The Project Gutenberg EBook of An Historical Review of the Royal Marine
Corps, from its Original Institution dow, by Alexander Gillespie

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Title: An Historical Review of the Royal Marine Corps, from its Original Institution down to the Present Era, 1803

Author: Alexander Gillespie

Release Date: July 19, 2015 [EBook #49490]

Language: English

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Historical Review
















St. Jean d'Acre in Syria.
Memorable for its Gallant Defence by a Body of Seamen, and Marines under Sr. Sidney Smith, & Colonel, now Sr. John Douglas Knt. &c. &c. against Buonoparte, & the Flower of the French Egyptian Army.

[Pg v]

Most Gracious Prince,

With mixed sentiments of Loyalty and Gratitude, I now lay the following Work under your Royal Shelter.

In having deigned to become its Patron your Royal Highness has placed me under a double tie, as it is a precious mark of condescension bestowed upon myself, enhanced in value from its being a sure earnest of predilection for my Corps.


To cherish Patriotism, Subordination and Allegiance, is the bounden duty of every subject; but more peculiarly so, during times of public danger, and of general convulsion. This has been my leading aim, not by the displays of Theory, but of Facts.

Conscious that such were my predominant motives, and anxious to maintain consistency throughout, I looked around for a Protector who united within himself all those exalted endowments which I have laboured to establish. My eyes turned towards your Royal Highness, and my pen did not solicit in vain.

With talents filled for an honorable discharge of the most important trusts; early trained in the hardy employs of a profession which has long been the prop of the British Empire; and a Prince of the greatest Realm on earth, your Royal Highness has nobly foregone all those pre-eminent claims, and with a manly humility, you have associated yourself, in arms, with the Volunteers of your Country.

Although the field of glory may not be so wide as on that element for which your Royal Highness was destined from your youth, and where you are so well qualified to shine, still you have[vii] exhibited the brightest example to Englishmen, and by it alone, you have already rendered the most signal services.

The deed, august Prince, will be reviewed by Posterity with all the generous feelings of Britons; and it must convince the collected hosts of a rapacious enemy, now arrayed for the avowed purpose of overturning our Religion, our Liberties, and our Laws, of the many serious dangers which they must encounter, ere they can subdue those Isles, where but one spirit pervades, and animates every rank, from the Palace to the Cottage.

Were I allowed to penetrate into futurity, and were your energies to be ever called forth, I should then behold your Royal Highness emulating the recognized valour of your illustrious Ancestors, by deeds of heroic gallantry against the foes of your revered Father, and of his Throne; but I will forbear to dwell upon the issues of an after day.

Whether it shall be your lot to wave your banner or your flag in combat against the enemies of our land, may victory and success ever follow in your train, and may your Royal Highness enjoy the honorary recompence of a Brave Nation, annexed to its habitual respect for your public virtue, and your private worth!


Such, Most Gracious Prince, are the cordial wishes of one, who has the distinguished privilege of attesting that fidelity and devotion, with which he remains,

Your Royal Highness's,

Very attached,

And most obedient humble Servant,


Birmingham, 15th Nov. 1803.



There is no Fame so liable to decay as that which has been acquired by the subordinate Soldier. The admiration and applause too, which follow military deeds, however brilliant, are but fickle passions, as they successively transfer their affections to every new conqueror, and all are too often buried in the same grave, after the trumpet of war has ceased to sound.

To drag from the land of forgetfulness, actions, long lain in oblivion; to place the revolutions and the achievements of a corps, endeared to its Country by a train of loyalty and valour, in one connected and analysed point of view, were the leading motives which urged the Author to essay a history of its origin and progress. Whilst he laments that the undertaking has not been allotted to superior talents, at the same time he will venture to affirm that it could not have been prosecuted with a stronger zeal.

Never was military prowess more loudly called for, than at the present crisis.—Ardour should be raised in every rank. It is a plant, which, by fostering attention flourishes and grows; but if neglected, soon droops and dies. Courage is the natural birth-right of an Englishman, and it needs only a directing hand, under Providence, to give it an invincible aim.

It is policy then, as well as justice, to stamp upon record the feats of the meanest, anxiously to search for worthy examples in every walk, and to proclaim them to their brethren, and to the world, as merited tributes, and powerful incentives to achievement.

The Author regrets that his range has been so limited, and that, in many instances, the adduced anecdotes have not been more specific; but the foundation stone is laid, upon which a structure may yet be reared. He[x] trusts, therefore, that the following request may not be unavailing, which is,—That his brother Officers will have the goodness to preserve, in written memorial, the names of those gallant fellows who may hereafter distinguish themselves, as well as a minute description of the circumstances.

As error is a bye path to knowledge, he anticipates from the members of his own household, corrections of the many defects which have unavoidably crept into a work of such miscellaneous detail.

A Soldier from his infancy, he begs that the public, and those who controul its opinions, may be tender with the lash! It would be a pity to bring a veteran, for his first offence, to the halberts, and that too for grammatical inaccuracies.—He has taken up the pen merely to be useful, not in the pursuit of literary fame.

The arrangement of his subject will appear classed under distinct chapters, which engross the events of each separate year, excepting such as comprehend the intervals of peace; a season that yields little interesting matter, and what is uniformly comprized in one division.

An Appendix is added, which contains the essence of every Act of Parliament now in force, so far as they affect the interests of the families, the widows, or representatives of the forlorn orphans of Seamen and Marines. A reference to it, will enable the Clergyman or private Gentleman, to become the immediate and solid friend of these meritorious and destitute objects, as the regular mode of transaction and correspondence is clearly pointed out, by which, to realize their little properties.

The Author takes this public method of tendering his warmest thanks to the many respectable characters in this loyal spot, who have befriended his labours, and to that wide circle of Royalty, Nobility, and Gentry, who, although strangers to him, have yet deigned to countenance the humble individual, from affection to his Corps.

Birmingham, 15th Nov. 1803.




Introductory remarks—The original design of Marine Soldiers—Established in the year 1684—A detail of the first established Corps—Disbanded at the peace of Ryswick—Interesting events to the military—A digression respecting half-pay.—Page 1 to 8.

CHAP. II.—The revival of Marine Corps in the reign of Queen Anne—Expences incurred by them—Marines no longer considered as a nursery for the Navy—Rules for their future government and conduct—Under the controul of the Lord High Admiral—Independent Companies also raised and embodied.—P. 9 to 15.

CHAP. III.—The high estimation in which the Marines were held as Soldiers—Their various enterprizes in favour of King Charles III. in his views upon the Spanish monarchy.—P. 16 to 25.

CHAP. IV.—The reduction of Port Royal, now named Annapolis Royal, in honour of Queen Anne.—P. 26 to 27.

CHAP. V.—Reflections on the views of King Charles of Spain respecting the Spanish monarchy—The heroic perseverance exhibited by the Marines when besieged in the town of Alicant—Expedition against Cette, in the province of Languedoc—Taken, but afterwards recovered.—P. 28 to 30.

CHAP. VI.—An unsuccessful attempt on the town of Quebec.—P. 31.

CHAP. VII.—Death of the Emperor of Germany—King Charles called to fill the Austrian throne—Peace restored by the treaty of Utrecht—Moderate expences of this long war.—P. 32 to 33.

CHAP. VIII.—A retrospect of arrangements as to the allowances to Officers of the Army and the Marines—Reforms in the constitution of Marine regiments—George I. commenced his reign with a signal mark of royal favour to the Marine Corps—Marines disbanded. Again embodied. Considerably augmented—Admiral Vernon's encomium on the subject of Marine Soldiers—War with Spain detailed, by the taking of Porto Bello, the bombardment of Carthagena, and an attack on Chagre—A disastrous expedition against Carthagena—Heavy losses.—P. 34 to 57.

CHAP. IX.—Marine regiments augmented—Indulgencies granted them—Established regulations for them—Hardships experienced by the Officers in drawing their arrears of pay.—P. 58 to 60.


CHAP. X.—Renewal of operations against the Spaniards—The evacuation of Cuba.—P. 61 to 64.

CHAP. XI.—Unsuccessful expedition—Rattan possessed by the British—Mutiny there suppressed by the energies of the Marine Soldier—Heavy casualties of the troops in the West Indies.—P. 65 to 68.

CHAP. XII.—A spirited attack on the town of La Guira—An unsuccessful attempt on the coast of Terra Firma.—P. 69 to 71.

CHAP. XIII.—France declares war against England—Property of naval prizes granted to the captors—The Marine force considerably augmented.—P. 72 to 75.

CHAP. XIV.—The attack and fall of Cape Breton—A digression to a train of important domestic events—Effective strength of the Marine regiments in 1745.—P. 76 to 84.

CHAP. XV.—An investigation into the grievances of the land forces and Marines—Expedients suggested to redress the grievances complained of—Statement of them—Definition of terms—Meditated expeditions against the French coast—Marines incorporated with the line—Taking precedence from the 44th regiment—A short detail of each—A curious occurrence of a recruiting party in London, authenticated by Major Donkin.—P. 85 to 102.

CHAP. XVI.—Two important naval victories, gained by Admirals Warren and Hawke—Marines placed under the controul of the Board of Admiralty.—P. 103 to 105.

CHAP. XVII.—The conquest of Pondicherry meditated—Anecdote of Hannah Snell, a female Marine Soldier—The expedition to Pondicherry abandoned—The attack against St. Jago frustrated and diverted against Port Lewis—A serious mutiny on board the Chesterfield—A striking anecdote in consequence of it—Peace proclaimed.—P. 106 to 115.

CHAP. XVIII.—Grants of land, and the cultivation of Nova Scotia—50 companies of Marines levied—Detail of appointments to them, and an act passed for their regulation on shore when they were formed into three divisions—Preparations for war.—P. 116 to 120.

CHAP. XIX.—Marine Corps further augmented—War declared against France—A Marine detachment shares in the gallant defence of Minorca—A new ministry formed.—P. 121 to 123.

CHAP. XX.—20 companies added to complete the corps of Marines—A coalition of parties.—P. 124.

CHAP. XXI.—Further augmentation of the Marine Corps—The Militia established—A memorable action at sea—The works on the Isle of Aix destroyed by a party of Marines—The capitulation of Fort Lewis, Cape Breton, and St. John's—The surrender of Goree, in all of which the Marine corps bore a part—A bill framed to enable Seamen to assist their suffering families.—P. 125 to 130.


CHAP. XXII.—A gallant action recorded, in which Captain Troy and his detachment were distinguished—Various expeditions in the West Indies—A ludicrous anecdote of some Seamen near Quebec—A naval victory in the Mediterranean—Havre de Grace bombarded—The spirited zeal of Captain Harvey on repeated occasions—Defeat of Conflans by Admiral Hawke—New establishment in the Marine Corps—Remarks upon it.—P. 131 to 144.

CHAP. XXIII.—The Marine forces augmented—Important services effected at home and in the East—The death of George II.—His present Majesty proclaimed King—Magnanimous instances of liberality shewn to distressed French prisoners in England.—P. 145 to 151.

CHAP. XXIV.—An expedition against Belleisle—Disasters at its outset—The town and citadel of Palais reduced—Examples of Marine gallantry—The island of Dominica reduced—Gallant single actions at sea recorded—The union between the King and Queen—Mr. Pitt's resignation—Field Officers upon the Marine list at the close of 1761.—P. 152 to 163.

CHAP. XXV.—War declared against Spain—The reduction of Martinico, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, and Grenada—A plan of operations meditated against the Spanish colonies—Havannah surrenders—An attempt against Newfoundland frustrated—An expedition against the Spanish Philippine Islands—Distinguished operations there—Rich captures at sea—Wretched state of the enemy—Preliminaries of peace ratified.—P. 164 to 179.

CHAP. XXVI.—A heavy reduction in the Marine forces—A proposal for increasing the number of Marine Field Officers—Partial grants of land to his Majesty's servants in the Province of Canada.—P. 180 to 182.

CHAP. XXVII.—The hostile disposition of the American Provinces towards their mother Country appears early—Considerate reforms in the Corps adopted by Earl Sandwich.—P. 183 to 184.

CHAP. XXVIII.—The American war commences in New England—Affair at Lexington—Judicious measures of Lord Percy in effecting a masterly retreat to Boston—A Marine battalion reaches America—Formed into two battalions—Detail of the Officers—Battle of Bunker's Hill—Farther particulars in Canada and Virginia.—P. 185 to 208.

CHAP. XXIX.—Sufferings of the troops in Boston—That town evacuated, after which the Army proceeds for Halifax—Various transactions in North America.—P. 209 to 214.

CHAP. XXX.—The Grenadier Marine Companies accompany Sir William Howe—Detail of military operations throughout the American continent.—P. 215 to 220.


CHAP. XXXI.—Treaty between France and America—Rapid and gallant successes of Colonel Maitland—Hostilities with France—Single encounters at sea—Warlike events in America and the West Indies.—P. 221 to 225.

CHAP. XXXII.—A retrospective view of the uniform good conduct and discipline of the Marine battalion at Halifax—Honours rendered to all in consequence.—P. 226 to 238.

CHAP. XXXIII.—Pondicherry taken—D'Estaing's success in the West Indies—Drawn battle at sea—His attempt upon Savannah—Is repulsed with loss—Marine gallantry there—Colonel Maitland dies—Spanish war—Omoa taken—Anecdote there—Subordinate details at sea.—P. 239 to 247.

CHAP. XXXIV.—Admiral Rodney's successes—Political digressions—Operations in America—Admiral Rodney's battles in the West Indies—Undaunted conduct of Commodore Cornwallis—Single actions between ships.—P. 248 to 255.

CHAP. XXXV.—War with Holland—Dutch losses in the West Indies—Unequal contest off Martinique—French successes in that quarter—Reduction of West Florida by the Spaniards—Naval engagements—Transactions in India, in which the Marines were peculiarly active—Disasters in America—Single actions during 1801—Admiral Kempenfelt's bold attack on a French convoy.—P. 256 to 271.

CHAP. XXXVI.—Admiral Hood's brave conduct at St. Kitt's—Victory of the 12th of April—Anecdote of Lieutenant Mounier—Engagement in the East Indies—Signal repulse of the combined forces from Gibraltar—Subordinate actions at sea—Peace negociated.—P. 272 to 276.

CHAP. XXXVII.—A general peace—Instances of mutiny—Conduct of the Marines—A heavy reduction in that establishment—Striking anecdote respecting the Duke of Clarence—Detachments to New South Wales.—P. 277 to 280.

CHAP. XXXVIII.—War with France—Inadequate augmentation—Remarks upon it—Noble patriotism of the town of Manchester—Successful operations—The surrender of Toulon to Lord Hood—A detail of events there—Military anecdotes of Lieutenants Nailor and Burdwood of Marines—Zeal of Sir Sidney Smith—Evacuation of Toulon—Judicious conduct of Capt. Robinson, of Marines, while commanding the garrison of Cape Nicola Mole at St. Domingo—Single actions at sea.—P. 281 to 294.

CHAP. XXXIX.—Additional Companies raised—St. Fiorenzo and Bastia surrender to Lord Hood—Rapid conquests in the West Indies by the Fleet and Army under Sir John Jervis and Sir Charles Grey—Lord Howe's memorable victory—Action at sea—Lieutenant Craigie killed.—P. 295 to 300.

CHAP. XL.—A treaty between France and Holland—Reduction of the Cape of Good Hope, and of the Dutch territories in Hindostan—Defeat of the French fleet by Admiral Hotham—Single actions—Lieutenant Crebbin distinguished—Admiral Cornwallis's masterly retreat from a very superior force—Lord Bridport takes three [xv] sail of the line—Lieutenant Jephcote slain—Bravery of Lieutenant Richardson and Serjeant Dice on board La Blanche.—P. 301 to 307.

CHAP. XLI.—St. Lucia conquered—Various military incidents in which Lieutenant Carter was mortally wounded, and Captain Strangeways, after feats of valour, died from a severe wound—Lieutenants Williams and Hart also noticed for spirit—The French foiled in their aim to invade Ireland.—P. 308 to 312.

CHAP. XLII.—Hostilities against Spain—Trinidad and ships of war surrender or are burnt—Brilliant victory of Sir John Jarvis over a superior Spanish fleet—Digression upon the subject of achievement—Lieutenant Bulkeley's good conduct—Unsuccessful attack on Teneriffe—Lieutenants Robinson and Basham slain—A mutiny on board the Hermione—Reflections—Mutiny in our fleets—Remarks on it—Lieutenants Wilson, O'Connor, Carruthers, Campbell, and Stewart, Serjeant Sweet, and Private Cubit, signalized by courage and fidelity—Admiral Duncan's victory—Royal procession to St. Paul's.—P. 313 to 324.

CHAP. XLIII.—Political reflections—French expedition to Egypt—The fall of Malta, Alexandria, and Cairo—Glorious battle of the Nile—Captain Faddy killed—The gallantry of Lieutenant Perry stated, and Serjeant Dair's valour and death on board the Leander—James Harding's intrepidity—Operations in the Mediterranean—Marine courage displayed on board the Mars, and in the defence of St. Marcou—Lieutenants Maughan, Ensor, Symes, Macdonald, Hole, Gerrard, Bell, Derring, and Sinclair distinguished through the year 1798.—P. 325 to 334.

CHAP. XLIV.—The noble defence of St. Jean d'Acre, by the Seamen and Marines under Sir Sidney Smith and Colonel Douglas—Lieutenant Burton noticed—Bold sortie—Major Oldfield's fall—Eulogiums to his memory—Lieutenant Beattie wounded—Repulse of Buonaparte—Farther services of Sir Sidney and Colonel Douglas—Short and brilliant campaign in the Neapolitan territory—Momentous results and prompt conduct of Captain Trowbridge, as well as discipline evinced by the Marines under Colonel Strickland—Lieutenants Vivion, Davison, Private Needham, Lieutenants M'Gee, Wybourn, Howell, Higginson, and Gardner, honorably mentioned amongst the mixed transactions of 1799.—P. 335 to 355.

CHAP. XLV.—Malta surrenders—Marine Officers there—Captures—Lieutenants Campbell, Jewell, Captain M'Leverty, Mr. Macdonald, Lieutenants Owen, Gerrard, Thompson, Ballingham, Hutton, M'Cullen, Alexander, Montgomerie, Mitchell, and Jordan appear most respectably on the records of 1800.—P. 356 to 362.

CHAP. XLVI.—Northern confederacy—Unexampled increase to the Marine Corps—Victory at Copenhagen—Subsequent details upon it—Lieutenants Tate, Sinclair, Rose, Gerrard, distinguished—Bombardment of Boulogne—Mutiny in Bantry Bay—Honorable testimonies of Marine loyalty—Egyptian campaign—Encomiums bestowed upon the Corps, for their gallantry and discipline—Bright achievements [xvi] of Sir James Saumarez—Individual Officers named during the military operations of 1801—Lieutenant Smith's decisive conduct, and a heroic instance of zeal in a Private Marine in quelling a mutiny on board the Castor—Testimonials in consequence—Lieutenant Vyvion's fall.—P. 363 to 390.

CHAP. XLVII.—A general peace—Marine Corps honoured with the title of Royal—Terms in which the boon was bestowed—Other marks of recompence—The distinguished perseverance evinced by a Marine detachment in quelling a mutiny at Dominique—Particulars of it—High encomiums rendered to the Marine parties on board the Gibraltar and Excellent.—P. 391 to 399.

CHAP. XLVIII.—Earl St. Vincent's reforms—War with France—His Lordship's attention to the Corps of Royal Marines—Subordinate exploits.——P. 400 to 402.


Privileges of the Marine Soldier and the progressive indulgencies granted to him stated and discussed—Useful instructions for recovering wages and prize-money due to the heirs of deceased Marines—Forms of procedure, the prescribed fees attending every claim, and some hints as to the execution of wills and letters of attorney, with sundry other particulars, of general benefit to the relatives of Seamen as well as Marines.


Page 52, for duies read duties.—60, for sytem read system.—74, for a force of 11,556 were read was.—82, for strived to subvert read striven.—95, for The afterwards destined against L'Orient read They; and same page, for exquinox read equinox.—121, for compleat read complete.—125, for Selfs read Self.—129, for Maines read Marines.—190, for dare not, read durst not.—210, for resolved upon dislodging read He resolved, &c.—222, for But their leader read its leader.—230, for after formed into one Battalion read each Company to consist of, &c.—233, for top detail of Light Infantry and Grenadiers read downwards 2d, 3d, and 4th Companies.—250, for friendly passion read fiendly.—326, instead of revived under the republic who read which; and for their faithless purposes read such.—357, for He with Mr. Beaufort read He and Mr. Beaufort.—373, for the following was the order of battle read and by the order of battle given out, the Marines were attached, &c.—378, for tenable in the field read terrible, &c. &c. &c.

[Pg 1]





&c. &c.



At a period when the commerce of this Country bore no proportion to its present state, the supplies of Seamen, under a system of impress, were extremely precarious, and often inadequate to the public emergencies. Experience had also shewn, that raw landsmen were most improper substitutes for this want, as the sudden change of life rendered them subject to immediate disease, and sea-sickness, at a time when their active services were required.

These united causes originally suggested the expediency of forming an establishment of Marines, who were raised and embodied with the sole view of being a nursery to man our fleets. They were always[2] quartered in the vicinity of our principal sea-ports, where they were regularly trained to the different methods of ship fighting, and to these various manœuvres of a vessel, in which numbers were necessary. Being thus locally placed, their value was early felt by their exertions in equipping the squadrons fitted out, when but little confidence could be placed in the sailor, perhaps just impressed into the service.

The general principles and regulations that were instituted for the conduct of the Marine regiments, from their formation, to the close of the reign of King William III. evidently shew that they were entirely devoted to naval purposes. As each individual became properly qualified to act on board of ship as a foremast-man, which was uniformly encouraged, he was discharged from his regiment, entered upon the books as such, and levy-money was granted to the officers of his corps, in order to supply the vacancy of him who was thus transferred.

The first authentic instance of any regiment of this description appears in the Army List of 1684, and from the return of the general review on Putney Heath, upon the first day of October in that year. Neither the exact æra of its establishment, or that of the other maritime forces, is clearly ascertained; and it would be absurd to speculate upon dates which can yield no material result.

The return which I have mentioned runs thus, and is annexed at large: "The Lord High Admiral of England, his Royal Highness[3] the Duke of York and Albany's Maritime Regiment of Foot, commanded by the Honourable Sir Charles Littleton, called also the Admiral Regiment.

Sir Charles Littleton, Colonel.
Oliver Niclas, Lieutenant Colonel.
Richard Bagett, Major.

Col's. Co. commanded by Capt. Lt.Robt. Crawford, Capt. Lt.Philom. Powell
Lt. Colonel's Co. commanded byLieut. Edm. YarboroughArthur Townshend
Major's Co. commanded byLieut. Theoph. BleehendenWilliam Pearson
Geo. Littleton, CaptainLieut. Edmund WilsonJames Man
Sir Thomas CutlerRobert LloydJohn Hill
Edward NottFrancis HobblinAlexander Erwin
Francis EzodFrancis ButlerThomas Man
Edward HarrisJohn ThornWilliam Somers
Samuel ScudamoreGeorge RookeGilbert Simons
Chichester WrayHenry HewysGeo. Littleton
Charles HerbertThomas WhaleyFrancis Ezord
Edmund PlowdenWilliam OglethorpeJo. Whaley

State Major, or the Staff Officers of the Admiral Regiment,

Richard Beauvoir, Adjutant.
Tobias Legross, Quarter-Master.
Samuel Tatham, Chirurgeon.
John Tatham, Chirurgeon's Mate.


This regiment consisted of twelve companies, without any grenadiers, had yellow coats lined with red, and their colours were a red cross, with rays of the sun issuing from each of its angles. It stood the third in seniority in the line of that day; and it may be presumed, from its subsequent reduction, that a step was obtained in it by the 4th, then the Regiment of Holland, commanded by John, the second Lord Mulgrave, and now entitled The Old Buffs.

Betwixt 1687 and 1698, there were several maritime regiments raised for the purposes, and under the regulations I have stated. They were Colonels Mordaunt, Colt, Seymour, and Brudenell's; also, Sir Cloudesley Shovel's, my Lord Torrington's, and the Marquis of Carmarthen's; all of which were disbanded during the currency of 1697 and 1698.

The expences incurred by the maintenance of the maritime troops were classed with the estimates of the navy, and money was issued from time to time, by warrant from the Lord High Treasurer to the Treasurer of the Navy, who placed it in the hands of a person especially appointed to receive and pay it. Under this system, the Admiralty and Navy Boards were subjected to much trouble, in forming and directing its different arrangements.

From the nature of the marine service, at this period, few or no achievements occur which can be peculiarly attached to it as a corps. We find them honourably mentioned in the operations against St. Christopher's, and the successful attack upon Cork, under the æra of[5] 1690. The detail of loss upon the former occasion is thus described, and evinces that their energies also, as soldiers, were called forth when occasion might require them. "In this action we had killed and wounded upwards of 130 men, and Captain Keigwin, a sea commander, who was appointed Colonel of the Marine Regiment, (which consisted of about 230 seamen) was shot through the thigh, of which wound he died, before he could be carried on board, and Captain Brisbane, who acted as First Captain to the Marines, receiving a shot through the body, expired that night on board the Bristol."

Embodied under similar circumstances, they of course partook in the various services of debarkation, which the emergency of those times might have demanded, until the peace of Ryswick, which, for a while, closed the existence of marine forces.

The expences of King William's war, upwards of eight years' duration, are so moderate when contrasted with these of later days, that they merit a place in any retrospect which treats of that period; and it is to be remarked that 40,000 seamen were maintained during the last years of it.

Total navy estimates allowed£16,303,713150
Total army     do.        do.£18,487,6711710


In all, thirty-four millions seven hundred sixty-four thousand three hundred eighty-five pounds, twelve shillings and ten pence!

I cannot bid adieu to the transactions of this auspicious reign, which has established the happiness and the liberties of my country, without commenting upon two events of it, that must be materially interesting to every military man—I mean the code of laws for the good order and discipline of our armies, and the grant of half-pay bestowed upon disbanded officers.

The first was adopted in an hour of urgent expediency, in order to restrain the uncontrouled outrages of a discontented soldiery, on account of arrears due to them. This act was passed in great haste upon the 12th day of April, 1689, and has progressively experienced these various improvements that arise out of occasions. It undergoes annually a legislative sanction, under the title of the Mutiny Bill.

Half-pay was a gift decreed upon the 18th of January, 1697, and has subsequently involved many a doubt, whether as having been intended in the light of a retaining fee, or as a reward for past services. Opposite decisions have authorised different constructions, while the lapse of more than one hundred years has not yet explicitly brought the point to an issue.

The manly and independent spirit of our judges, pure as these laws that controul their opinions, has not been able to adjust the question.


In the case of General Ross, which was submitted to their enquiry and determination—they resolved that he could not be amenable, as a half-pay officer, to military jurisdiction; but the discussion extended no farther.

In 1715 a number of officers, however, who drew this recompence from the public, most ingloriously joined the Pretender. The issue being unfortunate for them, they were all taken prisoners, and afterwards tried and executed by martial law; although they might have been capitally convicted as rebels, by the common law of the land.

In having adduced these opposite examples, I cannot withhold a remark, that under no one head of the articles of war is this description of men noticed; and I can readily anticipate the answer of an Englishman, were I to ask him if any laws should affect such an object as I have defined, in which he is not expressly specified?

In this flourishing country, where industry and enterprize are open to all, it often happens that an officer, when the State no longer wants his services, turns his attention and the little capital he may possess, to commercial pursuits. In this new profession he very probably advances the public interests more essentially than were he recalled to his former duties, upon every fresh emergency.


That patriotism and loyalty, which I am convinced in those days influence every soldier, who, in the smallest portion, tastes of the bread of his King, will enforce through each quarter of Britain a local activity, and when necessary, a military zeal. As volunteer companies in the present, and very probably under the future political circumstances of our country, must form a branch of our force, who are there more capable of animating them than men who have been trained to arms, whose allegiance is undisputed, and whose early sentiments and ideas no change of life can extinguish? Some legislative assurances of exemption in favour of officers of this description, and who engage to discharge the obligations of general association when required, would be politic and gratifying. Half-pay might also very properly be no longer considered as a retainder of those who have served any marked number of years; for I would discriminate between the veteran and the stripling, who are alike entitled to the same remuneration; though, I should humbly conceive, to separate indulgencies. Having made this digression, suited, I trust, to the present topic and the present times, I return to the train of my narrative.



Upon the death of King William III. whose royal memory must long be dear to Englishmen, Queen Anne ascended the British throne. Previous to this event, the seeds of a new war had been forming, which was proclaimed against France and Spain, upon the 4th day of May, 1702.

The French King having advanced his grandson, the Duke of Anjou to the vacant Spanish monarchy, her Majesty espoused the interests and claims of the Archduke of Austria upon that sovereignty, and resolved upon sending a strong fleet into the Mediterranean, which was to become the theatre of their hostile efforts.

One of the first acts of her reign was a revival of the corps of Marines, but they were placed upon a different footing from these that existed under her royal predecessor. Destined for the mingled and active services of co-operation with the well-trained forces of our allies, along with a new establishment, a new constitution was also requisite. Their meritorious conduct, as soldiers, in the subsequent duties that were allotted them, reflected honour upon their discipline and their country, and they shared in the royal thanks of Him whose cause they maintained, by their frequent debarkations upon the sea-coasts of France, Spain, and Italy.


Her Majesty's order for levying this body of men was issued upon the first day of June, 1702, and runs thus:


"Our pleasure is, that this establishment of six regiments of Marines, and six other regiments, for sea service, do commence and take place from the respective times of raising. And our farther pleasure is, That the order given by our dearest Brother the late King deceased, and such orders as are or shall be given by us touching the pay or entertainment of our said forces, or any of them, or any charges thereunto belonging, shall be duly complied with, and that no new charge be added to this establishment, without being communicated to our High Treasurer, or Commissioners of our Treasury for the time being.

"Given at our Court at St. James's, first day of June in the first year of our reign.

"By her Majesty's command,



I annex, also, the expences incurred by one regiment of this description, which will be a guide to the total charge for the whole of them.

One Company,per day.per year.
Field and Staff Officers.
Colonel as Colonel£0120£21900
Lieut. Col. as Lieut. Col.070127150
Major as Major0509150
One Mate to ditto02645126
One Company,per day.per year.
First Lieutenant0407330
Second Lieutenant03054150
2 Serjeants, each 1s 6d03054150
3 Corporals, each 1s03054150
2 Drummers, each 1s02036100
59 Privates, each 8d1194717168
Pay of 10 Comp. more of the like number and same rates313411,375168


One Company of Grenadiers to complete this Regiment, as follows:

1 Captain£080£14600
1 First Lieutenant0407300
1 Second Lieutenant0407300
3 Serjeants, each 1s 6d0468226
3 Corporals, each 1s03054150
59 Grenadiers, each 8d1194717168
Total this Regiment39158£14,520184
Pay 5 Regiments more, at the same rates, &c.19818472,604118
Total for Marines£238140£87,125100

The six regiments of Foot for sea service were exactly the same numbers and same denominations, excepting as to officers, who among these corps, were detailed as Ensigns instead of Second Lieutenants. Classed under one general head, the twelve regiments cost the public £238 14 0 per day, and £174,251 0 0 per year.

The idea of this class of men being raised with a view of becoming a nursery for the Navy, seems to have been now relinquished, and the following articles for their government and conduct were framed, and adopted, by her Majesty in council, upon the 1st of July, 1702.


1st. They were to be employed on board her Majesty's ships as there should be occasion, and quartered at, or as near as might be to the dock-yards, when on shore, to guard them from embezzlements, or any attempts of an enemy.

2d. In all matters relating to their subsistence and clearings, when on board and on shore, they were to be paid in like manner as the land forces, and the same deductions to be made from them for clothing, and one day's pay, once a year, from each officer and soldier for the hospital.

3d. They were to be allowed an equal proportion of provisions with the seamen, without any deductions from their pay for the same.

4th. And to have the same allowance for short provisions (when circumstances render the issue of full allowance imprudent) as the seamen, to be paid to themselves, or their assigns.

5th. Such regiments, or parts of them as should be on shore, were to be mustered by a commissary or commissaries in the same manner as the land forces, excepting in this case, that they, the said commissaries, were obliged to allow at each muster on his or their rolls, all such officers and soldiers as should appear to him or them by authentic vouchers, or certificates, to be put on board any of her Majesty's ships or vessels, and that such part of the aforesaid regiments as should be at sea, might be paid while they were so, it was[14] directed, That the commanding Marine Officer with them should, every two months, return to the Commissary General of the Musters a perfect list of all the officers and soldiers on board each ship, signed by himself, and all the Marine Officers, expressing the times of entry, death, and discharge of each man, that so the Commissary might compare the said lists with the monthly books sent to the Navy Office, and allow such of the officers and soldiers as should appear to him fit to be so allowed.

6th. To prevent confusion, not less than fifteen Marine Soldiers, and with them an Officer, were to be put on board a ship, at any one time, unless in cases of necessity.

7th. And for the ease of the whole a particular Pay-master was appointed, with power to solicit the arrears of the regiments, and to receive all sums of money from the Treasurer of the Navy; and immediately upon the receipt thereof, to issue the same to the respective Colonels, or their Agents; he was also required, diligently and carefully to adjust all accounts relating to the regiments, according to such muster rolls as should be delivered to him by the Commissary, or Commissaries; and those muster rolls were to be allowed of, as sufficient vouchers for the charges in the accounts, and for making out debentures and warrants.

8th. To enable the aforesaid Pay-master to keep an Office, and to defray the charge thereof, and of Clerks and other contingencies, he was allowed sixpence in the pound, pursuant to the subscription[15] of the respective Colonels, which he had power to deduct out of all monies issued to him, in the same manner as the poundage was deducted from the land forces.

9th. For rendering such parts of the regiments as should be on shore the more useful, her Majesty declared it should be left to herself, or the High Admiral, to dispose of them at such places nearest to the several dock yards, as might be judged most convenient: And since there might be occasion for Labourers to dispatch necessary works, her Majesty empowered her High Admiral, or the Commissioners for executing that office, to cause to be employed in the aforesaid dock yards, so many of the Marine Soldiers as might be judged fitting, and to make them such daily allowance for the same, besides their ordinary pay, as to him or them should seem reasonable.

Thus placed under the controul of the Lord High Admiral, he was pleased to nominate Brigadier General Seymour to superintend the whole; whose peculiar duties were to observe, that the men were comfortably quartered, that the officers were attentive in their respective departments, and that the Marine Soldiers, when embarked on board of ship, were supplied with proper sea clothes, and other suitable necessaries.

During this reign also, a number of independent companies of Marines was raised for the express purpose of defending our different West India possessions, to which quarter they were sent, were embodied into three regiments, and where they remained many years.



In order to pave the way for the cordial reception of King Charles the III. orders were sent to Sir Cloudesley Shovel, then commanding the British Fleet in the Mediterranean, to effect what he could by conciliation, or by conquest, amongst the different dependencies of the French and Spanish monarchies, previous to the arrival of the Royal Claimant. Throughout the whole of that Admiral's instructions, much dependence was placed upon the energies of the Marine Forces under his command, and they subsequently bore a conspicuous share of the mingled services that ensued, in the cause of the House of Austria. This circumstance may evince the very high estimation in which they were held as Soldiers, although nothing materially occurred either under the command of Sir Cloudesley Shovel, or during the currency of 1703.

After many delays the Archduke arrived at Lisbon, with Sir George Rooke, upon the 25th day of February 1704, in order to concert a plan of future operations with his ally, the King of Portugal. The Admiral was enjoined to attempt nothing without the suggestion and assent of Both.

The first enterprize was against Barcelona, whither they were invited by some deputies from Catalonia, and a few leading men in the city, who gave assurances that it would declare for Charles the III.[17] if a shew of attack only was made. Here 1600 Marines were landed, at the request and under the command of the Prince of Hesse, upon the noon of the 19th of May. This force being inadequate for the purpose, it was next day re-embarked at the instance of his Highness. Listening to the wishes of their Majesties, in conformity with his instructions, the Admiral would have attempted Cadiz; but, upon deliberation, and that there was no army to co-operate, this idea was given up.

They accordingly turned their thoughts to Gibraltar, where the Prince of Hesse was landed in the afternoon of the 21st of July, with 1800 British and Dutch Marines. Proceeding upon the decision of a Council of War, his Highness was to cut off all communication with the main land, to bombard and cannonade the place, and to reduce it to the obedience of the King of Spain.

Having established his post at some mills then near the town, he sent a summons for the Governor to surrender; who answered, that all his garrison had taken an oath of allegiance to their lawful Sovereign, King Philip the V. and that as loyal and faithful subjects, they would die in its defence.

The Admiral having directed a strong force to proceed against the south mole, the enemy were driven from their guns.—A number of boats manned and armed, were then detached under the gallant conduct of Capt. Whitaker, of the Navy, who soon obtained possession of the great platform; but about one hundred, whose impetuous bravery had carried them within the effects of a mine connected[18] with the fort, were killed and wounded by its explosion. The rest, however, advancing most rapidly, gained a redoubt, half-way between the mole and the town.

This attack being made upon a Sunday, almost the whole of the women belonging to the garrison, were performing their devotions in a chapel about four miles distant; so that the besieging forces were between them and their husbands and families.

This circumstance hastened the fall of the place, for the citizens within strongly urged the Governor to capitulate; who being thus almost compelled to it, the Prince of Hesse, at the head of the Marines, marched in upon the evening of the 24th.—The garrison, indeed, was only composed of two skeleton regiments; but the strength of the fortifications, the number of cannon mounted being upwards of 100 pieces towards the sea, and the two narrow passes of approach from the land, would have rendered it formidable to an enemy who possessed not the dash of enterprize. Our loss, in the attempt, was 61 killed, and 206 wounded.

In October of the same year, the Garrison, composed of Marines under the Prince of Hesse, sustained a siege by 7000 men. The purpose of the enemy was to have stormed from the south mole, united with the desperate attempt of a Spanish forlorn hope climbing the rock, and a general attack from the main land. Against very superior forces Gibraltar was maintained, until relieved by Sir John Leake, who reinforced the place with 2000 men.


This Fortress, seated upon the territories of our natural foe, has long stood a monument of our naval power, which has oftener than once been especially devoted to relieve its wants; and has also afforded to the world, a brilliant instance of military defence under the late Lord Heathfield.

Nothing worthy of notice occurred until the month of September 1705, when it was deemed essential by the Earl of Peterborough Commander in Chief, to attempt something worthy of our arms, and the service of the King.

At the desire of his Lordship, a large body of Seamen and Marines were landed at Barcelona, who were auxiliary in the reduction of that important place, at which his Majesty was present.

This city was destined to an attack from the enemy, early in 1706, whither Sir John Leake, having the Earl of Peterborough on board, proceeded in April.

His Majesty, King Charles, who was then within its walls, very strongly urged the immediate debarkation of all our forces; upon which, 1400 land troops, and the Marines of the fleet, were on the 9th of April, sent to his aid. Their appearance was well timed, as the French had made a practicable breach, which they would otherwise have stormed upon the following day.—After repeated attempts they relaxed in their efforts, and many volunteers from the city, as well as peasants from the mountains pouring down in numbers,[20] obliged them to raise the siege precipitately, upon the 11th.—After ten at night the enemy began to retreat; but first setting fire to their magazines, and placing matches to their mines. Many of the former, however, were preserved by the natives, and a number of the latter were extinguished by the soldiery. The morning's dawn presented their army retreating in disorder, and grievously harassed by our troops, and the enraged Catalans.

An eclipse of the sun, followed by a total darkness about nine, suspended for a while every operation, which, when dissipated, the slaughter was renewed, till prudence recalled them from the carnage. The enemy's camp, with 100 brass cannon, and stores of every description, were the fruits of our efforts.

Having thus relieved this important place, the fleet sailed upon the 18th of May, and landed the forces of every description, upon the coast of Valencia on the 25th.

This was preparatory to the attack of Alicant, which was deemed almost impregnable.—Having been apprized that it was reinforced, and that a regular siege alone could reduce it, the idea was dropped for a time, and they proceeded against Carthagena, which immediately submitted; and where a garrison of 600 Marines under Major Hedges, who was appointed Governor of it, was established for its defence.

An attempt upon Alicant was then resolved upon; but Brigadier Gorge having upon a close review of the place, and learning the[21] resolute spirit of its Governor, Major General Mahoni, represented that not less than 3000 men were necessary to reduce it.—Having with him not more than 1450 troops, and he being of opinion that no dependence could be placed in the Spanish Militia, it was determined to withdraw the garrison of Marines from Carthagena, in order to assist in these active operations, and to put another in its stead.

The fleet arrived off Alicant, upon the 26th of June, when a summons was forwarded to General Mahoni, who, like an Officer, answered, that he would hold out to the last. His force consisted of more than 1000 Soldiers, and many inhabitants of the town, who had volunteered in its defence.

Brigadier Gorge having moved from Elche upon the 21st of July, where he had remained waiting for reinforcements, to within a mile of Alicant, all the Marines of the fleet, with 800 Seamen, were landed upon that day, and the following morning, and the bombardment commenced in the evening of the 22d. A detachment of the Naval force under Sir George Byng, rendered very essential service, by dismounting many of the enemy's guns opposed to the sea, and driving the men from them.

Upon the 24th of July, the Marines arrived from Carthagena, and were immediately landed. Four days after, when the troops had gained possession of the suburbs, all the boats were manned and armed, in order to attack the town. On the 29th, the ships having made a practicable breach in the round tower, at the west end of the place,[22] and another at the middle of the curtain, between the mole and the easternmost bastion, the Soldiers advanced to storm them. An Officer with fifteen Grenadiers rashly pushed on against the breach in the town, but were repulsed before they could be supported. Upon this occasion there were particularly distinguished, Captains Evans, Passenger, and Watkins, of the Royal Navy. Capt. Evans, at the head of a few of the boats crews, was the first to mount into the breach, and they were rapidly seconded by the whole forces, who, upon reaching the town, secured every post, with but little loss; there being only 30 killed, and 80 wounded, although the Spaniards had prepared for this event, by forcing temporary loop holes in their houses, from which they kept up a sharp fire upon our men as they approached.

General Mahoni now retired into the Castle, and was again summoned by Brigadier Gorge; his answer was such as became him, and what might have been expected from his character. At this time the detached squadron had dismounted many of his guns, beat down a part of the walls, and his Garrison was extremely annoyed by shells from the bomb vessels. Composed chiefly of Neapolitans, they at last compelled the brave Mahoni to yield, who, from this cause alone, surrendered his charge, after a heavy loss, upon the 25th of August.

Having adjusted every thing, the fleet proceeded to the Island of Ivica, where it arrived upon the 9th day of September. The Governor instantly saluted, and tendered submission and obedience to King Charles the III. It was afterwards resolved to attack Majorca, to the Viceroy of which a summons was sent in, upon the 14th of September.[23] He, with some others in the interest of the Duke of Anjou, appeared resolute to defend themselves; but when a few shells were thrown into Palma, the capital, the inhabitants obliged him to retire to his palace, and there enter into terms. A Garrison of one Captain, one Lieutenant, and 100 Marines was placed here, and all the disaffected to our cause, were withdrawn from the island.

Nothing farther, connected with my subject, appears on the face of the military transactions of this year. In the month of June, 1707, an opportunity presented of co-operating with the Duke of Savoy and Prince Eugene in an intended attack upon Toulon. Towards the close of it, the fleet proceeded for the coast of Italy, where it anchored upon the 28th, between Nice and Antibes, about a league from the Var.—A conference took place on the following day betwixt the Commanders in Chief, when it was decided, that a joint attack should be made upon a part of the enemy's army then entrenched upon that river, before they could be reinforced.

These works being exposed to the fire of the ships, as they could stand within little more than musket shot, were hastily evacuated, and in less than an hour they were occupied by 600 Seamen and Marines. The passage was now open for the Duke of Savoy to prosecute his destination, while frigates were stationed along the different parts of the sea coast, in order to keep up a mutual communication.

Having reached Toulon, every aid was afforded by the fleet both as to men and cannon, but the enemy daily augmenting his forces,[24] and having made a successful sally, induced the raising of this siege upon the 10th of August, after a loss of more than a thousand men.

One happy result arose from this attempt however, which was, that the French, under a sudden dread of consequences, sunk a number of their largest men of war, which were ever after unfit for service.

King Charles having often urged the reduction of Sardinia, with a view to open a passage for his troops in Naples to attack Sicily, as well as on account of its sources of supply of all kinds of provisions for his armies, of which they were much in want, a body of Marines was drawn from Tarragona, a strong sea port and Garrison in Catalonia, to assist in this enterprize. Upon the 1st day of August, 1708, the whole arrived before Cagliari, the capital. Upon receiving a very equivocal answer to a summons sent in, the bombardment commenced that evening, and continued without intermission until next morning, when at the break of day, Major General Wills, and the whole of the Marines, with one Spanish regiment were landed. The place, in consequence, almost instantly surrendered.

The whole having been re-embarked, the fleet again set sail, upon the 18th of August, for Minorca, and arrived at Port Mahon upon the 25th.

At this period, two of the Marine Regiments were drafted, and both officers and men were incorporated with the other four, now employed upon this service. The measure was necessary, in order[25] to supply the casualties that had occurred, and to render these corps effective.—For this purpose, all the Marines capable of duty, were drawn from a number of the fleet about to return home, as well as to assist in the reduction of an island, which, every officer conceived, would make a spirited and tedious defence.

The first attack was against Fort Fornelle, which was cannonaded by two of the ships, and fell after a contest of four hours.

A detachment having been pushed to Cittadello, the capital, it surrendered without resistance.

The batteries were opened on the works defending the town of Port Mahon, upon the 17th of September, when, after a short but brisk fire, and the loss of only six men, a lodgment was effected under the very walls of St. Philip's Castle; and next day the enemy capitulated.

Thus was this strong fortress, and important island, gained by a force of only 2400 men, while the garrison consisted of more than one thousand Soldiers, with upwards of 100 pieces of cannon mounted, and having every thing requisite for sustaining a long siege.

Sir George Byng arrived at Lisbon upon the 14th of October, having her Majesty the Queen of Portugal on board, but, although many other objects of service were in contemplation, nothing farther was attempted during 1708.



Early in 1709, a plan was formed to attack Port Royal in the province of Nova Scotia, at that time in possession of the French.—For this purpose a body of 400 Marines was embarked, and the expedition was entrusted to the joint conduct of Colonel Nicholson of the land forces, and Captain Martin of the navy.—The squadron proceeded for Boston, where they were to be reinforced by some ships, and such provincial auxiliaries, as might be ready, or were necessary for this intended conquest.

Here a Council of War was held, which arranged the future operations of a body, now consisting of 2000 men.—They reached their destination upon the 24th of September, and the proper ground for landing having been reconnoitred, the debarkation took place on the following day.—The enemy opened a heavy fire upon the boats from their guns and mortars, but with little effect. A bomb-vessel drifting up with the tide of flood within reach of the Fort, rendered important service during the two first days, which was spiritedly aided by the military exertions on shore.

Upon the first day of October, the Governor of the Fortress having expressed an inclination to surrender upon terms, they were taken[27] into consideration and agreed to. Here a Garrison of Marines was left. Having thus reduced the place, it was now named Annapolis Royal, in honor of her Majesty, under whose auspices it was conquered.



The British Nation, ever true to its Allies, often has had cause to complain of a want of this reciprocal honour. Limited in my scope, it belongs not to me to develope errors, and far less to expose such as have arisen from high causes. But, in vindication of the military fame of my country and my corps, I have to regret, that the zealous and gallant services of both should have been unavailingly exerted in the unprosperous views of King Charles upon the Spanish monarchy.

To the want of co-operation and unanimity must be ascribed the many chequered events, and reverses, that marked his royal efforts during this contest. Unsupported by his family, or his nation, whose immediate interests it must have been to place him effectively on that throne, he was exposed to many fatal disappointments when he could not remedy them, and was thus often obliged to adopt the measures of necessitous expediency, when he should have been enabled to prosecute the objects of an arranged system.

Early in 1709, the town of Alicant became hard pressed, having sustained a long and obstinate siege against a very powerful force of the combined enemy. The garrison, composed in a great[29] proportion of Marines, exhibited the most heroic perseverance in maintaining the place. Unable to reduce it, the besiegers attempted to undermine the rock upon which the Castle stood, of which they apprized its defenders; but this had no effect upon their resolution. A partial shock, which buried above twenty in its effects, did not intimidate them, and they bravely continued to defend themselves till the fleet, under Sir George Byng, appeared (I believe) on the 4th of April.

General Stanhope, with the troops on board, were to have attempted its relief, under cover of a squadron that was at the same time to have attacked the enemy's lines along the sea shore; but a heavy gale coming on, and many of the ships being in shallow water, it was judged proper to stand farther out into the road.

The weather continuing severe, and being unable to gain any intelligence as to the state of the garrison, the Commanders in Chief dreading the worst, and in pity to their sufferings, by a flag of truce, proposed terms of surrender, which being agreed to, the brave remnants were embarked on board of the fleet, which now proceeded to Tarragona, Port Mahon, and afterwards to Barcelona.

During the remainder of this year, nothing farther was attempted by our squadrons, which, in their attached duties, were employed to harass the commerce of our foes, and to protect the convoys of provisions destined wherever necessary.


Upon the 13th of March, 1710, Sir John Norris arrived at Port Mahon, as Commander in Chief of the Naval Forces. After having arranged every thing, transporting troops to the different quarters, where required, and some inferior attacks upon the enemy, he reached Barcelona upon the 18th of June, in order to concert future operations with his Majesty.

An expedition was meditated against Cette, in the province of Languedoc, where the Troops and Marines were landed upon the 13th of July. The place made but a feeble resistance; and the fort, upon which eighteen pieces of cannon were mounted, surrendered the same day. Major General Seissau, then advancing against Adge with the regiment of Stanhope, and three hundred Marines, that town was delivered up without resistance.

The Isle of Cette, however, was shortly afterwards recovered by the French army stationed in the province under the Duke de Roquelaure; but all our soldiers were previously re-embarked.

Nothing further occurred in 1710, which is in any respect connected with my subject.



Early in 1711 it was resolved to attempt the town of Quebec, the capital of the French dominions in Canada, for which service Sir Hovenden Walker and General Hill were nominated as Commanders in Chief. A respectable force was appointed, and they were directed to proceed for Boston, in New England, there to arrange every thing necessary for this undertaking. They reached Nantasket, near Boston, upon the 24th of June, and having prepared the Provincial Corps, and withdrawn the Marines who garrisoned Annapolis Royal since its surrender, they sailed for the object of their destination, after many delays, upon the 30th of July.

This attempt was rashly adopted, without examining the difficulties it involved. The urgent suggestions of the American Provinces first gave the idea, in order to get rid of a hostile and dangerous neighbour, but their energies were by no means adequate to the extent of their designs. A general ignorance of the navigation of the river St. Laurence very early exposed us to the loss of more than 800 brave men, who perished from this fatal cause, and these sad examples put a period to an expedition formed in misrepresentation, and conducted by incapacity.

The whole squadron and forces returned to England on the 9th of October, after having left the provincial auxiliaries upon their own coast.



Sir John Jennings arrived at Barcelona upon the 20th of March, 1711, in order to assume the command of the British Fleet.

To watch the enemies ports, to distress their trade, and to keep open the communication of intelligence and supplies for the detached forces of our Allies, were all that he could now attempt in the tottering cause of King Charles the Third.

About this time died Joseph, Emperor of Germany, whose bequeath of all his dominions to our Royal Competitor compensated for past struggles, and averted that blow to his pride which must soon have ensued from the desperate state of his affairs, by a total dereliction of his object.

That event called upon him to fill the throne of his country; to obey which, his Majesty soon after embarked on board the English fleet, and was escorted to Italy.

His Royal Consort still remained behind, with a view to inspire a motive for farther efforts, but the suspension of arms between Great Britain and France put a period to every active co-operation. The Empress, with her retinue, embarked at Barcelona, early in 1712, and landed at Genoa upon the 26th of March, from whence she prosecuted her journey towards the destined seat of her power.


After a tedious negociation, the stages, or the detailed terms, of which it is not my task to retrace, peace was restored by the Treaty of Utrecht, on the 31st of March, 1713. We retained possession of Gibraltar, Minorca, and Nova Scotia; each conquered by our arms during the war, and in effecting all of which the Marine forces, established during the reign of Queen Anne, very essentially contributed.

The extraordinary expences of this long war, notwithstanding its duration, did not much exceed forty-four millions, which, considering the immense forces kept on foot, and the subsidies granted to so many of the Continental Powers, appear but a small sum.



The allowances made to the respective ranks on the Staff of the Army, which was employed in Spain and Portugal, and in which officers of Marines shared, when upon this service, and when acting in any one of the undermentioned capacities, were arranged by her Majesty in Council, previous to the expedition.

General of the Horse and Commander in Chief per day£1000
Three Aids de Camp, each 10s1100
Lieutenant General400
Two Aids de Camp, each 10s100
Two Major Generals, 2l each400
One Aid de Camp to each, 10s100
Three Brigadiers, each 1l 10s4100
Three Majors of Brigade, each 10s1100
Quarter-master General0100
Adjutant General0100
Judge Advocate0100
Secretary to Commander in Chief0100
Chaplain to Commander in Chief068
Physician to Commander in Chief0100
Chirurgeon to Commander in Chief0100
Provost Marshall 5s and 6 men, each 3s130
Waggon Master030
Daily amount£3282


And for Contingencies upon Account, the
sum of £6000.

"By her Majesty's command,


Established 1st June, 1702.

The death of the Lord High Admiral, in a retrospective view, also produced some trivial reforms in the constitution of the Marine Regiments, which were accomplished under the auspices of the same ministry that had framed their original regulations. Some existing abuses were, I believe, the pretext for this change, as the Commissaries, after the decease of the Royal Consort, were enjoined to transmit their accounts, and otherwise correspond with the Secretary at War, upon the subject of these establishments. Many omissions seem to have prevailed in making regular returns from the different detachments, necessarily extended over every quarter of the globe, which first arising from individual neglect, ultimately retarded the proceedings of the Commissioners, who were appointed to investigate the national expenditure, at the close of the war. The following is their report upon this head:

"Soon after the commencement of our Commission, we required Mr. Whitfield, late Pay-master of the Marines, to lay the accompts of these Regiments before us; which after many delays he did, but in a very imperfect manner.

"We insisted upon a more distinct accompt, whereupon he, (being very ill) sent his chief Clerk Mr. Sizer to us, who deposed,[36] that the accompts could not be made more perfect without muster rolls, which Mr. Lynn the Commissary had not returned.

"In answer to this, Mr. Lynn hath declared, that he could not make up the muster rolls farther than the 24th of December, 1709, for want of the ships books, and the certificates from the Agents of the Commissioners of the sick and wounded: which books and certificates could not be had from the distant parts of the service, till those employed there came to England.

"These difficulties prevent our stating the accompts of the Marines, but it is obvious, that the expence of the Navy is increased by them.

"For the Pay of 8000 Marines, according to the establishment, amounts to £128,133 5 0 per annum.

"The Pay of 8000 ordinary Seamen, is £98,800 0 0 per annum.

"The extraordinary charge therefore, is £29,333 5 0—and how far it may be thought necessary to continue Marines in time of peace, is humbly left to the judgment and determination of Parliament.—The next great expence to the public, is that of the Navy, &c."

After the work of peace was accomplished, a great reduction of the forces took place, and the half-pay list for the year 1714, exhibits[37] upon it the following Regiments of Marines:—The whole having been disbanded, and the officers thus remunerated.

Lieutenant General Holl's, &c.

[Here is a detailed list of Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel, Majors, Captains, 1st Lieutenants, 2d Lieutenants, Chaplain, Adjutant, Quarter-master, and Surgeon.]

Major General Wills'sdo. 
Brigadier Borr'sdo.
Lord Viscount Shannon'sdo.
One Muster-master General, and
Three Deputies.

Tranquillity was scarcely restored to the nation, when it had to lament the loss of its Sovereign, who closed an amiable and a virtuous life upon the 1st day of August, 1714.

The eyes and hearts of every Briton, who was capable of appreciating, and solicitous to maintain the blessings he enjoyed, naturally turned towards a successor, the recognized virtues of whose illustrious House, were the surest pledge of a continuance of their religious and civil liberties.

Accordingly, the Crown was tendered to, and accepted by King George the First, whose wise and mild reign, amidst subsequent[38] convulsions, fully realized every hope which the nation had formed.

He had scarcely been seated on his throne, when a rival appeared, the unfortunate dupe of the hostile and ambitious designs of France, against his kingdoms.

But the loyalty of his subjects, and the courage of his troops, defeated an attempt that must have renewed the evils which urged on a recent and a glorious Revolution.

In the first year of his Majesty's Government, it was judged proper to grant a signal mark of royal favour, in consideration of the extensive and gallant services of the Marine Regiments. Accordingly, all the officers attached to those of Lieutenant General Holl, Major General Wills, and Brigadier Barr were restored to their rank and full pay, and were generally incorporated with the different corps of the line. Four invalid companies were also granted.

A spirit of public œconomy, as well as of public jealousy against the very idea of a standing army, that existed during the æra of which I treat, preclude any retrospective details from me within the periods of 1715 and 1739—During those days the very name of a Marine Soldier carried within it hostility to British liberty. It was a term which the most enlightened could not comprehend, and afforded a handle of discussion to the leaders of parliamentary debates, and of popular prejudices.


During the above interval, the nation encountered a short war, and was also placed in the attitude of preparation for a second—but the events of neither fall within my limited scope; as no force, except the nominal and unattached title of General of Marines existed, with four independent companies of invalids.

It was not until 1739, upon the repetition of Spanish cruelties and aggression towards the industrious and defenceless subjects of Britain, that the system of Marine Regiments was renewed. The sword was again drawn upon the 19th of October of that year, and an Order of Council of the 12th of December, determined upon the immediate levy of six of this description. The Colonels who were nominated to command them were as follow:

1st. Edward Wolfe, esq. from 3d Foot Guards.

2d. William Robinson, esq. Lieutenant Colonel from Handyside's Regiment of Foot.

3d. Anthony Lowther, esq. from 2d. Foot Guards.

4th. John Wynyard, esq. from Colonel Tyrrel's Regiment of Foot.

5th. Charles Douglas, esq. from Colonel Howard's Regiment of Foot.

6th. Lewis Ducie Morton, esq. from 3d. Foot Guards.


In order to render them immediately effective, and with a view to discipline them, five men from each company of the Regiments of Foot Guards, were appointed as Serjeants and Corporals, and mingled with the whole.—That they might also be rapidly completed, a bounty of one pound ten shillings was tendered to the first 1800 men of our regular army who should volunteer this transition of service. It was not long, by the use of such energies, before the whole were raised, and no part of the royal speech was more generally applauded than that which proposed this levy. The notion of their being an appendage to the standing army, seems to have been, at this time, considerably effaced, though the phantom was still kept alive by those who studiously search into and proclaim every apparent grievance. Early in the year 1740, three additional regiments were raised in America, and the Royal Standard was erected at New York, as the signal-post to which every volunteer Marine was to repair.

It was supposed, that from climate, the natives of that Continent were better calculated for the service to which they were destined than the Europeans, and they were clothed in a manner well adapted for the future scene of their duties. The Colonels, Lieutenant-Colonels, Majors, and Subalterns, were appointed by the Crown, and the Captains of Companies were nominated by the American Provinces. Their uniform was camblet coats, brown linen waist-coats, and canvas trowsers. Colonel Spotiswood, of Virginia was Colonel Commandant of the whole.

In January, 1740, the six Marine Regiments received an effective augmentation of 2040 men, and one Lieutenant to each Company.[41] An addition also of twenty men was granted to each of the four Companies of Invalids, and another allowed to the retired Marine establishment.

Previous to the sailing of Admiral Vernon for the West Indies, he, in an Address to the Duke of Newcastle, and in terms of an honest zeal for the public service, thus expresses himself upon the subject of Marine Soldiers:

"I could wish, indeed, we had each of us a company of regular troops sent on board of us, which would have strengthened us in numbers, as well as had their expertness in handling their arms, to have incited our Seamen to the imitation of them. If we should come to a general war with France as well as Spain, I believe your Grace will have already perceived, from the difficulty of manning these ships as they are, the necessity there may be of converting most of our marching regiments into Marines; and if, as they become Seamen, they were admitted to be discharged as such, that would make a good nursery for breeding them, at a time we might probably find such a necessity for them.

"As I have always looked upon our fleet as what must not only protect our trade, but secure us the blessings of a Protestant succession, your Grace will be so good as to excuse the overflowing of a sincere, though it may be an imprudent zeal; being strongly convinced in my own judgment, that preserving a superiority at[42] sea is the best security of his Majesty's government, as well as the trade and prosperity of this kingdom."

The above ideas seem principally drawn from that system which existed as to the Marine previous to the reign of Queen Anne, and what has been already noticed. The arguments also bear a similarity to those subsequently adopted by General Lloyd, whose Treatise I shall have a future occasion to quote.

If the subordinate arrangements of a ship could allow of it, much benefit would ensue to the public service by a greater number of Marine Soldiers being added to the complement of each, instead of a set of men denominated wasters, who are partly composed of criminals that have compromised with the injured laws of their country, who rarely, even upon a stretch of years, become real seamen, and who, from their former habits of life, are too often the leaders of discord and insubordination.

On the contrary, if the plan which is suggested were generally adopted, with such an additional force on board, capable of striking terror upon either element, not a British squadron would put to sea that must not be viewed by our enemies with a jealous eye; but what would keep their extensive coasts for ever on the alert, and by that rapidity and secrecy which are peculiar to all naval movements, objects might be effected, and conquests achieved that never were anticipated by the political surmises of our countrymen, or the[43] intelligence of our foes. Many other weighty considerations might also be adduced to enforce this expedient, which more properly fall within discussion under a future detail of events.

At no period of time was ever the voice of the nation more unanimous for war. The evidence of Captain Jenkins, before the House of Commons, stating his sufferings from Spanish cruelty, aroused the indignation of every member, and notwithstanding the pacific temper of the Minister of that day, and his powerful influence, all were anxious to vindicate the insulted honour of the nation.

Before the declaration of hostilities, Admiral Vernon sailed for the West Indies, and arrived at Jamaica in the month of October, 1739. The aspect of public affairs previous to his leaving Europe, fully sanctioned immediate enterprize against the enemy.

After taking in refreshments at Jamaica, and having embarked 200 Soldiers under Captain Newton, to serve as Marines, he shaped his course for Porto Bello, the destined object of his attack, and at that time the great mart for the wealthy commerce of Chili and Peru.

The attempt was fraught with many apparent obstacles, but it was undertaken and performed with an unexampled spirit and promptitude, which are the surest means of success in military enterprize; but more particularly when it is aimed against the distant territories of an enemy.


Upon the 21st of November, the attack was commenced by the ships in line of battle, against the Iron Castle, a strong fort of 22 guns, at the north point of the entrance into the harbour. The Spaniards flying from several parts of it, an instant debarkation of the Seamen and Marines was resolved on, from the Burford, Norwich, and Worcester, under cover of these ships. With the loss of only two killed, they effected a landing, when they compensated for the want of scaling ladders, by each man mounting upon the shoulders of another, and thus entering the embrazures.—This Fort was carried although no breach had been made, which indeed was almost impossible, against walls of 9 feet in thickness, and such as afterwards withstood for a while, the explosions of those mines that were used to raze them.

This gallant beginning struck terror into the Garrison of Gloria Castle, and Jeronimo Fort, both which defended the town; the former had two regular bastions, and a curtain between them mounted with 22 guns, besides many more pointing towards the mouth of the harbour.

Upon the 22d, an attack was intended against the whole, but the enemy hung out the white flag, a signal of surrender. Upon this occasion, Captain Downing of the Navy led the attack on the Iron Castle. After having landed, he very properly wished to form his men into some order for it. One brave but impetuous Sailor, disdaining such precautions, pushed on, who, on being ordered to halt, answered with an ingenuous oath, "Don't let us halt, Captain, till we are lamed."


In this operation we sustained a loss of only twenty killed and wounded, while the enemy were lessened in their numbers by desertions into the country, and by action, nearly three hundred men.

After destroying the fortifications, which from their strength required some time, the Admiral with his squadron sailed for Jamaica upon the 13th of December, and previously received from the Governor and inhabitants of the place the warmest acknowledgments for the humanity and generous treatment they had experienced.

The bombardment of Carthagena, in February, 1740, and the attack upon Chagre (a fort situate upon the mouth of a river of that name, a little to the north-west of the Gulf of Darien), were all that could be performed before the arrival of reinforcements and supplies from Europe, now much wanted. The latter, surrendered, after a contest with the men of war and bomb-ketches, upon the 24th of March, when the Castle situated on a rock, and the Custom-house, under its protection, were demolished and burnt. The fleet afterwards returned to Porto Bello, and from thence to Jamaica.

At this period considerable exertions were making at home, with a view to attack more effectually the Spanish possessions in South America, as well as their own coasts.

A large number of men of war was assembled at Spithead, and Lord Cathcart, with six regiments of Marines, now considerably[46] strengthened, with other forces, were encamped in the Isle of Wight, and continued in readiness for these intended services.

It was not until the 26th of October that the fleet set sail from St. Helens for Jamaica, where they arrived in the month of January, 1741. The united forces which were embarked on board were Wentworth's, Harrison's, and Cavendish's regiments of Foot, with the six regiments of Marines already detailed.

Unfortunately for his country, and that profession of which he was so bright an ornament, Lord Cathcart very early fell a victim to the climate, when the command devolved upon the Honourable Brigadier General Wentworth.

The whole force sailed from Irish Bay, in Hispaniola, upon the 25th of February, 1741, consisting in all of one hundred and twenty-four sail, having been reinforced by two of the Marine regiments raised within the American provinces, and other levies which had been previously formed in those colonies.

Upon the 4th of March, in the evening, the whole anchored in the Grand Playa, to windward of the town of Carthagena, the intended object of their attack.

After the necessary arrangements, the fleet moved forward in two divisions, upon the 9th, to silence the different forts, as preparatory to the landing of the troops. After little more than[47] one hour's cannonade, those of St. Jago and St. Philip were deserted by the enemy, when five hundred grenadiers made a descent under their walls, and took possession of them. Against the 15th, every soldier, with the tents, tools, artillery, and ordnance stores were landed, the ground was cleared, and an encampment formed.

About this time, the Admiral being informed by General Wentworth that the army was much incommoded by a strong fascine battery on the opposite side of the harbour, called the Barradera side, he detached a number of boats, full of men, under the conduct of Captain Boscawen, having under him Captains Laws and Coats, of the navy.

Upon no occasion was intrepidity ever more conspicuous, and that great man at this time gave an earnest of what his country might expect from him. In their approach they did not observe from its situation a small battery of five guns, but they soon remedied their error, by resolutely pushing on shore, and gaining possession, after a slight resistance.

The enemy rousing a little from their surprise at the other, consisting of fifteen 24-pounders, opened their fire from two guns; but following up the same spirited course, the seamen, headed by their gallant leaders, advanced most rapidly, and carried this strong battery also.


Here they spiked up all the guns, destroyed the platforms, and completely effected this important object with but little loss. The enemy, well knowing the value of this position, soon mounted two heavy cannon, which were again silenced by a ship ordered for that purpose. A third opportunity—and the same scene of action afforded a display of Naval courage, when six other guns were once more destroyed, with every appendage to them.

These repeated efforts much aided the operations of the Army now employed in the reduction of the Castle of Bocca Chica. Upon the 25th of March, a practicable breach having been made in it, the general communicated his determination to storm it. Accordingly Admiral Vernon assembled all the boats, in order to co-operate, having landed their men within view of the enemy, where the fascine battery was fixed. This was a well-judged diversion; for when the grenadiers advanced to storm, at the hour appointed, they met no resistance, as the Spaniards fled without firing a shot.

A panic had now seized the enemy, who set fire to one of their ships. Taking advantage of this state, the boats resolved to attempt the fort of St. Joseph, which was immediately evacuated.

Being now within the boom thrown across the harbour, and the Dons, seeming determined to sink their ships, they judged it proper to row on, and soon boarded the Galicia, carrying the flag of the Spanish Admiral.—These obstructions being removed, the[49] Admiral and the squadron, still with much difficulty, moved into the harbour.

After various services, the Castle of Grande Castillo having been gained, and the enemy sunk all their men of war, farther preparations were made for landing the troops nearer the town, in order to cut off all communication with the main land. Our loss, up to the beginning of April, was two Colonels of Foot, one of Marines, with one Captain of the Royal Navy, besides other Officers slain, and upwards of four hundred of different descriptions killed and wounded.

That mortality, which is the never-failing result of protracted operations in this inhospitable clime, now began its ravages. Matters were pushed on—the bomb-ketches on the 2d of April began to play upon the town, and the other passages of approach cleared from the ships sunk by the enemy, as being necessary for the disembarkation of the forces near the city. After these difficulties were removed, they were landed at the dawn of the 5th, under the command of General Wentworth, who, after a spirited contest, established his encampment within a mile of the fort of St. Lazar.—Things now drawing to extremities, it became necessary to forego the ceremonies of a regular siege, and, however hazardous, to rest the issue upon a storm.

Accordingly, before day-break on the 9th, five hundred Grenadiers, supported by a thousand Marines, and some Jamaican levies, advanced against the enemy's lines in front of the fort. These were[50] distantly followed by a body of Americans, with wool-packs, scaling ladders, and hand grenades.

The Spaniards were entrenched to the shoulders, and their works over-awed by St. Lazar; but neither intimidated the gallant progress of our men, who, led by Brigadier General Guise, were much annoyed, suffering extremely from flanking fires, which they had not foreseen, and enduring a heavy loss before they could reach the object of their attack. The persevering and undaunted bravery of British Soldiers was never more displayed than on this day. They at last gained their point by intrepidly leaping into the entrenchments, and driving their enemies into the fort, which communicated by a draw-bridge with the lines.

It was now those gallant fellows felt the precipitate errors of their superiors. The unarmed Americans in their rear, many of whom were killed without possessing the powers of resistance, dispersed, and threw away the charges committed to them. Three only did their duty, and with these scanty supplies, a bold effort to scale the walls of St. Lazar, was made by ten grenadiers, headed by a serjeant.—They mounted them, but being unsupported, were all cut to pieces, except him who saved himself by trusting his destinies to a headlong adventure.

Cooped up within a narrow spot, exposed to the grapeshot and marksmen of the enemy above them, the situation of these brave remnants became desperate after the break of day.


A retreat was now the only expedient left, which was accomplished under the countenance of a strong reinforcement from the camp, but under the effects of a galling fire from the fort. The Spaniards, however, did not dare to pursue a body of men, now weakened by loss, but covered with glory. Nearly seven hundred composed the list of killed and wounded upon this occasion.

The future operations of the army ceased to be offensive, and their exertions necessarily became precautionary. Dissentions, with their arising results, delay and disease, accomplished what the enemy durst not attempt.

It belongs not to me to enlarge upon either causes or effects in my limited detail, excepting where in either there may seem a tendency to involve the military character of those men whose memoirs and services I have undertaken to record. The Soldier may appear as often distinguished amidst misfortune, as the Citizen, though his country will render honours to the victorious alone, like the world, which, too often, confines its incense to the prosperous.

It is a tribute due to the gallant subordinates of the fleet and land force to say, that, throughout their arduous duties, they evinced a courage and perseverance worthy of their country and their cause. While history is bound to publish truths, it never ought to extenuate the errors of any branches of its subject.


By the 16th of April some hundreds became sick from exposure to the weather, the heavy rains that periodically set in about this time, and the scanty supplies of water; among whom were many of the principal officers.

Upon the 23d and 24th, Councils of War were held, which decided upon an immediate re-embarkation. Captain Knowles of the Navy, who had throughout bore a distinguished part in the duties of an Engineer, was now entrusted with the demolition of Castillo Grande, which was with much labour completed on the 25th, and all the guns rendered unserviceable. The same was effected at Bocca Chica. Upon the whole, the Spaniards sustained a heavy loss, as appears from the following detail:

Bocca Chica Castle80
Fort St. Joseph20
Fort St. Philip15
Fort St. Jago6
Fascine batteries on Barradera side20
Four men of war at Bocca Chica332
Two batteries at Passe Cavalla13
Castillo Grande63
Port Mazinello12
Seven galleons128
Conqesadon and Dragon men of war134


Such events to the enemy were for some time irretrievable, and long felt. The charges of repairing the different fortifications must have been prodigious, when we consider the strength with which they were constructed.

Our loss upon the whole was undoubtedly great, being in all nearly two thousand men, and I annex a detail of the Officers of European Corps who were killed, died of the diseases incident to the climate, or of the wounds they received:

Wentworth's Regiment of Foot.
Lieut. Colonel (Sandford)10
10  9
General Harrison's.
Lieut. Colonel (Daniel)01
Capt. Lieutenant01
Lieut. Colonel (Grant)11 (Hely)
Wolfe's Marines.
Major01 (Watson)
First Lieutenant10
Second Lieutenant01
Douglas's Marines, (succeeded by Lt. Col. Cochran.)
Colonel (Douglas)10
First Lieutenants12
Second Lieutenants01
Lowther's Marines.
First Lieutenants03
Second Lieutenants11
Robinson's Marines.
Lieut. Colonel (Thompson)10
First Lieutenants02
Second Lieutenants10
Wynyard's Marines.
Major (Hall)01
Captain Lieutenant01
First Lieutenants06
Second Lieutenants13
Morton's Marines.
Colonel (Morton)01
Lieut. Colonel (Blagrave)01
Major (Macloed)01
First Lieutenants18
Second Lieutenants02

Being a total loss of nineteen Officers killed, and seventy-seven who died from disease or their wounds.

The casualties of the other auxiliaries which were drawn from America, were not proportionate to the above, as they were better calculated for the climate; but the regiments of Marines were newly-raised levies, and by an erroneous policy, they were too early destined for a country, the air of which alone will always outdo the works of the sword.

It is remarked, that young formed Corps are the worst adapted for it, as it is too sudden a transition of life with many who compose them, and are often strangers to that regulated system of discipline which, in establishing their comforts, secures their health. Upon no service, however, were men ever more distinguished for bravery, but all who ever visited these quarters of the globe well know, that its diseases will conquer and control the boldest minds.


Every thing having been arranged, the fleet sailed for Jamaica upon the 6th of May, where they arrived upon the 19th, and found their reinforcements and supplies, of which they now stood in much need.



During 1741, the number of Marine Regiments was augmented to ten, and the sums voted to maintain them were £201,752 13 0. If the same force had been established before the peace of Utrecht, they would not have exceeded the estimate of £186,666 1 8, as the following indulgences were granted, and annual allowances made subsequent to that period:

For servants allowed to Officers£7,786134
Allowance to the Widows of Officers2,43368
To Colonels, for clothing lost by deserters2,12934
To Captains, for recruiting their Companies1,82500
To Agents of different Regiments912100

At this time the whole Half-pay Establishment of Great Britain, including Horse, Dragoons, Foot, Invalids, and Marines, consisted of only five hundred and fifty-one Officers, and the annual expenditure upon the whole was £34,492 10 0, being at the rate of £94 10 0 per day, and so considerate and œconomical were the public measures, that the House of Commons addressed his Majesty, praying, that those upon this list, if fit for service, might be appointed to the first vacant commissions which occurred in the different Regiments. But an ill-judged parsimony, as to the number of[59] Officers attached to Corps, seemed also to exist, and the same spirit was constantly urging the conversion of the Land Forces into bodies of Marines.

The regulation for this establishment were nearly similar in their principles to those framed for the line. The Colonels of Marine Regiments clothed their respective Corps, and had the liberty of recommending for commissions—Excepting that the whole battalion was destined for a particular service, none of the Field Officers were embarked. The greatest number of men on board the largest ships did not exceed one hundred under a Captain, three Subalterns, and the smallest was not less than twenty under an Officer.

The Commanders of Marine detachments were enjoined to forward effective returns of them every two months to the Commissary General of Marines, attested by the Captains and Pursers of each. This was necessary, in order to conduct the musters of the Regimental Companies, and to guide the recruiting service on shore. The same deductions were made from them as the Army, for clothing and Chelsea Hospital, whether embarked or not.

When attached to any ship, their indulgencies were equal to those of the Seamen, as to the receiving provisions without any deductions from their pay on that account, they had short allowance money, and the benefit of Naval Hospitals. When sent thither, either sick or wounded, they were deemed effective in the musters ashore, if[60] producing a certificate from the Surgeon of the Ship to which they belonged, and another from the Commanding Officer at head-quarters, when in Great Britain.

The Paymaster General of Marines issued the pay, upon receiving it, to the Colonels of Regiments, or their Agents, and the Paymaster of each settled all their accounts agreeably to the muster-rolls they had from the Commissary General.

These muster-rolls, with the receipts of the different Colonels or their Agents, were esteemed sufficient vouchers for passing the Paymaster's accounts, and for making out warrants or debentures for clearings; which terms shall undergo a more particular discussion, under the head of Examples.

When brigaded abroad, they were paid exactly in the same manner as the Army; but the arrears of Marine Officers were much longer withheld, and the Captains of Companies were exposed to very peculiar hardships, which will be stated more at length in a subsequent stage of the narrative.—It is enough at present to remark, that the Officers of these Regiments, when abroad, were often obliged to assign that branch of their pay, at fifty per cent. discount, in order to answer their temporary exigencies.

What a contrast does this system present to the reforms, which have been recently established, in favour of this class of men.



In consequence of the heavy losses sustained at Carthagena, and the mortality which still continued to rage after their arrival at Jamaica, the transit between the Regiments of Foot and Marines was rapid and immediate. Upon this service promotions were established by rotation in the whole line. Within the short period of five weeks, the Corps, originally Douglas's, numbered amongst its casualties, three Colonels, two Lieutenant Colonels, and two Majors.

It was not until the beginning of July that the fleet and army were in a state of readiness to renew their operations, when it was resolved to proceed against the Island of Cuba, where they anchored upon the 18th of July, in Walthenham Bay, immediately named Port Cumberland, in honor of his Royal Highness the Duke, about eighteen leagues to windward of St. Jago, the first object of their intended attack, and properly speaking, the Capital, although it was not then the seat of the Governor. The troops were all landed upon the 24th, consisting nearly of four thousand men, including one thousand chosen negroes, levied by the Island of Jamaica, with a view to sustain the laborious duties of this service. Having established a position upon the side of the river, nearly three leagues from the mouth of the harbour, the General on the 25th pushed some detachments into the country, which every[62] where beat back the outposts of the enemy, and in a few days returned to the Camp, with plentiful supplies of provisions.

It was originally the intention of the Commanders in Chief to have made a joint attack upon St. Jago, but the want of unanimity which had sometime past, and now existed to a fatal degree, ruined every purpose.—Contentious debates, and dilatory measures, took place of cordial co-operation and pushing enterprize, while the Country's interests and the lives of the Soldiery were daily sacrificed to the bitterest feuds.

About the middle of August the General stated the impracticability of advancing into the interior country with his present force, and expressed a wish to await the arrival of fresh levies from America, and the expected reinforcements from Europe, which now became essential to complete the skeleton Corps of his Army. The first resource was planned at the outset of the West India expedition, and instructions had been early given to the Commander in Chief to avail himself of it, when compelled by emergency.

Accordingly, recruiting parties were sent to New England to raise volunteers, and General Wentworth, by a personal appeal to the Governor of that province, urged the necessity of their being seconded with public spirit and public liberality. Similar steps were adopted in the State of New York, to fill up the American Regiments of Marines; and the Governors, by an impressive address to the Legislative Houses of both, strongly recommended their energies,[63] not only on the ground of patriotism, but of political expediency. Bounties of forty shillings were offered to volunteers, and the alluring inducements of conquered territory.—America then saw her interests in the subjugation of the Spanish dependencies in that quarter of the globe.

During a long interval nothing was attempted, even towards a partial reduction of Cuba, at the close of which, sickness, the never-failing result of total inactivity in these climes, began his ravages. It was therefore determined to evacuate the island, which was effected upon the 20th of November, when the regimental returns were as follow:

GeneralHarrison's Foot22238172
Wentworth's ditto22178172
ColonelWolfe's (Marines)20236132
First Battalion, Gooch's (American)16113129
Second ditto107390
Third ditto107379
Fourth ditto671107
Sick in all394715465


The total loss of Officers, at the close of 1741, amounted to one Commander in Chief, five Colonels, ten Lieutenant Colonels, seven Majors, fifty-five Captains, one hundred and sixteen Subalterns, and fourteen Staff Officers.

The heavy casualties in the Marine Regiments may easily be known, when it is recollected, that upon their leaving Europe each consisted of more than one thousand men.

The transports, under a proper escort, returned to Jamaica upon the 29th of November, while the squadron continued at sea to meet the anxiously looked-for reinforcements.



It was not until the 15th of January, 1742, that nearly three thousand men, including two thousand Marines, arrived at Jamaica. Another expedition was now meditated, which put to sea early in March, but adverse winds, the separation of transports having on board the working negroes, and the expectation of the periodical rains now nearly setting in, suggested to a Council of War held at Porto Bello, at the close of that month, the immediate return of the whole armament, to the port they had left. This afforded another instance of unfortunate discord. The fleet arrived at Jamaica upon the 15th of May.

In order to give a specious appearance to things, and to compensate for the national expenditures and past miscarriages, it was now judged proper to detach a force to take possession of Rattan, an island in the Bay of Honduras, and a situation highly proper for maintaining a commercial intercourse with South America, as well as the trade in logwood.

An establishment there having been formed early in the year, it was determined in a Council of War to send a force of fifty Marines and two hundred Americans, under Major Caulfield, in order to place the island in a state of military defence.


On the 23d of August, they reached Port Royal, on the south side of it, where they formed a camp and erected Fort George to defend the harbour, as well Fort Frederick, on the western part of it. A great proportion of the American soldiers being papists, they formed a plot to render the settlement abortive, and to rise upon the Marines and the well-affected of their countrymen.

His Majesty's ship, Litchfield, then in the harbour, hearing the alarm guns, instantly landed her party of Marines, who with those on shore soon checked this daring mutiny, secured the delinquents, and preserved the settlement to his Majesty.

Nothing farther was done during the inauspicious commands of Admiral Vernon or General Wentworth, who both soon afterwards returned to Great Britain, excepting the detaching five hundred men of different descriptions to the aid of General Oglethorpe, in South Carolina, and repelling the menaces of the Spaniards against the infant colony of Georgia.

Orders of recall for both arrived at Jamaica upon the 23d of September, and the General was directed to provide the fleet with a number of commissioned Officers, and men, from the Marines, sufficient to supply its wants; also to fill up the vacancies in the eight Independent Companies raised for the defence of Jamaica. For the former purpose, eleven hundred were required, which were nearly all that were now left and fit for duty. The supernumerary Officers and[67] sick were sent home, and the American troops were invited to become volunteers for both.

Government, under the experience of past disasters, now vested the controul of the Marines in Sir Chaloner Ogle, upon whom the naval command devolved after the departure of Admiral Vernon. Notwithstanding the personal animosities that had existed, this Officer bore his testimony to the zeal and distinguished bravery of the Soldiery, whose gallant efforts and patient endurance under the greatest privations, were uniformly conspicuous throughout a series of misfortunes.

Upwards of seven thousand Marines and nearly four thousand of other troops were the lamentable victims to pestilence and disunion, but not to defeat. The objects which were accomplished, although not adequate to their country's hopes, were still distressing to the enemy. Their principal harbours were in a manner rendered defenceless, and the Spanish government experienced much embarrassment from nearly a total suspension of these pecuniary supplies, which could alone enable it to maintain the war with vigour and effect, while the distress pervaded every class of its subjects.

Our forces were ever after too feeble to undertake any enterprize of importance against the enemy in that quarter of the world.—Self-defence was now the system adopted by Sir Chaloner Ogle, as the Spanish squadron at the Havannah was superior to his own, since the departure of Admiral Vernon.


The supplies which were voted for the year 1743 provided for a large levy of Marines to fill up their casualties—eleven thousand five hundred and fifty being the number decreed, and forty thousand seamen.

Nothing further, consistent with my subject, appears on the face of the public transactions of the year 1742.



Early in 1743, an impression upon some part of the continent of South America being resolved on, the conduct of these operations was entrusted to Captain Knowles, of the Navy, having on board his squadron four hundred of the regiment of Dalzell, and about six hundred Marines. They were first ordered to rendezvous at Antigua, from which island they sailed upon the 12th of February, with a view upon La Guira, a town in the district of the Caraccas, in Terra Firma. The attack against it was commenced on the 18th, but owing to a very heavy swell, the men of war could not approach the shore, and in consequence, the troops were not landed.—After a very heavy cannonade, which was only ended by the night, the ships withdrew from the combat. The town suffered extremely, many breaches were made in the fortifications, and the enemy sustained a loss of more than seven hundred men.

The Spaniards behaved well, as the squadron suffered very considerable damages, besides having nearly four hundred killed and wounded.

It proceeded to Curaccoa to refit, where they prepared for another attempt upon the sea-coast of Terra Firma. Having been reinforced[70] by some Dutch Volunteers, Commodore Knowles sailed from this island upon the 20th of March, and shaped a course for Porto Cavallo, where there was a respectable force, and a town in the best state of defence.

Owing to strong lee currents, it was not until the 15th of April that the ships anchored under the keys of Barbarat, to the eastward of the place. Having reconnoitred the different points of opposition, which were every where formidable, two ships were ordered upon the 16th of April against Ponta Brava, to commence upon it a flanking fire, which its low situation, and the injudicious construction of the works, evidently permitted.

After they were silenced, it was agreed to land the troops of every description, in order to take possession, and to turn the guns against the Castle; their retreat being secured by a man of war within pistol shot of the shore.—By sunset the ships had accomplished their object, and by dark a force of twelve hundred sailors, soldiers, and Dutch Volunteers were disembarked under the command of Major Lucas.

About eleven at night the Van gained one of the fascine batteries upon Ponta Brava, when a Spanish centinel discharged his musquet, and gave a general alarm.

Two guns being fired from the other battery, which was the next for capture, put into an unaccountable confusion nearly the whole of[71] this mixed detachment, when under the influence of a panic they retreated to the ships with precipitation.

Upon the 21st it was resolved to wipe away the disgrace of the late miscarriage, by an attack of the squadron and forces against the Castle and fascine batteries.—Four ships were destined to batter the former upon the 24th, while three others were placed against the latter. The cannonading began at eleven on the noon of that day, and was maintained with a mutual obstinacy till nine at night, when after a short interval the firing was renewed. Some of the ships having now expended all their ammunition, and others being damaged, they were ordered to slip, and to anchor without the reach of the enemy's shot.

This attack being fruitless in its object, which was to land the troops, and fatal in its consequences, by a loss of more than two hundred men, it was now deemed impracticable to push any farther enterprize, and upon the 28th, in a general consultation, it was resolved to return to Jamaica.

The extended operations of our fleets in other quarters being marked with no events in which his Majesty's Marine forces were particularly called forth, no farther details connected with my narrative appear within the annals of 1743.



Although Great Britain, as a guarantee of the balance of continental power, had, during a past period, exerted her resources in the cause of her Allies, opposed to the interests of France, although his Majesty King George the Second, in quality of Elector of Hanover, had been highly distinguished in the field at the head of these armies, still a specious cordiality continued to exist between the two nations.

Since the declaration of hostilities against Spain, our restless and intriguing neighbours enjoyed all the advantages of war, without experiencing any of its evils.

At the outset of this year, however, their projects were developed by the equipment of powerful naval armaments in their ports, and the assembling of armies upon their sea-coasts; the avowed aim of which was against the Crown and Liberties of the British Empire.

A Prince, delegated by his Father, and drawn from his retreat in another country, mild in his temper, and amiable in his manners, was induced to renew their almost forgotten claims upon our monarchy, and to revive the quickly decaying prejudices within our land, in favour of his family and himself.


Unable now no longer to restrain her views, France declared war upon the 20th day of March, which was answered by a similar proclamation of the 31st, on the part of England.—That Providence which has often so signally interposed for our country was now conspicuous.—The elements were employed in the destruction of many of their transports and troops at Dunkirk, while our floating bulwarks chased their covering fleet from our coasts.

At this time the whole property of naval prizes was vested in the captors, his Majesty having generously relinquished that share which hitherto had pertained to the Crown.

The arrival of Commodore Anson from his expedition, which was originally intended to co-operate across the isthmus of Darien, with the fatal one conducted by Admiral Vernon, diffused a joy into the nation.

The specie which was gained by his enterprize, courage, and perseverance was immense; and although it was obtained antecedent to the royal grant, still it was divided amongst his squadron, unimpaired by claims.

About three hundred and thirty marines shared in the toils, and the many debarkations which took place in his tedious progress; having been drafted from the different regiments to fill up the complement of his ships, and to supply the place of a number of[74] Invalids under Lieutenant Colonel Cracherode, who dreading their approaching hardships, deserted from the service.

Fleets were now detached to every quarter of the globe, and a force of eleven thousand five hundred and fifty-six Marines, was again the establishment of 1744.

It falls not within my scope to enlarge upon the wide and mingled events of this year. A partial affair in the month of May, occurred in the Mediterranean, in which the party of Marines disembarked from the Essex signalized themselves. That ship being on a cruize, gained sight of twenty-six Xebeques and Settees, bound to Antibes, from whence they were to carry troops to Italy. The former were a convoy to the latter, which were laden with powder, cannon, ordnance stores, and provisions. Thirteen having taken refuge in the Creek of Cassi, the Marines were landed in order to co-operate with the boats, and to repel any enemy that might appear to retard their progress. They were soon attacked by a body of Spaniards, whom they beat back, and thus effected the object on which they were employed. Eleven vessels were burnt and two captured, which was a material loss in its consequences.

Nothing further, that properly falls within my notice, appears within the period of this year: our numerous cruizers were peculiarly successful, and although few traits of achievement appear on the face of our public transactions during this limited era, still both the nation and the individual felt the benefit and the incitement that resulted[75] from the liberal sacrifice recently made by their Sovereign, which, while it promoted a general activity and zeal amongst every class of his subjects, struck deep also into the commercial vitals of our enemies.

The ten Regiments of Marines, by order of the Secretary at War, were directed to recruit with expedition, and in order to render them speedily effective, a number of impressed men were allotted to each. This expedient was also adopted with regard to many Regiments of Infantry.

In the Bill for the more easily recruiting his Majesty's Land Forces and Marines, a clause was inserted, that every one who should enter voluntarily would be entitled to a bounty of four pounds, and might require his discharge from the service at the expiration of three years.

The Parliament met upon the 27th of November, and granted a vote of £206,253 15 0 to support an establishment of eleven thousand five hundred and fifty Marines during the ensuing twelve months.



Some inferior attacks having been made, during the last year, by the Governor of Cape Breton upon Canso and Annapolis, in Nova Scotia, the former of which places was burnt by the French, the Northern Colonies of British America became alarmed for their safety. Roused by the representations and the united patriotism of Mr. Achmuty, Judge of the Admiralty Court, in New England, and Mr. Vaughan, an individual of great fortune and public spirit, they commenced preparations for an expedition against Louisburg. Accordingly considerable levies were begun, and a co-operating naval force was requested by Governor Shirley, of Massachusetts Bay, from his Majesty's Ministers.

At this time Commodore Warren commanded upon the West India station, who was ordered to repair to Canso with that view. A meritorious secrecy prevailed throughout, which half secured the success of an attempt that, considering the strong means of defence possessed by the enemy, and the inexperienced troops employed against them, was extremely doubtful. The activity of the Americans upon this occasion, was fully equal to the important interests they had at stake.


Upon the 4th of April the levies from New England reached Canso, and were encamped there, where they were improved in their discipline until the arrival of the other troops from the different Provinces, while the ships of war upon the coast, and some stout privateers, continued off the harbour of Louisburg, in order to cut off all supplies, as well as intelligence of the projected enterprize.

Upon the 23d of April, Commodore Warren arrived at Canso, and against the 29th all the land forces were embarked, when they proceeded for Gabarus Bay, about four miles from the capital of Cape Breton.

Upon the 30th two thousand men were landed at noon, who beat back a respectable force which was detached to prevent their descent. Upon that and the following day the rest were disembarked along with nearly three hundred Seamen, and five hundred Marines, under cover of the privateers and some smaller vessels ranged along the shore. The whole was under the command of General Pepperel, a native of Piscataway.

The French, proudly conscious of their strength, were exposed to surprise from this cause. It is but justice to an enemy, and it affords an impressive example to the military servants of every State, to remark an instance of fidelity in the private Soldiery of the garrison, at this critical moment. Long employed in carrying on the extensive works of Louisburg, without any recompence, which, however, was granted by their Government, but alienated from them by their[78] Officers, they had been in a state of insubordination and discontent, little short of mutiny, nearly six months, until the appearance of our forces, when Patriotism cancelled all inferior grievances, and these brave men now only recognized the duties of zeal and allegiance to their Sovereign and their Country. In a body they requested to be led against the invaders, but suspicion and distrust restrained their superiors from availing themselves of the tender. The spirit was allowed to subside, and perhaps an occasion was lost of averting their approaching destinies.

After the disembarkation of our troops, they were pushed on and formed two separate encampments; one on the southern part of the harbour to attack the City, and the other upon the northern side against the Grand Battery.

Upon the night of the 1st of May our outscouts, in the latter direction, set fire to some storehouses full of combustibles, which burnt so awfully that the French within this important post became panic struck, and conceiving that the whole British force was advancing, retreated precipitately into the City. The works were possessed in the morning by only thirteen men, who were soon reinforced, when an unavailing attack was made by the enemy to recover them.

They had done their utmost to render all the cannon unserviceable, which required some time before they could be drilled and fit for use; during which a most tremendous fire was opened upon this spot from the guns and mortars upon the Island Battery, and the Town, but[79] with little success. Within a few days they both experienced the effects of this post being in our hands, in the loss of men, and the demolition of houses.

The force on the north side of the harbour were not idle, but had pushed their approaches within two hundred yards of the City, by the 12th of May, which they continued to cannonade, with great vigour and success, from some heavy guns planted on an eminence called the Green Hill, and a fascine battery of twenty eight.

The business of the siege was carried on under the greatest difficulties, with an unsurpassed alacrity by all. No class could here claim any pre-eminent merit, for every one was guided by one uniform impulse.

The walls and embrasures of what the French entitled the Circular Battery, were soon destroyed, and every thing went on well. Some important captures, which accelerated the fall of Cape Breton, were made by our blockading squadron.

It being necessary to push matters as quickly as possible, an attempt upon the Island Battery was ordered, as it very materially incommoded our operations on the north side, and prevented the entrance of our ships into the harbour.

A force of two hundred Marines, and three hundred Americans, was appointed for this service, and about twelve at night, on the[80] 23d of May, the whole proceeded on that duty. Soon after a heavy fog came on that prevented their landing from the whale boats, and which obliged them to draw off; although they were not unheard by the enemy's garrison, which then consisted of only fourteen men, to whom this afforded a timely hint for their reinforcing so material a post with three hundred and fifty.

Upon the 27th, at two in the morning, this enterprize was renewed by one hundred and fifty Marines and nearly two hundred Provincials. The French, discovering their approach, fired grapeshot from their heavy guns, which destroyed some boats with the soldiers, when our troops gallantly pushed ashore.

Until sunrise they persevered in the daring but unequal contest; when at last, reduced numbers, and walls which they in vain attempted to scale, obliged them to call for quarter.

By indefatigable labour, however, on the night of the 1st of June, a commanding situation upon the cliff, which swept the platform of the Island Battery, and the entrance into the harbour, was completed, and cannon were planted in it. Things now drew to a crisis; every subordinate event combined to prosper an undertaking founded in a judicious policy, and conducted with an unanimous zeal. After forty-nine days of unrelaxed exertion, Louisburg capitulated, and with it the whole Dependency of Cape Breton.—This object was accomplished with the loss of little more than one hundred men, while that of the French exceeded three hundred. The greater[81] part fell on the Marines in the attempt upon the Island Battery, who shared in the success and glory of that expedition, and in the general tribute of applause which was so justly conferred upon all—by their Country.

The domestic events of the present year were marked by so peculiar an interest, that I cannot pass them without notice.—The adverse circumstances which occurred early in 1744 had only suspended, but did not annihilate the hopes of Prince Charles Edward, the eldest son of the Pretender, to re-ascend the throne of his ancestors.

Guided by desperate and designing men, urged on by the wily politics of France, which wished him success, but would not afford the means of it, and personally sanguine in his disposition, he readily listened to every representation that flattered his views. He accordingly embarked his destinies in a stile little adequate to the extent of his designs, which were to dethrone a beloved Sovereign, and to overturn the Constitution of a brave and a free People.

It is not for me to follow him in the range of his efforts, or to detail the successes which for a while attended his steps.

Britons, little accustomed to hear the sound of war at their own gates, were at first alarmed at the novelty, but they soon evinced both loyalty and union in sustaining the fixed rights of their Monarch, and in defending their own liberties.—Party became dumb, while[82] addresses, backed by associations were the tenders daily made to their King.

It was reserved for a branch of that House which he came to destroy, to vindicate its claims and its honor. His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, by the Battle of Culloden, not only put a close to the Rebellion, but for ever ended the aspiring hopes of the family of the Stuarts; the remains of which have survived to exist upon the bounty of a Prince whose throne they had striven to subvert.

The events of a short day transformed Charles from an imaginary Monarch to a humble beggar, and he would fain have quickly retraced his steps to that shore, upon which he had landed with such elated prospects. But many sufferings and hardships were yet in store; an interval which has immortalized the character of those poor but virtuous natives amongst whom he flew for refuge.

Although a reward £30,000 was the boon offered for his person, and he constantly within the power of the meanest, still an Iscariot, was not to be found. Adversity, that hour in which true friends can best be recognized, shewed him human nature in its most exalted form, in a people, though depressed by penury, that would not sacrifice either him or his cause.—Every loyal man, while he must deprecate the aim, will still applaud the principle of their actions. The illiterate tenants of the Hebrides have transmitted an example of fidelity and allegiance worthy of being known and imitated by the subjects of every[83] realm. The unfortunate Prince found his way to France, and while time has extinguished his family, it has also subverted prejudices, and has incorporated all his adherents with the united strength of the Empire.

Although the incidents to which I have thus recurred have no connexion with my subject, still the inferences that arise from them, as well as the critical occasion, I trust, will sanction their insertion and this digression.

The following was the list and effective strength of the Marine Regiments in 1745:

Regiments.Number of effective Men.Wanting to complete.

Besides 1,550 Commissioned and Non-commissioned Officers.


At this time, and indeed since their institution in 1739, Commissions were purchased and sold in the Regiments of Marines, although they always bore an inferior value to these in Old Corps. A perquisite frequently arose to the Colonels from the disposal of Second Lieutenancies, when his Majesty was pleased to accept of their recommendation. Such usually produced from £250 to £280, while Ensigncies in the Line sometimes yielded £400.

Nothing worthy of further notice occurred within the transactions of this year.



Early in 1746, a Committee was appointed to investigate the state and grievances of the Land Forces and Marines. A considerable increase of expence had accrued in the maintenance of both, which was one of the objects of this inquiry. Such as affected the Marine Regiments I have already detailed, and assigned the causes of the additional charges in this establishment since the peace of Utrecht. The same are applicable to the Army at large, in the allowance which was made to Commission-Officers in lieu of servants, in 1713, in a similar indulgence granted to the Quartermasters in marching Regiments in 1718, and the annuities to Officers Widows, to Colonels for clothing lost by deserters, to Captains for recruiting, and to the Agents of Corps, which were all the newly-adopted establishments of the latter year.

These additional grants, while they meliorated the situation of the Officer, cost the Nation but little.

It appears, in the course of this inquiry, that the perquisites of a Colonel, in clothing a Marine Regiment, exceeded those of the Foot, from the comparative superiority in their numbers, and the articles being of an inferior quality.


The grievances which had existed, and were peculiar to those Regiments, appeared conspicuous in the course of this public research.

"Upon the whole business, witnesses were examined by the Committee who deposed that the Marines, while on the West India expedition, were paid according to the returns of effective men made monthly to the Commander in Chief, and the account of the off-reckonings was kept by the Pay-Office; and that the Officers clearings of the first raised six Regiments had been paid only to the 25th of December, 1740, and of the other four to the 24th of June, 1741, of which the Pay-Master cannot now make any demand, till muster-rolls are delivered into his office, which he must compute, and then certify a state of the Regiment's account to the Secretary at War, who lays it before the King; in consequence of which, warrants for clearing the Regiment are issued to the Pay-master, who then makes out debentures, pursuant to which a warrant is drawn for the payment of the money, and that by this was to be understood clearing the Regiment. It further appeared, that by the usage of the Army, Regiments could not be cleared with till muster-rolls were made out, but that the Marines had never been regularly mustered, (owing to their being detached and employed in every quarter of the globe) to which circumstance is owing their not having been cleared with, which has been a sad inconvenience to many of the Officers who were obliged to assign their arrears at a prodigious discount."


One of the Agents, upon his evidence, suggested to the Committee an expedient, by which to remedy this evil, which was, that muster-rolls might be made up from the books of the Men of War already come home, and from the muster-rolls of the men now at quarters. He additionally submitted it as his opinion, that it was the duty of the Commissary to make up this account, and within his instructions, to accept of such books as immediate vouchers. This Gentleman farther certified, that the off reckonings were regularly paid, but that the clearings were not, and that the Colonel usually saved near £1,000 out the off reckonings, after clothing a Marine Regiment; and he conceived, that the Officers clearings might also be paid by a warrant from the King to the Secretary at War; more particularly as there was no deficiency of Officers, though there might be of Private men; and the returns made being strictly upon honor, might supply the want of muster-rolls.

From another witness it was obvious, that no account had ever been settled with the Captains of Marines for their Companies, the Agents always alleging, that it could not be done without muster-rolls; and that though the Marines, when in the West Indies, were mustered and paid in the same manner as the marching Regiments were; and though the latter were cleared when they came home, yet the former were not.

That in the summer of 1745, indeed, a warranty countersigned by the Secretary at War, was sent to the Pay-Master for clearing the four last raised Regiments of Marines, notwithstanding the want[88] of muster-rolls; but not being signed by the Lords of the Treasury, it was not attended to.

This hardship was peculiar to the Marine Regiments, as it became evident to the Gentlemen forming the Committee of Inquiry, that the different Corps of Foot employed upon the same service had been cleared by such authority countersigned by the Secretary at War alone, without any objection, though the pay had been issued in the same manner to them, and the want of muster-rolls equally their case.

Marine Officers, it appeared, were not allowed to take their servants, when ordered to embark.

At this period, there was a sum of £101,551 3 4 in the hands of the Pay-Master of Marines; the amount of the above-mentioned claims, whose character and motives, however, were clearly exculpated from any blame; but it was not so with his Deputy or Cashier, who had appropriated near £90,000, bearing interest upon land-tax tallies, East India Bonds, and clothing assignments, without the knowledge of his Superior, who had been informed, and till this investigation took place, always understood that the whole had been deposited in the Bank of England.

Another Subordinate, the Accountant of the Pay-Master, shared in the annual profits of these investments, which were derived from the invaded rights of the injured Officer.—After having divided the[89] spoils during some years, and having made a restitution of the principal, they were both deprived of their situations.

Such a scene of grievance appeared through the whole of this scrutiny, that the Committee emphatically closed their report, by the ingenuous avowal, that the facts which appeared called for public notice, and highly deserved the attention of Parliament.

It ought to be related, to the honour of these suffering Corps, that during the long period of nearly six years they suppressed their feelings until the present occasion, of which they very properly availed themselves.

They now submitted their wrongs to a Board, instituted by legislative sanction, and for the express purpose of redress, as well as of inquiry; the following are the terms in which the Memorial of one of the Marine Regiments were couched:

To the Gentlemen of the Committee, and which may be considered as engrossing the general sentiments of the whole that were employed in the Expedition to the West Indies.

1st. "That in the month of August, 1740, when this regiment was one of those embarked for the expedition to the West Indies, the Captains were obliged by order, out of their own pockets, to provide and lay in a stock of sugar, tobacco, snuff, shirts, shoes,[90] stockings, jackets, trowzers, and other sea stores, for the use of their Companies; and were considerable losers in the waste and weighing, and in the division of the several species to the men; that farther, if any man died (which was frequently the case,) who had not lived long enough to pay the charge of their slops, the Captain was the only sufferer, as he received his mens' subsistence according to the effective monthly returns only, by order of the General; nay, the ordinary allowance of the two Warrant Men, paid in Great Britain and Ireland monthly to the Captains, with their subsistence, was here deducted, notwithstanding they embarked complete.

2dly. "The exchange of money between England and Jamaica, at that time was 40 per cent. and money enough to be had at that exchange for the payment of the Army; nevertheless the Officers and Private Men on that expedition were obliged to receive their pay at 20 per cent. for some time: indeed, upon a general murmur made by the army upon that occasion, there was 5 per cent. more added; so here was still a deduction of 15 per cent. A noted instance of this severity at the end.

3dly. "The Agents now deny making up their accounts with the Captains of Marines, in the same manner that other Captains are accounted with; and in short deny giving any accounts at all. By this means a good deal of that martial dependence a Soldier ought to have on his Officer is withdrawn, as he finds the Agent is his factotum in affairs of money, and his executor[91] in case he dies. The Agents, in order to support these their unjust proceedings, endeavour to screen themselves under some wrested paragraphs in the Mutiny Act; for (as we apprehend), from the Legislatures designed intent, and quite contrary to the King's Order in his Articles of War, which must always be consequent to the above act, as by the said act it is, that his Majesty is empowered to make such orders or articles.

4thly. "The Officers of Marines are by the same terms of chicanery kept from receiving their arrears, there being five years and a half due the 24th of June of the present year (1746), notwithstanding the other parts of the Army receive them punctually, though in no part of the service ought the arrears to be quicker paid than in the Marines, where Officers are put to certain and immediate necessary expences on every embarkation.

5thly. "It is plainly evident that no Officer in the Marine service (whilst dealt and accounted with in this manner), enjoys the same privileges with the other Officers of the Army, which must of consequence create heart-burnings, to the detriment of the service. Seeing, therefore, that these Officers have (notwithstanding their cruel usage) on all occasions and at all times been most ready with their lives and abilities to devote themselves to the service of their King and Country, we humbly beg that this their situation may be inquired into."


The instance which was referred to from the 2d article is as follow:

"A Pay-Master, while the Marines were employed in the Island of Cuba, by order of his Commanding Officer, did receive between 3 and £400 of the deceased Officers money, for which he gave bills upon the Agent of the Regiment in London, and issued out this money to the Officers, on account of their subsistence at the full exchange, which they were in great need of.

"When this Pay-Master was in the course of passing his accounts with the Agent of the Regiment, he was told that the Pay-Master General would not allow him this money, because all money on account of the Regiment (a scheme of which the Pay-Master knew nothing) was to be drawn from the Contractors, that is, the Marines were to receive their subsistence at 15 per cent. less than the currency of the country; though God knows, and the world are competent judges of the hardships and severities of campaigning in such a climate with sea provisions only, and bad water; besides, it was utterly impossible for men thus curtailed of their small subsistence, to purchase the least refreshments, when it is considered that a poor sheep was sold for £4, a turkey at £1 3 9, and so in proportion for every thing that could be termed fresh provisions.

"In return for such sufferings, the few who remained alive to revisit their native country, with the entail of broken constitutions[93] scarcely worth the enjoying, which they still dragged on in the solacing hope of all their sorrows being closed, and all their claims adjusted, in order to restore their health, and to render them once more fit for the service of their King and Country, to their great disappointment, are to this very day kept (we believe) by the juggling tricks of the Pay-Master General, and the Agents, from their arrears, and the small benefits allowed to other parts of the Army.

"From the beginning of this example it is plain, that no charitable regard was to be paid to the executors of deceased Officers receiving their money at par in Great Britain, nor to the sufferings of Officers in America, who received this small sum on the same terms there for subsistence. We therefore most humbly pray your goodness to intercede with his Majesty for the relief of these our grievances."

Such are the details of privation which this meritorious body had long continued to endure in silent loyalty. Thus early did they afford the brightest examples of steady allegiance, which has transcended to their posterity under every change of constitution they have undergone, and what, I trust, will ever be the distinguishing characteristic of a British Marine, under all the destinies of himself or his country.

One resulting and immediate consequence of this public inquiry was, that the Pay-Master made good the balance in his hands, which[94] was lodged in the bank of England for the future benefit of those who were so justly entitled to it.

Having introduced, in the preceding part of this inquiry, some terms which may not be understood by all, I shall take a retrospect of each, and define them in rotation.

The first that occurs is off-reckonings—of these there are two kinds, gross and nett off-reckonings; the former consisted of all the pay of the Non-commission Officers and Private Men above their subsistence: for instance, during the period to which I allude, the full pay of a common Soldier was 8d. per day, out of which 2d. was stopped for clothes, &c. and 6d. remained for his subsistence. From this too, 6d. per week was deducted to furnish stockings and shoes when the regimental articles were worn out.

The Captain of each Company always settled with his men for the balance, if any, every two months. Nett off-reckonings were the amount of the gross off-reckonings, reserved for the purpose of clothing the men, after the deductions of 1s. in the pound, and one day's pay from each Regiment, for the benefit of Chelsea Hospital, with 2d. in the pound for the agent of each Corps.—Such stoppages were always made at the Pay-Office.

Clearings were the balance of each Officer's pay above his subsistence, after the deductions stated were made, which ought to have been regularly paid by the Pay-Master General to the different Marine Agents.


Warrants were documents with the sign-manual attached to each which authorized the receipt, and disbursements of money from the Treasury. They may be considered as the sanctions of any Board. Debentures were commonly made up at the Pay-Office, by virtue of warrants from the War-Office, annexing a general statement of the charges of each Regiment, upon which proceeded a final or clearing warrant. Debentures originated in 1649, and they were a mode in the form of a bond, or bill, by which Government obliged itself to render payments of such monies as might be due to the Soldier, or his assigns, upon examining and closing the account of his arrears.

Nearly twelve thousand Marines was the vote of 1746. Early in this year, an expedition was meditated against Quebec, and a considerable force assembled at Spithead for that intent, amongst which was Colonel Powlet's Regiment of Marines; but from unaccountable delays, there the whole remained until the season was too late for such an attempt.

They were afterwards destined against Port L'Orient, with a view to distress the French East India Company, as well as to create a diversion in favour of the Austrian operations in Provence. The Commanders appointed were Admiral Lestock and Lieutenant General Sinclair.

The long detention of so respectable a force, until the period of Equinox not only gave time for the enemy to ascertain its object,[96] but endangered its progress along a hostile coast, at so very critical a season.

At last, having assembled at Plymouth, the whole set sail upon the 14th of September, steering directly for the coast of Britanny.—Five thousand Infantry to be strengthened, if necessary, by the Marines of sixteen Sail of the Line, and eight Frigates, were the number employed on this occasion.

They made the coast upon the 18th; but from adverse circumstances, a debarkation was not effected until the 20th. The interval was advantageous for the enemy, who by alarm guns during the day, and lighted fire-beacons upon the tops of corresponding hills during the night, soon apprised their distant countrymen of an invader's approach.

It was in vain that opposition was attempted against the descent of our troops, by a body of undisciplined Militia. After having landed the cannon, with the ammunition and stores, in Quimparley-Bay, the whole were left under the charge of a small party of the Royal Artillery, and a body of one hundred Marines.

On the 21st the army advanced in two columns against Plymeur, which they reached after some slight skirmishing. The place having agreed to surrender, but afterwards treacherously firing upon a[97] detachment, it was given up to plunder. On the following day, the whole moved on to a rising ground within a mile of Port L'Orient, the ultimate object of their views. After a fruitless parley, which the French had established, in order to gain time and to collect their scattered means of defence, hostilities commenced on the 24th.

Some affairs took place between that and the 26th, when after a cannonade, which did considerable damage to the town, a retreat was commenced under cover of the night.

The French were now pouring from all quarters, and the situation of our forces became critical. The fatigues endured by our men of every description were excessive. The opportunity of conquest seems to have been lost in the want of early energies, which allowed a valuable interval to the enemy for defence.

After a loss of about one hundred and fifty killed, wounded, and missing, and some Artillery, the re-embarkation was effected, when the fleet set sail upon the 1st of October, for the Bay of Borneuff, off Quiberon, and to the South of Quimperlay.

The body of Marines I have mentioned, were intrenched at Quimperlay, to guard the landing-place, and the rest, under Colonel Holmes, were united with the Army.

Upon the 4th of October, some troops were landed on the peninsula of Quiberon, without opposition, from whence the natives[98] had fled with all their effects. After remaining ashore some days, the whole returned to England, without having effected any thing during that time, worthy of remark.

Nothing of moment appears farther on the face of the military operations of the present year, in which the Marines had a share.

In the gradual increase to the Establishment of the Army during the present war, the Marines became incorporated with the Line, and their numerical precedence commenced with the 44th Regiment, entitled, The First Marines.

The following is the detail of the Field Officers and Agents of each Corps, all of which were quartered in Great Britain, and in the vicinity of the principal sea-ports, at the close of the present year.

44th Regiment, or First Marines.
George Churchill, Colonel.
N. Mitchell, Lieutenant Colonel.
James Macdonald, Major.
J. Winter, Dartmouth-street, Westminster, Agent.

45th Regiment, or Second Marines.
Robert Frazer, Colonel.
J. Leighton, Lieutenant Colonel.
T. Mathews, Major.
[99]T. Paterson, Conduit-street, Agent.

46th Regiment, or Third Marines.
C. H. Holmes, Colonel.
P. Damar, Lieutenant Colonel.
W. Brown, Major.
T. Fisher, Privy-gardens, Whitehall, Agent.

47th Regiment, or Fourth Marines.
C. George Byng, Colonel.
B. Hutchison, Lieutenant Colonel.
J. Read, Major.
T. Paterson, Conduit-street, Agent.

48th Regiment, or Fifth Marines.
C. James Cochran, Colonel.
C. Whiteford, Lieutenant Colonel.
J. Stuart, Major.
Maynard Guering, St. James's-park, Agent.

49th Regiment, or Sixth Marines.
————, vacant, Colonel.
C. Gordon, Lieutenant Colonel.
C. Leighton, Major.
William Adair, Pall-mall, Agent.

50th Regiment, or Seventh Marines.
H. Cornwall, Colonel.
J. Paterson, Lieutenant Colonel.
R. Bendish, Major.
[100]T. Fisher, Privy-gardens, Whitehall, Agent.

51st Regiment, or Eighth Marines.
J. Duncombe, Colonel.
J. Cunningham, Lieutenant Colonel.
J. Brewse, Major.
Maynard Guering, St. James's-park, Agent.

52d Regiment, or Ninth Marines.
C. Pawlett, Colonel.
G. Walsh, Lieutenant Colonel.
————, Major, vacant.
Mr. Guering, Agent.

53d Regiment, or Tenth Marines.
Sir Andrew Agnew, Colonel.
C. Pawlett, Lieutenant Colonel.
C. Durand, Major.
Mr. Guering, Agent.

These Regiments, when complete, were supposed to consist of one thousand Rank and File each, and every battalion of ten Companies.

At this period the whole forces upon the British Establishment amounted to eighty-five thousand six hundred and eleven men.

As institutions of honor, and distinctions of merit, are necessary incentives for animating the zeal both of Corps and individuals, as like every other inheritance, peculiar privileges ought to be[101] transmitted, unimpaired, to the lineal successors of Public Bodies, if not forfeited by misconduct, or abused by wantonness, I am thus led to remark an occurrence that took place in London, and which is authenticated by Major Donkin, in his "Military Collections," who was a cotemporary and intimate with the Officer to whom the circumstance happened. It is thus expressed:

"The 3d Regiment of Foot, raised in 1665, known by the ancient title of The Old Buffs, have the privilege of marching through London with drums beating, colours flying! which the city disputes not only with all other Corps, but even with the King's Guards going on duty to the Tower! It happened in the year 1746, that as a detachment of Marines were beating along Cheapside, one of the Magistrates came up to the Officer, requiring him to cease the drum, as no Soldiers were allowed to interrupt the civil repose. The Captain commanding (an intimate friend of mine) immediately said, Sir, we are Marines.—Oh, Sir! replied the Alderman, I beg pardon; I did not know it! Pray continue your route as you please."

It has been already noticed in the early part of this retrospect, that the Corps of Marines was originally engrafted upon that Regiment to which the Major alludes—that the Old Buffs of the present day gained one numerical step in the Line, from the extinction of its predecessor, previous to which circumstance it had no claim to the privilege in question, and could establish no subsequent one from merely a sameness in name.


The conclusion which naturally arises must be, that after having ascertained our First Parent, as children, we should enjoy unalienated the honors of our forefathers.—Whether or not, in authenticating the fact he has stated, the Major means to advance a similar inference by a like train of analogy, I know not, but it appears to carry a feasible construction.

Although the metropolis is but rarely the scene of our service, except that of recruiting, still no one can anticipate the reforms which may be judged necessary in the different military establishments of our Country. In adducing one example of undisputed right, it must certainly fix it as a recognized principle under all future contingencies, excepting that the laws of police shall have utterly abolished the practice.



Eleven thousand one hundred and fifty Marines constituted the vote for 1747.

Notwithstanding the disasters of the last year in a projected expedition under Duke D'Anville, against Cape Breton, still the ministry of France persevered in their designs upon that important possession. Another object, more extensive in its nature and more fatal in its aim, formed also a part of their plan in the subsequent operations of the war, which was directed against the British dependencies upon the Coast of Coromandel.

These armaments equipped, under different destinations, set sail from France in united force, under the fond persuasion that no hostile interruption could stop their progress.

A happy genius appeared at this time to guide our Naval Councils. Early intelligence was obtained of the enemy's views, and adequate measures were soon taken to counteract them. The occasion afforded a fresh display of the zeal and intrepidity of Vice Admiral Anson, and Rear Admiral Warren, who with a superior force fell in with and captured, upon the 3d day of May, five sail of the line of battle, a large frigate, and four stout armed ships freighted on account of the French East India Company, with troops and stores.


Above £300,000 in money, which was intended to answer the contingencies of these expeditions, was found on board the Men of War, which altered its course to the Bank of England, and whither it was escorted by a party of Marines, in military procession, amidst the acclamations of the populace.

For this achievement the Vice Admiral was created a Peer of Great Britain, and Rear Admiral Warren was invested with the Order of the Bath.—The whole Fleet received the cordial thanks of their Sovereign, through its Commander, in these words, and who became the organ of the Royal wish:

"Sir, you have done me a great service—I thank you, and desire you to thank, in my name, all the Officers and Private Men, for their bravery and conduct, with which I am well pleased."

Soon after the enemy sustained a heavy commercial loss in forty-eight sail of homeward bound West Indiamen.

The 14th of October, in this year, memorable for our naval successes, was another day of triumph.

Rear Admiral Hawke, whom the vigilance of our Ministry detached early in August to intercept a numerous convoy then collecting for the West Indies, continued upon his cruizing ground until that morning, when their wished-for object was espied. After the most gallant defence, six ships of the line struck their colours, and were[105] carried into Portsmouth. The Order of the Bath was the well-earned laurel of this victory to the Commander, and the legislative thanks of a grateful country were rendered to the subordinate Officers, Seamen, and Marines of the Squadron.

While victory thus crowned the British Flag, its Commerce also continued protected by the same guardian care. A few short months accomplished the conquest of the flower of the French Navy, the consequences of which were soon felt in the security of our trade and the increase of public credit. Those of the enemy were both fast on the decline, and a general despondency prevailed throughout their country, from which all their boasted victories upon the Continent could not revive the nation.

Towards the close of this year, Rear Admiral Boscawen sailed for the East Indies with a powerful squadron, having nearly two thousand troops on board, in order to reinforce our ships then inferior to the enemy upon that station, and to retrieve our affairs in that quarter of the globe. All our exertions during this era were employed on our proper element, in which the Marines bore a share, and they leave not to me a single detached incident for record.

In the early part of this year, his Majesty directed that the several Regiments of Marines which were then existing, or might afterwards be raised, should for the future obey such orders as they, from time to time, might receive from the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, from which period our present Constitution may, in some degree, be dated.



The distresses of France had now reached their height in the destruction of her navy, and the annihilation of her commerce. Spain also, cut off from her resources by the vigilance of our fleets, was equally poor, and her subjects still more wretched; while Britain, now directed by unanimity and wisdom, seemed as if invigorated by the struggle.

Great must have been the sufferings of his people, when Louis XV. condescended to express his ardent wish for the return of peace to an individual who was then his prisoner. That Sovereign ingenuously avowed to Sir John Ligonier the pressures which had induced him to urge the topic; and it was a hint too interesting for humanity to pass unnoticed. Accordingly, a Congress was soon after held at Aix-la-Chapelle, in order to arrange the terms of negociation. The prospect however, did not relax our efforts, which were still greater than ever.

Eleven thousand five hundred and fifty Marines were the establishment of 1748.

Admiral Boscawen, who had sailed from England in November of the last year, got sight of the Mauritius upon the 23d day of June. His orders were to make an attack upon it, but this object was subordinate to the conquest of Pondicherry, which was the chief[107] view of the expedition. The enemy had long been aware of his destination, and were well prepared to receive him. After having reconnoitred the coast, and sounded where a probability appeared of effecting a disembarkation, it was at last ascertained, that the powerful means of defence which presented every where, and the dangers of approaching the land in many places, must necessarily involve a great sacrifice of men, and render success even ultimately doubtful. The coming on of the autumnal monsoons had also an influence in the decision of a Council, which was to relinquish this attempt, and to proceed without delay for the Coast of Coromandel, the enjoined scene of operations.

Upon the 27th of June, the Admiral bid adieu to the island, and arrived at Fort St. David on the 29th of July. Here the troops were landed and encamped, with all the necessary stores. At no period could the Nation ever boast of a more zealous or faithful servant than Admiral Boscawen. It was now but a short interval ere he proceeded to carry his instructions into effect, under his own auspices; having entrusted the Fleet to Captain Lisle, the next in command, who had orders to co-operate to the utmost.

Previous to the departure of Vice Admiral Griffin, with four ships intended for Europe, the Marines were drafted from them, and added to the battalion, which upon this service consisted of eight hundred and eighty rank and file. The whole amounting to four thousand one hundred and twenty British and Country troops to be afterwards reinforced by two thousand native auxiliaries, and one thousand one[108] hundred sailors, trained to small arms, were to form the besieging army. The battering cannon, mortars, and every implement were conveyed by the squadron within two miles of the town, while the land forces began their march towards Pondicherry, on the 8th of August, about thirty miles distant. They were uninterrupted till the 11th, when a shew of opposition was made by an intrenched force of the enemy on the banks of a river. These gave way, however, upon the advance of a detachment to attack them. On the other side stood the fort of Arian-Coupan, which it was essential to carry previous to opening the siege. A force of seven hundred men, composed of grenadiers, and the piquets of the Army were deemed adequate to this attempt by the Engineers who reconnoitred the works. In this service they had been unhappily deceived, from the peculiarity of the ground in front of the fort, the real strength of which was hid from their view.

Unprepared for the assault, our brave men, when too late, found its formidable state, but with a persevering though an unfortunate spirit, they continued an attack which afforded no hope of success.

The enemy now galling them extremely by flanking fires from two batteries on the opposite side of the river, a retreat was made after the loss of 150 men killed and wounded, and amongst them some of our best officers. The fall of Major Goodere of the Artillery, upon this occasion, was peculiarly lamented, and from his high professional talents, was considered as an event inauspicious to the future operations of the army.


The detachment being repulsed, retired towards the sea, in order to preserve a communication with the ships, and thus to disembark the cannon and stores. Here they slept all night upon their arms, and on the following day, the 13th of August, were joined by the army. In the afternoon the 1100 Seamen were landed under Captain Lloyd.

It was now determined to carry on approaches in regular form. Upon the 17th a battery of four guns was opened, but being injudiciously placed it produced no effect. The Artillery Officers having volunteered to construct another, it began on the following morning with such success, that a desperate attempt was made by the enemy to destroy it. This at first succeeded, but our men soon rallying from a temporary panic, the French were beat back and their Commanding Officer taken prisoner. Major Lawrence, however, and some officers scorning to participate in the early terror which seized the troops, became captives.

Upon the 20th some gunpowder taking fire within the Fort, the principal Battery blew up, by which explosion upwards of 100 of the enemy perished. They then, by putting matches to the different mines, demolished all the fortifications, and the remains retreated to Pondicherry.

The ruins were soon occupied by our troops, who were employed, until the 25th in rendering this post tenable. They afterwards crossed the river of Arian-Coupan, and got possession of a strong[110] situation within a mile of the place, without a shew of contest. This being to the north west of the town, a communication was from thence maintained with the ships to the northward of it, and all the implements necessary for the siege were now landed.

Early in the morning of the 1st of September the Advanced Guard of 100 men, consisting principally of Marines, was attacked by very superior forces, which were headed by Mons. Portalis, the principal Engineer of the enemy; who was mortally wounded, besides four other Officers, and the whole were repulsed with a loss of upwards of 120 soldiers.

Upon this occasion a woman fought in the Marine Ranks of the name of Hannah Snell, a native of Worcester, who, after many chequered destinies, inlisted at Portsmouth in Colonel Frazer's regiment, from whence she was embarked with a detachment on board the Swallow sloop, one of Admiral Boscawen's squadron. In this affair she behaved with distinguished courage, having fired 37 rounds, and received a ball in the groin, which, two days afterwards, she herself extracted, and likewise dressed the wound. Eleven others in both legs, but of inferior consequence also, rendered her removal to the Hospital, at Cuddalore, absolutely necessary, where she continued three months.

When recovered she was ordered on board the Eltham frigate, in which she continued till that ship returned home and was paid off. After receiving her discharge from the Marine Service, in[111] company with many of her companions, she set out for London. The time arrived when they were to bid each other a long adieu; this moment she chose to discover her sex, in order to attest the truth of her adventures. One of her friends tendered his hand, which was declined. She afterwards wore the Marine Dress, and having presented a petition to his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, he, with a princely spirit, attended to her prayer, and placed her on the King's list for a pension of thirty pounds a year for life. This she enjoyed until a few years ago, when, after a long residence at Walsall, in Staffordshire, her days were closed.

It was not until the 25th of September that the batteries were completed, when they began to play. Owing to a general ignorance of the plan of Pondicherry, our first attack was directed against its strongest quarter, and after different approaches, it was discovered that a deep and intervening morass prevented their being carried within a distance near enough to produce effect. Notwithstanding a combined cannonade on the part of the squadron, against the town, it was found that the enemy's fire rather gained an ascendency. Sickness becoming prevalent, from the fatigues endured by the troops, often up to the middle in water; the rainy season being daily expected, which would inundate the country and cut off their retreat to Fort St. David's, and the army rapidly diminishing in its numbers, afforded strong grounds for immediately abandoning the siege. A Council of War, held on the 30th of September, determined upon this measure, after which period the only objects to be accomplished were reimbarking the men and stores, and setting[112] fire to the batteries, all which were effected upon the 5th of October, and the whole were in motion upon the morning of the 6th.

They had happily chosen the critical moment for retreat, as the rains which fell upon the same evening, had nearly rendered the rivers impassible; however they reached Fort St. David's upon the evening of the 7th, after having demolished the Fort of Arian-Coupan on their way.

The want of Engineers was bitterly felt throughout the whole, and though it was in many instances amply compensated by the handsome and voluntary tenders of service, from the Officers of the Corps of Royal Artillery, still these were of too subordinate a nature to remedy the errors committed in the leading plan of operations.

We had also to combat a garrison nearly equal to our own army, which was but little aided by the Native Auxiliaries, whose chief use lay in guarding the skirts of our Camp from surprize, or harassing parties; for they would never defend any post without being supported by European troops.

This disaster involved a loss of 1065 Whites of every description, while that of the enemy did not exceed 500.

In the West Indies an attack was again intended against St. Jago, in Cuba, by some land forces embarked at Jamaica and the Marines of the squadron, with which design the whole put to sea, but after a[113] long perseverance against strong northerly winds, which prevented their approaching that coast, it was given up, and diverted to an enterprize against Port Louis on the south side of Hispaniola. This service was performed by the ships in line of battle, which, after three hours heavy cannonade, compelled its Governor to surrender upon terms, when Major Scott, with a detachment of Governor Trelawney's regiment, and the Marines, were landed, and took possession of the Fort in the name of his Majesty.

After having shipped or destroyed upwards of 80 heavy cannon, and blown up the works, the whole were re-embarked.

Towards the close of the present year a very serious mutiny occurred on board his Majesty's ship Chesterfield, upon the coast of Africa, but like all attempts of so diabolical a nature, it was suppressed by the spirited efforts of a few well disposed of her crew. This leads me to the reflection, that, however brave and intrepid the character of a British Seaman is, still his valour becomes palsied the moment it is exerted in a wrong cause. Such indeed must ever be the consequence of such ill aimed combinations. The wretch who is capable of subverting his country's interests cares but little for those of his friends. In principle a villain, he never fails being the first to desert and betray the unfortunate men, who are the dupes of his counsels, particularly when his own life appears in danger.

In order to exhibit how dangerous it is even to conceal the existence of a mutiny, I will state an instance which arose out of the[114] above occasion:—After the Chesterfield was recovered from those daring insurgents, she was carried into Barbadoes, when all the culprits were put on board the Richmond, excepting two. Some of them were indulged with their liberty and to mess with that ship's company; so liberal are our laws even to the criminal, before trial and condemnation.

Having, by their protestations of innocence, interested some of the people in their favour, T. Ferriman, the ship's Steward, I believe from pure motives, and wishing to discover those who had united in planning their escape, drew out a paper for the signature of all who wished well to the scheme. Within two hours he was himself informed against, by one who had subscribed to it, and being found in his pocket, it was too powerful an evidence to resist that article of War which holds him equally guilty with the perpetrator, who knowingly conceals any gathering mutiny even for a moment.

Every detail of active operation closes with the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, now a second time rendered memorable by the growth of the Olive.

After more than nine years hostility, all the powers agreed to a general restitution of conquests. France and Spain were left to lament a ruined Navy, and an impoverished people, while Great Britain felt an accession of more than four millions of circulating specie, which concealed from the public view a large addition to her national debt.


At this time the respective rank between the sea and land Officers was decreed by his Majesty, and an order issued for an exact uniformity of dress throughout the naval service.

Amongst the many reductions which now progressively took place, during 1748, and the early part of the ensuing year, may be remarked the total extinction of the Marine establishment, the Officers of which, at these successive periods, were placed on half pay.



Peace having been proclaimed upon the 2d of February, 1749, the liberal policy of Government was soon after conspicuous towards its disbanded servants.

The settlement of Nova Scotia, hitherto a neglected spot, presented itself to the enlightened mind of the Earl of Halifax as a proper field for improvement, and it readily occurred to him, as a fit occasion, for rendering useful to the State a body of men, that might have otherwise been let loose upon society.

Accordingly grants of land in that Province, were tendered to every rank of his Majesty's land and sea forces, and as a spur to immediate population, an extension of privilege and property was allowed to him, who should embark his family, in proportion to its numbers.

Some of the liberal professions, and mechanicks of different descriptions were also invited to become adventurers, under similar inducements, and the plan of a happy Civil Government emanating from a British fountain, was early framed for the permanent happiness of these military colonists.


Under such assurances above 4000 bid adieu to their native shore, and upon the 21st of June the whole anchored in the bay of Chebucto, upon the southern coast of the Province, where a town was quickly raised, fortified, and divided into lots, which was named Halifax; a monument of the liberal and humane views of its noble patron. The occasion merits many a reflection which I am not allowed to indulge.

While it is the wisdom, it is also the interest of every Country to frame employ for those who have served it faithfully in war. A distinction between the industrious and the profligate would soon be marked by Society, and the worthless wanderer roaming about unpitied, would be compelled to contribute to his own support, and thus promote the general good.

Every circumstance after the peace tended to shew that it was only a temporary expedient on the part of France.

Alternately they continued to inflame and negociate during nearly the whole interval of public repose, and by their extensive Naval preparations, which were not confined to their own Country, they obviously evinced the intention of renewing hostilities when they felt themselves in sufficient power.

Upwards of six years provocation and remonstrance had elapsed, when repeated insults aroused the Nation. Early in 1755 our armaments began, at which time a levy of 50 Companies of Marines,[118] was ordered, and the following appointments of Officers to them appeared in the Gazette of the 5th of April:

Lieutenant Colonels.
James Patterson,
Thomas Drury,
Charles Gordon,

Richard Bendyshe,
Charles Leighton,
James Burleigh.

Hector Boisrond,
Gabriel Sediere,
John M'Kenzie,
Charles Repington,
Alexander Cumming,
Sir Robert Abercrombie,
Alexander Douglass,
Edward Rycaut,
John Wright,
Thomas Dawes,
John Tufton Mason,
Thomas Sheldon,
Thomas Moore,
John Gordon,
Richard Baker,
James Dundas,
George Maxwell,
James Robertson.

First Lieutenants.
Daniel Campbell,
Dudley Crofts,
George Langley,
James Hill,
Alexander Cathcart,
Francis Hay,
Donald M'Donald,
John Shuttie,
Edward Howarth,
Robert Duglass,
John Phillips,
John Brown,
Colin Campbell,
Robert Ewer,
Archibald Campbell,
George Ord,
Laucelor Willan,
William Fraizer,


John Campbell,
Claud Hamilton,
John Bell,
John Dennis,
Thomas Dalton,
Thomas Whitwick,
James Hamilton,
Robert Barker,
John Groeme,
John Beaghan,
Samuel Prosser,
Patrick M'Donal,
Alexander Irons,
Charles Webb,
William Stacy,
Richard Brough,
Henry Smith,
John Johnston,
Leathes Johnston,
Christopher Gauntlett,
Tooker Collins,
Walter Canuthers,
John Vere,
William Picton,
Richard Shuckburgh,
Richard Hawkins,

First Lieutenants.
James Short,
George Bossuque,
James Mercer,
John Frazer,
W. Ayton Douglas,
Dennis Bond,
Thomas Backhouse,
Gerard Dennet,
Thomas Troy,
Edward Shyffin,
George Gulston,
Richard Dennison,
William Thompson,
John Elliot,
John Pitcairne,
James Perkins,
William Dennis,
Ralph Teasdale,
Pierce Deut,
Robert Shirley,
Daniel Campbell,
John Blinkhan,
William Lutman,
Thomas Wright,
William Rowley,
Thomas Stamper,


George Maddison,
Charles Grey,
Robert Burdet,
John Yeo,
Robert Packhurst,
Alexander Leslie,

First Lieutenants.
Thomas Airy,
Thomas Smith,
—— Waller,
Charles Fletcher,
Benjamin Edwards,
Enoch Markham.

These, formed into three divisions, were placed at Chatham, Portsmouth, and Plymouth, under the controul of the Board of Admiralty, and an Act was passed for their regulation while on shore.

Some of the names detailed, still live, while others, like them, survived to hold distinguished rank, and to prove ornaments to their profession, and the British Army.

From this era the Marine Corps has ever constituted a branch of the peace establishment, the sale of Commissions was abolished, although a transit between the Army and it, was still kept up, which, from the casual introduction of men of influence, animated promotion. But this system was soon changed, by which reform all Officers rose in regular rotation, and what is the regulation of the present day. Every appointment in the Marine Corps was notified from the Admiralty, and appeared in the London Gazette; a practice for reasons I know not, has been since discontinued.


Although no declaration of war had taken place, still hostilities of a serious nature had been committed in America, and captures to an immense amount were made by our cruizers during 1755. Even since the signature of peace, indeed, the French maintained a spirit of inveteracy in the East, which aimed at universal dominion. Preparations were at last commenced, and the country at large began to feel their wrongs.


An unaccountable dread pervaded the nation, which the public measures certainly tended to heighten. In the early part of 1756 the enemy had collected immense forces upon their coasts with the avowed object of invading England. Foreign auxiliaries were called in, measures of precaution and defence were adopted, while the real objects of attack from all their mighty threats, were entirely forgotten and neglected. Amongst the additional forces voted during the present year, 9138 Marines were decreed by Parliament; in order to complete which 30 additional companies were ordered to be raised. The expedient of a land impress was resorted to, in the form of an "Act for the more speedy and effectual recruiting his Majesty's Land Forces and Marines," but which was suspended by a Royal Order upon the 1st of May, in consequence of the zealous and patriotic co-operations of the nobility and gentry, who, by their purses and their energies, rendered it unnecessary.


The real designs of the French having been developed in an expedition against Minorca, while they continued to amuse the nation by the terrors of an invasion, produced a declaration of war upon the 18th of May, against that power. Admiral Byng had been detached for its relief, and had previously been ordered to disembark all the Marines from his ships, in order to take on board a number of land forces destined for the relief of that garrison.

Commodore Edgcumbe, who commanded the British squadron in the Mediterranean, foreseeing an attack upon the island, had landed 1 Captain, 2 Subalterns, 4 Serjeants, 4 Corporals, 3 Drummers, and 104 Rank and File, being nearly the whole of his Marines, to strengthen its defence, who shared in the fatigues and the glory of that distinguished siege under Lieutenant General Blakeney. Much spirit and determined bravery was evinced in the course of it.

After more than two months tedious approaches, the enemy stormed, upon the 25th of June, in different points, but with partial success. The firing had continued from ten at night until four upon the following morning, when Marshall Richelieu beat a parley in order to bury his dead. But he shamefully invaded the interval of suspension, by reinforcing the lodgments he had gained, which communicating by subterraneous passages, afforded easy access into the body of the place itself.

This led to its immediate fall, by capitulation, after seventy days contest, and is an instance of what little confidence should be placed in the French character, under every similar occasion.


The Nation, always too apt to despond from slight causes, most bitterly lamented this event, which was preceded by the very unwelcome tidings of a drawn battle between the hostile fleets. Sir Edward Hawke succeeded the unfortunate Admiral, who became a victim to the strict letter of the law, and the general prejudices of his Country. From a vast superiority our commerce in those seas was well protected, while that of the enemy suffered extremely. The constant threats of descent appeared to paralyse every exertion but that of domestic security; while the enemy were carrying on their schemes of distant conquest under the panic which these had produced.

Towards the close of the year a new Ministry was formed, to which the Nation looked with confidence and hope.

In this administration that great and manly character, Mr. Pitt, was one.—No farther details occur under the era of 1756.—The Marines, in common with their brethren in the British Fleet, shared in the credit which was gained by some partial actions during the year.



An addition of twenty companies was ordered early in the year 1757, to complete the parliamentary vote of eleven thousand four hundred and nineteen marines.

The happy change which had taken place in the councils of the nation seemed to extend its effects through every department.—That vigor and unanimity was, however, again suspended by intrigue and faction, of which the enemy availed themselves, by detaching with impunity, reinforcements to their distant dominions.

A coalition of parties having been accomplished, re-animated the country, but nothing peculiarly interesting or falling within my scope, can be remarked within the current incidents of this year. Some partial naval actions, which did honor to the leaders, and which reflected credit upon all the subordinates who had a share, were fought within this period. They evinced that our spirit was not extinguished, but that it only awaited the auspices of some guiding hand, and a higher occasion, to render it of substantial benefit to the public.



The fears of an invasion began now to subside, and these warlike preparations which had hitherto been made with a view to self defence, were, under the bold and enterprizing genius of Mr. Pitt, soon to be turned against the enemy's coasts. This was necessary to animate the people, as well as politic in forcing the French to withdraw a part of their immense forces upon the Continent. A farther augmentation of thirty Companies was granted to the Corps of Marines, to keep pace with the general energies, which completed their establishment to fourteen thousand eight hundred and forty-five, being the vote for the service of 1758. At this period too, that highly useful body of men, the National Militia, was ordered to be raised and organized for domestic security, while our regular armies were employed in retaliating the terrors of invasion, and in carrying the war into the foreign possessions of our enemies.

Early in this year was fought the memorable action between the Monmouth and Foudroyant, which must ever be considered as one of the most distinguished events upon our Naval Annals. Monsieur De Quesne, with a nobleness that did him the highest honour, in delivering his sword to Lieutenant Carkett, the representative of the gallant Captain Gardiner who fell, was not ashamed to avow that he had surrendered only to the force of the Monmouth. The great inequality in this contest confers a lasting credit upon the meanest individual who bore a part in it.


Sir Edward Hawke, commanding a squadron of seven sail of the line, observing a number of the enemy's ships, with forty transports full of troops, at anchor off the Isle of Aix, he pushed on with a view to attack them; but they slipped their cables, and were run ashore upon the mud, after having thrown their guns and stores over board, by which means they escaped. The enemy had been employed in repairing the works upon the island that were destroyed in our expedition of last year. The Admiral disembarked Captain Ewer, with a party of one hundred and forty Marines, upon the 5th of April, with orders to demolish them. This service was effected with discipline and humanity, as it was accomplished most completely, and without the smallest molestation to the inhabitants.

An expedition having been meditated to the Coast of Africa, consisting of two hundred Marines, under Major Mason, and a detachment of Artillery, it sailed from Plymouth on the 9th of March. Upon the 24th of April, this squadron, under the command of Captain Marsh, arrived off the river Senegal, and against the 29th, the small craft got over the shallow bar, being opposed by some vessels of force, which were, however, obliged to retire, when a landing was made. Early on the following day, being about to advance against Fort Lewis, situated upon a small island about twelve miles farther up the river, a deputation from the Superior Council of Senegal arrived, with articles of capitulation, which were accepted. In consequence, Major Mason, with his Marines, took possession of the Fort upon the 2d of May, in which was a garrison of two hundred and forty soldiers and ninety pieces of cannon, with[127] treasure and merchandize to a great amount. During this short service, the sufferings of the men were great, as many of the boats having the tents, cannon, and ammunition, were overset upon the bar, which circumstance exposed them to the nightly dews and the scorching sun upon that inclement coast, without a shelter. Being a key to their grand Establishment at Goree, this acquisition was of much importance.

It falls a second time to my lot to mention the active services of my Corps in the conquest of Cape Breton, and its Capital, now rendered more formidable by experience. A violent surf prevented the landing of our forces, under the conduct of Sir Jeffrey Amherst, seconded by the Brigadier Generals Whitmore, Laurence, and Wolfe, from the 2d until the 8th of June, during which the ships were exposed to a cannonade from cannon and mortars. Upon that day, the debarkation took place in different points, amidst the greatest difficulties, during which Gen. Wolfe was very highly distinguished. Some lives, and about one hundred boats were lost in the attempt. After different preparations and approaches, which would be too wide a field for my detail, the Marines of the Fleet were landed, on the 26th of June, when being formed into a battalion, they took post at Kennington-cove, and afforded a vast relief to the Army then occupied in very extensive duties. Upon the 30th, they were engaged at this post, and repulsed the enemy. Their ships in the harbour continuing to incommode our troops, an enterprize was formed against them during the night of the 25th of July, which occasion very much signalized Captains Laforey and Macbride of the Royal Navy, who took and destroyed the Beinfaisant and[128] Prudent. Upon the 26th, the French proposed terms, by which five thousand six hundred and thirty-seven soldiers and sailors became prisoners of war, and in the capitulation was included the surrender of the islands of Cape Breton and St. John's. Gen. Amherst, in public orders, desired the Commanders of every Corps to acquaint the Officers and Men with the high satisfaction which he felt from the bravery and good conduct of the troops—a conduct that had, and always must insure success, and what he would take the liberty of reporting to his Sovereign. A severe blow to the navy of France, was one of the happy circumstances of this achievement.

Considering the many detached enterprizes with which the year 1758 was marked, the most sanguine could not hope that all would succeed without loss, where the chief objects were to land upon, to harass, and keep in alarm the widely extended coasts of France.

Although the affair at St. Cas, in the month of September, was unfortunate in its issue, still no incident occurred that tarnished the honour of our arms. More impetuous courage was never shewn, than by the handful of men which formed the rear guard of the British Army upon that service, who had to combat very superior numbers. Previous to this, an opportunity offered to signalize the parties of Marines belonging to three ships of Commodore Howe's Squadron, in an attack upon the Castle of Latte, situated on a peninsula in the entrance to St. Maloes' harbour. A joint attempt had been concerted between a Naval force and a detachment from the Army upon the heights above Arborough Bay, upon the 4th of September, but the ships could not stand near enough to produce effect without an imminent risk; when after a short contest, it was[129] relinquished, by the co-operating troops. These parties of Marines having been landed upon the night of the 9th, attacked and carried it without loss. In consequence of the success which had attended the expedition against the coast of Africa, another was formed against Goree, which sailed from Cork upon the 11th of November, under the joint conduct of Commodore Keppel and Lieutenant Colonel Worge, the newly-appointed Governor of Senegal. A body of land forces, and the Marines of the squadron were the forces intended to carry this service into effect. After a very dangerous passage, the whole gained sight of Goree, upon the 28th of December, excepting the Lichfield of fifty guns, and a transport, that were wrecked upon the inhospitable shore of Barbary. About two o'clock the squadron reached abreast of the island, then four miles distant, while the transports were ordered to a bay between Point Goree and Point Barabbas, to be in readiness to land the troops on a signal being made. Every disposition being arranged for an immediate attack, early in the morning of the 29th, the troops were embarked in the flat-bottomed boats, in order to push ashore upon the island when adviseable, while a general cannonade was opened by the ships against the different points of defence. After a most tremendous firing of some hours continuance, the enemy struck their colours, in order to establish a parley, that ended in an almost immediate renewal of hostilities, which soon obliged Monsieur de St. Jean to surrender at discretion. Commodore Keppel instantly landed all the Marines, who took possession and occupied the fort until every arrangement was made. The loss upon this service was extremely trifling.


Many were the occasions that distinguished the Naval and Military Forces of his Majesty during the present active year, which, from their number, cannot fall within my detail. Both Corps seemed animated with a spirit of unsurpassed zeal and enterprize, which the Marine of France, her Commerce, and her coasts most bitterly felt. This era exhibited many early specimens of the courage and talents of some individuals, whose merits and great abilities very justly placed them in high commands during the subsequent stages of their lives, and whose names can never be mentioned but with encomium.

The amphibious duties of the Marine Soldier necessarily placed him in many of these active scenes, and from that close connection in which he now stood towards the Naval Establishment of his country, he may be said to have always been a sharer in the honours that arose from the brilliant single actions at sea, with which the year abounded.

A bill framed in wisdom, policy, and humanity, originated and passed in 1758, under the able and enlightened auspices of the Honourable Mr. George Grenville. This was for the encouragement of Seamen in the Royal Navy, by which these well-meaning, but unthinking men, were enabled to cast an eye of compassion and relief towards their suffering families. By this institution they might allot such a part of their pay as they did not choose to receive, to their wives, parents, or others, to which amount they had tickets from the Commissioners, which on being remitted to any part of the country, were payable on demand by the Collectors of Customs and Excise within Great Britain. Its liberal tendency is too obvious for remark; and it is only singular, that from its[131] acknowledged influence, such was not earlier extended to the Marine Soldier, who constantly participated in the dangers, the glory, and the duties of our Fleets.—The man who has resolution and virtue to forfeit his own comforts, and to alienate a great part of them towards the subsistence of his distant relatives, affords the strongest test of his genuine character. He who is true to domestic ties, will never, by insubordination, dissolve those that unite him to his country.


Fourteen thousand eight hundred and forty-five Marines formed the Establishment of 1759.

The manly, daring, and enlightened mind of him who guided the public measures, was never more conspicuous than in the extensive plans which directed the operations of the present year. Superior to the menaces of invasion, though still not despising them, he did not limit the national energies to a system of self-defence, but resolved upon carrying war and conquest against the distant territories of our enemy. The spirit of Englishmen, thus roused, kept pace with the bold views of Mr. Pitt, and while it has convinced the world how invincible we are when knit together in the bonds of union, let us imitate the examples of this happy period, upon every return of public danger!

One of the most gallant single actions with which this contest was marked, occurred in the West Indies, towards the close of[132] 1758. It is narrated by Captain Tyrrell, of the Buckingham, who fought it, in all the honest simplicity of a British Seaman, and bears high testimony to the gallant conduct of those under his command. This gratifying tribute, when merited, should never be withheld from the meanest, and it must ever honourably characterize the man who bestows it. Falling in with the Florissant, of 74 guns, and two heavy frigates, in his Majesty's Ship Buckingham, of 70, he bravely engaged them and obliged the first to strike; but night coming on, she availed herself of its darkness, made sail, and escaped from her disabled antagonist. Speaking of my Corps, Capt. Tyrrell's words are, "Capt. Troy, at the head of his Marines, performed the service of a brave and gallant Officer, cleared the poop and quarter-deck of the enemy, and drove her men like sheep down the main deck."

The defenceless state of the French Carribee Islands, induced an expedition against them, which sailed from Europe towards the end of November, 1758, under General Hopson and Commodore Hughes, and arrived at Barbadoes upon the 3d of January following. This Squadron, consisting of seven sail of the line, one of fifty guns, besides frigates, had on board nearly eight hundred Marines, headed by Brevet Col. Rycaut, of the Portsmouth Division, which were intended to form a battalion, to co-operate with the army; but Commodore Moore assuming the command of our Naval Forces in these seas, after this junction, cancelled that plan, and adopted the idea of landing each party in detachment, when necessary. By this measure the public character of Colonel Rycaut was suspended, and that regular system of discipline, which must ever result from the union of many[133] under one form, was sacrificed. This leads me to notice, that the Marine Soldier is peculiarly exposed to a great disadvantage upon every service of combined operation. Constantly employed in small detachments, it is frequently his lot, at a short notice, to enter the field against the well-trained legions of his enemies, and to unite his energies with the Regular and Brigaded Forces of his country. He, in this new scene, perhaps, knows not his file leader, and is probably a stranger to his officer.

As the predominant duties of this class of men are on board our navy, where military evolutions can only be performed upon a narrow scale; considering that a sudden and unforeseen emergency may place them in the situation I have described, it might be a means of rousing an emulous zeal between each, and of fixing that intimacy which is requisite to promote a mutual confidence, to form the detachments in every Fleet, or Squadron, into one battalion, or more; which being constantly maintained in a state of arrangement, would be better prepared for these momentary calls. The benefit which must arise would far counterbalance any trifling expence that might be incurred in the different necessary appendages to such establishments, and would afford opportunities by which to recompence the meritorious individuals of a Corps, whose hopes cannot now aspire above one uniform level.

The whole of this armament sailed against Martinico on the 13th day of January; the land forces, having been already reduced by the fever and small pox.

During the night of the 15th the squadron beat up into the Bay of Port Royal, and on the following morning his Majesty's ship Bristol[134] attacked and silenced Fort Negro, a strong battery of seven guns. Her Marines, as well as those of the Rippon, were immediately landed, who, with fixed bayonets, climbed up the rocks and entered the embrazures, without resistance, as the enemy had abandoned the works. The British colours were hoisted at ten, and the army was afterwards disembarked in the neighbourhood of that post, where they slept on their arms.

Next day a Council of War determined to change the attack against St. Pierre's, when the troops returned on board, and the guns were destroyed. After some consideration this idea was also relinquished, and it was resolved to proceed against Guadaloupe. Having made that island upon the morning of the 23d, a disposition of attack, against Basseterre and the Forts, was given out, which commenced at nine, and continued, without an interval, until night, when the whole were silenced.

The loss was confined in this long and heavy cannonade, to Lieutenant Roberts, of Marines, in the Norfolk, killed; Captain Trelawney, of the Lyon, Lieutenants Curle and Chaudy, of Marines, on board that ship and the Rippon, wounded; with 30 of different descriptions killed and 60 wounded. The town was unhappily set on fire, which irritated the flying inhabitants to a more vigorous defence of the island.

Upon the 24th the troops were landed, when the French abandoned the works they had began on the rising ground behind Basseterre, without opposition. Our army took possession of them and halted there during the night. Next morning the enemy also deserted the citadel, retiring towards the mountains with the[135] resolution of resting their future defence upon the chance of sickness gaining ground amongst our troops, and of succours from Europe. The 61st regiment, under Major Teesdale, was directed to occupy the town and citadel. This detachment owed their salvation to a Genoese deserter, who informed the Commanding Officer, when on the eve of entering the latter, of their impending danger from the explosion of a mine to which the train had been laid, and that was to have been fired by a Negro, who, unaware of the hazard to himself, was bribed to this duty. By pushing rapidly into the citadel, the train was found, and timely swept away, as the dark coloured emissary was advancing, with drunken and staggering steps, to have executed the diabolical design.

Upon the 25th the field pieces, and every necessary implement were landed, and the ground marked out for the different regiments, in such a manner as to co-operate instantly when required. A corps of Light Infantry, drawn from the several Battalions, was also formed and placed under the command of Major (now General) Melville, which rendered very essential services.

The French Commandant, Mons. Nadau, took post in a deep cleft of the mountains, which commanded his supplies from Cape Terres, by far the best cultivated quarter of the island. Every approach to this recess was also guarded by intrenchments. Upon the 26th a summons was sent him, which he modestly but firmly rejected.

Some trifling skirmishes, that involved nothing except a loss of men took place, instead of that active system of enterprize, which should, if possible, be ever followed in a West India warfare.[136] The enemy gathered spirit from our inactivity, and in their turn harassed and insulted the Citadel itself, and the relief of our Guards. This error, however, afforded an opportunity of distinguishing the 61st Regiment, which was successfully employed in dislodging the enemy from the grounds they occupied.

An attack being meditated against Fort Louis, upon the Grande Terre, or North East side of the Island, a Squadron was ordered, under Captain Harman, of the Berwick, with some Companies of the Highland Regiment, under Major Campbell, of the Marines; he having also a considerable detachment of his own Corps. The whole proceeded to execute this service upon the 6th of February, from which day, till the 13th, the ketches continued a brisk bombardment. The Squadron advanced to the contest early on that morning, and after five hours cannonade, silenced the Fort and its numerous dependant batteries. During this attack, the Highlanders and Marines were in the flat-bottomed boats, ready to seize upon the first favourable moment for debarkation; and on this signal being made they bravely pushed ashore, under a heavy resumed fire from every point of the enemy's defence. Major Campbell, upon this occasion, allowed them no breathing time; for finding that the ammunition was generally injured by landing at an improper place, he resolutely pushed on with fixed bayonets, and after a severe action carried the Fort, with, all the batteries. This was not accomplished without a considerable loss.

An unhappy plan of procrastinated operation continued to mark our progress in the neighbourhood of Basseterre, which assumed, however, a more active form under Gen. Barrington,[137] who succeeded to the command of the Army, after the death of General Hopson, on the 27th of February.—Resolving to change the plan of operation, he withdrew his forces from Basseterre, leaving a garrison in Fort Royal, and blowing up the other works.

The whole now directed their course to Fort Louis on the 7th of March, where the transports did not arrive until the 20th, owing to the prevalence of strong lee currents. Intelligence being received of a powerful French Squadron having reached Martinique, induced the Commodore to leave the Army at this critical period to their own energies, and to proceed whither he might be enabled to counteract its future schemes. Accordingly the Marines were withdrawn from the shore, and distributed amongst their proper ships; but such was their reduced state in consequence of this service, that detachments were also necessarily solicited from the General to supply the heavy casualties which had occurred to them.

After a tedious, fatiguing, and spirited train of operation, upon which I am now precluded from remark, General Barrington effected the conquest of Guadaloupe on the 2d of May, and with it the neighbouring islands of Marigalante, Deseada, and The Saintes. Every one conversant in the military obstacles which present in that inhospitable country, cannot restrain his applause of the distinguished perseverance of the Commander in Chief, and the gallant Subordinates during the whole course of their arduous duties. It exhibits a powerful example of what may be achieved by the talents and active spirit of one man; but they are inherent in that noble family, whose virtues I cannot enhance by any panegyric of mine.


Wherever we cast an eye the most glorious achievements appear before us. The conquest of Canada and its Capital, was a most conspicuous event, but it was dearly purchased with the life of one man whose exalted genius and patriotic soul were fitted to turn the scale of Empires. The Plains of Abraham will be a lasting memorial of the superior steadiness and valour of British Soldiers, when led by courage and ability. The fatigues and services of the navy throughout the whole of this campaign were severe and highly honorable.

This leads me to notice a very ludicrous circumstance that occurred on the morning of the 13th of September, previous to that battle which decided the fate of Quebec.—A number of Tars who had been employed in dragging the cannon to the heights upon which they were planted, when returning to their ships, observed the army drawn up in battle array, instead of continuing their route, they fell into the ranks with the Soldiers, some having cutlasses, others sticks, and a few having nothing in their hands. General Wolfe remarking their zeal, addressed them with that complacency which was so familiar to him, thanked them for their well meant spirit, urged them to go on board, and pointed out the probable bad consequences from their mingling with the soldiery at so critical a moment. To this request some of them answered, "God bless your Honour, pray let us stay and see fair play between the English and French." The General could not help smiling at these brave but thoughtless fellows, and again repeated his wish for them to withdraw. With this some complied, but others swore, immediately on turning his back, "that the Soldiers should not have all the fighting[139] to themselves, but that they would come in for a share of it some way or other."

It appears that a number actually continued in the ranks during the progress of the day, and whenever a Soldier dropped they alternately put on his accoutrements, charged, and fired with perfect coolness.

Nothing peculiarly active fell to the lot of the Marines, excepting an affair of diversion on the 12th of September, with a view to aid the more material operations of the army.

Upon the evening of that day the Admiral ordered the flat bottomed boats, below the town, to assemble astern of one of the frigates. Into these all the Marines which could consistently be spared, were embarked, and at the break of day of the 13th stood over towards the Beaufort shore as if to make a descent, while the ships of war that escorted them were ordered to cannonade the French lines. This feint obliged the enemy to retain a greater force at those works, than they would otherwise have done, and it was in some degree instrumental towards the success of that glorious day.

In the summer of the present year orders were given for each ship of the line, upon the home station, to take on board a double complement of Marines, to co-operate in the descents which might be attempted by the army.

Discomfited in every quarter, the enemy now confined their designs to domestic preparations, which aimed at a general but connected invasion of this island. Of these our Cabinet was fully apprized, and well knew how to frustrate them. Admiral De La Clue,[140] with a considerable force, having put to sea from Toulon, in order to effect a junction with their grand armament at Brest, was soon after observed by Admiral Boscawen, and defeated with a loss of five of his ships, while the remains took shelter in the port of Cadiz, where they were blocked up by an English squadron. This reverse was little expected by the French Ministry, who could not conceive that our energies were every where.

The enemy defended themselves with bravery, and they had set them, by their Chief, a most heroic example. Such as might have been expected was given by Admiral Boscawen to his fleet.

Rear Admiral Rodney destroyed a link of that chain of preparation by the bombardment of Havre de Grace, where a large collection of boats had been formed, denominated Prames. These were flat bottomed, were about 100 feet long, 24 broad, and 10 in depth, each mounted two heavy cannon, had one mast, could sail or row when most convenient, and was capable of transporting 280 troops, or nearly 50 cavalry complete. Our good friends, the Dutch, ever ready to supply all parties, suffered a heavy loss during the blockade of Havre, in naval and military stores, with which their avarice had prompted them to supply our purposed invaders.

The honour of our arms was this year most gallantly supported by Vice Admiral Pocock, in the East Indies, who was opposed to very superior forces, but still afforded that general protection to our territory and our commerce, which must ever constitute the most predominant objects of our naval efforts. A sharp action was fought, which, as might have been anticipated, ended in a drawn conflict.


At this moment of public danger, the protection of our coasts was confided to Sir Edward Hawke, who shewed himself worthy of the trust. Taking his station off Brest he detached to every quarter within his limits, to reconnoitre and to destroy. Captain Harvey very highly distinguished himself by a train of activity upon his post, which was close to the mouth of that harbour. Some boats, seconded by his flying squadron, achieved the capture of several neutral vessels laden with naval stores, in the Bay of Camaret, which Mons. Conflans determined to resent. He accordingly employed a very superior force to gratify his spleen, which, however, did not stagger Captain Harvey's resolution, who, on the contrary, advanced to meet them. In turn he became the pursuer, which ended with the exchange of some distant shot, and the French ships taking shelter under their batteries.

The consequences that were averted by this seemingly unimportant affair, were great, as the enemy had in view, after driving this squadron from its ground, to have proceeded to the Morbihan, another part of the coast of Britanny, where we had a small blockading force stationed; after destroying which, they were to return to Brest with the numerous land forces that were then ready for embarkation. With such material objects before them, it is a stigma upon their naval spirit, in not having persevered.

The repeated enterprizes of this vigilant Officer derive a peculiar merit from the time and manner in which they were performed. When the enemy were every where proclaiming their threats, Capt. Harvey landed his Marines from the Monmouth, upon the little island of Molines, and exacted from its inhabitants a small supply of cattle, stock, and vegetables.


The priest upon this spot stepped forth, as the organ of his flock, who, he said, were poor. Captain Harvey's reply was, "that he regretted to distress the wretched; but what he now did was merely to shew the enemy and all Europe, that the French could not protect their people within their own sight, much less dare the invasion of England!" He afterwards, in his own barge, being seconded by some other boats, brought off the tender of Admiral Conflans, from a small bay close to the harbour of Brest, within sight of their fleet, under a prodigious cannonade of guns and mortars, and an extensive line of musquetry. This brave man felt for the dignity of his country, and he maintained it.

The enemy, every where ready to catch a favourable moment, only awaited the time when our blockading Fleets should be driven from their coasts, in order to carry their long-boasted threats into effect. A heavy gale upon the 9th of November not only forced Sir Edward Hawke from his station, but brought into Brest Monsieur Bompart and his Squadron from the West Indies in safety. This circumstance very much strengthened the ships of Conflans with prime seamen, who sailed on the 14th, and steered for Quiberon Bay, with a view to annihilate Commodore Duff's detachment, to bring out his transports with troops, and finally to attempt the invasion of our isles.

But Sir Edward Hawke anticipating his schemes, also put to sea; and notwithstanding that contending elements, for a while, opposed his wishes, still, by perseverance, he arrived in time to save our Flying Squadron, just on the eve of being captured, and to give a death blow to all their mighty hopes.


The victory of the 20th of November must ever stand as one of the most brilliant upon our naval annals, not so much from the extent of its success in captured ships, as the dangerous circumstances under which it was achieved, and the happy consequences that were its immediate results. Our loss upon this signal occasion was only fifty killed, and two hundred and forty-eight Seaman and Marines wounded.

Thus foiled in every quarter, their commerce cut off by the conquest of their most valuable colonies, expensive preparations sacrificed, without the attainment of a single object, a partial bankruptcy took place in the national funds of France. At this trying period, however, the sufferings of its monarch, and of the public, were alleviated by the substantial tenders of loyalty and patriotism. Numerous were the individuals who manfully stepped forth to heal the wounded pride of their Sovereign, and to revive the drooping cause of their country. It is grateful to record such instances of public virtue from whatever source they flow.

In the greater part of these events, so productive of glory and good, the Corps of Marines bore a share, as well as in the many inferior but distinguished Naval contests that took place in 1759. During its progress, the Fleet of our enemy acknowledges a diminution of thirty-five Ships of the Line and an equal number of Frigates. There are many names which still survive, and others that have not long since closed useful and honourable lives, who were at this period familiar to the public ear, by their gallant deeds. To particularize all, would carry me beyond my limits, and I would not be partial to survivors alone.


His Majesty, in consideration of the very signal services rendered by Admirals Boscawen and Sir Charles Saunders, towards the close of this year, instituted a new Establishment of Marine Officers, intituled, "General and Lieutenant-General of Marines," to which soon after there were added three Colonels, nominated from Post-Captains in the Royal Navy, who had been conspicuous by their good conduct.

The Gentlemen who first occupied these appointments were,

Admiral Boscawen,General of Marines,£2,000
Sir Charles Saunders, K. B.Lieutenant-General£1,200
Sir Piercy Brett, Bart.Col. of Portsmouth Division£ 800
Hon. Augustus Keppel,Col. of Plymouth Division£ 800
Lord Viscount HoweCol. of Chatham Division£ 800

This establishment has subsequently been enlarged by the attachment of a Major-General, and in this form it now exists.

Disclaiming every prejudice, I am led to ask how far either policy or justice can sanction the transmission of such an institution to posterity? They were originally the benevolent grants of a grateful Monarch, to distinguished individuals. As such, indeed, they have continued to be; but experience has shewn, that Field Officers are the very life of discipline, and that if so respectable an addition were unalienated from the active members of the Corps, this principle would be still more animated.—A man who suppresses his feelings upon any occasion that demands them, is unworthy of the name.—How degrading is the thought, that the Marine Veteran, who ascends by the rules of slow gradation, can never reach the summit of his profession! God forbid that any reform should affect the living. Those who now enjoy this mark of favor are highly worthy of it. But[145] confining such appointments to the corps would be gratifying to all, for I am sure that the Naval and Marine Officer are so united in their interests and their duties, that an accession of consequence, or benefit to either, would be warmly felt by both.


A large augmentation to the Marine corps was voted for the year 1760, which amounted to 130 companies, comprizing in all 18,355; being more than one fourth of our naval forces.

Their merits and usefulness became conspicuous by the most zealous and spirited services, on either element, to which their mingled duties called them.

It was the happy destiny of Captain Elliot to deliver his country from the remaining terrors of invasion, kept alive by the adventurous and enterprizing squadron of Thurot.

After having accomplished every thing within the power of a mortal, for the good of his Nation, this Commander outlived not his defeat, but fell gloriously; leaving behind him a name equally revered for humanity as valour.

The enfeebled state of France, unable to extend support to the distant members of her Empire, exposed them as easy and alternate[146] conquests to our successful arms. Although but few naval achievements occur through this year, still the spirit of our seamen continued the same, in every instance that presented for their efforts.

This era first brought into public and deserved notice, the great military talents of Colonel, afterwards General Sir Eyre Coote. To him may be chiefly attributed the recovery of our drooping interests in the East, at one time nearly annihilated by the bold and vindictive genius of Monsieur Lally.

Soon after the decisive battle obtained by Colonel Coote over that General at Wandewash, Admiral Cornish reached Madras with a reinforcement of six ships of the line. The French squadron not appearing on the coast, enabled our joint forces to prosecute future schemes of conquest. The first step was the advance of Colonel Coote against Waldour, and the united blockade of Pondicherry by sea and land. Major Monson, the second in command, was destined to attack Carical, and accordingly embarked on board the squadron with that view. The forces which he was to head consisted of 300 Marines, to be afterwards joined by a small body of Artillery, some Europeans, and a considerable number of Seapoys from Trichinopoly.

Admiral Cornish having arrived in the road of Carical upon the 28th of March, Major Monson was landed with the Marines and some native pioneers, at five in the evening, where they halted during the night, and advanced against the town early on the following morning, which they gained with a trifling loss. Being annoyed by Fort Dauphin, the enemy were also driven from it into Fort Louis, by a few shells.


Upon the 3d of April all the expected reinforcements arrived, by which the latter was immediately invested.

Learning on the 5th that the garrison had a prospect of relief, and having already done considerable damage to the enemy's works, the Commandant was summoned to surrender, to which he agreed; the whole being considered as prisoners of war. The Seamen were meritoriously active in landing the necessary stores during the night-time.

By the successive operations of this force, the French were deprived of many important possessions, and Monsieur Lally, with an army, which a little while ago were the dread of that quarter, became shut up in Pondicherry, at the commencement of May.

These material services having been effected, the Marines were reimbarked on board their respective ships, and honoured by the thanks of him who had led them. In the mean time, Colonel Coote had carried his object, and had advanced within four miles of Pondicherry, towards which he threw up redoubts.

Rear-Admiral Stevens having assumed the command of the British Fleet, proceeded off that place, and at the instance of the Governor and Council of Madras, as well as of Colonel Coote, landed the Marines at Cuddalore, upon the 29th of August, in order to accelerate matters before the setting in of the rains. They immediately joined the Army, and were materially assisting in the many active and tedious services that ensued.

Major Monson having received a superior commission to that of Colonel Coote, this respectable Officer, for a while, relinquished these bustling scenes; but the former being wounded most severely[148] in a successful enterprize, which he conducted with great gallantry against the enemy's batteries, was in turn compelled to resign the command of the Army. Recent experience had convinced the public of the value of him who had been superseded, and the highest testimony that could have been yielded to an Officer, was recalling him to fill the important situation he had held.

The high-spirited Lally, jealous only of his own honor, but unfeeling towards the unsurpassed sufferings of those beneath him, persevered in defending Pondicherry, while a glimpse of hope remained. A dreadful disaster to our Fleet had nearly realized his deliverance; but the steady seamanship of our Officers, amidst one of the greatest hurricanes that ever blew, preserved a valuable remains for the service of their Country, which soon resumed the blockade of that important Capital.

It was not until the middle of January of the ensuing year that it fell, and with its conquest became involved the ruin of the French East India Company, with all their dependencies on the coast of Coromandel.

Such were the happy commercial results, as well as territorial acquisitions, that were obtained by our successful arms; in accomplishing which the Corps of Marines was in some degree instrumental.

On a retrospective view, a great share of credit is justly due to Vice-Admiral Pocock, who, with very inferior numbers, was in three battles opposed to Monsieur D'Ache; in every one of which he supported the honor of the British Flag, while he afforded both a countenance and co-operation to the enterprizes of our Army.


The plan of completely conquering the province of Canada was this year carried into effect; it was well arranged, was executed with spirit, and exhibited high military talents in Sir Jeffery Amherst, who commanded in Chief.

Some of our Naval Officers contributed much to the general success, from their intimate knowledge of the local navigation, and their active zeal in conducting the necessary and numberless duties of landing and re-embarking the troops.

The reduced state of the French Marine did not allow of many opportunities to signalize our Fleet during this year; but whenever they occurred, our superiority was uniformly conspicuous. From the protection which it gave to an important branch of our commerce, the gallant action between the Flamborough and Biddeford, both 20 gun ships, with two heavy French frigates, deserves notice.—These had been detached on purpose to intercept our outward-bound for Oporto and Lisbon, which they learnt was under convoy of a small sloop of war. Fortunately for this valuable Fleet, our ships got sight of La Malicieuse and L'Opale, of 36 guns each, upon the morning of the 4th of April, and gave them chace. It was not until seven in the evening, when observing our vast inferiority, the enemy seemed willing for the combat. At this hour they closed, and continued engaging till nine, when a short respite enabled both to renew the battle, which continued till midnight.

That intrepid perseverance which so strongly marks the British character, and in a comparative sense so peculiarly distinguishes the British Seaman, at last prevailed, and compelled this very superior enemy to seek safety in flight; while the disabled state of our[150] little ships, from the heavy metal to which they had been exposed, precluded the idea of pursuit.

Captain Skinner and the Hon. Lieutenant Knollis, of the Biddeford, fell upon this occasion; but their loss was nobly compensated by the unremitting good example of Mr. Stacey, the Master, who succeeded to the command.

Lieutenant Price, of the Marines, was also killed on board the Flamborough.

The events of this action were of much greater moment than such as frequently arise from the vindictive conflicts of greater numbers, as it preserved a large convoy from falling into the hands of the enemy, which would have otherwise been its fate, upon the very day it was fought.

Admiral Rodney was very active with his flying squadron, while our Grand Fleet, by its vigilance and occasional descents, entirely cut up the enemy's commerce, and kept their sea-coasts in a state of constant alarm, under the successive commands of Admirals Boscawen and Hawke.

The nation had to deplore the loss of its Sovereign on the morning of the 25th of October, who died alike beloved and regretted by every class of his subjects.

Upon the noon of the following day, his present Majesty was proclaimed King of these Realms, and very early afforded the most impressive earnests of predilection for his native Land, its glory, and its happiness.

The magnanimous benevolence of Englishmen was at this period highly conspicuous to their distressed fellow-countrymen, who were[151] prisoners in France, and whose sufferings from penury and nakedness were of a kind the most extreme.

Sympathizing with their distresses, subscriptions were set on foot, and it was not long ere they were relieved by the most liberal supplies. The public generosity was not confined within the pale of its own kindred, but was stretched forth even towards our captive foes, whose wants were most imperious, but from which their nation was unable to deliver them.

When we reflect upon such noble acts of fellow-feeling, the man who is insensible to the reciprocal duties of fidelity and gratitude, deserves not the virtuous title of a Briton. The world also must cease to wonder at the many signal instances of Divine interposition in favor of this little island, when it considers that Providence is thus vindicating his own ways, in behalf of a people, who are uniformly guided by the sacred precepts, and godlike impulse, "of forgiving, and doing good to their enemies."



Eighteen thousand three hundred and fifty-five Marines were again voted as the establishment for 1761.

A secret expedition was prepared early in this year, which was committed to the joint conduct of Major-General Hodgson and Commodore Keppel, and was subsequently directed against the island of Belleisle.

Eleven battalions of Foot, four troops of the 16th Light Dragoons, under Lieutenant-Colonel Burgoyne, a detachment of the Royal Artillery, and a corps of 1000 Marines formed into two battalions, commanded by Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel John Mackenzie, amounting nearly to 10,000 men, composed the strength of the Army upon this service. The whole were escorted and spiritedly seconded by ten ships of the line, eight frigates, three bomb ketches, and two fire ships; which set sail upon the 29th of March from St. Helens, but did not gain sight of their wished for object until the 6th of April. This force was afterwards augmented by troops and men of war.

In addition to the natural strength of this island, no means of defence had been neglected by the enemy, who, aware of the attack, had constructed works, and placed guns on every spot, that afforded a possibility of descent.


Upon the 7th the Fleet stood along the South end of Belleisle, with a view to reconnoitre its strength, and to ascertain a proper quarter for debarkation. Coming to anchor in the road of Palais on the noon of that day, the principal Officers of both services, accompanied by some of the Engineers, proceeded to the Northward, in order to finish their observations upon the general state of the coast. The final result convinced all, that great obstacles were to be surmounted every where, and that the sacrifice of many lives was unavoidable in attaining the first object of their views.

After mature deliberation, it was resolved to effect a landing early in the morning of the 8th of April, for which purpose the flat-bottomed boats were hoisted out, and the troops placed in them ready to advance towards Port Andro, on a signal being made. They were preceded by his Majesty's ships Dragon and Achilles, commanded by the Hon. Captains Harvey and Barrington, whose orders were to silence the battery, which protected the entrance into this Bay. These gallant Officers soon accomplished the duty, and intimated that no opposition to the landing of our forces was to be dreaded from that point of defence.

The boats having proceeded under the immediate superintendance of Commodore Keppel, who had shifted his pennant from the Valiant into the Prince of Orange, were then ordered to row towards the shore, arranged in three divisions, under the direction of Captain Barton, of the Royal Navy. Notwithstanding a prodigious fire of musquetry, our brave Soldiers made good their landing, and evinced a series of valour that must have conquered any thing within the power of man.


The French were intrenched to the chin on a steep hill, the base of which they had cut into a perpendicular form, which prevented our gallant fellows from ascending their works without scaling-ladders, of which there were unfortunately none. After a heavy loss, and a contest which did them honor, a retreat became the only alternative.

On this trying occasion, the distinguished courage and coolness of Generals Crawford and Carleton, were very highly conspicuous; the latter was wounded.

One boat landed sixty of Erskine's Grenadiers, under Captain Osborne, who were unobserved by the rest of our force, and not being supported, fell victims, excepting twenty, to very superior numbers, after the most noble resistance. Their brave leader was classed among the unfortunate. The fire from the ships was opened to cover the return of our troops, who sustained a loss of nearly 500 men.

A diversion was carrying on in another quarter during these operations, in order to aid them, by attracting the enemy's force from the real object of attack, towards Saucon. This was composed of the 96th and 97th Regiments, and the Marines; but nothing could avert the disaster.

A dreadful gale coming on after the return of the boats, occasioned the loss of many of them, which was felt extremely; and the transports were also very considerably damaged. After it ceased, the attention of the whole Fleet was turned to repair these accidents.

Having obtained some reinforcements, and after a second very minute review of the island, it was determined to make another[155] descent at Fort D'Arsic, to be supported by two separate attacks, in order to distract the enemy, near St. Foy, and at Saucon.

The last, which was intended merely as a feint, was composed of the four troops of Light Dragoons under Lieutenant-Colonel Burgoyne; which being distributed amongst a number of transports, and escorted by a large Naval Force, appeared the most formidable of the whole. Ships of war were allotted to co-operate with the other two, headed by Major-General Crawford and Brigadier Lambert, in covering their debarkation and silencing the different batteries.

Early on the morning of the 22d of April, the men of war having accomplished this latter object, the troops were ordered by signal to advance, in two divisions, in close order, till abreast of their respective points of attack.

The enemy, suspecting that the principal impression would be directed against Fort D'Arsic, overlooked the defence of these stupendous rocks, which offered natural obstacles, sufficient to deter the most daring invader.

Brigadier Lambert's division to which the Marines under Colonel Mackenzie were attached, approached under this high coast, when it appeared to this gallant Officer, that a fit opportunity for enterprize presented itself. He accordingly moved onwards unperceived, and with a rapid resolution, Captain Paterson, at the head of the Grenadiers of the 19th Regiment, quickly supported by Captain Murray, with a company of Marines, landed and climbed the rocks. Soon afterwards other troops followed their intrepid example, when having reached the summit, the whole formed upon it. The[156] French were amazed at the attempt, but pushed on a veteran Corps of 300 men to atone for their want of precaution.

Contiguous to the ground occupied by our troops, there was a wall, which suggested itself as an eligible post of defence. This enabled our inadequate numbers to oppose the enemy, until they were farther reinforced by Brigadier Lambert, at the head of the Grenadiers of the 30th, and the rest of the Marines under Colonel Mackenzie. The tables were now turned, when the Regiment of Bigorre was beat back to the rising ground from which it had advanced.

Captain Sir Thomas Stanhope, whose duty it was to co-operate with this brigade, had watched these spirited efforts with an anxious zeal. He instantly manned and armed all the boats of his squadron, which rowed ashore as a farther support, while the force that had proceeded against Fort D'Arsic, observing this unexpected success, also pushed on to unite with Brigadier Lambert. Thus strengthened, that active Officer allowed no interval, but moved against the enemy upon the hill, whom he drove to their main body, taking their field-pieces, and some prisoners.

Captain Paterson, of Beauclerck's regiment, Colonel Mackenzie and Captain Murray of the Marines, were wounded; all of whom were much distinguished during the whole course of this short, but sharp service, which did not exceed the space of two hours. About five in the evening the debarkation was completed, the Army was pushed upwards of three miles into the country, and took post upon an eminence through the night.

The enemy, during the day, had withdrawn all their detachments from their extensive batteries on the coast, blown up their[157] magazines, and united all their forces under the command of General de St. Croix.

On the morning of the 23d, the British Army was in motion against the town and citadel of Palais, while that of the French occasionally seeming determined to dispute our progress, at last retired without a conflict, into that strong fortress, and its dependant works.

Some days of boisterous weather prevented the landing of our battering cannon and other necessary stores, that were essential for commencing operations against Palais, of which General St. Croix availed himself, by constructing six different redoubts; all of which were to be carried before breaking ground in front of the town and citadel.

The English Commander also profited himself of this interval, by dispersing assurances of protection to the laws, religion, and property of the natives, who should submit themselves; which were not without their effect. A short time, however, enabled General Hodgson to employ more convincing arguments, by opening his batteries upon the 2d of May. The brave St. Croix answer to a summons was, that he would defend his charge to the last extremity.

The enemy attempted a sortie on the night of the 3d against our most advanced works, which they carried, killing a number of our troops, and making General Crawford and both his Aids-de-Camp prisoners. Following up this success, they advanced against the trenches, when a sharp action commenced that remained doubtful, until a party of Marines, under Captain Hepburn, arrived,[158] who charged the enemy, and forced them to retire with considerable loss.

In order to facilitate our approaches, the Engineers pronounced that it was absolutely necessary to carry one of the intervening redoubts. Accordingly a detachment of 200 men composed of a part of Loudon's regiment, and Marines, under Captain Carruthers, of the latter corps, were warned, upon the evening of the 12th, for this duty. A heavy fire, of shot and shells, was kept up during the night upon that object, with a view to make some breach, and to harass the enemy. Soon after the dawn of day, those assailants advanced against the works with fixed bayonets, when, after a very spirited contest, they soon carried the redoubt, and maintained it. Captain Carruthers, with a ready promptitude, observing the panic amongst the French, did not permit it to subside, but instantly pushed on against two others, which were successively evacuated by their defenders, who retreated with precipitation into the Citadel. This party becoming reinforced by 370 of the 69th Regiment, under Major Nesbit, achieved the conquest of the whole of the French Redoubts, and with an impetuous persevering ardor entered the town of Palais, pell mell, with the flying enemy.

The gallantry exhibited by all who fought on this memorable day, very justly immortalized the military fame of every individual, which extended its honorable influence to those corps at large, from whom they were detached.

Very distinguished encomiums were bestowed by the enemy upon "Les Petites Grenadiers;" a title derived from the caps worn by the Marine Soldiers.


Thus was every obstacle removed, which prevented the close investment of the Citadel of Palais; a fortress that had been planned and raised under the superintending genius of the celebrated Vauban.

During this period the fleet rendered very material services, by their stopping supplies from the Continent; and their vigilance during the subsequent continuance of the siege was highly meritorious.

The conduct of the French Commander reflected honour upon himself and the French arms. From the 16th of May until the 7th of June he persevered in maintaining his post against an unceasing fire from 44 heavy cannon, 50 mortars and howitzers, besides field pieces, which, in many places, ruined the works, killed numbers, and from which there was no safe retreat but within the casemates.

This interval afforded the display of many instances of bold intrepidity, amongst the individuals of the line and of my corps, from the many sallies which were attempted by the active St. Croix, during the course of it. One of these being aimed against a post occupied by Captain Wright, of Marines, having under him three Companies of his Corps, which was of peculiar importance, this brave Officer, notwithstanding orders were given to retreat from it, assumed a personal responsibility, and, well knowing its consequence in the future operations of the Army, determined to maintain it. He repulsed the enemy, and received the flattering sanction of Brigadier General Howe, who, in the course of duty, afterwards visited it, for has very resolute conduct.

Another conspicuous instance of this kind occurred in Lieutenant Lachlan Cuthbert, of the Army, who evinced the greatest personal[160] courage, and though abandoned by his men, pointed and fired the guns of a battery at which he commanded. Being soon supported, the enemy were forced to retire with loss.

After an incessant cannonade, which had effected a large breach sufficiently practicable to encourage a storm, preparations for it were accordingly made; observing which, General St. Croix proposed to capitulate, after a loss of 922 men within the walls of the Citadel, upon the 7th of June.

In consequence of their gallant defence, honorable terms were granted to the garrison, which was immediately shipped for France.

During the whole of this service, so highly creditable to our Army, and to the corps of Marines, we have to recount 34 Officers, 30 Serjeants, 8 Drummers, and 710 Rank and File killed and wounded.

General Howe was amongst the latter, as well as Brigadier Carleton, already mentioned.

Much unanimity between the naval and land forces prevailed, and the nation had to look with equal gratitude, to both, for the happy issue.

Major General Crawford being appointed Governor, and every thing arranged, the troops that could be spared were afterwards embarked for more distant duties.

The following orders were given out by the Commander in Chief to the Army, sometime after the complete surrender of Belleisle: "General Hodgson has the greatest pleasure to acquaint the Officers and Soldiers under his command, with his Majesty's satisfaction in the spirit, patience, and cheerfulness with which they have sustained the fatigues of this siege."


Commodore Keppel in his public letter to the Right Honorable Mr. Pitt, says, respecting the corps of Marines, "Major General Hodgson by his constant approbation of the battalion of Marines landed from the ships, and put under his command, gives me the pleasing satisfaction of acquainting you of it, that his Majesty may be informed of the goodness and spirited behaviour of that corps."

During the summer of this year, the Fleet and Army, under Sir James Douglas, and Lord Rollo, reduced the island of Dominica, which had maintained the assumed name of neutral, but had evinced the most marked partiality for France; after a conference between these joint Commanders, and the principal Natives, who at first appeared much inclined to capitulate, the islanders, urged on by the artifices of Mons. Longprie, the Governor, seemed resolved to defend themselves.

The Ships soon moved close to the land, and, after a heavy cannonade, silenced all the batteries, when the troops were pushed ashore.

A successful and uninterrupted train of attack continued through the whole day of the 6th of June, with but little loss on our part, in which Lieutenant Colonel Melville, who led the grenadiers of the Army, was much distinguished for promptitude and spirit. The capture of the entire island, upon the 7th, was the effect of such active energies.

Nothing farther was achieved during this year, that falls properly under my review, in the light of conquests.

Numerous were the gallant single actions that were fought at sea. One of the most prominent for daring spirit, and steady[162] perseverance occurred upon the 23d of January, between the Minerva, commanded by Captain Alexander Hood, (now Lord Bridport), of 32 guns, and the Warwick, formerly a British ship of 60, but with only 34 mounted.

Military exploits often derive their chief merit from the bold ideas in which they originate. Such an application may well be advanced on the present occasion, for the immense superiority of the enemy, must have been early apparent to a seaman's eye. Captain Hood was not intimidated at the view of a two decker, but continued the chace, until he got close alongside. The Frenchman soon sustained damage, which was succeeded by a much greater on the part of the Minerva, in the serious loss of her bowsprit and foremast. These being quickly cleared away, this zealous Officer moved once more against the Warwick, and towards the close of day renewed the combat. His brave exertions were crowned with success and with honor; a share of which his modest recital, diffused amongst his Officers, his Seamen, and Marines.

Another instance endeared to their Country, Captains Faulkener and Logie, by a well fought engagement, which terminated in the capture of the Courageux of 74 guns. The Bellona and Brilliant putting into Lisbon to land the wounded, and to discharge their prisoners, these unfortunate men applied to the Consul of France for relief, but he would grant them none. The occasion called forth British humanity, and they were relieved by those who had conquered them.

It would not have been so with the Seamen of England, who kindly anticipates, and provides for the wants of those her valuable servants, in every port, and in every clime.


Our Commerce was also well protected, when we consider its vast extent in every quarter of the globe.

This year carried within it a happy event, by the espousal of our beloved Monarch to our most gracious Queen. It has fixed a long train of succession to his throne, in a numerous and amiable family, who yield to none of his Majesty's subjects in patriotism, and high talents for the mingled duties of the Cabinet, the Ocean, and the Camp.

France had shewn, apparently, a cordial wish for peace, but it appeared principally from a motive to distract our Councils, and to involve their Spanish Allies in the sad calamities of war. In both she succeeded, for the Country lost one of her most faithful and zealous servants in the Right Honourable Mr. Pitt, who resigned all his employments, and early in the following year we had to combat an additional foe.

At the close of 1761 the Field Officers upon the Marine Establishment were Lieutenant Colonels Theo. Drury, Richard Bendyshe, James Burleigh; Majors, Hector Boisrond, John Mackenzie, John Pincell Kempe, Samuel Boucher, Edward Rycaut, John Tufton Mason. There were also Majors by Brevet, John Campbell, Claud Hamilton, John Bell, Thomas Weightwick, Arthur Tooker Collins.



On the 4th day of January, 1762, War was declared against Spain, which was reciprocal on the part of that Power on the 18th, and realized the acute forebodings of Mr. Pitt.

A treaty framed for consolidating the interests and ambitious views of the House of Bourbon, and evidently levelled against the existence of our Empire, accelerated this event. So accustomed had the Nation been to victory, however, that it beheld this mighty Family Compact without dismay.

The public energies kept pace with the imperious occasion, and 70,000 Seamen, including 19,061 Marines, comprized in 135 companies, formed the naval establishment of the year.

A plan for the reduction of Martinico, digested by the late Minister, was now carried into effect by the forces from North America, who had finished a successful career upon that Continent, by four battalions drawn from Belleisle, with strong detachments of Seamen and Marines from the Fleet.

Sixteen sail of the line, and many ships of an inferior rate, composed the escort which set sail from Barbadoes on the 5th of January, and anchored in St. Anne's Bay on the 8th. The batteries here were soon silenced by the ships, when Rear-Admiral Rodney detached a squadron, with two brigades, to the Bay of Petite Ance,[165] having orders to debark and take post there, under the direction of Generals Haviland and Grant; they were afterwards reinforced by Lieutenant-Colonel Scott, with a Corps of Light Infantry.

Captain Harvey, in the Dragon, proceeded against the Grande Ance, landed a few Seamen and all his Marines, who, by a combined attack, carried the battery, and occupied it, till relieved by a body of 800 men, under Lieutenant-Colonel Melville.

After destroying the works in St. Anne's Bay, the Admiral and General Monckton, seeing the difficulties of extending their operations from that quarter, followed to leeward, and reconnoitring the coast, resolved upon landing the whole forces between Point Negro and the Cas de Pilote. A squadron having cannonaded the line of batteries, secured this object, when the Army was disembarked upon the evening and morning of the 16th and 17th of January.

Nine hundred Marines, formed into two battalions, were united with the troops attached to the Brigade of General Rufane, and had an active share in the subsequent duties allotted to all.

The whole encamped on the heights above the Case de Navires, from which the General employed detachments to throw up such works as were necessary for covering the passage of the troops over some intervening gullies, between them and the enemy on Morne Tartenson.

The disposition of attack being made, Brigadier Grant began it with the French advanced posts, at dawn on the morning of the 24th, while Brigadier Rufane advanced against their redoubts along the sea coast upon the right, seconded by 1000 Seamen in flat-bottomed boats, keeping pace with it.


Lord Rollo's Brigade supported the Grenadiers, and General Walsh with his, the Corps of Light Infantry, under Colonel Scott, who was ordered to make a circuit, with a view to flank or get behind the enemy. This essentially contributed to the success of the day, as that body gained their left, and continued to incommode it, while the Grenadiers were carrying every thing before them.

Brigadier Rufane performed his part with rapid and impetuous success, being aided most spiritedly by the Seamen.

The final result of the day was gaining Morne Tartenson, other subordinate works having many cannon, and driving the fugitive enemy across a deep ravine, into the town of Fort Royal and Morne Garnier.

General Haviland, with his Brigade, and two Battalions of Highlanders, with a few Light Infantry, under Major Leland, were directed to effect a passage over this gully, considerably to the left, and cut off a detached force of the French from their main body. Insurmountable difficulties, however, prevented this well-designed combination; but they did not check their reaching in time to support the Light Infantry, under Colonel Scott, in a very important post which they had gained opposite to Morne Garnier; while an upper plantation of consequence was occupied by Walsh's brigade, and the Grenadiers. The space between these two was filled by the Marines.

Batteries were opened on the 25th against the Citadel of Fort Royal, which being much annoyed by the guns from Morne Garnier, it was judged expedient to attack it on the left, where the Light Infantry and Haviland's brigade were. Here cannon were opened[167] against it, in order to harass the enemy, and to ensure the future passage of the ravine.

An attempt of the French on the evening of the 27th, signalized this British outpost, which drove them back, not only across the gully, but followed them and gained possession of their batteries, where they established themselves; having been gallantly seconded by the brigades of Walsh and Grant. Before nine at night the enemy had abandoned this strong ground, and so precipitate was their retreat, that they left behind them some serviceable ordnance and ammunition, which were felt by the Citadel early next morning.

General Monckton, finding his batteries on Morne Tartenson at too great a distance to produce material effect, resolved to push on to Morne Capuchin, little more than 400 yards from the Citadel. Observing this meditated essay, the enemy beat the chamade on the evening of the 3d of February, and terms were signed on the 4th.

The testimonies of the Commanders in Chief to the respective Corps were strong and animated. As usual, the services of the Seamen were arduous in transporting cannon, and fearless amidst dangers.

Monsieur De La Touche, the Governor General, who had fallen back upon St. Pierre, with an intent of holding out, soon after surrendered, and the extensive dependencies of that valuable island, very early availed themselves of the benign and faithful tenders of British protection.

The final consent of La Touche was much hastened by the detaching Captain Harvey, in the Dragon, to the harbour of La Trinité, where he landed some Seamen and his Marines, who[168] maintained their ground, and convinced the enemy how unavailing would be their farther obstinacy.

This conquest, which added so much to the lustre of our arms, was obtained at the expence of 7 Officers, 3 Serjeants, and 86 rank and file killed, and 32 Officers, 20 Serjeants, and 337 rank and file wounded.

The enemy experienced a loss of nearly 1000 men.

St. Lucia, St. Vincent, and Grenada, fell soon after, under our dominion, and added to the commercial wealth of the Nation.

Solid were the results that accrued from the repeated triumphs of our Fleets and Armies, during this active year. The Revenue was improved, while the individual became enriched by the conquered territory, and the spoils of our enemies.

The rupture with Spain suggested immediate enterprize against her distant and wealthy Colonies. In this plan, no little or inferior views controuled our Councils, which boldly directed our force at once, against the vitals, and the strong hold of her South American Empire.

Lord Anson having submitted his ideas upon the accomplishment of this great object, they were readily embraced upon the present occasion, and adopted throughout.

The Fleet and Army which were destined to execute these designs, were committed to Admiral Pococke, and the Earl of Albemarle, who sailed from Portsmouth on the 5th day of March. They took only a small force from England, as they were to be joined by those troops who had achieved the conquest of the[169] French Caribbee Islands, to be reinforced by auxiliaries from Jamaica and North America; which, with the Marines of the Fleet that were subsequently landed, constituted an Army little short of 15,000 men.

Admiral Pococke reached Martinique on the 26th of April, where every thing was arranged, fascines made, the troops brigaded, and 500 Negroes collected to perform the rough parts of these laborious duties that were before them.

On the 6th of May the whole put to sea, and, on their passage to leeward, were successively joined by the squadrons under Captain Harvey and Sir James Douglas.

It was now that the superior talents and solicitous zeal of Admiral Pococke appeared conspicuous. From the very advanced season of the year no time could be sacrificed in fulfilling his instructions, as dilatory measures might have proved ruinous, from the setting in of the rains. Two alternatives were before him—a tedious and circuitous navigation round the Island of Cuba, or a dangerous passage through the Old Straits of Bahama, hitherto avoided by single ships, and at no period of the world explored by so large a Fleet. The latter he chose, and it was crowned with success.

On the 6th of June the Admiral brought to about five leagues to the Eastward of the Havannah, to issue instructions; when having confided the superintendance of disembarking the troops to Commodore Keppel, he bore away for the mouth of the harbour.

The Marines were ordered into the boats early on the morning of the 7th, as a feint, while the whole Army, under the Earl of[170] Albemarle, landed without opposition between the rivers Boca Nao and Coximar, the latter of which was also passed, after Captain Harvey, in the Dragon, had silenced a castle, that commanded it.

Having a large garrison, headed by the most gallant Officers, the enemy, though but recently apprized of this expedition, prepared for the most vigorous defence.

Lord Albemarle, after some skirmishing in his progress, having intimated, on the 10th, to the Admiral, his purpose of attacking the Cavannos, situated on the east side of the harbour, and commanding part of the Moro Fort, as well as the whole of the north east of the City, with the strong works in that vicinity, Captain Knight, in the Belleisle, was ordered against the Castle of Chorera, to facilitate the enterprize, while the Marines were embarked in boats to attract the enemy's attention towards the Havannah quarter.

This service was ably performed by Colonel Carleton, on the noon of the 11th, at the head of the Grenadiers and Light Infantry.

The Spaniards were not only driven into the Moro, but they also abandoned the Castle of Chorera; which allowed our immediately breaking ground on the advantageous site of the Cavannos. Never were greater obstacles encountered and overcome, than through the whole series of this siege. The Seamen were highly active in landing the cannon, manning the batteries, and supplying the Army with water, on a spot that yielded not a drop. Much harmony prevailed throughout these fatigues between the services.


On the 13th, 800 Marines were landed, formed into two Battalions, under Majors Campbell and Collins, and attached to the command of Colonel and Adjutant General William Howe, upon the Chorera side.

Owing to the thinness of soil upon the Cavannos it was not until the 29th of June that our batteries could open against the Moro.

In order to obtain a superiority of fire on shore, Captain Harvey, in the Dragon, having under him two other ships, volunteered to place them against that Castle, which he did, in the most gallant stile, upon the morning of the 1st of July. By this diversion the object was gained, but with the loss of Captain Coostrey of the Cambridge, and 161 killed and wounded.

The labour of many days was destroyed by a fire that broke out from the dryness of the fascines, and the cannonade kept up, upon the 2d, which was not extinguished until the night of the 5th.

Such an unfortunate casualty depressed, but did not conquer the spirits of our men, who were additionally exposed to the most extreme fatigue, a scanty supply of water, and unwholesome provisions.—They had also to encounter an enemy in Don Velasco, worthy of his important trust.

Fortunately Sir James Douglas arrived from Jamaica with some reinforcements, which were soon followed by others from North America.

It falls not within my scope to enter minutely into the protracted events of this siege, which was carried on and sustained by both sides, with unexampled perseverance, and steady valour.

About one o'clock in the afternoon of the 30th of July, by the explosion of one of our advanced mines, a practicable breach for one[172] file in front was effected, which was soon noticed, and assaulted by our troops, at the head of which was Lieutenant Forbes, of the Royal Scotch. Many of the Spanish Soldiers were within the casemates, and little anticipated so bold an attempt, but they were soon under arms, and encouraged to their duty by their brave Chiefs Don Velasco, and the Marquis Gonzales. Both these Gentlemen fell on the occasion; the former surviving only for a short time, the effects of a mortal wound. The Moro was soon carried, which led to the final conquest of the Havannah, and its dependencies upon the 13th of August. Twelve sail of the line, and a large treasure, were its immediate fruits.

Although nothing peculiarly brilliant fell to the lot of the corps of Marines co-operating in the fatigues of this arduous campaign, still their zeal and discipline kept pace with the other classes of his Majesty's servants, and justly entitled them to a share of that gratitude, bestowed in general terms to all, by their Leaders and their Country.

A predatory attempt against Newfoundland, by a squadron that stole out of Brest, under Mons. Ternay, having on board two regiments, was the only offensive operation on the part of the French during the year 1762.

This Officer might have tried his fortune in a manner far more suitable to the interests and dignity of his Country by aiming a blow at our East, West India, and North American convoys, protected by a very inferior force to his, instead of prosecuting a relentless fury against the insignificant garrison of St. John, and the tackle and stages of our poor, but industrious fishermen. Captain (afterwards Vice Admiral) Joshua Rowley, in the Superbe of 74 guns, the[173] Gosport of 44, Captain Jervis, (now Earl St. Vincent), and the Danae of 38, Captain Henry Martin, having charge of these valuable fleets, were chaced by Mons. Ternay, on the 11th of May, having under him two line of battleships, two heavy frigates, and a bomb-ketch. The steady countenance of Commodore Rowley, who formed into order of battle, convinced the Frenchman that he must wade through a bloody and perhaps a successless conflict, before he could reach his object. The precarious issue induced Mons. Ternay to be off, and to pursue his course for less dangerous game.

As might have been expected, the garrison of St. John, with a number of contiguous posts in no state to make resistance—fell without a contest on the 25th of June. Captain (afterwards Lord), Greaves who was then at Placentia, on the South East part of the island, landed his Marines from the Antelope and prepared for defence; at the same time he apprized our Commanders at Halifax and New York of his situation, and solicited immediate support.

Lord Colville soon joined him, when, after disembarking a number of Marines as a farther reinforcement, with his very inferior squadron, he went out to meet the enemy on the 22d of August, and proceeded off St. John's to give him battle.

The French having adopted a system of plunder and destruction along the coast, wherever they could with impunity, his Lordship detached an Officer and 30 Marines to the Island of Boys, which spot, that party had the honor to defend for his Majesty. During this period the works at St. John's had been much strengthened.

In consequence of the invasion and intelligence of it reaching North America, a force was detached under Lieutenant Colonel[174] Amherst, which reached the coast of Newfoundland upon the 11th of September.

After a train of sharp and active services, on the part of the Army, in which the Navy co-operated, St. John's was recovered upon the 18th, and the whole island was freed from those freebooters, who, in turn, became prisoners.

A friendly fog which had covered Mons. Ternay's departure from France, was also auspicious in his escape from that harbour. His conduct through the whole of this expedition was marked alike by cautious timidity, in the sight of his enemies, as by oppressive inhumanity over those he had conquered.

The acute observations, and active talents of Sir William Draper, not only laid the foundation, but were highly conducive towards the success of one of the boldest designs, that was ever patronized by a British Ministry. That Officer, after the most approved good conduct, during the siege of Madrass, had leave to retire to Canton in China, on account of extreme bad health. It was here that his enquiries commenced about the state of the Spanish Philippine Islands, and he had complete intelligence both as to their commercial importance, and military defence. This he treasured up for his Country, against the day of emergency, by whom he was amply recompenced for such early zeal, by his suggestions being eagerly embraced, and he employed to execute them.

A disclosure of such a nature, however, would not have been received, but spurned at, by our Cabinet during a period of tranquillity with Spain. The whole continued dormant within the breast of Sir William Draper, till hostilities were inevitable, when he was[175] dispatched in the Argo, for the East Indies, with the most liberal powers to carry this object into effect.

Arriving towards the close of June, he lost not a moment in arranging every thing for the expedition against Manilla. The whole set sail on the 1st of August, consisting of a mixed force of nearly 1330 men. As so small a number could only look for success in the unprepared state of the enemy, hitherto confident in their security, and in the promptest measures, a ship of war was detached into the entrance of the Chinese Sea, in order to stop all communication of our project.

The Fleet reached Malacca on the 27th of August, where they watered, finished a number of gabions for the future operations of the Army, and finally anchored in Manilla Bay on the 23d of Sept.

Admiral Cornish had appointed 550 Seamen, and 300 Marines, to co-operate with the Land Forces, which were formed into separate battalions.

After an ineffectual summons sent to the town, and the coast reconnoitred, no time was to be lost in keeping up that surprize which had apparently struck the enemy.

A proper spot, two miles to the southward of Manilla, having been selected for the debarkation, the 79th Regiment, all the Marines, and the Artillery, with some field pieces, and one howitzer, were formed into three divisions, under the sterns of three frigates, which were ordered to cover the landing.

Captains Parker, Kempenfelt, and Brereton, of the Royal Navy, were entrusted with the conduct of each of them, who discharged the duty with much ability.


Numbers of the Spanish Indians having assembled to dispute our descent, the ships of war opened their fire, which compelled them to retire. A violent surf dashed many of the boats to pieces, and injured the musquets, but the troops established themselves at a village named Malata, little more than a mile from the enemy's works, during the night of the 24th.

On the 25th a detachment was advanced to occupy a fort which was abandoned, called Polverista, and Major Monson was pushed forward to take possession of Hermita Church, a small distance from the City, of much local consequence, both as to natural strength, and as a shelter from the heavy rains that had already set in. The 79th Regiment was farther ordered to reinforce this post.

Much praise was due to the Seamen for their unparalleled exertions in landing the remaining troops, cannon, and stores, amidst a most dreadful surf, and the heaviest rains.

The Marines were left at the first posts, the Malata and the Polverista, with a view to secure the retreat of the advanced forces, if necessary; to preserve a mutual communication with the ships, and to guard the stores and heavy artillery. "They," says Sir William Draper, "from the good conduct and example of their Officers, behaved very well, and were of great use upon all occasions."

Considering the strength of Manilla, and the numbers employed against it, no regular siege could be undertaken, or could an observance of the systematic rules of approach be followed. The Spaniards were extremely languid in every effort of defence, while our united forces evinced the most undaunted spirit and unshaken[177] perseverance, during a series of attacks from the native Indians, and of laborious toils amidst winds and rain.

After having made a practicable breach, it was resolved to storm the place upon the 6th of October, and it was executed with that bold ardour which is the native birth-right of Englishmen.

Were my limits to allow, with pleasure would I particularize such exertions, and the gallant actors in them. I can only say, that through the whole the Soldier and Sailor felt no jealousy but that of being foremost in danger and in discipline.

Humanity mingled with policy, influenced the Commanders in Chief to avert from the City the calamity of promiscuous plunder, by a pecuniary compromise for its protection. The laws of war sanctioned this vengeance, from its having fallen by storm. The conquerors here, became ennobled by compassion, and they stipulated to save the property of unoffending individuals, while they at the same time consulted their Country's honor and her interests.

To the eternal disgrace of the Spanish Nation, this generous compact continues unfulfilled.

The Port of Cavite, with the other dependencies of Manilla, were included in the capitulation, and Captain Champion, with 100 Marines, and some Seapoys, were detached as a garrison to the former.

Our total loss upon this brilliant service was 4 Officers, 1 Serjeant, and 29 Privates killed; 1 Lieutenant drowned; and 6 Officers, 3 Serjeants, and 102 rank and file wounded. Among the first were 5 Marines, and the latter, Lieutenant Spearing, besides 6 Privates.


The East India Company, in consequence of the aids they had afforded, was entitled to one third of the settled ransom, which was four millions of dollars; and the acquired conquest was given up to its servants in trust for his Majesty.

Such united harmony existed between the naval and land services, that they agreed to share their fortunes mutually, afloat and ashore.

From the intelligence gained at Manilla, the Admiral detached a force to intercept the annual galleon. The Panther and Argo overtook the ship which had sailed from that place, on the 1st of August, much to their surprize, instead of the one that had been expected there. Nearly three millions of dollars were on board the Sanctissima Trinidad, which were defended with much obstinacy, but she was at last compelled to strike.

Both Commanders, upon the Manilla expedition, very meritedly received the public thanks of their Country, and the honorable marks of a Sovereign's gratitude.

Immense captures were made at sea, and repeated were the occasions which displayed the British naval character during this year, so fertile in momentous events.

Amongst these may be reckoned the Hermione, worth one million sterling, the treasure of which enriched the crews of two sloops of war, and was carried in proud triumph through the streets of London, the very hour in which the Heir Apparent to the British Throne was ushered into the world. A Marine shared upwards of 500l. from this capture.

The enemy, discomfited in every quarter, were not ashamed to own their weakness, and they were the first to sue for peace.


A few short months had alienated or destroyed a great portion of the Spanish Navy, had given a deep wound to their Commerce, which would have been most sensibly felt under a continuance of hostilities, and had convinced Europe and the World, that the resources of Britain could only be estimated amidst accumulating dangers, and that her native spirit could only be known amidst increasing difficulties.

During the whole of this memorable war, the Marine Soldier not only shared in the everlasting glory of our Fleets, but carried with him, through all the mingled destinies of his profession, a steady discipline, combined with a well-regulated valour. Excepting the drawn battle off Minorca, not a naval action was fought in which he did not bear a part, and there were but few of our widely-extended conquests that do not, in their detail, recognize his name.

The preliminaries of a peace, which are not my business to discuss, upon the 3d of November, and ratified in February of the following year, closed the military services of the Marine Corps for a long period, until they were again drawn forth into action by an enlightened patron, who had marked their conduct, and who resolved to avail himself of their animated zeal and spirit, upon the earliest emergency that his Country required them.



The era of peace was marked, as usual, by a general reduction of his Majesty's servants.

In the course of the year 1763, a very considerable and impolitic diminution took place in the effective force of Marines; but as it is a narrow system, which experience and their acknowledged utility have subverted, at the period I now write, any discussion upon its erroneous principle would be superfluous and unbecoming.

As I have already noticed that the Field Officers of my Corps are peculiarly calculated for maintaining discipline and good order throughout, it is a matter of surprize that the establishment should have been so very low at this time, and that their situations should have been more generally considered as posts of sinecure than of active duty.

The meritorious services of the Marine Corps, during the late brilliant contest, well entitled it to some solid marks of public recompence, as well as of public applause.

With this view, and striking home to the national gratitude, as yet unallayed by time, the following proposals for increasing the number of established Marine Field Officers were ushered in to the Board of Admiralty in 1763:—

"Proposals for increasing the number of established Marine Field Officers from six to fifteen, at a very inconsiderable additional[181] expence to the public. The Field Officers to have Companies, and to serve on their present pay until six Companies become vacant; those Companies to be given to the six senior Field Officers; the nine junior Field Officers have Companies already. The fifteen senior First Lieutenants to have Brevets as Captains, or to be appointed Captain Lieutenants, and to do all duties as Captains on their present pay.

"This plan will cause no present additional expence, and but a very trifling one after the whole is completed, as will appear from the following scheme:

Present Establishment. Proposed Establishment.
3 Lieut. Colonelsa£2110   3 Colonelsa£3120
3 Majorsa250 6 Lieut. Colonelsa520
9 Brevet Captainsa4100 6 Majorsa4100
——— ————
Total  960 Total  1340
======= ========

Deducted pay of six Captains fewer on the proposed establishment,£300
Additional expence when the establishment is completed,£0180

The above would have been a moderate number of Field Officers to regulate the divisional duties, and to superintend the discipline of 70 Companies, consisting of 4287 men; to which the corps was reduced by a legislative vote at the close of 1763. Whether from dissent as to the expediency, or a non-compliance with the object[182] of these suggestions, is immaterial, but they were unnoticed, although their propriety and justice did not escape the discriminating and liberal mind of Earl Sandwich, whose distinguished talents introduced him to the naval councils of his Country, and whose elevated rank in them, enabled him to controul those necessary reforms at a subsequent era.

A commendable but limited policy, in providing for the discharged servants of the state, prevailed at the close of this war, by holding out the inducements of land in the ceded province of Canada, to such Officers, Sailors, and Soldiers only who had aided in its subjection.

When we contemplate the connection that exists, in the events of war, how much local conquests are often promoted by the use of extraordinary energies in quarters distant from the scene of good fortune, like the judicious diversions and stratagems of an active Officer, to promote his real designs, no principle ought to restrain such national grants to the partial few who have been the happy agents of success.

It is an old axiom—that America was subdued in Germany.



The genius of discovery, and commerce, began to supersede that of war in 1764 and many ensuing years.

Circumstances, however, very early occurred within the North American Provinces, which developed the genuine spirit of the people, and afforded the presage of future broils.

Gratitude to a Mother Country, who had delivered those Colonists from the terrors of a hostile and restless neighbour, had scarcely cooled throughout that Continent, when the example of New England, long famed for a bias to republican principles, began to evince an opposition to the laws of a parent, by whom they had been so long protected, and under which they continued to flourish.

Happy had it been for Britain, if, at this period of lurking danger, her councils had been guided by a purer consistency, and a more elevated dignity; but a fatal irritation, succeeded by concession, were but injudicious means to subdue, or to appease a spirit that began to cherish the ideas of future emancipation.

Political discussions fall not within my province, but as being introductory to that issue which compels an appeal to the sword. The events of 1765, led to the American rebellion, and as but very few incidents appear at all connected with my subject, my review, upon this interval of time being uninteresting, must of course be concise.


The Marine Soldier was naturally a companion in these dangers and hardships which marked the progress of those scientific characters, who were employed by an enlightened Country, in fixing the intercourse between man and man, in exploring regions hitherto unknown, and in extending the dominions and the commerce of their native island.

Sometimes, indeed, he was obliged reluctantly to draw the trigger against the uncivilized savage—but it was his duty, and only in self-defence.

It was not until the year 1771 that the Corps of Marines felt the fostering influence of a patron and a friend.

Earl Sandwich, placed at the head of the Admiralty, was now enabled to realize a system he had long entertained in his thoughts; he beheld us orphans, and he adopted us as his children.

From him originated the Colonels Commandant of Divisions, and many of these interior regulations, which, for their œconomy and wisdom, do honor to the establishment.

His Lordship, by a Memorial to the Throne, soon after his accession to power, obtained an order of Council to enlarge the number of Field Officers.

These happy reforms held out a hope to the veteran, from which he had till now been precluded, that of being at the head of a Division.

By a train of considerate attentions the Corps was placed on a respectable footing, its discipline became much improved, and his Lordship soon saw those objects of his tender care, surpassed by no troops in the world, for subordination, intrepidity, and cool valour.


Nothing farther which attaches to my detail appears on the face of public events, until Britain again unsheathed the sword, to assert the rights of supremacy over her North American Colonies.


From the era of 1764, we may date the fatal American rebellion, and those revolutionary principles which have long continued, and what still menace the quiet and independence of Europe, and the World.

Political topics, from that period, were predominant amongst the Colonists, and all who know how easy it is to sway popular prejudices, will readily allow it is as little difficult to give them action.

Grievances, whether real or imaginary, which is not my business to decide, unceasingly agitated the public mind, weaned by degrees every filial affection, and from their tedious speculative existence, they implanted within the breasts of many, the lurking sentiments of jealous rancour. Such in their progress became principles, and those men, very early, either filled the Armies of North America, or guided her Councils.

A public character, much respected for his private as well as military virtues, was placed at Boston. General Gage, from a long residence upon the Continent, was well qualified to allay the[186] general ferment; but it was too deeply rooted, and the duty he owed his King, was soon necessarily paramount to every other consideration.

In the year 1774 an assemblage of troops, under that Officer, gave umbrage not only to the Bostonians, but to their surrounding neighbours, and the placing of a guard at the Neck, which is the narrow isthmus that joins the Peninsula to the Continent, afforded an additional cause of suspicion.

At this time, and from a very trifling circumstance, a spirit of military union, and also of hostility, was peculiarly apparent among the New Englanders. A report, very industriously propagated, and seemingly with a view to probe the general feelings, gained ground, that the British had occupied the Neck, had cut off all communication with the Continent, in order to compel the inhabitants of Boston into the unlimited assent of every measure. This being spread abroad, the adjacent country assembled, intimated to the people within the town their readiness to assist them; but that if they should sacrifice their liberties, such an inglorious compact would extend no farther.

They moreover avowed their intentions of combining together in what manner and form they chose for mutual security.

Every thing foreboding hostile events, General Gage fortified the Neck at Boston, and as precautionary steps he also seized upon the provincial arsenal at Cambridge, and the powder lodged in the magazines of Charlestown.

These measures were sufficient to rouse the popular indignation, in no want of inflammatory materials; but although[187] they might not have been political, they were still, however, expedient, under existing circumstances.

To ascertain the views and opinions of so many provinces, different in their manners, and in some respects opposite in their interests, a general Congress was held at Philadelphia, on the 5th of September, 1774, by deputies from the whole. Their proceedings were marked by moderation, but by firmness.

The terms of conciliation arising from them having been rejected by the mother country, his Majesty communicated a message, recommending the augmentation of his forces, by sea and land.

The union which pervaded America, sufficiently proves how widely popular had been the resolves of their deputies. These were almost every where the political creed of the Colonies, and the crowd.

Things arrived at such a crisis early in 1775, that the die could not be long suspended. A trivial affair, upon the 26th of February, shewed by what a slender thread the tranquillity of the Empire hung, and although it was not accompanied by any act of hostility, still it tended to ground a mutual antipathy between the Soldier and the Native.

General Gage having learned that some brass guns had been collected in the town of Salem, sent a detachment in order to bring them to Boston. Landing at Marblehead, they continued their march towards the place of destination, but not finding the cannon, which had been removed, they penetrated farther into the country in quest of them.

In the course of their route there was a draw-bridge, which the numerous populace on the other side had taken up, on purpose to stop the passage of the troops. An order from the Commanding[188] Officer to let it down was disobeyed, who attempted to seize on a boat, in order to get possession of the bridge. A scuffle ensued, but nothing occurred which could be denominated sanguinary force. This was owing to the address of a neighbouring Clergyman, who, while he consulted the feelings of an Officer in prosecuting his instructions, also expostulated with him who headed the detachment, upon the endless and calamitous results if blood was spilt. Appealing to the people also, he invoked them to concede their point, which, for a short time, delayed the awful quarrel.

This party returned without success, but without mischief.

A body of Marines was at Boston, under Major Pitcairne, whose personal destiny it was to be employed in the first hostile act, which eventually involved the separation of Britain and America.

At the town of Concord, where the provincial Congress was held, a quantity of military stores having been collected, the Commander in Chief ordered the Grenadiers and Light Infantry of the Army, under Lieut. Col. Smith, and Major Pitcairne, to destroy them.

They embarked during the night of the 18th of April, and proceeding up Charles River, landed at Phipp's Farm, from whence they advanced, with silent rapidity, towards Concord. The country, however, was alarmed before the dawn of day, and on the arrival of the British at Lexington, the Militia of that town was assembled, under arms, at five in the morning.

An English Officer, in the van, called out, "Disperse, you rebels;" when our soldiery, firing a few partial shots, a general discharge followed, by which some were both killed and wounded. A mutual recrimination upon the score of first aggression, was[189] afterwards agitated, which, instead of staying, only tended to stimulate the spirit of war.

Colonel Smith having pushed forward some Companies of Light Infantry, before his arrival at Concord, in order to secure two bridges, by which the Provincials might carry off the stores, another body of Militia that appeared on a hill in their route, retired at the approach of the British troops, across one of them, who soon after possessed themselves of both.

The main body were, in the mean time, employed in destroying every military article within the town.

The American Militia, observing some conflagration of houses in Concord, immediately returned to one of the bridges they had recently passed, when the Light Infantry occupied the side of the river towards that place. On the approach of the Provincials the former fired, which was soon returned.

After a skirmish, the English detachment fell back, with the loss of some killed and wounded, besides one Lieutenant and a few other prisoners.

About this time the whole country was in one state of alarm, which compelled an immediate retreat to Lexington. This was effected under the disagreeable circumstances of a hot day, and an incessant fire from the hourly collecting numbers in the rear of the troops, and from houses, walls, and every hidden place of defence, in their front and flanks.

Lord Percy had most judiciously been detached from Boston very early in the morning of the 19th, with a reinforcement of sixteen Companies, and a body of Marines. This force arrived at Lexington[190] just in time to afford a respite to Colonel Smith's detachment, now much harassed by fatigue, and overpowered by very superior numbers.

Having two field pieces, they kept the rebels in awe, until the British resumed their march towards Boston. Major Pitcairne's horse was twice wounded very severely, and he made some narrow escapes during these tumultuous attacks.

Lord Percy, who had advanced to Lexington, by the way of Cambridge, with a penetration and foresight that reflected high honour upon his military talents, determined upon returning to Boston by a different route. The numerous hordes of Americans who had collected on the expected line of his retrograde march, were by this foiled in their hopes of blood, as his Lordship most judiciously turned off towards Charlestown, where he was not looked for, and gained the heights of Bunker's Hill, whither they durst not follow him. To this happy manœuvre the whole detachment owed its salvation, and Boston also may acknowledge his Lordship as its preserver at that early and important crisis.

Throughout the whole of this toilsome service, our loss was by no means equal to the seeming dangers, being only 65 killed, 2 Lieutenants and 20 men taken prisoners, and Colonel Smith, besides some other Officers, and about 174 wounded. Thus was the fatal torch lighted, and it never was extinguished but with American independence.

The whole Country was now roused to arms, and General Gage, with his little army, became invested, within the works of Boston.

Earl Sandwich, who presided at the Board of Admiralty, sensible of the high state of discipline, to which the corps of Marines had[191] reached, pushed them early into the American War. Their conduct upon every duty, reflected credit upon his Lordship's discernment.

In addition to those under Major Pitcairne, who were attached to Lord Percy's Brigade, a farther reinforcement arrived at Boston in the month of May, commanded by Major Short.

It is a tribute justly due to those Officers who so very gallantly supported their Country's honor, and their own, to detail their names, and battalions, agreeably to the arrangement issued in public orders, at Boston, upon the 20th of May.

Battalion orders,

"The Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty having directed a reinforcement of Marines to serve under Major Pitcairne, in General Gage's Army, consisting of the following number: 2 Majors, 10 Captains, 27 Subalterns, 2 Adjutants, 1 Surgeon, 2 Surgeon's Mates, 28 Serjeants, 25 Corporals, 20 Drummers, 600 Privates.

"The Commanding Officer finds it necessary, for the good of the service, to form the whole under his command, into two Battalions.

Officers in 1st Battalion.Officers in 2d Battalion.
Thos. Avarne, Capt.Geo. Logan, Capt.
Wm. Finney, 1st Lieut.Alex. Brisbane, 1st Lieut.
Geo. Vevers, 1st Lieut.Francis Gardner, 1st Lieut.
Stawel Chudleigh, Capt.Hon. John Maitland, Capt.
[192] Rich. Shea, 1st Lieut.Jesse Adair, 1st Lieut.
—— Hewes, 1st Lieut.Roland Carter, 1st Lieut.
Stephen Ellis, Capt.Chas. Chandless, Capt.
James Robertson, 1st Lieut.Fenton Griffiths, 1st Lieut.
P. D. Robertson, 2d Lieut.Henry D'Oyley, 2d Lieut.
Thos. Lindsay, Capt.Thos. Groves, Capt.
Wm. Lycett, 1st Lieut.John Hadden, 1st Lieut.
David Collins, 2d Lieut.Titus Conyers, 1st Lieut.
Wm. Forster, Capt.Samuel Davys, Capt.
Wm. Graham, 1st Lieut.Walter Nugent, 1st Lieut.
Isaac Potter, 2d Lieut.Robt. Carey, 2d. Lieut.
Robt. Ross, Capt.Edw. Henvill, Capt.
Chas. Steward, 1st Lieut.Thos. Biggs, 1st Lieut.
Jonas Mathews, 1st Lieut.James Lewis, 2d Lieut.
Wm. Sabine, Capt.Geo. Elliott, Capt.
B. M'Donald, 2d Lieut.Alex. M'Donald, 1st Lieut.
Henry Tantum, 2d Lieut.John France, 1st Lieut.
J. H. Branson, Capt.Arthur Walker, Capt.
Wm. Creswell, 1st Lieut.James Anderson, 1st Lieut.
Thos. Trollope, 2d Lieut.Robt. Moore, 2d Lieut.
John Perceval, Capt.John M'Fie, Capt.
Aaron Eustace, 1st Lieut.Sir John Dalston, Bart. 1st Lieut.
Thos. Woodcock, 2d Lieut.Francis Dogherty, 1st Lieut.
Wm. Souter, Capt.Arch. Campbell, Capt.
Wm. Pitcairne, 1st Lieut.John Dyer, 2d Lieut.
Philip Howe, 2d Lieut.N. Harris Nicholas, 2d Lieut.
1st Lieut. John Waller, Adjutant.1st Lieut. John Fielding, Adjut.
1st Lieut. J. Pitcairne, Qr. Master.Thos. Smith, Quarter Master.

Captain David Johnston, Superintendant Adjutant, and Deputy Paymaster to the 2d Battalion.

Hill, Surgeon to the 2d Battalion, Wm. Tervant, Surgeon's Mate, Silver, Surgeon's Mate.

Thus united with the Army in garrison at Boston, these Battalions continued to contribute their proportion to its incidental duties; in discharging which, they received the uniform commendation of their superiors, for their regularity, discipline, and subordination. In the Battalion orders, of the 3d of June, the following regulations for the payment of Companies were notified.

"The Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty having directed, by their letter to Major Pitcairne of the 2d of March last, that the Captains of Marines commanding Companies on shore at Boston, should pay their Companies in the same manner as practised by the Land Forces, the Captains or commanding Officers of Companies, will receive from Captain[194] Johnstone, Deputy Paymaster, one month's subsistence for the non-commissioned Officers and private men of their respective Companies, deducting £0 1s. 5½d. per week each, for provisions and the usual stoppages as directed by the Admiralty, viz.

For one Serjeant per week£002
For one Corporal or Drummer001½
For one Private Man001
Dollars to be taken at048

"Captains are to give the Deputy Paymaster compleat monthly Pay Rolls; accounting for the subsistence distributed to their Companies, and specifying every particular casualty that has happened in each Company during the preceding month, and to commence this day."

A few trivial affairs occurred in the Bay of Boston, which only tended to excite a mutual irritation, and led to no important consequences. Many resolutions and measures were adopted by the Colonists, that aimed at the dissolution of every united tie, and even at independance.

General Gage, also, issued a Proclamation in his Majesty's name, extending the offers of pardon to all who should return to their allegiance, excepting Messrs. Samuel Adams and John Hancock. Little hope of reconciliation being entertained, both sides began to prepare in right earnest, for hostilities.

The rebels wishing to anticipate the Royal troops, in the possession of Charlestown,[1] hitherto unoccupied by either, pushed [195]a large body of men, on the evening of the 16th of June, to erect works upon Bunker's Hill. During the night they raised entrenchments, and a breast work, with a strong redoubt, sufficiently formidable to excite the jealousy of General Gage. A heavy fire opened upon their working parties early on the morning of the 17th of June, who, however, persevered in their labours with much firmness.

It appearing highly necessary to dislodge the Americans from so very important a post, the Commander in Chief, at noon, detached ten Companies of Grenadiers, an equal number of Light Infantry, with the 5th, 38th, 43d, and 52d regiments, under Major Gen. Howe and Brigadier Pigot, with that view, which being embarked, landed and formed on the Peninsula, without opposition, under cover of the ships of war.

The position of the rebels was strong indeed. A small but well contrived redoubt, besides some other works full of soldiers, and defended with cannon, as well as numbers of rifle men placed in the houses of Charlestown, covered their right flank; their centre and left were protected by a breast work, partly gun proof, which reached from the redoubt, to the Medford River.

Major General Howe, upon examining this powerful state of defence, and observing fresh columns pouring in to the enemy's works, solicited a reinforcement, which soon joined him, consisting of some Companies of Grenadiers and Light Infantry, the 47th regiment, and the first battalion of Marines.

Having been formed in two lines, they advanced with slow but steady steps to the conflict. Majors Pitcairne, Tupper, and Short, led my corps upon this distinguished day.


The roar of cannon and howitzers, on the part of the British, occasionally halting to yield them effect, marked their progress towards the rebel works. Not a shot was returned by the enemy, until our troops had nearly reached their entrenchments, when a tremendous and destructive fire was opened, which, it must be confessed, somewhat staggered our men. The awful occasion exhibited General Howe most conspicuously for the valuable resources of coolness and reflection amidst danger. It also afforded an opportunity of signalizing the discipline and intrepidity of the Battalion of Marines, which dealt destruction and carnage around them.

Brigadier General Pigot, who was destined to attack the redoubt and lines, that covered the American right flank, was likewise exposed to a hot fire from the houses in Charlestown. His loss was severe, but his exertions were animated, and displayed the most brilliant courage, as well as talents.

General Clinton, who had crossed from Boston during the action, attached to himself the merit of rallying the troops, whom he led against the rebel works with fixed bayonets, and with that daring impetuosity which so strongly characterizes the British Soldier.

They soon forced them, and drove the Provincials across the neck of Charlestown, who were also much harassed by the cannon of his Majesty's ship Glasgow, in their retreat.

The Glory of the Army, upon this day, was great, but it was dearly earned. Their total loss amounted to 1 Lieutenant Colonel, 2 Majors, 7 Captains, and 9 Subalterns of the land forces and Marines killed; besides 70, of different descriptions in both, wounded. Two[197] hundred and seven Non-commissioned and rank and file also fell, and 828 were wounded.

Amongst the slain was Major Pitcairne, of the Marines, whose death was alike deplored by his Corps and his Country. Major Short also left behind him a reputation sufficiently worthy of deep regret.

The Marine Battalion sustained fully more than its proportional share of casualties, and its gallant conduct upon the 17th of June, demands, from the whole of our Establishment, its commemorative and indelible gratitude, when each of us casts an eye upon that laurel which now encircles his button, and reflects that it was purchased by their valour.

The following appeared in the General Orders of the 19th of June, 1775:—

"The Commander in Chief returns his most grateful thanks to Major-General Howe, for the extraordinary exertion of his military abilities on the 17th instant. He returns his thanks also to Major-General Clinton, and Brigadier Pigot, for the share they took in the success of the day, as well as to Lieutenant-Colonels Nesbitt, Abercromby, Gunning, and Clarke; Majors Butler, Williams, Bruce, Tupper, Spenlove, Small, and Mitchel, and the rest of the Officers and Soldiers, who, by remarkable efforts of courage and gallantry, overcame every disadvantage, and drove the rebels from the redoubt and strong holds on the heights of Charlestown, and gained a complete victory."

By the return of Major Tupper to Europe, and the fatal events of the 17th of June, the command of the Marines soon after devolved upon Major (now Lieutenant-General) Souter.


Bunker's Hill was fortified, and our troops retained the Peninsula, which rendered their duties very severe. The Americans prevented every supply from the interior, and compelled our Army to subsist upon salt, and indifferent provisions. Cut off from the Continent, their sufferings were great, when sickness became prevalent.

The Provincials having constructed works upon a hill opposite Bunker's, completed the blockade of the Peninsula, which they gradually extended close to the fortifications on Boston Neck.

Some predatory enterprizes were attempted by them, by no means deficient in spirit or success. In one of these they burnt the light-house at the entrance of the harbour, communicating with it by some whale boats from which they carried off, or killed, the whole of a small detachment of Marines, who protected the carpenters in erecting a new one. Thus matters continued for some time, and the situation of a brave Army, cooped up and unable to act, was rendered both distressing and degrading.

In the orders of the 27th of September, the Royal thanks were tendered to the forces, for their intrepid conduct upon the 17th of June, in the following terms:—

"The King has been pleased to order the Commander in Chief, to express his Majesty's thanks, both to the Officers and Soldiers, for the resolution and gallantry with which they attacked and defeated the rebels on the 17th of June last, who had every advantage of numbers and situation; and more especially expressed to the Generals Howe and Clinton, and to Brigadier General Pigot, the sense his Majesty entertains of the spirit, resolution,[199] and conduct by which they distinguished themselves, to their honor, upon that day."

The Battalion Orders of that day, also contained the annexed communications:—

"The King has been pleased to make the following promotions in his Marine Forces, serving in North America:—

Captain William Souter, MajorviceShort, killed.
Capt. Lieut. Francis Lindsay, Capt.Campbell, ditto.
  —   —— Robert Ross, CaptainEllis, ditto.
  —   —— David Johnson, Capt.Souter, promoted.
1st Lieut. Jesse Adair, Capt. Lieut.Lindsay, ditto.
  — —— Sir John Dalston, DittoWalker, returned home.
  — —— Sir John Hadden, DittoRoss, promoted.
  — —— Wm. Pitcairne, DittoJohnstone, ditto.
2d Lieut. James Lewis, 1st Lieut.Shea, killed.
  — —— Robert Moore, DittoFinnie, ditto.
  — —— Thos. Woodcock, DittoGardener, ditto.
  — —— Isaac Polder, DittoAdair, promoted.
  — —— Robert Carey, DittoDalston, ditto.
  — —— Ronald M'Donald, DittoHadden, ditto.
  — —— Philip Howe, Ditto——
  — —— Henry Tantum, DittoPitcairne, ditto.
  — —— David Collins, DittoSpencer, dead.
Volunteer Samuel Davys BowmanLewis, promoted."


In consequence of these new arrangements a change took place, in the 2d Battalion, which became commanded by the undermentioned Officers:—

1st COMPANY.Captain M'Fie,
1st Lieut. Griffiths.
2d COMPANY.Captain Henvill,
1st Lieut. Lewis,
2d Lieut. Hale.
3d COMPANY.Captain Elliott,
1st Lieut. France,
2d Lieut. Walker.
4th COMPANY.Captain Dalston,
1st Lieut. Moore.
5th COMPANY.Captain Stretch,
1st Lieut. Nugent,
2d Lieut. D'Oyley.
6th COMPANY.Captain Davys,
1st Lieut. Carey,
2d Lieut. Bowman.
7th COMPANY.Captain Adair,
1st Lieut. Carter,
2d Lieut. Ellis.
8th COMPANY.Captain Groves,
1st Lieut. Dogherty,
2d Lieut. F. Lewis.
GRENADIERS.Captain Logan,
1st Lieut. Brisbane,
2d Lieut. Ragg.
[201] LIGHT INFANTRY.Captain Pitcairne,
2d. Lieut. Dyer,
2d. Lieut. Nicholas.

It was farther intimated upon the same day, "That in consequence of the application of Major Pitcairne to have the same allowance for paying the Companies of the 1st and 2d Battalions of Marines, serving on shore in North America, as the Army have, and that the Captains should be answerable for the debts, &c.

"The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, ever ready to give every reasonable mark of their indulgence, were pleased to consent that each Captain, commanding a Company, should be allowed after the rate of 1s. per day; being equal to the pay of two men per Company, during their continuance on shore, as is practised in the Army; and the Deputy Paymaster is authorized to issue the same.

"The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty have been pleased to approve Major Pitcairne's appointing Mr. Smith Quarter-Master to the 2d Battalion of Marines."

General Washington having been appointed to command the Armies of America, he, in company with Major General Lee, reached the camp before Boston, in order to animate them in the general pursuit of continental independence.

Their military spirit had arrived at such a height, that the younger branches of Quaker families at Philadelphia, waiving their principles, associated themselves in arms.

Boston continued to be blockaded during the year, with but little variety.


The rebels did not confine their hostile views to this object alone. A number of partizan adventurers sprung up, whose rapid motions and unknown existence under Colonels Easton, and Ethan Allen, were the means of achieving some conquests of much importance to their infant cause. Their intermediate object was to seize upon the passes on the great lakes, which command the intercourse between Canada and the British Colonies, until their Government, (for so I now call it,) was enabled to advance a force sufficiently adequate to conquer that Province. This they effected by surprizing the garrisons of Ticonderoga and Crown Point.

The American Congress, with the notes of conciliation and peace ever sounding within the walls of their House, had taken early pains to interest the Canadians in the destinies of their neighbours, by inflammatory addresses, and by artful and apposite inferences drawn from the immortal writings of Montesquieu, their Countryman, suited to their prejudices and their political feelings. Having thus placed the train to a deep design, those wily Continentals trusted to time in accomplishing its intended effects.

America soon availed herself of that enthusiasm which pervaded her Citizens, to turn it to a purpose. Already had she disseminated her doctrines over Canada, which she was determined to follow up with her arms. Generals Montgomery and Schuyler headed the troops which were destined to invade that Colony, who found many of the natives either wavering or friendly to the infatuating name of Liberty. After a series of successes in the capture of Forts Chamblee and St. John's, the defeat of General Carleton, at Longueil, and the surrender of Montreal, all in the Upper Province, the only[203] hope that remained of preserving Canada for the British Crown, centered in the town of Quebec.

Within the defenceless walls of Montreal, was that brave and valuable Officer, General Carleton, now Lord Dorchester. Feeling the weight of his duties, and also conscious of his own importance, at so perilous a crisis, he resolved upon escaping from its impending surrender, which would have deprived his Country of his services. The impulse was patriotically great, and the event was happy. Committing himself, in the night, to a boat, with muffled paddles, he escaped the vigilance of the rebel guards, and reached the seat of his Government. Here he arrived in the hour of danger.

A co-operating expedition, under Mr. Arnold, against the Lower Province of Canada, unequalled in military annals, for the originality of plan, and boldness of execution, had threatened the Capital, in the absence of its Governor. Without a distinct object of reference, it would be useless attempting to delineate the progressive advances of these daring invaders, from New England.

It is enough to say, that a body of Soldiers, ultimately formidable, with their arms and other necessaries, traversed a path, in many places hitherto untrodden by human steps, of upwards 170 miles, interspersed with thickets, precipices, and swamps, and often obliged to carry, on their shoulders, the numerous batteaux attached to their little Army. Such were their sufferings, that many returned, but those, whom constancy supported in following their Chief up to the walls of Quebec, merit the highest encomiums which can be rendered to man for undaunted perseverance and steady fidelity.


We may often derive the most impressive examples from our enemy, and they ought never to be rejected. A British Soldier only needs the recital of any deed, in order to rival it.

Self interest obtained what patriotism and natural duty could not stimulate in the souls of the inhabitants within the town of Quebec. For some time, discord, and even disaffection were prevalent, both of which fiendly passions were absorbed in the venal virtue of defending their property, now threatened by the approach of General Arnold and his magic troops. All united in the cause of their King, and some Sailors and Marines, were landed from the ships in the river, to second their energies. Feeling himself unequal to a siege or a storm, Arnold fell back, and awaited the cast of better fortune.

It was soon after this that General Carleton arrived, who quickly adopted those measures which were worthy of himself and the imperious emergency.

One company of the 7th regiment, might be termed the only regular force under his command, his chief strength being in M'Lean's newly raised corps of Scotch Emigrants, and the associated bodies of English and French Volunteers.

To these a valuable addition was given of all the Marines belonging to the ships of war, and upwards of 400 Seamen, who had claims to a great share of merit for their steadiness and spirit through the whole train of this defensive service.

The works had scarcely been repaired, in the best manner that was possible, when General Montgomery, united to Arnold, having subdued, with little difficulty, the other fortresses of Canada,[205] appeared in the sanguine and immediate hope of consummating his glory by also carrying its Capital.

His personal zeal, and the endurance of his troops during the bitter frosts of winter, were only equalled by a similar vigour in their comparative opponents.

Temporizing measures being but ill adapted for the season, or the occasion, and little suited to the intrepid genius of Montgomery, he followed its dictates, which were to rest the issue upon a general assault.

It was the last day of the year 1775, and the last of his life, that this brave man, ambitious of fame, and true to the interests he had espoused, advanced against Quebec, in four divisions, to execute his daring purpose; reserving to himself the chief post of honour and of danger, which was directed against the Lower Town at Aunce de Mere, while another, almost equally bold, was allotted to Arnold and his hardy followers, which was aimed at another part named "the Saut au Matelot." The two others were devoted to puzzle the garrison by false attempts upon their very extensive lines, and to succour where necessary.

Under cover of a snow storm, the whole moved towards the towns. The British were alarmed, and at their stations. Montgomery had to encounter many natural difficulties, but success for a while attended him. Having gained the first barrier, he pushed on to the second, from which issued forth a tremendous fire of grape shot and musquetry, which closed his days, and the hopes of his detachment; who, strange to say, under the conduct of A Campbell, retreated without making one effort to avenge his fall.


Soldiers who have been conspicuous for discipline, will most assuredly be ever distinguished by courage when it is called forth. Those faithful fellows who had accompanied Arnold through the desert, without a murmur, followed him to battle and through all its reverses with an unsurpassed bravery.

They, too, were early deprived of their leader, by a shot which shattered his leg; when he was carried from the field.

But this did not appal them. The garrison, now freed from their distracted duties, levelled their united force against this impetuous detachment, who had advanced too far to retreat with safety, and which became endangered by accumulating difficulties on every side. Their dilemma did not escape the keen eye of the Governor, who pushed a considerable force in their rear. Upwards of three hours did they withstand the unequal combat, when they were at last compelled to surrender prisoners of war.

That tribute which justice stretches forth to an enemy must reflect its rays upon those who have had the honor to contend with them. I cannot superadd a higher testimony to the British General and his Garrison, than by thus appreciating the foe whom they had to encounter. It yields me a proud retrospect that the corps of Marines had their proportion of desert in defending Quebec, and by it, maintaining this remnant of America to our Empire.

United by the feelings of sympathy, I would remark the spirit of Mr. Vivion, then Purser, I believe, of a small sloop, and now of his Majesty's ship Robust, who most patriotically stepped into the ranks, and served as a private during the whole siege. He too produced a son who yielded not to his father in honourable deeds, whose[207] subsequent fall in the cause of his country and in bravely advancing the glory of his corps, was sensibly deplored by my brethren, and by me.

General Carleton sealed and ennobled his gallant defence, by acts of humanity and mercy to the vanquished. A cool prudence in not hazarding his acquired success to the contingencies of fortune, enabled him to preserve the fruits of it for the solid interests of his King.

The besiegers retired, but he did not follow them; after which, all their attention was devoted to the interception of supplies for Quebec.

Arnold, who now succeeded to the command of the rebels, evinced that resolute mind and ready expediency by which his conduct had been hitherto marked.

During the course of this year may be noticed the active duties of some small parties of Marines, in supporting the legal authority of Lord Dunmore in the Province of Virginia, which had not yet disavowed its allegiance. The spirit of rebellion beginning to shew itself, the Governor, after having sent off his family, entrusted his personal safety to the detachment from his Majesty's sloop Fowey, who fortified his house at Williamsburgh, planted artillery, and from which he issued all his proclamations, and, as long as was prudent, continued to exercise in it, his official functions. It was at last judged proper, under this escort of Marines, to proceed on board the Fowey, from whence his Lordship still corresponded with the Province.

The political discussions that ensued, are foreign to my review. His Lordship's military exertions to reclaim or to conquer the[208] disaffected, were fatal in their issue, from being impotent in the means. By the combined attack, however, of a few ships of war, and two parties of Sailors and Marines which were disembarked, the town of Norfolk, first in rank for commercial wealth, was set on fire and reduced to ashes, upon the New Year's Day of 1776.

Many other hostile measures against the sea coasts of America, and her different interior Provinces, spread widely the calamities of war and the mutual desire of retaliation.

Amongst the augmentation to his Majesty's forces, 6665 Marines were voted for the year 1776; being an additional number of 2378.


[1] Charlestown is separated from Boston by Charles River; a distance little more than that which divides London and the Borough, between which there is also a similar connexion. Bunker's Hill is situated just within the neck of land that joins the Peninsula of Charlestown to the Continent.



The sufferings of the troops in cantonments at Boston were uncommonly great, from the want of fuel and other supplies, while these of the regiments and Marines upon Bunker's Hill, exposed in tents to all the storms of winter, and necessarily for ever on the alert, in the vicinity of a superior enemy, were proportionally still more severe. Military enterprize, however, fell asleep on both sides, and it did not awaken but with the return of spring. A dread of famine floating in the minds of many, superadded to their temporary evils.

During these existing hardships, a detachment of Marines, under the escort of an armed ship, was sent to Savannah, in Georgia, with a view to procure provisions, either by purchase or by force.

The Militia assembled to oppose their landing, and after some unpleasant discussions, erected batteries along the shores of the river so named. Proceeding to extremities, a short contest ensued, which terminated in burning seven vessels deeply laden, and the loss of a few lives; after which the party returned to Boston.

A few arrivals from Europe tended to alleviate the wants of the garrison, who often beheld the humiliating sight of the triumphs of little rebel privateers, in capturing their most important aids, without our ships of war having in their power either to retaliate or to prevent them.


Some Parliamentary decrees, which left but little hope of the renewal of friendship, having reached America, its Congress strongly urged General Washington to push the siege of Boston with vigour, in order that their forces might be enabled to oppose those dangers, which they anticipated in other quarters of the Continent. Accordingly a cannonade and bombardment began from Phipp's Farm on the evening of the 2d of March, that continued during some successive nights, and, on the morning of the 5th, another battery from the heights of Dorchester Point, on the other side of the town, which had been constructed with unexampled secrecy and dispatch, also opened. These fired some houses, and occasioned other losses.

General Howe felt indignant in being thus cooped up.

His communication with the other part of his Army, at Boston Neck, becoming endangered, and foreseeing that the rebels would still extend their works to those heights which command the town and harbour, he resolved upon dislodging them from such as they held.

Hazardous was the attempt, and it was only prevented by an intervening storm on the night of the 5th of March, when the troops destined for the attack were on the eve of embarkation. All who know how to appreciate the military character of that gallant officer, will readily sympathize with him in his feelings upon so degrading an occasion, when his high talents could avail nothing, and the energies of as fine a body as ever entered the field were stayed by the hand of prudence. Thus situated, he lamented in common with the meanest Soldier, a total suspension of their services.


An instant alternative of engaging a very superior Army strongly entrenched, or evacuating the place, became hourly more and more imperiously urgent. The former expedient held out but little hope of surmounting their difficulties, in balance with many disastrous consequences in the event of defeat; while the latter let loose an inactive corps against a more vulnerable, or in co-operation with a more loyal Province of America.

This the Commander in Chief adopted, but it teemed with many obstacles and dangers, calculated to try the strongest soul.

He had not the safety of his Army alone to consider, in this retreat, but the lives and property of numerous followers, whose allegiance to their King no misfortunes could subdue.

The duty was sacred, and it was discharged with that humane care which characterizes our nation, and him who performed it.

Upon the 17th of March the rear-guard of the British troops embarked without molestation, when General Washington marched in proud triumph into the town of Boston.

The Army reached Halifax, after some delays, early in April, but it was now diminished, by hardships, to about 9000 effective men. The battalions of Marines were landed, and did duty under the command of Major Tupper[2], in garrison there, with much credit to themselves and their corps. These testimonials, which were the honorable results of their uniform good conduct, more usefully fall under a future detail.


In the early part of 1776, General Arnold continued the blockade of Quebec, under the greatest pressures, while its garrison, cut off from every supply, and exposed to many bitter privations, was equally conspicuous for a resolute firmness.

Some attempts to burn the British ships of war in the harbour, in order to favour an escalade of the town during the existing confusion, worthy of the inventive resources of Arnold, were made, but they were counteracted by the vigilance and spirit of General Carleton. Small Pox, dreaded, by the Americans, as the most fatal plague, began to make its appearance, and dispirited their troops. Discipline and good order were soon supplanted by imaginary fears, and the precautionary cares of all to ward off that contaminating evil. Murmurs succeeded, which, as must ever be the case, paralyzed every noble effort.

By the indefatigible zeal and activity of that highly respected name, Sir Charles Douglas, his Majesty's ship Isis, with two frigates, having penetrated the ice, hove in sight, and reached Quebec on the 5th of May. The situation of the enemy's investing force was now critical. Having landed the few troops brought from Europe, these ships also disembarked their Marines, with which, in addition to those of the garrison, the General instantly advanced against the American camp.

A very precipitate flight ensued, which ended in a trifling carnage, taking some prisoners, and all the rebel artillery and stores. Many of their sick and wounded took refuge in the woods, or concealed themselves in the hamlets, towards whom General Carleton extended, not only the generous tender of oblivion, but of[213] protection. This benevolent act which proceeded from the instantaneous impulse of his own breast, casts a bright lustre upon the military virtues of that great man, and is alone sufficient to immortalize his character.

Having been afterwards reinforced, a train of successful operation, extraneous from my subject, soon took place, which expelled the rebels from the Province.

Thus, a second time, were the partial efforts of the Marine corps exerted most usefully upon Canadian ground.

A naval and military expedition, against the Southern Colonies, having sailed from England, they did not reach the first object of their instructions until the beginning of June. The squadron under Sir Peter Parker, after passing the bar, moved against a newly raised Fort on the South West point of Sullivan's island, which was deemed the key to Charlestown, while the Army, under Sir Henry Clinton, advancing against it by land, and crossing a supposed shallow creek on the North Eastern extremity, was to make a combined attack.

Upon the noon of the 28th of June the ships took their stations, and commenced a furious cannonade, which was returned with equal spirit and much effect from the fort.

Erroneous intelligence, as to the depth of water, it appears, prevented General Clinton from approaching, as well as the very formidable state of the provincial redoubts at the end of Sullivan's island.

After one of the hottest conflicts that almost ever occurred, in which the cool valour of British Seamen was eminently conspicuous,[214] the squadron withdrew with the loss of a frigate, and upwards of 200 Seamen and Marines killed and wounded.

Captains Morris and Scott, of the Bristol and Experiment, were both considered as mortally wounded, after extraordinary displays of personal courage. Commodore Sir Peter Parker approved himself a brave man upon this trying service.

During the summer of 1776, the Congress of America, unwilling to attach to itself the responsibility of an arbitrary declaration of independance, published a circular address to every Colony, in order to ascertain their general sentiments, upon so eventful a topic.

The 4th of July must long stand as a memorable day on our political epochs, as having been marked by their formal renunciation of allegiance to the British Crown.

General Howe continued at Halifax upwards of two months waiting farther reinforcements, which was but ill suited to his disposition, or his military opinions. Wearied out, he at last put to sea, under the escort of Lord Shuldham's fleet, and arrived at Sandy-hook at the close of June. After gaining information of the strength of New York and Long Islands, he judged it most advisable to occupy Staten Island, where he landed without opposition, and was soon joined by a number of loyalists.

It was a considerable time before the different reinforcements from England reached Halifax, which immediately proceeded to join the main Army, and enabled General Howe to undertake duties more extensive in their aim, and more congenial to his wishes.

Upon that range of continental services which followed, I am precluded from remark, as the battalions of my corps were restrained[215] from much active participation in them, by their having been allotted for the defence of Nova Scotia.

A Parliamentary Vote of 10,129 Marines passed in November, which involved an augmentation of many companies to the Establishment for the service of 1777.


[2] An error occurred under the details of 1775, which mentions, that in consequence of the casualties of Bunker's Hill, and the return of Major Tupper to Europe, the command of the Marines devolved on Major Souter, instead of suppressing entirely the departure of Major Tupper, which did not happen till some time after their arrival at Halifax. The command at Boston was in Major Tupper after Major Pitcairne's fall.


Lord Howe, who had arrived in America during the last year as Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Naval Forces, was united with his brother in a civil, as well as a military commission. Exerting the conciliatory influence of the former, they proclaimed to the deluded, these tenders of forgiveness which emanated from their power. The term "guilty," however, was not understood by the Americans, who, from the era of general independance, qualified every individual action as proceeding under the sanction of a Free Government. Of course these well meant offers produced but little effect.

After many battles and skirmishes between the contending parties, in which British valour was ever conspicuous, and the resources of General Washington uniformly great, Long Island, New York, and Rhode Island, were subjected to the Royal dominion, and the Jerseys over run by our forces. They in turn, however, met with reverses, which must always be expected in war. To follow all those movements is not within my range.


General Howe having used every means of the most consummate Officer to bring the enemy to a decisive battle, was as often eluded by caution.

He accordingly aimed a blow at another quarter, and with this view embarked a very powerful force, headed by himself. This eventually proved against Philadelphia, which fell, after several conflicts of the most brilliant kind, but particularly that of Brandy-wine.

Soon after, having gained that place, the rebels moved the Delaware frigate of 32 guns, a number of gallies, gondolas, and other armed vessels, to incommode the construction of the different batteries that were carrying on for the protection of the town. That ship anchored within 500 yards, but the tide falling she grounded, when the British troops brought their field pieces against her, which compelled her to strike. Captain, now General Averne, a gallant Officer, and one of the worthiest of men, at the head of his company, immediately took possession of her. The Grenadiers of both the Marine Battalions had been incorporated with those of the Army, previous to leaving Halifax, had hitherto been united in their duties, and formed a part of that force, which, under Lord Cornwallis, entered Philadelphia.

Lord Howe, upon learning these successes, judged it proper to move his fleet and the transports, to concur in any future operations, and to give the supplies of which the Army stood in need, by means of the river Delaware. The progress of such a number of shipping through so dangerous a navigation, was highly difficult, but it was carried on under his Lordship's immediate auspices, and with superior ability as well as skill. Owing to the numerous batteries[217] constructed by the rebels, the passage to Philadelphia could not be attempted, which obliged the whole fleet to anchor from Reedy Island to Newcastle, along the Pennsylvania shore. Independent of the most formidable works, they had sunk within the reach of their guns, machines of the strongest kind, similar to chevaux de frize, as pointing in every direction, and those headed with iron. No attempt, however, could be made to remove them, until their batteries were gained on both shores of the river.

At the urgency of Captain, now Sir Andrew Snape Hammond, who had reached the Delaware before Lord Howe, the Provincials were driven from Billing's Fort, where they were raising works, and preparing obstacles against the passage of the squadron. Captain Hammond was peculiarly active in removing every hindrance, though opposed by the enemy's Marine force.

As the supplies of the Army depended upon an intercourse with the fleet, it became incumbent to carry Mud Fort Island, properly so called, from its having been an accumulated mass of mud and sand, a flat marshy spot, near to the junction of the river Schuylkill.

It was necessary also to attack Red Bank, on the opposite shore of New Jersey, where the enemy had constructed a very strong redoubt, filled with heavy artillery.

In co-operation with a powerful fire against Mud Fort, from some guns planted on the Western, or Pennsylvania side, an attack upon it and the rebel craft was resolved on. For this service, the Augusta, of 64 guns, and Merlin sloop were allotted.


Owing to the navigation of the Channel being altered by the sunken obstacles which every where presented in deep water, both ran aground, as the bed of the river was also affected by them. This did not restrain Captain Reynolds, now Lord Ducie, from maintaining a heavy cannonade against the American works and vessels, or from successfully combating the effects of some fire-ships that approached for his destruction.

The Augusta, either from a red hot shot, or her own wadding, was, after a warm contest, in flames, which suspended every hostile effort, and turned the attention of most to their own preservation.

Amidst the awful conflagration, and an incessant discharge from the rebels, Captain Reynolds retained his intrinsic coolness. After each had consulted his own safety, and no hope remained of stifling the flames, he continued alone, alternately took off his coat, waistcoat, and stock, placed them on the gangway, and committed himself to the deep. Heaven interposed at this perilous moment, and preserved a life, which was subsequently marked by the most gallant deeds, and is still prolonged to justify the goodness of Providence, by the display of every virtue that can adorn human nature. Captain, at present Major General Barclay, of Marines, was a companion in this trying scene, and was much distinguished for his steady conduct. The Merlin was also destroyed.

This fatal attempt by sea, was alike disastrous on the part of the Army. A well-concerted and bold attack upon Red Bank, by a large Corps of Hessians, terminated in repulse and a heavy loss. Unfortunate as was the issue of both, still each department well merited a sprig of the laurel.


From the importance of the object, the views of our Commanders were renewed against these strong posts. The exertions of the Officers and Seamen of the Fleet were great, and toilsome in transporting cannon and stores to a small morassy spot, named Province Island, which would effectually disturb the enemy. Having opened fire from it, and a fair breeze springing up, a well-digested plan of naval attack was carried into effect.

Proceeding by different channels, the ships were brought against various points of Mud Fort, and other branches of defence, upon the 15th of November, when, after a long destructive cannonade, the rebels deserted it in the night. Captain Cornwallis, in the Isis, shewed much judgment and spirit upon this occasion.

A detachment from the Army having been also directed against Red Bank, the Americans hastily withdrew, after partly destroying the works, but leaving their artillery and stores. They also set fire to many of their vessels on the river.

Thus was a way, in some degree, opened for supplies to the troops in Philadelphia.

General Washington, who had followed the Royal Army, remained in its vicinity, but constantly resisted every effort in bringing him to a general action.

The unhappy issue of the expedition under Lieutenant General Burgoyne, previous to this era, threw a general damp, and accelerated the decision of France in entering the list against us. By apparent and occasional concessions, that insidious Power observed a temporizing system, until she had attained the means of following up[220] her hostile views. So suspicious were her designs, however, that considerable armaments continued to be carried on in our ports.

During this period of national despondency, the towns of Liverpool and Manchester nobly stepped forth in aid of their Country. Each tendered 1000 men, which was accepted, and their patriotic example was diffused throughout the land.

Involved in a civil contest, the natural energies of Britain were paralyzed by the floating hopes of reconciliation, and an enfeebling compassion towards her American fellow-subjects.

An unhappy faction continued also to oppose our ill-guided councils, at this awful crisis, from which the rebels derived a fatal, but animating spirit. No true Englishman can throw an eye upon the transactions of that momentous era, without the most poignant reflections for his suffering country.

Long may the sad precedent, and its baneful results, be stamped on every heart! May the imperious obligations of fidelity to our King, and general union amidst public danger, be coeval with the age at which every Briton is taught his duties to his God!



Eleven thousand Marines constituted the establishment of 1778.

Until the close of the last year France stood in awe, and continued to cherish the flames of rebellion by assurances only of support. Remarking the humbled spirit of our nation, at all times too prone to over-rate its calamities, that Power became less cautious, and in a little time avowed her inimical purposes. This was accelerated by a meditated plan of reconciliation, which had undergone the sanction of Parliament, and was about being submitted to the American revolters.

To circumvent its effects, our natural enemy closed with these States a treaty of commerce and defensive alliance upon the 6th of February, which inspired them with a well-timed hope of rising superior to all their pressures. Never did Mercy appear in such odious colours, as when she went forth to the Colonists. Her good offices were every where rejected with contempt and disdain, of which the American Congress gave a conspicuous example. The British Army too, could not recognize Her, and doubted much whether She was of true English origin.

Winter had suspended every active essay on the part of both armies, excepting in the case of some detachments that were from[222] necessity pushed into the country for supplying our numerous forces in Philadelphia; to afford a protection to the suffering Loyalists, and to annihilate the ships and vessels of the rebels, which still remained higher up the Delaware river.

One of these was entrusted to the Hon. Major Maitland, who had long served with distinguished credit in the Corps of Marines, whose high military talents had recently paved the way for his transit into the line, and which placed him, at this time, at the head of a Battalion of Light Infantry.

In conjunction with Captain Henry, of the Royal Navy, who commanded a force of three gallies and other armed small craft, the Major embarked in some flat-bottomed boats, with the 2d Battalion of Light troops, upon the 7th of May. Agreeably to his instructions, he proceeded to destroy the rebel Marine between Philadelphia and Trenton.

At ten on the noon of the 8th, he landed at White-hill, where a superior force of the enemy, chiefly Cavalry, seemed determined to oppose his progress. After having got ashore some field-pieces, Major Maitland pushed on towards Bordentown with great alacrity, driving before him the rebels, and surmounting, with much spirit, many local obstacles. Here he took five guns that commanded the river, and burnt a large quantity of provisions, tobacco, military stores, and camp equipage.

The enemy began to collect in great numbers at Trenton, where they looked for this flying detachment; but its leader, after indulging them in this idea, suddenly struck off towards the river, re-embarked, and took post on the Pennsylvania shore.


Early on the morning of the 9th, he advanced to Biles-island Creek, burnt some valuable vessels, moved on to Bristol, thirteen miles distant, in the afternoon destroyed every ship there, and returned, with his active followers, on board the boats at sun-set. Never was the distinguishing motto of "hilariter et celeriter," more truly exemplified than throughout these rapid duties. The manner in which this service was performed, was highly characteristic of the genius of that man who so completely achieved it.

The rebel loss amounted to 2 frigates, 9 large ships, 6 privateers, 23 brigs, and many schooners; besides an immensity of goods and stores.

The Navy very justly were entitled to their share in these honourable transactions.

General Howe soon after resigned his command to Sir Henry Clinton, whose first measure was the evacuation of Philadelphia, upon the morning of the 18th of June. In this retreat they were materially aided by the ships of war, as the whole Army, by the admirable dispositions of Lord Howe, were conveyed and encamped on the Jersey shore before ten at noon. Their retrograde progress to New York, with its attending incidents, are events unconnected with my purpose.

The preparations of France had preceded her hostile avowals.

Count D'Estaing, putting to sea from Toulon in April, made the Virginia coast early in the month of July. His hopes were to have found the British Fleet and Army, in the Delaware, and at Philadelphia, and by an united attack with General Washington on both, to have struck a blow at once decisive of the fate of America.[224] Disappointed in these, he proceeded off New York, and after a few menaces he again disappeared, at first shaping his course to the Southward. But this was merely to cover his design against Rhode Island, in concert with a rebel force under General Sullivan. The French Admiral entered that harbour upon the 8th of August, anchoring his fleet between Newport and Conanicut.

Advice having been sent to Lord Howe, at New York, of the enemy's motions, his Lordship hastened to relieve the Garrison, and arrived in sight of it on the morning of the 9th.

D'Estaing, seizing a favourable wind, pushed out again, and formed in line, with the evident resolution of hazarding a battle. After two days of able manœuvring on the part of Lord Howe to gain the wind, which was thwarted by adverse circumstances, he quietly awaited the enemy's attack. Just on the eve of conflict, Neptune interposed, and scattered the hostile fleets.

This produced some single actions, in which English valour uniformly triumphed against powerful superiority, but was rendered unavailing in every instance, by the contingencies of fortune. The gallantry of Dawson, Hotham, and Raynor will appear indelible upon our Naval annals, as well as the bravery of those Seamen and Marines who so nobly seconded them.

The French Fleet, after recovering from the storm, again peeped into Rhode Island, from whence the rebels had retreated in confusion. It gladly took refuge in Boston, whither Lord Howe followed it, but durst not attempt so strong a position.

Thus D'Estaing gained but little from his system of surprize. He was a fit agent to have executed the insidious schemes of his[225] Court, when we recollect his breach of parole in the East, which would have made him the sanctioned victim to a halter, if he had fallen within our power.

The appearance of a new and natural foe seemed to revive in every breast the flame of patriotism. At no period of our national existence did the English character appear more great. The Commercial Sailor vied with his Majesty's servants in the Fleet and Army in this noble and emulous zeal.

Admiral Byron having sailed from England in the beginning of June, reached the American coast with his fleet, but in a detached and shattered state. An evil planet seemed to rule over all his destinies, and his good fortune fell much short of his merit. Lord Howe having resigned the Naval command to that Officer, he proceeded off Boston, after having repaired all damages, from which he was driven to Rhode Island by a heavy gale that proved fatal to some of his ships. Of this D'Estaing took occasion to slip out, and with a powerful force aimed his future efforts against our West India islands.

Thither Commodore Hotham was detached with ten regiments, under General Grant, who joined Admiral Barrington at Barbadoes on the 10th of December, and on the 12th proceeded against St. Lucia. Here the army landed, while the squadron anchored in the Cul de Sac, where some Seamen and Marines were disembarked to man the batteries on each side of the harbour.

D'Estaing, who had reached Martinique, sailed also to realize his plans of conquest; but hearing of the descent upon St. Lucia, he resolved upon relieving it. The attempt was fruitless, but it yielded[226] the display of much obstinate valour on both sides. The French were completely beaten, and the island fell.

It would carry me beyond my purposed bounds to dwell upon the many events of this year. The Marine Soldier was almost entirely limited to Naval duties, which were, in a detached sense, both numerous and brilliant upon the coasts of America.

In the indecisive battle of the 27th of July, between the grand Fleets of Britain and France, Lieutenant John M'Donald, of Marines, on board the Prince George, was wounded.


It is a tribute meritedly due to the Battalions of Marines who acted so gallantly in the field, to take a retrospective view of their general good conduct at Halifax, and the series of events connected with them.

As it has already been stated, they accompanied General Howe from Boston to that place. The active exertions of the subordinate ranks on board of the transports, not half manned, and encumbered besides with the persons and property of the faithful Loyalists while on the passage, were such, that a pecuniary recompence was given to many of them, on their reaching Nova Scotia.

Soon after their arrival, both Corps were reviewed by that distinguished Officer, Lord Percy, whose testimony, in consequence, was couched in the following terms:—


"Lord Percy being well pleased with the appearance and performance of the Marine Battalions yesterday (April 30, 1776), desires his thanks to the Officers (in particular) and the men, for their steadiness and attention in their several movements."

Lieutenant Colonel (afterward General) Collins had assumed the command of them soon after their reaching Halifax, and retained it until his health obliged him to return to Europe, when it devolved upon Major Souter, by orders from the Board of Admiralty. Both Battalions were extremely solicitous to have united with the Army under Sir William Howe, when on the eve of leaving Halifax for more active services; but the defence of Nova Scotia being at that period a very important object, it was partly entrusted to them, and the Grenadier Companies alone were permitted the honour. On the 1st of June the notice of an additional indulgence to the Captains of Marine Companies was published to both Corps.

"The Lords of the Admiralty are pleased to allow the Captains of Marines the pay of an additional man per Company, which will increase their present allowance to 1s. 6d. per day, for paying their Companies, providing necessaries, repairing arms, and burying their dead, in like manner as is practised in the Army, and still on shore in North America. The Deputy Paymaster will issue the same. The additional man per day to commence from the time the Army in America was allowed the same."

In order to inspire emulation, and to foster in the memories of all the glorious 17th of June, Colonel Collins issued the following Battalion-orders upon that day:—


"In consequence of this day being the anniversary of the 17th of June, when the Marines behaved in a brave gallant manner at the attack of the rebel redoubt on the heights of Charlestown, Colonel Collins extends pardon to all offenders to this day."

If the enemy had attempted Halifax, the line of battle directed by Major General Massey was, "That Lieutenant Colonel Collins, with the 1st Battalion of Marines, should draw up his right at the house this side of Pedley's Hill. The Royal Highland Emigrants, Royal Americans, Loyal Nova Scotia Volunteers, and 2d Battalion of Marines, under Major Tupper, on the left; the whole to form on the road. Lieutenant Gillespie, with the field-pieces, in the centre; Captain Ramsay, with his detachment of the 14th Regiment, to form on the grand parade, and wait for orders from the Governor or General. The faithful well-tried old Soldiers left here for garrison-duty, under command of Lieutenant Needham, and the other Overseers of the works to form on the Citadel Hill. Lieutenant Lindsay, with his troops, to form at the Dutch Church, where General Massey will have two mortars, with two howitzers fixed for his Corps; and he makes not the least doubt of their readiness to assist in crushing rebellion."

Lieutenant Colonel Collins having obtained leave to return to England for his health, bid farewell to his Corps in these words, upon the 16th of September:—

"The Commanding Officer begs leave to assure the two Battalions of Marines, that it is necessity, not inclination, which forces him from hence. His highest ambition would have been[229] to have conducted them to England, when this distempered state of America was settled. He begs leave to return the Officers thanks for their constant attention, and flatters himself the service will be carried on in the same uniform line it has hitherto been, and if the change of climate permits the re-establishment of his health, he will join them as soon after as possible."

As a just compliment to the discipline established by Lieutenant Colonel Collins, Major Souter, who succeeded him, gave out these orders, to both battalions of Marines, on the 18th of September.

"Major Souter desiring that the orders Lieut. Colonel Collins has issued for the regulation and management of both battalions be uniformly and invariably pursued; particularly those of an Officer of a Company seeing that the men are properly dressed and appointed, when ordered on duty, before they are brought to the parade, and that no drunken men are allowed to fall into the ranks at roll-calling. The Captains are likewise to keep up the necessaries and appointments that have been ordered."

The gallant conduct of the Light Infantry Companies of Marines on a preceding occasion, drew forth the encomium of Major General Massey, upon the 19th of December, in these handsome words:

"His Honor the Lieutenant Governor having made application to Major General Massey, that the two Light Infantry Companies of Marines should continue at Fort Cumberland, the General has consented to it, and takes this opportunity to inform their Brother Soldiers that Major Bald, (who commanded there in a late skirmish with the banditti rebels), in his report to Major General Massey, tells him "that the two Light Companies run at the[230] rebels like lions, and behaved most bravely," which General Massey communicates to the garrison with vast pleasure."

That gallant and good Officer, now Lord Clarina, ever ready to attend to suppliant merit, and the Soldiers wants, in general orders of the 24th of February, 1777, thus answers the Petition of the 1st Battalion of Marines:—

"Major General Massey often receiving a petition from the 1st Battalion of Marines (signed Launcelot Poverty), is happy to comply with their request, as their uniform good behaviour, during the winter, well merits that indulgence. It is therefore his orders, that Major Souter permits the men to work as he shall judge proper, but that no substitutes must be allowed in their public duty."

In the month of March, the Commander in Chief expecting some actual service, was pleased to nominate Lieutenant (now Colonel) Trollope, with a party of Marines, to be trained under Lieutenant Gillespie, of the Royal Artillery, to practice quick firing and traversing the great guns.

Early in April the two Battalions were consolidated into one, by orders of the Board of Admiralty, addressed to Major Souter, to the following effect:—

"By the Commissioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral of Great Britain and Ireland, &c.

"Whereas the Earl of Sandwich has signified to us his Majesty's pleasure, that the two Battalions of Marines, serving under your command, shall be formed into one Battalion, each Company to consist of one Captain, four Subalterns, five Serjeants, five Corporals, four[231] drummers, and 100 private men each, conformable to the present establishment of the Corps, together with the following Field and Staff Officers, viz. two Majors, one Adjutant, one Chaplain, one Quarter Master, one Surgeon, and one Surgeon's Mate; you are hereby required and directed to form the said two Battalions into one Battalion accordingly, with the Field and Staff Officers as before mentioned, and having so done, you are to cause the non-commissioned Officers and private men which may remain after this Battalion is formed, to be embarked in such of his Majesty's ships serving in North America under the command of Vice Admiral Viscount Howe, as may be in want of them, agreeable to the requisition which will be made to you by his Lordship for that purpose; but with respect to the commissioned Officers, over and above the number necessary for completing the said Battalion, you are to send them to England by the first opportunity that offers, in order to join their respective Divisions, unless Lord Howe shall apply to you, for any of them to serve in the ships of his squadron, in which case you are to supply them accordingly.

"Given under our hands, 1st January, 1777.

"Sandwich,       J. Buller,
"H. Palliser."

"To Major Souter or Commanding Officer
Marines, Halifax."

"By command of their Lordships,

"Phil. Stephens."


"In consequence of the above arrangement, such Officers as choose to return to England are desired to give in their names to the Commanding Officer."

Pursuant to this order from the Board, the following Officers, non-commissioned Officers, and drummers, were appointed to compose the new Battalion—

Field Officers—Majors Souter, Hon. John Maitland.

Capt. AverneMarkholeDaffeySweeton
Lieut. RaggSargentMartinSaul
—— VeversPollockBlakePichen
—— StewartWestPikeSidway
—— CunninghamSaul—WallaceBryald
Capt. PitcairneDavisRossEdwards
Lieut. DyerHillTurtleMaclean
—— ShortCollierSutherlandCook
—— HowePritchardWilkinsonLeeson
—— SimmsJarvisBaker
Capt. ElliotEdwardsDavisWm. Cumine
Lieut. EwingGallagharFlinnGrant
—— MoorePughAllenIsgrove
—— J. LewisBibleGurneyWood
—— BowmanPulford—WatkinsSmith
Capt. D. JohnsonPitchesWheelerJ. Cumine
Lieut. KempeFitzimonsJonesFoliard
—— M'DonaldHillmanCooperFlanagan
—— TantumNewmanAlmintLane
—— TrollopeFranklin—PerryCoxan—Tooze
Capt. MacdonaldBowdenCreaBreffeld
Lieut. F. LewisHigginsWilliamsonMorris
—— JacobsSouthwayLongBirmingham
—— SheaBotteyPithrickHiggins
—— GilbertHardy—CareyStyles
Capt. GriffithsHaywardSilbyParker
Lieut. EustaceWoodhouseHandfordRobinson
—— CareyPooleNorrawayShuter
—— MeredithTrafflesBrookesRoper
—— CreswellCampbell—RoweHillMiles

Doctor BoylesChaplain.
John WallerAdjutant.
Thomas SmithQuarter Master.
Charles HillSurgeon.
James SilvenSurgeon's Mate.


An order, upon the 29th of April, to the Marine Battalion, extended the allowances of six contingent men to Captains of Companies, until the pleasure of the Admiralty Board was known.

In consequence of a review of the Battalion by the Commander in Chief at Halifax, the following after-orders were given out on the 9th of June:—

"Major General Massey approves so very highly of the steadiness as well as the appearance of the Corps of Marines which he had the honour to review this day, that he returns Major Souter, the Officers, and Soldiers, his most grateful thanks for their performance in the field."

Lieutenant Trollope, of Marines, was appointed to the duty of attending the Commander in Chief; and Lieut. Waller as Brigade Major to the Provincial forces, during 1777.

In December of that year, Lieutenant John Oldfield, who had lately received a Marine commission, after having served with much credit as a Volunteer, was directed by General Massey to accompany Colonel Goreham to Fort Cumberland, in these handsome terms:—

"Lieutenant Oldfield, of the Battalion of Marines, is to return with Lieut. Colonel Goreham to join the Light Infantry of that Corps, Lieut. Oldfield having acquired so thorough a knowledge of that country, which the General hopes will recommend him to farther notice and future promotion."

His Majesty's ship Milford having run on shore, was nearly lost in the beginning of December. Such were the exertions of the Marines upon the occasion, that Sir William Burnaby, her Commander, felt it his incumbent duty to tender them his thanks in[235] these words—"Sir William Burnaby desires his thanks may be given to the Officers and men of the Battalion, who so actively assisted in getting off his Majesty's ship Milford." This was read to the Companies at evening roll-calling.

Lieutenant Trollope having been appointed Secretary to Major General Massey, Lieut. Tantum, a respectable young Officer (who was afterwards unfortunately drowned in the Ville de Paris), was attached as an assistant Artillery Officer in his stead; a party of Marines was trained to the great guns, and the command of the Half-moon Battery, as well as of the Citadel, was allotted him under the event of an alarm.

Although neither the circumstances of the action, or name of the achiever, are alluded to in the following detail, still it carries in it that zealous anxiety to promote discipline, by recompencing merit, that I cannot omit its insertion.

"General Orders, Halifax, February 27, 1778.

"That good Marine Soldier who was yesterday with General Massey, and who now forgets his name and Company, the General wishes to see to-morrow morning at nine o'clock, as he wants to reward him for his loyalty. General Massey will be much obliged to Major Souter to order this to be read by an Officer, at roll-calling, to the different Companies."

In April, Lieutenant Jacobs who was an ornament to his Corps, (subsequently drowned at St. Lucia) was appointed to act as Overseer to the King's Works, which were carrying on.

No occasion seemed to have been lost by General Massey in calling forth talents wherever they were to be found, and applying[236] them to the public good. Such precedents, if generally adopted upon service, would stimulate the Marine Officer to the early study of every branch of military education. It is but rarely that we are inclined to devote our attention to sciences which may never be called into action, and what our professional views seem almost to render unnecessary. This knowledge may adorn the man, but it is too often restrained from being useful to our Country.

Upon the 25th of August the Marine Battalion was struck off the roster of duty in the garrison of Halifax, previous to its embarkation for Europe.

Major General Massey delivered, in Public Orders of the 30th, his testimony of the general conduct of both Officers and men to this effect:—

"The Commander in Chief cannot part with the Marine Corps, without telling them he was pleased with their soldier-like appearance at the review of yesterday, and now has the pleasing satisfaction to say, that he has had the honour to command that Corps for above two years, without ever hearing of a Court Martial in it, or ever rebuking an Officer or Soldier.

"He will therefore make such a report of that respectable body of men as they merit, and now wishes Officers and Soldiers plenty of prize-money, and makes not a doubt but they will always contribute to the glory of his Majesty, King George's arms."

On the 1st day of September the whole embarked, but in consequence of a petition from the Lieutenant Governor and Council of the Province of Nova Scotia, intreating their continuance, in order to yield their tribute of respect, the Commander in Chief[237] was pleased to intimate the following notice, in Public Orders of the 7th:—

"The Lieutenant Governor and Council, having made application to Major General Massey, praying the Marine Corps may be detained here, and Lord Viscount Howe having left the determination to him, the Major General is happy to comply with the Lieutenant Governor's request; they, therefore, are to continue in the harbour till further orders, and Major Souter will please to land the men on board the transports, at either Dartmouth or the Eastern Battery, in order to give them an airing, at such times as he may choose to order."

Notwithstanding that the result of this liberal indulgence produced a constant intercourse between the town and transports during their stay, still the same harmony reigned during their social hours; and to the eternal honour of the meanest Marine Soldier, neither the merchant, the fatherless, the widow, or the orphan, could cast an eye after him for an unliquidated shilling. Such conduct necessarily drew the grateful sentiments of the Constituted Powers, which were expressed to Major Souter by a letter from Mr. Bulkeley, of which the following is a copy:—

"Halifax, Sept. 10, 1778.


"I have singular pleasure in obeying the request of the Members of his Majesty's Council, by conveying to you, and the rest of the Officers, our acknowledgments and thanks for the good order and discipline observed by the Battalion of Marines under your command, during the whole time they[238] have been on duty in this town. I have the honour to be, Sir,

"Your most obedient humble servant,

"Richard Bulkeley."

Major Souter.

Those steady Soldiers soon after sailed for England, and they continued to preserve the same conduct through all their subsequent destinies.

I have thus placed this train of honourable retrospect under one connected view. To have interspersed the incidents amongst the successive and fleeting periods in which they occurred, and what have been already discussed, would have been uninteresting and less impressive. I have peculiarly addressed myself to my Corps throughout this domestic narrative; and while I have exhibited a bright pattern of valour, combined with steady discipline, in the Marine Battalions that were employed upon the soil of America, I am sanguine to hope, that after having viewed the picture, not one amongst our numerous ranks will ever deface its beauties.



The public emergencies called for a very considerable addition to the Corps of Marines in 1779. Seventeen thousand three hundred and eighty-nine were voted, being an effective augmentation of 5560.

Early in the year accounts were received of the capture of Pondicherry, by the united efforts of the Navy under Sir Edward Vernon, and a large force of European and Company's troops under Sir Hector Monro. After more than two months of very fatiguing duties, owing to the heavy rains, the siege was brought to that issue, which invited a general assault.

The works having been much battered in every quarter of approach, three different attacks were meditated; against L'Hospital Bastion to the southward, the East face of the North West Bastion, and from the sea to the northward.

These arrangements having been made, nearly 200 Seamen, and all the Marines of the squadron were landed on the 15th of October 1778, in order to have joined in the storm, which was to have taken place on the 17th. But Monsieur Bellecomb, who had hitherto defended himself with much obstinacy, dreading this event, proposed terms of surrender, which were accepted. Many were of opinion, that had he withstood the onset, its result would have[240] been fatal to the British Army, from the extensive mines that he might have sprung.

Admiral Byron, who arrived in the West Indies in the beginning of 1779, rendered our Naval force in that country superior to the enemy. He was foiled in every attempt to bring D'Estaing to an action, who kept close in Martinique.

The English Admiral having gone to leeward, with a view to collect the homeward-bound at St. Kitt's, and to escort them, a small detachment of French troops took St. Vincent, after a very inadequate resistance; and the conquest of Grenada soon after followed, but under circumstances highly honourable to Lord Macartney and our arms. At this, D'Estaing, who united in himself the character of the Soldier and the Seaman, was present, and led a French column in storming the British lines upon Hospital Hill. These were carried, after a gallant defence, which led to the immediate surrender of the Island.

Scarcely was this accomplished, when he was called to act upon another element by the approach of Admiral Byron, who, deceived by intelligence as to the French force, hastened down under a press of sail and in a scattered order. A general ardour pervaded all to close with the enemy, whose numbers could only be gradually perceived as they stretched out from the land. They were at last discovered to be far superior to the chacing fleet, when the advanced ships of it, led by Admiral Barrington, nobly seconded by Captain, now Lord Gardiner, in the Sultan, and Sawyer in the Boyne, had begun the battle. To these names may be added Captains Collingwood, Edwards, and Cornwallis, as having been highly distinguished[241] on the 6th of July. Lieut. Jonah Veale, of Marines, was killed in this action, and Lieut. Richards wounded.

D'Estaing evinced a total want of Naval enterprize through the day. He returned to Grenada during the following night, while Admiral Byron proceeded to St. Kitt's to repair his damages.

The approach of the hurricane season determined the French Admiral to take refuge, with his fleet, at Hispaniola, where he received an urgent call to unite with the Armies of America in recovering the Province of Georgia. Elated with his success at Grenada, he anticipated to himself the glory, not only of driving the British from this Colony, but of exterminating them from every post which they occupied along the sea-coasts of that Continent. There was not, to appearance, a force sufficient to stem his ambitious views; but they were opposed and frustrated by a spirit which often compensates the want of numbers.

D'Estaing's arrival on the coast of Georgia, early in September, was marked with a partial success by capturing the Experiment, of 50 guns, after a gallant defence on the part of Sir James Wallace. Unaccustomed to such an event as the capture of an English two-decker, it was considered as a favourable omen, and swelled his presumptuous hopes.

The appearance of such an armament struck wonder into General Prevost and the Garrison of Savannah, which were intended as the first victims to its power.

General Lincoln, with the Rebel Army from South Carolina, hearing of their new allies, moved towards Georgia, to combine in the attempt.


General Prevost issued orders to concentrate his detachments, and began to add to his works. Captain Henry, of the Royal Navy, commanded that force in the river Savannah with much zeal.

It became expedient, upon the nearer advance of the French Fleet, to move the ships of war close to the town, to land the guns and Seamen, and to incorporate their Marines with the Grenadiers of the 60th Regiment.

After D'Estaing had debarked his army of 5000 men, he instantly marched against Savannah, without waiting for Lincoln, and desired the Garrison to surrender, on the 16th of September. General Prevost solicited delay in answering his summons; in order to give time for his outposts to join him.

During the critical interval of 24 hours, which were allowed, that brave and active Officer, Lieut. Colonel Maitland, whom I have formerly mentioned, reached Savannah with a force of 800 men, after having encountered obstacles and difficulties of the most trying kind. Already, during the campaign of 1779, had he shewn himself most consummate in all the requisites of a Soldier, by the stand he made at John's Island with a handful of men, against ten times his numbers, under General Lincoln. That deed alone was enough to fix his military fame, which acquired additional glory by his wading march from Beaufort, to the relief of Prevost. In this, few men could have equalled, and none surpassed his undaunted fortitude and steady perseverance. It was the means of saving Georgia and its Capital.

Such were his personal fatigues and anxieties to reach the scene of his future duties, that both struck at the vitals of his existence,[243] which afterwards closed a life long valuable to mankind by habitual exercises of the most amiable benevolence, and happy to himself by the approving consciousness of its having never been stained by dishonour. The activity of his spirit, however, buoyed him up under every bodily suffering, while Savannah was besieged by the enemy.

My limits will not allow me the extent of detail, which was very creditable to the courage and exertions of all.

Count D'Estaing, little looking for such protracted operations, and growing impatient under them, determined to storm early on the morning of the 9th of October.

Two feigned attacks by the American Militia, were planned against the Garrison, to attract its attention to the centre and left, and it was also resolved that, whilst D'Estaing and Lincoln moved against Spring-hill redoubt in front, Count Dillon, with another column, should advance along the edge of a swamp which communicates with the river above the town, silently pass the redoubts and batteries, and thus gain the rear of the British lines. This column losing its way, was embarrassed in the morasses, and after the dawn was exposed to a heavy fire, that threw it into a disorder from which it could not recover.

D'Estaing, under the cover of darkness, got near the redoubt just as the day began to break; but he was received with incessant volleys and heavy discharges, which committed a dreadful carnage. This part of defence was entrusted to Captain Tawse and his little Corps of Provincial Dragoons, who maintained it with enthusiastic bravery. Alternately had the French and American standard been[244] planted on the parapet, when that gallant Chief, defending in person the gate of his redoubt, and his sword still unentangled from the body of an impetuous Frenchman, received his own death-wound. Here there still continued a doubtful contest for possession, when Lieut. Colonel Maitland, commanding the force upon the right of our lines, pushed on the 60th Regiment and the Marines, who, with charged bayonets, soon decided the struggle. The assailants were driven from the ditch, and retreated quickly, with the loss of 901 killed and wounded.

It was with difficulty the British could be restrained from following their superior forces, whose future operations were limited to the re-embarkation of their troops and stores, and the retreat of the Rebel Army into South Carolina.

The Count D'Estaing, with a part of his fleet, returned to France, after having achieved nothing worthy of notice, and his other ships proceeded for the West Indies.

Throughout this service the Navy were justly entitled to a great share of merit. Never were the exertions of the Sailors at the great guns more animated or useful.

Captain, afterwards Colonel Moncrieffe, of the Engineers, exhibited symptoms of the highest talents in his profession; and a share of honour truly falls to the lot of Captain Charlton, of the Corps of Royal Artillery, which has been eminently and uniformly great upon every service allotted them.

Lieut. Colonel Glazier, who led the Grenadiers and Marines in the charge which decided the fate of every thing, attracted much praise.


Soon after the raising of the siege, Lieut. Colonel Maitland fell a sacrifice to his fatigues, which, producing a bilious fever, deprived his Country of a faithful servant, and the Soldier of a true friend.

Sir George Collier was most usefully active during the period of his command in North America. He undertook nothing in which he did not succeed, and in every instance of service exhibited a prompt and decisive mind. The enemy's Commerce and Naval Power suffered much by his spirited measures, in which I cannot follow him.

In the month of June, Spain, after having received her treasures in safety, entered the lists against Great Britain, whose situation now seemed desperate to all the surrounding Powers. But the hour of danger is the only occasion in which the native spirit of Englishmen can best be known or appreciated. It called forth that union which should ever constitute the pride, as it can alone secure the independence of a nation.

Notwithstanding the immense superiority gained by this accession, still the vigour of our combined enemies was by no means in an adequate proportion. Their fleets soon after appeared on our coasts, in numbers we were unable to oppose; but their exertions against them were at first repressed by discord, and finally averted by disease.

The only service upon which the Corps of Marines was employed during the remainder of the present year, was in the capture of Omoa, effected by parties from the Charon, Lowestoff, and Pomona frigates, in conjunction with the Seamen of these ships, who were[246] trained to small arms, and a number of baymen and logwood cutters that were embodied at Truxillo. Commodore Luttrell conducted the naval part of the expedition, and Captain Dalrymple the land force. Disembarking at Porto Cavallo, they sustained great fatigue in a night's march toward the fort, with a view to surprize it, on the 16th of October. Such were their obstacles from morasses filled by the rains, and intervening precipices, that they found themselves nearly six miles distant in the morning, and that they were discovered by the enemy. After giving the men a little respite, Captain Dalrymple pushed on, drove the Spaniards from an ambuscade, secured and established posts on the heights round the town and fort, and having been incommoded by musquetry from the place, he set it in flames, at which time Commodore Luttrell entered the harbour and completed the blockade by sea.

After cannon being landed, and the batteries opened during some days, they had produced but little effect upon the enemy's works; on which it was resolved to storm them with 150 Seamen and Marines, united with some loyal Irish, who were to be aided in their approach by a fire from the ships and the heights. Under this cover the assailants advanced at four in the morning, against walls 28 feet in height. To these they applied their scaling ladders, when the storming party, headed by two British Seamen, gained the top, and being instantly seconded, the Spaniards, paralysed at the daring act, begged for quarter.

It is to be regretted that the name and local origin of one intrepid Sailor, upon this occasion, should have been lost. Ascending with two cutlasses, he soon found an enemy almost asleep, whom[247] he disdained to sacrifice: rousing him from his slumbers, he put one into the Spaniard's hand, telling him they were now equal. Whether from a dislike to the combat, or in gratitude for such generous conduct, the tender, however, was not accepted.

The Commanders declined some offers of ransom made by the enemy which would have been highly advantageous to themselves; but they militated against their Country's interest. This conquest was obtained with a very trifling loss.

Some valuable captures were brought into our ports during the year, and our Commerce was well protected.

Sir James Wallace, by an exploit in Cancalle Bay, recalled to the public mind the deeds of former times, by the capture or destruction of three frigates under the French batteries.

Lieutenant A. J. Field, of the Marines, still lives an instance of Providence, by an escape from the melancholy fate of too many of his shipmates in the Quebec frigate, which blew up in action with La Surveillante.

In this, British valour would have ultimately triumphed; but it was obliged to yield to destiny. The most amiable manners, in union with a cool courage, were the predominant features of Captain Farmer's character.

Captain Pearson, of the Serapis, ennobled himself by a brave defence against a much greater force, which assumes an historical importance, from its happy consequences in saving a large and valuable convoy entrusted to his care.

An action was fought between his Majesty's ship Pearl and the Spanish frigate St. Ammonica, which very much signalized[248] Captain, now Admiral George Montague, and in which Lieutenant Fowke, of Marines, was also distinguished.

Nothing of attached moment farther, appears within the review of 1779.


In every war it has been evident that state necessity has required an annual increase to the establishment of Marines. Eighteen thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine were the number decreed for the service of 1780.

It was at this period, and has since been too prevalent a custom, to embark recruits not only unscienced in discipline, but utterly untrained to arms. Such deficiencies could only be compensated by native valour, aided by the care of Officers in rendering them good marksmen, and by that punctual system which prevails in our ships of war. A few regular-built Soldiers should always be intermingled with every detachment; a rule that can only be observed by maintaining a sufficient strength during peace, or by a prompt levy on the commencement of hostilities.

The year of 1780 was ushered in by some well-timed successes of Admiral Rodney. While nature has so clearly pointed out our means of defence, she has also taught our islanders to greet, with tenfold joy, every victory that is gained upon their favourite element.


After eighteen months of war against an inveterate foe, nothing had been achieved worthy of being considered as a balance in the scale; of course the taking of Langara in the Phœnix, with three other ships of the line, the explosion of the St. Domingo, and the destruction of the St. Julian and St. Eugenio, of 70 guns, added to the recent capture of one 64, escorting a valuable convoy, so crouded together, filled the Country with general exultation.

Admiral Rodney exhibited much enterprize, although he possessed superior numbers, by pursuing and vanquishing an enemy upon his own coasts, during a most dreadful gale, and on a lee shore, which had nearly proved fatal to many of his fleet, who, from their ardour, became entangled amongst the dangerous shoals of St. Lucar.

Sir George Rodney was most ably seconded by the vigour and counsel of his Captain, Young, whose talents as an Officer stood meritedly high.

Although the Spaniards fought bravely, still they plainly shewed that they were no adepts in the most essential branches of discipline; as the blowing up of the St. Domingo, and a partial explosion in the Princessa, proceeded entirely from a want of internal system.

Lieut. Strachan, of Marines, brother to the present Sir Richard, was killed upon the forecastle of the Edgar in this action.

The immediate and happy effects of it were the relief of Gibraltar and Minorca, besides convincing the coasts of the Mediterranean that Britain was still able to assert her former dominion on the seas. The Admiral prosecuted his course for the West Indies, while the bulk of the Fleet returned to England under a continuance of the same good fortune.


Our enemies lost nine sail of the line upon the whole of this expedition, which was suggested by necessity, but terminated with the most signal consequences.

Accounts were received early in this year of the death of the celebrated Captain Cooke, at the Island of O'why'he; in defending whose valuable life, threatened by a horde of savages, four out of nine of my Corps shared his destiny.

Long had our avaricious neighbours, the Dutch, continued to foment the spirit of rebellion in the Western World, by various supplies, without which its virulence, nay its existence must have ceased. With one uniform character for punctuality in dealing, to an extent and nicety rarely known but in our own land, these moral virtues, which can alone give joy to the wealthy, are absorbed in the Hollander by an unceasing pursuit of the same object. The bonds of nature, and all the ties of honour which unite nation to nation, are sacrificed by him to the call of self-interest. This fiendly passion, and the repeated injuries sustained by England, brought on a rupture between the two countries, friends by alliance, but enemies in their principles of action.

The detention of Count Byland added fuel to the flame, by furnishing means to the emissaries of France, in Holland, who were active in working upon the popular mind. From the beginning of 1780, the cause of these hostilities, which commenced towards the close of the year, may be dated.

The conduct of the neutral Powers, at this crisis of accumulating difficulties, was equally ungrateful. At the head of them was Russia, whom we had nurtured in Naval tactics and the arts of[251] civilization, by a long train of friendly good offices. But her early energies were levelled against the life of her Patroness, and in defiance, too, of that maritime code of laws, which had been long recognized by Europe as the fixed standard of commercial intercourse.

If ever there was a period of our existence that urged general union it was this. Our Country seemed doomed to destruction, and, like vultures hurried on by instinct to the spot of animal dissolution, every nation crouded against our island to lay claim for its share of our tottering Empire. To prevent the repetition of such a period in our history, a fostering care of our Navy, and every branch attached to it, appears the wisest system, and the most incumbent duty.

Sir Henry Clinton having been freed from every fear by the glorious repulse of D'Estaing from Savannah, had it in his power to carry the British arms to any part of the American coast. His first essay was aimed against the province of South Carolina, and his operations commenced on the 1st of April against Charleston, its Capital, after having landed upon John's Island, and from thence advancing by slow steps; which afforded time to the Rebels of fortifying every point of defence.

Admiral Arbuthnot, with the squadron, soon after passed Fort Moultrie with trifling loss, and anchored just without the range of shot from the town, which completed its investment towards the sea, though a communication was unavoidably open between the Garrison and the Country, by means of Cooper's River to the North-east.[252] This was soon cut off by a large detachment under Colonel Webster, which General Clinton was enabled to spare, from his access to the sea being kept up by the ships of war. A very brilliant affair took place between the advanced guard of that force and a body of Americans, at Monk's Corner, which reflected much honour upon Colonel Tarleton and Major Fergusson, the former of whom, soon after, very justly secured permanent fame, by beating a Rebel Corps of Cavalry upon the banks of the Santee.

Early in May, the besiegers having completed their third parallel, Captain Hudson, of the Navy, was landed with 200 Seamen and Marines on Sullivan's Island, in order to have stormed the important post of Fort Moultrie, at the same time the ships were to attack by sea. The garrison surrendered to that party on the 6th of May. This had a strong effect upon our subsequent operations, as the town fell by capitulation on the 12th.

Very high commendations were bestowed upon Generals Earl Cornwallis, Leslie, and Paterson; Lieut. Colonels Webster and Tarleton, and Major Moncrieffe, also had their share of applause in Sir Henry Clinton's detail. The services of Captain Elphinstone, now Lord Keith, were also very signal. Much good was anticipated from this happy event, which was not, however, eventually realized.

The gallant exertions of Lord Cornwallis in the subsequent progress of the campaign, upon a minute retrospect, must rank him as a great and a zealous Officer. Colonel Tarleton also stands high upon its annals, which will be recognized in terms of eulogium by posterity.


Admiral Rodney, who had proceeded to the West Indies from Gibraltar, found himself opposed to a superior force of the enemy. Confiding in the long-tried valour of a British Fleet, he was determined, however, to dispute the palm with them. Monsieur Guichen, previous to his arrival, had paraded before St. Lucia, seemingly with a view of attempting something; but Rear-Admiral Hyde Parker and General Vaughan had evidently made such judicious dispositions, as deterred him from even a partial trial of force. Sir George Rodney soon returned the visit, and offered battle, which was not accepted. Leaving some coppered frigates to watch their motions, he returned to Gros Islet Bay.

In the night of the 15th of April, De Guichen put to sea, and was quickly followed, when a general chace ensued. At the close of day on the 16th, the English formed into line, and a series of able manœuvring on both sides took place next morning. At eleven the conflict began, which ended after four, when the enemy bore away. The English Fleet, obliged to repair its damages, could not pursue.

Most tremendous was the fire of the Sandwich, Admiral Rodney's ship, upon that day, and so visible were its effects, that it is impossible to calculate what can be achieved by Britons, when their valour is let loose, against any force, however great. Captain Carey, of Marines, was wounded in the Grafton, and Lieut. Herriot, who now so ably conducts a well-known paper entitled The Sun, in the Elizabeth.

Regaining sight of the French Fleet, they run for shelter under the guns of Guadaloupe upon the 20th. The talents of Captain Young, of the Sandwich, were peculiarly displayed upon this[254] occasion, and were most auxiliary to the Commander in Chief. Thus was the Empire of these Seas recovered by an inferior Fleet, which was productive, however, only of a flimsy triumph, as there were no English troops to follow it up by an attack upon their islands. English commerce, however, was protected, while that of the French suffered much. Two other actions of lesser note were fought on the 15th and 19th of May, but equally indecisive.

The spirited countenance of Captain, now Admiral Cornwallis, off Monte Christi, in the Lion, of 64 guns, having under him the Bristol of 50, and Janus of 44, which were opposed by Monsieur La Motte Picquet, reputed one of the best Officers in the French Navy, with four 74 gun-ships and two frigates, must ever be noticed as one of the most brilliant incidents of the American war.

It has been the lot of that brave man, to have saved to his Country, in two instances, a respectable portion of her Naval forces, when apparently doomed to fall and overwhelmed by numbers. With his little squadron he resisted, successfully, this united attack, through the night of the 20th of March, and on the following day maintained the unequal combat nearly three hours. On the 22d the English Ruby, of 64 guns, and two frigates appeared, with which he, in turn, became the pursuer of La Motte Picquet, who, by his own account, and in the true spirit of a Frenchman, asserted his claim to two hearts, as being emblematical of his courage.

Some single actions were fought during 1780, that would have done honour to any period of our maritime greatness.

Amongst these may be noticed the capture of La Capricieuse, of 44 guns, by La Prudente frigate. Captain Waldegrave, now Lord[255] Radsdale. Speaking of the conduct of his Marines on this occasion, he says, "In justice to Lieutenant Banks of the Marines, I must beg leave to observe to their Lordships, that his party behaved with the utmost steadiness and bravery, keeping up a regular and constant fire from the beginning of the action, till necessity called them to the great guns, when they shewed an equal share of spirit and good order."

Another terminated in the taking of La Nymphe by the Flora, Captain Peere Williams, which was manned principally by landsmen, and a raw party of Marines. Soon after the conflict began, the Flora's wheel was shot away, when both ships fell on board each other. This afforded some instances of individual gallantry, by repelling the enemy's boarders, and by the British returning the compliment, and eventually striking the flag of La Nymphe. Although complete adepts in the small sword, still it proved unavailing against the cutlass and the axe.

Lieutenant, now Captain Busigny of Marines, very much distinguished himself, and his sword bore marks of his valour.

Although not properly within my scope, still the bravery of Captain Moore in the Fame privateer of Dublin, cannot pass unnoticed. It reflected honour upon his Country. In his little ship of 24 guns and 108 men, he attacked five sail of the enemy formed into line, carrying 54 guns and 167 sailors. Four out of that number were taken, and recompensed his courage by their wealth.

The alertness of a British Seaman, whose name cannot be retraced, was the means of developing sufficient matter for reprisals against the Dutch, upon the 20th of December. Never did there appear such[256] a scene of low intrigue, and selfish cunning as in these papers which were saved from the ocean. They betrayed a treaty of commerce, which had existed, in secret, ever since 1778, with the rebel states, which would have been soon cemented by one of alliance, under the same dark cover, if this disaster had not discovered all, and brought down the vengeance of Britain for such perfidy.


Twenty thousand three hundred and seventeen Marines were voted for the service of 1781.

The widely extended commerce of Holland now lay open to general enterprize, which was soon successfully exerted. As avarice was the predominant cause of hostilities, so it was the object of chastisement.

Gibraltar attracted the early attention of our Ministry, by an effort to relieve it, which was accomplished by Admiral Darby, with the Grand Fleet, under circumstances of apparent difficulty, but of eventual good fortune. If the Combined Forces had been united, which was their annual policy and within their power, such an attempt must have been abortive, or performed at an unwarrantable risk.


That fortress persevered in a system of defence, peculiarly destructive to the enemy, and of a kind the most honorable to General Elliot and his garrison. Captain Hervey in the Panther, with his small squadron, also gave proofs of wonderful courage, in frustrating the aim of some fire vessels that were employed to burn it.

France always intent upon her own interests, embraced this occasion of reinforcing her West India fleets by a powerful detachment under the Compte De Grasse. This became necessary, from the return of De Guichen to Europe, who, after having joined Don Solano's fleet, went down to Hispaniola, with an evident purpose of attacking Jamaica, but from whom he separated without a stroke. Although the battles of Admiral Rodney afforded no signal marks of victory in captures, still their effects had a strong influence in the conduct of De Guichen for proceeding homewards with those shattered ships, from amongst his fleet, that could be refitted only in Europe.

Holland soon felt the consequences of its baseness, by the loss of all its West India possessions, and some valuable convoys. The free port of St. Eustatius, hitherto the depot of America, and of every adventurer who had money, fell early in February without firing a gun. Demerara, Issequibo, and the Dutch Settlements on the Spanish main were successively taken, together with the Mars of 60 guns, Admiral Krowl, with 28 sail of merchantmen under his protection, who was killed by a musquet ball, in a short action with the Monarch, Captain Reynolds.

Sir Samuel, now Lord Hood, having been soon after sent to windward to cruize for De Grasse, was limited to a station, which gave little hope of ultimate success.


Three sail of the line were unfortunately retained at St. Eustatius, which would have been a valuable addition to his force, thus inferior to the expected arrivals from France.

The British Admiral continued off Fort Royal, Martinique, until the 28th of April, when a signal was made for the enemy's approach. Every effort was used to close with the land, and of course with them, who, in line of battle, on the morning of the 29th, afforded protection to a numerous convoy that soon reached a safe anchorage. De Grasse was immediately strengthened by 4 ships of the line, from the Bay, which authorized him to have followed up the most decisive views. Sir Samuel Hood formed his fleet into close order, and was joined by the Prince William of 64 guns, Captain Stair Douglas, who then watered at St. Lucia, but had weighed with an unexampled dispatch to share in the conflict, and who continued to cheer along the British Line, until he fell into his station.

De Grasse opened his fire, but at a distance little calculated to balance the scale of victory. He had the option of it though he never availed himself of his fortune. Three hours cannonade was kept up, during which it appeared that the French powder was much stronger than ours, when the British Admiral seeing the unavailing expenditure ceased to waste it.

This period could not boast of that liberal attention to the seaman's wants, which has characterized our Country, during the late war, towards her naval servants. Scurvy, at that time, was the prevalent disease in our fleet, and this had reached an alarming height in many of the ships attached to Sir Samuel Hood.


The world too generally ground their opinions upon external circumstances, without examining minutely into inferior details, which, when known, will be considered, by the judicious, as often constituting the solid merits of human action. To a great superiority of fresh ships and healthy crews, as yet unbraced by the climate, Admiral Hood was opposed with 7 sail less in number, reduced in effective strength by scurvy, and against an enemy, whose naval confidence had never arrived at a greater summit. That steady countenance which he evinced in their presence, was yet surpassed by a noble effort, on the following day, which shewed the invincible spirit of his mind, and these resources so usually annexed to magnanimity and talents.

Observing the scattered order of the French, and catching a change of wind in his favor, not common in that Country, he directed a general chace, and levelled all his force against their most vulnerable point.

But the elements were fickle, and disappointed his manly views, after which he bore up for Antigua to refit, and land his wounded. The interval was seized by De Bouillé and De Grasse to carry St. Lucia, who were happily resisted by the united energies of Captain Campbell of the 87th Regiment, and Lieutenant, afterwards the unfortunate but amiable Captain Miller of the Theseus. Improving the same occasion, another, but more prosperous expedition, was undertaken against Tobago, which was finally seconded by the whole French fleet and army.

Sir George Rodney, having assumed the command, reached Barbadoes on the 23d of May, where he learned the attack upon[260] that island. Lieutenant Johnstone of Marines was sent in an Advice Boat in order to gain intelligence, and other information of a secret nature. His ability and zeal fully qualified him for the task, but nothing could avert its surrender, after two fruitless attempts to relieve it. This may be said to have ended the campaign of 1781, in the West Indies.

In this summer the total reduction of West Florida was effected by the Spaniards, who persevered in recovering the possessions, formerly wrested from them. The combined fleets, after covering a debarkation at Minorca, towards the close of August, proceeded in triumph to the mouth of the British Channel, while Admiral Darby retired to Torbay. Discord and sickness were again the agents of heaven to counteract their menaces, and a kind Providence wafted home our commerce in safety, soon after those powerful enemies had each returned to his own ports.

The 5th of August exhibited a display of obstinate bravery not unworthy of former times, when the Empire of the Seas was so strenuously disputed by Great Britain and Holland. Two squadrons headed by Officers, who were animated by the same stern spirit, met on the Dogger Bank, each with a convoy under his protection. Having secured their safety, Admiral Parker bore down against his rival, Zoutman, who coolly awaited his approach until he reached the good old measure for deciding their Country's differences and prowess. After a close conflict of three hours and a half, the Dutch resigned the palm by bearing up for the Texel. Captain Campbell of Marines, in the Berwick, and Lieut. Stewart of the same ship, besides Lieut. Cuthbert of the Dolphin, were the Officers that fall[261] under my review of casualties in wounded on that occasion. The sinking of one of their 74's after the action, the safe return of a valuable and important fleet into our ports, while that of the enemy flew for shelter into their own, were the consequent fruits, and must be undisputed evidences of victory.

During this unfortunate war, the similarity of language and of manners, had introduced into the bosom of our Country many an American Incendiary, who, without suspicion, were either the immediate Emissaries or maintained a correspondence with those of France. Inviolable secrecy must ever be the life of foreign expeditions, but it unhappily did not exist at this era, and more particularly in that which was set on foot against the Dutch Settlement at the Cape of Good Hope.

This was undertaken under the joint auspices of Commodore Johnstone and General Meadowes, who departed from England on the 13th of March, and reached Port Praya Bay, in St. Jago, one of the Cape de Verd islands, on the 10th of April.

During war there ought never be too confident a security. Vigilance and alertness are the essence of discipline, and they never should be relinquished even within the bosom of a friendly country. A surprize can find no palliation.

Anchored in a scattered form, which a little time could not entirely remedy, our squadron was unexpectedly assailed by Admiral Suffrein, one of the few of his countrymen who met Englishmen on their favourite plan of close fighting, and whom the early intelligence of his court had detached with a force sufficient to counteract the schemes of our Cabinet. After a most spirited attack which strongly[262] attested his enterprize and courage, he was repulsed by British valour, and his ships so much shattered as to hold out to the Commodore the prospect of an ultimate triumph.

The enemy were afterwards chaced, but more imperious and future views put an end to the pursuit. That good and gallant Officer Capt. now Sir Thomas Pasley, of the Jupiter, Capt. Alms, of the Monmouth, and Captain Hawker, of the Hero, were particularly noticed by their Chief, for their conduct through the day. Great and animated were the exertions of some of the East Indiamen, and the steady countenance of Capt. Jenkinson and his detachment of the 98th Regiment, in repelling the enemy's boarders from the Fortitude, attracted much deserved praise. Suffrein having anticipated Commodore Johnstone, in reaching the Cape, threw into the garrison every necessary supply, which precluded all hopes of succeeding against it, and changed the future plan of the expedition. Having received notice of five Dutch East Indiamen being in Saldahna Bay, forty miles north from the Cape, the squadron shaped its course thither, and made prizes of four, the other having been set on fire. This was a deep cut upon our avaricious foe. The French Admiral went on to India, and General Meadows proceeded under a proper escort to the same quarter, while the Commodore returned to England.

Notwithstanding the diminished territories of France in the East, still the zeal and ability of her Agents, well versed in intrigue, had the address, not only to reconcile the existing contentions between Hyder Ally and the Mahrattas, but to direct their united power against our wide possessions in that part of the world. These were to be supported by promised aids from Bourbon and the Mauritius, as[263] well as auxiliaries from many of the petty Princes of Hindostan, who eagerly acceded to the coalition.

The apathy of the Presidency at Madras, at this momentous crisis, was highly criminal. No steps were taken to concentrate their troops, although they were long apprized of Hyder's views, who, like a torrent, came down from the mountains and entered the Carnatic with an army of 100,000 men. Sir Hector Monro, at last, took the field against this host, and having raised the siege of Arcot, fixed his post at Conjeverane, where he awaited his expected reinforcements from the Tanjore Country in the South, and those from the Guntaz Circar in the North.

This being merely introductory matter to future discussion, in which my corps was called forth, my detail of these movements must be concise.

The world well knows the sad disaster of Colonel Baillie's detachment from the latter Country, in which was also involved that of Colonel Fletcher from the Main Army, after having exhibited the most extraordinary feats of European valour. From unaccountable causes, no effort, worthy of the occasion, was made to alienate the doom of those brave, but unfortunate men. The immediate consequences were the retreat of General Monro to the Mount, and the Carnatic being overrun by Hyder and his savage legions. Rapid were his successes, and Madras itself anticipated the horrors of a siege from this relentless invader.

The energies of the Council of Bengal were patriotically great under these perilous events. Casting an eye towards that distinguished Veteran, Sir Eyre Coote, he was with one general voice called forth[264] to retrieve these calamities. He accordingly embarked from Calcutta, with a force, while some seapoy battalions marched from Bengal to the Carnatic. General Goddard was directed to transport a detachment from his army acting against the Mahrattas, and Sir Edward Hughes, with his fleet, was solicited to block up the ports of Hyder, on the coast of Malabar. The Government of Bombay was likewise ordered to alarm his dominions.

Sir Eyre Coote quickly restored its wonted lustre to the British arms by a series of brilliant efforts, during 1781, that enabled him, after the destruction of Hyder's naval force at Calicut and Mangalore, by Sir Edward Hughes, to send an adequate detachment for the reduction of Negapatam, which was committed to Sir Hector Monro, who assumed the command of the troops in the Tanjore Country, and who was enjoined to co-operate in the attempt with Admiral Hughes and his squadron. Hyder Ally had placed a strong garrison in the Fort, and occupied many strong holds within that Province and on its borders.

Preparatory for this object a number of the Company's troops reached Nagore on the 21st of October, which were soon headed by General Monro, who landed from the Superbe. Sir Edward Hughes disembarked his Marines, consisting of 443, on the same day, and a battalion of 827 seamen upon the 22d. The looked for shift of the Monsoon, and lateness of the season prompted the most active measures. Owing to a heavy surf the cannon and all necessary implements were conveyed by rafts to the shore, in which the zeal of our Sailors, under the superintendance of Captain Ball, was most praiseworthy.


The enemy having thrown up strong lines flanked by redoubts, to defend the approaches to Negapatam, they were stormed and carried on the night of the 29th; much of the success and glory of which very justly attached to the Seamen and Marines, whose intrepidity was never more conspicuous. They also evinced an unrelaxed zeal in prosecuting the necessary works of labour. During the siege two sorties were attempted by the garrison, which originally consisted of 8000 men, but in each they were quickly repulsed. After a severe and well aimed fire, from the 3d to the 12th of November, the Dutch proposed terms which were accepted.

During the whole course of this fatiguing service, 17 Seamen fell, and 27 were wounded, and the detail of Marines was 13 killed, and 29 casualties, most of whom died; besides a number of both who became victims to sudden cramps, the effects of hard duty amidst the rains.

The happy results of this conquest were the immediate evacuation of every post in the Tanjore by Hyder's troops, and the return to allegiance of all those petty Princes who had been seduced, by him, from their obedience to the Nabob of the Carnatic.

On the 25th of October the Seamen and Marines were re-embarked; when, following up his farther plans, the Admiral set sail for Trincomale upon the 2d of December, where he arrived the 4th. Early in the succeeding morning the Marines, to whom two field pieces were attached, were again put on shore, and they were soon joined by a body of Seamen, who, with some Seapoy pioneers, instantly formed and marched towards the fort of Trincomale. While its Governor was employed in framing terms of capitulation,[266] Lieut. Samuel Orr, at the head of the Marine Grenadier Company, intrepidly rushed through the gateway, and saved him the trouble of such a discussion—taking prisoners three Officers and 40 men. This bold exploit led to the most important consequences, as the fort commanded, with 10 pieces of cannon, the only place where the requisite stores could be landed for the Army. The enemy's defences now became limited to Fort Ostenburgh, situated on the top of a hill which swept the harbour, and on the summit of another above it, where there was posted an Officer's guard. From this they were driven by a detachment of Seamen and Marines, who in every essay were entrusted to execute those hazardous and honorable duties. A summons was then tendered to the Governor, whose reply was firm. Finding that he was not to be intimidated by threats, a general storm was planned and executed on the 11th by 450 Seamen and Marines, who, in column, and their flanks covered by pioneers, followed by 20 Sailors with scaling ladders, and supported by a reserve of six companies of both descriptions, advanced against the fort early on the morning of that day. These were farther strengthened by some native troops in the rear.

A Serjeant's party of Marines, in front of the whole, most promptly got into the embrasures, unperceived by the enemy, who, being seconded with much alacrity, the Dutch were finally driven from their works, the fort gained, and with it all the ships in the harbour. Much do I regret in not being able to give the name of this gallant Serjeant, who seemed to have combined talents with spirit. To commemorate the worthy deeds of the meanest Soldier, is a tribute justly due to him. The extensive observance of it would tend to[267] rouse emulation, and the jealous pride of character. He who knows that he stands on the page of record, will be loth to forfeit so honorable a distinction. It is a conscious dignity which will accompany him into society, when his Country no longer wants his services; would diffuse its loyal influence amongst the private walks of life, and reanimate the possessor to become a ready Volunteer under every public emergency. If disabled by years, he may, perhaps, have an offspring, whom he cheerfully sends forth to battle, not the obdurate and callous victims to injured laws, not the mercenary and wretched auxiliaries of necessitous expedient, but the manly and independent assertors of Britain's rights and freedom. In resigned confidence, most willingly would he entrust their destinies to a corps, where courage and conduct never remain unnoticed, and are neither forgotten or pass away without recompence.

Fort Ostenburgh was not gained, however, without a contest and loss; Lieutenant Long, who commanded a company of Seamen, was slain, besides 20 non-commissioned and private Sailors and Marines; Lieutenant Wolseley, of the Royal Navy, and Lieutenant Orr, of the Marine Grenadier Company, who officiated as Brigade Major with much credit to himself throughout this service, were wounded, as well as 40 of both descriptions.—Humanity, the brightest gem in the cap of a Soldier, became the property of each assaulter; who, when resistance ceased, spared, in every instance, his suppliant foe. Thus were our unnatural enemies expelled from the coast of Coromandel. Unanimity, the sure presage of success, was early apparent, and uniformly prevailed.


I cannot yield a higher testimony, as to the merits of my Corps, than that which was bestowed by Sir Edward Hughes, in these words: "The whole of the Officers, who have been landed from the squadron for the attack of Negapatam, and this place, (Trincomale), have, on all occasions, manifested much honor, courage, and good conduct, and the private Seamen and Marines have acted with great steadiness and bravery." Major Geils, of the East India Company's Engineers, evinced great professional knowledge in his department.

After a most active campaign to the southward, during the progress of which Earl Cornwallis appeared in his wonted attitudes of a great and zealous Officer, the affairs of America were much on the decline, and it was not from their own energies alone they could now hope for that independence which had been their sanguine avowal, and the summit of all their aims. Every military resource began to fail in the summer of 1781, and it was only by one bold effort, or an instantaneous appeal for foreign aid, that their desponding troops could be longer kept together, or their expiring prospects be rekindled.

At this awful period the genius of Washington was exerted as a Politician as well as a General. Mons. Barras had arrived at Rhode Island to assume the command of the French squadron there, whither the Rebel Chief hastened to impart the secrets of his anxious heart. In a conference with General Rochambeau a joint attack upon New York was designed; for which future purpose, Washington in a formal demand urged the immediate completion of every battalion in his Army, as well as a strong levy from New England. The bearer of[269] these dispatches, with all his papers, fell into the hands of the British, under Sir H. Clinton, who considered it his duty to prepare against the meditated blow. Orders were accordingly transmitted to Earl Cornwallis to detach from his Army in Virginia, when mutual discussions betwixt those distinguished Commanders ensued, upon which I feel no authority to enlarge, that finally limited his Lordship to the defence of York Town and Gloucester, in the River Chesapeak, upon the 22d of August.

The French and American Armies united at the close of June, but they could attempt nothing against the formidable position occupied by General Clinton, at Kingsbridge, or could they strike at any other quarter without the support of a superior fleet. After a tedious suspence, news reached them of the approach of Admiral De Grasse, who intimated his intention of entering the Chesapeak. After having indicated views upon New York, the combined force suddenly struck across the Jerseys, in order to co-operate and level all their power against the defenceless posts of York Town and Gloucester.

Sir Samuel Hood reached Sandy Hook on the 28th of August, when the command devolving upon Rear Admiral Greaves, he put to sea on the 31st with 19 sail of the line, the day after De Grasse had anchored in the Chesapeak with 28. The French Admiral immediately commenced the blockade of York River, having detached four of these to carry on different services in James River, and with the rest bringing up in Lynn-haven-bay.

The British fleet got sight of the Capes of Virginia on the morning of the 5th of September, and in a few hours observed the French working out in a very confused manner, forming their line as they[270] best could, after clearing Cape Henry. Sir Samuel Hood then led the van with his division, whose acute eye, noticing the moment of striking a decisive blow, he resolved to seize the occasion by soliciting his second, Captain Reynolds (the present Lord Ducie) in the Monarch, to lead him down within point blank shot of the scattered enemy. To this order Capt. Reynolds's reply was, "That I will, Sir Samuel, with a most sincere pleasure." In an instant his ship obeyed the summons, and was advancing with hasty strides to victory, but her signal was made to haul the wind, and to resume her station in the line.—An action afterwards commenced, in no respect worthy of notice, but that of rendering the gallantry of Captains Robinson and Molloy, of the Shrewsbury and Intrepid, very highly conspicuous.

This was followed by the return of each fleet to the anchorage it had left. De Grasse preferred the emancipation of America, to a precarious combat on the sea.

Sir Henry Clinton attempted a diversion in Connecticut, but nothing could attract General Washington from his main object. United to Rochambeau they pushed on to the head of Elk River, where their troops were received on board of French transports, and soon joined those at Williamsburgh under Generals La Fayette and St. Simon.

Moving forward to York Town, Earl Cornwallis withdrew within its works on the 29th of September, with the resolve of preserving it, until relieved by promised succours from the northward. Some parties of Marines, from frigates in the river, were incorporated with his garrison, of whom his Lordship was pleased to make honourable mention in the public details of his persevering defence. Speaking[271] of a redoubt which was advanced over a creek upon the right of the British Lines, he says, that it was maintained against the fire of several batteries, with uncommon gallantry, by about 120 men of the 23d Regiment and Marines. This body, under the command of Captain Apthorpe, and subsequently strengthened by detachments under Lieutenant Colonel Johnstone, received his Lordship's most grateful encomiums at the unfortunate close of all their operations. The post at Gloucester fell with that of York Town, whose garrison met with those soothing attentions and sympathy, which a brave enemy ever extends to a worthy opponent.

Admiral Kempenfelt, in December, achieved the capture of some transports and store ships, protected by a very superior force, which demonstrated that his great nautical abilities were not confined to theory alone. His exploit, in sight of De Guichen, with nearly double his own strength, was much enhanced, when we remember that it occurred in days too barren of such examples.

Some brilliant single actions, at sea, occurred during the year, amongst the foremost of which was that fought between the Nonsuch, of 64, Sir James Wallace, and a French 80 gun ship. After a loss of 90 Seamen and Marines killed and wounded, Sir James could not follow his flying foe. Lieutenant Fowke, of Marines, a most promising Officer, was killed in the Pearl, Captain Montague, in an action which terminated in the capture of L'Esperance Letter of Marque, on the coast of America.



Twenty-one thousand three hundred and five Marines were voted for the year 1782.

Accounts were received in March of the fall of Minorca, after sustaining a siege which immortalized its defender, General Murray, and his brave garrison. It was scurvy alone that conquered it, which a body of Seamen, formed into a Marine Corps, withstood. Many were the honourable traits of patience and zeal shewn by the Soldiery of every description, through sufferings under disease and fatiguing duties. The Royal Artillery was, as usual, conspicuous for their courage and exertions.

The disasters of the last year, and a change of Administration, whose views and sentiments, as to the future conduct of the war, were very opposite to those of their predecessors, produced a suspension of every offensive attempt upon the American Continent.

The West Indies was doomed to become the theatre of our Naval efforts, and the scene on which to revive our drooping glory. Sir Samuel Hood commanded the English Fleet, in that quarter, after his return from America; but was opposed to De Grasse at the head of overpowering numbers. No example of our history can afford a brighter instance of daring enterprize, with practical science, than was evinced by the British Chief in attempting the relief of St. Kitts.[273] Although it was not succeeded by fortunate events, still that does not shade its merit. His able plan of attacking an immense superiority at anchor in the road of Basseterre, was superseded by the French Admiral, who, decoyed by his able manœuvres, relinquished that advantage, which was quickly seized by his acute opponent.

In the different actions that followed, Captain, now Col. Strickland, and Lieuts. Forster and Griffiths, of Marines, were wounded.

A want of troops placed not within Sir Samuel's power to raise the siege of Brimstone Hill, which held out as long as possible, but at last capitulated on honourable terms.

My bounds will not allow me to extend these details, in which the Marine Corps bore always a zealous, though a subordinate share.

Rear-Admiral Hood soon after joined Sir George Rodney, who brought out a powerful reinforcement of ships, that was most judiciously augmented by the single arrivals of others; by which method the West India Fleet became superior to the enemy, without their being apprized of it.

A train of success had elated De Grasse, who, with a mighty force, put to sea from Martinique on the 8th of April, in the certain confidence of adding Jamaica to his other conquests. The British Fleet soon followed him, and a partial affair took place on the 9th; when an opportunity was lost by the French, of making a serious impression on the English van, under Sir Samuel Hood, unsupported by the centre and rear, from a casual failure of wind, under the island of Dominique.

Little hope of bringing the enemy to a decisive battle continued from that day, until the 11th, when a general chace was directed[274] against two ships, whose recent damages had forced to leeward of their fleet, and exposed them to capture. Observing their danger, De Grasse, who might have weathered Guadaloupe, sacrificing that object, bore up to save them.

The Zelé falling on board the Ville de Paris during the night, by which she lost her main-mast, was chaced in the morning by the Monarch, to support which ship the French Admiral hazarded all, with his united force. Captain Reynolds was then recalled to his station in the line, and the conflict began at seven, on the 12th of April. That glorious day, with its important consequences, at so critical a period of our history, must be recognized by the latest posterity. To particularize any belongs not to me on so great an occasion, where all were entitled to praise. The high talents of Sir Charles Douglas afforded his gallant superior much useful aid through the day.

De Grasse being carried a captive to that island which he had but a little while ago viewed the certain spot of his triumphs as a conqueror, is an impressive example of the vicissitudes of fortune. He had the mortification to witness those grateful effusions of its natives, poured forth to their saviours, which, under different circumstances, would have been offered to him under the constrained forms of political adulation.

In this long-contested action four Captains of Marines were wounded, but only two were named in the public dispatch—Bell and Bagg. Lieut. Mounier was killed, and the Subalterns Breedon, Buchan, Harris, and Laban were wounded.


Respecting Lieut. Mounier, of the Torbay, I am led to notice the following anecdote, as having been narrated to me by Lieut. Collins of that ship. In the morning, after the two hostile fleets had formed the line and were approaching each other, Mounier, whose spirit in single combat had previously been fatally experienced by his antagonist, expressed a sensation of an immediate change in his destiny. Under this impression he requested Lieut. Collins to play a game at picquet to divert the time, until they opened fire. This they continued to do, when each went to his respective station. The sad presentiment was soon realized to poor Mounier, who was early in the battle cut in two, and the greater part of his remains were scattered on the sea.

Sir Edward Hughes encountered, in four different actions, Monsieur Suffrein, one of the bravest Officers in the Naval service of France. Possessing, in each, a great advantage in numbers, the utmost height of valour, but productive of no immediate effects, was exhibited in all by the British Fleet. The French Admiral shewed himself worthy of the trust confided in him by his Sovereign.

In one of these battles, fought on the 12th of April, the Monmouth, Captain Alms, suffered extremely, and was particularly distinguished. All the Marines on her poop were either killed or wounded, excepting Captain Pearce and Lieut. Mounier, who nobly volunteered to assist in fighting her guns on the main deck, after they had lost all the brave men under their own command.

The discomfiture of the combined armaments before Gibraltar in September of this year, must ever stand as a memorable event upon our annals. Humanity and victory walked hand in hand, and, as[276] usual, adorned the national character, on that grand occasion. The long-tried valour of General Elliot, and the spirited services of Sir Roger Curtis, with those under their controul, were sealed and consummated by deeds of mercy, which will never be forgotten by our enemies. That fortress was soon after relieved by Lord Howe, under circumstances most honourable to his Lordship, the Officers, Seamen, and Marines who seconded him.

In every incidental combat at sea, during the currency of 1782, our wonted prowess was at all times conspicuous. The short, but well-contested fight of Captain Jervis (now Earl St. Vincent) in the Foudroyant, with Le Pegase, afforded a powerful evidence how much success is dependent on seamanship and discipline. While a dreadful carnage was the Frenchman's lot, the English loss was confined to a few slightly wounded, among whom was numbered her Commander, whose professional address obtained a bloodless victory.

The names of Pole, Luttrell, and Salter, were destined to be conspicuous, and their encomiums transcended to Lieuts. Pownol and Rankine, of my Corps, for their steady co-operation and bravery in the Success and Mediator.

The year closed with negociations for a general peace, the provisionary articles of which were mutually signed at Paris by Commissioners from Britain and America, on the 22d of November. These were soon after followed by the exchange of preliminary articles with France and Spain, on the 20th of January, 1783.



The public measures during 1783, were more precautionary than hostile, tending chiefly to guard against contingencies, and to be ready to resume our arms, if necessary, with effect, in every quarter of the world.

Peace was most ardently desired by all the contending Powers, and its attainment was marked by sincerity and cool discussion. America foresaw a disorganized army and impoverished resources, while France and Spain, feeling their quickly decaying finances, most cordially united to accelerate the happy event. The decisive battle of the 12th of April, and their signal repulse from Gibraltar, had also due weight in the scale of consideration and expediency.

Amidst the awful storm, Britain began to emerge, by degrees, from under the heavy cloud which had long overcast her political horizon, and to reclaim her ancient seat amongst the nations. Every subordinate occasion that called forth her Naval energies, seemed to display a spirit worthy of the brightest periods of her Maritime glory.

However delicate the topic, I am still induced to notice the reiterated instances of baneful mutiny in our Fleet, during this year of returning tranquillity. It is a lamentable truth that examples of indiscipline were as common as they were successful, and to the plan[278] of compromise which was then pursued, may be traced, in part, that predilection for revolt which agitated the minds of our Seamen during the late contest—crimes, for which their unparalleled achievements have amply atoned to their Country, but such as never can find a palliative within their own breasts, or an extenuation from any pen that is guided by an impartial impulse.

The demonstrations of loyalty and zeal, in every Marine Detachment, during this turbulent era, although not realized by deeds, still evinced a readiness to seal them with their lives, in the support of good order. These fatal means which were used to appease the spirit, hushed his murmurs indeed, but they invigorated the growth of the untamed monster. After the various and meritorious services of the Marine corps, during two successive wars, at a time when their loyal zeal was conspicuous to their Country, when their utility and subordination were in every mouth, a heavy reduction in its establishment took place. It was with equal surprize, and general regret, that this faithful body of men became limited to 4495, and to 70 companies, with a parsimonious allowance of Field Officers. Such a popular branch of the public force was evidently small for supplying the ships of war in commission, and for the important duties of guarding our naval arsenals. But as the judicious policy of the present day, has adopted a more liberal and patriotic system respecting the corps of Marines, I deem myself precluded from that range of comment upon the method of anterior times, which I should have otherwise felt an authority to claim.

Another vindictive conflict occurred in the East, but without any important consequences; in which Sir Edward Hughes, as[279] hitherto, nobly maintained the honor of the British flag, against Admiral Suffrein and superior numbers. The sound of peace soon after reached their ears, and closed all their differences.

Acts of generous hospitality, and works of mercy in the western world, superseded stratagem in war, and the thirst of fame.

Prince William Henry, now his Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence, whom professional zeal had carried to that quarter, was at the cessation of hostilities, under that able master, Lord Hood. Since his entry into the Navy he had shewn a peculiar attention to every branch of its duties, and had afforded the earliest presage of the most distinguished talents upon its hazardous, but popular element. A princely wish to qualify himself for this honourable calling, had urged him to forego all the luxuries of his station, and to risk a life naturally dear to his august family, and deservedly valued by all who had the privilege of his intercourse, in a clime, where no one can count upon to-morrow. It was not his lot, indeed, to wage war in it, but to behold the refined manners of a gallant enemy tranquillized into a cordial friend, and to be the Agent of Providence in rescuing, from a seemingly irrevocable doom, some of his condemned countrymen, whose misguided patriotism had stimulated disaffection within the Spanish Province of Louisiana.

The elegant attentions of Mons. de Bellecomb, at Cape Francois, were still outdone by the noble humanity of Governor Don Galvez. This brave Spaniard placed the forfeited lives of those unfortunate delinquents, at his Royal disposal. It was the most precious gift that could have been tendered to a British Prince—who was recognized under this great and solemn offering as sharing in all the[280] generous sympathies of an Englishman. The hour which permitted him to restore those wretched victims, in a foreign land, to their native society, must be reviewed as the happiest of his life. It must still yield many a consoling reflection in his retirement, and although restrained from adding to the triumphs of our Realm, by deeds of carnage, he may yet rejoice that he stands upon the records of mercy and benevolence by the most exalted displays of fellow feeling.

By the definitive articles of peace America found herself an Independent Empire. Recent injuries alienated her citizens from our Country; but similarity of manners, the dictates of interest, and allayed prejudices must, ere long, re-unite us in the bonds of friendship. The retreat of Washington from the head of her Armies, unambitious of recompense or power, forms one of the grandest examples of human virtue ever given to the world, and must immortalize his name through every stage of its existence.

Holland was compelled to suppress her phlegm, and to mourn over her degraded character, and commercial losses.

Few incidents of moment occurred within the intervals of 1783 and 1792, connected with my retrospect. A voluntary embarkation of Officers and men, for our distant settlement in New South Wales, occurred in 1785 which has eventually afforded scope for the able pen of Lieutenant Colonel Tench, and has hitherto given grounds for asserting the untarnished discipline of the Marine corps, when mingled even with the contaminating orders of vice and infamy. In other respects the same dull routine of detached services took place from year to year. During this period also many were the suppliant petitions of our establishment for its melioration, but sorry I am that,[281] on casting an eye upon the details of each revolving season, they are unmarked by any auspicious results, excepting the institution of a retired establishment, and the addition of 5 companies in 1791.

It was found that farther exertions were still necessary to place them on the high list of public recompence, and that the faithful discharge of ten years duty in peace, had but little influence in strengthening their claims for favor.


Within the womb of American liberty, was partly contained that revolution in France, which, after a long and sanguinary struggle, has not as yet accomplished any permanent system. It is not my task to retrace its extensive causes, and it would be presumptuous to anticipate its final issue. In this, reason, unguided by precedents, is soon lost in the labyrinths of speculation.

Confining myself to such points alone as affect the dignity of my Country, or the honor of my corps, fancy shall not assume the reins, but I will strike at once to that momentous day which again involved those arbiters of Europe in all the horrors of war.

A conventional decree of 19th November, 1792, circulated through every Country, and translated into every language, seemed to represent the French Nation as the encouragers and protectors of reform in every State. At this period Britain was recovering fast[282] from her late disastrous efforts. An unexampled influx of wealth, added to her native joys of contentment and freedom. An edict so much militating against the internal peace of every society, therefore, naturally roused the watchful jealousy of our Government. Discussions ensued, which were agitated with temper, until those libertines in the cause of emancipation, brought their amiable Monarch to the scaffold. I blush to say that there were even Englishmen who were capable of extenuating the bloody deed, while there were others, but under a more generous impulse, who, tasting pure freedom themselves, wished that the blessing might also flow through all the channels of mankind. A set of free thinkers in politics, and Philanthropists in theory, also started up, who, with all the enthusiasm of laudable zeal worshipped a statue erected by an American Stay-Maker, on which were inscribed "The Rights of Man." The mania of that day, thank God, is extinguished, and an Englishman has now only to contrast the fawning attitude of the French People, under the present yoke of a foreign and unprincipled Usurper, with their uncontroled and licentious barbarity towards a good but fallen King, in order to form his opinions, and to suppress his sympathies in behalf of a nation, which, to gain its own ideal liberties, has uniformly aimed to desolate and enslave the world. He must also cease to admire the boasted victories and conquests of its soldiery, few of whom but do not now feel those chains which their triumphs have forged, and what all these once brave legions dare not now wrest from the hands of one man.—But to resume my narrative—

Towards the close of 1792 a small addition was granted to the corps of Marines, and a much greater took place early in 93, in[283] consequence of the intermeddling policy of France, and the war which followed it.

The narrow views that had influenced so great a reduction at the peace of 1783, were bitterly apparent at the commencement of hostilities. In every contest our enemies begin with superior advantages, from their despotic means. Impress is precarious and slow—compulsive registration enforced by terror, brings forth a host at once. It is to the faithful Marine Soldier who knows not the meaning of desertion, that the nation, under such sudden emergencies, is often obliged to have recourse, in equipping as well as manning her fleets; for it is not in human nature to place confidence in that man who has been constrained to serve, and who recognises not either a voluntary will, or a sacred obligation to discharge his allotted duties.

It has always been remarked, that the corps of Marines recruit more successfully in every part of our isles, where their nature is ascertained, than any other under his Majesty. From this circumstance must have originated the motive of low bounties being given by its parties in 1793, while those of the line, and other departments were considerably higher.

This restriction upon our increase loaded our service with difficulties, and presented almost insurmountable barriers to the attainment of that knowledge of tactics, in which every Marine Officer and Soldier should be conversant previous to his embarkation. For a time there seemed but little disposition to remedy the former errors, until the imperious demands of an increasing Navy urged the adoption of more active measures.


At this period of surrounding danger the liberal patriotism of the town of Manchester was highly conspicuous, and gave a local spur to access in strengthening the neglected ranks of the Marine corps. What enhanced its manly and honest zeal, was, that the expression of it was almost coeval with that day, on which our Gracious Sovereign unbosomed his insulted feelings, and the perils that hovered round his Country, to a convened Legislature.

A sum of £5501 4s. 9d. was soon subscribed by that Loyal Society, which was applied to the auxiliary purpose of raising and sending forth to battle 1085 recruits, between the 19th of February and 3d of October, when a General Meeting, to inspect and close the accounts of their acting Committee, was dissolved, and their thanks were tendered to William Douglas, Esq. its Chairman.

These volunteers were levied under the endearing and uniting name of "The Manchester Marine Corps." My feelings lead me to diverge more extensively upon this meritorious theme, which my bounds, however, compel me to close with an earnest hope, that while the virtuous action shall long stand registered on our annals, its imitative influence may also be felt by the present, and transcend to the latest generations of my countrymen.

Owing to an inadequate establishment, from the cause assigned, many ships put to sea with only half a complement of Marines, while others had none at all. What prevented Capt. Faulkener, in the Venus, from consummating a gallant action by victory, but this deficiency? In many cases, regiments of the line were substituted; an alternative which can only be the offspring of necessity, but not the suggestion of public good.


The British arms were very early triumphant in the West, under the joint auspices of Major General Cuyler and Sir John Laforey.

Their force which included Major (now Colonel) Bright, 1 Lieutenant, 2 Serjeants, 1 Drummer, and 27 private Marines, not amounting to 400 men, carried Fort Castries by storm, and with it the island of Tobago, garrisoned by greater numbers. Some untoward circumstances arising from the cowardice or treachery of a guide, added to a dark night, occasioned a small derangement in our approach to the attack, but it was amply attoned by a general intrepidity in the troops; the main body of which pushed boldly towards the barrier, who attracted the whole attention of the enemy, while the flank companies of the 9th and 60th regiments entered their works. This affair was achieved by the bayonet, with little loss on either side; for mercy, as usual, was shewn by Englishmen to the vanquished.

St. Pierre and Micquelon also soon became easy conquests. Such are the crouded and brilliant instances of this war, that I cannot venture upon a minute detail of any, or render justice to their merits.

Lord Hood, who had been recently called forth by his Country, in the hour of threatened danger, and who, upon its having been dispelled, had again become the citizen, was once more placed at the head of a powerful fleet. This he destined to carry to the Mediterranean, where it was his lot to perform very important services, throughout which, he approved himself an accomplished adept in the schools of a Sully and a Marlborough. Never since our existence before, have the talents of a Naval Officer been exerted on so wide a field.


Untrained to the courtly habits of life, uninstructed in the arts of diplomacy, the world usually attaches to him no embellishments of character, but professional bravery, uncorruptible zeal, impressive unadorned manners. The Nation, however, could not have had a more dignified representative, a cooler agent, or a more indefatigable servant than Lord Hood upon so trying an occasion, and amidst such mingled and arduous duties. His intercourse with the deputies from different departments in the South of France, was guided by wisdom and led to success, while his appeals to their community breathed a well timed humanity towards that oppressed land.

After an interchange of terms, the Honourable Capt. Elphinstone (now Lord Keith) took possession of Fort La Malgue with 1800 troops and Marines upon the 28th of August. The fleet of Spain hove in sight, anchored, and reinforced that post with 1000 men. At first the inhabitants of Toulon, though royalists, were still jealous of the issue of things, but they were tranquillized in all their fears, by a solemn assurance, that the place and ships were held in trust for Louis the 17th, their lawful Sovereign. The approach of a part of Carteaux army, to Ollioules, produced a very spirited attack from La Malgue, headed by Capt. Elphinstone, and consisting of 600 Spaniards, British troops and Marines, who drove a superior enemy from that village, and took their cannon, ammunition, and some prisoners. The dispositions of the English commander were masterly, and attested his abilities to wage war on either element.

Lord Mulgrave arrived at Toulon early in September, and assumed the command of the combined detachments, with the local rank of Brigadier General.


The Marines of the fleet were dispersed over the different posts of defence, some of which were cannonaded by the enemy, daily increasing in numbers.

All the military talents of Lord Mulgrave were requisite at this trying juncture. They were soon displayed in the most active measures, by occupying situations essential for checking the enemy's attacks, and affording a temporary security to many extensive objects, until reinforcements should arrive.

His Lordship had to guard against the insults of the Army of Le Poype on the East, as well as that of Carteaux on the West, in which he was materially aided also by the activity and steady bravery of the Officers and Seamen of the fleet. At this time too, the Spaniards were actuated by a spirit of cordial union.

On the 28th of September, a seasonable supply of 2800 Sardinian and Neapolitan troops arrived, who, in three days after, in conjunction with the other allied corps, of which the British Marines formed one, had an opportunity of signalizing themselves, led by Lord Mulgrave himself, in recovering the important heights of Pharon, which had been surprized and carried under cover of a fog, upon the 30th.

To the rapid enterprize of his Lordship, as much as the seconding valour of every subordinate Soldier and Seaman, may justly be ascribed the glory and success of the 1st of October. Very honorable mention was made of Serjeant Moreno, and three privates of the Spanish Marine Corps, who, with a daring and judicious zeal, traced out the line of march for the allied column on the right, to within pistol shot of the works.


Directed by genius, the laurel was obtained, and its value enhanced by a very trifling loss, while that of the French exceeded 1400 killed and wounded; Lieutenant Carter, of Marines, was amongst the English wounded.

A very bold sortie, from Fort Mulgrave, took place on the 8th of October, against the enemy's batteries, opposite the Hauteur de Grasse, evidently constructed with a view to incommode the fleet. In this, 50 British Marines co-operated, and shared in the honor of destroying their guns on the Hauteur de Reinier; a service which was peculiarly allotted to the seamen under Lieutenant Serocold. Fort Pomet, partly garrisoned by my corps, had been exposed to a severe cannonade; particularly from 2 guns and 1 mortar above it, which allowed no tests but of steady courage.

Captain Elphinstone bore testimony of Marine spirit, in an attack from Fort Pharon upon the French forces to the eastward, when Captain Dexter was distinguished for his services.

Much am I inclined to diverge upon the meritorious acts of all, but my scope is necessarily limited.

Lord Mulgrave resigned the command of the combined troops to Major General O'Hara, upon the 27th of October, after the most creditable discharge of his trust.

The British posts were extremely wide, and the duties of all were of the most fatiguing kind; but they were supported with the fortitude of Soldiers.

One of the most brilliant events of this checquered warfare, although unnoticed in any of the official details of it, and generally unknown, was meritedly attached to Lieutenant (afterwards Captain)[289] Thomas Nailor, who was entrusted with the defence of a fort, having under him a little garrison of 120 men, principally Marines. A body of 2000 French moved on to attack him upon the morning of a day, with which I am uninformed as to date, under cover of a fog, and sanguine in the hope of surprising him. But he was on the alert, and prepared to receive them. With a thoughtful but unshaken valour he awaited the onset, ordering his little band to reserve their fire, until the republicans were close, and to maintain it by platoons; but by no means in a scattered form. A Neapolitan Lieutenant Colonel had thrown himself into the fort when on the eve of its being attempted, but he fell early in the conflict. After repeated essays to carry it with those superior numbers, the French relinquished the field with the loss of nearly 400 killed and wounded; casting back an eye of disappointment, mingled with admiration, of their undaunted opponents.

That young man is now no more. Owing to bad health, he retreated from public to private life, both of which he adorned by modest merit, the mildest manners, and most intrinsic worth. The final destiny of man, but recently closed his life unstained by dishonor.

During the progress of this siege too, a very flattering occasion intervened of testifying the personal zeal of Lieutenant (now Captain) Burdwood, in one of the sorties from Toulon. Embarking in it originally as a Volunteer with the Light Company of the Royals, his talents were decreed to conduct the retreat of its remains, after having been deprived of its Officers. So much were his merits appreciated by that gallant corps, that a deputation of Serjeants waited on him[290] the following day, to solicit that, if a similar opportunity should again offer, he would give a preference by attaching himself to the First Regiment of Foot. The Officers of it also, anxious to express their feelings, voted him a perpetual member of their mess; upon which books, his name now stands in record of their gratitude.

Jealous feuds were apparent in the breast of the Spanish Commander, Don Langara, early in October. It has since appeared that he spoke the sentiments of his court, which was basely negociating with the authorized agents of the diabolical Robespierre. Every trifling incident was seized as a subject far contention, and the subsequent conduct of the Spanish troops warrants the suspicion that this influence was general. The address of Lord Hood, under this dilemma, was great and manly.

The Enemy, from constant reinforcements, became daring in their attacks. On the 15th of November they attempted Fort Mulgrave on the Hauteur de Grasse, with a large force.

This post was occupied by the Spaniards on the right, who soon gave way, and retreated, firing their musquets in the air. To Capt. D. Campbell of the 2d battalion of Royals, and Lieut. Lemoine of the corps of Artillery, was owing the repulse of the enemy, and saving that very important post.

Towards the close of November, the French having opened against Fort Malbousket, and their shells also reaching the town, it was requisite to dislodge them from the ground they held. A body of 2300, under Gen. Dundas, of which the Marines composed a part, advanced against it, under many obstructions, on the 30th, drove the enemy from it, but, under an ill judged impetuosity, rushed onwards,[291] instead of maintaining the post they had gained. The republicans gathering in numbers, in turn recovered all, and took Gen. O'Hara prisoner, after he was wounded, and had used the utmost endeavours to rally our Soldiers. This Officer foresaw not the unfortunate ardency, but had arrived at the post in order to arrange its defence. He unhappily fell a sacrifice to his overstrained zeal.

Little hope now remained of preserving Toulon; the enemy, from his numbers, pushing matters to a close. Sickness began its ravages; and no reinforcements were at hand to supply them.

The very material post of Fort Mulgrave, partly garrisoned by British Marines, was much annoyed by shells, without having the means of retreat from their effects. On the 17th of December, at two in the morning, the French advanced to storm it. Here again the Spaniards gave way, and it was in vain that English courage alone was exerted in supporting their quarter of it. From hence our men retreated to Fort Balaguier, under cover of the different posts on the heights. After dawn, one unceasing fire against the different posts on Pharon, commenced, which ended in the republicans gaining possession of the mountain that overlooks Toulon. These reiterated disasters could not now be retrieved. To withdraw every detachment within the town of Toulon, for re-embarkation, became the only alternative. On the 18th it was directed that the whole combined forces should assemble near Fort La Malgue with secrecy, and about ten at night they began their march and the evacuation of Toulon. Avoiding the Fort of St. Catharine, which had been shamefully quitted during the day, without orders, the whole struck through a sally post, by which they gained an advanced part of the[292] road, and arrived at Fort Malgue, where they formed on the rising ground above the shore. The Army reached the ships by day break, without loss.

General Dundas says, "it was impossible for him to express, but in general terms, the high approbation due to the Officers and men of the Regiments and Marines, for their exertions during a service the most harassing, distressing, and severe, seldom experienced by troops, for so long a time." The Royal Artillery was included in this encomium, as well as the Sardinian, Spanish, and French loyal auxiliaries.

It was supposed that Lieutenants John Williams, Barry, and Lynn, with 71 Marines, besides other gallant companions of the British Army, had fallen sacrifices in defending the posts of Mulgrave and Fort Pharon, but all the former and many of the latter rejoined, after having been prisoners, who now live ornaments to their corps.

Towards this seat of perilous duty Sir Sidney Smith had repaired in a private character, which, however, did not restrain him from tendering his services to Lord Hood. He was accordingly employed to carry into execution the destruction of the ships in the inner road of Toulon, the arsenals and magazines. Short was the time allowed him, and many were the attending dangers. It called forth all the resources of his ample mind, and all the courage of his intrepid followers. Besides an open enemy, he had to counteract the schemes of a treacherous friend, which had well nigh overwhelmed him and his seamen, by the precipitate explosion of two powder ships, to which the Spaniards set fire, instead of sinking them. The conduct of Langara, throughout, but ill accorded with the reputed honor of his nation.[293] It is not the calling of an Officer, and a brave man, to be the hidden agent of perfidy. Although the plan laid down by Lord Hood was well entitled to success, it still was not to that extent he wished. From the conflagration at Toulon, however, may be dated the wide triumphs of the British flag through the subsequent stages of the war, an achievement which can never be forgotten by a grateful nation, which must recognize its safety, and its commercial prosperity, in that early event.

In whatever quarter of the globe we cast an eye each continued to witness the exertions of the Marine Soldier. The convulsions at St. Domingo called aloud for British protection, whither an expedition sailed from Jamaica, under Commodore Ford. Proceeding first to Jeremie, it entered into terms; after which the Europa, carrying his broad pendant, went to Cape Nicola Mole, where she arrived on the 22d of September. On the following day, matters having been arranged, Captain Robinson, an Officer of distinguished merit and abilities, was landed with 50 Marines, to whom the Commodore granted the Brevet rank of Major, and invested him with the command of its garrison. This gentleman acquitted himself with so much credit to himself that, when superseded in this important key to St. Domingo by Lieutenant Colonel Dansey, every thing had been so properly conducted, that no trouble accrued to his successor, in the adjustments usually consequent upon such events. Commodore Ford gave his cordial approbation of the firm and regular conduct of the Seamen and Marines of his squadron, in the most unequivocal language, and their steadiness through every allotted duty, in that destructive clime, was uniformly observed.


The operations of the squadron and army, in the East, were most active and early. Pondicherry, and many subordinate places surrendered without much resistance, owing to the zealous intelligence conveyed by Mr. Baldwin, British Consul, in Egypt, of the commencement of hostilities.

Some gallant single actions were fought during 1793. That between La Nymphe and La Cleopatra was well contested, and in which Lieut. John Whitaker, of Marines, is mentioned, as having ably seconded Sir Edward Pellew on the quarter deck. The former was wounded in the course of it, besides 10 of his party killed or maimed. Another equally brave, but not alike fortunate, happened on the coast of America, betwixt the Boston, Captain Courtenay, and L'Ambuscade, French frigate. That promising Officer, ever anxiously in search of an occasion to distinguish himself, decoyed his antagonist from Sandy Hook. They met and fought; during the heat of the combat, one fatal shot decided the fate both of Captain Courtenay, and Lieutenant Butler, of Marines. A sincere friendship existed between them, and as they had been united in their lives, so were they also united in their deaths. Those amiable young men were hand in hand chanting every loyal Briton's anthem, "God save the King," at the moment their golden pitchers were broken. Adored by the crew, they unhappily left their guns to bid their departed father a long adieu, but he was no more, and to this circumstance alone was owing the Frenchman's escape, whom the Boston was unable to follow.

The capture of La Reunion, by the Crescent, Captain Saumarez, was a proof of English discipline, as the republican frigate sustained[295] a loss of 120 killed and wounded, without one accident on our side. The Honorable Captain Yorke, in the Circe, hastened to share in the glory, but was prevented by light winds.

This closes my details for 1793.


A number of additional Companies were deemed necessary to the corps of Marines, which was composed of 12,115 for the service of 1794. During this year a number of First Lieutenants were appointed to Companies in Black Regiments; a transit which many embraced.

A correspondence with General Paoli having been opened by Lord Hood, relative to the state of Corsica, that active Officer determined, in consequence, upon driving the French from all their ports in the island.

Throughout the whole of this arduous business, the constancy and persevering valour of the Naval Officers and Seamen were never more conspicuous. To their scientific and laborious exertions in dragging cannon to the top of a hill which commanded the Fort of La Convention, must be ascribed the success against that important key to St. Fiorenzo itself. The storm which was consequent upon it, reflects high honor upon that shining Officer Col. (now Gen.) Moore.


The Naval Chief was not contented with possession of the Gulf and Fortress of St. Fiorenzo alone, but followed up his views also against Bastia, the capital. This he resolved to attempt with the skeletons of four regiments, serving in his fleet as Marines, and a brigade of Seamen. The final surrender of that town and citadel, garrisoned by 4000 French and Corsican Soldiers, to a besieging force of 1248, and of mingled descriptions, must ever stand as one of the most brilliant events that adorn our military history. His Lordship was lavish in praise of all his brave coadjutors, which was repeated on the reduction of Calvi and with it the fall of Corsica. This closed his meritorious career.

The defenceless and disaffected state of the French West India islands had prompted an enterprize against them, which sailed from England towards the close of 1793. These objects were confided to Sir John Jervis (now Earl St. Vincent) and Lieutenant General Sir Charles Grey. The rapidity and success of all their movements convinced their Country that the trust could not have been reposed in more able hands.

Soon after their arrival at Barbadoes little time was lost, when their first efforts were levelled against the strong and valuable island of Martinique. My bounds will not authorize me to enlarge upon the train of operations, which preceded its surrender, so very honorable to the talents and zeal of those distinguished Commanders, in most of which, the corps of Marines appears to have had but a trifling share. The chief duty, of an active nature, which fell to their lot was against Fort St. Louis, upon which a combined attack was planned, by a brigade of 1000 Seamen and Marines, under Commodore Thompson,[297] and supported by Captains Riou, Rogers, and Baynton of the Royal Navy, approaching from Point Negro towards its western side, while it was assailed by the Asia and Zebra sloops in front, and harassed by the enfilading fire of two batteries on shore. A body of Grenadiers and Light Infantry, from the camps of La Coste and Sourriere, were also to advance, on the land side, under the cover of a hill. This joint attack was, however, anticipated by the unparalleled enterprize and courage of Captain Faulkener, of the Zebra sloop, who dashed close to the walls of the Fort, and carried it, at the head of his ship's company of Seamen and Marines, at the very moment when the republicans were in consultation about its defence.

Mons. Rochambeau, instead of turning the guns of Fort Bourbon against the town, afterwards occupied by Colonel Symes and the flank corps, as well as Fort Louis, both of which it commands, immediately stipulated for its surrender, and the whole island, which took place on the following day being the 21st of March. His Royal Highness Prince Edward, (now Duke of Kent), who had lately arrived from Canada, commanded at the Camp of La Coste, with deserved credit.

No time was lost in proceeding against St. Lucia, which became an easy conquest. The islands of the Saintes were likewise carried by the Seamen and Marines of the Quebec, Blanche, Ceres, and Rose. The reduction of Guadaloupe immediately followed, where a landing was effected in the Ance de Gosier, of some infantry and a body of 500 Seamen and Marines, under cover of the Winchelsea, Lord Garlies, who, carrying his ship close to the enemy's batteries, quickly silenced them.


The assault of the Fort of La Fleur d'Epée, was attempted in three divisions, headed by Prince Edward, Major General Dundas, and Colonel Symes; to each of which was attached a part of the Naval battalion. The storm was most decisively conducted with the bayonet, but, amidst the heat of the contest, a great part of the garrison was put to the sword. Having thus obtained possession of the quarter of Grande Terre, from the republicans also abandoning Fort Louis, the town of Point a Petre, and the battery upon the islet à Couchon, the 43d Regiment was left at D'Epée, and the rest of the forces were re-embarked. Two divisions of the Army under Prince Edward, and Colonel Symes, were again landed on the evening and morning of the 14th and 15th of April, at Petit Bourg, who seized the evacuated redoubt of D'Arbond, carrying Arret by assault, in which was involved the material post of Palmiste, by day break of the 20th; while Major General Dundas, having been put ashore near the town of Basseterre, led his division against Morne Magdaline, which he also gained.

General Collot being now cooped up within the town, and Fort Charles, both of which were commanded by the heights in possession of the British, he proposed terms for the surrender of Guadaloupe, which were discussed, and subscribed.

Sir Charles Grey says, "that to the unanimity and extraordinary exertions of the Navy and Army, under fatigues never exceeded, his Majesty and their Country, are indebted for the rapid success in extending the British Empire, by adding to it the valuable islands of Martinique, St. Lucia, Guadaloupe, the Saintes, Marigalante, and Descada." Sir John Jervis remarked, "that the unabated[299] exertions of the Officers and men, under his command, could never be surpassed, and that keeping constant pace with the troops no difficulty or danger arrested, for an instant, their career of glory."

A kind of forlorn detachment from France, which escaped all our cruizers, achieved the recovery of Guadaloupe, after a series of hardy contests, in which the Marines bore a part—Lieutenant John Mercer, of my corps, was wounded in one of them, and became a victim to fever, lamented by his friends, and his corps. Fruitless would have been all the enemy's efforts, if fascinating liberty had not erected her standard, whither numbers repaired, in the sanguine hope of sharing in her gifts.

The 1st of June, 1794, presents one of the best fought actions that appears on our Naval records. France had continued to molest our commerce by her cruizing squadrons, but her internal necessities, during this year of general scarcity, obliged her to concentrate her ships, and, with all her united forces, to cover the safety of an immense convoy from America. This was the main object, for which nothing too much could be risqued.

From the instances of defection which had so often occurred in her military leaders, that republic, jealous of its baneful extension, combined Mons. St. Andre, an approved democrat, in the public character of a Commissioner, with their Chief Vice Admiral Villaret Joyeuse, on board the Montagne.

During three preceding days the fleets were in sight, two partial affairs took place, and some very able manœuvring. The wind having been gained by Lord Howe, on the evening of the 31st of May, at[300] seven in the morning of the following day, he bore up to battle, while the French coolly awaited his approach to so close a distance that little more than an hour decided the victory. The republican Chief gave the first example of flight, in which St. Andre, doubtless, coalesced, in spite of all his popular enthusiasm. Seven captured ships were amongst the fruits of that glorious day, which enervated all the subsequent exertions of a vindictive foe, during the war.

Many of the fleet having been supplied with acting Marines, from different regiments, the loss which befell our establishment was, on that account, proportionally less. Captains (now. Colonel) Smith, and C. Money, besides Lieutenant S. Mitchell, were among the wounded, and comprized the total of our casualties in Officers.

The carnage amongst the French was dreadful, and in the ships alone that were taken, it far exceeded the whole sustained by the British fleet.

The united thanks of a grateful Country were conveyed to the Officers, Seamen, and Marines, for their faithful services on this proud day.

Few single actions appear on the face of this year. One which was fought betwixt the Artois and La Revolutionaire French frigate, did honor to Captain Nagle in achieving her capture; but it deprived his King of a brave and good soldier, his family of a promising member, and his corps of one of its most shining ornaments, in Lieut. Peter Craigie, of Marines, who was severely wounded, and died soon after amputation.



Fifteen thousand Marines were voted for the service of 1795.

In consequence of the reverses of France at Toulon, and in the battle of the 1st of June, her commerce was neglected, and her Sailors became dispirited. Limiting nearly the whole of her energies to one element, she was thus enabled in every quarter, to pour from her frontiers a host of Soldiers and of Conquerors.

Holland, hitherto our ally, was over-run by her legions, who, wherever they directed their steps, found the success of their arms already ensured by the delusive power of their principles. Although, in reality, a province, still a shew of acknowledged independence was maintained, and the Dutch were admitted as principals in a treaty of alliance which was concluded between the two republics. Thus fraternized, Great Britain had to reckon a new and decided enemy in a recent friend.

Accordingly, orders were issued in February 1795, for the detention of vessels and property belonging to the subjects of Holland, an expedition was framed against the Cape of Good Hope, and an authority to subdue her settlements in the East, were transmitted to our Commanders in that quarter of the world.


In those distant services the Corps of Marines bore a partial, but an active share.

The attempt against the Cape was entrusted to the immediate conduct of Sir George Elphinstone and Major General Craig, who arrived in Simon's Bay early in July. A fruitless summons to surrender it having been forwarded to its Governor, a debarkation of 450 of the 78th Regiment, and 350 Marines, under Major, now Colonel Hill, was effected upon the 14th, in time to save that town from devoted destruction.

Our troops had been expressly restrained from hostility against the Dutch forces, but such was their conduct that it soon provoked retaliation. It being necessary to dislodge them from the strong post of Mysenburgh, which was fortified with heavy guns, and secured from approach both by land and sea, by a steep mountain on the right, and shallow water, constantly agitated by surf, on its left, 800 Seamen were landed under the Captains Spranger and Hardy, which constituted a total strength of 1600 men. As they were without cannon, the whole awaited the fortune of a wind that would allow the ships of war to unite in the attack. This occurred on the 7th of August, when Commodore Blankett got under weigh with the America, Stately, Echo, and Rattlesnake; while General Craig advanced with his little army. So judicious was the Naval disposition, that the Dutch were driven by the fire of those ships, and some launches armed with carronades, from one post to another, which the troops successively occupied.

Retiring to a ridge of rocky heights beyond their camp, which they had abandoned, the enemy were very spiritedly assaulted by[303] Major Moneypenny, at the head of the advanced guard, supported by the whole of the gallant 78th. Although seconded by some heavy guns that over-awed it from across the lagoon towards Cape-town, and possessing a hold almost impregnable from its situation, they were still forced from it, after a contest which closed only with the day. In the course of it, the Dutch left behind them some artillery, which were drilled, and once more rendered serviceable by Lieutenant Coffin and his company of pikemen, from the Rattlesnake.

On the morning of the 8th of August, the enemy having drawn their whole force from Cape-town, aimed it to recover the posts they had lost. Observing, however, the strength of the British positions, they desisted from any attempt, and the day was chiefly spent in skirmishing with the 1st battalion of Seamen, under Captain Hardy, and the Marines under Major Hill, who had passed the lagoon. General Craig says, that both Corps were distinguished throughout by regularity in manœuvre, and the most steady resolution. Major Hill was very ably assisted by the valuable advice of Captain, now Lieut. Colonel Sir John Douglas, during the whole of these fatiguing and combined duties.

A small reinforcement arrived on the 9th from St. Helena, but the pressures of the army daily increased to such a degree, that it became expedient, in order to alleviate them, to risque the storm of one of the enemy's principal out-posts on the 27th of August, which unfortunately failed. So critically were matters circumstanced, that it was determined between the Commanders in Chief to try the fortune of another assault in six days, if Sir Allured Clarke should[304] not appear with the expected reinforcements. The Dutch had resolved, however, to anticipate this issue, which was, in event, to decide the fate of the Colony.

A disastrous affair on the 1st of September, in which the picquet was driven in with loss, and Major Moneypenny most severely wounded, encouraged them to this daring effort on the 3d. With a train of eighteen field-pieces, and all the strength they could muster, they appeared after break of day, but were stayed in their progress by the signal for a fleet having hove in sight.

On the 4th, Major General Craig resigned the command to Sir Allured Clarke, not without expressing his high sense of the animated exertions of all, in the face of a superior enemy, as well as for their cheerful resignation under the greatest hardships and fatigues.

From the powerful aids which had arrived, matters were pushed on most briskly, and the Army moved against the post of Wyneberg on the 14th. Here the Dutch demonstrated a shew of resistance; but Commodore Blanket appearing in Table Bay with three ships, in order to create a diversion, the enemy retreated, and early on the morning of the 16th, proposed terms of surrender. By these, the whole settlement was added to the British dominions.

Sir Allured Clarke united his cordial testimony with that of Sir George Elphinstone, of the very meritorious conduct of the Officers, Seamen, and Marines of the squadron, during a tedious service of labour and even privation of necessary food. Only nine Marines were wounded throughout.

In the East, the Islands of Ceylon and Manar, the Peninsula of Malacca, Cochin, a seaport on the coast of Malabar, and, in fine,[305] most of the valuable settlements of the Dutch in Hindostan, fell successively under the combined efforts of our Naval and Military forces; in all of which, however, intrigue was more conspicuous than active hostility.

It falls not within my scope to enlarge upon the many disastrous events that took place in the West. There Victor Hughes, a man of the most consummate talents, but which were stained by inhumanity, acted both as the agent and the organ of republican France. He perfectly assimilated himself to the temper of his employers; recognizing only the rules of expediency, he was ever the ready advocate for the most sanguinary works, and felt not the controul of principle where it opposed his interests. His incendiary attempts will long be reviewed with horror by those islands which were the theatres of his plots.

This year abounded with Naval achievements.—In the Mediterranean the French suffered a defeat, on the 8th of March, from an inferior force, when on their way to recover Corsica. Admiral Hotham's loss, in killed and wounded, upon this partial occasion, was 315 Seamen and Marines.

Another action was fought on the 12th of July, which terminated in the capture of one ship. Captains Towry and Middleton, the Seamen and Marines of the Dido and Lowestoffe, were eminently noticed for their gallantry in a successful contest with two of the heaviest frigates from France, which terminated in the surrender of one; while the other found refuge in flight.

On the coast of America the Hon. Captain Cochrane, with Captain Beresford, were equally conspicuous in subduing their[306] superior antagonists; in which the former says, that the carronades on the quarter deck of the Thetis, were very ably served by Lieut. (afterward Captain) Paul Crebbin, and the Marines under his command.

The masterly retreat of Vice-Admiral Cornwallis, in the face of an enemy nearly thrice his force, exhibited such a display of cool valour, as not to produce a parallel upon our annals. The energies of his pen bespoke the feelings of his invincible mind; and although the merit was exclusively his own, yet he generously shared it amongst his faithful associates, in these words:—

"Royal Sovereign, June 18, 1795.

"Vice Admiral Cornwallis returns his sincere thanks to the Captains, Officers, Seamen, and Marines of the Fleet under his orders, for their steady and gallant conduct in the presence of the French Fleet yesterday; which firmness, he has no doubt, deterred the enemy from making a more serious attack. It would give the Vice Admiral pleasure to put the whole of their exertions in effect by meeting a more equal force, when the Country would receive advantage, as it now does honour, from the spirit so truly manifested by its brave men."

This gratifying tribute was followed up to each, by the most precious tender which can be offered to a Briton—that of the legislative thanks of his Country.

The Marine Soldier can often be retraced upon those proud records.

It was reserved for Lord Bridport to convince the enemy of the decisive weight of an equal force. On the 23d of June they owed[307] the salvation of all their Fleet to their formidable batteries, and the strong Naval port of L'Orient. Lieut. William Jephcote, of Marines, fell upon that day, which augmented our Fleet with three sail of the line.

The engagement betwixt La Blanche, Captain Faulkner, and the French frigate La Pique, fought early in 1795, off the island of Guadaloupe, affords a lasting test of the superiority of English discipline and courage. While our loss was confined to 29 killed and wounded, that of the republicans exceeded a total of 212. After exhibiting every quality of a judicious and brave Officer, Captain Faulkner was shot through the heart, who left not behind him a brighter example of true heroism.

The Marines of La Blanche behaved nobly, and maintained a constant fire under Lieut. Richardson, who, with Serjeant George Dice, did honour to their Corps.



Eighteen thousand Marines was the establishment of 1796.

The extensive and lamentable casualties which had befallen our troops in the West Indies, with the enterprizing successes of Victor Hughes, demanded auxiliary aids from Europe, not only to remedy misfortunes, but to fill up their exhausted ranks.

After a train of unprecedented bad weather, which was combated by Rear Admiral Christian with an uncommon perseverance, this squadron and army, under Sir Ralph Abercromby, reached Barbadoes early in 1796. An expedition was instantly undertaken against the Dutch settlements in Guiana, to which Demerara, with Issequibo, capitulated on the 22d of April, as did Berbice on the 2d of May, without resistance.

The first object of the main Army was against St. Lucia, upon which island, a debarkation was made on the 27th of April. A series of attacks took place against the enemy's posts, in which Brigadier General Moore, and the 27th Regiment, were particularly noticed.

On the 2d of May 800 Seamen and 320 Marines were landed, who co-operated on shore with much credit, until the total subjection of St. Lucia, upon the 26th. I cannot express their good conduct in stronger terms, than in these which proceeded from Sir Ralph Abercromby, in General Orders of May 27th:—


"During the services which have been carried on in the island of St, Lucia, all the courage and every exertion of the Army, would have proved ineffectual, if Rear Admiral Sir H. C. Christian, and the Royal Navy, had not stepped forward with the alacrity which had been so conspicuous in forwarding the most arduous part of the public service; to their skill and unremitting labour is, in a great measure, owing the success which has attended his Majesty's arms. It will afford the Commander in Chief the greatest satisfaction to be able to lay before his Majesty the eminent services which have, on this occasion, been performed by the Royal Navy; and Admiral Sir H. C. Christian will confer a particular obligation on Lieut. General Sir R. Abercromby and the Army at large, if he will communicate to the Royal Navy, and particularly to Captains Lane, Ryves, and Stephenson, and the other Officers who acted on shore; and to the Corps of Marines, the great obligation which they consider themselves under to them.

"T. Busby, Adjutant General."

St. Vincents and Grenada, disorganized by the bustling Victor Hughes, were again restored to order; in effecting which objects, the Marines were also auxiliary, in union with their brethren of the Navy.

Early in this year the Dutch possessions of Amboyna and Banda were taken by the exertions of the squadron under Admiral Rainier, and the reduction of Columbo in the isle of Ceylon, with an immense booty, also occurred, by the joint forces under Colonel J. Stuart, and Captain Gardner of the Heroine. Although devoid of much[310] military interest, still those settlements were of high importance in a commercial view, and I reflect with a mixture of pleasure and of pride, upon every instance in which my Corps has been instrumental in promoting the solid interests of their Country.

An expedition, that was destined for the recovery of the Cape of Good Hope, under Admiral Lucas, became a prey to the active vigilance of Sir George Elphinstone, who, with a cool judgment, and anxious to spare the effusion of blood, proposed terms of surrendering his squadron. By this exemplary address, eight ships of war were gained without a shot, or the loss of a man.

The French settlement of Foul Point, on the island of Madagascar, on the coast of Africa, was destroyed by the Seamen and Marines of the Crescent, Brave, and Sphynx, in the month of December.

Captain, now Lord Nelson, gave crouded displays of his zeal and courage upon various services in the Mediterranean during this year, by the cutting out some vessels from under the batteries of Loano, the capture of a Spanish frigate in La Minerve, and in obtaining possession of the Isle of Elba, without any loss. Porto Ferrajo, afterwards noted for its distinguished defence by a few Marines and some mixed troops, likewise capitulated to him, on the Captain, of 74 guns, having been placed against the grand Bastion.

The able valour of Captain Macnamara, of the Southampton, in boarding and bringing off, from under a heavy fire of the batteries on Porquerollos, one of the Hieres islands, the corvette Utile, is beyond praise. Lieut. Lydiard behaved most spiritedly, and William[311] Oirton, private Marine, was the only man killed on this brilliant service.

The conduct of Captain Bowen, his Seamen and Marines, in the Terpsichore, was twice most gallantly evinced by the capture of El Mahonesa and La Vertale, in the months of October and December.

Returning homewards, the Naval incidents of the year were repeated and animated.

On the 17th of March, Sir Sidney Smith, with that intrepidity in hazard so natural to him, destroyed a small convoy within the port of Herqui; which was not accomplished however, without landing some Seamen, under Lieut. Pine, and the Marines of the Diamond, under Lieut. Carter, who, in spite of a body of troops, pushed ashore, climbed the precipice in front of their batteries, and re-embarked, after having spiked the guns. Lieut. Pine was wounded, and Lieut. Carter mortally, of which he soon died, leaving behind him the merited character of a most excellent Officer and amiable man.

On the 20th, Sir John Warren, with his little squadron, engaged a very superior force, taking one frigate and four of a convoy.

Lieut. Williams, of Marines, appears mentioned by Sir Edward Pellew as having rendered essential service on board the Indefatigable, in capturing La Virginie upon the 21st of April.

The fortunate contest between the Unicorn, Captain Sir Thomas Williams, and La Tribune, began under an obvious disadvantage, and while it has fully established the fame of that Officer, it was likewise most honourable to Lieut. Hart of my Corps. The Seamen and[312] Marines of La Margaretta were also much distinguished in Captain Martin's official dispatch, announcing the capture of La Tamise.

Captain Trollope, in the Glatton, of 54, armed with heavy carronades, stands most highly on the records of this year, by his having encountered and beat a squadron carrying upwards of 200 guns, and in every respect nearly thrice his force. While the circumstances of the battle reflect a lustre upon all who fought, the unsubdued spirit of Captain Strangeways, of Marines, was truly heroic, and demands the grateful sympathy of his Country and his Corps. After having received a ball in his thigh, he was necessarily carried below, and on a tourniquet having been applied by the Surgeon, he insisted upon going again to his quarters, where he continued to animate his men until he fainted from loss of blood, when Captain Trollope was obliged to interpose his authority for his removal from danger. He afterwards fevered and died, forsaking by destiny a distressed widow and family to deplore his fall, to the tutelar care of Providence and the British nation. William Hall, Corporal of Marines, was, besides, the only one wounded in this memorable action.

Sir John Warren, by his reiterated exploits through the year, has very meritedly founded a name for spirit and zeal.

Towards the close of 1796 the French fleet put to sea from Brest, with the direct aim of invading the sister kingdom of Ireland. To it an army of 15,000 men was united under General Hoche. Heaven again stepped forth to thwart their schemes, whose elementary agents were employed to overthrow them. Scarcely had they set sail, when the winds began to blow with violence, which burst[313] into a storm after gaining sight of the wished for land. Their armament was finally scattered, and while a part of it, was buried in the ocean, others were doomed to augment the British Navy, and the remains to hasten back, in disappointment and in terror, towards their own ports.

Judging, from external evidences, their reception would have been worthy of Irishmen, had their invaders reached their shores.

Patriotism shone forth in every rank of society, and one godlike churchman[3] exerted those powerful energies, which must always be attached to every reputable member of his honorable calling, in keeping alive the sacred flame.


[3] Dr. Moylan, Titular Bishop of Cork.


Spain having become a compulsory ally of France, during the last year, an expedition took place against the valuable island of Trinidad, on the North East coast of Terra Firma, in South America, which surrendered after a very trifling resistance, to the joint forces under Sir Ralph Abercrombie and Rear Admiral Hervey. Blended with this capture, were 4 sail of the line and one frigate, which offered no opposition to our fleet, but were destroyed by the enemy, excepting the St. Damaso of 70 guns.


Another but less fortunate attempt was made upon Porto Rico, but it was relinquished from the inadequacy of means to carry it, after some loss. On both occasions the Marines were placed in readiness to act, but were not required to land.

Sir John Jervis (now Earl St. Vincent) had the honourable distinction of standing foremost in the list of Naval Heroes, who, unappalled by very superior numbers, dashed at every thing. His masterly manœuvres, upon the 14th of February, rendered this encouraging advantage unavailing to the Spanish Fleet, which, by a bold and decisive push, he separated, and defeated. This immortal action was not only crowned with the glory of capturing 4 sail of the line, but it had also its influence upon the spirits of our enemy, in every subsequent combat on the sea. An uncommon display of personal intrepidity was evinced by Commodore Nelson, Captain Miller, and Lieutenant (afterwards Captain) Berry, who at the head of the boarders from his Majesty's ship Captain, assaulted and carried, sword in hand, the San Joseff and St. Nicholas. The battle raged from 10 in the morning, until the close of day, which screened this powerful armament from destruction. Major William Norris, Lieut. G. A. Livingstone, and Serjeant Watson, of Marines, finished their lives, and 6 privates were killed, besides 21 wounded, in a contest where all were distinguished. The Legislative thanks were bestowed upon every class of our victorious fleet, and all these honours which a grateful Country could give, were conferred upon her meritorious servants. The port of Cadiz was afterwards most effectually blockaded, and was twice bombarded, in one of which Captain John Oldfield, of Marines, was wounded.


No war, in which England was ever engaged, has produced so many high examples of subordinate enterprize, as that of which I treat. Like the gymnastick games, it is a spirit which should always be kept up, and although similar to petty skirmishing, it is as a drop in the bucket in the scale of importance, it still has a tendency to animate an emulous zeal, and the love of glory. It is the school in which greater deeds are taught, and to which all should be invited.

While I thus appear the humble advocate in recommending an ardency for early achievement, I would at the same time urge a gradation of recompence, or of honorary grants, suited to the feelings of every description of its agents. These have been of old standing, and have undergone many a change, alternately adapted to the fluctuating manners of society. Many a useful hint might be gleaned from the institutions of the Greeks and the Romans, and as human nature never alters, they might well be applied to ourselves. The French have studied and practised these doctrines with success. Louis the 11th rewarded the prowess and bravery of one of his soldiers, Launay Morvillier, by publicly taking the collar of a military order, from his own neck, and putting it on his. Under the republican system, this has been invariably observed, towards the meanest, by every convention, of whatever stuff it has been composed, and it has been one of the engines by which their numerous armies have been worked into enthusiasm. Medals, descriptive of those merits that have acquired them, would be estimable even to the poor man. While they adorned the cottage, they would also be viewed by every one of its tenants as monumental emblems of loyal valour; a title[316] which each of its members would not only be loth to forfeit, but inclined to rival.

These remarks are introductory to one of the many exploits by which this contest was marked.

The boats of the Lively and La Minerve under Lieut. Hardy, in which, Lieut. Bulkeley, of Marines, most handsomely volunteered, boarded, and carried La Mutine brig of 12 six pounders and 2 thirty-six pound corronades, having 113 men, in the bay of Sancta Cruz, amidst the fire of all the Spanish batteries, and a sharp discharge from the French corvette. Only 15 were wounded in this hot affair. Lieut. Hardy was deservedly promoted, but his brave companions have no traces of the deed, but in their own minds.

An unsuccessful essay upon Teneriffe on the 25th of July, under Commodore Nelson, fraught with many feats of unsurpassed bravery, ended in the re-embarkation of the seamen and Marines, by consent of the enemy, who were threatened by Captain Trowbridge, with the vengeance of our squadron, in the event of molestation. Owing to the judicious proposals made by that excellent Officer, boats were supplied by the Spanish Governor, to remedy the loss of our own from the violence of the surf; the wounded were kindly taken into the hospitals, and that generous foe even tendered such refreshments as his invaders might request. Commodore Nelson here lost his arm, which happily did not deprive his Country of the services of one of its most valuable subjects.

Lieut. Robinson and Basham, and 16 of my corps fell, 15 were wounded, and 102 Seamen and Marines were drowned or missing. Although the event was unpropitious, still our arms were not sullied.


Partaking of the diabolical spirit of the times, one of the most daring and sanguinary mutinies broke out in the Hermione, on the 22d of September, that ever disgraced the Christian world. After the most shocking barbarities exercised upon Captain Pigot, the Officers, Marines, and loyal Seamen, who were unsuspicious of their hellish plot, they carried the ship into the Spanish port of La Guira, whose Governor most ingloriously refused to give her up.

An avenging power, in numberless examples, too striking to be overlooked, has followed those traitorous murderers, and has vindicated the justice of his injured laws. Contempt embittered by remorse have been the inseparable companions of all those guilty individuals. Driven from the shores where they sanguinely anticipated nothing but recompence and applause, many of those wretched outcasts, by retracing their steps towards their native land, have met a certain and disgraceful doom, others unable to bear the stings of a wounded conscience, and abhorring existence, have precipitated their own dissolution, while the remains of those unhappy wanderers still throw a wishful eye from, their lurking spots, back on the soil which gave them birth, but where a vigilant Police, that vicegerent of heaven's purposes, is ever awake to their crimes. Even the very ship which was the theatre of their lawless outrage, has also been involved in their accursed destinies, for she was sometime after gallantly cut out of Porto Cavallo, by Sir Edward Hamilton, at the head of a body of Seamen and Marines from the Surprize, although protected by 200 heavy cannon, and under circumstances of incredible carnage, with the loss of only one Englishman.


A peculiar spirit of activity seemed to pervade our squadron upon the Jamaica station, during the year 1797. Above 60 vessels of different descriptions were taken or destroyed, under batteries where they rode in confident security, but which were uniformly inadequate to shelter them from determined valour. The zeal and directing genius of Captains W. H. Ricketts, and the unfortunate Pigot, were always well seconded by their Officers, their Sailors and Marines.

At the eventful period when Britain was contending for the general liberties of mankind against the most vindictive and powerful enemies she had ever encountered, when our islands were menaced with invasion, and treason stalked throughout our streets, she suddenly found herself deserted by her long tried and guardian fleets.

The turbulent demon first appeared in the garb of justice, but after having gained its ends, he soon threw away the mask which covered his mutinous and corrupt heart. Those liberal concessions made by a considerate and grateful Country, appeared to stimulate, instead of suppressing revolt, and its contaminating principles diffused themselves over every quarter of the world.

Many were the individual instances of fidelity in my corps, at this awful crisis. Many were the gallant fellows in it who preferred the honorable distinction of allegiance to their King, to the mercenary attainments of self interest. The partial support of the party of Marines on board the London, given to Admiral Colpoys and his Officers, at a time when they were surrounded by thousands of disaffected comrades, afforded a faint display of what would have been their general energies had such been called forth. They were[319] indeed overpowered by numbers, after a contest, in which Lieutenant (now Captain) W. Sims was severely wounded. The loyal conduct of Serjeant Sweet, on board the Pompee, was evident to the members of a Court Martial which sat upon the trial of some misguided mutineers of that ship.

An instance of true heroism appeared in Charles Cubitt, private Marine, (in the Royal Sovereign I think,) who, after having been stabbed in the belly, by a Sailor, with a pike, pursued him with a loaded musket at his ear, but on the fellow begging for life, he nobly spared him.

The steady faithfulness of all those Marine Soldiers who had served during the American war, and had survived the heavy reduction at its close, was uniformly conspicuous. At the outset of these lamentable events, an unshaken resolve to stand or fall with their Officers, inspired every breast, which, had it been accepted, might have led to the sacrifice of those brave men who would have been opposed to uneven numbers, in the Seamen and many of their fellows, whom public emergency had embarked, untrained even to the common duties of their profession, and unhabituated to that strict obedience, which is the essence of every military virtue. Unconscious of that dignity which belongs to his character, the raw recruit readily gives in to any scheme urged by the designing; of which there were too many drawn from the dregs of society, amongst those provincial conscripts who had previously been levied at the most enormous bounties, to man the fleet.

This fiendly spirit soon found its way to the Mediterranean, where all the achievements of Earl St. Vincent's life were yet, I may[320] say, surpassed, by the evidences of that manly vigour with which he subdued it. In this, his Lordship was zealously seconded by all the Officers and the Marines of his fleet, and by one uniform system of subordination which emanated from his high example. The conduct of Admiral Duncan, at Yarmouth, and Admiral Pringle, at the Cape of Good Hope, was alike energetic.

Subsequent events have shewn that this flame was only stifled, but not extinguished, and it would have yielded me the highest gratification to have here bidden an adieu to the hateful topic.

It is an occasion, worthy of the gratitude of Britons, to notice the relative situations of our republican foes at this alarming juncture. France would have eagerly embraced such an hour of calamity to consummate her ambitious views upon our happy Country, but she was paralyzed by similar principles in her own Navy, while the meditated expedition against Ireland, was detained in the ports of Holland by unabating and contrary winds.

This year was remarkable by an increase of pay to his Majesty's subaltern Officers, the abolition of arrears to them, to Captains of the Army, as well as Marines, besides a very handsome addition to the wages of Seamen, and to inferiors in all the other departments of our military forces. That liberal allowance of provisions which was also granted to the Sailors and Marines of the fleet, has rendered their situations truly enviable, as upon a general aggregate they are more than they can possibly consume. The overplus being converted into money is nearly adequate to the purchase of those cordials of which they stand in need, and, in consequence, a prudent man is under little necessity to encroach upon his pecuniary[321] gains. No class of his Majesty's servants is more independent, or might be more happy.

The gallantry of our Navy in the face of an enemy, notwithstanding these outrageous scenes, was uniformly apparent. That expert Seaman and intrepid Officer, Sir Edward Pellew, stands first on the list, accompanied by his brave supporter Captain R. C. Reynolds, of the Amazon, who nobly seconded the Indefatigable, in a contest, with but few intervals, of ten hours. Their opponent, Les Droits de L'Homme, of 74 guns, had been attached to the squadron destined for Ireland, and was on her return to France when attacked by those daring Officers. She had 1600 men on board, by which she fought her cannon on both sides, and thus enjoyed her great superiority. The winds blew a storm, and all their animosities subsided at last in the predominant duty of self-preservation; for a glimpse of the moon providentially penetrating the sullen clouds, pointed out the breakers on a near shore, and the gloomy presage of instantaneous destruction. They were fatal to the unhappy Frenchman, who merited a better doom, as well as to the Amazon, after all her efforts. Sir Edward Pellew expressed his grateful feelings to Lieuts. O'Connor and Wilson, of Marines, for their conduct under these trying occasions.

A disastrous fate seems to have always pursued every modern aim at the conquest of our isles. A petty attempt on Wales, by means of a set of wretched criminals, terminated with their immediate surrender to Lord Cawdor; and the capture of the frigates that had transported them, by Sir H. Neal and Captain J. Cooke, of the St. Fiorenzo and Nymphe, in sight of their own fleet in the road of[322] Brest. Lieut. (afterwards Capt.) Carruthers, who was subsequently drowned in the Invincible, and Lieut. Campbell, of Marines, were distinguished in this spirited affair.

Sir John Warren and his squadron were highly active in annoying the enemy's Naval force and coasting trade during this year.

It is needless to enlarge upon the merits of the brilliant victory of the 11th of October, achieved under the most hazardous circumstances, and signally productive of the most important consequences. The very modest recital of Admiral, now Lord Duncan, of the proceedings of that day, adds a lustre to his well-earned glory. Long baulked in the hopes of meeting his cautious enemy, no wonder his joy kept pace with his zeal to close with them when he had them in his power. The Dutch Marine has not yet recovered the blow, and the services of the North Sea fleet have, experimentally, transcended in their effects to enervate the Naval exertions of that province of France, in two wars.

During the very able and vigilant administration of Earl Spencer, reward was the rapid follower of desert, and the British Commander, after not many hours absence from his Country, found himself, on return to it, elevated, from a commoner, to a Peer of the Realm. A suitable tribute was bestowed upon his brave second Vice Admiral, now Sir Richard Onslow, and Captain H. Trollope, who was bearer of the glad tidings, as well as W. G. Fairfax, the Admiral's Captain; both of whom were created Knights Banneret[4], by a benevolent [323]and grateful Sovereign. The Thanks of the Nation were also conveyed to the Officers, Seamen, and Marines, through its representatives.

The generous contributions of the patriotic and the wealthy of our land, were likewise extended to many a disconsolate widow, a fatherless offspring, and a helpless orphan. The sufferings of the wounded and indigent Officer too were alleviated by public kindness, which sought for objects upon which to exercise its benevolence amongst the lowest ranks of those brave defenders. How criminal it is in any to violate the duties of fidelity to such a Country!

In this well-fought battle 751 Seamen and Marines were killed and wounded, amongst the latter of which were numbered Captains Cuthbert and Cassel, Lieuts. Chambers, Smith, Walker, Charles Rea, and Sandys.

A dash at the Brutus, of 74 guns, by Sir Thomas Williams, after the battle, was ineffectual; but did honour to himself, his Officers, Seamen, and Marines, in the Endymion.

The capture of La Nereide, by Captain, now Sir Robert Barlow, in a night action, displayed the courage and talents of that Officer, and was highly honourable to Lieut. Stewart and his detachment.

On the 19th of December, one of the most delightful scenes ever witnessed in the metropolis of any Empire, was exhibited in ours. It was the procession of the best of Kings, his amiable consort, every[324] branch of the Royal Family, and the representatives of the greatest Nation on earth, towards the altars of their God. Never did prayers ascend on high with a greater fervor of devotion, which was heightened by every surrounding object. The occasion was well calculated to convert the heedless infidel, and to excite a military enthusiasm not to be easily effaced.

Bodies of Marines, drawn from Portsmouth and from Chatham, chiefly formed from those who had so often contributed to the Naval victories of the State, in union with their brethren the Seamen, were allotted for the protection of these trophies which their valour had conquered, and what moved along towards the spot, where all were to pour forth their solemn thanksgivings. Their Majesties were greeted on the way by thousands of their affectionate subjects, and the Prime Minister of the day, who had presided over the Councils of his Country with such ability during its unexampled difficulties, was received with that unconstrained applause, which attested that Englishmen knew how to appreciate his transcendent virtues.


[4] They take precedence next to Knights of the Bath, and are creations exclusively granted to military men, who have performed any feats of valour. They are always understood to take place on the field of battle, for though Sir William Erskine was invested with the order by his present Majesty, in Hyde Park, for his bravery in the battle of Emsdorff, at the head of the 15th Light Dragoons, still he was not acknowledged as such in this country.



Twenty thousand Marines constituted the force of 1798.

No occurrences worthy of particular remark happened this year either in Asia or America; but few opportunities presented to signalize our Navy, and these were of an inferior rate, while the diminished territory of our enemies in both, left but a limited range for further conquest.

The possession of Port-au-Prince, and its dependencies in the island of St. Domingo was relinquished, after a struggle truly honourable to our soldiery and squadrons; but in which the loss of many lives, and an immense expenditure, were unhappily involved.

It is to the shores of the Mediterranean and the coasts of Africa, the eye is called to witness scenes of insatiable ambition, but of unrivalled glory.

At this era France had overcome her numerous foes by the enchantments of her principles, the charms of her gold, or the terror of her arms. Hitherto she had almost supported her immense armies within those provinces she had subdued, or the countries she had invaded. Peace shut the channel of such resources, as there were now but scanty gleanings from an unabating rapacity, which had desolated every soil that had been visited by her citizens.

An army, long inured to plunder and to victory, became a natural object of jealousy within the bosom of their Country. One[326] enemy, manly in politics, unexhausted in wealth, and unbended in attitude, continued to oppose this insinuating monster, too long arrayed in the borrowed garb of freedom. The riches of our island, and the virtues of its natives, had each their effects in stimulating this mass of men to farther dangers, and in attracting the hatred of a Government, which, consciously, derived all its temporary energies from that infidelity to God, and annihilation of every moral principle which, by pervading France, had reconciled Frenchmen to the commission of any act.

The title of "Invading Army of England" was bestowed upon these extended corps, who were diverted from employing their speculative ideas as subjects, by pointing out to them future duties as soldiers. We may judge of this mighty force when we reflect that its right wing alone, posted on the coasts of the Mediterranean exceeded 40,000. At the head of it was Buonaparte, denominated the Conqueror of Italy, and deservedly standing high as a General; but his exploits had rendered him an object of suspicion to the rulers of France, who were well aware of his popularity amongst the soldiery, and his thirst for power.

An expedition to Egypt, with a view to overthrow the British power in the East, had long been a favourite scheme of the Monarchy, and it was revived under the Republic, which was anxious to get rid of its legionary troops. It was well suited to the ambition of Buonaparte, and he was an admirable agent to execute such faithless purposes.

My limits will not allow me to indulge in farther theories, nor can I accompany him in his unprincipled progress. Malta, that[327] key to all his hopes, soon fell under his intrigues; after which he proceeded, with an unexampled secrecy, to the friendly and unsuspecting sea-coasts of the Turkish Empire. Alexandria and Cairo became easy and alternate conquests to his delusive promises. The covering fleet, under De Bruix, in the mean time anchored, and formed into order of battle, in the Bay of Aboukir, protected by flanking batteries, and seemingly impregnable by any force.

Rear Admiral Nelson, long distinguished for the most gallant and active zeal, was destined to oppose this formidable combination, and to achieve one of the most brilliant Naval victories that stands upon the annals of the world. I will forbear to dwell on an event which is so generally appreciated, and what must be immortal as time itself.

Captain Faddy, of Marines, fell on the memorable 1st of August, whose widow and family recognized a protector and a friend in Lord Nelson.

Captains J. Cresswell, John Hopkins, and Lieut. John Jewell, were wounded; 46 Marine Soldiers were killed, and 78 were wounded.

As usual, the honorary and pecuniary gratitude of the Nation was stretched forth to every rank amongst the conquerors, and its Legislative Bodies conveyed their sense of such splendid deeds, in adequate and animated terms, to all.

Upon the following day a general thanksgiving was offered up to heaven, which made not a greater impression upon ourselves, than on the captive Frenchmen, who could not but express their[328] admiration of so solemn an assemblage, at a time of seeming confusion, and when every heart felt all the elations of success.

The Admiral also tendered his acknowledgments to all the Officers, Seamen, and Marines, for their gallant behaviour, and for a victory that had been gained by their discipline and good order.

No battle on the sea ever produced more signal consequences.—It stimulated Austria to resume her arms, and aroused the effeminate States of Italy to a sense of their glory and their danger.

Although eclipsed in comparison, still the subordinate Naval transactions in the Mediterranean were guided by a similar spirit. Lieut. Perry, of Marines, distinguished himself upon a voluntary dash at the corvette Mendovi, which was carried by the boats of the Flora, under a heavy fire from the batteries of Corigo, that brig, and the vessels in the harbour. John Perks, private Marine, was the only brave fellow killed in this daring attempt, and Lieut. Perry was slightly wounded.

Captain Digby, and the crew of the Aurora, were likewise noticed for a train of enterprize; and Captain Foote, with all his coadjutors, in the Seahorse, by the capture of La Sensible French frigate.

The action of Captain Manley Dixon, in the Lion, of 64, with four heavy Spanish frigates, one of which he took, was a most brilliant affair, in which all under his command were alike deserving.

The combat between Le Genereaux, of 74, full of men, and the Leander, of 50, upon the 18th of August, though unfortunate[329] in its issue, was yet highly honourable to our arms, when the circumstance of her diminished crew is considered. Captain Thompson, whose conduct in the battle of the Nile had been most conspicuous, says, that "his antagonist run the Leander on board the larboard bow, with a view to carry her, and continued along-side for some time; a most spirited and well-directed fire, however, from our small party of Marines (commanded by a Serjeant) on the poop, and from the quarter-deck, prevented the enemy from taking advantage of his good fortune, and he was repulsed, in all his efforts to make an impression on us."

The Leander, afterwards reduced to a wreck, surrendered to her superior foe; but not without killing or wounding one-third of their number. The brave Serjeant Dair and seven Marines were slain, and nine wounded; being nearly a half of their little party.

The capture of La Legere gun-boat, by the Alemene, Captain Hope, afforded a striking instance of intrepidity in James Harding, Marine Drummer, and John Taylor, Seaman, on board the British frigate. Although going through the water more than five miles an hour, yet, observing a packet of dispatches to have been thrown overboard from the republican vessel, they dashed into the sea and recovered them, at the imminent risk of their lives; those fine fellows were, however, picked up by a boat, and each of them was rewarded by a pension of 20l. a year, from the Corporation of London. The contents were of much importance, as being from the National Convention to their General Buonaparte, in Egypt. Harding afterwards shared upwards of 200l. from the galleons taken on the 16th of October, by the Alemene and others.


So sensible was the Common Council of London of their merits, and so anxious to recompence them, that they made special enquiry, through their clerk, to the Board of Admiralty, in order to ascertain the circumstances and families of those brave men, and the above annuity was consequent upon that investigation.

On the 28th of October the fortified island of Goza, about five miles to the North-west of Malta, belonging to the Knights of that Order, surrendered to Captain Ball, of the Alexander; when Captain, now Major Cresswell, with a party of Marines, took possession of it.

The detachments from the Leviathan and Centaur had the honour of being attached to the Army, under General Stuart, to whom, and the squadron under Commodore Duckworth, the important island of Minorca capitulated, on the 15th of November, after a trifling resistance, and without the loss of one British Soldier.

His Sicilian Majesty took refuge on board of Lord Nelson's ship, and retired to Sicily on the 21st of December, as the French had possessed themselves of Naples. It fell to the lot of a branch of my Corps, under Lieut. Colonel Strickland, to be highly instrumental in restoring that Prince to the Neapolitan throne, in a short but brilliant campaign, during the summer of the ensuing year.

Few periods of our Naval history have presented so many instances of achievement on the home station, as that under discussion.

On the 21st of March a desperate action was fought between the Mars and La Hercule, of nearly equal force, both ships touching during the space of one hour and a half. English valour at last[331] prevailed, but with a heavy loss. Captain Alexander Hood, who blended in himself all the talents and virtues of his ancestors, fell in the moment of victory; and Captain Joseph White, of Marines, shared his fate, while discharging the duty of a gallant Officer.

Much do I lament in not being able to commemorate the names of five brave privates of my Corps, who, with an habitual intrepidity, attempted to board the enemy, but dropping into the sea, were crushed between the sides of the contending ships.

The defence of the little islands of St. Marcou, against an immense flotilla of the enemy, manned with nearly 8000 Soldiers, is inferior to none of the many exploits of our arms. Garrisoned chiefly by Marines, I am well assured that their cool courage on the 7th of May was never surpassed, and it was indeed evidenced by a scene of carnage amongst their enemies, while their own casualties were limited to Thomas Hall, private, killed; Richard Dunn and Thomas Williamson, privates, and Thomas Banks, Seaman, wounded. The attack having been levelled against the westernmost island, although both were in the line of shot, prevented any efforts on the part of Lieut. Bourne, who commanded on the eastern battery. Much might have been otherwise expected from the abilities of that Officer, and the system of discipline he invariably maintained. He would have also been well seconded by Lieut. Lawrence, of my Corps, whose gallantry upon an ulterior occasion fully justifies my assertion.

Nothing could exceed the steadiness of Lieuts. Maughan and Ensor, of Marines. It was worthy of the Country and the service, whose honour was in their hands.


Lieutenant (now Captain) Charles P. Price also mentioned the conduct of Serjeant Henderson, of the Royal Artillery, in handsome terms. Indeed that body is outdone by none in the world, wherever it is called forth.

The capture of La Seine, French frigate, on the 29th of June, drew forth the encomiums of Captains Stirling and Milne, of the Jason and Pique, upon the spirit of Lieutenants Symes and Macdonald. The former of these amiable young men has now paid the debt of nature, but he will long be remembered by his friends. Lieutenant Ross was much distinguished in a very daring affair in the port of Corigiou, upon the morning of the 4th of August. After having carried the corvette Adventurier, a contrary wind sprung up, which exposed her, nearly two hours, to the fire of all the batteries, working out in a narrow passage which was at last effected. That Officer is also now no more.

Notwithstanding all the boasts of invasion, still the French dared not any thing upon a scale of consequence. A few frigates landed General Humbert, who, with his followers, were made prisoners in Ireland; but not without making a respectable opposition.

It was reserved for our naval bulwarks to render abortive another attempt, and to give some creditable earnests of their Officers' talents and courage. On the 12th of October, Le Hoche of 80, the frigates Bellone, Coquille, and Ambuscade were taken by Sir John Warren's squadron. The decisive spirit of that gallant and rising character Captain Graham Moore, was fully shewn in the prompt attack of La Resolue of 40 guns, and taking her before she could be supported by her consort. They were both superior in force to the Melampus.[333] The conduct of Lieutenant Hole, and his party of Marines was mentioned in gratifying terms.

On the 20th of October another action, alike brilliant, was fought between the Fishguard, Captain Martin, and L'Immortalité, which, after a spirited contest of more than two hours, ended in the Frenchman's surrender.

Lieutenant Gerrard, of Marines, was wounded upon that occasion. So uniformly respectable, was the course of that Officer's life, and so creditable his services, that it may not be amiss to state here, a very honorable testimony subsequently bestowed upon him, from the Officers, Seamen, and Marines of the Fishguard. The gift of a sabre and belt was accompanied to him, with the following very flattering eulogium: "This sabre and belt are presented to 1st Lieut. Gerrard, of Marines, by those who served with him on board his Majesty's ship Fishguard, in memory of the action with L'Immortalité, the 20th October, 1798, the boarding expeditions at the Saintes, Penmarks, Quimper, Noirmoutier, St. Matthew, St. Andero, and Corrunna; on which he served as a volunteer, and bore so distinguished a part." He has recently been appointed to an Adjutancy at Plymouth vacated by the promotion of Captain Perceval.

La Loire frigate was engaged by the Mermaid, of 32, Captain Newman, who, after the most persevering courage, was obliged to relinquish the unequal combat, which afforded an additional test of the zealous intrepidity of Captain Durham, in the Anson, who, although much disabled by the prevailing gales, attacked and carried her after an hour and one quarter's dispute. First Lieut. W. A. Bell,[334] of Marines, was wounded, and Captain Durham acknowledges the services he derived from him, as well as Lieutenant Derring, who superintended the carronades of the Anson, during the fight. The privates James Cummings and Robert Dillon were also wounded. Captain Countess, in the Ethalion, likewise took his bird.

By such successive exploits, was the invasion of Ireland averted, and so important were they deemed by the Nation, that its public thanks were expressed to Sir J. Warren, his Officers, Seamen, and Marines.

An unfortunate meeting between the Ambuscade and La Bayonnaire, of equal force, closed the transactions of 1798. So habituated are Englishmen to conquer on the sea, that they never reckon upon many accidents to which contests, on that element, are subject. The courage of Captain Jenkins could not compensate for his want of fortune. He and Lieutenant Sinclair, of Marines, were badly wounded, before the colours were struck, and the enemy, for once, successfully availed themselves of a panic, occasioned by the bursting of a gun, to gain her by boarding.



Twenty thousand Marines formed the establishment of 1799.

An event truly brilliant in itself, and most important in its results, claim a merited precedence in my narrative of the transactions of this year. I mean, the noble defence of St. Jean d'Acre, in the land of Palestine. Yielding to the habitual sentiments of my mind, I am always led to exult in any occasion, upon which the energies of the Soldier, but more especially of my corps, have been conducive to the protection, or the aggrandisement of commerce. It constitutes the very vitals of our Country, and demands the fostering care of every member of it. The world is well apprized of the ambitious views which directed the expedition of Bonaparte to Egypt. Although his army had been cut off from all intercourse with France ever since the decisive battle of Aboukir, still the inventive resources of his genius had established within a few months, a little independent Empire guided by social institutes, and a regulated police. Versatile and accommodating in his principles, they always veered with his interests, and he knew human nature too well not to make them subservient to the religious prejudices of these superstitious natives, over whom he had usurped a government. Wherever hostility appeared, it was successively overcome, and his dominion over Lower Egypt might be said to have been complete at the opening of 1799.


This solid position, on the high road to our valuable possessions in the East, soon awakened all the active jealousy of the British Nation. Although secrecy had marked the steps of this unprincipled and hypocritical crusader, still they were guessed at, and traced by an enlightened Cabinet.

Sir Sidney Smith was selected to arrange and animate a plan for chacing this encroacher from his strong holds, who sailed from England for Constantinople, vested both with diplomatic as well as military powers, in the Autumn of 1798.

Having reached the Ottoman Capital, he, in union with his brother, discussed and signed a treaty of triple alliance between Great Britain, Russia, and the Turk. The outlines of future operations were also framed, which suggested an attack by the Pacha Djezzar from the deserts of Syria, upon the frontiers of Lower Egypt, who was to be seconded by an Army, penetrating across Asia Minor, while a maritime diversion took place at the different mouths of the Nile, and the remnants of Mourad Bey's forces, already twice defeated, should adopt a harassing system from the Upper Province.

Bonaparte having learned the active views of Djezzar, and the arrival of Sir Sidney, which foreboded instantaneous hostility, resolved to anticipate their schemes, and to march into Syria. After having adjusted all his measures in Lower Egypt, he put his Army in motion early in February, consisting nearly of 12000 men.—To detail his progress across the deserts would exceed my limits.

Upon the 10th of that month Bonaparte, in person, left Cairo to head his troops, whom he joined at El Arisch on the 17th; which[337] village and its castle, were completely gained on the 25th. Ghazah likewise surrendered, and Jaffa, that theatre of his indelible crimes, was carried by storm upon the 7th of March. After the most incredible hardships, and many a harassing contest with the numerous Mamelukes, the French Army ascended the heights which command St. Jean d'Acre, upon the morning of the 18th of March, and commenced its investment.

Sir Sidney had employed this momentous interval, in a train of judicious measures. Leaving Constantinople on the 19th of February, he arrived off Alexandria upon the 3d of March, where he relieved Commodore Trowbridge, and assumed the command of the Naval Forces. That city had been long closely blockaded by Capt. Hood, and Sir Sidney, anxious to divert the French from their purposes against Syria, commenced its bombardment, but perceiving it fruitless, he proceeded for that coast in order to rally its affrightened Pacha, and to intercept the battering cannon destined for the siege of St. Acre, which he well knew must be transported by sea.

His conceptions were most prophetic, and all his plans were executed in a masterly stile. Reaching Caiffe upon the 11th of March, he afterwards steered for St. Jean d'Acre, where he arrived on the 15th, and concerted a system of defence with Djezzar.

On the 18th he chaced and captured the looked for flotilla off Cape Carmel, afterwards landed the ammunition it contained, and mounted the heavy cannon upon the ramparts of the Syrian bulwark and capital. Its works were much strengthened under the able eye of Colonel Philippeaux, and never were a few critical hours better applied than those which preceded the investment of St. Acre. The[338] greater part of the Marines of the Tygre, Theseus, and Alliance were disembarked, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel (now Sir John) Douglas, who was vested by Sir Sidney with the Brevet Commission of Colonel, in order that the Turkish Forces, and the Seamen, who were also landed, might be under his orders.

From the 17th to the 23d of March the boats of the Tygre and Theseus were constantly employed in union with some gun vessels, in harassing the enemy's posts, checking his approaches, and cutting off his coasting supplies, upon which services Lieutenant Burton and the Marines under his command were distinguished for persevering gallantry.

Upon the 20th the French opened their trenches against the front of the salient angle, on the East side of the town, and within 900 yards. Between that and the 1st of April, they kept up a cannonade, when it appearing to the enemy that a breach had been made in the tower, against which their fire had been levelled, and conceiving also that the counterscarp had suffered from a mine they had sprung, the republicans advanced to storm it. In both, however, they were deceived; and though the Turks were at first panic struck, yet stimulated by the heroic examples of the Seamen and Marines, they returned to their post, and continued to pour down a shower of stones and grenades upon the assailants, until they retired with a heavy loss.

The squadron having been driven from its anchorage in the Bay, encouraged the French to push on their approaches to the counterscarp, a part of which they destroyed, and also made a lodgment in the North East angle of the wall, whence they began to undermine the tower. To avert its effects a sortie was deemed, advisable on the 7th[339] of April, in which the British Seamen and Marines were to dash into the mine, while the Turks were to attempt the republican trenches to the right and left. Colonel Douglas led this attack, in three columns, at the head of each of which were the Marines, just before the break of day, and it would, most probably, have been a surprize, if the undisciplined clamour of their Mahometan Allies, had not proclaimed their approach to the enemy.

This handful of Seamen and Marines carried the first and second lines of the French trenches, parallel to the mine, although defended by the flower of Buonaparte's Army, and maintained them, until the mine was destroyed by the gallant exertions of Lieutenant White and his Sailor pioneers. That Officer very much distinguished himself, and with many others, who were badly wounded, was indebted for an escape from captivity to the cool intrepidity of Sir John Douglas and the remains of his little detachment, who bore them off into the garrison amidst a tremendous fire from the enemy.

I must here pause to render justice to the memory of one of the mildest and bravest of men, who unfortunately fell upon that day. I mean Major Thomas Oldfield of the corps of Marines. No eulogy of mine is necessary to adorn his tomb. I go to the records of a brave foe, where his epitaph is written, and who witnessed and recognized his valour. It is the honest testimony of a Soldier—of Gen. Berthier, whose own name has often been conspicuous amongst the splendid details of the Armies of France. He speaks in these emphatic terms: "On the 18th Germinal (7th April) the enemy, at break of day, came on with an attack on our left and our centre; each column was headed by British Marines belonging to the ships, and their[340] colours were seen waving with those of Djezzar, and the batteries were all manned by English troops. The enemy made an attempt to surprize our advanced posts; but their design was seen through. We received them with a brisk fire from our parallels, and all that appeared were either killed or wounded. The enemy ultimately retired without gaining an inch towards destroying our works. The central column acted with more obstinacy. Their object was to penetrate to the entrance of our mine; they were commanded by Major Thomas Oldfield. He advanced boldly towards the entrance of the mine, at the head of some of his intrepid countrymen; they attacked like heroes, and were received by heroes; death only checked their bold career; the remainder retreated, and took refuge in the fortress. The approaches of our parallels remained covered with the dead bodies of English and of Turks. The corpse of Major Thomas Oldfield was carried off by our Grenadiers, they brought him to our Head Quarters, he was on the point of death, but on his arrival he was no more. His sword, to which he had done so much honour, was also honoured after his fall—it remains in the hands of one of our Grenadiers; he was buried amongst us, and has carried with him the esteem of the whole French Army."

This was the effusion of a brave enemy. I will superadd the animated address of Sir Sidney Smith to a meeting of the Anniversary of the Naval Asylum, on the 2d of June, 1802, and with it shall close this tributary theme.

After having spoken of the many virtues of the amiable Captain Miller, Sir Sidney thus enlarges upon the merits of his departed[341] friend, Major Oldfield:—"The next is Major Oldfield, of the Marines. I will tell the company where the body of this brave man was contended for, and they will judge where and how he died; it was a sortie of the garrison of St. John D'Acre, when attacked by General Buonaparte, that Major Oldfield, who commanded a column, was missing. On our troops advancing he was found—his body was found at the mouth of one of the enemy's mines, and at the foot of their works. Our brave men hooked him by the neckcloth as he lay dead, to draw him off; the enemy at the same time pierced him in the side with a halbert, and each party struggled for the body. The neckcloth gave way, and the enemy succeeded in dragging to their works this brave man; and here I must do them justice, which such gallant foes are justly entitled to, they buried him with all the honours of war."

Lieut. Beattie, of Marines, was wounded in this ever-memorable sortie, which reflected a bright lustre upon all that composed it.

The personal attention of Buonaparte to the operations of the siege was soon after diverted to another object, in repelling the bold attacks of the Samaritan Arabs, whom, by a train of able measures, he beat in every part of an extended line, and drove them across the Jordan.

My bounds will not allow me to detail the many incidents of this brilliant siege, where perseverance was constantly opposed to vigorous effort.

On the 1st of May, the French having cannonaded and made a breach, they a fourth time risqued a storm, but they were repulsed with heavy loss. The flanking fire from two ravelins run out on[342] each side of the enemy's nearest approach, and in which the Marines of the Tigre and Theseus, to the admiration and gratitude of the Turkish garrison, worked and fought, though exposed to an incessant discharge upon them, contributed chiefly to the salvation of the place upon that day. The disposition of those ships, and of the inferior craft, was so judicious, that the republican trenches were unceasingly annoyed. These progressive duties afforded many tests of Naval zeal and courage. The early fall of Captain Wilmot, of that Corps, was felt a heavy loss, as he was an excellent Officer and a worthy man. The unfortunate death of Colonel Philippeaux would have been considered as an irretrievable disaster, if it had not been compensated by the active talents of Sir John Douglas, upon whom devolved the additional cares of an Engineer. These were much lessened by the co-operating abilities of Sir Sidney Smith, whose scientific and comprehensive mind promptly embraces a wide scope of knowledge, and its dictates are ever quickly pushed into action by the energies of a resolute soul.

The ravelins upon which the Marines worked, within ten yards of the enemy's approaches, were in a progress of completion between the 2d and 8th of May, and were each night assailed by the French, who were as often repulsed, in nine different attempts to storm, with immense slaughter. The gallantry of my Corps, in all, exceeds praise. Many sorties were made to incommode their covering works, and most unprecedented were the bodily fatigues and mental anxiety of all.

The republicans had some time past opened with heavy guns, which they had received from Jaffa, and from which a serious impression[343] was made upon the works of the garrison. Resorting to fresh expedients, Buonaparte tried to effect a new breach in the eastern curtain, by a sap and mine; but the unremitting activity of the brave defenders of Acre, by making approaches under ground, destroyed the frame-work and his hopes. Again directing his attacks upon the Tower, an effort to establish a lodgment in the glacis was once more unavailing.

Fifty-one days of vindictive and unceasing contest, save those short intervals necessary to recruit exhausted nature, had elapsed, when the garrison beheld their long-expected reinforcements under Hassan Bey.

Foiled in every essay to carry the place, Buonaparte saw with grief and disappointment this flotilla, which was to blast all his ambitious schemes, and to relieve his now almost worn-out opponents. With a desperate ardour, impelled by wounded pride, he lost not a moment to prepare and advance to the assault, in the sanguine idea that by one bold effort he might consummate his ardent wishes before Hassan's troops could land. At ten, on the night of the 7th of May, the carnage began. Mr. Scroder, Master's Mate of the Theseus, from an 18 pounder in the Light House Castle; a 24, under Mr. Jones, Midshipman of the Theseus, mounted in the north ravelin, and two 68 pound carronades, under the direction of Mr. Bray, carpenter of the latter ship, which threw shells from two germes in the Mole, added to the Turkish musquetry, committed dreadful havoc amongst the French columns in moving on to the attack. Much might be said were I to diverge upon the many chequered events of the night and the following day. The[344] morning's dawn displayed the enemy's standard flying on the outer angle of the Tower, which their intrepidity had carried, having ascended on its ruins. Here they made a lodgment by two traverses across the ditch, constructed and filled with sand bags, and the bodies of their dead.

Feeble is my panegyric of the unsurpassed heroism, the decisive resources, the conciliating address, and bold expedients of Sir Sidney Smith, during 25 hours of almost constant action. They have been but rarely equalled, and will never be outdone. He was well seconded by his able coadjutor Sir John Douglas, who combines a natural perseverance of character with the most manly judgment. Their virtues transcended to every subordinate rank, and animated all.

The British uniform was every where, even in the individual, a rallying point, and my Countrymen and my Corps, through this unrivalled defence, lay claim to the pre-eminent glory of having fixed a barrier to the boundless ambition of Buonaparte, and of republican France. Egypt was conquered at Acre, and India preserved. The Turks, aroused by the daring examples of a few British Seamen and Marines, performed feats of enthusiastic valour, and the French were driven, with immense slaughter, from every hold.

The dispirited and reduced state of the Army before Acre, in consequence of these heavy losses, urged Buonaparte to withdraw the division of Kleber, from the fords of the Jordan. Much was anticipated from this Corps, from its recent good conduct near to Nazareth. It was early destined to ascend that breach, in which[345] so many of their countrymen had fallen victims. But the gallant sortie of a Turkish regiment, anxious to wipe away the stigma of indiscipline, cut out sufficient work for them, and carried the third parallel of the enemy. Their forward zeal exposed them to some loss in pushing on to the second trench; but they found sufficient employ for Kleber, who, instead of proceeding against the breach, was obliged to devote all his efforts to regain his works.

The attacks upon the 10th of May, were the last vigorous essays of the French to carry St. Acre. Hitherto, lavish of blood, Buonaparte saw its ineffectual waste, and the Soldiery perceiving themselves offered up as daily sacrifices to his insatiable ambition, lost all their ardour. Unrestrained by the principles of honour, he resorted to the blackest treachery, and the unexampled refuge of a Soldier—that of poisoning his opponent, and demanding a cessation of arms, in order to break it. His vain attempt to subdue a brave garrison during this sacred interval, in one day withered all his laurels, most impressively delineated his genuine character, and will one day be numbered amongst his crimes, by the historian of that country which he now rules with tyrannic despotism.

Precluded from every hope of success, Buonaparte retreated in disorder from before the walls of Acre, during the night of the 20th of May, Sir Sidney and his brave associates did not fail to pursue him, and to annoy his flying columns along the sea beach, while the Arabs, assembled by his counsels, harassed their rear.

Thus ended this memorable siege, during which, 53 British Seamen and Marines were killed, 13 drowned, 113 wounded,[346] and 32 taken prisoners. It has immortalized every gallant fellow who bore a part in it.

The services of Sir Sidney Smith and Colonel Douglas did not terminate here. Although in many instances they were unfortunate, through Turkish indiscipline, they were still splendid in their nature, and momentous in their consequences.

Sir Sidney, returning to Cyprus, by his zeal and the general esteem in which he was held, raised an army of 13,000 men, which, being united to the Turkish fleet, and some English Seamen and Marines, proceeded to Aboukir, were landed, and headed by Colonel Douglas, who volunteered to lead them against Buonaparte in person. The Turks taking flight, were all either killed or taken, and their Chief, with Colonel Bromley, a French Emigrant Officer, owed their preservation from the sabres of the republican cavalry by riding into the sea, where they were picked up by Sir Sidney, who bravely rowed in shore, and kept their pursuers in awe, with a field-piece in the bow of his boat.

A second army, collected from Rhodes and other islands, attacked the French at Damietta, under Sir Sidney and Colonel Douglas, destroyed their magazines there, and had erected cannon against the French redoubt; but Turkish disobedience and insubordination subjected this mass to a disaster similar to that of Aboukir. Sensible of Colonel Douglas's professional talents, the Grand Vizier entreated Sir Sidney to permit his repairing to Jaffa, in order to organize his army there; he accordingly went thither.

Colonel Douglas, during four months, shared in the scanty allowances of the Ottoman army, subsisting upon two ounces of rice[347] daily, sent from the Vizier's table, at which no Christian can sit; drinking brackish water, and constantly sleeping in the open air of the desert. Under all these pressures and privations, the energies of that Officer were, however, so great, that he gained possession of the wells of El-Arisch; seized a supply of provisions there, of which the troops were in utter need, carried the place, and by that means kept together the Ottoman army, on the eve of self-dissolution.

Monsieur Cazel, the French Commandant, who delivered up his sword to the Colonel, avowed that its conquest was almost solely achieved by the gallant British detachment which he led.

This important key to the Syrian desert, again restored to its proper owners, facilitated the convention of El-Arisch, by which the whole French army was to evacuate Egypt, and return home. This having been subsequently cancelled, afforded a fresh field for the valour of my Corps upon its shores.

The following letter from the Grand Vizier to Sir Sidney Smith, fully identifies his grateful sense of the merits of Colonel, now Sir John Douglas, of Marines.

"To the Commander of his Britannic Majesty's Fleet, to our much-esteemed and beloved friend Sir Sidney Smith, our best greeting. May your destiny be ever prosperous, and your health flourishing.

"We send you by the present our friendly advice and information concerning his Britannic Majesty's Officer, Colonel Douglas, to make known unto you, that, during his stay at, and co-operation with the army under our command, he has evinced not only the greatest activity and skill, but also the most undaunted[348] courage and bravery. As his glorious and faithful services have afforded us the highest satisfaction, so do we wish the same may prove to him most honourable and advantageous; and as we think it just and expedient for all Powers and Sovereigns nobly to reward eminent merit, so have we written this letter, for the express purpose, to beg you to transmit to our dear, most respected, and great friend and ally, the King of Great Britain, a faithful narrative of Colonel Douglas's gallant behaviour, that accordingly he may be raised to the rank he so well deserves. We hope and trust, that at the receipt of our letter, you will act in conformity with this sincere desire.

"L. S.

"Given at our camp, before El-Arisch,

"Feb. 2, 1800."

Sir John Douglas has lately received a solid mark of his country's approbation, in a pension of 400l. a year, commencing from that day upon which Buonaparte retreated from the walls of St. Acre.

It was the destiny of my Corps to participate in a short, but brilliant campaign, which drove the French out of the Neapolitan kingdom, and restored its Monarch to the throne.

Amongst the followers of the fallen fortunes of his Sicilian Majesty, in his retreat to Palermo, was Cardinal Ruffo, whose enterprizing genius planned the loyal design of paving the way for the return of his self-exiled King, to the former seat of his power. Repairing to Calabria, he quickly collected a large army, by rekindling a spirit of royalism, exerting his clerical influence amongst people alike fanatical and ignorant, and by alternately exercising the functions of the Soldier and of the Cardinal.


Captain, now Sir William D'Arley, of Marines, landed singly in the Neapolitan territory, in order to acquire a knowledge of the state, strength, and views of the Royal party; during which period he made many a hair-breadth escape. So judiciously did he discharge this important mission, that the command of a district was assigned him; he was entrusted with a high military post, in which he continued to animate the motley army of Ruffo, by his counsels and his energies. In a variety of actions they fought, and beat the united French and rebel troops, who had possessed themselves of the kingdom of Naples, and had organized it into a republic; taking also Cotrona and Cantanzaro.

Introductory to their principal operations, the British squadron was extremely active. In April, Captain Hallowell, with some Seamen and Marines, obtained Procita and its castle, in the Gulf of Naples; while Captain Knox, of my Corps, was detached to the Isle of Ischia, which, with its strong fortress, was delivered up without resistance.

The robberies, murders, and rapine committed by their French friends in Italy had alienated almost every heart, and wherever an Englishman appeared, he was greeted as the deliverer of a country groaning under the bitterest sufferings.

A partial debarkation of some Marines and Sailors at Salerno, after having effected its capture, was obliged to retreat, before very superior numbers of the enemy. The cool gallantry of Lieutenant Vyvion, of Marines, upon that occasion, gave a strong earnest of future eminence. He was a young man of the most promising talents, but his country and his brethren have now to deplore his subsequent fall.


Cardinal Ruffo, learning the evacuation of Naples, and the defeats of the French armies by the Russian General Suwarrow, put in motion his army towards that Capital; part of which he gained upon the day of St. Anthony's feast. Exceeding his powers, a treaty which he had concluded with the Members of the Republican Government, and the Patriots in the Forts, was cancelled by his Sicilian Majesty, and the transports in which they were embarked for Toulon, were blockaded by the British squadron.

Many of the rebel party, united with their allies the French, retiring to the strong holds of St. Elmo, Ovo, and Nuova, it was judged expedient to land the Marines, who, with other auxiliaries, were destined to reduce them. On the 27th of June they were disembarked, to the number of 800 men, under the following Officers, who had the honour of accomplishing the important services that ensued, with much credit.

Lieut. Colonel Strickland, Commanding Officer.

Captain Creswell (Brevet Major, pro tempore.)

Capt. Weir
—— Dunsmuire
—— Minto
—— Knox
—— Wolfe
—— Torkington
—— Williams.
Lieut. Noble
—— Hare
—— M'Carthey
Lieut. Pearce
—— Burford
—— Short
—— Wills
—— Harvey
—— Scobill
—— Adair
—— Burne
—— Jones
—— Walker


Lieut. Hart
—— Collins
—— Jewell
—— Toomer
—— Perroll
—— Millar
—— Buzon
Lieut. Wright
—— Wheeler
—— Ross
—— Wyemyss } Adjutants
—— Tyldsley   }
—— Vyvion, Quarter-master.

Four hundred Portugueze Marines were also landed, which, joined to 500 Swiss, 450 Russians, and 70 Greeks, formed a total of 2170, besides Officers.

Captain Hood took possession of the Castles of Ovo and Nuovo, in which he was placed with a garrison of Seamen, and in his public character preserved the peace of that turbulent Capital, during the whole series of that trying duty.

Captain Trowbridge, of the Royal Navy, conducted with much ability those military operations, which may be said to have reinstated the Neapolitan King upon his throne.

At five on the morning of the 30th of June, he marched from Castle Nuovo, with the British and Portugueze Marines, was joined by the Russians in Naples, and proceeded instantly against St. Elmo, whose Commandant he summoned to surrender. Being answered in the negative, that zealous and spirited Officer lost no time in erecting batteries against the Castle. Between the 3d and 5th of July, nine heavy cannon and eight mortars were opened on its garrison and works, which played incessantly, in the hope of effecting a breach sufficient to storm. On the 6th, four mortars were added, and by the indefatigable labours of the Seamen, six 36-pounders were[352] dragged to the summit of an almost inaccessible precipice, which soon compelled Monsieur Mejan to capitulate. The Marine Grenadiers marched into the Castle on the 12th, and the enemy, upwards of 1500, were allowed the honours of war.

On the 13th, the main body of the army returned to Castle Nuovo, from whence they advanced against Capua, that key to Naples, upon the 19th, where they arrived on the 21st, pitched their tents near to its walls, and in a short time opened batteries, which continued to play against the town until the 27th, when terms were discussed and agreed on.

On the 29th, the French, to the number of 1500, marched out, and were conveyed to Naples, under an escort of 400 Marines, and two squadrons of General Acton's Cavalry.

The conduct of Captain Trowbridge was prompt and animated, and he spoke highly of the unremitting attention and discipline of Colonel Strickland, Major Creswell, the Officers and men. The exertions of those of the allied troops were also highly meritorious.

Returning to Naples, an embarkation took place against Gaieta on the 30th of July, where they landed on the 3d of August, gained possession of its gates on the next day, and upon the 5th, delivered up the town to the loyal subjects of his Majesty the King of Naples.

The retreat of the French armies was felt throughout Italy, and their disasters roused the Tuscans to arms, who drove them from their bosom. Florence was abandoned, and Leghorn was evacuated; but Rome was unsubdued. Its besiegers had been driven from its walls, and every effort to reduce it was ineffectual. It did not,[353] however, resist against the tenders of British honour; for on Captain Trowbridge appearing off the mouth of the Tiber, and a summons being sent to General Garnier, he agreed to surrender Rome, Civita Vechia, and every dependency within the state, to that Commander.

Some Seamen, and the Marines of the Culloden and Minotaur, occupied Corneto and Tolsa, as well as Civita Vechia, during the 29th and 30th of September, while the enemy, amounting to 5000, were sent off, agreeable to the terms of capitulation.

Captain Trowbridge maintained the acknowledged faith of his Country, in every article, with a dignity becoming the high character in which he stood. Colonel Strickland supported that discipline in his Corps, which must have ensured success against a contending enemy. This train of important services, derives a double merit, from that rapidity with which they were performed.

During the present year Earl St. Vincent resigned the command of the Mediterranean Fleet. The system by which he maintained its good order, is worthy of being adopted by every Officer in the British Navy.

One of the most gallant boarding contests took place upon that station, during the day of the 9th of June, which appears on the face of this war. It was cutting out a Spanish polacre of 10 guns and 113 men, from the port of La Selva, supported by a heavy battery, and a large body of men under arms on the shore, by the boats of the Success, carrying only 42 men.

Lieuts. Facey and Stupart, of the Navy, and Lieut. Davison, of my Corps, headed this daring enterprize. They were all distinguished; but limiting the detail of it to my peculiar province, I am led to notice the cool courage of that promising brother Officer, who,[354] taking a steady aim with a pistol amidst this confused scene, shot a Swiss Soldier in the mouth, who had levelled his musket at Mr. Pomeroy Peter, a brave young Midshipman, in the act of boarding over a high close netting. Mr. Peter did the rest with a pike. A gallant Marine, Thomas Needham, having his right arm broken by a grape shot, on being asked by Lieutenant Facey, if it was not disabled? answered "Yes, but, thank God, I can pull a trigger with my right, and with my left hand I can still manage a cutlass." In this state he continued to fight until the vessel was carried.

In the West Indies the Dutch Colony of Surinam was taken without opposition. Lieutenant M'Gee, of Marines, and his party from the Trent, behaved most handsomely, in union with their brethren the Seamen, by storming a battery in a bay near Cape Roso, and afterwards bringing from under it a large Spanish ship and schooner.

It was on the morning of the 25th of October that Captain (now Sir Edward) Hamilton, at the head of 100 Seamen and Marines, attacked and carried the Hermione, of 44 guns, after having killed and wounded 216 men, with the single loss of Lieutenant J. Busey, acting Lieutenant of the Surprize. After the greatest feats of valour in all, he brought her out from under the formidable batteries of Porto Cavallo. John Ingram and Joseph Titley, private Marines, were wounded upon this honorable occasion, which sufficiently speaks its own praise.

In the East, La Forte, of 50 guns, was captured by the British Sybille, after a desperate resistance, during which Captain Cooke unfortunately fell.


Every domestic event of this year sinks, in consequence, when compared to the expedition against Holland. Its details, however, do not properly fall within my narrative. After having gained possession of the Helder, the duties allotted to the Marines, were to garrison its forts, while the Army, under Sir Ralph Abercrombie, penetrated into the Country. These my corps performed with their usual alertness and zeal, and much to the satisfaction of their superiors. Unfortunate as was the issue of the attempt, originally undertaken at a late season of the year, and against a dangerous coast, still the very important capture of the remains of the Batavian Navy, amply compensated for its final miscarriage. An unsurpassed unanimity between the land and naval services prevailed, and English valour was conspicuous throughout.

A garrison of Seamen and Marines having been placed at Limmen Town, in West Friezland, under Captain Boorder, of the Navy, consisting of only 157 men, was attacked at five on the morning of the 11th of October by more than 700 of the enemy, in four quarters. Their advanced party against the North battery was surrounded and taken by the seamen, and after a long contest, the whole gave way. The Marines immediately pursued, killed and wounded more than 40, and would have taken their colours and cannon if they had not, in the rout, broken down a bridge, which checked our progress. Captain Boorder says, "that Lieutenants Wyburn, Howel, Higginson, and Gardner, of Marines, behaved with honour to themselves, and credit to their Country, and that their men distinguished themselves in a most gallant manner." The names of Captains Mortlock, Sir Harry Neale, Winthorp,[356] Bolton, Macnamara, and Cuninghame, with their Officers, Seamen, and Marines, stand meritedly high in the subordinate catalogue of this year's naval deeds.


Twenty thousand Marines were voted for the service of 1800.

Every revolving year seemed to add to the naval superiority of Great Britain. In each quarter the enemy's fleets were blockaded within their ports; the happy result of our reiterated victories.

In the Mediterranean, Lord Keith, by his cruizers, was highly instrumental in producing the fall of Genoa, to the Austrian General Melas, by cutting off its supplies, and occasional bombardments.

Early in 1800 a battalion of Marines was landed at Malta, which had withstood a tedious blockade, and still held out with uncommon perseverance. The occasion presented no opportunities of signalizing themselves, but by the most exemplary good conduct, under the following Officers:

Captain Weir, (Major Commandant.)

Capt. Knox,
—— Wolfe,
—— Torkinton,
—— Williams,
Lieut. Burford,
—— Bunce,
—— Adair,
—— Miller,
—— Davison,
—— M'Carthy,


Lieut. Jones,
—— Pearce,
—— Pogson,
—— Hodgkins,
—— Tyldesley, Adjutant,
—— Scobell, Quarter-Master.

On the 5th of September La Valette capitulated, of which the Marines took possession. The indefatigable exertions of Captain (now Sir A.) Ball, of the Royal Navy, did him much honor, and it was partly owing to the seasonable arrival of Major General Pigott with a reinforcement, as well as to the debarkation of the Marines, that this important key to Egypt was so soon added to our dominion. The steady vigilance of the Navy, during a blockade of two years, had a pre-eminent share in this final event. The fortress of Savona, reduced to famine, by the activity of Captain Downman and his little squadron, surrendered also to him and the Austrian General St. Julien, on the 16th of May.

The Genereux and Guillaume Tell, of 74 and 84 guns, were captured by our cruizers in February and March. They were the only remnants of the French fleet after the memorable battle of Aboukir.

This year abounds with many examples of inferior enterprize, in which the subalterns of my corps gave very handsome pledges of what may be expected from them upon every allotted opportunity.

The attack and bringing out the Spanish corvette, San Josef, protected also by a heavy battery of five guns, from under the fortress of Fangerolle, reflected the highest credit upon the spirit of Lieutenants Beaufort and Huish, of the Pheaton, and Duncan Campbell, of Marines. He and Mr. Beaufort were wounded.


The Seamen and Marines of the Mermaid, under Captain Oliver, merit notice in having cut out and destroyed 9 vessels, under a fort near Cape Corsette.

The conduct of Lieut. Yeo and his brave followers in the port of Cecenatico, where they rendered 13 merchantmen unserviceable, was most distinguished. Lieut. Jewell, of Marines, in a detachment of this nature under Captain Hillyer, which gallantly brought out two large corvettes from the road of Barcelona, amidst a shower of shot and shells, behaved with much courage and conduct throughout that service. These detailed exploits were performed on the Mediterranean station during this year.

The Dutch island of Curacoa, in South America, when on the eve of being possessed by a French force, claimed the protection of Captain Watkins, of his Majesty's frigate Nereide, who landed his Marines and some Seamen, who had the honor of deterring the enemy from his attempt, and securing that settlement.

Goree, on the coast of Africa, surrendered to Sir Charles Hamilton, of La Melpomene, when Captain M'Cleverty, with the Marines of the squadron, were landed to garrison it.

A very gallant single action was fought off St. Domingo, between La Seine, Captain Milne, and La Vengeance French frigate, which terminated in the republican ship striking her flag. Captain Milne, who had oftener than once approved himself a brave Officer, thus speaks of Lieutenant Macdonald, who commanded the Marines of La Seine: "I am indebted to the services of Mr. Macdonald, of Marines, who was taken down wounded, and came up again when dressed, but was obliged, from a second wound, to be taken[359] below; but I am happy to state, the life of this valuable Officer will be saved, to render further services to his Majesty. The behaviour of the Marines was such as does them the highest credit."

In the East, Lieutenant Owen, of my corps, volunteered from the Adamant to assist in destroying the French frigate La Precieuse, which had been run on shore by that ship and the Tremendous near Fort Louis, on the Isle of France; a service that was spiritedly executed under a heavy fire from the batteries, and they brought off some of the Officers and men prisoners.

The achievements upon the home station in this style of warfare, were both crouded and brilliant, and it is with a mixture of exultation and of pride, that so many amongst the rising generation of my brethren, appear upon those honorable annals.

Amongst the foremost stands the name of Lieutenant (now Adjutant) Gerrard, of Marines, who volunteered from the Fisguard, to attack a convoy at St. Croix, laden with provisions and stores for the French fleet at Brest; which material object was in part effected, in opposition to the fire from a strong battery, three armed vessels they took, and a line of musquetry on the shore. Eight of inferior note were captured, and twenty were run on the rocks. Lieutenants Burke, Dean, Stamp, and Price, of the Royal Navy, also gave shining patterns of valour.

Another attempt upon some of the enemy's vessels at the mouth of the river Quimper on the 23d of June, although not equally prosperous, was still alike glorious to Lieutenants Burke of the Renown, and Parker of the Defence, as well as Lieutenant Gerrard. After reaching the mouth of that river, the Marines were landed on[360] both its sides, under the command of Lieutenants Burke and Gerrard, who were to protect the boats under Mr. Parker, in their approach to the vessels of war and small craft. But the enemy had removed them to an inaccessible distance, and this bold essay terminated in the destruction of three strong batteries with their guns, by these divisions.

The cutting out La Desiree, from the roads of Dunkirk, will be long remembered, and must for ever establish the personal intrepidity of Lieutenants M'Dermitt and Pierce, of the Royal Navy.

The vigilance of Sir John Warren and his flying squadron, afforded another display of subordinate zeal on the 1st and 2d of July.

The scene of action was within the island of Noirmoutier, and in the bay of Bourneuf, and the object was to attack some armed vessels and a convoy bound for Brest, covered by 6 heavy batteries on the South East part of the former, besides flanking guns on every point. By 12 on the night of the 1st of July, they carried 5 armed ships, and 15 merchantmen, but on finding it impossible to bring them out over the sand banks, they were all burnt. This dashing business was achieved by 113 Seamen, and 61 Marines, headed by Lieutenants Burke, Dean, and Garrett, of the Navy, 11 petty Officers, and Lieutenants Thompson, Ballingham, Gerrard, and Hutton, of my corps. All the boats upon returning, grounded, and in this situation they were exposed to an unceasing fire from the forts, and from the platoons of 400 troops in their rear.

It was under this trying circumstance, that, with true British intrepidity, they resolutely dragged their boats upwards of two miles over the sands, until they floated, when they levelled all their efforts[361] against one vessel, sufficiently large to accomplish their retreat. Four Officers and eighty-eight men, however, became prisoners, while more than 100 secured their safety by unrelaxing valour.

The capture of Le Cerbere gun-brig, made under the batteries of Port Louis, the fire of some small craft, within a mile of three French men of war, and against four times their numbers, has immortalized the fame of Lieut. Coghlan, and Mr. Paddon, of the Royal Navy, and all their associates. It can scarcely find a parallel upon the registers of history.

Lieut. Burke, of the Renown, the Seamen and Marines under his auspices, were again conspicuous in the assault of La Guipe French privateer, of 22 guns and 161 men, which they took, after a desperate resistance, near the Narrows of Rendonella, in the bay of Vigo. That valuable Officer, Lieut. Burke, was badly wounded, besides twelve Seamen and five Marines, and four of both classes were killed.

It was in testimony of those repeated deeds that the Officers and ship's company of the Fisguard, presented Lieut. Gerrard, of Marines, with a sword, accompanied by the flattering tribute I have already described. His Country, as I have said, has recently attested her gratitude, by conferring upon him one of the Adjutancies of his Corps, for which he is eminently qualified.

The determined spirit of Lieut. M'Cullen, of Marines, and his little party of twenty-four men, in following up Captain Price's orders, against the Victoire privateer, of Boulogne, near to Issigny, is worthy of much commendation. He towed her off from the shore under the discharge of some hundred musquetry, and brought her a[362] prize to the island of St. Marcou. Lieut. Steevens covered him most gallantly in his gun-brig, the Sparkler.

Imitating this brilliant system, another blow to the enemy's commerce was given by the boats of the Montague and Magnificent, conducted by Lieuts. Blissett, Knight, Griffiths, and Dunlop, of the Royal Navy, and in which Lieuts. Alexander, Montgomerie, Mitchell, and Jordan, of Marines, bravely volunteered. The whole proceeded against a convoy of fourteen sail in Port Danenne, near to L'Orient, all of which were grounded under a battery, that fired round and grape shot, as well as two of the vessels which were armed, upon the boats as they approached.

This service was most completely executed, as they took eleven, and burnt one; leaving only two behind which they were unable to bring out. Captain Knight acknowledged the conduct of all to have been most regular and bold.

These little details are powerful evidences of the spirit of the times. Upon an aggregate scale they are certainly of national moment, and sufficiently prove how much may be accomplished by English intrepidity, when happily seconded by a well-regulated discipline.



At no period of her existence as a Nation, did Britain portend a speedier dissolution, although at none did she ever appear in a more dignified attitude, than at the commencement of 1801.

Alternately deserted by every Ally, she was not only engaged in an arduous contest with some of the most powerful States of Europe, but was threatened by the revival of a Maritime discussion, backed by an armed neutrality amongst its Northern Powers, evidently levelled against her existence. A confederacy so hostile to our very being, could not but arouse the land to assert their long established rights; and, however hazardous an appeal to arms might be under the existing crisis, it was still deemed a better, and more glorious alternative, than tacitly to allow any innovators, however powerful, to undermine those commercial pillars, upon which the Empire had so long flourished, and stood. Temporizing measures being but ill suited to the occasion, and little congenial to the spirit of the times, a general embargo was laid upon all Russian, Swedish, and Danish vessels within our ports, while a fleet was equipped for the Baltic, whose cannon were destined to become the interpreters of our injured privileges, as well as the delegated agents for the salutary restoration of peace.

Keeping pace with such Naval exertions, to which the Country looked for its salvation, the Marine corps experienced an effective[364] augmentation unprecedented on its historic annals. A vote of 22,696 men passed for the three first lunar months of 1801, which was subsequently enlarged to 30,000 for the future services of the year.

I am naturally led to follow the progress of those gallant fellows to the coasts of the Baltic, by whose great achievements those impending dangers which seemed ready to erase their devoted Country from amongst the list of nations, were so quickly dispelled.

The object of this armament having been publicly avowed and known, the occasion evinced the spirited zeal of Lieutenant Colonel Winter, of my corps, by his stepping out of the routine of divisional service, and volunteering to head a battalion of Marines, upon these more perilous duties. The handsome tender of that able Officer, was not, however, accepted.

Upon the 12th of March the British fleet set sail, and passed the Sound on the 30th, encountering, in its way, an incessant but bloodless discharge from the cannon of Cronenburgh, when it anchored near to the isle of Huin. The battle of the 2d of April, fought under the superintending example and auspices of Lord Nelson, needs no description to add to its splendour. Its merits can best be appreciated by its immediate effects. Upon that great man's brow was placed the laurel, entwined with the olive, and both were the growth of a single day. It led to peace with our old friends, the Danes, and overthrew a Confederacy, upon the consequences of which speculation is set at bay.

The gallant Sir Thomas Graves nobly seconded his superior, and it is to be remembered, in honor to his name, that he volunteered to[365] complete the final destruction of those Northern Opponents, if a cessation of arms had not healed every difference.

Eight hundred and seventy five Seamen and Marine Soldiers were killed and wounded upon that momentous day. Lieutenant Benjamin Spencer, of my corps, son to the Rev. Dr. Spencer near Birmingham, a youth of the most promising hopes, and the sweetest manners, fell on board the Edgar, a ship that was peculiarly distinguished, as did Lieutenant Henry Long, in the Isis, who was likewise much esteemed for a benignity of temper; Lieutenants Charles Meredith and James Marrie were also wounded.

In consequence of this signal victory, a merited testimony was conferred upon Captain Lambrecht, of Marines, by the brevet rank of Major, which could not have been bestowed upon a more worthy or meritorious member. It was his fortune to be Senior Officer on board that part of the grand force which was engaged, and to serve in the Defiance, under the flag of Rear Admiral Graves.

Every man in the English fleet was honored with the Thanks of his Country, its intrepid leaders received suitable distinctions, and all stand registered upon the memorials of indelible fame. The noble Society of Lloyd's stretched forth, likewise, their liberal aids to the unfortunate sufferers at Copenhagen. Other incidents tended to accelerate the dissolution of this formidable league; in which a guardian Providence may be clearly retraced, and our natural bulwarks as having been the secondary agents of his will.

Early in this year Earl St. Vincent, who had commanded in the Mediterranean and the Channel, with so much advantage to the public, and with such éclat to himself, was placed at the helm of[366] Naval affairs. My corps looked up to him as a father and a friend, and those endearing titles have been fully realized towards us in every arrangement that has emanated from his intelligent and comprehensive mind. As we never forsook him in the day of trial, so we never shall forget him when he is laid low in the dust.

The same spirit for dashing at every thing within the enemy's ports, and on their coasts still continued to prevail. Three boats from the Trent, led on by Lieutenants Chamberlayne, Scallion, Bellamy, Tate, of Marines, and Mr. Hoskins, on the 3d of April, in opposition to numerous batteries on the shore, the constant fire of a lugger and cutter, and the aid of a number of small craft, boldly attacked and drove the lugger amongst the rocks, besides some of the boats.

Lieutenants Chamberlayne and Tate afterwards boarded and carried off a large ship which was under their convoy, and what was their main object, on her way from Brehat to Plampoul. In that service Lieutenant Tate, of my corps, unfortunately lost a leg.

One of the most daring attempts, ever conceived, was originally undertaken by Lieutenant Losack, but finally executed by Lieutenant Maxwell, against the French corvette La Chevrette, in presence of the combined fleets in the road of Brest, under protection of the batteries of Camerat, and in spite of nearly 400 men of which her crew was composed, all ready to oppose the assailants. Upon this perilous duty Lieutenants Sinclair and Rose, of Marines, spiritedly volunteered. From the strong position of the enemy, who set every attack at defiance, no better contested affair occurred through the whole of this glorious war. Lieutenant Sinclair who had been[367] formerly wounded upon a similar enterprize, was slain in the act of warding off a like destiny from a Midshipman of the Doris. He would have done honor to any rank in life.

The carnage was great on the side of the republicans, being above 150 killed and wounded, while that of the British exceeded 66. Lieutenant W. Burke, an Officer of the highest hopes, received a mortal wound, and Lieutenant Neville was hurt.

Mr. (now Captain) Maxwell, with all his intrepid companions, will long appear conspicuous on the records of fame. Capt. Charles Brisbane says, "Any comments of mine would fall far short of the merits due to those gallant Officers, Seamen, and Marines employed on this service." Such examples of irresistible heroism in subordinate warfare, must have a permanent influence on the feelings of our enemies upon whatever scale they may be opposed to us.

On the 4th of August a successful bombardment took place against the French flotilla off Boulogne, and the attack was renewed upon the 13th by the boats of Lord Nelson's squadron. Although assembled for the avowed purpose of invading our isles, still the event of that night plainly shewed that their preparations had been distinguished much more by steps for self preservation, than for offensive measures, for our brave fellows, after the strongest feats of valour, were obliged to abandon their hard earned prizes, from their having been fastened by chains, or hard on the shore. The issue was unfortunate, but it added to the glory of the British arms. One hundred and seventy two Officers, Seamen, and Marines were killed and wounded in this patriotic attempt. Such were the exertions of all that the thanks of Earl St. Vincent, and of their brave Chief, were[368] expressed to every class in the squadron. The service was deprived of a gallant Officer in Captain Parker of the Navy, and Captain Young, of my corps, was badly wounded.

Lieutenant Gerrard, of Marines, was again a volunteer in cutting out some vessels of force, from the port of Corunna, happily without loss.

Admiral Cornwallis, with that perseverance so peculiar to his character, continued to block up the combined fleets in Brest, who continued a useless load of expenditure to France and Spain, until a cessation of arms gave them freedom.

I bitterly lament that I cannot bid farewell to the domestic events of the present year without diverging upon that baneful spirit of mutiny, which again broke forth in a detachment of our fleet on the coast of Ireland.

It first burst out on board the Temeraire, a ship hitherto noted for good order, and commanded by men who yielded to none in the British Navy, for talents or humanity. It was a renewal of the same foul game that was played at the close of the American war, but it was subverted in a different manner, and with a manly energy, which bids fair to advance the future interests of discipline. The party of Marines, under Captain Vallock, after resisting all the efforts of seduction from their duty, behaved with the fidelity of good Soldiers, and nobly seconded the firm resolution of Admiral Campbell and the Officers under his command. As must ever be the case, this little phalanx, inspired with all the consciousness of a good cause, quickly overcame their guilty opponents, whose ringleaders expiated their crimes by an untimely death.


The address which those unfortunate men left behind them to their misguided ship-mates, bespoke the deepest contrition, and affords the most impressive lesson to the wretch who may ever be so unguarded as to admit the inroads of discord or disobedience.

In justice to those parties of Marines who loyally avowed their principles during such commotions, which, indeed, were general, and the same amongst every detachment in the squadron, I annex copies of letters from two under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Tench, and Captain Forshall, directed to those Officers.


"We, the Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates, serving as Marines, under your command, on board his Majesty's ship Princess Royal, having heard with pleasure, the gallant conduct of our brother Soldiers on board the Temeraire, and, therefore, beg leave to express alike with them, our determination to oppose, with all our might and power, all unlawful combinations and our readiness to obey our Officers night and day.

"Signed by the Whole Party.

"Lieut.-Col. Tench, his Majesty's
ship Princess Royal."

"Resolution, Bantry Bay, 15th Dec. 1801.


"I hope you will pardon the liberty we take in addressing you, but as we understand that some ships companies have disobeyed the just commands of their Officers, and knowing the dreadful consequences that formerly attended similar practices. For our parts we abhor the idea, and we hope you will inform Captain Gardiner, likewise the Admiral, that it is our firm resolution, to[370] support and maintain our Officers in any thing which they may think proper, and in that which is best calculated to promote the interest of our King and Country. I have the honor of subscribing myself, in behalf of the detachment of Marines,

"Your most obedient humble servant,

"William Heans, Serjeant.

"Captain Forshall, Marines."

The steady allegiance of my corps was such, throughout this period of indiscipline, that the following testimonies were the honorable result: "The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty having expressed their high satisfaction of the good conduct of the Marines of several ships, under my command with you at Beerhaven, in declaring their abhorrence of the mutinous proceedings which had lately taken place at the anchorage, and of their having come forth on that occasion, so much to the honor of their Corps, and interests of their Country, I am to desire you will be pleased to communicate the same to them, and assure them that I feel highly gratified on the present occasion.

"(Signed) William Cornwallis.

"Vice Admiral Sir Andrew Mitchell, &c. &c."

In consequence of the above very handsome communication from Admiral Cornwallis, Commander in Chief of the Channel Fleet, Sir Andrew Mitchell issued the following order:

"It is my directions to the Captains of the ships, named in the margin,[5] under my orders, to communicate to the Marines, serving on board the respective ships under their command, the above[371] letter from the Commander in Chief, and I feel equally happy their good conduct has merited such a mark of approbation from him and the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty.

"(Signed) A. Mitchell.

"29th December, 1801."

Much to the credit of the Formidable, Captain Grindall, that ship was totally exempt from the diabolical spirit, and it is proper to be remarked that the thanks of the Board of Admiralty were withheld from the parties of Marines in the Vengeance and Resolution, entirely through mistake, as both were truly entitled to them, for a similar zeal, with the rest of their brother Soldiers.

I now bid adieu to the domestic transactions of 1801, and hasten to those quarters of the world, where the British character appears in all its manly and native vigour, not palsied by murmurs, but invincible by discipline.

After the desertion of Buonaparte from his Egyptian Army, and the annulment of the Treaty of El Arisch, the genius of Kleber, his successor, retrieved every thing. By the battle of Heliopolis he eventually drove the Turks across the desert to seek refuge in Gaza, recaptured Cairo, which had been formerly evacuated, and by a train of good policy as well as a system of judicious defence, rendered the French power in Egypt more firm than ever. But a dark assassin deprived their Army of this distinguished leader, after whose tragical death, the chief command devolved upon General Menou, who following the footsteps of his predecessors, and by a peculiar assimilation to the tenets and manners of the Mahometans, seemed to have resolved upon fixing a permanent Empire in Lower Egypt. He[372] rejected, with disdain, every overture towards a renewal of the Treaty of El Arisch, and, excepting a number of Greeks embodied under the auspices of Kleber, who were trained in European tactics, rested all his hopes of defence against native inroads, or foreign invaders, in the remnants of his countrymen.

It was reserved for a branch of my corps, combined with a British Army, to assist in rooting out this powerful force, to restore those conquered dominions to their rightful Lord, and thus to close a war by subduing those motives of ambition which had continued to cherish it.

A very considerable armament, which had been employed on other services during the last year, had entered the Mediterranean, and the troops who formed a part of it, were landed at Malta and Minorca. These were destined to expel the French from Egypt, in co-operation with an Army, under General Baird, from the regions of India, and an Ottoman force, under the Grand Vizier, which was to cross the deserts of Syria.

Lord Keith, with the English fleet, rendezvoused early in January 1801, in the Bay of Marmorice, on the coast of Caramania,[6] where preparations, necessary for the intended expedition, were carried on. Two days previous to their sailing for Egypt, his Lordship signified his directions to Lieutenant Colonel Smith, who commanded the Marines, to hold himself in readiness to disembark with the Officers and men from the different ships, and to place himself under the orders of General Sir Ralph Abercrombie; at the same time vesting[373] him with a power of issuing such preparatory instructions as he might deem proper for the future regulations of his battalion.

Upon the 23d of February the fleet steered for the coast of Egypt, conveying an army of 15,330 Soldiers, and anchored in the auspicious Bay of Aboukir, on the 2d of March. An incessant gale prevented any debarkation until the 8th, when a landing was effected by the greater part of the Army, under circumstances that very signally attested their discipline and their valour. The Officers and Seamen of the fleet had likewise their share of these attached merits. This important object having been accomplished, Sir Ralph Abercrombie advanced to within six miles of Alexandria, and three of the enemy, who were strongly posted on a ridge, with the canal of that city on their right flank and the sea on their left.

Agreeably to the arrangement that had been made in the Bay of Marmorice, and by the order of battle given out, the Marines were attached to the 3d brigade under Lord Cavan, and united in it with the 50th and 79th Regiments.

Previous to the landing of the Marines, Lord Keith addressed the following letter to Lieutenant Colonel Smith:

"Foudroyant, in Bay of Aboukir, 9th March, 1801.


"If it shall be requisite to land the Marines from some of the ships for a short time, I beg you will furnish me with the arrangements you have made, and the temporary ranks necessary to be given, so that I may furnish the Officers with authority.

"I am, Sir, your most obedient and humble servant,

"(Signed,) Keith.

"Lieut.-Col. Smith, Marine Forces,
his Majesty's ship Kent."


In consequence, many Officers obtained brevet rank, in the course of the Egyptian campaign, and received additional pay according to the proportions of each.

An institution alike liberal and just was adopted by Lord Keith towards the Marine Corps, that while its Officers and Soldiers were employed on shore, in advancing the interests of their Country, their claims for prize-money were considered as valid during the whole period of their absence.

It was on the morning of the 12th of March, that the Marines of the fleet were landed in the Bay of Aboukir, consisting of 35 serjeants, 32 corporals, 22 drummers, and 500 privates, besides Officers. It may be well conceived how difficult, yet how honorable was the duty of fitting, for immediate service, this heterogeneous body, drawn from 30 different ships, unknown to one another, and a great many of them totally ignorant of every military evolution. The battalion, however, was formed between the hours of 12 and 3 upon that day, under a scorching sun, and on a burning sand, after which one half was detached to fill bags for the batteries, whilst the other was marched a considerable distance, all the while nearly knee-deep in sand, and laden with their comrades musquets and knapsacks. After such labours, during the day, orders arrived at seven in the evening for the whole to join the main body of the Army, then 15 miles distant, which they effected, after much fatigue, at one on the morning of the 13th of March. At five they were again under arms, with a view to have attacked the enemy, advancing towards him in two lines by the left, in order to have turned his right flank. But anticipating the movements of the British, he descended from the[375] heights which he had occupied, and struck at the leading brigades of both our lines. The battle began on the right at seven, and those on the left instantly formed.

It cannot be supposed that this detachment of my corps, hitherto untrained to military tactics, could evince that regularity and precision in manœuvre which so much distinguished those veteran Soldiers with whom they served. But if they failed in the minutiæ of discipline, they were not behind them in valour. The engagement becoming warm and general, they were somewhat crouded in their ranks by the alignment of the regiments on their right and left, owing to the narrowing of the Peninsula upon which they acted, and at the moment when they sustained their severest loss. Although not perfectly regular to command, they still, under a gallant impulse, rushed forward in charge towards the enemy, and acquired, for their conspicuous bravery, the appellation of the Bull Dogs of the Army. The French were driven at last, with an irresistible impetuosity, to take shelter under the fortified heights, that constitute the chief defence of Alexandria.

The details of loss were fully proportionate to those of their brethren in arms, being 2 Officers and 22 rank and file killed, 4 Officers, 2 Serjeants, 2 Drummers, and 27 rank and file wounded. Amongst the former were Lieutenants Paul Hussey, and Linzee Shea, holding rank as Captains in the Marine battalion, and Captain Minto, with that of brevet as Major, besides Captain Robert Torkington, 1st Lieutenant John Parry, and 2d Lieutenant George Peebles.

Upon the day after the battle the following were the public orders issued by the Commander in Chief, who had intimated[376] to Lord Keith the gallantry of the Marines upon that occasion:

"Camp, 4 miles from Alexandria, 14 March, 1801.

"Sir Ralph Abercrombie desires that Lieutenant Colonel Smith and the battalion of Marines, will accept his Thanks for their conduct, in the course of the service of yesterday; at the request of Lord Keith.

"The Commander in Chief has the greatest satisfaction in thanking the troops for their soldier-like conduct in the action of yesterday."

In the afternoon the battalion marched to Aboukir, where they were placed under the command of Earl Dalhousie, and remained there some time after the surrender of its Castle.

Those brave fellows were truly sensible of their defect in point of discipline, but a generous spirit of emulation pervaded the whole of them, and under the able superintendance of Lieutenant Colonel Smith, and Major Minto, this mixed body of men, in a very few days, might have vied with any regiment in the field. They meritedly gained, and repeatedly obtained from the Commander in Chief and Major General Coote, under whom they were brigaded, the highest encomiums for their soldier like appearance, steady conduct, and the good order of their encampment, when in front of Alexandria. It was their destiny to be entrusted with the defence of Aboukir Castle, and its vicinity, which precluded them from displaying their rapid improvement in evolution, or of sharing in the laurels acquired by the Army, on the glorious 21st of March; a day upon which every British Soldier may well exult, but not without mingling with his[377] proud joy, an unfeigned sigh over the memory of that great and good man who led, and whose honorable life was sacrificed at the shrine of victory.

The Marines, as constituting a material proportion of the strength of Lord Keith's fleet, formed no part of these detachments which penetrated the interior, but their duties were confined to the blockade of Alexandria, where they might be ready to re-embark in case of emergency, at the shortest notice.

The brilliant details of the Egyptian Campaign, are well known to the world. They have been given in a stile highly adapted to yield general information, and to rouse, within our Armies, an emulous zeal.

If it was not the lot of my corps to stand on the annals of splendor by an active co-operation with those bodies who conquered Rosetta, Rhamanich, and Cairo, still their effective presence tended to enable the Commander in Chief to achieve these distant and important objects. Attached to the brigade of Major General Coote, they were withdrawn from the defence of Aboukir, and continued to discharge, with an unrelaxed discipline, the duties of investment, with but little variety, until the 5th day of August, when the previous arrival of reinforcements from England and India, the return of the forces from the recovery of the internal posts in Lower Egypt, and at the express desire of Lord Keith, they were struck off the shore details, and next day were re-embarked on board their respective ships.

With such an accumulated Army General (now Lord) Hutchinson was empowered to push the siege of Alexandria, which was carried[378] on with so great ability and success, that it surrendered on the 30th of August.

It would be a wide attempt for me to embrace a discussion of those movements that led to the expulsion of the French from Egypt, and I am too humble by any panegyric of mine, to add a single mite to the well earned fame of those distinguished Officers, those intrepid Soldiers and Seamen, by whose united talents and valour, such momentous results were obtained. Every individual is registered upon the grateful records of his Country, carries about with him a memorial of his own deeds, which reminds him and every one of his military comrades, that an Englishman is as terrible in the field, as he is upon the ocean.

The solid merits of my corps were such that I cannot omit the following high testimonials, which bespeak them in much more forcible terms, than any I can advance:

"Foudroyant, Bay of Aboukir, 5th July, 1801.


"I have had much satisfaction in receiving the commands of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to make known to you, their Lordships approbation of your conduct, and of that of the Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and Privates of the Marine battalion, landed from the ships in the squadron, to co-operate with the Army on the coast of Egypt, and I have to request that you will, with the permission of Major General Coote, communicate the approbation which their Lordships have been pleased to express to the Officers and men serving under your command.

"I have the honor to be, Sir,

"Your very obedient and humble servant,


"Lieut.-Col. Smith, &c. &c. &c."


Major General Coote having received a similar letter from his Lordship, enclosed it to Colonel Smith, at the same time giving his sanction for its contents being published to the Officers and men of the Marine battalion.

Three days previous to their embarkation the Major General thus expressed himself:

"Camp, near Alexandria, 3d August, 1801.


"At the request of Admiral Lord Keith, it is Lieut.-Gen. Sir John Hely Hutchinson's directions, that the battalion of Marines, under your command, is to hold itself in readiness to return on board their respective ships. I cannot, however, suffer you to leave the division of the Army, without assuring you how perfectly satisfied I am, with the attention you have always paid to the Marines. The good conduct of your corps, whilst under my orders, does them the greatest credit, and I beg you will be so obliging as to signify the same both to your Officers and men.

"I have the honor to be, &c.

"EYRE COOTE, Major General.

"Lieutenant Colonel Smith, &c. &c."

They having done duty under Major General Finch, during a time, in the 1st Brigade, that Officer, in consequence, thus conveys his sentiments:

"Brigade Orders, August 5, 1801.

"Major General Finch, on taking leave of Lieutenant Colonel Smith and the Marines under his command, requests him to accept his warmest thanks for the order, regularity, zeal, and attention[380] that have uniformly marked their conduct during the period he had the honor of commanding the 1st Brigade, and he shall be happy on all occasions to bear testimony to their merit in the correct performance of their duty, in every respect, which has come under his observation."

Although ulterior in date still, for the sake of connection, I am led to insert the very flattering encomiums of Lord Hutchinson, the Commander in Chief.

"Jermyn Street, June 28, 1802.


"Your sudden departure from Egypt rendered it impossible for me to desire that you would communicate my thanks to the Marines who served under your command during the campaign. May I now beg that you will assure the Officers and men, how highly sensible I am of their meritorious services, and of the zeal and exertion which ever marked their conduct. The order and discipline preserved by the battalion does great credit to your military character, and is equally honorable to the respectable corps which you had the good fortune to command.

"I have the honor to be, &c. &c.

"(Signed)       HUTCHINSON, Major General.

"Lieut.-Col. Smith, Royal Marines."

Owing to some omission, the medals which were bestowed by the Grand Signior upon every Officer of the Army, as commemorative of his gratitude, and of their services during the Egyptian campaign, were for a time withheld from those of the corps of Royal Marines, but in consequence of Lord Keith's representation of it to the Earl of[381] Elgin, our Ambassador at the Ottoman Porte, his Sublime Highness most readily compensated for this error, and these honorable marks were conveyed to Sir Richard Bickerton, commanding the British Naval Forces at Malta, who transmitted them along with a letter couched in the following elegant terms:

"Kent, at Malta, March 18th, 1803.


"I have the honor of forwarding to you some Turkish medals, to be distributed among the Officers of Marines who served on shore, and in the squadron employed in the blockade of Alexandria, during the Egyptian campaign.

"The accompanying letter and list,[7] will explain every thing; it therefore only remains for me to add, that I feel a pleasure in having been made a medium in conveying what may be acceptable to a small part of your corps; and I should be much more gratified if it was in my power to congratulate you on the acquisition of more substantial advantages for the whole, being every day more fully convinced of its services and utility.

"I have the honor to be, Sir, &c. &c.


"Lieut.-Col. Smith, Royal Marines."

Our victorious armies and fleet, which were destined for other services, were suddenly stayed by the tidings of a cessation of arms.

The feats of our squadrons and ships in the Mediterranean lost none of their wonted splendor. Sir James Saumarez's attack upon[382] the French squadron, under the numerous batteries of Algeziras, yields to no one upon record, for boldness of design or spirit in execution. Although the event of the 6th of July was unprosperous, still the gallantry exhibited on that day was productive of the most signal consequences, and it, no doubt, had its effect upon a superior force, who, panic struck, felt the retaliating vengeance of Sir James and his little detachment, on the 12th. In the first action 375 Seamen and Marines were killed, wounded, and missing; amongst the former detail was 1st Lieutenant J. D. Williams, on board the Hannibal, who behaved with true British courage, and with the latter were numbered Lieutenants George Dunford and J. W. Day, of Marines.

Sir James Saumarez, after speaking of the bravery of the men under his command, says, "that Captain Maxwell and the Officers of my corps on board the Cesar, were entitled to much praise." Captain Keates of the Superbe, whose personal intrepidity and zeal were highly instrumental in gaining the victory of the 12th of July, by capturing the St. Antonio, thus acknowledges the merits of his crew to the Commander in Chief: "It is my duty to represent to you, that the Officers of all descriptions, Seamen, and Marines, conducted themselves with the greatest steadiness and gallantry."

The bravery of Captain Hood, his Officers, Seamen, and Marines was also highly conspicuous. A branch of my corps was again included in the legislative thanks of a grateful Country, and Sir James Saumarez, whose name is superior to panegyric, deservedly was crowned with honorary, as well as pecuniary marks of his Sovereign's favor.


The action of the Phœbe, Captain Barlow, with L'Africaine French frigate was marked by an immense carnage, and afforded an evident display of superior discipline in the Sailors and Marines under his orders. That Officer was deservedly knighted after her capture.

Lord Cochrane in the Speedy, who was nobly supported by all his followers, gave early hopes of what may yet be expected from him by his Country, by boarding and carrying the frigate Gamo of 32 guns and 319 men, while his own force was only 14 guns and 54 men.

Lieutenant Wilson, of Marines, with his party from the Mercury, was noticed by Captain Rogers, for their courage and good conduct, first in boarding a French Pirate amongst the rocks in the Tremite Islands, and afterwards driving her renegado crew from the hills which they occupied, with a four pounder gun and musquetry. Lieutenant Wilson covered Lieutenant Mather and the Seamen while heaving the vessel off the rocks, and then re-embarked with some prisoners.

Those Officers had been highly distinguished upon a former occasion in bringing his Majesty's late sloop, the Bull Dog, from the port of Ancona under a heavy fire of cannon and musquetry from the Mole, but they were obliged to abandon her to the enemy from an insetting current, and a calm, after all their gallant efforts. This ship was reserved for a future but more successful attempt by the Seamen and Marines of the Champion, who bravely assaulted her, and brought her out from under the guns of Gallipoli, guided by the daring zeal of Lord William Stuart.


The Swiftsure of 74 guns fell into the hands of Admiral Gantheaume's squadron; after a resistance which reflected honor upon Captain Hallowell, his subordinates, and the British Navy.

Lord Cochrane, in union with Captain Pulling, again gave a test of intrepidity, by striking at a Spanish convoy in the Bay of Orepeso, protected by a castle, a xebeck, and gunboats. These they destroyed with little loss.

In August Captain Halsted's squadron took La Caniere of 44 guns, after a short action. Lieutenant Douglas, of Marines, was wounded, but died after amputation on board La Pomone. This frigate was on her way with a convoy, having stores and ammunition on board, for the French Army then carrying on the siege of Porto Ferrajo, in the Isle of Elba.

This little fortress disdaining to participate in that terror which had disgraced the continent of Italy, afforded refuge to Mr. Isaac Grant, English Vice Consul at Leghorn, and others of his countrymen, who fled from our rapacious enemies on their entrance into Tuscany. His example and precepts roused the natives to arms, while the very females shared in the patriotic impulse of defending their families and their Country, from those universal spoilers. Mingled with its garrison, were Lieutenant Lawrence and his party of Marines from the Pearl, whose animated efforts, during a long series of six months fatigue and danger, are little known, but were such as to entitle the whole to the highest praise. This little force, by their constancy and courage, ever set the best of examples, were always foremost on service, and stood to their post and guns when the Tuscan and other foreign troops gave way. They were likewise unremittingly[385] useful in preparing shells, mounting and transporting cannon, and in repairing their carriages, as well as constructing works. Their knowledge of gunnery, acquired by experience in a long siege, and their ambition to gain honor to their corps and themselves, induced them to live in the batteries, and the little sleep which they enjoyed, was by their cannon. Such zealous perseverance impaired the healths of this brave detachment, and if the place had not been relieved by other troops, Lieutenant Lawrence and his faithful companions must have fallen victims to incessant toil.

The merits of Colonel Airey, in the defence of Porto Ferrajo, were great indeed. Nothing could surpass his cool judgment and spirited exertions in foiling a very superior enemy in all their attempts. The bravery and good conduct of Mr. Isaac Grant, in repeated sallies, were eminently conspicuous. Few occasions have exhibited a more manly patience, or a nobler stand.

Upon the 12th of September Sir John Warren appeared with his squadron to relieve this brave garrison. He had previously given an order to Captain John Richardson, of Marines, to act as Brigade Major to Lieutenant Colonel Airey, and he was disembarked, as well as Captain Johnstone, from the Gibraltar, 12 Subalterns, 17 Serjeants, 18 Corporals, 11 Drummers, and 390 Privates. A force of 240 Seamen was also landed under Captain Long of the Royal Navy. Captain James Weir, (now on retirement), who commanded the Marines at Malta, served in Porto Ferrajo at the head of a Maltese corps, with distinguished reputation.

It having been resolved to destroy the enemy's works, a debarkation of upwards of 1000 men took place early on the morning of the[386] 14th of September, while a sortie from the garrison was attempted against the battery which overawed the harbour. Captain Long, with his division of Seamen, Marines, and Swiss, proceeded to demolish the batteries on the right side of the bay, which he performed in a gallant stile. That Officer was shot through the shoulder very early in the action, but persevered in the attack, until his little advanced party, consisting of 26 Seamen and Marines, reached a spot where the enemy had a field piece, and were in considerable force. It was within 18 yards of their position that this brave young man received a mortal wound, when he was carried from the field. He lingered and died, and so strongly impressed was the foe with admiration of his valor, that a suspension of arms was maintained, while his remains were borne, with military honors, to the grave. Lieutenant Campbell, of Marines, after this mishap, instantly charged, drove the republicans to a narrow pass, where, being reinforced, he was held in check; but having accomplished the chief object which was intended, he effected a retreat to the garrison.

Captains Johnstone and Richardson, who headed the division against the enemy's works on the left side of the harbour, did every thing that could have been expected from brave and experienced Officers. After having ruined the batteries of Punta Pina, the grottoes, and giovanni, a vast quantity of ammunition, and having carried off 150 barrels of powder, the British and Allied troops were attacked by very superior numbers in different quarters. Under existing circumstances a retreat was the only expedient, which, after a spirited contest, was made to the boats and within the walls of the[387] fortress. Lieut. Clarke, of Marines, was wounded and made prisoner. The general loss was by no means equal to the nature of this service. Colonel Airey expressed himself highly indebted for the support and assistance given by the Seamen and Marines. Although the inadequacy of numbers prevented the completion of every object, still this diversion afforded a temporary aid to the brave defenders of Porto Ferrajo.

Major Weir signalized himself in a subsequent sortie on the night of the 10th of October, and the garrison never relaxed in the most animated perseverance, until peace threw open its gates to a new sovereign. Captain Halsted, previous to the appearance of Sir John Warren, had captured or destroyed the whole of the French blockading squadron.

Those Northern Powers, against whom Britain had reluctantly drawn the sword, experienced a severe and early chastisement in the loss of all their West India Colonies, which successively yielded to the prompt and vigorous measures of Admiral Duckworth and Sir Thomas Trigge. St. Bartholomew's, St. Martin's, which alone offered any resistance, St. Thomas, and Santa Cruz submitted to the Army and Fleet during the month of March, and the islands of St. Eustatius and Saba were occupied by our forces in April. These conquests afforded no field for achievement, but they gave opportunities for the display of much united zeal.

Captains Manby and Butcher, their Officers, Seamen, and Marines were noticed for gallant single actions, and Lieutenant Mackenzie, with those under him, for much intrepidity in cutting out a schooner from under the batteries at Guadaloupe.


It is with a heartfelt pain that I am constrained to blend with these honorable details, another instance of baneful insubordination which occurred on board the Castor frigate, upon Sunday the 13th of December. The trying hour produced another example of steady fidelity in Lieutenant J. S. Smith and his loyal party of Marines. Captain Fanshawe upon observing the first symptoms of revolt, ordered the detachment under arms, which was obeyed with an unsurpassed alacrity. The young but spirited Officer, who headed them, needed no prompter to a decisive conduct. He, with an unlooked for rapidity, charged bayonets, drove the guilty criminals to the larboard side of the lower deck, where, cooped up, they were forced to surrender their ringleaders.

The heroic feelings of a private Marine, who was confined to his hammock at the outset of this commotion, would have done honor to any age of the world. Though depressed with fever, still he arose, put on his accoutrements, took his musquet and his post in the ranks. On being questioned why he was there, he nobly replied to his Officer, "Oh, Sir, this is not a time to be sick." This action obtained for him a subsequent promotion, and on retrospect, it still merits a pecuniary tribute. It is under the impulse of cordial esteem, as well as of public justice, that I annex the very flattering testimony of the Court Martial, which sat upon those deluded mutineers, respecting the firm conduct of Lieutenant Smith and his party. Captain Western, the President, addressed him in these words: "I have it in command from this Court to express to you the high sense they entertain of your very Officer like conduct on the evening of the 13th of December, and the good and steady conduct of the party[389] of Marines embarked under your orders. Your prompt and spirited execution of Captain Fanshawe's orders appears to the Court to have stopped a very dangerous mutiny, and the token of their approbation of your conduct will be transmitted to the Commander in Chief, and inserted in the minutes of the Court Martial." This became much enhanced by the following very judicious and handsome order from Admiral Duckworth:

"Southampton, Fort Royal Bay, 26th December, 1801.

"Memorandum—Whereas the members of the Court Martial on the mutineers of his Majesty's ship Castor, have felt called upon, in justice to the exemplary and meritorious conduct of Lieutenant J. S. Smith, of the Marines, and the party under his command, to express their high sense of such spirited behaviour.

"It is my directions that these sentiments of the Court are read on board his Majesty's ship under my orders, to testify how fully I accord with the Court in the commendation so deservedly bestowed.

"(Signed) J. S. DUCKWORTH."

Early in 1801 Lieut. Vyvian, of my corps, fell in a gallant attempt to bring out two vessels, at anchor, within the bar of Senegal, protected by heavy batteries on the shore. Nothing could exceed the obstinate courage of all under Lieutenant Dick, who commanded in the attack. After twenty minutes contest they carried his Majesty's late sloop the Senegal, which they were obliged to destroy, and with much difficulty the boats effected a retreat across a tremendous surf, and[390] exposed to a dreadful discharge of grape shot. This success was dearly purchased with the lives of Lieutenant Palmer, 1 Midshipman, and 8 Seamen and Marines. Lieutenant Vyvian left not behind him his superior for promising talents, or correct manners.

Two very gallant actions were fought in the East, which did honor to Captains Adam, of La Sybille, and G. R. Collier, of the Victor. La Chiffone and La Fleche yielded to the discipline and valour of British Seamen and Marines, which were exemplified in a striking degree, by each ship having been opposed to batteries on the shore, intricate shoals during the battle, and to an equal force in those antagonists which they combated.

Nothing occurred upon the station of Jamaica. Society had to deplore the loss of one of its most valuable members, and the Royal Navy one of its brightest ornaments, in Lord Hugh Seymour, the Commander in Chief.


[5] Windsor Castle, Princess Royal, Malta, Glory.

[6] Caramania is a Province of Turkey, in Asia, in the South part of Natolia.—Satalia is its Capital.

[7] The letter of Earl Elgin corrected the mistake which had delayed the delivery of the medals, and transmitted to Sir Richard a list of those Officers who were entitled to them, agreeably to a detail given by Lord Keith.



The wide and important interests to be discussed, necessarily protracted the desirable event of a Definitive Peace, during which anxious interval both nations rested on their arms.

The powerful detachments of our republican neighbours, to the western world, could not be viewed by a vigilant Ministry, but with a jealous eye, whom it behoved to push a force adequate to counteract their schemes, if directed against our Colonies. Such mighty armaments taking their departure for a distant quarter, during pending negociations, had doubtless an influence in spinning them out, and it was not until the 27th of March, 1802, that this salutary work was consummated; a day which diffused a general joy through each rival land.

Public gratitude did not cool after the return of tranquillity, but with an enlightened policy, as well as a liberal justice, it embraced and anticipated the wants and feelings of those brave men who had vindicated their Country's honor, her glory, and independence.

Many revolving years had witnessed the distinguished gallantry, the unimpaired loyalty of the corps of Marines; the records of a British Legislature had long teemed with grateful memorials of their merits upon the shores, and the ocean of every clime, but with scarcely one solid mark of recompence for all their brilliant services.


It was reserved for the year 1802, and the ministerial auspices of Earl St. Vincent, to draw this body of faithful Soldiers into a close alliance with a family and a throne, for which they had so often bled, and round whom they will rally to the latest period of their existence. The title of Royal was not the acquirement of influence. No! it was the gain of more than one hundred years of undiminished zeal; a Monarch's tributary sacrifice at the altar of honor! It is a sacred appellation which, I trust, we will not sully, and what we never will surrender into any hands, without a glorious struggle, but into those of a branch of that Illustrious House, from which we received it. A Sovereign's favor cheers the Soldier, soothes all his past sufferings, and cares, and turns his eyes to future glory alone.

The boon was accepted by the Marine Corps with all the manliness of conscious desert, and with a thankful exultation.

It was conveyed, in the following terms, from Sir Evan Nepean, to Lieutenant General Souter Johnstone, Commandant in Chief:

"Admiralty Office, April 29, 1802.


"The Earl St. Vincent having signified, to my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, that his Majesty, in order to mark his Royal approbation of the very meritorious conduct of the corps of Marines, during the late war, has been graciously pleased to direct that, in future, the corps shall be styled "The Royal Marines."

"I have great satisfaction in obeying their Lordships commands to communicate this intelligence to you; and in offering their[393] Lordships congratulations on this testimony of the opinion his Majesty entertains of the very distinguished services of that part of his forces to which you belong.

"I am, Sir, &c. &c.

(Signed)       "EVAN NEPEAN."

"Lieut.-Gen. Souter Johnstone, Commandant
of the Marines."

A respectable and effective force of 100 companies, was the peace establishment, and subsequent events have realized the wisdom of that measure.

The retired list was also considerably augmented, which yielded a retreat, not only to the worn out veteran, but likewise to those who could identify an incapacity for future service. Every necessary reference as to the former and present details of the corps, may be had to that list which is annually issued from the Board of Admiralty, upon the 1st of January, and is in the hands of almost every Officer.

Although hostility had ceased in every quarter, still the Marine Soldier was oftener than once conspicuous upon the annals of the year, by a steady fidelity and valour.

A very dangerous insurrection of the 8th West India regiment in the island of Dominica, marked by circumstances of the most shocking barbarity, was checked in its immediate effects, in part, by his firm countenance. It fortunately occurred, when those murderous revolters first shewed their spirit, that his Majesty's ship Magnificent was at anchor in Prince Rupert's Bay. Some shot, from the Lower[394] Cabareta, which went over her, was the first symptom of mutiny on the shore, and it was soon confirmed by intelligence that the Blacks had risen in arms, and had assassinated a number of their Officers. Captain Gifford tendered his services to the President of the island, who, conceiving it only the prelude to a general commotion, gladly accepted the offer. Lieutenant O. Neale volunteered the duty of disembarkation, and he felt it a difficult task to restrain the ardor of the whole party of Marines, to follow him. But his number was confined to 2 Serjeants, 2 Corporals, and 36 Privates, with which he put off from the ship just at dawn on the morning of the 10th of April. Observing the rebels advancing rapidly to the beach, he anticipated their object, quickly effected a landing, and took post on a hill, after the exchange of some scattering shots. Opposed to nearly 500 Blacks, whom he kept at bay during the day, reinforcements became necessary, and he was farther strengthened by two successive detachments of Marines under Lieutenants Lambert and Hawkins. Upon this rising ground, those brave fellows, not exceeding 66, gave refuge to many Officers who flew from the ferocious hands of the mutineers. They were afterwards joined by some Colonial Militia, who were little calculated, from the mixed nature of their arms, to oppose a resolute enemy. The dispositions of Lieutenant Lambert through the night, aided by the counsels of Mr. O. Neale, were like a good Officer. The native troops gave way to slumber. His outposts were, therefore, confided to his faithful companions, and all his energies were derived from his own brethren. Incessant rains had nearly rendered useless all their ammunition.


On the following day the Marines were ordered to Grand Ance, in order to protect the inhabitants, and through that night were posted in the swamps to prevent the escape of the Blacks from Fort Shirley. Many of our men had been 56 hours on shore amidst the greatest privations; having had nothing to eat but raw salt beef and biscuit. The stagnated smell from their position, pointed out the necessity of obtaining some other refreshment to recruit nature, and to avert disease. A Marine of the party, overhearing the discussion amongst his Officers, nobly said, "I will go to the village and bring them—I know I must go and repass the enemy's fire, but my life is not mine, it is at the constant command of his Majesty's service." He accordingly performed his duty, and escaped unhurt.

Bread was distributed, and brandy administered, in scanty portions, through the night, by the Officers, who exhorted the men to keep up their spirits. The feelings of the brave are ever reciprocal in acts of kindness. One and all they exclaimed "We wish to add another laurel to our corps, we will follow you where ever you go." The mud collected by the rains, had, in the course of marching, deprived many of their shoes, which could not be remedied but from the ship. Frequent flags of truce had passed between General Johnstone and the fort. Mr. Roberts, an Officer of Engineers, requested to storm it, if the mutineers would not surrender the barrier, providing the Marines accompanied him, who, to a man, volunteered, saying, "We don't mind shoes, we can fight without them." The Governor applauded their gallant zeal, and assured them of a preference, if their services should be wanted.


The Marines united with detachments from the Royal Scotch, and 68th Regiments, marched into the fort upon the 12th, and drew up in front of the Black Corps, which presented arms to the troops; having three of their own Officers, as prisoners, placed between their colours. General Johnstone was obeyed by them in his orders to shoulder, order, and ground their arms; but on being commanded to step three paces in front, the cry was "No," they instantly resumed them and fired a volley: this was returned, and was followed up with a charge of bayonets, which broke their ranks, and dispersed the mutineers in every direction. The greater part fled up the Outer Cabaret, keeping up a fire until they reached the rocks, down which many precipitated themselves, and those who could afterwards crawl from the bottom were exposed to a discharge of grape and cannister from the Magnificent.

John Budd, private Marine, distinguished himself most signally during the pursuit. He was attacked singly by four black grenadiers, one of whom he killed with his first fire, wounded another, when coolly awaiting a return from the other two, reloaded his musquet, with which he shot a third, and bayoneted the fourth. Afterwards turning to him who was wounded, he closed his destinies, and throwing the remains of the whole over the rocks finished his exploit by saying "This is the way I shall serve all traitors." The conduct of John Lamswood, and Alexander Livingstone is also worthy of notice; both were severely wounded, but they persevered in their duty until the loss of blood, brought them to the ground. The former received a ball in his mouth, which lodging in his throat, was afterwards extracted by an able operation of Mr. Veitch, Surgeon of[397] the Saturn. I am authorized likewise to detail the name of John Batt, private, whose alacrity, during these arduous services, cheered his associates. As my scope is limited, I would not detract from the merits of these corps, with which mine was united. Theirs were such as to maintain their long established reputation. Upon their return to Martinique, the whole detachment met a mark of public recompence in those necessaries which they had expended, and the Officers received the thanks of General Johnstone, and of the Presidency of Dominique, which they had probably saved from general revolt.

I wish I could close the year with a more gratifying topic than that of insubordination, which first shewed its lurking spirit in the Mediterranean, by the most daring acts. It broke out on board the Gibraltar, whose crew chose to decide the propriety of fulfilling or disobeying the orders for their future destination. Attempts of violence were opposed by the noblest firmness in Captain Johnstone and his gallant party on board, by whose spirited and prompt exertions, with those of the Officers, good order was restored, the flame stifled from spreading farther, and the services of a brave squadron preserved to their Country at a momentous crisis.

Two of the ringleaders suffered death; upon whose trials the distinguished merits of the Marine detachment were apparent to the Court, who gave testimony of their gratitude by inserting them upon their records. The following communication bespoke, in suitable terms, the very high sense which the Commander in Chief entertained of their meritorious conduct, which was read throughout his fleet.


"Kent, Oristagni Bay, 4th November, 1802.

"Memorandum—Whereas it appears in the minutes of the late Court Martial, on the mutineers of the Gibraltar, that the detachment of Marines, serving on board that ship, bore no part in the disgraceful proceedings of the 6th of October last, but much to the credit of the Officers and themselves, maintained the character of the loyal and respectable corps to which they belong, by a steady adherance to their duty. The Rear Admiral takes this public method of expressing his approbation of their good and soldier like conduct, and requests Captain Johnstone to accept his thanks.

(Signed)       "RICHARD BICKERTON."

"To the respective Captains, &c."

A similar instance of indiscipline occurred on board the Excellent upon Christmas Day, which was subdued by the firmness of her Officers, aided by the undaunted allegiance of her party of Marines. Nothing from me can superadd to their honor. I annex the result which proceeded from Commodore Hood, and is such as carries a powerful evidence of their fidelity.

"Blenheim, Carlisle Bay, Barbadoes, 30th Dec. 1802.

"Memorandum—The Commander in Chief had flattered himself in the hope, that all those ill disposed acts of mutinous conduct were at an end in the Royal Navy, and that Seamen would endeavour to heighten their characters in the eyes of the rest of his Majesty's subjects; but he trusts the punishment he has been[399] obliged to order to be carried into execution on those unfortunate men may be sufficient example to deter a few evil minded persons from disturbing the repose and good order amongst the Seamen in future.

"The Commander in Chief (as well as the members of the Court Martial) is highly sensible of the active exertions of the Officers of his Majesty's ship Excellent, in quelling the late mutiny on board her, and also the Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and Private Marines belonging to the said ship, who, by their firmness in resisting the attempt to seduce them from their duty, and in opposing men in actual mutiny, have increased, if possible, the high character the corps has so justly acquired; and begs to assure the whole of them, they have his best thanks, and he shall not fail to represent their meritorious conduct to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty.

(Signed)       "SAMUEL HOOD."

"To Captain Maxwell, Blenheim."



Besides the many useful reforms adopted by Earl St. Vincent, for the internal œconomy of the British Navy, his Lordship also turned his attention to the corps of Royal Marines. Upon the 18th of March, 1803, a new code of instructions was published for their regulation when on shore, which vests in the four Senior Captains of each division, the management and superintendance of many concerns that had formerly been placed under separate departments. It would exceed my bounds to attempt the discussion of arrangements which are obviously well designed to promote the interests of the public and the individual, as well as to establish a facility in subordinate transactions. Experience, doubtless, will attest their wisdom, and posterity recognize with gratitude their enlightened author.

The joyous work of peace had scarcely been fulfilled, when disappointed ambition began to wreak its rancour, through the low channels of a venal press. Hitherto the organs of knowledge, and sometimes of liberal opinion, the papers of republican France, under the controul of its First Consul, became the contemptible interpreters of degrading scurrility and the most inflammatory philippics against the English Government. Like the noise of the rattlesnake, they proclaimed a latent danger, while all the public institutes of Buonaparte were levelled at the foundations of our commercial[401] greatness. A banditti of unauthorized agents also set themselves down in our seaports, who, under the specious pretexts of trade, were commissioned to explore our coasts and to contaminate our principles. By such subtle means had the courage and the energies of almost every State which had fallen under the French yoke, been previously undermined, and they well merited the instant and retaliating vengeance of a great kingdom. But war is a serious evil, and every expedient to avert it should be tried by a commercial Country, ere it has recourse to arms. There can be no compromise, however, where national security and honor are at stake. Ours were involved, and we again took up arms in defence of our dearest birthrights.

My corps very soon met an increase of 43 companies to complete the legislative vote for 1803. This has introduced to actual service, all who were upon the half pay list, and produced many vacancies upon the establishment, which, to the perpetual honor of Earl St. Vincent, have been filled by the offspring or kindred of the veteran Marine Officer, who have uniformly met a preference from his Lordship, to the adopted sons of power.

A detachment under Lieutenant Colonel Collins embarked for Port Phillips, in the Southern part of New Holland, who was nominated Lieutenant Governor of it. His personal knowledge of the Country, and the habitual discipline of my corps, will, I trust, unitedly render that fertile spot, of future public benefit, and its society of unfortunate criminals conspicuous by a reform of manners.

Few occasions, during the present war, have offered to signalize Marine valour. Wherever they have occurred, the most powerful incentives to the human mind, have been held out to every hero who[402] shall imitate such examples. The gallantry of Charles O'Reilly, private, on board the Loire, who assisted in carrying the national brig Venteux, and bringing her out from under the heavy batteries of the Isle of Bas, was condescendingly noticed by the Board of Admiralty, and he was immediately promoted, by General Averne, to the rank of Serjeant, at the request of their Lordships. This was likewise followed by a pecuniary recompence from the society of Lloyd's; an institution founded in the most noble munificence, the purest benevolence, and the most exalted patriotism.

Lieutenant Irvin, of Marines, also shewed his zeal in a detached enterprize from the Naiad, against a French schooner at anchor in the Saintes, which was achieved without loss.

My narrative here reaches its close, and I will not dive into futurity. Thus much I will venture to anticipate, that whether in union with his gallant brethren of the fleet, or blended with our disciplined Armies on the shore, the Marine Soldier will never forfeit that distinguished name which he now holds, of loyalty to his King, fidelity to his Country, and unshaken valour against the enemies of both.

If such continues to be his virtues, may he never want a patron and a guardian! and when the Nobleman, who now so ably guides the Naval counsels of the Nation, shall be removed from the seat of power, either by a mortal or a political decree, may his successor, like him, possess the disposition to recompence our merits, although unbefriended by influence!



The very important services of the fleets of Britain, through successive generations, have justly entitled her Seamen to public recompence and protection. Every means, therefore, which good policy or expediency could suggest, have been adopted at different times, for their comforts and welfare.

Whether from an illiberal distinction, or a faulty omission, I know not, still the Marine Soldier, habitually a sharer in the dangers and the glory of our Navy, notwithstanding such natural claims to notice, was, for a long while, excluded from a participation in these humane regulations which afforded independence to the destitute families of our Sailors when afar off in their Country's service. It was reserved for a recent and a more enlightened era to extend also to the Marine, a privilege which must constitute the sweetest joy of every good man—that of allotting a part of his pay, when embarked, and distant from his home, for the constant support of a wife and family otherwise doomed to want, an aged parent weighed down by poverty and years, or a dependant friend struggling hard against adversity.

I shall state the nature of those rights which have progressively been granted to the Marine Soldier, and point out the mode by which they can be practically adopted. It is a tribute, however, meritedly due to the Right Honorable Mr. Dundas, to remark, that from his intelligent and generous conceptions, first emanated all these estimable privileges to the subordinates in the Royal Corps of Marines, which were eagerly discussed and sanctioned by a grateful Legislature.


Without recurring to the express Acts of Parliament, upon which those indulgencies are founded, I will simply digest their spirit, and detail the necessary steps to be observed, under every possible contingency. It will be proper to mention, in the first place, that every Marine Recruit should intimate to his wife or kindred, immediately after his joining Head Quarters at Chatham, Portsmouth, or Plymouth, the number of the divisional Company to which he has been attached. Young men too frequently name only their parade Companies which is of no use after they are embarked on board, as such often undergo a change while they continue on shore. By particularizing the former, it serves as a certain clue to their friends in every enquiry concerning their destinies, and will correct mistakes when two, or more, of a similar name shall happen to belong to the same ship or division.

In April, 1763, Marine Soldiers obtained the right of following their trades in any town of Great Britain (except those having Universities) after their discharge from the service. This remains the same.

It is to be observed, for the guidance of legal heirs to prize-money, which may be due to any deceased Marine Soldier, that if they do not exhibit their claims within three years after notice has been given by the Agent or Agents, of its being in course of payment, such goes into the funds of Greenwich Hospital. This shews the absolute necessity of every family or kindred maintaining a constant correspondence with their distant military friends, and as the life of a Soldier is ever precarious, he should not fail to report, by letter, the circumstantial particulars of each fortunate capture at sea, in which he may have an interest, in order that his legal or designed heirs may meet with little difficulty in tracing out where his property lays, in the event of death.

As the Country wisely permits the Marine, in common with all the subordinate servants of his Majesty, an œconomical communication with his dear and remote friends, by the abolition of every postage excepting the payment of one penny, no occasion should be lost of availing himself of this valuable privilege. From this item being lodged with each letter into the office from whence it is dispatched, I am afraid, however, it often happens,[405] when on the eve of putting to sea, that those poor fellows, in the hurry of the occasion, entrust their money and their secrets to unprincipled watermen, who may be tempted to pocket the one, and destroy the other without a chance of detection. Were the receivers of each letter obliged to pay this little impost, correspondence might be more regular, such frauds prevented, and the revenue continue unaltered.

By the benevolent Act of 1792 Non-Commissioned Officers and Private Marines were allowed the privilege of allotting a portion of their pay (usually a moiety) to their wives, families, or others, which, till that period, was confined to the Seamen alone.

Immediately after embarkation, he who has a relative or a friend to whom he inclines to allot such a part, should execute this instrument, which the Captain of the ship he may belong to, will forward to the Navy Board; the Treasurer of which, authenticates the ticket and transmits it to the person for whose benefit it is designed.

The Receiver General of Land Tax, Collectors of Customs or Excise, and Clerks of the Checque, are officially obliged to pay these allowances to the holder of it, every four weeks, and should no money be in hand for the purpose, one or other must name a day of recall within a fortnight, under a penalty, as likewise if any deduction shall be made from the net sum. Tickets of allotment are irrevocable by the grantor, while he lives and is in public pay, unless he shews a very solid cause for cancelling them. If a wife who holds one, having children under fourteen, shall die, the fact must be attested by the Minister and Church Wardens of the parish, a person named who undertakes to receive their future allowances, and all the circumstances thus established must be remitted to the Navy Board for its sanction. He who becomes the representative ought to appear in person to receive such monies, unless prevented by sickness. But should a wife die (leaving children of the above description) and if no steps are taken or any claims made for their benefit, within six months, such allotments become void, and they will in future be paid either to the grantor himself, or his heirs and executors after his decease.


Those who hold such tickets may always be assured of the friends who gave them being alive, up to the date of the latest payment, as the Navy Board never fails to acquaint those Agents who have been accustomed to issue the money for allotments, with every death that happens; each of whom is bound, under a penalty, to acknowledge the receipt of such an intimation within two days. The same forms are observed in Ireland, where allotments are paid by the Collectors or Commissioners of Revenue.

All enquiries concerning the situation or destinies of distant relatives serving in the Royal Marines when embarked on board of ship, should be preferred to the Navy Board, Somerset Place, London, and through its present Secretary, (R. A. Nelson,) or whoever may succeed him, as the returns of ships are transmitted to that office, in which the Marines are included. In order to identify the Soldier, about whom an enquiry is made it is necessary to hand, at the same time, the number of his divisional company, as well as that of his allotment ticket, if he has granted one. Successful reference may also be had to the division, where he is attached, by addressing a letter, "On his Majesty's service," to the Adjutant of it; always remarking the number of his Company.

In the year 1792 Marines were placed on the same footing, and became sharers in the benefit of an Act "To prevent frauds and abuses in payment of wages, prize-money, and other allowances." Wills, or letters of Attorney, when executed on board of ship, must be attested by the Captain, and one or more of the signing Officers. They are not valid unless they are revocable. The Captain acquaints the Navy Board in his ship's return when any Seaman or Marine under his command has made his testament, which is an evidence of the justice of future claims on his property in case of decease. Any will made by either, after his discharge from the service, or any power of Attorney affecting pay, prize-money, or other property acquired by him, while on board his Majesty's fleet, if executed within the bills of London or Westminster, must be attested by an Officer appointed by the Treasurer of the Navy, where wages are paid. If either a will or power of Attorney, as above, is made in England or Ireland, it must be witnessed by the Minister and[407] Church Wardens; if in Scotland, by the Clergyman and two Elders of that parish in which the executor of such an instrument may reside.

Any Marine dying on board intestate upon information of his decease reaching his friends, he who is entitled to his effects must give in a petition to the Inspector of Wills, (J. Bedingfield, Esq.) Somerset Place, London, or whoever may be his successor, stating the name of such Marine, to what part of the King's dominions he belonged, the name of the ship or ships in which he served, the applicant's own name, at full length, his relation to, or connexion with the defunct, what other kindred the deceased may have alive to the best of the petitioner's knowledge, and where resident. This must be certified by two respectable housekeepers of the parish, town, or place where the applicant dwells, who must aver that they believe such account to be true, which is also to be attested by the Minister and Church Wardens, that those subscribing witnesses live in the parish, and are of honest repute. Upon a petition and a certificate, executed agreeable to such prescribed forms, being transmitted to the Inspector of Wills, he will enquire into the truth of all, and when satisfied that no will of the deceased remains with him, he will send or deliver to the claimants an abstract of his petition, with a note or ticket signed by himself and subjoined, marked by his stamp, representing that such statement of the claimant appears just, and that the person so petitioning may have letters of administration to the deceased, provided he is otherwise entitled by law, which will be addressed to a Proctor in Doctor's Commons, that letters may pass in favour of the applicant, while the original petition and certificate are preserved on the records of the Treasurer of the Navy and kept by him, and the letters of administration must be lodged and registered in the same manner as the probates of wills, with the Inspector, who must give a cheque signed and stamped by him, or his representative, to the Administrators or their Attorneys, which will be sufficient for either to demand payment of all sums due to them on account of the deceased. Proctors are liable to a penalty of 500l. if aiding to procure probates or letters of administration to empower any to receive pay, prize-money, &c. for service in the fleet, without having first obtained a certificate from the Inspector of Wills and powers of Attorney, and they will, moreover, be incapacitated from acting in any Ecclesiastical Court of Great Britain or Ireland.


Non-Commissioned Officers and Private Marines should be cautious to execute latter wills and powers exactly conformable to the prescribed rules, for if not attended to, they will be of no effect, besides the testator or executor being subject to a penalty.

The stated fees of Proctors are as follow, and with them I shall close an Appendix, which, I humbly trust, will prove of general benefit. Every remark which it contains is alike applicable in pursuing the interests of the heirs of Seamen as well as of Marines.

For seal, parchment, writing, and suing forth the probate granted to the Executors of any Marine whose property is 20l.£0152
To Proctor on letters of administration on do. when 20l.142
To Proctor for probate when property is 40l.£188
Do. letters of administration when do.    do.1178
To Proctor for probate when property is 60l.£1112
To do. letters of administration when do. do.286
To Proctors for probate when property is 100l.£1138
Do. letters of administration when do.    do.2110

If the funds exceed my statements, the charges progressively become augmented, of which any Proctor can inform, as they are uniformly limited.


M. Swinney, Printer,


Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources.

All changes noted in the ERRATA (pg xvi) have been applied to the etext.

The first eighteen chapters of the original text had much more whitespace between paragraphs than the later chapters. This is reflected in the etext.

The heading and signature lines of letters have been made consistent in style; the printer sometimes combined them to save space on a page.

Three occurrences of the character ſ (long-form s) have been replaced by the normal s. (Pg 1 also; pg 5 Brisbane; pg 383 sloop.)

Sometimes the currency symbol l (for libra, pounds) was used instead of £. This has been changed to l for clarity. For example, 50l is represented as 50l.

Except for those changes noted below, all misspelling in the text, and inconsistent or archaic usage, have been retained. For example: crouded, crowd; chaced, chased; stile, style; control, controul.

Pg x. 'requst' replaced by 'request'.
Pg xi. 'hononr' replaced by 'honour'.
Pg xii. 'sharers' replaced by 'shares'.
Pg xiv. 'establisment' replaced by 'establishment'.
Pg xv. 'Trinadad' replaced by 'Trinidad'.
Pg xvi. 'proccedure' replaced by 'procedure'.
Pg 11. '11,375 16 ' replaced by '11,375 16 8'.
Pg 16. 'Cloudesly' replaced by 'Cloudesley' (twice).
Pg 20. 'harrassed' replaced by 'harassed'.
Pg 22. 'eastermost' replaced by 'easternmost'.
Pg 23. 'capitol' replaced by 'capital'.
Pg 30. 'inorder to' replaced by 'in order to'.
Pg 38. "Holl's" replaced by "Holl"; "Barr's" replaced by "Barr".
Pg 43. 'peformed' replaced by 'performed'.
Pg 52. 'Barriadera' replaced by 'Barradera'.
Pg 52. 'Castilio' replaced by 'Castillo'.
Pg 66. 'recal' replaced by 'recall'.
Pg 67. 'embarassment' replaced by 'embarrassment'.
Pg 71. 'amunition' replaced by 'ammunition'.
Pg 76. 'Massachusets' replaced by 'Massachusetts'.
Pg 76. 'secresy' replaced by 'secrecy'.
Pg 77. 'Louisburgh' replaced by 'Louisburg'.
Pg 81. 'usged' replaced by 'urged'.
Pg 87. 'alledging' replaced by 'alleging'.
Pg 87. 'notwithsanding' replaced by 'notwithstanding'.
Pg 90. 'fac totum' replaced by 'factotum'.
Pg 91. 'endeavonr' replaced by 'endeavour'.
Pg 91. 'notwithsanding' replaced by 'notwithstanding'.
Pg 93. 'wihich' replaced by 'which'.
Pg 97. 'groud' replaced by 'ground'.
Pg 109. 'datachment' replaced by 'detachment'.
Pg 111. 'compleated' replaced by 'completed'. (For consistency with ERRATA ref. pg 121.)
Pg 114. 'Aix La Chapelle' replaced by 'Aix-la-Chapelle'.
Pg 122. 'parly' replaced by 'parley'.
Pg 125. 'Foudryant' replaced by 'Foudroyant'.
Pg 128. 'accquaint' replaced by 'acquaint'.
Pg 132. 'Divison' replaced by 'Division'.
Pg 140. 'compleat' replaced by 'complete'.
Pg 144. 'Keppell' replaced by 'Keppel'.
Pg 150. 'predeliction' replaced by 'predilection'.
Pg 152. 'Keppell' replaced by 'Keppel'.
Pg 160. 'chearfulness' replaced by 'cheerfulness'.
Pg 166. 'Battlions of a' replaced by 'Battalions of'.
Pg 231. 'compleating' replaced by 'completing'.
Pg 170. 'scite' replaced by 'site'.
Pg 176. 'unparelelled' replaced by 'unparalleled'.
Pg 178. 'momentuous' replaced by 'momentous'.
Pg 186. 'rouze' replaced by 'rouse'.
Pg 190. 'mœnuvre' replaced by 'manœuvre'.
Pg 201. 'waving' replaced by 'waiving'.
Pg 202. 'Ticonderago' replaced by 'Ticonderoga'.
Pg 202. 'wiley' replaced by 'wily'.
Pg 206. 'desart' replaced by 'desert'.
Pg 217. 'Pensylvania' replaced by 'Pennsylvania'.
Pg 223. 'retrogade' replaced by 'retrograde'.
Pg 224. 'mœnuvring' replaced by 'manœuvring'.
Pg 232. 'Pitcaim' replaced by 'Pitcairne'.
Pg 243. 'vollies' replaced by 'volleys'.
Pg 251. 'Charlestown' replaced by 'Charleston'.
Pg 255. 'developeing' replaced by 'developing'.
Pg 263. 'distingushed' replaced by 'distinguished'.
Pg 266. 'sweeped' replaced by 'swept'.
Pg 266. 'hazarduous' replaced by 'hazardous'.
Pg 267. 'chearfully' replaced by 'cheerfully'.
Pg 276. 'nogociations' replaced by 'negociations'.
Pg 279. 'hazarduous' replaced by 'hazardous'.
Pg 281. 'momentuous' replaced by 'momentous'.
Pg 297. 'unparelleled' replaced by 'unparalleled'.
Pg 300. 'cooly' replaced by 'coolly'.
Pg 300. 'befel' replaced by 'befell'.
Pg 310. 'Braave' replaced by 'Brave'.
Pg 317. 'traiterous' replaced by 'traitorous'.
Pg 325. 'dependancies' replaced by 'dependencies'.
Pg 335. 'independant' replaced by 'independent'.
Pg 335. 'compleat' replaced by 'complete'.
Pg 338. 'saliant' replaced by 'salient'.
Pg 338. 'adviseable' replaced by 'advisable'.
Pg 347. 'desart' replaced by 'desert' (twice).
Pg 352. 'precipiece' replaced by 'precipice'.
Pg 352. 'unremitted' replaced by 'unremitting'.
Pg 353. 'dependancy' replaced by 'dependency'.
Pg 359. 'Tremenduous' replaced by 'Tremendous'.
Pg 359. 'achievments' replaced by 'achievements'.
Pg 363. 'commencment' replaced by 'commencement'.
Pg 378. 'panegyrick' replaced by 'panegyric'.
Pg 381 Footnote [7]. 'given in by' replaced by 'given by'.
Pg 384. 'intepidity' replaced by 'intrepidity'.
Pg 384. 'unremitedly' replaced by 'unremittingly'.
Pg 386. 'occomplished' replaced by 'accomplished'.
Pg 387. 'achievment' replaced by 'achievement'.
Pg 389. 'tremenduous' replaced by 'tremendous'.
Pg 390. 'purchaced' replaced by 'purchased'.
Pg 396. 'cooly' replaced by 'coolly'.
Pg 398. 'respectsble' replaced by 'respectable'.
Pg 400. 'scurrillity' replaced by 'scurrility'.
Pg 400. 'philipics' replaced by 'philippics'.
Pg 402. 'succeessor' replaced by 'successor'.
Pg 405. 'allottment' replaced by 'allotment'.
Pg 407. 'Attornies' replaced by 'Attorneys'.

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Marine Corps, from its Original I, by Alexander Gillespie


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