*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 43384 *** _S. & C. List_ _January 1912_ A COMPLETE LIST _Of the Books included in the_ S. & C. Series OF ELEMENTARY MANUALS FOR Mechanics and Students PUBLISHED BY E. & F. N. SPON, Ltd., LONDON THE S. & C. SERIES Uniform, in cloth, Price 1s. 6d. net each. 1. =Modern Primary Batteries.= By N. H. SCHNEIDER. 2. =How to Install Electric Bells, Annunciators and Alarms.= By N. H. SCHNEIDER. 3. =Electrical Circuits and Diagrams, Part I.= By N. H. SCHNEIDER. 4. =Electrical Circuits and Diagrams, Part II.= By N. H. SCHNEIDER. 5. =Experimenting with Induction Coils.= By N. H. SCHNEIDER (_H. S. Norrie_). 6. =The Study of Electricity for Beginners.= By N. H. SCHNEIDER. 7. =Dry Batteries, how to make and Use them.= By A DRY BATTERY EXPERT. 8. =Electric Gas Lighting.= By N. H. SCHNEIDER. 9. =Model Steam Engine Design.= By R. M. DE VIGNIER. 10. =Inventions, how to Protect, Sell and Buy Them.= By F. B. WRIGHT. 11. =Making Wireless Outfits.= By N. HARRISON. 12. =Wireless Telephone Construction.= By N. HARRISON. 13. =Practical Electrics; a Universal Handy Book on Everyday Electrical Matters.= 14. =How to Build a 20-foot Bi-plane Glider.= By A. P. MORGAN. 15. =The Model Vaudeville Theatre.= By N. H. SCHNEIDER. 16. =The Fireman's Guide; a Handbook on the Care of Boilers.= By K. P. DAHLSTROM. 17. =A.B.C. of the Steam Engine, with a Description of the Automatic Governor.= By J. P. LISK. 18. =Simple Soldering, both Hard and Soft.= By E. THATCHER. 19. =Ignition Accumulators, their Care and Management.= By H. H. U. CROSS. 20. =Key to Linear Perspective.= By C. W. DYMOND, F.S.A. 21. =Elements of Telephony.= By ARTHUR CROTCH. 22. =Experimental Study of the Gyroscope.= By V. E. JOHNSON, M.A. 23. =The Corliss Engine.= By J. T. HENTHORN. 24. =Wireless Telegraphy for Intending Operators.= By C. K. P. EDEN. 25. =Wiring Houses for the Electric Light.= By N. H. SCHNEIDER. 26. =Low Voltage Electric Lighting with the Storage Battery.= By N. H. SCHNEIDER. 27. =Practical Silo Construction in Concrete.= By A. A. HOUGHTON. 28. =Molding Concrete Chimneys, Slate and Roof Tiles.= By A. A. HOUGHTON. 29. =Molding and Curing Ornamental Concrete.= By A. A. HOUGHTON. 30. =Concrete Wall Forms.= By A. A. HOUGHTON. 31. =Concrete Monuments, Mausoleums and Burial Vaults.= By A. A. HOUGHTON. 32. =Concrete Floors and Sidewalks.= By A. A. HOUGHTON. 33. =Molding Concrete Bath Tubs, Aquariums and Natatoriums.= By A. A. HOUGHTON. 34 to 38 inclusive. _Works on Concrete Structures, by A. A. Houghton, and now in the Press._ 39. =Natural Stability and the Parachute Principle in Aeroplanes.= By W. LEMAITRE. 40. =Builders' Quantities.= By H. M. LEWIS. E. & F. N. SPON, Ltd., LONDON. No. 1.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. MODERN PRIMARY BATTERIES. THEIR CONSTRUCTION, USE AND MAINTENANCE. Including Batteries for Telephones, Telegraphs, Motors, Electric Lights, Induction Coils, and for all Experimental Work. By NORMAN H. SCHNEIDER. _55 Illustrations and 94 pages of Text._ [Illustration] No. 2.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. _HOW TO INSTALL_ _ELECTRIC BELLS, ANNUNCIATORS, AND ALARMS._ INCLUDING Batteries, Wires and Wiring, Circuits, Pushes, Bells, Burglar Alarms, High and Low Water Alarms, Fire Alarms, Thermostats, Annunciators, and the Location and Remedying of Troubles. By NORMAN H. SCHNEIDER. _59 Illustrations and 63 pages of Text._ [Illustration] No. 3.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS AND DIAGRAMS ILLUSTRATED AND EXPLAINED. PART I. New and Original Drawings, comprising Alarms, Annunciators, Automobiles, Bells, Dynamos, Gas Lighting, Motors, Storage Batteries, Street Railways, Telephone, Telegraph, Wireless Telegraphy, Wiring and Testing. BY NORMAN H. SCHNEIDER. [Illustration] No. 4.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. Electrical Circuits and Diagrams PART II. Alternating Current Generators and Motors, Single Phase and Polyphase Transformers, Alternating Current and Direct Current Motor Starters and Reversers, Arc Generators and Circuits, Switches, Wiring, Storage Battery Meter Connections. BY NORMAN H. SCHNEIDER. [Illustration] No. 5.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. EXPERIMENTING WITH INDUCTION COILS. Containing practical directions for operating Induction Coils and Tesla Coils; also showing how to make the apparatus needed for the numerous experiments described. BY H. S. NORRIE, _Author of "Induction Coils and Coil Making."_ 26 Illustrations and 73 pages of Text. [Illustration] No. 6.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. THE STUDY OF ELECTRICITY FOR BEGINNERS. Comprising the Elements of Electricity and Magnetism as Applied to Dynamos, Motors, Wiring, and to all Branches of Electrical Work. BY NORMAN H. SCHNEIDER. With Fifty-four Original Illustrations and Six Tables. [Illustration] No. 7.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. DRY BATTERIES, ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR Automobile, Launch and Gas Engine Work; Medical Coils, Bells, Annunciators, Burglar Alarms, Telephones, Electrical Experiments and all purposes requiring a Good Battery. WITH THIRTY ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS. [Illustration] No. 8.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. Electric Gas Igniting APPARATUS How to Install Electric Gas Igniting Apparatus, including the Jump Spark and Multiple Systems for all purposes, with Suitable Batteries and Wiring, BY H. S. NORRIE. Author of "Induction Coils and Coil Making." [Illustration] No. 9.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. MODEL STEAM ENGINE DESIGN A HANDBOOK FOR THE DESIGNER OF SMALL STEAM ENGINES. By R. M. DE VIGNIER. [Illustration] Including original tables and calculations for speed, power, proportions of pumps, compound engines and valve diagrams. 34 Illustrations and 94 pages of Text No. 10.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. INVENTIONS How to Protect, Sell, and Buy Them BY F. B. WRIGHT 118 pages of Text No. 11.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. Making Wireless Outfits A CONCISE AND SIMPLE EXPLANATION ON THE CONSTRUCTION AND USE OF INEXPENSIVE WIRELESS EQUIPMENTS UP TO 100 MILES By NEWTON HARRISON, E. E. _With 27 Illustrations and 61 pages of Text_ [Illustration] No. 12.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. Wireless Telephone Construction A Comprehensive Explanation of the Making of a Wireless Telephone Equipment for Receiving and Sending Stations with Details of Construction BY NEWTON HARRISON, E. E. _With 43 Illustrations and 74 pages of Text_ [Illustration] No. 13.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. Practical Electrics A Universal Handy Book ON ELECTRIC BELLS, BATTERIES, ACCUMULATORS, DYNAMOS, MOTORS, INDUCTION AND INTENSITY COILS, TELEPHONES, MICROPHONES, PHONOGRAPHS, PHOTOPHONES, ETC. With 124 Illustrations and 135 pages of Text [Illustration] No. 14.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. How To Build A BI-PLANE GLIDER A PRACTICAL HANDBOOK ON ITS CONSTRUCTION AND USE BY ALFRED POWELL MORGAN _31 Illustrations and 60 pages of Text_ [Illustration] No. 15.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. [Illustration] MODEL VAUDEVILLE THEATRES BY NORMAN H. SCHNEIDER With 34 Illustrations and 90 pages of Text No. 16.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. THE FIREMAN'S GUIDE AND HANDBOOK ON THE CARE OF BOILERS BY KARL P. DAHLSTROM, M.E. [Illustration] No. 17.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. A B C OF THE STEAM ENGINE AND AUTOMATIC GOVERNOR Six scale drawings of a High Speed Steam Engine and Automatic Governor. Each part is given in detail with its name and number for easy reference, with description. With a chapter on Lubrication and other practical information. BY J. P. LISK, M.E. [Illustration] No. 18.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. [Illustration] SIMPLE SOLDERING BOTH HARD AND SOFT Together with Descriptions of Inexpensive Home Made Apparatus Necessary for the Art. By EDWARD THATCHER Instructor of DECORATIVE METAL WORK COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY NEW YORK 52 Illustrations and 76 pages of Text. No. 19.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. THE CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF IGNITION ACCUMULATORS AND Electric Light for the Million CONTAINING Practical information on the Charging and Repairing of Motor Cycle, Motor Car, and other similar Ignition Accumulators. Also the adaptation of a slightly larger genus to a unique system of Electric Lighting BY HAROLD H. U. CROSS _With 12 Illustrations and 66 pages of Text_ CONTENTS The Charging of Accumulators--The Repairing of Accumulators--The Accumulator in the Home [Illustration] No. 20.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. A Key TO THE Theory and Methods OF LINEAR PERSPECTIVE BY CHARLES W. DYMOND, F.S.A. With 16 Illustrations in 6 Plates, and 32 pages of Text. The aim of the author of this brief treatise has been to include, within the smallest possible compass, everything that is required to convey to a reader, whose time is limited, a competent knowledge of the theory and the rudiments of the practice of drawing in perspective. No. 21.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. ELEMENTS OF TELEPHONY BY ARTHUR CROTCH _Silver Medallist and Honoursman in Telegraphy, and Honoursman in Telephony, City and Guilds of London Institute, sometime Lecturer in these subjects at the Municipal Technical Schools, Norwich_ With 51 Illustrations and 90 pages of Text [Illustration] No. 22.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. THE GYROSCOPE An Experimental Study FROM SPINNING TOP TO MONORAIL BY V. E. JOHNSON, M.A. _Author of "The Theory and Practice of Model Aeroplanes."_ _Formerly Exhibitioner of Magdalene College, Cambridge._ With 34 Illustrations and 40 pages of text. [Illustration] No. 23.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. THE CORLISS ENGINE BY JOHN T. HENTHORN AND ITS MANAGEMENT BY CHARLES D. THURBER With 22 Illustrations and 95 pages of Text. CONTENTS: Introductory and Historical--Steam Jacketing--Indicator Cards--The Governor--Valve Gear and Eccentric--Valve Setting--Table for Laps of Steam Valve--Lubrication--Discussion of the Air Pump and its Management--Care of Main Driving Gears--Best Lubricator for Main Driving Gears--Heating of Mills by Exhaust Steam--Engine Foundations--Diagrams and Templets for Foundations--Materials for Foundations--Proportions of Corliss Engines--Horse-power and General Dimensions--Principal Dimensions of Corliss Engines. No. 24.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. Operator's Handbook of WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY A Simple Treatise upon the Theory and Working of Commercial Wireless Telegraphy for the Assistance of Intending Wireless Operators BY C. K. P. EDEN, B.Sc., etc. _Consulting Engineer for Wireless Telegraphy Installations also Electrotherapeutic and Radiography Specialist._ _In the Press._ CONTENTS. Detectors--Transmitters--Tuning Apparatus--Wireless Station Equipment--Aerials and Earths--Small Power Experimental Apparatus. No. 25.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. [Illustration] WIRING HOUSES FOR THE ELECTRIC LIGHT BY NORMAN H. SCHNEIDER _With 44 Illustrations and 86 pages of Text_ No. 26.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. [Illustration] LOW VOLTAGE ELECTRIC LIGHTING WITH THE STORAGE BATTERY SPECIALLY APPLICABLE TO COUNTRY HOUSES, FARMS, SMALL SETTLEMENTS, YACHTS, ETC. BY NORMAN H. SCHNEIDER _23 Illustrations and 85 pages of Text_ [Illustration] No. 27.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. PRACTICAL SILO CONSTRUCTION A TREATISE _Illustrating and Explaining the most Simple and Easiest Practical Methods of Constructing Concrete Silos of all types; with Unpatented Forms and Molds. The Data, Information and Working Drawings given in this book will enable the Concrete Builder to successfully construct any of the most practical types of Concrete Silos in use to-day_ BY A. A. HOUGHTON Author of "Concrete from Sand Molds," "Ornamental Concrete Without Molds," etc., etc. 18 FULL PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS New York THE NORMAN W. HENLEY PUBLISHING CO. London E. & F. N. SPON, LTD., 57 HAYMARKET 1911 No. 28.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. MOLDING CONCRETE CHIMNEYS SLATE & ROOF TILES A PRACTICAL TREATISE _Explanatory of the Construction of Block and Monolithic Types of Concrete Chimneys, with easily constructed Molds for same. The Construction of Monolithic Concrete Roofs, also the Molding of Concrete Slate, Roof Tiles and Slabs, are fully treated_ BY A. A. HOUGHTON Author of "Concrete from Sand Molds," "Ornamental Concrete Without Molds," etc., etc. 15 FULL PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS New York THE NORMAN W. HENLEY PUBLISHING CO. London E. & F. N. SPON, LTD., 57 HAYMARKET 1911 No. 29.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. MOLDING & CURING ORNAMENTAL CONCRETE A PRACTICAL TREATISE _Covering the Various Methods of Preparing the Molds and Filling with the Concrete Mixture; Remedying Defects in the Cast; Surface Treatment for various effects; the proper Proportions and Preparation of the Concrete, and the best Methods of thoroughly Curing the Work_ BY A. A. HOUGHTON Author of "Concrete from Sand Molds," "Ornamental Concrete Without Molds," etc., etc. 5 FULL PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS New York THE NORMAN W. HENLEY PUBLISHING CO. London E. & F. N. SPON, LTD., 57 HAYMARKET 1911 No. 30.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. CONCRETE WALL FORMS A PRACTICAL TREATISE _Explanatory of the Construction of all types of Wall Forms, Clamps, Separators and Spacers for Reinforcement. Full Details and Working Drawings of an Automatic Wall Clamp are given, with the operation of same on all styles of Walls. Foundations, Retaining Walls, Placing Floor Joints, Molding Water Tables and Window Ledges, as well as Molding Fire-proof Floors and Preparing Foundations for Concrete Walls, are also fully treated_ BY A. A. HOUGHTON Author of "Concrete from Sand Molds," "Ornamental Concrete Without Molds," etc., etc. 16 FULL PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS New York THE NORMAN W. HENLEY PUBLISHING CO. London E. & F. N. SPON, LTD., 57 HAYMARKET 1911 No. 31.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. CONCRETE MONUMENTS MAUSOLEUMS AND BURIAL VAULTS A PRACTICAL TREATISE _Explanatory of the Molding of various types of Concrete Monuments, with the Construction of Molds for same. Lettering and Ornamental Effects, with simple methods of securing the desired results, are fully treated. Plans and Designs for Mausoleums and Burial Vaults are given, with complete Details of Construction_ BY A. A. HOUGHTON Author of "Concrete from Sand Molds," "Ornamental Concrete Without Molds," etc., etc. 18 FULL PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS New York THE NORMAN W. HENLEY PUBLISHING CO. London E. & F. N. SPON, LTD., 57 HAYMARKET 1911 No. 32.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. CONCRETE FLOORS & SIDEWALKS A PRACTICAL TREATISE _Explaining the Molding of Concrete Floor and Sidewalk Units with Plain and Ornamental Surfaces, also the Construction of Plain and Reinforced Monolithic Floors and Sidewalks. Complete Instructions are given for all classes of this work, with Illustrations of the easily constructed Molds for Diamond, Hexagonal and Octagonal Floor Tile_ BY A. A. HOUGHTON Author of "Concrete from Sand Molds," "Ornamental Concrete Without Molds," etc., etc. 8 FULL PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS New York THE NORMAN W. HENLEY PUBLISHING CO. London E. & F. N. SPON, LTD., 57 HAYMARKET 1911 No. 33.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. MOLDING CONCRETE BATH TUBS, AQUARIUMS AND NATATORIUMS A PRACTICAL TREATISE _Explaining the Molding in Concrete of Various Styles of Bath Tubs, Laundry Trays, etc., with Easily Constructed Molds for the purpose. The Molding of Aquariums and Natatoriums, as well as the Water-proofing Methods used for same, are fully treated_ BY A. A. HOUGHTON 16 FULL PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS New York THE NORMAN W. HENLEY PUBLISHING CO. London E. & F. N. SPON, LTD., 57 HAYMARKET 1911 No. 39.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. NATURAL STABILITY AND THE PARACHUTE PRINCIPLE IN AEROPLANES BY W. LEMAITRE _Hon. Sec., Aeroplane Building and Flying Society_ _With 34 Illustrations and 48 pages of Text_ [Illustration] Preface--The Importance of Stability--Speed as a Means of Stability--The Low Centre of Gravity--Short Span and Area--Variable Speed and the Parachute Principle--The Design which fulfils the Conditions. No. 40.--The S. & C. Series. Price 1/6 net. BUILDERS' QUANTITIES BY HORACE M. LEWIS _Associate Institution of Municipal and County Engineers_ _Member of Royal Sanitary Institute_ _Lecturer on Builders' Quantities, Poole School of Technology_ CONTENTS =General Introduction=--=How to Measure Areas, with worked Examples=--=Methods of Measurement=: Excavator--Sewers and House Drains--Bricklayer--Reinforced Concrete--Mason--Slater--Slate Mason--Tiler--Stone, Tiling and Slating--Plasterer--Carpenter--Joiner and Ironmonger--Smith and Founder--Hot Water System--- Lighting-Bells--Plumber--Painter, Glazier and Paperhanger--=Examples of Billing=. With 6 Illustrations and 54 pages of Text This work is intended to give an elementary knowledge of the subject of Builders' Quantities, and to meet the want for a cheap yet reliable handbook, within the reach of every building student and all engaged in the Building Trade. With this work any one connected with the Trade can measure up efficiently according to the customary methods of measurement, in the "London Standard." THE S. & C. SERIES Uniform, in cloth, Price 1s. 6d. net each. 1. =Modern Primary Batteries.= By N. H. SCHNEIDER. 2. =How to Install Electric Bells, Annunciators and Alarms.= By N. H. SCHNEIDER. 3. =Electrical Circuits and Diagrams, Part I.= By N. H. SCHNEIDER. 4. =Electrical Circuits and Diagrams, Part II.= By N. H. SCHNEIDER. 5. =Experimenting with Induction Coils.= By N. H. SCHNEIDER (_H. S. Norrie_). 6. =The Study of Electricity for Beginners.= By N. H. SCHNEIDER. 7. =Dry Batteries, how to make and Use them.= By A DRY BATTERY EXPERT. 8. =Electric Gas Lighting.= By N. H. SCHNEIDER. 9. =Model Steam Engine Design.= By R. M. DE VIGNIER. 10. =Inventions, how to Protect, Sell and Buy Them.= By F. B. WRIGHT. 11. =Making Wireless Outfits.= By N. HARRISON. 12. =Wireless Telephone Construction.= By N. HARRISON. 13. =Practical Electrics; a Universal Handy Book on Everyday Electrical Matters.= 14. =How to Build a 20-foot Bi-plane Glider.= By A. P. MORGAN. 15. =The Model Vaudeville Theatre.= By N. H. SCHNEIDER. 16. =The Fireman's Guide; a Handbook on the Care of Boilers.= By K. P. DAHLSTROM. 17. =A.B.C. of the Steam Engine, with a Description of the Automatic Governor.= By J. P. LISK. 18. =Simple Soldering, both Hard and Soft.= By E. THATCHER. 19. =Ignition Accumulators, their Care and Management.= By H. H. U. CROSS. 20. =Key to Linear Perspective.= By C. W. DYMOND, F.S.A. 21. =Elements of Telephony.= By ARTHUR CROTCH. 22. =Experimental Study of the Gyroscope.= By V. E. JOHNSON, M.A. 23. =The Corliss Engine.= By J. T. HENTHORN. 24. =Wireless Telegraphy for Intending Operators.= By C. K. P. EDEN. 25. =Wiring Houses for the Electric Light.= By N. H. SCHNEIDER. 26. =Low Voltage Electric Lighting with the Storage Battery.= By N. H. SCHNEIDER. 27. =Practical Silo Construction in Concrete.= By A. A. HOUGHTON. 28. =Molding Concrete Chimneys, Slate and Roof Tiles.= By A. A. HOUGHTON. 29. =Molding and Curing Ornamental Concrete.= By A. A. HOUGHTON. 30. =Concrete Wall Forms.= By A. A. HOUGHTON. 31. =Concrete Monuments, Mausoleums and Burial Vaults.= By A. A. HOUGHTON. 32. =Concrete Floors and Sidewalks.= By A. A. HOUGHTON. 33. =Molding Concrete Bath Tubs, Aquariums and Natatoriums.= By A. A. HOUGHTON. 34 to 38 inclusive. _Works on Concrete Structures, by A. A. Houghton, and now in the Press._ 39. =Natural Stability and the Parachute Principle in Aeroplanes.= By W. LEMAITRE. 40. =Builders' Quantities.= By H. M. LEWIS. E. & F. N. SPON, Ltd., LONDON. End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of A Complete List of the S. & C. Series of Books by E. & F. N. Spon, January 1912, by Various *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 43384 ***