*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 43776 *** Transcriber's Note: Inconsistent hyphenation and spelling in the original document have been preserved. Obvious typographical errors have been corrected. Italic text is denoted by _underscores_. Superscripts are prefixed with a ^caret. This book is the third of three volumes. Page numbering continues from Volume 2. The other volumes are available at: Volume 1: http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/43774 Volume 2: http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/43775 Pike's Expeditions. VOLUME III. THE EXPEDITIONS OF ZEBULON MONTGOMERY PIKE, To Headwaters of the Mississippi River, Through Louisiana Territory, and in New Spain, During the Years 1805-6-7. A NEW EDITION, NOW FIRST REPRINTED IN FULL FROM THE ORIGINAL OF 1810, WITH COPIOUS CRITICAL COMMENTARY, MEMOIR OF PIKE, NEW MAP AND OTHER ILLUSTRATIONS, AND COMPLETE INDEX, BY ELLIOTT COUES, Late Captain and Assistant Surgeon, United States Army, Late Secretary and Naturalist, United States Geological Survey, Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Editor of Lewis and Clark, etc., etc., etc. IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. III. Index--Maps. NEW YORK: FRANCIS P. HARPER. 1895. COPYRIGHT, 1895, BY FRANCIS P. HARPER, New York. All rights reserved. LIST OF MAPS AND OTHER PLATES. VOLUME I. PORTRAIT OF ZEBULON M. PIKE, Frontispiece FACSIMILE LETTER OF ZEBULON M. PIKE, Facing Page lx VOLUME III. FALLS OF ST. ANTHONY. MAP OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER FROM ITS SOURCE TO THE MOUTH OF THE MISSOURI. FIRST PART OF CAPTAIN PIKE'S CHART OF THE INTERNAL PART OF LOUISIANA. CHART OF THE INTERNAL PART OF LOUISIANA. MAP OF THE INTERNAL PROVINCES OF NEW SPAIN. SKETCH OF THE VICE ROYALTY OF NEW SPAIN. (The above six maps are reproduced in facsimile from the Philadelphia edition of 1810.) HISTORICO-GEOGRAPHICAL CHART OF THE UPPER MISSISSIPPI RIVER, COMPILED AND DRAWN UNDER THE DIRECTION OF DR. ELLIOTT COUES, BY DANIEL W. CRONIN, 1895. [Illustration: FALLS of S^T ANTHONY] INDEX. N. B.--This index covers all the matter of the two preceding volumes, both of main text and notes thereto. It is mainly an index of names, proper and common, without analysis of what comes under them. All proper names are intended to be indexed in every place where they occur, except a few of incessant recurrence, in the cases of which some selection is made. Of common names the list is quite full, though it is exclusive, as a rule, of mere mention or allusion. Proper are distinguished from common nouns by capitalization, the same as they would be if occurring in ordinary sentences. The arrangement of the entries is intended to be strictly alphabetical, without regard to the logical order in which phrase-names and phrases would follow one another; thus, Mountjoy's name comes between Mt. Hosmer and Mt. Keyes; various Sandy things interrupt the canon of Spanish saints whose names begin with San; and so on. Contractions and abbreviations are alphabetized as if they were spelled out. Place-names which are phrases are entered as usually spoken or written, but a great many of them are also re-entered in another form or in other forms; as, Rio Conejos and Conejos r. Alternative and variant names of the same thing are all entered, but cross-references are made only in special cases. Roman numerals all refer to pages of the introductory matter in Vol. I.; the unbroken pagination of the rest of the work obviates reference by vol. for the Arabic figures. Besides serving the usual purpose, this index has been made the depository of various belated items, which do not appear elsewhere in the work, and really contains no little additional information, with here and there a correction. Usual abbreviations or contractions for names of States and Territories, civic and military titles, etc.; also, the following: Ark. r., Arkansaw river; br., branch (of a stream); chf., (Indian) chief; co., county; cr., creek; fk., fork (of a stream); Ind., Inds., Indian, Indians; isl., island; l., lake; ldg., landing; Miss. r., Mississippi river; Mo. r., Missouri river; Mt., mt., Mount, mountain; pk., peak; pra., prairie; pt., point; r., river; rap., rapid or rapids; res., (Indian) reservation; R. R., Ry., railroad, railway; sl., slough; spr., spring, springs; st., street; St., Saint; sta., (railroad) station; tp., township. A Aaiaoua, 22 Abadie, d', 213, 214 Abajo, Hacienda de, 682 Abboinug, 31 Abert, J. J., 334 Abert, J. W., 429, 446, 607, 615, 617, 630, 633, 645, 737 Abicu, N. M., 604 Abies balsamea, 132, 318, 320 Abilene, Kas., 403, 404 Abricu, N. M., 605 Abrupt Discharges, see Kapuka Abstract of Indians, etc., 590, 591 Abstract of Nations, etc., 346, 347 Acanza, 559 Acapulco, Mex., 721, 722, 791 Accault, M., 3, 5, 13, 35, 64, 65, 68, 70, 71, 91, 95 accountants, 286 acequias, 621, 652, 740, 741 Acer saccharinum, 157 Achipoe is a form of the word Ojibway or Chippewa Aco, Acoma, N. M., 630, 745 Acomita, N. M., 745 Act of Congress, see Congress Acts of Minnesota Legislature, 74, 164 Adaes, Adahi, Adai, Adaise, Adaizan, Adaize, Adaizi, 713, 714 Ada, Kas., 405 Adams co., Ill., 6, 9, 11 Adams, Gov. A., xlix, lv, 457, 471, 490 Adams isl., 26 Adams, Lieut., 686 Adams, Mrs. Ann, 84 Adams, Prest. J., lxx Adana sta., Col., 442 Adayes, Adees, 713, 714 Adobe, Col., 462 Adobe cr., 446 Adyes, 713, 714 Africa, 525 Agate cr., 468 agave, 681 agricultural establishment, 15, 16, 211 agriculture of Osages, 532 Agua Caliente, N. M., 597, see Ojo Caliente Agua de Leon, 675 Agua Fria, N. M., 614 Agua Fria r., Ariz., 734 Agua Nueva, Mex., 653 Aguas Calientes, State of, 719, 723 Agua Verde l., 776 Aguazul Inds., 731, 736, see Havasupai Ahacus, 742 Ahmokave, Hamookhabi, are same word as Mojave, and said by some to mean "three mountains" Aiatans, 412 Aiavvi, 22 Aile pra., 206 Aile Rouge, 69, 202, 205, 257, 347 Aiowais, 346, 347 Aird, George, 24 Aird, James, 24, 32, 225, 293 Aishkabugakosh, Aishkebugekoshe, Aishkibugikozsh, 169 Aitkin, Alfred, see Aitkin, Wm. Aitkin co., Minn., 134, 135, 137, 143, 175, 314 Aitkin l., 137 Aitkin, Minn., 134, 135, 136, 137, 157 Aitkin, Robert, see Aitkin, Wm. Aitkin's ferry, 122 Aitkin's post is that referred to, 138 Aitkinsville, see Aitkin, Wm. Aitkin, Wm., or Wm. A., or Wm. R., or Robert, 330, believed to be the same "Mr." Aitkin. Among licensed traders in Minnesota in 1833 were W. A. Aitkin, at Fond du Lac, and Alfred Aitkin, at Sandy l. Wm. Aitkin, of Little Rock, signed a memorial in 1848. In Minn. Hist. Coll., I. 86, J. F. Williams speaks of W. A. Aitkin as at Sandy l. in 1832; see op. cit., V. 483; on p. 382 it says W. A. Aitken was given the trade of the Amer. Fur Co. in Fond du Lac dept., 1826; died 1851, "and lies buried at Aitkinsville (Swan river)." The Hist. Up. Miss. Vall., 1881, says Wm. Aitkin located at Swan r., 1848. His half-breed son Alfred, doubtless the one above mentioned, was murdered at Leech Lake post, 1836. Name varies also to Aitken, Aikin, Aiken Ajuntos isl., 692 Akansa, 559 Akaque, 347 Ako l., 166, named for M. Accault by Hon. I. V. D. Heard Alabama, cx, cxi, 748 alacrans, 763 Alameda Arriba, Mex., 688 Alameda, N. M., 619 alamedas, 681, 682 Alamito, Mex., 677 Alamo de los Pinos, N. M., 621 Alamo de Parras, Mex., 677, 681 Alamo de Peña, 652 Alamo, Mex., 688, 689 Alamo r., br. of Rio Grande, 691 Alamos, 761 Alamosa, Col., 494 Alamosa cr., 494, 497 Alamosa de Parras, 680 Alamosa r., in N. M., 637 Alamos r., 774 Alamos, Sonora, 773 Alarcon, Alarchon, Hernando de, discovered Colorado r. of the West, Aug. 26th, 1540; said he navigated it 85 leagues; returned same year without joining Coronado Albach's Annals, 438 Albany Argus, xxiii Albany, Ill., 26 Albany, N. Y., liii, lxx, lxxiii Albion, Minn., 128 Alboquerque, A. d', 619 Albuquerque, Alburquerque, N. M., 619, 621, 625, 626, 739, old town founded about 1701. See H. H. Bancroft's Arizona and New Mexico, notes to pp. 168, 228, 231 _seq._ Albykirk, Albykirky, 619 Alchedoma, see Jalchedum Alcontre r., 691 Alder r., 137 Aldrich, Hon. Chas., preface and xlix Alencaster, Alencastre, see Allencaster Aleutian isls., 53 Alexander, Gen., 82 Alexandria, Mo., 14 Algodones, N. M., 616, 617, 619 Algona l., 310 Algonquian, Algonquin Inds., 289, 337, 341, 346, 351, 353 Alice l., 162 Aliche, 711 alicrans, 763 Alim8pigoiak, Alinoupigouak, see Assiniboine Allamakee co., Ia., 38, 41, 42, 305 Allan, see Allen Alleghany, Allegheny mts., 444, 454, 523 Allen, Allan, Maj. W., ciii Allen, Andrew H., preface Allencaster, Don Joachin or Joaquin del Real, xlvii, 504, 508, 509, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 622, 758, 807, 808, 809, 823, 828, 850, was governor 1805-08 Allencaster's brother, 648 Allen co., Kas., 395, 397 Allende r., 670 Allen, J. A., see Coues and Allen Allen, Judge C. H., 390 Allen l., 128, 332, named by Brower for Lieut. James Allen Allen, Lieut. Jas., 97, 101, 102, 103, 104, 122, 124, 127, 143, 147, 156, 161, 163, 167, 309, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 335 Allenoga r., 162, name compounded by Schoolcraft of Allen + oga Allen's bay, 157, 158, 160, 332 Allouez, 288 Alma bluffs, 58 Almagra, Almagre r., 452 Almansa, see D'Almansa Alma, Wis., 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62 Almighty, the, 352, 353 Alomas, 761, see Alamos Alona, 742 Alnwick, Col., 465 Alston, Mr., 841 Altac, Altar, in Sonora, 773 Altar r., 771 Alton, Ill., 2, 5 Alvarado, Hernando de, August, 1540, was sent by Coronado from Cibola (Zuñi) to Cicuye (Pecos) via Acuco (Acoma) and Tiguex (near Bernalillo, N. M.), and returned to Tiguex Amaqua, Amaquaqua, 735, also Amacava, Amajava Amaranth isl., 6 Amazon bend, 2 Amazonian woman, 694 Amelia l., 90 American Antiquarian Society, xxxiv American Fur Company, 156, 204, 298 American Philosophical Society, 77 American State Papers, 10, 840 Americus sta., Col., 470 amusements, Spanish, 789 Anakigi, 66 Analectic Magazine, lxxix Anamas r., 445, 730, see Animas r. Andabazo cr. or r., 672, 673 Andaig r., in Schoolcraft, 1855, for Karishon or Crow r. Andalusia, Ill., 23, 24 Anderson, Col. A. L., 634 Anderson, Geo., 154, 155, 172, 180, 202, 272, 280, 283 Anderson, Geo., his brother, 202 Anderson, Mrs. M. B., preface Andes, 461 Andreas' Historical Atlas, 17 André, Maj., lxvi Androctonus biaculeatus, 763 Andromeda, 67 Andrus cr., 163, named by Brower for the treasurer of the Minnesota Game and Fish Commission Andrusia l., 160, named by Schoolcraft for Andrew Jackson, president 1829-37 Andrusian lakes of Eastman, 1855, are Elliott Coues and Pamitascodiac or Tascodiac Angelina, Angeline r., 709, 710, 782 Angle isl., 7 Anglo-American, xlvi, xlvii, 809 Anglojibway, 31 Animas r., br. of Rio Grande, 637 Anitons, 313 Annals of Iowa, xlix Annals of New Mexico, 738 Ann l., 90 Anoka co., Minn., 96 Anoka, Minn., 94, orig. Sioux name of settlement at mouth of Rum r., meaning "on both sides" Anser albifrons, 692 Antaya, Pierre, 37, 303, also found as Antagna antelope, 399, 653, see cabrie Antelope cr., br. of Ark. r., 547 Antelope cr., br. of Grape cr., 491 Antelope hills, Okla., 559 Anthony, St., 91 Anthony sta., N. M., 640 Antigua r., 722 Antilocapra americana, 399, 653 antiquities of Arizona, 741, 742 Antlers Hotel, Colorado Springs, 456 Antoine r., 213 Apache arrows, 747, 749 Apache assassin, 752 Apache weapons, 749 Apaches, xlvii, xcviii, 413, 598, 599, 631, 632, 633, 636, 639, 648, 651, 679, 697, 731, 735, 744, 746, 747, 748, 749, 750, 751, 752, 768, 778, 785 Apaches, anecdotes of, 750, 751, 752 Apaches, character of, 748 Apaches, classification of, 748 Apaches of the Gila, 748 Apachquay l., 301 Apex sta., Mo., 5 apikan, 136, Ojibway name of the portage-strap in Barraga's Dict. Apina, 742 Apishapa bluffs, 448 Apishapa, Apishipa, Apishpa r., 447, 448 Apostles' r., 734, translating Rio de los Apostoles, name given to the Gila by Father Kino, 1699, when he called four of its branches Los Evangelistas apostles, twelve, 764 Appaches, see Apaches Appannose, Appanooce, Ill., 17, 18 Appanoose cr., in Kas., 520 Apple r., 27, 28 Appleton, 300 Apuckaway, Apukwa l., 301 Aqas nueva, 653 Aqua, see Agua Aqua Caliente, N. M., 597, 600, 601, 623, see Agua Caliente and Ojo Caliente aqueduct of Chihuahua, 765, 766 Aquico, 742 Aquinsa, 742 Arago, Dominique François, 334, b. Estagel, Feb. 26th, 1786, d. Paris, Oct. 2d, 1853 Araignee Jaune, 347 Arapahoes, 435 archbishoprics, archbishops, 800, 801 Archevêque, Jean l', 780, b. Bayonne, France, 1671, son of Claude Archevêque and Marie d'Armagnac; was at Santa Fé, 1696, with Pierre Meunier and Jacques Grollet, two other of La Salle's men; married Antonia Gutierez, 1697; married again Aug. 16th, 1719; had sons Miguel and Augustin Archibeque (as the name became in New Mexico); was killed by Pawnees and French somewhere on South Platte r. or Ark. r., Aug. 16th, 1720: see biog. in Bandelier's Gilded Man, pp. 289 to 302 Archibeque, see Archevêque Archipelago in Miss. r., 100, 192 architecture of Pawnees, 533, 534 archives, see Ontario and War Dept. Arcs, River of, 815 Aretiqui r., 738 Arispea, 771, 773 arit, 772 Arivaca, 771 Arivaipa Apaches, 748 Arizona, xcviii, 646, 727, 730, 731, 734, 735, 736, 741, 742, 743, 744, 746, 747, 748, 770, 771, 772, 773 Arizpa, Arizpe, 719, 771, 772, 773 Arkansas, Arkansaw, cx, 559 Arkansas City, Tex., 697 Arkansas Post, Ark., 215, 432, 560, 561, 714 Arkansaw City, Kas., 549 Arkansaw Divide, in Col., 443, 451 Arkansaw dry route, in Kas., 433, 434 Arkansaw hills, in Rocky mts., 471 Arkansaw journey, Pike's, 357 to end of Pt. 2, also 845 to 854 Arkansaw journey, Wilkinson's Report on, 539 to 561 Arkansaw map, 426 Arkansaw Osages, 526, 529, 530, 532, 556, 557, 561, 566, 582, 590, 591, 827 Arkansaw Post, see Arkansas Post Arkansaw r., xlv, xlvii, li, lxiv, 3, 381, 424, 425 and continuously to 482, 514, 515, 516, 517, 518, 522, 523, 524, 535, 541, 544 and continuously to 561, 563, 564, 580, 581, 583, 585, 587, 589, 590, 591, 592, 606, 612, 642, 692, 704, 705, 815, 822, 827, 834, 835, 837, 838, 840, 841, 844, 846, 847, 852, 854, 855 Arkansaw r., crossings of the, 439 Arkansaw route, 446, 447 Arkansaw schism, 530 Arkansaw villages, Kwapa, 559, 560 Arkansaw villages, see Arkansaw Osages Arkensa Inds., 560 Arkensaw, see Arkansaw Armendaris Grant, 633 Armes du Roy, etc., 64 Armijo, Don M., 607 armorer killed, lxxxv, lxxxvi Arms of God r., 706 Armstrong, Gen. J., lxxiii, lxxix, lxxxiii, xc, ci, cii Army of the West, 333, 446, 607, 639, 727, 737 Arnold, one, 27 Arnold's cr., 469 Arny, N. M., 634 Arrowsmith, Mr., xlii arrows poisoned, 747 Arroyo del Espinazo, 616 Arroyo Hondo, 614, see Cua-kaa Arroyo Seco, 654 Artaceoasa cr., 696 Arthur, Mo., 390 Arundinaria macrosperma, 561 Asbury, 5 Ascencion r., 771 Ashburn sta., Mo., 7 Ash cr., br. of Ark. r., 426, 433 Ash cr., br. of Mo. r., 366 Asherville, Kas., 408 Ash House, 278 Ashkibogi-sibi, 81 Ash r. of Pike, 363, 364, 366 Ashton cr., 6 Ashui, Zuñians' name of themselves Asia, 641 Ask a Buggy Cuss, 169 Asp, a ship, lxxxiii Aspidonectes ferox, 539 Assawa l., 162, 167, 335 Assawa Lake fk., 162 Assawe l., 162 Asseni-sipi is an old name of Rock r. in Ill. Assiniboine Inds., 171, 255, 272, 347, 348, 354 Assiniboine r., 168, 254, 256, 322 Assinipoualak, see Assiniboine Assumption of the B. V. M., 734 Assyrian, the, 631 Astecostota, Tex., 696 Astoria, 168 Astor, J. J., 76 astronomy, 604 Asturias, 674 Asuncion, Fray Juan de, or de Olmeda, see Nadal Asuncion r., see Rio de la Atascosa co., Tex., 696 Atascosa cr., 696 Atayos, 713 Atchafalaga bluff, 43 Atchipoue is a form of the word Ojibway or Chippewa Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fé R. R., 399, 404, 432, 434, 440, 441, 447, 448, 521, 550, 553, 619, 621, 626, 638, 731 Athapasca, 141 Athapasca l., 278 Athapascan stock, 697, 731, 735, 744, 746 Athapuscow, 141 Atkinson, Gen., 45 Atlantic and Pacific R. R., 621, 626, 731, 776 Atlantic ocean, xlv, 444, 522, 718, 720, 722, 724, 732, 746 Atlas, Ill., 7 Atlas isl., 7 Atlas l., 6 Atoyac r., in Mex., 721 Atoyac r., in Tex., 709, 710, 782 Atrisco, N. M., 619, 621, 625, 626, is most probably the place where Pike met Dr. Robinson: see Pajarito, Tousac, and St. Fernandez, N. M. Attila the Hun, 632 Aubray, Aubrey, preferably Aubry, François Xavier, 442, and delete the query there. This is the famous Canadian French plainsman, b. Maskinongé, Dec. 4th, 1824, murdered at Santa Fé, N. M., by Maj. R. H. Weightman, U. S. A., Aug. 20th, 1854: see Tassé, II., 1878, pp. 179-227, best biography, with portrait. Aubrey City and Aubrey valley, Ariz., 730, and Fort Aubray, Col., named for him Aubry, French officer, 667 Auchinleck, lxxix Audebee, C., 451 Audevies cr., 96 Au Canoe r. in Schoolcraft, 1820, for Cannon r. near L. Pepin, compare Ocano r. and cr. Au Fevre r. in Schoolcraft, 1820, for Fever or Galena r. Auguelle, Antoine, 3, 13, 35, 64, 65, 70, 91 Augusta bend, 363 Augusta, Mo., 363 Auhaha r., 7 Aura, 688 Aurora, a newspaper, lxix, lxxxiv, xcix Austin, Tex., 698, 704 Autobee, C., 451 Au Vasse, Auxvasse cr., 369 Au Vasse, Auxvasse r., 369 avena fatua, 38 Aveyron, France, 411 Avicu, 742 Awishinaubay, 31 Ayavois, Aye8ias, 22 Ayer, Rev. Mr. F., 125, 336 Ayoes, Ayoois, Ayooues, Ay8ay, Ayo8ois, Ayouez, 22 Azevedo, see Zuñiga y B Baal, priests of, 41 Babaseekeendase, 134 Babbtown, Mo., 372 Babesigaundibay, Babikesundeba, 134 Babruly cr., 372 Baca co., Col., 442, 443 Baca Grant, N. M., 640 Bachimba, Mex., 667, 668 Back cr., 34 Backwater l., 147 Bacon, Judge Thos. W., preface, 8, 10 Bacorelli, 731, is traceable to Bucareli of Garcez, 1775-76, and Puerto del Bacorelli corresponds to a part of the Grand Cañon of the Colorado r. through Kaibab plateau, below the mouth of the Colorado Chiquito Bacuachi, 773 Bad Axe, battle of, 46, 338 Bad Axe bend, 49 Bad Axe r., 45, 48, 49, 338 Bad Axe, Wis., 49 badger, 96, 315, 432 Badger cr., 475 Badger sta., Col., 475 Bad Heart, a chf., 347 Bagatwa l., 150 Bagnell, Mo., 374, 375 Baie de Noc, 297 Baie Verte, 298, 299 Bailey's cr., 368 Bain, Jas., jr., preface Bairdstown, Ky., 756 Bajada, 614 Bajan, Mex., 685 Baker cr., 401 Baker, Gen. J. H., 166, 167, 336 Baker's ferry, 97, over the Miss. r., between Dimick's isl. and Spring rap. Baker's trading house, 126, was near Camp Coldwater above Fort Snelling Bakinoa, 762 Bald isl., 73 Bald mt., Col., 493 Baldwin City, Kas., 519 Baldy mt., Col., 493 Baldy mt. or pk., N. M., 606, 736 Baldy pk., Col., 492 Ball Club l., 150, 322, 325 Ballenger, Sgt. J., 359, 360, 362, 375, 432, 547, 565, 568, 580, 587, 818, 845, 855 ball game, 207 Ball Game r., 51 balsam-fir, 132, 318, 320, 321 Balsam-fir l., 320 Baltimore co., Md., cxi Baltimore, Md., cvii, 333, 656 Banfill, John, see Fridley Bank of the Dead, 341 Bangs, Wm., 336 Banner, Kas., 403 Baraga, Rev., 102 Barego or Borages, Don, 687 Barelo, Capt., 670, 671, 673, 675, 676, 682, 694, 695, 712, 839 Barilla, 636 Barn bluff, Minn., 70, height as given there is by city survey of 1859; railroad levels make it 335 ft. above depot grounds Barnesville, Kas., 395 Barney canal is between Miss. r. and Lake Peosta, at Dubuque, Ia. Barn Hill, Mo., 12 Barn mt., Minn., 70, see Barn bluff Barn, The, 205, 308, 356 Baroney, see Vasquez Baroteran, Mex., 688 Barra de Santander, 724 Barral r., 670 Barr, a person, 709 Barre, Gov. de la, 72 Barrionuevo, Francisco de, on Coronado's expedition, discovered Taos in 1541 Bar r. of Pike, 6, 7, 290, is identified with South Two Rivers by Beck, Gaz., 1823, p. 316 Barrois, Céleste, 388 Barroney, see Vasquez Bartholomew, Mr., 609, 613, 614, 615, 807 Bartlett, J. R., 645 Barton, Capt. J. L., cviii Barton co., Kas., 423, 424, 425, 433, 522 Barton co., Mo., 385 Baie Verte, see Baye, La. In 1785, it had about 55 pop. in 7 families, in 1812 about 250 pop. Bashier, Major, 692 Bas Lac aux Cèdres Rouges or du Cèdre Rouge, 135, 356 Bass brook, 147 Bassett's cr., 94 Bass l., near Minneapolis, Minn., 90 basswood, 315 Bastonnais, Bastonnaise, 188 Bastrop, Baron, 704 Bastrop, Tex., 704, 705 Batacoso, 773 Bates co., Mo., 370, 385, 390 Bates, Frederick, 10, 388 Bates' isl., 366 Bates, Moses D., 9 bathytaphy, 73 Baton Rouge, La., liv, 564 Batopilas, Batopilis, 762 battle, see names of battles Battle cr. and isl., 45 Battleground, in Kas., 439 Battle rap., 98 Batton Rouge, 564 baugahudoway, 150 Bavbien, C., 607 Bavispe, Bavista, 771, 773 Bayard sta., Kas., 397 Bay City, Wis., 63 Bay cr., Ill., 6 Baye des Puans or Puants, 298 Baye, La, 298, 299 Baye Verde, 356 Bay of Puante, 68 Bay of the Holy Spirit, 444 Bayogoula, Bayoucogoula, _i. e._, people of the bayou, bayouc, or bayouque; see N. Y. Nation, Nov. 15th, 1894 Bayou au Roi, 5 Bayou Bartholomew, 704 Bayou chute, 11 Bayou Lennan, 712 Bayou Pierre, 713 Bayou Roi, 5 Bayou St. Charles, 8, 10 Bayou San Miguel, 712 Bayou San Patricio, 712 Bay r. of Pike, 364, 365 Bay St. Charles, 9, 10 Bay Settlement, 129 Baxter sta., 129 Bazar, Kas., 401 Bean cr. is given in Beck's Gaz., 1823, p. 89, as a name of Rivière au Fèvre, _i. e._, Galena r. Bean, Ellis, liii Beans cr., N. M., 604 Bear r., br. of Fountain r., in Col., 452 Bear cr., br. of May cr., in Col., 492 Bear cr., br. of Miss. r., in Minn., 163 Bear cr., br. of Miss. r., in Mo., 8 Bear cr., br. of Osage r., in Mo., 373, 382, 383 Bear Creek cañon, 456 Bear Creek isl., 370 Bear cr. is Loose cr., 370 Bear cr. is Noir cr., 7, 290 Bear cr. is translation of Makoqueta cr., which see Beard, Jack, 384 Beard, Mr., 437 Bear isl., 153, in Leech l. Bear isl., 99, in Miss. r., Sect. 2, tp. 33, range 29, 4th M. Bear pt., at Lake Itasca, 167, was named by Peter Turnbull in 1883 Bear r. is Loose cr., 370 Bear r., Utah, 738 Bear spr., N. M., 746 Beau or Beaux, a chf., 172, 173, 175, 189 Beautiful Bird, a chf., 384, 552, 591 Beaver, Col., 462 Beaver cr., br. of Ark. r., in Col., 462 Beaver cr., br. of Ark. r., Kaw Agency, 550 Beaver cr., br. of Osage r., 377, 378 Beaver depot, Col., 462 Beaver isl., Ia., 26 Beaver isl. is the largest (middle) one of the Coon isls., near Coon cr., Anoka co., Minn. Beaver isls. of Pike, 99, 192, 193 Beaver or Chabadeba r., 51 beavers, 99, 100 Beaver Tail, a person, 76 Bécasse, Beccasse, 84, 88 Becker co., Minn., 128, 164, 318 Beck's ferry, 638 Beck's Gazetteer, 3, 637, 532, 657 Beck's place, in Mo., 4 Beckwith, Lieut. E. G., 424, 433, 437, 439, 457, 491, 518, 520, 733, 734 Bedouins of Texas, 706 Beech's, Ill., 4 Beef l., 301 Beef r., 56, 58 Beef sl., 58, 60 Bed cr., 460 Beemis, Private, 332 Bega de Maraujo, 677 beggars, beggary, 790, 701 Behar, Bejar, see Bexar Bekozino-sibi, 102 Belen, N. M., 629 Belle Fontaine cemetery, 357 Belle Fontaine cr., 357, 358 Belle Fontaine, Mo., lxii, 213, 214, 264, 271, 357, 358, 360, 365, 393, 420, 511, 539, 562, 565, 572, 573, 597, 845, 851 Belle Oiseau, see Bel Oiseau Belle Prairie, Minn., 125 Bellerive, L. St. A. de, 214 Belle Roche, 375 Bellevue, Ia., 28 Bellevue sta., Col., 474 Bellevue tp., Minn., 102 Bellows, J., 734 Belleville, Tex., 691 Bel Oiseau, Belle Oiseau, a chf., and his son of same name, 383, 384, 409, 423, 551, 552, 591 Beloit, Kas., 421 Beloit, Wis., 24 Beltramian source of Miss. r., 157 Beltrami co., Minn., 159, 164, 329 Beltrami, J. C., 5, 14, 16, 18, 22, 26, 27, 28, 35, 36, 41, 43, 44, 49, 52, 54, 60, 66, 69, 70, 81, 84, 85, 86, 96, 97, 99, 100, 102, 103, 118, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127, 128, 132, 137, 138, 143, 144, 145, 150, 151, 159, 160, 192, 199, 204, 328, 329, 330, 332 Belvidere, Wis., 57 Bemejigemug, Bemidji, Bermiji l., 160, 161, 163, 331, the spelling with B instead of P first made about 1866 by A. J. Hill at E. F. Ely's suggestion Bemidj-sibi, 289 Bench st., St. Paul, 75 Bend cr. of Nicollet, 99 Bender, Russia, 571 Benêt, Mr., 370 Benham's isl., 25 Bénite, Bennet, Bennight, Benoit, Mr., 370 Bent co., Col., 443, 445, 447 Bent, Chas., 607 Bent, Mr., 446 Benton co., Ark., 558 Benton co., Minn., 101 Benton co., Mo., 371, 377, 380 Benton, Thos. H., 649 Bent's Fort, Col., 447 Bent's fort, old, 444, 446, 447 Bergamo, Italy, 328 Bergen, Wis., 49 Berger cr. or r., 365, 366 Berger's bottom, 365, 366 Berks co., Pa., cxi Berlin, Ill., 26 Berlin, Wis., 301 Bermiji l., 161 Bermijo r., 558 Bernalillo co., N. M., 619, 629 Bernalillo, N. M., 616, 619, dates from 1701 Bernard, Col., 475 Bernicla canadensis, 89 Berosus, 182 Berthier, Minn., 326 Berti, Mr., 170 Beshaw cr., 385 Beson, Tex., 703 Bessel l., 151 Bessemer, Col., 452 Bête Puante r., 18 Betsy sl., 57 Bexar co., Tex., 697 Bexar, Bexer, Bejar, Behar, San Antonio de, Tex., 697 Bible, 406 bibliography of Pike's books, xxxiii to l Bicentenary, see Hennepin Biedma, de, 288 Bienville, M. de, 77 Big Bay or Three Brothers, 8 Big Blue camp, 518, 519 Big Blue cr. or r., 518, 519 Big Buffalo cr., 377 Big Bull cr., 519 Big Burning, 335, is a tract denuded of wood by fire, E. of Lake Itasca Big Caney cr., 555 Big Coon cr., 518, 522 Big cr., br. of Cuivre r., 4 Big cr., br. of Grand r., Mo., 379 Big cr., see Big Stew cr. Big cr., see North and South do. Big Devil cr., 16 Big Duckett cr., 362 Big Eagle, a chf., 85 Big Eddy, in Miss. r., 131 Big falls or Sauk rap., 356 Big Foot, a chf., 556, 557 Big Foot, nickname of St. Denis, 714 Big Gravois cr., 374, 375 bighorn, 476 Big isl., 18, 210 Big John cr. and spr., 518, 521 Big Knives, 148 Big Manitou r., 391 Big Monegan or Monegaw cr., 385 Big Muddy r. of L. and C., 369 Big Nemaha r., 418 Big Osage Inds., see Grand do. Big Pipe, a chf., 347 Big pt., in Leech l., 153 Big rap. or Sauk rap., 100 Big Rice l., on Boy r. connection, 155 Big Rice l., on Willow r. route, 320 Big River sl., 16 Big Rock cr., br. of Neosho r., 518, 521 Big Rock cr., br. of Osage r., 376 Big Rogue, a chf., 591 Big Rush cr., 27 Big Sand cr. of Gregg, 444 Big Sandy cr., br. of Ark. r., 442, 443 Big Sandy r., br. of Bill Williams' r., 730 Big Soldier, a chf., 370, 371, 527 Big Stew cr., 6 Big Stone l., 343, 344, 349 Big Suck-off, 41 Big Summer isl., 297 Big Tabeau cr., 379 Big Tavern cr., 369, 372 Big Timbers, 444 Big Track, a chf., 556 Big Turkey cr., 522 Big Walnut cr., 425, 426 Big Winnipeg or Winnibigoshish l., 322 Bijou cr., 451 Billon, F. L., 194, 204, 213 Billon's Annals, 39, 357, 388 Bill Williams' fk. of Colorado r., 730 Bill Williams' mt., 730, 731 Biogen Series, xxxii Birch bay, 279 Birch l., 317 Bird cr., 555 Birth l., 128 Biscay, see New Biscay Bishop of Rome, 80 Bissell, Capt. or Gen. D., 570, 603 Bissell, D., of Vt., 570 Bissell, H. W., 570 Bissell, L., 570 Bissell, R., 570 Bitch l., 124, 329 Bitch r., 124 Black Bear cr., 556 Blackbird isl., 7 Blackburn, E., liii Blackburn sta., 483 Black Dog, a chf., 348 Black Eagle, a chf., 347 Black Hawk, a chf., 11, 45 Black Hawk co., Ia., 22 Black Hawk, Ia., 23 Black Hawk Purchase, 45 Black Hawk sl., 21 Black Hawk War, second, 45 Black Jack cr., 518, 519, 520 Black Jack, Kas., 519 Black Jack pt., 518, 519 black larch, 319 Blackman's Mills, 375 Black Mesa, 601 Black mts. or range, in N. M., 631, 747 Black r., 51, 52, 56, 58, 296, 305 Black River bay, civ Black Rocks, Mex., 691 Blacksmith sl., 55 Black Soldier, a chf., 76 Black Squirrel cr., 451 blaireau, 432 Blair, F. P., 607 Blanchard, R., 554 Blanchard's isl., 22 Blanchard's rap., 104 Blanchette, the hunter, 214, 361 Blakely, Mr., 207 Bleak House, lxiii Bledsoe co., Tenn., cxi Blessed Virgin Mary, 289, 734 blockhouse on Ark. r., 481 blockhouse on Conejos r., 495, 496, 497 Blockhouse or post on Miss. r., 105, 106, 107 Blondeau, Mr., 32, 34, 211 Blood of Christ mts., 490 Bloody run, 37, 41 Bloomfield, Gov. J., lix Blouin, Louis, 194 Blow Snake r. is translation of Ojibway name of Naiwa r. Blueberry cr., 143 Blue cr., br. of Ark. r., 443, 444 Blue cr., br. of Gila r., 735 Blue Earth r., 65, 68, 77, 78, 79, 349 Blue, Maj. U., xxvi, xxviii Blue Mound, Mo., 385, is in S. E. ¼ of Sect. 3, tp. 37, range 30 Blue Mounds, Cherokee country, 555 Blue Mound tp., Mo., 385 Blue mts. of Pike, 483 Blue or Blue Earth r., 78, 79 Blue r., in Ariz., 735 Blue r., in Col., 471 Blue Spirit, a chf., 343, 347, 349 Bluff cr., 518, 521 Bluff in the Water, 54 Bluff isl., 54 Bluffton, Mo., 368, 369 Blumenau, 487 Blummer, Chas., 607 Board of Honor, cviii Bob, Bobb, Bobbs, Bobs cr., 4 Body of Christ cr., 707 Brèche-dent, a chf., 351 Bodark r., 815 B[oe]ger cr., 365 B[oe]uf isl., 365 B[oe]uf l., 801 B[oe]uf qui Joue, a chf., 347 B[oe]uf qui Marche, a chf., 84, 88 B[oe]uf r., br. of Miss. r., 56, 58 B[oe]uf r., br. of Mo. r., 364, 365 Bofecillos mts., 642 Bog cr., 324 Bogottowa l., 150 Bogtown, Ill., 4 Bogus cr., 63 Boiling Spring r., 452 Boilvin, N., xxxiv, 292 bois blanc, 315 Boivin, N., xxxiv, 292 Boisbriant, P. D. de, 531 Bois Brûlé cr., 372 Bois Brûlé r., 71, 309 Bois Brulle, a chf., 347 Boley, Pvt. John, 1, 117, 142, 143, 144, 145, 174, 175, 359, 360, 432, 547, 845, 854, 855 Bolinger, Bollinger cr., 376 Bolson de Mapimi, 672, 673, 675, 676, 677, 678, 686, 762 Bolter's isl., 4 Bolvar, Mr., 292, may be Boivin or Boilvin, N. Bonaparte, J., 576 Bonaparte, N., 381, 702, 805, 831 Bonasa umbellus, 97 Bon Fils sta., Mo., 361 Bon Homme, Mo., 57 Bon Homme r., 362 Bonito pueblo, 630 Bonnet du B[oe]uf, a chf., 591 Bonnet, Mr., 370 Bonpland, Aimé, xli, xlii, 718, 792 Bon Secours l., 65 Bookoosaingegon in Schoolcraft, 1820, is Bras Cassé or Broken Arm, chf. of Sandy l. Boom isl., 98, in Miss. r. at Monticello, Wright co., Minn., just below the ferry Boone, Daniel, 364, 367 Boone's Lick, 367, 570 Booneville, Col., 448, 451 Boon's Lick, see Boone's Borages, Don, 687, see Barego Borden, B. C., see Palmburg Borgne, Le, a chf., 88 Bosquecito, Bosquecitos, N. M., 633 Bosquecito, N. M., lower, 640 Bosque del Apache, 633 Bosque de los Pinos, 621 Bosque, N. M., 629 Bosse, D., preface Bostonian, 188 botany, 603 Bottom of the Lake, 356 Boucher, P. du, 65 Bouchette, lxxvi Boulanger sl., 74 Boulder's isl., 4 Bourbon co., Kas., 394, 395, 396, 397 Bourbeuse cr., 364 Bourgne, see Borgne Bousky, Bousquai, Bousquet, Mr. Chas., 139, was in Fond du Lac Dept., N. W. Co., in 1799 Boussant, 155 Boutwell cr., 167, named by Brower for next Boutwell, Rev. W. T., 328, 331, 332, 334 Bouvet, Mathurin, 10 Bouvin, Mr., 139, compare Boivin or Boilvin Bowdark r., 815 Bowditch l., 161, 162 Bowen, F., lxvi Bowers, see Joe Bowers Bowl, see Greater and Lesser Reservoir Bowwood r., 815 Boy l., 155 Boynton's isl., 99 Boy or Boy's r., 153, 155, 156, 320, 334 Braba was a name of Taos in 1541 Braces r., 706, 707 Brackenridge's Travels, 361 Brackettville, Tex., 690 Braddock's defeat, 438, 531 Bradford, Col., 490, 491, 492 Bradley, Corp. or Sergt. Samuel, 1, 20, 54, 56, 108, 114, 115, 117, 124, 127, 128, 131, 136, 137, 138, 139, 172, 173, 177, 193, 359, 360, 372, 373, 401, 428, 432, 547, 845, 854, 855 Braggers, 345, 349 Brainerd, Minn., 129, 130, 131, 135, 177, 179, 318 Branches of the Vine, 777 Branden, Pvt. Peter, 1, 854 Brandy r., 96 Brannan, lxxix, lxxxiii, ci Bras Cassé, Bras Casse, Brasse Casse, a chf., 88, 338, 347 Brasses, Brassos r., Mex., 673, 678 Brasses, Brassos, Brassus r., Tex., lii, 678, 706, 707 Bravo r., 641, 642, 643, 644, see Rio Grande and Rio del Norte Brazeau, Marie, 388 Brazito, battle and tract, 640 Brazos, Col., 596 Brazos pk., 597 Brazos r., Brazos de Dios r., lii, 560, 705, 706, 707, 779, 780, 781 Breche, Brèche-dent, a chf., 176, 189, 190 Breck l., 166 brelau, brelaw, 96, 432 Brent's, N. M., 637 Brevoort, Capt. H. B., xxvi, xxviii, see also Michigan Pioneer Collections, I. p. 373, VIII. p. 449 Bridge cr., 518 Bridgeport, Kas., 403, 404 Bridgeport, Mo., 366 Bridgeport, Wis., 38 Brigade order, Pike's, lxxx Brisbois, Mr., 36 Briscoe, Pvt., 332 British generalities not indexed British medals, 551 British sergeant killed, xc Britt's ldg., 49 Brock, Gen., c Brockman, Mo., 373 Brock's, Ill., 4 Brockway, Minn., 102 Broken Arm, a chf., 88, 338, 347 Broken Arrow sl., 50 Broken Gun channel, 52 Broken Teeth or Tooth, a chf., 134, 176, 347 Brook Luta, 402, 403 Brooks, officer of artillery, lxxx Broolay, Stephen, 30 Brother Jonathan, 711 Brotherton, Mo., 361 Brouisseau, J. Le F. d'I. de, 214 Broulé r., in Schoolcraft, 1855, see Bois Brûlé r. Brower, Hon. J. V., preface, 101, 105, 158, 159, 160, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 288, 326, 328, 331, 332, 336 Brower isl., in Hernando de Soto l., named by a committee consisting of Capt. R. Blakely, Mr. Chas. D. Elfelt, and Hon. I. V. D. Heard, for Hon. J. V. Brower Brower ridge, 165, 166 Brower r. is the name I have given to that stream which flows into Lake Winnibigoshish and is commonly reckoned as III. or Third r., which see: see also Annals of Iowa for Apr., 1895, p. 22 Brown cañon, 472 Brown Cañon sta., Col., 472 Brown, Clara or Clarissa, xxx, xxxiii Brown co., Ind., cxi Brown co., Wis., 298, 299 Brown, Browne, Dr. Jos., 388, 579 Brown, Gen. John, xxx, xxxiii, lix Browning, Hon. D. M., preface Brown, John, 394 Brown, Pvt. John, 1, 115, 359, 360, 373, 432, 454, 457, 476, 482, 488, 489, 490, 510, 845, 854, 855 Brown's cr., br. of Ark. r., 472 Brown's cr., br. of Miss. r., 90 Brown's fall, 90, 92 Brown's isl., 98 Brownsville, Minn., 49, 206 Brownsville, N. Y., lxxxii Brûlé I., 153, 155 Brunet, F., 334, 335 Bruno cr., 401 Brusha for Brèche-dent, 176 Brush cr., 519 Brush Hollow cr., 462 Brushy cr., 559 Brushy Mound, see Timbered Hill Bruske, Bruské, Brusky, Chas., 139 Bruslé, Étienne, 30 Bryan, F. T., 645 Bryan, Guy, 602 Bryant, Hon. C. S., 88 Bryant's cr., 5 Buade, L. de Frontenac de, 294 Buade l., 91, 95, 313 Buade r., 289 Bucanieus, La Touche de la Cote, 423 Bucareli, see Bacorelli. Gen. Antonio Maria Bucareli y Urzua, b. Seville, Jan. 24th, 1717, d. at Mexico Apr. 9th, 1779, was 1760-71 Governor of Cuba, and 1771 to death Viceroy of New Spain Bucasse, a chf., 88 Buck, a chf., 156, 157, 172, 173, 175, 189; Schoolcraft, 1855, p. 444, calls him Iaba Waddik Buck cr., Ia., 34 Buck cr., or Suicide cr., 556 Buck cr., Wis., 41 Buck cr., Wis., another, 42 Buckeye cr., 381 Bucklin, Kas., 437 Buckman, Geo. R., preface Buckman Hotel, Little Falls, Minn., 123 Buckner's cr., 429 Bucks, a chf., see Buck Bucks co., Pa., xx, 602, 656 Budd and Bartram, 656 Buenacus r., 703 Buenaventura, Mex., 653 Buenaventura r., 733 Buena Vista, battle of, xix, 760 Buena Vista, Col., 469, 470, 471 Buenavista, Sonora, 773 Buenos Aires, 739 buffalo, passim, for example, 58, 426, 427, 428, 429, 433, 434, 438, 439, 440, 441, 472, 473, etc. Buffalo buttes, N. M., 597 Buffalo City, Wis., 57 Buffalo co., Wis., 55 Buffalo cr., br. of Little Platte r., 468 Buffalo cr., br. of Miss. r., in Minn., of Pike, 103, 110 Buffalo cr., br. of Miss. r., in Minn., being first one below Brainerd, on the E., mouth in Sect. 3, tp. 44, range 31, 4th M. Buffalo cr., br. of Miss. r., in Mo., or Pike's Bar r., 7, 290 Buffalo cr., br. of Republican r., 404, 405, 408, 420 Buffalo crs., see Big and Little Buffalo, Ia., 23, 24 Buffalo isl. in Miss. r., 7 Buffalo isl. in Mo. r., 365 Buffalo l., 301, 302 Buffalo, Buffaloe r., br. of Miss. r., in Mo., 4, 355 Buffalo, Buffaloe r., br. of Miss. r., in Wis., 55, 56, 58, 59, 65, 290, 305 Buffalo r., br. of Mo. r., 365 Builder of Towns, a chf., 557 Bukesagidowag r., 152 Bullard's cr., 64, 69. Bullard was the trader who settled at Red Wing in 1850 and laid out the town Bull cr., 518, 519 Bungo, Wm., 336 Bunting, Rev. O. S., preface, civ, cv Burch, Capt. D. E., cix Bureau of Ethnology, 238 Bureau of Indian Affairs, 238 Burger, Caspar, 365 Burger's cr. and bottom, 365 Burgwin, Capt. J. H. K., 606 burial, burying-ground, 73 Burke, Pvt., 332 Burlingame, Kas., 520 Burling, Mr., 662 Burlington bluffs, 18, 19 Burlington, Ia., 18, 19 Burlington isl., 18 Burlington, Kas., 399 Burlington, Vt., cviii Burnet's Notes N. W. Terr., 438 Burnett co., Wis., 72 Burnt, a chf., 156, 347 Burnt isl., 356 Burnt, Burntwood r., 308, 309, 310 Burr, Aaron, lv, lvi, 500, 501, 504, 652, 692, 826, 836 Burris cr. and valley, 55 Burr's Pass, 638 Busard Blanc, 89 Businause, 134 Bustamente, Mex., 670 bustard, 89 But, see Butte Butler, Capt. E., xxviii Butler co., Kas., 549 Butler, J. D., 40 Butte de Mort, des Morts, 300, 301, 341, 356 Butte des Morts l., 300, 301, 340 Butte d'Hyvernement, 51, 52, 53, 54 C Caballo Cone, 637 Caballos mts., 635 Cabaso, Father J. A., 703, 708 Cabeça de Vaca, 713 Caberairi, Caberarie, Cabrera, Don A., 660, 661, 662 Caberairi, Señora M. C., 659 Caberet's isl., 1 Cabezua, see Jabezua r. cabrie, 399, 653, 738, 772 Cache cr., in Ark., 559 Cache cr., in Col., 471 caches, 437, 439, 535 Caddo, see Caddoan Inds. Caddoa, Col., 443 Caddoa cr., 443, 444 Caddoan bluffs, 443 Caddoan Inds., Caddoes, 412, 526, 557, 591, 706, 708, 711, 713 Caddodaquis, 714 Caddy cr., 371 Cadena, Mex., 674 Cadena pass, 674, 675 Cadillac, A. de la M., 714 Cadiwabida, 176 Cadiz, 660, 702 Cæsar, a negro, 666 Cahagatonga, 527, 591, council name of Osage chf., Cheveux Blancs or White Hair, said to mean Big Ice Cahokia, Ill., 206, 602 Cahokias, 339 Caigua is same word as Kiowa Cajuenche was a tribe of Yuman Inds., called Cojuenchis on Pike's map Calhoun co., Ill., 3, 4, 5 Calhoun, J. C., 83 Calhoun l., 90 Calhoun pt., 3 Caliente cr., 597, 598, 600 California, cxi, cxii, 446, 641, 645, 719, 725, 727, 728, 729, 733, 734, 735, 736, 742, 746, 770, 773 Callaway, Capt. Jas., 367 Callaway co., Mo., 368, 369 Callejito spr., 653 Calumet co., Wis., 300, 301 Calumet cr., 6 Calvinistic Creator, 332 Camanche, Ia., 27 Camanche Inds., 536, 563, 565, 566, 590, 706, and see Comanches Camargo, Mex., 692 Camden, lvi Camden co., Mo., 371, 374, 375, 376 Camden, Ill., 3 Cameron Cone, 456 Cameron, Mr. M., 66, 67, 70, 82, 86, 202, 208, 238 Camino a Senora, 651, 653 Camino de Monasterio, Camion de Monaseo, 670 Campagnoni, Comtesse de, 328, 330 Camp Allegheny, xxiv, xxvi Camp Apache, 748 Campbell, Archibald, 25 Camp Belle Fontaine, lxii Campbell, Mr., of Nicollet, 200 Campbell, Mr., of Pike, was John Campbell, 206, 207, 211, 269 Campbell, R. B., 645 Campbell's isl. and chain, 25 Camp Coldwater, 83. An undated military map in MS., in the Minn. Hist. Soc., marks it in a sort of cove opp. the head of the first island above Fort St. Anthony. Lieut. Douglas' Historical Rep., dated Dec. 4th, 1879, says this camp was at a spring near the old trading house Camp cr., br. of Miss. r., 18 Camp cr., br. of Vermilion r., 400 Campeche, 718 Camp Hualapais, 736 Camp Independence, 386, 388, 390, 392, 393, 396, 577 Camp Osage, 518, 522 Camp Price, 736 Camp St. Peter's, 83 Camp Terre au B[oe]uf, lxiv Canabe, Canabi, 742 Canada, xxvi, lxxvi, 229, 558, and passim Cañada Alamosa, 637 Cañada cr., N. M., 605 Canada grouse, 175 Cañada, N. M., 598 Cañada r., 558, 606 Canadian Institute, 168, 278 Canadian oats or rice, 38 Canadian or Cañadiano r., xlvii, 437, 552, 558, 559, 606, 705 Canal, Eureka Irrigating, 434 canals, see acequias Canary isls., 461, 701 Cances, 706, see Kanzes Candelaria, Mex., 650 Candelaria, N. M., 619 cane, a plant, 561 Cane or Caney cr., 556 Caney r., 555 Cannon r., 50, 62, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 205, 308, 309, 348, 349, 356 Cano, Canoe, Canot r., near Lake Itasca, 163, see Chemaun r. Cano, Canoe, Canon, Canot r., see Cannon r. canoe-men, 286 canoe voyage to Lake Itasca, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167 Cañon City, Col., 359, 360, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 469, 472, 475, 476, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483, 642, 847 Cañon de Chaca, Chasco, 632 Cañon de Chelly, 731 Cañon of Colorado r., 730, 731, see Grand Cañon Cañon or Canadian r., 558 Canon or Canot r., see Cannon r. Canton chute, 12 Canton, Kas., 403, 521 Cantonment Washington, lxv Cantonment Belle Fontaine, 213, 357, 358, 360, and see Belle Fontaine Cantonment Davis, 14 Cantonment Missouri, 573, see Belle Fontaine Cantonment St. Peter's, see New Hope Canton, Mo., 11, 12 Cap à l'Ail, à l'Ail Sauvage, 42, 43 Cap au Grais, Gre, Grès, Gris, 4, 5 Cape Galena, 375 Cape Garlic, 42, 43 Cape Garlic r., 42 Cape Girardeau, 710 Cape Gray, 5 Cape Jerardeau, 710 Cape Puant, 43 Cape Tepoca, 771 Cape Winnebago, 42, 43 Cape Winnebago cr. or r., 42, 43 Capilla pk., 629 Capitan mt., 631 Capitol Hill, lxiii capitulation of York, ciii Capoli, 42 Capoli bluff and cr., 43 capot, capote, 835 Cap Puant, 43 Captain cr., 519 Caquina, 742, name appears as Caquima in 1680, Vetancurt, Teatro Mexicano; see Cequimas caravan road, route, or trail, 401, 424, 425, 429, 433, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522 Carbunker's pt., 360 Cardenas, Garcia Lopez de, was sent by Coronado from Cibola to the Colorado r., summer of 1540 Cardinal r., 377, 378 Carey, H. C., and Hart, 553 Carle's isl., 6 Carlisle, Pa., 748 Carlisle spr., Col., 460 Carlos IV., 794 Carlton, Col., 442, 443 Carlton, Kas., 403, 404 Carmen r., 651, 652 Carmen sta., Mex., 652 Carnage r., 163 Car of Commerce bend, 360 Carondelet, Baron de, 657 Carondelet, Mo., 215 Carracal, Carrizal, Mex., 650, 651, 652, 767, 770 Carracal r., 650 Carrizal, Mex., 767, 770 Carrizalillo, 646 Carrizo mts., 631 Carrizo spr., 695 Carrizo, Tex., 691 Carroll co., Ill., 27, 28 Carroll or Corral cr., 475 Carroll's isl., 6 Carron, Thomas, 180, 184, 347 Carson, Christopher, 446 Carte du Canada, 71 Carter, Pvt. Jacob, 1, 359, 360, 432, 482, 490, 509, 510, 845, 850, 854, 855 Carver, Capt. Jonathan, 35, 59, 60, 61, 65, 77, 80, 81, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 198, 199, 200, 201, 205, 236, 295, 306, 309, 313, 314, 315, 338 Carver's cave, 75, 198, 199, 200, 201 Carver's Terrace, 60, 61 Casa Calva, Marques de, 661 Casa Colorada, N. M., 629 Casa Grande, Ariz., 734, 741, 742 Cascade cañon and road, 456 Cascade, Col., 456 Cascade cr., 90 Casey, Gen. T. L., preface Casey's isls., 94 Cashesagra, 556, 557, 558 Cash's isl., reference lost Caso, Cassa Calva, Casso Calvo, Marquis of, 612, 661, 816 Cassa Yrujo, Marquis de, 815 Cass co., Minn., 128, 130 Casse-Fusils channel, 52 Cass, Gov. Lewis, 36, 83, 134, 137, 157, 158, 159, 199, 327, 330, 333, 358 Cassina l., 157, 158, 327 Cassina r., 289 Cass l., xlviii, cx, 135, 152, 153, 157, 158, 159, 160, 167, 168, 173, 263, 322, 323, 324, 327, 328, 329, 330, 335 Cass r., 159, 289 Cassville sl., 34 Cassville, Wis., 32, 34 Castañeda, Piedro, chronicler of Coronado's expedition, 1540-42, his work first pub. in French in 1838 Castañuela, Mex., 683 Casti's courtiers, 330 Castle of San Juan, 722 Castroville, Tex., 690, 697 casualties at York, xci Catalonian, 654 Cataract cañon, 731, 736 Catarractes, see Saltus Astiaius Catawabata, Catawabeta, 176, 347, 351 Catfish cr., 32, 209, 294 Catfish isl., 362 Catholic Block, St. Paul, 75 Catholic religion, 663 Catlin, Col., 448 Catlin, Geo., 14 Catskill, N. Y., 405 Cattail cr., 27 cattle barons or kings, 704 cavalry, Spanish, 795 Cave cr., 379 Cavelier, J., 779 Cavelier, R., 779, 780, see La Salle caves, 198, 199, 200, 201, 363 Cave Treaty, 201 Cawree, Cawrees, 343 Cayman l., 673, 762 Cayome, liii Cayone, 770 Cazaguaguagine-sibi, 151 Cebola, 742 Cebolleta, N. M., 619, 630 Cebolletita, N. M., 630 cedar, 157 Cedar co., Mo., 384, 385 Cedar cr., Ill., 27 Cedar cr., Kas., 519 Cedar cr., Minn., 53 Cedar cr., see Lower Red Cedar r. Cedar Falls, Ia., 22 Cedar Grove, Kas., 401 Cedar isl., 98 Cedar l., see Upper and Lower Red Cedar Lake sta., Minn., 135 Cedar Point, Kas., 401 Cedar rap., Fox r., 300 Cedar rap., Miss. r., 98 Cedar Rapids, Ia., 22 Cedar r., 175, see Lower Red Center sl., 41 Century Cyclopedia, 737, 745, 756 Century Dictionary, 39, 101, 204 Cequimas, 630. Mr. F. W. Hodge of U. S. Bureau of Ethnology identifies the place so marked on Pike's map as the Cibolan pueblo of Kiakima or Kyakima, not Acoma, as my text says. What text gives of Acoma is not thereby affected in other respects. See also Caquina Cerro Blanco, 492, 493 Cerro Chifle, 598 Cerro Cristobal, 598 Cerro Cuchillo Negro, 639 Cerro Gordo, battle of, 673 Cerro Gordo cr. or r., 672, 673 Cerro Gordo, Mex., 673 Cerro Magdalen, 638, 639 Cerro Manzano, 631 Cerro Montoso, 598 Cerro Montoso, another, 629, 631 Cerro Olla, 598 Cerro Orejas, 598 Cerro Robledo, 638, 639 Cerro San Antonio, 597 Cerro San Pascual, 639 Cerro Taoses, 598 certificate, Allencaster to Pike, 809 certificate, Bloomfield's, lix certificate of papers seized, 817, 818, 819, 820 Cevilleta Grant, 628 Cevola is Cibola Chaas, 35 Chabadeba, Chabaoudeba, Chabedeba r., 51 Chacat, 630, 743 Chacito r., 614 Chacktaws, 526 Chaco cañon, people, and r., 630, 731 Chactaws, 557, 560, 591 Chaffee co., Col., 469, 471 Chagouamikon bay, 296 Chahpahsintay, 76 Chalcedony buttes, 462 Chaldeans, 182 Chalk cr., 469, 472 Chama, N. M., 601 Chama r., 597, 600, 601, 604, 629 Chamberino, N. M., 640 Chambers' bay, named by Brower for Julius Chambers Chambers, Col. T., 358 Chambers' cr., 166, 167 Chambers isl., 298 Chambers, Julius, 166, 167, 336, see New York Herald, June and July, 1872, especially July 6 Chambers, Mr., 437 chameleon, 431 Chamita, N. M., at confluence of Rio Chama with Rio Grande, on site of old pueblo Yunque or Yuque Yunque Chamois, Mo., 368, 369 Champanage, 347 Champlain frontier, district, xxiii, lxxii, lxxxv, and see Lake Champlain's Hundred Associates, 31 Chancery, lxiii Chandler cr., 462 Chandler, John, lxxi Chanpoksamde, 58 Chantaoeteka, 347 Chantapeta, 349 Chapala l., 720 chaparral, 671 Chapetones, 738, 739 Chaporanga, 591 Chaquamegon bay, 80, 296 Characterish, 409, 414, 542, 543, 544, 551, 591 Charbonnier isl. and pt., 361 Charcoal, Col., 469 Charette bend, 365 Charette, La Charette, Mo., 361, 363, 364, 512, 568, 572 Charette's cr. and village, 361 Charez cr., 424, 518 Charger, a chf., 349 Charles IV., 214, 711, 804 Charles bayou, 8 Charles r., 451 Charles Scribner's Sons, xlviii Charlestown, Ia., 27 Charlevoix, P. F. X. de, 77, 79 Chartres, Duc de, 531 Chartron, Mr., 364 charqui, 798 Chasco cañon and r., 630, 731 Chase co., Kas., 395, 400, 401 Chase, Kas., 424 Chaska, Minn., 342 Chasseb[oe]uf, C. F., 154 chasseurs du bois, 513 Chatamutah, 342 Chatanwakoowamani, Chatewaconamani, 85, 342, 347, and see Chet- Chauncey, Comm. I., lxxiii, lxxix, ixxx, lxxxiii, xcviii, ci, ciii Chavez, A. J., 424, 621 Chavez cr., 424, 518 Chavez, Don M., 621 Chavez map, 288 Chavez, N. M., 626 Chea, 745 Chef de la Terre, 172, 260, 346 Chein Blanche, 187 Chekakou, 68 Chelly cañon, 731 Chemaun r., 163. This Chippewa name was used by Schoolcraft in 1855, and is adopted by Brower and myself for this river Chemehuevis, 735, 744 Chemequaba, 731, 735 Chenal à Loutre, 366 Chenal Écarté, 6, and see snicarty chenegay is said to be a corruption of Sp. cienega. The word exists, but the alleged derivation is dubious Cheney cr., 15 Chen hyperboreus, 89 Chenire, Ia., 28 Cheniers, M. and A., 139 Chenowagesic l., 162, named for a Leech Lake Chippewa in 1881 Chenoway's son, 347 Cherokee country, 397, 555, 558, 559 Cherokee co., Kas., 397 Cherokee fort, old, 657 Cherokee Inds., 526, 557, 591, 594 Cherokee trail, old, 448, 451 Cherry cr., 448 Cherry l. is among the names of Lake Erie Chesapeake, frigate, cv, cvii Chesnaye, A. de la, 313 Chester co., Pa., cx Chesterfield, Lord, xxxi Chetanwakoamene, 74, 85, 348, and see Chat- Chetho Kette, 630 Cheveu Blanc, Cheveux Blanc, Cheveux Blanche, Cheveux Blancs, 375, 382, 387, 389, 390, 391, 392, 527, 558, 577, 578, 581, 582, 591 Chevréuil r. in Schoolcraft, 1820, is a name of Deer r., Itasco co., Minn. Chewawa, 683, see Chihuahua Chewitt, Lt. Col. W., ciii Chewokmen, Chewokomen, 148 Cheyenne bottoms, Kas., 424, 425, 517 Cheyenne co., Col., 443 Cheyenne co., Kas., 410 Cheyenne cr., Col., 442, and see North and South Cheyenne Inds., 435 Cheyenne mt. or pk., 454, 455, 456 Cheyenne r., 343 Chia, 745 Chiapa, Chiapas, 718, 721, 722, 726 Chicago and Alton R. R., 7 Chicago and Northwestern R. R., 27 Chicago, Burlington, and Northern R. R., 54 Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy R. R., 7, 9, 19, 36 Chicago, Dubuque, and Minneapolis R. R., 41 Chicago, Ill., 3 Chicago, Kansas, and Nebraska R. R., 402, 437, 521 Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul R. R., 27, 37, 74, 302 Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific R. R., 24, 44 Chickasaw bluffs, 657 Chickasaw Inds., 526, 591 Chico cr., 451 Chico, Kas., 403 Chico sta., Col., 451 Chief Himself, a chf., 591 Chief of the Land, a chf., 172, 347 Chien Blanc, Chien Blanche, Chienne Blanche, 121, 187, 189 Chienne r., 343 Chifle mt., 598 Chigomi l., 331 Chihuahua City, xlvii, lii, liii, liv, 411, 414, 536, 610, 611, 625, 626, 628, 634, 648, 649, 650, 653, 654, 655 and to 667, 669, 671, 690, 695, 713, 759, 760, 761, 764, 765, 766, 767, 769, 770, 771, 787, 808, 809, 810, 812, 813, 820, 822, 823, 828, 829, 831, 837, 838, 851 Chihuahua State, 640, 641, 648, 669, 673, 674, 675, 677, 678, 681, 719, 726, 742, 759, 762, 770, 774, 775 Chihuahua r., 765 chile colorado, 798 Chili, N. M., 601 Chillpecker cr., 164 Chilocco, Chilocky cr., 550 Chimayo settlements, 605 Chimborazo, 641 Chimney butte, 744 Chimney rock, 57 Chimoguemon, 148 China, xxxi, 804 Chingouabé, 77 Chinook, 188 Chino valley, 730 Chipeway Inds., xcv, 346, 347, and see Chipp- Chipeway r., 60, 350, 355, and see Chipp- Chipeway, Travers, or Pemidji l. appears on Nicollet's orig. map Chippewa, battle of, lxxxi Chippewa, City of, in Harper's Mag., XIX., 1859, pp. 50, 51, is Ojibway, Minn., which see Chippewa Inds., throughout Pt. 1, esp. 30, 31, 83, 310, 350, 352, 353, 354, and see Chipe- and Ojib- Chippewa, Chippewa r., br. of Miss. r., 35, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 78, 296, 305, 306, 348 Chippewa r., br. of Minn. r., 316 Chippewa-Sioux boundary, 310 Chiricahua Apaches, 748 Chiricahua mts., 644 Chisago co., Minn., 309 Chivola is Cibola Chocktaw country, 559 Choctaw Inds., 713 Choteau, see Chouteau Chouagen, lxxv Chouart, M., 295 Choumans, 412 Chouteau, A., senior, 213, 215 Chouteau, C., 393 Chouteau, G., 292 Chouteau, Mrs. A., 213 Chouteau, P., 222, 241, 242, 333, 381, 384, 514, 529, 530, 550, 551, 557, 558, 568, 559, 576, 579 Chouteau's fort on Osage r., 384, 385 Chouteau's isl., Ark. r., 440 Chouteau's isl., Miss. r., 1 Christ, 764, 801, and see Body and Blood of Christianity, Christian religion, Christians, 182, 599, 663, 753, 768 Christy, lxxix Chtoka, 531, qu. Chetopa? Chucagua, 288 Chuchacas, Chuchachas, 745 Chumpa on some maps is Cumpa Chupadera mesa, 631 churches of Chihuahua, 764, 765, 766 Churchville, Ia., 14 Chusco is Chasco and Chaco Chusco r., 731 Chute de la Roche Peinte, 123, 316 Cia, 604, 605, 745, was a large pueblo till after the revolt of 1680 Cibola, Seven Cities of, 630, 742 Cibolleta, N. M., 628 Cibolo r., 697, 703 Cicuique, Cicuye, 737 Cienega Apache, 637 Cienega Grande, Hacienda de, 682 Cienega, N. M., see Vitior Cieneguilla, N. M., 614, see Tziguma and Vitior Cilla, 745 Cimarone r., 552, 554 cimarron, 438 Cimarron, Kas., 437, 438, 439 Cimarron r., 438, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556, 705 Cimarron r., or Salt fk. of Ark. r., 552, 553, 554 Cimarron route, 426, 439 Cimmaron r., see Cimarron r. Cinaloa, 774 Cincinnati, Ill., 7 Cincinnati ldg., 7, 8 Cincinnati, O., xxvi, xxxi, 446, 836 Cincinnati, Wis., 34 Cincinnatti, O., 836 Cinyumuh, 744 Cioux, 313, see Sioux Cistus creticus, 494 Cities of Cibola, 630, 742 City of the Pines, 130 City of Vera Cruz, 722 Ciudad Juarez, 641 Ciudad Porfirio Diaz, 691 Ciudad Victoria, 724 Civil War, 634 civilized Indians, 752, 753 Civola is Cibola Civona is Cibola Claflin, Kas., 424 Claiborne, Gen. F. L., xxvi, xxvii Claiborne, Gen. W. C. C., 660 Clark co., Mo., 12, 13, 14 Clark co., Wis., 52 Clarke co., Kas., 556 Clarke cr., at Lake Itasca, named by Brower for Hopewell Clarke Clarke, Hopewell, 167, 336 Clarke l., at Lake Itasca, named by A. J. Hill for Hopewell Clarke Clarke pool, at Lake Itasca, named by Brower for Hopewell Clarke Clark, Geo. R., xcviii Clarksville isl., 6 Clarksville, Mo., 6 Clark, W., xxviii, cxiii, 10, 30, 36, 57, 60, 87, 134, 291, 292, 330, 357, 361, 734, and see Lewis and Clark, Wm. H., 36 Clavigero, F. X., xli Clay co., Kas., 410 Clay cr., 443 Clayton co., Ia., 34, 38, 304 Clayton, Ia., 34 Clear cr., br. of Cottonwood r., 401, 402, 521 Clear cr., br. of Miss. r., 43 Clear cr., br. of Osage r., 385 Clear or Clear Water r., 56, 57 Clear or Platte r., 101, 102, 103, 111, 112, 116, 192, 193, 315, 316 Clear Water cr. in Wis., 63 Clear Water, Minn., 98, 99 Clear Water or Minneiska r., 57, 355 Clear-water r. appears in Schoolcraft, 1820, for Minn. r. Clear Water r., bet. Wright and Stearns cos., Minn., 99, 193 Clemson, Capt., lxii, 367 clerks, 286 Clermont, a chf., 557, 558 Clifton, Ill., 2 Clinch, Gen., lxxxvii Clinton co., Ia., 26, 37, 224 Clinton, Dewitt C., 27 Clinton, Ia., 27 Clinton's r. is Chemaun cr. Cloquet isl., 96 Cloud co., Kas., 410 Clouquet isl., 96 Cluses, Savoy, 333 Coahuila, xli, liii, 648, 673, 675, 678, 679, 682, 689, 690, 692, 696, 697, 719, 723, 724, 725, 726, 759, 762, 775, 776, 777, 778 Coahuila de Zaragoza, 775 Coal Camp cr., 377, 378 Coal cr., 462 Cobero, see Covero Cocculus indicus, 283 Cochetope pass, 596 Cochiti, N. M., 606, 745 cochmelies, 613 Cockalin portage, 347 Cockien, 299 Cock isl., 6 Cocklebur sl., 6 Cocolo, 299 Cocomaricopas, 735 Cocopas, 735, 736 C[oe]ur du Killeur Rouge, 347 C[oe]ur Mauvais, 347 Coffey co., Kas., 395, 399 Cogquilla, Cogquillo, 668, 678, 686, 697, 701, 724, 725, 727, 729, 747, 752, 759, 762, 775, 777, 778, 779, 780, 781, and see Coahuila Cog Railway, 456 Cohahuila, 673, 775, see Coahuila Cohasset, 145, 147 Cohonino, see Cosnino coinage, 792 cojinillos, 613 Cojnino cañon, 731, 736, and see Cosnino Cojuenchis, 735, and see Cajuenche Colbertia, Colbertie, is a former name of the whole Miss. r. region Colbert r., 289, 295 Colcaspi isl., 157, 158 Cold cr., 696 Cold r. of Carver, 102 Cold Water cr., 357, 358 Cole Camp cr., 377, 378 Cole co., Mo., 371, 372 Cole cr., 520 Coleman, N. M., 638 Cole's or Coles' cr., 367 Colerado r., 706, see Colorado r. Colima, Mex., 718, 719 Collen or Colly ford, 385 colluvies gentium, 705 Colly, S., liii, 609, 613 Colonia, Mex., 677 Colorado basin, 732 Colorado Chiquito r., 630, 731, named Rio Colorado by Oñate in 1604 Colorado City, Col., 452 Colorado College, xlix Colorado Grande r., 630, 744 Colorado Midland R. R., 467, 468, 469, 470, 471 Colorado, N. M., 638 Colorado River Agency, 736 Colorado r., of Cal., 522, 523, 524, 622, 623, 630, 644, 645, 646, 647, 730, 731, 732, 733, 734, 735, 736, 770, discovered by Alarcon Aug. 26th, 1540, visited in 1540 by Cardenas from Cibola, visited 1541 by Melchior Diaz, who called it Rio del Tizon, visited 1604 by Juan de Oñate, who called it Rio Grande de Buena Esperanza Colorado r., of Tex., 696, 698, 704, 705, 780, 781 Colorado r., of the East, 558, 705, 815, 816 Colorado r., of the West, xlv, xlviii, 645, 705, see Col. r. of Cal. Colorado river-system, 730, 731, 732 Colorado Springs, Col., xlix, cxii, 452, 453, 454, 456, 467 Colorado State, xlviii, cxiii, 441, and continuously to 510, also 595, 596, 597, 732, 746, 822 Columbia co., Wis., 302 Columbia r., 168, 642, 727 Comanche co., Kas., 556 Comanche Inds., xlvii, 407, 412, 435, 459, 468, 571, 706, 737, 743, 744, 746, see Camanche Inds. and Tetans Comanche, Ia., 27 Comanche res., 412 Comanche sl., 26 Comandes, 412, see Comanches Commerce, Ill., 15 commerce of New Spain, 739, 766, 791 commerce of the Miss. r., 274 communal houses, 741 Company of the West, 531 compass stolen, 694 Compostela, Mex., 720 Conception r., 289 Concho, Mex., 669 Conchos basin and r., 642, 668, 669, 670, 673, 762, 765 Conchos, Mex., 770 Condé, 44 Condé l., 71, 310 Conde, Mexican Commissioner, 644 Conejos co., Col., 596 Conejos, Col., 596, 597 Conejos, Durango, 674 Conejos pk., 494 Conejos r., xlvi, 495, 496, 497, 499, 502, 596, 622, 641, 816, 848, 855 Conejos r., error for Chama r., 600 Cone mt., 736 Confederates, 560 conferences, 221, 266, 267 Congress, xxix, xxxiv, lvi, lvii, lxii, lxiv, lxxxi, cvii, 81, 237, 647, 704, 705, 827, 840, 841, 851 Congress water, 452 Connecticut, xxvii, liii, 570, 711, 715 Connecticut Herald, lxix Conner, Maj. S. S., ciii Conquest, a ship, lxxxiii Conradi, read Conrad's shoals, 125, mistake of the engineer's chart Conrad, Lucas and Co., lxi conspiracy of Indians, 768 Constancia, N. M., 629 Constantine, Emperor, 71 Contadero, N. M., 634, 635, 636 Continental Divide, xlv, 466, 467, 468, 469, 471, 479, 483, 637 Conurus carolinensis, 474 Conway, Thos., lvi Cook, Capt., 53 Cooke, P. St. G., 637, 639 Cooke, Prof., 336 Cooke's range, 638 Cooke trail, 639 Coolidge, Kas., 441 Cooley, see Colly Coon cr., Ia., 43 Coon cr., Kas., 434, 435, see Big and Little Coon cr., Minn., 94, 101 Coon cr., Wis., 49 Coon isl., 6 Coon's hacienda, 645 Coon sl., Ill., 6 Coon sl., Wis., 49 Cooper, historian, lxxix Cooper, J. F., 431 Copala, 759 Copes, Dr. J. S., President New Orleans Academy of Science, was among those whom a recent dishonest adventurer deceived, and for whom Lake Copes was named near Lake Itasca Copperas cr., 22 Copper cr., Col., 462 Copper cr., Ill., 22 Copper cr., Wis., 42 copper mines, various, 78, 79, 80, 637, 673, 674, 734, 761 Copper r., 4, 211, 290 Copp, Pvt., 332 Coqquella, see Coahuila Coquillas, Mex., 652 Coquimas on Humboldt's map is source of Pike's Cequimas, which see Coquimo is Caquina, see Kyakima Coquite is a form of Cicuique or Cicuye, see Pecos Corbeau François, 347 Corbeau isl., 128, 279, 316, 356 Corbeau r., 128, 294, 316, 317, 319, 320 Cordawa, Ill., 26 Cordeliers, 333 Cordero, Gov., 411, 694, 698, 699, 700, 702, 703, 704, 710, 770, 778, 785, 813, 832, 836, 839 Cordilleras, 333 Cordova, Ill., 26 Coregonus clupeiformis, 297 Coregonus sp., 169 Cormorant pt., 313 Coronado, Francisco Vasquez de, 742, b. Salamanca about 1500; governor of New Galicia, 1539; then married to dau. of Alonzo d'Estrada; left Compostela Feb. 1st, 1540; at Culiacan Easter Monday; ascended Rio Sonora; crossed Rio San Juan June 24th; reached Cibola middle of July, no doubt at pueblo of Hawikuh, not Kyakima, as usually said; captured it; heard of Moki country by name of Tusayan; sent Pedro de Tobar there, that summer; sent Hernando de Alvarado to Cicuye or Pecos in August; sent Garcia Lopez de Cardenas to the Colorado r. and on his return thence to the Rio Grande, to prepare winter quarters at Tiguex, at or near present Bernalillo, N. M. Coronado left Cibola, reached Rio Grande near present Isleta, N. M.; ascended to Tiguex; fought and captured pueblos, massacred some Tiguas, and made himself master of the Rio Grande valley, where he wintered 1540-41; started from Pecos May 3d, 1541, to discover the fabulous Quivira, guided by a foreign Indian called El Turco, "the Turk," and another Indian named Xabe; went in general N. E., and crossed Ark. r. somewhere in present Kansas; found Quivira to be no place, but wherever Quivira Inds. followed the buffalo; hanged the Turk; stayed with the Quiviras about a month, and returned to Pecos and Rio Grande in Oct.; a part of his force had returned to Tiguex in July; he was there re-enforced by Pedro de Tobar; wintered 1541-42; was seriously injured by fall from his horse; evacuated Tiguex Apr., 1542; left three priests and some others there and fell back on Cibola; returned to Culiacan; left there July 4th, 1542, for City of Mexico; was received there with disfavor; withdrew to Cuernavaca, and there died after 1548: see Bandelier, Gilded Man, pp. 162-257 corporal punishment, 796 corps du ballet, 627 Corpus Christi, 706 Corpus Christi cr., 707 Corpus Christi, Tex., 690, 696 Corral Bluffs, Col., 453 Corral or Carroll cr., 475 Corrales, N. M., 619 correspondence, see letter correspondence and conferences, 221 Cortés, H. or F., 288, 501, 719, 722, 755 Corvidæ, 85 Cosninas Inds., 730, 731 Cosninas mts., 731 Cosnino cañon, 731. This and Cojnino, Cohonino, etc., are Moki words, otherwise Kohnina Costa Rica, 718, 726 Costello co., Col., 492 Costilla, see Hidalgo y Costilla r., 494 costumes, Spanish, 788 Coteau de Prairie, 343, 348 Côte sans Dessein, 369, 370 Cotopaxi, Col., 475, 476 Cottel's isl., 8 Cottlebaum's ldg., 363 Cottleville ldg., 362 Cotton, Mr., 139 cottonwood, 442, 728 Cottonwood cr., br. of Ark. r. from Sawatch mts., 469, 470 Cottonwood cr., br. of Currant cr., 477 Cottonwood cr., br. of Grape cr., 487 Cottonwood cr., fk. of Neosho r., see Cottonwood r. Cottonwood Falls, Kas., 400, 401 Cottonwood isls., 11 Cottonwood r., fk. of Neosho r., 395, 397, 400, 401, 402, 403, 518, 521, 523 Cotulla, Tex., 690 Coues and Allen, 97 Coues, E., letter to, xx Coues, E., memoir of Pike, xix to cxiii Coues, Mrs. E., 107 Couhatchattes is a name of the Mandans Council Grove cr., 401, 518, 521 Council Grove, Kas., 401, 518, 521 Council Grove, Smoky Valley, and Western R. R., 404 Council Hill, Ia., 305 council with Pawnees, 414, 415, 416 council with Sioux, 46, 83, 84 Courcelle, de, 294, 312 coureurs des bois, 276 Coursier's hacienda, 667 Courtchouattes is a name of the Mandans Courtois sl., 41 Court Oreilles l., 306 courts-martial, Spanish, 799 cousin, 338 Couture, a person, 560, 714 Couverte Blanche, 347 Cove cr., 559 Covero, N. M., 616, 630 Covert cr., 405, 406 cowboys, 705, 739 Cow cr., 424, 425, 426, 545, 548 Cowhorn l., 162 Cowley co., Kas., 549, 550 Cowperthwait map, 122 Cow-wing r., 128, see Crow Wing r. Coxe's Carolana, 50 Coyotero Apaches, 748 Crab Island chain and sl., 25 Cradled Hercules, 165, 328 Crane totem, 134 Crawford co., Ark., 559 Crawford co., Wis., 37, 41, 42 creasing horses, 436 Credit isl., 24 Creek country, 397 Creek Inds., 397, 400, 513, 557, 591 creek, see names of creeks Creely, Theresa, 222 Crees, 351, 354 Creoles, Creolians, 510, 617, 670, 738, 764, 771, 774, 784, 790, 802 Crescent spr., near Lake Itasca, named by Brower Creux, de, 31, 310 Creuzfeldt, F., 734 Crêvec[oe]ur cr., 362 Cricetus talpoides, 97 Criminal isl., 4 Cripple cr., 456 Cristivomer namaycush, 297 Cristobal mt. or pk., 598, 635, see Fra Cristobal Crittenden, Mo., 377 Crocker cr., 401 Crocker, N. M., 636 Crockett, Davy, 38 Crockett, Tex., 708 Croix, C. F. de, 678 Croix, T. de, 677 Crooked cr., br. of Ark. r., 447 Crooked cr., br. of Cimarron r., 439 Crooked marsh, 361 Crooked rap., 142 Crooked sl., Ill., 6 Crooked sl., Ia., 41, 42 Crooked sl., Minn., 56 Crook, Gen. Geo., 747, 748, d. Mar. 21st, 1890 Crooks, Ramsay, 204 crossings of Ark. r., 439 Cross l., on Pine River route, 174 Cross or Traverse l., 161 Cross sta., 550 Crosswater is Schoolcraft's name, 1855, of Bemidji l. Crotalus confluentus, 429 Crow cr., 25 Crow Feather r., 128 Crowing r., 128, see Crow Wing r. Crow r., 96, 97, 128, 315 Crow r., 128, see Crow Wing r. Crow Wing co., Minn., 127, 128, 130, 132, 135, 175 Crow Wing isl., 128, 129 Crow Wing, Minn., 125, 129, 130, 326. It was a place of importance to the fur trade in the territorial days--a sort of Ultima Thule. But when the N. P. R. R. founded Brainerd, the people moved themselves and even some of their houses to the new town; those that were left were burned Crow Wing r., 104, 128, 129, 130, 153, 170, 177, 178, 179, 316, 317, 319, 320, 331, 334, 350, 351. John McDonnell, in Masson's Bourgeois, 1st ser., 1886, p. 269, writing about 1797, speaks of _l'aile du corbeau_, "after a portage of that name" on the road between Prairie du Chien and Red r. of the N. Crozat, 289, 714 Crying Mound is a name of Blue Mound, Mo. Crystal cr., 452 Crystal l., 135 Ctenosaura teres, 771 Cua-Kaa, old Tañoan pueblo on Arroyo Hondo, N. M., abandoned before 1550 Cuapa, 745 Cuaphooge, Cuapooge, names of the ancient pueblo on the site of which was built Santa Fé, N. M. Cuba, lxvi, 699, 749 Cub cr., 373 Cubero, N. M., 616 Cucapa, 735 Cuchans, 735, 736 Cucharas r., 448 Cuchilla, N. M., 601 Cuchillo Negro r., 637 Cueres is a form of Keres Cueva Springs, N. M., 598 Cuivre isl., 4 Cuivre r., 4, 290 Cuivre sl., 4 Culebra mts., 445 Culebra r. or cr., 445, 494, 507 Culiacan, Mex., 774 Culiacan or Culican r., 774 Culver, Kas., 405 Cumanche found for Comanche Cumberland Heights, xxix Cumming's hollow, 42 Cummings sta., N. M., 638 Cumpa, N. M., 630, 743; Pike took it from Humboldt's map Cuni, 742 Curling Hair, Curly Head, Curleyhead, a chf., 133, 134 Currant cr., 464, 465, 477 Currant Creek pass, 465 Cushing, Col. T. H., 575, 826, 827, 836 Cushing, F. H., 741, 742 Custer co., Col., 483, 484, 488, 489, 491 Cutbank r., 494 Cut Foot Sioux r., 324, 325 Cut Hand cr., 143 Cutler sta., N. M., 636 Cut-off l., 147 Cut Toe l., 324 Cuvero, see Covero Cuyamanque, Cuyamunge, N. M., 605 Cuyler's pt., 367 Cynomys ludovicianus, 429 Cypewais or Cypoway r., 60 Cythara or Cytherea isls. of Beltrami A. J. Hill thinks are those at mouth of Rabbit r., though Beltrami says only 6 m. below Pine r. D D'Abadie, 213, 214 Dacota, see Dakota Daily Democrat, St. Paul, 85 Daily Transcript, Little Falls, 107, 123 Dakota co., Minn., 72, 73, 74 Dakota cr., Minn., 52, 74 Dakota Inds., 345, 348, 349, see Sioux Dakota, Minn., 52, 53 Dallas City, Ill., 18 Dallas co., Mo., 376, 380, 384 Dallas, Tex., 697 Dallum, R., 607 D'Almansa, Capt. A., xlvi, 611, 613, 614, 615, 622, 627, 628, 633 Dam bay, 324, 325 Dameron, Mo., 5 Danger l., 166, was named by Peter Turnbull Danton, Wm., liii Danville, Mo., 367 Dardenne, Dardonne isl., 4 Darien, 522 Darke co., O., cxi, 438 Dauntless, a chf., 348 Dauntless Society, 86 Dauphine, Mo., 370 Davenport, Ia., 21, 24, 25 Davenport l., 174 Davenport, Mr., 709, 710 Daviess, Joseph Hamilton, b. Bedford co., Va., Mar. 4th, 1774, d. near Tippecanoe, Ind., Nov. 8th, 1811, of wounds rec'd at battle of T. the day before: see Jo Daviess Davis, N. H., 358 Dayton bluff, St. Paul, Minn., 75, 198, 199, 201 Dayton, Hennepin co., Minn., 96 Dayton rap., 96, 97 Dead, Lake of the, Coahuila, 673 Dead, Lake of the, N. M., 635 Dead Man's cañon, 455 Dead Man's spr., 636 Dead mt., 639 Dean cr. or brook, 132, 135, 173, 175, 177 Dearborn co., Ind., xxi Dearborn, Gen. H., xxi, li, lvii, lviii, lix, lx, lxi, lxiii, lxx, lxxii, lxxiii, lxxiv, lxxix, lxxx, lxxxiii, xcvii, xcviii, ci, cii, ciii, 15, 239, 418, 567, 575, 582, 583, 584, 585, 705, 841, 842, 845, 853, 854 Dearing's ldg., 370 Dease, F. M., 25 Death mt., 635 Death's Door bluffs, 297 Death's Head cr., 28 death's heads, 28 De Biedma, 288 De Breche, 176, 177, 189, 190, 347, 351, see Brêche-dent De Corbeau r., 128, 294, see Crow Wing r. De Courcelle, 294 De Creux, 31, 310 De Cross, see La Crosse pra. Deep cr., br. of Osage r., 379 Deep Water cr., br. of Grand r., Mo., 379 Deer cr., br. of Ark. r., Okla., 550 Deer cr., br. of Mo. r., or Grindstone cr. of L. and C., 370 Deer cr., br. of Neosho r., Kas., 397 Deer cr., br. of Osage r., Mo., 377, 378 Deer cr. of L. and C., 368 Deerfield, Kas., 440 Deer Lodge co., Mont., cxi Deer or White Oak l., Minn., 147, 148 Deer r., Itasca co., Minn., 147, 150, 321 Deer River (town), Itasca co., Minn., 145, 166, 167 Deis, see St. Dies and Sandia Deity, 353, 806 De la Harpe, B., 77, 78, 79 Del Arroyo pueblo, 630 Delassus, Gov., 367 De Launay, 560 Delaware, lxxxvi Delaware Inds., 526, 591 Delaware r., xx Delhi, Wis., 301 De L'Isle, 81, 95, 313 Delpetrero, 653 Delta co., Mich., 297 deluge-myth, 182 Deluot l., 153, 155 Demaray cr., 165, named by Brower for Mrs. Georgiana Demaray, dau. of Wm. Morrison Demaray, Mrs. Geo., 326 Demick's isl., 97 Demidouzaine, Demi Douzen, Demie Douzaine, 84, 88 Deming, N. M., 638 Demizimaguamaguen-sibi, 160 Demon r., 14, see Des Moines r. De Moyen r., 222, 291, 293, 339, 343, 344, 347, see Des Moines r. De Moyen rap., 13, 25, 291, 337, 347 Dendragapus canadensis, 175 Dendragapus obscurus, 458 Denmark isl., 7 Denver and Rio Grande R. R., 460, 462, 469, 470, 471, 492, 494, 597 Denver, Col., xliv, xlv, cxii, 456, 457, 466, 467, 490, 495 Denver ed. of Pike, xliv, xlv Denver, Leadville, and Gunnison br. of U. P. R. R., 470 Denver, South Park, and Pacific R. R., 467, 469 Department of Archives, Ottawa, xcii Department of Taos, 598 Department, see War do. De Pere, Depere, Wis., 298, 299 Derby, Lieut. G. H., see Fort Ripley Derby, Tex., 690 De Sable l., see Sandy l. De Sezei, see Lisa Desgrozeliers, 295 Desiré, a person, 334, 335 Des Moines co., Ia., 18, 21 Desmoin, Des Moines, Des Moyan r., lxii, 13, 14, 15, 206, 222, 291 Des Moines, Desmoines rap., 2, 9, 221, 222 Des Moins, Ia., xlix De Soto, H., 288 De Soto r., 163 De Soto, Wis., 42 d'Esprit, Pierre, 295 Détergette, D., 214 Détour de Pin, des Pins, Miss. r., 74 Détour de Pin, du Pin, Wisc. r., 302, 303 Détour, La., 356 Détour pt., 297 Détroit, 297 Detroit isl., 297 Detroit, Mich., xxiii, xxx, xciv, xcvii, 229 De Veau, Jacques, 194 Devil's cr., Ia., 16, 17 Devil's isl., Ia., 16 Devil's l., N. Dak., 314 Devil's Race-ground, 363 De Witt Clinton's r., 163 Dhegiha, 412, 559 Diamond Bluff, Wis., 73 Diamond cr., 401, 518, 521 Diamond isl., in the Miss. r., so called by river-men, gives name to the town on the Wisconsin side nearly opposite it, near the bold bluff Diamond l., 90 Diamond spr., 401, 518, 521 Diaz, Capt. Melchior, attempted to discover Cibola, Nov. 17th, 1539, to Mar. 20th, 1540; reached Colorado r. of the West in 1541, and found traces of Alarcon D'Iberville, 77, 78, 288, 713, 714 Dickinson co., Kas., 395, 403, 404 Dickson, Col. Robert, 40, 99, 117, 118, 119, 120, 154, 155, 176, 180, 181, 186, 189, 191, 193, 194, 195, 196, 198, 202, 223, 225, 242, 261, 267, 294, 295, 298, 299, 300, 302 Dicotyles torquatus, 697 Dido, Queen, 704 Dill, Lt. J., xxvi, xxviii Dindon, see Turkey r., 355 Dimick's isl., 97, 98, 194 diplomacy, English and Spanish-American, 803 discipline, Spanish military, 797 dish game, 535 dispunishable, 204 Dissertation on Louisiana, Pike's, 511 District of Columbia, 229, 721 District of St. Charles, 360 District of St. Louis, 388 Disturnell's map, 644, 645 Divine r., 3 Division cr., 164, so named by Brower, is first fk. of Miss. r. below Itasca l., and heads on divide between Mexican and Hudsonian waters Dixon, Mr., 267 Dixon's, Ill., 4 Dobson's sl., 16, 17 Dodd's crossing, 12 Dodd's isl., 369, 370 Dodge City, Kas., 434, 437, 438 Dodge, Col. H., 45 Dodge's br., 32 Dodsley, R., xxxi Doe l., 124, 329 Doe r., 124 Dog cr., 373 Dog Inds., 35, 36, 303, 338 Dog Plains, 35, see Prairie du Chien Dog's Meadow, 355, see Prairie du Chien Dog's Plain, 35, see Prairie du Chien Dog, The, a chf., 36 Dogtown, Ill., 5 Dollie, Mo., 385 Dolly Varden Expedition, 336 Dolly Varden l., 166, named in N. Y. Herald, July 6th, 1872, by Julius Chambers, after name of his canoe Dolores hacienda, 671, 672 Dolores, Mex., 765 Dolores sta., Mex., 671 Dolores r., in Utah, 730, 732 Dome Rock, 465 Dominion of Canada, 558 Dona Ana Bend Colony, 639 Dona Ana co., N. M., 638, 640 Dona Ana hills, 639 Dona Ana, N. M., 639, 640, 644 Dona is properly Doña, often now Donna Doniphan, Col. A. W., 634, 636, 640, 654, 655, 667, 674, 746 Doniphan's Expedition, 429, 446, 649, 652, 654, 655, 746, 747 Don r., in Ontario, lxxvii, c Dorante, S., see Estévan Door co., Wis., 297 Door in the Mountain, 751 Door of the Prison, 674 Dornick sta., 470 Doty or Doty's isl., 300 Douay, Friar A., 779, 780 Double r., 97 Dougherty, Pvt. T., xlvi, 1, 359, 360, 432, 482, 485, 486, 487, 490, 505, 506, 509, 510, 845, 854, 855 Douglas co., Kas., 519 Douglas co., Wis., 310 Douglas, S. A., 310 Douglasville, Ill., 8 Dousman, H. M., 204 Doylestown, Pa., 602 Dozier's bend and ldg., 362 Dragoon cr., 520 Draper, L. C., 11, 239 Dresbach, Minn., 53 Dresbach's isl., 53 Drury sl., 23 Dry cr., br. Ark. r., in Col., 443 Dry cr., br. of Mulberry cr., in Kas., 404 Dry or Horse cr., in Col., 446 Dry route on Ark. r., 433, 434, 437 Dry Walnut cr., 425 Drywood cr., 386 Du Bois or Dubois cr., 363, 364 Du Bois r., 2 Dubuque, Ia., 20, 27, 28, 32, 293, 294; lat. 42° 29´ N., long. 90° 44´ W., pop. 30,311 in 1890 Dubuque interrogation, 226 Dubuque, Julien, 29, 30, 32, 37, 209, 211, 224, 225, 226, 268, 294, 303; best biogr. in Tassé, I. pp. 239-62, with view of his grave Dubuque, Kas., 423 Dubuque's bluff, 294 Dubuque's lead mines, 28, 29, 226 Duc de Chartres, 531 Duchouquette, B. (for J. B.), 578, 579 Duchouquette, F. L., 388 Duchouquette, J. B., 387, 388 Duchouquette, Marie, 222 duck-billed cat, 5 Duck cr., 25 Duck Creek chain and sl., 25 Duckett, see Little and Big Duck l., Mex., 651, see Patos l. Duck l., Minn., Crow Wing co., 131, 177 Duck l., Minn., near Minneapolis, 90 Dug Out cr., 18 Dudley, Lieut., xcvii Duhaut, 560, 779, 780 Duimas r., 732 Duke cr., 364 Duke of York, lxxvi Duluth, 130, 135 Duluth and Winnipeg R. R., 143, 145, 148, 167 Du Luth, Le Sieur D. G., 70, 71, 72, 309, 312, 313 Dumoulin, Amaranthe, 222 Dunbar, Wm., 473, 612, 704, 827, 834 Duncan, Mr., 81 Dundas, lxviii Dundee sta., Kas., 432 Dundee sta., Mo., 365 Dunegan, F. B., 214 Duponceau l., 153, 323 Du Quarre, 347 Durango, archbishop of, 800 Durango, City of, 761, 762, 763, 764, 770, 773, 775 Durango, State of, 648, 673, 674, 675, 678, 679, 689, 719, 723, 726, 747, 759, 763, 774, 775 Durazno l., 650 Durgan's cr., 11, 291 Durham, Kas., 401, 402, 403, 521 Durham's for Durnam's isl., 94 Durkee's isl., 11 Durnam's isl., 94 Duroc, Mo., 377 Durrett, Dr. R. T., preface and li, lii dusky grouse, 458 Dutch cr., 483 Dutch ed. of Pike, xxxviii, xliii, xliv Dutch Fred, 163 Dutchman isl., 18 Dutch or Swift cr., 483 Dutton, Pvt., 332 Dwelling of the Great Spirit, 198 Dwissler's cr., 518, 520 E Eagle, see Killeur, 118 Eagle bay, 297 Eagle bluff, on Green bay, Wis., 297 Eagle bluff, on Miss. r., Wis., 56, 57 Eagle cr., br. of Miss. r., Wis., 55, 57 Eagle cr., br. of Neosho r., Kas., 399, 400 Eagle isl., 6 Eagle Nest savannah, 150 Eagle pass, 690, 696 Eagle r., br. of Grand r., 471 Eagle's Nest isl., 2 Eagle sta., N. M., 636 Eakins, Mr., lxx Eamozindata r., 67 Eanbosandata, 348 East Arm of Lake Itasca was so named by Brower East Burlington, Ill., 19 East Dubuque, Ill., 32 East fk. of Ark. r., 471 East fk. of Elk r., 98 East fk. of Miss. r., on Eastman's map of 1855, is the Naiwa, Laplace, or Schoolcraft r., 331 East Indies, 791 East Indies, Spanish, 718 Eastman, Capt. Seth, U. S. A., 162, 163, d. Aug. 31st, 1875 East Naiwa r., 162 East Ojibway, see Ojibway, Minn. Easton, Pa., xx East r. of Pike, br. of Osage r., 382 East Turkey cr., 455 East St. Cloud, Minn., 100 East Savannah r., 138 East Swan r. of Nicollet, 143 East Wing cr., 370 Eaton, Mrs. B. H., xxxii Eau Claire r., 56, 57, 305, 355 Eau de Vie r., 96 ecclesiasticism in New Spain, 801 Eccleston l., 153, 155 Echararria, Lt. J., 703 Economy of Human Life, xxxi Ectopistes migratorius, 211 Ecuadorean Andes, 461 Eddy, Corporal, 211 Eden, Dickens' City of, 11 Edgerton, Kas., 519 Educational Reporter Extra, 327 Edwards Co., Kas., 434 Edwards r., see Beck's Gazetteer, 1823, p. 104 Egg Harbor, 298 Egypt, 621 Eight Mile cr., in Col., 462 Eight Mile cr., in Kas., 520 El, see some of the Sp. names without the definite article élan, eland, 87, 240 Elan Levie or Leve, 240 El Andabazo cr., 672, 673 Elbert co., Col., 443 El Beson, 703 Elceario, 649 Elco, Kas., 400 El Dorado, liv, 501 electricity, 759, 760 Electric pk., 483 Elephant butte, 637 Eleven Mile cañon, 466, 467 Elisaira, Elizario, 770 Elk co., Kas., 555 Elk cr., br. of Ark. r., in Ark., 558 Elk cr., br. of Miss. r., in Ia., 27 Elk cr., feeder of Elk l., Itasca basin, 166 elk-hunting, 109, 110, 111, 112 Elk l., formerly Itasca l., 326, 327 Elk l., near Itasca l., 165, 166, 334, was surveyed, located, and marked with posts in Oct., 1875, by E. S. Hall Elk l. of Pike, now Little Rock l., 102 Elk pool, near Elk l., Itasca basin, was so named by Brower Elk r., br. of Miss. r., in Ia., 27 Elk r., br. of Miss. r., in Minn., 95, 97, 101, 314 Elk r., br. of Verdigris r., 555 Elk r., in British America, 278 Elk r., 289, is the Miss. r. between Elk or Itasca l. and Bemidji l. Elk r. of Allen, by error, 122 Elk r. of Pike, now Little Elk r., 124, 316 Elk River (town), Sherburne co., Minn., 97 Elk spr., at E. side of Elk l., Itasca basin, were so named by Brower Ellicott City, Md., 656 Ellicott, Hon. A., 656, 657 Ellicott's Mills, Md., 656 Ellinwood, Kas., 522 Elliott Coues l., 160 Elliott, Lt. J. D., ciii Ellis co., Kas., 404 Ellis isl., 2 Ellison's cr., 18 Ellsworth co., Kas., 404, 423 Elm cr., br. of Council Grove cr., 518, 521 Elm cr., br. of Marais des Cygnes r., 518, 521 Elm cr., br. of Miss. r., 94 Elm cr., br. of Neosho r., 397, 398 Elmdale, Kas., 401 Elm isl., in Cass l., 158 Elmo, Kas., 403 Elohist, 182 El Paso co., Col., 443, 452, 465 El Paso co., Tex., 640 El Paso del Norte, 595, 619, 631, 632, 638, 639, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 650, 651, 682, 684, 686, 729, 739, 740, 756, 760, 762 El Paso de los Tres Rios, 685 El Paso, Tex., xxxii, 641, 642, 643 El Peñol, 653, 654 El Pozo, 677, 680, 682 El Rio, 288 El Rosario r., 774 El Saucillo, 669 Elsberry, Mo., 5 El Torreon, 677, 679 El Turco, see Coronado Elvira l., 162 Embarras, Embarrassments r., 56, 305, 355 Embuda, Embudo, N. M., 598, 606 Embudo cr., 606 Emily bend, 365 Emory, Lt. or Maj. W. H., 429, 554, 607, 617, 631, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 691, 692, 697, 712, 737, 788 Empire gulch, 471 Emporia, Kas., 397 Enbudo, 606 Encina hacienda, 687 Encinal, Tex., 690 Encinas, Mex., 687, 688 Encinillas l., 653 Encinillas, Mex., 654 Engineer Bureau, 549, 554 England, passim, xxxi, 802, 804 English chain, 15 English diplomacy, 803 English ed. of Pike, xxxviii, xxxix English generalities not indexed Ensign, Kas., 437 Enterprise isl., 4 Eokoros, 50 Eororos, 65 épinette, 319, 321, 324 Épinettes, River of, 324 Epouvette isl., 295 Epsport, 296 Erethizon dorsatum, 125 Erie, battle of, lxxxi, see Fort Erie Erie, Minn., 318 Esanapes, 68 Escalante, 730, 738 Escalon, 674 Eschkebugecoshe, 169 Escondido r., 289 escopate, escopet, escopette, 508 Eshkabwaka l., 159 Eshkibogikoj, Eskibugeckoge, 169, 261, 335, 347, 351 Española, N. M., 601 Espejo, Antonio de, was on the Rio Grande of N. M. in 1583, but did not found Santa Fé, whose "tercentennial" of 1883 was too previous; he died 1585 Espinazo, Arroyo del, 616 Espiritu Santo bay, 697 Espiritu Santo r., 288 Espiritu Santo spr., 675 Esprit Bleu or Blue, 343, 347 Esprit, Pierre de, 295 Esquagamau l., 135 Esquibugicoge, 169 Essai Militaire, 503 Essanapes, 50 Esterolargo mt., 638 Estévan, Estévanico, the negro killed by the Cibolans in 1539, see Nizza. He is sometimes mistakenly called Stefano Dorante estufa, 737 Ethnography of the Mississippi, 337 Étienne, Veuve, 295 Etlah sta., Mo., 365 Eureka, Wis., 301 Eureka Irrigating Canal, Kas., 434 Eustace, Capt., xcii Eustis, Hon. Wm., lxv, lxvii Eustis, Maj., lxxx, lxxxi, lxxxviii, lxxxvix Evangelists, The, is trans. of Los Evangelistas, collective name given by Kino in 1699 to four branches of the Gila r., now the Salado or Salt, the Verde, Santa Cruz, and San Pedro Ewing's cr., 369, 370 Ewing, Wm., 15, 222, 223, 291, 292 examination of papers, 610 ex[oe]cias, 741 explosions, 109, and see magazines Exposition Grounds, Toronto, lxxvi, lxxviii Eyeish, Eyish, 711 F Fabas, Fabbas r., 9 Fabius isl., 10, 11 Fabius r., 9, 10 Fabius tp., Mo., 11 Fair American, a ship, lxxxiii Fairbanks, a Mr., 324 Fairfield, Mo., 380 Fairport, Ia., 23 Fall cr., Pike co., Ill., 6 Fall Inds., 278 Falling Leaf, a chf., 43 Falling Rock cr., 2 Fall r., br. of Verdigris r., 555 Falls cr., or Bassett's cr., 94 Falls, see names of falls, besides the following: Falls of Pakagama, 147 Falls of St. Anthony, 35, 91, 195, 196, 198, 227, 231, 232, 234, 235, 244, 310, 311, 321, 348, 356, 844, and see the elaborate illustrated article in Final Rep. Geol. Surv., Minn., II., 4to Fanning, Capt. A.C.W., lxxxvii Faraone Apaches, 632, 748 Faribault, A., 76 Faribault, B., 76 Faribault, J. B., 76, 83, see Tassé, II., pp. 309-331, portrait Faribault, Minn., 76 Farm Island l., reference lost Farnese, A., a pope, 599 Farris Hotel, Pueblo, Col., 453, 454 Father Gabriel, 64 Father of Waters, 289 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost r., 708 Faucon Noir is F. name of Black Hawk, a chf. Fawn cr., 400 Fay, H. A., lxxix, ci Featherstonhaugh, G. W., 11, 14, 18, 26, 51, 54, 61, 63, 66, 79, 80, 81, 85, 200, 289, 295, 298, 299 Febvre, Jos. d'I. de Brouisseau le, 214 Federal City, 824, 833 Federal District of Mexico, 721 Feebyain, 338 Fee Fee cr., 362 Femme Osage r., 362, 363 Fener, Mr., 243 Fénelon, F. de S. de la Mothe-, xxiv Fennai, F., 243, was a boatman in Amer. Fur Co., Feb. 25th, 1819 Ferara, Capt. de, 686 Ferdinand cr., 357 Fernandez, Don B., 508, 595 Fern Leaves, 349 Fero, D., liii, liv, 660, 665, 811, 812 Ferrebault, see Faribault Ferrero, Don J. J. de, 686 Ferro, D., 660, see Fero Ferry sl., 41 Ferryville, Wis., 42 Fest's ferry, 637 Fever r., 28, 29 Fiddle cr., 363 Fiddler's bend, 301 Field, T. W., xlii Fievre r., 29 Fifer's ldg., 361 Fifth rap. of Nicollet, 125 figs, fig trees, 675, 676, 681 Filotrano, 329 Fils de Killeur Rouge, 118, 180 Fils de Penechon, Penichon, Pinechon, or Pinchow, 83, 84, 86, 195, 197, 198, 257, 346, 347 Filson Club, lii Finan, P., lxxix, lxxxviii, xcvii Finlay, Anthony, 553 Finlayson, J., 553 Finney co., Kas., 440 Fire pra., lxii First Dragoon cr., 520 First fk. of Ark. r., 448, 463 Fish cr., br. of Marais des Cygnes r., 518, 521 Fisher, Judge, Capt., or Mr., 6, 35, 37, 42, 87, 206, 209, 211, 224, 225, 269, 372 Fisher's cr., 41 Fisher's ldg., 368 Fisher sta., Col., 470 Fish l., on Bend cr., 99 Fishline l., 317 Fish r. or St. Croix r., 72 Fitz Gerald, David, preface Fiuntenas, 773 Five Points sl., 6 flag incident, 89 Flambeau r., 306 Flanders, 677, 701 Flat Mouth, a chf., 134, 156, 169, 170, 171, 172, 260, 335, 347, 351 Flat r., 102 Flax r. is a name of the Colorado Chiquito, in frequent use about 40 years ago, trans. Rio de Lino of early Sp. records Fletcher cr., 125, 179 Fleury, Judge, 727 Flint cr. or r., 19 Flint hills, 19 Flite, Miss., lxiii Floating Bog cr., 167 Floating Moss l., 165 Floodwood, Minn., 143 Floodwood r., 143 Florado r., 669, 670 Florence, Col., 462 Florence, Italy, 328 Florence, Kas., 401 Florence, Minn., 63 Florida, as a captaincy-general, 718 Florida boundary, 657 Florida, Mex., 683, 684 Florida mts., 638 Florida or Florido r., 669, 670, 671, 762 Florida, State of, lxvi, lxxxvii, 734, 779 Florissant, Col., 465, 467 Florissant, Mo., 214, 511 Fly pass, 492 Foley sta., Mo., 5 foliated talc, 729 folle avoine, 38 Folle Avoine Inds., 38, 117, 118, 120, 124, 125, 126, 298, 299, 300, 301, 305, 306, 309, 314, 340, 341, 343, 346, 347, 351 Fond du Lac co., Wis., 300 Fond du Lac department, 280, 282, 284, 285 Fond du Lac, Minn., 139, 141, 168, 170, 181, 295, 321, 356 Fond du Lac r., 321 Fond du Lac, Wis., 24 Fons et Origo spr., 165 Fontainebleau, 213 Fontaine qui Bouille r., 452 Fontaine-qui-bouit r., 453 Fontaine r., 452 Ford co., Kas., 435, 436, 437 Ford, Col., 475 Ford, Kas., 436, 437 Forest Hill, Kas., 423 forestry question, 524 Forked r., 289 Forks of Ark. r., 463, and see under East, First, Grand, Lake, North, Pike's, Tennessee, and Third Forks of Miss. r., at Crow Wing r., 317 Forks of Miss. r., at Leech Lake br., 325 Forsyth, Maj. B., lxxx, lxxxiv, lxxxv, lxxxvi, xcvi, cii Forsyth, Maj. Thos., 12, 19, 22, 26, 54, 56, 88, 89, 118, 239 Fort Adaize, 713, 714 Fort Adams, 564, 565, 827 Fort Armstrong, 25, begun May, 1816; named for the Secretary of War: see Annals of Iowa, Jan., 1895, pp. 602-614, plate Fort Atkinson, 358, 425, 434, 439 Fort Atkinson, old, below Fort Dodge, abandoned before 1866 Fort at or below Lake Pepin, built by Perrot, 65 Fort at Toronto, lxxvii Fort Aubray, Aubrey, Aubry, 442 Fort Beauharnois, 65, 80, 308 Fort Bliss, 643 Fort Bourbon, 256 Fort Brady, 332 Fort Carondelet, 384, 387, 541 Fort Cayome, liii Fort Charles the Prince, 214 Fort Chartres, 204, 213, 214, 531, 532 Fort Clark, see Fort Osage Fort Clark, Tex., 690 Fort Clemson, 367 Fort Conchos, 668 Fort Conrad, 633, 634 Fort Craig, 634 Fort Crawford, 36, 45 Fort Crawford, on Des Moines r., 13 Fort Crèvec[oe]ur, 3, 64, 68 Fort Crittenden, 773 Fort Cummings, 638 Fort Dauphin, 256 Fort de Charters, 531 Fort Dodge, 437 Fort Duncan, 690, 691, 696 Fort Duquesne, 453 Fort Edwards, 14 Fort Elisiaira, Elizario, 648, 649 Fort Erie, lxxxvii, xc Fort Ewell, 696 Fort Falls, 692 Fort Fayette, xxvi Fort Fillmore, 640 Fort Frontenac, lxxii, 70, 309 Fort Gage, 532 Fort Gaines, 127 Fort Garland, 493, 494, 596 Fort George, lxxiii, lxxiv, xciv, xcv, xcviii, cvi Fort Griffin, 706 Fort Howard, 299 fortifications, supposed, 57, 59, 60 Fort Inge, 696 Fort Jesup, 712 Fort La Baie, La Baye, 298 Fort La Reine, 254, 255, 256 Fort Larned, 425, 426, 429, 435, 444 Fort Leavenworth, 333, 405, 446, 519 Fort L'Huillier, 65, 78, 79 Fort Lesueur, 71, 73 Fort Lowell (old), 596 Fort Lyon, 435, 444, 445 Fort McDowell, 734, abandoned Fort McHenry, lxiv Fort McIntosh, 690, 691, 696 Fort Mackinac, 176 Fort McRae, 635, 636, 637, named for Capt. Alex. McRae, killed at battle of Valverde, Feb. 21st, 1861; site selected by A. L. Anderson, in the cañon E. of Rio Grande, about 40 m. S. of Fort Craig. Fort Madison (fort and town, Ia.), 17 Fort Mann, 437 Fort Marcy, 605, 607, was built precisely on the site of the older one of two Indian villages which were replaced by Santa Fé, N. M. Fort Marsiac, Massac, xxv, 656, 657 Fort Mason, 771, 773 Fort Mellon, lxxxvii Fort Mohave, Mojave, 736 Fort Niagara, lxxvi, cvi Fort Osage (or Clark), 520 Fort Oswego, ciii Fort Perrot (various or alleged), 54, 59 Fort Pike, La., cx Fort Pike, N. Y., civ, cx Fort Point (Clark or Osage), 520 Fort Prince Charles, 358 Fort Recovery, 438 Fortress Monroe, 45 Fort Reynolds, 451 Fort Riley, 404, 405, 408, 425 Fort Ringgold, 692 Fort Ripley (old), 127, site selected by Gen. Geo. Mercer Brooke, surveyed Sept. 24th, 1848, by Lieuts. Geo. Hasket Derby and Robert Stockton Williamson, both then of U. S. Top. Engrs., former of Ph[oe]nixiana and Squibob fame, latter noted in connection with Pac. R. R. expls. and surveys; see Harper's Mag., XIX, 1859, p. 54 Fort Ripley (town), Minn., 127, 179 Fort Rouillé, lxxv, lxxvi, lxxxiii, xcii, cii Fort St. Anthony (Snelling), 30, 58, 82, 83, 328, 329 Fort St. Antoine, Beef r., 58 Fort St. Antoine, Lake Pepin, 65 Fort St. Croix, 309 Fort St. Louis, Ill., 560, 714 Fort St. Louis, Ia., 13 Fort St. Louis, Mo., 269 Fort St. Louis, Tex., 560, 779, 780 Fort St. Pierre, 80 Fort Sarah, 425 Fort Scott, 394, 395 Fort Selden, 636, 638, 639, 640 Fort Smith, 559 Fort Snelling, 30, 58, 75, 82, 83, 84, 85, 90, 91, 236, 243, 310, 328, 334, 358, 405: see also Ex. Doc. No. 9, Ho. Reps., 40th Congr., 3d Sess. Fort Stanton, 447 Fort Thorn, 638 Fort Tompkins, ciii Fort Toronto or Rouillé, lxxv, cii Fort Toronto or York, lxxvii Fort Towson, 519 Fort Whipple, 735, 747 Fort William (British), 169 Fort William, Col., 446 Fort Wingate, 607, 619, 629, 742 Forty-niners, cxi Fort York, lxix, lxxiii, lxxiv, lxxvi, lxxvii, lxxviii, lxxix, lxxx, lxxxiii, lxxxiv, lxxxv, lxxxvii, xcii, xciii, xciv, xcv, xcvii, c, ci; and see York Fort Yuma, 646, 736 Fort Zara, Zarah, 425; gone before 1866 Foster, Dr. Thos., 85, 86, 87, 88 Fountain cave, 75, 199, 200, 201 Fountain City bay, 57 Fountain City, Wis., 55, 56 Fountain cr., 452 Fountain r., 445, 451, 452, 453, 454, 459, 463 Four Brothers isls., 4 Fourche de la Côte du Kansas, 423 Four Mile cr., 399 Fourth rap., 104 Fowlshiels, xlv Fownda, Chevalier Don, 812, 813 Fox Inds., 26, 31, 35, 36, 301, 330, 338, 339, 346, 347 Fox isl., 12, 13 Fox pra., 12 Fox r., Ia., 12, 13 Fox r., Wis., 291, 294, 295, 298, 299, 301, 302, 338, 340, 341, 347 Fox sl., 13 Fox-Wisconsin portage, route, traverse, 24, 35, 68, 294, 302 Fra Cristobal, 634, 635, 639 Fra Cristobal mt. or pk., 633, 637 Frame cr., 366 France, 213, 701, 805 Francisco, Don, 618 Francis r., 377, 378 François r., 95, 313 Franconia, 309 Frank, a Pawnee, 402, 408, 416, 569 Franklin co., Kas., 520 Franklin co., Mo., 363, 364, 365, 366 Franklin mts., 631, 640 Franklin, Tex., 643 Franquelin, J. B., 3, 13, 24, 35, 48, 49, 51, 71, 72, 73, 81, 91, 95, 309, 313 Fraser, Lieut., lxxxiv, lxxxvii, xc, xcix Fray Cristobal, 635, 636 Frazer City, Minn., 318 Frazer, Jas., 37, 40, 42, 44, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 58, 59, 61, 70, 82, 91, 201, 202, 205, 206, 207, 238, 242, 243, 244 Frazer, Jos. J., 40 Frazer, Robert, 40 Frazier l., in Itasca basin, flows into Little Mantrap l. Fredonia, Ia., 23 Fredonia, Kas., 555 Freeman, Col. C., 564, 715 Freeman, Mr. Thos., li, 412, 473, 710, 827, 841 Frémont co., Col., 460, 462, 483 Frémont, J. C., 79, 333, 334, 381, 446, 452, 453, 457, 645 Frémont pass, 471 Frémont's pk., 462 French, Capt. S. G., 643, 645 French ed. of Pike, xxxviii, xl French influence on Osage Inds., 531 Frenchman's bar, 74 French post, old, near Trempealeau, 54 French rap., 131 French Rapids was also name of a paper town on E. side of Miss. r., still-born or extinct about 1857 French Raven, a chf., 347 French relations, 288 Frene cr., 366 Fresaie, 179 Fresno, 667 Freytas, 288 Friar Christopher, 639 Friar Christopher mt., 633, 634, 635, 639 friars, two, 755, are uncertain: see Nadal Nizza, and Asuncion, J. de la Fridley's bar, 94. Fridley was a local magnate in territorial times, whose farm was at the mouth of Rice cr., where he laid out a town he called Manomin, and in 1859 made a new county of this name, though Manomin co. consisted of less than half a township (T. 30, R. 24, 4th M.), being little over 15 sq. miles. The county was nicknamed "Fridley's farm." Under the State constitution no county could be less than a certain area without an affirmative vote of its inhabitants. This one did not work well, and those most interested wanted to get rid of it. To do so required a special alteration of the constitution. This was made, and Manomin was annexed to Anoka co. in 1870, with the result of the curious spur or lobe (Fridley township) which hangs to the latter. It is a wonder that the knowing ones did not see how Minneapolis would have been aggrandized by adding Manomin to Hennepin co. The original settler on Manomin was John Banfill, about 1848 Frio r., 696 Frijoles cr., 604 Frobisher, Mr., 188 Frontenac, L. de Buade de, 77, 294, 307, 312 Frontenac, Minn., 63, 64, 65, 69 Frontenac r., 289 Frontera, Fronteras, Tex., 643, 644, 645, 646 Fronteras, Sonora, 773 Front range of Rocky mts., 444, 451, 452, 454, 456, 467 Front st., Toronto, lxxviii Fruitland, Ill., 4 Frye isl., near Hancock's, in S. W. ¼ of Sect. 14, below Elk r. Fuentes, Mex., 691 Fuerte r., 762 Fulton, Fulton's isl., 25, 27 Fulton, Ill., 27 Fulton, Kas., 394 furs and peltries, return of, 284, 285 fur trade, 274 G Gachupines, 738, 739 Gadsden purchase or treaty, 644, 645, 646, 647, 727, 770 Gagiwitadinag l., 166 Gaillard, Gaillard's r., 377, see Giard Galena, Ill., 28 Galena r., 28, 29, 32 Gales and Seaton, 840 Galisteo cr., 615 Gallardo, see Galvez y Galland, Ia., 15 Gallatin, Mr., lxx Gallego, Gallejo spr., 652 Gallegos, N. M., 601 Gallinipper cr., 383 Galtier, Rev. L., 75 Galueston's, Galveston bay, 710, 781 Galves, Count of, 803, 804 Galveston, Tex., 707 Galvez, Don D. C., 803 Galvez y Gallardo, B., 803, 804 game of ball, 50, 207 games, Pawnee, 534, 535 games, Spanish, 789 Gange, see Grange Ganges r., 70 Gannett, Henry, preface Ganville, 310 Garcia, Don F., 643 Garde, see Mont La Garde Garden City, Kas., 440 Garden isl., 158 Garden of the Gods, 452; name arose before 1859 Gardner, Col., 492 Garey, Bill or Wm., 446 Garfield, Kas., 434, 435 Garland, Col. J., 425 Garlic bluffs, cape, and r., 42, 43 Garrison cr., Ark., 559 Garrison cr., Ont., lxxvii Garrison, O. E., 336 Garrison pt. was named by Brower for O. E. Garrison, who visited Lake Itasca in July, 1880 Garzas, Mex., 668, 669 Gasconade City, Mo., 367 Gasconade co., Mo., 366, 369 Gasconade r., 11, 366, 367, 368, 369, 512 Gass, P., 364 Gastacha, 288 Gaston, 30 Gatchi Betobeeg is Schoolcraft's name, 1855, for the great morasses above Pokegama falls Gates, Gen., lvi, lvii Gates of the Rocky mts., 642 Gatschet, A. S., 706, 713 Gatuño, 677 Gaurreau, Lt. F., ciii Gauss l., 153, 155 Gauthier, Gaultier, see Verendrye Gayard r., 37, see Giard r. Gayarré, Charles Étienne Arthur, 714, b. Louisiana, Jan. 9th, 1805, was living 1894, since dead Gayashk l., 134 Gayashk r., 129, 334 Gaygwedosay cr., 166, 334, so named by Brower, see Trying to Walk Gayoso de Lemas, Don M., lv, 657 Gear, Rev. Ezekiel Gilbert, of Conn., was chaplain at Fort Snelling 1838-53, and at Fort Ripley 1860-67; d. Oct. 13th, 1873 Gear l., 174 Geary co., Kas., 404, 410 geese, 89 General Land Office, 7, 26, 491, 554 General Pike, a ship, cix, cx. Further information in Barrie's Army and Navy, p. 38, and Roosevelt's Naval War of 1812, p. x, fig. Emmons says she was 875 tons, carried 28 long 24's, and was second frigate launched on Lake Ontario; commanded by A. Sinclair and Wm. M. Crane; served in Comm. Chauncey's squadron, for some time as flagship, against the English, Aug. 7th-11th, Sept. 11th, and Sept. 28th, 1813: in the last action burst a gun, and had 27 killed and wounded. (A. W. Greely, _in lit._, May 21st, 1895.) General Putnam, a steamboat, 9 general remarks on New Spain, 786 to 806 Genesis, 182 Geneva, Ia., 23 Genoa, Wis., 49 Gens de Mer, 31 Gens des Feuilles, 118, 120, 197, 230, 258, 343, 345, 346, 347, 349 Gens des Feuilles Tirées, 345, 346, 347, 349 Gens du Lac, 69, 81, 86, 95, 197, 207, 267, 313, 314, 342, 345, 346, 347 Gens du Large, 81, 345 Geomys talpoides, 97 George, see Fort George George III., lxxvi George l., 161 George's bay, 771 Georgia, cx, 715 Georgian bay, lxxv German ed. of Pike, xliv Germany, xxviii Gerrales, 629 Geulle Platte, Geuelle Platte, 169, 261, 347 Ghaymnichan is a form of Remnicha, which see Ghisdhubar, 182 Ghost r., 733 Giard, Basile, 303 Giard, Giard's r., 37, 304, 347 Giaucthinnewug, 171 Gibraltar pt., lxxvii, xcii Gieulle Platte, 351 Gihagatche, 591 Gilans, 748 Gila r., 637, 639, 644, 645, 646, 728, 730, 734, 735, 736, 741, 742, 756, 773; date of discovery 1538; crossed by Friar Marcos de Nizza in 1539; name appears on Kino's map, 1701; river also called Gila by Venegas, 1757, and Font, 1777; this name for the river dates from 1697, though Gila was name of a province in 1630; first name of the river was Rio del Nombre de Jesus, Oñate, 1604; the name Rio de los Apostoles is later, having been first applied by Father Kino in 1699 Gila river-system, 734, 735 Gilbert, Gilberttown, Ia., 25 Gilbert's isl. and ldg., 7 Gilead, Ill., 5 Gileño Apaches, 748 Gilfillan l., 336; named by Brower for Rev. J. A. Gilfillan, who held first religious services known at Lake Itasca, May, 1881 Gilfillan, Rev. J. A., 166 Gilmer, J. F., 607 Gitchigomi l., 330 Givens, Maj., lxxxv, xcii, xciii Gladstone, Mo., 375 Glaize cr., 375 Glasco, Kas., 408 Glasscock's isl., 8 glaucoma, 81 Glaucus isl., 8 Glazier l., 166 Glen Erie or Eyrie cr., 452 Glen Haven, Wis., 34 Glenn, Kas., 519 Glen's ldg., 370 Glen, The, 518, 519 Gloucester, a ship, xciv Gnacsitares, 50, 68 God, 64, 182, 196, 353, 382, 432, 501, 573, 576, 587, 602, 657, 706, 801 Goddard's r., 306, 309 Godwin, Lt. A., cviii Golden's cr., 15 gold mines, 759, 760, 761 Gomez, 604, 615 Gonzales, Tex., 703 Goode, Prof. G. Brown, preface Good Help l., 65 Good Help r., 58 Good Hope r., trans. of Rio Grande de Buena Esperanza, which see Goodhue co., Minn., 63, 64, 65, 69, 73 Goodhue, J. M., 65 Goodman's r., 362 Goodnight, Col., 459 Good or Ninnescah r., 549 Good Road, a chf., 86 Good Sight mts. and pk., 638 Good Sparrow Hunter, a chf., 85 Goodwin, see Godwin Goodwin, Gov. John N., 727 Goodwin's isl., 96 Goose bay, 70 Goose isl., 153 Goose r., 97 Gorden, Pvt. Wm., 1, 359, 360, 432, 482, 490, 510, 845, 854, 855 Gordon, Geo., 602 Gordon's bay, 41 Gordon's ferry, 28 gorget, 586 Goths, 632 Gouelle Platte, 169 Gove co., Kas., 404 government of New Biscay, 768, 769 government of New Mexico, 754 Governor Tompkins, a ship, lxxxiii Gove sta., Col., 483 Graeton, see Greaton Grafton, Ill., 2, 5 Graham, Col. J. D., 644 Graham, D., 25, 238 Graham, H. R., 833 Granada, Col., 442 Granada cr., 442 Granada sta., N. M., 636 Grand Auglaise cr., 375 Grand cañon, Ark r., 462, 466, 476, 477, 478, 479, 847 Grand cañon, Colorado r., 730, 731, 732, 735 Grand chute, Fox r., Wis., 299 Grand copper mines, 637 Grand Duchy of Nassau, 452 Grande Avenue, Miss. r., 175 Grande de Santiago r., 719 Grande Île, 194 Grand Encampment, 59, 60, 205 Grand Encampment isl., 60 Grande Prairie Mascotin, 22 Grande r., see Rio Grande and Rio del Norte Grande Rivière au Vase or Vaseuse, 369 Grand fk. of Osage r., 383, 513 Grand fk. or Solomon r., 421 Grand fks. of Ark. r., 445, 451, 463 Grand isl., Cass l., 157, 158 Grand isl., La Crosse, 51 Grand Isle, one of Pike's Beaver isls., 194, 262 Grand Kakalin, Kaukauna, Konimee, 299, 300 Grand Lac, 30, 310 Grand Marais, 75, 310, 342, 348 Grand Osage Inds. or village, 381, 385, 386, 387, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 529, 530, 531, 532, 541, 550, 551, 555, 558, 562, 563, 566, 576, 579, 582, 590, 591 Grand Osage r., see Osage r. Grand Pawnees, 412, 413, 449, 450, 451, 532, 542, 544, 583, 590, 591 Grand pk., 456, 457, 458 Grand Pest, Peste, a chf., 566, 586, 588 Grand Portage, 188, 326 Grand Rapids, Itasca co., Minn., 137, 146 Grand raps., in Miss. r., Itasca co., Minn., 142, 143, 144, 145, 321 Grand raps., or Sauk raps., 100, 193, 315, 356 Grand r., a cr. in Wis., 301 Grand r., a name of the Miss. r., 288 Grand r., br. of Colorado r., 471, 479, 524, 596, 732 Grand r., br. of Osage r., 379, 382, 540 Grand r. or Cottonwood r., 402 Grand r. or Neosho r., 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 515, 541, 552, 556, 557 Grand Saline r., in Kas., 405, 420, 422, 545, 586 Grand Saline r. or Cimarron r., 552, 553, 554, 555 Grand Saline r. or Newsewtonga r., 552 Grange, La or The, 70, 205, 308, 356 Granger co., Tenn., liii Granite cr., 727, 734 Granite gulch and sta., Col., 471 Granite mt., 730 Grant co., Kas., 439 Grant co., N. M., 638 Grant co., Wis., 37 Grant, Mr., of N. W. Co., 133, 136, 137, 139, 140, 142, 143, 144, 146, 155, 156, 175, 176, 180, 184, 189, 190, 191, 261 Grant's house, 142, 144, 145, 146, 280 Grant's pra., 21, 22, 211 Grape cr., cx, 462, 463, 482, 483, 484, 487, 489, 490, 491, 847 Grape sta., Col., 483 grapevines, 681 Gratiot, Chas., 10 Gravel or Gravois cr., 374, see Big, Grand, Little, Upper Gravelly isl., 297 Gravel r. of Pike, 512, see Big, Little Grave r., 71 Graveyard cr., 443 Gravis cr., 374 Gravois Mills, Mo., 375 Grayback mt., 492, 493 Gray, Capt. A., xxvi, xxvii Gray co., Kas., 437, 438, 440 Gray Horse cr., 556 Gray, Prof. A., 39 Greaser cr., 491 Greasy cr., 369 Great American Desert, 733 Great Bend, Kas., 359, 420, 424, 425, 426, 427, 429, 436, 441, 443, 518, 522, 539, 548 Great bend of Ark. r., 408, 425, 436, 521, 547 Great bend of Miss. r., 163 Great Britain, 213, 803, and passim Great Cape Gray, 5 Great Crow, a chf., 85 Greater Ultimate Reservoir Bowl, 164, so named by Brower, the area in which the Miss. r. arises to flow into West Arm of Lake Itasca Great Gravel cr., 375 Great Kaukauna, 299 Great Lakes, 3, 24, 35, 72, 294, and see their names Great Macoketh r., 28, 293 Great Marsh or March, 75 Great Morasses, see Gatchi Betobeeg Great Northern R. R., 167 Great North r., 816, see Rio Grande Greaton, Capt. R. H., xxvi, xxvii Great Osage r., 385, see Osage r. and Marais des Cygnes r. Great r., 288, 289, is the Miss. r. Great r. of the Couhatchatte Nation, Verendrye, 1737, is the Missouri Great Saline r., in Kas., 405, 420, 423, 545 Great Salt l., 732, 733, 738 Great Spirit, 198, 256, 258, 265 Great Spirit l., 314 Great Wabiscihouwa, 44 Great Western Ry., xc Greely, Gen. A. W., preface, xlviii, cx, 470 Green bay, 3, 24, 31, 297, 298, 299, 338, 340 Green Bay, Ia., 18 Green Bay, Wis., 298, 299 Greenbush, N. Y., lxx Green co., Mo., 380 Greenhorn mts., 452 Greenhorn r., 451, 488, 490 Green isl., Green bay, 298 Green isl., Mo. r., 357 Green Lake co., Wis., 301 Green l., Minn., 97 Green l., Wis., 301 Green Leaf r., 81 Green, Mrs., cvii Green mts., 733 Green Prairie tp., Minn., 124, 125 Green r., br. of Colorado r., 479, 732, 733 Green r., br. of Minnesota r., 77, 79 Green's bottom and chute, 362 Greenville, O., xxvii, 438 Greignon, Greinnor, Greinway, Greinyea, 181, 194, compare Grignon Gregg, Dr. Josiah, 394, 398, 410, 424, 437, 439, 444, 446, 457, 463, 480, 482, 496, 517, 518, 521, 553, 558, 613, 633, 635, 636, 641, 650, 651, 652, 653, 737, 739, 763, 764 Gregory, Morrison co., Minn., 122 Gregory's ldg., 12, 13 Grenadier pt., lxxxiii Grey, see Gray, Capt. A. Grey Cloud, Grey Cloud isl. and sl., 174 Greysolon du Luth, Le Sieur D., 70, 312 Griegos, N. M., 617 Griffith, a deserter, 687, 688 Grignon, Augustin, living 1859, then oldest inhabitant of Wis.; see Tassé, I., p. 1, portrait Grignon, Louis, 181 Grignon, Mr., 139 Grijalva, 718 Grimes isl., 6 Grindstone cr., 370 Griswold, Mo., 365 Grollet, Jacques, or Grolee, Santiago, was among those who conspired to kill La Salle in 1687; was at Santa Fé, N. M., 1696; Bernalillo, N. M., married Elena Galvegos in 1699, and was living in 1705 Groseilliers, 295, 296; Groseilliers l. in Itasca basin named for him by Brower Groshong, Grosjean, Jacob, 367 Gross Calumet, a chf., 347 Grosse Isle, 555 Gros Ventres, 171, 344 Grotto l., 200 Ground Apple pra., 27 Grouse cr., 549 Growler, a ship, lxxxiii Grozayyay, see Groseilliers Guachoya, 288 Guadalajara, Guadalaxara, audience, archbishopric, administration, city, or State, 718, 719, 720, 723, 726, 755, 765, 774, 786, 800 Guadalajara, Spain, 719 Guadalquivir r. The Rio Grande was named Rio Guadalquiver at confluence of Rio Conchos by Friar Augustin Rodriguez or Ruiz, on Chamuscado's expedition of 1581 Guadalupe, Col., 596 Guadalupe Hidalgo treaty, 644, 645, 646 Guadalupe mts., 631, 736 Guadalupe, Guadelupe r., 696, 697, 703, 705, 780, 781, 782 Guadiana, 764 Guagarispa is Arizpe Guajuquilla, Mex., 670, 671, 672, 673, 770 Gualamalia, see Guatemala Gualpi, 731, 743, see Walpi Guanabal, Guanabel r., 677, 678, 681 Guanajuato, Guanaxuato, administration, city, or State, 718, 719, 720, 721, 723, 724 Guatemala, Guatimalia, 718, 722, 726 Guaxequillo, 670, 672, 762, 770 Guaymas, 770, 771 Guelle Plat, 169 Guerin, a Mr., 51, 295 Guerin, Jean, 296 Guerin, Vital, 75, see Tassé, II., pp. 1-29, portrait Guerra, Father A., 619, 621, 622 Guerrero, Don Rey de, 682 Guerrero, Guerro, Mex., 691 Guerrero, State, 718, 721, 722 Gueule Platte, 156, 169, 335, 351 Guin's cr., 6 Guipaulavi is Shupaulovi Guipu is a form of the native name of the Tihua pueblo, Santo Domingo, N. M. Gulf of California, 523, 637, 641, 644, 705, 718, 726, 731, 734, 735, 747, 756, 762, 770, 771, 772, 774, 791 Gulf of Mexico, 164, 165, 302, 310, 321, 523, 560, 641, 642, 644, 682, 690, 696, 705, 707, 708, 709, 718, 722, 724, 729, 781, 782, 791 Gulf of St. Lawrence, 310, 353 Gull isl., 297 Gull l., 134 Gull r., 129, 334 Gull River sta., Minn., 129 Guloo, Don H., 671, 683, 686 Gulph, see Gulf Gunnison, Capt. J. W., 408, 425, 433, 437, 439, 491, 733, 734 Gunnison, Col., 469 Gunnison r., 466, 467, 468, 471, 596, 732 Guodiana, Lieut., 710, 712 Gusman family, 719, 729 gutta serena, 81 Guttenberg channel, 34 Guttenberg, Ia., 34 Guyagas spr., 652 Guyamas, 771 Guy Fawkes, cvi Guzman l., 650 Guzman, N. B., 719 Guzzler's gulch, 429 Gwin's cr., 6 Gypsum City, Kas., 403, 404 Gypsum cr., 403, 404 H Hacienda de Abajo, 682 Hacienda de Cienega Grande, 682 Hacienda de Dolores, 671, 672 Hacienda del Petrero, 653 Hacienda de Patos, 683, 684 Hacienda de San José de Pelayo, 673 Hacienda de San Lorenzo, 681, 777 Hacienda Encina, 687 Hacienda Poloss, 683 hackmetack, 319 Hackley's chute and isl., 13 Hacuqua is Zuñian name of Aco or Acoma, according to Cushing Haddock sl., 57 Hadley cr., 6 Haha Inds., 348 Halcheduma, see Jalchedum Haldemand cr., 400 Haldimand, U. C., xci Hale l., 143 Half Dozen, a chf., 88 Half Moon battery, lxxvii, lxxxviii Half Moon cr., 471 Half Moon l., 131, 177 Halfway house, 456 Half-way r., 559 Hall, Edwin S., 167, 336, opened first road in Itasca l. basin for G. L. O. survey in 1875 Halley, Col. A., 384, settled about 1839 at Halley's Bluff Halley's Bluff, 384, on S. side of Osage r., in N. E. ¼ of Sect. 34, T. 38, R. 30, 2 m. S. of West Bellevoir Hallico r., 380 Hall l., near Itasca l., named for E. S. Hall by Brower Hallock, Chas., 326 Hallock, Minn., 326 Hall's ferry, 361 Halona, 742 Ham, a mythical person, 56 Hamburg bay, 6 Hamburg, Ill., 5, 6 Hamburg, Mo., 362, 363 Hamilton, a ship, lxxxiii Hamilton co., Kas., 441 Hamilton, Gov. H., xcviii Hamilton, Ill., 14, 15 Hamilton, Lt.-Col. Wm. S., 36 Hamilton, Tex., 711 Hamish is Jemez Hammond, Kas., 394 Hammond's chute, 52 Hamookhabi is same word as Mohave Hampton, Gen., lxv Hampton, Ill., 25 Hamtramck, Col. J. F., xxvi Hamtramck, J. F., xxvi Hamtramck, Mich., xxvi Hancock co., Ill., 13, 15, 17, 18 Hancock isl., above Dayton, Minn. Hancock's bottom, 363, 364 Hanging Kettle l., 135 Hannibal and St. Jo. R. R., 8 Hannibal, Mo., 8, 9, 10, 211 Hano, 744 Hanover, N. H., lxxxi Hapita, 744 Harding, Kas., 396 Hardscrabble, Col., 453 Hardscrabble cr., 462, 488 Harkness cr., 6 Harland, Kas., 440 Harlan, Dr. Richard, 771 Harmon's Journal, 278 Harmony Mission, Mo., 385 Harpe, B. de la, 77, 78, 79 Harper and Brothers, 553, 554 Harper cr., Kas., 399 Harper, F. P., preface Harper's Ferry, Va., 41 Harper's Gazetteer, 554 Harper sl., 41, 42 Harper's Magazine, 326 Harriet l., 90 Harrison, ex-Prest. B., preface, xxxii Harrison, Gen. Wm. H., xxx, 11, 222 Harrison, J. C. S. or Symmes, xxx, xxxii Harrison's ldg., 369 Harrison, W. H., xxxii, xxxiii Harris sl., 28 Harrower, H. D., 327, 333, 336 Hart, see Carey and Hart, a person, 60 Hartsell's, Hartzell's ranch, 468 Hasatch, 745 Hasca for Itasca l., in Schoolcraft, 1855 Hashakedatungar, 526 Hasisadra, 182 Hassler l., 153, 155 Hastain, Mo., 377 Hastings, Ill., 4 Hastings, Minn., 65, 72, 73 Hasty, Minn., 99 Hatch, E. A. C., 87 Hatchet chute, 4 Hatch sta., 638 Hat isl., 298 Hauicu, see Havico Hause, Major, 76 Hauteurs des Terres, 164, 165 Haut Lac de Cèdre Rouge or aux Cèdres Rouges, 157, 356 Havasupai, 731, is a Walapai word from _havesu_, "down in," and _pai_, "people," with ref. to residence in the bottom of the cañon. Ewing in the Great Divide, Dec., 1892, p. 203, says it is from _ahah_, "water," _visua_, "green," and _pai_, with ref. to verdure of the place where these Indians live. The etym. which makes the word a corruption of Sp. _agua_, "water," _azul_, "blue," and _pais_, "country," is fictitious: see Aguazul Inds. and Yavasupai Inds., also Jasquevilla Havico, Havicu, Hawiku, Hawikuh, 742, 15 m. S. W. of Zuñi, first discovered of the seven cities of Cibola, and the original "Cibola" of Marcos de Nizza, 1539; taken by Coronado, 1540; abandoned, 1679 Hawilhamook r. is Bill Williams' fk. of the Colorado Hawkeye cr., 19 Hawk that Chases Walking, a chf., 85 Hay cr., br. of Cannon r., 70 Hay cr., br. of Miss. r., Crow Wing and Aitkin cos., Minn., 135, 175 Hay cr., br. of Miss. r., Morrison co., Minn., 103 Hayden, Dr. F. V., 443, 466, 483, 491, 495 Hayden's pass, 475 Hay, Kas., 396 Head, Mr. L., 495, 496 Heagler's ldg., 361 Heart of Fire, a chf., 349 Heart of the Red Eagle, a chf., 347 Heart of the Town, a chf., 591 Heathcote, Lt.-Col., xcii Hebe, 620 Hector, F. L., 657 Hedgehog harbor, 297 Height of Land, 164 Height of Land l., 317, 318 Heitman, F. B., Heitman's Register, xxii, lxxx, lxxxvi, lxxxviii Helena isl., 295 Helena, Wis., 302 heli[oe]cias, 741 Helix l., 150 Helvetius on Man, 801 hemlock, 320 Henderson co., Ill., 18, 19 Henderson, Martin, 691, 692, 693 Henderson r., 20, 291 Hennepin Bicentenary, 91: see report in full, with speeches, etc., in Minn. Hist. Coll., VI., pt. 2, 1891, pp. 29-74 Hennepin co., Minn., 94, 96, 97 Hennepin, L., 3, 5, 8, 13, 23, 35, 51, 58, 64, 65, 68, 70, 71, 72, 77, 81, 91, 92, 95, 96, 288, 289, 309, 313, 314, 329 Hennepin r., 163, see Wakomiti r. Henry, A., jun., 168 Henry, A., sen., 188 Henry co., Mo., 371, 381 Henry, Geo., 361, 362, 374, 375, 393, 568 Henry VIII., 599 Herald, see Connecticut and New York do. Herault, Elizabeth, 296 Herculean Incunabula, 166 Hermann isl., 366 Hermann, Mo., 366 Hermanos, Mex., 686, 687, 688 Hermosillo, 770, 771 Hernando de Soto l., 164, named by Brower with implied ref. to the wooded shores (Hernand of the Grove) Herrera, Capt., 709 Herrera, Gov. Don S., 698, 699, 701, 702, 703, 704, 710, 711, 786, 836, 839 Herring's cr., 468 Herron, N. M., 640 Hersey chute, 23 Heshota Oaquima is the Zuñian pueblo Kyakima Heshota-uthla, see Hish- Heth's cr., 429 He Who Drives Villages, a chf., 591 Heytman's ldg., 42 Hhemnicha, 70, is same word as Remnicha. Initial sound is strongly aspirated, like _hr_ or _rh_, and was marked _h_ with a dot over it, or double _h_, or _ch_ or letter _r_ was used in stead. The word is compounded of _he_, hill, _mini_, water, and _cha_, wood Hiawatha, 90 Hickory Apaches, 731 Hickory chute, 7 Hickory co., Mo., 380 Hickory pt., 520 Hidalgo, City of, 720 Hidalgo, State of, 718, 721, 722 Hidalgo y Costilla, Don M., 765 Hidatsas, 344 Hidden r., 289 Hiens, one, 714, 779, 780 hier[oe]cias, 741 hieroglyphics, 198, 199, 200 Hieronimo, 770 Hietans, 412, 706 Higgins', Col., 469 High cr., br. of Little Platte r., 468 High cr., br. of Oil cr., 465 Highest pk., 459 High pra. of Pike, 26 High Rock r., 67 Hila is Gila Hill, A. J., preface, 29, 70, 107, 166, 167, 199, 201, 256, 328 Hillock of the Dead, 356 Hill pt., see Point Hill Hillsborough, N. M., 637 Hilton, Lieut., see Hinson Hinckley's bend, 363 Hinson, Lieut. John, of Mississippi, second lieut. 2d Infantry Feb. 16th, 1801, honorably discharged June 1st, 1802, is probably the Lieut. "Hilton" of xxvi, xxviii Hishota-uthla, preferably Heshota-uthla, 742 Historical Register, xxii, see Heitman History of New Mexico, 755, 756 Hobbs br. of Gypsum cr., 403, 404 Hodge, F. W., preface Hogan-wanke-kin, 72 Hog isl., 18 Hogle's cr., 380 Hogtown, 5 hog, wild, 697 Hohang r., 72 Hohenzollern, Prince of, lxvi Hohtchunhgrah, 39 Hoka, Hokah r., 49, 50 Holcombe, R. I., preface, 8, 10, 365, 379, 385, 390 Hole in the Day I., a chf., 134 Holland cr., 403 Holloway isl., 379 Hollys, Col., 441, 442 Holmes isl., 361 Holton, Maj. A., xxiii, xxx Holy Cross l. and r., 71 Holy Ghost, 182, 675 Holy Ghost bay, 706 Holy Ghost r., 288 Holy Ghost r., see Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Bay of the, 444 Homan's park, 474 Homer chute, 55 Homer, Minn., 55 Hominy cr., 555 Homme Riche, 591 Hondo r., 696, 697 Honduras, 726 Honey cr., or Camp cr. of Nicollet, Ill., 18 Honey cr., Pike co., Ill., 6 Honoré, L. T., 222 Hook l., 147 Hook, Lieut. M., xxvi, xxviii Hoosier cr., 399 Hoover, Mo., 394 Hopee, see Hopi Hop Hollow, 2 Hopi, Hopituh, 744 Hoppock, Hopsock, Capt. J. L., lxxxvi Horcasitas, Chihuahua, 667 Horcasitas, Sonora, 773 Horicon marshes, 24 horn frog, 431 Horn l., 159 Hornos, Mex., 677 Horse cr., br. of Grape cr., 485, 487 Horse cr., or Dry cr., 446 Horse mt. or range, N. M., 635, 637, 638 Horseshoe bend, 57 Horseshoe isl., 297 Horseshoe l., Minn., 145 Horseshoe l., Mo., 386 horses of the Pawnees, 533 horses, wild, 433, 435, 436 Hosford, E. and E., 328 Hotcañgara, 39 Hot Spring, N. M., 816 Hough, lxxix Houghton, Dr. D., 170, 328, 331 Houghton, Mr. J., 607 Houghton's flats, 98 Houho Otah, 347 Houire, L. T., 222, 223 House, Capt. J., lxii houses of the Pawnees, 533 House, Thos., liv Houston co., Minn., 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 206 Houston co., Tex., 708 Howard bend, 362 Howard co., Mo., 367 Howard cr., 165, named by Brower for Mrs. Jane S. Howard, dau. of Schoolcraft Howard, L. O., preface Howard's isl., 6 Howbert, Col., 465 Howchungera, 39 Howell's isl., 362 Howell sta., Kas., 437 Howe's Hist. Coll. Ohio, 438 Hualpee, Hualapais, 736, 744 Hubbard co., Minn., 128, 162, 164, 318 Hubbard cr., 433 Hucaritspa is Arizpe Huddleston, Pvt., Solomon, 1, 115, 359, 360, 378, 432, 548, 845, 854, 855 Hudson Bay Co., 167, 280, 281 Hudsonian waters, 164, 263, 328 Hudson's bay, 263, 277, 327 Huerfano co., Col., 488, 489, 491, 492 Huerfano mts., 448 Huerfano park, 448, 491 Huerfano pass, 448 Huerfano r., 448, 451, 463, 482, 488, 489, 490, 491, 492, 494 Huertas, N. M., 633 Huetbatons, 312, 313 Hughes, A. E., 429 Hughes, J. T., 333, 429, 446, 631, 636, 640, 652, 655, 673, 746, 747, 764 Hughes, Lt. or Maj. D., xxvi, xxviii, 213 Hughes pt., 296 Huillier, M. l', 77, 78 Humber r., lxxv, lxxvii, lxxxiii Humboldt, A. von, xxxix, xli, xlii, xliii, 553, 631, 681, 718, 792 Humphrey's cr., 373 Hungo Pavi, 630 Hunt, Brigade Major, ci Hunt, Col. T., lxii, 575, 581 Hunter, Dr., 473, 704 Hunt, Geo., lxii Hunt, Thos., lxii Hurd and Houghton, xlvi Huron Inds., lxxv, 296 Huron, Ia., 21 Huron sl., 20 Hurricane cr., isl., and ldg., 9 Hurricane isl. and settlement, 7, 8, 9, 211 Hutchinson, Kas., 424, 548 Hu-yá, 118 Hydrocephalus l., 331 Hymie, see Guloo hypsitaphy, 73 I Iaba Waddik, 157, see Buck Ibarra, Don M. de, 680, 682 Ibarra, F. de, 759 Iberville, Pierre le Moyne, Sieur d', 77, 78, 288, 713, 714 Ichesohungar, 591 Ida cr., 64, 69 Ietans, 407, 412, 571, 632, 744, see Comanche Inds., Tetaus Igomi l., 330 Ihanctoua, see Yancton Ihanktonwans, 343 Île, see Isle Île à Loutre, 366 Ilhuicamina, 737 Ilinois, Illenois, Illin, Illini, Illinois, etc., Inds., 3, 339, 559 Illinoets l., 296 Illinois, cx, 531, 603, 818, 825 Illinois r., br. of Ark. r., 558 Illinois r., br. of Miss. r., 2, 3, 4, 13, 35, 64, 68, 77, 93, 255, 289, 560, 714 Iminijaska, 75 Immaculate Conception r., 289 Imnijaska, see Iminijaska Incunabula, Herculean, 166 Independence Hall, cxiii Independence, Kas., 555 Independence, Mo., 379, 424, 517, 518, 519 India, 738 Indianapolis, Ind., xxxiii Indiana State, cx, cxi Indian agencies, 748 Indiana Terr., xxi, 11 Indian Bureau, 238, 553, 554 Indian conspiracy, 768 Indian cr., br. of Big Blue cr., 519 Indian cr., br. of Big Gravel cr., 375 Indianola, Tex., 697 Indian rice, 38 Indians, see names of tribes and chfs. Indian territory, former, 518, 519 Indian Terr., present, 400, 480, 549, 552, 559, 706, 748 Infant Mississippi, 165, 167 Ingalls, J. J., 438 Ingalls, Kas., 438, 439 Ingersoll, historian, lxxix Inglebert de Brouisseau, J. Le F. d', 214 Ingleman cañon, 452, 456 Ingouville, Lieut., xciii Ingram, Pvt., 332 Inies, 709 insurrection, Spanish, 804 instructions to Kennerman, 245 instructions to Pike, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566 Interior Provinces of New Spain, 718 Interlaken, Col., 472 Internal Provinces of New Spain, 719, 726, 727 and continuously to 786 interpreters, 286 inventory of papers seized, 817, 818, 819 Inyan Bosndata r., 67 Inyantonka l., 343 Iola, Kas., 397 Ioua r., 48 Iowa City, 23 Iowa district, 45 Iowa gulch, Col., 471 Iowa Inds., 23, 292, 339, 346, 347, 361, 526, 551 Iowa isl., 4 Iowa r., 21, 22, 23, 211, 292, 293, 337, 339, 347, 348, 355, and see Upper Iowa r. Iowa sl., 20 Iowa State Hist. Dept., xlix Iowa Terr., 45 Iron Knoll, 465 Iron mt., 492 Iron Springs, 447 Iroquois, lxxiv, lxxvi, 288, 351 irrigating canal, 434 irrigation, 740 Irving l., 161, 331 Irving's Astoria, 361 Irving, Washington, 367 Isabel cr., 63 Isabel l., 73 Isan l., 313 Isantanka, 148 Ishkode-wabo r., 314 Ishmaelites, 705 Iskatappe, 409, 421, 542, 551, 591 Iskode Wabo, 96 Island cr., feeder of Itasca l., named by Brower as falling in opp. Schoolcraft's isl. Island l., 317 Island of Ozawindib, 158 Island of the Sun, 103 Island of the Turn, 356 Island rap., 131 Islati, 313 Isle au Détour, 297 Isle Brûlé, 297, 356 Isle de Corbeau, 128, 279, 316, 356 Isle de Pou, des Poux, 297, 356 Isle du Détour, 356 Isle, G. de L', 71 Islenois, 3 Isle Pelée, 65, 71, 73, 77 Isle Racro, 297 Isles, Lake of the, 94 Isleta, N. M., 621, 623, 643, in Pike's time was the largest settlement between Albuquerque and Belen; pop. 419 Inds. and 378 Spaniards in 1805 Isletas, bet. Tex. and Coahuila, 692 Isleta sta., N. M., 621, 626 Isleta, Tex., 643 Islets, in Rio Grande, 692 Isle Vermillion, 298, 356 Isle Verte, 297 Islinois, 3 Israel, 526 Issanati, Issanti, Issanoti, Issaqui, 313 Issati, 71, 313 Issati, Lake of the, 95 Issati, River of the, 95 Issayati, 313 Isthmus of Darien, 522 Itasca, canoe voyage to Lake, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167 Itasca co., Minn., 142, 143, 144, 159 Itasca l., 124, 152, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 289, 326, 328, 329, 331, 332, 335 Itascan basin, 322, 331 Itascan sources, 151, 159, 329 Itasca State Park, 164, 329 Itaska l., 96 Itoye, 347 Iturbide, Emperor, 719 Ives, Lt. J. C., should have been named, 645 Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor and Co., 326, 327 Ixtaccihuatl, 723 Izatys, 312, 313 Izdubar, 182 J Jabezua, see Javesua Jackson, Col., 448 Jackson, Corp. J. R., 1, 359, 360, 432, 482, 490, 502, 505, 510, 845, 850, 853, 854, 855 Jackson co., Ia., 27, 28 Jackson co., Mo., 518 Jackson co., Wis., 52 Jacquez, Mr., 650 Jacuihu, 742 Jah-pinuniddewin, "place of violent deaths," given by Schoolcraft, 1832, as origin of Pinidiwin Jahveh, priests of, 41 Jalchedum, 735, not identified there, were the Yuman tribe otherwise known as Alchedoma Jalisco, 719, 723, 759, 774 Jamaica, 576 James I., 182 James, a writer, lxxix James, Dr. Edwin, 29, 457 Jameson isl., 98 James' pk., 457 Jamestown, Kas., 408 Jamestown ldg., 360 Janos, 770, 819 Japhet, 56 Jaquesila r., on Hugh Murray's map, 1829, see Jasquevilla r. Jaquesua, see Javesua Jara cr., 494, 497 Jarales, N. M., 629, see Xaxales Jarrot, see Jearreau, and in Tassé, I., p. 147 Jarvis, Capt., xciv Jarvis cr., 424, 522 Jarvis, Minn., 318 Jasquevilla r., 731, see Javesua Jauflione, Jauflioni, Jaustioni, Justioni r., 9, 10, 11, 290, 291, 339 Jaune r., 73, 355 Javesua, Jabezua, first in Garces, 1775-76, as name of the river in the cañon in which the Havasupai Inds. live, is origin of the names Jaquesua, Jaquesila, Jasquevilla, etc., which are, therefore, not connected with Jicarilla, but with Havasupai, which is also found as Havesua, etc. Jaway r., 22 Jay, Mr., 247 Jearreau, Mr., 206, 207 Jefferson barracks, 358 Jefferson co., Ind., 332 Jefferson co., Tenn., liv Jefferson r., br. of Ark. r., 552, 553 Jefferson r., br. of Mo. r., xlix Jefferson, Thos., xxix, lxiii, lxx, 229, 271, 287, 388, 543, 704, 705, 734, 853 Jeffreon, Jeffrion r., 10, 11, 290 Jehovah, Jehovist, 182 Jemez mts., 615, 616 Jemez, N. M., 604, 615, 737 Jemez r., 615, 616, 629, 745 Jemez trail, 605 Jena, lxvi Jennesse, Mr., 194, 262 Jeronime, Jeronimo, 770 Jersey co., Ill., 2, 3 Jerseyman, lix Jesuitism, 501 Jesuit Relations, 329, 349 Jesuits, 30, 765 Jesus, 620 Jetans, 412 Jeunesse, Mr. La, 194, 262 Jewell co., Kas., 409, 410 Jewell, Kas., 420 Jewett map, 324 Jews, 182 Jicarilla Apaches, 731, 748; the name means "little baskets," referring to what they make Jicarilla mts., 631, 731 Jimenez, Chihuahua, 670 Jimenez r., Tamaulipas, 724 Jimenez, Señ., 647 Jimmy or Jimmy's Camp, 453 Jimmy's Camp cr., 452 Jo Daviess co., Ill., 27, 28 Joe Bowers, cxii Jogues, 349 Johnny cr., 443 Johnson co., Kas., 519 Johnson, Maj. E., 425 Johnson's cr., Stearns co., Minn., with town site St. Augusta about its mouth Johnston and Ward, 554 Johnston, A. R., 637 Johnston, Francis, 683 Johnston, Geo., 328, 331 Johnston, J. E., 645 Johnston's Atlas, 554 Johnston's l., 128 Joint Commission, 644 Joliet l., 163 Joliet, Louis, 3, 13, 288, 294, 295, 296, 394, 559; b. Québec, Sept. 21st, 1645, d. May, 1700 Jollyville, Ia., 18 Jones, A. J., 163 Jones, Capt. C. G., lxxxii Jones' cr., 163 Jones, Hon. Wm., xcviii Jordan, a cr. in Minn., 70 Jordan, a r. in Utah, 738 Jornada del Muerto, 634, 635, 636, 639, 739 Josephine l., 166, named in 1888 by Brower Joutel, 713, 779, 780 Jouy, Comte de, lxxv Jowa, Jowah, Joway r., 22 Joya cañon, 629, 630, 632 Joya Grant, N. M., 628, 631, and see La Joya Joya, Mex., 685 Joyita, N. M., 630 Juarez, Ciudad or City of, in Chihuahua, 641 Juarez, in Coahuila, 689 Juchereau de St. Denis, L., 714 Julia, a ship, lxxxiii Julia l., 159, 328 Julian source, 151, 157, 279, 328, 329 Julimes, 668 Jumas for Yumas on Humboldt's map jumping-off place, 518, 519 Junction City, Kas., 404, 405 Juniper mts., 730, 736 Juniperus virginiana, 157 Junot, Chas., 818 Jupiter, 390, 414, 482, 564, 576 Justioni r., 10 K Kabekona l. and r., 152 Kabe-Konang l., 334 Kabikons falls, 147 Kabikons rap., 144 Kabitawi r., 98 Kabukasagetewa l., 147 Kachiwasigon, 347 Kadewabedas, 176 Kadikomeg l., 174, 334 Kadowaubeda, 176 Kaginogumag l., 128 Kagiwan r., 128 Kagiwegwon is Schoolcraft's name, 1855, for Crow Wing r. Kahra, Kahras, 343, 348, 349 Kaibab plateau, see Bacorelli Kaichibo Sagitowa l., 128 Kakabika, Schoolcraft, 1855, or Kakabikons rap., 144 Kakakibons falls, Schoolcraft, 1832 and 1855, are his Little-falls raps., near Lake Itasca Kakalin, 299, 340 Kallmeyer's ldg., 367 Kamanitiguia, 251, 280 Kamdiyohi co., Minn., 97 Kametonga l., Schlc., 1855, is Sandy l., Aitkin co., Minn. Kaminaigokag r., 324 Kankakee r., 3 Kankana, Kankarma, Kankauma r., 299, 300 Kanizotygoga-sibi, 103 Kans, see Kansas Kansas Agency, 550 Kansas and Colorado R. R., 424 Kansas City and Southern R. R., 383 Kansas City, Clinton, and Springfield R. R., 383 Kansas City, Fort Scott, and Gulf R. R., 395, 519 Kansas City, Mo., 517, 518, 519 Kansas Diminished Reserve, 521 Kansas Inds., 381, 391, 401, 402, 407, 410, 412, 413, 414, 417, 418, 525, 526, 536, 544, 559, 562, 563, 576, 578, 583, 584, 585, 586, 590, 591, 706, 757, 846 Kansas Ind. trail, 401, 402 Kansas r., li, 402, 404, 405, 408, 412, 420, 423, 424, 473, 515, 516, 517, 518, 519, 523, 532, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546, 560, 584, 591, 834, 837 Kansas, State, cx, 395 (entered) continuously to 441 (left), 518, 519 Kansas State Historical Society, xlvii Kansas Trust Lands, 521 Kanses, Kanzes, etc., see Kansas Kapitotigaya-sibi, 97 Kapoja, Kaposia, 40, 74, 85, 86, 182, 199, 342, 348 Kapoo, see Santa Clara, N. M. Kappa, 559 Kapp, F., lxvi Kapuka Sagatawag is rendered by Schlc., 1855, translated Abrupt Discharges Kapukasagitowa l. and r., 152, 153 Karamone, 266, 268, 347 Karishon r., 97 Kasagaskwadjimekang l., 153 Kaskaskia, Kaskaskias, 28, 222, 339, 500, 570, 603 Kathio, 313 Kaukauna falls, 299 Kaumains, 412 Kaw, see Kansas Kawaiko, 745 Kawakomik, Kawakonuk r., 99 Kawanibio-sibi, 99 Kawasidjiwong r., 306 Kawkawnin, 299 Kaw rap., 385 Kay, Alex., 338, see also Tassé, I. pp. 338-340 Kayaways, 846, see Kiowa Inds. Kearney co., Kas., 440, 441 Kearny, Gen. S. W., 429, 446, 607, 639, 727 Keating, Prof., 29, 37, 40, 41, 43, 51, 59, 66, 69, 70, 74, 77, 78, 79, 80, 86, 199, 310, 328, 330 Kecheahquehono r., 705 Kechepagano r., 171 Keeskeesedatpun l., 324 Kegwedzissag, 166, 334, 335 Keithsburg, Ill., 21 Kekebicaugé, 123 Keleroy, Ia., 34 Keller's bar, 27 Keller's isl., 27 Kelly's isl., 5 Kemp's ldg., 361 Kendall, G. W., 739, 763 Kenistenos, 171 Kennerman, Sgt. Henry, 1, 98, 105, 119, 176, 178, 193, 221, 245, 359, 360, 362, 365, 393, 420, 570, 845, 854, 855 Kentucky, xxx, li, liii, lvi, cx, cxi, 691, 756, 758, 833 Keokuck, Keokuk, Ia., 2, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 211, 291 Keokuk l., 22, so called before 1838, as the site of Keokuk's first village in Iowa, occupied by him about 1826-34. For his portrait, see Catlin's pl. 280 and pl. 290 Keoxa, 348 Kera, Keran, see Keres Kerelec, Gov., 213 Keres, Keresan, Keresans, 598, 604, 606, 615, 616, 617, 629, 630, 742, 743, 744, 745, 752 Kern, E. H., 734 Keswhawhay, 745 Ketchupawe, 742 Kettle cr., 42 Kettle hill, 53 Kettletas, Mr., 6 Kewaunee co., Wis., 298 Keweenaw bay, 296 Keychias, Keyes, 708 khoya, 118 Kiakima, see Kyakima Kianawe, see Kyanawe Kibby, Judge T., lvi Kicapous r., 24 Kichais, 708 Kichi for Kitchi l., 159 Kichi Gummi, 310 Kickapoo, Kickapou Inds., 222, 526, 591 Kickapoo isl., 5 Kickapoo r., 24 Kigigad, 36 ki-han, 118 Kikassias, 28 killed and wounded at Fort York, xci Killein, Killien, Killiou, Killieu Noir, Killeur Rouge, 118, 180, 198, 347 Killpecker cr., 164 Killroy, Kilroy, Ia., 34 Killow, 118 Kimberly is the place where the N. P. R. R. crosses Rice r. King, Chas., liii Kingdom of New Leon, 724 Kingdom of New Spain, 718, 719 King l., 74 King, Maj. Wm., lxxxvi, ciii King of Mexico, 804 King, Prof. H., preface King's isl., 8 Kingston, U. C., lxxii, lxxiii, xci, xcii, xciv, xcv, c Kiniew is a form of the word Killeur: see under Killein, and _cf._ Masson, II. p. 316 Kinsley, Kas., 434 Kiosh, Kioshk r., 128, 129 Kiowa co., Col., 443 Kiowa co., Kas., 435 Kiowa, Comanche, and Wichita res., 748 Kiowa cr., 451 Kiowa Inds., 435, 468, 743, 846 Kiowa res., 412 Kioxa, 43 Kipesagi, Kipisagee, Kipy Saging, 36 Kirk, T. H., 54 Kiskahoo l. is Schoolcraft's name, 1820, for the first lake on the Miss. r. above Cass l., also called by him Andrusia, _i. e._, Lake Elliott Coues of Brower Kitchemocummon is Harmon's form of the word Kitchimokomen Kitchi Gummi, 330 Kitchimokomen, 148 Kitchi-sibi or Great r. is a name of the Miss. below the confluence of the Leech Lake fk., 289 Kitihi for Kitchi l., 159 Kittson co., Minn., 326 Kiyuska, 43 Knife Inds., 313 Knife l., 313 Knife rap., cx, 104, 122 Knistenaux, 354 Knobby cr., 377 Knowlton, F. H., 39 Kohnina, see Cosnino cañon Komtonggomog l. is a name of Sandy l., in Schoolcraft, 1820 Konamik, Schoolcraft, 1855, see Konimee Konimee, 299 Konomee, Schoolcraft, 1820, see Konimee Krider's bend, 6 Krider's isl., 6, 7 Kubba Kunna l., 161, 334 Kuhnbrook, Kas., 403 Kunersdorf, lxvi Kurtzman, S., 107 Kuthumi, xxxii Kwaiantikwokets, 744 Kwapas, 559, 560 Kwiwisens r., 153, 320, 334 Kyaways, 535, 537, 743, 745, 757 Kyakima, Kiakima, 742, is Pike's Cequimas, which see. The pueblo was occupied before 1599, abandoned after 1680 Kyanawe, 742 L Labadie's bottom and cr. or sl., 363 La Baie, Wis., 298, 290 La Bajada, N. M., 614 Labal, 288 Labardie, Mr., 579 La Barre, Gov. de, 72 La Baye, Wis., 298, 299 La Beesh r. is Schoolcraft's rendering in 1820 of Miss. r. above Cass l. Labeish, La Biche l., 158 La Biche r. is the Miss., as flowing from L. La Biche (Itasca) to L. Bemidji La Brule, 157, 347 Labusciere, Jos., 214 La Cadena, Mex., 674 La Cadena pass, 675 Lac à la Biche, 158, 289 Lac à la Crose, 150 Lac à la Queue de Loutre, 317 Lac a Puckaway, 301 Lac au Sable, 137 Lac aux Cèdres Rouges, see Bas and Haut Lac aux Chênes, 147 Lac aux Sangsues, 153 Lac Buade, 313 Lac Butte des Morts, 300, 301, 340 Lac Chapala, 720 Lac Court Oreilles, 306 Lac de B[oe]uf, 302 Lac de Bon Secours, 65 Lac de Buade, 313 Lac de Condé, 310 Lac de Grosse Roche, 343, 344, 347 Lac de la Providence, 309 Lac de Sable, 120, 133, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 144, 191, 263, 280, 320, 321, 350, 351, 356 Lac des Assenipoils, 64 Lac des Buttes, 278 Lac des Claies is a name of Lake Simcoe Lac des Issatis, 313 Lac des Mille Lacs, 312, 313, 314 Lac des Pleurs, 65 Lac des Prairies, 256 Lac des Puants, 300 Lac des Sioux, 313 Lac de Susma, 650 Lac de Timpanagos, 733, 738 Lac de Tracy, 310 Lac du Cayman, 673, 762 Lac du Sable, 173 Lace, Minn., 318 La Charbonnière, 361, 511 La Charette, Charrette, Mo., 361, 363, 364, 512 La Charette cr. and bottom, 364 La Chesnaye, A. de, 313 Lac La Beesh, la Biche, 158, 166, 327, 329 Lac la Crosse, 150 Lac la Folle, 163, see Pinidiwin l. Lac la Folle of Morrison, 326, 327 Lac la Pluie, 347 Lac la Queue de Loutre, see Otter Tail l. Laclede co., Mo., 375, 376 Laclede, P. L., 193, 213, 214, 215, 560 Laclede's village, 204, 214 Lac Macdon, 713 Lac Mille Lacs, 312 Lac Puckway, 356 Lac que Parle, 66 La Crescent, Minn., 51, 52 La Crosse co., Wis., 49, 52 La Crosse pra., 51 La Crosse r., 51, 58, 72, 305 La Crosse r., discharge of Ball Club l., 322 La Crosse, Wis., 49, 50, 51, 52, 206 Lac Rouge, 356 La Cruz, Chihuahua, 669 Lac Ste. Croix, 71 Lac Sang Sue, 152, 153, 240, 319, 350, 356 Lac Sapin, 320 Lac's pt., 364 Lac Supérieur, 310 Lac Terrehaute, 317 Lac Travers, Traverse, 161, 331, and see Bemidji l. Lacus Algonquiniorum, 31 Lacus F[oe]tentium, 31 Lacus Superior, 310 Lacus Superior Nicolleti, 165 Lac Vaseux, 302, 356 Ladron mts., 632 Lady of the Lake, a ship, lxxxiii Lady's cr., 385 Lady, Wm., 385, early settler in Mo., a hatter, still living in Oregon Lafayette co., Mo., 379 La Feuille, Fieulle, a chf., 43, 54, 208, 347, 348 La Fievre r., 29 La Folle l., 163 La Florida, Mex., 683, 684 La Fon, J., 578, 591 La Frontera, Tex., 643 La Fye, a chf., 43 La Garde, see Mont La Garde Lagard l., 317 Lago de Chapala, 719, 720 Lago de la Condelaria, 650 Lago del Munto, 636 Lago de San Martin, 653 Lago de Tlahualila, 673 La Grain of Pike, 675, is perhaps F. _la grenade_, pomegranate La Grange, Minn., 308 La Grange, Mo., 9, 11, 12, 205, 291 Laguna de Agua Verde, 776 Laguna de las Encinillas, 653 Laguna del Cayman, 673 Laguna del Muerto, Mex., 673, 677, 678, 681, 762, 776 Laguna del Muerto, N. M., 635, 636 Laguna de Parras, 677, 678, 681, 776 Laguna de Patos, 651 Laguna de Xacco, 673 Laguna, N. M., 630, 745, the pueblo established as late as 1700 La Jara cr., 494, 497 La Jeunesse, Mr., 194 La Joya de Cibolleta, N. M., 628 La Joya, N. M., new, 629, 631 La Joya, N. M., old, 628, 629 La Joyita, N. M., 630 La Junta, Col., 446, 447 La Harpe, B. de, 65, 71 La Harpe, Kas., 397 La Hontan, Baron, 35, 49, 50, 64, 67, 68, 69, 71, 80 La Hontan r., 50, 67, 68 Lake, see names of lakes, also Lac, Lago, and Laguna, besides the following Lake Champlain, lxxii, lxxiii Lake City, on Lake Pepin, 62, 63, 64 Lake co., Col., 471 Lake cr., feeder to Twin lakes, Col., 472 Lake de Sable, see Lac de Sable and Sandy l. Lake Erie, 351 Lake fk. of Ark. r., 471 Lake Huron, lxxv, 30, 295, 340, 351 Lake Itaska, 96. The small settlement there was a competitor of St. Paul for capital honors in territorial times, when there was no Minneapolis to contest the case, as the title to Ind. lands W. of the Miss. r. at the Falls of St. Anthony was not extinguished till 1851 Lake Maskuding or in the Prairie, 22 Lake Michigan, 3, 24, 293, 295, 296, 297, 298, 340, 351 Lake Mille Lacs, 312, 313 Lake of Live Oaks, 653 Lake of Tampanagos, 738 Lake of Tears, 65 Lake of the Dead, Mex., 673 Lake of the Dead, N. M., 635 Lake of the Hills, 278 Lake of the Illinoets, 296 Lake of the Island, 129, 317 Lake of the Isles, 94 Lake of the Issati, 95 Lake of the Mountain, 129, 317 Lake of Thequaio, 738 Lake of the Two Mountains, 351 Lake of the Woods, 279, 281, 351 Lake Ontario, xxxi, lxxii, lxxiii, lxxiv, lxxv, lxxvi, lxxvii, cx, 351 Lake pk., N. M., 606, 736 Lake Peosta is part of the sl. in front of Dubuque, Ia., connected by Barney canal Lake Rebecca, 74 Lake Relief, 65 Lake r. of Pike, 102, 315, 316 Lake Simcoe, lxxv Lake Superior, 30, 71, 72, 124, 138, 169, 247, 249, 277, 286, 295, 296, 297, 306, 308, 310, 321, 330, 340, 350 Lake Tlahualila, 673 Lake Traverse r., 160 Lake Willowmarsh, 26 Lake Winepie, 168 Lake Winipie, L. Winnipeg, 278, 280, 322, 327, 351, 353 Lake Winnebago, 24 Lake Winnipeg, 351, 353 Lalande, A., 602 La Lande, B., xlix, 500, 502, 602, 604, 623, 624 Lamalee chain, 15 Lamalee's cr., 15 La Marque, Marie Anne, 255 La Marque, Mgr. de, 254 Lamar sta., Col., 442, 443 Lamberton, N. J., xx La Mesa, N. M., 634, 640 Lamie, Lamme, see Larme Lamoille, Minn., 53, 55 Lamont, Hon. D. S., preface, xx Lamson, Mr., 85 Lamy, see Larme Lancaster, Pa., 656 Lance, a chf., 361 land-tortoise, 431 Lane co., Kas., 425 Lane, J. H., 383 Lane's isl., 98 Langham, E. L., 358 Lanman, Chas., 327, 335 Lansing, Ia., 42, 43 Laplace r., 162, 334 La Plata, 804 la platte, a game, 535 La Platte r., 412, 479, 500, 523, 524, 532, 536, 591, 744, 757, 758, 831, 840, 852, and see Platte r. and North and South La Pointe, 80 La Pomme r., 27, 28 La Prairie, Minn., 144, 145 La Puebla de los Angeles, Mex., 722, 723 La Puebla, Mex., city and State, 721, 722, 723 La Ramada, Mex., 670, 671 La Ranchera, a mt. in N. M., 637 Laredo, Tex., 689, 690, 691, 692, 696 Larix americana, 319 Larme, B., 388, 578, 579, 819 Larned res., 425, 429, 433 La Rochelle, France, 77 Larregui, see Salazar y Larry's cr., 15 Las Acequias, N. M., 741 Lasale, La Salle l., 161, 331, 779, 780 La Salle r., 163 La Salle, Le Sieur de, 3, 35, 51, 64, 70, 71, 72, 91, 288, 309, 560, 714 La Salmera mt., 638 Las Animas, Col., 445 Las Animas co., Col., 442, 443, 445, 446 Las Canopas, 741 Las Coquillas, Mex., 652 Las Cruces, N. M., 639, 640 Las Fronteras, Tex., 643 Las Garzas, Mex., 668, 669 Las Huertas, N. M., 633 Las Isletas, bet. Coahuila and Tex., 692 Las Lunas, N. M., 621, 628, 629 Las Minas, Mex., 652 Las Nutrias, N. M., 629 Las Pennuclas, 635 Las Vegas mts., 736 La Tulipe, Tulip, B., 381, 576 Launay, De, 560 Laurentian waters, 143 Lava butte and sta., N. M., 636 La Vaca, Tex., 779 La Vera Cruz, 721 Lawrenceburg, Ind., 383 Lawrence, Capt. James, cv, cvii Lawrence co., Mo., 384 laws of N. M., N. Biscay, 754, 768, 769 laws of the U. S., 238 Lead isl., 18 lead mines, 28, 226, see Dubuque Leadville, Col., 467, 471 Leaf, a chf., 43, 347, 348 Leaf Beds, 349 Leaf Inds., 118 Leaf r., br. of Crow Wing r., 128, 317 Leaf r., br. of Miss. r., of Pike, or Elk r. near Rum r., 95, 97, 101, 314, 315, 356 Leaf Shooters, 44, 349 Leaf's Sioux, 44 league, Mexican, 669 Lea, I., 553 Lean Clare, Claire r., 56, 57, 305 Leander, 576 Leapers, 346, 347 L'eau Chaud, N. M., 597 Leavenworth, Col. H., 83, 239 Leavenworth, Kas., 383, 405, 426 Leavenworth-Sioux treaty, 239 Le Brûlé, a chf., 157 Le Claire, Ia., 25, 26, 293 Le Cousin, 338 Le Cross, Crosse, see Lac La Crosse Ledoux P. O., Minn., 122 Leech l., 122, 128, 129, 133, 134, 137, 139, 142, 144, 145, 146, 151, 152, 153, 155, 157, 158, 159, 169, 170, 172, 173, 189, 241, 247, 259, 260, 261, 280, 282, 284, 285, 312, 317, 319, 320, 322, 323, 326, 331, 334, 335, 346, 347, 350, 356 Leach Lake br., fk., or r., 137, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 289, 322, 323, 324, 325 Leech Lake r., Willow r., 141 Leech Lake traverse, 101 Leech-Otter Tail traverse, 317 Lee co., Ia., 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 291 Lee or Lee's cr., 559 Lee Panes, Lee Pawnees, 697, see Lipans Lee, S., 106 Lefei, Lefoi, a chf., 43 Le Fou, J., 578 Lefoy, a chf., 43 Legend of Lake Pepin, 66, 67 Legends of Pike's pk., 456, 457, 458 Le Jeune, Father, 349 Lemas, see Gayoso de Le Moine factory, 18 Le Moine r., 14 Lenexa, Kas., 519 Lennan bayou, 712 Lenox, Minn., 128 Le Noyeau, 347 Lentz, Pvt., 332 Leonard, Mr., 470 Leona r., 696 Leona Victoria, 682 Leon, Don A. de, 780 Leopold hill, 28 Le Panis, see Lipans Le Picard, 64 Leroux, Antoine, 639, see his biography in Tassé, II. pp. 229-48 Le Roy, 186 Leroy, Kas., 399 Lertensdorfer, E., 607 Les Coquillas of Pike, 652 Lesser Ultimate Reservoir Bowl, the drainage area of the E. arm of Lake Itasca, named by Brower Le Sucre, 156, see Sucre Lesueur, Fort, 71 Le Sueur, Minn., 88 Lesueur, Pierre, 65, 71, 72, 77, 78, 79, 80, 313 Lesueur r., 79 Lesueur's Terrace, 73 Le Tiembre, Henri, settled 1837 at foot of Timbered hill, Mo. Letter, Allencaster to Salcedo, xlvi Letter, Chauncey to Jones, xcvii Letter, Dearborn to Armstrong, ci, cii Letter, Dearborn to Montgomery, 842 Letter, Dearborn to Pike, lviii Letter, Eaton (Mrs.) to Coues, xxxii Letter, Harrison to Coues, xxxii Letter, Lamont to Coues, xx Letter, McGillis to Pike, 251 Letter, Pike to Allencaster, 807, 809 Letter, Pike to Campbell and Fisher, 269 Letter, Pike to Dearborn, lvi, lviii, lix, lx, lxi, lxii, lxiii, 582 Letter, Pike to Dickson, 261 Letter, Pike to Eustis, lxiv, lxv Letter, Pike to McGillis, 247 Letter, Pike to Natchez Herald, lii Letter, Pike to Philadelphia Aurora, lxix Letter, Pike to Salcedo, 812, 820, 837 Letter, Pike to Wilkinson, 221, 223, 232, 263, 269, 271, 567, 568, 572, 573, 576, 577, 580, 581, 585, 589, 822, 828 Letter, Pike (Z.) to Dearborn, xxi Letter, Salcedo to Pike, 814, 825 Letter, Salcedo to Wilkinson, 815 Letter, Sheaffe to Prevost, xci, xcii Letter, Wilkinson to Pike, lxiv, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 573, 825 Letter, Williams to Holton, xxiii Le Vent, 591 Lewis and Clark, xxviii, xlix, li, lxiii, 2, 4, 6, 13, 17, 18, 22, 24, 26, 40, 48, 51, 57, 66, 86, 96, 100, 102, 103, 127, 168, 181, 215, 254, 277, 278, 345, 349, 357, 360, 361, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 370, 388, 412, 428, 431, 444, 481, 520, 524, 556, 557, 559, 593, 642, 727, 745, 834, 841 Lewis, Capt. M., xxvi, xxviii, cxiii, 40, 198, 271, 277, 384, 594, 656, 734 Lewis co., Mo., 9, 12, 291 Lewis, T. H., 54, 107, 201, 256 Lexington and Southern R. R., 390 Lexington, Ky., lvi Libby, Minn., 138 Library of Amer. Biogr., xix Library of Congress, xxxiv Light cr., 383 Lille, Flanders, 677 Lima, Peru, 725 Lime r., 383 Limestone cr., 443 Limitar mts., 632 Limitar, N. M., 633 Lincoln co., Col., 443 Lincoln co., Kas., 423 Lincoln co., Mo., 4, 5 Lincoln co., Neb., 467 Lincoln, Kas., 423 linden, 315 Lindsburg, Kas., 403 Lindsey, a Mr. Chas., 168 Linn co., Ia., 23 Linn cr., 376 Linn Creek, Mo., 376 Linnell, Minn., 318 Linwood, Ia., 24 Liotot, 779, 780 Lipan Apaches, Lipans, 680, 697, 706, 746, 748, 778 Lippincott, Grambo and Co., 332 Lisa, M. de, 361, 384, 387, 388, 529, 557, 574, 575, 576, 579 L'Isle, G. de, 71, 81, 95, 313 Little Arkansaw r., br. of Ark. r. in Kas., 424, 518, 522, 548, 621 Little Arkansaw r., or Salt fk. of Ark. r., 552, 553, 554 Little Berger's, Burger's cr., 365 Little Boy r., 320 Little Brassos, Brazos r., 707 Little Buffalo cr., 377 Little Bull cr., 519 Little Calumet cr., 6 Little Caney cr., 555 Little Cape Gray, 5 Little Cedar cr., 400 Little chute, Fox r., 300 Little Cimarron r., 558 Little Colorado r., 730 Little Coon cr., 435 Little Corbeau, 243, 257 Little Cow cr., 424, 518, 522 Little Crow, a chf., 85, 87, 88 Little Duckett cr., 362 Little Elk l., at Lake Itasca, named by Brower Little Elk rap., 123, 124 Little Elk r., 101, 123, 124, 179 Little Fall cr., 123 Little falls, Itasca co., Minn., 147, see Pokegama falls Little falls, Morrison co., Minn., 123, 316 Little Falls, Morrison co., Minn., 104, 106, 107, 123, 125, 128, 129, 179 Little Falls tp., Morrison co., Minn., 122 Little Fork cr., 124 Little Fountain cr., 452, 455, 459 Little Gravel r. of Pike, 374 Little Gravois cr., 374, 375 Little Ioway r., 48 Little Kakalin, Kaukauna, Konimee, 299, 340 Little Lake r. of Carver, 99 Little Lake Winnipeg, 322 Little Long l., 129, 317 Little Maquoketa r., 32 Little Mississippi r., 163 Little Monegan, Monegau, Monegaw cr., 384 Little Muddy r. of Lewis and Clark, 369 Little Niangua r., 376 Little Osage Inds., 371, 381, 389, 396, 529, 530, 531, 532, 540, 541, 555, 576, 819 Little Osage, Mo., 394 Little Osage r., 384, 385, 386, 390, 393, 394, 395, 396, 404, 473, 513, 514, 523, 555, 557, 584 Little Osage village, 387, 388, 390, 391, 392, 393, 578, 580, 590, 591 Little Pine l., 318 Little Platte r., 468 Little Pomme de Terre r., 380 Little Prairie r. of Nicollet, 138 Little rap., Fox r., 299 Little rap., Minn. r., 347 Little Raven, a chf., 40, 74, 85, 201, 347, 348 Little River, Kas., 522 Little Rock, Ark., 560 Little-rock falls of Schoolcraft, 1832 (and 1855), see Kakabikons Little Rock l., 316 Little Rock r., 101, 102, 315, 316 Little Sack r., 102 Little Saline r., 405, 406, 423, 545 Little Sand cr., 442 Little Sandstone bluff, 38 Little Sauk r., 101 Little-severed Rock falls, 147 Little shoot, Fox r., 299 Little Six, a chf., 88 Little Streight, 356 Little Sturgeon bay, 298 Little Tabo, Teabo, Tebeau, Tebo cr. or r., 379 Little Tavern cr., 369, 372 Little Tebeau, Tebo cr. or r., 379 Little Thunder, a chf., 266 Little Two Rivers r., 103, 104 Little Turkey cr., 522 Little Verdigris r., 555 Little Vermillion l., 128, 317 Little Walnut cr., 425, 426, 427 Little White Oak pt., 148, 149 Little Willow r., 135 Little Winnepeck l., 322 Little Winnibigoshish l., 150, 325 Little York, lxxvi Live Oak co., Tex., 696 Live Oaks l., 653 Livingston cr., 420 Livingston, Mont., 642 Liza, see Lisa lizards, 771 Llanero Apaches, 748 Llanos Estacados, 707 Lo, 182 loadstone, 761 Lockhart, Tex., 704 Lockwood, Capt. B., 686 lodges of Osages, 528 Logan co., Kas., 404 Logan cr., 369 Lone Elm, Kas., 518, 519 Lone Rock, Wis., 302 Long br. of Cow cr., 522 Longfellow, H. W., 90 Long Gulch cr., 468 Long, John, 602 Long Knives, 138 Long, Major S. H., 5, 14, 17, 25, 26, 29, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41, 43, 44, 48, 50, 51, 53, 54, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66, 67, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 92, 95, 137, 138, 145, 158, 199, 201, 302, 310, 314, 316, 328, 329, 330, 345, 366, 457, 553, 558 Long Prairie r., 128, 316 Longrice, Long Rice l., 128 Long r., Nokasippi r., 127 Long r. of La Hontan, 49, 50, 67, 68, 69, 71 Longueil, Longueuil, 167 Long Water l., 317 Loomis, Capt. G., 405 Loomis, Eliza, 405 Loose cr., 370 Lopez, Juan, a Franciscan at Bernalillo, N. M., in 1580 Lord, H., 358 Loredo, 691, see Laredo Loring, Capt., xciv Lorrimier's son, 710 Los Ajuntos isl., 692 Los Angeles, Cal., 664 Los Gallegos, N. M., 601 Los Griegos, N. M., 617 Los Guanacos, 741 Lo, shamans of, 41 Los Hornos, 741 Los Medanos, Mex., 650 Los Muertos, 741 Los Nogales, Ariz. or Sonora, 646, 773 Los Palomos, N. M., 637 Los Pinos cr., 597 Los Pinos, N. M., 621, 626, 628, a very lately named place, appar. after 1854; name possibly a personal one? Lossing, Benson John, b. Feb. 12th, 1813, d. June 3d, 1891, lxxv, lxxviii, lxxix, lxxxviii, lxxxix, xc, civ, cxii, cxiii Lost cr., br. of Miss. r., Ia., 18 Lost cr., br. of Miss. r., Wis., 63 Lost cr., br. of Mo. r., 366 Lost or Clear cr., 521 Lost or Willow cr., 518, 521 Lost sl., 46 Lost spr., 401, 518, 521 Lost Spring sta., Kas., 521 Lothario spr., 651 Louis XIV., 13, 30, 64, 560 Louisa co., Ia., 21, 22, 23 Louisiana, xlvii, xlix, lvi, 10, 11, 16, 213, 214, 227, 229, 268, 279, 357, 360, 444, 571, 699, 701, 714, 718, 727, 756, 779, 834, 845 Louisiana, Mo., 6, 7 Louisiana, Pike's Dissertation on, 511 Louisiana Purchase, see Louisiana Louisiana, State, lxxxi, xc, 696, 699, 711, 726 Louisiana Territory, see Louisiana Louisianaville, Mo., 6 Louisiane r., 289, 296 Louis le Grand, 333 Louis r., 289 Louisville, Ky., lii Loup Blanche, a chf., 591 Loup r., 300, 301, 356 Loups, see Pawnee Loups Louter r., 366 Loutre isl., 367 Loutre r., 366, 367 Lover's Leap, 63 Lower California, 735, 770 Lower Canada, lxxvi Lower chain of Rock rap., 25 Lower crossing of Ark. r., 439 Lower Fox r., 295, 298, 299, 300 Lower l., Miss. r., near Red Wing, Minn., 70 Lower Nicollet l., 165 Lower Pajarito, N. M., 626 Lower Pimas, 735 Lower Red Cedar l., 102, 133, 134, 135, 138, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 180, 186, 279, 311, 314, 316, 320, 356. The N. W. Co. House site was examined by T. H. Lewis, at instance of A. J. Hill, Oct. 7th, 1886; former position of three houses visible, with ruins of one chimney; stones of two other chimneys said to have been hauled away for foundations; these stones had been taken from the lake shore; the remains are on a high steep bank overlooking the lake; ground covered with small brush and high grass; land back of the buildings is cultivated and strewn with animal bones Lower Red Cedar r., 134, 135, 261 Lower St. Croix l., 72, 308 Lowther, Hon. Mrs., xxxi Loyalists, lxxvi Lozieres, B. de, 713 L'Rhone, L'Rone, 172, 173, 174 Lucas, John B. C., 10 Lucifer spr., 651 Lukens, Capt. J., xxvi, xxvii Lunas, N. M., 621, 628, 629 Lund sta., Minn., 98 Lusk's ferry, 570 Luta brook or cr., 402, 403 Luter r., 366 Lutra canadensis, 132 Lyendecker l., at Lake Itasca, named by Brower for John Lyendecker Lyndon, N. M., 640 Lynxville, Wis., 41, 42 Lyon co., Kas., 395, 397, 399, 400, 521 Lyons, Ia., 27 Lyons, Kas., 424, 522 Lytle's pra., 52 M M', Mac, and Mc treated as one Macalester College, 254 Maçaque, Macaquia, 742 Macarty, Chevalier, 531 McBean, John, 139 M'Cartie, a Mr., 531 McClure, James, 334 McCormick, R. C., 727 M'Coy, a Mr., 278 McCoy, John C., 554 M'Coy, S., liii McCoy's isl., 6 McCrary, Geo. W., 17 McDaniel, John, 424 McDonald's house, 278 Macdon l., 713 McDougal's eddy and rap., 103, 104 McFarlane, one, 558 McGarrahan, Wm., lxiii McGee's, Col., 469 M'Gillis, Mr. Hugh, 154, 155, 171, 172, 173, 174, 180, 241, 247, 250, 254, 274 McGirk's isl. and ldg., 366, 367 McGregor, Ia., 37, 224 McGregor, Minn., 137 McGuire, Father, 698, 699 McHugh, Minn., 318 McIntire, Gov. A. W., 496 Mackay or M'Kay, a Mr., 278 McKay l., in Itasca basin, named by Brower for Rev. Stanley A. McKay, who first baptized there, 1891 Mackenzie, a Mr., 278 McKenzie cr., 385 Mackenzie, McKenzie, Sir A., 354 Mackinac, 170 Mackinac co., Mich., 295 McKinney's r., 125 McLean, D., xciv McLean's cr., 4 Maclura aurantiaca, 816 Maclure, Col., lxxx, lxxxi, lxxxvii, xcvi McMahon, Maj. Wm., 438 McMullen co., Tex., 696 McNeal, Capt., xciii McNeal's ferry, 102 Macomb, Gen. A., xxvii, xxix, 332 McPherson co., Kas., 403, 404 McPherson, Kas., 521, 522 Macraragah, 268, 347 Macuwa isl., 153 Madison Barracks, civ Madison co., Ill., 1 Madison, flagship, lxxxiii, xci, xcvii, c, cx Madison, Ind., 332 Madison, Ia., 17, 18, see Fort Madison Madison, James, lxx, 814 Madrid, 457, 613, 677, 700, 721 magazine explosions, lxxviii, lxxix, lxxxviii, lxxxix, xc, xci, xciii, xcv, xcvi, xcviii, xcix Magdalena, N. M., 632 Magdalena r., 771 Magdalene r., 71 Magdalen mts., 631, 632, 638 Magdalen r., 309 Magdeburg, lxvi Magdelaine r., 71, 309 magic of Osages, 527 magpies, 460 Magui, 744 Maguire, Wm. M., preface, xliv, xlv, cxiii, 453, 466, 490, 491, 492, 495, 496 Mahas, Mahaws, 343, 526, 544, 583, 591 Mahgossau, 89 Mahwawkeeta is same as Makoqueta Maiden rock, 63 Maiden Rock City, Wis., 63, 64 Maiden's head or rock, 63 Maison Françoise, 80 Majave, 735 Makandwyinniniwag, 170 Makarty, Chevalier, 531 Makokety, Makoqueta r., 28, 32, 33 Malabanchia, Malabouchia, 288 Malachite, Col., 492 Malagare, see Malgares Malgares, Don F., 413, 414, 420, 457, 499, 537, 611, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 630, 633, 634, 635, 648, 649, 652, 654, 655, 656, 658, 659, 660, 661, 662, 664, 665, 666, 667, 670, 671, 698, 712, 750, 754, 809, 810, 829, 839, 851. Name also appears as Melgares, and as that of last civil and military governor under the Spanish crown, 1818 to 1822 Malhern qu. Malheur cr., 366 Maligne, Maline r., 707 Malpimi, see Mapimi Malta, Order of, 657 Mancy, see Many Mandanes, Mandans, 168, 254, 255, 256, 278, 734, 757 Maney, La., 712 Maney, see Many Manidowish r., 306 Manila, audience of, 718 Manistique r., 296 Manitou and Pike's Peak R. R., 452 Manitou cr. of Beltrami, 16 Manitou Springs, Col., 452, 454, 456 Mankato, Kas., 420 Mankato r., 68, 79, 80 manners, etc., 754, 755, 767, 787 Manny, La., 712 Manny, see Many Manomin co., Minn., see Fridley. This county is now Fridley tp. of Anoka co. Manomin cr., or Rice cr., Anoka co., Minn., 94 Manomin l., Aitkin co., Minn., discharging by Rice Lake r. or Sand Lake r. into Sandy l., 137 Manomin l., on Fox r., Wis., 303 Manomin l., various, see Rice l. and Pinidiwin l. Manomin r., or Rice r., Aitkin co., Minn., near Mud r., 136 Manton, W., preface manufactures, etc., 776, 791 Manville sta., Col., 442 Manya Wakan r., 316 Many, Capt. James B., xxvi, xxviii, 210, 211, 213, 514, 694 Many, La., 712 Manzano mts. and pk., 629 Mapimi, Mex., 674, 675, 676, 678, 680, 685, 689, 761, and see Bolson de Mapini, see Mapimi Maple brook, 103 Maple isl., Ill. or Mo., 2, 5 Maple isl., Minn., 103 Mapula, Mex., 667 Maquanquitons, Maquaquity, and Maquoqueti in Schoolcraft, 1820 and 1855, for Makoqueta r. Maqui, 744 Maquoketa, see Makoqueta r. Marais Croche, 361 Marais des Cygnes r., 386, 519, 520, 521 Marais d'Ogé, d'Osier, 26 Marais sl., 41 Maraujo, Bega de, 677 Marcharavieja, 803 Marchessau r., 63 Marchon, Capt. E., 703 Marcy, Capt. or Gen. R. B., 452, 473, 645 Mare de Oge, 26 Margry's Relations, 23, 70, 71 Mariana, Mariano r., 697, 776, 780. Maricopas, 735, 736, lived further down the Gila, with their Yuman kindred, when the original of Pike's map was made Marie Croche l., 361 Marier, Mr., 243 Maries co., Mo., 371 Maries r., 371 Marion City, Mo., 11 Marion co., Ala., cxi Marion co., Kas., 395, 401, 402, 403, 521 Marion co., Mo., 8, 9 Marion, Kas., 401, 402, 521 Maria, Sieur de, 779 Marmaton, Marmiton r., 386, 389, 390, 393, 394, 396 Marmot pk., 470 maroon, 438 Marquee, 712 Marquette, 3, 13, 35, 71, 289, 294, 295, 296, 559 Marquette co., Wis., 301 Marquette l., 161, 331 Marsh cr., br. of Buffalo cr., 409 Martell's l., 41 Marten r., 143 Marthasville, 364 Martin, Abraham, 296 Martin cr., 401 Martin, Geo. W., xlvii Martin's, Ill., 4 Martin's or Slate cr., 465 Mar Vermejo, Red Sea, old name of the Gulf of California Mary cr., 166, 167, named by Peter Turnbull for his wife Mary l., 166, named by Brower for Mary Turnbull, first white woman at Lake Itasca, 1883, gave birth there to first white child; her cabin was on the hill on E. side of the E. arm, opp. Turnbull pt. Maryland, xxviii, lvii, lxxxvi, ciii, civ, cxi, 229, 539, 656 Mary, La., 712 Mary, see Many Mary's Home, Mo., 372 Mary valley, in the Lesser Ultimate Reservoir Bowl, named by Brower for Mrs. Mary Turnbull Masciccipi r., 288 Mascoutens, Mashkudens, 81, 145 Mashongnavi, 744, is Pike's Mosanis Maskoutens r., 13 Mason, Prof. O. T., preface Mason's isl., 3 Masoretic points, 182 Massachusetts, xxvii, xxviii, xxix, lxxx, lxxxi, lxxxvii, lxxxviii, ciii, 715, 826 massacre of Gunnison's party, 733 massacre of Osages, 531 Massas cr., 366 Massey, Ia., 32 Massey's cr., 366 Massey, Wm., 358 Matagorda bay, 779, 781 Matagorda isl., 697 Matagorda, Tex., 705, 707 Matamoras, Mex., 677 Matape r., 771, 773 Matcho Maniton, 100 Matfield Green, Kas., 401 Mathers, U. S. Commissioner, 518 Matsaki, 742 Matthews, Dr. W., 741 Maturrangos, 739 Maugraine or Noel, 393, 566, 579, 581, 591 Maupeme, Maupemie, Mausseme, see Mapimi Mauvaise Hache r., 49 Maverick co., Tex., 695 Maxwell, Mr., 211 May cr., 492 Mayes, 706 Mayner, Maynor, or Mayron, Don A., 659, 660, 661, 662 Mayo r., 771 Mayron, Mex., 677 Mazatlan, Mex., 774 Mazatlan r., 774 Mde, Sioux name of Lake Pepin, two syllables, first short, last accented as if Meday´ Mde Wakanton l., 94 Mdewakantonwan Sioux, 74, 95, 201, 313, 342 Mdote-mini-sotah, 81 Mdoteminiwakan r., 314 Meade co., Kas., 556 Meadow qu. Medano cr., 482 Meadow r., 145, 321 Meadows, Col., 459 Means r., 13, 355 Meaogeo r., 137 Meaux, France, 295 Mecan, Mechan r., 301 Mechesebe r., 288 Medano cr., 482, 491 Medano pass, 499, 491, 493, 650 Medanos, Mex., 650 medicine-stone, 73 Medicine Wood, 74 Medina co., Tex., 697 Medina r., 697, 776 Medora, Mo., 370 Meeker co., Minn., 97 Meek, Sgt. W. E., xlvi, 1, 114, 115, 118, 178, 359, 360, 432, 482, 490, 506, 509, 510, 595, 830, 832, 845, 850, 853, 854, 855 Mekabea Sepe, 29 Melcher or Michon, more probably Melchior, Don, 686, 688 Meles taxus, 96 Meline, Col. J. F., xlvi, xlvii, lv, cxii Melish, John, 553 Menard, 51, 71, 295, 296 Menasha, 300 Menaugh, Pvt. H., 1, 359, 360, 432, 482, 490, 506, 510, 845, 854, 855 Menchokatonx, 313 Mendesuacantons, 313 Mende Wahkantoan, 345, 348 Mendota, Minn., 76, 81, 83 Mendoza, a viceroy, 718 Meno Cockien, 356 Men of Achievement Series, xlviii Menomene Inds., see Menomonee Inds. Menomene r., 340 Menomeny-sibi, 138 Menomine, Menominie Inds., see Menomonee Inds. Menomonee cr., Ill., 32 Menomonee Inds., 38, 39, 183, 299, 330, 340, 341, 346, 347 Menomonee settlement, 300 Mer a Doge, 26 Mercer co., Ill., 21 Mercer co., O., 438 Mercer cr., 400 Merchant, a chf., 268 Mercier, Mr., 243 Mer Douce, 30 Merior, Maj., 411 Merriam, Kas., 519 Merrimac isl., 74, was the nidus of a spiritualists' camp, 1892-93 Merrimac, Minn., 74 Mesa Prieta, 634 Mescalero Apaches, 631, 632, 748 Mescalero res., 748 Meschaouay r., 50 Meschasipi r., 288 Meschetz Odeba r., 35 mesquite, 704 Mesquite, N. M., 640 Messchsipi r., 288 Messila, N. M., 640 Messipi, Messisipi r., 288 Meteorological Observations, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 716, 717 Meteros r., 682 Metifs, 510, 738, 764, 768, 771, 774, 790 Metoswa raps., 160, were so named by Schoolcraft, 1855, because he supposed they were 10 in number Meunier, Pierre, see Archevêque Mexican boundary, 641, 642, 644, 645, 646, 647, 691, 692, 735 Mexican claims, 647 Mexican mts., in Col., 444, 445, 822 Mexicano or Mexican r., 702, 711 Mexican tour, Pike's, begins 595, runs to end of Vol. II. Mexican waters, 164 Mexico, in various applications, _passim_ throughout Pt. 3, and 270, 340, 677, 683, 684, 718, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 726, 735, 739, 740, 742, 743, 746, 765, 786, 790, 800 Meyer, Wm., 238 Miakechesa, Mia Kechakesa, 345, 349 Miami co., Kas., 519 Miami rap., xxvi Miawakong r., 316 Michals, Mr. Myers, 20 Micheli-, see Michil- Michigan, State or Territory, xxx, 45 Michilimackinac, 20, 68, 70, 181, 183, 229, 247, 250, 261, 276, 280, 281, 294, 295, 298, 303, 304, 306, 327, 345, 346, 352 Michi Sepe, 288 Michler, Lt. Nathaniel, 645, 647, 692 Michoacan, 718, 719, 720, 721, 723 Michon, see Melcher Micissypy r., 288 Mico, 288 Middle cr., br. of Cottonwood r., 401 Middle cr., br. of Mo. r., 369 Middle Nicollet l., 165 Middle or Half-way r., 559 Middle park, Col., xlviii, 479 Middle r., br. of Mo. r., 369 Midway, Col., 469 Midway Reservoir, at Clarke l. and vicinity, named by Brower Mier, Mex., 691, 692, 696 Migadiwin cr., 98 Migiskun Aiaub l., 317 migrations of Pawnees, 535 Mikenna l., in Itasca basin, named by A. J. Hill Milakokia r., 295 Milan, Ill., 4, 24, 293 Military Academy, see West Point military discipline, Spanish, 797 military force, 755, 769, 772, 773, 793 Mil Lac, 312 Millada r., 688, 689, 777 Mill cr., br. of Big Gravel cr., 375 Mill cr., br. of Kansas r., 519 Mill cr., br. of Marmiton r., 396 Mille Lac, 311, 312 Mille Lac l., 312 Mille Lacs, 70, 102, 135, 312 Mille Lacs co., Minn., 312, 314 Mille Lacs l., 91, 94, 95, 96, 152, 351 Miller bend, 365 Miller co., Mo., 371, 372, 373, 374 Miller cr., 385 Miller, Pvt. Theo., xlvi, 1, 108, 109, 110, 113, 114, 115, 117, 145, 146, 149, 151, 153, 154, 155, 187, 359, 360, 371, 432, 454, 457, 464, 470, 472, 476, 482, 490, 506, 509, 510, 854, 855 Miller's ldg., 365 Milles Lac, Milles Lacs, 312 Millieu r., 559 Mill isl., 123 Mill l., 312 Mill Pine cr., 63 Milltop, Col., 469 Milor, a half-breed, 66 Milton sta., Kas., 521 Mimbreño Apaches, 748 Mimbres mts. or range, Mex., 674 Mimbres mts. or range, N. M., 637 Minas, Mex., 652 Mineola, Mo., 367 Mineral bluff, 52 Mine r., 383, 384 Miners, Miner's, Miners' cr., 34 mines, 673, 674, 759, 760, 761 Minetares, 344 Minirara, 91 Miniskon r., 57 Minisotah r., 81 Minitik isl. of Beltrami is the large round cut-off close above the mouth of that Manomin or Rice r. which falls in 4 air-line miles above Missagony r. Miniwakan l., Minn., 314 Miniwakan l., N. Dak., 314 Minnay Chonkahah, 54 Minnay Sotor r., 81, 295 Minneapolis, Kas., 405 Minneapolis, Minn., 70, 82, 83, 90, 91, 92, 236. The 89,483 names in city directory of 1893 supposed to represent a pop. of 223,707 Minnehaha, 91, 92 Minnehaha falls, 90 Minneiska bluffs, 57 Minneiska, Minn., 57 Minneiska r., 56, 57, 305 Minneopa, Minn., 55 Minnequa l., 453 Minneshonka, 54 Minneska r., 57 Minnesota City, Minn., 56 Minnesota Historical Society, or Collections of, xxxv, cxiii, 14, 17, 25, 26, 29, 31, 43, 54 Minnesota isl., Wis., 53 Minnesota r., cx, 24, 31, 69, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 91, 179, 227, 260, 310, 328 Minnetonka l., 90 Mino Cockien r., 295 Minowa Kantong, 69, 74, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347 Minsi-sagaigon-ing, 312, 313, 314 mintage, 792 Mirabeau, 801 Miranda, 576 Mire r., 383, 384 Misacoda r., 309 Misakoda of Schoolcraft, 1855, see Misacoda r. Mischipi r., 288 Misconsin, Misconsing, Miscou r., 35 Mishongnivi, 744 Misi River r., 312 Misisaga, lxxvi, xcv Misisipi r., 287 Miskonsing r., 35 Miskwakis, 338 Missagony r., Missayguani-sibi, 96, 135, 136 Missilimackinac, 67, 68, see Michili- Mission Agency, Cal., 736 Mission of Adayes, 713 missions of New Mexico, see under pueblos in general Missisagaiegon, Mississacaigan l. and r., 313, 314 Missisagus, see Misisaga Mississawgaigon r. of Schoolcraft, 1820, is Rum r. Mississippian place-names, 355 Mississippi Herald, lvi Mississippi r., geography of the, 287 Mississippi r., noted names of, 288 Mississippi r., not indexed--throughout Pt. 1, and elsewhere passim Mississippi spr., in the center of the Greater Ultimate Reservoir Bowl, named by Brower Mississippi State, cx, 700 Mississippi Terr., lxv, 662, 666 Mississipy r., 288 Missourians of Doniphan's Exp., 654 Missouri Geological Report, 372 Missouri Inds., 338, 346, 525, 526, 536, 591 Missouri, Kansas, and Texas R. R., 8, 385, 397 Missouri Pacific R. R., 365, 370, 379, 385, 390, 403, 404, 448 Missouri r., not indexed--Pt. 2 to 369 and elsewhere passim Missouri River Commission, 363, 364, 365, 366, 369 Missouri, State of, cx, cxi, and in Pt. 1 to 14, in Pt. 2 to 395, also 518, 519 Missouriton, Mo., 363 Mitchell co., Kas., 421 Mitchell, Lt.-Col., 674 Mitchell, Lt.-Col. G. E., ci, ciii Mitchell, S. A., 553, 554 Mitschaoywa r., 50 Mobile isl., 2 Moctezuma r., 771 Modenas pass, 491 Moeng8oana r., 13 Mogollon Apaches, 748 Mogollon, Mogoyon mts., 730 Mohace, 744 Mohave Inds., 736 Mohave r., 776 Mohotse, 744 Moingana, Moingoana r., 13 Mojave, 735 Mojou, Joseph, 87 Moki, 630, 731, 742, 743, 744 Moki buttes or mesas, 743, 744 mole, 97 Moline chain, 25 Moline, Ill., 25 Moloch, priests of, 41 Mommytaw r., 386 Monastery Road, 670, 706 Monclova, 776, 777 Monegaw Springs, Mo., 384 Monistique r., 296 Monkey, see Moki Monk r., 14 Monmouth, lxvi Monongahela r., 438 Montagne de Salines, 631, 632 Montagne qui Trempe à l'Eau, 52, 54, 206, 356 Montaigne de la Prairie, 348 Montaigne de Sel, 732 Montana, xlix, cxi Montbrun's tavern, 368, 369 Montebello, 14 Monte de los Tres Rios, 685 Monte Largo, 619 Montello, 301 Montelovez, 673, 677, 685, 686, 689, 695, 701, 775, 777, 779, 784 Mont Elrey, El Rey, 701, 725, 784 Monterey bay, 725 Monterey, Count of, 725, 755 Monterey, Mex., 685, 690, 692, 701, 725, 784 Monte Rito Alto, 483 Montezuma I., II., 737 Montezuma, Kas., 437 Montgomery co., Kas., 400, 555 Montgomery co., Mo., 4, 366, 367, 368 Montgomery, Hon. John, lxiii, 841, 842 Monticello, Minn., 97, 98, 99 Mont La Garde is Schoolcraft's name for La Grange, at Red Wing, Minn. Montoso mt., 598 Montoyo, Tex., 640, 643 Montpelier, Ia., 23, 24 Montreal, Can., lxxvii, 77, 167, 312 Montreal, Ill., 18 Montreal r., Wis., 306 Montrose, Ia., 16, 291 Montrose isl., 16 Montville, Col., 493 Monument cr., 452 Moon cr., 400 Moore, Dr. John, 616 Moore, Geo. H., 326 Moorhead, Minn., 318 Moors, 787 Moose rap., 137 Moqui, 730, 731, 744 Moquino pueblo, 630 morals, 754, 755, 769, 787 Moranget, 779, 780 Morantown, Kas., 397 Morelos, Mex., 718, 721, 722 Morelos y Pavon, J. M., 720 Morgan co., Mo., 371, 374, 377 Mormon battalion, 333, 639 Mormon cr., Wis., 50 Mormons, 15, 734 Moro r., 559 Morris co., Kas., 521 Morrison, Allan, 326, 327, guided Chas. Lanman to Lake Itasca in 1846 Morrison co., Minn., cx, 102, 103, 107, 122, 123, 125, 127, 128, 179 Morrison hill, 165, named by Brower for Wm. Morrison Morrison, James, 360 Morrison l., 164, named by Brower for Wm. Morrison Morrison's, Minn., 130 Morrison, Wm., 139, 164, 167, 181, 326, 327, 336, b. Canada, 1783, d. there Aug. 7th, 1866 Morrison, Wm., of Kaskaskia, 500, 507, 602, 603 Morrison, Wm. R., 603 Morse's Atlas and Gazetteer, 10, 549, 553 Morte r., 49, 50, 67, 68 Morton, S. G., 747 Mosanis, 730, 743, see Mashongnavi Mosca cr., 492, 493 Mosca pass, 490, 492, 493, 506 Mosca pk., 629 Moscosaguiagon l., 329 Mosier's isl. and ldg., 6 Moska, Mosko r., 124 Mosquito rap., 100, 194 Moss l., 153 Moszasnavi is Mashongnavi Mothe-Cadillac, A. de la, 714 mother-ditches, 741 Mother l., 90 Moundville, Wis., 302 Mountain Island r., 54 Mountain, Lake of the, 129, 317 Mountain of Salt, 732 Mountain of the Dead, 637 Mountain of the Three Rivers, 685 mountain rams, 476 Mountains of Magdalen, 631, 632 Mountain Which Soaks, etc., 54, 55, 356 Mt. Antero, 469 Mt. Brinley, 484 Mt. Cheyenne, 455, 456 Mt. Chimborazo, 461 Mt. Elbert, 471 Mt. Harvard, 470 Mt. Herring, 483 Mt. Hosmer, 43 Mountjoy, Pvt., 1, 359, 360, 432, 470, 472, 482, 490, 510, 845, 854, 855 Mt. Keyes, 469, 474 Mt. Lincoln, 524 Mt. McDowell, 734 Mt. Magdalen, 632 Mt. Navajo, 731, 744 Mt. Pascal, 633 Mt. Pisgah, 456, 465 Mt. Princeton, 469 Mt. Robinson, 484 Mt. Rosa, 455, 456 Mt. Royal Cemetery, 167 Mt. St. Elias, 722 Mt. San Diego, 639 Mt. Shavane, 469, 474 Mt. Soak Your Feet, etc., 53 Mt. Tremble Oh, Trempealeau, Trombalo, Trombonello, Trump Low, 52, 53. Strombolo is another form, once frequent Mt. Truchas, see Truchas mt. Mt. Tyndall, 483 Mt. Vernon barracks, 748 Mt. Vernon, Minn., 57 Mt. Washington, Col., 454 Mt. Washington, N. H., 454 Mt. Yale, 470 Mouse r., 168, 278 Mozeemleek, 68 Mozier's isl., 6 Muckpeanut, Muckpeanutah, 208, 347 Muckundwas, 169, 170 Mud cr., br. of Ark. r. in Col., 443, 444 Muddy cr., br. of Grape cr., 491 Muddy cr., br. of Huerfano r., 448, 490, 491, 492 Muddy cr., br. of Mo. r., 369, see Big and Little Muddy cr., br. of Osage r., 382, 386 Muddy l., on Fox r., 302, 356 Muddy l., on Leech Lake fork, 151, 323 Muddy r., see Mud r. Muddy York, lxxvi Mud l., Aitkin co., Minn., 135 Mud l., on Leech Lake fork, 151, 153, 324 Mud or Muddy r., Aitkin co., Minn., 135, 136, 320 Mud sl., Ill., 6 Mugua is Moki Mukimduawininewug, 171 Mukundwais, 170 Mukwa isl., 153 Mulberry cr., br. of Ark. r. in Kas., 436, 437 Mulberry cr., br. of Ark. r. in Col., 444 Mulberry cr., br. of Smoky Hill r., 404 Mullanphy isl., 361 Mundy's ldg., 7 Mungo-Meri-Paike, xlv, xlvi Mung's isl., 363 Murdoch's ldg., 363 Musaqui, 742 Musca pass, 492 Muscatine co., Ia., 22, 23, 24 Muscatine, Ia., 21, 22, 23, 145 Muscatine isl. and sl., 22 Muscononges, 351 Muse of Mitylene, 66 Mushkoda r. of Schoolcraft, 1855, see Prairie r. Mushkotensoi-sibi, 145 Music pass, 482, 490, 491, 493 Music pass of Hayden, 491 Music's ferry, 361 Muskogees, 513 musqueet, 704 mustangs, 707, 783 Mycycypy r., 288 Myers, Col., xcv mystic rites, 753, 754 N Nabajoa r., 731, Indiens de Nabajoa appears on Humboldt's map, whence Pike took the name: see Navajo Nachez r., 782, see Neches r. Nachitoch, Nachitoches, see Natch- Nacodolhes, xli Nacogdoches co., Tex., 709, 710 Nacogdoches, Tex., xli, liii, liv, 411, 412, 708, 709, 710, 711, 784, 786, 839 Nadal, Fray Pedro, and Fray de la Asuncion were two friars who first entered New Mexico, _i. e._, Arizona, in 1538, before September of that year Nadouasioug, Nadouechiouec, Nadouecioux, Nadouesiouack, Nadouesiouek, Nadouesseronons, Nadouesserons, Nadouessi, Nadouessis, 312, 349, and see Sioux Nadouessioux r., 13, and see Des Moines r. Nadoussiou, River of the, 95, and see Rum r. Naduesiu, 349 Nafiap, 619 Nagadoches, Naggadoches, see Nacogdoches Nagajika cr., 13 Nahjo, 730, see Navajo Inds. Naisha, 748 Naiwa l., 161 Naiwa Lake fk., 162 Naiwa r., 162, 331, 334 Namago-sibi, 143 Namakagon r., 309 Nambe, 605 Nambe cr., 605 Nanahaws, 746, see Navajo Inds. Nanesi r., 448, 481 Nankele, Nankesele r., 127 Nanpashene, 86 Naouadiches, 714 Napesi, Napeste, Napestle r., 448 Napoleon I., 381 Narcotah, 346, 347 Narrows, The, in Kas., 518, 520 Nasas, Nassas, Nazas r., 673, 677, 678, 679, 681, 762 Nashville, Ia., 15 Nassas, see Nasas Nassau, Grand Duchy of, 452 Nassau, Ia., 14 Natches r., 708, 709 Natchez Herald, lii Natchez Inds., 713 Natchez massacre, 714 Natchez, Miss., liii, liv, 657, 666, 692, 699, 700, 708, 827 Natchez r., 709 Natchitoches co., La., 713 Natchitoches Inds., 714 Natchitoches, Nachitoches, Nachitoch, La., xxi, xli, l, li, lii, 77, 360, 414, 497, 504, 537, 565, 571, 575, 592, 661, 690, 696, 705, 706, 708, 711, 784, 823, 824, 827, 828, 837, 839, 848, 855 Nathrop, Col., 469, 472 National Academy of Sciences, 741 Nation, The, of N. Y., 6, 40 Natural Obelisk r., 67 Nau, Antoine, xli, xliii, xliv, lxi, 833 Naudowessies, 80 Nauvoo, Ill., 15, 16, 211 Navajo cr., 491 Navajo, Navaho Inds., 619, 630, 633, 634, 730, 731, 744, 746. Mr. F. W. Hodge informs me he can fix the date of advent of the Navajos in latter part of the 15th century, though they were not strong enough to make mischief till early in the 17th Navajo res., 746 Navajo r., 731 Navarino, Wis., 299 Navasota r., 707 Nazas, see Nasas Nazeekah, 88 Ndakotahs, 79 Neale, Capt. W., xci Neal, W. E., 336 Necha r., 302 Nechech, 347 Neches, Nechez, Nachez r., 696, 708, 709, 710, 782 Necktame, 347 Needle, a mt. in Col., 465 Neenah, 300 Negracka r., 549, 552, 553, 554, 705 Negracka r., of Wilkinson, 549 Nehemgar r., 376, 513, 540 Neill, Rev. E. D., 29, 31, 75, 80, 84, 139, 170, 254, 313, 349 Nelson, Hon. Mr., cvii Nelson's r., 327 Nemaha r., 418 Nemitsakouat, 71 Nemitsakouat r., 309 Nenescah, Nenesesh, Nenesquaw r., 549 Neocho, see Neosho r. Neosho basin, 395 Neosho Falls, Kas., 398 Neosho r., 395, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 473, 514, 515, 518, 521, 541, 552, 556, 557 Neouoasicoton r., 309 Neozho, see Neosho r. Nepeholla r., 408 Ne Perce, see Nez Percé Nepesangs, 351 Nepesta, Col., 448 Nescutanga, Nescutango r., 552, 554 Neskalonska r., 549, 552 Neska r., 555 Ness co., Kas., 425 Nesuhetonga, Nesuketonga, Nesuketong r., 552, 553, 554 Neuces, see Nueces r. Nevada, 732, 735 Nevomes, 735 New Albin, Ia. or Minn., 45 New Amsterdam, Wis., 52 Newark, lxxvi Neway l., 161, and see Naiwa l. New Biscay, liii, 610, 638, 641, 649, 650, 673, 678, 719, 720, 723, 725, 727, 729, 739, 749, 756, 759, 762, 763, 764, 765, 766, 767, 768, 769, 770, 771, 772, 774, 775, 769, 808, 823 New Boston, Ill., 21, 23 New Braunfels, Tex., 703 New cave, 199, 200, 201 New Englanders, 188 Newfoundland banks, 77 New Galicia, 719 New Hampshire, lxxxi, ciii, 454 New Haven, Mo., 365 New Hope, Minn., 83. An undated military map (MS.) in the Minn. Hist. Soc. marks "Cantonment St. Peter's" opp. W. end of Pike's isl., about ¾ m. from center of Mendota. This is presumably the place christened New Hope New Jersey, xx, xxii, lix, lx, lxii, cviii, cix New Leon, 701, 719, 724, 725, 759, 775, 776, 779, 786 New Madrid, 657 New Mexico, xlvi, xlvii, lii, 444, 446, 447, 461, 483, 497, 499, 503, 536, 537, 555, 559, 564, 571, 572, 583, 588, 591, 595, 597, continuously to 641, also 696, 697, 719, 726, 727 and continuously to 758, 769, 770, 772, 775, 779, 813, 815, 818, 823, 825, 838, 848, 849 New Mexico, aborigines of, 743 New Mexico, agriculture of, 740, 741, 742 New Mexico, animals of, 738 New Mexico, government and laws of, 754 New Mexico, history of, 755, 756 New Mexico, lakes of, 737 New Mexico, manners and morals of, 754 New Mexico, military force of, 755 New Mexico, population of, 738 New Mexico, religion of, 755 New Mexico, trade and commerce of, 739 New Okat, 347 New Orleans, La., lxiv, 213, 360, 539, 564, 687, 699, 703, 757, 813, 824, 825, 855 Newport isl., 74 Newport, Minn., 72, 73, 74 Newry, lxxix New San Ander, 724, 725, 729, 775, 779 New San Ander r., 724 Newsewketonga r., 552, 555, 556 New Spain, passim, as 499, 560, 563, 571, 598, 641, 656; Special Observations on, 718 and to end of the chapter; General Remarks on, 786 to 806; 818 New York Evening Post, 326 New York Herald, lxix, lxx New York, Ia., 27 New York State, xxvi, xxvii, xxviii, xxix, liii, lxvi, lxxxii, lxxxiv, lxxxviii, cix, 656 Nez Corbeau, Nez de Corbeau, 203, 267, 347 Nez Percé, 346, 347 Nezuma, 540, 550, 551, 591 Niagara, battle of, falls, r., or town, lxxiii, lxxvi, lxxxi, xc, xcvii. Thirty-nine ways of spelling the word are found Niangua r., 376, 379, 540 Nicholson, Capt. B., xc, civ Nickerson isl. is opp. mouth of Elk r. Nicolet, Jean, 31, 349 Nicollet Heights, 165 Nicollet, J. N., 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 34, 35, 36, 42, 43, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 57, 58, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 79, 80, 81, 82, 90, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 131, 135, 136, 137, 138, 142, 143, 144, 145, 147, 148, 150, 151, 153, 155, 156, 159, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 200, 201, 213, 214, 215, 309, 312, 314, 316, 323, 324, 328, 331, 333, 334, 335, 336, 363, 364, 365 Nicolletian source of Miss. r., 159 Nicollet lakes, 165 Nicollet's cave, 75 Nicollet's cr., so called by T. H. Kirk, 1887, is the Infant Mississippi Nicollet valley, 165 Nicollet, Wis., 299 Niemada l. is near Little Mantrap l., in Itascan basin Nika, 780 Nile of the Bolson, 678 Niles, H., Niles' Register, lxix, lxxi, lxxix, lxxx, lxxxii, lxxxiv, xc, xcvi, xcvii, xcix, ci, ciii, cv, cvi, cvii, cviii, cix Nimissakouat, 71 Nimissakouat r., 309 Nine Mile isl., 32 Nininger, Minn., 74 Ninnescah r., 549 Nipissing l., 351 Niobrara res., 44 Niota, Ia., 17, 18 Niota isl., 17 Nissipikouet, 71 Nissipikouet r., 309 Niza, Nizza, Friar Marcos or Marcus, of Nicæa, Nice, or Nizza, Italy, on Nov. 25th, 1538, had received instructions from Don Antonio de Mendoza, first viceroy of New Galicia, and left San Miguel de Culiacan on Friday, Mar. 7th, 1539, with the negro Estévan or Estévanico as guide, to go N. into present Sonora and Arizona to Cibola; he discovered the Cibolan pueblo of Ahacus, now Hawiku, where Estévan had gone before him and been killed; returned to Culiacan Sept. 2d, 1539, reported descubrimiento de las siete ciudades, _i. e._, seven cities of Cibola, and died at City of Mexico Mar. 25th, 1558 Noachian, Noah, Noah's ark, 56, 182 Noal, Noel, or Maugraine, 393, 581 Nogal arroyo, 637 Nogales, lii, 657 Nogales, see Los Nogales Nogal mts., 631 Noir cr., 290 Noire r., 296 Noissour, Noix r., 695 Noka, a chf., 127 Noka r., 127 Nokasele, Noka Sipi, Nokasippi Nokay r., 127, 128, 178, 179, 316 Nolan, Capt. Philip, li, lii, lv, 609, 657, 660, 666, 767, 811 Nolan, J. B., 255 Nolan, Le Sieur, 255 Nolan, Noland, Nolant, Chas., 255, 256 No Man's Land, 727 Noonan, Noonan's pk. or mt., 462, 463, 478, 479 Normandie, 779 North Arm of Lake Itasca so named by Brower North Bend, O., xxxi, xxxii, xxxiii North Big cr., 399 North Buffalo, Ia., 24 North Carolina, liii, lxxxiv, cx, cxi North Cheyenne cr., 452 North Dakota, 278, 704 Northern Pacific R. R., 167, 318 North Fabius r., 10 North fk. of Ark. r., 452, 453 North fk. of Canadian r., 559 North fk. of Osage r., 394 North Fritz isl., 7 North La Crosse, Wis., 51 North McGregor, Ia., 37, 41, 304 North Mexico, 524, 535, 641, 650, 654, 738, and see New Mexico North mt., or Pike's pk., 461 North park, Col., 479, 642 North Platte r., 467, 479, 524, 642, 729 North Two Rivers, 10, 11, 290, 291 North Washington, Mo., 364 North West Company, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 145, 154, 155, 167, 168, 174, 241, 247, 248, 250, 251, 253, 262, 263, 270, 276, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 306, 321, 346, 347, 835 North West Company house on Sandy l., 143, 144, 146, 153, 156; it was built 1794 Norwood, D., 131 Nova Zembla, 242 Noyer cr., 290 Nuage Rouge, 208, 343, 347 Nueces r., 695, 696, 697, Nuesas on Hugh Murray's map of 1829 Nuestra Señora de Belem, see Belen, N. M. Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe de Pojuaque, mission, see Pojuaque Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe de Zuñi, mission, see Zuñi Nuestra Señora de la Asumpcion de Zia, mission, see Cia Nuestra Señora de los Angeles de Pecos, mission, see Pecos Nuestra Señora de los Dolores de Sandia, 619, see Sandia pueblo Nueva España, 718 Nueva Galicia, 719 Nueva Viscaya, Vizcaya, 719, 720, 739, 759 Nuevo Laredo, 691 Nuevo Leon, 678, 682, 689, 690, 692, 699, 724, 726, 775, 776 Nuevo Mejico, 727, see New Mexico Nuevo Reino de Leon, 724, 725 Nuevo San Ander, 724, 725, 726 Nuevo Santander, 724 Num Inds., 412 Nunpakea, 349 Nutrias, N. M., 629 Nutt sta., N. M., 638 Nyburg, Col., 451 O Oahaha, Oahahah r., 7, 290, 355 Oajaca, City of, 721 Oajaca, State of, 721, 722 Oak cr., br. of Ark. r., Col., 462 Oak Grove cr., br. of Ark. r., 475 Oak l., 147, 148, see White Oak l. Oakland Reserve, 706 Oak pt., Minn., 147, 148, see White Oak pt. Oak pt., Wis., 295, 356 oaks, 776 Oaks, Mex., 687 Oaks, N. M., 636 Oanoska, 348 Oatishtye, one form of native name of San Felipe, N. M. oats, 38 Oaxaca, see Oajaca Obequelle is the form of Obiguitte in Taliaferro's Autobiog., p. 210 Obeya, Mex., 688 Obigouitte, 172, 247, 260 Observations on New Spain, Pike's, 503, 718 and to end of chap. IV. Ocano r., 163, of Schoolcraft, 1855, for Au Canot, see Cano r. Ocano r. of Schoolcraft, 1820, Narr., p. 257, is Cannon r., which see Ocano spr., at head of Ocano r. or Andrus cr., named by Brower Ocapa, 559 Ocaté r., 558 Ochangras, 346, 347 Ochente Shakoan, 345 Ochungraw, 31 O'Connell's isl., 19 Odelltown, N. Y., lxxxiv [OE]conomy, see Economy Oetbatons, 313 Oganga l. is Schoolcraft's name, 1820, for the first lake on the Miss. r. below L. Bemidji, appar. that he later called Pamitascodiac or Tascodiac, _i. e._, Lake Vandermaelen of Nicollet Ogawahasa, 591 Ogden, Maj. E. A., 405 Ogdensburg, lxxxv Ogechie l., 316 Ogo mall a Ukap, 649, 650 Oguoppa, 559 Ohio, cx, cxi, 686, 836 Ohio r., xxv, xxxi, xxxii, 229, 656, 657 Oholoaïtha, 66, 69 Oil cr., 462, 463, 464, 465, 477, 480 Ojibwa Inds., lxxvi, 30, 31, 170, see Chippewa Inds. Ojibwa res., 314 Ojibway, Minn., was a paper town which never materialized. Townsite surveyed 1856 by J. R. Moulton; it extended E. 7/8 m. from mouth of "Palm" (= Mud) r. and S. 5/8 m. from mouth of Sesabagomag r., thus adjoining present Aitkin. A furore was raised and shares sold at fabulous prices, but there was never a building on it. This is satirized by Charles Hallock in Harper's Mag., XIX, 1859, pp. 50, 51, by the name of City of Chippewa. There were named an East Ojibway and a West Ojibway. Mr. A. J. Hill sends me an original certificate of a share in the latter, No. 77, date 1856 Ojo Caliente, Col., 495, 496 Ojo Caliente, N. M., 597, 600, 816 Ojo Caliente, N. M., near Zuñi, 742 Ojo Caliente sta., Chihuahua, 652 Ojo Caliente sta., N. M., 597 Ojo de Callejon, 652 Ojo del Muerto, 636, 637 Ojo de Lotario, 651 Ojo de Malayuque or Samalayuca, 650 Ojo Lucero, 651 Ojo Malalka, 650 Ojo Oso, 746 Ojo San Bernardo, 672 Ojo San Blas, 672 Ojos Calientes, Chihuahua, 652 Ojos Calientes, on Jemez r., N. M., 615 Oklahoma, 412, 550, 552, 554, 555, 556, 559 Olathe, Kas., 519 Old Baldy mt., Col., 493 Old Baldy mt., N. M., 632 Old Bustard, a chf., 89 Old Fort Toronto, lxxv Old French fort near Trempealeau, 54 Old French fort, see Fort Rouillé Old Man's rap., 376, 539 Old Pawnee village, 410 Old Priest, a chf., 87 Old Sioux village, 348 Old Zuñi, a group of six small pueblos occupied between 1680 and 1705 oligarchies, aboriginal, 526 Olla mt., 598 Olmeda, see Asuncion, Fray de la Olmsted's bar, 126, 179, spelling preferable to Olmstead, as no doubt named for S. Baldwin Olmsted, a lumberman of Belle Prairie. One David Olmsted came to Minn. in 1848 with Winnebagoes who were then removed to Long Prairie Olney, Col., 448 Olopier, 347 Olpe, Kas., 399, 400 Omaha Inds., 344, 525, 526, 559, and see Mahaw Inds. Omoshkos r., 124 Omoshkos Sogiagon, 158, 166, 289 Omri, 301 Omushkozo-sagaiigun is same as Omoshkos Sogiagon. (Gilfillan.) Onalaska, Wis., 53 Oñate, Cristobal de, Governor of New Galicia in 1539, was father of the next Oñate, Juan de, 607, 755, 756. Oñate's first settlement in 1598, date often given as that of founding of Santa Fé, N. M., by him, was not there, but at confluence of Rio Chama with Rio Grande, opp. San Juan, N. M., near present Chamita sta. of the railroad; he there began to build what he called San Francisco de los Españoles Aug. 23d, 1598, and the settlement was called San Gabriel in 1599; ruins visible till about 1694; only establishment of whites in N. M. till 1608, when Oñate repaired to location of present Santa Fé. (Bandelier.) One-eye, One-eyed Sioux, 88 One Hundred and Forty-two Mile cr., 518, 521 One Hundred and Ten Mile cr., 518, 520 Oneida, a ship, lxxxiii Onion cr., 521 Onisconsin r., 35 Onomonikana-sibi, 147 Ontario, see Lake Ontario, a ship, lxxxiii Ontario, U. C., lxxv, lxxvi, lxxx, 168, 274, 278 Ontero's hacienda, 626 Oole, a chf., 157, 347 Ootyiti is Cochiti Opejas, 773 Opening of the Virgin, 706 Opii, 744 Oppelousas, liii opuggiddiwanan, 135 opuntia, 681 Oquawka, Ill., 19, 21 Oraibi, 744 Orano or Orono, Minn., is a village on the knoll 1½ m. W. of Elk River, laid out 10 years before the latter, and for some years the county-seat Oraybe, 730, 743, 744 Orchards, N. M., 633 Order of Malta, 657 Oregan, The, 727 Oregon trail, 519 O'Reilly, Oreily, Gov. or Gen. A., 214, 714 Orejas mt., 598 orenac, 87 Organ, N. M., 640 Organ, Organic, Organon mts., 631, 640 Orick's ldg., 361 Original Leve, 83, 84, 85, 87, 240 orignac, 87 Orignal Levé, 87, 240, 347 orignal, oriniac, 87 Orizaba, 722 Orizaba mt., 722 Orleans, see New Orleans Orleans parish, La., cx Orleans territory, 411 Oronos isls., plural, not Orono's or Oranos, 98, see Orano Oronto bay, 306 Orphan r., 451 Orrick's ldg., 361 Ortelius, 288 Ortiz, Chihuahua, 668 Ortiz hills, 597 Orton's isl., 10, 11 Oruilla, 674 Oryzeæ, 39 Osage Agency, 555 Osage agriculture, 532 Osage basin, 395, 396 Osage Bluff, Mo., 372 Osage census, 590 Osage City, Mo., 371 Osage co., Kas., 520 Osage co., Mo., 368, 369, 371, 372 Osage cooks, 528 Osage divisions, 529 Osage feasts, 528 Osage fk. of Gasconade r., 376 Osage Inds., 229, 338, 347, 358, 359, 360, 367, 372, 381, 382, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 402, 409, 410, 414, 417, 418, 422, 432, 513, 514, 525, 526, 527, 531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 537, 540, 541, 542, 543, 546, 549, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 562, 565, 566, 567, 573, 574, 576, 583, 584, 585, 586, 588, 589, 590, 591, 692, 694, 697, 752, 845, 846, and see Grand and Little Osage Inds., Ark. band of, 529, 530, 532 Osage Iron Works, Mo., 376 Osage lodges, 528, 529 Osage magic, 527 Osage massacre, 531 Osage, Minn., 318 Osage orange, 816 Osage r., xxiii, li, 68, 225, 229, 357, 368 and following to 385, 473, 512, 513, 514, 515, 518, 519, 523, 529, 539, 555, 556, 557, 568, 569, 573, 576, 584, 591, 756, 757, 815, 818, 837, 840, 845 Osage tp., Mo., 390 Osage towns or villages, 395, 513, 514, 516, 560, 577, 580, 581, and see Grand and Little Osagi, 338 Osakis l., 316 Osakis r., 101 Osaukee, Osauki, Osawki, 101, 338 Osceola Mills, Wis., 309 Osceola, Mo., 382, 383 Osha pk., 629 Oshkosh, Wis., 300, 301 Ossowa l., 162, see Assawa l. Ossowa l., on Crow Wing route, 128 Oswego, N. Y., lxxv Otagamis, 338 Otchagra Inds., 39 Otchipwe Dictionary, 102 Otentas r., 13 Otermin, Gov., 641 Otero, A. J., 607 Otero co., Col., 445, 447 Otoe, a place, 556 Oto Inds., 340, 367, 525, 526, 536, 544, 583, 591 Otsego, Minn., 98 Ottagamie, Ottagaumie, Ottaguamie Inds., 36, 307, 346, 347 Ottahtongoomlishcah, 201 Ottawa co., Kas., 405 Ottawa cr., 519, 520 Ottawa Inds., 297, 299, 351, and see Ottoway Ottawa, Kas., 519, 520 Ottawa, Ont., lxxx, xcii Ottawa, Ottawaw lakes, 296, 306, 309 Otter cr., br. of Miss. r., in Ill., 27 Otter cr., br. of Miss. r., in Minn., 98 Otter cr., br. of Neosho r., 399 Otter isl., Miss. r., 19 Otter isl., Mo. r., 366, 367 Otter r., br. of Mo. r., 366, 367 Otter sl., Mo. r., 366 Otter Tail co., Minn., 128, 317, 318 Otter Tail l., 128, 317, 326, 349, 351 Otter Tail pt., 153, 334 Otter Tail r., 318 Otter Tail traverse, 101 Ottonwey r., 94 Ottoway Inds., 347, 351, and see Ottawa Inds. Ouaboucha is a F. form of Wapasha Ouadebaetons, 313 Ouachipouanes, Cree name of the Mandans Ouapikoutee, Ouapikouti, 8apik8ti, 349 Ouate, see Oñate Ouchata r., 612 Ouchipawah, 257, 346, 347 Ouchipewa Sippi, 355 Ouchipouwaictz r., 60 Oude r., 702 Oufotu, 559 Ouinipigou, 31 Ouinipigous, 31 Ouinipique l., 322 Ouisconsin, Ouisconsinc, Ouisconsing, Ouisconching r., 35, 38 Ouiseconsaint, name of Wisconsin r. in Malhiot's Jour. of 1804, Masson, I. 1889, p. 235. Also Ouisseconsaint Ouiscousing r., 35, 36, 180, 224, 265, 294, 302, 303, 304, 306, 308, 340, 347, 355, 843 Ousconsing r., in Schoolcraft, Narr. of, 1820 Ouscousin r., 35 Outagamas, 308 Outagamie co., Wis., 299, 300 Outaouas, 296 Outard, Outarde Blanche, 89, 90 8tantas, Outontantas, 8t8ntes r., 13 Oviscousin r., 35 Ovis montana, 438, 476 Owah-Menah, given as Sioux name of St. Anthony falls in Schoolcraft, 1820 Owen, Dr. D. D., 4, 6, 8, 14, 16, 18, 24, 26, 28, 34, 49, 57, 58, 70, 99, 101, 122, 123, 124, 127, 135, 136, 143, 147, 159, 324 Owings, Pvt. D., 1, 114, 854 Owisconsin, Owisconsing r., 35 Owl cr., 425, 518 Owl l. of Beltrami is Ball Club l. Oxaca, 721, 722, 723 Ox-portage rap., 142 Ozagig, 101 Ozark mts., 370 Ozaukee, 101 Ozawindib, 158, 328, 331 Ozawindib isl., 158, 159 Ozawindib pt., 167, so named by Brower, for Schoolcraft's guide of 1832 Ozawindib village, 158 P Pacaua l., 301 Pacific ocean or waters, xlv, xlviii, xlix, 444, 466, 470, 471, 522, 644, 645, 718, 720, 727, 732, 733, 774, 805 Packegamau, Packegamaw falls or l., 147, 321, 356, see Pokegama Packwaukee, 301 paddlefish, 5 Padillas, 626 Padoucas, Paducahs, 412, 536, 591, 757 Pagadawin, Pagadowan l., 150 Pago is Pecos Paguate, 630, 745 Pahuska, 558, see White Hair Paike, see Mungo-Meri-Paike Pain Court, Mo., 214 Paine l., 161, named for Bartlett C. Paine, of Indianapolis, Ind. Paine, Thos., 154 Paint cr., 41 Painted Rock cr., 41 Painted rock, in Kas., 433 Painted Rock, Minn., 41, 206 Painted Rock raps., or Little falls, Minn., 123, 316 painted stone, 73 Pajarito, N. M., 621, 626, pop. 500 in 1853, see Tousac and St. Fernandez, N. M. Pakagama falls, 146, 147, see Pokegama Pakegamanguen, Pakegomag l., 147 Palayo, see Pelayo Palisade r., 289 Pallalein, 764 Palmburg, Minn., 138, was laid out in Oct., 1856, by B. C. Borden, but never lived. The plot occupied the N. half of Sect. 25, tp. 50, R. 24, 4th mer., and extended 1/16 of a mile over into the sects. to the N. and E. palmetto, 776 Palm r. is a quondam name of that Mud r. or Ripple cr. on which is Aitkin, Minn. Palm r., Tamaulipas, 724 Palms, River of, 289 Palo Alto, battle of, 675 Palomas l., 650 Palomo r., 637 Palomos, N. M., 637 Pamajiggermug l., 161 Pamitascodiac l., 160, of Schoolcraft, 1855, is same as his Tascodiac l., is one of his two Andrusian lakes, and is Nicollet's Vandermaelen l. Pamitchi Gumaug, 331 Pamitchi l., 161 Panami, etc., r., 731 Pananas, Pananis, 255, 815, see Pawnee Inds. panhandle, 692 Panis, 563, 567, 568, 569, 574, 578, 581, 590, 591, 697, see Pawnee Inds. Panisciowa, 86 Panther cr., 373 Panther cr., another, 385 Paola, Kas., 519 Paotes r., 13 Pa8itig8ecii or Paouitigouecii, De Creux, 1684, a name of the Saulteurs; compare Pawtucket Papagos, 735 Papa Paulo III., 599 Pap chute, 57 papers, examination of Pike's, 610 Papinsville, Mo., 385 Papoose isl., 25 Paquiu, 737 paradise, a terrestrial, 676, 677 Paraje, Paraje ferry, 634, 635 Parallel r., 97 Paras, see Parras Parent, Emily F., 364 Parent, P., see Parrant Parida, N. M., 633 Paris, France, 77 Paris, Kas., 422 Paris, treaty of, 213, 657 Parkdale, Col., 462, 465, 476, 477 Parke, J. G., 645 Parker tp., Minn., 124 Park, Itasca State, 164 Parkman, F., 714 Park, Mungo, xlv Park on Osage r., 380, 381, 576 Park range of R. mts., 467, 468, 469, 470, 471, 847 Park Rapids, Minn., 167, 318 parra, 681 Parrant, Peter, 75, otherwise Pierre Parent and [OE]il de Cochon, see Pig's Eye Parras l., 681, 762 Parras, Mex., 649, 674, 676, 677, 680, 681, 682, 683, 777 parroquia, 607, 765 partridge, 175 Pashepaho, 361 Passeri, Mlle., 328 Pass, in mts., see names of passes Pass of Cadena, 674 Passo, of Pike, see El Paso Pass of Three Rivers mt., 685 Pass spr., 652 Pass, The, see El Paso Pass wine or whisky, 641 Pastora, Mex., 684 Patmos, Kas., 399 Patos, hacienda, 683, 684 Patos l., 651 Patos, Mex., 674, 677, 682, 683, 684 Patos mt., 685 Patterson pt., 296 Patton, an old man, 367 Patton's pt. and ldg., 365 Pattos, see Patos Paul III., 599 Paulier, Mr., 99, 193, 194, 195, see Porlier, J. Pauns, Paunts, 31 Pauwaicun l., 300 Pavon, 720, see Morelos y Pawating, a form of the Ojibwa name of the Sault Ste. Marie; compare Powhatan Pawmaygun l., 300 Pawnane, 590 Pawnee Agency, 556 Pawnee confederation, 412 Pawnee council, 414, 415, 416 Pawnee co., Kas., 429, 433, 434 Pawnee fk. of Ark. r., 425, 429, 432, 433 Pawnee games, horses, houses, 533, 534, 535 Pawnee Inds., 358, 367, 384, 391, 392, 393, 394, 402, 407, 408, 409, 410, 412, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 426, 442, 449, 450, 451, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 543, 544, 547, 551, 583, 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 596, 603, 611, 697, 744, 754, 815, 829, 845, 846, and see above and below Pawnee Loups, 412, 418, 532, 583, 590, 591 Pawnee Mahas, Mahaws, 412, 413, 544, 583 Pawnee migrations, policy, 533, 535 Pawnee Republic, 404, 409, 410, 412, 413, 419, 515, 516, 532, 541, 582, 583, 585, 590, 591, 846, and see Pawnee village Pawnee rock, 432, 453 Pawnee Rock, Kas., 433 Pawnees, Spanish influence on, 535, 537 Pawnee village, xlix, 357, 405, 407, 409, 410, 414, 516, 541, 542, 552, 560, 592, see Scandia Pawnee village, old, 410 Pawnee wars, 535 Pawnee Wolves, see Pawnee Loups Pawns, 31 Paykie is a Spanish form of Pike's name Payogona is Pecos Peace Rock, of Schoolcraft, is the stony hill in Stearns co., Minn., ½ m. below mouth of Little Rock r. Peacock, A., lxxix Peak, see names of peaks Peak of Teneriffe, 461 Peakers, cxii Pearce, Col. C., ci Pearl l., 90 Pearsall, Tex., 690 Pears, Joel, liii Pearson's br., 377 Peau Blanche, 347 Pecagama, 147, see Pokegama peccary, 697, 777, 782 Pecit, 347 Peckagama, 327, see Pokegama Peck's cr., 459 Pecos cañon, 737 Pecos, N. M., 737 Pecos pueblo, old, 737. In 1885 28 Pecos Inds. were living at Jemez; the Pecos and Jemez together formed a "tribe" of the Tañoan stock Pecos r., 631, 632, 736, 737, 762 Pecucio, Pecucis, 606 Peel isl., 18 Pekitanoui is an old name of the Mo. r., about 1750 Pekushino r., 102 Pelagius, Pelayo, a person, 674 Pelayo, Mex., 673, 674 Pelée isl., 65, 71, 73, 77 Pelia, 673 Pelican bend and isl., 360, 361 Pelican isl., Leech l., 153 Pelican l., 133 Peltier, Isidore, 194 peltries, return of furs and, 284, 285 Pembina, N. Dak., 328, 332 Pemidji l., 161 Peña Blanca, N. M., 606, 607, 615 Penáculos, Los, 635 Peña, Mex., 677 Peñasca Blanca, N. M., 630 Penechon, 86 Penicaut, 71 Penichon, Penition, 86 Pennsylvania, xxvii, xxviii, xxix, lxxxix, ci, cx, cxi, 656, 715 Penrose, C. B., 10 peonage, 768 People descended from Ferns, 345 People of Lake Thousand-lakes, 313 People of Spirit l., 314, 345 People of the Ferns, 345 People of the Lakes, 69, 346, 347 People of the Leaves, 258, 345, 346, 347 People of the Leaves detached, 346, 347 People that Shoot at Leaves, 345 Peoria, Ill., 3 Peouareas r., 13 Peouerias, 48 Pepin co., Wis., 61, 62, 64 Pepin l., 34, 44, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 72, 78, 80, 198, 202, 203, 205, 243, 264, 307, 308, 342, 348 Pepin, personal name, 65. One Jean Pepin married Madeline Loiseau at Boucherville, Nov. 23d, 1685. A connection of the leader of the expedition of 1727 was the wife of a Pepin, Neill in Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll., X. 1888. Boucher had an uncle named Pepin, Kirk, Illust. Hist. Minn. Pepin, Wis., 63 Peralta, N. M., 626, 628, 629. The name is modern; see St. Fernandez, N. M. Perchas r., 637 Perch l., 162 Perham, Minn., 318 Perillo, N. M., 636 Perkins, lxxix Perlier, Mr., 99, 193, see Porlier, J. Permidji l., 161, for Bemidji on Stieler's Hand Atlas Peronal, Mex., 674, 675 Perreault, 338 Perrique cr. is Peruque cr. Perrot, N., 35, 48, 59, 71, 77, 80, 288, 296, 313 Perruque isl., 4 Perry isl., 4 Perseus, 67 Pert, a ship, lxxxiii, c Peru, 677, 678, 725, 739 Peruque cr. and isl., 4 Petaca, N. M., 598 Peterah cr., 94 Peter, Lt. Geo., 229 Peterson, M., 222 Petessung, 343, 347 Petit Cap au Grès, 38 Petit Corbeau, Fox chf., 347 Petit Corbeau, Carbeau, Sioux chf., 40, 74, 82, 83, 84, 85, 89, 182, 200, 201, 231, 238, 243, 257, 310, 347, 348 Petit D'Etroit, détroit, 297, 356 Petite chute, Fox r., 299 Petite Rivière au Vase, Vaseuse, 369 Petites Coquilles isl., cx Petites Côtes, 214, 361 Petite Shute, 356, see Pokegama Petit Grey or Gris, 38, 224, 304 Petit Kakalin, Kaukauna, 299 Petit Mort, 338 Petit Osage, 590, 591, see Little Osage Phaon, 66 Pharr's isl., 6 Philadelphia, Pa., xxxiv, lxi, lxxxiv, cxiii, 602, 687, 747 Ph[oe]nix, Ariz., 728, 734, 741 Phozuangge is Pojuaque Phragmites communis, 325 Phrynosoma douglasi, 431 Piadro mt., 638 Piasa cr. and isl., 2 Piaxtla r., 774 Picacho of Orizaba, 722 Picard du Gay, 64, 91 Picard du Gay lakes, in Itasca basin, named by Brower for Antoine Auguelle, the Picard Picatoire is found as a name of Purgatory r. Picea alba, 102 Pickadee cr., 41 Pickering bay, 153 Pickering Valley R. R., cx Picket-wire r., 445 Pico de Teyde, 461 pictographs, 201 Picuris, 606 Picwabic r., 102 Piedra Amarilla r., 733 Piedras Negras, Mex., 691 Pierce, Benj., 646 Pierce co., Wis., 63, 64, 70, 72, 73, 243 Pierceville, Kas., 40 Piernas, Capt. P., 214, 358 Pierre Jaune r., 479, 729, 733 Pigeon cr., 637 Pigeon r., 324 pigeons, wild, 211 Pig's Eye, a person, 75 Pig's Eye marsh or l., 75, 310, 342, 348 pike, a fish, cxi, 137 Pikean source of Miss. r., 151, 159 pike, a weapon, lxix Pike bay, see Pike's bay Pike, Capt. John, xx, lix Pike City, Cal., cx Pike, Clarissa Harlowe, xxxii Pike counties, various, cx Pike co., Ill., cxi, cxii, 6, 7, 8 Pike co., Ind., cxi Pike co., Ky., cxi Pike co., Mo., cxi, cxii, 6, 7, 8, 9 Pike co., O., cxi Pike cr., cx, 104, 123, 316 Pike Creek tp., Mo., cx Pike Creek tp., Morrison co., Minn., cx, 104, 122, 123, 124 Pike, death of, c Pike, fatal wound of, xcix Pike Five Corners, N. Y., cx Pike, Ill., cx Pikeland, Pa., cx Pike, Maj. Z., xx, xxi, xxiv, lix, 657 Pike, memoir of, xix to cxiii Pike Mills, Pa., cx Pike, Mrs. Z., xxi Pike, Mrs. Z. M., xxvi, xxxi, xxxiii, 91, 211, 223, 247, 567, 576, 841 Pike, N. Y., cx Pike, Niles' eulogy of, cv Pike, N. C., cx Pike, O., cx Pike, portraits of, cxii Pike raps., cx, 100, 104, 122 Pike r., or Willow r., 137, 320, 356 Pikes, a class of emigrants, cxi, cxii Pikesagidowag r., 152 Pike's bay, cx, 157, 158, 324 Pike's Brigade order, lxxx Pike's brother, lxvii Pike's Dissertation on Louisiana, 511 to 538 Pike's Ethnography of the Miss. r., 337 to 354 Pike's fk. of Ark. r., cx, 463, 482 Pike's Geography of the Miss. r., 287 to 336 Pike's isl., cx, 76, 197, 239 Pike's letters, see Letters Pike's mt., cx, 37 Pike's Observations on New Spain, 718 to 806 Pike's pk., cxi, cxii, 444, 451, 452, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458, 461, 462, 464 Pike's Peak Cog Ry., 456 Pike's Peak, Ind., cxi Pike's Peak, Mich., cxi Pike's Peak, Mont., cxi Pike's proclamation, lxxi Pike's regiment, lxviii, lxix Pike's regiment, action by, cviii Pike's speeches, see Speech Pike's tablet, civ Pike sta., O., cxi Pike's treaty with Sioux, see Treaty Pikesville, Md., cxi Pikesville, O., cxi Pikesville, Pa., cxi Pike's vocabulary, see Vocabulary Piketon, Ky., cxi Piketon, Mo., cxi Piketon, O., cxi Pike tp., Berks co., Pa., cxi Pike tp., Potter co., Pa., cx Pike townships, various, cx Pikeville, Ala., cxi Pikeville, Ind., cxi Pikeville, Ky., cxi Pikeville, N. C., cxi Pikeville, O., cxi Pikeville, Tenn., cxi Pikeville tp., N. C., cxi Pike, Z. M., see foregoing Pilabo, locality of Socorro, N. M. Pilate pk., 456 Pillagers, Pilleurs, 118, 169, 170, 171 Pilot isl., 297 Pilot knob, 83 Pima Agency, 735, 736 Pima Inds., 735 Pimas Altas, 735 Pimas Bajas, 735 Pima village, 639 Pimetoui, 3 Piña Blanca, 607 Pinawan, 742 Pinchon, Pinchow, 86 Pinckney bend and pt., 365, 366 Pinckney, Capt., lxii Pinckney, Pinckneyville, Mo., 365 Pincourt for Pain Court in John Macdonell's Journ., Masson, I. 1889, p. 273 Pine Bend, Minn., 74 Pine bend or turn, 74 Pine Bend, Wis., 302 Pine camp, 126, 179 Pinechon, 86 Pine cr., br. of Ark. r., 470, 472 Pine cr., br. of Grape cr., 482, 483 Pine cr., discharging into Target l., 50 Pine cr., Ia., 23 Pine cr. of Pike, or Swan r., 105, 108, 122, 131, 179, 318, 319, 373 Pine cr., Pierce co., Wis., 63 Pine Creek rap., 245 Pine knoll, 175 Pine l., Aitkin co., Minn., 135 Pine l., of Otter Tail traverse, 317, 318 Pine l., on Pine r. route, 174 pinenet, 319, 321 Pine rap., 142 Pine ridge, 177 Pine r., br. of Miss. r., 130, 131, 134, 137, 153, 173, 174, 175, 177, 318, 319, 334, 351, 356 Pine r., br. of Wisconsin r., 302 Pines r., 102 Pines Tail r., 102 Pinichon, 86 Piniddiwin, Pinidiwin, Pinnidiwin l. and r., 163 Pinnacles, 635 Pinneshaw, 86 Pinnidiwin, see Piniddiwin Pino, N. M., 606 pinole, 798 Pinos cr., 597 Pintado pueblo, 630 Piorias, 339 Piper's ldg., 361 pirogues, 23 Pisa tower, civ Pitahauerat, 412 Pitchers r. of Beltrami, Mr. A. J. Hill thinks is the Mud r. at Aitkin, Minn. Pitt, lxxvi Pittman, historian, 532 Pittsburg of the West, 453 Pittsburg, Pa., xxiv, lxii Piutes, 733 place-names, Vocabulary of Mississippian, 355 Placentia, Newfoundland, 67 plagiarism, xli, xlii Plantagenet l., 161, 331, 334 Plantagenian fk. or source of Miss. r., 151, 161, 162, 331, 334 Plata r., see Platte r. Platte l., 316 platter game, 535 Platte r., br. of Miss. r., 101, 102, 103, 111, 112, 116, 184, 315, 316 Platte r., br. Mo. r., li, 340, 412, 466, 473, 479, 500, 523, 524, 532, 536, 591, 729, 733, 744, 757, 758, 831, 840, 847, 852, and see Little, North, and South Plattsburgh, N. Y., xxix, lxix, cix Playing Buffalo, a chf., 347 Plaza Grande, 634 Pleasant Valley, Col., 475 Pleasant Valley cr., 518, 521 Pleasant Valley, Ia., 25 Plé l., 128, 317 Plum cr., in Kas., 421 Plum cr., in Minn., 99 Plum isl., 297 Plummer, S. L., 334 Plunderers, 170 plus, 283 Plympton l., 174 Poanagoan-sibi, 97 Pocan cr., 556 pocket-gopher, 97 Pockquinike, 88, 338, 347 Point Ahome, 762 point, as a measure of distance, 135 Point au Chene, 356 Point Clinton, 306 Point de Sable, 307, 356 Point Douglas, 72 Point du Chene, 295 Pointe au Barque, 297 Pointe au Chêne, 295 Pointe au Sable, 65 Pointe aux Chênes, 148 Pointe de Sable, 61, 65 Pointe de Tour, 297 Pointed Horn, a chf., 591 Pointed rock, 41 Pointe Seul Choix, 296 Point Hill, 167 Point Hughes, 296 Point Lobos, 771 Point No Point, 62, 64, 65 Point of Rocks, Col., 492 Point of Rocks, N. M., 636 Point of Woods, 101 Point Patterson, 296 Point Prescott, 87 Point Rosa, 771 Point Sable, 299 Point St. Ignace, 295 Point Scott, 296 Point Wiggins, 297 Poison cañon, 492 poisoned arrows, 747 Pojoaque, Pojuaque, Pojuate, 605, 606, 630 Pokegama falls, 137, 142, 146, 147, 152, 321 Pokegama l., 143, 145, 147 Pokegoma, 147 Pokeway l., 301 Polander hollow, 42 Polecat cr., 556 Polecat r., 18 policy of Pawnees, 533 politics, Spanish, 802 Polk co., Mo., 380 Polk co., Wis., 309 Polk isl., 18 Poloss, hacienda, 683 Polvadero mts., 632 Polvaredo, N. M., 605 Polyodon spatula, 5 pomegranates, 681, and see La Grain Pomme de Terre pra., 27 Pomme de Terre r., 378, 380 Ponca Agency, P. O., and res., 552 Ponca Inds., 559 Ponca sta., 550 Ponce de Leon, 675 Ponce de Leon, Gen., 640 Poncho cr., 474 Poncho pass, 474, 492 Poñi r., 558 Pons naturalis, 165 Pontiac, 339 Pontoosuc, 18 Poojoge, see San Ildefonso Pope's cr., 21 Pope's Essays, 406, 801 Pope's r., 21 Pope sta., N. M., 636 Popocatepetl, 457, 722 Populus, 728 Populus angustifolia, 494 Porcupine Quill cr., 63 Porfirio Diaz, 691 Porlier, Jacques, 194, 195 Portage bay, 297 Portage de Cockalin, 347 Portage des Perre, or des Peres, 347 Portage des Sioux, 2, 3, 212 Portage, Leech l. to Winnibigoshish l., 153, 323 Portage, Minn., 137 Portage, St. Croix r., 369 Portage, Wis., 302 Port Byron, Ill., 25 Port de Mort, des Morts, 297, 356 Porter, Gen. M., xxvi, xxvii Portfolio, The, lxxix Port Hope, Wis., 302 Portland isl., 369 Portland, Mo., 369 Port Louisa, 22 Port of the Dead, 356 Porto Rico, 576 Port Royal, Mo., 363 Port Scipio, Mo., 9 Portsmouth, 77 Portsmouth, N. H., lxvi Porus, 652 Poskoyac r., 256 Possitonga r., 555 Poste aux Arkansas, 215, 560, 780 Post-Nicolletian explorers, 335, 336 Potatoe pra., 27 Potatoe r., 378, 380 Poteau r., br. of Ark. r., 558, 559 Poteau r., br. of Osage r., 376 Potier, Pothier, Mr., 99, 193, 194 Potowatomie Inds., 297, 347, 358, 367, 526, 531, 540, 574, 579, 591 Potowatomies isl., 356 Potrero de las Vegas, 745 Potrero, N. M., 605 Potrero San Miguel, 745 Potrero Viejo, 745 Potrillo, Mex., 688 Potteau, Pottoe r., br. of Ark. r., 558, 559 Potter co., Pa., cx Potter's isl., 16 Potter, Wm., 734 Pottoe r., br. of Osage r., 376, 377, 378 Pottoe r., see Poteau r. Poualak, see Assiniboine Pou isl., 297 Pouñel r., 558 Poutowatomies, 297 Poux isl., 297 Povete, N. M., 639 Powell, Maj. J. W., 39, 443, 705, 713 Poygan l., 300, 301, 340 Pozo, Pozzo, Mex., 677, 680, 682 Prado, J., 646 Prague, lxvi Prairie à la Crosse, 51 Prairie à l'Aile, Aux Ailes, 54, 88 Prairie Chicken cr., 518, 521 Prairie de la Crosse, 51 Prairie des François, 342, 343 prairie dogs, 430, 431 Prairie du Chien, Wis., cx, 20, 26, 35, 36, 37, 43, 45, 68, 82, 134, 181, 183, 196, 198, 204, 205, 209, 221, 223, 224, 230, 242, 263, 265, 266, 267, 269, 294, 295, 303, 304, 305, 339, 340, 342, 345, 346, 347, 355, 372, 405, 843 Prairie du Frappeur, 27 Prairie du Rocher, 532 Prairie la Crosse, 49 Prairie la Crosse r., 51, 305 Prairie la Port, Ia., 34 Prairie le Aisle, 54, 55 Prairie l'Eau de Vie, _i. e._, Rum r., 356 Prairie le Chien, 35 Prairie le Cross, 55 Prairie isl., 73, 77 prairie mole, 97 Prairie of Cross r., 355 Prairie Percée, 127 prairie problem, 525 Prairie r., br. of Miss. r., 145, 321 Prairie r., feeder of Sandy l., 138, 168, 321 prairie-squirrels, 429 Pratt, a deserter, 687 prehistoric village at Lake Itasca, 164 Preinier, Premier, 347 Premiro, Don D., 725 Prentis, N. L., xlvii, xlviii, lvi, cxi, cxii Prescott, Ariz., 727, 734, 747, 748 Prescott plains, 727 Prescott, William Hickling, 727 Prescott, Wis., 72, 73, 243 President of the U. S., lviii, 238, 239, 254, and see names of presidents Presidio de Carracal, 651 Presidio de las Juntas, Santas, 669 Presidio del Norte, 642, 669, 736, 762, 770 Presidio del Rio Grande, see Presidio Grande Presidio de San Paubla, 668 Presidio de Tubson, 735 Presidio Grande, 648, 679, 689, 690, 692, 696, 729, 776, 778, 779 Presidio Pelia, 673 Presidio Rio Grande, see Presidio Grande Presidio Salto, see Presidio Grande Presidio San Antonio, Sonora, 773 Presidio San Elizario, 649, 650 Presidio San Pablo, 668 Presidio San Vincento, 776 Prevost, Sir Geo., lxxiii, xci, xcv Price, Col., 446 Price, Col. W. R., 736 Price, Gen. S., 384 Price r., 732 Price's cr., 15 prices of goods in exchange, 283 Priestley, Mr., 154 Priest's rap., 298 priest temples, 741 Prince of Peace, 84 Princeton, Ia., 26 proclamation, Pike's, lxxi Proctor cr., 377 Proctor, Mo., 377 Procyon lotor, 94, 96 Proft's cr., 372 Promontory bluffs, 487 promotions of Spanish troops, 798 Prophet r., 127 Prosopis juliflora, 704 Prospect pk., 494, 596 Providence l., 309 Providence, ways of, 841 Province of Biscay, 412, and see New Biscay Province of Texas, see Texas Province of Tusayan, 744 Provincias Internas, 719, and see their names Prowers co., Col., 441, 442, 443 Prowers sta., Col., 442, 443 Preuss, C., 452 Psoralea esculenta, 73 Puans, Puant Inds., 31, 38, 39, 206, 207, 208, 209, 300, 301, 302, 303, 305, 340, 341, 346, 347 Puante r., 13 Puant rap., 300, 356 Puckaway l., 301 Puckegan cr., 301 Puckway l., 301, 340 Puebla, a state of Mexico, 718, 720, 721, 722, 723 Puebla de los Angeles, Mex., 722, 723 Pueblita, N. M., 745 Pueblito, N. M., 629 Pueblitos de Belen, 629 pueblo, see names of pueblos, besides the following Pueblo, Col., xlix, 432, 434, 445, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455, 459, 462 Pueblo de Taos, 598 Pueblo Inds., Pueblonians, 453, 458, 598, 599, 619, 743, and see names of them. Pueblo revolt, 641, 756 pueblos in general, 598, 599, 742, 743. Governor Allencaster's official census of missions and curacies of New Mexico, Nov. 20th, 1805, representing pop. of towns and pueblos practically as they were when Pike went through, is as follows--the first figures of the several sets being Indians, the others Spaniards: San Geronimo de Taos, 508+1337; San Lorenzo de Picuries, 250+17; San Juan de los Caballeros, 194+1888; Santo Thomas de Abiquiu, 134+1218; Santa Clara, 186+967; San Ildefonso, 175+176; San Francis de Nambé, 143+37; Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe de Pojuaque, 100+177; San Diego de Tesuque, 131+188; N. S. de los Angeles de Pecos, 104+402; San Buenaventura de Cochiti, 656+497; Santo Domingo, 333+140; San Felipe, 289+440; N. S. de los Dolores de Sandia, 314+405; San Diego de Jemes, 264+337; N. S. de la Asumpcion de Zia, 254+none; Santa Ana, 450+68; San Augustin de Isleta, 419+378; N. S. de Belem, 107+1588; Santa Fé, none+2963; La Cañada, none+2188; Alburquerque, none+4294; San Estévan de Acoma, 731+none; San Josef de la Laguna, 940+138; N. S. de Guadalupe de Zuñi, 1470+5; Royal Garrison, none+778; jurisdiction of El Paso and pueblo, none+6209. Total Inds. enumerated, 8,172; total Spaniards, 26,835; grand total, 35,007. Pueblo Viejo, 605 Puerco r., br. of Rio Grande, 629, 633 Puerco r. of the West, 730 Puerco r., see Pecos r. Puerta, 652 Puerta de Cadena, 674 Puerta de la Virgen, 669 Puerto del Bacorelli, 731, see Bacorelli Puerto r., see Pecos r. Pugonakeshig r., 134 Pulaski co., Mo., 371, 375 Pumly Tar r., 380 Punames, 745 Puncho cr., 474 Puncho pass, 492 punishments of Spanish troops, 796 punk, 103 Punta de Agua, 773 Punto del Bosque, 629 Punyeestye, 745 Punyekia, 745 Purgatory r., 442, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 463, 517 Pursley, James, xlix, 468, 756, 757, 758 Purvis, Mo., 376 Pusityitcho, 745 Puyatye, Keresan name of Tañoans Q Qotyiti is Cochiti Quagila, 775 Quakers, 530, 656 Quapaw, Quappa, 559, 560 Quarry Sugar cr., 15 Quashquame, 361 Quatroons, 764 Quebec, c, 714 Quebec, Province of, lxxvi Queen Anne's l., 161 Queen Charlotte sound, 279 Queen Dido, 704 Queen's bluff, 53 Queenston, Queenstown Heights, xciv, c Queen's wharf, Toronto, lxxviii Quenemo, Kas., 520 Quercus nigra, 519 Quera, Queres, Queris, Quirix, 616, 745, and see Keres Querecho, 748 Querétaro, 721, 723 queries proposed to Mr. Dubuque, 226 Quihi cr., 696 Quihi r., 696 Quill r. is one of Schoolcraft's names, 1855, of Crow Wing r. Quincy, Ill., 9, 11 Quinipissas, 560 Quinn, Mr., 200 Quires is Keres Quiver r., 4 Quizquiz, 288 R Rabbit l., 131 Rabbit l., another, 134 Rabbit r., Col., 494, and see Conejos r. Rabbit r., Minn., 139 Rabledillo, 639 Raccoon cr., Minn., 94 Raccoon cr., Wis., 49 Raccoon sl., 49 Race-ground, Devil's, 363 Racine r., 49, 305, 355 Racoon cr. and sl., see Raccoon Racro isl., 297 Radisson l., in Itascan basin, named by Brower Radisson, Marguerite H., 296 Radisson, P. E. de, 289, 295, 296 Raft channel, 49 Ragozin, Z. A., 182 Rahbahkanna l., 161 Rainey cr., 377 Rainville, Jos., see Reinville, and see biogr. in Tassé, I. pp. 293-304. Pike's man was b. about 1779 Rain which Walks, a chf., 540, 550, 591 Rainy cr., 377 Rainy l., 80, 172, 350 Rainy Lake r., 171 Raisins r., 67 Ralls co., Mo., 7, 8 Ralph, Apache assassin, 752 Ramada, Mex., 670, 671 Rambo, 685 Ramsay, Gen. Alex., 326 Ramsay, Mr., 361 Ramsey's cr., 6 Ranche de St. Antonio, 678 Rancheria sta., Mex., 651 Ranchero mt., 637 Ranchitos d'Isleta, 626 Rancho de Taos, 598 Rancho Nuevo, 683 Rancho Sabinal, 629 Rancho San Antonio, 678, 679 Ranchos d'Albuquerque, 619 Ranchos de Belen, 629 ranchos, various unnamed, 684, 685, 688, 689 Randall tp., Minn., 124 Rand, Lt. B., xxvi, xxvii Randolph co., Ill., 532 Randolph, Ill., 2 Raney cr., 377 rapid, see names of rapids and following Rapides Croches, 299 Rapides des Peres, 298 Rapid r. of Long, 73 Rapids City, Ill., 25 Rapids of Painted Rock, 316 rations of Spanish troops, 798 Raton mts., 447, 558 rattlesnakes, 229, 431 Raven, a chf. (Wiahuga), 349 Raven, a Fox chf., 31 Raven, a ship, lxxxiii Raven isl., 356 Raven r., 128, 177, 341, 346, 355, and see Crow Wing r. Raven's Nose, a chf., 203, 208, 347 Raven's Plume r., 128 Raven's pt., 323, 324 Raven's Wing r. of Schoolcraft, 1855, is Crow Wing r. Raymbault, 349 Raynal, G. T. F., 411 Read's ldg., 61, 62 Reale, a Mr., 173, 174. One Constant _Relle_ was employed by A. F. Co. Aug. 3d, 1818, deserted 1819, killed winter of 1821-22: see Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll., XII. p. 166. One Antonio _Reilh_ or _Reilhe_ appears in W. H. S. C., XI. p. 164. These names probably the same, but different persons Rebecca l., 74 reboso, 787, 788 recapitulation of furs and peltries, 284, 285 Recollect priest, 64 Recovery, O., 438 Red Cedar, 157 Red Cedar cr., see Lower Red Cedar r. Red Cedar isl. in Cass. l., 158 Red Cedar l., see Lower and Upper do. Red Cedar r., Ia., 22, 23, 26, 292, 293 Red Cedar r., Minn., 159, 289 Red Cloud, a chf., 208, 343, 347 Red Cloud, Neb., 410 Red cr., br. of Ark. r., Col., 460 Red cr., or Red Rock cr., 556 Red Earth Inds., 338 Red fk. or Cimarron r., 552, 553, 554 Red fk. or Salt fk. of Ark. r., 552, 553, 554 Red House, N. M., 629 Red l., xlviii, 152, 156, 171, 172, 260, 280, 284, 285, 326, 332, 346, 347, 350, 351 Redmond's Ranch, Tex., 691 Red Oak pt., 147 Red Quilliou, 118 Red r., Ark. r., 589 Red r., Canadian r., xlvii, 558 Red r., Cimarron r., 705 Red r. of Arkansas, 705 Red r. of California, 742, see Colorado r. Red r. of Louisiana or of the Miss. r., li, lv, 519, 563, 564, 565, 571, 585, 591, 592, 593, 596, 690, 694, 696, 697, 705, 710, 712, 713, 714, 727, 738, 746, 754, 805, 807, 809, 815, 822, 823, 834, 838, 847, 848, 849, 850, 852 Red r. of Natchitoches, 558, 705 Red r. of Pike, of various identifications, 412, 413, 466, 468, 469, 473, 480, 481, 482, 484, 490, 502, 504, 505, 525, 537, 624, 705 Red r. of Texas, 696, 704, 705, 781, 782, 785 Red r. of the East, 705 Red r. of the Mo. r., 523: and see Yellow-stone r. Red r. of the North, xlviii, 128, 139, 159, 171, 172, 183, 247, 254, 263, 278, 279, 280, 317, 318, 326, 328, 343, 349, 350, 351, 354, 704 Red r. of the West, 705 Red r., Salt fk. of Ark. r., 552, 553, 554, 704 Red River trail, 326 Red r., Wis., 298, 356 Red River, Wis., 298 Redrock, 556 Red Rock cr., 556 Red Rock, Minn., 73 Red's place, 5 Red Thunder, a chf., 208, 343, 347 Red Wing, a chf., 68, 69, 202, 203, 308, 347 Red Wing band or village, 69, 70, 88 Red Wing, Minn., 62, 69, 70, 308 Reed, Joseph, liii Reed r., 279 Rees, Dr. Thos., xxxviii, xxxix, xl, xlv Reeves, U. S. Commissioner, 518 Refugio, Mex., 680 Regent of France, 531 Register, see Heitman, and Niles Reid, J., 702 Reino de la Nueva Vizcaya, 759 Reino de Leon, 724 Reino de Nueva Galicia, 719 Reinulle, Reinville, Jos., 39, 40, 87, 99, 180, 207, 242, and see Rainville Relief l., 65 religion, 755, 770, 800 Remnicha, compounded of three words meaning "hill," "water," "wood," was a comprehensive Sioux name of the stretch of country from foot of Barn bluff (La Grange) to Cannon r., about the center of which was the old Indian village, and is the modern town, of Red Wing, drained by the coulee nicknamed the Jordan Remnicha cr. or r., 70 Remnichah, 70 Reno, Col., 464 Reno co., Kas., 424, 548 report of late occurrences, etc., xlvi report on the Arkansaw, Wilkinson's, 539 report to Congress, 840, 841 Republican fk. of Kansas r., 395 Republican Pawnees, 412, 541, 542 Republican r., xlix, 357, 404, 407, 409, 410, 420, 473, 516, 543 Republic City, Kas., 409 Republic co., Kas., 408, 409, 410 Reservoir Bowl, see Greater and Lesser ditto Resting l., Rest in the Path l., 161 return of furs and peltries, 284, 285 return of men employed, etc., 286 return of military force in New Spain, 793 return of persons, etc., 1 revenue, Spanish, 791, 792 revolt of the pueblos, 756 Revolutionary army, xxvi, xxvii, lvi Revolutionary War, 183 Rey, Don P. R., 646 Reynard Inds., 25, 26, 31, 35, 36, 209, 293, 303, 307, 337, 338, 339, 341, 346, 347, 361, 591, and see Fox Inds. Reynolds, John, 657 Rhoades, Kas., 403 Rhodes hill, 167, named for D. C. Rhodes, of Verndale, Minn., photographer, by Brower Rhyolite pk., 465 Rib r., 494 rice, 38 Rice co., Kas., 424, 522 Rice cr. (= Nagajika cr., near Brainerd), 131 Rice-eaters, 39 Rice l., a pond near Winnibigoshish dam, 325 Rice l., discharging by Rice Lake or Sandy Lake r., into Sandy l., 137 Rice l. = L. Ann, 90 Rice l. (near Sisibakwet l.), 147 Rice l., on Fox r., Wis., 302 Rice l. (= Pinidiwin l.), 163 Rice l., see Big Rice l. Rice Lake r., a feeder of Sandy l., 137 Rice lakes, near Iowa r., 292 Rice or Manomin cr., Anoka co., 94 Rice r. (in Aitkin co., 4½ m. above mouth of Mud r.), 136, 137, 320 Rice r. (= Nagajika cr., near Brainerd), 131 Rice, Willard, 747 Richardson and Co., 139 Richardson, Dr. John, 97 Richardson, Judge N., 106, 107, 123 Richards, Stephen, liv Rich Hill, Mo., 390 Richland co., Wis., 302 Rich Man, a chf., 542, 591 Richmond, Minn., 53 Richmond, Va., 826 Riddle, Lt. D., lxxxix, ci Ridgway library, xxxiv Riggs and Pond, 43 Riggs' Dictionary, 118 Riggs' ranche, 465 Riggs, Rev. S. R., 85, b. Steubenville, O., Mar. 23d, 1812, d. Beloit, Wis., Aug. 24th, 1883 Rigi mt., 454 Riley, Pvt., 332 Rinconada, N. M., 606 Rincon, N. M., 636, 638, 639 Rinehart, Mo., 394 Rineland ldg., 367 Ringgold barracks, 682, 692 Rio, see names of rivers besides the following Rio Abajo, 729 Rio Alamo, 691 Rio Alamos, 771, 774 Rio Alamosa, 637 Rio Alcontre, 691 Rio Allende, 670 Rio Almagra, Almagre, 452 Rio Altar, 771 Rio Angelina, 709, 710 Rio Animas, 637 Rio Arriba, 729 Rio Atoyac, 721 Rio Azul, 735 Rio Bavispe, 771 Rio Bravo, 641, 642, 643, 645, 729, 730, and see Rio del Norte, Rio Grande. Name Rio Bravo extant before 1600 Rio Brazos, 781 Rio Caliente, 597, 600 Rio Cañada, Cañadiano, 558, 606, and see Canadian r. Rio Carmen, 651, 652 Rio Chacito, 614 Rio Chaco, 630, 731 Rio Chasco, 731 Rio Chama, 597, 600, 601, 604, 629 Rio Chelly, 731 Rio Chusco, 731 Rio Cibolo, 697, 703 Rio Colorado, Canadian r., xlvii Rio Colorado del Este, 705 Rio Colorado del Occidente, 705 Rio Colorado of California, 522, 523, 524, 622, 623, 644, 730, 734, 735, 736 Rio Colorado of Texas, 698, 704, 705, 781 Rio Colorado, see Red r. of Louisiana Rio Conchos, 642, 668, 669, 670, 762, 765 Rio Conejos, 358, 359, 483, 484, 494, 495, 496, 497, 499, 595, 596, 597, 622, 816, 848, 855 Rio Costilla, 494 Rio Cuchillo Negro, 637 Rio Culebra, 445, 494, 507 Rio Culiacan, Culican, 774 Rio de Barral, 670 Rio de Buena Guia, so called in 1540, is the Rio Colorado Rio de Carracal, 651 Rio de la Antigua, 722 Rio de la Ascencion, 771 Rio de la Asuncion, 734, more fully called Rio de Nuestra Señora de la Asuncion or Asumpcion; name appears in Venegas, Hist. Cala., 1757 Rio de la Culebra, 494 Rio de las Anamas, Animas, 445, 731 Rio de las Animas Perdidas was a name of Purgatory r. Rio de las Palizadas, 289 Rio de las Palmas, 289 Rio de las Palmas, Mex., 724 Rio de las Vacas, before 1600, is Pecos r. Rio del Espiritu Santo, 288 Rio del Fuerte, 762, 774, named for Fuerte de Montes Claros, built 1610 Rio de Lino, of Coronado, 1540, is the Colorado Chiquito, hence called Flax r. Rio del Nombre de Jesus is the name originally given to the Gila r. by Juan de Oñate, 1604 Rio del Norte, xlvi, 494, 497, 509, 521, 523, 524, 535, 541, 595, 596, 640, 641, 642, 678, 728, 729, 730, 731, 733, 736, 737, 738, 744, 756, 762, 809, 816, 822, 838, 848, 849, 850, 851; name probably originated on Don Antonio Espejo's exped. of 1582. See Rio Grande Rio de los Anamas, 730, 732 Rio de los Apostoles, 734, see Apostles' r. Rio de los Brazos de Dios, 706 Rio de los Dolores, 730, 732 Rio de los Duimas, 732, of Pike, identification confirmed; it is simply error of transcribing Rio de las Animas from Humboldt's map Rio de los Martires appears on Humboldt's map and above it the legend Tout ce Pays de puis la mission de Zuñi jusqu'aux Indiens Cobaji a été visité par le Père Pedro Font, 1775. Name originated with Father Kino, 1699, who first applied it to the Col. r. Rio de los Palisados, 289 Rio de los Panami, etc., 731 Rio del Tizon, see Colorado r. Rio de Nanesi, Napesi, Napestle, 448, 481 Rio de Nasas, 673 Rio de Ozul, 735 Rio de Piedro Amaretto del Missouri, 733 Rio de San Clemente, 733 Rio de Santa Buenaventura, 733 Rio de Santa Fé, 606, 607 Rio de Taos, 598 Rio El Rosario, 774 Rio Escondido, 289 Rio Florida, Florido, 669, 670, 671, 762 Rio Frio, 696 Rio Galisteo, 615 Rio Gila, Hila, Jila, Xila, 637, 644, 645, 730, 734, 735, 736, 741, 742, and see Gila r. Rio Grande, xlix, lv, 288, 444, 445, 463, 474, 482, 483, 490, 492, 493, 494, continuously to 648, 650, 651, 669, 682, 685, 689, 690, 691, 692, 693, 695, 697, 712, 724, 729, 730, 731, 733, 734, 736, 744, 745, 746, 747, 756, 775, 776, 778, 779, 816, 822, and see Rio del Norte. Name Rio Grande found in narrative of exped. of Gaspar Castaño de Sosa, 1591 Rio Grande City, Tex., 692 Rio Grande de Buena Esperanza is the Colorado of the West, so named by Juan de Oñate in 1604 Rio Grande de los Apostolos, 734 Rio Grande de Santiago, 719 Rio Guadalupe, 780, 781 Rio Guanabel, 677, 678, 681 Rio Hondo, 696, 697 Rio Jasquevilla, 730 Rio Jemez, 615, 616, 629, 745 Rio Jimenez, 724 Rio Magdalena, 771 Rio Mariano, 697 Rio Matape, 771, 773 Rio Mayo, 771 Rio Mazatlan, 774 Rio Meteros, 682 Rio Mexicano, 682 Rio Moctezuma, 771 Rio Nabajoa, 730 Rio Napeste, 448 Rio Nasas, Nassas, Nazas, 673, 677, 678, 679, 681, 762 Rio Navajo, 731 Rio Oude, 702 Rio Palomo, 637 Rio Pecos, 631, 632, 736 Rio Perchas, 637 Rio Piaxtla, 774 Rio Puerco, 629, 633 Rio Puerco of the West, 730 Rio Puerco, or Puerto, for Pecos, 632, 736 Rio Purgatorio, 445 Rio Quiburi, before 1700, name of San Pedro r., br. of the Gila Rio Quihi, 696 Rio Rojo, Roxo, 705 Rio Sabinas, 679, 685, 687, 688, 689, 691, 776 Rio Salado, Ariz., 734 Rio Salado, Mex., 691, 776 Rio Salado, N. M., 632 Rio Salinas, 682, 685 Rio Salinas, br. of Gila r., 734 Rio San Antonio, br. of Rio Conejos, 682, 685 Rio San Antonio, br. of Rio Grande, 780, 781 Rio San Buenaventura, 733 Rio San Francisco, br. of Gila r., 735, 741 Rio San Francisco del Tigre, 682 Rio San José, 745 Rio San Juan, Mex., 682, 685, 692, 776 Rio San Juan, N. M., 630, 731, 746 Rio San Lorenzo, Sinaloa, 774 Rio San Marco, 703, 704, 781 Rio San Maria, see Santa Maria r. 730 Rio San Miguel, Mex., 774 Rio San Miguel, Tex., 696 Rio San Paubla, 668, 762 Rio San Pedro, br. of Gila r., 735 Rio San Pedro, in Chihuahua, 668, 669, 762 Rio San Rafael, 730 Rio Santa Fé, 606, 607, 613, 614 Rio Santa Teresa, 707 Rio San Xavier, 730 Rios, Capt., 357, 358 Rios, Don F., 214 Rio Seco, 696 Rio Tigre, 682 Rio Toyac, 710 Rio Trinidad, 707, 708 Rio Verde, Ariz., 727, 730, 734 Rio Verde, Mex., 721 Rio Yampancas, 738 Rio Yaqui, 771, 772 Rio Zanguananos, 732 Rio Zuñi, 630 Ripley, 179, see Fort Ripley Ripley, Col. E. W., lxxxi Ripple cr., 135 Rising Moose, a chf., 87, 347 Rising Sun, Minn., 52, 53 Rita Servilleta, 597 Rita Vallecita, 597 Rito Alto mt., 483 Rito San José, 630 Riveaux cr., 370 River, see names of rivers, also under Rio and Rivière, and some following Rivera, Mex., 685 River of Arcs, 815 River of Chihuahua, 765 River of Embarrassments, 355 River of Lake Traverse, 160 River of Means, 355 River of Palms, 289 River of Rabbits, 816 River of the Arms of God, 706 River of the Boiling Spring, 452 River of the Fort, 774 River of the Issati, 95 River of the Mountain which Soaks, etc., 54, 356 River of the Prairie of Cross, 355 River of Wild Bulls, 58 Rivers, Capt. F., 214 Riverside, Minn., is a town site in Fridley tp., Anoka co., 1 m. above mouth of Rice cr. Riverside sta., Col., 470, 472 River that Divides Itself in Two, 289 Riverview, Mo., 377 Rivière, see names of rivers, also under Rio and River, besides the following Riviere a Canon, 356 Rivière a Cigue, for à Cigne, 356 Rivière à l'Aile de Corbeau, 128 Rivière à la Biche, 289 Rivière à la Crosse, 322 Rivière à la Roche, 24 Rivière à l'Ours, l'Ourse, 370 Rivière à Loutre, 366 Rivière Antoine, 213 Rivière au B[oe]uf, br. of Miss. r., in Mo., 4, 355 Rivière au B[oe]uf, br. of Miss. r., in Wis., 56, 305 Rivière au B[oe]uf, br. of Mo. r., 365 Rivière au Bois d'Arc, 815 Rivière au Canon, 67, 308, 342 Rivière au Dindon, 355 Rivière au Feve, Fevre, see Fever r. Rivière au Milieu, 559 Rivière au Pin, 356 Rivière au Sel, 7, 355 Rivière au Solé (for au Saule) of Schoolcraft, 1820, also Alder r., is Willow r., Aitkin co., Minn. Rivière aux Embarras, 57 Rivière aux Feuilles, 356 Rivière aux Frênes, 366 Rivière aux Racines, 49, 355 Rivière aux Raisins, 67 Rivière aux B[oe]ufs, 65 Rivière aux Canots, 67 Rivière aux Cèdres Rouges, 289 Rivière aux Riveaux, 370 Rivière aux Saukes, 101, 356 Rivière de Ayoua, 355 Rivière de Bon Secours, 58, 65 Rivière de Buade, 289 Rivière de Colbert, 289 Rivière de Corbeau, 104, 128, 129, 130, 189, 316, 317, 318, 319, 326, 343, 348, 350, 351, 355 Rivière de la Conception, 289 Rivière de la Fièvre, 29 Rivière de la Fontaine qui Bouille, 452 Rivière de la Madelaine, Magdelaine, 71, 95, 309 Rivière de la Montagne qui Trempe, etc., 54, 305, 307 Rivière de la Prairie de Crosse, 355 Rivière de l'Eau de Vie, 96 Rivière de Louis, 289 Rivière de Louisiane, 289 Rivière d'Embarras, 355 Rivière de Mendeouacanion, 95 Rivière de Moyen, 355 Rivière de Roche, 23, 24, 25, 337, 339, 340 Rivière de St. François, 95 Rivière de St. Louis, 289 Rivière des Arounoues, 49 Rivières des B[oe]ufs, 58, 65 Rivière de Seignelay, 3 Rivière des Épinettes, 324 Rivière des Feuilles, br. of Crow Wing r., 128, 317 Rivière des Feuilles, br. of Minnesota r., 326 Rivière des Feuilles, br. of Miss. r., 97 Rivière des François, 95, 313 Rivière des Illinois, br. of Ark. r., 558 Rivière des Illinois, br. of Miss. r., 3 Rivière des Kicapous, 24 Rivière des Loups, 356 Rivière des Mongana, 13 Rivière des Noix, 695 Rivière des Ouisconsins, 35 Rivière des Rochers, 355 Rivière des Sioux, 95, 313 Rivière de Tombeau, 71 Rivière du B[oe]uf, 342 Rivière du Brochet, 137, 356 Rivière du Portage, 95 Rivière Embarras, 56 Rivière Jaune, Vermilion r., 73 Rivière Jaune, Yellow r., 41, 355 Rivière la Pomme, 28 Rivière l'Eau Claire, 57, 355 Rivière Longue, 49, 50, 67, 68 Rivière Maligne, 707 Rivière Morte, 49, 50, 67, 68 Rivière Noir, 51, 296 Rivière Puante, 13 Rivière Purgatoire, 445 Rivière Rouge, see Red r. of the North Rivière Rouge, Wis., 298, 356 Rivière St. Croix, 71 Rivière Ste. Thérèse, 707 Rivière St. Pierre, 356 Rivière Sanglante, 332 Rivière Sauteaux, 355 Rivière Verte, 77, 78 Roaring r., 63 Roasters, 31 Robbers, 170 Robedoux, Mr., 6 Robert's isl., 122 Robertson, qu: Rev. Wm., 238 Robert st., St. Paul, 74 Robideau's pass, 492 Robidou of New Mexican places was Antoine (brother of Joseph, Sen.), b. St. Louis, Aug. 29th, 1794, d. St. Joseph, Mo., Apr. 29th, 1860 Robidoux fk. of Gasconade r., named for Joseph Robidou, Sen., founder of St. Joseph, Mo., b. Aug. 2d, 1783, d. May 27th, 1868 Robinson, Dr. J. H., xlvi, lxi, 359, 361, 364, 365, 368, 372, 373, 374, 375, 381, 382, 394, 401, 402, 408, 421, 425, 427, 428, 429, 432, 435, 444, 449, 450, 454, 457, 459, 461, 463, 464, 469, 470, 472, 476, 477, 478, 480, 482, 483, 485, 486, 487, 490, 495, 497, 498, 502, 503, 504, 510, 543, 545, 546, 566, 568, 569, 577, 589, 594, 603, 608, 621, 622, 623, 624, 627, 628, 651, 658, 659, 662, 664, 665, 666, 698, 712, 761, 766, 809, 815, 816, 824, 834, 835, 845, 848, 850, 851, 852, 854, 855 Robinson sta., Col., 447 Robledo, N. M., 636 Rob Roy Expedition, 336 Roche Blanche, 343, 344 Roche Jaune r., 479, 733 Roche, Mr., 243 Rocher Rouge cr., 63 Rochers Peints, Roches Peintes, 41 Rockbridge co., Va., 691 Rock Cañon, Col., 459 Rock cr., br. of Ark. r., 459 Rock cr., br. of Bull cr., 519 Rock cr., br. of Vermilion r., 400 Rock cr., near Pawnee village, Kas., 419, and see White Rock cr. Rock creeks, two, in Kas., 518, 520 Rockdale sta., Col., 447, 448 Rockhill, W. W., preface Rock isl., at Little Falls, Minn., 123 Rock isl., at mouth of Rock r., 210 Rock Island co., Ill., 23, 24, 293 Rock Island, Ill., 21, 23, 24, 25 Rock Island rap., 295 Rock ldg., 4 Rockport, Ill., 7, 24 Rock r., 15, 23, 24, 32, 180, 210, 222, 265, 293, 301, 303, 338, 355 Rock River raps., 209 rock-rose, 494 Rockville, Mo., 385 Rocky cr. of Pike, 103 Rocky Ford, Col., 446 Rocky hills of Pike, 26 Rocky mts., 256, 278, 332, 354, 360, 444, 452, 454, 456, 733 Rocky mts., Gates of the, 642 Rocky Mountain sheep, 438 Rocky r., 24 Rocky shoal, 167 Rocque, A., 36, 41 Rocque's trading house, 61 Rocus, Father, 659, 839 Rodriguez, Augustin, a Franciscan, at Bernalillo, N. M., in 1580 Rodriques, Rodreriques, Rodriguez, Capt. S., 411, 661 Roger, lxxix Rogers, H. D., 333 Rojo r., 705 Rolette, Michel, 204 Rolett, Rolette, Jos., Sen., 204, full name Jean Joseph Rolette, see Tassé, I. pp. 143-211, portrait Rolett, Rollet, Roulet, Mr., 36, 60, 204, 207 Rollingstone sl., 57 Rolling Thunder, a chf., 347 Roman confessional, 748 Roman Nose, a chf., 203, 205, 208 Roma, Tex., 692 Rome, Italy, 342 Rook's r., 97 Root r., 49, 50, 305, 355 Roque, A., see Rocque, Rocque's Rosati l., 153, 155 Rosedale, Kas., 519 Rosita, Col., 484 Rosita cr., 485 Roslin, Wis., 302 Rossbach, lxvi Rosseau, see Rousseau roster of the party, 1 Roubideau's pass, 492 Rouen, 779 Rouillé, A. L., lxxv Rouillé monument, lxxvi, lxxviii Roulet, see Rolett Round Grove, Kas., 518, 519 Round l., 324 Round Lake r., 324 Round mt., Col., 483, 484 Round mt., N. M., 636 Roussand, Mr., 155, 156 Rousseau channel, 36, 40 Rousseau, J. J., 801 Rousseau, Rosseau, Pierre, 39, 61, 97, 127, 184, 854 Rowan, Hon. J., lvi Roxo r., 705 Royal Gorge, 462, 463, 466, 476, 477 Royalton, Minn., 102 Royce, C. C., 238, 239 Roy, of N. W. Co., 159, 169 Roy, Pvt. Alex., 1, 184, 186, 359, 360, 432, 482, 490, 510 Rubicon, Spanish-American, 711 Rubi, Father, 617, 618, 619, 628 rubric of rivers, 705 Rudsdell, John, 66 ruins in Arizona, 741, 742 Rule cr., 443 Rum r., 94, 95, 96, 101, 194, 196, 311, 313, 314, 343, 350, 351, 356 Running sl., 6 Running Turkey cr., 522 Ruque, see Rocque and Rocque's Rural Cemetery, 357 Rush co., Kas., 425 Rush cr., br. of Ark. r., 460 Rush cr., Ill., 27 Rush cr., Minn., 63 Rush cr. of Lewis and Clark, 369 Rush cr., Wis., 42 Rush isl., 19 Rush l., bay of Leech l., 153 Rush l., Little Winnibigoshish l., 325 Rush l., Otter Tail series, 318 Rush l., Wis., 301 Rush pt., 325 Russell co., Kas., 404, 423 Russia, 571 Ruter, 780 Ruxton cr., 452, 456 Ruxton, G. F., 457, 598 S Sabal palmetto, 776 Sabinal, Sabinal sta., N. M., 629 Sabinas r., 679, 685, 687, 688, 689, 691, 777 Sabine bay or l., 709, 782 Sabine co., La., 712, 713 Sabine co., Tex., 710 Sabine l., 709, 782 Sabine r., bet. La. and Tex., l, 407, 696, 702, 708, 709, 710, 711, 712, 713, 782 Sabine r., in Mex., see Sabinas r. Sabinetown, Tex., 711, 712 Sabinez, N. M., 628, 629 Sabin's Bibl. Amer., xxxiv Sable l., 120, 241, and see Sandy l. Sabula, Ia., 27 Sac and Fox boundary, war, and treaty, 9, 11, 45, 367 Sac Inds., 5, 15, 16, 19, 20, 24, 31, 101, 210, 211, 293, 330, 337, 338, 339, 361, 384, 526, 551, 570, 591, and see Fox Inds. Sackett's Harbor, lxxiii, lxxx, lxxxii, lxxxiii, xcii, xciv, xcvii, ciii, civ, cx Sack r., 101, see Sauk r. Sacque, see Sac Inds. Sacramento mts., 631, 736 Sacramento r., 654, 655 Sac r., br. of Miss. r., 315, see Sauk r. Sac r., br. of Osage r., 381, 383, 384, 385, 514 Sacs and Foxes, see Sac Inds. and Fox Inds., also Sac and Fox Sac village, see Sac Inds. Saddle mt., 464, 465 Sagatagon r., 103 Saget, 780 Saguache co., Col., 491, 492 Saguache mts., 596 Saint, Sainte, as follows, abbrev. St., Ste., see also San, Santa, and Santo St. a fé, St. Affe, St. Affee, lii, liii, 706, see Santa Fé St. Albans, Mo., 362, 363 St. Ander, 724, see Santander and New San Ander St. Anthony, 289 St. Anthony's falls, 70, 75, 82, 83, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 195, 196 St. Antoine, fort on L. Pepin, 71 St. Antonio r., 780 St. Antonio, Tex., liii, 666, 692, 697, 783, 784, 785, 786, 813, 814, 836, see San Antonio de Bexar St. Aubert, Mo., 369 St. Aubert's isl., 370 St. Aubert sta., Mo., 370 St. Augusta, Minn., 99, 100, 194 St. Augustine, Fla., 734 St. Bernard bay, 779, 781 St. Charles bayou, 8, 11 St. Charles co., Mo., 3, 4, 360, 363, 364 St. Charles district, lvi, 10, 360 St. Charles, Mo., 214, 229, 360, 361, 511, 512, 567, 568, 569 St. Charles r., 451, 454, 463, 488, 490 St. Clair co., Mo., 371, 381, 383, 384, 385 St. Clair, Gen. A., 438 St. Cloud, Minn., 99, 100, 101, 120, 193, 315 St. Croix falls, 309, 310 St. Croix, fort, 71 St. Croix l., 72, 308 St. Croix, Ste. Croix, a trader, 71, 72 St. Croix, Ste. Croix r., 48, 52, 58, 60, 62, 65, 70, 71, 72, 73, 77, 80, 95, 205, 227, 231, 243, 279, 306, 308, 309, 338, 342, 347, 348, 350 St. Denis, St. Dennie, L. J. de, 714 St. Dies mts., 616, see Sandia mts. St. Dies pueblo, 619, see Sandia St. Domingo, Mex., 677, 766 St. Domingo, N. M., 615, 752 St. Elias mt., 722 St. Elizabeth, Mo., 372 Ste. Thérèse r., 707 St. Ferdinand, Mo., 214 St. Ferdinand tp., Mo., 357 St. Fernandez, N. M., 624, 625, 809, 851, and see San Fernandez, N. M. Pike's elusive "St. Fernandez" must have been Peralta itself, or that immediate vicinity, close to Valencia. I halted him correctly there, on p. 626. Peralta or Peralto is a modern name, and I find that there was in 1844 a town called St. Fernandez or San Fernando, in that place; also, Pike's mileage hence to his next place, St. Thomas (Tomé) is quite right for this determination. See further, Whipple, P. R. R. Rep., III., Pt. 3, p. 12, where is given San Fernando de Taos ("de Taos" in error), a place between Valencia and Tomé, with a pop. of 800 St. Fernandez, Tex., 696 St. Francis d'Assisi, de Paola, de Sales, 95 St. Francis, monks of, 766 St. Francis r., br. of Gila r., 741 St. Francis r., Elk r., 97 St. Francis, St. François r., Rum r., 35, 95, 96, 313, 314 St. Genevieve, 213, 215, 691 St. Helen's isl., 295 St. Ignace, Ignatius pt., 356 St. Jacomb mt., 638 St. Jeronime, Jeronimie, liv, 660 St. John's cr. and isl., 364 St. John's, Mo., 364 St. John's, N. M., 601, 602, 603, 604, see San Juan St. John's parish, Eng., 167 St. John's r., 364 St. Joseph l., 351 St. Joseph mission, Tex., 697 St. Lawrence, Minn., 318 St. Lawrence r., lxxii, lxxiii, 277, 302, 326 St. Louis and Hannibal R. R., 8 St. Louis bay, 779 St. Louis chain, 25 St. Louis co., Mo., 1, 2, 357 St. Louis de Potosi, see San Luis de Potosí St. Louis fort, see Fort St. Louis St. Louis, Keokuk, and N. W. R. R., 5, 7, 8 St. Louis, Mo., xxii, xxix, lxiv, 1, 3, 5, 11, 20, 171, 204, 206, 213, 214, 215, 221, 222, 223, 225, 226, 228, 237, 247, 257, 258, 259, 263, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 272, 273, 287, 292, 294, 317, 346, 347, 357, 358, 360, 361, 367, 384, 387, 388, 391, 411, 437, 557, 567, 570, 577, 579, 580, 581, 590, 602, 603, 608, 609, 756, 757, 809, 815, 818, 825, 826, 833, 842, 845, 854 St. Louis Potosi, see San Luis de Potosí St. Louis r., of Lake Superior, 138, 143, 168, 280, 321, 330 St. Louis r., or Illinois r., 3 St. Louis r., or Miss. r., 289 St. Luis Potosi, see San St. Malo, 296 St. Marco, St. Mark r., 704, 781, see San Marco r. St. Martin's isl., 297 St. Mary's falls, 30, 330, see Sault Ste. Marie St. Michael mission, 65 St. Michael's church, Trenton, civ St. Paul, fort of, 668, see Presidio San Pablo St. Paul ldg., 75 St. Paul, Minn., cxiii, 72, 74, 75, 82, 83, 92, 130, 182, 201, 348; names in directory of 1893, 84,461, are supposed to represent a pop. of 190,262 St. Paul sl., Ia., 41 St. Peter, St. Peter's r., 30, 31, 35, 61, 68, 69, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 197, 199, 200, 202, 226, 227, 231, 232, 233, 234, 242, 243, 244, 257, 258, 260, 264, 267, 309, 310, 316, 342, 343, 344, 346, 347, 348, 349, 356, and see St. Pierre r. St. Philip's, N. M., 616, 752, and see San Felipe St. Pierre, Capt., St. Pierre de, Jacques le Gardeur, St. Pierre Repantigni, 80 St. Pierre or St. Pierre's r., 24, 65, 66, 72, 80, 81, 230, 310, 316, 356, 844, and see St. Peter's r. St. Thereseor r., 707 St. Thomas, Mo., 372 St. Thomas, N. M., 628, see Tomé St. Vrain, Marcellus, 446 Sakawes, Sakawis, 101, see Sac and Sauk Saladoans, 741 Salado r., br. of Gila r., 735, 741 Salado r., br. of Rio Grande in Mex., 691, 776 Salado r., br. of Rio Grande in N. M., 632 Salazar y Larregui, Don J., 644, 646, 647 Salcedo, Don N., xlvii, liv, 411, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659, 661, 662, 663, 664, 667, 675, 683, 689, 690, 702, 771, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814, 815, 817, 818, 820, 821, 822, 823, 825, 828, 830, 832, 837, 839 Salida, Col., 472, 474, 476 Salina, Kas., 403, 404, 405 Salinal, Tex., 690 Salinas mts., 631, 632 Salinas r., or Saline r., Mex., 682, 685 Saline co., Kas., 395, 404, 405 Saline cr., br. of Osage r., 373 Saline cr., or Salt fk. of Ark. r., 552, 553, 554 Saline mts., 632 Saline r., Great, of Kas., 403, 404, 405, 420, 423, 426, 515, 545 Saline r. of Pike, br. of Osage r., 375 Saline r., or Cimarron r., 552, 553, 554 Saline r., or Salt fk. of Ark. r., 552, 553, 554 Saline r., see Salinas r. Saline r., unidentified, 556 Salle, 779, 780, see La Salle Sallison cr., 559 Salmera mt., 638 Salmo namaycush, 297 Salt cr., br. of Osage r., 384 Salt cr., br. of Solomon r., 405, 408, 422 Salt cr., or Salt fk. of Ark. r., 552, 553, 554 Saltelo, Don I., 508, 595, 807 Saltelo, see Saltillo, Mex. Salt fk. of Ark. r., 549, 552, 553, 554, 556, 705 Saltiaux, Saltiers, 30 Saltillo, Mex., 649, 677, 682, 683, 684, 692, 775, 776, 778 Salt mt., 732 Salt r., br. of Gila r., 734, 741 Salt r., br. of Miss. r. in Mo., 7, 211, 290, 355 Salt r., in Kas., 404 Salt r., see Salt fk. of Ark. r. Saltus Astiaius, De Creux, 1684, is the Sault Ste. Marie Saltville, Kas., 422 Salt Works, Col., 469 Samalayuca, 649, 650 Samuel, J., 358 San Ander, see New Santander San Andreas mts., 631, 632, 635, 640 San Antonio camp, Mex., 672 San Antonio cr., 494, 597 San Antonio de Bexar, Tex., liii, 666, 677, 678, 689, 690, 692, 694, 695, 696, 697, 698, 699, 700, 701, 704, 713, 776, 780, 781, 783, 784, 785, 786 San Antonio de Jaral, and cr., 683, 684 San Antonio mt., 597 San Antonio, N. M., 604 San Antonio, N. M., another, 633 San Antonio, Rancho de, on Rio Nasas, 678, 679 San Antonio r., in Tex., 696, 697, 703, 780 San Antonio, Tex., see ditto de Bexar and St. Antonio, Tex. San Augustin co., Tex., 710 San Augustin del Isleta, mission, see Isleta, N. M. San Augustin, Fla., settled 1560 or 1565 San Augustin pass, 640 San Bartolomé, N. M., 616 San Bernardo bay, 781 San Bernilla, N. M., 619 San Blas spr., 672 San Buenaventura de Cochiti, mission, see Cochiti San Buenaventura, fort of, 770 San Carlos Agency, 735, 736 San Carlos mts., 642 San Carlos res., 748 San Carlos r., in Ariz., 735 San Carlos r., in Col., 451, 452 Sanchez, Tex., 690 San Clemente r., 733 San Clemente tract, N. M., 628 San Cruz, 773, see Santa Cruz, Ariz. Sand Bank cr. of Lewis and Clark, 17 Sandbank cr. of Pike, 18 Sand-bank pra., 21 Sand bay of Pike, 18 Sand cr., br. of Fountain r., in Col., 452 Sand cr., in Crow Wing co., Minn., 131 Sand cr., in San Luis Valley, Col., 490, 491, 493 Sand cr., near Grand Cañon, in Col., 462 Sand Dunes, 491, 492, 493 Sand Hill pass, 484, 490, 491, 492, 506, 650 Sand Hills, Kas., 439 Sand Hills, Mex., 650 Sandia mts., 615, 616, 618, 619, 631 Sandia pueblo, N. M., 618, 619, 752. The documentary evidence adduced by Meline, pp. 214-220, for "founding" of the place in 1748, does not apply to the orig. founding of Sandia pueblo, but to arrangements for Friar J. M. Menchero's herding there a lot of "converts" (Mokis and others), who he was afraid might get away from him if something remarkable was not done San Diaz mts., 616, 631 San Diaz pueblo, 618, 619 San Diego, Cal., 639 San Diego de Jemes, mission, see Jemez San Diego de Tesuque, mission, see Tesuque San Diego mt., 639 San Diego, N. M., 639 San Dies, see Sandia pueblo Sandival, Sandival's hacienda, 619 Sand l., see Sandy l. San Domingo, Mex., 677 San Domingo, N. M., 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 752, more often called Santo Domingo, which see Sand or Medano cr., 490, 491, 493 Sand Point r., 63, 65 Sand pra., Ia., 28 Sandusky, Ia., 15 Sandy cr., br. of Cimarron r., 439 Sandy cr., in Wis., 34 Sandy l., 102, 120, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 145, 153, 155, 168, 170, 173, 176, 178, 191, 241, 279, 280, 281, 285, 316, 320, 321, 327, 338, 346, 347, 350, 351, 356 Sandy l., near St. Paul, is now called L. Como Sandy Lake rap., 137 Sandy Lake r., 137, 140, 320 Sandy l., unidentified, 173, 174 Sandy pt., 61, 63, 356 Sandy Point cr., 63 Sandy r., see Sandy Lake r. Sandy r., tributary to Leech l., 153 San Elceario, Elizario, Tex., 643 San Estévan de Acoma, mission, see Acoma San Felipe, N. M., 616, 617, 618, 621, 745, 752, on west side of Rio Grande since 1630 San Felipe, N. M., old, 617 San Fernandez de Taos, N. M., 598 San Fernandez, N. M., 625, 627, 628, and see St. Fernandez, N. M. San Fernando de Rosas, Mex., 691 Sanford's cr., 371 San Francisco, a church, 765 San Francisco, Cal., 736 San Francisco de los Españoles, see Oñate San Francisco del Tigre r., 682 San Francisco de Nambé, mission, see Nambe San Francisco mt., Ariz., 730, 731, 741 San Francisco range or divide, Ariz., 741 San Francisco r., 741 San Francisco r., another, in Ariz., is Rio Verde San Gabriel, N. M., see Oñate San Geronimo de Taos, mission of Taos Sanglante r., 332 Sangonet, Mr., 573 Sangre de Cristo mts., 359, 444, 445, 448, 463, 474, 475, 479, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 490, 491, 492, 493, 706, 848 Sangre de Cristo pass, 492, 494 Sang Sue, Sangsue l., 122, 141, 240, 241, 319, 350 Sangue Sue br. or fk., 151 Sangue Sue l., 152 Sanguinet, Chas., jr., 573 San Ildefonso, N. M., 605, or pueblo of Poojoge, existent since 1598 San Jeronimo, Mex., liv, 660 San José, Col., 596 San José de Pelayo hacienda, 673 San Josef de la Laguna, mission, see Laguna, N. M. San José, mission, Tex., 697, 698 San José, N. M., various places, 601, 604, 633, 637 San José r., br. of Rio Puerco, 630, 745 San José sta., in Chihuahua, 651 San Juan Bautista, Mex., 770 San Juan castle, 722 San Juan [de Ulúa], 722 San Juan, first capital of N. M., 756 San Juan, Mex., 677, 680 San Juan mts., 492, 494, 595, 596, 622 San Juan, N. M., 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 743; mission there more fully called San Juan de los Caballeros San Juan range, see ditto mts. San Juan r., in Mex., 682, 685, 692, 776 San Juan r., N. M. and Utah, 630, 731, 746, may be that indicated on Pike's map by the legend "Land seen by Father ... Escalante in 1777" San Juan road, in Col., 469 San Lorenzo de Picuries, mission at Picuris, N. M. San Lorenzo el Real treaty, 656 San Lorenzo hacienda, 681, 682, 777 San Lorenzo, in Coahuila, 777 San Lorenzo, on Rio Nasas, 677 San Lorenzo r., in Sinaloa, 774 San Luis cr. or r., 482, 491, 496 San Luis lakes, hills, park, 492, 493, 494, 497, 596 San Luis Potosí, liii, liv, 719, 720, 722, 723, 724, 725, 775, 800 San Luis r., see do. cr. San Luis valley, lv, 474, 484, 490, 491, 492, 493, 494, 495, 497, 641 San Marcia, N. M., 634 San Marco or Marcos r., 703, 704, 781 San Marcos or Yaatze, N. M., 18 m. S. S. W. of Santa Fé, pop. 600 in 1680 San Mateo mts., pk., 637 San Miguel bayou, 712 San Miguel, N. M., 640, 737 San Miguel r., br. of Dolores r., 732 San Miguel r., br. of Sonora r., 771, 774 San Miguel r., in Tex., 696 San Miguel's church, in present Santa Fé, N. M., represents the younger one of two Indian pueblos which occupied that site; this one had a pop. of 700 in 1630 San Oreille, Oriel, see Sans Oreille San Pablo, Mex., 668, 770 San Pablo r., 668 San Pascual mt., 633, 634 San Patricio bayou, 712 San Paubla, Mex., 770 San Paubla r., 668, 762 San Pedro de Jaquesua r. of Garces, 1775-76, is the Colorado Chiquito: see Jasquevilla r. San Pedro, N. M., 633 San Pedro r., br. of Gila r., 639, 735 San Pedro r., in Chihuahua, 668, 669, 762 San Pedro r., in Tex., 697 San Philip de Queres, 616, and see San Felipe San Rafael, Col., 596 San Rafael r., 730, 732 San Rosa, see Santa Rosa Sansamani, 347 Sans Bois cr., 559 San Sebastian, 677, 678 Sans Nerve, a chf., 591 Sans Oreille, Orielle, a chf., 370, 371, 377, 382, 392, 393, 394, 396, 528, 591 Santa Ana, N. M., 745 Santa Barbara, 638 Santa Clara cr., 605 Santa Clara, N. M., 605, on site of Kapoa, a pueblo existent since 1598 Santa Cruz, Ariz., 773 Santa Cruz de Rosales, 668 Santa Cruz, N. M., 605, 606 Santa Cruz r., 734, 735, 773 Santa Eulalia, 764 Santa Fé mts., 606, 736 Santa Fé, Fe, Fee, N. M., xli, xlvii, lii, lvi, 359, 405, 413, 414, 424, 426, 429, 437, 438, 446, 498, 499, 500, 502, 503, 504, 505, 509, 517, 544, 558, 563, 571, 574, 583, 586, 588, 595, 596, 597, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 619, 622, 623, 627, 633, 639, 640, 641, 643, 729, 737, 738, 739, 740, 745, 746, 753, 755, 756, 758, 764, 807, 809, 816, 819, 820, 823, 828, 829, 831, 849, 850, 851, see Fort Marcy, Oñate, Juan de, and San Miguel's church Santa Fé r. or cr., 606, 607, 613, 614 Santa Fé road, route, trail, old caravan, etc., 401, 424, 425, 429, 433, 446, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522 Santa Maria, Juan de, Franciscan friar at locality of Bernalillo, N. M., in 1580 Santa Maria l., 650, 776 Santa Maria mts., 730 Santa Maria r., 730, so named by Garces, 1775-76 Santa Mayara, 677 Santa Rita, 670 Santa Rosa, 679, 775, 777, 779 Santa Rosalia, Mex., 669, 670 Santa Teresa r., 707 Santa Teresa, Tex., 643 Santego, Santiago r., 720 Santo Domingo, audience of, 718 Santo Domingo, N. M., 615, 745. Before Oñate, 1598, Santo Domingo was on Arroyo de Galisteo, more than 1 m. E. of present Wallace; was partly washed out by a freshet; inhabitants moved further W. and built another pueblo, similarly destroyed. Next built on Rio Grande, and likewise wiped out. Present town has had three such disasters in 200 years, last in 1886, when its churches were demolished. (F. W. Hodge, in letter, 1895.) San Tomas, N. M., 628 Santo Tomas de Abiquiu, mission, see Abiquiu San Xavier del Bac, 735. _Bac_ is a corruption of Piman word _bat-ki_, "old house" San Xavier r., 730, 732 Sapah Watpa, 52 sapin, 132, 318, 321 Sappah r., 52 Sappho, 67 sap pine, 132, 318, 320, 321 Saque, Saques, 303, 346, 347, see Sac Inds. and Sauk Sarah Ann isl., 4 Saramende, Don P. R., 651 Saskashawan, Saskatchewan r., 256, 278 Sassassaouacotton, 101 Sassicy-Woenne rap., 144 Satterfield, Mo., 12 Satterfield's cr., 12 Sauceda, Mex., 684 Saucier, François, 3, 214 Saucier, French engineer, 531 Saucillo, Mex., 668, 669 Sauerwein's woodyard, 18 Sauk raps., 100, 101, 193, 315 Sauk, Saukee Inds., 101, 338, 339, 341, 346, 347, see Sac Inds., and Sacs and Foxes Sauk, Saukes r., 101, 315, 356 Sault de St. Antoine, 91 Sault de Ste. Marie, 30 Sault du Gaston, 30 Saulteurs, Saulteux, 30 Sault Ste. Marie, 330, 349 Sauteaux Inds., 297, 299, 303, 306 Sauteaux, r., br. of Minnesota r., 316 Sauteaux, Sauteur r., br. of Miss. r., 60, 279, 305, 306, 307, 355 Sauteurs, 30, 31, 346, 347 Sautiaux r., 60 Sautiers, 30 Saut St. Antoine, 91 Sauz, Mex., 654 Savanna, Ill., 27 Savanna isl., 27 savanna partridge, 175 Savanna r., br. of Miss. r., 138 Savanna, Savannah r., feeder of Sandy l., 138, 321, 330, and see West do. Savanna, Savannah r., see East do. Savary, a writer, 621 Saverton, Mo., 8 Savinal, N. M., 629 Sawatch range, 469, 471, 479, 483, 492 Sawk, Sawkee, 101, 346, 347, see Sauk Saw-mill cr., 429 Sawyer co., Wis., 309 Sawyer r., 289 sawyers, 12 Say and Calhoun, 92 Sayers, John, 139, 168 Say, Thos., 41, 330 Scalops aquaticus, 97 scalp, scalp incident, scalping, xcvii, xcviii Scalp l., 317 Scammon, E. P., 334 Scandia, Republic co., Kas., 411, is given by N. L. Prentis as "traditional" site of Pike's Pawnee village, but I doubt it; seems decidedly too far S. E. Schell City, Mo., 385 Schenectady barges, 223 Schiras, see Shiras Schoolcraft co., Mich., 296 Schoolcraft, H. R., 36, 63, 85, 92, 101, 127, 128, 129, 143, 147, 148, 150, 153, 156, 157, 158, 159, 161, 162, 163, 169, 170, 176, 199, 309, 314, 317, 324, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 335, 338 Schoolcraft isl., 166, 167, 332 Schoolcraft r., 162, 334 Schwanders, Col., 469 Schweidnitz, lxvi Scioux, see Sioux Scipio r., 9 Scirpus lacustris, 325 scorpions, 763 Scotland, xlv Scotland co., Mo., 12 Scott, Capt. John, lxxxvi Scott, Capt. M., 37, 38, 41 Scott co., Ia., 24, 25, 26, 293 Scott, Gen. W., lv, 45, 84 Scott, Lieut. John, lxxxvi Scott pt., 296 Scott purchase, 45 Scott's ldg., 7 Scourge, a ship, lxxxiii Scranton, Kas., 520 Scribner's Sons, xlviii Scrub Oak r., 127 Seaman's isl., 41 Sea of the North, 310 Sea People, 31 Search, Mo., 377 Search's isl., 2 Searles, Mr., 164 Searles, O. O., 123 Sea, Sgt., 712 Seaton, see Gales and Sebastian co., Ark., 559 Second cr. of Pike, 105, 123 Second Dragoon cr., 520 Second fk. of Ark. r., 445, 463 Second raps. of Nicollet, 100 Second r., 324 Second Saline r., 545 Seco r., 696 Secretary of State, xlii Secretary of the Navy, xcviii, ci Secretary of War, xx, xxi, xxix, l, li, lvii, lx, lxi, lxiii, lxiv, lxv, lxvi, lxvii, lxxiii, lxxix, xcvii, ci, 564, 567, 575, 585, 841, 842, 845, 851, 853, 855 Sedalia, Warsaw, and Southern R. R., 379 Sedgwick, Capt. T., xxvi, xxvii Sedgwick co., Kas., 548 Seemunah, 745 Seguna, 629, see Laguna, N. M. Seignelay, Marquis de, 3, 70, 312 Seignelay r., 3 Selden cañon, 639 Selkirk, Lord, 118 Selkirkshire, xlv Sellers sta., N. M., 638 Sel r., 7, 355 Seltzer spr., 452 Semerone r., 552, 553, 554 Senate, U. S., 231, 236, 238 Senora, see Sonora Septuagint, 182 Sequimas, 630, see Cequimas Servilleta, Col., 596, 598 Sesabagomag l. and r., 135, 136 Seseetwawns, 313 Seven Cities of Cibola, 630, 742 Seven Lakes, 456 Seven Mile cr., 470 Seventh rap. of Nicollet, 131 Severn r., lxxv Sevier l. and r., 732, 733, 734 Sevilleta, Sibilleta of Pike, was a Piro Indian village, so named by Oñate in 1598 from fancied resemblance to Seville in Spain Seymour, S., 41 Sezei, see Lisa Shackleford co., Tex., 706 Shaff's cr., 429 Shahkpay, Shahkpaydan, 88 Shakea, 69, 348 Shakeska, 349 Shakopee, Minn., 88, 342 Shakpa, 88, 348 Shannon, a ship, cv Shannon co., Mo., cx Sharpsdale, Col., 492 Shawanese, 526, 591 Shawanoe, 180, 186, 187, 189, 193, 347 Shawanoe hunter, 780 Shaw cr., 385 Shaw, G. W., 334 Shawinukumag cr., 167 Shaw, Maj. Gen., xcii Shawnee, Shawnee Agency, Kas., 519 Shawonese, 191, see Shawanese Sheaffe, R. H., lxxviii, lxxxviii, xc, xci, xcii, xcv, xcvi, xcvii, c, cii Shea, J. G., 5, 23, 65, 71, 91, 95, 312 sheep, wild, 438 Shell Lake, Minn., 318 Shell r., 669 Shell Rock cañon, 443 Shell Rock cr., 22 Shelton's isl., 365 Shem, a mythical person, 56 Shenga Wassa, 551, 591 Shenoma, 744 Shenouskar, 347 Shepherd, Ill., 8 Shepherd r., 365 Shepherd's cr., 365 Sherburne co., Minn., 96, 97 Sherlock, Kas., 440 Shiba l., 331 Shichoamavi, 744 Shienne r., 349 Shields' br., 2 Shikagua cr., 18 Shingle cr., 94 Shinumo, 744 Shipauliwisi, 744 Shipley, Mo., 370 Shiras, Lieut. P., xxvi, xxvii Shiuano is Zuñians' name of their country Shiwina, 742 Shoemaker, Capt. P., xxvi, xxvii, xxix Shokauk cr. or r., 18 Shokokon sl., 18, 19 Shongapavi, 744 Shooter, a chf., is Wacouta Shooters at Leaves, 349 Shoshonean, 731, 735, 743, 744, 746 Shoshones, 341 Shouchoir pt., 296 Shumepovi, Shumopavi, 744, is Pike's Songoapt Shupaulovi, 744 Shute de la Roche Peinture, 123, 316 Shute de St. Antoine, 356 Sia, 604, 745 Sibilant l., named by Brower from its shape of the sibilant letter S Sibilleta, N. M., 628, 632, 739, see Sevilleta Sibley, Dr., 77, 559, 705, 706, 708, 709, 711, 713, 714, 785, 835 Sibley, Gen. H. H., 40, 76, 86, 204, 239, 333 Sibley l., 129 Sibley, Mo., 520 Sibley, Mr., U. S. Commissioner, 518 Sibola, 742 Sichumovi, 744 Siegfried cr., 166, named by Brower for A. H. Siegfried Sienega, Sieneguilla, see under C Sierra Blanca, Col., 448, 483, 493 Sierra Blanca, N. M., 631 Sierra Christopher, 632, 633, 639 Sierra co., Cal., cx Sierra co., N. M., 637, 638 Sierra de el Sacramento, 631 Sierra de Guadalupe, 631 Sierra de la Cola, 640 Sierra de las Mimbres, 674 Sierra de los Caballos, 635, 637, 638 Sierra de los Cosninas, 731 Sierra de los Organos, 631 Sierra de Tampanagos, 738 Sierra la Sal, 732 Sierra Madre, 733, 761, 762, 764 Sierra Magdalena, 632 Sierra Magillez, 632 Sierra Obscura, Oscura, 631, 632 Sierra Verde, 733 siesta, 660 Sieur Dacan, d'Acau, d'Accault, d'Ako, 64 Signal butte, 744 Silla, 745 Silver Cliff, Col., 482, 483, 484 Silver cr., Col., 483 Silver cr., Kas., 401 Silver cr., Minn., 98, 99 Silver Creek Siding, Minn., 99 silver mines, 759, 760, 761 Simcoe, Gov. J. G., lxxvi, lxxvii Simcoe l., lxxv Simpson, Kas., 408 Simpson, Lieut. J. H., 598, 615, 619, 630, 645 Sinaloa, city, 774 Sinaloa r., 774 Sinaloa, State, 719, 726, 739, 740, 759, 770, 773, 774, 775 Sinecu pueblo, 643 Singonki-sibi, 143 Singuoako r., 132 Sinipee, Sinipi, Sinope, Ia., 32 Sinsinawa, Sinsinaway, Sinsinniwa, Sissinaway cr. or r., 28, 32 Siouan, 345, 412, 559 Sioux, passim throughout Pt. 1, esp. 30, 31, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 50, 82, 91, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 352, 353, 354, passim in Pt. 2, 744, 746, see also following Sioux-Chippewa boundary, 72, 101 Sioux councils, 83, 84, 207 Sioux l., 313 Sioux of the Prairie, 81 Sioux outbreak of 1862, 85 Sioux, Pike's speech to, 46 Sioux r., 95, 313 Sioux r. of Beltrami, 97 Sioux sl., 41 Sioux treaty, Pike's, 227, 231, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239 Sioux village, old, 348 Sipans, 746, see Lipans Sirens, The, 126 Sisibakwet l., 147 Sisitoans, Sisitonwans, Sissetons, Sissitons, 120, 208, 313, 343, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349 Sister bluffs, 297 Sitgreaves, Capt. L., 645 Sivola is Cibola Six, a chf., 88, 348 Six Mile cr., Col., 462 Six Mile cr., Ill., 6 Six Mile cr., Kas., 401 Sixth rap. of Nicollet, 126 Sketch of Arkansas journey, 845 to 854 Skidis, 412 Skin cr., 559 Skunk r., 18 slack-rope, 694 Slate cr., br. of Ark. r., 549 Slate or Martin's cr., 465 Slater's ferry, 96 Slave l., 278 Slave r., 278, 376 Sleepy-eye, 99 Slim chute and isl., 6 Small, C. H., preface, 453, 454 smallpox, 170, 171 Smallpox cr., 28, 29 Small pra. of Pike, 12 Small rap. of Nicollet, 142 Small Saline r., 545 Smith, Geo., 182 Smith, J. Calvin, 554 Smith, Lieut. or Gen. Thos. A., 715, 827 Smith, Luther R., preface Smith, Pvt. Pat., 1, 359, 360, 432, 481, 482, 490, 506, 509, 510, 612, 845, 854, 855 Smith's Canada, lxxix Smith's chain, 25 Smithsonian Institution, xx Smith, W. F., 645 Smoking mt., 723 Smoky Hill buttes, 404 Smoky Hill fk. or r., 395, 403, 404, 405, 408, 410, 419, 420, 423, 424, 426, 473, 515, 541, 545, 584 Smoky Hill route, 425, 426, 429 Snag r., 289 Snake cr., 556 Snake Inds., 341, 743 Snake r., br. of Rio Grande, 494 Snake r., br. of St. Croix r., 95 Snelling, Col. J., 83, 330 Snelling, W. J., 84, 330 Snibar, Sniabar, 6 snicarty, 6, 7, 8, 11, 41, 42, 51 Snively, Col., 439 Snow mts. of Pike, 483 snowshoes, lxix Sny carte, Sny levee, 6 Sny Magill, 34 Soaking mt., 54 Soap cr., 375 Sobaipuri, 735 Socorro co., N. M., 628, 637 Socorro grant, 633 Socorro mts., 632 Socorro, N. M., 632, 633, old pueblo destroyed 1681, and new town founded 1817 Socorro, Tex., 643 Soda Springs, Col., 483 soft-shelled turtles, 539 Soldat de Chien, 591 Soldier of the Oak, a chf., 541 Soldier's cr., 520 Soldier's Dog, a chf., 591 Solferino, Ia., 15 Solomon r., 403, 404, 405, 408, 420, 421 Sombrerito, Mex., 674 Son, and Holy Ghost r., see Father, etc. Songaskitons, Songasquitons, 312, 313 Songoapt, 731, 743, is Shumopavi Songukumigor, 134 Son in Law, a chf., 591 Son of Waters, 289 Sonora, city, 772 Sonora, Ill., 15 Sonora, military force of, 772, 773 Sonora r., 771, 773 Sonora, Senora, State, 649, 651, 653, 678, 719, 726, 727, 735, 739, 740, 756, 759, 761, 766, 769, 770, 771, 772, 773, 774, 775 Soone, 742 Sossabegoma-sibi of Beltrami is Sesabagomag r. Soters, 30 Soulard, A. P., 9, 226 Souris r., 168 South America, 791, 804 South Arkansaw r., 472, 474 South Big cr., 399 South br. or fk. of Miss. r., or Leech Lake br., 151 South Cheyenne cr., 452 South Coon cr., 550 Southern Caddoan, 714 Southern California, 776 Southern California R. R., 731 Southern Ute res., 748 South Fabius r., 10 South fk. of Ark. r., 482 South fk. of Miss. r., or Plantagenian Source, 162, 331 South Fritz isl., 7 South Kansas R. R., 519 South mts. of Pike, or Wet mts., 462 South Oil cr., 465 South park, Col., xlviii, 452, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469, 477, 480, 642, 757 South Park, Kas., 519 South Park, Minn., 74 South Platte r., 451, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468, 473, 524, 642, 729, 847 South Point isl., 363 South Point, Mo., 363 South Pueblo, Col., 452, 453 South Sea, 720, 721, 727 South Two Rivers, Mo., 10 Soutors, 30 Spain, 213, 501, 502, passim in Pts. 2 and 3, as 727, 808, 810, 811, 821, 823, 850, see New Spain, Spaniards, Spanish Spalding, D., 358 Spaniards, 227, 229, 254, passim in Pt. 2, and throughout Pt. 3 Spanish America, 802 Spanish-American diplomacy, 803 Spanish bayonet, 776 Spanish beggary, 791 Spanish cavalry, 795 Spanish chain on Miss. r., 15 Spanish costumes, 788 Spanish courts-martial, 799 Spanish ecclesiasticism, 801 Spanish games, 789 Spanish influence over Pawnees, 535, 537, 543, 544 Spanish Inds., 535, 538, and see pueblos in general Spanish insurrection, 804 Spanish l., 713 Spanish manufactures, 791 Spanish military force, see Spanish troops Spanish peaks, 448 Spanish politics, 802 Spanish principles of military authority, 800 Spanish relations to the U. S., 805 Spanish revenues, 791, 792 Spanish spies, 503 Spanish troops, 794, 795, 796, 797 Sparks, Capt. R., 412, 558, 710 Sparks, Jared, xix, lxvi Sparks, Pvt. John, xlvi, 1, 12, 54, 56, 108, 110, 113, 114, 115, 119, 179, 245, 246, 359, 368, 373, 377, 380, 420, 425, 432, 461, 462, 472, 482, 485, 486, 487, 490, 505, 506, 509, 510, 845, 854, 855 Spatularia spatula, 5 Spearville, Kas., 434 speeches, Chippewa chfs. to Pike, 259 speeches, Inds. to Pike, 266, 267, 268 speeches, Pike to Sioux, 46, 226 speech, Pike to Puants, 265 speech, Pike to Sauteaux, 254 Spencer's cr. and isl., 25 Spikebuck, Col., 476 Spirit hill, 53 Spirit l., Devil's l., N. Dak., 314 Spirit l., Mille Lacs l., Minn., 314 Spirit l., small one, Minn., 314 Split Hand r., 143 Spofford, A. R., preface, xxxiv spoon-billed cat, 5 Spring butte, 744 Spring cr., br. of Cannon r., 70 Spring cr., br. of Grape cr., 485 Spring cr., br. of Miss. r., 18 Spring cr., br. of Mulberry cr., 404 Spring Lake sl., 6 Spring rap., 98 Spring Ridge, Spring Ridge cr., 165, so named by Brower Spring runs, several, 465 spruce, 101, 102 Spruce cr., 18 spruce partridge, 175 Spunk brook or r., 103, 184 Squaw cr., 472, 474 Squaw isl., 4 Stabber, a chf., 361 Stag cr., 403, 404 Stag isl., 5 Staked plains, 707 stampede, 783 Standing Buffalo, a chf., 349 Standing Cedars, 72, 101 Standing Elk or Moose, a chf., 87, 240 Standing Rock r., 67 Starca, Stasca, in Schoolcraft, 1855, stand for Itasca Stars and Stripes up, c State Dept., 239 State papers, 840 State Park, Itascan, Minn., 164, 329 States, The, where left, 518, 519 Statistical Abstract, 589, 590, 591 Statutes at Large, 11 Stavely, J. W., 9 Stearns co., Minn., 99, 100, 102 Stephens l., 147, 148 Stephensonville, Ill., 24 Steuben, Baron F. W. A. H. F. von, lxvi, lxviii Steuben, Steubenville, lxvi Stevenson, Col. Jas., 742 Stinkards, Stinkers, 31, 39 Stinkers' bay, 298 Stinkers' l., 300 Stinking cr., 13 Stinking l., 340 Stinking rap., 356 Stirling, Capt., 214 Stirling isl., 5 Stirling, Mo., 5 stockade on Conejos r., 495, 496, 497 stockade on Swan r., 105, 106, 107 Stockbridge and Brotherton, 300 Stockholm, Minn., 62, 63 Stoddard co., Mo., cxi Stoddard cr., 49 Stoddard, Minn., 49 Stone of Fruit, a chf., 347 Stone Sioux, 348, 354 Stoney, see Stony Stony brook or cr. enters Miss. r. in Stearns co., Minn., 1 m. S. of town line 126-27 Stony cr., in La., 713 Stony or Stoney r., 24, 32, 210, 293, 355 Stony Point, Sac village, 210 Stoute, Pvt. F., 1, 359, 432, 476, 482, 490, 510, 845, 854, 855 Strawberry isl., 298 Strawberry r., 306 Strong Ground, a chf., 134 Strong, Lt.-Col. D., xxvi, xxvii Strong, Maj. E., 715 Stuben, see Steuben Stump l., 58 Sturgeon bay, 297, 298 Sturgeon l., 73 Stygian caverns, 201 Sucre, a chf., 259, 260, 347, 351 Sues, 346, 347, see Sioux Sugar cr., in Ia., 16, 17 Sugar cr., in Mo., 372 Sugar cr., in Wis., 42 Sugar-loaf hill, 55 sugar maple, 157 Sugar pt., 156, 157 suicide, 66 Suicide cr., 556 Suinyi, 630, 742 Suisinawa cr., 32 Sully, Duc de, 182 Sulphur spr., 468 Sumbraretto, 674 Sumner, Col. E. V., 425 Sumner co., Kas., 549 Sunday Cone, 638 Sune, 742 Sun isl., 103 sun-temples, 741 Suppai, Supai, forms of Havasupai Susma, 650 Sussitongs, 120, 121, 197, 258, 263, 267, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347 Suter, Maj. C. R., 295, 299 Suycartee sl., 6 Swallows, Col., 460 Swallow's Nest, 383 Swamp l., 131, 177 Swan l., 321 Swan, Maj. Wm., lxxx, lxxxi Swan r., Aitkin co., Minn., 143, 321, 356 Swan r., Morrison co., Minn., 17, 99, 101, 104, 106, 122, 132, 178, 179, 186, 193, 315, 316, 318 Swan r. of Allen, by error, 124 Swan River P. O., Minn., 123 Swan River tp., Minn., 103, 104, 122 Swan sl., 6 Sweden isl., 4 Sweet, a chf., 156, 157, 168, 172, 260, 347 Sweetland cr., 23 Sweetwater cr., 470 Swift cr., 483 Swift, Dean, 204 Swift sl., 6 Switzerland, 454 Switzerland of America, 472 Switzler's cr., 518, 520 Sycamore chain, 25 syenite, 73 Sylvain, L. P., preface, xcii, xcv Sylvan isl., 25 Sylvan Lake sta., Minn., 129 syn[oe]cias, 741 syphilization, 736 Syracuse, Kas., 441 T Tabasco, 718, 722 Tabeau creeks, see Big and Little Tachies, Tachus, 709 Tacokoquipesceni, 86 Tacubaya, 803 Tahama, Tahamie, 87, 88, 347 Tahkookeepayshne, 86 Tahma cr., 23 Tahtawkahmahnee, 88 Tahuglauk, 68 Takopepeshene, 86, 348 Talahsee cr., 477 Talangamene, 69, 347 talc, 729 Taliaferro l., 131 Taliaferro, Maj. L., 83, 84, 89, 330 333 Tallahassa, Tallahassee cr., 477 Tamahaw, 87 Tamalisieu, 288 tamarac, 319 Tamaulipas, 692, 722, 724, 725, 775, 776 Tamaya, 745 Tammahhaw, 87 Tammany, 411 Tampa, Kas., 402, 403 Tampanagos l., 738 Tampico, 724 Tanakaways, 705 Tancards, 705, 706, 785 Tandy, D. C., 358 Tandy, R. E., 358 Tankahuas, Tanks, 705 Tanner, H. S., 553, 554 Tañoan pueblos, 598, 601, 604, 605, 615, 619, 643, 737, 742, 743, 744, 752 Tanos, 653 Taoapa, 88, 348 Taos co., N. M., 598 Taos cr., 598 Taoses mt., 598 Taos, N. M., xlvii, 438, 446, 453, 598, 606, 607, 618, 739, 745, 758, discovered 1541 by Barrionuevo of Coronado's army Taos r., 598 Taos valley, 492 Taoyatidoota, 85 Tapage, 412 Tapatui, 288 Tapoueri Inds., 48 Taracone Apaches, see Faraone Tarehem, 591 Target l., 50 tariff of prices in exchange, 283 Tascodiac l., 160 Tassé, 194 Tatamane, Tatamene, 203, 347 Tatanga, _i. e._, Buffalo Sioux, named first in Radisson's Journal, pub. by Prince Society of Boston Tatangamani, 69, 342 Tatangashatah, 347 Tatankanaje, 349 Tatanka Yuteshane, 349 Tate cr., 400 tattoo, 72 Tatunkamene, 69 Taucos is found for Tewa Tau-formed peninsula, 153 Taui is Taos Tavern cr., 363, 369 Tavern, The, 363 Tawangaha, 591 Tawanima, 559 Taxidea americana, 96, 432 Taxus, 709 Taylor co., Wis., 52 Taylor isl., 8 Taylor, Z., 17, 45, 725 Tcawi, 412 Tchahtanwahkoowahmane, Tchaypehamonee, 85 Tchikun, 748 Tchishi, 748 Teabo creeks, see Big and Little Teakiki r., 3 Tears, Lake of, 65 Tebo creeks, see Big and Little Tebo r., br. of Mo. r., 379 Tecumseh st., Toronto, lxxviii Teepeeota pt., 59, 60 Tegatha was a name of Taos Teguan, 744 Teissier, 779 Tell, Wm., 289 Tempe, Ariz., 741 Teneriffe, Peak of, 461 Ten Mile cr., br. of Blue r., 471 Ten Mile cr., br. of Bull cr., 519 Ten Mile cr., br. of Oil cr., 465 Tennai, 746 Tennessee, liii, liv, cxi, 691, 694 Tennessee fk. of Ark. r., 471 Tennessee r., 656 Tepeedotah, Tepeeota pt., 59, 60 tequesquite, 654 Terenate, 772 Terre Beau, 379 Tesugue, Tesuque, 605, 606, 625 Tetankatane, 348 Tetans or Tetaus, 407, 412, 413, 441, 449, 459, 526, 535, 536, 537, 563, 566, 570, 571, 574, 587, 588, 590, 591, 592, 600, 620, 744, 745, 756, 778 Tête du Mort, des Morts cr., 28 Tetilla pk., 614 Tetoans, 349 Tetobasi, 528, 591 Tetons, 343, 346, 347 Tewa, Tewan, 744 Texan expedition of 1841, 739, 765 Texas, xxxii, lii, liii, 436, 559, 560, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 661, 678, continuously from 690 to 711, 719, 724, 725, 726, 727, 746, 775, 777, 778, 779, and to 786 Texas cr., in Col., 475, 483 Texas Creek sta., Col., 475 Texican, 709 Texus, lii Teyde, Pico de, 461 Tharp, Sgt., 712 Theakiki r., 3 Thequaio l., 738 Thequao, A. de, 738 Thermopylæ, 571 Thermopylæ of Texas, 698 Thieves' isl., 21 Thinthonhas, 313 Third fk. of Ark. r., 451, 463 Third rap. of Nicollet, 101 Third r., 324 Third River bay, 324 Thirty-nine Mile mt., 464, 465 Thomas, a chf., 180, 181, 184, 187, 189, 196 Thomason's, Ill., 4 Thomomys talpoides, 97 Thompson, a writer, lxxix Thompson, David, 138, 139, 159, 167, 168, 278 Thompson gulch, 471 Thompson, Ill., 27 Thompson isl., 18 Thompson, Prof. A. H., preface Thompson, R. F., preface, 11, 553 Thornberry r., 324 Thousand isls., 99, 100, 120, 192, 193 Thousand-lakes l., 312, 313 Three Brothers, 8 Three Rivers, Canada, 296 Three Rivers mt., Mex., 685 Three Rivers pass, 685 Three Rocks sta., N. M., 597 Thundering rap., 144 Thunder l., 155 Thunder mt. is the high Zuñi mesa called Toyoalana Thurman cr., 400 Thwaites, R. G., preface Tiburon isl., 771 Ticorilla is Buschmann's form of Jicarilla Tierra Amarilla, 597 Tierra Blanca, 650 Tierra Caliente, 722 Tierra Fria, 722 Tiger, Tigre r., 682, 725 Tijeras cañon, 619 Tijera, Tijeras cr., 619, 626 Tilden's isl., 6 Tilia americana, 315 Tillier, Mr., 567 Timbered Hill, 385, said to be named for one Henri de Tiembre, also called Brushy Mound Timpa, Timpas cr., 446, 447 Timpanagos l., 733, 738 Tintonbas, Tintonhas, Tintons, 313 Tioscaté, 77 Tipiota, 59 Tipisagi, 36 Tippet's ldg., 45, 48 Tippin and Streeper, 649 Titoan, Titongs, Titonwans, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347 Tkanawe, see Kyanawe Tlahualila l., 673 Tlascala, 718, 721, 722 Toas, see Taos Todd co., Minn., 128 Todos Santos, 706 toise, 540 Toluca, 721 Tomahawk cr., 519 Tomaw, 180, 347, and see Carron Tomb r., 71 Tomé Grant, 629 Tomé hill, 628 Tomé, N. M., 628 Tomé ranches, 628 Tomichi r., 471 Tompkins ldg., 7 Tongue pt., 324 Tonkawa, Tonkawan, 705, 706 Tonnere, Tonnerre Rouge, 208, 267, 270, 343, 344, 347 Tonnerre qui Sonne, 347 Tons, see Taos Tonti, H. de, 560, 714 Tonti, L., 560 Tontine insurance, 560 Tonto Apaches, 748 Tonto basin, 748 Tonty, H. de, 560 Tonuco sta., N. M., 639 Toolsboro, Ia., 23 Topeka Commonwealth, xlvii Topeka, Kas., xlvii Topeka, Minn., 125, 179 Topeka, Saline, and Western R. R., 521 Torch r., 306 Toronto bay, lxxv, lxxvii Toronto l., lxxv Toronto, Ont., lxxiv, lxxv, lxxvi, lxxvii, 168, 278 Torreon, Mex., 677, 679 Tortugas, N. M., 640 Totonteac, 744 Touche de la cote Bucanieus, 423 touchwood, 103 Tourmansara, 391 Tous, see Taos Tousac, 621, 625. Of the alternatives given in the text, 625, it seems most probable we are to take for Pike's Tousac the next village below Atrisco, _i. e._, Pajarito, and that Atrisco was the place where he met Dr. Robinson Towa for Iowa in Hugh Murray, 1829 Towaiotadootah, 85 Tower, The, 679 Toyac r., 710, 782, 784, see Atoyac and under Rio Toyoalana, Zuñian name of Thunder mt. Trachyte, Trackite Knob, 465 Tracy l., 310 trade, etc., 739, 766, 791 Trainer, alias Henderson, 693 Tramha, Trampas, Tranpa, 606 transcontinental route, 523, 731, 732 Trappist monks and r., 13 Traverse of Lake Pepin, 61, 65 Travers, Traverse l., on Miss. r., 161 Travers, Traverse l., on Red r., 118, 349 treaty, Mr. Jay's, 247 Treaty of Fontainebleau, 213, 657 Treaty of Paris, 213, 657 Treaty of Prairie du Chien, 36 Treaty with Sacs and Foxes, 11 Treaty with Sioux, Pike's, 231, 239 Trego co., Kas., 404 Trejos, N. M., 629 Trempealeau co., Wis., 52, 53 Trempealeau r., 54, 56, 58, 305, 307 Trempealeau, Wis., 52, 53, 55 Trenton, N. J., xx, lix, civ Trenton, Wis., 70 Tres Piedras, N. M., 597 Tres Rios, Monte de los, 685 Treviño, Mex., 685 Trimbelle r., 73 Trinchera cr., 494, 497, 507 Trinchera mt., 445 Trinidad r., 707, 708 Trinidad, Tex., 708 Trinity r., 696, 703, 706, 707, 708, 710, 779, 781, 782, 784, 786 Trinity, Tex., 708 Trinity, The, 707 Trionyx ferox, 539 Triplet lakes, near Morrison l. and Whipple l., named by Brower Trompledo, Schlc., 1855, for Trempealeau trout, 297 Trout cr., Col., 469, 471 Trout cr., Itasca co., Minn., 143 Trout Creek pass, 469, 847 Trout Creek Pass hills, 469 Trout cr., Winona co., Minn., 53 Trout cr., Wis., 41 Trout r., 143 Truchas, Truches mt. or pk., 606, 736 Trudeau, Gov. Z., 358 Trujillo, 659 Trumbull, Jonathan, 711 Truro, Col., 465 Truxillo, 659, 839 Trying to Walk is E. trans. of name of Nicollet's guide Gaygwedosay, 1836, who lately died at supposed age of 115 years; portrait published, 1895, by Brower Tsea, 745 Tshiquite, 737 Tsia, 745 Tsuga canadensis, 320 Tubac, Ariz., 771, 773, was an Indian mission about 1699 Tubson, 773 Tucayan, 743, 744 Tucson, Ariz., 639, 734, 773. The orig. Piman rancheria, pop. 331 in 1760-67, became site of a Spanish presidio about 1772, and actual settlement by Spaniards was in 1776. The contention of great antiquity of Tucson as a white settlement is thus a popular myth Tuerto cr., 616 Tulenos, 770 Tulip, see La Tulip Tully, 12 Tully isl., 12 Tumbling rock, 56 Tuque cr., 364 Turk, see Coronado Turkey cr., br. of Ark. r., in Col., 452, 454, 455, 456, 457, 459, 460 Turkey cr., br. of Ark. r. in Okla., 550 Turkey cr., br. of Huerfano r., 491 Turkey cr., br. of Kansas r., 519 Turkey cr., br. of Little Ark. r., in Kas., 518, 522 Turkey cr., br. of Neosho r., 399 Turkey cr., br. of Osage r., 377, 378 Turkey cr., br. of Smoky Hill r., 403 Turkey isl., 381 Turkey r., 32, 34, 293, 294, 339, 355 Turkey's foot, 22, 292 Turkish ladies, 790 Turnbull, Peter, opened a road in Itasca basin, 1882 Turnbull pt., 167, named by Brower for Peter Turnbull, first white resident at L. Itasca Turner, Capt. E. D., xxvii, 725 Turner's, Turner's isl., 5 Turning Point, 297 Turn isl., 356 Turn, The, 356 Turtle brook is Turtle r. near Turtle l., Minn., D. Thompson, 1798 Turtle isl., 8 Turtle l., 161, 332 Turtle mt., 255, 278 Turtle Portage r., 324 Turtle r., 157, 158, 159, 167, 168, 263, 328 Turtle River lakes, 157, 158 turtles, 539 Tusayan, 742 Tuscumbia, Mo., 373 Tuttasuggy, 371, 386, 389, 391, 540, 550, 552, 591 Tuzan, 744 Twin Creek pass, 465 Twin isls., 18 Twin lakes, Col., 471, 472 Twin lakes, Minn., 166, so named by Brower Twin Lakes sta., Col., 471 Twin r., 103 Two Branch, Ill., 4 Two Branch isl., 4 Two Butte cr., 442, 443 Two Creek pass, 465 Two Lakes l., 317 Two Mountains l., 351 Two Rivers Baptist Association, 10 Two Rivers brook, 103 Two Rivers, Minn., 103, 105, 110, see Little Two Rivers, Mo., 10, 11, see North and South Two Rivers tp., Minn., 103 Tympanuchus americanus, 98 Tyrrell, J. B., 168, 278 Tyson's cr., 17 Tzia, 745 Tziguma, old pueblo near Cienega, N. M., pop. under 1000, abandoned after revolt of 1680 U Ugarte, Capt., 698 Ukaqpa, 559 Ulloa, A. d', 214 Ulloa, Count, 357 Ulloa, Francisco de, was first in Gulf of California in 1539 Ultimate Reservoir Bowl, see Greater and Lesser do. Ultima Thule, 457 Ulua, see Ulloa Ulysses, Kas., 439 Umas, 736, see Yuma Inds. Unadilla, N. Y., 405 Una Vida, 630 Uncle Sam, 711 Undine region, 68 Union Avenue, Pueblo, Col., 453, 454 Union gulch, Col., 471 Unionists, 560 Union Jack down, c Union Pacific R. R., 404, 471 United Empire Loyalists, lxxvi United States, 231, 232, 236, 237, 238, 240, 241, 247, 248, 249, 250, 262, 263, 265, 266, 270, 279, 280, 727, 808, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814, 816, 817, 818, 821, 822, 823, 825, 837, 838, 840, 842, 843, 844, 846, 850, 851, 853, 854 United States and Mexican Boundary, 644, 645, 646, 647, 691, 692 United States and New Spain Boundary, 656 United States Geological Survey, 369, 370, 491 United States mt., 606 United States Northern Boundary, 279 upékan is Chip. name of the portage-strap in Wilson's Dict., 1874; see p. 136 Upham sta., N. M., 636 Upper Canada, xxiii, lxxvi, lxxxviii, cii Upper cañon of S. Platte r., 466 Upper chain, 15 Upper chain of Rock r., 25 Upper Cottonwoods, 688 Upper crossing of Ark. r., 439 Upper Ford, Tex., 645 Upper Fox r., 295, 300, 301 Upper Gravel r., 376, 377 Upper Iaway r., 48 Upper Iowa r., 42, 44, 45, 48, 206, 305, 307, 308, 339, 342 Upper l., near Red Wing, Minn., 70 Upper Nicollet l., 165 Upper or Eleven Mile cañon, 466 Upper Pajarito, N. M., 626 Upper Pimas, 735 Upper Red Cedar l., xlviii, 153, 157, 158, 159, 323, 326, 351, 356 Upper Red r. of Pike, 535 Upper Rio Grande, 474 Upper St. Croix l., 72, 309, 310 Upper St. Croix r., 309 Upper Zumbro outlet, 61 Uraba was a name of Taos Ures, 773 Usawa, Usaw-way l., 162, 331 Usaya, 744 Utah, 630, 731, 732, 733, 734, 735, 736 Utah Inds., 508, 535, 537, 591, 618, 744, 746, 849, 850 Utah l., 738 Ute cr., 494 Ute cr. = Brush Hollow cr., 462 Ute Inds., xlvi, 448, 453, 492, 596, 743, 816 Ute pass, 456, 464 Utica, N. Y., xlvi V Vacamora, 771 Vache Blanche, 347 Valasco, F., 817, 819, 820 Valencia co., N. M., 628, 629, 742 Valencia, N. M., 618, 628 Valladolid, Mex., 720, 721, 723 Valladolid, Spain, 720 Vallance, J., 553 Valley City, Ia., 25 Vallois, Don P., 661, 662 Vallois, Señora M., 659 Valverde ford is near the ruins of Valverde, and about 5 m. N. of Fort Craig, N. M. Valverde, N. M., 633, 634 Van Bibber, Mr., 367 Van Buren, Ark., 559 Van Buren, M., 358 Vandals, 632 Van Dalsem, Capt. H. H., cviii Vandermaelen l., 160 Vaqueria, 684 vaquero, 684 vara, 669 Varennes, P. G. de, 254 Vargas, 737 Vasquez, A. F. B., or "Baroney," lxiv, 359, 360, 361, 362, 364, 365, 368, 371, 386, 387, 390, 393, 401, 403, 414, 416, 420, 421, 422, 429, 432, 435, 449, 459, 470, 472, 474, 477, 478, 480, 481, 482, 490, 506, 509, 510, 545, 579, 580, 612, 834, 845, 853, 855 Vaugondy, 559, 695, 734 Veau, Mr. Jacques, 194, 195 Vegas, Col., 459 Velasco, see Valasco, F. Velasco, viceroy, 755 Vellita, N. M., 629 Venadito, 685 Venus' spr., 651 Vequeria cr., 683 Vequeria, Mex., 683, 684 Vera Cruz, administration or State of, 673, 718, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724 Vera Cruz, city of, 721, 722, 791 Veragua, Veraqua, 726 Verdegris r., 400 Verde r., Ariz., 727, 730, 734 Verde r., Mex., 721 Verdigris, Kas., 400 Verdigris, Verdigrise r., 399, 400, 515, 532, 555, 556, 557, 560, 584 Verendrye, Le Sieur de, 254, 255, 256 Veritas, Caput, 331 Vermijo r., 558 Vermilion cr., br. of Osage r., 377, 378 Vermilion r., br. of Ark. r., 395, 400, 514, 515, 555, 557 Vermilion r., br. of Miss. r., Cass co., Minn., 147 Vermilion r., br. of Miss. r., Dakota co., Minn., 72, 73 Vermilion r. of Beltrami = Deer r., Minn., 147 Vermilion sea, old name of the Gulf of California, for Red sea Vermilion sl., 73 Vermillion isl., 298, 356 Vermillion r. of Pike, br. of Osage r., 379 Vermont, 570 Vermonter, 242 Vernon co., Mo., 370, 385 Vernon co., Wis., 49 Verte, Isle, 297 Verte r., 77, 78 Verum Caput, 165, 331 Verumontanum, 165 Verwyst, 101 Veta pass, 492, 494 Viana, Capt. or Don F., 412, 709, 710, 839 Viceroyalty of New Spain, 719 Vicksburg, Miss., 708 Victoria City, Mex., 724 Victoria, Wis., 49 Victor, Kas., 422 Victory, Wis., 45 Vide-poche, 215 Vieau, Jacques, 194 Vieux Desert l., 128 Vigil, D., 607 Village Creek, Ia., 43 Village de Charette, 568, 572 Villamil, Don B., 659, 661, 662 Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz, 722 Villiers, N. de, 214 Villineuve, a person, 413 Vimont's Relations, 31 Vine cr., 559 vineyards, 681 Vingt-une isl., 361 Viola, Wis., 41 Virginia, a boat, 84 Virginia, a State, xxvii, xxviii, liii, lxxxviii, 656, 691, 715, 826, 833 Virgin r., 732 Visscher, Capt. N. J., xxvi, xxvii Vitior, 613, 614. This baffling name is clearly a misprint, Mr. F. W. Hodge believes, for Sienega (Cienega), place on a cr. of same name, br. of Santa Fé r., 2 m. S. E. of Cieneguilla, which appears on most maps of to-day. Cienega and Cieneguilla were both towns of Santa Fé co. in 1844, but La Bajada may be later. Cienega had pop. 500, and Cieneguilla, pop. 300, in 1853-54, according to Whipple, P. R. R. Rep. III., Pt. 3, p. 12 Vocabulary, etc., 355 volcano, 723 Volcano sta., N. M., 597 Volney, Count, 154 Voltaire, 154, 801 Vulgate, 182 W Wabasha, 43, 171, 206, 260, 342, 347, 348 Wabasha I., II., III., 44 Wabasha co., Minn., 56, 57, 64 Wabasha, Minn., 57, 59, 60, 61 Wabasha st., St. Paul, 74 Wabashaw, 44, 88 Wabash r., 68, 438 Wabash Ry., 8, 15 Wabash, St. Louis, and Pacific R. R., 360 Wabesapinica, Wabezipinikan, Wabisapencun, Wabisapincun, Wabisipinekan r., 26 Wabezi r., 122 Wabiscihouwa, 44 Wabisipinekan r., 293 Wabizio-sibi, 122 Wablo cr., 383 Waboji, 338 Wacanto, Wacantoe, 343, 347 Wachpecoutes, 263 Waconda, Mo., 12 Waconda, Wacondaw pra., 12 Wacoota, Wacouta, 69 Wacouta, Goodhue co., Minn., 63 Waddapawmenesotor, 81 Wadena co., Minn., 128 Wade, Pvt., 332 Wadub r., 101 Wagoner's cr., 15 Wahkantahpay, 88 Wahkanto, 349 Wahkootay is Wacouta, 88 Wahkpakotoan, 344, 345, 349 Wahkpatoan, 345, 349 Wahpatoota, 349 Wahpaykootans, 88 Wahpeton Sioux, 85 Wahpetonwans, 118 Wajhustachay, 61 Wakan-tibi, 200 Wakarusa pt., 520 Wakarusa r., 408, 520 Wakoan, 706 Wakomiti is the Ojibway name of the stream misnamed Hennepin r., and should stand: see Annals of Iowa, Apr., 1895, p. 26 Wakon-teebe, 198 Wakouta, 62, 69 Wakouta, Goodhue co., Minn., 63 Wakpatanka is Sioux name of the Miss. r., meaning Great river Wakpatons, 313 Wakuta, Wakute, see Wacoota, 69 Walapais, 736 Walbach, Gen. J. De B., xxvii, xxviii Walker, Capt. Joel P., of Cal., 446 Walker, Lt. J. P., 656, 658, 660, 664, 665, 666, 761, 767, 817, 819, 820, 821, 830 Walking Buffalo, a chf., 69, 88 Wallace co., Kas., 404 Wallace, Joseph, 531, 532, 560, 714 Wallace, N. M., see Santo Domingo, N. M. Wall, a Mr., xxi Walnut cr., br. of Ark. r., 424, 425, 426, 429, 517, 518, 522, 545, 546, 547 Walnut cr., or White Water r., 549 Walnut Hills, lii, 657 Walpi, 744, is Pike's Gualpi Walworth, Capt. John, lxxxvii, lxxxviii Wamaneopenutah, 347 Wamdetanka, 85 Wamendetanka, 348 Wamendi-hi, 118 Waminisabah, 347 Wanomon r., 147 Wanotan, 349 Wanyecha cr., 94 Wapahasha, Wapasha, Wapashaw, 43, 44, 61, 86, 348 Wapello, Louisa co., Ia., named for a chf. who had his village on Iowa r. near present city Wapsipinecon, Wapsipinicon r., 26 Wapuchuseamma, 745 Waqpatonwan, Waqpetonwan, 313, 343 Waqpekute, 344 Waraju r., 66 War Department, xix, xx, xxii, l, lviii, lix, lx, lxi, lxiii, lxv, lxxii, xcvi, cxiii, 236, 239, 446, 549, 554, 593, 645, 812, 842, 844, 851, 855 Ward, see Johnston and, 554 Ward, Prof. L. F., 38 Ward's isl., 11 War Eagle, 348 Warm spr., Mex., 652, 653 Warm spr., N. M., 597 Warner's ldg., 49 Warpekutes, 44 Warpetonwans, 313 Warpool l., 129, 317 Warren co., Mo., 363, 364, 365, 366 Warren, Gen. G. K., xlv, 56, 57, 58, 62, 91, 295, 310, 333, 457, 558 Warren, Gen. Jos., cvi, cix Warren, Hon. W. W., 31, 127, 134, 150, 157, 170, 171, 176 Warsaw, Ill., 14 Warsaw isl., 379 Warsaw, Mo., 379 wars of Pawnees, 535 Warwater r., 128 Wasaba Tunga, 591 Wasbasha, 590 Wascheta r., 827 Wasetihoge r., 555 Washburn co., Wis., 309 Washington co., Ark., 558 Washington co., Minn., 72, 73, 74 Washington, D. C., xxxiv, xlii, li, liv, lvi, lviii, lix, lx, lxiii, lxv, 358, 410, 510, 538, 550, 551, 582, 583, 587, 647, 656, 812, 813, 827, 833, 835, 845, 851, 855 Washington, Geo., lvi, lxvi, lxviii, lxx, 49, 289, 408, 656, 701 Washington Irving's l., see Irving l. Washington isl., 279 Washington, Mo., 363, 364 Washington, Tex., 560, 707 Washione, 347 Washita r., 612, 704, 827 Washpecoute, 344, 345, 346, 347 Washpetong, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347 Wasonquianni, 343, 347 watab, 101, 102 Watab rap., 101, 102 Watab r., 101 Watapan Menesota, 81 Watapan Tancha, a form of the Sioux name of the Miss. r. watap, watapeh, 101 Watchawaha, Watchkesingar, 591 Wate-paw-mené-Sauta as Sioux name of Minnesota r. in Schlc., 1820 water-oats, water-rice, 38 Waters, John, liii Watertown, Ill., 25, 210 Watpà-menisothé, 81 Watson, Prof. S., 39 Wattah r., 101 wattap, 102 Waubojeeg, 127 Waucon Junction, 41 Waucouta, see Wacouta Waukan r., 301 Waukenabo l., 135 Waukon, Ia., 41 Waukon Junction, 41 Wauppaushaw, 43, 54 Wawana, 143 Way Aga (or Ago) Enagee, 86, 231, 238 Wayne co., Mich., xxvi, cxi Wayne co., N. C., cxi Wayne co., O., cxi Wayne, Gen. A., xxvi, 438, 712 Wazi Oju r., 57 Weablo cr., 383 Wea cr., 519 Weakaote, 349 Weather Diary, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 716, 717 Weaubleau cr., 383 Weaver mts., 730 Webber cr., 559 Webber's falls, 558, 559 Webber's Falls, Ind. Terr., 558 Webb, Tex., 690 Webster co., Mo., 376, 380 Webster co., Neb., 404, 410 Webster park, 462, 478, 479 Weed Bush is a corruption of Vide Poche Weekly Register, see Niles' Wejegi, 630 Weller-Conde line, 644 Weller, J. B., 644, 645 Wellman, W. D., 365 Well of Mineral Water, 680 Well of Putrid Water, 680 Wells' br., 377 Wells cr., 63, 65 wells in Mexico, 680 Wellsville sta., 475 Wenepec l., 322 Wentaron is a form of the Ind. name of Lake Simcoe West Arm of Lake Itasca, so namedby Brower, see Itasca l. West Brainerd, Minn., 130 Western battery, lxxvii, lxxviii, lxxix, lxxxviii, xc, xcvi, cii Western Ocean, 524, 721, 722 West Fork of Miss. r., on Eastman's map of 1855, is the main stream from Lake Itasca West Indies, 718 West Lake Champlain, lxxii Westminster, Engl., 167 West Monument cr., 452 West Naiwa r., 162 West Newton chute, 57 West Oil cr., 465 West Ojibway, see Ojibway, Minn. Weston gulch, 471 West Point, N. Y., xxvi, lxvii, lxxxvii, 405, 656, 734 Westport isl., 5 Westport, Jackson co., Mo., 408, 517, 518, 519 Westport, Lincoln co., Mo., 5 West Quincy, Mo., 9 West Savannah r., 138 West Swan r. of Nicollet, 143 West Turkey cr., Col., 455 West Turkey cr., Kas., 522 Wet Glaize cr., 375 Wetmore's Gazetteer, 3 Wet mts., 448, 451, 463, 482, 483, 484, 485, 487, 488, 848 Wet Mountain valley, 482, 483, 434, 485, 848 Wet Stone, a chf., 531 Wet Walnut cr., 425, 426 Whakoon-Thiiby, 200 Wheeler, Lt. G. M., 483 Whelply, Pvt. D., 1, 854 Whipple, A. W., 645, 735 Whipple, Capt. J., xxvi, xxvii Whipple l., named by Rev. J. A. Gilfillan for Bishop H. B. Whipple, 165 Whistler, Maj. J., 358 White Bear-skin r., 131, 177 White Blanket, a chf., 347 White Buffalo, a chf., 347 White Bustard or Buzzard, a chf., 89 White Dog, a chf., 121, 189 whitefish, 169, 297 White Fisher, a chf., 127, 176 Whitefish l., 133, 173, 174, 175, 319, 334 White Hair, a chf., 387, 388, 390, 551, 558, 563, 565, 576, 578, 579, 591, and see Cheveux Blancs Whitehouse's isl., 366 Whitely cr. is a name of the Rice or Nagajika cr. 2 m. N. E. of Brainerd Whitely isl. is just below Seventh or French raps. White Mountain Apaches, 748 White mts., Ariz., 730 White mts., N. H., 454 White mts., N. M., 631, 640, 736 White mts. of Pike, in Col., 483, 492, 493 White Nails, a chf., 349 White Oak l., 147, 148 White Oak or Stephens l., 147, 148, 150 White Oak pt., 146, 147, 148, 150 White r., br. of Miss. or of Ark. r., 514, 515, 757 White r. or Ark. r., 692, 694 White r. or Cottonwood r., 402 White r. or Neosho r., 397, 398, 473, 514, 515, 584 White r., Wis., 301 White Rock cr., Kas., 404, 405, 408, 409 White Rock, Kas., 409 White Rock, on Minnesota r., 343 White Rock, St. Paul, Minn., 75 Whiteside co., Ill., 27 White Skin, a chf., 347 White Snow mts. of Pike, 479 white spruce, 102 White Water cr., N. M., 637 White Water r., Kas., 549 White Water r., Minn., 56, 57, 305 White Wolf, a chf., 542, 551, 591 whitewood, a tree, 315 Whiting, Gen. H., xix, xxx, xxxiv, xlv, lxviii, lxxiv, lxxix, lxxxv, lxxxix, xc, xcix, cvi, 44, 275, 499, 500, 501 Whitman, Kas., 549 Whitney, a Mr., 302 Who-walks-pursuing-a-hawk, a chf., 85 Whymper, Edw., 461 Wiahuga, 349 Wibru, Corporal, 332 Wichaniwa r., 95, 97 Wichita, Kas., 548 Wichita res., 412 Wiggins, O. P., 457 Wild Bull r., 58 Wildcat cr., 49 wild hogs, 697 Wild Horse cr., 442 wild horses, 433, 435, 436, 738, 782, 783 wild oats or rice, 38 Wild Oats r. of L. and C. map, 1814, and of Beltrami, is that Rice r. which is between Aitkin and Willow r., 138 wild pigeons, 211 Wild Rice l., on Willow River route, 320 Wild Rice Sissetons, 349 wild rye, 47 wild sheep, 438 Wild Swan r., 143 Wilkinson, Gen. James, xxi, xxii, xxvii, xxix, xlvi, li, lv, lvi, lvii, lviii, lxiii, lxiv, lxxiv, 2, 15, 17, 37, 84, 85, 206, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 229, 232, 237, 239, 240, 244, 246, 255, 259, 269, 270, 271, 273, 293, 358, 361, 375, 381, 386, 388, 392, 418, 431, 481, 500, 504, 539, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 568, 569, 570, 571, 572, 573, 574, 575, 582, 585, 586, 587, 588, 589, 592, 593, 594, 662, 697, 703, 712, 810, 817, 819, 820, 821, 824, 836, 841, 842, 844, 845, 852 Wilkinson, Lieut. J. B., xxxvi, xli, li, 223, 225, 263, 359, 360, 361, 364, 365, 372, 373, 381, 382, 385, 386, 387, 389, 390, 392, 393, 403, 406, 407, 409, 414, 421, 425, 426, 427, 431, 432, 514, 515, 518, 532, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546, 547, 565, 568, 572, 577, 578, 580, 585, 587, 589, 592, 708, 818, 819, 824, 826, 827, 833, 834, 835, 845, 846, 852, 855 Wilkinson's Report on the Arkansaw, 432, 539 to 561 Wilkinsonville, xxvi Williamsburg, Col., 482 Williams, Gen. J. R., xxiii, xxx Williams, Helen M., xli Williams isl., in Osage r., 377 Williams, J. Fletcher, xxxv, 31, 44, 76, 85, 87, 88, 201 Williams, Lt.-Col. Jonathan, xxvii, xxix Williams, Lt. J. R., preface, xxiii, xxx Williams, Lt., unidentified, xxvi, xxviii, is no doubt Thomas W. Williams of N. Y., ensign 12th Infantry Jan. 14th, 1799, second lieutenant Mar. 2d, 1799, honorably discharged June 15th, 1800, second lieutenant 1st Infantry Feb. 16th, 1801, resigned July 28th, 1801 Williams' pass, 491 Williams, Peter, 18 Williamson, Lt. R. S., see Fort Ripley Willibob l., 143 Willow cr., br. of Ark. r., Col., 443 Willow cr., br. of Cottonwood r., Kas., 401 Willow cr., br. of Osage r., Mo., 385 Willow cr. or Lost cr., Kas., 518 Willow Inds., 278 Willowmarsh l., 26 Willow portage, 142 Willow r., 137, 142, 153, 155, 320 Willows, Mex., 684 Willow spr., 518, 519, 520 Willow Springs cr., 459 Wilmot, Mr., 207, 209, 211 Wilson co., Kas., 555 Wilson cr., br. of Oil cr., 464, 465 Wilson isl., 98 Wilson, Lt. J., xxvi, xxviii Wilson, Mr., on Pike's pk., 457 Wilson, Pvt. J., 359, 432, 548, 845, 855 Wilson's cr., br. of Huerfano r., 491 Winapicane, 819 Winboshish appears on Stieler's Hand Atlas for Winnibigoshish Winchell, Prof. N. H., preface, 95, 106, 333 Winchester, Va., liii Wind, a chf., 371, 387, 389, 392, 393, 540, 550, 578, 580, 581 windshake or windshock, 109 Wind that Walks, a chf., 203, 347 Windy pt., 324 Winebagos, 346, 347 Winepie l., 168 Wing pra., 54 Winipec or Winnibigoshish l., 322 Winipeg l., 351, 353 Winipeque br. of Miss. r., or main r. above Leech Lake br., 325 Winipeque or Winnibigoshish l., 149, 152, 322, 323 Winipie or Winnibigoshish l., 149, 152, 351 Winipie or Winnipeg l., 278, 280, 322, 327, 351, 353 Winnebago cape, 42, 43 Winnebago chain, 25 Winnebago council, 207, 208, 209 Winnebago co., 300, 301 Winnebago cr. or r., 42, 43, 46 Winnebago Inds., 31, 39, 43, 265, 266, 340, 341 Winnebago l., 24, 295, 300, 301, 340 Winnebago pra., Stearns co., Minn., between Watab raps. and Brockway Winnebago rap., 300 Winnebago village, 300 Winnebeegogish l. of Schlc., 1855 Winnepegoosis l., 322 Winnepeg or Winnibigoshish l., 322 Winneshiek sl., 42 Winnibigoshish l., 138, 149, 152, 153, 158, 159, 168, 317, 322, 323, 324, 325 Winnipec or Winnibigoshish l., 322, 327 Winnipeg l., 351, 353 Winnipegoos is Winnibigoshish l., D. Thompson, 1798 Winnipek is Winnibigoshish l., Schlc., 1855 Winona, a maiden of myth, 66 Winona co., Minn., 52, 53, 57 Winona, Minn., 54, 55, 56, 88, 206 Winship, W. W., preface Winsor, J., 296 Winterbotham's map, xli, 696, 697, 702, 707 wintering grounds, 99 Winter's ldg., 53 Wisconsan r., 35 Wisconsin Central R. R., 302 Wisconsin r., 3, 34, 35, 71, 78, 224, 295, 302, 303, 304, 338 Wiscoup, 156, 259, 347, 351 Wise Family, a chf., 591 Wise, Kas., 397 wishtonwish, 429, 430, 431 Wislizenus, Dr., 339, 437, 446, 518, 521, 631, 635, 649, 650, 652, 653, 654, 667, 668, 669, 670, 671, 672, 674, 675, 680, 681, 682, 683, 684, 739, 747, 759 Wissakude r., 309 Withlachoochee r., lxxxvii Without Ears, a chf., 591 Without Nerve, a chf., 591 Wiyakonda, Mo., 12 Woco-sibi, Wokeosiby, 127 Wolf cr., br. of Ark. r. in Col., 442 Wolf cr. of Pike, 103, 184 Wolfe, Gen., lxxxiii, c Wolf Inds., 35, 338 Wolf r., 300, 301, 356 Wollstonecraft, Maj. C., 715 Wolverine cr., 396 Woman in White mt., 723 women and children, 286 Woodbridge, N. J., lix Woodcock, 88 Wood cr., br. of Miss. r., 2 Wood cr., br. of Mo. r., 363, 364 Wood, Mr., 201, 202, 205, 206, 207 Woodruff, J. C., 554 Woods, Lake of the, 279, 281, 351 Woods, Mr., 37, 42 Woodson co., Kas., 395, 398, 399 Wool, Gen. J. E., 669, 674, 679, 684 Woolstoncraft, Capt., 715 Wooster, Maj. Gen. D., cvi Worcester, Mass., xxxiv Word of God, 182 wounded, see killed and Wright co., Minn., 96, 97, 98 Wright's cr., 381 Wright's isl., 379 Wrightstown, 299 Wuckan l., 340 Wuckiew Nutch, 208, 343, 347 Wukunsna, 347 Wyaconda, Mo., 12 Wyaconda r., 9, 291 Wyaganage, 86, 342, 347 Wyalusing, Wis., 34 Wyoming co., N. Y., cx Wyoming, Ia., 23 Wyoming sl., 23 X Xacco l., 673 Xalisco, 719 Xaxales, 628, 629, has been thought to have been so called as once a temporary Apache rancheria of huts, jacales, or xacales; but see Jarales. The form Xarales is also found Xenia, Kas., 396, 397 Xicarilla for Jicarilla, in Don José Cortez, 1799 Xila is Gila Xisuthros, 182 Xocoyotzin, 737 Xougapavi is Shongapavi X. Y. Company, 139, 277 X. Y. Z., one, 336 Y Yaatze, see San Marcos Yabijoias, 735, of Pike, simply error in copying Indiens Yabipias à longues barbes from Humboldt's map Yahowa r., 22, see Iowa r. Yahowa r., 44, see Upper Iowa r. Yakwal, 706 Yamajab is Mojave Yamaya, 735 Yampancas r., 738 Yamparicas Inds., 738 Yanctongs, 120, 121, 197, 207, 208, 258, 264, 267, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, see Yanktons Yanctons for Hietans, 563 Yanga r., 540 Yankee, 188 Yanktoan, 345, 349 Yanktoanan, 345, 349 Yanktonnais, 343 Yanktons, 120, 343, 346, 347 Yanos, 653 Yaos, 598 Yaqui r., 771, 773 Yattasses, 713 Yavapais, 735 Yavasupai Inds., 731, 736, see Havasupai Yawayes or Yawayhaws are Iowa Inds. Yawoha, Yawowa r., 22, see Iowa r. Yawowa r., 44, see Upper Iowa r. Yeager's ldg., 366 Yellow banks, 19 Yellow Head, a chf., 158 Yellow Head r., 334 Yellow r., br. of Miss. r., 38, 41, 305, 355 Yellow r., br. of St. Croix r., 309 Yellow Skin Deer, a chf., 591 Yellow Spider, a chf., 347 Yellowstone Park, 473 Yellowstone r., 168, 479, 642, 729, 733 Yeo, Sir J., lxxiv York harbor, lxxiv York, killed and wounded at, xci Yorktown, lxvi York, U. C., xxiii, lxxvi, lxxvii, lxxviii, lxxix, lxxx, lxxxiii, lxxxiv, xxxv, lxxxvii, xcii, xciii, xciv, xcv, xcvii, c, ci, ciii, civ, cv, cvi, and see Fort York Youngar r., 376 Young, Brigham, 411 Young, Col., xcv Youngs, Capt. White, lxxxvi, cix Yrujo, see Cassa Yrujo Yucatan, 718, 726 Yucca arborescens, 776 Yucca canaliculata, 776 yuccas, 776 Yucca treculeana, 776 Yuma, Col., 646 Yuma, Yuman Inds., 735, 736, 744 Yungar r., 375, 376, 513, 540 Yunque, Yuque, Yunque, see Chamita Yuraba was a name of Taos Yutas, 816, see Utes Z Zacataca, Zacatecas, administration, city and State, 719, 720, 723, 724, 725, 755, 759, 775 Zakatagana-sibi, 103 Zandia mts., 618 Zandia pueblo, 618 Zanguananos r., 732 Zapato cr., 493 Zaragoza, 674 Zaragoza, Coahuila de, 775 Zavalza, 674 Zenia, Kas., 396 Zerbin, Dr., 698, 699, 700 Zesuqua, 605 Zia, 745 Ziamma, 745 Zibola, 742 Zizania aquatica, 38, 39 Zond, see Fond Zoto for Les Otoes, 346 Z. R., cv Zuloaga, Don M., 659, 660, 662, 665 Zumbro r., 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 305 Zumi, Zuñi, Zuñian, 629, 630 Zuñi, see Old Zuñi Zuñian mts., 730 Zuñiga y Azevedo, C. de, 725 Zuñi is a Keresan name of the Zuñis Zuñi r., 630 Zuñis, Zuñians, 737, 742, 743, 744, 745 THE END. [Illustration: A CHART of the INTERNAL PART OF LOUISIANA, Including all the hitherto unexplored Countries, lying between the River La Platte of the Missouri on the N: and the Red River on the S: the Mississippi East and the Mountains of Mexico West; with a Part of New Mexico & the Province of Texas by Z. M. PIKE Capt.^n U.S.I.] [Illustration: A MAP of THE INTERNAL PROVINCES OF NEW SPAIN. _The Outlines are from the Sketches of but corrected and improved by Captain ZEBULON M. PIKE who was conducted through that COUNTRY in the Year 1807, by Order of the Commandant General of those Provinces.] [Illustration: The FIRST PART of CAPT^N PIKE'S CHART of the Internal Part of LOUISIANA Plate 1. _See Plate 2^d & References. Reduced and laid down on a Scale of 40 miles to the Inch. By Anthony Nau.] [Illustration: A SKETCH of the VICE ROYALTY Exhibiting _the several Provinces and its Aproximation to the Internal Provinces of NEW SPAIN. Harrison sc^t] [Illustration: HISTORICO=GEOGRAPHICAL CHART OF THE UPPER MISSISSIPPI RIVER COMPILED AND DRAWN TO ACCOMPANY PIKE'S EXPEDITIONS, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF DR Elliott Coues, BY DAN'L W. CRONIN. 1895 Copyright, 1895 by Francis P. Harper, N. Y.] [Illustration: THE INFANT MISSISSIPPI OR CRADLED HERCULES. (AFTER BROWER)] [Illustration: MAP OF THE Mississippi River FROM ITS SOURCE to the MOUTH of the MISSOURI: Laid down from the notes of Lieut^t Z. M. Pike, by Anthony Nau. Reduced, and corrected by the Astronomical Observations of M^r. Thompson at its source; and of Capt^n. M. Lewis, where it receives the waters of the Missouri. BY. NICH^S. KING. Engraved by Francis Shallus. Philadelphia] End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The Expeditions of Zebulon Montgomery Pike, Volume III (of 3), by Elliott Coues *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 43776 ***