*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 42240 *** Note: Images of the original pages are available through Internet Archive/Canadian Libraries. See http://archive.org/details/pastonlettersad06gairuoft Transcriber's note: This text uses UTF-8 (Unicode) file encoding. If the apostrophes and quotation marks in this paragraph appear as garbage, make sure your text reader’s “character set” or “file encoding” is set to Unicode (UTF-8). You may also need to change the default font. As a last resort, use the Latin-1 (iso-8859-1) version of the file instead. The Gairdner edition of the Paston Letters was printed in six volumes. Each volume is a separate e-text; Volume VI is further divided into two e-texts, Letters and Index. Volume I, the General Introduction, will be released after all other volumes, matching the original publication order. Except for footnotes and sidenotes, all brackets are in the original, as are parenthetical question marks and (_sic_) notations. Series of dots representing damaged text are shown as in the printed original. The year was shown in a sidenote at the top of each page; this has been merged with the sidenote at the beginning of each Letter or Abstract. A carat character is used to denote superscription. The character(s) following the carat is superscripted (example: vj^ti). Braces { } are used only when the superscripted text is immediately followed by non-superscripted letters or period (full stop). Subscripts rare) are shown with single lines _. Errata and other transcriber’s notes are shown in [[double brackets]]. Footnotes have their original numbering, with added page number to make them usable with the full Index. They are grouped at the end of each Letter or Abstract. Typographical errors are listed at the end of each Letter, after the footnotes. In the primary text, errors were only corrected if they are clearly editorial, such as missing italics, or mechanical, such as u-for-n misprints. Italic “d” misprinted as “a” was a recurring problem, especially in Volume IV. The word “invisible” means that there is an appropriately sized blank space, but the letter or punctuation mark itself is missing. The form “corrected by author” refers to the Errata printed at the end of the Letters, in Volume VI. Specifics: The spelling “Jhon” is not an error. Gresham and Tresham are different people. Conversely, the inconsistent spelling “Lipyate” or “Lipgate” in footnotes is unchanged. Note that the printed book used z to represent original yogh ȝ. This has not been changed for the e-text. This edition, published by arrangement with Messrs. ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE AND COMPANY, LIMITED, is strictly limited to 650 copies for Great Britain and America, of which only 600 sets are for sale, and are numbered 1 to 600. No. 47 [[The number 47 is handwritten.]] * * * * * * * * * THE PASTON LETTERS A.D. 1422-1509 * * * * * * * * * THE PASTON LETTERS A.D. 1422-1509 New Complete Library Edition Edited with Notes and an Introduction by JAMES GAIRDNER of the Public Record Office _VOLUME VI_ London Chatto & Windus [Decoration] Exeter James G. Commin 1904 Edinburgh: T. and A. CONSTABLE, Printers to His Majesty THE PASTON LETTERS _Edward IV_ 936 SIR JOHN PASTON TO JOHN PASTON[1-1] _To John Paston, Esquyer, be thys lettre delyveryd, or to my mestresse, hys wyffe, at Norwych, to delyver to hym._ [Sidenote: 1478 / AUG. 25] Brother John, I recomaund me to yow, and I thanke God, my sustr yowr wyffe, and yow, off my ffayr nevywe Crystofore, whyche I undrestande ye have, wher off I ame ryght gladde, and I praye God sende yow manye, if it be Hys plesyr; nevertheless ye be nott kynde, that ye sende me no wetyng ther off; I hadde knowlege by ffootemen, or ever ye kowde ffynde any messenger on horsbak to brynge me worde theroff. Sir, it is soo, that the Duke off Bokyngham shall come on pilgrymage to Walsyngham, and so to Bokenham Castell to my lady hys sustr;[1-2] and then it is supposyd that he shalle to my Lady off Norffolk.[1-3] And myn oncle William comythe with hym; and he tellyth me, that ther is like to be troble in the maner off Oxenhed; wherffor I praye yow take hedde lesse that the Duke off Suffolk councell pley therwith now at the vacacion[1-4] off the beneffyse, as they ded with the beneffice off Drayton, whyche by the helpe off Mr. John Salett and Donne hys man, ther was a qweste made by the seyde Donne, that ffownde that the Duke off Suffolk was verrye patrone, whyche was ffalse, yitt they ded it ffor an evydence; but nowe iff any suche pratte scholde be laboryd, it is I hope in bettr case, ffor suche a thynge most needs be ffownde byffor Master John Smyth, whyche is owr olde ffreende; wherffor I praye yow labor hym, that, iff neede bee, he maye doo use a ffreends torne therin. Item, bothe ye and I most neds take thys mater as owr owne, and it weer ffor noon other cawse butt ffor owr goode grawnt dames sake; neverthelesse ye woote well, thatt ther is an other entresse longyng to usse afftr her dyscease; iffe ther be any suche thynge begune ther by suche a fryer or prest, as it is seyde, I mervayle that ye sente me no worde ther off; butt ye have nowe wyffe and chyld, and so moche to kar ffor, thatt ye fforgete me. As for tydyngs her, I her telle that my cosyn Sir Robert Chamberleyn hathe entyrd the maner of Scolton uppon yowr bedffelawe[2-1] Conyerse, wheroff ye sende me no worde. Item, yonge William Brandon is in warde and arestyd ffor thatt he scholde have by fforce ravysshyd and swyvyd an olde jentylwoman, and yitt was nott therwith easyd, butt swyvyd hyr oldest dowtr, and than wolde have swyvyd the other sustr bothe; wherffor men sey ffowle off hym, and that he wolde ete the henne and alle hyr chekynnys; and som seye that the Kynge entendyth to sitte uppon hym, and men seye he is lyke to be hangyd, ffor he hathe weddyd a wedowe. Item, as ffor the pagent that men sey that the Erle off Oxenforde[2-2] hathe pleyid atte Hammys, I suppose ye have herde theroff; itt is so longe agoo, I was nott in thys contre when the tydyngs come, therfor I sent yow no worde theroff. But ffor conclusion, as I her seye, he lyepe the wallys, and wente to the dyke, and in to the dyke to the chynne; to whatt entent I can nott telle; some sey, to stele awey, and some thynke he wolde have drownyd hymselffe, and so it is demyd. No mor, but I ame nott sertayne whether I shall come home in haste or nott. Wretyn at London, the daye nexte Seynt Bartelmewe,[3-1] anno E. iiij^ti xviij^o. JOHN PASTON, K. [Footnote 1-1: [From Fenn, ii. 270.]] [Footnote 1-2: Joan, sister to Henry, Duke of Buckingham, was the second wife of Sir William Knevet, Knight, of Bokenham Castle, in Norfolk.--F.] [Footnote 1-3: Elizabeth, widow of John Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk.--F.] [Footnote 1-4: Agnes Paston, grandmother to Sir John, presented Thomas Everard to the Rectory of Oxnead in 1475, and in 1479, she again presented William Barthulmew, so that the Duke of Suffolk either did not attempt to disturb her right; or at least did not succeed, if he endeavoured to do it.--F. It will be seen by No. 935 that before presenting William Barthulmew she presented Dr. Richard Lyncoln.] [Footnote 2-1: A word at this time, implying a friend, or intimate acquaintance, who really slept in the same bed. _See_ Steevens’ Shakspeare, _Henry V._ Act ii. Sc. 2.--F.] [Footnote 2-2: John de Vere, Earl of Oxford, had been for several years a prisoner in the Castle of Hammes, in Picardy. He became a favourite of Henry VII. and died in the reign of Henry VIII.--F.] [Footnote 3-1: St. Bartholomew’s Day is the 24th August. ‘The day _next_ St. Bartholomew’ should be the 25th, unless the writer meant to say ‘next before.’] 937 ABSTRACT[3-2] WILLIAM PASTON TO NICHOLAS GOLDEWELL [Sidenote: 1478 / OCT. 9] Spoke to him on Sunday about a clerk presented by William Paston’s mother to the Church of Oxnead, and not admitted, though the presentation was delivered to Master John Bulman, my lord’s deputy, within the time limited by law. Requests him to get the Bishop to do him justice. The living is of small value, and the delay can be of little benefit to my lord. Desires an answer by the bearer, Sir William Upgate, Vicar of Castre. Norwich, 9 Oct. [The MS. is a corrected draft partly in William Paston’s own hand, endorsed ‘The copy of a lettre to Mr. Nicholas Goldewell, broder to the Busshopp of Norwich, ix^o Octobris, anno xviij^o E. iiij^ti, by Sir William Ubgate, Vicar of Castre.’] [Footnote 3-2: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]] 938 ABSTRACT[3-3] WILLIAM PASTON TO WILLIAM POPE OF BACTON [Sidenote: 1478 / OCT. 17] Cannot be at the Court at Paston on Monday next. Bids him warn the tenants to keep the Court on Friday instead, and to bring their rents, for he will be there himself. He is also to warn the tenants of Bakton to-morrow openly in the church of the said Court to be kept on Friday next; also the tenants of Swaffeld, Mundesley,[4-1] Edyngthorpe, and Wytton. Norwich, Saturday after St. Edward,[4-2] the ---- October. [The MS. is a draft with corrections in the handwriting of William Paston, endorsed--‘The copy of a lettre to William Pope of Bacton, the xvij. day of Octobre, anno xviij^o E. iiij^ti, by William Dam of Rughton.’] [Footnote 3-3: _Ibid._] [Footnote 4-1: This name is very ill written, and looks more like ‘Maxsley’; but Mundesley is the only place in the neighbourhood that seems at all probable.] [Footnote 4-2: Translation of St. Edward the Confessor, 13th October. The Saturday after it in 1478, was the 17th, but the writer has left only a blank for the day.] 939 WILLIAM PASTON, JUNIOR, TO JOHN PASTON[4-3] _To hys worchepful brodyr, John Paston, be thys delyvered in hast._ [Sidenote: 1478 / NOV. 7] Ryght reverent and worchepful brodyr, I recomaunde me on to yow, desyrynge to here of yowre welfare and prosperite; letynge yow wete that I have resevyd of Alwedyr a lettyr and a nobyll in gowlde therin. Ferthermor my creansyr [_creditor_], Mayster Thomas,[4-4] hertely recomandyd hym to yow, and he praythe yow to sende hym sum mony for my comons; for he seythe ye be xx^{ti}_s._ in hys dette, for a monthe was to pay for when he had mony laste. Also I beseche yow to sende me a hose clothe, one for the halydays of sum colore, and a nothyr for the workyng days, how corse so ever it be it makyth no matyr; and a stomechere, and ij. schyrtes, and a peyer of sclyppers. And if it lyke yow that I may come with Alwedyr be watyr, and sporte me with yow at London a day or ij. thys terme tyme, than ye may let all thys be tyl the tyme that I come, and than I wol telle you when I schall be redy to come from Eton, by the grace of God, Whom have yow in Hys kepyng. Wretyn the Saturday next aftyr All Halown Day, with the hand of your brodyr, WYLLIAM PASTON. [Footnote 4-3: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] William Paston, the writer of this letter, was a younger son of old John Paston, and brother of the John Paston to whom the letter is addressed. He was born, as Fenn tells us, in 1459, and it will be seen by what is said of him in Letter 842 that he could not possibly be older. He was now at Eton finishing his education, and we have a letter from him written there on the 23rd of February 1479, which gives good reason for attributing this to the November immediately before.] [Footnote 4-4: Thomas Stevenson. _See_ Letter 942 _post_.] 940 ERRANDS TO MARLINGFORD[5-1] [Sidenote: 1479 / JAN. 18] Do[5-2] Gerald of Marlingford come to me, and know were he ys become; in qw[at] place he hydyth hym, he dothe but distroyh hym selff. Do on Steward [of] Colton, a tenaunte of Marlingford, come to me. Do[5-2] Sir John Chapman,[5-3] parson of Oure Ladies Chyrche, send hider the bill of rekenyng of Richard Hervy, shewyng what stokke was delivered be Richard Hervy to Harry Hervy, and also a bille what costes that Richard H[ervy] . . . . of at that tyme.[5-4] Do[5-2] John Brigg come to me and bryng me suyrte for hys dette, and know qwat wey the parson off Melton takyth with hym. . . de the par[sone] off Melton come to me to Norwych, for tell [him that] and he come nat hastely he schall nat fynd me here. Item, pray the parson off Melton to call up on the parteculer tenauntes off Melton that have had parteculer fermys fro Michaelmas xvij. til Michaelmas xviij. to pay ther fermys. [Footnote 5-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This is a paper of memoranda by William Paston, partly in his own handwriting, endorsed--‘Erandes to Marlyngford, the xvij. day of Januar, anno xviij^o, wer off a copy was delyvered at Sent Edmundes the same d[ay].’] [Footnote 5-2: ‘Do,’ _i.e._ cause.] [Footnote 5-3: He was rector of St. Mary’s Church, Melton.] [Footnote 5-4: This paragraph is crossed out in the MS.] [[Sidenote: 1479 / JAN. 18 _date printed as shown, but see first footnote_ Footnote 5-1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] _comma missing or invisible_]] 941 WILLIAM PYKENHAM TO MARGARET PASTON[6-1] _To my Mastresse M[argaret Paston], att Norwiche._ [Sidenote: 1479 / FEB. 2] My worschypfull mastresse, I recomende me un to yow, and thanke yow of yowr approvyd ensewryd gyudenesse evermore shewde, and so I pray yow to contenew. I have resyvyd yowr letter, and undrestonde yowr desyre, wyche ys ageyns the lawe for three causys. Oon ys, for yowr son Watre ys nott tonsewryd, in modre tunge callyd Benett; a nodre cause, he ys not xxiiij. yeer of aghe, wyche ys requiryd complete; the thyrde, ye owte [_he ought_] of ryzte to be preyst within dwelmothe after that he ys parson, wyth owte so were he hadd a dyspensacion fro Rome be owre Holy Fadre the Pope, wyche I am certen can not be hadde. Therfor I present not yowr desyre un to my lorde,[6-2] lest ye [_he_] wolde have takyn yt to a dysplesur, or else to take a grete sympylnesse in yowr desyre, wyche shulde cause hym, in suche matres as xall fortune yow to spede with hym a nodre tyme, to shew un to yow the rigur of the lawe, wyche I wolde be lothe; therfor present a nodre man abyll. Haske consell of Mr. John Smythe, and sease of yowr desyre in thysse partey, for yt ys not goodely nether Goddely; and lete not yowr desyre be knowyn, aftyr my avyse. Be not wrothe, thowe I sende un to yow thusse playnyly in the matre; for I wolde ye dede as wele as any woman in Norfolke, [that ys, wyth rygth],[6-3] to yowr honor, prosperite, an to the plesur of Godde, with yowre and all yowres, Ho have yow in Hyse blessyd kepyng. From Hoxne on Candylmasse Day. WILLIAM PYKYNHAM.[7-1] I sende yow yowr presente agen in the boxe. [Footnote 6-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] Walter Paston, to whom this letter refers, died in August 1479. This letter was probably written in the beginning of the same year. The date certainly cannot be 1478, if No. 926 has been assigned to the right year, for it will be seen that the writer was then in London, and so much occupied that he had little prospect of visiting Norfolk for some time.] [Footnote 6-2: James Goldwell was consecrated by Pope Sextus IV. Bishop of Norwich in 1472. He resided much at his manor of Hoxne, where he died in 1498.--F.] [Footnote 6-3: These words are struck through with the pen.] [Footnote 7-1: William de Pykenham became Chancellor of Norwich and Archdeacon of Suffolk in 1471, and was also some time Rector of Hadleigh in Suffolk, where he built the grand gate or tower before the parsonage. He died in 1497.--F.] 942 WILLIAM PASTON, JUNIOR, TO JOHN PASTON[7-2] _To his worchepfull broder, John Paston, be thys delivered in hast._ [Sidenote: 1479 / FEB. 23] Ryght reverent and worchepfull broder, after all dewtes of recomendacion, I recomaunde me to yow, desyryng to here of your prosperite and welfare, whych I pray God long to contynew to Hys plesore, and to your herts desyr; letyng yow wete that I receyved a letter from yow, in the whyche letter was viij_d._ with the whyche I schuld bye a peyer of slyppers. Ferthermor certyfying yow, as for the xiij_s._ iiij_d._ whyche ye sende by a jentylmannys man, for my borde, cawlyd Thomas Newton, was delyvered to myn hostes, and soo to my creancer [_creditor_], Mr. Thomas Stevenson; and he hertely recomended hym to yow. Also ye sende me worde in the letter of xij_li._ fyggs and viij_li._ reysons. I have them not delyvered, but I dowte not I shal have, for Alwedyr tolde me of them, and he seyde that they came aftyr in an other barge. And as for the yong jentylwoman, I wol certyfye yow how I fryste felle in qweyntaince with hyr. Hir ffader is dede; ther be ij. systers of them; the elder is just weddyd; at the whych weddyng I was with myn hostes, and also desyryd by the jentylman hym selfe, cawlyd Wylliam Swanne, whos dwyllynge is in Eton. So it fortuned that myne hostes reportyd on me odyrwyse than I was wordy; so that hyr moder comaundyd hyr to make me good chere, and soo in good feythe sche ded. Sche is not a bydynge ther sche is now; hyr dwellyng is in London; but hyr moder and sche come to a place of hyrs v. myle from Eton, were the weddyng was, for because it was nye to the jentylman whych weddyd hyr dowtyr. And on Monday next comynge, that is to sey, the fyrst Monday of Clene Lente, hyr moder and sche wyl goo to the pardon at Schene, and soo forthe to London, and ther to abyde in a place of hyrs in Bowe Chyrche Yerde; and if it plese yow to inquere of hyr, hyr modyrs name is Mestres Alborow, the name of the dowtyr is Margarete Alborow, the age of hyr is be all lykelyod xviij. or xix. yere at the fertheste. And as for the mony and plate, it is redy when soo ever sche were weddyd; but as for the lyvelod, I trow not tyll after hyr modyrs desese, but I can not telle yow, for very certeyn, but yow may know by inqueryng. And as for hyr bewte, juge yow that when ye see hyr, yf so be that ye take the laubore, and specialy beolde hyr handys, for and if it be as it is tolde me, sche is dysposyd to be thyke. And as for my comynge from Eton, I lake no thynge but wersyfyynge, whyche I troste to have with a lytyll contynuance. Quæritur, Quomodo non valet hora, valet mora? Unde dicitur? Arbore jam videas exemplum. Non die possunt, Omnia suppleri; sed tamen illa mora.[8-1] And thes too verse afore seyde be of myn own makyng. No more to yow at thys tyme, but God have yow in Hys kepyng. Wretyn at Eton the Even of Seynt Matthy the Apostyll in haste, with the hande of your broder. WYLL’M PASTON, Jun^{r}. [Footnote 7-2: [From Fenn, i. 296.] This letter was written on the 23rd of February, and the Monday following the date was the first Monday of Lent. These particulars prove the letter to have been written in 1479, when William Paston was between nineteen and twenty years of age.] [Footnote 8-1: I am favoured by Lady Beatrice Pretyman with a facsimile of this Latin theme and distich from the original MS. My reading of the contracted words differs from that printed originally by Fenn.] [[but hyr moder and sche come to a place of hyrs _text has “sch come”: corrected from Fenn_]] 943 PARSONAGE OF OXNEAD[9-1] [Sidenote: 1479] Memorandum.--The day that the lapse went out, which is such day vj. monethes as the seid parson died, was on Tewesday, Our Lady Day, the Nativite, the viij^te day of Septembre last past, anno xviij^o. The day of vj. monethes affter Our seide Lady Day, the Nativite was on Seint Mathes Day[9-2] the Apostell, last past, whiche was the xxiiij. day of Februare, and so I deme eyther the Bisshoppe of Norwiche hath presented or els it is in the gifft of my Lord Cardinall[9-3] nowe. Inquere this mater, for the Bisshoppe of Norwich lythe in London, and shall doo till Our Ladys Day this Lenton, as it is said here. My moder delivered Sir William Holle his presentacion the xiij. day of August, anno xviij^o, which was nere a monethe or the day of the vj. monethes went out and past. Wherfore the Bisshoppe ought to present my moders clarke. Neverthelesse the Bisshoppys officeres aunsware this sayng, that if sondry persones deliver ij. sondrye presentacions for to diverse clarkes to the Bisshoppes officers for one benefice, that then the seid partyes shuld sue to the Bisshop at ther cost to have out an inquerre to inquere _de vero patrono_, sayng forther more, that if they sue nat out this inquerre with affect, and that the lapse fall, than it is lefull for the Bisshop to present, and it is told me that the lawe is this, that the Bisshoppe, be his office with out any sute of the parties, shall call an inquerre afore hym to inquere _de vero patrono_, and he shall assign them a day to bryng in a verdett, and he shall warne bothe partyes to be ther at, and he shall amytte his clarke that is founde patron. Yet the Bisshopp useth nat to do this, but there as bothe partyes that present are myghty [and wher as he thynketh it were a jopardy to hym][10-1] to sue the Bisshoppe if he did them any wrong, and wher as ther is a doubtable mater; but in this case the prest that troubleth my moder is but a simple felowe, and he is _appostata_, for he was somtyme a White Frere, and of simple repetacyon, and of litill substans, as my moder can tell, wherfore Bisshoppys use nat in suche litill casys to take so streyte an inquerre, and specyally wher as one hath contynued patron with out interupcion so long as my moder hath done, for she hath contynued more than l. wynter; wherfore I pray yow shewe my cousyn Lovell this bill, and fynde some meanes to intrete the Bisshopp by the meane of James Hobard,[10-2] which is grete with the Bisshopp, and is nowe Reder of Lyncoln Inne this Lent. And late my lady speke to James Hobard in the mater. If it please my moder ther is a prest callde Sir ----[10-3] which is thought by the tenauntes of Oxned a metely man to be parson ther; the most thyng that I dowte, bicause Sir William Holle, whom my moder presented, is ronne away, and if the Bisshop will nat present my moders clarke in her title, than I wold that the labour myght be made to the Bisshopp, that he myght present my moders clarke, suche on as shoe will name, in his one title. Ric. Lee, like as ze may understand be this writing, where as I understod that the Bisshopp myght have kept the benefice but vj. monethes after the patrons vj. monethes war worn out, now I understand the contrary, for I understand he may kepe it a twelmo[nethe] and a day . . . . [_several lines lost_] . . . . . . Also, if ze knew any yong preste in London that setteth billis upon Powlys dorr per aventure wold be glad to have it, and woll be glad also to serve my lady and my moder for it for a season, I can no more say but purvay a mean to the Bisshopp, that som mon may be put in by my moders title. . . . . . of the consistore in Norwich, and he hath a broder in the Tower, is master of the Mynt under Brice, called Bartilmew Rede, and a nother broder is a goold smyth dwellyng in the Chepe Side called ------[11-1] Reede. And he is eyther loged with on of these, his breder, or els at the Jorge in Lumbard Strete, or els at the Cok and the Bell at Billinges gate, a brue hous, for the sei[d] gold smyth hath maried a bruewyf, and kepeth the brue hous, (?) and he can good skylle to helpe in this mater of the benefice of Oxned. Also, Ric. Lee, who so ever shalbe [presented to the] benefice of Oxned, he muste tell hym, I must pay xiiij. marc to the frutes, and ther for shall he have [da]yes of payment to pay a marc azey[n] if he d[o] gete hym frendschip. And also, Richard, at the makyng of this letter I mend (?) to have ben sure (?) . . . . . . and now I in na . . . . . for if it please my moder, me thynke it was well done, Sir William Storor had . . . . [_The rest unintelligible._] [Footnote 9-1: [Add. Charter 17,251, B.M.] It is sufficiently evident that the date of this paper must be later than the 24th February, 1479. It appears to be a set of memoranda or instructions by William Paston, addressed to his servant Richard Lee. The MS. is a small roll of paper very mutilated and partly illegible from the effect of damp.] [Footnote 9-2: St. Matthias’ Day (not St. Matthew’s) is meant.] [Footnote 9-3: Thomas Bourchier, Archbishop of Canterbury.] [Footnote 10-1: Crossed out in MS.] [Footnote 10-2: Afterwards Attorney-General to Henry VII. He was Reader of Lincoln’s Inn in Lent, 18 Edward IV.] [Footnote 10-3: Blank in MS.] [Footnote 11-1: Blank in original.] 944 EDMUND ALYARD TO MARGARET PASTON[11-2] _To his worshepful mastres, Mastres Margaret Paston._ [Sidenote: 1479 / MARCH 4] Right worshepful mastres, I recommande me unto yow as lowly as I kan, thankyng yow for your goodnes at all tymis; God graunt me to deserve it, and do that may plese yow. As for your son Water, his labor and lernyng hathe be, and is, yn the Faculte of Art, and is well sped there yn, and may be Bacheler at soche tyme as shall lyke yow, and then to go to lawe. I kan thynk it to his preferryng, but it is not good he know it on to the tyme he shal chaunge; and as I conceyve ther shal non have that exibeshyon to the Faculte of Lawe. Therfore meve ze the executores that at soche tyme as he shal leve it, ye may put a nother yn his place, soche as shal lyke you to prefer. If he shal go to law, and be made Bacheler of Art be fore, and ye wolle have hym hom this yere, then may he be Bacheler at Mydsomor, and be with yow yn the vacacion, and go to lawe at Mihelmas. Qwhat it shal lyke yow to commande me yn this or eny odir, ye shal have myn service redy. I pray yow be the next masenger to send me your entent, that swech as shal be necessary may be purveyid yn seson. And Jesu preserve yow. At Oxinforth, the iiij. day of March. Your scoler, EDMUND ALYARD. [Footnote 11-2: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] It appears by subsequent letters that Walter Paston actually took a degree at Oxford at Midsummer, and it will be seen by next letter, which is dated by its endorsement, that he must have done so in 1479--the year of his death.] 945 WALTER PASTON TO SIR JOHN PASTON[12-1] _To hys ryth reverend broder, Sir John Paston, at Caster Hall, in Norfolk._ [Sidenote: 1479 / MAY 22] After all dw reverens and recomendacions, likyth yt yow to understond that I reseyvyd a letter fro my broder John, where by I understod that my moder and yow wold know what the costes of my procedyng schold be. I sent a letter to my broder John, certyfyyng my costes, and the causys why that I wold procede; but as I have sent word to my moder, I purpose to tary now tyll yt be Mychylmas, for yf I tary tyll than, sum of my costys schall be payyd; for I supposed, whan that I sent the letter to my broder John, that the Qwenys broder[12-2] schold have procedyd at Mydsomer, but he woll tary now tyll Michylmas; but as I send word to my moder, I wold be Inceptor be fore Mydsomer, and there fore I besechyd her to send me sum mony, for yt woll be sum cost to me, but not mych. And, syr, I besech yow to send me word what answer ye have of the Buschopp of Wynchester for that mater whych ye spak to hym of for me whan I was with yow at London. I thowth for to have had word there of or thys tyme. I wold yt wold come, for owr fyndyng of the Buschopp of Norwych begynnyth to be slake in payment. And yf ye know not whath thys term menyth, ‘Inceptor,’ Master Edmund, that was my rewler at Oxforth, berar here of, kan tell yow, or ellys any oder gradwat. Also I pray yow send me word what ys do with the hors I left at Totnam, and whyder the man be content that I had yt of, or nat. Jesu preserve yow to Hys pleswre and to yowr most hartys desyyr. Wretyn at Oxforth, the Saturday next after Ascensyon of Yowr Lord. WALTER PASTON. [Footnote 12-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter is endorsed in a contemporary hand, apparently Sir John Paston’s own, ‘anno xix^o,’ showing that it was written in the nineteenth year of Edward IV.] [Footnote 12-2: Lionel Woodville, afterwards Bishop of Salisbury.] 946 WALTER PASTON TO JOHN PASTON[13-1] _To hys ryth trusty and hartyly belovyd broder, John Paston, abydyng at the Georg, at Powlys Qwharfe, in London, be this letter delyveryd._ [Sidenote: 1479 / JUNE 30] Rygth worchypfull and hartyly belovyd broder, I recomaund me on to yow, desyeryng feythfoly to here of yowr prosperyte, qwhych God preserve, thankyng yow of dyverse letterys that yow sent me. In the last letter that yow sent to me, ye wryt that yow schold have wryt in the letter that yow sent by Master Brown, how that I schold send yow word what tyme that I schold procede, but ther was non such wrytyng in that letter. The letter is yet to schew, and yf yow come to Oxon, ye schal see the letter, and all the leterys that yow sent me sythynnys I came to Oxon. And also Master Brown had that same tyme mysch mony in a bage, so that he durst nat bryng yt with hym, and that same letter was in that same bage, and he had for gete to take owt the letter, and he sent all to geder by London, so that yt was the next day after that I was maad Bachyler or than the letter cam, and so the fawt was not in me. And yf ye wyl know what day I was maad Baschyler, I was maad on Fryday was sevynyth, and I mad my fest on the Munday after. I was promysyd venyson a geyn my fest of my Lady Harcort, and of a noder man to, but I was deseyvyd of both; but my gestes hewld them plesyd with such mete as they had, blyssyd be God, Hoo have yow in Hys kepyng. Amen. Wretyn at Oxon, on the Wedenys day next after Seynt Peter. W. PASTON. [Footnote 13-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] _See_ preliminary note to Letter 944, p. 11, note 2.] 947 ABSTRACT[14-1] [Sidenote: 1479 / JULY 7] Bill witnessing the delivery of plate by Geoffrey Hunt on behalf of William Paston to John Davy and Alice, his wife, late wife of John Gygges of Burnham, 7 July, 19 Edw. IV. The parcels are:--‘A round salt covered, parcel gilt at the borders, weighing 19 oz. 1½ qr., and also 6 silver spoons, square sharp knoppys, weighing 5 oz. 3 qr. 1 dwt.’; which Davy and his wife engage to keep safely, and redeliver to William Paston or Geoffrey Hunt before the feast of St. Faith next coming. [_Two seals._] [Footnote 14-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]] 948 ABSTRACT[14-2] WILLIAM PASTON TO THOMAS LYNSTED [Sidenote: 1479 / JULY 11] Hears that he has felled wood and firs, etc. ‘Also Jullis hath do made saw (?) zattes.’ Desires him to ‘find the means that the young spring may be saved, and the wood fenced. . . . . And also let me be answered both for the old payment and the new of wood sale.’ 11 July. _P.S._--‘If Jullis have made a gate, it is the better for the spring,’ etc. [The MS. is a very illegible note in William Paston’s hand, written on a small scrap of paper, and endorsed ‘A letter to Thomas Linsti[d], the ---- (_blank_) day of Julii, anno xix. E. iiij^{ti}.’] [Footnote 14-2: _Ibid._] 949 WILLIAM PASTON TO HENRY WARYNS[15-1] [Sidenote: 1479 / JULY 19] Harry Waryns, I grete you well, and I thanke you for youre labour. And as for the tenauntez of Knapton, I understand by youre writing that they take non oder consideration to my sendyng but that I call so fast on my fee, for cause they thynke that I am aferd lest I shuld have it no longer; and as for that, I pray yow tell them for ther ungentilnes I woll have my fee of them, and in that maner and in non oder place; and ferthermor I shall fynd the mene that they shall paye it more hastely here after. And as for the money that they offyr to pay at the fest of Advincula Sancti Petri, receyve ye it off them and I shall assign one to receyve it azen of yow. As for the delivere of the catell, I fele be zowr wrytyng they will non sounar pay it thow ther catell shuld dye ffor ffawte off mete. Wer for, affor the money be paid I putt that in zour discresseon wheder ze will deliver them or nay; as ze do I hold me content. Also as for Thomas Child, I understand be zour wrytyng he will not seale the indenture be cawse ther is no some of mony sertayne ne days of payment sett in the indentur; and as for that, I will neyther sett some nor days after his will; and if he will nat seale that, he shall never seale none for me; and at last I am sure he shall sell. I send zow azen the same indenture that ze sent me, that ze may kepe it still as long as Thomas Chyld abyde now at Paston, in aventure the casse may hap that he will sell yt herafter; and yff he be on departid, than send me both the indenture[s] to London be some massenger. As for Waryn Kynge, wer I understand be zour wrytyn that he seyth he delyver me all evydens, I understand not that; and as for rentall I am sure he deliver me none, and yff so be that he can make the rentall be hart, I wold he did make on [_one_], for it war necessare for me; for I understand be zow that ther was no rent gaderid this xv. ar xvj. zer for defallte off a rentall; and therfor yt is I had a call on the prior of Bromholm for the xxx. comb malt that ze toke hym. Wrytyn at Norton the xix. day of Jull’ By W. PASTON. Endorsed by the writer:-- ‘A letter to Harry Waryns the xix day of Jule, A^o xix E. iiij^ti by John Ancell off Paston.’ [Footnote 15-1: [Add. MS. 34,889, f. 133.] The year of this letter appears by the endorsement. The MS. is a draft, partly in a clerk’s hand, corrected and continued in that of William Paston himself.] 950 WILL OF WALTER PASTON[16-1] [Sidenote: 1479 / AUG. 18] In Dei nomine, Amen. Ego, Walterus Paston, clericus, in bona et sana memoria existens, condo testamentum meum apud Norwicum xviiij^o die mensis Augusti in hunc modum. Inprimis lego animam meam Deo Omnipotenti, Beatæ Mariæ et omnibus Sanctis, et corpus meum ad sepeliendum in ecclesia Sancti Petri de Hundegate, coram ymagine Sancti Johannis Baptistæ. Item, lego summo altari præfatæ ecclesiæ, iij_s._ iiij_d._ Item, lego reparacioni ecclesiæ supradictæ, ij_s._ vj_d._ Item, Fratri Johanni Somerton, bachalaureo, v_s._ Item, lego Magistro Edmundo unam togam penulatam cum manicis de _mynkys_. Item, lego Roberto Wulff unam togam viridem ----[16-2] cum _chamelet_. Item, lego Roberto Holand, filio spirituali, togam meam curtam. Item, lego Magistro Roberto Hollar unam togam penulatam cum _gray_. Item, lego Johanni Parker mantellum meum rubeum. Item, lego Magistro Roberto Hollere unum pulvinar vocatum _le bolstar_. Item, lego Magistro Edmundo Alyard unum pulvinar. Item, lego Ricardo Richardson unam togam penulatam ad manus cum _menyver_. Item, volo quod residuum bonorum meorum in Oxonia sit ad usum Magistri Edmundi Alyard, sic quod solvat . . . .[17-1] Johanni Skelton et Thomæ Coco. Item, volo quod oves meæ, quas habet Willelmus Bataly senior in villa de Mawteby, dividantur equaliter inter fratrem meum Edmundum Paston, et sororem meam Annam Yelverton, et sororem meam Margeriam Paston, uxorem fratris mei Johannis Paston. Item, lego terras et tenementa manerij mei de Cressyngham, si possum dare, fratri meo Johanni Paston armigero, sibi et hæredibus suis, sub condicione ista, quod si contingat fratrem meum prædictum, Johannem Paston, esse hæredem patris mei, quod nullo modo habeat terras et tenementa prædicta, sed quod frater meus Edmundus Paston habeat terras et tenementa prædicta sibi et suis hæredibus. Residuum vero bonorum non legatorum lego et do disposicioni executorum meorum, ut et ipsi fideliter disponant pro anima mea. Hujus autem testamenti mei executores condo per præsentes, fratrem meum Johannem Paston, armigerum, pro ista patria, et Magistrum Edmundum Alyard pro bonis meis remanentibus Oxoniæ. [Footnote 16-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] It will be seen by the next letter that Walter Paston was dead before the 21st August 1479. This will was probably drawn up on the very day he died, or just before.] [Footnote 16-2: Blank in MS.] [Footnote 17-1: Here occurs a short word, which is to me unintelligible. It seems to be written ‘p^{i}uli.’] [[Sidenote: 1479 / AUG. 18 _printed as shown, but text of letter says “xviiij” (19)_]] 951 WILLIAM PASTON’S PLATE[17-2] [Sidenote: 1479 / AUG. 19] This indenture made the xix. day of August, anno xix^o [witnesseth][17-3] that I, Richard Lee, have delivered to Mr. John Russhe thes parcellis folowyng of plate [and][17-4] of silver:-- First, a bason and an ewer with iij. combis in a skochyn. Item, a silver potte. A layer of silver, parte gilte with an acorne on the knoppe. A gilte stonding couppe ponsid with a cover. A chasid pece with a cover aparte gilte. ij. playne pecys. ij. deppe disshis. x. sponys. A white playne coppe with a starre in the botom with a cover. A standing coppe gilte with a cover. A candellstik of silver with a sokette. A trevett of silver. A salt of silver with a brokyn cover. A cover for a playn pece, the knoppe gravid with armys. RICHARD LEE. _Endorsed_--‘Plate of William Paston left with John Russhe, the xiij. day of Sept., a^o xix^o.’ [Footnote 17-2: [Add. MS. 27,451, f. 2, B.M.]] [Footnote 17-3: Omitted in MS.] [Footnote 17-4: Erased.] 952 [EDMUND PASTON TO JOHN PASTON[18-1]] [Sidenote: 1479 / AUG. 21] Suer dydynges arn com to Norwyche that my grandam is dyssessyd, whom God assoyle. Myn uncle had a messenger zesterday that she shuld not escape, and this day cam a nother at suche tyme as we were at masse for my brother Water, whom God assoyle! Myn uncle was comyng to have offered, but the last messenger retornyd hym hastely, so that he toke hys hors incontynent to enforme more of owr hevynes. My syster ys delyverd, and the chyld passyd to God, Who send us Hys grace. Dokkyng told me sekretly that for any hast myn uncle shuld ryde by my Lady of Norffolk to have a iij. skore persons, whyther it is to convey my grandham hyder or nowght he cowde not sey; I deme it is rather to put them in possessyon of some of her londes. Wretyn the Saterdaye the xxi. daye of August, anno E. iiij^ti xix^o. [Footnote 18-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter is neither signed nor addressed, but is in the handwriting of Edmund Paston, and is endorsed by John Paston the younger, ‘Dies mortis A. P.’] 953 ABSTRACT[19-1] MANOR OF MARLINGFORD [Sidenote: 1479 / AUG. 26] Declaration by Robert Mill, John Hobbes, John Claryngton, Thomas Davy, John Brygge, John Watyr, and William Parson, tenants of the manor of Marlyngford, before the Abbot of St. Benet’s, John [R]adclyf Fywater,[19-2] Mr. John Smyth, Robert Ippeswell, William Lomnor, John Paston, Esq., William Yelverton, senior, John Coke, alderman, William Bastard, gentleman, and William Fuller, that they have always held of the manor in the name of Agnes Paston, daughter, and one of the heirs of Edmund Bery, Knt., and in her name only, till Saturday [21 Aug.] before St. Bartholomew Apostle, 19 Edw. IV., when her son, William Paston, desired them to attorn to him without showing writing or evidence. Done in the parlour of John Cooke, 26 Aug., 19 Edw. IV. _Signed_: ‘Thomas, Abbot of Seynt Benettes of Hulme.’--‘J. Radclyff Fytzwauter.’--‘John Smyth, clerk.’--‘Robert Ipeswell.’--‘Will. Lomnor.’--‘W. Yelverton.’--‘John Cook.’--‘Will’m Bastard.’--‘Will. Fuller.’ [Footnote 19-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]] [Footnote 19-2: John Radcliff, son and heir of Sir John Radcliff, called Lord Fitzwalter in No. 450 (vol. iii.). He was summoned to Parliament as Lord Fitzwalter in the first year of Henry VII.] 954 MEMORANDA[19-3] [Sidenote: 1479 / AUG.] Memorandum, uppon the presse at the ferther ende is a box with ij. or iij. bondellis with evydence off Oxenhed and Hawteyn. Memorandum, that ther is rollis tytelyd uppon them ‘Contra Willelmum Pas[ton],’ and they be owther uppon the presse, or on the cowntre, or on the shelffe by the cowntre, or ellys in the cowntre on . . . that syde next the shelffe. To enquire, off myn, oncle William, off Jane, off my grauntd[ames] wylle, and whoo wrot itt, and whether she be buried or noo, and who were present at hyr wylle makyng, and iff she spoke . . . . . owte off her londes. Inquire-- Off the Kynge, The Chaunceler, Milorde Chamberleyn, Sir Thomas Mongomere, Mi Lorde Cardynall, Master Bele, and hys clerke, ffor my faderes wille. [Footnote 19-3: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] These memoranda are in the handwriting of Sir John Paston. From the inquiry whether Agnes Paston was yet buried the date is evidently in August 1479.] [[To enquire, off myn, oncle William _text unchanged: superfluous comma after “myn”?_]] 955 RICHARD CALLE TO MARGARET PASTON[20-1] [Sidenote: 1479, or earlier] Plesith it your mastresship to witte that I sende you a boxe with evidence of Baktons londes, weche plesith it you to delyver to my master, Sir John, so that I may have my money that is behynde. And as for Sporle, I sende you an endenture of the bercars[20-2] and iij. obligacions eche of v. marke. And as for any endenture of the wode sale I made non, but a noote breefely of the effecte, wech I sende you, as I tolde my mastre at Cristemas, and that tyme he seide to me he was the better plesid, and so I ded no more therto; and an obligacion of C_li._ weche they be bounde to hym to performe ther ther covinauntes; weche remayneth in the handes of the veker of Sporle. And I send you also ij. billes of the parcell of the wode sale, bothe the wynter sale and the somer sale, wherof the veker of Sporle and William Halman have the other parties of them, as he comaunded hym selfe at the begynnyng. And lete my countrelle doo what hym liste. I fynd hym a trewe man; he dothe as he hath reported that he shuld go on my harond, and so I undrestond from the[m] he hath do; but thow I have lost a frende of hym in that quarter, I have mo frendes in that contre the[n] hee, etc. Mastres, it were goode to remembre your stuffe of heryng nough this fisshyng tyme. I have goten me a frende in Lestoftot to helpe to purvey me of an vij. or viij. barell, and shal not stonde me upon above vj_s._ viij_d._ a barell, so that he may have money nough in the begynnyng, ye shal do more nough with xl_s._ then ye shal do at Cristemes with v. marke. The fisshyng at Yermouth wol not be so goode as it wolbe at Leystoft, for the haven wol not prove yette, etc. Almyghty God kepe you. Wrete this daye. Be your servaunt, R. C. [Footnote 20-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter is not addressed, but seems to have been intended for Margaret Paston. The date is not very material, but as it mentions Sir John Paston, it cannot be later than 1479, the year in which he died. Perhaps it is about the year 1472. _See_ Nos. 819, 820.] [Footnote 20-2: Barkers, or tanners to whom the bark of the woods had been sold.] 956 SIR JOHN PASTON TO MARGARET PASTON[21-1] _To the ryght worshypfull mestresse, Margret Paston, be thys delyveryd._ [Sidenote: 1479 / OCT. 29] Please it yow to weet, that I have ben heer at London a xiiij. nyght, wheroff the ffyrst iiij. dayes I was in suche ffeer off the syknesse, and also ffownde my chambr and stuffe nott so clene as I demyd, whyche troblyd me soor; and as I tolde yow at my departyng, I was nott weell monyed, ffor I hadde nott paste x. marke, wheroff I departyd xl_s._ to be delyveryd off my olde bedfelawe; and then I rode be yonde Donstaple, and ther spake with on off my cheffe witnessis, whyche promysed me to take labor, and to gete me wryghtyngs towchyng thys mater bytwyen me and the Duke of Suffolk,[21-2] and I rewardyd hym xx_s._; and then, as I informyd yow, I payed v. marke incontynent uppon my comyng hyddr to replegge owte my gowne off velwett and other geer. And then I hopyd to have borowyd some off Townesend, and he hath ffoodyd me[21-3] fforthe evyrsynys, and in effecte I cowde have at the most, and at the sonest yisterdaye xx_s._ wherffor I beseche yow to purveye me C_s._ and also to wryght to Pekok, that he purveye me as moche, C_s._ whyche I supose that he hathe gaddryd at Paston and other places, by thys tyme; ffor with owte I have thys x_li._, as God helpe me, I ffer I shalle doo butt litell goode in noo mater, nor yitt I woote nott howe to come home, but iff I have it. This geer hathe troblyd me so, that itt hathe made me moor than halffe seke, as God helpe me. Item, I undrestande that myn oncle William hathe made labor to th’ Exchetor, and that he hathe bothe a wrytte off _essend._ clowsyth extr.; and also a _supercedeas_. I have wretyn to the Exchetor ther in off myn entent, iff myn oncle hadde hys wyll in that, yitt sholde he be never the nerre the londe, butt in effecte he shold have thys advantage, whyche is behovefull ffor a weyke mater to have a colour, or a clooke, or a botrase. But on Tywesdaye I was with the Bysshop off Hely,[22-1] whyche shewyth hymselffe goode and worshypfull; and he seyde that he sholde sende to myn oncle William, that he sholde nott procede in no suche mater, till that he speke with hym; and moor ovyr that he sholde cawse hym to be heer hastelye; in whyche mater is no remedy as nowe, but iff it wer soo, that the Exchetor, iff he be entretyd to sytte by myn oncle William, whyche percase he shall nott, that iff my brother John and Lomnor have knowleche off the daye, and they myght be ther; Lomnor can geve evydence i now in that mater with owte the boke; and mor ovyr that they see bothe the letter and the other noote, that I sente to the Exchetor, and with helpe off the Exchetor all myght be as beste is; and iff my brother and Lomnor take labor her in, I shal recompence ther costs. Wretyn in haste with schort advisement on the Frydaye next Seynt Symonds and Jude, anno E. iiij^ti xix^o. Late my brother John se thys bille, for he knoweth mor off thys mater. JOHN PASTON, K. [Footnote 21-1: [From Fenn, ii. 276.]] [Footnote 21-2: John de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk.--F.] [Footnote 21-3: Fenn reads ‘ffoodyd ne,’ and in the modern copy ‘fooded not forth,’ of which some fanciful explanations are suggested in a footnote. The true reading ought certainly to be ‘me’ and not ‘ne,’ the meaning evidently being ‘he has put me off ever since.’ ‘To fode out with words’ is an expression which, as Halliwell informs us, occurs in Skelton, Harrington, etc.] [Footnote 22-1: John Morton, afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury, and Cardinal.] 957 JOHN PASTON TO SIR JOHN PASTON[23-1] _To Syr John Paston, Knyght._ [Sidenote: 1479 / NOV. 6] Syr, aftyr all dwtes of recomendacyon, pleasyt to undyrstand, that, acordyng to your lettre sent me by Wyllson, Lomnore and I mett at Norwyche and drew ought a formable bylle ought of your, and send it ayen to th’Exchetore Palmer by my brodyr Edmund, whyche had an other erand in to that contre to spek with H. Spylman, to get hys good wyll towardes the bargayn lyek to be fynyshed hastyly betwyx Mastres Clyppysby and hym. And, syr, at the delyvere of the bylle of inquisicyon to th’Exchetour, my brodyr Edmund told hym that accordyng to your wryghtyng to me, I spak with myn oncle William, and told hym that I undyrstood by yow that my Lord of Elye had aswell desyred hym in wryghtyng as you by mouthe, that non of you shold swe to have the inquisycion fond aftyr your intentys tyll other weyes of pese wer takyn betwyx you; wherfor my brodyr Edmund desyred hym that with ought myn oncle labord to have it fond for hym, ellys that he shold not procede for yow; but th’Exchetour answerd hym that he wold fynd it for you, aftyr your byll, of hys owne autorite; and so it was fond. But, syr, ye must remembre that my Lord of Ely desyred myn oncle as well as you to surcease, as I put myn oncle in knowlage, and myn oncle at the fyrst agreid that he wold make no more sute a bought it, in trust that ye wold do the same, acordyng to my Lord of Elys desyer; wherfor ye had ned to be ware that th’Exchetor skyppe not from you, when he comyth to London, and sertyfye it, or ye spek with hym. Th’Exchetor shalbe at London by Twysdaye or Wednysday next comyng, at John Leeis house, for he shall ryd forwardys as on Monday next comyng be tymys, &c. Syr, your tenauntes at Crowmer sey that they know not who shalbe ther lord; they marvayll that ye nor no man for yow hathe not yet ben there. Also, when I was with myn oncle, I had a longe pystyll of hym, that ye had sent Pekok to Paston, and comandyd the tenauntes ther that they shold pay non areragys to hym, but if [_unless_] they wer bond to hym by obligacyon for the same; myn oncle seythe it was other wyse apoyntyd be for the arbytrorys; they thought, he seythe, as well my Mastyr Fytzwalter as other, that he shold receyve that as it myght be gadryd; but now he seythe, that he wottyth well some shall renne away, and some shall wast it, so that it is nevyr lyek to be gadryd, but lost, and so I trow it is lyek to be of some of the dettors, what for casuelte of dethe and thes other causes befor rehersyd; wherfor me thynkyth if it were apoyntyd befor the arbytrors that he shold receyve theym, as he seythe, it wer not for you to brek it, or ellys if he be pleyn executor to my grauntdam, then also he ought to have it. I spek lyek a blynd man, do ye as ye thynk, for I was at no syche apoyntment befor th’arbytrors, nor I know not whethyr he is executor to my grauntdam or not, but by hys seying. Also, syr, ye must of ryght, consyderyng my brodyr Edmundys diligence in your maters, sythe your departyng, helpe hym forwardys to myn oncle Syr George Brown, as my brodyr Edmund preyid yow in hys lettyr that he sent on to yow by Mondys sone of Norwyche, dwellyng with Thomas Jenney, that myn oncle Syr George may gett to my brodyr Edmund of the Kyng the wardshepp of John Clyppysby, son and heyer to John Clyppysby,[24-1] late of Owby, in the conte of Norffolk, Sqwyr, dwryng the nonnage of my Lord and Lady of York,[24-2] thow it cost iiij. or v. mark the swte. Let myn oncle Syr George be clerk of the haniper, and kepe the patent, if it be grantyd, tyll he have hys mone, and that shall not be longe to. Myn oncle Syr George may enforme the Kyng for trowthe, that the chyld shall have no lond duryng hys yong modyrs lyff, and ther is no man her that wyll mary with hym withought they have some lond with hym, and so the gyft shall not be gret that the Kyng shold geve hym; and yet I trow he shold get the modyr by that meane, and in my conseyt the Kyng dothe but ryght if he graunt my brodyr Edmund Clyppysbys son in recompense for takyng my brodyr Edmundes son, otherwyse callyd Dyxsons, the chyldys fadyr being alyve. Dyxson is ded, God have hys sowle, Whom I beseche to send you your most desyred joye. Wretyn at Norwyche, on Seynt Leonardes Day. J. PASTON. Syr, it is told me that Nycolas Barlee, the Scyuer, hathe takyn an axion of dett ayenst me thys terme. I prey yow let Whetley or some body spek with hym, and lete hym wet that if he swe me softly thys terme, that he shall be payed or the nexte terme be at an end. It is a bought vj_li._, and in feythe he shold have had it or thys tyme, and our threshers of Sweynsthorp had not dyed upp; and if I myght have payed it hym a yer ago, as well as I trust I shall sone aftyr Crystmass, I wold not for xij_li._ have brokyn hym so many promessys as I have. Also, syr, I prey yow send me by the next man that comyth fro London ij. pottys of tryacle of Jenne,--they shall cost xvj_d._,--for I have spent ought that I had with my yong wyf, and my yong folkys, and my sylff, and I shall pay hym that shall bryng hem to me, and for hys caryage. I pray you lett it be sped. The pepyll dyeth sore in Norwyche, and specyally abought my house, but my wyff and my women come not ought, and fle ferther we can not; for at Sweynsthorpe, sythe my departyng thens, they have dyed, and ben syke nye in every house of the towne. [Footnote 23-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] It will be seen from the contents that this letter must have been written after the receipt of the last, or of one to the same effect addressed to John Paston.] [Footnote 24-1: The writer probably intended to say ‘son and heir to William Clippesby,’ who died about this time. His widow Catherine, the daughter of John Spelman, Esq., of Stow Bekerton, soon afterwards married Edmund Paston.] [Footnote 24-2: Richard, Duke of York, son of Edward IV., at this time a child of seven years old, and Anne Mowbray, daughter of the late Duke of Norfolk, to whom he was married in 1478.] 958 WILLIAM PASTON TO ROBERT WALSH[26-1] [Sidenote: 1479 / NOV. 22] Yet wold I tary, all be yt I have taryd your comyg this halff yer, for I deme her suche men as schall well undyrstond myn titill good; yff any man have good tytyll I am suyr that myn is gode. I dar well juperde to take a dystres, wedyr they come or nat, and so I wyll ze know. Wer for, in so much as I left myn distress for iowr dysyr, so that I be answerid off myn mony acordyng to myn ryth, ar else send me answer, one ar oder [_one or other_], and lett me take the avantage that the Kynge lawys will zeff me be dystress qweche I have delayed, me thynk to long, for any thank that I have. Wretyn at Norwich, the xxij. Novembre. [Footnote 26-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter or fragment of a letter is a corrected draft in William Paston’s hand, and is endorsed by him:--‘A letter to Roberd Walsche of Colby, the ---- day off Novembre, anno xix.’] 959 JULLYE TO HIS FATHER[26-2] [Sidenote: 1479 / NOV.] Well beloved fader, my master prayed you that ye will sende knowlach be my broder as sone as these men be come to Knapton, and that ye may laye a weche to knowe ho sone they be come, and sende me be your sone ar else be some other trusty man; and I have take your son a grote for his laubour. And do this in hast; for wheder they com or nat I wille take a distresse ther, and thatt will abide[26-3] till I knowe the dealing of them this ij. ar iij. dayes for to know wheder they wille come or nat, and ther after shall I be demeaned. _Endorsed in William Paston’s hand_--A letter fro ----[26-4] Jullye, clark of Sent Edmundes, to his fadyr, to North Walsham, the ----[26-4] day Novembr’, anno xix. [Footnote 26-2: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]] [Footnote 26-3: ‘Wer I lothe’ has been crossed through, and ‘thatt will abide’ written over.] [Footnote 26-4: Blanks in MSS.] 960 MANOR OF KNAPTON[27-1] Mr. Thomas Pasche of Wynsowr toke the astate and retorne to the Dean and Colage of Wynsowr _infra Castrum_. And one ----[27-2] Holme, atornay off corte, is recognis (?) and was at stat takyn. Robert Walsch off Colby j. myl. et di’ fro Blyklyng is steward. Here folow revys of Knapton:-- Fro M. xvij. till xviij^o, Martyn Smyth. F[ro] M. xviij. till xix^o, Roberd Fraunk (?), his place bonde. Fro M. xix. till xx^o, Thomas Frank, his place fre. [Footnote 27-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This is a paper of memoranda in the handwriting of William Paston, endorsed ‘A mater tochyng Knapton for my fee.’] [Footnote 27-2: Blank in MS.] 961 CRESSINGHAM MANOR[27-3] [Sidenote: 1479 / NOV. 25] Receyved at Cressingham, the Thirsday nex aftyr Seynt Edmund[27-4] at the corte ther v_li._ x_s._ by the handes of me, John Paston, Sqwyer. Wherof payed to my modyr for costys don up on the berying of Walter Paston, and whyll he lay sek, and for the hyer of a man comyng with the seyd Water fro Oxenford xx_d._ xxix_s._ xj_d._ Item, payed to William Gybson for j. horse sadyll and brydyll lent to Water Paston by the seyd William, xvj_s._ Item, gevyn the seyd man comyng fro Oxenford with the seyd Water by the handys of J. Paston, xx_d._ Item, payed for dyvers thynges whyll Water Paston lay sek, iiij_d._ Item, for the costes of John Paston rydyng to kepe the coort at Cressingham, _anno supradicto_, whych was iiij. dayes in doing, for the styward mygh not be ther at the day prefyxid, iij_s._ iiij_d._ [Footnote 27-3: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This paper is in the handwriting of John Paston the younger. The reference to the burial of Walter Paston proves it to be of the year 1479.] [Footnote 27-4: St. Edmund’s Day is the 20th November. The Thursday after it in 1479 was the 25th.] [[the seyd Water fro Oxenford _spelling “Water” unchanged_ Item, payed to William Gybson ... xvj_s._ _“s.” in plain (non-italic) type_]] 962 JOHN PASTON TO MARGARET PASTON[28-1] _To my ryght worchepfull modyr, Margaret Paston, at Seynt Peter of Hundgate._ [Sidenote: 1479 / NOV.] Ryght worchepfull modyr, aftyr all dwtes of humble recomendacyon, as lowly as I can, I beseche yow of your dayly blyssyng and preyeres. And, moder, John Clement, berer heroff, can tell yow, the mor pite is, if it pleasyd God, that my brodyr is beryed in the Whyghte Fryers at London; whych I thought shold not have ben, for I supposyd that he wold have ben beryed at Bromholme, and that causyd me so sone to ryd to London to have purveyd hys brynging hom, and if it had ben hys wylle to have leyn at Bromholm, I had purposyd all the wey as I have redyn to have brought hom my grauntdame[28-2] and hym to gedyrs; but that purpose is voyd as now. But thys I thynke to do when I com to London to spek with my Lord Chamberleyn,[28-3] and to wynne by hys meanys my Lord of Ely,[28-4] if I can; and if I may by eny of ther meanys cause the Kyng to take my servyse and my quarrell to gedyrs, I wyll, and I thynk that Sir George Brown, Sir Jamys Radclyff, and other of myn aqueyntance, whyche wayte most upon the Kyng, and lye nyghtly in hys chamber, wyll put to ther good wyllys. Thys is my wey as yet. And, modyr, I beseche yow, as ye may get or send eny messengers, to send me yowr avyse and my cosyn Lomeners to John Leeis hows, taylere, with in Ludgate. I have myche more to wryght, but myn empty hed wyll not let me remembre it. Also, modyr, I prey that my brodyr Edmond may ryd to Marlyngforthe, Oxenhed, Paston, Crowmer, and Caster, and all thes maners to entre in my name, and to lete the tenants of Oxenhed and Marlyngfor know that I sent no word to hym to take no mony of theym but ther attornement; wherfor he wyll not, tyll he her fro me ayen, axe hem non, but lete hym comand theym to pay to servaunts of myn oncles, nor to hymsylff, nor to non othyr to hys use, in peyne of payment ayen to me. I thynk if ther shold be eny money axid in my name, peraventure it wold make my Lady of Norfolk ayenst me, and cause hyr to thynk I dellt more contrary to hyr plesure than dyd my brodyr, whom God pardon of Hys gret mercy. I have sent to entre at Stansted and at Orwellbery, and I have wretyn a bylle to Anne Montgomery and Jane Rodon to make my Lady of Norffolk, if it wyll be. Your sone and humble servaunt, J. PASTON. [Footnote 28-1: [From Fenn, ii. 280.] Sir John Paston died in London on the 15th November 1479, as Fenn informs us. I presume he had some authority for the precise date, which I have not seen. The inquisition _post mortem_ is not now to be found; but the writ to the Escheator still exists, and is dated 30 Nov., 19 Edw. IV. This letter refers not only to the burial of Sir John Paston, but also to the death of his grandmother Agnes. The year was one of great mortality.] [Footnote 28-2: Agnes, widow of William Paston the Judge.] [Footnote 28-3: William, Lord Hastings.] [Footnote 28-4: John Morton, afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury, and Cardinal, etc.] 963 WILLIAM LOMNOR TO JOHN PASTON[29-1] _To the ryght worchypfull John Paston, Squyer, yn haste._ [Sidenote: 1479 / NOV. 28] My Master Paston, I recomaunde me to yow, preyyng God to have mercy on my master your brother sowle, to whom ye ar heyre, and also to my mastras your grauntdam. Wherfore be th’avyse of my mastras your carful moder, your brothere Edmund, on Sunday next before Sent Andrew, rod to Marlyngforth, and before alle the tenauntez, examynid on James, kepere ther for Will. Paston, where he was the weke next before Sent Andrew, and there he seyd that he was not at Marlingforth from the Monday unto the Thorday at evyn, and soo there was no man there but your brothers man at the tyme of his decese; so be that your brothere dyyd sesid, and your brothere E. bad your man kepe possession to your behoffe, and warned the tenauntez to pay noo man, til ye hadde spoke them. So mesemyth that ys a remyttir to your old taylyd titell; comon with your concell. Forther, at afternoon he was at Oxned to understande how they had doo, and Peris kepyd your brotheres possession at that tyme; and your oncle his man was not there, but he assyned anothere pore man to be ther. Whethere that contynuid the possession of W. Paston or not be remembrid, &c. And after the decese, &c., W. Paston sent the man that kepyd possession to fore to entre and kepe possession, wheche was noo warent be tha poyntment, for ye stande at your liberte as for ony apoyntment or comunycacion hadde before, and soo men seme it wer good for yow to stande at large til ye here more; yf ye myght have my Lord Chamberleyns good faver and lordship, it were ryght expedyent. As for my Lord of Ely, dele not wyth hym be owr avyse, for he woll move for trete, and elles be displesid. Your brother Edmund sent to John Wymond, and he sent word he wolle be a mene of trete, but wold take noo parte, and as I sopose that was be Heydons avyse; for your uncle sent to me to be with hym, and also the same man rodd to Heydon and Wymondham, &c. The brenger of this letter can tell, for he was with your brothere E. at these placez. Forther, my mastras your moder gretyth yow well, and sendyth yow her blessyng, requiryng yow to come oute of that here [_air_] alsone as ye may; and your brothere E. comaundid hym to yow, and he doth hys dylygens, and parte for yow full well and saddely yn many behalvys, and hath brought my maistras your wife to Topcrofte on Friday last, and they fare all well there; and he yntendith to see my Master Fitz Water, whech lythe at Freton, ner Long Stratton. And God be your gide yn all your maters, and brenge yow sone home. Wretyn at Norwyche, on Sonday at nyght next before Sent Andrew, and delyverd on Monday next be the morwyn. Be your, W. LOMNOUR. [Footnote 29-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] It is apparent from the contents that this letter was written shortly after the decease of Sir John Paston in November 1479.] 964 ABSTRACT[31-1] [WILLIAM PASTON TO ROBERT WALSH] Thinks his dealing not very commendable, seeing that the writer is not paid his fee, according to the promise made by him and Fouke of Knapton, when they were with him at Norton. I had a distress and left it for your sake, but you show no consideration for me, etc. [This is a draft in the handwriting of William Paston. To it is attached a small slip with these words, ‘A letter fro William Paston to Robert Walsch and Robert Fouk of Knapton.’] [Footnote 31-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]] 965 JOHN PASTON TO MARGARET PASTON[31-2] _To my ryght worchepfull and most kynd modyr, Margarett Paston._ [Sidenote: 1479 / DEC.] Ryght werchepfull modyr, aftyr all dutes of humble recomendacyon, as lowly as I can, I beseche yow of your dayly blessyng and preyer. Pleasyt yow to undyrstand that wher as ye wyllyd me by Poiness to hast me ought of the heyer that I am in, it is so that I must pwt me in God, for her must I be for a season, and in good feyth I shall never, whyll God sendyth me lyff, dred mor dethe than shame; and thankyd be God, the sykness is well seasyd here, and also my besyness puttyth awey my fere. I am drevyn to labore in lettyng of th’execucyon of myn unkynd onclys entent, wher in I have as yet non other dyscorage, but that I trust in God he shall fayle of it. I have spokyn with my Lord of Ely[32-1] dyvers tymys, whyche hathe put me in serteynte by hys woord, that he wyll be with me ayenst myn oncle in iche mater that I can shewe that he entendyth to wrong me in; and he wold fayne have a resonable end betwyx us, wher to he wyll helpe, as he seythe. And it is serteyn my brodyr, God have hys soule, had promysed to a byde the reule of my Lord Chamberleyn[32-2] and of my Lord Ely; but I am not yett so far forthe, nor not wyll be, tyll I know my Lord Chamberleyns intent, and that I purpose to do to morow, for then I thynk to bewith hym, with Godes leve. And sythe it is so that God hathe purveyd me to be the solysytore of thys mater, I thank Hym of Hys grace for the good lordes, mastrys, and frendys that He hathe sent me, whyche have perfytely promysyd me to take my cause as ther owne, and those frendes be not a fewe. And, modyr, as I best can and may, I thank yow and my cosyn Lomenore of the good avyse that ye have sent me, and I shall aplye me to do ther aftyr. Also, modyr, I beseche you on my behalf to thank myn cosyn Lomnorre for the kindness that he hathe shewyd on to me in gevyng of hys answer to myn onclys servaunt, whyche was with hym. Modyr, I wryght not so largely to yow as I wold do, for I have not most leyser; and also when I have ben with my Lord Chamberleyn, I purpose not to tery longe aftyr in London, but to dresse me to yow wardes; at whyche tyme I trust I shall brynge yow more serteynte of all the fordell [_advantage_] that I have in my besyness then I can as yett wryght. I am put in serteynte by my most specyall good mastyr, my Mastyr of the Rollys,[32-3] that my Lord of Ely is, and shal be bettyr lord to me then he hathe shewyd as yet, and yet hathe he delt with me ryght well and honourably. Modyr, I beseche yow that Pekok may be sent to purvey me as myche money as is possybyll for hym to make ayenst my comyng home, for I have myche to pay her in London, what for the funerall costes, dettes, and legattes that must be content in gretter hast then shalbe myn ease. Also I wold the ferme barly in Flegge, as well as at Paston, if ther be eny, wer gadryd, and iff it may be resonably sold, then to be sold or putt to the maltyng; but I wold at Caster that it were ought of the tenauntes handys for thynges that I here (kepe ye consell thys fro Pekok and all folkys), whyche mater I shall appese, if God wyll geve me leve. [Footnote 31-2: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] It is evident from the contents that this letter was written shortly after the death of Sir John Paston. The year 1479 was a year of great mortality, in which the Paston family lost three of its members. The letter is not signed, but is in John Paston’s hand.] [Footnote 32-1: John Morton, Bishop of Ely.] [Footnote 32-2: Lord Hastings.] [Footnote 32-3: Robert Morton.] 966 JOHN PASTON AND HIS UNCLE WILLIAM[33-1] [Sidenote: After 1479] Thes be th’enjuryes and wrongys done by William Paston to John Paston, hys nevew. Fyrst, the maners of Marlyngforthe, Stansted, and Horwellbery wes gev[en to] William Paston, Justyce, and to Agnes, hys wyff, and to th’eyers of ther tw . . . . to whom the seyd John Paston is cosyn and heyer, that is to sey, son to John, son and heyer to the seyd William and Agnes. Item, wher the [_seyd William Paston was seasyd of the maner of ----_], Ed. Clere with other infeofyd to the use of the seyd Will[iam][33-2] and of hys heyres, the whyche William made hys wyll that th[e said Agnes], hys [wife], shold have the seyd maner for terme of hyr lyff. And aftyr th[at he] dyed, and the seyd Agnes occupyed for terme of hyr seyd lyff . . . . of the seyd feoffes the seyd maner; and aftyrwardes the seyd . . . . . . Afftyr whoys dethe Sir John Paston, Knyght, as cosyn and heyer to t[he said William], in to the seyd maner entred, and dyed with ought issue of hys bodye. . . . . . John as brodyr and heyer to the seyd Sir John, [_and cosyn and heyer is lett . ._],[34-1] . . seyd maner entred, and is lettyd to take the profytys of the same by . . . . of the maners of Marlyngforthe, Stansted, and Horwelbery befor r . . . . by the meanys of the seyd Wylliam. [Footnote 33-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] It is evident that this paper was drawn up some time after the death of Sir John Paston in 1479. It is in his brother John’s handwriting.] [Footnote 33-2: ‘Ed. Clere--Will[iam].’--These words are interlined in place of the words in italics within brackets, which are struck through.] [Footnote 34-1: These words are struck through.] 967 JOHN PASTON TO ----[34-2] [Sidenote: 1479-80] Sir, I pray yow that ye will send sum chyld to my Lord of Bukingham place, and to the Crown, wich as I conseive is called Gerardes Hall, in Bred Stret, to inquere whedir I have any answer of my letter sent to Caleys, whech ye know off; and that ye will remembre my brotheris ston, so that it myth be mad er I cumm ageyn, and that it be klenly wrowgth. It is told me that the man at Sent Bridis is no klenly portrayer; [the]rfor I wold fayn it myth be portrayed be sum odir man, and he to grave it up. Sir, it is informyd sum personis in this cuntre that ye know that the frere will sew a nodir delegaci fro Rome, direkt to sum byschop of Ingland, to amend his mater, &c.; and how be it that it may not gretly hurt, yet the seyd persones, &c., wold not he shuld have his entent, in asmoch as his suggestion is untrew, but rather they wold spend mony to lette it. I suppose the Abbot of Bery shuld labor for him rather than anodir, becawse the sey Abbot is a perteynor to the lord that is the freris mayntener, &c.; wherefor, ser, my moder and I pray yow enquere after a man callid Clederro, whych is solisitor and attorne with Master Will. Grey, that late was the Kingges proktor at Rome, and the seyd Clederro sendith matiers and letters owth of Ingelond to his seyd master ever[y] monith, &c. He is well knowe in London, and among the Lumbardes, and with the Bischop of Winchesteris men, but I wot not wher he dwellit in London, and I suppos if ye speke with him, he knowith me. Plese yow to comone with him of this mater, but let him not wete of the mater atwix my modir and him; but desir him to wryth to his master to lett this, if it may be, or elles to se the best wey that he have not his intent, and to comon with the proktor of the Whith Freris at Rome to hep forth, for the freris here have laborid to my moder, and praid her to lette his ontrewe intent, and have wrete to her proketor befor this. And I suppose if ye speke to the prior of the freris at London, he will writh to her seyd proktor, &c., but tell the prior no word that I know [ther]of, but let him wete if he will wryth to his proktor, odir men shall help forth. More over, that ye will tell Cledero that I am not seker that the frere laborith thus, but be talis of freris and odir; nevertheles let him writh to his master that [for] whatsomevyr he do herin, he shall be truly content for his labor and costes. And if ye think that Cledro will writh effectually herin, geff hym j. noble, [bid] hym let his master know that my Lord of Wynchester[35-1] and Danyell ow godwill to the part that he shall labor for. And if thar be fown no sech sewth be the seyd [fre]re, yet wold I have sum thing fro Rome to anull the old bull, &c., or to apeyr [_impair_] it [if] it myth be do esily, &c., and tyding wheder ther be any sech sute, &c. Your own, &c. [For] how beit that it may nowthir avayl ner hurt, yet my moder will this be do. [I] send yow the copi of the bull, and how execucion was do, and informacion of the mater imparte, &c. And, sir, I sha content your noble, &c. And I pray yow red it over, and spede yow homeward, and bring this letter home with yow, &c. [Footnote 34-2: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] As this letter refers to the making of a tombstone for Sir John Paston, it may be presumed to have been written either at the end of the year 1479, or in the course of the year 1480. The MS. is a rough draft, apparently in the hand of Edmund Paston. It has been slightly mutilated, and apparently since the letter was printed in Fenn’s fifth volume.] [Footnote 35-1: William Waynflete, Bishop of Winchester.] 968 AN INVENTORY OF PLATE[36-1] [Sidenote: 1479] In primis, a sallt with j. cover, xx. unces di. & di. quart. j. stumpe of a salte, ij. unces & di. j. flat salt with a squyrell, j. unce iij. quarters. iiij. Parys cuppis with a cover, with a rose in the botom, weyeng lvj. unces j. quarter. ij. holowe disshes, xxix. unces iij. quarter di. j. chafre of silver, ix. unces j. quarter. xij. sylver spones, wereof my lady hath one. j. lytil spone of Rippyngales, j. quarter & di. quarter, j. d. ob. q^a. di. j. lityll spone for egges, j. quarter & di. quarter ob. j. prikettes nuper Howis, ix. unces ij. d. weight. j. preket nuper Howis, viij. unces iij. quarters & di. j. long sokett. j. nother long soket. vj. soketes, with branches to remeve. iij. wherwilles to the same. j. playne pees for potage, per estimacionem, xj. unces j. quarter. j. playn pees nuper Frere Water, iiij. unces j. quarter. j. nother playn peece nuper Frere Walter, iiij. unces di. quarter. j. chaleis, xv. unces & di. quarter. ij. cruettes, vij. unces iij. quarters. a paxbred,[36-2] iij. unces di. quarter j. d. j. holowe barbore bason, bought of Colet. j. standing pece couvered, bought of Elingham, xv. unces & j. quarter. iij. gilt spones. j. spone for grene gynger, gilt, j. unce j. quarter j. q^a. & di. j. gilte cup covered, wel shapen with trayle, with j. knop with a kroune enamelid, xxiij. unces & di. & di. quarter. j. nothir cupp standing covered, gilt, bell shapen with trailles, with a playn knopp not enamelid, xxiij. unces & j. quarter. j. maser Sipton. ij. masers. iij. gilt spones. j. gynger spone. j. bag whiteleder, wherin is all this stuff folowyng this lyne:-- iij. girdels Staunton. j. girdel upholdester. Fawcon Skern coppe. Hans Eborlyn girdel. Purs gold with Jane Aske harnes. ij. lynen bagges lityll with broke silver and j. old harneis gilt. * * * Furst, a standing cuppe with a cover therto plommed, weyeng xxiiij. unces di. Item, a standing coppe curid gilt, weyeng xxxvj. unces. Item, a nother standing cupp cuerid gilt, weying xv. unces iij. q^a. & di. Item, a goblette of silver and gilt covered xiiij. unces j. quarter & di. Item, a nother goblett gilt, weyeng xij. unc’ & j. d. weight. Item, a nothir goblet gilt, weyeng vij. unc’. Item, a standing white pees with a cover withoute a knoppe, weyeng xxij. unces. Item, a salt with a pale covered, xiiij. unc’ j. quarter. Item, a rounde salt covered, xix. unc’ j. quarter di. Item, a rounde salt uncovered, viij. unces. Item, a basonne of xxxv. unc’ j. quarter. Item, an ewer to the same of xv. unc’ & di. quarter. Item, an ewer, xiiij. unc’ di. quarter. Item, vj. silver sponys with square sharp knoppes of v. unces iij. quarter j. d. wight. Item, spone for grene gynger of iij. quarters & ij. d. wight. Item, a grete gilt chalis with a patent longing to the same, weying xlij. unces j. quarter. Item, a litil standing pece chacid plumtes, with a kover to the same, x. unces j. quarter. Item, a blak notte standing of silver and gilt, with a kover to the same, weying xviij. unc’. Item, a grete maser with a prend in the botom, and the armes of Seint Jorge, weying xv. unc’ j. quarter & di. Item, a nother maser sownde in the botom and a sengilbonde, viij. unc’ & j. quarter. Item, a lytil maser with a foote, weying viij. unc’. Item, a nother maser with a lytill foote, weing viij. unc’. Item, a nothir litill maser with an higher foote, weying x. unces & j. quarter. Item, xx^ti spones on a bundell, weying xvj. unc. j. quarter. Item, vj. spones with acorns, weying v. unc’ & di. quarter. Item, a peyre bedes of corall with paternostris of silver and gilt, and a knopp of smale perle, weying vj. unc’ j. quarter. In primis, j. standing cuppe covered playne with a rounde knoppe, weyeng xxv. unces. j. nodir cuppe of golde covered playne with a chacid knoppe, weying xxiij. unces iij. quarters. j. layer of gold with a crokid spoute, weyeng xiij. unces iij. quarters. j. nothir layer of golde, weyeng xiij. unces j. quarter j. d. j. chaleis of fyne golde in pecis broken, xxiiij. unces. j. coppe of golde covered, chacid with a perle, xxj. unces. j. salte covered with a berall gairneshid, v. unces j. quarter. j. nothir salt covered, garnyshed with stones, v. unces iij. quarter. j. par of gilt basouns covered, weyeng viij^xx. xix. unces & di. j. salte gilte, weyeng xxviij. unces di. quarter. j. cover to the same, weyeng viij. unces j. quarter. j. nothir salte gilte withoute a cover, xxvij. unces iij. quarters. j. standing pees gilte, with a cover Skern, xxxvij. unces j. quarter. j. nothir standing pees gilte with a cover, A. P. xxj. unces di. & di. quarter. j. flatte pees covered, gilt, A. P. xviij. unces & di. j. potte for grene gynger gilte, x. unces & di. iiij. d. ob. j. cover to the same, weying j. unce & j. quarter. j. stonding cuppe covered parcell gilt, Sir Buk, xvj. unces & j. quarter. j. salt covered parcell gilt, Sir Ric.’, xij. unces & di. j. paxe parcell gilte, Staunton, xiij. unces. j. standing cuppe with a kever, parcell gilt, Staunton, xix. unces & di. j. goblett for Rynesh wyne covered, xj. unces & di. quarter. j. powder boxe, vj. unces j. quarter di. quarter. j. noder powder boxe, viij. unces j. quarter. j. candilstykke with a lous [_loose_] sokett and j. preket, P. xvij. unces di. quarter. ij. candilstikkes with ij. lous preketes, Skern, xxxj. unces j. quarter di. di. doss. [_half a dozen_] sylver spones, Shipton, vj. unces di. & di. quarter. di. doss. spones, Stanton, vij. unces. j. bason, P. xlv. unces di. j. bason, Sparke, lx. unces. j. bason, Sturmer, with a spoute, xxxiiij. unces. j. quarter j. d. q. j. bason, Sturmer, withoute a spoute, xxxij. unces j. quarter di. quarter j. d. q^a. j. bason, Rous, l. unces iij. quarters. j. ewer, P. xvj. unces & di. & di. quarter. j. ewer, Sparke, xx. unces. j. ewer, Sturmer, xiiij. unces j. quarter and di. quarter q^a. j. ewer, Sturmer, xiiij. unces di. di. quarter j. d. ob. q^a. j. ewer, Rous, xviij. unces. j. pott, Hous, lvij. unces. j. pott, P. xxviij. unces iij. quarter di. ij. j. pott, S. . . . lett, xv. unces. j. pott, Rous, xxxv. unces. j. pott, Spark, xxvij. unces j. quarter. j. flagon, xxxix. unces. j. layer, ix. unces a quarter & di. j. layer, ix. unces j. quarter & ij. di. vj. Parys cuppis with a cover, Skerne, lxx. unces iij. quarters di. j. grete boll pees, with a cover, Noris, xl. unces j. quarter. xxiij. disshis of sylver, Skerne, xvij^{xx.}vj. unces di. iiij. chargeours, v^{xx.}x. unces. xxvij. dishes, xx^{xx.}xj. unces di. & di. quarter. xxiij. sawcers, vj^{xx.}xv. unces. [39-1]xij. flatt cuppis of silver, P. and Staunton, v^{xx.}v. unces iij. quarters. [39-1]iiij. coveres to the same, P. and Staunton, xl. unces. j. chargeour priour (?) water, xlvj. unces j. quarter di. [Footnote 36-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This inventory was certainly drawn up after the death of Agnes Paston, but how many years later it is impossible to say.] [Footnote 36-2: A silver plate with a figure of the Crucifixion upon it given to be kissed at Mass.] [Footnote 39-1: These two entries are bracketed together in the MS., and ‘Shend bi Ley’ (?) written in the margin.] [[with a rose in the botom, weyeng _text has “weyeng,”_ j. prikettes nuper Howis, / ix. unces ij. d. weight. _text has “weight,”_ j. standing pece couvered, bought of Elingham, _text has “Elingham.”_ j. cover to the same, weyeng, _text has “weyeng,”_ j. paxe parcell gilte, Staunton, _period after “j.” missing_ j. candilstykke ... and j. preket, P. _text has “P,”_]] 969 ABSTRACT[39-2] WILLIAM PASTON TO HIS BROTHER EDMUND PASTON [Sidenote: After 1479] Encloses the will of his father, ‘such as my brother hath’; who says he had it out of the register. My business is no further advanced since I left you, except that my brother has got a pardon of the alienation made by the Bishop of Winchester. Can get no estate in it except according to his father’s will, viz. to himself and his heirs-male. My brother’s will is that I should have Runham, which is £8 a year at least, in recompense of the 10 marks out of Sporle, if he would release all his right in that manor. There is nothing touching you in my brother’s[40-1] will, for I read it over and will write it also; ‘so that I woll have the same for my copy that he wrote with his own hand.’ Recommend me heartily to my sister your wife. London, 22 Feb. [The writer of this was William, the son of the eldest John Paston, not that uncle William with whom the two younger John Pastons had so many disputes. I see nothing to fix the date beyond the fact that the letter was written after Sir John Paston’s death.] [Footnote 39-2: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]] [Footnote 40-1: Sir John Paston, who died in 1479.] 970 WILLIAM PASTON TO JOHN KYNG[40-2] _To John Kynge, Fermour of my Maner of Hartwelbury, in Kelsall, besides Royston, be this delyverd._ [Sidenote: 1480 / FEB. 24] John Kyng, I grete yow hartely well; and I understond as well by my frende, Syr William Storar, as by Ric. Browne, that as well my kynnesman Syr John Paston that dede is, as my kynnesman John Paston that now leveth, have ben with yow, and yovyn yow many grete thretis, for that ye acordyng to the trowth, tolde unto them that ye ocupyed my maner of Harwelbury be my leese, and be my ryght. And further more I understond, notwithstondyng the seyde grete thretis, that ye, lyke a full trewe, harty frende, have delyd and fastely abedyn in my tytill, and wolde not retorne to none of them. Wherfor I hartely thank yow; and furthar more to corage yow in yowr fast dealyng, I schew onto yow that I have ryght bothe in law and in concience, wherby I promyse yow on my feythe to defende yow and save yow harmeles for the occupacion of the londe, or any thynge that ye schall doo in my titill a gaynst hym, and it schulde cost me as moche as the maner is worth, and also another tyme to doo as moche for yow, and it ly in my powre, yf ye have ony mater to doo ther as I may doo for yow. And, also, I here say, by my seid frende, Syr William Storar, and by Ric. Brown, that ye ar of suche substaunce, and of suche trust, and suche favor in the contre ther, that it lithe in yowr powre to do a goode turne for yowr frende. Wretyn at London, the xxiiij^ti day of Februari. Be WILLIAM PASTON. [Footnote 40-2: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] It is scarcely necessary to point out that this letter was probably written within a year after Sir John Paston’s death.] 971 GEORGE, SERVANT TO WILLIAM PASTON, TO JOHN KYNG[41-1] _To John Kyng of Therfeld, in Herdfordshire._ [Sidenote: Date uncertain] Right trusty and welbeloved frende, I comaunde me to you. And, Ser, I tolde my maister that ye wolde have ben with him or this; for which cause he mervaileth ye kepe nat your promyse. Wherfore I avise you to come and bryng my maister his money afore this fest of Cristmasse. And, also, ye ar yerly behynde of a boore or els ten shillinges after the price of oon bore. And where ye be owyng your boore for ij. yerys, I wolde avyse you to delyver unto Ser William Storer the seid dute, or els I counceile you to send my maister a resonable somme of money with thies boores afore Cristmasse for your thanke, consideryng his kynde dealyng, as well in sufferaunce of your money as in your owne matier. Writen at London, the xvj^th day of Decembre. Be your frende, GEORGE, servaunte to Mr. W. PASTON.[41-2] [Footnote 41-1: We place this letter after the last for convenience. Its date is unimportant.] [Footnote 41-2: The subscription is in a different hand from the letter itself, which is in a clerk’s hand, very well written.] 972 JOHN, PRIOR OF BROMHOLM, TO JOHN PASTON[41-3] _To my right worchipful maister, John Paston, Sqwyer._ [Sidenote: 1480-7] Right worchipful maister, I recomaunde me un to yow, desiryng to knowe of youre welfare and prosperyte, wheche Jesu maynteyne and encreese to His pleser after youre hertys desyre, thankyng yow ever of youre good maistership to me shewed at alle tymes withoute deserte on my behalve, prayng yow, and hirtely besechyng of youre goode contynuance. Please it yowre maistership, for as moche as it [is] moved on to the my good maisters, the counsell of the Duche of Lancastr, that they be weelwillyng to make laboure on to my Sovereyn Lady the Qween at youre good instaunce for certeyn tymber toward my dortour at Bromholm, in wheche myn specyall desyre is to have viij. princypall beemys, everych on in length xj. zerds. I am not expeert in makyng of any supplicacion, besechyng youre maistership to take it uppon you to do it make after your avyce, alegged all poverte, as youre worchipfull discrecion can moche better than I can enforme; and I remitte all to youre wysdam, ever besechyng you to calle this matyer to youre remembraunce. No more at this tyme, but the Holy Trinite mote have yow in His governaunce, and sende you longe lyf to endure to His pleser. Wreten the xiiij^e day of Octobr. Youre preest and chapeleyn, JOHN, Priour of Bromholm. [Footnote 41-3: [From Fenn, iii. 400.] On the date of this letter Fenn remarks as follows:--‘John Titleshale was prior of Bromholm from 1460 for about twenty years. This letter must have been written therefore either on the 14th October 1460, or on the same day in 1465, as Edward IV. married in that year, and J. Paston died in May 1466. If it was written in the former, the request [for timber] must have been to Queen Margaret; if in the latter, to Elizabeth, the Queen of Edward IV.’ In these observations Fenn overlooks the possibility of the letter having been addressed to any other John Paston than the first of that name; and neither of the two years, which alone suit that supposition, has much internal probability. It is inconceivable that the letter could have been written in 1460, when Queen Margaret had retired into Wales after the battle of Northampton, and it is almost equally improbable that the date could have been 1465, when John Paston, the father, was in prison. We have very little doubt that the letter was addressed to John Paston the youngest, called of Gelston, long after his father’s death, and after that of his brother Sir John also. John Tytleshale, who was Prior of Bromholm in 1460, was succeeded, at what date we are not informed, by John Macham; and after him John Underwood, Bishop of Chalcedon, suffragan of the Bishop of Norwich, was prior in 1509. The date of this letter, however, must lie between 1480 and 1487, in which latter year John Paston the youngest was created a knight for his services at the battle of Stoke.] 973 ABSTRACT[43-1] [Sidenote: Not after 1481] Appointment touching ‘Ayeseldys wyff.’ Her friends to labour for her acquittal of the felony, without letting of Wremmegey’s wife, etc. £20 to be deposited ‘in mene hand’ by the friends of A’s wife, to be delivered on her acquittal to Darby and other frends of W.’s wife. Also Master Yelverton shall have his £3 due to him from Ayseldys wife paid by both parties. _Signed_--John Yelverton. [I can find no other reference to the matter referred to in this paper, and cannot tell the date; but as John Yelverton, the son of the judge, died on the 9th July 1481 (Blomefield, x. 31), it cannot be later than that year.] [Footnote 43-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]] 974 EDMUND PASTON TO WILLIAM PASTON[43-2] _To my brother, Wylliam Paston, be this delyverd._ [Sidenote: About 1481(?)] I hartely recomawnd me to zow. Here is lately fallyn a wydow in Woorstede, whyche was wyff to one Bolt, a worstede marchaunt, and worth a m^l._li._, and gaff to hys wyff a C. marke in mony, stuffe of howsold, and plate to the valew of an C. marke, and x_li._ be zere in land. She is callyd a fayer jantylwoman. I wyll for zour sake se her. She is ryght systyr, of fader and modyr, to Herry Ynglows. I purpose to speke with hym to gett hys good wyll. Thes jantylwoman is abowght xxx. zeres, and has but ij. chyldern, whyche shalbe at the dedes charge; she was hys wyff but v. zere. Yf she be eny better than I wryght for, take it in woothe I shew the leeste. Thus lete me have knowlache of zowr mynde as shortly as ze can, and whan ze shall moun be in this cuntre. And thus God send zow good helth and good aventure. From Norwyche, the Saterday after xij^the day. Your, E. PASTON. [Footnote 43-2: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] There is nothing to show the date of this letter, except the fact that William Paston did not come of age before the year 1481, so that it is not likely to be earlier. Perhaps it may be a few years later, in which case the widow would not have been very much his senior; but that circumstance was not likely, in those days, to have been greatly regarded in the matter.] 975 EDMUND PASTON TO MARGARET PASTON[44-1] _To my ryght wurchypfull and especiall good mother, Margaret Paston._ [Sidenote: Between 1481-4] Ryght worchypfull and moste especialle good modyr, in my moste umble wyse, with alle my dute and servyse, I recomawnd me to yow, besechynge zow of zour blyssyng, whyche is to me moste joy of erthely thynge; and it plese zow to be so good and kynd modyr to me to forgeve me, and also my wyffe, of owr leude offence that we have not don ower dute, whyche was to have seyn and ave waytyd up on zow or now. My huswyffe trustythe to ley to zow her huswyferey for her excuse, wyche I muste beseche zow not to accepte, for in good faythe I deme her mynde hathe ben other weys ocapyed than as to huswyfery, whyche semyth welle by the latchesnes of the tylthe of her landdes. I beseche God for the forderawnce of them as now rewarde zow and the good parson of Mautby, and also Mastyer Baley, who I wende woold not have balkyd this pore loggeyng to Norwyche wardes. I undyrstand by the bryngger here of that ze entende to ryde to Walsyngham; yf it please zow that I may wete the seayson, as my dute is, I shalle be redy to awayte up on zow. Plese it zow that the brynggar here of cam to me for x_s._ viij_d._ whyche I shuld ow hys fadyr; trew it was at my laste departyng from hym, I owte hym somych, but sertaynly or I cam at Thetfford homewardes, I thowt of concyence he owte to have restoryd me as myche. I had my horsse with hym at lyvery, and amonge alle one of them was putte to gresse and to labur, so that he dyed of a laxe by the wey. I payed for hard mete ever to hym. Plese it zow to delyver Kateryn v_s._, wyche I send zow in this bylle. I am not assartaynd how she is purveyde of mony towardes her jornay. Yf her fadyr cowde not acleymed j_d._ of me, I woold not se her dysporveyd, yf I myght, nor the poreste chyld that is belonggyng to hys loggeyng. Modyr, my wyffe is boold to send zow a tokyn. I beseche zow pardon alle thyngges not done acordyng to dute. I beseche God send zow the accomplyshment of zour moste and woorchypfull desyers. At Owby, the Saterday next before Candylmes. Zour umble son and servant, EDMOND PASTON. [Footnote 44-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] Fenn dates this letter 1479-80, suggesting that it must have been written very soon after Edmund Paston’s marriage with the widow of William Clippesby, as it seems to imply that he had not yet carried his bride to pay her duty to his mother. I do not, for my part, know the date of this marriage, and I suspect Fenn had no other clue to it than the fact that William Clippesby, the lady’s first husband, died on the 24th September 1479; but I presume his widow was still unmarried when she proved his will on the 18th May 1480 (_see_ Blomefield, xi. 144). I consider, therefore, that the letter must have been written between the years 1481 and 1484, as Margaret Paston died in November of the latter year.] 976 MONASTERY OF ST. FAITH[45-1] [Sidenote: 1481 / AUG.] Robertus filius domini Walteri de Mauteby militis insp[ex]sit cartas an[tiquas] . . . . concessas Deo et monasterio Sanctæ Fidis quinque quarteria salis annualis redditus . . e olim . . . . . . quinque _wayes_ percipienda de salinis ma[r]issi de Mauteby secundum mensuram ejusdem [mari]ssi. Quam quidem concessionem prædictus Robertus ratificat . . . . . suum sub sigillo suo quid est[[45-2]]. And this deed sawe John Paston at the seid Seynt Feythes, mense Augusti Anno xxj^o Regis E. [Q]uarti. And for this rent a . . the prior and the monkys there shewyd [to th]e seyd John, the same moneth and tyme, thes obitis foloyng tightled in the . . . . . they s[ay]d that they . . . . . whiche wold be knowyn and wachid. So the sayd . . . . the obbites . . . . . . . . . . bi Maltby xij. die mensis Aprilis. Et d’ns d’nii (?) JOHANNES DE MALTB[Y]. [Footnote 45-1: [Add. Charter 17,252, B.M.]] [Footnote 45-2: Here occurs a representation of a shield in the middle of the text of the MS.] 977 ABSTRACT[46-1] ANONYMOUS TO MRS. [MARGARET PASTON?] There is no tachment made in the land unless it be done privily. The sheriff has been thrice in our town in these three weeks. As for the panel of Frances’ matter, there is none of the sheriff’s deputies but Francis to inquire of. [I am quite unable to attach a date to this letter, or to conjecture by whom it was written. Even the person to whom it is addressed is very uncertain, though I have suggested Margaret Paston.] [Footnote 46-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]] 978 MARGARET PASTON’S WILL.[46-2] [Sidenote: 1482 / FEB. 4] In the name of God, amen. I, Margaret Paston, widowe, late the wiff of John Paston, Squier, doughter and heire to John Mauteby, Squier, hole of spirit and mynde, with perfite avisement and good deliberacion, the iiij^te day of February, in the yer of Our Lord God a m^{l.}cccclxxxj. make my testament and last wille in this fourme folowyng. First, I betake my sowle to God Almyghty and to Our Lady His blissid Moder, Seint Michael, Seint John Baptist, and to Alle Seintes, and my body to be beried in the ele of the cherch of Mauteby, byfore the ymage of Our Lady there. In which ele reste the bodies of divers of myn aunceteres, whos sowles God assoile. Item, I bequethe to the high awter of the seid cherch of Mauteby xx_s._ Item, I wulle that the seid ele in which my body shalbe beried be newe robed, leded, and glased, and the walles therof heyned [_heightened_] convenyently and werkmanly. Item, I wulle that myn executours purveye a stoon of marble to be leyde alofte upon my grave within a yer next after my decesse; and upon that stoon I wulle have iiij. scochens sett at the iiij. corners, wherof I wulle that the first scochen shalbe of my husbondes armes and myn departed, the ij^de of Mawtebysarmes and Berneys of Redham departed, the iij^de of Mawtebysarmes and the Lord Loveyn departed, the iiij^te of Mawtebysarmes and Sir Roger Beauchamp departed. And in myddys of the seid stoon I wull have a scochen sett of Mawtebysarmes allone, and under the same thise wordes wretyn, ‘In God is my trust,’ with a scripture wretyn in the verges therof rehersyng thise wordes, ‘Here lieth Margret Paston, late the wif of John Paston, doughter and heire of John Mawteby, Squier,’ and so forth, in the same scripture rehersed the day of the moneth and the yer that I shall decesse: ‘on whos sowle God have mercy.’ Item, I wulle that myn executours shall purveye xij. pore meen of my tenauntes, or other if they suffice not, the whiche I wulle shalbe apparailled in white gownes with hodes according, to holde xij. torches abowte myn herse or bere at such tyme as I shalbe beried, during the exequies and masse of my berying; which xij. torches I wille remayne in the seid cherch of Mawteby whil they may last for my yerday. Which yerday I wull myn heire kepe in the same cherch for me my seid husbond and myn aunceteres yerly during the terme of xij. yeres next after my decesse;[47-1] and I wulle that ich of the seid xij. pore meen the day of my beriing have iiij_d._ Also, I wulle that iche preste being at my berying and masse have viij_d._, and ich clerk in surplys iij_d._ Also, I wull that the preste which shall berie me have vj_s._ viij_d._, so that he seye over me at the tyme of my berying all the whole service that to the berying belongeth. Also, I wulle that from the day and tyme that I am beried unto the ende of vij. yeres than next folowyng be ordeyned a taper of wexe of a_li._ to brenne upon my grave ich Sonday and haliday at alle divine service to be seid or sunge in the seid cherch and dailly at the masse of that preest that shalle singe there in the seid ele for my sowle. Item, I wulle that vj. tapers, ich of iiij_li._, brenne abowte myn herse the day of my beryng, of which I wull that iiij. yerly be kept to brenne abowte myn herse whan my yerday shalbe kept aslong as they may honestly serve. Item, I wulle have an honest seculer prest to synge and pray in the seid ele for my sowle, the sowles of my father and mother, the sowle of the seid John Paston, late my husband, and for the sowlys of his aunceteres and myn during the terme of vij. yeres next after my decesse. Item, I wulle that myn executours purveye a compleet legende in oon book, and an antiphoner in an other book, which bookes I wull be yeven to abide ther in the seid cherch to the wursship of God aslonge as they may endure.[48-1] Item, I wulle that every houshold in Mauteby as hastily as it may be convenyently doo after my decesse have xij_d._ Item, to the emendyng of the cherch of Freton in Suffolk I bequethe a chesiple and an awbe.[48-2] And I wulle that ich houshold being my tenaunt there have vj_d._ And I bequethe to the emendement of the cherch of Basyngham a chesiple and an awbe.[48-3] And I wulle that every houshold there have viij_d._ Item, I bequeth to the emendyng of the cherch of Matelask a chesiple and an awbe.[48-4] And I wull that every pore houshold that are my tenauntes there have viij_d._ Item, I bequethe to the emendyng of the cherch of Gresham a chesiple and an awbe.[48-6] And I wulle that ich pore houshold that be my tenauntes there have vj_d._ Item, I wulle that ich pore houshold late my tenauntes at Sparham have vj_d._ Item, to the reparacion of the cherch of Redham there as I was borne I bequeth v. marc and a chesiple of silk with an awbe with myn armes therupon to the emendement of the same cherche.[48-5] Item, to iche of the iiij. houshes of Freres in Norwich, xx_s._ Item, to iche of the iiij. houshes of Freres of Yermouth and at the South toun to pray for my sowle I bequeth xx_s._ Item, to the ankeres at the Frere Prechours in Norwich I bequeth iij_s._ iiij_d._ And to the ankeres in Conesford I bequeth iij_s._ iiij_d._ Item, to the anker at the White Freres in Norwich I bequethe iij_s._ iiij_d._ Item, to iche hole and half susters at Normans in Norwich, viij_d._ Item, to the Deen and his bretheren of the Chepell of Feld, to the use of the same place to seye a _dirige_ and a masse for my sowle, xx_s._ Item, to the hospitalle of Seint Gile in Norwich, also for a _dirige_ and a masse for my sowle, xx_s._ Item, to iche of the iiij. pore meen, and to either of the susters of the seid hospitall, ij_d._ Item, to the mother cherche of Norwiche for a _dirige_ and masse, xx_s._ Item, to iche lepre man and woman at the v. Yates in Norwich, iij_d._ And to iche forgoer at every of the seid yates, ij_d._ Item, to iche lepre without the North gates at Yermouth, iij_d._; and to the forgoer ther, ij_d._ Item, to iche houshold of the parish of Seint Peter of Hungate in Norwich that wull receyve almes, have iiij_d._ Item, I wull have a _dirige_ and a masse for my sowle at the parisshe cherche of Seint Michael of Coslany in Norwich, and that every preste ther havyng his stipend being therat have iiij_d._, and iche clerk in surplys of the same parissh than ther being have ij_d._, and the parissh clerk vj_d._, and the curat that shall seye high masse have xx_d._, and I bequeth to the reparacion of the bellys of the same cherche vj_s._ viij_d._, and to the sexteyn there to rynge at the seid _dirige_ and masse, xx_d._ Item, I wull that myn executours shall geve to the sustentacion of the parson or preste that shall for the tyme mynystre the sacramentez and divine service in the cherch of Seint Petre of Hungate in Norwich, xx_li._ of lawfull money;[50-1] whiche xx_li._ I will it be putt in the rule and disposicion of the cherch reves of the same cherche for the tyme being by the oversight of the substancialle persones of the seid parissh, to this intent, that the seid cherch reves, by the oversight as is before-seid, shall yerly yeve, if it so be that the profites of the seid cherch suffice not to fynde a prest after ther discrecions, part of the seid xx_li._ to the seid parson or preste, unto the seid xx_li._ be expended. Item, I bequeth to Edmund Paston, my sone, a standing pece white covered, with a white garleek heed upon the knoppe, and a gilt pece covered with an unicorne, a fetherbedde and a traumsom at Norwich, and the costers[50-2] of worsted that he hath of me. Item, I bequeth to Katerine his wiff a purpill girdill harneisid with silver and gilt and my bygge bras chafour, a brasen morter with an iren pestell, and a stoon morter of cragge. Item, I yeve and graunte to Robert, sone of the seid Edmund, alle my swannes morken with the merke called Dawbeneys merk, and with the merk late Robert Cutler, clerk, to have hold and enjoye the seid swannes with the seid merkes to the seid Robert and his heirs for evermore. Item, I bequeth to Anne, my doughter, wiff of William Yelverton, my grene hangyng in my parlour at Mauteby, a standing cuppe with a cover gilt with a flatte knoppe and a flatte pece with a cover gilt withoute, xij. silver spones, a powder boxe with a foot and a knoppe enamelled blewe, my best corse girdill blewe herneised with silver and gilt, my primer, my bedes of silver enamelled. Item, I bequeth to the seid Anne, my fetherbedde with sillour,[50-3] curteyns and tester[50-4] in my parlour at Mauteby, with a white covering, a peire blankettes, ij. peire of my fynest shetes iche of iij. webbes, a fyne hedshete of ij. webbes, my best garnyssh of pewter vessell, ij. basyns with ij. ewres, iij. candelstekes of oon sorte, ij. bras pottes, ij. bras pannes, a bras chafour to sett by the fyre, and a chafour for colys. Item, I require myn executours to paie to the seid William Yelverton and Anne the money that I shall owe them of ther mariage money the day of my decesse of such money as shalbe receyved of such londes as I have putte in feffement to accomplissh my wille. Item, I bequeth to William Paston, my sone my standing cuppe chased parcell gilt with a cover with myn armes in the botom and a flatte pece with a traill upon the cover, xij. silver spones, ij. silver saltes wherof oon is covered the hole bedde of borde alisaundre as it hangeth on the gret chaumber at Mauteby, with the fetherbedde, bolster, blankettes, and coveryng to the same, ij. peire shetes, ij. pilwes, and my best palet, a basyn, an ewre, and a litel white bedde that hangeth over the gresyngges in the litell chaumber at Mauteby for a trussyng bedde. Item, I bequeth an C. marc in money to be paied and bestowed to the use and byhoff of the seid William Paston after this forme folowyng; that is to sey, in purchasyng of as moche lond to him and to his heires as may be had with the same money, or ellys to bye a warde to be maried to him if eny suche may be goten, or ellys to be paied to him assone as it may be convenyently gadered and receyved of sucche londes as by me are put in feffement as is beforseid after the ele in Mauteby cherche be fynsshed and performed as is beforseid, and after the stipend of the preste lymyted to singe for me be yerly levied, as well as the money be dispended upon the keping of my yerly obite. And if the seid William dye or he come to the age of xxj. yer, than the seid C. marc to be disposed for the wele of my sowle by myn executours. Item, I bequeth to John Paston my sone a gilt cuppe standyng with a cover and a knoppe liche a garkeek heed, vj. gobelettes of silver with oon cover. Item, I bequeth to Margery Paston, the wif of the seid John, my pixt of silver with ij. silver cruettes and my massebook with all myn awterclothes. Item,[52-1] I bequeth to William Paston, sone of the seid John Paston, and Elizabeth his suster, C. marc whan they come to laufull age, to be take and receyved of the londes beforseid; and if either of them die or they come to the seid age, than I wull that the part of him or hir so deying remayne to the survyver of them at laufull age, and if they bothe dye or they come to the seid age, than I wull that the seid C. marc be disposed for the helth of my sowle by th’avise of myn executours. Item, I bequeth to Custaunce, bastard doughter of John Paston, Knyght, whan she is xx. yer of age, x. marc, and if she die bifore the seid age, than I wull that the seid x. marc be disposed by myn executours. Item, I bequeth to John Calle, sone of Margery my doughter, xx_li._ whan he cometh to the age of xxiiij. yer, and if the seid John dye or he cometh to the seid age, than I wull that the seid xx_li._ evenly be divided attwen William and Richard, sones of the seid Margery, whan they come to the age of xxiiij. yer; and if either of the seid William and Richard dye or he come to the seid age, than I wull that the part of him so dying remayne to the survyver; and if bothe the seid William and Richard dye or the come to the seid age, than I wull that the seid xx_li._ be disposed by the good advys of myne executours for me and my frendes. Item, I bequethe to Marie Tendalle, my goddoughter, my peir bedys of calcidenys gaudied[52-2] with silver and gilt. Item, I wull that iche of myn other godchilder be rewarded by th’avyse of John Paston, my sone. Item, I bequeth to Agnes Swan my servaunt, my musterdevelys gown furred with blak, and a girdell of blak harneised with silver gilt and enamelled, and xx_s._ in money. Item, to Simon Gerard my silver gobelet cured and a flatt pece with verges gilt, and myn hole litel white bedde in my chapell chaumber at Mauteby with the fetherbedde liche as it is nowe in the seid chapell, with a peire blankettes, a peire shetes, and a pilwe of doune. Item, to John Heyth a materas with a traunsom, a peire shetes, a peire blankettes, and a coverlight. Item, I wull that myn housholt be kept after my decesse by half a yer, and that my servauntes wages be truly paied at ther departing, and also that every persone being my servaunt the day of my decesse have a quarter wages beside that they at her departing have do service fore. Item, I wull that alle suche maners, londes, and tenementes, rentes and services whiche are descended unto me by weye of inheritaunce immediatly after my decesse remayne unto myn heires accordyng to the last wille of Robert Mauteby, Squier, my grauntfader, except suche londes as I have putte in feffement to accomplissh therof my last wille, and except v. marc of annuyte which I have graunted out of the maner of Freton in Suffolk to Edmund Paston, my sone, Katherine his wiff, and Robert, ther sone, for terme of ther lyves. Item, I bequeth to Anne, my doughter, x_li._ to hir propre use. And to Osbern Berney x. marc of the money comyng of the londes by me put in feffement as is beforseid. Item, I wull that the residewe of the stuffe of myn houshold unbiquothen be divided equally betwen Edmund and William, my sones, and Anne, my doughter. The residewe of all my godes and catalle and dettes to me owing I yeve and comitte to the good disposicion of myn executours to performe this my testament and last wille, and in other dedes of mercye for my sowle, myn aunceterez sowlez, and alle Cristen sowles, to the most pleaser of God and profit to my sowle. Of this my testament, I make and ordeyne the seid John Paston, Squier, my sone, Thomas Drentall, clerk, Simon Gerard and Walter Lymyngton myn executours. And I bequeth to the seid John Paston for his labour x_li._ And to iche of myn other executours for their labour v. marc. In witnesse wherof to this my present testament I have putto my seal. Yevyn day and yer biforseid. [Footnote 46-2: [Add. Charter, 17,253, B.M.]] [Footnote 47-1: In the margin is written in John Paston’s hand, ‘Memorandum, v. yer to come to kepe the yerday.’] [Footnote 48-1: In margin, ‘v_li._ vj_s._ viij_d._’ This and the marginal notes which follow are all in John Paston’s hand.] [Footnote 48-2: In margin, ‘xvj_s._ viij_d._’] [Footnote 48-3: _Ibid._] [Footnote 48-4: _Ibid._] [Footnote 48-5: _Ibid._] [Footnote 48-6: In margin, ‘v_li._’] [Footnote 50-1: In margin, ‘xx_li._’] [Footnote 50-2: Pieces of tapestry used on the sides of tables, beds, etc.--_Halliwell._] [Footnote 50-3: Canopy of tapestry.] [Footnote 50-4: Head of the bedstead.] [Footnote 52-1: Opposite this paragraph is written in the margin in John Paston’s hand: ‘C. marke. Solut’ E. P. _l._ marke.’] [Footnote 52-2: Halliwell explains ‘gaudees’ as ‘the larger beads in a roll for prayer.’ According to Palsgrave they represented the _Paternoster_.] [[wherof oon is covered the hole bedde _punctuation unchanged: missing comma after “covered”?_ [48-5] [48-6] _in the body text, footnote markers 5 and 6 are reversed, but see text and footnotes_]] 979 JOHN PASTON TO MARGARET PASTON[54-1] _To my ryght worchepfull modyr, Margaret Paston._ [Sidenote: 1482(?)] Ryght worchepfull modyr, in my most humble wyse I recomand me to yow, besechyng yow of your dayly blyssyng. And when I may, I wyll with as good wyll be redy to recompence yow for the cost that my huswyff and I have put yow to, as I am now bond to thank yow for it, whyche I do in the best wyse I can. And, modyr, it pleasyd yow to have serteyn woordys to my wyff at hyr depertyng, towchyng your remembrance of the shortness that ye thynk your dayes of, and also of the mynd that ye have towardes my brethryn and systyr your chyldyr, and also of your servauntes, wher in ye wyllyd hyr to be a meane to me, that I wold tendyr and favore the same. Modyr, savyng your plesure, ther nedyth non enbasatours nor meanys betwyx yow and me; for ther is neyther wyff nor other frend shall make me to do that that your comandment shall make me to do, if I may have knowlage of it; and if I have no knowlage, in good feyth I am excuseabyll bothe to God and yow. And, well remembred, I wot well ye ought not to have me in jelusye for one thyng nor other that ye wold have me to accomplyshe, if I overleve yow; for I wot well non oo man a lyve hathe callyd so oft upon yow as I, to make your wylle and put iche thyng in serteynte, that ye wold have done for your sylff, and to your chyldre and servauntes. Also at the makyng of your wylle, and at every comunycacyon that I have ben at with yow towchyng the same, I nevyr contraryed thyng that ye wold have doon and performyd, but alweyso ffyrd my sylff to be bownde to the same. But, modyr, I am ryght glad that my wyff is eny thyng your favore or trust; but I am ryght sory that my wyff, or eny other chyld or servaunt of your shold be in bettyr favore or trist with yow then my sylff; for I wyll and must forbere and put fro me that, that all your other chyldre, servauntes, prestys, werkmen, and frendys of your that ye wyll ought bequethe to, shall take to theym. And thys have I, and evyr wylbe redy on to, whyll I leve, on my feyth, and nevyr thought other, so God be my helpe, Whom I beseche to preserve yow and send yow so good lyff and longe, that ye may do for youre sylff and me aftyr my dyssease; and I beshrewe ther hertys that wold other or shall cause yow to mystrust, or to be unkynd to me or my frendys. At Norwyche, thys Monday, with the hand of your sone and trwest servaunt, JOHN PASTON. [Footnote 54-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter, which was undoubtedly written during the later years of Margaret Paston, may be conveniently placed after her will.] [[but alweyso ffyrd my sylff _text unchanged: error for “alweys offyrd”?_]] 980 T. CRYNE TO JOHN PASTON[55-1] _To my wurshepfull and tendrest maister, John Paston, Esquyer._ [Sidenote: 1482 / APRIL 10] Righ wurshepfulle, one of my most kyndest and tenderest, and undeserved most contynuell maister, I recomaunde me to you. And where your trusty maistershep willeth me to come to Norwich, pleas it you I may not; for ever, as in long tyme passed, on Thursday in Esterne Weke, begynne Maister Heydons courtes and letes, the vieu of the halfyere of the houshold accompte, the closyng up fynally of th’accomptes of alle baillievs, so that the resceyvour may make his fynall accompte, which wille extende in alle to xiiij. dayes and more; and to this season is my duete, and elles I shulde not faill your pleasure. Moreover, pleas it you, my Lord Riviers in his owne persone hath bene atte Hikelyng, and his counseill lerned, and serched his fees for his homages, among which ye be for Begvyles pasture in Somerton, and, I suppose, Wynterton, late Sir John Fastolfes; my maistres your modre for Mawtebyes in Waxham; wherein I beseche you previde, for I have done therein hertofore, asfer as I myght, &c. What it meneth, my lord is sette sore to approwement and husbondry. His counseill hath tolde him he may sette his fynes for respite of homage at his pleasure, &c. I besech you my maistresse may have worde of this. And oure blessed Lord ever mutte preserve you, and be your governour and defender. Wreten at Thorplond, this Wednesday in Esterne Weke, fallyng the x. day of Aprill, anno E. iiij^ti xxij. Your servaunt, T. CRYNE. [Footnote 55-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]] 981 ABSTRACT[56-1] [Sidenote: 1482 / OCT. 9] Grant by Margaret Paston to her son Edmund and his wife Catherine and to Robert their son, of an annuity of five marks out of the manor of Freton, Suffolk, with power to distrain for payment. 9 Oct. 22 Edw. IV. [Footnote 56-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]] 982 MARGERY PASTON TO JOHN PASTON[56-2] _To my right worshipfull master, John Paston, in haste._ [Sidenote: 1482(?) / NOV. 1] Right reverent and worshipfull sir, in my moste umble vice, I recomaunde me unto yow, as lowly as I can, &c. Plese you to wete, John Howes, Alexander Qwharteyn, John Fille, with the parson and the newe myller of Marlyngforthe, have goten Thom’ At Welles carte of Estetodenham, fermour to myn uncle William Paston, Herry Hervy of Meelton Magna, fermour and baly to my seide uncle, Ric. Barkers carte of the seide towne of Meelton, late fermour, and yette is in daunger to[57-1] my seide uncle, and William Smythes carte of Brandon juxta Bernham Broom, late fermour and baly, and also in daunger to[57-1] my seide uncle, on Monday and Twesday last past, caryed a wey from Merlyngforth in to the place at Seint Edmondes in Norwich, xij. of yowr greete plankes, of the weche they made vj. loodes, beryng a bowte the seide cartes, bowes and gleves, for feere of takyng a wey. Sir, as for yowr servauntes of Marlyngforth, they withholde her catell and hem selfe bothe from the coorte, and come not within the lordship, nor make noon attornment, exept Thom’ Davy and John Water, weche absentyng of the tenauntes is to them a greet hurt and los, for lak of sedyng ther londes with ther wynter corn; besechyng you for Godes sake to remembre som remedy for them. My Lady Caltorp hath ben at Geppeswich on pilgry mache, and came homward be my Lady of Norffolk, and ther was moche communicacion of yowr mater be twix you and myn uncle, seyng to my Lady Caltorp, ye nede not a gonne to London, ye myght have an ende at home; rememberyng to my seid Lady Caltorp of the mocion that he made towchyng the maner of Sporle, promyttyng to my lady to abyde that, and to write and seale as largely as any man wol desire hym. And at his departyng from my lady he was not mery, what the cauce was I wot not [but he was not mery of your departyng].[57-2] My Lady Calthorp desireth me to write to yow to have ende, for he intendes largely to have a peace with yow, as he seth; but truste hym not to moche, for he is not goode. My mother in lawe thynketh longe she here no word from you. She is in goode heele, blissed be God, and al yowr babees also. I mervel I here no word from you, weche greveth me ful evele; I sent you a letter be Brasiour sone of Norwiche, wher of I here no word. No more to you at this tyme, but Almyghty Jesu have you in Hes blissed kepyng. Wreten at Norwich, on Allowmes Day at nyght. Be yowr servaunt and bedewoman, MARGERY PASTON. Sir, I prey yow, if ye tary longe at London, that it wil plese to sende for me, for I thynke longe sen I lay in yowr armes. [Footnote 56-2: _Ibid._ This letter, it will be seen, must have been written before the death of Margaret Paston in 1484, and from what is stated in No. 953, it is certainly not earlier than 1479. The date, moreover, must be between 1480 and 1482, for it is stated that the outrages here complained of occurred on the Monday and Tuesday before the letter was written; and in the next letter we find that there was a new outrage of the same description on Friday. If Hallowmas Day, the date of this letter, was a Wednesday, the year must be 1480, if a Thursday 1481, and if Friday 1482. We are rather inclined to think it was the latter.] [Footnote 57-1: ‘In danger to’ signifies either in debt or otherwise responsible to another person.] [Footnote 57-2: These words are crossed out in the MS.] 983 MARGERY PASTON TO JOHN PASTON[58-1] _To my ryght wurchupfull mayster, John Paston, Esquyer, be this letter delyverd in hast._ [Sidenote: 1482 / NOV. [3]] Myne owyn swete hert, in my most humylwyse, I recomaund me on to you, desyryng hertly to here of your welfar, the wheche I beseche Alle myghty God preserve and kepe to His plesur, and your hertes desyer. Ser, the cause of my wrytyng to you at this tyme: on Friday att nyght last past come Alexander Wharton, John Hous, and John Fille, with ij. good carts well mannyd and horsyd with hem to Marlyngford, and there at the maner of Malyngford and at the mille lodyn bothe cartes with mestlyon[58-2] and whete, and betymys on Saturday, in the mornyng, they departyd fro Marlyngford towardes Bongey, as it is seyd; for the seyd cartes come fro Bongey, as I soppose, by the sendynge of Bryon, for he goth hastyly over the se, as it is seyd. And as I suppose he wyll have the mestlyon over with hym, for the most part of the cart loodes was mestlyon, &c. Item, ser, on Saturday last past, I spacke with my cosyn Gornay, and he seyd, if I wold goo to my Lady of Norffolk, and beseche hyr good grace to be your good and gracyous lady, she wold so be, for he seyd that one word of a woman should do more than the wordes of xx. men, yiffe I coude rewyll my tonge, and speke non harme of myn unkyll. And if ye comaund me so for to do, I trist I shuld sey nothynge to my ladys displesure, but to your profyt; for me thynkyth bi the wordes of them and of your good fermore of Oxned, that thei wyll sone drawe to an ende. For he cursyth the tyme that ever he come in the ferme of Oxned, for he seyth that he wotyth well that he shall have a grette losse, and yet he wyll not be a knowyn wheder he hathe payd or nought; but whan he sethe his tyme, he wyll sey trowth. I understond by my seyd cosyn Gornay that my lady is nere wery of hyr parte, and he seyth my lady shal come on pylgremage in to this towne, but he knowth not wheder afore Cristmes or aftyr; and if I wold thanne gete my Lady Calthorpe, my moder in lawe, and my moder, and myselfe, and come before my lady, besechyng hyr to be your good and gracyous lady, he thynkyth ye shull have an ende; for fayne she wold be redde of it with hyr onowr savyd, but yette money she wold have. No more to you at this tyme, butte I mervell sore that I have no letter from you, but I prey God preserve you, and send me good tydynges from you, and spede you well in your materes. And as for me, I have gotyn me anothyr logyn felawe, the ferst letter of hyr name is Mastras Byschoppe. She recomaundyth hyr to you by the same tokyn that ye wold have had a tokyn to my Mayster Bryon. Att Norwych, the Sonday next after the Fest of All Seyntes. Be yowr servaunt and bedewoman, MARGERY PASTON. [Footnote 58-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] For evidence of date, see preliminary note to last letter.] [Footnote 58-2: Mixed corn, commonly rye and wheat, which were most in demand to make bread of.] 984 B. R. TO JOHN PASTON[60-1] _To the right worshipfull John Paston, squier, with my lord Chamburlayn._ [Sidenote: 1479-83] Right worshipfull sir, y recommaunde me to you, as hartily as y can, desiring to undrestand zour welefare, and also to knowe somwhat certainly hou your matier dothe with your uncle, and hou fer ye be, for in thes parties y assertayne you, moche mater is shewed and proclaimed in worshipful presence, fer fro th’entent of your welewillers, of the discorage and reprofe in maner of you, and by such as men supposed you to have ben right wele favoured with, and the contrary shewed in the presence of right worshipfull, and right many, and as it is said, iij. scor in nombre, with such termes and under such forme, as it is reported, as is full hevy to diverse here for to here. Hou it is ye knowe beste, and hou it is I pray you lete your frendis in this cuntre undirstand; for right a worshipfull persone told me of this, to the which y coude not answer, I se al day the world so unsure. But, Sir, ye did of policy some thingis that peradventure, and it were to do, ye wold take anothir avise, &c. I can nomore but _sapienti pauca_, &c. And I biseche you, Sir, send me some tidingis of the parties beyonde the se, for owr wyves here speke of many thingis, &c. Moreovir, Sir, Margarete Ronhale told me late that my maistres your wif fareth wele, blissed be Almighti God, and all your other frendis here, blissed be God. Sir, it is so that, as y am enformed, there is a soudiour of Caleis called John Jacob, of olde tyme duelling in Lynne.[60-2] I pray you to inquir secretly what maner man he ys, and in what condicion there, for I know a man hath to do with him; but be ye beknowen of no thinge, but that ye list wisely to enquere what he is and of what condicion, &c. And if there be any thing in thies parties that y can do you service yn, I pray you commaunde you, and I shalbe as redy to the accomplisshment therof to my power, as any man lyvyng; and that knowith God, Who I biseche to send me good tidingis fro you, and you your noble desires. From Weston. By yours, B. R. [Footnote 60-1: [Add. MS. 34,889, f. 220.] This letter is probably late in the reign of Edward IV. John Paston would seem to have entered the service of Hastings, the Lord Chamberlain, some time after the death of his brother Sir John in 1479. _See_ No. 993.] [Footnote 60-2: Against this passage in the margin is written in another hand:--‘M^{d}. pro Barnard.’] 985 WILLIAM PASTON AND SIR JOHN FASTOLF[61-1] To alle maner of pepill to whome this present wrytyng shall come unto, se, or here, we, William Barker, late of Blofeld, in the cownte of Norffolk, clark, and Margret Wyssetour, wedow, late the wyf of William Wyssetyr, late of Pokethorp, be Norwich, gentylman, dyssesid, send gretyng in our Lord God Everlastyng. For as meche as it is merytory to wytnesse and testyfy the treuth in materes dowtabill or beyng in varyaunce, whan ony persons is lefully ther to requyred, It is so that I, the seid William Barker, was late howshold servaunte be the space of xxj. yere with Sir John Fastolf, Knyght, dyssesid, and had wedded Annes, late dyssesid, that was the hoole syster, bothe on to Sir Thomas Howes, clerk, dyssesid, and also hoole syster to Isabell, modyr to the seid Margret Wyssetyr, which forseid Thomas Howys and William Wyssetyr were bothe howshold servauntes many yerys to the seid Sir John Fastolf, and were with hym in such syngler trust that he made them bothe his feoffes in alle his landes with in the reame of Ynglond, and also his exsecutores: Be it knowen to alle maner persons that we, the seid William Barker and Margret Wyssetyr, testyfy, depose, and wytnesse for trouthe that we have full serteyn prof and knowlache that William Paston, of the seid counte of Norffolk, jentylman, was kynnysman unto the seid Sir John Fastolf, and was with hym in ryght syngler gode favour and trust; wherupon the seid Sir John Fastolf made the seid William Paston one of his seid feoffes in all his seyd maneres, londes, and tenementes, rentes, and servyces with in this seid reame of Ynglond, and made this seid William prevy to many of his materys of gret charge, and putt the seid William Paston to many lawbores in his lyf, which the seid William Paston ded of gode love and kynd dysposycion, for he never had of the seid Sir John Fastolf fee ne reward in hys lyf; notwithstondyng he had for the seid Syr John Fastolf and for his materes many grete lawboures, costes, jornays, and besynesse in the lyf of the seid Sir John Fastolf, and ded for hym many kynd dedes at his owne charge, for the which the seid Sir John, and he had contenuyd lyff, wold have largely have recompensed. And also the seid William Paston had, aftir the desesse of the seid Sir John Fastolf, at the desyr and instans of the exsecutores of the seid Syr John, had many gret lawboures, costes, and jurnays to his gret peyne, as well in rydyng to London many and sundry tymes, contenuyng many yeres to help suche materes as were devysyd ayens the seid exsecutors, and also to answer to suche accions and sutys and byll putt into the Kynges Chauncery, wherupon wryttes of _subpena_ dyvers and many tymes made upon gret peynys were delyvered to the seid William to appere in the Kynges Chauncery, which were taken be gret astates and be suche myghty persons as wold have recoveryd the lond wrongfully, and thus trobelyd the seid William Paston, be cause he was a feffee, and taryd hym there and his councell to his gret inportunabill charges. Wherupon we, the seid William Barker and Margret Wyssetyr depose, wytnesse, and be this present sertyfye for trouthe that we war present whan the seid Sir Thomas Howys and William Wyssetyr, in parcell of recompens of suche forseid lawbours and costes as the seid William Paston had had, as wele in the lyfe of the seid Sir John as after his dyssese, graunted and yaf to the seid William Paston a peyer of basons coveryd of sylver of Parysh towche and over gylt, powncyd and imbossyd with rooses, and with grete large amellys [_enamels_] in the botome of bothe basons, with serteyn bestys inbossyd stondyng with inn an hegge of sylver and gylt upon the seid amellys, which bothe basons ded way of Troy weyt ix^xx. unces, and also a gredeyren of sylver of Parysse towche, not gylt, weying of Troy weyth ----[63-1] unces, and also a gret chargeour of sylver of Parysse towche, not gylt, weying of Troy weyth ----[63-1] unces, to have and to hold to the seid William, his eyres, excecutores, and assignes, as his own godes for ever. And also we wytnesse that we ware also present whan, for a serteyn som of mony to be payd be the seid William Paston, whereof a parte be comenawnt was payd be the seid William Paston to the seid Sir Thomas Howys, and a parte to on Edmond Holkham, and the remenaunt was payd to one Margret Holkham, syster to the seid Edmond; and so the seid William Paston had clerly payed all the seid mony. The seid Thomas Howse and William Wyssetyr bargayned, sold, and graunted to the seid William Paston, his eyres, exsecutores, and assignes, in fee sympille for ever, a tenement called Methis, otherwyse called Holkham, with alle the londes and tenementes, rentes and servyces, free or bond, and with all the apportenaunces ther to belongyng, in the town of Cayster ond oder townnys adjoynyng with inne the seid cownte of Norffolk, and delyvered to the seid [William] Paston and to his assignes a state of all the seid tenementes, londes, rentes, and servyces, with all the seid aportenaunces . . . . . . . sold and bargayned to the seid William Paston alle suche londes, rente, and servyces as the seid Sir John Fastolf . . . . . . . . or be the ryght of ony manere that he or ony man to his use had in possession, or that the seid Thoma[s] . . . . . . . ony other be the reson that they were feffes of trust of the seid John Fastolf had or claymed to have . . . . . . . or claymed to have to be yssant or chargeabill oute or upon the seid tenement called Methe[s] . . . . . . . . . . londes, tenementes, rentes, servyces at ony tyme afore or than longyng to the seid tenement or owt . . . . . . . a manere called Hornynghall, with the apportenaunces, late Clerys, in the seid town of Castyr, to have [and to hold to the said William] Paston, his eyres and assygnes, the seid lond, rent, and servyce for ever mor. And utterly be ther dede and . . . . . . . . . . . . . and dyscharged the seid William Paston, his eyres and his assygnes for yeldyng of payment of ony . . . . . . . . . . servyce; and also dyscharged all the seid tenement and the seid manere, and alle oder the premysses, with alle the . . . . . . . . . . as now have or shalle here aftir be possessoneres of the seid tenement or manere with the aportenaunces . . . . . . . . . . more. Alle whiche mater afore rehersid, and every parte therof, we, the seid William Barker and Margre[t Wyssetyr . . . . . . . ] trew, and we, and iche one of us, will at alle tyme be redy to wytnesse and depose the same be ony suche . . . . . . . . . persones outh to do or may do afore ony Juge Spyrytualle or Temperall as we will answer a fore God [at the dreadful] day of Dome. In wytnesse wherof we, the seid William Barker and Margret Wyssetyr, to this present have sett to our [sealles]. Wretyn the ----[64-1] day of the ----[64-1] yer of the reyn of Kyng.[64-2] (L. S.) (L. S.) [Footnote 61-1: [Add. Charter 17,256, B.M.] This declaration was drawn up after the death of William Worcester, and perhaps after that of William Paston also. The exact date of Worcester’s death is uncertain. We only know that he was alive as late as 1480, when he visited Oxford on his travels and measured some of the churches there (_see_ his _Itinerarium_, 296), and that he was dead in Richard III.’s time. The document, however, may be conveniently placed at the end of the reign of Edward IV. The original MS. is a sheet of paper mutilated on the right-hand side towards the end. The seals of William Barker and Margaret Worcester are attached by tails of parchment to a parchment binding at the bottom. On the back is written in a more modern hand:--‘A Testymonyall that William Paston, Gent., was kinsman to Sir Jo. Fastolf, and other matters within concernyng the landes somtyme Holhams in Caster, afterwardes the sayd William Paston.’] [Footnote 63-1: Blank in original.] [Footnote 64-1: Blanks in MS.] [Footnote 64-2: So in MS.] 986 ABSTRACT[65-1] W. BARKER TO [MARGARET PASTON?] Begs her ‘maystrasshipp’ to inform his rightworshipful master of the conduct of Master Keche at Wetyng, who on Monday means to be there with a great fellowship. [This letter is unimportant, but as being written by William Barker it may conveniently be placed after the last No., although probably addressed to Margaret Paston, and if so, most likely during the life of her husband. It appears by inquisition _post-mortem_, 1 Edw. IV., No. 46, that Elizabeth, Countess of Oxford, held the manor of Weting in Feltwell of the Duke of Norfolk.] [Footnote 65-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]] 987 JOHN PASTON’S BOOKS[65-2] _The Inventory off Englysshe Boks off John . . . . . made the v. daye of Novembre, anno regni Regis E. iiij. . . . ._ 1. A boke had off myn ostesse at the George . . . . off _the Dethe off Arthr begynyng at Cassab[elaun, Guy Earl of] Warwyk, Kyng Ri. Cur de Lyon, a Cronic[le] . . . . . to Edwarde the iij._, prec. . . . 2. Item, a Boke of Troylus whyche William Bra . . . . . hath hadde neer x. yer, and lent it to Dame . . . . Wyngfelde, and _ibi ego vidi_; valet . . . . . 3. Item, a blak Boke with _the Legende off Lad[ies_, _la Belle Dame] saunce Mercye_, _the Parlement off Byrd[es_, _the Temple of] Glasse_, _Palatyse and Scitacus_, _the Me[ditations of . . . . ] the Greene Knyght_; valet,-- 4. Item, a Boke in preente off the Pleye off the [Chess]. 5. Item, a Boke lent Midelton, and therin is _Bele Da[me sans] Mercy_, _the Parlement of Byrds_, _Balade . . . . . . off Guy and Colbronde_, _off the Goos th . . . . . _, _the Dysputson bytwyen Hope and Dyspeyr_, . . . . . . _Marchaunts_, _the Lyffe of Seynt Cry[stofer]_. 6. A reede Boke that Percyvall Robsart gaff m[e] . . . . . . . . _off the medis off the Masse_, _the Lamentacion . . . . . . . . off Chylde Ypotis_, _a Preyer to the Vernyclr_ . . . . . . . . callyd _the Abbeye off the Holy Goost_, . . . . . . . . 7. Item, in quayers:--Tully _de Senectute_ in . . . . . . . . . . wheroff ther is no mor cleer wretyn . . . . . . . 8. Item, in quayers:--Tully, or Cypio,[66-1] _de Ami[citia]_[66-2] leffte with William Worcester; valet . . . . . . 9. Item, in qwayers, a Boke of the Polecye of In . . . . . 10. Item, in qwayers, a Boke _de Sapiencia_ . . . . . . wherin the ij. parson is liknyd to Sapi[ence] . . . . . 11. Item, a Boke de Othea,[66-3] text and glose, valet . . . . . . in quayers. * * * Memorandum,[66-4] myn olde Boke off Blasonyngs off a[rms]. Item, the nywe Boke portrayed and blasoned. Item, a copy off Blasonyngs off armys and th . . . names to be fownde by letter. Item, a Boke with armys portrayed in paper . . . . . Memorandum, my Boke of Knyghthod and the man[er] off makyng off Knyghts, off Justs, off Tor[neaments] ffyghtyng in lystys, paces holden by so[ldiers] . . . . . and chalenges, statuts off weer, and de _Regim[ine Principum]_, valet . . . . . . . . . Item, a Boke off nyw Statuts ffrom Edward the iiij. [Footnote 65-2: [From Fenn, ii. 300.] This is a catalogue of the books either of John Paston the younger or of John Paston, Knight, most probably the former, drawn up in the reign of Edward IV., but owing to the decay of the original MS. we cannot tell in what year. It certainly could not have been earlier than 1475, when _The Game and Play of the Chess_ was first printed by Caxton. It is in itself a remarkable thing that the expression ‘in print’ should have got into use even during the reign of Edward IV.; but one may suppose that such an expression could hardly have been current for at least a year or two after the first printed book appeared. We therefore, without deciding the year, place the paper at the end of King Edward’s reign.] [Footnote 66-1: _Quære_, if Cypio is not a mistake from ‘Somnium Scipionis,’ a piece which is usually printed with the ‘de Amicitia,’ and probably accompanied it in this manuscript.--F.] [Footnote 66-2: It is a curious circumstance that this book should be here mentioned as left with William Worcester, who with the assistance of John Tiptoft, Earl of Worcester, and John Phrea or Free, a monk of Bristol, translated it.--F.] [Footnote 66-3: _See_ vol. v. p. 3, Note 1.] [Footnote 66-4: These further memoranda seem to have been added at a later period, probably in the reign of Henry VII., as the last entry is of ‘a book of new statutes from Edward IV.’] [Transcriber’s Note: In the lists of book titles, all commas are editorial (Gairdner) but the titles are separately underlined in the MS.] [[3. _... the Greene / Knyght_; valet,-- _“valet” printed in italic type: corrected to match MS_ 5. _... saunce Mercye_, _the Parlement off ..._ _comma missing_ _... Marchaunts_, _the Lyffe of Seynt Cry[stofer]_ _text has “Marehaunts”: corrected from Fenn and MS_]] 988 VERSES BY A LADY[67-1] _Verses written by a Lady in the reign of Henry VI. or Edward IV. to an absent Lord with whom she was in love._ My ryght good lord, most knyghtly gentyll knyght, On to your grace in my most humbyll wyse, I me comand, as it is dew and ryght, Besechyng yow at leyser to advise Upon thys byll, and pardon myn empryse, Growndyd on foly, for lak of provydence, On to your lordshep to wryght with owght lycence. But wher a man is with a fevyr shake, Now hot, now cold, as fallyth by aventure, He in hys mynd conjecte wyll, and take The nyghest meane to worche hys cuyre, More pacyently hys peynys to endure; And ryght so I, so it yow not dysplease, Wryght in thys wyse my peynys to apease. For when I cownt and mak a reknyng Betwyx my lyfe, my dethe, and my desyer, My lyfe, alas! it servyth of no thyng Sythe with your partyng, depertyd my plesyer. Wyshyng your presence setyth me on fyer; But then your absence dothe my hert so cold, That for the peyne I not[68-1] me wher to hold. O owght on absence, ther foolys have no grace, I mene mysylf, nor yet no wytt to gwye Theym owt of peyne to com on to that place, Wher as presence may shape a remedye; For al dysease, now fye on my folye, For I dyspeyryd am of your soone metyng, That God I prey me to your presence bryng. Farwell, my lord, for I may wryght no more, So trowblyd is my hert with hevynesse; Envye also, it grewyth me most sore, That thys rude byll shall put hym sylf in presse[68-2] To se your lordshepe of hys presumptuousnesse Er I my sylf; but yett ye shall not mysse To have my hert to for my byll, I wys. Whyche I comytt and all my hole servyse Into your hands, demeane it as you lyst; Of it I kepe[68-3] to have no more franchyse Then I hertlesse swyrly me wyst, Savyng only that it be as tryst,[68-4] And to yow trew as evyr was hert, and pleyn Tyll cruell dethe depart yt up on tweyn. Adew dysport, farwell good companye, In all thys world ther is no joye I weene; For ther as whyleom I sye with myn iee, A lusty lord leepyng upon a grene, The soyle is soole, no knyghts ther be seen, No ladyse walk ther they wer wont to doone; Alas, some folk depertyd hense to soone. Some tyme also men myght a wageor make, And with ther bowys a ffeld have it tryed, Or at the Paame ther, ther plesure for to take, Then wer they loose, that now stand as tyed, I not[69-1] wher to thys world may be aplyed; For all good cher on evyn and on morow, Whyche then was made, now tornyth me to sorow. [Footnote 67-1: [From Fenn, ii. 304.] It is not apparent by whom these verses were written, or to what lord they were addressed. They may have been from the Countess of Oxford to her husband after he escaped abroad in 1471 (_see_ vol. v., No. 775). Or they may have been the production of Lydgate writing in the name of a lady parted from her lord. We place them, as Fenn did, for convenience, at the end of the letters of Edward’s time.] [Footnote 68-1: ‘I not’ stands for ‘I ne wot,’ or ‘I wot not,’ that is, _I know not_.] [Footnote 68-2: Readiness.--F.] [Footnote 68-3: I care.--F.] [Footnote 68-4: _Quære_, whether this means _sorrowful_ or _trusty_.--F.] [Footnote 69-1: _See_ Note 1 on last page.] 989-991 ABSTRACTS[69-2] The letters following are all probably of the reign of Edward IV., but their dates are quite uncertain. [Footnote 69-2: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]] 989. J. PASTON [OF GELSTON] TO RICHARD CROFT Will not venture to ride in this weather, not being well at ease. Sends three bills of John Calle and Robert Salle’s receipts and payments brought by the former. Cannot find the new fermall of Caster here, so he has given the bearer the key of his coffer at Yarmouth. If you would ride with him, I think you will find it there. Agrees to John Wynne’s bills, desiring to be allowed £5 for Byshoppis of Yarmouth, and for herring delivered to my cousin Loveday; but John Wynne must not sell my farm barley to pay them, as I wish all the barley in his charge malted for my Lord Mountjoy. I send a warrant for the sheriff to warn the persons in Flegge and Yarmouth impanelled between the King and me to be at Thetford assizes on Wednesday next. Give it to Simon Garrard. Norwich, Wednesday. 990. SIR THOMAS HERT TO HIS WORSHIPFUL MISTRESS, [MARGARET PASTON?] Giving her an account of the numbers of her sheep and lambs at Sparham from Drayton and Taverham, and those with the shepherd at Heylesdon. Heylisdon, Thursday before Lady Day the Nativity.[69-3] [Under this letter is written in a modern hand--‘37 Hen. 6,’ but this date is certainly too early. Thomas Hert was Vicar of Stalham in 1482.] [Footnote 69-3: The Nativity of St. Mary the Virgin, 8th September.] 991. JOHN DOWNYNG TO EDMUND PASTON Is a simple servant of his mother and miller of Wood Mill. Complains of Will. Sybbeson, whom Edmund Paston well knows to have been ‘defawtyf in many other thyngs,’ and who embezzles wheat and rye, and prevents him getting any good of a close he holds of Paston’s mother. North Walsham, Thursday before St. Brice.[70-1] [Some memoranda of receipts are written across the back.] [Footnote 70-1: St. Brice’s Day is 13th November.] THE PASTON LETTERS _Edward V._ 992 RICHARD, DUKE OF GLOUCESTER, TO LORD NEVILL[71-1] _To my Lorde Nevyll, in hast._ [Sidenote: 1483 / JUNE 11] My Lorde Nevyll, I recommaunde me to you as hartely as I can; and as ever ye love me, and your awne weale and securty, and this Realme, that ye come to me with that ye may make, defensably arrayde, in all the hast that ys possyble, and that ye wyll yef credence to . . . . . Richarde Ratclyff, thys beerrer, whom I nowe do sende to you, enstructed with all my mynde and entent. And, my lord, do me nowe gode servyce, as ye have always befor don, and I trust nowe so to remember you as shalbe the makyng of you and yours. And God sende you goode fortunes. Wrytten att London, xj. day of Jun, with the hande of your hertely lovyng cousyn and master, R. GLOUCESTER. [Footnote 71-1: [From Fenn, v. 302.] This letter was not a part of the Paston correspondence, but was printed by Fenn in the series as a letter of much historical interest from a copy given him by the Rev. John Brand, secretary to the Society of Antiquaries. The following memoranda accompanied the copy:-- ‘Extract from an ancient MS. of pedigrees, etc., in quarto, late in the possession of Sir Walter Blackett, Bart., and now the property of John Erasmus Blackett, Esq., Alderman of Newcastle-upon-Tyne; p. 333, under title of “_A Coppie of some Letters which were found in Rabie Castle after the Rebellion, to shew the fashion . . . . of those times_.” The above MS. is of the date of James I., though there are several continuations in a more modern hand. ‘This copy has doubtless been a transcript of an original letter of the Duke of Gloucester, afterwards King Richard III., and written just before his seizure of the crown. ‘Raby Castle is in the county of Durham.’ Fenn adds that it does not appear clearly who this Lord Nevill was. But as the letter was found in Raby Castle after the great rebellion of the Earls of Northumberland and Westmoreland, in 1569, it was evidently addressed to one of that family of Nevills, the heads of which were Earls of Westmoreland. In 1483 the Earl of Westmoreland’s name was Ralph Nevill, but he died in the year following, and was succeeded in the title by Ralph, son and heir of his brother, John, Lord Nevill, who was slain at Towton. It was this Ralph, then heir-presumptive to the earldom, who is here called Lord Nevill. He had got his father’s attainder reversed in 1472, and his title of Lord Nevill was recognised. _See_ G. Ele’s _Peerage_, viii. 112.] 993 ELIZABETH, DUCHESS OF SUFFOLK, TO JOHN PASTON[72-1] _On to Jan Paston, in haste._ [Sidenote: Not after 1483] Mastyr Paston, I pray yow that it may plese yow to leve yowr logeyng for iij. or foro days tyl I may be porved of anodyr, and I schal do as musche to yowr plesyr. For Godys sake, say me not nay; and I pray yow rekomaund me to my Lord Chambyrleyn. Yowr frend, ELIZABETH. [Footnote 72-1: [From Fenn, ii. 292.] This is a holograph letter of Elizabeth, Duchess of Suffolk, the sister of Edward IV. There can be little doubt that the Lord Chamberlain referred to is the Lord Hastings who has been very frequently mentioned in this correspondence; and if so, the letter cannot be later than 1483, as he was beheaded in that year on the 13th June, by order of the Protector Richard, Duke of Gloucester. We may therefore place it for convenience among the letters of Edward V.’s time, though undoubtedly it may be a few years earlier. Facsimiles of the original, both back and front, are given by Fenn. It is endorsed in the hand of John Paston, the younger (certainly not in that of his brother Sir John, as Fenn supposed)--‘Littra Ducisse Suff.’] THE PASTON LETTERS _Richard III._ 994 JOHN, DUKE OF NORFOLK, TO JOHN PASTON[73-1] _To my right welbeloved frynde, John Paston, be this delivred in hast._ [Sidenote: 1483 / OCT. 10] Right welbeloved frynde, I comaunde me to you. It is soo that the Kentysshmen be up in the weld, and sey that they wol come and robbe the cite, which I shall lett yf I may. Therefore I pray you that with alle diligence ye make you redy and com hidder, and bring with you six talle felaws in harnesse, and ye shall not lyse yowr labour, that knoweth God, Whoo have you in His keping. Written at London, the x^th day of October. Yowr frend, J. NORFFOLK. [Footnote 73-1: [From Fenn, ii. 314.] Sir John Howard was created Duke of Norfolk on the 28th June 1483, and was killed in the battle of Bosworth on the 22nd August 1485. This letter seems to have been written in October 1483, when it first became known that a series of insurrections were about to take place in different counties, of which the Duke of Buckingham was the principal leader. It was on the 12th October, just two days after this letter was written, that King Richard himself at Lincoln heard of Buckingham’s intended treason.] 995 ABSTRACT[74-1] [Sidenote: 1484] Proviso to be inserted in an Act of Parliament in favour of Margaret, widow of John Paston, touching her right to the manor of Castre. Below is written--‘Guy Fayrefax, Knyght, [Ric. Pygot, one of the King’s Serjeants of the Law,][74-2] and Roger Townesend, [another of][74-2] the King’s Serjeants of the Law. [This proviso must have been drawn up in connection with some measure that was to have come before the Parliament of January 1484. Earlier it cannot be, as Roger Townesend was not appointed King’s Serjeant till June 1483; and as Margaret Paston died in November 1484, it could not possibly be later.] [Footnote 74-1: [From a MS. in the Bodleian Library.]] [Footnote 74-2: Scored out.] 996 ABSTRACT[74-3] [Sidenote: 1484 / FEB. 8] Release by John, Duke of Norfolk, and William, Earl of Nottingham, kinsman and heir of John, late Duke of Norfolk, to John Paston, Esq., brother and heir of Sir John Paston, Knight, of all right and title in the manor of Caister called Redehams, Vawx, and Bosouns by Great Yarmouth, of which Sir John Paston was disseised unjustly by the said late Duke. [Footnote 74-3: From a Document transcribed by Sandford in his Genealogy of the Paston Family, and printed by Mr. Worship in the _Norfolk Archæology_.] 997 THE DUKE OF SUFFOLK TO THOMAS JEFFREYS[74-4] The Duc of Suffolk. _To Thomas Jeffreys our ffermour of Maundevills, greting._ [Sidenote: 1484 / MAY 1] We wole and streitly charge you that ye content and paie unto the bringer herof for money imployed in our houshold thre pound threttenne shillings and foure pens for such stuff as we our owne person have promysed, and not to be failed upon our worship. Of the which some of lxxiij_s._ iiij_d._ so by you contented and paied, we wole and also stretly charge our auditors for the tyme being, by virtu of this our writing, signed with our hand, to make you dew and pleyn allowaunce at your next accompt. At Wingfeld, the first day of May in the first yer of Kyng Richard the III^{de}. SUFFOLK. And ffayle not on peyn [of] losyng off yor fferme. [Footnote 74-4: [From Fenn, ii. 316.]] 998 COMPLAINTS OF JOHN PASTON AGAINST HIS UNCLE WILLIAM[75-1] [Sidenote: 1484] All so the seyde John Paston, now compleynaunt, seyth that John Paston, fadyr off the same John, was seased off the maner callyd Hollwellhawe, wyth th’appurtenaunces in Estodenham, joyntly wyth all the londis, tenementes, rentes, and services, whyche sume tyme were John Jerham, Ewstase Rows, John Davy,[75-2] vikere off the chyrche off Estodenham, ande Water Danyell, or any off thers, lyeng in the townys off Estodenham, Mateshalle, Mateshalebergh, and othir townys adjoynyng, ande off all the londis and tenementes, rentes, services, and lybertes wyth ther appurtenaunces callyd Toleys, lyeng in the townys off Wymondham and Carleton and othir townys adyoynyng, whyche sume tyme were William Thuxston; and off the scite off on mese [_messuage_] wyth a pece londe lyenge in a croffte to the same mese adyoynyng, wyche is accomptyde xiiij. acres off londe wyth th’appurtenaunces, callyd Colneys, othyr wys callyd Whynnes in Carleton ----[75-3] in hys demeane as off ffee; ande so beyng seased ther off, up on trust enffeffede William Yelverton, Justys, John Fastolff, Knyght, Myles Stapelton, Knyght, and othir, to be hadde to them and theyr heyrs for ever, be the fores wher off they were ther off seased in theyr demeane as off ffee, ande afftyr the seyd ffeffment in forme afforseyd mad, the seyd John Paston the fadyr disseassed. The ryght off the whyche maner, londis, tenementes, and othir the premysses, afftyr the desses of the seyd John the fadyr, owith to come to the seyd John, now compleynaunt, as sone and heyr off the seyd John Paston, ffor as myche as the seyd John the fadyr made no wylle nor mencyon of the aforseyd maner, londis, tenementes, nor off othir the premysses, whyche maner, londis, and tenementes, and othir the premysses the seyd William Paston hath, and agenst the cours of the lawe ocupyeth. Item, the seid John requerith an astate to be takyn in those londys lymyted to William the sone for deffaut off issu off Clement Paston by the will of there fadir accordyng to the seid will, as well as in those londis that ar or shuld be purchased with the m^l. [1000] mark accordyng to th’endentur mad by twyn th’executors of William Paston, Justice, that is to sey, to the seid William the son, and to the eyres of his body, and for defaute of yssue of his bodye, to remayn to th’eyers of William Paston, Justice, which the seid John is. All so the seyd John Paston, now compleynaunt, seyth that ther be decayed at Marlyngfford and Oxenhed be meane off th’enterupsion off the seyd William tweyn water melles, wher off iche was letyn ffor x. marke be yer. And all so othir howsyng be the same ockasion at Oxenhed, Marlyngfford, Stansted, and Orwelbury decayed to the hurt off the seyd John Paston off v. C. [500] mark whech the seyd John Paston desyreth to be recompensede. Item, the seid John axith of the seid William for wast don in the maner of Paston for lak of reparacion, xl_li._ Item, the seid William hath takyn awey owth of the maners of John Paston, that is to sey, of hes maners of Paston, Oxened, Marlyngford, Stansted, and Horwelburye, siche stoff and greynys, catell and hotilementis of the seid maners as were agreyd be the executors of the seyd William Paston, Justyse, to be left and latyn with the seid maners to the value of xl_li._ Item, the seid John axith to be restored to all the evydence longyng to the maners aforesaid and other the premysses which the seid William wrongfully witholdith. Item, the seid John axith to hys possession which he hath of [and] in the maner of Caster and other maners adyongnyng, the relesse of all such title and interest as the seid William hath be wey of feffement in the foresaid maner and maners, in like forme as other his cofeffes have in tyme past relassed to Sir John Paston, whoos eyre the seid John is. Also, the seid John Paston desireth the performance of diverse comenauntis and articles conteyned in diverse indentures and writynges mad be the avise of the reverend fadir in God, William, Bisschoppe of Lyncolne,[76-1] supervisour of the testement of the seid William Paston, Justice, bytwix th’executors of the same William Paston for kepyng of the trewe intent and will of the seid William Paston, Justice, as by the same indentures and writynges redye to be schewed more pleynlye shall appere, the entent and performance of which writyng is interupted and brokyn by the seid William Paston and his meanys to the hurt and damage off the seyd John Paston, now compleynaunt off ----.[76-2] Item, the seid William hath, contray to trouuth and conscience, vexed and trouubled and put to cost and charge the seid John nowe be the space of v. yer saffe a quarter,[76-3] and hath distorbede the same John to take and perceyve th’issus and profetes off the same maners, to the hurt and damage off the seyd John in defendyng of his right off and in the maners afforeseyd of ij. m^l. mark, besyde greffe, gret labour and disseace that the seid John hath dayly be putt onto by th’okcasion afforseyd.[77-1] Item, accordyng to the will of William Paston, Justice, the seid John axith to be restored to parth of such goodis as hath ben dispendid by John Paston the fader, Sir John Paston, and the seid John nowe compleynaunt, in defence, kepyng, and recoveryng of such londis as were William Paston, Justice, which draweth above the summa of m^l_li._ Item, where on ----[77-2] Lomnor had a cofur in kepyng and and D.m^l. mark in the same be extymasion to the use of John Paston, fadir of the forsayed Sir John and John, the seid William Paston fraudelently atteyned the seid cofur wyth the seyd sume of money after the dissece of the seid John the fadir, and had it in his kepyng serteyn dayes, and did with it his pleasur unknowyn to the seid Sir John Paston and John Paston, his brother; and after at Herry Colettes[77-3] house the seid William brought the seid cofur to the seid John Paston, Knyght, and there openyd the seid cofur, where was then lefte but CC. old noblis which wer by extymacion in value C_li._ And the seid William toke ther the seid gold awey with hym, ageyn the will of seid Sir John, and witholdith the same, whereof the seyd John preyeth to be restored. Item, the seid William atteynyd and gate a payer of basons of silver and parte or all gilt from the seid Sir John Paston and John Paston, now compleynaunt, abouuth such season as he toke the cofur and coyne aforerehersed, which basons were in value C. mark; and the seid William yet witholdith the seid basons, to the whyche the seyd John preyeth also to be restored. Item, the seid William gate in to his possession a charger of silver in value x. marke, and iij. bollys of silver that were in kepyng of Bacheler Water, a Frier Carmelit of Norwich, to th’entent that a certeyn coost shuld have ben doon upon the liberarye of the Friers Carmelites aforesaid for the sowlis of William Paston, Justice, and Augnes, his wiff; which charger and bollys the seid William yet withholdith and kepith to his owne use, and therfore the seid charges ar not fulfylled. Item, the seid John axith restitucion of suche inportable charges as the seid William hathe put the forsaid Sir John onto by the space of many yeres, as in plesures doyng and rewardis, which apperith by writyng of the hande of the seid Sir John; which pleasures and charges the seid Sir John was constreyned to doo in defence of the seid William; wher of the seid John axeth to have amendys of C^l. mark. Item, by the occacion and meanys of the seid William, the seid Sir John was constreyned to lende onto the Reverende Fadere in God, George, late Archebsschop of York[77-4] m^l. mark, which was nat payed ageyn by the summa of C_li._ The seid John axith to be restorid ther of. Item, the seid William hath fellyd tymbre and wodys in the maners of the seid John, that is to sey, the maners of Oxened and Marlyngford, to the hurth of the seid John of xx_li._ Item, the seyd John Paston, compleynaunt, axith to be restoryd to alle syche money as hathe be takyn and dyspendyd by alle siche persones as have ben assigned by meanes of the seyd Wylliam to distorbe and interupt the seyd John, compleynaunt, of hys ryght, tyghtyll, possessyon, entrest, of and in the maners, londis, and tenementes, and other the premysses dwryng the seyd v. yer sauff a quarter, as well as to all syche money as hathe ben dyspendyd dwryng the seyd v. yer sauff a quarter by the servauntys of the seyd compleynaunt by hym assigned to tery and abyd up on the seyd maners, londes, and tenementes, and other the premysses ther, to kepe the possessyon of the seyd compleynaunt, whyche extendith to the some of xl_li._ and above. Item, the seyd John, compleynaunt, axith to be restoryd to all syche money as hathe bene receyved by meanys of the seyd William, dwryng the seyd v. yer sauff a quarter, of syche as ar or have ben fermors or tenauntes of the maners, londis, and tenementis aforseyd duryng the seyd season, as well as to all syche money as is not levyable of dyvers of the seyd fermors and tenauntes fallyn in poverte sythe the trowblows season of the v. yer sauff a quarter befor rehersed, whyche extendeth to the some of CC_li._ or above. [Footnote 75-1: [From Add. Charter 17,257, B.M.] It appears from the contents that this paper must have been drawn up nearly five years after Sir John Paston’s death. It is a corrected draft, apparently of a Bill in Chancery, and some of the corrections are in Sir John Paston’s hand.] [Footnote 75-2: He was vicar of East Tuddenham from 1398 to 1434.] [Footnote 75-3: Blank in MS.] [Footnote 76-1: William Alnwick, Bishop of Lincoln, who died in 1449.] [Footnote 76-2: Blank in MS.] [Footnote 76-3: Originally written ‘a yere and more,’ and corrected.] [Footnote 77-1: This paragraph is very much corrected.] [Footnote 77-2: Blank in MS.] [Footnote 77-3: Father of the celebrated Dean Colet.] [Footnote 77-4: George Nevill, Archbishop of York, died on the 8th June 1476.] [[Lomnor had a cofur in kepyng and and D.m^l. mark _text unchanged: “and and” duplicated at mid-line_ George, late Archebsschop of York _spelling unchanged_ Footnote 75-3 _footnote text has “4” for “3”_]] 999 MARGERY PASTON TO JOHN PASTON[78-1] _To my ryght worschipful husbond, John Paston._ [Sidenote: 1484(?) / DEC. 24] Ryght worschipful husbond, I recomaund me onto you. Plese it you to wete that I sent your eldest sunne to my Lady Morlee[78-2] to have knolage wat sports wer husyd in her hows in Kyrstemesse next folloyng aftyr the decysse of my lord, her husbond; and sche seyd that ther wer non dysgysyngs, ner harpyng, ner lutyng, ner syngyn, ner non lowde dysports, but pleyng at the tabyllys, and schesse, and cards. Sweche dysports sche gave her folkys leve to play and non odyr. Your sunne dede hese heyrne [_errand_] ryght wele as ye shal her aftyr this. I sent your yonger sunne to the Lady Stabylton,[79-1] and sche seyd acordyng to my Lady Morlees seyng in that, and as sche hadde seyn husyd in places of worschip[79-2] ther as sche hathe beyn. I pray you that ye woll asur to your some man at Caster to kepe your botry, for the mane that ye lefte with me woll not take upon hym to breve[79-3] dayly as ye commandyt. He seyth he hath not usyd to geve a rekenyng nothyr of bred nor alle [_ale_] tyll at the wekys end; and he seyth he wot well that he shuld not condenyth [_give satisfaction_] and therfor I soposse he shall not abyd, and I trow ye shall be fayne to purveye another man for Symond, for ye har never the nerer a wysse man for hym. I ham sory that ye shall not [be] at hom be for Crystemes. I pray you that ye woll come as sone as ye may. I shall thynke myself halfe a wedow, because ye shal not be at home, &c. God have you in Hys kepyng. Wretyn on Crestemes Evyn. By yor, M. P. [Footnote 78-1: [From Fenn, ii. 330.] Fenn supposes with great probability that this letter was written in 1484, the year of Margaret Paston’s death. No earlier date is possible, seeing that even in 1484 John Paston’s eldest son was only in his seventh year, and he had at the date of this letter two sons capable of being sent on messages; so that, if anything, we should be inclined to put it later. But we know of no later death in the family that could have occasioned the writing of such a letter, and the time of Margaret Paston’s death and of the proving of her will agree very well with Fenn’s hypothesis. From the calendar prefixed to an old MS. missal in the possession of the late Mr. C. W. Reynell, I found that she died on the 4th November 1484. Her will was proved at Norwich on the 18th December following.] [Footnote 78-2: Widow of William Lovel, Lord Morley, who died the 26th of July 1476.--F.] [Footnote 79-1: Sir Miles Stapleton died in 1466. His widow Catherine seems to have married in the following year Sir Richard Harcourt of Ellenhale (Blomefield, ix. 321), but, according to a practice not uncommon at that time, she may have retained the name of Lady Stapleton.] [Footnote 79-2: ‘Places of worship’; _i.e._, in families of distinction.] [Footnote 79-3: To make up accounts.] 1000 ABSTRACT[79-4] STANSTED AND HARWELLBURY [Sidenote: 1484(?)] The manor of Stansted is in the county of Suffolk. The estate of this manor passed not by the deed that the estate was taken by at Huntingfeld, in Norf.,[80-1] but I claim this manor by my mother’s gift. ‘This manor is but a mile from Clopton’s and not far from Smalbrigge, where your Grace is now.’ John Barell is farmer of this manor, who, when I came to your Grace just after my mother’s death, confessed before your servants, Piers Rumbold and William Smyth, that he was privy of mine estate in my mother’s days, and took the farm of me at that time. ‘Madam, this is the man ye sent your servant W. Smyth to, for to keep the possession there; and after he had tarried there awhile he took a promise of the farmer that he should pay no money to nobody without commandment from your Grace; contrary to which promise, by the favour of some folks that your Grace can deem, he hath paid my nephew a £10 or £20.’ I think, Madam, you need send no man to keep possession there; but your Grace might send a servant thither to show the tenants your displeasure, inasmuch as he hath broken his promise with your Grace, and threaten to distrain. The manor of Harwellbury is in Hertfordshire, four miles from your manor of Weston Baldok[80-2] and two from Roiston. This manor also passed not by the estate taken in Norfolk, not being in the same shire. Of this manor ‘he’[80-3] received no money, for the farmers are true and fear not his threats. The manor is worth £8. [Footnote 79-4: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This is a paper of notes relating to the manors of Stansted in Suffolk and Harwellbury in Herts, addressed to a lady who is styled ‘Madam’ and ‘your Grace,’ and who, though not named, was undoubtedly the Duchess of Norfolk. Compare No. 962. The writer is perhaps John Paston of Gelston; in which case the date must be after 1484, as he speaks of his mother as being dead. More probably it was his uncle William, and John Paston is the nephew referred to in the paper itself. But even in that case the document cannot be five years earlier, as Agnes Paston died in 1479.] [Footnote 80-1: Should be Suffolk.] [Footnote 80-2: The Dukes of Norfolk of the family of Mowbray owned this manor.] [Footnote 80-3: The writer’s nephew?] [[Footnote 79-4 the document cannot be five years earlier _printed as shown: missing “over”, “more than” or similar?_]] 1001 PROCLAMATION AGAINST HENRY TUDOR[81-1] R. R. Ricardus, etc. salutem. Precipimus tibi, etc. [Sidenote: 1485 / JUNE 23] Forasmoche as the Kyng our sovereign Lord hath certeyn knowlege that Piers, Bisshop of Exeter,[81-2] Jasper Tydder,[81-3] son of Owen Tydder, callyng hymself Erle of Pembroke, John, late Erle of Oxon,[81-4] and Sir Edward Wodevyle,[81-5] with other dyvers his rebelles and traytours, disabled and atteynted by the auctorite of the High Court of Parlement, of whom many be knowen for open murdrers, advoutrers [_adulterers_], and extorcioners, contrary to the pleasure of God, and a yenst all trouth, honour, and nature, have forsakyn there naturall contrey, takyng them first to be under th’obeisaunce of the Duke of Bretayn,[81-6] and to hym promysed certeyn thyngs whiche by him and his counsell were thought thynggs to gretly unnaturall and abominable for them to graunt, observe, kepe, and perfourme, and therfore the same utterly refused. The seid traytours,[82-1] seyng[82-2] the seid Duke and his counsell wolde not aide nor socour theym ner folowe there wayes, privily departed oute of his contrey in to Fraunce, and[82-3] there takyng theym to be under the obeisaunce of the Kynggs auncient enemy, Charlys,[82-4] callyng hymself Kyng of Fraunce, and to abuse and blynde the comons of this seid Realme, the seid rebelles and traitours have chosyn to be there capteyn one Henry Tydder,[82-5] son of Edmond Tydder, son of Owen Tydder,[82-6] whiche of his ambicioness and insociable[82-7] covetise[82-8] encrocheth[82-9] and usurpid[82-10] upon hym the name and title of royall astate of this Realme of Englond, where unto he hath no maner interest, right, title, or colour, as every man wele knowyth;[82-11] for he is discended of bastard blood bothe of ffather side and of mother side, for the seid Owen the graunfader was bastard borne, and his moder was doughter unto John, Duke of Somerset, son unto John, Erle of Somerset, sone unto Dame Kateryne Swynford, and of ther[82-12] indouble[82-13] avoutry [_adultery_] gotyn, wherby it evidently apperith that no title can nor may [be][82-14] in hym, which fully entendeth to entre this Reame, purposyng a conquest. And if he shulde atcheve his fals entent and purpose, every man is lif, livelod, and goddes shulde be in his hands, liberte, and disposicion, wherby sholde ensue the disheretyng and distruccion of all the noble and worshipfull blode of this Reame for ever, and to the resistence and withstondyng wherof every true and naturall Englishman born must ley to his hands for his owen suerte and wele. And to th’entent that the seid Henry Tydder myght the rather atcheve his fals intent and purpose by the aide, supporte, and assistence of the Kynggs seid auncient enemy of Fraunce,[83-1] hath covenaunted and bargayned with hym and all the counsell of Fraunce to geve up and relese inperpetuite all the right, title, and cleyme that the Kyng[es] of Englond have, had, and ought to have, to the Crowne and Reame of Fraunce, to gether with the Duchies of Normandy, Anjoy, and Maygne, Gascoyn and Guyne, castell[es] and townys of Caleys, Guysnes, Hammes, with the marches apperteynyng to the same,[83-2] and discevir and exclude the armes of Fraunce oute of the armes of Englond for ever. And in more prove and shewing of his seid purpose of conquest, the seid Henry Tidder hath goven as well to dyvers of the seid Kynggs enemys as to his seid rebelles and traitours, archebisshoprikes, bisshoprikes, and other dignitees spirituels, and also the ducheez, erledomez, baronyes, and other possessions and inheritaunces of knyghts, squyres, gentilmen, and other the Kynggs true subjetts withynne the Reame, and entendith also to chaunge and subverte the lawes of the same, and to enduce and establisse newe lawes and ordenaunces amongez the Kynggs seid subjetts.[83-2] And over this, and beside the alienacions of all the premyssez into the possession of the Kynggs seid auncient enemys to the grettest anyntisshment,[83-3] shame, and rebuke that ever myght falle to this seid land, the seid Henry Tydder and others, the Kynggs rebelles and traitours aforeseid, have extended [_intended_] at there comyng, if they may be of power,[84-1] to do the most cruell murdrers, slaughterys, and roberys, and disherisons that ever were seen in eny Cristen reame. For the wich, and other inestymable daungers to be escheuved, and to th’entent that the Kynggs seid rebelles, traitours, and enemys[84-2] may be utterly put from there seid malicious and fals purpose[84-3] and sone discomforted,[84-4] if they enforce to land,[84-5] the Kyng our soveraign Lord[84-6] willith, chargeth, and comaundith all and everyche of the naturall and true subgetts of this his Reame to call the premyssez to there mynds, and like gode and true Englishmen to endover themselfs with all there powers for the defence of them, there wifs, chylderyn, and godes, and heriditaments ayenst the seid malicious purposes and conspiracions which the seid auncient enemes[84-7] have made with the Kynggs seid rebelles and traitours[84-8] for the fynall distruccion of this lande as is aforesaid. And our said soveraign Lord, as a wele willed, diligent, and coragious Prynce, wel put his moost roiall persone to all labour and payne necessary in this behalve for the resistence and subduyng of his seid enemys, rebells, and traitours[84-9] to the moost comforte, wele, and suerte of all[84-10] his true and feithfull liege men and subgetts. And over this, our seid soveraign Lord willith and comaundith all his seid subgetts to be redy in there most defensible arraye to do his Highnes servyce of werre, when thy be opyn proclamacion, or otherwise shall be comaunded so to do, for the resistence of the Kynggs seid rebelles, traitours, and enemyes. Et hoc sub periculo, &c.--T. me ipso apud Westmonasterium, xxiij. die Junij, Anno regni nostri secundo. [Footnote 81-1: [From Fenn, ii. 318.] The MS., as Fenn tells us, was endorsed in an ancient hand, ‘Kent Cherfys [_Sheriffs_].--Copia literæ Regis R. III. persuadentis subditos suos ad resistendum Henr’ Tydder, postea Regem Angliæ ac declarantis a quo idem Henricus descendebat.’ Another but imperfect copy of this proclamation will be found in the Harleian MS., No. 433, f. 220 b. A similar proclamation had been issued on the 7th December 1484, of which a copy will also be found in the same Harleian volume at folio 273 b. Sir Henry Ellis has also printed in his _Original Letters_ (2 Ser. i. 162) a copy of this proclamation as set forth in the original warrant for issuing it, which the King addressed to the Bishop of Lincoln as Chancellor. The MS. followed by Ellis was a transcript from one of the records formerly in the Tower. I have compared these different texts throughout with that printed by Fenn, and noted all variations that are of any consequence. The two Harleian texts I have called A. and B., the former being that of the proclamation issued on the 7th December preceding. The text printed by Ellis I have called E.] [Footnote 81-2: Peter Courtney, Bishop of Exeter, after the miscarriage of the Duke of Buckingham’s conspiracy, fled into Bretagne to the Earl of Richmond, who, after he became Henry VII., promoted this Prelate to the See of Winchester in 1486, in which he died in 1492.--F.] [Footnote 81-3: Jasper Tudor of Hatfield, half-brother to Henry VI. He was created Duke of Bedford in 1485.] [Footnote 81-4: John de Vere, Earl of Oxford, who had escaped from the Castle of Hammes.--F.] [Footnote 81-5: Sir Edward Wodevile, brother to the Queen of Edward IV.--F. The names given in text A. are ‘Piers, Bisshop of Excestre, Thomas Grey, late Marques Dorset, Jasper, late Erle of Pembroche, John, late Erle of Oxenford, and Sir Edward Widevile.’] [Footnote 81-6: Francis II., the last Duke of Bretagne, was overthrown by Charles VIII., King of France, and died in 1488.--F.] [Footnote 82-1: ‘The said traytours.’ They. A.] [Footnote 82-2: that. A. B. E.] [Footnote 82-3: ‘and’ omitted in A. B. and E.] [Footnote 82-4: Charles VIII. ascended the throne in 1483, and died in 1498.--F.] [Footnote 82-5: Henry Tudor, Earl of Richmond, who in 1483 became King of England, by the title of Henry VII.--F.] [Footnote 82-6: ‘one Herry . . . . Owen Tydder’ oon Herry late calling himself Erle of Richemond. A.] [Footnote 82-7: ‘ambicious and insaciable.’ A. B. E.] [Footnote 82-8: ‘stirred and excited by the confederacie of the Kinges said rebelles and traytours,’ added in A.] [Footnote 82-9: Here text B. comes to an end.] [Footnote 82-10: ‘usurpeth.’ E.] [Footnote 82-11: From here to the end of the paragraph is omitted in A.] [Footnote 82-12: ‘ther’ her. A.] [Footnote 82-13: This either means double adultery, that is adultery on both sides; or indubitable, undoubted adultery.--F. I suspect the true reading to be ‘and of her in double avowtry gotyn.’ It is a great question whether John, Earl of Somerset, John of Gaunt’s eldest son by Catherine Swynford, was not born during the life of her lawful husband as well as during that of John of Gaunt’s lawful wife.--See _Excerpta Historica_, 155-6.] [Footnote 82-14: Supplied from E.] [Footnote 83-1: The beginning of this sentence in A. is as follows:--‘And to th’entent to accheve the same by th’aide, support, and assistence of the Kinges seid auncyent ennemyes and of this his royaume.’] [Footnote 83-2: From the words ‘and discevir’ to the sentence beginning ‘And over this,’ all is omitted in A.] [Footnote 83-3: Aneantisement--anientised is used by Chaucer in his Tale of Melibeus, for reducing to nothing.--F.] [Footnote 84-1: ‘if they may be of power,’ omitted in A.] [Footnote 84-2: rebelles and traytours. A.] [Footnote 84-3: malicious purposes. A.] [Footnote 84-4: discomfited. A. E.] [Footnote 84-5: Or rather, made good their landing by force.--F.] [Footnote 84-6: desireth. A. E.] [Footnote 84-7: the auncyentes ennemyes of this lande. A.] [Footnote 84-8: ‘and traitours,’ omitted in A.] [Footnote 84-9: rebelles, traitours, and enemyes. A. In which text the proclamation ends with these words, and is followed by the usual words addressed to the Chancellor as his authority for making out the proclamation: ‘And thise oure lettres shall be your sufficient warrant in that behalve.’ This warrant to the Chancellor is dated ‘at oure Castell of Notyngham, the xxj. day of Juyn, the secund yere of our reigne,’ two days before the proclamation was issued.] [Footnote 84-10: and singlier. A.] [[Footnote 82-6 ‘one Herry . . . . Owen Tydder’ _body text has “Henry”: confusion with following MS. citation?_ Footnote 82-11, 82-12 Footnote 84-9, 84-10 _each pair of footnotes printed as shown_ the Kyng our soveraign Lord[84-6] willith _misplaced footnote tag? note 84-6 refers to verb_]] 1002 THE DUKE OF NORFOLK TO JOHN PASTON[85-1] _To my welbelovyd frend, John Paston, be thys byll delyveryd in hast._ [Sidenote: 1485 / AUG.] Welbelovyd frend, I cummaunde me to yow, letyng yow to undyrstond that the Kyngs enmysse be a land, and that the Kyng wold hafe set forthe as uppon Monday but only for Howre Lady Day;[85-2] but for serten he gothe forward as uppon Tewsday, for a servant of myne browt to me the sertente. Wherfor, I pray yow that ye met with me at Bery,[85-3] for, be the grace of God, I purposse to lye at Bery as uppon Tewsday nyght, and that ye brynge with yow seche company of tall men as ye may goodly make at my cost and charge, be seyd that ye have promysyd the Kyng; and I pray yow ordeyne them jakets of my levery, and I shall contente yow at your metyng with me. Yower lover, J. NORFFOLK. [Footnote 85-1: [From Fenn, ii. 334.] This letter must have been written in August 1485, some days after the landing of the Earl of Richmond, afterwards Henry VII., at Milford Haven.] [Footnote 85-2: The Assumption of Our Lady, 15th of August.] [Footnote 85-3: Bury St. Edmund’s in Suffolk.] THE PASTON LETTERS _Henry VII._ 1003 DAME ELIZABETH BROWNE TO JOHN PASTON[86-1] _To my ryght worchepfull and hertly beloved nevew, John Paston, Sqwyer._ [Sidenote: 1485 / SEPT. 23] Right worchepfull, and my ryght hertly beloved nevew, I recomand me to yow. And wher as ye desier me to send yow woord whether my brodyr John Paston, your fadyr, was with my fadyr and hys, whom God assoyle, duryng hys last syknesse and at the tyme of hys dissease at Seynt Brydis, or nowght. Nevew, I assarteyn yow upon my feythe and poore honore that I was xiiij., xv. yer or xvj. yer old, and[86-2] at Seynt Brydis with my fadyr and my modyr when my fadyrs last syknesse took hym, and tyll he was disseassid; and I dare depose befor ony persone honorable that when my fadyrs last siknesse tooke hym, my brodyr your fadyr was in Norffolk, and he came not to London tyll aftyr that my fadyr was disseassid, and that can Sir William Cootyng[86-3] and Jamys Gressham record, for they bothe were my fadyrs clerkys at that tyme. And I remembre and wot well that Jamys Gressham was with my fadyr at Seynt Brydys duryng all hys siknesse and at hys disseasse, and thys wyll I wyttnesse whyle I leve for a trowthe, as knowith God, Whom I beseche to preserve you and yours. And, nevew, I prey yow recomand to my neese your wyff, whom I wold be glad to se onys a yen in London, wher thys bylle was wretyn, signed with myn hand, and sealed with my seale [the Thursday next befor Whyghtsonday, the second yer of Kyng Richard the Thred],[87-1] the xxiij. daye of September the first yer of the reyngne of Kyng Herry the vij^{th}. Your loveing awnte, EL[IZA]BETH BROWNE. [Footnote 86-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] The MS. from which this letter is printed is not in the handwriting of Dame Eliz. Browne. It is a corrected draft in the handwriting of John Paston, with the address at the head.] [Footnote 86-2: The words ‘xiiij. ---- old, and’ are an interlineation, J. P. apparently did not know his sister’s exact age at the time and wished her to supply it.] [Footnote 86-3: Rector of Swainsthorpe from 1444 to 1450, and of Titchwell from 1450 to 1457. He was presented to the former living by Judge Paston and John Dam.] [Footnote 87-1: This date is scratched through with the pen.] [[Footnote 86-2 apparently did not know his sister’s exact age at the time _text unchanged: error for “aunt’s”?_]] 1004 ELIZABETH, COUNTESS OF SURREY, TO JOHN PASTON[87-2] _To myn ryght worshepfull cosyn, John Paston, Esquyer._ [Sidenote: 1485 / OCT. 3] Myn ryght worshipfull cosyn, I recomawnde me hertly to you, thankyng you of your greet kyndnes and lovyng disposicion towardys myn lord and me at all tymes, which I pray God I may leve to see the acquytell ther of to your plesure, prayeng you of your good continuans. Cosyn, I shewyd you myn mynde that I wolde have myn shildern to Thorpe,[87-3] wher in, God yelde you, it pleasyd you to sey that I shulde have hors of you to help to conveye them thyder; but now I undirstonde myn Lord Fitz Walter[87-4] hath dischargyd myn lordys servauntes thens, affermyng up on them that they shulde have had unfittyng langage of the Kynges Grace. Cosyn, I trust that ye and all the jentilmen of the shire, which have had knowleche of myn lordes servauntes, kan sey that her to for they have not ben of that disposicion to be lavas of theyr tungys, whan they had moore cause of booldnes than they have nowe. I wolde not have thowght myn Lord Fitzwalter wolde have takyn so ferforth displeasure for the keepyng of x. or xij. men at Thorpe; I woot weell ther exceded not iij. mees[88-1] meet, good and bad. I truste, all thow I weer a soel woman, to mayntene so many at the leeste, what so evyr I dyde moore. I trustyd to have fowndyn myn Lord Fitzwalter better lord to me, seyng whan I was wyth myn Lord of Oxenforth, up on myn desyre and request at that tyme made un to hym, he promysed me to be good lord to myn lord and me, wher of I praye you to put hym in remembrauns, trustyng yit be the meene of you to fynde hym better lord to me her aftyr. I have fownde myn Lord of Oxenforth singuler very good and kynde lord to myn lord and me, and stedefaste in hys promys, wher by he hath wonne myn lordys service as longe as he leevyth, and me to be hys trewe beedwoman terme of myn lyve; for hym I drede mooste, and yit as hyther to I fynde hym beste. I pray you good cosyn, the rather by your meane, that I may have the continuauns of hys good lordship, and to myn poore power I truste to deserve it. I pray you, cosyn, that thys byll may recomawnde [me][88-2] to myn Lady Brews and to myn cosyn, your wyf. From Mynster, in the Yle of Shepey, the iij^de day of Octobre. I pray you yeve credens to the berer of thys, and to Thomas Jenney, whan he comyth to you. [88-3]Your faythefoull cosyene, E. SURREY. [Footnote 87-2: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter must have been written either in 1485 or in 1486. Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey, was taken prisoner at the battle of Bosworth on the 22nd August 1485, and was not released from confinement till 1487, in which latter year also John Paston, to whom this letter is addressed, was knighted at the battle of Stoke on the 16th June. Most likely the letter is of the year 1485, at the beginning of the Earl’s imprisonment, and when Henry VII. had been just six weeks upon the throne.] [Footnote 87-3: In Norfolk.--F.] [Footnote 87-4: John Ratcliff, Lord Fitzwalter, who was summoned to Parliament in September 1485.] [Footnote 88-1: A mess was a party of four at dinner.] [Footnote 88-2: Omitted in MS.] [Footnote 88-3: These last words were written by the Countess, the letter by her secretary.--F.] 1005 ELIZABETH, COUNTESS OF SURREY, TO WILLIAM HARWARD[89-1] [Sidenote: 1485, or later] Wylliam Harward, I woll that ze delyver to Robert Thorppe of Norwych v. marc off the next money that ze gadyr; for he hath lent it me, and I have sygned hym to be payed of yow as sone he comyth hom. E. SURREY. [Footnote 89-1: [Add. MS. 34,889, f. 228.] This brief note, like No. 1004, was probably written during the imprisonment of the writer’s husband. The text is entirely crossed through, doubtless to show that the transaction was closed.] 1006 THE DUKE OF SUFFOLK TO JOHN PASTON[89-2] _To our trusty and welbeloved John Paston, Sheriff of Suffolk and Norfolk._ THE DUC OF SUFFOLK. [Sidenote: 1485 / OCT. 20] Right welbeloved, we grete you well. And for asmuche as the King our sovereigne Lord hath late addressed his letters of comission undre his seale unto us, reciting by the same that his highnesse undrestondith certayn his rebells associate to his old enmys of Scotlond, entending not only to trowble his peax, the nobles and subjects of this Realme to destroy, their goods and possessions to spoill, and reward at thair liberties, but also the lawes of this lond and holy Chirche to subvert. Our said moost drad soverayn Lord, as a Cristen Prince, . . . . . . . . his said enmys and rebels to resist, hath assigned and comaunded us to do all maner . . . . and others defensible able to labour, as well archers as hobbyllers,[90-1] to come before us and charge them . . . . . armed and arayed, every man aftre his degre and power, to attend uppon his person, and uppon us, to do him service in defence as well of the Chirche as of the said nobles and subjects of this Realm, against his said enmys and rebels. We therfore wull, and in our said sovereigne Lords name straitly charge and comaunde you, that in all possible hast ye do this to be proclamed:--And that all maner men able to do the King service, as well knights, esquiers, and gentlemen, as townships and hundreds, as well within franchesse and libertes as without, within the counties of Suffolk and Norffolk, and that they be charged to be redy at all tymes uppon an howre warnyng, and ordered according to the last comission afore this, to attend uppon his Grace and uppon us to do him service, whatsoever they shalbe comaunded, not failing herof, as ye wull answer at your perile. Goven at Long Stratton, the xx. day of October. And forthermore, that ye yeve credence unto our servaunt this bringer, as this same day we receyved the Kings commission at iiij. aftre none. SUFFOLK, yor frende. [Footnote 89-2: [From Fenn, ii. 326.] John Paston was Sheriff of Norfolk in the first year of Henry VII., and entered on his duties at Michaelmas 1485. This letter therefore is of that year.] [Footnote 90-1: Light horsemen.] 1007 MARGERY PASTON TO JOHN PASTON[90-2] _To my mastyr, John Paston, be this delyvird._ [Sidenote: 1486 / JAN. 21] Ryght reverent and wortshepfull syre, in my most umbill weysse I recomaunde me to you, desyryng to here of your welfare, the wytche I beseche God to preserve to His plesur and so your hartes desyir. Syr, I thank you for the venyson that ye sent me; and youre schepe is seylyd owt of the havene as this daye. Syr, I send you be my brodyr Wyllem your stomachere of damaske. As for youre teppet of velvet, it is not here; An seythe that ye put yt in your casket at London. Syr, your chyldryn be in goode helle, bellsside be God. Syr, I prey you sende me the gowild, that I spak to you of be the nexst man that comythe to Norwytche. Syr, your mast that laye at Yermowyth is letyn to a scheppe of Hull for xiij_s._ iiij_d._, and if there fawyll ony hurt ther to, ye schall have a newe mast ther for. No mor to you at this time, but Almyty God have you in His kepyng. Wretyn at Castyr Hawill, the xxj. daye of Janever, in the furst yere of Kyng Harry the vij^{th}. Be your servaunt, MARGERY PASTON. I prey God no ladyis no more ovyr com you, that ye geve no lenggar respyt in your materys. [Footnote 90-2: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]] 1008 ALICE, LADY FITZHUGH, TO JOHN PASTON[91-1] _To my right trusty and welbeloved son,[91-2] Sir John Paston, be this delyvered._ [Sidenote: FEB. 24] Jon Paston, I recommaunde me to you in my moste hertely maner. And wher I understande be my doghter Lovell, ye desyre to know whedir I woll have the bargane ye made for me in Norwich or nay, and if I wol, I moste content therfor now in mercs; Son, in good faith it is so, I shal receyve no mony of the revenowse of my lyvelod afore Mydsommer; and also I have payd accordyng to my promise to Sir William Cabell a great payment, the which ye knowe wel was due to be payde, so that I can not be of power to content therfore, for the which I am right sory, for I know well I shall never have such a bargane. Also my doghtyr Lovell[92-1] makith great sute and labour for my sone hir husbande. Sir Edwarde Franke hath bene in the North to inquire for hym; he is comyn agayne, and cane nogth understonde wher he is. Wherfore her benevolers willith hir to continue hir sute and labour; and so I can not departe nor leve hir as ye know well; and if I might be there, I wold be full glad, as knowith our Lorde God, Whoo have you in His blissid kepynge. From London, the xxiiij^th day of February. Your loving moder, ALISE, LADY FITZHUGH. [Footnote 91-1: [From Fenn, ii. 336.] There is a difficulty in dating this letter only from the address being to Sir John Paston. It has every appearance of having been written in the year 1486, when Francis, Viscount Lovel, lay concealed shortly before his outbreak with Humphrey and Thomas Stafford. But in that case the prefix ‘Sir’ before John Paston’s name must not be taken as indicating that he was then a knight; for he was not knighted till the battle of Stoke in June 1487. The writer of this letter was the widow of Henry, Lord Fitzhugh, who died on the 12th June 1472. She was the daughter of Richard Nevill, Earl of Salisbury, and sister of Warwick the Kingmaker.] [Footnote 91-2: I find no evidence of any real relationship between Paston and Lady Fitzhugh.] [Footnote 92-1: Francis, Viscount Lovel, married Anne, daughter of Alice, Lady Fitzhugh.] 1009 MARGARET, COUNTESS OF OXFORD, TO JOHN PASTON[92-2] _To my right trusti and welbiloved John Paston, Shrieve of Norffolk and Suffolk._ [Sidenote: 1486 / MAY 19] Right trusti and welbiloved, I recomaund me unto you. And for as moche as I am credebly enfourmed that Fraunceis, late Lorde Lovell, is now of late resorted into the Yle of Ely, to the entente by alle lykelyhod, to finde the waies and meanes to gete him shipping and passage in your costes, or ellis to resorte ageyn to seintuary, if he can or maie; I therfor hertily desire praie you, and neverthelesse, in the Kinges name, streitly chargie you that ye in all goodly haste endevore your self that suche wetche or other meanes be used and hadde in the poorts, and creks, and othre places wher ye thinke necessary by your discrecion, to the letting of his seid purpose; and that ye also use all the waies ye can or maie by your wisdom, to the taking of the same late Lorde Lovell. And what pleasur ye maie do to the Kings Grace in this matier, I am sure, is not to you unknowen. And God kepe you. Wretyn at Lavenham, the xix. day of May. MARGARET OXYNFORD.[93-1] [Footnote 92-2: [From Fenn, ii. 338.] The date of this is quite certain from the subject to which it refers, as well as from the fact of John Paston being at the time Sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. Francis, Viscount Lovel, was one of the principal adherents of Richard III., and was attainted after the accession of Henry VII. in 1485. For some time he lay concealed, but in the spring of 1486 he attempted to raise an insurrection along with Humphrey and Thomas Stafford, who had broken out of their sanctuary at Colchester. He is said to have been drowned in the Trent in 1487, in endeavouring to escape after the battle of Stoke. But according to another story he lived in concealment for some time after.] [Footnote 93-1: Margaret, daughter of Richard Neville, Earl of Salisbury, and sister of Richard, the great Earl of Warwick, was the first wife of John de Vere, Earl of Oxford.--F.] 1010 HENRY VII. TO JOHN PASTON[93-2] _To our trusty and welbeloved John Paston, one of our Esquiers for our Body, Shreife of our countys of Norffolk and Suffolk._ BY THE KING. [Sidenote: 1486 / AUG. 12] Trusty and welbeloved, we greet you well. And whereas we send at this time our trusty and welbeloved clerke and counseilor, Mr. Edmunde Chaderton, to do and execute certein things by our commandement in those parties, like as he can shew to you more at large; We desire and pray you that ye not only yeve unto him therein credence, but also, for the effectuall and speedy performance of the same, ye will be unto him from time to time in everythinge, as the case shall require, adviseinge, aidinge, and assistinge, as we singularly trust you, and as ye desire to do us pleasure. Yeven under our Signet at our manner of Shene, the xij^th day of August. [Footnote 93-2: [From Sandford’s Genealogy of the Paston Family.] This letter is derived from Mr. Worship’s article in the _Norfolk Archæology_ on a MS. Genealogy of the Paston family. The date must be 1486, during John Paston’s shrievalty. The transcript is of the seventeenth century.] 1011 JOHN, LORD FITZWALTER, TO JOHN PASTON[94-1] _To my right wurshipfull cosyn, John Paston, esquyer._ [Sidenote: 1486 / SEPT. 19] Right wurshipfull cosyn, I recomaunde me to you, certifyeng you that, where as I understond ye have distreyned Richard Caus of Byngham[94-2] for issuez ronne uppon hym in th’escheker to the summe of iiij_li._ and odde sylver, I pray you that ye wull, the rather for my sake, showe hym the favour that ye may doo, savyng youre sylfe, and that ye wulle not be harde uppon hym; but if ye kan by th’advys of councell this next terme fynde the meanes for youre discharge uppon youre acompte in th’escheker, that than ye wull lete hym be so in reste and peas withoute more paymentz for that cause; the which I prey you to tendre the rather because I fynde the seid Richard Caus at all tymez my trewe servaunt, and I shall be as redy to the acomplyshment of all youre resonable desirez with Goddis grace, Who kepe you. At Attelburgh, this Tuesday next before Seint Mathuz Day. Zowr Cosyn and frend, J. SIEUR FYTZWAUTER. [Footnote 94-1: [Add. MS. 34,889, f. 176.] This letter is probably of the year 1486, when John Paston was sheriff. Its contents, as will be seen, are somewhat similar in character to those of No. 1024, written a year or two later, after John Paston had been knighted.] [Footnote 94-2: Binham in Norfolk.] [[I fynde the seid Richard Caus _text reads “Cans”_]] 1012 THE EARL OF OXFORD TO JOHN PASTON[95-1] _To my right trusty and right welbelovyd Councellor, John Paston, Esquier._ [Sidenote: 1487 / JAN. 24] John Paston, I comaund me to you. And as for such tithynge as ye have sent hider, the Kyng had knowlech therof more than a sevyn-nyght passed. And as for such names as ye have sent, supposyng theym to be gone with the Lord Lovell, they be yitt in England, for he is departyng with xiiij. personys and no moe. At the Kynges comyng to London I wold advise you to see his Highnes. And Almyghty God kepe you. Writen at Wyndesore, the xxiiij^th day of January. OXYNFORD. _Endorsed_: The Countis of Oxfordes lettre. [Footnote 95-1: [From Douce MS. 393, f. 78.] Francis, Viscount Lovel, after trying to raise a rebellion in England in 1486, escaped abroad to Flanders, and joined the Earl of Lincoln in the following spring in an invasion of England in behalf of Lambert Simnel. This letter appears therefore to have been written in the beginning of the year 1487.] 1013 JOHN, PRIOR OF NORWICH, TO ----[95-2] [Sidenote: 1487] Right worchupfull serys, we recomaunde us all unto you in oure most herty wyse. And it is so that longe and many yerys ther hath ben hangyng a grete variaunce and a growge bitwix Annes Paston deceassed, late the wyff of William Paston, Justice, and William Paston now lyvyng, and Clement Paston deceassid, ther sones, one the oone parte, and John Paston, the sone of the seide William Paston, Justice, and of the seide Annes his wiff, also deceassid, and Ser John Paston, Knyght, deceassed, and John Paston yet lyvyng, sones to the seide John deceassid, on the othir parte. And now the seide variaunce contynueth betwixe the seide William and John that now is lyvyng of and upon the right, title, and possessioun of the maners of Sporle, Woodhall, Pagrave, Cressyngham, Swaynesthorpe, and Est Bekham, all [in] this cuntre of Norffolk. Likith it you to wete that the seide William Paston, Justice, in his lyve was a speciall lover and frende to our monastery, and for synguler love and trust that he hadde to be remembred amonge us after hys deceasse, not with stondyng h[e de]yed at London, yet he bequest his body to be beryed, and is beryed in the chapell of Our Lady with inne oure monastery. [And] the seide William Paston, Justice, oftyn and many tymes in his pleyn lyfe, the seide Annes beyng present, he shewed unto the Priour of our monastery that was than, called Dawn John Heverlonde,[96-1] and to Dawn John Molett,[96-2] that was Priour after, to Dawn John Fornsett, Doctour of Devynyte, Dawn Richerd Walsham, our sexten, and to Dawn John Wechyngham, and to many dyverse other that were of his acqueyntaunce, and that he had trust unto to breke his mynde for the wele of his soule, that were thanne olde fadirs of our monastery, and arn now decessed, that it was his verry last will that ought of the seide maners schuld be perpetually immortaysed a serteyn londe, or annuyte of suche valewe, that every suche monke that syngith the last messe in the seide chapell, wher the body of the seide William Paston light beryed, schuld have that day that he songe messe ther iiij_d._ to pray for the soules of the seide William, and of Annes his wif, and for ther auncetrys, kynred, consanguynyte, affynyte, and frendes, and for all Cristen soules; and over that, a serteyn summe of money yerly to be payed to have the obytt of the seide William and Annes zerly kept with _dirige_ and masse in the seide chapell. And it is so that many yeres aftir the decesse of the seide William, Justice, ther were many men lyvyng bothe of olde brethern of oures afore rehersyd, and of other that cowde aborne witnesse in this mater, and that knewe the mynde of the seide William Paston, Justice, that it was his last will, of whiche men many now be deceassed; and no merveill, for it is upon a xliij. yere past sithen the seide William, Justice, deyed. And also the seide Annes that was hys wif lyved more thanne xxx. wynter aftir hir husbonde, and was in singuler trust with her husbonde, and one of his executours, and wele knowen in this cuntre, a woman of vertuos lyvyng and disposicion, and of goode discrecioun and conscience, and knewe hir husbondes mynde and last will as wele as ony lyvyng creature; she witnessed alway that it was hire husbondes last will to have this perpetuall messe, and called on it all the dayes of hir lyfe, and also atte her decesse; and sche seide that [it] was the will of her husbonde that the annuyte schulde go oute of the seide maner of Swaynesthorpe. The seide John Paston decessed wolde have hadde it graunted owte of the seide maner of Cressyngham; and summe of the executours wolde have hadde the seide messe to a contynued but for the terme of iiij^xx. yere, and wolde have made writyng accordyng; but the seide Annes wolde not ther of, but seide alway that it was the last will of hir husbonde to have the messe made perpetuall, and the executours schewid to us that they wolde se the wyll perfourmed; and ther upon the executours, be ther comon assent, lefte a cofre with a grete substaunce of money of the goodes of the seide William, Justice, to be kepte with inne our monastery, and tolde and schewed to us that the seide gode schuld never be departid nor hadde oute of our place till we wer made sure of the seide annuyte. And duryng all that season that the seide cofer with the goodes was with ynne our monastery, it was alway schewid to us that the seide annuyte schulde be mortaysed in perpetuyte, and duryng all that season that the seid cofer was in our place, we hadde money yerly yoven us to pray for his soule to kepe [his obytt][97-1]; and be menys devysed with oute the knowleche of the seide Annes, or of ony of our brethern, all the goode that was in the seide cofre was conveyed oute of our monastery, and after that dede done, ther was no more money yoven us, nowther to kepe the seide obit, ner to pray for the soull of the seide William, as be the seide executours, savyng that the seide Annes, duryng her lyve, yaff us of hir owne cost yerly to remembre the soule, and that that hath be done sythen, hath be don of our owne devocion, and this many zerys ther hath no thing be yoven us, notwithstondyng of our own devocion we have rehersid his name in oure bede rolle every Sonday. And now it is informed us that as wele the seide William as the seide John hath putt all ther title and interest, as wele in and of all the seide maners, londes, and tenementys as of the seide goodes in the awarde and jugement of the Right Reverend Fader in God, my Lord of Ely,[98-1] Chaunceler of Inglond, Ser Reynold Bray, Knyght, and in you tweyne. And in asmoche as ze be of our cuntre and speciall frendes to our monastery, and longest acqueyntyd with you, that makith me and all my brethren the more bolde to schewe this our mater and interest unto you, beseching yow bothe to tendre the mater, and to schewe it bothe to my Lorde of Ely and to Ser Reynolde Bray, that atte suche tyme as ze have the examynacion of the title of theise seide maners, that ze will vouche saff of your charite to schewe this mater and our interest in this behalf, and of the seide annuyte, and how that we aught of right to have a graunt of it oute of the seide maners. And in this mater we hertily pray yow to take remembraunce and speciall labour, so that we may trust that it schall not askape your handes, nowe that the mater is putte in yowe; and all our monastery schall pray for you, and also rewarde you to your plesur, and over that, ze schall do her in suche a goode dede that God schall rewarde you. Wretyn in our monastery, the ----[98-2] day of ----,[98-2] the secunde yer of the regne of Kyng Herry the vij^th. By JOHN, Prior off Northwich and the Covent. [Footnote 95-2: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] The writer of this letter was John Bonwell, who was made Prior of Norwich in 1480, and died in 1488. As it is actually dated in the second year of Henry VII., it must have been written either after the 22nd August in 1486 or before that date in 1487. Most probably it is of the latter year. It is endorsed in a contemporaneous hand--‘Billa Prioris Norwic’ pro missa perpetue fundanda.’ One or two words are now lost by the decay of the paper, which seem to have been visible in the text when Fenn copied the MS. for his fifth volume.] [Footnote 96-1: John Haverland was Prior of Norwich from 1436 to 1453.] [Footnote 96-2: Prior from 1453 to 1471.] [Footnote 97-1: The writing is here blurred and indistinct, being written on an erasure.] [Footnote 98-1: John Alcock.] [Footnote 98-2: Blanks in MS.] 1014 SIR EDMUND BEDINGFIELD TO JOHN PASTON[99-1] _Un to my ryght wurshypfull cosyn, John Paston, Esquyer, for the Body._ [Sidenote: 1487 / MAY 16] Ryght wurshypfull cosyn, I recomawnd me un to you as hertly as I can, letyng you wytte I was with my Lorde Stuarde[99-2] as on Munday laste paste, by the desyir of them that I myght not sey ney to. I herde all that was seyd there, but they gaate non avawntage, wurde, nor promyse off me; but they thought in asmoche as they ware the beste in the shere, that every man owghte to wayte and go with them. Wherto yt was answerd that oure master,[99-3] nexte the Kynge, havynge hys commysshon, muste nedys have the jentylmen and the contre to a wayte up on hym by the vertu of the same; but yt was thought I owght not to obeye no copy of the commisshon, withoute I had the same under wexe, where in hathe ben gret argument, whyche I understoode by reporte a fortnyte paste, and that causyd me to sende unto my lorde to have the very commysshon, whyche he sente me, and a letter, where off I sende you the copy here in closyd. As for you, ye be sore takyn in sum place, seying that ye intende swyche thynges as ys lyke to folow gret myscheffe. I seyd I undyrstood non swyche, nor thynges lyke it; and yt ys thoughte ye intende nat to go forthe thys jorneye, nor no jentylman in that quarter but Robert Brandon that hath promysyd to go with them, as they seye. I understonde Sir Wylliam Bolen[99-4] and Sir Harry Heydon[99-5] ware at Thetforde in to Kente ward, but they returnyd in to Norffolk a geyne; I thynke they wull not goo thys jorney, yff the Kynge nede. Ser Harry was at Attylborow on Saterday. I wene he had a vyce there to turne a zen; wher for, cosyn, yt ys good to understonde the sertente what jentylmen intende to goo, and be assuryd to go together, that I may have wurde; my cosyn Hoptun hathe promysyd that he wull be oon. As fore Wysman, he seythe he wull be off the same, but I can have no holde. Furthermore, cosyn, yt ys seyd that after my lordys departyng to the Kynge ye ware mette at Barkwey, whyche ys construid that ye had ben with the Lady Lovell, but wrathe seyd never well; and in asmoche as we understonde my lordys plesur, yt ys well doon we dele wysly therafter. And, nexte to the Kynge, I answerd pleynly I was bownde to do him service, and to fullfylle hys comaundment to the uttermest off my powere, by the grace off God, Who ever preserve you to Hys plesur. Wretyn at Oxburgh, the xvj. day of Maye. Your cosyn, E. BEDYNGFELD.[100-1] [Footnote 99-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter and that which follows were written during the period of Lambert Simnel’s rebellion. The rebels were at this time in Ireland, but they soon after invaded England, and were defeated at the battle of Stoke on the 16th June 1487. Francis, Viscount Lovel, took part in the movement, and is supposed to have perished in the battle, or shortly after it.] [Footnote 99-2: John Ratcliff, Lord Fitzwalter.--_See_ Campbell’s _Materials for a History of Henry VII._, i. 92, 241.] [Footnote 99-3: Probably the Earl of Oxford.--_See_ next letter.] [Footnote 99-4: Sir William Boleyn, of Blickling, had been made a Knight of the Bath at the Coronation of Richard III. He died in 1505.--F.] [Footnote 99-5: Sir Henry Heydon, of Baconsthorp, Knight, had been steward of the household to Cecilia, Duchess of York, and died in 1503.--F.] [Footnote 100-1: Sir Edmund Bedingfeld was made a Knight of the Bath at the Coronation of Richard III. He was likewise in high favour with Henry VII., who paid him a royal visit at Oxburgh, in Norfolk. He died in 1496.--F.] 1015 [THE EARL OF OXFORD?] TO SIR EDMUND BEDINGFIELD[100-2] [Sidenote: 1487 / MAY (?)] Where as I understonde by your late wrytyng un to me, that ye have ryght well endevyrd you to th’execusion of the Kynges comission and comawndment, in preparyng your selffe with the jentylmen and other of the contre, to be redy to do the Kyng servyce, whyche I have shewid un to the Kynges Hyghnes, so that hys Grace ys ryght well content and ryght thankfully acceptyth the same, understondynge the ryght good myndys and dysposyschon off you and off other jentylmen there towardes hys Grace. How be yt, hys Hyghnes wull not as zytte put you to ony further labur or charge, for somoche as hys rebellys and enemyes be in to Irlande; neverthelesse hys Grace wull that the contre be redy at all tymis to do hys Hyghnes servyce up on resonabull warnyng; for so moche as the Kynges Grace intendythe to make provysyon to sende an armi in to Irlonde in haaste, nat knowyng as zytte whether that ye, and other aboute you shall be desyird to bere ony charge there to or no. And where as yt ys mervellyd that ye had not the Kynges comysshon, under hys gret seall, I send yt to you with thys my wrytyng, wyllynge you nat to precede further to eny execushon theroff tyll swyche tyme as ye have other wise in comawndment, alwey thankyng hertyly the jentylmen, and all other for ther good wyllys towardes me. [Footnote 100-2: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] The MS. from which this letter was printed was evidently the copy of a letter, which was enclosed in the preceding. Fenn supposes with great probability that the writer was the Earl of Oxford, but the MS. being only a copy, there is no signature attached. Commissions of array were issued on the 7th April 1487 for the counties of Suffolk, Norfolk, and Essex, with special instructions for repairing and guarding the beacons for fear of an invasion. The Commissioners for the County of Norfolk were John, Duke of Suffolk, John, Earl of Oxford, John Radcliff, Lord Fitzwalter, and fifteen others, among whom was John Paston.--See _Patent Roll_, 2 Hen. VII., p. 2, m. 6, _in dorso_.] 1016 KNIGHTS MADE AT THE BATTLE OF STOKE[101-1] [Sidenote: 1487 / JUNE 16] Sir Edmond Benyngfeld. Sir Jamys Blount. Sir Richard Croft. Sir [Humfrey] Stanley. [Sir Richard De]levere. Sir J[ohn] Mortumer. Sir William Troutbeke. _Knyghtes made at the same Batayll._ The sone and heyr of the Lord Audeley.[102-1] Sir Edward Noreys. Sir Robert Clyfford. Sir George Hopton. Sir John Paston. Sir Thomas Lovell. Sir Humfrey Savage. Sir Herry Willoughby. Sir John Sapcotes. Sir William Vampage. Sir Antony Brone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sir Gregory . . . . Sir Thomas Bl[ount]. Sir Robert Cheyny. Sir William Car[ew]. Sir John Wy[ndham]. Sir Simond . . . . Sir Roger Be[llingham]. Sir John . . . . . Sir George Nevil . . Sir Robert Radcly[ff]. Sir Jamys Par[ker]. Sir Edward Dar[ell]. Sir Edward Pekeryn[g]. Sir Thomas of W[olton]. Sir William Sand[es]. A mutilated endorsement in Sir John Paston’s hand reads, ‘. . . . . prisoners . . . . . fownd.’ [Footnote 101-1: [Add. MS. 34,889, f. 135.] This is only a fragment, the first part of which is lost. The seven names at the beginning are the end of a list of knights bannerets made upon the field. Then follow the names of those who were merely dubbed knights; but this list, too, is imperfect, not merely by the mutilation of some names, but because another leaf would certainly have been required to give them all. Compare another copy of these lists in Leland’s _Collectanea_, iv. 214-15, where the names in the second list stand in a different order. Several of the mutilated names here have been filled in from Leland; but, curiously enough, that list gives no Sir Gregory and no Sir Simon. Since this was in type the Editor has found a complete list, more accurate than Leland’s, which will be printed at the end of these letters.] [Footnote 102-1: Sir James Audeley, as his name is given in Leland’s list. This was Sir James Touchet, who succeeded his father as Lord Audeley in 1491, and was beheaded and attainted in 1497.] 1017 DAME ELIZABETH BREWS TO SIR JOHN PASTON[102-2] _To my rytth worchupfull son, Sir Jon Paston, be thys byll delyvyrd in hast._ [Sidenote: 1487, or later] Ryth worchupfull son, I recommend me on to zow and to my lady zowyr wyf, and thankyng zow harttyly for the grett labyr thatt ze had on Thorys day for me, and for zowyr kyndnes; for and odyr had don asse ze ded, I had had my purpos; qwerfor I prey God do be them asse they do be me. Son, I must prey zow to have a dosseyn men in harnes, with bowys and wepyn convenyent for them, that I may feche my stres ageyn. The schrevys man wasse here wythe me, and [j. of] yowyres, he seyth he ys, and he hatth mad me feythful promes that he wol be wyth me ageyn on Monday, qwerfor I prey zow harttyly, son, and reqwere zow that zowyr men may be wyth me on Monday, as my werry tros ys in zow, qwo sknowyth blyssyd Jesu, Hom haff zow and zowyr in Yss keppyng. Be zowyr trew modyr, DAM ELYSABETHE BREWYSSE. [Footnote 102-2: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] Fenn dates this letter ‘about 1487.’ It cannot be earlier than June of that year, and may be a few years later. But the date is unimportant. This letter appears to be a holograph. The next is written by a scribe.] 1018 DAME ELIZABETH BREWS TO SIR JOHN PASTON[103-1] _To my right worshipfull son, Sir John Paston, Knyght, be this delyverd._ [Sidenote: 1488(?)] Right worshipfull son, I recommaund me unto you and to my lady my doughter your wyfe, and I send you both Cristes blyssyng and myne. And, son, I thank you hertely for my son, William Brews; and I moste pray you for the reverens of Jesu to help hym for your tenauntes and myne, or els John Dynne will owver rewle them. And, son, God thank you, ye helpyd ons Whyte of Metfeld, and so I must beseche you nowe to do, and that it wold pleas you to gyffe credans unto the Priour of the Wyhte Freres, for I have shewed unto hym my mynd; and as ye do, I hold me content. And, son, we ladys and jentil women in this contrey that is wedows, be sore trobyld with the Bysshop of Chester,[104-1] and haskith of us more than we may pay, and that knowith All myghty Jesu, Who have you in His blyssed kepyng. Be your moder, DAME ELIZABETH BREWS. [Footnote 103-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] The date of this letter is nearly as indefinite as that of the last, but it certainly lies between the year 1487, when Sir John Paston was knighted, and 1489, when William Brews died. If the latter part of the letter refers to the levying of a subsidy, in which the Bishop of Chester may have been one of the King’s agents, the date is probably about the end of the year 1488. Sir Thomas Brews, the writer’s husband, died in 1482.] [Footnote 104-1: The Bishops of Coventry and Lichfield were often called Bishops of Chester before the foundation of the modern Bishopric of Chester by Henry VIII. John Hales or Halse was Bishop of Coventry from 1459 to 1490.] 1019 SIR JOHN PASTON TO DAME MARGERY PASTON[104-2] _To Dame Margery Paston, at Oxenhed._ [Sidenote: 1486-95] Mastress Margerey, I recomand me to yow. And I prey yow in all hast possybyll to send me, by the next swer messenger that ye can gete, a large playster of your _flose ungwentorum_ for Kynges Attorney, Jamys Hobart, for all hys dysease is but an ache in hys knee. He is the man that brought yow and me togedyrs, and I had lever then xl_li._ ye koud with your playster depart hym and hys peyne. But when ye send me the playster, ye must send me wryghtyng hough it shold be leyd to and takyn fro hys knee, and hough longe it shold abyd on hys kne unremevyd, and hough longe the playster wyll laste good, and whethyr he must lape eny more clothys aboute the playster to kepe it warme or nought. And God be with yow. Your, JOHN PASTON. [Footnote 104-2: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] James Hobart was the King’s Attorney-General from 1486 to 1509, and Dame Margery Paston died in 1495. There is nothing to fix the date of this letter more precisely.] 1020 THE QUEEN TO THE EARL OF OXFORD[105-1] _To oure right trusty and enterly beloved cosyn, Th’Erll of Oxon._ BY THE QUENE. [Sidenote: 1487-1502] Ryght trusty and entierly beloved cosyn, we grete you well, lattyng you wete hou it is commen un to oure knowlege that where as ze newly entred upon oure welbeloved Symon Blyant, gentilman, in to the maner of Hemnals in Cotton, descended and belongyng unto hym by right of enheritaunce, as it is seid, ze ther upon desired the same Symon to be agreable for hys part to put all maters of variance thenne dependyng atwene hym and oon Sir John Paston, Knyght, pretendyng a title unto the seid maner into th’award and jugement of two lenerd men, by you named and chosen as arbritrours atwene them; and in case that the same arbritrours of and upon the premisses neither yave oute nor made suche awarde be for the brekyng up of Pasche [_Easter_] terme nowe last passed, ze of your owne offre graunted and promysid unto the seid Symon, as we be enformed, to restore hym forwyth there upon unto hys possession of the seid maner. And how it be that the same Symon, at youre mocion and for the pleasir of youre lordshyp, as he seith, aggreed un to the seid compromyse, and ther upon brought and shewed hys evydence concernyng, and sufficiently provyng hys ryght in the seid maner un to the seid arbritrours, and that they have not made nor yolden out betwene the said parties any suche awarde; yet have not ze restored the same Symon unto hys possession of the seid maner, but contynuelly kepe hym owt of the same, wich, yf it so be, is not only to hys right grete hurt and hinderaunce, but also oure mervaile. Wherfore we desire and pray you ryght affectueusly that ze woll the rather at the contemplacion of thees oure lettres, shew unto the said Symon, in hys rightfull interesse and title in the seid maner all the favorable lordshyp that ze goodely may, doyng hym to be restored and put in to hys lawfull and peasible possession of the same, as fer as reason, equite, and good conscience shall require, and youre seid promise, in suche wyse that he may undyrstond hym selfe herynne to fare the better for oure sake, as oure verray trust is in you. Yeven under oure signet at my Lordes Palois of Westmynstre, the xxv. day of Juyn. [ELEZEBETH.][106-1] Subskrybyd with the Quenys hand. [Footnote 105-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter and that which follows, relating to the manor of Cotton, are both quite uncertain in point of date, except that they cannot be earlier than 1487, when Sir John Paston was knighted, nor later than 1502, as the Queen and Sir John Paston himself both died in the year following.] [Footnote 106-1: This name is written in a different character, intended as a representation of the Queen’s signature which it somewhat resembles. The writing, however, is crossed out. It is probably the work of the same pen that wrote the words below, though these are in a smaller hand.] 1021 THE EARL OF OXFORD TO SIR JOHN PASTON[106-2] _To our hertly welbilovyd John Paston, Knyght._ [Sidenote: 1487-1502] Right hertly welbilovyd, I grete you wele. And where Sir John Howard, Knyght, Sir Gilberde Debenham, Knyght, gederith grete feloship of men, purposyng on Monday next comyng to take stresses of the Lady Roos; and I deme that they undre the colour of the same entende to set on Coton, and to gete it if they may; I therfor councelle you to sende downe a certeine of your men or elles come your silfe for the save garde of the said Coton. Also that ye yeve credence un to the brynger herof. And our Lorde kepe you. Writyn at the lodge in Lavenham the last day of Juylle. OXYNFORD. [Footnote 106-2: [From Douce MS. 393, f. 84.] _See_ preliminary note to the last letter.] 1022 JOHN DAUBENEY TO [SIR JOHN PASTON][107-1] [Sidenote: [1487-1502] / AUG.] Please your masterchep to have knowlage that my Lord Archebyschop of Yorke[107-2] is in god helle, blyssyd be God. And I came to hym as on Monday last past, and toke hym your letter. And whan I had takyn hym and he had over sey it, he merveylle sor of hyr dysposicion, a bad me not care, ye shuld do welle i nowe. And than he told me that he had spokyn to Master William Paston for a note of a letter, hewghe it is best to write to hyr. And so on Tewysday Master William and I, and Skerne of my Lord of Oxenfordis hows, and mad (_sic_) toke hym on Wednysday o [_i.e._ one] not of a letter the wyche I send you; and whan he sey it he thowght it to long, and mad one after his ownne entent, the wiche I send yow a copy of. Also I send yow a copy of the letter that the quene sent to my Lord of Oxenford for the maner of Cotton for Blyaunt; but my Lord of Yorke told to Skerne that he wold in any wysse that my Lord of Oxenford shuld help yow to kepe possession. And so Skerne purposythe to be with in thys v. deyes at home, for to enforme my Lord of Oxenford of my Lord of Yorke is entent, and that he se in no wysse that no man do yow no wrong as moche as my Lord of Oxenford powyr may help yow; for Skerne came from my Lord of Oxenford to my Lord of Yorke for the same mater, for that my Lord of Yorke shuld informe the quene of the mater, and be cause the quene hathe take hyr chambre my Lord of Yorke toke Skerne a rynge for a tokyn to my Lord Tresorer[107-3] that he shuld excuse my Lord of Oxenford to the quene, for as moche as ye hathe (_sic_) infeffid my Lord of Oxenford in a trost in the maner of Cotton he may no lesse doo but helpe yow. Item, thys day is the massenger gone to my Lady of Suffolk with my Lordis letter. I shall have a answer at the morn on Monday, I trost to God, ryght god, &c., it cowd non ere be sped. My Lord hath be all this weke at the Cowncell at Chelchyche and j. day at Chenne.[108-1] Item, I send yow iij. writtis for feleneys and trespace and ij. for Mariete mater. Also your flowyr; Also a letter of Cablys; Also a write for Playter, a letter to Mestres Clere. Item, my Lord wylle in any wyse that ye kepe welle all the lyvelod that ye have of Sir John Fastolff, and that ye suffyr no man to entre no lond nor place, lord nor other personys, what sum ever they be. Ye may veryly thynke he ys your speciall god lord, and that ye shall knowe in tyme comyng. I understand that Calle dothe passyngly welle in your maters in the spirituall lawe, as his letter makyth mencion, &c. Wretyn at London the Satyrday before Seynt Lawrens day. Your servaunt, JOHN DAUBENEY. [Footnote 107-1: [Add. MS. 34,889, f. 48.] The letter here referred to from the Queen to the Earl of Oxford seems undoubtedly to be No. 1020; and the date must accordingly be between 1487 and 1502. The reference to the Queen’s confinement does not help us to much greater precision, for the time of year does not agree with any known occasion. But some years are distinctly excluded, and the only possible ones are 1487, 1488, 1490, or from 1493 to 1497 inclusive, or 1500, or 1501.] [Footnote 107-2: Archbishop Rotherham.] [Footnote 107-3: John, Lord Dynham.] [Footnote 108-1: Sheen.] 1023 ABSTRACT[108-2] R[OBERT] CLERE TO SIR JOHN PASTON, KNIGHT [Sidenote: Not before 1487] Your farmer of Mauteby has not given surety and paid poundage for his cattle, as he pretends. I hope you will not encourage him, when he tells you he owes me no duty, and that he took not my ‘merch’ for twenty years, but only so long as he continued in Heryngby farm. I denied him the replevin, because the ground of my farm is parcel of ancient demesne. Your tenants complain of me without cause. I hope you will not be displeased if I ask them simply for what is due to me. I never said ‘that ye shuld hang upon many bushes.’ I have always been glad to say or do my best for you, as any poor gentleman in Norfolk. I pray you bring forth my accuser that I may come to my answer, and know who would make variance between us. Ormesby, 24 Oct. [The writer of this letter was Robert Clere of Ormesby, who was knighted in 1494, and was sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk in 1501. The expression ‘your’ farmer of Mauteby, shows that it was written after the death of Margaret Paston, and that the Sir John addressed must have been her second son, to whom the manor of Mauteby descended. The date is, therefore, not earlier than 1487 when this Sir John was knighted, and may be many years later.] [Footnote 108-2: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]] 1024 JOHN, LORD FITZWALTER, TO SIR JOHN PASTON[109-1] _To my right worshipfull cosyn, Syr John Paston, Knight, be thys lettre delivered._ [Sidenote: 1488(?) / APRIL 7] Right worshipfull cosyn, in my most herty wise I [comme]nd me to you. And where I am enformed that ye have takyn a disthresse within the [Du]chy of Lankastir for suche money as was commyng toward you of ryght for the tyme that ye were shiryef, me seme, cosyn, ye aught not to take it within the said Duchy of noon auncyen demene holdyn upon the King; for there be places inow to gadir it upon without the said auncyen demene, and so ye cannot lose it. And also, cosyn, I am enformed that it is paied alredy to oon John Burnam, which is of sufficyency inow. For whiche cause mesemythe it werne resone to levey it upon hym than ther where as is noon auctorite to levey it upon. Wherfore, cosyn, I pray you to be good mastir for my sake to thies pore men, whiche be the Kingz tenauntz, and to shew them the favour that ye may. And I shall be as glad to doo you as gret plesure in tyme commyng, by Goddz grace, Who preserve you. Wretyn at Attylborow, the vij. daie of Apryll. Zowir cosyn and frend, [J.] SIR FYTZ WAUTER. [Footnote 109-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] Sir John Paston had been sheriff in the year 1485-6, but he did not receive his knighthood till June 1487 at the battle of Stoke, so that this letter cannot be earlier than 1488. It is, however, not unlikely to have been written in that year, or one or two years later. The writer, Lord Fitzwalter, was beheaded and attainted in 1495 as an adherent of Perkin Warbeck.] 1025 LORD FITZWALTER TO SIR JOHN PASTON[110-1] _To my right wourschippfull and hertely welbeloved cousyn, Sir John Paston, Knyght, this be delyvered._ [Sidenote: 1488-94] Right wourschippfull cousyn, in as hertely wyse as I cane, I recommaund me to you. And forasmoche as ther was appoynted a day that ye and my cousyn Heydon, Sir Robert Brandon, the Kynges Attorney, and other of the worschippfull of this schyr, should have mett here before this tyme of Estren, it was so longe or the Kynges Attorney was commen in to the contre, and the tyme so shorte, that it hathe bene thowght there myght be non convenable tyme affor this. Wherfor they be agreed that they and ye should mete here on Thursday next commyng. Prayinge you, therfor, that ye wolbe here at that tyme, trustynge to Godes mercy that a right good wey shalbe hadde betyx yow that all grugges and rancores shalbe layd a parte. And therfor, cousyn, I praye yow that ye wol not fayle for to be here, and what I canne do for yow, ye shall fynde it redy with Godes grace, Who have yow in His most blessed and assured kepyng. Wreten on Good Fryday last passed. Zowir lofyng cosyn, J. SIR FITZ WAUTER. [Footnote 110-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] The date of this letter, as of the last, must be between the years 1488 and 1494.] 1026 WILLIAM PASTON TO SIR JOHN PASTON[111-1] _To Sir John Paston, be thys lettyr delyvered._ [Sidenote: 1488 / MAY 13] Aftyr all dewe recomendacion, pleasyt yow to undyrstonde that my lorde[111-2] hathe ben with the Kynge in Wyndesour at Seynt Georgys Feste, and ther at the same feste were bothe the inbacetours of Breten and of Flaundyrs, as well fro the Kynge of Romayns[111-3] as fro the yonge Duke.[111-4] But I can not schew yow the certeyn whedyr we schall have with them warre or pease; but I undyrstonde for certeyn that all suche capeteyns as wente to the see in Lente, that is to sey, Sir Charlys Somersett, Sir Richard Hawte, and Syr Wylliam Vampage, makythe them redy to goo to the see ageyn as schortely as they can, to what intente I can not sey. Also, where as it was seyde that my Lord Woddevyle and other schulde have gone over in to Breten, to have eyded the Duke of Breten,[111-5] I can not tell of non suche eyd. Butt upon that seynge ther came many men to Sowthehamton, where it was seyd that he schulde have takyn schyppyng, to have waytyd upon hym over; and soo whan he was countyrmaundyd, thos that resortyd thedyr, to have gone over with hym taryde there styll in hope that they schuld have ben lycensyd to have gone over; and whan they sey [_saw_] no lykeleod that they schuld have lycens, there was ij.C. of them that gete them in to a Breten schyppe, the whyche was late come over with salte, and bad the mayster sett them a lond in Breten. And they had nott seylyd not paste vj. leges butt they aspied a Frencheman, and the Frencheman mad over to them; and they ferde as thow they wolde not have medylde with them, and all the Englysche men went undyr the hetchys, soo that they schewyd no more but those that came to Sowthehamton with the schype, to cawse the Frenchemen to be the more gladder to medyll with them; and soo the Frencheman burdyd them, and then they that were undyr the hetches came up, and soo toke the Frencheman, and caryed the men, schyppe, and all in to Breaten. Also, ther was ther an inbacetour fro the Kynge of Schottes,[112-1] who is now put in grete trobyll be hys son and other of the lordes of hys londe. Syr, as I came homewerde be London, I spake there with Emonde Dormand, and he seyd that he had wretyn onto yow, but he had none aunswere; wherfor he prayd me that if I knew ony man comynge towerdes Norwhyche, and I wold wrythe on to yow that he ferythe, if ye see none other dyreccion, that he schall be comittyd to the Flete. Also, he schewyd me that Herry Wyott wholde fynde the mene to have yow condemnyd, and recover the obligacion of xl_li_. ageyns yow, and soo he seythe he whote nott how to doo, for he is halfe dysmayd; he ferythe lesse that he schall never come home. But he intendythe to plede the obligacion fulfylyd at Norwyche, for he seythe ther is non other remedy to save yow fro the condemnacion, tyl that he herythe otherwyse from yow, whyche he thynketh longe aftyr. Wretyn at Henyngham, the xiij^te day of May, with the hand of your brodyr, WYLLIAM PASTON. [Footnote 111-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] There can be no doubt this letter was written in the year 1488, after Sir Edward Woodville (called Lord Woodville) had gone over to aid the Duke of Brittany against the French, and at the beginning of the rebellion of the young Prince of Scotland (afterwards James IV.) against his father, James III., who was defeated in battle, and afterwards murdered in June of that year.] [Footnote 111-2: The Earl of Oxford.] [Footnote 111-3: Maximilian, Archduke of Austria, was elected King of the Romans in 1486.] [Footnote 111-4: Philip, Duke of Burgundy, son of Maximilian.] [Footnote 111-5: Francis II., Duke of Brittany.] [Footnote 112-1: James III.--_See_ preliminary note.] 1027 THOMAS ANDREW TO WILLIAM PASTON[113-1] _To the ryght . . . . . . . . William Paston Squyer . . . . . my Lord of Ox[ford]._ [Sidenote: 1488(?) / DEC. 1 (?)] Ryght worchipfull sir, in my best maner I recommend me unto you as he that is and shalbe at your commandment. Sir, I beseche you to showe my good lord and yours that a cordyng to his commandment I have sesed the good of the parson of Testerton[113-2] and of Henry Fox, exsepe thos goodis of the sayd Fox that whare formerly sesed be the servantis of my Lord of Surrey; and, Sir, all thos goodis that I have sesed of them both are nat worthe lytyll mony lytyll past xl_s._ or iij_li._ at the m[os]t, exsepe the parsons corne; and if that may betakyn a way thane the Chyrche may not be served, and that whar pety. I besech you that I may knowe my Lordis plesur in that be halfe, for els I thynke the baly of the franches will have all, for Testyrton is in the Dowchy. And so I am leek to have lytyll or nowt for all my lawbour and costis withowt my Lord be my good lord in that be halff be your mene. Sir,[113-3] I pray you tell my Lord that the fryer of Lynne that . . . ak . . . . . . . . cheff, for he served a cherche in Norfolk callyd Hornyngtoft and ther . . . . . . rd a p . . . . s callyd Master Thomas Mertyn, and as I wene he had felows privy to that robery (?) an[d ot]her that be nat yet knowyn, and if he whare well a posed he wold tel[l], &c. Also[113-4] Henry Fox and the parson of Testerton whar gretely (?) acuequyentyd and conversand with one Sir William, a chanon of Hempton Abbay, cause my Lord to inquere if he whar owt privy of the mony makyng or eny other of that Abbay of Hempton. I know nothyng but that they whar gret to gether, &c. Sir, I besech you, be good master to Fox wyff if ye may; how be it he is nowght, but peraventure he may amend, but she is ryght a good woman be my troughe, and it whar gret pety but she and her chyld myght have somwat. And, my Lord, or ye send me eny letter ye may send it me be John a More, this brynger, if he cum agayne, or els be Fox wyff if her husband be not gone to London. And ever Jhesu preserve you to your most gentyll hertis desyer. At Ryburgh this Monday next Sent Andrew. Your servant, THOMAS ANDREW. [Footnote 113-1: [Add. MS. 34,889, f. 139.] This letter is manifestly of the same year as No. 1028, which apparently was written about A.D. 1488-1490. Most probably the exact year is 1488, when the ‘Monday next St. Andrew’ was the very day following, _i.e._ 1st December--unless it was 1494, when the same thing occurred.] [Footnote 113-2: Richard Fenwyk.] [Footnote 113-3: Opposite this and the next paragraph the word ‘No^ta’ occurs in the margin, in the same hand, apparently, as the text.] [Footnote 113-4: _See_ footnote 3 _supra_.] 1028 THOMAS ANDREW TO WILLIAM PASTON[114-1] _To the ryght worchipfull mayster, William Paston, Squyer, with my Lord of Oxynford, [be t]his bill delyverd in hast._ [Sidenote: 1488 / DEC. 16] Ryght worchipfull sir, I recomaund me un to you in my best maner, acordyng to my deute. Sir, I sent you a letter by Henre Fox wyff, and I had non answer from you of it. On of the gretest thynges that I wrot to you of, was that the fryer shuld be aposed, howo was prevy with hym, whan he robbed Master Martyn, the prest, at Hornyngtoft in Norffolk; also that Fox and the parson of Testerton,[114-2] shuld be aposed if eny of Hempton Abbay whar out [_were aught_] prevy to the mony makyng. Sir, now I beseche you to send me a copy of thes mony makers confeschon, and ther namys, for I ame bothe sworne on the quest of the _oyer determiner_, and also on the quest at large, and of that we most make our verdyte at the sessyons after Crystmes for the quest at large; for we toke day over at the last sessyons tyll the sessyons after Crestmes for the quest at large. Lytefot, of your hows, is sworne on the _oyer determiner_. I beseche you to speke with my lord, to know of his good lordchepe how we shall demene ourselff in that be half; and I beseche you send me word as sone as ye can. I thynk that Yelvertons servant, that is with you in preson, shall com a gayne hether, and he may bryng your letter to me. He[115-1] bryngythe you this letter, and if it may be nat a fendyng, I pray you be good master to Yelverton for my sake. I have fownd hym a good persone. Sir, I shall not be with my lady is grace[115-2] this Crystmes, far her grace shalbe with the Kynges Grace after Crystmes; and thane I shall awayt on her grace, wher ye shall have my servyce be the grace of Jesu, He preserve you. At Ryburgh, the xvj. day of December. And ye hepe [_help_] nat, I am leke to losse moche mony of my costes for thes mony makers. I pray helpe, &c. Your servant, THOMAS ANDREW. [Footnote 114-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] Thomas Andrew, the writer of this letter, was a servant of William Paston, the uncle of Sir John, but the William Paston to whom this letter is addressed seems to have been Sir John’s brother, whom we find to have been in service with the Earl of Oxford during the years 1488-90.] [Footnote 114-2: Richard Fenwyk was rector of Testerton from 1482-1504.] [Footnote 115-1: Apparently this ‘he’ means Yelverton himself, his servant being at the time a prisoner in the Earl of Oxford’s custody. Fenn erroneously reads ‘in person’ instead of ‘in preson’ in the previous sentence.] [Footnote 115-2: Fenn supposes ‘my lady’s grace’ to be the Countess of Richmond, the King’s mother. I should think, however, it was more probably the Lady Anne Beaufort, wife of William Paston the uncle, the writer being in their service.] 1029 T. GRIGGS TO SIR JOHN PASTON[115-3] _To the Right Honorable Sir John Paston, Knyght, be this delyverid._ [Sidenote: 1489 / FEB. 2] Right reverent and honorable, after the ordre of all diew recommendacion had, I recomaunde me un to your maistership. Sir, it is so that John Talyour of Brytcham, debite [_deputy_] in your office of Th’admirallite, was with me this mornyng to have myn advyce in this mater folowyng, the whiche is this. There was taken ageyns Thornham, in the Kynges streeme, leyng ij. fadam and an halff depe upon the see, a whalle fyssh, by Thornham men labouryng all nyght on Sunday nyght last was, and so have slayn it, and brought to lande; upon the whiche your said debite hath ben ther as yister day, and seysed my lordes part therof; wherof the puple was glad it shuld so be. Than John a Lowe was there, and he seyd to your debite that he wold have the Kynges part in this wise, that the Kyng and my lord shuld part the halff. Sir, the lawe cyvylle seyth thus, ‘If any fyssh ryall be founde on the se, that is to say, _whalle, bales, sturgion, porpeys, or gra[m]peys_, that my Lord Admyrall shall have the halvendele,’ &c. I thynke my lord[116-1] hath the Kynges prerogatyff upon the see, the whiche I remytte to your discrecion, &c. Sir, by lyklyhode, without ye take hede and send thedir som of youres, my lordes part shall be litill. It is a greet fissh and a ryall; your debite sheweth me it is xj. fadam and more of length, and ij. fadam of bygnes and depnes in the mydde fyssh. Sir, remembre what ye have to do; there came not suche a casualte in your tyme of your office, &c. Wherfore this, by th’enfourmacion of your sayd debite, cause me to wryte un to you this sympill bille, praying you to pardone me of the writyng, for it was don in hast; and this bille I sent to Willyam Brykkes your servant, to Matelask, by masse tyme, to brynke it to you. And this day they purpose to breke it. Do hereyn now as it please you, and Allmighti God have you and all youres in Hese kepyng; besechyng you that this symple bille may recomaunde my pouer wiff un to your maistershipp. Wretyn on Candilmas Day, in hast, at Welles. Your, T. GRIGGES. [Footnote 115-3: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter is evidently of the same year as that which follows it, to which we refer the reader.] [Footnote 116-1: The Earl of Oxford was Lord Admiral.] 1030 MARGERY PASTON TO SIR JOHN PASTON[117-1] _To my rygth wurchypfull mastyr, Syr John Paston, Knyth, this lettyr be delyvered in hast._ [Sidenote: 1489 / FEB. 10] Rygth reverent and worchypfull sir, in the most owmble wyse I recomand me un to yow, desyryng to here of yowre welfare, the qwech God long contynew. Sir, myn brodyr Wyllyam recomawnd hym on to yow. And as for the lettyr that ze sent on to hym, he hath schewyd my lord the entent ther off, and he thynkyth hym self, that it is no part of hys dute to have any part of the fysch, or any mony that schuld grow ther of. Never the lasse, my lord, acordyng as yowr desyre was in the letter, had qwestyond John a Lowe of thys fych, afor the comyng of John Danyel, what he had doon with all; and he answerd, as for the nedyr chavyll [_jaw_] therof, he had put it in sewrte, and leyd it in a howse, be cawse youre debyte [_deputy_] seasyd it to myn lords use, tyll it myth be undyrstond wedyr the propyrte ware in the Kyng or in my lord; and so my lord held hym well content it schud be so, in so moche as the Kyng and my lord have comawndyd John a Lowe that thys forsayd chavyll schuld be browth up to the Kyng in all goodly hast. Fardermore, my brodyr Wyllyam perseyvyd be yowre wrytyng that ye cowd make the remnawnth of the fych worth a iiij_li._ to my lord. My lord wold ze schuld not trobyll yowre self no more with all, becawse he thynkyth that the propyrte is not in hym. And also anodyr, my brodyr Wyllyam heryth sey in the corte, that the Kyng and my lord be content that the remenaunt of the fych be to the use of them of the cuntre, the wech ze schall here the more serteyn therof here after. Also my broder Wyllyam seyth, that my lord wyllyd yow that ze schuld send the retorne of the comyscion as hastyly as ze can, and mervell that ze hath not sent it up or thys. As touards the brekyng up of the Parlement,[118-1] many lykelywoodes ther be, that it schuld contynew no wyle, and these be they. My Lord the Archebyschop of Yorke departyd as zysterday, and my Lord of Northethomyrlond schall goo as on Fryday; and also all schuch folkys as schall goo in to Breten schall be at Portysmowth on Satyrday cum forthnyth, and the Munday after on see bord, at wech seassun the Kyng intentyd to be ther to take the mustyrs. And as for thos jantylmen that toke schyppyng to a gon over in to Breten up on a fortnyth a goo, that is to sey, Syr Richard Egecum, the cowntroller,[118-2] Sir Roberd Clyfford, Sir John Trobylvyll, and John Motton, sarjant porter, be a ryvyd ageyn up on the cost of Yngland, save all only Syr Richard Egecum, wech londyd in Breten, and ther was in a towne callyd Morleys, wech a non up on hys comyng was besegyd with the Frenchmen, and so skapyd hardly with hys lyff, the wech towne the Frenchemen have gotyn, and also the town callyd Breest; how be it the castell holdyth, as we here say. And ther be apoyntyd serteyn captens at thys seasun, wech be Lord Bruke, Sir John Cheney, Sir John of Arundell, Sir John Becham, Sir John Gray, myn broder Awdley, myn unkyll Syr Gylberd Debnam,[118-3] and Thomas Stafford, and many odyr knytys and esqwyrys. And, sir, I thanke yow for the lettyr that ze sent me. Also, syr, I have fulfyllyd myn pylgremage, thanke it be God. Also, sir, we undyrstond that it is anactyd of every x. marke of mevable goodes xx_d._ to the Kyng, besyd the tennyth of every mannys londys. And, sir, my brodyr Heydon schall send yow the serteyn of all odyr thyngys grawntyd at thys Parlement, for he hath cawsed John Danyell to tery all thys day for hys letter, be cawse he was with the Kyng at Westmestre, that he myth not entend to wryth it tyl nyth. Also, sir, Master Calthorp hath payd j.C. marke to the Kyng. Also, sir, I have delyverd the x_li._ to Master Hawes, and reseywed of hym the oblygacion. Also, I have delyverd the xx^ti marke to Edmund Dorman, be my brodyr Heydons comawndment. No more to yow at thys tyme, but God and the Holy Trinyte have yow in Her kepyng. And myn syster Anne, with all the company, recomawnd hem on to yow. Wretyn at London, the x. day of Februar. Be yowr servaunt, MARGERY PASTON. [Footnote 117-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter is erroneously dated by Fenn 1487-8. Although Lord Woodville made an unauthorised expedition into Brittany in the spring of 1488, which is alluded to in No. 1026, no succours were sent by Henry for the relief of the Duchy till after the crushing defeat of Duke Francis at the battle of St. Aubin (July 28, 1488). The Duke died on the 9th September following, and his daughter Anne became Duchess of Brittany. Commissions to raise archers for the relief of Brittany were issued in December, and musters were commanded to be taken in February 1489.] [Footnote 118-1: Parliament was dissolved on the 27th February 1489.] [Footnote 118-2: Sir Richard Edgecombe was Controller of the King’s Household.] [Footnote 118-3: Sir Thomas Brews, Margery Paston’s father, took for his second wife Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Giles, and sister of Sir Gilbert Debenham.] 1031 WILLIAM PASTON TO SIR JOHN PASTON[120-1] _To hys broder, Sir John Paston, be thys letter delyvered._ [Sidenote: 1489 / MARCH 7] Sir, I recomaunde me to yow, letynge yow wete that . . . . . . . . .[120-2] As for my Lord Treserer,[120-3] he was not with the Kynge of all the counsell tyme, the whyche was endyd on the iij^de day of Marche. And theder come my Lorde of Northethombyrland the fyrste day of Marche, and departyd the even afore the makyng of thys letter, and hath endentyd with the Kynge for the kepynge owt of the Schottys and warrynge on them, and schall have large money, I can not telle the some for certeyn. Also ther is an rover takyn at Brystowe, on [_one_] Cowper, as I wene, and he is lyke to be hanged, and he confessythe more of hys felawis. Also Edward Heestowe of Dovere is apechyd of treson of many straunge poynts; and hys accuser and he were bothe afore the Kynge, and then they were takyn apert. And he hymselfe confessyd it that hys accusere accusyd hym of, and many other thyngs more than he was accusyd of. And he had many lords and gentylmen to aunswere for hys trowthe and his demenynge afore tyme, for, as I hard sey, bothe the Kynge in a maner, nor non of the tother lords nor gentylmen belevyd not hys accuser, tyl that he confessyd it hym selfe; and so he is in the Towre and lyke to be dede. As for the Kynges comynge into the contre. On Monday come fortenyght he well lye at the Abbey of Stratteforde and so to Chelmnsford, than to Syr Thomas Mongehombrey, than to Hevenyngham,[121-1] than to Colchestyr, than to Ipswyche, than to Bery, than to Dame Anne Wyngfelds, and so to Norwych; and there woll he be on Palme Sunday Evyn,[121-2] and so tary there all Ester, and than to Walsyngham. Wherefore ye had nede to warne Wylliam Gogyne and hys felaws to purvey them of wyne i now, for every man berythe me on hande[121-3] that the towne schalbe dronkyn drye as Yorke was when the Kynge was there. Syr, Mayster Sampson recomaunde hym on to yow, and he hathe sende yow a rynge be Edmonde Dorman, and besydys that he requeryd me to wryte on to yow that it were best for yow to purvey yow of some gentyl meny thynges ageyns the Kyngs comyng, for suere he well brynge yow gests i now, and therfore purvey yow theraftyr. Also he sendythe yow worde that it is my lords mende that my syster with all other godely folkys there abowt scholde acompeny with Dame Elsebethe Calthrop[121-4] because there is noo grete lady ther abowte ageyns the Kyngs comyng, for my lorde hathe made grete boste of the fayre and goode gentylwomen of the contre, and so the Kynge seyd he wolde see them sure. Syr, my lorde hathe sente on to the most parte of the gentyl men of Essex to wayte upon hym at Chelmnysford, where as he entendythe to mete with the Kynge, and that they be well apoyntyd, that the Lankeschere men may see that ther be gentylmen of as grete sobestaunce that thei be able to bye alle Lankeschere. Men thynke that ye amonge yow wol doo the same. Your contre is gretely bostyd of, and also the inabytors of the same. I beseche you to remembr my hors that ye promisyd me. God kepe yow. Wretyn at Schene in haste, the vij. day of Marche, with the hande of your brodyr, WYLLIAM PASTON. [Footnote 120-1: [From Fenn, ii. 158.] This letter was unquestionably written in the reign of Henry VII., and not in that of Edward IV., to which Fenn assigned it. The writer, William Paston, was only born in the year 1459, and was still pursuing his studies at Eton so late in Edward’s reign as the year 1479, in the end of which year his eldest brother, Sir John Paston, died. The Sir John Paston to whom this is addressed must therefore be the second son of John Paston, Esquire, who was knighted at the battle of Stoke in 1487, and died in 1503. The year in which the letter was written is, however, still doubtful. I do not find by the Privy Seal dates of Henry VII. that such a progress as is here spoken of was ever carried out. Apparently it was intended that, beginning on Monday fortnight after the date of the letter, the King should occupy a fortnight on the way from London to Norwich, and arrive there on Palm Sunday Eve. The year must therefore have been one in which Palm Sunday Eve fell between the 5th and the 11th of April, and Easter Day between the 13th and 19th April. The earliest year that will suit these conditions is 1489, when Easter fell on the 19th April; and that this was the true date of the letter is made probable by several other circumstances. In 1489 the King was staying at Sheen during March. A great council had certainly met in the end of the year 1488 about the affairs of Brittany, and is very likely to have prolonged its meetings or renewed them from time to time to the 3rd March following. Moreover, if our date be correct, it supplies an interesting and highly probable fact with regard to Henry, Earl of Northumberland, the fourth of the line of Percy, who was slain in an insurrection in the north in April following, showing that he was with the King at Sheen in the beginning of March, and had undertaken by indenture to protect the Borders against the Scots, not long before he found himself called upon to put down the King’s rebellious subjects in Yorkshire.] [Footnote 120-2: Here follows some account relative to a grant from the Crown, etc.--F.] [Footnote 120-3: John, Lord Dynham.] [Footnote 121-1: Not Haveningham in Suffolk, but Heveningham, Hevingham, or, as it is now commonly written, Hedingham, in Essex, the seat of the Earl of Oxford.] [Footnote 121-2: 11th April.] [Footnote 121-3: _See_ vol. ii. p. 110, Note 1.] [Footnote 121-4: Elizabeth, wife of Sir William Calthorpe, was daughter and coheir of Sir Miles Stapleton.] [[be thys letter delyvered. _first italic “d” misprinted as “a”_]] 1032 THE EARL OF OXFORD TO SIR JOHN PASTON[122-1] _To the righte worshipfull and my righte intierly belovyd Sir John Paston, Knyghte._ [Sidenote: 1489 / MARCH 12] Righte worshipfull and righte intierly belovyd, I commaunde me to you. And acording to the Kyng our soverayne Lordis commaundemente late to me addressid, I desire and pray you that ye woll in all godely haste, upon the sighte hereof, prepare youre selfe to be in a redinesse with as many personnes as ye herbyfore grauntid to do the Kyng servyce in my company diffensibely arayed and therupon so to resorte unto me in all godely haste possyble upon a day warnyng, horsid and harnessid, to be at the Kynges wayges. And God kepe yow. Writen at my castelle of Hedingham, the xij. day of Marche. OXYNFORD. [Footnote 122-1: [Douce MS. 393, f. 79.] The date at which this letter was written is uncertain, but it may very probably have reference, like some later letters in this year, to the King’s proposed journey northwards, as it will be seen by the last No. that he intended to have visited the Earl at Hedingham.] 1033 WILLIAM PASTON TO THE BAILIFF OF MAUTBY[123-1] _To the Baly of Mawlteby._ [Sidenote: 1489] Mayster Baly, I recomaunde me on to yow, praynge yow that ye woll sende me be Wylliam Kokkys[123-2] berer her of, iiij. nobylles in golde, putt in to the same boxe that thys byll is in, as thow it wer evydens; for I have tolde the masengere that he schulde brynge me nothyng but evydens, for he is in a manere departyng owt of my servyse, wherfore I wold nott he knew so myche of my counsell. And as for the remenaunte, I wellde ze schulde kepe it tyll I come my selfe. And if Bayard be onsolde, I pray yow late hym be made fatte ageyns the Kynge come in to the contre, what so ever I pay for the kepyng of hym, and I schall wete how goode a corser I schall be my selfe, at my comyng in to the contre, be the grace of God, Who have yow in kepyng. Wretyn at Henyngham. Be your, WYLLIAM PASTON. [Footnote 123-1: [From Fenn, iv. 310.] This letter is dated from Heningham, or Hedingham, one of the places which, as we have seen in No. 1031, the King was to have visited on his intended journey northwards in 1489. I have little doubt, therefore, that it was written in that year. The writer, according to Fenn, was William Paston, Sir John’s uncle; but it is remarkable that in this same year William Paston, Sir John’s brother, writes to him from Heningham, and as the signatures of the two Williams were not very unlike each other, one may fairly suspect that Fenn has here made an error. This suspicion is, moreover, confirmed by the fact that Mautby was the property of Margaret Paston, who died in 1484, and that it could not possibly have descended to her brother-in-law William, though her son William may have had an interest in it.] [Footnote 123-2: Fenn prints the name ‘Hokkys,’ but as the reading in the modernised version is Cocks, I presume this is a printer’s error.] 1034 THE EARL OF OXFORD TO EDMUND PASTON[124-1] _To my right welbiloved Edmond Paston, Esquier._ [Sidenote: Between 1486-9] Right welbiloved, I grete you wele. And where as certein landes which late were the Lord Scales by title of enheritaunce, be discendid to me, and to my welbiloved cousin William Tyndale, it is accordid bitwixt me and my said cousin that the profites of the said landes, shalle neither be taken by my resceivoire nor his, but that an indifferent persone shalle take and resceive the same profittes to the use of us bothe till suche tyme as a resonable particion may laufully be made in that behalf. Wherfore as wele as I my said cousin, havyng speciall confidence and trust in you, desire and hertly pray you to take the laboure and peyn atte oure costes and charges, to take and resceive the profites of alle the said landes, to oure use and behofe, deliveryng alwey the oon moyte of your receites to my resceivoure, and the other moitee to my said cousin Tyndale, whan so ever the said profites by you so shalle be taken and resceived. Yevyng you full auctorite and power by this my writyng to execute the same. Written atte Newe Market the vij^th day of Aprill. OXYNFORD. [Footnote 124-1: [Douce MS. 393, f. 81.] A portion of the lands of Thomas, Lord Scales, whose widow, Elizabeth, married Anthony Woodville, Earl of Rivers,--and among others the manor called Scales’s Manor in Hockwold,--descended after the death of this Elizabeth to William Tyndale, who was knighted at the coronation of Arthur, Prince of Wales, on the 30th November 1489. (See Blomefield, ii. 180, and Leland’s _Collectanea_, iv. 250-2.) As this letter must have been written after the accession of Henry VII., when the Earl of Oxford returned from banishment, and before William Tyndale was made a knight, the date is between 1486 and 1489.] 1035 THE SCALES LANDS[125-1] Edmund Paston, receyvor of the Scalys landes, askyth to be allowed of xij_li._ xij_s._ viij_d._ whiche hangith over his hede in his accompte made bifore Robert Sharp at the Feste of the Pureficacion of our Lady laste paste, for his costes and expenses for two yeres, as hyt apperith in the sayde accomptes. Item, the sayde Edmund askyth to be allowed for his costes and expenses of this yere, Cxviij_li._ iiij_d._, beside his costes commynge and goynge to this accompte. Item, for his rewarde of the saide iij. yeres _ad placitum dominorum_. Whereof ys allowed for his costes by the comaundement of my lorde, x_li._ Item, allowed by the[125-2] _Endorsed in same hand as the MS._, Billa Edmundi Paston. [Footnote 125-1: [Douce MS. 393, f. 80.] It is evident that this document is at least three years later than the preceding, but it is placed here for convenience.] [Footnote 125-2: Here the MS. breaks off abruptly.] [[of this yere, Cxviij_li._ iiij_d._ _text unchanged: error for “Cxviij_s._”?_]] 1036 HENRY VII. TO THE EARL OF OXFORD[125-3] [Sidenote: 1489 / APRIL 22] Right trusty and entierly beloved cousin, we grete you well. Inasmuch as it hath liked God to sende us good tidinges oute of Bretayn, such as we dought not but that ye be desirous to undrestonde, we wryte unto you of them as thay be comen to our knowlage, and as foloueth. The Lord Malpertuis, now late with us in ambassade from our dere cousine, the Duchesse of Bretayne, shippid at our porte of Dortmouth, and arrived at Saynt Powle de Lyon, in Bretayn, on Palme Sonday,[126-1] at iiij. after noone, from whens he wrote us the disposicion and the state of the countre there, and of the landyng and the demeanyng of oure armee. We received his wrytyng on Monday last, at evynsong tyme; and be cause he was of Bretayn borne, and favorable to that partie, we ne gave such trust to his tidinges, as was thought to us surete to wryte to you theruppon. This daye, aftre High Masse, comyth unto us from oute of Bretayne forsaid, and with a new ambassade from our said cousine, Fawcon, oon of our pursivantes, that ratifieth the newes of the seid Lord Malpertuis, which ben these. After the garysson of Frenshmen in the towne of Gyngham[126-2] had certeinte of the landyng of our armee, thei drewe downe the fabours[126-3] of Gyngham, and made thayme mete to defende a siege; but assone as thei undirstode that our said armee jornayned towardes theim, thei left the same Gyngham, where our said armee arrived the Thursday next before Palme Sonday, and was received with procession, logged and received, refreshed in the town iiij. dayes. And goyng towardes the said Duchesse, thei must passe to the castell and borugh of Monconter. In that castell was also a garnisson of Frenshemen, which incontinently, upon worde that our said armee drwe towardes theym, the Frenshmen did cast downe gret parte of the walles, and fled from thens; in that castell and borugh our seid armee kept thair Estre. The castell of Chawson, adjoyning nere to the towne of Saynt Bryak, was also garnisond with Frenshmen; that castell they set on fire, and soo fled in the townes of Henebone and Vannes[126-4] were garnisond with Frenshmen, which breke downe the walles of the townes, and putte them selff to fligth. Th’inhabitantes a bought Brest have layd siege therunto, and goten the Base Courte of the Frenshmen or the departyng of our said pursivaunt. The garnson of the towne of Concarnewe, which is oon of the grettest strenghes of all Bretayn, was besieged in like wyse, and drevyn to that necessite that thei with in offerid, ar his said departyng, to avoyde the towne with staffe in hande; how that is takyn, or what is more done sithens, he cannot telle. Oure said cousine, the Duchesse, is in her citee of Raynes; and our right trusti knyght and counsellour, Sir Richard Eggecombe, there also, havyng cheeff rule abowte her; and the Marchall of Bretayn arredieth hym to joyne with them in alle haste with a gode band of men. Mony noble men of that countree repair to our said armee to take their partie. These premisses in substaunce we have be wrytyng, aswell from the cheff capytaynes of our said armee, as from our comptrollour[127-1] forsaid. And that our said armee, blessid be God, hath among theyme selfe kepte such love and accorde, that no maner of fray or debate hath bene bitwene theym sithens the tyme of thair departing out this our Reame. Yoven under our signed, at our castell at Hartford, the xxij. day of Aprill. Syr, thys is the copye of the lettyr that the Kynge sente my Lorde of Oxynford of tydyynges owte of Breten. Be yowre brodyr, WYLLIAM PASTON. [Footnote 125-3: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter was evidently written in the same year as No. 1030, in which it is mentioned that Sir Richard Edgecombe and others had gone over to Brittany.] [Footnote 126-1: 12th April.] [Footnote 126-2: Guingamp.] [Footnote 126-3: Fauxbourgs, which Fenn supposes here to mean portcullises, but I know not if the word was ever used in such a sense. Perhaps what is meant is, that they destroyed the suburbs to fortify their position.] [Footnote 126-4: The word ‘which’ appears to be omitted.] [Footnote 127-1: Sir Richard Edgecombe.] 1037 THE EARL OF OXFORD TO SIR JOHN PASTON[127-2] _To the right worshipfull and my right welbeloved Sir John Paston, Knyght._ [Sidenote: 1489 / APRIL 30] Right worshipfull and right welbeloved, I comaunde me to you. And for as moche as it is certeinly unto the Kynges Grace shewed that my Lord of Northumberland havyng the auctorite to se the Kynges money levied in the North parties, had knowleche that certeyne persones of combnes wer assembled at Topclif, and at a nother lordship of his nygh to the same, saying that they wolde pay no money; my seid Lord of Northumberland heryng therof, and that they wer but naked men, addressed hym self towardes theym withoute eny harneys in pesible maner, trustyng to have appeased theym. Howe be it, as hit is seid, that he is distressed and that they have taken hym or slayne hym; whiche the Kyng entendeth to punysshe. I therfore desire and hertely pray you in all godely haste to be with me at Hedyngham, there for to knowe more clierly the Kynges plesir in this behalve. Writen at Hertford the last day of Aprile. Also I send to you a comyssion of licence to shepp corne, which I pray you to do to be proclaymed in alle haste. OXYNFORD. [Footnote 127-2: [Douce MS. 393, f. 83.] The Earl of Northumberland was slain in the North on the 28th April 1489, while endeavouring to put down a revolt against payment of the subsidy.] 1038 THE EARL OF OXFORD TO SIR JOHN PASTON[128-1] _To the right worshipfull and my right welbeloved counceilour, Sir John Paston, Knyght._ [Sidenote: 1489 / MAY 6] Right worshipfull and right welbeloved counceilour, I comaunde me to you. And where as I understand by your wrytyng that a grete shippe is perisshed with you in thoo parties, and that ye have ben gretely occupied aboute the savyng of the goodes of the same; and that the merchauntes therof ben disposed to put their wynes to sale, of the whiche ye maye by a ton for C_s._ and litel more; I may by in this cuntrey for iiij_li._, wherfore if ye may by there eny better chepe, I pray you to purveye for me, such as ye seme necessary. And forsomoche as ye may nat be here with me at this tyme, I desire and pray you to prepare and ordeyne your self with as many men in harneys as ye godely may, to do the Kyng service in my company, at the Kynges charge and costes, so as ye and they may be with me at Cambrige, upon Tewesday[129-1] next comyng; and that ye faile nat herof, as my right especial trust is in you. Writen at my castell of Hedyngham, the vj. daye of May. OXYNFORD. [Footnote 128-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] For the date of this letter, see preliminary note to the next.] [Footnote 129-1: 12th May.] 1039 WILLIAM PASTON TO SIR JOHN PASTON[129-2] _To hys brodyr, Syr John Paston._ [Sidenote: 1489 / MAY] Syr, I recomaunde me on to yow. And where as ye desyre that I schulde sende yow worde of suche tydyng as Phylyp Lewes and Wyndesor bryngythe fro the corte, they be come thens bothe, but we here of no tydynges that they brynge, but that yondyr folkys abyde stylle abowte the place where as thys onhappy dede was done, and not with no grete nowmbyr, they sey not paste with v. or vj. C., where they were moste. Howbeyt they have made proclamacions in the cuntrey to mete with oder of ther affynyte as on Tuesday last past, as it aperythe in the copy of ther proclamacion heraftyr folowyng. Also they schewe the Kynge intendythe to holde on hys jurney. And Phylyp Lewes is redyn ageyn to the Kyng, and schall brynge with hym money for all ther wages that schall be in my lordys retynew, as yow and vj. of Syr Wylliam Bolens servauntes and od[yrs]. Syr, Mr. Clopton sye [_saw_] yowre lettyr, and a seythe he knew my lordes mende suche, that he durste not meve hym with it. Ther was Syr Wylliam Say, but Clopton wolde not it schulde be knowen of non other but your selfe. He sent my lorde be a servaunt of hys xl_li._ to have excusyid hym, and it wolde not be takyn, and that I mervell of. Howbeyt he brake thus fer to my lorde; he asched hym how many he apoyntyd yow to brynge with yow, and he answerde hym xx^ti, and than he schewyd hym yowr charges that ye have had. My lorde seyd ye myght have men a nowe, and ther wages schal be payd for. Clopton aunswerde how that it wolde coste yow large money, besyde ther wages, to hors them and hernes them; and how that, to sey the trowthe, ye were not well at ese. Not withstandynge all thys, my lorde wyllyd that ye schulde come to hym to Cambryge on Tuesday at nyght, with as many as ye myght, and ye and he schulde do well i now. Soo Clopton thyngyth that and ye brynge a dosen with yow, it is suffycyent; howbeyt that Syr Emonde Bedyngfeld, Syr Thomas Tyrell, and Syr Ryc. Lewes have ben with my lorde, and yche of them have offyrde to mete with my lorde at Cambryge with xxx. men a pese of them. So I wolde not ye schulde be to ferre undyr them; wherfor I thynke best that ye purvey yow so as and ye schulde goo forthe yor selfe, for I can perseve non othyr wyse. My bedfelawe Cornwaleys is maryed in the Northe, and he came as yesternyght to my lorde streyt owt of the contre, and he scheythe [_showeth_] non othyr wyse but as I have wretyn here afore in thys lettyr. Ye schall have for yor self and for yche of your servauntes horsyd and hernessyd xx_s._ in hande at Cambryge for a monthe, and I truste we schal have done or xx. days to an ende, with the grace of God, Who have yow in kepynge. At Henyngham. Be your brodyr, WYLLIAM PASTON. [_The Rebels’ Proclamacion._] To be knowyn to all the northe partes of England, to every lorde, knyght, esquyer, gentylman, and yeman that they schalbe redy in ther defensable aray, in the est parte, on Tuysday next comyng, on Aldyrton More, and in the west parte on Gateley More, the same day, upon peyne of losyng of ther goodes and bodyes, for to geynstonde suche persons as is abowtward for to dystroy oure suffereyn Lorde the Kynge and the Comowns of Engelond, for suche unlawfull poyntes as Seynt Thomas of Cauntyrbery dyed for; and thys to be fulfyllyd and kept by every ylke comenere upon peyn of dethe. And thys is in the name of Mayster Hobbe Hyrste, Robyn Godfelaws brodyr he is, as I trow. [Footnote 129-2: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] It is evident that this letter was written shortly after the preceding, which is dated the 6th May. In that letter Paston is desired to be at Cambridge on the Tuesday following to do the King service, and here we find that it was intended by the King himself to have been there, leading an army against some Northern rebels in person. The expressions in the beginning of this letter leave very little doubt that the insurrection referred to was that in which the Earl of Northumberland was slain on the 28th April 1489.--_See_ Leland’s _Collectanea_, iv. 246.] [[howbeyt that Syr Emonde Bedyngfeld _“y” in “Bedvngfeld” either broken or misprinted as “v”_]] 1040 THE BISHOP OF DURHAM TO SIR JOHN PASTON[131-1] _To the right worshypful sire, and my right trusty and right entierly wel beloffyd freynde, Sire John Paston, Knyght._ ΙΗΣ. Χρς. [Sidenote: 1490 / JAN. 27] Ryght wortchipful sire, and myne especial and of long tyme apprevyd, trusty and feythful frende, I in myne hertyeste wyse recommaunde me un to you. And for as myche as I hafe coles and odyr thynges in thise parties, and also ye hafe in those parties cornes, wyne, and wax, and as I am enfourmyd ye be noght evyl wyllyd to dele with me, no more than I am to dele with you in utteryng, and also in receyvyng of suche thynges, the whiche myght be to the profete of us bothe, I ther fore send un to you at thys tyme thys berer, William Walkere, gentylman usshere of my chamber, to commune with you herein, so that by delyberation suche a wey may be takyn in thys byhalfe as may be to the profete of either of us, and wher by our familiarite and frendeship may be encrescyd in tyme to cum. Where un to for our old acquayntance to gedyr, ye shal fynde me ful redy after my powere, by the grace of our Lorde, Who ever kepe you, and send you myche worship and long prosperite. Scribyllyd in the moste haste, at my castel or manoir of Aucland, the xxvij. day of January 1489.[132-1] Your own trewe luffer and frende, JOHN DURESME.[132-2] [Footnote 131-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]] [Footnote 132-1: 1490 according to the modern computation, beginning the year in January instead of on the 25th March.] [Footnote 132-2: John Sherwood, Bishop of Durham. He was appointed to that see by the Pope in 1485 at the solicitation of King Richard III. He was a man of high character and learning, and one of the earliest Greek scholars in England.] 1041 LUMEN HARYSON TO [SIR JOHN PASTON][132-3] [Sidenote: About 1490(?)] Onerabyll and well be lovyd knythe, I commend me on to zour masterchepe and to my lady zowyr wyffe. I thanke zowyr mastyrchepe that ze have don for me. I sen my lady a lytyll pes of Renysch wyne of the best, of x. gallons, and halfe a hondyrd orrygys. I schall send hyr mor a geyns Pencost that sche may have fresche. And Renold have not gyve me the to nobyls and xlj_d._, that ze told me off for the wyne. And my servys be nyzt and be day to zowr commawndment. Zyff zowyr mastyrchep wyll ony thyng wyth me, I xall be at Cley. No more than God be wyth zow. Wrytyn up on the Tuysday aftyr Palme Sonday. LUMEN HARYSON. At zowyr comawndment. [Footnote 132-3: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter was printed in volume v. of the original edition, p. 380. I do not know Sir John Fenn’s reason for considering it to have been written ‘about 1490,’ but as I see nothing to the contrary, I keep it under his date. The writer was probably one of the German merchants of the Hanse, and the name with which he signs the letter seems to have been a little Anglicised. It is endorsed by Sir John, ‘Lumen Henrikson.’] 1042 SIR JOHN PASTON TO [LORD FITZWALTER][133-1] [Sidenote: About 1490(?)] Humbly besecheth your good lordshepe, your dayly servaunt and beedman, John Paston, more kayteff than knyght, that it may please you of your specyall grace to dyrect ought your lettres, sygned with your hand and sealid with your seall, to the dreedfull man, Jamys Radcliff of Byllingforth, Sqwyer, fermour of your wareyn ther, ought of wheys wareyn no maner of man nor vermyn dare take on hym, for dought of your seyd dredfull [man], to take or carye awey eny of your game ther, for fere [of being] hangyd up among other mysdoers and forfaytours, as wesellis, lobsters [_stoats_], polkattys, bosartys [_hawks_], and mayne currys,--that the seyd Jamys shall, upon the syght of your seyd wryghtyng, delyver, or cause to be delyverd, to your seyd besecher or to hys depute, delyverer of your seyd lettres, at hys fyrst syght of the same, vj. coupyll blake conyes or rennyng rabbettys, or some blake and some whyght to the seyd nombre, to store with a newe grownd of your seyd besechers at Oxenhed, more lyeke a pynnefold than a parke. And your seyd besecher shall daylye prey to God for the preservacyon of your noble estate longe t’endure. [Footnote 133-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This humorous petition, though it bears no address, was certainly drawn up for presentation to Sir John Radcliff, Lord Fitzwalter, the writer of Letters 1024 and 1025, for he was lord of the manor of Billingford in Norfolk, and James Radcliff, the farmer of his warren, was evidently his kinsman. The date is probably, as Fenn suggests, ‘about 1490,’ certainly before 1495, when Lord Fitzwalter was beheaded. The MS. is a rough draft in Paston’s hand.] 1043 THE EARL OF SURREY TO SIR JOHN PASTON[134-1] _To my right worshipfull cousine, Sir John Paston, Knyght._ [Sidenote: 1490, or later] Right worshipfull cousine, in right harty wyse I commaunde me unto you. And where I understand by Thomas Hartforde, a bower of Norwiche, berer herof, hath been putt to grete vexacion and trouble by oon Thomas Hogan, scomaker, of Norwiche, and that I perceyve ye have harde the matier depending in travers bitwixt the saide parties; I therfore desire you that, in the right of the forsayd Thomas Hartford, ye wolbe unto hym gode maistir, and the bettir for this myn instaunce, as my singler trust is in you. And where I conceyve also that the same Thomas is noysed in Norffolk for a Scotesman borne, ye shall understande that I perceyve wele, by suche honest folkes as I have hard speke within the citie of York, that the saide Thomas was borne their, and his fathir there inhabityng, and his god fathirs and mothers, the which bee right honest persones; and for that this is true, and not feyned, ye shall understand the Maiour of the citie of York and his brethern hath made grete instaunce unto me to writ for the saide Thomas, for whom I must nedes do, because thaye arre my nye neighbours, as our Lord knoweth, Who have you in His blissid saufegard. Written in the castell of Shirefhoton, the xxiiij^th day of Aprill. Your lovyng cousin, THOMAS SURREY. [Footnote 134-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey, the writer of this letter, fought for Richard III. at the battle of Bosworth, and was taken prisoner. He was, however, after some years’ confinement, liberated from the Tower, and taken into favour. In 1489 the King sent him into the North to put down the rebellion in which the Earl of Northumberland was slain, and afterwards made him his lieutenant-general north of Trent; and for ten years he resided continually in those parts. The date of this letter, therefore, cannot be earlier than 1490, though it may be several years later.] 1044 THE EARL OF SURREY TO SIR JOHN PASTON[135-1] _To my right worshipfull Cousin, Sir John Paston._ [Sidenote: 1490, or later] Cousin Paston, in my most herty wyse I recomaund me unto you, and thank you for many kindnesses of tyme past, and also for that ye have bene so good maister unto my sarvaunt William May, and now at his comyng to me ye have at your greate coste sent him to me dressed in suche wise as is veray necessary for me to have men appareled; for the whiche your kindnesse I think myselfe right muche beholden to do you pleasure and it moght lye in my power, which I wuld right gladly do, as knoweth our Lord, whom I beseche to send you moche harte pleasure. Wreten at Sherifhoton, the vj^th day of July, with the hand of Your lovyng Cousin, THOMAS SU[RREY].[135-2] [Footnote 135-1: [MS. in Pembroke College, Cambridge.] This letter may well follow the last as being probably of the same year. At all events it lies within much the same range of date.] [Footnote 135-2: Mutilated. Below is written in a later hand, and also mutilated: ‘Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey, the . . . . of Scots at Flodden.’ The letter is indorsed ‘Litt. Com. Surrey.’] 1045 THE EARL OF OXFORD TO SIR JOHN PASTON[135-3] _To the right worshipfull and my right intierly welbelovyd counsellour, Sir John Paston, Knyght._ [Sidenote: 1491(?) / MARCH 27] Right worshipfull and right intierly welbelovyd councellour, I commaund me hertely to you. And forasmoche as for certayne especiall causes moving, there be sessions appoynted to be holden at Gyppiswiche, the Friday sevenyght aftre Estre, which shall be the xv. day of Aprile, where I purpose then certaynly to be, and to have aswell the matere by twene Sir Edmounde Benyngfeld[136-1] and Yelverton[136-2] there to be harde and commenyd, as diverse othre grete maters in that contrey necessary to be had in comynycacion; I therfor desire and pray you that ye fayle nat to be there the same day, bryngyng with you the forseide Yelverton, trusting that then suche direccion shall be takyn in that matere as can be thought resonable, and to the weale of the parties; nat doubting but that Sir Edmound Benyngfeld shall be there in like wise. And Almyghty God kepe you. Wretin at my castell of Hedingham, the xxvij. day of Marche. OXYNFORD. [Footnote 135-3: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] As ‘Friday se’nnight after Easter’ was the 15th April, Easter Day must have fallen on the 3rd in the year in which this letter was written. This would suit either 1491 or 1496.] [Footnote 136-1: Bedingfield.] [Footnote 136-2: William Yelverton, Sir John Paston’s brother-in-law, grandson of the Judge.] 1046 HENRY VII. TO THE EARL OF OXFORD[136-3] [Sidenote: 1491 / APRIL 6] Ryght trusty and ryght welbelovyd cousyn, we grete yow well, &c. In that we desyer all the dogers [_fishing smacks_] of thos partes schuld have our licens to departe in the viage towardes Islond, as they have ben accustommyd to do yerly in tyme passyd, and that ye woll undertak they shall have with them no more quantites of graynes then woll only suffice for ther vitallyng and expensis; we late yow witte that owr fully interly belovyd cousyn the Kyng of Demarke hath showyd and compleynyd un to us by dyverse his letters, that when our subjectes come to the seid Islelond, beyng in hys obeissiance, they stelle, robbe, and exstorte his subjectes ther ageynse ryght and conciens. Wherfore, the seyd doggeres fyndyng sufficient surte be forne yow, such as ye will answer unto us, that they shall not have with them no graynes mo then shall only suffice for ther vitallyng, nor odyr thyng woth them that ys for bedyn, and that also they shall not in goyng, comyng, nor in ther beyng at the seyd Islond, take noo thyng but that they treuly pay or agre for, and frendly entrete our seyd cousyns subjectes withowth eny robbyng or exstartyng them in there bodyes ner goodys; we be content the seyd doggeres make ther viages thedyr at ther libertes, eny our wrytyng or comandment mad in to the contrary nat withstandyng; and ellys we woll that our restraynte of ther thedyr goyng stond styll in his strenthe and vertu. Yovyn ondir our signet, at our maner of Shene, the vj^th day of Aprile. * * * JOHN VER, Erle of Oxynford, Gret Chambyrleyn and Admirall of Ynglond, Viscount Bulbek, and Lord Skalys, to all them that this present writyng shall see or here, gretyng. And for asmuch as I late have recevyd the Kyng our Sovereyn Lords letters, beryng date the vj^th day of this monyth of Aprile, accordyng to a copy of the same, signyd with myn hand, wiche my ritht trusty servant, John Rowe, Marchall of my Admyralite, hath for to showe; Know ye that I, the seyd Erle and Admirall, have assygned and deputyd my seyd servant to see our seyd Sovereyn Lordes lettyrs pleynly executyd acordyng to the tenure of the same, and by thys present wrytyng have yevyn to hym full autoryte and pouer to put undyr arest all such doggeres as be dysposyd to mak the viage towardes Islond, to such tyme as they have fownd surte afor me, accordyng to owr seyd Sovereyn Lordys comandment, for ther demenyng in the seyd viagys. Yovyn under myn signett and signee manuell the x^th day of Aprile the vj. yere of the reygne of our seyd Sovereyn Lord Kyng Hery the vij^{th}. [Footnote 136-3: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]] [[our seyd Sovereyn Lord Kyng Hery the vij^{th}. _final . missing or invisible_]] 1047 THE EARL OF OXFORD TO SIR JOHN PASTON[138-1] _To the right worshipfull and my right welbeloved Sir John Paston, Knyght._ [Sidenote: 1491(?) / JULY 31] Right worshipfull and right welbeloved, I comaunde me to you. And where as I late receyved your wrytyng, beryng date the xxvj. day of this present monthe, by the whiche I understand that one Richard Calle toke certeyne men of werre robbyng upon the coste there; and in somoche as I understand that they be under the obeissaunce of the Kyng of Denmarke, I wolle and desyre you that ye delyver theym unto the seid Richard Calle to take his avauntage of theym as prisoners, seyng my dutee reserved in every thyng, as my trust is in you. And Almyghty God kepe you. Writen at my castell of Hedyngham, the last day of Jule. OXYNFORD. [Footnote 138-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] The date of this letter is uncertain, but, as Fenn suggests, it is not unlikely to have been written in the year 1491, when it may be supposed that Danish sailors endeavoured to requite the injuries inflicted by the English in Iceland, of which mention is made in the last letter.] 1048 THE OLD AND NEW BAILIFFS OF YARMOUTH TO SIR JOHN PASTON[138-2] _To oure right reverent and worshipfull and special good maister, Maister Paston._ [Sidenote: 1491 / [SEPT.]] Right reverent and worshipfull sir, and oure veray lovyng and curteys good mayster, we recomaund us on to you in as feythefull wyse as on oure part aperteynith; and hertely we thanke you for your labour and letter, whiche ye sent to us be your servaunt, be the whiche we wer asserteynid of the Kynges pleasure, and to acomplyshe the same, we with the assistens of youre maistirship wyll put us in oure devoir. We were at your manoir of Castir to have sen your maistirshyp, but ye were departyd as well from Yermouth yistirday, as this day from Castre. We wold have ben joyous to have seen your maistirship, if our fortune so had ben. Sir, we be enfourmyd that ore old special good Lord of Oxford, in whom we founde as gret favour be the mediacion of your maystirship, as ever we had of any creature, as we have wryting to shewe, in recumpens of whiche at all tymes sethyn hise lordshyp hathe had our preyeris; and now we wold have waytid upon hise lordshyp, but your maystirship knowith well we may not be absent on Mychilmesse Day for dyverse consederacions. Wherfore we beseke your good maystirshyp, ye lyke of your jentilnesse, to recomaund us unto our seyd good lord, and to make our exkuse to hym, and to do hyse lordshyp [to be] presentyd with a porpeyse, whiche we send yow be the brynger of thys; and if we had any othyr deyntes to do hym a pleasure, we wold, that knowyth God, Whom we beseke of Hyse infenit mercy to preserve the Kyng our Soverayn Lord, and oure seyd good lord, and you, and all the frutys of you from all adversite. Youre loveres and bedmen, the old Baliffes of Yermouth, and the newe Balyffes that now shalbe. [Footnote 138-2: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] ‘Several ordinances,’ says Fenn, ‘respecting corporation business, made by the men of Yarmouth, through Sir John Paston and Lord Oxford’s attention to them, received the King’s assent by his Attorney-General in 1491. It was for their activity in those matters, I presume, that this letter of thanks, etc. was addressed to Sir John.’ The time of year appears by the letter itself to be about Michaelmas.] 1049 THE EARL OF OXFORD TO SIR JOHN PASTON[140-1] _To the right worshipfull and my right intierly welbelovyd counceillor, Sir John Paston, Knyght._ [Sidenote: About 1491(?) / OCT. 20] Right worshipfull and right intierly welbelovyd counceillor, I comaund me to you. And where as I late have receyved your writing, wherby I . . . . . . the demeanyng of Richard Barkeley and his shipp as other, I have ta . . . . . . . . of hym to be redy at all tymes to answer to all suche thynges as can be l . . . . . . . . . he demeanyng. I woll therfor that ye suffre hym, his men and shippys, . . . . . . . . d as for a last of hering and an half, whiche I undirstond by hy . . . . . . of his, I woll that ye delyver hit to the countroller of my howshold. A . . . . . . . o put undyr suertie all suche hering so takyn or revid by the carveyll of . . . . . . . any other. And God kepe you. Wretin at Melford, the xx. day of Octobre. And where as I am enformyd that ye take hym nat for my servaunt, and so he ys noysed in the contrey ther, I woll that hit be knowin that I take hym as my servaunt, and so will do as long as I know no cause of the contrary. OXYNFORD. [Footnote 140-1: [From a MS. in the Bodleian Library.] The MS. of this letter is mutilated, but it is perfectly intelligible, as it is the first of three relating to the same subject, of which Fenn has printed the second in his fifth volume. The date of the matter referred to is, however, uncertain, and I follow the example of Fenn in assigning the correspondence conjecturally to the year 1491, in which we have other letters from the Earl, as Admiral, to Sir John, as his Vice-Admiral.] 1050 THE EARL OF OXFORD TO SIR JOHN PASTON[141-1] _To the right worshipfull and my right intierly welbelovyd councellour, Sir John Paston, Knyght._ [Sidenote: About 1491(?) / OCT.] Right worshipfull and right intierly welbeloved councellour, I comaund me to you. And where as I undirstond, by your writing to me delyverid by this berar, the roborye and dispoyling of certayn Corvers of Holond and Selond, done by the shipp callyd _the Foole_, wherof Robert Spenser was maister, aswell in herryng, vitayle, and takelyng, as ye be enfourmyd by iij. personnys of the same shippe, and of th’entent and disposicion of the master and feleshyp of the same, whiche shewe, as ye write, that Barkeley, aswell with that shipp as with a prise that he hathe bought, late takyn of the Frenchemen, were disposid and determenyd to do myche harme, wherupon ye have indevorid you to breke the same; how be hit that the seid Barkeley hath be late with me, and found suertie in a C_li._ to answer to all suche demeanyng, when he shall be callyd; and therupon I wrote to you to suffre hym, his men, and shippis to departe at libertie; yet nevyrtheless, concidering your large writing, I can nat be content in my mynde to suche tyme as I may here bothe you and Barkeley to geder; willing therf[or that ye do] kepe the shippys and goodes in suertie, and to be with me your selfe . . . . . . . . well may, bringyng with you suche iij. personnys as have . . . . . . . . . certaynte of this mater; and so I have wretin to Barkeley . . . . . se to answer to the same. And God kepe you. Wretin . . . . . . . of Octobre. Also yf the be eny of the Duchemen . . . . . . . . any sute for ther gode, that ye then cause one of . . . . . . . to shewe and clayme ther owne. OXYNFORD. [Footnote 141-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] _See_ preliminary note to last letter.] 1051 THE EARL OF OXFORD TO SIR JOHN PASTON[142-1] _To the right worshipfull and my right welbeloved counceilour, Sir John Paston, Knyght._ [Sidenote: About 1491(?) / OCT. 28] Right worshipfull and right welbeloved counceilour, I comaunde me to you. Certifieint you that I wolde have be right glad to have had you, the iij. persones that enformed you of Berkeleys demenyng, and Berkeley togeder, to th’entent that I myght have had ripe knowleche of their demenyng, to have shewed the Kynge at my comyng unto His Grace. Nevertheles, sith I understand by your late wrytyng, to me brought by the seid Berkeley the xxviij. day of this present monthe, beryng date the Monday next before Seynt Symond Day and Jude, that ther is nat so grete defaute in the same Berkeley as ye by your former writinges to me sent wend [_thought_] ther had be, and that the defaute, if eny be, is in one Spenser, maister of the shippe belongyng to the seid Berkeley, and that ye thynke also that such suretee as I have take of the same Berkeley is sufficient inogh, better or more than nedeth for that cause, and that in your mynde ye thynke he woll be of gode guydyng and demenyng in tyme comyng; I woll and desire you that ye delyver hym his shippes, men, and goodes, accordyng to my first wrytyng to you sent in that behalve. And Almyghty God kepe you. Writen at my castell of Hedingham, the xxviij. day of Octobre. OXYNFORD. [Footnote 142-1: [Douce MS. 393, f. 90.] _See_ preliminary note to Letter 1049.] 1052 THE EARL OF OXFORD TO SIR JOHN PASTON[143-1] _To my righte trusty and righte welbelovyd counceillours, Sir Rauff Shelton and Sir John Paston, Knyghtes._ [Sidenote: Year uncertain] Righte trusty and righte welbelovyd counceillours, I comaunde me to you. And ffor as moche as one Thomas Charlys of Norwiche late hathe presentid unto me a bille of complaynte agaynste Symonde White, gentylman, dwellyng in Shotesham, shewing by the same suche wrongis as the saide Symonde hathe done and daily dothe to the saide Thomas, as by the saide bille, whiche I sende you with this, more playnely apperith; I therfor desire and pray you that ye woll do calle the saide parties byfore you, and upon due examinacion had upon the mater conteyned in the saide bille, ye take suche direction as may acorde with righte and gode consciens, so as the saide Thomas Charlis heraftur have no cause to resorte to me complaynyng. And Almightie God kepe you. Writen at my castelle of Hedingham, the xv. daye of Septembre. OXYNFORD. [Footnote 143-1: [Douce MS. 393, f. 89.] This letter is quite uncertain in point of date, except that it must have been written between 1487 and 1503. We place it, therefore, for convenience, after other letters of the Earl of Oxford.] 1053 WILLIAM PASTON TO SIR JOHN PASTON[143-2] _To the ryght worchepfull Sir John Paston, Knyght._ [Sidenote: 1492 / FEB. 18] Aftyr all dew recomendacion, lyke it yow to undyrstond that Syr Herry Heydon schewyd me that it is agreyd be Syr Edmond Bedyngfeld, that the mater betwyx hym and my brodyr Yelverton[143-3] schalbe comynd at Norwyche, and there a dyreccion to be takyn in the same mater, mete for them bothe. Syr, the Kyng sendythe ordynaunce dayly to the see syde, and hys tentes and alys [_pavilions_] be a makyng faste, and many of them be made; and there is also grete provysyon made be gentylmen that scholde goo wythe Hys Grace for hors, harnese, tents, halys, gardyvyans [_knapsacks_], cartes, and othyr thynges that scholde serve them for thys jurney that the Kynge entendythe to take on hand, soo that belykelyod Hys Grace wolbe goyng sone upon Ester. And so I entende, aftyr that I here heaftyr, to goo to Caleys to purvey me of harneys, and suche thynges as I schall nede besydes hors, undyr that forme that my costes schalbe payd fore. Syr, I am as yet no bettyr horsyd than I was whan I was wythe yow, nor I wote not where to have none, for hors flesche is of suche a price here that my purce is schante [_scarce_] able to bye one hors; wherfor I beseche yow to herkyn [_hearken_] for some in yowre contre. Syr, my cosyn, John Heydon, tolde me that the Prior of Waburnes horse was rially amendyd, and that the Abott of Seynt Benetes schewed hym there was a bay hors of a persons nyght onto Seynt Benetis, and that the abot wolde gete hym for my cosyn Heydon at a resonable price. Syr, my cosyn, John Heydon, woll geve me hys entrest in that hors, if the abot have bowght hym, and so ye may lete the abot have knowlege; and if he have not bowght hym, I beseche yow sende to see hym, for I wote not how to do withowt yowre helpe aswell in horsyng of me as in other thynges. At the makyng of thys lettyr, I cannot acerteyn yow what person it is that owythe thys hors. If I can know, I wolle send yow worde in a bylle I sende to Thomas Jullys be the berer herof. Syr, as towardes my jurney to Caleys, the whyche I entende [_intended_] to have tane at my laste beyng with yow, it was so, I was dysapoyntyd of Thomas Dey and an other man I scholde have had be hys menys, as ye have had knowlege of or now; and also I had went [_thought_] to have had folkys a mette with me at Hedyngham, whyche ded nott. My lorde,[144-1] seyng me dysesyd, and also none otherwyse purveyd, wyllyd me in ony wyse to tary on tyl hys comyng to London, and sent myn excuse to my Lorde Dawbeney undyr thys forme how that I was sore disesyd; notwythestondyng I was welewyllyd to have come to fulfyll my promesse, but he cowde not sofyr me, seyng me soo dysesyd; and so my Lord Dawbeney was sory of my dysese and content that I taryd. Syr, I beseche yow to holde me excusyd for kepyng of Thomas Lynsted, yowr servaunt, and hym bothe. It is soo that he and I bothe have ben in hand with my unkyll[145-1] for hys mater, and yett wee have hym at noo good poynt; but I troste we schall have. Syr, if I take thys jurney to Caleys, I moste beseche yow to forbere hym lenger, and if I goo not to Caleys, thow I be lothe to forbere hym, yet I schall brynge hym with me schortly in to Norfolke, ye to have hym, if ye lyste, with the grace of God, Who have yow in kepyng. Wretyn at London, the xviij. day of February, with the hande of yowre pore brodyr, WYLLIAM PASTON. [Footnote 143-2: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter refers to Henry VII.’s proposed invasion of France, which, after long preparation, actually took place in October 1492.] [Footnote 143-3: William Yelverton, the grandson of the Judge, who married Anne Paston, the writer’s sister.] [Footnote 144-1: The Earl of Oxford.] [Footnote 145-1: William Paston the elder.] [[Hys Grace for hors, harnese, tents, _text reads “or hors”: corrected from Fenn_]] 1054 ROGER L’ESTRANGE TO SIR JOHN PASTON[145-2] _To the ryth worchypfull Syr John Paston, Knyth, be thys delyveryd._ [Sidenote: 1492 / APRIL 16] Mastyr Paston, I recomawnd me to yow. Syr, so it is that I am not yet purveyd of men to my nowmbyr of archers, suych as chold go hovyr see with me; wer for, syr, I be ceche yow that it wold plese yow at thys tyme to do so mych for me as to a purveyd me of ij. or iij., such as ye thynk chold be for me. Syr, I undyrstond Syr Tery Robstertt lyth but lyttyll from yow, were, as I trow, he myde help me of j. by yowyr menys, and as for ther wages, they xall have the Kynges wages and some what elles, so that I trost that they xall be plessyd. Syr, I be cech yow to tak the peyne for me at thys tyme, and I xall do yow that servys that lyth in me, by the grace of Jesu, Ho preserve you. On Monday next aftyr Palme Sonday, by yowyr howne to hys pouyr, ROGER LESTRAUNGE. Syr, I be sech yow that thys byll may recomawnd me on to my lady,[146-1] and I trost I xall a wayt on you sone on Estyr. [Footnote 145-2: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter is probably of the year 1492, when the King was going over to France. But there are other occasions, both earlier and later, on one of which it might have been written.] [Footnote 146-1: Probably Margaret, first wife of the Earl of Oxford.] 1055 WILLIAM BARNARD TO WILLIAM PASTON[146-2] _To his right wurchipfull master, William Paston, and Mr. Deryk dwellyng with my Lord of Oxinford, this lettir be delyvered in hast._ [Sidenote: About 1492] Right wurchipfull Maister William Paston, with myn good Lord of Oxinford, and myn welbelovyd Mr. Deryk, I recomaund me on to you. And it is soo that I kepe a prisoner of my lordis to answer to William Greve, maryner of Gret Yermouth, the wiche he brought hym to me by my lordis auctorite of a warand from Bell Key; and the seid William Greve chargid me with his prisoner, named Phillyp Barbour, and chargid me with hym for x_li._, and so I kepe hym, and have kept hym this ij. yer and an half. And I have aftyr and many tymes askyd and requyred of the seid William Greve of mony for his bord, for he promysid and appoynted with me for every weke ij_s._, and I to take charge for to answer hym of hys prysoner aforseid; and so I have be chargith with hym ij. yeris and an half to my gret cost and charge, and nowh the seid William Greve intendith to pay me noon mony, butt he is a bowght to remeve the prysoner by a pryvy seall to abarre me from myn mony. Wher I am enformyd that noon prysoner of my lordis shuld nat be remevyd out of my lordis pryson, nor crafftid so out of pryson till he had answerd ther to seche causes as he lyth fore, and specially for alle suche costis and chargis as his kepar is charged for hym for his costis of exspensis; and that doon, I woll be redy to delyver hym to the seid William Greve [to] pay me for his costis as it shalbe demyd with reason. Besechynd and prayeng you bothen too to be so good ma[istris unto] me that ye woll shewe this mater on to my lord, and to knowe my lordis meend whedyr it shall please hym that I shall delyver hym by a pryvy seall in this causis or nay, for the bryngar herof is the prysoner. And if it be my lordis mend that the prysoner shall appere to that pryvy seall, that it woll plese my lord to be so good and gracyous lord on to the prysoner to send hym to his councell to London, to tendyr this mater for the pore prysoner, and to consydre the gret losse that the seid William Greve intendith to putto his servaunt William Barnard, marchall and kepar of [my] lordis gayle in Yermouth, and servaunt [to?] Robert Crowmer, depute for my lord in the partyes of Norffolk and Suffolk. I shuld a browte up my silf, but we be now in gret besynes in kepyng of my lordis honorabyll courtis in Norffolk and Suffolk. Wretyn the last day of Aprill. By your, WILLIAM BARNARD, that I can or may. [Footnote 146-2: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] The date of this letter is very uncertain, but it is probably about the year 1492, as William Paston does not seem to have been in the Earl of Oxford’s service many years before or after that date.] 1056 EDMUND PASTON TO SIR JOHN PASTON[148-1] _To the ryght wurshupfull Sir John Paston, Knyght, be this delyvered._ [Sidenote: Before 1493] Ryght wurshypfull Sir, I recomawnd me to zow. As zesterday I was with my cosyn Clere;[148-2] he lythe at Borow, and my mastres hys wyveffe,[148-3] be cause the plage reygnyth at Ormysby. And so of hys own mocyon he mevyd to me of the maryage of my nevew zour soon, and as glad foolkes woold be to bargayn as ever ze wyste, and soo hathe shewyd me that ze shuld have as myche as Sir E. Bedyngfelld, whyche was v. C. marke. Moore over he shewyd that he woold depart with it to Sir Roger T.[148-4] or to Harry Colett, whyche he shewyd ze woold not of, but to have the mony at zour dysposyssyon; and me semys be hys report that he knowyth well that yf ze delle with Sir H. H.,[148-5] he wyll be in a suerte that the mony that he shuld depart with shuld goo to the redemyng of zour landes, and other zowr dawngeres. More over he shewyd me that the mony whyche ze skyftyd of H. Colett was th[oug]ht be Sir Harry H. that Sir R. Townesend shuld have ben contentte with it, whyche is knowyn the contrary, and causyd hym to geve delay in that be halffe to zow. I know well this jantylman berythe zow as good mynde as any man alyve, my mastres hys mother,[148-7] and allso my mastres hys wyve in lyeke wyesse; and me semys he makys not the dowghttes to delyver zow hys mony that other men do of the delyverye of thers. Foor trowthe, he shewythe me hys mynde, whyche is thus: yf ze wyll putt lande in feffement for zeres, to the full contentacyon of Townesend, Colett, and of my uncle, whyche he and all men thynke ze muste be charged to, or ever ze goo thorow, and that zour next frendes have the receyte of it tyll it be full contente and payed, thus, or suche a suer weye to be had for the well of all parteys, I darre say he is not alyve wyll indevour hym with better wyll to deele with zow, and, as my mynde servys me, streytte hymsylffe, as it may be booryn, be syde my mastes hys modyrs v. C. My mastres hys wyffe, on my feythe I darr say, the moste harty body to zow wordes in this be halffe that is alyve, and the fayneeste body woold be to have it accomplyshyd. Syr, I thenke ze be to wardes London, and well I woot zowre mynde is to ease zour sylffe as hastely as ze may; I pray God ze do to zour honur, and to zour moste well to gederys. Marchandes or new jantylmen I deme wyll proferr large; noon other dyspreysed, ze know the contynewance of this man, and how he is alyed. Well I woott yf ze depart to London, ze shall have proferes large; yf zour jornay be not but to ease yow in that be halfe, be my poor avyce slake for iij. or iiij. days, for ever me semys I shuld not have ben brokyn to so largely, but that they entende it hastely to say to zow. Sythe I was ther, I undyr stande yf it had not happyd me to have seyne them as zester day, she wold this day have made her cowntenance to have seyn her nes, Bothas (?) dowter, wyche is at Pallynges for fere of the plage, and have comyn seyne [_come and seen_] my wyffve, and specyally to have de syrid us to meve zow towardes them, and in trowthe so she hasse. I pray God ze do as well to zour honur as I woold do my sylfe. Yf ze wyll tery thys lytell season be foor rehersyd, yf ze lyste, I woott well ze may have the mater moor largely comyned; and yf ze tary tyll Monday, I wyll awayte on zow to Hynengham, with Godes grace, Who ever preserve zow and zours. Your, E. PASTON. [Footnote 148-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter cannot be later than the year 1493, as Sir Roger Townsend died on the 9th December in that year (Inq. p. m. 10 Hen. VII., No. 170). Moreover the will of Elizabeth Clere of Ormesby was proved, according to Blomefield, on the 6th March 1492-3. But as Sir John Paston’s eldest son was only born in 1478, the date is not likely to be many years earlier.] [Footnote 148-2: Sir Robert Clere of Ormesby.] [Footnote 148-3: Probably his first wife Anne, daughter of Sir William Hopton. His second was Alice, daughter of Sir William Boleyn.] [Footnote 148-4: Townsend.] [Footnote 148-5: Sir Henry Heydon.] [Footnote 148-7: Elizabeth, widow of Robert Clere of Ormesby, the father of Sir Robert. She was the daughter of Thomas Owydale, Uvedale, or Dovedale, of Tacolneston, in Norfolk.] [[Footnote and tag 148-7 _there is no note 148-6: numbering retained for cross-references_]] 1057 SIR HENRY HEYDON TO SIR JOHN PASTON[150-1] _To myn ryght worchypfull cosyn, Sir John Paston, knyght._ [Sidenote: 1488-1492 / MARCH 4] Cosyn Paston, I recommend me to you and wn to myne good ladie your wiff. As for your mater betwyx you and your wncle,[150-2] I have shewid it soe to my ladie of Norffolk and to hym, that it is agreed yee to entre in to Marlyngford and all other maners in debate in your name, and to kepe your courtes, sell your wodis, and to doo therwith as with your own. Wherupon I avise you, as soone as ye may, send som discrete man to kepe your courtis and to lette your fermys and selle your wodis to your most avayll. Your presens theer shall bee costly, and what is bee heende in the fermourz or tenauntz handez sethyn the rekenyng last be ffor myne ladiez servauntz and yourz, that thei bee warnyd kurtesly to paie it by a day, except in ony wise I avyse you nat to make ony thretis to ony fermour or tenaunt, for ony dealing affor this tyme, but to gett in fayernesse till I speke with you; and in ony wyse that yee nor ony your servauntz have noon wordis in this mater, but that it is agreed bee myne ladie you to have your peasebill possession. And as for Huntingffeldis, as yee have beffore ocupyed, ocupie still without noyse. I pray you folowe myne avise in this. I have hadde laubour, I trust thorowe your cause it shall nat be in vain _laboraverunt_, and suffyr this bill hyddyr too to speke to your sellf in privite, and to noon other. How yee and myne ladie, and in what sylk or clooth yee will have these tweyn yong innocentis[150-3] maried inne, iff it shuld bee purveyed at London to send me word, or ellys at Norwich, as it shall please you and myne ladie, ther after I shall applie me. For it must bee ordyrd be you in the yong husbondis name. Your penauns off your wncles mater shall yee knowe whan I kom hoome. Ther is non other meane but to sell your wodis and tymber in all your manors to your most avayll, except theere as it kan nat bee forborn for diverse causys. And iff you list to command mee ony thyng in these partyez, send me word be myn servaunt, berer heerof. Wretin the iiij^th day off March. Your own to his powr, H. HEYDON. [Footnote 150-1: [Add. MS. 33,597, f. 9.] This letter must be addressed to the later Sir John. The manor of Marlingford belonged to Agnes Paston, who died about the same time as her grandson the first Sir John, and her right accordingly descended to his brother John, who was knighted at the battle of Stoke, 16th June 1487. His claim was disputed for a time by his uncle, but some arrangement was come to, apparently before the year 1493. (_See_ No. 1056.)] [Footnote 150-2: William Paston, son of the judge.] [Footnote 150-3: Probably Sir John Paston’s eldest son and a daughter of Sir Robert Clere. (_See_ No. 1056.)] 1058 SIR T. LYNG TO SIR JOHN PASTON[151-1] _To my rigth wurchypful master, Sir John Paston, Knyth, in hast._ [Sidenote: 1494 / NOV.] Memorandum, that thes be the namys that war mad Knytes of the Bath, the Thwrsday be for Alhalow Day. Fyrst, My Lord Herry, Duke of Yorke. My Lord Haryngton, Lord Marcas sun.[151-2] My Lord Clyfford. My Lord Fyvaren. My Lord Dakyr of the Sowth. My Lord Strange. Lord Stranges sun. Sir John Arundell of the West. Sir Water Grefyth of Lonkaschyre. Sir Jarveys a Clyffton of Yorkechyre. Sir Roberd Harcorth of the West. Sir Edmund Trayford. Sir Herry Marney of Esexe. Sir Roger Newborow. Sir Raff Rither of Yorkechyre. Sir Thomas Bawd of Harforth chyre. Sir John Speke. Sir Houmfrey Fulford. Sir Roberd Lytton. Sir Pers Egecome. Sir Roberd Clere. Sir Thomas Fayrefaxe. Sir Richard Knythley. Sir Wyllem Cheke. Also Master Robert Southwell is Hey Schreve of Norffolke. Memorandum, that saforn is at xvj_s._ j_li._ the lowest price. Also, the Kynge and the Qwene went crowned on Halowmesse Day last; and my Lord of Schrewsbery bare my Lord Harry, Duke of Yorke, in hys harmys; and x. byschopis, with myters on ther hedes, goyng be for the Kyng that day rownd a bowt Westmynster Hawle, with many odyr gret astates. Sir, ther hath be so gret cownsell for the Kynges maters, that my Lord Chawnsler kept not the Ster Chawmber thys viij. days, but one day at London, on Sent Lenardes Day. Be yowre pore prest and servaund, SIR T. LYNG. The lowest pryse of saforn is xvj_s._ Item, the Knytes of the Bath. Item, the Knytes of the Schyre. Item, of recordes a yenst me. Syr, ther hath record a yenst me, Syr John Seyve, Vecry of Barton, John Anond, Richard Elwyn of Wytton, John Bowlond of Totyngton, sumnor, whech arne all forsworyn on the Crwsifyxe a yenst me. [Footnote 151-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter gives the list of the Knights of the Bath made on the occasion of Henry the King’s second son being created Duke of York in 1494.] [Footnote 151-2: Thomas Grey, son of Thomas Grey, first Marquis of Dorset, who succeeded his father in 1501.] [[Sir Thomas Bawd of Harforth chyre _spacing unchanged_]] 1059 THE CORPORATION OF YARMOUTH TO SIR JOHN PASTON[153-1] _To our right honorable and especyall good maister, Ser John Paston, Knyght, this letter be delyvered in hast._ [Sidenote: 1495 / JULY 11] Right wurchipfull ser, we recomaund us onto your good maistership, sertefyeng you that Robart Albon of Yermouth with many more of our neybors, this Saterday arn comen hom from Caunterbury. And Robart Albon hath spokyn with the English captayns of the Kynges rebellys ther, part of theym that arn takyn; and Robart Albon and his company seith that ther wer takyn and slayn to the noumbre of vij^xx., wherof were v. captayns, iiij. of them he named, oon Mounford, Whyght, Belt, and Corbett: he coude nott telle the fyfft capteyns name. And they told hym that they have apoynted to have a town of strength, for they wold an had Sandwich, and the countre had nott a resistid them. And so Belt seid on to Robart Albon he wyst weell that he was but a deed man, and for asmoche as he wist that he was of Yermouth, he shewid hym that they woll have Yermouth or they xall dye for it, as Robart seyth to us. And this is a mater of trewth, and therfore we desyre and pray your good maistership, that we may have your myghty help of ayde and socowr, and that it woll please you to comon with Maister Mayer of Norwiche, to meve hym of hys sokour, but in especyall that we may have your maistership amongs us, with suche strength of your good councell, as your maistership shall thynk most best for the Kynges pleasur, and for the sewyrtye of us alle; for we putt us in devyr to furnysh the town with all that we can doo, for we know noon oder but that they may be here by possybylyte this nyght or to morow att nyght at the ferdest. No more to you, but Jesu preserve you. Wretyn at Yermouth, in hast, this Saterday, the xj. day of July. Be your owyn, the Balyffes of Yermouth, with our Brethern and Comons of the same Town. [Footnote 153-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter refers to the attempt of Perkin Warbeck at Deal, where a number of his followers landed on the 3rd July 1495, and were all either killed or taken prisoners by the people.] 1060 ROBERT CROWMER TO SIR JOHN PASTON[154-1] _To my right especyall and syngler good maister, Ser John Paston, Knyght, this letter be delyvered._ [Sidenote: 1495 / JULY 12] Wurchipful ser, I recomaund me on to you. Maister Balyffes, with alle myn Maisteris of the town of Yermouth, thankith you hartilly, and trustyng feythfully of your ayde and comford at neede; and if any suche cause happith with us, they woll feythfully send you word in all the hast possyble, up on the syght of the shippis. Ser, ferdermor, ther is a ship of our town come hom from Seint John of Amyas, and he seyth that on Seint Thomas Day[154-2] ther came to Seint Wallrens,[154-3] in Normandie, an hoye of Dorderyght, with viij. horsis, with many saddilles and brydilles; ther in wer viij. or ix. Englysh men, the wiche toke the shippes boot, and went on lond at Staplis,[154-4] and arn renne a wey up in to the cuntre. And the Admiralles Depewty sesonyd the ship and hors, and all that they found ther in, to the Kyng our soverayn Lordes behooff; and the Duche men were leyde in pryson. This is a mater of trowth, for William Carre of our town, maryner, and oder of our town, see this doon in deed. And as for the shippes with the Kynges rebellars, they be furth out of Cambyr[155-1] westwards; whyder they be, thei can not sey, but the Duche men seid to William Carre that they trustid on one man shuld help them with many men. Thes is suche tydynges as the Amyas men brout hom. Ser, if it woll please your maistership that ye myght have leyser, I desyre and pray you to come sporte you, and to see how weell we have appareld and furnyshid our town, I wold be right gladd, and I trust to Almyghty God that it wold please your maistership right weell, and with your betyr advyce we woll doo more to our power, that knowith God, the wiche Lord preserve you. Wretyn at Yermouth, on Relyk Sonday.[155-2] By your servaunt, ROBART CROWMER. [Footnote 154-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter refers to the dispersion of Warbeck’s fleet after the attempt at Deal. It would appear, as Fenn remarks, that on receipt of the preceding letter Sir John had promised aid to the town of Yarmouth, for which promise they here return thanks. The handwriting of this letter is the same as that of the last.] [Footnote 154-2: The Feast of the Translation of St. Thomas Apostle, 3rd July.] [Footnote 154-3: _Qu._ St. Vallery?] [Footnote 154-4: Etaples.] [Footnote 155-1: The point called the Camber, near Rye.] [Footnote 155-2: Relic Sunday is the third Sunday after Midsummer Day, and fell on the 12th July in 1495.] 1061 ELIZABETH, DUCHESS OF NORFOLK, TO SIR WILLIAM KNIVET AND OTHERS[155-3] _To my ryght entyerly and welbelovid frendes, Sire William Knevette, Sire John Paston, Sire Robert Clere, Knyghtes, the Kynges Attorney, Phelippe Calthorpe, Richard Suthwell, Squyers, and to yche of theym._ ELIZABETH, DUCHESSE OF NORFFOLK. [Sidenote: 1495 / SEPT. 14] Right entyerly welbelovyd frendys, I comaunde me to you. And for as moche as I understande that Sire Harry Grey, that is the verry owner and possessioner of the maner of Ketryngham, is nowe in gret age, and as it is seide, of right seekely disposicion, and that after his deceasse the right and title therof shall of right belonge to my right welbelovid servaunt Thomas Martyn, and his nevewe and heyre of blood, and his eyre therof by reason of entaylys:--What the seid Sire Harry entendith to do therin, I knowe not, but it rennyth in reporte, that he is in purpose to disherite the seid Thomas Martyn therof, contrary to all right and good conscience. In eschuenge wherof, I desire and pray you as hertely as I can, that it wull leeke you to be so good maistyrs to the seid Thomas as, by your wisdams and discrecion, the seid Sire Harry, by you or some of you, may be moved of conscience and of kyndenesse to his blood to have regard to the seid right, and not to do eny thyng that shuld be disheryson to his seid nevewe, and to have the more tender consideracion to your mocion, for that the seid Thomas is to dyverse of you of kynne and aliaunce, and to many other gentilmen within the shere in leeke cas. And for the consideracion that I have, that the seid Sire Harry and Thomas his nevewe, were of my lordes nere blode, whoes soule Jesu pardon and assoyle, it were to gret a pete to see hym by disheryson to falle to penury and poverte, wher by your good exortacion in consideracion of the premissis, and mo odir by your wisdamys to be remembred, in the lif of the seid Sire Harry suche inconveniences may be better remadyed; wherin ye shall not only do an almas dede, and a gret pleasir to God, but also to me for that blodes sake a singuler pleasir, and cause me heraftir therather to considir thynge that shall concerne your resonabill pleasir, with Goddes grace, Who ever kepe you. At Erle Soham, this xiiij^ne day of Septembyr. [Footnote 155-3: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] The writer of this letter was the widow of John Mowbray, the last Duke of Norfolk of that name, who died in 1475. She survived her husband many years, and Fenn says, though I know not on what authority, that she was alive in 1496. Sir Harry Grey, it appears, made his will on the 28th September 1492 (Blomefield, v. 93), and one might imagine this letter was written in the same month and year. The inquisition upon his death, however, was only taken on the 26th October, 12 Hen. VII. (1496), and it does not state the day on which he died. The jurors found Thomas Martyn, who was then thirty years old and over, to be his kinsman and next heir, but that Ketteringham Hall was devised to the use of his wife Jane and of others after her death. It is certain, moreover, that this letter could not have been written before the year 1495 when Sir Robert Clere was knighted; and that is probably the very year, as Sir Harry Grey was dead at least in October 1496, and most likely a month or two earlier.] 1062 WILLIAM PASTON TO SIR JOHN PASTON[157-1] _To my most special good father, Ser John Paston, Knyght._ [Sidenote: About 1495(?)] After most humbyl wyse of recommandacion, in my most lovyngly wyse, I beseche yow of your dayly blyssyng, showyng yow that I am at Ser John Fortescu place, be cause they swet so sor at Cambryge. Also I shew yow that Mr. Thomas Clark ys desessyd, hows sowle God have mercy. Also, I beseche yow that ye wol se a remedy for the comun of Snaylwel, for the Bayly of Snaylwel and on of your fermors war with my tutor and me, and sheuyd me that all the comun shuld a be takyn away butt for Mr. Cotton and the Vecur of Fordan,[157-2] hom I beseche yow to thank. Fro Pamsborow.[157-3] Be your most humbyl servaunt, WILLIAM PASTON. [Footnote 157-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] Fenn says, I cannot tell on what grounds, that this letter must have been written between 1491 and 1495. At the earlier of these dates the writer could not have been more than twelve years old, but as lads were sent to the university at a much earlier age in those days than in ours, even the earlier of these dates is not impossible. The style of the letter, however, is not boyish, and I should have been inclined to place it a year or two later even than Fenn’s latest date, but that there is no clear evidence to go by. The sweating sickness was prevalent in England at different times during the reign of Henry VII.; and there is no particular record of its visiting Cambridge.] [Footnote 157-2: Fordham in Cambridgeshire, north of Newmarket. Snailwell lies between.] [Footnote 157-3: Punsborne, near Hatfield, in Hertfordshire.] 1063 MARGARET, COUNTESS OF RICHMOND, TO ----[158-1] BY THE KYNGES MODER. [Sidenote: Between 1497 and 1503] Trusty and right welbeloved, we greet you well. And wher by the meanes of our trusty and right welbeloved Sir Reynold Bray, Sir Thomas Lovell, and Sir Henry Heydon, Knights, there was a full agreement made and concluded, and also put in writinge, betwen our trusty and right welbeloved Sir John Savile, Knight, and Gilbert Talbot, Esquier, on th’one partie, and yow on th’other, for divers lands which they ought to have in the right of their wives, daughters and heyers to William Paston, Esquier, their late fader deceassed, which lands ye by mighty power kepe and withholde from them without any just title, as they afferme; and albeit the said agrement was made by your minde and consent, yet ye ne doe performe the same, to our merveile, if it be so. Wherefore we desier and also counsell yow without delay upon the sight hereof now shortly to ride to the court to the said arbitrators, now ther being, with whom ye shall finde your adverse partie, or other in their names fully authorized, to abide such final ende and conclusion in the premisses as shall be consonant with the said agrement, without further troubles or busines therin hereafter to be had; and that ye will thus do in any wise, so as we be not driven (through your defalte) to put to our hands for further remedye to be had in the premisses. Yeven under our signet at our manner of Colly Weston, the x^th day of February. [Footnote 158-1: [From Sandford’s _Paston Genealogy_.] William Paston, the uncle of the two Sir Johns, died in 1496, and this letter must have been written either in the year following or between that date and 1503, when Sir Reginald Bray died. William Paston’s will, which will be found in the Appendix, was dated 7th September 1496, and proved on the 28th November following. He married Anne Beaufort, daughter of Edmond, Duke of Somerset, and was therefore uncle to the writer of this letter, Margaret, Countess of Richmond, the mother of King Henry VII. The person to whom the letter is addressed is not named, but it is not unlikely to have been Sir John Paston the second.] 1064 ELIZABETH, DUCHESS OF NORFOLK, TO SIR JOHN PASTON[159-1] _To my right welbeloved frende, Sire John Paston, Knyght._ ELIZABETH, DUCHES OF NORFFOLK. [Sidenote: 1497(?) / FEB. 28] I commaunde me to you, thankyng you as hartely as I can for your labour and substancyall serching owte of Thomas Martynz matyr, preing you of contenuance, and of your best advyse therin, how he shall breke the mater so as, by your helpe and wysdam, a frendely comunycacion may be hadde, so as the mater may be had in examynacion by suche gentylmen as shalbe named by th’assent of bothe parties, suche as tendyr and love the wele of bothe parties, and also the pees and tranquyllyte of the cuntre, and love to eschewe variaunce and parties in the cuntre, wherin ye shall not only do a greete pleasure to me, but a grete dede of charyte for the profight and ease of both parties, and also a pleasure to God, Who have you in keping. At Erle Soham lodge, this xxviij. day of February. N. E. N. [Footnote 159-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] It seems probable that this letter was written in the February following Sir Harry Grey’s death. (_See_ No. 1061.)] 1065 THE EARL OF OXFORD TO SIR JOHN PASTON AND ANOTHER[160-1] _To my right trusty and right welbel[oved Sir] John Paston, Knyght, and Sir . . . . . Knyght, . . . . of them._ [Sidenote: 1499 / AUG. 20] Right trusty and welbeloved councellours, I comaunde me to you. And where the Kinges Grace is lately acerteinyed that Th’Erl of Suffolk is departid owt of this his Realme, Hys Grace hath commaundid me to wryte unto you that ye incontynent uppon the sight of this my writing endeovour you to enquyre aswell of such persones as be departid over with the seid Erle as of theim that accompanyed hym in his repayre to the see, and retornyd ageyn, or in any wyse were prevy to the same, and theruppon, in as goodly hast as ye kan, to put them and every of them in suertie savely to be kept, and therof t’acerteyn me, to th’entent ye maye knowe his ffurther pleasure in the same. And if ye shall at any tyme herafter perceyve any suspect person nyghe unto the see costes which shall seme unto you to be of the same affynyte, than His Grace will that ye put them in lyke suertie. And Almighti God have you in His keping. Written at Gaddishill, in the Ile of Wight, the xx^ti daye of August. OXYNFORD. [Footnote 160-1: [Douce MS. 393, f. 87.] Edmund de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk, escaped abroad on the 1st July 1499, and proclamations were issued on the 20th August following (the day on which this letter was written) against persons leaving the kingdom without a license. (_See_ my _Letters and Papers Illustrative of the Reigns of Richard III. and Henry VII._, vol. i. preface p. xl., vol. ii. p. 377.) It appears that the King was at this time staying at Godshill, in the Isle of Wight, the place from which this letter is dated (see _Excerpta Historica_, p. 122).] 1066 HENRY VII. TO SIR JOHN PASTON[161-1] _To our trusty and welbeloved knight, Sir John Paston._ BY THE KINGE. [Sidenote: 1500 / MARCH 20] Trusty and welbeloved, we grete yow well, letting yow wete that our derest cousins, the Kinge and Queene of Spaine, have signified unto us by their sundry letters that the right excellent Princesse, the Lady Katherine, ther daughter, shal be transported from the parties of Spaine aforesaid to this our Realme, about the moneth of Maye next comeinge, for the solempnization of matrimony betweene our deerest sonne the Prince and the said Princesse. Wherfore we, consideringe that it is right fittinge and necessarye, as well for the honor of us as for the lawde and praise of our said Realme, to have the said Princesse honourably received at her arriveall, have appointed yow to be one amonge others to yeve attendance for the receivinge of the said Princesse; willinge and desiringe yow to prepare yourselfe for that intent, and so to continue in redynesse upon an houres warninge, till that by our other letters we shall advertise yow of the day and time of her arrivall, and where ye shall yeve your said attendance; and not to fayle therin, as ye tender our pleasure, the honor of yourselfe, and of this our foresaid Realme. Yeven under our signet at our manner of Richmount, the xx^ty day of Marche. [Footnote 161-1: [From the _Paston Genealogy_, compiled by Sandford, and printed by Mr. Worship, in the _Norfolk Archæology_.] Catherine of Arragon was expected in England in the spring of the year 1500, although she did not actually arrive till October 1501, owing to some alteration of plans.] 1067 RICHARD CALLE TO SIR JOHN PASTON[162-1] _To the right reverent and honurable, my master, Sir John Paston, Knyght._ [Sidenote: Before 1503] Plesitht it your mastership to remembre, I shewyd onto you in Lente that I had bought Baktons place. Sir, it is so that John Bakton graunted to John Trovy hes sone in lawe, hes mese with all the londes and tenements, &c., takyng of the seide John Trovy viij. marke of annuyte yerly, terme of hes lyf; wherupon endenture were made and a state delyverd. Upon the weche I bargeyned with Trovy, payng to hym for hes parte c. marke and x., wherof he hadde in hande iiij_li._ vj_s._ viij_d._ and xv_li._ xiij_s._ iiij_d._ shulde be payd at such tyme as I had a lawfull astate, weche was apoynted before Michelmes last past; weche is not yet done. Wherfore he hath forfeted an obligacion of xl_li._ that he was bounde in to me for the same astate; ther was no defaute in me, for my money was there redy. And, sir, in the same weke after your mastership departed out of this contre, Bakton and the seide Trovy come to Bakton, and sent for me, and there were we appoynted for the same bargeyn and accorded, wenynge to me and to all tho that were there it had ben fully concl[uded] . . . . . my suertes and for all other thynges. And sodenly Bakton departed hem be the avice of [the Prior of Bro]mholme, and John Bowle and other, weche meved Bakton that I shulde not have my bargein; and so they entende to putte me from my bergein. And master Fitzlawes, Kn[i]ght, of Esex, hath sent me a letter, weche I sende you closed herin; and at hes enstaunce I have graunted Trovy an ende for vj_li._ and my iiij_li._ vj_s._ viij_d._, and my costes that I have done on the place, weche with these mony and costes drawith xij_li._ If I may have all thes money payd onto me within xiiij. dayes after Cristemas, I wol take non avauntage of the obligacion, weche Trovy is bounde to me. I suppose Mr. Lawes woll speke to you of thes mater. I beseche you that ye wol be goode master to me herin, for I am lothe to be putte from my bergein. I am in suerte there is no man wol geve so moche for it as I wolde, and they nede not to fere them of ther payment, for I ofer them iiij. suertes, the worste of them is worthe all the lande; yet Bakton mystrustes me, and nede not. If I had it, I wolde truste to make it a goode thynge, for ther is moche thynge ther by that myght be had in to it, weche causeth me to be the more desirous to it. I shewe your mastership the previte of my mynde, trustynge ye wolbe good mastre to me, and I shal pray to God for you and for all youres. Wreten at Felmyngham, the Saterday next before Sein Marteyn. Be your servaunt, R. CALLE. [Footnote 162-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] From the mention of ‘Master Fitzlewes, Knight of Essex,’ I am inclined to think this letter must be of the reign of Henry VII., and addressed to the later Sir John. Sir Lewis Fitzlewes of West Horndon, in Essex, was attainted as a Lancastrian in 1471, but the manor was restored to his son, Sir Richard, by Henry VII., who presented to the living from 1494 to 1519. The letter, however, must of course be earlier than 1503, the year in which Sir John Paston died.] 1068 ABSTRACT[163-1] [RICHARD CALLE] TO [SIR JOHN PASTON?] [Sidenote: Year uncertain] Reminds him that four or five years ago he received from the writer ‘certain wainscoat’ and certain fish for his household, a hogshead of wine, spars, ‘clapholt,’ etc. in full discharge of all former debts. Will always be ready to repay what his correspondent has paid for him to the King. Received of him a millstone, price £3, for which Calle gave a ryall in earnest, and delivered 1 quarter cod to Philip Loveday. I am grateful for the pains taken by ‘your mastership’ on my account, etc. [The handwriting of this letter seems to be that of Richard Calle, but much older looking than that of most of his letters. As there is no distinct evidence of date, we place it after another letter of his, which seems to be late.] [Footnote 163-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]] 1069 SIR JOHN KENDAL TO SIR JOHN PASTON[164-1] _To the right worshipful and my right entierly welbeloved cosin and frende, Sir John Paston, Knight._ [Sidenote: Before 1503] Right worshipfull sir, I recommaunde me unto you. I wryte this onely unto you, to advise you that I was mynded that my cousin Clippesby,[164-2] berer herof, shuld wele have maryed here in thies partes, wherin your nyce[164-3] toke hevy conceyte, thinking in hir mynde, that I was not willing that my said cousin shulde marye with hir. At that tyme I knewe not what love was bitwix them, but now I undrestand that bothe there myndes is to mary to geders; wherunto on my parte, I am agreble and wel content, desiring and praying you to be the same, and to be the better frende unto them at this my prayer and instaunce. And what pleasir as I may doo unto you in thies partes shal be redye, in that I may, at your desires. And I pray you to recommaunde me to my cousin your nyce. And Jesu preserve you. Writen at London, the first day of Juyn. Your own, the Priour of Saint Johns, SIR JOHN KENDAL. [Footnote 164-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] Sir John Kendal was Prior of St. John’s from 1491 to 1501, and probably later, so that there is nothing clearly to fix the date of this letter, except that it was written before the death of Sir John Paston in 1503.] [Footnote 164-2: John Clippesby, Esq. of Oby.] [Footnote 164-3: Constance, daughter of William Paston, Sir John’s brother.] 1070 MARGARET, COUNTESS OF OXFORD, TO SIR JOHN PASTON[165-1] _To my right trusty and hertely wilbilovede sone, Sir John Paston, Knyght._ [Sidenote: Year uncertain] Right trusty and hertely wilbiloved sone, I recommennde me to you, and send you Godes blyssynge and myn. And where oon John Malpas my olde servaunt, brynger herof, hath purchacede a writt directede to you and othre Justices of Peace in the shires of Norffolk and Suffolk, and also to the Sheryff of the same, for to put hym in pessible possescion in such certayn landes of his, accordynge to the Kynges writt; I pray you therefor hertely, and of my blyssynge charche you that at this my pour request and desir ye wole pute you in your faythfull devoir with othere Justaces associete with you, to see the execuscion doon and performyede accordynge to the saide writt. And Almyghty God evere more preserve you, my nown dere sone. Writene in my lordes castell of Hethyngham, the xv. day of January. MARGRET OXYNFORD. [Footnote 165-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] I see nothing certain about the date of this letter, except that it must have been addressed to the later Sir John Paston (for in his brother’s time the Earl of Oxford was an exile, and his Countess Margaret in needy circumstances), so that the date must lie between 1488 and 1503. For what reason the Countess calls Sir John her son I cannot explain.] [[my nown dere sone. _spacing unchanged_]] 1071 SIR JOHN PASTON TO WILLIAM PASTON AND RICHARD LIGHTFOOTE[166-1] _To my brother William Paston and my cosyn Richard Lightfoote, and to iche of theym._ [Sidenote: 1503] Mastyrs bothe, I recomand me to yow, and send yow closid herin a booke of the seying of dyvers folkis, whiche testyfiee ayenst Thomas Rutty and other. I prey yow shewe it to my lordys[166-2] good lordshepe, and that I may know hys plesur ferther in as hasty wyse as may be, that I may ordre me ther aftyr. I had gret labore to come by the woman that was in servyse with Rutty, whiche sie [_saw_] all ther conversacyons many yeris. She is now in servyse with Richard Calle. And I have Thomas Bange in prison at Norwyche with the Shrevys of Norwych. The woman seythe he is as bold a theffe as eny is in Ingland; but he wyll nowghte confesse, nor I handelyd hym not sore to cause hym to confesse. But and Ruty knewe that he and the woman be in hold, and hathe told talis, I thynke it wyll cause Rutty to shewe the pleynesse. Clerk and Roger Heron are endightid at this sessyons at Norwyche, last holdyn on Twysday last past, for robbing of the pardoner; and so is Rotty and all his felawshepe that the woman hathe apechid. According to hir apechement, Raff Taylour is over the see; Robert Fenne is dede; John Baker and William Taylour ar yett untakyn. If my lord send for T. Bange or the woman, some of my lordis servauntes had need to come for theym; for I can not do in the cause for lake of men and horse, for my wyff ridith this next week in to Kente, to the wydow, hir doughtir Leghe. And as for Ramesey, liek a prowde, lewde, obstynat foole, he wyll not come befor my brothe[r] Sir R. Clere, nor me, but he seythe he wyll be with my lord hastyly, and shewe hys mynde to his lordshepe, whiche I beleve not. The substancyall marchantys of Norwyche hathe shewid ther myndys to my brother Sir R. Clere and me that he entendith to William Bayly gret wronge in his reknynges. [Footnote 166-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter is anonymous, but is in the handwriting of Sir John Paston, the younger of that name. From the mention of his wife and ‘the widow, her daughter Leghe,’ it was evidently written not during the life of Margery Brews, his first wife, who must have died about the year 1495, but after his marriage to another. This second wife was Agnes, daughter of Nicholas Morley, Esq., of the well-known family at Glynd, in Sussex, and had already been twice married before her marriage with Sir John. Her first husband was John Hervey, Esq. of Thurleigh, Beds, Usher of the Chamber to King Edward IV. Her second was John Isley of Sundridge, Kent. By the former she had a daughter, Isabel, married to John Leghe or Alyghe, Esq. of Addington, Surrey, who proved his father-in-law’s will in 1494. She herself survived her own third husband, Sir John Paston, and died in 1510. Her will, in which she calls herself ‘Dame Agnes Paston,’ is at the principal registry at Somerset House, dated the 31st May in that year, and proved on the 19th June following. For these particulars I was indebted to the genealogical researches of the late Colonel Chester, and _Notes and Queries_, 5th S. ix. 326, 370, 414, 512.] [Footnote 166-2: The Earl of Oxford.] 1072 THE EARL OF OXFORD TO SIR JOHN PASTON[167-1] _To the right worshipfull and my right entierly welbelovyd Sir John Paston, Knyght._ [Sidenote: After 1503?] Right worshipfull and right intierly belovyd, I commaund me hartely to you. And where as your broder William, my servaunte, ys so troubelid with sekenes and crasid in his mynde, that I may not kepe hym aboute me, wherfor I am right sory, and at this tyme sende hym to you, prayng especially that he may be kepte surely and tendirly with you, to suche tyme as God fortune hym to be bettyr assurid of hym selfe and his myndes more sadly disposid, whiche I pray God may be in shorte tyme, and preserve you longe in gode prosperite. Writen at my place in London, the xxvj. day of Juyn. OXYNFORD. [Footnote 167-1: [From Douce MS. 393, f. 86.] This letter is probably later in date than the last, as it would appear that when the last was written, William Paston was still in the Earl of Oxford’s service.] 1073 THE EARL OF OXFORD’S STEWARD TO THE ‘BLACK KNIGHT’[168-1] _Sinescallus Comitis Oxoniæ Nigro Militi._ Non decet Sinescallo tam magni Comitis Ut Comes Oxoniæ verbis in Anglicis Scrittere epistolas, vel suis in nuncijs Aliquid proponere si non in Latinis. Igitur ille pauperculus prædicti Comitis Magnus Sinescallus magni Comitatis Nuncupatur Norff. Latinis in verbis Apud Knapton in curia in forma Judicis. Tibi nigro militi salutem, et omnibus Notifico, quod Langdon ille homunculus Nullam pecuniam liberare vult gentibus, Quod est magnum impedimentum nostris operibus. Idcirco tibi mando sub pœna contemptus, Quod tu indilate proprijs manubus Scribas tuas lettras, quod ille homunculus Copiam pecuniæ deliberet gentibus. Sin autem per littras has nostras patentes Ego et operarij, qui sunt consentientes Omnes una voce promemus suos dentes Nisi liberet pecuniam, cum simus egentes. Teste meipso apud Knapton prædicta, Est et michi testis Maria Benedicta, Quod vicesimo die Julij non inde relicta Erat summa solidi, res hæc non est ficta. [Footnote 168-1: [From Fenn, iv. 458.] The ‘Black Knight,’ to whom this facetious doggrel was addressed, seems to me to have been most probably the later Sir John Paston, whose services the Earl of Oxford, as the reader is aware, continually made use of. The manor of Knapton came to John, 12th Earl of Oxford, who died in 1462, by his marriage with Elizabeth, grand-daughter of Sir John Howard.] 1074 EAST BECKHAM[169-1] [Sidenote: 1503 / FEB. 6] Where Sir John Paston and Roger Townesende have agreed and promysed to obey as we, Jamys Hobart and John Yaxley will devyse for the varians of the maner of Estbekham: We devyse and a warde that Sir John Paston shall have the seid maner to hym, and to his heires; and he therfor shall paye to the seid Rogyr xl_li._ at Pentecoste nexte, and at Halowmesse nexte aftyr that xl_li._, and at Pentecoste next aftyr that xx_li._; and the same Syr John shall have the arrerages of the seid maner. And if the seid Sir John refuse to have the maner, then the seid Rogyr to have the same maner, with the arrerages as is a forseid, payeng to the seid Sir John the seid C_li._ at the dayes aforseid; and the seid Syr John to geve answer which he will chose the viij. daye of this moneth. Yevyn the vj. daye of Februarii, anno R. R. H. vij. xviij^o. And all this to be perfurmyd and put in surte after our avise. And we devise that he that shall have the land, shall paie to th’ other at Halwemes come twelvemonyth, ten mark, besides the seid C_li._, because th’arrerages have ben long in the tenauntes handes. JOHN YAXLEE. JAMYS HOBART. [Footnote 169-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]] 1075 ARCHBISHOP WARHAM TO WILLIAM PASTON[170-1] _To my cousyn Master William Paston._ [Sidenote: 1503 / SEPT. 6] Cousyn Paston, I recommaunde me unto you, and have received your letter, by the which I have undrestand of the deth of my cousyn your fadre, whose soule Jesu assoile. I wol counsaile and exhorte you to take it as wel and as paciently as ye can, seeyng that we al be mortal and borne to dey. And where as ye desire to have a letter _ad colligendum_, after myne advise ye shal doo wel to be here with me at Michaelmas next commyng, and at your then commyng I shalbe glad to doo you the best confort and helpe that I can; counsailing that ye in the meane tyme doo not entremedyll in any wise with th’admynystring of any parte of your faders goodes, nor with the receiving of his debtes, for divers causes, as at your comyng hudre ye shal knowe more. The meane season, loke that ye be of as confortable chere as ye can, exhorting my lady, your modre in lawe,[170-2] to be in like wise, to whom I pray you to have me recommendyd. Thus fare ye hertily wel. From London, the vj^th day of Septembre. Your, WILLIAM, ELECTE OF LONDON. [Footnote 170-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] The writer of this letter was William Warham, who was first Bishop of London, and afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury. According to the signature, he was Bishop-elect of London at the time it was written, but we are persuaded that it is a slip of the pen. He was elected Bishop of London in 1502, and was consecrated on the 5th October; but it is clear from the preceding No. that Sir John Paston was alive as late as the beginning of February 1503. In the year 1503, however, Warham was translated to Canterbury. The bull for his translation was issued on the 29th November 1503, but doubtless he was elected some time before; and it is quite intelligible how, being actually Bishop of London, he should have written ‘Elect of London’ in place of ‘Elect of Canterbury.’ Moreover, the allusion to the business of the administration agrees entirely with this supposition.] [Footnote 170-2: Agnes, widow of John Hervey, Esq. of Thurley, Beds, etc. _See_ p. 166, Note 1.] 1076 JOHN KENDAL TO [WILLIAM PASTON?][171-1] [Sidenote: 1503, or later (?)] Your pore servaunt and bedeman, John Kendale, be secheth your good and gracious masterschepp, at the reverence of God and in the wey of charyte, to remembre that my maister your fader, on whos soule God have mercy, had fro me x. acres of free londe that I bout of the executours of Nicholas Pekeryng of Filby for xx. marc paid on j. day, to pay to executours of Edmonde Norman for purchase of ij. partes of Holm Halle, somtyme Edmonde Norman. Also my seide maister, your fader, had fro John Kendale the croppe of the seide x. acres londe, sowen with barly and peson, wherof v. acres were weel somerlayde[171-2] to the seid barly, the whiche croppe the seide John Kendale schulde a made worth to hym iiij_li._ xiij_s._ iiij_d._, althow ther had be but xx. quarteres barly growyng on viij. acres and half of londe, that is to seyn up on an acre ij. quarter, iiij. busshelz, and the half acre in avayle, besyde j. acre and an half of peson, for the seide John Kendale solde his malt at Ormesby mad of the barly growyng the same yer that the foreseid croppe was taken fro hym, for iiij_s._ viij_d._ a quartere; and so he myght a solde the same and meche more if he had had it. Also my seid maister, your fader, hath caused the foreseid John Kendale to a foreborne the ferme of the seide x. acres of londe be the space of ix. yer, be the yer xvj_s._ & viij_d._, that is, the ferme of j. acre xx_d._, wherof the somme conteyneth vij_li._ x_s._ beside j. yer receyved of Hagh.[172-1] [Footnote 171-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] If this petition was addressed to any member of the Paston family, I should think it must have been William Paston, the son of the later Sir John. That would make the date at least as late as the year 1503, when his father died. If it was either of the two Sir Johns, ‘my master your father’ would be John Paston, Esquire, who died in 1466. But Nicholas Pickering of Filby is said to have been buried in the steeple of Filby church in the year 1466, and it is evident that ‘my master your father’ survived him more than nine years. Edmund Norman, whose executors are here spoken of, died as far back as 1444. Blomefield says he was seised of two parts of the manor of Filby, but does not mention him as being also owner of two parts of Holm Hale. The two parts of Filby were afterwards held in trust by Sir John Fastolf; but William Pickering and Cecily, his wife, were lords of the whole manor and settled it on John Paston, who released it to Nicholas Pickering in 1450.--Blomefield, xi. 218, 221.] [Footnote 171-2: Kept fallow for some time previous to sowing.] [Footnote 172-1: Here the MS. ends abruptly.] 1077 ABSTRACT[172-2] [Sidenote: 1504 / DEC. 10] Receipt given by Thomas Bradbury, alderman of London, to William Paston, Esq. of Norfolk, 10th Dec. 1504, for £5 in full payment of half a year’s rent. [Footnote 172-2: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]] 1078 WILLIAM MAKEFYRR TO DARCY AND ALYNGTON[172-3] _To the ryght worschypfull Master Roger Darsy and Master Gylys Alyngton, beyng at the Jeorge, in Lumberd Strett, be thys delyveryd in hast._ [Sidenote: 1506 / JAN. 17] Ryght worschypfull masters, I recomend me un to you, certyfying you that the Kynges Grace and the Kyng of Castyle mett this day at thre of the cloke, apon Cleworth Greyn, ij. mylle owt of Wyndesower, and ther the Kyng reseyvyd hym in the goodlyest maner that ever I sawe, and ech of them enbracyd oder in armys. To schew you the Kynges aparell of Yngland, thus it was:--hys hors of bay, trappyd with nedyll warke; a gown of purpuyr velvyt, a cheyn with a joerge of dyamondes, and a hood of purpuyr velvyt, whych he put not of at the mettyng of the seyd Kyng of Castylle; hys hatt and hys bonett he avalyd, and the Kyng of Castylle in cas lyke. And the Kyng of Castyll rod apon [a] sorellyd hoby, whych the Kyng gave un to hym; hys apparell was all blak, a gown of blak velvytt, a blak hood, a blak hatt, and hys hors harnes of blake velvytt. To schew you of the Kynges company, my Lord Harry of Stafforth[173-1] rod in a gown of cloth of tuyssew, tukkyd, furryd with sabulles, a hatt of goldsmyth worke, and full of stons, dyamondes, and rubys, rydyng apon a sorellyd courser bardyd with a bayrd of goldsmythes wark, with rosys and draguns red. And my Lord Markas[173-2] rydyng apon a bald sorelyd hors, with a deyp trapper full of long tassels of gold of Venys, and apon the crowper of hys hors a whytt fedyr, with a cott apon hys bak, the body goldsmyths wark, the slevys of cremysyne velvyt, with letters of gold. My Lord of Kent[173-3] apon a sorelyd hors, bald, the harnes of Venys gold, with a deyp frynges of half zerd of lengh. My Lord of Kent cott was on barr of cloth of gold, an oder of cremysyn velvyt, pyrlyd with a demy manche cut of by the elbowe. Thyes be the lords that bare the bruyt. Sir Hew Waghan apon a bay hors trappyd with cremysyn velvyt full of gylt bels, a gown of blak velvyt, and a cheyn of gold, bawdryk wys, worth v. hondreth pownd. Thys be the sperys: Master Sant John apon a blak hors, with harnes of cloth of gold with tasselles of plunkytt and whytt, a cott of plunkytt and whytt, the body of goldsmyths werk, the s[l]evys full of spanguls. John Carr and William Parr cotts lyke, the horsys gray, of Parr trappyd with cremysyn velvyt with tasselles of gold, and bels gylt. Carr hors bay with an Almayn harnes of sylver, an ynch brod of betyn sylver, both the cottes of goldsmythes wark the bodys, the slevys on stryp of syllver, the oder gylt. Edward Nevell apon a gray hors trappyd with blak velveyt full of small belles, hys cott the on half of greyn velvyt, the oder of whytt cloth of gold; thyse to the rutters of the spers, with oder dyvers well appontyd. On the Kyng of Castylles party, the Lord Chamberlayn cheyff, I can not tell hys name as yett; hys apparell was sad, and so was all the resydeu of hys company with clokes of sad tawnye blake, gardyd, sum with velvyt and sum with sarsnyt, not passyng a dosyn in nowmber. It is sayd ther is many by hynd, wych cums with the Queyn of Castyll, wych schall cum apon Teyusday. When the Kyng rod forth to Wyndesouer Castyle, the Kyng rode apon the ryght hand the Kynges of Castylle, how be it the Kynges Grace offeryd hym to take hym apon the ryght hand, the whych he refussyd. And at the lyghtyng the Kyng of Castylle was of hys hors a good space or owr Kyng was a lyght; and then the Kynges Grace offeryd to take hym by the arm, the whych he wold not, bot toke the Kyng by the arme, and so went to the Kynges of Castylle chamber, whych is the rychestly hangyd that ever I sawe; vij. chambers to geder hangyd with cloth of arras wroght with gold as thyk as cowd be; and as for iij. beds of astate, no kyng Crystyned can schew sych iij. Thys is as fer as I can schew you of this day, and when I can know mor, ye schall have knowlege. From Wyndesouer this Saterday, at v. of the cloke. By yours, WILLIAM MAKEFYRR. [Footnote 172-3: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter gives an account of the meeting of Henry VII. and Philip, King of Castile, near Windsor, during the time when the latter was detained in England in the beginning of the year 1506. It is well known how after setting out from the Low Countries to take possession of his kingdom of Castile, Philip met with a storm, and was driven to land on our coast, and how, on hearing of it, Henry invited him to visit him at his Court, where he staid for some time while the damage done to his fleet was being repaired.] [Footnote 173-1: Henry, Earl of Stafford, eldest son and heir of Edward Stafford, Duke of Buckingham, who was attainted and beheaded in 1521.] [Footnote 173-2: Thomas Grey, Marquis of Dorset, was the son of Thomas, the late Marquis, who was the son of Elizabeth, Queen of Edward IV. by her first husband, Sir John Grey of Groby. This nobleman in the next reign became Lord of the Marches between England and Scotland, which he stoutly kept and boldly maintained. He died in 1530, 22 Hen. VIII.--F.] [Footnote 173-3: George Gray, Earl of Kent, was a true soldier to, and a favourite of Henry, and survived this pageant a very short time, dying within the year.--F.] [[Master Sant John apon a blak hors, with harnes of cloth of gold _text has “withh arnes”_]] 1079 AN INVENTORY[175-1] James Gloys, j. dongge,[175-2] iij_s._ Item, a coverlete, v_s._ Item, ij. blankettes, vj_s._ viij_d._ Item, ij. pare of shettes, x_s._ Item, a sellore,[175-3] xij_d._ Item, a rosour, viij_d._ Item, v. shertes, viij_s._ Item, j. roset cape, iiij_d._ Item, iiij. gownes, xxvj_s._ viij_d._ Item, a curt baron, xl_d._ Item, iij. gyrdylles, vj_d._ Item, iij. payre of hossen, vj_s._ Item, j. song boke, pris xx_d._ Item, j. dowbelet of fustian, iij_s._ iiij_d._ Item, j. grene cotte, ij_s._ Item, ij. payre schone, xiiij_d._ Item, j. box with j. porse of cloth of gold, xl_d._ Item, j. crosse silver, xl_d._ Item, j. sawtere, vj_s._ viij_d._ Item, j. premere, ij_s._ Item, j. boke of statutis, xl_d._ Item, j. boke of _vitas Patrum_, ij_s._ Item, j. purs in the bedstraw with xx_s._ Item, j. boke of xij. chapetyrs of Lynccoln, and a boke of safistre,[175-4] x_s._ Item, vj. steyned paperis, xij_d._ Item, ij. scochenes, viij_d._ Item, a swerd, pris vj_s._ viij_d._ Item, a towayle, x_d._ Item, a _supersedyas_ of Gloys, Osborn and Snallewell. Item, a bleu gown of William Tavernerys, x_s._ Item, a blake cloke, vj_s._ Item, a bottell for wine of a potell, xij_d._ Item, a peyre of tabille of horne and box, xvj_d._ Item, a confessionall, ij_s._ Herre Boll, a dongge, xl_d._ Item, a traunsom, ij_s._ Item, a paire of schettis, iiij_s._ Item, a blanket, iij_s._ Item, a coverlet, ij_s._ Item, a pillow of down, xij_d._ Item, ij. curteynes, ij_s._ Item, gownes, x_s._ Item, a dowblet of fostian, xl_d._ Item, iij. schertes, v_s._ Item, a towayle, viij_d._ Item, a blake hod, ij_s._ Item, ij. cofforys stuffet, ij_s._ Unde, j. was sprwys chyst with, xx_s._ Item, j. clasp of sylver, xij_d._ Item, of payse money, xij_d._ Item, ix. ferthynges, ij_d. ob._ Item, a lytyll chyst, vj_d._ Item, ij. pors with, ij_s._ vij_d. ob._ Item, iiij. rynges, iij_s._ Item, a box with bedys, qwere of ij. payre of jett, with Paternosterys of corall, xl_d._ Item, a poyre of jett, pris xij_d._ Item, v. payre of box, x_d._ Item, a payre of ambre, xviij_d._ Item, a purs of welwet, viij_d._ Item, iij. payre of knyffes, x_d._ Item, a payr of hernishede knyffes, xij_d._ Item, v. napettes, v_d._ Item, iij. hedkercheffes, pris xij_d._ Item, a box with sylke and perryll, iij_s._ Item, a powche of rosset damaske, xx_d._ Item, a payre of gold weghtes in a case, ij_s._ Item, a broch of sylver with a crown, xvj_d._ Item, a payre of beddes of segamore, iiij_d._ Item, a box of tene with sylver wire. Item, iij. new gyrdyll, pris ix_d._ Item, in the second coffer was bokes, pris xvj_d._ Item, a boke of Seynt Thomas de _Veritatibus_, pris x_s._ Item, a red boke with Hugucio and Papie, xx_s._ Item, iij. bokes of soffistre, xx_d._ Item, maney other smale bokes, x_s._ Item, iij. cappis, x_d._ Item, a surplice, xl_d._ Item, iij. letterys of pardon, x_s._ Item, a stevynyd[177-1] clothe, a crucifix, xx_d._ Item, a payre of dowbyll glovys, furredde with lambe, vj_d._ Item, ij. payr of hosson, v_s._ Item, a combe of veveri,[177-2] vj_d._ John Osborn, a cott of rosset, pris iij_s._ iiij_d._ Item, a stomaucher of a zerd of gode new hollond clothe, x_d._ Item, iiij. payre of sokkes, pris viij_d._ Item, ij. payre of lyncloys, viij_d._ Item, ij. payre of hossen, iiij_s._ Item, a payre of schone, vij_d._ Item, a payre schettes, iiij_s._ Item, iij. gyrdyll, ix_d._ Jamus Halmon, iiij. schettes, x_s._ Item, ij. schertis and a quarter of lynclothe, ij_s._ vj_d._ Item, a pelow bere, vj_d._ Item, ij. payre of sockes, iij_d._ Item, a gown furret with blake lom, x_s._ Item, a payre of cremessen hossen, iij_s._ Item, a payre spores, a pare of glovis, xvj_d._ Item, iij. gyrdyll, ix_d._ Item, a stomaker of lenclothe, viij_d._ Item, a payre of shone, vij_d._ Item, staffe, pris iiij_d._ Item, a sakke, viij_d._ Syngleton, a payr of bottes and a parre of sporis, iij_s._ iiij_d._ Item, a sadyll, a paytrell and a brydoll and ij. gerthis, x_s._ Item, a payre of dowbelet slevys of blake, } Item, a payre of slevys of rosset, } iij_s._ Item, a payr of stokes of fustian, [viij_d._][178-1] Item, a pare of schone, vij_d._ Item, a schyrt, xx_d._ Item, a purs with ij_s._ Item, a gyrdyll, a payre of patanys, iiij_d._ Item, a dagar knyffe, pris iiij_d._ Katryn Wilton, a donge, iij_s._ iiij_d._ Item, a coverlet, iij_s._ iiij_d._ Item, a blanket, iij_s._ Item, a payr of shettes, iiij_s._ Item, a pelow of doun, xij_d._ Item, a payre of new hosson, viij_d._ Item, a gown and a kertyll, vj_s._ viij_d._ Item, a cors harnesshet with blake, pris xx_d._ Item, a hod, iij_s._ iiij_d._ Item, a kercher of lawn, pris xx_d._ Item, ij. kercher of therd, xij_d._ Item, a payre off bedys of ambre, xx_d._ Item, a new canvasse. Jane Belton, a blanket, iij_s._ iiij_d._ Item, a shette, ij_s._ Item, a kerchey therd, and ther in was vj_s._ viij_d._ of gold. Item, a payre of beydys of jette with Patter nosteris of corall, pris xx_d._ Item, a payre of turnerys of lawn, xx_d._ Item, a yerd of lynclothe, viij_d._ Item, a payre of hossen, viij_d._ Item, a smoke, xx_d._ Item, a kercher of thred, viij_d._ Symond Houston, a payre of bottes, a payre of sporis, iiij_s._ Purrey, a blw gown, viij_s._ Item, a bridull and a feterloke, xvj_d._ Item, a payr of hossen, a payr of schon, ij_s._ vij_d._ Item, a pare of furred glovys. Frere John Alderiche, ij. quaris of prayeris. Item, a powtenere with a payre of bedys of jette. Item, a scapelerey with an hodde, vj_s._ viij_d._ John Keduray, a payre of lynclothys, j. gown of blw, vj_s._ viij_d._ Item, a payre of hossen, xx_d._ Item, a payre of schone, vij_d._ Item, a payre of glovys and a hatt, xij_d._ Simond Sadiller, a payre of sporis, xij_d._ Item, a knyff hernyshid with sylver, xij_d._ Robert Fen, a gown, vj_s._ Item, a cappe, iiij_d._ Item, a peyre of hossen, xvj_d._ Item, a chart (?), pris xvj_d._ Richard Charlys, a peyr of hossen, xvj_d._ Item, a dager, xvj_d._ Item, a gyrdyll, ij_d._ Item, a cappe of rosset, iiij_d._ Jhon Faster, a horne, viij_d._ John Judde, a chert, pris xvj_d._ Item, a peyr of bedys of jett, viij_d._ William Bemond, a custell, pris xvj_d._ Item, a perre of bottes, pris ij_s._ Item, a peyre of glovys of otter. Water Wynter, a shert, xij_d._ A dager, xij_d._ A purs with x_d._ Sander Koke, a mourey gown, vj_s._ Item, a cotte of moster develers,[180-1] xl_d._ Item, a blanket, iij_s._ Item, a peyre of shettes, iiij_s._ Item, iij. peyr of shoys, xx_d._ Item, a peyr of sokkes, ij_d._ Item, a hatt, xij_d._ Item, a peyr of patanys, a cappe of violet, } Item, iij. gyrdyll, and a cerchey [_kerchief_], } xij_d._ Item, ij. of[180-2] of hossen, pris iij_s._ Snallewell, a schet, pris xx_d._ Item, ij. shurtes, a peyr ofe lynclothis, xx_d._ Item, ij. dowbelettes, pris xl_d._ Item, iij. gyrdyll, ij. cappes, xv_d._ Item, ij. peyr of hossen, xl_d._ Item, a lyneng to a gown, xx_d._ Item, an hodde, xl_d._ John Bube (?), ane hatt, pris x_d._ Item, a bowe, pris vj_d._ Item, a peyr of bottes, xvj_d._ Item, a purs with iiij_d._ Item, a cappe, iiij_d._ Herry Gunnold, tablys and stolys, pris v_s._ [Footnote 175-1: [From Add. Charter 17,255, B.M.] This inventory might perhaps have been inserted in the year 1474, after the death of James Gloys, with whose name it begins. (_See_ No. 857.) The year in which it was drawn up is, however, by no means certain, as the articles seem to have belonged to many different owners; and it may be conveniently referred to here at the end of our collection.] [Footnote 175-2: A mattress.] [Footnote 175-3: A bed canopy.] [Footnote 175-4: Sophistry, _i.e._ dialectics.] [Footnote 177-1: Parti-coloured.] [Footnote 177-2: Ivory.] [Footnote 178-1: Struck through with the pen.] [Footnote 180-1: Grey woollen cloth.] [Footnote 180-2: So in MS.] [[Item, a swerd, pris Item, a poyre of jett, pris _text has “pris,” for both_ Item, a pelow bere, / vj_a._ _italic “d” misprinted as “a”_]] 1080 WYKES’S BILL[181-1] _Towardis my Lord of Oxford._ In primis at Brentwode for horsmete, ij_d._ _Chelmesford_ Item for our dyner there, iiij_d. ob._ Item for horsmete there, ij_d._ _Brambtre_ Item for horsmete there, j_d._ Item for drynke there, _ob._ _Hydyngham_ Item for oure soper there, iiij_d._ Item for horsmete there, iiij_d._ Item for wayshyng of my shert and botes, i_d. ob._ _Laneham_ Item for horsmete there, j_d._ _Hadlegh_ Item for horsmete there, j_d._ Item for brede and drynke there, j_d._ _Taderston_ Item for horsmete there, ij_d. ob._ Item for Williamis dyner there, ij_d._ _Coylchestere_ Item for horsmete there, ix_d._ Item for the sadelere, iij_d._ Item payd to the smyth, vij_d._ Item for brede and drynke there, ij_d._ _Wytham_ Item for horsmete there, j_d._ Item for brede and drynke there, j_d. ob._ _Chelmesford_ Item for oure dyner there, iiij_d._ Item for horsmete there, j_d._ _Brentwode_ Item for horsmete there, j_d._ Item for brede and drynke there, j_d. ob._ Item for a dosyn poyntis, ij_d._ Summa expens, v_s._ _Endorsed_: Wykes. [Footnote 181-1: [Add. MS. 34,889, f. 231.] This bill of travelling expenses cannot be assigned to any particular year; but it would seem to be of the reign of Henry VII.] [[Item for horsmete there, / j_d._ _Brentwode_ Item for horsmete there, / j_d._ _italic “d” misprinted as “a” (three consecutive lines)_]] 1081 T. BALKEY TO JOHN PASTON[183-1] _To his ryght wurshipfull maister, John Paston, Esquier, this byll be delyverid in hast._ [Sidenote: Date uncertain] Ryght wurshipfull and myne especyall good maister, I comaund me vonto your good maistership. Sir, it is so that there hath ben a gret rumour and mervelous noyse of yower departyng ffro Yermoth; for summe seid that ye were departed in a Duch ship and some seid in aspaynessh ship and some seid in yower ship, and some seid ayein your wyll ye were departed; of wych departyng my lord Steward hadde knowleche and comaunded a noon after your old servaunt Rychard Fitzwater to ryde to Norwich, and so to Yermoth, to knowe the trowth. And at Norwich I spoke with your seid servaunt, and ther he shewed vonto me that my lord hadde send another of his servauntis vonto my Lord of Oxynford to shew vonto his lordship of your departyng, &c., and fferthermore he shewed vonto me prevyly that my Lord hath imagyned and purposed many grevous thyngis ayens your Maistership; for wych cawse he shewed wnto me that in any wyse your mastership shuld not come that wey, and I shall shewe your maistership moch more at your comyng, with the grace of God, whoo ever preserve your good maistership. At Norwich the Sonday next after Sent Marke. Your servaunt, T. BALKEY. [Footnote 183-1: [Add. MS. 33,597, f. 10.] There is nothing in the rest of the Paston correspondence to throw any light upon this letter, either as to the date at which it was written, or as to the person addressed, whether it be John Paston the eldest or the younger of the two Johns, his sons.] 1082 ANONYMOUS TO MASTER PASTON[184-1] Maister Paston, it is so that my Lord desireth to have his lyverey as for this yere to be of the colour that he hadde him self a demye gowne of, and his childern hadde of the same ayenst Cristmasse laste was; I wot never whether ye remembre it or nay. Yt was a medelled tawney, som what rede, and it was bought at Watkyn Stalworthes. I pray you assaye among the clothe makers in your countre howe a man may bye a cloth of them. Ye muste remembre the gentilmen muste have better than the yomen, and the yomen better than the gromes. And ye knowe well that ye and I the laste yere pourvoied my lord of the gentilmenes lyverey and the yomens for iij_s._ a yerde, one with a nother, and the gromes for ij_s._ viij_d._, and boughte all at the drapers in London. Wherfore my Lord woll thinke to be served of better clothe and lesse price at the clothe makers. I wolde have sente you an example but I can not gette it. [Footnote 184-1: [Add. MS. 34,889, f. 148.] This letter contains a great many uncertainties. The writer is anonymous, the person addressed is by no means clear, and the lord referred to cannot be determined. Neither is there any means of arriving at an approximate date.] 1083 ROBERT KYLLYGREWE TO RICHARD WASSE[184-2] _Thys letter be delyvyrde on to my fadyrynlav Rychard Wasse dewelly yn the parris of Morton._ Welle belovyd fadyr, y recommende me on to you, and y thonke you of your gode cherre to me beyng vyt you laste, &c. Fadyr, hyt ysso asfor the promysse that ys by twyxt you and me, y hope to God to contayne you of my promysse. So by that y am so lenge on y payde on to you, Fadyr, hyt ysso ye have y lefte me yn so grete a danger wyt the reparasyon of Wolston ande wythe Benet Barnarde that y am so lenge byhynde vyt you of my promys; nere the les y have sende you by Herry Penennec iiij. mark a fore Crystmas, ande the wederyng fyl so fowle a konnot go on to you. Fadyr, hyt yesso y have payde Benet Barnarde viij. marke for the fe that ye made on to hym, and more y moste pay hym for you, for he axyt of you yn holle xij_li._ wyt the fe, ande hys labor that a dyde for you yn London. For he sayt that ye nevyr payde hym of no fyne, nodyr for no odyr coste that a dyde for you wylle ye werre yn thys contray. Therfore y pray you to sende on to me a dyscharge for the sayde xij_li._, or ellys a wolle dystrayne me and put me to scharge an coste as a hath strayne my tenenttes byfore for thys mater and costys. For dermore Boryng hath take an accion yn the comyn law ayenst us bothe, entendyng to dryve us to a new particion, for a shewyth owre to tenentes to tempe ande meve them to cry fore a noder particion, ande to have suche as plesyth hym to hys reteyne; and therfore, but we have the better consayle hyt woll cost moch mony wyth owt dowt. Ther fore send me suche evydens as may dyscharge and save bothe you and me, wyche byth yn your hon dysposal; hyt hath coste me xl_s._ for the accion that he hath take ayenst Tomas Snel and Wyllyam Snell, for bycause that T. Snell forbede[185-1] Bouryng ys tenents fro my wode yn Boter towne, which bythe alders. Your doctor [_daughter_] recommende hyr on to you and prayyt of your dayly blessyng, and sche hat a son, bleste by God. Namore to you at thys tymme. God have you yn Hys kepyng. By your Son, ROBERTE KYLLY GREWE. [Footnote 184-2: [Add. MS. 34,889, f. 181.] It is difficult to connect this letter with the rest of the Paston correspondence, or to give any idea as to its date.] [Footnote 185-1: ‘forbede’ repeated in MS.] 1084 MEMORANDUM[186-1] Memorandum to speke with William Byrde be the same tokne, I came home from London to Norwich on Mydsomer evyn last past, and the same even I cam home to his howse, and brought hym x_s._ for a gyrdyll off myn that he had in his kepyng for a plegge off myn; and if so be that he wilnat ley out thes money, let hym send me the bill indentyd off my jowellys closyd in a letter with a signet off myn that my wiff hath in her keping. _Endorsed_--Vyall. [Footnote 186-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] I cannot tell by whom this memorandum was drawn up, nor do I know to what it refers. But as the MS. appears to belong to the Paston collection, and is of the period, I have not thought it right to omit it. The name ‘Vyall’ which is written on the back of the paper occurs in No. 756.] 1085-8 ABSTRACTS[186-2] The following letters are probably all of the time of Henry VII. They are all addressed to a Mr. William Paston, but perhaps not all to the same person. The first two are apparently to William Paston, the brother of the two Sir Johns. The third is doubtful. The last may be to the son of the second Sir John. 1085.--John Wryght to Master William Paston at Hynnyngham.--Has received from him a bill with 3_s._ 6_d._, part payment of the cotton russet. ‘The rest we shall drink when ye come to London.’ Does not understand Paston’s order for other 9 yards. Does he wish frieze, cotton or plain blanket?--London, St. Catherine’s Even. 1086.--John Breton of Hadley to Master William Paston.--Desires him to be good master to the bearer, ‘a poor kinsman of mine,’ to whom my lord[186-3] has written sharply, that he may come before my lord for his answer. 1087.--Petyr Marham to his master, William Paston.--Desires his advice, as Robert Gaunley, sometime his ’prentice, has taken an action against him at the common law. 1088.--William Ocley to Master William Paston.--Has spoken with young Wyndam in Master Digby’s presence. He was grateful to Paston for his loving mind towards him, and said he would receive ‘the two riall’ himself, and buy no new gear till he knew the King’s pleasure touching his pardon.--London, 3 Sept. [Footnote 186-2: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]] [Footnote 186-3: The Earl of Oxford.] NOTE TO NO. 1016. As stated in the footnote at p. 101, since the above document was in type the Editor came upon a complete copy of this list of knights made at the battle of Stoke, which, being also more accurate than that in Leland’s _Collectanea_, is here printed in full. It is apparently the original MS. of which No. 1016 is a mutilated copy, and is written on two flyleaves of the copy of Caxton’s _Game and Play of Chess_ in the King’s Library in the British Museum. _The names of the banerettes made at the batell of Stooke by syde Newerke apon Trent, the xvj. day of June the ij^de yer of Harry the vij._ Sir Gilbert Talbott. Sir John Cheny. Sir William Stoner. _Thes iij. wer made by fore the bataile, and after the bataile wer made the same day_:-- Sir John of Arundell. Sir Thomas Cookesay. Sir John Forteskew. Sir Edmond Benyngfeld. Sir James Blount. Sir Ric’ of Croffte. Sir Humfrey Stanley. Sir Ric’ Delaber. Sir John Mortymer. Sir William Troutbeke. _Knyghtys made at the same bataile_:-- Sir ----[187-1] Audeley, son and heyre of the Lord Audeley. Sir Edward Norys. Sir Robert Clyfford. Sir George Hopton. Sir Robert of Broughton. Sir John Paston. Sir Thomas Lovell. Sir Humfrey Savage. Sir Harry Wyloughby. Sir John Sabacotys. Sir William Vampage. Sir Antony Browne. Sir Ric’ Poole. Sir Thomas Terell. Sir Ric’ Lews. Sir Thomas Grey. Sir Nycholas Vaux. Sir Edwarde of Borough. Sir William Tyrwytt. Sir Ameas Paullett. Sir William Troutebeke. Sir Raff Langforthe. Sir James Haryngton. Sir Harry Boulde. Sir ----[187-2] Devenyshe. Sir William Redmyll. Sir Gregory Lovell. Sir Thomas Blount. Sir Robert Cheyny. Sir William Carew. Sir John Wyndam. Sir Roger Belyngam. Sir John a Mosgrave. Sir George Nevyll the bas[tard] of the Tour.[187-3] Sir Robert Ratcleff. Sir James Parker. Sir Edward Darell. Sir Edward Pykeryng. Sir Thomas of Wolton. Sir William Sandys. Sir Robert Brandon. Sir Thomas a Poole. Sir Morys Barkeley. Sir Rauffe Shyrley. Sir John Longvyll. Sir William Litylton. Sir William Norys of Lancas . . . Sir John Dygby. Sir Thomas Hansard. Sir Christofre Wroughton. Sir Thomas Lyne. Sir Morys a Barow. [Footnote 187-1: Blank in MS. Leland supplies the name as Sir James.] [Footnote 187-2: Blank in MS. ‘John’ in Leland.] [Footnote 187-3: ‘The bastard of the Tour’ looks as if it had been added by the same hand at a later date.] APPENDIX WILLS From the Principal Registry of the Court of Probate at Somerset House, and from the Diocesan Registers at Norwich. For the Memoranda of the latter I am indebted to the kindness of Dr. Jessopp. 1 CLEMENT PASTON[188-1] WILL OF ‘CLEMENS PASTON DE PASTON, sanæ mentis,’ etc. (no style of Armiger or any other designation), A.D. 1419, June. [Sidenote: 1419 / JUNE] Leaves his soul to God, St. Margaret, and All Saints; his body to be buried in the parish church of St. Margaret at Paston, between the north door and the tomb of his wife Beatrix. Legacies--(1) To the High Altar (sum not named); (2) To the Vicar of Paston for tithes, etc., 3_s._ 4_d._; (3) For the lights ‘Beatæ Margaretæ in cancella . . . coram ymagine Beatæ Margaretæ, vj _li._ cer.’; (4) ‘Item, luminibus super le Rodelofte ejusdem ecclesiæ, xij _d._’; (5) For the reparation, etc. of the church, 3_s._ 4_d._; (6) To the Vicar of Bakton (as above), 2_s._; (7) For the repair, etc. of the Trunch church, 8_d._; (8) For the repair of Monslee church, 6_d._; (9) ‘Item, Priori et Conventui de Bromholm, vj_s._ viij_d._’ The residue to Martha, ‘quæ fuit uxor Johannis Bakton, sorori meæ, et Willelmo Paston, filio meo,’ that they may pay his debts, make restitution for any wrongs done, and expend the rest in works of charity and piety for the good of his own soul, that of Beatrix, his wife, the souls of his deceased parents and benefactors, ‘et animabus fidelium defunctorum.’ Witnesses--‘Nich’o Priori de Bromholm, Rich. Jernemuth Monacho, Rich. Vicario Ecclesiæ de Paston prædicta, Johanne Kyng, capellano, Roberto Gynne, et aliis.’ Proved at Norwich, ‘2 Oct. An. Dom. supradicto.’ [Footnote 188-1: [Reg. Dioces. Norvic., Hyrning, f. 51, b.]] [[Legacies-- vj _li._ ... xij _d._ _anomalous spaces in original_ ‘Item, Priori et Conventui de Bromholm, vj_s._ viij_d._’ _missing close quote_]] 2 WILLIAM PASTON, THE JUDGE[189-1] I.--[_Testament._] [Sidenote: 1444 / JAN. 10] In Dei nomine Amen. Ego, Willelmus Paston de Paston, sanæ mentis et memoriæ, condo testamentum meum in hunc modum. In primis, lego animam meam Omnipotenti Deo, Beatæ Mariæ, et omnibus Sanctis, et corpus meum sepeliendum ad finem Australem altaris in Capella Beatæ Mariæ in fine Orientali ecclesiæ Cathedralis Sanctæ Trinitatis, Norwici. Et si contingat corpus meum ibidem sepeliri, lego cuilibet monacho sacerdoti ecclesiæ prædictæ qui singulis diebus aliqua septimana per septem annos proximo sequentes post mortem meam missam de Spiritu Sancto in capella prædicta tempore celebrationis summæ missæ in eadem ecclesia decantaverit, ad exorandum in eadem missa de Spiritu Sancto, et in aliis divinis per ipsum diebus illis factis, pro anima mea et animabus uxoris meæ, patrum, matrum et omnium consanguineorum et benefactorum nostrorum, et omnium quorum debitores sumus, et omnium per nos injuriam patientium, et eorum omnium pro quibus Deo est deprecandum et omnium fidelium defunctorum septem de nac’ (?). Item, lego Roberto nunc priori ecclesiæ Sancti Andreæ de Bromholm quadraginta solidos; et cuilibet monacho ejusdem ecclesiæ conventus de Bromholm sex solidos et octo denarios; et executoribus testamenti Ricardi Causton, nuper vicarii ecclesiæ de Paston, viginti solidos; et executoribus testamenti Adæ, nuper vicarii ecclesiæ de Bakton, sex solidos et octo denarios; ita quod remittant et relaxent in conscientiis suis animabus prædictis si quæ per earum aliquam sibi debita fuerint. Et si hoc remittere et relaxare recusaverint, de prædictis legatis nihil habeant, sed in omnibus quæ sibi per animas prædictas vel earum aliquam deberi rationabiliter aut evidenter, in conscientia vel aliter, juxta discretionem executorum meorum, aut majoris partis eorundem, probaverint aut verificaverint, sibi satisfaciant executores mei. Residuum vero bonorum meorum omnium non legatorum do et lego Agneti uxori meæ, Johanni filio meo, Willelmo Bakton et Johanni Damme de Sustede, quos ordino et constituo executores hujus testamenti mei, ut ipsi inde disponant pro[ut] in justis conscientiis suis magis viderint Deo placere et animabus prædictis prodesse. In cujus rei testimonium præsentibus sigillum meum apposui. Datum decimo die Januarii anno regni Regis Henrici Sexti post Conquestum vicesimo secundo. Hujus autem testamenti mei venerabilem in Christo patrem et dominum, dominum Willelmum Lincolniensem Episcopum[190-1] ordino et constituo supervisorem. [Footnote 189-1: [Register Luffenam, 29.]] [Footnote 190-1: William Alnwick, Bishop of Lincoln from 1436 to 1449. He had been Bishop of Norwich before he was presented to Lincoln.] II.--[_Last Will_, 31 Jan. 1444.][190-2] Universis et singulis ad quos præsens scriptum indentatum pervenerit. Ego Willelmus Paston de Paston gratias, reverencias et honores. Cum diversæ personæ ad usum, proficuum et denominationem mea feoffatæ sive seisitæ existant sibi et hæredibus suis in feodo simplici in et de uno mesuagio, uno molendino, et certis terris, tenementis redditibus et serviciis cum pertinentiis in Paston, Bakton, Edithorp, Witton, et Moneslee, ac in aliis villis adjacentibus in comitatu Norffolk, quæ nuper fuerunt Clementis Paston, patris mei jam defuncti, cujus animæ propitietur Deus; ac de certis terris et tenementis, parcellis manerii vocati Latymers, remanentibus ultra et præter alia terras et tenementa parcellas dicti manerii nomine meo adiu[190-3] est dat’ Priori et conventui ecclesiæ Sancti Andreæ de Bromholm et successoribus suis; quam perquisitionem prædicti prioris dominus Rex nunc per literas suas perdonavit; et uno tofto et uno columbari et aliis terris et tenementis cum pertinentiis in Bakton, Paston, Edithorp, Witton, et Casewik quæ nuper fuerunt Hugonis atte Fen de Jernemouthe; et de aliis terris et tenementis in Paston et Bakton per prædictos priorem et conventum mihi et aliis ad usum meum et hæredibus meis datis et concessis; et de et in uno mesuagio et certis terris, tenementis, redditibus, et serviciis cum pertinentiis in Estsomerton, Westsomerton, He[nnesby?], Martham, Wynterton in Flegge, ac in aliis villis adjacentibus, et in Heigham Porter, Veteri Bokenham et Bokenham Castell, in eodem comitatu, tam illa quæ . . . . . . [quam] illa quæ nuper fuerunt Galfridi Somerton, avunculi mei, videlicet fratris Beatricis, matris meæ carissimæ jam defunctæ, quæ . . . . . . . . . . Et in et de manerio de Oxenede, ac certis terris, tenementis et serviciis in Oxenede, Burgh, Skeyton, Marsham . . . . . . . . . . [et in] aliis villis adjacentibus cum pertinentiis in eodem comitatu, quæ nuper fuerunt Roberti Salle militis, et Willelmi Clopton militis, firmarii (?) . . . . . . . sive aliquorum vel alicujus eorum in eodem comitatu: Et in et de maneriis de Marlyngford, Riston, Vaux, et Shipd[am] . . . . . . . . medietate quatuor marcatarum, sive medietate unius marisci nuper Thomæ Ocam (?) [cum pertinentiis] in eodem comitatu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mesuagiis, ac certis terris, tenementis, redditibus et serviciis cum pertinentiis in Estodenham et aliis v[illis] . . . . . . in eodem comitatu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Honyngham: Et in et de uno mesuagio ac certis terris et tenementis, redditibus et serviciis . . . . . . in Wy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in comitatu prædicto quæ nuper fuerunt Willelmi Thuxton, Armigeri, vocata Tolyes: Et . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ricardi Doket in Carleton et aliis villis adjacentibus: Et in et de duobus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . villis adjacentibus: Et in et de una pecia terræ in Carleton vocata W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . de manerio de Snaylwell et aliis terris et tenementis quæ quondam fuerunt Johannis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ac in et de manerio de Stanstede cum pertinentiis in comitatu Suffolk, et de Horwelbury . . . . . . . . . continue absque aliqua conditione collusione seu covina, istis tamen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mesuagiis, terris, tenementis, redditibus et serviciis prædictis ultimo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . consciencia mea, lege Dei et Angliæ illæsa, fieri et exequi et adimpleri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sciatis me, præfatum Willelmum Paston, ultimam voluntatem de præmissis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ligenti deliberacione declarasse, fecisse et limitasse juxta effectum verborum sequentium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . seu seisitæ et omnes aliæ personæ quas in prædictis maneriis, terris et tenementis vel aliqua parcella eorum ad . . . . . . . . . . . . . imposterum feoffari contigerit, hæredes et assignati sui, quandocumque post mortem meam . . . . . . . ejus sufficiens warantum in hac parte habentem racionabiliter requisitæ fuerint per cartas . . . . . . dum . . . . . . . præfatæ Agneti prædicta maneria de Oxenede, Marlyngforde, Stanstede, Horwelbury, et Sh . . . dictas pa . . . . . . . de Latymers dictis priori et conventui minime datas, et prædicta mesuagia, molendinum, terras et tenementa, quæ fuerunt prædicti prioris et conventus, Roberti Salle, Willelmi Clopton, Francissæ, Clementis Paston, Hugonis atte Fen, seu alicujus eorum, ac medietatem prædictorum marisci et quatuor marcatorum redditus, in toto, per communem æstimationem, ad valenciam centum librarum per annum; habenda et tenenda eidem Agneti et assignatis suis ad totam vitam ejusdem Agnetis: Ita quod eadem maneria de Oxenede, Marlyngforde, Stanstede et Horwelbury, et terræ et tenementa quæ fuerunt Roberti Salle, Willelmi Clopton et Francissæ, seu alicujus eorum, cum pertinentiis, post mortem præfatæ Agnetis remaneant hæredibus de corpore meo et corpore prædictæ Agnetis exeuntibus. Et prædicta manerium de Shipdene et parcella manerii de Latymers, ac dicta mesuagia, molendinum, terræ et tenementa nuper Clementis Paston et Hugonis atte Fen, seu alicujus eorum, cum pertinentiis, post mortem prædictæ Agnetis, ad prædictas personas feoffatas seu feoffandas, hæredes et assignatos suos revertantur, ad perficiendam inde hanc ultimam voluntatem meam: Et si nullus extiterit hæres de corpore meo et corpore prædictæ Agnetis exiens, quod tunc post mortem ejusdem Agnetis prædictum manerium de Oxenede et dicta terræ et tenementa nuper prædictorum Roberti Salle, Willelmi Clopton et Francissæ, seu unius eorum, cum pertinentiis, ad prædictos feoffatos et hæredes suos similiter revertantur, ad perficiendam inde hanc ultimam voluntatem meam. Et quod prædicta maneria de Marlyngford, Stanstede et Horwelbury, cum pertinentiis, remaneant rectis hæredibus Edmundi Barry militis, patris prædictæ Agnetis, imperpetuum. Item, volo quod prædictæ personæ, ut prædicitur, feoffatæ seu feoffandæ, hæredes seu assignati sui, paciantur et permittant Robertum Clere, armigerum, Edmundum Clere, armigerum, Johannem Pagrave, armigerum, Willelmum Bakton de Bakton, et Johannem Damme de Sustede, vel duos eorum, per communem assensum eorum quinque, prædictum manerium de Snaylwell et prædicta alia terras et tenementa in Snaylwell, in toto, per communem estimacionem, ad valenciam quadraginta marcarum per annum, occupare, et exitus et proficua inde percipere et habere, a festo Sancti Michaelis proximo sequenti post mortem meam usque Edmundus filius meus jam ætatis xviij. annorum pervenerit ad ætatem xxj. annorum. Et quod iidem Robertus Clere, Edmundus Clere, Johannes Pagrave, Willelmus Bakton et Johannes Damme, seu dicti duo eorum, viginti marcas annuatim provenientes de eisdem exitibus et proficuis, inter prædictum festum Sancti Michaelis et dictam ætatem prædicti Edmundi, filii mei, per commune avisamentum et assensum suum et prædictæ Agnetis, annuatim distribuant in elemosinis inter notos, pauperes et debiles, tam hospicia tenentes quam alios qui non vadunt mendicatum, et pro missis, sacerdotum oracionibus, et suffragiis devotorum pauperum utriusque sexus, tam religiosorum quam aliorum, celebrandis et fiendis, pro anima mea et prædictæ Agnetis, et animabus patrum et matrum nostrorum, et omnium consanguineorum et benefactorum nostrorum, et omnium quorum debitores sumus, et omnium per nos injuriam patientium, et eorum omnium pro quibus Deo est deprecandum, et omnium fidelium defunctorum; et de eisdem exitibus et proficuis prædicto Edmundo, filio meo quousque ad dictam ætatem xxj. annorum pervenerit, rationabiles victum, vestitum, apparatum et sustentationem, juxta gradus sui exigenciam, sic quod non superbiat, inveniant, et eum tam ad artis dialecticæ per dimidium annum, juris civilis per unum annum, ac juris regni Angliæ postea ad sufficienciam, si fieri poterit, sub sana tutela providenter ponant, et ipsum in eisdem continuare et residere faciant, prout eisdem melius visum fuerit ipsum Edmundum in hac parte sapere et intelligere et sibi in futurum prodesse; et domos, muros, ædificia, et clausuras in eodem manerio nostro existentia rationabiliter reparari faciant, et redditus et servicia et alia onera inde debita solvant, et hoc quod de eisdem exitibus et proficuis ad dictum ætatem dicti Edmundi remanserit juxta sanas conscientias suas eidem Edmundo satisfaciant tempore quo ipse juxta hanc voluntatem meam statum de eodem manerio receperit et habuerit. Item, volo quod prædictæ personæ, prout prædicitur, feoffatæ seu f[eoffandæ], hæredes seu assignati sui, paciantur et permittant prædictos Robertum Clere, Edmundum Clere, Johannem Pagrave, Willelmum Bakton et Johannem Damme, vel duos eorum per communem assensum eorum quinque, prædictum manerium de Beauchamp et Hollewelhalle et dicta alia mesuagia, terras, tenementa, tofta, clausuras, redditus et servicia, quondam Ricardi Doket, Willelmi Thuxton, Johannis Patgris senioris, Johannis Whynne et Eustachii Rows, seu aliquorum vel alicujus eorum, in Wymondham, Carleton, Bonnewell, Estodenham, et aliis villis adjacentibus, per communem estimacionem ad valenciam xxv. marcarum per annum occupare, et exitus et proficua inde percipere et habere, a prædicto festo Sancti Michaelis usque Willelmus filius meus, jam ætatis vij. annorum, pervenerit ad ætatem xviij. annorum; et quod iidem Robertus Clere, Edmundus Clere, Johannes Pagrave, Willelmus Bakton et Johannes Damme, vel dicti duo eorum, quinque marcas annuatim provenientes de eisdem exitibus per octo annos proximo sequentes prædictum festum Sancti Michaelis, per discretionem et avisamentum sua et prædictæ Agnetis, annuatim distribuant inter pauperes et debiles prædictos et [pro][193-1] missis, orationibus et suffragiis celebrandis et . . . . . . . . . . . in forma prædicta, et de eisdem exitibus et proficuis prædicto Willelmo filio meo usque ad dictam ætatem xviij. annorum pervenerit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . statum et sustentacionem juxta gradus sui exigenciam, sic quod non superbiat, inveniant et tribuant, et . . . . . . ad scholas ponant et ibidem continuare et residere faciant prout prædicitur de prædicto filio meo Edmundo, et domos, muros et clausuras et ædificia in dict. . . . . et tenementis . . . repararent, et redditus et servicia et alia onera inde solvant, et de residue dictorum exituum et proficuorum dicto Willelmo filio meo satisfaciant . . . . . . . . . . statum de eisdem manerio, terris et tenementis juxta hanc voluntatem meam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hæredes seu assignati sui paciantur et permittant prædictam Agnetem . . . . . . . . prædicta mesuagia, terras [et] tenementa in Est Somerton, West Somerton, Hennesby, Martham, et Wynterton, tam illa quæ fuerunt . . . . . . . quam illa quæ . . . . . . . . . . . . de Reston in toto per communem æstimacionem ad valenciam xxv. marcarum . . . . . . . . . . . . occupare, et exitus et [proficua?] inde percipere et gaudere a prædicto festo Sancti Michaelis usque Clemens filius meus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xviij. annorum; et quod eadem Agnes de eisdem exitibus et proficuis prædicto Clementi Paston . . . . . . . . . . . . . ad dictam ætatem xviij. annorum, et Elizabeth filiæ meæ quousque maritetur, racionabiles victum, vestitum, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . exigenciam, sic quod non superbiant, et de eisdem exitibus et proficuis nutriatur honeste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . filiam, prædictam Elizabetham, prout statui suo convenit, ac inveniat et ponat prædictum Clementem, filium meum, tam ad scholas grammaticales quam alias et cæteras erudiciones, prout prædicitur de prædictis fratribus suis; et domos, muros, clausuras, et ædificia in eisdem mesuagio, terris et tenementis existentia, racionabiliter reparari faciat, et redditus et servicia et alia onera inde debita solvat, ac annuatim quousque dictus Clemens, filius meus, ad dictam ætatem xviij. annorum [pervenerit?][193-1] distribuat manu propria in elemosinis, juxta discretionem suam, inter magis pauperes et debiles creaturas, in honore Quinque principalium Vulnerum et Passionis Domini nostri Jesu Christi, et Quinque Gaudiorum Beatæ Mariæ Virginis et Matris ejus, pro animabus prædictis, quinque marcas; et de hoc quod de eisdem exitibus et proficuis ad dictam ætatem prædicti Clementis, filii mei, remanserit, satisfaciat eadem Agnes juxta sanam conscienciam suam eidem Clementi tempore quo ipse juxta hanc voluntatem meam statum de eisdem manerio, mesuagiis, terris, et tenementis, de prædictis personis feoffatis sive feoffandis receperit; et quod dictæ personæ feoffatæ seu feoffandæ, hæredes, seu assignati sui, infra xl. dies proximo sequentes postquam ipsi post festum Sancti Michaelis proximo post mortem meam per Johannem Paston, filium meum primogenitum, racionabiliter fuerint requisiti, per facta sua tripartita et indentata, dimittent, liberent et assignent prædicto Johanni Paston, jam ætatis xx. annorum et amplius, prædictum manerium de Gresham cum pertinentiis, habendum eidem Johanni ad totam vitam suam; Ita quod si contingat prædictum Johannem Paston aliquem exitum vel hæredem de corpore Margaretæ nunc uxoris suæ procreare, quod tunc idem manerium cum pertinentiis post mortem ejusdem Johannis remaneat dictæ uxori suæ, tenendum sibi ad terminum vitæ ejusdem uxoris. Et si prædictus Johannes Paston nullum exitum vel hæredem de corpore dictæ uxoris suæ procreaverit, tunc immediate post mortem ejusdem Johannis idem manerium cum pertinentiis hæredibus masculis de corpore meo exeuntibus integre remaneat. Et si nullus fuerit hæres masculus de corpore meo exiens, quod tunc idem manerium cum pertinentiis integre remaneat prædictæ Agneti, uxori meæ, habendum et tenendum eidem Agneti ad totam vitam ejusdem Agnetis; Ita quod tunc post ejusdem Agnetis mortem idem manerium cum pertinentiis ad prædictos donatores et hæredes suos revertatur, ad exequendum et perficiendum inde hanc voluntatem meam. Et quod eædem personæ feoffatæ seu feoffandæ, hæredes seu assignati sui, infra xl. dies proximo sequentes postquam ipsi, post festum Sancti Michaelis proximo post mortem meam, et postquam prædictus Edmundus, filius meus, fuerit ætatis xxj. annorum plenarie completorum, racionabiliter fuerint requisitæ, per consimilia facta dimittant, liberent et assignent prædicto Edmundo, filio meo, prædictum manerium de Snaylwell, et prædicta terras et tenementa nuper Johannis Langham de Snaylwell, in Snaylwell, ac dictam reversionem manerii de Shipdene et prædictarum parcellarum manerii de Latymers, dictis priori et conventui minime data,[194-1] ac dictorum mesuag’, molendini, terrarum et tenementorum quæ fuerunt prædictorum prioris et conventus, ac Clementis, patris mei, et Hugonis atte Fen, aut unius eorum, post mortem prædictæ Agnetis, habenda et tenenda eidem Edmundo et hæredibus masculis de corpore ipsius Edmundi exeuntibus. Et si contingat ipsum Edmundum sine hærede masculo de corpore suo exeunte obire, quod tunc eadem manerium, terræ, tenementa et reversio cum pertinentiis hæredibus de corpore ejusdem Edmundi exeuntibus remaneant. Et si nullus fuerit hæres de corpore prædicti Edmundi exiens, quod tunc eadem manerium, terræ, tenementa et reversio remaneant hæredibus de corpore meo exeuntibus. Et si nullus fuerit hæres de corpore meo exiens, quod tunc prædicta reversio ad predictos donatores et hæredes suos revertatur, et prædictum manerium de Snaylwell, terræ et tenementa, cum pertinentiis, remaneant prædictæ Agneti ad totam vitam suam. Ita quod, post ejus mortem, idem manerium cum pertinentiis ad prædictos donatores et hæredes suos similiter revertatur, ad perficiendum et perimplendum hanc voluntatem meam. Et quod eædem personæ feoffatæ seu feoffandæ, hæredes seu assignati sui, infra xl. dies proximo sequentes post festum Sancti Michaelis proximo post mortem meam, et postquam prædictus Willelmus filius meus fuerit ætatis xviij. annorum plenarie completorum, racionabiliter fuerint requisitæ, per consimilia facta dimittant, liberent et assignent prædicto Willelmo filio meo, prædicta maneria de Hollewelhalle et Beauchamp, et dicta mesuagia, terras et tenementa, redditus et servicia nuper Willelmi Thuxston Armigeri, Ricardi Doket, Eustachii Rows et Johannis Patgrys, seu unius eorum, in Estodenham, Wymondeham, Carleton, Bonewell, et aliis villis adjacentibus, habenda et tenenda eidem Willelmo et hæredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus. Et si contingat ipsum Willelmum sine hærede de corpore suo exeunte obire, quod tunc eadem maneria, terræ, tenementa, redditus et servicia, cum pertinentiis, remaneant Clementi Paston, filio meo, et hæredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus. Et si idem Clemens obierit sine hærede de corpore suo exeunte, eadem maneria, terræ, tenementa, redditus et servicia cum pertinentiis remaneant dictæ Agneti ad totam vitam suam. Ita quod post ejus mortem eadem maneria, terræ et tenementa cum pertinentiis ad præfatos donatores et hæredes suos revertantur, ad implendum et perficiendum inde hanc voluntatem meam. Et quod prædictæ personæ [feoffatæ] seu feoffandæ infra quadraginta dies proximo sequentes post festum Sancti Michaelis postquam prædictus Clemens filius meus post mortem meam fuerit ætatis xviij. annorum plenarie completorum racionabiliter fuerint requisitæ per consimilia facta dimittant, liberant et assignent prædicto Clementi filio meo prædictum manerium de Ryston, et prædicto mesuagia, terras, tenementa, redditus et servicia cum pertinentiis in Est Somerton, West Somerton, et aliis villis adjacentibus et in Heigham Potter, Bokenham et Bokenham Castell, habenda et tenenda eidem Clementi filio meo et hæredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus. Et si contingat ipsum Clementum filium meum obire sine hærede de corpore suo exeunte, quod tunc eadem manerium, mesuagia, terræ, tenementa, redditus et servicia remaneant prædicto Willelmo, filio meo et hæredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus. Et si contingat ipsum Willelmum sine hærede de corpore suo exeunte obire, quod tunc eadem manerium, mesuagia, terræ, tenementa, redditus et servicia cum pertinentiis remaneant hæredibus de corpore meo exeuntibus. Et si nullus fuerit de corpore meo exiens, quod tunc eadem manerium, mesuagia terræ et tenementa cum pertinentiis remaneant prædictæ Agneti, tenenda sibi ad totam vitam suam. Ita quod eadem manerium, mesuagia, terræ et tenementa, cum pertinentiis, post mortem prædictæ Agnetis, ad prædictos donatores et hæredes suos revertantur ad perficiendum inde hanc voluntatem meam. Item ad amorem et favorem inter prædictos Johannem, Edmundum, Willelmum, et Clementem filios meos et prædictam Elizabeth et præfatos hæredes suos, eorumque mutuam caritatem hinc inde nutriendum (?) et amplificandum, volo et ordino per præsentes quod si aliqua terræ seu tenementa, sibi aut eorum alicui, per prædictas personas feoffatas seu feoffandas vel eorum hæredes vel assignatos in forma prædicta per dona et concessiones, immediate, in feodo talliato seu alio statu, per remanere aut alio quovis modo, danda seu concedenda, versus prædictos Johannem, Edmundum, Willelmum et Clementem, filios meos, et prædictam Elizabeth aut hæredes suos prædictos absque culpa recuperentur, vel aliqua inde parcella recuperetur, vel status eorum inde adnihiletur, quod infra unum annum proximo tunc sequentem residui eorum de porcionibus suis terrarum et tenementorum prædictorum, ut prædicitur, sibi dandorum et concessorum, juxta ratam annui valoris earundem portionum suarum, debitam faciant recompensacionem cæteris eorum de quorum porcionibus dictas recuperaciones vel status adnihilaciones fieri contigerit. Ita quod onus perdicionis in hac parte, si quod evenerit inter ipsos juxta ratam annui valoris portionum suarum uniformis sit et æqualis. Item, ad finem quod iste articulus præsentis voluntatis meæ proximo præcedens per prædictos Johannem, Edmundum, Willelmum et Clementem, filios meos, ac prædictam Elizabetham et hæredes suos prædictos sufficiencius et plenius exequatur, et quod dicta dona et concessiones immediate vel per remanere in feodo talliato vel alio statu, ut prædicitur, sibi faciendo per eorum facta, feoffamenta, cartas, scripta, vel alio modo non discontinuarentur, volo et ordino quod prædictæ personæ feoffatæ seu feoffandæ eorum hæredes et assignati, antequam ipsi aliquem statum de prædictis terris et tenementis aut parcella inde prædictis Johanni, Edmundo, Willelmo et Clementi, filiis meis, et prædictæ Elizabeth et hæredibus suis prædictis, seu eorum alicui, faciant, per scriptum suum indentatum dent et concedant prædicto Edmundo, filio meo, unum annuum redditum triginta librarum legalis monetæ, habendum et percipiendum eidem Edmundo et hæredibus suis masculis de corpore suo exeuntibus de prædicto manerio de Gresham ad festa Paschæ et Sancti Michaelis æquis portionibus, una cum sufficienti clausula districtionis in dicto manerio fiendæ pro non solucione ejusdem annui redditus sub forma et condicionibus subsequentibus: videlicet, quod prædictus annuus redditus sit et remaneat in suspenso et non levetur, solvatur, nec percipiatur quovismodo, quousque dictus Johannes Paston vel aliquis hæres suus masculus de corpore suo exiens aliquod donum sive concessionem, immediate vel per remanere, in feodo talliato vel alio statu, de manerio prædicto cum pertinentiis eidem Johanni fiendum, per factum, feoffamentum, cartam vel scriptum, seu alio modo, in parte vel toto, discontinuaverit seu discontinuari fecerit, vel quousque prædictus Johannes Paston, vel aliquis hæres suus masculus de corpore suo exiens, prædictum articulum præsentis voluntatis meæ sic incipiendum ‘Item ad amorem et favorem,’ &c. in aliqua ex parte sua perimplendo infregerit, non perfecerit, vel non observaverit, vel sic tam omnibus et singulis quibus aliquod donum sive concessio, immediate vel per remanere, in feodo talliato vel in aliquo alio statu, de prædicto manerio cum pertinentiis dicto Johanni Paston vel alicui hæredum de corpore suo exeuntium per prædictas personas feoffatas seu feoffandas, hæredes seu assignatos suos, in forma prædicta fiendum per prædictum Johannem Paston vel aliquem hæredum suorum prædictorum discontinuatum fuerit non legitime recontinuatum, quam omnibus et singulis annis quibus articulus prædictus præsentis voluntatis meæ sic incipiens ‘Item ad amorem et favorem,’ &c. per prædictum Johannem Paston vel aliquem hæredum suorum prædictorum in aliquo ex parte sua perimplendo confractus, non tentus, aut non impletus, fuerit non debite reformatus. Et per consimile factum suum indentatum dent et concedant prædicto Willelmo filio meo unum annuum redditum triginta librarum consimilis monetæ habendum et percipiendum annuatim prædicto Willelmo et hæredibus suis de corpore suo exeuntibus a tempore quo prædictus Johannes filius meus mortuus fuerit sine hærede masculo de tempore[196-1] suo exeunte de prædicto manerio de Gresham cum pertinentiis ad festa prædicta æquis portionibus, una cum sufficienti clausula districtionis in eodem manerio fiendæ pro non solutione ejusdem annui redditus sub forma et conditionibus sequentibus, videlicet, quod idem annuus redditus sit et remaneat in suspenso et non levetur nec solvatur, aut percipiatur quovismodo quousque prædictus Johannes Paston, vel Edmundus Paston, vel aliquis hæres masculus de corpore alicujus eorum exiens, aliquod donum sive concessionem, immediate vel per remanere, in feodo talliato vel in alio statu, de eodem manerio cum pertinentiis, aut parcella inde, eidem Johanni vel Edmundo fiendum, per factum, feoffamentum, cartam, vel scriptum, seu alio modo, in parte aut toto, discontinuaverit seu discontinuari fecerit, vel quousque aliquis eorum prædictum articulum præsentis voluntatis meæ sic incipientum ‘Item ad amorem et favorem,’ &c. in aliquo ex parte sua perimplendo infregerit, non perfecerit, vel non observaverit. Et per consimile factum suum indentatum dent et concedant prædicto Clementi, filio meo, unum annuum redditum triginta librarum consimilis monetæ, habendum et annuatim percipiendum prædicto Clementi, filio meo, et hæredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus a tempore quo uterque prædictorum Johannis Paston et Edmundus (_sic_) Paston mortuus fuerit sine hærede masculo de corpore suo exeunte de prædicto manerio[197-1] de Gresham ad festa prædicta æquis porcionibus, una cum clausula districtionis in forma prædicta, sub forma et condicionibus subsequentibus, videlicet, quod idem annuus redditus sit et remaneat in suspenso, et non levetur, solvatur nec percipiatur quovismodo, quousque prædictus Johannes Paston, vel prædictus Edmundus Paston, vel aliquis masculus de corpore alicujus eorum exiens, vel prædictus Willelmus Paston, filius meus, vel aliquis hæres de corpore suo exiens, aliquod donum sive concessionem, immediate vel per remanere,[197-2] in feodo talliato vel alio statu, dicto Johanni Paston, Edmundo Paston, vel Willelmo Paston, filiis meis, vel eorum alicui fiendum per feoffamentum, cartam vel scriptum, seu alio modo, in parte aut toto discontinuaverit, seu discontinuari fecerit, vel quousque aliquis eorum prædictum articulum præsentis voluntatis meæ sic incipientem ‘Item ad amorem,’ &c. in aliquo ex parte sua perimplendo infregerit, non fecerit, vel non observaverit. Et per consimile factum suum indentatum dent et concedant prædictæ Elizabeth unum annuum redditum triginta librarum consimilis monetæ, habendum et percipiendum eidem Elizabeth et hæredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus a tempore quo uterque prædictorum Johannis et Edmundi filiorum meorum mortuus erit sine hærede masculo de corpore suo exeunte, et uterque prædictorum Willelmi et Clementis, filiorum meorum, mortuus fuerit sine hærede de corpore suo exeunte de prædicto manerio de Gresham ad festa prædicta æquis porcionibus, una cum clausula districtionis in forma prædicta, forma et condicionibus subsequentibus, videlicet, quod idem annuus redditus sit et remaneat in suspenso et non levetur, solvatur, nec percipiatur quovismodo, quousque prædictus Johannes Paston aut prædictus Edmundus Paston, vel aliquis hæres masculus de corpore alicujus eorum exiens, vel quousque prædictus Willelmus Paston seu prædictus Clemens, filii mei, vel aliquis hæres de corpore alicujus eorum exiens . . . . . . sive concessionem, immediate vel per remanere, in feodo talliato vel alio statu, dictis Johanni Paston, Edmundo Paston, Willelmo Paston, et (?) Clementi Paston, vel alicui eorum, fiendum, per factum, feoffamentum, cartam vel scriptum, seu alio modo, in parte aut toto . . . . manerio . . . . . discontinuari fecerit, vel quousque aliquis eorum prædictum articulum præsentis voluntatis meæ sic incipientem ‘Item ad amorem,’ &c. in aliquo ex parte sua perimplendo infregerit, non perfecerit, vel non observaverit. Item, volo quod [si?] aliquis prædictorum Johannis, Edmundi, Willelmi, et Clementis, filiorum meorum, ante dictam ætatem suam xviij. annorum obierit, quod tunc prædictæ personæ feoffatæ seu feoffandæ, eorum hæredes et assignati, patiantur et permittant prædictos Robertum Clere, Edmundum Clere, Johannem [Pagrave], Willelmum Bakton, et Johannem Damme, vel duos eorum per communem assensum eorum quinque, prædictam porcionem terrarum et tenementorum prædicto sic obeunti, ut prædictum est, dandam et concedendam occupare et exitus et proficua inde percipere et habere quousque illi qui proxime post mortem dicti sic obeuntis juxta effectum præsentis voluntatis dictam portionem haberet et teneret fuerit ætatis xviij. annorum plene completorum, et tunc infra quadraginta dies proximo tunc sequentes postquam racionabiliter fuerint requisiti, per scripta sua indentata dimittant, liberent, et assignent eandem porcionem cum pertinentiis ipsi qui, ut prædicitur, tunc juxta hanc voluntatem meam porcionem illam haberet et teneret, habendam et tenendam sibi in forma prædicta. Et si prædicti Robertus Clere, Edmundus Clere, Johannes Pagrave, Willelmus Bakton, et Johannes Damme, vel dicti duo eorum eadem exitus et proficua disponant et distribuant in solucione debitorum quæ me debere contingat, et reformacione et satisfactione mesprisionum et extortionum, si quas fecerim, et pro animabus prædictis in forma prædicta per discretionem prædictæ Agnetis et executorum meorum. Item, volo quod prædicta Elizabeth filia mea habeat ducentas libras legalis monetæ ad maritagium suum si ipsa per avisamentum prædictæ Agnetis et executorum meorum maritetur. Proviso semper quod eadem Elizabeth pari sexu et ætate in bona et competenti consanguinitatis linea maritata sit, et per maritagium illud habeat statum sufficientem et securum in lege sibi et viro suo et hæredibus de corporibus suis exeuntibus, si fieri potent, seu saltem ad totam vitam suam, in terris et tenementis valoris quadraginta librarum per annum ad minus. Et si eadem Elizabeth antequam maritata fuerit, obierit, quod tunc dictæ pecuniæ summa pro maritagio ejus limitata in solucione debitorum quæ me debere contingat, et in reformacione et satisfactione mesprisionum et extorcionum, si quas fecerim, et pro animabus prædictis fideliter distribuatur, per discretionem prædictæ Agnetis et executorum meorum. In cujus rei testimonium ego præfatus Willelmus Paston præsentibus sigillum meum apposui. Datum tricesimo primo die Januarii anno regni Regis Henrici Sexti post Conquestum vicesimo secundo. Probata fuerunt prædicta testamentum et ultima voluntas coram nobis, Alexandro Prowet, decretorum inceptore, ac reverendissimi in Christo patris et domini, domini Johannis, permissione Divina Cantuariensis archiepiscopi commissario generali, &c., vicesimo quarto die mensis Novembris anno Domini millesimo CCCC^mo xliiij^to et legitime pronunciatum pro eisdem, administratioque omnium bonorum &c. honestæ mulieri, Agneti, relictæ dicti defuncti, primitus protestanti (et protestata fuit palam, publice et expresse, judicialiter coram nobis quod voluit agere et petere partem sibi de jure et consuetudine in hac parte debitam, in casu quo præfatus defunctus in testamento sive ultima voluntate quoad æquivalenciam partis hujusmodi minime ordinavit et disposuit), ac discretis viris Johanni, filio dicti defuncti dum vixit, Willelmo Bakton et Johanni Damme, executoribus in eodem testamento nominatis, sub forma protestationis dictæ Agnetis commissa extitit in debita juris forma; ac præfati executores habent crastinum Purificationis Beatæ Mariæ Virginis proximo futurum ad exhibendum inventarium &c. ex præfixione nostra. [Footnote 190-2: [The ink in some parts of this document is so very much faded that about half of each line is almost or quite illegible.]] [Footnote 190-3: So in MS.] [Footnote 193-1: Omitted in MS.] [Footnote 194-1: Sic in origine.] [Footnote 196-1: So in MS.] [Footnote 197-1: _de prædicto manerio._ These words are repeated in the MS.] [Footnote 197-2: _vel per remanere_, repeated in MS.] [[Porter, Veteri Bokenham et Bokenham Castell _text unchanged: error for “Potter”?_ per communem estimacionem _text reads “communen”_ sic incipientum ‘Item ... _text unchanged: error for “incipientem” or “incipiendum”?_]] 3 JOHN PYRKE[199-1] WILL OF JOHN PYRKE, RECTOR OF ST. MICHAEL AND ST. PETER’S, LONG STRATTON [Sidenote: 1479] Leaves to John Paston, Esquire, ‘unam cistam rubram de sp . . . . ,’ and some other articles. Executors, John Paston, Esquire, and William Martin of Long Stratton, each to have for his trouble vj_s._ viij_d._ Date of will, 8 Sept. 1479. Proved 13 Nov. 1479 by John Paston alone. [Footnote 199-1: [Norwich Episcop. Reg., 16.]] 4 ROBERT PASTON OF WIVETON[199-2] [Sidenote: 1482 / SEPT. 4] In Dei nomine, Amen. Quarto die Septembris Anno Domini Millesimo CCCC^{mo}lxxxij^o, Ego Robertus Paston de Wyveton, compos mentis et sanæ memoriæ meæ existens, condo testamentum meum sive ultimam meam voluntatem in hunc modum: In primis, lego animam meam Deo Omnipotenti et Beatæ Mariæ Virgini et Omnibus Sanctis, corpusque meum sepeliendum ubicunque Deus disposuerit. Item, lego summo altari de Weveton prædicto pro decimis meis oblitis et male compensatis, xx_d._ Item, Gildæ Beatæ Mariæ ibidem, xij_d._ Item, Gildæ Sancti Johannis Baptistæ ibidem, xij_d._ Item, lumini super pelvem coram Crucifixo ibidem, viij_d._ Item, lego lumini de _le Torchys_ ibidem, vj_d._ Item, reparacioni capellæ Beatæ Mariæ in cimiterio ibidem, vj_d._ Item, campanis in campanili ibidem, viij_d._ Item, reparacioni capellæ Sanctæ Trinitatis super Pontem, vj_d._ Item, volo quod Margaretta uxor mea habeat sibi et assignatis suis meam partem cujusdam navis vocatæ _le Gylys_, cum omni apparatu prædictæ parti navis pertinenti et prædictam partem navis prædicta Margareta sumptibus suis reparabit. Item, volo quod prædicta Margareta uxor mea habeat ad terminam vitæ suæ messuagium meum cum omnibus pertinentiis, commoditatibus, utensilibus, et necessariis prædicto messuagio concernentibus; et post decessum prædictæ Margaretæ volo ut prædictum messuagium meum vendetur, et de pecunia inde proveniente volo quod Alicia filia mea ad conjugium semen habeat v. marcas: Et si contingat quod prædicta Alicia obiret antequam conjuncta fuerit, tunc volo quod prædictas marcas executores disponant in operibus caritatis in ecclesia Wyveton prædicto . . . . . . . . . . . . Item, volo cum residua pecuniæ de prædicto messuagio provenientis . . . . . . . . ad celebrandum in ecclesia de Weveton prædicta pro anima mea et anima dictæ Margaretæ [&c.] . . . . . . . . Et requiro in nomine Jesu feoffatos meos ut ipsi faciant legitimum statum ei vel eis qui messuagium prædictum adquirere voluerit aut voluerint sine contradictione sive impedimento aliquibus. Item, lego Willelmo Wynterton, iij_s._ iiij_d._ Item, lego negoti meo [_no name_] unam togam, unam deploidam, unum par caligarum ad disposicionem Margaretæ uxoris meæ.--The rest of his goods to be disposed of by his executors at their discretion for the good of his soul. Executors--his wife Margaret and Edmund Shotery, clerk. Proved at Cley, 9 Oct. 1482. [Footnote 199-2: [Norwich Archdeaconry Reg., vol. i. f. 29, b.] [I do not know whether this Robert Paston was at all nearly related to the family, whose correspondence is contained in these volumes; but this will and the will of his wife Margaret, which follows, are interesting in themselves, and deserve a place, even on account of the testator’s surname.]] 5 MARGARET PASTON[200-1] [Sidenote: 1484] In Dei nomine, Amen. Ego, Margareta Paston de Weveton, vidua, bonæ memoriæ existens die Lune xx. post Dominicam in Albis[200-2] anno Domini nostri 1484^to, condo testamentum meum ac ultimam voluntatem in hunc modum. In primis, lego et commendo animam meam Deo Omnipotenti, Redemptori meo, Beatæ Mariæ Virgini, et Omnibus Sanctis celestis curiæ, corpusque meum sepeliendum in cimiterio ecclesiæ Beatæ [_no name_] de Weveton prædicta, cujus summo altari lego pro decimis meis non solutis, xx_d._ Item, lego fraternitati Gildæ Sancti Joannis Baptistæ unum pannum le drapre. Item, lego pictuis (_sic_) porticæ ejusdem ecclesiæ, xiij_s._ iv_d._, quæ summa remanet in manibus Johannis Andrews. Item, lego emendacioni ecclesiæ prædictæ, iij_s._ iv_d._ Item, reparacioni campanarum ibidem, vj_d._ Item, lego lumini Altaris, iiij_d._ Item, lumini _le Torchys_, vj_d._ Item, lego reparacioni capellæ Beatæ Mariæ ibidem, vj_d._ Item, lego fraternitati Beatæ Mariæ de Salthous, xx_d._, et Summo Altari ibidem, xij_d._ Item, reparacioni campanarum ibidem, iiij_d._ Item, lumini Aratrub’m (?), iv_d._ Item, volo quod messuagium meum cum omnibus terris dicto messuagio pertinentibus vendatur per meos executores, et summa pecuniæ inde (_sic_) dispensatur per eosdem in celebratione missarum per bonum presbyterum scolarem celebratorem in ecclesia Beatæ Mariæ de Weveton prædicta pro anima mea et animabus omnium parentum et benefactorum meorum. Item, lego Aliciæ Bastard quinque marcas de dicto messuagio receptas. Et si contigerit ipsum Aliciam discedere ab hac luce, tunc volo quod Alicia filia mea habeat inde 33_s._ 4_d._, et residuum remaneat executoribus meis. Item, volo quod feoffati mei deliberent totam seisinam et possessionem de et in messuagio prædicto, cum omnibus suis pertinentiis [_blot_] qui requisiti fuerint per executores meos. Residuum omnium bonorum meorum non legatorum do et lego et concedo meis executoribus ut ipsi ordinent et disponant pro salute animæ meæ et animabus benefactorum meorum, prout melius Deo Omnipotenti placeat, quos ordino et constituo Edmundum Shortere, clericum et Johannem Say meos executores et legitimos attornatos. In cujus rei testimonium præsentibus sigillum apposui. Proved at Cley, 14 June, anno prædicto. [Footnote 200-1: [Norwich Archdeaconry Reg., vol. i. f. 76, a.]] [Footnote 200-2: So in MS., but the date would be more intelligible without the numeral ‘xx.’ _Dominica in Albis_ means sometimes Whitsunday, sometimes the Sunday after Easter. The Monday following would in the one case be 7 June, in the other 19 April, in 1484.] [[corpusque meum sepeliendum _text reads “corpus quemeum”_]] 6 DAME ELIZABETH BROWNE[201-1] [Sidenote: 1487 / MAY 18] In Dei nomine, Amen. The xviijth’ day of the moneth of May in the yere of Our Lord God m^{l}cccclxxxvij. and in the secund yere of the reign of King Henry the vij. I, Dame Elisabeth late wife of Sir George Brown, Knyght, being of hoole mynde and in good memorye, thanked be Allmyghty God, make and ordeign this my present testament and last will yn maner and forme folowing, that is to say:-- First. I bequeith my soul to Allmyghty God, Our Lady Saint Mary and to all the Holy Company of Hevon; and my body to be buried withyn the churche of the Blak Freris within Ludgate with my forsaid housband Sir George; to the whiche place I bequeith xxj_li._ for my said housbandes soul and myne, our fadres and modres soules and for all Cristen soules to be praid for. And for xiij. trentalles of Saint Gregory to be said and songyn for us and thaym by the freris of the said place, as in diriges and masses with all other observaunces belonging to the same, in maner and forme folowing; That is to wete, in the day or morow after my discesse vij. trentallis; and every weke folowing unto my monthes mynde oon trentall, and iij. trentalles at my monthes mynde biside the solempne dirige and masse that is to be requyred for me at that tyme. And I charge myne executours to see that the premisses be done and performed, and also the said freris to feche me from the place where I die unto thair said place where I have lymyted afore to be buried. Also, I wull that as sone as my body is buryed and th’expenses therof done and paid that myn executours provide and see that my dettes be contented and paid. Also, I bequeith to the vicar of the church of Dorking in the county of Surrey for my forsaid housbandes soul and myne, our faders and modres, and for all the soules that we be bound unto, to be praid for within the yer after my discesse, as in diriges and masses to be said or song by hym or his deputie and to have us specially in remembraunce in thayr memento by oon hole yer, xx_s._ Also, I bequeith to the reparacion of the forsaid churche of Dorking xx_s._ Also, I bequeith to the parson of Saint Albans in Wodstrete within London for diriges and masses to be said or song by hym or his deputie, in like wise as the vicar of Dorking is charged, as is afore rehersed, xx_s._ Also, I bequeith to the reparacion of the stepull of the said churche of Saint Albane xx. solidos. Also, I bequeith to the prisoners of Newgate and Ludgate, Kinges Bench and Marshallsee, to every of those places to be praid for, xx_d._ Also, I bequeith to bedred folkes and other pour householders, aswell men as women, dwelling within London and without in the suburbis of the same, and moste specially souche as have knowen me and I thaym, xl_s._, as by the discrecions and advises of myne executours it shall be thought best to be done. Moreover I geve and biqueith to my doughter Mary, to the promocion of her mariage, all my plate and other juelles, with all myne hole apparell, and all my stuff of houshold being within my dwelling place or any other within the citee of London or suburbes of the same, that is to say:--First, a standing cupp of silver gilt, chaced with plompes, weyeng with the cover, knoppe and devise xlij. unces _et dimidium_. Item, a standing cupp of silver and gilt, chaced with flowres, weying with the cover, the knopp and devise, xxvij. unces _et dimidium_. A playn standing cupp of silver gilt, weing with the cover, the knopp and the devise xxx. unces. A standing cupp of silver and gilt, chaced with half plompes, weying with the cover, knopp and devise xx. unces and _dimidium_. A playn standing cupp of silver gilt weying with cover and the knoppe and the devyse xxvij. unces and an half. A standyng cuppe of silver and gilt, weyng with the cover, the knoppe and the devyse xxvj. unces. A saltseler of sylver and gilte, weyng with the cover, the knoppe and the devyse xxiij. unces. A saltseler of sylver and gilt, without a cover, weying xxij. unces and an halfe. A litill saltseler of sylver and gilt, weying with the cover and the knoppe and the devyse xv. unces and an half. A litell saltseler of sylver and gilt, without the cover, weying viij. unces and an halfe. And vij. bolles of sylver, parcelles gilt, weying iiij.^xx. xviij. unces. And ij. peces of sylver with a cover weying xlviij. unces. A dosen and a half of silver sponys weying xxiij. unces, and iij. sponys of silver and gilt weying iij. unces and iij. quartrons, and a long spone of sylver and gilt for ginger, weying j. unce and iij. quartrons. Item, a chafing disshe of sylver weying xxvj. unces. And ij. litell crewettes of sylver, weying viij. unces. A chalese of sylver and gilt with the paten, weying xj. unces. An haly water stok of silver with the lid, handill, and spryngill, weying xij. unces. An Agnus with a baleys iij. saphires, iij. perlys with an image of Saint Antony apon it. And a tablet with the Salutacion of Our Lady, and the iij. Kingis of Collayn. A bee with a grete pearl. A dyamond, an emerawde, iij. grete perlys hanging apon the same. A nother bee with a grete perle, with an emerawde and a saphire, weying ij. unces iij. quarters. A pece of the Holy Crosse, crossewise made, bordured with silver aboute; iij. brode girdilles, oone of tawny silke with bokill a pendaunt, another of purpill with bokyll and pendaunt, and the iij^de. of purpill damaske with bokell and pendaunt. And vj. barres of silver and gilt, and iij. brode harnysed girdilles, oone white tisshew, another red tysshew gold, and the iij^de a playne grene coorse. A muskeball of gold weying halfe an unce, and ij. bokilles and ij. pendauntes of gold, oone playne and the other pounsyd, weying an unce and a quarter. And a harnysed girdill enameled with rowsclare, weying halfe an unce. A dymysoynt[203-1] with a rubye and an amatyste weying j. unce and an halfe. An harnysed girdill of golde of damaske with a long pendaunt, and a bokill of golde chekkyd, weying j. unce. A grete bed of a state of verdure, and a counterpoynt to the same. And iiij. curteyns of grene tartron. A grete federbed, a bolster, and vj. fetherbeddys over woren, vj. bolsters. And iiij. mattarasses, lytyll over woren, xij. pellowes of downe, v. newe carpettys of ij. ellys in lengeth and yarde and halfe brode, iij. fyne pelow beres, and a grete counterpoynt of tapstery werk of v. yardes and a quarter longe and iiij. yardes brode. A hanging for a chamber of grene say borduryd with acrons of xxxv. yerdes longe; a whyte spervyour; ij. counterpoyntes, an hanging bed, with a lyon thereupon; and the valence white, grene, and red, and iiij. blew courtens to the same. And two coverlettes with lyons; a blak testour for a bed, with iiij. blak curtens, and vj. pecys of blak hanging to the same; ij. cusshens of blak velvet; a cusshyn of blak damask; a cusshen of grene worstede; a long cusshen of blewe saten figure. A blak coveryng for a bed of borde alisaunder. And xj. peces of grene saye, borduryd with acorns, to hang with a chambre. A vestment of blak velwet with orfrayes, browderyd with my saide husbondys armes and myne; an awbe; j. chesyppill, with a stole, and all that belongeth therto; ij. corporas casys of cloth of gold; j. olde vestment; an awbe; an awter clothe wyth the image of Our Lorde; a corporas case of blewe cloth of golde. A nother of blewe saten and russet. An awter clothe of staynyd werke. And iij. stenyd clothes with imagis in them to hang a chapell. ij. awter clothes of white sylke with red crosses, and ij. curtens with white frengis and red. And iiij. curtens, ij. of rayed sarsenet, and two of grene. An awter clothe; a litell pece of grene tartron; a payer of fustyans of iiij. breddys iij. yerdys iij. quarters long. A paire of fyne shetys overworne of iiij. yerdes brede. An hede shete and iij. payer of newe shetys of iij. levis, of iij. ellys and an half long. And two payer of shetys of ij. levis and an half long. And iij. hed shetys of ij. bredys, and vj. paier of shetys over worne of ij. levis. And vj. paier of houshold shetis. And two paier of wollen blankettes. And a violet gowne, furryd with martrons. A blak gowne furryd with gray. A blak gowne furryd with white. A blak gowne furryd with martrons. And a nyght gowne of blak furryd with martrons. A kirtill of tawny chamlet. A purfill of ermyns of ij. skynne depeth, and iij. yardys and an half long. A purfill of martrons of j. skynne depeth, and iiij. yardis long. A purfill of shankes of ij. skynne deppeth, and iiij. yardis long. A bonet of poudrid ermyns. And a pece of cloth of golde with dropis, which was of a duplade. And a dosen of diaper napkyns of flour de lyce werke and crownes. And a dosen and a half of naptkyns of playne clothe with blew pelowers, and a pece of clothe of diaper werke to make with a dosen naptkyns. A bordecloth of floure de lice werk and crownes of x. yardis and an half long, and iij. yardis brode. And a nother bordecloth of flour de lyce werk and crownes, viij. yardes and a half long, ij. yardes and a quarter brode; a towell of diaper of flower delice werke and crownys of xx^ti yardys long, and iij. quarters brode. Another towell of flower delice werke and crownys of iij. quarters brode and xviij. yardes long. A nother of latise werke and diaper of iij. quarter brede xiiij. yerdes di’ long. Another towell of iiij. greynys, and a fret of viij. yerdes di’ long. A nother towell of latise werk and crownys vj. yerdes and di’ long and iij. quarters brede. And two towellis of great diaper werke, iij. yerdes and a quarter long and iij. quarter brode. And a pece of new creste clothe conteygnyng xxiij. ellys. And two towellys of great diaper werkes of xiij. yerdes long and iij. quarter in brede. And vij. grete cofers, v. chestis, ij. almaryes like a chayer, and a blak cofer bounden with iron. vj. yoyned stoles, iiij. kaskettys, v. litell joynyd stoles. A litill table, ij. yerdes long. A rounde table, ij. trestelles, ij. garnysshe and di’ of pewter vessell counterfete, wherof j. garnysshe and di’ is newe; and vj. great kandelstikkis newe of laton, and iiij. newe bellyd kandelstikkis, ij. litill kandelstikkis, vij. basens of pewater, and v. brasse pannys, of the which oon is xvj. galons, and two of them of viij. galons a pece, and the other ij. more lesse. A grete standing chafer of laton with a lyon apon the lydde, ij. chafers of brasse, and ij. litill brasse pottys, ij. grete cobardys, and ij. other cobardys more and lesse, ij. fyer pannys, a lityll skelet. A ladill and a scomer of laton, ij. colondyrs, ij. spyttys, ij. dreping pannes of iron, iij. dressing knyfys, ij. lechyng knyfys, ij. choppyng knyfys. A tryvet. A brasen morter with a pestell of iron, ij. stone morters, ij. gredyrons, j. payer of potte hokys, a flesshe hoke, and a kolerake. Provydid alwey that myn executours by the advyse of myn overseers ordeigne and put in safegarde to be kept after my discease in to som religious place unto the day of my said doughters mariage, and to the behofe and promocyon of the same, all and every part of the forsaid plate and juelx with all other stuffe of houshold by me to her, as is abovewritten, yoven and bequethed, except souche stuffe as canne not be kept from mowghtes, which I will she have the rule and governaunce of for the safegarde of the same and for her wele. And if my saide doughter Mary dye unmaryed, then I yeve and bequethe all the forsaid plate with all other stuffe of housholde to my soon Mathewe her brother. And if it fortune that he dye unmaryed, as God forfende, then I yeve and bequeth all and every part of my forsaid plate, juelx, and stuffe of housholde unto my soon Sir Edward Ponyngis. And yef it fortune the said Edward to dye, as God defende, that then all the forsaid juelx and other stuffe above written, except a playne standing cuppe of sylver and gilt, with the cover, the knoppe, and the devyse of the same with gryffons hede in the botom wrought apon blewe asure, weying xxvj. uncis, which I geve to my doughter in lawe, Dame Isabell Ponyngis, to be dyvydyd by th’advice of the overseers of this my present testament and last wille, and evynly to be departed unto Antony Browne and Robert Browne, my brethern in lawe, they to do with it thair fre wille. And as touching myne Agnus, tablettes with dyamondys, saphires, perlys, grete and small crosses, gurdillis, dymyseyntes, gownys, with all other thingis longing to myne apparayle, as is above written, yef it fortune my said doughter Mary decease, I geve and bequethe all and every part of it to my kynnyswoman Margaret Hasslake. And if the said Margaret dye, that then all the said apparell particularly written before remaigne to my said doughter-in-lawe Dame Isabell Ponyngys. Also xx. marc which I lent unto my son Sir Edward Ponynges, I woll that it be distributyd by the discrecion of myn executours and overseers among souche as been knowen my servauntys at the day of my discease. The residue of all my singuler goodes, catallys, and juellys after my dettys payde, and my bequestes performyd and fulfyllyd, and burying done, I geve and fully bequeth to my sonnys, Ser Edward Ponyngis and Mathew Browne, and theym to dispose and do theire fre wille, to pray and to do for my soule as they wolde I sholde do for them, as they will aunswer afore God. And of this my testament and last wille I make and ordeigne myn executours my forsaid sonnes, Ser Edward Ponyngys and Mathew Browne, and theire supervysours Humphrey Conyngesby and Richard Tuke. And I bequeth to every of myne executours for thair labour lx_s._, and to every of myne overseers for thair labours xl_s._ In Wittenesse hereof, I the said Dame Elizabeth to this my present testment and last wille have put my seale. Yoven at London, the day and yere abovesaide. Probatum fuit suprascriptum testamentum coram domino apud Lamehith xxvj^to die mensis Junii, anno Domini supradicto, ac approbatum &c. Et commissa fuit administratio &c., Matheo Browne, filio ejusdem et executori &c. de bene &c. Ac de pleno inventario &c., citra festum Sancti Petri quod dicitur _ad Vincula_, reservata potestate committendi &c., Edwardo Ponynges militi, executori &c. [Footnote 201-1: [Register Milles, 12.]] [Footnote 203-1: A metal facing for a girdle.] [[v. newe carpettys of ij. ellys in lengeth and yarde and halfe brode, _text has “brode.”_ souche stuffe as canne not be kept from mowghtes, which I will _text has “mowghtes.”_]] 7 WILLIAM PASTON[205-1] [Sidenote: 1496 / SEPT. 7] In Dei nomine, Amen. The vij^th day of the moneth of Septembre in the yere of Our Lord God m^{l.}CCCClxxxxvj., I, William Paston of London, gentilman, being of hooll mynde and in good memory, laud and praysing be unto Almighti God, make and ordeigne this my present testament and last wille in maner and fourme folowing, that is to sey:--Furst, I geve and bequeith my soule unto my saide Lorde God, to our blessed Lady Sainte Marye Virgyne, and to all the holy companye of Heven. And I will that my body be buried in the church of Blak Frerez, in London, at the north ende of the high altar there by my Lady Anne, late my wife. Also, I will that there be yeven unto the saide church of Blak Frires, where my saide body shall lye, to be praide for, and for the place of my saide burying to have a large stone upon the saide Lady Anne and me, a convenient rewarde by th’advise and discrecion of myne executours underwriten. Also, I will that all my dettes be wele and truely contente and paide. Also, I wille that xx_li._ in money be geven and disposed for my soule and all Christen soules in dedes of pitee and charitee the day of my saide burying, that is to sey:--emonges pouer people and prisoners within the citee of London and withoute. Also I will that I have a preste of honest conversacion to synge bothe for me, and for suche as I am chargid to do syng for at Cambrige, as my servant, Thomas Andrewe, can shew by the space of viij. yeres. Also, I will that for every wronge by me done in my life tyme a dewe recompence be made there fore by th’enformacion of my saide servante, Thomas Andrew, in that behalf. Also, I will that all my landes and tenementes with th’appurtenances be devyded bytwene my ij. doughters, Agnes and Elizabeth, by the discresion of my executours underwritten, and after th’enformacion of my saide servaunte, Thomas Andrew, to whome I have shewid my entent and mynde in the same manye tymes, and often to have to theym and to the heires of theire ij. bodies lawfully begoten. Also, I wille that all the revennuyes of my fee symple landes, over and a bove the reparacions and charges of the same that shalbe due at Mychelmas next after my deceasce be takyn of my tenauntes and fermours there by favoure, and that the same revenues go to the contentacion and payment of my saide dettes assone as it can be convenyently gadred and levied, &c. Also, I will that none of my tenantes nor fermers, suche as be of grete age and fallith in poverte, be in any wise vexid or t[r]oublid after my deceasce by my executours underwritten for no maner of olde dettes due unto me before the day of my deces. Also, I will that nether my heires, executours, nor non other person for theim, nor in theire names, in any wise vex, sue, or trouble the saide Thomas Andrew, my servaunte, after my deceasce of or for any maner of rekenynges or other maters bitwene hym and me in all my life tyme, but utterly thereof I discharge hym and will, and will that he be therof acquyte and discharged in that behalve as I have shewid and declared in my life unto my doughter Elizabeth, Mastres Hide, Master Ursewik, Archedecon of Richemonde, Master Doctor Myddelton, Master Thomas Madies, chapeleyn to my Lorde Cardinall,[206-1] Master John Shaa, Alderman of London, Master Reede, Master Christofer Mildelton, proctours of the courte of Canterbury, and many other honorable folkis, and to my servauntes in my life tyme, consideryng that he hathe ben my trewe and feithfull servant these xix. yeres or more, in which seasone he hath had dyvers grete paynfull besynes and labours in my causis, by whose gode policie and meanes I have purchased moche of my saide fe symple landes, which also canne geve best enformacion how all suche landes as I have purchased stonden, and what consciens is there in, and howe every thyng shalbe ordred. Also, I will that the churche of Saynte Petre, in Wodenorton have a hole vestyment of the price of v. marc. Also, I will that Elizabeth Crane be wele maried at my costis, or ellis by the menes of my doughters, unto suche a personne as may dispende by yere xx. marc, or ellis to a gode marchaunt or other craftisman. Item, I will that Christofer Talbot be treuly contentid and paied of his yerely annuyte of v. merke by yere duryng his life. Item, I will that Thomas Dokkyng have surely his annuyte of xl_s._ by yere duryng his life. Item, I wille that the bargayne of Adam Sowter be recompensid after th’enformacion had of my saide servaunte, Thomas Andrew. Also, I will that every of my servauntes be rewarded for theire good and diligent laboure and attendance had a bowte me after the discresion of my executours underwritten. Also, I will that all suche of my godes moveable in Warwikes Inne, and in my place callid Castre Clere, in Norffolk, and in my place in Norwiche, be solde by the discresion of my executours, tawarde and for the contentacion and payment of my saide dettes and performance of this my present will. Also, I will that the vicar of Fyncham be recompensid of his bargayne betwene hym and me after th’enformacion of the saide Thomas Andrewe. Item, I will that all my servauntes, suche as be behynde of their wages and dueties, be trewly content and paied. Also, I will that all other my godes not bequethid, this my will fulfilled, my dettes paied, and all my wronges recompensed by th’enformacion of the saide Thomas Andrew, be departid bytwixte my ij. doughter beforesaide after the discresion of my saide executours. And also, for as moche as I have not sufficient redy money, and that my dettis cannot be redely levied, therfore I will that money be made of all suche plate as I have for the haste of contentacion of my dettes that I owe of my buriallis. And of this my present testament and laste will I make and ordeyne and constitute my executours the moste reverend fadre in God my Lorde Cardinall, the right high and myghty Prynces, my lady the Kynges modre, my Lord Dawbeney, and Sir Edwarde Poynynges, Knyght, my nevew, whome I hartely beseche in executyng and performyng this my laste will to do and dispose concernyng the same in every thyng as they shall thynke best to the pleasure of Almyghty God, and for the helthe of my sowle and all Cristen sowles. Probatum fuit suprascriptum testamentum coram domino apud Lamehith, xxviij^o die mensis Novembris, Anno Domini Millesimo CCCC^o nonagesimo sexto, juramento Thomæ Andrew et Laurencii Canwike, testium, quibus Thomæ et Lawrencio commissa fuit administracio per viam intestati, pro eo et ex eo quod executores in suo testamento nominati ex certis causis legitimis refutarunt, de bene et fideliter administrand’ eadem juxta et secundum vires ipsius defuncti testamentum sive ultimam voluntatem, ac primo de solvend’ æs alienum in quo idem defunctus hujusmodi mortis suæ tempore extitit obligatus, deinde legata in hujusmodi suo testamento contenta, quatenus bona et debita &c., ad sancta &c. [Footnote 205-1: [Register Horne, 12.]] [Footnote 206-1: Cardinal Morton.] [[I discharge hym and will, and will that _text unchanged: printed “and will, and / will” at line break_]] 8 MARGARET PASTON[208-1] [Sidenote: 1504 / NOV. 24] I, Margaret Paston, widow, ‘late wife of Edmond Paston, Squier. . . . . 24^o Nov. MCCCCCIV. . . . . . my sinful bodie to be buried in the chyrche of Our Lady in Iteryngham.’ ‘Item, to the Hey Awter of the chirche of Sharington, vj_s._ viij_d._ ‘Item, to the reparacion of the said churche, xx_s._ ‘Item, to the reparacion of the chirch of Manington, x_s._ ‘Item, to the reparacion of the chirch of Itteringham, iij_s._ iv_d._ ‘Item, to the Hey Awter of Itteringham, iij_s._ iv_d._ ‘Item, to the Gilde of Oure blessid Ladi there, iij_s._ iv_d._ ‘Item, to the Heigh Awter of Saxthorpe, ij_s._ ‘Item, to the Heigh Awter of the chirche of Little Baningham, iij_s._ iiij_d._ ‘Item, to the Heigh Awter of the chirche of Woolterton, ij_s._ ‘Item, to the Heigh Awter of the chirche of Wood Dalling, iij_s._ iiij_d._ ‘Item, to the reparacion of heigh way in Woolterton, v_s._ ‘Item, I will that my son William Lumnor have c. sheep, xxiij. nete, x. quarters wheat, xx. quarters barley, x. quarters oats, and as many horse, cartes, plowghes, and harowghes, with alle her apparell, as shall extende to the valu of vi_li._ xiij_s._ iiij_d._, beside alle the foresaide shepe, &c.’ . . . . in recompense of all goods . . . . that Thomas Brigge, late my husbande, by his testament and last will bequeathed or gave to the said William Lumnor . . . . He to have all the hangings in the grey chamber over the parlour within the manor place of Manington, and the great bed with the covering and hangings, ‘which is of tapestrie worke;’ . . . . also all the hangings of the halle and parlour, ‘with the falte table in the parlure, and all the tables and stooles in the haule, and all the rede hangings of the rede chaumber over the pantry and botry, and a bede of red saye’ . . . . . viz., its belongings, pillows, coverlets, &c., &c. ‘Item, to the said William Lumner, my son, ij. grete rosting aundernes, iij. spetes, ij. brass pots with all the brewing vessels.’ Item, to my daughter, Margaret Browne, ‘my fruntelet of purpill velvet, my girdill whereof the herneys is silver and gilt, and the corse is of damaske gold, and also my fruntelet of crymsyn velvet.’ Item, to my daughter Elizabeth Whymbergh my dymysent silver and gilt, and my corse of crymsyn velvet pirled with gold, and also a fruntlet of crymsyn velvet. Item, to Margaret Lomnor, my daughter-in-lawe, my prymer clad with grene velvet. Item, to my daughter, Anne Lomnor, my russet gown pervild with menks, and my best coral bedes conteyning once fifty, and my best bonnett. Item, to Elizabeth Gayne, xiij_s._ iiij_d._, to the bying of a gowne for her. Item, to my son, John Lomnor, a brass pott, a basin, with an ewer of pewter with a roose of lateyn in the bottom of the said basin, and four platters, and four dishes, and iiij. sawcers of pewter. Item, to my son, Henry Lomnor, xl_s._ Item, to my nephew, Thomas Lomnor . . . . a feather bed, &c., &c. Item, to my nephew, James Lomnor . . . . . a feather bed, &c. ‘And all the residue of alle my goodes and catallis, sylver plate, and all my detts to me owing, above not bequeathed nor assigned, I give and bequeath to my son, William Lomnor, whom I ordeine and make my executor,’ first to pay debts, and distribute the remainder ‘to the most plesure to God and helthe to my sowle.’ Proved at Norwich, 19 May 1505, by William Lumnor. [Footnote 208-1: [Reg. Norvic. ‘Rix’ f. 107.]] [[‘Item ... Item ... ‘And _opening quotes printed as shown_]] 9 DAME AGNES PASTON[209-1] [Sidenote: 1510 / MAY 31] ‘Dame Agnes Paston, widow, late the wife of Sir John Paston, Knight, deceased,’ makes her will 31 May, A.D. 1510, 2 Hen. VIII. To be buried, if she die in London, in the church of the Black Friars, by her husband John Harvy; or, if she die in Kent, in the parish church in Sondryche. Goods in three chests to be divided among her three sons, George, Thomas, and Edward. Bequeaths to her son George Hervy a pair of large sheets of her own spinning, and all her bedding at Sondryche to her son Thomas Isley. Other bequests to John Palmer of Otteford, to the parson of Brasted, to her daughter Isabel Isley, her cousin Alys Petham, to Margaret Palmer, to Mrs. Bygote ‘with my Lady Marqueys.’[209-2] To her son-in-law William Hatteclyff a basin and ewer, parcel gilt, for 20 marks, if he will give so much for it; otherwise it is to go to her sons George Harvy and Edw. Isley. To her son George a silver salt with a cover, at Leuesham. To her chaplain Sir Robert ‘the complete bedde within my little draught chambre att Sonderiche,’ and 10 marks a year for 5 years, to pray for her soul and the souls of John Hervy, Sir John Paston, and John Isley, her husbands. To her son Thomas Isley’s children, and her own and her daughter Isabel Hatteclyff’s children, 5 marks each. To her son George Hervy, ‘a standing cupp with a kever, silver and gilt with sekylles,’ and a gold cross. To her daughter Isley a ring with a rebewe. To her son Thomas Isley her gelding. Other bequests to her cousins Margaret Palmer and Thos. Waserer’s wife; also to young Potter, the man of law, to Agnes Waserer, and to Eliz. mother to Thomas Waserer’s wife, to Joan Julles, William Tidman, to her servant Kyllingworth, to Vincent her housekeeper, to Sir Robert, parish priest of Sonderyche, to Sir William of Nokold. Mr. Robert Scalys parson of Braysted to be overseer of her will; her sons George Harvy and Thos. Isley to be her executors. Proved at Lambeth, 19 June 1510. [Footnote 209-1: [Register Benet, 29.]] [Footnote 209-2: Cecily, widow of Thomas, first Marquis of Dorset.] CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE OCCURRENCES [This Table is intended partly to serve the purpose of a Table of Contents to the more important Letters, partly to enable the reader to see at a glance the bearing of particular transactions on the general history of the times. The Nos. quoted are those of the Letters.] [Transcriber’s Note: In the printed book, some items on this list were run-in, with two entries in a single paragraph. These have been silently regularized.] HENRY V 1413 _Accession of Henry V._ 1415 _Henry V.’s first campaign in France--Battle of Agincourt._ 1417-8 _Henry V.’s second campaign in France_, 1. 1419 13 Jan. _Capture of Rouen_, 1. 1420 24 Mar. Marriage Settlement of William Paston, 4. 21 May. _Treaty of Troyes._ 1422 31 Aug. _Henry V. dies at Vincennes._ HENRY VI 1422 1 Sept. _Accession._ The King only nine months old. 1424 Outrages committed by Walter Aslak in Norfolk, 6. 1425 _Disputes between Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, and Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester._ 1425-6 Disputes between William Paston and John Wortes, 10, 11, 12. 1427 _Beaufort made a Cardinal._ 1428-9 _Siege of Orleans--Raised by Joan of Arc._ 1429 6 Nov. _Coronation of Henry VI. at Westminster._ 7 Dec. William Paston made a brother of the Monastery of Bury, 19. 1431 30 May. _Joan of Arc burned at Rouen._ 17 Dec. _Coronation of Henry VI. at Paris._ 1432 29 Nov. _Demands of the Earl of Warwick touching the charge of the King’s education_, 24. 1434? William Dalling’s petition against William Paston, 25. 1434-5 Sir John Fastolf, captain of Le Mans, 27. 1435 Aug. _Peace Conferences at Arras--broken off by England._ 14 Sept. _Death of the Duke of Bedford at Rouen. The Duke of York made Regent._ 21 Sept. _The Duke of Burgundy deserts England, and makes a separate peace with France._ 1436 _Recovery of Paris by the French._ _The Duke of York lands in Normandy, and recovers several places from the French._ _Calais besieged by the Duke of Burgundy, but relieved by the Duke of Gloucester._ 1437 19 Feb. _James I. of Scotland murdered._ 16 July. _The Duke of York recalled from France, and the Earl of Warwick sent in his place._ 1439 _Death of Warwick at Rouen. York made Regent again._ _Peace Conferences at Calais--ineffectual._ About 1440 John Paston’s introduction to Margaret Mauteby, 34. His marriage to her, 35. 1440 _Release of the Duke of Orleans_, 36. 1443 John Paston ill in London, 47. 1444 Feb. William Paston and Chief-Justice Fortescue both too ill to go on circuit, 51. 14 Aug. Death of William Paston, 56. 1445 Disputes of Agnes Paston with the Vicar of Paston, 62. 22 April. _Marriage of Henry VI. with Margaret of Anjou_, 62. 1447 _Parliament of Bury.--Arrest and death of Gloucester._ _Death of Cardinal Beaufort._ 1448 17 Feb. John Paston dispossessed of Gresham by Lord Molynes, 102. A relief claimed by Lady Morley, 75. _Daniel said to be out of favour_, 75. 22 May. Affray at Coventry between the retainers of Sir Robert Harcourt and Sir Humphrey Stafford, 78. 1449 Mar. Death of Edmund Paston--his nuncupative will dated 21 March, 85. May. _Robert Wenyngton captures a fleet of 100 ships_, 90. Friar Hauteyn’s claim to Oxnead, 63, 87. 6 Oct. John Paston again occupies Gresham, 88, 102. The King in the Marches of Wales, 96. _Capture of Rouen by the French._ Stephen Scrope a suitor of Elizabeth Paston, 93, 94. 1450 28 Jan. John Paston’s wife driven out of Gresham, 102, 103. 7 Feb. _Impeachment of the Duke of Suffolk_, 101. John Paston presents a petition to the King in Parliament against Lord Molynes, 102. Mar. Foreigners light on the coast of Norfolk, and take people prisoners, 105, 106. 15 April. Battle of Fourmigni--Sir Thomas Kiriel taken prisoner, 120. 30 April. The Duke of Suffolk’s letter to his son, 117. April or May. Daniel enters the manor of Brayston, 108, 119. 2 May. _The Duke of Suffolk murdered at sea_, 120, 121. May. New appointments to offices of state, 123. _Jack Cade’s rebellion_, 126. 12 Aug. _Loss of Cherbourg, the last place held by the English in Normandy_, 131. Aug. Disturbances in Norfolk, 132, 133. Thomas Denyes and the Earl of Oxford, 123, 124, 132. J. Paston’s dispute with Lord Molynes, 131, 135, 136, 139, 145. Sept. _The Duke of York comes over from Ireland, and causes a change of administration_, 142, 143. Molynes and his men indicted of felony, 147. Oct. Election of two knights of the shire for Norfolk, 148, 149. Nov. _Meeting of Parliament--Oldhall chosen Speaker_, 151. Tuddenham and Heydon unpopular in Norfolk, 154, 170. Dec. _Oyer and terminer_ in Suffolk, at Beccles, 160, 161. _Oyer and terminer_ going into Norfolk, 162. 1451 Jan. An _oyer and terminer_ for Kent, 169. _Oyer and terminer_ to be held at Norwich at Easter, 174, 175. John Paston re-enters Gresham, 178. 25 Feb. Bettes arrested at a court held by Gonnor at Routon, 178. 1 Mar. Heydon’s horse brought through Aylesham into Norwich, 179, 180. 1 Mar. Tuddenham and Heydon expected to regain their ascendency, 184. Petition to Parliament against Sir Thomas Tuddenham, 185. April. Tuddenham and Heydon to be indicted at Norwich, 186. May. Lord Molynes and his men indicted at Walsingham, 189, 190; acquitted by favour of the King, 189, 193. 1 July. Death of Sir Harry Inglos, 201. Aug. _Surrender of Bayonne:--entire loss of Gascony and Guienne by the English._ Dec. Daniel hoping to re-enter Brayston, 206: which he did soon after, 119. 1452 7 April. Good Friday. _A general pardon granted by the King._ April. The Duke of Norfolk coming to Norfolk to redress disorders, 210, 211, 212. The King also coming into Norfolk, 210, 211. Outrages of Charles Nowell and others, 212, 213, 215, 217, 241. Roger Church, being taken prisoner by his own consent, accuses many gentlemen of sedition, 214, 216, 217, 218, 219, 241. _An army sent under Shrewsbury to recover Guienne._ 18 Dec. The Duke of York pawns jewels to Sir J. Fastolf, 184. 1453 Building operations [at Caister?], 224, 225. April. Visit of Margaret of Anjou to Norwich, 226. July. Deaths of Philip Berney and Sir John Heveningham, 227, 228. July. _The Earl of Shrewsbury defeated and slain at Castillon. Final loss of Guienne._ Aug. _The King falls ill at Clarendon._ Dec.? _The Duke of Norfolk’s petition against Somerset_, 230. 1454 Jan. _The King’s imbecility_, 235. _York and other Lords coming up to London_, 235. 12 Jan. Walter Ingham waylaid and beaten by procurement of Thomas Denyes, 238. Thomas Denyes and his wife put in prison, 239, 240, 244, 245. 22 Mar. _Death of Cardinal Kemp_, 239. 3 April. _The Duke of York made Protector._ 1454? Marriage proposed between John Clopton and Elizabeth Paston, 242, 243. 1454 May or June. _Defeat of the French in an attack on Jersey and Guernsey_, 247. 6 June. Wardship of Thomas Fastolf of Cowhaw, granted to John Paston and Thomas Howys, 248. --Paid for by Sir J. Fastolf, 271. --Disputed by Sir Philip Wentworth, 248, 263, 266, 267, 277, 278, 289, 292, 307. 9 June. _Edward the King’s son created Prince of Wales_, 247. 5 July. _The Duke of York and other Lords coming up from the North--Lords appointed to keep the sea_, 249. 11 July. Marriage proposed for Elizabeth Paston by Lord Grey of Hastings, 250, 252. July. _The Duke of York is commissioned to convey the Duke of Exeter to the North, and commit him to Pomfret Castle_, 254. Aug.? Sir John Fastolf goes to reside at Caister, 254, 260. Sept. Pestilence in London, 260. Nov. Fastolf proposes to sue an attaint, 267, 268. 25 Dec. _The King recovers from his illness_, 270. 1455 5 Feb. _Somerset released from the Tower._ 7 Feb. Sir J. Fastolf resents words spoken at a dinner at Norwich, 272. 4 Mar. _The questions between Somerset and York referred to arbitrators._ 17 Mar. Presentation to Stokesby church, 273, 274. 29 Mar. Sir Thomas Howes vexed by Andrews and others, 276, 297. 22 May. _The first battle of St. Albans_, 283-5, 287. June. Election of Howard and Chamberlain for Norfolk, 288, 291, 294, 295. [June or July]. _Attempt of the Scots on Berwick._ 7 July. Poynings acquitted of treason, etc., 297. 19 July. Dispute between Warwick and Lord Cromwell before the King, 299. 25 July. Slander against John Paston, Yelverton, and Alyngton, 300, 301. 26 July. Letter of the Bishop of Lincoln, 302. 28 Oct. _Affray at Radford’s place in Devonshire between the men of the Earl of Devonshire and of Lord Bonvile_, 303. _The King sick again at Hertford_, 303. 13 Nov. Fastolf and the Duke of Bedford’s goods, 305, 319, 320, 323. 19 Nov. _The Duke of York appointed Protector a second time._ 25 Nov. Daniel comes to Rising Castle, 306. Letter of Judge Bingham about Stephen Scrope, 308. Fastolf’s claims against the Crown, 309, 310. 1456 6 Jan. Fastolf about to make his will, 314. 20 Jan. Fastolf and Lady Whitingham, 317-9. 5 Feb. Fastolf and Lord Willoughby’s executors, 321. 9 Feb. _York and Warwick come to the Parliament with 300 armed men_, 322. 25 Feb. _York again discharged of the Protectorship._ 1 Mar. Fastolf’s ‘compert’ sped in the Exchequer, 324. 27 Mar. Letter of Archbishop Bourchier, 326. 30 Mar. Letter of Dame Alice Ogard, 327. 8 May. Progress of the attaint, 330. _Attack on foreign merchants in London_, 330, 331. 15 May. The King at Sheen, the Queen at Tutbury, etc., 331, 334. 1 June. Farmers of Cowhaw, etc., 333. 7 June. _Siege expected at Calais_, 334. [29 June]. Letter of Friar Brackley, 338. 17 July. Fastolf’s proposed college, 340, 350, 351. 31 July. Fastolf and the Prior of Hickling, 341. 10 Aug. Learned men not easy to get this harvest, 342. 7 Sept. Letter of the Archbishop of Canterbury, 344. 8 Oct. _The Court at Coventry._ 16 Oct. _Bishop Waynflete made Chancellor in Place of Archbishop Bourchier_, etc., 348. 16 Oct. _Affray at Coventry._ 15 Nov. Visit of my Lady of York to Caister, 335, 350. Nov. Suit of Paston and Howes against Andrews, 352. 1457 1 May. Expenses of Fastolf’s household, 356. _The Court at Hereford_:--Welshmen indicted, 356. 28 Aug. _The French burn Sandwich._ 1458 24 Jan. [? year]. Earl of Salisbury excuses himself by illness from coming up to London, 361. 28 Jan. Clement Paston and his tutor Grenefeld, 362. 1 Feb. Arrival of the different Lords in London, 364. Feb. The King at Berkhampstead, 365. 15 Mar. _The Council sits at the Black Friars in the forenoon and at the White Friars in the afternoon_, 366. The coast of Norfolk insulted by the French, 366. 25 Mar. _Reconciliation of the Lords at London._ 29 May. _Sea fight off Calais on Trinity Sunday between Warwick and the Spaniards_, 369. 27 Aug. William Worcester learning French in London, 370. Expenses of John Paston in 36 and 37 Hen. VI., 373. 1459 3 Jan. Elizabeth Poynings to her mother, Agnes Paston, 374. Feb.? _Fray between the King’s servants and Warwick’s; after which Warwick goes over to Calais._ 5 Mar. John Paston, the eldest son, to John Paston, his father, regretting having given him displeasure, 375. 29 April. Hastings and others ordered to be with the King at Leicester on the 10th May. Is Paston’s son to go? 377. 25 May. Osbert Mundeford to John Paston (in French), 378. 23 Sept. _Battle of Bloreheath_--Lord Audley defeated by Salisbury. 12 Oct. _Dispersion of the Yorkists at Ludlow._ 3 Nov. Will of Sir J. Fastolf, 385, 386, 387. 5 Nov. Death of Sir J. Fastolf. Inventory of Fastolf’s goods, 388. His wardrobe, 389. 12 Nov. William Paston to John Paston about Fastolf’s goods, 391. Bishop Waynflete’s advice, 393. 7 Dec. The Yorkists attainted in the Parliament at Coventry, 396. Sir Philip Wentworth’s petition touching the wardship of Thomas Fastolf of Cowhaw, 397. 1460 Jan. _Rivers and his son surprised at Sandwich, and carried over to Calais_, 399, 400. _The King coming to London, and raising the people on his way_, 400. 8 May. The Abbot of Langley excuses himself from coming up to London about Fastolf’s will, 407. 10 July. _Battle of Northampton--the King taken prisoner._ 23 July. The Yorkist Lords to the authorities in Norfolk, 410. Oct. John Paston returned to Parliament, 415, 416. 12 Oct. _The Duke of York coming up to London_, 419. _He challenges the Crown in Parliament_, 423. Oct. Inquisition taken on Fastolf’s lands at Acle, 421, 422, 423. 29 Oct. Inquisition to be taken on the same for Suffolk at Bungay, 427. 31 Dec. _Battle of Wakefeld--the Duke of York slain_, 430. J. Perse in prison, 423, 424, 425, 462. 1461 3 Feb. _Battle of Mortimer’s Cross._ 17 Feb. _Second battle of St. Albans._ 1 Mar. Plot to carry off John Paston into the North, 432. A Whitsunday sermon of Friar Brackley, 436. EDWARD IV 1461 4 Mar. _Edward IV. proclaimed King._ People take wages, and go up to London in spite of orders to the contrary, 449. Attempt against John Damme, _ib._ 29 Mar. _Battle of Towton_, 450. April. _Henry VI. besieged in Yorkshire_, 451. May. _Berwick full of Scots_, 455. _Earl of Wiltshire’s head set on London Bridge_, _ib._ 10 May. The feoffees of Fastolf’s lands mean to sell some to the Duke of Suffolk, 453. May. Thomas Denyes complains of Howard, 455. _Carlisle besieged by the Scots--the siege raised by Montague_, 457. 31 May. The Earl of Oxford anticipates disturbance from Howard, 456. 5 June. The Duke of Norfolk in possession of Caister, 458. June. John Paston at Court, 458, 459. 26 June. Elizabeth Poynings dispossessed of her lands, 461. 28 June. _Coronation of Edward IV._ June. The Parson of Snoring drags Thomas Denys out of his house, 462. July. The King should be informed of the demeaning of the shire, 463. 3 July. A message for Thomas Denys’ wife, 464. 6 July. Murder of Thomas Denys, 465, 469, 472, 474. 9 July. Denys’ wife in great trouble, 466. Sir Miles Stapleton accuses John Berney of complicity in Denys’ murder, 467, 468. John Berney and the under-Sheriff, 468, 469, 470, 471. 27 July. John Paston restores to the King the jewels pledged to Fastolf by his father, the Duke of York, 473. 1 Aug. Election for Norfolk, 475. Aug. John Paston’s eldest son in the King’s household, 476, 477, 478. Altercation between John Paston and Howard in the shire-house at Norwich, 477, 478. 28 Aug. William Worcester out of favour with Paston and Howes, 479. 30 Aug. Lord Hungerford and Robert Whityngham to Margaret of Anjou from Dieppe, 480. Aug. _Henry VI. and Margaret of Anjou in Scotland_, 480. 4 Sept. Yelverton and Jenney take a distress at Cotton, 481, 482. Sept. The Duke of Gloucester to have Caister, 482. 4 Oct. _The castles in Wales given up to Edward IV._, 483. 9 Oct. Richard Calle prevents Jenney holding a court at Cotton, 485. Disorders committed by the occupants of Cotton Hall, 486, 487. 11 Oct. The King is offended at John Paston for not obeying Privy Seals, 484. 2 Nov. John Paston delivered from the Fleet, and Howard committed to prison, 488. Dec. Message of the King to the people of Norfolk through Yelverton, 497, 500. 1462 Jan. Clarence and Suffolk to be sent down to Norfolk with a commission to judge rioters, 504. Feb. Presentation to Drayton Church, 509. Feb. _Projected invasion of England in three places in the interest of Henry VI._, 509. Feb. _Executions of Sir Thomas Tuddenham and of Lord Aubrey de Vere._ Mar. Sir John Howard like to lose his head, 510. 13 Mar. John Paston, the elder, at great expense travelling with the King, 511. Mar. Confession of French prisoners taken at Sherringham--_the Duke of Somerset going into Scotland_, etc., 512. 24 Mar. The King going to keep Easter at Bury, 513. April. The Earl of Worcester to be Treasurer, 515. The _Mary Talbot_ and the _Barge of Yarmouth_, 518, 521-3. _Campaign of the Earl of Warwick in Scotland_, 521. 17 July. Death of Christopher Hanson, 526-8. July. _Warwick and other Lords going to Scotland in embassy_, 527, 528. Sept. Proclamation for men to serve the King, 529. _The Duke of Somerset seeks to be reconciled to the King_, 529. John Paston’s bill in Chancery against Yelverton and Jenney, 530. _Naval engagement--fifty French and Spanish ships taken_, 531. Oct. _The castle of Bamborough taken by Margaret of Anjou_, 532. 11 Dec. _Alnwick, Dunstanborough, and Bamborough besieged by King Edward’s forces_, 533. 1463 19 Jan. Return of John Paston, the eldest son, home to Norwich, 536. [Feb]. A writ received at Norwich against John Paston jun. (the eldest son), 538. 19 Mar. Ralph Lampet’s testimony about Fastolf’s will, 541. 6 April. Sir Roger Chamberlain’s testimony about Fastolf’s will, 543. 6 May. John Paston should have my Lord of Suffolk’s ‘good lordship’ to live in peace, 544. July. Examinations touching a murder, 545. 31 Aug. The Duke of Norfolk desires John Paston the father’s presence at Framlingham, 548. Complaint that John Paston keeps his son, Sir John, too much at home, 550. A marriage suggested for John Paston’s daughter (Margery), 551. Sir John Paston leaves home clandestinely, 552. 10 Dec. Plate lent by John Paston to St. Mary’s College, Cambridge, 554. 1464 26 Jan. Lawsuits of Ogan and Debenham with John Paston, 555. 28 Jan. Henry Berry appeals to John Paston for aid to the Monastery of St. Augustine’s, Canterbury, 556. 27 Feb. Berney, Yelverton, and Rough summoned to appear before the King, 558. 29 Feb. Assizes at Thetford, 558, 559. Rebels in Cambridgeshire pardoned, 559. _The Duke of Somerset rebels once more_, 560. 11 April. Plate and other articles delivered by the Prior of Norwich to Richard Calle, 561. 25 April. _Battle of Hedgley Moor._ 1 May. _Edward IV. marries Elizabeth Woodville privately._ 8 May. _Battle of Hexham._--_Somerset beheaded_, 15th; _and Lords Hungerford and Roos_, 27th. Ap.--Nov. Depositions touching Fastolf’s will, 565. 12 May. Seisin of Horninghall in Caister to be delivered to the Pastons, 566. 8 June. Commission to inquire why men did not come more quickly to serve the King when summoned, 567. 28 June. Suit by Jenney against Paston, 568. Petition of John Paston to Edward IV. for license to found a college at Caister, 569. 10 Sept. Agreement of the King with John Paston for the foundation of the college, 571. 20 Nov. Outlawry of John Paston, 572. 3 Dec. Mocking letter addressed to John Paston, 574. 1465 7 Feb. Judgment against Daubeney, Ric. Calle, etc., 576. 31 Mar. Message by William Worcester to Sir Thomas Howes, 577. 8 April. The Duke of Suffolk lays claim to Drayton and Hellesdon, 578, 580. 3 May. His bailiffs trouble the tenants there, 579, 581, 585, 590. 13 May. Margaret Paston wishes John Jenney put out of the commission of the peace, 582. 20 May. Paston’s servants take distresses at Drayton, 583. 26 May. _Coronation of Elizabeth Woodville as Queen._ 27 May. Right of presentation to Drayton church, 584. 15 June. Master Popy’s examination, 587. 18 June. John Rysing imprisoned at Ipswich, 588, 590. 18-21 June. Examination of witnesses touching Fastolf’s will, 589. 6 July? The Duke of Suffolk raising men, 592. 10 July. His men attempt to enter Hellesdon, 593, 594, 595, 598. The Parson of Brandeston taken, 597. July? _Henry VI. taken prisoner in Lancashire, and committed to the Tower._ 7 Aug. Outrages committed by Suffolk’s men on Paston’s servants going to hold a court at Drayton, 599. 7 Aug. Matters concerning John Russe, 600, 601. Will of Nich. Pickering, 602, 603. 18 Aug. Sessions held after the assizes by Yelverton, 604. Margaret Paston going up to her husband in London, 604. Aug. John Paston examined touching Fastolf’s will, 606. 14 Sept. Margaret Paston in London, 607. Commission touching right of presentation to Drayton church, 608. 21 Sept. John Paston desires his wife to send him worsted for doublets, 609. 22 Sept. Margaret Paston enters Cotton on her way back from London, 610, 613. 27 Sept. John Salet supposed to have found evidence in the register of wills in favour of Suffolk’s title to Hellesdon and Drayton, 611. 15, 16 Oct. Attack on the lodge at Hellesdon by the Duke of Suffolk, 616, 617. 18 Oct. The Duke of Norfolk comes of age, 614. Message from the King to Sir William Yelverton, 618. 10 Nov. Wymondham of Felbrigg invites Margaret Paston to his house, 619. 1466 12 May. Friar John Mowth inquires touching bonds delivered by Friar Brackley to William Paston, 628. 22 May. Death of John Paston. His funeral, 637. May, June. Examinations touching Fastolf’s will, 639. 17 July. The Paston family proved to be ‘of worshipful blood since the Conquest,’ 641, 643. 16 Sept. Will of Agnes Paston, 644, 645, 646. 29 Oct. Margaret Paston to Sir John Paston touching his father’s will, 649. Sir John Paston wishes Arblaster to refuse administration of his father’s will, 655. J. Strange proposes a marriage for Margery Paston, 657. 1467 7 Feb. Yelverton labouring to get new witnesses up to London, 661. Mar. John Paston, the younger, desires to marry Lady Boleyn’s daughter, 662, 666. 3 April. Witnesses coming up to London,--Abbot of Langley and Witchingham. Henry Inglos will not come without a subpœna, 663. April. Sir John Paston hurts his hand at a tournament at Eltham, 665. April. Evidence of Friar Mowth touching Master Brackley and Sir John Fastolf’s will, 666. 1 May. Wager of Sir John Paston touching the marriage of the Princess Margaret and ‘the Lord Charles,’ son and heir of the Duke of Burgundy, 667. 2 July. Evidence found during Fastolf’s life by William Worcester touching the lands which belonged to the De la Poles, 670. 11 July. Fastolf of Cowhaw intends to assault Caister, 671. 28 Aug. Fastolf’s trustees make grant to Sir John Paston of manors in Caister, etc., 675. 2 Oct. Sir John Paston grants the manor of Hemnales in Cotton to the Duke of Norfolk, 677. Petition of John Herling of Basingham to Margaret Paston, 678. 1468 11 Jan. Release made by Fastolf’s trustees to Sir John Paston of manors in Caister, etc., 680. Proposal to found Fastolf’s college at Cambridge, if it cannot be at Caister or at St. Benet’s, 681. William Worcester congratulates Margaret Paston that Caister is to be at her commandment, 681. 12 April. Hugh Fenn intercedes for a poor tenant in Catts lands, from whom a distress was taken by Thomas Pecock, Sir John Paston’s servant. Titleshale had no right to sell Catts to Fastolf, 682. 18 April. Sir John Paston is ordered to be ready by the 1st June to accompany the Princess Margaret into Flanders, 683. 3 July. _Marriage of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, and the Princess Margaret_, 684. 16 July. General pardon to William Paston, 685. 18 July. The Earl of Oxford desires Sir John Paston to get him ‘three horse harness,’ 686. 22 July. Sir John Paston to Anne Haute, 687. 10 Oct. Howes agrees with the Duke of Norfolk about Caister, 688. Declaration by Howes against the authenticity of Fastolf’s will, 689. 28 Oct. The Duchess of Suffolk intends to enter Cotton, 690. 9 Nov. Sir John Paston hiring men to keep Caister, 691. 15 Dec. Elizabeth Ponyngs complains of Sir Robert Fenys, who occupies her lands, 692, 693. Sir George Browne to John Paston, 694. 1469 William Ebesham sends Sir J. Paston an account for scrivener’s work, 695. 7 Jan. The Duchess of Suffolk intends holding a court at Cotton, 696. 18 Jan. The King charges Sir J. Paston and the Duke of Norfolk to cease making assemblies, 698. 17 Mar. Sir J. Paston gives the chapel at Caister to John Yotton, the Queen’s chaplain, 703. 3 April. Margaret Paston is anxious to know about her son Sir John’s betrothal, 704. 7 April. The King expected in Norfolk, 705. 10 April. Lord Scales, in consideration of Sir J. Paston’s engagement to his kinswoman, Anne Hawte, urges the Duke of Norfolk to forbear trespassing on Sir John’s lands, 706, 707. 5 May. Citation of the Bishop of Winchester and others as executors of Sir J. Fastolf, 708. 7 May. Archbishop Nevill sends Sir J. Paston £20, 709. May. Ric. Calle engaged to Margery Paston, 710, 713. May. The Duke of Norfolk intends holding courts at Caister, 710. 22 May. Ric. Calle cannot get a penny of rent for Paston in Suffolk or Flegg, 712. 22 May. The King going to Walsingham, 714, 715. [19 June]. _The King visits Norwich_, 716. June. The lodge at Hellesdon is pointed out to the King, 716. June. _Robin of Redesdale’s insurrection._ 9 July. The Queen expected at Norwich on the 18th July, 718. 9 July. _The King sends a credence to Clarence, Warwick, and the Archbishop of York_, 719. Aug. _The King is taken prisoner near Coventry, and sent to Middleham._ Aug. Caister besieged by the Duke of Norfolk, 720. Examination of Margery Paston and Calle by the Bishop of Norwich, 721. 1469 Sept. Sir John Paston attempts to negotiate with the Duke of Norfolk through the medium of the King’s Council, 722, 723, 726-9. 12 Sept. Margaret Paston warns Sir John of the distress of the garrison at Caister, 724. 15 Sept. Sir John Paston disbelieves his mother’s warning, 725. 20 Sept. _Rivers and his son, Sir J. Woodville, put to death by the insurgents._ 26 Sept. Caister surrendered, 730-4. 5 Oct. John Paston desires instructions about the discharged garrison of Caister, 735. Oct. _The King, having recovered his liberty, returns to London_, 736. [Oct.] Richard Calle and Margery Paston at Blackborough Nunnery, 737. 6 Nov. Sale of Beckham by Sir John Paston to Roger Townsende, 738. Dec. Two widows sue an appeal against John Paston, 740, 751. 1470 Mar. _Insurrection of Sir Robert Welles_--the King goes into Lincolnshire to put it down, 742, 743. Mar. _Battle of Losecoatfield_ (_Stamford_), 760. May. Letters of W. Worcester about Titchwell, 744, 745. 22 June. John Paston and others charged with felony in killing men at the siege of Caister, 746, 747. 22 June. The Duchess of Norfolk promises to intercede for John Paston with her husband, 746. 14 July. Agreement of Bishop Waynflete and Sir J. Paston for the termination of disputes about Fastolf’s will, 750. 15 July. Margaret Paston complains of her sons, 752. July, Aug. Sir J. Paston pledges plate, 748, 749, 754. 5 Aug. _Rebellion in the North.--Clarence and Warwick expected to land in England_, 753. 10 Aug. Endowment of Magdalen College, Oxford, with Fastolf’s lands, 755. 7 Sept. Edward anticipates an invasion of Kent, 758. HENRY VI. RESTORED 1470 12 Oct. _Queen Elizabeth Woodville in Sanctuary_, 759. 12 Oct. The Earl of Oxford befriends John Paston, 759. Dec. The Duke of Norfolk evacuates Caister and releases it to Bishop Waynflete, 763-5. 28 Dec. Calthorpe, wishing to reduce his household, advises Margaret Paston to provide a marriage for her daughter Anne, 766. 1471 14 Feb. Lord Beauchamp releases his interest in Caister, etc. to John Paston, 768. 14 Mar. _Edward IV. lands at Ravenspur._--His landing anticipated by the Earl of Oxford, 769. 19 Mar. Oxford orders the lieges of Norfolk to meet him at Lynn to resist King Edward, 770. [Mar.] _Clarence goes over to Edward IV._, 771. Register of writs against Sir J. Paston and others, 772. EDWARD IV. RESTORED 1471 14 April. _Battle of Barnet._--John Paston wounded, 774, 776. 18 April. _News of Queen Margaret’s landing_, 774. Escape of the Earl of Oxford, 775. 4 May. _Battle of Tewkesbury_, 777. 12 May. _Attempt of the Bastard Falconbridge on London._ 21 May. _Death of Henry VI._ 23 June. Caister again taken by a servant of the Duke of Norfolk (W. Worc. Itin. 368), 778. 5 July. Lord Scales (Rivers) offers to befriend John Paston, 778. 17 July. The King signs a bill of pardon to John Paston, 780. 15 Sept. _The Bastard Falconbridge beheaded_, 781, 782. Sir J. Paston desires his brother to watch Caister, 781. Great mortality in England, 781. 28 Sept. Sir J. Paston wishes to have the measure of his father’s tomb, and some measurements at Gresham, 782. Sept. The King and Queen on pilgrimage to Canterbury, 782. One of the two widows married, 783. 28 Oct. A general pardon proposed, 784. Inventory of Sir J. Paston’s deeds, 785. 5 Nov. Death of J. Berney of Witchingham, 787. 29 Nov. Margaret Paston is annoyed at Sir John’s extravagance, 791. Valuation of Sporle Wood, 793, 819. 1472 8 Jan. Sir John Paston receives his pardon, 795. Queen Margaret is removed to Wallingford, 795. 23 Jan. John Paston urges his brother to obtain probate of his father’s will, 796. John Paston interrupts a court which Gurney attempts to hold at Saxthorpe, 796. 5 Feb. The one widow comes up to London to sue the appeal, 797. 17 Feb. Sir John Paston and Anne Haulte, 798. _The King intercedes with Clarence for Gloucester_, 798. Purchasers offer for Sporle Wood, 798. 30 April. The Earl of Northumberland gone home into the North, 800. Sickness prevalent, 800. _Archbishop Nevill committed to the Tower, and then sent to sea_, 800. _The Countess of Oxford still in St. Martin’s_, 800. _A daughter born to the Queen at Windsor_, 800. 14 May. Arrangement with Gurney about Saxthorpe, 801. 25 May. Sir John Paston’s lands will not pay his debts under present management--his mother will disinherit him if he sell any land, 802. 5 June. Margaret Paston likely to be troubled about Sir J. Fastolf’s goods, 803, 805. Henry Heydon has bought Saxthorpe and Titchwell, 803, 804. Sir T. Lynde’s goods, 804, 805. The Earl of Arran in London, 804, 805. 8 July. Altercations with Sir James Gloys, 805, 810. 20 Sept. Sir John Paston proposed for the borough of Maldon, 808, 809. 21 Sept. Conferences with the Duchess of Norfolk about Caister, 809. 29 Sept. John Paston desires a goshawk, 810, 812, 817. 4 Nov. Sir J. Paston jests with the Duchess of Norfolk on her condition, 812. Rivers coming home from Brittany, 812. The Duchess of Norfolk wishes to have Margaret Paston with her at her confinement, 878. [This letter has been accidently misplaced in the year 1475.] 8 Nov. Approaching confinement of the Duchess, 813. John Paston going to Framlingham, 813-5, 817. 19 Nov. Dr. Alen’s wife, 814, 816. 22 Nov. John Paston going to Calais, 815. 24 Nov. John Paston delivers a ring to a lady for his brother, 817. 27 Nov. Sale of Sporle Wood, 829. Nov. or Dec. Margaret Paston desires a license to have the sacrament in her chapel, 821. Sir John Paston should come home to be at the christening of the Duchess of Norfolk’s child, 821. 7 Dec. Agreement of Bishop Waynflete and William Worcester, 822. 18 Dec. Bishop Waynflete intercedes with the Duchess of Norfolk about Caister, 823. Christening of the Duke of Norfolk’s child, 823. John Paston is ‘not the man he was,’ 823. John Paston’s petition to the Duke, 824. [[4 Nov. This letter has been accidently misplaced _spelling unchanged_]] 1473 18 Jan. Margaret Paston wishes her son Walter not to be too hasty in taking orders, 825. Illness of John Berney of Reedham, 825. 3 Feb. Sir J. Paston writes from Calais of a visit he had paid to the Duke of Burgundy’s court at Ghent, 826. 8 Mar. J. Paston urges his mother to borrow £100 for Sir John, 828, 831, 842. 8 Mar. ‘Frenchmen whirling on the coasts,’ 828, 829. 26 Mar. John Blennerhasset chosen collector in Norfolk, 829, 830. ‘Rather the Devil, we say, than more taxes,’ 829. 2 April. _The Queen and Prince coming out of Wales to Leicester_, 830. _Murder of the Count of Armagnac_, 830. _Lewis XI. on the Somme_, 830. 12 April. _The King to be after Easter at Leicester_, 831. John Paston’s tomb, 831, 843. Sir John Paston and Anne Haulte, 831. Sir John Paston’s instructions touching Sporle, 831, 842. 16 April. Truce between Burgundy, France, and England, 832. _The Earl of Oxford at Dieppe, meaning to sail to Scotland_, 832. Sir John Paston troubled about his servants, 832, 834. 18 May. The Earl of Wiltshire and Lord Sudley dead, 833. John Paston going to Compostella, 833, 836. _Landing of the Earl of Oxford in Essex_, 833. 5 July. Edmund Paston at Calais, 836. 28 Aug. Armour for Sir John Paston, 838. 16 Sept. Hastings to Sir J. Middleton and Sir J. Paston, 839. 30 Sept. _The Earl of Oxford takes St. Michael’s Mount by surprise, but is afterwards besieged there._ 6 Nov. _The dispute between Clarence and Gloucester_, 841, 842. _The King has sent for the Great Seal_, 841. 22 Nov. Death of Sir James Gloys, 842. A dispensation may be had at Rome as to Anne Haulte, 842. Anne Paston and Yelverton, 842. Citations touching John Paston’s will, 842, 843. 25 Nov. _The Earl of Oxford still besieged at St. Michael’s Mount_, 843. Will Margaret Paston dwell at Caister, if it be recovered? 843. Tenants of Sporle troubled, 844. 1474 Feb. _Lewis XI. at Amiens_, 846. 20 Feb. _The Earl of Oxford surrenders, and is compelled to sue for his life_, 846. Sir J. Paston expects to have Caister again, 846. 26 April. Hastings to John Paston at Guisnes, 847. 25 July. John Paston, Elizabeth Eberton, and another lady, 850, 858. 24 Oct. Will. Paston pledges plate to Eliz. Clere, 851. 3 Nov. The Vicar of Paston to Margaret Paston, complaining of Henry Warns who intimidates the tenants at Paston, 852, 853. [These two letters should have been placed in the year 1479.] [Nov.] Sir John Paston recovered from illness, 856. Money matters between Sir J. Paston, and Townsend, and his uncle William, 856, 857, 861, 863, 864. Edmund Paston well amended, 856. Sir James Gloys’ books, 856, 857, 863, 865. 20 Nov. Sir J. Paston redeems Sporle, 857. Agnes Paston recovered from illness, 857. Margaret, daughter of William Paston, dead, 857. John Paston and Lady Walgrave, 858, 860. John Paston and Stockton’s daughter, 858. A French embassy in London, 858. [About 8 Dec.] Edward IV. visits Norwich, 863. 11 Dec. Lady Walgrave rejects John Paston’s ring--her muskball, 860. 1475 17 Jan. Sir J. Paston going to Flanders, 861. _Siege of Neuss by Charles the Bold_, 861. 29 Jan. William Paston endeavouring to get possession of Oxnead, 862. Sporle Wood cannot be sold in whole to advantage, 863, 865. Sir J. Paston ill in his eye and leg, 863, 865. 5 Feb. Efforts for the recovery of Caister, 864. Sir J. Paston detained at Calais, 864. 5 Mar. Margaret Paston will apply to the Archbishop of Canterbury for the license to have sacrament in her chapel, 866. 29 Mar. The Duchess of Norfolk going to Walsingham, 868. 23 May. Margaret Paston writes of money difficulties--‘the King goeth so near us in this country,’ 871. Pecock has paid two taxes for Sir J. Paston, 871. Sir J. Paston’s brothers going over sea, 871. 13 June. Edmund Paston going over to Calais, 873. 10 Aug. The Duchess of York at St. Bennet’s, 874. 29 Aug. _Peace of Pecquigny_, 875. 11 Sept. _The King’s army returned to Calais_, 875. The King had spoken to the Duke of Norfolk about Caister, 875, 877. Sir John Paston the worse for Calais air, 875. 10 Oct. How to get Caister again, 876. The King going to Walsingham, 876. 23 Oct. John Paston sick, 877. Petition of Sir J. Paston to the King for recovery of Caister, 879. 1476 17 Jan. Death of the Duke of Norfolk, 881. 21 Jan. Sir John Paston gone up to London to petition the King about Caister, 882. 23 Jan. Sir John Paston’s ‘sending to Caister’ is ill taken, 883, 884, 885. 2 Mar. John Paston recommends Richard Stratton to Lord Hastings, 886. John Paston to [Margery Brews]--a love-letter, 887. 12 Mar. Sir John Paston crosses with Hastings to Calais, 888. 21 Mar. Lord Rivers at Rome, 889. _Conquest of Lorraine by Charles the Bold_, 889. 6 May. John Paston welcomes his brother Sir John again to England, 890. John Paston thinks of Mr. Fitzwalter’s sister, 890. 27 May. The King has promised that Sir J. Paston shall have Caister, 891. 1477 5 Jan. _Defeat and death of Charles the Bold at Nanci_, 900. Letters about John Paston and Margery Brews, 894-9. 14 Feb. Great council begun yesterday, 900. 8 Mar. Dame Eliz. Brews desires to meet Margaret Paston at Norwich, and not at Langley, 901. 8 Mar. Terms offered by Sir Thomas Brews, 902, 904, 905. 9 Mar. The ‘matter of Mrs. Barly,’ 903. Letters of John Pympe to Sir J. Paston, 906-8. Sir J. Paston refuses to help his brother’s marriage, 909, 916. The match between John Paston and Margery Brews, 910, 911, 913, 915. 14 April. Lewis XI. has gained many of the Duke of Burgundy’s towns, 912. 23 June. Debt of Sir J. Paston to Henry Colet, 914. 7 Aug. Manor of Sporle mortgaged to Townsend, 916, 917. 11 Aug. Margaret Paston will not pay Sir John Paston’s debt to Cocket, 917. Sir J. Paston to pay his brother William’s board and school-hire, 917. 17 Aug. _Lewis XI. besieges St. Omer’s, and burns Cassel_, 918. 22 Aug. Manors of Agnes and William Paston, 919. 31 Oct. Sir John Paston’s will, 920. 19 Nov. Wreck at Winterton--Sir J. Paston’s claims as lord of the manor, 921, 922. 18 Dec. Margery Paston with child, 923. 1478 21 Jan. Dr. Yotton and the chapel at Caister, 925. _Marriage of Richard, Duke of York, and Anne Mowbray_, 925. John Paston going to take his wife Margery to see her father, 925. 3 Feb. Dr. Pykenham now Judge of the Arches, 926. A match for Edmund Paston, 926. A present of dates from Margery Paston to her mother-in-law Margaret, 926. 18 Feb. _Execution of the Duke of Clarence._ 21 Mar. Constance Reynforth to Sir John Paston, 928. 5 May. Woods at Hellesdon and Drayton, 929. The Duke of Suffolk’s claim there, 929, 930. 13 May. Tomb of John Paston the father not begun, 930. The King buying cloth of gold, 930. 19 May. Walter Paston at Oxford, 931. 20 May. The Duke of Suffolk at Hellesdon, 932. William Worcester and Sir William Bocking, 932. Margaret Paston very ill, 932. 27 May. Margaret Paston sends cloth of gold for her husband’s tomb, 933. Sir J. Paston’s claim in Hellesdon and Drayton, 933. Sir J. Paston going to marry a kinswoman of the Queen, 933. 31 July. Oxnead Parsonage, 934-7, 943. 25 Aug. Birth of John Paston’s son Christopher, 936. The Duke of Buckingham going on pilgrimage to Walsingham, 936. William Brandon a ravisher, 936. _The Earl of Oxford at Hammes_, 936. 7 Nov. William Paston, junior, at Eton, 939, 942. 1479 18 Jan. Errands to Marlingford, 940. 2 Feb. Dr. Pykenham informs Margaret Paston that her son Walter is not yet qualified to hold a benefice, 941. 4 Mar. Walter Paston ready to take his B.A. and proceed in law, 944. 22 May. He would be inceptor before Midsummer, 945. 30 June. He takes his degree, 946. 7 July. Plate of William Paston, 947, 951. 18 Aug. Will of Walter Paston, 950. 21 Aug. Deaths of Agnes Paston and Walter, 952. 26 Aug. William Paston claims the manor of Marlingford, 953. Sir J. Paston inquires about his grandmother’s will, 954. 29 Oct. Sir J. Paston’s dispute with Suffolk, etc., 956. He is very ill, 956. Bishop Morton offers to mediate between him and his uncle William, 956, 957. 6 Nov. The tenants of Crowmer know not who shall be their lord, 957. 25 Nov. Money received and spent at the manor court at Cressingham, 961. Nov. Death and burial of Sir John Paston, 962. John Paston wishes his brother Edmund to enter Marlingford, etc. in his name, 962. Proceedings of Edmund Paston at Marlingford and Oxnead, 963. Dec. The great mortality abated, 965. Bishop Morton promises to favour John Paston against his uncle, 965. Injuries done to John Paston by his uncle William, 966. 1479-80 Touching a tombstone for Sir John Paston, 967. Inventory of plate, 968. 1480 24 Feb. William Paston to John King, farmer of Harwelbury, 970. John, Prior of Bromholm, to John Paston, desiring him to procure of the Queen timber for his ‘dortour,’ 972. About 1481? Edmund Paston will see a widow in Worsted for his brother William, 974. Edmund Paston desires his mother’s forgiveness that he and his wife have not waited on her, 975. 1482 4 Feb. Margaret Paston’s will, 978. John Paston to his mother about her will, 979. 1 Nov. Tenants of Marlingford molested by William Paston’s officers, 982, 983. Declaration of William Barker and Margaret, widow of William Worcester, in behalf of William Paston, 985. Inventory of John Paston’s books, 987. Verses by a lady to an absent lord, 988. EDWARD V 1483 11 June. Richard, Duke of Gloucester, to Lord Nevill, desiring him to come up to London with a body of men, 992. Elizabeth, Duchess of Suffolk, to John Paston, requesting him to leave his lodging for a few days, 993. RICHARD III 1483 10 Oct. The Duke of Norfolk to John Paston on an insurrection in the Weald of Kent, 994. Oct. _The Duke of Buckingham’s rebellion._ 1484 1 May. An order by the Duke of Suffolk to a farmer to pay money, 997. Complaints of John Paston against his uncle William, 998. 4 Nov. Death of Margaret Paston, 999. Manors of Stansted and Harwelbury, 1000. 1485 23 June. _Proclamation of Richard III. against Henry Tudor_, 1001. 1 Aug. _The Earl of Richmond lands at Milford Haven_, 1002. 22 Aug. _The Battle of Bosworth._ HENRY VII 1485 23 Sept. Dame Elizabeth Browne to John Paston about the circumstances of her father’s death, 1003. 3 Oct. The Countess of Surrey complains to J. Paston that her husband’s servants have been discharged by Lord Fitzwalter, 1004. 20 Oct. Proclamations ordered against rebels confederated with the Scots, 1006. 1486 24 Feb. Alice, Lady Fitzhugh, to John Paston about her ‘daughter Lovel’s’ suit for her husband, 1008. 19 May. _Viscount Lovel escaped into the Isle of Ely_, 1009. [[19 May. _period missing or invisible_]] 1487 24 Jan. Lord Lovel’s adherents, 1012. The Prior of Norwich touching a bequest of Judge Paston to his monastery, 1013. May. _Rebellion of Lambert Simnel_, 1014, 1015. 16 June. _Battle of Stoke_, 1016. Dame Elizabeth Brews to Sir J. Paston for twelve men in harness to recover a distress, 1017. 1488? The Bishop of Chester asks of widows more than they can pay, 1018. 1486-95 Sir J. Paston to Dame Margery, his wife, for a plaster for the King’s attorney, James Hobart, 1019. 1488 _Sir Edward Woodville goes over unauthorised to aid the Duke of Brittany_, 1026. _Rebellion against James III. in Scotland_, 1026. 1489 2 Feb. A whale taken off Thornham, 1029, 1030. 7 Mar. The Earl of Northumberland agrees with the King about keeping out the Scots, 1031. Intended progress of the King to Norfolk, 1031, 1033. 1486-9 Edmund Paston appointed receiver of lands of Lord Scales, 1034, 1035. 1489 22 April. Henry VII. to the Earl of Oxford--_favourable news of the war in Brittany_, 1036. 28 April. _Insurrection in Yorkshire--the Earl of Northumberland killed_, 1037, 1039. 6 May. Sir J. Paston ordered to meet the King at Cambridge with a body of men, 1038, 1039. 1490 27 Jan. Sherwood, Bishop of Durham, to Sir John Paston, 1040. Humorous petition of Sir J. Paston to Lord Fitzwalter, 1042. The Earl of Surrey certifies that Thomas Hartford is not a Scotchman, 1043. 1491 6 April. Complaints of the King of Denmark against English ships resorting to Iceland, 1046. [Sept.] The old and new Bailiffs of Yarmouth ask Sir J. Paston’s mediation with the Earl of Oxford, 1048. Oct. The Earl of Oxford to Sir J. Paston about Richard Barkeley and his ship, 1049-51. 1492 18 Feb. Preparations for the invasion of France, 1053, 1054. 30 April. William Barnard to William Paston complaining that he has been obliged to keep a prisoner at his own cost, 1055. 1492-3 Letters of Elizabeth, Duchess of Norfolk, in behalf of Thomas Martin, 1061, 1064. 1493 Proposal of Sir R. Clere for the marriage of Sir J. Paston’s son, 1064. 1494 Nov. _Creation of the King’s second son as Duke of York_--Knights of the Bath made on the occasion, 1058. 1495 3 July. _Attempt of Perkin Warbeck to land at Deal_, 1059, 1060. Young William Paston, at Sir J. Fortescue’s place on account of the plague at Cambridge, 1062. 1497-1503 Margaret, Countess of Richmond, to [Sir J. Paston?] touching the inheritance of the daughters of William Paston, 1063. 1499 20 Aug. Sir J. Paston to inquire who were privy to the Earl of Suffolk’s flight beyond sea, 1065. 1500 20 Mar. Sir J. Paston to be ready to attend on the Princess Catherine of Spain on her arrival in England, 1066. Before 1503 Proposed marriage of Clippesby with a niece of Sir J. Paston, 1069 After 1503 William Paston, Sir John’s brother, ‘crased in mind,’ 1072. The Earl of Oxford’s steward to the ‘Black Knight,’ in Latin verse, 1073. 1503 6 Feb. Award touching East Beckham between Sir John Paston and Roger Townsend, 1074. 6 Sept. Archbishop Warham to William Paston on the death of his father, Sir John, 1075. John Kendal to [William Paston?] touching lands bought of the executors of Nich. Pickering of Filby, 1076. 1506 31 Jan. _Account of the Visit of Philip, King of Castile, to Henry VII. at Windsor_, 1078. ERRATA [Transcriber’s Note: This final page--printed at the end of Volume VI, after the Index--is included for completeness. All listed corrections have been made in their respective volumes.] VOL. I. Page 122, line 15, _for_ ‘Bourges’ _read_ ‘Bourg.’ VOL. II. Page 30, line 7 from bottom of No. 15, _for_ ‘No. 8,’ _read_ ‘No. 13.’ „ 154, _add_ to footnote 3, ‘He was slain at the second battle of St. Albans on the 17th Feb. 1461.’ VOL. III. Page 135, footnote 1, strike out the words after ‘Elizabeth Paston,’ on third line from the bottom, and _add_, ‘was no longer the wife of Robert Poynings, but his widow, for he was killed at the second battle of St. Albans on the 17th Feb. 1461.’ VOL. V. Page 310, note 1, _for_ ‘Henry IV.’ _read_ ‘Edward IV.’ „ 314, note 1. This suggestion is quite a mistake. See ‘my Robert’ in the PS., p. 315. Printed by T. and A. CONSTABLE, Printers to His Majesty at the Edinburgh University Press *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 42240 ***