*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 42820 *** {557} NOTES AND QUERIES: A MEDIUM OF INTER-COMMUNICATION FOR LITERARY MEN, ARTISTS, ANTIQUARIES, GENEALOGISTS, ETC. "When found, make a note of."--CAPTAIN CUTTLE. * * * * * No. 242.] SATURDAY, JUNE 17. 1854 [Price Fourpence. Stamped Edition 5d. * * * * * CONTENTS. NOTES:-- Page Political Predictions, by Henry H. Breen 559 Derivation of the Word "Bigot" 560 "Book of Almanacs," by Professor De Morgan 561 MINOR NOTES:--Distances at which Sounds have been heard--Anagram--Logan or Rocking Stones 561 QUERIES:-- A Rubens Query 561 The Paxs Pennies of William the Conqueror 562 MINOR QUERIES:--Peculiar Customs at Preston, in Lancashire--Obsolete Statutes--Sale of Offices and Salaries in the Seventeenth Century--Board of Trade--Sacheverell's and Charles Lamb's Residences in the Temple--Braddock and Orme 562 MINOR QUERIES WITH ANSWERS:--Cromwell's Bible--Canne's Bible--Dryden and Luke Milbourne--Portrait Painters of the last Century--Ætna--Sir Adam, or Sir Ambrose, Brown 563 REPLIES:-- Norwich, Kirkpatrick Collection of MSS. for the History of, by B. B. Woodward, &c. 564 Early German Coloured Engravings 565 The Bellman at Newgate, by J. W Farrer 565 Herbert's "Church Porch" 566 Ancient Usages of the Church 566 Popiana, by R. Carruthers 568 Catholic Floral Directories 568 PHOTOGRAPHIC CORRESPONDENCE:--Mr. Lyte's New Instantaneous Process--Photographs, &c. of the Crystal Palace--Soluble Cotton--Cameras 570 REPLIES TO MINOR QUERIES:--Shakspeare Portrait-- "Aches"--"Waestart"--Willow Bark in Ague--Lord Fairfax--The Young Pretender--Dobney's Bowling-green; Wildman; Sampson--Palæologus--Children by one Mother-- Robert Brown the Separatist--Hero of the "Spanish Lady's Love"--Niagara--Hymn attributed to Handel--Marquis of Granby--Convocation and the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel--Cassie--"Three cats sat," &c.--Tailless Cats--Francklyn Household Book--"Violet-crowned" Athens--Smith of Nevis and St. Kitt's--Hydropathy-- Leslie and Dr. Middleton--Lord Brougham and Horne Tooke--Irish Rhymes--Cabbages--Sir William "Usher," not "Upton"--"Buckle"--Cornwall Family--John of Gaunt-- "Wellesley" or "Wesley"--Mantel-piece--"Perturbabantur," &c.--Edition of "Othello"--Perspective--"Go to Bath," &c. 571 MISCELLANEOUS:-- Books and Odd Volumes Wanted 579 Notices to Correspondents 579 * * * * * Multæ terricolis linguæ, coelestibus una. 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Fleet Street, London. The Cheapest House in Town for every Description of Photographic Apparatus, Materials, and Chemicals. *** Price List Free on Application. * * * * * {559} _LONDON, SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1854._ * * * * * Notes. POLITICAL PREDICTIONS. It would be interesting, and perhaps not wholly unprofitable, to bring together the various attempts that have been made to shadow forth the approaching crisis in the political world. As literary curiosities, such things may be worth preserving; and I therefore send you a few samples as a contribution. The first is from the Abbé De la Mennais, whose words, uttered about twenty years ago, are thus given in a provincial paper: "England, like all other countries, has had her period of aggrandisement; during a whole century Europe has seen her dawning above the horizon until, having attained her highest degree of splendour, she has begun to decline, and this decline dates from the day of which the fall of Napoleon, due principally to her exertions, marked the most brilliant period of her glory. Since that time her policy has undergone a striking change, which every year becomes more evident. Instead of that vigour and promptitude of resolution of which she used to give so many proofs (though they could not all be praised alike, because there were more than one act repugnant to morality), she is now timid, she hesitates, she labours painfully through the dark and crooked paths of diplomacy, and substitutes intrigue for action; incapable, it would seem, of taking a decisive part at the right moment, even on the most momentous occasions. The English nation has evidently lost its strength, or the belief in its strength; and as to actual results, one differs not from the other. Look at this England, so haughty, so wedded to her interests, so skilful formerly in defending them, so bold in extending their influence over the whole world; look at her now in the presence of Russia. Humbled, braved by that young power, one would say that she trembles before its genius. The Czars exercise over her a species of fascination which disturbs her councils and relaxes the muscles of her robust arms. The conquests of the Russians in the East menace the possessions of England in India; they close the Dardanelles to her fleets, they shut out her commerce from the mouths of the Danube and the shores of the Black Sea. After what fashion would she have resisted these things thirty years ago?" The next quotation is from Alison's _History of Europe from the Fall of Napoleon_, published in 1852. In chap. i. p. 68., after citing some lines from Gray on _Education and Government_, he thus proceeds: "It will be so to the end of the world; for in the north, and there alone, are found the privations which insure hardihood, the poverty which impels to conquest, the difficulties which rouse to exertion. Irresistible to men so actuated is the attraction which the climate of the south, the riches of civilisation, exercise on the poverty and energy of the native wilds. Slowly but steadily, for two centuries, the Muscovite power has increased, devouring everything which it approaches--ever advancing, never receding. Sixty-six millions of men, doubling every half century, now obey the mandates of the Czar; whose will is law, and who leads a people whose passion is conquest. Europe may well tremble at the growth of a power possessed of such resources, actuated by such desires, led by such ability; but Europe alone does not comprise the whole family of mankind. The great designs of Providence are working out their accomplishment by the passions of the free agents to which their execution has been intrusted. Turkey will yield, Persia be overrun by Muscovite battalions; the original birth-place of our religion will be rescued by their devotion; and as certainly as the Transatlantic hemisphere, and the islands of the Indian Sea, will be peopled by the self-acting passions of Western democracy, will the plains of Asia be won to the Cross by the resistless arms of Eastern despotism." I shall conclude with two or three extracts from a pamphlet, published some time last year at Toronto, and bearing the significant title, _The coming Struggle among the Nations of the Earth; or the Political Events of the next Fifteen Years, &c._ The writer begins by interpreting, as applicable to the present times, the prophecies of Ezekiel, Daniel, and the Apocalypse, from which he foretells the following events: 1. The seizure of Constantinople, and overthrow of Turkey by the Emperor of Russia. 2. War between France and Austria: overthrow of the latter, and consequent destruction of the Papacy. 3. The conquest of the Horns or Continental Powers by the Emperor of Russia. 4. Britain rapidly extends her Eastern possessions, prevents the occupation of Judea, and completes the first stage of the restoration of the Jews. The writer then continues in the following strain: "Turning his eyes eastward on the wealth and prosperity of the countries under British protection, the triumphant conqueror of Europe will conceive the idea of spoiling them, and appropriating their goods and cattle. Scarcely is this idea formed, than its execution is begun; and sudden and terrific as a whirlwind he enters the 'glorious land.' So sudden and unexpected is his onslaught, that the British power is unprepared, and Egypt, Ethiopia, and Libya fall into his hands. "Meanwhile, Britain has been making strenuous efforts to stop the progress of this gigantic Napoleon; and every soldier that can be spared is sent away in the direction of the rising sun. But what can the British army do against such a host as the Russian autocrat has around him? Brave as the officers and men may be, what success or what renown can be gained in such an unequal conflict? In the critical emergency, the parent island sends a cry across the Atlantic, 'Come over and help us!' Swiftly is the sound borne over the waves, and soon an answering {560} echo is wafted back from the shores of Columbia. The cause is common, and the struggle must be common too. 'We are coming, brother John, we are coming,' is the noble reply; and, almost ere it is delivered, a fleet of gallant vessels is crossing the Pacific, with the stars and stripes gleaming on every mast. Another force is on its way from the far south, and soon the flower and strength of Anglo-Saxon race meet on the sacred soil of Palestine. The intelligence of their approach reaches the sacrilegious usurper, and he leads forth his army towards the mountains that rise in glory round about Jerusalem. The Jews within the city now arm themselves, and join the army that has come from the east and west, the north and south, for their protection: and thus these two mighty masses meet face to face, and prepare for the greatest _physical_ battle that ever was fought on this struggling earth. On the one side the motley millions of Russia, and the nations of Continental Europe, are drawn up on the slopes of the hills, and the sides of the valleys toward the north; while, on the other, are ranged the thousands of Britain and her offspring; from whose firm and regular ranks gleam forth the dark eyes of many of the sons of Abraham, determined to preserve their newly recovered city or perish, like their ancestors of a former age, in its ruins. "All is ready. That awful pause, which takes place before the shock of battle, reigns around; but ere it is broken by the clash of meeting arms, and while yet the contending parties are at a little distance from each other, a strange sound is heard over head. The time for the visible manifestation of God's vengeance has arrived, his fury has come up in his face, and He calls for a sword against Gog throughout all the mountains. 'Tis this voice of the Lord that breaks the solemn stillness, and startles the assembled hosts. The scene that follows baffles description. Amid earthquakes and showers of fire, the bewildered and maddened armies of the autocrat rush, sword in hand, against each other, while the Israelites and their Anglo-Saxon friends gaze on the spectacle with amazement and consternation. It does not appear that they will even lift their hand against that foe which they had come so far to meet. Their aid is not necessary to accomplish the destruction of the image. The stone, cut without hands, shall fall on its feet and break them to pieces; and then shall the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, become like the chaff of the summer threshing-floor, and the wind shall carry them away. The various descriptions which we have of this battle, all intimate that God is the only foe that shall contend with the autocrat at Armageddon. John terms it, 'the battle of that great day of God Almighty;' and we believe the principal instrument of their defeat will be mutual slaughter. The carnage will be dreadful. Out of all the millions that came like a cloud upon the land of Israel, only a scattered and shattered remnant will return; the great mass will be left to 'cleanse the land,' and fill the valley of Hamongog with graves." I refrain from quoting the remarks made by Napoleon, at St. Helena, respecting Russia, and the likelihood of her ultimately subjugating Western Europe, as your readers must be familiar with them from the writings of O'Meara and others. HENRY H. BREEN. St. Lucia. * * * * * DERIVATION OF THE WORD "BIGOT." At p. 80. of Mr. Trench's admirable little volume _On the Study of Words_, an etymology is assigned to the word _bigot_, which is, I think, clearly erroneous: "Two explanations of it are current," writes Mr. Trench, "one of which traces it up to the early Normans, while they yet retained their northern tongue, and to their often adjuration by the name of God; with sometimes a reference to a famous scene in French history, in which Rollo, Duke of Normandy, played a conspicuous part: the other puts it in connexion with _beguines_, called often in Latin _beguttæ_, a name by which certain communities of pietist women were known in the Middle Ages." I agree with Mr. Trench in thinking, that neither of these derivations is the correct one. But I am obliged, quite as decidedly, to reject that which he proceeds to offer. He thinks that we owe-- "_Bigot_ rather to that profound impression which the Spaniards made upon all Europe in the fifteenth and the following century. Now the word _bigote_," he continues, "means in Spanish 'moustachio;' and as contrasted with the smooth, or nearly smooth, upper lip of most other people, at that time the Spaniards were the 'men of the moustachio'.... That they themselves connected firmness and resolution with the mustachio; that it was esteemed the outward symbol of these, it is plain from such phrases as 'pombre de bigote,' a man of resolution; 'tener bigotes,' to stand firm. But that in which they eminently displayed their firmness and resolution in those days was their adherence to whatever the Roman see imposed and taught. What then more natural, or more entirely according to the law of the generation of names, than that this striking and distinguishing outward feature of the Spaniard should have been laid hold of to express that character and condition of mind which eminently were his, and then transferred to all others who shared the same?" Of this it must be admitted, that "se non e vero, e ben trovato." And the only reason for rejecting such an etymology is the existence of another with superior claims. _Bigot_ is derived, as I think will be hardly doubted on consideration, from the Italian _bigio_, grey. Various religious confraternities, and especially a branch of the order of St. Francis which, from being parcel secular and parcel regular, was called "Terziari di S. Francesco," clothed themselves in grey; and from thence were called _Bigiocchi_ and _Bigiotti_. And from a very early period, the word was used in a bad sense. {561} Menage, in his _Origini della Lingua Italiana_, under the word BIZOCO, writes: "Persono secolare vestita di abito di religione. Quasi 'bigioco' perche ordinariamente gli Ipocriti, e coloro che si fanno dell' ordine di S. Francesco si vestono di bigio." And Sansovino on the _Decameron_ says that-- "_Bizocco_ sia quasi _Bigioco_, o _Bigiotto_, perchè i Terziari di S. Francesco si veston di bigio." Abundance of instances might be adduced of the use of the term _bizocco_ in the sense of hypocrite, or would-be saint. And the passage which Mr. Trench gives after Richardson from Bishop Hall, where _bigot_ is used to signify a pervert to Romanism, "he was turned both _bigot_ and physician," seems to me to favour my etymology rather than that from the Spanish; as showing that the earliest known use of the term was its application to a Popish religionist. The "pervert" alluded to had become that which cotemporary Italians were calling a _bigiotto_. Must we not conclude that Bishop Hall drew his newly-coined word thence? T. A. T. Florence. * * * * * "BOOK OF ALMANACS." When I published this work, I knew of no predecessor except Francoeur, as noted in the preface; but another has been recently pointed out to me. There was a work compiled for the use of the Dominicans, entitled _Kalendarium Perpetuum juxta ritum Sacri ordinis prædicatorum, s. p. n. Dominici_. The copy now before me, Rome, 1612, 8vo., is said to be "tertio emendatum," which probably signifies the fourth edition. It contains the thirty-five almanacs, with rules for determining epacts and dominical letters from A.D. 1600 to 2100, and a table for choosing the almanac when the epact and letter are known. This work must have been compiled before the reformation of the calendar. A note in explanation of the thirty-fifth almanac, contains the statement that A.D. 1736 belongs to that calendar, and to the letters D.C. This is true of the old style, and not of the new. It seems, then, that _Books of Almanacs_ are older than the Gregorian reformation: that they may have been completely forgotten, may be inferred from my book never having produced any mention of them either in your pages or elsewhere. Perhaps some older instances may be yet produced. A. DE MORGAN. * * * * * Minor Notes. _Distances at which Sounds have been heard._--The story of St. Paul's clock striking being heard by a sentry at Windsor is well known, and I believe authentic. Let me add the following:--The Rev. Hugh Salvin (who died vicar of Alston, Cumberland, Sept. 28, 1852) mentions an equally remarkable instance whilst he was chaplain on board H.M.S. "Cambridge," on the coast of South America: "Our salutes at Chancay were heard at Callao, though the distance is thirty-five miles, and several projecting headlands intervene, and the wind always blows northward. The lieutenant of the Arab store-ship, to whom the circumstance was mentioned, observed, that upon one occasion the evening gun at Plymouth was heard at Ilfracomb, which is sixty miles off, and a mountainous country intervenes."--_Journal of the Rev. H. S. Salvin_, p. 64., 12mo.: Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1829. BALLIOLENSIS. _Anagram._--The accompanying anagram I saw, some weeks back, in a country paper; perhaps you will give it a local habitation in "N. & Q." It is said to be by a president of one of the committees of the arrondissement of Valenciennes: "A sa majesté impériale Le Szar Nicholas, souverain et autocrate de toutes les Russies." "Oho! ta vanité sera ta perte; elle isole la Russie; tes successeurs te maudiront à jamais." PHILIP STRANGE. _Logan or Rocking Stones._--The following extract from Sir C. Anderson's _Eight Weeks' Journal in Norway, &c. in 1852_, under July 21, may interest your Devonshire and Cornish readers: "Mr. De C----k, a most intelligent Danish gentleman, told me, that when a proprietor near Drammen, was at Bjornholm Island, in the Baltic, he was told there were stones which made a humming noise when pushed, and on examination they proved to be rocking-stones; on his return, he found on his own property several large stones, which, on removing the earth around them, were so balanced as to be moveable. If this be an accurate statement, it tends to strengthen the notion that stones, laid upon each other by natural causes, have, by application of a little labour, been made to move, as the stones at Brimham Craggs in Yorkshire; and this seems more likely than that such immense masses should have been ever raised by mechanical force and poised." BALLIOLENSIS. * * * * * Queries. A RUBENS QUERY. There is a somewhat curious mystery with regard to certain works of the immortal Rubens, which some of your readers, who are connoisseurs in art, may possibly assist to dispel. Lommeline, who engraved the finest works of Rubens, has left a print of "The Judgment of Paris," which {562} differs in several points from the subject of "The Decision of Paris," now in the National Gallery. For instance, in the one, Paris rests the apple upon his knee, and in the other he is offering it to the fair goddess of Beauty. This print has also _five_ more figures than there are in the Gallery painting. Now, two questions arise hereon: first, what has become of the original painting from which this print was taken? and secondly, where is the line engraving of the picture now in the National Gallery? J. J. S. Downshire Hill, Hampstead. * * * * * THE PAXS PENNIES OF WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR. Perhaps some of your numerous readers may be able to satisfy me on a subject which has for a long time troubled me. All coin collectors are aware that there are many different reverses to the pennies of William I. One is commonly called the _pax_-type: and _why_, is the question. On the obverse, it is "PILLM REX," or sometimes differently spelt; but "P" always stands for "W," and pronounced so. On the reverse, it is P [=A] X S (each letter being encircled), but the "P" is here pronounced "P;" this is in the centre compartment: surrounding it is the moneyer's name, with place where the coin was struck--"EDPI (Edwi) ON LVND," "GODPINE (Godwine) ON LVND," &c. It is very inconsistent that letters should be pronounced differently on the same coin. I am rather of opinion that we have not arrived at the right reading, and that _pax_ has nothing to do with it. It is PAXS, AXSP, XSPA, or SPAX: for I find, on comparing nineteen different coins, the letters stand in different positions compared with the cross, which denotes the beginning of the inscription around them; so no one can tell which letter of the four in the circles near the large cross should come first. Besides, what does the "S" stand for, after you get the "PAX?" I am not a member of the Antiquarian Society, but have asked gentlemen belonging to it to explain this puzzle (to me), without success. I now ask them and others, through your pages, to give a solution of the difficulty. W. M. F. * * * * * Minor Queries. _Peculiar Customs at Preston, in Lancashire._--I wish to know if it be true that the use of _mourning_ is nearly, if not altogether, discountenanced at the above town, even for the loss of the nearest and dearest friends; and that a widow's cap is only worn by those to whom another husband would be particularly acceptable? If these, and other peculiar customs prevail, I wish some correspondent from Lancashire would kindly enlighten the readers of "N. & Q." with respect to them. ANON. _Obsolete Statutes._--There was published, in the pamphlet form (pp. 61.), in 1738, a capital piece of _irony_ under the title of-- "A Letter to a Member of Parliament, containing a Proposal for bringing in a Bill to revise, amend, or repeal certain Obsolete Statutes, commonly called 'The Ten Commandments.' 4th Edition." As this will doubtless be known to some of your readers, may I ask the name of the author, and the occasion of its publication? J. O. _Sale of Offices and Salaries in the Seventeenth Century._--Has the subject of the sale of offices in former times ever been investigated? In the reign of Charles II., a new secretary of state, lord chamberlain, &c., always paid a large sum of money to his predecessor, the king often helping to find the required sum. Was this the case with all offices? I do not think the lord chancellorship was ever paid for. When and how did the practice originate, and when and how fall into disuse? Has the subject of salaries of offices (including fees) in these times ever been accurately investigated? What were the emoluments of the lord chancellor, chancellor of the exchequer, and president of the council, in the reign of Charles? C. H. _Board of Trade._--A council for trade was appointed during the recess of the Convention Parliament after the Restoration. Are the names of that council anywhere published? Did this council continue to exist till the appointment (I think in 1670) of the Council of Trade, of which Lord Sandwich was made president? C. H. _Sacheverell's and Charles Lamb's Residences in the Temple._--In which house in Crown Office Row, Temple, was Charles Lamb born? and which were the chambers occupied by Dr. Sacheverell, also in the Temple, at the time of the riots caused by his admirers? AN ADMIRER OF YOUR PUBLICATION. _Braddock and Orme._--Can you, or any of your correspondents, furnish me (in reply to an inquiry made of me by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania) with any information about the families of Braddock and Orme, in relation to General Braddock, who commanded and was killed at the battle of the Monongahela river; and to Orme, who, with Washington and Morris, were his aides-de-camp in the melancholy and fatal engagement. F. O. MORRIS. Nunburnholme Rectory, York. {563} * * * * * Minor Queries with Answers. _Cromwell's Bible._--I have seen it stated that an edition of the Bible, "printed by John Field, one of his Highness's Printers, 1658," in 12mo., London, was printed by order of Cromwell for distribution to his soldiers. Can any of your correspondents furnish authority for such tradition? It is one of the most incorrectly printed books which I ever met with. In Cotton's list I do not find this edition: he has one in 8vo., 1657, Cambridge, J. Field. W. C. TREVELYAN. [George Offor, Esq., of Hackney, has kindly favoured us with a reply to this and the following Query: "Eighteen different editions of the Bible, printed by John Field, are in my collection, published between the years 1648 and 1666. In some of these he is described as printer to the University of Cambridge, in others as 'One of His Highness's Printers;' but in those which _tradition_ says were published for the army, he is called 'Printer to the Parliament.' They are all as correctly printed as Bibles were generally published during that time, excepting that by Giles Calvert the Quaker, published in 1653, which is singularly correct and beautiful. Field's editions being remarkable for beauty of typography and smallness, have been much examined, and many errors detected. That of 1653 is the most beautiful and called genuine, and is the copy said to have been printed for the use of the army and navy. Of this I have five different editions, all agreeing in the error in Matthew, ch. vi. v. 24., 'Ye cannot serve and mammon;' and in having the first four psalms on one page. But in some the following errors are corrected, 1 Cor. vi. v. 9., 'The unrighteous shall inherit the kingdom of God;' Rom. ch. vi. v. 13., 'Neither yield ye your members as instruments of righteousness unto sin.' The copy of 1658, which SIR. W. C. TREVELYAN describes, is a counterfeit of the genuine edition of 1653, vulgarly called 'The Bastard Field's Bible.' These were reprinted many times. I possess four different editions of it, so exactly alike in form and appearance, that the variations throughout can only be detected by placing them in juxtaposition. They are all neatly printed, without a black line between the columns, and make thicker volumes than the genuine edition. I have never been able to verify the tradition that the Field's Bible, 1653, was printed for the army by order of Cromwell. It is the only one, as far as I can discover, 'Printed by John Field, Printer to the Parliament.' I received the tradition from my father nearly sixty years ago, and have no doubt but that it is founded in fact. It is an inquiry well worthy of investigation.--G. OFFOR."] _Canne's Bible._--What is the value of a good copy of Canne's Bible, printed at Edinburgh by John Kincaid, 1756? SIGMA. ["Canne's Bibles were first printed at Amsterdam, 1647, 1662, and 1664; in London, 1682, 1684, 1698: these are all pocket volumes. Then again in Amsterdam, 4to., 1700. At Edinburgh by Watkins in 1747, and by Kincaid in 1766; after which there followed editions very coarsely and incorrectly printed. They are all, excepting that of 1647, in my collection. Kincaid's, 1766, 2 vols. nonpareil, in beautiful condition, bound in green morocco, cost me five shillings. That of 1747, by Watkins, not in such fine condition, two shillings. SIGMA can readily imagine the value of Kincaid's edition 1756, by comparison with those of 1747 and 1766. If any of your readers could assist me to procure the first edition, 1647, I should be greatly obliged.--G. OFFOR."] _Dryden and Luke Milbourne._--Among the "Quarrels of Authors," I do not find that between _glorious John_ and this reverend gentleman. In a poetical paraphrase of _The Christian's Pattern_, by the latter (8vo., 1697), he shows unmistakeable evidence of having been lately skinned by the _witty tribe_, which I take to mean Dryden and his _atheistical crew_. I am aware that Milbourne invited the attack by his flippant remarks upon the English Virgil, but I know not in which piece of Dryden's to look for it. J. O. [Dryden's attack on Milbourne occurs in his preface to the Fables (Scott's edition of his _Works_, vol. xi. p. 235.). "As a corollary to this preface," says Dryden, "in which I have done justice to others, I owe somewhat to myself; not that I think it worth my time to enter the lists with one Milbourne and one Blackmore, but barely to take notice that such men there are, who have written scurrilously against me without any provocation. Milbourne, who is in orders, pretends, amongst the rest, this quarrel to me, that I have fallen foul on priesthood; if I have, I am only to ask pardon of good priests, and am afraid his part of the reparation will come to little. Let him be satisfied that he shall not be able to force himself upon me for an adversary. I contemn him too much to enter into competition with him." A little lower down Dryden hints that Milbourne lost his living for writing a libel upon his parishioners.] _Portrait Painters of the last Century._--I am anxious to obtain some information respecting the portrait painters of the last century. I have in my collection a picture by H. Smith, 1736. Can any of your readers give me an account of him? DURANDUS. [A biographical list, alphabetically arranged, of portrait painters, is given in Hobbes's _Picture Collector's Manual; being a Dictionary of Painters_, vol. ii. pp. 467-515., edit. 1849; a useful work of the kind. The name of H. Smith is not noticed.] _Ætna._--To whom can the following passage refer? "We found a good inn here (Catania), kept by one Caca Sangue, a name that sounds better in Italian than it would in English. This fellow is extremely pleasant and communicative, and among other things he told us that Mr. ----, who has published such a minute description of his journey to the crater of Ætna, was never there, but sick in Catania when his {564} party ascended, he having been their guide."--_Travels through Switzerland, Italy, Sicily, &c._, vol. ii. p. 21., by Thomas Watkins, A.M., F.R.S., in the years 1787, 1788, 1789; 2 vols. 8vo., 2nd edition, London, 1794. ANON. [The reference is probably to M. D'Orville, whose minute description of his journey up Mount Ætna was copied into the _Gentleman's Magazine_, vol. xxxiv. p. 281., extracted from D'Orville's work, entitled _Sicula, or the History and Antiquities of the Island of Sicily, &c._, 2 vols. folio, Amsterdam.] _Sir Adam, or Sir Ambrose, Brown._--This friend of Evelyn, who lived at Betchworth Park, is sometimes called Sir Adam, and sometimes Sir Ambrose, in Evelyn's _Memoirs_. Is not Sir Adam the correct name? C. H. [The entries in Evelyn's _Diary_ seem to be correct. Sir Ambrose Brown, obit. 1661, was the father of Sir Adam, obit. 1690. See the pedigree in Manning and Bray's _Surrey_, vol. i. p. 560.] * * * * * Replies. NORWICH, KIRKPATRICK COLLECTION MSS. FOR THE HISTORY OF. (Vol. ix., p. 515.) Your correspondent T. A. T. can find a full, but in one respect a most unsatisfactory reply to his inquiry, in the preface to a _History of the Religious Orders and Communities, and of the Hospital and Castle of Norwich_, by Mr. John Kirkpatrick, Treasurer of the Great Hospital, bearing the names of Edwards and Hughes, London, and Stevenson and Hatchett, Norwich, as publishers, and dated 1845. This volume was printed at the expense of Hudson Gurney, Esq., whose "well-known liberality and laudable desire to perpetuate the knowledge of the antiquities of his native city," the preface fitly records; but it was not, in the commercial sense of the word, _published_; and, therefore, the information it gives may not be generally accessible. The following is the list of the collections which were "safe in the custody of the corporation about thirty years ago (say between 1800 and 1810), when M. de Hague held the office of town-clerk." "1. A thick volume of the early history and jurisdiction of the city; date 1720. 2. A similar folio volume, being an account of the military state of the city, its walls, towns, ponds, pits, wells, pumps, &c.; date 1722. 3. A thick quarto. 4. Several large bundles, foolscap folio; Annals of Norwich. 5. A fasciculus, foolscap folio; origin of charities and wills relating thereto, in each parish. 6. Memorandum books of monuments. 7. Ditto of merchants' marks. 8. Ditto of plans of churches. 9. Paper containing drawings of the city gates, and a plan of Norwich. 10. Drawings of all the churches. 11. An immense number of small pieces of paper, containing notes of the tenures of each house in Norwich." No portion of these collections remains at present in the hands of the legatees, and the greater number of them is not so much as known to be in existence. The "thick quarto," marked "3" in the list, is that which Mr. Gurney's zeal has caused to be printed; and it is now the property of the representatives of the late Mr. William Herring of Hethersett, whose father purchased it many years ago of a bookseller. The paper marked "9" was "said to have been in the possession of the Friars' Society," which was discovered some twenty years ago. My father had tracings of the "Drawings of the City Gates;" but I am not sure that they are made from Kirkpatrick's original. The collection marked "10," my father saw "in the possession of Mr. William Matthews, Mr. De Hague's clerk." And "a portion of the papers included under the last number" was said to be existence in 1845; but Mr. Dawson Turner, who compiled the "Preface," was "not fully informed" respecting them, and I can throw no light upon the subject. It is very remarkable that the Norfolk and Norwich Archæological Association has done nothing for the recovery or _dis_covery of the remainder of this invaluable bequest; perhaps the inquiry of T. A. T. may incite them to attempt both, and in this hope I trouble you with this reply. B. B. WOODWARD. Bungay, Suffolk. In the year 1845, one of the MSS. of Mr. John Kirkpatrick was printed at Yarmouth, edited by Mr. Dawson Turner, at the expense of Mr. Hudson Gurney. This MS. is the _History of the Religious Orders and Communities, and of the Hospital and Castle of Norwich_, and filled a quarto of 258 folios in the handwriting of the author. In a very interesting preface, the editor states that no portion of Kirkpatrick's bequest remains at present in the hands of the corporation of Norwich, or is even known to be in existence, except the volume thus edited, and perhaps some fragments of the "small pieces of paper," described in the will as "containing notes of the tenure of each house in Norwich," which, if such do exist, are, it is to be feared, so scattered and injured as to be useless. The editor enumerates and describes eleven MSS. which, he says, were safe in the custody of the corporation about forty years ago from the present time: but, he adds, they have now disappeared, with the exception of the volume which he has edited. This MS. is the property of the representatives of the late Mr. William Herring, of Hethersett, whose father purchased it of a bookseller. F. C. H. {565} * * * * * EARLY GERMAN COLOURED ENGRAVINGS. (Vol. ix., p. 57.) H.'s prints are probably cut from a work on Alchemy, entitled "Lambspring, das ist ein herzlichen Teutscher Tractat vom philosophischen Steine, welchen für Jahren ein adelicher Teutscher Philosophus so Lampert Spring geheissen, mit schönen Figuren beschreiben hat. Frankfurt-am-Main, bey Lucca Jennis zu finden." 1625, 4to. pp. 36. The series of plates extends to fifteen, among which are those described by H. Some are remarkable for good drawing and spirited expression, and all are good for the time. The verses which belong to Plate 2. are printed on the back of Plate 1., and so on, which rendered transcription necessary on mounting them. Each represents, figuratively, one of the steps towards the philosopher's stone. Some have Latin explanations at the foot. Not understanding alchemy, I can appreciate them only as works of art. An account of one as a specimen may be of some interest, so I select the least unintelligible. Plate 6. A dragon eating his own tail. Above: "Das ist gross Wundr und seltsam list, Die höchst Artzney im Drachen ist." Below: "Mercurius recte et chymice præcipitatus, vel sublimatus, in sua propria aqua resolutus et rursum coagulatus." On the opposite page: "Ein Drach im Walde wohnend ist Am Gifft demselben nichts gebrisst; Wenn er die Sonn sieht und das Fewr, So speüsst er Gifft, fleugt ungehewr Kein lebend Thier für ihm mag gnesn Der Basilisc mag ihm nit gleich wesn, Wenn diesen Wurmb wol weiss zu tödtn Der Kömpt auss allen seinen nöthn, Sein Farbn in seinem Todt sich vermehrn Auss seiner Gifft Artzney thut werden Sein Gifft verzehrt er gar und gans, Und frisst sein eign vergifften Schwanz. Da muss er in sich selbst volbringen Der edlst Balsam, auss ihm thut tringen. Solch grosse Tugend wird mann schawen, Welches alle Weysn sich hoch erfrawen." The three persons in Plate 13. appear first in Plate 11. The superscription is-- "Vater, Sohn, Führer, haben sie beym Handen: Corpus, spiritus, anima, werden verstanden." In Plate 13. the father's mouth may well be "of a preternatural wideness" as he swallows the son; and in Plate 14. undergoes a sudorific in a curiously-furnished bedchamber. In Plate 15. the three are seated upon one throne. The stone is found. They also will find it who strictly follow Dr. Lambspring's directions, as given in a rhyming preface. Only one ingredient is left out of the prescription: "Denn es ist nur ein Ding allein, Drinn alls verborgn ist ins gemein. Daran solt ihr gar nicht verzagen, Zeit und Geduld müst ihr dran wagen." What is it? H. B. C. U. U. Club. * * * * * THE BELLMAN AT NEWGATE. (Vol. i., p. 152.; Vol. iii., pp. 324. 377. 451. 485.: and see _Continental Watchmen_, Vol. iv., pp. 206. 356.) Formerly it was, according to a very ancient custom, the practice on the night preceding the execution of condemned criminals, for the bellman of the parish of St. Sepulchre to go under Newgate, and, ringing his bell, to repeat the following verses, as a piece of friendly advice, to the unhappy wretches under sentence of death: "All you that in the condemn'd hold do lie, Prepare you, for to-morrow you shall die. Watch all and pray, the hour is drawing near, That you before the Almighty must appear. Examine well yourselves, in time repent, That you may not to eternal flames be sent. And when St. Sepulchre's bell to-morrow tolls, The Lord have mercy on your souls! Past twelve o'clock!" The following extract from Stowe's _Survey of London_, p. 125. of the quarto edition, printed 1618, will prove that the above verses ought to be repeated by a clergyman instead of a bellman: "Robert Doue, citizen and merchant taylor, of London, gave to the parish of St. Sepulchre's the sum of 50l. That after the several sessions of London, when the prisoners remain in the gaole, as condemned men to death, expecting execution on the morrow following; the clarke (that is the parson) of the church shoold come in the night time, and likewise early in the morning, to the window of the prison where they lye, and there ringing certain tolls with a hand-bell appointed for the purpose, he doth afterwards (in most Christian manner) put them in mind of their present condition, and ensuing execution, desiring them to be prepared therefore, as they ought to be. When they are in the cart, and brought before the wall of the church, there he standeth ready with the same bell. And after certain tolls rehearseth an appointed prayer, desiring all the people there present to pray for them. The beadle also of Merchant Taylors' Hall hath an honest stipend allowed to see that it is duely done." This note is an extract from the _Romance of the Forum_, vol. ii. p. 268. J. W. FARRER. {566} * * * * * HERBERT'S "CHURCH PORCH." (Vol. ix., p. 173.) I venture the following as the meaning of the curious stanza in George Herbert's _Church Porch_, referred to by your correspondent S. SINGLETON: "God made me one man; love makes me no more, Till labor come and make my weakness score." If you are single, give all you have to the service of God. But do not be anxious to make the gift larger by toil: for God only requires that which is suitable to the position in which He has placed you. He bestows a certain "estate" upon every man as He bestows life: let both be dedicated to Him. For if you give first yourself, and then what He has given you, this is sufficient; you need not try to be more rich, that you may be more charitable. But if you choose a life of labour to gain an "estate" beyond the original position assigned to you in the providence of God, then you must reckon yourself responsible for the "one man" which God "made" you, and for _the other_ which you make yourself besides. I conceive the stanza to be a recommendation of the contemplative life with poverty, in preference to the active life with riches. J. H. B. * * * * * ANCIENT USAGES OF THE CHURCH. (Vol. ix., pp. 127. 257.) As your well-known correspondent from Clyst St. George has addressed an inquiry to you on this subject, it may not be uninteresting to some of your readers to learn that the practice of kneeling at funerals still exists in this neighbourhood. On a cold December day have I seen men, women, and children bend the knee on the bare sod, during the Lord's and the other prayers used in the outdoor portion of our service, not rising till the valedictory grace concluded the service. Indeed, I have never known (at least the _majority_ of) those attending our funerals here, omit this old custom. That of dressing graves with flowers, at Easter and Whitsuntide, prevails here as in Wales: and the older folks still maintain the ancient practice of an obeisance as often as the Gloria occurs during the ordinary services. The last railful of communicants are also in the habit of remaining in their place at the altar rails till the service is concluded; but whether these observances are widely spread, or merely local, I have not had sufficient opportunity to judge. J. T. P. Dewchurch Vicarage. At the church of South Stoke, near Arundel, I have heard the clerk respond after the Gospel: "Thanks be to God for the Holy Gospel." At Southwick, near Brighton, the rector was wont (about four years since) to stand up at the "Glory" in the Litany. The Bishop of London believes bowing the head when the doxology, or ascription of praise, is pronounced, to be a novelty in our Church (Letter to the Knightsbridge Churchwarden, March 28, 1854). I remember an old woman regularly attending the services of Exeter Cathedral, who was wont always to curtsy at the "Glory." And in _The Guardian_ of April 25, W. G. T. alludes to a parish in Staffordshire where the custom prevails. And A. W. says: "In the western counties of England there are many parishes where the custom of bowing at the 'Gloria' has been universally observed by the poor from time immemorial. I could mention parishes in Worcestershire or Herefordshire where it has always prevailed." It should be observed, that the custom is not to bow at the "Glory" only, but whenever, in the course of the service, the names of the Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity are mentioned. See Isaiah, vi. 2, 3. I have heard sermons commenced in the name of the Holy Trinity, and ended with "the Glory," the preacher repeating the former part and the congregation the latter. I believe this is agreeable to very ancient use. Can any one say whether it has anywhere been retained in our own Church? J. W. HEWETT. The custom of Lincolnshire mentioned by MR. ELLACOMBE as observed by his two parishioners at Bitton had its origin doubtless in the first rubric to the Order for the Administration of the Lord's Supper in our Book of Common Prayer, which enjoins that-- "So many as intend to be partakers of the Holy Communion, shall signify their names to the Curate at least some time the day before." On this Bishop Wilson remarks: "It is with great reason that the Church has given this order; wherefore do not neglect it." "You will have the comfort of knowing, either that your Pastor hath nothing to say against you, or, if he has, you will have the benefit of his advice: and a good blessing will attend your obedience to the Church's orders." GEORGE E. FRERE. _Reverence to the Altar_ (Vol. vi., p. 182.).--Statute XI. Such obeisance was always made in the college to which I belonged, at Oxford, to the Provost by every scholar, and by the Bible clerks when they proceeded from their seats to the eagle lectern, to read the lessons of the day. I. R. R. _Separation of the Sexes in Church._--It was the custom a few years ago (and I have every reason {567} to believe it to be so at present), for the men to sit on one side of the aisle, and the women on the other, in the church of Grange, near Armagh, in the north of Ireland. No one remembered the introduction of the custom. ABHBA. _Standing while the Lord's Prayer is read_ (Vol. ix., pp. 127. 257.).--The congregation of the English Episcopal Chapel at Dundee stood during the reading of the Lord's Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and the Song of the Angels at the birth of Christ, when these occur in the order of morning lessons. This congregation joined that of the Scottish Episcopalians several years ago, and whether the practice is continued in the present congregation I cannot say. In St. Paul's Chapel, Edinburgh, York Place, the congregation stand at the reading of the Ten Commandments in the fifth chapter of Deuteronomy, and they chant "Glory be to thee, O God," on the giving out of the Gospel, and "Thanks be to thee, O God," &c., after the reading of it. In the Communion they sit during the reading of the Exhortation, "Dearly Beloved in the Lord;" and it is but very lately that they have stood when repeating "Glory be to God on high," &c., in the Post Communion. HENRY STEPHENS. In Durham Cathedral, on Sept. 5, 1850, at the Anniversary of the Sons of the Clergy, the congregation rose simultaneously on the occurrence of the Lord's Prayer in the lesson. I remember also that the same custom was observed at Trinity Church, Chelsea, during the incumbency of the Rev. Henry Blunt. Where the Bidding Prayer enjoined by the 55th Canon is used (that, by-the-way, being the only authorised pulpit prayer), it is usual I believe for the people to stand during the Lord's Prayer; the preacher then teaching us to pray as our Lord taught His disciples. The short doxology at the end of the Gospel, to which MR. ELLACOMBE refers at p. 257., is common in the north of England. E. H. A. This custom prevails generally in the Episcopalian churches in Scotland; and our congregations also stand up while the Commandments are read in course of the lessons. We have also the practice of singing, after the Gospel: "Thanks be to thee, O Lord, for this thy Holy Gospel!" BALIVUS. Edinburgh. This is the practice on the reading of this prayer in the second lesson at the parish church of Edgbaston, near Birmingham. It is probably a remanet of the ancient practice in the Church, not only to stand up during the reading of the Gospel, but throughout the whole service, as symbolic of the resurrection of Christ--the Lord's Day; which still exists in the Greek Church, and may be witnessed any Sunday in London, on visiting the recent edifice in London Wall. T. J. BUCKTON. Birmingham. The custom is observed in St. Thomas' Church. W. HAZEL. Portsmouth. At Exeter Cathedral the people _kneel_ whenever the Lord's Prayer is read in the lesson. J. W. HEWETT. _Tolling the Bell on leaving Church_ (Vol. ix., pp. 125. 311, 312.).--In this parish a bell is always rung on the conclusion of the morning service, to give notice that a sermon will be given at the evening service. This bell, which a very respectable old man, who was parish clerk here for fifty-four years, called the "sermon bell," is never tolled unless there is a second service. If at any time the morning service is not performed, the bell is tolled at twelve o'clock at noon to inform the parishioners that an evening service will take place. A bell is also rung at eight and nine o'clock on Sunday, or any other morning when morning prayer is said. The custom of ringing the church bell on Shrove Tuesday, as mentioned by NEWBURIENSIS (Vol. ix., p. 324.), is observed here too, and is generally called "the pancake bell." C. F. P. Normanton-upon-Soar, Notts. I am disposed to agree in opinion with E. W. I. as to this custom, not only as regards the priests, but the people also, for in most country parishes it is the signal for the baker--who usually cooks the Sunday's dinner of the humbler classes--to open his oven: and I have often heard old folks speak of it as "the pudding bell." G. TAYLOR. Reading. The object is to announce that another service is to follow, either in the afternoon or evening, as the case may be. Here the tolling is, not as the congregation are leaving the church, but at one o'clock. WM. HAZEL. Portsmouth. E. W. I., in his answer to this Query in Vol. ix., p. 312., refers to the custom of tolling the church bell at eight o'clock on Sunday morning, and again at nine. This custom is followed at the chapel of ease (at Maidenhead) to the parishes of Bray and Cookham. NEWBURIENSIS. "The pudding bell," as country folks sometimes call it (under the impression that its use is to warn those at home to get the dinner ready), is still rung in some of the old Lancashire parish churches as the congregation go out. But as in this county parish churches are scarce, and two full services quite a matter of course, W. S.'s {568} reason cannot apply here. I remember well the custom of the congregations _kneeling_ when the Lord's Prayer occurred in the lesson; it was left off in my own church about thirty years since, this custom, curtseying at the "Gloria," and some others, being considered _ignorant_, and therefore discountenanced by those who knew better. P. P. _Arch-priest in the Diocese of Exeter_ (Vol. ix., pp. 105. 185.).--A question has been asked: "Does a dignity or office, such as rector of Haccombe, exist in the Anglican Church?" I find something similar in the case of the vicar of Newry, who is entirely free from ecclesiastical control; he holds his appointment from the ex-officio rector (Lord Kilmony), who derives his title from the original patent granted by Edward VI. to his Irish Marshal Sir Nicholas Pagnall, who, on the dissolution of the "Monasterium Nevoracense," obtained possession of the land attached, and was farther granted: "That he shall have all and singular, and so many and the like courts leet, frank pledge, law days, rights, jurisdictions, liberties, privileges, &c. &c., in as large, ample, and beneficial a manner as any abbot, prior, convent, or other chief, head, or governor of the late dissolved monastery heretofore seized, held or enjoyed," &c. The seal of the ancient charter, on which is inscribed the legend, "Sigillum exemptæ jurisdictionis de virido ligno alias Newry et Mourne," is still used in the courts. A mitred abbot in his albe, sitting in his chair, supported by two yew-trees, is also engraved on it; to perpetuate (it is said) the tradition that these trees had been planted by St. Patrick in the vicinity of the convent. N. C. ATKINSON. 85. Waterloo Road, Dublin. _Holy-loaf Money_ (Vol. ix., pp. 150. 256.).--In Normandy and Brittany, and probably in other Roman Catholic countries, bread is blessed by the officiating priest during the performance of high mass, and handed round in baskets to the congregation by the inferior officers of the church. On inquiring into the meaning of this custom, I was told that it represented the _agapæ_ of the primitive church; and that, before the first revolution, every substantial householder in the parish was bound in turn to furnish the loaves, or a money equivalent. It is now, I believe, a voluntary gift of the more devout parishioners, or furnished out of the ordinary revenues of the church. HONORÉ DE MAREVILLE. Guernsey. * * * * * POPIANA. (Vol. ix., p. 445.) In MR. HARRY LEROY TEMPLE'S _Popiana_, allusion is made to Pope's _Imitation of Horace_, Second Satire, Book I., and the question is asked, In what modern editions of Pope is this Imitation to be found? It is in Warton's edition, and also in the Aldine edition published by Pickering. It appeared to me (as to Bowles, Roscoe, Mr. Cary, and others) too glaringly indecent for a popular edition of Pope. The poet never acknowledged it; he published it as "Imitated in the manner of Mr. Pope," but it is a genuine production. See note in my edition of Pope, vol. iv. p. 300. MR. TEMPLE says,-- "Roscoe and Croly give _four_ poems on _Gulliver's Travels_. Why does Mr. Carruthers leave out the third? His edition appears to contain (besides many additions) all that all previous editors have admitted, with the exception of the _third_ Gulliver poem, the sixteen additional verses to Mrs. Blount on leaving town, the verses to Dr. Bolton, and a fragment of eight lines (perhaps by Congreve); which last three are to be found in Warton's edition." The _third_ Gulliver poem was not published with the others by Pope in the _Miscellanies_. It should, however, have been inserted, as it is acknowledged by Pope in his correspondence with Swift. The omission must be set down as an editorial oversight, to be remedied in the next edition. The verses on Dr. Bolton are assuredly _not_ Pope's; they are printed in Aaron Hill's _Works_, 1753. See a copious note on this subject in "N. & Q.," Vol. vii., p. 113. The two other omissions noticed by MR. TEMPLE (with others unnoticed by him, as the parody on the First Psalm, &c.) were dictated by the same feeling that prompted the exclusion of the _Imitation of Horace_. In several of Pope's letters, preserved at Maple Durham, are grossly indecent and profane passages, which he omitted himself in his printed correspondence, and which are wholly unfit for publication. The same oblivion should be extended to his unacknowledged poetical sins. R. CARRUTHERS. Inverness. * * * * * CATHOLIC FLORAL DIRECTORIES (Vol. viii., p.585.): _Anthologia Borealis et Australis; Florilegium Sanctarum Aspirationum_. Since I last wrote, I have not succeeded in unravelling the mystery which envelops these two works; but I have gotten some clue to it, for which I am indebted to the extreme courtesy and kindness of two correspondents. One of these gentlemen informs me that the _Anthologia_ is quoted at p. 280. of Dr. Forster's work on the Atmosphere: London, 1823. My {569} second correspondent writes to say, "If you can procure the _Circle of the Seasons_, by Dr. Forster, published in 1830, you will there find very copious extracts from the books in question." Before we go any farther I would ask, _is_ Dr. Forster the author of this book? The copy I have met with in a public library is anonymous, and is thus entitled: _The Circle of the Seasons, and Perpetual Key to the Calendar and Almanac_: London, Thomas Hookham, 1828, pp. 432. 12mo. It is a valuable book, and forms a complete Catholic Floral Directory. Though the _Anthologia_ and the _Florilegium_ are lavishly quoted, no references are given save the bare names. It is easy to see why Mr. Weale, the "compiler" of the _Catholic Florist_, declined giving the information requested. The quotations in question are all _second-hand_ from the _Circle of the Seasons_. The very preface of the _Florist_ is not original; the most valuable part of it (commencing at p. 11.) I have discovered to be a verbatim reprint from _The Truthteller_, or, rather, from Hone's _Every-Day Book_, vol. i. pp. 103. 303., where some extracts are given from the contributions to this periodical from a correspondent with the signature _Crito_. These quotations in Hone first drew my attention to _The Truthteller_, and I advertised for it, but without success. It was edited, I believe, by Thomas Andrews. I have met with the second series of this periodical, published in London in 1825, and I should be glad to get the whole of it.[1] In Forster's _Perennial Calendar_, London, 1824, the _Anthologia_ is quoted at pp. 101. 108. 173. 211. 265. 295.: one of these passages is requoted in Hone, vol. i. p. 383. I may here remark that this work of Hone's is furnished with a _Floral Directory_. I feel rather piqued, both on my own account and for the honour of "N. & Q.," at being baffled by two English books, and I am somewhat surprised that thirty years should have elapsed without any inquiry having been made respecting the remarkable quotations adduced by Dr. Forster. The Queries I now propose are: Who was the compiler of the _Circle of the Seasons_? Are the _Anthologia_ and the _Florilegium_ quoted in any works previous to Forster's time? EIRIONNACH. P.S.--Can I get a copy of the _Catholic Friend_, which is referred to in the preface of the _Catholic Florist_ as a scarce and valuable work; and also a copy of the _Catholic Instructor_: London, 1844? March, 1854. [Footnote 1: [_The Truthteller_ was discontinued at the end of vol. i. The first number was published Sept. 25, 1824, and the last on Sept. 17, 1825. The publisher and editor, W. A. Andrews, closes his labours with the following remarks: "Having given _The Truthteller_ a year's trial, we feel ourselves called upon, as a matter of justice to our family, to discontinue it as a newspaper. The negligence of too many of our subscribers, in not discharging their engagements to us, and the indifference of others of the Catholic body, to support the vindicator of their civil and religious principles, leave us no alternative but that of dropping it as a newspaper, or carrying it on at a loss." Only two of Crito's papers on Botany were given in _The Truthteller_, viz. in No. 15., p. 115., and No. 16., p. 123. He probably continued them in _The Catholic Friend_, also published by W. A. Andrews. The following extract from a letter signed F., and dated Jan. 4, 1825, given in _The Truthteller_, vol. i. No. 16. p. 126., recommends the publication, among other works, of a "CATHOLIC CALENDAR. There should also be a Catholic Calendar, something like _The Perennial Calendar_, but more portable, and fuller of religious information, in which, under each saint, his or her particular virtues, intelligence, good works, or martyrdom, should be succinctly set forth, so as to form a sort of calendar of human triumphs, such as is recommended by Mr. Counsellor Basil Montagu in his Essays." In a note the writer adds, "This I believe will soon be undertaken." This letter seems to have been written by Dr. Forster.--ED.]] Thanks to MR. PINKERTON, I am enabled to turn my surmise into certainty, and have the pleasure of clearing up a literary _hoax_, which has, it seems, passed without challenge till my note of interrogation appeared in these pages. The _Anthologia_ and the _Florilegium_ are purely imaginary titles for certain pieces in prose and verse, the production of Dr. Forster, and have no existence save in the _Circle of the Seasons_. In the Autobiography of the eccentric Doctor--which is entitled _Recueil de ma Vie, mes Ouvrages et mes Pensées: Opuscule Philosophique_, par Thomas Ignace Marie Forster: Bruxelles, 1836--at p. 55. he enumerates the _Anthologia_ and _Florilegium_ among his "Pièces Fugitives," and ends the list in the following words: "Encore je me confesse d'avoir écrit toutes ces essais détachés dans le _Perennial Calendar_, auxquels j'ai attaché quelques signatures, ou plus proprement des lettres, comme A. B. S. R. etc." In the solitude of his garden at Hartwell he conceived the idea of making a Floral Directory, which he eventually carried out, and published under the title of the _Circle of the Seasons_. See p. 21. MR. PINKERTON has most kindly lent me a rare and privately-printed book of Forster's, entitled _Harmonia Musarum, containing Nugæ Cantabrigenses, Florilegium Sanctæ Aspirationis, and Anthologia Borealis et Australis_, chiefly from a College Album, edited by Alumnus Cantabrigensis (N.B. Not published): 1843, pp. 144, 8vo. The preface is signed T. F., and is dated "Bruges, Sept. 15, 1843." In it he says: "The harmony of the Muses has been divided into three parts--the first being the _Nugæ Cantab_. The {570} second contains the sacred subjects, hymns, &c., written chiefly by a relation, and formerly collected under the title of _Florilegium Sanctæ Aspirationis_. The third consists merely of a small collection of Latin verses selected by some student, with occasional notes from the rest, and called _Fragments from North and South_: they have, many at least, been printed before." It is impossible to give an idea of this extraordinary Olla; we have in it pieces of Porson, Gray, and Byron, &c., Cowper's _John Gilpin_, and Coleridge's _Devil's Walk_; at p. 19. we have "Spring Impromptu, found among some old papers," with the signature "N." attached, which turns out to be Gray on the "Pleasures of Vicissitude." I regret to say that this volume contains much that is coarse and offensive, which is the less excusable, and the more surprising, as coming from the author of the very beautiful and devotional pieces published in the _Circle of the Seasons_. The _Florilegium_ and the _Anthologia_ of the _Circle_ have little in common with their namesakes in the _Harmonia_, which latter contain poems by Southwell, Byron, Gray, Hogg, Porson, Jortin, &c., but none of Forster's prose pieces, which form so large a portion of the other _Florilegium_ and _Anthologia_. Dr. Forster's life would make a very entertaining biography, and I should be glad to know more about him, whether he be yet alive, what books he printed at Bruges, &c.[2] In concluding this matter, I beg to return my best thanks to MR. PINKERTON for the valuable information he so freely imparted to me, and the handsome manner in which he placed it at my disposal. [Footnote 2: Dr. Forster was born in London in 1789, of an ancient Catholic family; he was himself a Protestant until the year 1835, when it appears that he became a convert to the Church of Rome: at the same time he received the additional names of Ignatius Maria. It is most probable that he is yet alive and in Belgium, where he has resided for many years. The Editor of "N. & Q." has kindly sent me a list from the Catalogue of the British Museum, of some four and thirty works by Dr. Forster. There is, however, another book by Dr. Forster not contained in the Museum list, _Onthophilos, ou Les Derniers Entretiens d'un Philosophe Catholique_ (Brussels?), 1836.] * * * * * PHOTOGRAPHIC CORRESPONDENCE. _Mr. Lyte's New Instantaneous Process._--I beg to communicate to you a new process in photography, which is by far the most rapid I believe yet discovered, and combines at the same time great stability. It has been the result of a great many experiments on my part, and even now I am hardly prepared to say that it is brought to its fullest perfection; but it suffices to say that it is sufficiently rapid to give pictures of the waves of the sea in motion with perfect sharpness, and ships sailing at ten knots an hour, and puttling up and down at the same time, and all with a landscape lens. By it also, and by the same lens, we may take instantaneous portraits. The process is as follows:--After the plate, prepared with the collodion and sensitised with the nitrate bath, as I have described in one of your former Numbers, is taken from the bath, I pour over it a solution composed as follows: 1. Take-- Nitrate of silver 200 grains. Distilled water 6 ounces. Iodide of silver, as much as will dissolve. Mix and filter. 2. Take-- Grape sugar or honey 8 ounces. Water 6 ounces. Alcohol 1 ounce. Mix, dissolve, and filter. And when required for use, mix equal parts of these solutions, and pour them over the plate. The plate is to be allowed to drain; and then, when placed in the frame, is ready for the camera, and is easily impressed as a deep negative by a Ross's landscape lens instantaneously. To develop, I use always the same agents as I have before specified. One or two cautions are to be observed in this process. First, the grape-sugar or honey must be quite pure, and free from any _strong_ acid re-action; and, secondly, these substances are much improved by a long exposure to the air, by which the oxidation of them is commenced, and the result made much more certain and effective. However, I find that the addition of the least possible quantity of nitric acid has the same effect; but nothing is so good as long exposure of the sugar or honey, so as to become completely candied before mixing. The sugar may as conveniently of course be mixed in the collodion as in the bath, but in that case the keeping properties are lost, as the plate is not thus kept longer moist than usual. If, however, the former process be used and well conducted, the plate when sensitised may be kept for four hours at least without injury. The grape sugar should be made with oxalic, and the acid removed by lime as usual, and not with sulphuric acid, as is often done; as in the latter case sulpho-saccharic acid is formed, which much injures the result. I have been trying numerous experiments in this line, and I think I have almost hit upon another and quite new and instantaneous process; but as it is only in embryo, I will not give it to you till perfect. There are of course many other substances to be yet mixed in the bath or the collodion, _e. g._ all the alkaloids, or indeed any of the deoxidating agents known, and probably with good results. I am still continuing my experiments on this head, and if I make any farther improvements I will lose no time in communicating them to you. Some negatives taken by this means were exhibited on Friday evening at the Royal Institution, and were much admired. F. MAXWELL LYTE. [By MR. LYTE'S kindness, who has shown us a number of the pictures taken by this new process, we {571} are enabled to hear our testimony to its beautiful results. We are glad to learn also, that there is a probability that the admirers of photography may soon be enabled to purchase specimens of the productions of this accomplished amateur, who is about to return to the Pyrenees for the purpose of securing photographic views of the splendid scenery and various objects of interest which are to be found there.--ED. "N. & Q."] _Photographs, &c. of the Crystal Palace._--All who have visited the Photographic Institution, in New Bond Street, must have admired the large photographic views of the Crystal Palace, from collodion negatives taken by MR. DELAMOTTE, who, combining the taste of the artist with the skill of the photographer, has succeeded in producing some most effective views of this new Temple of Education. At Lord Rosse's soirée on Saturday last, the closing one unfortunately of those most agreeable reunions, Mr. Williams exhibited three daguerreotypes, taken that morning, of the ceremony of opening the Crystal Palace, which, although only about three inches by five, contained some hundreds of figures. The portraits of the Queen and the brilliant cortege which surrounded her at the moment were strikingly effective. _Soluble Cotton._--In answer to the observations of H. U. (Vol. ix., p. 548.), I should imagine that the nitrate of potash used was not thoroughly dried; and consequently, the amount of water used was in excess of that directed. The temperature should be from 120° to 130° Fahr. And thermometers of a proper construction (with the lower part of the scale to bend up from the bulb) can be obtained in abundance at from 1s. to 2s. 6d. at several of the makers in Hatton Garden or elsewhere. GEO. SHADBOLT. _Cameras._--At one of the earliest meetings of the Photographic Society, I suggested the use of papier maché as a material for the construction of cameras, as possessing _nearly_ all the requisite qualities; but there is one serious objection to its application to this purpose, its _brittleness_, as a smart blow is apt to snap it like a biscuit. I think, however, upon the whole, that if a peculiar kind of _Honduras_ mahogany, such as is used for coach panels, is adopted, the possessor would never desire a change. It should be as plain as a piece of deal, without the slightest beauty of grain, which is positive detriment to a camera, from the accompanying liability to warping. GEO. SHADBOLT. * * * * * Replies to Minor Queries. _Shakspeare Portrait_ (Vol. viii., p. 438.).--J. S. Smith, in his _Nollekins and his Times_ (vol. i. p. 26.), has a passage referring to the portrait mentioned by your correspondent: "Clarkson, the portrait painter, was originally a coach-panel and sign painter; and he executed that most elaborate one of Shakspeare, which formerly hung across the street at the north-east corner of Little Russell Street, in Drury Lane. The late Mr. Thomas Grignon informed me, that he had often heard his father say, that this sign cost _five hundred pounds!_ In my boyish days it was for many years exposed for sale for a very trifling sum, at a broker's shop in Lower Brook Street, Grosvenor Square. The late Mr. Crace, of Great Queen Street, assured me that it was in his early days a thing that country people would stand and gaze at, and that that corner of the street was hardly passable." Edwards, in his _Anecdotes of Painters_ (p. 117.), assigns the portrait to a different painter, Samuel Wale, R.A. His account, however, being more minute than Smith's, is worth transcribing: "Mr. Wale painted some signs; the principal one was a whole-length of Shakspeare, about five feet high, which was executed for, and displayed before the door of a public-house, the north-west corner of Little Russell Street, in Drury Lane. It was enclosed in a most sumptuous carved gilt frame, and suspended by rich iron work; but this splendid object of attraction did not hang long before it was taken down, in consequence of the act of parliament which passed for paving, and also for removing the signs and other obstructions in the streets of London. Such was the total change of fashion, and the consequent disuse of signs, that the above representation of our great dramatic poet was sold for a trifle to Mason the broker, in Lower Grosvenor Street; where it stood at his door for several years, until it was totally destroyed by the weather and other accidents." EDWARD F. RIMBAULT. "_Aches_" (Vol. ix., pp. 351. 409.).--_Aches_, as a dissyllable, may be heard any day in Shropshire: "My yead _eaches_" (my head aches) is no uncommon complaint in reply to an inquiry about health. WM. FRASER, B.C.L. "_Waestart_" (Vol. ix., p. 349.).--The querist, I humbly presume, is not a Yorkshireman himself; or, probably, he would have at once resolved _waestart_ into the ungrammatical but natural inquiry, "Where ist' 'art"--_ist'_ meaning _are you_, _thou_ being vulgarly used for you; the _h_ is elided in _hurt_, the _u_ in _'urt_ being pronounced as _a_, changing the vowel, as is very common among the illiterate. For instance, church is often called _ch_a_rch_ by those who live a little to the north-west; and person, where the _e_ is almost equivalent to the soft _u_ in sound, is made into _p_a_rson_! L. J. _Willow Bark in Ague_ (Vol. ix., p. 452.).--In the _Philosophical Transactions_ (1835?) is a memoir by the Rev. E. Stone, of Chipping Norton, of the salutary effects of the bark of the Duck Willow in agues and intermittent fevers. The author states, that being dried in an oven, and pounded, and administered in doses of one drachm every four hours in the intervals of the paroxysms, it soon reduces the distemper; and, except in very severe cases, removes it entirely. With the addition of one fifth part of Peruvian bark, it {572} becomes a specific against these disorders, and never fails to remove them. One advantage it possesses of influencing the patient beneficially immediately it is adopted, without the necessity of preparation previously. It is a safe medicine, and may be taken in water or tea. I copy the above from an entry in an old notebook. I imagine the Duck Willow to be the Common White Willow (_Salix albæ vulgaris_) of Ray. SHIRLEY HIBBERD. See Pereira's _Materia Medica_: SALIX. He refers to a paper by the Rev. Mr. Stone in the _Phil. Trans._ vol. liii. p. 195., on the efficacy of the bark of the _Salix alba_ as a remedy for agues. See also A. T. Thomson's _London Dispensatory_, in which is given an account of Mr. Stone's mode of administration. H. J. _Lord Fairfax_ (Vol. ix., p. 380.).--I apprehend that there is nothing in the reply of A FAIRFAX KINSMAN at all calculated to shake the opinion which I expressed touching the barony of Fairfax of Cameron. The case of the earldom of Newburgh, which your correspondent does not even mention, is, I submit, of greater weight than all the "Peerages," and even than the Roll of Scottish Peers. As to the Irish case--that of the Earl of Athlone--I can but repeat my Query. Whether right or wrong, it is not binding on the British House of Lords. The cases of the King of Hanover, the Duke of Wellington, and Earl Nelson, are not in point. His Hanoverian Majesty is not an alien; and though some British subjects may be recognised as peers by foreign states, it does not follow that a foreigner can be a peer of Britain. H. G. _The Young Pretender_ (Vol. ix., pp. 177. 231.)--The wife of the Young Pretender was Louisa Maximiliene, the daughter of Gustavus Adolphus, Prince of Scholberg, who was born in 1752, and married in 1772. As a widow, she lived in Paris as the Countess of Albany, but in her drawing-room called herself Queen of Great Britain. She was alive at the time of the death of the Princess Charlotte (Nov. 1817). See Fisher's _Companion and Key to History of England_, p. 333. O. S. _Dobney's Bowling-green; Wildman; Sampson_, (Vol. ix., p. 375.).--Dobney's, or, more correctly, _D'Aubigney's_ Bowling-green, ceased to be a place of public amusement about the year 1810. It is now occupied by a group of houses called _Dobney's Place_, near the bottom of Penton Street. The late Mr. Upcott had a drawing of Prospect House (as the building was called), taken about 1780. A hand-bill of the year 1772 (in a volume formerly belonging to Lysons) thus describes the nature of Wildman's performance: "_The Bees on Horseback._--Daniel Wildman rides, standing upright, one foot on the saddle, and the other on the horse's neck, with a curious mask of bees on his face. He also rides standing upright on the saddle, with the bridle in his mouth, and, by firing a pistol, makes one part of the bees march over a table, and the other part swarm in the air, and return to their proper places again." Sampson, Price, Johnson, and Coningham were celebrated equestrian performers towards the close of the last century. Astley was the pupil of Sampson, and his successor in agility. Bromley, in his _Catalogue of Engraved Portraits_, mentions a folio engraving of Sampson, without date or engraver's name. It is hardly likely that any life of him was published. EDWARD F. RIMBAULT. _Palæologus_ (Vol. ix., p. 312.).--Your readers will find, in Oldmixon's _West Indies_, a later notice of the strange descent and fortunes of this once illustrious family. From Cornwall they appear to have settled in Barbadoes, where it is very possible that with mutilated name the family may yet be found among the "poor whites" (many among them of ancient lineage) of that island. B. _Children by one Mother._--In Vol. ix., p. 186., I. R. R., in reply to a Query in Vol. v., p. 126.--"If there be any well-authenticated instance of a woman having had more than twenty-five children?"--sends an account of a case, which he "firmly believes" to be authenticated, of a farmer's wife who had thirty. I now send you a much better authenticated case of _polyprogenitiveness_, which utterly throws the farmer's wife into the shade. In Palazzo Frescobaldi, in this city, the ancient residence of the old Florentine family of that name, there is, among many other family portraits, one full-length picture of a tall and good-looking lady with this inscription beneath it: "Dianora Salviati, moglie di Bartolomeo Frescobaldi, fece cinquantadue figli, mai meno che tre per parto" (Dianora Salviati, wife of Bartolomeo Frescobaldi, gave birth to fifty-two sons, and never had less than three at a birth). The case is referred to by Gio. Schenchio, in his work _Del Parto_, at p. 144. The Essex lady, as well as I should suppose all other ladies whatsoever, must hide their diminished heads in presence of this noble dame of Florence. T. A. T. Florence. _Robert Brown the Separatist_ (Vol. ix., p. 494.).--MR. CORNER will probably find an answer to his question in the _History of Stamford_, by W. Harrod (1785), and in Blore's _History of the County of Rutland_, 1813, fol.; Bawden's _Survey_, 1809, 4to.; Wright's _History of Rutlandshire_, 1687 and 1714. The last descendant of Robert Brown died on Sept. 17, 1839, æt. sixty-nine, widow of George, third Earl of Pomfret; and as she had no issue, her house and estate at Toltrop {573} (_i. e._ Tolthorp), in Rutlandshire, about two miles from Stamford in Lincolnshire, probably passed to his heir and brother Thomas William, the fourth earl. At the time of her marriage, her servants (as was believed by orders from their mistress) _persevered_ in chiming the only _two_ bells of the parish church, to the hazard and annoyance of the vicar's wife, just confined of her first child in a room hardly a stone's throw from it. His pupils were so indignant, that they drove away the offenders and took the clappers out of the bells: and the son of a near neighbour, then a member of St. John's College, Cambridge (Thos. Foster, A.B., 1792), made it the subject of a mock-heroic poem of some merit, called the _Brunoniad_ (London, 1790, printed by Kearsley). So few copies were printed, that the queen and princesses could not procure one; and a lady employed at Court requested a young friend of hers, resident at Stamford, to make a transcript of it for their use. This your present note-writer can aver, as the transcriber was a sister of ANAT. _Hero of the "Spanish Lady's Love"_ (Vol. ix., p. 305.).--Concerning the origin of this interesting old ballad, the following communication appeared in _The Times_ of May 1, 1846. It is dated from Coldrey, Hants, and signed Charles Lee: "The hero of this beautiful ballad was my ancestor, Sir John Bolle of Thorpe Hall, Lincolnshire, of most ancient and loyal family, and father of that Colonel Bolle who fell in Alton Church, whilst fighting against the rebels in December, 1643. Of the truth of this I am prepared to give the curious in these matters the most abundant evidence, but the space which the subject would occupy would necessarily exclude it from your columns. "The writer of the paper in the _Edinburgh_ says:--'Had the necklace been still extant, the preference would have been due to Littlecot.' The necklace is still extant, in the possession of a member of my family, and in the house whence I write. In Illingworth's _Topographical Account of Scampton, with Anecdotes of the Family of Bolles_, it is stated: 'The portrait of Sir John, drawn in 1596, at the age of thirty-six years, having on the gold chain given him by the Spanish Lady, &c., is still in the possession of his descendant, Capt. Birch.' "That portrait is now in the possession of Capt. Birch's successor, Thomas Bosvile Bosvile, Esq., of Ravensfield Park, Yorkshire, my brother, and may be seen by any one. I will only add another extract from Illingworth's _Scampton_:--'On Sir John Bolle's departure from Cadiz, the Spanish Lady sent as presents to his wife, a profusion of jewels and other valuables, amongst which was her portrait drawn in green; plate, money, and other treasure. Some articles are still in possession of the family; though her picture was unfortunately, and by accident, disposed of about half a century since. This portrait being drawn in green, gave occasion to her being called, in the neighbourhood of Thorpe Hall, the Green Lady; where, to this day, there is a traditionary superstition among the vulgar, that Thorpe Hall was haunted by the Green Lady, who used nightly to take her seat in a particular tree near the mansion.' In Illingworth there is a long and full account of the Spanish Lady, and the ballad is given at length." EDWARD F. RIMBAULT. _Niagara_ (Vol. vii., pp. 50. 137.).--Let me add one other authority of comparatively recent date on Goldsmith's side of the _vexata quæstio_, about the pronunciation of this name: "And we'd take verses out to Demerara, To New South Wales, and up to Niagara." Proëme to _The Monks and the Giants_, by William and Robert Whistlecraft, _i. e._ John Hookham Frere. BALLIOLENSIS. _Hymn attributed to Handel_ (Vol. ix., p. 303.).--I do not understand whether MR. STORER'S Query refers to the _words_ or _music_ of this hymn. If to the former, it is most assuredly not Handel's. It is strange that the church does not possess one _genuine_ psalm or hymn tune of this mighty master, although he certainly composed several. The popular melody called _Hanover_, usually attributed to Handel, was printed in the _Supplement to the New Version of Psalms_ (a collection of tunes) in 1703. Handel did not arrive in England till 1710. It is improbable, from many circumstances, that he composed this grand melody. It was probably the work of Dr. Croft. D'Almaine, the eminent music-seller of Soho Square, published some years back-- "Three Hymns, the Words by the late Rev. Charles Wesley, A.M., of Christ Church College, Oxon; and set to music by George Frederick Handel, faithfully transcribed from his autography in the Library of the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, by Samuel Wesley, and now very respectfully presented to the Wesleyan Society at large." Among my musical autographs is one which, as it relates to the foregoing publication, I transcribe: "The late comedian Rich, who was the most celebrated harlequin of his time, was also the proprietor of Covent Garden Theatre, during the period that Handel conducted his oratorios at that house. He married a person who became a serious character, after having formerly been a very contrary one; and who requested Handel to set to music the _Three Hymns_ which I transcribed in the Fitzwilliam Library from the autography, and published them in consequence. S. WESLEY. Monday, March 30, 1829." The first lines of the hymns are as follows: 1. Sinners, obey the Gospel Word. 2. O Love divine, how sweet thou art! 3. Rejoice! the Lord is King. EDWARD F. RIMBAULT. {574} _Marquis of Granby_ (Vol. ix., pp. 127. 360.).--In a critique which appeared in the _Quarterly Review_ for January or April, 1838, on Dickens's earlier works, it is stated that Sumpter, a discharged soldier of the royal regiment of Horse Guards, opened a public-house at Hounslow, having as its sign "The Marquis of Granby," which was the first occasion of the marquis's name appearing on the sign-board of a public-house. This note appeared in reference to the public-house kept at Dorking by Mrs. Weller, the "second wentur" of Tony Weller, father of the immortal Samivel, of that ilk. John, Marquis of Granby, was colonel of the royal regiment of Horse Guards from May 13, 1758, to his decease, which occurred Oct. 19, 1770, and was justly considered the soldier's friend. (See Captain Packer's _History of the Royal Regiment of Horse Guards_, p. 95.) Mr. Dickens, in his description of the sign-board at Dorking, has arrayed the marquis in the uniform, not of the regiment, but of a general officer: he states,-- "On the opposite side of the road was a sign-board representing the head and shoulders of a gentleman with an apoplectic countenance, in a red coat, with deep blue facings, and a touch of the same over his three-cornered hat for a sky. Over that, again, were a pair of flags, and beneath the last button of his coat were a couple of cannon; and the whole formed an expressive and undoubted likeness of the Marquis of Granby of glorious memory." Witty, I admit, but that "touch of the same" (blue _facings_?) for a sky is ambiguous. _Brevis esse laboro, obscurus fio._ The uniform of the royal regiment of Horse Guards, from 1758 to 1770, consisted of a dark blue coatee, with red facings, red breeches, jacked boots, and three-cornered hats bound with gold lace. G. L. S. _Convocation and the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel_ (Vol. viii., p. 100.).--The Archdeacon of Stafford, in his last visitation charge, at Stafford, May 23, 1854, said of Convocation: "He was not aware that the two venerable societies, The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, and The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, owed their existence to it." Atterbury, writing to Bishop Trelawny, March 15, 1700-1, says: "We appointed another committee, for considering the methods of Propagating the Christian Religion in Foreign Parts, who sat the first time this afternoon in the Chapter House of St. Paul's"--Atterbury's _Correspondence_, vol. i. p. 88. Though the venerable Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts does not owe, strictly speaking, its _existence_ to Convocation, yet it certainly is indebted to it, both for the general outline of its operations, and also for its name. WM. FRASER, B.C.L. _Cassie_ (Vol. ix., p. 396.).--With regard to W. T. M. about _cassie_, he will find an approximation to that word as used for _causeway_, in the old editions of Ludlow's _Memoirs_, and others, where causeway is always spelt _causey_. A. (1) _"Three cats sat," &c._ (Vol. ix., p.173.).--I am delighted to say that a long course of laborious research among the antiquities of nurserydom have enabled me to supply JULIA R. BOCKETT (I dare not venture on any prefix to the name, for fear of doing grievous wrong in my ignorance of the lady's civil status) with the missing canto the poem her ancient friend is so desirous of completing. It will be seen to convey a charming lesson of amiable sociality--admirably adapted _d'ailleurs_ to the pages of a work which seeks to encourage "intercommunications." It runs thus: "Said one little cat, To the other little cat, If you don't speak, I must; I must. If you don't speak, I must." JULIA R. BOCKETT will doubtless feel with me, that though the antithesis requires that the "I" should be strongly emphasised in the first case, the sentiment expressed imperatively demands an intense force to be given to the "must" in the second repetition. T. A. T. Florence. P. S.--By-the-bye, talking of cats, there is a story current, that a certain archbishop, who sits neither at Canterbury nor York, having once, in unbending mood, demanded of one of his clergy if he could decline "cat," corrected the reverend catechumen, when, having arrived at the vocative case, he gave it, "Vocative, O cat!" and declared such declension to be wrong, and that the vocative of "cat" was "_puss_." Of course, it will be henceforth considered so in the diocese presided over by the prelate in question, as the gender of "carrosse" was changed throughout _la belle France_, by a blunder of the _grand monarque_. But surely the archbishop was as palpably wrong as the king was. At least, if he was not, we have only the alternative of considering Shakspeare to have blundered. For, have we not Stefano's address to poor Caliban: "Open your mouth; here is that which will give language to you, _cat_." And again, does not Lysander, somewhat ungallantly, thus apostrophise Hermia: "Hang off, thou _cat_, thou burr!" Moreover, will not the pages of our nursery literature furnish on the other hand abundance of {575} instances _passim_ of _puss_ used in every one of the oblique cases, as well as in the nominative? _Tailless Cats_ (Vol. ix., pp. 10. 111.).--It may be interesting to your correspondent SHIRLEY HIBBERD to know, that the Burmese breed of cats is, like that of the Isle of Man, tailless; or, if not exactly without tails, the tails they have are so short as to be called so merely by the extremest courtesy. This is the only respect, however, in which they differ from other cats. S. B. Lucknow. _Francklyn Household Book_ (Vol. ix., p. 422.).-- _Bay-salt to stop the barrels._--Before heading down a cask of salted meat, the vacant spaces are filled up with salt. _Giggs and scourge-sticks._--Whip-tops, and whips for spinning them. _Jumballs._--A kind of gingerbread. JOHN P. STILWELL. Dorking. _"Violet-crowned" Athens_ (Vol. ix., p. 496.).--I have always understood that the adoption of the _violet_ as the heraldic flower of old Athens involved, as heraldry so often does, a pun. As you well know, the Greek for violet is [Greek: Ion], and thence its adoption as the symbolical flower of the chief city in Europe of the _Ion_ian race. CANTAB. _Smith of Nevis and St. Kitt's_ (Vol. ix., p. 222.).--I find by some curious letters from an old lady, by birth a Miss Williams of Antigua, and widow of the son of the Lieut.-Governor of Nevis, now in the possession of a friend of mine connected with the West Indies, that the arms of that family were--Gules, on a chevron between three bezants or, three cross crosslets sable. And the crest, from a ducal coronet or, an Indian goat's head argent. This may facilitate the search of your correspondent for the affiliation of that family to the United Kingdom. B. _Hydropathy_ (Vol. ix., p. 395.).--"John Smith, C.M." (_i. e._ clock-maker), of the parish of St. Augustin, London, was the author of several pamphlets. He published in the year 1723 a treatise in recommendation of the medicinal use of water as "a universal remedy," as well by drinking as by applying it externally to the body. In the British Museum there is a French translation of it, which appeared in Paris, A.D. 1725. This is a proof of the notoriety which the treatise obtained. The tenth edition, dated "Edinburgh, 1740," contains additions communicated by Mr. Ralph Thoresby, F.R.S., and others. In the year 1695 he published a short treatise entitled _A designed End to the Socinian Controversy; or, a rational and plain Discourse to prove, that no other Person but the Father of Christ is God Most High_. This attracted the notice of the civil power, and by order of parliament it was burnt, and the author prosecuted. (See Wallace's _Anti-Trinitarian Biography_, vol. iii. p. 398., London, 1850.) N. W. S. _Leslie and Dr. Middleton_ (Vol. ix., p. 324.).-- "Middleton was one of the men who sought for twenty years some historical facts that might conform to Leslie's four conditions, and yet evade Leslie's logic."--_Blackwood's Magazine_, July, 1842, p. 5. J. O. B. _Lord Brougham and Horne Tooke_ (Vol. ix., p. 398.).--I have not Lord Brougham's book before me, but I have no doubt but that Q. has missed the meaning of his lordship. The reference would probably be to Horne Tooke's anticipation of the strange immoral reveries of Emerson and others, that _truth_ is entirely subjective; because the word bears etymological relation to "to trow," to think, or believe: and so _truth_ has no objective existence, but is merely what a man troweth. If that be an argument, Lord Brougham would say then the law of libel would be unjust, merely because "libel" means primarily a little book; he might have added that, according to Horne Tooke and Mr. Emerson, if a man had been killed by falling against a post at Charing Cross, a jury might deny the fact of the violent death, because "post" means a place for depositing letters, and he had not been near St. Martin's-le-grand. The remark of Lord Brougham is not as to a fact, but is a _reductio ad absurdum_. W. DENTON. It is suggested to Q. (Bloomsbury), that Lord Brougham meant not to say that Horne Tooke _had ever held_ or _maintained_ this strange doctrine, "that the law of libel was unjust and absurd, because libel means a little book," but that he _would_ have done so, or might have done so consistently with his etymological theory, namely, that the _present_ sense of words is to be sought in their primitive signification: _e.g._, in the _Diversions of Purley_, vol. ii. p. 403., Horne Tooke says,-- "_True_, as we now write it, or _trew_, as it was formerly written, means simply and merely that which is _trowed_; and, instead of its being a rare commodity upon earth, except only in words, there is nothing but truth in the world." If we ought _now_ to use the word truth only in this sense, then, _pari ratione_, we ought to mean only a little book when we use the word libel. J. O. B. Thorpe. _Irish Rhymes_ (Vol. viii., p. 250.).--A. B. C. asks, "Will any one say it was through ignorance {576} that he (Swift) did not sound the _g_ in dressing?" Now I cannot tell whether or not I shall raise a nest of hornets about my ears, but my private impression is that in doing so Swift meant to be "more _English_ and less nice." I think it invariably strikes an Irishman as one of the most remarkable peculiarities of the English people, the almost constant omission of that letter from every word ending (I should have said, if I was an Englishman, "endin'") with it. The fair sex, I fear I must add, are, of the two, rather more decided in clippin' (_g_) the Queen's English. Y. S. M. _Cabbages_ (Vol. ix., p. 424.).--I was aware of the passage in Evelyn's _Acetaria_, and am anxious to know whether there is any confirmation of that statement. Is there any other information extant as to the first introduction of cabbages into England? C. H. _Sir William "Usher," not "Upton"_ (Vol. viii., p. 328.), was appointed Clerk of the Council in Ireland, March 22, 1593. He was knighted by Sir George Carey, Law Deputy, on St. James' Day, 1603; and died in 16--, having married Isabella Loftus, eldest daughter of Adam Loftus, Archbishop of Dublin. Of what family was he? Y. S. M. "_Buckle_" (Vol. viii., pp. 127. 304. 526.).--An awkward person, working incautiously with a saw, will probably, to use a carpenter's phrase, _buckle_ it; that is, give it a bend or twist which will injure its working. Y. S. M. _Cornwall Family_ (Vol. ix., p. 304.).--John Cornwall, Esq., a director of the Bank of England, 1769, bore the arms and crest of the ancient family of that name of Burford, in Shropshire, of which he was a member. A full account of this distinguished family is now preparing under their sanction. E. D. _John of Gaunt_ (Vol. ix., p. 432.).--Perhaps the best method of explaining to Y. S. M. the unmistakeable nose of the descendants of John of Gaunt, will be to refer him to the complete series of portraits at Badminton, concluding with the late Duke of Beaufort. He will then comprehend what is difficult to describe in the physiognomy of "That mighty line, whose sires of old Sprang from Britain's royal blood; All its sons were wise and bold, All its daughters fair and good!" E. D. _"Wellesley" or "Wesley"_ (Vol. viii., pp. 173. 255.).--Your readers will find, in Lynch's _Feudal Dignities_, the name spelt _Wellesley_ in Ireland, so long ago as the year 1230, and continued so for several centuries at least subsequent to that date. The Public Records also bear evidence of the high position and great influence of the Wellesleys, not _Wesleys_, for a lengthened period in Irish history. Y. S. M. _Mantel-piece_ (Vol. ix., pp. 302. 385.).--In old farm-houses, where the broad, open fireplace and hearth still exist, a small curtain, or rather valance, is often suspended from below the mantle-shelf, the object apparently being the exclusion of draughts and smoke. May not the use of this sort of _mantel_ have caused the part of the fireplace from which it hangs to be called the mantel-piece? EDGAR MACCULLOCH. Guernsey. "MANTEL, _n. s._ (_mantel_, old French, or rather the German word _mantel_, 'Germanis _mantel_ non pallium modo significat, sed etiam id omne quod aliud circumdat: hinc murus arcis, atque structura quæ focum invertit, _mantel_ ipsis dicitur.' V. Ducange in v. Mantum). Work raised before a chimney to conceal it, whence the name, which originally signifies a cloak."--Todd's _Johnson_. Richardson gives the two following quotations from Wotton: From them (Italians) we may better learn, both how to raise fair _mantles_ within the rooms, and how to disguise gracefully the shafts of chimneys abroad (as they use) in sundry forms."--_Reliquiæ Wottonianæ_, p. 37. "The Italians apply it (plastick) to the _mantling_ of chimneys with great figures, a cheap piece of magnificence."--Id. p. 63. ZEUS. _"Perturbabantur," &c._ (Vol. ix., p. 452.).--When I first learned to scan verses, somewhere about thirty years ago, the lines produced by your correspondent P. were in every child's mouth, with this story attached to them. It was said that Oxford had received from Cambridge the first line of the distich, with a challenge to produce a corresponding line consisting of two words only. To this challenge Oxford replied by sending back the second line, pointing out, at the same time, the false quantity in the word "Constantin[)o]politani." J. SANSOM. The story connected with these lines current at Cambridge in my time was, that the University of Oxford challenged the sister university to match the first line; to which challenge the second line was promptly returned from Cambridge by way of reply. At Oxford, I believe, the story is reversed, as neither university is willing to own to the false quantity in "Constantin[)o]politani." J. EASTWOOD, M.A. The classic legend attached to these two lines (and there are only two in the legend) is that the Oxonians sent a challenge to the Cantabs to make {577} a binomial pentameter corresponding to "Perturbabantur Constantinopolitani." The Cantabs immediately returned the challenge by sending "Innumerabilibus sollicitudinibus." Perhaps it is worthy of remark, though not evident except to a Greek scholar, that the first line contains at least _one_ false quantity, for "Constantinopol[)i]tani" must have the antepenultima long, as being derived from [Greek: politês]. The lengthening of the fourth syllable may perhaps have been considered as a compensation, though rather a _præ-posterous_ one. CHARLES DE LA PRYME. I remember to have heard that the history of these two lines is as follows:--The head of one of our public schools having a talent for composing extraordinary verses, sent the first line, "Perturbabantur Constantinopolitani," to a friend of his, who was at the time the captain of another public school, asking him at the same time whether he could compose anything like it. The answer returned was the second line, "Innumerabilibus sollicitudinibus,"--a line, in my opinion, much superior to the former, as well for other reasons as that it is free from any false quantity; while, as any Greek scholar will at once find out, the antepenultimate syllable of "Constantinopolitani" must be long, being derived from the Greek word [Greek: politês]. I never heard of any more lines of the same description. P. A. H. I have always understood that once upon a time the Eton boys, or those of some other public school, sent the hexameter verse, "Perturbabantur Constantinopolitani," to the Winchester boys, challenging them to produce a pentameter verse consisting of only two words, and making sense. The Winchester boys added, "Innumerabilibus sollicitudinibus." WICCAMICUS. _Edition of "Othello"_ (Vol. ix., p. 375.).--The work inquired for, with the astrological (the editor would have called them hieroglyphic) notes, forms part of the third volume of the lunatic production of Mr. Robert Deverell, which I described in "N. & Q.," Vol. ii., p. 61., entitled _Discoveries in Hieroglyphics and other Antiquities_, 6 vols. 8vo., Lond. 1813. J. F. M. In case it would be of any use to M. A., Mr. Cole, the late lessee of the Theatre Royal, Dublin, is now reader of plays (I think) to Mr. Kean at the Princesses Theatre; at all events he is connected with that establishment. L. M. N. Dublin. _Perspective_ (Vol. ix., pp. 300. 378.).--I shall be glad of a reference to any work on Perspective which treats satisfactorily of that part of the subject on which I made my Note. I think if MR. FERREY will draw a lofty building on either side of a landscape, he will not be satisfied with its appearance, if he makes that side of it which is in the plane of the picture perfectly rectangular. I often meet with instances in which it is so drawn, and they produce the effect on me of a note out of time. MR. STILWELL's observation is only partially correct. There is one position of the eye, at a fixed distance from the picture, at which all the lines subtend equal angles at the eye with the corresponding lines of the original landscape. But a picture is not to be looked at from one point, and that at, probably, an inconvenient proximity to the eye. I have before me a print (in the _Ill. Lond. News_) of the interior of St. Paul's, of which the dome gives about as good an idea of proportion to the building, as the north part of Mercator's projection of the World. The whole building is depressed and top-heavy, simply because the perspective of lines in the plane of the picture is rectangular throughout. I have another interior (of Winchester Cathedral, by Owen Carter), which, being drawn on the same plan, gives the idea of a _squat tunnel_, unless looked at from one point of view, about eight inches from the picture. I feel that drawing these interiors so as not to offend the eye by either the excess or deficiency of perspective, is a great difficulty. But I think something may be done in the way of "humouring" the perspective, and approximating in our drawing to that which we know we see. The camera has thrown light upon the subject. We ought not to despise altogether the hints it gives us by its perhaps exaggerated perspective, in the case of parallel lines in the plane of the picture. I hope I may at least be able to draw out some more remarks upon a subject which I cannot help thinking, with Mr. INGLEBY, is in an unsatisfactory and defective state. G. T. HOARE. Tandridge. "_Go to Bath_" (Vol. ix., p. 421.).--I have little doubt but that this phrase is connected with the fact of Bath's being proverbially the resort of beggars; and what more natural, to one acquainted with this fact, than to bid an importunate applicant betake himself thither to join his fellows? See also Fuller's _Worthies_ (co. Somerset). I transcribe the passage for the benefit of those who have not the book at hand: "_Beggars of Bath._--Many in that place; some natives there, others repairing thither from all parts of the land; the poor for alms, the pained for ease. Whither should fowl flock in a hard frost, but to the barn-door? Here, all the two seasons, being the general confluence of gentry. Indeed laws are daily made to restrain beggars, and daily broken by the connivance of those who make them; it being impossible when the hungry belly barks, and bowels sound, to keep the tongue silent. And although oil of whip {578} be the proper plaister for the cramp of laziness, yet some pity is due to impotent persons. In a word, seeing there is the Lazar's-bath in this city, I doubt not but many a good Lazarus, the true object of charity, may beg therein." J. EASTWOOD, M.A. R. R. inquires the origin of the above saying, but has forgotten the context, viz. "and get your head shaved." I have often heard it explained as an allusion to the fact, that, in former days, persons who showed symptoms of insanity were sent to Bath to drink the medicinal waters; the process of shaving the head being previously resorted to. The saying is applied to those who either relate "crack-brained" stories, or propose undertakings that raise a doubt as to their sanity. N. L. T. _Ridings and Chaffings_ (Vol. ix., p. 370.).--Though unable to give MR. THOMAS RUSSELL POTTER any information respecting the "Ridings and Chaffings" of Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire, I send the following note of a somewhat similar custom prevalent in Oxfordshire (I never heard of it elsewhere), thinking it may perhaps interest him and others of your correspondents. I remember once, about three years ago, I was walking in Blenheim Park, with a friend then resident at Woodstock, when suddenly the stillness of a summer evening was broken by strange and inharmonious sounds, coming to us across the water from the old town. The sounds grew louder and louder, and in great surprise I appealed to my friend for an explanation; when I learned that it was a custom in that part of the country, whenever it was discovered that a man had been beating his wife, for the neighbours to provide themselves with all sorts of instruments, fire-irons, kettles, and pots, in fine, anything capable of making a noise, and proceed _en masse_ to the house of the offender, before whose door they performed in concert, till their indignation subsided or their arms grew weary; and that the noise we then heard was the distant sound of such music. I do not know if my friend gave any name to this practice; if he did, I have since forgotten it. Doubtless, some of your Oxford readers can assist me. R. V. T. Mincing Lane. At Marchington, in Staffordshire, the custom exists of having what is called a "Rantipole Riding" for every man who beats his wife. The ceremony is performed with great care and solemnity. A committee is formed to examine into the case. Then the village poet is employed to give a history of the occurrence in verse. The procession goes round in the evening with a cart, which serves as a stage on which the scene is acted and from which the verses are recited. The custom has been there observed, with so much judgment and discretion, that it has been productive of much good, and has now almost entirely put a stop to this disgraceful practice. I can remember several "ridings" in my younger days. H. B. MR. POTTER will find, upon referring to Vol. i., p. 245., that this custom prevails in Gloucestershire, with the substitution of _straw_ for _chaff_. I have seen the Gloucestershire version both in Kent and Sussex, and have received an explanation of it similar to MR. POTTER'S own supposition. G. WILLIAM SKYRING. Somerset House. _Faithful Commin_ (Vol. ix., p. 155.).--Your correspondent W. H. GUNNER will find a detailed account of Faithful Commin in _Foxes and Firebrands_, a tract of which mention has been made in various Numbers of "N. & Q." It is there said to be extracted from the Memorials of Cecil Lord Burleigh, from whose papers it was transmitted to Archbishop Ussher. "The papers of the Lord Primate coming to the hands of Sir James Ware, his son, Robert Ware, Esq., has obliged the public by the communication of them." [Greek: Halieus.] Dublin. _Heraldic Anomaly_ (Vol. ix., p. 430.).--TEE BEE'S description of the arms on St. John's Gate is somewhat defective. They are engraved, and more completely described, in Cromwell's _History of Clerkenwell_ [1828], p. 128. W. P. STORER. Olney, Bucks. _Odd Fellows_ (Vol. ix., p. 327.).--C. F. A. W. will find some of the Odd Fellows' secrets disclosed in a small volume entitled _A Ritual and Illustrations of Free Masonry, &c._, by a Traveller in the United States (third thousand): published by James Gilbert, 49. Paternoster Row, 1844. The Odd Fellows date from Adam, who was the odd and solitary representative of the human race before the creation of Eve. KENNEDY MCNAB. "_Branks_" (Vol. ix., p. 336.).--The word _branks_ does occur in Burns, and signifies "wooden curb," but it is not in that sense it is used by Wodrow. The _branks_ of the Covenanters was an iron collar and chain firmly fixed to a tree, or post, or pillar, about three feet from the ground. This was locked round the neck of the luckless offender, who was thus obliged to remain in a most inconvenient and painful crouching posture, being neither able to stand nor lie. Many of these are still to be seen in the neighbourhood of the residences of old Highland families who, ere Lord Hardwicke's Jurisdiction Act, exercised the powers of pit and gallows. There is one at the entrance to Culloden House, near Inverness. KENNEDY MCNAB. {579} * * * * * Miscellaneous. BOOKS AND ODD VOLUMES WANTED TO PURCHASE. Particulars of Price, &c. of the following Books to be sent direct to the gentlemen by whom they are required, and whose names and addresses are given for that purpose: THE TRIALS OF ROBERT POWELL, EDWARD BURCH, AND MATTHEW MARTIN, FOR FORGERY, AT THE OLD BAILEY. London. 8vo. 1771. Wanted by _J. N. Chadwick, Esq._, King's Lynn. AYRE'S LIFE OF POPE. 2 Vols. 1741. POPE AND SWIFT'S MISCELLANIES. 1727. 2 Vols. (Motte), with two Vols. subsequently published, together 4 Vols. FAMILIAR LETTERS TO H. CROMWELL BY MR. POPE. Curl, 1727. POPE'S LITERARY CORRESPONDENCE. Curl, 1735-6. 6 Vols. POPE'S WORKS. 4to. 1717. POPE'S CORRESPONDENCE WITH WYCHERLEY. Gilliver, 1729. NARRATIVE OF DR. ROBERT NORRIS CONCERNING FRENZY OF J. D. Lintot, 1713. THE NEW REHEARSAL, OR BAYES THE YOUNGER. Roberts, 1714. COMPLETE ART OF ENGLISH POETRY. 2 Vols. GAY'S MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 4 Vols. 12mo. 1773. RICHARDSONIANA, OR REFLECTIONS ON MORAL NATURE OF MAN. 1776. A COLLECTION OF VERSES, ESSAYS, &c., occasioned by Pope and Swift's Miscellanies. 1728. Wanted by _Mr. Francis_, 14. Wellington Street North, Strand. A TRUE ACCOUNT OF THE VOYAGE OF THE NOTTINGHAM-GALLEY OF LONDON, &c., by Captain John Dean. 8vo. London, 1711. A Falsification of the above, by Longman, Miller, and White. London, 1711. 8vo. A LETTER FROM MOSCOW TO THE MARQUIS OF CARMARTHEN, relating to the Czar of Muscovy's Forwardness in his great Navy since his return home, by J. Deane. London, 1699. Fol. HOURS OF IDLENESS, LORD BYRON. 8vo. Newark, 1807. BACON'S ESSAYS IN LATIN. Wanted by _S. F. Creswell_, King's College, London. THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND MAGAZINE. Vol. XXI. 1846. In good order, and in the cloth case. Wanted by the _Rev. B. H. Blacker_, 11. Pembroke Road, Dublin. FATHER BRIDOUL'S SCHOOL OF THE EUCHARIST. Trans. by Claget. London, 1687. FREITAGHII MYTHOLOGIA ETHICA, with 138 Plates. Antv. 1579. 4to. Wanted by _J. G._, care of Messrs. Ponsonby, Booksellers, Grafton Street, Dublin. * * * * * Notices to Correspondents. _Owing to the number of Replies to Minor Queries waiting for insertion, we have this week omitted our_ NOTES ON BOOKS, _&c._ SALOP _will find an interesting article on_ Bostal _or_ Borstal Road, _a winding way up a hill, in Cooper's_ Sussex Glossary, _s. v._ A SUBSCRIBER. _The passage "Music hath charms," &c. is from Congreve's_ Mourning Bride, _Act I. Sc. I._ J. L. (Edinburgh) _will find the line_ "Dan Chaucer (well of English undefiled)" _in Spenser's_ Faerie Queene, _b. iv. canto ii. stanza 32_. B. B. _is referred to Chapter IV. of Ferriar's_ Illustrations of Sterne, _2 vols., 1812, for some notice of Sterne's obligations to Burton's_ Anatomy of Melancholy. H. C. C. (Devizes). _The failure in the picture sent has the appearance of having been caused by air-bubbles in the solution when exciting the albumenized paper._ _We hope next week to present our photographic readers with a very simple mode of preparing paper for the Talbotype process. In the mean time we can assure them of the beautiful results we have seen produced by Mr. Lyte's process in the present Number. Let those who try it remember, however, that by how much more rapid is the action, by so much more care is required in the operation, and so much greater is the risk of failure._ "NOTES AND QUERIES" _is published at noon on Friday, so that the Country Booksellers may receive Copies in that night's parcels, and deliver them to their Subscribers on the Saturday_. "NOTES AND QUERIES" _is also issued in_ Monthly Parts, _for the convenience of those who may either have a difficulty in procuring the unstamped weekly Numbers, or prefer receiving it monthly. While parties resident in the country or abroad, who may be desirous of receiving the weekly Numbers, may have_ stamped _copies forwarded direct from the Publisher. The subscription for the stamped edition of_ "NOTES AND QUERIES" _is eleven shillings and fourpence for six months, which may be paid by Post-Office Order, drawn in favour of the Publisher_, MR. GEORGE BELL, No. 186. Fleet Street. * * * * * XYLO-IODIDE OF SILVER, exclusively used at all the Photographic Establishments.--The superiority of this preparation is now universally acknowledged. Testimonials from the best Photographers and principal scientific men of the day, warrant the assertion, that hitherto no preparation has been discovered which produces uniformly such perfect pictures, combined with the greatest rapidity of action. In all cases where a quantity is required, the two solutions may be had at Wholesale price in separate Bottles, in which state it may be kept for years, and Exported to any Climate. Full instructions for use. CAUTION.--Each Bottle is Stamped with a Red Label bearing my name, RICHARD W. THOMAS, Chemist, 10. Pall Mall, to counterfeit which is felony. CYANOGEN SOAP: for removing all kinds of Photographic Stains. The Genuine is made only by the Inventor, and is secured with a Red Label bearing this Signature and Address, RICHARD W. THOMAS. CHEMIST. 10. PALL MALL. Manufacturer of Pure Photographic Chemicals: and may be procured of all respectable Chemists, in Pots at 1s., 2s., and 3s. 6d. each, through MESSRS. EDWARDS, 67. St. Paul's Churchyard; and MESSRS. BARCLAY & CO., 95. Farringdon Street, Wholesale Agents. * * * * * TO PHOTOGRAPHERS, DAGUERREOTYPISTS, &c.--Instantaneous Collodion (or Collodio-Iodide Silver). Solution for Iodizing Collodion. Pyrogallic, Gallic, and Glacial Acetic Acids, and every Pure Chemical required in the Practice of Photography, prepared by WILLIAM BOLTON, Operative and Photographic Chemist, 146. Holborn Bars. Wholesale Dealer in every kind of Photographic Papers, Lenses, Cameras, and Apparatus, and Importer of French and German Lenses, &c. Catalogues by Post on receipt of Two Postage Stamps. Sets of Apparatus from Three Guineas. * * * * * PHOTOGRAPHIC CAMERAS. OTTEWILL AND MORGAN'S Manufactory, 24. & 25. Charlotte Terrace, Caledonian Road, Islington. OTTEWILL'S Registered Double Body Folding Camera, adapted for Landscapes or Portraits, may be had of A. ROSS. Featherstone Buildings, Holborn; the Photographic Institution, Bond Street; and at the Manufactory as above, where every description of Cameras, Slides, and Tripods may be had. The Trade supplied. * * * * * WHOLESALE PHOTOGRAPHIC AND OPTICAL WAREHOUSE. J. SOLOMON, 22. Red Lion Square, London. Depôt for the Pocket Water Filter. * * * * * CAMERA to be Sold, Second-hand, well made, English make, sliding principle, with front, universal adjustment, focussing-glass, and double paper-holder. Pictures 10 by 8. Price 3l. Also French Stand, 15s. Apply to P. LE NEVE FOSTER, Society of Arts, Adelphi, London. * * * * * PHOTOGRAPHY.--HORNE & CO.'S Iodized Collodion, for obtaining Instantaneous Views, and Portraits in from three to thirty seconds, according to light. Portraits obtained by the above, for delicacy of detail rival the choicest Daguerreotypes, specimens of which may be seen at their Establishment. Also every description of Apparatus, Chemicals, &c. &c. used in this beautiful Art.--123. and 121. Newgate Street. * * * * * COCOA-NUT FIBRE MATTING and MATS, of the best quality.--The Jury of Class 28, Great Exhibition, awarded the Prize Medal to T. TRELOAR, Cocoa-Nut Fibre Manufacturer, 42. Ludgate Hill, London. * * * * * {580} WESTERN LIFE ASSURANCE AND ANNUITY SOCIETY. 3. PARLIAMENT STREET, LONDON. Founded A.D. 1842. _Directors._ H. E. Bicknell, Esq. | T. Grissell, Esq. T. S. Cocks, Jun. Esq., M.P. | J. Hunt, Esq. G. H. Drew, Esq. | J. A. Lethbridge, Esq. W. Evans, Esq. | E. Lucas, Esq. W. Freeman, Esq. | J. Lys Seager, Esq. F. Fuller, Esq. | J. B. White, Esq. J. H. Goodhart, Esq. | J. Carter Wood, Esq. _Trustees._--W. Whateley, Esq., Q.C.; George Drew, Esq., T. Grissell, Esq. _Physician._--William Rich. Basham, M.D. _Bankers._--Messrs. Cocks, Biddulph, and Co., Charing Cross. VALUABLE PRIVILEGE. POLICIES effected in this Office do not become void through temporary difficulty in paying a Premium, as permission is given upon application to suspend the payment at interest, according to the conditions detailed in the Prospectus. Specimens of Rates of Premium for Assuring 100l., with a Share in three-fourths of the Profits:-- Age £ s. d. | Age £ s. d. 17 1 14 4 | 32 2 10 8 22 1 18 8 | 37 2 18 6 27 2 4 5 | 42 3 8 2 ARTHUR SCRATCHLEY, M.A., F.R.A.S., Actuary. Now ready, price 10s. 6d., Second Edition, with material additions, INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT and EMIGRATION: being a TREATISE ON BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETIES, and on the General Principles of Land Investment, exemplified in the Cases of Freehold Land Societies, Building Companies, &c. With a Mathematical Appendix on Compound Interest and Life Assurance. By ARTHUR SCRATCHLEY, M.A., Actuary to the Western Life Assurance Society, 3. Parliament Street, London. * * * * * ALLSOPP'S PALE or BITTER ALE.--MESSRS. S. ALLSOPP & SONS beg to inform the TRADE that they are now registering Orders for the March Brewings of their PALE ALE in Casks of 18 Gallons and upwards, at the BREWERY, Burton-on-Trent; and at the under-mentioned Branch Establishments: LONDON, at 61. King William Street, City. LIVERPOOL, at Cook Street. MANCHESTER, at Ducie Place. DUDLEY, at the Burnt Tree. GLASGOW, at 115. St. Vincent Street. DUBLIN, at 1. Crampton Quay. BIRMINGHAM, at Market Hall. SOUTH WALES, at 13. King Street, Bristol. MESSRS. ALLSOPP & SONS take the opportunity of announcing to PRIVATE FAMILIES that their ALES, so strongly recommended by the Medical Profession, may be procured in DRAUGHT and BOTTLES GENUINE from all the most RESPECTABLE LICENSED VICTUALLERS, on "ALLSOPP'S PALE ALE" being specially asked for. When in bottle, the genuineness of the label can be ascertained by its having "ALLSOPP & SONS" written across it. * * * * * CHUBB'S FIRE-PROOF SAFES AND LOCKS.--These safes are the most secure from force, fraud, and fire. Chubb's locks, with all the recent improvements, cash and deed boxes of all sizes. Complete lists, with prices, will be sent on application. CHUBB & SON, 57. St. Paul's Churchyard, London; 28. Lord Street, Liverpool; 16. Market Street, Manchester; and Horseley Fields, Wolverhampton. * * * * * IMPERIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. 1. OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON. Instituted 1820. ---- SAMUEL HIBBERT, ESQ., _Chairman_. WILLIAM R. ROBINSON, ESQ., _Deputy-Chairman_. ---- The SCALE OF PREMIUMS adopted by this Office will be found of a very moderate character, but at the same time quite adequate to the risk incurred. FOUR-FIFTHS, or 80 per cent. of the Profits, are assigned to Policies _every fifth year_, and may be applied to increase the sum insured, to an immediate payment in cash, or to the reduction and ultimate extinction of future Premiums. ONE-THIRD of the Premium on Insurances of 500l. and upwards, for the whole term of life, may remain as a debt upon the Policy, to be paid off at convenience; or the Directors will lend sums of 50l. and upwards, on the security of Policies effected with this Company for the whole term of life, when they have acquired an adequate value. SECURITY.--Those who effect Insurances with this Company are protected by its Subscribed Capital of 750,000l., of which nearly 140,000l. is invested, from the risk incurred by Members of Mutual Societies. The satisfactory financial condition of the Company, exclusive of the Subscribed and Invested Capital, will be seen by the following Statement: On the 31st October, 1853, the sums Assured, including Bonus added, amounted to £2,500,000 The Premium Fund to more than 800,000 And the Annual Income from the same source, to 109,000 Insurances, without participation in Profits, may be effected at reduced rates. SAMUEL INGALL, Actuary. * * * * * THE ORIGINAL QUADRILLES, composed for the PIANO FORTE by MRS. AMBROSE MERTON. London: Published for the Proprietors, and may be had of C. LONSDALE, 26. Old Bond Street; and by Order of all Music Sellers. PRICE THREE SHILLINGS. * * * * * PIANOFORTES, 25 Guineas each.--D'ALMAINE & CO., 20. Soho Square (established A.D. 1785), sole manufacturers of the ROYAL PIANOFORTES, at 25 Guineas each. Every instrument warranted. The peculiar advantages of these pianofortes are best described in the following professional testimonial, signed by the majority of the leading musicians of the age:--"We, the undersigned members of the musical profession, having carefully examined the Royal Pianofortes manufactured by MESSRS. D'ALMAINE & CO., have great pleasure in bearing testimony to their merits and capabilities. It appears to us impossible to produce instruments of the same size possessing a richer and finer tone, more elastic touch, or more equal temperament, while the elegance of their construction renders them a handsome ornament for the library, boudoir, or drawing-room. (Signed) J. L. Abel, F. Benedict, H. R. Bishop, J. Blewitt, J. Brizzi, T. P. Chipp, P. Delavanti, C. H. Dolby, E. F. Fitzwilliam, W. Forde, Stephen Glover, Henri Herz, E. Harrison, H. F. Hassé, J. L. Hatton, Catherine Hayes, W. H. Holmes, W. Kuhe, G. F. Kiallmark, E. Land, G. Lanza, Alexander Lee, A. Leffler, E. J. Loder, W. H. Montgomery, S. Nelson, G. A. Osborne, John Parry, H. Panofka, Henry Phillips, F. Praegar, E. F. Rimbault, Frank Romer, G. H. Rodwell, E. Rockel, Sims Reeves, J. Templeton, F. Weber, H. Westrop, T. H. Wright," &c. D'ALMAINE & CO., 20. Soho Square. Lists and Designs Gratis. * * * * * Patronised by the Royal Family. TWO THOUSAND POUNDS for any person producing Articles superior to the following: THE HAIR RESTORED AND GREYNESS PREVENTED. BEETHAM'S CAPILLARY FLUID is acknowledged to be the most effectual article for Restoring the Hair in Baldness, strengthening when weak and fine, effectually preventing falling or turning grey, and for restoring its natural colour without the use of dye. The rich glossy appearance it imparts is the admiration of every person. Thousands have experienced its astonishing efficacy. Bottles 2s. 6d.; double size, 4s. 6d.; 7s. 6d. equal to 4 small; 11s. to 6 small; 21s. to 13 small. The most perfect beautifier ever invented. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR REMOVED. BEETHAM'S VEGETABLE EXTRACT does not cause pain or injury to the skin. Its effect is unerring, and it is now patronised by royalty and hundreds of the first families. Bottles, 5s. BEETHAM'S PLASTER is the only effectual remover of Corns and Bunions. It also reduces enlarged Great Toe Joints in an astonishing manner. If space allowed, the testimony of upwards of twelve thousand individuals, during the last five years, might be inserted. Packets, 1s.; Boxes, 2s. 6d. Sent Free by BEETHAM, Chemist, Cheltenham, for 14 or 36 Post Stamps. Sold by PRING, 30. Westmorland Street; JACKSON, 9. Westland Row; BEWLEY & EVANS, Dublin; GOULDING, 108. Patrick Street, Cork; BARRY, 9. Main Street, Kinsale; GRATTAN, Belfast; MURDOCK, BROTHERS, Glasgow; DUNCAN & FLOCKHART, Edinburgh. SANGER, 150. Oxford Street; PROUT, 229. Strand; KEATING, St. Paul's Churchyard; SAVORY & MOORE, Bond Street; HANNAY, 63. Oxford Street; London. All Chemists and Perfumers will procure them. * * * * * BENNETT'S MODEL WATCH, as shown at the GREAT EXHIBITION, No. 1. Class X., in Gold and Silver Cases, in five qualities, and adapted to all Climates, may now be had at the MANUFACTORY, 65. CHEAPSIDE. Superior Gold London-made Patent Levers, 17, 15, and 12 guineas. Ditto, in Silver Cases, 8, 6, and 4 guineas. First-rate Geneva Levers, in Gold Cases, 12, 10, and 8 guineas. Ditto, in Silver Cases, 8, 6, and 5 guineas. Superior Lever, with Chronometer Balance, Gold, 27, 23, and 19 guineas. Bennett's Pocket Chronometer, Gold, 50 guineas; Silver, 40 guineas. Every Watch skilfully examined, timed, and its performance guaranteed. Barometers, 2l., 3l., and 4l. Thermometers from 1s. each. BENNETT, Watch, Clock, and Instrument Maker to the Royal Observatory, the Board of Ordnance, the Admiralty, and the Queen. 65. CHEAPSIDE. * * * * * ALLEN'S ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, containing Size, Price, and Description of upwards of 100 articles, consisting of PORTMANTEAUS, TRAVELLING-BAGS, Ladies' Portmanteaus, DESPATCH-BOXES, WRITING-DESKS, DRESSING-CASES, and other travelling requisites, Gratis on application, or sent free by Post on receipt of Two Stamps. MESSRS. ALLEN'S registered Despatch-box and Writing-desk, their Travelling-bag with the opening as large as the bag, and the new Portmanteau containing four compartments, are undoubtedly the best articles of the kind ever produced. J. W. & T. ALLEN, 18. & 22. West Strand. * * * * * Printed by THOMAS CLARK SHAW, of No. 10. Stonefield Street, in the Parish of St. Mary, Islington, at No. 5. New Street Square, in the Parish of St. Bride, in the City of London; and published by GEORGE BELL, of No. 186. Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Dunstan in the West, in the City of London, Publisher, at No. 186. Fleet Street aforesaid.--Saturday, June 17. 1854. End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Notes and Queries, Number 242, June 17, 1854, by Various *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 42820 ***