy sa ímung bursa, ságing? What is that thing protruding in your pocket, a banana? Nagtugsuy lang nang níwang mu rag kawáyan, That skinny person looks tall and thin like a bamboo pole. a thin and elongated. Tugsuy ug simud, Long-snouted.

tugtug v [A; a2] play a piece of music, an instrument. Mitugtug ang urkistra, The orchestra played a piece. Tugtúga ang ‘Lawra’, Play ‘Laura’. n music piece being played. maN-r- n s.o. that provides the music.

tugub a full, having s.t. in abundance. Tugub sa sustansiya ang gátas, Milk is full of nutrients. Tugub na ang barku sa pasahíru, The boat is full of passengers. Tugub nga áni, Abundant harvest. v [B2; a2] become, make full, rich. Natugub siya sa kalípay, She was filled with joy.

tug-ud n stem of large, grassy plants or trunks of palm trees. — sa buli n unopened buri palm frond together with its stem.

túgun v [A; a1c6] leave or send s.o. with instructions to do s.t. Tugna siya pagpalit ug asin inigtugbung níya, Give him the message to buy some salt when he goes to town. Unsay ímung itúgun inig-adtu nákù sa Manílà? What do you want me to do for you when I go to Manila? n 1 word of instruction to do or get s.t. 2 final message of a dying man. Bag-ung — New Testament. Dáang — Old Testament. paN- v 1 [A2S; b6] ask s.o. to get and bring s.t. back. Nagpanugun tus Búbuy sa íyang duláan, Boboy keeps asking you to bring him a toy. 2 [A2; c] give final instructions, will at deathbed. Nanúgun na ang himatyun, The dying man is giving his final instructions.

túgut v 1 [A; b] pay out line. Tugúti ang lambu hangtud malúya ang isdà, Pay out the line until the fish gets weak. 2 [A; c] permit, allow. Mulangyaw untà ku kun mutúgut ka, I would like to go abroad if you permit me. Dílì itúgut ang paghulam íning librúha, No one is permitted to borrow this book. 3 [A; c6] sell s.t. at a price lower than that quoted. Ákù ning palitun ug itúgut nímug písus, I’ll buy it if you give it to me for one peso. (→) n line which one pays out, esp. a kite string.

tug-ut v [A; a12] tie hemp fibers end to end to form a long strand for weaving. Magtug-ut ka ug bayinti ka bituul pára ihulug, Tie up twenty skeins of hemp to use as warp threads.

tugway v 1 [A; b] lengthen a tether. Tas-ig tugway ang kábaw, Give the carabao more rope. Tugwáyi ang kanding arun makapanabsab, Give the goat more rope so it can graze. 2 [AN; c] pasture an animal by lengthening or untying the tether. Manugway kug kábaw mahápun, I pasture the carabao each afternoon. n 1 rope used to tether animals. 2 length of tether allowed. -anan n place where animals are tethered. maN-r- n one who pastures animals with a tether.

tugyan v [A; c] entrust, put into s.o.’s power or disposal. Ang hárì gustu nang mutugyan sa trúnu ngadtu sa íyang anak, The king wants to abdicate the throne in favor of his son. Ayawg itugyan níya ang ímung kaugalíngun antis mu makasal, Don’t surrender yourself to him until you are married. -in-an n one to whom s.t. has been turned over. — sa baláud policeman. — sa lungsud public servant, specifically, congressman.

túhab v 1 [A; a] peck a piece of s.t. Dílì makatúhab ang langgam sa búnga nga giputus, The bird could not peck at the fruit that was wrapped. 2 [A; b6] cut a large opening or swath. Kinsay maistráhang nagtúhab sa úlus ákung anak? Which teacher was it that cut a wide swath into my son’s hair? Bistídu nga mu rag sáku nga gituhában pára agiánas buktun, A dress like a sack with pieces snipped off for armholes. 3 [A23; a12] affect s.t. as though diminishing it. Sígas plaslayit nga mitúhab sa kangitngit, A flashlight [1043]beam that pierced the darkness. n 1 large hole left, large portion removed. 2 large opening in a dress. (→) n a woman who is no longer a virgin (humorous). -in-an n place s.t. was pecked off. Makáun pa ning kapayása. Abisa lang nang tinuhában, You can still eat the papaya. Just cut out the holes. -in-an(→) n fruits that have peck marks.

tuhak v [A; ab] 1 peck at. Kwaknit ang nagtuhak sa mga prútas, Bats pecked at the fruits. Gituhak sa manuk ang íyang mata, The chicken pecked at his eyes. 2 strike with a pecking-like motion. Mituhak ang dakung sawa, The big snake struck. n feed of chickens, fowls or birds. kakha — see kakha. -l-an(→) n dish for feeding chickens.

tuhaw v [B23(1)6] 1 spring forth unexpectedly, appear suddenly, pop up. Mituhaw lang pagkalit ang anak hung nawálà, My lost son suddenly appeared in our house. Mituhaw sa íyang hunàhúnà ang usa ka maanindut nga láraw, A beautiful plan popped into his mind. 2 do s.t. suddenly and without cause. Nabúang kang mituhaw ka man lag kasukù, Have you gone crazy, flaring up like that? a done or appearing suddenly and unexpectedly.

tuhay v [B2; c1] 1 for the mind to be at peace. Matuhay (mutuhay) pag ákung hunàhúnà ug manláyas mu, I’ll have peace of mind only if you all get out of here. 2 do or accomplish s.t. to the finish without any hitch or disturbance. Dì matuhay (mutuhay) ang ákung trabáhu ug samúkun ku, My work won’t go smoothly if I am disturbed.

tuhi sound imitating spitting to show contempt. Tuhi! Hitsúra lang, Pff, the nerve of him. v [b6] say tuhi to s.o.

tuhib, túhib v [A; b5] 1 peck at s.t., esp. food. Mga langgam nga nagtuhib sa hinug kapáyas, The birds pecking at the ripe papaya. 2 nibble, bore a hole in s.t. Ang ilagà mauy mitúhib sa kísu, A mouse nibbled at the cheese. (→) n bill, beak. -in-an n place pecked at, hole nibbled into s.t.

tuhik, túhik v [A; ab] peck with a sharp, pointed beak to eat or inflect a wound. Nagtuhik ang manuk sa wati, The chicken is pecking at an earthworm. Ilábay ang gituhikan nga prútas, Throw away the fruits that have holes pecked in them. maN- n k.o. fish that is particularly vicious.

tuhil v [A; a1] poke or tap s.t. small or a tiny portion of s.t. so as to move it. Ayaw punáyig tuhil ang itlug sa irù kay mapaakan ka, Don’t keep poking the dog’s testicles. He might bite you. Mataktak ang búwak bísag ígù lang tuhilun, The flowers will fall off even if you just touch them lightly. n s.t. used to poke.

tuhu, tuhù particle following the first word of the predicate, used in negating s.o.’s statement and stressing the contrary. Namutbut siya. Mutan-aw tuhù nà siyag sini, She is lying. She is so going to the movies. Dílì tuhù nà siya indyinir, No, he’s not. He is not an engineer.

tuhud = tulud, v.

túhud n knee. v 1 [a12] hit in the knee. Gitúhud siyag búnal maung napaluhud, He was whipped on his knees and it made him fall to his knees. 2 [B2456] reach nearly as high as the knees. Mutúhud na ang túbig sa dálan, The water in the street is nearly up to the knees. (→) v 1 = túhud, v1. 2 [A2; a1] ask for a girl’s hand from her parents, not necessarily in a formal way with ceremony and bargaining. Mituhud na siya kay disidídu giyung mangasáwa, He asked the girl’s parents for her hand because he really is determined to marry her. taga-(→) up to the knees.†

túhug v 1 [A; ac] pierce through with a string, stake, or s.t. else, hang s.t. on s.t. long. Magtúhug kug pirlas arun ímung ikwintas, I’ll string some pearls for you to wear as necklace. Natúhug ang isdà sa panà, The fish got impaled on the spear. Tuhúga sa uway ang kubit, String the catch by passing a rattan strip through it. Tuhúgi rag hílu nang dágum, Thread that needle. Siyay nagpas-an sa bugsay diin itúhug ang bukag, He carried the paddle over his shoulder and hung the basket over it. — sa ilung lead around by the nose. Matúhug ka ba lang níya sa ilung? Can she lead you about by the nose? 2 [A123S] follow or put in memory the thread of a story, idea, lecture. Way nakatuhug sa isturya níyang naglikùlíkù, Nobody could follow his incoherent story. 2a understand, comprehend. Bísag bungul siya, makatuhug siya sa ímung isulti nga magtan-aw lang sa ímung ngábil, Even if he is deaf, he can understand what you are saying by just reading your lips. (→) n 1 string or s.t. used to string or pierce through s.t. Nabugtù ang tuhug sa dunggan sa bábuy, The string that was fastened through the pig’s ears broke. 2 hole punched into the nose or ears. 3 quantity contained on a string of s.t. Tagpíla ang tuhug sa isdà? How much is a string of fish? tuhugtúhug n children’s game, taking a coconut midrib and fishing out in turns rubber bands buried in the sand. -an(→) = tuhugtúhug.

tuhuktuhuk v [B456; b6] have tiny marks [1044](like pin marks) all over. Tawumtum nang nagtuhuktuhuk sa panaptun, That is mildew that has made tiny spots on the cloth. Gituhuktuhukan ang íyang náwung sa úwat sa bugas, His face is pockmarked by pimple scars. n tiny marks all over s.t.

tuhup v [A2; b5] 1 permeate. Mituhup ang katugnaw sa sinínà, The cold seeped through the dress. 2 for s.t. wet to seep through, permeate. Gituphan sa kabasà ang yútà, Moisture permeated the earth. 3 be affected with a feeling or emotion. Tuphun kug kahingáwa matag byáhi níya, I get anxious whenever he goes on a trip. ma-un(←) a penetrating.

túhus = túlus.

tuhuy v 1 [A2] get out of s.w. suddenly and with haste. Dì pa gánì mahuman kug súgù, mutuhuy dáyug lakaw, I can’t even finish giving my orders before he rushes up to get going. 2 [B; b3cP] be sticking out straight. Mituhuy ang túbig sa hús, The water from the hose is spurting out far. Nagtuhuy ang tintin sa báta. Básig kaihiun, The child has an erection. He probably has to urinate. Ayawg ituhuy (ipatuhuy) nang ímung buhuk dapit sa agtang. Mu ra kag tin-idyir, Don’t let your hair stick out over your forehead. You look like a teen-ager. a 1 carrying oneself in a straight but artless way. 2 sticking out.

túig n year. v [B56; b4] be almost, last for a year. Mutúig nákung pinaábut nímu, I waited for you for almost a year. Nagtúig ang ámung pagbúngul, It’s been one year now that we haven’t been on speaking terms. Dì na matuígan ang ímung kinabúhì, Your life won’t last for another year. tuigtúig a every year; yearly. v [B; c16] be, become yearly, do s.t. on a yearly basis. -in-(→) annual. Tinuig nga tígum, Annual meeting. ka-an n 1 years. Nanglábay ang daghang katuígan, Many years passed. 2 Easter obligation, the obligation of every Roman Catholic to go to confession and Holy Communion once a year on a definite period specified by the church—that is, in the period between Easter Sunday and November 2, All Souls’ Day. paN-(→) n 1 first planting season in the calendar year (during June and July); crops planted during this season. Aníhun sa Disyimbri ang humay sa panuig, The first crop of rice is harvested in December. 2 extraordinarily big. Panuig man pud nang librúha, dílì man madaug ug bátà, That sure is a big book. A child couldn’t lift it. paN-un n age. may — 1 be old enough to do s.t. May panuígun na si Lítang muiskuyla, Lita is old enough now to go to school. 2 be no longer young. May panuígun na siya pagkaminyù, She was well along in years when she got married. paN-un(→) v [A13] be of [such-and-such] an age. Nagpanuigun siyag diyis, He is ten years old.

tuis v [A; a1] 1 twist. Siyay nagtuis sa ákung buktun, He twisted my arm. 2 distort a fact or truth. Way mutuu nímu kay maáyu kang mutuis sa tinúud, Nobody believes you because of the way you distort the truth. — sa pálad, kapaláran n turn of fate. Usa ka tuis sa kapaláran nga ang kanhi banyágà karun nagpakilúuy na, It is a turn of fate that the ruthless scoundrel now has to beg for mercy.

tuk n 1 word used in writing to indicate a knocking sound. 2 in bowling, a hit scored through the center, opening up a clear path. v [B26] for a hit to turn out to be of this sort.

túk v [A; c] stick a stick into s.t. to serve as a marker. n 1 marker stuck into s.t. Gibutangan nákug túk ang gilubngan sa bahandì, I stuck a stick to mark the spot where I buried the treasure. 2 clitoris (slang).

tukà1 v 1 [A; a1] strangle with the hands. Tuk-un ta kag musinggit ka, I’ll choke you if you scream. 2 [A123P; b4(1)] choke on s.t. ingested. Makatukà nang tag-as nga bíhun, You can choke on long noodles. Hituk-an ku pag-inum nákù sa wiski, I choked when I drank the whiskey. 2a get jammed or stuck into s.t. as if choking on it. Papil ang nakatukà (nakapatukà) sa kasilyas, Paper clogged the toilet up. Ug matuk-an ang makina gáhì na tuyúkun, If a sewing machine gets stuck it is hard to turn.

tukà2 v [A; a12] peck at to eat. Gustung mutukà ug tibuuk mais ang manuk, Chickens like to peck at whole kernels. Dúna pa bay tukaun ang sunuy? Are there any grains left for the rooster to peck at? n 1 beak, bill. 2 feed for fowls or birds. kakha — see kakha. pa- v [A; ac] feed fowls.

túkab v [A; b5] open by pushing s.t. aside, lifting a cover. Kinsay nagtúkab sa kúlun? Who took the cover off the pot? Tukába ug dakù ang bintánà kay galhà, Open the windows wide because it is warm. n distance s.t. opens.

tuk-ab = dug-ab.

tukabtukab v [A3P; c1] gasp for breath, pant. Nagtukabtukab ang íyang gininhawaan sa pagdinágan, He panted for breath after running so much.

tukad v [A; a2c] go, bring up to the mountain, or country from town. Mutukad ku karung tingsanggì, I’ll go to the country this [1045]coming harvest. Butung ray ákung tukarun, I’m going to the country just to get young coconuts. Itukad ring abúnu, Bring this fertilizer to the country.

tukadur n 1 dresser, a chest of drawers with a large mirror and a flat space for cosmetics. 2 a plain mirror of considerable size. v [b] look at oneself in a mirror. Tukaduri ra nang nawung mug tan-áwag angayan ka ba, Look at yourself in the mirror and see if you look nice. paN- v [A2] look at oneself in a mirror.

tukag, túkag v 1 [AB2S6; cP] place s.t. long in a position vertical or crosswise relative to s.t. else; cause it to be so. Ayúhag butang ang gabas kay mutúkag sa kahun, Lay the saw down carefully crosswise in the toolbox. Nagtukag ang bukug sa íyang tunlan, A bone is lodged cross-ways in his throat. Itúkag (ipatúkag) ang lipak sa takup arun dílì mutak-up, Prop the shutter open with a stick of bamboo. 2 [B2S6] for s.t. slender to be jutting out. Ang mga tiil sa dakung bátà mutukag kun kugúsun, The legs of a big child dangle if he is carried. (→) n 1 s.t. placed athwart s.o. 2 sticking out. Tukag siyag dawunggan, He has ears that stick out.

tukal n gap formed as a result of shrinkage between two juxtaposed materials, esp. wood. v [B3(1)] form a gap. Mitukal (natukal) ang mga sawug paglúbag, Cracks developed between the floor boards when they shrunk. tukaltukal v [B; b6] hang loosely from a loose attachment. Nagtukaltukal ang bungbung sa báy, One side of the walling of the house is hanging loosely.

tukámud v [B126; b8] fall face first to the ground. Nasapiti siya ug natukámud, He tripped and fell face first to the ground.

tukang = tuklang.

tukar v 1 [A; a2] play a musical instrument, piece. Hanas siyang mutukar sa marimba, He plays the marimba well. Tanggu tukara, Play a tango. 1a [A; b(1)] for a musical group to perform. Dúna silay tukaran nga parti karung gabíi, They will perform at a party tonight. 2 [A2] have an attack of a recurring illness or undesirable behavior. Mutukar ang riyuma kun ting-ulan, Rheumatism flares up on rainy days. n 1 music played. Magsáyaw ta inigsúgud sa tukar, Let’s dance when the music starts. 2 performance by a musical group. pa- v [A; ac] turn on a phonograph, radio for music. Patukara ang púnu, Turn on the phonograph. Bítuls ang ipatukar, Play a Beatles record.

tukarul = tingkarul, 4.

tukas = tuklas.

tukaw1 v [A; b(1)] stay awake at night doing s.t., keep vigil. Magtukaw ku karung gabíi paghuman sa tirm pípar, I’ll be awake all night finishing my paper. n wake. Sa tukaw nagdala silag baráha arun dílì sila tulgun, They brought a deck of cards to the wake so they wouldn’t feel sleepy.

tukaw2 v [A; b(1)] tower over. Mga pipila ka túig mutukaw na siya nákù, In a few years he will be towering over me. Usa ka lubing láyug ang nagtukaw sa ílang payag, A tall coconut tree is towering over their hut.

tukaw3 n a unit of length reckoned from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the index finger extended. v [A; a1] measure s.t. in tukaws.

tukáya = tukáyu (female).

tukáyu n one who has the same name as s.o. else. Tukáyu siya nákù kay Dyun usab íyang ngán, He’s my namesake because his name is John too. v [AC2; ac3] call s.o. or each other tukáyu. (→) n term of address to one’s tukáyu.

tukbil v 1 [A; ab2] touch slightly. Wà siyay gána ug ígù lang mitukbil sa kan-un, She had no appetite and barely touched the food. Mutak-up dáyun ang hibìhibì ug tukbílun, The touch-me-not plant closes as soon as you touch it. 2 [A; a12] touch the emotions or on s.t. that provokes feelings. Ikaw pay nakatukbil sa ákung dughan, You were the first to have touched my heart. 3 [A; a12] mention s.t. in passing. Sa íyang diskursu mitukbil siya sa pulitika, In his speech he mentioned politics in passing. -l-un, -l-un(→) a delicate, engendering arguments or hard feelings. Kanang mga paagíha tulukbilun (tulukbílun) kaáyu, That procedure is very much open to argument. — ug buut short-tempered.

tukbù v [A; a1] 1 grasp by encircling the fingers around. Nagtukbù siyag ságing, He is grasping a banana. Tukbúa ang buktun sa bátà kun matukbù ba, Put your fingers around the child’s arm if they can go all the way around it. 2 bundle long things together to form a bunch big enough to be clasped in one or both hands. n bundle of s.t. that can be clasped in one or both hands.

tukbuy = talukbuy1.

tukdab v [AN; a] cut s.t. down at the base with one stroke. Kining dapíta ang ákung gitukdaban sa mga tuud sa mga gagmayng káhuy, This is the place where I cut the stumps of the small tree down.

tukdug v [BN46] for s.t. to stand out straight and bare. Mitukdug (nanukdug) ang mga [1046]mais human hugpái sa dúlun, The corn plants stood straight and bare after a swarm of locusts settled on them. n ribs of umbrella.

tukgaw = lukgaw.

tukhi, tukhì n toothpick. v [a12] make into toothpick. Maáyung tukhíun ang tukug, Coconut midribs make good toothpicks. paN- v [A2; c6] pick one’s teeth.

tukì v [A; a12] 1 investigate, examine. Ang kumiti mauy mutukì sa anumalíya, The committee will investigate the anomaly. Madiskubrihan ang tíkas kun tukiun ang libru, They will discover the embezzlement if the books are examined. 2 ask, interrogate. Gitukì siya apan wà mutug-an, He was questioned but he didn’t tell. 3 discuss with the idea of analyzing, explaining. Unsay tukiun sa míting? What is going to be discussed in the meeting? ma-un(←) a characterized with persistent, methodical, and detailed application of a procedure. Kining instruksiyun sa libru masabtan sa matukíung pagbása, The instructions in the book can be understood only if you read it with care and analysis.

túkib a detailed, complete, and well-described. Túkib kaáyu ang íyang isturya sa aksidinti, His account of the accident is complete to the minutest detail. v [A; a1] delve into s.t. so as to have a thorough knowledge of it. Buut kung tukíbun ang tanghágà sa íyang kinabúhì, I want to delve into the riddle of his life. Dì matúkib ang kaguul sa namatyan, The grief of the bereaved one cannot be described. -l-un a that which hides a mystery, riddle. Tulukíbun ang pahiyum sa katingaláhang istranyu, The mysterious stranger has a sphinx-like smile.

tukig a stiff. v [B; b6] be, become stiff. Mitukig ang kasáhus nga gibulad, The jerked meat is stiff. Ang ispísu nga amirul mauy nakatukig (nakapatukig) sa muskitíru, The thick starch made the mosquito net stiff. Nagkatukig ang ákung líug, My neck is getting stiff.

tukíkà = tikúkà.

tukikì, tukìkì v [A; b3] laugh with a partly suppressed high-pitched laughter. Mitukikì siya sa ákung tistis, He snickered at my joke. Unsay inyung gitukìkían? What are you snickering about?

túkis n talkies, talking movies. Dì pa túkis ang sini sa panahun ni Púpuy, There weren’t any talkies in Grandpa’s day.

tuklang v [A; b5] 1 put a piece of wood s.w. to inhibit motion, either by propping s.t. under it and keeping it from falling or by laying it in the way and stopping it from proceeding. Tuklángun (tuklángan) ang takup sa dúlung arun dílì musira, Prop up the hood so it won’t slam shut. Ituklang nis bintánà arun dílì matúkab, Wedge the window shut with this so it can’t come open. 1a prop s.t. up. Taas nga káhuy ang ituklang sa hayhayan arun dì masagyad ang hinayhay, Use a long bamboo pole to hold the clothesline to keep the wash from touching the ground. 2 [AN3; b6] put up the hands to keep s.o. at arms’ distance, as if bracing oneself. Nanuklang siya kay gipiit siya sa ílang pagbayli, She kept her hand up because her partner danced too close to her. paN- v [A1] brace oneself or keep s.o. away from one’s body. Kun wà pa siya makapanuklang mahaplà untà siya, Had she not braced herself she would have fallen flat. n stick used to prevent motion.

tuklas v [AB; a1] open a shutter, curtain or s.t. that covers, be opened. Natukas ang atup pagbagyu, The roof was blown off in the storm. Natukas ang íyang sayal paghángin, Her skirt was lifted up by the wind. Inánayng nagkatukas ang tilun, The curtain slowly opens. a be open. May nangáwat kay tukas nag paradur, There has been a robbery because the cabinet is open.

tuklì v [A; a12] turn a page. Tuklía ang mga dáhun ug hínay arun dílì mu hinglaktawan ang litrátu, Turn the pages slowly so you will not miss the picture.

tukling = tuklid.

tuklid v [A; c6] give s.o. a sudden push. Kinsay nagtuklid nímung nahayang ka man? Why did you fall? Who pushed you? Wà ka ituklid, hibanggaan ka lang, Nobody pushed you. S.o. just accidentally bumped into you.

tuklù v 1 [A; a2] steal by catching s.t. at the neck, esp. chicken. Gituklù ang manuk sa nangharána, The chicken was swiped by the serenaders. Gituklù sa naglágut nga bána ang líug sa asáwa, The husband was so angry he grabbed his wife’s neck and squeezed it. 2 [A2; a1] dart or strike instantly with the head. Pagbantay kay ang bitin mutuklù lag kalit, Watch out for a snake might just strike out suddenly. Ang manuk nakatuklù ug duha ka bakì, The chicken has caught two frogs pecking at them.

tuklud = tuklid.

tuklung a for rice or corn to have overripe grains. Tukung na kaáyu ang humay nga wà maáni dáyun, The rice in the fields is bent over now because it was not harvested right away. v [B12; b6] get grains that are overripe. [1047]

tuklus v 1 [A; c] hand s.t. to s.o. Ituklus ang suwat, Hand over the letter. 2 [b5] = paN-. paN- [A; b] 1 go to a banquet with the primary purpose of eating. Manuklus ta sa íla kay dakù silag híkay, Let’s go to their house for a free meal, because they have prepared quite extensively. 2 attend any k.o. entertainment without invitation. Manuklus tag bayli sa ílang iskuyláhan, Let’s go attend the dance in their school.

tukmà a 1 exact, exactly. Náa sa libru ang tukmà nga tubag, The exact answer is in the book. Tukmà nga alas syíti ang pagsúgud sa prugráma, The program starts at exactly seven o’clock. Tukmà sa gikasabútan, Exactly as agreed. Tukmang usa ka búlan ugmà sukad sa íyang paggíkan, It will be exactly one month tomorrow since the day he left. Kining ruskáha tukmà kaáyu ánang pirnúha, This nut fits that bolt very nicely. 2 suitable, appropriate. Tukmà ang tíma sa ukasiyun, The theme fits the occasion exactly. Kining tanúma tukmà giyud sa bugnawng klíma, This plant is perfectly adapted for a cold climate. v 1 [B26C; c] coincide, correspond with. Mitukmà ang ákung pangagpas sa nahitabù, My guess coincided with what actually happened. Nagkatukmà ang pista ug ang ákung adlaw, The fiesta and my birthday fall on the same date. 1a [C3; c6] for edges to fit, abut perfectly. Itukmag maáyu ang mga ngilit, Make the edges abut perfectly. 2 be, make suitable, appropriate. 3 [b8] come upon s.o. quite unexpectedly. Hitukmaan níya ang bátà nga mikúut sa kúkis, She came upon the child getting some cookies. hi-/ha- v [B1256; b8] 1 come out to be the same as or appropriate. 2 come upon s.t. in a place. Sa íyang paglatagaw nahitukmà siya sa usa ka payag, In his wandering he came upon a hut. pahi- v [A; c] make s.t. coincide. Kinahanglang ipahitukmà ang prugráma sa gubyirnu sa kinahanglanun sa násud, The government’s program must be made to correspond with the country’s needs. -in-an(→) n joint. Ang tinukmaan sa túbu tulù, The pipe joint is leaky.

tukmu n the Philippine turtledove: Streptopelia bitorquata.

tukmud v [A; c] 1 push abruptly and hard. Nasarásay siya dihang ákung gitukmud, He reeled when I pushed him hard. 2 goad, prod. Ang kaugalíngung kahígal mauy mitukmud kaníya sa panlúgus, His own lust goaded him to rape. -in- n spurred, urged. Tinukmud sa tingúhang mulampus nanlimbásug siya, He strove hard under the goad of the drive to succeed.

tuknul v [A; c] hand s.t. to s.o. Dawáta ug dúnay kwarta nga ituknul sa lídir, Accept it if the political leader hands you some money.

tukpaw v [A; c] 1 push s.t. upward. Akuy mutukpaw nímu ngadtus atup arun ka makasaka ngadtu, I’ll give you a boost onto the roof so that you can climb up there. 2 induce s.o. to do s.t. bad for him. Ang íyang mga amígu nakatukpaw níya sa mga bisyu, His friends induced him into a life of sin. Ayaw siya itukpaw ngadtu ni Satanas, Do not lure him into the ways of the devil. 3 jump from one point to another. Ang ági sa makina mutukpaw, The sewing machine skips. Gitukpaw níya ang isturyag láin, He skipped over to s.t. else to change the subject. Ingun ug magatukpaw ang átung sulti, wà diay makapasar si Tunyu sa búrd, To change the subject, so Tony didn’t pass the board examination. tukpawtukpaw v 1 [A; c1] work skipping about, not systematically. Gitukpawtukpaw níya pagpintal, man nga nagkábang ang ági, He did not paint it square at a time and so it came out splotched. 2 [B; b6] move with a jerky up and down motion. Nagtukpawtukpaw ang sakayan sa bawud, The boat bounced up and down in the waves.

tuksì v [A; a] slice or prod off the outer layer of s.t. Pagtuksì ug lapnis nga ibugkus sa kináhuy, Pull off some of the outer strips of the abaca to tie the firewood up with. Tuksía ang pakpak sa mais, Loosen the corn husks. n instrument used to prod an outer layer loose.

tuksu, tuksù v [A; a] query in a pressing way. Akuy mutuksù níya kun tinúud tung ímung gisulti, I will ask him if what you said was true. n query. Makalíbug ang mga tuksù sa abugádu, The lawyer’s questions were confusing.

tuktugáuk v 1 [A] for cocks to crow. Mutuktugáuk na gánì ang mga manuk, sa átù pa duul na ang kabuntágun, When the cock crows, we know morning is near. 2 [A; c] vomit due to excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages (slang). Kanang ímung kan-un ímu ra sang ituktugáuk ug magpalabi kag ínum, You will vomit out what you are eating if you drink too much. n cock’s crow or noise of a similar sort.

tuktuk1 v [A; a] 1 knock on. Tuktúka ang pultahan únà musúd, Knock on the door before you go in. 2 peck at repeatedly. Gituktuk sa sunuy ang íyang higut, The cock pecked at its tether. n 1 knocking. 2 feed for chickens. pa- v [A; ac] feed grains to. [1048]Patuktuka ang sunuy ug tibuuk mais, Feed whole kernels to the cock. Tipasì lay ipatuktuk sa himungáan, Feed unhusked rice to the hen.

tuktuk2 v give enlightenment to (confined to set phrases). Tuktúkan kay may salabútan, Enlighten him because he can understand. hiN- v 1 [A; b3] keep still as if in deep thought. Naghinuktuk si Pidru kay wà tugúti, Pedro is brooding because they didn’t let him do it. 2 [b(1)] ponder s.t. Hinuktúki kini pag-áyu únà ka magpárì, Consider it carefully before you enter the priesthood.

tuktuk3 (from taluktuk) v 1 [B346] for s.t. long to stand on its end unsupported. Mutuktuk ang lipak kun maáyung pagkabalansi, A bamboo stick will stand on its end if it is well balanced. Makatuktuk na ang bátà, hápit nang kalakaw, The child can stand alone now. It is about to walk. 2 = taluktuk. a 1 = taluktuk. 2 straight above in the sky. Alas dúsi na kay tuktuk na ang adlaw, It is twelve noon because the sun is at its zenith.

tuktur n k.o. bird, a night jar, which flies after dusk, the eggs of which are the source of the tagulílung charm: Eurostopodus macrotis. The name derives from its call: ‘trrk-trrk’.

tuku n prop stick or post. v [A; b] prop up with a pole or post. Magtuku mi sa báy nga naghirig, We are going to prop up the house which is leaning. Tukhi ang hayhayan arun dì magtuntun, Prop up the clothesline so it doesn’t sag. paN- v 1 [A2] for a girl to push her partner at arm’s length in dancing. Maáyu si Tirya nga baylíhan kay dílì manuku, It’s nice to dance with Terry because she does not keep you at arm’s length. 2 [A3] be hesitant to do s.t. mainly due to rules of propriety. Nagpanuku ang nubyu paghaluk sa nubya, The groom was hesitant to kiss the bride.

tukù = tikì.

tukub v [A; a12] for a beast of prey to devour. Makatukub ug bábuy ang higanting sawa, A giant snake can devour a pig. tukbunun n prey. maN-r-(←) n beast of prey.

túkud1 v 1 [A; ac] brace, prop. Tukúra ang kapáyas kay malúad unyà inigbagyu, Brace the papaya. It might fall when the storm comes. Itúkud ímung kamut sa bungbung unyà barug sa usang tiil, Prop your hand against the wall. Then stand on one leg. 2 [A; c1] erect a house, building. Anhi tukúra (itúkud) ang munisipyu, The municipal hall will be erected here. 3 [A; a] form, found an organization, establishment. Kinsay nagtúkud sa Siliman? Who founded Silliman University? Gitúkud ang buluntaryu panahun sa Hapun, Volunteer troops were organized during the Japanese occupation. 4 put up a business. Ang nigusyung tukúrun kanang gikinahanglan sa lungsud, The business you put up should be one which the town needs. (→) n s.t. used to prop or brace s.t. tag-(→) n founder, organizer. katukúran n founding, establishment. Nagsaúlug sila sa katukúran sa syudad, They are celebrating the founding of the city. mag-r- = tagtukud. patukuránan n foundation, basis. Way patukuránan ang ímung pasángil, Your charges are without foundation. tukudtúkud v [A; b(1)] fabricate a story, esp. one with a dubious motive. n fabrication, concoction. Pulus tu tinukudtúkud (tukudtúkud) ang ílang isturyang naglaki ang ímung asáwa, Those stories about your wife’s carrying on with other men are all fabrication anyway. tinukudtúkud = tukudtúkud, n. paN- v [A2; b(1)] hold oneself at arm’s length when dancing.

túkud2 v [A; a] cut a style of dress. Tukúra lag yánu ning ákung sinínà, Just make my dress in a simple style. n style of dress. Ang túkud sa sinínà nagbalikbálik lang, The same dress styles keep coming back again. (→) = túkud2, n.

túkud3 n plow. v [A; a12] make a plow.

tukug n midrib of a coconut or buri palm leaf.

túkug v [A2N; b6] bulge or stick out, sometimes causing slight inconvenience. Nanúkug ang mga bukug sa síku tungud sa kaníwang, He is so thin his elbow is sticking out. Nabuslut ang sáku nga gitukúgan sa pusil, The sack developed a hole where the gun was sticking out.

tukul1 v [A3] nurse a grudge. Mauy nakaáyu kanímu kay dì giyud ka mutukul kun buyagun ka sa ímung sayup, One thing good about you is you never nurse a grudge against people who call your attention to your mistakes.

tukul2 v [A; b6] disobey by keeping silent and failing to act. Dílì ángayng tukulan ang tambag sa ímung ginikánan, You should not disobey your parent’s advice. paN- v [A13] be hesitant in doing s.t. Nagpanukul ku ug uban ninyu sa piknik, I am hesitant about going with you on the picnic.

tukun v [A; a] 1 prop up. Tukna ang ságing kay harag na kaáyu, Prop the banana tree up because it is leaning way over. 2 propel oneself by pushing on a pole. Nagtukun mi [1049]sa baybay kay nabálì ang bugsay, We poled ourselves toward the shore because the paddle broke. Tukna ang dágat kun lawum ba, Put the pole to the floor of the sea to see if it is deep. n pole for propelling or for supporting.

tukung1 = tuklung.

tukung2 n tailless bird or fowl. Ilhan ku ra tung ákung piríku kay tukung, I will recognize my parrot because it lost its tail. v [B1256; a12] become tailless.

tuk-ung v [A; b6] 1 squat or lie with the knees bent up double against the body nearly touching the chin. Nagtuk-ung ang bátang nagdúwag húlin, The child playing marbles is squatting. 2 be s.w. looking as though it were squatting (literary). Ang pitrumaks nagtuk-ung dihà sa bangkíwà, The petromax lantern was located squatting atop of the mast.

túkuy n word used to call dogs. v [A; a12] 1 call a dog, saying ‘túkuy’. Tukúya ang irù arun pakan-un, Call the dog so it can eat. 2 draw irresistibly toward s.t. Ang kadalù mauy mutúkuy sa táwu pagpaníkas, Greed leads a person to cheat. 3 in folk belief, induce a person to walk in his sleep by tying a string to a finger and pulling it rhythmically. Kamau siyang mutúkuy ug táwung natúlug, He knows how to make a person walk in his sleep. (→) n puppy.

tukwa n bean curds done to a dough-like consistency. v [A13; a12] make, cook with bean paste.

tukwang1 = tuklang.

tukwang2 = tikwang.

tukway = bukway, n1.

túl n tulle, a fine, silk, open-meshed material used for veils.

tula (not without l) v [A; c] 1 set food or drinks aside for s.o. Tud-i (tulahi) ug sud-an ang ulahing mukáun, Set some food aside for those who are going to eat later. 2 bestow certain feelings on one. Tud-ig diyútayng kalúuy ang mga bátà, Show the children a little pity.

túla v [A; a] stew fish or chicken. Magtúla ta kun dúnay lab-as, We can have stewed fish if there are fresh fish. -in- n stewed fish or chicken.

tulà v [A; c] feed fowls and pet animals. Akuy magtulà sa mga manuk mabuntag, I feed the chickens each morning. Gitulaan ang irù ug karni, They fed meat to the dog. n feed for pets or poultry.

tulabhù = tilabhù.

tulábung n a small, white heron often found perching on the backs of water buffaloes, eating insects.

túlag v [B14; a12] be in a disorderly, topsy-turvy condition. Panghípus mu kay nagkatúlag lang ang kwartu, Fix the room because it’s a mess.

tulak v [A; b4(1)] stop raining. Pil-a nag páyung kay mituwak nag uwan, Fold the umbrella now because the rain has stopped. Didtu mi hitulaki sa ulan sa Karkar, The rain stopped falling when we got to Carcar.

túlak v [A; c] 1 push or move s.t. with the arm. Kami mauy mitúlak sa awtu nga nalubung, We were the ones who pushed the car that got stuck in the mud. Íya kung gitúlak ngadtus swíming pul, He pushed me into the swimming pool. 2 lift s.t. up to one’s head or higher and throw to an elevated place. Kami mutúlak sa sáku ngadtu sa tinumpì, We will throw the sack up onto the pile. Itúlak ang kahun sa istanti, Throw the box up onto the top of the shelf. 3 [B126; b8] fall from a height accidentally when one loses his hold, slips, support is taken away, and the like. Ayawg padaplin kay matúlak ka unyà, Don’t sit too close to the edge or you might fall. tig-(→) n person who tosses or pushes s.t. heavy upwards onto s.t.

tulakhang n 1 = kaling. 2 woman who has lost her virginity (derogatory). v [B126; b6] have lost one’s virginity.

tulakì, tulákì, tulakig = ísul.

tulala, tulála (not without l) a idiot. v [B12; b6] be a moron or like one.

tul-an n 1 knee joint of human beings or large animals. 2 legs or lower limbs of man or animals. Maglatà mig tul-an pára karung udtu, We’ll boil beef shanks for dinner.

tulandus = bulandus.

*tulápus ílu nga — see ílu1.

túlas (not without l) n tongue irritations caused by hot spices. v [A123P; b4] have tongue irritations, as when burned.

tulawug n spring pole. Kusug mulibkas ang balag-ung kay gáhì ug tulawug, The trap springs fast because the spring pole is stiff. v [A13; a12] make, attach a spring pole.

tulay (not without l) n bridge. v [A13; b] put a bridge. Kinsay nagtulay ug lubi sa kanal? Who put a coconut trunk across the canal? Kinahanglang tulayan ning subáa kay dì malabang, This river needs a bridge over it because no one can get across it.

túlay = bantúlay.

tulbuk v 1 [A; a] poke at a point. Nakatulbuk ka na bag bilyar? Have you tried your hand at (lit. poked at) billiards? Tulbúka ang timbri, Push the doorbell. 2 [A; b] put a period or dot. Tulbúki nang ímung ay, [1050]Put a dot over your letter I. n period or dot. Náay gagmay nga tulbuk ang ímung nawung, There are small spots on your face.

tulbung v [A2; b4(1)] rise, ascend to appreciable height or level. Gidagkutan ang kwítis, misíyuk, unyà mitulbung, The rocket was lit, sizzled, and then rose straight up.

tulda n tent. v [A; a] pitch a tent. Nagtulda ang mga kampirs, The campers pitched a tent. Hábul lay itulda, Use a blanket as a tent. paN- v [A23] for pants to bulge due to erection of the penis (humorous). Ngánung nanulda ang ímung karsúnis? What is that pole sticking out in the front of your pants?

túlì v 1 [A; a1] circumcise. Tambálan ang nagtúlì nákù, A folk doctor circumcised me. Tulía ang bátà pipila ka adlaw human ianak, Circumcise the child a few days after it is born. 2 [a3] get one’s comeuppance or just deserts. Natúlì ang mangingilad dihang gihatágan siya ug minì nga kwarta, The con-man got his just deserts when he was given fake money. (→) n 1 one who has been circumcised. 2 action of having been circumcised. — andaw n s.o. born with the glans penis exposed. maN-r- n s.o. who circumcises.

tulibag a diverging, going off at an angle. Tulibag ang ímung tinubagan. Dílì tukmà, Your answer doesn’t get at what I asked. It’s not to the point. v [B; c1] go off at an angle. Mutulibag ang íyang tinan-awan ug mahakalit, He becomes cross-eyed when he looks at s.t. suddenly. Nagtulibag man ning ímung tinahian, You sewed your seams crooked.

tulibagbag = tulibag.

tul-id a 1 straight. Tul-id nga linya, A straight line. 2 straight towards. Lakaw lag tul-id ánang dálan ug musangkù ka sa simbahan, Just walk straight on that street and you will reach the church. v 1 [APB; a] straighten. Akuy mutul-id (mupatul-id) sa balikug nga alambri, I’ll straighten the crooked wire. Mitul-id siya sa íyang pagyukù, He straightened up after he had bent over. 2 [AB; a2] reform, correct. Dì na matul-id ang dautan níyang pagkatáwu, His bad ways cannot be reformed. katul-íran n reform, amendment.

tulílik v [B2S46] reel around unsteadily. Mitulílik ang ayruplánung nawad-ag kuntrǔl, The plane that lost control turned round and round. Nagtulilik ang kasing nga taliundang nag túyuk, The top which is about to stop whirling is reeling unsteadily. -ay(→) = tulílik.

tulimbang v [AB56; c] for bells to toll, peal, toll bells. Ang kampaníru mauy mutulimbang sa kampána, The sexton will toll the bell. Human nag mísa kay nagtulimbang nag kampána, The mass is over because the bells are ringing. n pealing or tolling of bells.

túlin v [A2; b6] 1 move forward. Pagbulhut sa hángin mitúlin ang sakayan, When the wind blew, the boat moved forward. 2 cover a certain distance. Mutúlin ang dálan ug kilumitru úsà mulikù sa tuu, The road will go on for a kilometer before it turns to the right. Pila may tulínan sa usa ka baril nga aspaltu? How far can a barrel of asphalt go? 2a accomplish a certain amount. Dí ta mutúlin ug kanúnay kag sámuk, I won’t accomplish anything if you keep making a nuisance of yourself. 2b [A2] expand, take space in the direction of. Ámù nang yútà ang gitulínan sa gihímung karsáda, The road they made has encroached on our land. 3 [B2; b6] become fast, swift. Mutúlin (matúlin) ang pambut kun habwáag karga, The motorboat will move fast if we take the cargo off. n 1 accomplishment, distance covered. Gamay ra siyag túlin kay naglangaylángay man, He made little progress because he was just loafing. 2 speed, forward motion. Hínay ang túlin sa bangkà kun way hángin, The sailboat’s speed is slow if there is no wind. a fast and swift. Túlin nga nanglábay ang katuígan, The years passed swiftly. pa- v [A; b(1)] 1 extend measurements in constructing s.t. Ug padak-an ang balay, adtu patulíni sa luyu, If you enlarge the house, extend the construction to the rear. 2 increase the speed of s.t. moving forward. Magpatúlin ta arun sayu tang maabut, Let’s increase our speed, so we arrive early.

tulindaw v [AN; b6] go caroling during the Christmas season to the house of s.o. who made preparations to treat the carolers. Manulindaw (mutulindaw) ta sa íla kay nagbingka sila, Let’s go carol at their house because they made rice cakes.

tulíngan n k.o. mackerel: Rastrelliger kanagurta, Katsuwonus pelamis, and others.

tulíngì, tulíngig (from língì) v [B26] turn the head sharply to one side, as when slapped. Natulíngì (mitulíngì) siya dihang gitamparus, She snapped her head to one side from the force of the slap she received. (→) a for the neck or s.t. similar to be twisted to one side. v [B1; c6] become twisted to one side. Nagtulingì ang gunitánan sa gunting, The handle of the scissors is twisted.

tulipsay1 v [A2; b8] for s.t. thrown or that flies away to swerve off its path. Ang batung lapad mutulipsay ug ibunù, If s.o. [1051]throws a flat stone it will go in a curve. Hitulipsayan siya sa káhuy nga ákung gibughà, A piece of the wood that I split flew off and swerved onto him.

tulipsay2 n Asian moon scallop, a smooth-surfaced, golden scallop, white on the inside.

túlis v [A; a2] rob, steal with force and intimidation. May yáwi giyud ang nagtúlis sa tindáhan, The one who robbed the store must have had a key. Tulísun ku nang dátung Insik, I’ll rob that rich Chinaman. n robbery. Wà pa masulbad ang túlis, The robbery has not been solved yet. paN- n robbery in general. -an(→) n robber, bandit. -anis n robbers, bandits.

tulísuk v 1 [A; a1] scold, reproach by pointing a finger. Yawyaw lang. Ayaw kug tulisúka, Just keep scolding, but don’t shake your finger at me. 2 [A; a12] reproach severely. Gitulísuk sa kaugalíngung tanlag, Reproached by his own conscience. ma-un a reproachful, usually accompanied with blame.

tulitul n 1 hemorrhoid. 2 an infected puncture in the cheek. (←) v [B126; b5] become, get a tulitul.

tulíyuk v [APB46; aP] spin, whirl. Akuy nagtulíyuk (nagpatulíyuk) sa sabad, I made the propeller spin. Ingun sa mutulíyuk ang kalibútan, It was as if the world was spinning about. n spinning, whirling.

tulmà v 1 [AC3; a] let s.t. touch on s.t. Itulmà ang ímung tudlù sa ínit sa plansa, Touch your finger to the hot iron. 2 [A; c] make an imprint or impression on. Gitulmáan níyag ‘risib’ ang sulat, He stamped the word ‘received’ on the letter. n 1 imprint, mark, impression. 2 horizon, place where the land or sea and the sky seem to meet. 3 boundary.

tulpuk v [A; a] 1 prick or poke at with s.t. pointed. Dágum nga mitulpuk sa ákung buktun, A needle that pricked my arm. Tulpúka ang timbri, Push the doorbell button. 2 make, put a dot on s.t. Tulpúkan nátug itum ári pára mata, We’ll put dots here for the eyes. 3 press the keys of a piano, typewriter, and the like. n pricking, poking, injection with a hypodermic needle. Dús ang ipabáyad sa duktǔr káda tulpuk, The doctor charges two pesos for each shot. tulpuktulpuk n dots in cloth design. Bistídung may tulpuktulpuk nga pula, Dress with red dots.

tultug v [A; b6(1)7] knock off the ashes or embers. Nakatultug siyag bága sa agipu didtu sa mga papil, He accidentally knocked an ember off from the firebrand onto the pieces of paper.

tultul v 1 [A; b(1)] tell, lead the way s.w. Kinsay gatultul nímu sa ámung hayd-áwut? Who led you to our hideout? 2 [A12; b8] find one’s way s.w. Pangutána lang kun dì ka makatultul sa íla, Just inquire if you can’t locate their place. hiN- v [B1236] manage to do s.t. in the way that is normal, started. Nalintar siya ug dì na makahinultul ug unsay buhatun, She panicked and couldn’t do what had to be done. Kinsay mahinultul sa búhat kun magpúnay kag sámuk? Who can do his work right if you keep making a nuisance of yourself?

tulu numeral three. Pirmi giyung magkúyug ang tulu, The three always go together. v [B256; a12] be in or about three in number. Mutulu ka búlan na siyang gasabak, She is about three months pregnant. Natulu ang ákung panan-aw pagkahubug nákù, I had triple vision when I got drunk. Tulua pagrisirba kay ang tsapirun diay, Make three reservations, an extra one for the chaperon. r- three. ika- third. ka-, maka- three times. -in- into three, in three’s. katluan n thirty. tinulutulu n k.o. rope of three strands, tag-(←), tag-, tagutlu three each. v [A; c1] do s.t. by three’s.

túlù n drop. Bisan usa ka túlù nga lúhà, Even one single teardrop. v 1 [A2S] leak so as to cause dripping. Sungkípi ang atup kay nagtulù, Fix the roof because it is leaking. 1a [A2S; b28] drip, leak through. Ug dúnay malígù sa táas, ang túbig mutúlù námù diri, If s.o. takes a bath upstairs, water drips down on us. 2 [A12; b6] for drops to fall. Hápit makatúlù ákung lúhà sa kahiubus, I almost shed tears in humiliation. (→) a leaky. Tulù ang atup kay gibagyu, The roof is leaky because it was hit by a storm. pa- v [A; c] 1 let drip. Nagpatúlù siya sa íyang lúhà, She shed tears. 2 — sa singut labor hard. Nagpatúlù sa singut ang ímung amahan arun ka makatunghà, Your father is working hard just so you can study. -in- v [A] drip plentifully. n 1 drops. Tinúlù sa ulan, Raindrops. 2 shedding of tears, blood, or anything in drops. 3 noise of dripping. Makadisturbu ang tinúlù sa ulan, The noise of the dripping of the rain is disturbing.

tulud v [A; c6] 1 push. Itulud ang kutsi kay dì muandǎr, Push the car because it won’t start. 2 goad, incite. Daw sa may mutulud nákù sa pagpaúlì, As if s.t. were urging me to come home. tuludtúlud v [A; c6] pass work, blame onto one another. Nagtuludtúlud lang sila dihang gipangutána kinsay nakasalà, They just kept passing the blame onto each other when I asked them who the culprit was. Ayawg ituludtúlud ang trabáhu, [1052]Don’t keep trying to pawn off the work on each other. — bátang n the period from August to October when the wind direction is not fixed (the time when a log [bátang] is pushed in one direction and then another).

túlug v 1 [B123S6; a2] go, put to sleep. Ang yáya mauy pirming magtúlug sa bátà, The baby’s nurse usually puts him to sleep. Natúlug na ba siya? Is he asleep yet? Dì ku makatulug ug dì ku kainum, I can’t sleep without drinking s.t. first. Tulga ang bátà, Put the baby to sleep. 2 [B126] for lard and oil to congeal. Natúlug ang mantíkà sa katugnaw, The lard congealed due to the cold. 3 [B126] for tops to spin steadily without a wobble. Mu rag walà maglihuk ang kasing kay natúlug, The top seems not to move because it is spinning steadily. n sleep. Wà kuy túlug gabíi, I had had no sleep last night. (→) a sound asleep. Tulug na kaáyu ang bátà, The child is sound asleep. v [A123P; a4] be sleepy. Makapatulug ning tambála, This medicine can make one sleepy. Gitulug aku pag-áyu sa ímung diskursu, Your speech made me very sleepy. ka- v [A2] sleep. Mikatúlug (natúlug) siya, He went to sleep. Dì ku makakatúlug, I can’t sleep. Sawug lay katulgi, Just sleep on the floor. paka- v [A; c] induce, put to sleep. Makapakatúlug ang ímung mga isturya, Your stories make me fall asleep. n s.t. that induces sleep. Tablítas nga pakatúlug, Sleeping pills. hika-/haka-(→) v [B1256; b8] fall asleep. Nahikatulug na ang ákung pinalanggà, My darling has finally fallen asleep. Hikatulgan ku siyang nag-isturya, I fell asleep on him as he was talking to me. pakuluka-, patulugtúlug v [A13] pretend to sleep. Didtu siya sa káma magpakukatū́g (magpatugtū́g), piru wà diay, He was lying on the couch pretending to be asleep, but he really wasn’t. túgan, hinúgan a top that spins smoothly and rapidly without a wobble. v [B126; b6] become smooth-spinning. ka-un n sleep. Wà ku duáwa sa katulúgun, Sleep did not come to me. kina-, kinatulgan n sleep slept. Maáyu ákung kinatúlug (kinatulgan) kagabíi, I had a good sleep last night. katulganan n place one sleeps. v [A13] sleep habitually s.w. Anáa ku magkatulganan sukad sa ákung pag-anhi, I have been sleeping there since my arrival. ka-un(→), katulgun a sleepy. Katúgun (katulgun) kaáyu ku, I’m very sleepy. hinga-un(→), hingatulgun, ma-(→), ma-un a fond of sleeping, always sleeping. Ang táwung matulúgun way kaugmáun, A person who is always sleeping has no future.

tulugtulug n a k.o. bush bearing clusters of reddish fruit: Breynia rhamnoides.

tuluk = turuk.

tulun v 1 [A; a12] swallow. Mitulun siyag dakù únà musulti, He swallowed hard before speaking. Tunla ang tablítas, Swallow the pill. 2 [a3] endure s.o.’s temperament, hurting words, etc. Dì matulun ang íyang taras, I can’t take her ways. — lamuy a eating s.t. without bothering to chew. Hingtuk-an kay tulun lamuy mag mukáun, He choked because he eats without chewing. tunlan, tutunlan n throat.

túlung v [A; a] skewer. Tabángi kug túlung sa aslúnun, Help me skewer the pig we are roasting. -an(→) n skewer.

tulunggun see tunug.

túlus1 n semen (not coarse, but avoided). pa-(→) n enhancing sperm production. Patulus nang mga pagkaúna kay daghan ug sustansiya, Those foods will give you lots of sperm because they have nutritive value. v [A13] enhance semen production.

túlus2 v [B126] get into the habit of doing s.t. the whole year through by doing it on a special holiday or on a day it should not be done (whether intentionally done or not). Makatū́s (makapatū́s) sa pagkahingatúgun ang pagdúgayg mata sa bag-ung túig, It will make you get up late the whole year through if you get up late on New Year’s Day.

túlut v [AP; b6P] pay out rope or string. Dílì ku mutúlut (mupatúlut) sa pasul kay musángit unyà sa ilálum, I will not pay out the fishline because it might snag at the bottom. n length of line paid out. pa- v 1 = túlut, v. 2 [A; c1] sail smoothly, swiftly with the wind. Mupatúlut ang sakayan basta pabur sa hángin, A boat sails smoothly and swiftly if it goes with the wind.

túluy1 v [A; b6] be caught in a net. Ug mutúluy ang isdà dì na kabuhì, If the fish snarls in the mesh it can’t get away. Nitū́y ang bábuy ihā́s sa batung, The wild pig was caught in the net. (→) n s.t. caught in a net.

túluy2 n k.o. tamban 4–5″ long, with a greenish back and white belly.

túma n body louse, similar to the head louse (kútu) in appearance and habits, but found in clothing. v [a4] be infested with body lice. hiN- v [AN; b6(1)] remove body lice. tumahun a infested with body lice.

túmà n drinking of alcohol (slang). v [AC; a2] drink alcohol. Hubug man, nakatúmà sigúru, You’re drunk. You must have come [1053]from a drinking spree.

túman1 v [A; a12] 1 obey. Matag lungsuránun kinahanglang mutúman sa baláud, Each citizen must obey the law. 2 fulfill, realize. Natúman ra ang íyang tingúhang maabugádu, His ambition to become a lawyer has finally been realized. 3 [A13] stubbornly have one’s own way. Náa ra nímu ug magtúman ka, It’s up to you if you insist on your own way. 4 [b(1)P] indulge, or permit s.o. his way. Tumáni (patumáni) lang ang bátà arun way gubut, Just indulge the child so there won’t be any trouble. tulumanun n 1 obligation to be carried out. 2 program. Tulumanun sa administrasiyun, The program of the administration. Tulumanun sa radiyu, Radio program. ma-in-un a obedient. ma-in-un sa gustu stubbornly wanting one’s own way. ka-an n realization, fulfillment. Ang katumánan sa damgu, The realization of a dream. ka-un(→) n fulfillment reached. Walay katumanun sa ímung tingúhà, There is no hope of fulfilling your dreams. pinaan n one who is granted his way. Bátang pinatumánan, A spoiled child.

túman2 a the utmost of, extreme. Túmang kalípay, Extreme happiness. Túmang kamíngaw, Utter loneliness. Túmang kahílum, Absolute silence.

tuma pusisiyun n 1 inauguration. Ugmà ang tuma pusisiyun sa prisidinti, The president’s inauguration is tomorrow. 2 taking over of ownership. Ang tuma pusisiyun sa balay, Taking over possession of the house. v [A13] 1 carry out inauguration ceremonies. May tuma pusisiyun sa irpurt ugmà, They will inaugurate the airport tomorrow. 2 take over ownership.

tumar v 1 [A; a2] take medicine. Tumaha (tumara) nang tablítas, Take those pills. 2 [A2] afford, have the means for. Ang sapían ra giyuy mutumar (makatumar) niánang ímung prisyu, Only a millionaire could afford the price you are setting. 3 — ug aksiyun [A; b] take action on s.t. Ang kíha wà katumahig aksiyun, They didn’t act on his complaint. — ug nutisya, libak, et al. 4 [AN; c1] pick up gossip, rumors. Ang mga radiyu balágun adtu matumar sa tubáan, You can pick up rumors at the toddy stand.

tumatub n bag of waters.

tumaw v [B23(1)6] pop up, come out, surface, esp. s.t. unexpected, secret, or little known. Mutumaw giyud ang matúud, The truth always comes out. Ug dì ka makatumaw sa inyung kásu, prisúhun ka giyud, If you do not appear in court, you will surely be imprisoned. Kanang ímung pagrilaks mau nay makatumaw (makapatumaw) sa sulbad sa prublíma, Relaxation can make the solution to your problem pop up. n mutant. Tumaw nang batáa kay nigru man untà ang mga ginikánan ug ngánung putì man nà siya, That child is a mutant, because the parents are black, but he is white.

tumba1 v 1 [AB12; a] for s.t. upright to fall over, cause it to do so. Kinsay nagtumba sa bisiklíta? Who made the bicycle fall over? Natumba ang bátà, The child fell. 2 [A; a] slaughter an animal for an occasion. Magtumba tag báka sa ímung kasal, We will slaughter a cow on your wedding. 2a — ug kandílà [A; b] light a candle as an offering. Nakatumba na siyag kandílà pára sa kalag sa mga minatay, He has already lighted a candle for the departed souls. 2b [A; a12] consume a liquor container full of drink. Kanang grupúha mutumba ug usa ka tárung tubà, That group will consume one kerosene can of palm toddy. — lúbu a unbalanced: 1 for a vehicle to have its load unevenly distributed. 2 for a building or ship to have a top floor that is too high in proportion to its bottom floor. Kusug kaáyung mukíling ang barku nga tumba lúbu, A ship which has an unproportionately large upper deck easily lists. v [B1256] develop a lack of balance. tumbatumba v 1 [A13] offer various reasons for doing or not doing s.t., keep changing one’s mind. Nagtumbatumba ka ánang pangatarúngan nímu. Ug buhátun nímu, buhata na, You keep changing your reasons. If you want to do it, do it already. 2 [A] play ball with the politicians, not stick to one or the other but going along with whoever is in power. 3 [A; c1] for capital in a business to be so small that it is entirely invested in merchandise and new goods are bought with proceeds. Dì paútang ang tindáhan ug magtumbatumba ang puhúnan, A store that has all its capital invested in goods cannot afford to give credit. a having flexible politics. Kinahanglan tumbatumba ang nigusiyanti, A businessman has to be flexible when it comes to politics. n = liyalíya.

tumba2 n 1 an empty coffin laid on a platform with lighted candles, placed in the center front of the church where a requiem mass is being celebrated. 2 tomb.

tumbága n 1 copper or a copper alloy that is still copper-colored. 2 = amurádu. -in- 1 = amurádu. 2 — nga kampána n bell made of bronze.

tumbálay = tungbálay.

tumbalik = sumbalik. [1054]

tumbáling v [a12] pay attention. Tumbalínga ang ákung tambag, Heed my advice. Ngánung tumbalíngun ka nákù? Si kinsa man ka? Why should I obey you. Who are you anyway? Ayaw tumbalínga ang íyang mga sugsúg, Don’t pay attention to his teasing. paN-, paN-(→) 1 = tumbáling. 2 [A12] notice, be aware. Wà ku makapanumbáling ug dinhà bay niági, I did not notice if anyone passed by.

tumbas v [A2C; b6] equal in comparison. Way makatumbas sa íyang kaanyag, Nothing can equal her beauty. Magtumbas giyud ang inyung pagkadawù, You both are equally greedy. Ang íyang kamaksut gitumbásan sa íyang kadautan, He is as ugly as he is mean. a equivalent, worth. Tumbas sa napúlù ka bútus ang maung balúta, The ballot is worth ten votes. ka- n s.t. equivalent to. Mau ni ang katumbas sa ganti nga Uskar sa Amirika, This is the equivalent of the Oscar in America.

tumbayà (from bayà) v 1 [AP; cP] leave s.t. to the care of s.o. Ayaw itumbayà sa sulugúun ang mga bátà, Don’t leave the children to the care of the maids. 2 [AP; b(1)P] fail to care for. Kanang inahána nagpatumbayà lang sa íyang mga anak, That mother is neglecting her children. Nagkagubà ang karáang balay nga gipatumbayáan (gitumbayáan) lang, The old neglected house is getting dilapidated.

tumbuk1 v 1 [A; a] poke a finger or s.t. pointed at s.t. Mitumbuk siya sa makinilya arun pagtisting niíni, She poked a finger at the typewriter keys to try them out. Aku na say tumbuk sa bilyar, It is my turn to strike the billiard ball. 2 [A; c1] point out, pinpoint. Dì ku katumbuk sa iksaktung hinungdan, I cannot point to the exact reason. Tumbúka ang utlánan sa mápa, Point out the boundaries on the map. 3 [A; b] put a dot s.w.

tumbuk2 n container, usually a tin can, 2″ by 2″, with a handle used for measuring out kerosene for retail sales.

tumbuy1 v [AN; a1] reproach s.o. while mentioning the benefits given him. Ayawg tumbúya nang nangípun ninyu, bisag tapulan, Don’t tell the people who are living with you that they are ingrates, though they are lazy.

tumbuy2 n female homosexual, active lesbian; woman who acts like a man. v [B12] become a lesbian or tomboyish. a having the characteristics of a lesbian, tomboyish.

tumindug see tindug.

tumitusus n tomato sauce.

tumpag = lumpag.

tumpang v [AC12; b] answer back, even up the score in a quarrel or argument. Ug ang táwung idukádu magtumpang ug lális ug bastus, labaw siyang bastus, If an educated man stoops to quarrel with a low person, he just degrades himself. Mu ra mug búang tan-áwun ug tumpángan ninyu nang giyawyaw sa hubug, You’ll look like fools if you try to answer that drunk’s ranting.

tumpáwak v 1 [B1256] fall from a higher elevation. Ang labandíra natumpáwak sa atábay, The washer woman fell into the well. 2 [B126; b6] fall, be drawn into s.t. undesirable. Natumpáwak siya sa bisyu sa upyu, He fell into opium addiction.

tumpì v [AB156; c1] pile s.t., usually neatly, on top of s.t. else. Akuy mutumpì sa mga hugasan, I’ll pile the dishes up. Nagtumpì ang daghang inutaw, The huge number of ironed clothes are piled up. n a neat pile of things one on top of the other. Usa ka tumpì nga kwarta, A stack of bills.

tumpil = tumpì.

túmu n a volume of a set of books.

túmud v [A; c] transport goods from the place of production to market, export. Nakatúmud na tag bugas sa láing násud, We have exported rice to other countries. Itúmud ning isdà sa tabuan, Deliver these fish to the market to sell them. n transporting of goods from place of production for sale; export. tumuran n vehicle or boat used to transport or deliver goods.

túmug, túmuk v [B2] be soaked with. Lúhà nga mitúmug sa mga mata, Tears that filled the eyes. Natúmug ang bindáhi sa dugù, The bandage is soaked with blood.

tumung, túmung v 1 [A; c6] aim s.t. at s.t. Ayawg itumung nákù nang pistúla, Don’t point that gun at me. 2 [A; acP] go to the direction of s.t. straight. Tumúnga nang baláya, Go in the direction of that house. Itumung (ipatumung) ang dáru ánang káhuy arun tul-id ímung ági, Aim your furrow at that tree, so it will be straight. 3 [a1] direct a statement, joke, etc. Aku bay gitumung sa ímung insultu? Was your insult directed at me? Wà nákù itumung ang insultu nímu, I didn’t aim the insult at you. 4 [A12; a2] get s.t. (good or bad) as one’s lot. Nakatumung siyag asáwang bagìbian, He ended up with a nagging wife. n 1 direction. Way tumung sa átung lákaw run, We are not going any particular place. 2 purpose for which s.t. is done. Unsa may tumung sa íyang pagsukitsukit? What was the purpose of his asking around? 3 straight toward. Miatubang [1055]siya tumung sa bandíra, He faced toward the flag.

tumur n tumor. v [B126; b4] become, have a tumor. Pusibling matumur ang bun-ug, A bruise may turn into a tumor. Gitumuran ang íyang tútuy, She got a tumor on her breast.

tumus n 1 second growth of the edible roots of a sweet potato. Gagmay ning amutíha kay tumus ni, These sweet potatoes are small because they are second-growth roots. 2 a coconut with a leaf sprout. paN- v [A2; b6] gather second-growth sweet potatoes. Manumus ka pára lung-águn pára pamáhaw, I will gather second-growth sweet potatoes to cook for breakfast. patumsan n coconut seedling. v [A; c6] grow coconut seedlings. Mupatumsan mi ánang klásiha sa lubi, We will grow that k.o. coconut for seedlings. n katumsan, pinatumsan = patumsan, n.

túmus v [A; b6(1)] draw in the juice of s.t. placed in the mouth. Ang mga bátà mitúmus (nagtúmus) sa santul, The children were sucking on a santol seed.

tumutub = tumatub.

tumùtúmù v [A; b] fabricate, make up a story. Gitumùtumúan si Risal ug pasángil sa mga Katsílà, The Spaniards fabricated charges against Rizal. n fabricated tale, report, etc. -an(→) a given to fabricating stories. v [B12] be, become given to fabricating stories.

tumuy n 1 tip, end, top. Tumuy sa búkid, Top of the mountain. Tumuy sa sundang, Tip of the knife. Tumuy sa karsáda, End of the road. 2 glans penis (euphemism). bug-at ang — not having indulged in sexual acts for quite a long time (humorous euphemism). v [C; a1c3] do s.t. at the end, tip of s.t. Nag-áway sila maung nagtúmuy paglingkud sa bangkù, They had a quarrel; that is why they are sitting on opposite ends of the bench. Tumuya paggúnit ang pulbult, Hold the pole vault at the end.†

tuna1 n stammerer. v [B12] be a stammerer. Ang kahadluk níya sa íyang amahan mauy nakatuna (nakapatuna) níya, His being scared of his father made him a stammerer.

tuna2 n small, glossy-black, worm-like snake, deadly poisonous, found in moist places in grasses and weeds.

túnà1 v [A; b6] wallow. Mitúnà ang kábaw sa tunaan, The water buffalo wallows in the puddle. pa- v [A; a2] put a water buffalo in a puddle to have him wallow in. Magpatúnà úsà ku únà magsúgud pagdáru, I will let the carabao wallow a while before starting to plow. -an(→) n puddle for water buffalos to wallow in.

túnà2 v [A23; c6] 1 use a thumbmark for signature. Itúnà ang kumagkù sa mga táwung dì makamaung mupirma, People who don’t know how to write use a thumbmark for their signatures. 2 have coitus (humorous euphemism). a illiterate. Ispúting kaáyu apan túnà diay, He is well-dressed but he’s illiterate (he uses thumbmark for his signature).

tunáda n 1 tune of a musical piece. 2 tone, tenor of voice or statement. Nagdalag kasukù ang tunáda sa íyang tíngug, The tone of his voice is tinged with anger. Kláru ang íyang túyù sa tunáda lang sa suwat, Her object is obvious just by the tenor of the letter.

tun-as v 1 [APB12] decompose entirely, cause s.t. to do so. Way báhù ang patayng láwas nga matun-as, A dead body that is totally decomposed is odorless. 2 [B12] fall into complete ruin. Natun-as na ang karáang báy nga wà puy-i, The old, uninhabited house has fallen into ruin. 3 destroy dreams, hopes, etc. Nagkatun-as na ang ákung mga damgu, My dreams are gradually crumbling down. a totally decomposed.

túnaw v 1 [AB123(1); a2] melt, dissolve. Nagtúnaw kug kandílà pára sa sawug, I melted some candles for the floor. Kutáwa ang kapi arun matúnaw ang kámay, Stir the coffee so the sugar will dissolve. 2 [a3] be mortified, melt with shame (literary). Natúnaw siya sa hilabihang kaúlaw sa dihang gibinábuy siyag kasábà sa kadaghánan, He was mortified with shame when he was given a dressing down in public. 3 — ug gátas [A; b] mix a baby’s formula. Kinahanglan maampíngun ang mutúnaw ug gátas sa bátà, One who mixes a baby’s formula must be careful. a melted. (→) a half-melted. Ayawg palit ug ayis drap nga tunaw, Don’t buy a half-melted popsicle. -an(→) n vessel for melting s.t. by heating. pang- n instrumental in melting s.t. Sambúgan sa hustung timpla nga pangtúnaw niíni, Dilute it with the right mixture which will let it dissolve.

túnay a 1 real, genuine (slang). Dì ni imitisyun uy. Túnay ni, This is not imitation. This is genuine. Maáyu siyang mudá mu rag túnay giyud, He acts well, as though it were actually real. 2 true; faithful to one’s sweetheart (slang). Ayaw siyag binuángi kay túnay nà siya nímu, Don’t deceive her because she is true to you.

tunáyit v [A13] hold a dance until late hours. Magtunayit sarà ang bayli basta dì muuwan, We’ll continue the dance till late [1056]if it doesn’t rain.

tundaan n small boat usually towed behind the stern of a larger boat, used for putting into shore where the larger boat can’t put in.

tundag v [AB; c1] sink, be on the way to the bottom; cause s.t. to be so. Mitundag na ang nasúnug nga bapur, The boat that burnt has begun to sink.

tundan = alitundan.

tundù v [A; a2] engage in s.t. conscientiously. Primyúhan tikawg magtundù kag tuun, I’ll give you a reward if you study conscientiously. Tundua nang ímung pagpangimplíyu, Be conscientious in your job. -in- = tundù.

tunduk v [A; c] poke, hit or strike s.t. with the end or tip of s.t. Ang hálas nga nakatunduk níya, The snake that struck him. Gitunduk níya sa lamísa ang ayis pik, He stuck the icepick in the table. n 1 thrust with the end of s.t. Ang hínay nga tunduk sa bára, The gentle thrust of an iron bar. 2 a spot on an animal’s body or head. May tunduk nga itum ang awman, The spotted snapper has a black spot. -an(←) n animal having a spot.

túng n 1 rake-off given by gamblers to the owner of the gambling paraphernalia used. 2 bribe given to a policeman to avoid arrest. v [A; b6(1)] pay the tung. Ngánung dì ka man mutúng nga ikaw may nakadaug? Why didn’t you pay the rake-off when you won the game? Ug túngan nímu ang pulis, papamaligyáun ka nas asíras, If you pay the cops off, you’ll be allowed to hawk on the sidewalk. -ir n the one who collects the rake-off in a gambling den.

tunga v 1 [A; b6] come out from under water. Layù siyag gitungahan gíkan sa íyang gisawman, The place he came up was far from where he dived. 1a [c6] pause to breathe while drinking a whole container of spirits. Dílì nákù itunga ang usa ka búl nga tubà, I’ll drink a jar of coconut palm toddy without pausing to breathe. 2 [A2; a12] show up or see s.o. as per appointment or agreement. Wà na mutunga ang nakautang nákù, The person who owed me money didn’t show up.

tungà n 1 half. Tungà sa taknà, Half an hour. 2 middle, center. Tungà sa karsáda, Middle of the road. 3 vagina (euphemism). 4 stomach (coarse). Bísag napunù na ang tungà, gabagulbul nga walay lamì ang pagkáun, He filled his gullet, but he grumbles that the food was no good. [so-and-so] sa ímung (íyang) — [so-and-so] is not true (said in denying s.t. vigorously and with resentment). Dátù sa íyang tungà. Wà man gánì kuy ikapalit ug bugas, Rich my foot! Here I don’t even have money for food! tungang gabíi n midnight. v 1 [B256; c16] be at about half of s.t. Mutungà sa kilumitru ang ákung gibaktas, I walked for about half a kilometer. 2 [c16] hit at the middle or center. Itungà (tung-a) giyud pag-igù arun buls-ay, Hit the center to get a bull’s-eye. 3 [B126; a12] consume, reduce to half. Tung-un ku nang usa ka galun nga tubà, I’ll consume half of that gallon of palm toddy. 4 [b(1)] place between two or more others. Gitung-an siyag higdà sa íyang Nánay ug Tátay, She was laid between her mother and father. 5 [AC; abc3] divide, share into halves. Akuy mutungà arun way áway, I’ll divide it so there will be no quarrel. Magtúngà ta sa ganansiya, We will split the profit equally. Tungáa (tung-a) nà ninyung duha, Divide it equally between the two of you. tungàtúngà n the halfway or mid-point. Tungàtúngà sa átung lákaw, Mid-point of our trip. v [A; a] divide equally among. Tungàtungáa ninyu nang usa ka buuk kík, Divide that one cake equally among yourselves. hinungàtungà v [B1356] be about halfway through. Nahinungàtúngà (nanungàtungà) na ang mísa pag-abut námù, The mass was about halfway through when we arrived. panungàtúngà v [A13] = hinungàtúngà. hiN- v [B156] be halfway done. Walà pa gánì mahinungà ang kan-un niíni, mitindug na kini, She got up before the rice was even halfway consumed. -in- a by half. Tinungà ka manghangyù, You bargain things down to half-price. v [A; c] do by halves or two to one. Way musúkul nímu bísag itinungà ang pusta, No one will challenge you even if the bet is two to one. kinatung-an n centermost, middlemost. — silangan Middle East. ka- n one-half of s.t. Ibangku ang katungà sa ímung swildu, Deposit half of your salary in the bank. v [B236] be at about halfway. Nakatungà na ku sa libru, I’m halfway through the book. Wà pa ku makakatungà sa tísis, I have not reached the halfway point in my thesis. tulung-an n palm toddy measure, a bamboo tube container which holds one-half a típu1, 1. tulung-un the Wednesday of the Holy Week where work is done half day.

túngab v 1 [A2S; c] put the mouth to the edge of a vessel, as in drinking. Mitúngab siya sa pawpaw arun pag-inum, He brought the half coconut shell to his mouth to drink. 2 [c6] put the mouth near s.t. as in drinking. Ayawg itúngab ímung bàbà sa ákung [1057]dunggan ug musulti ka, Don’t put your mouth right on top of my ear when you talk.

túngan = tulungan. see túlung.

túngas v [A; a] go up a mountain, uphill. Mutúngas ta ánang bakilid, We are going up that slope. Tungásun ku ang kabukíran pagpangítà nímu, I will climb mountains to look for you. -un(→) a 1 uphill. 2 uphill fight. Tungasun ang íyang kahimtang sa iliksiyun, He has an uphill fight in the election. v [B125] be uphill or steep. Pahináyi ang awtu kay nagkatungasun ang karsáda, Slow the car down because the road is becoming steep.

tungaw n k.o. very minute, red mite that abounds in bushes, producing an itchy bite and hiding in skin pores. Madakup pay tungaw nga dílì gayud kini musayup paghapit kanámù, It’s more likely that you could catch a mite (i.e. highly unlikely) than that he would fail to stop in our place. v [b4] be infested with such fleas.

tungay v [B] hang down on a weak or loose attachment. Nagtungay ang sanga sa káhuy nga wà malahus ug kaputul, The branch of the tree is hanging because it was not completely cut through.

*tungbálay (from datung balay) paN- v [A2] 1 go to s.o.’s house. Manumbálay ta sa átung bag-ung silíngan, Let’s visit our new neighbor’s house. 2 haunt one’s mind. Nanumbálay sa ákung hunàhúnà ang átung kagahápun, Our past haunts my mind. 3 [A2; a] go to farmhouses to barter commodities. Manumbalay mi sa búkid káda tingsanggì, We go bartering to the farmhouses during harvest season. maN- n a k.o. fine-grained white rice with a savory, permeating smell.

tungdan = alitundan.

tunggà v [C; c] have a drinking spree (slang). Makigtunggà sila nákù karung ákung adlaw, They want to have a drinking spree with me on my birthday.

tunggal v [A; a] prod s.t. with a stick to drive or push it out of a small place. Gitunggal níya ang sagbut sa túbu, He pushed the dirt out of the pipe with a stick. Tunggála ang ilagà sa kisami, Poke at the mice in the ceiling to drive them out.

tunggul a stupid, having no common sense. Tunggul kaáyu nímu uy nga dì ka man makasabut ug sugúun, How stupid you are! You don’t understand when you are told to do s.t.!

tungguy n 1 any growth that protrudes from the body. 2 a swelling or protuberance on a tree. v [B46] protrude. Mutungguy ang sábà úsà mugulà, The sucker protrudes first before coming out. tungguytungguy n a knoblike protrusion, e.g. a pommel. Isab-it lang ang rinda sa tungguytungguy ánang muntúra, Just loop the reins around the pommel of the saddle. v [A13; a2] make, attach a knoblike protrusion.

tunghà v 1 [A2; b6] appear. May kumíta nga mitunghà sa lángit, A comet appeared in the sky. Gitungháan siyag ingkantu, A supernatural being appeared to him. 1a [A2; a12] show up for a date. Nagsábut mi nga magkítà sa alas dus apan wà ku níya tungháa, We agreed to meet at two o’clock but he didn’t appear. 1b [b8] come upon s.t. Sa pagtúngas námù sa búkid ámung hingtunghaan ang usa ka talagsáung talan-áwun, When we climbed up the mountain we came upon a spectacular view. 2 report to work. Mutunghà kug sayu, I’ll go to work early. 3 [A; b6] attend school, classes. Nagtunghà siya sa kulihiyu, She is attending college. 4 [A23; b1] for s.t. to occur periodically. Sakitan giyud siya sa tiyan basta mutunghà na kaníya ang íyang sakit, She gets a stomachache when she has her period. — ang bisíta v [A2; b5] menstruate (euphemism). pa- v [A; a1] send to school. Magwurking gud ku ug dì mu makapatunghà nákù, I will work my way through if you can’t support my studies. -l-an(→) n school.

tunghak v [A23; c6] stop drinking to catch one’s breath. tunghaktunghak v [A13] stop every now and then while drinking to catch one’s breath. Ísug kaáyung ilimnúna. Magtunghaktunghak kang muinum, The drink is too strong. You have to stop every now and then to catch a breath when you drink it.

tungína1 n misfortune or suffering inflicted on s.o. by a supernatural being in retribution for some infraction or at the behest of a sorcerer. Kini ang tungína sa ákung pagkamakasasálà, This is my retribution for being a sinner. v [A; b6(1)] send tungína to s.o. Tungináhan ka, I’ll send divine punishment on you. tunginahan n sorcerer who can have divine retribution sent.

tungína2 v [A; c] needlessly deprive s.o. of s.t. Dì mutungína ang inahan sa kinahanglanun sa anak, A mother does not deprive a child of its needs. Ang kagawásan nga itungína nátù sa Kumunismu, The liberty that Communism will deprive us of.

tungkà v 1 [A2C3; c1] meet, join, come together. Kining karsadáha mutungkà adtung karsadáha, This road will meet that road. Nagtungkà ang duha ka tumuy sa alambri, [1058]The two ends of the wire meet. Tungkáa (itungkà) ang duha ka pidásung panaptun, Join the two pieces of cloth. Dúgay nang wà mi magkatungkà, We haven’t gotten together for a long time. 2 [AC; a2] hold a drinking spree, drink alcoholic beverages. n drinking spree (slang). -an n place for drinking alcoholic beverages. -in-an n joint, connection, seam.

tungkáhal v [B46N; c] for projections to stick out. Mitungkáhal (nanungkáhal) ang mga sílik sa isdà, The fins of fish are sticking out. Gitungkahálan sa mga lansang ang salug, Nails are sticking out from the floor.

tungkalù v [A1; c6] sit down idly. Makatungkalù ka uruy dihà nga náay daghang buluhatun sa ímung atubángan, nu? How can you just sit around idly when there’s so much work to be done?

tungkì n dustpan. v [a12] do s.t. with a dustpan. Tungkía nang sinilhig ug ilábay sa basúra, Sweep the waste into the dustpan. Then throw it to the garbage can.

tungkù1 v [A; ac] step, set on top of s.t. Tungkúa ang binítay arun ka kaabut, Step on s.t. to reach the thing we had hung up. Itungkù ang básu sa láin, Put the glass on top of another.

*tungkù2 tabla ug — appear like a fool (euphemism for tabla ug tuntu). Tabla lang tag tungkù íni. Naghuwat ta dinhi, naghuwat pud diay siya didtu, We’re just like a bunch of fools. We wait here, and all the time he was waiting there.

tungkù3 = tuk-ung.

tungkud = sungkud.

tunglu v [A; a12] curse bringing evil effect. Ang Ginuu nagtunglu nga magkamang ang hálas, The Lord condemned the serpent to crawl on the ground. Ayawg tunglúha siya kay matinúud unyà, Don’t curse him, for it might come true. n curse that brings evil effect. ‘Malatà pa untà ímung tinái!’ tunglu níya, ‘May your intestines rot!’ he cursed. paN- v 1 [A; c] utter curses. Daw makítà ku siya nga nagpanunglù kanátù, It was as if I could see her cursing us. 2 [A2] do s.t. not serious which will bring a curse on one. Ngánung nanilhig kag gabíi? Nanunglu ka? Why are you sweeping after dark? You want to bring a curse on yourself? matunglúhun a cursing.

tungtung v 1 [A; c] step, put on top. Mitungtung siya sa tabládu arun pagdiskursu, He stepped on the stage to speak. Itungtung ang silya sa lamísa, Put the chair on top of the table. 2 [A; b6] reach an age, grade in school. Karun hinúun nga mitungtung na aku ning ákung panuígun, Now that I have reached this age. Primarya ra ang íyang hitungtungan, He didn’t get any further than the primary grades. 3 [A; c] put interest on a loan. Grábi sad kang makatungtung ug túbù, You sure charge a high interest. n interest on a loan.

túngu = tunglu.

tungud 1 because, due to. Napúkan si Samsun tungud ni Dilayla, Samson fell because of Delilah. Tungud kay nalísang ku, Because I was afraid. 1a in set usage in prayers: ‘in the name of’. Tungud sa timáan sa Santa Krus, sa ámung mga áway bawíun mu kami, Ginúung Diyus námù..., By the sign of the Holy Cross deliver us from our enemies, our Lord God ... 2 by, at a place. Ihúnung ang dyíp tungud ánang balay, Stop the jeep by that house. 3 directly beneath. Dúnay subwi tungud ning átung gitindúgan, There is a subway directly beneath where we are standing. v 1 [AP; cP] put directly beneath. Kinsay nagtungud (nagpatungud) ánà sa bintánà? Hilud-an hinúun, Who put that beneath the window? S.o. spat on it. Itungud (ipatungud) ang baldi sa grípu, Put the pail directly under the faucet. 2 [AN; a12] go under the house to peep. Kinsa guy gustung mutungud ug tigúlang, Who likes to peep at an old woman? 3 [B1256] be at, near, or directly beneath s.t. Sirbátu kun matungud na ta sa taw-ang dákit, Blow your horn when we get near the enchanted banyan tree. 4 [b4] be concerned, referred to. Álang niadtung hitungdan, To whom it may concern. Kadtung hitungdan sa ákung sulti, Those referred to by my words. 4a [a12] aim at s.t. or s.o. Ngánung mau man puy inyung tungdun ug insultu ang hilumun? Why do you aim your insults to one who does not even talk? n 1 the place directly below, directly across. 2 niadtung tungúra at that particular juncture, moment. Niadtung tungúra pagkadisgrasya níya gipangulbaan ku, That instant when he met his accident I was terrified. (←) v 1 [AC; ac3] put, arrange one exactly beneath or opposite the other. Akuy mutúngud sa naghiwì nga dubul dik, I will put the double-deck beds exactly beneath each other. Wà magtúngud ang butúnis ug uhális, The buttons and the buttonholes are not exactly opposite each other. 2 [A1; a12] look down searchingly into the sea for fish. Nagtúngud ang mananagat ug maáyung panaun, The fisherman is looking into the sea for a good fish to spear. tungudtúngud v [AP; b6P] make a pass at a girl or boy. Dúsi pa siya piru daghan nang nagtungudtúngud [1059](nagpatungudtúngud) níya, She is only twelve but lots of boys are making passes at her. pa- v [A] go beneath, near. Mipatungud siya sa ákung lawak, He went directly under my room. pahiN- v [A; c] 1 give s.o. s.t. by way of thanks. Kay mitábang man ka mupahinungud ku nímu ug diyis písus, Because you helped I will give you ten pesos as thanks. 2 dedicate, do s.t. in honor of s.o. Nagpahinungud ang lungsud ug mísa álang sa minatay, The town offered a mass in honor of the dead. Kining kantáha ákung ipahinungud nímu, This song I dedicate to you. n s.t. offered as thanks or as a dedication. ka-, ka-(←) n right, privilege. May katungud (katúngud) kang mahibalu kúmu asáwa, You have the right to know, being the wife. katungdánan n 1 duty. Katungdánan sa anak ang pagsirbi sa ginikánan, It is a child’s duty to serve his parents. 2 office, position. Taas siyag katungdánan sa gubirnu, He holds a high office in the government. pangatungdánan v [A] hold a position. tag-, tag-(←) n s.o. who owns, has responsibility over s.t. Gustung ipalubung dáyun sa tagtungud (tagtúngud) ang minatay, The family (lit. concerned party) wants to have the body buried at once. hinungdan n cause of, reason for. Unsay hinungdan nga miundang ka? What is the reason you quit? way — a good-for-nothing, useless. Way hinungdan tawhána gipabantay, natū́g na hinúun, He is useless! He is supposed to stand guard but he is sleeping. v [A12P] cause. Ang mga pabrika mauy nakapahinungdan sa pag-uswag sa dápit, The factories brought about progress in the place. pakahinungdan v [A13; a12] consider s.t. important. Dì nátù pakahinungdánun ang milabay na, Let’s not give importance to what has already passed. hinungdánun, mahinungdánun a important. Hinungdánun nga túyù, Important business. mahi-/maha- about. Magsulti ta mahitungud sa Biyitnam, Let us talk about Vietnam. nahiN- n thing pertaining to. Mau ray ílang gihisgutan ang nahinungud sa nigusyu, All they talked about was matters of business. tungdunun n stars, constellations, or landmarks used by fishermen, navigators, as a guide.

tungug n 1 k.o. mangrove, the bark of which is used for dyeing and as an ingredient of coconut palm toddy. 2 bark of this mangrove. v [b4] apply tungug. tulunggan, tungganan n container made of a bamboo node to hold powdered material from this plant. katunggan n mangrove swamp.

tunguk v [B456] stay immobile, staring blankly. Nagtunguk siya. Nagdamgu sigúru, He is staring blankly. He’s probably daydreaming. Natunguk siya pagkadungug sa dautang balità, He sat motionless after he heard the bad news.

túngul n 1 stomach of animals. 2 human stomach (humorous). [so-and-so] sa ímung (íyang) — [so-and-so] is not true. Magminyù sa íyang túngul. Náa pa gániy gátas sa bàbà! He is going to get married? The hell he is. He isn’t even weaned yet!

tungup v [B6; a1] be exactly a certain quantity, time. Mutungup giyud sa úras ning ákung rilu, My watch gives the exact time. Tungpa lag lung-ag bálig lima ka táwu, Cook exactly enough rice for five people. tunguptúngup v [A; a12] calculate the time or measurements. Nagtunguptúngup lang ku sa úras kay wà man kuy rilu, I’m just estimating the time because I don’t have a watch.

tung-uy v [A; c1] set cooking utensils over the fire. Nagtung-uy kug lung-agan, I’m putting the rice on the fire now.

tunhay1 v 1 [B26] prosper, be successful. Mutunhay ang nigusyu kun kuntintu ang mga trabahanti, The business will prosper if the employees are contented. Way kapulisan nga makatunhay (makapatunhay) sa kalínaw inig-iliksiyun, No police force can guarantee peace and order during elections. 2 [A23; a2P] endure, last. Mutunhay ning sapatúsa kay lig-un, This pair of shoes will last because they are sturdy. Dílì ka tunháyan ug butang ánang ímung ginamitan, The way you are using your things, nothing is going to last. pa- v [A; c6] promote the success or endurance of s.t. Salapì nga mupatunhay sa kinabúhing hamugáway, Money that will allow one to have a life of leisure. ka-an, ka-un(→) n success achieved. mag-r- sa kalínaw n sergeant-at-arms. ma-un a lasting, enduring for a long time (literary). Matunháyung kalípay, Everlasting happiness.

tunhay2 a for the weather to be clear and bright. — ang ugat a straight-grained wood. Ang káhuy nga tunhay ug ugat sayun limpiyúhan, Straight-grained wood is easy to plane. v [B25; b6] be, become fine weather. Ug matunhay (mutunhay) ang panahun, mularga ta, If the weather is good, we can leave.

túnik n k.o. perfumed lotion (from the brand name, Tonix). v [A; b] apply this lotion. Tuníki siya arun mahumut, Put perfume on her so she will smell good. paN- v [A2; c6] apply this lotion to oneself.

*tuniku bínu — istumakal n an old medicinal liquor. [1060]

tunil1 n bamboo palm toddy container of two nodes.

tunil2 = tuniláda.

tunil3, túnil n tunnel.

tuniláda n ton. Mutimbang ug usa ka tuniláda, It weighs one ton.

tunlù v [A; c] dip part of s.t. in a liquid or solid. Gitunluan námù ang sikwátig pán, We dipped the bread in the hot chocolate. -an, -anan n s.t. where one dips s.t.

tunlub v [A; c] stick, dunk s.t. completely or partially into a liquid or solid. Nagtunlub siyag mga saput sa amirul, She is dipping clothes into the starch. Itunlub ang plúma sa tintíru, Dip the pen into the inkpot.

tunlud (from lúnud) v [A; c] submerge in a liquid.

tunsil = tansil.

tuntu a stupid, silly. Tuntu! Ngánung kining klasíha ímung gipalit, Stupid! Why did you buy this kind? v 1 [B12; b6] become stupid, silly, consider s.o. as such. Sa nagkadugay ka ning trabahúa nagkatuntu ka sab, The longer you are on this job, the dumber you get. 2 [AN; a12] deceive, make a fool of. Way kalúuy ang laláking nagtuntu nímu, The man who deceived you was heartless. Manuntu ka man nákung mas wayis man ku nímu, Don’t try to make a fool of me. I’m a bit smarter than you are. Gituntu ka lang ánang mananag-an, That fortuneteller just hoaxed you. -in- v [A; b(1)] 1 abuse, do s.t. mean or bad to s.t. Ug dúnay mutinuntu nímung buguy, tawga lang ku, If some ruffian is mean to you, just call me. Kinsay nagtinuntu ring ákung tigib nga nagíbang man, Who abused my chisel? Somebody nicked it. 1a abuse sexually. Ayaw siyag tinuntuhi samtang dì pa mu minyù, Don’t abuse her so long as you are not married. 2 do s.t. in a careless way, somewhat playfully. Ayawg tinantug dúwà kay mapildi ta, Don’t fool around in this game. We might lose. Gitinuntuhan níyag drúwing ang ákung tsárt, He was just fooling around with the chart that I had him draw. 3 fool around with women. Nagtinuntu ang íyang bána, Her husband is fooling around. n 1 fooling, horsing around. 2 bad, illicit practices. Daghan kaáyung tinuntu sa gubirnu, There is a great deal of corruption in the government.

tuntun v 1 [A; c] lower s.t. Mitábang kug tuntun sa lungun sa buhù, I helped lower the coffin into the hole. Ituntun ang baldi sa atábay, Lower the pail into the well. 1a [B6] sag loosely. Mituntun íyang súsu nga wà bráhi, Her breasts sagged without a bra. Nagtuntun ang luag níyang karsúnis, His pants are sagging because they are loose. 1b [A; b(1)] pay out a fishline. Tuntúni ug mga lima ka dupa ang pasul, Pay out five fathoms of line. 2 [AB2; b6(1)] for s.t. weighted down to sink; cause it to do so. Magtuntun siya sa iring nga ilábu sa dágat, He’ll weight the cat down to throw it into the sea. Mutuntun (matuntun) ug dalì ang pasul ug lagdúngan, The fishing line will sink easily if you attach a sinker. 2a [A13; b6] use a plumb to test whether things are vertical. Magtuntun kus halígi arun dílì maghirig, I am using the plumb line on this post so it won’t lean. n 1 string or rope used to lower s.t. 2 heavy object attached to s.t. to make it sink. 3 plumb line. paN- v [A2; b6(1)] fish in deep waters with a hook, line, and sinker. n fishing with a hook, line, and sinker in deep waters.

túnu1 n 1 tune of music pieces. Tudlúi ku sa túnu ánang kantáha, Teach me the tune of that song. 2 intonation, tone. Nindut ug túnu ang sinultihang Ilunggu, The Ilongo language has a pleasant intonation. Malumu ang túnu sa párì nga nagsirmun, The priest preached with a tender tone. — ug pasiyun v [AC3; a2] sing the passions of Jesus Christ during Lent. Súgud sa Martis Santu magtúnu nag pasiyun sa ámù, Starting with Holy Tuesday they sing the Passion of Jesus Christ at our place. paN- n tone, manner of speaking. Sa íyang panúnu sukù kaáyu tu siya, By the tone of his voice he was very angry.

túnu2 v [B6; a12] for an undertaking to come out well or all right. Wà mutúnu ang ákung bibingka kay kúlang ang lubi, My rice cakes did not come out good because they lacked coconut. Tunúha ang ímung pagtuun arun ka mulampus, Study consistently and carefully so you will succeed.

tunù, túnù n juice extracted by squeezing coconut meat. v [A; a12] extract juice from coconut. (→) v [A; b] prepare food with coconut extract. Tunui ang útan nga kalbásà, Stew the squash with coconut juice. -in-an(→) n s.t. cooked with coconut extract. -un(→) a coconut meat having plenty of juice.

tunub v 1 [A; b] step on. Nagtunub ka sa ákung prupyidad, You are stepping on my property. Ayawg tumbi ang sáwug kay basà pa, Don’t step on the floor. It’s still wet. 2 [A2; b2] set foot on, in. Dì na ku mutunub ning inyung báy, I will never set foot in your house again. 3 [A12] have attended some school. Amin na lang kay nakatunub nà siyag unibirsidad, Just give in. He has gone to college, you know. 4 [A; b6] dishonor, [1061]desecrate s.o.’s name or honor. Ayawg tumbi ang dungug sa átung pamilya, Don’t dishonor our family’s name. (←) n 1 footprint. 1a the k.o. life one led. Sunda ang túnub sa ímung amahan, Follow in your father’s footsteps. 2 footfalls. Kinsa nang dagkug túnub sa táas, Who made that loud noise upstairs? — ug kasíkas n sound effects in a radio play (lit. footfalls and noise). Ang mga túnub ug kasíkas kinahanglang itayming giyud sa lakaw sa dúlà, The sound effects should be coordinated with the progress of the play. tumbanan n place one puts the feet when sitting.

túnud v 1 [A; c] convey below the surface of the water or into a pit. Nagtúnud kug patayng irù sa lawud, I threw the dead dog into the deep part of the ocean. Itúnud na ang lungun sa lungag, Lower the casket into the hole now. 2 [B245; b6] for the sun to set. Nagkatúnud (nagkatunud) na ang adlaw sa kasadpan, The sun is sinking in the west.

tunug n sound of a musical instrument. Manánuy ang tunug sa mga tulunggun, The musical instruments make a sweet sound. a 1 resonant, producing a distantly loud sound. Tunug ning sistáha dà, dì bungul, This guitar is sure resonant. It is not dull. Tunug kaáyu dinhi ang sinultihánay sa píkas kwartu, You can clearly hear the conversation in the next room. 2 widely known. Tunug na nga mupaúlì ka, Everybody knows that you’re going home. v [B2; b6] 1 become resonant, consider s.t. so. Sa magkadaan ang byulin, magkatunug sab, The older a violin gets, the more resonant it becomes. 2 be distinctly audible. Mutunug ímung tíngug kun pabur mi sa hángin, Your voice is very audible if the wind comes towards us. 3 [B12] be widely known. Natunug na sa lungsud ang inyung kasal, Everybody knows that you’re getting married. tulunggun n musical instrument.

tun-ug n 1 cold air, atmosphere. Panira arun dì musulud ang tun-ug, Close the windows so the cold won’t get in. 2 dew. v [b4] be exposed to cold drafts. Giubu siya kay natun-ugan, He has a cough because he got exposed to the cold. pa- v [A; b(1)] expose s.t. or oneself to the cold. Ayawg patun-ugi ang kutsi kay dúgayng muandar, Don’t expose the car to the cold because it will be hard to start. paN- v [A] for the odor of s.t. to spread all over. Dílì makapanun-ug ang búwak ug dì pa mamuklad, Flowers don’t give off fragrance before the blossoms open.

tunuk n 1 thorn. Tunuk sa rúsas, Rose thorns. — sa isdà sharp spines on a fish. 2 a sliver or thorn which has pricked the foot and gotten lodged. Tudlísa ang tunuk, Get the splinter out with a needle. 3 prick Tambáli ang tunuk, Put medicine on the prick. v [B126] get a sliver or nail into one’s foot. Natunuk siyag lansang maung gititanus, He got tetanus because he stepped on a nail. Makatunuk nang tuyum, Sea urchins can prick you. hiN- v [A; b4(1)] cut the spines from fish. Piligru ang ítu ug dì hinungkan (hinunukan) kay lā́, It is dangerous if you don’t cut off the spines from the catfish because they are poisonous. -un, tungkun a thorny. alambri nga -un n barbed wire.

túnul v [A; c] convey s.t. to s.o. by hand. Mitúnul siya sa kamut arun pagpahalípay nákù, He offered his hand to congratulate me. Itúnul ra nákù nang libru, Would you hand me that book?

tunung directly at a point. Naigù ang langgam tunung giyud sa kasingkásing, He hit the bird right in the heart. v 1 [AC3; ac6] zero in on a mark, go directly to s.t. Dihà mutunung sa íyang úlu ang napúwak nga lubi, The coconut fell right on his head. Dì kung katunung sa buhù sa dágum kay kurug ku, I cannot get the thread into the eye of the needle because I’m shaking. Wà magtúnung ang mga batúnis ug uhális, The buttons and buttonholes don’t exactly align. 2 [B1256; c16] happen at a particular time, coincide with a certain other event. Natunung nga bakasiyun ang pagkasakit nákù, I got sick just when it was vacation time. Itunung (tungna) sa Anyu Nuybu ang inugurasiyun, The inauguration is set for New Year’s day. 3 [A12; a2] get s.t. (good or bad) as one’s lot. Nakatunung kug silyang tughuun sa sinihan, Of all the seats in the theater I had to pick one that was infested with bugs. Tungna nang asáwang paraygun, Pick a wife that asks for affection. 4 [A12] have the presence of mind to do s.t. Hastang kulbáa nákù. Wà ku katunung ug dágan, How shaken I was! I didn’t have the presence of mind to run. n s.t. aimed at. Milakaw siyang way tunung, He walked out without going anywhere in particular. Láin siyag tunung, He has an evil purpose.

túnuy a fully ripe, well-ripened. v [APB3(1); c1] be, become fully ripe, make s.t. ripe. Karbúru mauy mutúnuy (mupatúnuy) sa ságing, Calcium carbide will make the fruit fully ripe. Matunuy na ning mga prútas inigabut nátù sa Manílà, These fruits will be fully ripe when we arrive in Manila.

tunyu nu (from tuntu nu) would I be foolish enough to do that? Nagdúngan mig swildu [1062]apan akuy íyang pabayrun sa sini. Tunyu nu? We were both paid at the same time, but he wants me to pay his way to the show. He must think I’m stupid or s.t.

tupà v [A23; b8] alight, settle down or land without effective control. Ang ayruplánu mitupà sa humayan, The airplane crash-landed in the rice field. Ang balay nga natupaan sa kwítis nasúnug, The house on which the rocket fell caught fire.

tupad = tapad.

túpas n topaz.

tupay v [a4] become unconscious with the pupils of the eyes moving upward and with twitching of the fingers. Idalì ang bátà sa huspital sa dílì pa tupayun, Bring the child at once to the hospital before it becomes unconscious. n state of being unconscious.

tupi v [A; b] give haircut. Kinsang barbirúha nagtupi nímu, Which barber gave you a haircut? n haircut. pa- v [A; b] get a haircut.

túpi v [B26C3; c] be flush with. Sipilyáhi ang bagà nga tabla hangtud magtúpi ang duha, Plane down the thick board until the two boards are exactly even. Abunúhi ang karsáda hangtud matúpi sa daplin, Put fill in the road until it is flush with the edge. Pun-a ang tangki hangtud ang túbig matúpi sa ngábil, Fill up the tank until the water is flush with the rim.

tupiku n topic. Pirmi lang pulitiku ang tupiku nga ílang hisgútan, Politics is always the topic of their conversation.

tupit v [B; c16] speak with mispronunciations from speech defects, similar to lisping in English, but with a substitution of /s/ for /t/. (The tongue is said to stick to the roof of the mouth.) Nagtupit ang dílà sa nagdiskursu tungud sa nirbiyus, The man who was giving a speech was so nervous he started to lisp.

tuplak v [A; c6] 1 push s.o. or s.t. away. Gituplak sa bátà ang básu sa bintánà, The child pushed the glass out of the window. 2 push a cock toward another to induce the second cock to fight. Ituplak ning sunúya sa usa arun masakmalan tung usa inig-áway níla, Shove this cock toward the other one so that I can grab it when they fight.

tuplas = pantuplas.

tupluk1 a mischievous, full of pranks. Gibutangag íhì sa tupluk dakù ang pláwir bís ni Mám, The prankster put urine in the teacher’s vase. v [B12; b6] be, become mischievous.

tupluk2 = tulpuk (but not doubled).

tuptup v [A; a] 1 cut s.t. from its base or stem. Tuptúpa ang pakù kay dì nà iapil paglútù, Cut the wings off. Don’t include them with what you are cooking. 1a cut s.t. with long strokes at the base. 2 cut s.t. straight across, not tapering. Kinsay nagtuptup ug tupi nímu? Who cut your hair evenly all around your head? a being cut straight across, not tapering. pina- v [A; c] make s.t. cut straight across.

túpù v [A; ac6] pair a boy and a girl off half jokingly. Kusug siyang mutúpù piru nagpabíling dága, She loves to match others off, but she herself stays single. Tupúa sila labun parisun, Match them up. They make such a good pair. tupùtúpù n matching couples.

túpuk = tulpuk. (→) n 1 hole in the ear for earrings. 2 holes in an animal’s ears through which a rope is passed.

túpung a 1 of the same height, even along the top or bottom. Túpung ang íyang mga ngípun, Her teeth are all of the same height. 2 reaching an equally high state of excellence. Si Magsaysay walay túpung, No one is as great as Magsaysay. v 1 [A23S; a2b2] reach to a certain height or level. Ang ákung kalágut mitúpung na sa lángit, My anger reaches the heavens. 2 [A; a] make things even. Tupúnga ang tiil sa silya arun dì magkindangkindang, Even up the chair legs so it won’t wobble back and forth. Dílì na siya hitupngan sa pagkapalikíru, No one is as great a philanderer as he is. 3 [C; a] be of the same height. Nagtúpung sila, They are of the same height. Tupúngun nátù ang mga tanum, Let’s cut the plants even along the top. — ang tiil v [C3] be dead (humorous). 4 [C; c] compare height, ability. Dílì ikatúpung ang íyang abilidad, There is nothing that can compare to his ability. see also alinupung.

tupus1 v [A; b(1)] 1 suck on s.t. in the mouth to eat it or get the juice out. Nagtupus kug biksdrap kay árat ákung tunlan, I am sucking on a cough drop because I have a sore throat. 2 toy or play with s.t. with the mouth. Madaníhung ngábil nga íyang gitupsan sa pagháluk níla, The attractive lips he played with as they kissed. tinupsan n pulp or juiceless flesh after eating. Silhíga ang mga tinupsan human mug pangus ug tubu, Sweep away the pulp after you’re through eating your sugar cane. talinupsan a for clothes to be moist, almost dry after having been wet. Mabulkas na ang hinalay kay talinupsan na, You can take in the clothes now because they are almost dry. v [B125] be, become almost dry.

tupus2 v 1 [A; a12] take over the task of s.o. incapable or unavailable. Kinsa may mutupus [1063]sa ímung trabáhu ug mulakaw ka, Who takes over your chores when you go out? Tupsa ring ákung buhatun kay kahilanatun ku, Take over my work because I feel feverish. 2 [A; b] make up for the time lost or missed. Buhían mu run kun tupsan ninyu ang klási sa Sabadu, I will dismiss you now if you make the class up on Saturday. 3 [A; a12] make up for s.t. lacking by s.t. very good. Púlus sila burung piru gitupus sa ílang anak nga utukan, They are mostly imbeciles, but their one brainy child made up for it. n 1 time used for make-up. Ang trabáhu run tupus sa pista upisiyal gahápun, Today’s work is to make up for yesterday’s holiday. 2 s.t. just as much so in exactly the opposite way. Dátù mi niadtu, tupus pud run nga kakha tukà, We used to be just as rich as we are poor now. Pagkagarbúsang bayhána, tupus sa íyang bánang labihan kamapaubsánun, She is just as stuck up as her husband is modest.

tupwak v [A; b6(1)] push s.t. into a place below in one motion. Wà pa hibaw-i kung kinsay mitupwak sa Dun didtu sa pangpang, The person who pushed the Don over the cliff has not been identified yet.

*turágas pa- v [A] do s.t. indiscriminately without any aim or connection and in unrestrained amounts. May katarúngan nà siyang mupaturágas ug gastu kay kwartáhan man sab, He has a reason to spend his money carelessly. He has plenty anyway. Pangutan-a nang piríku dì ba mupaturágas nà rug tubag, Address the parrot and it will answer you with a stream of random talk. Nagpaturágas lag pamusil sa kabalayan ang mga bandídu, The bandits sprayed the houses with bullets indiscriminately. pina- n 1 s.t. done carelessly and without restraint. 2 extemporaneous dialogue. Nalingaw kaming namínaw sa mga pinaturágas ni Karpu ug ni Bituy sa radiyu, We had great fun listening to the extemporaneous dialogue of Karpo and Bitoy over the radio.

tural see natural.

turátuy v [P; b4] go directly s.w. without paying attention to the surroundings because of anger, embarrassment or some other emotion. Mipaturátuy (miturátuy) siyag lakaw bísag ámung gitawag, She walked straight ahead even though we called her.

túray v [A; a12] scold s.o. heavily. Mutúray nà siyag kasábà ug dì nímu tumánun ang íyang súgù, She really scolds you if you don’t do what she says.

turban n turban or similar headdress. v [A; c] wear a turban.

turdbis n third base in a ball game. v [B36] be on third. Wà giyuy nakaturdbis námù, Not one of us got to third base.

túri n 1 tower. 2 rook in chess. v 1 [A; c] confine in a tower. Gitúri sa hárì ang bigáun níyang anak, The king shut his promiscuous daughter up in a tower. 2 [A13] stay high above from a vantage position overlooking the view below. Nagtúri ka man giyud dihà. Maáyu kaáyu ang ímung paglantaw sa byú, nu? You are up high over there. You sure get a good view, don’t you?

túrik = kuslad.

turíkì v [AC; b5] have intercourse with (humorous). À, muturíkì ka níya bísag gadaut siya, My! You’d have intercourse with her even if she is menstruating?

turil n corral for a herd. v [a1] enclose herd in a corral. Kinahanglang turilun ang mga báka arun way makabuhì, The cows must be fenced in so that none can escape.

túrins n Torrens Title, a document attesting full legal ownership of a piece of land. titulu — = túrins.

turíru n jeans, women’s tight-fitting trousers that look like matadors’ trousers. v [A; c1] make jeans.

turista n tourist. v [B16] be, become a tourist.

turíti n male calf of a cow or carabao.

turiyal v [A; a12] disturb, bother s.o. Way muturiyal nímu ug wà kay útang, Nobody disturbs you if you don’t owe anybody anything. Way makaturiyal nákù ug akuy matúlug, Nobody dares disturb me when I’m asleep.

turíyu1 n adolescent or young bull or male water buffalo. v [B1256; b6] for a male calf to get to be full grown. Ikadáru na nang nati ug maturíyu, You can use the calf for plowing when it gets to be nearly full-grown.

turíyu2 n bullfight.

turka = turku (female).

turku n Indian or Pakistani.

turnilyu1 n bolt, screw. v [b6] use a screw or bolt on s.t. Turnilyúhi na lang nang kaptanan arun malig-un, Just use a screw on that handle so it is strong. lísù sa — = lísù sa buut. see lísù. turnilyadur n screw driver. v [a] use a screw driver on s.t.

turnilyu2 n k.o. finger wrestling where the players join their middle fingers with their arms resting on a table and the one who succeeds in turning the other’s hand over wins. v [B; b6] have finger wrestling.

turníru see turnu.

turniyu, turníyu n 1 tournament. 2 sports tournament. Turníyu sa baskitbul, Basketball tournament. 3 = turnilyu1. v 1 [A13; ab3c] [1064]have a tournament. Turniyúhun (turniyúhan) nátù ang kamut sa prinsísa, We will have a tournament for the princess’ hand. Ug iturníyu ang kamut sa prinsísa, sigurádung ikay únang mapárut, If the princess’ hand is offered in a tournament you would surely be the first to get beaten. 2 [A13] have a sports tourney. 3 = turnilyu2.

turnu1 v 1 [A; a12] turn or cut s.t. in a lathe. 2 [A; b6] thread screws or bolts. n 1 lathe or machine for threading screws and bolts. 2 thread on a screw or bolt. turnuhan = turnu, n1. turníru n lathe operator.

turnu2 n turn to do s.t. Ímu nang turnu paglútù karun, It’s your turn to cook now. v [A; c] assign turns to do s.t. Kinsay gaturnu nímu paggwardiya sa Duminggu? Who assigned you to stand guard on Sunday? turnuturnu, turnuhay n rotation system or by turn. Turnuturnu ang paglimpyu sa simbahan ug átù karun, Cleaning the church is done by turns, and it’s our turn today. v [A1; c] do by turns. Magturnuturnu (magturnuhay) tag báyad sa sugà, Let’s take turns paying the light bill.

turnus = tugnus.

turpáda v [AC; b5] attack, encounter in a fight. Kausa ra nang kasúha ug abugádung dikampanilya ang muturpáda ánà, You’ll have no trouble getting your case dismissed if you have a good lawyer fighting it for you. Ang mga girilyang nagturpáda sa garisun sa Hapun, The guerrilla who attacked the Japanese garrison. Ug mga bátà ang makaturpáda íning makaúna, mangurímaw ni dáyun, If the children attack this food, nothing will be left of it. Ug makigturpáda kag bastus, mabastus kag apil, If you fight with low people, you bring yourself down to their level.

turpi a acting stupid. v [B12; b6] become stupid. Nagkadugay ka ning trabahúa nagkaturpi sab ka, The longer you are on the job the dumber you act. — ang dílà v [B12; a12] for the tongue to be twisted, as after a heart attack, or when a person is in the throes of death.

turpídu n torpedo. v [A; a12] torpedo. Giturpídu ang bapur ug natundag, The ship was torpedoed and sank.

tursi v 1 [A; a12] twist a limb, wring a neck. Buhíi nang kurta arun dì ku tursíhun nang ímung buktun, Drop that knife or I’ll twist your arm. 2 [A; a12] turn, rotate s.t. Tursihag hínay ang manabíla, Turn the steering wheel slowly.

turta n k.o. thick, heavy cake made from flour and eggs. v [A; a2] make, have turta.

turtilya, turtilyas n egg omelette, s.t. cut up fine and fried with a beaten egg. v [A; a2] have, make an omelette.

turtur = tuktur.

túru n 1 male carabao or bull. — nga báka bull. 2 male in a paid sex show. 2a = pa-, n2. v 1 [B1256] become a bull. Kusgan kaáyu ning turiyúha ug matúru na, This young bull will be very strong when it gets to be a full-grown bull. 2 = pa-, v1a. 3 [A; c16] make s.o. work like a horse. Kusug nang agalúnang mutúru ug súgù, apan dílì maáyung manwildu, That employer makes his employees work like a horse but he doesn’t pay them well. pa- n 1 bullfight. 2 sexual intercourse displayed for a fee. 3 fraudulent coin-tossing game where the coins have two heads. v [A; a] 1 hold a bullfight. 1a have a sex exhibition. 1b cheat with fraudulent coins. 2 have sexual intercourse (humorous). turutúru n = pa-, n2. v 1 = pa-, v1a. 2 [A; c16] work hard like a horse. Giturutúru nákù ang trabáhu apan wà ku swildúhi, I worked like a horse, but I wasn’t paid. paturutúru v [A13] pretend to be brave like a bull.

turuk v 1 [B23(1)46; b(1)] sprout, grow from the surface. Wà makaturuk ang similya tungud sa húlaw, The seeds did not sprout because of the drought. Uy gitugkan ug buhuk si Upaw, My, old Baldy has grown hair. 2 [B246; b(1)] for a feeling to develop. Makapaturuk (makaturuk) sa katáhap ang íyang linihukan, His behavior arouses suspicion. n 1 sprout. Pandúngi ang mga bag-ung turuk arun dì maláyà, Cover the new sprouts so they don’t wither. 2 sprout on coconut fruit. Tul-id giyud ang turuk sa binhiun nga lubi, The sprouts of the coconuts for planting are really straight. 3 penis (humorous euphemism). — banwa n 1 s.t. growing without being planted and taking space, like a weed. 2 a person who is useless and occupies space. Turuk banwa nà siya sa pamilya; dílì mutábang sa buluhatun, That person just occupies space in the house. He does not help with the chores. tugkan n coconut having a sprout. turukturuk n tiny growths which emerge. Unsa nang mga turukturuk sa ímung náwung, bugas? What are those growths on your face, pimples?

turun n confection made with chopped nuts mixed in honey or sugar paste. — diman peanut nougat. — dipíli pili nut nougat. banána — sweet made of bananas wrapped in thin pastry and fried. v [A; b6c1] make a nut nougat. -is(←) = turun (plural).

turung n s.t. worn as a head covering. Pagdalag [1065]turung kay tingálig muulan, Bring s.t. to cover your head with. It might rain. v [B6; c1] protect the head, wear a head covering. Nagturung siyag dáhun sa ságing arun dì mahumud sa ulan, He protected his head with a banana leaf to avoid getting wet in the rain.

turungturung n small top shells reaching 1″.

turúrut = tarúrut.

turus v [A; a12] 1 squash s.t. between the two thumbnails. Turusa (tudsa) dáyun ang kútu arun dílì mawálà, Squash the louse immediately with your thumbnails before it disappears. 2 defeat or crush helpless opposition in a fight. Ipakítà ku kaninyu unsáun pagturus nang ámung mga kaáway, I’ll show you how we will crush our enemy.

turut a exhibiting a lack of judgment or propriety in doing s.t. or speaking; silly. Manginhas magpáyung mu rag si turut, You are a dodo! You want to take an umbrella to go shellfishing! v [B126] be, become silly.

turútut = tarúrut.

turútuy a a person much shorter than normal. Taastaas sad ang turútuy kay sa inánu, A very short person is taller than a dwarf. v [B12; b6] become a very short person.

tús1 v [A; c] set up a volleyball. -ir n one whose job is to set up the ball for the spiker. v [B1256; c1] be the one who sets the ball up for the spiker.

tús2 = túlus.

tusak = tuslak. (←) v [B13; a12] pierce s.t. with several holes. Kinsay nagtúsak áring tilun? Who put a lot of holes in the screen? Tusákun kag dunggab ug hisakpan ka sa tulisan, The bandits will stab you all over if they catch you. tusaktusak = tusak.

tus-ap1 v [A; c16] put up a candidate. Musugut kag tus-ápun (itus-ap) kang kandidátu? Are you amenable if they put you up as a candidate?

tus-ap2 = tús1.

tusdik v [A; a12] prick a pustule. Ayaw ug líhuk samtang nagtusdik ku sa ímung talubig, Don’t move while I prick your pustule.

túsik1 n drinking party (slang). Ági unyà sa ámù karung gabíi kay may túsik didtu, Come by the house tonight because we’re holding a drinking party. v [AC; c1] have a drinking party or drink alcoholic beverage (slang).

túsik2 v 1 [A; b5] peck at. Nabúta siya kay gitúsik íyang mata sa langgam, He became blind because a bird pecked at his eyes. 2 [AC; a12] start a cockfight by letting the cocks peck each other once. Kinahanglang tusíkun ang mga manuk arun maglábuk dàyun, The cocks must be set to pecking at each other so that they will fight at once. n 1 pecking. 2 setting of cocks to peck at each other.

tuskig a stiff, crisp. Tuskig nga papil dibangku, Crisp banknotes. v [B; b6] stiffen. Ang nagtuskig níyang karsúnis, His well-starched trousers. Nagkatuskig na ang minatay, The body is getting stiff. — ug líug be haughty. pa- v [A; c1] act haughty. Nagpatuskig lang siya sa líug dihang gipangayúag hinábang, She acted haughty when I asked her for a contribution.

tuslak v [A; a1] drive s.t. into s.t. so as to pierce it. Kinsay nagtuslak sa prútas ug kutsilyu? Who stuck a knife into the fruit? Gituslak níla ang mata sa higanti, They pierced out the giant’s eyes.

tuslù v [A; c] dip part of s.t. into s.t. for a short period of time. Ígù ra kung mituslù sa túbig. Walà ku magdúgay kay tugnaw, I just dipped into the water for a minute. I didn’t stay long because it was cold. Nagtuslù ug asin nga nagkaug mangga, He is eating mangoes dipping them in salt.

tuslub = tunlub.

tuslud (from sulud) v [A; c] dunk s.t. in a liquid or solid, partially or completely. Maputì ang karning ituslud sa inínit túbig, Meat gets pale if it is dunked into hot water. Ituslud ang mangga sa asin, Stick the mango in the salt.

tusluk v 1 [A; ab2] prick or poke s.t. by driving s.t. pointed into it. Kinsay nagtusluk íring kík nga nabúhù man? Who poked a finger in the cake? It has a hole in it. Tuslúka ang mata sa kuntra, Poke your finger into your opponent’s eyes. 1a [b8] be had for sexual purposes. Hituslukan na nang bayhána sa íyang uyab, The girl has had relations with her boy friend. 2 [A; b6(1)] plug into a socket. Itusluk únà ang kurd únà mamalantsa, Plug the cord in before you iron. n electric plug. -anan n electric outlet, socket for plugging s.t. into.

tusmaw v [A; c] get into a pool of liquid, completely or partly. Natusmaw ku sa lápuk, I fell into a muddy pool. Ang mga nagámit nga kubyirtus mauy itusmaw sa túbig ínit, The silver they used should be immersed into the boiling water.

tusmud v [A; c] 1 push s.o. forward. Natumba ang bátà nga íyang gitusmud, The child that he pushed fell down. 2 dip, immerse s.t. big in water. Siyay nagtusmud sa katring dughuun didtu sa dágat, He immersed the [1066]bed that was full of bugs into the sea. Natusmud siya sa kanal, He fell into the ditch. 3 [A] wade, immerse oneself in the water.

tusnub v 1 [A; c] dip, dunk or sop in liquid, esp. s.t. which absorbs and becomes soft. Alkuhul nga gitusnúban sa gápas, Alcohol the doctor dipped the cotton in. Itusnub ang dúnat sa kapi, Dunk the doughnut in the coffee. 2 [A2] wade, swim in water.

tusnud v [A; c] dip, immerse a part of s.t. or s.t. held. Kinsa tung nagtusnud sa ákung ū́ sa túbig? Who held my head under the water? Natusnud sa lápuk ang íyang sapátus, He stepped into the mud puddle with his shoes.

tustǎr v [A; c1] toast bread or noodles. n s.t. toasted. tustádu n toasted bread or noodles. v [A13; a12] toast bread or noodles.

tustus v [A; a2] roll up a tobacco leaf. Tustúsa dáan nang tabákù arun dì ka na magtustus pa sa uma, Roll the tobacco beforehand so you won’t have to roll any in the field. n rolled tobacco leaf, -in- n rolled up tobacco leaf. v [A] smoke rolled tobacco. Magtinustus gihápun siya bisag makapalit nag abánu, He insists on smoking rolled tobacco even though he can afford cigars now.

túsu a clever in deceiving others. Túsu kaáyu si Baúhay maung nakalingkawas siya gíkang Amúay, Mr. Turtle was very clever so he managed to escape from Mr. Monkey. v [B12; b6] become clever in deceiving. patusutúsu v [A; b6] pretend. Nagpatusutúsu kung hubug arun agákun ku níya, I acted drunk so she would help me walk.

tusud = turus.

túsug v [A12; a4] for s.t. sharp to pierce and get stuck into s.t. Bildu mauy nakatúsug sa ligid, A glass splinter got stuck into the tire. Natúsug ang íyang kamut sa dágum, He pricked his hand with a needle. (→) n a sliver stuck into s.t.

túsuk v 1 [A; ac] pierce s.t. through s.t. else, skewer. Tusúka ang isdang tap-anan, Skewer the fish you are going to broil. 2 [A; b] make a hole in the earlobe. (→) n 1 skewer. 2 a hole in the ear for earrings or in animals for the tether rope.

túsup v [A; b] suck the juice out of s.t. Tusúpi ang lísu únà iluwà, Suck the juice out of the seed before you spit it out.

tusuy = sutuy.

tutal it does not matter, in any event [so-and-so] is the case. Pahagka ku bi. Tutal, kaslúnun na man ta, Let me kiss you. Anyway, we are going to get married. Ákù lang gibilin. Tutal, mubalik pa man ku, I just left it. Anyway, I was going to come back for it. Ngánu bag mag-úlan? Tutal, díay ákung páyung, What if it rains? Anyway, I have my umbrella.

tútal v 1 [A; a12] add up. Búgù giyug aritmitik ang nagtútal íni, The one who added this up must be slow in arithmetic. 2 [a12] sum up advantages and disadvantages, pro’s and con’s, etc. Ug tutálun nátù, ikaw ang alkansi sila ang nak aganansiya, If we analyze it, you are on the losing end and they gain.

tutbras n 1 toothbrush. 2 action of brushing the teeth. Ngípun nga walay tutbras, Teeth which haven’t been brushed. v [A; b] brush s.o.’s teeth for him or false teeth. Tutbrási nang ímung marpil uy, Brush your false teeth! paN- v [A2; c6] brush one’s teeth. Ayawg panutbras kay anúgun ang kìkì, Don’t brush your teeth because it’s a waste of food particles.

tuthu = taluthu.

tutpik n 1 toothpick. Mu ra ka mag tutpik kaniwánga, You are as thin as a toothpick. 2 variety of croton (kalípay, 2) with very slender leaves. paN- v [A2; c6] pick one’s teeth.

tútù title for a male a little older than the speaker, used also as a nickname.

tùtù1 v 1 [A; a] crush, pound s.t. until it is soft or tender but without breaking it into pieces. Magtùtù kug anghilika itampuy sa nagsakit kung ngípun, I’ll crush bryophyllum leaves to use as a compress for my teeth. Ákung tùtúun ang karning bipstikun, I’ll pound the meat for beefsteak. 2 [A; c1] bruise a part of the body, the lips, with a violent impact.

tùtù2 = talùtù1.

tutub v [A; b5] cover the mouth of a container securely by laying s.t. over it and tying it. Ákung tutubun (tutbun, tutuban, tutban) ang ginamus, I’ll cover the salted fish securely. n cover tied around the mouth of a container. -in- n vessel or container which is covered securely.

tutug = tultug.

tútuk1 v [A2] stand upright unaided or on one’s own. Dì pa mutútuk ning batáa, This child can’t stand unsupported yet. Dì pa ku makatútuk kaáyu kay lúya pa ang ákung láwas, I can’t stand alone very well yet because I’m weak. udtung — n high noon.

tútuk2 v [A; b6] stare. Nagsiga íyang mata nga mitútuk nákù, He stared at me with his eyes blazing. Itútuk ímung mga mata sa kahitas-an, Fix your eyes to the heavens. -in-ay v [C; c3] stare at each other. [1067]

tutul, tútul v [A2; b(1)] object. Ug way mututul, aprubádu na ang musiyun, If no one objects, the motion is approved. Unsang partíha sa risulusiyun ang ímung gitutúlan? What part of the resolution are you objecting to? ma-un a characterized with reluctance or disobedience.

tutunlan see túlun.

tútut = títit.

tútuy v 1 [A2S; b] suck the breast. Nagtutuy pa siya pagkamatay sa íyang inahan, He was still sucking his mother’s breast when she died. 2 [A13] be at the sucking stage. Dì pa mabulag ang ituy sa inahan kay nagtutuy pa, You can’t take the puppy away from its mother because it is still suckling. 3 [A23] lick s.o.’s boots. Kusug kaáyu ang íyang pag-usbaw sa katungdánan kay maáyu mang mutútuy, He easily got to the top because he never hesitates to lick his superiors’ boots. n breast. tutyan, tutyanan n feeding bottle.

tuu, túu1 n 1 right hand, right side of a pair. Kusgan ang tuu (túu) nákung kamut kay sa wala, My right hand is stronger than my left. — nga kamut a right hand. b right-hand man. Siya ang túung kamut sa dátù, He is the right-hand man of the Datu. 2 right side. Likù sa tuu, Turn to the right. wala ug — see wala. pa-(→) v [A; c6] go to keep to the right side. Ipatuu ang kutsi labinag likuun, Keep to the right, esp. on the curves. tuuhun, tuhuun, tùhun n 1 right-handed. 2 implement made to be used by a right-handed person. Ayawg gámit sa tuuhun nga sundang ug walhun ka, Don’t use a right-handed bolo if you are left-handed.

túu2 v 1 [A; b(1)] believe. Mutúu ka bag anting-anting? Do you believe in amulets? Tuhúan (tuúhan) ba gud nang pulitiku? Should you believe that politician? 2 [AP; b(1)] heed. Dì ka man gud mupatúu (mutúu) ug tambágan, It’s because you don’t listen when you’re given advice. Sultíhi siya kay ikaw ray íyang tuhúan, Tell him because you’re the only one he listens to. Mitúu Aku n The Apostles Creed. short form: mituáku. Mangadyì kitag Mitúu Aku, Let us pray the Apostles’ Creed. v 1 [A13] return, come back to a place after having supposedly left it for good (from the portion of the Apostles’ Creed that reads, ‘And He will come back ...’). Anía mibálik na sab ku mu ra ug nagmitúu aku, Here I am back again, like it said in the Apostles’ Creed. 2 [A13P] keep going back and forth. Magmituáku ang kalag pagtúman sa pinitinsiya, A soul keeps coming back on earth to do penance. Ang pagkalimtánun mauy makamituáku (makapamituáku) nákù sa balay, I’m so forgetful I keep going back and forth to the house. tuutúu n superstitious belief. Tuutúu lang nga taw-an nang dakíta, It’s nothing more than superstition that that banyan is inhabited by spirits. patuutúu v [A; c] deceive by pretending to be s.o. or teaching s.t. false. Nagpatuutúu siyang asindíru apan diay musimus nga dakù, He pretends to be a big landowner when he’s nothing more than a beggar. Unsa na say íyang gipatuutúu? What k.o. foolishness is he trying to make you believe now? n false ideas which s.o. is disseminating. Patuutúu lang nà sa mga panatiku, That’s nothing but baloney that the fanatics try to make you believe. matuutuuhun, matuhùtuhuun a superstitious, given to false beliefs. tinuhúan, tinuúhan n beliefs, religious or otherwise. tuluhúan n article of belief. pag- n belief, feeling of certainty that s.t. is a certain way. matuúhun a having faith.

tuub, túub1 n 1 k.o. treatment by steam whereby the patient is set before a pot of boiling water with herbs or a representative of whatever caused his illness, and a blanket is put over him so that he can breathe in the steam; or if it is just a part of his body that is ailing, the ailing part is exposed to the steam. 1a a similar treatment with tobacco smoke instead of steam for stomach ailments. 2 the material which is thought to have caused the illness, used in the tuub treatment. (←) v [A; b5] treat with tuub. Gitúub (gituúban) ku ang katul sa ákung tiil, I treated the rash on my foot with steam.

túub2 n unopened palm fronds, esp. coconut. Nagkúhà siyag túub pára sa bindíta sa lukay, He gathered some unopened coconut fronds for Palm Sunday.

tuud n 1 stump of tree or post. 2 unextracted stump of a tooth. v [B1256] get worn down to stumps.

túud1 1 particle indicating agreement with an explanation or after being reminded. Túud nu, pídi man diay run, That’s right, isn’t it? It is payday today, isn’t it? 2 particle indicating that s.t. is in accordance with what happened before. Túud man, ílang gilúkat ang ságing, And so, they uprooted the banana plant (after having discussed doing so). 3 particle used to disprove s.t. that was negated: actually, in reality. Wà kunu siyay áluy, dúna túud, He said he does not have a penny, but actually he does. 4 is it true that? Muanhi túud ang mayur ugmà, Is the mayor really coming tomorrow? 5 to be [1068]sure [so-and-so] is the case, but ... Barut túud ni apan barátu man sab, This may be a poor kind but it is cheap anyway. (→) v [A23C23; a12] get to be serious about a game or joke, make s.t. serious. Ayaw palábig kundat níya kay mutuud nà siya, Don’t fool around too much with him because he will take it seriously. Ang ílang háluk sa maung isína nagtúud kay giganáhan na sila, Their kiss in that scene became real when they both got stimulated. Muundang nà siya nímug sugsúg ug ímung tud-un, He will stop teasing you if you treat him seriously. paN-(→) v 1 = -in-(→), v. 2 [A23] get emotionally agitated in a game or argument. Manuud siyag ikalális, He gets agitated if you argue with him. -in- a 1 true, correct, genuine. Tinúud nga kaági, True-life story. Tinúud nga diyamanti, Genuine diamond. 2 do well. Háwid ug tinúud arun dì ka mahúlug, Hold on tight so you don’t fall. v [B1256] become true, correct, genuine. Pastilag matinúud tung ákung damgu! My! What if that dream of mine were to come true! (→) v 1 [A2; a12] make true a statement, threat. Pastilan ug tinud-un níya tung íyang hulga! My! What if he makes his threat come true! 2 [AN; a12] do s.t. in a true or serious way, not jokingly or half-heartedly. Wà muy dag-anan ug mutinuud (maninuud) na kug dúwà, You haven’t a hope if I play seriously. -inin-(→) a in a genuine, serious way. Tininuud tung íyang paningkámut, It was an honest-to-goodness effort of his. tinud-anay, tinud-ay, tinuuray a 1 sincere. Tinud-anay (tinuuray) nga pagbásul, Sincere regret. 2 serious, not playfully. Tinud-anay tung ílang áway dì dráma, Their fight was real, not just a put-on. v [C] get to be serious from mere joke or play. kamatuúran n 1 truth. Dúnay kamatuúran ang íyang gisulti, There is some truth in what he said. 2 proof. Ayawg kíha ug wà kay kamatuúran, Don’t sue if you have no proof. ma- a true. Mau kini ang matúud nga hinungdan, This is the true reason. v [A; bc1] prove. Kini ang mumatúud sa ímung salà, This will prove your guilt. Namatud-an siyang sad-an, He was proven guilty. Imatúud (matuúra) kanà sa hukmánan, Prove that in court. pakama- v [A13; a12] consider s.t. true. matinud-ánun a sincere, true. Matinud-ánun siya sa íyang sáad, He is true to his promises. pagka-in- n truth, reality. Sa pagkatinúud wà kuy pagsálig nímu, In reality I don’t trust you. †

túud2 v [A3S; a1b] know how, show s.o. how to get to a place. Nakatuud ku sa ílang hayid-áwut, I know where their hide-out is. Tuúra ang gitagúan nákung kúkis, Locate the place I hid the cookies at. Tuúri kug háin ang sikrítung agiánan, Lead me to the secret passage. pa- v [A; c] show s.t.; show off s.t. Mipatúud ang bátà sa íyang samad sa íyang inahan, The child showed his mother his wound. Nagpatúud ang hambugíru sa íyang bag-ung kutsi, The braggart is showing off his new car.

túug n the young unopened leaf of a buri palm, esp. processed into strips to be used in weaving mats and bags.

tuuk v [A; ab2] choke. Kusgánung kamut ang mituuk níya, Strong hands choked her. Natuuk ang manuk sa kaugalíngung hukut, The chicken choked on the string that tied it.

tuun1 v [A; b(1)] 1 teach. Si Mánuy nagtuun nákug bisiklíta, My brother taught me how to ride a bicycle. Tun-i siyag languy, Teach her how to swim. 2 study. Dì na nà tun-an kay sayun da, You don’t have to study that because it’s easy. 2a [A; b(1)] study, put s.t. under consideration. Tun-an pa nákù tung ímung tanyag, I will still put your offer under consideration. 3 attend school. Ayawg intra sa ínum kay nagtuun ka pa, Don’t take up drinking because you are still studying. 4 [A12; b8] learn from. Didtu siya makatuun ug panúlis sa munti, He learned about robbery in prison. -anan n s.t. to be studied. hiN-(←) a studious. Hinúun siya, buguk lang, He studies hard, only he is stupid. matulun-ánun a educational, giving lessons. Matulun-ánun nga lílas, An instructive movie. v [B146] be instructive, educational. pag- n 1 studies, schooling. Nahúnung ang íyang pagtuun paggíra, His studies were interrupted by the war. 2 action of putting s.t. under analytic consideration or advisement. pagtulun-an n 1 teachings, moral lesson. Pagtulun-an sa sugilánun, The moral lesson of the story. 2 lesson in school. see also kat-un.

túun v 1 [B3] be directed towards a focus. Wà ku makakità nímu kay didtu magtúun ang ákung mata sa ladlad, I didn’t see you because my eyes were focused on the wares that were on display. Dì matúun ang gás sa bàbà sa butilya ug way imbúdu, Kerosene will not get directly into the mouth of the bottle if there is no funnel. 2 [A; c] put a child on the patty. (→)2 v [c6] happen coincidentally with s.t. else. Wà mi magsábut kay natuun lang sa pag-abut, We had no agreement. We just arrived at the same time by coincidence. Ituun ug Duminggu ang kasal, [1069]Have the wedding on a Sunday.

tuung n a raised frame of wood or iron placed around an opening to prevent foreign materials from getting in. Butangi ug tuung ang bàbà sa atábay arun dílì mubálik ug sulud ang túbig, Put a coaming around the mouth of the well so that water will not get back in. v 1 [A13; b6] construct a coaming around s.t. 2 — ang tutunlan [B46] get a lump in the throat from emotion. Mutuung ang ákung tutunlan nga magtan-aw sa mga bátang manligdas lang sa asíras magabíi, I get a lump in my throat when I see children sleeping on the sidewalks at night.

túuy v [A13; b6(1)] press a hot object over s.t. Nasúnug ang panaptun nga íyang gituúyan sa ínit kaáyung plantsa, The cloth got burnt when she pressed it with a hot iron.

tuwa = tula. tuwatúwa, tinuwatuwa = lunaw.

tuwad v 1 [A; b6] be in position with the rump stuck out and the body downward. Ilúhi nang bátà kay nagtuwad na, Wipe the child now that he is thrusting out his rump. 1a [A3P] for s.t. horizontal to be lower at the tail end. Nagtuwad ang sakayan kay bug-at sa prúwa, The boat is low at the bow because too much weight was put in front. 2 [A; c1] overturn s.t. bottoms up. Tuwara (ituwad) ang bisiklíta kay átung ilísag ligid, Turn the bicycle upside down because I will change the tire. 3 [A; a12] scrutinize s.t. carefully to find a mistake or falsity. Bísan pag tuwarun ninyu siya, mudukut giyud siya sa íyang diklarasiyun, No matter how well you cross-examine him he will stick to his declaration. (←) n (colloquial — somewhat coarse) 1 fruit or product of one’s effort or endeavor. Nabúhì siya sa dílì íyang túwad, He lives on the fruit of others’ efforts. 2 children. Akuy musúgù sa ákung mga anak kay ákung túwad, I’ll tell my children what to do because they are my own. 3 work. Ákù ang tanang túwad sa balay, I do all the work in the house. (←) tuáli v 1 [B; a12] be in complete disorder, disrupted. Usba nang trabahúa kay nagtúwad tuáli, Redo that work because it’s all a mess. Dì ku mangilábut ninyu bísag túwad tualíhun ninyu ang inyung kinabúhì, I won’t interfere. You may make a mess of your life if you like. 2 = tuwad, v3. ka-(←) tuáli v [A13] be in complete disorder. tuwadtúwad v 1 = tuwad, v3. 2 [A1] expend a great deal of effort in s.t. Nagtuwadtúwad ug hílak, Crying for all he was worth.

túwag v [B1; b6] be disarranged, in disarray. Matúwag (magtúwag) ang mga butang sa báy ug náay mga bátà, The things in the house will be in disarray when there are children around. a in disarray.

tuwak v 1 [A; b5] cross over the summit of a hill and come down on the other side. Mutuwak kag pitu ka bungtud úsà ka muabut sa gilagíngan, You have to cross over seven hills before you reach the logging area. 2 [A2] for rain to stop. Manlákaw ta kun mutuwak na ang ulan, We will go if the rain stops.

tuwang1, túwang1 v [AB; c1] tilt s.t. over on its side, for s.t. to tilt. Hináyag tuwang ang táru ug maghuwad kag túbig, Tilt the can slowly when you pour water out. Twangun (ituwang) ku ning lamísa kun manihúun nímug baráha, I’ll turn the table over if you manipulate the cards. a tilted. Tuwang kaáyu ang tartanilyang gisakyag tambuk, The cart was tilted very much to one side when a fat man got on it. tuwangtúwang v [AB1456; a12] 1 rock, make s.t. rock from side to side. Nagtuwangtúwang ang barku sa kadagkù sa balud, The boat was rocking from side to side in the big waves. v [A; c16] carry water using the tuwangtúwang. n strong strip of bamboo for carrying cans of water which are suspended from it. — nga silya n rocking or swivel chair. -an(→) = tuwangtúwang, n.

tuwang2, túwang2 v [B234] for rain or a storm to stop. Nagkatuwang na ning bagyúha kay mihínay na ang hángin, This storm is abating now as the wind has subsided.

túwang3 v [A; b] help s.o. work. Tulu kaming mitúwang kaníya ug dáru, Three of us helped him plow. Dì siya makatúwang nímu pag-alsa sa kaban, He cannot help you lift the trunk. ka- n helper.

túwang4 a having a big gap in age or financial state. Adunáhan siya ug kabus ku. Túwang kaáyu ang ámung kahimtang, She’s wealthy and I’m poor. We come from very different social positions.

tuwas v 1 [B6; b6] be dislocated, displaced. Mituwas (natuwas) ang íyang síku sa pagkahúlug níya, His elbow was dislocated when he fell down. 2 [A; c1] unlodge, unwedge s.t. lodged in a place. Ikaw bay nagtuwas sa ali sa agiánan? Did you remove the bar that blocked the passageway? Átung twasun (ituwas) nang punúan sa lubi nga nasángit sa káhuy, We’ll remove the coconut trunk that is wedged in the branches of the tree.

tuwatúwa = lunaw.

tuwaw v 1 = tuaw, 1. 2 [A; b3] weep, cry. Unsay gituwawan nímu, ang sintimintal nga [1070]salída? What are you crying about? The sentimental movie?

tuway1 n vaginal secretion having an extremely foul odor. v [a4] have such secretions. Gituway sigúru siya kay bakag kaáyug ági, She must have a vaginal disorder because she leaves behind a very foul odor. -un(←) a having a very odourous vaginal secretion.

tuway2, túway n k.o. edible clam about 3″ in width. paN- v [A2; b6] go clamming. Nanúway mi sa katunggan, We gathered clams in the mangrove swamps. tuwaytuway1 n k.o. clam.

tuwaytuway2 v [B4] for s.t. to be almost cut off and dangle loosely. Nagtuwaytuway ang íyang tudlù nga hápit na maputul, The part of his finger that is almost cut off is dangling loosely. Ang pagkadugmuk sa íyang bitíis mauy nakatuwaytuway (nakapatuwaytuway) niíni, His leg is now dangling loosely because it was crushed.

tuwaytúway1 n kneecap. The kneecap of a dead person is believed to give a person special powers, e.g. invisibility.

tuwaytúway2 n k.o. annual, erect and branched herb of open waste spaces: Bidens cynapiifolia.

tuwittuwit n chirp of birds. Makalingaw pamináwun ang mga tuwittuwit sa mga langgam, It’s amusing to listen to the birds chirp. v [A] for birds to chirp.

túy1 n simplified version of takyan where the players pass the takyan around in a circle and whoever misses gets punished by having to serve all the players in turn. v [A; b6] play túy.

túy2, 3 = túluy1, 2.

túya n freak. Túya nà siya kay dakù kaáyug úlu, He is a freak because he has a very large head.

túyà v [AB234; c16] sway, move in a rocking-like motion. Mga balud nga mutúyà sa sakayan, Waves that rock the boat. Kusug mutúyà ang sakayan ug way karga, An empty boat rocks a lot. n swaying. tuyàtúyà v [AB46; c1] rock, sway. Nagtuyàtúyà ang dáhun nga natágak, The leaves are waving back and forth as they fall.

*túyang pa- v [A; b(1)] keep on doing s.t. on a lavish scale. Kun magpatúyang kag ínum, lagmit ulsirun ka, If you don’t curb your drinking, you will surely get an ulcer. Gipatuyángan siya sa gustu, She was allowed to do what she wanted to do without restraint. pina-an n one who is allowed to have his way. mapa-un a immoderate, lavish in quantity.

tuyarug v [A; b(1)] stand erect, motionless, and speechless. Sa ákung kalísang mituyarug na lang ku sa daplin nga hálus muginháwa, Due to my fright I stood motionless in the corner, hardly daring to breathe.

tuyátuy = turátuy.

tuybù v [B6; b6] project from the surface, stick up into the air. Mituybù lang ang isla nga bag-ung nahimugsù, The newly-born island just sprang up. Súngay nang nagtuybù sa ímung úlu? Is that a horn protruding from your head? n projection, mound, or the like.

tuyhad v 1 [A; c1] straighten up the body, stay erect. Tuyhad ug panagsa kun maglingkud kag dúgay, Stretch out once in a while when you sit for some time. Ituyhad (tuyhára) ímung láwas kanang mu rag kadíti, Carry your body straight like a cadet. 2 [A1] arrive from s.w. empty-handed (lit. not bent under a load). Miabut gíkan sa byáhi walà giyuy dala. Nagtuyhad lang, He arrived from his trip empty-handed. a straight, erect of the body.

tuyhákaw v [A; c] crane one’s neck, pull oneself up tall. Mituyhákaw ang tanang líug paglabay sa artista, They all craned their necks when the actress passed by. Nagtuyhákaw ang kubra nga pumapaak, The cobra pulled itself up when it was preparing to strike.

tuyhud a straight, not bent or crooked. Tuyhud kaáyu ning kahúya, This piece of wood is very straight. v [AB3; c1] stretch out straight. Nagkatuyhud na ang ákung buktun nga napíang, I can gradually begin to straighten out the arm I had sprained. Nagtuyhud lang nang tawhánang nagbayli, That man is dancing straight and stiff.

tuytuy1 n fruit bud, small immature fruits. paN- v [A2] grow small fruits. Ang bungáhuy makapanuytuy ug dalì ug daúban, A fruit tree will develop fruit buds if you expose it to smoke.

tuytuy2 v 1 [A; a12] make a sound to call chickens. Ánad kaáyung manúka kay mudúul dáyug tuytúyun, What a tame chicken! As soon as you go ‘toytoy’ to it, it comes. 2 = túkuy, v1. n 1 sound for calling chickens. 2 = túkuy.

tuytuy3 n 1 any small clay jar. 2 one-node bamboo tube container for water or palm toddy. 3 small-mouthed, thick, dark-green glass jug holding about six gallons, used for storing coconut palm toddy. A network of rattan with a handle on both sides is fitted around the body. -an(→) = tuytuy3.

túyu n soy sauce. v [b] put soy sauce in s.t.

tuyù n wound esp. one which is inflicted in [1071]a contest. Ang sunuy nakadaug sa tárì nga walay tuyù, The rooster won in the cockfight without a wound. v [A12; b8] inflict a wound. Padag-un ku ang ímung manuk ug makatuyù sa ákù, I will let your cock win if it can inflict a wound on mine.

túyù1 = túyu.

túyù2 n purpose, intention. Unsay ímung túyù dinhi, What is your purpose in being here? — kay [so-and-so] happened because s.t. else was or was not done. Gihilantan ka túyù kay nagpasinguwan, You got a fever because you went and played in the rain. v 1 [A3; a2b] do s.t. on purpose. Pasaylúa ku kay wà nákù tuyúa, I’m sorry. I didn’t do it intentionally. 2 [A13; b(1)] do s.t. for a specific purpose. Nagtúyù mig bingka pára sa ímung pag-abut, We made rice cakes esp. for your arrival. 3 [A13; b(1)] with full awareness of what one is doing. Agwanta ka kay gituyúan nímu ang pagpangasáwa níya, You have to put up with it because you married her on purpose. 3a [A13; b(1)] do s.t. to provoke trouble for oneself, ask for it. Ngánung dì ka man mutúug sugúun? Magtúyù ka lang giyud, Why do you not do as you’re told? You are asking for it. Ngánung misaka ka dihà? Nagtúyù kag mahúlug? Why are you climbing up there? You want to fall or s.t.? paN- = pamaláyi. see bayi. paN-(→) v [A2; b6] get angry. Nanuyù si Pápa kay dúgay kang naulì, Daddy is angry because you went home late. -in- n 1 intentional. Dì tu aksidinti. Tinúyù tu, It was no accident, it was intentional. 2 esp. done. Tinúyù nga gulà sa pasku, Special Christmas issue. 3 arranged marriage. Ang kaminyúung tinuyù lagmit dílì mutunhay, Arranged marriages rarely last. -in-an n s.t. done intentionally. Wà ku magbásul kay tinuyúan man tu nákù, I don’t regret it because I did it on purpose. ka-an n aims, purpose. Gibatbat ang katuyúan sa kumpirinsiya, They explained the aims of the conference. pina- n specifically made or designed. Pinatúyù nga lingkuránan sa bátà, Chair esp. designed for children. -un(→) a place not conveniently accessible. Tuyuun ílang balay kay náa sa intiriyur, Their house is not convenient to get to because it is far from the road.

túyub n k.o. itchy and painful fistula growing under the skin in the rectum, penetrating deeply, eventually reaching the intestines. v [A123P; a4] get túyub.

tuy-ud v [APB3; c16P] straighten s.t. out, be straight. Sayun dang pagtuy-ud (pagpatuy-ud) sa kulut nga buhuk, It’s easy to straighten out curly hair. Dì kung katuy-ud sa mubung katri, I can’t lie with my legs straight on a short bed.

túyuk v [APB2S3; aPc] spin, turn around, go around s.t.; make s.t. spin or go around. Pagnga ang púnu kay nagtuyuk pag turntíbul, Turn the victrola off because the turntable is still turning. Isakay siya sa bisiklíta ug itúyuk sa plása, Put him on your bicycle and take him around the plaza. nag-(→) pa ang búla nobody can be sure (lit. the ball is still rolling). Bísag dakù na tag bíyà, ayaw mug kadiskárids kay nagtuyuk pa ang búla, Even if we are way behind, don’t get discouraged because the game isn’t over. pa- v [A; c] have s.o. turn or spin s.t. around. Ipatúyuk ning istinsil sa tigmimyugrap, Have the mimeographer run this stencil off. -an(→) n axle. Nabálì ang tuyukan sa garapinyíra, The axle in the ice-cream freezer broke. tuyuktúyuk nga silya n swivel chair. tuyuktúyuk ug pangítà v [B1] search here and there. Timan-ig maáyu ása mu nà ibutang arun dì ka magtuyuktúyuk (matuyuktúyuk) ug pangítà ug kinahanglánun na, Make a note of where you put it so you do not go around everywhere looking for it when you need it. -un(→) n general term for cone and olive shells.

twagsik v [AN; c] for a liquid to fly and scatter. Ngánu bang mutwagsik (manwagsik) man nang íyang láway igsulti níya, Why does his saliva spray out when he talks? Palayù ta kay nagpanwagsik ang túbig gíkan sa panghugasan, Let’s keep out of the way of the water splashing from the drain.

twakdug n bamboo wall stud. v 1 [A; b6] attach the bamboo studs. 2 [c1] use s.t. for bamboo wall studs.

twásik = tuásik.

twilb-uklak n twelve o’clock in the sight of a weapon.

twirka n screw. v [b] fasten with a screw. lisù sa — see lísù.

twis, twist n twist, name of a dance. v [A] dance the twist.

tyábaw v [A2S; b3] 1 cry out in pain, grief, and the like. Nagtyábaw ang nanganak sa kasakit, The woman delivering is hollering in pain. Unsay ímung gityabáwan? Namatyan kag iring? What are you hollering about? A cat of yours that died? 2 complain for being unable to bear s.t. Mityábaw nang lungsud sa kamahal sa palalítun, The people are beginning to scream at high prices. 3 for animals to make their normal [1072]loud noise. Nagtyábaw ang kábaw, The carabao lowed.

tyágù (from Tyágù, short for Santiyágu, a name of a person) a poker-faced when making jokes. Tyágù kaáyu ning tawhána kay dílì mukatáwa bísag kataw-anan, He really is poker-faced because he makes the funniest jokes without cracking a smile. — nu exclamation of discomfiture when one is the butt of a joke or prank. Tyágù nu! Labi nag dílì ikay tumung sa kumidiya! It sure is funny, isn’t it, esp. when the joke is not on you!

tyáli n inch. Walu ka tyáli ang gilapdun sa papil, The paper is eight inches wide.

tyának = mantiyának.

tyangaw = pyangaw.

tyanggi n marketplace. paN- v [A2; c] go marketing. Tagái kug kwartang ipanyanggi, Give me some money to go marketing with. tyanggihan n marketplace and its vicinity.

tyatru n theater.

tyimpu = timpu in all meanings except n6.

tyinda = tinda.

tyubíbu n merry-go-round. v [A; b6] ride, construct a merry-go-round.

tyúning purk n tuning fork.

tyúpì = tayúpì.

tyuríya n theory. v [a12] apply a certain theory, hunch, technique of diagnosis. Átung tyuriyáhun ning makináha, bir ug dì ba muandar, Let’s try my hunch on this machine and see if we can’t get it to start.

tyusupíya n theosophy.

tyútur n tutor. v [AB156; b(1)] tutor s.o., be a tutor. Sayun siyang tyutúran kay brayit, It’s easy to tutor him because he is bright.



u1 or. Kinsa may muadtu, ikaw u aku? Who will go, you or me? Muadtu ka ba u pabilin ba, Are you going or staying here? — byín, bín particle offering two choices of action: or, if you wish. Ikaw bay muanhi u byín aku bay muanhà? Are you coming here, or shall I go there?

u2 1 particle initial in the sentence: exclamation of surprise upon finding out s.t. 1a expressing annoyed surprise. U, ngánung kúlang man ning suklì! Hey, this isn’t enough change! U, ngánung mipaúlì ka pa man! What are you doing back here! U, ngánung wà man siya mukúyug! Why? How come she’s not with you? U, mudílì ka na hinúun nga náa gitúnul na? You mean you are going to refuse it when you already have it in your hand? 1b expressing pleasant surprise. U, Ting! Nía man diay ka! Hey, Ting. You’re here! 1c exclaiming surprise at having made a mistake: Oh! U, singku písus ba diay tu ímung gihátag nákù? Oh! Was it five pesos you gave me? 2 exclamation preceding an emphatic denial. U dílì, dílì nà mahímù, Oh no, that can’t be done. 2a preceding a statement that s.t. is not the way the interlocutor thought. U, sayun ra nang lutúun. Lat-i lang, Oh, that’s easy to cook. Just boil it. 3 pause before speaking. U, ári diri nà ibutang, Oh, just put that over here. 4 (most often at the end of the clause) particle to draw s.o.’s attention. U, Dyú, dalì ra kadiyut, Oh, Joe, would you come here a second. Ambi ra nang lápis u, Would you hand me that pencil, that one over there. Díay písus u. Patupi didtu, Here, here’s a peso. Go get a haircut.

u3 n letter O.

ū́1 expression of frustration. Ū́, ngánu ug ngánu gayud nga nahitabù tu, Oh why, oh why did that have to happen?

ū́2 = úu.

ū́3 = úlu.

úbak n trunk of a banana or abaca tree. v [A; a12] separate layers of the banana trunk. Ubáka ang baláni para kan-an, Separate the banana trunk layers to use as plates.

uban n 1 companion, s.o. together with s.o. else. Kinsay ímung uban? Who is your companion? 1a s.t. that belongs together with s.t. else. Kining mayka uban adtung tiprikurdíra, This mike belongs with that tape recorder. 1b — sa, [dat.] together with. Mianhi ku dinhi uban níya, I came here together [1073]with him. Misugut siya uban sa pagtúu nga ... He agreed in the belief that ... 1c — ang including, [so-and-so] is also along. Milakaw siya uban ang íyang masusu, She left taking her baby with her. 1d one’s wife or husband, referred to in the third person. Ákung ingnun ang ákung uban inig-abut níyas trabáhu, I’ll tell my husband when he gets home from work. 2 the other ones, additional ones. Háin na man ang uban, Where are the others? Unsa pay uban, What else? ug uban pa and so forth (abbreviated ubp.). 3 some of a group, but not all. Mauy buhátun sa uban, Some people do that. Ságad barátu ang prútas, piru uban mahal, Usually fruit is cheap, but some kinds are expensive. 4 mau rang -a(←) of the same class. Ang tulíngan ug barílis mu rang ubána, The mackerel and tuna are in the same family. v 1 [AC; ac] go with, accompany s.o. Muuban ku nímu, I’ll go with you. Nagkaúban mi pag-adtu sa Manílà, We happened to go to Manila together. Unsa pa may ímung ubanun ngadtu sa dawuntáwun? What do you want to go downtown with me for? Ubanan ku siya kanúnay, I always go with her. Kinsa may ákung iuban dinhi, Who will I bring here with me? 1a [A; b6] escort s.o. in an affair or any gathering. 2 [c] include in a group. Nauban nà diri sa ákung lista, That is included here on my list. 3 [b] give s.t. else in addition. Mutúu ku nímu ug ímung ubanag pasálig, I’ll trust you if you give me additional assurances. (←) v [c] 1 be, do together with s.o. Nagkaúban mi sukad sa gagmay pa mi, We have been together since childhood. Makig-úban ku níyag puyù didtu sa syudad, I’ll stay with him in the city. 2 share happiness, difficulties, etc. with s.o. Nag-úban mi kanúnay sa mga kasákit, We share each other’s sorrows. uban-úban v [AC; c] participate in things one should not. Wà na ku muuban-úban sa ílang mga binúang, I no longer take part in their foolishness. n 1 common-law spouse. 2 s.t. taken along on short notice. pa- v 1 [A; ab] have s.o. go with s.o. else or oneself. Mupauban ka pa ba? Do you still need s.o. to accompany you? 2 [A; b6(1)] do s.t. unnecessary in addition to s.t. Dì ku mupauban (magpauban) ug púng bísan unsay ákung ihátag, When I give s.t., I don’t say a lot of unnecessary things. 2a [c] take in, send together with s.t. else. Paubanan nákù ug túbig iniglamuy sa tablíta, I’ll wash the tablet down with water. Ipauban ang unum ka kutsárang mantikilya, Add the six tablespoons of butter. -ay (pa) untà [so-and-so] should have been done under the rules of propriety. Ubánay pa untà mananghid, The least you could have done is asked. Ubánay pa untà mutábang ka nákù imbís maghinan-aw lang, You should have helped instead of just looking at me. -in-an n done together with s.t. else. Inubanan ug kasábà ang íyang pagtúgut, He agreed to it but not without a good cussing out first. ka-(←) n 1 companion. Irù ray ákung kaúban dinhi, A dog is my only companion here. ka- sa kinabúhì one’s spouse. 2 one who is together with s.o. in a job or in a place. Kaúban sa klási, A classmate. 2a ka- nga fellow-. Kaúban nákung maistru, A teacher that teaches in the same school as I do. v [B1256] happen to be together with s.o. ka-an(←) n 1 kin. Daghan mig mga kaubánan sa Mindanaw, We have many relatives in Mindanao. 2 people belonging to the same large group. Mga kaubánan níya sa partídu, His fellow party members.

úban n gray hair. Daghan na ku ug mga úban, I have lots of gray hair. v [A123P; a4b6] have gray hair. -un a having grey hairs. Ubánun na ang tigúwang, The old man has lots of gray hair. v [B12] get to have grey hair.

ubaryu n ovary in women.

úbas1 n grapes.

úbas2 n 1 refuse from soft-boiled rice or cooked cassava flour after extracting the starch used for starching clothes. 2 pulp of citrus fruits. 3 chips or curled up slivers that result from drilling wood or metal.

ubaub n 1 eyelid. 2 temple of the head.

ubaug n eye socket. Ang ubaug mauy nagsanggà sa mata, The eye socket supports the eyeball.

ubay a parallel to, along the lines of, in line with. Ang dálan mitúlin ug usa ka kilumitru ubay sa subà, The path ran for a kilometer along the river. Ang íyang gitambag ubay sa mga lagdà sa maáyung pamatásan, The advice he gives is in accordance with the rules of proper behavior. Ubay sa prugráma sa pagdagínut, In line with the austerity program. Ubay sa panahun ang pagpangarsúnis sa mga babáyi karun, It is in accordance with the times the way women wear pants these days. v 1 [AC; ac] go along the side of, be situated alongside, put s.t. parallel. Daghang táwu ang miubay sa kutsi nga gisakyan sa pamúnù, Many people went along beside the car bearing the president. Nag-úbay kami pagkatúlug, We slept lying down beside each other. Nag-ubay sa baybáyun ang mga payagpáyag, The shacks lined the beach. 2 [A; c] do s.t. in accordance with [1074]s.t. else. Kung iubay nímu sa katárung ang ímung líhuk, If you act according to the rules of right conduct. pa-un(←) v [A2; b] concur, go along with s.o.’s decision. Gipaubayúnan níya ang tanang hangyù sa asáwa, He consented to everything his wife wanted to do. ka- n s.t. parallel with s.t. else.

ubay-ubay a of a considerable number or amount. Ubay-ubay mi ug kuhà run, We had a good-sized catch today. v [B26; c1] be of a good number. Ubay-ubaya (iubay-ubay) ang ímung pagkáun arun dì na ku magbálun, Fix a good amount of food so I won’t have to take any along.

úbi n widely grown yam of variable color and size; used mainly as an ingredient in sweet dishes: Dioscorea alata. — nga gataw n variety, the tuber of which becomes exposed above the ground. — nga kinampay variety with purple meat. v [b6] make s.t. of úbi. kulur di- violet-colored. ubihan n yam patch.

ubíhas n word used in the gúsus of certain novenas to refer to the souls who have joined the angels.

úbir1 a beyond the allowed limit. Bug-at ra kaáyu. Úbir nas timbangan, It’s too heavy. It weighs way more than the scale indicates. v [B26] go beyond the limit. Miúbir siyas linya maung napáwul, He went over the line and so he was declared foul. — drap n 1 overdraft. 2 shortage of money. a being short of money. Dì kung kapalit kay úbir drap ku run, I can’t buy any right now because I’m short of money. v 1 [B1256] become short of money. 2 [B12] be bankrupted. — dus n overdose. v [B126] take an overdose of s.t. — hid n violation in basketball where a player dribbles the ball above his head. v [B1256] commit this violation. — hit v [B] for engines to overheat. — hul v [A; a2] overhaul a vehicle. pa- hul v [A; ac] have a general physical check-up. Kinahanglang magpaúbir hul ta kausa sa usa ka túig, We need a general physical check-up once a year. -ispíding n speeding. v [A] be speeding. — kut n jacket. v [A; c1] wear, make into a jacket. — lan v [A] go s.w. overland rather than by sea. — lap n trousers made to be worn without a belt, having an overlapping closing in the waist. v [c1] make trousers in this style. -lúdid a for a vehicle or boat to carry a load greater than the legal limit. v [B12] be over-loaded. -nayit v [A2] stay s.w. overnight. n overnight bag. -nayit bag n overnight bag. -prayis v [A2; b(1)] overprice s.t., jack up the price. — sis n vessel that goes overseas out of the Philippines. v [A] sail or work on an overseas vessel. -tayim n 1 overtime work. 2 overtime pay. v [A; b6] work overtime. Náay ámung giubirtayman, We’re working overtime on s.t. — tik v [A; b1] 1 pass another vehicle. Ayaw pag-ubir tik sa kurbáda, No overtaking on a curve. 2 get a girl to say yes to one before s.o. else does. Naguul si Huwan tungud kay giubirtikan siya ni Pidru sa pagpangulitáwu ni Maríya, Juan is sad because Pedro beat him to Maria (and Maria accepted Pedro). — ul n overalls. v [A; c1] wear, make overalls.

úbir2 v [A; c] in volleyball, toss the ball back to the opponents.

úbir3 humorous reference to the song U Bírhin Maríya.

ubispu n bishop. v [B6; c1] be, become a bishop. ubispádu n bishopric.

ubligar v [B; a12] force, compel s.o. Kanang ímung sakit mauy muubligar nímu sa kamatáyun, Your illness will bring you inexorably to your death. Wà siya nákù ubligara (ubligaha) pagbáyad sa íyang útang, I didn’t force him to pay his debt. Naubligar ku sa pagpangútang ug kwarta pára sa masakitun kung anak, I was forced to borrow money for my sick child. ubligádu a must do. Ug gustu kang muabut sa pyista, ubligádu kang mularga run, If you want to make it to the feast you must leave today. Dílì ubligádu ang pagsimba sa mga Hudíyu, It is not obligatory for Jews to attend church. v [B126; a12] be obliged to do s.t ubligasiyun n 1 obligation, moral compulsion to do s.t. Ubligasiyun sa usa ka ginikánan pagbuhì sa íyang mga anak, Parents have an obligation to raise their children. 2 financial obligation. Wà kuy ikabáyad sa ákung ubligasiyun, I don’t have the means to pay my obligations. may — a married man.

ublung a 1 oblong in shape. 2 for s.t. normally round not to be so. v [B2] for s.t. round to get out of shape. Kun ímung padagánun nang bisiklítang plát muublung (maublung) ang yantas niánà, If you ride the bicycle flat, the rims will get out of shape.

ubp. abbreviation for ug uban pa ‘and so forth’.

ubra v 1 [A; b6] work, esp. manual. Nag-ubra ku sa báy ni Andis, I’m working on Andis’ house. 2 [b(1)] work off a debt. Ákung ubráhan tung bayinti nga útang nákù, I will work off my twenty-peso debt to you. 3 [A23; b(1)] for medicine to take effect. Wà pa ka ubráhi sa purga? Hasn’t the purgative taken effect yet? 4 [B; b4] for menstruation to flow freely. Dì muubra [1075]ang ákung dugù ug malígù ku, My menstruation won’t flow freely if I take a bath. n 1 work, esp. manual or heavy. gíkan sa — padúlung sa trabáhu going from work to more work. Wà kuy diskansu kay gíkan sa laba padúng sa kusína, padúng sa bátà — gíkan sa ubra padúng sa trabáhu, I have no rest. From the laundry to the kitchen, to the baby. I go from work to more work. 2 finished works. — maistra n masterpiece. Nahálin ug dakù ang ubra maistra sa pintur, The masterpiece of the artist sold for a good price. ubríru n 1 manual laborer. 2 member of a household (humorous). v [B1256; a12] be a worker. ubrírus = ubríru (plural). pina- n hired hands, workers. inubráhan n remuneration for one’s work. ulubrahun, ubrahúnun n things to be done. -s publikas n public works.

ubríru see ubra.

ubsirbar v 1 [A; b6] make an observation, keep an eye on. Ubsirbahan úsà nákù ang ímung trabáhu úsà ku muumintu sa ímung swildu, I will see how you work before I give you a raise. Giubsirbahan sa duktǔr ang ipiktu sa iniksiyun sa masakitun, The doctor observed the effect of the injection on the patient. 2 [A12; b8] notice. Hiubsirbahan ta ka nga naghinuktuk usáhay, I’ve noticed you have been wrapped in deep thought from time to time. ubsirbádu 1 be one’s observation. Ubsirbádu na nà nákù sa muguwà gánì ang mga úbus, muulan giyud, I have already observed that when the winged ants come out, it will rain. 2 having first-hand experience with s.t. Ubsirbádu ku ánang sakíta kay daghan kug anak, I’m familiar with that sickness, because I have lots of children. ubsirbasiyun n as one looks at it. Sa ákung ubsirbasiyun, mulansad giyud si Imilda, As far as I can see it, Imelda is sure to run.

ubsirbaturyu n observatory.

ubu n cough. amígu sa — one who is susceptible to coughs and colds. v [B46; a4] cough. Sap-úngi ang ímung bàbà ug muubu (ubhun) ka, Cover your mouth if you cough. ubuubu n tuberculosis. v [B146; a4] have tb. Nag-ubuubu (giubuubu) ku, I have tb.

ubù v 1 [c] lie down on the stomach. Ákung iubù ning ákung tiyan arun mawā̀ ang bútud, I’ll lie on my stomach to get rid of my gas pains. 1a for a baby to be able to turn over on its stomach. Kining batáa kay muubù na, maáyu na ni pasundan, This child can turn over on his stomach. It’s about time to have another baby. 2 [A; c] crouch or stoop with the body low. Ug dì ka muubù masungkù ka, If you don’t stoop, you’ll bump your head. 3 [b(1)] throw oneself on s.o. to protect him. Ákung giub-an ang bátà sa nagpungasì na ang bála, I threw myself on the child when the bullets came fast and thick. bilat sa íyang — a coarse and humorous euphemism for bilat sa iyang ina. pa- sa bága v [c1] broil s.t. over hot coals. Paub-a (ipaubù) sa bága ang manuk, Broil the chicken over the coals.

ub-ub v 1 [A; a] chew and eat s.t. crunchy between the molars. Ub-úba ang tablítas, Chew the tablets. 2 [A; a] eat (slang). Muub-ub siya bísan unsa, He eats anything.

ubud n general name for marine eels. — itúhun k.o. eel the head of which is shaped like a catfish’s (ítu).

úbud n 1 the tender heart of the trunk of palms, bananas, bamboos, rattans. Lamì lumpiyáun ang úbud sa lubi, The heart stem of the coconut is good for egg rolls. 2 bamboo shoots. v [AN; b6] get, gather hearts of stems and trunks. ubúrun a having the whiteness and smoothness of the heart of a banana stem. v [B126] develop a white, fine texture.

úbug v [A; b5] wade or walk through shallow water. Tagahawak ang túbig nga ákung giúbug, I waded through water that was waist-deep.

ubul-úbul n 1 Adam’s apple. 2 trachea or windpipe of vertebrates. v [c16] hit s.o. on the Adam’s apple.

ubus n 1 beneath. Ubus sa káhuy may táwu nga naglingkud, Beneath the tree there sat a man. 1a the lower part of body. 1b lowlands, usually coastal areas. 2 under, subjected to. Ubus sa íyang pagdumála, Under his management. Magminyù aku nímu ubus sa usa ka kundisiyun, I’ll marry you under one condition. a 1 low, not high in price or degree. Ubus kaáyu nang prisyúha, That price was very low. 2 low, not high in elevation. Itaas ang kutay kay ubus ra kaáyu, Put the strand up higher because it is too low. 2a for the womb of a pregnant woman to be low. 3 low of station or of social rank. — balauránan, pamalauránan Lower House. 4 arrive s.w. later than s.o. else. Ubus ka nákug singku minútus, You arrived five minutes later than I did. v 1 [B2; b7Pc] decrease, go down. Ug muubus ang ímung grádu, If your grades go down. Ubsi (paubsi) ang ímung tunung, tingáli buls-ay, Lower your aim. You might make a bulls-eye. 2 [APB; cP] be lower in elevation or placement. Miubus ang sawug kay mius-us ang panawganan, The floor sunk because the [1076]joists sunk. Miubus na ang íyang tiyan. Hapit na manganak, Her baby has descended. She is about ready to have it. pa- v 1 [A; b(1)] travel, fly low. Ang banug talagsa ra nga magpaubus, Hawks seldom fly low. 2 [A3] go to live in coastal areas. 3 [A13] be humble. Magpaubus ta kay mabà ra ta ug ranggu, We should be humble because we are of low rank. 4 [A; b7c] lower one’s voice. Mipaubus siya sa íyang tíngug, hadluk hidunggan, He lowered his voice, afraid of being heard. 5 [A1; c2] reduce an amount. Paubsan (ipaubus) sa prisidinti ang sílut, The president will reduce the penalty. 6 [A; a1c] put down, lower. Ug mupaubus siya sa íyang pusil ayaw ug tirúhi, If he lowers his gun, don’t shoot him. Ipaubus ang inyung bangkaw. Way kásu, Lower your spears. There’s nothing wrong. hi- v [B126; b3(1)] be offended, hurt. Nahiubus ku sa íyang sulti, I was hurt by what he said. ka- n condition or state of being inferior or low in rank. kahi- n hurt feelings. mapaubsánun, mapahiubsánun, mapinaubsánun, mapainubsánun a humble. taga- n people residing in the coastal areas.†

úbus1 v [AB12; a12] be all consumed. Kinsay nag-úbus sa kík? Who ate the cake? Átung ubúsun ang pagkáun, Let’s eat all the food.

úbus2 = alibusbus.

ubuub a low-roofed house, building. Ngitngit ning baláya kay ubuub kaáyu ang atup, This house is dark because it has a very low roof. v [B6; c1] make a building or house low-roofed.

ū́d = úlud.

úday = úray.

udhak n deep cough or gasp for breath of the sort one gets from an asthma attack, over-exertion, a blow on the chest, or the like. Ang udhak sa tisísun milánug sa kagabhíun, The coughing of the tubercular resounded in the night. v [A; a4] have a deep coughing fit or gasp for breath. Mu rag dílì siya makaginháwa ug muudhak (udhákun) siya, It is as if he can’t breathe when he has his attacks.

udhan a be mean enough to do s.t. Udhan (udhánun) kang mulakaw bísag nagdaut ang ímung anak? Can you bear to leave the house when your child is sick? -un = udhan.

udíyu n extreme unction. v [A; b6] give the extreme unction.

udiyung n arrow, dart. v 1 [A12; a2] make arrows. 2 [A; a12] hit with an arrow. -un(←) a slender, arrow-like. Udiyúngun ug láwas ang babáyi, The lady has a slender body.

udlut n 1 young leaf, leaf bud. 2 one who belongs to the upper class or top level of society. Ikaw kay udlut magpataas ug aku kay laylay magpaubus, You, who are of the upper class, should stay on top while I, who am of the dregs, should remain down where I belong. v 1 [AN; b4] sprout leaf buds. Miudlut (nangudlut, giudlútan) na ang ákung manan-aw, My orchid is budding. 2 [A3P; b4] for the flesh to swell in forming scar tissue in a place where there was a wound or boil. Kining samára ang giudlútan sa prisku nga unud, This is the wound where scar tissue formed. 3 [AN; b5] pick the top of leafy plants. Ang kanding mauy miudlut (nangudlut) sa ákung agbáti, The goat chewed off the leaf buds of my alugbáti. ting- n time for sprouting new leaves of plants, trees, etc. -an(→) n the topmost part of the tree in monocots.

udtu n 1 twelve o’clock, for the sun to be overhead. — nga láruk, tútuk, tuktuk high noon. 2 for the moon or s.t. else to be overhead in the heavens at the noon position. see also phases of the moon under búlan. v 1 [B25; b8] be noon. Muláruk ang adlaw ug maudtu na, The sun reaches its zenith when it is noon. 1a [B] for a heavenly body to get into the noon position. 2 [A13; b4(1)] do s.t. till noon. Hiudtuhan (naudtuhan) siyag pagwápa atubángan sa ispíhu, She primped in front of the mirror the whole morning until noon. 3 [B1256] do s.t. at noon time. Maudtu ray ákung ipahúway, I take a rest only at noon time. hiN- v 1 [B56] be almost high noon. Ínit kaáyu ang adlaw ug muhingudtu (mahingudtu) na, The sun becomes hot when it’s almost noon time. 2 [A; c] slice the terminal portion of a coconut bud to induce sap to flow regularly at noon. 2a gather coconut palm toddy at noon. panghiN- v [A2; b6(1)] do s.t. at noon one doesn’t normally do at noon, e.g. have sexual intercourse. Dúgay siyang miabut sa upisína kay nanghingudtu pa man, He arrived late at the office, because he still had his noon intercourse. udtuhan n zenith. Ang búwan náa sa udtuhan, The moon is at the zenith. kaudtúhun n noon time. Ang kaudtúhun ínit kaáyu, At noon time it is very hot. pani- n lunch, lunch time. v [A2C12; b6(1)] have, eat lunch. udtúhun, udtuudtu n a tiny, poisonous black snake having bright reddish-orange eyes, so called because its poison is said to kill the victim at noon. tali- n time just before noon. udtuhun n coconut palm toddy [1077]gathered at noon.

udù = undù.

ud-ud1 v 1 [AN; b5] dig up the ground with the snout. Ang ákung bábuy ang nag-ud-ud sa ímung nataran, It was my pig that plowed up the ground in your yard. 2 [A] for an unborn baby to squeeze its head into a position above the groin causing the mother to have difficulty in walking. n the condition where an unborn baby presses on its mother’s groin.

ud-ud2 = alud-ud.

uduy = undù.

ug short form: g. particle showing grammatical relation between two forms. 1 preceding non-specific goals. Mipalit siya ug libru, He bought a book. Gitagáan ku níyag kindi, He gave me some candy. 1a preceding a noun referring to s.t. specific, but referring to it as s.t. general on any and all occasions. Dì síya muadtug Manílà, He refuses to go to Manila. 1b ása — where is one to get. Ása man ka ug kwartang ibáyad ánà? Where will you get the money to pay for that? 2 preceding infinitives (replacing a prefix pag-). Naglísud ku ug saka, I had a hard time going up. 2a with adjectives of manner. Milakaw siya ug kusug, He walked away fast. 2a1 — ímu, íya, íla, etc. by yourself, himself, themselves, etc. Káun ug ímu, Just go ahead and eat on your own. Mutúyuk ug íya ra, It will turn all by itself. 2b after ayaw. Ayaw siya ug tan-áwa, Don’t look at him. 3 adj. plus ug plus noun: ‘have’. Si Pidru dakù ug buktun, Pedro has big arms. Uy, kanindut bayà níya ug mata! What beautiful eyes she has! 4 preceding a non-specific genitive. 4a marking the possessor. Anak ug hárì, The son of a king. 4b marking the agent. Gidágit ug banug, Was taken by a hawk. 5 if, when. Ug maabut siya, pahibaw-a ku, When he arrives, notify me. Ug aku pa nímu, If I were you. 5a with indirect questions: whether. Pangutan-a siya ug muabut ba ang barku ugmà, Ask him whether the boat will arrive tomorrow. 5a1 with indirect questions containing interrogatives. Nangutána aku ug unsa nà, I asked what that was. 5b linker for qualifying phrases. Nákù ug ímu nang nahuman, I thought you had finished it already. Tingáli ug muanhi siya ugmà, Perhaps he will come tomorrow. Syáru ug dì nà mahímù, I don’t believe that is impossible. 6 or. Pritúhun ug tuláhun, paríha ra nákù, Deep fried or stewed, it’s all the same to me. 7 and. Lakaw ug ayaw pagbálik! Go away, and don’t come back! Sila si Huwan ug si Pidru ang mianhi, John and Pedro were the ones who came here.

uga a 1 dry, having no moisture. Uga na kaáyu ang kupras, The copra is very dry now. Ugang ubu, A dry (hard) cough. 2 lifeless, dry in personality. Uga kaáyu nà siyang ikaisturya, He is very lifeless to talk to. n dried fish. v 1 [APB; c1P] dry out; cause s.t. to do so. Nag-uga (nagpauga) ku ug isdà, I am drying some fish. Muuga (mauga) ra nà ug ihayhay, It will get dry if you hang it up. Nagkauga na ang atábay, The well is drying up. Hiughan na ang ímung linadlad, The clothes you were bleaching have gotten dry. 2 [B; c1] get lifeless and dry in manner. Nauga na man ka run, You have become cool to us. 3 [b4(1)] be affected by s.t. being dry. 3a have a dry labor. Naglísud pagpanganak ang babáyi kay naughan, The woman had a difficult delivery because she had a dry labor. 3b for one’s throat to be parched. — ang tutunlan needing a drink (of liquor).

ugáhip n a contagious skin disease which forms itchy pustules that pop and become painful, forming a crust, found most commonly around the mouth, but spreading over the body. — likuslikus n k.o. ugáhip that spreads over any part of the body. v [A123P; a4b4] get ugáhip.

ugahípun n k.o. very venomous snake, short and stout, having dark-grayish body, yellowish front and black spots on the back.

ugáling short form: gáling. = gánì in all meanings except 5. ka-un 1 one’s own. Ákù ning kaugalíngung kutsi, This is my own car. May kaugalíngung banyu ang kwartu, The room has its own bathroom. Gigastu ku ang kaugalíngun kung kwarta, I spent my own money. 1a one’s home. But-an ku nímu sa ákung kaugalíngun? You dare dictate to me in my own house? 2 oneself. Nagsulti siya sa íyang kaugalíngun, She was talking to herself. panga-un v [A2] manage a home. Hustu na siya sa idad nga mangugalíngun, She is old enough to manage a home. n home, as it is managed. kina-un(→) v [A13] 1 live on one’s own. 2 have one’s meals on one’s own. Dì ta mangasíra. Magkinaugalingun lang ta, Let’s not board. Let’s have our meals on our own. kaugalingnan n independence of a nation. Nagpakamatay si Risal álang sa kaugalingnan sa átung násud, Rizal gave his life for the independence of our country.

ugam n whitish substance coating the tongue and upper palate. v [A123P; b4] get ugam. [1078]

ugang n mother hen.

ugángan n parent of one’s spouse. v 1 [B126] be, become one’s father- or mother-in-law. 2 [A; c] have as a parent-in-law. Muugángan ka níla nga pubri man, Would you like them to be your parents-in-law when they are poor? -un(→) a one’s prospective parents-in-law.

ugat n vein, blood vessel. — mayur penis (humorous). v 1 [A2NP] for the veins to come out from exertion or anger. Miugat (nangugat) ang íyang líug sa íyang pagkanta, The veins on her neck bulged out when she sang. 2 [A23] do s.t. with serious intent. Nangugat giyud siyag hangyù nga muuban, He seriously asked to be taken along. paN- v [A2; b] be angry. Pamínaw ug katarúngan. Mangugat ka man lang dáyun, Just listen to reason. You must not get angry right away. pangli-(←) = ugat, v1. ugat-ugat a leaves having lots of veins. v [B1456] for leaves to be veined. ka-an n blood vessels. -un a full of prominent veins.

ugaúga = gaugáu.

úgay v [A; a1] fondle or stroke. Dúgay na ku nga wà makaúgay sa ákung mga binuhì, It’s been a long time since I stroked my pets. Bátang nag-úgay sa íyang tintin, A little boy playing with his thing.

ugba v 1 [A; a1] work arduously, earnestly. Adlaw-adlaw muugba si Pidru sa íyang uma arun mabúhì ang pamilya, Pedro toils on his farm all day long so his family may survive. 2 [A1] establish, found, bring into being. Ílang gipasidunggan ang táwung nag-ugba sa kapunúngan, They conferred an honor on the man who founded the organization. 3 [A; a] reconstruct, work again on s.t. left to deteriorate or ruin. Mag-ugba ta sa karáan nátung báy nga natun-as, Let’s rebuild our old dilapidated house.

ugbáti = alugbáti.

ugbp. abbreviation for ug uban pa ‘etc.’ see uban.

ugbuk v 1 [A; c] plant or stick s.t. upright or erect. Mag-ugbuk mi run sa mga pusti sa kural, We will now set up the fence posts. Kandilíru ang ákung giugbúkan sa mga kandílà, I set the candles upright on a candlestand. 1a — ang, sa pálu [A; c] have sexual intercourse with a woman (lit. implant the mast—slang). 2 [A; c1] construct, build a structure. Ugbúkun (iugbuk) ba ang inyung balay dinhi? Will you build your house here? 3 [a3b8] stand still as if rooted to the ground. Naugbuk siya tungud sa kalísang, He stood stock-still in fear. n stake.

ugbun n 1 mound, esp. a heap of finely-textured things. Usa ka ugbun nga abu ang nahibilin sa táwung nagsulit, Only a small mound of ash was left of the man who burned himself. 2 ashes. v 1 [B6] be, become a small mound. Miugbun (naugbun) ang dapit nga gilubngan sa patayng irù, The place where the dead dog was buried has formed a mound. 2 [B2] burn to ashes. Naugbun na ang báy pag-abut níla, The house was a heap of ashes when they arrived.

ugbus n young and unopened palm frond. v 1 [c1] do by fronds. 2 [A; b(1)] remove young fronds. Ayawg ugbúsi ang lubi kay masálut, Do not remove the young frond from the coconut because it will be stunted.

ugda, ugdà v [A; b(1)] initiate, introduce s.t. by first doing it. Kinsa ninyu ang miugda ug kukabáyù sa mga unlan? Who of you started this playing horse with the pillows? Ang mga Amirikánuy nakaugda paggámit sa abúnu, The Americans initiated the use of fertilizer. pasi- 1 = ugda. 2 [A; b(1)] sponsor. Prugráma nga gipasiugdáhan sa sabung Laks, Soap opera sponsored by Lux soap. Banggà sa panugilánung gipasiugdáhan sa LUDÁBI, A short-story contest sponsored by LUDABI. tigpasi- n sponsor of a program, project.

ugdang a 1 heavy for one’s size. Ugdang kaáyu ning batáa bísan gamay, This child is very heavy though he is small. Ugdang ning kasága kay tambuk man, This is a heavy crab because it is fleshy. 2 serious, matured for one’s age. Ugdang na kaáyu siyag nilihukan, She acts mature for her age. 2a serious in demeanor. Ugdang nga paníngug sa agálun, The master spoke seriously. 3 weighty, full of meaning. Ugdang kaáyu tung buut níyang ipasabut, What she meant to imply had more meaning than would appear on the surface. v 1 [B12; b6] get to be heavy for one’s size; mature, full of meaning. 2 [B236; b6] sink into the bottom of water. Miugdang na ang pundu, The anchor has sunk to the bottom. ka- n weight, seriousness, meaningfulness.

ugdaw v [A3P; a12] burn down completely to ashes with no flames left. Naugdaw na ang ámung báy pag-ulì nákù, Our house was in ashes when I arrived home. n burnt to ashes.

ugdu1 a 1 for a dry measure to be heaping. Maigù ug barátu kay ugdu ang takus, It comes out cheap because it is a heaping measure. 2 rounded in shape and full. Ugdu kaáyu siya ug dughan, She has very full [1079]breasts. v 1 [B; a12] be, become heaping, full, or rounded. 2 [B3; b6] be piled up high. Muugdu ang labhanan ug paugmaan, The soiled clothes will pile up if you leave them for tomorrow. pina- = pinaulbu. see ulbu.

ugdu2 = bugdu.

ugduk n 1 stake. 2 general name for eels of any sort. v [A; c] plant a stake in the ground.

ugdul a short, trimmed. Gipalabihag ugdul níya ang íyang buhuk, She had her hair cut very short. v [B12; c1] be trimmed short. Naugdul ang mga mais kay giharíag tuhak sa manuk, The chickens pecked the corn plants right down.

ugdung = ugdu1.

ughad a for a throat to be sore. v 1 [B; b6] for the throat to get sore. Nag-ughad ang ákung tunlan. Ubhun tingáli ku, I have a sore throat. I’m probably getting a cough. 2 [AN; c1] expel phlegm by coughing it out hard.

ughak = udhak.

ugíngut n body odor of unwashed perspiration and dirt. Nanimáhù lang kang ugíngut, You have a terrible b.o.

ugis a 1 having completely white feathers. Limpiyu tan-áwun ang ugis nga manuk, White-feathered chickens look clean. 2 fair of complexion. Ugis kaáyu sila, They are very white. 2a people belonging to the white race. 2b albino. v [B26; b6] be, become white-feathered, white-skinned.

ugíut = ígut1.

ugkad v 1 [A; a] dig, pull out s.t. that is completely or partly buried or contained inside s.t. else. Láing dyíp ang miugkad sa dyíp nga nalubung sa lápuk, Another jeep pulled out the jeep that got stuck in the mud. Ang nakaugkad sa buláwang budha, The man who dug up the golden Buddha. Giugkad sa kawatan ang ákung kaban, The thief dug up the things in my trunk. 2 [A12; b8] find s.t. that was in s.t. or buried.

ugkal = ukal.

ugkat v 1 [A; a1b2] dig s.t. out from under s.t. Giugkat níla ang natabunan, They dug out the person who had been buried. 2 [A; a12] dig out or find out s.t. not known. Buut ba ninyung ugkátun ang ákung kagahápun? Do you want to dig into my past?

ugkay (from ukay) v 1 [A; ab2] dig out s.t. buried. Mga pulis ang nag-ugkay sa gilubngan sa gibunù, The policemen exhumed the murder victim. 1a [A; a12] ransack things in looking for s.t. Ákung ugkáyun ang mga butang nímu básug túa didtu ang ákung rilu, I’ll ransack your things in case my watch is there. 2 [A; a] stir s.t. thoroughly to mix it. Ang muugkay sa harína kinahanglang ugag kamut, Whoever wants to mix the flour must have dry hands. 2a [B; b6] for a home to be broken. Naugkay ang ílang panimalay tungud sa bisyu sa bána, The husband’s vices finally broke their home.

ugmà n 1 tomorrow. — puhun (paabutun pa) n tomorrow, God willing (if I am allowed to see it). Ugmà puhun na ku mularga, I’ll leave tomorrow, God willing. 2 one’s future. Kinsay nasáyud sa átung ugmà? Who knows what the future holds for us? — damlag n in the future, someday. Magkítà ra ta ugmà damlag, We’ll see each other again someday. v 1 [B256; b4(1)] for it to be the next day. Miugmà (naugmà) na lang wà gihápun siya muabut, Another day came and he still hadn’t arrived. Dì na nà siya kaugmaan (hiugmaan), He won’t live till the next day. 2 [A; c1] put s.t. off till the next day. Ugmáa (iugmà) lang ang ímung híkay, Put your party off till the next day. ugmaugmà v [A; c1] put off doing s.t. Dì ku muugmaugmà ug akuy musáad, If I make a promise, I won’t put it off. pa-, paka- v [A13; b6] let s.t. be, delay oneself until the next day. Ayawg pakaugmai. Buháta ni dáyun, Don’t let it wait till the next day. Do it right away. ka-un n one’s future. Wà kay kaugmáun dinhi sa baryu, You have no future here in the village. panghi- v [A23] get to be about the next day. Muabut si Mirli manghiugmà, Mirlie will arrive by about tomorrow.

ugmad v [A; a12] 1 till the soil. Upawng yútà nga dílì ángayng ugmárun, Barren land not worth tilling. 1a develop or cultivate a talent. Ang mga magtutudlù mauy muugmad sa mga útuk sa mga bátà, Teachers develop the minds of the children. Masápì ang talintu ug mauy maugmad, Talent that is developed is a source of livelihood. 2 build, establish. Siyay nag-ugmad sa dráma balítaw, He wrote the first drama wherein the dialogue was in the balítaw form. Giugmad níya ang únang prindahanan, She established the first pawnshop. 3 [A; c1] prepare rice for storage, winnowing it and allowing it to dry out somewhat. pa- v [A1] set a paugmad fish corral. n a k.o. fish corral set in the deep waters and allowed to remain there until it falls apart. ugmaran n s.t. which is cultivated, worked on for one’s livelihood. Ang dágat mauy ugmaran sa ílang panginabúhì, The sea is the source of their livelihood. kaugmáran n development, s.t. [1080]attained by cultivation. Siyay nagpaluyu sa kaugmáran sa pruyiktu sa riklamasiyun, He was behind the development of the reclamation project. mag-r- n peasant. paN- n occupation of tilling.

ugnat v 1 [A; c1] stretch out s.t. somewhat elastic. Ugnáta (iugnat) ug maáyu ug dì ba tagù nga hilúha, Stretch the string out hard and see if it is strong. 2 [B] lose elasticity from getting stretched out. Miugnat (naugnat) ang íyang swítir nga gilubágan, His sweater is now all stretched out because he wrung it out when he washed it. Nagkaugnat ang lastiku sa ákung hapslip, The garter of my half-slip is getting loose. pa- n exercise for the purpose of developing the body. v [A; c1] exercise. Mupaugnat (magpaugnat) ku sa kusug káda buntag, I do some exercise every morning.

ugnuk v [B126P; b3] be stunned, suddenly surprised. Naugnuk (napaugnuk) siya sa kalit nga butu nga íyang nadungug, She was stunned by the sudden explosion that she heard. Naugnuk siya dihang gisultían siya nga karnis irù tung íyang gikaun, She did a double take when she was told that what she was eating was dog’s meat. Ang íyang hinanálì nga kamatáyun mauy nakaugnuk (nakapaugnuk) sa mga táwu, His sudden death stunned the people.

ugnut = bugnut.

ugpak n cloth woven from abaca fiber. v 1 [A13; b6] wear abaca-fiber cloth. 2 [b(1)] put abaca-fiber cloth as lining to stiffen the cloth. 3 [a12] weave into abaca-fiber cloth.

ugpas = upas.

ugpù v 1 [A12] leap up to defend oneself or escape. Wà makaugpù ang kawatan kay hiabtan man sa pulis, The policeman caught the thief before he was able to get out of there. Wà makaugpù ang kuntra sa dihang milayat si Rubinsun arun pagribáwun sa búla, There was nothing the other team could do when Robinson jumped to get the ball on the rebound. 2 [A; b(1)] for a child to bounce up and down when held standing. Miugpù na ang bátà, The child has reached the stage he bounces. a characterized with a bounce in walking. Ugpù ug linakwan ning tagabúkid, Mountain folks walk with a bounce. ugpuugpù v [B; c1] bounce, jounce up and down. Nag-ugpuugpù ang trák sa karsádang batsihun, The bus is jouncing on the road that is full of potholes.

ugpung v [A] for plants that die after maturity to bear their last leaves before bearing fruit. Mamúsù na nang sagínga kay miugpung na, That banana is about to flower because it has born its last leaf buds.

ugput = igput.

ugsad v [B36; b6(1)] land, touch the ground in a gentle manner. Sa dihang miugsad ang buwà sa sabun sa yútà, mibutu kini, When the soap bubble landed on the ground, it burst. Ayaw iugsad (ipaugsad) ang tumuy sa kurtína sa sawug, Don’t let the end of the curtain touch the floor. ugsad-ugsad v 1 = ugsud-ugsud. see ugsud. 2 [A; b6] bounce or jounce in riding on a rough road or sea. Nag-ugsad-ugsad ang trák sa kabatsihan, The bus is bouncing up and down on the potholes. -in- n footfalls. Kláru kaáyu sa sílung ang inugsad sa tiil sa naglakaw sa táas, The footsteps upstairs are very loud downstairs.

ugsud n 1 stake, post. 2 firewood. v [A; c] 1 drive a stake into the ground. Mag-ugsud na ta sa mga halígi sa kural, Let’s drive in the posts for the fence. 1a throw s.t. down with force to the ground as if driving a stake. 2 [A; b6] add firewood to make a flame higher. Ákung ugsúran ang ákung gilung-ag arun malútug dalì, I’ll add firewood to the fire beneath the rice I am cooking so that it will get cooked soon. ugsud-ugsud v [A; c1] stamp the feet lightly, usually in childish refusal. Ayaw ugsud-ugsúra (iugsud-ugsud) nang ímung tiil ug sugúun ka, Don’t stamp your feet when you’re told to do s.t.

ugsuk = úsuk in all meanings except n2.

ugtad v 1 [B236] for ropes or like materials to snap under force or abrasion. Miugtad (naugtad) ang písì sa kakusug sa pagbira, The rope snapped when it was pulled strongly. 2 [A2] get loose after the tether rope snapped. Muugtad giyud nang kábaw kay gabuk na ang hikut, That carabao will surely get loose because the tether rope is weakened.

ugtak v 1 [A; b3] for chickens to squawk in fright. 2 [B2; c1] for the voice to be loud and abrupt. Miugtak ang íyang sinultihan karung kwartáhan na siya, He speaks in a loud and gruff tone now that he has become rich. n action of squawking. a having a gruff and loud voice.

ugtas v 1 [B1; c1] tire oneself out, be exhausted. Nagkaugtas siya sa nadúgay nang lánguy, He was becoming exhausted after swimming for a long time. 1a get worn out emotionally. Naugtas na ku ug tambag nímu, I’m exhausted from trying to give you advice. 2 [B] for rope or wire to snap and break after heavy use or friction. Muugtas (maugtas) ang alambri sa síging bag-id sa batu, The wire will break from rubbing against [1081]the stone. 3 [B126; b] for a life to end, usually after long suffering.

ugtud (from utud) v [B2; a12] break, chip off, break into pieces. Naugtud ang líug sa butilyang napangkà, The neck of the bottle broke off when he banged it against s.t. Naugtud ang mga halígi nga giánay, The post broke into pieces when the termites attacked it. n pieces broken off.

ugtuk a 1 still. Ugtuk karun ang dágat, The sea is calm now. 2 slow, almost dragging. Mas ugtuk mulakaw ang kábaw kay sa báka, The water buffalo walks more slowly than a cow. v 1 [B46] stand still, stop. Muugtuk ang rilu kun dì yawíhan, The clock will stop if it is not wound. 2 [A; b] do s.t. slowly, drag in one’s work. Muugtuk (mag-ugtuk) sila sa ílang trabáhu kun way magbantay, They drag their work when nobody is watching. 3 [A; b3] mope or brood over s.t.

ugtus v [B1; a12] exhaust oneself emotionally. Naugtus kug gastu sa ímung pagtuun, I’ve worn myself out paying for your schooling. Ugtúsun pa giyud ku nímu ánang ímung binúang, You still have to worry me to death with your shenanigans. a be exhausted emotionally.

ugud short form: gud. 1 particle accompanying a statement of explanation. Ang ákù gung gianhi nímu, The reason I came here. Nangutána lang gud ku kay ... I’m asking you because ... Ang ákù gud, ug mahibaw-an unyà, The thing that I’m worried about is if he finds out. Misyágit. Tíaw mu gud sakit kaáyu, He screamed. Because imagine, it was so painful. man — because. Wà ku palita kay mahal man gud, I did not buy it because it was expensive. 1a ugud ba particle initial in a sentence explaining why one has put a certain question. ‘Ngánung nangutána ka?’—‘Ugud ba, arun mahibáwu,’ ‘Why do you ask?’—‘Oh, I just want to know.’ ‘Ngánung nangutána kag muadtu ku?’—‘Ugud ba, náa tay ákung ipadá nímu,’ ‘Why do you ask if I’m going?’—‘I would like to have you take s.t. for me, if you would. 1b particle affirming s.o.’s statement casting aspersions. ‘Dátù man kahà ngánung nag-antus mag maistra?’—‘Ugud,’ ‘If she is rich, how come she puts up with teaching?’—‘I’ve been wondering that myself.’ 2 in questions or exclamations. 2a with interrogatives: in the world. Ngánu gud nà! Why in the world should it be like that. Anus-a gud nà nímu humana, When in the world are you going to finish it? 2b with nominal predicates: what [noun] are you talking about? Sinsíyu gud. Wà man tuy suklì, What change are you talking about? You don’t have any change coming. 2c ba — how is it possible that [so-and-so] should happen? Kay wà pa ba guy halin? You mean to say there haven’t been any sales till now? Mangáwat ba gud ku? You think I could possibly steal? 2d in exclamations: particle exclaiming about s.t. discovered for the first time. Kadakù na gud nímug idad! My! How old you are! Kadaghan gud nímug gihátag, You sure gave me a lot! 3 in commands: [do so-and-so] even though you don’t want to. Sígi gud. Ihatud na lang gud ku, Come on! Take me there already! Ihátag na gud nà, Go on now, give it to him. 3a used sarcastically in commands: why don’t you just [do]. Buk-a na lang gud nang tanan. Barátu bítaw, Why don’t you just break all of them while you’re at it? They’re so cheap. 3b ra — see ra.

ug-ug1 v 1 [A; c1] jog, move bouncing up and down. Muug-ug na gánì ning kabayúa timailhan nga gikápuy na, Once the horse starts to jog it shows that it is tired. 2 [B3(1)6; b6] be jarring. Muug-ug (maug-ug) gánì ang sakyanan pamaúlan ku, If the vehicle jounces up and down, I’ll get fatigued. 3 [AB; c16] shake, cause to move up and down or back and forth. Dì mumata ang bátà ug akuy muug-ug, The child won’t wake up if I shake him. Muug-ug (maug-ug) ang mga balay ug maglínug, The houses will shake if there is an earthquake. Nakaug-ug ka na sa midisína? Have you shaken the bottle of medicine? n 1 jogging, jouncing. 2 art of shaking s.t. a jouncy, bouncy. Ug-ug kaáyu ang dálan, The road is very bumpy. ka- n bounciness, jounciness. Tungud sa kaug-ug sa dyíp, Because of the way the jeep bounced.

ug-ug2 v [B] for open wounds or sores to putrify.

ug-úg = ulug-úlug.

uguk1 a short-necked due to fat or thickness of the neck. v [B1N; b6] have a short and fleshy neck. Ang báka nangúguk, The cow has a hump on its neck. Ang íyang katambuk mauy nakauguk (nakapauguk) sa íyang líug, Obesity has caused his neck to look short.

uguk2 a moronic, having feeble mental capacities. v [B12; b6] be moronic.

úgum v 1 [A; c1] hold or keep s.t. inside the mouth. Ayaw ugúma (iúgum) ang kan-un sa ímung bàbà, Don’t keep the food in your mouth. 2 [A13; a12] enclose s.t. within it as if contained in the mouth. Nag-úgum ug pútut ang búlak, The flower encloses a fruit [1082]bud. 3 [A; c1] harbor emotions. Ayaw ugúma (iúgum) ang ímung mga kaguul, Don’t keep your problems to yourself. 4 [A; a12] swindle contributions, funds entrusted to one. Ug siyay matisuríru, ugúmun lang níyag átung ámut, If he is made the treasurer, he will just pocket our contributions. 5 [A; a12] answer or assume responsibility for a crime committed to keep accomplices from getting involved. Ayaw mu kahadluk nga masakpan ta. Tutal ugúmun man nákù ang tanan, Don’t be afraid if we get caught. I’ll take complete responsibility.

úgung v 1 [A; a12] spin a top. Ugúnga ang kasing arun hibaw-an ta ug karagan ba, Spin the top so we’ll know if it spins well. 2 [B23(1); c1] be steady and without a wobble. 3 [A2; c1] run or drive very fast and at a steady speed. n action of spinning a top. a 1 spinning steadily, without wobbling. Úgung kaáyu ang ákung kasing, My top spins very steadily. 2 running fast at a steady speed. Úgung siyang midágan kay nahadluk man, He ran fast without stopping because he was afraid.

ugut v [A13; b3(1)] frown in distaste, or from not being permitted s.t. Dì ku mag-ugut ug sugúun ku ni Nánay, I won’t frown if Mother sends me on an errand.

ugut-úgut v [A; b3] roll in suppressed laughter.

uguy v [B2] for growth to be retarded or stunted. Miuguy (nauguy) ang mga búlak nga gitanum iláwum sa kasagingan, The flowers planted under the banana trees did not do well. Ang bug-at nga trabáhu makauguy (makapauguy) sa mga bátà, Hard work can stunt a child’s growth.

úguy v [A; a12] rock a child slowly in the arms, sway the body gently as in time to slow music. Siyay miúguy (nag-úguy) pagpakatúlug sa bátà, She rocked the baby in her arms to sleep. Ugúya ang bátà, Rock the child in your arms. uguy-úguy v [A; b] dance to slow music (colloquial). n slow dance music with the partners close together (colloquial). uguy-úguy blus = uguy-úguy, n.

ugwad v [A; a] turn the earth over with a knife, bar, or s.t. similar. Ugwárun lang nátù ang yútà sa kabatuhan, We’ll dig up the soil near the rocks with a bar. Ugwárun sa bábuy ang tanum ug dì kuralun, The pig will uproot the plants if you don’t fence them. n bar to dig the soil up with. ugwad-ugwad = igwad-igwad. see igwad.

ugyab v [A; c1] for a group to break into laughter. Miugyab sila ug katáwa sa ákung sinínà nga nabali, They broke into laughter upon seeing me with my dress on backwards.

uha v [A; b6] for a newborn child to cry. Miuha ang bátà sa pagguwà, The child cried when it came out. n cry of a newborn baby.

uhag a restlessly moving about. v [A] move restlessly with bouncy actions. Way muuhag kun kantáhun na ang nasudnung áwit, Nobody move when the national anthem is sung. Kun mag-uhag mu matikwang ang búti, If you move around restlessly, the rowboat will capsize.

uhaldris n k.o. cookie. v [A; a2] make, eat, or serve uhaldris.

uhális n buttonhole. Ang dakung butúnis dakug uhális, High rank carries great responsibility. (Lit. Big buttons have big buttonholes.) v [A; b6] make buttonholes.

uhang n space between two things which are supposed to be touching or fitting each other. Dì ku makalusut sa uhang sa kural, I can’t pass through the spaces between the fence. v [B; b6] for things that are supposed to be solid to have spaces in between them. Miuhang (nauhang) ang bungbung sa pagkúlù sa mga káhuy, The wallboards developed spaces between them when the boards shrunk. uhang-uhang v [AN; b6] 1 eat snacks casually. 2 go to other people’s houses to have meals. Ang táwung manguhang-uhang mu rag irung way tag-íya, A person who goes around to have his meals is like a stray dog.

úhas n 1 cutting or piercing instrument that is part of s.t. bigger: drill bit, saw blade, knife blade, barbs on a hook, et al. 2 matchstick. Mangáyù lang ku ug tulu ka úhas sa puspuru, I’ll just ask for three matchsticks. 3 lead of a pencil. v [A; b6(1)] put in a cutting or piercing instrument to its handle.

úhas bulantis n leaflets.

uhaw a 1 thirsty. Maay tag náay túbig kay uhaw kaáyu, It would be nice if there were water because I’m very thirsty. 1a having a strong craving. Uhaw ku sa lawasnung kalípay, I’m hungry for pleasures of the body. 2 devoid. Kinabúhing uhaw sa kalípay, A life devoid of happiness. n thirst. v [A123P; a4] 1 be thirsty. Ug akuy uhawun muúgum lang kug kandi, If I feel thirsty, I’ll just put a piece of candy in my mouth. 2 feel a longing, craving. Giuhaw aku sa pagpanggà sa inahan, I thirst for a mother’s love. hiN- v [A13N; c6] quench the thirst. n s.t. to quench the thirst. ka- n 1 thirst. 1a craving. 2 emptiness.

uháwun n k.o. big parrot fish about 2′ long [1083]and 8″ wide, having blue-green scales on the dorsal region and whitish-yellow scales on the ventral region.

uhay n seed-bearing panicle (e.g. as of rice but not corn). v 1 [a12] harvest s.t. by just taking the whole panicle. Uhayun nátù ang pag-áni sa humay, We’ll harvest the rice by panicles. 2 [AN; b4] grow panicles. Miuhay (nanguhay, giuhayan) na ang átung humay, Our rice is bearing panicles now.

uhípan = ulahípan.

uhu word representing the sound of coughing.

uhú so, I caught you. Uhú, sayup na pud ka, Aha, you made a mistake again. Uhú, dáan pa lagi ku, Aha! Just as I thought. Uhú, pildi diay ka, Aha! So you lost!

uhù as expected. Ug uhù da man, miguwang mananáug si Ilurdi, As expected, Elorde came out the winner. Uhù túud, namatay ang masakitun, Just as one would expect, the patient died.

úhù before [do]ing. Úhù ka mutubag, panigurúa únag hustu ka, Before you give your answer, make sure you are right. — pa 1 wait a minute. Úhù pa kay nagkaun pa ku, Just a minute. I’m still eating. 2 just a second, to change the subject. Úhù pa diay, nagdá ba tu kug bág? By the way, did I have my bag along?

uhún = uhú.

úhung n k.o. white mushroom. mudugù pay — harder than getting blood out of a mushroom, said of women past child-bearing age who are not likely to menstruate or of people who are cheap. Tihik siya kaáyu. Mudugù pay úhung, He’s terribly cheap. It’s easier to get blood out of a stone (lit. mushroom). v [A2; b6] cook this k.o. mushroom. -an(→) n place where mushrooms grow readily.

uhut, úhut n straw of rice or other grain-bearing grasses. v [B6; b6] be reduced to straw, become all straw. Miuhut (nauhut, nag-uhut) ang humay kay gikaun sa máya ang mga lugas, The rice plant became all straw because the ricebirds ate the grains.

úk = uluk.

uka v [B; b6] split one’s sides with laughter. Giukhan (nauka) giyud kug katáwa sa ímung binaylihan, I just about died laughing at the way you dance.

ukab v [APB; b5] 1 open with an upward or lifting motion, get opened. Akuy miukab sa kaban, I opened the trunk. Wà siya makaukab sa láta, He could not open the tin. Librung nag-ukab sa lamísa, A book lying open on the table. Ukba (iukab, ukbi) ang ímung bàbà, Open your mouth. 2 pry s.t. up, open. Akuy miukab sa batu, I turned the stone over. Dikabra ray makaukab sa mga salug nga ilisánan, Only a crowbar can pry the floorboards loose. 3 [B126] for a part of the body, clothing to get a rip or slash. Naukab ang íyang lapalapa kay nakatunub ug bildu, His sole got slashes in it because he stepped on glass. n opened upwards, ripped off, slashed open. ukab-úkab a s.t. that can be opened and closed. n the general name for bivalves. v [B1256] be s.t. that could be easily opened and closed. ukban n tangerine, a loose-skinned orange that is easy to open. v [c1] plant tangerines.

ukabhang = alukabhang.

ukadyang v [A; c1] 1 turn things upside down to search. Ukadyánga (iukadyang) ang tanan arun makit-an, Search everything so that it can be found. 2 put things in utter disarray. Kinsay nag-ukadyang sa ákung aparadur? Who disarranged the things in my cabinet? 3 [A123P; a3] be agog or put into frenzied action. Naukadyang sila pagkatribukar nga kulángan ang sápì, They were thrown into a dither upon finding out that the money was short.

ukal v 1 [AB; a] peel off, detach s.t. from a surface to which it is firmly attached, esp. over its entire surface; become so. Wà pa muukal (maukal) ang unud sa lubi, The coconut meat has not detached from its shell. Nag-ukal ang tikud sa sapátus, The heel is coming off the shoes. Nagkaukal na ang pintal sa dáang balay, The paint of the old house is peeling off. 2 [A3P; a12] take out or away from s.t. as if detached. Ukala na nang bátà sa íyang inahan, Take that child away from its mother. Dì na siya maukal sa pagkamaistru, He can’t be removed from his teaching post.

ukang v 1 [AB2; c1] remove s.t. attached to a surface. Dílì na siya makaukang sa kwadru nga gilansang sa bungbung, He can no longer remove the frame that he nailed to the wall. Maukang ning gipapilit ug mainitan, These things which are pasted on will come off when the sun gets on them. 2 [AB2C; a1] cease to do s.t. Dúgay nà silang muukang (mag-úkang) sa ílang pag-ínum, It will take them a long time to finish their drinking spree. Dúgay naukang ang íyang panan-aw sa libru, It took him a long time to take his gaze off the book. Ukánga (uknga) nang nagsinumbagay, Separate those people that are fighting.

ukas v [A12; b8] 1 catch s.o. in the act. Naukasan sa bána ang íyang asáwa sa makauúlawng kahimtang, The husband caught his [1084]wife in an embarrassing position. 2 get a chance to do s.t. Mangáwat siyag makaukas, He steals if he is given the chance.

ukasiyun n 1 occasion, a favorable opportunity. Ukasiyun nà nímu. Pahimudsi, That’s a chance for you. Take advantage of it. Way ukasiyun nga sarang kagamítan ning sinináa, There’s no occasion for which I can wear this dress. 2 trip of public transportation. Wà nay ukasiyun rung mga urása, There are no more buses at this hour. v 1 [AN; c1] take advantage of an opportunity. Nangukasiyun siya pagbisíta samtang wà didtu ang ginikánan, He took the opportunity of visiting her while her parents weren’t there. 2 [A12] get a chance to do s.t. Mangáwat siya ug makaukasiyun, He steals if he gets a chance. paN- n action of taking an opportunity. Kining ákung pagkúyug nímu pangukasiyun kay malibri kus plíti, I’m taking advantage of the chance to go with you to get a free ride.

úkat = ugkat.

ukay v 1 [A; a1] stir or agitate s.t. Ukaya nu ang linúgaw, Please stir the porridge. Rík ang iukay sa humay nga gibulad, Use a rake to mix up the rice we are drying. 1a [A; a] plow lightly, esp. a second time, across existing furrows. Maáyu giyud nga ukayun ang daruhan úsà tudlínga, It is wise to plow the field lightly a second time before you make the furrows. 2 [AN; a2] turn things upside down in searching. Náa ra nà dihà ug ímu nang ukayun, If you turn everything upside down, you’ll see it is there. 2a [A12; b8] find s.t. by turning things upside down. Naukayan ang píkas sinílas sa basúra, He found the other slipper after they ransacked the garbage. 3 [B126; a12] stir s.o. up. Naukay ang mga táwu pagsúnug, The people were all excited when there was a fire. n s.t. to stir with. ig-l-(←) = ukay, n.

úkay O.K., I give agreement.

ukba v [B; a] get detached from what it was stuck to. Ákung ukbáhun ang pánit sa inasal, I’ll peel off the skin from the roasted pig. a having come off.

ukhab = abhak.

úki a 1 O.K., all right. Úki kaáyu ang ímung trabáhu, Your work is all right. 2 in agreement. Dílì ku úki ánà, I won’t go along with that. n approval. Nagpaábut pa sa íyang úki, Still waiting for his approval. v [A; a3b] give one’s approval. Siyay miúki (nag-úki) sa ákung ripurt nga gisumitir, He approved the report that I submitted. Wà maúki (maukíhi) ang plánu, The plan was not approved.

ukiduk, ukidúki emphatic expression of approval or agreement.

ukikà humorous for ukiduk.

úkit v 1 [AN; a] peel off s.t. with the front teeth or take little things off or apart with the fingers. Ukítun pagkáun ang pakwan, You eat watermelon seeds by peeling them with your front teeth. Mahímù nga kuku ang iúkit, You can peel it off with your fingernails. 2 [AN; a12] pry into s.o.’s secrets. Ngánung mangúkit ka sa ákung kagahápun? Why do you want to pry into my past? 3 [AN; c1] study s.t. in detail to find s.t. out. Nangúkit siyag unsay dipirinsiya sa mutur, He’s examining the motorcycle to see what is wrong with it. ukit-ukitan, ukit-ukitun, ma-un a curious or nosey. Ukit-ukitun kaáyu ning táwung libakíra, This gossipmonger sure is nosey.

ukíuk v [A2; b6(1)] squeeze, penetrate deep into. Miukíuk sa íyang tanlag ang mga sudiyà sa namatay níyang inahan, The words of reproach from his dying mother penetrated deep into his soul. Dì ka makaukíuk dihà kay bagà kaáyu ang táwu, You can’t elbow your way through because the crowd is so thick. Húmuk ang yútà nga giukiúkan sa wati, The worm wiggled into the soft earth.

ukiut, ukíut = kulíkut (but not kulikut).

uklab = ukab, v.

uklaba v [B126] fall down forward. Nauklaba ku dihang nasángit ang ákung tiil sa tuud, I fell down forward when my foot got caught on a stump.

ukmil = utmil.

uknul v 1 [A3P; a3] be mildly surprised or startled. Mauknul (mahiuknul) giyud ang táwu nga makakità nímu, People will be surprised to see you. Nauknul ku pagkabalità nákù, I was taken aback on hearing the news. 2 [B] hesitate to do s.t., esp. with the action of starting and then stopping suddenly. Ngánung muuknul ka man sa pagsulud? Why do you stop suddenly before coming in? Muuknul kung mugámit ánà kay dilikádu ang tag-íya, I hesitate to use that because the owner is fussy. uknul-uknul v [B; c1] move in a bouncing, jouncing way. Nag-uknul-uknul ang trák sa libaungung karsáda, The bus jounced over the road that was full of holes. Tagabúkid nga mag-uknul-uknul nga maglakaw, A mountaineer that bounces up and down as he walks.

ukpaw v 1 [A2] leap while in a squatting position or in a manner like the frog. Miukpaw ang bakì ngadtus túbig, The frog leaped into the water. 2 [B; c1] walk with a bounce. [1085]Muukpaw ang linakwan sa táwung naánad ug puyù sa búkid bísan ug mapátag na ang laktan, People who are used to the mountains bounce when they walk, even on level areas. ukpaw-ukpaw v [A12] walk with a bounce or gallop. Nag-ukpaw-ukpaw ug maáyu ang kabáyù, The horse was galloping wildly.

ukra1 n okra.

ukra2 (from rauk—slang) n money.

uksidyǐn, uksihína n oxygen. v [b5] use oxygen on s.o.

uksihináda n hydrogen peroxide. v [b6] apply or clean s.t. with hydrogen peroxide.

uksihínu = uksidyǐn.

uksilyu v 1 [A; a12] borrow s.t., esp. for immediate and temporary use. Kun masakit ang mga bátà muuksilyu mig binatunan sa ka Máma, When the children get sick we temporarily use Mother’s maid. Uksilyúha ang íyang awtu sa Duminggu, Borrow his car on Sunday. 2 [A; c1] request or hire s.o. to help or assist in work. Nag-uksilyu kug kusiníru pára sa pyista, I’m hiring a cook for the fiesta. 2a be an assistant. Ang ákung mga anak ang muuksilyu nákù sa nigusyu, My children are the ones who assist me in my business. n helper, assistant.

uksináda = uksihináda. agwa — = uksihináda.

uksirbǎr = ubsirbǎr.

uksu n acronym for OXO, a gang of Visayan hoodlums in Manila.

Ukt. abbreviation for Uktubri ‘October’.

uktába1 v [AP; c16] postpone, put off to a later date. Wà nay lugar nga uktabáhun (iuktába) pa ang inyung kasal, There’s no more time for your wedding to be postponed. Mauktába ang sibil sirbis ug náay líkids, They will postpone the civil service test if there is a leakage. n postponement. Pila ka adlaw ang uktába sa didláyin? How many days is the postponement of the deadline?

uktába2 n octave. v [c6] raise the pitch an octave higher. Átung iuktába ang paníngug kay ubus ra kaáyu, We shall raise the pitch an octave higher because it is too low now.

Uktubri n October. see abril for verb forms.

uku, ukù expression uttered to babies three or four months old, the interpretation of the baby’s cooing. v [A3] for a three- or four-month-old baby to coo in response when talked to, tickled, blown. Makalingaw ang bátà basta makamau nang muukù, A baby is a lot of fun when it starts to coo back at you when you talk to it.

úkù = úkuy2.

úkub v 1 [A; b] cling or hold on firmly to. Miúkub ang bátà sa íyang yáya dihang ákù untà siyang kuháun, The child held on firmly to her nursemaid when I was about to take her. Miúkub na ang kula, The glue has set. Hiukuban giyud ka dihà ug lintà ug muúbug ka, If you go wading over there you will get leeches on you. 2 [B; a] for two convex things to fit together at their brims. Muúkub ning duha ka kartun, These two boxes are the same size because the edges match perfectly. Nag-úkub ang duha ka ngábil, Their two lips met and held to each other. 3 [A2; b(1)] bite, letting the teeth sink in, or for an insect to bite. Miúkub lang dáyun ang irù sa ákung bitíis nga wà muúsig, The dog sank its teeth in my legs without barking at me. pa- v [A; b(1)] apply dry cupping on s.t. to suck out undesirable matter. Nawálà ang sakit sa ákung likud nga gipaukúban, My backache disappeared after dry cupping was applied. ma-un a penetrating, piercing (literary). Maukúbung pagsud-ung, A penetrating look.

uk-uk v 1 [A23P; c1] draw back, shrink back into. Miuk-uk ang úlu sa bau pag-ági nákù, The turtle drew its head back when I passed by. Gustu na lang kung muuk-uk sa kaúlaw, I wanted to shrink into the floorboards with shame. — ang butbut v [A23; b4] back out, decide not to do s.t. that one earlier showed interest in doing. Miuk-uk ang butbut ni Pidru. Karun nga pakantáhun na untà, midumílì na hinúun, Pedro chickened out. Now that we want to have him sing, he refuses. — ang dílà v [B2456] be tongue-tied. Walà dáyun siya makatíngug kay miuk-uk ang íyang dílà sa túmang katingála, He couldn’t say a word because he was tongue-tied with amazement. 2 [B26; b6] shrink, esp. of cloth. Miuk-uk (nauk-uk) ang ákung panaptun human ihúmul, My cloth shrunk after it was soaked. 3 [B; b6] go down in value or worth. Miuk-uk ang prisyu sa palalítun, The price of goods has gone down. 4 [A123P; a4b4] be infested with cockroaches. n cockroach. Pubripubri sa suuk náa giyuy uk-uk, No matter how homely a girl may be, s.o. will court her. (Lit. No matter how poor the corner, there is bound to be a cockroach.) Ngánung nagminátay ka, mu ra ka mag namatyag uk-uk, Why are you wailing? You’re acting as if you lost a beloved cockroach (i.e. it’s not worth crying about).

úkul n 1 lump which is small enough to be held in the hand. 2 lump of leftover rice. [1086]Nagbitbit ang bátà ug úkul nga gisulaan níyag bulad, The child is carrying a lump of leftover rice which he ate with his dried fish. v [AB; c1] form lumps, cause s.t. to do so. Muúkul ang pawdird milk ug dílì kutáwun pag-áyu, Powdered milk will form lumps if you don’t stir it well.

ukun-úkun v [A3P; c1] hesitate to do s.t. Dì ku muukun-úkun arun ingnun nga ísug ku, I won’t hesitate so that they’ll say that I have guts. Ayaw ukun-ukúna (iukun-úkun) ang ímung pagdáwat, ábi pa lang wà ka kaayun, Don’t hesitate to accept it or else they will think you don’t appreciate it.

ukupar v [A; b5] 1 occupy or take possession of by settlement or seizure. Wà pay nakaukupar ánang isláha, No one has ever settled on that island. Ang lugar nga giukupahan sa armi, The place occupied by the army. 2 take up most of a space. Ang lamísa miukupar sa gamayng lawak, The table took up most of the space in the small room. 2a take up time. Naukupar ang tanan kung panahun sa mga pitsipitsi, My time was taken up with trivialities. ukupádu a 1 for a space to be occupied. Ukupádu ning lingkuranána, This seat is occupied. Ukupádu na kaáyu ang átung sakyanan, Our bus is already full. 2 busy. Ukupádu kaáyu mi kay nagpriparar sa pista, We are busy preparing for the feast. v 1 [B12; c1] get occupied. 2 [B12; b6] be busy with much work.

ukupasiyun n 1 occupation. Wà ka bay láing ukupasiyun gawas sa pagyampungad sa tubaan? Have you nothing else to occupy your time than hanging around the toddy stand? 2 the Japanese occupation in World War Two.

ukut v [B456; b6] get stuck into s.t. deep such that it is hard to disengage. Miukut ang dyip sa lápuk, The jeep got stuck in the mud. Mga libun nga nag-ukut sa dunggan sa irù, Ticks sticking to the dog’s ears. ma-un a penetrating (literary).

ukuy v [AN; a12] snoop, look about in a sneaking prying way. Muukuy nang bayhána sa íyang bána, That woman spies on her husband. Akung ukuyun (ukyun) ang mga bátà ug wà ba manglákaw, I’ll spy on the children and see if they didn’t go out.

úkuy1 n dish of meat, shrimp, and bean sprouts fried in dough. v [A; c1] have, make úkuy.

úkuy2 n a supernatural being in the shape of a small man, residing in the sea, said to drown people. v [a4] be drowned by an úkuy.

ukyab v 1 [A23P] be suddenly excited or startled. Miukyab ang ákung ginhawaan sa pagkahibalu nga may dakung hā́s nga nakasulud, I was startled to know that a big snake had entered the house. 1a [A23] make an uproar due to excitement and thrill. Miukyab ang mga táwu pagpangatáwa pagkakità nílang Dulpi nga nagbinabayi, The people laughed uproariously when they saw Dolphy dressed as a woman. 2 [B26; b3] leave hurriedly in fright. Miukyab (naukyab) ang mga langgam pagkakità námù, The flock of birds flew away upon seeing us. a 1 talking in an upsetting, overly-frightened way. Hápit na kunu matápus ang kalibútan, pū́ng pa sa mga táwung ukyab kaáyung manulti, The people who are nervously apprehensive say the world is going to end. 2 easily stirred into doing s.t. Ukyab kaáyu nang mga tawhána kay dalì ra kaáyung patuúhun, Those people are easily stirred up because it’s easy to lead them to believe. pa- v 1 [A; b6(1)] cause excitement or thrill. Ang íyang pagsulti nga ubsirbahan ang tanang klási nakapaukyab sa mga maistru, He got the teachers nervous by telling them that their classes would be observed. 2 [A; a12] flush a bird from hiding. Akuy mupaukyab sa buntug. Listus pagtíru, I will flush out the quail. Be ready to shoot. n thrill, s.t. causing excitement. Punù sa mga paukyab ang isturyang ditiktib, A detective story is full of suspenseful episodes. ma-un a suspenseful.

ukyù v [A2P; b(1)] shrink back into a hole or a place of hiding. Miukyù ang kágang dihang íyang gikúhit, The land crab shrunk back to the hole when he poked it with a stick.

ukyut a 1 tapered, tapering. Ukyut ang tumuy sa lápis, The tip of the pencil is tapered. 2 body or form having irregularly shaped surfaces or sides. Ukyut ang pabúrut níya, His balloon has an irregular form. n the part of a body or form that has sunk or depressed. Anhà putla sa ukyut ang lubi, Cut the coconut tree on the part of the trunk that is narrow. v [B; c1] for part of a body or form to become depressed or irregularly shaped due to depressions, become tapered. n sweepstakes (humorous).

úlà (not without l) v [A; c] shed blood as a sacrifice (literary). Muúlà ku sa ákung dugù álang sa yútang natawhan, I’ll shed my blood for my native land.

úlag v 1 [AN2; b(1)] for animals to copulate. Giulágan na ang bigal sa butakal, The boar served the sow. 2 [A2SN] be in heat, crave intercourse. Nag-ulag na ning irúa kay hingári [1087]lang ug kúyug sa laki, This dog is in heat because it is going around with the male. 2a behave flirtatiously to evoke masculine attention (as if in heat—somewhat coarse). Kanang íyang kinataw-an ug linihukan way láin kun dílì nag-úlag, She is laughing and acting no different from a bitch in heat. n = kaúlag. ulag-ulag v [A13] act immodestly by being forward to men. Ang babáying mag-ulag-ulag dì tahúrun sa mga laláki, An immodest woman is not respected by men. a = ulágun. see also uwagúwag. -an(→) = -un. ka- n sex urge. ma-un, -un a sexually lustful. v [B12] become over-sexed.

ulahi a 1 last in a group to do s.t. Ulahi siya kaáyu nga nakahuman, He was the last to finish. 2 late. Ulahi ka na kaáyu sa paniudtu, You are very late for dinner. 3 recent, latest. Mau niy ulahi nga gulà, This is the most recent issue. karung — recently. Naáyu na siya apan karung ulahi nabughat, She had already recovered but recently she had a relapse. 4 later, not the early days of one’s life. Sa ulahing mga panahun sa íyang kinabúhì nabúang siya, In the later days of his life he became crazy. v 1 [B126] be the last in doing s.t. 2 [B126] be late for s.t. Maulahi ka giyud ug maglangaylángay ka dihà, You’ll surely be late if you tarry over there. 3 [A; c1] leave s.t. for later. Ulahia (iulahi) na lang ang uban nga dì na madala, Just leave those things you cannot take along behind. pa- v 1 [A1; c] be the last, do s.t. as the last thing. Aku lay mupaulahi, I’ll just be the last one to go. Ipaulahi ang pagplansa, Do the ironing as the last thing. 2 [A3] allow oneself to be left behind. Dì giyud si Maríya magpaulahi sa urug, Maria won’t allow herself to be left behind by the styles. paN- v [A23] 1 be way too late, be behind the times. Karun ka pa kadungug? Nangulahi ka diay, You just heard about it? You are behind the times. 2 be at the rear of s.t. Nangulahi sila sa prusisiyun, They were at the rear of the procession. n the one at the rear. Pangulahing ligid, Rear wheel. ka- n delay, lateness. kaulahían n the last. sa — = sa kaulahíay. pangulahían = pangulahi, n, v2. kaulahíay sa — in the long run. Tingáli ug magbásul ka sa kaulahíay, You might regret it in the long run (in the days to come). kinaulahian n the last one in the group.

ulahípan n centipede. — sa baybáyun n sandworm, any of numerous annelids which burrow in the sand. They are used as bait.

ulalag (not without l) n pus concentrated in an infection coming to a head. v [A; b4] have pus coming to a head. Mangulngul ang hubag nga mag-ulalag, A boil that is coming to a head throbs. hiN- v [A23N; b] remove pus.

ulan n 1 rain. 2 rainwater. Lad-ang ang lamì sa ulan, Rainwater tastes flat. v 1 [A; a4b4] rain. Giulan ang bayli, The dance was rained out. Kalígù na lang kun hiulanan (maulanan) ka, Take a bath if you get caught in the rain. 1a [b4(1)] be crazy (as if having been caught in the rain—from the belief that being caught in the rain after too much fun or lack of food causes one to become crazy). Naulanan tingáli nà siya kay láig linihukan, He must be crazy because he is acting strange. 2 [A; b6(1)] rain or pour as if rain. Miulan ang mga bulantis sa syudad, The leaflets rained on the city. (←) = ting-. pa- v 1 [A13] stay out in the rain. Dì ka magpaulan kay mahumud ka, Do not stay out in the rain because you’ll get wet. 2 [A; b6(1)] rain in large quantities. Mipaulan ug suntuk ang buksidur, The boxer rained blows on his opponent. ulan-úlan n drizzle. v 1 [B456] drizzle. Dì ku mulakaw ug mag-ulan-úlan, I won’t go out if it drizzles. 2 [A12] give s.o. a treat or give cash in return for a favor. Makauwan-úwan ku ninyug tabángan ku ninyu sa ákung ripurt, I’ll give you a treat if you help me with my report. paulan-úlan v [A; b6] give s.o. a treat or cash in return for a favor. Gipauwan-uwánan mi sa kandidátu ug usa ka kahun nga sirbísa, The candidate treated us to a case of beer. n treat or money showered on one in exchange for a favor. pasiN- v [A; b4] go out in the rain. Mipasingulan siyag hatud, He braved the rain to deliver it. ting-, ting-(←), tali-(←) n rainy season.†

ulandis (not without l) n 1 white-skinned pig. 2 Hollander, Dutchman. v [AB; a] become bald and white; shave bald and white. Akuy muulandis ánang ímung úlu ug dì nímu paputlan nang ímung lambúngay, I’ll shave you bald if you don’t cut that mane of yours. see also uwandis.

ulang1 v [A; b3] for dogs to howl. Miuwang ang irù gabíi, The dogs were howling last night. n the action of howling.

ulang2 v [A; a12] 1 separate, keep apart. Kurtína ra ang miulang sa duha, Only a curtain separated them. 1a separate s.o. or s.t. fighting. Ulanga ang irù nga nagbugnù, Break up the dogs that are fighting. 2 [A; a12] stop a wedding ceremony on account of an objection. Giulang ang kasal kay miabut ang asáwa sa pamanhunun, The wedding [1088]was stopped because the real wife of the groom came on the scene. 3 [A1] bar, constitute a detriment to one’s success. Kapubri nga nag-ulang níya sa kalampúsan, Poverty that was a bar to his success. n 1 s.t. used to block the way. Ang ulang itrangka sa pultahan, Bolt the door with the piece of wood. 2 age that separates people. — ug pitu ka lawud Heaven forbid! (lit. may it be separated by seven seas!) Ulang ug pitu ka lawud dílì tà mudagsang nang sakítas átù, Heaven forbid that the sickness strike us here. ulang-úlang n the space between the anus and the vagina. ulang-úlang sa ilung n cartilage dividing the nostrils. ka-an(←) n impediment, barrier. paN- n a concoction of oil and plants to protect one from natural or supernatural evils.

ulang3 n fresh-water shrimp. v [A; b6(1)] have, cook fresh-water shrimps. paN- v [A12; b6(1)] catch fresh-water shrimps. n trap used for catching fresh-water shrimps. ulang-úlang n fishing lure in the shape of a shrimp.

ulan-úlan = hukihuk.

ul-ap n the situation in mahjong where one is ready to make mahjong without having opened any pieces. v [A12; a2] win with an ul-ap hand.

ulápì v [A3P; a4] shiver with cold or have chills. Giulápì ang bátà kay gitas-an sa hilánat, The child has the chills because he’s running a high fever.

ulasíman n purslane: Portulaca oleracea.

ulat1 a ignorant of ways or facts. Uwat ku dinhi sa Sugbu, I don’t know my way around Cebu. v 1 [B1256] be ignorant of s.t. 2 [A3P; c1] fool s.o. Giuwat ku sa tindíra kay báhaw ang ákung napalit, The salesgirl pulled one over on me because it was leftovers I bought. (←) 1 = ulat, v2. 2 [B126; a12] disappointed and embarrassed when s.t. is different from what one supposed and the whole world knows about one’s error. Wà ku mahibalu nga giuswag diay ang adlaw sa ílang kasal. Naúlat lang ku pag-adtu ku sa simbahan, I didn’t know that their marriage had been postponed. I was embarrassed when I went to the church.

ulat2, úlat n scar. v [B36; b4] form a scar. Miúlat (naulat) na ang ákung samad, My wound has formed a scar. -un a covered with scars. Ulátun ug páa nang bayhána, That girl has scars on her thigh.

ulátiw = bálù2.

úlaw a ashamed of what people think, embarrassed. Hastang uláwa nákù dihang nadiskubrihan ku, How ashamed I was when they caught me! Hastang uláwa nákù sa pagkadalispang nákù, How embarrassed I was when I fell. walay — shameless. Wà ka bay úlaw pagbúhat sa ingun? Doesn’t it shame you to do that? v [B126; b4(1)c5] be ashamed. Naúlaw kung pakítà níya kay sad-an ku, I’m ashamed to show myself to him because I am guilty. Kagahápun nga makaúlaw (makapaúlaw) sa táwu, A past that can cause one to be ashamed. Nauláwan ku niadtung pangutanáha, I was put to shame by that question. Ikaúlaw ku ang pagpangáyù ug pagkáun, I’d be ashamed to have to ask for food. ulaw-ulaw v [A13; a12] tease by saying embarrassing things. paka- v [A; b] 1 make s.o. feel ashamed. Kanang maistráha kusug kaáyung mupakaúlaw sa mga bátà, That teacher is good at making the children feel embarrassed. 2 bring shame on s.o. Ang ímung pagpangáwat nakapakaúlaw sa ímung ginikánan, You put your parents to shame when you stole. Ngánung gipakauláwan mu man aku, Why did you put me to shame? paka-(→) v [A13] do s.t. to put oneself to shame. -an(→), manggi-un a bashful, shy. Uwawan siya. Wà makasulti, He’s terribly bashful. He didn’t say a word. v [B125] be, become shy, bashful. ka- n shame, embarrassment. ka-an n cause for shame. Gihatágan níyag kauláwan ang babáyi kay wà pangasaw-a, He caused the girl great shame because he did not marry her. ka-un(→) n shame as an end effect. Kay ímu nang búhat, ímu nang kaulawun, Because it is your doing it will be your shame. maka-r- a causing shame. Kanang ímung batásan makauúlaw kaáyu, You have shameful manners. manggi-un 1 = -an(→). 2 = kipìkipì. see kípì. ma-un a 1 characterized by bashfulness. 2 be full of embarrassment. Nangatarúngan siya nga mauláwun, He offered reasons shamefacedly.

úlay a 1 virgin, chaste. Úlay nga pagkababáyi, A chaste woman. Úlay untà apan putling anay diay, She’s about as much a virgin as a sow is chaste. Úlay nga lasang, Virgin forest. 2 pure, free from sin. Úlay kaáyu ang ákung gugma kanímu, My love for you is very pure. v 1 [B16; b6] remain chaste. 2 [A13] for a woman to be so pure her body fails to decay. Nag-úlay si Inday Putinsiyána kay ang íyang láwas walà man malatà bísag napúlù ka túig siyang gilubung, Inday Potenciana was so pure that her body hadn’t decayed ten years after she was buried. ka- n chastity.

ulbu v 1 [A; b28] flare up, burst forth or out as in a fire or explosion. Miulbu dáyun ang táru sa gasulína, The can of gasoline [1089]burst at once into flames. 1a erupt. Ug muulbu ang bulkan, mulínug usab, If the volcano erupts there will also be an earthquake. 2 [B46; b4] for an emotion to flare up. Ngánung miulbu ka man lang dáyun nga wà ka man masáyud sa hinungdan? Why did you flare up when you didn’t know the cause? 3 [B246] for war to break out. 4 [AP; c1] puff up the hair by teasing. Ákung ulbúhun (iulbu) ug diyútay ning ímung buhuk arun mutáas ang ímung náwung, I’ll tease your hair a little to give length to the face. n the height of s.t. that rose up. Ang ulbu sa asu lápaws pangánud, The pillar of smoke went beyond the clouds. pina- n puffed-up hairdo. v [B136; c6] do one’s hair in a teased style.

uldáwun n a hand in mahjong where all the pieces are open on the table except the one or two pieces which one is holding waiting to get mahjong.

uldug a puffed-up, heaped-up. Uldug kaáyu ang ímung hirdu, You have a puffed-up hairdo. v [B3(1); c1] be, become puffed-up or piled up in a mound. Uldúgun (iuldug) ku ang sagbut úsà daúban, I pile the trash into a heap before I burn it.

ulhi = ulahi.

ulhus v [C; c1] take turns doing s.t.; do s.t. by turns or alternately. Mag-ulhus ta ug káun kay gamay ra ang lamísa, Let’s eat in turns because the table is small. Nagkaulhus mig anhi kay way mabilin sa báy, We are coming here one at a time so s.o. can be left home to watch the house.

úli n oil cloth. v [A; b6] cover with, use oil cloth.

úlì v 1 [A; c] return s.t. to s.o. Nag-úlì ku áring libru nga hinulaman, I am returning this book I borrowed. Kinsay giulían mu sa tigib, Whom did you return the chisel to? Iúlì ni ngadtung Túni, Return this to Tony. 1a — ang lisinsiya [A; c6] for a couple to stop having babies because the wife is no longer able to or because they choose to. Dì sà mi muúlì sa ámung lisinsiya kay wà pa miy babáyi, We won’t stop having babies until we have a girl. 2 [A; a1c] return s.t. to its place, reassemble. Antígu kang muúlì áning karburadur, Do you know how to put this carburator back together? 2a = ulì balay. 3 [C; a12] be reconciled after having quarreled. Nag-úlì na mi human sa ámung panagbángì, We are on good terms again after our quarrel. 4 [A; b(1)] buy s.t. from s.o. which he had originally not bought for resale. Ulían ta ning ímung sapátus, I’d like to buy from you that pair of shoes that you bought for yourself. 5 [A; b(1)] reimburse s.o. for what he had spent. Muúlì ka nákù sa gastu sa ákung byáhi, Will you reimburse me for my expenses on my trip? n amount paid for s.t. which was not originally for sale. (→) v 1 [A2; a12] come, go home. Dì ta makaulì kay way trák, We can not go home because there’s no bus. 2 [b8] regain consciousness. Naulian na ba ang táwu nga gikuyapan? Has the man that fainted regained consciousness? 3 [b8] be relieved of anxiety or emotional distress. Naulian ku human makadungug sa maáyung nutisya, I was relieved after I heard the good news. 4 [b8] for dried corn or rice grains which have been stored to become damp again. (→) bálay n in circumcision, the condition where the slit skin reverts to its former condition. v [B25; b4] for a circumcision to revert. -an(→) v [A13] be home from time to time. Tagsa ra ku mag-ulian sa ámù, I seldom go home. hiN- v [AN2; b(1)] 1 replant in spaces where seeds failed to sprout. Hingulíi ang ímung bitsuylasan pára dakug abut, Replant the vacant spaces in your bean patch to obtain a good yield. 2 weed the second time around. Ug dì ka muhingúlì sa maisan, masálut ang túbù sa mais, If you do not weed the cornfield a second time around, the corn will grow stunted. 3 = úlì, 4. hiN-(→) v [A13; b4] be in one’s second childhood. Lisud atimanun ning tigúlang nga maghingulì (gihingulian) na, It’s difficult to look after an old man who is in his second childhood. pa- v 1 [A; ac] = ulì, 1. 1a [c] bring s.o. back home. 2 [A23] go back to the place one started. Mupaúlì ang prusisiyun sa simbahan, The procession will return to the church. 2a bísag unsa kataas sa prusisiyun mupaúlì giyud sa simbahan, no matter how wayward a husband is he will eventually go home to his wife. 2b [b6] be on the receiving end of s.t. bad. Ang ímung paghubug mupaúlì sa ímung láwas, Your drunkenness will affect your health. Akuy paulían sa íyang kapungut, I will be on the receiving end of his anger. 3 = úlì, 2. pa-(→) = pahi-(→). pahi-(→) v [A; b(1)] 1 play a prank on s.o. and set him straight afterwards. Pait siya nga mukumidiya, dílì siya mupahiulì, He plays mean pranks and does not set you straight afterwards. 2 regain one’s health. Mubakasiyun ku kay magpahiulì ku sa ákung láwas, I’ll take a vacation to regain my health. Pahiulii úsà ang ímung láwas úsà mubálik sa trabáhu, Regain your health first before going back to work. paha-ay = úlì, v3. sa-(→) [1090]v [b4] contract s.o. else’s disease by treating him. Muhílut gánì kug hilantan saulian giyud ku, Whenever I massage s.o. with fever, I will always get the fever from him. hiniN-an, -in-an n s.t. one bought from s.o. who had bought it previously not intending to resell it again. ulìúlì kalag n a magic formula uttered three times while shaking a child that has been intensely frightened, to prevent him from getting boils. ka-un(→) a feel like going home. pa-anan, pa-an n home, a place one goes home to. pumapa-(→), tali-(→), talipa-(→), -um-r-(→), pumapa-(→) n on the way home. -unun, -únun(→), ig-r-ay, ig-r-ay(→) n s.t. that is to be returned. Mga hinuwamang uliúnun (ig-uulíay), Borrowed things which are to be returned. pa-unun, pa-unun(→) n s.t. one has to go home to get. see also tambaúlì.

ulianun = kulianun. see kulì.

úlib n olive. — drab n olive drab cloth. — úwil n olive oil.

ulíba = palma ulíba.

*ulíba, *ulíbu asayti di- n olive oil.

uligark n the wealthy families and their members that run the Philippines.

ulíhad = kulíhad.

ulihi = ulahi.

ulílang n 1 off-season planting of rice and corn. 2 crop planted off season. v [b] plant an off-season crop. paN- v [A2] 1 plant an off-season crop. 2 do s.t. later than the usual or normal time for doing it. Nangulílang ka na sa paniudtu, You are late for dinner. Nangulílang ka sa nutisya, You got the news late. n = ulílang, n.

ulimpíkir n a champion athlete who has been to the Olympics.

ulimpiyan n tennis shoes (from the brand name Olympian). a a simple wedding without much fuss (so called because it should be kept silent, like walking in tennis shoes). v [A] 1 wear tennis shoes. 2 hold a simple wedding. Ulimpiyánun (iulimpiyan) ku untà ang ákung kasal, nabakyà man hinúun, I want to keep my wedding quiet and simple, but the news has spread everywhere.

ulin n stern, the rear end of a ship. v [AN; b6(1)] steer a boat from the stern.

úling n charcoal. v 1 [APB26; c1] make charcoal; become charcoal. Pag-úling para iutaw, Make charcoal to iron with. Ang usa ka sákung bagul muúling ug duha ka taru, A sack of coconut shells will make two cans of charcoal. 2 [A12; b(1)] put, add charcoal into. 3 [A; b6(1)] use charcoal. -un n 1 things suitable to be made into charcoal. 2 k.o. tree of the secondary forest.

ulingì, ulingig = tulíngì.

ulipad (from lipad) a 1 walking sideways. Ulipad ang linaktan sa lambay, A crab walks sideways. 2 — ang tinan-awan cross-eyed. v 1 [A] walk sideways. 2 [B] be, become cross-eyed.

*uliping pa- v [A; b6] hide standing behind s.t. with the head partially exposed for observation. Mupauliping ku sa sira arun makítà kug unsay ílang gibúhat, I’ll hide behind the door so I’ll see what they’re doing.

ulípun n 1 slave. 2 slave to some power. Ulípun sa salapì, Slave to money. — sa tamalà n k.o. univalve seashell having its mouth covered wholly with some of its flesh, about 1¼″ in length. v [AB12; c1] enslave, become a slave to. Nagkaulipun ka sa ímung bisyu, You are becoming a slave to your vices. pa- v [A; b(1)] let oneself become a slave. kaulipnan n bondage, slavery. Ang kaulipnan sa Pilipínas ubus sa mga Katsílà, The Philippines’ enslavement to the Spaniards.†

ulísi n walking cane, staff. v 1 [A] carry, use a cane. Muulísi ku iniglakaw kay daghang buguy, I’ll carry a cane when I go out because there are lots of thugs. 2 [A; c1] make a cane, staff. 3 [A; a1b8] beat with a cane or rod.

ulit a desiring s.t. greatly in an indiscriminate way. Mukáun ug ransiyu kay ulit, He’ll even eat spoiled food, he is such a glutton. Ulit sa babáyi, Hungry for women. v [B2; b6] be, become greedy. (←) = ulit, v. ka-, ka-(←) n gluttony, great desire.

úlit v 1 [A3P; b3c1] provoke s.o.’s anger. Maúlit na siya ug kataw-an, She’ll become angry if they laugh at her. 2 [B126; a1] be frustrated or disappointed in one’s expectations. Naúlit kug huwat níya ug wà giyud mutunga, I waited for her but she didn’t show up.

ulitáwu (from táwu) n 1 bachelor, unmarried man. Ulitáwung gúlang, An old bachelor. 2 young man old enough to be married. Tapulan ámung ulitáwu. Magpúnay lag panista, Our son is lazy. All he does is sit around playing the guitar. Ayawg binátà kay ulitáwu ka na, Don’t be childish. You’re grown-up now. v [b(1)] court a girl. Kinsa may ímung giulitawhan run, Whom are you courting now? paN- v [A2; b(1)] court a girl. Nangulitáwu si Pidru ni Istir, Pedro is courting Esther. n courting, wooing. ulitawhay n boy about to embark onto adolescence. v [B1256; b6] be an adolescent boy. kaulitawhan n group of young men.

ulíut (from líut) v [A2; b6(1)] squeeze, wriggle [1091]through or deep into. Wà siya makaulíut ngadtu sa unáhan kay punù kaáyu ang lugar, He couldn’t elbow his way to the front because the place was full.

ulput v 1 [B26] pop or bounce up. Miulput (naulput) ang tabun sa tirmus pagbutang nákù, The thermos cork popped up when I put it on. 1a [A; b28] bounce the ball against s.t. else. Dì makaulput ang búla sa lápuk, The ball cannot bounce on mud. 2 [B2] start back with a jerk upon being surprised. Naulput ku pagkadungug ku sa kusug kaáyung hagsà, I started when I heard the loud crashing sound. 2a [B46] for the heart to thump. Nag-ulput ang ákung kasingkásing sa kahínam, My heart is thumping with expectation. — ang kabúhì = ulput, 2.

ulsir, ulsira, ulsíra n stomach ulcers. v [A123P; a4] get an ulcer. -un(→) a having stomach ulcers. v [B1256] having stomach ulcers.

ultima n 1 last, final after all the others. Ultima na lang ning ákung pag-anhi dinhi, This will be my last visit here. 2 = ultimu, n1. — úra at the last minute. Ultima úra giyud nang idisidir ug lakaw, She always decides to go at the eleventh hour. v [A3; b6] ask s.o. to give his final decision. Giultimahan siya nákù ug magpakasal ba siya u dílì, I asked him once and for all if he was going to marry me.

ultimatúm n ultimatum, final offer or proposal. v [b6(1)] give an ultimatum. Giultimatúman siya nákù sa pagpabalhin ug layù dinhi, I gave him an ultimatum to move far from here.

ultimu1 n 1 last, lowest price. — prisyu = ultimu, 1. 2 [noun] even [so-and-so], when it is the most unexpected thing. Daginutan kaáyu ning bayhána kay ang ultimung mumhu hipúsun pa, This woman is very thrifty. She even saves the crumbs from the table. Grábing sugarúla nímu, ultimung sapátus gibaligyà pára pamuhúnan, You are an incorrigible gambler! You even sold your shoes in order to secure money for betting.

ultimu2 n 1 private, the lowest rank of an enlisted man in the Army. 2 an ordinary person or small fry as opposed to one who is at the top. Padáyun lang mu sa inyung pagtugbaw sa táas, aku magpabílin nga ultimu, Proceed with your rise to stardom while I remain here a mere nothing. v 1 [B16; a12] be a private. 2 [B1256] be a small fry.

úlu n 1 head. 1a head as the source of thinking power. Gamíta ímung úlu, Use your head. 2 each person. Dus písus da ang báyad sa káda úlu, The cost is only two pesos per head. 3 head, forefront. Banda sa pulis ang úlu sa paráda, The head of the parade was the police band. — ug amù = inúlug amù. — sa bagyu eye of the typhoon. — sa bahà the first onrush of floodwaters. — nga buhatan main (lit. head) office. — sa hilánat in folk medicine, a lump in the muscle which bulges and when massaged, alleviates one’s fever and pains. — sa sakit source of an ailment. — sa sibúyas the bulb of an onion. v 1 [AN; b(1)] lead, be at the head. 1a lead s.o. to do s.t., usually bad. Ikay nangúlu sa tanang mga tinuntu, You led them into doing all their mischief. 2 [A; c1] shape, make a head. paN- v 1 [B126; c] be, become a leader, chief. 2 [c] have as its title. Ang sugilánun gipangulúhan ug ‘Líwas Sa Ugmà’, The story is entitled ‘Beyond Tomorrow’. n leader, chief. sag-(→), sag- v [A; a12b2] 1 memorize, learn s.t. by heart. 2 skip a meal. Sag-ulúhun ku na lang ang paniudtu, I’ll just skip lunch. siN-(→) see singulu. uluhan, ulúhan n s.t. at the top at the head: head of a bed, title of a song, et al. v 1 [A3; c] give s.t. a title. 2 [A13] have s.t. as a title. Bálak nga nag-uluhan ug ‘Lúhà’, A poem that is entitled ‘Tears’. -in- n shaped like a head. -in- ug amù waxing gibbous moon. inulúhan n having a head, e.g. a pin. kaulúhan n capital city. kapangulúhan n editorial board or staff.

úlub v [A1; a2] cut even around the edges. Ulúbun nákù pagputul ang bàbà sa baril, I will trim off around the mouth of the barrel. Ang íyang buhuk maáyung pagkaúlub, His hair was nicely trimmed all around.

úlud n worm. v [a4b4] be infested with worms. Ginamus nga giúlud, Salted fish that was full of worms. hiN- v [AN; b6(1)] pick out the worms from. Akuy muhingúlud (manghingúlud) sa tabákù, I’ll pick out the worms from the tobacco plants. ighihingulud, ighilingulud n s.t. used to pick worms out from inaccessible parts. ulud-úlud n decayed teeth. v [A123P; a4] be decayed. Misakit ang ákung ngípun nga giulud-úlud, My tooth was decayed and caused me great pain.

úlug v [A; c] put a burden on s.o.’s head for him to carry it. Iúlug na nang bukag kay adtu na ta, Please put the basket on my head because we’re going now.

ul-ug v [A; c] feed nestlings.

ulugnan = unlan. see ulun.

ulug-úlug v [A; b6(1)] flatter s.o. to make him feel good or to get s.t. out of him. Akuy muulug-úlug níya arun ta kab-an ug túbig, I’ll flatter him so that he’ll fetch water for us. n flattery. -an(→) a readily falling [1092]for sweet talk.

uluk, úluk n 1 glans penis. 2 — sa kasing bottom of a top that resembles the glans. uluk-uluk n a rounded or knoblike extremity of s.t. kasing nga inulúkan n top with no nail but with glans-shaped bottom.

ul-ul1 v [A; a2b3] bark. Ul-úlun ka sa irù ug mudúul ka, The dog will bark at you if you go near. n bark.

ul-ul2 a 1 throbbing pain. Ul-ul kaáyu ang ákung samad, My wound hurts very much. 2 heavy, uneasy feeling due to muscular fatigue. Ul-ul kaáyu ang ákung láwas tungud sa kadaghan sa trabáhu, My body is heavy from so much work. v 1 [B; b6] be, become painful, heavy in feeling. 2 [b] have labor pains. Dad-un na si Pína sa matirniti kay giul-ulan na, Bring Pina to the hospital because she has labor pains. ka- n degree or intenseness of pulsating pain.

ul-ul3 v [A; a] masturbate, word play on lùlù.

ulun v [A; c] lay one’s head on s.t. Dílì ku muulun ánang bukugun mung buktun, I will not lay my head on those bony arms of yours. unlan, ulunlan, ulúnan n pillow. — sa hálas k.o. vine of waste areas bearing red, shiny, rounded fruit, the size of a tennis ball, poisonous, smelly, and full of seeds. v [A; a] use for, make into a pillow. inunlan n placenta.

úlung a for a measure to be very full or heaping. v [A12; c1] measure s.t. out with a full or heaping measure. -in- = úlung, a.

ulunglan = unlan. see ulun.

ulungnan = unlan. see ulun.

ulun-úlun n not fully developed rice grains.

úlup a early morning at around sunrise. Ulup silang muadtu sa simbahan, They will go to church at sunrise. v [A; ac] do early in the morning. Muúlup ta sa lungsud ugmà, We will go to town early tomorrow morning.

ulus v [A; b(1)] borrow s.t. Aku ang nag-ulus sa ímung lápis, I borrowed your pencil. pa- v [A; a12] lend. Ayaw nag pausli, Don’t let anyone borrow that. inuslan n s.t. borrowed. inuslan nga batásan put-on behavior. Dílì malílung ang inuslan níyang batásan kay daghang nasáyud nga siya aryat, Nobody is fooled by the way she puts on. Everybody knows she is a plain snob. pinauslan n s.t. lent.

Úlus = ulhus.

ulusíman = ulasíman.

ulut1 v [b(1)] have a boundary in between. Giutlan ang duha námù ka balay sa usa ka mutu, Our houses are separated by a hill. (←)1 n outside edges or boundaries. v [C; c] for pieces of land to be contiguous. Mag-úlut tag yútà ug palitun nímu nang lutíha, Our land will be contiguous if you buy that lot. ulut-úlut 1 = úlut. 2 place between two things. v 1 = úlut, v1. 2 [b1256] for a space to develop between two things. utlánan n boundary. Ákung gikural ang utlánan sa ámung yútà, I fenced the boundary of our land. Butangan nátug utlánan ang átung panag-amígu, Let’s set a limit to our friendship. v [c1] be made into a boundary, limit. ka- n person whose land is contiguous to one’s own.

ulut2 n stalk or stem of grasses, dry or fresh.

úlut2 v [A; ac2] run after. Muúlut sa mangági ang ílang irù, Their dog runs after passers-by. Ulúta ang trák, Run after the truck. Iúlut ning páyung sa nánay mu, Run after your mother and give this umbrella to her.

uluúlu = ulug-úlug. uluuluhan a 1 susceptible to sweet talk. 2 tending to give sweet talk.

uluy v [A; b6(1)] start doing an action or going into a state. Miuluy nag kabugtù ang písì, The rope started to snap. Giuylan (giuluyan) ku siyag ulísi, I raised my cane to whack him.

ulyahut v [A; b3] complain loudly. Unsa pa may ímung giulyahutan ug nabayran ka na? What are you griping about if you have already been paid? n loud complaints.

ulyap = uylap.

um̀ pronounced [mmʔ] or [əəʔ]. particle expressing dissatisfaction or contempt. Um̀, mu rag mupalit nga nagtan-awtan-aw sa mga baligyà, Humph, the way he is inspecting the things you’d think he was going to buy s.t. Um̀, ábi níya ug mahadluk ku, Humph, he thinks I’m scared. Um̀, kusiun ta giyud ka sa ímung minalditu, Humph, I have to pinch you, you are so mischievous.

uma n a piece of land on which crops or animals are raised. v [A; a] cultivate or till a piece of land. Umahun ku ning yutáa, I’ll cultivate this piece of land. Sa giumahan nátù kanhi, On the land we cultivated in former times. umhan, umahan, kaumahan, kaumhan n cultivated piece of land. mag-r-(←) n farmer. paN- n occupation of farming.

umag v [A2; b4] for colors to run. Giumagan ang putì níyang sinínà nga naípun sa dikulur, His white shirt got stained because it was put together with the colored ones. a color that has run. Kining mantsa umag sa ákung midiyas, This stain is where my socks ran. [1093]

umágad see ágad2.

umagak, umágak n mother hen.

úmang n 1 hermit crab. — sus-an hermit crab in a shell having a barnacle, used as a medicine for mothers with a swelling breast. 2 kámang daw — see kámang, v1a. v 1 [A2N; b6] gather hermit crabs for bait. 2 [AN; a12] use, wear s.t. belonging to s.o. else.

umapún = amapúlun.

umari ka see ari1.

úmat v [AC; c1] go over a series of events or genealogies to recall them. Miúmat siya sa íyang kaági sa gúbat, He related his experiences during the war. Manag-ágaw diay kami kay nagkaúmat man mi sa ámung mga kagíkan, We are cousins, as it turned out, when we traced our ancestral tree.

umaw a having lost its fertility. v [B2] for soil to lose fertility. Magkaumaw ang uma nga pirming tamnan unyà way uabúnu, Lands that are always planted without getting fertilized become barren.

umay-úmay v [A; b5] make funny imitations of how s.o. does s.t. Nasukù si Tsiding kay giumay-úmay (giumay-umáyan) ni Kuring ang íyang sinultihan, Cheding got sore because Coring mimicked her manner of talking. -an(→) a fond of teasing by imitating.

umbangul, umbángul v [A2S; b3] howl, bellow loudly. Nag-umbangul siya sa kasakit, She bellowed with pain.

umbaw v 1 [A13; b6] overlook, tower over. Ang ílang balay nag-umbaw sa kasilingánan, Their house towers over the neighborhood. 2 [A; a] look down from a height over the edge of s.t. Nag-umbaw siya sa pangpang, He was looking down over the edge of the cliff. Umbáwa ang mga bátà sa búngun, Look out of the window and see what the children are doing.

umbihas, umbíhas = ambihas.

úmid v 1 [A; c1] wallow, roll in s.t. that sticks. Iúmid (umíra) ang ságing sa asúkar, Roll the bananas in sugar. 2 [B; c1] be needlessly implicated in s.t. bad. Naúmid ku sa kasábà bisan ug wà kuy salà, I was included in the scolding even though I hadn’t done anything.

umidu v 1 [B; b6] for s.t. designed to burn to be slightly moist. Ang libintadur nga muumidu (maumidu) dì na mubutu, A firecracker that gets moist won’t explode. 2 [B1456] for a wound or sore that appears healed on the surface to fester or generate pus underneath. Giabríhan pag-usab ang íyang upirasiyun kay nag-umidu sa ilawum, Her operation was reopened because it was festering inside. 2a for an emotion to fester in one’s heart (literary). Pagdumut nga nag-umidu sa dughan, Hatred that rankles in the breast. a 1 moist and not burning well. 2 festering.

umígas = hulmígas.

umil a soft, having lost its crispness. Umil na kaáyu ning pinipíga, The rice crunch has gotten all soggy. v [B2; b6] be, become soft, no longer crunchy. (←) v [B; a] for flat things to stick together from being moist. Muúmil ang mga playwud kun basà, The plywood sheets will stick together if they get wet.

umintádu a having risen in amount. Umintádu ang mga palalítun run, Prices of goods are high these days. v [B126] rise in degree. Maumintádu ang hilánat mahápun, The fever goes up in the afternoon.

umintu v [AB; bc] 1 become greater in degree or number, cause s.t. to do so. Ang mga kumirsiyanti miumintu sa mga prisyu sa mga palítun, The merchants raised the prices of goods. Nagkaumintu ang gidaghanun sa mga sakyanan sa syudad, There are getting to be more and more cars in the city. 2 improve, progress. Muumintu (maumintu) ang inyung pagkabutang ug mutrabáhu mu, Your situation will improve if you work. — sa kunhud v [B] become worse, go down. Nag-umintu mi sa kunhud tungud sa kagastadur, We are getting to be worse and worse off because we keep spending money. n 1 amount s.t. has increased. Gitagáan ug umintu sa swildu si Pidru, Pedro was given a raise. n one’s children added to a growing brood. Pila na ruy átung umintu? How many children do you have now? 2 progress, improvement of s.t. Walà giyuy umintu ang syudad, The city hasn’t shown any improvement.

umnis v [c1] skip, miss s.t. Sa kaapíki sa mga buluhatun sa panimalay naumnis na lang ang ákung paniudtu, I was so busy with the housework that I missed my dinner.

umpas v [A123P; b28] fall away, crumble down. Kusug nga ulan nga nakaumpas (nakapaumpas) sa kimba, A strong rain that crumbled away the embankment.

umpaw1 v [A12; b8] be outclassed or outstripped in comparison. Walay makaumpaw sa ímung binúang, No one can match your foolishness. Awtu nga bísan kanus-a walà hiumpawi, A car that has never been outclassed.

umpaw2 v 1 [A123P; b4(1)] come to after having fainted. Didtu na sa uspital maumpawi ang nakuyapan, The man who fainted came to in the hospital. 2 [B12; b4(1)] for [1094]one’s anger to wear off. Maumpaw ang íyang kasukù ug ímung amuy-amúyun, His anger will vanish if you play up to him.

umpù n 1 grandparent or a grandparent’s sibling or cousin of the same generation. 2 term of address for a relation of the grandparents’ generation.

umpul a cut short. Umpul kaáyu ang mga sinínà sa mga batan-un karun, Young people wear very short dresses nowadays. sáyang — n k.o. shirred skirt with no tail, worn now only by old women. v [B12; c1] be, become short. Ayaw kaáyug umpúla (iumpul) pagputul ang ímung buhuk, Don’t cut your hair too short.

-um-r- 1 prefix added to most verb roots which refer to an action to form nouns which mean ‘one who is about to [do]’. Umuulì na ku, I am about to go home. Pumipirma na untà siya sa kuntrátu, He was just about to sign the contract. 1a added to words referring to weather conditions. Umuulan tingáli run dà, It looks like it is going to rain. 2 prefixes added to a few verbal roots to form nouns referring to the agent who does [so-and-so]. Sumasákay, Passengers. Pumupúyù, Inhabitants.

úmud v [A6; c] push the face or s.t. analogous down, bury the face or fall with the face into s.t. Naúmud siya sa lápuk, She fell face first into the mud. Unlan nga íyang giumúran sa paghílak, The pillow she buried her face into when she cried. Ákù lang iúmud ang agipu sa abu arun mapáwung, I’ll sniffle the firebrand out by burying it in the ashes. — ang náwung v [c1] bury one’s face in work, preoccupation, hobby, and the like. Ug dì ku iúmud (umúrun) ang ákung nawung sa trabáhu wà miy makáun, If I don’t bury my face in work we won’t have anything to eat. hipa-, hapa-, pa- v [B1256] fall face first. Napaúmud (nahipaúmud) siyas kanal pagkadalispang níya, He fell face first into the ditch when he slipped.

umug a damp, moist. Umug kaáyu ang ímung sinínà sa singut, Your dress is wet with perspiration. v [B; b2c1] become moist. Nadáut ang kapi kay naumgan, The coffee spoiled because it got moisture into it.

úmuk pa- v [A; ac] sleep late or lounge around in bed past waking hours. Paumúka lang siyag katū́g kay Duminggu man run, Allow her to sleep in because it’s Sunday.

úmul v [A; a12] 1 roll s.t. into a ball. Umúla ang karni pára sa bulabúla, Roll the meat into balls to make meat balls. 1a mold into other shapes. 2 mold the personality and mind. Mga iskuylahan nga nag-úmul sa mga batan-un, Schools that mold the youth. n s.t. formed into balls or molds. -an(→) n school as the molder of the youth. -in- = úmul, n.

um-um v [A; a12] 1 put s.t. partly or wholly into the mouth or between the lips. Muum-um nà siya dáyun sa íyang kwáku inigmata, He immediately puts his pipe into his mouth when he wakes up. 2 — ug kalibútan v [A13] for a woman to have a prolapsed uterus. Nagbakaang ang babáyi kay nag-umum man ug kalibútan, The woman is walking with her legs far apart because she has a prolapsed uterus.

umung v [AN; c1] pile up harvested rice together with the stalks.

umu-um = alum-um.

umuy n bodily strength. Nawad-an si Samsun sa umuy dihang giputul ni Dilayla ang íyang buhuk, Samson lost his strength when Delilah cut his hair. v 1 [A12] have the strength to do s.t. Dì na giyud ku makaumuy paglakaw, I have no more strength to go out. 2 [b6] get strength. Giumuyan na ang ákung buktun, My arm has gathered strength again. paumuy-umuy v [A; c6] keep the body still without motion. Paumuy-umuy lang, makatū́g ka lagi, Just lie still and relax and you’ll fall asleep.

*un see marts.

-un1 direct passive verb affix, future. (past: gi- subjunctive: -a. Potential forms: past: na-; future and subjunctive: ma-.) Palitun ku ang bábuy, I will buy the pig. Gipalit ku ang bábuy, I bought the pig. Walà ku palita ang bábuy, I didn’t buy the pig. Dì ku mapalit ang bábuy, I cannot buy the pig. Napalit ku ang bábuy, I managed to buy the pig. Wà ku mapalit ang bábuy, I didn’t get to buy the pig. 1 do directly to. Lutúun ku ang kík, I will bake the cake. Kuháun ku kanà, I will go get it. Patyun níla, They will kill it. 1a with verbs of motion: go to get. Sak-un ku ang butung, I will climb up to get some coconuts. Balíkun ka námù, We will come back to get you. 1b with adjectives, nouns, or roots referring to a state: make s.t. [adj.], [noun]; or bring into [state]. Pulahun ku ang ákung ngábil, I will make my lips red. Hubgun ku siya sa mga sáad, I will make her drunk with promises. Ulipúnun ang Pilipínas sa Ispanya, Spain will enslave the Philippines. Karsunísun ku ning panaptun, I will make pants out of the cloth. Hutdun ku ang kwarta, I will use up the money. Upatun ang kík, The cake will be cut into four pieces. 1c with adjectives referring to manner: do it in [such-and-such] a manner. Ayúhun ku pagsilhig ang sawug, I will sweep [1095]the floor carefully. Kalitun ku paglabni ang íyang kutsilyu, I will grab his knife away suddenly. 1c1 with words referring to time: [do] at [such-and-such a time]. Ugmáun na lang nà nákù, I will just do that tomorrow. Binulanun ku sílag swildu, I will pay them by the month. 1d with verbs referring to an action two things can do with each other (usually with a long penult), have the two [do] to each other. Sagúlun ku ang itlug ug harína, I will mix the eggs and the flour. Abútun ku ang duha ka tumuy, I will make the two ends meet. 1d1 have s.o. do [so-and-so] with one. Sabútun ku ang draybir, I will come to an agreement with the driver. Awáyun ku si Pidru, I will fight Pedro. 1e with nouns referring to names or titles: call s.o. by [such-and-such] a name. Lulúhun ku ang tigúwang, I will call the old man Grandfather. 1e1 say [so-and-so] to. Litsíhun ku giyud siya, I’ll cuss at him and say litsi. 1f with nouns referring to things that can be used as an instrument: strike with [so-and-so]. Bakyáun ku siya, I will hit him with a wooden slipper. 1g with verbs referring to fighting, competing, and the like: accomplish s.t. by doing. Kun dílì mahímung sultíhun ang átung gikasungían, átù na lang awáyun, If we can’t settle our differences by talking, we’ll fight it out. 2 with words referring to a sickness or feeling: get [such-and-such] a sickness, feel [so-and-so]. Gitulug siyag maáyu, He is very sleepy. Giátay ang manuk, The chickens got chicken cholera. 3 háiy, unsay [noun]-un, there is no [noun]! (Lit. What is there to make or call a [noun].) ‘Tagái kug singku.’—‘Unsay kwartáhun!’ ‘Let me have a nickel.’—‘Where am I supposed to get money?’ Gipangítà ku si Tinyung sa dapit nga íyang gibarugan ganíha. Háin pay Tinyúngun, I looked for Tenyong in the place he had been standing. Tenyong was nowhere. (Lit. Where could there be s.t. to be called Tenyong?).

-un2 1 suffix added to adjectives and nouns to form adjectives which mean ‘of [such-and-such] a kind’. Usually, forms with this suffix have final stress. Yagpisun siyag láwas, He has a thinnish body. Dugúun (duguun) nga hitabù, A bloody event. Baratuhung panaptun, Cheap sort of cloth. 2 added to numbers to form nouns meaning ‘ones worth [so-and-so] much’. Pisusun (pisúsun) nga bayhána, A cheap woman (costing only a peso). Bayintihun, Costing twenty.

-un(→) alternant of -unun, used with some of the bases which occur with -unun, but not all of them. Dúna pa kuy hatagun nímu, I still have s.t. to give you.

úna n 1 ahead, earlier. Ákung turnu kay úna kaáyu ku nímu, It’s my turn because I was here well before you. 2 the one that is first in position. Ang Únang Gínang, The First Lady. 2a sa — in former times. Sa úna way sugà, In former times there was no electricity. mga -ng táwu the people of former times. 2b first, not second. — sa tanan above all. sa — nga lugar in the first place. Dì ka katagáan. Sa únang lugar pilyu ka, You can’t get any. In the first place, you’re naughty. v 1 [A; a2b2] do s.t. the first thing, or ahead of s.o. else. Muúna ku ug tindug. Sunud lang, I will stand up first. Just follow suit. Unáhun ku ni ug lútù, I will cook this first. 1a [A123S; b8] beat s.o. to s.t. Ákù ning syáha. Akuy nakauna áni, This is my chair. I got it first. Hiunhan siyag mata sa adlaw. Alas syíti nang mimata, He woke up late (lit. the sun got up before him). It was already seven o’clock. 1b [A; b6(1)] pay an amount in advance. Muúna ku nímug diyis, I will advance you ten. 2 [A2S; b(1)] be at the head, go ahead of others. Muúna ku nímu kay nagdalì ku, I will go home before you because I am in a hurry. Nag-una sila sa parid, They were at the head of the parade. 3 [A13N; b(1)] do s.t. to s.o. first. Kinsa may nag-úna ninyung duha? Which of you started it? 4 [A23N; b(1)] flirt with a boy aggressively. Gipaangkan hinúun si Mirli kay mau may miúna (nangúna) sa laláki, Merle got pregnant because she flirted too much with the boy. — sin utra a alternate, occurring one after the other. Úna sin utra ang lalákig babáyi, The boys and the girls are put in alternate position (boy, girl, boy, girl). (→) = úna, n1; v1, 1a, 1b, 2. v [A23; b] give unwanted advice. Muuna mu nákù? Ulahi ra mu kaáyu sa dúyan, What are you giving me advice for when you are way younger than me? pa- v 1 [A; a1c] for a woman to have premarital relations. Dì maáyu nga mupaúna sa láki, It’s not good for a woman to have relations with a man before marriage. 2 [A13] let s.o. do s.t. to one first. Sa sumbagay dì giyud siya paúna, He won’t let his opponent get the first blow in a fight. pa-(→) = paúna, v1. unauna v [A1; a12] do s.t. ahead of others when it is not proper or usual. Dì ka makaunaunag lingkud kay wà pa mulingkud ang pinasidunggan, You cannot sit down first because the honoree has not taken his seat yet. Unaunaha nig lung-ag, Cook this ahead in a hurry. pasi-, pasi-(→) v [A; c] 1 say s.t. by way [1096]of introduction, before s.o. else. 2 say or convey s.t. in advance. Mupasiuna lang ku nímu nga dì ku makaanhi ugmà, I’ll tell you in advance that I can’t come here tomorrow. Ipasiuna ku lang ni nímung kwartáha, I’m just giving you this money in advance. n 1 s.t. preliminary or a preface. 2 advance notice. unáhan n 1 place up ahead. 2 further. Ang íla unáhan ra kaáyus taytáyan, Their place is a considerable distance up beyond the bridge. pangunáhan v [A23] be the leader in a novena. n 1 s.t. placed in front of s.t. else. Pangunáhang ligid, Front tires. 2 one who is in the limelight. Pangunáhang papil, Starring role. kinaunahan, kinaunáhan n the very first. maunaunahun, unaunahun a 1 one who provokes trouble. Kanúnay siyang makakitag áway kay unaunahun man, He always finds himself in a fight because he is a trouble-maker. 2 forward with women.

unà n juice of the salted fish. Pakapini kug unà nga isúbak sa útan, Give me additional salted-fish juice for my vegetable stew. v 1 [B3(1); b6(1)] for salted-fish preserves to give out juice. 2 [A12] have juice to eat with the staple. 3 [A; b6(1)] put salted-fish juice on. Giunaan níyag daghan ang útan, She put lots of salted-fish juice on the vegetable stew.†

únà = úsà.

unanut v [A3P] do s.t. with difficulty or with great effort. Nag-unanut ku sa ákung mga sabdyiks rung tuíga, I am having difficulty with my subjects this year. Nag-unanut ku pagbira sa pyánu, It was a great effort to move the piano.

unap v [A1; a2] peel off the thin outer layer of a dried, young nipa leaf for smoking.

unas n dry banana leaf. v [AN; b6] remove the dried banana leaves. hiN- v [AN; b6(1)] = únas, v.

unásis a very rich old man. Unásis kaáyu ang íyang nabána, She married an Onassis.

unat = ínat.†

unaw n cassava or buri flour. v [A; a] extract cassava or buri flour.

unawup (from alup) a for light or vision to be dim. Unawup kaáyu ang síga sa sugà, The light of the lamp is very dim. v [B; c1] get dim. Muunáwup (maunáwup) ang ákung panan-aw, My eyesight becomes blurred sometimes.

unay n 1 mainland. Ang tagaisla adtu magkabù sa unay, The islanders fetch water from the mainland. 2 a deeply embedded sliver or foreign body. 3 s.t. solidly attached to or forming a solid or contiguous part of s.t. Dílì matangtang ning putháwa kay unay sa íhi, This piece of iron can not be removed because it forms a solid part of the axle. — sa láwas = taput láwas. see láwas. 4 instantly accessible. Sa nagtrabáhu pa ku sa panadiríya unay ra ku sa pán, When I was working in the bakery, I always had bread instantly accessible. v 1 [A; b6] go stay with a member of the family that is s.w. else. Muunay ku sa mga bátà sa syudad sa ílang pag-iskuyla, I will go live with the children in the city while they attend school there. 2 [AN; a12] do some harm to a member of one’s own family or group. Ang íya rang anak nag-unay ug káwat sa ílang karabaw, His own son stole the carabao from them. 3 [A13] commit suicide. Nag-unay siya kay disispirádu, He killed himself because he was despondent in love. 3a [A12; a3] be harmed by one’s own trick, weapon. Mirísi. Naunay ka sa ímung tinuntu, It serves you right. Your foolishness backfired on you, and you got it instead. 4 [ac] do s.t. to s.t. one is wearing without taking it off. Giunay lang nákug sursi ang gísì sa ákung púlu, I sewed up the tear in my shirt without taking it off. 5 [AN; bN] do s.t. personally, not delegating it to s.o. else. Aku giyuy mangunay (muunay, mangúnay) íni kay mga tapulan mu, I guess I’ll have to do this myself because you are so lazy. Unayi nag trabáhu kay kuti nà, Work on that personally because it is an intricate job. (←) n 1 s.t. fixed or attached to s.t. Sa mamilúka únay ang sinínà sa karsúnis, In a child’s one-piece suit the pants and the shirt are together in one piece. batu nga — bedrock. 2 fight among friends or relatives. Sa únay ang amahan hingpatyan, The father was killed in the family fight. v 1 [C3; c1] be fixed, attached as part of one another. Nag-únay ang púnu ug radiyu kay gibutang ang duha sa usa ka kabinit, The radio and phonograph are a single unit because they were put in one cabinet. 2 [A; ac3] for friends or kin to do s.t. to each other they shouldn’t. Nag-únay ang managsúun maung gibáliw, The brother and sister committed incest. That’s why they were cursed. Ang mismu níyang amahan ang gikaúnay níya sa pulitika, He ran against his own father in the elections. unay-únay v [A; c6] put on special wearing apparel for ordinary situations. Ayawg iunay-únay ang bag-u mung sinínà, Don’t go wearing your new dress around the house. n clothing for ordinary use. -in- n rolled tobacco leaf for smoking. v 1 [A] smoke rolled tobacco leaf. 2 [A1; c1] roll tobacco leaves for smokes. ti-(←) see tiúnay. [1097]

undag v [B2; b(1)] sink, settle down to the bottom of a liquid medium. Lawum ang giundágan sa barkung nalúnud, The ship sank in deep waters.

undak v 1 [B3(1)4; b6] jounce in riding. Miundak ning trák tungud sa batsi, This bus is jouncing because of the potholes. 2 [A; c1] stamp the feet, walk with heavy footfalls. Ayaw undáka (iundak) ímung tiil kay náay táwu sa sílung, Don’t stamp your feet when you walk because there are people downstairs. pina- ang tíngug speaking in a rough, curt way.

undan a aware of what is happening around one. n awareness. Wà siyay undan nga gidala sa huspital, He was unconscious when he was brought to the hospital. v 1 [A12; b28] know, be aware of what is going on. Wà pa ku makaundan paghalin námù sa Mindanaw, I was not old enough to know what was going on when we moved to Mindanao. Wà ku makaundan nga gikúut ang ákung kwarta, I did not notice that s.o. had picked my pocket. 1a [A12] regain consciousness. 1b come to understand fully s.t. about which one had misapprehensions. Hiundanan (naundanan) na níya ang íyang sayup, He has just realized his mistakes. 2 [A13; b8] grow up under the conditions, environment of. Nag-undan siya sa pagkaharúhay, She grew up in great comfort. — sa buut = undan. see also unud.

undang v [A; ab1] stop doing s.t., come to a stop. Naundang ang ámung pagpangáun sa pag-abut níla, Our meal came to a halt when they arrived. Giundángan námug dáru ang íyang uma, We had stopped plowing his farm. Giundángan na siya sa íyang dugù, Her menstruation has stopped. walay — unending, incessant. undang-undang a intermittent, on and off. Undang-undang nga kasakit sa tampihak, Intermittent migraine. v [B; b5] be intermittent, periodic, or on and off. Giundang-undang (giundang-undángan) pagpaági sa túbig sa agwas karun, We only have water periodically these days. -in-an n food served at the end of the work. -in-an nga swildu separation pay.

undaundà v [B; c16] for a process to be broken by short intervals, not going on smoothly. Mag-undaundà siyang musulti mu rag maghunàhúnà ug unsay isunud, He speaks haltingly as if he was thinking of what to say next. Pirmíha pagtulud. Ayawg undaundáa (iundaundà), Push continuously. Don’t keep stopping now and then. a going on haltingly, not smoothly continuous.

undáyag v [A2; b] step backwards, dodging to avoid the blows of an attacking opponent. Muundáyag siya kun dasdásun apan síging nagpika, He steps out of the way when he is attacked, but continues to deliver punches.

undayun, undáyun (from dáyun) a space which is contiguous or continuous with s.t. Ang kumidur undáyun sa sála, The dining room is a continuation of the living room. pa- v 1 [A; b5c1] continue, go on doing s.t. Mipaundáyun siyag lakaw bísan ákung gitawag, She continued on walking away even as I called her. Wà siya makapaundáyun ug iskuyla kay nasakit, He was not able to continue his studies because he got sick. 2 [A; b] go along with s.o.’s decision, wishes. Magpaundáyun kami sa ímung hukum, We will go along with your decision. Ayaw paundayúni sa tanan níyang gustu, Do not give him everything he wants.

undù short form: . n 1 address of endearment for a boy. 2 familiar term of address to a man the same age or younger than the speaker. v [A; a12] call or address s.o. this way.

unduk v [B6; c1] be piled high. Muunduk ang labhanan ug dílì amnun paglaba, The laundry will pile up if you don’t take care of it as it comes up. n pile, heap of s.t. Ang unduk sa basúra, The heap of garbage.

undul a for plants to have lost their crowns or leaves at the top. Mais nga undul kaáyu human agii sa dúlun, Corn that had its tops eaten away by the locusts. v [APB; a2] for plants to lose their crowns, cause them to do so.

unduy = undù.

undyan = unyà.

ū́ng = úlung.

ungà1 v [A23P; b] stop sucking on s.t.; stop suckling. Dì muungà ug supsup sa dugù ang limátuk ug dì mabusug, A leech won’t stop sucking blood until it gets full. ungaúngà v [A; c1] loosen s.t. by working it back and forth. Nag-ungaúngà ku sa halígi arun húmuk ibtun, I’m pushing the post back and forth so that it will be easy to pull it up.

ungà2 = ingà.

ungab1 v [A; a1b7] bite a big chunk off. Ug ikaw muungab, mahurut ni, If you take a bite of it, nothing will be left. Ang plíti muungab ug dakù sa ákung swildu, The fare takes a large chunk out of my salary. n 1 bite. 2 action of biting. Usa ka ungab mahurut nà dáyun, That would all be gone in a bite. -in-an n the area from which a large chunk has been bitten. [1098]

ungab2 v [A; b36] cry aloud. Nakamata ku kay nag-ungab siya, I woke up because he cried so loud.

úngad v 1 [AN; a12] dig out with the snout or s.t. analogous. Dì na muúngad (mangúngad) ang bábuy ug gawungan, The pig can no longer dig up the soil if a ring is attached to its snout. 2 [A23; c] bury one’s face in. Miungad siya sa dughan sa íyang minahal ug mihílak, She buried her face on her boy friend’s bosom and cried. 3 [A23] bury oneself in what one is doing. Matigayun giyud ang íyang uma kay muúngad siyas trabáhu, His farm will do well because he applies himself assiduously. 4 [A12S3] stay s.w. for one’s subsistence. Náa ra mag-ungad sa mga ginikánan ang mga anak nga nangaminyù, The married children are living with their parents. pa- v [B1256] fall down on one’s face. Napandul siya ug napaúngad siyas lápuk, He tripped and fell face first into the mud. inungáran n 1 soil that has been all dug up by a pig. 2 earnings, s.t. obtained for a work done.

ungal, úngal v [A] make a loud bellowing cry. Miúngal (miungal) ang higanti pagkaigù sa agtang, The giant bellowed when he got hit on the forehead.

ungas n bad scratch. v [AB12; b6(1)] scratch s.t. badly. Siyay miungas sa ákung nawung, She scratched my face.

ungat-úngat n the joint between the upper and lower jaw and the muscles and jawbone in the vicinity. Gikápuy ang ákung ungat-úngat ug kináun sa inánag, My jaws were tired from eating the broiled corn.

ungaug = alungaug.

ungaw v [B146; b6] 1 be on the brink of death. Nag-ungaw na siya sa kamatáyun, She is on the brink of death. 2 be at the brink of some calamity. Mag-ungaw na gánì ang ákung kwarta sa kahurutun, mukáun na lang ku ug buwad, When my money is nearly gone I resort to eating dried fish.

ungdan = undan.

unggà v 1 [A; c1] break limbs, anything projecting off. Unggáun (iunggà) ku ning úlu sa munyíka, I’ll break the head of the doll off. Naunggà ang pakù sa ayruplánu pagkahúlug niíni, The wing of the airplane broke off when it fell. 2 [B12; a 12] for a sungkà player to lose all his pieces to his opponent. Dì abtag diyis minútus makaunggà ku nímu, In less than ten minutes I’ll have all your pieces. a 1 being broken off. Unggà nag kawu nang tasáa, That cup doesn’t have a handle any more. 2 having lost all one’s pieces in sungkà. unggaunggà n = anananggal. v [a3] be detachable.

unggal = unggà.

unggu = pamaláyi. see bayi.

ungguwintu n ointment.

ungguy n monkey. — nga nahapunan crestfallen of countenance. Naunsa ka man nga mu ra ka man ug ungguy nga nahapunan, pri? What happened to you? You look crestfallen (like a monkey overtaken by sunset). dalunggan sa — = layat2. ungguy-ungguy n k.o. card game where the players try to match pairs by drawing from each other’s hands. v [A1; a12] play this game.

ungkad, ungkag v [A3PB12; c1] 1 scatter, be, become scattered or disarrayed. Kinsay nag-ungkag sa mga papil? Who scattered the papers all over the place? Naungkag ang mga táwu dihang miuwan, The people ran in all directions when it started to rain. 2 stir or disturb the peace or calmness of. Ang dautang balità mauy miungkag sa mga lungsuránun, The bad news stirred up the townspeople. 2a break up a home or a peaceful or friendly relationship. Maungkag ang inyung pagpuyù tungud sa ímung pagbisyu, Your home life will be broken up because of your indulgence in vice. 2b disturb one’s sleep. Siyay miungkag sa ákung paghinánuk, She disturbed my sleep.

ungkat v [A; a1] revive, bring back to one’s consciousness s.t. that has long been forgotten. Ákung ungkátun ang tanang nahitabù arun mahibaw-an ang kamatuúran, I’ll go over everything that happened so that the truth will come out.

unglan = unlan. see ulun.

unglù n a person who is possessed of a supernatural force, which attacks from time to time causing him to change his form and go out, often to harm others, preying on their blood, livers, et al. The power which possesses the unglù is passed to him by salában. v 1 [B126; b6] become an unglù. 2 [B126] be addicted to a despicable vice. Naúngù siya sa madyung, He has become addicted to mahjong. paN- v [A2; b(1)] for a person who is an unglù to get possessed and do his malicious acts.

ungnan = unlan. see ulun.

Úngù1 = unglù.

Úngù2 = wakwak2.

úngud a giving serious and undisturbed attention to work or activity. Úngud siya sa trabáhu, He is diligent in his work. v [A; c] do s.t. seriously and with diligence. Mag-úngud mu sa pagtuun arun mu makapasar, You must be diligent in your studies so that you [1099]can pass. Iúngud ang ímung panahun sa ímung nigusyu, Devote your time to your business.

ungul n stage of maturity of a coconut where the meat is getting hard but not completely mature. v [B25; b6] for the coconut to reach this stage.

úngul v [A2; b3] object angrily upon being asked for s.t. or told to do s.t. because the person who did so does not have the right (slang). Ug miúngul pa siya pagpangáyù nákug dilihinsiya gúbut untà, Had he objected when I asked for protection money, there would have been trouble. n angry complaint. Way úngul ang butanti nga ámung gitirurismu, The voter we terrorized didn’t dare complain.

ung-ung v [A; c6] appear partly in an opening or hole. Tawga dáyun ang duktǔr ug mag-ung-ung na ang bátà, Call the doctor immediately when the child appears in the vaginal opening. Ayaw iung-ung ang ímung úlu sa pultahan kay mahadluk sila, Don’t pop your head out of the door or they’ll be scared. n 1 the buwà1 at an early stage of development. 2 supernatural beings who appear to people showing only their human head above the ground in odd places. They frighten but are harmless.

ungus-ungus, ungus-úngus v [AN; a] sniffle or whine. Naghilak ka man tingáli, kay nag-ungus-ungus ka man, You must have been crying because you are sniffling. Nag-ungus-ungus ang irù, The dog is whining.

úngut v 1 [APB2S] get stuck and not be able to move forward, cause s.t. to do so. Miúngut (naúngut) ang dáru sa dakung batu, The plow got stuck on a big boulder. Siyay nag-úngut (nagpaúngut) sa kambiyu, He caused the gears to jam. Lawum nga lápuk ang giungútan sa trák, The truck got stuck deep in the mud. 1a — ang bàbà. 1a1 get lockjaw. 1a2 be at a loss for words. Miúngut ang íyang bàbà sa dihang gisukut siya, She didn’t know what to say when she was questioned. 2 [B23S6; b3] become stopped, detained. Miúngut ang ákung papílis sa imbasi, My papers got stuck in the embassy. 3 be puzzled, stuck so that one can’t proceed. Muúngut (maúngut) giyud ku áning prublimáha, I’ll be stumped by this problem. 4 [B2S3(1)6; b(1)] for s.t. long to pierce into s.t. Nag-ungut ang kwáku sa bàbà sa tigúwang, There was a pipe stuck in the old man’s mouth. Wà makaúngut ang panà sa káhuy, The arrow didn’t stick into the tree. 4a be fixed, glued s.w. Miúngut ang íyang mata sa dughan sa dalága, His eyes were glued to the young woman’s breasts. 5 = úngud, v. a 1 being stuck on tight. 2 = úngud, a. pina- n action that is prolonged, done without letting go. Ang íyang hinagkan pinaúngut, He kissed her with a prolonged kiss.

unguy1 (word play on bungul) a deaf (humorous). Kusga pagsulti kay unguy nang gikaisturya nímu, Speak loudly because you are talking to a deaf man.

*unguy2 unguy-únguy v [AP; b(1)] malinger. Mag-unguy-únguy (magpaunguy-únguy) dáyun nang batáa basta náay súgù, That child pretends to be sick as soon as there is work to be done. -an a unable to endure work. Unguyan kaáyu sa trabáhu nang tawhána kay tapulan man gud, That man can’t endure work because he is lazy. v [B12] get to be so one cannot endure work. unguy-unguyan a malingerer. v [B12; b] be, become a malingerer.

unibirsidad n university. v [AB126; a2] found a university, become a university.

unidu = umidu, 2, 2a.

unidúru = inudúru.

unipurmi = yunipurmi.

unkuwartu n one-fourth. Unkuwartu ra nga karni ang ákung palitun, I’ll only buy a quarter (kilogram) of meat. v [B1256; a12] amount to a quarter. Unkuwartúha lang pagpalit ang asúkar, Just buy a quarter of a kilo of sugar.

unlan see ulun.

unlud v 1 [AB23; c1] sink into s.t. so as to be submerged. Dì muunlud (maunlud) ang sakayan nga kinatígan, A boat with outriggers won’t sink. Unlúrun (iunlud) ta ka, I’ll pull you under the water. 1a for s.t. solid to sink into the earth or land to sink. Nahíwì ang balay kay nagkaunlud ang halígi, The house is crooked because the post is sinking. 2 [APB2; c1] for a business to go to pot, cause it to do so. Muunlud ang ímung nigusyu ug dì ikaw ang mangunay, Your business will go to pot if you don’t manage it yourself. pa- n lead sinker of a fishing net or line.

unminútu n one minute. Unminútu ra ang ákung pahúway, I rested for only one minute. v 1 [A2; c1] do s.t. for a minute. Muunminútu ra ku pagpakigsulti nímu, I’ll talk to you for only one minute. Wà pa ka makaunminútu ug sulti, You haven’t talked for a minute. 2 [B56] be about a minute. Miunminútu (naunminútu) tingáli tung ákung pagkalípung, I was dizzy for about a minute.

unmumintu 1 wait a moment, excuse me a second. Unmumintu, maglipstik na lang ku, Just a second. I’ll just put my lipstick [1100]on. Unmumintu diay. Kinsa tuy ímung ngálan? Just a minute. What did you say your name was? 2 wait a minute, be silent for a minute. ispíra — = unmumintu, 2.

unra = rilip.

unras n honors for the dead, a special ceremony at a funeral where the priest accompanies the body from the house to the church, and from there to the cemetery. v [A; b6] perform the unras. — bihilya n this ceremony in which the body remains in the church for some time.

unsa interrogative 1 what? Unsay ímung gibúhat? What are you doing? Unsa man nà? What is that? Unsay úras? What time is it? Unsay átù? What would you like? Unsa man diay? Ug dì swildúhan mubíyà giyud, What do you expect? If you don’t pay, of course she’ll quit. Báhin sa unsa? What is it about? 1a bisan (bisag) — whatever, anything at all. Bisan unsay ihátag, dawáta, Whatever they give you, accept it. Bisag unsa mahal run, Everything is expensive nowadays. 1b — nga [time]-a at what [time]? Unsang urása? At what time? 1c — ka-[adj.]? how [adj.] was it? Unsa kadakù ang ílang balay? How big is their house? Tíaw mu ba kun unsa kalisud, Imagine how difficult it is. 1d -y ákù? what do I care? Unsay ákù ug muláyas ka? Na hala, What do I care if you run away? Go right ahead. Unsay ákù kaníya? What do I care about her? 1e -y ímu [dat.] what do you see in [dat.]? 1f -y ngálan gud what in heaven’s name? Unsay ngálan gud diay? Minyù? What in heaven’s name do you mean? He’s married? 2 how about it? Unsa, muadtu ba tag dílì? How about it? Shall we go or not? 2a say, how is it now? Unsa, human na ba, wà pa, Say, is it done or not? 2b — na how are things now? Unsa na? Nadáwat ka na? How about it? Did you get your job? ‘Unsa na?’—‘Mau gihápun,’ ‘How are things?’—‘Oh, just as usual.’ 2c — na kahà how much more so if. Ug dagmálan ka na níya run, unsa na kahag maminyù mu? If he is mean to you now, how will it be when you’re married? 3 what do you mean? what are you talking about? Unsay barátu? Mahal uy! What do you mean cheap? It’s expensive. Unsang kwartáha! Nagastu na, What money are you talking about? It’s all gone. 3a what’s the matter with? Unsa ka bang sultían, mu ra ka mag bungul, What’s the matter with you that when I talk to you you act deaf? 4 at the end of a phrase: it is so, is it not? short form: sa. Maáyu, unsa (sa)? It was nice, wasn’t it? 5 ug — pa kadtu, dihà and so forth. Mga bínu, tubà, sirbísa, ug unsa pa kadtu (dihà), Wine, toddy, beer, and what have you. v 1 [A3; a1] do what? Muunsa kag hanaan ka níya? What will you do if he aims at you? Nag-unsa man mu samtang wà ku dinhi? What did you do while I wasn’t here? Giunsa man ninyu ang bátang naghilak man? What did you do to the child to make him cry? 1a [a1c] how does one do. Unsáun ku pagpatay sa (ang) irù? How can I kill the dog? Iunsa man nà nákù pagtáud? How shall I attach it? 1a1 bisan — no matter what was, is done to it. Bisag giunsa (unsáun) nákù pagbira dílì maibut, No matter how I pulled (pull) it, it didn’t (won’t) come out. 1b unsáun man nga what could I do? Unsáun man ug dì magpatúu, dì hilatiguhan, I couldn’t help it. If he doesn’t obey I have to whip him. 1c dílì ingun sa pag- it is not to make s.o. feel bad. Dílì ni ingun sa pag-unsa nímu, piru tinúud giyud nà, I’m not saying this to hurt you, but it is true. 1d bisag unsáun n name given to the followers of Osmeña, who stick with him through his attempts to capture the presidency (sticking to him, whatever he does). 2 [B16] what does it become, happen to it. Maunsa man ang átung láwas ug patay na ta? What happens to our bodies when we die? Nag-unsa man ang patay? What was the position of the body? Makaunsa (makapaunsa) kanang tambála? What can that medicine do? 2a [B1256] what happened to...? Naunsa ka? Nabúang ka ba? What’s the matter with you? Are you crazy? 2b ma- ba who cares. Maunsa ba ug dì mahinayun, Who gives a darn if it doesn’t go through? paN- v [A23] do harm. Dì mangunsa ning irúa, This dog won’t do anything. Nangunsa man tu? Dì walà? What did he do to you anyway? Nothing, didn’t he? unsáay v [B126] what happens to. Maunsáay átung nigusyug muritíra ka? What will become of our business if you pull out? Walà giyud makaunsáay ang bagyu sa ámù, The storm didn’t do a thing to our house. ka- v [A13] what will happen to. Ug magkaunsa gánì ri, makapangasáwa giyud ka, Whatever happens to her, you will have to marry her. kina-, kinaunsáay v [A13] what it will become. Ug magkinaunsa, nía giyud ku, Whatever happens, I’ll always be here. mag- how are they related? Mag-unsa man nà sila? Magsúun ba? How are they related? Are they brothers? ig- n what relationship. Ig-unsa ka nákù? What relation are you to me? walay unsaunsa no more anything. [1101]Ug mamaláyi ka run, largu ang kasal, wà nay unsaunsa, After you have asked for the hand, you can get married without any further ceremonies.

unsas n ounce. v [c1] measure by the ounce.

unsi numeral eleven. Unsi ka buuk bátà, Eleven children. Unsi písus, Eleven pesos. v see tris. unsiunsi v 1 [A; b] do s.t. on a ten-to-one basis. Unsiunsíhan nátug hákut ang mais, We will carry the corn to market on a ten-to-one basis (for every ten you carry, you get one for yourself). 1a [a12] pay on a ten-to-one basis (instead of some other way). Ug átung unsiunsíhun ang swildu, iguígù giyud, If we give them a tenth share, that is fair enough. 2 [A13; b(1)] beat s.o. by turns. Ang dinakpan giunsiunsíhan sa mga sikríta, The plainclothesmen took turns beating the suspect.

unsingálan (from unsay ngálan) a what? Unsingálan man nà? What is that? Unsingálan gud ning kagulyánga gud? What’s all this ruckus about anyway?

unsiyálan = unsingálan.

unsuy v [A3P; b4] be, become sick after exposing oneself to the cold or taking a bath after having sexual intercourse. Ang pagkalígù human mukáyat makapaunsuy (makaunsuy), Taking a bath after having sexual intercourse can get you sick.

untà short form: . 1 with requests or suggestions ‘should, would like to’. Muhulam untà ku ug kwarta nímu, I would like to borrow some money from you. 1a may [so-and-so] happen. Mahúlug tà ka, I hope you fall! Dílì untà siya masaklit sa kamatáyun, May death not take him away. Dì tà ka magbinúang, I hope you don’t do anything foolish. hináut — I hope. Hináut untà nga dílì ka maghubug, I hope you do not get drunk. 2 [so-and-so] was going to be the case, but it isn’t; [so-and-so] might have happened, but it did not. Mugíkan na untà siya apan mibagyu, He was about to leave but there was a storm. maáyu — it would be (have been) better. Maáyu untà ug madala nímu rung hápun, It would be nice if you could bring it this afternoon. Nindut tà ug nadala pa nímu, It would have been nice if you had brought it. 2a in the apodosis of conditions contrary to fact: then [so-and-so] would have been the case. Maáyung wà makagikan ang sakayan, kayg kagikan pa, malúnud untà, Thank God the boat didn’t leave, because if it had, it would have sunk. Walà untà ku muanhig wà pa ku imbitaha, I wouldn’t have come unless I had been invited. Ug aku pa, mahuman na tà run, I could have gotten it done, if I were to have been the one to do it. Dílì aku, kayg aku pa, nahuman na tà run, It wasn’t me, because if it were, it would have been done now. Ug ugmà pa giyud ang kasal naghíkay tà run, If the wedding were really going to be tomorrow, he would be preparing now. Ug aku pay kaslun magkapulíkì tà ku run, piru siya hayáhay lang, If it were me getting married, I’d be going crazy; but he’s just taking it easy. 2b [so-and-so] should not be the case. Ngánung mutúlù man ning bangáa nga wà man untay sulud? Why does this jar leak when it is supposed to be empty? Háin man siyang nía man tà tu run? Where is he since he was supposed to be here? 2c — kay because of [so-and-so], [such-and-such] should have been done. Untà kay gawíun nímu samtang wà siya dinhi, nananghid kang dáan, Since you wanted to use it while he was gone, you should have asked before he left.

untu1 n one of the four top front teeth. v [b4] have one’s upper incisors. Lima pa ka búlan ning batáa apan giuntuhan na, The baby is only five months old but she already has upper teeth.

untu2 v [A2; c6] bear down hard as in delivery or defecation.

untul v 1 [AP34; b6] bounce, cause s.t. to do so. Maáyung muuntul ang gáhing búla, Hard balls bounce well. 2 [A23] rebound, fail to register or to take a firm hold on. Miuntul ang ákung gitun-an, dì na masulud sa ákung úlu, The things I studied won’t register in my head. 3 [A23; b4] for checks to bounce. Miuntul ang tsíki nga ákung gipailísan sa bangku, The check that I cashed in the bank bounced. 4 [B2] be taken aback, stop in one’s tracks due to surprise. Miuntul (nauntul) ku pagkakità ku sa anínu, I was taken aback when I saw the shadow. 4a [A23P; b3] have second thoughts about buying s.t. Sa maung prisyu muuntul giyud ang pumapálit, At that price the buyers will surely have second thoughts. n amount of bounce. untul-untul v [B4; b(1)] jounce, bounce up and down. Miuntul-untul ang sakayan sa dagkung balud, The boat was bounced around in the big waves. Muuntul-untul mulakaw ang tagabúkid bísan ug pátag na, Mountaineers bounce as they walk, even in the lowland. -um- nga humay n k.o. upland rice bearing fine, white grains that are hard to husk when pounded.

untup a 1 cut close near the base. Untup kaáyung pagputul sa dagámi, The cornstalks were cut very close to the base. 2 curt, concise. [1102]Untup kaáyu siya ug tubag, His answers are very brief. 3 just the exact magnitude, amount. Untup kaáyu ang bugas nga lung-águn pára paniudtu, The rice is just enough for dinner. 3a exactly at a certain time. Untup kaáyu nga alas syíti ang ímung pag-abut, You arrived exactly at seven. v 1 [A; c1] cut s.t. close to the base. Nagpangpang hinúun nang ímung tingkuy kay giuntup man pagkatupi, The nape of your neck looks as if there was a cliff above it because the hair was cut short there, but not above it. 1a [A; c1] spin a top by throwing it straight down hard. Giuntúpan níya ang kasing sa kuntra ug nabuak kini, He smashed his top down on top of his opponent’s and broke it. 2 [B12; a12] be, become short, curt. Mauntup ang ímung tubag ug wà kay láing ikasulti, Your answer will be short if you have nothing else to say. 3 [B126; b6] be just exact or enough for. Ug mauntup ra ning ákung kwarta pára pamilíti wà na kuy ikapaínit, If my money is just enough for my fare, then I won’t have any more to buy snacks. 3a [A2; b6c1] arrive on time.

untuy1 n big, porcelain or enamel-coated, round plate. v [A; b6(1)] use this sort of plate.

untuy2 v [a12] be cuckolded and unaware of it. Giuntuy lang intáwun ang inusinting bána sa marúnung níyang asáwa, The wife was making a fool out of her trusting husband.

untuy3 = undù.

únu one (used only in counting). Dì pa ka mulíhuk? Únu, dus, ... You’re not going to do it? O.K. One, two, ... a the best there is, second to none. Únu siyang musáyaw, He is the best dancer. — lus dús for there to be a fifty-fifty chance. Únu lus dús lag mabúhì ba ang naligsan, It’s a fifty-fifty chance that the victim will survive. numiru — n number one, tops. Numiru únung palahúbug, Number one drunkard. Numiru únung mananagat, The best fisherman. v [b6] give s.o. a first warning. Ákù ta na kang giunúhan, ha, Watch out. This is your first warning. — ug igù, syát v [A; a12] hit in one shot. Unúhun kug igù kanang langgam sa káhuy, I will hit that bird in the tree with only one shot. walay — v [b6] you can’t win, have no way to win people’s approval, for whichever way it is done, it will be wrong in their eyes. Wà giyud tay pagaunúhan (giunúhan) kay ug magdaginut tag gastu nganlan tag tihik, ug kusug pud tang mugastu ingnun tag gastadur, You can’t win. If you’re careful with your money they call you cheap. If you spend your money they call you a spendthrift.

unud n 1 flesh. Unud sa báka, Cow’s flesh. Unud sa imbaw, The flesh of the clam. Unud sa mangga, The flesh of the mango. — sa ímung, íyang — one’s offspring (lit. flesh of one’s flesh). baligyà sa — v [A; c] practice prostitution (lit. sell one’s flesh). kalípay sa — sexual pleasure. 2 content, integral part within s.t. Liking way unud, A cigar with no tobacco in it. Impanádang gamay ug unud, A meat pie with very little meat in it. 2a content, meaning. Pangatarúngan nga way unud, Empty reasoning. v 1 [B23N; b6] put on flesh, become fleshy. Nangunud na ang kamúti. Makálut na, The sweet potatoes have developed nice and fat. You can dig them up now. Giunuran na sad ang íyang láwas, He has gotten flesh back on his body. 2 [A; b6] give content or filler to s.t. Dì ku muunud ug barut nga tabákù, I do not use a poor k.o. tobacco in my pipe. Ilagà kunu ang giunud sa syúpaw, S.o. said they used rat meat as the filling for the Chinese sandwich. undan a having flesh. see also undan. undánun, maundánun a 1 fleshy, muscular. 2 pithy, full of substance or meaning. Undánun kaáyu ang ímung sulti, What you said is full of meaning. kaunuran n flesh, muscles collectively. Nangúrug ang ákung kaunuran sa kalágut, My flesh trembled in anger. pa- n filler, filling. Balahíbung gagmay ang paunud sa unlan, Pillows are stuffed with fine feathers. v (A; c] use as filler. -nun a pertaining to the flesh. -nung tingúhà carnal desire.

unugan n place where wild animals or birds habitually stay or go. Ang bábuy ihálas didtu lang níla atángi sa unugan, They lay in wait for wild pigs at the place they habitually pass. v [A; b(1)] make a place into a lair.

*unuk-unuk pa- v [A13; bc] keep silent and idle. Dílì giyud mahuman nang ímung trabáhu kay imu man lang nang gipaunuk-unukan, You’ll never get done with your work if you just remain idle with it. Ipaunuk-unuk lang nang ímung labad sa úlu. Maáyu ra lagi nà, Just take it easy with your headache and you will get better.

unuk-únuk v [A3; b5] beset, bother persistently at a particularly inconvenient time. Naatrasáwu na man gánì ku sa upisína, miunuk-únuk sab ning ulan pagbundak, I am already late to the office as it is, and here the rain is tying me up. Gipapha siyas trabáhu ug giunuk-únuk pag sakit, He was fired from his job, and that is when he had to get [1103]sick of all times. ma-un a characterized with annoying persistence.

unum numeral six. v see tulu. kan-uman sixty.

-unun suffix forming nouns similar in meaning to the direct passives. 1 added to bases which occur with direct passive verbal affixes: the thing to be [so-and-so]-ed, that is [so-and-so]-ed. Ang pangasaw-unun, The bride-to-be. Mahal ang mga palitúnun run, Things are expensive these days. Kan-unun, Things to eat. 2 added to roots which do not normally take the direct passive. Labhunun, Things to be washed. May hatagunun pa diay ku nímu, Oh, I still have s.t. to give you.

un-un1 n meat or fish stewed in vinegar. v [A; c] cook meat or fish in vinegar. -in-, -in-an = un-un1, n.

un-un2 v [B2; b8] 1 for solids to settle, but not in a liquid. Muun-un ang harína ug maúyug ang sudlanan, The flour will settle if you shake the container. Nagkaun-un ang túri kay húmuk ang yútang gitukúran, The tower is sinking because it is built on soft ground. 2 for s.t. in the body to move downward. Ug magmabdus, dílì mangalsag bug-at kay muun-un ang bátà, A pregnant woman shouldn’t lift heavy things because the baby will descend. n fine particles of milled or pounded rice, buri, or cassava flour.

un-ún1 n k.o. shrub of waste spaces producing a dark red, juicy, edible, berry, about 1 cm. in diameter and furnishing firewood.

un-ún2 = un-un2, n.

únung v 1 [AC2; b6(1)] stick to s.o. loyally, through thick and thin. Muúnung ku nímu sa mga kalisdánan ug kaharúhay, I’ll stick to you through thick and thin. Akù siyang giunúngan pagbilar, I stuck the wake out with him. 2 [c6] involve or implicate s.o. in a misdeed. Iúnung ku níya sa íyang mga salà, He wants to implicate me in his offenses. 3 [A; b(1)] stay with s.o. to take care of him. Muúnung kus mga bátà samtang nag-iskuyla sa syudad, I am going to the city to set up house for the children while they attend school there. 4 [b5] die with a fetus in the womb or in giving birth. n 1 fetus in the womb of a mother or animal that died. 2 mother or animal that died while pregnant. Nadiskubrihan námung únung diay ang giíhaw, We discovered that the animal we slaughtered was pregnant. (→) n = únung, n. v [A13; a12] mind what s.o. says or does. Dì ku mag-unung sa kasábà ni Nánay kay ági man lang nà, I don’t mind Mother’s scolding because it won’t last. Kamu ray alkansi ug ungnun ninyu ang mga tabìtábì, You only hurt yourselves if you mind idle talk. -an n = unung, n2. ma-un a devotedly sticking to s.o. through thick and thin.

unur n one’s honor, reputation. Unur sa pamilya, The honor of the family.

únur = ánur.

unurabli a honorable, decent. Unurabling pagkatáwu. Mutúman giyug sáad, An honorable man that keeps his word. Pangítà ug trabáhu nga bísag gamay rag swildu basta unurabli, Look for a job, even if it does not pay well, as long as it is decent.

unurári n honorary title. Si Míyur Búris gihímung unurári upisyal sa intirskulastik mit, Mayor Borres was made the honorary officer for the interscholastic meet. v [B1256; c1] be conferred an honorary title.

unuraryu n honorarium.

unus n a squall, sudden burst of heavy wind. — sa kinabúhì rigors of life. v [A; a4b4] for there to be a strong gust of wind. Nag-unus nang dáan paglarga sa barkung natundag, There were already squalls when the boat that sank left the harbor. Giunus (giunusan) mi sa taliwálà sa lawud, We were caught by a squall in the middle of the sea.

únus see tris.

unus-únus a done alternately, not together. v [A; c1] do one after another. Mag-unus-únus tag ihid, Let’s sneak out one at a time.

unut = nunut.

únut v 1 [C2] for people or animals of the opposite sex to engage in horseplay with sexual overtones. Ang irù nga mangúwag kanúnayng mag-únut, Dogs in heat are constantly engaging in horseplay. 2 [C] for two women to claw at each other and pull each other’s hair. Nagkaúnut ang duha ka babáyi tungud sa pangabubhu, The two women are clawing each other because of jealousy.

unyà short forms: unyà, nyà. 1 at a later time. Mukáun ku unyà, I will eat later. Unyà ra nà nákù buhátun, I will do it later. — nga [word referring to time] this [day, month, etc.] coming up. Unyang hápun, This afternoon (coming). Unyang alas dus, At two o’clock (this coming afternoon). — sa [day of week, month, year] next [so-and-so]. Unyà sa Martis, Next Tuesday. Unyà sa sunud túig, Next year. 1a matag karun ug — every now and then. Matag karun ug unyà mulìlì siya sa bintánà, He gets up every now and then to take a peep out of the window. 2 furthermore, in addition. Dúm kaáyu tu, unyà way búwang nakítà, It was very dark. And the moon was not [1104]out. 2a then, the next thing that happens, happened. Mitan-aw siya nákù, unyà midágan, He looked at me, then he ran. 2b also, the next thing in the conversation. Namisíta mi nímu. Unyà baligyáan ka námù ug tíkit sa bayli, We came to visit you. And also we would like to sell you a ticket to the dance. 2c so? (urging speaker to continue). Unyà, naunsa na man tung amahan? So, what became of the father? 2d nevertheless. Gidid-an siya sa duktǔr. Unyà, muinum siya gihápun, The doctor forbade him to drink. But nevertheless he still drinks anyway. 3 particle giving a warning: lest. Hílak nyà arun latiguhun ka nákù, Cry and I will whip you. 4 [verb base, noun, adj.] it is [so-and-so], my foot. Pangadyì unyà. Bisag mitan-awg sini, He’s attending prayers, my foot! He went to the show. Bag-u unyà. Bísag sa tyimpu pa nang mampur, New, my foot! It’s older than the hills. Báka unyà, bisag irù, What do you mean beef? This is dog meat. n when you get to doing it (coitus) (humorous). Kinahanglang mutúu ka sa ímung asáwa, kay ag unyà, You have to do what your wife tells you because you are going to get you-know-what from her. unyaunyà v [A; a12] put off doing s.t. to a later time. Dì ku muunyaunyà ug unsay isúgù nákù, I won’t put off what I am told to do.

unyas n 1 plectrum. 2 diamonds in playing cards (which resemble a plectrum). v [A; a] use or make a plectrum.

unyun n union or organization. Unyun sa pamúu, Labor union. v 1 [C; c1] form a union. Wà maunyun ang mga trabahadur, The laborers were not united. 2 [C3; c] agree, be in accord. Unyúnan na lang nátù ang íyang sugyut, Let’s agree to his suggestion. Iunyun námù ang ámung mga búhat sa ámung gipamúlung, We will act in accordance with what we said.

unyur see *marts.

up1 a off work, not on duty. Up na ku, I’m off duty now. v [B236; c1] be off duty. Muup (maup) ku sa alas singku, I’ll be off at five o’clock.

up2 v [AB; c1] switch s.t. off, be switched off. Kinsay nag-ǔp sa bintiladur? Who switched the electric fan off? Awtumátik ning punúha. Muup (maup) ra nig íya, This phonograph is automatic. It switches off by itself. a turned off.

úpa v [ANC23; b26] for fowl to serve. Dì makaúpa ang ugis kay daug sa usa, The white cock cannot cover because it is afraid of the other one. inupáhan n the chick that results from a particular mating. King mga pisúa inupáhan ni sa ugis, These chicks are the offspring of the white cock.

úpà v 1 [A; c1] chew food for s.o. else, esp. for a child to eat. 2 [A; b6] spit s.t. out. Giupáan ku sa núkus sa íyang átà, The squid squirted its ink out at me. Akung giúpà ang midisína kay pait kaáyu, I spat out the medicine because it was very bitter. n pulp left after sucking the juice of s.t. chewed. -in- n chewed food for s.o. else to eat.

upak n a piece or part of s.t. in cake or bar form. Usa ka upak kámay, A cake of sugar. v 1 [AB; a1] cut s.t. into bars or pieces; get broken. Upaka únà ang mahariyal únà ibaligyà, Cut the candy into cakes before you sell it. 2 [A; b] break or cut off a piece for s.o. Giupakan nákù siyag duha ka báhin sa tsukulit, I broke off two pieces of the chocolate bar for him.

úpak n bark of trees. Ang úpak maáyung isugnud, Bark of trees make good fuel. Usa ka úpak tungug, A strip of mangrove bark. v 1 [A; a] gather, take the bark off of trees. 2 [AB2; a2] peel off, get peeled off. Ínit sa adlaw ang nakaúpak sa íyang pánit, His skin peeled in the heat of the sun. Nagkaupak ang hapin sa diksiyunaryu, The cover of the dictionary is working its way off.

úpal n k.o. soft, fine-weave cloth.

upas v [B2; b6] 1 lose flavor from being left uncovered. Muupas (maupas) ang sigarilyu ug byáan nga abyirtu, The cigarettes lose their flavor if you leave them around open. 2 lose fertility. Muupas ang yútà ug dílì abunúhan, The land will lose its fertility if you don’t fertilize it. a lacking in flavor or potency.

úpas n banana leaf stalk.

upat numeral four. Upat ka buuk bátà, Four children. v see tulu. — ug (ang) mata a having glasses (four-eyed) (humorous). — ang tiil for a wife to have clandestine relations with another man (humorous). Inig talikud sa bána sa trabáhu, upat dáyuy tiil sa asáwa, When the husband leaves for work his wife meets her lover (lit. gets four legs). ika- fourth. kap-atan n forty. maka-, ka- four times. tag-, tagup-at n 1 four apiece. 2 odds of four to three in betting. v [AC2; c] give four to three odds in betting. Gitagupátan ang ámung manuk, Our cock was given odds of four to three. tinagup-at v [A; a12] do by fours.

upaup = †alupaup. see álup, 1.

upaw1 a 1 bald, lacking hair on the head. 2 bald, devoid of vegetation. Upaw nga mga búkid, Deforested mountains. 3 infertile. [1105]Upaw nang dáan ang yútà sa Marigundun, The land in Marigondon has always been infertile. v 1 [B; c1] grow bald. Naupaw ka sa hilabihang pininsar, You have grown bald from worrying too much. 2 [c1] be, become denuded of forest. 3 become barren, infertile. (←) v [A; c1] make s.o. bald or s.t. barren. Giupáwan ku siya kay gikutu, I cut off her hair bald because she had lice. bísan pag mangaúpaw come what may, by hook or by crook (lit. even if I go bald trying). Bísan pag mangaúpaw magdátù giyud ku ug mag-idad kug kwarinta, By hook or by crook I’ll become rich by the time I’m forty.

upaw2 v 1 [A; b] block a shot in basketball. Luksu inigsiyát arun dì ka upawan, Jump when you shoot so that your shot won’t be blocked. 2 [A2; b(1)] prove much better than s.t., putting it to shame. I, bag-u ka mag kutsi. Upawan mag akúa, My, you’ve got a new car! It puts mine to shame.

upay, úpay v [APB; a12] 1 heal a wound or sore. Nagkaupay na ang ákung mga núka, My scabies are healing. 2 relieve emotionally. Ang ímung mga tambag mauy nakaupay (nakapaupay) sa ákung mga kaguul, Your advice has relieved my worries. ka-an(←) n relief, healing. ka-un(→) n healing as a resultant state. Walay kaupayun sa ákung mga kagul-ánan, There is no relief for my sorrows. a at the verge of being healed.

up bit n off-beat, k.o. fast dance. v [A] do the off-beat.

uphag a 1 uninteresting. Nagpanghuy-ab ku nga nagtan-aw sa uphag kaáyu nga sini, I was yawning looking at the boring movie. 2 having a dry, not cared-for look. Uphag kaáyu ang ákung buhuk kay way hisù, My hair looks drab and not groomed because I didn’t put oil in it. v 1 [B156] be uninteresting. Wà nay manan-aw sa dráma nga nag-uphag, Nobody likes to see a stage play that is boring. 2 [B; b6] be, become drab and not well-groomed.

uphak = hup-ak.

úpin a 1 open, frank. Amígung úpin kaáyu nga dílì maúlawng mutug-ans íyang kagíkan, A very open person who doesn’t feel embarrassed telling about his origins. 2 outspoken. Úpin kaáyu siyang musaway sa administrasiyun, He is very open in his criticisms of the administration. see also klús. — kard = tindída. see tindǐr.

upiniyun n opinion, judgment. Pamináwun ta ang upiniyun sa usag-usa, Let’s listen to each person’s opinion.

úpin tsik n in chess, a situation where one’s king or queen is open to checkmate.

upira1 v [A; b6(1)] perform an operation. Upirahan ta ang ímung hubag, We’ll have to operate your boil. -siyun n operation.

upira2 n opera. -tik(←) a having an operatic quality, with plenty of tremolo (humorous).

upirarya n a dressmaker’s helper who usually does the finishing touches, e.g. sewing on buttons. v [B156] work as a dressmaker’s helper.

upiraryu n a barber or tailor who works in s.o. else’s shop on a piecework basis. v [B16; c1] be, become an employee of this sort. paN- v [A2] work as a barber or tailor in s.o. else’s shop.

upirisyun n 1 operation to achieve some object. Upirisyun sa pagsíkup sa numiru únung huk, Operation to capture the number one Huk. 2 surgical operation. v [A; b5] for an industrial enterprise to be in operation.

upirit v [A] 1 operate a machine or device. Dakug swildu ang makamaung muupirit ug buldúsir, One who knows how to operate a bulldozer is highly paid. 2 = upirisyun, v. -ur(←) n 1 one who operates or takes charge of machinery. Upirítur sa buldúsir, Bulldozer operator. 2 one who owns a transportation line. Upirítur sa Atlas taksi, The owner of the Atlas taxi. 3 radio or telegraph operator. v [B156; c1] 1 work as the operator of machinery. 2 be, become a radio or telegraph operator.

upiríta n operetta. v [A1; b6c1] have or stage an operetta.

upirturyu n offertory in the mass. v [A13] say the offertory.

úpis = lúpis.

upisína n 1 office. 2 office, work day. May upisína ba tas Lúnis? Do we have office on Monday? v 1 [A23; b(1)] go to the office, be in the office. Muupisína ku ug píkas adlaw lang, I’ll be in the office only half day. 1a [A13] hold office. Mag-upisína ta maskig pista upisiyal, We will hold office though it will be a holiday. 2 [A; c1] make an office s.w.

upisir n officer of an organization or in the armed forces. v [B16; c1] be, become an officer.

upisiyal n 1 official, a person holding an office or position of authority. Upisiyal sa militar, Military officer. 1a any of the chess pieces other than the pawns. 2 official, coming from the proper authority. pista — public holiday, officially declared. kandidátu — official candidate endorsed by the party. v 1 [B16; c1] be, become, make into an official. 2 [B126; b6c1] be, become official. Maupisyal na gánì ang ímung apuwintmint, [1106]Once your appointment becomes official. -is(←) n = upisiyal, n1 (plural).

upisiyun 1 = upisyu, n1 2. 2 = apisiyun.

upisyu n 1 occupation. Wà kuy láing upisyu run, panahì ra, I have no other job other than sewing at this time. 2 s.t. to keep oneself busy with. Wà ka bay láing upisyu gawas sa pagpamantay? Don’t you have anything better to do than nose into other people’s business? 3 religious office, set of prayers one has vowed to recite. v [A13; c1] 1 make s.t. one’s line of work. 2 occupy oneself with. 2a always do. Nag-upisyu lang kug trabáhu. Wà na giyuy lingawlíngaw, All I do is work. I never have fun.

upluk a 1 lacking in ability, not up to what would normally be expected of one. Upluk kaáyu sa klási, Very slow to understand in class. Upluk duktúra, A half-baked doctor. 1a foolish, stupid. 2 fond of playing tricks, pranking with a straight face. Upluk kaáyu siya ug dì ka pahiulian sa íyang tistis, He is very fond of playing jokes with a straight face, and he never lets on that he has played a joke. 3 fond of asking for things, but not willing to give when one has s.t. and is asked. v 1 [B12; b6] be, become half-baked, dull, or stupid. 2 [AN; b5] cheat s.o. out of s.t. by hoodwinking him. Uplúka (uplúki) lang sa kwarta apan ayawg pangasaw-a, Just cheat her out of her money. Don’t marry her.

uprisar v [A; c] offer for sale. Dúnay nag-uprisar ug sáma niíni nga barátu ra, Somebody offered s.t. like this for sale cheaper. Giuprisar ang ílang balay ug yútà, They put their house and lot up for sale.

uprisir v 1 [A; c] offer. Dì ku muuprisir nímu ug pagkáun nga dì maáyung pagkalútù, I won’t offer you food that is not well cooked. Giuprisihan ku níyag trabáhu, He offered me a job. 2 [A3P; a] force, compel s.o. to do s.t. Kawad-un ang nakauprisir (nakapauprisir) níya pagpangútang, Poverty forced him to take things on credit. Uprisira siya pagpabáyad, Force him to pay.

ups expression uttered on exerting great effort, esp. in lifting weight.

uptikal n optical store.

uptiku n 1 optometrist. 2 optician. v 1 [B16; a12] be, become an optometrist or optician. 2 [A12] take up optometry.

úpu = kalabásang putì. see kalabásà.

upù v [A; b6(1)] duck, dodge to avoid a blow or hide. Ug wà siya makaupù maigù giyud ang íyang náwung, Had he not dodged, he would have gotten it in the face. Wà níya iupù ang íyang úlu mau nga napangkà, He did not lower his head so he bumped it.

upud as a predicate modifier: = usab. v 1 [AC; ac] go, bring with. Nag-úpud sila sa sini, They went to the movies together. Unsa pa may updun mu? What are you going with me for? Giupdan ku siya sa pagsúgat sa barku, I accompanied her to meet the boat. Iupud nà siya ninyu panúruy, Take him with you when you go out. 2 [A; c1] do s.t. again, repeat doing s.t. Dúna giyuy nag-upud sa ákung búhat unyà nasayup ra ba hinúun, S.o. did my work again, and has spoiled it instead. Dì maáyuug updun (iupud) nang buháta, Don’t repeat what you did. n companion. ka-(←) = upud, n.

upung n bunch of stems or stalks, enough to grasp in the two hands. Pila ka upung ang ímung naáni? How many bunches have you harvested? v [A; b(1)] get a bunch of stalks, put in a bunch. Upunga ang humay, Tie the rice into bunches. -in-, upung-upung v [A; b6] be all one of the same height. 1 for children to be so close they are almost of the same height. Mag-upung-upung (mag-inupung) ang inyung anak ug dílì mu magkuntrul, Your children will be so close they’ll be almost the same height if you don’t practice birth control. 2 for a crowd to be so great one can’t distinguish the different heights. Nag-inupung ang mga táwu sa plása, There was a sea of people in the plaza.

upunir v [A; b(1)] oppose, contend forcefully against. Nag-upunir gihápun sila sa ímung paági kay walà sila kagustu, They are still opposing your procedure because they don’t like it. Ayaw ug upunihi ang ákung risulusiyun, Don’t oppose my resolution.

up-up = alup-up. see álup, 1.

upurtunista a opportunistic. Upurtunista kaáyung tawhána, mubalhinbalhin ug partídu, You are an opportunist, changing parties whenever it suits your purpose. v [B12; b6] be, become opportunistic.

upus n 1 s.t. long used up until only a stub is left. Upus sa kandílà, Stump of a candle. 2 cigarette or cigar stub. Nagpatákà lag butang sa íyang upus, She just puts her cigar stub anywhere. v 1 [B12; a12] wear s.t. down. 2 [B12] for one’s years or patience to be used up. Naupus na ang ákung paílub, My patience has come to an end. Nagkaupus na ang íyang kinabúhì, His life is slowly coming to an end.

upusisiyun n 1 opposition, resistance. Way upusisiyun kanang balaúra, There is no opposition to that bill. 2 opposition party in Congress. v [B126] be in, join the opposition. [1107]

upuy-upuy, upuy-úpuy v [A3P] behave meekly or timidly before s.o., usually from fear or lack of self-confidence. Miupuy-upuy pagsulud ang suluguun sa lawak sa íyang agálun, The maid entered her master’s room timidly. pa- v [A13] keep to oneself. Nagpaupuy-upuy lang siyas suuk ug wà muapil sa kukabildu, He kept to himself in the corner and did not participate in the conversation.

upyu = ampiyun2.

urabang = uyabang.

uradur n orator. v [B16; a2] be, become an orator.

urakan n hurricane, name reserved for strong typhoons. Ang urakan sa 1912, The Great Hurricane of 1912.

urakulu n 1 oracle, prophet. 2 prophecy. Nagnúud ang urakulu, The prophecy came true.

úral n s.t. oral. Púru úral ang ámung iksámin, We had all oral exams. v 1 [A13; c1] communicate orally. 1a [A; a12] eat alone without anything to go with it (humorous). Maáyung klásis kan-un, maúral, A good variety of rice that is good even if eaten all by itself. Urálun ta na lang ning sinugbang isdà kay walà na may kan-un, Let’s just eat the broiled fish alone because there’s no more rice. 2 do s.t. relying on one’s memory or knowledge without any other aid. Bilib ku nímug makaúral kag úlì niíning makináha, I would really be impressed if you could put the machine together without referring to the manual. 3 eat with the bare hands s.t. that should be eaten with silverware. Urála na lang nà ninyung pagkáun kay kápuy ipanghúgas unyà, Just eat with your fingers to save washing the silverware.

uran v [A; c1] put s.t. on for daily wear. Nag-uran kug dáan kay mamanday ku, I am wearing old clothes because I’ll do some carpentry work. n s.t. worn casually. Ang sinínà níyas balay mau puy uran sa uma, The clothes he wears around the house is what he wears in the fields. uran-úran v [A12; c6] 1 wear s.t. in a casual way. 2 use s.t. in a situation it is too good for. Anúgun sa ímung dagway nga giuran-úran nímug suruyg isdà, You have a lovely face. What a pity to waste it on peddling fish! ig-l-/r-(←) n clothes usually worn for a certain job.

urang-utan, urang-utang n orang-utan.

uran-uran for some time; for quite a time. Uran-uran giyud námung paábut nímu, We have been waiting for you for some time.

úra pru núbis phrase of the litany: pray for us.

uráray v [A13; b6] be situated in a low place or elevation. Lungsud nga nag-uráray sa tiilans búkid, A town nestled at the foot of a mountain. pa- v [A; c] draw oneself close to, snuggle close to. Mipauráray siya sa ákung buktun úsà matúlug, He nestled in my arms before going to sleep.

uraryu n hand of a clock or watch. v [A; b6(1)] attach the hands of a clock or watch.

úras n 1 hour. Pila ka úras ang byáhi? How many hours does the trip take? 2 time of day. Unsay úras? What time is it? Unsang urása siyang miabut, What time did he arrive? 3 time that s.t. is done. Alas utsu ang úras sa ámung panihápun, Our supper time is at eight o’clock. 3a time that s.t. inevitable will finally happen. Haduul na ang úras sa masakitun, The sick man’s hour is close at hand. Úras na tingáli nímu kay nagsakit man ang ímung tiyan, It must be the time now (for you to have your baby) because your stomach hurts. 3b point at which s.t. happened. Nag-uwan sa úras sa ílang pag-abut, It was raining at the time of their arrival. Way mitábang nákù sa úras sa ákung kalisud, No one helped me when I was in trouble. 3c dì — for s.t. to happen at an unsuitable time. Tingálig manganak ka ug dì úras ning ímung pagkahúlug, You’ll probably give birth prematurely because you fell. 4 a period or time available for doing s.t. Wà kuy úras nga itan-aw ug sini, I don’t have time to go to movies. v 1 [A; b(1)] time, mark the time. Akuy muúras sa íyang pag-abut, I’ll mark down the time of his arrival. 2 [B256; b(1)] be an hour, take an hour. Giurásan ang ákung pagtrabáhu sa ímung kálù, It took me one hour to make your hat. -an(→) n clock, watch. -in- a by the hour. Inuras ang ímung trabáhu, You work by the hour.

urasanta n Holy Hour devotion, a one-hour devotion offered to the Sacred Heart of Jesus led by a priest and said once a month in church. v [A1] offer a Holy Hour devotion. paN- v [A2] attend or offer a Holy Hour devotion.

urasiyun n 1 special set prayers in the liturgy. 1a a magical formula in Latin or pseudo-Latin which has curative or other magical powers, esp. as sumpà. It is applied by reciting or by putting written representations on or near whatever it is supposed to affect. The urasiyun is effective only in the hands of the owner. 2 the angelus prayer said by the family in the evening, and sometimes at dawn. 3 twilight (lit. the time when the angelus is said). 3a the bell announcing the [1108]angelus. v 1 [A] pray the urasiyun in the liturgy or the angelus. 2 [A; b(1)] treat with a magic formula. Giurasiyunan níya ang irù. Wà kapaghut, He uttered a magical formula at the dog and it couldn’t bark. 3 [B1256; b4] for evening to fall. Naurasiyun na lang. Walà pa giyud muabut ang gisúgù, It got to be evening and the boy we sent on an errand still hadn’t arrived. -an n one who possesses an urasiyun, 1a.

uray1 n k.o. sickness of supernatural origin which causes women to abort, giving birth to an octopus or other sea creature (actually a misshapen fetus). v [A12SP; b4] become the victim of uray. Malagmit urayan ka ug pakabuntagan nímu ang ímung panti, You’re likely to become a victim of uray if you don’t take your panties in.

uray2, úray title of respect for a related woman older than the speaker, esp. an elder sister, aunt, or cousin. v [A; a12] address s.o. úray.

urbanidad way — unrefined, unversed in urban ways. Way urbanidad. Dì ka kamaung mangáyug katahúran, You are a boor. You don’t know to greet people.

urbanisar v [B126] become civilized, polished in one’s ways. Ang mga tulunghaan makaurbanisar (makapaurbanisar) sa táwu, Schools teach people refinement and civilization.

urdín n religious order.

urdin n 1 order given by a higher authority. Kinahanglan buhátun mu karun dáyun. Urdin kanà, You must do it immediately. That’s an order. 2 order, command. Urdin diaristu, Warrant of arrest. Urdin sa pagpangusísa, Search warrant. v [A13; a12] 1 issue an order. 2 command s.o. to do s.t. -ansa n ordinance. v [a12] enact into an ordinance. urdinansahun n things to be made into an ordinance.

urdinar v [A; b26] ordain into priesthood. urdinasiyun n ordination.

urdinaryu a ordinary, not especial. Urdinaryu kaáyu ang ílang mga butang sa báy, They just have ordinary things in their house. v 1 [A; c1] use s.t. that should be special for ordinary wear. Dì ku muurdinaryu ug mahalun nga sinínà, I won’t use expensive clothes for ordinary wear. 2 [B12; b6] be, become ordinary. Sa nadúgay na, naurdinaryu na lang ang taas nga buhuk, After some time it became an ordinary thing to have long hair.

urdir v 1 [A; b6] command, give an order. Kinsay nag-urdir ninyu sa pag-atras? Who commanded you to retreat? 2 [A; a2] order s.t. in a restaurant or cafe, Unsa may inyung urdírun? What will you order? n 1 order, command. 2 item ordered in a restaurant or cafe. pa- v [A; b6] buy by mail order. Magpaurdir ku ug bisiklíta pára nímu, I will buy you a bicycle by mail order. máni — n money order or telegraphic transfer. v [A1; a] send a money order or telegraphic transfer. mid tu — n made-to-order.

urgan n electric organ, of the kind used by combos. v [A23] play the electric organ.

urgandi n organdy. v [A; b5] wear, make into organdy cloth.

urganisar v [A; a12] organize, bring s.t. into being. Nag-urganisar pa siya sa Lihiyun ni Maríya, She is organizing a Legion of Mary unit. urganisasiyun n organization.

urganista see urganu.

urgansa n embossed cloth.

urganu n organ, a large musical instrument. v [A12; b(1)] have, be accompanied by an organ. urganista n organist. v [B16; a12] be, become an organist.

urhinti a urgent, calling for immediate attention. Urhinti ba kaáyu ang túyù mu kaníya? Do you have a very urgent purpose in visiting her?

urig n intense sexual desire of a person or an animal, esp. women (euphemism for ulag). v [B; b6] be in a highly-sexed mood. Nagkaurig na nang bayhána human makasuway, That woman became lustful after she had experienced sex once.

urihinal n 1 original, first copy of several struck at the same time. Ang urihinal nga kupya mauy ímung tagúan, You keep the original copy for yourself. 2 an original of a work of art. 3 script, copy of one’s lines in a drama.

*urímaw (colloquial) paN- 1 = urímus, v2. 2 = pangurímus.

urímus word used in the novena asking the congregation to pray the final prayer. v 1 [A; b] say the concluding prayer. 2 [B1256N] be done in, killed (get so people will be saying ’urímus’ for one). Ug matumbahan kas káhuy maurímus ka, If that tree falls on you, you will be done for. paN- v [A23] do oneself irreparable harm which sometimes results in death. Hala, ínum arun mangurímus ka, Go ahead, drink, so you can do yourself in.

úrins n 1 orange fruit or tree. 2 orange in color. v 1 [B125] become orange in color. 2 [A13] wear s.t. orange in color. — dyús n orange juice.

urinúla n chamber pot or bedpan. v [A13; c1] use a chamber pot. [1109]

urit = hala. Urit! Adtu na mi, All right! We are going now. v [A2] cease doing s.t. and call it a day. Muurit kug sayu kay nagláin ang ákung láwas, I think I’ll call it a day as I’m not feeling well.

urkid n orchid. maripúsa — butterfly orchid: Phalaenopsis amabilis. taygir — n variety of orchid with spotted leaves and petals. — tri n orchid tree, ornamental tree, the flowers of which resemble orchids. Various species have various colors: Bauhinia spp. walingwaling — see walingwaling. wayitdab — white dove orchid: Dendrobium crumenatum.

urkilyas = trinsas.

urkista, urkistra n 1 orchestra, the main floor of a movie house. 2 a group of musicians usually playing string instruments.

urkiyu a 1 honest-to-goodness, genuine. Ang urkiyu nga sugarul dílì mupusta ug sinintabus, An honest-to-goodness gambler does not bet nickles and dimes. Kining kapíha urkiyu, dílì puyay, This is genuine coffee not ersatz.

urlun n orlon. v [A; b6] wear orlon.

urna n 1 glass case where a religious image or s.t. precious is kept. 2 ballot box. v [c1] place or encase s.t. of religious importance in a glass case.

ursa v 1 [A] for dough to rise. 2 [A123P; b4] for a disease that breaks out in s.t. to come out. Ang tubà makaursa (makapaursa) sa dálap, Palm toddy can make measles appear and hasten development. 3 [A2; c6] do s.t. with a great amount of force. Iursa ang inyung tanang kusug arun nà ninyu maalsa, Exert all your strength so you can lift that up. pa- n 1 leaven. Tubà usáhay ang paursa sa bingka, Palm toddy is sometimes used to make the rice cake rise. 2 medicine used to make a disease appear and hasten development.

*urti walay — without restraint, without stopping. Way urti ang hukasay ning salídang bumba, This dirty movie has love scenes without end. Ayawg panagána. Way urti ang káun dinhi, Don’t hesitate. No one holds back on their food around here. urtiurti walay — = walay urti. v [A1; c1] do s.t. with restraint (usually in negative sentences).

urtikarya n hives. Tambal kini sa sakit sa pánit ug sa urtikarya, This is a treatment for skin diseases and hives. v [A123P; a12] have an attack of hives.

úru n gold. —, pláta, mála gold, silver, bad luck: a formula for determining whether a household will have good or bad luck. As one climbs the stairs the formula is recited one word for each step. If one reaches the top with úru, the house will have exceptionally good luck; with pláta, fairly good luck; with mála, bad luck. — tsína 24-carat gold. búda di- see búda. v 1 [b(1)] cover teeth with gold capping. 2 [c1] be in gold.

urud a pregnant. v [B126; b6] be, become pregnant.

urug, úrug n fashion, style. v [B126; b6] go into style, vogue. Naúrug na run sa pagpalupad ug tabánug, Kite-flying is the latest fad.

urug-úrug = ulug-úlug.

úruk v [A2S; b6] for a top to spin fast so as to stay exactly vertical. Dì kaúruk ang kasing ug hínay ang túyuk, A top is not immobile when it spins slow.

úrul v [A; a2] take all the hair or leaves off. Akuy muúrul sa ímung buhuk, I’ll shave your hair. Urúlun sa kanding ang mga dáhun sa tanum ug anhà nà nímu ihigut, The goat will eat all the leaves of your plants if you tie it there.

úrum n nightmare, dream where one is extremely frightened but cannot move or shout. v [A123P; a4] have a nightmare. -un(→) a prone to having nightmares. v [B126] get prone to having nightmares.

úrung1 v 1 [B2S6; c1] stop, cause one to do so. Nag-urung ang puntírus rilu, The watch hand is not moving. Iúrung (urúngun) nákù ang ákung pagtabakù, I’ll quit smoking. 2 [A13] be idle, unemployed. Mag-úrung lang únà siya rung tuíga kay wà may bakanti pára sa maistra, She will be out of work this year because there are no vacancies for teachers. pa- v [A; a12] suspend or dismiss from work. Paurúngun kas trabáhu ug sad-an ka, You will be dismissed from work if you are guilty. urung-úrung v [A13; c1] do s.t. on and off.

úrung2 = úrum.

Urúpa n Europe. ilagà sa — n guinea pig.

úrus1 v 1 [A2S3P] sizzle. Muúrus ang unud ug isugba sa káyu, Meat sizzles if you broil it over fire. 2 [b4] sizzle with sexual urges. Giurúsan nang bayúta kay nanghíkap, This fairy is sizzling for sex again. He grabbed me. n sound of sizzling. urus-urus v [B1456] be intense, as if sizzling. Kapugngan pa ang bahà kay sa gugmang gaurus-urus, It is easier to control a flood than a sizzling love.

úrus2 n 1 suit of the Spanish cards in the shape of a gold coin. 2 suit of circles in mahjong. v [B1256; b6] draw an úrus card or mahjong piece.

uruy 1 particle with a statement that disabuses [1110]the interlocutor of his misconceptions, softening the blunting effect of the contradiction. ‘Wà pa mahuman ang trabáhu?’—‘Human na uruy!’ ‘They didn’t finish the work?’—‘Yes, they did.’ Búhì pa uruy siya, He is still alive. (You believe he died, but he is still alive.) 2 expressing contempt for s.t. the interlocutor did. Hilakhílak uruy, mau rag dílì siyay nakaingun áning tanang kasámuk, Crying indeed! As if she were not the cause of all these troubles. Gibaratúhan ka uruy ánà mu ra ug ikay mubáyad! Oh indeed. You think it is cheap. Well, you can say that when you pay the bill. 3 [noun]-a ba — what do you mean [noun], when all there is is ... Bisitáha ba uruy, si Pidru ra diay, What visitor! It is only Pedro. 4 ngánu ba — so what if ... Ngánu ba uruy ug dílì siya muanhi. Dì magsakit ang ákung tiyan, So what if he doesn’t come. I’m not going to get a stomachache from it. 5 ada — particle expressing resignation to s.t. bad and indicating the speaker doesn’t care. Ada uruy. Mabúhì man gihápun ta áning trabahúa, Oh, anyway, I can still make a living with this work (even though I might like to have s.t. better). 5a expressing contempt in dismissing s.t. as inconsequential. uruy-úruy v [C2; a3] be gentle with one another, instead of treating each other with the usual gruffness. Mag-uruy-úruy ta kay wà na tay ginikánan, Let us go easy on each other because we don’t have parents any more. Bisag bantúgan siya makig-uruy-úruy siya sa ingun nátù, Though he is famous, he goes easy on people like us.

*úruy pa- n liquor made by distilling the juice from the nipa or coconut palm bud.

ús = ulus. see ulhus.

usa1 numeral one. 1 — ka a one. Sa usa ka púlung siyay nidaug, In short, he won. b a certain (unnamed) one. May usa ka hárì nga taas kaáyu ug búngut, There was once a king who had a very long beard. — niánà ka [word referring to time] one [time]. Usa niánà ka adlaw, miadtu siya sa hárì, One day, he went to the king. 2 — nga the other one of the two or more. Anhi ka áning manúka pusta? Adtu kus usa, Will you bet on this cock? I will bet on the other one. Adtu líkù sa usang iskína, Turn into the next corner. 2a the other day, week, month, year that passed. Dinhi siya sa usang adlaw, He was here the other day. 3 ísig (isig) — each, each one. Ísig (isig) usa ninyu mubáyad nákù ug singku písus, Each (each one) of you will pay me five pesos. 4 — ug — each and every one. Usag usa ninyu magdala sa íyang galamitun, Each and every one of you must bring his own tools. 5a — usab, sad, upud [so-and-so] is another one who will [do]. Usa sad siya sa mungadtu, He is also a member of the group going there. 5b — ka pa you’re another one who does [such-and-such a bad thing]. Usa ka pang danghag, You’re another careless fellow. v 1 [A12; a12] be, become resolved or decided. Ug mausa pa untà ang ákung hunàhúnà pagbíyà kaníya! If only I could make up my mind to leave her! 2 [b(1)] do s.t. with one hand where both hands are usually used. Gaan ra ning aswátun, usaan ra nákù ni, This is easy to pick up. I’ll do it with one hand. Sumbagay ta, usaan ta ka, Let’s have a fight. I’ll beat you with one hand. 3 walay ma- no one, not a single soul. Walay mausang mitábang kanákù, Not a single person helped me. (←) v 1 [C; a12] group things together in one. Mag-úsa lang ta dinhis kwartu, Let’s just stay together in the room. Usáhun ta na lang ni arun usa ray sudlan, Let’s just put this together so we use only one container. 2 [a12] = usa, v1. hi-(←) v [B126C3] be, become united or unanimous. Naghiúsa sila sa pagpapuyra sa suluguun, They were unanimous in wanting to have the servant fired. Nahiúsa ang ílang hukum human makabatì sa tinúud, Their decision became unanimous after they heard the truth. usaúsa n get-together party. v [C] have a get-together party. usáhay sometimes, occasionally. Usáhay dì ku makadungug, Sometimes I cannot hear. binagsa = tinagsa, v1. inusára v 1 [A] be by oneself, alone. Ug manglákaw sila mag-inusára lang ku áning baláya, If they leave, I will be alone in this house. 2 [A1; a12] do s.t. alone by oneself. Ákung inusaráhun lag dáru, I will do the plowing alone. inusaranhun a characterized by being all by oneself. Kinabúhing inusaranhun, A life all alone by oneself. maka-, ka-, kas-a once. Kausa (kas-a) miadtu siya sa balay, He came to the house once. v [A12; a12] do s.t. to s.t. all at one time. Maáyu untà ug makas-a nig lútù, It would be nice if these could be cooked all at one time. kag-usà, makag-usà, tag-usà = talagsa. kahiusáhan n 1 state of being united. 2 marriage. Karung adláwa mau ang kahiusáhan níla ni Idyun ug ni Bilma, The wedding of Edion and Vilma will take place today. ulusáhun a wondrous, unique or peculiar. Adtu nímu makítà sa sú ang mga mananap nga ulusáhun ug mga hitsúra, You will see strange and peculiar animals in the zoo. Si Samsun sa karáang panahun mauy usa ka táwu nga may ulusáhung [1111]kusug, Samson of ancient times was a man of extraordinary strength. tagsa n 1 one apiece. Tagáan ta mug tagsa, I’ll give you each one. tagsa ray púlung of few words. Kun muingung dílì, hustu ra, dílì giyud. Tagsa ray púlung niánang tawhána, If he says no it is no, period. He is a man of few words. 2 = talagsa. tagsatagsa v [A1; c1] do s.t. one by one. Magtagsatagsa na lang tag pamaúlì, Let us now go home one by one. igtagsa n one’s first cousin. magtagsa n being first cousins. talagsa a seldom. Talagsa ka ra man mamisíta nákù, You seldom visit me. talagsay búngut it will be a long time before [so-and-so] happens. Talagsa lay búngut ug makigsulti ku níya, Don’t expect me to talk to him for a long, long time. panalagsa a being at great intervals. Unyà mihagtuk sa atup nga sín ang panalagsang ulan, Then a few scattered raindrops rattled on the tin roof. v [A; b6] do s.t. once in a while, at infrequent intervals. Panalagsai akug dúaw, Come visit me once in a while. talagsaun a 1 rare, few. Talagsaun ra ang asáwa nga makaagwanta sa íyang pagkabána, Few wives could bear the sort of husband he makes. Ang 1904 nga salapì talagsaun kaáyu, The 1904 fifty-centavo coin is very rare. 2 extraordinary. Talagsaun kaáyu ang íyang kaanyag, Her beauty is remarkable. — ra pud phrase said in reaction to s.t. unbelievable: ‘that’s unheard of!’ ‘Mukanta na run nà siya.’—‘Talagsaun ra pud.’ ‘Now he’s going to sing for us.’—‘The hell I will!’ tinagsa v 1 [A; a] do one at a time. 2 [AC; b] do the tinagsa dance. a done one at a time. n k.o. folk dance in pairs, wherein the man tries to court an elusive woman, following her with courtship movements wherever she goes.

usa2 n doe.

úsà short forms: sà, usà. 1 before [do]ing. Úsà ka mulakaw hipúsa ang ímung kwartu, Before you go out, fix your room. 2 do [so-and-so] beforehand. Mag-ílis úsà ku sa dì pa ta manglákaw, I’ll change my clothes first before we go out. 3 for now, for the time being. Ibutang úsà diri, Put it down here for the moment. Ayaw úsag lakaw, Don’t go for the while. — pa 3a wait a minute. Úsà pa gánì, Wait a minute, will you? Úsà pa kay ákung tawgun, Just a second, because I’m going to call him. 3b just a second, to change the subject. Úsà pa diay, kinsa tu ka? By the way, who did you say you were? 4 — ka you just wait. Gihilabtan giyud nímu nang ákung búhat dà. Úsà ka giyud run, You touched my work, did you? Well you just wait what’s going to happen now.

usab short forms: sab and sad. 1 also, in addition, as well, (after negatives) either. Gipatay usab ang mga bátà, They killed the children, too. Ikaw sab, utru ka, You, too. You’re another one of the same ilk. Dílì sab ku muadtu, I will not go either. Sa nagtubù siya, nagkadakù sab ang íyang káun, As he grew, his food consumption grew as well. 1a in turn. Ug ikíha ku níya, ikíha ku sab siya, If he sues me, I’ll sue him in turn. 1b na — 1b1 again. Nag-ulan na sab, It’s raining again. 1b2 in turn. Human sa unus, ang ulan na say mibundak, After the squall, the rain came pouring down. 1c [so-and-so] is in conformity with [such-and-such]. Ug mahalun ang ímung kuhaun, dakù sab ug instulmin, If you buy an expensive kind, you’ll have to pay large installments, too. syáru — under the circumstances it is unbelievable. Syáru sag wà ka kahunàhunà, It’s impossible that you didn’t even think of it. mau ra — hinúun = mau ra pud núun. see hinúun, 6. 1d dílì lang — kay ... not only is [so-and-so] true. Dílì lang sad kay muinum siya, súgal pud, Not only does he drink, he also gambles. 1e [exclamation] My! [so-and-so] is the case, isn’t it though. Sus! Kapubrisíta sad intáwun níya! My! What a pitiful child, don’t you think? Kagwápu ba sad! How beautiful it is, though! 2 but then, when [so-and-so] happened, happens. Apan pag-abut sab nákù didtu, wà nag manuk, But then when I arrived, the chicken was gone. Dì ku muinum. Apan ug muinum sad ku, tingbánay dyud, I don’t drink. But when I do, I really drink. 3 do [so-and-so] when one should not. Bída sad nímu uy! Gitug-an man nímu! Oh you! You went and told. Si Máma sad! Mauy ímung isulti pirmi, Oh, Mother! That’s what you always say! 4 [adj.] — somewhat [adj.]. Mahímù man sad, It is quite possible. Gwápa man sad, She is quite pretty. Udtu na sad ming migíkan, It was already quite late when we left. 5 man — anyway, [so-and-so] is OK because. Ihátag na lang. Daut man sad, Might as well give it away because it’s no good anyway. Sahug dì siya mangasáwa. Maáyu man sag siya ray nagkarsúnis, Who cares if he doesn’t marry me? Anyway there is lots of fish in the ocean. Ngánu man sad? Anyway, who cares? 6 with imperatives: particle giving a pleading tone. Sígi [1112]sad uy, Oh, come on! Do it. Iuban sad ku, magbinut-an lagi ku, Please take me. I’ll be a good girl. 7 [interrogative] man — just out of curiosity, who, when, why, how much, etc. Tagpíla man sad ni? By the way, just out of curiosity, how much is this? v 1 [A2C; c] do s.t. again. Mag-úsab pa ta ug dúlà? Will we still play with each other again? Usbun kug bása, památì, I will read it again. Listen. 2 [A; a12] modify, redo. Usba ring ákung karsúnis, Alter these pants of mine. Ang inhinyíru mauy muusab sa plánu, The engineer will revise the plans. 3 [A; a12] change, substitute with s.t. else. Dì ku muusab sa ákung hukum, I will not change my decision. ka-an(←) n changes that have taken place. Way kausában dinhi sa syudad, The city hasn’t changed. usbunun n s.t. to be altered.

usad = usab, 1–7 (but not as v).

usáhay see usa1.

usámud v [B126P; b6] stumble or fall forward flat on one’s face. Nausámud (napausámud) siya sa pagdágan, He stumbled and fell flat on his face when he ran.

úsap v [A2SN; a] 1 chew, grind with the molars. Usápun sa mga bábuy ang mga sáhà sa ságing ug dì nà kuralun, The pig will chew up the banana shoots if you don’t fence the plantation. 2 chew up, crush between two moving parts like with the molars. Lindug sa tubu nga giúsap sa ligsanan, Cane stalks that were crushed by the rollers.

usar v 1 [A; a12] use, make of. Dì siya muusar ug butang sa láing táwu, He does not use other people’s things. 2 [A; c1] wear s.t. Dì ku muusar ug lipstik, I don’t use lipstick. Íya pa ning usarun (iusar) sinináa sa panarbáhu, He’ll still wear this shirt to work. usádu a 1 used up, worn-out. Magpalit kug bag-ung sapátus. Usádu na kaáyu ning ákù, I’ve got to buy a new pair of shoes. My old ones are all used up now. 2 a woman that has had sexual experience. Usádu na kaáyug dagway nang bayhána, That woman looks like she has already been used. v [B1256] get used up.

usbaw v 1 [B2] improve, prosper. Ang íyang pagpaningkámut nakausbaw (nakapausbaw) níya gíkan sa kakabus, He rose from poverty through hard work. 2 [AB2; c1] rise in degree or quantity. Ang manidyǐr mauy nag-usbaw sa íyang swildu, The manager gave him a raise. Miusbaw ang kadagátan sa Miditiranyan, The Mediterranean Sea rose. Ang traktur makausbaw (makapausbaw) sa áni, A tractor can increase the rice production. ma-un a prosperous. ka-an n improvements or progress. tingusbáwan n improvements, either planned or accomplished. Untà íyang panalangínan ang átung mga tingusbáwan, May He bless the things we plan to accomplish. Kining taytáyana usa sa mga tingusbáwan sa íyang pagkagubirnadur, This bridge is one of the improvements he brought about while he was governor.

usbung n 1 topmost part of plants or trees, Usbung sa kasagbutan, Topmost part of the shrubs. 2 s.t. formed into a mound. Usbung sa ánay, Termite hill. v [B3(1); b6] 1 rise up, soar up to a higher level. Labihang nakausbung sa iruplánu nga dyít, How the jet plane soared. 2 = usdung.

usdak v 1 [A; c] let s.t. drop with a light thud. Ayaw iusdak ang malíta kay náay mabuak sa sulud, Don’t drop the trunk like that because there is s.t. breakable inside. 1a [C] — ang tiil walk with noisy footfalls. Maglágut ku ug usdákan kug tiil, I get angry if s.o. walks with heavy footfalls in my presence. 2 [B126; b8] slip and fall down on one’s buttocks. Nausdak ku sa hagdanan, I fell down the stairs. n sound of thumping. -in- = usdak, n.

usdu1 n two, esp. two pesos (slang).

usdu2 a filled heaping high so as to form an elevation. Usdu ra kaáyu ang sulud sa kartun dì na masira, The contents of the box are piled so high that the box can no longer be closed. v [A13; c1] be heaping high.

usdug v [A; a] help s.o. lift s.t. to put it on his head. Usdúgi siya sa táru, Help him lift the can onto his head.

usdung a filled or piled to heaping. Ang kan-un usdung kaáyu nga pagkabutang sa bandihádu, The hominy is piled high on the platter. n moundlike top or heap. Ang usdung sa nilabhan nga gisulud sa planggána túpung nákù, The mound of clothes I put in the wash basin is as tall as I am. v [A13; c1] be heaping high. Iusdung (usdúnga) pagtakus, Make it heaping measures.

usig, úsig v 1 [A; a2] bark. Kinsay giúsig sa irù? Who is the dog barking at? 2 [A2S] cough (colloquial). Sayu pa nà siyang miúsig, He has been coughing since early morning. hiN- a given to barking. -l-un a prone to being barked at.

úsik a waste. Úsik kaáyung ilábay ning kan-úna! What a waste to throw this food away. Úsik, wà ku makapalit! What a pity, I couldn’t buy it. n name given to a variety of types of sorcery all of which cause grave illness. 1 k.o. sorcery similar to voodoo, in which s.t. is done to a representation of the victim, which in turn hurts the victim. 2 [1113]k.o. sorcery inserting insects into the victim. v 1 [A; a3b(1)] waste. Dì ku mag-úsik ug panahun, I won’t waste my time. Wà nákù usíki ang kwarta, I did not spend the money uselessly. 1a [b4] feel bad over the loss or waste of s.t. Giusíkan ku sa mga kahigayúnang ímung gipalabay, I regret all the opportunities you allowed to go by. 2 [A1; a3] spill s.t. out of a container, thus wasting it. Daghang kan-ung naúsik sa lamísa, You spilled a lot of rice on the table. 2a — ang, ug dugù v [a3b3] spill blood. Kung kinahanglánun, usíkan nákug dugù ang pagpanalípud sa ákung yútang natawhan, I will shed my blood in the defense of my native land if necessary. 3 [b4] be a victim of the sorcery úsik. (→) n things that spill or fall off onto s.t. Kining mátang sa paggaling daghag usik, This way of milling results in a lot of spillage. -an(→) a wasteful, extravagant. Usikan kaáyu siya, She is very wasteful. n sorcerer who can practice úsik. ma-un a having or entailing waste. Mausíkun nga paági, Wasteful procedure. Anak nga mausíkun, The Prodigal Son.

usísa v 1 [A23] ask, seek to be informed. ‘Unsa, nakagustu ka sa ímung trabáhu?’ miusísa nákù si Husi, ‘How do you like your work?’ Joe asked me. 2 [A; a12] study, examine closely to analyze. Nag-usísa ang piskal sa kásu sa pagpatay, The fiscal is conducting an investigation on the homicide case. Usisáhun nátù ug unsay nakapakunhud sa átung baligyà, Let us study what made our sales drop. 3 analyze, test to determine s.t. Nag-usísa silas yútà ug magkinahanglan bag abúnu, They are testing the soil to see if it needs fertilizer. n investigation, inquiry. mausisáhun a 1 questioning, inquisitive. 2 scrutinizing with full attention to details.

uska short for usa ka. see usa.

uslub1 v [B2; c1] for earth to fall in, either collapsing or from a process of erosion. Nauslub (miuslub) ang lugar nga gisigíhag ági sa túbig, The place where the water constantly passes over has become depressed. n earth that has been eroded. Dakù ang uslub sa pangpang nga gikan-an sa túbig, The water ate a large amount of dirt from the cliff.

uslub2 v 1 [A; b6(1)] dip or immerse into a liquid. Iuslub sa duktǔr ang bátà sa inadlaw nga túbig ug mutaas ang hilánat, The doctor will dip the child in warm water when his fever rises. 2 [A; a] treat with uslub. n k.o. treatment by steam, esp. for stomach disorders derived from eating the wrong thing at the wrong time or in the wrong combination, where the substance that caused the disorder is boiled in a pot, and the patient is made to cover himself together with the pot in a blanket and inhale the vapors, following which he is wrapped in more blankets and made to sweat profusely.

Usminya n Sergio Osmeña, Sr., the second president of the Philippine Commonwealth, and a native of Cebu City. pwinti — a park in Cebu. Usminyista n political followers or supporters of Osmeña (or, now, his family).

usmud = usámud.

usngad v [A; a] for a pig to dig out or push hard with its snout. Nayabu ang pasaw sa bábuy kay íya mang giusngad, The pig pushed its feed hard with its snout and it spilled. Nabuhùbuhù ang nátad nga giusngáran sa bábuy, The front yard which the pig dug out with its snout is full of holes. n a boat having its top pointing at an angle above its body. inusngaran n diggings made by a pig with its snout.

uspag a dry, unkempt of skin or hair. Uspag kaáyu ug pánit ang nagpuyù sa isla, People living on islands have very dry skin. v [B; b6] for hair or skin to be dry and unkempt.

uspital = huspital.

ustiya, ustiyas, ustíyas n host, the bread of the Eucharist. v [a2] make the host.

úsu1 n 1 mode, fashion. Bilbátum ang úsu karun, Bell-bottoms are the mode these days. 2 fad, thing in rage. Úsu kaáyu karun ang pangáwat ug manuk, Chicken stealing has become the latest fad. Úsu na man run nga ang bána mauy bílin sa báy, It is now the practice for husbands to tend the house. v [B; c16] be the fashion, thing in vogue. Maúsu na sab ang tabánug, The fad for flying kites will come back into vogue again. pa- v [A1; c1] start a fad, initiate a movement. Gipausúhan nímu ang ímung anak ug kalígù maduminggu. Na, mangítà na hinúun, You started bringing your child to the beach on Sundays and now he expects it. pina- a according to the latest style. Buhuk nga pinaúsu, The latest style hairdo. v [B456; a1] have, wear s.t. of the latest style.

úsu2 n bear.

usub = usab, v.

úsuk1 v 1 [A; c] drive stakes into the ground. Iúsuk ang sundang dihà sa yútà, Stick the knife into the ground. 2 [b(1)] put stakes around. Ákung usúkan ang mga tanum, I’ll put (drive) stakes around the plants. 3 slam s.o. or s.t. to the ground. n cigarette (slang). (→) n stake.

úsuk2 v [A] for smoke to rush in a thick [1114]stream. Miúsuk ang asu sa tambutsu, The smoke gushed out of the exhaust pipe.

úsung v [A; b6(1)] help s.o. lift and carry s.t. on his head or shoulders. Akuy muúsung nímu sa sáku, I’ll help you lift the sack for you to carry on your shoulder.

usúra n usury. v [B126; b6] be, become usury. Mausúra nà ug dakù ang intiris, It would be usury if you charge excessive interest. usuríra = usuríru (female). usuríru n usurer. v [B12; b6] be, become a usurer.

us-us v 1 [A2; b6(1)] slide down on s.t. holding on partially. Mius-us ang mga bátà sa pasamánu, The children slid down the stairs. Makaus-us ka ug dalì sa plagpul kay dangug, You can easily slide down the flagpole because it is slippery. 1a [B2; b6(1)] for s.t. to slip down lower. Nagkaus-us ang ímung tiyan. Hápit ka nang muanak, Your stomach is slipping down. It won’t be long now and you’ll have your baby. 2 [APB; b7] for quantities to go down; cause them to do so. Muus-us (maus-us) ang prisyu sa bugas ug daghan ang abut, The price of rice will go down if there is a good harvest. Tambal nga muus-us (mupaus-us) sa hilánat, Medicine that will bring the fever down. 2a [A; c1] reduce a sentence. Ang huwis mius-us sa ímung sintinsiya, The judge reduced your sentence. — ang, sa kabúhì v [A; c1] bring the kabúhì to just above the navel, where it is supposed to be. a 1 low, having slipped down. Us-us kaáyu ang ímung karsúnis. Biraha sa táas, Your pants have slipped too far down. Pull them up. 2 lowered in quantity, degree.

usuus v [A13] 1 for s.t. hot to give off steam. Nag-usuus pa nang kapi. Mapásù kag ímung imnun, The coffee is still steaming. You’ll burn yourself if you drink it. 2 for a pain to give a burning sensation.

usúus = alasúus.

uswa v [A; b6] reprimand s.o. in a scolding way, harping on all his past faults. Uswáhan ku siya inig-abut níya. Dúgay nga muulì, I’ll give him a good cussing-out when he comes home. He always comes home late. uluswahan n worthy of being reprimanded; a good reason for being reprimanded. mauswáhun a in a reprimanding, scolding way.

uswag v 1 [A; c] raise, move s.t. or oneself to a higher position. Ug muuswag ka ug diyútay makahigdà ku sa ímung tiilan, If you move up a little I can lie down beneath your feet. Ákung iuswag ang atup ug mga diyis pulgádas, I’ll move the roofing up about ten inches. 1a [B] rise in quantity. Niuswag ang prisyu, The price has gone up. 2 [A2; b(1)] go upstairs, into the house. Muuswag ta kay tugnaw dinhi sa sílung, Let’s go into the house because it’s cold down here. 2a [A; c1] bring s.t. upstairs. Iuswag (uswága) ang mga silya, Carry the chairs upstairs. 3 [A; c] turn a light on. Giuswágan níya ang sugà kay hínay ra kaáyu ang síga, He turned the lampwick up some more because the light was too low. 4 [A; c1] postpone, put off to a future date. Dílì na mahímung uswágun ang kasal, It is no longer possible to postpone the wedding. 5 [A23P; c1] improve, progress. Muuswag ang inyung kahimtang ug makatrabahu ka na, Your situation will improve once you have work. n improvement, rise in degree or quantity. ka-an n progress, improvement. ka-un(→) n improvement finally attained. ma-un a progressive. Usa ka mauswágun kaáyung lungsud, A very progressive town.

usyus = asyus.

usyúsa = asyúsa.

usyúsu = asyúsu.

útak = útuk1, n1, 2 (slang).

útan n vegetables. v 1 [A; a2] cook vegetables. Maútan ang kamansi, Seeded breadfruit can be eaten as a vegetable. Ákung utánan ang prítung isdà, I’ll cook the fried fish with vegetables. 2 [a12] for young corn plants to be eaten by fowl. Diyútay ra ang mais manúbù ug utánun sa mga manuk, Few of the corn plants will grow to maturity if the chickens eat at them. paN- v [A2; a2] pick, gather vegetables. -un(→), -l-un n uncooked vegetables.

útang n debt. May útang ku nímung duha ka adlawng trabáhu, I owe you two days’ work. — buut see buut, 4. — kabubut-un see kabubut-un under buut. v 1 [AN; a] get s.t. on credit. Miútang (nangútang) ku ug usa ka gantang bugas, I bought a ganta of rice on credit. Inyu ba diay nang utángun? You mean you’re not paying cash for it? 1a [AN; a2] get a loan. Kadtung muútang (mangútang) ug dakù kinahanglan may garantíya, If you apply for a good-sized loan, you must have collateral. 1b — (sa hárì) [a12] take a life. Ay kug hadlúkag búnù kay utángun ta ka sa hárì (utángun ta ka), Don’t try to scare me with a talk of a fight because I will kill you. 2 [A3S; a3b6] owe s.o. a favor. Siya ang nautángan mu sa ímung kinabúhì, You owe your life to him. utang-utang v [B12] incur many small debts. Gamay ra ang nahabilin sa swildu kay nakautang-utang ku, I have little left from my salary because I incurred so many small debts. pa- v 1 [A; ac] extend credit. [1115]2 [A] get in the last word in a dispute. Dì siya mupaútang (magpaútang) ug sulti sa íyang bána, She won’t let her husband have the last word. -an n one who owes one s.t. hiN-(→), pala-(→) a always buying things on credit or asking for loans. -unun n goods for sale on credit.

utang-útang n k.o. slipmouth fish: Leiognathus sp.

utap, útap n k.o. cookie made of flaky pastry and formed into thin, tongue-like shapes, sold commercially. v [A; a2] make, have utap.

utas v [B126] faint due to a sickness, hunger. Nautas na sad ang masakitun, The sick man became unconscious again. -an(←) a prone to fainting spells. v [B12] get subject to fainting spells.

útas v [A; b] do s.t. always or constantly. Ug mag-útas lang mu ug tábì dinhà wà muy mahímù, If you keep on talking like that, you’ll never accomplish anything. Dì ku makaútas ug bantay niánà kay may láin kung búhat nga giatiman, I can not keep constant watch over it because I have other things to attend to.

utaw v [A; b6] iron, press. Wà níya utawa ang mga hábul, She did not iron the sheets. n iron. -an(←) n ironing board. -an(←) nga kinabáyù n ironing board with legs. -l-un(←), -unun(←) n things to iron. -in- n pressed clothes. tigpaN-, tig-l-(←) n person who does the ironing.

utaw-útaw v [AP; b(1)] float or move gently in the air or on the surface of a liquid. Muutaw-útaw (mipautaw-útaw) lang ku kay kápuyng ilanguy, I will just float because it is tiresome to swim. Mga pangánud nga nag-utaw-útaw (nagpautaw-útaw) sa kahangínan, Clouds that float gently in the wind.

utay-utay, utay-útay v [AB12; c1] do s.t. little by little, have s.t. happen to it a little at a time. Utay-utáya lang pagbáyad, Pay for it little at a time. Utay-utáya paggámit ang sabun, Use the soap little at a time.

utbu = ulbu, n, v1, 1a, 2, 3.

utbung n tender stalks with leaf buds. v [AN; c1] pick the tips of plants or their axillary shoots off. Mitambuk ang mga dáhun sa tabákù nga giutbúngan na sa salingsing, The leaves of the tobacco plants grew stout after their suckers were picked off.

utik = dutù.

utika n 1 phlegm of a person with tb. 2 TB. v [B16; a4] have tuberculosis. Nag-utika (giutika) na lang nang tawhána sa íyang kaabusádu, That man has got TB because he abused his health. utikahun n tubercular. v [B1256] become consumptive.

util = hutil.

útin n penis. pubri nga — poor father as head of the family (humorous). Walà giyud siya makatilaw ug mga maáyung pagkáun kay anak man siya sa pubring útin, He never tasted good food because he is a son of a poor father (lit. poor penis). v [a12] hit on the penis. Ug utínun nímu siyag banyak makuyapan giyud, If you hit him on the penis with a kick, he will surely faint. utin-utin n k.o. parrot fish. -an a having a penis.

utingkad v [AN; a12] ransack, search thoroughly or examine every part. Ákung utingkarun ning mga butang sa kaban arun makit-an tung lyabíha, I’ll search everything in this trunk so I can find the key.

utingkag v 1 = utingkad. 2 [A3P; a3b6] for a home to be broken. Ang pagkababayidur sa bána mauy nakautingkag (nakapautingkag) sa ílang kaugalíngun, Her husband’s fondness for women broke up their home.

utingkay v 1 [AN; a12] disarrange s.t., usually in searching for s.t. Dì ku gustung inyung utingkáyun ang mga libru sa laybrari, I don’t want you to disarrange the books in the library. 1a [A12; b8] find, come across s.t. in ransacking or searching through. Nakautingkay kug buláwan sa sulud sa kaban, I came across a piece of gold in rummaging through the trunk. 2 [A; a12] go into the details of s.t. to find out about it. Sa kurti utingkáyun ang tanan nga nahitabù báhin sa kásu, In court all facts surrounding the case will be examined in detail. 2a [A12; b8] find out by ransacking details. Nautingkayan na hinúun ang makauúlaw níyang kagahápun, They stumbled over the shameful details of her past.

utitud n k.o. tiny, biting red ant. v [a4] be infested with this k.o. ant. utiturun a infested with red ants. v [B1256] get to be infested with red ants.

utíut v [A; c6] creak, squeak. Miutíut ang sawug nga kawáyan, The bamboo flooring creaked. Wà makautíut ang ligid, The wheel does not squeak any more. n creaking, squeaking noise.

utlánan see ulut1.

utlub v [A; ab2] bite s.t. off with the front teeth or for machinery to do an analogous thing. Muutlub lang ku ug gamay sa ímung kindi, I’ll just take a small bite of your candy. Nautluban ang ákung tudlù sa galingan, The mill took a small piece off of my finger. paN- sa dílà v [A13] bite one’s tongue. Nagpangutlub kus ákung dílà arun dílì makakatawa, I bit my tongue to refrain from [1116]laughing. -in-an n s.t. a part of which has been bitten off.

utmil n oatmeal. v [A; a2] eat, raise s.o. on oatmeal. Giutmil si Búbuy sa gamay pa siya, Boboy was raised on oatmeal when he was small.

utnga1 v [A; c] emit a somewhat prolonged grunt as when one is lifting s.t. heavy or has suffered pain. Miutnga siya sa pag-alsa sa usa ka sákung kupras, He grunted when he lifted the sack of copra. Nakautnga siya sa pagsuntuk sa íyang tiyan, He grunted when he received the blow in the stomach.

utnga2, utngà v [B26] come off, let go of s.t. attached firmly to s.t. Dì muutnga ang limátuk ug dì mabusug, A leech won’t let go until it is full. Miutnga na ang lansang sa sawug, The nail came out of the flooring.

utra = utru, 1 (female).

utrabis v [A] do s.t. a second time. Muutrabis pa pagminyù ang byúda kay nagdalaga, The widow must want to get married again because she is primping herself up. Utrabis! Wà pa man ka mabúngì, Do it again, why don’t you. You didn’t break anything the first time. n s.t. having been repeated. Utrabis na nà níya sa pirst grid, This is his second time around in the first grade.

utru 1 [so-and-so] is another one of those bad people. Utru ka sab. Paríhas mung búang, You’re another one. You’re both fools. 2 repeated action. Utru gánì, ayg ingna ánà, The next time don’t do it like that. v [A; ac] do s.t. again. Dì ka na kautrug binúang nákù, You can’t fool me again. Íya pa ning iutrug lútù, She’s going to cook it again.

utsing v [AC; a2] have sexual intercourse (humorous).

utsinta 1 number eighty. 2 humorous euphemism for utsing ta, let’s have intercourse. v see disiutsu.

utsu number eight, confined to phrases with words of Spanish origin. v 1 see tris. 2 [a12] for a bicycle tire to be deformed (lit. twisted into an eight).

utud v 1 [AC; a] cut s.t. long in two or s.t. off of it. Utdun níya ang pán álang ninyung duha, She will break the bread for the two of you. Giutdan níya ang hílu, He cut a piece off the thread. 2 [B2; b6] be, become short after s.t. has been cut off. Nagkautud ang písì nga sígig kabugtù, The rope is getting shorter and shorter because it keeps breaking. a short after a part has been cut off. n sibling. (←) = utud, n. ka- n blood relation.

utug a for a penis to be erect. n the erected penis. Hikápa ang ákung utug, Touch my hard-on. v [B; b4] 1 get erect. Sa sulti lang gánì nag-utug na ang íyang útin, His penis erects even if he just listens to stories. Giutgan ku, I have an erection. 2 tauten or erect like the penis. Miutug ang pasul pagdágan sa isdà, The fishline tautened when the fish lunged away. pa-(←) v [A; b6] masturbate. n 1 masturbation. 2 s.t. that helps one have an erection. ulutgan a having a tendency to get erections. pala- n given to masturbation.

utuk1 v [A; a2] cook land crabs with shredded coconut meat, spices, turmeric, but no water.

utuk2, útuk1 a a top that spins so fast and steadily that it appears motionless. — ug kinúmù a having the ability to deliver fast and furious blows. Útuk kaáyug kinúmù nang banáha kay kanúnay lang gipahubag ang nawung sa asáwa, He is a husband with a fast and steady fist. His wife’s face is constantly swollen. v [B26; b6] be fast and steady in spinning. pa-ay n contest to see whose top spins most steadily. v [A13] hold such a contest.

útuk2 n 1 brain. 2 intelligence, mental ability. Gamíta ang ímung útuk, Use your brain. 3 mastermind of evil doings. 4 — sa bukug marrow. lísù sa — = lísù sa buut. see lísù. singtánun ug — a tending to get angry easily. -an a brainy, intelligent. -an(→), paN- n intellect, mental ability.†

utul v 1 [A: a] sever s.t. long. Utla ang kawáyan sa makaduha, Break the bamboo into two. 1a [A; a12] cut down. 1b [A; ab7] cut s.t. out of or off of s.t. Ákung giutlan ug diyútay ang tiil sa lamísa, I cut a small piece off the leg of the table. 2 [A; a] put an end to s.t. Utlun ku ang inyung pagtagbùtagbù, I’ll put an end to your secret meetings. Giutlan mig túbig, Our water connection was cut off. a s.t. cut off from s.t. Gisumpay ug bálik ang utul sa íyang tudlù, They sewed his severed finger back on. — sa adlaw half day. — sa píkas a quarter. (←)1 v [C; a] divide s.t. into two. Utlun nátù ang ímung tsukulit, We’ll divide your chocolate between us. (←) ug tinái, kinabúhì n sibling. Útul siya nákù ug tinái, She is my sister. ka-(←), ig-(←) n sibling. utul-utul a 1 broken, cut into pieces. 2 for stools to be hardened and small from constipation. v 1 [B1; b6] be broken into tiny pieces. 2 [B; b6] for stools to get hard and small. 2a [a4b4] suffer from constipation.

útul2 v [A13B12; b5] lose the leaves, hair, feathers. Kanding ang nag-útul sa kamunggay, A goat stripped the kamunggay tree bare of its leaves. Naútul ang úlu ni Tasyu, [1117]Tacio’s head became bald. (→) a bald, stripped of most leaves.

utung v 1 [A2] hold one’s breath. Miutung siyang misáwum, He held his breath as he dived. Miutung siya sa kasakit, He couldn’t breathe for the pain. 2 [A; c6] bear down hard in delivering a child or defecating. Miutung ku ug kusug sa pagpaguwà sa dakung tubul, I bore down hard to get the hard stools out. 3 [c1] suffer, bear to the end. Utungun (iutung) ku na lang ning gastu sa ákung anak sa pag-iskuyla, I’ll have to bear it until I can get my son through school. n ability to hold one’s breath. Taas siyag utung, He is able to hold his breath for a long time. (←) v [B12; b6] be able to hold one’s breath for a long time. ka-un a feel like bearing down.

utut n fart, gas released from the stomach. bitik sa — see bitik. [gen.] expression of disbelief or denial: what [gen.] maintains is false! Utut nímu! Ingun ka ug dì muanhi unyà nía ka man lagi, You little liar! You said you were not coming, but here you are! v [A2N; c] break wind. Muutut (mangutut) ka man lang bísag náay mga táwu! Why do you break wind in front of people! (←) v [A13P] break wind frequently. Mag-útut ka giyug mukáun kag inánag, You’ll keep having to break wind if you eat broiled young corn. pala-(←) a one who keeps breaking wind.†

ut-ut1 v [APB12; b5] lose all one’s possessions through foolishness; cause one to do so. Ang súgal ug babáyi mauy nakaut-ut (nakapaut-ut) níya, Gambling and women has driven him to poverty. Giut-útan siya ánang bayhána, That woman milked him dry. a having lost all of one’s possessions foolishly.

ut-ut2 v [A; c1] boil rice in a small pot. Mag-ut-ut ku kay aku rang usa ra, I’ll cook rice in a small pot because it’s only for me.

ut-ut3 v [A; a12] for dogs to bark. Muut-ut nang irúa ug náay táwu, That dog barks when there are people around. n bark.

ut-út see úlut1.

utwang = hutwang2.

úu short form: u. 1 yes. Ú, túa na ku, Yes, I’m coming. 2 in narrations, rhetorical answer to an unasked question. Misulud siya sa lángub, ú misulud dáyun siya, He went into the cave, yes, he went right in. aw — of course, it is obviously so. Aw ú, unyà ra ka mubáyad ug ihatud na nákù dinhi, Of course, you only have to pay when I deliver it. — walay tiil, íkug expression inquiring as to the sincerity of one’s intentions of doing s.t. (humorous). ‘Muari ka unyà sa balay?’—‘Ú’—‘Ú way tiil?’ ‘Will you come to the house later?’—‘Yes.’—‘Is that yes meaning no (lit. yes without legs)?’

úù word said to induce young children to defecate. v [A; c] child’s word for defecate.

úun = un-ún1.

úwag = úlag.

uwag-úwag (from úlag) n 1 animal ovaries. 2 the two pockets of fat which are found on the top of the tail of chickens, so called because they are believed to stimulate sex urges.

uwahi = ulahi.

uwak n crow. mamutì (muputì) ang — [so-and-so] is impossible (lit. the crow will turn white first). Muputì pay uwak ug muhátag ku, It will be a snowy day in May before I contribute any. (←) n the sound of the crow. v [A13] say s.t. in protest, gripe. Nag-úwak ang mga trabahadur sa kadúgay sa ílang swildu, The laborers were complaining about how long it took them to get their pay. kang-an(←) n place where crows abound.†

uwandis (from ulandis) n k.o. light-skinned cooking banana which looks like the sab-a, not commercially grown.

uwang-uwang = saling-uwang.

uwápay n k.o. parrot fish.

uwaping n a k.o. edible mushroom that grows on rotten abaca or banana stalks, with a thin pileus, brown on top, and a slender stalk. paN- v [A2; b(1)] gather uwaping.

uway n general name for rattans. — palásan n large brittle species used for furniture making. v [A; a12] cut rattan cane into strips. paN- v [A2; b(1)] gather rattan. maN-r-(←) n rattan gatherer.

úway n address to aunts, female cousins of the parents’ generation.

uwídu n music played by ear. v [A2; c1] play by ear.

uwígik v [A2S; b3] for pigs to squeal. n squealing of pigs.

úwil v [A; b6(1)] 1 give s.o. sweet-talk to get s.t. out of him (colloquial). Ug akuy muúwil ánà, musugut nà, If I sweet-talk him, he’ll agree. Giuwílan ni Pidru si Huwan sa pagpapalit ug sigarilyu, Pedro sweet-talked Juan into buying cigarettes for him. 2 lubricate, put oil on. n 1 flattery (colloquial). 2 lubrication oil. — ab wintirgrin n oil of wintergreen.

uy 1 particle initial to the sentence: 1a an impolite way of attracting attention. Uy, Pituy, dalia nang ímung búhat, Hey! Pete. Hurry up with that work! 1b exclamation [1118]of surprise upon noticing s.t. Uy Pilang! Ingun kug dì na ta magkítà, Why, Pilang, I didn’t think I’d ever see you again. 1c exclamation of delight or worry. Uy! Malípay ku ug buhátun mu nà, My! Would I ever be happy if you did that! 2 particle final in the sentence. 2a contradicting the interlocutor’s opinion or an opinion he might form: don’t think it’s not like this.—it is. Mahal uy! Tíaw muy tag-utsu ang usa! It’s expensive, for your information. Imagine! Eight pesos apiece! dílì ku — I don’t want to, don’t think I do. ‘Paghúbù.’—‘Dílì ku uy!’ ‘Get undressed!’—‘No, I won’t.’ 2b with imperatives: go on now, do it. Sábà uy. Hibatian tang Pápa, Keep quiet now. Daddy might hear us. Ayaw úsà ug lakaw uy. Maniudtu pa gánì ta, Hey! Don’t go yet. We are going to have lunch yet. 2c particle indicating surprise upon discovering s.t. Sus, Mam, maáyu giyud ka kaáyu uy! Goodness, Ma’am. You sure are good. 2d particle expressing annoyance. Sus nis Iduk uy! Nakulbaan kug maáyu, My goodness, Edok. You sure gave me a scare. ada — see ada.

úy = uluy.

uyab1 n girl or boy friend. v [ANC; a2] be sweethearts, get for a sweetheart, make into a sweetheart. Mag-úyab na sila kay sígi sa sini, They must be sweethearts because they keep going to the show together. Byúda ang íyang giuyab, He made a widow his fiancée.

uyab2 v [A; c] let fighting cocks clash for a short time for practice. Iuyab ang mga hiniktan, Let the fighting cocks clash for practice. n cockfight for practice. Way uyab kining manúka, This cock has no practice in fighting.

úyab v [A; b6(1)] rinse with clean water. Íya nang giuyában ang linabhan, She has rinsed the laundry.

uyabad v [A13; b3] 1 bawl, cry out loudly. Nag-uyabad ang bátà kay nangáyù ug dulsi, This child is bawling because it is asking for candy. 2 grumble to oneself. Unsa may ímung giuyabaran nga dakù ka mag báhin? What are you griping about when you have a big share?

uyabang n fry of river shrimps. Ang uyabang mga pínung ulang, The young of river shrimps are tiny.

úyag 1 so that [such-and-such] a thing happen. Uban lang úyab kapalitan kag sapátus, Just come with me so I can buy you some shoes. 2 instead of doing [so-and-so] as one should have, he did s.t. else (and s.t. bad happened). Úyag pa bítawng paiskuyláhun siya, nyà wà giyud magtuun. Dan, wà núuy titulu, He was supposed to go to school, but he didn’t. So, he doesn’t have a degree. 3 [so-and-so] was going to happen (or not going to) but you did s.t. to ruin matters. Úyag natū́g untà tung bátà, ímu pa giyung gipúkaw, The child was doing fine asleep but you had to go and wake him up. Úyag wà tà tu kahibáwu sa ákung sikrítu, ímu núung gibuku, He would not have known about the secret, but you had to go and tell him.

uyágak = iyágak.

uyakut v [A3; b5] 1 mind talk not worth heeding. Makunsimisiyun ka lang ug mag-uyakut ka sa mga sulting dugmuk, You’ll only worry yourself to death if you mind that idle talk. 2 mind business, work which is not worth it, does not give a profit. Dílì ku mag-uyakut ug nigusyung dì makabúhì, I won’t kill myself for a business that doesn’t even allow me to earn a living.

uyámut [adj.] quite [adj.] I should say, rather [adj.]. Daghan uyámut silag kwarta, They had a rather goodly amount of money. Lahì uyámut ang íyang kinaíya kay sa íyang igsúun, She has a quite different personality from her sister. Pubring uyámut, Quite poor, I would say. Ngil-ad uyámut nga dì na ka muatúbang sa ímung nautángan ug kabubut-un, It is rather unseemly, I should say, that you turn your back on s.o. you should be grateful to. a miserable, extremely poor. Uyámut kaáyu ming mga iskwátir, We squatters are miserably poor. v [B12; b6] be extremely poor. ka- n extreme poverty.

úyang title for one’s grandmother or a grandparent’s sister or a female cousin of the grandparent’s generation. (→) 1 voc. of uyang. 2 address of respect for old women not related. v [A; c1] address s.o. as uyang.

uyap n tiny salt-water shrimps. paN- v [A2; b6] catch, gather tiny shrimps.

uyas a past its usefulness or productiveness. Ang apuhan námù uyas na, Our grandparents are already very old. Uyas ang yútà sa bakilid, The soil on the slope is infertile. (←) v [B2; b6] be, become unproductive. Muúyas (maúyas) ang dágat kun kanúnay dinamitáhan, The sea will become bare if they constantly fish with dynamite. Nagkauyas ang mga lubi, The coconut trees are becoming unproductive.

úyat1 v [A; b] hang on s.t. to bend it downward. Nabálì ang sanga kay íyang giuyátan, The branch broke because he hung on it with all his weight. [1119]

úyat2 v [A; b] take hold of s.t. or hold s.t. lifting it. Siyay nag-úyat sa kápa sa rayna, She held the queen’s cape. Nakaúyat siya sa alambri sa kuryinti, He accidentally took hold of the electric wire.

uyat-úyat v [A; a1] tease s.o. or annoy him by persistent, irritating actions or remarks. Ákù siyang uyat-uyátun nga dì na muulì ang íyang Máma, I’ll tease her by saying her mother isn’t coming back any more.

uyauya a good enough amount to do for modest use or consumption. Gamay kaáyung tindahána apan uyauya usab ang hálin, iguígù giyung makasapal sa gastu, This store is very small, but it has a goodly sale, enough to cover the expenses.

uyit = iwit.

uylab = uylap.

uylap v [A; b6] 1 flare up, burst into flames. Dalì kaáyung miuylap ang kaláyu, The fire quickly flared up. 1a for a light to flicker. Salipdi ang sugà arun dì muuylap ang síga, Cover the lamp so that its light won’t flicker. 2 for pain to pulsate. Nag-uylap ang kangutngut sa ákung hubag, I have a pulsating pain in my boil.

uyuan n uncle: parent’s brother or male cousin of the parent’s generation. v [A12] have an uncle. paN- v [A23] respect as one’s uncle. Kun nanguyuan ka kanákù, patúu sa ákung tambag, If you respect me as your uncle, heed my advice.

úyug v [AB2S; a1] shake back and forth in any direction with quick motions, cause s.t. to do so. Miúyug ang balay paglínug, The house shook in the earthquake. Uyúga siya ug kusug arun mumata, Shake him hard to wake him up. (→) n mature coconut, at the stage when the water sounds if it is shaken. (→) ug útuk a feeble-minded. Uyug tingáli ug útuk kay dì makasabut dáyun, He must be feeble-minded because he cannot understand right away. v [B25; b6] for a coconut to reach maturity. pa- n ceremony and party upon blessing a house or inaugurating a building. v [A; b5] hold a house blessing.

uy-ug = úyug.

úyuk n s.t. in the center. middle part: 1 middle part of the place where the fire is built in the stove. 2 bone marrow. 2a young palm frond, esp. coconut. 3 = alúyuk. 3a the whorl on the fingers made by the prints. -an(→) n place where the úyuk is located. kina-an(→) = kinaaluyukan. see alúyuk.

úyun n 1 s.t. long, parallel to, alongside. Mga balay nga úyun sa karsáda, Houses built along the road. 2 in accordance, conformance with. Úyun sa átung gikasabútan, In accordance with our agreement. v 1 [AC; c1] put long things parallel to s.t. or each other, be put parallel. Mag-úyun tag higdà arun ta muarang dinhi, Let us lie down beside each other so that we can both fit on this place. Wà magkaúyun ang mga bughà, The pieces of firewood weren’t placed parallel to each other. 1a [A2; b6c1] stay, place oneself parallel to s.t. 2 [A2C3; bc3] agree, go along with s.t. Dì ku muúyun sa inyung plánu, I won’t agree to your plan. Sumálà sa gikauyúnan, According to the agreement we came to. (→) n = úyun, n. (→) ug bàbà female genitalia (humorous). v = úyun, v2. uyun-úyun v [AP; b(1)] agree with, go along with half-heartedly. pa- v [A; c] do s.t. lengthwise. Ipaúyun paghíwà ang patátas, Cut the potatoes lengthwise. n done lengthwise. pahi-, pasi- 1 = úyun, 2. 2 [A; c] adjust oneself to s.t. or adjust s.t. so others can agree to it. Pasiúyun na lang ku sa pagkáun dinhi, kay way láin, I’ll just adjust myself to the food here, because there is nothing else. Gamay ra ákung gibutang síli kay ákung ipahiúyun sa tanan, I put in very little chili pepper so everybody could eat what I was fixing. ka-an n agreement reached. Ang kauyúnan sa míting, The agreement reached in the meeting.

úyung n title for one’s grandfather or a grandparent’s brother or a male cousin of his generation. v 1 [B2; b6] become old. Miúyung (naúyung) lag kalit ang íyang nawung sukad mamatay ang íyang asáwa, His face suddenly aged when his wife died. 2 [B126; b6] become a grandfather.




1 expression of mild disappointment uttered when s.o. fails to do what one wanted him to do. Wá, kaláin dì man diay maná sa sini! Gosh, why aren’t you taking me to the movies with you! Wá, kini ray ímung ihátag! Gosh! Is this all you’re giving me?

2 = wala.

see walà.

wáay1 v [A; c1] raise a weapon preparatory to striking. Giwaáyan níya sa bunal ang irù, He raised the club at the dog.

*wáay2 — gid = waray gid. see waray2.

wábul v [B5; b6] shake, wobble, move in an irregular and jerky movement. Kusug kaáyung muwábul ning awtúha básig náay dipirinsiya niíni, This car wobbles a lot. S.t. must be wrong with it. a shaking, wobbling. n wobbling motion.

wadwad v [A; b5] 1 break the soil, as in tilling. Unsay itanum niánang dapíta nga inyung giwadwáran (giwadwad)? What are you going to plant in the area you have plowed? 1a for a pig to dig around in s.t. with its snout. Giwadwad sa bábuy ang linadlad, The pig dug around on the clothes put out to bleach. 2 [A; c1] take s.t. out of a container to display it. Ákung iwadwad (wadwárun) ang ákung mga butang arun nímu makit-an ug nía ba dinhi ang ímung gipangítà, I’ll take my things out so you can see if what you are looking for is here. 3 [A2; b] work hard (slang). Kinahanglang muwadwad ug maáyu ang draybir arung kabawì sa ábang, A passenger jeepney driver has to work like hell to make enough to recover his rent.

wagas n pure gold, not worked into jewelry. a pure, unmixed (literary). Wagas nga kamatuúran, The pure, unvarnished truth.

wagat a for root crops to be watery and somewhat lumpy to eat. v [B; b6] for root crops to become watery and lumpy. Muwagat (mawagat) ang pálaw ug linghud pa, Palaw is watery and lumpy when it is cooked too young.

wagtang v 1 [A; c] lose s.t. Diin man ka. Nawagtang ka man, Where were you? You disappeared! Ayaw giyud nag wagtánga ang ímung bulpin! Don’t lose your ball-point pen! 2 [AP; a] drive away, make s.t. vanish. Álak ray makawagtang sa ákung kaguul, Only liquor can drive away my sorrows.

wagut n fibrous, inedible portion of jackfruit. a for sweet potatoes to be small and fibrous. v [B126; b6] come out small and fibrous. Mawagut ang kamúti ug linghud pa kaáyu, Very young sweet potatoes are small and fibrous. -un a 1 having a lot of fibrous inedible portions. 2 being small and fibrous.

wagwag1 v 1 [A13; c6] spill s.t. out of a container. Nawagwag ang harína kay nabutbut ang sáku, The flour spilled because the bottom came out of the sack. 1a [A13; a12] rip or puncture a container so the contents spill. Ikaw diay nagwagwag sa sáku kay ímu mang gidahik, You made the sack rip because you dragged it. 2 [A; c] divulge information. Miwagwag hinúun ku sa tanan kung nasayran báhin níya, I spilled everything I knew about her. 3 [A] go about with penis dangling freely. Walà giyud kay úwaw kun magwagwag kang mulakaw sa karsáda, You sure are shameless if you can walk down the street with your penis waving in the breeze. n secret that has become known.

wagwag2 n a variety of white paddy rice with strong panicles maturing late and giving a heavy yield.

wáhì v [A; c6] brush, push s.t. aside to clear the way or view. Ang nag-una mauy miwáhì sa mga sangang nagbabag sa agiánan, The guide brushed aside the branches which blocked the way.

wahig n river.

wáhig v [A; c1] move s.t. attached to s.t. aside or out of the way. Kamuy muwáhig sa mga bangkù nga nag-ali sa agiánan, You move the benches aside that are in the way. Siyay nagwáhig sa kurtína, He pushed the curtains aside. wahigwahig v [A; c1] scatter, strew s.t. around. Kinsa bay miwahigwahig niíning mga papil sa sála? Who strewed these papers all over the living room? Basakang nawahigwahig sa dakung pátag, Rice fields scattered over the broad plain.

wáhing v 1 [A; c1] move s.t. to the side without lifting it entirely. Iwáhing (wahínga) ang kurtína arun makalìlì ta, Pull the curtain to the side so we can peek. 2 [A2; c6] lay one’s work aside. Muwáhing siya sa íyang gitrabáhu kun náay magkinahanglan níya, He will lay whatever he is working aside if s.o. needs him. wahingwáhing v [AN; c1] flip through pages. [1121]

wáis = wayis (slang).

wait n 1 lip (not used in romantic contexts). Mga libakíra nga dagkù, nanipis na lang ang mga wait, They are a bunch of gossips with their thin lips. (Gossipers are said to have thin lips.) 2 lip-like edge, brim. Dúnay buak sa wait sa bangà, There is a nick on the lip of the jar.

wak n word used in writing to represent the sound of a whack.

wákag v [B; c1] scattered all over not too large an area. Kun kit-an sa mga bátà ning mga duwáan wakágun (iwákag) dáyun ni sa hawanan, If the children get hold of these toys, they’ll scatter them all over.

wákal v [B; c1] be, become unintelligible in one’s speech. Wakálun (iwákal) gánì nímug sulti dì ka hisabtan námù, If you mumble your words we won’t understand you. a unintelligible, mumbling in speech.

*wákang insik, tsíbay — expression used to tease Chinese. Insik wákang káun kalibang, Ching chong Chinaman, eat and shit.

wakanga expression said to be used by Chinamen in anger or surprise.

wákat v 1 [B6; c1] scatter, put in disarray. Nagwákat lang ang mga butang sa íyang kwartu, Junk is scattered all over her room. 2 [B6C3] intertwine, be intertwined. Nagwákat ang mga gamut sa bakhaw sa katunggan, The roots of the mangroves in the swamps are scattered about in an intertwining maze. n the prop roots of mangroves, so called because they scatter out in every direction, intertwining and forming an impenetrable mass.

wakay n k.o. ornamental fern that has large leaflets having a fine serrated margin, used to cleanse pots: Cyclosorus sp. wakaywakay = lukdulukdu.

wakis v [A; c1] lift a cover up or push it sideways. Hángin ang miwakis sa ákung sayal, The wind blew my skirt up. Magwakis nà siyang matúlug, Her skirt rides up her legs as she sleeps. Wakisa (iwakis) ang kurtína arun makasulud ang ínit, Pull the curtain aside to let the sun in.

waklay a tall and thin. Mikalit siyag túbù maung waklay, He grew fast. That’s why he is lanky. v [B12; b6] become tall and thin. Káun ug túda kay nagkawaklay ka, Eat a lot because you are getting tall and thin.

wakli v 1 [AN; c] push, brush s.t. away from one. Giwakli níya ang pagkáung gidúnul, He brushed the food they handed him aside. 2 [A; c6] drive out from the mind (literary). Iwakli ang mga hunàhúnà mung way hinungdan, Cast aside your foolish ideas. 3 [c6] give away s.t. of little value to oneself. Usáhay waklíhan pud mi níya madiyut, Sometimes he tosses a little something our way. n action of pushing s.t. aside. Sa usa ka wakli nahapaúmud ang íyang kuntra, One brush of the arm sent his enemy sprawling.

wakling v [A; c1] push s.t. aside, usually causing it to topple over. Wà ka giyud makawakling ánang mga kartun nga nakasámuk sa ímung lamísa, Why haven’t you pushed those boxes aside since they are in your way as you work at the table? Ayaw nà waklínga (iwakling) arun dì mahúlug, Don’t push that aside or it will fall over.

wakwak1 n bird which comes out at night, so called from its call. Its call signifies the presence of a vampire (unglù) or in some beliefs, it is a form the vampire takes himself. v 1 [A13] for the wakwak to be about. 2 [a12] victimize s.o. with vampire activity. paN- v [A2] go about engaging in vampire activity. -un n = unglù, n.

wakwak2 n the West piece of mahjong = wisti.

wala n 1 left hand. 2 left side. Likù paingun sa wala, Turn to the left. — ug tuu a spending right and left. Wág tuu mugastu mu rag Unásis, Spending money right and left like Onassis. v 1 [B1256] be at the left side. 2 [a2] do s.t. with the left hand. Walha pagkuput kay tuu may ímung ipakang, Hold it with the left because you strike it with the right. Ug makigtínis ka nákù walhan ta ra ka, If you play tennis with me, I’ll give you the advantage by playing only with the left. pa- v [A; c] go or keep to the left. Sa Inglatíra magpawala ang sakyanan, In England they drive on the left. walhun n 1 left-handed. 2 implement for s.o. who is left-handed. Awtung walhun, Automobile designed for driving on the left side. walhun nga tikì n southpaw (humorous and derogatory from the phrase walhung tikì tuuhung mangíhì, ‘He’s a southpaw tikì, but he uses his right hand to piss’). v [B12] become left-handed.

walà short forms: wà, wâ. no, not. 1 preceding verbs: did not, is not doing. Walà níya lutúa, He did not cook it. Wà ku matúlug, I wasn’t asleep. — madúgay not long after. Walà madúgay miabut ang amahan, Not long after, the father arrived. — sukad never up to that time. Walà sukad aku makadungug ánà, I had never before heard that. 2 not be in a place. Walà dinhi ang maistru, The teacher is not here. Walà pa (wap-a) sa Sámar ang bagyu, The storm hasn’t reached Samar yet. 2a not be in a certain condition. [1122]Walà siya sa maáyung buut, He is not in a good mood. Walà ra siya sa kumingking itandì nákù, He is nothing compared to me (lit. he is not even up to my little finger). 2b —y there isn’t, wasn’t any. Walay táwu, There wasn’t anyone. Walà nay (wan-ay) túbig, There’s no more water. 2b1 -y [noun] [nom.] [nom.] does not have any [noun]. Way kwarta si Huwan, Juan has no money. Walà ku árun, I don’t know anything about this. 2b2 phrases with walay: wà tay amígu you’re not my friend (baby talk). -y báli, kásu [dat.] it doesn’t matter to [dat.]. Way báli nákù ug mabuak, I don’t care if it breaks. — pay before there was any, before it got to be. Sa wà pay gíra, Before the war. Wà pa gániy úras, It hasn’t even been an hour. -y láin kun dílì none other than. Ang mukanta way láin kun dì si Bin Abilyána, Our singer is none other than Ben Abellana. 2b3 -y [doubled verb base or Culu-verb base] without doing. Milakaw siya sa walay pupananghid (walay tingugtíngug), He left without excusing himself (saying anything). 2b4 -y [verb base + (→)] without having done. Bátang way ligù, way sudlay, An unwashed, uncombed child. Ulan nga way bugtù, Rain without letup. (←) v 1 [AB12; a12b4(1)] lose s.t., be lost. Nakawálà kug libru, I lost s.o.’s book. Nawálà ag ákung pitaka, I lost my pocketbook. Kustumbring nagkawalà, Customs that are disappearing. Ayawg wad-a (waláa) nang lapísa, Don’t lose that pencil. Nawad-an ku sa pagsálig, I lost confidence. 2 [B1256] lose one’s way. Nawálà kus lasang, I got lost in the forest. tag-(←), tig-(←) v [b(1)] 1 misplace, lose track of s.t. Natagwaláan nákù ang papílis, I have misplaced the documents. Ug dílì katigwaláan nákù ning nagsunud nákù, madakpan ku, If I can’t shake off these people following me, I’ll get caught. 2 get lost s.w. Nadúgay mi kay gitagwaláan mi sa dálan, We were delayed because we lost our way. pahinga-, paka- v [A13] dì, walà — be without. Ang palasikwáti dì magpahingawalà (magpakawalà) ug tablíya, Those addicted to chocolate drink cannot be without chocolate tablets. walàwálà v [A13] occur, come off and on. Nagwalàwálà ang ákung hilánat, My fever comes and goes. ka-an n void, space. Unyà mibálik ang lalum nga tíngug sa kawaláan, Then a deep voice came again from the void. kawalad-un n utter, abject poverty.

walay 1 see walà, 2b. 2 = waray2.

waldas v [A3; b5] move the hands or s.t. held in the hands above the head. Nahadluk kus hubug kay nagwaldas sa íyang pinútì, I was scared of the drunk because he was waving his sword in the air. waldaswaldas v 1 = waldas. 2 [A; c1] gesticulate while speaking. Daw búang siya nga nagwaldaswaldas sa íyang mga kamut, He waves his arms around like a madman when he speaks. 3 [A1; c6] spend money wastefully, squander money. Nagwaldaswaldas siyag kwarta nga dílì íyang hinagúan, He just squanders money that he didn’t lift a finger for.

wáli n 1 sermon. 2 lecture read to s.o. who has done s.t. wrong. v [A; c1] 1 deliver a sermon. 2 lecture s.o. Ayaw gánì akug walíhi dihà arun dì ka masípà, Read me a lecture, woman, and your head will crack like it never cracked before. mag-r-(→) n preacher.

wáling v [AP; c1] move s.t. to the side without lifting. Ang nagwáling (nagpawáling) sa mga lingkuránan mau puy mag-úlì, Whoever pushed the chairs to the side will have to put them back. Walínga (iwáling) kanang mga basahun kay básig náa sa luyu, Push the books aside. Maybe it’s behind them. Walínga ímung ilung ug kit-an nímu, Follow your nose around the first bend (lit. turn your nose) and you’ll see it. walingwáling v [A; c1] 1 turn over from side to side. Giwalingwáling sa ditiktib ang minatay arun pag-ila, The detective turned the corpse from side to side to identify him. 2 flip pages of a book.

walingwaling n k.o. orchid, grown ornamentally: Vanda sanderiana.

walis v 1 [AB26; c1] push a flexible covering aside. May kamut nga miwalis sa kurtína, A hand pulled the curtain aside. 1a for the lips to turn up in a smile. Nawalis (niwalis) ang íyang mga ngábil sa usa ka maanindut nga pahíyum, Her lips turned up in a sweet smile. 1b — ang kahílum [B26] for silence to break. 2 [B126] in volleyball, for the hand to be knocked back and fail to return a ball that was hit with force.

walts n waltz music or dance. v [AC] dance the waltz.

walu numeral eight. v see tulu. waluwálu n 1 wind and rain in heavy torrents for eight successive days. 2 = tagiwálu. ka-, maka- eight times. ika- eighth. tag-(←) eight at a time. v [A13; c1] do in multiples of eight. tagi-(←) n k.o. snake that is said to stay eight days on dry land and eight days in the sea alternately.

walug (not without l) n 1 valley. 2 — sa ginluháan, pag-antus vale of tears (the world). v [B1256; b6] become a valley. kina-an n [1123]the lowest place of a valley.

walup, wálup (not without l) v [A; c1] wallop, strike with a hand blow. Lisud sagngun ang íyang sirbisyu kay kusug kaáyung muwálup (muwalup), It’s hard to return his serve because he really wallops it. n wallop.

walwag v [A; a] insert s.t. long in an opening and work it around. Walwaga nang nakasampung sa túbu, Work s.t. around in the pipe to get out whatever is blocking it.

walwal (from diwalwal) v [A] for the tongue to hang out in panting, or figuratively, for s.t. to hang out like the tongue. Muwalwal ang dílà sa irù ug hiinitan, The dog pants with his tongue hanging out when he is in the sun. Nagwalwal ang kinatáwu sa hubug, The drunk’s penis is hanging out of his pants.

wánang n wide or roomy space, esp. a flat place. Dakug wánang ang ílang sála, They have a spacious living room. v [AB; a2b2] be, become flooded with. Nawánang ang plása sa túbig sa kusug nga ulan, The plaza became flooded in the heavy rain. ka-an n outer space. Misutuy ang rákit ngadtu sa kawanángan, The rocket ship shot into space.

wan-an-ihap a a one-and-a-half storey house. v [B1256; c6] be a one-and-a-half storey house.

wan-aydyak n the jacks of hearts and spades, which are shown with only one eye. a blind in one eye (humorous). Magdarkglásis bísag gabíi kay wan-aydyak man, So that’s why he wears dark glasses even at night, because he is blind in one eye. v [B126] become blind in one eye.

wandag v [A2; a2] roam, wander from place to place. Dì makapuyù nang tawhána muwandag giyud, He never stays put, but he wanders from place to place.

wandas = waldas.

wandirin dyú, wandiring dyú n k.o. ornamental spreading herb with purple, acuminate leaves: Setcreasea purpurea.

wandug v [c1] move unsteadily as from fatigue, drunkenness. Wà ka wandúgi sa trák? Didn’t it seem to you that bus was swaying? wandugwandug v [AB3; c1] move unsteadily, stagger or sway while moving; cause s.t. to do so. Miwandugwandug ang sakayan tungud sa dagkung balud, The boat rocked from side to side in the big waves.

wanggu (word play on gúwang—slang. see gúlang.) n old man.

wangì v 1 [A; c1] bend, displace s.t. without moving it entirely. Akuy muwangì sa tabla ug kuúta ang búla sa ilálum, I will bend back the plank and you reach for the ball inside. Kinsay nagwangì sa úbas sa sagángat? Who bent one of the tines of the spear? 2 [AB; c1] break off a piece of s.t. long, get broken off. Muwangì kug sangang pára ilatigus kabáyù, I’ll break off a branch to use for a horsewhip. Muwangì (mawangì) ang ákung mga pánit sa ngilit sa kuku usáhay, The skin on the sides of the nail sometimes breaks. a 1 displaced. 2 broken off. Wanging kuku, Hangnail. wangìwángì n corners of the mouth at the lips. v [c1] hit s.o. at the corners of the mouth. Wangìwángía (iwangìwángì) siya pagkurit, Pinch her at the edge of her lips.

*wángis paN- v [A2] for a pig’s canines to grow long because of age. Nangwángis na ang ámung bábuy apan dì pa mangasáwa ang ámung ulitáwu, Our pig has grown long canines but our young man doesn’t want to get married yet.

wangkata n shape of one’s body (slang—word play on katawan, Tagalog for ‘body’). Mau nay wangkata. Pambátug banggà, My! What a body! A sure winner in a beauty contest!

wanglùwanglù v [A; c1] stagger in one’s walk, esp. of one who is drunk.

wangsà a bucktoothed, with the upper teeth sticking out and the mouth half-open. v [B1; b6] have this sort of characteristic. Ábi nímug gwápu ka? Nagwangsà lang ang nawung mu, Do you think you are handsome, you and your buck teeth?

wangsat v [A3P; c1] grin broadly (exposing the teeth). n broad grin. Dakù kaáyug wangsat kay daúgan man, He’s grinning broadly because he won.

wangsì a 1 having one or both the lips turned up such that it is impossible to close the mouth. 2 partly opened due to a cut with a side drawn up. Wangsì kaáyu ang íyang samad, She has a very wide cut. v [B6] 1 get a wide cut or for s.t. to get upturned. Nawangsì ang tibuuk kung kuku, My whole fingernail got turned up. 2 get opened, ajar. Muwangsì (mawangsì) ang sira kun maluag ang bisagra, The shutter won’t close tight if the hinges are loose. 3 [A; a] tear s.t. off, loose. Giwangsì níya ang bungbung, He tore off the wall boards.

wangtigu n old man (word play on tigúwang—slang. see gúlang).

wangut v [A; c1] chew s.t. with the gums. Magwangut gánì ang masúsu sa bibirun sa átù pa katul na ang lagus, When an infant chews the nipple, it means that his gum [1124]itches. Wangutun (iwangut) sa ákung apuhan ang maskáda, My grandfather chews his tobacco with the gums.

wangwang v [AB; b5] enlarge an opening by cutting or pushing two things apart, be dilated, widely opened. Wangwángun sa mananabang ang agiánan sa bátà inigpanganak, The midwife dilates the passage for the baby during delivery. Ayaw wangwánga (iwangwang) pag-abli ang gít arun way makasulud nga bábuy, Do not open the gate wide or stray pigs will come in. n wide opening made by pushing two things apart.

wani v [A12; c6] be put in a wrong place, be mislaid. Ayaw nà siya padad-ag paypay. Iwani na pud unyà nà, Don’t give her a fan to bring with her. She’ll just misplace it again.

*wani n mangga — k.o. wild mango that bears long fruit with a peculiar smell: Mangifera odorata.

wanklik a in one instant, without any delay. Wanklik ra ning laytíra. Síga dáyun, With one click this lighter lights. Wanklik ra nang bayhána. Way daghang hangyù, That woman can be had instantly, no fuss and bother. v [c6] do s.t. in one fell swoop. Giwanklik lang ang íyang swildu sa súgal, He lost all of his money in one fell swoop in gambling.

wantáyim v 1 [A; b5] do s.t. just for once. Muwantáyim giyud kug palit niánà bísag mahal, I’ll buy it even if it is expensive, just this one time. 2 [A; b5] do s.t. all at one time. Wantaymun (wantayman) ta lag hákut arun usa ra ka byáhi, Let’s take it all at once so we only have to make one trip. a s.t. done just once or done all at one time.

wantid n 1 needed for employment. Wantid kaáyu ang trabahadur sa kunstruksiyun, They need a lot of workers on the construction. 1a want ad. 2 one wanted for a crime. v 1 [A3; a1] be in need of an employee. Kinsa kahay nagwantid ug tindíra? Where was it they were needing a salesgirl? 2 [B126; a1] become wanted for a crime.

wan tu tri call sounded out in games to indicate player is ready for the next thing to be done. v [A; a] 1 escape or get away from paying for s.t. (slang). May gats giyud ka kun makawan tu tri kas Bisáyan, You’ve got to have guts if you eat without paying at the Visayan Restaurant. 2 do service poorly and hurriedly. Dì ka makawan tu tri ug tupi basta istriktu, You can’t cut hair poorly and hurriedly if the customer is fussy.

wanwi n 1 one-way street, trip. Dì ta makaági dihà kay wanwi nà, We can’t go that way because it’s a one-way street. 2 a mode of betting in jai-alai using two digits wherein only one specific combination wins (as opposed to the lyábi2). v 1 [A13; c1] be, become one-way. 2 [A13; ac] bet on s.t. one way and not in a combination (lyábi2).

waping = uwaping.

wápir n wafer. v [A; a] make, have wafers.

warak v [A; b6(1)] 1 throw s.t. or s.o. down with force so that it breaks. Íya na untà nga iwarak ang kúlun sa kalágut, She was about to smash the pot to the ground in anger. 2 spike a ball in volleyball. n a spike in volleyball.

warakwarak v [A; c1] scold continuously and loudly. Kusug kaáyung muwarakwarak si Mama ug madúgay ming mupaúlì, Mother scolds us continuously if we come home late. n things said in scolding.

waraswáras v [A] 1 go back and forth. Nagwaraswáras pa ra ba giyud atubángas bisíta, nanimáhù ra ba! She walked back and forth in front of the visitors, and to think that she had B.O.! 2 go in all directions hastily. Miwaraswáras si Kuring pagpangítà sa puldir nga nawálà, Coring went around in a dither looking for the lost folder.

warawára v [A; c] wave the hands or s.t. held in the hands back and forth. Miwarawára siya pagpahúnung sa awtu, He waved his hand to stop the car.

Waray1 n 1 the language of Samar and Eastern Leyte, so called from the form waray used in most dialects of this language analogously to the Cebuano walà and walay. 2 one who comes from the Waray-speaking region. v 1 [B126; b6] be, become a Waray. 2 [A; c1] speak Waray. -in-, Waraywáray = waray, n1, v. -nun = waray, n2.

waray2 a be gone, not in existence (colloquial). Waray na tay pagkáun, We have no more food. Ayaw na lang tu pangitáa, waray na tu, Don’t look for it anymore. It’s already lost. — gid none at all (humorous for walay gayud—from Samar-Leyte Bisayan waray and Hiligaynon gid). ‘Pilay kwarta mu?’—‘Waray gid!’ ‘How much money have you got on you?’—‘Not a red cent!’

ward n hospital ward. see also píward and príward.

wardabáhu warning shouted when s.t. heavy is going to fall: timber! gangway!

wardámids klím n war damage claim.

wardas = waldas.

wardin n warden, a chief or principal keeper of a prison. v [B16; a2] be, become a warden. [1125]

wardiwardi v [A; c] squander wealth, spend money thoughtlessly. Maáyu lang kamung muwardiwardi sa kwarta nga wà ninyu hagúi, It’s easy for you to squander money which you didn’t work for.

wargung v [A; c] go gallivanting around. Ug muwargung mu, kanang mahuman na ug iksámin, You can go gallivanting around after the examination.

warì v 1 [A; ac1] give up a possession. Iwarì ku lang ang ákung yútà kay nagkinahanglan kug kwarta, I will give up my lands because I need the money. 2 [A; c] give up one’s job. Muwarì ku ning trabahúa ug may mas maáyu pa kung hikit-an, I’ll leave this job if I find a better one.

wárì v 1 [A; a2] confuse s.o. and mislead him. Waríun nátù ang mga bátà arun dílì makabantay inigpanlákaw nátù, Let us mislead the children so they won’t notice it when we leave. 2 [B1256] lose one’s way. Mawárì giyud kus dawuntawun magabíi, I get lost downtown at night. -an(→) n in the game of tubigtúbig, the line drawn where the defensive players stand (where the offensive team is confused as to how to get through).

warm-ap v 1 [A; c1] warm up an engine. 2 [A; a 12] warm up for sports or other activities.

warning v 1 [A; c] give a warning prior to punishment. Warníngan ka úsà. Dílì ka multáhan dáyun, You’re given a warning first. You’re not fined the first time. 2 [A; b6] ring a warning bell in school. Nagwarning na ba? Has the warning bell rung? 3 [A] be two points away from winning in pingpong. n 1 warning given not to do s.t. again. 2 warning bell in school. 3 player two points away from winning in pingpong. — bil n warning bell in school.

warung a dishevelled. v [B; c1P] be dishevelled. (←), ka-(←) v [A 13] be very dishevelled. Mu ra kag si Ayinstayin, nagwárung (nagkawárung) ang buhuk, You look like Einstein with your hair going every which way.

*wasa hi- = aliwása. wasawasa, wasawása v [A1; c16] scatter, strew all about, not over a large area. Asúkar nga nawasawasa na sa yútà, Sugar scattered all over the ground.

wása (from asáwa—slang) n wife.

wasag, wásag = watag.

wasak v [A; c1] 1 scatter, put s.t. in disarray. Giwasak sa bátà ang mga inutaw, The baby scattered the ironed clothes. 2 shatter, break into many pieces. Nawasak ang básu sa simintu, The tumbler fell and shattered on the cement floor. wasakwasak v [ANB12; c1] scatter all over the place, be scattered in disarray.

was-anwir n wash-and-wear. v [A1; b6] wear wash-and-wear.

wásay n large axe. (→) v [A13; a1] cut or chop with an axe. Kawatan puy nagwasay sa aparadur arun maabli, Some robbers also hacked the cupboard open with an axe. wasaywasay n 1 name of bivalves which are shaped like the head of an axe, e.g. some kinds of hammer oysters. 2 general name for small dragonflies. wasaywásay n k.o. hatchet with a blade that is at right angles to the hatchet, the back of which is even with the handle.

wasdak v [A; b6(1)] hurl s.t. down. Ug ikaw muwasdak ánang lubi mabuak giyud, If you throw the coconut down, it will surely break.

wasi v [a3] diverge from a path, go astray. Nawasi ang íyang dálan. Mauy katungdánan ta ang paglamdag kaníya, He has strayed from the path of righteousness. It is our duty to enlighten him. wasiwasi v [AB1; c] scatter things; be scattered. Ang iring mauy nagwasiwasi sa inutaw, The cat scattered the newly-ironed clothes.

wásì v [B126] for the lips or a similar opening to be cut from violent impact. Nawásì ang ákung wait nga naigù sa bátir, I got an ugly cut in my lips because they were hit with the baseball bat.

wasigwasig v [APB1; c1] scatter s.t. small all around; be scattered all around. Nagkawasigwasig ang mga bugas sa pagkayabu, The rice was scattered all over the floor when it spilled.

wásing n one who is a helper around a passenger bus, helping loading, washing, or whatever needs to be done. v 1 [B156; c1] be a helper around a passenger bus. 2 [b(1)] wash a vehicle.

waslik1 v 1 [A; b6(1)] push s.t. aside with an abrupt movement of the hands, throw s.t. hurriedly down. Gíkan sa iskuylahan muwaslik lang dáyun siya sa íyang libru dáyung dágan sa gawas, As soon as he gets home from school he throws his books down and runs out to play. 2 [AN; b(1)] give s.t. as if it had no value. Usáhay muwaslik (mangwaslik) pud siyag diyisun nákù, Sometimes he tosses a ten-spot at me. n pushing away with a rapid motion of the hands. — sa tabuk expression uttered upon hearing s.o. sneezing (lit. go away to the other side of the river). [1126]

waslik2 n wife (slang). Batan-un siyag waslik, He has a young wife.

wasngà = wangsà.

wasngì = wangsì.

waswas1 v [AN; c] rinse off soap and dirt with clear water in doing the laundry. Waswási úsag maáyu úsà ihayhay, Rinse it well before you hang it out to dry. -l-an(→) n clothes to be rinsed.

waswas2 v [A; c1] rip off clothes, bedding or anything covering the body. Ug inítan ka, waswása (iwaswas) ang ímung hábul, If you feel hot, kick your blanket off.

waswas3 n wife (slang—from wása).

waswit n wife (slang—from wása).

wát command to make a water buffalo halt. (from huwat. see hulat.)

watag, wátag v [AB1; c1] 1 scatter s.t. fairly good-sized causing a great disorder, not over a large area. Nagwátag ang papil sa salug, Pieces of paper are strewn all over the floor. 2 for money to be dispersed without one realizing it. Mawatag lang ang átung kwarta ug magbiyáhi ta, Your money goes like water when you travel.

watakwatak v [AB; c1] scatter s.t. or splatter so that large splotches result, be scattered or splattered. Nagwatakwatak ang tái sa bátà, The baby’s feces are splattered all over the place.

wataswatas v [AB12; a12] 1 tear s.t. to small pieces, usually cloth or some fairly strong material; be, become torn to pieces. Ang mapintas nga hángin miwataswatas sa atup, The violent wind tore the roofing to pieces. 2 break a large bill. Dílì lang mahibaw-ang mahurut ang ímung bayintihun kun mawataswatas na ni, Once you break your twenty-peso bill, it will just disappear without your even noticing how it goes.

wati1 n earthworm. v [a4] be infested with earthworms.

wati2 = ulat1 (slang).

wating v [b8] hit s.o. behind one’s back by accident in lifting a machete or axe preparatory to striking. Paháwà dihà. Tingálig hiwatingan ka, Get out of there. I might hit you with my machete.

*wátir — kan n rectangular gasoline container with a handle, holding five gallons. — kúlur = wutir kúlur. — mílun n watermelon. — pam n water pump. v [A1] install a water pump. — puls n waterfall. — sil n water-seal toilet, made of cement. v [A; c1] use water-seal toilets.

watsamára what’s the matter? (humorous). Watsamára? Ngánung mihukyab mug pangatáwa? What’s the matter? Why did you burst into laughter?

watsinanggu = gwatsinanggu. see gwatsi.

watsir n 1 one who proctors an exam. 2 poll watchers. v [B156; b(1)] be a proctor.

watsumára = watsamára.

watsung a 1 homely looking. 2 of inferior quality or workmanship. Watsung ning pagkagamáa kay wà maáyung pagkasipilya, This was poorly done because it was not well-planned. 3 not very bright, easily fooled. Ayaw pangumprag ikaw rang usa, kay watsung kaáyu ka, Don’t go shopping without bringing s.o. along because you are not bright enough. v 1 [B1256; b6] become homely. 2 [B; a2] come out inferior in quality or workmanship. 3 [B12; a2] turn out to be simple, not very bright.

watúsi n 1 watusi dance. 2 k.o. small firecracker that crackles and sparkles when stepped upon. v [A] do the watusi. — bam = watúsi, n2.

watwat v [A; c1] 1 open up s.t. that opens into a slit. Akuy muwatwat sa ímung mata arun makúhà ang puling, I’ll open up your eyes to remove the speck. Nawatwat ang gamayng lungag sa bungbung kay anhà man sila magsígi ug lìlì, The slit in the wall got quite wide because they keep peeping through it. 2 open up s.o.’s secrets for the whole world to know. Giwatwat ang íyang makauúlawng kagahápun, They opened up her shameful past to public knowledge. 3 recount s.t. in detail. Giwatwat níya ang pagtákas sa Hapun, He described the landing of the Japanese.

waw wow! an exclamation of great delight, admiration. Waw, ligs! Wow, legs! — sabaw see sabaw.

wáwa n in combos, an electrical device in an amplifier which produces the sound wáwa when the guitar is strummed.

wàwà v [AB26; c1] make a wide opening pushing s.t. aside. Wàwáa ang pultahan kay isulud ang aparadur, Open the door wide because we are going to get the dresser inside. n 1 wide opening between two things. 2 straits between two bodies of land.

wawug a 1 bent, curved, warped. Wawug ang linya, The line is crooked. Ang wawug nga tabla dì maáyung himúung hagdan, A twisted board does not make a good stair. 2 wobbly, unsteady in walk. Wawug ang linaktan sa hubug, A drunk walks unsteadily. n bend, curve. Tuluy wawug sa káhuy. Dì magsilbi pára halígi, The tree has three bends. It won’t do for a post. Ang wawug sa búla, The curve of a ball. v [B; a2] be, become [1127]bent, curved, warped. n bow. wawugwáwug v [A] moving in a zigzagging fashion. Nagwawugwáwug ug dágan kay gisunud sa bála, Running in a zigzagging fashion because he was being chased by gunfire.

wayà = walà (dialectal).

wayawaya n mosquito wrigglers. v [a4b4] have mosquito wrigglers in it.

way gid = waray gid. see waray2.

wáyir n electrical wire. — gíds n wire gauge. v [A] measure with a wire gauge.

wayis a 1 sly, crafty. Wayis si Baúhay kay nagpahilakhílak dihang lumsan untà, How sly the turtle was when he pretended to cry when he was threatened with drowning. 2 sly, cheating. Wayis kaáyu ang mga tindíra sa Karbun. Kusug manayúpì, The vendors in the market are quite sly. They love to cheat. 3 wise, in the know. Wayis kaáyu siya. Dílì patuntu, He’s very clever. You can’t put one over on him. — gay a = wayis, 3.

wayit drágun = ispíhu, n3.

wayit guld n 1 white gold. 2 latex.

wayit sayidwul n 1 white sidewall tires. 2 white sidewall haircut, hair cut white on the sides. v [A; c] wear such a haircut.

waypir n windshield wiper.

wayring n electrical wiring. v [A; b] install electrical :wiring.

wayway v [B6; c1] :dangle loosely. Miwayway ang buktun nga natikbasan, The arm that was hacked dangled loosely. Ayaw iwayway ang panaptun sa bintánà, Do not hang the cloth over the window.

wíb1 v [A; c] 1 in boxing, wave the body to evade a blow. 2 in basketball, zigzag dribbling the ball. -ing n waving to avoid blows or zigzagging in dribbling.

wíb2 n waves in the hair. a wavy hair. v [B; b6] for hair to become wavy. pinggir — n finger waving. v [c1] do finger waving. -ing lusyun n cold-wave lotion.

wíb3 n a pattern of weaving, a weaving design.

*wíding — anibirsari, dris, kík, ring n wedding anniversary, dress, cake, ring.

wídir byúru n Weather Bureau.

wídu = uwídu.

wig n wig. v [A; b6] wear a wig.

wígik = uwígik.

wígun n station wagon. v [A; a] ride a station wagon. istisyun — = wígun.

wik-ind n week-end. v [B1256] do s.t. on week-ends.

wiktan see witik.

wilding v 1 [A; a] weld. 2 [A; a12] set a dislocated bone in place (humorous). -in-an(→) n welded joint.

wilga n strike. v [A; ab(1)] go on strike. Giwilgáhan níla ang kumpaníya, They went on strike against the company. wilgista n striker. v [B1256] be a striker. Dì na makabalik sa trabáhu ang nawilgista, Those who had been on strike cannot return to their jobs.

wíli v [B1256; b3(1)c5] feel sad at leaving s.t. or for the loss of s.t. gone. Nawíli siya nga mibíyà sa íyang hinigugma, He felt sad upon leaving his beloved. Wà kuy kawid-an (kawilíhan) ning kalibútan, I won’t miss anything in this world (when I die). — sa tuguntúgun v [B1256] take a long time to leave a place for an errand or to get s.t. accomplished. Kadúgay nímung nakalakaw! Nawíli ka sa tuguntúgun? Why can’t you leave right away? What’s holding you? paN-(→), panga-(→) v [A13] having a feeling of sadness because of a loss or s.t. left behind. Nagpangwili (nagpangawili) siya nga mugíkan, He is leaving, but not without a feeling of sadness. ka- n sad nostalgia, sense of loss. mawilíhun a sad and reluctant to leave. Mawilíhun siya nga nananghid sa pagpaúlì, He said good-night with reluctance. maka-r- a engendering a feeling of irreparable loss.†

wilik v [AN; b6(1)] remove s.t. from oneself with a motion of rapid shaking. Nangwilik (miwilik) siya humag hunaw, He shook the water off his hands after washing. n action of flicking s.t. off of oneself. Giwilik níya ang íyang itsay nga mikulabyun níya, He shook off his girl as she was clinging to his shoulders.

*wilkam — adris n welcome address. — parti n welcome party.

wiltsir n wheelchair. v [A1; a12] ride or convey s.o. in a wheelchair.

wilwig1 v [A; c] 1 sprinkle s.t. on s.t. Walà ku makawilwig sa tanum, I haven’t gotten around to sprinkling the plants yet. Wilwígi (wilwigi) únà ug diyútayng klinsir únà kuskúsa, Sprinkle a little bit of cleansing powder over it before you scrub it. 1a hand around money for bribes. Kun walà pa muwilwig ug kwarta dílì untà makadaug sa iliksiyun, If he had not tossed money around, he would not have won the election.

wilwig2 v [A; a1] smash s.o. in the face hard enough to distort it. Ayaw na lag supaksupak dihà kay wilwígun ku run nang nawung mu, You’d better stop talking back like that or I’ll smash your face so no one can recognize it.

winblun n windblown hairstyle, cut and curled so that the ends turn outward and to the front. v 1 [A13; c16] wear the hair or fix it [1128]in the windblown style.

wind = bintus.

windusyáping v [A; b(1)] go window-shopping.

wíngig a deflected, crooked line or row. v 1 [B; c1] for a line to be deflected. Muwíngig (mawíngig) ang linya kun tandugun ang rúlir, The line will be deflected if the ruler is nudged. 2 [B26; c1] knock the face with a force hard enough to turn it to one side, be knocked. Muwíngig (mawíngig) giyud nang ímung nawung ug ákung hisagpaan, Your head will spin if I slap your face.

wings n well-developed muscles in the region around the scapula, toward the sides under the arm. Dagkug wings si Mistir Amirika, Mr. America has well-developed muscles on his back under his arms. v [A12] get good-sized muscles in this region.

wingwing v [A; c1] push the sides of s.t. apart forcefully with both hands to make an opening. Átung wingwíngun (iwingwing) ang bàbà sa bátà ug dì muinum sa tambal, Let’s force the child’s mouth open if he refuses to take the medicine.

winirwínir1 n k.o. dodge ball game with two teams. v [AC; b] play dodge ball.

winirwínir2 v [A; a12] mistreat, step all over (humorous for daugdáugsee daug). Ábi pubri man ku, ímu lang kung winirwinírun, Just because I’m poor, you step all over me.

winsild n windshield.

wintirgrin n oil of wintergreen. paN- v [A2] apply oil of wintergreen on oneself.

wir-anwír a garment that has been worn for some time without being washed (humorous—play on was-anwír).

wíraw, wirawwiraw = líraw, lirawliraw. see líraw.

wiris v [A; c] hit the volleyball with a spin. Walúpa ang búla, ayawg iwiris, Hit the ball squarely. Don’t put a spin on it. n hit the volleyball with a spin. wiriswiris v [A1; c1] scribble, write or draw squiggly lines. Adris nga giwiriswiris sa papil, An address scribbled on a piece of paper. Giwiriswirisan ku ang íyang ritrátu sa kalágut, In my anger I scribbled all over his picture.

wiriwiri v 1 [B; b6] for a light to flicker or for the vision to be blurred, as when one is dizzy. Nagwiriwiri ang ákung panan-aw sa pagtindug nákù, I kept seeing stars when I stood up. Hángin ang nakawiriwiri (nakapawiriwiri) sa sígas sugà, The gust of wind caused the light to flicker. 2 [A1] twisting and wriggling like worms, wrigglers. Ug ayúhun pagtan-aw daghang nagwiriwiri sa súkà, If you look at the vinegar closely you’ll see lots of wriggling things in it. a wavering, flickering vision or light. n wriggling things, e.g. mosquito wrigglers. (←) v [A2S; c1] move s.t. to and fro with a quick, jerky or shaking motion. Ig-abut nákù muwiriwíri dáyun ang íkug sa ákung irù, As soon as my dog sees me it wags its tail immediately.

wis baskit = wist baskit.

wisdam v [b(1)] have wisdom teeth. Pagkabátà pa nímu giwisdáman ka na? You have a wisdom tooth at your age? — tut n wisdom tooth.

wisik v [AN; c] make s.t. fly off in all directions. Nawiskan kug lápuk pag-ági sa trák, I got mud splattered all over me when the truck sped by.

wisiwísi v [A; a] 1 shake s.t. violently in all directions to get it loose. Manuk nga nagwisiwísi sa úlud, A chicken pulling and shaking at a worm. Nakawisiwísi ang irù sa íyang láwas gíkan kining nagkahúmud sa kanal, The dog shook its body after it got all wet in the canal. 2 be violently mauled, bested as if shaken violently. Platun sa kaáway nga giwisiwísi sa átung sundáwu, An enemy platoon that was mauled by our soldiers.

wiski n whisky. v [A13; a12] have whisky.

wislayin n waistline. v [A1] have a waistline of a certain dimension.

wislik v [AN; b2c] flick s.t. away with the hands, esp. to the sides. Ayaw iwislik ngari ang ímung singut, Don’t flick your sweat on me.

wispúwin n k.o. khaki fabric used for uniforms (from the brand name West Point).

wist1 n 1 west piece, the name of one of the winds (bintus). 2 the third player opposite the dealer. 3 third round in a game (see ráwun).

*wist2 — baskit, kan n wastebasket. v 1 [A12; c1] make, use a wastebasket. 2 [A; a] throw into the wastebasket. Mawist baskit nang ímung aplikasiyun ug wà kay bákir, They’ll throw your application in the wastebasket if you don’t have s.o. backing you.

wisti = wist1.

wistirn n western movie.

wist layin = wislayin.

wist púwin = wispúwin.

witik v [A; b] 1 strike s.t. with a flick. Wikti sa latigu ang lángaw nga náa sa bukubuku sa kabáyù, Take your whip and flick away the flies that are on the horse’s back. Wiktan ku nang dunggan mu, I’ll flick you one on the ears. 1a sprinkle with a flicking motion. Wiktig túbig úsà utawa, Sprinkle water on it before you iron it. 1b [A; c] throw a [1129]basketball by flicking it (putting a spin to it). 2 [A2; bc] give a hint. Ákung wiktan ang íyang dáang pawuntin pin inigpalit níyag bag-u, I’ll drop some hints for him to give me his old fountain pen when he buys a new one. 2a make indirect, insulting remarks. Abusádu siya. Maáyung wiktan panagsa, He thinks he’s so important. He needs a few digs every so often to keep him in line. 3 [AN2; c] give s.t. away of little value to oneself. Nakadaug ka man sa madyung. Wikti sab mi dihà bi, How about tossing some of your extra mahjong winnings our way? 3a [AN; c] bribe. Mihílum na lang ang pulis kay giwiktan (giwitikan) man ug singku, The policeman kept quiet because he was given a fiver. n 1 blow with a flicking action. 1a toss of a ball with a flicking action. 2 a hint or biting allusion.

wíting1 a 1 in cards or mahjong, be in a position where one needs only one more piece or card to get mahjong or rummy. 2 one whose days are numbered because of an incurable condition (humorous). Ubang tigúlang nga wíting mupalit dáag lungun, Some old folks that are just waiting to die buy themselves a coffin in advance. v 1 [B136] get to be in the wíting situation. 2 [b5] be the card or piece one needs to win. Wà mugawas ang kartang ákung giwíting (giwitíngan), The card I was waiting for simply refused to turn up. n = -an(→). -an(→) n card or piece one is waiting for.

wíting2 n k.o. gambling games with a roulette having 37 numbers, where the wheel is rolled twice and the gamblers bet on the winning combination (either istrít in the first and second or istrít íkis on the first and second in either order).

wíting lis n waiting list. v [c6] be put on the waiting list. Wà pay bakanti. Iwíting lis ta lang ka, There are no vacancies. I’ll just put you on the waiting list.

wíting syid n waiting shed, place where passengers take shelter while waiting for a vehicle.

wítir n waiter. v [B156; a2] be, become a waiter.

witkan see witik.

witris n waitress. Ngánung nangasáwa siya niánang witris? Why did he marry nothing but a waitress? v [B16; b(1)] be, become a waitress.

witwit a drooping of lips, with the lower lip hanging down. v 1 [B6; b6] get droopy lips. 2 [A; c6] chirp. Langgam nga nagwitwit sa mga kakahúyan, Birds chirping in the trees. 3 [A1; c2] complain about s.t., criticizing. Wà kuy kawitwítan (ikawitwit) sa ímung ági, I can find nothing to complain about in your work. 4 [A1; c] spread bad things about others. Ang giwitwítan, miwitwit pud. Dì nahibáwu ang tanan, Whoever received the gossip passed it on, so eventually everybody learned of it. n 1 chirping of the birds. 2 senseless talk. Ang íyang isturya pulus witwit, Her story is all so much idle chatter. -an(→) a 1 given to complaining and criticizing. 2 given to passing on gossip.

wìwì v [A; a1] push the sides apart to create an opening or to widen an opening. Wìwía ang bugang arun makaági ta, Push the grass aside so we can go through.

wudrus n a vine that grows in thickets or cultivated to grow on fences: Merremia tuberosa.

wukatun n walking contest.

wuk-áwut v [A2; b6(1)] stage a walkout. Muwuk-áwut ang mga maistra ug dílì usbáwan ug swildu, The teachers will stage a walkout if they don’t receive their salary increase.

wúking n walking, a violation in basketball where a player takes more than two steps while holding a ball. v [B1256] be guilty of committing this violation.

wúkir n men’s briefs (from the brand name, Walker). v [A13] wear briefs.

wukitúki n walkie-talkie. v [A; c1] communicate with a walkie-talkie.

wúl1 n woolen cloth. v [A13] wear s.t. made of wool.

wul2 n 1 one’s hand in mahjong. 2 = payil1.

wulpláwir n wallflower at a dance. v [b16] wind up being a wallflower and not asked to dance.

wungwung = yungyung.

wurding n lyrics to a song. v [A1; c] write the lyrics to a song.

wurking n student who works his way through school. v [B16] be, become a working student. Dúgay kang mahuman basta magwurking ka, It will take you a long time to finish if you are a working student. — istyúdint = wurking.

wuswús v [A; c] dance with s.o. in a wild swaying manner. Nalípung ku kay giwuswús ku níyag sáyaw, I got dizzy because he danced wildly with me.

*wútir — kúlur n water color. v [A; b6] color with water colors. — prup n waterproof fabric. — ripílint n water repellent fabrics. — sarásay n coconut palm toddy (slang).

wuyuwuyu = wayawaya.




y particle showing grammatical relations. 1 subject marker in sentences with nominal, pronomial, numerical, or interrogative predicates. Kinsay muuban nákù? Who will go with me? Siyay muadtu, He is the one who will go. Si Huway ákung paadtúun, I’ll send John. Duhay ákung balay, I have two houses. 1a in sentences with adjective predicates where the adjective means ‘one which is [adj.]’. Pulay íyang gipílì, He picked a red one. Dagkù lay patan-áwun ánang salidáha, They only allow grown-ups to watch that picture. 2 as a subject marker for subjects which express a future condition. 2a in sentences with comparative adjective predicate where the subject means ‘if it is [subject] which is the case’. Tambuk pay dyís nímu, You’re thinner than a dime (if it is a dime, it is fatter than you). Maáyu pay mulakaw ka run, It would be better if you were to leave now. Dúgay pay mamiluk, It would take longer to blink the eyes. 2b after predicates meaning ‘just imagine’. Tíaw mu bay mubáyad ug kás, Just imagine! He paid cash. 3 after deictics, dúna, walà: there is (was, isn’t, etc.) any ... Walay táwu, There wasn’t anyone. Dinhi ra bay nangítà nímu, S.o. was here looking for you. Dúna siyay ipamaráyig nímu, He has s.t. he would like to ask you for.

yáak v [A; b6] step on s.t. with the feet treading around on it to squash or knead it. Ákung giyaákan ang bulingun didtus sapà arun pagkúhà sa primírung buling, I stomped on the soiled clothes in the river to get the dirt on the outside off. yaakyaak v [A; ac] roam around s.w. to look for s.t. Dakung búkid ang ámung giyaakyaakan sa ámung pagpamusil, We roamed around over a huge mountain hunting for wild animals.

yaangyaang v [A; b5] walk through the mud. Lápuk nga kinahanglan yaangyaángan iniglabang sa basakan, Mud we have to wade through every time we cross the rice paddy.

yabag a deviating from normal or proper actions. 1 off key, out of tune. Dì ku makigdyúwit nímu kay yabag ka, I won’t sing a duet with you because you’re off key. Yabag nga pyánu, A piano that is out of tune. 2 behaving in an improper, strange way. Táwung yabag nga magkamisins simbahan, An eccentric person that attends church in his undershirt. 3 s.t. that is senseless. Yabag nga panagsulti nga wà kuy nasabtan, Conversation that was gibberish and made absolutely no sense. Yabag kaáyu nang paagíha, That method is completely crazy. 4 given to roaming or wandering. Yabag kaáyu nga amahan ug talagsa ras íla, A father given to roaming about and rarely home. v [B2; b6] deviate from normal or proper action: become out of key, improper in behavior, senseless, a wanderer. Muyabag ang íyang sinultihan (kinantahan) ug makainum-inum, He talks nonsense (sings off key) after he has had a little to drink. (←) v 1 [B156; a] deviate severely from what is proper or normal: be severely out of tune, be hopelessly senseless, completely eccentric or improper, wandering. Nayábag ang inahan pagkasúnug sa ílang balay, The mother went completely crazy when their house burnt down. 2 [A13; a2] play a joke on s.o. Ayawg tuhúi ang íyang gisulti kay nagyábag lang nà siya nímu, Don’t take him seriously. He’s just playing a joke on you. 3 [C3] having a great difference of age. Nagkayábag kaáyu ang ílang panuígun, They were very far apart in age. yabagyabag n actions which deviate from normal or proper conduct. v [A] engage in this sort of action. Magyabagyabag ka gánì sa ímung pag-iskuyla, dì ka makagraduwar, If you just fool around in your studies, you’ll never graduate. ka-(←) v [A13] = yábag. -un a of a deviating, abnormal sort.

yabana = gwayabanu.

yábi n 1 key for a lock or for a winding mechanism. 2 term for any wrench but a monkey wrench. -ng balikù box wrench. — túbu, — ditúbu n pipe wrench. v 1 [A; b5] open or lock with a key. Yabíhi ang kandádu, Open (close) the lock. 2 [b6] goad s.o. to anger with words. Wà tà tu siya mangísug apan giyabíhan pung Putin, He wasn’t angry then but Poten said s.t. to goad him. 2a [A; b(1)] wind an operating mechanism. Yabíhi ang duláan, Wind up the toy. yabihánan [1131]n 1 keyhole. 2 winding stud. yabíra, yabíru n key holder.

yabu v 1 [A; b7c] pour liquids or grains off, spill them over from a receptacle. Yab-ig diyútayng túbig ang baldi kay punù ra kaáyu, Pour a little water out of the pail because it is too full. Nayab-an ug kapi ang ákung libru, Coffee spilled onto my book. 1a [A; c] take out the garbage. Nakayabu ka na bas basúra? Have you taken out the garbage? 1b [c6] for vehicles to capsize or turn turtle. Gamayng sakayan nga sayung iyabu sa balud, A small boat that easily capsizes in the waves. 2 [A123P; a3] flop, result in resounding failure. Súgal ang nakayabu (nakapayabu) sa ílang nigusyu, Gambling caused his business to flop. Nayabu kus iksámin, I flopped badly in the test. 2a [A; c6] ditch one’s sweetheart. Giyabu siyas íyang trátu, Her boy friend ditched her. 2b [A; c1] throw a game. Kinsa tung muyabu sa dúlà suspindihun, Whoever throws the game will be suspended.

yab-u = uyab (slang).

yabun, yabunyabun n k.o. itchy eczema, similar to ringworm, which exudes a whitish serum when scratched. v [A123P; b4] get yabun.

yabyab1 v 1 [A; c] shake s.t. to remove foreign matter clinging to it. Iyabyab ang abug sa ímung karsúnis, Shake your pants to get the dust off. 1a send off a breeze (literary). Huyúhuy nga giyabyab sa kinaiyáhan, Breeze sent forth by Nature. 2 [AN; b6(1)] rinse laundered clothing in clean water. 3 [A; c] make public s.t. secret and unsavory. Mga ginamus nga iyabyab sa publiku, Dirty linen to be washed in public. 3a [A1; a1] chatter, indulge in idle talk. Nagyabyab lang ang bàbà ning bayhána. Dì ka kapúyan? You are always shooting off your mouth. Don’t you ever get tired?

yabyab2 v [A; c] cause solids in a container to spill out and be strewn all over. Nayabyab ang bugas nga ákung gidala kay wà ayúhag putus, The rice I brought spilled because it wasn’t wrapped well. Ákung giyabyab ang usa ka sákung santul sa salug, I emptied a sackful of santol fruit on the floor.

yad-ak v [B16] become sluggish or slow-moving due to excessive obesity. Ása makahuman ug dalì sa íyang búhat nga nagyad-ak man ang líhuk? How could she ever finish anything fast when she is so fat she moves slowly? a 1 moving slowly because of obesity. 2 dull, uninteresting. Yad-ak kaáyung pakigpúlung, A very uninteresting speech.

yadakadtu short for íya ra kadtu it was his (her) own (fault). Yadakadtu nga salà nga gilatigu siya, It was his own fault that he got whipped.

yadba = báyad, n, v1 (slang).

yadbut = báyad, n, v1 (slang—word play on yadba).

yadtu = kadtu (dialectal).

yad-uk v [A; c1] swallow down a liquid. Yad-úkun (iyad-uk) ra níyag kaduha ang usa ka básung bínu, He will swallow the glass of wine in two gulps.

yagabyab = lagablab.

yagatyat a fruit that is soft, lacking in firmness of flesh. Kinsa guy mukáun ánang yagatyat nga ságing? Who feels like eating that soft banana? v [B; b6] come out soft, lacking in firmness. -un(→) n soft, not firm-fleshed fruit.

yágaw v [AB46] be in noisy commotion, confusion, bring s.t. into confusion. Nagkadaíyang pangutána ang miyágaw sa iyang pangísip, All those different questions confused his mind. Nagyágaw ang mga táwus sinihan pagsiyáuks bumbíru, The people in the movie house were in a tumult when the fire truck shrieked. ka- n confusion, din. Lúpig pay tyanggis kayágaw, Worse than the market in noise and confusion. v [A13] be in great confusion.

yag-aw = dyag-aw.

yagawyaw n general din, noise. Hásul kaáyung pamatíun ang yagawyaw sa syudad, The steady noise of the city is annoying. v = yawyaw, v. -an(→) a given to ranting.

yagàyagà v 1 [A; b6(1)] ridicule, make fun of s.o. Isumbung sa maistra ang muyagàyagà sa bakul ninyung klasmit, If anybody makes fun of your lame classmate, report him to the teacher. 2 [A; b5] bother, disturb. Ayaw kug yagàyagai (yagàyagaa) niánang ímung prublíma, Do not bother me with your problems. 3 [A; bc1] do one’s work carelessly or shoddily. Kun magyagàyagà ka sa ímung búhat dúgay nga mahuman, If you are careless with your work, it will take a long time to finish it. Giyagàyagaan lang nímu pagbúhat ang lamísa, You did make the table carelessly. Yagàyagaa (iyagàyagà) paghíwà arun masámad ka, Keep slicing carelessly like that so you can hurt yourself. n ridicule, teasing. -un a given to making fun of s.o.

yagbun v [AB3(1); c1] heap, pile s.t up; be heaped up. Nakayagbun na sila sa mga dalag, They have gathered the dry leaves in a heap. Nagyagbun ang sagbut sa ílang sílung, Garbage is piling up beneath their house.

yagbut v [A; c1] spill out through the bottom [1132]of a container. Nagyagbut ang bugas kay nabutbut ang sáku, The rice spilled out of the bottom of the container because the sack got a hole in the bottom.

yagkaw a lanky.

yagpis a thin or slender of build, or by extension, thin from having lost weight. v 1 [B; a] become thin or slim. Ug muliwat nímu, mayagpis ang ímung anak, If your son turns out to be like you, he’ll be thin, too. 2 [B6; c1] slice or cut s.t. thinly. Yagpísa (iyagpis) paghíwà ang kasahusun, Slice the meat thinly for jerked meat. -un(→) a of a slim, thin sort.

yagubhub a 1 loud put-put sound, as that produced by the engine of a motorboat close by one. 2 muttering, murmuring in a low, inaudible voice. v [A3; c] mumble, mutter. Miyagubhub siyag pangadyiun, He murmured a prayer. Nagyagubhub siya pagkasábà nákù, He muttered s.t. when I scolded him.

yagubyub n 1 muttering, mumbling. 2 dull, thudding noises made by wind, water, machinery. v 1 [A; ac1] make muttering noises in angry protest or displeasure. Giyagubyúban sa mga táwu ang mamumulung, The people muttered angrily as he gave his speech. 2 [AP; ac1] make dull, continuous thudding noises. Nagyagubyub ang tíngug sa trák sa layù, The truck made thudding noises from afar.

yagungyung n continuous humming or droning sound, as of an airplane, engines. Mabátì sa layù ang yagungyung sa ayruplánu, You could hear the droning of the airplane from afar. v [A] make a continuous droning sound.

yaguyágu v [A; b6] move busily about. Dì lang makayaguyágu si Nánay ug magláin ang láwas, Mother always moves busily about except when she is not feeling well.

yagùyù v [A; c] pester s.o., asking for s.t., but in an endearing way. Ganíha pang buntag siyang nagyagùyù ug kwarta sa íyang amahan, She has been playing up to her father for money since this morning.

yagyag v [AB12; ac] 1 scatter small things around by spilling them from their container; for s.t. in a container to spill out and get scattered. Pagkagísì sa bulsíta, nayagyag ang harína, When the paper bag tore, the flour spilled all over. Yagyágun ku nang tinái mu, I’ll stab you so your intestines hang out all over. 2 divulge secrets. Iyagyag ku ang ímung ginamus, I’ll let all the world know the dirty truth about you. 3 distribute s.t. in quantity with an ulterior motive. Kandidátu nga miyagyag ug linibu sa ílang distrítu, Candidates who poured thousands into their districts.

yahat v 1 [A; a1c] look up, raise one’s eyes up, usually without moving the head. Miyahat siya sa nagtawag níya, She looked up to the man who addressed her. 2 [A2; c] open one’s eyes. Dì na muyahat ang íyang mga mata, His eyes will no longer open.

yahigyahig v [AB; c1] scatter s.t. all over a place, be scattered all over. Kinsay miyahigyahig sa mga piryudiku? Who scattered the newspapers all over the place?

yahung n soup bowl or small bowl.

yakà v [A; b6(1)] 1 sit with the buttocks and legs flat on a surface. Nagyakà ang Búda, The Buddha is sitting flat on the ground. 2 do s.t. to the finish. Giyak-an níya ang íyang trabáhu hangtud nahuman, He spent all of his time on his work until it was finished. Giyak-an níya ang kinílaw, dà hurut lagi, He sat down to a plate of raw fish and finished it off. 3 [B1456] for the nose to be flat (lit. squat). Ása kuháa ang kagwápa niánà nga nagyakà nang ílung? How can you think that she is beautiful when she has such a flat nose? a having a flat nose. pa- v [B1256] fall into a sitting position.

yakal n k.o. hardwood tree, producing extremely hard, first-class wood.

yakbut a for a mouth to be sunken. Yakbut kaáyu nà siyag bàbà ug way pustísu, His mouth is sunken without his false teeth. v [B; c1] for the mouth to be sunken.

yakmù a 1 having a protruding pointed chin. 2 having a sunken mouth. v [B; b6] get to have a protruding chin or sunken mouth. Nayakmù ka kay dílì ka mupustísu, You developed a pointed chin because you would not wear your false teeth. -un(→) a being somewhat protruding, sunken.

yakub a for the cheeks and the area around the mouth to be sunken. Ang mga tigúlang yakub nag bàbà kay wà na may ngípun, Old people have sunken cheeks and mouths because they are toothless. v [B; b6] for the cheeks to become sunken. (←) = yakub, v. yakubyakub v [A; c1] for a person without teeth to move his mouth up and down. Muyakubyakub na ang mga tigúlang nga way ngípun, Old persons that have no teeth keep moving their mouths.

yamáda see yamar.

yáman = mayáman.

yam-ang v 1 [B; ac1] do s.t. in a careless way, careless in one’s behavior without regard to propriety. Siyay nagyam-ang niánang mga plátu dihà sa lamísa, She just tossed the [1133]plates anywhere on the table. Ayaw ug yam-ánga (iyam-ang) ang ímung sinultihan kay pikun ang mga táwu dinhi, Be careful about the way you talk because the people here are quick to take offense. 2 [AN; b(1)] destroy, besmirch. Siya ang miyam-ang (nangyam-ang) niánang istatúwa, He was the one who marred that statue. Makayam-ang (makapangyam-ang) ka pagsulti kuntra kaníya kay náa may ímung gisalígan, You can say bad things against her because you have s.o. behind you. -an(→) a 1 careless and not paying enough attention. Yam-angan kaáyu nang bayhána maglingkud. Makítà ang panti, That woman is careless about the way she sits. You can see her panties. 2 careless, not giving a hoot.

yamar v 1–5 = lyamar. 6 [A] call out in response. Muyamar ug ‘nía’ kadtung tawgun ang ngálan, If your name is called, answer ‘here’. 6a [A23] respond, react to stimuli. Patay na tingáli kay dì na muyamar ang íyang kamut bisan dut-úyan ug kaláyu, He must be dead because his hand does not react even if you put fire to it. 7 [A; a12] attract, elicit attention or interest. Wà muyamar sa katilingban ang íyang pakigpúlung, His speech did not attract the attention of the public. yamáda v 1 [A; a] call out to announce s.t. Niyamáda siyag usa ka líbu álang sa pula, He called out a thousand-peso bet on the red cock. Ngánung wà man ka magyamáda nga gibug-atan ka na? Why did you not call out to let us know that it was too heavy for you? 2 [A23] demand, ask for s.t. in a bossy manner. Magdagandagan intáwun ang inahan kun muyámada na ang anak ug kwarta, The poor mother runs about everywhere whenever her son demands money. n 1 a call, loud-voiced demand. 2 the favored contestant in contests with betting.

yámas = yámat, as exclamation.

yámat 1 exclamation of pleasant surprise. Yámat, aháan! My! It’s a giant snapper. 2 exclamation of extreme annoyance at s.t. not being in order, working out, or being done as expected. Yámat ning makinilyáha. Makalangan! Damn this typewriter. It sure holds you back! yamatyamat v [B1] for s.t. that one accomplishes or a situation to be in chaos. Nagyamatyamat ning ákung trabáhu kay wà sa ákung hunàhúnà ang ákung búhat, My work was all chaotic because my mind was not on it. ka-, kayamatyamat v [A13] = yamatyamat.

yamàyamà v 1 [A; c] talk without sense or factual basis. Unsa na sad tung íyang giyamàyamà? What k.o. nonsense was he telling this time? 2 [A1; b1] do work carelessly. Íya lang giyamàyamaan ug tahì ang ákung sinínà maung naghíbat, She sewed my dress carelessly and so it is all crooked. -un n one who does his work carelessly.

yambà a for a mouth or mouth-like opening to be distorted, crooked and misshapen. v [B; c1] become crooked or misshapen, cause s.t. to become so. Muyambà ang bàbà sa básag ug lingkúran, The mouth of the clothes basket will become crooked if you sit on it. Ayawg yambáa (iyambà) ang ímung bàbà kay musamut kag kangil-ad, Don’t distort your mouth because you will become more ugly.

yambì a 1 for two movable things which should be placed even, directly on top of one another, not to be so, with one protruding. Yambì ang takup sa malítang daut, The suitcase is broken and the top hangs over the edge. 2 for the lower jaw or lip to protrude. v [B; c1] get to be, be uneven, not closing tightly; pouting. Nagyambì ang nawung sa bátang gisugsúg, The child they are teasing is sticking out his lower lip about to cry. Ug mayambì ang gunting dì na mudulut, If the blades of the scissors get apart, they won’t cut.

yamhang a carelessly inattentive or neglectful. Yamhang kaáyu nang bayhána. Húgaw kaáyug hitsúra, That woman neglects her appearance, and she looks very untidy. Yamhang siyang magtrabáhu. Daghang sayup, She is careless in her work and makes lots of mistakes. v [B12; b6] be carelessly inattentive or neglectful. -an(→) = yamhang.

yam-id v [AN; b6c1] sneer, twist the lips in contempt, disapproval. Miyam-id (nangyam-id) ang bátà sa pagkáun, The child pouted at the food. Babáying mubug lupad nga giyam-íran sa katilingban, A woman of loose morals the whole society sneers at. paN- n sneer. yam-iran a given to sneering or pouting one’s lips. mayam-írun a done in a contemptuous, sneering way.

yamíhid = tamíhid.

yamíid = yam-id.

yámis n 1 foreskin. 2 other thin layers like the foreskin: 2a outer epidermis. Yámis ra sa íyang buktun ang nagarus, walà ang unud, She only scraped the outer skin on her arm, and not her flesh. 2b thin transparent meat of a young coconut in the butung stage. 2c the soft, upper layer of the mature meat of a coconut.

yam-is a slightly sweet. Yam-is ang ubang imbaw, Some clams taste somewhat sweet. [1134]v [B; b6] taste sweetish. Nagyam-is ang ákung bàbà human makainum sa sikwáti, I have a sweetish taste in my mouth after drinking the chocolate. -un(→) n of a sweetish kind.

yamitak, yamítak v [B4; b6] 1 become muddy or messy. Basta mag-úwan, muyamitak giyud ang ámung nataran, Whenever it rains, our yard becomes muddy. Kanang inyung pagwasigwasig sa kan-un mauy nakayamítak sa lamísa, The way you strewed the food around, the table has gotten to be a mess. 2 talk off the topic or nonsense. Sábà dihà. Nagyamitak ka lang. Wà man gánì ka didtu, Be quiet. You don’t know what you’re talking about. You weren’t even there. 2a sit around doing nothing.

yampungad v [A; b36] hang around a place idly, esp. where one shouldn’t be. Nagyampungad sa tubaan, Hanging around the toddy stand. Irù nga nagyampungad sa ámù, A dog hanging around our house.

yamtak a slow and sluggish in movement. Kayamtak gud nímung naurásan ka ánà, How slow you are. It took you an hour to do that. v 1 [B; c1] get to be slow and sluggish in motion. 2 [A; b(1)] mope, hang or loaf around. Labihan mung nakayamtak! Buntag, hápun wà giyud kay nabúhat, You sure do loaf. The whole day long you have not done a darn thing.

yamu walà — there isn’t (wasn’t) any at all. ‘Naa pa bay ságing ánang baskit?’—‘Walà yamu’, ‘Are there more bananas in that basket?’—‘There isn’t a single one.’ Wà yamuy kwarta, Not a bit of money. n zero (humorous). Ang numiru sa ákung tilipunu nuybi, tris, yamu, yamu, kwatru, My phone number is 9–30–04.

yámug n 1 dew. 1a water droplets on leaves after rain. Humans ulan, nanidlaksidlak ang yámug sa kadahúnan, After the rain, droplets of water sparkled on the leaves. 2 = dalínug. v [B236N; b(1)] be covered with dew. Nangyámug (miyámug) sa sayu sa buntag, Dew which formed early in the morning.

yámuk = lámuk. see lamuk.

*yamúkat ka- = kalamúkat. see lamúkat.

yamukmuk = mayukmuk.

yamùmù a for food to be dry and crumbly in texture, as fine-grained corn meal, cooked hard or steamed. Yamùmù kaáyung kan-un ang binlud nga sinákul, Fine-grained corn meal has a dry and crumbly texture when steamed. v [B; b6] get a dry and crumbly texture.

yamutyamut n 1 fine, slippery sediments that develop inside water containers. 2 fine membranes that surround meat.

yamyam v 1 [A; ac] utter, articulate words rapidly and not for the purpose of communicating. Nagyamyam siya sa ímung ngálan samtang natúlug, She was uttering your name while she was asleep. Nagyamyam ug pangadyiun, Uttering a prayer. 1a mumble, mutter. Muyamyam ka man lang. Súkul! You just mutter to yourself. Fight back! Klarúha nang ímung sinultihan, ayaw yamyáma (iyamyam), Say what you have to say distinctly. Don’t mumble it. 2 [A; c] say s.t. Dì ka kaákug yamyam sa ímung túyù, You can’t get nerve enough to say what you want. Unsay giyamyam mu didtu sa átung agálun báhin kanákù? What did you tell our employer regarding me? n s.t. uttered, esp. prayers and incantations. a loudmouthed. -unun n s.t. usually uttered, esp. prayers.

yanà = kanà1.

yanang a sloppy and wet. Yanang kaáyu ang agiánan kay gisigíhag uwan, The path is very sloppy because of constant rain. n watery mud. v [B; b6] be, become wet and sloppy. (←) v [B6; b6] 1 become badly wet and sloppy. 2 be plentiful or abundant. Nagyánang ang babáyi ug álak sa balay sa kahiláyan, There was no end to wine and women in the bawdyhouse.

yandak = yanggak.

yangag = danghag.

yanggak v [B1256] fall on the ground landing on the buttocks. Nakuháan ang burus kay nayanggak sa salug, The pregnant woman fell on the floor on her buttocks and had a miscarriage.

yanghag1 v [A; c1] raise the head to look up. Miyanghag siya sa pisami, He looked up at the ceiling.

yanghag2 = danghag.

yangkaw a tall and lanky or too thin for the height. Balay nga yangkaw ug sílung, House that has a disproportionately tall ground floor. v [B; b6] become tall and lanky. Nagyangkaw lang ang láwas ánà apan bátà pa nà kaáyu, He has a lanky body but he is still a child.

yangù v [A2; c1] 1 move the head upwards as a sign of assent or, by extension, as a sign of s.t. else. Miyangù siya sa pagtúgut, He nodded (lifted his head upwards) in assent. 2 nod downwards, bow. Ang Hapun muyangù ágig pagtáhud, A Japanese bows as a sign of greeting. n movement of the head in assent or indication of s.t. else. Sa usa ka yangù mudágan dáyun ang íyang mga sulugúun, [1135]With just one nod of the head his servants run immediately. yangùyángù v [A; c1] 1 nod the head several times. 2 = gangù, v1.

yángud v [A2S; a] look upward. Nagyangud ang bátà sa íyang tabánug, The boy is looking at his kite. (→) v [A13] depend, rely upon s.o. for support. Nagyangud ku sa ákung magúwang sa pagiskuyla, I rely on my brother to support me in school. paN- v [A2] peep up through the cracks in the floor. Kamaldítu. Gamay ka pa gánì mangyángud na, What a naughty child. At your age you already peep at girls through the floor.

yangùngù v [A; c1] make insistent and repeated requests. Muyangùngù siya hangtud hatágan, He keeps asking for some until he gets it. n repeated and insistent requests.

yanta n rim of a wheel onto which the rubber or tire is mounted; or a metal rim put around a wooden wheel.

yantak = yamtak.

yantas = yanta.

yánu a 1 simple, humble. Ang íyang amahan usa lámang ka yánung iskribinti, His father is just an ordinary clerk. 2 simple, without ornate design. Yánung tabas sa sinínà, Simple cut of dress. v [B; c1] be, become simple, humble; do s.t. simply. Giyánu níya ang íyang panlihuklíhuk, She acted in a simple, humble way without putting on. Yanúha ang ímung panimuyù, Live in a simple way. yanuyánu v 1 [A13] do things in a simple, ordinary manner. 2 [A; abc] do s.t. to s.t. without proper consideration or deference. Giyanuyánu lang nímug gámit ang ákung mga butang, You dare use my things without permission. Iyanuyánu man lang nang mahalun nga sapátus ug támak sa lápuk, He wears those expensive shoes anywhere, even in the mud.

yanyan a sagging, drooping. v [B] sag. Tútuy nga nagyanyan, Sagging breasts. Nagyanyan na ang salug tungud sa kadaghan sa táwu, The floor is sagging under the weight of the people. Nagyanyan ang sanga sa daghang prútas, The branch is weighted down with all the fruits.

yapa v [A] lie flat, either on one’s stomach or back, with the arms and feet spread out. Dílì ku makayapag katúlug kay may hubag ang ákung likud, I can’t sleep lying flat on my back because I have a boil on my back.

yapà = yapù, of females only.

yapak n 1 soil in small pieces. 2 mud or mud puddle. Milúnang sa yapak ang bábuy, The pig wallowed in the mud puddle. v [B; a12] be, become muddy. Giyapak sa mga bábuy ang ílang búngun, The pigs made the space beneath their house muddy. ka- v [A13] 1 be full of small soil particles. Nagkayápak ang harína, The flour has got lots of soil particles in it. 2 be all covered with mud. -un a 1 having soil particles mixed in. Bugas nga yapakun, Cereal with lots of particles of dirt in it. 2 soiled, full or splotched with mud. Yapakun ang ímung gisul-ub, You are wearing mud-splotched (soiled) clothes.

yápak v [A; b6(1)] step on, put one’s foot on. May nagyápak sa bag-ung gitanum, S.o. stepped on the things I just planted. Giyapákan níla ang laráwan sa Pangúlu, They trampled on the caricature of the President.

yapayapa v 1 [A; b36] wave both arms in the air, as in a fond welcoming gesture. Nagyapayapa ang bátà sa kalípay, The child waved his arms for joy. 2 [A; c1] flap the wings, for s.t. else to flap in an analogous way. Inighurus sa hángin muyapayapa sad ang bandíra, When the wind blows the flag flutters.

yapù a handsome, good-looking (slang). Kasagáran sa mga artista yapù, Most actors are handsome. v [B2; b6] be, become handsome.

yapyap v [A] cheep, chirp. Miyapyap ang mga pisù nga nawad-an sa inahan, The chicks who lost their mother are chirping. n cheeping, chirping.

yarda1 n yard. Tulu ka yardang panaptun, Three yards of cloth. v [A; c1] measure in yards.

yarda2 n lumber yard.

yárì v [A; a] 1 finish off, kill s.o. (slang). Wà sila makayárì sa pangúlu sa tulisan, They didn’t manage to get the bandit leader. 2 spoil a woman’s virtue, abuse sexually. Tulu ka táwu ang miyárì sa dalága, Three persons raped the maiden. a 1 dead, finished. Yárì na ang íyang agálun, His employer has kicked off. 2 having lost one’s maidenly virtue.

yaruk v [A; c1] drink bottoms-up, without removing the container from the lips. Giyaruk níya ang usa ka básung pipsi, He gulped down a whole glass of pepsi. n action of drinking at a long stretch. Madá ang rám sa usa ka yaruk, You can drink the rum in one gulp.

yása = iása. see ása.

yasmì v [B12] be destroyed, ruined, brought to a low condition (colloquial). Nayasmì ang balay sa hángin, The wind destroyed the house. Nayasmì siya sa súgal, Gambling ruined him. Nagkayasmì ang íyang láwas sa nagkadaghan ang íyang anak, Her figure is going to pot as she has more and more children. [1136]a broken down, ruined.

yasyas v 1 [A; b6(1)] slash wide open. Giyasyásan sa kawatan ang ákung bág, The thief slashed my bag open. 2 [B4; c1] for clothing to hang loosely. Nagyasyas ang ímung karsúnis kay way bakus, Your pants are hanging loose on you because you don’t have a belt. 2a hang loosely in tatters. Adurnung patikan nga nagyasyas, Palm leaf decorations that were hanging down. 2b for the entrails to hang out. a loose, hanging loosely. -in-an n place slashed open.

yátak v [A; b6(1)] 1 step on s.t. forcefully. Ang muyátak sa alambri makuryintihan, Whoever steps on the wire will be electrocuted. Yatáki ang gasulinadur, Step on the gas. 2 kick usually in a forward direction. Yatáki ang takup sa pultahan, Kick in the door. 3 violate an agreement, rule. Kapila ka makayátak sa súgù sa Diyus? How many times have you violated God’s commandments? 3a violate a woman’s honor.

yáti n yacht. v 1 [A13; a1c] ride, bring s.t. in a yacht. 2 [a12] make into a yacht. 3 [A12; b(1)] have, obtain a yacht. yatíhan a having a yacht.

yátì1 (euphemism for yáwà) 1 expression of disgust, annoyance. Yátì ning bat-ána uy, Darn, this child is a nuisance. 2 as a pause word when one cannot think of the right word. Kanang yáting, unsingálang ... klats, The, um, what-do-you-call-it, the clutch. — ra 1 expression of disbelief. Yátì ra, dì giyud nà musalir, Oh, yeah? That will never work. Yátì ra! Íya tà kung gisultían, I don’t believe it. He would have told me. 2 expression of great surprise at s.t. Yátì ra. Lima ka líbu! No kidding! Five thousand!

yátì2 n teak, a large tree of waste spaces, the value of which is little recognized in Cebu: Tectona grandis.

yátis = yátì1.

yatut n name given in Leyte to supernatural beings having nearly the same characteristics as the ingkantu’s. However, they seem to be more closely associated with illnesses than the ingkantu’s.

yatyat1 a slow in action, lacking energy and thinking power. Walay mubulan nímu kay yatyat kaáyu ka, Nobody will hire you because you are unenergetic and unintelligent. Kayatyat nímu uy! Wà giyud ka makahunàhunag pilù sa ngilit arun mulig-un? You sure cannot think. It never occurred to you to turn the edge over to make it strong? Yatyat nímu à! Tu, kuyúgi diays Iyay! Boy are you slow! Eyay is just there waiting for you! v [B145; b6] be, become slow and unintelligent.

yatyat2 a loose and sagging due to lack of fullness. Yatyat nga unlan, A soft and sagging pillow. v 1 [B] get to be soft and sagging. Miyatyat ang íyang tútuy human siya manganak, Her breasts started to droop after she had her baby. 2 [B; c1] sag under a weight. Nagyatyat ang atup sa tulda, The roof of the tent is sagging loosely. 2a [a12] pull s.t. down making it dangle loose. Ayaw yatyáta (iyatyat) ang sanga sa mangga, Do not pull the branch of the mango tree down.

yaub v [AB6; c1] turn s.t. over on its belly, turn over on the belly. Magyaub ang bátang matúlug, The baby sleeps on its stomach. Iyaub ang basúra, Throw out the garbage (lit. turn the can over).

yaúsà (from ayaw úsà) = yúnà.

yáwà n 1 devil. 2 devilish person. Ag yáwà, mudáyig nímu sa atubángan unyà manglibak sa luyu, The devil praises you to your face but behind your back she stabs you. exclamation (somewhat coarse): expression of anger, annoyance, frustration. Yáwà! Pukáwun ta áning maáyung pagkahinánuk! Hell! I was just sleeping nicely, too! litsing — expression of extreme irritation or frustration. Litsing yáwà. Ímu na pud nang gibálì, God damn! You broke it again! — ra 1a expression of strong disbelief. Yáwà ra. Dì giyud nà musalir, Hell! That’s not going to work. 1b expression of surprise at s.t. found out. Yáwà ra! Tinúud ba nga gitirúhan ang Prisidinti? Really! You mean they shot the President? 2 in exclamations at s.t. surprising. Yáwang nindúta ning ímung balay, Siyung! Jesus! What beautiful house you have, Siong! 3 pause word used when one cannot find the right term. Kanang yáwang, kuan, unsingálan ..., That damn, what do you call it? v [B1256] be in or caught in a bad situation. Nayáwà na ta áni nga nahutdag gasulína nga layù sa istasyunan, We are in for it running out of gas far from the station. (→) v 1 [b5] castigate severely, get hell. Yawaun (yawaan) ka run nákù ug dílì mu pasagdan nang makinilya, You will get hell from me if you don’t let that typewriter alone. 2 [b4] be inspired by the devil. Ayaw pagdúwà ug kutsilyu kay tingálig mayawaan ka, Don’t play with the knife. The devil might inspire you (to harm s.o. with it). 2a [b4] be possessed of a blinding and uncontrollable fury. Sa íyang kasukù giyawaan siya, He was possessed of a blinding, uncontrollable anger. 3 [AB126] ruin, cause to flop; be ruined. Mga dúlun nga muyawà sa tanum, Locusts that utterly [1137]destroy a crop. yawàyawà v 1 [B1256] be, become a hell. Nayawàyawà ang ílang pagpuyù tungud sa pagkabisyúsu sa íyang bána, Their home life has become miserable because of the husband’s excessive indulgence in vice. 2 [b4] be made devilish. Párì ang maghingílin sa panúway sa táwu nga yawàyawaan, A priest exorcises evil spirits from a person’s body. kayawàyawà v [A13] be somewhat spoiled. Nagkayawàyawà ang átung pangalígù kay nakalimtan ang sud-an, Our picnic was kind of spoiled because we forgot the food. yawan-un a devilishly evil, diabolical. Yawan-un nga mga panghunàhúnà, Diabolical thoughts. v [B12] be, become diabolical.

yawan = awayan. see áway.

yáwas euphemism for yáwà.

yáwat = iyáwat. — bángil tinggutum a half a loaf is better than none (lit. s.t. to make do in times of starvation). Naminyù ang dágang gúwang ug sugarul. Yáwat bángil tinggutum, The old maid married a no-good. Well, better than nothing.

yáway euphemism for yáwà.

yáwi = yábi, n1, v.

yáwì euphemism for yáwà.

yáwis euphemism for yáwà.

yawit = yawyaw.

yawyaw v 1 [A; b3c] talking at length in complaints or scolding. Kun muyawyaw na siya, mahílum ang tanan, When he starts to scold, everybody keeps silent. 2 [A; c1] mumble or mutter words to oneself as in saying a prayer, memorizing a piece, and the like. -an(→) a given to ranting.

yay short for ayay.

yáya1 n nursemaid or servant in charge of caring for a child. v [A; c1] work as a nursemaid.

yáya2, yáyà = tiyà.

yàyà a 1 sluggish, slow moving. Ámung gipapaháwà ang mutsatsa námung yàyà, We fired our maid. She was too slow. 1a slow, gentle in speech. Ang sinultihan sa Ilunggu yàyà kaáyu, People from Iloilo speak in a slow and gentle way. 2 loosely hanging. Yàyà na ang ímung tútuy, Your breasts are already sagging. Nagsul-ub si Tátay ug yàyà nga karsúnis, Dad is wearing baggy trousers. v 1 [B; c1] be, become slow, not lively. Way kaláki ang bayli kay nagyàyà ang urkista, The dance was no good because the orchestra was so slow and uninspired. 2 [B; c1P] hang down or around unevenly or loosely.

yáyay (child talk) n 1 pain, wound. Háin ang yáyay mu Bíbi? Where does it hurt you, Baby? 2 causing pain. Ayg gúnit ánà, day, yáyay nà, Don’t touch that, darling. That’ll hurt. v [AP; a1] give pain, be in pain. Bunálan ta ang nagyáyay nímu ha, Bíbi? Let’s give that guy that hurt you a sound spanking. Nayáyay intáwun ang Bíbi ku, My poor little darling, you are in pain.

yayha v 1 [A3; c1] for one side of wearing apparel to be hanging loose. Luag nga blawus nga nagyayhas abága, A loose blouse, one side of which has slipped off the shoulders. 1a open s.t. wide with one side hanging loose. Nangyayha ang íyang pitáka, Her handbag was open. Átung yayháun (iyayha) ang sáku, We will spread the mouth of the sack open. 2 [B6; c1] for solids to spill, pour out of a sack or a similar container. Tahia ang gisì sa sáku arun dì mayayha ang sulud, Mend the tear of the sack so the contents will not spill out. Yayháa (iyayha) ang ginhawaan sa bábuy nga aslunun, Take out the entrails from the pig before you roast it.

yáyu n boy hired to watch a child.

yáyung v [AC; b6(1)] carry s.t. together. Magkayáyung ta íni kay bug-at, We will have to carry this together because it’s heavy. — ang búlan = hayà ang búlan. — ug túig v [A13] for siblings to be born on different dates but in the same year. (→) n a pole to hang a load from when two people carry it. see also tambayáyung.

yíba a shout of jubilation. Yíba! Magparti diay mi, Hurray! We are going to hold a party.

yíbar = yír bar.

yíbu n exclamation of joy.

yílu1 n ice. v 1 [B2] be, become ice. Muyílu (mayílu) ang túbig kun ibutangs prísir, The water will become ice if you put it in the freezer. 2 [A; a2] make ice. Dalì rang muyílu átung pridyidir, Our refrigerator makes ice fast. 3 [A; b(1)] put ice on s.t. Nagyílu kus mga isdà arun dílì muransiyu, I am putting ice on the fish so they won’t spoil. litsi kun — n a sweet made of shaved ice mixed with milk and sugar. v [A1] have, make such a sweet.

yílu2 n yellow in color. v [B; a12] be, become yellow. Madugáyan muyílu (mayílu) ang papil, After a time the paper will yellow. yiluhun a yellowish.

yílu bil = kampanilya2.

yípi expression of jubilation.

yirba buyna = hirbubuyna.

yír bar n year bar, a piece of metal fastened above the right pocket on the uniform of an ROTC trainee, indicating which year a student is. v [A13] use, wear a year bar.

yirs-uld a well-advanced in years, esp. said of [1138]a single woman (humorous). Bísag yirs-uld basta mayrun, pangasaw-a lang, She may be old, but she’s rich, so marry her. v [B125] be well-advanced in years. Anus-a ka pa magminyù? Unyà nag mayirs-uld? When are you going to get married? When you are too far along in years?

yíru n iron, steel. káha di- n steel safe.

yist n yeast. Ang yist pára patúbù sa pan, Yeast is a leavening agent for bread.

short for iyù.

yuad a having a protuberant belly and having a lower back curved forward. Kasagáran sa mga mabdus yuad, Most pregnant women have big stomachs and a lower back curved forward. v [B; b6] walk with the stomach sticking out forward.

yúbit v [AN; a1c] look down on, despise with mockery. Ayaw yubíta ang kabus, Do not despise the poor. Giyúbit ang bungì sa isig níya ka bátà, The harelip was teased by his playmates. n derision, words of contempt. -an(→) a fond of heaping derision. Yubitan kaáyu, mu rag way apan, He loves to heap contempt on others as if he were perfect. v [B125] be, become fond of heaping contempt. ma-un a derisive, full of contempt.

yudipurmu n iodoform, a medicinal powder. v [A13; b6] apply iodoform powder.

yudkap = yugkap.

yúdu n tincture of iodine.

yudupurmu = yudipurmu.

yudyud v [A; c6] 1 push s.o. down into the dirt repeatedly. Iyudyud ang nawung sa irù sa íyang húgaw, Push the dog’s face into his mess. 1a pull or push s.t. down in general. Giyudyud sa bátà ang ákung buktun pagyangùngù níyag kindi, The child kept pulling on my arm asking for candy. 2 drag s.o. down into a low state. Giyudyud ta sa kakabus tungud sa ímung pagkasugarul, We have been dragged into poverty because of your gambling.

yúga n yoga. v [A] do yoga.

yugkap a lifeless, sluggish from poor health, lack of sleep. v [B1; b6] be, become sluggish. Nagyugkap ku rung adláwa kay nagbilar ku gabíi, I’m sleepy today because I was up all night last night.

yugkung a tall and stooping, yugkungyugkung v [B1; c1] walking in a bouncing but stooped way with long strides.

yugtù n episode, section out of a series of happenings. 1 a chapter in a story, act in a drama. Katapúsang yugtù sa sugilambung, The final episode in the novel. 2 episode in one’s life. Halandúmung yugtù sa kinabúhì, Memorable episodes of one’s life. 3 moment that s.t. happens. Sa mga yugtù sa pag-inusára, During the moments of loneliness. v [A; c1] appear, write s.t. in episodes.

yúgu n 1 yoke placed over the shoulder of a beast of burden for attaching the harness. 2 problem weighing on the shoulders like a yoke. v 1 [A; a12] make into or use a yoke. 2 [A; b6(1)] mount a yoke.

yugut v [B16; b3(1)c5] 1 feeling a deep and indescribable sadness (literary). 2 feel angry indignation and resentment. Nagyugut sa pagbáhin sa yútà, Was full of resentment at the way the land was divided. Gikayugut níya ang wà ku pagbáwus sa sulat, She resented it that I failed to answer the letter. ka- n 1 feeling of extreme sadness (literary). Tungud sa kayugut sa íyang buut, íyang gihálad ang láwas sa íyang anak nga patay na, Because of the indescribable sorrow that overcame him, he offered up the dead body of his son. 2 feeling of angry resentment. mayugtánun a characterized with resentment and indignation.

yugyug v [A; a12] shake back and forth or up and down in short, quick movements. Yugyúga ang dúyan arun matúlug dáyun ang bátà, Rock the hammock so that the baby will soon sleep.

yúhu an expression of joy. Yúhu! Hatágan diay tag búnus ni Sir! Yoohoo! We are going to get a bonus from the boss!

yuhù n a k.o. long-legged bird.

yuhum n 1 = pahiyum. see híyum. 2 dimple. v [A; c1] = pahiyum. ma-un(←) = mapahiyúmun. see híyum.

yuhut v 1 [AB3; cP] go out, in through s.t., cause to do so. Ang pagyuhut sa usa ka mabiaybiáyung tamíhid sa íyang mga ngábil, When a smile of derision formed itself on his lips. Iyuhut (ipayuhut, payuhuta) ang íyang mga púlung sa píkas dalunggan, Let his words go in one ear and out the other. 2 [A; a] go in or out of a place stealthily. Yuhut ta sa míting, Let’s sneak out of the meeting. 2a do anything secretly without being observed. Nagyuhut siyag kúhag kindi sa lamísa, He sneaked a piece of candy from the table. 2b [A; c] smuggle. Wà madakpi ang miyuhut sa sigarilyu, The fellow who smuggled the cigarettes in was not caught. yuhutyuhut, yuhutyúhut v [A; c] 1 come in and go out. Giyuhutyuhútan sa hángin ang ílang payag nga nagkagusbat, The wind just blows freely through their dilapidated shack. 2 penetrate through. Dì mi makayuhutyuhut sa kabaknitan, We can not penetrate through the thickets. mag-r-(←) [1139]n smuggler, one who sneaks things in and out.

yúin n UN, acronym for United Nations.

yúka n yucca.

yúkab v 1 [A2; a1] drag on a cigarette, cigar, pipe. Yukába (iyúkab) ang abánu arun dílì mapálung, Draw in on the cigar so it doesn’t go out. 2 [A; b] light a cigarette, cigar, pipe.

yukalíli = yúki.

yukaliptus n eucalyptus tree.

yukaristika n Eucharist.

*yukaristiku kunggrísu — n Eucharistic Congress.

yukayu answer to kingkiri ‘who wants what I’ve got in my hand’, expressing that the speaker wants it. ‘Kingkiri?’—‘Yukayu.’ ‘Who wants what I’ve got in my hand?’—‘I want it.’

yukbù v 1 [A; c1] bow down, bend low. Muyukbù ang taas nga táwu nga musulud sa kupà nga pultahan, A tall man has to bend to enter a low door. 2 [A3; b] recognize s.o.’s power, pay homage. Ang mga táwu sa karáan nagyukbù sa adlaw, People of ancient times bowed down to the sun. Dì sila muyukbù sa hukum sa ripiri, They will not submit to the judgment of the referee. Langyawng gahum nga giyukbúan sa gagmayng násud, Foreign power to which small nations submit.

yúki n ukelele. v 1 [A; b(1)] play the ukelele. 2 [A; a12] make a ukelele.

yukilíli = yúki.

yukù a bent way over. Táwu nga yukù na kaáyu sa kagúlang, A person who is already very much bent with age. v 1 [B; b6] be, become bent. Humay nga nagyukù sa kahinug, Rice bent over in ripeness. 2 [A; c] bend over. Miyukù siya arun pagpunit ug batu, He bent down to pick up a stone. yukùyukù sa buktun n crook of the arm.

yukug a having one’s back bent forward, as under a heavy load or due to old age. v [B; c1] for the upper back to be bent forward. Nayukug siya sa kabug-at sa gipas-an, He was bent over with the load on his shoulders. Nayukug siya pagdinúkù sa íyang trabáhu, She has become stoop-shouldered from bending over her work too much.

yukum n dimple. v [A23] form into a dimple. Muyukum ang íyang áping ug mupahiyum siya, Her face forms a dimple when she smiles. yukman a get dimpled. v [b8] get to be dimpled.

yukyuk v [A; a12] stab and jiggle around. Yukyúka ug maáyu arun daling mamatay ang bábuy, Stab the pig jiggling the knife around well, so it will die quickly.

yumù a for tiny animals to be weak and sickly from overhandling. v [A12; a12] handle an animal until it becomes weak and sickly. Kinsay nagyumù sa pisù nga himalatyun na? Who has been handling the chick that it’s about to die?

yúmud a having a frowning, pouting expression on the face from displeasure or anger. v [A13; b3c1] pout and frown. Nagyúmud ang nawung kay naatrasáwu ang pagkáun, He’s frowning in annoyance because dinner is late. yumuran a having a tendency to frown.

yumudyumud v [A; c1] mumble unintelligibly. Dì ku gustung magyumudyumud ang ákung mga anak ug kasab-an, I don’t want my children to mumble under their breath when they are scolded.

yumyum v [A; a12] give s.o. a long and sensual kiss. Nawung nga way mangarastig yumyum, A face nobody could bear to kiss passionately. -ay(→) v [C] kiss each other passionately. Dì siya makigyumyumay ug babáyi nga bahù ug bàbà, He doesn’t like to engage in passionate kissing with a woman who has bad breath.

yunà, yúnà (from ayaw únà) 1 — pa 1a wait a minute, just a minute. Yúnà pa, Rus, ayaw únag lakaw, Just a minute, Rose, don’t go yet. 1b expression used to change the tack of a conversation. Yúnà pa. Anus-a tung pitsáha? Just a minute. On what date did you say it was going to be? 2 expression interrupting a speaker to get the word. Yúnà! Patiwasa ku arun mahibáwu sila sa tinúud, Just a minute! Let me tell it so they will know the truth.

yunanimus n s.t. that has been done with unanimity. Yunanimus ang hukum, It was a unanimous decision. v [B126] be unanimous.

yungatyúngat1 v [A1; b(1)] sit about idly puffing on a pipe or cigar.

yungatyúngat2 = ungat-úngat.

yúngib n large hole in the side of s.t. v 1 [A3; b] dig a cave, tunnel. Miyúngib ang mga Hapun sa búkid, The Japanese dug tunnels in the mountain. 1a [a12] carry away dirt to form a cave. Nayúngib ang kílid sa pangpang pagbahà, A cavity formed in the side of the cliff after the flood. 2 [A13] hole up in a cave. Nagyúngib ang kaáway, The enemies are holed up in a cave. (→) = yúngib, n.

yungit a unable to pronounce consonants clearly. Yungit ang sinultihan sa Insik kay dì makaluwas sa íri, The Chinaman still speaks with an accent because he cannot [1140]pronounce r. v [B12] get to be unable to pronounce consonants clearly.

yungki n anvil. Yungki ang dukdúkan sa binágang puthaw, Red-hot metals are hammered on the anvil.

yungyung v [A; c1] 1 hang loosely down, droop. Muyungyung ang buhuk ug dì masudlay, The hair will hang loosely down if you don’t comb it. Ang mga sanga sa káhuy nagyungyung, The tree branches are hanging low. Giyungyung níya ang íyang kálù, He pulled his hat down over his face. 2 lower s.t. on a rope tied at one end. Yungyúngig písì ang táwu sa atábay, Drop the man in the well a rope.

yunik a unique in kind or excellence. Yunik kaáyu ning bayhána ug mga idíya, This woman has very unique ideas.

yunipurmi a similar, identical in appearance. Yunipurmi ug hitsúra ang mga balay sa subdibisyun, The houses in the subdivision look exactly alike. n uniform. Utawa ang íyang yunipurmi, Press his uniform. v 1 [C; c1] have uniform looks. 2 [A; c6] wear a uniform.

yunùyunù v 1 [A] shake, quiver with obesity. Tiyan nga nagyunùyunù sa katambuk, A stomach shaking like a bowlful of jello. 2 [A13] for steps to be shaky. Tigúlang nga nagyunùyunù ang linaktan, An old man taking shaky steps.

yunyun1 a sagging, drooping. v 1 [A; b5] stand on s.t. and bounce up and down on it, bounce s.t. up and down. Ayaw yunyúni ang katri, Don’t bounce up and down on the bed. Yunyúna (iyunyun) ang sanga kay íyang kabay-an, Bounce the branch up and down because he wants to ride it. 2 [B] hang down, sag. Nagyunyun ang sanga sa búnga, The branch is bent under the weight of the fruit.

yunyun2 n labor union. líbur — = yunyun2.

yúpis = lúpis.

yupu, yúpu a docile, tractable. Kining kabayúa tun-ig pagkabayù kay yupu kaáyu, Learn how to ride on this horse because it is very docile. v [B12; b6] be, become docile. Nagkayupu si Kurding human siya makaamgu nga mapalagput siya sa trabáhu, Cording is becoming more docile now that she realizes she could be fired from her work.

yupyup v [A; a] 1 draw in smoke, air into the mouth. Yupyúpag sígi arun dì mapálung, Keep dragging on it so it won’t go out. 2 suck on s.t. Nagyupyup lang gihápun siyas kumagkù, He still sucks his thumb. 3 suck s.o. off. n action of inhaling. Usa lang ka yupyup sa mariwána hubug ka na, One drag on the marijuana and you’ll be dizzy. -anan n s.t. one smokes or draws on.

yúsà (from ayaw úsà) = yúnà.

yusapi, yusápi n acronym for USAFFE, United States Armed Forces in the Far East (of the postwar period).

yúsi, yúsig n cigarette (word play on sigarilyu—slang).

yusyus a loose; clothing not fitting tight or sacks having little content. Yusyus ang sáku kay gikuháan man sa súd, The sack is loose because they took some of the content out. v [BN; c1] 1 be loose or not tightly packed. Nayusyus ang íyang sinínà kay nidaut na siya, Her dress is loose because she lost weight. 2 for s.t. held up by a garter to slip down from looseness.

yútà n 1 piece of land. Nakapalit siyag yútà duul sa syudad, He bought land near the city. 1a realm, country. Yúta sa mga higanti, Domain of the giants. — sa mga sáad Land of Promise (name given to Mindanao). -ng tabúnun the Philippines (lit. the land of the brown-skinned race—literary). 2 earth. Matúman ang ímung pagbuut dinhi sa yútà maingun sa lángit, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 3 soil. Tambuk ang yútà sa ámung gardin, We have fertile soil in our garden. 4 ground. Nakuyapan siya ug natumba sa yútà, She fainted and fell to the ground. v [A12] obtain, acquire land. (→) v 1 [A13] farm, cultivate lands. 2 [B1256] for a question or suggestion to be disregarded and not entertained (as if thrown to the earth). Nayutà ang íyang pangutána kay may kasulti man ang íyang gipangutána, Nobody answered his question because the man he asked was busy talking to s.o. else. -an a landed, having lands. yutan-un a of the earth (as opposed to heavenly). Kita mga táwung yutan-un, We are earthly creatures. ka-an n 1 tracts of lands. 2 nations. mag-r-(→) n 1 farmer. 2 landowner. yutàyutà n k.o. snake, the size of an earthworm, with black skin and poisonous. tag- n owner of a piece of land.

yutawhan n native land (coined from yútang natawhan). -un, maki-un a patriotic.

yútik a muddy, slushy. Yútik kaáyu ang dálan ug ulan, The path is all muddy on rainy days. v [B1; a12] be, become muddy or slushy. ka- v [A13] be all slushy. n state or degree of being slushy. Kayútik sa lápuk nga mu rag linúgaw, Mud that has the slushy consistency of porridge.

yúturn n 1 U-turn. 2 sign prohibiting a U-turn. v [A2; c6] make a U-turn. [1141]

yutyut1 a 1 baggy and wrinkly around the waist. Yutyut kaáyu nga karsúnis nga dakù ug pila ka sukud pára níya, A very baggy pair of pants several sizes too big for him. 2 = yatyat2. -un() a of a baggy sort.

yutyut2 = ut-ut1.

yúyu n 1 yoyo. 2 wristwatch (slang). v 1 [A; a12] play with, make into a yoyo. 2 [A; a] wear, have a wristwatch (slang).

yúyù = tiyù.

yùyù a sagging, drooping. Yùyù ang abága sa pildíru, His shoulders are drooping because he is sad after he lost. v [B126; c16] sag, droop. Nayùyù ang hayhayan tungud sa kabug-at sa hinayhay, The clothesline sagged under the weight of the wash.



Forms marked with a dagger have already been entered in the main portion of the dictionary, and what is listed here should be studied in conjunction with the main entry.

†ab-ab v [B; b6] for a fire to be blazing. Miab-ab (naab-ab) na ang káyu pag-abut sa bumbíru, The fire was already ablaze when the firemen arrived. a chewed up, eroded, festering, blazing.

abansádu a be close to the roadway. — sa buling a not showing dirt, masking stains well. Abansádus buling ang kalsúnis nga itum, Black pants don’t show dirt. v [B2] be, become close to the roadway. Maabansádu ang inyung balay kun padak-an ang kalsáda, Your house will be close to the road if they widen it.

abansáwu = abansádu.

†abri — birat v [A; b6] yield to a man under threat (humorous—from the pidgin Japanese for abríhi ang bilat used during the Japanese occupation). Abri birat (miabri birat) na lang si Kulása kay gitiúnan mag ribulbir, Colasa surrendered herself because they were pointing a revolver at her.

abrisíti, abrisyíti = abrasíti.

†ábung1 (→) n 2 being in a state where s.t. is likely to happen to one. Ayaw mug panaway sa kaminyúun kay abung pa mu, Don’t scorn marriage because it won’t be long before you, too, will be married. Ang tigúwang abung sa kamatáyun, Old folks are in the state where death is likely to overtake them. v [A13] for an event to approach. Nag-abung na ang Pasku, Christmas is approaching.

ábung2 n the drunken feeling one gets from eating tainted food. v [A123P; a4] get this feeling. Giábung ku human makakaun sa dubuk nga tulíngan, I got dizzy after eating the tainted tuna.

†abut (←) a variety of grain that gives a big yield or k.o. soil that yields well. Ábut kaáyu ang basakan kay sa kamad-an, Rice paddies yield more than the uplands. pa-(←) n expected delivery date for a mother. Karung simanáha ang paábut sa ákung asáwa, Our baby is due this week.

†abyadur — sa lubi n palm toddy gatherer (humorous).

adbinturar = abinturar.

†adlaw — gabíi doing s.t. all the time. Adlaw gabíi ang ákung trabáhu, I work day and night. may — rang magabíi the day will come when the tables will be turned (lit. the day will come that will turn to night). Ímu kung gidaugdáug kay ábi pubri man ku, apan may adlaw rang magabíi, You are stepping all over me because I am poor, but the day will come when the tables are turned. -an(→), hiN-an(→) n the share of palm toddy given to the owner of the tree, reckoned as the amount gathered on one particular day of the week.

adlib1 v [A; b6] deliver s.t. extemporaneously without any script. Kinahanglan sa usa ka anawunsir nga maáyu muadlib, It’s necessary for an announcer to be good at ad-libbing. Giadlíban na lang níya ang lima ka minútus, He just filled in the five minutes by ad-libbing.

†admirar admiradur n admirer. Daghan siyag admiradur kay gwápa man, She has lots of admirers because she is beautiful.

†adult pur — for adults only (movie).

aduptǎr v 2 [A; a] adopt a form of government. [1142]Kun unsang matánga sa kagamhánan ang aduptahun kanà mag-agad lang unyà sa plibisítu, It depends on the plebiscite as to what form of government will be adopted.

†adwána n 2 place where the customs house is located or the port area near the customs house. Didtus adwána dunggù ang bapur, The ship docked near the customs house.

ág — lang anything and everything. Ág lay kan-un sa bábuy, Pigs eat anything and everything. Ág lang trabáhu ang íyang gidatug kanákù, She dumped whatever she had to do on me.

†ágak v 3 [A; a12] guide s.o. in doing things. Musúkul kus kásu ug dúnay muágak nákù, I’ll put up a fight in court if I have legal counsel. Agákun tikaw sa pag-atiman sa tanum, I’ll show you how to tend the plants.

†agálunpaN- v [A23] for a long-lost thing to be found again by its owner or for a thing long sold by its owner to find its way back to him. Nangagáwun ang ákung singsing nga narimáti kay aku ra gihápuy nakapalit sa pagsubasta, My ring must consider me its master, because after I pawned it and failed to redeem it, I still got it back at the auction.

†agaw ig-(←) ug ikatrayinta idús ug tungà (humorous) one’s fiancee (lit. thirty-second and a halfth cousin).

agay-ay2 v [B346] for liquid to trickle down very slowly from a source. Nag-agay-ay ang túbig sa punúan sa káhuy, The water is trickling very slowly down the trunk of the tree. n slow trickling of water. -in- n 1 slow trickling of liquid. 2 water which has trickled out.

†ági (→) anhà mag- it will inevitably be so. Anhà giyud ka mag-agi sa latigu kay buyágun ka man, It looks like you’re going to have to get whipped. You’re so naughty. pa- v 2 [A; ab] go over s.t. with an instrument. Paagia kug kadiyut sa ákung sinínà, Let me just press my dress a second time. Gipaagian ku na ang mga hábul nga gisiun, I have already run the torn sheets through the sewing machine. pa-(→) = pa-, v2.

†agpas v 5 [c] for medicine to cure an ailment. Dílì maagpas (maagpasan) sa binisayà ang sakit sa bágà, Folk medicine cannot cure a lung disease.

agribyádu = agrabyádu.

†agwáda agwadahan n 1 the pole carried on the shoulder with a can on each end. 2 the cans used to convey water. 3 the place where one fetches water. 4 the families to whom water is delivered by the carrier.

†agwádu a 2 for dough not to be baked through. v 2 [B12] come out not baked through. Ang kakúlang sa síga mauy nakapaagwádu sa bibingka, The rice cake came out half-cooked because the fire was too low.

ahan = kayhà (dialectal).

†ahaw v 1a [B1256] be without, lack. Hala, níay mil arun dì ka maahaws igalastus syudad, Here is a thousand pesos so you won’t lack spending money while you are in the city.

akadímik n academic supervisor, the second highest official of a public school, next to the superintendent. v [B; c1] be, become an academic supervisor.

akawunting n accounting as a subject in schools.

alabádu v 1 [A; c1] clasp the hands on one’s breast. Ug mualabádu ang párì, sunud pud, If the priest clasps his hands on his breast, do the same. 2 [A1] say one’s final prayers at the point of death. Nag-alabádu na ang bitayun, The doomed man is saying his final prayers.

alahíbi = alhíbi.

†álam may (walay) (→) uneducated (having no education). Lisud ang pangimplíyu ug wà kay alam, You’ll have a hard time finding a job if you have no education.

†alarma v 3 [B12] be alarmed about s.t. Nagkaalarma ang mga táwu sa kahimtang sa násud, The people are getting concerned about the condition of the nation.

alastar v [B12] for an anchored boat to get loose and drift away. Nagkaalastar na ang ímung sakayan, Your boat is getting loose and is drifting away.

albumina n albumen. albuminahun a containing albumen.

alibanta command to heave s.t. Únu, dus, tris, alibanta! One, two, three, heave!

alibay2 v [A; c] drape s.t. over the shoulders. Alibayan ta kag tualya arun dì ka tugnawun, I’ll drape a towel over your shoulders so you won’t feel cold.

†alirdyik 3 having an aversion to s.t. Alirdyik kaáyu ku sa hílak, I hate crying. v 3 [B12] be, become averse to s.t.

alis get out, scram (colloquial). Alis dihà bi. Akuy naglingkud dihà, Get out of my chair.

ális n wake of a boat. v [A] produce a wake. Muális ug maáyu ang ispidbut ug pakusgan, The speedboat produces high waves in its wake when it runs fast.

aliyunyun (from yunyun) n an insect similar to a spider, of light dirty-brown color, having long spindly legs, so called because it moves its body up and down when it is disturbed. [1143]

almahadun = almuhadun.

alpabit n the alphabet.

†álup v 1a [B24] for one’s popularity to wane. Miálup na ang bitúun ni Súsan Rúsis, Susan Roces’ popularity has waned.

alupaup = alup-up.

amamaylu = tabilus.

amara v [A; a] brandish a weapon in a fighting stance or in anger. Misibat siya pagkakità sa íyang kuntra nga nag-amara ug pinútì, He got out of there when he saw his enemy waving a sword.

amatung n large boulder or pile of rocks formed into a boulder found in shallow waters, usually slightly exposed even at high tide.

†ambak v 2 [A; c] go, climb down. Mihínay siyag ambak sa káhuy, He climbed out of the tree slowly. 2a go out of a house. Bisag gabíi na, muambak gihápun ka? It’s already night. Don’t tell me you’re going out! 2b get, bring off a vehicle. Anhi ra ku dinhi ambak, I’m getting off here. Iambak ra ang ákung dala, Take my baggage off. 3 [B6] for the seam between the shoulder and the sleeve to fall below the shoulder line. Ipausab nang sinínà kay miambak ang tahì sa abagahan, Let them redo that dress because the shoulder seam falls below the shoulder line. a shoulder seam falling below the shoulder line. -an n edge of an area that drops off. Ang ambakan sa intabládu, The edge of the stage.

†ambas v 2 [AC] for two or more persons or things to arrive at almost the same time. Nag-ambas ug abut ang sulat ug ang tiligráma, The letter and the telegram arrived almost at the same time.

†ambisiyun n 2 way of playing mahjong where one doesn’t open as soon as he has mahjong but rather tries to parley his holdings into s.t. that gives a better return. v 2 [AP; b] play one’s hand in this way. Mumadyung na tà ku, apan wà lang kay nag-ambisiyun (nagpaambisiyun) kug syíti páris, I could have gone mahjong, but I didn’t because I was holding out for seven pairs. 2a [c1] make it an ambisiyun hand. -ar v = ambisiyun, v1. -adu a ambitious. Ambisiyunádu kaáyu ning batáa nga makahuman sa íyang pagtuun, This child is very ambitious to finish his studies. v [B126; b6] be, become ambitious.

ambisyúsa = ambisyúsu (female).

ambríla kat n style of skirt with several triangular pieces flaring to the hem and narrow at the waist, roughly resembling an umbrella. v 1 [A; c1] make a dress in this style. 2 [A; c] wear a dress in this style.

amimispis = pispis.

†amin v 3 [A; a12] admit a wrong or mistake one has done and be held responsible. Kun aminun nímung tanang nabitabù, maminusminus pa ang ímung sintinsiya, If you admit everything, your sentence will be reduced. 4 [A; a] kill (humorous). Akuy muamin ánang hingusig nga irù, I’ll put an end to that noisy dog. a dead.

†amping -in-an n 1 s.t. one must guard. 2 genitalia of a virgin (euphemism).

†amù maáyu pay amù náa pay duha ka dakù sa lubut poor as a church mouse (lit. a monkey is better off because at least he has two centavo pieces on his buttocks).

amurítis n lovesickness (humorous). v [B126; a4] be affected with ‘amoritis’. -un(→) a lovesick.

Ámuy3 n Amoy Chinese.

amuy-ámuy v [A; b5] pacify, appease one’s anger. Amuy-amúya (amuy-amúyig) kindi ang bátà ug maghilak, Appease the child with a piece of candy when it cries. n act of appeasing, pacifying.

amyat a looking down on others and being pretentious. Amyat nang bayhána. Dílì makighuyhúy nátù, That woman is stuck up. She won’t go around with us. v [B12] be, become stuck up and pretentious. Lagmit ang kadátù makaamyat (makapaamyat) sa usa ka asáwa, Usually wealth makes a wife think too highly of herself. -in- v [A; a2] behave in a conceited and affected way.

an = ang (dialectal).

†anak n — sa salà, pagpakasalà illegitimate child. — sa pagkaulitáwu a man’s child before his marriage. — sa pagkadalága a child born to a woman before her marriage. — sa Táwu Jesus Christ. — sa Diyus Jesus Christ. — sa sakramintu legitimate child.

†andir — gráwun a done in secret. Andir-gráwun ang mga kalihúkan sa mga kaáway nátù, Our enemies carried out their activities in secret. v [c1] do s.t. secretly. — wit a underweight. Andir wit kaáyu ning batáa kay níwang, This child is very underweight because he is thin. v [B12; b6] be, become underweight.

†ángal v 2 [A; c] reveal a secret (slang). Muángal siya sa pulis kun dì nátù bahínan, He will sing to the police if we do not give him a share.

anghuy = anhuy.

†angka v 3a [A23P; b3] change one’s mind, back out of an agreement. Dì ku muangka. Ang sábut, sábut, I will not back out. An [1144]agreement is an agreement. pa- v [A; a] make s.o. quit or change his mind. n s.t. to make one change his mind. Ingun sa paangka ang ílang gipangáyù nga bugay, They asked for that bride price just to get him to back out.

†anislag -un n a rooster feather coloration of shiny, light gold with streaks of dark brown.

†ánit n 2 strip of leather attached to the ends of the rubber strips of a slingshot used to cradle the stone. v 2 [A; c] attach the sling to the slingshot. 3 [A; a] shave the head bald. (→) a shaved bald.

†ansuy v 2 get sick from getting oneself wet after sexual intercourse. Gíkang mugámit dì siya muhíkap ug túbig kay mahadluk ansúyan, He doesn’t go near water after sexual intercourse for fear of getting sick.

antidit v [A; c16] antedate, assign an earlier date to a document than the true date. Antidítun (iantidit) lang nátù ang aplikasiyun kay ulahi na, Let’s put an earlier date on the application because it is too late.

antititanus n anti-tetanus injection.

†antiyúhus — ug bíka v [A13] miss seeing s.t. too big to be overlooked (lit. wearing glasses made of potsherds).

antrak, antraks n a big boil without a head, usually growing on the breast, the nape of the neck, or at the back. v [A123; b5] have a big boil of this sort.

†anyil — sa lubut n a patch of blue skin found at the tip of the vertebral column of infants.

apartǎr a located far from s.w. Apartǎr kaáyu ang ámung balay sa mirkádu, Our house is very far from the market. v [B; c1] be, become far from s.w. Apartaha (iapartǎr) pagtúkud ang inyung balay sa karsáda, Build your house far from the road. -du = apartǎr.

†apiktǎr -du(←) a affected by s.t. Apiktádu kaáyu ang mga ginikánan sa mga bátang magbinúang, The parents are very much affected if their children misbehave. v [B12] be affected. Maapiktádu ang tibuuk láwas sa bísan unsang sakit nga átung batíun, The whole body is affected by any sickness one has.

†apindiks n 2 appendix of a book.

aplikisyun = aplikasiyun.

aprísir n appraiser.

apsaydawun kik n upside-down cake. v [A] make upside-down cake.

aptudit a au courant, up-to-date on events. Aptudit kaáyu ning bayhána sa mga tabì, That woman is au courant when it comes to gossip. v [B126] be au courant.

apuntǎr v [A; c] record, list down s.t. Ang iskúrir mauy miapuntǎr sa iskur sa nagbaskit, The score-keeper recorded the score of the teams playing basketball. Iapuntǎr unya kiring ákung giútang, List down the things I am getting on credit.

arangka2 v [C; b3] engage in a noisy quarrel. Gubut kaáyug mag-arangka na ang bana ug ang íyang abubhuang asáwa, All hell breaks loose when the husband and his jealous wife quarrel.

arastǎr = alastǎr.

*araw-áraw paN- a for one’s daily and ordinary use (slang). Pang-araw-áraw níya ang ílang mutsatsa, ang íyang uyab panagsa ra níya dulgi, He has his maid for ordinary, everyday intercourse, and only rarely his fiancée.

†arbul2 — di = arbur di.

arbur di n Arbor Day.

aríba4 shout of encouragement to a player or performer. Aríba, Kutya, usa na lang ka puwint, Come on, Cotia, you only need one more point.

ar-ip si n acronym for the Rehabilitation Finance Corporation, now known as the Development Bank of the Philippines. v [A; a12] make a loan with the R.F.C.

†árit n sexual intercourse (slang). pala- a having a great capacity for sexual intercourse.

†aríya1 v 5a [A] for a boat to begin moving away from the wharf. Miaríya na ang barku pag-abut námù sa pantalan, The boat had started to move away when we arrived at the wharf. 6 [B4] start to give way, collapse. Miaríya ang payag nga nadaghanan sa táwu, The hut was so full of people it started to collapse.

armunída = almunída.

arsínik n arsenic. v [a12] poison with arsenic.

arsupu n word-play on arsubispu (humorous).

asam-asam v [AN; b(1)] 1 dare do s.t. difficult, beyond one’s capacity to do. Mag-asam-asam kag pangusína nga dì gánì ka kamaung muháling? Do you dare cook when you don’t even know how to kindle a fire? 2 dare do s.t. one doesn’t have a right to do. Nag-asam-asam man siyag lingkud sa uluhan sa lamísa, dì nauláwan siya? He had the nerve to sit at the head of the table. So he was put to shame.

†asáwa asawaasáwa, uluasáwa n common-law wife. v [B6; c1] be, become; have a common-law wife.

asáyin v 1 [A; a] assign s.o. to a position. Giasáyin ku sa paniktikag bakì, I was assigned to the backwoods. 2 [A; c] assign s.o. work. Wà kuy humwurk nga giasayin, I was [1145]not assigned any homework. -min n 1 assignment to a job. 2 assignment to do work.

asimbul1 v [A; c1] assemble a contrivance, machine. Asimbul na ang radiyung ákung gipalit kay dì ku maantígung muasimbul, I bought an assembled radio because I don’t know how to assemble one.

asimbul2 v [AC; c1] assemble together in a place. Didtu ang parid mag-asimbul sa plása, The parade assembled in the plaza.

†asinda asindíru n 2 owner of salt beds (humorous). asindíra = asindíru (female).

†asiráwu — ug buhuk having wiry hair.

asirkásu = asikásu.

†asistǐr v 3 attend a function, meeting. Asistiran (asistihan) ug banda ang ílang kasal, There will be a band in attendance at their wedding.

†atay 4 — sa abu the whitest part of the ashes made into lye, used as medicine to treat indigestion. 5 — sa súkà the accumulated dregs of vinegar that form into a soft, slippery mass. v [A2] for vinegar to form a soft, slippery mass. Dì pa aslum ang súkà ug dì pa muatay, Vinegar is not sour before it has formed a soft, slippery mass.

atitaw v [B3(1)4] for a boil to come to a good, clear head. Tusdíka ang buthanan sa hubag ug muatitaw na, Prick the boil when it comes to a well-formed head. a having a sharply defined head.

†atras 4 stern, rear of a boat. v [A] 1a for a boat to back up.

†atsa n 2 grade in the seventies (so called because a figure 7 looks like an axe).

atsak = atsay2.

átut = átud.

awagan = ulagan. see úlag.

†awhag n urge to do s.t. Ang awhag nga lawasnun, (Sexual) urges of the body.

ay-ar it n a recently introduced variety of rice, the IR-8 miracle rice.

báag2 = bálag.

báag3 n a small preparation of food for a get-together. Ug dúnay báag sa inyu muadtu ku, I’ll go to your house when you have a little eating party. paN- v [A2; b6] attend a small eating party.

†baang, báang (←) n 1 the mouth opened to eat s.t. Kagamay nga táwu apan dakug báang, Such a small man, but how wide he can open his mouth to eat. 2 mouthful. Usa ra ka báang sa buáya, You are only one mouthful for a crocodile.

†bàbà dakù ug — a talkative, noisy.

badíday n loving and tender address for little girls. Gikápuy ang ákung badíday? Is my little sweetie tired?

†badigard n 2 one’s fiance or spouse (humorous).

†bag n 4 syuldir — shoulder bag. pansing, pantsing — punching bag. ubirnayit — overnight bag. ayis — ice bag. pípar — paper bag. ham-, hand- handbag.

bagnul a 1 dull, not sharp. Ang bagnul nga kutsilyu dì limpiyu ug pinutlan, A dull knife will not make a clean cut. 2 for solids to be hard and compacted, not easily crumbling. Bagnul ang batu ikumparar sa anapug, Stone is harder than lime. 3 for skin to be calloused and tough. v [B; a] 1 for a blade to become dull. 2 solidify or form into hard lumps. Ang kabugnaw makapabagnul (makabagnul) sa túbig, Cold will make water solidify. 2a for the skin to form callouses. -un a lumpy, having hard lumps. v [B2] become lumpy.

†bagting n 2 one of the three significant events in one’s life for which bells are rung: baptism, marriage, death.

†bagtuk a 2 having a sour expression on the face. v [B6] 2 wear a heavy and sour look. Dì ka giyud makasúgù niánang bayhána kay mubagtuk dáyun ang nawung, You can never ask that girl to do anything because she immediately gets a nasty expression on her face.

†bag-u 2 -ng kaláyu, kandílà, túbig blessing of the New Fire, Easter Candle, and Holy Water on the night of Holy Saturday. -ng kinabúhì new lease on one’s life after it has been spared from an accident or from a serious illness. Magpasalámat ta sa Diyus sa átung bag-ung kinabúhì, Let us thank God for giving us a new lease on life. v 2 — sa kaláyu, kandílà, túbig [A13; c1] perform the rite of blessing the Holy Water, New Fire and Easter Candles. 3 — sa kinabúhì [A12] give s.o. a new lease on life. — sa útang [A; a12] renew a loan. kabag-úhan n 1 modern times. 2 the younger generation.

bagul2 a poor. Dì ku mutúu nga kun bagul ka sa sinugdan, bagul ka na lang sa hangtud, I don’t believe that if you start poor, you must always remain poor.

bagurung = bagrung.

†bagyu — sa kinabúhì misfortunes in life (literary). Taliwā̀ sa ímung kalípay muhúrus usáhay ang mga bagyu sa kinabúhì, Into every life some rain must fall.

†bahù paniN- 1b -ng yútà for death to be [1146]near (lit. smell of earth—humorous). Nagpanimahù nang yútà ang kansirun, The cancer patient already smells of the grave.

bait v [A13] walk the straight and narrow path (slang). Dì na siya muinum. Nagbait na siya, He doesn’t drink anymore. He is following the straight and narrow path.

†bakgráwun -ir = bakgráwun, n3, 4, 5.

bakhan n backhand slap, backhand stroke in tennis. v [A; a12] strike with a backhand slap or hit with a backhand stroke. Bakhánun ta ka rug magtubagtubag ka, I’ll slap you with the back of my hand if you talk back to me.

†bakì -in- a 1 sitting squat with the legs crossed. 2 bikini panties. v [A; c1] 1 sit on the ground with crossed legs. 2 wear bikini panties.

bakig = pakì2.

†bakrayid v 2 [A; b6] share in what s.o. else has. Mahímù bang mubakrayid kus ímung kan-un? May I share your food?

baksit n back seat of a bicycle or motorcycle. v [A; c1] ride on the back seat.

†balalà v 1 = balálà. 2 [A; c1] fail in school. Balaun (ibalà) tikaw sa klási ug dì ka magtuun, I’ll fail you if you don’t study. 3 [A2; b6] fall to the ground with a big thud. Mibalà ku sa salug nga sínaw, I fell flat on the slippery floor with a thud.

†balay — sa lamígas ant hill. tag- call shouted upon reaching the house of a friend to announce one’s presence.

balbangáhan = balbangáan.

†baldúsa n 2 k.o. square-shaped white cracker.

†bali1 v 7 [A] change goals in basketball at the second half. n exchange of goals.

bali2 n ballet. v [A; b] dance the ballet.

†báli a 2 — ug ígù serves [so-and-so] right. Báli ug ígù ang íyang gidangátan kay matinumánun sa gustu, It serves her right what happened to her because she is so headstrong.

†bálì balìbálì n 3 in basketball, bending the upper part of the body far to the back while shooting to make it difficult to block the ball. Maáyu sa balìbálì si Bárun, Baron is good in making shots with his body bent backward. v [A; c1] shoot the ball in this way.

†balibul v 2 [a12] toss s.t. about as if it were a volleyball. Gibalibul sa mga bugáung ang tubul nga nag-utaw-útaw, The jarbua fish are poking at the hard stools that are floating in the sea.

balikturyan n student who failed a grade (word play on balidikturyan and bálik — humorous).

†balisbis paN-an v 2 [A2; b6] for rain to be heavy enough to flow from the eaves. ‘Kusug ba ang ulan?’—‘Ígù giyung nakapamalisbisan,’ ‘Was the rain heavy?’—‘It was heavy enough to flow from the eaves.’

†balista v 3 [A23] for wind or luck to change to an opposite direction. Mibalista ang hángin maung nanimbang na pud sila sa píkas, The wind blew in the opposite direction and so the people moved to the other side of the boat to balance it. Namawì na pud si Pabling. Mibalista na tingáli ang íyang dimálas, Pabling is having a winning streak. Maybe his luck is starting to change. -da = balista, v3.

†balítà walay (←) without any knowledge of what is going on or what had happened. Wà lay balítà ang bána nga naglaki ang íyang asáwa, The husband has no idea that his wife is playing around.

bálit prup a bullet proof.

†bálun pa- v 3 [A; c] give a pabálun, 4a, 5. n 4 the custom of throwing earth or gravel upon the coffin as soon as it is lowered into the grave as a sign of respect and also so that the soul of the dead person may not come back to haunt those he left behind. 4a soil that is thrown on the coffin in the pabálun ceremonies. 5 send-off gift for a newly-wed couple consisting of equal contributions from both sets of parents.

†balur a dignified, having high prestige. Ang pagmaistra balur kaáyung pangitáa, Teaching is a prestigious calling. pa- v 2 [A; b7] give dignity to oneself or to one’s office. Magpabalur giyud ang huwis sa kurti, A judge should maintain his dignity in court. di- a carrying respect and high prestige. Dibalur nga tígum. Púlus imbahadur sa mga násud ang mitambung, A high-level meeting, attended by ambassadors of various nations.

baluskad = baluskag.

bambu2 v [A; a12] hit s.o. in the body with a hard blow with a thumping sound. Bambuhun ta kag magtubagtubag ka, I’ll give you a hard blow on the body if you talk back.

†banà pasi- v [A; a] call s.o.’s attention to, warn. Gipasiban-an (gipasibanáan) ku siya sa dílì pagpúnay ug kúyug adtung tawhána, I warned her not to go out with that man all the time.

†bandu2 n 2 place where a group of people united for a common purpose meet. Bandu Usminya, The place where the followers of Osmeña meet. [1147]

†bangdaybangday n 2 children’s game of flicking rubber bands by turns wherein one wins a rubber band if it lands lying over the opponent’s. v 3 [AC; b] play bangdaybangday.

†banghag v 3 [A23; b6] cut into a conversation. Dì ka mubanghag ug náay magsulti, panábì, Don’t join in a conversation suddenly. Ask permission. a cutting in a conversation even when one doesn’t know the topic being talked about.

†bangku n toilet (humorous—cf. dipusitu, v 5). Buysit. Humag káun, diritsus bangku! Darn! As soon as I had finished eating I had to rush to the ‘bank’.

bangkúru n k.o. small tree of the seashore and thickets with a stinking fruit used medicinally: Morinda citrifolia.

†banting v 2 [A; c] weigh s.o. down with an onerous task, impositions. Lima ka klási ang gibanting sa usa ka maistru, The teacher was burdened with five classes.

†bantuk n land for upland rice as opposed to paddies. humay sa — upland rice. pulis — a humorous and deprecatory allusion to a policeman who is not quite up to standard or k.o. funny-looking.

†banwag -in-an n 1 a newly-organized religious sect in Mindanao that patterns its religious practice after those of the Roman Catholic Church. 2 member of this sect. v [B156] be, become a member of the binanwágan.

bara2 v [AB] clog s.t. up, be clogged up. May nuug nga mibara sa túbu sa hugasan, A piece of cloth clogged up the drain in the sink. Nabara ang isdang búhì sa ákung tutunlan, The live fish stuck in my throat. Magkabara ang trapiku basta magkaalas dúsi, Traffic gets clogged up at about twelve o’clock.

†bára1 n 4b — sa Ispiritu Santu n a grievous sin originally committed by an ancestor to be paid subsequently by seven generations. v 2a [b5] suffer from having incurred the wrath of the Holy Spirit. Gibára (gibaráhan) sa Ispiritu Santu nang pamilyáha, That family has incurred the wrath of the Holy Spirit.

bards = part.

barit euphemism for barut.

†bása v 1a [b6] say the prayers for a dying person. Gibasáhan ang himalatyun nga nagtingà, Prayers were said for him as he breathed his last. 1b — ug kúmiks [A13; b(1)] for a prostitute to be so oblivious of the sex act that she can read the comics while she is being had. Basáhan ka lag kúmiks ánang kapúnga, dakù na kaáyu nag bangag, That prostitute will hardly feel you (lit. will read the comics on you), she has such a huge hole.

†baskit bul n 2 k.o. dance characterized by movements which suggest the dribbling and shooting of a ball. v 2 [A] dance the basketball dance.

batangginyu = batangginya (male).

†batbat v 2 [A; a] follow, traverse along the edges or outskirts. Mibatbat sila sa lapad nga humayan, They walked around edges of the wide rice field. Batbáta ning dalána ug muabut ka sa tubud, Follow this footpath, and you will reach the spring.

†bátì -l-an n 2a epidemic. May balatían karun sa Pásil, There’s an epidemic in Pasil now. v [B1] be, become sick. Nagbalatían ang inahan, The mother has an illness.

*batingting hugut ang — see hugut, a5.

†batu batubátu n 4 testicles (humorous slang).

baybay3 n k.o. dance in which partners embrace each other and swing the upper part of their body sidewise in rhythm with the music. v [AC; c1] dance the baybay.

bayi kababayin-an n 2 = bayin-an. v [A12] belong to the group consisting of friends or relatives of the bride.

baylarína = baylirína. see bayli.

báyung1 n k.o. dark-colored hardwood.

†bibirun v 3 [A13] for a grown person to behave with childlike immaturity and dependence. Unsa, nagbibirun ka pa nga magpatábang ka pa mag pasul-ub sa karsúnis? Are you still a baby that you ask for help in putting on your pants?

†bíbu n 1 in a card game of the bridge or whist type, the situation where the players must follow suit. 2 the card lead. v 2 [A; c1] lead with a suit that must be followed or follow suit. Bibúhun (ibíbu) giyud sa magburiskas ang íyang baráha ug dúna siyay ikabíbu, The buriskas player follows suit if he can do so.

†bigu tilyu n 2 wearing a mustache. Sa úna bigutilyu nà siya, He used to have a mustache.

†bikarbunátu — disúsa = bikarbunátu.

†bilíbid n 2 jail. v 2 [B126] be put in jail, imprison. Nabilíbid sa salà nga panlúgus, Imprisoned for rape.

binhurun a women who are not highly esteemed, women left by their husbands, disgraced women, women of ill repute, and the like. Ayawg pangasáwag binhurun, Don’t marry a cheap woman. v [b6] consider a woman cheap.

binipisya v [A; c1] concoct medicine from [1148]herbs. Binipisyahun (ibinipisya) sa tambálan ang mga sagibunhun, The medicine man concocts medicine from herbs.

†binta1 a ready-made clothes that are not finely-done. v 2 [c1] be cheaply and poorly made.

bintul2 an expression of mild disappointment or disgust. Bintul, wà man diay nákù kasirhi ang pultahan, My goodness! I forgot to lock the door.

†bínug n 2 quicksand.

birianádir a having adopted a haughty, stand-offish attitude (colloquial). Basta iksámin birianádir siya kay dì man pakupya, He is very different when it comes to exams because he doesn’t let you copy. v [B126] develop a stand-offish attitude to others. Nabirianádir na siya sukad muasinsu, He has become quite distant since he got his promotion.

bís2 n military base.

†bisti n s.t. that is typical of a place. Ang kuting ug lamuk mauy bisti sa Sugbu, Bedbugs and mosquitoes are an integral part of Cebu. v [B1256] for s.t. to be typical of a place.

bitirána = bitiránu (female).

†bitiránu n 3 widower (humorous).

†bitúun 6 — sa dágat the Blessed Virgin. paN- 3 — ang panan-aw v [A2S3P] see stars. Namitúun ákung panan-aw pagkaigù sa ákung mata, I saw stars when I was hit in the eyes.

bluprint n blueprint. v [A; c1] make a blueprint of s.t.

bradi, brádi = brad, n1.

†búang -in- v 2 [A13] misfunction. Nagbinúang na sad ning awtúha dà. Dílì na sad muandar, This car is acting up again. It won’t start.

bugalu n bugaloo dance. v [A] dance the bugaloo.

†bugas n 2a — bugtung a small boil without a head. v 2a [a4] have a small boil without a head. Gibugas bugtung ku, I have a small boil without a head.

†bugtik v 1 [B; a] for containers to stretch, bulge, and become tight from being too full. Mubugtik (mabugtik) ang íyang pitáka kun tingsuwildu, His wallet bulges on payday. Bugtíka pagsulud ang sáku, Fill the sack brimful.

búgù3 = bugun, n1, v.

†bugwak n 2 reclaimed area in Cebu City, so called from the spewing of mud during dredging.

†búhat n 4a the Acts of the Apostles, one of the four Gospels.

†búhì1 a 2 — nga bakak obvious lie. — ug bakak obvious liar. Way mupiyal sa mga táwung búhì ug bakak, No one believes an obvious liar.

búing euphemism for búang, used as an endearing curse and not particularly as an insult. Kabúing nímu uy! Gipahulat ku nímug maáyu, You sure made me wait, you handsome S.O.B., you!

bukádu2 = abukádu.

†bukàkà v 3 [A; c1] open s.t. up. Kinsay nagbukàkà sa putus? Who opened the package up? 4 [B12; b6] be, become a tattler, talking too much. Nabukàkà siya tungud sa pagpanumbálay, She became a gossip because she liked to go visiting.

bulaktǎy n k.o. scaly fish with a silvery body, 2″ in diameter and 3″ long, found in brackish waters of bays.

bulasa, bulasà = lamudlaw.

bulis walà ma- [so-and-so] did not fail to happen, just as was expected. Giingnan ta kag musaka ka dinhà, mahúlug ka. Dà, wà mabulis ag ákung sulti, I told you you’d fall if you climbed up there. There, now you fell.

bulitlit v [A; a] make a small opening wide, push the sides apart with both hands. Akuy mibulitlit sa gamayng lungag sa bungbung, I was the one who widened the small opening in the wall. Ákung bulitlítan ang ímung buhuk ug wà bay kútu, I’ll go through your hair to see if there are any lice.

bupalu n buffalo.

†búru1 n mangga — salted green, sliced or shredded mangoes.

burumbut = alundris2.

búsa núba n bossa nova song, dance. v 1 [A] dance the bossa nova. 2 [c1] do the music in bossa nova time.

busting a show off, braggart (slang). Busting kaáyu siya, pakitàkítà dáyun sa íyang bag-ung rilu, He is such a show-off displaying his new wristwatch for everybody to see. v [B12] become a show-off, braggart (slang).

butáka2 n in movie houses, the section at the back of the orchestra.

†butang1 v 5a butangi [bū́tangi] exclamation indicating that a taunt is so apt there is no answer possible (lit. hit him where it hurts). ‘Primírang tihik ug mangáyù lag sabaw nga dílì mupalit ug unud.’—‘Bū́tangi,’ ‘What a tightwad! He asks for gravy but won’t buy the meat it’s supposed to go with.’—‘OK, you win (I can’t answer that).’ [1149]

†butar v 2 [A2; b6] favor or give one’s approval to s.o. or s.t. Mubutar ku kun duktúra ímung pangasaw-un, I would approve if you married a doctor. Dílì sad ku makabutar ánang idíya nga muwilga ta, I would not favor the idea that we go on strike.

butikin n small drugstore. v [A; a] make a space into a small drugstore.

butíkul n 1 pockmarks (humorous). 2 person with pockmarks (humorous). -un a having pockmarks (humorous).

†butu paN- v 1a [A2] develop skin eruptions. Namutu ang ákung líug, I developed skin eruptions. n eruptions of the skin caused by tuberculosis of the skin.

buyna2 n black beret made of felt. v [A; b6] wear a beret.

bwaybuway = buraybúray.

bwisit, bwísit = buysit.

†byáhi n 2a katapúsang — 2a1 last trip to the cemetery. 2a2 last chance to get married. v [B1256] marry at the last chance. Bísag makatapúsang byáhi basta prantsit, úki, Even if it is the last trip, it is all right, as long as I get a good seat. (I.e. never mind if I marry late so long as it is a good catch.)

†byúda — aligri a flirtatious widow. Nagpalámì uruy ang byúda aligri, Humph! The merry widow seems to be having fun. v [B13] be, become a flirtatious widow.

†dágat paN-an(→) n 1 fishing boat. 2 fishing grounds. v [a12] be made into a fishing boat or fishing ground.

†daghan v 2 [b8] put more than enough of s.t. Nadaghanan ra sa asin ang ákung linatan, I put too much salt into my stew.

Dagúhuy the leader of an anti-Spanish revolt in Bohol. kalíwat ni — people from Bohol.

†dagungdung a 1 heavy with fruit. 2 overcast. v [B; b6] 2 for the sky to be overcast. Nagkadagungdung ang panahun. Muulan tingáli, It is getting overcast. It will probably rain.

†dagway n 4 = bayhun, n4.

dahúluy v [A23] for food to slide smoothly down the throat. Ang landang mudahúluy lang inigtún, The buri starch sweet just slides down the throat.

dakang v [A; a] 1 = dakul. 2 hammer s.t. down hard. Dakngun ku ang mga lansang nga nanglábaw, I’ll hammer down the nails that are protruding. n s.t. used to rap or hammer s.t.

†dakdak -an(→) n -an ug Sabadu a face that is so flat it looks like the stone they pound their wash on on Saturdays. v [B125] for a face to become flat.

dakug = pakug.

†dalága (→) v [A13] for a widow to primp herself up. Gustu na pud tingáling magminyù pag-usab ang byúda kay nagdalaga man, The widow must want to get married again because she is primping herself up.

†dalágan dagandagan v [A2] 1 for money to grow. Mudagandagan ang kwarta ug inigusyu, Money will grow if you invest it in business. 2 not be used up for a certain period. Maáyu kay nakadagandagan ang ámung bugas hangtud sa katapúsan sa búwan, It’s a good thing our rice lasted until the end of the month.

dalímasù (from pásù) n an insect about 1″ by ¾″ in diameter, covered with green, kinky, hair-like growths, found on the underside of coconut leaves. They produce an itchy, burning sensation and affect fowl that consume them with extreme debility.

dalipasù (from pásù) n a k.o. skin protrusion like a pasù, n1, in appearance, having a clear liquid content, caused by the bite of a mite found in loose, powdery soil.

dalipsut = dalipsù.

damagan3 a careless in doing one’s work. Dì giyud magkadimáu ning íyang búhat kay damagan kaáyu, Her work is always a mess because she is so careless. v [B125] be careless in doing s.t.

†damikà, damíkà v 2 [A; b6] sit flat on the floor, usually with the legs crossed at the ankles. Gidamikaan níla ang húgaw nga salug, They sat sprawled on the dirty floor.

dámun = kanámù (dialectal). see kami.

†dánag v 2 be unaware of what is going on round about one. Nagdánag lang ang bána sa dautang líhuk sa íyang asáwa, The husband is unaware of the terrible things his wife is doing.

†danggit -in- n 2 position in sexual intercourse where the partners both lie on their sides and the man faces the woman’s back. v 2 [A; a] do it in this position.

†daplak v 3 [B3(1)6] be lying flat on the ground. Giánay ang trúsu nga nagdaplak sa yútà, The log that is lying flat on the ground has gotten infested with termites. Nadaplak ang bátang nadugmù sa balas, The child stumbled and fell flat on the sand.

dapli, daplì v [A; c] put, set aside. Mìdaplì siya sa íyang buluhatun pag-abut námù, She put the things she was working on aside when we arrived. Nagdaplì kug sud-an pára ninyu, I set some food aside for you. Nakadapli kug duha ka gatus ka písus, I have put aside two hundred pesos.

†daplin pa- v 1a [A2; c] put aside s.t. one is [1150]doing. Mipadaplin siya sa íyang gibása ug namátì sa tabì, She put aside what she was reading and listened to gossip.

dápul bag n duffel bag. v [c1] place in a duffel bag. Dapulbága (idápul bag) ang tanang bulingun, Put all the soiled clothes in a duffel bag.

†dáru n 2 plowed field. daruhan n 2 animal used for plowing.

datsun n dachshund.

†dátù3 sakit ug, sa — n TB (from the notion that one who has TB should have a total rest).

dátù3 n k.o. crudely distilled medicinal liquor of local make.

dawa v [B46; b6] for the blood in a dish of dugùdugù to curdle.

dawungdung a, v1, 2 = dagungdung. 3 = dayungyung.

†dáyun -in- n 3 continuous in one piece. Dináyun ang karsúnis ug kamisadintru, The shirt and the trousers are sewn together.

2 n word used to call pigs. v [A; c1] call a pig by saying dì, dì, dì. dìdì2 = .

†dibisiyun n 1a school division. — syupirintindint n Division Superintendent of Schools.

diditi n DDT.

didtut = didtu.

dík = 2.

dikyam = kyamuy.

dimasyádu, dimasyáwu = masyádu.

†dipirinsiya -du(←) a defective. Dipirinsiyádu siyag matris, She has a defective uterus. v [B126] develop a defect.

diprisyun n depression of atmospheric pressure. May diprisyun kunu kay may bagyu, They say that there’s a depression because there is a storm coming.

†diskarga v 1b [A; b(1)] defecate or urinate (colloquial). Mudiskarga úsà ta dinhi kay way mga táwu, Let’s urinate here because there is no one around.

diskutsu = biskutsu.

†dispatsar v 5 [A; a12] tell s.o. off, say s.t. curtly to s.o. Dispatsahun ka lag ingun nga wà kay kwalipikasiyun, They will just tell you curtly that you are not qualified.

†dispatsu n errand boy. v [B126; a12] be an errand boy.

†dispuwis 2 therefore, so. Miingun ka nagdamgu ka, dispuwis natúlug ka, You said you were dreaming, so you must have been sleeping.

†distansiya v 2 [A23; a] give an opponent an advantage of a certain distance in a race. Mudistansiya ka níyag lima ka dupa? Will you give him an advantage of five lengths?

distinar v [A; c] 1 assign s.o. s.w. for a job. Supirintindinti mauy nagdistinar nákù dinhis isla, The superintendent assigned me to this island. 2 be destined to a certain fate. Gidistinar ku sa pag-antus, I was destined to suffer.

distribyútur n distributor of an engine.

distrungkǎr = istrungkǎr.

†distsards unurabul, dis-unurabul — honorable, dishonorable discharge. v [A; c] give an honorable, dishonorable discharge.

dramstik n ice-cream cone shaped like a drumstick.

dridyir n dredger, for clearing out or deepening channels, harbors. v [A; b6] dredge out.

drísing v [A; b6(1)] dress a wound or sore. n dressing for a wound.

duak = dukà.

†duas v 2 [B] rot or wear down from exposure to the elements. Bísan ang dagkung batu muduas sa kadugáyan, Even large rocks wear out with time.

dugsaw = dugsak.

†duha v 2 [b(1)] do s.t. with both hands. Bug-at nà. Kinahanglan duhaan nímu pag-aswat, It’s so heavy you have to lift it with both hands.

†dukà v 2 [B1456] for light to flicker or to burn unsteadily. Nagdukà ang lamparilya kay wà na nay gás, The lamplight is flickering. It must be out of kerosene.

†dulurúsa — ug nawung, panagway a having a sad look on the face. Dulurúsag dagway kay gibulagan sa trátu, She has a sad look because her boy friend left her.

dulyan = duryan.

dumikà = damikà.

†dungug dunggánun a 2 having the reputation of being a vampire (unglù). Dunggánun kaáyu nang pamilyáha, The people in that family are reputed to be vampires. v [B126] get to be reputed to be a vampire.

dyíay n 1 an American soldier during World War II. 2 a six-by-six lorry. 3 acronym for galvanized iron.

dyú term of address to American men (from the WW II appellation of American GI’s). Máni, dyú, Give me money, Joe.

†gabíi gabíing gabhiúna exactly last night. Gabíing gabhiúna mukrás ang ayruplánu, The plane crashed just last night.

gabing2 n a dependent that is an encumbrance. Makalakaw ku bísan ása kay wà kuy gabing, I can go out anywhere because there is no one I have to stay home for.

gábing = gabling. [1151]

gái short for tagái. see *tágà.

gakàgákà = bakàbakà. see bákà.

†galinggaling n 2 k.o. cicada that makes noise in the late afternoon.

gangstir n gangster. v [B16; b6] be, become a gangster.

†gangù v 2 [AB; a] for a small or slender object joined to s.t. else or a continuation of s.t. to break off, get detached; cause it to do so. Migangù ang tiil sa lamísa, The leg of the table broke off. Wà siya makagangù sa sanga, He was not able to break the branch off.

garantisar v [A] give assurance that s.t. is as asserted. Garantisaran ta kang mulampus ning batáa, I can guarantee you that this boy will succeed.

gardim = gádim.

gardímit = gadímit.

garis n 1 k.o. itchy skin disease caused by a mite, usually spreading over large areas of the body. 2 very light scratches, as one would get from brushing against s.t. v 1 [A123P; a4] get this skin disease. Garisun giyud ka ug magsígi kag táak sa lápuk, You’ll get scabies if you keep wading in the mud. 2 [B126; b8] be lightly scratched. -un a having this skin ailment.

*gats may — have the guts to do s.t. May gats ka ug makawan tu tri kas Wayt Guld, You have got to have guts to steal s.t. at the White Gold.

gay n intimate nickname among young men (colloquial). Muuban ka námug panúruy, gay? Won’t you go out with us, buddy?

gidlaw = ginlaw.

†gílis (→) v [A] for palm leaflets to separate. Sa dì pa makagilis ang lubi, piligru sa mga mananap, Before the leaflets of the coconut palm frond break apart, the plants are in danger of being eaten by harmful insects.

gil iskáwut n girl scout. v [B126; b6] be, become a girl scout.

giníya n guinea fowl.

gíwaw v [B; b6] start to appear or come out from behind a hiding place. Migíwaw na ang adlaw sa pagmata nákù, The sun had started to appear when I woke up. Dì pa makagíwaw ang turuk sa pugas humay sa duha ka adlaw, In two days the rice sprouts still won’t have come out. n s.t. that has started to appear.

†grába v [b5] pave with gravel.

†grádu n 5 degree of a fever.

†grátis — it amúri = grátis.

gráyin n k.o. dance characterized by grinding action. v [A] do the grind.

†gúlang ma-(→) 3a — sa hátag, pangáyù so cheap it is practically being given away, being asked for for nothing. Kanang ímung hangyù maguwang lang sa pangáyù, You’re offering so little, you might as well just ask me to give it to you.

gús n gauze.

gutì2 a small. Ang mga gutì kaáyung mga sigay maáyung isungkà, The small cowries are good to play sungkà with. v [B; b6] be, become small in amount, size. Mugutì (magutì) ang inyung kapital ug sigíhag útang, You’re going to run out of capital if you keep extending credit.

gúwing istrit v [B146] go straight, follow the straight and narrow. Kaniadtu gibuguybugúyan níya ang pag-iskuyla, karun naggúwing istrit na siya, He used to fool around with his studies, but now he is serious. a following the straight and narrow.

hábir sak n knapsack.

†hagkut — ug kamut light-fingered. Ayaw isayàsayà ang ímung kwarta kay hagkut ra bag kamut ang mga mutsatsa dinhi, Don’t leave your money around because the maids around here are light-fingered.

hàhà v [A; b6] clean s.t. in water by swishing it around. Ákù nang gihàháan ang mga piníkas nga isdà, I swished the split fish around in the sea to clean them.

hákut(→)2 v [A1] for a boil to accumulate pus. Mag-ugnap ang hubag nga maghakut ug nánà, A boil develops a throbbing pain when it begins to accumulate pus.

halag = halaghag.

halahála n the halahala, a k.o. dance. v [A] do the halahala.

halíya n jelly, jam. v [A1; a2] make a fruit jelly.

haltir n women’s upper garment designed like a halter. v [A; c1] make into this sort of garment.

hambù = hambuk.

hamilsing2 a healthy, growing well. Hamilsing ang mga tanum sa walug, The plants in the valley are healthy. Hamilsing ang bátà nga pinainum ug gátas, A child who is fed with milk is healthy. v [B] be, become healthy.

hamuy2 = hamluy.

hantir a sharpshooter. Hantir kaáyu siya. Makaigù ug langgam nga maglupad, He is a good shot. He can fell a bird on the wing.

hapaag v [A; b5] playfully jump on s.o. Natumba ming duha kay mihapaag man siya nákù nga walà ku kabantay, We both fell to the ground because he jumped on me when I wasn’t looking. [1152]

†hapnut a 2 for a mixture of solids and liquids to be smooth and stiff. v [B; a12] be, become smooth and thick. Muhapnut ang sikwáti ug ayúhun ug kusukúsu, Chocolate becomes smooth and thick if it is well stirred.

hapsak n hopsacking, a k.o. rough, loosely woven fabric used for clothing. v [A13] wear s.t. of hopsacking.

háras v [A; a] harass. Pulis ang nagháras sa mga pumipilì, The police harassed the voters.

hard líbur n sentence to hard labor in prison.

†haum v 1 [A23] apply aptly. Pangartíyu sa bálak sa ininglis nga muhaum sa pamálak nga binisayà, Techniques in writing English poetry that are applicable as well to Visayan poetry.

háwung v 1 [A; a123] rekindle s.t. smouldering to produce a flame. Hawnga tung káyu kay maglung-ag na ta, Rekindle the fire because we are going to cook rice now. 2 encourage s.o.’s burning interest or desire of s.t. Ang íyang pag-apil-apil sa dráma nakahawung sa íyang tingúhà nga maartista, Her parts in small plays fanned her interest in becoming an actress.

hibul v [AN; b6] dress a chicken. Ákung hibulan ang manuk nga ímung giíhaw, I’ll dress the chicken that you killed.

hidláyin n headlines of a newspaper. v [B126; c1] be in the headlines of a newspaper. Nahidlayin ang kamatáyun ni Kinidi, President Kennedy’s death was in the headlines.

híkaw3 n bracelet.

†híkug n suicide.

hinhin2 a women refined and delicate in manners (colloquial). pa- v [A1] behave gently and refinedly. Bágis kaáyu nang bayhána apan magpahinhin dáyun igpamisíta sa íyang trátu, She’s a rough sort of woman, but when her boy friend calls on her, she is ever so delicate.

†hitak hitakhitak v [A13; b(1)] play around in the mud, jumping around in it or walking back and forth in it.

†hitsu v 2 [a] do s.t. to completion, to the finish. Hitsúa ang usa ka búhat úsà ka magsúgud ug láing buluhatun, Finish one piece of work before you start s.t. else. Wà pa ku níya hitsúi ug báyad, He has not paid me in full.

†hiyá(←) 2 [B146] be growing, produced in abundance. Barátu ang mangga karun kay naghíya pagbúnga, Mangoes are cheap because they are fruiting in vast quantities.

†hubag v 2a — ang pusud v [B4; b6] become pregnant (humorous).

hubashúbas a money coming and going at irregular intervals. Hubashúbas ning panápì sa sugarul, For gamblers, money comes and goes at irregular intervals. v [A3] for money to come and go at irregular intervals.

†hulam v 3 [A; b5] develop uncultivated land belonging to s.o. else and cultivate it without sharing with the owner. Hulamun (hulaman) nákù ang ímung lasang ug napúlù ka túig, I’ll clear your forest and cultivate it for ten years without sharing.

†hulat v 4 [c6] set s.t. aside to have it in readiness for an event or suitable occasion. Ayawg ibaligyà! Ihulat ug maáyung prisyu! Don’t sell it! Keep it in readiness until you can get a good price for it.

hulbut sínaw n sexual intercourse (humorous allusion—word play on English ‘All boats are in the sea now’—lit. pull it out, it’s glistening). Hulbut sínaw sa buntag? Doing ‘it’ in the morning? v [C] do the hulbut sínaw.

hulstir n holster. v [A; b6] use a holster, put in a holster.

†hulughúlug = bùbuay. see bùbù.

†hulungíhung v [a12] be rumored. Gihulungíhung nga makadawat kitag búnus, There’s a rumor going around that we’re going to get a bonus.

hurnǎl n a laborer who does odd, heavy manual work. v [B6; b6] do heavy, odd jobs. Dì ku maghurnǎl sa piyir kay bug-at kaáyu ang pangalsáhun, I can’t be a laborer at the pier because they make you carry terribly heavy things. pa- v [A; b6] hire s.o. to do heavy labor.

huswà2 v [A2; b6] leave the bed undone after waking up. Kining mga batáa mu rag mga úmang. Muhuswà lang sa ílang higdaánan inigmata, These children are like hermit crabs. They leave their beds undone when they get up.

hútuy2 n a reddish swelling on the skin due to a burn or disease, soft with water beneath. v [B2S3(1); b4] get this sort of swelling. Mihútuy ang íyang buktun nga nayab-an sa ínit túbig, She developed a big red blister on her arm when she spilled hot water on it.

†huwis — diprimir istansiya n judge in the Court of First Instance.

†igurut 2 euphemism for ignuranti.

†ihap v [b(1)] give s.o. a count to three to get going. Iphan ta ka kay bunálan ta kag dì ka mulíhuk, I’ll count three. If you don’t move, I’ll whip you.

†íhì n 2 liquid excretion of some worms and millipedes. Ang íhì sa labud makapásù kunu, [1153]They say millepede excretions burn the skin.

*ikman tigúlang — a a very old person.

†ikstra bágids n third party when there is a couple (humorous). v [B126] be a third party. Ayawg uban kay maikstra bágids ka, Don’t come with us because two is a company, three is a crowd. -lards n extra large size.

†ila1 v 4a dílì, walà — [A23] not mind, take into consideration as s.t. worth noting. Trabahanti nga walà muilag ulag ínit paghuman sa taytáyan, Workers that didn’t mind the rain and heat in building the bridge.

ilidyitimit n illegitimate child. v [B1256] be an illegitimate child.

†ilígal — pusisiyun n illegal possession of firearms. v [B1256] be booked for illegal possession.

ilik v [A; c1] elect or vote for s.o. for a position in school. Nag-ilik mig mga upisyal sa ámung klási, We elected our class officers.

†imbalsamar imbalsamádu n embalmed.

impirmu n ill or wounded soldier. v [A; c1] for a soldier to be admitted to the infirmary. Impirmúhun (iimpirmu) ang sundálung magdaut, Sick soldiers are admitted to the infirmary.

impiyirmu = impirmu.

inday2 = ambut (dialectal).

indibag a in the bag, very certain that s.t. will come out as one wishes (colloquial). Indibag na ang ímung kadaúgan kay gipamalit man nímu ang mga butanti, Your election is in the bag because you bought lots of votes. v [B126] be, become in the bag.

inggrasadur n one in charge of lubricating an engine in a ship. v [B1; c1] work as an engine oiler.

Ingk n acronym for Iglisya ni Kristu.

ingkargu v [A; c1] order s.t. by list. Nag-ingkargu na kug mga dapat sa balay, I have ordered the things we need to build the house.

†Inglis — ispíking n one who uses English in daily conversation, even at home. v [B126] become an English speaker.

ini = kini1 (dialectal).

inkargu = ingkargu.

insisaryu = insinsaryu.

instraktur n school instructor. v [B156] be, become a school instructor.

instrumintal n instrumental (as opposed to a vocal) musical number. Instrumintal na puy ákung ipatukar, I’ll put on an instrumental number this time.

†insultu insultadur a given to insulting people.

†intirnal v 2 [A; a2] give an internal medical examination. — himurids n internal hemorrhage.

intrabínus n intravenous feeding or injection. v [A; a1] give an intravenous injection.

†intráda n 6 the coming-in of an accompanying instrument. Sayup ang ímung intráda. Nag-una ka ra sa tayming, You didn’t come in right. You were ahead of the beat.

ip-is n surplus navy ships used for inter-island shipping (so called from the legend FS painted on the sides).

iri = kiri (dialectal).

irpap n hairstyle of the early Twenties where the hair was tied into a knot in the back and puffed around the ears.

†isdà — sa insik groupers (lapulápu), so called because Chinese are fond of buying this fish. — sa mintiryu k.o. large, fleshy catfish (tambangúngu) which in folk belief is said to be the body of a corpse turned into a fish by magic powers.

ísi3 n 2 metal bar or rod formed into a letter S, usually hooked on to a horizontal bar and used for hanging objects.

iskram2 scram, get out of here.

ispiktur = inspiktur.

†ispiritu n 3 walay — lifeless, without spirit. Walay ispiritung ikasulti, A person who doesn’t react when one talks to him.

†ispisyal — minsiyun having especial mention, getting publicity for s.t. v [B126; a1] get publicly mentioned. Naúlaw siya nga naispisyal minsiyun ang íyang pagkaismaglir, He was embarrassed to hear his name mentioned in connection with smuggling.

isplit3 v [A; c1] split a class or political party. Ang way pagsinabtanay mauy nakaisplit sa partídu, Lack of mutual understanding split the party. Isplitun (iisplit) ang klási ug dakù ra, The class is split if it is too big.

†ispunsur n 4 sponsor of a wedding. v 4 [A; b(1)] be, become a wedding sponsor.

ispur is n acronym for ‘smooth four sides’ (S-4-S), a classification of lumber, all four surfaces of which have been planed. a beautiful girl (humorous).

istínu n stenography. v [A; c1] write in shorthand.

istraglir n an outsider who mingles with a group, one who doesn’t belong to a group (humorous). Nakúlang ang pagkáun sa parti kay dúnay daghang istraglir, There wasn’t enough food at the party because there were so many gate-crashers. v [B156] be a gate-crasher, go with a group one does not belong to.

istritkat n straight cut pants. v [c16] tailor trousers in the straight cut style. [1154]

istú is n acronym for ‘smooth two sides’ (S-2-S), a classification of lumber, only the top and bottom surfaces of which have been planed.

íyay a asking for sympathy, affection by crying. Íyay kaáyung bayhána. Gamay lang kaáyu nga sakit muhílak dáyun, She whines a lot. The slightest thing and she has to burst into tears.

†kabáyù kabayùkabáyù n 3 a toy-horse race which determines winners by lottery.

†kadastral v [A; c1] for lands to be surveyed for tax purposes. Kadastrálun (ikadastral) ang tanang yútà sa búkid, All the lands on the mountain will be surveyed for tax purposes.

kamagung v [B23] be, become dark-complexioned. Nakamagung na ka sa pagkinalígù sa dágat, You have become dark because you always bathe in the sea.

kaman v [A] give a military command. Nikaman ug atinsiyun ang sarhintu, The sergeant gave the command of attention. n military command.

kamanir = kamaníru (humorous).

kampíhì n k.o. tiny crab of the sand with one pincer considerably larger than the other.

kantar v 1 [A; c6] call s.t. out loud to notify people within earshot. Kinsa kadtung ngálan ang ikantar dúul, Whoever’s name is called out, come forward. 2 [c6] for documents, letters or any official paper to state s.t. Ang gikantar sa papílis mau nga akuy tag-íya sa yútà, The document states that I am the owner of the land.

kanugkug v [A] roar with a low, continuous rumble. Mga kanyǔn nga nagkanugkug pagbumbardíyu sa baybay, Thundering cannons shelling the shore.

karapkarap = kurapkurap.

kárat n 1 carat, unit of weight of precious stones or metals. 2 may, walay — having (not having) money. Gwápa untà siya apan way kárat, She is beautiful but she doesn’t have a cent.

†karbun n 3 a black speck in a diamond, considered a flaw in the stone.

†karta -s cards, mahjong pieces (plural).

kas-a2 v [A; b5] tell s.o. frankly. Kas-aha (kas-ahi) ug sulti arun dì magdahum nga gastúhan siya sa íyang pag-iskuyla, Tell him frankly not to count on our sending him to school because we don’t have the money to do so.

kásir n cashier. v [B126; b6] have, be, become a cashier.

kasyir = kásir.

kátir2 -ir(→) n caterer of food and food service. v [B156] be, become a caterer.

katlà v [A2; a] cut with the tips of the scissors. Katláa ang panaptun, Clip the cloth with the tip of the scissors. Ikatlà ang gunting, Use the tip of the scissors to cut it.

katsuy = hatsuy.

kaw-ing = kab-ing.

kidni n kidney ailment. batu sa — kidney stone. sakit sa — = kidni.

kighud v [B4] for the tide to go out. Manginhas ta ug mukighud ang taúbun, We will gather shells when the tide begins to ebb. n the receding of the tide.

kimúnu n k.o. sweat jacket used in judo or karate. v 1 [A; c] wear a kimúnu. 2 [a12] make into a kimúnu.

kiwat v [b8] be hit with the tip of a slender object. Ayawg ikiwatkíwat nang rúlir kay hikiwatan ta, Don’t wave the ruler around. We might be hit. kiwatkíwat v [c] wave slender objects about.

krak3 a crack company in military training. v [B; c1] be, become a crack company.

krak4 v [A; a] work a handgun mechanism to make it ready for firing, usually with a clicking round. n sound of the cocking of a rifle.

†krismas v 2 [B146] put up Christmas decorations. Krísis kaáyu ta karung tuíga. Dì lang ta magkrismas, We don’t have any money this year, so let’s not put up any decorations.

†Kristu n Christ in his various roles. Ang -ng Diyus Christ God. Ang -ng Hárì Christ the King. -ng Hisus Jesus Christ. -ng manunúbus Christ, the savior.

kruwis v [A; a] take a cruise for pleasure.

kudlungun n k.o. marine crab, poisonous to eat, growing to 4″, having fine hair on the legs and having uneven bulges at the back.

†kúgi kinugíhan n 2 one’s children (humorous).

†kulasísi n 2 husband’s paramour. v [A1; c1] maintain a paramour.

kulintas = kwintas1.

†kulur — dikarni a flesh-colored.

†kumbinsiyun kunstitusyunal — n Constitutional Convention.

kumpay2 = kúpay.

†kumpisal v 3 [AN] defecate (humorous). -an(←), kumpisinaryu n 2 toilet (humorous). Túa pa sa kumpisálan, She’s still out back.

kumpus pit n compost pit.

kunbinsyun = kumbinsiyun.

kunsirba2, kunsirbǎr v [A; a] conserve s.t. Ákung kunsirbahun (kunsirbarun, ikunsirbǎr) [1155]ang mga karáang mga butang sa ákung mga apuhan, I’ll save the old things which belong to my grandparents.

†kuntra — risíbu n document entered upon to nullify a previous document. v [b(1)] execute a document of this sort. Ámung gikuntra risibúhan ang dukumintu sa pálit, We have executed a document nullifying the sale.

kurasunáda = kursunáda.

labanu = gwayabanu.

lagang2 a a woman who is completely bald. v [B12; b] for a woman to become bald. Gilagangan ang bátang punúun arun sayun pagtambal, They cut all the hair off the child with scabies so that it would be easy to treat her.

lagpat v [A2; b8] do s.t. by chance, at random. Hilagpatan kug pílì ang kukakúla nga may lakináyin, I happened to choose the bottle of coke that had the lucky nine prize in the cap. pa- n s.t. done or said in guesswork. Tubag nga palagpat básun na lag swirtihun, Answer I just guessed at in the wild hope that it would come out to be right.

†lagus sa ímung, íyang — expression of disbelief. Unásis sa ímung lagus nga wà gánì tuy diyuy! Onassis, my foot! He doesn’t have a penny!

†lagut v 3 walay gi- not have anything to eat. Bisag way gilagut mutan-aw giyud ug sini, Even when there is no money for food, she has to go to the show.

laksit = laksì.

†lála a 3 having destructive effects on plants. Lálang háyup ang kanding kay dílì tubúan ang ílang sinibsiban, Goats are destructive animals because they nibble at plants in such a way that they won’t grow back.

†lamánu v 1a [AC3] for couples to join their hands or have their hands joined in the wedding ceremony. Nagkalamánu na ang gikasal sa dihang may mibábag, The priest had already told the couple to take each other’s hands when s.o. stopped the ceremony.

lampak v [A; c1] for a bamboo tree to bend and crack but not break. Lampákun (ilampak) sa hángin ang kawáyan, The wind bends and cracks the bamboo tree.

†lána 2 — sa hílug n consecrated oil used for the extreme unction.

†landig 1a — sa pantalan sa himáyà v [A2; b(1)] ask a woman for coital access for the first time (euphemism). Kurdaping, makahímù bang mulandig ku sa pantalan sa himáyà? Cordaping, let us enter the bower of bliss together.

†lantáka n 2 k.o. cannon used by the Spaniards.

Lapulápu2 the chieftain of Mactan who fought against Magellan in 1521. dílà ni — the Cebuano language (literary). kalíwat ni — Cebuanos (literary).

largit = larga, v, 1b.

law-it v [A; c1] 1 hook s.t., pick up with a hook. Nakalaw-it silag sapátus dunut, They hooked an old shoe. Law-íti ang sáku, Pick up the sack with a hook. 2 hang s.t. on a hook, over s.t. like on a hook. Gwápa ang milaw-it ug lukung sa búlak sa íyang líug, A beautiful lady hung a garland around his neck. Lansang ang law-íti, Hang it on the nail. n hook to catch things.

lay short for alálay.

libud n k.o. very small fish having transparent flesh and dark-grey rings around its body.

†ligal — nga asáwa, bána, anak a lawful wife, husband, legitimate child. — nga siparasiyun legal separation. v [A2; c1] make an agreement official. Ligalun (iligal) nátù ning átung sábut, We’ll make our agreement official.

†lígù paka- sa buláwan, pláta v [a12] gold-, silver-plated. pinaka- sa buláwan, pláta gold-, silver-plated.

lihud n awl, a small slender metal hand instrument for piercing small holes. v [A; c1] use an awl, make into an awl.

†likì n 2 female genitalia (humorous euphemism).

liúgat see ugat.

líup v [A; c1] be laid off from work. n 1 one who has been laid off. 2 action of laying off. †liwat ka-(←) n 2a — ni Adan men as a group. — ni Íbà women as a group. ka-an(←) n = kalíwat, 1.

†lublub v 2a [A13; b(1)] stay and live with s.o. for some time. Túa na lang giyud maglublub si Lusyu sa íyang badyikdyik. Wà na lay uliúlì sa íla, Lucio has finally gone to live with his woman. He doesn’t bother going home any more.

lunghan v [c1] write s.t. in longhand, as opposed to shorthand or in typewritten form.

†lupad v 4a — ang, sa ispiritu [B246; c2] be terribly frightened. Milupad (gilúpad) ang ákung ispiritu sa íyang dakung tíngug, I was terribly frightened by his loud voice.

lupug a 1 weak and wobbly. Lupug siya kay bag-u pang naáyu, He is weak because he just recovered from an illness. 2 crippled. v [B; b6] be, become weak, crippled. Nalupug siya human mahúlug, He became crippled after he suffered a fall. [1156]

lúrù2 v [AN; a] stare at s.o. with a sharp look. Gilurúan níya ang bátà, maung mihílak, He gave the child a sharp look, and it burst into tears.

†luyu tagluyúan a be related to each other in two ways through both the maternal and paternal lines. Tagluyúan mi kay magsúun ang ámung isig ka inahan ug ámung isig ka amahan, We are related twice through both our fathers and our mothers because our mothers are sisters and our fathers are brothers. v [B156] be, become related on both the paternal and maternal sides.

maagmaag v [B; c1] talk or write without coherence. Nagmaagmaag ang diskursu sa pulitiku, The politician is talking incoherently.

mádirn = múdirn.

magkunu n 1 k.o. large forest tree furnishing dark maroon wood, harder than stone, highly resistant to water, used for foundations of large buildings, ships, deadeyes, et al. 2 deadeye.

magkut = hagkut.

†maistru v 3 [A; b(1)] be an initiator of mischief. Way láing nagmaistru niíning binúang kun dì ikaw, No one else could have started this mischief but you.

†makinilya v 3 [A; c1] use a windlass or winch to hoist s.t. Nagmakinilya siya sa písì sa angkla, He is winding the anchor line around the windlass.

mámaw n bogeyman. Ayawg kanáug sa sílung kay náay mámaw, Don’t go out because there is a bogeyman.

Mandarin n Mandarin Chinese.

manipistu n manifesto of passengers or cargo on a boat or plane.

†manday 2b instead of doing what is expected. Manday palitan ug sapátus, midílì núun. Minì, Just when I was about to buy him a pair of shoes he didn’t want any. The fool!

†mánu manumánu v 1a [A; b5] do s.t. by hand without the aid of mechanical devices. Gimanumánu (gimanumanúhan) lang námù ning pagpanghulma ug halu blak, We are molding the hollow blocks by hand. 2 [A; b5] do s.t. alone by oneself. Aku ray mumanumánu sa ákung balay, I’ll build my house by myself.

máping2 — upirisyun v [A1] mop up after a battle wiping out the rest of the enemy force. Nagmáping upirisyun ang Hapun sa búkid, The Japanese had a mopping-up operation in the mountains. n mopping-up operation.

†Maríya — agwanta the personification of a woman who is resistant to heavy work, punishment, abuse. Ayaw ku paalsáha ug bug-at kay dílì ku si Maríya Agwanta, Don’t make me lift heavy objects because I’m not Maria Agwanta.

martinis, martínis n variety of bisul with purplish, compact meat.

masusuylu n rough, granular spots on the gums of a baby of several weeks. v [A13; a4] for an infant to have rough, granular spots on the gums. Gimasusuylu (nagmasusuylu) ang bátà, The baby has rough, granular spots on the gums. masusuyluhun a having this sort of problem.

†matay ka-(←) n 2 epidemic, pestilence. Gúbat, gútum, ug kamátay mauy mga katalagman nga kastígu sa Diyus, War, famine, and pestilence are the calamities which God sends as punishment.

mawmaw = mámaw.

†midiya — lútu n mourning halfway with black and white clothing. v [A; c1] be in halfway mourning. Magmidiya lútu ku human sa tulu ka búlan sa pagkamatay sa ákung amahan, I’ll go out of full mourning three months after my father’s death.

míni = miniskirt.

†min-ibint -ir n 1 the boxer of the main bout. 2 the chief protagonist in a fight or quarrel (humorous).

minimu1 n minimum amount or quantity. v [A; c] do s.t. to a certain amount as the minimum. Kun muminimu (makaminimu) tag hálig usa ka líbu matag adlaw dílì ta maalkansi, If we could make a sale of at least one thousand pesos a day, we won’t lose. Sa byáhi kinahanglang iminimu ang ímung gastu bwáhan dílì ka mahutdan, When you travel, keep your expenses to the minimum so you won’t run out.

miringgi2 female genitalia of a child (humorous).

mirku krum = mikru krum.

míya n acronym for the Manila International Airport.

†múdus — upirandi n modus operandi, system employed for doing s.t., esp. against the law.

†mutung paN- v [A2] be, become violent when desperate. Nangmutung ang ulitáwu nga wà sugta, The young man became violent because he was spurned.

námun = námù (dialectal). see kami.

nárik n relief clothing, used or second-hand clothing from the States (humorous).

†natural v 2 [c1] do s.t. in one’s natural way. Inatural (naturala) lang pagkanta. Ayaw [1157]ipanundug ni Prank Sinatra, Just sing it your own natural way. Don’t imitate Frank Sinatra.

nayitgáwun n nightgown. v [A; c1] wear, make into a nightgown.

†ngísi 1a nagngisi mu rag búhì v [B2S] grin stupidly. Wang kasabut sa gisúgù maung nagngisi mu rag búhì, He didn’t understand the order, so he is grinning stupidly. †

ninya buníta = ninyu bunítu (female). see ninyu.

ninyu — inusintis = inusintis, n4.

nípa n acronym for the National Economic Protectionism Association.

†numíru di- a done by the number. Dinumiru ang ílang pagtawag sa ílang mga binatunan, They call their servants by shouting out a number.

†nutaryu — publiku n notary public. v [B16] be, become a notary public.

†pabur -abli a 1 favorable. 2 in favor. Paburabli kaáyu ku sa ímung mga plánu, I’m very favorable to your plans. v [B12; b6] 1 be advantageous or favorable to. Ug mapaburabli ang hángin sayu tang muabut sa píkas isla, If the wind is favorable we’ll get to the other island quickly. 2 be in favor of s.t.

†paka- 1a added to nouns to form verbs meaning ‘assert oneself, act like a [noun]’. Kay dì ka man kirída magpakaasáwa ka, You are not a paramour, so assert your rights as a wife. Pagpakamagulang. Buyaga ang ímung manghud, Show you’re the older brother. Tell your younger brother to stop doing it.

pakbit n dish of vegetables and meat with gravy, originating with the Ilocanos. v [A; c1] make, have pakbit. -in- = pakbit.

†pálà1 (→) n eraser.

pálas n Palace of Justice.

†palit (←) v 3 [C13] make a sale with a customer. Dì ta magkapálit sa prisyu nga ímung gitanyag, We cannot make the sale because I cannot give it to you for the price you offer.

palsi walsi a be palsy walsy. v [B; b6] be, become palsy-walsy.

†palu alúlung — (not without l) expression of derision said to s.o. whose request was denied. Alúlung palu. Wà siya tugtis pagsúruy, Nma, nma, nma. You weren’t allowed to go out.

†pamínaw v [A2] for a treatment or medicine to give temporary relief. Ígù lang mamínaw ug kadiyut sa sakit kining ákung tambal, This medicine just gives me temporary relief.

pamugkat v [A; b6] go s.w. very early in the morning. Nakapamugkat kug puspuru sa tindáhan kay nahutdan mig úhas, I went to the store very early in the morning because we ran out of matches.

†pamúu pinamuhúan n compensation for work done. Daghan kag mais nga pinamuhúan, You managed to get lots of corn in compensation for your labor.

†pan — byína k.o. bread baked in a large, rounded loaf. diagwa, dilitsi, dilmundu, ilmundu, ilpuwiblu n k.o. bread shaped like two large buns joined together. — dipásas raisin bread. — pransis French bread, a k.o. elongated hard bread.

panghalwan n barracuda.

parian n a small gathering of people in villages to engage in business on a small scale, gamble, take in entertainments. v 1 [A1] hold a parian. paN- v [A23] attend a parian.

pariti n a law granting Americans equal rights with Filipinos in the Philippines.

pasgaw n a k.o. nongregarious wasp bigger than the lampínig and which gives a painful sting.

†pásis v 3 [AC; b5] for two or more people to hook their little fingers as a sign that their quarrel is settled.

†pasku — sa pagkatáwu n the Nativity.

pasyandu v [A] take a leisurely walk when one is supposed to be doing s.t. Uy, mupasyandu giyud ku. Dì bitaw mudágan nang búhat, I’m going for a walk. Anyway, the work won’t run away. — dulur pakítà sa balur v [A] walk about for want of anything better to do. Human na mang iksámin, dì magpasyandu dulur magpakítà sa balur, The examination is over so now I can just stroll about.

†patrǔn midyur, maynur — n a captain of a small passenger or cargo boat. v [B6; c1] be, become a captain of this sort.

†pílay -in- n hair style with the hair parted in the middle and laid flat to the sides.

†pildi v 4 [A12; a3] break s.t., usually of ordinary value. Ayawg dulái nà kay makapildi ka, wà kay ibáyad, Don’t play with that because you have no money to pay for it if you break it.

†pilit a 2 for mechanisms to hold or function efficiently. Pilit ug brík ang íyang awtu, His car’s brakes function efficiently.

pinakbit = pakbit.

pitrun n patron of a benefit performance. tíkit n patron ticket.

*piutpiut panimáhung — v [A2] smell unpleasant. Ang mga bátang gipaningut nanimáhung [1158]piutpiut, The children smell unpleasant because they are sweating.

planting rayis n aerial bombing where bombs are spaced to obtain contiguous but not overlapping burst coverage. v [A13; a12] bomb in this way.

†primíru -ng buling dirt on the outside of s.t. — makinista n chief engineer. v [B6; b6] be, become a chief engineer.

†pugà v 1b [A; b(1)] put s.t. into s.t. else coupled with squeezing action. Kinahanglan pug-ag asin ang paliya arun mawálà ang kapait, You have to squeeze the ampalaya out with salt to get rid of the bitter taste.

†púkaw v 3 [A12; c6] drink alcohol the morning after a drinking bout to sober up. Ug tubà ang makahubug sa gabíi, tubà ra puy makapúkaw, If you get drunk on palm toddy, the only thing that can sober you up the next morning is toddy. 4 [A12; c6] cause the oil to come out of fermented coconut extract by pouring boiling water into it before cooking it. Ang ínit túbig mauy makapúkaw sa tinang-ug nga bulalakawun, Hot water makes the oil come out of the fermented coconut juice when it has become all foamy.

†pulsu v 3 [A] throb, pulsate. Nagpulsu ang ákung dungandúngan sa kasakit, My temple is throbbing with pain.

pungaw n k.o. owl.

†pungkù = lingkud, v4. a squat (used only in set phrases). — ug ilung a for a nose to be squat. Ilung ray gadakù ánang putúta kay pungkù kaáyu, Everything is diminutive in that midget except his squat nose. — ug tútuy a for breasts to be firm. Pungkù ug tútuy ang babáyi basta dì pa manganak, A woman’s breasts are firm before she has a baby. v [B12] for breasts to become firm.

†puphu v 2a [A12; a3] acquire, get s.t. exclusively of the sort several people would normally share. Ang bugtung anak mauy nakapuphu sa pagkabutangs tigúlang, The only son inherited the old man’s estate.

purbisung = prubisung.

purmas n Host, the bread of the Eucharist.

pusdit v [A; c16] postdate. Way dipusitu. Átù na lang ipusdit (pusdítun) ang tsíki, There is no money in the bank so we’ll just postdate the check. -id a post-dated.

pusisit = puririt.

puspurit n match (humorous).

†putru a a man who is a devil when it comes to women. Putru kaáyu nang tawhána kay maibúgun kaáyug babáyi, That man is a real devil because he easily falls for women.

puyuk2 a assuming and pretentious. v [B12] become assuming and pretentious. Napuyuk siyang namaistra, She has started to put on now that she has become a teacher.

ráking tsir n rocking chair. v [A; a] make, obtain a rocking chair.

†rakrak v 3 [A; c] give s.o. a good cussing out.

ránir n one who is sent on errands. Aku ang ílang ránir, I am their errand boy. v [B16; a] be an errand boy.

rapid páyir a doing things rapidly. v [A; c1] do s.t. hurriedly, rapidly. Nagrapid páyir kug panglimpyu kay mulakaw ku, I’m cleaning the house rapidly because I’m going out.

ríban = rayban.

ribili n reveille. v [A] have reveille.

ridyistrǎr n registrar in school. v [B16; b6] be, become a registrar.

rikuhir v [A3; c1] mind idle talk. Makunsumisiyun ka ug rikuhirun (irikuhir) nímu ang tanan nímung madungug bátuk nímu, You’ll get sick at heart if you pay attention to all the things they say against you.

†rikúla n objection, complaints about s.t.

rikulítu n name of a church, run by the Recollect Fathers. rikulitánu n Recollect priest. -s n the Recollect order.

rili n relay race. v 1 [A13] have a relay race. 2 [A; c6] relay commands, orders. Wà makarili ang awutpus sa urdir, The outpost did not relay the order.

†rilu — dipalsu n a wristwatch that gives incorrect time (from palsu, 1 — humorous).

riluhiríya n watch-repair shop. v [A1] establish a watch-repair shop.

rimurímu v [A; a1] try to fix s.t. with only a small knowledge of how to do it. Hidakan giyud ku sa mikaniku ug dì nákù rimurimúhun ning ákung dyíp, The mechanic is going to charge me too much so I’ll fix my jeep myself.

rindirpǐs n rinderpest.

ringlit n ringlet curls of hair. v [A; c1] wear ringlet curls; form the hair into ringlets.

riprap n riprap. v [A; c1] make riprap.

rípu n faucet.

ritílir n retailer of rice or corn to the consumer from a government agency. v [B16] be, become a retailer of this sort.

†rusaryu — kantáda n sung rosary.

†rúsas pa- v [A] for a woman to beautify herself.

†ruska di- n attached with a screw.

†rúyal — blu n royal blue color.

†sábak v 5 [A; a12] give s.o. on-the-spot [1159]instruction on how to do s.t. Ayaw pagunauna kay sabákun tikawg dráyib, Don’t try to drive on your own. Wait till I show you how.

†sabat v 3 [A2] for muscles to react or respond. Musabat ang tiil kun tikdúlan ang túhud, The foot will react if you knock the knees.

†sab-it 1 a kasab-ítag kawit ang simud for the lips to be pouting (lit. one could hook a toddy container over them).

†sábud (→)2 n 3 rice seedlings.

†sagang n 1a shield.

sag-ang2 v [A; b6] cook s.t. on the stove. Wà ku makasag-ang ug sud-an kay way gás, I have not cooked our meat and vegetables yet because there’s no kerosene.

†sakramintu n 2 sacrament of matrimony. 2a wife, wedded in the Roman Catholic Church. v [a12] be wedded in the Roman Catholic Church. Gihuwis úsà mi, úsà mi masakramintu, We had a civil marriage before we were wedded in the church.

†salà n 1a — nga ikamatay mortal sin.

†salamà v 1a [B1256; c6] for s.t. which is supposed to be a secret to slip out. Nasamà ku kay nakalimut ku nga dì diay untà tu ipatug-an, I let it out because I forgot that it was supposed to be a secret. Ayawg isalamà pagsulti nang mga pulúnga ha? Don’t let those words slip from your mouth.

salamagan = salumagan.

salig-ang n hips. -un a of s.o. having big hips. v [B12; b6] get to have big hips.

†sálud — sa gábà v [B2S] be the recipient of gábà (a divine curse). Magsalud tas gábà ug musúkul ta sa átung ginikánan, We will earn heaven’s wrath if we defy our parents.

salumagan (not without l) exclamation of mild anger shouted at s.o.

sambágul = bágul. see bagul.

†sambul a 2 s.t. new which causes whoever has it to feel uneasy. Sambul kaáyu ang antiyúhus basta bag-u pa, Eyeglasses are uncomfortable until you get used to them.

†sampul v 2 [A; b(1)] take a bite or taste of s.t. (humorous). Sampúlan ta nang ímung kík, Are you giving away free samples of your cake?

samsi n a Chinese dish of pork cut in thin long slices with shredded cabbage and sauteed.

†sámuk -in-(→) v [A; a12] be bothersome. Dì mu magsinamuk ug náay bisíta, Don’t be bothersome when there are visitors around. sinamuksamuk = -in-.

san-antun short for San Antonio Saint Anthony. pa- v [c] light a candle and implore St. Anthony’s help in sending punishment to a person who wronged one. Íyang ipasan-antun ang nangáwat sa íyang kwarta, She’ll implore St. Anthony’s help to bring retribution on the one who stole her money.

sánaw3 a having an uncomfortable feeling of inferiority. Sánaw kaáyung iságul sa punduk sa mga dátù, I feel so uncomfortable when I am thrown together with rich people.

†sansan v 3 [A; b] fill the sansan stove with sawdust. n k.o. stove composed of a tube stuffed tightly with sawdust. A hole is left in the center and underneath into which firewood is inserted, causing the sawdust to catch fire a little at a time and burn with intense heat for a long time. -an = sansan, n.

santunína n santonin, a k.o. anthelmintic in candy form.

†sápaw v 2b [A; b(1)] stake a mining claim on land where s.o. has already made a stake, uprooting the stakes. Duguun ang mahitabù ug sapáwan ang klím, S.t. bloody will happen if s.o. stakes a claim on the same land s.o. else has staked previously.

†sapinday a staggering, unsteady in footing.

sapud3 = aplud.

sapunul a rough and not smooth to feel or swallow. Sapunul kaáyu tunlun ang kan-ung mais, Corn grits are very rough to swallow. Sapunul kaáyu ang ímung nawung tungud sa bugas, Your face is very rough with your pimples. v [B; b6] be, become rough.

saringsáring v [AP; b] go about in front or in full view of a group of people where one has no business being. Magsaringsáring (magpasaringsáring) giyud ning batáa atubángan sa mga bisíta, This child prances up and down in front of the visitors when he should stay out of the way.

satù v [A; a] dip up or scoop out solids or liquids. Satui kug usa ka luwag nga linúgaw, Give me a ladleful of porridge. n 1 scoopful. 2 action of scooping.

sayantipiku n scientist. a scientific.

sayis2 n size, measurement of s.t. to be worn. Unsay sayis sa ímung sapátus? What size of shoes do you wear?

sayitsíing v [A13] go sight-seeing. n action of sight-seeing.

saytid v [B125] be in sight. Nasaytid na ang átung swildu, Our salary is already in sight. Nagkasaytid na ang átung kadaúgan, Our victory is already in sight. a be in sight.

síb a be freed in a game of hide-and-seek or saved from punishment in other kinds of [1160]games. v [A; a] set s.o. free. v — bay da bil saved by the bell, i.e. just barely escape getting punished. Nasíb bay da bil ku sa kasábà ni Nánay kay may mga bisítang nangabut, I was saved by the bell. Mother didn’t get to scold me because some visitors arrived.

†siba v 3 [A; a] load a firearm.

sibag v [A; b6] 1 change a course, turn off. Dì ta makasibag dihà kay náa may du nat intir, We can’t turn off there because there is a do-not-enter sign. 2 for the voice to go off key. Musibag ka man sa túnu ug ipataas na ang tíngug, You’ll be off-key if you go off on a higher pitch. 3 deviate from one’s topic. Dì ka makasibag ug sulti sa kurti, You can’t get off your topic of conversation in court. a off-key, deviating from the topic.

†sibat -in- n s.t. taken without permission. Dílì nà íyang sinínà. Íya nang sinibat, That dress isn’t hers. She snuck off with it from s.w.

síbay = †*tsíbay.

†sidbaks v [A; c] sow in a seedbox. Talagsa ray nabúhì sa gilúyung níyang lísu kay wà man isidbaks, Only a few seeds germinated because they were not sown in the seedbox.

sig-ang2 = salig-ang.

†sigarilyu — sa ilung = inhílir (humorous).

sigarilyu2 = budburun. see budbud.

síkan n 2 boxer’s second. v [A; a] 2 act as boxer’s second. Siyay misíkan ni Ilurdi, He acted as Elorde’s second.

sikpat = siplat.

†síngu dì, wà ma- for an offensive odor to be unbearable. Dúnay patayng ilagà dinhi kay dì masíngu ang báhù, There is a dead rat here because the odor is unbearable.

†sinsilyu a 3 for a woman to be careless in her ways and deportment. Sinsilyu kaáyung bayhána, magpahungaw lang nga maglingkud, That woman is careless. She sits in such a way that one can see her private parts. v [B1; c1] 3 for a woman to act without proper reserve.

sintimíngaw = sintimintǎl, v (humorous).

sintimiruy = sintimintǎl, v (humorous).

sintimiyut, sintimiyuy = sintimintǎl (humorous).

sintins n sentence in a language.

sinturíra n loop attached to the waist of trousers through which the belt is passed. v [A; a] provide belt loops.

†sinyúra Nwistra Sinyúra n Our Lady (the Virgin).

sipara, siparar v 1 [A3P; c1] separate, part ways. Ang mudyul musiparar sa rákit, The module separates from the rocket ship. Nagsiparar ang magtiáyun, The couple parted ways. 2 [A; c1] set s.t. aside. Magsiparar kug isúd sa bangku, I set s.t. aside to deposit in the bank.

siparasiyun ligal n legal separation, a couple with separate bed and board, but not divorced. v [C; a12] have a legal separation.

†sípung(—) v [A; a] corner s.t. Tulu ka simána siyang nasipung sa lángub, He was trapped inside the cave for three weeks. Sipunga ang manuk sa kwartu, Chase the chicken into the room to entrap it.

sirù2 a for the eyebrows to be set close to each other at the center. Sirù kaáyu ang ímung kílay, Your eyebrows are very close to each other. v [B6; b6] for the eyebrows to be set close to each other at the center.

†sirung a 2 = sirù2. v 2 = sirù2.

síu n 1 the C.O., acronym for the Commanding Officer in a military headquarters. 2 anyone in charge of an establishment (humorous). Aku na karuy síu sa ámù kay túa sa Mindanaw si Pápa ug Máma, I’m the C.O. at home now because Dad and Mom are in Mindanao. v [B1256] get to be the C.O.

siúdi n 1 C.O.D., acronym for cash on delivery. 2 get s.t. on credit. v [A; c1] get s.t. on credit. Ug wà kay kwarta karun siudía (isiúdi) na lang, If you don’t have any money just get it on credit. n debt.

†síug (→) v [A; a] 1 budge, move s.t. heavy. Batu nga dì masiug ug tulu ka táwu, A rock that cannot be budged by three persons. 2 move one’s emotions. Ang lúhà sa dalága wà makasiug níya, The tears of the maiden did not move him.

siyuk, síyuk v [A; a] for the eyes to squint in bright light. Misíyuk (nagsiyuk) ang íyang mga mata nga nagtan-aw sa kaláyu, He squinted as he looked at the flame.

†subrikáma v [A; c1] make, use as a bedspread.

†súgat sugatsúgat v [A; a 12] accompany a song or melody with make-do chords. Sugatsugátun lang sa magduduyug ang kanta nga dì kaáyu níya sinátì, The accompanist uses make-do chords if he is not very familiar with the song.

†súgid sugilánun n 2 conversation. v [C2] converse. Dì úsà ta mangatū́g kay magsugilánun usà ta, Let’s not go to sleep yet. Let’s talk for a while. Ayaw úsag lakaw kay makigsugilánun pa ku nímu, Don’t leave yet because I want to talk with you.

sulisitar = sulísit.

súlu — alún = súlu, v2.

†sul-ung v 2 [B246] for heat or temperature to rise. Ug musul-ung ang kaínit sa ímung [1162]láwas, hilantan ka, If your body gets hot, you have a fever.

†súma pag- (inig-) pa but when it comes to a test. Ingun kang kamau ka. Pagsúma (pagsumáda) pa, dì diay, You said you knew how, but when it came to a test, you didn’t.

sumu3 a the first litter of piglets a sow has. Sa karáang tinuhúan dì kunu maáyung buhiun sa tag-íya ang bábuyng sumu, According to folk belief the owner should not raise the first litter of piglets a sow has (for they will die under his care).

sung-ad = sun-ad.

sungkat = sungkad.

sunlut -an(→) v [A13; a3] prepare sunlutan to eat.

supukar = sipukar.

†sur1 n 4 south. Lánaw Sur, South Lanao.

†surambaw n 3 a large square or rectangular lift net operated with a scareline at night, using a lantern. paN- v [A2; c6] go fishing with a surambaw.

súrù2 v [A2S; b6] start sizzling or bubbling with heat. Magsurù gánì ang tumuy sa agipu kanà timailhan kunu nga may bisíta, If the end of a firebrand starts to exude bubbling juice, it is a sign that visitors are coming. n the sizzling or bubbling of s.t. liquid.

suspindir = tiranti, 2.

suy bins n soy beans.

swáb v [A; b6] swab s.t. with medicine or to clean it. Tunlang giswában, A throat that was swabbed. n swab.

swáing v [C13; c5] 1 to get tired of s.o.’s unpleasantness. Dílì ikaswáing nang tigulánga kay huyù, You don’t get tired of that old man because he is tender. 2 have a misunderstanding and hurt feelings. Nagkaswáing ang mga magsúun tungud sa kabílin, The brothers and sisters had a misunderstanding over the inheritance.

†swirti n — dikasáhus bad luck or misfortune of a sort that shouldn’t normally be happening to the person. Tituláda nga naminyug buguy. Mu na nay nganlag swirting dikasáhus, A girl with a degree marrying a no-good. That’s what they call jerked-meat luck.

†syákuy 2 grades in the eighties (so called from the rough similarity of the figure 8 to a syákuy — slang).

syatdáwun v [A; c1] shut down operations in a factory, mine, logging, and the like. Musyatdáwun ang mína ug wà nay úr, The mine will shut down operations when the ore is gone.

syúgar dádi n sugar daddy, a man who keeps a woman.

syurthan n shorthand. v [A; c1] write s.t. in shorthand.

tabagak n k.o. fish similar to the malangsi but with a broader body, esp. around the abdomen.

tabatsuy a obese (humorous — from Tagalog tabà ‘fat’).

†tagud1 n 2 seeds of any fruit or vegetable used for seedlings.

taháda n toast made from sliced, stale pansu bread, shaped into an oval. v [A; a] make taháda tidbits.

tahíru = byatilis.

takdas v [A; b6] jump onto s.t. Mutakdas ang mga bátà sa ílang inahan inig-abut, The children will jump on their mother when she comes home.

takdul2 = tikdul.

takiling, takíling v [B; c1] tilt, turn over on the sides. Dalia ang masitíra kay nagtakiling na, Hurry and fix the flower pot because it is tilting to one side. Ug takilíngun (itakiling) sa pilútu ang iruplánu, mahadluk ang mga pasahíru, If the pilot tilts the airplane to the side the passengers will be afraid.

taklaba = takaba.

takmù2 = takmul.

taksip = tagsip.

†taktak pa- sa bukbuk = paúyug. see úyug.

talagtag a be thinly spread or distributed. Talagtag kaáyu ang mga balay sa búkid, The houses in the mountain are very sparse. v [B; c1] be thinly spread or distributed. Mitalagtag ang íyang buhuk nga nanglarut, His hair is sparse because it is constantly falling out.

†tali v 2 [a3] just be weaned from one’s mother’s breast and too young to do s.t. (humorous). Magminyù ka nga bag-u ka pa gáning natali? You’re getting married when you’re just weaned?

talíngab v [A; b6] make a sharp point on s.t. a sharpened to a point.

tampikas = tampihak.

tampird a radio that has been poorly repaired. Dì ku makagarantíya ánang radiyúhag patíngug kay tampird, I can’t guarantee that radio will play because it has been repaired once and not very well.

†tampuk1 — sa, ang luyu, likud v [A; a12] betray, stab s.o. in the back. Kun wà ku dinhi libakun kunuku ninyu. Ngánung inyu man kung tampukun sa likud? You say mean things about me when I’m not around. Why do you stab me in the back?

tamudlaw = lamudlaw. [1162]

†tangantángan panahun pa sa — in the olden times, when people still used castor oil for lamps. Ang ílang gigámit nga libru panahun pa sa tangantángan, The books they are using go back to the days of the horse and buggy.

†tanggu1 — kriminal, makapíang n tango dance characterized with difficult and fancy steps (humorous).

tanggu2 a slow in understanding simple things, incompetent in doing simple things (from tangà and gágu). Tanggu kaáyung tawhána, dì lang gihápun kamau ug ása pirma, He is an idiot, because he still doesn’t know where to sign his name. v [B12] become stupid in this way.

†tangtang — útang n the state or condition where one pays off debts and incurs debts again. Mau giyud ning pubri ta, tangtang útang, This is the way it is when you are poor. You pay off one set of debts and incur another.

†tapang n successfully executed or accomplished out of sheer luck rather than due to skill or ability.

tardi a arrive late at a time set for s.t. Tardi ka na kaáyu sa klási, You are very late for the class. v [B12; b6] get to a place late.

†tarípa n rate, schedule of charges, esp. fare. Naumintu na karun ang tarípa sa mga salakyanan, The fares on transportation have gone up. v [A13] charge according to a certain schedule.

tibak v [A2; a12] make a killing, make a lot of money (slang). Nakatibak silag maáyu sa pag-ismágul ug sigarilyu, They made a fortune in smuggling cigarettes.

tígì2 v [A; a] pour all the remaining portion of liquid from a container. Tigía ang patis sa butilya, Drain the last drop of soy sauce from the bottle.

tikarul2 = tingkarul1, n.

†tikì — nga kwanggul n a stupid gecko (so called because of the fact that he hides but shouts to let the world know where he is).

tik-ibis v [A] 1 in baseball, take a base. Mitik-ibis ang bátir, The batter took a base. 2 for a teacher of long service to take an easy test to give her official eligibility. Dì untà ku mailidyibul ug wà pa ku makatik-ibis, I wouldn’t have made eligible status if I hadn’t taken the promotional examination.

†tikwì 3 euphemism for wakwak1 or unglù. Mga tikwì nang pamilyáha, That is a family of vampires.

†timáan (→) = timáan, v1, 2.

†timbri2 n 2 booby trap or any scheme or device for catching s.t. unaware. Gibutangan sa mga Múrus ug mga timbri ang agiánan padulung sa ílang kampu, The Moros placed booby traps on the trail that leads to their camp. v [A; b] 2 place, catch with a booby trap or a similar tricking device. Nakatimbri silag bábuy ihálas, They trapped a wild pig.

tingkarul2 = tikarul1.

†tiniblas n 2 ceremony held on the Wednesday before Easter.

†tipas paN- n a charm that renders one bullet-proof.

tipli n soprano voice. v [A; b6] sing the soprano voice.

tiriring a having a slight mental derangement. v [B123] be slightly deranged. -un a slightly deranged.

tirminisyun pí n termination pay.

trakítu, trakítuk = talakítuk.

†trangka trangkilya n small fastening stick or bar. v [A; c1] attach, make a small fastening bar or stick. Nagtrangkilya kus paradur sa sud-an, I am making a small bar to lock the food cabinet.

trúnu n 3 toilet (humorous). Naghingári lang kug lingkud sa trúnu kay gihibús, I keep sitting on the throne because I have diarrhea.

tsariti n charity ward in a hospital. v [c1] be placed in the charity ward.

*tsíbay insik —, — wákang phrase said to insult a Chinaman. see wákang.

tsit n chit.

†tubà — nga balintung n tuba mixed with an adulterant that will cause one to get more drunk than normal.

†túbù — sa kunhud v [A2S; b7] for a thing to diminish when it should grow (humorous). Sa ímung binaligyaan mutúbù sa kunhud ang ímung nigusyu, The way you do business it will grow—but downwards.

†túhud (→) v 3 [a12] have pains in the knees. Abi nákug tigúwang ray tuhurun, I thought only old people had rheumatism in the knees.

túka n one’s part in doing s.t., one’s turn to do. Ímu na rung túka sa panghúgas, It’s your turn to do the dishes. v [A2; b(1)] for one’s turn to come to him. Dì makabalíbad ang táwu ug mutúka na níya ang kagul-ánan, When it is a man’s turn to have sorrows he cannot refuse. tukatúka v [A; abc] do s.t. by turns. Gitukatukáhan mig hátag, We were given some in turns.

tukistukis n illegal cockfight on a small scale (slang). Dúnay tukistukis sa ílang baryu káda adlaw, There is a small-scale illegal cockfight in their barrio every day. v [A; c] hold a small illegal cockfight (slang). [1163]

†tumuy sa — sa dílà be at the tip of one’s tongue, but still one cannot quite remember it. Dì giyud kung kahinumdum ug kinsa tu ka apan nía ra giyud sa tumuy sa ákung dílà, I cannot quite remember who you are, but you are so familiar, it is right at the tip of my tongue.

túpung 3 dílì, wà mag- ang tudlù not everybody is the same. Wà magtúpung ang tudlù sa táwu, Some people are rich and some are poor. (Lit. A man’s fingers are not the same.)

tusínu n salt pork. v [A; a] make salt pork.

†túud [plant name] nga — n the most common variety of [such-and-such a plant]. Kamúting túud, The common sweet potato.

úa = úi.

†ubus pa- v 3 pa- kay laylay pa v [A13] be humble because one is at the bottom of society (laylay, a 2a). Mau giyud, magpaubus kay laylay man, I should be humble because I am poor. (Lit. A matured leaf is naturally found in the lower part of the plant.)

úi a acronym for over-acting: putting on airs, engaging in exaggerated actions uncalled for by the situation. Úing muhílak arun tugtan, Putting on a big show of crying so she would be allowed to go. v [B] overact. Naúi siya arun himatikdan sa ulitáwu, She started to put on a big act so the young man would notice her.

úiks u n OXO, a gang of Visayan toughs in Manila.

†ulan n 3 diamond with some yellowish coloration. Bubaratu ang brilyanting ulan, A yellowish diamond brings a lower price.

†ulípun () v [A; a12] enslave.

†unà v 4 [A13] be oozing with dirt. Hubúa nang ímung sinínà kay nag-unà, Take off your dress because it is oozing with dirt.

†únat v 3 [A1; c1] do s.t. in a leisurely manner. Dì ta makaúnat sa átung trabáhu kay mag-apas ta sa úras, We can’t dilly-dally with our work because we are rushing things.

unir v [A1] 1 own s.t. Maáyu nákung pagpahalúnà sa kutsi sa ákung higála, mu rag nakaunir, I made myself comfortable in my friend’s car as if it belonged to me. 2 = unay, v.

urihinal n 4 salà nga — a original sin. b adultery.

†úrus pa-, pina- v [A; b6] prepare s.t. by sautéing, usually said of preparing s.t. special (by people who don’t normally prepare food that needs to be sautéed). Ákù siyang paurúsan (pinaurúsan) run kay Duminggu man, I’ll sauté some food for him today because it is Sunday.

†útak — brin n one’s brains as a means of thinking (humorous). Gamíta ang ímung útak brin, Use your head! -in- v [A2; c1] do s.t. from memory, not written. Inutukun (iinutuk) sa mga ispíya ang ílang mga kúd, Spies memorize their codes.

†utut — ug bapur n dark-complexioned.

†uwak (←) gibalikas n a person who is such a nuisance that he keeps coming to a place he knows he is unwanted (like a crow that keeps coming back the more it is cursed). Mu rag mga úwak gibalikas ning mga batáa. Dì patúu ug badlung, These children are like crows you shout at. They just won’t listen when you try to get rid of them.

wan-a = walà na. see walà.

wap-a = walà pa. see walà.

wásu = huwásù.

wáway child talk for áway. v [A; a12] quarrel with (child talk).

†wiliwili v [AN; a12] lure s.o. to stay s.w. Ang mga bag-ung bisyu sa ákung bag-ung naglakaw mauy magwiliwili nákù, My toddler has so many cute tricks it lures me to stay home.

word shouted simultaneously with the execution of a karate chop, blow, or kick.

†yamu — ug never did, do, does. Yamug midúaw ang ákung binaláyi pagkauspital nákù, Never did my daughter-in-law visit me when I was hospitalized. Yamug muhátag nákù, He never gives me any. n 2 none. ‘Duna kay kwarta?’—‘Yamu,’ ‘Do you have money?’—‘(I have) none.’

yatap (from patay—slang) v [A; a1] kill. Ang kriminal nga nagyatap sa gitulísan, The criminal that killed the robbery victim.

yíma n candied yolk. v [A; a] make yolk candy.






Cabonce, Rudolfo, Visayan-English Dictionary. (Mimeographed.)

Encarnacion, Juan Felix de la, R. P. Fr., Diccionario Bisaya-Español. Third Edition. Manila, 1885.

Estorco, Avelino, Basic Cebuano-English Dictionary. (Manuscript.)

Hermosisima, Tomas V., Bisayan-English-Tagalog Dictionary. Manila: Pedro B. Ayuda and Co., 1966.

Ruijter, Juan, M. S. C., Cebuano-English Dictionary. Lawa-an, Talisay, Cebu: Sacred Heart Seminary, 1967.



Wolff, John U., Beginning Cebuano, Parts I and II. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1966, 1967.

Wolff, John U., ‘The Classification of Cebuano Verbs’, Philippine Journal of Linguistics, Vol. I, No. 1, 1970.




Delacour, Jean T., and Ernst Mayr, Birds of the Philippine Islands. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1946.

Hachisuka, The Hon. Masaiya, The Birds of the Philippine Islands. London: H. F. Witherby, 1931–1935.

Thomson, A. Landsborough, A New Dictionary of Birds. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964.


Abbott, R. Tucker, Sea Shells of the World. New York: Golden Press, 1962.

Herre, Albert W., Checklist of Philippine Fishes. United States Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Research Report No. 20. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1953.

Herre, Albert W., and Agustin F. Umali, English and Local Names of Philippine Fishes. United States Department of Interior, Circular No. 140. Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1948.

Hvass, Hans, Fishes of the World. London: Methuen and Co., Ltd., 1965.

Munro, Ian S. R., The Marine and Fresh Water Fishes of Ceylon. Canberra: Department of External Affairs, 1955.

Nichols, John T., and Paul Bartsch, Fishes and Shells of the World. New York: The MacMillan Co., 1945.

Scott, J. S., Sea Fishes of Malaya. Kuala Lumpur: Ministry of Agriculture, 1959.

Tinker, Spencer Wilkie, Pacific Sea Shells. Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1958.

Umali, Agustin F., Edible Fishes of Manila. Commonwealth of the Philippines, Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Popular Bulletin No. 6.

Zim, Herbert S., and Lester Ingle, Seashores. New York: Golden Press, 1955.


Curran, C. M., Insects of the Pacific World. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1946.

Fichter, George S., Insect Pests. New York: Golden Press, 1966.


Carter, T. D., J. E. Hill, and G. H. H. Tate, Mammals of the Pacific World. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1946.


Brown, William, Useful Plants of the Philippines. Republic of the Philippines, Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Technical Bulletin No. 10. Manila, 1946.

Merrill, Elmer D., Plant Life of the Pacific World. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1945.

Merrill, Elmer D., Flora of Manila. (Mimeographed).

Quisumbing, Eduardo, Medicinal Plants of the Philippines. Republic of the Philippines, Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Technical Bulletin No. 16, Manila, 1951.

Salvosa, Felipe M., Lexicon of Philippine Trees. College, Laguna, Philippines: Forest Products Institute, 1963.

Steiner, Mona Lisa, Philippine Ornamental Plants and their Care. Second Edition. Manila: Carmelo and Bauermann, Inc., 1960.



Baduel, Concesa M., A Study of the Cebuano Dayegon. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, University of the Visayas, Cebu City, 1959.

Demetrio, Francisco R., S. J., Dictionary of Philippine Folk Beliefs and Customs. Cagayan de Oro City: Xavier University Press, 1970.

Hart, Donn V., The Cebuano Filipino Dwelling in Caticugan: Its Construction and Cultural Aspects. Yale University, Southeast Asia Studies Cultural Report Series. New Haven, 1958.

Lieban, Richard W., Cebuano Sorcery. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1967.

Quisumbing, Lourdes R., Marriage Customs in Rural Cebu. University of San Carlos, San Carlos Publications, Series A: Humanities No. 3. Cebu City, 1965.

Sodusta, Jesucita. A Study of the Marriage and Family Practices of the Inhabitants of Siargao Island. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, University of San Carlos, Cebu City, 1964.

Tago-Gonzales, Lourdes, A Study of the Superstitious Beliefs, Practices, Pastimes of the People of the Province of Bohol. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, University of the Visayas, Cebu City, 1959.

Umali, Agustin F., Guide to the Classification of Fishing Gear in the Philippines. United States Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Research Report No. 17. Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1950.

Table of Contents



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Revision History

External References

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The following corrections have been applied to the text:

Page Source Correction
iv coopertive cooperative
viii, xii, xii, xii, xii, 212, 306, 335, 565, 891, 1081 [Not in source]
viii, 549 occured occurred
ix, 230, 478, 1162 [Not in source] a
xii [Not in source] /
xii, xii, xii, xii [Not in source]
xiii, 50, 128, 134, 148, 178, 183, 209, 214, 223, 238, 240, 240, 247, 257, 289, 293, 307, 313, 329, 361, 362, 438, 475, 476, 493, 494, 517, 527, 548, 551, 575, 584, 673, 692, 708, 723, 725, 727, 778, 887, 928, 962, 962 [Not in source] .
xiii [Not in source] ).
xv meaning meanings
xviii symbol symbols
xix, 192, 332, 343 . [Deleted]
xx, 12, 12, 40, 173, 181, 182, 204, 212, 214, 214, 293, 301, 309, 415, 425, 438, 528, 628, 679, 704, 792, 880, 914, 1019, 1058, 1072, 1089, 1102, 1136, 1139 [Not in source] ,
1 kunsididirasiyun kunsidirasiyun
2, 34, 107, 199, 207 [Not in source] 1
2, 34 [Not in source] 2
3, 52, 53, 212, 227, 270, 352, 363, 371, 443, 520, 913 , [Deleted]
6, 399, 1120 [Not in source] *
9, 137, 310 good-bye goodbye
12 mag uma mag-uma
13 thru through
14 aggresive aggressive
15, 71, 497 Negritoes Negritos
16, 244, 244, 255, 297, 305, 313, 366, 368, 375, 406, 415, 429, 455, 530, 622, 732, 789, 892 . ,
17 mag hílak maghílak
18 bannister banister
19 nag istrungkar nag-istrungkar
24, 813 [Not in source] v
25 [Not in source] s.t.
29 , !
31 alpunsinu alpunsínu
31 taga búkid tagabúkid
32 nagkaalup nagkaálup
33 [Not in source] k.o.
34, 1116 tumeric turmeric
34 left-over leftover
37, 74, 82, 263, 694, 781, 1133 a n
37 ig-ampu ig-ampù
40 boiled broiled
42 circumcized circumcised
52 upper cut uppercut
54 accomodated accommodated
54, 220, 271, 747 3 2
57, 227 [Not in source] a
57, 199, 284, 385, 411, 468, 472, 536, 665, 1158 [Not in source] n
59, 170, 223, 226, 228, 243, 255, 267, 277, 461, 486, 749, 943, 979 [Not in source] 1
67, 373, 844, 851, 897, 898 n a
67 [Not in source] in size
69 tápic tápik
70 [Not in source] IR5,
70 * [Deleted]
74 Nakababuy Nakabábuy
77 endema edema
78 Nagbangut Nagbagnut
88 proletariate proletariat
89 AA2S A2S
93 o-over over
95 merchandize merchandise
97 acid acidic
97 exist exits
98, 1062 [Not in source] be
100, 718 a [Deleted]
108, 513, 631 Di
112 Mandawe Mandaue
113 controling controlling
118, 212, 460 [Not in source] )
126 nimu nímu
130, 142, 201 can not cannot
130 uld-istak uld istak
131 embarassment embarrassment
138 Sukli Suklì
140 sibin-up sibin-ap
144 Bitaw Bítaw
144 bitaw bítaw
144 paghilak paghílak
148, 1115 cooky cookie
148 fulness fullness
155 [Not in source] of
156 [Not in source] a
156 [Not in source] =
158 l-an -l-an
158 Hibuhusan Gibuhusan
164 [Not in source] smegma,
165, 165 sty stye
165 rythm rhythm
166 viscose viscous
167 tye the
169 tissue rice
170 sinína sinínà
170 bítuls Bítuls
174 buisnessman businessman
179, 310 báta bátà
186 forwarn forewarn
192 dahuyag dahúyag
192 cigaret cigarette
195 Jose José
195 where-ever wherever
196, 319 [Not in source] -
197 and neal .
201 dillydallying dilly-dallying
202 gutus gustu
203 madanihun madaníhun
203, 346 kik kík
205, 722, 1054 Lesbian lesbian
206 inattententive inattentive
210 wak- wake
212 , (
212 dga. Dga.
213 Army army
213 to to to
213, 1157 [Not in source]
213, 214, 215 [noun-a] [noun]-a
215 dilàdilà dilàdílà
215 [Not in source] E.
217 finnicky finicky
218 phenomena phenomenon
218 -y —y
222 breathe breath
223, 223, 223 discotèque discothèque
224, 225, 322, 345, 345, 427, 437, 582, 622, 635, 742, 797, 1038 , .
230 ( [Deleted]
233 with in within
248 rottan rotten
249 chance change
250, 250 premier premiere
254, 439, 460, 535, 659, 737, 737, 738, 738, 738, 738, 749, 750, 750, 797, 798, 798, 808, 845, 845, 897 , ?
254 [Not in source] of cigarettes
254 lone long
255 retrive retrieve
260 gatas gátas
266 in is
270 pomegrenate pomegranate
270 busung búsung
272 hunáhúnà hunàhúnà
274 instalment installment
275 nag nang
279, 344 náwung nawung
284 amock amok
290 hal. Hal.
291 [Not in source] very loosely woven
292 [Deleted]
293 Ophiocepahlus Ophiocephalus
294, 294 tensil tensile
295 in by in
299, 302, 302 [ [Deleted]
299 ] [Deleted]
300 make makes
304, 304, 400, 613 ag ang
310 possesions possessions
310 Ag Ang
314 [Not in source] top the products of Japan
320 nickles nickels
321 áge age
330 seem seems
330 snout snot
337 acknowledged acknowledge
343 handkerdhief handkerchief
344 protrait portrait
349 sweet smelling sweet-smelling
352 hungut húngut
361 Now How
361, 361 íba íbà
362 Ibug Íbug
362 idibul idibul
365 grandparents godparents
367 ; .
368 [Deleted]
369 [Not in source] [noun]
369 place pace
371, 706 accomodate accommodate
372 nga mga
379 Inà Ínà
380 Máma Mama
383 pagpakig-ingun-íngun pagpakig-ingun-ingun
386 examiination examination
389 hing- hiN-
396, 1163
400 uinstulmin muinstulmin
401 particule particle
402 befor before
403 stapel staple
405 Isug Ísug
411 splothced splotched
415 bring brings
418 carb crab
427, 464 if it
428, 664 [Not in source] ]
430 terrestial terrestrial
442 groped gropes
442 encrustration encrustation
442 [Not in source] [
443 cara kára
445 aabout about
445, 1150 appelation appellation
450 ... [Deleted]
451 caledomicus caledonicus
452 firework fireworks
460, 498, 1085 . ?
467 mubbled mumbled
470 Lutianus Lutjanus
473 ocnsisting consisting
475 wreck wreak
480 Cholorox Chlorox
481 cris kris
485 tatooed tattooed
486, 486 innoculated inoculated
486 innoculates inoculates
491 reluctang reluctant
492 phelgm phlegm
493 posessive possessive
495 devellop develop
504 compositon composition
508 kuniktar kuniktǎr
511 Rizal’s Rizal
511 botton button
517 larva larvae
518 thought though
520 Switch switch
521 each each each
536 Leiognathus Secutor
541 ’, ,’
543 cooly coolly
544 milliped millipede
544 millipeds millipedes
549 kay — — kay
551 pilapìlan pilapílan
554 teeth teethe
556 lahugan lahúgan
556, 638, 1018 on in
562 inflect inflict
569 mosquite mosquito
573 abbatoir abattoir
587 on [Deleted]
587 in for
588 pantie panty
597 guerillas guerrillas
601 Ipilipil Ipil-ipil
631 Dùna Dúna
639 Hongkong Hong Kong
640 born borne
640 effemininate effeminate
653 Naglùt-ud Naglut-ud
655 him them
655 he is they are
659 [Not in source] -íra
661 [Not in source] D.
664, 664 karabalyas karbalyas
668 futural future
691 v n
692, 692 Muntinglupa Muntinlupa
696 mispoken misspoken
696 apodisis apodosis
700 búkid lángit
700 dispell dispel
709 get gets
709 it if
710 superflous superfluous
714 dinner lunch
727 beatle Beatle
742, 1162 lead leads
743 3 4
744 - [Deleted]
744 or of
750 4b4 b4
759 <number>1</number> [Deleted]
759 <number>2</number> n
766 piece pieces
785 prugrama prugráma
787 beautiful beautify
792 least lest
793 is are
794 keep kept
799 tríyu’s tríyus
814 [Not in source] in
815 buffalos buffaloes
822 fireman firemen
834 mation to mark the thing exclaimed over. [Deleted]
834 concommitant concomitant
836 quirts quirks
840, 1090 contact contract
842 Schicklegruber Schicklgruber
845 presistent persistent
845 Iyang Íyang
858 o. k.o.
859 orrange-colored orange-colored
859 chilren children
890 siging-siging sigingsiging
890 his this
890 sígu sígù
890 an [Deleted]
893 (—) (→)
903 pitcher containing ice will get drops of water on it. [Deleted]
908 Sir Sír
909 knolwedge knowledge
913 obtain pertain
924 profer proffer
929 as as as
931 ask asks
933 niárun niá run
940 direcions directions
941 uncircumcized uncircumcised
944 capaccity capacity
952 this thus
958, 958 proferred proffered
959 clickity-clack clickety-clack
960 [Not in source] 1
962 (ta [Deleted]
973 ecstacy ecstasy
974 judgement judgment
977 nanambu nanambù
978 noddle noodle
981 buide guide
990 dwáan duláan
1007 breath breathe
1015 especial special
1020 one once
1021 tíntu tintu
1022 The Their
1027 interest inherent
1028 dorso-patatal dorso-palatal
1045 tukaw’s tukaws
1055 moritifed mortified
1056 don’t didn’t
1057 protruberance protuberance
1060 to into
1064 hin thin
1064 pastery pastry
1072 byin byín
1077 any [Deleted]
1080 loose lose
1084 blow plow
1092 that those
1093 geneologies genealogies
1113 [Not in source] the
1114 gan- ganta
1115 Utay-utaya Utay-utáya
1121 unásis Unásis
1124 full fell
1126 well-planed well-planned
1129 in at
1137 in on
1139 quick quickly
1140 ang and
1141 -
1142 educated uneducated
1143, 1147, 1157, 1160, 1160 [Not in source]
1148 [Not in source] sack brimful.
1150 given give
1152 refinely refinedly
1152 millepedes millipedes
1163 were are
1163 sautéeing sautéing

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