Project Gutenberg's More Stories of the Three Pigs, by Sarah Grames Clark This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you'll have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this ebook. Title: More Stories of the Three Pigs Author: Sarah Grames Clark Illustrator: Bess Bruce Cleaveland Release Date: June 5, 2015 [EBook #49141] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK MORE STORIES OF THE THREE PIGS *** Produced by Demian Katz and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (Images courtesy of the Digital Library@Villanova University ( _Instructor Literature Series--No. 318_ More Stories of The Three Pigs _SARAH GRAMES CLARK_ [Illustration] F. A. OWEN PUBLISHING COMPANY DANSVILLE, N. Y. _INSTRUCTOR LITERATURE SERIES_ More Stories of the Three Pigs By SARAH GRAMES CLARK Illustrated by BESS BRUCE CLEAVELAND [Illustration] F. A. OWEN PUBLISHING COMPANY DANSVILLE, N. Y. COPYRIGHT, 1921 F. A. OWEN PUBLISHING CO. _More Stories of the Three Pigs_ CONTENTS A TRIP TO STYFORD MOTHER PORKY GOES VISITING CHRISTMAS IN PIGLAND THE PIGLETS GO PICNICKING MISS PINKY PIG VISITS MOTHER GRUNTY [Illustration] A TRIP TO STYFORD You have all heard of the three little pigs. And you know all about how Old Mother Pig sent them forth to seek their fortunes, don't you? Of course you do! You remember, too, how the Wandering Wolf frightened the one in the straw house and "ate up that poor little pig." And you will never forget how he afterwards scared the one in the wooden house and "ate up _that_ poor little pig." And then, were you ever so glad, in all your life, as when he tried and tried and simply could not get the third little pig--that cunning, curly-tailed, squeaky-voiced little pig who lived in the little brick house! Well, of course, this last little pig, whose name was Grunty, lived safely in her neat little red brick house for many years after the day when she ate up the Wandering Wolf for her dinner. Some years after that day of feasting, Grunty Pig had two wee piggies of her own. The older one was white all over, except for his two black ears, so Mother Grunty at once named him Blacky-ears. The younger one looked just as his mother had looked when she was little--white all over, with a curly tail and a squeaky voice so cheery that everyone smiled when he spoke. He was called Little-wee Pig. One day in June Mother Grunty thought she must go on a journey, and she worried about leaving Blacky-ears and Little-wee Pig alone, for she had not forgotten that the Wandering Wolves were not all dead and that one of them might get after her babies. "Come here, piglets," she called from her kitchen window. "All right, Mother, I'm coming," answered Little-wee Pig as he jumped from his swing and ran to the house. But not so Blacky-ears! And I'll tell you why. Bad Boy Mischief, you remember, is always after everyone; little children, little bears, and little pigs. Blacky-ears, I am sorry to say, had been very friendly with him. So, as soon as Bad Boy Mischief heard Mother Grunty call, he hopped right onto Blacky's shoulder and whispered in his ear. And what do you suppose? Blacky-ears listened and answered his mother just as Bad Boy Mischief had told him to! "Aw, wait a minute, can't you?" he grumbled! When Mother Grunty called the second time, Blacky-ears managed to jerk himself into the house and stand sulkily beside her chair. Then she told the two piggies of her plan. "Now," said Mother Grunty, "I find that I must go to Styford at once. I fear to leave you here alone, for I too well remember what happened to my two brothers. So, if you'll promise to be very, very good, you may go with me." "Oh goody, goody!" sang Little-wee Pig, dancing around his mother's chair. "Hurrah for some fun!" cried Blacky-ears. "You will promise to be good, my dears?" said Mother Grunty anxiously. "Oh yes, Mother, we'll be good," answered Little-wee Pig. "You bet!" cried Blacky-ears. So everything was hustle and bustle in the little brick house, for Mother Grunty was very neat. And everything must be made tidy and not one speck of dust must be left behind. But finally, on the third day, came the time to go. Blacky-ears, dressed in his new blue suit with its shiny brass buttons, and wearing his little round cap set straight between his ears, looked as neat as a new pin. And Little-wee Pig, all in white except for his bright red sailor tie, was attractive too. But you should have seen the charming Mother Grunty in her trim black suit and sailor hat to match! Then you would have said, "Isn't she splendid!" On the train everyone was happy, for even in that short ride there were many interesting sights. And Mother Grunty was ever so patient about explaining. "Let's play 'I Spy,'" cried Blacky-ears. "I mean, tell what we can spy out of the window. Whoever sees a thing first can say 'I spy.' Watch sharply! Oh, I spy a tall pine tree on a hill." "I spy a tiny brook," called Little-wee Pig. "Styford! Styford!" called the brakeman. And what a hustle to slip into wraps and gather up bundles! Styford was a busy city, and Mother Grunty was very nervous. Such a hurrying and so much noise! It seemed to the three country pigs that they could never cross the main street! "Take my hands, my dears," Mother Grunty urged anxiously. At the first crossing they did so. But soon Blacky-ears became used to the noise and hurry. Before he knew it, Bad Boy Mischief was once more riding on his shoulder. "You're too old to take anyone's hand. You're smart enough to take care of yourself," he whispered. And Blacky-ears listened. He jerked his hand out of his mother's and ran across the street. A large red hose wagon clanged out of the side street and just missed knocking him flat! "Oh-h!" shrieked Mother Grunty as she hurried to catch him. "Why will you do such things? You promised me you would be so good. I fear you'll come to some bad end." But that was only the beginning of the trouble. In the "Piggie and Wiggie" shop Blacky-ears bumped rudely against a case of glass dishes, jarring two of them to the floor, where they broke to slivers. While his poor mother was helping the clerk clean up the scattered glass, Blacky-ears pried open her purse and sent the change jingling to the floor. Poor Mother Grunty! She was almost ready to give up! At the next crossing Bad Boy Mischief merely tugged at Blacky-ears' sleeve, and Blacky turned slyly down the side street and was hidden in the crowd. Mother Grunty realized with a start that she and Little-wee Pig were alone. "Blacky-ears!" she called piteously. "Oh-h-h, what shall I do!" But if Blacky-ears heard, he pretended not to, and at last poor, sorrowful Mother Grunty took Little-wee Pig by the hand and started for the station. Blacky-ears did not care--not he! He was so foolish that he was glad! "Guess I'm smart enough to go it alone," he told himself. "I hate folks always fussing over me!" But when darkness settled down over the city, he felt uneasy. He began to tire of gazing at shop windows. "Guess I'll get a drink," he thought. But where? On and on he wandered. Although he did not notice it, the stores had been left behind and the houses were growing fewer, and farther and farther apart. Suddenly he stopped and looked about him. "Why, I'm out in the country," he exclaimed. "Now I can find a well of good water. It's rather smart of me to come out where I can find a drink!" But finding a well seemed not so easy, after all. It was dreadfully dark, now that the street lights were far behind. Somehow, the night was full of noises he had never before heard. "Maybe the moon will come up by and by," he told himself. "It wouldn't be so bad if I had a drink and--" A long drawn-out howl made him tremble with fright! He knew that sound, though never before had he heard it. Had not Mother Grunty told him often just what noise the Wandering Wolf made when he came to eat up her two fat brothers! Blacky-ears never looked to left or to right. He did not dare. He simply broke into a run! He had no time to remember how tired and thirsty and hungry he was. He remembered only one thing--that a dreadful wolf had howled! Down went his poor little face kersplash! in the mud. He could not breathe through his poor bruised, muddy nose. But up he jumped and on he ran. Great muddy tears rolled off his face onto the ground, but never once did he dare to think of stopping. Something hurt inside. Every few steps he stumbled. Then he fell and could not move or cry out. He remembered not at all that someone picked him up and dragged him into shelter. He lay very still for a long time. Finally, he slowly opened his eyes, and there stood the one person in the whole world he wanted to see--his mother. Yes, he had run for miles and had fallen exhausted near his own front gate and right at the feet of Mother Grunty, who was watching anxiously for any sign of her lost boy. Never had the little brick house seemed so safe and cozy. "I'll be good, Mother," he promised in a very weak voice. "I'll--I'll never-r-r disobey again!" he sobbed. And poor, patient Mother Grunty believed him and gathered him into her strong mother arms where he went quietly off to sleep. [Illustration] MOTHER PORKY GOES VISITING Monday morning! And such a busy Monday morning in the little brick house! Mother Grunty was washing clothes. The house was a bit neglected, or so Mother Grunty thought, though a stranger entering it would never have guessed it to be so. The kitchen was steaming with hot suds as Mother Grunty hurried to rub the clothes and feed her wringer so that Blacky-ears could turn it before starting for school. And there at the table sat Little-wee, book in hand, reading, "The clock strikes 11. How many hours ago did it strike 2?" At eight-thirty off hurried Blacky-ears and Little-wee. "Good-by now, dearies. Do be careful of the crossings! Little-wee, your shoelace is dragging. There! that's better! You don't want to be called Johnny shoestrings, do you?" And then, though she was so very busy, Mother Grunty stood at the door smiling happily as her two trim little piglets trotted off to school. "Well," she said to herself as she turned back toward the kitchen, "now I simply must go to work if I am ever to finish before night." Then back to her washtub she whisked. She had just caught up her clothes basket and taken steps toward the back door when "Ringle, ringle, ring!" chimed the front doorbell. With a sigh, Mother Grunty put down her basket, tied on a fresh gingham apron, and went to open her door. And when she had thrown it wide, whom should she see but her very dear friend Mother Porky, with three of her very lovely but very lively little pigs! "Well, well, well, this is a real surprise! Come right in," said dear, good Mother Grunty. "I hope it is not too much of a surprise. We know Monday is wash day," smiled Mother Porky. "No, not at all,--not at all, when such good friends as you come in!" And Mother Grunty really meant what she said, though she could not help worrying a bit about her well-nigh empty bread box and her large washing. When hats and coats and rubbers had been put away and the four were comfortably settled around the fireplace, Mother Grunty told them all about her washing and about her untidy house and about her "picked-up" dinner. But she told them in such a nice way, such a nice, kindly, cordial way, that good Mother Porky had not the slightest reason to feel unwelcome. "I don't know when I have had breakfast dishes to wash at this hour," laughed Mother Grunty as she returned to the kitchen, followed by Mother Porky and the three lovely little piglets. "Now, my dears, you run outside and play," Mother Porky urged. "Blacky-ears and Little-wee have a nice swing and so many playthings out there, just you go on out now." "All right," the two oldest agreed, but Little-tot, the baby of the family, wanted to stay with her mother. So Mother Grunty found some pictures and crayons and a pencil, and soon Little-tot was settled at one end of the kitchen table, while Mother Grunty and Mother Porky worked away at the breakfast dishes. And such a good visit as they were having when shrieks and cries made them hurry to the kitchen door and out onto the porch. "Where are they!" exclaimed Mother Porky, but even as she asked, one of her piglets came running toward her. "Mamma! Oh, Mamma! Oh, Mamma! Do you know--?" Her breath gave out completely and she had to stop. "Oh, Mamma!" she began once more. "Tell us what's wrong," urged Mother Grunty rather sharply. "Oh, Mamma! Pinky is hung up! She's hung up in the oak tree!" she finally managed to say. "What do you mean?" the two asked in one breath, as they hurried in the direction of the old oak. But when they came nearer the tree, they both gasped in surprise. The question had answered itself. "What do you mean, Pinky! What _do_ you mean! Haven't I always told you not to climb trees! Now, how ever are you expecting to get down!" scolded Mother Porky. But Mother Grunty could do nothing but laugh and laugh and laugh. "Guess you won't need to scold her. She is taking her punishment right now," she said. And if you could have seen Pinky, you would have laughed with Mother Grunty and you would have agreed with her too. Swinging from an old stub of a dead limb was Pinky Porky. Her pretty new skirt of stout tan kindergarten cloth was holding firm in spite of the fact that the old limb had poked a large hole through it, just above the deep hem. And there she swung, several feet high in the air! "Get me down! Oh, please do get me down," she begged, and the tears dropped right into the grasses below. "I was only trying to jump to the ground, and my skirt caught on this horrid old limb. Get me down!" "Well, I don't see how it's to be done," sighed Mother Porky, who was growing very much worried for fear the skirt would tear enough more to let her piglet crash to the ground. But practical Mother Grunty had hurried back toward the house. In the shed she found a stepladder and a pair of grass shears. These she tugged back to the oak from which still hung Pinky, swinging and swaying and begging and crying. When Pinky saw Mother Grunty coming along with the ladder and shears, she cried harder than ever, for she knew she could not get onto the ladder, and she didn't know what Mother Grunty meant to do with those large sharp-looking shears. "Just suppose you climb this ladder and do your best to reach up and cut off the skirt while I stand below and catch her as she drops," puffed Mother Grunty as she came up to them. "Your new kindergarten dress!" sighed Mother Porky as she climbed the ladder and waited for Mother Grunty to hand her the shears. But it was not very easy to reach so high and to cut that stout cloth with its heavy burden dragging at it. "Clip--snip--snap--snip--clip!" went the shears. "Getting it?" asked Mother Grunty. "Clip--snip--snap--clip!" again went the shears, and down plumped Pinky into her arms with such a force that both of them fell heavily to the ground. "Do you know, I had forgotten all about Little-tot!" spoke up Mother Porky as she climbed down the ladder. "Oh, she's all right. She's still coloring away, I guess," soothed Mother Grunty as the little procession walked gravely up the path to the shed where the ladder and shears were put away. Then into the house filed the same silent four, Pinky in her ragged skirt bringing up the rear. It was very quiet indeed in Mother Grunty's kitchen. "Where is she!" This time Mother Porky's voice was full of anxious tears. "Little-tot, where are you?" she groaned. "Wite here, Mudder," came a happy, chirping voice from behind the pantry door. Then, as the door swung open, Mother Porky sank right down onto the wash bench and covered her face with her hands! "Stand still, Little-tot," begged good, patient Mother Grunty. "Stand still like a good little girl until Aunty can help you." If ever a youngster needed help Little-tot was the one. For you will scarcely believe what I have to tell you. There stood Little-tot, her face and hands and dress and shoes just painted with dripping molasses, while her feet were stuck fast in the pool of molasses that was slowly widening on Mother Grunty's pantry floor. "What were you trying to do?" Mother Grunty asked as she put on her oilcloth apron and armed herself with sponges and washbasin and towels. "Nuffin--only eatin' 'lasses," came the chirping reply. "Me just loves 'lasses. Me picked it up by han'fuls! Yep! right in bofe my han's!" How Mother Grunty did laugh, and it was only the stickiness that kept her from hugging the cunning piglet who liked to "eat 'lasses by han'fuls"! But Mother Porky could not laugh, even when Mother Grunty said not one bit of harm had been done. Indeed, she spoke of going home at once. But, of course, Mother Grunty would not let her do that. "Very soon now we'll have a bite to eat, and Blacky-ears and Little-wee will be coming home to amuse the children. Then you and I can have our good visit," she coaxed. And sure enough! Just as the Porky piglets had been excused from the table, in bounded Blacky-ears and Little-wee, followed by Kinky-tail and Curly-tail. "Mumsie, we fellows want to play pirate, and first may we have some bread and molasses?" called Blacky-ears. "Oh! don't mention molasses in this house," said Mother Porky as she came through the doorway. When the "pirates" spied their new playmates, they shouted for joy, "Oh, goody! Here's somebody to rob! Come on, will you play too?" Now "pirate" sounded rather dangerous, but it proved a real blessing to the two mothers who wanted a quiet chat, for not until they were called in for supper did the piglets come in with even so much as a question. After a supper of corn muffins and strawberry preserves, fresh creamy milk and a fruit cake, the Porky family hurried into their wraps, for they had a rather long ride out to Swineton. "Now don't you ever again think of Little-tot's molasses. And you come whenever you can," were Mother Grunty's parting words. As she returned to her kitchen and saw her half-finished washing and her table full of dishes, she chuckled to herself, "I always thought Bad Boy Mischief was more friendly with my two than with any other piglets in the world. But to-day he rode on the shoulders of two very lovely but very lively little girls." [Illustration] CHRISTMAS IN PIGLAND Snow covered the ground, and big fleecy flakes fluttered against the window panes of the little brick house where lived Mother Grunty and her two little pigs. Blacky-ears, the older of Mother Grunty's children, was filling the wood box, singing at the top of his voice-- "Merry, merry Christmas now is here,-- Merry, merry Christmas, oh what cheer!" Little-wee Pig, the younger one, was helping Mother Grunty beat eggs for frosting and had hummed "Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way" until his mother _did_ wish he would change the tune. So, you can easily guess that the month was December and that the exact time was the day before Christmas. "Wish I'd get a bicycle," puffed Blacky-ears excitedly, as he carefully placed the last large chunk in the wood box. "You have done well these last six months," answered Mother Grunty with a happy smile, "Perhaps Santa Pig will bring it." A knock at the door! The postman handed Mother Grunty a large parcel, very mysterious in its red seals and "not-to-be-opened-until-Christmas" marker. "Put it in the old green trunk in the attic, Blacky-ears," said Mother Grunty with a broad smile. "And then hurry down, for we must get ready to go over to the schoolhouse." Every Christmas eve Miss Pinky Pig, all gaily dressed in frills and ribbons, held a Christmas entertainment at the schoolhouse. For five years she had taught the little piggies the "rule of three," and on each of the five Christmas eves every one of those same piggies had been too happy for words! When Mother Grunty and her two excited piglets entered the schoolhouse, they were received by Miss Pinky Pig, who was very glad to see them. "That's the very grandest Christmas tree I ever saw!" breathed Blacky-ears, as Mother Grunty smoothed a stray lock and straightened his tie. "Oh, Miss Pinky, do you suppose Santa will really, truly come here to see us?" asked Little-wee Pig. "Yes, he has promised to come," answered Miss Pinky Pig. Then when she gave the signal, Little-spotty Pig seated herself at the piano and half shyly waited to be joined by Kinky-tail Pig, who carried his violin with great dignity. As the music sounded, the audience became very quiet. At the close of the duet Miss Pinky Pig arose. "The primary class will sing 'Welcome, Kind Pigs, One and All'," she announced. And how they did sing! The parents and friends smiled to see the real joy that shone in the face of each little singer. Miss Pinky Pig seated them quietly before she said, "Now Brown-bacon Pig will recite 'Christmas in Pigland'." And after songs and drills and recitations, a jingle of bells brought all the little folks to their feet. "O-h-h!" they cried, scarce knowing how to believe their eyes. For there, peeping around the big, sparkling Christmas tree, stood Santa Pig! And you should have seen his pack! It was simply spilling out candy boxes and oranges, blocks for the boys and paper dolls for the girls! "Well, little ones," said Santa Pig, as he shook hands with each one. "Now I must leave you. Be good another year. You have the very best teacher in all Pigland. Merry Christmas! And good-night to one and all!" With that, Santa Pig, his bells jingling a merry farewell, left the room and--I suppose--jumped into his magic sleigh and flew away over the housetops! Then Miss Pinky Pig came to the platform and invited them all to stay for cakes and sweet milk. What a buzzing as all the little pigs wished each other a Merry Christmas! And such jolly laughter pealed forth as they showed each other the gifts Santa had brought! "Come, Little-wee and Blacky," smiled Mother Grunty a half-hour later, as she started for the cloak room. "If we do not get home and to bed, Santa Pig will not have time to fill our stockings." So cheerfully home and happily to bed went Blacky-ears and Little-wee. And before you could wink twice, off to dreamland they slipped--a dreamland full of sparkling evergreen trees and music and gifts. There was only one little fellow disappointed that night. And _his_ name was Bad Boy Mischief! He had not had one minute's chance to sit on anyone's shoulder or to whisper in anyone's ear. Somehow, he never _is_ wanted when everyone is happy and busy doing something to make others glad. [Illustration] THE PIGLETS GO PICNICKING On the first day of July Little-wee Pig slipped quietly up behind Mother Grunty and gave the strings of her starched gingham apron a vigorous tug. "Know what day it is, Mumsie?" he asked as he peeked around to see his mother's face. "Yes--why it's--Wednesday, isn't it?" answered Mother Grunty, who was too busy measuring baking soda for corn cakes to give much thought to questions. "Yes, 'course it's Wednesday. But I don't mean that. I mean it's the first day of July." "Yes, yes, I guess it is. And we haven't yet torn June from the calendar," chuckled Mother Grunty as she went to the pantry to get the sour cream jug. "Well, but Mother! Don't you know that in three days it will be the Fourth of July! And we haven't a single firecracker or anything!" "Oh-h!" It seemed to Little-wee as though his mother was dreadfully slow in replying, "Well, let's see. I suppose we had better have a picnic." "Oh! a picnic! Who said picnic!" interrupted Blacky-ears as he bounded in through the open door. "You do startle me so when you jump at me that way, Blacky-ears," said Mother Grunty a trifle crossly. "Never mind, Mumsie. I'm sorry--honest I am,--but where's the picnic?" "Wait a minute, Blacky. We don't know yet. Mother was just saying we _might_ have one on the Fourth of July," broke in Little-wee. The arrival of the grocery cart cut short all plans, but they must have been discussed later, for at nine o'clock on the morning of the Fourth a well-packed lunch basket stood on Mother Grunty's kitchen table. And upstairs, with many gigglings and much wriggling, the Grunty family put on their picnic togs and prepared for a wonderful day. When, at ten o'clock, the car that was to take them to the lake stopped at their corner, the three were hailed with many welcome shouts. For Mother Grunty and Mother Rooty, who were very good friends, had planned a real picnic party and had promised to care for thirty excited piglets. Do you wonder that they laughingly told each other that they would have no idle minutes that day? The ride in the open car was wonderfully cool and very pretty. At the first sight of the lake such a shout arose that the motorman turned quickly to see what the trouble could be. But when he saw the thirty happy, excited faces his shoulders shook with laughter as he said to himself, "Carried folks over this hill for twenty years now and never heard such a fuss over the sight of a little water!" When the car was empty of the last little pig, and every basket, box and bundle had been carefully placed on a picnic table that stood near by, Mother Rooty took charge of all the hats while Mother Grunty arranged for some amusement. "Now Curly-tail and Spotty may be leaders and choose sides. When you are all equally divided, we can play any games you like." "I'll choose Little-wee," piped up Spotty, and before many minutes fifteen excited little piggies faced fifteen other equally excited little pigs. "Now, Spotty, what does your side choose to play? How many want to play hide and seek?" Only two little heads nodded; so, of course, hide and seek was forgotten. "How about Farmer in the Dell?" This time every head bobbed up and down vigorously, and a merry circle, with Blacky-ears in the center,--for someone had to be the farmer, you know--sang lustily, "Farmer in the dell, Farmer in the dell, Heigh oh, the derry oh, The farmer in the dell." And Curly-tail's chosen ones were not far behind, for even before the farmer could "choose his wife," a cheery, "Here we go round the mulberry bush" vied with the farmer-song. Now Mother Grunty and Mother Rooty were not idle. Baskets had to be emptied of their goodies, fresh water had to be carried from the spring, and lemons had to be squeezed. It seemed to the two mothers that never before had such a feast been spread. "We'll have to carry home half of these good things," exclaimed Mother Rooty, as she stood by, looking down at the table full of dainties. "Call them all and see what they can do," smiled Mother Grunty who, being the mother of two husky piglets, could guess what an amount _thirty_ hungry piggies could eat. And what do you think! Just what do you think that table looked like a half-hour later? If you have been to picnics perhaps you know, but I had better tell you that except for a few crumbs and a very little lemonade in one glass, that table was bare. As Mother Rooty gathered up dishes and silverware she laughed to herself. "I never would have brought half enough if I had had the planning of the lunch," she told Mother Grunty. "We're going in bathing now," called several little pigs, as they came up to the tables once more. "You said we might, you know," urged Little-wee, as he saw his mother's look of disapproval. "Yes, I promised, and you may do so later," explained Mother Grunty. "It is never safe to bathe for at least an hour after eating. You just play about until it is time for your swim." "Oh, listen! listen! listen! There's the band playing! Oh! may we go over where the music is?" All this in such a jumble of voices! "That is not a band. It sounds more like a merry-go-round, I should say," answered Mother Grunty, with a twinkle in her eye. "Oh goody, goody! Oh goody, goody!" sang Little-wee. For Little-wee never could be very much delighted without breaking into his favorite jingle. So, gathering up all the baggage, off they went. And Mother Grunty was right; the very merriest kind of merry-go-round was just ready to start on another "trip." I just know you can guess what happened next. Yes, they all jumped on. And, luckily, that merry-go-round could carry just thirty piglets! After the first ride another was demanded, and then another and still another, though they were warned that there would be no time for the play in the lake. But, do you know, it seemed as though that music just bewitched them! If long, heavy, distant rumbles of thunder had not warned these merrymakers, no telling how long they would have kept whirling. But with the storm sending down large, splashy raindrops the picnickers hurried for the trolley station. The ride home was lots of fun, for the car was closed to keep out the rain. "Let's sing 'Merrily We Roll Along,'" someone suggested. And sing they did! Not even could the thunder be heard! Fathers and big brothers, carrying raincoats and umbrellas enough for all, waited at the station as the trolley rolled into town. "Haven't we had just the loveliest time!" exclaimed Little-wee, as the three Gruntys turned in at the doorway of the little brick house. "Mother," asked Blacky-ears as they waited for the door to be unlocked--"Mother,--was Bad Boy Mischief there at the picnic?" "I didn't see anything of him--not a glimpse all day. And that is a pretty good record when thirty little pigs go off for an all-day picnic!" [Illustration] MISS PINKY PIG VISITS MOTHER GRUNTY For ever and ever so long Mother Grunty had been wondering what should be done about Blacky-ears once he had finished his schooling at the little old stone schoolhouse. So one day in early spring she decided to talk things over with Miss Pinky Pig, who still taught the "rule of three" to all the lively piglets in the district. Mother Grunty wrote a very cordial little note, asking her to come for supper on the following Thursday. Blacky-ears and Little-wee could scarcely wait for Thursday to come. They did love Miss Pinky Pig! Even to be allowed to carry her books or sharpen her pencil made them very happy. But to have her promise to walk home with them and stay to supper was the very nicest thing that could happen! Mother Grunty had fruit cakes tucked away and sugared doughnuts sealed in stone jars and fresh molasses cookies in the cooky box. And when Thursday finally came, and good Mother Grunty had finished her work and gone upstairs to put on her most becoming dress and dainty white apron, whiffs of apple pie and chocolate frosting and other mysterious goodies floated everywhere. "I don't wonder they all love her," Mother Grunty murmured as she peeped out of the front window to see dainty Miss Pinky Pig and Blacky-ears and Little-wee coming up the gravel path toward the little brick house. "She is so pretty and sweet and so very, very good," breathed Mother Grunty thankfully as she opened the door to greet the three. "I have enjoyed this walk so much, Mother Grunty," smiled Miss Pinky Pig as she seated herself before the fireplace where a cheery fire of logs crackled merrily and quite drove away the sharpness of the early spring air. "What a wonderful fireplace! You must enjoy it so much. Have you lived in this house always, Mother Grunty?" "Oh yes, ever since I can remember,--or almost as long. It was to this house I came at the dreadful time when my two brothers were eaten by the Wandering Wolf," Mother Grunty answered with a far-away light in her eyes. "Why, Mother Grunty, I never knew _you_ were the heroine of that oft-repeated tale of years ago. I do wish you would tell me the real story just word for word as it happened." "Well, of course you know my two brothers and I were alone. Finally we decided to go out into the world and each follow his own wishes. "Everyone wonders how it happened that one of the three built a house of straw and one a house of wood, while I had this strong house of bricks. Now very few know the real reason which is this:-- "From the time we were tiny, wee pigs our mother had given each of us an equal amount of money each week. Well, my brothers used to make fun of me because I never spent my share. They called me stingy and were sometimes very unkind. But when the day came for us to seek our fortunes, I had more money than the other two together. "My older brother had only enough left to buy straw for a house, but he meant to work hard and save and buy a better and stronger home as soon as ever he could. My other brother could almost pay for a wooden house, and finding an old friend who would trust him, he settled himself very comfortably, we all thought. But I, with all my saved-up pennies, settled on this land and built this same strong little brick house. "We were scarcely settled when, without any warning, along came the Wandering Wolf and killed my older brother, and ate him up. "Now, most unfortunately, my younger brother was at town, making arrangements for a good housekeeper when this happened, or he would have been warned at least. But, do you know, he had scarcely gone into his house and closed the door when the dreadful huffing and puffing started just outside his house! I heard some noise over that way, but before I could find out what had caused it, the wolf had finished his dreadful work and was coming this way. "My doors and windows were barred because, living here alone in those days one had to be very, very careful, so I just kept as still as I could. "I shook with fear and could scarcely keep from crying out when he started jumping at the door and huffing and puffing! "Of course, he could not get in. So he changed his plans. Why, Miss Pinky Pig, I can see his wicked grin to this day! He tried time and time again to catch me. And once when I was up in an apple tree I nearly fell with fright when I saw him below, glaring up at me. But I escaped, as you see," Mother Grunty smiled. "Didn't you once roll down the hill in a churn?" asked Miss Pinky Pig. "You bet she did," answered Blacky-ears, who never could hear the tale often enough. "Well, finally,--and if you'll excuse me, I'll take you out to the kitchen and prepare a bit of supper while I finish my tale--finally, one day the wicked Wandering Wolf grew beside himself with rage and scrambled up onto this roof. The old roof was of shingles, and it makes me shiver even yet to remember how his heavy feet scratched and clawed on the thin wood! "Well, I was ready for him. I hung this same old iron kettle over my roaring fireplace and--well, do you know, I can never bear to tell anybody what happened next. But until this day I have never seen another wolf," she ended as they seated themselves at the dainty table. "I heard a wolf once," ventured Blacky-ears. "Tell her about the time Blacky-ears was lost, Mumsie," urged Little-wee Pig. And so on and on they talked until Miss Pinky Pig simply had to leave for home. "And here I intended to talk school all the time," said Mother Grunty as she helped Miss Pinky Pig into her coat. "Won't you come back again next Thursday?" And Miss Pinky Pig said she certainly would. INSTRUCTOR LITERATURE SERIES 7 c--Supplementary Readers and Classics for all Grades--7 c _This list is constantly being added to. If a substantial number of books are to be ordered, or if other titles than those shown here are desired, send for latest list._ FIRST GRADE Fables and Myths *6 Fairy Stories of the Moon--_Maguire_ *27 Eleven Fables from Æsop--_Reiter_ *28 More Fables from Æsop--_Reiter_ *29 Indian Myths--_Bush_ *140 Nursery Tales--_Taylor_ *288 Primer from Fableland--_Maguire_ Nature *1 Little Plant People--Part I--_Chase_ *2 Little Plant People--Part II--_Chase_ *30 Story of a Sunbeam--_Miller_ *31 Kitty Mittens and Her Friends--_Chase_ History *32 Patriotic Stories--_Reiter_ Literature *104 Mother Goose Reader--_Faxon_ *228 First Term Primer--_Maguire_ *230 Rhyme and Jingle Reader for Beginners *245 Three Billy Goats Gruff and Other Stories SECOND GRADE Fables and Myths *33 Stories from Andersen--_Taylor_ *34 Stories from Grimm--_Taylor_ *36 Little Red Riding Hood--_Reiter_ *37 Jack and the Beanstalk--_Reiter_ *38 Adventures of a Brownie Nature and Industry *3 Little Workers (Animal Stories)--_Chase_ *39 Little Wood Friends--_Mayne_ *40 Wings and Stings--_Halifax_ *41 Story of Wool--_Mayne_ *42 Bird Stories from the Poets--_Jollie_ History and Biography *43 Story of the Mayflower--_McCabe_ *45 Boyhood of Washington--_Reiter_ *204 Boyhood of Lincoln--_Reiter_ Literature *72 Bow-Wow and Mew-Mew--_Craik_ *152 Child's Garden of Verses--_Stevenson_ *296 Picture Study Stories for Little Children *220 Story of the Christ Child--_Hushower_ *262 Four Little Cotton-Tails--_Smith_ *268 Four Little Cotton Tails in Winter--_Smith_ *269 Four Little Cotton Tails at Play--_Smith_ *270 Four Little Cotton-Tails in Vacation--_Smith_ *290 Fuzz in Japan--A Child-Life Reader *300 Four Little Bushy-Tails--_Smith_ *301 Patriotic Bushy Tails--_Smith_ *302 Tinkle Bell and Other Stories *308 Story of Peter Rabbit--_Potter_ THIRD GRADE Fables and Myths *46 Puss in Boots and Cinderella *47 Greek Myths--_Klingensmith_ *48 Nature Myths--_Metcalf_ *50 Reynard the Fox--_Best_ *102 Thumbelina and Dream Stories--_Reiter_ *146 Sleeping Beauty and Other Stories 174 Sun Myths--_Reiter_ 175 Norse Legends, I--_Reiter_ 176 Norse Legends, II--_Reiter_ *177 Legends of the Rhineland--_McCabe_ *282 Siegfried, The Lorelei, and Other Rhine Legends--_McCabe_ *289 The Snow Man and Other Stories *292 East of the Sun and West of the Moon Nature and Industry *49 Buds, Stems and Fruits--_Mayne_ *51 Story of Flax--_Mayne_ *52 Story of Glass--_Hanson_ *53 Story of a Little Water Drop--_Mayne_ *133 Aunt Martha's Corner Cupboard--Part I. Story of Tea and the Teacup *135 Little People of the Hills--_Chase_ *137 Aunt Martha's Corner Cupboard--Part II. Story of Sugar, Coffee and Salt *138 Aunt Martha's Corner Cupboard--Part III. Story of Rice, Currants and Honey *203 Little Plant People of the Waterways--_Chase_ History and Biography *4 Story of Washington--_Reiter_ *7 Story of Longfellow--_McCabe_ *21 Story of the Pilgrims--_Powers_ *44 Famous Early Americans (Smith, Standish, Penn)--_Bush_ *54 Story of Columbus--_McCabe_ 55 Story of Whittier--_McCabe_ 57 Story of Louisa M. Alcott--_Bush_ *59 Story of the Boston Tea Party--_McCabe_ *60 Children of the Northland--_Bush_ *62 Children of the South Lands--I (Florida, Cuba, Puerto Rico)--_McFee_ *63 Children of the South Lands--II (Africa, Hawaii, The Philippines)--_McFee_ *64 Child Life in the Colonies--I (New Amsterdam)--_Baker_ *65 Child Life in the Colonies--II (Pennsylvania)--_Baker_ *66 Child Life in the Colonies--III (Virginia) *68 Stories of the Revolution--I (Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys)--_McCabe_ *69 Stories of the Revolution--II (Around Philadelphia)--_McCabe_ *70 Stories of the Revolution--III (Marion, the Swamp Fox)--_McCabe_ *132 Story of Franklin--_Faris_ *164 The Little Brown Baby and Other Babies *165 Gemila, the Child of the Desert *166 Louise on the Rhine and in Her New Home (_Nos. 164, 165, 166 are the stories from "Seven Little Sisters" by Jane Andrews_) *167 Famous Artists--I--(Landseer and Bonheur) Literature *35 Little Goody Two Shoes 58 Selections from Alice and Phoebe Cary *67 The Story of Robinson Crusoe--_Bush_ *71 Selections from Hiawatha (Five Grades) *227 Our Animal Friends: How to Treat Them *233 Poems Worth Knowing--Book I--Primary FOURTH GRADE Nature and Industry *75 Story of Coal--_McKane_ *76 Story of Wheat--_Halifax_ *77 Story of Cotton--_Brown_ *134 Conquests of Little Plant People--_Chase_ *136 Peeps into Bird Nooks--I--_McFee_ *181 Stories of the Stars--_McFee_ *205 Eyes and No Eyes and The Three Giants History and Biography *5 Story of Lincoln--_Reiter_ *56 Indian Children Tales--_Bush_ *78 Stories of the Backwoods *79 A Little New England Viking--_Baker_ *81 Story of De Soto--_Hatfield_ *82 Story of Daniel Boone--_Reiter_ *83 Story of Printing--_McCabe_ *84 Story of David Crockett--_Reiter_ *85 Story of Patrick Henry--_Littlefield_ *86 American Inventors--I (Whitney, Fulton) *87 American Inventors--II (Morse, Edison) *88 American Naval Heroes (Jones, Perry, Farragut)--_Bush_ *89 Fremont and Kit Carson--_Judd_ *91 Story of Eugene Field--_McCabe_ *178 Story of Lexington and Bunker Hill--_Baker_ *182 Story of Joan of Arc--_McFee_ *207 Famous Artists--II--Reynolds and Murillo *243 Famous Artists--III--Millet *248 Makers of European History--_White_ Literature *95 Japanese Myths and Legends--_McFee_ *90 Fifteen Selections from Longfellow--(Village Blacksmith, Children's Hour, etc.) *103 Stories from the Old Testament--_McFee_ *111 Water Babies (Abridged)--_Kingsley_ *159 Little Lame Prince (Cond.)--_Mulock_ *171 Tolmi of the Treetops--_Grimes_ *172 Labu the Little Lake Dweller--_Grimes_ *173 Tara of the Tents--_Grimes_ *195 Night before Christmas and Other Christmas Poems and Stories (Any Grade) *201 Alice's First Adventures in Wonderland *202 Alice's Further Adventures in Wonderland *256 Bolo the Cave Boy--_Grimes_ *257 Kwasa the Cliff Dweller--_Grimes_ *291 Voyage to Lilliput (Condensed)--_Swift_ *293 Hansel and Grettel, and Pretty Goldilocks 304 Story Lessons in Everyday Manners--_Bailey_ *312 Legends from Many Lands--_Bailey_ 314 The Enchanted Bugle and Other Stories--_Bailey_ FIFTH GRADE Nature and Industry *92 Animal Life in the Sea--_Reiter_ *93 Story of Silk--_Brown_ *94 Story of Sugar--_Reiter_ *96 What We Drink (Tea, Coffee and Cocoa) *139 Peeps Into Bird Nooks--II 210 Snowdrops and Crocuses 233 The Sky Family--_Denton_ *280 Making of the World--_Herndon_ *281 Builders of the World--_Herndon_ *283 Stories of Time--_Bush_ *290 Story of King Corn--_Cooley_ History and Biography *16 Explorations of the Northwest *80 Story of the Cabots--_McBride_ *97 Stories of the Norsemen--_Hanson_ *98 Story of Nathan Hale--_McCabe_ *99 Story of Jefferson--_McCabe_ 100 Story of Bryant--_McFee_ *101 Story of Robert E. Lee--_McKane_ 105 Story of Canada--_McCabe_ *106 Story of Mexico--_McCabe_ *107 Story of Robert Louis Stevenson--_Bush_ 110 Story of Hawthorne--_McFee_ 112 Biographical Stories--_Hawthorne_ *141 Story of Grant--_McKane_ *144 Story of Steam--_McCabe_ *145 Story of McKinley--_McBride_ 157 Story of Dickens--_Smith_ *179 Story of the Flag--_Baker_ *185 Story of the First Crusade--_Mead_ 190 Story of Father Hennepin--_McBride_ 191 Story of La Salle--_McBride_ *217 Story of Florence Nightingale--_McFee_ *218 Story of Peter Cooper--_McFee_ *219 Little Stories of Discovery--_Halsey_ 232 Story of Shakespeare--_Grames_ *265 Four Little Discoverers in Panama--_Push_ 274 Stories from Grandfather's Chair--_Hawthorne_ *275 When Plymouth Colony Was Young--_Bush_ *287 Life in Colonial Days--_Tillinghast_ Literature *8 King of the Golden River--_Ruskin_ *9 The Golden Touch--_Hawthorne_ *61 Story of Sindbad the Sailor *108 History in Verse (Sheridan's Ride, Independence Bell, the Blue and the Gray, etc.) *113 Little Daffydowndilly and Other stories *180 Story of Aladdin and of Ali Baba--_Lewis_ *183 A Dog of Flanders--_De La Ramee_ *184 The Nurnberg Stove--_De La Ramee_ *186 Heroes from King Arthur--_Grames_ 194 Whittier's Poems--Selected *199 Jackanapes--_Ewing_ *200 The Child of Urbino--_De La Ramee_ *208 Heroes Of Asgard--Selections--_Keary_ *212 Stories of Robin Hood--_Bush_ *284 Poems Worth Knowing--Book II--Intermediate--_Faxon_ *244 What Happened at the Zoo, and Other Stories--_Bailey_ *250 At the Back of the North Wind, Selection from--_Macdonald_ 255 Chinese Fables and Stories--_Feltges_ *309 Moni the Goat Boy--_Spyri_ *313 In Nature's Fairyland--_Bailey_ SIXTH GRADE Nature and Industry *109 Gifts of the Forests (Rubber, Cinchona, Resins, etc.)--_McFee_ 249 Flowers and Birds of Illinois--_Patterson_ *298 Story of Leather--_Peirce_ *299 Story of Iron--_Ogden_ Agricultural *271 Animal Husbandry, I--Horses and Cattle *272 Animal Husbandry, II--Sheep and Swine Geography *114 Great European Cities--I (London-Paris) *115 Great European Cities--II (Rome-Berlin) *168 Great European Cities--III (St. Petersburg-Constantinople)--_Bush_ *246 What I Saw in Japan--_Griffis_ *247 The Chinese and Their Country--_Paulson_ *285 Story of Panama and the Canal--_Nida_ History and Biography *73 Four Great Musicians--_Bush_ *74 Four More Great Musicians--_Bush_ *116 Old English Heroes--_Bush_ *117 Later English Heroes (Cromwell, Wellington, Gladstone)--_Bush_ *160 Heroes of the Revolution--_Tristram_ *163 Stories of Courage--_Bush_ 187 Lives of Webster and Clay--_Tristram_ *188 Story of Napoleon--_Bush_ *189 Stories of Heroism--_Bush_ *197 Story of Lafayette--_Bush_ 198 Story of Roger Williams--_Leighton_ *209 Lewis and Clark Expedition--_Herndon_ *224 Story of William Tell--_Hallock_ 253 Story of the Aeroplane--_Galbreath_ *266 Story of Belgium--_Griffis_ 267 Story of Wheels--_Bush_ *286 Story of Slavery--_Booker T. Washington_ *310 Story of Frances E. Willard--_Babcock_ Stories of the States 508 Story of Florida--_Bauskett_ 509 Story of Georgia--_Derry_ 511 Story of Illinois--_Smith_ 512 Story of Indiana--_Clem_ 513 Story of Iowa--_McFee_ 515 Story of Kentucky--_Eubank_ 520 Story of Michigan--_Skinner_ 521 Story of Minnesota--_Skinner_ 523 Story of Missouri--_Pierce_ *525 Story of Nebraska--_Mears_ *528 Story of New Jersey--_Hutchinson_ 533 Story of Ohio--_Galbreath_ *536 Story of Pennsylvania--_March_ *540 Story of Tennessee--_Overall_ 542 Story of Utah--_Young_ 546 Story of West Virginia--_Shawkey_ 547 Story of Wisconsin--_Skinner_ Literature *10 The Snow Image--_Hawthorne_ *11 Rip Van Winkle--_Irving_ *12 Legend of Sleepy Hollow--_Irving_ *22 Rab and His Friends--_Brown_ *24 Three Golden Apples--_Hawthorne_[+] *25 The Miraculous Pitcher--_Hawthorne_[+] *26 The Minotaur--_Hawthorne_ *118 A Tale of the White Hills and Other Stories--_Hawthorne_ *119 Bryant's Thanatopsis, and Other Poems *120 Ten Selections from Longfellow--(Paul Revere's Ride, The Skeleton in Armor, etc.) *121 Selections from Holmes (The Wonderful One Hoss Shay, Old Ironsides, and Others) *122 The Pied Piper of Hamelin--_Browning_ 161 The Great Carbuncle, Mr. Higginbotham's Catastrophe, Snowflakes--_Hawthorne_ 162 The Pygmies--_Hawthorne_ *211 The Golden Fleece--_Hawthorne_ *222 Kingsley's Greek Heroes--Part I. The Story of Perseus *223 Kingsley's Greek Heroes--Part II. The Story of Theseus *225 Tennyson's Poems--Selected (Any grade) 226 A Child's Dream of a Star, and other Stories 229 Responsive Bible Readings--_Zeller_ *258 The Pilgrim's Progress (Cond.)--_Simons_ *264 The Story of Don Quixote--_Bush_ 277 Thrift Stories--_Benj. Franklin and Others_ *284 Story of Little Nell (Dickens)--_Smith_ 294 The Dragon's Teeth--_Hawthorne_ *295 The Gentle Boy--_Hawthorne_ SEVENTH GRADE *13 Courtship of Miles Standish--_Longfellow_ *14 Evangeline--_Longfellow_[+] *15 Snowbound--_Whittier_[+] *20 The Great Stone Face--_Hawthorne_ 123 Selections from Wordsworth (Ode on Immortality, We are Seven, To the Cuckoo, and other poems) 124 Selections from Shelley and Keats 125 Selections from The Merchant of Venice *147 Story of King Arthur, as told by Tennyson *149 Man Without a Country, The--_Hale_[+] *192 Story of Jean Valjean--_Grames_ *193 Selections from the Sketch Book--_Irving_ 196 The Gray Champion--_Hawthorne_ 213 Poems of Thomas Moore--(Selected) 214 More Selections from the Sketch Book *216 Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare--Selected *231 The Oregon Trail (Condensed)--_Parkman_ *235 Poems Worth Knowing--Book III--Grammar--_Faxon_ *238 Lamb's Adventures of Ulysses--Part I *239 Lamb's Adventures of Ulysses--Part II *241 Story of the Iliad--_Church_ (Cond.) *242 Story of the Æneid--_Church_ (Cond.) *251 Story of Language and Literature--_Heilig_ *252 The Battle of Waterloo--_Hugo_ 254 Story of "The Talisman" (Scott)--_Weekes_ *259 The Last of the Mohicans (Abridged) *260 Oliver Twist (abridged)--_Dickens_ *261 Selected Tales of a Wayside Inn--_Longfellow_ *296 Uncle Tom's Cabin (Condensed) *297 Story of David Copperfield (Condensed) *307 The Chariot Race--_Wallace_ *311 Story of Jerusalem--_Heilig_ *315 The Story of Armenia--_Heilig_ Nature *278 Mars and Its Mysteries--_Wilson_ *279 True Story of the Man in the Moon--_Wilson_ EIGHTH GRADE *17 Enoch Arden--_Tennyson_[+] *18 Vision of Sir Launfal--_Lowell_[+] *19 Cotter's Saturday Night--_Burns_[+] *23 The Deserted Village--_Goldsmith_ *126 Rime of the Ancient Mariner[+] *127 Gray's Elegy and Other Poems *128 Speeches of Lincoln *129 Julius Cæsar--Selections--_Shakespeare_ 130 Henry the VIII--Selections--_Shakespeare_ 131 Macbeth--Selections--_Shakespeare_ *142 Scott's Lady of the Lake--Canto I[+] *154 Scott's Lady of the Lake--Canto II[+] 143 Building of the Ship and other Poems--_Longfellow_ 148 Horatius, Ivry, The Armada--_Macaulay_ *150 Bunker Hill Address--Selections from Adams and Jefferson Oration--_Webster_[+] *151 Gold Bug, The--_Poe_ 153 Prisoner of Chillon and other poems--_Byron_[+] 155 Rhoecus and Other Poems--_Lowell_[+] 156 Edgar Allan Poe--Biography and selected poems--_Link_ *158 Washington's Farewell Address 169 Abram Joseph Ryan--Biography and selected poems--_Smith_ 170 Paul H. Hayne--Biography and selected poems--_Link_ 215 Life of Samuel Johnson--_Macaulay_[+] *221 Sir Roger de Coverley Papers--_Addison_[+] *236 Poems Worth Knowing--Book IV--Advanced--_Faxon_ 237 Lay of the Last Minstrel--_Scott_. Introduction and Canto I[+] 276 Landing of the Pilgrims (Orations)--_Webster_ *305 Wee Willie Winkie--_Kipling_ *306 Howe's Masquerade--_Hawthorne_ [+] _These have biographical sketch of author, with introduction or explanatory notes._ Price 7 Cents Each. Postage, 1 cent per copy extra on orders of less than twelve. The titles indicated by (*) are supplied also in =Limp Cloth Binding= at =12 cents per copy=. EXCELSIOR LITERATURE SERIES 1 =Evangeline.= Biography, introduction, oral and written exercises and notes =18c= 3 =Courtship of Miles Standish.= Longfellow. With introduction and notes =18c= 5 =Vision of Sir Launfal.= Lowell. Biography, introduction, notes, outlines =12c= 7 =Enoch Arden.= Tennyson. Biography, introduction, notes, outlines, questions =12c= 9 =Great Stone Face.= Hawthorne. Biography, introduction, notes, outlines =12c= 11 =Browning's Poems.= Selected poems with notes and outlines for study =12c= 13 =Wordsworth's Poems.= Selected poems with introduction, notes and outlines =12c= 15 =Sohrab and Rustum.= Arnold. With introduction, notes and outlines =12c= 17 =Longfellow for Boys and Girls.= Study of Longfellow's poetry for children =12c= 19 =A Christmas Carol.= Charles Dickens. Complete with notes =18c= 21 =Cricket on the Hearth.= Chas. Dickens. Complete with notes =18c= 23 =Familiar Legends.= McFee =18c= 25 =Some Water Birds.= McFee. Description, and stories of, Fourth to Sixth grades =12c= 27 =Hiawatha.= Introduction and notes =30c= 29 =Milton's Minor Poems.= Biography, introduction, notes, questions, critical comments and pronouncing vocabulary =18c= 31 =Idylls of the King.= (Coming of Arthur, Gareth and Lynette, Lancelot and Elaine, Passing of Arthur.) Biography, introduction, notes, questions, comments, pronouncing vocab. =24c= 33 =Silas Marner.= Eliot. Biography, notes, questions, critical comments. 238 pages =30c= 35 =Lady of the Lake.= Scott. Biography, introduction, pronouncing vocabulary =30c= 37 =Literature of the Bible.= Heilig =18c= 39 =The Sketch Book.= (Selected) Irving. Biography, introduction and notes =30c= 41 =Julius Cæsar.= Edited by Thomas C. Blaisdell, Ph.D., LL.D. Notes and questions =24c= 43 =Macbeth.= Edited by Thomas C. Blaisdell. Notes and questions =24c= 45 =Merchant of Venice.= Edited by Thomas C. Blaisdell. Notes and questions =24c= 47 =As You Like It.= Edited by Thomas C. Blaisdell. Introduction, notes, questions =24c= 49 =Hamlet.= Edited by Thomas C. Blaisdell, Notes and Questions =24c= 59 =Poe's Tales.= (Selected) Biography, introduction and notes =24c= 61 =Message to Garcia and Other Inspirational Stories.= Introduction and notes =12c= 63 =Lincoln-Douglas Debates.= Edited by Edwin Erie Sparks. Pres. Pa. State College =24c= 65 =The Man Without a Country.= With Introduction and notes by Horace G. Brown =12c= 67 =Democracy and the War.= Seventeen Addresses of President Wilson, with others =24c= September--1920 Transcriber's Notes: Added table of contents. Italics are represented with _underscores_, bold with =equal signs=. Inconsistent hyphenation in advertised titles has been retained. Some inconsistencies (such as missing punctuation) in formatting of series lists have been normalized. Moved first page of "Instructor Literature Series" list from inside cover to end of book in order to join up listing; moved "September--1920" date from end of first page of listing to very end of listing for more consistent presentation. Page 5, added missing quote after "be good, my dears?" Page 6, added missing quote after "Let's play 'I Spy.'" Page 8, changed "long- drawn-out" to "long drawn-out." Added missing quotes after "find a drink!" and before "It wouldn't be so bad." Page 11, added missing quote after "good friends as you come in!" Page 21, added missing quote after "good-night to one and all!" Page 27, corrected mismatched double quote to matched single quotes around "Merrily We Roll Along." Page 30, changed "scarecly" to "scarcely" ("scarcely settled"). Page 31, added missing open quote before "My doors and windows were barred." Advertising, changed "Familar Legends" to "Familiar Legends." End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of More Stories of the Three Pigs, by Sarah Grames Clark *** END OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK MORE STORIES OF THE THREE PIGS *** ***** This file should be named 49141-8.txt or ***** This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: Produced by Demian Katz and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (Images courtesy of the Digital Library@Villanova University ( Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions will be renamed. 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