*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 41940 *** Transcriber's Note: Inconsistent hyphenation and spelling in the original document have been preserved. Obvious typographical errors have been corrected. Italic text is denoted by _underscores_ and bold text by =equal signs=. Illustrations and Advertisements have been moved so that the flow of the text is uninterrupted. THE BOSTON COOKING-SCHOOL MAGAZINE OF·CULINARY·SCIENCE·AND· DOMESTIC·ECONOMICS AUG.-SEPT., 1910 Vol. XV No. 2 1 DOLLAR A YEAR 10 CENTS A COPY PUBLISHED BY THE BOSTON COOKING SCHOOL MAGAZINE Co. 372 BOYLSTON ST. BOSTON MASS. [Illustrated Advertisement] RUMFORD THE WHOLESOME Baking Powder SURPASSES ALL OTHERS IN HEALTHFUL AND BAKING QUALITIES. It is a food itself, made of the genuine Professor Horsford's Phosphate, thereby supplying the nutritious and strength-giving phosphates so essential to health, which are removed from flour in the process of bolting. Hot Biscuit, Rolls, Muffins, etc., made with Rumford Baking Powder can be eaten hot without detriment. Its action in the dough is thorough, producing superior Cake, Biscuit, etc., of the finest texture, and without impairing the most delicate flavorings that may be used. The Best at a Reasonable Cost. * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] LOWNEY'S COCOA =GOOD= Cocoa is the best beverage known to modern authorities on food and drink, nourishing, strengthening and a valuable aid to digestion. There is, however, a wide range in the _Quality_ of cocoas. =Lowney's= cocoa is made of the choicest cocoa beans without "treatments" or adulteration, and in a manner that insures the purest and best product possible. It is the best cocoa made. _The Lowney Cook Book 421 pages, $1.25 postpaid_ =The Walter M. Lowney Co.= =Boston= Cocoa-Chocolate Chocolate Bonbons * * * * * THE BOSTON COOKING-SCHOOL MAGAZINE Vol. XV AUGUST-SEPTEMBER, 1910 No. 2 CONTENTS FOR AUGUST-SEPTEMBER PAGE DISHES FOR AUTOMOBILE AND PICNIC LUNCHEONS 57 QUAINT CUSTOMS AND TOOTHSOME DAINTIES Frances R. Sterrett 59 BEING MARRIED Mrs. Charles Norman 65 THE REGENERATION OF PODUNK Phoebe D. Roulon 67 FATE Grace Agnes Thompson 70 OUT OF CHICKEN PIE Helen Campbell 71 IN AUGUST Cora A. M. Dolson 73 OLD AGE Kate Gannett Wells 73 LOVE AND AFFECTION Helen Coale Crew 75 THREE GIRLS GO BLACKBERRYING Samuel Smyth 76 A ROMANY TENT Lalia Mitchell 77 EDITORIALS 78 SEASONABLE RECIPES (Illustrated by half-tone engravings of prepared dishes) Janet M. Hill 81 MENUS FOR WEEK IN AUGUST " " " 90 MENUS FOR WEEK IN SEPTEMBER " " " 91 MENUS, ECONOMICAL, FOR WEEK IN SEPTEMBER Janet M. Hill 92 RHYMED RECEIPTS FOR ANY OCCASION, Kimberly Strickland 93 IN TIME OF VACATION Janet M. Hill 94 THE TASK WE LOVE L. M. Thornton 95 A GROUP OF CHOICE SPANISH AND MEXICAN RECIPES Mrs. L. Rice 96 THE NURSERY E. R. Parker 97 PRACTICAL HOME DIETETICS Minnie Genevieve Morse 99 HOME IDEAS AND ECONOMIES 104 GOIN' TO SCHOOL Laura R. Talbot 108 QUERIES AND ANSWERS 109 MISCELLANEOUS xiv $1.00 A YEAR Published Ten Times a Year 10c. A COPY Four Years' Subscription, $3.00 Entered at Boston post-office as second-class matter. Copyright, 1910, by THE BOSTON COOKING-SCHOOL MAGAZINE COMPANY 372 BOYLSTON STREET BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS PLEASE RENEW ON RECEIPT OF THE COLORED BLANK ENCLOSED FOR THAT PURPOSE [Advertisement] Is your Canning done? If not, now is the time to commence. With the larger fruits, such as peaches, pears, plums, etc., and the vegetables at their best, there is no time to be lost. You will find Mrs. Rorer's book, =Canning and Preserving=, a wonderful help. You cannot fail in your work if you follow her directions. Isn't that worth something? To have your jellies come out right--no mistakes, no reboiling, no worry, no fret--what wouldn't a woman give to insure such a result? The recipes cover all fruits and vegetables, and other items, such as syrups, vinegars, fruit drinks, etc. Mrs. Rorer tells you how to can and preserve, how to make jellies, marmalades, fruit butters--in fact all you may want to know on the subject. =Cloth bound, only 50 cents= Mrs. Rorer's Vegetable Cookery and Meat Substitutes Most people use but few vegetables. They are not aware of the great variety at hand. What do you say to forty or fifty different kinds, all good, all palatable, all healthful, and easily bought and prepared. Well, in this book of Mrs. Rorer's she gives you many recipes for cooking and serving this great variety of vegetables, and tells their uses and purposes. The book contains chapters on Appetizers, Soups, Eggs, Sauces, Salads, Salad Dressings, Vegetable Cookery, Flavorings, Garnishes, Breads, Canning, Desserts, Pudding Sauces, Fruits, Nut Milks and =Substitutes for Meats=. A great book, and one that will pay, in comfort and health, many times its cost. =Cloth bound, $1.50; by mail $1.62= Mrs. Rorer's New Cook Book The best in existence. 736 pages of the choicest recipes in all departments of cookery, fully illustrated. The chapters on How to Buy Meats, and Carving are enough to commend it to any one. =In washable cloth, $2.00; by mail $2.20= My Best 250 Recipes Mrs. Rorer's selected choicest recipes, the ones that have most strongly appealed to her. =Cloth bound, 50 cents; by mail 55 cents= Many Ways for Eggs An excellent little book, full of many new recipes for cooking eggs. And when once you try them, you'll be glad of the book. =Cloth, 35 cents; by mail 38 cents= New Salads Mrs. Rorer says that, for health purposes, a salad should be part of every day's dinner. Well, here in this book are many fine, choice recipes to tickle the palate and give that nice finish to a good meal. =Cloth bound, only 50 cents= =At all bookstores or department stores, or write the publishers= =Arnold and Company, 420 Sansom Street, Philadelphia= * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] SLADE'S CINNAMON ABSOLUTELY PURE ¼ LB. NET =DELICIOUS FOOD= Costs but little, if any more than disgusting food. It is the flavor that marks the difference between =Slade's Spices and Extracts= and the ordinary kind. That is why you should insist on having SLADE'S. _Grocers generally sell Slade's to particular people._ D. & L. SLADE CO. BOSTON * * * * * [Advertisement] EUTHENICS _The Science of Controllable Environment_ _By ELLEN H. RICHARDS, A.M._ This book is a plea for better living conditions as a first step toward higher human efficiency. It discusses most readably the opportunity for betterment, the need of individual and community effort, the training of the child in the home and in the school, stimulative education for adults, the protection of the ignorant, and the responsibility for improving the national health and increasing the national wealth. Ready in June. Price to be announced. WHITCOMB & BARROWS _Publishers_ Huntington Chambers, Boston, Mass. * * * * * INDEX FOR AUGUST-SEPTEMBER PAGE A Group of Choice Spanish and Mexican Recipes 96 A Romany Tent 77 Being Married 65 Dishes for Automobile and Picnic Luncheons 57 Editorials 78 Fate 70 Goin' to School 108 Home Ideas and Economies 104 In August 73 In Time of Vacation 94 Love and Affection 75 Menus 90-92 Old Age 73 Out of Chicken Pie 71 Practical Home Dietetics 99 Quaint Customs and Toothsome Dainties 59 Rhymed Receipts for any Occasion 93 The Father xiv The Nursery 97 The Regeneration of Podunk 67 The Task we Love 95 Three Girls Go Blackberrying 76 SEASONABLE RECIPES: Bouillon, Jellied 82 Chicken and Ham, Terrine of (Ill.) 84 Chowder, Green Corn 83 Corn, Green, au Gratin (Ill.) 88 Kuchen, Kugelhopf (Ill.) 89 Meat, Cold, with Vegetable Salad (Ill.) 85 Oysters, Escalloped 83 Parfait, Grape-Juice (Ill.) 89 Pastry, Plain and Flaky 86, 87 Pears Béatrice (Ill.) 87 Rissoles, Chicken-and-Ham (Ill.) 85 Salad, Cheese (Ill.) 86 Salad, Peach (Ill.) 89 Sauce, Vinaigrette 85 Sausage with Pineapple Fritters (Ill.) 85 Sherbet, Grape-Juice 89 Soup, Bisque of Clams and Green Peas 81 Soup, Clam Broth, Chantilly 81 Soup, Purée of Tomato, Julienne 82 Soup, Tomato Bisque 82 Watermelon Cones (Ill.) 89 QUERIES AND ANSWERS: Angel Food with Cornstarch xii Blitz Kuchen 109 Cake, Lady Baltimore xii Cake, Sponge, for Jelly Roll 111 Cookies, Peanut xii Currants, Bar-le-Duc 112 Custard, Cheese x Eggs Benedict 111 Ginger Root, Preserving x Ice Cream, Dark Chocolate 109 Jelly, Tomato, Aspic 110 Omelet, Rum x Peach Cordial xii Rice with Bacon and Tomatoes xii Soup, Cream of Corn 111 Sundae, Maple-Walnut xii Tamales, Mexican x Time Table for Cooking 110 [Advertisement] LEADING WORKS ON COOKERY PUBLISHED BY LITTLE, BROWN, & CO., BOSTON =The Boston Cooking School Cook Book= By FANNIE MERRITT FARMER. New revised edition, with 130 illustrations in half-tone. 664 pages. Cloth. $2.00. This new and enlarged edition contains 2117 thoroughly tested recipes, from the simple and economical to the more elaborate. =Food and Cookery for the Sick and Convalescent= By FANNIE MERRITT FARMER. With sixty illustrations in half-tone. 300 pages. Cloth. $1.50 _net_. An invaluable book for those whose duty it is to care for the sick. =Chafing Dish Possibilities= By FANNIE MERRITT FARMER. 161 pages. Cloth. $1.00. It is a book that no one who entertains with the chafing dish will be without.--_St. Paul Globe._ =The Golden Rule Cook Book= By M. R. L. SHARPE. 12mo. 300 pages. Cloth. $2.50 _net_. A collection of 600 recipes for meatless dishes with specimen menus that will delight the vegetarian. =Cooking for Two= By JANET MACKENZIE HILL. A handbook for young housekeepers. With numerous illustrations. 12mo. Cloth. $1.50 _net_. Over 400 pages of recipes, menus, and other invaluable information for families of two. =The Up-To-Date Waitress= By JANET MACKENZIE HILL. With 53 illustrations. 165 pages. Cloth. $1.50 _net_. A book for every household in which a waitress is employed. =Salads, Sandwiches, and Chafing-Dish Dainties= By JANET MACKENZIE HILL. With 50 illustrations. 143 pages. Cloth. $1.50. To the housewife who likes new and dainty ways of serving food, this book will simply be a godsend. =The Boston Cook Book= By MARY J. LINCOLN. Revised edition, with 51 illustrations. About 600 pages. Cloth, $2.00. It ought to be in every household.--_Philadelphia Press._ * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] MRS. HILL'S NEW BOOK COOKING TOR TWO =Over 400 pages; over 100 illustrations.= =Price $1.50 net, postage 16c.= COOKING FOR TWO is designed to give in simple and concise style, those things that are essential to the proper selection and preparation of a reasonable variety of food for a family of two individuals. At the same time by simply doubling the quantity of each ingredient given in a recipe, the dish prepared will serve four or more people. The food products considered in the recipes are such as the housekeeper of average means would use on every day occasions, with a generous sprinkling of choice articles for Sunday, or when a friend or two have been invited to dinner, luncheon or high tea. Menus for a week or two in each month are given. There is much in the book that is interesting, even indispensable, to young housekeepers, or those with little experience in cooking, while every housekeeper will find it contains much that is new and helpful. =An ideal gift to a young housekeeper. The recipes are practical and are designed, and really are, "For Two."= We will send "=Cooking for Two=" _postpaid_ on receipt of price; or to a present subscriber as a premium for sending us three (3) _new_ yearly subscriptions at $1.00 each. =The Boston Cooking-School Magazine Co., Boston, Massachusetts= * * * * * [Advertisement] Books on Household Economics THE BOSTON COOKING-SCHOOL MAGAZINE presents the following as a list of representative works on household economics. Any of the books will be sent postpaid on receipt of price. With an order amounting to $5 or more we include a year's subscription to THE BOSTON COOKING-SCHOOL MAGAZINE (price $1). The MAGAZINE must be sent, however, to a new subscriber. The books will be sent as premiums for securing new subscriptions to THE BOSTON COOKING-SCHOOL MAGAZINE as follows: any book listed at not more than fifty cents will be sent postpaid to a present subscriber on receipt of one new yearly subscription at $1; for two subscriptions we will send postpaid any $1 book; for three subscriptions any $1.50 book; and so on in like ratio. Special rates will be made to schools, clubs and persons wishing a number of books. Write for quotation on the list of books you wish. =American Salad Book.= M. DeLoup $1.00 =Art of Home Candy-making= (=with thermometer, dipping wire, and moulds=) 3.00 =Art of Right Living.= Richards .50 =Baby, The. A book for mothers and nurses.= D. R. Brown, M.D. 1.00 =Blue Grass Cook Book.= Minnie C. Fox 2.00 =Book of Good Manners.= Kingsland 1.50 =Boston Cook Book.= Mary J. Lincoln 2.00 =Boston Cooking School Cook Book.= Fannie M. Farmer 2.00 =Bread and Bread-making.= Mrs. Rorer .50 =Bright Ideas for Entertaining.= Linscott .50 =Cakes, Icings and Fillings.= Mrs. Rorer .50 =Canning and Preserving.= Mrs. Rorer .50 =Care and Feeding of Children.= L. E. Holt, M.D. .75 =Care of a Child in Health.= N. Oppenheim 1.25 =Carving and Serving.= Mary J. Lincoln .60 =Century Cook Book.= Mary Roland 2.00 =Chemistry in Daily Life.= Lessar-Cohn 1.50 =Chemistry of Cookery.= W. Mattieu Williams 1.50 =Chemistry of Cooking and Cleaning.= Richards and Elliot 1.00 =Cleaning and Renovating at Home.= Osman .75 =Cook Book for Nurses.= Sarah C. Hill .75 =Cooking for Two.= Mrs. Janet M. Hill 1.50 =Cost of Cleanness.= Richards 1.00 =Cost of Food.= Richards 1.00 =Cost of Living.= Richards 1.00 =Cost of Shelter.= Richards 1.00 =Dainties.= Mrs. Rorer .35 =Desserts--One Hundred Recipes.= By Fillipini .30 =Diet in Relation to Age and Activity.= Sir Henry Thompson 1.00 =Dictionary of Cookery.= Cassell 3.00 =Dictionary of Foods and Culinary Encyclopædia.= Senn 1.00 =Domestic Service.= Lucy M. Salmon 2.00 =Economics of Modern Cookery.= M. M. Mollock 1.00 =Eggs--One Hundred Recipes.= Fillipini .30 =Every Day Menu Book.= Mrs. Rorer 1.50 =Expert Waitress.= A. F. Springsteed 1.00 =First Lessons in Food and Diet=. .30 =Fish--One Hundred Recipes for Cooking Fish.= Fillipini .30 =First Principles of Nursing.= Anne R. Manning 1.00 =Food.= A. H. Church 1.20 =Food and Cookery for the Sick and Convalescent.= Fannie M. Farmer 1.50 =Food and Dietaries.= R. W. Burnett, M.D. 1.50 =Food and its Functions.= James Knight 1.00 =Food in Health and Disease.= I. B. Yéo, M.D. 2.50 =Food Materials and their Adulterations.= Richards 1.00 =Golden Rule Cook Book= (=600 Recipes for Meatless Dishes=). Sharpe 2.50 =Handbook of Invalid Cooking.= Mary A. Boland 2.00 =Healthful Farm House, The.= Helen Dodd .60 =Home Economics.= Maria Parloa 1.50 =Home Economics Movement= .75 =Home Nursing.= Harrison 1.00 =Home Problems from a New Standpoint= 1.00 =Home Sanitation.= Richards and Talbot .25 =Home Science Cook Book.= Anna Barrows and Mary J. Lincoln 1.00 =Hostess of Today.= Linda Hull Larned 1.50 =Hot Weather Dishes.= Mrs. Rorer .50 =Household Economics.= Helen Campbell 1.50 =Household Science.= Juniata L. Shepperd 1.75 =How to Cook Fish.= Olive Green 1.00 =How to Cook for the Sick and Convalescent.= H. V. Sachse 1.00 =How to Feed Children.= Louise E. Hogan 1.00 =International Cook Book.= Fillipini 4.80 =Kitchen Companion.= Parloa 2.50 =Laundry Manual.= Balderston and Limerick .50 =Laundry Work.= Juniata L. Shepperd .60 =Louis' Salads and Chafing Dishes.= Muckensturm .50 =Luncheons.= Mary Roland 1.40 =Made-over Dishes.= Mrs. Rorer .50 =Many Ways for Cooking Eggs.= Mrs. Rorer .35 =Marion Harland's Complete Cook Book= 2.00 =Menu Book and Register of Dishes.= Senn 2.50 =My Best 250 Recipes.= Mrs. Rorer .50 =One Woman's Work for Farm Women= .50 =Practical Cooking and Serving.= Mrs. Janet M. Hill 2.00 =Practical, Sanitary, and Economic Cooking.= Mary Hinman Abel .40 =Principles of Home Decoration.= Candace Wheeler 1.80 =Register of Foods= 1.00 =Rorer's (Mrs.) New Cook Book= 2.00 =Salads, Sandwiches, and Chafing Dish Dainties.= Mrs. Janet M. Hill 1.50 =Sanitation in Daily Life.= Richards .60 =Spirit of Cookery.= J. L. W. Thudichum 2.50 =The Up-to-date Waitress.= Mrs. Janet M. Hill 1.50 =The Woman who Spends.= Bertha J. Richardson 1.00 =Till the Doctor Comes, and How to Help Him.= George H. Hope, M.D., and Mary Kydd 1.00 =Vegetable Cookery and Meat Substitutes.= Mrs. Rorer 1.50 =Vegetarian Cookery.= A. G. Payne .50 ADDRESS ALL ORDERS THE BOSTON COOKING-SCHOOL MAGAZINE CO., BOSTON, MASS. * * * * * [Advertisement] We Have an Attractive Proposition To make to those who will take subscriptions for _THE BOSTON COOKING-SCHOOL MAGAZINE_ Write us for it if you wish to canvass your town or if you wish to secure only a few names among your friends and acquaintances. Start the work at once and you will be surprised how easily you can earn ten, twenty or fifty dollars. ADDRESS SUBSCRIPTION DEPARTMENT _Boston Cooking-School Magazine Co._ _BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS_ Buy advertised goods--do not accept substitutes * * * * * Dishes for Automobile and Picnic Luncheons I. Terrine-of-Chicken and Ham Cold Jellied Chicken Pie Cold Jellied Tongue Cold Boiled Ham, Sliced Thin Cold Chicken-and-Ham Rissoles Boned Loin of Lamb, Roasted, Cooled, Sliced Thin Slices of Cold Roast Lamb in Mint Jelly Cold Broiled Lamb Chops, Paper Frills on Bones Cold Creamed Chicken in Puff Cases Salmon-and-Green Pea Salad Potato-and-Egg Salad Stringless Bean-and-Egg Salad Deviled Ham Sandwiches Cheese-and-Pecan Nut Sandwiches Bacon Sandwiches Noisette Sandwiches Pimento-and-Cream Cheese Sandwiches Corned Beef-and-Mustard Sandwiches Peanut Butter-and-Olive Sandwiches Lady Finger Rolls Parker House Rolls Rye Biscuit Apple Turnovers. Banbury Tarts. Jelly Tarts Grape-fruit Marmalade. Currant Jelly Gherkins. Melon Mangoes Cold Coffee. Hot Coffee Grape Juice. Pineappleade Lemonade [Illustration: CORNER OF LIVING ROOM IN BUNGALOW] The Boston Cooking-School Magazine VOL. XV AUGUST-SEPTEMBER, 1910 NO. 2 Quaint Customs and Toothsome Dainties By Frances R. Sterrett Popular hotels and big cafés are much the same the world over, whether you find them in New York, Paris, Cairo or Calcutta. There is the same staff of uniformed, expectant servants, the same glittering decorations and appointments, the orchestra plays the same selections, and the throng of well-dressed guests looks as though it might have been transported bodily from one to the other. Love of variety sends the traveler, away from all this glare and glitter, to some quaint resort that had its group of patrons when the United States was young, and which still retains many of the customs that were features of the common life a century or more ago, and that now are so unusual that they prove strong magnets for the tourist. Nearly everybody who goes to London finds his way, sooner or later, to Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese in Wine Office Court. Tucked away, as it is, just off of Fleet Street, it presents anything but a pretentious appearance and more than one party of timid American women has hurried away, disappointed at sight of its dingy court. But the dinginess is all on the outside; within, there is light and warmth, and cheery greeting. The Cheese was a coffee house beloved by Samuel Johnson, and the chair in which the great man sat, night after night, while busy Boswell listened and took copious notes of the interchange of wits, is still there, standing now beneath the big portrait of Dr. Johnson that hangs on one side of the fireplace. Oliver Goldsmith was also a regular patron of the Cheese, which is one of the few meeting places of the literati of the eighteenth century that still remain. Indeed, these old relics of the past are fast disappearing. Five years ago, when I first visited the Cheese, the waiter, impressed with my interest in the old associations, asked if I would care to see the house in which Johnson lived. It was near at hand, but he said emphatically, "You'll have to hurry for they are tearing it down at this minute." Hurry we did and arrived in time to see the dismantling of the last row of windows. Ye Olde Cheese is too good a source of revenue for it to be destroyed, and the prospects are that for years to come Americans will flock there to exclaim over the high paneled walls and the sanded floors. The tables still stand between high-backed benches, over which the newspapers are hung, as they were in Johnson's day. The old grill is on the second floor, and over its gleaming coals innumerable kidneys and chops have been brought to culinary perfection. Beefsteak pudding, which is served on Wednesdays, with all the pomp and ceremony of ancient days, is an attraction that fills the tables and sends away dozens of envious men and women, who can get no more than a sniff of the Old English dish, as it is borne in triumph through the rooms. Other days have their specialities, but it is the beefsteak pudding that is the favorite, and if you delay your arrival, the prospects are, you will have to be satisfied with a kidney or a chop, for not a scrap of pie is ever left. But with toasted cheese to follow, the kidney is not a bad substitute, and it brings with it, also, a flavor of Dickens and Thackeray, whose heroes dined frequently on such fare. With the luncheon comes Devonshire cider, another speciality of the house, if you do not care for beer or ale, but beer or cider is served in reproductions of the pewter mugs that Dr. Johnson drank from, and, for a consideration, you can carry one away, wrapped in an odd bag of woven reeds. The visitors' book at the Cheese makes interesting reading while you wait for your chop, for it is embellished with pen drawings by the famous artists of the world, and enriched with sentiments from poets, novelists, musicians, politicians, capitalists, and others whose names are known on more than one continent. [Illustration: "YE OLDE CHESHIRE CHEESE, A COFFEE HOUSE BELOVED BY SAMUEL JOHNSON"] Buszard's on Oxford Street is not as familiar to Americans, but it has an interest of its own, for it has made wedding cakes for royalty for many years, and the models displayed in the show-room form an amusing exhibition to the American who has little idea of what a royal wedding cake should be. There they stand six or seven feet tall and in as many tiers, each ornamented with almond icing, inches thick, and sugar piping, with coats of arms and heraldic devices, and bearing on top a sugar temple surmounted by doves and other hymeneal emblems. The account of a fashionable wedding in the English society papers usually closes with the line, "Cake by Buszard" or Bolland, for Buszard in London and Bolland in Chester make most of the wedding cakes that are served in England, and they send hundreds of them to the colonies, so that the English bride, even if she be far from home, can have "Cake by Buszard." And most delectable cake it is, too, and if you wander into the heavily furnished, rather gloomy tea-room at the tea hour, you will find it well filled with city and country people and a sprinkling of foreigners who are partaking of the conventional afternoon refreshment where their grandparents or great grandparents, perhaps, were refreshed. Tea for two shillings allows you to eat all the cake you wish, but unfortunately physical limitations prevent you from trying half of the delicious confections in the tray beside you, the almond pound, Dundee, Maderia simnel, rich currant, muscatel, green ginger, cheese cakes and Scotch short bread, all made from ancient recipes. It is difficult to choose a favorite, although the Scotch short bread never tastes quite the same as it does in one of the popular tea rooms on Princes Street in Edinburgh. Newhaven, just outside of Edinburgh, used to be more famous for its fish dinners than it is now and, perhaps, you will find no other party in the hotel coffee room where at least four kinds of fried fish, no one of which you can find on this side of the water, are served for a shilling, sixpence. Newhaven is visited for its picturesque fishwives; and the women look more as though they had just been brought from Holland than as descendants of Scandinavians who crossed in the time of James IV. They have been singularly conservative in their habits, and, owing to a strict custom of intermarriages, there are only a few names to be found in this colony of fisher folk, who have to resort to nicknames for identification. [Illustration: FROM THE COFFEE-ROOM WINDOW YOU CAN SEE THE QUAINT NEWHAVEN FISHWIVES] If you are a tourist of the feminine gender, you will probably stop at the Globe Inn, in Dumfries, for a lemon squash, or a ginger ale, although you may be brave enough to ask the rosy-cheeked landlady for a small glass of what Robert Burns used to order; for the Globe Inn is the Burns' Howff, and down its narrow court the poet slipped nightly to the brightly-lighted room where his companions waited. The chair in which the poet lolled is still there, and a right stout affair it is, and with stout arms. It is kept securely locked behind wooden doors, and the landlady made a great ceremony of opening them and insisted on each of us trying the capacious seat. "Perhaps you write poetry yourself?" she asked; but we had to confess that we felt no more gifted with rhymes in Burns' chair than in our own inglenook in America, and followed her up the stairs to the old-time room filled with relics. "Americans come a long way to see these old pieces," she said, as she motioned majestically to a punch bowl, and then moved to the window on whose pane the poet had written the verses to "The Lovely Polly Stewart." "You seem to think a sight of Burns? There was one American gentleman who offered me a pot of money, if I would let him take the Howff to a fair in America, but I make a tidy living out of it here and God knows if we would ever live to cross the ocean. Burns lived and died here, and what would do for him will do for me," humbly. There are many colleges in Oxford, but at no one of them is the tourist supposed to find refreshment in the dining halls, so that it was something of a triumph to be given a tart in one of the quaint old kitchens. The tart was really a tribute to an interest in the pantry shelves which were filled with pastry, and in the explanatory list that hung beside them. Tarts have been made in the same fashion at this Oxford college for several hundred years, in order, the cook explained, with a twinkle in his eye, that the students might get what they wanted, when they slipped down on a night tart raid. It is the nick in the edge that has told generations of students the contents of the tart; an apple has only one nick, a mince has two at each end, a gooseberry three, and so on until a student who has learned the rule can choose his favorite in the dark. Winchester, the old royal city of England, has so many places of interest, the cathedral, the famous Winchester school, the castle, in which hangs King Arthur's round table as it has hung for several hundred years, that the traveler who is there but for a day may not have time to share the wayfarer's dole at St. Cross hospital which is distributed today just as Bishop Henry de Blois, a grandson of William the Conqueror, arranged almost eight hundred years ago. This wayfarer's dole consists of a horn of ale and piece of white bread, and anyone who knocks at the hatchway of the porter's gate is entitled to receive it. About thirty wayfarers are given it daily as well as many notable people and curious travelers who knock at the door for the novelty of sharing in a picturesque survival of a mediæval charity. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote of his experience, "Just before entering Winchester we stopped at the Church of St. Cross, and after looking through the quaint antiquity we demanded a piece of bread and a draught of ale, which the founder, Henry de Blois, in 1136, commanded should be given to everyone who should ask it at the gate. We had both from the old couple who take care of the church." When you are in Paris you must not forget Rumpelmeyer, the "king of pastry makers." His shop is unpretentious, considering his vogue, and the room is all too small on a pleasant afternoon for the throng which would invade it. There are representatives from the far corners of the world. Americans are all about you; at the next table is a Russian grand duchess, perhaps, with her cavaliers; nearer the wall sits a woman from the Orient, whose soft silk draperies are in strange contrast to the modish Parisiennes; a group of children chatter of South Africa to their attendants and two natives from India have not doffed their spotless white turbans. [Illustration: SHARING IN A PICTURESQUE SURVIVAL OF A MEDIÆVAL CHARITY] Rumpelmeyer's might be considered a glorified cafeteria, and the great moment of your visit to the café is when you have taken the fork and plate from the smiling maid, and stand hesitating beside the table laden with cakes. And such cakes! Fluffy balls rolled in chocolate and cocoanut, maple crescents, diamonds of paste enriched with French fruits, tiny tarts filled with glacéd cherries, half an apricot or a plum; cornets heaped with cream of pistachio or strawberries, pastry and sweetmeats in every appetizing form, until it is difficult to make a choice. At last with plate laden you find your way to the table where something new in ices, cool or hot drinks, is served. And as you go away, you cast a lingering glance at the patisserie table and plan to come, again and again, until you have tried every kind, not knowing that new confections are offered every few days to make such a plan almost an impossibility. [Illustration: THE HOSPITABLE PEOPLE OF VOLENDAM] In strange contrast to the smart Parisian café is the Hotel Spaander in quaint Volendam, and if it is not the season you may be alone on the piazza which is swept by the bracing winds from the Zuyder Zee, and where the picturesque hospitable people give you a cordial greeting. And palatable as were the marvelous cakes of Paris, they were no better than the Dutch raisin bread, Edam cheese and mild beer that forms your luncheon. Volendam is but next door to Edam, the home of the popular cheeses, and the thin shavings seem to have been made to accompany the delicious raisin bread of Holland. The Spaander is a popular rendezvous for artists, and the big rooms have been adorned with paintings and sketches by the men and women who have enjoyed its hospitality. The bright-faced girl, who serves you, was taught to speak English, perhaps, by some artist who may be a member of the British Royal Academy now, and she loves to tell you of the notable people who have come and gone, and she fairly carries you away to see the homes of the fisher folk. She explains their marvelous clothes, and declares that the huge silver buttons worn by the men and boys were used as a mark of identification in case of drowning, for each district in Holland has its own design. She calls your attention to the old china, pewter and brass, and giggles approval when you pass the school and slip a copper into each of the wooden shoes at the door. Everybody takes at least one ice at Florian's on St. Mark's Square in Venice for at Florian's you are sure to see the world and his wife, especially, if you are there on an evening when the band plays in the square. Florian's ices are world renowned, and its patrons are as cosmopolitan as Rumpelmeyer's, and, as you eat your way through the pink or chocolate cone of sweetness, you will find the price of it in the bottom of the dish. There is no room for argument over the charge, for in the bottom of every dish, in plain figures, is its cost, two francs or two francs, fifty. And after you have paid the reckoning, the waiter turns over the dish as a sign that your debt is canceled, and you are at liberty to sit and listen to the music and watch the people for as long as you wish. Nearly every European city has a café or a restaurant that is of special interest, not because of its smart patronage or high prices, but for its quaint customs, old dishes or drinks, and it varies the routine of galleries and historic buildings to hunt them out. They add a spice, a zest, to what might become rather a dreary round of sight seeing, for no one appreciates the old customs more than the American. There are some travelers who make a point of stopping at the Three Tuns in Durham, no more to see Durham's beautiful cathedral, if the truth were told, than to have the trim maid bring them a tiny glass of cherry brandy to "drink to the health of the house," a custom that was young two hundred years or more ago, although it must be confessed that, while the custom has been retained, the glasses that hold the delicious cordial are considerably smaller than they were in the days when the request was first made. Being Married By Mrs. Chas. Norman The morning paper tells of a man and woman who got married after only a few hours' acquaintance. Unfortunately, this couple cannot claim to have done anything unique. Numerous persons have done likewise--at least the newspapers say so--though the statement is one which makes upon a sane mind an impression of confusion. I say confusion, not to mention other effects. After reading the announcement, I looked into the dictionary to see if it could be true, and I judge it is possible. Marriage, according to Webster, is the act which unites the man and woman, and, while it seems impossible for a real union to take place in so brief a time, still there is probably no other way of telling in the English language what has occurred. It might well happen that the persons so hastily "joined" should become married in the course of time. Certain metals really mix and stick together even after the heat of welding has died out, but no mere ceremony can unite, though it be performed by the holiest of ministers or the most profound legal interpreter. And, as it is impossible for any third person to "unite" man and woman, so it is out of the question for any third person to give any legitimate advice as to whether or not the man and woman should unite, unless by chance the third person discovers that the real union or disunion already exists. An ambitious young lady stopped to see me on her way to New York. She was about to sail for Europe, and she told me, confidentially, that she was engaged to marry a clergyman of this country, and that she "might marry him," if she failed to get a certain position she hoped for in Paris. I could not refrain from saying, "Do not marry," and she took it that I was either averse to matrimony or to the young man. Such supposition was incorrect. I simply disliked to see any man irrevokably tied to a woman who took him only because she could not get something else. I explained this to the girl, but it did no good. She said I was "sentimental and not at all practical." I confessed to a little sentiment on the subject of wedlock, and refrained from adding that I should rather be truthful than practical, but I told her that, if she had accepted her lover, conditionally, her course was entirely honorable, and then, to relieve the _heaviness_ of the conversation, I repeated these lines, which she laughed at very moderately indeed: "I, Pegg Pudding, promise thee, William Crickett, That I will hold thee for mine own dear lily, Whilst I have a head in mine eye and a face on my nose, A mouth in my tongue and all that a woman should have, From the crown of my foot to the sole of my head." The attention of my guest flagged a little and, when I completed the stanza, she confessed she was thinking of a Philadelphia girl whose resolution she much admired. During a sojourn in Europe, this girl had refused sixty-five offers of marriage--I hope I have the number exactly right--having determined to marry no one of lower rank than a prince. I sped my guest to New York and Europe, and after her departure no ghost needed to come from the grave to tell me why marriage is so often a failure. We hear this thing and that thing given as a reason. Responsibility enough is to be laid at the door of men, but let women confess a share in the desecration of the sacred ordinance. Is it possible to think of a marriage resulting well that does not begin in truth, and continue in truth? Let truth, at least, be counted an essential. After truth, let the candidate consider the necessity of sacrifice. Present-day girls cannot claim much more of that element than boys. If modern women have a hobby more general than another, it must be the development of their individuality. This is a fine thing, but let those who are over-zealous on this point remain single or remain rational, for it is scarcely fair to develop one's individuality to the extinction of another person's rights. To speak the truth, a proper individuality is never oblivious to others. Women would be learned and wise, but they fail to see that the very richest return of wisdom comes from putting forth their full strength _where it is due_. God has provided that recompense for all dutiful activity, and it often happens that the circumstances that would seem to retard mental development are its greatest stimuli, and the saving of the much-cherished individuality is accomplished by self-forgetfulness. Marriage is one of the apparent interruptions to intellectual progress--especially a woman's. We often hear of the fine career a certain person might have had, unmarried. Such talk signifies nothing. In the first place, age does not always fulfill the promises of youth. Many a young man has started well in life and failed through no fault of his companion. A discerning man will not be apt to choose a frivolous woman, though we often hear the contrary. A bright girl, though she may remain single and devote herself to herself, is not sure of a successful career. Some womanly virtues are certainly fostered best in a home. Love is, to many women, what the tropics are to vegetation. On the other hand, there are women who seem to be created for public benefactions and isolated labors. Concentration in any line of business is bound to bring definite results, but definite, tangible results may not be the best results. A man who assumes some domestic responsibility must abridge his public services, and, as it is only public services that make a show, his life seems less valuable. "I like you better since you married," said a frank old lady to a young man, and he laughed and answered: "I used to know a great many things, but they were all wrong, every one of them! It takes a sensible wife to straighten out a man's mental distortions." Doubtless his wife could have reversed the compliment. The pictures of unhappy marriages are hung in every household which the American press can possibly reach: the good marriages attract no attention. Natural reverence prevents those who know anything about them from telling what they know. We do not talk glibly of God's love. The theme is sacred. Just as sacred, and very personal, is the other subject. No man of sense, who loves his wife, says much about it, even to his intimate friends. What adult, with reason, goes about seeking advice upon matrimony? Marriage is for persons of mature minds, and it is absolutely an individual matter, each case deciding itself. Let those who doubt concerning matrimony stay out of it. Let those who are already in it, remember that it is a solemn compact between two persons and that any action is unbecoming and inconsistent which does not result to the advantage of both. The Regeneration of Podunk By Phoebe D. Roulon Jack and I arrived at Podunk just in "strawberry time." Did you ever stop to consider what a mandatory phrase "strawberry time" is? Jack and I did to the fullest, for from one end of Podunk highway to the other, in every farmstead that was the happy possessor of a strawberry patch, the proclamation had gone forth that berries were ripe and must be "done up" at once. There is no such thing as procrastinating with Nature, especially in her fruit department. Infinite in patience, unsparing in pains from the first inception of the berry to its maturity, when once her creative work is accomplished, she lays the finished product at your feet and henceforth waives all responsibility. Put off until tomorrow what should have been "done up" today and Nature will seek vengeance upon you and show you your folly. Mrs. Simpkins might better save her breath than to enter the protest that she cannot possibly "can" today, for the minister and family are coming to dinner. Nature makes no exception for even the clergy. When Mrs. Hopewell declares she must take her butter and eggs to market today and so cannot do another stroke of work after one o'clock, Nature simply smiles complacently from the four corners of every ruddy berry basket and says, "Take me now in my perfection, for tomorrow it will have passed away." In obedience to this inexorable law Podunk was making ready. Brass kettles were being scoured and granite ones were coming forth from their winter hiding places. With one accord Podunk was becoming a huge canning and preserving factory, with as many annexes as there were houses with berry patches. Day after day the process went on, for day after day a fresh supply demanded attention. Overworked and tired housewives groaned in spirit and slept in meeting as a result. Everybody's nerves were a little on the bias until the strawberries were settled for the winter. To a casual observer it seemed as if Nature's lavishness had outrun Podunk's gratitude, and as if strawberries were becoming a nuisance. As I said, Jack and I arrived just at this crisis in the farm life of Podunk. Indeed, within an hour after we landed, and amid the chaos of unpacking, a gentle maiden tapped at our kitchen door and importuned us to buy some preserving berries. Jack has a sweet tooth and I saw at a glance that he had not missed the vision of rows of red jars on the swinging shelf in the cellar, and Sunday night teas of jam, long after the last strawberry had ripened and decayed. But he desisted and let her depart without buying a berry. This I call heroic and manly, and told him so on the spot. Of course the well had not been pumped out, the water-pail had not been unpacked, the grocery supplies had not arrived. There had not been a fire in the stove for eight months, and there was no split wood in the wood shed, but men have been known to expect household routine to go on under conditions quite as hindering, therefore I repeat, that Jack, in the face of vanishing sweets, showed fortitude and consideration. But it was plain that "strawberry time" had made an impression on his mind that took somewhat the form of a problem. Now Jack is never happier than when he has nuts to crack or problems to solve. He is that all-round type of man that can and does bring the same philosophic trend of mind to bear upon matters domestic as upon civic and national affairs. We had come to Podunk to rest, but Jack always rests in motion, and in less than a week after our arrival I saw him go forth to canvass the community. For days and days he was as glum as an oyster, leaving me to guess what he was up to, but I have so long known the limitations to his capacity for holding in and carrying a secret, that I could wait in patience for the unbosoming. It came on one of those chilly, rainy nights in June,--the sort of night that Jack always expects and gets warm gingerbread for supper. Gingerbread always puts him in a talkative mood. We had each taken a second cup of tea, when Jack looked up and said, "Do you realize, my dear, that this canning and jellying process is only just started for the season in Podunk? I find that our Fourth of July not only proclaims American independence but also the proper time for making currant jelly, and so, unless Nature plays us false, the same ordeal must be repeated, with only the difference that 'currant' will be written on the label instead of 'strawberry.' And still another repetition, when raspberries are ripe and blackberries grow sweet and luscious. Again when the huckleberry bushes give up their treasures, shadowing forth a winter supply for pies. Then come the peaches, pears and plums, followed by apples, grapes and quinces. Between times, lest the hand forgets its cunning, there are peas, corn, beets and tomatoes to be rescued for future use. And the season ends with a pickling tournament. "It hardly seems creditable, but from here to Podunk Hollow, a distance of less than two miles, and only sparsely settled, I find by actual count that there are thousands of cans of fruit and hundreds of glasses of jelly prepared every season. From 'strawberry time'--indeed some ambitious housekeepers start in with rhubarb in April--until the last luckless green tomato is snatched from Jack Frost, there is a mad rush on the part of the farmer's wife to keep apace with Nature and to take care of her bounties with a thrifty hand." By this time Jack was ready for a second helping of gingerbread and proceeded. "Don't you see, my dear, that this is an awful waste of muscular energy and stove fuel. Don't you see that consolidation and coöperation at just this point would emancipate these women quite as much as the telephone and the rural delivery? "Furthermore, I believe there is fruit enough that goes to waste every year, which, if rescued, would not only pay for the running of a community kitchen, but also give a handsome bonus for civic beautifying. It is my firm faith that Podunk can earn the foundations of a fine library, within the next three years, by simply saving the waste of fruit and vegetables within her own borders. She has a market already established at the summer colony of Bide-a-wee." The third piece of gingerbread gave Jack the courage to make a clean breast of everything, and to confess that he had called a meeting and made all the necessary arrangements to start a community kitchen for canning and preserving, to be ready this season for the currant crop. Jack always persists that my impulsive opposition is his most helpful ally, so I never feel hindered in giving it. But I said "You have surely never looked at this problem from the psychological standpoint. You have never calculated the personal pride of every housewife in her own handiwork, done in her own way, the way tradition has made sacred to her. Eliminate the personal touch from half the preserve closets of Podunk and you rob them of their glory and half of their flavor. There are some things that cannot be consolidated and coöperated and this is one of them. Why! Mrs. Patterson would be inconsolably wretched, if she thought a jar of peaches would ever stand in her cellar that did not adhere to the formula of one and three-quarters pints of sugar to three pints of water. Now Mrs. Smith is equally loyal to one and one-half parts sugar to three parts water." "And as for jelly making, it has a hedge about it as conservative and invulnerable as a Chinese wall. Instance, our beloved Mrs. Thornton. That splendid spirit of housewifely excellence that we have always admired in her would be wholly inundated and wrecked, if she ever had to set before us, on her own tea-table, a glass of jelly that had been made by heating the currants before they were crushed, and straining the juice through cheesecloth instead of flannel. To Mrs. Thornton there is but one right way, the cold and flannel process. "Even I, Jack, dear, must own up to feeling an unpleasant sensation down my spinal column, and a vexatious agitation in my mind, whenever I see jelly boil more than five minutes after the sugar is added. Nay, my Worthy Wisdom, let me entreat you to carefully consider ere you intrude upon the sacred precincts of jelly-making with any ruthless tread. "As for pickling, it is an established fact that every housewife pickles to suit the taste of her family and her rule lies in the palate of said family. You know that the Joneses are always strong on the onion flavor, while the Millers emphasize cinnamon and allspice! Fancy consolidating these flavors into a blend and expect either family to be contented and happy. "Worthy as your Community Kitchen idea is in its inception, I fear it is doomed to failure. It uproots too many of the 'eternals' of housekeeping." Jack received my volley of opposing arguments, not only with fortitude but with apparent satisfaction, and simply said, "Have you finished?" As I had, he again took the floor. "Now, I am sure that my foundation is secure and my psychological attitude all right, for all the objections you mention were brought up, in one form or another, at the meeting we held, and I was able to meet every one of them. No, my dear, I do not mean to uproot the 'eternals' and the Joneses shall stand for onion flavor to the end of time. The personal equation will always be considered. Each farmer will simply send his consignment of berries or fruit with explicit instructions as to recipes to be followed, just as our great-grandfathers sent their grist to the mill to be ground and ordered middlings left in or middlings left out, according as to whether it was for pancakes or bread. Those worthies took it on faith that they brought back the same grain they carried and there need be no question now. Farmer Dunn's marrowfats need never get mixed with Deacon White's telephone peas, and Mrs. Thornton can always send her flannel jelly bag. "It is my opinion that the good wives will have gained enough leisure time to come to the Kitchen and inspect the process while their batch of fruit is being handled." So closely are faith and works related in Jack's philosophy of life that in an incredibly short time Podunk awoke one morning to find the abandoned Haskell house turned into a "Community Kitchen," in charge of a New England man and his wife, of thrift and learning. They began on the currant crop. Of course, since Jack was behind the innovation, I had to show my faith by sending the first lot, with instructions that the jelly should be boiled only one minute after the sugar was added. The twenty glasses of tender crystalline jelly that stood on my pantry shelf the next day needed no argument and so encouraged my nearest neighbor that she sent half of her picking to the Kitchen. I saw that it caused a wrench, but she supported herself on the consciousness that she was only risking half. But the jelly that came back adhered so closely in color, taste and texture to the "traditional" that the other half was sent without a qualm. This made a beginning and by the time the raspberries were ripe a dozen families were converted. When the fall fruits came on, it had grown into such a fashion to send the preserving out that the capacity of the Kitchen was somewhat taxed. An evaporating outfit was added, that saved hundreds of bushels of apples from absolute waste. A simple device for making unfermented grape juice brought profit enough the first year to paint the town hall, build over the stage and buy a curtain that never failed to work. The second year a "Sunshine" Laundry was added to the Kitchen, which proved a great boon. Podunk had wrestled with the domestic problem, but like the rest of the world had not solved it, and was left to do its own washing. As the name suggests, the "Community Kitchen" was established on a coöperative basis, with the understanding that after all running expenses were paid and each contributor had a certain share of profit, proportioned to the amount of surplus material he contributed, all the remaining profit was to go for the improvement of the town. The "Kitchen" is now three years old and every visitor coming to Podunk naturally wanders into the pretty new library on Main Street. The sweet-faced librarian is always cordial and tells you with unmasked pride that this is the first library built of fruit and vegetables. But complete regeneration came not to Podunk, until the Culture Club became an active organization, impelled forward by the brain force of the women of the community. Given a margin of leisure, it was demonstrated that culture will flourish as persistently in rural districts as in city precincts. Shakespeare and Browning were not neglected, nor were Wagner and Mendelssohn. Nature study, Domestic Economy and Civic beautifying opened new and broad avenues of culture, and classes in these subjects were held every week. The women of Podunk began to know their birds and to call them by name. The church suppers took on a new aspect, for the dietetic unrighteousness of four kinds of cake and three kinds of sweet pudding, at the same meal, was openly discussed and frowned upon. Deacon Wyburn, who had a tooth sweeter even than Jack's, declared, at first, that this was heresy that should not be allowed to enter the sanctuary. But regeneration came to the deacon as indigestion departed. And all of this happened, because Jack saw the need of an emancipation proclamation and the people of Podunk availed themselves of its freedom. I have always said that Jack was a man among men. Fate Great men live in word and deed, Tho' the hand that sows the seed No harvest knows. Fixed as is the rolling sea By its bounds, so this shall be To thee and those; Something lost and something won E'er the life that hath begun For thee shall close. --_Grace Agnes Thompson_ Out of Chicken Pie By Helen Campbell "The point is," said the young woman, "never to spend any time in self-pity and never mention one of whatever afflictions may have been apportioned to your individual self. The first takes your strength and spoils any good work you might do. The second is a bore to your friends and destruction to self-respect. In the first grip of things it is possible one may send up a howl. But at that or any other time, no matter what the impulse, Don't!" Was she a young woman after all? For, as she brought out the "Don't!" staccato, I looked again. Really she seemed more like a nice boy, well up in athletics, and as far on in general college work as athletics permit. Her hair was short, cut close to her head, yet curly, and though rather a dark brown, yet showing gold where little tendrils had their way, here and there, behind an ear or on her slender neck. Her hands were small, of course, for she was a Southern woman, generations of whom had no need to use their hands in any coarsening work, yet could and did use them in delicate cookery, preserving, and the like, and knew every secret of cutting and generally overseeing the garments for a plantation. Delicately formed, straight as a dart and with the alert expression of a champion tennis player, she stood at the gate into the chicken-yard, and smiled a delightful smile. "I shouldn't tell you one word," she said, "if you hadn't come from so old a friend. Oh, privately I would tell anyone interested, but printing is another matter. It will help, you say. I'm sure I don't know. Perhaps, but I somehow seem to think most find out for themselves, perhaps by a good many experiments, just what to do. But I will tell you just how it began with me. Nellie has told you, I don't doubt, that I was left a widow with three children. We had lived in town, after my marriage, in a rented house. When my husband died and I presently summed up my capital, it was, first, the children, then, not quite two hundred dollars left in the bank after the expenses of the long sickness and the funeral were paid. Added to this were nine hens and a rooster that I had kept at the end of the little garden at the back of the house, our cat and dog and about a fortnight's supplies in the pantry. Our clothes, too, were in fair amount and order. That was all. Lots of people came to condole with me and tell me what to do, but not one made what seemed to me a really practical suggestion. I knew what I could do, or thought I did, which amounts to the same thing, if you really go ahead and do it. I did it. "The first thing was to move into the country, where I had longed to have the children. It isn't country now exactly, for the station is not far away, but the house was out of repair, and I had the option of buying it at the end of the year, if I wanted it then. The owner couldn't do much and was glad to think it might be off his hands, and I took it for eighty dollars a year--this to include a few repairs. "There was a big garden, not tended for years, not a fruit tree, and the four acres outside the fenced-in garden one mass of brush. My next neighbor was a farmer from the North, come South for his health and getting it, and he took an interest from the beginning; he ploughed my land for me, and agreed to go over it with the cultivator when it was necessary, but I must first manage to rake up and burn up all the weeds and sticks, etc. The children helped me and we made a spree of it. I bought a cow of him, a good one, and, as one of my hens had begun to set on a box of nails, decided she should have eggs. He had some fine, pure-blooded Plymouth Rocks, and mine were Wyandottes, just as good and no fear as to crossing breeds, and so I started in. What I was after was broilers, and if broilers wouldn't support us, why there was something else that I felt sure would, and that was chicken pies. You smile, but let me tell you they weren't everyday chicken pies. Our old Dilly on my father's plantation was a champion chicken-pie maker, in demand for every wedding and general church entertainment, and she taught me just how, swearing me to secrecy long as she lived. So I watched her many times, realizing, at last, that it meant using the very choicest material straight through. No old hens simmered all day long to make them tender. On the contrary, she demanded the choicest broilers, and she made, not exactly puff paste but the most delicate order of pastry to put them in. To season to a turn and with no variation, and to have the gravy smooth and rich, these were her secrets, and I learned them so thoroughly that after once sampling them there was no further trouble as to orders. I sent little individual pies to every hotel and restaurant in the city I had left. I had bought a good cow, as I said, and soon bought another, to have plenty of cream, for that was one important item in the pies, and as the work got too much for me alone I presently had a girl to help, and at last another, all of us doing steady hard work, but liking it. I raised the chickens, you see, though I often hated to have them killed, and by this time we had small fruits, and all that grows in a well-kept garden. The children helped as well as went to school and were rosy, healthy creatures, my comfort and joy, and they always have been. I never have cleared over five hundred a year, but what more do I need? I make ten cents clear on each individual chicken pie and fifteen on the larger ones. Specials I make as large as people want them, but I prefer the little ones. Three sizes are made every day, and some families, who go away for the summer, have their chicken pies expressed to them each week and won't do without them. Some people fuss and say they are too rich. Others want me to charge less and say, if I would use lard instead of butter in the pastry, I could sell cheaper. But I answer that it is my business never to fall below the standard. Aunt Dilly would turn in her grave if she thought her rule was to have lard used instead of butter. I made some experiments and found it was distinctly best to stick close to the old original text. You can buy cheap pies anywhere and they taste cheap. These melt in your mouth. And you ought to know that two other women in the neighborhood have specialties, too, and I taught them, for my mother used to make a delicious chicken jelly for sick people and one woman does that and has a big market for it at the Woman's Exchange, and another makes cornbeef hash for three restaurants and has all she can do. The gist of it is _good cooking can always be made to pay_. Keep to the best form you can find, never vary, and a living, and often much more, is certain. When women learn that, perhaps more of them will turn in this direction. Here is the home paid for, trees growing and yielding, children growing too, and Tom almost ready for college, and chicken pie has done it, and will keep on doing it, perhaps as long as I live. At any rate I should never stop doing something as perfectly as I could for that is half the fun of living. Don't you think so? We keep the evenings for as much of a good time as possible. I keep a little of my old music and play accompaniments, for Tom has a fine baritone voice and we all sing, and Edith and her violin take the kinks out of any day's work. We have a fair little library and do not mean to fall behind or forget what quiet progress means. It has been a happy life, thank God! How could it help being so, with such children and a certain sure thing to do?" Yes, how could it help being thus with such a spirit at work to bring it about? That was the thought as I looked at the mother, and wished that all dolorous and uncertain women might have the same chance. Joining the Sunshine Circle or the Harmony Club might be the first essential. After that things would take care of themselves. In August Cora A. Matson Dolson For me a basket and a book Where cooling hemlocks grow; And, in the deep of wooded nooks, The spikes of cardinal glow. A book to bring but not to read-- Enough to know it near, To turn a leaf I do not need, The song is with me here. A bird-note comes adown the wood, It seems to stillness wed; A tap, then gleam of scarlet hood High in the tree o'erhead. The Indian-pipe is waxen stemmed; The squirrels near me play; While on this bank by mosses gemmed I dream the hours away. Old Age By Kate Gannett Wells Old age becomes more of a problem when living in it than when viewed afar off. It is a question of economics and ethics more than of wrinkles. It is so easy not to mind it when well, rich and beloved; it is so impossible not to object to it when sick, poor and unwelcome. It creeps into almost every home and, though we try to alleviate it and succeed to a certain extent, through affection, cookery and cleanliness, the vast majority of the world does not know how to manage to live on almost nothing, and yet it is upon those of small or of no means that the support of old age presses most heavily. So love only is left, and too often not even that. Then one wonders if one ought to refuse marriage and devote one's self to one's parents;--or, if married and children are many, and food and lodgings scant, shall one also house one's aged parents? If the ethics thereof are difficult to settle when money and space are available, it is a hideous task for decision when both are lacking. Nowhere does the attempted settlement to remove the stigma of pauperism from the aged through legislation threaten to be more puzzling than in England, where after January 1, 1911, a workhouse inmate of above seventy years and "fairly respectable" is entitled to leave the house and receive in lieu of its shelter five shillings a week. Is acceptance of such pension outside of a workhouse more honorable than being dependent on Government for support inside the workhouse? That is the question the Old Age pensioners of England are trying to solve. Who is going to house, feed and clothe them for five shillings a week? What does that amount to, set against the care of an infirm, old, undesired relative who is not wanted either for his keep or his affection, and who will only grow older? Even as a boarder of no kin whatever to his landlady, is he likely to be as comfortable as in the workhouse? Startling have been some of the discoveries that have followed upon this apparently beneficent legislation. Well was it that Miss Edith Sellers of England, of her own free will, visited relatives of the inmates of a London workhouse, hoping to carry back to the latter place the joyful tidings that they were wanted in families. Alas! out of 528 such inmates only 221 had any relatives, and more than half of that number knew that, if they went to their kinspeople, they would not be taken in. Some who had felt sure of a welcome were bitterly disappointed. "Old folk give no end of trouble; keeping them clean takes up all one's time. Besides they must have somewhere to sleep," was generally answered. One grown-up daughter, supporting herself, her mother and brother in two rooms, one no better than a cupboard, grieved she could not take back her father. Other sons and daughters, by blood or by law, waxed indignant at being urged to receive their kinsmen, even for the sake of the shillings. They had neither room nor food for them; each generation must care first for its own children and not take up burdens of parents, worse still of grandparents, aunts and cousins once gotten rid of; especially, if they were of the drunken variety, as was too often the case. Fortunately Miss Sellers found a few other homes which promised to receive a pensioner for the sake of his pension, or from real affection. After all the bitter work-a-day life in these narrow homes, attics, cellars, two or three rooms at most, would have been more wretched for the pensioners to bear than their blighted hopes. "To work a bit harder," in order to take in one's aged mother, is not possible in thousands of cases. Better to remain a workhouse pauper and be sure of warmth, cleanliness and food than to wander forth uncared for or to be an unwelcome burden on an overworked child. Therefore is it that the English Old Age Pension Act does not solve its own problem, for the infirm or sick must still be sheltered in some refuge which should have no workhouse taint of pauperism attached to it. However much there may be among us of similar reluctance to take home aged pauper relatives, it has not yet become a matter of public investigation, though, if it were, it is possible that there would be as much unwillingness manifested here as in England. Certainly many of our almshouses and homes for the aged poor suggest that there will be the same forlorn hopes shattered, if pensions should ever be conferred instead of legal residences in almshouses. Fortunately for us, old age is still an individual question. All the more, then, should elderly people not let themselves get crabbed. Of course, if other people would not nag one with being old, one would not be,--quite so old! What old age, whether poor, middling or well-to-do lacks is amusement. It is lonesome to keep jolly by remembering that one's mind ought to be one's kingdom. Meditation is all very well, but so also is the circus, the "greatest value of which lies in its non-ethical quality." Even if it has its symbolism, it does not mercilessly set one to moralizing, save as a three ring circus and a "brigade of clowns" (the result of trying to make as much money as possible) incites to weariness. The real "gospel of the circus" lies in its democracy, in its revealings of the power of training on acrobats and animals through kindly persistence, and in the mutual good will and law abiding qualities of the household of a circus. Always has it belonged to the people, and even ministers have not been discounted for their attendance. It seems a wide jump in fancy from old age to a circus, and yet to me they are intimately connected through the dear old people, poor and well to do, whom I have known, who found in it their objective base for amusement. To them the clown and his jokes were links in the spirit of human brotherhood. Alas, as a pension of five shillings a week will not permit of the circus in its glory, old age asks for the minor blessings of five cent shows, public parks, and good tobacco. Just to be out doors is rejuvenating. All the more is amusement desirable, because legislation has undertaken to set the goal when one shall no longer work. To retire teachers, officers, workers, merely because they are sixty-five or seventy is an insult to human nature, which rejects any arbitrary limit save that of incapacity. The average of average people, though perhaps unable to earn their living after seventy, are still capable of being occupied. Therefore let the old folks work at household and woodshed drudgery as long as they can, however irritating their slowness may be to the young and merciless. Let the old serve also in semi-public ways, because of their experience, even if they are not wanted round. It is a common saying that it is harder to resign office at seventy than at sixty, just because old age clings to occupation as its protection. But if with most of us, if not with all, as the years increase, occupation shrivels and the fads or hobbies, the solace of earlier days, cease by their very weight to be pursued,--then may there still be amusement provided for the elderly before they become "Shut Ins," dependent on Christmas and Easter cards for enjoyment. Love and Affection By Helen Coale Crew I love thee not, Love, though thou'rt called divine! Thou pagan god, whose flashing fires glow But for a season; then the winter's snow No colder lies than ashes on thy shrine. Thou selfish child! Ready to fret and whine When disappointed. Wandering to and fro In quest of joy, from flower to flower dost go Like greedy bee upon a honeyed vine. But thou, Affection, human art, and true! Fitted for every day's most urgent needs; Warm-glowing ever, all the seasons through; Mother of tenderness and selfless deeds. Clear-seeing thou, nor like that other blind; Clear-burning on the hearths of all mankind. Three Girls go Blackberrying By Samuel Smyth Grandpa told Mary that he saw a few blackberries in the pasture. Mary hastened to inform Mina that there were bushels of ripe blackberries in the pasture. Mina hurried to tell Jane, and almost breathlessly suggested that they go and get them before anybody else found them. Jane thought it would be more comfortable after sundown. Mina said that they would be gone before that time, and insisted that they go at once. Outnumbered, Jane reluctantly consented. Mary must change her dress; so must the other two. Much time was spent in that operation, for it included the special dressing of the hair, also. There was much impatience manifested by Mary, the first to declare herself ready; but after the others appeared she suddenly thought of several things that she must attend to. At last each inquired of the others, "Well, are you ready?" "Yes, in a minute," said Mina. "I forgot to put on cold cream to prevent sunburn." "So did I," said Jane; "and, Mary, you had better use some, also, or you will regret it." "I think I will," said Mary; and a good half hour has passed before they are all downstairs again, when the old question was asked again, "Are you ready?" "Had we better wear rubbers?" asked Jane. "No," answered Mary, "but I am going upstairs to put on an old pair of shoes." "That is sensible," said Mina. "I think we all had better follow Mary's example, as it won't take a minute." Upstairs they all went again; much talk and another half hour passed when each made the declaration, "Well, I am ready, are you?" with much emphasis on the personal pronoun I. "Are you coming with me?" said Mary, and she started in the direction of the pasture with great animation, when Jane inquired, in a loud voice, if she were not going to take something along to put the berries in. "To be sure I am. In my hurry I entirely forgot it. What shall I take?" asked Mary. "We ourselves have not yet decided. Which do you think would be better, Mary, a basket or a pail?" "I don't know and I don't care what you take, I am going to take a paper bag," replied Mary. "It is light and convenient, and we can easily destroy all evidence of failure in case we fail to get any berries." "Thank you, Mary, for the happy suggestion. We will take paper bags. What size will be suitable?" "I think," said Jane, "that if we each fill a flour sack, that will be sufficient for once. It is such a job to carry so many or to make them into jam." "To obviate any chance for envy as to which shall gather the greatest amount of berries, let us take along a common, large receptacle, into which each of us shall deposit as often as our smaller vessels shall be filled." "That is a thoughtful and wise plan for an unambitious person. I assent to the proposition," smilingly answered Mina. A bushel basket was found and all agreed to take turns in carrying it to the pasture. At last, the procession was formed, after several more short halts for consultation and criticism, and was finally under way for the pasture. But when in the highway, which they had to cross to reach the same, they were accosted by two ragged boys with, "Say, girls, do you want to buy any berries; only five cents a quart; twelve quarts--all there were in the pasture, every one, and it's the last picking of the season." "Oh dear, I told you so; I knew it would be this way," said Mary petulantly; "some people are so slow." "It is too provoking for anything," said Mina, "and it will be so humiliating to return to the house without any berries after making such a hullabaloo," sighed Jane. "Oh, girls!" exclaimed Mary, "let's buy the berries of the boys and divide them between us. Let's see, twelve divided by three equals four; four quarts is a very reasonable and respectable amount for an ordinary person. You hold them while I run home and get the money." After the transfer of the berries was completed, the three girls returned to the house, triumphantly smiling, and happy, with the twelve quarts of berries. Mingling with the rest of the family, I could not refrain from speaking about what fun it was to go berrying, when suddenly grandpa remarked, "that four quarts was a very reasonable and respectable amount for an ordinary person." Grandpa had been sitting on a fence, concealed by bushes, and had seen the whole performance. A quick, suspicious, comprehensive glance passed between the conspirators, when the suspense was broken by the voice of the shock-headed boy who yelled out, "Say, girls, do you want to buy any more berries for tomorrow?" "How provoking!" said Mary. "How humiliating!" assented Mina. "I feel so ashamed I shall never feel right again. Why did we dissemble? Prevarication is a kind of a lie; I never want to hear the word 'blackberries' again," moaned Jane. A Romany Tent By Lalia Mitchell When you bring your pledge of a lasting love, A love that is fond and free, Oh, whisper not of a castle high, Or a yacht that sails the sea. I want no tale of a palace fair That towers over loch and lea; But a table set in the open air And a Romany tent for me. When you whisper words that should please me well, When you woo me, Sweetheart mine, Oh, paint no picture of wealth and power, Of silks and of jewels fine. And breathe no word of the jostling throng, For my heart would fain be free; I go where the woodland paths are long, And a Romany tent for me. Will you meet my wish, will you walk my way? Will you chart the flower-strewn lea? Will you curb your pride, will you keep the faith, The faith of my company? I will bear no yoke, I will wear no brand, But my heart shall be true to thee, So give me the world for a home, and love In a Romany tent for me. EDITORIALS THE BOSTON COOKING-SCHOOL MAGAZINE OF Culinary Science and Domestic Economics JANET MCKENZIE HILL, Editor PUBLISHED TEN TIMES A YEAR Publication Office: 372 BOYLSTON STREET, BOSTON, MASS. SUBSCRIPTION, $1.00 PER YEAR. SINGLE COPIES, 10C FOREIGN POSTAGE: TO CANADA, 20C PER YEAR TO OTHER FOREIGN COUNTRIES, 40C PER YEAR TO SUBSCRIBERS The date stamped on the wrapper is the date on which your subscription expires; it is, also, an acknowledgment that a subscription, or a renewal of the same, has been received. Please renew on receipt of the colored blank enclosed for this purpose. In sending notice to renew a subscription or change an address, please give the _old_ address as well as the _new_. In referring to an original entry, we must know the name as it was formerly given, together with the Post-office, County, State, Post-office Box, or Street Number. Entered at Boston Post-office as second-class matter * * * * * Summer The Springtime has gone with its verdure and song, The fragrance of bud and the fullness of flower, And now o'er the grainfields the harvesters throng To gather in triumph the glad Summer's dower. The orchards are bending with fruitage today And vineyards are purple with grapes juicy sweet; Our hearts are exultant, our voices are gay, As Summer flings down all her wealth at our feet. O Summer, bright Summer, the queen of the year, We praise thee, and love thee, and share of thy bliss; Thy mornings are happy, thy evenings are dear, Thy hours are all golden, not one would we miss. --_Ruth Raymond._ "WHERE THERE IS NO VISION, THE PEOPLE PERISH." Often life becomes dull and irksome because our living and working seem to be in vain. We are constantly asking ourselves, how we can make our lives worth living. Now, in accordance with the consensus of modern thought, it would seem that the better way to live is, while ever taking active interest in the current affairs of the day, to cherish some lofty aim or purpose, in other words, "to formulate and cultivate a vision." A vision is the aim, purpose, object or ideal we set before us in our several occupations in life. As we find it stated elsewhere, "A vision, a creative vision, is a pictured goal. There is purpose and vigor in it. It is productive of results, and the loftier the vision, the higher the attainment." In life and history it is easy to distinguish the man of vision from him who is without high aim. "Eat, drink and be merry" is the maxim of the one, while faithful service in trying to make the conditions of life better, far and wide, is characteristic of the other. Likewise, the nature or quality of every man's vision is capable of discernment. Certainly no aim or low aim is almost crime. Each of us must find his vision in his own occupation or calling in life. There each must strive not only to grow and enrich his own life, but also that of the few or the many about him, as chance or environment permits. "Not for success, nor health, nor wealth, nor fame, I daily beg on bended knee from Thee; But for Thy guidance. Make my life so fit That ne'er in condemnation must I sit, Judged by the clear-eyed children Thou gav'st me." To the home-maker, for instance, with an ideal like this, life cannot seem listless and futile, nor of such an one can it be said that her life has been lived in vain. Does it not follow that the only life worth living is that which is actuated by a real purpose, a lofty ideal, a clear vision? How much in the way of successful and happy living depends upon our ideals! Let us look well to _our aims_; waste no time in idle dreaming, but keep ever before us some far-away and hopeful vision. PROGRESS AND REFORM We believe that progress is made by means of genuine reform. In every instance we find ourselves on the side of wholesome reform, for in this way only true progress seems to lie. The changes that have taken place within the past fifty years in our educational system are great, indeed. No doubt these changes have been beneficial in the main, and yet further changes are still needful. Certainly, according to recent developments, some change seems to be called for in our reformatory institutions. In general, it seems to us the transition from our schools and colleges to the imperative duties and occupations of life is too abrupt, too difficult and sadly unsatisfactory; at least this is true in case of the majority of young people. Education should prepare one to pass easily and readily into some chosen occupation, and the first need of every human being is the chance to earn a living; since every one should earn his bread by the sweat of his brow. Do our schools fit or unfit our youth for life's real work? Can they engage at once and successfully in some congenial occupation? Until these questions can be favorably answered, we advocate reform in our forms of education. Labor we must; a taste, even a fondness for wholesome, necessary labor should be cultivated in our schools. It has been stated and confirmed by those in authority that $300,000,000 might be saved per year in the conduct of our government on a strictly business basis. If this be true, here reform, good and true, is an imperative need. Such a condition of affairs is in no sense humorous. For what do we choose our legislators? Is it to squander or conserve the revenues and resources of the State? Likewise, in ways of living or the conduct of life, reform is ever in order, provided thereby gain can be made. It has been said that "The whole moral law is based on health. The ideal body is the proper shrine for the ideal soul,--a truth that has yet to be educated into the modern consciousness. Righteousness and health should go together. This is an eternal law,--a law that covers society, education and morality. The real meaning of the word 'temperance' is a careful use of the body. It has nothing primarily to do with mere abstinence from certain forms of pleasure. A man says to himself, I am in possession of a mechanism which will endure a certain amount of wear and usage, but it is the most delicate of all machinery, and for that reason it must be used with more consideration than even the fine works of a watch. Intemperance, of any sort, means unnecessary wear and tear. It increases the waste of the system, the rapidity of the living process, so that repair cannot keep up with use, and it burns where there should be the clear light of life." DON'T KILL THE BIRDS For a number of years the scientific investigators have been arguing that a bird--almost any bird--was worth a good deal more to the country alive than dead; worth more in the glorious freedom of its habitat than on my lady's hat or on the plate of the epicure. It has been shown by the dissection of birds and the examination of their stomachs just what seeds and insects they eat. These examinations have made it clear that most birds live principally on the seeds of pernicious weeds, and on the insect and small mammal pests against which the farmer has to wage an increasing fight every year. It is true that some birds damage crops and it is true that any birds will do damage if there are too many of them--just as the extreme congestion of people results in disease and immorality. But under normal conditions of distribution almost any bird is an able assistant to the agriculturist and horticulturist in the protection of his crops against their most dangerous enemies. * * * * * The steady increase in the cost of living during the period of a year and a half ending on the last day of March, 1910, is strikingly demonstrated by a bulletin issued by the Bureau of Labor of the Department of Commerce and Labor. It is shown by the careful investigation into the course of prices of 257 commodities, which enter into the everyday life of the average man, that prices last March were higher than at any time since twenty years ago; that in that month it cost the consumer 7.5 per cent more to buy the necessities of life than it had cost him in March, 1909; 10.2 per cent more than in August, 1908; 21.1 per cent more than the average range of prices for 1900; 49.2 per cent more than in 1897,--a rate of progression which is causing a country-wide agitation for means and measures of relief. Yet it is shown that prices in 1909, high as they were, still ranged 2.3 per cent below those for 1907, the costliest year in the period beginning with 1890. ECONOMY, WISE AND UNWISE We are trying to publish a magazine in every sense worth renewing. That we are succeeding to a certain degree is shown by the increasing number of our readers who are renewing their annual subscriptions, and calling for back numbers, in order to bind their volumes and keep them in permanent form for future reference and use. Not long since we shipped to Calcutta, India, back numbers, to complete a full set of fourteen volumes, up to date. A woman who seems to have no special need of the magazine wrote recently, "I am sending my renewal because it seems to me the magazine is entirely too good a publication not to be found in every good home." Though the cost of living at present is high, we hope no good, earnest housekeeper will begin to practice economy by cutting off her list the only publication, to which she has subscribed, that is devoted exclusively to the teaching of practical, wholesome economy in the management of the household. The subscription price of this magazine will not be increased. For _three_ dollars we offer to renew the subscription of any reader for _four_ years. * * * * * A Lift for Every Day Lincoln's rules for living: "Don't worry, eat three good meals a day, say your prayers, be courteous to your creditors, keep your digestion good, steer clear of biliousness, exercise, go slow and go easy. Maybe there are other things that your special case requires to make you happy, but, my friend, these, I reckon, will give you a good lift." * * * * * "This cook-book will do very nicely," said Mrs. Nuwedd to the book department clerk; "and now I want a good, standard work on taxidermy." "We don't keep any in stock," said the clerk. "How annoying!" sighed the young housewife, "and I not knowing a blessed thing about stuffing a fowl!" [Illustration: Terrine of Chicken and Cooked Ham Garnished: Aspic Jelly and Lettuce Hearts] Seasonable Recipes By Janet M. Hill In all recipes where flour is used, unless otherwise stated, the flour is measured after sifting once. When flour is measured by cups, the cup is filled with a spoon, and a level cupful is meant. A tablespoonful or a teaspoonful of any designated material is a _level_ spoonful of such material. Clam Broth, Chantilly Style This most refreshing broth may be served hot or cold. Canned broth may be used, or, when fresh clams are obtainable, the broth may be fresh made from either clams in bulk or in the shells. For clams in bulk, to serve eight, take one pint of fresh opened clams, two stalks of celery, broken in pieces, and one quart of cold water. Bring the whole slowly to the boiling point and let boil five minutes. Skim carefully as soon as the boiling point is reached. Strain through a napkin wrung out of boiling water. Season with salt, if needed; add also a little paprika or other pepper. Beat one cup of double cream until firm throughout. Set a tablespoonful of the cream on the top of the broth in each cup. Bisque of Clams and Green Peas Cut a slice of fat salt pork (about two ounces) in bits; cook in a saucepan until the fat is well tried out but not in the least browned; add a small onion, cut in thin slices, two new carrots, cut in slices, one or two branches of celery, broken in pieces, and stir and cook until softened and yellowed a little; add one pint of green peas, a branch of parsley and a pint of water and let cook till the peas are tender, then press through a sieve. Cook one pint of fresh clams in a pint of boiling water five minutes; drain the broth into the pea purée; chop the clams and add to the purée. Melt one-fourth a cup of butter; in it cook one-fourth a cup of flour; stir until frothy, then add one quart of milk and stir until boiling. Add to the other ingredients and let boil once. Add salt and pepper, as needed, and from one-half to a whole cup of cream. Purée of Tomato, Julienne Chop fine about two ounces of raw, lean ham; add an onion, cut in thin slices, two small new carrots, sliced, half a green pepper, sliced, and two branches of parsley; cook these, stirring often, in two or three tablespoonfuls of fat from the top of a kettle of soup. When lightly browned, add the bones from a roast of chicken or veal, the skinned feet of the chicken, and the uncooked giblets, if at hand, two quarts of water and one quart of tomatoes, cut in slices. Let simmer one hour and a half. Strain through a fine sieve, pressing through all the pulp (no seeds). Reheat, stir one-fourth a cup of flour with cold water to pour and stir into the boiling soup. While the soup is cooking, cut in short julienne strips two stalks of celery, an onion, a carrot and a cup of string beans; let cook in salted water with a teaspoonful of butter until tender; drain, rinse in cold water and set aside to serve in the soup. Simple Tomato Bisque (Soup) Scald one quart of milk with a stalk of celery and two slices of onion. Press enough cooked tomatoes through a sieve to make one pint; add half a teaspoonful of salt and pepper as desired. Stir one-third a cup of flour and a teaspoonful of salt with milk to make a smooth batter; dilute with a little of the hot milk, stir until smooth, then stir into the rest of the hot milk. Continue stirring until smooth and thick; cover and let cook fifteen minutes. Strain into the hot purée, mix thoroughly and serve at once with croutons. Jellied Bouillon (Two quarts) Have about four pounds of beef from the hind shin, cut it into small pieces; melt the marrow from the bone in a frying pan; in it cook part of the bits of meat until nicely browned. Put the bone and the rest of the bits of meat into a soup kettle and add five pints of cold water. When the meat is browned, add it to the soup kettle. Put a cup or more of the water from the soup kettle into the frying-pan; let stand to dissolve the glaze in the pan, then return to the soup kettle. Cover and let simmer four or five hours; add half a cup, each, of sliced onion and carrot, one or two large branches of parsley, one or two stalks of celery and let cook an hour longer. Strain off the broth and set it aside, first, if necessary, adding boiling water to make two quarts of broth. Add also two teaspoonfuls of salt, half a teaspoonful of pepper and an ounce (half a package) of gelatine, softened in half a cup of cold water. When cold and set remove the fat; break up the jelly with a spoon or silver fork; serve in bouillon cups at any meal where it is desired. Green Corn Chowder (To Serve Six) Cut two slices (about two ounces) of fat salt pork into tiny bits; let cook in a frying-pan until the fat is well tried out, taking care to keep the whole of a straw color. Add two small onions, or one of medium size, cut in thin slices, and let cook until softened and yellowed, add a pint of water and let simmer. In the meantime pare and cut four potatoes in thin slices, cover with boiling water and let boil five minutes; drain, rinse in cold water and drain again, then strain over them the water from the onions and pork, pressing out all the juice possible. Add more water, if needed, and a teaspoonful of salt and let cook until the potatoes are tender. Add a pint of green corn, carefully cut from the cob, and one pint of milk, also salt and pepper to season. Mix thoroughly and let become very hot, then serve at once. Two or three tablespoonfuls of butter may be added, by small bits, and stirred into the soup just before serving. Escalloped Oysters Finnelli (The Caterer) Select a shallow au gratin dish; pour into it about two tablespoonfuls of melted butter and turn the dish, to spread the butter over the whole surface. Sprinkle lightly with crushed saltine crackers or oysterettes; upon the crumbs dispose a layer of carefully cleaned oysters; sprinkle with salt and paprika or other pepper and pour on three or four tablespoonfuls of rich cream; add crushed crackers, oysters, seasoning, one or two tablespoonfuls of butter, in little bits, then more cream. Finish with a thin layer of cracker crumbs and enough cream to moisten them. Let cook in a very hot oven about ten minutes or until the crumbs are straw color. [Illustration: TERRINE OF CHICKEN AND HAM, COOLING] Terrine of Chicken and Ham Scrape the pulp from the fibers in half a pound, each, of veal and fresh pork; pound this pulp in a mortar; add the yolks of two raw eggs, half a teaspoonful, each, of salt and paprika and, if desired, two tablespoonfuls of sherry and pound again, then press through a sieve. Remove the bones from the breast, second joints and legs of a young chicken, weighing about two pounds. Have an oval terrine, or shallow casserole, that holds about three pints. Line the bottom and sides with thin slices of larding pork. The pork should be cut exceedingly thin. Over the pork spread a thin layer of the veal forcemeat mixture, over this put a thin slice of cold boiled ham, on the ham a layer of forcemeat, then half of the chicken (light and dark meat); sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper, spread with forcemeat, a layer of ham, forcemeat, chicken, forcemeat, ham, forcemeat and, lastly, a layer of larding pork. Pour in half a cup of broth, cover, and set the terrine into an agate dish or a saucepan. Pour in boiling water to half the height of the terrine and let cook in the oven one hour and a half. Remove the cover and set a board with weight upon it over the meat, to remain till cold. Remove fat and loosen the meat from the dish at the edge. Unmold on a dish. Ornament with tiny cubes of jelly (made of broth from the rest of the chicken and the trimmings of the veal, thickened with gelatine), slices of truffle and lettuce hearts. This dish is suitable for high tea, lawn parties, picnics and automobile baskets. Lettuce served with it should be seasoned with French dressing. [Illustration: BOLOGNA STYLE SAUSAGE WITH PINEAPPLE FRITTERS] Bologna Style Sausages with Pineapple Fritters Prick the sausages on all sides that the skin may not burst in cooking. Set into a moderate oven in a frying-pan. Let cook about half an hour, then turn them and let cook another half hour. Just before the sausages are done pour some of the fat into another frying-pan (or keep the sausage hot on the serving dish and use the original pan). Have ready some half slices of pineapple, roll these in flour and let cook in the hot fat until browned on one side, then turn and cook on the other side. If preferred the pineapple may be dipped in fritter batter instead of flour. Dispose the pineapple at the ends of the dish and serve at once. [Illustration: COLD MEAT WITH VEGETABLE SALAD] Cold Meat with Vegetable Salad Cut cold meat of any variety in thin slices; trim off all unedible portions and dispose neatly in the center of an ample dish. Around the meat set heart leaves of lettuce, each holding six or eight cold, cooked string beans, cut in pieces, a few slices of radish and a slice of cooked beet. Pour vinaigrette sauce over the whole or set a tablespoonful of mayonnaise or tartare sauce above the vegetables in each nest. Tomatoes, cut in slices or in julienne strips, may be used in place of the beet and radish, but not with either of them. Vinaigrette Sauce Allow a tablespoonful of oil and half a tablespoonful of vinegar for each service. To this add one-eighth a teaspoonful of salt and pepper as desired, gherkins or capers (the latter with cold lamb), chives (or onion juice), chervil and parsley to taste, all chopped exceedingly fine. [Illustration: CHICKEN-AND-HAM RISSOLES] Chicken-and-Ham Rissoles Cut tender cooked chicken and ham, three-fourths chicken and one-fourth ham, into tiny cubes. The meat may be chopped, but it is preferable to have tangible pieces of small size. For one pint of meat, melt three tablespoonfuls of butter; in it cook four tablespoonfuls of flour and half a teaspoonful, each, of salt and paprika; when frothy stir in one cup of chicken broth and half a cup of cream; stir until boiling, then add a beaten egg; stir until cooked, then stir in the meat and let cool. The mixture should be quite consistent. Seasonings, as onion or lemon juice, celery salt, or chopped truffles, or fresh mushrooms, broken in pieces and sautéd in butter, may be added at pleasure. Have ready some flaky pastry or part plain and part puff paste. Stamp out rounds three and a half or four inches in diameter. If plain and puff paste be used have an equal number of rounds of each. On the rounds of plain paste put a generous tablespoonful of the meat mixture, spreading it toward the edge; brush the edge of the paste with cold water; make two small openings in each round of puff paste, press these rounds over the meat on the others, brush over with milk, or yolk of egg diluted with milk and bake in a hot oven. Serve hot with a tomato or mushroom sauce, or cold without a sauce. Cold corned beef is good used in this way. Rissoles are often brushed over with egg and fried in deep fat. [Illustration: CHEESE SALAD IN MOLDS LINED WITH STRIPS OF PIMENTO] Cheese Salad Line each "flute" in small fluted molds with narrow strips of pimento. For this recipe six or seven molds will be needed. Beat one cup of cream, one-fourth a teaspoonful, each, of salt and paprika till firm. Soften half a level tablespoonful of gelatine in about one-eighth a cup of cold water; dissolve by setting the dish in warm water. To the dissolved gelatine add half a cup, generous measure, of grated cheese of any variety. Stir until cool, then fold into the cream. Use this mixture to fill the molds. When cold and firm unmold and serve with a plain lettuce salad. French or mayonnaise dressing may be used with the lettuce. Bread or crackers should also be provided. Hot pulled bread or toasted crackers are excellent. As the pimentos flavor the dish strongly, nothing that does not harmonize with them should be presented at the same time. If the pimento prove objectionable--they sometimes cause flatulency--strips of uncooked tomato may be substituted. Plain Pastry Sift together two and one-half cups of pastry flour, a teaspoonful of baking powder and half a teaspoonful of salt; work in half a cup of shortening, then stir in cold water as is needed to make a paste. Knead slightly on a floured board; cut off half the paste for the lower rounds. Flaky Paste Roll the other half of the paste into a rectangular sheet, dot one half with tiny bits of butter, fold the unbuttered paste over the other, dot half of this with bits of butter, fold as before, dot one half with butter, fold as before, then roll out into a thin sheet for the upper rounds. The paste may be chilled to advantage before rolling. In pastry making a magic cover may be used more successfully than a marble slab. [Illustration: PEARS BÉATRICE] Pears Béatrice Cut choice pears in halves, lengthwise; remove the skin and the seed cavity. Cook tender in a little sugar and water. Cut into small bits enough French candied fruits to half fill the cavities in the pears. Mix the fruit with apricot, peach or apple marmalade and use to fill the open spaces in the pears. For a dozen halves of pears, scald one pint of rich milk; sift together, several times, three-fourths a cup, each, of sugar and flour, dilute with some of the hot milk and stir until smooth and return to the rest of the milk; stir the whole until thick and smooth, cover and let cook fifteen minutes, stirring occasionally. Beat the yolks of five eggs; add one-fourth a cup of sugar and half a teaspoonful of salt and beat again, then stir into the hot mixture; continue stirring until the egg is cooked, then fold in the whites of five eggs, beaten dry, continuing the cooking and folding until the white is set or cooked. Flavor with a teaspoonful of vanilla extract. Turn part of this cream into an au gratin dish (sometimes called cocotte and sometimes Welsh rabbit dish). Dispose the pears in the cream, cover with the rest of the cream, sprinkle the whole with dried and pulverized macaroons, mixed with melted butter. Set the dish into the oven to brown the crumbs. Serve hot in the dish. [Illustration: GREEN CORN AU GRATIN IN RAMEKINS] Green Corn au Gratin in Ramekins Cook one slice of onion and a slice of green pepper, chopped fine, in one or two tablespoonfuls of butter, until softened and yellowed; add two tablespoonfuls of flour and half a teaspoonful of salt and cook until frothy; add two cups of thin cream and cook and stir until boiling, then stir in sweet corn, cut from the cob, to make quite a consistent mixture. One or two beaten eggs may be added, if desired. Turn into buttered ramekins and cover with two-thirds a cup of cracker crumbs mixed with melted butter; let cook in the oven until the crumbs are browned. Serve as an entrée at dinner or luncheon, or as the chief dish at supper or luncheon. [Illustration: KUGELHOPF KUCHEN SLICED AND TOASTED] [Illustration: KUGELHOPF KUCHEN READY TO SHAPE] Kugelhopf Kuchen for Afternoon Tea Take one pound of flour (four cups), ten ounces (one cup and a fourth) of butter, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, one-fourth a teaspoonful of salt, one cake of compressed yeast, two or three tablespoonfuls of lukewarm water and seven eggs. Soften the yeast in the water, mix thoroughly, and stir in enough of the flour to make a soft dough. Knead the little ball of dough; with a knife slash across it in opposite directions and drop it into a small saucepan of lukewarm water. Put the rest of the flour, the salt, sugar and butter, broken up into bits, into a mixing bowl; add four of the eggs and with the hand work the whole to a smooth consistency, then add the rest of the eggs, one at a time, and continue beating each time until the paste is smooth. When the little ball of sponge has become very light, at least twice its original size, remove it with a skimmer to the egg mixture, add a cup of large raisins, from which the seeds have been removed, and work the whole together. Let stand to become double in bulk. Cut down and set aside in an ice chest overnight. Shape on a board either into a loaf or buns. When again light and puffy bake in a quick oven. Cut the cake into thick slices. Toast these over a quick fire, being careful (by not moving the cake while toasting) to retain the lines of the toaster. Spread with butter, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon, mixed, and serve at once on a hot napkin. The sugar and cinnamon may be omitted. [Illustration: PEACH SALAD] Peach Salad Set pared halves of choice peaches in nests of lettuce hearts and pour on enough French dressing to season nicely. Sprinkle with blanched almonds cut in thin slices. For a change, omit the nuts and set chopped celery, mixed with mayonnaise dressing, in the open space of each half of peach, or the nuts may be mixed with the celery. Fresh or rather firm canned peaches may be used. Use lemon juice as the acid in both the French and mayonnaise dressings. [Illustration: GRAPE JUICE PARFAIT SPRINKLED WITH CHOPPED PISTACHIO NUTS] Grape Juice Parfait Boil one-third a cup of grape juice and three-fourths a cup of sugar to 240° Fahr. or until it will spin a thread two inches in length. Pour in a fine stream upon the whites of two eggs, beaten dry, then beat occasionally until cold. To one cup and a fourth of double cream add half a cup of grape juice and the juice of a lemon and beat until firm throughout. Fold the two mixtures together and turn into a quart mold; cover securely and pack in equal measures of rock salt and crushed ice. When unmolded sprinkle with fine-chopped pistachio nuts blanched before chopping. [Illustration: WATERMELON CONES] Watermelon Cones Cut a ripe and chilled watermelon in halves, crosswise the melon. Use a tea, soup or tablespoon, as is desired. Press the bowl of the spoon to its full height down into the melon, turn it around until it comes again to the starting place, lift out the cone of melon, remove the seeds in sight and dispose on a serving dish. When all the cones possible have been cut from the surface of the half melon, cut off a slice of rind that extends to the tip of the cones, then remove the red portion of the melon in cones as before. Grape Juice Sherbet Prepare as peach sherbet, substituting grape juice for peach juice. Scald the grapes and strain through cheesecloth. Cool before freezing. Menus for a Week in August "_As a business there is nothing derogatory in the preparation of our daily food, and the rewards are greater than in many walks of life._" SUNDAY =Breakfast= Red Raspberries, Cream Floradora Buns (reheated) Coffee =Dinner= Bisque-of-Clams and Green Peas Stuffed Tomatoes Cheese Salad Toasted Crackers Peach Sherbet, Whipped Cream Half Cups of Coffee =Supper= Cold Corned Beef, Sliced Thin Potato Salad Tiny Baking Powder Biscuit Hot Coffee MONDAY =Breakfast= Barley Crystals, Thin Cream Corned Beef-and-Potato Hash Rye Meal Muffins Sliced Tomatoes Coffee =Dinner= Hamburg Steak Corn on the Cob Stewed Tomatoes Blackberry Shortcake Half Cups of Coffee =Supper= Shell Beans, Stewed Cream Toast Berries. Tea TUESDAY =Breakfast= Grapes Omelet with Creamed Fish Flakes Baked Potatoes Zwiebach. Coffee =Dinner= Guinea Fowl, Roasted Candied Sweet Potatoes Apple-and-Celery Salad Baked Rice Pudding, Vanilla Sauce Half Cups of Coffee =Supper= Green Corn Custard Bread and Butter Sliced Peaches Sponge Cake. Tea WEDNESDAY =Breakfast= Melons. Broiled Lamb Chops Maître d'Hôtel Butter French Fried Potatoes German Coffee Cake. Coffee =Dinner= Guinea Fowl Soup Broiled Swordfish, Parsley Butter Mashed Potatoes Cucumbers, French Dressing Eggplant Fritters. Lemon Sherbet Little Gold Cakes. Half Cups of Coffee =Supper= Egg Salad, Garnish of Sliced Tomatoes Graham Bread and Butter Blueberries. Tea THURSDAY =Breakfast= Melons. Eggs Cooked in the Shell Green Corn Griddle Cakes Toasted Bread, Buttered. Coffee =Dinner= Fried Chicken. Corn Fritters Boiled Cauliflower, Hollandaise Sauce Berry Pie Half Cups of Coffee =Supper= Succotash (Green Corn and Shelled Beans) Hot Apple Sauce Cream Cheese Cookies Tea FRIDAY =Breakfast= Grapes Barley Crystals, Thin Cream Fish Flake Balls, Bacon Rolls. Sliced Tomatoes Yeast Rolls. Coffee =Dinner= Boiled Swordfish, Egg Sauce Boiled Potatoes. Pickled Beets Summer Squash Grape Juice Parfait Marguerites. Half Cups of Coffee =Supper= Creamed Celery with Poached Eggs on Toast Berries. Bread and Butter. Tea SATURDAY =Breakfast= Barley Crystals, Thin Cream. Sliced Peaches Field Mushrooms (Campestris) Stewed, on Toast Eggs Cooked in the Shell Yeast Rolls. Coffee =Dinner= Simple Mock Bisque Soup Swordfish Salad with Vegetables Blackberry Shortcake Half Cups of Coffee =Supper= Cold Tongue in Jelly Mayonnaise of Eggs-and-Lettuce Hot Yeast Rolls Sliced Peaches. Tea Menus for a Week in September "_Men drink because they have a sinking feeling; good food satisfies that craving permanently._"--ADELAIDE KEEN. SUNDAY =Breakfast= Melons Egg-O-See, Thin Cream Country Ham, Broiled. Sliced Tomatoes Broiled Potatoes. Corn Meal Muffins Coffee. Cocoa =Dinner= Chicken, Roasted. Green Corn Custard Sweet Potatoes, Southern Style Cauliflower, Hollandaise Sauce Celery, Club Style Peach Sherbet. Sponge Cakelets Half Cups of Coffee =Supper= Clam Broth Apple Sauce. Bread and Butter MONDAY =Breakfast= Barley Crystals, Thin Cream Minced Chicken on Toast Broiled Tomatoes. Rye Meal Muffins Coffee. Cocoa =Dinner= Stuffed Flank of Beef, Roasted Tomato Sauce Green Corn on the Cob. Baked Squash Endive, French Dressing Baked Sweet Apples, Thin Cream Half Cups of Coffee =Supper= New Lima Beans, Stewed, in Cream Bread and Butter Sliced Peaches. Tea TUESDAY =Breakfast= Broiled Honeycomb Tripe Maître d'Hôtel Butter French Fried Potatoes. Parker House Rolls. Blackberries. Coffee. Cocoa =Dinner= Chicken-and-Tomato Soup Boiled Corned Beef Boiled Potatoes, Cabbage and Beets Baked Indian Pudding Vanilla Ice Cream. Half Cups of Coffee =Supper= Green Corn au Gratin Bread and Butter Hot Apple Sauce Gingerbread. Tea WEDNESDAY =Breakfast= Egg-O-See, Thin Cream Corn Beef and Green Pepper Hash Poached Eggs. Waffles White Clover Honey Coffee. Cocoa =Dinner= Stuffed Bluefish, Baked Cucumbers, French Dressing Mashed Potatoes. Scalloped Tomatoes Apple Pie. Cheese Half Cups of Coffee =Supper= Rice Croquettes, Cheese Sauce Graham Bread and Butter Baked Pears. Tea THURSDAY =Breakfast= Gluten Grits, Thin Cream Eggs Cooked in Shell Blackberry Shortcake Coffee. Cocoa =Dinner= Hamburg Roast, Tomato Sauce Scalloped Potatoes Late Green Peas. Celery Peach Tapioca Pudding, Cream Half Cups of Coffee =Supper= Scalloped Oysters, Finnelli, Philadelphia Relish. Tiny Baking Powder Biscuit Berries. Cookies. Tea FRIDAY =Breakfast= Codfish Balls of Fish Flakes, Bacon Stewed Tomatoes Baking Powder Biscuit, Reheated Doughnuts. Coffee. Cocoa =Dinner= Boiled Fresh Haddock, Egg Sauce Sliced Tomatoes, French Dressing Boiled Potatoes Late Stringless Beans Baked Apples with Meringue Half Cups of Coffee =Supper= Succotash Bread and Butter. Stewed Crab Apples Wafers. Tea SATURDAY =Breakfast= Creamed Corned Beef and Celery White Hashed Potatoes Green Corn Griddle Cakes Coffee. Cocoa =Dinner= Veal Balls en Casserole Stewed Shell Beans Endive Salad Sponge Cake filled with Sliced Peaches, Cream Half Cups of Coffee =Supper= Creamed Haddock au Gratin Pickled Beets Buttered Toast Stewed Pears Economical Menus for a Week in September _"At a small dinner, no one should hesitate to ask for more if he desires it; it would only be considered a flattering tribute to the dish."_--MRS. HENDERSON. SUNDAY =Breakfast= Egg-O-See, Top of Milk Creamed Fish Flakes Baked Potatoes Sliced Tomatoes Doughnuts. Coffee. Cocoa =Dinner= Boiled Shoulder of Lamb, Pickle Sauce Boiled Potatoes. Mashed Turnips Lettuce, French Dressing Peach Pie, Cream Cheese Half Cups of Coffee =Supper= Cheese-and-Nut Sandwiches Hot Apple Sauce Tea. Cocoa. Cookies MONDAY =Breakfast= Broiled Honeycomb Tripe Creamed Potatoes Rye Biscuit. Coffee =Dinner= Rechaufée of Lamb with Macaroni and Tomato Sauce Summer Squash Lettuce-and-Celery Salad Rice Pudding with Raisins Coffee =Supper= Stewed Cranberry Beans Rye Biscuit. Stewed Crab Apples Rochester Gingerbread. Tea TUESDAY =Breakfast= Gluten Grits. Blackberries Green Corn Griddle Cakes Coffee. Cocoa =Dinner= Lamb-and-Tomato Soup Canned Salmon Heated in Can, Egg Sauce. Boiled Potatoes Sliced Tomatoes and Cucumbers Apple Dumpling Half Cups of Coffee =Supper= Cheese Custard Hot Apple Sauce (Cooked in closed Casserole) Bread and Butter. Tea WEDNESDAY =Breakfast= Egg-O-See, Thin Cream Broiled Bacon Fried Potatoes Cream Toast Coffee. Cocoa =Dinner= Round Steak en Casserole Celery Cream Puffs Half Cups of Coffee =Supper= Stewed Cranberry Beans Baking Powder Biscuit Cream Puffs Cocoa. Tea THURSDAY =Breakfast= Grapes French Hash (remnants from Casserole) Fried Corn Meal Mush Dry Toast. Coffee =Dinner= Cream-of-Potato Soup Stuffed Tomatoes, Baked or Cabbage Scalloped with Cheese Chocolate-Cornstarch Pudding, Sugar, Cream Half Cups of Coffee =Supper= Green Corn Fritters. Bread and Butter Stewed Crab Apples. Cottage Cheese FRIDAY =Breakfast= Blackberries, Sugar, Cream Fish Flakes, Country Style Baked Potatoes Graham Baking Powder Biscuit Coffee. Cocoa =Dinner= Boiled Swordfish, Pickle Sauce or Broiled Swordfish, Mâitre d'Hôtel Butter Boiled Potatoes Onions in Cream Sauce or Buttered Cabbage Salad. Blueberry Pie. Coffee =Supper= Potato Salad, Sardines. Rye Biscuit Baked Apples. Tea SATURDAY =Breakfast= Egg-O-See, Thin Cream Tomato Cream Toast with Cheese Corn Meal Muffins Coffee. Cocoa =Dinner= Hamburg Steak Stewed Tomatoes Squash Coffee Jelly, Whipped Cream =Supper= Creamed Swordfish (left over) Potatoes Scalloped with Onions and Cheese Pickled Beets Cookies. Tea Rhymed Receipts for any Occasion By Kimberly Strickland NUT WAFERS Here's a cake for dainty eating. Peanut butter, just a cup, In the bowl some soda meeting (Half a teaspoon, you take up). Add one cup of clear, warm water, Stir till paste is smooth as silk, Leaving not a trace, my daughter, Of the soda--white as milk. Then, still beating like a Vandal, Mix in flour just enough To form dough that you can handle-- It must be a plastic stuff. Knead this well with your ten fingers, After which roll very thin, Seek where moderate heat lingers As the place to bake it in. Let the oven do its duty, You'll discover by and by That each wafer is a beauty, When it comes out crisp and dry. BANANA SALAD Select bananas, gold of hue, And uniform in size, With care remove the fruit, and slice Quite thin--I would advise. Mix these slim rounds with pecan meats, Broken in tiny bits, And grape-fruit shredded finely, too, And robbed of all its pits. This medley next is drenched with oil, And lemon juice combined, The hollow skins are then filled up-- Or, shall we say, relined? Now place upon crisp lettuce leaves, Or curly water-cress, The golden shapes, and walnuts add, Shorn of their outer dress. FRENCH ORANGE COMPOTE Sugar and water you combine To make a syrup sweet, Adding a little lemon juice, The flavor to complete. Peel oranges, the seeds remove, Cut into quarters true, Lay in the boiling syrup next, And cook ten minutes through. Place on a crystal dish the fruit O'er which the syrup pour, And strew with candied cherries red-- To give the one touch more. In Time of Vacation By Janet M. Hill Any part of a house in disorder and confusion is a source of mental distress to a neat and conscientious housekeeper, and often an occasion for slurs from other members of the family. The number of steps to be taken and the motions to be made, each day, to keep a house in order and set three meals upon a table are often overlooked or largely underestimated. We are speaking now of the homes of the "four-fifths," where little help outside of the family is available. Mothers are thought "slow and poky" by the younger members of the family, who are inclined to value the slight and irregular assistance which they give more highly than it deserves. There are members of the family, perhaps, who should keep their strength, mental and physical, for their work away from home; but in general the young people should be trained to take a part in the responsibility of the housekeeping and home-making. If boys and girls, as soon as they are old enough, be taught to open their beds for airing, hang up their clothing and leave the bowl and bath tub in suitable condition for the next occupant of the room, the mother can prepare the breakfast and begin the work of the day without fret as to the condition of the upper part of the house, or without the mental fatigue that comes where there are so many things to be done at once that one knows not where to begin. Often where one maid is kept, too much is expected of her, even by the house-mother. With the advent of a maid, the dishes multiply and time is spent in dish washing that should be given to the larger affairs of the housekeeping. For the mother or one maid the washing of dishes must be regulated to make the work an incident and not the event of the day. We are not protesting against a change of plates, or forks, etc., for the dessert; but extra dishes for vegetables, the plate underneath the plate, both handled and therefore to be washed, much glassware that requires careful washing and polishing, all tend to prolong the time at the sink. Such work may be increased at will, when some one is hired for this special purpose, or when the daughter of the family is willing to take the responsibility of it. For the mother or the one maid, day in and day out, more necessary duties must eliminate some of the niceties of table service. We should not be "more nice than wise." We believe in work; it is the refuge and the safeguard of the race: but there must be times for relaxation and repose, and, that this be possible for each member of the family, there must be a division of labor. If one individual be a drone, some one else is obliged to work for him. We wish to emphasize the necessity of systematic training, in the doing of these daily duties, of the young people in a family. Let each child be held responsible for a certain amount of work each day. It will not burden the normal child, but will give satisfaction and a feeling of being of use in the world. No better time than this, the vacation season, can be found for putting in practice the idea herein suggested. We are admonished by many innovations that times have changed. The fact that graduates from Colleges of Home Economics are taught to see the subject in "its broad relations, both to science and to practice," and that every graduate is expected "to have a fair working knowledge of the household-arts" and be able to cook a meal or make a dress, has given the practice of the so-called homely arts an impetus that will do much for the betterment of the race. Cooking and sewing have had a renaissance. To be able to cook well is a desideratum to be desired, and rivalry in pleasing and artistic tea-rooms, "cake and cooky shops" and places for the sale of cooked food is abroad in the land. We look to see this same pleasing rivalry displayed in dressmaking rooms and laundries, where fine work can be essayed. These private and small enterprises, which might grow into larger ones, should furnish a generous return for the time and money invested and an increase in the happiness of those employed as well as of those whom they serve. All of these ventures are at once a source of independence to the serving and the served, and give an opportunity for self-direction that argues well for their permanency. Earthen dishes for cooking, which conserve heat and answer for serving as well as cooking, are to be commended at all seasons; but in hot weather, when it is eminently desirable to limit heat and work, they are more than ever a source of pleasure and comfort. Not so very long ago all such ware was imported, and the duty, added to the first cost, placed it in the list of luxuries, but now the dainty contours of all these casseroles, ramekins, terrines, au gratin dishes, etc., are duplicated in American ware, and at a price that puts the goods within the reach of all. In the seasonable recipes for this issue, terrine of chicken and ham, green corn au gratin in ramekins, and pears Béatrice are cooked in Guernsey earthen ware. An extremely useful dish in this ware is the mixing bowl in which Kugelhopf kuchen, ready for shaping, is shown. Nothing daintier for mixing purposes than this bowl of smooth and highly polished interior can be imagined; from such a surface any mixture can be rinsed with ease, and thus the labor of dish washing is lessened, which is a strong point in favor of any utensil. The Task We Love By L. M. Thornton Here's to the task we love, Whatever that task may be, To till the soil, in the shop to toil, To sail o'er the chartless sea. For the work seems light and the guerdon bright, If to heart and hand 'tis a sure delight. Here's to the task we love, Wherever it lead our feet, Through stress and strife or the simple life, For still are its victories sweet. And we never tire, if our hearts desire Flame in its dross-consuming fire. Here's to the task we love, The task God set us to do. And we shall not pale nor faint nor quail And for us there's no such word as fail, If we follow, with purpose true, The creed He writes, and the star He lights To guide our soul to the distant heights. A Group of Choice Spanish and Mexican Recipes By Mrs. L. Rice Baked Tripe, Spanish Boil four pounds of fresh tripe until tender; drain and sprinkle with salt and pepper, and arrange in a well-buttered dish. Pour over it one quart of chopped tomatoes, one large onion, sliced very thin, one-half a cup of chopped parsley, and skin of one large red pepper, minced fine, one-half a cup of chopped olives and one teaspoonful of tabasco sauce. Pour over all one-half a cup of melted butter and bake one hour. This is equal to finest fish and is certainly delicious. Chili Con Carne, Spanish To prepare the chili used in this dish: from two pods of dried red chili peppers take out all the seeds and discard them. Soak the pods in warm water until soft, then scrape pulp from the skins into the water, discarding the skins and saving the pulp and water. Cut two pounds of round steak into small pieces and cook in hot frying pan, in pork drippings, until well browned; add three or four tablespoonfuls of flour and stir until browned, then add one clove of garlic, in which two gashes have been cut, and chili water, of which there should be about one pint; let simmer until meat is tender (about two hours), adding hot water if needed. When done the sauce should be of good consistency; add salt to taste. String Beans, Spanish Take two pounds of green string beans and chop fine. Put one tablespoonful of bacon drippings in a frying pan and one onion, cut fine, half a dry red pepper, cut fine; let onion and pepper fry brown, then add three ripe tomatoes, cut fine, and stir in one tablespoonful of flour; then add one quart of cold water; then the chopped beans, with salt and pepper to taste, and let the beans cook until tender; keep adding water as needed, so as not to let them get too dry. Spaghetti à la Mexicana Fry three large pork chops brown. Fry three minced onions and two cloves of garlic in pork drippings. Put the chops and onions into a granite kettle with two cans of tomatoes and two green chili pepper pods (remove the seeds), one tablespoonful, each, of dry chili powder, brown sugar, tarragon vinegar and sage, one teaspoonful of Worcestershire sauce and celery salt, table salt to suit; let simmer slowly until pork chops fall to pieces; strain through coarse colander. This sauce should be of the consistency of thick cream, without adding any thickening. Boil one-half a package of spaghetti in large kettle of salted boiling water; do not break into short pieces, but drop ends into the water and gradually immerse the whole stick. Keep the water boiling rapidly, adding boiling water as it boils down; do not cover; let boil forty-five minutes, drain in colander and pour one quart of cold water through to blanch. Put the spaghetti into the tomato sauce and set on stove where it will keep hot, but not boil, for fifteen minutes. Arrange in a deep platter and sprinkle top with grated Parmesan cheese. Serve with grated cheese and stuffed olives. If care is taken in preparing this dish you will be rewarded with something certainly delicious, and a typical Mexican dish. Rice, Spanish Put two frying pans on the stove, and in each put one teaspoonful of bacon fat. Take one onion and four green chilis, chop very fine, salt; put this in one frying pan and cook until done without browning. In the other pan, put one cup of rice, washed and dried; stir and let cook a light brown; add the onion and chilis and one cup of tomato; fill frying pan with boiling water and let cook until rice is dry. Ice Cream à la Mexicana Put two cups of granulated sugar in saucepan over fire and stir constantly until it is melted; add two cups of English walnut meats and pour into shallow, buttered pan to harden. When perfectly cold, grate or chop fine. Crumble two dozen macaroons into fine crumbs, then toast in hot oven a few minutes. Now make a rich, boiled custard, of yolks of four eggs, one-half a cup of sugar and two cups of cream, then pour over the stiff-beaten whites of two eggs and let cool. To one quart of cream add one-third a cup of sugar and beat until thoroughly mixed, add to the custard, and flavor with vanilla or maraschino, then freeze. When half frozen add the macaroon crumbs and half of the grated walnut mixture and finish freezing. Let ripen two or three hours. Sprinkle remaining grated walnuts over the cream when serving. This is the typical ice cream of Mexico, just as it is served there. Caramels à la Mexicana Put one cup of granulated sugar in an iron skillet and stir constantly over a slow fire until the sugar is melted. As soon as the sugar becomes syrup, add one cup of rich milk or cream,[A] and stir until sugar is dissolved. Add, next, one cup, each, of granulated and light brown sugar and boil steadily until mixture forms a soft ball when tested in cold water. Take from the fire, add one cup of coarse chopped nut meats and stir to creamy consistency. Pour into shallow pans, lined with paraffine paper, spread smoothly about half an inch in thickness and mark into squares while warm. FOOTNOTE: [A] Dissolve the caramel in half a cup of boiling water, then add the cream or milk; by this means the liability of the milk or cream to curdle is lessened.--EDITOR. The Nursery By E. R. Parker It is frequently a matter of surprise to foreigners that in the average American home, which is otherwise so well equipped, little or no attention is given to the nursery, and it is to this neglect they trace many of the shortcomings of our little ones. It may be that the busy mother, who has to perform the duties of nursemaid and perhaps look after her household at the same time, sees little reason for having a room specially dedicated to the use of the children; but when one considers the necessity of regularity in the feeding, bathing, sleeping, and every other particular of the infant's daily life, such a need becomes apparent, with the arrival of the first baby. Select a room in a secluded part of the house, and one which receives all the sunshine possible, for the nursery. Fresh air should be admitted at all times, but in such a manner as to avoid drafts. For the use of the young infant, limit the furnishings to bare necessities, and have the floor and walls hard finished. It is not well to have plumbing of any kind in the room, nor should it be directly connected with the bathroom. Regulate the temperature carefully, letting it range between 75 and 80 degrees Fahr. during the first week; after that it may be kept at 75 degrees until the child is three months old, and then gradually lowered to 70 degrees or even 65, at night. Needless to say the metal crib is the most important furnishing; it should be fitted with a soft hair mattress and a thin pillow, though some persons prefer to use no pillow at all. Under no circumstances should the baby sleep with its mother, and eminent physicians now agree that it is more or less injurious for a child to sleep in the room with an adult. Dr. Cotton, the distinguished specialist for children, recommends, as additional furnishings for the infant's room, a flexible rubber bathtub, a bath thermometer, wall thermometer, scales and a double ewer and soap dish on a low table surrounded by a high folding screen. As the child grows older it will require the addition of low chairs, tables, etc., in the nursery; these should be simple and substantial. Do not fit up the nursery with broken or cast-off articles of furniture from other parts of the house. Few mothers realize what a deep impression these early surroundings make upon the child, and how nervous, sensitive children may be made to endure positive suffering from contact with unsightly objects. A window seat, that will also serve as a convenient receptacle for toys, may be made by having the top hinged on a low wooden box, and covering the box with some suitable dark material. Do not make the mistake of giving children a quantity of toys at one time; such a practice has the bad effect of dulling their sense of enjoyment and making them tire easily of their playthings. If fond relations insist upon trying to shower all the dolls and books and drums in town on them for one Christmas or birthday celebration, try putting some of them away and keeping them for rainy days or the trying period of convalescence. Toys which will excite the imagination and leave something to their own ingenuity are to be preferred to those that are complete in themselves. Among the former are paints, brushes and outline pictures, games, dolls with patterns and material for clothing, stone building blocks, which come in different sizes and shapes with designs for building. Decorate the walls with stencil designs or a few good pictures, which should be chosen with reference to the child's age. Few persons are aware that until a child is three years old he cannot distinguish clearly between green, gray and blue, hence decorations containing these colors are lost upon him, and the reason for his love of red and yellow is apparent. The Perkins pictures, issued by the Prang Educational Company, are justly popular for nursery walls, and photographs of the masterpieces can be purchased quite reasonably. A small bookcase should also be given an honored place in the nursery, for older children, and nothing but books of the very best from a literary standpoint, well printed on good paper and substantially bound, should find their way to its shelves. Cheap toy books from the five and ten cent counters, many of which are poorly bound, grotesquely illustrated and insipid in contents, had better be kept away from the children. I would rather give them one good book a year than an armful of poor ones. Some children do not enjoy being read to, but all of them love a story, and, with a little tact on the part of the mother, it is but a step from the story she tells to the one she reads, and she can easily cultivate a taste for good reading, for, after all, she is the genius that shapes and molds, and without whom the most ideal nursery is but a dreary place. We are told that even the songs she sings to the babe at her breast have an occult influence over its future life. What a power and privilege, then, are hers to guide the little groping hands and watch the unfolding mind; and surely she should spare neither time nor trouble in the accomplishment of such a task! Practical Home Dietetics By Minnie Genevieve Morse II. The Rôle of Diet in Reducing and Increasing Weight In addition to the natural and proper inclination to make the best of oneself, there is scientific reason in the stout woman's desire to reduce her weight, and the painfully thin woman's wish to take on a few more pounds of flesh; health itself is at its best when the body maintains its normal proportions, without serious loss or gain. Any considerable variation from the normal standard shows a disturbance in the balance of nutrition; either the vital fire is being fed too generously, and the excess of fuel, instead of being turned into heat and energy, is accumulating in the tissues, to be a burden to the organism and, perhaps in time, cause disease, or else the expenditure of force is greater than the supply of fuel, the bodily tissues are drawn upon to aid in feeding the fire, and all the systems of the body suffer from the insufficiency of nourishment. Stout people become increasingly disinclined to either physical or mental exertion; they are apt to suffer from indigestion and constipation, rheumatic troubles and shortness of breath; and, when a condition of actual obesity is reached, a fatty degeneration of one or more of the vital organs is liable. The insufficiently nourished person, on the other hand, is usually anæmic and nervous, the weak and faulty performance of many of the bodily functions testifying to the lack of proper nutrition. With regard to the matter of physical attractiveness, the advantage of proper proportion between the weight and the height is obvious. The too-thin woman has fewer difficulties to contend with than her too-stout sister, in fulfilling fashion's requirements, for her figure can be modified to a far greater extent by the dressmaker's art. But the face and hands cannot be filled out correspondingly, and the thin woman early takes on lines and wrinkles, usually looking much older than a plumper woman of the same age. Proper balance between the intake of food and the outgo of energy is thus necessary, both for the maintenance of good health and for the preservation of one's fair share of natural comeliness. The generally-accepted standard of weight in proportion to height which a woman should maintain, in order to fulfil these requirements, is as follows: Five feet one inch, 120 pounds; five feet two inches, 126 pounds; five feet three inches, 133 pounds; five feet four inches, 136 pounds; five feet five inches, 142 pounds; five feet six inches, 145 pounds; five feet seven inches, 149 pounds; five feet eight inches, 155 pounds; five feet nine inches, 162 pounds; five feet ten inches, 169 pounds. The purposes for which food is taken into the body are two: the rebuilding of the bodily tissues, which are constantly consumed by physical and mental activities, and the production of heat and energy. During the period of growth, the body necessarily demands a large amount of tissue-building material, and it is natural and reasonable that a growing child should have a large appetite, and be ready to eat at all times of day. If, however, a person who has come to maturity continues to eat as heartily as in early life, more food is taken into the body than is required after the growing period is ended, a heavy strain is put upon the organs which remove waste products from the system, and there is likely to be a deposition of fat in the tissues. Another factor in producing these results is the fact that the adult usually leads a far less active life, physically, than the growing child, so that less food is needed for transformation into energy, as well as for the purpose of body-building. This is even more true now than it was a few generations ago; the higher standard of luxury in the modern manner of life, labor-saving devices of every kind, and improved transportation facilities, which have almost reduced out-door exercise to a matter of country-club athletics, are among the reasons for the present-day lack of physical activity among both men and women. It must not be forgotten, however, that our high-pressure modern life also favors the existence of a class, who, instead of feeding their vital fires too generously, are inadequately nourished; among the contributing factors in this case are improper food, hasty and unattractively served meals, unhygienic ways of living, and the heavy, nervous strain that makes havoc of so many lives, in one way or another. Considering first the case of the woman who is above the normal standard of weight, it may be said in the beginning that there are few stout people who cannot safely, and without resorting to any dubious measures, reduce their weight sufficiently to improve not only their appearance, but their comfort and general vigor as well. Such results are not produced in a moment, however, and patience, perseverence and a considerable exercise of will-power may be necessary. Any decided deviation from one's usual manner of life should not be undertaken without the advice of a competent physician. Constitutions, have been wrecked, and even lives lost, by such tampering with nature's laws. Exercise and diet are the two great aids in reducing weight, but either, by being carried to extremes, or attempted under unsuitable conditions, may do more harm than good. One procedure which cannot be too strongly condemned is the use of the various "anti-fat" preparations, which are among the patent medicines that have afflicted a credulous world; such "remedies" are worse than useless, as they may do actual harm by upsetting the digestion, or otherwise disturbing nutrition, while it is beyond the power of any drug to control such a complex process as that of the balance between waste and repair in the human body. If the desired effect is actually produced, it is by a lowering of the general health. Many systems of exercises have been recommended for reducing flesh, especially about the waist and hips, and, when used in moderation, and with a physician's assurance that none of the organs of the body will be injured by their use, the following out of such a system will not only aid in reducing the weight, but will improve circulation and nutrition, and increase the general bodily vigor. The exercises usually recommended consist principally of reaching, stretching and bending movements, but breathing exercises are also useful, as deep breathing aids in burning up fat. Stair climbing, with the body erect and only the ball of the foot placed on each step, is also highly recommended, and for reducing the fat on the hips the "standing run" is especially valuable. Tennis, golf, bicycling, and horseback riding, all aid in keeping down weight. Walking is, however, the exercise _par excellence_ for stout people; not a slow and languid saunter, but a brisk pace, and a steadily increasing distance. Hill climbing, _when there is no danger of overtaxing_ the heart, is even more effective than walking on a level. A noted physician, who has successfully reduced many stout patients, lately made the statement that many fat people were willing to take any sort of treatment that was ordered for them, if only their diet was not restricted. It is upon restriction of diet, however, that the chief dependence must be placed, in the reduction of weight; exercise produces a more rapid burning up of fat in the body, but superfluous fat cannot be stored up, if the material for it is not supplied to the system. Many famous systems of reduction by restricted diet have been given to the world, but most of them are so severe that they should only be used under the direction of a physician. All of these systems require a reduction of the total amount of food taken, a restriction of the quantity of fluid allowed, and a more or less strict avoidance of those food substances which are most readily turned into fat in the body. Most of them also provide for light lunches in the middle of the morning and afternoon, as these additional meals tend to lessen the appetite at the heavier meals of the day. The fat-making foods include sugars, starches, fat meats, butter and oil. It is not safe to deprive the body entirely of these groups of food substances, since proper nutrition depends upon a wholesomely balanced diet, but the amount of them taken by the average person can be very greatly cut down without any danger to health. It is not unusual for a single meal to include a cream soup, bread and butter, potatoes, macaroni, a starchy vegetable, such as beans, a salad dressed with oil, and a rice or cornstarch pudding,--a list of articles which, as may readily be seen, contains a much larger amount of fat-making food than is required by the actual needs of the body. The woman who is in earnest to reduce her weight, then, should eat at each meal as little of the sweet or starchy articles of food and of the fats and oils as is compatible with health. Soup is best omitted altogether, not only because the cream soups and purées contain much fat-making material, but also because as little fluid as possible should be taken with meals. Among fish, salmon, bluefish and eels contain more fat than the other varieties of sea food. Fat meats and all forms of pork should be avoided. The potato is eaten so universally, appearing upon our tables at almost every meal, that its omission from the diet often seems a severe deprivation; however, it is one of the starchiest of foods, and should be cut entirely out of a menu planned for the reduction of weight. Most of the other vegetables grown below ground are also undesirable for the stout person; this class includes turnips, carrots, parsnips and beets,--not, however, onions or radishes. Peas and beans also contain a good deal of starch. It is almost impossible to eliminate bread-stuffs from the diet, yet much indulgence in the "bread and butter habit" is fatal to the woman who desires to grow thin. Bread has least flesh-forming power when thoroughly toasted; whole-wheat bread contains less starch than that made of the ordinary white flour, while gluten bread contains still less, and is the most desirable form for the stout person's use. Macaroni and spaghetti, rice, and the breakfast cereals are all included in the list of very starchy foods, and should, therefore, be avoided. Sweets of every sort--cakes, pies, puddings, ice cream, confectionery, chocolate, jam and preserves--are forbidden to one who is engaged in a flesh-reducing campaign. Very little butter should be eaten; no mayonnaise dressing or olive oil in any form, no cream, and not much milk,--none at all with meals. The list of articles allowed includes almost all kinds of fresh fish; lean meats and chicken; eggs; bread in small quantities, when stale or toasted; all fresh, green vegetables, such as spinach, lettuce, celery, asparagus and tomatoes; and nearly all kinds of fresh fruits, except bananas, which are largely made up of starch. Fruits stewed without sugar are also permitted. This is neither a starvation diet nor prison fare, but it does mean a monotonous bill of fare, and considerable will-power is required to follow such a regimen for a long period. Where a reducing diet is adopted without the advice of a physician, it is a safer plan to eat smaller portions of the flesh-forming foods than one is accustomed to, than to cut them out of the menu altogether. Drinking liquids with meals is conducive to increase in weight: not more than one small cup of tea or coffee, or one small glass of water, should be taken with a meal. Water should, however, be taken between meals; it is dangerous to cut the amount of water taken in twenty-four hours down to a small quantity, as a deficiency of water in the system is liable to prevent the kidneys from doing their proper work. Chocolate and cocoa are fattening. Beer and ale are well known to have flesh-forming properties, and all alcoholic beverages are better avoided. Napping after meals aids in putting on flesh, and should not be indulged in. Standing for twenty minutes or half an hour after meals is a help in preventing the deposition of fat about the hips and abdomen, the erect position promoting a more equal distribution of the products of nutrition. Any tendency to constipation is to be prevented. Laxative fruits and vegetables, such as oranges, apples, spinach and lettuce, will be helpful here, as will a glass of cold water taken on rising in the morning. The dietetic treatment of excessive thinness usually appears to one who is engaged in trying to reduce her weight as liberty to indulge in all the good things of this life. However, it is sometimes more difficult to build up a thin person than to reduce a stout one; restriction of diet and persistence in active exercise are practically certain to cause a loss of weight, while many factors, besides a too-slender diet, may be at the bottom of the thin woman's condition. Diseases of many different organs, a run-down nervous condition, too much hard work and too little rest, improper food, and disorders of the digestive tract are among the causes that may produce malnutrition, and the first measure adopted by the painfully thin person should be a frank talk with her family physician, as the diet required may not be that intended especially for increasing weight, but one that shall improve nutrition by remedying the defective working of some organ or system of the body. It is practically hopeless to attempt to build up a patient when the proper conditions cannot be secured; where there is no possibility of relief from a severe physical, mental or nervous strain, where a sufficient amount of sleep is impossible, or where there can be no escape from an unhygienic way of life, the wisest dietetic measures will accomplish as much as can be expected of them, if they merely enable the body to hold its own without further loss of weight and strength. Under favoring circumstances, however, the sugars, starches, fats and oils, which the stout person must avoid, are the food substances from which the thin person may expect the most beneficial results. Foods difficult of digestion should be excluded from the menu, as an attack of indigestion might mean a considerable set-back, but many of the most nourishing and fat-producing articles of food are readily digested and assimilated, though they should not, of course, be used to the exclusion of other kinds of food. A quart or two of milk a day, when taken in addition to the regular meals, will often work wonders; the cream should be stirred into it, not removed, and a raw egg may be beaten into an occasional glassful. Butter should be spread with a generous hand, salad dressings should contain as much oil as is practicable, and a tablespoonful of pure olive oil, taken after each meal, will be an effective aid, and also promote the free action of the bowels, that is so great a help in bringing about a condition of general good health. Properly-made bread, potatoes, starchy vegetables, like beans and peas and corn, macaroni and spaghetti, rice, and the whole array of well-made breakfast cereals, with a generous supply of sugar and cream, should be well represented in the thin person's diet. Cream sauces should be used frequently with meat, fish or vegetables, and cream soups and purées are to be preferred to bouillons and other thin soups. Ice cream, milk puddings, and other nourishing desserts may have a place in the menu, as may all sorts of sweet fruits, chocolate and cocoa, honey, maple sugar and syrup, and even simple and pure confectionery. There are few articles of food that are forbidden to the woman who desires to increase her weight, except those which put a strain upon the digestion. A luncheon in the middle of the morning and one in the afternoon, with a glass of hot milk before retiring, assist very greatly in the building-up process, while a nap, or at least a quiet rest, after the midday meal, enables the system to put to the best uses the fuel which has been supplied to it. Long hours of sleep, avoidance of hurry and tension, regular hours for meals and pleasant surroundings, and conversation at mealtimes, are all aids in overcoming the tendency to excessive thinness. With regard to both the stout and thin, it may be said that while the quantity and kind of food which is put into the body is unquestionably the greatest factor in maintaining a proper balance between its waste and repair, its income and outgo of energy, it is necessary to take a common-sense view of all the circumstances of each individual case: to make sure that there is no organ of the body whose functions are improperly performed; to avoid alike the temptation, on the one hand, to decreased activity, and, on the other, the tendency to over-exertion; to lead a well-balanced and hygienic life; and to practise, not only with regard to the pleasures of the table, but in everything that pertains to both physical and mental health, that wise choice and accustomed self control that are the mark of the highest type of humanity. * * * * * When thou dost tell another's jest, therein Omit the oaths, which true wit cannot need: Pick out of tales the mirth, but not the sin. He pares his apple that will cleanly feed. --_George Herbert._ HOME IDEAS AND ECONOMIES Contributions to this department will be gladly received. Accepted items will be paid for at reasonable rates. A Handy Laundry Bag A convenient laundry bag for use in each sleeping apartment is easily made of a square piece of stout material of desired size, hemmed round the edge, and having a two-inch strap of the material securely sewed to each corner. When the four straps are slipped over a closet hook, a handy bag is formed, easily accessible at four different places, and easily emptied of every article by simply dropping one of the corners. Such bags are pretty, made in colors to correspond with the room in which they are used. When desiring to carry the soiled clothes to the laundry in the receptacle in which they are gathered, these square bags will be found much easier to handle than the long ones. Assisting Memory One of the great helps in my housekeeping is a small blackboard on my kitchen wall. Any special plan, anything about the house that I discover requires attention, or any list of materials desired, are noted on this board. I then dismiss the matter from my mind. Each morning I look it over carefully, erasing anything that has been disposed of or passed by, place on it any new record necessary, and note the special duties of the day or week. In this way I am reminded of the many duties of my housekeeping without being unduly burdened with them. If more conscientious housewives would try this plan, I think there would be fewer nervous women. It is the carrying of the multitudinous duties of housekeeping in the memory long before they are actually performed that proves so burdensome. An Improvised Coat Closet In a house having no hall or place to hang the coats and hats in common use, I recently saw a very clever improvised closet. The frame was made of wood and stained oak; it was about five feet high, and fitted into a corner back of the dining-room door, being about four feet across the front and three feet deep. Over this frame green burlap was tacked smoothly with fancy brass-headed nails. The entire front opened out like a door. The top was covered to make it dust-proof, and a piece of stout canvas formed the floor. Around the inside stout cleats were attached to the framework, into which hooks were placed for the clothing. In another house similarly restricted one corner of the dining-room was made equally convenient, but not so well protected from the dust, by placing on the wall several racks for the clothing. To hide this a large screen was placed about it, also having hooks upon the back. Neither arrangement in any way disfigured the room, and a great deal of running up and down stairs was saved. A. M. A. Pickles Without Heat Pack sound, clean vegetables in a stone jar, a layer of vegetables and salt; do not be sparing with the salt. Let these remain at least two days. Rinse _well_ in cold water. Press out carefully all the water. Cover with vinegar, let stand over night, then press this vinegar out. Put the vegetables in a jar and pour over it the following: Two quarts good cider vinegar, three pounds brown sugar (light), a good handful, each, of whole cloves and cinnamon bark, one-half pound celery seed, one-half ounce tumeric, one-eighth pound ground mustard, one-half pound white mustard seed. Dissolve sugar, mustard and tumeric well, pour over vegetables, let stand over a week before beginning to eat. Cabbage, onions and cucumbers are the vegetables used. Be sure the cabbage is white and firm; split the cucumbers and slice the onions. This is not heated or cooked. Be sure the seasoned vinegar covers the vegetables. S. J. E. * * * * * I find lard pails very convenient receptacles for dry supplies like rice, beans, etc. I choose those whose covers come off easily, and paste paper, on which the name of the contents is written, on each one. The pails are so much easier to handle than the glass jars, and they are also less apt to become broken. Many people do not seem to know of the effectiveness of banana skins in cleaning tan leather suit cases and similar articles. Rub the leather well with the inside of the skin, then wipe off any excess of moisture with a dry cloth, finishing with a good polishing with the same. I had read of kerosene being a splendid remedy for burns, but had never tried it. A short time ago, however, I found the soda can empty when most needed, and had to resort to the kerosene. On immersing my finger in the liquid, so that the burned portion was submerged, I found the pain quickly disappeared. Not a sign of a blister arose, and the burn healed much more quickly than those treated in the other way had done. Now we use kerosene exclusively for this purpose. C. F. S. * * * * * In these days of high prices, when home-makers are striving to feed their families well, at as low cost as possible, it is often the saving of little things that keeps down the provision bill. One should know how to combine left overs so they may realize the best results both in the amount of money saved and the amount of nourishment given. Save the liquor in which a ham has been cooked. The fat from the top may be used for sautéing potatoes or pressed sliced cereals, or with scrambled eggs, and lends a delicious flavor when so used. The cooled liquor forms a "jelly" rich in extractives. There are frequently pieces of bread left that are in good condition. These pieces of bread, also left-over buttered toast, may be used to thicken pea soup; and the bone from the ham, cracked so that the marrow may slip out, and also the "jelly" from the cold ham liquor may be used to flavor the soup. If the ham is very salt, care must be taken not to add too much "jelly." It is best to add the "jelly" about one-half an hour before the soup is done. * * * * * Some exquisite centerpieces from outdoor flowers are made of marsh marigolds and ferns, or buttercups and ferns, in cut glass or carved Parian marble; of violets, purple and white, in a silver bowl, and apple blossoms, in polished copper. Following is a dessert recipe much enjoyed in my own family: Rhubarb Sponge Clean and cut in one-half inch pieces one pound of rose rhubarb. Do not remove the skin. Stew until quite tender in one-fourth a cup of boiling water, just enough to start the steam. Soften one ounce of granulated gelatine in one-third a cup of cold water. Strain the cooked rhubarb, pressing out all the juice, and add enough boiling water, if necessary, to make three cups. Mix one and three-fourths cups of sugar and one-half a teaspoonful of ground ginger. Stir in the rhubarb juice, and add to the gelatine, stirring until the gelatine and sugar are dissolved. Add the grated rind and strained juice of one lemon and set the mixture to chill. When it begins to thicken, add the stiff-beaten whites of three eggs and beat till stiff. Mold. Serve with beaten and sweetened cream. Cut nuts or macaroon crumbs may be passed with this dessert. M. T. R. * * * * * Tempting a Delicate Child to Eat Every mother knows how hard it is to get children to eat at times, especially when they first begin to take solid foods, or when they are convalescent, while there are some children who seem to have a natural and persistent aversion toward whatever is nourishing and particularly good for them. Mothers are sometimes at their wits' end to know what to prepare, and almost sick with discouragement when wholesome, necessary foods are persistently refused. Sometimes a little ingenuity and an appeal to the child's imagination or eye will induce him to eat a good-sized meal when, at first, he rejected everything. There are many simple ways of doing this, and the mother will find any number of her own by experimenting. It is an old custom to cut a slice of bread into slips, naming them for members of the family or friends, but it is a procedure which seems to fascinate most little ones and make the bread more palatable. They get so interested in the various characters, represented by the slips of bread, that it disappears before they realize it. Slices of bread and butter can be cut into various shapes, such as diamonds, squares, circles, etc., also to represent animals, dogs, cats and horses. The shapes may be crude and mystifying to behold, but children are not critical, and generally accept these representations with approval and credulity. Often quite a good-sized meal can be coaxed down by putting it into the doll's dishes, filling the tiny cups with milk and putting little squares of bread on the small plates. One child was known to eat a good-sized meal in this way when he absolutely refused the food in other form. Another way is to provide a pretty china plate with a picture on it, and tell the child to eat the contents so that he will see the picture. Sometimes an interesting story can be told--with the proviso that the child "eat his dinner" or the mother will not tell the story. He will get interested in the story and forget how much he is eating until it is all gone. One little boy persistently refused rice, which the physician had ordered for him and his mother had tried in every way to make him eat. One day she conceived the idea of forming the rice into a small mound like an Eskimo hut, smoothing it around to make it an exact reproduction. On the top she placed a small square of butter, which she called the chimney. It happened that the little boy had been much interested in pictures of Eskimo children and their homes, and it appealed to his imagination at once. The mother then buttered a slice of bread and cut it into strips--some large and some small--which she called the family who lived in the hut--father, mother, girls, boys and baby. For this she had the satisfaction of seeing the little fellow eat two good slices of bread and the whole saucer of rice--a thing he had never done before--and with enjoyment. These are but a few devices. Any mother can supplement them with successful ones of her own, and she will find that by the use of a little imagination and ingenuity a child can be tempted to eat almost any kind of desirable and necessary food, and enjoy it. A. G. M. * * * * * In order to preserve weathered oak furniture and keep it fresh, rub it with floor wax, Johnston's or some other wax for hard floors. Do this once or twice a year. * * * * * Instead of throwing away the flour left after rolling meat for frying, save it and use again for similar purpose. * * * * * Cut a groove around the handle of the broom about three inches from the end. Make a cap with a draw string of some dark soft material and fasten this over the end of the broom. Then when the end of the broom rests against the wall there will be no marred places on the walls. This idea is especially good where one has white walls. J. R. W. * * * * * There is nothing that equals the boiled icing, and by boiling the sugar and water without stirring until it spins threads when run off a spoon or fork, then turning this syrup on the whites of the eggs, which have been whipped dry, then beaten until cold, one will have a delicious covering. Menu for Church Supper Given in May, but suitable for other months--about 200 covers. Cold Tongue Creamed Potatoes Lobster Salad Rolls Jelly Coffee Pineapple Ice Cake Cost of materials: 8 cans tongue @ $0.62½ $5.00 100 lbs. lobster @ .16 16.00 1½ doz. lettuce @ .90 1.35 Salad Dressing: 2 cans oil $1.80 2 qts. milk .16 Box mustard .30 1 qt. vinegar .07 2 doz. eggs .64 2.97 ½ bushel potatoes 400 rolls 3.34 4 lbs. coffee 1.52 2 qts. cream 1.20 1 can milk .60 6 eggs .16 3.48 20 glasses jelly donated. Pineapple Ice, 4½ gal.: 12 cans pineapple 2.40 6 lemons .10 Sugar .65 ? Freezing 2.50 Dipping 1.00 6.65 Served only 150 1 box domino sugar $0.48 1 can milk for potatoes .60 2 lbs. flour .10 1 lb. crackers (scant) .13 Parsley .10 5 lbs. print butter 2.10 1½ lbs. tub butter .52 Ice .15 Help 7.00 22 loaves cake (2 left), donated. Laundry 3.00 Express .25 Soap, etc. .20 ---- 14.63 ------ $53.42 Recipe for Pineapple Ice 12 cans of grated pineapple 6 quarts of water 6 quarts of sugar 6 lemons Boil the water and sugar fifteen minutes, add the pineapple, let boil five minutes; when cold strain, add lemon juice and freeze as usual. B. N. W. Goin' to School By Laura R. Talbot At a progressive porch party the young women sharpened their wits with the following: I ALPHABET "If an alphabetical servility must still be urged." --_Milton._ 1. A river in Scotland. 2. A printer's measure. 3. Owned by the Chinaman. _Answers_ 1. D (Dee). 2. M (em). 3. Q (queue). II GEOGRAPHY "In despite o' geography." --_Butler._ FIND THE ISLANDS 1. Eat a ---- when you are hungry. 2. The cat caught my ----. 3. Jack had a ---- pony given him. _Answers_ 1. Sandwich. 2. Canary. 3. Shetland. III GRAMMAR "Who climbs the grammar tree distinctly knows Where noun and verb and participle grows." --_Dryden._ 1. What the convicted prisoner receives. 2. What does the cat have? 3. Four-sevenths of a flower is what part of speech? _Answers_ 1. Sentence. 2. Clause (claws). 3. Verb-ena. IV PHYSIOLOGY "For of the soule the bodie forme doth take; For soule is forme, and doth the bodie make." --_Spenser._ 1. What humorist is a vital organ? 2. What is sometimes found in a closet? 3. What did Adam lose? _Answers_ 1. Heart (Harte). 2. Skeleton. 3. Rib. The "scholars" were now dismissed for fifteen minutes' recess, while EDUCATOR CRACKERS were served. An old-fashioned hand bell called them to order. V ARITHMETIC "This endless addition of numbers." --_Locke._ 1. Think of a number, Double it, Add ten, Divide by two, Add five, Multiply by four, Subtract forty, Divide by number first thought of, Add nineteen, And what do you have? 2. Not round and part of a plant. 3. Subtract nine from six. _Answers_ 1. Twenty-three. 2. Square root. 3. S SIX IX ---- S VI HISTORY "For aught that I could ever read, Could ever hear by tale or history." --_Shakespeare._ 1. What fruit do we always find in history? 2. What fowls are associated with the Pilgrim Fathers? 3. What happened to America in 1492? _Answers_ 1. Dates. 2. Plymouth Rocks. 3. Discovered. VII CURRENT EVENTS "For 'tis a chronicle of day by day." --_Shakespeare._ 1. What large gun is often heard in Washington? 2. What kitchen divinity has been declared a fraud? 3. What European ruler was interested in "The Congo"? _Answers_ 1. Cannon (Joseph G.). 2. Cook (Dr. Frederick.) 3. King Leopold. Refreshments were next served in school lunch boxes. Candy, in boxes representing books, was given as prizes. QUERIES AND ANSWERS This department is for the benefit and free use of our subscribers. Questions relating to recipes, and those pertaining to culinary science and domestic economics in general, will be cheerfully answered by the editor. Communications for this department must reach us before the first of the month preceding that in which the answers are expected to appear. In letters requesting answers by mail, please enclose addressed and stamped envelope. For menus remit $1.00. Address queries to Janet M. Hill, editor BOSTON COOKING-SCHOOL MAGAZINE, 372 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. In answer to inquiry 1590 I send my recipe which I have used for years. Blitz Kuchen 7 round tablespoonfuls butter 7 heaping teaspoonfuls sugar A heaping pint of flour Pinch of baking powder Pinch of salt 4 eggs Grated rind of 1 lemon ¼ pound chopped almonds 2 tablespoonfuls sugar Ground cinnamon to taste Butter and sugar are stirred to a cream. Add eggs without beating same, lemon and salt; stir well, then add flour mixed with baking powder; mix well and spread very thin on buttered tins. Sprinkle before baking with the almonds and two tablespoonfuls sugar mixed with the cinnamon. Bake in moderately hot oven to a medium brown. Cut in diamond shapes immediately on taking from the oven and while on tins. Remove quickly from tins. MRS. WM. WINTER * * * * * Your correspondent, who presents Query No. 1590, in the April magazine, has the German incorrect in her question. The recipe called for is undoubtedly Blitz Kuchen or Quick Coffee Cake. I enclose my recipe, which makes a delicious cake. Blitz Kuchen ½ a cup of butter 1 cup of sugar 2 teaspoonfuls of baking-powder 1½ cups of flour ½ a teaspoonful of salt 1 cup of milk 2 eggs 4 tablespoonfuls of crushed nuts Sift sugar, baking powder, flour and salt into bowl. Add butter, and work into dry ingredients as in making pie crust. Beat eggs and add with milk. Add enough more flour to make a rather stiff batter. Spread about one-half inch deep in buttered pans. Sprinkle top with granulated sugar and nuts. Bake about one-half hour in moderate oven. ANNE C. RANKIN, _Supt. Dom. Science Wausau Pub. Schools_. * * * * * QUERY 1623.--"Recipe for a very rich Chocolate Ice Cream. A cream eaten lately, which we wish to duplicate, was almost as dark in color and as rich as a chocolate sauce or chocolate frosting." Rich, Dark-Colored Chocolate Ice Cream Melt six ounces of chocolate over hot water (in a double boiler), add one cup of sugar and half a cup of boiling water and stir and cook directly over the fire until smooth and boiling. Scald three cups of milk; stir into the milk two tablespoonfuls of flour smoothed with milk to pour; stir until the milk thickens, then add the chocolate mixture; cover and let cook fifteen minutes. Beat the yolks of three or four eggs; add half a teaspoonful of salt and one-fourth a cup of sugar; beat again and stir into the hot mixture; stir until the egg is cooked a little; add one cup of rich cream and strain into the can of the freezer. When cold add one tablespoonful and a half of vanilla extract and freeze as usual. * * * * * QUERY 1624.--"Please publish a Time Table for cooking different vegetables, and for cooking meats, both well and rare done. Under meats, include fowl, game and fish, well done." Time Table for Cooking Vegetables Asparagus 20 to 25 minutes Beans, String or Shell 1 to 3 hours Beets, new 1 to 2 hours Beets, old 4 to 6 hours Beet Greens 1 hour or longer Brussels Sprouts 15 to 20 minutes Cabbage 30 to 80 minutes Carrots 1 hour or longer Cauliflower 20 to 30 minutes Celery 2 hours or longer Corn 5 to 15 minutes (actual boiling) Macaroni 20 to 60 minutes Onions 45 minutes to 2 hours Oyster Plant 45 to 60 minutes Parsnips 30 to 45 minutes Peas about 20 minutes Potatoes, white 20 to 30 minutes Potatoes, sweet 15 to 25 minutes Rice 20 to 30 minutes Squash 20 to 30 minutes Spinach 15 to 20 minutes Tomatoes, stewed 15 to 20 minutes Turnips 30 to 45 minutes Coffee 3 to 5 minutes Time Table for Baking Meat and Fish Beef, ribs or loin, rare, per pound 8 to 10 minutes Beef, ribs or loin, well done, per pound 12 to 16 minutes Beef, ribs, rolled, rare 12 to 15 minutes Beef, ribs, rolled, well done 15 to 18 minutes Beef, fillet, rare 20 to 30 minutes (hot oven) Beef, fillet, well done 1 hour Mutton, leg, rare, per pound 10 minutes Mutton, leg, well done, per pound 14 minutes Mutton, forequarter, stuffed, per pound 15 to 25 minutes Lamb, well done, per pound 15 to 20 minutes Veal, well done, per pound 18 to 22 minutes Pork, well done, per pound 20 minutes Venison, rare, per pound 10 minutes Chicken, per pound 15 to 20 minutes Turkey, 8 to 10 pounds 3 hours Goose, 8 to 10 pounds 2 hours or more Duck, domestic 1 hour or more Duck, wild 15 to 30 minutes (very hot oven) Grouse about 30 minutes Small Birds 15 to 20 minutes Pigeons, potted or en casserole 3 to 6 hours Ham 4 to 6 hours Fish, whole 45 minutes or longer Small Fish and Fillets about 20 minutes Baked Beans with Pork 6 to 8 hours Time Table for Broiling Meat and Fish Steak, 1 inch thick 4 to 10 minutes Steak, 1½ inches thick 8 to 15 minutes Lamb or Mutton Chops 6 to 10 minutes Spring Chicken 20 to 30 minutes Squabs 10 to 12 minutes Shad, Bluefish, etc. 15 to 30 minutes Slices of Fish 12 to 15 minutes Small Fish 5 to 12 minutes Boiling Meat and Fish Fresh Beef 4 to 6 hours Corned Beef, rib or flank 4 to 7 hours Corned Beef, fancy brisket 5 to 8 hours Corned Tongue 3 to 4 hours Leg or Shoulder of Mutton 3½ to 5 hours Leg or Shoulder of Lamb 2 to 3 hours Turkey, per pound 15 to 18 minutes Fowl, 4 to 5 pounds 2 to 4 hours Chicken, 3 pounds 1 to 1½ hours Ham 4 to 6 hours Lobster 25 to 30 minutes Codfish and Haddock, per pound 6 minutes Halibut, whole or thick piece, per pound 15 minutes Salmon, whole or thick piece 10 to 15 minutes Clams and Oysters 3 to 5 minutes * * * * * QUERY 1625.--"Recipe for Tomato Aspic for salads and a well-seasoned Cream of Corn Soup." Tomato (Aspic?) Jelly Let two cups of canned tomato, a sprig of summer savory, sprig of parsley, a slice of onion, half a stalk of celery, and a piece of green or red pepper pod simmer together fifteen or twenty minutes, then strain the whole through a fine sieve; add one-fourth a two-ounce package of gelatine, softened in one-fourth a cup of cold water, and salt as needed, and turn into molds to harden. Tomato Jelly, Macedoine Style, for Salad 1-1/2 cups of canned tomato 1 slice of onion 1/8 a clove of garlic 1/4 a pepper pod 1/2 a teaspoonful of salt 1/4 a "soup bag" 1/3 a package of gelatine 1/3 a cup of cold water 1/2 a cup of cooked string beans 3 olives 1 teaspoonful of capers 1 truffle Cooked yolks of 2 eggs Let the first six ingredients simmer, together, about fifteen minutes, then add the gelatine that has been softened in the cold water; stir over ice water until the mixture begins to thicken, then add the beans and olives, cut in fine bits, the capers, the truffle or its equivalent in trimmings, chopped fine, the yolks sifted, or the equivalent of the yolks in chopped chicken tongue or ham. Mix thoroughly and turn into molds. Serve with lettuce and mayonnaise dressing. Tomato Aspic To a pint of rich and highly-flavored beef, chicken or veal broth add a cup of cooked tomatoes, with salt and pepper as needed, also one-third a package of gelatine softened in one-third a cup of cold water and the crushed shells and slightly beaten whites of two eggs; stir constantly over the fire till boiling; let boil three minutes; then draw to a cooler place to settle; skim and strain through a napkin wrung out of boiling water; turn into molds and let chill. Good Flavored Cream of Corn Soup A good flavored corn soup may be made of two parts milk flavored with a little onion and parsley, thickened with flour and one part corn purée; but a richer flavored soup results when chicken or veal broth is combined with the milk and a little cream, half to a whole cup to two quarts of soup is used. Recipe for Cream of Corn Soup Score the kernels in each row with a sharp knife and with the back of the knife press out all of the pulp. Melt three (level) tablespoonfuls of butter, in it cook two slices of onion and two branches of parsley until the onion is softened and yellowed; add three tablespoonfuls of flour, a dash of black pepper and half a teaspoonful of salt; stir and cook until frothy, then add three cups of milk and stir until boiling; add the corn pulp and let boil five minutes. Add more seasoning if needed. Vary by the use of broth or cream. * * * * * QUERY 1626.--"Recipe for a very appetizing dish consisting of a poached egg set above a round of toast and another of ham with a yellow sauce over the whole. Also a recipe for Sponge Cake for Jelly Roll. One given in the magazine was a failure." Eggs Benedict Split and toast the required number of English muffins. Have ready poached eggs and some very thin rounds of broiled ham, one of each for each half muffin. Dip the edges of the toasted muffins in boiling, salted water, and spread lightly with butter; set a slice of hot ham above the toast and the poached egg above the ham and pour Hollandaise sauce over the whole. Hollandaise Sauce For six eggs, beat half a cup of butter to a cream, then beat in, one at a time, the yolks of four eggs, with a dash of salt and of pepper; add half a cup of boiling water and two tablespoonfuls of lemon juice and cook over hot water, stirring constantly until the mixture thickens. Sponge Cake for Jelly Roll We should be glad to know which recipe for sponge cake published in this magazine did not turn out successfully. We have given recipes for many grades of sponge cake, but all have been used by us repeatedly with good results. Any recipe for good sponge cake may be used for a jelly roll, but some formulas will give a dry and others a moist cake. The first of the following recipes is for a small, inexpensive cake. Recipes for Sponge Cake for Jelly Roll I 2 eggs 1 cup of sugar 1 cup of flour 1/4 a teaspoonful of salt 2½ level teaspoonfuls of baking powder 1 teaspoonful of vanilla extract 1/3 a cup of hot milk Beat the eggs without separating the whites and yolks; beat in the sugar, fold in the flour, salt and baking powder, sifted together, then beat in the milk. Bake in a shallow pan. Turn upon a cloth, trim off the edges, spread with jelly and roll. The cake must be rolled while hot. II 5 eggs 1 cup of sugar 1 cup of flour Grated rind of 1 lemon 2 tablespoonfuls of lemon juice _or_ 1 rounding teaspoonful of baking powder Beat the whites and yolks separately, and gradually beat the sugar into the yolks; add the lemon juice and rind and fold in the whites and flour. By this recipe the cake is good only when the ingredients are put together properly. Beating and folding are the motions needed. One not understanding how to mix a _true_ sponge cake should omit the lemon juice and use the baking powder. The recipe for Swedish sponge cake, frequently given in these pages, makes a good cake for a jelly roll. * * * * * QUERY 1627.--"Recipe for Currants, Bar-le-duc." Bar-le-Duc Currants The preserve known by the above caption can be made at home, but, as the process of removing the seeds from the currants is tedious, most people prefer buying to making this preserve. We have had good success with the following recipe: Take selected currants of large size, one by one, and with tiny embroidery scissors carefully cut the skin on one side, making a slit one-fourth an inch or less in length. Through this with a sharp needle remove the seeds, one at a time, to preserve the shape of the currant. Take the weight of the currants in strained honey, and when hot add the currants. Let simmer two or three minutes, then seal as jelly. If the juice of the currants liquefy the honey too much, carefully skim out the currants and reduce the syrup at a gentle simmer to the desired consistency, then replace the currants and store as above. The above recipe gives a confection equal to that put up in France. The following recipe, which entails less work, gives a nice preserve. Currants, Bar-le-Duc Get the largest size currants, red or white, and stem them without breaking. To each pound allow three pounds of sugar. Take some ordinary currants and bruise them while warm until you have a pint of juice. Put half a cup of this into a porcelain kettle and add three pounds of sugar. Bring slowly to a boil and skim very carefully. After boiling five minutes drop in very carefully one pound of the large currants and let simmer four minutes. Take them out without breaking them, and boil the syrup down five minutes, or longer if not very thick; as the currants are sometimes less juicy than at others, a few minutes more will be needed at one time than another. When thick, skim well and strain through a hot cloth over the fruit. Put into little jelly glasses and when cold cover as in jelly making. [Illustrated Advertisement] Fresh from the Ocean To You _The Finest Codfish You Ever Tasted_ Burnham & Morrill Fish Flakes will give a new meaning to "Codfish" in your home. This choice New England delicacy is entirely different from the dried, over-salted, "soak-over-night" kind and far superior to any Codfish you can buy even at the fish market. =BURNHAM & MORRILL FISH FLAKES= =10c and 15c Sizes= makes it possible for you to enjoy really fresh Codfish wherever you may live. Our exclusive method of cooking, mildly salting and packing the fish the same day it is caught--absolutely without preservative of any sort--retains all the fine delicate flavor. The sanitary container, itself, bespeaks the high quality of the contents. The fish is wrapped in pure parchment and hermetically sealed, without solder or acid--it never comes in contact with the metal. Every housewife will be delighted to find how delicious =Codfish Balls, Creamed Fish, Fish Hash, Fish Chowder, etc.= can be made with Burnham & Morrill Fish Flakes. Thousands of Grocers are selling Burnham & Morrill Fish Flakes today--if yours hasn't it in stock, he will be glad to get it for you. If you will just try Burnham & Morrill Fish Flakes once you will certainly agree with everyone that this is a simply perfect fish product. If your Grocer chances not to be supplied, in order that you may immediately try Burnham & Morrill Fish Flakes yourself, we will gladly mail you a regular 10c size on receipt of 10c from you. It costs us 18c to do this--postage alone being 11c. This shows our faith in our product. =GOOD EATING= was written especially for us by Mrs. Janet Mackenzie Hill, the noted domestic scientist. It contains many new and original recipes and table hints, and is mailed =Free upon request.= =BURNHAM & MORRILL COMPANY, Portland, Maine, U.S.A.= =Packers of the justly celebrated Paris Sugar Corn= * * * * * QUERY 1628.--"Recipe for Preserving and Crystallizing Ginger Root." Preserving Ginger Root Purchase the "stem" ginger. Take the weight of the ginger in sugar. Cover the ginger with boiling water and let cook rapidly till very tender. Dissolve the sugar in some of the water in which the ginger was cooked. Use about one-fourth as much water as sugar. Let cook to a thin syrup; skim, then put in the ginger and let simmer very slowly till the syrup is nearly absorbed, then cook more quickly, stirring meanwhile to cause the sugar to grain until the ginger is well glazed. Or, remove the ginger from the syrup, when it has absorbed a sufficient quantity, drain, cut in strips and roll in granulated sugar. A third method gives good results, but for lack of proper appliances is not used by amateurs. * * * * * QUERY 1629.--"Recipe for Mexican Tamale. Also give the number of this magazine in which a recipe for Cheese Custard was given." Mexican Tamales Have a chicken cooked tender in boiling water to cover; remove the meat and chop it fine; return the bones to the broth. From fresh corn husks select a wide leaf of husk for each tamale, or use dry husks steamed until pliable. Remove and discard the seeds from a dozen red chili peppers and chop the pods very fine; peel six large tomatoes and squeeze the seeds from them. Mix the tomato and pepper and let simmer twenty minutes, or until well reduced. Stir enough of the hot chicken liquor into three cups of corn meal to thoroughly moisten it, then let it stand half an hour. When everything is ready, mix the tomato and pepper with the chicken, adding a teaspoonful or more of salt as is needed to season. Salt should also be added to the corn meal, if the broth in which it was mixed had not been seasoned. Put a layer of corn meal into the corn husk and on this put two tablespoonfuls of the chicken and tomato mixture. Let the chicken come nearly to the ends of the corn meal, and the corn meal well up to the ends of the husk. Keeping the husk between the fingers and the meal, fold the meal over the chicken, from each side, to enclose the chicken completely; roll the husks over the whole, turn up the ends and tie them securely, using narrow strips torn from the husks for the purpose. Put the tamales on the top of the bones in the chicken broth, taking care that the bones keep them well out of the broth. Cover closely and let simmer one hour. Serve hot. Cheese Custard The recipe for Cheese Custard was given on page 286, and the illustration of the same, on page 285 of the January, 1910, issue of the magazine. * * * * * QUERY 1630.--"Recipes for a 'Saltine' or Salted Cracker, a Soda Cracker and Rum Omelette." Recipes for Crackers We are unable to supply proper recipes for making crackers. Rum Omelet 3 eggs 1½ tablespoonfuls of sugar ¼ a teaspoonful of salt 2 tablespoonfuls of lemon juice or water 2 tablespoonfuls of butter ¼ a cup of rum Beat the eggs without separating till a full spoonful can be taken up; add sugar, salt and liquid and mix thoroughly. Melt the butter in the hot omelet pan, turn in the egg mixture, shake the pan till the omelet is cooked, roll and turn upon a hot platter; pour over the rum, light it and send to the table, at once, while it is burning. Roll the omelet when it is a little underdone. [Illustrated Advertisement] =SOUPS= STEWS and HASHES are rendered very much more tasty and appetizing by using =LEA & PERRINS= SAUCE= THE ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE A superior seasoning for all kinds of Fish, Steaks, Roasts, Game, Gravies, Salads, etc. It gives appetizing relish to an otherwise insipid dish. =Beware of Imitations.= JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, Agts., New York * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] =Rae's Lucca Oil= "THE PERFECTION OF OLIVE OIL" =THE VERY FINEST QUALITY OF PURE OLIVE OIL= SOLD IN BOTTLES AND TINS OF VARIOUS SIZES =S. RAE & CO.= LEGHORN, TUSCANY, ITALY * * * * * QUERY 1631.--"Recipes for Lady Baltimore Cake, Peanut Cookies and Maple-Walnut Sundae." Lady Baltimore Cake 1 cup of butter 2 cups of sugar 3½ cups of flour 2 (level) teaspoonfuls of baking powder 1 cup of milk 1 teaspoonful of rose water Whites of 6 eggs Filling and Frosting 3 cups of sugar 1 cup of water 3 whites of eggs 1 cup of chopped raisins 1 cup of chopped nut meats 5 figs Cook the sugar and water to 242° Fahr. Finish as any boiled frosting, adding the fruit and nuts at the last. Peanut Cookies ¼ a cup of butter (scant) ½ a cup of sugar 2 tablespoonfuls of milk 1 egg 1 cup of flour ¼ a teaspoonful of salt 2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder ¾ a cup of peanuts Mix in the usual manner; add the egg, beaten without separating the white from the yolk. Reserve a few whole halves of nuts to garnish the tops of the cookies, and add the rest, pounded fine, at the last. Drop in a buttered tin, a teaspoonful in a place, and some distance apart. The recipe makes two dozen cookies. Maple-Walnut Sundae Prepare vanilla or lemon ice cream. Turn one or two tablespoonfuls of maple syrup into a glass cup; in this dispose a ball or cone of the ice cream, pour on one or two tablespoonfuls of maple syrup and sprinkle with nut meats, chopped rather coarse. Pecans or English walnuts are generally used. Butternuts are also good for this purpose. * * * * * QUERY 1632.--"Recipe for the rice cooked with tomatoes, cheese, peppers and bacon given in the 'Menus for a Week in May,' in this magazine." Rice with Bacon and Tomatoes Parboil three-fourths a cup of rice in cold water, drain on a sieve, rinse with cold water and drain again. Cut three or four thin slices of bacon into half-inch pieces and cook until crisp and light colored. Add the blanched rice to the bits of bacon. In the fat cook half a green or red pepper, cut in shreds, until softened and yellowed, then add the pepper and fat to the rice with three cups of boiling water or stock and three-fourths a teaspoonful of salt, and let cook until the rice is tender and the liquid is absorbed. Add a cup of well-reduced tomato purée and half a cup or more of grated cheese. Mix thoroughly and let stand over boiling water to become very hot. * * * * * QUERY 1633.--"Recipe for Peach Cordial, and Angel Cake containing cornstarch." Peach Cordial Mash ripe or nearly ripe peaches to a pulp. To eight pounds of pulp allow one quart of water. Let the whole be heated to the boiling point, then press out the juice. To each gallon of juice add two pounds of loaf sugar. Let stand until it has fermented and when clear bottle and seal. Angel Cake with Cornstarch 1 cup of whites of eggs 1 cup of sugar ¾ a cup of flour ¼ a cup of cornstarch ½ a teaspoonful of cream of tartar 1 teaspoonful of vanilla extract Beat the white of eggs till foamy; add the cream of tartar and beat until dry; beat in the sugar gradually; add the extract, then fold in the flour and cornstarch, sifted together. Bake in an unbuttered tube pan. It will take from thirty to fifty minutes according to the size of the pan. [Illustration: LUNCHEON TONGUE] Squire's Luncheon Tongue With a thin, sharp knife cut Squire's Luncheon Tongue in thin slices. Serve with hot spinach, potatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Swiss chard, green corn, string or shell beans. To the cooked vegetables add butter and a palatable seasoning of salt and pepper. For a more hearty dish serve the vegetables with a cream sauce; if a still more elaborate dish appeals to you, cover the creamed vegetable with cracker crumbs mixed with melted butter and let stand in the oven until the crumbs are nicely browned. When a cold dish is desirable, serve the tongue with any of the above vegetables dressed as a salad. Any variety of salad dressing may be used, but with spinach, sauce tartare is particularly good. Press the spinach while hot into molds; when cold and firm unmold each shape on a slice of tongue and dispose the sauce above or around the spinach. To make sauce tartare, add to a cup of mayonnaise dressing two tablespoonfuls, each, of fine chopped capers, olives, parsley and cucumber pickles. French dressing--oil, vinegar, salt and pepper--suffice for lettuce and tomatoes served with the tongue, though mayonnaise or a boiled dressing made without oil are to be commended with tomatoes, thus served. A slice or two of the tongue chopped fine is a good ingredient with onion, bread crumbs and such seasonings as are available for stuffed tomatoes. [Advertisement] SQUIRE'S LUNCHEON TONGUE ¶ This is a ready-to-serve cooked meat, its uses being the same as our Boiled Ham, for sandwiches and as a cold meat, and is also fine for salads, or in any way in which a tongue is used. ¶ The tongues are selected for size and quality, thoroughly cooked until tender, after which all gristle and the little bone at the root is removed. ¶ They are packed in tins holding twelve tongues and weighing about six pounds. ¶ After being placed in the tins, the tongues are covered with a jelly, which, when it congeals, serves to bind the meat into one piece. Put up in this form it is easy to slice thin, or, the tongues can be served whole if desired. ¶ The pans are carefully wrapped in parchment paper. ¶ The appearance is inviting, the tongues are whole and the jelly keeps them fresh and retains their delicious flavor, possible in no other way. ¶ These goods being sold within a short time after being cooked and packed, they have a better flavor than canned tongue. ¶ The quality, purity and care in preparing Luncheon Tongue is the same as that of all other Squire products. ¶ It is convenient, as any quantity, from one slice to a whole pan, can be purchased. JOHN P. SQUIRE & CO., BOSTON, MASS. _Visitors are always welcome at our plant and restaurant in Cambridge_ * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] HEINZ Cider Apples Only selected kinds are used for Heinz Vinegar. The quality of cider vinegar begins with the apples. The Greenings, Baldwins, Spies and Kings of Western New York and Michigan give the greatest amount of rich juice, best for vinegar, and these are the principal varieties of apples used in making =HEINZ Pure Apple Cider Vinegar=. Only the pure apple juice of _first pressing_ is used in Heinz Cider Vinegar, whereas the first pressing of apples is more often sold for sweet cider and only the second pressing, mixed with water, used for cider vinegar. Age improves all vinegars, and it is frequently more than two years from the time the apple juice is pressed until it reaches your table as Heinz Cider Vinegar. All of which contributes to its healthfulness, mellowness and aroma. The =57 Varieties= also include the following: _=Heinz Malt Vinegar=_ made from sound barley malt and aged until rich and mellow. _=Heinz White Pickling and Table Vinegar=_ a distilled vinegar of great strength. All sold by grocers in sealed bottles and half-gallon jugs; also by measure from barrels--but, when buying in this way, be sure you get the Heinz brand. =H. J. HEINZ COMPANY.= _=Distributing Branches and Agencies throughout the World.=_ _Member American Association for Promotion of Purity in Food Products._ * * * * * The Father A Story by Björnson [This dramatic little tale by the late Björnstjerne Björnson is so simply told that it seems almost destitute of art, which is to say its art is of the highest kind, for the art of simplicity, as every writer knows, is the hardest to achieve. It was translated into English a few weeks ago, for the first time, for the Boston _Transcript_, from which we reprint it.] The man about whom this story is told was the mightiest in his parish. His name was Thord Overaas. He stood one day in the pastor's study, tall and serious. "I have been given a son," he said, "and wish to have him christened." "What shall he be called?" "Finn, after my father." "And the sponsors?" They were named, and were the best men and women in the community of the father's family. "Is there anything further?" asked the minister, looking up. The peasant hesitated a little. "I prefer to have him christened alone," he said. "That is, on a week day?" "On next Saturday, twelve, noon." "Is there anything further?" asked the pastor. "There is nothing further." The peasant fumbled his cap, as if he were about to go. Then the pastor rose. "This much further," he said, and walked over to Thord, took his hand and looked him in the eyes. "God grant that the child may be a blessing to you." Sixteen years after that day Thord stood again in the pastor's study. "You carry the years well, Thord," said the minister, seeing no change in him. "Neither have I any cares," answered Thord. To this the pastor remained silent, but after a while he asked: "What is your errand this evening?" "This evening I come to see about my son, who is to be confirmed tomorrow." "He is a bright boy." "I did not wish to pay the pastor before I knew what number he is to have on the floor." "He shall stand number 1." "So I heard--and here is ten dollars for the pastor." "Is there anything further?" asked the minister looking up at Thord. "There is nothing further." Thord went away. Again eight years passed, then a noise was heard one day outside the pastor's study, for many men came and Thord first. The pastor looked up and recognized him: "You come strong in numbers this evening." "I wish to ask to have the banns pronounced for my son; he is to be married to Karen Storliden, daughter of Gudmund, who stands here." "She is the richest girl in the parish." "They say so," answered the peasant, smoothing back his hair with one hand. [Illustration: Do not keep both food and germs in the refrigerator. To prevent musty smells and keep air of refrigerator pure and sweet, place a bowl containing sponge sprinkled with Platt's Chlorides where food is kept. Wash sponge occasionally.] The minister sat for a time as if in thought. He said nothing, but registered the names in his books and the men signed accordingly. Thord laid three dollars on the table. "I should have only one," said the pastor. "I know it, too, but he is my only child--I wish to do well by you." The pastor took the money. "It is the third time now you stand here in behalf of your son, Thord." "But now I am through with him," said Thord. He folded his pocketbook together, said good-by and went. The men followed slowly after. A fortnight after that day the father and son rowed in calm weather across the water to Storliden to confer about the wedding. "This board does not lie securely under me," said the son, and got up to lay it aright. Just then the plank on which he stood slipped; he threw out his arms, gave a cry and fell in the water. "Take hold of the oar!" called the father, rising and holding it toward him. But when the son had made a few strokes he stiffened. "Wait a little!" cried the father, and rowed nearer. Then the son turned over backwards, gave a long look at the father--and sank. Thord would not believe it. He held the boat still and stared at the spot where his son had sunk down as if he were to come up again. Some bubbles rose to the surface, then a few more, then just one large one that burst--and the sea lay again like a mirror. For three days and three nights they saw the father rowing about that spot without food or sleep; he was searching for his son. On the third day in the morning he found him, and came carrying him up over the hills to his farm. A year perhaps had passed since that day. Then the pastor, late one autumn evening, heard something in the hallway outside his door fumbling cautiously for the latch. The minister opened the door and in stepped a tall, bent man, thin and white-haired. The minister looked long at him before he recognized him; it was Thord. "Do you come so late?" said the pastor and stood still before him. "O, yes, I come late," said Thord, seating himself. The pastor also sat down as if waiting. There was a long silence, then Thord said: "I have something with me that I wish to give to the poor; it shall be in the form of a legacy and carry my son's name." He got up, laid money on the table and sat down again. The pastor counted the money. "That is a great deal," he said. "It is half of my farm; I sold it today." The minister remained sitting a long time in silence; finally he asked gently, "What are you now going to do, Thord?" "Something better." They sat for a time, Thord with his eyes upon the floor, and the pastor with his eyes upon Thord. Finally the pastor said slowly: "Now I believe your son has finally become a blessing to you." "Yes, now I also think so myself," said Thord. He looked up and two tears rolled heavily down over his face.--_Current Literature._ [Illustrated Advertisement] Velvet Grip Rubber Button =Hose Supporter= FOR BOYS AND GIRLS is easy, safe and economical; allows the utmost freedom of movement and is readily attached. It interests children in dressing themselves. All genuine have the Moulded Rubber Button, and Velvet Grip is stamped on the loops. GEORGE FROST COMPANY, Boston, U.S.A. Sample pair, children's size (give age), mailed on receipt of 16 cents. * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] =BEAUTY IS BORN OF HEALTH= and Health is the foundation of all the joys of life. The mission of =ANHEUSER BUSCH'S _MALT-NUTRINE_= is to bring the pleasures of health and strength to all. It is a liquid food and gives vigor and nutrition to those lacking the power of perfect digestion. Declared by U.S. Revenue Department A PURE MALT PRODUCT and not an alcoholic beverage =SOLD BY DRUGGISTS AND GROCERS= =ANHEUSER-BUSCH St. Louis, Mo.= * * * * * [Advertisement] Desserts in hot weather should be Light and Delicate The Delicious Flavor of Burnett's Vanilla Is Essential to their Success. Write for our handsome, new book of recipes for ice creams, parfaits, ices, etc. JOSEPH BURNETT CO. Dept. E 38 India St., Boston, Mass. * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] You'll Like It--Everybody Likes It MINUTE GELATINE (PLAIN) Sample Free. Enough to Make One Pint. The very highest quality of Gelatine put up in the famous "Already Measured" package. Ordinarily directions say, "Take ¼ package," etc., leaving you to =guess= really at the amount, for no one can be sure of pouring out just ¼ of a package of anything. Every package of Minute Gelatine is divided into =fourths=, and =each fourth makes one pint= of delicious dessert, a whole package making =one-half gallon=. Give us your grocer's name and we will send you =free= enough to make one pint, also the Minuteman Cook Book, containing 35 tested receipts for Minute Gelatine. MINUTE TAPIOCA COMPANY, 18-19 West Main Street, Orange, Mass. * * * * * The Secret of It "Rita"--so Mrs. Desmond Humphreys, the English novelist, is called--was condemning in New York the frequency of divorce in America. "You Americans," she said, "don't seem to possess the secret of matrimonial happiness. Perhaps you might take a lesson from a city clerk I heard of recently. "A friend of this clerk's, after visiting him at his home, said: 'Excuse me, Will, but how do you manage, on your small salary, to have such well cooked and delicious meals?' "'The secret is simple,' Will replied; 'every day I kiss the cook and do all I can to please her and make her happy.' "'But doesn't your wife object?' the other asked. "'Dear no--she's the cook,' was the reply." * * * * * One fall Farmer True sold a large part of his hay in order to buy some new green blinds for his house and a smart kitchen clock. The neighbors heartily disapproved. Spring came, and with it the downfall of his pride, for alas! he had not hay enough to feed his cattle until they should be turned out to grass. Thereupon he humbly sought a neighbor, and asked him if he had any hay to lend. "Well," said the neighbor, deliberately, stroking his chin, "I dunno's I've got any hay to lend, an' I dunno's I've got any to sell. Why don't ye drive yer cattle up an' let 'em look at yer green blinds an' hear yer clock strike?" But he sold him some just the same. [Illustrated Advertisement] SUN PASTE STOVE POLISH _Let Science Make Your Housework Easy._ "Domestic Science" =Domestic Science= applied to Stove Polish means SUN PASTE every time. You can prove it. Can we help you to prove it now? You want the BRIGHTEST, EASIEST and QUICKEST DUSTLESS Stove Polish you can get. We have it. You owe it to yourself to use the best in this case, because it costs you no more. Just ask your grocer for SUN PASTE. Insist upon it. MORSE BROS., Proprietors, CANTON, MASS. * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] Vantine's _Orange Pekoe Tea_ =The favorite of connoisseurs.= Our special blend of choice and rare teas, imported only by us. Delicate, fragrant, delicious, refreshing. No other has the =flavor=. If you love fine tea, send 50c for trial half pound package, or $1.00 for pound. _Oriental Table Delicacies_ =Dainties to please the epicure.= Rare foods, fruits, nuts and confections which lend charm and novelty to afternoon tea, card party reception or any home function. Provide a =real treat=. Free Dainty Oriental booklet descriptive of our appetizing delicacies for your dealer's name. The name Vantine has stood for exclusive quality for over half a century. Vantine goods are sold by high grade dealers. VANTINE'S (Importers) Dept. 3-S, 12 E. 18th St., N.Y. City * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] Huyler's METROPOLITAN SWEET CHOCOLATE HIGHEST IN QUALITY SMOOTHNESS AND FLAVOR TEN CENTS & FIVE CENTS * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] Manning-Bowman Alcohol Gas Stove [Illustration: Made with one two or three burners] Alcolite Wick-Feed Burner--burns denatured alcohol This stove is furnished with Manning-Bowman Chafing Dishes and it more than doubles the practical value of every chafing dish equipped with it. The Alcohol Gas Stove is really a portable cooking range, being sufficiently powerful for any kind of cooking with any sort of cooking utensil. A great thing for light housekeeping, impromptu meals, late suppers, picnics and camping. Manning-Bowman Pot Style Coffee Percolators make coffee quickly from _cold water_ on this stove. The stove is sold separately when so desired. All dealers have the Manning-Bowman Quality Alcohol Gas Stoves, Percolators, Chafing Dishes and Accessories, and the "Eclipse" Bread Mixer. [Illustration: Pot Style Percolator on Alcohol Gas Stove] [Illustration: No. 345-84 Chafing Dish Alcohol Gas Stove] Write for free Book of Recipes and Catalog "J-19" MANNING, BOWMAN & CO., MERIDEN, CONN. * * * * * How to Utilize Bacon Grease Bacon grease is the best available medium for frying. It is the most toothsome and the purest. Contrast the clean lines and flavor of bacon grease with the insipid, ghastly-looking product known as lard, made from who knows what. Pure leaf lard is rare, and even at its best the rich, tempting savor of bacon is vastly preferable. Bacon, properly prepared for those who do not engage in heavy manual labor and therefore do not need much of the rich heat producing fat, should be fried to a crisp, until it is to all intents entirely lean. Then it is a dish fit for gods, and for mortals who know what is good. Then there is left the grease, golden brown and delicious. Now the usefulness of bacon only begins. Hear this! From one pound of breakfast bacon you get one pint of precious bacon grease. What do with it? That's easy. Fry eggs in it. You will never again use lard. Even butter is inferior to it. Season boiled string beans with it. It is a substitute for cooking bacon with them. Two or three tablespoonfuls will give the proper flavor. Use the bacon fat in place of butter or lard. * * * * * On a festive occasion Mr. Jones, who is by nature courtesy itself, complimented a middle-aged lady upon her dress, the upper part of which was of black lace. "Nothing," said he, "to my mind is so becoming as black and yellow." "Yellow!" she cried. "Oh, good gracious! That's not my dress, that's _me_!"--_James Payn, in the Independent._ * * * * * Cardinal Manning visited a Liverpool convent, where an Irishwoman was cook. She begged his blessing, and, when it was given, looked up at his frail figure, and exclaimed, "May the Lord preserve your eminence, and oh, may he forgive your cook!" [Illustrated Advertisement] =We teach you how to make Candy= by professional methods. You can easily learn to make the most delicious candy. Our Home Candy Making Outfit includes a candy thermometer, recipes, etc., that insures success. We teach you how to make French bonbons, nougat, chocolate creams and all the finest candies. Many women whom we have taught make candy to sell. Make Your Own Candy It is much cheaper, purer and more delicious than any candy you can buy. WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET that explains our system of teaching candy making at home. =THE HOME CANDY MAKERS= =202 Bar Street,= =Canton, Ohio= * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] GAIL BORDEN EAGLE BRAND BORDEN'S BRANDS HAVE NO EQUAL They Perfectly Solve The Milk Problem BORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK CO. =Est. 1857= "_Leaders of Quality_" =New York= * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] Make Your Own Ice-cream WITH JUNKET TABLETS Junket Ice Cream with strawberries Requires no eggs, corn-starch, or gelatine, and only one part cream and three parts pure milk. The Junket process makes an exquisitely delicious, smooth, velvety ice-cream at half the usual cost. A charming little booklet containing many recipes, among them one for Junket Ice-cream with strawberries, by Janet McKenzie Hill, the famous lecturer and editor of _The Boston Cooking-School Magazine_, comes free with every package. Sold by all grocers or mailed postpaid for ten cents. CHR. HANSEN'S LABORATORY Box 2507 Little Falls, N.Y. * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] Kornlet _Is the Milk of Sweet Green Corn, Preserved in Cans When Corn is at its Best_ --_Nothing_ makes such delicious puddings, fritters, griddle cakes and soups. Now--to associate Kornlet in your mind with summer green corn--procure nine full ears, the best the market affords; score and press the _milk_ from the kernels as completely as possible. This will be equivalent to one can of Kornlet and may be used successfully for all the dishes we have mentioned. After that, simply remember that when green corn is out of season you can have these same delicious dishes by using Kornlet in the same recipes. Book of recipes sent free for your grocer's name. During the green corn season, nine ears of corn take the place of one can of Kornlet. =The Haserot Canneries Co. Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.= * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] THE KETTLE SPOON HOLDER MADE OF ALUMINUM ALWAYS USEFUL BUT ESPECIALLY CONVENIENT DURING THE PRESERVING SEASON AGENTS WANTED AT STORES OR BY MAIL 10¢ THE BARNARD CO. DEPT. 60 BOSTON, MASS. * * * * * [Advertisement] SHELLED NUTS CHOCOLATES and other supplies for =Home Candy Making= and table use can be bought in small lots at reasonable prices. These goods are all first-class and guaranteed. =Send for Price List.= ADDRESS WARD SHELLED NUT CO. P.O. Box 3506, Boston, Massachusetts * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] SAMPLE FREE KITCHEN BOUQUET GIVES A DELICIOUS FLAVOR AND RICH COLOR TO SOUPS, SAUCES, GRAVIES, ETC. Used by Leading Chefs and Eminent Teachers of Cookery. =THE PALISADE MFG. CO. 353 CLINTON AVE. WEST HOBOKEN, N.J=. * * * * * The Evening Game When daddy holds me on his knee A-playin' Creep-er-Mouse, He walks his fingers up my legs, An' all around my blouse, Nen drives the mouse into its house In underneaf my chin, An' I des laugh an' laugh an' laugh-- An' nen say, "Do it agin!" It's dretful when he's climbin' up, It makes me shiver some, But I des double up my fists An' watch the old mouse come; It's worser, heaps, when in he creeps Up underneaf my chin. I laugh till daddy has to stop-- Nen I say, "Do it agin!" --_Woman's Home Companion._ * * * * * One of the latest kitchen novelties is a spoon holder, which hangs on the inside of any preserving kettle and holds the stirring spoon when not in use. They are made of aluminum and will not rust. By using one, you dispense with saucer, cup or plate to hold the spoon, and the spoon is always ready for use and always where it is to be used. After you have once used this little article you would not part with it for five times its cost. * * * * * Grape Juice The finest grape juice is obtained by pressing the grapes without boiling. After all juice has been extracted by the _Yale Fruit Press_, place pulp in kettle, bring to a boiling point, then continue pressing operation. This latter will yield a darker colored juice and not so delicate in flavor as the juice extracted by the cold process. In bottling or canning do not mix, but put up separately. Cold process juice must be heated to the boiling point before it is bottled. [Illustrated Advertisement] FOR THE BRIDE and Those Who Have Been Brides Moth-Proof Red Cedar Chifforobe Examine it--on 15 days' approval ¶ The honest craftsmanship of old Colonial days is reflected in our work. This beautiful chifforobe (chiffonier and wardrobe combined) is built of genuine Southern Red Cedar--the only absolutely moth-proof wood. Within its air-tight doors your furs, fine clothing and hats are absolutely safe from moths, dust and dampness. Piedmont Chests save storage charges. Sold direct to the home, all jobbers' and retailers' profits saved, to the benefit of the purchaser. Practically our only sales expense is advertising to tell you about these chests. We prepay freight east of the Mississippi River--also return transportation charges if chests are not satisfactory. Write today for our beautiful catalog showing many designs of Red Cedar Chests, Highboys, Lowboys and Chifforobes at prices that will interest you. Piedmont Red Cedar Chest Co., Dept. 31, Statesville, N.C. * * * * * [Advertisement] LADY WANTED To introduce our very complete Fall line of beautiful wool suitings, wash fabrics, fancy waistings, silks, hdkfs, petticoats, etc. Up to date N.Y. City Patterns. Finest line on the market. Dealing direct with the mills you will find our prices low. If others can make $10.00 to $30.00 weekly, you can also. Samples, full instructions in neat sample case, shipped express prepaid. No money required. Exclusive territory. Write for particulars. Be first to apply. =STANDARD DRESS GOODS COMPANY, Dept. 685, BINGHAMTON, N.Y.= * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] START A MILLINERY BUSINESS For $50.00 or $100.00 =Here's an opportunity to establish yourself in a paying Millinery Business of your own.= Ours is one of the largest =WHOLESALE MILLINERY= houses in the world. One of the most successful branches of this immense concern is selling Millinery stocks. We will sell you a complete stock of the latest city styles in Ladies', Misses' and Children's Hats for $50.00, or a larger line for $100.00. YOU DO NOT NEED A TRIMMER; ALL THE HATS ARE COMPLETELY TRIMMED AND READY TO WEAR. =Millinery pays a BIG profit.= If you can invest $50.00 or $100.00 now, you will be able to turn over your investment many times a season. After you start =YOUR= business, we will send you illustrated catalogues, booklets, etc., thus keeping you posted on the new styles. =Thousands of successful men and women have started in business with one of our stocks. Many of them, not wanting to start in a separate store, rented space in a general store that did not handle millinery.= =Now is the time to prepare to start.= Write immediately for itemized list No. 40. It tells what our $50.00 and $100.00 Fall and Winter stocks consist of, gives our terms, etc. A postal will bring it. =No goods sold at retail. We sell only to those buying to sell again at a profit.= Chicago Mercantile Co. 106-108-110-112 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] _1847_ ROGERS BROS. X S TRIPLE "_Silver Plate that Wears_" Charter Oak Pattern The famous trade mark "_1847_ ROGERS BROS." on spoons, forks, knives, etc., guarantees the _heaviest_ triple plate. Send for catalogue "U 8." MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO., (International Silver Co., Successor) New York Chicago MERIDEN, CONN. San Francisco * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] YALE FRUIT PRESS The best, most practical and durable press on the market. Unequaled for making =Jellies, Jams, Cider, Grape Juice, Sausage, Lard and hundreds of other things.= Every home should have one. Saves time, labor and trouble and soon pays for itself. The Yale Fruit Press is easily used and easily cleaned. Clamps to any table or handy place. Place cotton bag filled with material in colander, fix beam in position, attach crank to wheel and every pound pulled on same exerts 48 pounds pressure on contents. Made of steel and iron, plated. Four quart size, price only =$3.95= If your dealer will not supply you, do not accept a substitute, but order direct of us. =Sold on 10 Days' Trial. Money back if not satisfied.= Write today for =FREE= booklet--"Aunt Sally's Best Recipes"--of interest to every housewife. Also gives full description and prices of Yale Fruit Presses. VICTOR M. GRAB & CO. _Patentees and Sole Manufacturers,_ 1162 Ashland Block, Chicago, Illinois * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] These trade-mark crisscross lines on every package CRESCO FLOUR For DYSPEPTICS SPECIAL DIETETIC FLOUR K. C. WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR Unlike all other goods. Ask grocers. For book of sample, write FARWELL & RHINES, WATERTOWN, N.Y., U.S.A. * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] FLEISCHMANN'S COMPRESSED YEAST HAS NO EQUAL * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] BEST BY TEST USE SAUER'S FLAVORING EXTRACTS 10¢ AND 25¢ * * * * * One of the greatest aids and "step-savers" for the woman who does her own work is a "Wheel-Tray." Its cost represents not more than you'd have to pay a domestic for two or three weeks. The advantage of _this_ helper is that it is always ready, never wants "an evening off," never argues, never sulks and is always "Bridget on the spot," if we may be permitted this adaptation of the well-known phrase. Ten dollars for the Wheel-Tray will save you hundreds of dollars' worth of labor, worry and time. Those who have used it say they cannot now get along without it. It will last for years, has no breakable or intricate parts and glides about like a silent, well-trained butler. In addition to its help in kitchen and dining-room, some use it sweeping days, taking the small articles out of a room before sweeping. It saves many steps in one home in distributing the freshly-ironed clothes to their respective bureau drawers. Blackberry Muffins 1 cup blackberries 1 cup warm milk 1 cake Fleischmann's Yeast 2 cups sifted flour 2 tablespoonfuls granulated sugar 1 tablespoonful butter ¼ teaspoonful salt 1 well-beaten egg Have milk lukewarm, dissolve yeast into it; then add sugar, butter, salt, egg well beaten; add flour gradually and beat thoroughly; cover; set aside to rise for one and one-half hours. Then stir in very lightly the cup of berries and put in well-greased muffin tins. Let rise for twenty minutes. Bake twenty minutes in a moderate oven. This makes one dozen. Takes about two and one-half hours. Should be eaten hot and are very delicious. [Illustrated Advertisement] HUB RANGES A STUDY OF THIS CUT, OUR "SILENT SALESMAN," Gives a very comprehensive idea of the many fine features Hub Ranges possess. A valuable feature not shown on cut is =The Hub Improved Sheet Flue.= It carries heat directly under all six covers--making them all available for cooking purposes; then, around five sides of the oven--making it much more evenly and economically heated. All =Hub= Ranges made with or without gas attachments. _Send for "Range Talk No. 3"_ Smith & Anthony Company 52-54 Union St., Boston, Mass. Sold by the best dealers everywhere * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] Salads, Sandwiches and Chafing-dish Dainties By Mrs. JANET MCKENZIE HILL, Editor The Boston Cooking-School Magazine _A New and Revised Edition. Profusely Illustrated._ 230 pages. Price, $1.50 Salads and chafing-dish dainties are destined to receive in the future more attention from the progressive housekeeper than has as yet been accorded to them. In the past their composition and consumption has been left chiefly to that portion of the community "who cook to please themselves." But since women have become anxious to compete with men in every walk of life, they, too, are desirous to become adepts in tossing up an appetizing salad or in stirring a creamy rarebit. The author has aimed to make it the most practical and reliable treatise on these fascinating branches of the culinary art that has yet been published. Due attention has been given to the a b c of the subjects, and great care exercised to meet the actual needs of those who wish to cultivate a taste for palatable and wholesome dishes, or to cater to the vagaries of the most capricious appetites. The illustrations are designed to accentuate, or make plain, a few of the artistic effects that may be produced by various groupings or combinations of simple and inexpensive materials. We will mail "Salads, Sandwiches and Chafing-Dish Dainties," postpaid, on receipt of price, $1.50, or as a premium for three new yearly subscriptions to the magazine. THE BOSTON COOKING-SCHOOL MAGAZINE CO. BOSTON, MASS. * * * * * [Advertisement] MADAM A. CRAYL'S Success Correspondence School for Women A school of 130 occupations for women. Unfailing opportunities for money making. =Special courses in stay-at-home-and-make-money occupations.= Learn by mail how to increase your income $10 to $100 a week. Book, "How Women May Earn a Living, 119 Ways," presented each pupil. Total expense for Course, covering 90 days, only $5. Terms in advance. =If in One Week You Are Dissatisfied Your Money Refunded= _Enroll today. Send stamp for particulars. Address_ Madam A. Crayl's Success Correspondence School for Women P.O. Box 1412, Springfield, Mass. * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] Housewives should have this great Stepsaver in serving meals. One trip with Wheel Tray sets table. Another completely clears it. This table on wheels moves easily anywhere you want it. Height 31 in. Removable oval trays, 23 in, by 28 in. and 21 in. by 26 in., extra heavy steel. 8 in. rubber tire wheels. Gloss black japan finish. Price =$10=, express prepaid. =$12= to Pacific Coast. Write for circular and learn its convenience. Wheel-Tray Co., 435 G West 61st Place, Chicago * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] Quilted Mattress Pads THREE SCORE and TEN YEARS is a long life, yet about one-third of it is spent in bed. Then why not make your bed as comfortable as it can be made? Quilted Mattress Pads will not only make it comfortable, but as they are spread over the mattress, they will protect it, and will keep your bed or baby's crib in a perfect sanitary condition. "None genuine without Trade Mark." Quilted Mattress Pads wash perfectly, and are as good as new after laundering. They are sold in all sizes by dry goods dealers EXCELSIOR QUILTING CO. 15 Laight St., NEW YORK * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] TANGLEFOOT, the Original Fly Paper FOR 25 YEARS THE STANDARD IN QUALITY. ALL OTHERS ARE IMITATIONS. * * * * * Important Legal Decision The Liebig's Extract of Meat Company of London, makers of the celebrated Liebig's Extract of Meat, has gained an important victory in its suit against the Liebig Extract Company of Hudson and Thomas streets, New York City, by the decision recently handed down of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. The principal issue was as to the right of the Liebig Company of London to exclusive ownership in the name "_Liebig_," and the Appellate Court has now given a decision, with heavy costs against the Liebig Extract Company of New York, and enjoins that company from using the word "_Liebig_" in connection with the sale of extract of meat. Since this decision is final and not subject to further appeal, it should mark the end of infringements on the original and genuine Liebig Extract of Meat made by Liebig's Extract of Meat Company of London, under rights acquired from the eminent Baron Justus von Liebig, whose facsimile signature "J. v. Liebig," in blue, is a prominent feature of the package. * * * * * A negro, says Mr. Thomas Kane in the _Interior_, was pressed to tell why he had left the Methodists and joined the Episcopal Church. "Why did you do it?" was the question. "Well," he replied, "we is moh oddehly; we has moh style." "Yes, but what do you do?" "Well, fo' one thing, we has responsible readin's." "Well, what else?" "Well, we has Roman candles on de alteh, and den we buhn insec' powdeh." [Illustrated Advertisement] "PLAYBALL" Business is "play" with a breakfast of E-C the dainty, delicious Corn Flakes (Toasted) "The Best After All" * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] HOYT'S GLUTEN BISCUIT CRISPS MADE FROM GUM GLUTEN THE MOST DELICATE GLUTEN PRODUCT MADE RECOMMENDED FOR PROTEIN DIET AND FOR INFANT FEEDING SAMPLE MAILED FREE THE PURE GLUTEN FOOD CO., 90 WEST BROADWAY NEW YORK * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] F. A. WALKER & CO. Moulds Fancy Cutters Novelties for Cooking 83-85 CORNHILL SCOLLAY SQUARE BOSTON * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] How French Women Develop Their Bust First Opportunity Ever Given to the Ladies of America to Profit by the Mdme. DuBarrie Positive French Method of Bust Development. Many women believe that the bust cannot be developed or brought back to its former vigorous condition. Thousands of women have vainly used massage, electricity, pump instruments, creams, ointments, general tonics, constitutional treatments, exercises and other methods without results. Any Woman May Now Develop Her Bust Mdme. DuBarrie will explain to any woman the plain truth in regard to bust development, the reason for failure and the way to success. The =Mdme. DuBarrie Positive French Method= is different from anything else ever brought before American women. By this method any lady--young, middle aged or elderly--may develop her bust from =2 to 8 inches in 30 days=, and see definite results in 3 to 5 days, no matter what the cause of the lack of development. It is based on scientific facts, absolutely safe and lasting. _For complete illustrated information, sent sealed secure from observation, send your name and address, with a two-cent stamp. Communications strictly confidential._ Mdme. DuBarrie 1934 Quinlin Building, Chicago, Illinois * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] The Best Premium Offer We Ever Made Every One Who Has Received One of These Chafing Dishes Has Been Delighted With It, and surprised how easily the necessary subscriptions were secured. Have you obtained one yet? If not, start today to get the subscriptions, and within three or four days you will be enjoying the dish. This Chafer is a full-size, three-pint, nickel dish, with all the latest improvements, including handles on the hot water pan. It is the dish that sells for $5.00. We will send this chafing-dish, as premium, to any present subscriber who sends us six (6) NEW yearly subscriptions at $1.00 each. The express charges are to be paid by the receiver. ADDRESS THE BOSTON COOKING-SCHOOL MAGAZINE CO., BOSTON, MASS. * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] THE MOST POPULAR PREMIUMS WE EVER OFFERED Have Been THE INDIVIDUAL MOULDS To any present subscriber who will send us TWO NEW yearly subscriptions, at $1 each, we will send, postpaid, as premium, =either= a set of eight aluminum _timbale_ moulds, fancy shapes (make your own selections), =or= a set of six _patent charlotte russe moulds_. =Patent Charlotte Russe Moulds= can be used not only in making charlotte russe, but for many other dishes. You can use them for timbales. You can mould jellies in them. You can bake cakes in them. Wherever individual moulds are called for, you can use these. The moulds we offer are made by a patent process. They have no seams, no joints, no solder. They are as near perfection as can be had. They retail at from $3 to $3.50 a dozen. =The Timbale Moulds= are made of aluminum and are without seams. They can be used for countless things: Timbales of chicken, ham, peas, corn, etc. Moulding individual fruit jellies. Moulding meats and salads in aspic jelly. For eggs Parisienne, fruit sponges, etc. ADDRESS ALL ORDERS TO THE BOSTON COOKING SCHOOL MAGAZINE, Boston, Mass. * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] THE KETTLE SPOON HOLDER MADE OF ALUMINUM AGENTS WANTED ALWAYS USEFUL BUT ESPECIALLY CONVENIENT DURING THE PRESERVING SEASON THE BARNARD CO. DEPT. 60 BOSTON, MASS. AT STORES OR BY MAIL 10¢ * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] 75c. for 10c. =THE MAGAZINE THAT DARES= to print the news that's vital to human advancement. An absolutely =fearless= monthly, the exponent of constructive reform for the betterment of all. You never have seen such unless you know =THE TWENTIETH CENTURY MAGAZINE=. The editor is =B. O. Flower=, founder of The Arena. Among the contributors are =Edwin Markham=, =Lincoln Steffens=, =David Graham Phillips=, =Hamlin Garland=, =Prof. Charles Zueblin=, =Charles E. Russell=, =Brand Whitlock= and =Carl S. Vrooman=. You should see this new periodical. It is beautifully illustrated and handsomely printed. It entertains and illuminates. One copy will convince you that =there is no other magazine of equal strength in America=, but to clinch your interest in the glorious work that Mr. Flower is leading, =we will send you three sample issues, postpaid, all for only 10c=. Get this intellectual stimulus and literary treat and realize there is a =new force= in the magazine field. We'll refund your remittance without question if you say we have exaggerated the value of this great monthly. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY CO., 66 Park Sq., Boston, Mass. * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] THE HOME IRONING MACHINE Made for gas or gasoline heat. It will iron all flat clothes, such as sheets, towels, etc., better than you can with a flatiron. Compared with the flatiron-- Saves Time It will save you four-fifths of the time it will take you with the flatiron. Saves Work It makes your ironing easier and the time shorter. Saves Money The heat costs you only one cent an hour and you burn fuel only one-fifth as long. Saves Clothes The "Home" is much easier on the clothes and does not scorch them. LIGHT----SIMPLE----INEXPENSIVE Our booklet "Clean Linen" will tell you more about it. Send for it today, it is free. HOME IRONING MACHINE 254 R. Madison St., Chicago, Ill. * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] A NECESSITY IN EVERY KITCHEN American Kitchen Friend All made of the finest quality Crucible Steel, carefully tempered, ground and polished, by the latest improved process. Every handle fastened with a heavy brass rivet. Handles are hardwood, rubberoid finish, mounted with nickel-plated ferrules. Wrought Steel Rack, enameled in black, and when attached to wall has space suitable for dish covers, trays, cooking magazines, etc., etc. An outfit that should be in every up-to-date and economical housewife's kitchen. This is a first-class article in every particular. Set consists of extra heavy and large, hardened and tempered Steel Cleaver, Cook Fork, Paring Knife, Butcher Knife, Serrated Edged Bread Knife, Cake Knife, Emery Steel, Perforated Griddle Cake Turner, and Slotted Mixing Spoon. =OUR OFFER:= To any Present subscriber who will send us THREE NEW Yearly subscribers, with the $3.00 therefor, we will send, as premium for securing the three subscriptions, the "American Kitchen Friend" set as described above. Express charges to be paid by the receiver. The price of this set is =$1.50=. THE BOSTON COOKING-SCHOOL MAGAZINE CO.--BOSTON, MASS. * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] The Yankee Knack The story of American industrial development has no more fascinating or impressive chapter than that devoted to the discoveries and improvements resulting from the extraordinary inventive genius of the New England workman. He is never content with things as they are. He is forever experimenting--and successfully. He searches until he finds the soul of the machine, and from this intimate acquaintance he begins to eliminate and improve. He accomplishes the paradox of perfecting a perfect article. If there is a practicable way to make one part do the work of two, if some added device will simplify a process or improve a product, he will not rest till he has worked out the problem. This passion for invention has been from the first a vigorous characteristic of the New England mind. The early settlers were artisans rather than tillers of the soil; and when by a bitter struggle with an undeveloped country they had supplied their immediate wants, they naturally turned again to manufacturing; and this mechanical bent, stimulated to alertness by a vigorous climate, resulted in course of time in an almost incredible mechanical ingenuity--the "Yankee Knack." This genius for simplification of processes, this wonderful knack of devising machinery which will do the work of the human hand, has multiplied the output of our factories: and this in turn has increased wages and decreased the hours of labor, and so brought a great uplift into the lives of our workmen; given them the power to provide better homes for their families, better education for their children, and greater leisure in which to work out a broader destiny for themselves. As in the past, so in the present and the future. The "Yankee Knack," which long since turned New England into a vast workshop, is still at its age-long task--simplifying, improving; lowering cost of production, ever raising quality of product--and all to the end that the average American family shall enjoy today what were luxuries but yesterday, and gratify in their turn the yet undiscovered desires of tomorrow. Pilgrim Publicity Association, Boston [Copyright. 1910] * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] We are the original makers of Level Lying Hammocks No one attempts the quality we produce. We sell direct to the consumer. From $7.50 to $50.00 each Send For Booklet QUEEN HAMMOCK CO., 67 Harrison St., Kalamazoo, Mich. * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] NEW STANDARD ROTARY Our agencies sell them on easy terms to suit convenience of purchasers. STANDARD SEWING MACHINE CO. F. C. HENDERSON, Manager, Boston, Mass. Write nearest agency: Shepard-Norwell Co., Boston Sibley, Lindsay & Curr, Rochester, Joseph Horne Co., Pittsburg, L. S. Ayres & Co., Indianapolis Stix-Baer & Fuller, St. Louis. The J. L. Hudson Co., Detroit Forbes & Wallace, Springfield The Shepard Company, Providence John Wanamaker, New York John Wanamaker, Phila. The May Co., Cleveland Dey Bros., Syracuse S. Kann Sons & Co., Washington The Sweeney Co., Buffalo E. S. Brown Co., Fall River * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] "Human=Talker" is our registered name of a Parrot imported exclusively by us from certain districts in Old Mexico, ONLY KNOWN TO US and GUARANTEED to learn to talk, sing and whistle BETTER and MORE HUMAN-LIKE THAN ANY OTHER PARROT. YOUNG, tame, genuine hand-raised and beautiful plumaged birds only =$10 If Ordered Before Oct. 1 Later $15.00= MONEY REFUNDED IF DON'T TALK SATISFACTORILY. Sold under written guarantee on 6 months trial. Live arrival at express office guaranteed. CHEAPER VARIETIES OF MEXICAN PARROTS $4.50 Mrs. E. Des. Ermia, Adrian, Mich., R. 2, writes; "My 'Human-Talker' is a wonder, talks everything, spells, counts to 6 and sings. Money would not buy him." ILLUSTRATED CATALOG, BOOKLET AND PROOFS FREE. Max Geisler Bird Co., Dep. R-2. Omaha, Neb. Largest, Oldest Mail Order Bird House in the World * * * * * [Advertisement] DOMESTIC SCIENCE Home-Study Courses Food, health, housekeeping, clothing, children. For home-makers, teachers and for well-paid positions, "=The Profession of Home-Making=," 70-page handbook, _free_. Bulletins, "=The Up-to-Date Home: Money and Labor Saving Appliances=," 48 pages, 54 illustrations--_10 cents_. "=Food Values: Practical Methods in Dietetics=," 32 pp., ill., _10 cents_. American School of Home Economics, 503 W. 69th St., Chicago, Ill. * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] 400 FRUIT AND JELLY LABELS 25c. Full assortment. Printed on heavy gummed paper and bound in book form. A big seller. Agents Wanted. (Dept. K.) CENTURY MFG. CO., LAWRENCE, KANSAS * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] Spend Your Vacation in Cool Nova Scotia Reached from Boston via the DOMINION ATLANTIC RAILWAY S. S. LINE (The Land of Evangeline Route) Steamers "Prince George," "Prince Arthur," and "Boston." 8 trips per week during summer season. Send 5 cents in stamps to the undersigned for beautifully illustrated booklets, "Summer Homes in Nova Scotia" and "Vacation Days," giving all fishing resorts, rates, etc. J. F. MASTERS, N.E. Supt., Long Wharf, Boston * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] Ivory Soap is not an ordinary laundry soap. It is a better-than-ordinary soap. It is made of _better-than-ordinary_ materials and is intended to be used for _better-than-ordinary_ purposes. There are any number of soaps that cut dirt much more quickly than Ivory Soap will. They are fine--for cleaning pots and pans and cement walks. But don't wash shirtwaists with them; or woolens; or colored goods; or silks; or dainty dress fabrics; or laces; or any other article that is _better-than-ordinary_. For cleaning things of that kind, Ivory Soap is so much better than anything else that it really has no competitor. And the reason is simply this: Ivory Soap is pure. It contains no "free" alkali. It is the mildest, gentlest soap it is possible to make. It cleans--_but it does not injure_. Ivory Soap ... 99-44/100 Per Cent. Pure. * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] Yo' sho am a "good friend" honey! Bon Ami Most cleaning preparations are adapted for _coarse work_ in the kitchen only. Something else has to be used for the _finer articles_ in other parts of the house. Bon Ami can be used for _all cleaning purposes_. Every housekeeper knows that for use on windows, glassware and mirrors, it is absolutely unapproached. It gives a brilliancy to the glass that nothing else can duplicate. For bathroom work--on nickel ware and porcelain, it is equally effective. For use on painted woodwork and linoleum it is ideal. It does not scratch away the surface, but simply _cleans it_. For brass, copper, etc., it is far better than coarse caustic powders. It has still other uses, such as removing grime from the hands and cleaning white canvas shoes. In fact, Bon Ami polishes and cleans almost every kind of surface. And it does this without injuring or roughening the hands or the article upon which it is used. _18 years on the market and "hasn't scratched yet."_ GRIFFITH-STILLINGS PRESS 368 CONGRESS ST., BOSTON * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] A PURE PRODUCT OF A PERFECT PROCESS BAKER'S BREAKFAST COCOA is made from the best cocoa beans, scientifically blended. =Absolutely pure, healthful, and delicious.= Registered, U.S. Pat. Off. Get the genuine with our trade-mark on the package 52 Highest Awards in Europe and America Walter Baker & Co. Limited Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] TRIED SEE AND YOUR TRUE GROCER HOUSEHOLD FAVORITES SAWYER'S 50 YEARS THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE SAWYER CRYSTAL BLUE CO. 88 BROAD ST. BOSTON, MASS. * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] VEUVE CHAFFARD PURE OLIVE OIL BOTTLED IN FRANCE IN HONEST BOTTLES FULL QUARTS FULL PINTS FULL ½ PINTS SOLD BY PARK & TILFORD, New York S. S. PIERCE CO., BOSTON * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] A Can of Mrs. Lincoln's Baking Powder from the Grocer's Shelf will make those hot rolls better than they ever were before. * * * * * [Illustrated Advertisement] VOSE PIANOS have been established more than 50 YEARS. By our system of payments every family in moderate circumstances can own a VOSE piano. We take old instruments in exchange, and deliver the new piano in your home free of expense. Write for Catalogue D and explanations. VOSE & SONS PIANO CO., 160 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. * * * * * Buy advertised goods--do not accept substitutes End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The Boston Cooking-School Magazine (Vol. XV, No. 2, Aug.-Sept., 1910), by Various *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 41940 ***