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This edition contains parallel passages from the Eudemian Ethics, printed under the text, and there is a full commentary, the main object of which is to interpret difficulties in the light of Aristotle’s own rules.
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This Series is intended for the use of teachers and students, to supply material for the former and practice for the latter. The papers are carefully graduated, cover the whole of the subject usually taught, and are intended to form part of the ordinary class work. They may be used vivâ voce, or as a written examination. This Series is now in use in a large number of public and private schools, including Eton, Harrow, Winchester, Repton, Cheltenham, Sherborne, Haileybury, Manchester Grammar School, Aldershot Army College, etc.
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A series of books on historical, literary, and scientific subjects, suitable for extension students and home-reading circles. Each volume is complete in itself, and the subjects are treated by competent writers in a broad and philosophic spirit.
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The Mechanics of Daily Life. By V. P. Sells, M.A. Illustrated.
English Social Reformers. By H. de B. Gibbins, Litt.D., M.A.
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This catalog has been extracted from the book The Alien Invasion, Project Gutenberg E-Book 47043.
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