*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 44799 *** BENJAMIN DISRAELI THE EARL OF BEACONSFIELD, K.G. Cartoons From "Punch" 1843-1878. 1878. BENJAMIN DISRAELI, EARL OF BEACONSFIELD, K.G. ON of Isaac D'Israeli, author of _Curiosities of Literature_, of Jewish extraction; born in London 21st December, 1805; published his political novel, _Vivian Grey_, 1825; travelled in the East between 1828 and 1831; contested Wycombe in 1831, and Marylebone, 1833, both unsuccessfully; was returned for Maidstone, 1837; for Shrewsbury, 1841; for Bucks, 1847; member of Sir R. Peel's party until Peel became a convert to Free Trade, from which time Mr. Disraeli allied himself closely with the Conservatives, of whom he became the leader in the House of Commons after the death of Lord George Bentinck in 1848; conspicuous for his attacks on Peel in Parliament; Chancellor of the Exchequer in Lord Derby's first Ministry, 1852; and in his second, 1858-9; in 1859 brought in a Reform Bill which was defeated by the Whigs; again Chancellor of the Exchequer in Lord Derby's third Ministry, July, 1866; brought in a second Reform Bill, based on Household Suffrage, which was passed, 1867; on Lord Derby's resignation, February, 1868, became Prime Minister, which office he resigned at the end of the year; on Mr. Gladstone's Government resigning office, in consequence of their defeat on the Irish University Bill, March, 1873, Mr. Disraeli was commissioned by the Queen to form a Ministry, but declined to do so under the then circumstances. On Mr. Gladstone appealing to the country in 1874, the election returns placed him in a minority, and he resigned without meeting the new Parliament; Mr. Disraeli succeeded him as Prime Minister and formed his cabinet, March, 1874; created Earl of Beaconsfield, August, 1876; first Plenipotentiary for Great Britain at the Congress of Berlin, 1878, and K.G. Lord Beaconsfield's principal novels (besides _Vivian Grey_) are _The Young Duke, Henrietta Temple, and Venetia_, and, since his entrance on political life, _Coningsby, Sybil, Tancred, and Lothair._ London, 1878. A LIST OF THE CARTOONS. The Infant Hercules...........................................Title 1845. Young Gulliver and the Brobdingnag Minister.............001 1846. A Political application of an old Fable.................002 1847. The Rising Generation-in Parliament "Cheap-Jack"........004 1848. The Parliamentary Toots.................................005 1849. Cock-a-Doodle-Doo; or, the great Protectionist..........006 " The Farmers' Will-o'-the Wisp...........................007 " Disraeli Measuring the British Lion.....................008 1850. The Protection "Dodge"..................................009 " Agriculture...The Rial "Unprotected Female".............010 " Gulliver and the Brobdingnag Farmers....................011 1851. Dressing for a Masquerade...............................012 " The Ghost of Protection appearing to Mr. Disraeli.......013 1852. "The Game of Speculation"...............................014 " The Protection Giant....................................015 " Up goes the Quartern Loaf...............................016 " A Plain Question........................................017 " An Easy Place...........................................018 " A Bit of Animated Nature................................019 " The Easter Recess.......................................020 " The "Calculating" Boy gets the Prize for Arithmetic.....021 " The Downing Street Cad..................................022 " The Political Chameleon.................................023 " "A Dissolving View".....................................024 " Something Looms in the Future...........................025 " A Dip in the Free Trade Sea.............................026 " The Political Topsy.....................................027 " Mrs. Gamp taking the Little "Party".....................028 " A Scene from English History............................029 " A Dirty Trick-Bespattering Decent People................030 " Swell Mob at the Opening of Parliament..................031 " The Balancing Brothers of Westminster...................032 " The Asiatic Mystery.....................................033 " Palmerston Selling Off..................................034 " The Rival Black Dolls...................................035 " Dizzy and his Constituent...............................036 " The Last Pantomime of the Season........................037 " Great Poaching Affray on the Liberal Preserves..........038 " The Anglers' Return.....................................039 " A Derby Obstruction.....................................040 " A Derby Spill...........................................041 " The Fight at St. Stephen's Academy......................042 " Dressing for an Oxford Bal Masqué.......................043 " Dizzy's K'rect Card for the "Derby" (?).................044 " Dizzy's Arithmetic......................................045 " Pudding before Meat.....................................046 " The First Question......................................047 " Political "Economy".....................................048 " "Heads I Win, Tails you Lose"...........................049 " The Honest Potboy.......................................050 1867. Blind Man's Buff........................................051 " The "Irrepressible Lodger"..............................052 " Extremes must meet; or, a Bit of Practical Science......053 " The Derby, 1867, Dizzy wins with "Reform Bill"..........054 " The Political Egg-dance.................................055 " "The Return from Victory"...............................056 " Puff at St. Stephen's...................................057 " Fagin's Political School................................058 1868. The New Head Master.....................................059 " Rival Stars.............................................060 " Steering under Difficulties.............................061 " The Political Leotard...................................062 " Ben and his Bogey.......................................063 " Rival Actors............................................064 " A Political Parallel....................................065 1870. Critics.................................................066 1871. The Strong Government...................................067 " "Out of the Bag"........................................068 1872. The Lancashire Lions....................................069 " The Conservative Programme..............................070 1873. The Two Augurs..........................................071 " "How not to say it".....................................072 1874. Paradise and the Peri...................................073 " The Winning "Stroke"....................................074 " The Great "Trick Act"...................................075 " A Real Conservative Revival.............................076 1875. "Good-bye!".............................................077 " The Indignant Bystander.................................078 " More Slaveries than One.................................079 " "Permissive" Government.................................080 " "In Egitto!!!"..........................................081 1876. The "Extinguisher" Trick................................082 " The Lion's Share........................................083 " Service Stores..........................................084 " "New Crowns For Old Ones!"..............................085 " "The Jolly Anglers".....................................086 " The Sphinx is Silent....................................087 " Neutrality tinder Difficulties..........................088 " Empress and Earl........................................089 " The Turkish Bath........................................090 " "A Mistake!"............................................091 1877. "Woodman, Spare that Tree!".............................092 " Benjamin Bombastes......................................093 1878. The Dizzy Brink.........................................094 " "The Mysterious Cabinet Trick"..........................095 " "The Confidence Trick!".................................096 " New Persuasions.........................................097 " "Imperial" Guard........................................098 " Figures from a "Triumph"................................099 " "Façon de Parler!"......................................100 " "Happy Family" at Berlin................................101 " The Schoolmaster Abroad.................................102 " Triumph!................................................103 " "Pas de Deux!"..........................................104 CARTOONS {001} [Illustration: 001] {002} [Illustration: 002] {003} [Illustration: 003] {004} [Illustration: 004] {005} [Illustration: 005] {006} [Illustration: 006] {007} [Illustration: 007] {008} [Illustration: 008] {009} [Illustration: 009] {010} [Illustration: 010] {011} [Illustration: 011] {012} [Illustration: 012] {013} [Illustration: 013] {014} [Illustration: 014] {015} [Illustration: 015] {016} [Illustration: 016] {017} [Illustration: 017] {018} [Illustration: 018] {019} [Illustration: 019] {020} [Illustration: 020] {021} [Illustration: 021] {022} [Illustration: 022] {023} [Illustration: 023] {024} [Illustration: 024] {025} [Illustration: 025] {026} [Illustration: 026] {027} [Illustration: 027] {028} [Illustration: 028] {029} [Illustration: 029] {030} [Illustration: 030] {031} [Illustration: 031] {032} [Illustration: 032] {033} [Illustration: 033] {034} [Illustration: 034] {035} [Illustration: 035] {036} [Illustration: 036] {037} [Illustration: 037] {038} [Illustration: 038] {039} [Illustration: 039] {040} [Illustration: 040] {041} [Illustration: 041] {042} [Illustration: 042] {043} [Illustration: 043] {044} [Illustration: 044] {045} [Illustration: 045] {046} [Illustration: 046] {047} [Illustration: 047] {048} [Illustration: 048] {049} [Illustration: 049] {050} [Illustration: 050] {051} [Illustration: 051] {052} [Illustration: 052] {053} [Illustration: 053] {054} [Illustration: 054] {055} [Illustration: 055] {056} [Illustration: 056] {057} [Illustration: 057] {058} [Illustration: 058] {059} [Illustration: 059] {060} [Illustration: 060] {061} [Illustration: 061] {062} [Illustration: 062] {063} [Illustration: 063] {064} [Illustration: 064] {065} [Illustration: 065] {066} [Illustration: 066] {067} [Illustration: 067] {068} [Illustration: 068] {069} [Illustration: 069] {070} [Illustration: 070] {071} [Illustration: 071] {072} [Illustration: 072] {073} [Illustration: 073] {074} [Illustration: 074] {075} [Illustration: 075] {076} [Illustration: 076] {077} [Illustration: 077] {078} [Illustration: 078] {079} [Illustration: 079] {080} [Illustration: 080] {081} [Illustration: 081] {082} [Illustration: 082] {083} [Illustration: 083] {084} [Illustration: 084] {085} [Illustration: 085] {086} [Illustration: 086] {087} [Illustration: 087] {088} [Illustration: 088] {089} [Illustration: 089] {090} [Illustration: 090] {091} [Illustration: 091] {092} [Illustration: 092] {093} [Illustration: 093] {094} [Illustration: 094] {095} [Illustration: 095] {096} [Illustration: 096] {097} [Illustration: 097] {098} [Illustration: 098] {099} [Illustration: 099] {100} [Illustration: 100] {101} [Illustration: 101] {102} [Illustration: 102] {103} [Illustration: 103] {104} [Illustration: 104] {105} [Illustration: 105] {106} [Illustration: 106] {107} [Illustration: 107] End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Benjamin Disraeli, The Earl Of Beaconsfield, K.G., by John Leech *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 44799 ***