The Project Gutenberg EBook of Macmillan's Three-and-Sixpenny Library of Books by Popular Authors December 1905, by Various This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: Macmillan's Three-and-Sixpenny Library of Books by Popular Authors December 1905 Author: Various Release Date: April 28, 2014 [EBook #45516] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK MACMILLAN'S THREE-AND-SIXPENNY LIBRARY *** Produced by sp1nd, Diane Monico, and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive)
Crown 8vo.
This Series, which comprises over four hundred volumes in various departments of Literature, has lately received some notable additions. Prominent among these is a new and attractive edition of The Works of Thackeray, issued under the editorship of Mr. Lewis Melville. It contains all the Original Illustrations, and includes a great number of scattered pieces and illustrations which have not hitherto appeared in any collected edition of the works. The Works of Charles Dickens, reprinted from the first editions, with all the Original Illustrations, and with Introductions, Biographical and Bibliographical, by Charles Dickens the Younger, and an attractive edition of The Novels of Charles Lever, illustrated by Phiz and G. Cruikshank,[Pg 2] have also a place in the Library. The attention of book buyers may be especially directed to The Border Edition of the Waverley Novels, edited by Mr. Andrew Lang, which, with its large type and convenient form, and its copious illustrations by well-known artists, possesses features placing it in the forefront of editions now obtainable of the famous novels. The Works of Mr. Thomas Hardy, including the poems, have also been recently added to the Three-and-Sixpenny Library. Among other works by notable contemporary authors will be found those of Mr. F. Marion Crawford, Rolf Boldrewood, Mr. H. G. Wells, Gertrude Atherton, Mr. Egerton Castle, Mr. A. E. W. Mason, Maarten Maartens, and Miss Rosa Nouchette Carey; while among the productions of an earlier period may be mentioned the works of Charles Kingsley, Frederick Denison Maurice, Thomas Hughes, and Dean Farrar; and the novels and tales of Charlotte M. Yonge, Mrs. Craik, and Mrs. Oliphant.
Reprints of the First Editions, with all the Original Illustrations, and with Facsimiles of Wrappers, etc.
Messrs. Macmillan & Co., Limited, beg leave to invite the attention of book buyers to the Edition of The Works of Thackeray in their Three-and-Sixpenny Library, which, when finished, will be the Completest Edition of the Author's Works which has been placed on the market.
The Publishers have been fortunate in securing the services of Mr. Lewis Melville, the well-known Thackeray Expert. With his assistance they have been able to include in this Edition a great number of scattered pieces from Thackeray's pen, and illustrations from his pencil which have not hitherto been contained in any collected edition of the works. Mr. Melville has read all the sheets as they passed through the press, and collated them carefully with the original editions. He has also provided Bibliographical Introductions and occasional Footnotes.
List of the Series.
EXPOSITORY TIMES.—"An edition to do credit even to this publishing house, and not likely to be surpassed until they surpass it with a cheaper and better themselves."
WHITEHALL REVIEW.—"Never before has such a cheap and excellent edition of Thackeray been seen."
ACADEMY.—"A better one-volume edition at three shillings and sixpence could not be desired."
GRAPHIC.—"In its plain but pretty blue binding is both serviceable and attractive."
DAILY GRAPHIC.—"An excellent, cheap reprint."
PALL MALL GAZETTE.—"The size of the books is handy, paper and printing are good, and the binding, which is of blue cloth, is simple but tasteful. Altogether the publishers are to be congratulated upon a reprint which ought to be popular."
GLOBE.—"The paper is thin but good, the type used is clear to read, and the binding is neat and effective."
LADY'S PICTORIAL.—"The paper is good, the type clear and large, and the binding tasteful. Messrs. Macmillan are to be thanked for so admirable and inexpensive an edition of our great satirist."
WORLD.—"Nothing could be better than the new edition."
BLACK AND WHITE.—"The more one sees of the edition the more enamoured of it he becomes. It is so good and neat, immaculate as to print, and admirably bound."
SCOTSMAN.—"This admirable edition."
LITERARY WORLD.—"The paper and printing and general get up are everything that one could desire."
ST. JAMES'S GAZETTE.—"A clear and pretty edition."
Reprints of the First Editions, with all the original Illustrations, and with Introductions, Biographical and Bibliographical, by Charles Dickens the Younger.
ATHENĈUM.—"Handy in form, well printed, illustrated with reproductions of the original plates, introduced with bibliographical notes by the novelist's son, and above all issued at a most moderate price, this edition will appeal successfully to a large number of readers."
SPEAKER.—"We do not think there exists a better edition."
MORNING POST.—"The edition will be highly appreciated."
SCOTSMAN.—"This reprint offers peculiar attractions. Of a handy size, in one volume, of clear, good-sized print, and with its capital comic illustrations, it is a volume to be desired."
NEWCASTLE CHRONICLE.—"The most satisfactory edition of the book that has been issued."
GLASGOW HERALD.—"None of the recent editions of Dickens can be compared with that which Messrs. Macmillan inaugurate with the issue of Pickwick.... Printed in a large, clear type, very readable."
GLOBE.—"They have used an admirably clear type and good paper, and the binding is unexceptionable.... May be selected as the most desirable cheap edition of the immortal 'Papers' that has ever been offered to the public."
MANCHESTER EXAMINER.—"Handy in form, well printed, illustrated with reduced reproductions of the original plates, introduced with bibliographical notes by the novelist's son, and above all issued at a moderate price, this edition will appeal successfully to a large number of readers."
THE QUEEN.—"A specially pleasant and convenient form in which to re-read Dickens."
THE STAR.—"This new 'Dickens Series,' with its reproductions of the original illustrations, is a joy to the possessor."
Complete in Twenty-four Volumes. Crown 8vo, tastefully bound in green cloth, gilt. Price 3s. 6d. each.
In special cloth binding, flat backs, gilt tops. Supplied in Sets only of 24 volumes. Price £4 4s.
Also an edition with all the 250 original etchings. In 24 volumes. Crown 8vo, gilt tops. Price 6s. each.
Supplementing those of the Author.
With Two Hundred and Fifty New and Original Illustrations by
Eminent Artists.
By the kind permission of the Hon. Mrs. Maxwell Scott of Abbotsford, the great-granddaughter of Sir Walter, the MSS. and other material at Abbotsford were examined by Mr. Andrew Lang during the preparation of his Introductory Essays and Notes to the Series, so that the Border Edition may be said to contain all the results of the latest researches as to the composition of the Waverley Novels.
TIMES.—"It would be difficult to find in these days a more competent and sympathetic editor of Scott than his countryman, the brilliant and versatile man of letters who has undertaken the task, and if any proof were wanted either of his qualifications or of his skill and discretion in displaying them, Mr. Lang has furnished it abundantly in his charming Introduction to 'Waverley.' The editor's own notes are judiciously sparing, but conspicuously to the point, and they are very discreetly separated from those of the author, Mr. Lang's laudable purpose being to illustrate and explain Scott, not to make the notes a pretext for displaying his own critical faculty and literary erudition. The illustrations by various competent hands are beautiful in themselves and beautifully executed, and, altogether, the 'Border Edition' of the Waverley Novels bids fair to become the classical edition of the great Scottish classic."
SPECTATOR.—"We trust that this fine edition of our greatest and most poetical of novelists will attain, if it has not already done so, the high popularity it deserves. To all Scott's lovers it is a pleasure to know that, despite the daily and weekly inrush of ephemeral fiction, the sale of his works is said by the booksellers to rank next below Tennyson's in poetry, and above that of everybody else in prose."
ATHENĈUM.—"The handsome 'Border Edition' has been brought to a successful conclusion. The publisher deserves to be complimented on the manner in which the edition has been printed and illustrated, and Mr. Lang on the way in which he has performed his portion of the work. His introductions have been tasteful and readable; he has not overdone his part; and, while he has supplied much useful information, he has by no means overburdened the volumes with notes."
NOTES AND QUERIES.—"This spirited and ambitious enterprise has been conducted to a safe termination, and the most ideal edition of the Waverley Novels in existence is now completed."
SATURDAY REVIEW.—"Of all the many collections of the Waverley Novels, the 'Border Edition' is incomparably the most handsome and the most desirable.... Type, paper, illustrations, are altogether admirable."
MAGAZINE OF ART.—"Size, type, paper, and printing, to say nothing of the excessively liberal and charming introduction of the illustrations, make this perhaps the most desirable edition of Scott ever issued on this side of the Border."
DAILY CHRONICLE.—"There is absolutely no fault to be found with it, as to paper, type, or arrangement."
PALL MALL GAZETTE.—"... their charming edition of the works of Thomas Hardy ... the price asked for it ... is absurdly cheap.... Any more convenient and beautiful form of presentation for these books it would be difficult to find."
ATHENĈUM.—"This edition is so comely and so moderate in price that it may well placate those who have sighed for earlier issues out of their reach. Mr. Hardy's prefaces to the volumes should not be missed, for they are models of a difficult art, whether reflective, informative, or combative."
With all the Original Illustrations.
MR. ISAACS: A Tale of Modern India.
ATHENĈUM.—"A work of unusual ability.... It fully deserves the notice it is sure to attract."
ATHENĈUM.—"Few recent books have been so difficult to lay down when once begun."
TIMES.—"A masterpiece of narrative.... Unlike any other romance in English literature."
GUARDIAN.—"An instance of the highest and noblest form of novel.... Alike in the originality of its conception and the power with which it is wrought out, it stands on a level that is almost entirely its own."
TIMES.—"A subtle compound of artistic feeling, avarice, malice, and criminal frenzy is this carver of silver chalices and crucifixes."
GUARDIAN.—"The tale is written with all Mr. Crawford's skill."
ST. JAMES'S GAZETTE.—"Those who neglect to read Paul Patoff will throw away a very pleasurable opportunity."
SPECTATOR.—"Cannot fail to please a reader who enjoys crisp, clear, vigorous writing, and thoughts that are alike original and suggestive."
SPECTATOR.—"Altogether, we like Greifenstein decidedly—so much so as to doubt whether it does not dislodge A Roman Singer from the place hitherto occupied by the latter as our favourite amongst Mr. Crawford's novels."
PALL MALL GAZETTE.—"Cannot fail to be read with interest and pleasure by all to whom clever characterisation and delicate drawing make appeal."
SPEAKER.—"There is something in A Rose of Yesterday which makes the book linger with a distinct aroma of its own in the reader's memory."
ATHENĈUM.—"The plot is skilfully concocted, and the interest is sustained to the end.... A very clever piece of work."
GLOBE.—"We are inclined to think this is the best of Mr. Marion Crawford's stories."
KHALED: A Tale of Arabia.
ANTI-JACOBIN.—"Mr. Crawford has written some stories more powerful, but none more attractive than this."
NATIONAL OBSERVER.—"Increases in strength and in interest even to the end."
ACADEMY.—"It is so remarkable a book as to be certain of as wide a popularity as any of its predecessors; it is a romance of singular daring and power."
MARION DARCHE: A Story without Comment.
ATHENĈUM.—"Readers in search of a good novel may be recommended to lose no time in making the acquaintance of Marion Darche, her devoted friends, and her one enemy."
PUNCH.—"Admirable in its simple pathos, its unforced humour, and, above all, in its truth to human nature."
DAILY CHRONICLE.—"Mr. Crawford has not done better than The Children of the King for a long time. The story itself is a simple and beautiful one."
SPEAKER.—"Mr. Marion Crawford is an artist, and a great one, and he has been brilliantly successful in a task in which ninety-nine out of every hundred writers would have failed."
ATHENĈUM.—"Don Orsino is a story with many strong points, and it is told with all the spirit we have been wont to expect from its author."
GUARDIAN.—"A very powerful story and a finished work of art."
DAILY NEWS.—"Mr. Crawford has written stories richer in incident and more powerful in intention, but we do not think that he has handled more deftly or shown a more delicate insight into tendencies that go towards making some of the more spiritual tragedies of life."
ATHENĈUM.—"The present instalment of what promises to be a very voluminous family history, increasing in interest and power as it develops, turns upon the death of Robert and the disposition of his millions, which afford ample scope for the author's pleasantly ingenious talent in raising and surmounting difficulties of details."
CORLEONE: A Tale of Sicily.
PALL MALL GAZETTE.—"A splendid romance."
VIA CRUCIS: A Romance of the Second Crusade.
GRAPHIC.—"A stirring story."
IN THE PALACE OF THE KING: A Love Story of Old Madrid.
SPECTATOR.—"A truly thrilling tale."
CECILIA: A Story of Modern Rome.
TIMES.—"Thoroughly interesting from beginning to end.... Fully worthy of his reputation."
ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS.—"Can only enhance Mr. Crawford's reputation.... Admirably treated with all the subtlety, finesse, and delicacy which are characteristic of the author at his best."
MARIETTA: A Maid of Venice.
PUNCH.—"Marion Crawford is at his very best in Marietta, A Maid of Venice. It is a powerfully dramatic story of Venice under 'The Ten,' told in a series of picturesque scenes described in strikingly artistic word-painting, the action being carried on by well-imagined, clearly-defined characters."
GUARDIAN.—"A singularly spirited and stirring tale of Australian life, chiefly in the remoter settlements."
DAILY CHRONICLE.—"We do not forget Robbery under Arms, or any of its various successors, when we say that Rolf Boldrewood has never done anything so good as A Modern Buccaneer. It is good, too, in a manner which is for the author a new one."
WORLD.—"Full of good passages, passages abounding in vivacity, in the colour and play of life.... The pith of the book lies in its singularly fresh and vivid pictures of the humours of the gold-fields—tragic humours enough they are, too, here and again."
FIELD.—"The details are filled in by a hand evidently well conversant with his subject, and everything is ben trovato, if not actually true. A perusal of these cheerfully-written pages will probably give a better idea of realities of Australian life than could be obtained from many more pretentious works."
GLASGOW HERALD.—"The interest never flags, and altogether A Sydney-Side Saxon is a really refreshing book."
ATHENĈUM.—"A series of natural and entertaining pictures of Australian life, which are, above all things, readable."
OBSERVER.—"An exciting story of Ballarat in the 'fifties. Its hero, Lance Trevanion, is a character which for force of delineation has no equal in Rolf Boldrewood's previous novels."
ACADEMY.—"A hearty story, deriving charm from the odours of the bush and the bleating of incalculable sheep."
ATHENĈUM.—"Rolf Boldrewood's last story is a racy volume. It has many of the best qualities of Whyte-Melville, the breezy freshness and vigour of Frank Smedley, with the dash and something of the abandon of Lever.... His last volume is one of his best."
TIMES.—"A well-written story."
THE CROOKED STICK; or, Pollie's Probation.
ACADEMY.—"A charming picture of Australian station life."
NATIONAL OBSERVER.—"His book deserves to be read in England with as much appreciation as it has already gained in the country of its birth."
A ROMANCE OF CANVAS TOWN, and other Stories.
ATHENĈUM.—"The book is interesting for its obvious insight into life in the Australian bush."
WAR TO THE KNIFE; or, Tangata Maori.
ACADEMY.-"A stirring romance."
OUTLOOK.—"A lively and picturesque story."
DAILY TELEGRAPH.—"Bristles with thrilling incident."
IN BAD COMPANY, and other Stories.
DAILY NEWS.—"The best work this popular author has done for some time."
Over Half-a-Million of these works have been printed.
47th Thousand.
STANDARD.—"Miss Carey has the gift of writing naturally and simply, her pathos is true and unforced, and her conversations are sprightly and sharp."
33rd Thousand.
LADY.—"Miss Carey's novels are always welcome; they are out of the common run, immaculately pure, and very high in tone."
29th Thousand.
DAILY TELEGRAPH.—"A novel of a sort which it would be a real loss to miss."
25th Thousand.
STANDARD.—"Robert Ord's Atonement is a delightful book, very quiet as to its story, but very strong in character, and instinct with that delicate pathos which is the salient point of all the writings of this author."
32nd Thousand.
STANDARD.—"There is plenty of romance in the heroine's life. But it would not be fair to tell our readers wherein that romance consists or how it ends. Let them read the book for themselves. We will undertake to promise that they will like it."
24th Thousand.
MORNING POST.—"Deserves to be extensively known and read.... Will doubtless find as many admirers as readers."
29th Thousand.
GUARDIAN.—"A thoroughly good and wholesome story."
35th Thousand.
PALL MALL GAZETTE.—"Like all the other stories we have had from the same gifted pen, this volume, Not Like Other Girls, takes a sane and healthy view of life and its concerns.... It is an excellent story to put in the hands of girls."
NEW YORK HOME JOURNAL.—"One of the sweetest, daintiest, and most interesting of the season's publications."
24th Thousand.
JOHN BULL.—"The story is a simple one, but told with much grace and unaffected pathos."
23rd Thousand.
VANITY FAIR.—"A simple, earnest, and withal very interesting story; well conceived, carefully worked out, and sympathetically told."
28th Thousand.
LADY.—"So intrinsically good that the world of novel-readers ought to be genuinely grateful."
21st Thousand.
BOOKMAN.—"Fresh and charming.... A piece of distinctly good work."
34th Thousand.
PALL MALL GAZETTE.—"This novel is for those who like stories with something of Jane Austen's power, but with more intensity of feeling than Jane Austen displayed, who are not inclined to call pathos twaddle, and who care to see life and human nature in their most beautiful form."
24th Thousand.
GUARDIAN.—"The refinement of style and delicacy of thought will make Lover or Friend? popular with all readers who are not too deeply bitten with a desire for things improbable in their lighter literature."
21st Thousand.
PALL MALL GAZETTE.—"We doubt whether anything has been written of late years so fresh, so pretty, so thoroughly natural and bright. The novel as a whole is charming."
22nd Thousand.
OBSERVER.—"A capital story. The interest steadily grows, and by the time one reaches the third volume the story has become enthralling."
24th Thousand.
DAILY NEWS.—"Miss Carey's fluent pen has not lost its power of writing fresh and wholesome fiction."
24th Thousand.
PALL MALL GAZETTE.—"Miss Carey's untiring pen loses none of its power, and her latest work is as gracefully written, as full of quiet home charm, as fresh and wholesome, so to speak, as its many predecessors."
12th Thousand.
PALL MALL GAZETTE.—"By no means the least attractive of the works of this charming writer."
New Impression.
BRADFORD OBSERVER.—"There is a quiet charm about this story which finds its way into the innermost shrines of life. The book is wholesome and good, and cannot fail to give pleasure to those who love beauty."
25th Thousand.
WESTMINSTER GAZETTE.—"A clever delineator of character, possessed of a reserve of strength in a quiet, easy, flowing style, Miss Carey never fails to please a large class of readers. Herb of Grace is no exception to the rule...."
20th Thousand.
BOOKMAN.—"This pretty love story ... is charming, sparkling, and never mawkish."
19th Thousand.
TIMES.—"Told with all Miss Carey's usual charm of quiet, well-bred sentiment."
OUTLOOK.—"A pretty story of English country-house life during the terribly anxious 'waiting days' of Ladysmith. The soldier's young bride is charmingly suggested and the love portions approach the idyllic."
Edited by JOHN MORLEY.
Arranged in 13 Volumes, each containing the Lives of three Authors.
Crown 8vo. 3s. 6d. each.
The volumes marked with an asterisk (*) are also issued in limp leather, with full gilt back and gilt edges. 5s. net each.
Crown 8vo. Cloth Elegant, gilt edges (Peacock Edition). 3s. 6d. each.
Also issued in ornamental cloth binding. 2s. 6d. each.
With Introductions by Austin Dobson, and Illustrations by Hugh Thomson and C. E. Brock.
With Illustrations by C. E. Brock and H. M. Brock.
With Introductions by Anne Thackeray Ritchie, and Illustrations by Chris Hammond and Carl Schloesser.
With Introductions by David Hannay, and Illustrations by H. M. Brock, J. Ayton Symington, Fred Pegram, F. H. Townsend, H. R. Millar, and E. J. Sullivan.
With Introductions by George Saintsbury, and Illustrations by H. R. Millar and F. H. Townsend.
Crown 8vo, Cloth Elegant, Gilt Edges, 3s. 6d. per volume.
Transcriber's Notes
Minor punctuation errors and misprinted characters have been silently
Page 22: Changed "Presmptive" to "Presumptive."
(Orig: The Heir-Presmptive and the Heir-Apparent.)
End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Macmillan's Three-and-Sixpenny Library of Books by Popular Authors December 1905, by Various *** END OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK MACMILLAN'S THREE-AND-SIXPENNY LIBRARY *** ***** This file should be named 45516-h.htm or ***** This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: Produced by sp1nd, Diane Monico, and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive) Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions will be renamed. Creating the works from public domain print editions means that no one owns a United States copyright in these works, so the Foundation (and you!) can copy and distribute it in the United States without permission and without paying copyright royalties. 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