*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 55673 *** Transcriber’s Note: A large number of obvious printer’s errors have been corrected, mostly around punctuation and accents, but more or less no attempt has been made to standardise the varying spelling of the names of people and places. LIST OF POST OFFICES IN CANADA, WITH THE NAMES OF THE POSTMASTERS, ON THE 1ST JULY, 1872. Printed by Order of the Postmaster General. [Illustration] OTTAWA: PRINTED BY I. B. TAYLOR, 29, 31 AND 33, RIDEAU STREET. 1872. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE 1. Memorandum for Postmasters 5 2. Principal Officers of the Post Office Department and Inspectors 6 3. List of Post Offices in Canada with the names of the Postmasters 7 4. List of Post Offices closed, and not subsequently re-opened, between 1st July, 1871, and the 1st July, 1872 138 5. List of changes in the names of Post Offices between the 1st July, 1871, and the 1st July, 1872, inclusive 139 6. Post Office transactions for the months of August and September, 1872 140 7. Post Offices in the Province of Ontario, arranged according to Electoral Districts and Townships 143 8. Post Offices in the Province of Quebec, arranged according to Electoral Districts 173 9. Post Offices and Way Offices in the Province of Nova Scotia, arranged according to Electoral Districts 183 10. Post Offices and Way Offices in the Province of New Brunswick, arranged according to Electoral Districts 189 11. Post Offices in the Province of Manitoba, arranged according to Electoral Districts 193 12. Post Offices in the Province of British Columbia, arranged according to Electoral Districts 194 13. Postal Divisions under the charge of the several Inspectors 195 14. List of Postmasters in Canada with the names of the Post Offices 197 15. Tables of Rates of Postage in Canada, and also between Canada and the United Kingdom, British Colonies, and Foreign Countries 225 OMITTED. NAME OF OFFICE. |TOWNSHIP |ELECTORAL COUNTY. |POSTMASTER. |OR PARISH. | | | | | Lilley’s Corners (sub) |London |City of London |Charles Lilley Petersville (sub) |London |City of London |W. Loughrey (_Memorandum._) POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, 1st July, 1872. Should any Postmaster discover an error in the description of his Office, as set forth in this List, he will please notify the same to this Department without delay. * * * * * A List of Rates of Postage for Foreign Countries, &c., is appended to this List. PRINCIPAL OFFICERS OF THE POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. HON. ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, _Postmaster General_. WILLIAM HENRY GRIFFIN, _Deputy Postmaster General_. HORATIO ASPREY WICKSTEED, _Accountant_. WILLIAM WHITE, _Secretary_. PETER LESUEUR, _Superintendent, Money Order Branch_. J. CUNNINGHAM STEWART, _Superintendent, Savings’ Bank Branch_. JOHN ASHWORTH, _Cashier_. INSPECTORS. STATION. JOHN DEWE, _Chief Inspector_ _Ottawa_. ARTHUR WOODGATE in charge of Nova Scotia Division _Halifax_. JOHN MCMILLAN ” New Brunswick ” _St. John_. W. G. SHEPPARD ” Quebec ” _Quebec_. E. F. KING ” Montreal ” _Montreal_. ROBT. W. BARKER ” Kingston ” _Kingston_. M. SWEETNAM ” Toronto ” _Toronto_. G. E. GRIFFIN ” London ” _London_. LIST OF POST OFFICES IN CANADA On THE 1st JULY, 1872. _The Offices printed in Italics are authorized to Grant and Pay Money Orders._ _The Offices marked * are Savings’ Bank Offices._ _The letters “W. O.” following the name of a Post Office, signify “Way Office.”_ _The capital letters on the right of the County column indicate the several Provinces of the Dominion._ NAME OF |TOWNSHIP |ELECTORAL COUNTY |NAME OF POST OFFICE. |OR PARISH. |OR DIVISION. |POSTMASTER. | | | Abbott’s Corners |St. Armand |Missisquoi Q|Charles Hope Abbotsford | |Rouville Q|O. Crossfield Aberarder |Plympton |Lambton O|D. McBean Abercorn |Sutton |Brome Q|Benjamin Seaton Aberfoyle |Puslinch |Wellington, O|S. Falconbridge | | S. R. | Abingdon |Caistor |Monck O|Thomas Pearson Aboushagan Road, | |Westmoreland N B|Robert Touse W. O. | | | Acacia |Middleton |Norfolk, N. R. O|R. P. Scidmore Acadia Mines | |Colchester N S|Robert Forman _Acton_ |Esquesing |Halton O|J. Matthews * _Acton Vale_ |Acton |Bagot Q|A. Quintin dit | | | Dubois Adamsville |Farnham |Brome Q|George Adams Adare |McGillivray |Middlesex, N. R. O|Mrs. Agnes Lavett Adderley |Inverness |Megantic Q|John F. Taylor Addington Forks, | |Antigonishe N S|Norman Macdonald W. O. | | | Addison |Elizabethtown |Brockville O|Coleman Lewis _Adelaide_ |Adelaide |Middlesex, N. R. O|John S. Hoare Admaston |Admaston |Renfrew, S. R. O|Miss Jane Patterson Adolphustown |Adolphustown |Lennox O|J. J. Watson _Advocate Harbor_ | |Cumberland N S|Nathan B. Morris Agincourt |Scarboro’ |York, E. R. O|John Milne _Ailsa Craig_ |East Williams |Middlesex, N. R. O|Shackleton Hay Aird |Clarenceville |Missisquoi Q|J. S. Hawley Airlie |Tosorontio |Simcoe, S. R. O|George B. Lee Albert Bridge, | |Cape Breton N S|Thomas Bourke W. O. | | | Albert Mines, W. O.| |Albert N B|John L. Harris Alberton |Ancaster |Wentworth, S. R. O|Job Franklin * _Albion_ |Albion |Cardwell O|George Evens Albury |Ameliasburg |Prince Edward O|James H. Peck _Aldboro’_ |Aldboro’ |Elgin, W. R. O|Samuel Kirkpatrick Aldershot |Flamboro’, E. |Wentworth, N. R. O|Alexander Brown Alderville |Alnwick |Northumberland, O|James Curtis | | W. R. | Alexander’s Point, | | | W. O. | |Gloucester N B|F. Alexander * _Alexandria_ |Lochiel |Glengarry O|A. S. Macdonald Alfred |Alfred |Prescott O| Algonquin |Augusta |Grenville, S. R. O|W. L. McKenzie Allanburg |Thorold |Welland O|John Rannie Allan Park |Bentinck |Grey, S. R. O|Chas. F. Goodeve Allan’s Corners |Durham |Chateauguay Q|Thomas Bryson _Allendale_ |Innisfil |Simcoe, S. R. O|Andrew Miscampbell _Allenford_ |Amabel |Bruce, N. R. O|William Sharp Allensville |Stephenson |Muskoka O|Allen McNicol Allisonville |Hallowell |Prince Edward O|Benjamin Titus Alliston |Tecumseth |Simcoe, S. R. O|George Fletcher Alloa |Chinguacousy |Peel O|Mahlon Silverthorn Allumette Island |Allumette |Pontiac Q|John Lynch | Island | | Alma |Peel |Wellington, O|W. J. McElroy | | C. R. | Alma, W. O. | |Pictou N S|Janet Archibald Almira |Markham |York, E. R. O|John Bowman * _Almonte_ |Ramsay |Lanark, N. R. O|James H. Wylie, | | | jun. Alport |Muskoka |Muskoka O|W. H. Taylor Alton |Caledon |Cardwell O|Mrs. Agnes Meek Altona |Pickering |Ontario, S. R. O|Joseph Monkhouse Alvanley |Derby |Grey, N. R. O| Alvinston |Brooke |Lambton O|J. W. Branan Amberley |Ashfield |Huron, N. R. O|Duncan Cameron Ambleside |Carrick |Bruce, S. R. O|Wm. Zinger Ameliasburg |Ameliasburg |Prince Edward O|Owen Roblin _Amherst_ | |Cumberland N S|Mrs. A. Chipman * _Amherstburgh_ |Malden |Essex O|Ernest G. Park Amherst Point, | |Cumberland N S|Jonathan Pipes W. O. | | | Amiens |Lobo |Middlesex, N. R. O|John McArthur Ancaster |Ancaster |Wentworth, S. R. O|Anna M. McKay Ancienne Lorette |Ancienne |Quebec Q|Louis Robitaille | Lorette | | Ancienne Lorette, |Ancienne |Quebec Q|George Dufresne (sub) | Lorette | | Anderson |Blanchard |Perth, S. R. O|Humphrey White [1] Anderson’s |Hinchinbrooke |Huntingdon Q|James Anderson Corners | | | _Andover_ | |Victoria N B|Wm. B. Beveridge Ange Gardien |Ange Gardien |Montmorency Q|Joseph Goulet Angers |Buckingham |Ottawa Q|L. Moncion * _Angus_ |Essa |Simcoe, S. R. O|J. R. Brown Annagance | |King’s N B|Stanford Palmer _Annapolis_ | |Annapolis N S|Thos. A. Gavaza _Antigonishe_ | |Antigonishe N S|H. P. Hill Antrim |Fitzroy |Carleton O|John Wilson Antrim, W. O. | |Halifax N S|Samuel Kerr _Apohaqui_ | |King’s N B|Thomas E. Smith Appin |Ekfrid |Middlesex, W. R. O|Angus D. Black Appleby |Nelson |Halton O|James W. Cotter Apple River, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|W. R. Elderkin _Appleton_ |Ramsay |Lanark, N. R. O|Albert Teskey Apsley |Anstruther |Peterborough, O|Charles J. Vizard | | E. R. | Apto |Flos |Simcoe, N. R. O|C. McLaughlin Archibald | |Restigouche N B|R. Archibald Settlement, W. O.| | | Arden |Kennebec |Addington O|Wm. B. Mills Ardoch |Clarendon |Addington O|Bramwell Watkins Ardtrea |Orillia |Simcoe, N. R. O|William Blair, sen. Argyle |Eldon |Victoria, N. R. O|John McKay Argyle, W. O. | |Yarmouth N S|N. S. Ryder _Arichat_ | |Richmond N S|W. G. Ballam Arisaig, W. O. | |Antigonishe N S|Wm. Gillis Arkell |Puslinch |Wellington, O|Wm. Watson | | S. R. | * _Arkona_ |Warwick |Lambton O|Miss Louisa | | | Schooley _Arkwright_ |Arran |Bruce, N. R. O|John Itter Arlington |Adjala |Cardwell O|Thomas Kidd Armadale |Scarboro’ |York, E. R. O|John Stonehouse Armagh |St. Cajetan |Bellechasse Q|C. Roy Armand |Armand |Témiscouata Q|Paschal Lebel Armow |Kincardine |Bruce, S. R. O|Alexander Gardner Armstrong’s Brook, | |Restigouche N B|John C. Bent W. O. | | | Armstrong’s Corner,| |Queen’s N B|George Mills W. O. | | | Arnott |Holland |Grey, N. R. O|Wm. G. Murray * _Arnprior_ |McNabb |Renfrew, S. R. O|Ezra A. Bates Aroostook, W. O. | |Victoria N B|Albert D. Olmstead Aros |Bexley |Victoria, N. R. O|Charles McInnes Arthabaska Station |Arthabaska |Arthabaska Q|Louis Foisy * _Arthur_ |Arthur |Wellington, O|Mrs. Janet Small | | N. R. | Arthurette, W. O. | |Victoria N B|A. J. Beveridge Arthur Gold Mines, | |Halifax N S|Samuel H. Wilson W. O. | | | Arundel |Arundel |Argenteuil Q|William Thomson _Arra_ |London |Middlesex, E. R. O|W. B. Bernard Ascot Corner |Ascot |Sherbrooke Q|Fred. G. Stacey Ashburn |Whitby |Ontario, S. R. O|Edward Oliver Ashburnham |Otonabee |Peterborough, O|Robt. D. Rodgers | | E. R. | Ashcroft | |Yale B C| Ashdown |Humphrey |Muskoka O|James Ashdown Ashgrove |Esquesing |Halton O|Robert Smyth Ashley |Derby |Grey, N. R. O|George Follis Ashton |Goulburn |Carleton O|John Sumner Ashworth |Scott |Ontario, N. R. O|John Mustard Assametquagan |Assametquagan |Bonaventure Q|Charles McCarron Aston Station |Aston |Nicolet Q|Antoine Vachon Atha |Pickering |Ontario, S. R. O|John M. Bell. Athelstan |Hinchinbrooke |Huntingdon Q|Joshua Breadner Athens |Scott |Ontario, N. R. O|R. Bingham Atherley |Mara |Ontario, N. R. O|Alex. Kennedy Atherton |Windham |Norfolk, N. R. O|G. C. Willson _Athlone_ |Adjala |Cardwell O|John Kidd Athol |Kenyon |Glengarry O|M. A. Fisher [2] Athol | |Cumberland N S|F. A. Donkin Attercliffe |Caistor |Monck O|James Tisdale Aubigny |Ripon |Ottawa Q|P. G. Aubry Aubrey |South |Chateauguay Q|A. Lafleur | Georgetown | | Auburn |Wawanosh |Huron, N. R. O|William Graham Audley |Pickering |Ontario, S. R. O|Daniel McBrady Aughrim |Brooke |Lambton O|J. McKeune Au Lac, W. O. | |Westmoreland N B|Ira H. Patterson _Aultsville_ |Osnabruck |Stormont O|Samuel Ault * _Aurora_ |Whitchurch |York, N. R. O|Charles Doan Avening |Nottawasaga |Simcoe, N. R. O|R. Morris Avignon |Matapedia |Bonaventure Q|Octave Martin Avoca |Grenville |Argenteuil Q|John McCallum Avon |Dorchester |Middlesex, E. R. O|G. C. Smith | North | | Avonbank |Downie |Perth, S. R. O|John McMillan Avonmore |Roxborough |Stormont O|E. N. Shaver Avonport, W. O. | |King’s N S|W. A. Reid Avonport Station, | |King’s N S|W. F. Newcomb W. O. | | | Avonton |Downie |Perth, S. R. O|A. Shields Ayer’s Flat |Hatley |Stanstead Q|C. Ayer _Aylesford_ | |King’s N S|T. R. Harris * _Aylmer (East)_ |Hull |Ottawa Q|J. R. Woods * _Aylmer (West)_ |Malahide |Elgin, E. R. O|Philip Hodgkinson Aylwin |Aylwin |Ottawa Q|J. Little * _Ayr_ |Dumfries |Waterloo, S. R. O|Robert Wylie Ayton |Normanby |Grey, S. R. O|John McPhilips | | | | | | Baby’s Point |Sombra |Bothwell O|Edward Kelly Back Bay, W. O. | |Charlotte N B|Samuel Craig, jun. Back Lands, W. O. | |Antigonishe N S|William Doyle _Baddeck_ | |Victoria N S|R. Elmsly Baddeck Bay, W. O. | |Victoria N S|C. McDonald Baddeck Bridge, | |Victoria N S|C. McDonald W. O. | | | _Baden_ |Wilmot |Waterloo, S. R. O|Jacob Beck Bagot |Bagot |Renfrew, S. R. O|Patrick Kennedy Bagotville |St. Alphonse |Chicoutimi Q|E. Levesque Baie St. Paul |Baie St. Paul |Marquette M|Felix Chenier _Baie Verte_ | |Westmoreland N B|William Carey Baie Verte Road, | |Westmoreland N B|John Copp, jun. W. O. | | | Bailey’s Brook, | |Pictou N S|D. D. Macdonald W. O. | | | Baillargeon |St. Etienne |Lévis Q|Frs. Xavier | de Lauzon | | Bilodeau _Bailleboro’_ |Cavan |Durham, E. R. O|James Fitzgerald Baillie, W. O. | |Charlotte N B|W. S. Robinson Bairdsville, W. O. | |Carleton N B|Henry Baird Baker’s Creek, | |Victoria N B|Maxime Lebel W. O. | | | Bala |Medora |Muskoka O|Thomas Burgess Balderson |Drummond |Lanark, S. R. O|John W. Cowie Ballantrae |Whitchurch |York, N. R. O|Robert Hill Ballinafad |Erin |Wellington, O|John S. Appelbe | | S. R. | Ballycroy |Adjala |Cardwell O|Henry Beatty Ballyduff |Manvers |Durham, E. R. O|J. C. Williamson Ballymote |London |Middlesex, E. R. O|T. W. Johnson Balmoral |Rainham |Haldimand O|Geo. B. Lundy Balsam |Pickering |Ontario, S. R. O|Ira Palmer _Baltimore_ |Hamilton |Northumberland, O|Thos. J. Milligan | | W. R. | Bamberg |Wellesley |Waterloo, N. R. O|F. Walter Banda |Mulmur |Simcoe, S. R. O|John Cleminger Bandon |Hullet |Huron, C. R. O|James Allen Bangor |Pickering |Ontario, S. R. O| Bannockburn |Madoc |Hastings, N. R. O|William H. Wilson Barachois, W. O. | |Westmoreland N B|Thos. Gallang Barachois de Malbay|Malbay |Gaspé Q|Thomas Tapp Barkerville | |Cariboo B C| Bark Lake |Jones |Renfrew, S. R. O|Richard Skuce, sen. Barnaby River, | |Northumberland N B|Mrs. E. J. Dalton W. O. | | | Barnesville, W. O. | |King’s N B|Noah M. Barnes Barnett |Nichol |Wellington, O|James Elmslie | | C. R. | Barney’s River, | |Pictou N S|Donald Nicolson W. O. | | | _Barnston_ |Barnston |Stanstead Q|Sam’l Goodhue * _Barrie_ |Vespra |Simcoe, N. R. O|Jas. Edwards Barrington |Hemmingford |Huntingdon Q|Oliver Lyttle _Barrington_ | |Shelburne N S|R. H. Crowell Barrington Passage,| |Shelburne N S|Leonard Knowles W. O. | | | Barrio’s Beach, |Antigonishe |Antigonishe N S|Benj. Boudrot W. O. | | | Bartibog, W. O. | |Northumberland N B|Robert Wall Bartonville |Barton |Wentworth, S. R. O|W. J. Gage. Bass River, W. O. | |King’s N B|Robert Brown Bass River, W. O. |Londonderry |Colchester N S|Mrs. A. Dickey Basswood Ridge, | |Charlotte N B|Margaret Love W. O. | | | _Bath_ |Ernestown |Lennox O|John Belfour Bath | |Carleton N B|W. Commins _Bathurst_ | |Gloucester N B|Helen J. Waitt Bathurst Vil’ge, | |Gloucester N B|John Ferguson, jun. W. O. | | | Batiscan |Ste. |Champlain Q|D. Lacourcière | Geneviève | | Batiscan Bridge |François |Champlain Q|Narcisse Fugère | Xavier | | Battersea |Storrington |Frontenac O|W. J. Anglin Bay du Vin, W. O. | |Northumberland N B|Alex. Williston * _Bayfield_ |Stanley |Huron, S. R. O|James Gairdner Bayfield, W. O. | |Westmoreland N B|C. Van Buskirk Bayfield, W. O | |Antigonishe N S|E. W. Randall Bayside, W. O. | |Charlotte N B|F. W. Bradford Bayham |Bayham |Elgin, E. R. O|George Laing Bay St. Lawrence, | |Victoria N S|Donald McIntosh W. O. | | | _Beachburg_ |Westmeath |Renfrew, N. R. O|George Surtees _Beachville_ |Oxford, West |Oxford, S. R. O|Charles Mason Bealton |Townsend |Norfolk, N. R. O|Frank Turner * _Beamsville_ |Clinton |Lincoln O|J. B. Osborne Bear Brook |Cumberland |Russell O|Brock Grier Bear Island, W. O. | |York N B|Isaiah Parent Bear Point, W. O. | |Shelburne N S|David Smith _Bear River | |Digby N S|V. T. Hardwick (West side)_ | | | Beatrice |Watt |Muskoka O|Richard Lance * _Beauharnois_ |St. Clement |Beauharnois Q|Crosbie McArthur Beaulac |Rawdon |Montcalm Q|George Mason Beaulieu |St. Pierre |Montmorency Q|Prudent Blais | d’Orléans | | Beaumont |Beaumont |Bellechase Q|George Couture Beauport |Beauport |Quebec Q|Margaret O’Brien Beaurivage |St. Sylvester |Lotbinière Q|Owen Loughrey | East | | Beaver Bank, W. O. | |Halifax N S|Daniel Hallisey Beaver Brook, W. O.| |Albert N B|W. R. Brewster Beaver Harbor, | |Charlotte N B|Leonard Best W. O. | | | Beaver River, W. O.| |Digby N S|S. P. Raymond Beaver River Corner| |Digby N S|W. S. Raymond _Beaverton_ |Thora |Ontario, N. R. O|Donald Cameron _Bécancour_ |Bécancour |Nicolet Q|B. Rivard Bécancour Station |Ste. Julie |Megantic Q|Richard St. Pierre Becher |Sombra |Bothwell O| _Bedford_ |Stanbridge |Missisquoi Q|George Clayes, jun. Bedford Basin, | |Halifax N S|Wm. Stevens, jun. W. O. | | | Beebe Plain |Stanstead |Stanstead Q|J. L. House Beech Hill, W. O. | |King’s N S|Edmund Quigley Bégon |Bégon |Témiscouata Q|H. Boucher Belfast |Ashfield |Huron, N. R. O|John McHardy Belford |Markham |York, E. R. O|Israel Burton Belfountain |Caledon |Cardwell O|Noah Herring Belgrave |Morris |Huron, N. R. O|Simon Armstrong Belhaven |North |York, N. R. O|Daniel Prosser | Gwillimbury | | Belledune, W. O. | |Gloucester N B|John Chalmers Belledune River, | |Gloucester N B|M. Killoran W. O. | | | Belleisle Bay, | |King’s N B|Thos. Davis W. O. | | | Belleisle Creek, | |King’s N B|Cosmo F. McLeod W. O. | | | Belle Rivière | |Two Mountains Q|William McCubbin * _Belleville_ |Thurlow |Hastings, W. R. O|J. H. Meacham Belleville, W. O. | |Carleton N B|James Martin _Bell Ewart_ |Innisfil |Simcoe, S. R. O|P. Ed. Drake Belliveaux Cove, | |Digby N S|Urbain Belliveaux W. O. | | | Belliveaux Village,| |Westmoreland N B|Lewis Richard W. O. | | | Bellrock |Portland |Addington O|Wm. Pomeroy _Bell’s Corners_ |Nepean |Carleton O|George Arnold Belmont |Westminster |Middlesex, E. R. O|W. H. Odell Belmore |Turnberry |Huron, N. R. O|Peter Terriff Belœil Station |Belœil |Verchères Q|William Goullette Belœil Village |Belœil |Verchères Q|J. B. Brillon Belyea’s Cove, | |Queen’s N B|R. D. Gilchrist W. O. | | | Benmiller |Colborne |Huron, C. R. O|Jonathan Miller Bennie’s Corners |Ramsay |Lanark, N. R. O|Alex. Leishman Bensfort |South |Peterborough, O|Jas. W. McBain | Monaghan | W. R. | Bentley |Harwich |Kent O|Julius Guild Beresford |Beresford |Terrebonne Q|V. Charbonneau Bergerville |St. Colomb |Quebec Q|Mrs. C. Petitclerc | de Sillery | | Berkeley |Holland |Grey, N. R. O|John Fleming *_Berlin_ |Waterloo, |Waterloo, N. R. O|William Jaffray | North | | Berne |Hay |Huron, S. R. O|G. Murner Berryton, W. O. | |Albert N B|Edward Berry Bersimis |Bersimis |Saguenay Q|W. S. Church _Berthier, en bas_ |Berthier |Montmagny Q|P. S. Joncas *_Berthier, en |Berthier |Berthier Q|Miss Annie Kitson haut_ | | | Bervie |Kincardine |Bruce, S. R. O|Nichol McIntyre Berwick |Finch |Stormont O| _Berwick_ | |King’s N S|J. M. Parker _Bethany_ |Manvers |Durham, E. R. O|W. M. Graham Bethel |Ely |Shefford Q|G. Bartlett Bewdley |Hamilton |Northumberland, O|John Sidey | | W. R. | Bic |Bic |Rimouski Q|J. R. Colclough Bienville |Lauzon |Lévis Q|P. Morin Big Bank, W. O. | |Victoria N S|Donald McLean Big Bras d’Or, | |Victoria N S|J. A. Fraser W. O. | | | Big Brook, W. O. | |Inverness N S|Malcolm McLeod Big Cove, W. O. | |Queen’s N B|Jas. Umphrey Big Harbor, W. O. | |Inverness N S|D. McKay Big Intervale | |Inverness N S|Donald Gillis (Grand Narrows), | | | W. O. | | | Big Intervale |Margaree |Victoria N S|Malcolm McLeod (Margaree), W. O.| | | Big Island, W. O. | |Pictou N S|Alexander McGregor Big Lorraine, W. O.| |Cape Brenton N S| Big Pond, W. O. | |Cape Breton N S|Hugh McLellan Big Port’le Bear, | |Shelburne N S|Thomas Richardson W. O. | | | Big Tracadie, W. O.| |Antigonishe N S|William Genoir Billings’ Bridge |Gloucester |Russell O|William Smith Bill Town, W. O. | |King’s N S|Stubbard Sweet Binbrook |Binbrook |Wentworth, S. R. O|Henry Hall Bingham Road |Cayuga, South |Haldimand O|W. S. Kelly Birchton |Eaton |Compton Q|George N. Hodge Birdton, W. O. | |York N B|Robert Bird Birkhall |Moore |Lambton O|F. McKenzie Birmingham |Pittsburg |Frontenac O|Mrs. E. Birmingham Birr |London |Middlesex, E. R. O|Joseph M. Young Bishop’s Mills |Oxford |Grenville, N. R. O|Asa W. Bishop Bismarck |Gainsborough |Monck O|Christian Trumm Black Bank |Mulmur |Simcoe, S. R. O|John Newel Black Brook, W. O. | |Northumberland N B|Robert Blake Black Creek |Willoughby |Welland O|Isaac H. Allen Black Heath |Binbrook |Wentworth, S. R. O|Alexander Simpson Black Land, W. O. | |Restigouche N B|Arch. Cook Black Point, W. O. | |Restigouche N B|H. Connacher Black Point, W. O. | |Halifax N S|James Hubley Black River, W. O. | |Northumberland N B|D. McNaughton Black River, W. O. | |St. John N B|Robert Stewart Black River, W. O. | |Antigonishe N S|Colin McDonald Black River Bridge,| |Northumberland N B| W. O. | | | Black River Station|St. Giles |Lotbinière Q|Louis Olivier Black Rock, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|Jas. Williger Blackville, W. O. | |Northumberland N B|W. H. Grindley Blair |Waterloo |Waterloo, S. R. O|J. Renshaw * _Blairton_ |Belmont |Peterboro’, O|Roger Bates | | E. R. | Blandford |St. Louis de |Arthabaska Q|D. Bergeron | Blandford | | Blandford, W. O. | |Lunenburg N S| Blantyre |Euphrasia |Grey, E. R. O|James C. Patterson Blayney Ridge, |Prince |York N B|Josiah Davis W. O. | William | | Blessinton |Tyendinaga |Hastings, E. R. O|Isaac Mott Blissfield, W. O. | |Northumberland N B|John A. Arbo Blissville, W. O. | |Sunbury N B|John E. Smith Bloomfield |Hallowell |Prince Edward O|Jonathan Striker Bloomfield, W. O. | |Carleton N B|Reuben Allerton Bloomfield, W. O. | |King’s N B|John Leavitt Bloomingdale |Waterloo |Waterloo, N. R. O|J. G. Moyer Bloomington |Whitchurch |York, N. R. O|Maxon Jones Bloomsburg |Townsend |Norfolk, N. R. O|L. W. Kitchen Blue Mountain, | |Pictou N S|Wm. McDonald W. O. | | | Blue’s Mill, W. O. | |Inverness N S|Malcolm Blue _Bluevale_ |Morris |Huron, N. R. O|John Messer _Blyth_ |Morris |Huron, N. R. O|Richard Holmes Blytheswood |Mersea |Essex O|John Miller _Bobcaygeon_ |Verulam |Victoria, S. R. O|R. La T. Tupper Bocabec, W. O. | |Charlotte N B|Wm. Erskine Bogart |Hungerford |Hastings, E. R. O|Crozier G. Adams Boiestown, W. O. | |Northumberland N B|Miles McMillen Boisdale, W. O. | |Cape Breton N S|Stephen McNeil Bolingbroke |S. Sherbrooke |Lanark, S. R. O|John Korry Bolsover |Eldon |Victoria, N. R. O|Duncan McRae Bolton Centre |Bolton |Brome Q|John Blaisdell Bolton Forest |Bolton |Brome Q|James T. Channell Bomanton |Haldimand |Northumberland, O|Richard Knight | | W. R. | Bonaventure (sub.) |Hamilton |Bonaventure Q| Bonaventure River |Hamilton |Bonaventure Q|Frederick Forest * _Bondhead_ |W. Gwillimbury|Simcoe, S. R. O|Hiram Lount Bongard’s Corner’s |Marysburg |Prince Edward O|Job. D. Bongard Bookton |Windham |Norfolk, N. R. O|P. N. McIntosh Boom, W. O. | |Inverness N S|Alex. McEachern Bord à Plouffe |St. Martin |Laval Q|V. Lemay Bornholm |Logan |Perth, N. R. O|Robert Keys Boscobel |Ely |Shefford Q|Wm. Hackwell Boston |Townsend |Norfolk, N. R. O|Oliver C. Rouse Bosworth |Peel |Wellington, O| | | C. R. | Botany |Howard |Bothwell O|C. McBrayne * _Bothwell_ |Zone |Bothwell O|John Taylor Botsford Portage, | |Westmoreland N B|Wm. Farrow W. O. | | | Boucherville |Boucherville |Chambly Q|Louis Normandin Boudreau Village, | |Westmoreland N B|Alex. Boudreau W. O. | | | Boulardarie | |Victoria N S|A. Munro Boulter |Carlow |Hastings, N. R. O|James Wilson, sen. Boundary Creek, | |Westmoreland N B|Merritt D. Harris W. O. | | | Boundary, | |Carleton N B|John D. Baird Presqu’ile, W. O.| | | Bourg Louis |Bourg Louis |Portneuf Q|John Hewton Bowling Green |Amaranth |Wellington, O|William B. Jelly | | N. R. | * _Bowmanville_ |Darlington |Durham, W. R. O|J. B. Fairbairn Box Grove |Markham |York, E. R. O|John McCaffrey Boyne |Trafalgar |Halton O| Boynton |Stanstead |Stanstead Q|Hollis Libbey * _Bracebridge_ |Macaulay |Muskoka O|Robert E. Perry * _Bradford_ |W. Gwillimbury|Simcoe, S. R. O|Mrs. Anne Douglas Braemar |E. Zorra |Oxford, N. R. O|Alex. Anderson Bramley |Innisfil |Simcoe, S. R. O|James Black, jun. * _Brampton_ |Chinguacousy |Peel O|K. Chisholm Branchton |Dumfries, |Waterloo, S. R. O|Robert McLeish | North | | Brandy Creek |Windham |Norfolk, N. R. O|E. R. Crombie * _Brantford_ |Brantford |Brant, S. R. O|A. D. Clement Brechin |Mara |Ontario, N. R. O|Jas. P. Foley Brentwood |Sunnidale |Simcoe, N. R. O|L. E. Dubois Breslaw |Waterloo |Waterloo, N. R. O|Moses Moyer Brewer’s Mills |Pittsburg |Frontenac O|Robert Anglin Brewster |Stephen |Huron, S. R. O|W. McDougall Bridgedale, W. O. | |Albert N B|Millidge Steeves Bridgenorth |Smith |Peterborough, O|Marcus S. Dean | | W. R. | Bridgeport |Waterloo, |Waterloo, N. R. O|Elias Eby | North | | Bridgeport, W. O. | |Cape Breton N S|George Burchell _Bridgetown_ | |Annapolis N S|Enoch Dodge, jun. Bridgeville, W. O. | |Pictou N S|John Forbes * _Bridgewater_ |Elzevir |Hastings, N. R. O|Edwin James _Bridgewater_ | |Lunenburg N S|R. A. Newcomb Brigg’s Corner, | |Queen’s N B|Joel F. Estabrooks W. O. | | | _Brigham_ |Farnham |Brome Q|E. O. Brigham * _Bright_ |Blenheim |Oxford, N. R. O|John Cameron * _Brighton_ |Brighton |Northumberland, O|Joseph Lockwood | | E. R. | Briley’s Brook, |Dorchester |Antigonishe N S| W. O. | | | Brinkworth |Rawdon |Hastings, N. R. O|Allen Williams Brinsley |McGillivray |Middlesex, N. R. O|George Brown Brisbane |Erin |Wellington, O|G. J. Mackclean | | S. R. | Bristol |Bristol |Pontiac Q|Wm. King Britannia |Toronto |Peel O|Joseph Muir Britannia Mills |St. Dominique |Bagot Q|William Twohey Britonville |Morin |Argenteuil Q|Geo. Hamilton Broad Cove Chapel, | |Inverness N S|Alexander McLellan W. O. | | | Broad Cove, | |Inverness N S|Isaac McLeod (Intervale), W. O.| | | Broad Cove, | |Lunenburg N S|Elkanah Teel (Lunenburg), W. O.| | | Broad Cove, | |Inverness N S|Donald Macleod (Marsh), W. O. | | | Broadlands | |Bonaventure Q|Melvin Adams Brockton |York |York, W. R. O|Mrs. Ann Church * _Brockville_ |Elizabethtown |Brockville O|John Crawford Brodhagen |Logan |Perth, N. R. O|Chas. Brodhagen Brome |Brome |Brome Q|Hy. R. Williams Bromemere |Brome |Brome Q|C. H. Jones Brompton |Brompton |Richmond Q|Henry Addison _Brompton Falls_ |Brompton |Richmond Q|J. R. McDonnell Bronte |Trafalgar |Halton O|Chas. K. Jones Brookbury |Bury |Compton Q|R. Rowe Brookfield | |Colchester N S|James Graham Brookfield, W. O. | |Queen’s N S|W. Hendry * _Brooklin_ |Whitby |Ontario, S. R. O|Robert Darlington Brooklyn, W. O. | |Queen’s N S|J. R. Hall Brooksdale |West Zorra |Oxford, N. R. O|John Bagrie Brookvale, W. O. | |Queen’s N B|Mrs. Milcha Fowlie Brookvale, W. O. | |Halifax N S|Hugh Hannah Brookville, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|J. A. Hatfield Brookville, W. O. | |Pictou N S|Jas. McDonald _Brougham_ |Pickering |Ontario, S. R. O|Richard Taun Broughton |Broughton |Beauce Q|C. H. J. Hall Brownsburg |Chatham |Argenteuil Q|Alex. McGibbon Brownsville |Dereham |Oxford, S. R. O| Brucefield |Tuckersmith |Huron, C. R. O|Robert Marks Bruce Mines | |Algoma O|John Hancock Brudenell |Brudenell |Renfrew, S. R. O|James Costello Brunner |Ellice |Perth, N. R. O| Brunswick |Manvers |Durham, E. R. O|S. R. Beamish Bryanston |London |Middlesex, E. R. O|John Stanfield Buckhorn |Harwich |Kent O|Mrs. M. Ranson * _Buckingham_ |Buckingham |Ottawa Q|James Wilson Buckland |Buckland |Bellechasse Q|Eusèbe Couture Buckley’s, W. O. | |King’s N S|Thos. Buckley Buckshot |Clarendon |Addington O|Elisha Playfair _Buctouche_ | |Kent N B|B. H. Foley Bulstrode |Bulstrode |Arthabaska Q|George Dauth Bulwer |Eaton |Compton Q|Robert Cairns _Burford_ |Burford |Brant, S. R. O|John Catton Burgessville |Norwich, North|Oxford, S. R. O|E. W. Burgess Burgoyne |Arran |Bruce, N. R. O|Alfred Shell Burleigh |Burleigh |Peterborough, O|Jas. Golborne | | E. R. | Burlington, W. O. | |King’s N S|Charles Hall Burnbrae |Seymour |Northumberland, O|Alex. Donald | | E. R. | Burnhamthorpe |Toronto |Peel O|George Savage Burnley |Haldimand |Northumberland, O|William Lawler | | W. R. | Burns |Morrington |Perth, N. R. O|Oran Phillips Burnside |Portage La |Marquette M|Kenneth McKenzie | Prairie | | Burnstown |McNab |Renfrew, S. R. O|Donald McRae Burnt Church, W. O.| |Northumberland N B|F. H. McKnight Burntcoat, W. O. | |Hants N S|Robt. Faulkner Burritt’s |Oxford |Grenville, N. R. O|Thos. A. Kidd Burtch |Brantford |Brant, S. R. O|George Taylor Burton |Manvers |Durham, E. R. O|James McGill Burton, W. O. | |Sunbury N B|M. E. A. Burpee Bury’s Green |Somerville |Victoria, N. R. O|John Fell Bushfield |Morris |Huron, N. R. O|John Lynn Bute |Somerset |Megantic Q|D. McKinnon Butternut Ridge, | |King’s N B|Murray B. Keith W. O. | | | Buttonville |Markham |York, E. R. O|T. Thomson Buxton |Raleigh |Kent O|D. C. Echlin Byng |Dunn |Monck O|James M. Thomson Byng Inlet |Wallbridge |Muskoka O|W. H. Miller Byron |Westminster |Middlesex, E. R. O|Robert Sadler | | | | | | Cache Creek | |Yale B C| _Cacouna_ |St. George |Témiscouata Q|J. B. Beaulieu Cadmus |Cartwright |Durham, W. R. O|John McKinnon Cæsarea |Cartwright |Durham, W. R. O|John Elliott Cainsville |Brantford, E. |Brant, N. R. O|Henry Gawler Caintown |Yonge |Leeds, S. R. O|W. Tennant, jun. Cairngorm |Metcalfe |Middlesex, W. R. O|Francis Brown _Caistorville_ |Caistor |Monck O|Mrs. Scott Calabogie |Bagot |Renfrew, S. R. O|D. Dillon Calder |Delaware |Middlesex, W. R. O|William Campbell Caldwell |Caledon |Cardwell O|Patrick Murphy _Caledon_ |Caledon |Cardwell O|George Bell Caledon East |Caledon |Cardwell O|James Munsie _Caledonia Corner_ | |Queen’s N S|George Middlemas Caledonia Mills, | |Antigonishe N S|John Boyle W. O. | | | Caledonia, | |Guysboro’ N S|Angus McDonald St. Mary’s, W. O.| | | Caledonia | |Albert N B|James Reid Settlement, W. O.| | | Caledonia Springs |Caledonia |Prescott O|John D. Cameron Calton |Bayham |Elgin, E. R. O|Duncan McLaughlan Calumet Island |Calumet |Pontiac Q|C. Barsalou _Cambray_ |Fenelon |Victoria, N. R. O|Thomas Douglas Cambria |St. Columbin |Argenteuil Q|William Stuart Cambridge, W. O. | |Queen’s N B|William H. White Cambridge, W. O. | |Halifax N S|Handly Starrat Camden East |Camden East |Addington O|Benjamin Clark Cameron |Fenelon |Victoria, N. R. O|James Bryson Camilla |Mono |Cardwell O|Hugh Currie Camlachie |Plympton |Lambton O|Thomas Houston * _Campbellford_ |Seymour |Northumberland, O|James M. Ferris | | E. R. | Campbell’s Cross |Chinguacousy |Peel O|E. T. Hagyard Campbell | |King’s N B|D. K. Campbell Settlement, W. O.| | | Campbell | |York N B|Henry McFarlane Settlement, W. O.| | | _Campbellton_ | |Restigouche N B|A. W. Kendrick Campbellville |Nassagiweya |Halton O|James H. Cooper Campden |Clinton |Lincoln O|H. W. Moyer Campo Bello | |Charlotte N B|Luke Byron Canaan, W. O. | |King’s N S|Adolphus Bishop Canaan Road, W. O. | |King’s N S|Reuben R. Baker Canada Creek, W. O.| |King’s N S|C. Eaton Canard, W. O. | |King’s N S|J. E. Lockwood Canard River |Sandwich |Essex O|Louis Drouillard Canboro’ |Canboro’ |Monck O|John Folmsbee Candasville |Gainsborough |Monck O|John M. Culp _Canfield_ |Cayuga, North |Haldimand O|Kenneth McDiarmid Cannifton |Thurlow |Hastings, E. R. O|Jonas Canniff, | | | jun. Canning |Blenheim |Oxford, N. R. O|Samuel Allchin _Canning_ | |King’s N S|J. W. Borden Canning, W. O. | |Queen’s N B|Chas. Estabrooks * _Cannington_ |Brock |Ontario, N. R. O|Charles Gibbs Cannonville, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|Charles McCabe Canrobert | |Rouville Q|François Meunier _Canso_ | |Guysboro’ N S|Charl’te | | | Cunningham Canterbury |Bury |Compton Q|Robert Clark Canterbury | |York N B|C. E. Grosvenor _Canterbury | |York N B|William Main Station_ | | | Cantley |Hull |Ottawa Q|Alex. Prudhomme Canton |Hope |Durham, E. R. O|Ephraim Hawkins Cap à l’Aigle (sub)|Mount Murray |Charlevoix Q|Joseph Lavard Cap Chat |St. Norbert |Gaspé Q|Telesphore Roy | de Cap Chat | | Cap des Rosiers |Cap des |Gaspé Q|Peter Whalan | Rosiers | | Cape Cove |Percé |Gaspé Q|William Tilly Cape George | |Antigonishe N S|Robt. McDonald Cape George, (North| |Antigonishe N S|Donald McDonald side), W. O. | | | Cape John, W. O. | |Pictou N S|Hugh McLeod Capleton |Ascott |Sherbrooke Q| Cape Mabou, W. O. | |Inverness N S|A. McQuarrie Cape Negro, W. O. | |Shelburne N S|Josiah Smith Cape North, W. O. | |Victoria N S|Arch. McDonald Cape Rich |St. Vincent |Grey, E. R. O|Donald McLaren Cape Sable Island, | |Shelburne N S|W. Cunningham W. O. | | | Cape Spear, W. O. | |Westmoreland N B|John McKay Caplin | |Bonaventure Q|David Kerr Cap Magdeleine | |Champlain Q|Théodore Beaumier Cap Rouge |St. Foy |Quebec Q| Cap St. Ignace |St. Ignace |Montmagny Q|Miss H. C. Larue Cap Santé |Cap Santé |Portneuf Q|J. Bernard _Caraquet_ | |Gloucester N B|J. G. C. Blackhall Carden |Carden |Victoria, N. R. O|Jacob Belfrey _Carillon_ |Chatham |Argenteuil Q|William Fletcher _Carleton_ |Carleton |Bonaventure Q|Joseph Mengher _Carleton_ | |St. John N B|James R. Reed * _Carleton Place_ |Beckwith |Lanark, S. R. O|Patrick Struthers Carlingford |Fullarton |Perth, S. R. O|James Hamilton Carlisle |Flamboro East |Wentworth, N. R. O|O. Livingston Carlow |Colborne |Huron, C. R. O|W. R. Clayton Carlow, W. O. | |Carleton N B|S. Cummins Carlsruhe |Carrick |Bruce, S. R. O|Jacob Knechtel, | | | jun. Carlton, W. O. | |Yarmouth N S|John P. Miller Carluke |Ancaster |Wentworth, S. R. O|James Calder Carnarvon |Stanhope |Peterborough, O|Alfred Moore | | E. R. | Carnegie |Elderslie |Bruce, N. R. O|Thomas Ewart Carp |Huntley |Carleton O|W. J. Featherstone Carriboo Cove, | |Richmond N S|John Malcom, sen. W. O. | | | Carroll’s Corner, | |Halifax N S|Jane Heffernan W. O. | | | _Carronbrook_ |Hibbert |Perth, S. R. O|G. J. Kidd Carrville |Vaughn |York, W. R. O|William Cook Carsonby |North Gower |Carleton O|Benjamin Eastman Carthage |Mornington |Perth, N. R. O|Samuel Patterson Cartwright |Cartwright |Durham, W. R. O|Hugh McPhail Cascades |Hull |Ottawa Q|Thomas M. Reid Case Settlement, | |King’s N B|George Case W. O. | | | Cashel |Markham |York, E. R. O|Colin Shell Cashmere |Mosa |Middlesex, W. R. O|George Mansfield Casselman |Cambridge |Russell O|Martin Casselman Castile |Algona, South |Renfrew, N. R. O|Edmund Bennett Castlebar |Shipton |Richmond Q|David U. Graveline Castleford |Horton |Renfrew, S. R. O|John Warnock Castlemore |Gore of |Peel O| | Toronto | | _Castleton_ |Cramahe |Northumberland, O|John C. Pennock | | E. R. | Catalone, W. O. | |Cape Breton N S|Allan Macdonald Cataract |Caledon |Cardwell O|Richard Church Cataraqui |Kingston |Frontenac O|Joseph Northmore Cathcart |Burford |Brant, S. R. O|Alex. Kennedy Caughnawaga |Sault St. |Laprairie Q|W. De Lorimier | Louis | | Causapscal |Causapscal |Rimouski Q|Edwin L. Strange Cavan |Cavan |Durham, E. R. O|David Walker * _Cayuga_ |Cayuga |Haldimand O|G. A. Messenger Cazaville |St. Ancient |Huntingdon Q|Oliver Quenneville Cedar Grove |Markham |York, E. R. O|John Schnell Cedar Hall |Matapedia |Rimouski Q|Thomas Fraser Cedar Hill |Pakenham |Lanark, N. R. O|James Connery Cedar Lake, W. O. | |Digby N S|Ambrose Poole Cedars |Soulanges |Soulanges Q|T. Marcoux Cedarville |Proton |Grey, E. R. O|Thomas Rogers Central Blissville,| |Sunbury N B|Luke E. Bailey W. O. | | | Central Cambridge, | |Queen’s N B|Amos Mott W. O. | | | Central Chebogue, | |Yarmouth N S|Saml. Trask W. O. | | | Central Kingsclear,| |York N B|J. McKeen W. O. | | | Central Norton, | |King’s N B|Silas Raymond W. O. | | | Central Onslow, | |Colchester N S|Hugh Dickson W. O. | | | Centre Augusta |Augusta |Grenville, S. R. O|A. B. Commins Centreton |Haldimand |Northumberland, O|T. H. McAulay | | W. R. | Centreville |Camden East |Addington O|John Whalen Centreville, W. O. | |Albert N B|Wm. Woodworth Centreville | |Carleton N B|Ludlow B. Clark Centreville, W. O. | |King’s N S|J. M. Rosco Chambly Basin |Chambly |Chambly Q|Wm. Vallée * _Chambly Canton_ |West Chambly |Chambly Q|John Hackett Chambord |Metabechouan |Chicoutimi Q|Job Bilodeau Champlain |Champlain |Champlain Q|N. Hardy Chance Harbor, | |St. John N B|James Boyle W. O. | | | Chandos |Chandos |Peterborough, O|Thomas Kemp | | E. R. | Chantelle |Chertsey |Montcalm Q|Charles Granger Chantry |Bastard |Leeds, S. R. O|Samuel Chant Charing Cross |Harwich |Kent O|Mrs. M. Payne Charlemagne |St. Chas. de |L’Assomption Q|Antoine Desparois | Lachenaie | | dit Champagne Charlesbourg |Quebec |Quebec Q|M. Tremblay Charleston |Escott |Leeds, S. R. O|P. F. Green Charleston, W. O. | |Charleton N B|John Lipsett Charleville |Augusta |Grenville, S. R. O|Samuel Throop Charlo’s Cove, |Wilmot |Guysboro’ N S|Henry Lindon W. O. | | | Chatboro |Chatham |Argenteuil Q|Chas. A. Bradford Chateauguay |Chateauguay |Chateauguay Q|N. Mallett Chateauguay Basin |Chateauguay |Chateauguay Q|Robert Lang Château Richer |Château Richer|Montmorency Q|Mdme. L. B. | | | Rousseau * _Chatham_ |Raleigh |Kent O|S. Barfoot _Chatham_ | |Northumberland N B|Thos. Vondy, jun. Chatillon |St. Zépherin |Yamaska Q|John C. Meagher _Chatsworth_ |Holland |Grey, N. R. O|Henry Cardwell Chaudière Mills |St. Jean |Lévis Q|Antoine Lemieux | Chrysostôme | | Cheapside |Walpole |Haldimand O|William Pugsley Chebogue, W. O. | |Yarmouth N S|Ansell Robbins * _Chelsea_ |Hull |Ottawa Q|H. B. Prentiss Chelsea, W. O. | |Lunenburg N S|H. Kedy Cheltenham |Chinguacousy |Peel O|C. H. King Chemainus | |Vancouver B C| Chepstow |Greenock |Bruce, S. R. O|Wm. Henesey Cherry Creek |Innisfil |Simcoe, S. R. O|William Maine Cherry Valley |Athol |Prince Edward O|Thomas Colliver Cherrywood |Pickering |Ontario, S. R. O|Charles Petty Chesley |Elderslie |Bruce, N. R. O|Mark McManus Chesley’s Corners, | |Lunenburg N S|Nelson Chesley W. O. | | | Chester |Chester |Arthabaska Q|Thomas Booth _Chester_ | |Lunenburg N S|Chas. A. Brown Chester Basin, | |Lunenburg N S|Jos. Eisenhaur W. O. | | | Chesterfield |Blenheim |Oxford, N. R. O|W. Brown Cheticamp, W. O. |Cheticamp |Inverness N S|Ed. Briard Caeverie, W. O. | |Hants N S|John Burgess Cheviot |Culross |Bruce, S. R. O|Andrew McLean Chezzetcook, W. O. | |Halifax N S|Donald McLaren Chichester |Chichester |Pontiac Q|Horace Landon _Chicoutimi_ |Chicoutimi |Chicoutimi Q|John Guay Chigacnaise River, | |Colchester N S|Thos. Lindsay W. O. | | | Chimney Corner, | |Inverness N S|Allan McKenzie W. O. | | | Chipman, W. O. | |Queen’s N B|Geo. G. King Chipman’s Brook, | |King’s N S|Thomas Murphy W. O. | | | Chipman’s Corners, | |King’s N S|Samuel Chipman W. O. | | | * _Chippawa_ |Stamford |Welland O|J. S. Macklem Chlorydormes |Chlorydormes |Gaspé Q|Célestin Bélanger Chockfish, W. O. | |Kent N B|M. McEwen _Christmas Island_ | |Cape Breton N S|M. McDougall Churchill |Innisfil |Simcoe, S. R. O|H. Sloane Church Hill, W. O. | |Albert N B|Alex. Bayley Churchstreet, W. O.| |King’s N S|Wm. Gilliatt Churchville |Toronto |Peel O|James E. Pointer Churchville, W. O. | |Pictou N S|Allan Weir Chute au Blondeau |East |Prescott O|James McAllister | Hawkesbury | | Chute’s Cove, W. O.| |Annapolis N S|H. M. Foster Clachan |Orford |Bothwell O|Duncan McColl, | | | jun. Clairvaux (sub) |St. Placide |Charlevoix Q|E. Larouche Clapham |Inverness |Megantic Q|S. Johnston Clare, W. O. | |Digby N S|A. F. Comeau _Claremont_ |Pickering |Ontario, S. R. O|J. McM. McNab Claremont, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|J. C. Black _Clarence_ |Clarence |Russell O|Thomas Wilson Clarence Creek |Clarence |Russell O|S. G. A. Raiche Clarenceville |Noyan |Missisquoi Q|Charles Stewart Clarendon Centre |Clarendon |Pontiac Q|James Shaw Clarendon Front |Clarendon |Pontiac Q|William Heath (sub) | | | Clarendon, W. O. | |Charlotte N B|John McCutcheon Clareview |Sheffield |Addington O|Robert T. | | | McDonnell _Clarke_ |Clarke |Durham, W. R. O|James Lockhart Clarke’s Harbor, | |Shelburne N S|Beverly Smith W. O. | | | * _Clarksburg_ |Collingwood |Grey, E. R. O|Walter Hunter Claude |Chinguacousy |Peel O|Peter T. McCollum Clavering |Keppel |Grey, N. R. O|Henry Cammidge Clayton |Ramsay |Lanark, N. R. O|O. Banning, jun. Clear Creek |Houghton |Norfolk, S. R. O|Jonathan Bridgman _Clearville_ |Orford |Bothwell O|Henry Watson Clementsport | |Annapolis N S|James P. Roop Clementsvale, W. O.| |Annapolis N S|Richard Sanford _Clifford_ |Minto |Wellington, O|Francis Brown | | N. R. | * _Clifton_ |Stamford |Welland O|W. W. Woodruff [3] Clifton House |Stamford |Welland O|J. Shears (sub) | | | Clifton, W. O. | |Gloucester N B|A. L. Seaman Clifton, W. O. | |King’s N B|G. H. Flewelling Clinton | |Cariboo B C| * _Clinton_ |Tuckersmith |Huron, S. R. O|Thomas Fair Clones, W. O. | |Queen’s N B|Andrew Corbett Clontarf |Sebastopol |Renfrew, S. R. O|J. R. McDonald _Clover Hill_ |Tecumseth |Simcoe, S. R. O|T. M. Banting Cloyne |Anglesea |Addington O|Bibins Clark Clyde |Beverley |Wentworth, N. R. O|William McPherson Clyde River, W. O. | |Shelburne N S|George Thompson Coal Branch, W. O. | |Kent N B|Charles Walker Coal Mines, W. O. | |Queen’s N B|James Brown Coates’ Mills, | |Kent N B|Thos. Coates W. O. | | | * _Coaticook_ |Barnston |Stanstead Q|Horace Cutting Cobden |Ross |Renfrew, N. R. O|John R. McDonald Coboconk |Somerville |Victoria, N. R. O|John Leroy * _Cobourg_ |Hamilton |Northumberland, O|J. C. Boswell | | W. R. | Cocaigne, W. O. | |Kent N B|James Lucas Cocaigne River, | |Kent N B|Sylvan S. Le Blanc W. O. | | | Codrington |Brighton |Northumberland, O|James B. Lay | | E. R. | Cogmagun River, | |Hants N S|Chas. Thomas W. O. | | | Colbeck |Luther |Wellington, O|William Colbeck | | N. R. | * _Colborne_ |Cramahe |Northumberland, O|C. R. Ford | | E. R. | Colchester |Colchester |Essex O|Alex. Hackett Cold Brook Station,| |King’s N S|Henry Porter W. O. | | | Coldsprings |Hamilton |Northumberland, O|D. McIntosh | | W. R. | Coldstream |Lobo |Middlesex, N. R. O|Jacob Marsh Coldstream, W. O. | |Carleton N B|Saml. Dickinson * _Coldwater_ |Medonte |Simcoe, N. R. O|Charles Warner Cole Harbor, W. O. | |Guysboro’ N S|George Jamieson Coleraine |Toronto Gore |Peel O|Mrs. Mary St. John Coleridge |Amaranth |Wellington, O| | | N. R. | Cole’s Island, | |Queen’s N B|David Lawson W. O. | | | Colinville |Moore |Lambton O|John Butler Collfield |Litchfield |Pontiac Q|M. Hughes Collina, W. O. | |King’s N B|James M. Gibbon * _Collingwood_ |Nottawasaga |Simcoe, N. R. O|W. B. Hamilton Collin’s Bay |Kingston |Frontenac O|Joseph Losie Collin’s Inlet | |Algoma O|Silas Staples _Colpoy’s Bay_ |Albermarle |Bruce, N. R. O|John Shackleton _Columbus_ |Whitby |Ontario, S. R. O|Robert Ashton _Comber_ |Tilbury, West |Essex O|D. McAlister Combermere |Radcliffe |Renfrew, S. R. O|Daniel Johnson Como |Vaudreuil |Vaudreuil Q|John Hodgson Comox | |Vancouver B C| * _Compton_ |Compton |Compton Q|A. W. Kendrick Concord |Vaughan |York, W. R. O|Henry McElroy Concord, W. O. | |Pictou N S|A. Nicholson _Conestogo_ |Woolwich |Waterloo, N. R. O|Charles Hendry Coningsby |Erin |Wellington, O|John W. Burt | | S. R. | Connor |Adjala |Cardwell O|Robert Lee Conquerall Bank, | |Lunenburg N S|James McFarlane W. O. | | | Conroy |Downie |Perth, S. R. O|Peter Smith _Consecon_ |Ameliasburgh |Prince Edward O|A. Mars Constance |Hullett |Huron, C. R. O|R. Thompson Contrecœur |Contrecœur |Verchères Q|Olivier Lamoureux Conway |South |Lennox O|G. B. Sills |Fredericksburg| | Cook’s Brook, W. O.| |Colchester N S|Mrs. M. Mitchell _Cookshire_ |Eaton |Compton Q|Thomas B. Terrill * _Cookstown_ |Tecumseth |Simcoe, S. R. O|John Ferguson _Cooksville_ |Toronto |Peel O|John Peaker Cooper |Madoc |Hastings, N. R. O|Thomas Allen Copenhagen |Malahide |Elgin, E. R. O|John Kaiser Copetown |Beverley |Wentworth, N. R. O|Thomas Milne Copleston |Enniskillen |Lambton O|H. H. Perry Corbin |Hemmingford |Huntingdon Q|Alex. Fiddes Corinth |Bayham |Elgin, E. R. O|F. A. Best Cork Station, W. O.| |York N B|John Sullivan Corn Hill, W. O. | |King’s N B|Ariel Keith * _Cornwall_ |Cornwall |Cornwall O|George McDonell Cornwallis East, | |King’s N S|H. L. Dickey W. O. | | | _Corunna_ |Moore |Lambton O|H. J. Miller Côteau du Lac |Soulanges |Soulanges Q|Gédéon Deguire _Côteau Landing_ |St. Zotique |Soulanges Q|W. C. Caverhill Côteau Station |Soulanges |Soulanges Q|Rodger Ducket Côte des Neiges |Montreal |Hochelaga Q|Odile Malbœuf Côte St. Paul |Montreal |Hochelaga Q|Edmond Latour Cotswold |Minto |Wellington, O|Alexander Hill | | N. R. | Coulson |Medonte |Simcoe, N. R. O|James Coulson Courtland |Middleton |Norfolk, N. R. O|C. S. Harris Coventry |Albion |Cardwell O|William McKee Coverdale, W. O. | |Albert N B|David Smith Coverley |Bentinck |Grey, S. R. O|James Grant Covey Hill |Havelock |Huntingdon Q|Alexander Brisbin Cowal |Southwold |Elgin, W. R. O|Grant Silcox _Cowansville_ |Dunham |Missisquoi Q|Dr. Charles Brown _Cow Bay_ | |Cape Breton N S|Anthony Martel Cowichan | |Vancouver B C| Coxheath, W. O. | |Cape Breton N S|P. T. Clarke _Craighurst_ |Medonte |Simcoe, N. R. O|Thomas Craig Craigleith |Collingwood |Grey, E. R. O|A. G. Fleming Craigsholme |Garafraxa |Wellington, O|Murdoch Craig | | C. R. | Craigs Road Station|St. Etienne de|Lévis Q|Nazaire Fréchette | Lauzon | | Craigvale |Innisfil |Simcoe, S. R. O|Robert Black Cranbourne |Cranbourne |Dorchester Q|John Colgan Cranworth |Burgess |Leeds, S. R. O|Peter Jones Crawford |Bentinck |Grey, S. R. O|Hector McRae _Credit_ |Toronto |Peel O|Emerson Taylor Crediton |Stephen |Huron, S. R. O|John Parsons Creek Bank |Peel |Wellington, O|James Graham | | C. R. | * _Creemore_ |Nottawasaga |Simcoe, N. R. O|Alexander | | | Gillespie Creighton |Medonte |Simcoe, N. R. O|Michael Cavanagh Cressy |Marysburg |Prince Edward O|S. W. Carson Crieff |Puslinch |Wellington, O| | | S. R. | Crinan |Aldboro’ |Elgin, W. R. O|D. McIntyre Crofton |Sophiasburg |Prince Edward O|Henry Covert Cromarty |Hibbert |Perth, S. R. O|Alexander Park Cromwell, W. O. | |King’s N B|Susannah Wetmore Crosshill |Wellesley |Waterloo, N. R. O|James McCutcheon Crosspoint |Restigouche |Bonaventure Q|John Fraser _Cross Roads, | |Guysborough N S|Donald Gunn Country Harbor_ | | | Cross Roads, Lake | |Inverness N S|Charles Fraser Ainslie, W. O. | | | Cross Roads, Middle| |Guysborough N S|Jesse Anderson Melford, W. O. | | | Cross Roads, Ohio, | |Antigonishe N S|John McPherson W. O. | | | Cross Roads, Saint | |Inverness N S|Alexander Hill George’s Channel,| | | W. O. | | | Croton |Camden |Bothwell O|J. H. Johnston Crow Harbor, W. O. | |Guysborough N S|John Ehler Crowland |Crowland |Welland O|Luther Boardman Croydon |Camden, East |Addington O|Ira Williams Cruickshank |Keppel |Grey, N. R. O|James Cruickshank Crumlin |Dorchester, |Middlesex, E. R. O|Robert Dreany | North | | Crysler |Finch |Stormont O|Hugh Johnston Culloden |Dereham |Oxford, S. R. O|R. T. Williams _Cumberland_ |Cumberland |Russell O|G. G. Dunning Cumberland Bay, | |Queen’s N B|A. Branscomb, sen. W. O. | | | Cumberland Point, | |Queen’s N B|William Smith W. O. | | | Cumminsville |Nelson |Halton O|Robert Thomson Cumnock |Nichol |Wellington, O|John Anderson | | C. R. | Curran |Plantagenet |Prescott O|John Boyle Curryville, W. O. | |Albert N B|John Beaumont Cushing |Chatham |Argenteuil Q|James B. Cushing | | | | | | Dacre |Brougham |Renfrew, S. R. O|John Morrow Daillebout |Daillebout |Joliette Q|L. I. Déziel Dalesville |Rear of |Argenteuil Q|Peter McArthur | Chatham | | _Dalhousie_ | |Restigouche N B|H. A. Johnson Dalhousie, East, | |King’s N S|Melissa Sterratt W. O. | | | Dalhousie Mills |Lancaster |Glengarry O|William Chisholme Dalhousie Road, | |Lunenburg N S|Robert Frayney W. O. | | | Dalhousie | |Pictou N S|W. Ross Settlement, W. O.| | | Dalibaire |Dalibaire |Rimouski Q|O. A. Lamontagne Dalkeith |Lochiel |Glengarry O|William Robertson Dalrymple |Carden |Victoria, N. R. O| Dalston |Vespra |Simcoe, N. R. O|George Lawson Danford Lake |Alleyn |Pontiac Q|Henry Heney Danforth |Scarboro’ |York, E. R. O|Henry Hogarth * _Danville_ |Shipton |Richmond Q|J. W. Stockwell Darrell |Chatham |Kent O|Edward Hall Dartford |Percy |Northumberland, O|William Bailey | | E. R. | Dartmoor |Dalton |Victoria, N. R. O|John Gardiner _Dartmouth_ | |Halifax N S|Luther Sterns Dashwood |Hay |Huron, S. R. O|Noah Fried Davenport |York |York, W. R. O|Joseph Green Davisville |York |York, E. R. O|John Davis Dawn Mills |Gore of Camden|Bothwell O|W. A. Ward Dawson Settlement, | |Albert N B|Isaac Dawson W. O. | | | Daywood |Sydenham |Grey, N. R. O|A. S. Cameron Dealtown |Raleigh |Kent O|Isaac Lambert Debeck Station, | |Carleton N B|Alex. Harron W. O. | | | De Cewsville |Cayuga |Haldimand O|T. B. Dier Deep Brook, W. O. | |Annapolis N S|C. Purdy Deerdock |Oso |Addington O|John Warren Deerfield, W. O. | |Yarmouth N S|Richard Crosby Deerhurst |West |Simcoe, S. R. O|Samuel Walker | Gwillimbury | | Dee Side |Matapedia |Bonaventure Q|John Mowat _Delaware_ |Delaware |Middlesex, W. R. O|C. J. Ladd _Delhi_ |Middleton |Norfolk, N. R. O|James Whitsides _Delta_ |Bastard |Leeds, S. R. O|W. H. Danaut Demorestville |Sophiasburg |Prince Edward O|B. Smith. Dempsey’s Corner, | |King’s N S|Hector Graves W. O. | | | Denbigh |Denbigh |Addington O|Samuel Lane Denfield |London |Middlesex, E. R. O|B. H. Rosser Denison’s Mills |Shipton |Richmond Q|Joseph R. Denison Deniston |Hinchinbrooke |Addington O|B. C. Freeman Densmore’s, W. O. | |Hants N S|John Fraser Densmore’s Mills, | |Hants N S|R. T. Densmore W. O. | | | De Ramsay |De Ramsay |Joliette Q|James Read Derby, W. O. | |Northumberland N B|William Hartt Derryville |Brock |Ontario, N. R. O|Thomas Allin Derry, West |Toronto |Peel O|Thos. McCollam Derwent |Westminster |Middlesex, E. R. O|William Dibb Desboro’ |Sullivan |Grey, N. R. O|George Smith Deschambault |Deschambault |Portneuf Q|A. Damase Hamelin Desert Lake |Loughborough |Addington O|John M. Snook Desmond |Camden, East |Addington O|William Irvine Détour du Lac |Madawaska |Témiscouata Q|Mdme. A. Cloutier Deux Rivières | |District of O|Robert Ranson | | Nipissing | Devizes |London |Middlesex, E. R. O|Henry Rigney Devon |Stephen |Huron, S. R. O|Wm. Greenway Dewittville |Godmanchester |Huntingdon Q|John Oliver Dexter |Yarmouth |Elgin, E. R. O|Nelson Parker Diamond |Fitzroy |Carleton O|R. Walker, jun. Dickens |Yonge |Leeds, S. R. O|L. N. Phelps _Dickinson’s |Osnabruck |Stormont O|Charles Wagner Landing_ | | | Dickson’s Store, | |Colchester N S|G. W. Nelson W. O. | | | _Digby_ | |Digby N S|Mrs. C. W. Bent * _Dingle_ |Grey |Huron, C. R. O|John R. Grant Dipper Harbor, | |St. John N B|D. Belmore W. O. | | | Discoose, W. O. | |Richmond N S|David Grouchy Dixie |Toronto |Peel O|John Kennedy Dixon’s Corners |Matilda |Dundas O|William Wood Doaktown, W. O. | |Northumberland N B|Hiram Freeze Dobbinton |Elderslie |Bruce, N. R. O|James Dobbin Doherty’s Mills, | |Kent N B|Joseph G. Cormier W. O. | | | Dollar |Markham |York, E. R. O|Agnes Heron Domaine de Gentilly|Gentilly |Arthabaska Q|T. Lafléche Don |York |York, E. R. O|John Hogg Doncaster |York |York, E. R. O|James Young Donegal |Elma |Perth, N. R. O|Mary Mason Donegal, W. O. | |King’s N B|John Lockhart Doon |Waterloo South|Waterloo, S. R. O|Thomas Slee Doran |Bathurst |Lanark, S. R. O|William Doran _Dorchester_ | |Westmoreland N B|S. W. Tingley Dorchester Station |Dorchester |Middlesex, E. R. O|J. N. Hardy Dorking |Wellesley |Waterloo, N. R. O|Adam Deitz _Douglas_ |Bromley |Renfrew, N. R. O|Duncan Ferguson Douglas, W. O. | |York N B|Edward Dunphy Douglas Harbor, | |Queen’s N B|Abner Balmain W. O. | | | Douglastown |Douglas |Gaspé Q|Charles Veit Douglastown, W. O. | |Northumberland N B|Wm. Russell, jun. Dover, W. O. | |Westmoreland N B|William Steeves Dover, South |Dover |Kent O| Downeyville |Emily |Victoria, S. R. O|Michael O’Neill Downsview |York |York, W. R. O|Robert Clarke Doyle Settlement, | |Restigouche N B|Donald Murchie W. O. | | | _Drayton_ |Peel |Wellington, O|W. C. Wortley | | C. R. | _Dresden_ |Gore of Camden|Bothwell O|C. P. Watson Drew |Minto |Wellington, O|William Cardwell | | N. R. | Drew’s Mills |Barford |Stanstead Q|Marcus Child Dromore |Egremont |Grey, S. R. O|Alexander Taylor Drum |Manvers |Durham, E. R. O|Isabella Harrison _Drumbo_ |Blenheim |Oxford, N. R. O|Joseph L. Burgess _Drummondville, |Grantham |Drummond Q|Miss C. M. Millar East_ | | | _Drummondville, |Stamford |Welland O|Luke Brokenshaw West_ | | | Drumquin |Trafalgar |Halton O|James Mason Dryden |Wallace |Perth, N. R. O|Richard Johnston _Duart_ |Orford |Bothwell O|James Tait Dublin Shore, W. O.| |Lunenburg N S|Thomas Smith Duck and Pringle | |Yale B C| Dudswell |Dudswell |Wolfe Q|Zerah Evans Dufferin |Oneida |Haldimand O|Mrs. James Cossar Dumbarton, R. R. | |Charlotte N B|James Trenholm Station, W. O. | | | Dumblane |Saugeen |Bruce, N. R. O|Donald Fraser Dumfries, W. O. | |York N B|Wm. Whitehead Dunany |Wentworth |Argenteuil Q|Samuel Smith _Dunbar_ |Williamsburg |Dundas O|A. C. Allison _Dunbarton_ |Pickering |Ontario, S. R. O|John Parker Duncan |Euphrasia |Grey, E. R. O|William McRae Duncrief |Lobo |Middlesex, N. R. O| Dundalk |Melancthon |Grey, E. R. O|James May * _Dundas_ |Flamborough, |Wentworth, N. R. O|J. M. Thornton | West | | Dundee |Dundee |Huntingdon Q|David Baker Dundee, W. O. | |Restigouche N B|Alexander Laing Dundee Centre |Dundee |Huntingdon Q|Rev. D. Ross Dundela |Matilda |Dundas O|J. E. Tuttle Dundonald |Cramahe |Northumberland, O|John Barker | | E. R. | Dunedin |Nottawasaga |Simcoe, N. R. O| _Dungannon_ |Wawanosh |Huron, N. R. O|R. Clendinning Dungiven, W. O. | |Westmoreland N B|John McVey _Dunham_ |Dunham |Missisquoi Q|Edward Barker Dunkeld |Brant |Bruce, S. R. O|Thomas Whitehead * _Dunnville_ |Moulton |Monck O|Thomas Armour Dunphy, W. O. | |Northumberland N B|George Dunphy Dunraven |Calumet Island|Pontiac Q|John Letts Dunrobin |Torbolton |Carleton O|Hy. Younghusband Dunsford |Verulam |Victoria, S. R. O|William Graham _Duntroon_ |Nottawasaga |Simcoe, N. R. O|James Russell Dunvegan |Kenyon |Glengarry O|Hector McLean * _Durham_ |Bentinck |Grey, S. R. O|Arch’d McKenzie Durham | |Pictou N S|John McCoul | | | | | | Eagle |Aldborough |Elgin, W. R. O| Eagle’s Nest |St. Peter’s |Lisgar M|John Monkman Eardley |Eardley |Ottawa Q|W. H. McLean Earltown, W. O. | |Colchester N S|W. J. McKay East Arthabaska |St. Norbert |Arthabaska Q|P. N. Pacaud East Bay, W. O. | |Cape Breton N S|Hugh McGillivray East Bay, North | |Cape Breton N S|J. P. McKinnon side, W. O. | | | East Bolton |Bolton |Brome Q|Alex. Sargent East Broughton |Broughton |Beauce Q|Rev. J. A. | | | Pelletier East Chester |St. Hélène de |Arthabaska Q|Joseph Jutras | Chester | | East Clifton |Clifton |Compton Q|Hugh E. Cairns East Dunham |Dunham |Missisquoi Q|Robert A. Wales Eastern Harbor, | |Inverness N S|W. Lawrence W. O. | | | East Farnham |Farnham |Brome Q|Rodney Hutchins East Glassville, | |Carleton N B|David Smith W. O. | | | East Hawkesbury |Hawkesbury |Prescott O| | East | | East Hereford |Hereford |Compton Q|Elijah Purington East Jeddore, W. O.| |Halifax N S|David Webber East Magdala |Nelson |Megantic Q|William J. Smyth Eastman’s Springs |Gloucester |Russell O|D. H. Eastman _Easton’s Corners_ |Wolford |Grenville, N. R. O|H. S. Easton East Oro |Oro |Simcoe, N. R. O|William Simpson East Port Medway, | |Queen’s N S|F. P. Armstrong W. O. | | | East River, St. | |Pictou N S|Geo. Campbell Mary’s, W. O. | | | East River, St. | |Guysborough N S|A. W. Sutherland Mary’s, W. O. | | | East Scotch | |King’s N B|Donald McLachlan Settlement, W. O.| | | East side of | |Halifax N S|Alex. Lindsay Chezzetcook, | | | W. O. | | | East side of | |Yarmouth N S|Byron Hines Pubnico Harbor, | | | W. O. | | | East side of Ragged| |Shelburne N S|George Craig Island, W. O. | | | East side of West | |Pictou N S|Daniel Shaw Branch East River| | | of Pictou, W. O. | | | East Templeton |Templeton |Ottawa Q|Levi E. Dunning Eastville, W. O. | |Colchester N S|James R. Ellis East Williamsburgh |Williamsburgh |Dundas O|Herbert E. Snyder Eastwood |Oxford, East |Oxford, S. R. O|John Shaw Eaton |Eaton |Compton Q|Moses Lebourveau Economy | |Colchester N S|W. A. Fulmer Eddystone |Haldimand |Northumberland, O|M. Bradley | | W. R. | Eden |Bayham |Elgin, E. R. O|John Nethercott Eden Mills |Eramosa |Wellington, O|Samuel Meadows | | S. R. | Edgar |Oro |Simcoe, N. R. O|John Smith Edgecombe |Mornington |Perth, N. R. O|U. Macfadden Edgett’s Landing, | |Albert N B|Ward Edgett W. O. | | | Edgeworth |Tilbury, East |Kent O| Edina |Chatham |Argenteuil Q|Wm. Tomalty Edmonton |Chinguacousy |Peel O|Ewen Cameron _Edmundston_ | |Victoria N B|J. T. Hodgson Edwardsburgh |Edwardsburgh |Grenville, S. R. O|William S. Aikin Eel Brook, W. O. | |Yarmouth N S|J. B. Leblanc Eel River, W. O. | |Restigouche N B|Jas. M. Thompson Effingham |Pelham |Monck O|George Redpath _Eganville_ |Grattan |Renfrew, S. R. O|John Quealy Egbert |Essa |Simcoe, S. R. O| Egerton |Luther |Wellington, O|James Hunter | | N. R. | Eglington |York |York, E. R. O|Joseph Hargrave _Egmondville_ |Tuckersmith |Huron, C. R. O|George E. Jackson Egremont |Egremont |Grey, S. R. O|Thomas Smith Egypte |Milton |Shefford Q|J. Dépot Eig Mountain, W. O.| |Antigonishe N S|Mrs. Mary Smith Elba |Mono |Cardwell O|Charles Smith Elder |Mono |Cardwell O|C. Conn Eldorado |Madoc |Hastings, N. R. O|John Blackburn Elfrida |Saltfleet |Wentworth, S. R. O|Wm. Brock Elgin |Crosby, South |Leeds, S. R. O|Philemon Pennock Elgin | |Albert N B|R. D. Robinson Elginburg |Kingston |Frontenac O|Eli Meecham Elginfield |London |Middlesex, E. R. O|Matthew Glass Elimville |Usborne |Huron, S. R. O|James Crocker Elizabethville |Hope |Durham, E. R. O|Johnston Beatty Ellengowan |Brant |Bruce, S. R. O|James Brownlee Ellershausen, W. O.| |Hants N S|J. Beckman Ellesmere |Scarboro’ |York, E. R. O|Arch. Glendinning Elliott |Bathurst |Lanark, S. R. O|Wm. McClellan Elm |Huntley |Carleton O|Thomas Smith Elm Grove |Essa |Simcoe, S. R. O|Richard Love Elmira |Woolwich |Waterloo, N. R. O|Peter Winger Elmsdale | |Hants N S|Alex. Dunbar Elmsville, W. O. | |Pictou N S|D. McDonald Elmvale |Flos |Simcoe, S. R. O|William Harvey Elmwood |Brant |Bruce, S. R. O|J. Dirstein * _Elora_ |Pilkington |Wellington, O|W. H. La Pinotière | | C. R. | Elphin |North |Lanark, N. R. O|Isaac Bloomberg | Sherbrooke | | Elsinore |Arran |Bruce, N. R. O| _Embro_ |Zorra, West |Oxford, N. R. O|D. Matheson Embrun |Russell |Russell O|Joseph Lalonde Emerald |Amherst Island|Lennox O|John Hitchins [4] Emerald, W. O. | |Inverness N S|Thomas Tompkins Emigrant Road, | |Westmoreland N B|Charles Mulrine W. O. | | | Emigrant | |Westmoreland N B|B. Carrigan Settlement, W. O.| | | Enfield |Darlington |Durham, W. R. O|William Martyn Enfield | |Hants N S|Henry F. Donaldson English Corner, | |Halifax N S|James Thomson W. O. | | | English Settlement,| |Queen’s N B|John Wilson W. O. | | | English Town | |Victoria N S|Donald Buchannan Enniskillen |Darlington |Durham, W. R. O|D. W. McLeod Enniskillen | |Queen’s N B|C. H. Kingston Station, W. O. | | | Ennismore |Ennismore |Peterboro’, O|Thomas S. LeHane | | W. R. | Enterprise |Camden, East |Addington O|Robert Graham Epping |Euphrasia |Grey, E. R. O|James Stewart Epsom |Reach |Ontario, N. R. O|Joseph C. Huckins Eramosa |Eramosa |Wellington, O|Robert Dryden | | S. R. | Erbsville |Waterloo |Waterloo, N. R. O|John L. Erb Erie |Walpole |Haldimand O|R. McBurney * _Erin_ |Erin |Wellington, O|William Cornock | | S. R. | Erinsville |Sheffield |Addington O|Patrick Walsh Erinville, W. O. | |Guysboro’ N S|Charles Kenny Erroll |Plympton |Lambton O|George Whiting Escott |Escott |Leeds, S. R. O|John L. Dowsley Escuminac (sub.) |Nouvelle |Bonaventure Q|John Campbell Escuminac, W. O. | |Northumberland N B|James McLean [5] Eskasoni | |Cape Breton N S|Henry V. Brown Esquesing |Esquesing |Halton O|John Murray Esquimalt | |Victoria B C| Etang du Nord |Magdalen |Gaspé Q|Damase V. Bourque (sub.) | Islands | | Ethel |Grey |Huron, C. R. O|James Spence _Etobicoke_ |York |York, W. R. O|F. A. Howland Eugenia |Artemesia |Grey, E. R. O|R. McLean Purdy Evelyn |Nissouri, West|Middlesex, E. R. O|John Burns Everett |Tosorontio |Simcoe, S. R. O|Thomas Gordon Eversley |King |York, N. R. O|James Tinline Everton |Eramosa |Wellington, O|J. Tovell | | S. R. | * _Exeter_ |Stephen |Huron, S. R. O|William Sanders | | | | | | Fafard |St. Sylvester |Lotbinière Q|William J. Cryan Fairfield |Harwich |Kent O|David R. Watson Fairfield, East |Elizabethtown |Brockville O| Fairfield, W. O. | |St. John N B|J. A. Flo Fairfield Plain |Burford |Brant, S. R. O|Elijah Forsyth Fairhaven, W. O. | |Charlotte N B|Caleb Greene Fairview |Gore of Downie|Perth, S. R. O|Richard Forrest Fairville | |St. John N B|C. F. Tilton Falkenburg |Macauley |Muskoka O|Mathias Moore Falkirk |Williams, East|Middlesex, N. R. O|James Priestley Falkland |Brantford |Brant, S. R. O|M. Stally Fallbrook |Bathurst |Lanark, S. R. O|William Smith Fallowfield |Nepean |Carleton O|P. O’Meara Falmouth, W. O. | |Hants N S|James Wolf Falmouth, Windsor | |Hants N S|William Armstrong Bridge, W. O. | | | False Bay Beach, | |Cape Breton N S|Angus McAuley W. O. | | | Farley’s Mills, | |Carleton N B|James Lawson W. O. | | | Farmerston, W. O. | |Carleton N B|W. E. Estey _Farmersville_ |Yonge |Leeds, S. R. O|Arza Parish Farmington |Amaranth |Wellington, O|John Curry | | N. R. | Farnboro’ |Farnham |Missisquoi Q|Leonard Wells Farndon |Farnham |Missisquoi Q|Seth N. Ross Farnham Centre |Farnham |Brome Q|John Johnston Farquhar |Usborne |Huron, S. R. O|Robert Monteith Farran’s Point |Osnabruck |Stormont O|John R. Farran Father Point |St. Luce |Rimouski Q|Pierre D. Rouleau Fenaghvale |Caledonia |Prescott O|Jas. Proudfoot, | | | jun. Fenella |Haldimand |Northumberland, O|George Harper | | W. R. | _Fenelon Falls_ |Fenelon |Victoria, N. R. O|Robert B. Jameson Fennells |Innisfil |Simcoe, S. R. O|J. G. Feighan Fenwick |Pelham |Monck O|James W Taylor Fenwick, W. O. | |Kings N B|Joseph Wiley Fenwick, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|John D. Davidson * _Fergus_ |Nichol |Wellington, O|James McQueen | | C. R. | Ferguson’s Falls |Drummond |Lanark, S. R. O| Fergusonvale |Flos |Simcoe, N. R. O|John Cumming Fermoy |Bedford |Addington O|Thomas W. Watt Fernhill |Lobo |Middlesex, N. R. O|Jenkin Owen Ferris, W. O. | |Queen’s N B|R. O’Donell Ferryville, W. O. | |Carleton N B|James Hemphill Feversham |Osprey |Grey, E. R. O|Mary Sproul * _Fingal_ |Southwold |Elgin, W. R. O|Samuel Tubby Fintona |Adjala |Cardwell O|Robert J. Lamon Fisherville |Rainham |Haldimand O|James Elsworth Fitch Bay |Stanstead |Stanstead Q|E. V. Maloney Fitzroy Harbor |Fitzroy |Carleton O|W. A. Shirreff _Five Islands_ | |Colchester N S|Andrew K. Graham Five Mile River, | |Hants N S|Joseph McLearn W. O. | | | Flatlands | |Restigouche N B|Archd. McKenzie Fleetwood |Manvers |Durham, E. R. O|James Morrow _Flesherton_ |Artemesia |Grey, E. R. O|Robert J. Sproul Fletcher’s Station,| |Halifax N S|Edward Largie W. O. | | | Fleurant | |Bonaventure Q|William Gray Flinton |Kaladar |Addington O|E. J. Matthews Flora |Woolwich |Waterloo, N. R. O|Isaac Devitt _Florence_ |Euphemia |Bothwell O|John A. Young _Florenceville_ | |Carleton N B|Stephen G. Burpee Florenceville, East| |Carleton N B|John Lovely W. O. | | | Foley |Whitby |Ontario, S. R. O|Thomas Williamson Folly Lake, W. O. | |Colchester N S|Alonzo McCulloch Folly Mountain, | |Colchester N S|Lemuel Fisher W. O. | | | Fontenoy |Melbourne |Richmond Q|R. Fraser _Fonthill_ |Pelham |Monck O|Danson Kinsman Forbes, W. O. | |Colchester N S|John Forbes Fordyce |Wawanosh |Huron, N. R. O|Wm. Farquharson _Forest_ |Plympton |Lambton O|R. Dier Forester’s Falls |Ross |Renfrew, N. R. O|Oliver Forester Forest Mills |Richmond |Lennox O|William Breeze Foreston, W. O. | |Carleton N B|Daniel B. Gray Forestville |Charlotteville|Norfolk, S. R. O|C. A. While Forfar |Bastard |Leeds, S. R. O|Richard Hales Forks, W. O. | |Queen’s N B|J. Kierstead Forks, Baddeck, | |Victoria N S|A. R. Watson W. O. | | | Formosa |Carrick |Bruce, S. R. O|F. X. Mesner Forristall’s, W. O.| |Guysborough N S|John Forristall Fort Coulonge |Mansfield |Pontiac Q|Thomas Bryson _Fort Erie_ |Bertie |Welland O|George Lewis Fort Garry |St. John |Selkirk M|A. G. B. Bannatyne Fort William | |Algoma O|Miss C. McVicar Fort William |Sheen |Pontiac Q|James McCool Foster’s, W. O. | |Lunenburg N S|Henry Foster Fouchie, W. O. | |Richmond N S|Albert B. Hooper Fournier |Plantagenet |Prescott O|A. S. McLennan | South | | Foxboro’ |Thurlow |Hastings, E. R. O|Edward Philpot Fox Creek, W. O. | |Westmoreland N B|Eustache Burke Fox Harbor, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|Arch’d Robertson Fox River |Fox |Gaspé Q|J. C. Parent Fox River, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|J. L. Hatfield Framboise, W. O. | |Richmond N S|Kenneth Strachan Frampton |West Frampton |Dorchester Q|M. Fitzgerald _Frankford_ |Sidney |Hastings, W. R. O|William Gilbert Frank Hill |Emily |Victoria, S. R. O|Thomas Franks Franklin |Manvers |Durham, E. R. O|William Maguire _Franklin Centre_ |Franklin |Huntingdon Q|William Cantwell Franktown |Beckwith |Lanark, S. R. O|E. McEwen Frankville |Kitley |Leeds, N. R. O|Christopher | | | Richards Fraser’s Grant, | |Antigonishe N S|John Fraser W. O. | | | Fraser’s Mill, | |Pictou N S|Alexander Grant W. O. | | | _Fredericton_ | |York N B|A. S. Phair Fredericton | |Sunbury N B| Junction | | | Fredericton Road, | |Westmoreland N B|J. O. Sullivan W. O. | | | Freelton |Flamborough, |Wentworth, N. R. O|James Hirst | West | | Freeport |Waterloo, |Waterloo, S. R. O|Elias B. Snyder | South | | Freiburg |Waterloo, |Waterloo, N. R. O|Ferdinand Rombach | North | | * _Frelighsburg_ |St. Armand |Missisquoi Q|W. M. Patterson French River, W. O.| |Pictou N S|Mrs. C. McDonald French Vale, W. O. | |Cape Breton N S|Duncan McSwain French Village |Kingsey |Drummond Q|François Pothier French Village, | |King’s N B|George Beattie W. O. | | | Frogmore |Toronto |Peel O| Frome |Southwold |Elgin, W. R. O|William Silcox Frost Village |Shefford |Shefford Q|John Williams Fulford |Brome |Brome Q|Philo England Fullarton |Fullarton |Perth, S. R. O|John Buchan Fulton |Grimsby |Lincoln O|John Grassie | | | | | | Gaberouse, W. O. | |Cape Breton N S|W. Balster Gad’s Hill |Ellice |Perth, N. R. O|Wm. B. Crinkley _Gagetown_ | |Queens’ N B|Edward Simpson * _Galt_ |Dumfries, |Waterloo, S. R. O|John Davidson | North | | Galway |Somerville |Victoria, N. R. O|Thomas Shields Gamebridge |Thorah |Ontario, N. R. O|William Glover * _Gananoque_ |Leeds |Leeds, S. R. O|D. F. Britton * _Garafraxa_ |Garafraxa |Wellington, O|Andrew Lightbody | | C. R. | Garden Hill |Hope |Durham, E. R. O|James Dyer _Garden Island_ |Garden Island |Frontenac O|George Cumming Garden of Eden, | |Pictou N S|Mrs. D. McGregor W. O. | | | Garden River | |Algoma O|Rev. Edward Wilson Gardner’s Creek, | |St. John N B|John J. Wallace W. O. | | | Garneau |Garneau |L’Islet Q|Elie Chouinard Garthby |Garthby |Wolfe Q|David Grenier _Gaspé Basin_ |Gaspé |Gaspé Q|J. J. Kavanagh Gaspereaux, W. O. | |Queen’s N B|Charles E. Langin Gaspereaux, W. O. | |King’s N S|Sherman Caldwell Gaspereaux Station,| |Queen’s N B|Thomas Trott W. O. | | | Gay’s River, W. O. | |Halifax N S|M. Frame Gay’s River Road, | |Halifax N S|Robert B. Taylor W. O. | | | Geary, W. O. | |Sunbury N B|Asa Carr Gemley |Miller |Addington O|James Stalker Geneva |Argenteuil |Argenteuil Q|G. A. Hooker Genoa |St. Jerusalem |Argenteuil Q|James Gordon Gentilly |Gentilly |Nicolet Q|L. Brunelle * _Georgetown_ |Esquesing |Halton O|Lafayette Goodenow _Georgeville_ |Stanstead |Stanstead Q|Increase Bullock * _Georgina_ |Georgina |York, N. R. O|J. R. Bourchier Germantown, W. O. | |Albert N B|William Fillmore Getson’s Point, | |Lunenburg N S|George McKean W. O. | | | Giant’s Lake, W. O.| |Guysborough N S|John McNeil Gilbert Cove, W. O.| |Digby N S|H. S. Mallet Gilbert’s Mills |Sophiasburg |Prince Edward O|John D. Gilbert Gilford |Gwillimbury, |Simcoe, S. R. O|Thomas Maconchy | West | | Girvan Settlement, | |Kent N B|Thos. D. Holmden W. O. | | | Gladstone |Dorchester |Middlesex, E. R. O|L. McMurray Glammis |Bruce |Bruce, N. R. O|J. Crawford Glanford |Glanford |Wentworth, S. R. O|John Atkinson Glanmire |Tudor |Hastings, N. R. O|John Ray Glanworth |Westminster |Middlesex, E. R. O|John Turnbull Glascott |Glenelg |Grey, S. R. O|Dennis Quirk Glasgow |Uxbridge |Ontario, S. R. O|Benjamin Parker Glassville, W. O. | |Carleton N B|Hugh Miller Glastonbury |Kaladar |Addington O|J. A. Carscallen Glen, W. O. | |Antigonishe N S|D. McMillan _Glenallan_ |Peel |Wellington, O|George Allan | | C. R. | Glen Alpine, W. O. | |Antigonishe N S|Thomas Cooper Glenarm |Fenelon |Victoria, N. R. O|Donald Spence Glenburnie |Kingston |Frontenac O|George Hunter Glencairn |Tosorontio |Simcoe, S. R. O|M. N. Stephens _Glencoe_ |Ekfrid |Middlesex, W. R. O| Glendower |Bedford |Addington O|Richard Howes Glendale, W. O. | |Inverness N S|John McKinnon Glenelg |St. Mary’s |Guysborough N S|Matthew Archibald Glengarry Station | |Pictou N S|John Fraser Glen Huron |Nottawasaga |Simcoe, N. R. O|H. M. Frame Glenloyd |Inverness |Megantic Q|Joseph Rockingham Glenlyon |Carrick |Bruce, S. R. O| Glenmeyer |Houghton |Norfolk, S. R. O|George E. Meyer Glen Morris |Dumfries |Brant, N. R. O| Glen Murray |Inverness |Megantic Q|John Murray Glennevis |Lancaster |Glengarry O|Alexander E. McRae Glen Road, W. O. | |Antigonishe N S|C. McGillivry Glen Sutton |Sutton |Brome Q|W. A. Brown Glen Tay |Bathurst |Lanark, S. R. O|John Hargrave Glenvale |Kingston |Frontenac O|Robert Gibson Glen Williams |Esquesing |Halton O|Charles Williams Goble’s Corners |Blenheim |Oxford, N. R. O|William L. Goble * _Goderich_ |Goderich |Huron, C. R. O|A. Dickson Golden Grove, W. O.| |St. John N B|Peter Brennan Goldenville | |Guysborough N S|Jess Cumminger Gold Fields, W. O. | |Colchester N S|George Corbett Gold River, W. O. | |Lunenburg N S|Benjamin Reddy Goldstone |Peel |Wellington, O|John Gordon | | C. R. | Good Corner, W. O. | |Carleton N B|Archibald Good Goodwood |Uxbridge |Ontario, N. R. O|Michael Chapman Goose Creek, W. O. | |St. John N B|John Prescott Goose River | |Cumberland N S|David Patterson Gordonsville, W. O.| |Carleton N B|Moses Crosby Gore, W. O. | |Hants N S|Daniel Thompson Gore’s Landing |Hamilton |Northumberland, O|Sarah Gabetis | | W. R. | Gormley |Markham |York, E. R. O|James Gormley Gorrie |Howick |Huron, N. R. O|Henry Besanson Goshen, W. O. | |Albert N B|E. A. Robinson Goshen, W. O. | |Antigonishe N S|Donald Sinclair Gosport |Adolphustown |Lennox O|George Germain Gould |Lingwick |Compton Q|Alexander Ross Gourock |Guelph |Wellington, O|James Cunningham | | S. R. | Gowanstown |Wallace |Perth, N. R. O|John F. Weiland Gower Point |Westmeath |Renfrew, N. R. O|Thomas M. Carswell Gowland Mountain, | |Albert N B|William McKenzie W. O. | | | _Grafton_ |Haldimand |Northumberland, O|J. Gillard | | W. R. | Grahamsville |Toronto Gore |Peel O|Peter Lamphier Granboro’ |Granby |Shefford Q|S. W. Tracy * _Granby_ |Granby |Shefford Q|Horace Lyman Grand Anse, W. O. | |Richmond N S|Allan McLean Grand Aunce, W. O. | |Gloucester N B|Francis LeGresley Grand Bay, W. O. | |St. John N B|David Hamm Grand Bend |Bosanquet |Lambton O|John Ironside Grande Baie |St. Alexis |Chicoutimi Q|Miss D. Nugent Grande Grève |Cap Rosier |Gaspé Q|Charles Esnouf Grande Ligne | |St. John’s Q|R. A. Girardin Grandes Coudées |Jersey |Beauce Q|Jean Lambert dit | | | Champagne Grand Etang, W. O. | |Inverness N S|Zephirin | | | Collerette _Grand Falls_ | |Victoria N B|Patrick McMillan Grand Falls, | |Victoria N B|W. Roach Portage, W. O. | | | Grand Harbour, | |Charlotte N B|Turner Wooster W. O. | | | Grandigue, W. O. | |Kent N B|Fidèle Legère Grandigue Ferry, | |Richmond N S|David Fraser W. O. | | | Grand Manan | |Charlotte N B|E. Daggett Grand Narrows, | |Cape Breton N S|J. S. McNeil W. O. | | | Grand Pabos |Pabos |Gaspé Q|Thomas Soucy Grand River |Grand River |Gaspé Q|Joseph O. Sirois Grand River, W. O. | |Victoria N B|Edwin Akerly Grand River, W. O. | |Richmond N S|Hector Murchison Granville Centre, | |Annapolis N S|W. B. Troop W. O. | | | _Granville Ferry_ | |Annapolis N S|Alfred Troop Grant |Cambridge |Russell O|James Edmonstone Grantley |Williamsburg |Dundas O|John C. Munro Granton |Biddulph |Middlesex, N. R. O|James Jamieson Gravel Hill |Roxborough |Stormont O|John Crawford Gravelotte |Middleton |Norfolk, N. R. O|Robert Quance Gravenhurst |Muskoka |Muskoka O|Peter Cockburn Graystock |Otonabee |Peterborough, O|Mark Graystock | | E. R. | Great Bridge, W. O.| |Cumberland N S|Joshua King Great Shemogue, | |Westmoreland N B|William Avard W. O. | | | _Great Village_ | |Colchester N S|A. W. McLellan Greenbank |Reach |Ontario, N. R. O|George Flint, jun. Greenbush |Elizabethtown |Brockville O|Daniel Blanchard Greenfield, W. O. | |Carleton N B|Thomas Wakem Greenfield, W. O. | |Queen’s N S|Nath. Freeman Green Hill, W. O. | |Pictou N S|Mrs. Jessie | | | McKenzie Greenock |Greenock |Bruce, S. R. O|Hugh Montgomery Green River |St. Antonin |Témiscouata Q|George April Green River |Pickering |Ontario, S. R. O|J. H. Smith Green River, W. O. | |Victoria N B|John Lynch Green’s Creek, | |Colchester N S|Daniel Dart W. O. | | | Greensville |West |Wentworth, N. R. O|James Joyce | Flamborough | | Greenville, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|Allan G. Purdy Greenwich Hill, | |King’s N B|Alber McKiel W. O. | | | _Greenwood_ |Pickering |Ontario, S. R. O|Frederick Meen _Grenville_ |Grenville |Argenteuil Q|Edward Pridham Gresham |Bruce |Bruce, N. R. O|E. J. Brown Gretna |N. |Lennox O|W. J. Mellow |Fredericksburg| | Grey |Grey |Huron, C. R. O|John Leckie Griersville |St. Vincent |Grey, E. R. O|Robert Burdett Griffith |Griffith |Renfrew, S. R. O| * _Grimsby_ |Grimsby |Lincoln O|H. E. Nelles Grondines |Grondines |Portneuf Q|F. X. Thibodeau Grosvenor, W. O. | |Guysboro’ N S|Samuel O’Niel Grovesend |Malahide |Elgin, E. R. O|Wm. Bothwell Groves Point, W. O.| |Victoria N S|Murdoch McDonald * _Guelph_ |Guelph |Wellington, O|Wm. Kingsmill | | S. R. | Gulf Shore, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|W. Waugh Gunning Cove, W. O.| |Shelburne N S|Mrs. Mary Doane Guysborough |Middleton |Norfolk, N. R. O|J. W. Doyle _Guysborough_ | |Guysborough N S|E. J. Cunningham Guysborough | |Guysborough N S|Robert McKay Intervale, W. O. | | | | | | | | | Hackett’s Cove, | |Halifax N S|Elias Grono W. O. | | | _Hagersville_ |Walpole |Haldimand O|Charles Hager Half Island Cove, | |Guysborough N S|John Digdon W. O. | | | Halfway Brook, | |Colchester N S|Wm. Fischer W. O. | | | Halfway River, | |Cumberland N S|G. D. Fullerton W. O. | | | _Haliburton_ |Dysart |Peterborough, O|C. R. Stewart | | E. R. | _Halifax_ | |Halifax N S|Benj. W. Cochrane Hallerton |Hemmingford |Huntingdon Q|Alex. McCrea Halloway |Thurlow |Hastings, E. R. O|James P. Hopkins Hall’s Bridge |Harvey |Peterborough, O|Henry C. Hall | | E. R. | Hall’s Harbor, | |King’s N S|Colin W Ruscoe W. O. | | | Hamburg |South |Lennox O|A. D. Fraser |Fredericksburg| | * _Hamilton_ |Barton |Hamilton O|Frederick Ritchie Hamlet |Burgess, N. |Lanark, S. R. O|Michael Stanley Hammond |Elma |Perth, N. R. O|Jas. Hammond, jun. Hammond River, | |King’s N B|W. W. Dodge W. O. | | | Hammondvale | |King’s N B|W. Fowler Hampstead |North Easthope|Perth, N. R. O|David Brown Hampstead, W. O. | |Queen’s N B|E. W. Slipp _Hampton_ |Darlington |Durham, W. R. O|H. Elliott Hampton, W. O. | |King’s N B|John Flewelling Hamtown, W. O. | |York N B|Nath. Smith Hanford Brook, | |King’s N B|Henry Handron W. O. | | | Hannon |Barton |Wentworth, S. R. O|Thomas Cowie _Hanover_ |Bentinck |Grey, S. R. O|Thos. S. Coppinger _Hantsport_ | |Hants N S|Wm. Davison Hanwell, W. O. | |York N B| Harbor au Bouche, | |Antigonishe N S|Edmd. Corbet W. O. | | | Harbor Read, W. O. | |Antigonishe N S|Hugh McGillivray Harborville, W. O. | |King’s N S| Harcourt |Horton |Renfrew, S. R. O|Mrs. A. R. Hutton Hardinge |Barrie |Addington O|Thomas Tapping Hardwick, W. O. | |Northumberland N B|Robert Noble Hardwood Lands, | |Colchester N S|James Grant W. O. | | | Harewood, W. O. | |Westmoreland N B|Maurice Healy _Hargrave_ |Litchfield |Pontiac Q|W. G. LeRoy Harlem |Bastard |Leeds, S. R. O|William Kincaid Harley |Burford |Brant, S. R. O|John Dinby Harlock |Hullett |Huron, C. R. O|Thomas Neilans Harlowe |Barrie |Addington O|David W. Wait Harmony |South Easthope|Perth, S. R. O|Edmund Corbett Harold |Rawdon |Hastings, N. R. O|Albert McWilliams Harper |Bathurst |Lanark, S. R. O|Joseph Warren Harpley |Stephen |Huron, S. R. O|Thos. N. Hayter Harrietsville |Dorchester |Middlesex, E. R. O|John McMillan Harrigan Cove, | |Halifax N S|John Fraser W. O. | | | Harrington, East |Harrington |Argenteuil Q|Donald B. Campbell Harrington, West |Zorra, West |Oxford, N. R. O|Donald Reid Harrisburg |Dumfries, |Brant, N. R. O|James Galloway | South | | Harrison’s Corners |Cornwall |Cornwall O|Angus D. McGillis _Harriston_ |Minto |Wellington, O|A. Macready | | N. R. | Harrow |Colchester |Essex O|Frederick Goble Harrowsmith |Portland |Addington O|Samuel F. Stewart Hartford |Townsend |Norfolk, N. R. O|B. W. Thomas Hartington |Portland |Addington O|William Kennedy Hartland | |Carleton N B|S. H. Shaw Hartley |Eldon |Victoria, N. R. O|Archd. Campbell Hartman |Gwillimbury, |York, N. R. O| | East | | Harts Mills, W. O. | |Sunbury N B|T. Coleman _Harvey_ | |Albert N B|J. M. Stevens _Harvey Station_ | |York N B| Harvey Hill Mines |Leeds |Megantic Q|J. L. Brown Harwich |Harwich |Kent O|James Hutchinson Harwood |Hamilton |Northumberland, O|R. Drope | | W. R. | Haseville |Stanbridge |Missisquoi Q|Thomas Hase * _Hastings_ |Asphodel |Peterborough, O|Henry M. Fowlds | | E. R. | Hastings, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|G. H. Chapman Hastings, W. O. | |Albert N B|J. C. McQuaid _Hatley_ |Hatley |Stanstead Q|J. B. LeBaron Haultain |Burleigh |Peterborough, O|Giles Stone | | E. R. | Havelock |Belmont |Peterborough, O|J. W. Pearce | | E. R. | * _Hawkesbury_ |Hawkesbury, |Prescott O|James G. Higginson | West | | Hawkestone |Oro |Simcoe, N. R. O|James Houston _Hawkesville_ |Wellesley |Waterloo, N. R. O|M. P. Empey Hawtrey |Norwich, South|Oxford, S. R. O|George Southwick Hay |Hay |Huron, S. R. O|James Murray Haydon |Darlington |Durham, W. R. O|Wm. Broad Hayesland |West Flamboro’|Wentworth, N. R. O|Michael Hayes Hay’s River, W. O. | |Inverness N S|Rod. McDougall Haysville |Wilmot |Waterloo, S. R. O|Margaret | | | Somerville Hazledean |Goulbourn |Carleton O|Adam Abbott Headford |Markham |York, E. R. O|John Montgomery Headingly |Headingly |Selkirk M|John Taylor Head Lake |Laxton |Victoria, N. R. O|W. A. Maxwell Head of Amherst, | |Cumberland N S|Ephraim Finlay W. O. | | | Head of Jordan | |Shelburne N S|Thomas Holden River, W. O. | | | Head of Millstream,| |King’s N B|J. Little W. O. | | | Head of Ridge, | |Westmoreland N B|W. E. Fowler W. O. | | | Head of St. | |Halifax N S|Samuel Shatford Margaret’s Bay, | | | W. O. | | | Head of St. | |Halifax N S|Jessie McG. Fraser Margaret’s Bay | | | (Middle | | | District), W. O. | | | Head of St. Mary’s | |Digby N S|Wm. H. Young Bay, W. O. | | | Head of South River| |Antigonishe N S|Hugh McNeil Lake, W. O. | | | Head of | |Colchester N S|Wm. Dobson Tatamagouche Bay,| | | W. O. | | | Head of Tide, W. O.| |Restigouche N B|Thomas Barclay Head of Wallace | |Cumberland N S|G. H. D. Forshner Bay, W. O. | | | Head of Wallace | |Cumberland N S|George Brown Bay (North | | | side), W. O. | | | Heathcote |Euphrasia |Grey, E. R. O|Thomas J. Rorke Hebron, W. O. | |Albert N B|James Smyth, sen. Hebron | |Yarmouth N S|C. Cahan Heckston |South Gower |Grenville, N. R. O|Hugh Hughes Heidelburg |Woolwich |Waterloo, N. R. O|John Krassler Helena |Godmanchester |Huntingdon Q|J. Holbrooke Hemison |East Frampton |Dorchester Q|Miss Lumina | | | Bernard _Hemmingford_ |Hemmingford |Huntingdon Q|John Edwards Henry |Longueuil |Prescott O|William Dickson Henrysburg |Lacolle |St. John’s Q|William Cockerline _Henryville_ |St. George de |Iberville Q|Telesphore | Henryville | | Larocque Hepworth |Keppel |Grey, N. R. O|Thomas Briggs Herbert |Potton |Brome Q|M. Geer Herdman’s Corners |Hinchinbrooke |Huntingdon Q|Rev. Hugh Niven Hereford |Hereford |Compton Q|Aaron Workman Hereward |Garafraxa |Wellington, O|George Brown | | C. R. | Heron’s Island | |Restigouche N B| W. O. | | | * _Hespeler_ |Waterloo, |Waterloo, S. R. O|John Chapman | South | | Heyworth |Eardley |Ottawa Q|Robert | | | Breckenridge Hiawatha |Otonabee |Peterborough, O|Hugh Kent | | E. R. | Hibernia, W. O. | |Queen’s N B|Edward Jenkins High Bluff |High Bluff |Marquette M|J. McD. Sweetman High Falls |Blithfield |Renfrew, S. R. O| Highfield |Etobicoke |York, W. R. O|H. Dutchburn Highfield, W. O. | |Hants N S|William Crowell Highgate |Orford |Bothwell O|Malcolm Campbell Highland Creek |Scarborough |York, E. R. O|William Tredway Hillier |Hillier |Prince Edward O|Richard Noxen Hillsborough |Plympton |Lambton O|Thomas L. Hill Hillsborough, | |Inverness N S|Malcolm McNeil C. B., W. O. | | | _Hillsborough_ | |Albert N S|R. E. Steeves _Hillsburgh_ |Erin |Wellington, O|William Howe, sen. | | S. R. | Hillsdale |Medonte |Simcoe, N. R. O|Mrs. E. P. | | | Faragher Hillsdale, W. O. | |King’s N B|N. P. Wanamake Hill’s Green |Hay |Huron, S. R. O|Hugh Love, sen. Hillside, W. O. | |Albert N B|P. Collicutt Hilton |Brighton |Northumberland, O|A. A. Becker | | E. R. | Hoasic |Williamsburg |Dundas O|Lewis Schwedfeger Hoath Head |Sydenham |Grey, N. R. O|R. Hoath Hochelaga |Island of |Hochelaga Q|F. Painchaud | Montreal | | Hockley |Adjala |Cardwell O|Thomas Martin Holbrook |Norwich, North|Oxford, S. R. O|A. M. Whitfield _Holland Landing_ |Gwillimbury, |York, N. R. O|Miss E. B. Sloane | East | | _Hollen_ |Maryborough |Wellington, O|S. Robertson | | N. R. | Holmesville |Goderich |Huron, N. R. O|Edward Kelly Holmesville, W. O. | |Carleton N B|Isaac Broad Holstein |Egremeont |Grey, S. R. O|N. D. McKenzie Holt |Gwillimbury, |York, N. R. O|John Quibell | East | | Holyrood |Kinloss |Bruce, S. R. O|A. T. Campbell Homer |Grantham |Lincoln O|Peter A. Cavers Honeywood |Mulmur |Simcoe, S. R. O|George Lawrence Hope | |Yale B C| Hopetown |Lanark |Lanark, N R. O|John White, jun. Hopefield |Radcliffe |Renfrew, S. R. O|Joseph Daly Hopewell, W. O. | |Albert N B| Hopewell, W. O. | |Pictou N S|John Gunn _Hopewell Cape_ | |Albert N B|M. B. Palmer Hopewell Corner, | |Albert N B|William C. Pipes W. O. | | | Hopewell Hill, | |Albert N B|John R. Russell W. O. | | | Hornby |Esquesing |Halton O|John McMillan Horning’s Mills |Melancthon |Grey, E. R. O|William Airth Hornsey, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|George Reeve Horton Landing, | |King’s N S|Frederic G. Curry W. O. | | | Houghton |Houghton |Norfolk, S. R. O|George Bundy House Harbor (sub) |Magdalen |Gaspé Q|Edward D. Paquet | Islands | | Howe Island |Pittsburg |Frontenac O|Thomas Thompson Howick |Georgetown, |Chateauguay Q|Thomas Gebbie | South | | Hubbard’s Cove, | |Halifax N S|J. E. Stratford W. O. | | | Hubbell’s Falls |Fitzroy |Carleton O|James Riddell Hudson |Vaudreuil |Vaudreuil Q|David Ray * _Hull_ |Hull |Ottawa Q|H. L. Loucks Hullsville |Walpole |Haldimand O|John Hull Humber |Etobicoke |York, W. R. O|John Linton Humberstone |Humberstone |Welland O|John Thompson Hunsdon |Albion |Cardwell O|Henry Fry Hunterstown |Hunterstown |Maskinongé Q|Wilbert Newhall Huntersville |Ramsay |Lanark, N. R. O|John Hunter * _Huntingdon_ |Godmanchester |Huntingdon Q|W. Marshall Huntingville |Ascot |Sherbrooke Q|John W. Gamsby Huntley |Huntley |Carleton O|John Hueston Huntsville |Chaffey |Muskoka O| Huston |Maryboro’ |Wellington, O|David Callaway | | N. R. | Hyde Park Corner |London |Middlesex, E. R. O|Angus Fraser | | | | | | Ida |Cavan |Durham, E. R. O|Alexander Baptie Ilderton |London |Middlesex, E. R. O|George Ord Indiana |Seneca |Haldimand O|Patrick Farrell Indian Cove | |Lévis Q|Patrick Wallace Indian Harbor, | |Halifax N S|Frederick Hubly W. O. | | | Indian Harbor, | |Guysboro’ N S|David Suttis W. O. | | | Indian Island, | |Charlotte N B|J. B. W. Chaffey W. O. | | | Indian Point, W. O.| |Lunenburg N S|James Moser Indian Road, W. O. | |Hants N S| _Indian Town_ | |St. John N B|William G. Brown * _Ingersoll_ |Oxford, North |Oxford, S. R. O|Joseph Thirkell Ingoldsby |Minden |Peterboro’, O|Richard Smith | | E. R. | Ingonish, W. O. | |Victoria N S|J. W. Burke Inistioge |Artemisia |Grey, E. R. O|Henry Armstrong Inkerman |Mountain |Dundas O|John Rennick Innerkip |East Zorra |Oxford, N. R. O|Mrs. Sarah Begg Innisfil |Innisfil |Simcoe, S. R. O|Benjamin Ross Innisville |Drummond |Lanark, S. R. O|Thomas Code Intervale, W. O. | |Westmoreland N B|David Horseman Inverary |Storrington |Frontenac O|D. J. Walker _Inverhuron_ |Bruce |Bruce, N. R. O|Peter McRae _Invermay_ |Arran |Bruce, N. R. O|Abraham Neelands * _Inverness_ |Inverness |Megantic Q|John McKinnon _Iona_ |Dunwich |Elgin, W. R. O|John A. Philpott Irish Cove, W. O. | |Cape Breton N S|Michael McDonald Irishtown, W. O. | |Westmoreland N B|John Larracey Iron Hill |Brome |Brome Q|John D. Shufelt Ironside |Hull |Ottawa Q|Thomas Thorpe * _Iroquois_ |Matilda |Dundas O|James Grier Irving Settlement, | |Albert N B|William E. Bishop W. O. | | | Irvine |Inverness |Megantic Q|S. B. Thurber Isaac’s Harbor, | |Guysboro’ N S|Allan McMillian, W. O. | | | jun. Island Brook |Newport |Compton Q|W. W. Bailey Islay |Fenelon |Victoria, N. R. O|Angus McEachern Isle aux Coudres |Isle aux |Charlevoix Q| (sub) | Coudres | | Isle aux Grues |Isle aux Grues|L’Islet Q|B. G. Lachaine dit | | | Jolicœur Isle Dupas |Isle Dupas |Berthier Q|Rev. V. Plinguet Isle Perrot |Isle Perrot |Vaudreuil Q|Marie S. Jobin Isle Verte |Isle Verte |Témiscouata Q|Louis A. Bertrand Islington |Etobicoke |York, W. R. O|Thomas Musson Ivanhoe |Huntingdon |Hastings, N. R. O|Thomas Emo Ivy |Essa |Simcoe, S. R. O|George Davis | | | | | | Jackson |Derby |Grey, N. R. O|G. R. Wright Jacksontown, W. O. | |Carleton N B|F. L. Palmer Jacksonville, W. O.| |Carleton N B|James Simonson Janetville |Manvers |Durham, E. R. O|David McGill Janeville, W. O. | |Gloucester N B|Robert C. Caie Jarratt’s Corners |Oro |Simcoe, N. R. O|Charles Jarratt _Jarvis_ |Walpole |Haldimand O|Robert Sill Jasper |Wolford |Grenville, N. R. O|George Cross Jeddore, W. O. | |Halifax N S|William Blakeny Jemseg, W. O. | |Queen’s N B|N. B. Cottle Jenkins, W. O. | |Queen’s N B|Joel Jenkins Jersey, River |St. George |Beauce Q|Michael Cahill Chaudière | | | Jerseyville |Ancaster |Wentworth, S. R. O|A. Hendershot Joggin Mines, W. O.| |Cumberland N S|B. B. Boggs Johnson |Sydenham |Grey, N. R. O|William Johnstone Johnson’s Mill |Hay |Huron, S. R. O|Henry Hayrock Johnson Mills, | |Westmoreland N B|Edward Babcock W. O. | | | Johnston, W. O. | |Queen’s N B|Thomas Mason Johnville |Eaton |Compton Q|Charles Smith Johnville, W. O. | |Carleton N B|John Boyd Jolicure, W. O. | |Westmoreland N B|Rufus C. Wry * _Joliette_ | |Joliette Q|Eusèbe Asselin Jonquières |Jonquières |Chicoutimi Q|Xavier Brassard _Jordan_ |Louth |Lincoln O|Clark Snure Jordan Bay, W. O. | |Shelburne N S|John Downie Judique, W. O. | |Inverness N S|Hugh McDonnell Jura |Bosanquet |Lambton O|James McCordie | | | | | | Kaladar |Kaladar |Addington O|C. F. Dunham Kamloops | |Yale B C| _Kamouraska_ |St. Louis de |Kamouraska Q|Louis Chas. Bégin | Kamouraska | | Kars |North Gower |Carleton O|W. J. Wood Kars, W. O. | |King’s N B|Wm. Worden Katevale |Hatley |Stanstead Q|L. C. A. T. de | | |Lagorgendière _Kazubazua_ |Aylwin |Ottawa Q| Kay Settlement, | |Westmoreland N B|Alexander Hughes W. O. | | | Keady |Derby |Grey, N. R. O|James Gilchrist Keenansville |Adjala |Cardwell O|G. P. Hughes * _Keene_ |Otonabee |Peterborough, O|Thomas Campbell | | E. R. | Keith |Chatham |Kent O|Lewis Huff Kelso |Elgin |Huntingdon Q|Peter MacFarlane Kelvin |Windham |Norfolk, N. R. O|John Armour, jun. Kemble |Keppel |Grey, N. R. O|William Heard Kempt, W. O. | |Queen’s N S| Kempt Bridge, W. O.| |Yarmouth N S|Elkanah Travis Kempt Head, W. O. | |Victoria N S|K. McKenzie Kempt Road, W. O. | |Richmond N S|Hugh Cameron Kempt Town, W. O. | |Colchester N S|A. S. Hingley _Kemptville_ |Oxford |Grenville, N. R. O|Robert Leslie Kemptville, W. O. | |Yarmouth N S|J. H. Hamilton Kendal |Clarke |Durham, W. R. O|J. R. Anderson Kennebec Line |Marlowe |Beauce Q|George Bartley Kenilworth |Arthur |Wellington, O|Robert Hayward | | N. R. | Kenmore |Osgoode |Russell O|John B. Brannen Kennetcook, W. O. | |Hants N S|I. S. Sanford Kennetcook Corner, | |Hants N S|Mrs. L. Densmore W. O. | | | Kent Bridge |Chatham |Kent O|John B. Shaw Kent’s Island, | |Halifax N S|John Nauffts W. O. | | | _Kentville_ | |King’s N S|G. E. Calkin Kerrwood |Adelaide |Middlesex, N. R. O|James Irving Kerry |Plantagenet, |Prescott O|Magloire Parent | S. | | Kertch |Plympton |Lambton O|William Donolly Keswick |North |York, N. R. O|Henry Stennett | Gwillimbury | | Keswick Ridge, | |York N B|Abraham McKeen W. O. | | | Ketch Harbor, W. O.| |Halifax N S| Kettleby |King |York, N. R. O|Jacob Walton Kewstoke, W. O. | |Inverness N S|Alex. McQuain Keyser |Adelaide |Middlesex, N. R. O|Samuel Cooper Kilbride |Nelson |Halton O|Robert Parker Kildare |Kildare |Joliette Q|O. Vigneault Kildonan |Kildonan |Selkirk M|John Fraser Kilkenny |Kilkenny |Montcalm Q|Damase Thouin Killarney | |Algoma O| Killean |Puslinch |Wellington, O|D. Ferguson | | S. R. | Killerby |Yarmouth |Elgin, E. R. O|John Hicks Kilmanagh |Chinguacousy |Peel O| Kilmarnock |Wolford |Grenville, N. R. O|George Newsome Kilmartin |Metcalfe |Middlesex, W. R. O|D. McKellar Kilmaurs |Torbolton |Carleton O|William Munro Kilsyth |Derby |Grey, N. R. O|Thomas Sloan Kimberley |Euphrasia |Grey, E. R. O|Alex. Hy. McLean Kinburn |Fitzroy |Carleton O|George Fetherston * _Kincardine_ |Kincardine |Bruce, S. R. O|M. McKendrick _King_ |King |York, N. R. O|Benjamin Lloyd King Creek |King |York, N. R. O|A. McMillan Kinglake |Houghton |Norfolk, S. R. O|Saml. Leybourne Kingsbridge |Ashfield |Huron, N. R. O|Francis L. Eagan Kingsbury |Melbourne |Richmond Q|George Williamson Kingsclear, W. O. | |York N B|J. A. Hammond Kingsey |Kingsey |Drummond Q| Kingsey Falls |Kingsey |Drummond Q|Smith Leith Kingsford |Tyendinaga |Hastings, E. R. O|John McCullough Kingsley, W. O. | |York N B|George N. Foster * _Kingston_ |Kingston |Kingston O|Robert Deacon _Kingston_ | |King’s N B|Samuel Foster _Kingston_ | |Kent N B|John Harnett Kingston Mills |Kingston |Frontenac O|Charles Harrison Kingston Village, | |King’s N S|John Wheelock W. O. | | | * _Kingsville_ |Gosfield |Essex O|Jas. H. Smart Kinkora |Ellice |Perth, N. R. O|James Moriarty Kinloss |Kinloss |Bruce, S. R. O|John Harrison Kinlough |Kinloss |Bruce, S. R. O|Miss Anne Johnson Kinmount |Somerville |Victoria, N. R. O|Ralph Switzer Kinnear’s Mills |Leeds |Megantic Q|James Kinnear Kinsale |Pickering |Ontario, S. R. O|Levi Mackey Kinsman’s Corners, | |King’s N S|Benjamin Kinsman W. O. | | | Kintail |Ashfield |Huron, N. R. O|William Grant Kintore |East Nissouri |Oxford, N. R. O|William Easson _Kippen_ |Tuckersmith |Huron, C. R. O|Robert Mellis Kirby |Clarke |Durham, W. R. O|James Jackson _Kirkfield_ |Eldon |Victoria, N. R. O|John McTaggart Kirkhill |Lochiel |Glengarry O|William McLeod Kirkhill, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|William Smith Kirk’s Ferry |Hull |Ottawa Q|John Kirk Kirkton |Usborne |Huron, S. R. O|John McCurdy Kirkwall |Beverley |Wentworth, N. R. O|W. McMillan _Klineburg_ |Vaughan |York, W. R. O|Thomas White Knapdale |Mosa |Middlesex, W. R. O|Hector McLean Knatchbull |Nassagiweya |Halton O|William Reid Knowlesville, W. O.| |Carleton N B|R. Ricker * _Knowlton_ |Brome |Brome Q|Albert Kimball Knowlton Landing |Potton |Brome Q|J. F. Tuck Knoxford, W. O. | |Carleton N B|Thomas Fuiton Knoydart, W. O. | |Pictou N S|John McGilleroy _Komoka_ |Lobo |Middlesex, N. R. O|Robert Hord Kootenay (sub) | |Yale B C| Kossuth |Waterloo |Waterloo, S. R. O|Purvis _Kouchibouguac_ | |Kent N B| | | | | | | La Baie |La Baie des |Yamaska Q|Mme. M. Rousseau | Febvres | | Labarre |Labarre |Chicoutimi Q|C. Hébert La Beauce |St. Marie |Beauce Q|Mme. C. Bonneville L’Acadie |L’Acadie |St. John’s Q|C. T. Charbonneau Lachenaie |Lachenaie |L’Assomption Q|J. O. Laurier * _Lachine_ |Montreal |Jacques Cartier Q|Napoléon Duquet * _Lachute_ |Argenteuil |Argenteuil Q|George L. Meikle Lac La Hache | |Cariboo B C| Lac Masson |Wexford |Terrebonne Q|C. C. Lajeunesse Lac Noir |Fournier |L’Islet Q|J. B. Pelletier _Lacolle_ |Lacolle |St. John’s Q|T. Van Vliet Lafontaine |Tiny |Simcoe, N. R. O|Charles Picotte Laggan |Kenyon |Glengarry O|Donald Cattanach La Guerre |St. Anicet |Huntingdon Q|John McDonald La Have Cross | |Lunenburg N S|Isaac Heckman Roads, W. O. | | | La Have River, | |Lunenburg N S|Mrs. M. A. Cronan W. O. | | | Lake Ainslie, W. O.| |Inverness N S|Angus McInnis Lake Ainslie (East | |Inverness N S|Charles McDonald side), W. O. | | | Lake Ainslie, | |Inverness N S|John McKinnon (South side), | | | W. O. | | | Lake Aylmer |Stratford |Wolfe Q|George Champoux Lake Beauport |St. Dunstan |Quebec Q|A. Simmons Lake Doré |Wilberforce |Renfrew, N. R. O|John Shaw, jun. Lake Etchemin |Ware |Dorchester Q|Joseph Bégin Lakefield |Gore |Argenteuil Q|George Rogers Lakefield, W. O. | |King’s N B|Charles M. | | | Sherwood Lake George, W. O. | |York N B|Leveret S. Tilley Lake George, W. O. | |Yarmouth N S|Charles Crosby Lakehurst |Harvey |Peterborough, O|John Tarlington | | E. R. | Lakelands, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|James E. Brown Lake Law, W. O. | |Inverness N S|James Fortune Lakelet |Howick |Huron, N. R. O|Myles Young Lake Megantic |Whitton |Compton Q|J. McDonald Lake Opinicon |Storrington |Frontenac O|Bryce T. Davidson Lake Settlement, | |Kent N B|M. Flannigan W. O. | | | Lakeside |Nissouri, East|Oxford, N. R. O|Robert Armstrong Lake Temiscamingue | |Pontiac Q|Charles Stuart Lakevale, W. O. | |Antigonishe N S|A. McGillivray Lakeville, W. O. | |Carleton N B|J. S. Carvell Lakeville, W. O. | |King’s N S|Reuben Chase Lakeville Corner, | |Sunbury N B|James Thompson W. O. | | | Lake Weedon |Weedon |Wolfe Q|François Brière L’Amable |Dungannon |Hastings, N. R. O|John R. Tait L’Amaroux |York |York, W. R. O|William Long Lambeth |Westminster |Middlesex, E. R. O|George Kelley Lambton |St. Vital de |Beauce Q|Dr. Louis | Lambton | | Labrècque * _Lanark_ |Lanark |Lanark, N. R. O|Wm. Robertson Lancaster |Lancaster |Glengarry O|John Fraser [6] Lang |Otonabee |Peterboro, E. R. O|Richard Short, | | | sen. Langevin |Langevin |Dorchester Q|Louis Vermette Langford |Brantford |Brant, S. R. O|Alex. Milne Langley | |New B C| | | Westminster | Langside |Kinloss |Bruce, S. R. O|Wm. Gleeson Langstaff (sub) |Markham |Norfolk, S. R. O|John Langstaff Langton |Walsingham |Norfolk, S. R. O|W. L. Coulter Lanoraie |Lanoraie |Berthier Q|T. D. Latour Lansdown |Lansdown |Leeds, S. R. O|Jos. A. Bradley L’Anse à Giles |L’Islet |L’Islet Q|G. S. Giasson L’Anse au Foin |Tremblay |Chicoutimi Q|P. Potvin L’Anse St. Jean |St. Jean |Chicoutimi Q| Lansing |York |York, E. R. O|Joseph Shepard Lantz, W. O. | |Lunenburg N S|Harvey B. Lantz La Petite Rivière |Petite Rivière|Charlevoix Q| St. François | | | (sub) | | | La Pigeonnière |La Salle |Napierville Q|M. Blain * _Laprairie_ |Laprairie |Laprairie Q|Julien Brosseau La Présentation |La |St. Hyacinthe Q|Alexis Millet | Présentation| | Lapum |Loughborough |Frontenac O|Mrs. E. Raymond L’Ardoise, W. O. | |Richmond N S|Michael McNiel Larochelle |Halifax |Megantic Q|J. T. Hébert Larry’s River, |Wilmot |Guysboro’ N S|Jos. Fougère W. O. | | | Laskay |King |York, N. R. O|Henry Baldwin * _L’Assomption_ |St. Sulpice |L’Assomption Q|J. Guilbault Laterrière |Notre Dame de |Chicoutimi Q|George McKenzie | Laterrière | | Latona |Glenelg |Grey, S. R. O| La Tortue |St. Philippe |Laprairie Q|J. B. Remillard Laugill’s, W. O. | |Lunenburg N S|J. S. Laugill Laurel |Amaranth |Wellington, O| | | N. R. | _Lauzon_ |Lauzon |Lévis Q|Charles Bourget Laval |Laval |Montmorency Q|John Keough Lavaltrie |Lavaltrie |Berthier Q|Joseph Charland Lavant |Lavant |Lanark, N. R. O|Archd. Browning Lavender |Mulmur |Simcoe, S. R. O|I. B. Mastin L’Avenir |Durham |Drummond Q|C. Gagnon Lawrence Station, | |Charlotte N B|H. M. Mercer W. O. | | | _Lawrencetown_ | |Annapolis N S|J. W. James Lawrencetown, W. O.| |Halifax N S|Samuel Hiltz Lawrenceville |South Ely |Shefford Q|E. Lawrence _Leamington_ |Mersea |Essex O|Warren Kimball Learned Plain |Newport |Compton Q|E. Learned Leaksdale |Scott |Ontario, N. R. O|George Leask Leclercville |Ste. Emelie |Lotbinière Q|Joseph Lord Ledge, W. O. | |Charlotte N B|Bridget Leary | | | Couley * _Leeds_ |Leeds |Megantic Q|Sarah Jiggens Leeds Village |Leeds |Megantic Q|Hugh McCutcheon _Lefroy_ |Innisfil |Simcoe, S. R. O|David Davidson Leicester, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|D. Lockhart Leinster |Richmond |Lennox O|M. Jordan Leitch’s Creek, | |Cape Breton N S|Alex. McDonald W. O. | | | Leith |Sydenham |Grey, N. R. O|James Ross, jun. Lemesurier |Leeds |Megantic Q|John Wilkin Lemonville |Whitchurch |York, N. R. O|Adam Hastings Lennox |Innisfil |Simcoe, S. R. O|Isaac Lennox Lennox Ferry, W. O.| |Richmond N S|Daniel Clough * _Lennoxville_ |Ascot |Sherbrooke Q|J. P. Cushing Leonard’s Hill |Wickham |Drummond Q|M. Leonard L’Epiphanie |St. Sulpice |L’Assomption Q|F. LeBlanc Lepreaux | |Charlotte N B|Daniel Sellus Lequille, W. O. | |Annapolis N S|Alfred Hoyt Les Eboulemens |Eboulemens |Charlevoix Q|Edward Slevin Les Ecureuils |Ecureuils |Portneuf Q|Pierre Pagé Les Escoumains |Escoumains |Saguenay Q|John C. Barry Leskard |Clarke |Durham, W. R. O| _Leslie_ |York |York, E. R. O|George Leslie, | | | jun. Les Petites | |Saguenay Q|R. Bouillane Bergeronnes | | | L’Etete, W. O. | |Charlotte N B|George Dick, sen. * _Lévis_ |Lauzon |Lévis Q|François Bertrand Lewis Bay, W. O. | |Cape Breton N S|Donald Gillis Lewis Head, W. O. | |Shelburne N S|Wm. Herkins Lewis Mountain, | |Westmoreland N B|James Lounsbury W. O. | | | Lewisville, W. O. | |Westmoreland N B|Stephen Mills Lieury |McGillivray |Middlesex, N. R. O|Alexander Smith Lifford |Manvers |Durham, E. R. O|John Graham Lilloet | |Cariboo B C| Limehouse |Esquesing |Halton O|James Newton Lime Lake |Hungerford |Hastings, E. R. O|James Jarmin Lime Rock, W. O. | |Pictou N S|Mrs. Mary McDonald Lincoln, W. O. | |Sunbury N B|Isaac S. Taylor Linda |Westbury |Compton Q|Simeon Mallory * _Lindsay_ |Ops |Victoria, S. R. O|Thomas Adam Lindsay, W. O. | |Carleton N B|Alex. Lindsay Lineboro’ |Stanstead |Stanstead Q|James W. House _Lingan_ | |Cape Breton N S|Ronald McDonald Linton |King |York, N. R. O|Joseph Lynn Linton’s, W. O. | |Sunbury N B|Adam Johnson Linwood |Wellesley |Waterloo, N. R. O|Robert Y. Fish Lisadel |Howick |Huron, N. R. O|Arthur Mitchell Lisbon |North Easthope|Perth, N. R. O|John Zinkann Lisburn |Huron |Bruce, S. R. O|Daniel Teskey Liscomb, W. O. | |Guysborough N S|James Hemlow Lisgar |Chinquacousy |Peel O| L’Islet |L’Islet |L’Islet Q|Mrs. M. E. | | | Ballantine * _Listowell_ |Wallace |Perth, N. R. O|W. H. Hacking Little Branch, | |Northumberland N B|Alex. Cameron W. O. | | | Little Bras d’Or, | |Cape Breton N S|John H. Christie W. O. | | | Little Britain |Mariposa |Victoria, S. R. O|John Broad Little Current |Howland |Algoma O|G. B. Abrey _Little Glace Bay_ | |Cape Breton N S|Daniel McDonald Little Harbor, | |Pictou N S|James Stewart W. O. | | | Little Judique, | |Inverness N S|Angus Beaton W. O. | | | Little Lepreaux, | |Charlotte N B|W. McGowan W. O. | | | Little Lorraine, | |Cape Breton N S|Joseph McDonald W. O. | | | Little Narrows, | |Inverness N S|Hugh McAskil W. O. | | | Little Rideau |Hawkesbury, |Prescott O|Thomas Ross | East | | Little River | |Albert N B|Robert J. Colpitts (Cove), W. O. | | | Little River | |Albert N B|Hiram Killam (Elgin), W. O. | | | Little River, W. O.| |Sunbury N B|M. H. Coburn Little River, W. O.| |Antigonishe N S|Levi Irish Little River, W. O.| |Cumberland N S|J. Lawrence Purdy Little River, W. O.| |Digby N S|P. W. Frost Little River, (Mid.| |Halifax N S|W. G. Cole Musquodoboit) | | | W. O. | | | Little Rocher, | |Albert N B|John Richardson W. O. | | | Little Shemogue, | |Albert N B|Thomas Oulton W. O. | | | Little Shippegan, | |Gloucester N B|Mary Wilson W. O. | | | Little Tracadie, | |Antigonishe N S|Joseph Symonds W. O. | | | _Liverpool_ | |Queen’s N S|Archd. J. Campbell Livingston’s Cove, | |Antigonishe N S|John Livingston W. O. | | | _Lloydtown_ |King |York, N. R. O|Anthony Eastwood Lobo |Lobo |Middlesex, N. R. O|T. S. Edwards Lochaber, W. O. | |Antigonishe N S|Mrs. M. Scars Lochaber Bay |Lochaber |Ottawa Q|Archibald Campbell Lockhartville, | |King’s N S|William Glenn W. O. | | | Loch Garry |Kenyon |Glengarry O|James Fraser Lochiel |Lochiel |Glengarry O|Angus Chisholm [7] Lochinvar |Lochiel |Glengarry O|Simon Fraser Loch Lomond, W. O. | |St. John N B|Daniel Robertson Loch Lomond, W. O. | |Richmond N S|Roderick Bethune Lochside, W. O. | |Richmond N S|D. McDougall _Locke Port_ | |Shelburne N S|X. Z. Chipman Locksley |Alice |Renfrew, N. R. O|W. M. Walford Lockton |Albion |Cardwell O|Adam Parkinson Loganville, W. O. | |Pictou N S|Dugal Logan Logierait |Moore |Lambton O|D. Hossie Londesborough |Hullett |Huron, C. R. O|Hugh Wallace * _London_ |London |London O|Lawrence Lawless Londonderry, W. O. | |King’s N B|James Douglas _Londonderry_ | |Colchester N S| Long Creek, W. O. | |Queen’s N B|John Secord, jun. Long Island | |Digby N S|J. W. Eldrige Long Island Locks |Gloucester |Russell O| Long Lake |Olden |Addington O|James Bender Long Point | |Hochelaga Q| Long Point, W. O. | |King’s N B|John Coulter Long Point, W. O. | |Inverness N S|Duncan McDonald Long Point, W. O. | |King’s N S|Henry Ogilvie Long Reach, W. O. | |King’s N B|James M. Smith Long Settlement, | |Carleton N B|James H. Smith W. O. | | | _Longueuil_ |Longueuil |Chambly Q|P. Lespérance _Longwood_ |Ekfrid |Middlesex, W. R. O|Thomas Gordon Longwood Station |Caradoc |Middlesex, W. R. O|Mrs J. A. White Lonsdale |Tyendinaga |Hastings, E. R. O|Richard Wildman Lord’s Cove, W. O. | |Charlotte N B|Thomas K. Parker Lorette St. |Ambroise |Quebec Q|J. G. Vincent Loretto |Adjala |Cardwell O|P. D. Kelly * _L’Orignal_ |Longueuil |Prescott O|C. Johnson Lorne |Kincardine |Bruce, S. R. O|James Jack Lorraine |Mono |Cardwell O|John Mills _Lotbinière_ |Lotbinière |Lotbinière Q|M. Lemay _Loughborough_ |Loughborough |Addington O|Hugh Madden Louisburg, W. O. | |Cape Breton N S|Joseph Kennedy Louisville | |Chatham Kent O|R. C. Struthers Lovat |Greenock |Bruce, S. R. O|Thomas Allen Low |Low |Ottawa Q|Caleb Brooks Lowbanks |Moulton |Monck O|Isaac Michener Lower Barney’s | |Pictou N S|David Patterson River, W. O. | | | Lower Brighton, | |Carlton N B|George Stukney W. O. | | | Lower Canterbury, | |York N B|George Ingraham W. O. | | | Lower Cape, W. O. | |Albert N B|Joseph Taylor Lower Cove, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|Amos Seaman Lower Coverdale, | |Albert N B|James Rogers W. O. | | | Lower Fort Garry |St. Andrews N.|Lisgar M|Donald Gunn Lower French | |York N B|George Risteen Village, W. O. | | | Lower Granville, | |Annapolis N S|J. C. Shafner W. O. | | | Lower Hayneville, | |York N B|George J. Sharp W. O. | | | _Lower Horton_ | |King’s N S|E. McLatchy Lower Ireland |Ireland |Megantic Q|Edward Redman Lower Le Have, | |Lunenburg N S|Joseph Oxner W. O. | | | Lower L’Ardoise, | |Richmond N S|James Matheson W. O. | | | Lower Line, | |York N B|J. H. Tupper Queensbury, W. O.| | | Lower Maccan, W. O.| |Cumberland N S|David Hoeg Lower Newcastle, | |Northumberland N B|John Delany W. O. | | | Lower Pereaux, | |King’s N S|Philip Brown W. O. | | | Lower Pockmouche, | |Gloucester N B|P. Robicheau W. O. | | | Lower Prince | |York N B|John Wasson William, W. O. | | | Lower Prospect, | |Halifax N S|Samuel F. W. O. | | | Blackburn Lower Queensbury, | |York N B|James W. Brown W. O. | | | Lower River | |Richmond N S|Jos. McCarthy Inhabitants, | | | W. O. | | | Lower Selmah, W. O.| |Hants N S|William Creelman Lower Settlement, | |Victoria N S|Finlay McRae Middle River, | | | W. O. | | | Lower Settlement, | |Antigonishe N S|Daniel Fraser South River, | | | W. O. | | | Lower Southampton, | |York N B| W. O. | | | Lower Stewiacke | |Colchester N S|F. H. Holesworth Lower Turtle Creek,| |Albert N B|G. A. Fillmore W. O. | | | Lower Wakefield, | |Carlton N B|Samuel C. Jewett W. O. | | | Lower Ward, Ste. | |Halifax N S|James A. Nickerson Marguerite’s Bay,| | | W. O. | | | Lower Wood Harbor, | |Shelburne N S|S. K. Mood W. O. | | | Lower Woodstock, | |Carleton N B|John Riordon W. O. | | | Lower Point, W. O. | |Inverness N S|Angus McMaster Lowville |Nelson |Halton O| * _Lucan_ |Biddulph |Middlesex, N. R. O|William Porte Lucerne |Wakefield |Ottawa Q|Robert Blackburn * _Lucknow_ |Kinloss |Bruce, S. R. O|M. Campbell Ludlow, W. O. | |Northumberland N B|John Nelson Lumley |Usborne |Huron, S. R. O|William Dinnin Lunenburg |Osnabruck |Stormont O|F. Kirkpatrick _Lunenburg_ | |Lunenburg N S|Mrs. A. M Rudolph Lurgan |Huron |Bruce, S. R. O|James McCrindle Lutes Mountain, | |Westmoreland N B|Alfred M. Bunnell W. O. | | | Luther |Luther |Wellington, O|William Dawson | | N. R. | Luton |Malahide |Elgin, E. R. O|L. R. Tyrell Lyle’s Bridge, | |Shelburne N S|William Greenwood W. O. | | | * _Lyn_ |Elizabethtown |Brockville O|John S. Bell _Lynden_ |Beverley |Wentworth, N. R. O|James E. Orr Lyndhurst |Lansdown |Leeds, S. R. O|John Roddick _Lynedoch_ |Charlotteville|Norfolk, S. R. O|George Gray Lynnfield, W. O. | |Charlotte N B|John J. Getchell Lynnville |Windham |Norfolk, N. R. O|Wellington Axford Lyons |Dorchester |South Elgin, O|Thomas Winder | | E. R. | Lyster |Nelson |Megantic Q|John King Lyttleton, W. O. | |Northumberland N B|David Somers Lytton | |Yale B C| | | | | | | McAdam Junction, | |York N B|James Haddock W. O. | | | McDonald’s Corner, | |Queen’s N B|Allan McDonald W. O. | | | McDonald’s Corners |Dalhousie |Lanark, N. R. O|Wm. Lock McDonald’s Point, | |Queen’s N B|D. N. Smith W. O. | | | McDougall | |Westmoreland N B|Col McDougall Settlement, W. O.| | | _McGillivray_ |McGillivray |Middlesex, N. R. O|D. Shoff McIntyre |Osprey |Grey, E. R. O|Edward Potts McKay’s Point, | |Victoria N S|Malcolm McLean W. O. | | | McKellar |McKellar |Muskoka O|Samuel Armstrong McKenzie’s Corner, | |Carleton N B|John Y. Hoyt W. O. | | | McLaughlan Road, | |Kent N B|Ira Hicks W. O. | | | McLennan’s Brook, | |Pictou N S|Alexander Fraser W. O. | | | McLeod’s Mills, | |Kent N B|George McLeod W. O. | | | McPherson’s Ferry, | |Richmond N S|James Smith W. O. | | | Maberly |Sherbrooke, |Lanark, S. R. O|Richard Mayberry | South | | _Mabou_ | |Inverness N S|William Grant Mabou Coal Mines, | |Inverness N S| W. O. | | | Mabou Harbor, W. O.| |Inverness N S|Donald McDonald Maccan, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|Henry Jeffers Maccan Intervale, | |Cumberland N S|W. F. Harrison W. O. | | | Maccan Mountain, | |Cumberland N S|W. B. Lodge W. O. | | | Mace’s Bay | |Charlotte N B|Robert V. Hanson Macnider |L’Assomption |Rimouski Q|F. Saucier Mactaquack, W. O. | |York N B|James Mitchell Macton |Peel |Wellington, O|J. M. McCormick | | C. R. | Macville |Albion |Cardwell O|Seth Wilson Maddington |Maddington |Arthabaska Q|F. H. St. Germain Madisco, W. O. | |Gloucester N B|A. C. Des Brisay * _Madoc_ |Madoc |Hastings, N. R. O|E. D. O’Flynn Madrid |Sebastopol |Renfrew, S. R. O| Magaguadavic, W. O.| |York N B|Solomon Vail Magdalen Islands | |Gaspé Q|John D. Tuzo Magnetawan |Chapman |Muskoka O|James Miller _Magog_ |Magog |Stanstead Q|Calvin Abbot Magoon’s Point |Stanstead |Stanstead Q|Aaron Magoon Magundy, W. O. | |York N B|James Henry _Mahone Bay_ | |Lunenburg N S|Lewis Knaut Maidstone |Sandwich |Essex O|Thomas Moan Mainadieu, W. O. | |Cape Breton N S|Clara Rigby Maitland |Augusta |Grenville, S. R. O|George C. Longley _Maitland_ | |Hants N S|Adam Roy Maitland, W. O. | |Annapolis N S|W. H. Dukeshire Maitland, W. O. | |Yarmouth N S|Charles Steele Malagash, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|Robert McDonald Malagawatch, W. O. | |Inverness N S|L. McDonald Malakoff |Marlborough |Carleton O|W. J. Pierce Malcolm |Brant |Bruce, S. R. O|Daniel Sullivan Malignant Cove, | |Antigonishe N S|Donald McLean W. O. | | | Mallorytown |Yonge |Leeds, S. R. O|Frederick F. Lee Malmaison |Stanbridge |Missisquoi Q|A. Lanthier Malone |Marmora |Hastings, N. R. O|George Richardson Malton |Toronto |Peel O|J. B. Allen Malvern |Scarborough |York, E. R. O|Smith Thomson * _Manchester_ |Reach |Ontario, N. R. O|John Taylor Manchester, W. O. | |Guysborough N S|James M. Whitman Mandamin |Plympton |Lambton O|Albert F. Clarke _Manilla_ |Mariposa |Victoria, S. R. O|Mary Douglas Manitowaning |Assiginack |Algoma O|Alexander McGregor | | | Ironside Manners Sutton, | |York N B|George Lister W. O. | | | Mannheim |Wilmot |Waterloo, S. R. O|Charles Lederman Manotic |North Gower |Carleton O|G. L. Dickinson Mansfield |Mulmur |Simcoe, S. R. O|William Gilbert _Mansonville- |Potton |Brome Q|David A. Manson Potton_ | | | _Maple_ |Vaughan |York, W. R. O|J. P. Rupert Maple Bay | |Vancouver B C| Maple Green, W. O. | |Restigouche N B|James Fraser Maple Grove |Ireland |Megantic Q|Henry Cross, jun. Maple Hill |Brant |Bruce, S. R. O|George Inglis, | | | jun. Maple Leaf |Newport |Compton Q|William G. Planch Mapleton |Yarmouth |Elgin, E. R. O|William Appleford Mapleton |St. Peters |Lisgar M|John Kippling Mapleton, W. O. | |Albert N B|W. A. Colpits Maple Valley |Nottawasaga |Simcoe, N. R. O|James Dick Maquapit Lake, | |Queen’s N B|John Stone W. O. | | | Mar |Albemarle |Bruce, N. R. O|Edward White Marathon |Fitzroy |Carleton O| Marble Mountain, | |Inverness N S|Nicolas J. Brown W. O. | | | Marble Rock |Leeds |Leeds, S. R. O|George Emery Marbleton |Dudswell |Wolfe Q|J. B. Bishop March |March |Carleton O|W. H. Berry Marchmont |Orillia, North|Simcoe, N. R. O|Charles Powley Marden |Guelph |Wellington, O|A. W. Blyth | | S. R. | Margaree, W. O. |Margaree |Inverness N S|Colin Gillies _Margaree (Forks)_ |Margaree |Inverness N S|Donald Campbell Margaretsville, | |Annapolis N S|T. A. Margeson W. O. | | | Maria |Maria |Bonaventure Q|François S. Cyr Marie Joseph, W. O.| |Guysboro’ N S|David Mitchell Marion Bridge, | |Cape Breton N S|Hector McNeil W. O. | | | Maritana |Franklin |Huntingdon Q|William Edwards _Markdale_ |Glenelg |Grey, S. R. O|W. J. McFarland * _Markham_ |Markham |York, E. R. O|James J. Barker Markhamville, W. O.| |King’s N B|Alfred Markham Marlbank |Hungerford |Hastings, E. R. O|W. G. Allan Marlow |Linière |Beauce Q|Joseph Thompson Marmion |Sullivan |Grey, N. R. O|John Hislop _Marmora_ |Marmora |Hastings, N. R. O|Benjamin Johnson Marnoch |Wawanosh |Huron, N R. O|P. Porterfield Marriott’s Cove, | |Lunenburg N S|Benjamin Millet W. O. | | | Marshall’s Cove, | |Annapolis N S|James P. Foster W. O. | | | Marshall’s Town, | |Digby N S|E. J. Haines W. O. | | | Marsh Hill |Reach |Ontario, N. R. O|William Tomlinson Marsh Settlement, | |Pictou N S|W. McLean McLellan’s | | | Mountain, W. O. | | | Marshville |Wainfleet |Monck O|Edward Lee Marshy Hope, W. O. | |Antigonishe N S|James McDougall Marston |Walsingham |Norfolk, S. R. O|Archibald | | | Henderson Martin’s River, | |Lunenburg N S|Joseph Strum W. O. | | | _Martintown_ |Charlottenburg|Glengarry O|Robert Blackwood Martinville |Clifton |Compton Q|Amasa Martin Marydale, W. O. | |Antigonishe N S|Colin Chisholm Mary Lake |Stephenson |Muskoka O|Henry C. Ladell Marysville |Tyendinaga |Hastings, E. R. O| Marysville, W. O. | |York N B|Hazer Ponds Maryvale, W. O. | |Antigonishe N S|James C. Ross Mascarene, W. O. | |Charlotte N B| Mascouche |Mascouche |L’Assomption Q|M. Delfause Masham Mills |Masham |Ottawa Q|William Bennett Maskinongé |Maskinongé |Maskinongé Q| _Massawippi_ |Hatley, West |Stanstead Q|Luther Abbot Massie |Holland |Grey, N. R. O|John Small Mast Town, W. O. | |Colchester N S|Samuel McCully _Matane_ |Matane |Rimouski Q|L. N. Blais _Matapedia_ |Restigouche |Bonaventure Q|D. Fraser Matawatchan |Matawatchan |Renfrew, S. R. O|John McGregor Matlock |Plympton |Lambton O|John P. Jarmain Mattawa |Mattawa |District of O|John Bangs | | Nipissing | Maugerville, W. O. | |Sunbury N B| Mawcook |Granby |Shefford Q|L. N. Hungerford _Maxwell_ |Osprey |Grey, E. R. O|Wesley Long Mayfair |Ekfrid |Middlesex, W. R. O|John Dalton Mayfield |Chinguacousy |Peel O|William Spiers Maynard |Augusta |Grenville, S. R. O| Maynooth |Monteagle |Hastings, N. R. O|Michael Doyle Mayo |Lochaber |Ottawa Q|T. Bourke _Meadowvale_ |Toronto |Peel O|C. H. Gooderham * _Meaford_ |St. Vincent |Grey, E. R. O|D. L. Layton Meagher’s Grant, | |Halifax N S|Daniel Dillman W. O. | | | Mechanic’s | |King’s N B|Alexander Moore Settlement, W. O.| | | Medford, W. O. | |King’s N S|James H. Tupper Medina |Nissouri, E. |Oxford, N. R. O|J. H. Beck Medonte |Medonte |Simcoe, N. R. O|Robert J. Moon Melancthon |Melancthon |Grey, E. R. O|James Brown * _Melbourne_ |Melbourne |Richmond Q|Richd. F. Woodburn Melbourne Ridge |Melbourne |Richmond Q|William Beattie Melocheville |Beauharnois |Beauharnois Q|George Ellis Melrose |Tyendinaga |Hastings, E. R. O|George Duncan Melrose |St. Mary’s |Guysborough N S|James Stewart Melvern Square, | |Annapolis N S|B. Spinney W. O. | | | Melville |Hillier |Prince Edward O|Caleb Johnson _Memramcook_ | |Westmoreland N B|S. C. Charters Menie |Seymour |Northumberland, O|James Mather | | E. R. | Merigonish, W. O. | |Pictou N S|Edward Finlayson Merivale |Nepean |Carleton O|E. B. Hopper Merlin |Raleigh |Kent O|Patrick Sullivan * _Merrickville_ |Wolford |Grenville, N. R. O|Samuel Jakes Meritton |Grantham |Lincoln O|S. Stephens Metabechouan |Metabechouan |Chicoutimi Q|Jacques Bergeron Metaghan, W. O. | |Digby N S|George Gorman Metaghan River, | |Digby N S|Justinian Comeau W. O. | | | Méthot’s Mill |St. Flavien |Lotbinière Q|Joseph Fournier _Métis_ |Métis |Rimouski Q|W. E. Page Metz |Garafraxa |Wellington, O|John Mitchell | | C. R. | Meyersburg |Seymour |Northumberland O|Cornelius | | E. R. | O’Sullivan Michipicton River | |Algoma O|P. W. Bell Middle Church |St. Paul’s |Lisgar M|James Clouston Middle Coverdale, | |Albert N B|James Ryan W. O. | | | Middlefield, W. O. | |Queen’s N S|E. Morton Middle La Have | |Lunenburg N S|C. R. Pernette Ferry, W. O. | | | Middle Musquodoboit| |Halifax N S|R. A. Kaulbeck Middle River, W. O.| |Pictou N S|George McLeod Middle River, W. O.| |Victoria N S|Chas. L. McLeod Middle St. Francis,| |Victoria N B|Andrew Douglas W. O. | | | Middle Section of |Margaree |Inverness N S|J. G. Crowdis N. E. Margaree, | | | W. O. | | | Middle Settlement | |Inverness N S|Donald McDonald River | | | Inhabitants, | | | W. O. | | | Middle Settlement | |Antigonishe N S|James McDonell of South River, | | | W. O. | | | Middle Simmonds, | |Carleton N B|David N. Raymond W. O. | | | Middle Southampton,| |York N B|George W. McKay W. O. | | | Middle Stewiacke, | |Colchester N S|John Dickie W. O. | | | Middleton | |Annapolis N S|Albert Beals Middleville |Lanark |Lanark, N. R. O|William Croft Midgic, W. O. | |Westmoreland N B|Mariner Hicks Midhurst |Vespra |Simcoe, N. R. O|George Smeath _Mildmay_ |Carrick |Bruce, S. R. O|Malcolm Campbell Mile End | |Hochelaga Q|Jos. Robin | | | Lapointe _Milford_ |Marysburg |Prince Edward O|James Cooke Milford, W. O. | |Annapolis N S|S. Charlton Milford Haven | |Guysborough N S|Joseph Torey Bridge, W. O. | | | _Millbank_ |Mornington |Perth, N. R. O|William Rutherford Mill Bridge |Tudor |Hastings, N. R. O|R. M. Norman * _Mill Brook_ |Cavan |Durham, E. R. O|W. G. Knowlson Mill Brook, W. O. | |Pictou N S|M. G. Ross Mill Cove, W. O. | |Lunenburg N S|J. W. Jollymore Mill Creek, W. O. | |Kent N B|N. Beckwith Milledgeville, | |St. John N B|John G. Tobin W. O. | | | Mille Isles |Mille Isles |Argenteuil Q|Solomon Pollock _Mille Roches_ |Cornwall |Cornwall O|Peter N. Tait Miller’s Creek, | |Hants N S|Hiram Miller W. O. | | | Mille Vaches | |Saguenay Q|Rev. Pierre Boily Mill Grove |Flamborough, |Wentworth, N. R. O|W. H. Berney | West | | Mill Haven |Ernestown |Lennox O|John Fleming Milliken |Markham |York, E. R. O|W. Gorvett Mill Point |Tyendinaga |Hastings, E. R. O|James Bowen Millstream, W. O. | |Kings N B|J. A. Fenwick Millsville, W. O. | |Pictou N S|John McKay Milltown | |Charlotte N B|Patrick Curran Mill Village | |Queen’s N B|J. N. Mack Millville, W. O. | |York N B|Henry Blancy Milnesville |Markham |York, E. R. O|H. H. Read Milton | |Queen’s N S|E. Kempton Milton, East |Milton |Shefford Q|Charles Gillespie * _Milton, West_ |Trafalgar |Halton O|Geo. Smith _Milverton_ |Mornington |Perth, N. R. O|John Pierson Mimico |Etobicoke |York, W. R. O|George Scott Mimosa |Erin |Wellington, O|Nathaniel Reed | | S. R. | _Minden_ |Snowdon |Peterboro’, O|S. S. Peck | | E. R. | Minesing |Vespra |Simcoe, N. R. O|Andrew Ronald Minudie, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|Gilbert Seaman Mira Gut, W. O. | |Cape Breton N S|Charles Martell Mispec, W. O. | |St. John N B| _Mitchell_ |Logan |Perth, S. R. O|John Hicks Moe’s River |Compton |Compton Q|David F. Brown Moffatt |Nassagiweya |Halton O|Peter Little _Mohawk_ |Brantford, |Brant, S. R. O|William Eadie | West | | Moira |Huntingdon |Hastings, N. R. O|Henry Ostrom Moisic | |Saguenay Q|Thomas Darling Molesworth |Wallace |Perth, N. R. O|Samuel Longheed Monck |Luther |Wellington, O|William Segsworth | | N. R. | Monckland |Roxborough |Stormont O|John Brown _Moncton_ | |Westmoreland N B|Jos. Crandall Moncton Road, W. O.| |Westmoreland N B|William G. Bateman Moneymore |Hungerford |Hastings, E. R. O|John Harigan Mongenais |Newton |Vaudreuil Q|J. Sicart Mongolia |Markham |York, E. R. O|Robert Curtis Monkton |Elma |Perth, N. R. O|Edward Greensides Mono Centre |Mono |Cardwell O|John Wilson _Mono Mills_ |Albion |Cardwell O|John Allen Mono Road Station |Chinguacousy |Peel O|John Judge Montague |Montague |Lanark, S. R. O|Peter Clark Montague Gold | |Halifax N S|Mrs. Vasey Barker Mines, W. O. | | | Montcalm |Rawdon |Montcalm Q|E. Copping Monte Bello |Petite Nation |Ottawa Q|Charles Major, | | | jun. Mont Louis |Mont Louis |Gaspé Q|Joseph Lemieux * _Montmagny_ |St. Thomas |Montmagny Q|J. S. Vallée * _Montreal_ |Montreal |Montreal Q|E. S. Freer Montrose |Stamford |Welland O|Archd. Thompson Mont. St. Hilaire |St. Hilaire |Rouville Q|Alexis Brouillette Monument | |Carleton N B|James Kennedy Settlement, W. O.| | | _Moore_ |Moore |Lambton O|John Morrison Moore’s Mills, | |Charlotte N B|Joseph Cormick W. O. | | | Moore’s Station |St. Armand |Missisquoi Q|P. C. Moore Moose Brook, W. O. | |Hants N S|Thomas M. Reid Moose Creek |Roxborough |Stormont O|William McKillican Moray |McGillivray |Middlesex, N. R. O|H. Hagerman Morden, W. O. | |King’s N S|Thomas Farnsworth Morewood |Winchester |Dundas O|A. McKay Morganston |Cramahe |Northumberland, O|Wm. J. Newman | | E. R. | Morley |St. Vincent |Grey, E. R. O|James Lemon Morningdale Mills |Mornington |Perth, N. R. O|J. Nicklin * _Morpeth_ |Howard |Bothwell O| Morrisbank |Morris |Huron, N. R. O|James Orr * _Morrisburg_ |Williamsburg |Dundas O|James Holden _Morriston_ |Puslinch |Wellington, O|R. B. Morrison | | S. R. | Morristown, W. O. | |King’s N S|John Palmer Mortlake |Scarborough |York, E. R. O|A. Thompson _Morton_ |Crosby, South |Leeds, S. R. O|James R. Leake Morton’s Corner, | |Lunenburg N S|James Morton W. O. | | | Mortonville, W. O. | |Hants N S|Josiah Smith Morven |Ernestown |Lennox O|J. L. P. Gordanier Moscow |Camden, East |Addington O|Zara Vanluven Mosherville, W. O. | |Hants N S|Joseph Mosher Mossley |Dorchester, N.|Middlesex, E. R. O|John Amos Motherwell |Fullarton |Perth, S. R. O|James Brown, sen. Moulies River, | |Kent N B|Archd. McEacheren W. O. | | | Mountain Grove |Olden |Addington O|E. L. Godfrey Mountain View |Ameliasburg |Prince Edward O|W. H. Way Mount Albert |Gwillimbury, |York, N. R. O|Mrs. E. Wilson | East | | Mount Albion |Saltfleet |Wentworth, S. R. O|James R. Cook * _Mount Brydges_ |Caradoc |Middlesex, W. R. O|Edward Handy Mount Carmel |Notre Dame du |Kamouraska Q|R. Lavois | Mont Carmel | | Mount Charles |Toronto |Peel O|Robert McLeod Mount Denison, | |Hants N S|Mrs. J. E. Shaw W. O. | | | _Mount Elgin_ |Dereham |Oxford, S. R. O|Isaac M. Elliott * _Mount Forest_ |Arthur |Wellington, O|T. G. Smith | | N. R. | Mount Hanly, W. O. | |Annapolis N S|Caleb Miller Mount Healy |Oneida |Haldimand O|Wm. Russell Mount Horeb |Ops |Victoria, S. R. O|William Reynolds Mount Hurst |Albion |Cardwell O|John Wallace Mount Irwin |Galway |Peterboro’, O|Christoper Irwin | | W. R. | Mount Johnson |St Grégoire |Iberville Q|Louis A. Auger Mountjoy | |Soulanges Q|Camille Lalonde Mount Oscar |Rigaud |Vaudreuil Q|Léandre Lapointe Mount Pleasant |Cavan |Durham, E. R. O|Abraham Best Mount Pleasant, | |Cumberland N S|Isaac Simpson W. O. | | | Mount St. Louis |Medonte |Simcoe, N. R. O|J. B. Hussey Mount St. Patrick |Brougham |Renfrew, S. R. O|Bridget Brady Mount Salem |Malahide |Elgin, E. R. O|George Hillaker Mountsberg |Flamborough, |Wentworth, N. R. O|James N. Paine | East | | Mount Thom | |Pictou N S|George McKay Mount Uniacke | |Hants N S|Richard McLean _Mount Vernon_ |Brantford, |Brant, S. R. O|William Perrin | West | | Mount Whatley, | |Westmoreland N B|Dixon Chapman W. O. | | | Mount Wolfe |Albion |Cardwell O|John Wolfe, jun. Mouth of Jemseg, | |Queen’s N B|Elias Scribner W. O. | | | Mouth of Keswick, | |York N B|George Miles W. O. | | | Mouth of Nerepis | |King’s N B|J. M. Nase Muddy Branch |Chatham |Argenteuil Q|Fernandez Naubert Mulgrave |Bertie |Welland O|P. Learn, sen. Mull River, W. O. | |Inverness N S|Donald McIsaac Mulmur |Mulmur |Simcoe, S. R. O|John Murphy Muncey |Caradoc |Middlesex, W. R. O|R. E. Whiting Munro’s, W. O. | |Victoria N S|M. Munro Munster |Goulbourn |Carlton O|Thomas Tubman Murray |Murray |Northumberland, O| | | E. R. | * _Murray Bay_ |Mountmurray |Charlevoix Q|J. A. J. Kane Murray’s Corner, | |Westmoreland N B|Joseph Murray W. O. | | | Murvale |Portland |Addington O|Michael Davy Muskoka Falls |Draper |Muskoka O|Hy. A. Clifford Musquash, W. O. | |St. John N B|L. D. Carman Musquodoboit | |Halifax N S|James Gardner Harbor, W. O. | | | Musselburg |Mornington |Perth, N. R. O|George Shearer Myrehall |Tyendinaga |Hastings, E. R. O|Mrs. James Harris Myrtle |Whitby |Ontario, S. R. O|Ruben Hurlburt Mystic |Stanbridge |Missisquoi Q|C. J. Phelps | | | | | | Nackawick, W. O. | |York N B|William H. Clark Nanaimo | |Vancouver B C|James Harvey _Nairn_ |Williams, East|Middlesex, N. R. O|Archibald Bell _Nanticoke_ |Walpole |Haldimand O|C. E. Bourne Napan, W. O. | |Northumberland N B|Archibald Campbell * _Napanee_ |Richmond |Lennox O|Gilbert Bogart Napanee Mills |Camden, East |Addington O|H. M. Wright _Napier_ |Metcalfe |Middlesex, W. R. O|John Arthurs _Napierville_ |St. Cyprien |Napierville Q|Lucien Dubé Nappan, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|Samuel E. Freeman Napperton |Adelaide |Middlesex, N. R. O|Thomas Jury Narrows | |Queen’s N B|Henry Todd Nashwaak, W. O. | |York N B|James Young Nashwaaksis, W. O. | |York N B|Peter McFarlane Nashwaak Village, | |York N B|John L. Fletcher W. O. | | | _Nassagiweya_ |Nassagiweya |Halton O|Elias Easterbrook Navan |Cumberland |Russell O|M. O’Meara Necum Tench, W. O. | |Halifax N S|William Smith Neguac, W. O. | |Northumberland N B|David Petrie Neigette |St. Angèle |Rimouski Q|Francis X. Gagnier Nelson |Nelson |Halton O|D. W. Springer Nenagh |Normanby |Grey, S. R. O|Thomas Duignan Netherby |Humberstone |Welland O|Lewis House _Neustadt_ |Normanby |Grey, S. R. O|D. Winkler Nevis |Oro |Simcoe, N. R. O|James Greenshields New Aberdeen |Waterloo, |Waterloo, S. R. O|William Key | South | | New Albany, W. O. | |Annapolis N S|Albert Oaks New Annan, W. O. | |Colchester N S|Gavin Bell Newark |Norwich, North|Oxford, S. R. O|Henry Henderson New Bandon, W. O. | |Gloucester N B|James Kerr Newbliss |Kitley |Leeds, N. R. O|John Edgar * _Newborough_ |Crosby, North |Leeds, S. R. O|Thomas Webster Newboyne |Bastard |Leeds, S. R. O|James Lytle Newbridge |Howick |Huron, N. R. O|James Carson New Bridge, W. O. | |Inverness N S|Donald M. Lord * _Newburgh_ |Camden, East |Addington O|Robert Hope Newburgh, W. O. | |Carleton N B|Richard McKinney * _Newbury_ |Mosa |Middlesex, W. R. O|Thomas Robinson New Caledonia, | |Halifax N S|John Hattee W. O. | | | New Campbelton | |Victoria N S|Chas. C. Campbell, | | | jr. New Canaan, W. O. | |Queen’s N B|Lewis Keith New Canada, W. O. | |Lunenburg N S|Jeremiah Mader New Carlisle |Cox |Bonaventure Q|Matthew Caldwell * _Newcastle_ |Clarke |Durham, W. R. O|Hiram Hodges _Newcastle_ | |Northumberland N B|Samuel Johnston Newcastle Bridge, | |Queen’s N B|R. P. Yeomans W. O. | | | Newcastle Creek, | |Queen’s N B|G. D. Bailey W. O. | | | Newcomb Corner, | |Halifax N S|John Barron W. O. | | | New Cornwall, W. O.| |Lunenburg N S|S. E. Hallamore New Dublin |Elizabethtown |Brockville O|J. A. Browne _New Dundee_ |Wilmot |Waterloo, S. R. O|S. P. Browne New Durham |Burford |Brant, S. R. O| * _New Edinburgh_ |Gloucester |Russell O|J. W. Proctor New Gairloch, W. O.| |Pictou N S|John McPherson New Germany, W. O. | |Lunenburg N S|William Nichols New Glasgow |Lacorne |Terrebonne Q|James Furse _New Glasgow_ | |Pictou N S|William Fraser * _New Hamburg_ |Wilmot |Waterloo, S. R. O|Christian Ernst New Harbor, W. O. | |Guysborough N S|Daniel Kirby New Horton, W. O. | |Albert N B|M. Cannon Newington |Osnabruck |Stormont O|Ferguson Jordine New Ireland |Ireland |Megantic Q|Richard C. Porter New Ireland, W. O. | |Albert N B|John Carrens New Ireland Road, | |Albert N B|M. McFadden W. O. | | | New Jerusalem, | |Queen’s N B|Samuel Mahood W. O. | | | New Larig, W. O. | |Pictou N S|Robert McLeod New Liverpool |St. Romuald |Lévis Q|Damase Roberge New Lowell |Sunnidale |Simcoe, N. R. O|P. Patton * _New Market_ |Whitchurch |York, N. R. O|William Roe New Maryland | |York N B|Lewis Fisher New Mills | |Restigouche N B|Donald McAlister New Minas, W. O. | |King’s N S|George W. Strong Newport |Brantford |Brant, S. R. O|Colin Milloy Newport | |Gaspé Q|Clovis Desforges _Newport_ | |Hants N S|J. F. Cochrane Newport Corner, | |Hants N S|James Brown W. O. | | | _Newport Landing_ | |Hants N S|J. W. Allison Newport Point | |Gaspé Q|Philip Hamon Newport Station | |Hants N S|J. L. Sweet New Richmond |New Richmond |Bonaventure Q|Richard Brash New River, W. O. | |Charlotte N B|J. E. Knight New Ross |Matilda |Dundas O|Thomas Currie _New Ross_ | |Lunenburg N S|John Praft Newry |Elma |Perth, N. R. O|Daniel Falconer New Sarum |Yarmouth |Elgin, W. R. O| Newton Brook |York |York, W. R. O|W. W. Cummer Newton Mills, W. O.| |Colchester N S|James Creelman Newton Robinson |Tecumseth |Simcoe, S. R. O|J. R. Hipwell Newtown, W. O. | |King’s N B|J. B. Pearce New Town, W. O. | |Guysboro’ N S|Thomas McBain New Tusket, W. O. | |Digby N S|Charleton Sabean New Westminster | |New B C| | | Westminster | New Zealand, W. O. | |York N B|Adonijah | | | Moorehouse * _Niagara_ |Niagara |Niagara O|Robert Warren Nichol’s Corner, | |Annapolis N S|D. Nichols W. O. | | | Nicola Lake | |Yale B C| _Nicolet_ |Nicolet |Nicolet Q|Miss Margaret | | | Chillas Nicolston |Essa |Simcoe, S. R. O|John Nicol Nictaux Falls, | |Annapolis N S|Charles Berteaux W. O. | | | Niel’s Harbor, | |Victoria N S|John McDonald W. O. | | | Niely Road | |King’s N S|Thaddeus Allison Nile |Colborne |Huron, C. R. O|Robert Johnson Nilestown |Dorchester, N.|Middlesex, W. R. O|John Morwood Nine Mile River, | |Hants N S|Evan Thompson W. O. | | | Nipissingan | |District of O|John Shaw | | Nipissing | Nissouri |Nissouri, East|Oxford, N. T. O|Joseph Howes Nithburg |North Easthope|Perth, N. R. O|James Brown Nobleton |King |York, N. R. O|William Munsie Noel, W. O. | |Hants N S|Osmond O’Brien Noel Shore, W. O. | |Hants N S|Samuel McLellan Norham |Percy |Northumberland, O|Alexander Douglas | | E. R. | Norland |Laxton |Victoria, N. R. O|A. A. McLaughlin Normandale |Charlotteville|Norfolk, S. R. O|John W. Sheppard _Normanton_ |Saugeen |Bruce, N. R. O|Mrs. Mary Roy Northampton, W. O. | |Carleton N B|Aaron Tomkins _North Augusta_ |Augusta |Grenville, S. R. O|John Chapman North Bristol |Bristol |Pontiac Q|William Shirley North Brookfield, | |Queen’s N S|George M. Fraser W. O. | | | North Bruce |Bruce |Bruce, N. R. O|D. McCarrol _North Douro_ |Douro |Peterborough, O|Robert Casement | | E. R. | North East Branch |Margaree |Inverness N S|John Rose Margaree, W. O. | | | North East Harbor, | |Shelburne N S|A. R. Greenwood W. O. | | | North Esk Boom, | |Northumberland N B|James Hutchinson W. O. | | | Northfield |Cornwall |Cornwall O|George McDonald Northfield, W. O. | |Sunbury N B|Jonathan Welton Northfield, W. O. | |Lunenburg N S|Heli Mackey North Georgetown |Beauharnois |Chateauguay Q|Joseph Turcot North Glanford |Glanford |Wentworth, S. R. O|Edward Dickenson _North Gower_ |North Gower |Carleton O|Hiram Scott North Ham |North Ham |Wolfe Q|Patrick Blais North Hatley |Hatley |Stanstead Q|B. LeBaron North Joggins, | |Westmoreland N B|William McHaffey W. O. | | | North Keppel |Keppel |Grey, N. R. O|David Dewar North Lake, W. O. | |Westmoreland N B| North Lake, W. O. | |York N B|William Foster North Lancaster |Lancaster |Glengarry O|Charles Leclair North Mountain |Mountain |Dundas O|James Cleland North Mountain, | |King’s N S|William Bennett W. O. | | | North Nation Mills |Petite Nation |Ottawa Q|Thomas Cole North Onslow |Onslow |Pontiac Q|Peter McDonough North Pelham |Pelham |Monck O|Mrs. M. A. McQueen North Pinnacle |St. Armand |Missisquoi Q|V. Barnes _North Port_ |Sophiasburg |Prince Edward O|W. H. Morden North Range Corner,| |Digby N S|Charles McNiel W. O. | | | North Ridge |Gosfield |Essex O|William E. | | | Wagstaff North River, W. O. | |Westmoreland N B|J. Taylor North River, W. O. | |Colchester N S|W. H. Higgins North River Bridge,| |Colchester N S|Henry Blair W. O. | | | North River Bridge,| |Victoria N S|Mary McKenzie W. O. | | | North River | |Westmoreland N B|Patrick Hopkins Platform, W. O. | | | North Salem, W. O. | |Hants N S|N. Nelson North Section of | |Colchester N S| Earltown, W. O. | | | North Seneca |Seneca |Haldimand O|George E. Richards North Shore, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|Duncan McKinnon North Shore, W. O. | |Victoria N S|Donald McDonald North Side of | |Inverness N S|Malcolm McNiel Basin, River | | | Dennis, W. O. | | | North Stanbridge |Stanbridge |Missisquoi Q|A. M. Stone North Stoke |Stoke |Richmond Q|F. H. Lothrop North Stukely |Stukely |Shefford Q|Antoine Audette North Sutton |Sutton |Brome Q|S. Sweet _North Sydney_ | |Cape Breton N S|John Forbes North Wakefield |Wakefield |Ottawa Q|A. Pritchard North West Arm, | |Cape Breton N S|G. K. Ball W. O. | | | North West Bridge, | |Northumberland N B|Edward Sinclair W. O. | | | North West Cove, | |Lunenburg N S|Daniel Noonan W. O. | | | North Williamsburg |Williamsburg |Dundas O|William Gordon North Winchester |Winchester |Dundas O|Joseph S. Kyle Norton, W. O. | |King’s N B|John Hayes Norton Creek |Beauharnois |Chateauguay Q|William Dinnigan North Dale, W. O. | |York N B|William Cox Norton Station | |King’s N B|Joseph D. Baxter _Norval_ |Esquesing |Halton O|William Clay Norway |York |York, E. R. O|James Smith * _Norwich_ |Norwich, North|Oxford, S. R. O|Gilbert Moore * _Norwood_ |Asphodel |Peterborough, O|J. A. Butterfield | | E. R. | Notfield |Kenyon |Glengarry O|Peter Kennedy Notre Dame du |Notre Dame du |Témiscouata Q|Miss Adée Michaud Portage | Portage | | Nottawa |Nottawasaga |Simcoe, N. R. O|Andrew Melville Nouvelle |Nouvelle |Bonaventure Q|Archibald Kerr Noyan |Sabrevois |Missisquoi Q|T. B. Derick Nutt’s Corners |Clarenceville |Missisquoi Q|David Nutt | | | | | | Oak Bay, W. O. | |Charlotte N B| Oakfield, W. O. | |Halifax N S|Mrs. Frances | | | Laurie Oak Hill |Laxton |Victoria, N. R. O|Samuel Lapp Oak Hill, W. O. | |Charlotte N B|William McCan _Oakland_ |Oakland |Brant, S. R. O|John Toyne Oak Point, W. O. | |King’s N B|J. L. Flewelling Oak Point, W. O. | |Northumberland N B|Alexander Davidson Oak Ridges |Whitchurch |York, N. R. O|Edward Curtis * _Oakville_ |Trafalgar |Halton O|R. Balmer Oakwood |Mariposa |Victoria, S. R. O|Richard P Butler Oban |Sarnia |Lambton O|William Carrick * _Odessa_ |Ernestown |Lennox O|P. S. Timmermann Offa |Stephen |Huron, S. R. O|John G. Quarry Ogilvie, W. O. | |King’s N S|Thomas Anthony Ohio, W. O. | |Antigonishe N S|John McDonald * _Oil Springs_ |Enniskillen |Lambton O|James Keating Oka | |Two Mountains Q|Cyprien Chaurette Old Barns, W. O. | |Colchester N S|Ebenezer Archibald Oldham, W. O. | |Halifax N S| Old Montrose |Romney |Kent O|Robert Mosey Olinda |Gosfield |Essex O|John C. Fox Olinville, W. O. | |Queen’s N B|William Tilley Omagh |Trafalgar |Halton O|Thomas Little * _Omemee_ |Emily |Victoria, S. R. O|Robert Grandy Omineca | |Cariboo B C| Ompah |Palmerston |Addington O|Henry Dunham 150 Mile House | |Cariboo B C| Oneida |Oneida |Haldimand O|J. T. Mutchmore Ongley |Brighton |Northumberland, O|Albert H. Smith | | E. R. | Onondaga |Onondaga |Brant, N. R. O|William S. | | | Buckwell * _Onslow_ |Onslow |Pontiac Q|Walton Smith Onslow, W. O. | |Colchester N S| * _Orangeville_ |Garafraxa |Wellington, O|Guy Leslie | | C. R. | Orchard |Egremont |Grey, S. R. O|J. G. Orchard * _Orillia_ |Orillia |Simcoe, N. R. O|Wesley Bingham Orleans |Gloucester, |Russell O|H. McHarry | North | | Ormond |Winchester |Dundas O|Ira Morgan _Ormstown_ |Beauharnois |Chateauguay Q|R. N. Walsh _Oromocto_ | |Sunbury N B|J. R. McPherson * _Orono_ |Clarke |Durham, W. R. O|Joseph L. Tucker _Orwell_ |Yarmouth |Elgin, E. R. O|D. Sutherland _Osceola_ |Bromley |Renfrew, N. R. O|Alexander McLaren _Osgoode_ |Osgoode |Russell O|Adam J. Baker * _Oshawa_ |Whitby |Ontario, S. R. O|David Smith Ospringe |Erin |Wellington, O|William Symon | | S. R. | _Ossekeag_ | |King’s N B|Allan McN. Travis Ossian |Enniskillen |Lambton O|George S. | | | McPherson Otnabog, W. O. | |Queen’s N B| * _Ottawa_ |Nepean |Ottawa O|G. P. Baker Otter Creek |Carrick |Bruce, S. R. O|Edmund Savage Otter Lake |Leslie |Pontiac Q|John Mather _Otterville_ |Norwich, South|Oxford, S. R. O|Wm. F. Kay Oungah |Chatham |Kent O|Thomas Kinny Oustic |Eramosa |Wellington, O|Robert Scott | | S. R. | Outram |Brant |Bruce, S. R. O|David Smith Overton |Camden, East |Addington O|S. D. Fox * _Owen Sound_ |Sydenham |Grey, N. R. O|John G. Francis Oxenden |Keppel |Grey, N. R. O|John P. Benwell Oxford, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|Henry S. Smith Oxford Centre |Oxford, East |Oxford, S. T. O|William Garbutt Oxford Mills |Oxford |Grenville, N. R. O|Charles Jones, | | | jun. Oxford Station |Oxford |Grenville, N. R. O|Andrew Holmes _Oxley_ |Colchester |Essex O|Robert Ivison Oyster Ponds, W. O.| |Guysborough N S|James W. Carr Oznabruck Centre |Oznabruck |Stormont O|Jacob J. Poaps | | | | | | Painswick |Innisfil |Simcoe, S. R. O|John Huggard * _Paisley_ |Elderslie |Bruce, N. R. O|James Saunders * _Pakenham_ |Pakenham |Lanark, N. R. O|Alexander Fowler _Palermo_ |Trafalgar |Halton O|H. M. Switzer Palestine | |Marquette M|George West Palgrave |Albion |Cardwell O| Palmer’s Road, | |King’s N S|George W. Eaton W. O. | | | Palmerston, W. O. | |Kent N B|Honoré Landry Panmure |Fitzroy |Carleton O|James Ring Papineauville |Petite Nation |Ottawa Q|F. S. McKay Paquette |Hereford Gore |Compton Q|F. Paquette Paradise Lane, | |Annapolis N S|W. H. Troop W. O. | | | Parham |Hinchinbrooke |Addington O|John Griffith * _Paris_ |Dumfries, |Brant, N R. O|George Stanton | South | | Paris Station |Dumfries, |Brant, N. R. O|M. X. Carr | South | | Parker |Peel |Wellington, O| | | C. R. | Parker’s Cove, | |Annapolis N S|Thos. Milner W. O. | | | Park Head |Amabel |Bruce, N. R. O|Wm. Simpson _Park Hill_ |West Williams |Middlesex, N. R. O|John Noble Parkhurst |St. Sylvester |Lotbinière Q|Thomas Walker Parks Creek |St. Andrews |Lisgar M| Parma |South |Lennox O|David Griffith |Fredericksburg| | _Parrsborough_ | |Cumberland N S|John W. Jenks Parrsborough Shore,| |Cumberland N S|William Grant W. O. | | | _Parry Sound_ |McDougall |Muskoka O|John McClelland _Paspébiac_ |Cox |Bonaventure Q|D. Bisson _Patterson_ |Vaughn |York, W. R. O|W. C. Patterson Patterson | |Sunbury N B|Nelson White Settlement, W. O.| | | Paudash |Cardiff |Peterborough, O|W. R. Kidd | | E. R. | Peabody |Sullivan |Grey, N. R. O|John Milburn Pearceton |Stanbridge |Missisquoi Q|James Briggs Peel, W. O. | |Carleton N B|Charles A. Harmon Peepabun |Luther |Wellington, O|Robert Dickson | | N. R. | Pefferlaw |Georgina |York, N. R. O|George Johnson Peggy’s cove | |Halifax N S|W. Crooks Pembina |St. Agathe |Provencher M|Wm. Watt * _Pembroke_ |Pembroke |Renfrew, N. R. O|Alex. Moffatt Pendleton |Plantagenet, |Prescott O|Henry Moffatt | South | | * _Penetanguishene_|Tiny |Simcoe, N. R. O|J. S. Darling Peninsula, Gaspé |Gaspé Bay |Gaspé Q|William Miller | North | | Pennfield, W. O. | |Charlotte N B|Jesse Prescott Pennfield Ridge, | |Charlotte N B|John B. Young W. O. | | | Penobsquis | |King’s N B|George Morton Pentland |Pilkington |Wellington, O|George Ford | | C. R. | Penville |Tecumseth |Simcoe, S. R. O|Edward T. Turner * _Percé_ |Percé |Gaspé Q|J. E. Tuzo Perch Station |Sarnia |Lambton O|John Irwin Pereaux, W. O. | |King’s N S|E. West Perkins |Templeton |Ottawa Q|John Freney Perretton |Westmeath |Renfrew, N. R. O|H. W. Perrett Perryboro’ |Hereford |Compton Q|Calvin Perry Perry Settlement, | |King’s N B|R. Elders W. O. | | | Perrytown |Hope |Durham, E. R. O|R. A. Corbett * _Perth_ |Drummond |Lanark, S. R. O|Thomas Cairns Petawawa |Petawawa |Renfrew, N. R. O|Solomon Devine * _Peterborough_ |North |Peterborough, O|Hy. C. Rogers | Monaghan | W. R. | Petersburg |Wilmot |Waterloo, S. R. O|John Ernst Peterson |Minden |Peterborough, O|William Jarvis | | E. R. | Petersville | |Queen’s N B|Timothy Malone Petersville Church,| |Queen’s N B|A. Hamilton W. O. | | | Petherton |Arthur |Wellington, O|Thomas Bunston | | N. R. | _Petitcodiac_ | |Westmoreland N B|W. W. Price Petite de Grat, | |Richmond N S|George M. Jean W. O. | | | Petite Passage, | |Digby N S|John Smith W. O. | | | Petite Rivière | |Lunenburg N S|Reuben Heckman Bridge, W. O. | | | Petit Métis |Macnider |Rimouski Q|John MacNider * _Petrolea_ |Enniskillen |Lambton O|Patrick Barclay Petworth |Portland |Addington O|Alfred Knight Peveril |Newton |Vaudreuil Q|Alexander Morrison Phelpston |Flos |Simcoe, N. R. O|Robert H. Platt _Philipsburg, East_|St. Aramand |Missisquoi Q|D. T. R. Nye Philipsburg West |Wilmot |Waterloo, S. R. O|G. C. Doering Philipsville |Bastard |Leeds, S. R. O|George Brown _Pickering_ |Pickering |Ontario, S. R. O|Eliza Whitney * _Picton_ |Hallowell |Prince Edward O| _Pictou_ | |Pictou N S|Alexander McPhail Piedmont Valley, | |Pictou N S|James McDonald W. O. | | | Pierreville |Pierreville |Yamasaka Q|H. Pitt Pierreville Mills |Pierreville |Yamasaka Q|Henry Vassal Pigeon Hill |St. Armand |Missisquoi Q|Noah Sager Pigeon Lake |St. François |Marquette M|J. M. House | Xavier | | _Pike River_ |Stanbridge |Missisquoi Q|A. L. Taylor Pinedale |Brock |Ontario, N. R. O|John Barker Pine Grove |Vaughn |York, W. R. O|A. L. Gooderham Pine Orchard |Whitchurch |York, N. R. O|Cornely Randall Pine River |Huron |Bruce, S. R. O|D. McDermid _Pineo Village_ | |King’s N S|J. P. Pineo Pinkerton |Greenock |Bruce, S. R. O|Samuel A. King Piopolis |Marston |Compton Q| Pirate Harbor | |Guysboro’ N S|J. Hartley Pisarinco, W. O. | |St. John N B|Thomas Galbraith Pittsferry |Pittsburg |Frontenac O|Daniel Root Pittston |Edwardsburg |Grenville, S. R. O|William Pitt, sen. Plainfield |Thurlow |Hastings, E. R. O|Edward N. Gould Plainfield, W. O. | |Pictou N S|A. Sutherland _Plantagenet_ |Plantagenet, |Prescott O|Henry Smith | North | | Plattsville |Blenheim |Oxford, N. R. O|John Smart Playfair |Bathurst |Lanark, S. R. O|G. C. Mills Pleasant Bay, W. O.|Grand Anse |Inverness N S|John Sutherland Pleasant Hill |Walsingham |Norfolk, S. R. O|William Morgan Pleasant Ridge, | |Charlotte N B|James Smart W. O. | | | Pleasant River, | |Queen’s N S|Jos. M. Freeman W. O. | | | Pleasant Valley, | |Digby N S|Leslie M. Craig W. O. | | | Plum Hollow |Bastard |Leeds, S. R. O|Lydia Alguire Plymouth, W. O. | |Yarmouth N S|Denis McGrath Pockmouche, W. O. | |Gloucester N B|Thomas Maher Pockshaw, W. O. | |Gloucester N B| Point Abino |Bertie |Welland O|Ralph Disher Point Alexander |Rolph |Renfrew, N. R. O|Foster Armstrong Point Bruley, W. O.| |Colchester N S|M. P. Hogan Point Clear, W. O. | |Victoria N S|Niel Gillis Pointe à Pic (sub) |Mount Murray |Charlevoix Q|Archibald McLean Pointe au Bouleau |Saguenay |Saguenay Q|O. Savard Pointe au Chêne |Grenville |Argenteuil Q|Archibald Cameron Pointe aux Pins |Park |Algoma O|W. G. Foot Pointe aux Trembles| |Hochelaga Q|Antoine Lamoureux Pointe aux Trembles|Neuville |Portneuf Q|Narcisse Blais Pointe Clare |Montreal |Jacques Cartier Q|L. B. Daoust Pointe du Chêne |St. Ann |Provencher M|Alex. Chisholm Pointe du Chêne, | |Westmoreland N B|Wm. J. M. W. O. | | | Hanington Pointe du Lac |Pointe du Lac |St. Maurice Q|Louis Comeau, jun. Pointe Edward |Sarnia |Lambton O|Louis Ernst Point Fortune |Rigaud |Vaudreuil Q|A. St. Denis Point Kaye |Monck |Muskoka O|Charles Kaye Point la Nim, W. O.| |Restigouche N B|Peter Stewart Point of Cape, | |Antigonishe N S|Hugh McInnis W. O. | | | Point Petre |Athol |Prince Edward O|James Scott Point Platon |Lotbinière |Lotbinière Q|Joseph Angé * _Point St. | |Jacques Cartier Q|Thomas Akin Charles_ | | | Point St. Peter |Malbaie |Gaspé Q|George Packwood Point Traverse |Marysburg |Prince Edward O|Geo. A. Ostrander Point Wolfe, W. O. | |Albert N B|Gideon Vernon Poland |Dalhousie |Lanark, N. R. O|Moses Poal Pollett River, | |Westmoreland N B|B. R. Colpitts W. O. | | | Pomeroy Ridge, | |Charlotte N B| W. O. | | | Pomona |Glenelg |Grey, S. R. O|William Purdy Pomquet Chapel, | |Antigonishe N S| W. O. | | | Pomquet Forks, | |Antigonishe N S|Mrs. M. Chisholm W. O. | | | Ponds, W. O. | |Pictou N S|A. S. Fray Posonby |Pilkington |Wellington, O|James L. Halley | | C. R. | Pont Château |Soulanges |Soulanges Q|J. B. Besner Pont de Maskinongé |Maskinongé |Maskinongé Q|A. J. Lafrenière Pont Rouge |St. Jeanne de |Portneuf Q|Thos. Larivière | Neuville | | Poodiac, W. O. |Hammond |King’s N B|James Faulkner Poole |Mornington |Perth, N. R. O|Charles Beck Poplar Grove, W. O.| |Gloucester N B|Joseph Aubé Poplar Point |Poplar Point |Marquette M|David Tait Poquiock, W. O. | |York N B|Michael Doherty Port Acadie, W. O. | |Yarmouth N S|M. Melançon * _Portage du Fort_|Litchfield |Pontiac Q|John Amey Portage la Prairie |Portage la |Marquette M|Charles Mair | Prairie | | Portage River, | |Northumberland N B|Alex. McDermitt W. O. | | | Port Albert |Ashfield |Huron, N. R. O|Thomas Hawkins Portapique, W. O. | |Colchester N S|Robert Davison Portapique | |Colchester N S|Daniel Giddens Mountain, W. O. | | | Port au Persil |Mount Murray |Charlevoix Q|W. McLaren Port Bruce |Malahide |Elgin, E. R. O|Thomas Thompson * _Port Burwell_ |Bayham |Elgin, E. R. O|Thomas Pilcher Port Caledonia, | |Cape Breton N S|Miss Mary W. O. | | | Boutilier _Port Carling_ |Medora |Muskoka O|B. H. Johnston * _Port Colborne_ |Humberstone |Welland O|L. G. Carter Port Credit |Toronto |Peel O|Robert Cotton * _Port Dalhousie_ |Grantham |Lincoln O|Richard Wood Port Daniel |Port Daniel |Bonaventure Q|Patrick Sweetman _Port Dover_ |Woodhouse |Norfolk, S. R. O|David Abel Port Elgin | |Westmoreland N B|James Hamilton Port Elmsley |North Elmsley |Lanark, S. R. O|John Elliott Porter’s Hill |Goderich |Huron, S. R. O|James Hendry Porter’s Lake, | |Halifax N S|George Orman W. O. | | | Port Felix, W. O. | |Guysboro’ N S|Stephen Boudrot Port George, W. O. | |Annapolis N S|G. B. Reid Port Granby |Clarke |Durham, W. R. O|David March Port Greville, | |Cumberland N S|Jane Elderkin W. O. | | | _Port Hastings_ | |Inverness N S|J. G. McKeen _Port Hawkesbury_ | |Inverness N S|Mrs. M. T. | | | Blanchard _Port Hood_ | |Inverness N S|F. D. Tremaine Port Hood Island, | |Inverness N S|Mrs. Joshua Smith W. O. | | | Port Hoover |Mariposa |Victoria, S. R. O|Fred. C. Shaver * _Port Hope_ |Hope |Durham, E. R. O|Robert W. Smart Port Jolly, W. O. | |Shelburne N S|L. Robertson Port Lampton |Sombra |Bothwell O|John H. Sewell Portland |Bastard |Leeds, S. R. O|S. S. Scovil Port la Tour, W. O.| |Shelburne N S|Nancy H. Snow Port Lewis |St. Anicet |Huntingdon Q|B. B. Carson Port Maitland |Sherbrooke |Monck O|James Moss Port Matoon, W. O. | |Queen’s N S|William T. Leslie _Port Medway_ | |Queen’s N S|Freeman Cohoon _Port Mulgrave_ | |Guysborough N S|G. B. Hadley Port Nelson |Nelson |Halton O| Portneuf |Portneuf |Portneuf Q|Charles Gaulin _Port Perry_ |Reach |Ontario, N. R. O|H. Gordon Port Richmond, |Port Richmond |Richmond N S|John G. Murray W. O. | | | * _Port Robinson_ |Thorold |Welland O|James McCoppen * _Port Rowan_ |Walsingham |Norfolk, S. R. O|Miss M. McLennan Port Royal |Walsingham |Norfolk, S. R. O|Robert Abbott Port Royal, W. O. | |Richmond N S|J. M. Adèle | | | LeBlance _Port Ryerse_ |Woodhouse |Norfolk, S. R. O|Wm. H. Ryerse Port Severn (sub) |Tay |Simcoe, N. R. O|Alex. R. Christie Portsmouth |Kingston |Frontenac O|George McLeod * _Port Stanley_ |Yarmouth |Elgin, E. R. O|Manuel Payne Portuguese Cove, | |Halifax N S|T. Sullivan W. O. | | | Port Union |Pickering |Ontario, S. R. O| _Port Williams_ | |King’s N S|Albert Chase Port Williams | |King’s N S|Enoch A. Forsyth Station | | | Powell |Huntley |Carleton O|Denis Egan Powerscourt |Hinchinbrooke |Huntingdon Q|David W. Johnson * _Prescott_ |Augusta |Grenville, S. R. O|John Dowsley * _Preston_ |Waterloo, |Waterloo, S. R. O|Conrad Nispel | South | | Preston Road, W. O.| |Halifax N S|J. S. Griffin _Priceville_ |Artemesia |Grey, E. R. O|D. A. Ghent Primrose |Mono |Cardwell O|George Dodds * _Prince Albert_ |Reach |Ontario, N. R. O|H. H. McCaw Prince of Wales, | |St. John N B|John Cairns W. O. | | | Princeport, W. O. | |Colchester N S|Mrs. M. Ambrose _Princeton_ |Blenheim |Oxford, N. R. O|Hezekiah C. | | | Forsyth Prince William, | |York N B|T. W. Saunders W. O. | | | Prospect |Beckwith |Lanark, S. R. O|William Burrows Prospect, W. O. | |Halifax N S|John Booth Pubnico Beach, | |Shelburne N S|John McConnisky W. O. | | | Pubnico Harbor, | |Yarmouth N S|John Carland W. O. | | | _Pugwash_ | |Cumberland N S|Levi Borden Pugwash River, | |Cumberland N S|Thomas A. Frazer W. O. | | | Purdy |Bangor |Hastings, N. R. O|W. Lake Purpleville |Vaughan |York, W. R. O|James Livingston _Puslinch_ |Puslinch |Wellington, O|William Leslie | | S. R. | Putnam |Dorchester, |Middlesex, E. R. O|John Menhennick | North | | | | | | | | Quaco Road, W. O. | |St. John N B|B. D. Kirkpatrick * _Quebec_ |Quebec |Quebec Q|P. G. Huot Queensborough |Elzevir |Hastings, N. R. O|Daniel Thompson Queenston |Niagara |Niagara O|James Wynn Queensville |East |York, N. R. O|James H. Aylward | Gwillimbury | | Queensville, W. O. | |Inverness N S|D. J. McMasters Quesnel | |Cariboo B C| | | | | | | Radstock |Kildare |Joliette Q| Ragged Head, W. O. | |Guysboro’ N S|R. Bruce Ragged Island, | |Shelburne N S|George Wall W. O. | | | Raglan |Whitby |Ontario, S. R. O|Mrs. Mary Still Railton |Loughboro’ |Addington O|John Walsh Rainham |Rainham |Haldimand O|Isaac Honsberger Rainham Centre |Rainham |Haldimand O|W. J. Thompson Rama |Rama |Ontario, N. R. O|James McPherson Ranelagh |Windham |Norfolk, N. R. O|Benjamin Lake Rankin |Wilberforce |Renfrew, N. R. O|William P. Edwards Rankin’s Mill, | |Carlton N B|William Drakin W. O. | | | Rapides des |Aberdeen |Pontiac Q|William Spence Joachims | | | Rathburn |Mara |Ontario, N. R. O|Timothy Cuddahee _Ratho_ |Blandford |Oxford, N. R. O|Joseph Williams Ratter’s Corner, | |King’s N B|John Ratter W. O. | | | Ravenna |Collingwood |Grey, N. R. O|William Reid Ravenscliffe |Chaffey |Muskoka O|James Sharp Ravenshoe |North |York, N. R. O|George Glover | Gwillimbury | | Ravenswood |Bosanquet |Lambton O|Paul Jarvis Rawdon |Rawdon |Montcalm Q|Michael Skelly Rawdon, W. O. | |Hants N S|Thomas Moxon Raymond |Watt |Muskoka O|Anthony Suffern Reaboro |Ops |Victoria, S. R. O|John Holbert Read |Tyendinaga |Hastings, E. R. O|John C. Hanley Reading |Garafraxa |Wellington, O|Robert Donaldson | | C. R. | Rear of Black | |Richmond N S|John Morrison River, W. O. | | | Rear Lands, | |Richmond N S|William Urquhart Sporting | | | Mountain, | | | W. O. | | | Red Bank, W. O. | |Northumberland N B|W. S. Brown Red Island, W. O. | |Richmond N S|Alexander McKenzie Rednersville |Ameliasburg |Prince Edward O|James Redner Relessey |Mono |Cardwell O|Robert Wilson Renforth |Ancaster |Wentworth, S. R. O|Robert Mahew * _Renfrew_ |Horton |Renfrew, S. R. O|William Mackay Renfrew | |Hants N S| Renous Bridge, | |Northumberland N B|R. Jardine W. O. | | | Renton |Townsend |Norfolk, N. R. O|Sydney Osborne Repentigny |L’Assomption |L’Assomption Q|F. X. O’Brien Rhodes, W. O. | |King’s N S|William Rhodes Riceburg |Stanbridge |Missisquoi Q|Simon Lambkin Riceville |Plantagenet, |Prescott O|P. McLaurin | South | | Richby |Compton |Compton Q|William Howard _Richibucto_ | |Kent N B|Jean C. Vautour Richmond Corner, | |Carleton N B| W. O. | | | * _Richmond, East_ |Cleveland |Richmond Q|G. K. Foster _Richmond, West_ |Goulbourn |Carleton O|W. H. Butler * _Richmond Hill_ |Vaughan |York, W. R. O|Matthew Teefy Richmond Station |Cleveland |Richmond Q|Philip Maher Richmond Terminus, | |Halifax N S|J. Foot W. O. | | | Richview |Toronto |Peel O|Robert M. Burgess Richwood |Blenheim |Oxford, N. R. O|David Kyte _Ridgetown_ |Howard |Bothwell O|L. S. Hancock Ridgeville |Pelham |Monck O|Jonas Steele Rigaud |Rigaud |Vaudreuil Q|A. W. Charleboise Riley Brook, W. O. | |Victoria N B|William Everett, | | | jun. Rimington |Madoc |Hastings, N. R. O|John Rimington * _Rimouski_ |St. Germain |Rimouski Q|Paschal G. St. | de Rimouski | | Pierre Ringwood |Whitchurch |York, N. R. O|G. H. Silvester Ripley |Huron |Bruce, S. R. O|Donald McDonald River Beaudette | |Soulanges Q|Colin McPherson River Bourgeoise, | |Richmond N S|George H. Bissett W. O. | | | River Charlo, W. O.| |Restigouche N B|Alex. McPherson _River David_ | |Yamaska Q|J. B. Commeault River Debert, W. O.| |Colchester N S|Philip Fulmore River de Chute, | |Carleton N B| W. O. | | | River Dennis, W. O.| |Inverness N S|A. McIntyre River Désert |Maniwaki |Ottawa Q|J. Backus River Gilbert |St. François |Beauce Q|George W. Chapman River Hébert, W. O.| |Cumberland N S|Michael Pugsley _River John_ | |Pictou N S|John D. Gauld River Louison, | |Restigouche N B|Donald Stewart W. O. | | | _River Philip_ | |Cumberland N S|Mrs. Grace Philips _Riversdale_ |Greenock |Bruce, S. R. O| Riversdale, W. O. | |Colchester N S| River Side, W. O. | |Albert N B|Hiram Edgett Riverstown |Arthur |Wellington, O| | | N. R. | Rivière Bois Clair |St. Edouard |Lotbinière Q|A. Lemay Rivière des |Montreal |Hochelaga Q|Louis Bélanger Prairies | | | * _Rivière du Loup |St. Patrice de|Témiscouata Q|Charles A. Gaudry (en bas)_ |la Rivière | | |du Loup | | _Rivière du Loup |Rivière du |Maskinongé Q|Louis A. Baribeau (en haut)_ |Loup | | Rivière la | |Gaspé Q|Edward Vachon Madeleine | | | Rivière Ouelle |Rivière Ouelle|Kamouraska Q|John Belleau Rivière Raisin |Lancaster |Glengarry O|James McPherson Rivière Trois |Trois Pistoles|Témiscouata Q|Nazaire Tétu Pistoles | | | Roach’s Point |North |York, N. R. O|Richard Flood | Gwillimbury | | Robert’s Island, | |Yarmouth N S|J. Roberts W. O. | | | Roberval |Roberval |Chicoutimi Q|Theodule Bolduc _Robinson_ |Bury |Compton Q|Lemuel Pope Roblin |Richmond |Lennox O|Wm. M. Paul Rob-Roy |Osprey |Grey, E. R. O|Wm. Holden Rochelle |Stukely |Shefford Q|Augustin Desautels Rochester |Rochester |Essex O|P. Dumouchelle Rockburn |Hinchinbrooke |Huntingdon Q|A. Oliver Rockford |Townsend |Norfolk, N. R. O|W. C. Thompson Rock Forest |Orford |Sherbrooke Q|Gerard J. Nagle * _Rockingham_ |Brudenell |Renfrew, S. R. O|J. S. J. Watson _Rock Island_ |Stanstead |Stanstead Q|A. A. Barry Rockland |Clarence |Russell O|Wm. C. Edwards Rockland, W. O. | |Westmoreland N B|Harriet Cochrane Rockcliffe (sub) |Head |Renfrew, N. R. O|W. H. McIntyre Rocklin, W. O. | |Pictou N S|Robert Fraser Rockport |Escott |Leeds, S. R. O|William Cornwall Rockport, W. O. | |Westmoreland N B|Rufus Ward Rockside |Caledon |Cardwell O|D. Kirkwood Rockton |Beverley |Wentworth, N. R. O|B. Cornell Rock Village |Gloucester |Russell O|Miss E. M. Evans Rockville, W. O. | |King’s N B|J. L. Harrison Rockville, W. O. | |Yarmouth N S|Robert Weston Rockwell | |Cumberland N S|Aaron Rockwell Settlement, W. O.| | | _Rockwood_ |Eramosa |Wellington, O|Robert Pasmore | | S. R. | _Rogerville_ |Usborne |Huron, S. R. O|James Bonthron Rodney |Alderboro’ |Elgin, W. R. O|A. Mumphrey Roebuck |Augusta |Grenville, S. R. O| Roger’s Hill, W. O.| |Pictou N S|Angus McKay Rokeby |Sherbrooke |Lanark, S. R. O|A. Adams | South | | Rolling Dam, W. O. | |Charlotte N B|A. H. Budd Romans Valley, | |Guysboro’ N S|Patrick Rogers W. O. | | | Romney |Romney |Kent O| Ronaldsay |Proton |Grey, E. R. O|Joseph McArdle _Rondeau_ |Harwich |Kent O|J. K. Morris Rondeau Harbor |Harwich |Kent O|Robert Brigham Ronson |Middleton |Norfolk, N. R. O|James Cowan Rosa |Murray |Northumberland, O|H. Fieldhouse | | E. R. | Rosebank |South Dumfries|Brant, N. R. O|Almon Almas Rosedale |Fenelon |Victoria, N. R. O|Moses McNeil Rosedene |Gainsboro’ |Monck O|Cornelius McKay Rosehall |Hillier |Prince Edward O|Isaac G. Ferguson * _Rosemont_ |Mulmur |Simcoe, S. R. O|George Cumming Roseneath |Alnwick |Northumberland, O|Alfred Metcalfe | | W. R. | Rosetta |Lanark |Lanark, N. R. O|Robert McFarlane Rose Vale, W. O. | |Albert N B|John Stevens Roseville |Dumfries, |Waterloo, S. R. O|Moses Gingrich | North | | Roseway, W. O. | |Shelburne N S|Elijah Hagar Roslin |Thurlow |Hastings, E. R. O|Barnard C. | | | Carnohan Roslin, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|David Stewart Ross |Ross |Renfrew, N. R. O| Ross’ Corner, W. O.| |King’s N S|D. G. Ross Rosseau |Humphrey |Muskoka O|William Ditchburn Rossway, W. O. | |Digby N S|David Cowan Rothsay |Maryboro’ |Wellington, O|Adam Delmage | | N. R. | Rothsay, W. O. | |King’s N B| Rouge Hill |Pickering |Ontario, S. R. O|Hugh Graham Rougemont |St. Césaire |Rouville Q|D. Bachelder Round Hill, W. O. | |King’s N B|William McLeod Round Hill, W. O. | |Annapolis N S|C. E. Spurr Round Plains |Townsend |Norfolk, N. R. O|George Gillesby Rowanton | |Pontiac Q|David West Roxburgh, W. O. | |Albert N B|John Kelly Roxham |Lacolle |St. John’s Q|Thomas Wallis _Roxton Falls_ |Roxton |Shefford Q|A. O. T. | | | Beauchemin Roxton Pond |Roxton |Shefford Q|R. A. Kimpton Royal Road, W. O. | |York N B|Charles W. Estey Rugby |Oro |Simcoe, N. R. O|James Ball Ruisseau des Chênes|Upton |Drummond Q|C. Paradis Runnymede |Matapedia |Bonaventure Q|Mrs. Barbara | | | Wheeler Rupert |Masham |Ottawa Q|W. D. Leslie Rusagornis, W. O. | |Sunbury N B|Holland Smith Rusagornis Station,| |Sunbury N B|John McGill W. O. | | | Russell |Russell |Russell O|W. R. Petrie Russeltown | |Chateauguay Q|Cyrille Turcotte Rutherford |Dawn |Bothwell O|John Brown Ruthven |Gosfield |Essex O|Hugh Ruthven Ryckman’s Corners |Barton |Wentworth, S. R. O| Ryegate |Sandwich, East|Essex O|Joseph Christe Rylstone |Seymour |Northumberland, O|D. Allan | | E. R. | | | | | | | Ste. Adèle |Abercrombie |Terrebonne Q|Odile Lafleur St. Agatha |Wilmot |Waterloo, S. R O|Anthony Kaiser Ste. Agathe |Ste. Agathe |Lotbinière Q|L. Boulanger Ste. Agnès |Ste. Agnès |Charlevoix Q|Rev. J. A. Bureau St. Aimé | |Richelieu Q|S. Cartier St. Alban |St. Alban |Portneuf Q|John D. McCormick St. Albert |Warwick |Arthabaska Q|Prudent Lainesse St. Alexandre |St. Alexandre |Kamouraska Q|E. Lévèque St. Alexandre | |Iberville Q|A. A. L. Brien St. Alexis |St. Sulpice |Montcalm Q|Léandre Le Bau St. Alphonse |St. Alphonse |Joliette Q|J. E. Martineau St. Anaclet |St. Anaclet |Rimouski Q|O. Couture St. André |St. André |Kamouraska Q|P. C. Marquis St. André Avellin |Petite Nation |Ottawa Q|Jos. E. Lévis _St. Andrews_ | |Charlotte N B|G. F. Campbell St. Andrews | |Antigonishe N S|Duncan Chisholm St. Andrews, W. O. | |Colchester N S| * _St. Andrews, |Argenteuil |Argenteuil Q|Thomas Lamb East_ | | | St. Andrews, West |Cornwall |Cornwall O|Lackey Masterson St. Andrews |St. Andrews |District of M|Andrew Mowat | | Lisgar | Ste. Angèle |Monnoir |Rouville Q|F. X. J. Ponton Ste. Angèle de |Ste. Angèle |Nicolet Q|Olivier Désilets Laval | de Laval | | St. Anicet |St. Anicet |Huntingdon Q|F. S. Bourgeault Ste. Anne Bout de |Montreal |Jacques Cartier Q|Adelme Dugal, l’Isle | | | M. D. Ste. Anne de la |Ste. Anne |Champlain Q|Joseph U. Marcotte Pérade | | | Ste. Anne des Monts|St. Anne des |Gaspé Q|J. Perré | Monts | | Ste. Anne des |Ste. Anne |Terrebonne Q|Hector Granger Plains | | | _Ste. Anne la |Ste. Anne |Kamouraska Q|Joseph Dionne Pocatière_ | | | St. Ann’s, W. O. | |Victoria N S|M. McKenzie St. Ann’s |Gainsborough |Monck O|Mrs. P. E. Upper St. Anselme |St. Anselme |Dorchester Q|Pierre Fortier St. Antoine, |St. Antoine de|Lotbinière Q|Edmond Larue Lotbinière |Tilly | | St. Antoine, River | |Verchères Q|Narcisse Cartier Richelieu | | | St. Antonin |St. Antonin |Témiscouata Q| St. Apollinaire |St. |Lotbinière Q|E. Boucher | Apollinaire | | St. Armand Centre |St. Armand |Missisquoi Q|Abram Titémore St. Armand Station |St. Armand |Missisquoi Q|Peter Smith St. Arsène |St. Arsène |Témiscouata Q|Elie Martin _St. Athanase_ |St. Athanase |Iberville Q|P. Regnier St. Aubert |St. Aubert |L’Islet Q|Alexis Blais St. Augustin |St. Augustin |Portneuf Q|C. East Portneuf | | | St. Augustin, Two | |Two Mountains Q|Louis Paquette Mountains | | | St. Barnabé, River |St. Barnabé |St. Hyacinthe Q|Joseph P. Gendron Yamaska | | | St. Barnabé, St. |St. Barnabé |St. Maurice Q|J. B. L. Duaine Maurice | | | St. Barthélemi |St. Barthélemi|Berthier Q|J. Fauteux St. Bazile |St. Bazile |Portneuf Q|G. Jobin St. Bazile le Grand|St. Bazile le |Chambly Q|Eusèbe Lalumière | Grand | | Ste. Béatrix |Ste. Béatrix |Joliette Q|G. Lemire dit | | | Marsolait St. Benoit |Two Mountains |Two Mountains Q|Ernest Lemaire St. Bernard |St. Bernard |Dorchester Q|Pierre Plante St. Bonaventure |Upton |Drummond Q|O. Salois St. Boniface |St. Boniface |Selkirk M|Joseph Dubugue Ste. Brigide |Monnoir |Iberville Q|William Murray Ste. Brigitte des |St. Brigitte |Nicolet Q|Narcisse Rivet Saults | des Saults | | St. Bruno |Montarville |Chambly Q|A. P. Paré St. Camille |St. Camille |Wolfe Q|Guillaume Crepeau St. Canute |St. Canute |Two Mountains Q|John Mackereth St. Casimir |St. Casimir |Portneuf Q|François X. | | | Gingras St. Catherine’s, |Fossambault |Portneuf Q| East | | | * _St. Catherine’s,|Grantham |Lincoln O|W. L. Copeland West_ | | | St. Célestin |St. Célestin |Nicolet Q|C. E. Houde _St. Césaire_ |St. Césaire |Rouville Q|G. A. Gigault St. Charles |St. Charles |Selkirk M|Mary Adshead St. Charles de |Stanbridge |Missisquoi Q|Louis Chas. Gauvin Stanbridge | | | St. Charles, River |Beauchamp |Bellechasse Q|T. Montminy Boyer | | | St. Charles, River |St. Charles |St. Hyacinthe Q|J. E. LeBlanc Richelieu | | | _St. Christophe |Arthabaska |Arthabaska Q|James Goodhue d’Arthabaska_ | | | Ste. Claire |Ste. Claire |Dorchester Q|L. V. Royer St. Clements |Wellesley |Waterloo, N. R. O|John Stroh St. Clet |Soulanges |Soulanges Q|A. Borque Ste. Clothilde |Horton |Arthabaska Q|C. Gélinas St. Columbin | |Two Mountains Q|M. J. Phelan St. Côme |Cathcart |Joliette Q|Rev. J. H. St. | | | Jacques St. Constant |Laprairie |Laprairie Q|Joseph E. Paradis St. Croix, W. O. | |Hants N S|Daniel Mosher St. Croix, W. O. | |York N B|Alfred H. Bruning _Ste. Croix_ |Ste. Croix |Lotbinière Q|J. Hamel St. Cuthbert | |Berthier Q|P. Tellier St. Cyriac |Kenogami |Chicoutimi Q|Jean Dèschene St. Cyrille |St Cyrille |L’Islet Q|J. B. Cloutier St. Damase |St. Damase |St. Hyacinthe Q|P. H. Petit St. Damien de |Brandon |Berthier Q|J. A. Ecrement Brandon | | | St. David’s |Niagara |Niagara O|C. Fisher St. Denis de la |St. Denis |Kamouraska Q|Paschal Dionne Bouteillerie | | | St. Denis, River |St. Denis |St. Hyacinthe Q|Joseph E. Mignault Richelieu | | | St. Didace |Lanaudière |Maskinongé Q|Elzéar Germain St. Dominique | |Bagot Q|Treflé Lapalme St. Dominique des |Soulanges |Soulanges Q|L. Cown Cedres | | | Ste. Dorothée |Ste. Dorothée |Laval Q|Emélion Charron St. Edouard | |Napierville Q|J. Blain St. Edouard de |Frampton |Dorchester Q|James Butler Frampton (sub) | | | St. Edwidge |Clifton |Compton Q|F. Courtemanche St. Elie |Caxton |St. Maurice Q|Otis Chamberlin Ste. Elizabeth | |Joliette Q|P. L. Hudon dit | | | Beaulieu St. Eloi St. |Eloi |Témiscouata Q|Jacques Theriault St. Elzéar |St. Elzéar |Beauce Q|Jean Bilodeau Ste. Emelie de |Joliette |Joliette Q|Rev. M. Lussier l’Energie | | | St. Ephrem de Tring|Tring |Beauce Q|Eugène Lessard St. Ephrem d’Upton |Upton |Bagot Q|S. B. Warner St. Esprit | |Montcalm Q|C. Dalpé dit | | | Pariseau St. Esprit, W. O. | |Richmond N S|John Matheson St. Etienne de |Beauharnois |Beauharnois Q|T. Vernor Beauharnois | | | [8]St. Etienne |Bolton |Brome Q|Louis Poulin Bolton | | | St. Etienne des |St. Etienne |St. Maurice Q|Uldoric Brunelle Grés | des Grés | | St. Eugène |Hawkesbury, |Prescott O|Simon Labrosse | East | | _St. Eustache_ | |Two Mountains Q|Philias Gauthier St. Evariste de |Forsyth |Beauce Q|M Beaudoin Forsyth | | | St. Fabien |St. Fabien |Rimouski Q|Vital Roy dit | | | Lauzon Ste. Famille |Ste. Famille |Montmorency Q|Joseph Prémont St. Felicité |St. Denis |Rimouski Q|J. B. LeBel St. Félix de Valois| |Joliette Q|Max. Crepeau _St. Ferdinand_ |Halifax |Megantic Q|Louis I. Fréchette St. Féréol |St. Féréol |Montmorency Q| (sub-office) | | | St. Fidèle |Mount Murray |Charlevoix Q|Archille Bhérour St. Flavie |St. Flavie |Rimouski Q|Charles F. Lapointe St. Flavien |St. Flavien |Lotbinière Q|L. Bédard Ste. Flore |Cap de la |Champlain Q|F. Vincent dit | Madeleine | | Maheux St. Foy |St. Foy |Quebec Q|Felix Belleau St. François, |St. François, |Beauce Q|Hilaire Poulin Beauce | Beauce | | St. François de |St. François |Laval Q| Sales | de Sales | | St. François |St. François |Montmorency Q|Emilien Pepin dit d’Orléans | d’Orléans | | Lachance St. François du Lac| |Yamasaka Q|O. H. Coutu Ste. Françoise |Bégon |Témiscouata Q|Rev. J. O. Drapeau St. François, |St. François |Montmagny Q|E. C. Boulet Montmagny | | | St. François Xavier|St. François |Marquette M|J. B. Thibeault | Xavier | | St. Frédéric |St. Frédéric |Beauce Q|L. G. A. Legendre St. Gabriel de |Brandon |Berthier Q|M. O’Heir Brandon | | | Ste. Geneviève |Montreal |Jacques Cartier Q|Godfroi Boileau _St. George_ | |Charlotte N B|E. R. O’Brien St. George, Beauce |St. George |Beauce Q|Hubert Catellier _St. George, Brant_|Dumfries, |Brant, N. R. O|C. Batty | South | | St. George de |Windsor |Richmond Q| Windsor | | | St. George’s | |Richmond N S|William McKenzie Channel, W. O. | | | St. Germain de |Grantham |Drummond Q|H. P. Paré Grantham | | | Ste. Gertrude |Ste. Gertrude |Nicolet Q|Léon Champoux St. Gervais |St. Gervais |Bellechasse Q|Marcel Aubé St. Giles |St. Giles |Lotbinière Q|George Coté St. Grégoire |St. Grégoire |Nicolet Q|J. A. Poirier St. Guillaume |Upton |Drummond Q|H. Mercier d’Upton | | | Ste. Hélène |Ste. Hélène |Kamouraska Q|B. Michaud Ste. Hélène de | |Bagot Q|Pierre Fafard Bagot | | | St. Helen’s |Wawanosh |Huron, N. R. O|William Gordon Ste. Hénédine |Ste. Hénédine |Dorchester Q|Joseph Mercier St. Henri |Lauzon |Lévis Q|Charles A. Collet St. Henri Station |St. Henri |Lévis Q|George Demers St. Hermas | |Two Mountains Q|P. E. Clairoux [9]St. Hermenegilde|Barford |Stanstead O|Calixte Dupuis St. Hilaire Station|St. Hilaire |Rouville Q|Thomas Valiquet St. Hilaire Village|St. Hilaire |Rouville Q|E. Goulet St. Hippolyte de |Kilkenny |Montcalm Q|Rev. F. X. Laberge Kilkenny | | | St. Honoré |Shenley |Beauce Q|Pierre Boucher St. Hubert | |Chambly Q|François Robert _St. Hugues_ | |Bagot Q|Emery Lafontaine * _St. Hyacinthe_ |St. Hyacinthe |St. Hyacinthe Q|E. L. R. C. | | | Després St. Irénée |St. Irénée |Charlevoix Q|Joseph Gosselin St. Isidore, |St. Isidore |Dorchester Q|B. Morin Dorchester | | | St. Isidore, | |Laprairie Q|F. T. Langevin Laprairie | | | St. Ives |West Nissouri |Middlesex, E. R. O|Thomas Howard _St. Jacob’s_ |Woolwich |Waterloo, N. R. O|John L. Wideman St. James |St. James |Selkirk M|James McKay St. Jacques |St. Sulpice |Montcalm Q|J. F. Ecrement St. Jacques le | |Laprairie Q|Joseph O. Poirier Mineur | | | St. Janvier |St. Janvier |Terrebonne Q|David Desroches St. Jean Baptiste |Côte St. Louis|Hochelaga Q|A. Normandin de Montréal | | | St. Jean Baptiste |Rouville |Rouville Q|L. G. E. Goulet de Rouville | | | _St. Jean | |Chateauguay Q|I. J. L. Derome Chrysostôme | | | Chateauguay_ | | | St. Jean |Lauzon |Lévis Q|Louis Gosselin Chrysostôme, | | | Lévis | | | St. Jean des |St. Jean des |Lotbinière Q|P. C. Levasseur Chaillons | Chaillons | | St. Jean des Matha |Brandon |Joliette Q|F. X. Lasalle St. Jean d’Orléans |St. Jean |Montmorency Q|F. X. Turcotte | d’Orléans | | St. Jean Port Joli |St. Jean Port |L’Islet Q|Marie Fournier | Joli | | _St. Jérome_ | |Terrebonne Q|Edouard Marchand St. Joachim |St. Joachim |Montmorency Q|Isaïe Simard St. Joachim de |Roxton |Shefford Q|Joseph Bachand Shefford | | | _St. John_ | |St. John N B|John Howe * _St. John’s, | |St. John’s Q|W. A. Osgood East_ | | | St. John’s, West |Thorold |Welland O|A. B. Brown St. Joseph |St. Joseph |Beauce Q|Miss F. A. A. | | | Arcand St. Joseph, W. O. | |Westmoreland N B|Daniel Ethier St. Joseph du Lac |Two Mountains |Two Mountains Q|John McColl St. Jude |St. Jude |St. Hyacinthe Q|Hubert Lemay Ste. Julie |Belœil |Verchères Q|Joseph Collette Ste. Julie de |Somerset |Megantic Q|Louis Roberge Somerset | | | St. Julienne | |Montcalm Q|Jos. Racette St. Justin | |Maskinongé Q|Louis St. Antoine St. Justin de |Newton |Vaudreuil Q| Newton | | | St. Lambert |Lauzon |Lévis Q|M. Brochu St. Lambert, |Laprairie |Chambly Q|Andrew Irving Montreal | | | St. Laurent |St. Laurent |Montmorency Q|J. Audet dit d’Orléans | d’Orléans | | Lapointe St. Laurent, |Montreal |Jacques Cartier Q|Joseph Le Cavalier Montreal | | | St. Lazare |St. Lazare |Bellechasse Q|Rev. E. Dufour St. Léon |Dumontier |Maskinongé Q|F. X. A. Rivard St. Leonard |Aston |Nicolet Q|Ludger Désilets St. Leonard’s, | |Victoria N B|W. D. Kearney W. O. | | | St. Liboire |St. Liboire |Bagot Q|J. C. Bachand St. Liguori | |Montcalm Q|T. Guernon dit | | | Belleville St. Lin | |L’Assomption Q|Thomas Garault St. Louis de | |Beauharnois Q|Léandre Vachon Gonzague | | | Ste. Louise |Ste. Louise |L’Islet Q|Nazaire Caron St. Luc |Longueuil |St. John’s Q|Samuel Hamilton Ste. Luce |Lessard |Rimouski Q|James Miller St. Magloire |Rioux |Bellechasse Q|Pierre Tanguay St. Malachie |East Frampton |Dorchester Q|E. Vermette St. Malo |Auckland |Compton Q|Moyse Roy St. Marc |St. Marc |Verchères Q| St. Marcel | |Richelieu Q|Anselme Plamondon St. Margaret’s Bay | |Halifax N S|J. S. Brine Ste. Marguerite |Ste. |Dorchester Q|F. E. Genest | Marguerite | | Ste. Marie de |Ste. Marie |Rouville Q|G. H. Gatien Monnoir | | | Ste. Marthe |Rigaud |Vaudreuil Q|E. H. Lalonde St. Martin |Isle Jésus |Laval Q|Léon Sauriol St. Martine |St. Martine |Chateauguay Q|Antoine Hébert _St. Martin’s_ | |St. John N B|Andrew S. Killen St. Martin’s, W. O.| |St. John N B|J. Berry St. Mary’s Bay, | |Digby N S|Edward Everett W. O. | | | * _St. Mary’s_ |Blanchard |Perth, S. R. O|Peter M. Nichol St. Mary’s Ferry, | |York N B|C. L. Estabrook W. O. | | | St. Mathias |East Chambly |Rouville Q|Paul Bertrand St. Mathieu |St. Mathieu |Rimouski Q|T. Léveque St. Maurice |Cap de la |Champlain Q|G. E. Bistodeau | Magdelaine | | St. Maurice Forges |St. Etienne |St. Maurice Q|L. J. B. | | | Beauchemin St. Michel |St. Michel |Bellechasse Q|E. S. Belleau St. Michel des |Brassard |Berthier Q|Rev. J. A. Saints | | | Dagnault St. Modeste |Wentworth |Témiscouata Q|Narcisse Miville St. Monique |St. Monique |Nicolet Q|Godfroi Rousseau St. Monique des |St. Monique |Two Mountains Q|Damase Leonard deux Montagnes |des deux | | |Montagnes | | St. Narcisse |Champlain |Champlain Q|D. Hamelin St. Nicholas |St Nicholas |Lévis Q|Morris Scott St. Norbert |Berthier |Berthier Q|N. Roch St. Norbert |St. Norbert, |Provencher M|Joseph Lemay | North | | St. Octave |Métis |Rimouski Q| St. Ola |Limerick |Hastings, N. R. O| St. Onézieme |St. Onézieme |Kamouraska Q|L. Ouellet St. Ours |St. Ours |Richelieu Q|L. Chapedelaine St. Pacôme |Rivèrie Ouelle|Kamouraska Q|Alexandre Hudon St. Paschal |St. Paschal |Kamouraska Q|E. Chapeleau St. Patrick, W. O. | |Charlotte N B|Richard Dyer St. Patrick’s | |Victoria N S|John McNaughton Channel, W. O. | | | St. Patrick’s Hill |Tingwick |Arthabaska Q|Joseph S. | | | Beaudette St. Paul | |Joliette Q|Joseph Guilbault d’Industrie | | | St. Paul du Buton |Montmini |Montmagny Q|Rev. W. Couture St. Paulin |St. Paulin |Maskinongé Q|François Lemay St. Paul l’Hermite |L’Assomption |L’Assomption Q|Joseph Marion St. Paul’s, W. O. | |Pictou N S|William Thompson *_St. Paul’s Bay_ |St. Paul’s Bay|Charlevoix Q|Ovide A. Clement St. Perpetue |St. Perpetue |Nicolet Q|Onésime Rousseau _St. Peter’s_ | |Richmond N S|R. G. Morrison St. Peter’s |St. Peters |Lisgar M|Edward Thomas St. Philippe |St. Philippe |Laprairie Q|Z. Mayrand St. Philippe |St. Philippe |Kamouraska Q|François Deschène de Néry | de Néry | | Ste. Philomêne | |Chateauguay Q|Mrs. M. J. D’Amour St. Pie | |Bagot Q|A. Gauthier dit | | |Landerville St. Pierre Baptiste|Inverness |Megantic Q|P. A. Drolet St. Pierre |St. Pierre |Montmorency Q|F. Fortin d’Orléans | d’Orléans | | St. Pierre les |St. Pierre |Nicolet Q|Thomas Phillips Becquets | les Becquets| | St. Pierre |St. Pierre |Montmagny Q|Sarah D. Bacon Montmagny | Montmagny | | St. Placide | |Two Mountains Q|B. J. Bertrand _St. Polycarpe_ |New Longueuil |Soulanges Q|John Taylor St. Prosper |St. Prosper |Champlain Q|Joseph Frigon St. Raphaël, East |St. Raphaël |Bellechasse Q|Narcisse Fortier St. Raphaël, West |Charlottenburg|Glengarry O|Mrs. Mary McDonell St. Raymond |Bourg Louis |Portneuf Q|Edouard Plamondon St. Regis |St. Regis |Huntingdon Q|Robert Tyre _St. Rémi_ |La Salle |Napierville Q|Charles Bédard St. Robert | |Richelieu Q|Olivier Dupré _St. Roch de |St. Roch de |Quebec City, Q|Louis P. Huot Québec_ | Québec | East | St. Roch de |St. Roch de |Richelieu Q|J. B. Paquette Richelieu | Richelieu | | St. Roch des |St. Roch des |L’Islet Q|A. Morin Aulnaies | Aulnaies | | St. Roch l’Achigan | |L’Assomption Q|O. Peltier St. Romaine |Winslow |Compton Q|E. Bélanger St. Rosalie |St. Rosalie |Bagot Q|Ant. Cabana Ste. Rose |Isle Jésus |Laval Q|Adelard E. Leonard St. Sauveur |St. Sauveur |Terrebonne Q|L. L. J. Loranger _St. Sauveur de |Banlieue de |Quebec Q|J. L. Saucier Québec_ | Québec | | _St. Scholastique_ | |Two Mountains Q|A. Fortier St. Sébastien |St. George de |Iberville Q|Luc Lamoureux | Henryville | | St. Sévère | |St. Maurice Q|Adolphe Lamy St. Simon de | |Rimouski Q|Antoine Bernier Rimouski | | | St. Simon de |De Ramsey |Bagot Q|Alfred Brien Yamaska | | | St. Sophie |Halifax |Megantic Q|Narcisse A. Brunet St. Sophie de |Lacorne |Terrebonne Q|Ulric Léveque Lacorne | | | St. Stanislas |Bastican |Champlain Q|A. Jos. | | | Lacourcière St. Stanislas de | |Beauharnois Q|Onésime Dorais Kostka | | | _St. Stephen_ | |Charlotte N B|James A. Grant St. Sulpice |L’Assomption |L’Assomption Q|Jacques Royal St. Sylvester |St. Sylvester |Lotbinière Q|John Machell St. Sylvester, East|St. Sylvester |Lotbinière Q|George Macrea St. Théodore |Acton |Bagot Q|Paul Decelle St. Théodore de |Chertsey |Montcalm Q|Marcel Lépine Chertsey | | | _Ste. Thérèse de |Blainville |Terrebonne Q|David Morris Blainville_ | | | St. Thomas, East |Lanoraie |Joliette Q|Joseph Latour, dit | | | Forget * _St. Thomas, |Yarmouth |Elgin, E. R. O|F. E. Ermatinger West_ | | | St. Timothée | |Beauharnois Q|J. B. Scott St. Tite |Batiscan |Champlain Q| St. Tite des Caps |St. Tite |Montmorency Q|Rev. G. E. (sub. office) | | | Savaugeau St. Urbain | |Chateauguay Q|J. B. Matthieu St. Urbain |St. Urbain |Charlevoix Q|Onésime Gauthier Ste. Ursule | |Maskinongé Q|L. Lupien St. Valentin | |St. John’s Q|Joseph Molleur, | | | jun. St. Valérien |Milton |Shefford Q|P. S. Grandpré St. Vallier |St. Vallier |Bellechasse Q|F. Bélanger Ste. Victoire | |Richelieu Q|C. P. Cloutier St. Victor de Tring|Tring |Beauce Q|François Gosselin, | | | jun. St. Vincent de Paul|Isle Jésus |Laval Q|C. Germain, jun. St. Wenceslas |Aston |Nicolet Q|Ferdinand Thèrien _St. Williams_ |Walsingham |Norfolk, S. R. O|Harriet L. Kitchen St. Zénon |Prevost |Joliette Q|Félix M. Trudeau St. Zephirin |Courval |Yamaska Q|Nestor Duguay St. Zotique | |Soulanges Q|O. F. Prieur | | | | | | Sable |West Williams |Middlesex, N. R. O|A. McDonald Sable River, W. O. | |Shelburne N S| Sabrevois |Sabrevois |Iberville Q|Thomas Jones _Sackville_ | |Westmoreland N B|Jos. Dixon Saintfield |Reach |Ontario, N. R. O|Donald McKay Salem |Nichol |Wellington, O|John R. Wissler | | C. R. | Salem, W. O. | |Albert N B|Joshua Steeves Salem, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|E. Black Salford |Dereham |Oxford, S. R. O|William Boon _Salisbury_ | |Westmoreland N B| Salmon Beach, W. O.| |Gloucester N B|R. Buttemer Salmon Creek, W. O.| |Sunbury N B|James Fowler Salmon Hole, W. O. | |Halifax N S|Jacob Sellis Salmon River, W. O.| |Albert N B|George Keirsteed Salmon River, W. O.| |St. John N B|Edward H. Foster Salmon River, W. O.| |Cape Breton N S|J. Huntington Salmon River, W. O.| |Digby N S|E. Shehan Salmon River, W. O.| |Guysboro’ N S|D. Lawlor Salmon River, W. O.| |Halifax N S|Ann Gallagher Salmon River (Lake | |Guysboro’ N S|Thomas O’Neil Settlement), W. O.| | | Salmonville |Chinguacousy |Peel O|Simon Plewes Salt Springs, W. O.| |King’s N B|George McEwan Sambro, W. O. | |Halifax N S|E. Smith Sanborn |Wolfeston |Wolfe Q|Thomas Hurley, | | | jun. Sand Beach, W. O. | |Yarmouth N S|Wm. R. Pinkney Sandfield |Lochiel |Glengarry O|Mrs. McRae Sandford |Scott |Ontario, N. R. O|Edward Taylor Sandhill |Chinguacousy |Peel O|W. C. Hughes Sandhurst |S. |Lennox O|William Hill |Fredericksburg| | Sand Point |McNab |Renfrew, S. R. O|Edward Derenzy Sand Point, W. O. | |Guysboro’ N S|Alexander J. Fox * _Sandwich_ |Sandwich, West|Essex O|C. St. Louis Sandy Beach |South Gaspé |Gaspé Q|Nicholas Bailey | Bay | | Sandy Beaches, | |Halifax N S|Isaac Cleveland W. O. | | | _Sandy Cove_ | |Digby N S|John C. Morse Sandy Point, W. O. | |Shelburne N S|John Purney Sarawak |Sarawak |Grey, N. R. O|John McKenzie Sarepta |Hay |Huron, S. R. O|William Reynolds * _Sarnia_ |Sarnia |Lambton O|William Murphy * _Saugeen_ |Saugeen |Bruce, N. R. O|Thomas Lee Saulmerville, W. O.| |Digby N S|Samuel McCormack Sault au Récollet |Montreal |Hochelaga Q|Edward Dauphin Sault Ste. Marie | |Algoma O|Mrs. Pim Savage’s Mill |Shefford |Shefford Q|A. H. Savage Saw Mill Creek, | |Annapolis N S|Richardson Harris W. O. | | | Sawyerville |Newport |Compton Q|W. S. Schofield _Scarboro’_ |Scarboro’ |York, E. R. O|Donald McLean _Schomberg_ |King |York, N. R. O|J. McGinnis Scone |Brant |Bruce, S. R. O|Thomas Bearman Scotch Block |Esquesing |Halton O|Mrs. T. McCall Scotch Settlement, | |Westmoreland N B|Niel McDougall W. O. | | | Scotch Town, W. O. | |Queen’s N B|John R. Carle Scotch Village, | |Hants N S|John T. Cochran W. O. | | | _Scotland_ |Oakland |Brant, S. R. O|H. Lyman Scott’s Bay, W. O. | |King’s N S|A. C. Ells Scovil’s Mills, | |Westmoreland N B|Alex. McWilliam W. O. | | | Scugog |Scugog |Ontario, N. R. O|Isaac Finley * _Seaforth_ |Tuckersmith |Huron, C. R. O|Samuel Dickson Seaton |York |York, W. R. O|Allan Orr Sebringville |Ellice |Perth, N. R. O|Isaac Bennett Second Falls, W. O.| |Charlotte N B| Section 7, W. O. | |Cumberland N S| Seeley’s Bay |Leeds |Leeds, S. R. O|William Coleman Seeley’s Mills, | |King’s N B|Andrew McAfee W. O. | | | Segeun Falls |Monteith |Muskoka O|D. F. Burk Selby |Richmond |Lennox O|David Wartman _Selkirk_ |Walpole |Haldimand O|R. J. Winyard Selmah, W. O. | |Hants N S|Archibald Frame Selton |Howard |Bothwell O|James Robinson Selwyn |Smith |Peterborough, O|Richard Northey | | W. R. | * _Seneca_ |Seneca |Haldimand O|John Scott Settrington |Settrington |Charlevoix Q|Rev. M. E. Roy _Severn Bridge_ |Morrison |Muskoka O|James H. Jackson Sevigné |Hartwell |Ottawa Q|Hercule Chenier Shag Harbor, W. O. | |Shelburne N S|S. W. Nickerson _Shakespeare_ |South Easthope|Perth, S. R. O|George Brown Shamrock |Admaston |Renfrew, S. R. O| Shanick |Marmora |Hastings, N. R. O|James Bailey Shanklin, W. O. | |St. John’s N B|Samuel J. Shanklin Shanly |Edwardsburgh |Grenville, S. R. O|William Clark Shannonvale, W. O. | |Restigouche N B|Nathaniel Perrett _Shannonville_ |Tyendinaga |Hastings, E. R. O|Hiram Holden Shanty Bay |Oro |Simcoe, N. R. O|Thomson White _Sharon_ |Gwillimbury, |York, N. R. O|John J. Stokes | East | | Sharpton |Kingston |Frontenac O|R. McKechnie Shawbridge |Abercrombie |Terrebonne Q|William Shaw Shawenegan |Shawenegan |St. Maurice Q|Joseph Desaulniers Sheas’ River, W. O.| |Inverness N S|Alex. McDonald _Shediac_ | |Westmoreland N B|A. R. Wheldon Shediac Bridge, | |Westmoreland N B|Athanase Gallant W. O. | | | Shediac Road, W. O.| |Westmoreland N B|James Rodgerson Sheenboro’ |Sheen |Pontiac Q|T. W. McDonald Sheet Harbor, W. O.| |Halifax N S|W. Hall Sheffield |Beverley |Wentworth, N. R. O|Edwin Bond _Sheffield_ | |Sunbury N B|C. J. Burpee Sheffield Academy, | |Sunbury N B| W. O. | | | Sheffield Mills, | |King’s N S|Watson Ells W. O. | | | Shefford Mountain |Shefford |Shefford Q|William Saxby Shelburne |Melancthon |Grey, E. R. O|Edward Berwick _Shelburne_ | |Shelburne N S|R. R. Thomson Sheldon |Adjala |Cardwell O|M. Webster Shepody Road, W. O.| |King’s N B|Jos. Wallace *_Sherbrooke_ |Ascot |Sherbrooke Q|Samuel J. Foss _Sherbrooke_ |St. Mary’s |Guysborough N S|Jas. H. McDonald Sheridan |Trafalgar |Halton O| Sherkston |Humberstone |Welland O|H. B. Zavitz Sherrington |Sherrington |Napierville Q|Raymond Robert Shetland |Euphemia |Bothwell O|Richard Laird Shigawake |Hope |Bonaventure Q|Andrew Young Shiktehawk, W. O. | |Carleton N B|Edwin Phillips Shinemicas Bridge | |Cumberland N S|John Moore Ship Harbor, W. O. | |Halifax N S|Charles Dean Shipley |Wallace |Perth, N. R. O|Edward Bristow Shippigan | |Gloucester N B|John Dorron Shoolbred |Shoolbred |Bonaventure Q|Louis Ouellet Short Beach, W. O. | |Yarmouth N S|James Bent Shrewsbury |Chatham, West |Argenteuil Q|John Chambers | Gore | | Shrigley |Melancthon |Grey, E. R. O|George Bailey _Shubenacadie_ | |Colchester N S|Andrew Kirkpatrick Shulie, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|A. W. Grant Sierra |Charlottenburg|Glengarry O|C. J. McRea Sight Point, W. O. | |Inverness N S|D. McEachean Sillery Cove |St. Columba |Quebec Q|Peter McNiel Sillsville |Fredericksburg|Lennox O|Donovan Sills Siloam |Uxbridge |Ontario, N. R. O|Samuel Widderfield Silver Hill |Charlotteville|Norfolk, S. R. O|Henry C. Gifford Silver Islet | |Algoma O| Silverstream, W. O.| |Victoria N B|Baptiste Guimond * _Simcoe_ |Woodhouse |Norfolk, N. R. O|Henry Mulkins _Singhampton_ |Nottawasaga |Simcoe, N. R. O|James Hamilton Six Mile Brook, | |Pictou N S|John McKay W. O. | | | Six Mile Road, | |Cumberland N S|Albert Angevine W. O. | | | Six Portages |Bouchette |Ottawa Q|John Sproule Skipness |Amabel |Bruce, N. R. O|Wm. Hall Skye |Kenyon |Glengarry O|J. R. McKenzie Sky Glen, W. O. | |Inverness N S|T. H. Smith Sleswick |Caledon |Cardwell O|Richard J. Evans Sligo |Caledon |Cardwell O| Smithfield |Brighton |Northumberland, O|S. D. Smith | | E. R. | Smith’s, W. O. | |Westmoreland N B|William Hannington Smith’s Cove, W. O.| |Digby N S|E. W. Potter Smith’s Creek, | |King’s N B|Thomas H. Coates W. O. | | | * _Smith’s Falls_ |North Elmsley |Lanark, S. R. O|James Shaw, jun. Smith’s Mills |Stanstead |Stanstead Q|William Knight Smith Town, W. O. | |King’s N B|David Smith Smithurst |Minto |Wellington, O|Thomas B. | | N. R. | Patterson * _Smithville, |Grimsby |Lincoln O|Robert Thompson Lincoln_ | | | Soda Creek | |Cariboo B C| Solina |Darlington |Durham, W. R. O|P. Allin _Sombra_ |Sombra |Bothwell O|P. Cattanach _Somerset_ |St. Calixte |Megantic Q|H. Jutras | de Somerset | | Somerset, W. O. | |King’s N S|C. W. Bertaux Somerville, W. O. | |Carleton N B|Wm. P. Boyer Sonora, W. O. | |Guysborough N S|James McCutcheon Sonya |Reach |Ontario, N. R. O|Lewis Harper Sooke | |Vancouver B C| Soperton |Lansdown |Leeds, S. R. O|Clinton D. Soper * _Sorel_ |Sorel |Richelieu Q|J. O. Duplessis Southampton, W. O. | |York N B|Asa D. Brooks South Bar of Sydney| |Cape Breton N S|James Fraser River, W. O. | | | South Barnston |Barnston |Stanstead Q|Francis Cooper South Bay |Marysburgh |Prince Edward O|W. H. Sloan South Bay, W. O. | |Victoria N S|Thomas Donovan South Bay, W. O. |Lancaster |St. John N B|E. J. Sheldon South Bolton |Bolton |Brome Q|John McMannis South Branch, W. O.| |Colchester N S|C. B. Cox South Branch (Ken),| |King’s N B|Daniel Godard W. O. | | | South Cayuga |South Cayuga |Haldimand O|Isaac Fry South Douro |Douro |Peterboro, E. R. O|Thomas Hanrahan South Dummer |Dummer |Peterboro, E. R. O|William Speer South Durham |Durham |Drummond Q|F. Prefontaine South-East Passage,| |Halifax N S|Mrs. L. Williams W. O. | | | South Elmsley |South Elmsley |Leeds, N. R. O|James O’Mara South Ely |Ely |Shefford Q|Ira Jimerson South Finch |Finch |Stormont O|Duncan G. McMillan South Gloucester |Osgood |Russell O|Thomas Stanley South Gower |South Gower |Grenville N. T. O|David McGregor South Granby |Granby |Shefford Q|Elias Clow South Gut of Saint | |Victoria N S|John Morrison Ann’s, W. O. | | | South Ham |Ham |Wolfe Q|E. S. Darche South La Graisse |Lochiel |Glenarry O|H. R. McDonald South Lake |Leeds |Leeds, S. R. O|W. Bermingham South McLellan’s | |Pictou N S|Marion Webster Mountain, W. O. | | | South March |March |Carleton O|Samuel Scisson South Middleton |Middleton |Norfolk, N. R. O|Robert McKim South Monaghan |South |Peterborough, O|Robert Waddell | Monaghan | W. R. | South Mountain |Mountain |Dundas O|John Morrow South Nelson, W. O.| |Northumberland N B|John Kain * _South Quebec_ |Notre Dame de |Lévis Q|Miss S. A. Wensley | la Victoire | | South Rawdon, W. O.| |Hants N S|George Creed South Roxton |Roxton |Shefford Q|Wright Ball South Side Basin of| |Inverness N S|M. McAuley River Denis, | | | W. O. | | | South Side of | |Victoria N S|R. McKenzie Boulardorie, | | | W. O. | | | South Side of | |Inverness N S|John McEachen Whycocomagh Bay, | | | W. O. | | | South Side West |Margaree |Inverness N S| Margaree | | | South West Mabou, | |Inverness N S|Allan McDonald W. O. | | | South Zorra |Zorra, East |Oxford, N. R. O|Thomas Cross Spaffordton |Loughboro’ |Addington O|Henry Counter Spanish River | |Algoma O|William A. Gorrell * _Sparta_ |Yarmouth |Elgin, E. R. O|John A. Eakins Spa Springs, W. O. |Wilmot |Annapolis N S|Egbert S. Woodbury Speedie |Sydenham |Grey, N. R. O|William Speedie Speedside |Eramosa |Wellington, O|James Loughrin | | S. R. | Speitches Cove, | |Digby N S|L. McKay W. O. | | | Spencer Cove |St. Colomb de |Quebec Q|Mrs. Anne Flanagan | Sillery | | Spencer’s Island, | |Cumberland N S|W. H. Bigelow W. O. | | | _Spencerville_ |Edwardsburgh |Grenville, S. R. O|Mrs. Mary Imrie Spences Bridge | |Yale B C| Sprague’s Point, | |King’s N B|F. D. Genong W. O. | | | Spring Arbor |Walsingham |Norfolk, S. R. O|J. W. Hazen Springbank |East Williams |Middlesex, N. R. O|Robert Cowie Springfield |Dorchester, |Elgin, E. R. O|W. H. Graves | South | | _Springfield_ | |King’s N B|W. H. White Springfield, W. O. | |York N B|Jessie Clarke Springfield, W. O. | |Annapolis N S|C. Grimm _Springford_ |Norwich, South|Oxford, S. R. O|Mrs. S. J. | | | Hamilton Springhill, W. O. | |York N B| Spring Hill, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|J. Hewitt Springvale |Walpole |Haldimand O|Joseph Anderson Springville |North |Peterboro’, O|A. Goodfellow | Monaghan | W. R. | Springville, W. O. | |Pictou N S|C. A. Holmes Spruce Lake, W. O. | |St. John N B|John Kelly Spry Bay, W. O. | |Halifax N S|Henry Leslie Staffa |Hibbert |Perth, S. R. O|James Hamilton Stafford |Stafford |Renfrew, N. R. O|Robert Childerhose Stamford |Stamford |Welland O|Mrs. Phœbe A. | | | Correll Stanbridge, East |Stanbridge |Missisquoi Q|J. M. Jones Stanbridge Station |Stanbridge |Missisquoi Q|Benjamin Selby Stanbury |Stanbridge |Missisquoi Q|Porter Beattie Standon |Standon |Dorchester Q| _Stanfold_ |St. Eusèbe |Arthabaska Q|James Huston Stanhope |Barnston |Stanstead Q|David Young Stanley, W. O. | |York N B|William Plant Stanley’s Mills |Chinguacousy |Peel O|C. Burrell * _Stanstead_ |Stanstead |Stanstead Q|B. F. Hubbard Stanton |Mulmur |Simcoe, S. R. O|William H. Beatty Starkey’s, W. O | |Queen’s N B|S. M. Starkey Starnesboro’ |St. Antoine |Huntingdon Q|C. Meunier | Abbé | | * _Stayner_ |Nottawasaga |Simcoe, N. R. O|James H. McKeggie Steam Mill Village,| |King’s N S|H. Patterson W. O. | | | Steele |Oro |Simcoe, N. R. O|John C. Steele Steep Creek, W. O. | |Guysboro’ N S|A. Maguire Steeve’s Mountain, | |Westmoreland N B|Amos Wilson W. O. | | | Stella |Amherst Island|Lennox O|George Wright _Stellarton_ | |Pictou N S|H. McKenzie Stevensville |Bertie |Welland O|William T. House [10] Stewartville |McNab |Renfrew, S. R. O|Archibald McInnes Stewiacke Cross | |Colchester N S|G. McNaught Roads, W. O. | | | Still Water, W. O. | |Guysboro’ N S|W. C. Elliot * _Stirling_ |Rawdon |Hastings, N. R. O|Mrs. Agnes Judd Stirton |Peel |Wellington, O|Joseph Sanderson | | C. R. | Stisted |Walsingham |Norfolk, S. R. O| Stittsville |Goulburn |Carleton O|J. S. Argue Stockdale |Murray |Northumberland, O| | | E. R. | Stockwell |St. Antoine |Chateauguay Q|M. Patenoude | Abbé | | Stoco |Hungerford |Hastings, E. R. O|Patrick Murphy Stoddart’s, W. O. | |Annapolis N S|John Stoddart Stoke Centre |Stoke |Richmond Q|Anthony Byron Stoketon |Stoke |Richmond Q|Asa Hall Stonefield |Chatham |Argenteuil Q|William Owens Stoneham |Stoneham |Quebec Q|William Corrigan _Stony Creek_ |Saltfleet |Wentworth, S. R. O|Alva G. Jones Stony Creek, W. O. | |Albert N B|John Scott Stony Point |Tilbury, West |Essex O|H. Desjardins Stormont, W. O. | |Guysborough N S|Thomas F. Milward Stornoway |Winslow |Compton Q|Colin Noble Stottville | |St. John’s Q|William Burland * _Stouffville_ |Whitchurch |York, N. R. O|Edward Wheler Stowe |Grey |Huron, C. R. O|Robert Ferguson _Strabane_ |Flamborough, |Wentworth, N. R. O|Matthew Peebles | West | | _Straffordville_ |Bayham |Elgin, E. R. O|R. W. Smuck Strangford |York |York, E. R. O|George Third * _Stratford_ |South Easthope|Perth, N. R. O|L. T. O’Loane Strathallan |East Zorra |Oxford, N. R. O|Dennis Bartholomew Strathburn |Mosa |Middlesex, W. R. O|Hugh McRae Strathnairn |St. Vincent |Grey, E. R. O|Joseph Inglis * _Strathroy_ |Adelaide |Middlesex, W. R. O|H. B. Mackintosh * _Streetsville_ |Toronto |Peel O|Robert Graydon Stromness |Sherbrooke |Monck O|Albert Benson Stronach Mountain, | |Annapolis N S|George Stronach W. O. | | | Stukely |Stukely |Shefford Q|John Blackwood Sullivan |Holland |Grey, N. R. O|William Buchanan Sumas | |New B C| | | Westminster | Sumerville, W. O. | |Pictou N S|C. McDonald Summer Hill, W. O. | |Queen’s N B|James Kerr Summerstown |Charlottenburg|Glengarry O|Andrew J. Baker Summerville |Toronto |Peel O|William O’Brien Summerville, W. O. | |Hants N S|B. Sanford Sunbury |Storrington |Frontenac O|John McBride Sunderland |Brock |Ontario, N. R. O|John Jones Sunnidale |Sunnidale |Simcoe, N. R. O|Alexander | | | Gillespie Sussex Corner, | |King’s N B|John Humphreys W. O. | | | Sussex Portage, | |King’s N B|William S. Teakles W. O. | | | _Sussex Vale_ | |King’s N B|H. McMonagle Sutherland’s |Euphemia |Bothwell O|James W. McKeown Corners | | | Sutherland’s Mills,| |Pictou N S|R. Chisholm W. O. | | | Sutherland’s River,| |Pictou N S|D. Rankin W. O. | | | _Sutton_ |Sutton |Brome Q|H. A. Eastabrook Swan Creek, W. O. | |Sunbury N B|G. C. Dyer Sweaburg |West Oxford |Oxford, S. R. O|H. Flood _Sweetsburg_ |Dunham |Missisquoi Q|Curtis S. Boright Switzerville |Ernestown |Lennox O| Sydenham Place |Kingsey |Drummond Q|Joseph Millington _Sydney_ | |Cape Breton N S|Robert Martin _Sydney Mines_ | |Cape Breton N S|D. G. Rigby _Sylvan_ |Williams, West|Middlesex, N. R. O|John Dawson Sypher’s Cove, | |Queen’s N B|Jacob Syphers W. O. | | | | | | | | | Tabucintac, W. O. | |Northumberland N B|Horatio Lee Tabucintac River, | |Gloucester N B|Thomas A. Harris W. O. | | | _Tadousac_ |Tadousac |Saguenay Q|Joseph Radford Talbotville Royal |Southwold |Elgin, W. R. O|John Stacy _Tamworth_ |Sheffield |Addington O|James Aylesworth Tancook Islands, | |Lunenburg N S|Henry Hutt W. O. | | | _Tangier_ | |Halifax N S|John Ross Tannery, West |Montreal |Hochelaga Q|Pierre Chicoine Tapleytown |Saltfleet |Wentworth, S. R. O|S. G. Harris _Tara_ |Arran |Bruce, N. R. O|John Tobey Tarbert |Luther |Wellington, O|M. McMurchy | | N. R. | _Tatamagouche_ | |Colchester N S|Robert Purves, | | | jun. Tatamagouche | |Colchester N S|John Drysdale Mountain, W. O. | | | Tatlock |Darling |Lanark, N. R. O|Peter Guthrie Taunton |Whitby |Ontario, S. R. O|Wm. Willard _Tavistock_ |South Easthope|Perth, S. R. O|George Matheson Taylorholme |Gloucester |Russell O| Taylor Village, | |Westmoreland N B|Charles Taylor W. O. | | | Tay Mills, W. O. | |York N B|William Sanson, | | | sen. Tay Settlement, | |York N B|William Tomlinson W. O. | | | Tecumseth |Tecumseth |Simcoe, S. R. O|D. A. Jones Tedish, W. O. | |Westmoreland N B|George E. Mills _Teeswater_ |Culross |Bruce, S. R. O|Samuel Waldo Teeterville |Windham |Norfolk, N. R. O|Darcy Hooker Telfer |London |Middlesex, E. R. O|Adam Telfer Temperance Vale, | |York N B|Richard R. Carvell W. O. | | | Temperanceville |King |York, N. R. O|William Bruce Templeton |Templeton |Ottawa Q|James Hagan Tempo |Westminster |Middlesex, E. R. O|A. Remey Tenecape, W. O. | |Hants N S|William Stephens Ten Mile Creek, | |St. John N B|John S. Parker W. O. | | | Tennant’s Cove, | |King’s N B|James G. Worden W. O. | | | Tennyson |Drummond |Lanark, S. R. O|D. McGregor Terence Bay, W. O. | |Halifax N S|J. W. Shaumwhite _Terrebonne_ |Terrebonne |Terrebonne Q|Arthur M. McKenzie Tessierville |Matane |Rimouski Q|J. E. Généreux Teston |Vaughan |York, W. R. O|George Wilson Teviotdale |Minto |Wellington, O|M. G. Miller | | N. R. | Teviotdale Station,| |Colchester N S| W. O. | | | _Thamesford_ |Nissouri, East|Oxford, N. R. O|N. C. McCarty _Thamesville_ |Camden |Bothwell O|James Duncan Thanet |Wollaston |Hastings, N. R. O|B. McKillican, | | | jun. The Range, W. O. | |Queen’s N B|Robert Snell Thiers |Thetford |Megantic Q|Joachim Delisle Thistletown |Etobicoke |York, W. R. O|Richard Johnston Thomasburg |Hungerford |Hastings, E. R. O|John Robertson Thompsonville |Tecumseth |Simcoe, S. R. O|J. T. | | | Schmietendorf Thornbrook, W. O. | |King’s N B|John Hughson Thornbury |Collingwood |Grey, E. R. O|Thomas McKenny Thornby |Thorne |Pontiac Q|Joseph Hill Thorndale |Nissouri, West|Middlesex, E. R. O|Thomas Harrison Thorne Centre |Thorne |Pontiac Q|C. A. Smith Thornetown, W. O. | |Queen’s N B|Butler Thorne * _Thornhill_ |Vaughan |York, W. R. O|Josiah Purkiss Thornton |Innisfil |Simcoe, S. R. O|John Scott * _Thorold_ |Thorold |Welland O|Jacob Keefer [11] Three Brooks, | |Victoria N B| W. O. | | | Three Mile Plains, | |Hants N S|George H. Dewolf W. O. | | | * _Three Rivers_ |Three Rivers |Three Rivers Q|C. K. Ogden Three Sisters, | |Cumberland N S| W. O. | | | Thunder Bay | |Algoma O|Chas. W. Blackwood Thurlow |Thurlow |Hastings, E. R. O|Rufus Huntley * _Thurso_ |Lochabar |Ottawa Q|George Edwards Tidnish, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|Oliver King Tidnish Bridge, | |Westmoreland N B|William Davidson W. O. | | | _Tilbury East_ |Tilbury, East |Kent O|James Smith * _Tilsonburg_ |Dereham |Oxford, S. R. O|E. D. Tillson Tintern |Clinton |Lincoln O| Titusville, W. O. | |King’s N B|Alexander Simpson _Tiverton_ |Bruce |Bruce, N. R. O|N. McInnes Toledo |Kitley |Leeds, N. R. O|Mrs. C. A. McLean Toney River, W. O. | |Pictou N S|Alexander | | | Archibald Topping North |Easthope |Perth, N. R. O|S. Crosier Torbay, W. O. | |Guysboro’ N S|William Webber Tormore |Albion |Cardwell O| * _Toronto_ |York |Toronto O|Joseph Lesslie _Tottenham_ |Tecumseth |Simcoe, S. R. O|John Wilson Tower Hill, W. O. | |Charlotte N B|John Irons Townsend Centre |Townsend |Norfolk, N. R. O|Israel Slaght Tracadie, W. O. | |Gloucester N B|John Young Tracadie | |Antigonishe N S|H. H. Harrington Tracey’s Mills, | |Carleton N B|Isaac Adams W. O. | | | Tracey Station, | |Sunbury N B|D. S. Duplisea W. O. | | | Trafalgar |Trafalgar |Halton O|James Applebe Trafalgar, W. O. | |Halifax N S|John Nelson Traverston |Glenelg |Grey, S. R. O|John Travers Treadwell |Plantagenet, |Prescott O|James McGauvran | North | | Trecastle |Wallace |Perth, N. R. O|James Shields Tremblay |Tremblay |Chicoutimi Q|Marcel Coté Trenholm |Kingsey |Drummond Q|Simon Stevens * _Trenton_ |Murray |Hastings, W. R. O|James Cumming Trois Pistoles |Trois Pistoles|Témiscouata Q|T. P. Pelletier Trois Saumons |St. Jean Port |L’Islet Q|G. C. Caron | Joli | | Trout Cove, W. O. | |Digby N S|James Moorhouse Trout Lake |Humphrey |Muskoka O|George Elliot Trout River |Godmanchester |Huntingdon Q|James Marshall Trowbridge |Elma |Perth, N. R. O|G. Code Troy |Beverley |Wentworth, N. R. O|John R. Neff Trudell |Tilbury, West |Essex O|Henry Richardson _Truro_ | |Colchester N S|William McCully Tuam |Tecumseth |Simcoe, S. R. O|P. H. Derham _Tullamore_ |Toronto Gore |Peel O|W. J. Robinson Tupperville, W. O. | |Annapolis N S|W. F. Willett Turtle Creek, W. O.| |Albert N B|J. H. Steeves Turtle Lake |Humphrey |Muskoka O|Alexander Ross Tuscarora |Onondaga |Brant, N. R. O|Dennis L. Dennis _Tusket_ | |Yarmouth N S|J. M. Lent Tusket Wedge, W. O.| |Yarmouth N S|M. LeBlanc Tweed |Hungerford |Hastings, E. R. O| Tweedside |Saltfleet |Wentworth, S. R. O|T. Stewart Johnson Tweedside, W. O. | |York N B|John Rutherford Tyneside |Seneca |Haldimand O| Tyrconnell |Dunwich |Elgin, W. R O|Meredith Conn Tyrone |Darlington |Durham, W. R. O|John T. Welsh Tyrrell |Townsend |Norfolk, N. R. O|Samuel Heath | | | | | | Udora |Scott |Ontario, N. R. O|S. Umphrey Uffington |Draper |Muskoka O|John Doherty Ufford |Watt |Muskoka O|H. W. Gill Ullswater |Watt |Muskoka O|George Bunn Ulster |Wawanosh |Huron, N. R. O|George McKay _Ulverton_ |Durham |Drummond Q|James Miller Umfraville |Dungannon |Hastings, N. R. O|D. Kavanagh Underwood |Bruce |Bruce, N. R. O|J. H. Coultard Undine, W. O. | |Victoria N B|Alex. L. Watson _Union_ |Yarmouth |Elgin, E. R. Q|Francis F. Jones Union Corner, W. O.| |Carleton N B|Charles A. Chase Union Hill |London |Middlesex, E. R. Q|John Mossip Unionville |Markham |York, E. R. Q|George Eakin Upham, W. O. | |King’s N B|N. H. Upham Upper Bay Du Vin, | |Northumberland N B|William Dickens W. O. | | | Upper Branch, W. O.| |Lunenburg N S|A. Knack Upper Buctouche, | |Kent N B|Samuel Jerway W. O. | | | Upper Caledonia, | |Halifax N S|J. D. Cameron W. O. | | | Upper Cape, W. O. | |Westmoreland N B| Upper Caraquet, | |Gloucester N B|S. Cormier W. O. | | | Upper Caverhill, | |York N B|G. W. Knox W. O. | | | Upper Cross Roads, | |Guysborough N S|J. A. Jordan St. Mary’s, W. O.| | | Upper Dyke Village,| |King’s N S|A. Beckwith W. O. | | | Upper Economy, | |Colchester N S|J. L. Moore W. O. | | | Upper Gagetown, | |Queen’s N B|Thomas Crothers W. O. | | | Upper Gaspereaux, | |Queen’s N B|Issac C. Burpee W. O. | | | Upper Greenwich, | |King’s N B|Zebulon Connor W. O. | | | Upper Haynesville, | |York N B|C. Manuel W. O. | | | Upper Kennetcook, | |Hants N S|Jacob Hannegar W. O. | | | Upper Kent, W. O. | |Carleton N B|A. Hawthorn Upper Keswick, | |York N B|James E. Smith W. O. | | | Upper Keswick | |York N B|Thomas Coburn Ridge, W. O. | | | Upper LaHave, W. O.| |Lunenburg N S|Josiah Rudolf Upper Loch Lomond, | |St. John N B|James Robinson W. O. | | | Upper Magaguadavic,| |York N B|Andrew Ray W. O. | | | Upper Margaree, | |Inverness N B|John McLennan W. O. | | | Upper Maugerville, | |Sunbury N B| W. O. | | | Upper Mills | |Charlotte N B| Upper Musquodoboit | |Halifax N S|S. L. Henry Upper Neguac, W. O.| |Northumberland N B|Vital Alaine Upper New Horton, | |Albert N B|Minor Reid W. O. | | | Upper Newport, | |Hants N S|E. S. Creed W. O. | | | Upper Peel, W. O. | |Carleton N B|W. B. Tomkins Upper Queensbury, | |York N B|David C. Parent W. O. | | | Upper Rawdon, W. O.| |Hants N S|William Masters Upper St. Bazil, | |Victoria N B|H. Gagnon W. O. | | | Upper St. Francis, | |Victoria N B|Richard Tobin W. O. | | | Upper Sackville, | |Westmoreland N B|Arthur G. Chase W. O. | | | Upper Settlement of| |Victoria N S|Donald McMillan Baddeck River, | | | W. O. | | | Upper Settlement of| |Pictou N S|John McKay Barney’s River, | | | W. O. | | | Upper Settlement of| |Victoria N S|John McLennan Middle River, | | | W. O. | | | Upper Settlement of| |Inverness N S|Michael McDonald River Dennis, | | | W. O. | | | Upper Settlement of| |Antigonishe N S|C. A. Cameron South River, | | | W. O. | | | Upper Settlement of| |Pictou N S|Donald Livingstone West River, W. O.| | | Upper Sheffield, | |Sunbury N B|W. A. Garrison W. O. | | | Upper Southampton, | |York N B| W. O. | | | Upper Stewiacke | |Colchester N S|Francis Cox Upper Wakefield |Wakefield |Ottawa Q|Patrick Farrell Upper Washabuck, | |Victoria N S|Angus McDonald W. O. | | | Upper Wicklow, | |Carleton N B|Matthew Hutchinson W. O. | | | Upper Wood Harbour,| |Shelburne N S|W. H. Matheson W. O. | | | Upper Woodstock, | |Carleton N B|William H. Sisson W. O. | | | Upsalquitch, W. O. | |Restigouche N B|George Croswell Uptergrove |Mara |Ontario, N. R. O|Thomas Byrne Urbania, W. O. |Maitland |Hants N S|Alexander Cameron Usher, W. O. | |Antigonishe N S|Richard Carroll Utica |Reach |Ontario, N. R. O|Jacob Dafoe Utopia |Essa |Simcoe, S. R. O|Thomas Dawson Utterson |Stephenson |Muskoka O|Erastus Hanes Uttoxeter |Plympton |Lambton O|S. Shepherd * _Uxbridge_ |Uxbridge |Ontario, N. R. O|George Wheeler | | | | | | Vachell |Georgina |York, N. R. O|Hugh Cooper Vaillancourt |Dionne |L’Islet Q|W. F. Vaillancourt Valcartier |Valcartier |Quebec Q|Charles S. Wolff Valcourt |South Ely |Shefford Q|F. X. David Valentia |Mariposa |Victoria, S. R. O|W. McCracken Valetta |Tilbury, East |Kent O|J. Richardson Vallentyne |Brock |Ontario, N. R. O|Samuel Brethour Valletort |Aylmer |Beauce Q|Louis Paradis, | | | jun. * _Valleyfield_ |Beauharnois |Beauharnois Q|Marc C. Despocas Valmont |Notre Dame de |Champlain Q|Pierre Bédard | Mont Carmel | | Vanatter |Garafraxa |Wellington, O|W. H. Vanatter | | C. R. | _Vanbrugh_ |Sebastopol |Renfrew, S. R. O|C. F. Holterman Vandecar |Oxford, East |Oxford, S. R. O|T. H. Arnell Vandeleur |Artemesia |Grey, E. R. O|James W. Henderson * _Vankleek Hill_ |Hawkesbury |Prescott O|Duncan McDonnell | West | | Vanneck |London |Middlesex, E. R. O|John W. Robson Vanvlack |Flos |Simcoe, N. R. O|John Vanvlack Van Winkle | |Cariboo B C| Varennes |Varennes |Verchères Q|J. N. A. | | | Archambeault Varna |Stanley |Huron, S. R. O|Josiah B. Secord Varney |Normanby |Grey, S. R. O|Francis Eden Vasey |Tay |Simcoe, N. R. O|Mark Vasey Vaudreuil |Vaudreuil |Vaudreuil Q|Dieudoné Brulé Vaughan’s, W. O. | |Hants N S|Joseph Vaughan Veighton |Cumberland |Russell O|James Lowrie Vellore |Vaughan |York, W. R. O|John MacDonald Venice |St. George |Missisquoi Q|Thomas Hunter Vennachar |Abinger |Addington O|William Hames Venosta |Low |Ottawa Q|John Macauley Ventnor |Edwardsburg |Grenville, S. R. O|John McAulay Ventry |Proton |Grey, E. R. O|Carby Johnson Verchères |Verchères |Verchères Q|Trefflé Lussier Verdun |Huron |Bruce, S. R. O|J. Colling Vereker |Colchester |Essex O|Tancred Caya Vernal, W. O. | |Antigonishe N S| Vernon |Osgoode |Russel O|Duncan McDonald Vernon Mines, W. O.| |King’s N S|John R. Ilsley Vernonville |Haldimand |Northumberland, O|Henry Terry | | W. R. | Verona |Portland |Addington O|Alexander Grant Versailles |St. Grégoire |Iberville Q|Isidore Marcoux Verschoyle |Dereham |Oxford, S. R. O|John Dynes Vesta |Brant |Bruce, S. R. O|Robert Cannon Vicars |Havelock |Huntingdon Q|James Wilson Victoria | |Victoria B C|Henry Wootton Victoria, W. O. | |Carleton N B|George R. Boyer Victoria, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|J. M. Henny Victoria Corners |Reach |Ontario, N. R. O|James Phair Victoria Harbor, | |King’s N S|John Brown W. O. | | | Victoria Harbor |Tay |Simcoe, N. R. O|John Kean Victoria Mines, | |Cape Breton N S|Alexander C. Ross W. O. | | | Victoria Square |Markham |York, E. R. O|Daniel V. Heise * _Vienna_ |Bayham |Elgin, E. R. O|Samuel Brasher Viger |Viger |Témiscouata Q|Virgine Gagné Viger Mines |Chester |Arthabaska Q|Guillaume Lamothe Vigo |Flos |Simcoe, N. R. O|Dennis Gallagher Village des |St. Roch des |L’Islet Q|A. Depuis Aulnaies | Aulnaies | | Village Richelieu |St. Mathias |Rouville Q|N. D. D. Bessette Villanova |Townsend |Norfolk, N. R. O|John McLaren Villiers |Otonabee |Peterborough O|W. Brotherston, | | | sen. Vincennes |St. Luc |Champlain Q|P. Lacourcière Vine |Innisfil |Simcoe, S. R. O|Richard Simpson Vinoy |Suffolk |Ottawa Q|Joseph Leduc Vinton |Litchfield |Pontiac Q| Violet |Ernestown |Lennox O|James L. Hicks Virgil |Niagara |Niagara O|James S. Clement _Vittoria_ |Charlotteville|Norfolk, S. R. O|George D. McCall Vivian |Whitchurch |York, N. R. O|Robert McCormick Voglers’s Cove, | |Lunenburg N S|J. H. R. Fayle W. O. | | | _Vroomanton_ |Brock |Ontario, N. R. O|John Tesky Vyner |Plympton |Lambton O|John Gates | | | | | | Waasis Station, | |Sunbury N B|George Grass W. O. | | | Wabashene |Tay |Simcoe, N. R. O|T. W. Buck Wakefield |Wakefield |Ottawa Q|James McLaren Waldemar |Amaranth |Wellington, O|David Jenkins | | N. R. | _Wales_ |Osnabruck |Stormont O|William Baker * _Walkerton_ |Brant |Bruce, S. R. O|Malcolm McLean Walkerville |Sandwich, |Essex O|Henry McAfee | East | | Wallace |Wallace |Perth, N. R. O|James Taggart _Wallace_ | |Cumberland N S|M. B. Huestis Wallace Bridge, | |Cumberland N S|Richard J. Scott W. O. | | | * _Wallaceburg_ |Chatham |Kent O|Lionel H. Johnson Wallace Ridge, | |Cumberland N S|John McNiel W. O. | | | Wallace River, | |Cumberland N S|David Purdy W. O. | | | _Wallacetown_ |Dunwich |Elgin, W. R. O|John McKillop Wallbridge |Sidney |Hastings, W. R. O|F. B. Prior Wallenstein |Wellesley |Waterloo, N. R. O|Henry Powell Walmer |East Zorra |Oxford, N. R. O|Robert Parker Walpole Island |Chatham |Kent O| Walsh |Charlotteville|Norfolk, S. R. O|D. W. McCall Walter’s Falls |Holland |Grey, N. R. O|Thomas P. Walker Waltham |Waltham |Pontiac Q|John Landon Walton |McKillop |Huron, C. R. O|Robert Pattison Walton | |Hants N S|J. W. Stephens Wanstead |Plympton |Lambton O|Maurice McVicar Warburton |Lansdown |Leeds, S. R. O|J. H. Keating Warden |Shefford |Shefford Q|E. D. Martin Ward’s Creek Road, | |King’s N B|A. Stapleford W. O. | | | _Wardsville_ |Mosa |Middlesex, W. R. O|W. D. Hammond Wareham |Osprey |Grey, E. R. O|George Wright _Warkworth_ |Percy |Northumberland, O|Israel Humphries | | E. R. | Warminster |Medonte |Simcoe, N. R. O|W. George Deacon Warner |Caistor |Monck O|Jonas R. Melick Warren, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|C. S. Chapman _Warsaw_ |Dummer |Peterboro’, O|Thomas Choat | | E. R. | Wartburg |Ellice |Perth, N. R. O|E. Frommhagen Warwick, East |St. Medard |Arthabaska Q|Onésime Tessier _Warwick, West_ |Warwick |Lambton O|John H. Morris Washademoak, W. O. | |Queen’s N B|Nevine McAlpine Washago |Orillia |Simcoe, N. R. O|R. H. Cozzens Washington |Blenheim |Oxford, N. R. O|William Dunn Waterborough, W. O.| |Queen’s N B|C. H. Fanjoy _Waterdown_ |Flamboro’, |Wentworth, N. R. O|James B. Thompson | East | | * _Waterford_ |Townsend |Norfolk, N. R. O|David Wilson * _Waterloo, East_ |Shefford |Shefford Q| * _Waterloo, West_ |Waterloo, |Waterloo, N. R. O|C. Kumpf | North | | Waterville |Compton |Compton Q|L. W. Wyman Waterville, W. O. | |Carleton N B|J. H. Seely Waterville, W. O. | |King’s N S|Thomas Jacques _Watford_ |Warwick |Lambton O|Murdo McLeay Watson’s Corners |Dalhousie |Lanark, N. R. O|John Munro Watson Settlement, | |Carleton N B|John Watson W. O. | | | Waubamik |Ferguson |Muskoka O|Robert Reid Waubuno |Moore |Lambton O|Thomas Moore Waugh’s River, | |Colchester N S|J. Murphy W. O. | | | Waupoos |Marysburg |Prince Edward O|Morgan L. Ketchum Waverly |Tay |Simcoe, N. R. O|John Bannister Waverly | |Halifax N S|John Lingley Waweig, W. O. | |Charlotte N B|Margaret Ruddick Way’s Mills |Barnston |Stanstead Q|E. S. Southmayd Weaver Settlement, | |Digby N S|Michael Weaver W. O. | | | Webber’s, W. O. | |Annapolis N S|Mrs. S. A. Webber Webster’s Creek, | |Victoria N B|M. Albert W. O. | | | Weedon |Weedon |Wolfe Q|Siméon Fontaine Welcome |Hope |Durham, E. R. O| Weldford, W. O. | |Kent N B|Charles Cummins * _Welland_ |Crowland |Welland O|Thomas Burgar _Welland Port_ |Gainsboro’ |Monck O|Samuel Holmes * _Wellesley_ |Wellesley |Waterloo, N. R. O|John Zoeger _Wellington_ |Hillier |Prince Edward O|Donald Campbell * _Wellington |Nelson |Halton O|Walter S. Bastedo Square_ | | | Wellman’s Corners |Rawdon |Hastings, N. R. O|Andrew Sherman _Welsford_ | |Queen’s N B|F. Woods Wendover |Plantagenet, |Prescott O|William Lamb | N. | | Wentworth, W. O. | |Cumberland N S|Lemuel Bigney West Arichat, W. O.| |Richmond N S|Emmélie Marchant West Arran |Saugeen |Bruce, N. R. O|Thomas McKie _West Bay_ | |Inverness N S|James McDonald West Bolton |Bolton |Brome Q|Martin Duboyce West Branch, | |Pictou N S|William Dunbar River of Pictou, | | | W. O. | | | West Branch, | |Kent N B|T. Curran Nicholas River, | | | W. O. | | | West Branch, River | |Pictou N S|Mrs. J. McKay John, W. O. | | | West Branch, River | |Colchester N S|R. F. Black Philip, W. O. | | | West Brome |Brome |Brome Q|S. L. Hungerford West Brook |Kingston |Frontenac O|Andrew Bridge West Broughton |Broughton |Beauce Q|Cyrille Vallée Westbury |Westbury |Compton Q|Allan Lothrop West Chester, W. O.| |Cumberland N S|Mrs. Mary J. Purdy West Chester Lake, | |Cumberland N S|E. Sutherland W. O. | | | Westcock, W. O. | |Westmoreland N B| West Ditton |Ditton |Compton Q|Philias Gendreau West Dublin, W. O. | |Lunenburg N S|R. B. Currie West Essa |Essa |Simcoe, S. R. O|David Henderson * _West Farnham_ |Farnham |Missisquoi Q|William Donahue Westfield |Wawanosh, |Huron, N. R. O|Mrs. Helps | East | | Westfield, W. O. | |King’s N B|N. H. Deveber _West Flamboro’_ |Flamboro’, W. |Wentworth, N. R. O|J. B. Irving West Glassville, | |Carleton N B|J. R. Ronald W. O. | | | West Gore, W. O. | |Hants N S|M. Wallace West Huntingdon |Huntingdon |Hastings, N. R. O|Philip Luke West Huntley |Huntley |Carleton O|Edward Horan West Lake |Hallowell |Prince Edward O|Henry Lambert West McGillivray |McGillivray |Middlesex, N. R. O|Wm. Fraser West Magdala |Southwold |Elgin, W. R. O|Donald Turner Westmeath |Westmeath |Renfrew, N. R. O|Alexander Fraser West Montrose |Woolwich |Waterloo, N. R. O|Jacob Benner Westmoreland Point | |Westmoreland N B|Thos. E. Oulton * _Weston_ |York |York, W. R. O|Robert Johnston West Osgoode |Osgoode |Russell O|John C. Bower Westover |Beverley |Wentworth, N. R. O|B. McIntosh Westport |North Crosby |Leeds, S. R. O|John H. Whelan _Westport_ | |Digby N S|Joseph Bancroft West Potton |Potton |Brome Q|M. L. Elkins West Quaco | |St. John N B|Mrs C. Nugent West River | |Pictou N S|William Munro West River Station | |Pictou N S|W. S. Graham West Shefford |Shefford |Shefford Q|George Tait West Side of | |Antigonishe N S|Alexander Stewart Lochabar, W. O. | | | Westville | |Pictou N S|Duncan Balfour * _West Winchester_|Winchester |Dundas O|William Bow Westwood |Asphodel |Peterborough, O|Samuel Griffin | | E. R. | Wexford |Scarboro’ |York, E. R. O|J. T. McBeath _Weymouth_ | |Digby N S| Weymouth Bridge | |Digby N S| Whalen |Biddulph |Middlesex, N. R. O|J. H. Milson Wheatland |Wickham |Drummond Q|Edward McCabe Wheatley |Mersea |Essex O|George Middleton Wheaton Settlement,| |Westmoreland N B|A. E. Killam W. O. | | | _Whitby_ |Whitby |Ontario, S. R. O|R. H. Lauder Whitehead, W. O. | |Guysborough N S|J. H. Feltmate Whitehurst |Elizabethtown |Brockville O|John Bell White Lake |McNab |Renfrew, S. R. O|Alexander Stirling White Mud River |Portage la |Marquette M|Peter Garrioch | Prairie | | White Point, W. O. | |Queen’s N S|J. Challoner White Rose |Whitchurch |York, N. R. O|Jared Lloyd White’s Cove, W. O.| |Queen’s N B|S. V. White _Whitevale_ |Pickering |Ontario, S. R. O|Donald McPhee Whitfield |Mulmur |Simcoe, S. R. O|P. D. Henry Whittington |Amaranth |Wellington, O|R. Bowsfield | | N. R. | Whitton |Whitton |Compton Q|Donald Beaton _Whycocomagh_ | |Inverness N S|Peter McDonald Wiarton |Amabel |Bruce, N. R. O|B. B. Miller Wick |Brock |Ontario, N. R. O|John Chambers Wickham, W. O. | |Queen’s N B|G. N. Golding Wicklow |Haldimand |Northumberland, O|C. E. Ewing | | W. R. | Wicklow, W. O. | |Carleton N B|Thomas H. Estey Wickwire Station, | |Halifax N S|Samuel Key W. O. | | | Widder |Bosanquet |Lambton O|Adam Duffus _Widder Station_ |Bosanquet |Lambton O|Thomas Kirkpatrick Wilfrid |Brock |Ontario, N. R. O|John Chambers Wilkesport |Sombra |Bothwell O|William Kinball Willetsholme |Pittsburgh |Frontenac O|Josias Abrams Williamsdale, W. O.| |Cumberland N S|Andrew Taylor Williamstown |Charlottenburg|Glengarry O|Duncan McLennan Williamstown, W. O.| |Carleton N B|Thomas Lindsay Williscroft |Elderslie |Bruce, N. R. O|George Williscroft Willowdale |York |York, W. R. O|Jacob Cumner Willowgrove, W. O. | |St. John N B|William Francis _Wilmot_ | |Annapolis N S|J. A. Gibbon Wilmur |Loughborough |Addington O|William Northy Wilson’s Beach, | |Charlotte N B| W. O. | | | Wilton |Ernestown |Lennox O|Sydney Warner Winchelsea |Usborne |Huron, S. R. O|Robert Middleton Winchester |Winchester |Dundas O|C. T. Casselman Winchester Springs |Williamsburg |Dundas O|James Greer Windermere |Watt |Muskoka O|Thomas Aitkin Windham Centre |Windham |Norfolk, N. R. O|John Lindabury Windham Hill, W. O.| |Cumberland N S|John Bragg * _Windsor_ |Sandwich, East|Essex O|Alex. H. Wagner Windsor, W. O. | |Carleton N B|William Britton _Windsor_ | |Hants N S|Peter S. Burnham Windsor Junction, | |Halifax N S|William Rennells W. O. | | | Windsor Mills |Windsor |Richmond Q|C. E. Wurtelle Wine Harbor, W. O. | |Guysboro’ N S| Winfield |Peel |Wellington, O|John Hambly | | C. R. | Winger |Wainfleet |Monck O|Jacob Winger _Wingham_ |Turnberry |Huron, N. R. O|Peter Fisher Winona |Saltfleet |Wentworth, S. R. O|Joseph Carpenter _Winterbourne_ |Woolwich |Waterloo, N. R. O|P. S. Kilborne Winthrop |McKillop |Huron, C. R. O|Alex. Murchie Wisbeach |Warwick |Lambton O|Joanna Bowes Woburn |Scarborough |York, E. R. O|H. M. Campbell Wolfe Island |Wolfe Island |Frontenac O|George Malone Wolfstown |Wolfstown |Wolfe Q|Norbert Roy _Wolfville_ | |King’s N S|George V. Rand Wolverton |Blenheim |Oxford, N. R. O|Thomas Dawson * _Woodbridge_ |Vaughan |York, W. R. O|C. H. Dunning Woodburn |Binbrook |Wentworth, S. R. O|William Ptolemy Woodford |Sydenham |Grey, N. R. O|John Thomson _Woodham_ |Blanchard |Perth, S. R. O|Jonathan Shier Woodhill |Toronto Gore |Peel O|Thomas Ward Woodlands |Osnabruck |Stormont O|R. H. Stewart Wood Point, W. O. | |Westmoreland N B|S. Outhouse Woodside |Halifax |Megantic Q|Thomas Wood Woodslee |Maidstone |Essex O|W. S. Lindsay * _Woodstock_ |Blandford |Oxford, N. R. O|G. Alexander _Woodstock_ | |Carleton N B|James Grover Woodstock Road | |Carleton N B|John S. Leighton Station, W. O. | | | * _Woodville_ |Eldon |Victoria, N. R. O|John C. Gilchrist Woodville, W. O. | |Hants N S|Shubael Parker Wooler |Murray |Northumberland, O|Lorenzo F. Gould | | E. R. | Wotton |Wotton |Wolfe Q|Benjamin Milette Wreck Cove, W. O. | |Victoria N S|John Morrison Wright |Wright |Ottawa Q|Joshua Ellard * _Wroxeter_ |Howick |Huron, N. R. O|George A. Powell Wyandot |Maryboro’ |Wellington, O|J. D. Johnson | | N. R. | Wyebridge |Tiny |Simcoe, N. R. O|Daniel McGregor * _Wyoming_ |Plympton |Lambton O|John Anderson | | | | | | Yale | |Yale B C| Yamachiche |Machiche |St. Maurice Q|Arthur Lacerte Yamaska |Yamaska |Yamaska Q|L. H. Lafleur Yarker |Camden, East |Addington O|J. A. Shibley Yarm |Clarendon |Pontiac Q|Robert McJanet _Yarmouth_ | |Yarmouth N S|A. J. Hood Yarmouth Centre |Yarmouth |Elgin, E. R. O|William Mann Yelverton |Manvers |Durham, E. R. O|James A. Curry Yeovil |Egremont |Grey, S. R. O|Joseph Bunston Yoho, W. O. | |York N B|Wm. Arbuckle * _York_ |Seneca |Haldimand O|Hy. A. Duggan York Mills |York |York, E. R. O|William Hogg York River |Faraday |Hastings, N. R. O|J. C. George _Yorkville_ |York |York, E. R. O|James Dobson Young’s Cove, W. O.| |Queen’s N B|R. Snodgrass Young’s Point |Smith |Peterborough, O|Patrick Young | | W. R. | | | | | | | Zealand |Oso |Addington O|Joseph Davis Zephyr |Scott |Ontario, N. R. O|Manuel N. Dafoe Zetland |Turnberry |Huron, N. R. O|L. J. Brace Zimmerman |Nelson |Halton O|Robert Miller Ziska |Monck |Muskoka O|W. H. Spencer _Zurich_ |Hay |Huron, S. R. O|Robert Brown [1] Late Six mile Cross. [2] Late Spring Hill Road, W. O. [3] Closed during Winter. [4] Late Cameron, W. O. [5] Late Channel Islands, W. O. [6] Late Allendale Mills. [7] Late McNab, Glengarry. [8] Late Grass Pond [9] Late “Evangeline.” [10] Late Balmer’s Island. [11] Late “Foster’s Cove, W. O.” LIST of Post Offices closed and not subsequently re-opened, between the 1st of July, 1871, and the 1st of July, 1872. NAME OF OFFICE. | ELECTORAL DISTRICT. |DATE OF CLOSING. | | Borelia |Ontario, N. R. O |1st March, 1872. Chamcook, W. O. |Charlotte N B |1st July, 1872. Country Harbour, W. O. |Guysborough N S |1st July, 1872. Digdeguash, W. O. |Charlotte N B |1st October, 1871. Dornoch |Oxford, S. R. O |1st April, 1872. Drury |Simcoe, N. E. O |1st March, 1872. Felton |Russell O |1st July, 1872. Gold Mines, Mount | | Uniacke, W. O. |Hants N S |1st July, 1872. Green Point |Prince Edward O |1st February, 1872. Indian River |Peterborough, E. R. O |1st September, 1871. Lameque, W. O. |Gloucester N B |1st January, 1872. Largie |Elgin, W. R. O |1st September, 1871. Latimer |Frontenac O |1st June, 1872. Leavens |Grey, N. R. O |1st January, 1872. Lower Hillsborough, W. O. |Albert N B |1st May, 1872. Mathers |Peterborough, E. R. O |1st April, 1872. Mekinac |Champlain Q |1st July, 1872. Middleton, W. O. |Westmoreland N B |1st January, 1872. Mount Webster |Leeds, S. R. O |1st February, 1872. Pelham Union |Monck O |1st December, 1871. Plumweseep, W. O. |King’s N B |1st August, 1871. Ullyatt |Grey, N. R. O |1st September, 1871. Wayside, W. O. |Cumberland N S |1st July, 1872. Willowgrove |Haldimand O |1st June, 1872. Woodbury |Brant, S. R. O |1st June, 1872. Woods Harbour, W. O. |Shelburne N S |1st April, 1872. LIST of changes in the names of Post Offices, between the 1st of July, 1871, and the 1st of July, 1872, inclusive. LATE NAME OF OFFICE. | ELECTORAL DISTRICT. |NEW NAME OF OFFICE. | | Allendale Mills |Peterboro, E. R. O |Lang. Balmer’s Island |Renfrew, S. R. O |Stewartville. Cameron, W. O. |Inverness N S |Emerald, W. O. Channel Islands, W. O. |Cape Breton N S |Eskasoni, W. O. Evangeline |Stanstead Q |St. Hermenegilde. Foster’s Cove, W. O. |Victoria N B |Three Brooks, W. O. Grass Pond |Brome Q |St. Etienne de Bolton. McNab--Glengarry |Glengarry O |Lochinvar. St. Etienne |St. Maurice Q |St. Etienne des Grés. Six Mile Cross |Huntingdon Q |Anderson’s Corners. Spring Hill Road, W. O. |Cumberland N S |Athol. POST OFFICE TRANSACTIONS FOR THE MONTHS OF AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, 1872. NEW POST OFFICES ESTABLISHED. NAME OF |TOWNSHIP | ELECTORAL DISTRICT. |POSTMASTER. POST OFFICE. |OR PARISH. | | | | | | AUGUST. | | | | Bardsville |Monck |Muskoka O |Charles Bard. Batchewana |Fisher |Algoma O |W. J. Scott, jun. Cambridge Station, | | | W. O. | |King’s N S |John C. Neiley. Condon Settlement, | | | W. O. | |King’s N S |Wm. McConnell. Esquimaux Point | |Saguenay Q |D. B. McGie. Factory Dale, W. O.| |King’s N S |Robert R. Ray. Forest City, W. O. | |York N B |William R. Cully. Grande Vallée | |Gaspé Q |Louis Fournier. [12] Harlock |Hullett |Huron, C. R. O |Thomas Neilans. Harmony, W. O. | |King’s N S |Austin Spinney. Jackson Road, W. O.| |King’s N S |Alexander Nichol. Lake George, W. O. | |King’s N S |A. P. Hudgens. Little Ridge, W. O.| |Albert N B |Benjamin Bray. Magpie | |Saguenay Q |Peter Skelton. Mascouche |Mascouche |L’Assomption Q |J. O. Lamarche. Midland, W. O. | |King’s N B |W. Mitchell Case. Mill Cove, W. O. | |Queen’s N B |Mrs. Nancy Sparks. Mingan | |Saguenay Q |Benjamin Scott. Natashquan | |Saguenay Q |C. A. Deschamps. Palmer Rapids |Raglan |Renfrew, S. R. O |H. F. McLachlin. Pemberton Ridge, | | | W. O. | |York N B |Cyrus B. McKenney. Perm |Mulmur |Simcoe, S. R. O |Paul Gallagher. Pleasant Vale, | | | W. O. | |Albert N B |R. Alder Colpitts. Prosser Brook, | | | W. O. | |Albert N B |David H. Beeman. St. James’ Park, | | | (sub) |Westminster|Middlesex, E. R. O |John Taylor. St. Mary’s, W. O. | |Kent N B |Olivier LeBlanc. Sheldrake | |Saguenay Q |John Collas. Upper Bedford |Stanbridge |Missisquoi Q |N. C. Martin. Upper Hampstead, | | | W. O. | |Queen’s N B |Reuben G. Cameron. Urquharts, W. O. | |King’s N B |Nathaniel Urquhart. Waterside, W. O. | |Albert N B |George Coonan. Whitney, W. O. | |Northumberland N B |James Russell. Willowgrove | | | (re-opened) |Oneida |Haldimand O |Hugh Stuart. | | | | SEPTEMBER. | | | | Allan Mills |Burgess, N |Lanark, S. R. O |William Allan. Avondale, W. O. | |Carleton N B |John E. McCready. Clinch’s Mills, | | | W. O. | |St. John N B |Chas. F. Clinch. French Lake, W. O. | |Sunbury N B |A. H. Smith. Reedsdale |Inverness |Megantic Q |James Reed. Richibucto Village,| | | W. O. | |Kent N B |Urbain Breau. Seely |Brunel |Muskoka O |Obadiah Seely. Spence |Spence |Muskoka O |F. W. Ashdown. Uphill |Dalton |Victoria, N. R. O |Joseph Calhoun. [12] This office was reported as having been established on the 1st June 1872, but did not go into operation until the 1st August, 1872. CHANGES IN POST OFFICES ALREADY ESTABLISHED. OFFICE CLOSED. La Tortue, Co. Laprairie, Q. NAME CHANGED. Mascouche, Co. l’Assomption, Q., to Mascouche Rapids. POST OFFICES IN CANADA, ON THE 1st JULY, 1872, ARRANGED ACCORDING TO PROVINCES AND ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. POST OFFICES IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, ARRANGED ACCORDING TO ELECTORAL DISTRICTS AND TOWNSHIPS. ADDINGTON. ABINGE. Vennachar. ANGLESEA. Cloyne. ASHBY. -- BARRIE. Hardinge, Harlowe. BEDFORD. Fermoy, Glendower. CAMDEN, EAST. Camden, East, Centreville, Colebrook, Croydon, Desmond, Enterprise, Moscow, Napanee Mills, _Newburgh_, Overton, Yarker. CANONTO, SOUTH. -- CLARENDON. Ardoch, Buckshot. DENBIGH. Denbigh. EFFINGHAM. -- HINCHINBROOKE. Deniston, Parham. KALADAR. Flinton, Glastonbury, Kaladar. KENNEBEC. Arden. LOUGHBORO’. Desert Lake, Lapum, Loughboro’, Railton, Spaffordton, Wilmur. MILLER. Gemley. OLDEN. Long Lake, Mountain Grove. OSO. Deerdock, Zealand. PALMERSTON. Ompah. PORTLAND. Bellrock, Harrowsmith, Hartington, Murvale, Petworth, Verona. SHEFFIELD. Clareview, Erinsville, Tamworth. ALGOMA. ASSIGINACK. Manitowaning. FISHER. Batchewana. HOWLAND. Little Current. KORAH. Sault Ste. Marie. NEEBING. Fort William. PARKE. Pointe aux Pins. _The following Post Offices are in the unsurveyed portion of Algoma_:-- Bruce Mines, Collin’s Inlet, Garden River, Killarney, Michipicoten River, Silver Islet, Spanish River, Thunder Bay. BOTHWELL. CAMDEN. Croton, Dawn Mills, _Dresden_, _Thamesville_. DAWN. Rutherford. EUPHEMIA. _Florence_, Shetland, Sutherland’s Corners. HOWARD. Botany, * _Morpeth_, _Ridgetown_, Selton. ORFORD. Clachan, Clearville, _Duart_, Highgate. SOMBRA. Baby’s Point, Becher, Port Lambton, _Sombra_, Wilkesport. ZONE. * _Bothwell_. BRANT, NORTH RIDING. BRANTFORD, EAST. Cainsville. DUMFRIES, SOUTH. Glen Morris, Harrisburg, * _Paris_, Paris Station, Rosebank, _St. George_. ONONDAGA. Onondaga, Tuscarora. BRANT, SOUTH RIDING. BRANTFORD, WEST. * _Brantford_, Burtch, Falkland, Langford, _Mohawk_, _Mount Vernon_, Newport. BURFORD. _Burford_, Cathcart, Fairfield Plain, Harley, New Durham. OAKLAND. Oakland, Scotland. TUSCARORA. -- BROCKVILLE, TOWN. ELIZABETHTOWN. Addison, * _Brockville_, Fairfield, East, Greenbush. * _Lyn_, New Dublin, Whitehurst. BRUCE, NORTH RIDING. ALBERMARLE. _Colpoy’s Bay_, Mar. AMABEL. _Allenford_, Park Head, Skipness, Wiarton. ARRAN. _Arkwright_, Burgoyne, Elsinore, _Invermay_, _Tara_. BRUCE. Glammis, Gresham, _Inverhuron_, North Bruce, _Tiverton_, Underwood. BURY. -- EASTNOR. -- ELDERSLIE. Carnegie, Chesley, Dobbington, * _Paisley_, Williscroft. LINDSAY. -- SAUGEEN. Dumblane, _Normanton_, * _Saugeen_, West Arran. BRUCE, SOUTH RIDING. BRANT. Dunkeld, Ellengowan, Elmwood, Malcolm, Maple Hill, Outram, Scone, Vesta, * _Walkerton_. CARRICK. Ambleside, Carlsruhe, Formosa, Glenlyon, _Mildmay_, Otter Creek. CULROSS. Cheviot, _Teeswater_. GREENOCK. Chepstow, Greenock, Lovat, Pinkerton, _Riversdale_. HURON. Lisburn, Lurgan, Pine River, Ripley, Verdun. KINCARDINE. Armow, Bervie, * _Kincardine_, Lorne. KINLOSS. Holyrood, Kinloss, Kinlough, Langside, * _Lucknow_. CARDWELL. ADJALA. Arlington, _Athlone_, Ballycroy, Connor, Fintona, Hockley, Keenansville, Loretto, Sheldon. ALBION. * _Albion_, Coventry, Hunsdon, Lockton, Macville, _Mono Mills_, Mount Hurst, Mount Wolfe, Palgrave, Tormore. CALEDON. Alton, Belfountain, Caldwell, _Caledon_, Caledon, East, Cataract, Rockside, Sleswick, Sligo. MONO. Camilla, Elba, Elder, Lorraine, Mono Centre, Primrose, Relessey. CARLETON. FITZROY. Antrim, Diamond, Fitzroy Harbor, Hubbell’s Falls, Kinburn, Marathon, Panmure. GOULBOURN. Ashton, Hazledean, Munster, Richmond, West, Stittsville. GOWER, NORTH. Carsonby, Kars, Manotic, _North Gower_. HUNTLEY. Carp, Elm, Huntley, Powell, West Huntley. MARCH. March, South March. MARLBOROUGH. Malakoff. NEPEAN. _Bell’s Corners_, Fallowfield, Merivale. TORBOLTON. Dunrobin, Kilmaurs. CORNWALL, TOWN. CORNWALL. * _Cornwall_, Harrison’s Corners, * _Mille Roches_, Northfield, St. Andrew’s, West. DUNDAS. MATILDA. Dixon’s Corners, Dundela, * _Iroquois_, New Ross. MOUNTAIN. Inkerman, North Mountain, South Mountain. WILLIAMSBURG. _Dunbar_, East Williamsburg, Grantley, Hoasic, * _Morrisburg_, North Williamsburg. WINCHESTER. Morewood, North Winchester, Ormond, * _West Winchester_, Winchester, Winchester Springs. DURHAM, EAST RIDING. CAVAN. _Bailleboro’_, Cavan, Ida, * _Mill Brook_, Mount Pleasant. HOPE. Canton, Elizabethville, Garden Hill, Perrytown, * _Port Hope_, Welcome. MANVERS. Ballyduff, _Bethany_, Brunswick, Burton, Drum, Fleetwood, Franklin, Janetville, Lifford, Yelverton. DURHAM, WEST RIDING. CARTWRIGHT. Cadmus, Cæsarea, Cartwright. CLARKE. _Clarke_, Kendal, Kirby, Leskard, * _Newcastle_, * _Orono_, Port Granby. DARLINGTON. * _Bowmanville_, Enfield, Enniskillen, _Hampton_, Haydon, Solina, Tyrone. ELGIN, EAST RIDING. BAYHAM. Bayham, Calton, Corinth, Eden, * _Port Burwell_, _Straffordville_, * _Vienna_. DORCHESTER, SOUTH. Lyons, Springfield. MALAHIDE. _Aylmer, West_, Copenhagen, Grovesend, Luton, Mount Salem, Port Bruce. YARMOUTH. Dexter, Mapleton, New Sarum, _Orwell_, * _Port Stanley_, * _St. Thomas, West_, Killerby, * _Sparta_, _Union_, Yarmouth Centre. ELGIN, WEST RIDING. ALDBORO’. _Aldboro’_, Crinan, Eagle, Rodney. DUNWICH. _Iona_, Tyrconnell, _Wallacetown_. SOUTHWOLD. Cowal, * _Fingal_, Frome, Talbotville, Royal, West Magdala. ESSEX. ANDERDON. -- COLCHESTER. Colchester, Harrow, _Oxley_, Vereker. GOSFIELD. * _Kingsville_, North Ridge, Olinda, _Ruthven_. MAIDSTONE. _Woodslee._ MALDEN. * _Amherstburg._ MERSEA. Blytheswood, _Leamington_, Wheatly. ROCHESTER. Rochester. SANDWICH, EAST. Maidstone, Ryegate, Walkerville, * _Windsor_. SANDWICH, WEST. Canard River, * _Sandwich_. TILBURY, WEST. _Comber_, Stoney Point, Trudell. FRONTENAC. GARDEN ISLAND. _Garden Island._ HOWE ISLAND. Howe Island. KINGSTON. Cataraqui, Collin’s Bay, Elginburg, Glenburnie, Glenvale, Kingston Mills, Portsmouth, Sharpton, West Brook. PITTSBURG. Birmingham, Brewer’s Mills, Pittsferry, Willetsholme. STORRINGTON. Battersea, Inverary, Lake Opinicon, Sunbury. WOLFE ISLAND. Wolfe Island. GLENGARRY. CHARLOTTENBURG. _Martintown_, St. Raphaël, West, Sierra, Summerstown, Williamstown. KENYON. Athol, Dunvegan, Laggan, Loch Garry, Notfield, Skye. LANCASTER. Dalhousie Mills, Glennevis, Lancaster, North Lancaster, Rivière Raisin. LOCHIEL. * _Alexandria_, Dalkeith, Kirkhill, Lochiel, Lochinvar, Sandfield, South La Graisse. ST. REGIS. -- GRENVILLE, SOUTH RIDING. AUGUSTA. Algonquin, Centre Augusta, Charleville, Maitland, Maynard, North Augusta, * _Prescott_, Roebuck. EDWARDSBURG. Edwardsburg, Pittston, Shanly, _Spencerville_, Ventnor. GREY, EAST RIDING. ARTEMESIA. Eugenia, _Flesherton_, Inistioge, _Priceville_, Vandeleur. COLLINGWOOD. * _Clarksburg_, Craigleith, Ravenna, Thornbury. EUPHRASIA. Blantyre Duncan, Epping, Heathcote, Kimberley. MELANCTHON. Dundalk, Horning’s Mills, Melancthon, Shelburne, Shrigley. OSPREY. Feversham, McIntyre, _Maxwell_, Rob Roy, Wareham. PROTON. Cedarville, Ronaldsay, Ventry. ST. VINCENT. Cape Rich, Griersville, * _Meaford_, Morley, Strathnairn. GREY, NORTH RIDING. DERBY. Alvanley, Ashley, Jackson, Keady, Kilsyth. HOLLAND. Arnott, Berkeley, _Chatsworth_, Massie, Sullivan, Walter’s Falls. KEPPEL. Clavering, Cruickshank, Hepworth, Kemble, North Keppel, Oxenden. SARAWAK. Sarawak. SULLIVAN. Desboro’, Marmion, Peabody. SYDENHAM. Daywood, Hoath Head, Johnson, Leith, * _Owen Sound_, Speedie, Woodford. GREY, SOUTH RIDING. BENTINCK. Allan Park, Coverley, Crawford, _Hanover_. EGREMONT. Dromore, Egremont, Holstein, Orchard, Yeovil. GLENELG. * _Durham_, Glascott, Latona, _Markdale_, Pomona, Traverston. NORMANBY. Ayton, Nenagh, _Neustadt_, Varney. HALDIMAND. CAYUGA, NORTH. _Canfield_, * _Cayuga_. CAYUGA, SOUTH. Bingham Road, De Cewsville, South Cayuga. ONEIDA. Dufferin, Mount Healy, Oneida, Willowgrove. RAINHAM. Balmoral, Fisherville, Rainham, Rainham, Centre. SENECA. Indiana, North Seneca, * _Seneca_, Tyneside, * _York_. WALPOLE. Cheapside, Erie, _Hagersville_, Hullsville, _Jarvis_, Nanticoke, _Selkirk_, Springvale. HALTON. ESQUESING. _Acton_, Ashgrove, Esquesing, * _Georgetown_, Glen Williams, Hornby, Limehouse, _Norval_, Scotch Block. NASSAGIWEYA. Campbellville, Knatchbull, Moffatt, _Nassagiweya_. NELSON. Appleby, Cumminsville, Kilbride, Lowville, Nelson, Port Nelson, * _Wellington Square_, Zimmerman. TRAFALGAR. Boyne, Bronte, Drumquin, * _Milton, West_, * _Oakville_, Omagh, _Palermo_, Sheridan, Trafalgar. HAMILTON, CITY. * _Hamilton_ HASTINGS, EAST RIDING. HUNGERFORD. Bogart, Lime Lake, Marlbank, Moneymore, Stoco, Thornbury, Tweed. THURLOW. Cannifton, Foxboro’, Halloway, Plainfield. Roslin, Thurlow. TYENDINAGA. Blessington, Kingsford, Lonsdale, Marysville, Melrose, Mill Point, Myrehall, Read, _Shannonville_. HASTINGS, NORTH RIDING. AIREY. -- BANGOR. Purdy. CARLOW. Boulter. CASHEL. -- DUNGANNON. L’Amable, Umfraville. ELZEVIR. * _Bridgewater_, Queensborough. FARADAY. York River. GRIMSTHORPE. -- HERSCHEL. -- HUNTINGDON. Ivanhoe, Moira, West Huntingdon. LAKE. -- LIMERICK. St. Ola. LYELL. -- M’CLURE. -- MADOC. Bannockburn, Cooper, Eldorado, * _Madoc_, Rimington. MARMORA. Malone, _Marmora_, Shanick. MAYO. -- MONTEAGLE. Maynooth. MURCHISON. -- RAWDON. Brinkworth, Harold, * _Stirling_, Wellman’s Corners. SABINE. -- TUDOR. Glanmire, Millbridge. WICKLOW. -- WOLLASTON. Thanet. HASTINGS, WEST RIDING. SIDNEY. * _Belleville_, Frankford, * _Trenton_, Wallbridge. HURON, CENTRE RIDING. COLBORNE. Benmiller, Carlow, * _Goderich_, Nile. GREY. * _Dingle_, Ethel, Grey, Stowe. HULLETT. Bandon, Constance, Harlock, Londesborough. MCKILLOP. Walton, Winthrop. TUCKERSMITH. Brucefield, _Egmondville_, _Kippen_, * _Seaforth_. HURON, NORTH RIDING. ASHFIELD. Amberley, Belfast, Kingsbridge, Kintail, Port Albert. HOWICK. Gorrie, Lakelet, Lisadel, Newbridge, * _Wroxeter_. MORRIS. Belgrave, _Bluevale_, _Blyth_, Bushfield, Morrisbank. TURNBERRY. Belmore, _Wingham_, Zetland. WAWANOSH, EAST AND WEST. Auburn, _Dungannon_, Fordyce, Marnoch, St. Helen’s, Ulster, Westfield. HURON, SOUTH RIDING. GODERICH. * _Clinton_, Holmesville, Porter’s Hill. HAY. Berne, Dashwood, Hay, Hill’s Green, Johnson’s Mills, Sarepta, _Zurich_. STANLEY. * _Bayfield_, Varna. STEPHEN. Brewster, Crediton, Devon, * _Exeter_, Harpley, Offa. USBORNE. Elimville, Farquhar, Kirkton, Lumley, _Rodgerville_, Winchelsea. KENT. CHATHAM. Darrell, Keith, Kent Bridge, Louisville, Oungah, * _Wallaceburg_, Walpole Island. DOVER, EAST AND WEST. Dover, South. HARWICH. Bentley, Buckhorn, Charing Cross, Fairfield, Harwich, _Rondeau_, Rondeau Harbor. RALEIGH. Buxton, * _Chatham_, Dealtown, Merlin. ROMNEY. Old Montrose, Romney. TILBURY, EAST. Edgeworth, _Tilbury, East_, Valetta. KINGSTON, CITY. * _Kingston_. LAMBTON. BOSANQUET. Grand Bend, Jura, Ravenswood, Widder, _Widder Station_. BROOKE. Alvinston, Aughrim. ENNISKILLEN. Copleston, * _Oil Springs_, Ossian, * _Petrolea_. MOORE. Birkhall, Colinville, _Corunna_, Logierait, _Moore_, Waubuno. PLYMPTON. Aberarder, Camlachie, Erroll, _Forest_, Hillsborough, Kertch, Mandamin, Matlock, Uttexeter, Vyner, Wanstead, * _Wyoming_. SARNIA. Oban, Perch Station, Point Edward, * _Sarnia_. WARWICK. * _Arkona_, _Warwick_, _Watford_, Wisbeach. LANARK, NORTH RIDING. DALHOUSIE. McDonald’s Corners, Poland, Watson’s Corners. DARLING. Tatlock. LANARK. Hopetown, * _Lanark_, Middleville, Rosetta. LAVANT. Lavant. PAKENHAM. Cedar Hill, * _Pakenham_. RAMSAY. * _Almonte_, _Appleton_, Bennie’s Corners, Clayton, Huntersville. SHERBROOKE, NORTH. Elphin. LANARK, SOUTH RIDING. BATHURST. Doran, Elliott, Fallbrook, Glen Tay, Harper, Playfair. BECKWITH. * _Carleton Place_, Franktown, Prospect. BURGESS NORTH. Allan Mills, Hamlet. DRUMMOND. Balderson, Ferguson’s Falls, Innisville, * _Perth_, Tennyson. ELMSLEY, NORTH. Port Elmsley, * _Smith’s Falls_. MONTAGUE. _Montague._ SHERBROOKE, SOUTH. Bolingbroke, Maberley, Rokeby. LEEDS AND GRENVILLE, NORTH RIDING. ELMSLEY, SOUTH. South Elmsley. GOWER, SOUTH. Heckston, South Gower. KITLEY. Frankville, Newbliss, Toledo. OXFORD. Bishop’s Mills, Burritt’s Rapids, * _Kemptville_, Oxford Mills, Oxford Station. WOLFORD. Easton’s Corners, Jasper, Kilmarnock, * _Merrickville_. LEEDS, SOUTH RIDING. BASTARD. Chantry, _Delta_, Forfar, Harlem, Newboyne, Philipsville, Plum Hollow, Portland. BURGESS. Cramworth. CROSBY, NORTH. * _Newborough_, Westport. CROSBY, SOUTH. Elgin, _Morton_. ESCOTT, FRONT AND REAR. Charleston, Escott, Rockport. LANSDOWN, FRONT AND REAR. Lansdown, Lyndhurst, Soperton, Warburton. LEEDS, FRONT AND REAR. * _Gananoque_, Marble Rock, Seeley’s Bay, South Lake. YONGE, FRONT AND REAR. Caintown, Dickins, _Farmersville_, Mallorytown. LENNOX. ADOLPHUSTOWN. Adolphustown, Gosport. AMHERST ISLAND. Emerald, Stella. ERNESTOWN. _Bath_, Mill Haven, Morven, * _Odessa_, Switzerville, Violet, Wilton. FREDERICKSBURG, NORTH AND SOUTH. Conway, Gretna, Hamburg, Parma, Sandhurst, Sillsville. RICHMOND. Forest Mills, Leinster, * _Napanee_, Roblin, Selby. LINCOLN. CLINTON. * _Beamsville_, Tintern, Campden. GRANTHAM. Homer, Merritton, * _Port Dalhousie_, * _St. Catharine’s, West_. GRIMSBY. Fulton, * _Grimsby_, * _Smithville_. LOUTH. * _Jordan_. LONDON, CITY. * _London_. MIDDLESEX, EAST RIDING. DORCHESTER, NORTH. Avon, Crumlin, Dorchester Station, Gladstone, Harrietsville, Mossley, Nilestown, Putnam. LONDON. _Arva_, Ballymote, Birr, Bryanston, Denfield, Devizes, Elginfield, Hyde Park Corner, Ilderton, Telfer, Union Hill, Vanneck. NISSOURI, WEST. Evelyn, St. Ives, Thorndale. WESTMINSTER. Belmont, Byron, Derwent, Glanworth, Lambeth, St. James’ Park, (sub) Tempo. MIDDLESEX, NORTH RIDING. ADELAIDE. _Adelaide_, Kerrwood, Keyser, Napperton. BIDDULPH. Granton, * _Lucan_, Whalen. LOBO. Amiens, Coldstream, Duncrief, Fernhill, _Komoka_, Lobo. MCGILLIVRAY. Adare, Brinsley, Lieury, _McGillivray_, Moray, West McGillivray. WILLIAMS, EAST. _Ailsa Craig_, Falkirk, _Nairn_, Springbank. WILLIAMS, WEST. _Park Hill_, Sable, _Sylvan_. MIDDLESEX, WEST RIDING. CARADOC. Longwood Station, * _Mount Brydges_, Muncey, * _Strathroy_. DELAWARE. Calder, _Delaware_. EKFRID. Appin, _Glencoe_, _Longwood_, Mayfair. METCALFE. Cairngorm, Kilmartin, _Napier_. MOSA. Cashmere, Knapdale, * _Newbury_, Strathburn, * _Wardsville_. MONCK. CAISTOR. Abingdon, Attercliffe, _Caistorville_, Warner. CANBORO. Canboro. DUNN. Byng. GAINSBORO’. Bismark, Candasville, Rosedene, St. Ann’s, _Welland Port_. MOULTON. * _Dunnville_, Lowbanks. PELHAM. Effingham, Fenwick, _Fonthill_, North Pelham, Ridgeville. SHERBROOKE. Port Maitland, Stromness. WAINFLEET. Marshville, Winger. MUSKOKA. AUMICK LAKE TERRITORY. -- BLAIR. -- BROWN. -- BRUNEL. Seely. CARDWELL. -- CARLING. -- CHAFFEY. Huntsville, Ravenscliffe. CHAPMAN. Magnetawan. CHRISTIE. -- CONGER. -- COWPER. -- CROFT. -- DRAPER. Muskoka Falls, Uffington. FERGUSON. Waubamik. FERRIE. -- FOLEY. -- HAGERMAN. -- HUMPHREY. Ashdown, Rosseau, Trout Lake, Turtle Lake. LOUNT. -- MCDOUGALL. _Parry Sound._ MCKELLAR. McKellar. MCKENZIE. -- MCLEAN. -- MCMURRICH. -- MACAULEY. * _Bracebridge_, Falkenburg. MAGNETAWAN. -- MATCHITT. -- MEDORA. Bala, _Port Carling_. MONCK. Bardsville, Point Kaye, Ziska. MONTEITH. Segeun Falls. MORRISON. _Severn Bridge._ MOWAT. -- MUSKOKA. Alport, Gravenhurst. OAKLEY. -- PARRY ISLAND. -- PARRY SOUND. -- RYDE. -- RYERSON. -- SPENCE. Spence. STEPHENSON. Allensville, Mary Lake, Utterson. STISTED. -- WALLBRIDGE. Byng Inlet. WATT. Beatrice, Raymond, Ufford, Ullswater, Windermere. WILSON. -- WOOD. -- NIAGARA, TOWN. NIAGARA. * _Niagara_, Queenstown, St. David’s, Virgil. NIPISSING DISTRICT. Deux Rivières, Mattawa, Nipissingan. NORFOLK, NORTH RIDING. MIDDLETON. Acacia, Courtland, _Delhi_, Gravelotte, Guysborough, Ronson, South Middleton. TOWNSEND. Bealton, Bloomsburg, Boston, Hartford, Renton, Rockford, Round Plains, Townsend Centre, Tyrrell, Villa Nova, * _Waterford_. WINDHAM. Atherton, Bookton, Brandy Creek, Kelvin, Lynnville, Ranelagh, * _Simcoe_, Teeterville Windham, Centre. NORFOLK, SOUTH RIDING. CHARLOTTEVILLE. Forestville, _Lynedoch_, Normandale, Silver Hill, _Vittoria_, Walsh. HOUGHTON. Clear Creek, Glen Meyer, Houghton, Kinglake. WALSINGHAM. Langton, Marston, Pleasant Hill, * _Port Rowan_, Port Royal, _St. Williams_, Spring Arbour, Stisted. WOODHOUSE. _Port Dover_, _Port Ryerse_. NORTHUMBERLAND, EAST RIDING. BRIGHTON. * _Brighton_, Codrington, Hilton, Ongley, Smithfield. CRAMAHE. _Castleton_, * _Colborne_, Dundonald, Morganston. MURRAY. Murray, Rosa, Stockdale, Wooler. PERCY. Dartford, Norham, _Warkworth_. SEYMOUR. Burnbrae, * _Campbellford_, Menie, Meyersburg, Rylstone. NORTHUMBERLAND, WEST RIDING. ALNWICK. Alderville, Roseneath. HALDIMAND. Bomanton, Burnley, Centreton, Eddystone, Fenella, Grafton, Vernonville, Wicklow. HAMILTON. Baltimore, Bewdley, * _Cobourg_, Coldsprings, Gore’s Landing, Harwood. ONTARIO, NORTH RIDING. BROCK. * _Cannington_, Derryville, Pinedale, Sunderland, Valentyne, _Vroomanton_, Wick, Wilfrid. MARA. Atherly, Brechin, Rathburn, Uptergrove. RAMA. Rama. REACH. Epsom, Greenbank, * _Manchester_, Marsh Hill, _Port Perry_, * _Prince Albert_, Saintfield, Sonya, Utica, Victoria Corners. SCOTT. Ashworth, Athens, Leaskdale, Sandford, Udora, Zephyr. SCUGOG. Scugog. THORAH. * _Beaverton_, Gamebridge. UXBRIDGE. Glasgow, Goodwood, Siloam, * _Uxbridge_. ONTARIO, SOUTH RIDING. PICKERING. Altona, Atha, Audley, Balsam, Bangor, _Brougham_, Cherrywood, _Claremont_, _Dunbarton_, Green River, _Greenwood_, Kinsale, _Pickering_, Port Union, Rouge Hill, _Whitevale_. WHITBY, EAST AND WEST. Ashburn, * _Brooklin_, _Columbus_, Foley, Myrtle, * _Oshawa_, Raglan, Taunton, * _Whitby_. OTTAWA CITY. * _Ottawa_. OXFORD NORTH RIDING. BLANDFORD. _Ratho_, * _Woodstock_. BLENHEIM. * _Bright_, Canning, Chesterfield, _Drumbo_, Goble’s Corners, Plattsville, _Princeton_, Richwood, Washington, Wolverton. NISSOURI, EAST. Kintore, Lakeside, Medina, Nissouri, _Thamesford_. ZORRA, EAST. Braemar, Innerkip, South Zorra, Strathallen, Walmer. ZORRA, WEST. Brooksdale, _Embro_, Harrington, West. OXFORD, SOUTH RIDING. DEREHAM. Brownsville, Culloden, _Mount Elgin_, Salford, * _Tilsonburg_, Verschoyle. NORWICH, NORTH. Burgessville, Holbrook, Newark, * _Norwich_. NORWICH, SOUTH. Hawtrey, _Otterville_, _Springford_. OXFORD, EAST. Eastwood, Oxford Centre, Vandecar. OXFORD, NORTH. * _Ingersoll_. OXFORD WEST. _Beachville_, Sweaburg. PEEL. CHINGUACOUSY. * Alloa, _Brampton_, Campbell’s Cross, Cheltenham, Claude, Edmonton, Kilmanagh, Lisgar, Mayfield, Mono Road Station, Salmonville, Sandhill, Stanley’s Mills. TORONTO. Britannia, Burnhamthorpe, Churchville, _Cooksville_, _Credit_, Derry, West, Dixie, Frogmore, Malton, _Meadowvale_, Mount Charles, Port Credit, Richview, * _Streetsville_, Summerville. TORONTO GORE. Castlemore, Coleraine, Grahamsville, _Tullamore_, Woodhill. PERTH, NORTH RIDING. EASTHOPE, NORTH. Hampstead, Lisbon, Nithburg, * _Stratford_, Topping. ELLICE. Brunner, Gad’s Hill, Kinkora, Sebringville, Wartburg. ELMA. Donegal, Hammond, Monkton, Newry, Trowbridge. LOGAN. Bornholm, Brodhagen. MORNINGTON. Burns, Carthage, Edgecombe, _Millbank_, _Milverton_, Morningdale Mills, Musselburg, Poole. WALLACE. Dryden. Gowanstown, * _Listowel_, Molesworth, Shipley, Trecastle, Wallace. PERTH, SOUTH RIDING. BLANSHARD. Anderson, * _St. Mary’s_, _Woodham_. DOWNIE. Avonbank, Avonton, Conroy, Fairview. EASTHOPE, SOUTH. Harmony, _Shakespeare_, _Tavistock_. FULLARTON. Carlingford, Fullarton, _Mitchell_, Motherwell. HIBBERT. _Carronbrook_, Cromarty, Staffa. PETERBORO’, EAST RIDING. ANSTRUTHER. Apsley. ASPHODEL. * _Hastings_, * _Norwood_, Westwood. BELMONT. * _Blairton_, Havelock. BRUTON. -- BURLEIGH. Burleigh, Haultain. CARDIFF. Paudash. CAVENDISH. -- CHANDOS. Chandos. CLYDE. -- DOURO. _North Douro_, South Douro. DUDLEY. -- DUMMER. South Dummer, _Warsaw_. DYSART. _Haliburton._ EYRE. -- GALWAY. Mount Irwin. GLAMORGAN. -- GUILFORD. -- HARBURN. -- HARCOURT. -- HARVEY. Hall’s Bridge, Lakehurst. HAVELOCK. -- LAWRENCE. -- LIVINGSTON. -- MC. CLINTOCH -- METHUEN. -- MINDEN. Ingoldsby, Peterson. MONMOUTH. -- NIGHTINGALE. -- OTONABEE. Ashburnham, Graystock, Hiawatha, * _Keene_, Lang, Villiers. PAPINEAU. -- SHERBURNE. -- SNOWDON. _Minden._ STANHOPE. Carnarvon. PETERBORO’, WEST RIDING. ENNISMORE. Ennismore. MONAGHAN, NORTH. * _Peterborough_, Springville. MONAGHAN, SOUTH. Bensfort, South Monaghan. SMITH. Bridgenorth, Selwyn, Young’s Point. PRESCOTT. ALFRED. Alfred. CALEDONIA. Caledonia Springs, Fenaghvale. HAWKESBURY, EAST. Chute au Blondeau, East Hawkesbury, Little Rideau, St. Eugène, * _Vankleek Hill_. HAWKESBURY, WEST. * _Hawkesbury_. LONGUEUIL. Henry, * _L’Orignal_. PLANTAGENET, NORTH. Curran, _Plantagenet_, Treadwell, Wendover. PLANTAGENET, SOUTH. Fournier, Kerry, Pendleton, Riceville. PRINCE EDWARD. AMELIASBURG. Albury, Ameliasburg, _Consecon_, Mountain View, Rednersville. ATHOL. Cherry Valley, Point Petre. HALLOWELL. Allisonville, Bloomfield, * _Picton_, West Lake. HILLIER. Hillier, Melville, Rosehall, Wellington. MARYSBURG. Bongard’s Corners, Cressy, _Milford_, Point Traverse, South Bay, Waupoos. SOPHIASBURG. Crofton, Demorestville, Gilbert’s Mills, _Northport_. RENFREW, NORTH RIDING. ALGONA, NORTH & SOUTH. Castile. ALICE. Locksley. BROMLEY. _Douglas_, _Osceola_. BUCHANAN. -- CLARA. -- FRASER. -- HEAD. Rockliffe, (sub). MCKAY. -- MARIA. -- PEMBROKE. * _Pembroke_. PETAWAWA. Petawawa. ROLPH. Point Alexander. ROSS. Cobden, Forester’s Falls, Ross. STAFFORD. Stafford. WESTMEATH. _Beachburg_, Gower Point, Perretton, Westmeath. WILBERFORCE. Lake Doré, Rankin. WYLIE. -- RENFREW, SOUTH RIDING. ADMASTON. Admaston, Shamrock. BAGOT. Bagot, Calabogie. BLITHFIELD. High Falls. BROUGHAM. Dacre, Mount St. Patrick. BRUDENELL. Brudenell, * _Rockingham_. BURNS. -- GRATTAN _Eganville._ GRIFFITH. Griffith. HAGARTY. -- HORTON. Castleford, Harcourt, * _Renfrew_. JONES. Bark Lake. LYNEDOCH. -- M’NAB. * _Arnprior_, Burnstown, Sand Point, Stewartville, White Lake. MATAWATCHAN. Matawatchan. RADCLIFFE. Combermere, Hopefield. RAGLAN. Palmer Rapids. RICHARDS. -- SEBASTOPOL. Clontarf, Madrid, Vanbrugh. SHERWOOD. -- RUSSELL. CAMBRIDGE. Casselman, Grant. CLARENCE. _Clarence_, Clarence Creek, Rockland. CUMBERLAND. Bear Brook, _Cumberland_, Navan, Veighton. GLOUCESTER. Billings’ Bridge, Eastman’s Springs, Long Island Locks, * _New Edinburgh_, Orleans, Rock Village, Taylorholme. OSGOODE. Kenmore, _Osgoode_, South Gloucester, Vernon, West Osgoode. RUSSELL. Embrun, Russell. SIMCOE, NORTH RIDING. BALAKLAVA. -- FLOS. Apto, Elmvale, Fergusonvale, Phelpston, Vanvlack, Vigo. MATCHEDASH. -- MEDONTE. * _Coldwater_, Coulson, _Craighurst_, Creighton, Hillsdale, Medonte, Mount St. Louis, Warminster. NOTTAWASAGA. Avening, * _Collingwood_, * _Creemore_, Dunedin, _Duntroon_, Glen Huron, Maple Valley, Nottawa, _Singhampton_, * _Stayner_. ORILLIA. Ardtrea, Marchmont, _Orillia_, Washago. ORO. East Oro, Edgar, Hawkstone, Jarratt’s Corners, Nevis, Rugby, Shanty Bay, Steele. ROBINSON. -- SUNNIDALE. Brentwood, New Lowell, Sunnidale. TAY. Port Severn, (sub) Vasey, Victoria Harbor, Wabashene, Waverley. TINY. Lafontaine, * _Penetanguishene_, Wyebridge. VESPRA. * _Barrie_, Dalston, Midhurst, Minesing. SIMCOE, SOUTH RIDING. ESSA. * _Angus_, Egbert, Elm Grove, Ivy, Nicolston, Utopia, West Essa. GWILLIMBURY, WEST. * _Bondhead_, * _Bradford_, Deerhurst, Gilford. INNISFIL. _Allendale_, _Bell Ewart_, Bramley, Cherry Creek, Churchill, Craigvale, Fennells, Innisfil, _Lefroy_, Lennox, Painswick, Thornton, Vine. MULMUR. Banda, Black Bank, Honeywood, Lavender, Mansfield, Mulmur, Perm, * _Rosemont_, Stanton, Whitfield. TECUMSETH. Alliston, _Clover Hill_, * _Cookstown_, Newton Robinson, Penville, Tecumseth, Thompsonville, _Tottenham_, Tuam. TOSORONTIO. Airlie, Everett, Glencairn. STORMONT. FINCH. Berwick, Crysler, South Finch. OSNABRUCK. _Aultsville_, _Dickinson’s Landing_, Farran’s Point, Lunenburg, Newington, Osnabruck Centre, _Wales_, Woodlands. ROXBOROUGH. Avonmore, Gravel Hill, Monckland, Moose Creek. TORONTO CITY, CENTRE, EAST AND WEST. * _Toronto._ VICTORIA, NORTH RIDING. ANSON. -- BEXLEY. Aros. CARDEN. Carden, Dalrymple. DALTON. Dartmoor, Uphill. DIGBY. -- ELDON. Argyle, Bolsover, Hartley, _Kirkfield_, * _Woodville_. FENELON. _Cambray_, Cameron, _Fenelon Falls_, Glenarm, Islay, Rosedale. FRANKLIN. -- HINDON. -- LAXTON. Head Lake, Norland, Oak Hill. LONGFORD. -- LUTTERWORTH. -- RIDOUT. -- SOMERVILLE. Bury’s Green, Coboconk, Galway, Kinmount. VICTORIA, SOUTH RIDING. EMILY. Downeyville, Frank Hill, * _Omemee_. MARIPOSA. Little Britain, _Manilla_, Oakwood, Port Hoover, Valentia. OPS. * _Lindsay_, Mount Horeb, Reaboro. VERULAM. _Bobcaygeon_, Dunsford. WATERLOO, NORTH RIDING. WATERLOO, NORTH. * _Berlin_, Bloomingdale, Breslau, Bridgeport, Erbsville, Freiburg, Kossuth, * _Waterloo_. WELLESLEY. Bamberg, Crosshill, Dorking, _Hawkesville_, Linwood, St. Clements, Wallenstein, * _Wellesley_. WOOLWICH. _Conestogo_, Elmira, Flora, Heidelberg, _St. Jacob’s_, West Montrose, _Winterbourne_. WATERLOO, SOUTH RIDING. DUMFRIES, NORTH. * _Ayr_, Branchton, * _Galt_, Roseville. WATERLOO, SOUTH. Blair, Doon, Freeport, * _Hespeler_, New Aberdeen, * _Preston_. WILMOT. _Baden_, Haysville, Mannheim, _New Dundee_, * _New Hamburg_, Petersburg, Philipsburg, West, St. Agatha. WELLAND. BERTIE. _Fort Erie_, Mulgrave, Point Abino, Stevensville. CROWLAND. Crowland, _Welland_. HUMBERSTONE. Humberstone, Netherby, * _Port Colborne_, Sherkston. STAMFORD. * _Chippawa_, * _Clifton_, Clifton House (sub.), _Drummondville, West_, Montrose, Stamford. THOROLD. Allanburg, * _Port Robinson_, St. John’s, West, * _Thorold_. WILLOUGHBY. Black Creek. WELLINGTON, CENTRE RIDING. GARAFRAXA, EAST AND WEST. Craigsholme, * _Garafraxa_, Hereward, Metz, * _Orangeville_, Reading, Vanatter. NICHOL. Barnett, Cumnock, * _Fergus_, Salem. PEEL. Alma, Bosworth, Creek Bank, _Drayton_, _Glenallan_, Goldstone, Macton, Parker, Stirton, Winfield. PILKINGTON. * _Elora_, Pentland, Ponsonby. WELLINGTON, NORTH RIDING. AMARANTH. Bowling Green, Coleridge, Farmington, Laurel, Waldemar, Whittington. ARTHUR. * _Arthur_, Kenilworth, * _Mount Forest_, Petherton, Riverstown. LUTHER. Colbeck, Egerton, Luther, Monck, Peepabun, Tarbert. MARYBORO’. _Hollen_, Huston, Rothesay, Wyandott. MINTO. _Clifford_, Cotswold, Drew, _Harriston_, Smithurst, Teviotdale. WELLINGTON, SOUTH RIDING. ERAMOSA. Eden Mills, Eramosa, Everton, Oustic, _Rockwood_, Speedside. ERIN. Ballinafad, Brisbane, Coningsby, * _Erin_, _Hillsburgh_, Mimosa, Ospringe. GUELPH. Gourock, * _Guelph_, Marden. PUSLINCH. Aberfoyle, Arkell, Crieff, Killean, _Morriston_, _Puslinch_. WENTWORTH, NORTH RIDING. BEVERLEY. Clyde, Copetown, Kirkwall, _Lynden_, Rockton, Sheffield, Troy, Westover. FLAMBORO’, EAST. Aldershot, Carlisle, Mountsberg, * _Waterdown_. FLAMBORO’, WEST. * _Dundas_, Freelton, Greensville, Hayesland, Mill Grove, _Strabane_, _West Flamboro’_. WENTWORTH, SOUTH RIDING. ANCASTER. Alberton, Ancaster, Carluke, Jerseyville, Renforth. BARTON. Bartonville, Hannon, Ryckman’s Corners. BINBROOK. Binbrook, Black Heath, Woodburn. GLANFORD. Glanford, North Glanford. SALTFLEET. Elfrida, Mount Albion, _Stony Creek_, Tapleytown, Tweedside, Winona. YORK, EAST RIDING. MARKHAM. Almira, Belford, Boxgrove, Buttonville, Cashel, Cedar Grove, Dollar, Gormley, Headford, Langstaff, (sub.), * _Markham_, Milliken, Milnesville, Mongolia, Unionville, Victoria Square. SCARBORO. Agincourt, Armadale, Danforth, Ellesmere, Highland Creek, Malvern, Mortlake, * _Scarboro_, Wexford, Woburn. YORK, EAST. Davisville, Don, Doncaster, Eglington, Lansing, _Leslie_, Norway, Strangford, York Mills, _Yorkville_. YORK, NORTH RIDING. GEORGINA. _Georgina_, Pefferlaw, Vachell. GWILLIMBURY, EAST. Hartman, _Holland Landing_, Holt, Mount Albert, Queensville, _Sharon_. GWILLIMBURY, NORTH. Belhaven, Keswick, Ravenshoe, Roache’s Point. KING. Eversly, Kettleby, _King_, King Creek, Laskay, Linton, _Lloydtown_, Nobleton, _Schomberg_, Temperanceville. WHITCHURCH. * _Aurora_, Ballantrae, Bloomington, Lemonville, * _New Market_, Oak Ridges, Pine Orchard, Ringwood, * _Stouffville_, Vivian, White Rose. YORK, WEST RIDING. ETOBICOKE. _Etobicoke_, Highfield, Humber, Islington, Mimico, Thistletown. VAUGHAN. Carrville, Concord, _Klinebury_, _Maple_, _Patterson_, Pinegrove, Purpleville, * _Richmondhill_, Teston, * _Thornhill_, Vellore, _Woodbridge_. YORK, WEST. Brockton, Davenport, _Downsview_, _Etobicoke_, L’Amaroux, Newton Brook, Seaton, * _Weston_, Willowdale. POST OFFICES IN THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC, ARRANGED ACCORDING TO ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. ARGENTEUIL. Arundel, Avoca, Britonville, Brownsburg, Cambria, _Carillon_, Chatboro, Cushing, Dalesville, Dunany, Edina, Geneva, Genoa, _Grenville_, Harrington, East, Lachute, Lakefield, Mille Isles, Muddy Branch, Pointe au Chêne, * _St. Andrew’s, East_, Shrewsbury, Stonefield. BAGOT. * _Actonvale_, Britannia Mills, St. Dominique, St. Ephrem d’Upton, Ste. Hélène de Bagot, _St. Hugues_, St. Liboire, St. Pie, Ste. Rosalie, St. Simon de Yamaska, St. Théodore. BEAUCE. Broughton, East Broughton, Grandes Coudées, Jersey, River Chaudière, Kennebec Line, La Beauce, Lambton, Marlow, River Gilbert, St. Elzéar, St. Ephrem de Tring, St. Evariste de Forsyth, St. François, St. Frédéric, St. George, St. Honoré, St. Joseph, St. Victor de Tring, Valletort, West Broughton. BEAUHARNOIS. * _Beauharnois_, Melocheville, St. Etienne de Beauharnois, St. Louis de Gonzague, St. Stanislas de Kostka, St. Timothée, * _Valleyfield_. BELLECHASSE. Armagh, Beaumont, Buckland, St. Charles, River Boyer, St. Gervais, St. Lazare, St. Magloire, St. Michel, St. Raphaël, East, St. Vallier. BERTHIER. * _Berthier (en haut)_, Isle Dupas, Lanoraie, Lavaltrie, St. Barthélemi, St. Cuthbert, St. Damien de Brandon, St. Gabriel de Brandon, St. Michel des Saints, St. Norbert. BONAVENTURE. Assametquagan, Avignon, Bonaventure (sub) Bonaventure River, Broadlands, Caplin, _Carleton_, Cross Point, Dee Side, Escuminac (sub) Fleurant, Maria, _Metapédia_, New Carlisle, New Richmond, Nouvelle, _Paspébiac_, Port Daniel, Runnymede, Shigawake, Shoolbred. BROME. Abercorn, Adamsville, Bolton, Centre, Bolton Forest, _Brigham_, Brome, Bromemere, East Bolton, East Farnham, Farnham, Centre, Fulford, Glen Sutton, Herbert, Iron Hill, * _Knowlton_, Knowlton Landing, _Mansonville-Potton_, North Sutton, St. Etienne de Bolton, South Bolton, _Sutton_, West Bolton, West Brome, West Potton. CHAMBLY. Boucherville, Chambly Basin, * _Chambly Canton_, _Longueuil_, St. Bazil le Grand, St. Bruno, St. Hubert, St. Lambert, Montreal. CHAMPLAIN. Batiscan, Batiscan Bridge, Cap. Magdeleine, Champlain, Ste. Anne de la Pèrade, Ste. Flore, St. Maurice, St. Narcisse, St. Prosper, St. Stanislas, St. Tite, Valmont, Vincennes. CHARLEVOIX. Cap à l’Aigle (sub), Clairvaux (sub), Isle aux Coudres (sub), La Petite Rivière St. François (sub), Les Eboulemens, * _Murray Bay_, Pointe à Pic (sub), Port au Persil, Ste. Agnès, St. Fidèle, St. Irénée, * _St. Paul’s Bay_, Settrington, St. Urbain. CHATEAUGUAY. Allan’s Corners, Aubrey, Chateauguay, Chateauguay Basin, Howick, North Georgetown, Norton Creek, _Ormstown_, Russeltown, _St. Jean Chrystostôme_, St. Martine, Ste. Philomêne, St. Urbain, Stockwell. CHICOUTIMI AND SAGUENAY. CHICOUTIMI. Bagotville, Chambord, _Chicoutimi_, Grande Baie, Jonquières, Labarre, L’Anse au Foin, L’Anse St. Jean, Laterrière, Metabechouan, Roberval, St. Cyriac, Tremblay. SAGUENAY. Bersimis, Esquimaux Point, Les Escoumains, Les Petites Bergeronnes, Magpie, Mille Vaches, Mingan, Moisic, Natashquan, Pointe au Bouleau, Sheldrake, _Tadousac_. COMPTON. Birchton, Brookbury, Bulwer, Canterbury, * _Compton_, _Cookshire_, East Clifton, East Hereford, Eaton, Gould, Hereford, Island Brook, Johnville, Lake Megantic, Learned Plain, Linda, Maple Leaf, Martinville, Moe’s River, Paquette, Perryboro’, Piopolis, Richby, _Robinson_, St. Edwige, St. Malo, St. Romaine, Sawyerville, Stornoway, Waterville, Westbury, West Ditton, Whitton. DORCHESTER. Cranbourne, Frampton, Hemison, Lake Etchemin, Langevin, St. Anselme, St. Bernard, Ste. Claire, St. Edouard de Frampton, Ste. Hénédine, St. Isidore, St. Malachie, Ste. Marguerite, Standon. DRUMMOND AND ARTHABASKA. DRUMMOND. _Drummondville, East_, French Village, Kingsey, Kingsey Falls, L’Avenir, Leonard’s Hill, Ruisseau des Chênes, St. Bonaventure, St. Germain de Grantham, St. Guillaume d’Upton, South Durham, Sydenham Place, Trenholm, _Ulverton_, Wheatland. ARTHABASKA. Arthabaska Station, Blandford, Bulstrode, Chester, Domaine de Gentilly, East Arthabaska, East Chester, Maddington, St. Albert, St. Christophe d’Arthabaska, St. Clothilde. St. Patrick’s Hill. _Stanfold_, Viger Mines, Warwick, East. GASPÉ. Barachois de Malbay, Cap Chat, Cap des Rosiers, Cape Cove, Chlorydormes, Douglastown, Etang du Nord (sub), Fox River, _Gaspé Basin_, Grande Grève, Grande Vallée, Grand Pabos, Grand River, House Harbor (sub), Magdalen Islands, Mont Louis, Newport, Newport Point, Peninsula, Gaspé _Percé_, Point St. Peter, Rivière la Madeleine, Ste. Anne des Monts, Sandy Beach. HOCHELAGA. Côte des Neiges, Côte St. Paul, Hochelaga, Long Point, Mile End, Pointe aux Trembles, Rivière des Prairies, St. Jean Baptiste de Montreal, Sault au Récollet, Tannery West. HUNTINGDON. Anderson’s Corners, Athelstan, Barrington, Cazaville, Corbin, Covey Hill, Dewittville, Dundee, Dundee, Centre, _Franklin, Centre_, Hallerton, Helena, _Hemmingford_, Herdman’s Corners, _Huntingdon_, Kelso, La Guerre, Maritana, Port Lewis, Powerscourt, Rockburn, St. Anicet, St. Regis, Starnesboro’, Trout River, Vicars. IBERVILLE. _Henryville_, Mount Johnson, St. Alexandre, _St. Athanase_, Ste. Brigide, St. Sebastian, Sabrevois, Versailles. JACQUES CARTIER. * _Lachine_, Pointe Claire, * _Point St. Charles_, Ste. Anne Bout de L’Isle, Ste. Geneviève, St. Laurent. JOLIETTE. Daillebout, De Ramsay, * _Joliette_, Kildare, Radstock, St. Alphonse, Ste. Béatrix, St. Côme, Ste. Elizabeth, Ste. Emelie de l’Energie, St. Félix de Valois, St. Jean de Matha, St. Paul d’Industrie, St. Thomas, East, St. Zénon. KAMOURASKA. _Kamouraska_, Mount Carmel, Rivière Ouelle, St. Alexandre, St. André, _Ste. Anne la Pocatière_, St. Denis de la Bouteillerie, Ste. Hélène, St. Onézime, St. Pacôme, St. Paschal, St. Philippe de Néry. LAPRAIRIE. Caughnawaga, * _Laprairie_, St. Constant, St. Isidore, St. Jacques le Mineur, St. Philippe. L’ASSOMPTION. Charlemagne, Lachenaie, * _L’Assomption_, L’Epiphanie, Mascouche, Mascouche Rapids, Repentigny, St. Lin, St. Paul l’Hermite, St. Roch l’Achigan, St. Sulpice. LAVAL. Bord à Plouffe, St. Dorothée, St. François de Sales, St. Martin, Ste. Rose, St. Vincent de Paul. LEVIS. Baillargeon, Bienville, Chaudière Mills, Craig’s Road Station, Indian Cove, _Lauzon_, * _Lévis_, New Liverpool, St. Henri, St. Henri Station, St. Jean Chrysostôme, St. Lambert, St. Nicholas, * _South Quebec_. L’ISLET. Garneau, Isle aux Grues, Lac Noir, L’Anse à Giles, L’Islet, St. Aubert, St. Cyrille, St. Jean, Port Joli, Ste. Louise, St. Roch des Aulnaies, Trois Saumons, Vaillancourt, Village des Aulnaies. LOTBINIÈRE. Beaurivage, Black River Station, Fafard, Leclercville, Lotbinière, Méthot’s Mills, Parkhurst, Point Platon, Rivière Bois Claire, Ste. Agathe, St. Antoine, St. Apollinaire, _Ste. Croix_, St. Flavien, St. Giles, St. Jean des Chaillons, St. Sylvester, St. Sylvester, East. MASKINONGÉ. Hunterstown, Maskinongé, Pont de Maskinongé, _River du Loup (en haut)_, St. Didace, St. Justin, St. Léon, St. Paulin, St. Ursule. MEGANTIC. Adderley, Bécancour Station, Bute, Clapham, East Magdala, Glenloyd, Glen Murray, Harvey Hill Mines, * _Inverness_, Irvine, Kinnear’s Mills, Larochelle, * _Leeds_, Leeds Village, Lemesurier, Lower Ireland, Lyster, Maple Grove, New Ireland, Reedsdale, _St. Ferdinand_, Ste. Julie de Somerset, St. Pierre Baptiste, Ste. Sophie, _Somerset_, Thiers, Woodside. MISSISQUOI. Abbott’s Corners, Aird, _Bedford_, Clarenceville, _Cowansville_, _Dunham_, East Dunham, Farnboro’, Farndon, * _Frelighsburg_, Haseville, Malmaison, Moore’s Station, Mystic, North Pinnacle, North Stanbridge, Noyan, Nutt’s Corners, Pearceton, _Philipsburg, East_, Pigeon Hill, _Pike River_, Riceburg, St. Armand, Centre, St. Armand Station, St. Charles de Stanbridge, Stanbridge, East, Stanbridge Station, Stanbury, _Sweetsburg_, Upper Bedford, Venice, * _West Farnham_. MONTCALM. Beaulac, Chantelle, Kilkenny, Montcalm, Rawdon, St. Alexis, St. Esprit, St. Hippolyte de Kilkenny, St. Jacques, Ste. Julienne, St. Liguori, St. Théodore de Chertsey. MONTMAGNY. _Berthier (en bas)_, Cap St. Ignace, * _Montmagny_, St. François, St. Paul du Buton, St. Pierre. MONTMORENCY. Ange Gardien, Beaulieu, Château Richer, Laval, St. Famille, St. Féréol (sub), St. François d’Orléans, St. Jean d’Orléans, St. Joachim, St. Laurent d’Orléans, St. Pierre d’Orléans, St. Tite des Caps (sub). MONTREAL, CITY, CENTRE, EAST AND WEST. * _Montreal._ NAPIERVILLE. La Pigeonnière, _Napierville_, St. Edouard, _St. Rémi_, Sherrington. NICOLET. Aston Station, _Bécancour_, Gentilly, _Nicolet_, Ste. Angèle de Laval, Ste. Brigitte des Saults, St. Célestin, Ste. Gertrude, St. Grégoire, St. Leonard, Ste. Monique, St. Perpetue, St. Pierre les Becquets, St. Wenceslas. OTTAWA. Angers, Aubigny, * _Aylmer, East_, Aylwin, * _Buckingham_, Cantley, Cascades, * _Chelsea_, Eardley, East Templeton, Heyworth, * _Hull_, Ironside, _Kazubazua_, Kirk’s Ferry, Lochaber Bay, Low, Lucerne, Masham Mills, Mayo, Montebello, North Nation Mills, North Wakefield, Papineauville, Perkins, River Désert, Rupert, St. André Avellin, Sevigné, Six Portages, Templeton, * _Thurso_, Upper Wakefield, Venosta, Vinoy, Wakefield, Wright. PONTIAC. Allumette Island, Bristol, Calumette Island, Chichester, Clarendon Centre, Clarendon Front (sub.), Collfield, Danford Lake, Dunraven, Fort Coulonge, Fort William, _Hargrave_, Lake Temiscamingue, North Bristol, North Onslow, * _Onslow_, Otter Lake, * _Portage du Fort_, Rapides des Joachims, Rowanton, Sheenboro’, Thornby, Thorne Centre, Vinton, Waltham, Yarm. PORTNEUF. Bourg Louis, Cap Santé, Deschambault, Grondines, Les Ecureuils, Pointe aux Trembles, Pont Rouge, Portneuf, St. Alban, St. Augustin, St. Bazile, St. Casimir, St. Catherine’s, East, St. Raymond. QUEBEC CITY, CENTRE, EAST AND WEST. * _Quebec_, _St. Roch de Quebec_, _St. Sauveur de Quebec_. QUEBEC COUNTY. Ancienne Lorette, Ancienne Lorette (sub.), Beauport, Bergerville, Cap Rouge, Charlesbourg, Lake Beauport, Lorette, St. Foy, Sillery Cove, Spencer Cove, Stoneham, Valcartier. RICHELIEU. St. Aimé, St. Marcel, St. Ours, St. Robert, St. Roch de Richelieu, St. Victoire, * _Sorel_. RICHMOND AND WOLFE. RICHMOND. Brompton, _Brompton Falls_, Castlebar, _Danville_, Denison’s Mills, Fontenoy, Kingsbury, * _Melbourne_, Melbourne Ridge, North Stoke, * _Richmond, East_, Richmond Station, St. George de Windsor, Stoke, Centre, Stoketon, Windsor Mills. WOLFE. Dudswell, Garthby, Lake Aylmer, Lake Weedon, Marbleton, North Ham, St. Camille, Sanborn, South Ham, Weedon, Wolfstown, Wotton. RIMOUSKI. Bic, Causapscal, Cedar Hall, Dalibaire, Father Point, Macnider, _Matane_, _Métis_, Neigette, Petit Métis, * _Rimouski_, St. Anaclet, St. Fabien, Ste. Félicité, Ste. Flavie, Ste. Luce, St. Mathieu, St. Octave, St. Simon de Rimouski, Tessierville. ROUVILLE. Abbotsford, Canrobert, Mont St. Hilare, Rougemont, Ste. Angèle, _Ste. Césaire_, St. Hilaire Station, St. Hilaire Village, St. Jean Baptiste de Rouville, Ste. Marie de Monnoir, St. Mathias, Village Richelieu. ST. HYACINTHE. La Présentation, St. Barnabé, Riv. Yamaska, St. Charles, Riv. Richelieu, St. Damase, St. Denis, River Richelieu, * _St. Hyacinthe_, St. Jude. ST. JOHN’S. Grand Ligne, Henrysburg, L’Acadie, _Lacolle_, Roxham, * _St. John’s, East_, St. Luc, St. Valentin, Stottville. ST. MAURICE. Pointe du Lac, St. Barnabé, St. Elie, St. Etienne des Grés, St. Maurice Forges, St. Sévère, Shawenegan, Yamachiche. SHEFFORD. Bethel, Boscobel, Egypte, Frost Village, Granboro’, * _Granby_, Lawrenceville, Mawcook, Milton, East, North Stukely, Rochelle, _Roxton Falls_, Roxton Pond, St. Joachim de Shefford, St. Valérien, Savage’s Mills, Shefford Mountain, South Ely, South Granby, South Roxton, Stukely, Valcourt, Warden, * _Waterloo_, West Shefford. SHERBROOKE TOWN. Ascot Corner, Capelton, Huntingville * _Lennoxville_, Rock Forest, * _Sherbrooke_. SOULANGES. Cedars, Côteau du Lac, _Côteau Landing_, Côteau Station, Mountjoy, Pont Château, River Beaudette, St. Clet, St. Dominique des Cedres, _St. Polycarpe_, St. Zotique. STANSTEAD. Ayer’s Flat, _Barnston_, Beebe Plain, Boynton, * _Coaticook_, Drew’s Mills, Fitch Bay, _Georgeville_, _Hatley_, Katevale, Lineboro’, _Magog_, Magoon’s Point, _Massawippi_, North Hatley, _Rock Island_, St. Hermenegilde, Smith’s Mills, South Barnston, * _Stanstead_, Stanhope, Way’s Mills. TEMISCOUATA. Armand, Bégon, _Cacouna_, Détour du Lac, Green River, Isle Verte, Notre Dame du Portage, * _River du Loup (en bas)_, River Trois Pistoles, St. Antonin, St. Arsène, St. Eloi, Ste. Françoise, Ste. Modeste, Trois Pistoles, Viger. TERREBONNE. Beresford, Lac Masson, New Glasgow, Ste. Adèle, Ste. Anne des Plaines, St. Janvier, _St. Jérome_, St. Sauveur, Ste. Sophie de Lacorne, _Ste. Thérèse de Blainville_, Shawbridge, _Terrebonne_. THREE RIVERS, CITY. * _Three Rivers._ TWO MOUNTAINS. Belle Rivière, Oka, St. Augustin, St. Benoit, St. Canute, St. Columbin, _St. Eustache_, St. Hermas, St. Joseph du Lac, St. Monique des Deux Montagnes, Ste. Placide, _Ste. Scholastique_. VAUDREUIL. Como, Hudson, Isle Perrot, Mongenais, Mount Oscar, Peveril, Point Fortune, Rigaud, Ste. Justine de Newton, Ste. Marthe, Vaudreuil. VERCHERES. Belœil Station, Belœil Village, Contrecœur, St. Antoine, Ste. Julie, St. Marc, Varennes, Verchères. YAMASKA. Chatillon, La Baie, Pierreville, Pierreville Mills, _River David_, St. François du Lac, St. Zephirin, Yamaska. POST OFFICES AND WAY OFFICES IN THE PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA, ARRANGED ACCORDING TO ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. ANNAPOLIS. _Annapolis_, _Bridgetown_, Chute’s Cove, W. O., Clementsport, Clementsvale, W. O., Deep Brook, W. O., Granville Centre, W. O., _Granville Ferry_, _Lawrencetown_, Lequille, W. O., Lower Granville, W. O., Maitland, W. O., Margaretsville, W. O., Marshall’s Cove, W. O., Melvern Square, W. O., Middleton, Milford, W. O., Mount Hanly, W. O., New Albany, W. O., Nicholl’s Corner, W. O., Nictaux Falls, W. O., Paradise Lane, W. O., Parker’s Cove, W. O., Port George, W. O., Round Hill, W. O., Saw Mill Creek, W. O., Spa Springs, W. O., Springfield, W. O., Stoddart’s, W. O., Stronach Mountain, W. O., Tupperville, W. O., Webber’s, W. O., _Wilmot_. ANTIGONISHE. Addington Forks, W. O., _Antigonishe_, Arisaig, W. O., Back Lands, W. O., Barrio’s Beach, W. O., Bayfield, W. O., Big Tracadie, W. O., Black River, W. O., Briley’s Brook, W. O., Caledonia Mills, W. O., Cape George, Cape George, North side, W. O., Cross Roads, Ohio, W. O., Eig Mountain, W. O., Fraser’s Grant, W. O., Glen, W. O., Glen Alpine, W. O., Glen Road, W. O., Goshen, W. O., Harbor au Bouche, W. O., Harbor Road, W. O., Head of South River Lake, W. O., Lakevale, W. O., Little River, W. O., Little Tracadie, W. O., Livingston’s Cove, W. O., Lochaber, W. O., Lower Settlement South River, W. O., Malignant Cove, W. O., Marshy Hope, W. O., Marydale, W. O., Maryvale, W. O., Middle Settlement of South River, W. O., Ohio, W. O., Point of Cape, W. O., Pomquet Chapel, W. O., Pomquet Forks, W. O., St. Andrews, Tracadie, Upper Settlement of South River, W. O., Ussher, W. O., Vernal, W. O., West side of Lochaber, W. O. CAPE BRETON. Albert Bridge, W. O., Big Lorraine, W. O., Big Pond, W. O., Boisdale, W. O., Bridgeport, W. O., Catalone, W. O., Christmas Island, W. O., _Cow Bay_, Cox Heath, W. O., East Bay, W. O., East Bay, North side, W. O., Eskasoni, W. O., False Bay Beach, W. O., Frenchvale, W. O., Gabarus, W. O., Grand Narrows, W. O., Irish Cove, W. O., Leitches Creek, Lewis Bay, W. O., _Lingan_, Little Bras d’Or, W. O., _Little Glace Bay_, Little Lorraine, W. O., Louisburg, W. O., Mainadieu, W. O., Marion Bridge, W. O., Mira Gut, W. O., _North Sydney_, North West Arm, W. O., Port Caledonia, W. O., Salmon River, W. O., South Bar of Sydney River, W. O., _Sydney_, _Sydney Mines_, Victoria Mines, W. O., COLCHESTER. Acadia Mines, Bass River, W. O., Brookfield, Central Onslow, W. O., Chigonaise River, W. O., Cook’s Brook, W. O., Dickson’s Store, W. O., Earltown, W. O., Eastville, W. O., Economy, _Five Islands_, Folly Lake, W. O., Folly Mountain, W. O., Forbes, W. O., Gold Fields, W. O., _Great Village_, Green’s Creek, W. O., Halfway Brook, W. O., Hardwood Lands, W. O., Head of Tatamagouche, W. O., Kempt Town, W. O., _Londonderry_, Lower Stewiacke, Mast Town, W. O., Middle Stewiacke, W. O., New Annan, W. O., Newton Mills, W. O., North River, W. O., North River Bridge, W. O., North Section of Earltown, W. O., Old Barns, W. O., Onslow, W. O., Point Bruley, W. O., Portapique, W. O., Portapique Mountain, W. O., Princeport, W. O., River De Bert, W. O., Riversdale, W. O., St. Andrew’s, W. O., _Shubenacadie_, South Branch, W. O., Stewiacke Cross Roads, W. O., _Tatamagouche_, Tatamagouche Mountain, W. O., Teviotdale Station, W. O., _Truro_, Upper Economy, W. O., Upper Stewiacke, Waugh’s River, W. O., West Branch, River Philip, W. O. CUMBERLAND. _Advocate Harbor_, _Amherst_, Amherst Point, W. O., Apple River, W. O., Athol, W. O., Black Rock, W. O., Brookville, W. O., Cannonville, W. O., Claremont, W. O., Fenwick, W. O., Fox Harbor, W. O., Fox River, W. O., Goose River, Great Bridge, W. O., Greenville, W. O., Gulf Shore, W. O., Halfway River, W. O., Hastings, W. O., Head of Amherst, W. O., Head of Wallace Bay, W. O., Head of Wallace Bay, North Side, W. O., Hornsey, W. O., Joggin Mines, W. O., Kirk Hill, W. O., Lakelands, W. O., Leicester, W. O., Little River, W. O., Lower Cove, W. O., Lower Maccan, W. O., Maccan, W. O., Maccan Intervale, W. O., Maccan Mountain, W. O., Malagash, W. O., Minudie, W. O., Mount Pleasant, W. O., Nappan, W. O., North Shore, W. O., Oxford, W. O., _Parrsborough_, Parrsborough Shore, W. O., Port Greville, W. O., _Pugwash_, Pugwash River, W. O., River Hébert, W. O., _River Philip_, Rockwell Settlement, W. O., Roslin, W. O., Salem, W. O., Section 7, W. O., Shinemicas Bridge, Shulie, W. O., Six Mile Road, W. O., Spencer’s Island, W. O., Spring Hill, W. O., Three Sisters, W. O., Tidnish, W. O., Victoria, W. O., _Wallace_, Wallace Bridge, W. O., Wallace Ridge, W. O., Wallace River, W. O., Warren, W. O., Wentworth, W. O., West Chester, W. O., West Chester Lake, W. O., Williamsdale, W. O., Windham Hill, W. O. DIGBY. _Bear River, (West Side)_, Beaver River, W. O., Beaver River Corner, Belliveaus Cove, W. O., Cedar Lake, W. O., Clare, W. O., _Digby_, Gilbert Cove, W. O., Head of St. Mary’s Bay, W. O., Little River, W. O., Long Island, Marshall’s Town, W. O., Metaghan, W. O., Metaghan River, W. O., New Tusket, W. O., North Range Corner, W. O., Petite Passage, W. O., Pleasant Valley, W. O., Rossway, W. O., St. Mary’s Bay, W. O., Salmon River, W. O., _Sandy Cove_, Saulmerville, W. O., Smith’s Cove, W. O., Speitche’s Cove, W. O., Trout Cove, W. O., Weaver Settlement, W. O., _Westport_, _Weymouth_, Weymouth Bridge. GUYSBOROUGH. Caledonia, St. Mary’s, W. O., _Canso_, Charlo’s Cove, W. O., Cole Harbor, W. O., _Cross Roads (Country Harbor)_, Cross Roads Middle Melford, W. O., Crow Harbor, W. O., East River, St. Mary’s, W. O., Erinville, W. O., Forristalls, W. O., Giant’s Lake, W. O., Glenelg, Goldenville, Grosvenor, W. O., _Guysborough_, Guysborough Intervale, W. O., Half Island Cove, W. O., Indian Harbor, W. O., Isaac’s Harbor, W. O., Larry’s River, W. O., Liscomb, W. O., Manchester, W. O., Marie Joseph, W. O., Melrose, Milford Haven Bridge, W. O., New Harbor, W. O., New Town, W. O., Oyster Ponds, W. O., Pirate Harbor, Port Felix, W. O., _Port Mulgrave_, Ragged Head, W. O., Roman’s Valley, W. O., Salmon River, W. O., Salmon River, Lake Settlement, W. O., Sand Point, W. O., _Sherbrooke_, Sonora, W. O., Steep Creek, W. O., Still Water, W. O., Stormont, W. O., Torbay, W. O., Upper Cross Roads, St. Mary’s, W. O., White Head, W. O., Wine Harbor, W. O. HALIFAX CITY AND HALIFAX COUNTY. Antrim, W. O., Antrim Gold Mines, W. O., Beaver Bank, W. O., Bedford Basin, W. O., Black Point, W. O., Brookvale, W. O., Cambridge, W. O., Carroll’s Corners, W. O., Chezzetcook, W. O., _Dartmouth_, East Jeddore, W. O., East Side of Chezzetcook, W. O., English Corner, W. O., Fletcher’s Station, W. O., Gay’s River, W. O., Gay’s River Road, W. O., Hackett’s Cove, W. O., _Halifax_, Harrigan Cove, W. O., Head of St. Margaret’s Bay, W. O., Head of St. Margaret’s Bay, Middle District, W. O., Hubbard’s Cove, W. O., Indian Harbor, W. O., Jeddore, W. O., Kent’s Island, W. O., Ketch Harbor, W. O., Lawrencetown, W. O., Little River, (Middle Musquodoboit), W. O., Lower Prospect, W. O., Lower Ward, St. Margaret’s Bay, W. O., Meagher’s Grant, W. O., Middle Musquodoboit, Montague Gold Mines, W. O., Musquodoboit Harbor, W. O., Necum Tench, W. O., New Caledonia, W. O., Newcomb Corner, W. O., Oakfield, W. O., Oldham, W. O., Peggy’s Cove, W. O., Porter’s Lake, W. O., Portugese Cove, W. O., Preston Road, W. O., Prospect, W. O., Richmond Terminus, W. O., St. Margaret’s Bay, Salmon Hole, W. O., Salmon River, W. O., Sambro, W. O., Sandy Beaches, W. O., Sheet Harbor, W. O., Ship Harbor, W. O., South-East Passage, W. O., Spry Bay, W. O., _Tangier_, Terence Bay, W. O., Trafalgar, W. O., Upper Caledonia, W. O., Upper Musquodoboit, Waverley, Wickwire Station, W. O., Windsor Junction, W. O. HANTS. Burnt Coat, W. O., Cheverie, W. O., Cogmagun River, W. O., Densmores, W. O., Densmores Mills, W. O., Ellershausen, W. O., Elmsdale, Enfield, Falmouth, W. O., Falmouth, (Windsor Bridge, W. O.,) Five Mile River, W. O., Gore, W. O., _Hantsport_, Highfield, W. O., Indian Road, W. O., Kennetcook, W. O., Kennetcook Corner, W. O., Lower Selmah, W. O., _Maitland_, Millers Creek, W. O., Moose Brook, W. O., Mortonville, W. O., Mosherville, W. O., Mount Denison, W. O., Mount Uniacke, _Newport_, Newport Corner, W. O., _Newport Landing_, Newport Station, Nine Mile River, W. O., Noel, W. O., Noel Shore, W. O., North Salem, W. O., Rawdon, W. O., Renfrew, St. Croix, W. O., Scotch Village, W. O., Selmah, W. O., South Rawdon, W. O., Summerville, W. O., Tenecape, W. O., Three Mile Plains, W. O., Upper Kennetcook, W. O., Upper Newport, W. O., Upper Rawdon, W. O., Urbania, W. O., Vaughans, W. O., Walton, West Gore, W. O., _Windsor_, Woodville, W. O. INVERNESS. Big Brook, W. O., Big Harbor, W. O., Big Intervale, Grand Narrows, W. O., Blue’s Mill, W. O., Boom, W. O., Broad Cove Chapel, W. O., Broad Cove Intervale, W. O., Broad Cove, Marsh, W. O., Cape Mabou, W. O., Cheticamp, W. O., Chimney Corner, W. O., Cross Roads, Lake Ainslie, W. O., Cross Roads, St. George’s Channel, W. O., Eastern Harbor, W. O., Emerald, W. O., Glenedale, W. O., Grand Etang, W. O., Hay’s River, W. O., Hillsborough, C. B., W. O., Judique, W. O., Kewstoke, W. O., Lake Ainslie, W. O., Lake Ainslie (East side), W. O., Lake Ainslie (South side), W. O., Lake Law, W. O., Little Judique, W. O., Little Narrows, W. O., Long Point, W. O., Low Point, W. O., _Mabou_, Mabou Coal Mines, W. O., Mabou Harbor, W. O., Malagawatch, W. O., Marble Mountain, W. O., Margaree, W. O., _Margaree, (Forks)_, Middle section of North East Margaree, W. O., Middle Settlement of River Inhabitants, W. O., Mull River, W. O., New Bridge, W. O., North-East Branch Margaree, W. O., North side of Basin, River Dennis, W. O., Pleasant Bay, W. O., _Port Hastings_, _Port Hawkesbury_, _Port Hood_, Port Hood Island, W. O., Queensville, W. O., River Dennis, W. O., Shea’s River, W. O., Sight Point, W. O., Sky Glen, W. O., South Side of Basin, (River Dennis), W. O., South side of Whycocomagh Bay, W. O., South Side of West Margaree, W. O., South West Mabou, W. O., Upper Margaree, W. O., Upper Settlement of River Dennis, W. O., _West Bay_, _Whycocomagh_. KING’S. Avonport, W. O., Avonport Station, W. O., _Aylesford_, Beech Hill, W. O., _Berwick_, Bill Town, W. O., Buckley’s, W. O., Burlington, W. O., Cambridge Station, W. O., Canaan, W. O., Canaan Road, W. O., Canada Creek, W. O., Canard, W. O., _Canning_, Centreville, W. O., Chipman’s Brook, W. O., Chipman’s Corners, W. O., Church Street, W. O., Cold Brook Station, W. O., Condon Settlement, W. O., Cornwallis, East, W. O., Dalhousie, East, W. O., Dempsey’s Corner, W. O., Factory Dale, W. O., Gaspereaux, W. O., Hall’s Harbor, W. O., Harborville, W. O., Harmony, W. O., Horton Landing, W. O., Jackson Road, W. O., _Kentville_, Kingston Village, W. O., Kinsman’s Corner, W. O., Lake George, W. O., Lakeville, W. O., Lockhartville, W. O., Long Point, W. O., _Lower Horton_, Lower Pereaux, W. O., Medford, W. O., Morden, W. O., Morristown, W. O., New Minas, W. O., Niely Road, North Mountain, W. O., Ogilvie, W. O., Palmer’s Road, W. O., Pereaux, W. O., _Pineo Village_, _Port Williams_, Port Williams Station, Rhodes, W. O., Ross’ Corner, W. O., Scott’s Bay, W. O., Sheffield Mills, W. O., Somerset, W. O., Steam Mills Village, W. O., Upper Dyke Village, W. O., Vernon Mines, W. O., Victoria Harbor, W. O., Waterville, W. O., _Wolfville_. LUNENBURG. Blandford, W. O., _Bridgewater_, Broad Cove, W. O., Chelsea, W. O., Chesley’s Corners, W. O., _Chester_, Chester Basin, W. O., Conquerall Bank, W. O., Dalhousie Road, W. O., Dublin Shore, W. O., Foster’s, W. O., Getson’s Point, W. O., Gold River, W. O., Indian Point, W. O., La Have Cross Roads, W. O., La Have River, W. O., Laugill’s, W. O., Lantz, W. O., Lower La Have, W. O., _Lunenburg_, _Mahone Bay_, Marriott’s Cove, W. O., Martin’s River, W. O., Middle La Have Ferry, W. O., Mill Cove, W. O., Morton’s Corner, W. O., New Canada, W. O., New Cornwall, W. O., New Germany, W. O., _New Ross_, Northfield, W. O., North-West Cove, W. O., Petite Rivière Bridge, W. O., Tancook Islands, W. O., Upper Branch, W. O., Upper La Have, W. O., Vogler’s Move, W. O., West Dublin, W. O. PICTOU. Alma, W. O., Bailey’s Brook, W. O., Barney’s River, W. O., Big Island, W. O., Blue Mountain, W. O., Bridgeville, W. O., Brookville, W. O., Cape John, W. O., Churchville, W. O., Concord, W. O., Dalhousie Settlement, W. O., Durham, East River, St. Mary’s, W. O., East side of West Branch East River of Pictou, W. O., Elmsville, W. O., Fraser’s Mills, W. O., French River, W. O., Garden of Eden, W. O., Glengarry Station, Green Hill, W. O., Hopewell, W. O., Knoydart, W. O., Lime Rock, W. O., Little Harbor, W. O., Loganville,. W. O., Lower Barney’s River, W. O., Marsh Settlement, (McLellan’s Mountain, W. O.) McLellan’s Brook, W. O., Merigonish, W. O., Middle River, W. O., Mill Brook, W. O., Millsville, W. O., Mount Thom, New Gairloch, W. O., _New Glasgow_, New Larig, W. O., _Pictou_, Piedmont Valley, W. O., Plainfield, W. O., Ponds, W. O., _River John_, Rocklin, W. O., Roger’s Hill, W. O., St. Paul’s, W. O., Six Mile Brook, W. O., South McLellan’s Mountain, W. O., Springville, W. O., _Stellarton_, Sumerville, W. O., Sutherland’s Mills, W. O., Sutherland’s River, W. O., Toney River, W. O., Upper Settlement of Barney’s River, W. O., Upper Settlement of West River, W. O., West Branch, East River, of Pictou, W. O., West Branch, River John, W. O., West River, West River Station, Westville. QUEEN’S. Brookfield, W. O., Brooklyn, W. O., _Caledonia Corner_, East Port Medway, W. O., Greenfield, W. O., Kempt, W. O., _Liverpool_, Middlefield, W. O., Mill Village, Milton, North Brookfield, W. O., Pleasant River, W. O., Port Matoon, W. O., _Port Medway_, White Point, W. O. RICHMOND. _Arichat_, Cariboo Cove, W. O., Discoose, W. O., Fourche, W. O., Framboise, W. O., Grand Anse, W. O., Grandigue Ferry, W. O., Grand River, W. O., Kempt Road, W. O., L’Ardoise, W. O., Lennox Ferry, W. O., Loch Lomond, W. O., Lochside, W. O., Lower L’Ardoise, W. O., Lower River Inhabitants, W. O., McPherson’s Ferry, W. O., Petite de Grat, W. O., Port Richmond, W. O., Port Royal, W. O., Rear of Black River, W. O., Rear Lands’ Sporting Mountain, W. O., Red Islands, W. O., River Bourgeois, W. O., St. Esprit, W. O., St. George’s Channel, W. O., _St. Peter’s_, West Arichat, W. O. SHELBURNE. _Barrington_, Barrington Passage, W. O., Bear Point, W. O., Big Port le Bear, W. O., Cape Negro, W. O., Cape Sable Island, W. O., Clarke’s Harbor, W. O., Clyde River, W. O., East side of Ragged Island, W. O., Gunning Cove, W. O., Head of Jordan River, W. O., Jordan Bay, W. O., Lewis Head, W. O., _Locke Port_, Lower Wood Harbor, W. O., Lyle’s Bridge, W. O., North East Harbor, W. O., Port Jolly, W. O., Port la Tour, W. O., Pubnico Beach, W. O., Ragged Island, W. O., Roseway, W. O., Sable River, W. O., Sandy Point, W. O., Shag Harbor, W. O., _Shelburne_, Upper Wood Harbor, W. O. VICTORIA. _Baddeck_, Baddeck Bay, Baddeck Bridge, W. O., Bay St. Lawrence, W. O., Big Bank, W. O., Big Bras d’Or, W. O., Big Intervale, Margaree, W. O., Boulardarie, Cape North, W. O., Englishtown, Forks, Baddeck, W. O., Groves Point, W. O., Ingonish, W. O., Kempt Head, W. O., Lower Settlement, Middle River, W. O., McKay’s Point, W. O., Middle River, W. O., Munro’s, W. O., New Campbelton, Niel’s Harbor, W. O., North River Bridge, W. O., North Shore, W. O., Point Clear, W. O., St. Ann’s, W. O., St. Patrick’s Channel, W. O., South Bay, W. O., South Gut of St. Ann’s, W. O., South side of Boulardarie, W. O., Upper Settlement of Baddeck River, W. O., Upper Settlement of Middle River, W. O., Upper Washabuck, W. O., Wreck Cove, W. O. YARMOUTH. Argyle, W. O., Carlton, W. O., Central Chebogue, W. O., Chebogue, W. O., Deerfield, W. O., East side of Pubnico Harbor, W. O., Eel Brook, W. O., Hebron, Kemptville, W. O., Kempt Bridge, W. O., Lake George, W. O., Maitland, W. O., Plymouth, W. O., Port Acadie, W. O., Pubnico Harbor, W. O., Robert’s Island, W. O., Rockville, Sand Beach, W. O., Short Beach, W. O., _Tusket_, Tusket Wedge, W. O., _Yarmouth_. POST OFFICES AND WAY OFFICES IN THE PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK, ARRANGED ACCORDING TO ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. ALBERT. Albert Mines, W. O., Beaver Brook, W. O., Berryton, W. O., Bridgedale, W. O., Caledonia Settlement, W. O., Centreville, W. O., Church Hill, W. O., Coverdale, W. O., Curryville, W. O., Dawson Settlement, W. O., Edgett’s Landing, W. O., Elgin, Germantown, W. O., Goshen, W. O., Gowland Mountain, W. O., _Harvey_, Hastings, W. O., Hebron, W. O., _Hillsborough_, Hillside, Hopewell, W. O., _Hopewell Cape_, Hopewell Corner, W. O., Hopewell Hill, W. O., Irving Settlement, W. O., Little Ridge, W. O., Little River (Coverdale), W. O., Little River (Elgin), W. O., Little Rocher, W. O., Little Shemogue, W. O., Lower Cape, W. O., Lower Coverdale, W. O., Lower Turtle Creek, W. O., Mapleton, W. O., Middle Coverdale, W. O., New Horton, W. O., New Ireland, W. O., New Ireland Road, W. O., Pleasant Vale, W. O., Point Wolfe, W. O., Prosser Brook, W. O., River Side, W. O., Rosevale, W. O., Roxburgh, W. O., Salem, W. O., Salmon River, W. O., Stoney Creek, W. O., Upper New Horton, W. O., Waterside, W. O. CARLETON. Bairdsville, W. O., Bath, Belleville, W. O., Bloomfield, W. O., Boundary Presqu’ isle, W. O., Carlow, W. O., Centreville, Charleston, W. O., Coldstream, W. O., Debeck Station, W. O., East Glassville, W. O., Farley’s Mills, W. O., Farmerston, W. O., Ferryville, W. O., _Florenceville_, Florenceville, East, W. O., Foreston, W. O., Glassville, W. O., Good Corner, W. O., Gordonsville, W. O., Greenfield, W. O., Hartland, Holmsville, W. O., Jacksontown, W. O., Jacksonville, W. O., Johnville, W. O., Knowlesville, W. O., Knoxford, W. O., Lakeville, W. O., Lindsay, W. O., Long Settlement, W. O., Lower Brighton, W. O., Lower Wakefield, W. O., Lower Woodstock, W. O., McKenzie’s Corner, W. O., Middle Simonds, W. O., Monument Settlement, W. O., Newburgh, W. O., Northampton, W. O., Peel, W. O., Rankin’s Mills, W. O., Richmond Corner, W. O., River de Chute, W. O., Shiktehawke, W. O., Somerville, W. O., Tracey’s Mills, W. O., Turtle Creek, W. O., Union Corner, W. O., Upper Kent, W. O., Upper Peel, W. O., Upper Wicklow, W. O., Upper Woodstock, W. O., Victoria, W. O., Waterville, W. O., Watson Settlement, W. O., West Glassville, W. O., Wicklow, W. O., Williamstown, W. O., Windsor, W. O., _Woodstock_, Woodstock Road Station, W. O. CHARLOTTE. Back Bay, W. O., Baillie, W. O., Basswood Ridge, W. O., Bayside, W. O., Beaver Harbor, W. O., Bocabec, W. O., Campo Bello, Clarendon, W. O., Dumbarton, R. R. Station, W. O., Fairhaven, W. O., Grand Harbor, W. O., Grand Manan, Indian Island, W. O., Lawrence Station, W. O., L’Edge, W. O., Lepreaux, L’Etete, W. O., Little Lepreaux, W. O., Lord’s Cove, W. O., Lynnfield, W. O., Mace’s Bay, Mascarene, W. O., Milltown, Moore’s Mills, W. O., New River, W. O., Oak Bay, W. O., Oak Hill, W. O., Pennfield, W. O., Pennfield Ridge, W. O., Pleasant Ridge, W. O., Pomery Ridge, W. O., Rolling Dam, W. O., _St. Andrews_, _St. George_, St. Patrick, W. O., _St. Stephen_, Second Falls, W. O., Tower Hill, W. O., Upper Mills, Waweig, W. O., Wilson’s Beech, W. O. GLOUCESTER. Alexander’s Point, W. O., _Bathurst_, Bathurst Village, W. O., Belledune, W. O., Belledune River, W. O., _Caraquet_, Clifton, W. O., Grand Anse, W. O., Janeville, W. O., Little Shippigan, W. O., Lower Pockmouche, W. O., Madisco, W. O., New Bandon, W. O., Pockmouche, W. O., Pockshaw, W. O., Poplar Grove, W. O., Salmon Beach, W. O., Shippigan, Tabucintac River, W. O., Tracadie, W. O., Upper Caraquet, W. O. KENT. _Buctouche_, Chockfish, W. O., Coal Branch, W. O., Coate’s Mills, W. O., Cocaigne, W. O., Cocaigne River, W. O., Doherty’s Mills, W. O., Girvan Settlement, W. O., Grandigue, W. O., _Kingston_, _Kouchibouguac_, Lake Settlement, W. O., McLaughlan Road, W. O., McLeod’s Mills, W. O., Mill Creek, W. O., Moulie’s River, W. O., Palmerston, W. O., _Richibucto_, St. Mary’s, W. O., Upper Buctouche, W. O., Weldford, W. O., West Branch, Nicholas River, W. O. KING’S. Anagance, _Apohaqui_, Barnesville, W. O., Bass River, W. O., Belleisle Bay, W. O., Belleisle Creek, W. O., Bloomfield, W. O., Butternut Ridge, W. O., Campbell Settlement, W. O., Case Settlement, W. O., Central Norton, W. O., Clifton, W. O., Collina, W. O., Cornhill, W. O., Cromwell, W. O., Donegal, W. O., East Scotch Settlement, W. O., Fenwick, W. O., French Village, W. O., Greenwich Hill, W. O., Hammond River, W. O., Hammond Vale, Hampton, W. O., Hanford Brook, W. O., Head of Millstream, W. O., Hillsdale, W. O., Kars, W. O., _Kingston_, Lakefield, W. O., Londonderry, W. O., Long Point, W. O., Long Reach, W. O., Markhamville, W. O., Mechanic’s Settlement, W. O., Midland, W. O., Millstream, W. O., Mount of Nerepis, Newtown, W. O., Norton Station, Oak Point, W. O., _Ossekeag_, Penobsquis, Perry Settlement, W. O., Poodiac, W. O., Ratter’s Corner, W. O., Rockville, W. O., Rothsay, W. O., Round Hill, W. O., Salt Springs, W. O., Seeley’s Mills, W. O., Shepody Road, W. O., Smith Creek, W. O., Smith Town, W. O., South Branch, W. O., Sprague’s Point, W. O., _Springfield_, Sussex Corner, W. O., Sussex Portage, W. O., _Sussex Vale_, Tenant’s Cove, W. O., Thorne Brooke, W. O., Titusville, W. O., Upham, W. O., Upper Greenwich, W. O., Urquhart’s, W. O., Ward’s Creek Road, W. O., Westfield, W. O. NORTHUMBERLAND. Barnaby River, W. O., Bartibog, W. O., Bay du Vin, W. O. Black Brook, W. O., Black River, W. O., Black River Bridge, W. O., Blackville, W. O., Blissfield, W. O., Boiestown, W. O., Burnt Church, W. O., _Chatham_, Derby, W. O., Doaktown, W. O., Douglastown, W. O., Dunphy, W. O., Escuminac, W. O., Hardwick, W. O., Little Branch, W. O., Lower Newcastle, W. O., Ludlow, W. O., Lyttleton, W. O., Napan, W. O., Neguac, W. O., _Newcastle_, North Esk Boom, W. O., North West Bridge, W. O., Oak Point, W. O., Portage River, W. O., Red Bank, W. O., Renou’s Bridge, W. O., South Nelson, W. O., Tabucintac, W. O., Upper Bay du Vin, W. O., Upper Neguac, W. O. Whitney, W. O. QUEEN’S. Armstrong’s Corner, W. O., Belyea’s Cove, W. O., Big Cove, W. O., Brigg’s Corner, W. O., Brookvale, W. O., Cambridge, W. O., Canning, W. O., Central Cambridge, W. O., Chipman, W. O., Clones, W. O., Coal Mines, W. O., Cole’s Island, W. O., Cumberland Bay, W. O., Cumberland Point, W. O., Douglas Harbor, W. O., English Settlement, W. O., Enniskillen Station, W. O., Ferris, W. O., Fork’s, W. O., _Gagetown_, Gaspereaux, W. O., Gaspereaux Station, W. O., Hampstead, W. O., Hibernia, W. O., Jemseg, W. O., Jenkins, W. O., Johnson, W. O., Long Creek, W. O., McDonald’s Corner, W. O., McDonald’s Point, W. O., Maquapit Lake, W. O., Mill Cove, W. O., Mouth of Jemseg, W. O., Narrows, New Canaan, W. O., Newcastle Bridge, W. O., Newcastle Creek, W. O., New Jerusalem, W. O., Olinville, W. O., Otnabog, W. O., Petersville, W. O., Petersville Church, W. O., Scotch Town, W. O. Starkeys, W. O., Summer Hill, W. O., Sypher’s Cove, W. O., The Range, W. O., Thorne Town, W. O., Upper Gagetown, W. O., Upper Gaspereaux, W. O., Upper Hampstead, W. O., Washademoak, W. O., Waterborough, W. O., _Welsford_, White’s Cove, W. O., Wickham, W. O., Young’s Cove, W. O. RESTIGOUCHE. Archibald Settlement, W. O., Armstrong’s Brook, W. O., Black Land, W. O., Black Point, W. O., _Campbellton_, _Dalhousie_, Doyle Settlement, W. O., Dundee, W. O., Eel River, W. O., Flatlands, Head of Tide, W. O., Heron Island, W. O., Maple Green, W. O., New Mills, Point la Nim, W. O., River Charlo, W. O., River Louison, W. O., Shannonvale, W. O., Upsalquitch, W. O. ST. JOHN CITY, AND ST. JOHN CITY AND COUNTY. Black River, W. O., _Carleton_, Chance Harbor, W. O., Dipper Harbor, W. O., Fairfield, W. O., Fairville, Gardner’s Creek, W. O., Golden Grove, W. O., Goose Creek, W. O., Grand Bay, W. O., _Indian Town_, Loch Lomond, W. O., Milledgeville, W. O., Mispec, W. O., Musquash, W. O., Pisarinco, W. O., Prince of Wales, W. O., Quaco Road, W. O., _St. John’s_, _St. Martin’s_, St. Martin’s, W. O., Salmon River, W. O., Shanklin, W. O., South Bay, W. O., Spruce Lake, W. O., Ten Mile Creek, W. O., Upper Loch Lomond, W. O., West Quaco, Willow Grove, W. O. SUNBURY. Blissville, W. O., Burton, W. O., Central Blissville, W. O., Fredericton Junction, Geary, W. O., Harts Mills, W. O., Lakeville Corner, W. O., Lincoln, W. O., Lintons, W. O., Little River, W. O., Maugerville, W. O., Northfield, W. O., _Oromocto_, Patterson Settlement, W. O., Rusagornis, W. O., Rusagornis Station, W. O., Salmon Creek, W. O., _Sheffield_, Sheffield Academy, W. O., Tracey Station, W. O., Upper Maugerville, W. O., Upper Sheffield, W. O., Waasis Station, W. O. VICTORIA. _Andover_, Aroostrook, W. O., Arthuret, W. O., Baker’s Creek, W. O., _Edmundston_, _Grand Falls_, Grand Falls Portage, W. O., Grand River, W. O., Green River, W. O., Middle St. Francis, W. O., Perth, W. O., Riley Brook, W. O., St. Leonard’s, W. O., Silverstream, W. O., Three Brooks, W. O., Undine, W. O., Upper St. Basil, W. O., Upper St. Francis, W. O., Webster’s Creek, W. O. WESTMORELAND. Aboushagan Road, W. O., Au Lac, W. O., _Baie Verte_, Baie Verte Road, W. O., Barachois, W. O., Bayfield, W. O., Belliveaus Village, W. O., Botsford Portage, W. O., Boudreau Village, W. O., Boundary Creek, W. O., Cape Spear, W. O., _Dorchester_, Dover, W. O., Dungiven, W. O., Emigrant Road, W. O., Emigrant Settlement, W. O., Fox Creek, W. O., Fredericton Road, W. O., Great Shemogue, W. O., Harewood, W. O., Head of Ridge, W. O., Intervale, W. O., Irishtown, W. O., Johnson’s Mills, W. O., Jolicure, W. O., Kay Settlement, W. O., Lewis Mountain, W. O., Lewisville, W. O., Lutz Mountain, W. O., McDougall Settlement, W. O., _Memramcook_, Midgic, W. O., _Moncton_, Moncton Road, W. O., Mount Whatley, W. O., Murray’s Corner, W. O., North Joggins, W. O., North Lake, W. O., North River, North River Platform, W. O., _Petitcodiac_, Point du Chêne, W. O., Pollet River, W. O., Port Elgin, Rockland, W. O., Rockport, W. O., St. Joseph, W. O., _Sackville_, _Salisbury_, Scotch Settlement, W. O., Scovil’s Mills, W. O., _Shediac_, Shediac Bridge, W. O., Shediac Road, W. O., Smith’s, W. O., Steeves Mountain, W. O., Taylor Village, W. O., Tedish, W. O., Tidnish Bridge, W. O., Upper Cape, W. O., Upper Sackville, W. O., Westcock, W. O., Westmoreland Point, Wheaton Settlement, W. O., Wood Point, W. O. YORK. Bear Island, W. O., Birdton, W. O., Blayney, Ridge, W. O., Campbell Settlement, W. O., Canterbury, _Canterbury Station_, Central Kingsclear, W. O., Cork Station, W. O., Douglas, W. O., Dumfries, W. O., Forest City, W. O., _Fredericton_, Hamtown, W. O., Hanwell, W. O., _Harvey Station_, Keswick Ridge, W. O., Kingsclear, W. O., Kingsley, W. O., Lake George, W. O., Lower Canterbury, W. O., Lower French Village, W. O., Lower Haynesville, W. O., Lower Line, Queensbury, W. O., Lower Prince William, W. O., Lower Queensbury, W. O., Lower Southampton, W. O., McAdam Junction, W. O., Mactaquack, W. O., Magaguadavic, W. O., Magundy, W. O., Manners Sutton, W. O., Marysville, W. O., Middle Southampton, W. O., Millville, W. O., Mouth of Keswick, W. O., Nackawick, W. O., Nashwaak, W. O., Nashwaaksis, W. O., Nashwaak Village, W. O., New Maryland, W. O., New Zealand, W. O., North Lake, W. O., Norton Dale, W. O., Pemberton Ridge, W. O., Poquiock, W. O., Prince William, W. O., Royal Road, W. O., St. Croix, W. O., St. Mary’s Ferry, W. O., Southampton, W. O., Springfield, W. O., Springhill, W. O., Stanley, W. O., Tay Mills, W. O., Tay Settlement, W. O., Temperance Vale, W. O., Tweedside, W. O., Upper Caverhill, W. O., Upper Haynesville, W. O., Upper Keswick, W. O., Upper Keswick Ridge, W. O., Upper Magaguadavic, W. O., Upper Queensbury, W. O., Upper Southampton, W. O., Yoho, W. O. POST OFFICES IN THE PROVINCE OF MANITOBA, ARRANGED ACCORDING TO ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. LISGAR. Eagle’s Nest, Lower Fort Garry, Mapleton, Middle Church, Park’s Creek, St. Andrew’s, St. Peter’s. MARQUETTE. Baie St. Paul, Burnside, High Bluff, Palestine, Pigeon Lake, Poplar Point, Portage la Prairie, St. François Xavier, White Mud River. PROVENCHER. Pembina, Point du Chêne, St. Norbert. SELKIRK. Fort Garry, Headingly, Kildonan, St. Boniface, St. Charles, St. James. POST OFFICES IN THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, ARRANGED ACCORDING TO ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. CARIBOO. Barkerville, Clinton, Dunkeld, Lac La Hache, Lilloet, Omineca, 150 Mile House, Quesnelle, Soda Creek, Van Winkle. NEW WESTMINSTER. Burrard’s Inlet, Langley, New Westminster, Sumas. VANCOUVER. Chemainus, Comox, Cowichan, Maple Bay, Nanaimo, Sooke. VICTORIA. Esquimalt, Victoria. YALE. Ashcroft, Cache Creek, Duck and Pringle’s, Hope, Kamloops, Kootenay, (sub.), Lytton, Nicola Lake, Spence’s Bridge, Yale. POSTAL DIVISIONS UNDER THE CHARGE OF THE SEVERAL INSPECTORS. THE FOLLOWING ARE THE ELECTORAL DISTRICTS IN THE SEVERAL POSTAL DIVISIONS. CHIEF INSPECTOR’S DIVISION. Carleton (Ont.,) Nipissing District (Ont.,) Ottawa City (Ont.,) Ottawa County (Quebec), Pontiac (Quebec), Renfrew, N. R. (Ont.,) Renfrew, S. R. (Ont.,) Russell (Ont.) NOVA SCOTIA DIVISION. Annapolis, Antigonish, Cape Breton, Colchester, Cumberland, Digby, Guysboro’, Halifax, Hants, Inverness, Kings, Lunenburg, Pictou, Queen’s, Richmond, Shelburne, Victoria, Yarmouth. NEW BRUNSWICK DIVISION. Albert, Carleton, Charlotte, Gloucester, Kent, King’s, Northumberland, Queen’s, Restigouche, St. John (city and county), St. John (city), Sunbury, Victoria, Westmoreland, York. QUEBEC DIVISION.--(PROVINCE OF QUEBEC.) Arthabaska, Beauce, Bellechasse, Bonaventure, Champlain, Charlevoix, Chicoutimi & Saguenay, Dorchester, Drummond, township of Kingsey only. Gaspé, Kamouraska, Lévis, L’Islet, Lotbinière, Megantic, Montmagny, Montmorency, Nicolet, Portneuf, Quebec, Quebec (city,) Richmond, townships of Cleveland and Shipton only, Rimouski, Témiscouata, Wolfe. MONTREAL DIVISION.--(PROVINCE OF QUEBEC.) Argenteuil, Bagot, Beauharnois, Berthier, Brome, Chambly, Chateauguay, Compton, Drummond, except township of Kingsey, Hochelaga, Huntingdon, Iberville, Jacques Cartier, Joliette, Laprairie, L’Assomption, Laval, Maskinongé, Missisquoi, Montcalm, Montreal (city), Napierville, Richelieu, Richmond, except townships of Cleveland and Shipton, Rouville, St. Hyacinthe, St. John’s, St. Maurice, Shefford, Sherbrooke (town), Soulanges, Stanstead, Terrebonne, Three Rivers (city), Two Mountains, Vaudreuil, Verchères, Yamaska. KINGSTON DIVISION.--(PROVINCE OF ONTARIO.) Addington, Brockville (town), Cornwall (town), Dundas, Frontenac, Glengarry, Grenville, S. R., Hastings, N. R., Hastings, E. R., Hastings, W. R., Kingston (city), Lanark, N. R., Lanark, S. R., Leeds, S. R., Leeds & Grenville, N. R., Lennox, Northumberland, N. R., Northumberland, W. R., Peterboro’, E. R., Peterboro’, W. R., Prescott, Prince Edward, Stormont. TORONTO DIVISION.--(PROVINCE OF ONTARIO.) Algoma, Bruce, N. R., Bruce, S. R., Cardwell, Durham, E. R., Durham, W. R., Grey, E. R., Grey, N. R., Grey, S. R., Halton, Muskoka, Ontario, N. R., Ontario, S. R., Peel, Simcoe, N. R., Simcoe, S. R., Toronto (city), Victoria, N. R., Victoria, S. R., Waterloo, N. R., Waterloo, S. R., Wellington, N. R., Wellington, S. R., Wellington, C. R., York, E. R., York, W. R., York, N. R. LONDON DIVISION.--(PROVINCE OF ONTARIO.) Bothwell, Brant, N. R., Brant, S. R., Elgin, E. R., Elgin, W. R., Essex, Haldimand, Hamilton (city), Huron, C. R., Huron, N. R., Huron, S. R., Kent, Lambton, Lincoln, London (city), Middlesex, N. R., Middlesex, E. R., Middlesex, W. R., Monck, Niagara, Norfolk, N. R., Norfolk, S. R., Oxford, N. R., Oxford, S. R., Perth, N. R., Perth, S. R., Welland, Wentworth, N. R., Wentworth, S. R. LIST OF POSTMASTERS IN CANADA. Abbott, Adam, Hazledean | O Abbott, Calvin, Magog | Q Abbott, Luther, Massawippi | Q Abbott, Robert, Port Royal | O Abel, David, Port Dover | O Abrams, Josias, Willetsholme | O Abrey, G. B., Little Current | O Adam, Thomas, Lindsay | O Adams, A., Rokeby | O Adams, Crozier G., Bogart | O Adams, George, Adamsville | Q Adams, Isaac, Tracey’s Mills, W. O. |N B Adams, Melvin, Broadlands | Q Addison, Henry, Brompton | Q Addshead, Mary, St. Charles | M Aikin, Thomas, Point St. Charles | Q Akin, William S., Edwardsburgh | O Ainslie, James, Edgeworth | O Airth, William, Horning’s Mills | O Aitkin, Thomas, Windermere | O Akerley, Edwin, Grand River, W. O. |N B Alain, Vital, Upper Neguac, W. O. |N B Albert, M., Webster’s Creek, W. O. |N B Alexander, F., Alexander’s Point, W. O. |N B Alexander, G., Woodstock | O Alguire, Mrs. Lydia, Plum Hollow | O Allan, D., Rylstone | O Allan, W., Allan’s Mills | O Allan, Isaac H., Black Creek | O Allan, John, Mono Mills | O Allan, W. G., Marlbank | O Allan, George, Glenallan | O Allchin, Samuel, Canning | O Allen, James, Bandon | O Allen, J. B., Malton | O Allen, Thomas, Cooper | O Allen, Thomas, Lovat | O Allerton, Reuben, Bloomfield, W. O. |N S Allin, P., Solina | O Allin, Thos., Derryville | O Allison, A. C., Dunbar | O Allison, J. W., Newport Landing |N S Allison, Thaddeus, Niely Road |N S Almas, Almon, Rosebank | O Ambrose, Mrs. M., Princeport, W. O. |N S Amoss, John, Mossley | O Amy, John, Portage du Fort | Q Anderson, Alex., Braemar | O Anderson, George, Marysville | O Anderson, James, Anderson’s Corners | Q Anderson, Jesse, Cross Roads, Middle Medford, W. O. |N S Anderson, John, Cumnock | O Anderson, John, Wyoming | O Anderson, Joseph, Springvale | O Anderson, J. R., Kendal | O Angé, Joseph, Point Platon | Q Angevine, Albert, Six Mile Road, W. O. |N S Anglin, Robert, Brewer’s Mills | O Anglin, W. J., Battersea | O Anthony, Thomas, Ogilvie, W. O. |N S Appelbe, John S., Ballinafad | O Applebe, James, Trafalgar | O Appleford, William, Mapleton | O April, George, Green River | Q Arbo, John A., Blissfield, W. O. |N B Arbuckle, Wm., Yoho, W. O. |N B Arcand, Miss F. A. A., St. Joseph | Q Archambeault, J. N. A., Varennes | Q Archibald, Alexander, Toney River, W. O. |N S Archibald, Ebenezer, Old Barns, W. O. |N S Archibald, Janet, Alma, W. O. |N S Archibald, Matthew, Glenelg |N S Archibald, R., Archibald Settlement, W. O. |N B Argue, J. S., Stittsville | O Armour, John, jun., Kelvin | O Armour, Thomas, Dunnville | O Armstrong, Foster, Point Alexander | O Armstrong, F. P., East Port Medway, W. O. |N S Armstrong, Henry, Inistioge | O Armstrong, Robert, Lakeside | O Armstrong, Samuel, McKellar | O Armstrong, Simon, Belgrave | O Armstrong, William, Falmouth, Windsor Bridge, W. O. |N S Arnel, T. H., Vandecar | O Arnold, George, Bell’s Corners | O Arthurs, John, Napier | O Ashdown, F. W., Spence | O Ashdown, James, Ashdown | O Ashton, Robert, Columbus | O Asselin, Eusèbe, Joliette | Q Atkinson, John, Glanford | O Aubé, Joseph, Poplar Grove, W. O. |N B Aubé, Marcel, St. Gervais | Q Aubry, P. G., Aubigny | Q Audet, dit Lapointe J., St. Laurent d’Orléans | Q Audette, Antoine, North Stukeley | Q Auger, Louis A., Mount Johnson | Q Ault, Samuel, Aultsville | O Avard, William, Great Shemogue, W. O. |N B Axford, Wellington, Lynnville | O Ayer, C., Ayer’s Flat | Q Aylward, James H., Queensville | O Aylsworth, James, Tamworth | O | | Babcock, Edward, Johnson’s Mills, W. O. |N B Bachaud, J. C., St. Liboire | Q Bachelder, D., Rougemont | Q Backus, J., River Désert | Q Bacon, Sarah D., St. Pierre, Montmagny | Q Bagrie, John, Brooksdale | O Bailey, Luke E., Central Blissville, W. O. |N B Bailey, James, Shanick | O Bailey, George, Shrigley | O Bailey, Nicholas, Sandy Beach | Q Bailey, Alexander, Church Hill, W. O. |N B Bailey, G. D., Newcastle Creek, W. O. |N B Bailey, W. W., Island Brook | Q Bailey Wm., Dartford | O Baird, Henry, Bairdsville, W. O. |N B Baird, John D., Boundary, Presqu’ile, W. O. |N B Baker, Andrew J., Summerstown | O Baker, Edward, Dunham | Q Baker, David, Dundee | Q Baker, William, Wales | O Baker, G. P., Ottawa | O Baker, Adam G., Osgoode | O Baker, Reuben, Canaan Road, W. O. |N S Baldwin, Henry, Laskay | O Balfour, Duncan, Westville |N S Ball, James, Rugby | O Ball, G. H., North West Arm, W. O. |N S Ball, Wright, South Roxton | Q Ballam, W. G., Arichat |N S Ballantyne, Mrs. E., L’Islet | Q Balmain, Abner, Douglas Harbor, W. O. |N B Balmer, R., Oakville | O Balster, W., Gaberouse, W. O. |N S Bannatyne, A. G. B., Fort Garry | M Bancroft, F., Westport |N S Bangs, John, Mattawa | O Banning, O., jun., Clayton | O Bannister, John, Waverley | O Banting, Thomas M., Clover Hill | O Baptie, Alexander, Ida | O Barclay, Thomas, Head of Tide, W. O. |N B Barclay, Patrick, Petrolea | O Bard, Charles, Bardsville | O Barfoot, S., Chatham | O Baribeau, Louis A., Rivière du Loup (en haut) | Q Barker, Mrs. Vasey, Montague Gold Mines, W. O. |N S Barker, David, Picton | O Barker, John, Pinedale | O Barker, John, Dundonald | O Barker, James J., Markham | O Barnes, V., North Pinnacle | Q Barnes, Noah M., Barnesville, W. O. |N B Barron, John, Newcomb Corner, W. O. |N S Barry, A. A., Rock Island | Q Barry, John C., Les Eseoumains | Q Barsalou, C., Calumet Island | Q Barteaux, C. W., Somerset, W. O. |N S Bartholomew, Dennis, Strathallen | O Bartlett, G., Bethel | Q Bartley, George, Kennebec Line | Q Bastedo, Walter S., Wellington Square | O Bateman, William G., Moncton Road, W. O. |N B Bates, Ezra A., Arnprior | O Bates, Rodger, Blairton | O Batty, C., St. George, Brant | O Baxter, Joseph D., Norton Station |N B Beals, Albert, Middleton |N S Beamish, S. R., Brunswick | O Bearman, Thomas, Scone | O Beaton, Donald, Whitton | Q Beaton, Angus, Little Judique, W. O. |N S Beattie, Porter, Stanbury | Q Beattie, William, Melbourne Ridge | Q Beattie, George, French Village, W. O. |N B Beatty, Henry, Ballycroy | O Beatty, Johnstone, Elizabethville | O Beatty, William H., Stanton | O Beauchemin, L. J. B., St. Maurice Forges | Q Beauchemin, A. O. T., Roxton Falls | Q Beaudette, Joseph S., St. Patrick’s Hill | Q Beaudoin, M., St. Evariste de Forsyth | Q Beaulieu, J. B., Cacouna | Q Beaumont, John, Curryville, W. O. |N B Beaumier, Théodore, Cap Magdeléne | Q Beck, Charles, Poole | O Beck, Jacob, Baden | O Beck, J. H., Medina | O Becker, A. A., Hilton | O Beckman, J., Ellershausen, W. O. |N S Beckwith, N., Mill Creek, W. O. |N B Beckwith, A., Upper Dyke Village, W. O. |N S Bédard, Pierre, Valmont | Q Bédard, Charles, St. Rémi | Q Bédard, L., St. Flavien | Q Beeman, David H., Prosser Brook, W. O. |N B Begg, Mrs. Sarah, Innerkip | O Bégin, Joseph, Lake Etechemin | Q Bégin, Louis C., Kamouraska | Q Bélanger, Célestin, Chlorydormes | Q Bélanger, E., St. Romaine | Q Bélanger, F., St. Vallier | Q Bélanger, Louis, Rivière des Prairies | Q Belfour, John, Bath | O Belfry, Jacob, Carden | O Bell, John M., Atha | O Bell, George, Caledon | O Bell, P. W., Michipicoton River | O Bell, Archibald, Nairn | O Bell, Gavin, New Annan, W. O. |N S Bell, John, Whitehurst | O Bell, John S., Lyn | O Belleau, E. S., St. Michel | Q Belleau, Felix, St. Foy | Q Belleau, John, Rivière Ouelle | Q Belleveaux, Urbain, Belleveaux Cove |N S Belmore, D., Dipper Harbor, W. O. |N B Bender, James, Long Lake | O Benner, Jacob, West Montrose | O Bennett, Isaac, Sebringville | O Bennett, Wm., Masham Mills | Q Bennett, Wm., North Mountain, W. O. |N S Bennett, Edmund, Castile | O Benson, Albert, Stromness | O Bent, James, Short Beach, W. O. |N S Bent, John C., Armstrong’s Brook, W. O. |N B Bent, Clara W., Digby |N S Benwell, John B., Oxenden | O Bergeron, D., Blandford | Q Bergeron, Jacques, Metabechouan | Q Bermingham, W., South Lake | O Bernard, W. B., Arva | O Bernard, J., Cap Santé | Q Bernard, L., Hemison | Q Berney, W. H., Mill Grove | O Bernier, Antoine, St. Simon de Rimouski | Q Berry, Edward, Berryton, W. O. |N B Berry, J., St. Martin’s, W. O. |N B Berry, W. H., March | O Berteaux, Charles, Nictaux Falls, W. O. |N S Bertrand, François, Lévis | Q Bertrand, J. B., St. Placide | Q Bertrand, Paul, St. Mathias | Q Bertrand, Louis A., Isle Verte | Q Berwick, Edward, Shelburne | O Besancon, Henry, Gorrie | O Besner, J. B. Pont Château | Q Bessette, N. D. D., Village Richelieu | Q Best, F. A., Corinth | O Best, Leonard, Beaver Harbor, W. O. |N B Best, Abraham, Mount Pleasant | O Bethune, Roderick, Loch Lomond, W. O. |N S Beveridge, A. J., Arthuret, W. O. |N B Beveridge, Wm. B., Andover |N B Bhérour, Archille, St. Fidéle | Q Bigelow, W. H., Spencer Island, W. O. |N S Bigney, Lemuel, Wentworth, W. O. |N S Bilodeau, F. X., Baillargeon | Q Bilodeau, Jean, St. Elzéar | Q Bilodeau, Job, Chambord | Q Bingham, Wesley, Orillia | O Bingham, R., Athens | O Bird, Robert, Birdton, W. O. |N B Birmingham, Mrs. E., Birmingham | O Bishop, James, Perth, W. O. |N B Bishop, Asa W., Bishop’s Mills | O Bishop, Adolphus, Canaan, W. O. |N S Bishop, J. B., Marbleton | Q Bishop, Wm. E., Irving’s Settlement, W. O. |N B Bissett, George, River Bourgeois, W. O. |N S Bisson, D., Paspébiac | Q Bistodeau, G. E., St. Maurice | Q Black, E., Salem, W. O. |N S Black, J. C., Claremont, W. O. |N S Black, Angus D., Appin | O Black, James, jun., Bramley | O Black, R. F., West Branch, River Philip, W. O. |N S Black, Robert, Craigvale | O Blackburn, John, Eldorado | O Blackburn, Robert, Lucerne | Q Blackburn, Samuel, Lower Prospect, W. O. |N S Blackhall, J. G. C., Caraquet |N B Blackwood, John, Stukely | Q Blackwood, Robert, Martintown | O Blackwood, Charles W, Thunder Bay | O Blain, J., St. Edouard | Q Blain, M., La Pigeonnière | Q Blair, Henry, North River Bridge, W. O. |N S Blair, William, Ardtrea | O Blais, Alexis, St. Aubert | Q Blais, Patrick, North Ham | Q Blais, Narcisse, Point aux Trembles | Q Blais, L. N., Matane | Q Blais, Prudent, Beaulieu | Q Blaisdell, John, Bolton Centre | Q Blake, Robert, Black Brook, W. O. |N B Blakeny, William, Jeddore, W. O. |N S Blanchard, Daniel, Greenbush | O Blanchard, Mrs. M. T., Port Hawkesbury |N S Blaney, Henry, Millville, W. O. |N B Bloomburg, Isaac, Elphin | O Blue, Malcolm, Blue’s Mills, W. O. |N S Blyth, A. W., Marden | O Boardman, Luther, Crowland | O Bogart, Gilbert, Napanee | O Boggs, B. B., Joggin Mines, W. O. |N S Boileau, Godfroi, St. Geneviève | Q Boily, Rev. P., Mille Vaches | Q Bolduc, Theodule, Roberval | Q Bond, Edwin, Sheffield | O Bodgard, J. D., Bongard’s Corners | O Bonneville, Caroline La Beauce | Q Bonthron, James, Rodgerville | O Boon, William, Salford | O Booth, John, Prospect, W. O. |N S Booth, Thomas, Chester | Q Borden, Levi, Pugwash |N S Borden, T. W., Canning |N S Boright, Curtis S., Sweetsburg | Q Boswell, J. C., Cobourg | O Bothwell, Wm., Grovesend | O Boucher, H., Bégon | Q Boucher, Ei., St. Apollinaire | Q Boucher, Pierre, St. Honoré | Q Boudreau, Alex., Boudreau Village, W. O. |N B Boudrot, Benj., Barrio’s Beach, W. O. |N S Boudrot, Stephen, Port Felix |N S Bouilliane, R., Les Petites Bergeronnes | Q Boulanger, L., St. Agathe | Q Boulet, E. C., St. François Montmagny | Q Bourchier, J. R., Georgina | O Bourgeault, F. S., St. Anicet | Q Bourget, Charles, Lauzon | Q Bourke, T., Mayo | Q Bourke, Thomas, Albert Bridge, W. O. |N S Bourne, C. E., Nanticoke | O Bourque, A., St. Clet | Q Bourque, Damese V., Etang du Nord, (sub) | Q Boutalier, Miss M., Port Caledonia, W. O. |N S Bow, William, West Winchester | O Bowden, William, Second Falls, W. O. |N B Bowen, James, Mill Point | O Bower, John C., West Osgoode | O Bowes, Joanna, Wisbeach | O Bowman, S. P., New Dundee | O Bowman, John, Almira | O Bowsfield, R., Whittington | O Boyd, John, Johnville, W. O. |N B Boyer, George R., Victoria |N B Boyer, Wm. P., Somerville, W. O. |N B Boyle, James, Chance Harbor, W. O. |N S Boyle, John, Caledonia Mills, W. O. |N S Boyle, John, Curran | O Brace, L. J., Zetland | O Bradford, F. W., Bayside, W. O. |N B Bradford, Charles A., Chatboro | Q Bradley, M., Eddystone | O Bradley, Joseph A., Lansdown | O Brady, Bridget, Mount St. Patrick | O Bragg, John, Windham Hill, W. O. |N S Branan, J. W., Alvinston | O Brannen, John B., Kenmore | O Branscomb, A., sen., Cumberland Bay, W. O. |N B Brash, Richard, New Richmond | Q Brasher, Samuel, Vienna | O Brassard, Xavier, Jonquières | Q Bray, Benjamin, Little Ridge, W. O. |N B Breau, Urbain, Richibucto Village, W. O. |N B Breadner, Joshua, Athelstan | Q Breckenridge, Robert, Heyworth | Q Breeze, Wm., Forest Mills | O Brennan, Peter, Golden Grove, W. O. |N B Brethour, Samuel, Valentyne | O Brewster, W. R., Beaver Brook, W. O. |N B Briard, Edward, Cheticamp, W. O. |N S Bridge, Andrew, Westbrook | O Bridgman, Jonathan, Clear Creek | O Brien, A. A. L., St., Alexandre | Q Brien, Alfred, St. Simon de Yamaska | Q Brière, François, Lake Weedon | Q Briggs, James, Pearceton | Q Briggs, Thos., Hepworth | O Brigham, E. O., Brigham | Q Brigham, Robert, Rondeau Harbor | O Brillon, J. B., Belœil Village | Q Brine, J. S., St. Margaret’s Bay |N S Brisbin, Alexander, Covey Hill | Q Brittain, Wm. H., Windsor, W. O. |N B Britton, D. F., Gananoque | O Bristow, Edward, Shibley | O Broad, John, Little Britain | O Broad, Isaac, Holmesville, W. O. |N B Broad, Wm., Hayden | O Brochu, M., St. Lambert | Q Brock, William, Elfrida | O Brodhagen, Chas., Brodhagen | O Brokenshaw, Luke, Drummondville, West | O Brooks, Asa D., Southampton, W. O. |N B Brooks, Caleb, Low | Q Brotherston, W. Sen., Villiers | O Brouillette, Alexis, Mont. St. Hilaire | Q Brousseau, Julien, Laprairie | Q Brown. Dr. Chas., Cowansville | Q Brown, William S., Red Bank, W. O. |N B Brown, George, Shakespeare | O Brown, A. N., St. John’s, West | O Brown, John, Rutherford | O Brown, James, Newport Corner, W. O. |N S Brown, James, Coal Mines, W. O. |N B Brown, Robert, Bass River, W. O. |N B Brown, James, Sen., Motherwell | Q Brown, John, Monckland | O Brown, David F., Moe’s River | Q Brown, James, Nithburg | O Brown, Geo., Brinsley | O Brown, James, Melancthon | O Brown, James E., Lakelands, W. O. |N S Brown, Alexander, Aldershot | O Brown, James Ross, Angus | O Brown, Francis, Clifford | O Brown, Nicholas J., Marble Mountain, W. O. |N S Brown, Philip, Lower Pereaux, W. O. |N S Brown, William, Chesterfield | O Brown, Chas. A., Chester |N S Brown, Francis, Cairngorm | O Brown, George, Hereward | O Brown, George, Head of Wallace Bay (north side), W. O. |N S Brown, H. V., Eskasoni, W. O. |N S Brown, William G., Indian Town |N B Brown, John, Victoria Harbor, W. O. |N S Brown, David, Hampstead | O Brown, J. L., Harvey Hill Mines | Q Brown, James W., Lower Queensbury, W. O. |N B Brown, E, J., Gresham | O Brown, George, Philipsville | O Brown, Robert, Zurich | O Brown, W. A., Glen Sutton | Q Browne, J. A., New Dublin | O Browning, Archibald, Lavant | O Brownlee, James, Ellengowan | O Bruce, R., Ragged Head, W. O. |N S Bruce, Wm., Temperanceville | O Brunet, Narcisse A., Ste. Sophie | Q Brunelle, Uldoric, St. Etienne | Q Brunelle, L., Gentilly | Q Brunner, Jacob, Brunner | O Brunning, A. H., St. Croix, W. O. |N B Bryson, Thomas, Allan’s Corners | Q Bryson, Jas., Cameron | O Bryson, Thomas, Fort Coulonge | Q Buchan, John, Fullarton | O Buchanan, Donald, Englishtown |N S Buchanan, William, Sullivan | O Bucke, T. W., Wabashene | O Buck, Richard, Harold | O Buckley, Thomas, Buckley’s, W. O. |N S Buckwell, William S., Onondaga | O Budd, A. H., Rolling Dam, W. O. |N B Bullock, Increase, Georgeville | Q Bundy, George, Houghton | O Bunn, George, Ullswater | O Bunnell, Alfred M., Lutes Mountain, W. O. |N B Bunston, Joseph, Yeovil | O Bunston, Thomas, Petherton | O Burchell, Geo., Bridgeport, W. O. |N S Burdett, Robert, Griersville | O Bureau, Rev. J. A., Ste. Agnès | Q Burgar, Thomas, Welland | O Burgess, Thomas, Bala | O Burgess, E. W., Burgessville | O Burgess, John, Cheverie, W. O. |N S Burgess, Joseph L., Drumbo | O Burgess, Robert M., Richview | O Burk, Eustache, Fox Creek, W. O. |N B Burk, D. F., Segeun Falls | O Burke, J. W., Ingonish, W. O. |N S Burland, William, Stottville | Q Burnham, Peter, Windsor |N S Burns, John, Evelyn | O Burpee, C. J., Sheffield |N B Burpee, M. E. A., Burton, W. O. |N B Burpee, Isaac C., Upper Gaspereaux, W. O. |N B Burpee, Stephen G., Florenceville |N B Burrell, C., Stanley’s Mills | O Burrows, William, Prospect | O Burt, John W., Coningsby | O Burton, Israel, Belford | O Buttemer, R., Salmon Beech, W. O. |N B Butler, Jas., St. Edouard de Frampton (sub) | Q Butler, R. P., Oakwood | O Butler, W. H., Richmond, West | O Butler, John, Colinville | O Butterfield, J. A., Norwood | O Byrne, Thomas, Uptergrove | O Byron, Anthony, Stoke Centre | Q Byron, Luke, Campo Bello |N B | | Cabana, Ant, St. Rosalie | Q Cahill, Michael, Jersey River, Chaudière | Q Caie, Robert C., Janeville, W. O. |N B Cairns, Thomas, Perth | O Cairns, John, Prince of Wales, W. O. |N B Cairns, Robert, Bulwer | Q Cairns, Hugh, East Clifton | Q Calder, James, Carluke | O Caldwell, Matthew, New Carlisle | Q Caldwell, Sherman, Gaspereaux, W. O. |N S Calhoun, Joseph, Uphill | O Calkin, G. E., Kentville |N S Callaway, David, Huston | O Cameron, Duncan, Amberley | O Cameron, Donald, Beaverton | O Cameron, Archibald, Pointe au Chêne | Q Cameron, John, Bright | O Cameron, John D., Caledonia Springs | O Cameron, M. A., Otnabog, W. O. |N B Cameron, Ewen, Edmonton | O Cameron, J. D., Upper Caledonia, W. O. |N S Cameron, C. A., Upper Settlement of South River, W. O. |N S Cameron, Alexander, Little Branch, W. O. |N B Cameron, Alexander, Urbania, W. O. |N S Cameron, A. S., Daywood | O Cameron, Hugh, Kempt Road, W. O. |N S Cameron, Reuben G., Upper Hampstead, W. O. |N B Cammidge, Henry, Clavering | O Campbell, Archibald, Hartley | O Campbell, Archibald, Lochaber Bay | Q Campbell, Archibald J., Liverpool |N S Campbell, Archibald, Napan, W. O. |N B Campbell, Donald, Margaree Forks |N S Campbell, Charles C., New Campbelton |N S Campbell, Donald B., Harrington East | Q Campbell, Geo., East River, St. Mary’s, W. O. |N S Campbell, G. F., St. Andrews |N B Campbell, Malcolm, Mildmay | O Campbell, William, Calder | O Campbell, A. T., Holyrood | O Campbell, Malcolm, Highgate | O Campbell, John, Escuminac, (sub.) | Q Campbell, Donald, Wellington | O Campbell, Henry M., Woburn | O Campbell, D. K., Campbell Settlement, W. O. |N B Campbell, M., Lucknow | O Campbell, Thomas, Keene | O Canniff, Jonas, jun., Cannifton | O Cannon, Robert, Vesta | O Cannon, M., New Horton, W. O. |N B Cantwell, William, Franklin Centre | Q Cardwell, Henry, Chatsworth | O Cardwell, William, Drew | O Carey, William, Baie Verte |N B Carland, John, Pubnico Harbor, W. O. |N S Carle John R., Scotch Town, W. O. |N B Carman, L. D., Musquash, W. O. |N B Carnohan, Barnard C., Roslin | O Caron, G. C., Trois Saumons | Q Caron, Nazaire, Ste. Louise | Q Carpenter, Joseph, Winona | O Carr, M. X., Paris Station | O Carr, James W., Oyster Ponds, W. O. |N S Carr, Asa, Geary, W. O. |N B Carrens, John, New Ireland, W. O. |N B Carrick, William, Oban | O Carrigan, B., Emigrant Settlement, W. O. |N B Carroll, Richard, Usher, W. O. |N S Carscallen, J. A., Glastonbury | O Carson, James, Newbridge | O Carson, S. W., Cressy | O Carson, B. B., Port Lewis | Q Carswell, Thomas M., Gower Point | O Carter, L. G., Port Colborne | O Carrier S., St. Aimé | Q Cartier, Narcise, St. Antoine, River Richelieu | Q Carvill, J. S., Lakeville, W. O. |N B Carvell, Richard, Temperance Vale, W. O. |N B Case George, Case Settlement, W. O. |N B Case, W. Mitchell, Midland, W. O. |N B Casselman, C. T., Winchester | O Casselman, Martin, Casselman | O Casement, Robert, North Douro | O Cattanach, Donald, Laggan | O Cattanach, P., Sombra | O Cattellier, Hubert St. George, Beauce | Q Catton, John, Burford | O Cavanagh, Thomas, Creighton | O Caverhill, W. C., Côteau Landing | Q Cavers, Peter A., Homer | O Caya, Tancred, Vereker | O Chaffey, J. B. W., Indian Island, W. O. |N B Challoner, J., White Point, W. O. |N S Chalmers John, Belledune, W. O. |N B Chamberlin, Otis, St. Elie | Q Chambers, John, Wick | O Chambers, John, Wilfred | O Chambers, John, Shrewsbury | Q Champoux, Léon, St. Gertrude | Q Champoux, George, Lake Aylmer | Q Channell, James T., Bolton Forest | Q Chant Samuel, Chantry | O Chapedelaine, L., St. Ours | Q Chapeleau, Edouard, St. Paschal | Q Chapman, G. H., Hastings, W. O. |N S Chapman, George W., River Gilbert | Q Chapman, John, North Augusta | O Chapman, John, Hespeler | O Chapman, Dixon, Mount Whatley, W. O. |N B Chapman, Michael, Goodwood | O Charbonneau, V., Beresford | Q Charbonneau, C. T., L’Acadie | Q Charland, Joseph, Lavaltrie | Q Charlebois. A. W., Rigaud | Q Charlton, S., Milford, W. O. |N S Charron, Emilien, St. Dorothée | Q Charters, S. C., Memramcook |N B Chase, Albert, Port Williams |N S Chase, Charles A., Union Corner, W. O. |N B Chase, Arthur G., Upper Sackville, W. O. |N B Chase, Reuben, Lakeville, W. O. |N S Chaurette, Cyprien, Oka | Q Chenier, Felix, Baie St. Paul | M Chenier, Hercule, Sevigné | Q Chesley, Nelson, Chesley’s Corners, W. O. |N S Child, Marcus, Drew’s Mills | Q Childerhose, Robert, Stafford | O Chillas, Miss Margaret, Nicolet | Q Chapman, C. S., Warren, W. O. |N S Chipman, Samuel, Chipman’s Corners, W. O. |N S Chipman, Mrs. A., Amherst |N S Chipman, X. Z., Locke Port |N S Chisholm, Alexander, Pointe du Chêne | M Chisholm, Angus, Lochiel | O Chisholm. Archibald, St. Andrews |N S Chisholm, K., Brampton | O Chisholm, Mrs. M., Pomquet Forks, W. O. |N S Chisholm, R., Sutherland’s Mills, W. O. |N S Chisholm, Colin, Marydale, W. O. |N S Chisholme, William, Dalhousie Mills | O Choat, Thomas, Warsaw | O Chouinard, Elie, Garneau | Q Christie, Joseph, Ryegate | O Christie, Alex. R., Port Severn, (sub) | O Christie, Geo. N., Teviotdale Station, W. O. |N S Christie, John H., Little Bras d’Or, W. O. |N S Church, W. S., Bersimis | Q Church, Mrs. Ann, Brockton | O Church, Richard, Cataract | O Clairoux, P. E., St. Hermas | Q Clark, Robert, Canterbury | Q Clark, William, Shanly | O Clark, Benjamin, Camden, East | O Clark, William H., Nackawick, W. O. |N B Clark, Peter, Montague | O Clark, Bibins, Cloyne | O Clarke, Jesse, Springfield, W. O. |N B Clarke, Ludlow B., Centreville |N B Clarke, Robert, Downsview | O Clarke, P. T., Coxheath, W. O. |N S Clarke Albert F., Mandamin | O Clay, William, Norval | O Clayes, Geo., jun., Bedford | Q Clayton, W. R., Carlow | O Cleland, James, North Mountain | O Clement, James S., Virgil | O Clement, Ovide A., St. Paul’s Bay | Q Clement, A. D., Brantford | O Cleminger, John, Banda | O Clendinning, R., Dungannon | O Cleveland, Isaac, Sandy Beaches, W. O. |N S Clifford, Henry A., Muskoka Falls | O Clinch Chas. F., Clinch’s Mills. W. O. |N B Clough, Daniel, Lennox Ferry, W. O. |N S Clouston, James, Middle Church | M Cloutier, C. P., St. Victoire | Q Cloutier, J. B., St. Cyrille | Q Cloutier, Mdme. A., Détour du Lac | Q Clow, Elias, South Granby | Q Coates, Thos. H., Smith Creek, W. O. |N B Coates, Thos., Coates’ Mills, W. O. |N B Coburn, Thomas, Upper Keswick Ridge, W. O. |N B Coburn, M. H., Little River (Sun), W. O. |N B Cochran, B. W., Halifax |N S Cochran, J. T., Scotch Village, W. O. |N S Cochran, J. F., Newport |N S Cochran, Harriet, Rockland, W. O. |N S Cockburn, Peter, Gravenhurst | O Cockerline, William, Henrysburg | Q Code, G., Trowbridge | O Code, Thomas, Innisville | O Cohan, Charles, Hebron |N S Cohoon, Freeman, Port Medway |N S Colbeck, William, Colbeck | O Colclough, J. R., Bic | Q Cole, Thomas, North Nation Mills | Q Cole, W. G., Little River (Mid Musquodoboit), W. O. |N S Coleman, T., Hart’s Mills, W. O. |N B Coleman, William, Seeley’s Bay | O Colgan, John, Cranbourne | Q Collas, John, Sheldrake | Q Collet, Charles A., St. Henri | Q Collette, Joseph, St. Julie | Q Collerette, Zephirin, Grand Etang, W. O. |N S Collicut, P., Hillside, W. O. |N S Colling, J., Verdun | O Colliver, Thos., Cherry Valley | O Colpitts, R. Alder, Pleasant Vale, W. O. |N B Colpits, Robert J., Little River (cov), W. O. |N B Colpits, B. R., Pollett River, W. O. |N B Colpitts, W. A., Mapleton, W. O. |N B Comeau, Justien, Metaghan River, W. O. |N S Comeau, A. F., Clare, W. O. |N S Commeault, J. B., River David | Q Commins, A. B., Centre Augusta | O Commins, William, Bath |N B Conn, C., Elder | O Conn, Meredith, Tyrconnell | O Connacher, H., Black Point, W. O. |N B Connery, James, Cedar Hill | O Connor, Zebulon, Upper Greenwich, W. O. |N B Cook, Arch., Black Land, W. O. |N B Cook, James, Milford | O Cook, James R., Mount Albion | O Cook, William, Carrville | O Coonan, George, Waterside, W. O. |N B Cooper, Hugh, Vachell | O Cooper, Francis, South Barnston | Q Cooper, James H., Campbellville | O Cooper, Samuel, Keyser | O Cooper, Thomas, Glen Alpine, W. O. |N S Copeland, W. L., St. Catharine’s, West | O Copp, John, jun., Baie Verte Road, W. O. |N B Copping, E., Montcalm | Q Coppinger, Thomas, Hanover | O Corbett, Edmund, Harmony | O Corbett, Andrew, Clones, W. O. |N B Corbett, R. A., Perrytown | O Corbett, Edmund, Harbor au Bouche, W. O. |N S Corbett, George, Gold Fields, W. O. |N S Comeau, Louis, Pointe du Lac | Q Cormeck, Joseph, Moore’s Mills, W. O. |N B Cormier, Joseph G., Doherty Mills, W. O. |N B Cormier, S., Upper Caraquet, W. O. |N B Cornell, B., Rockton | O Cornock, William, Erin | O Cornwall, William, Rockport | O Correll, Mrs. Phœbe A., Stamford | O Corrigan, William, Stoneham | Q Cossar, Mrs. James, Dufferin | O Costello, John, Brudenell | O Coté, George, St. Giles | Q Coté, Marcel, Tremblay | Q Cotter, James W., Appleby | O Cottle, N. B., Jemseg, W. O. |N B Cotton, Robert, Port Credit | O Coulson, James, Coulson | O Coultard, J. H., Underwood | O Coulter, John, Long Point, W. O. |N B Coulter, W. L., Langton | O Counter, Henry, Spaffordton | O Courtemanche, F., St. Edwige | Q Coutu, O. H., St. François du Lac | Q Couture, O., St. Anaclet | Q Couture, Eusèbe, Buckland | Q Couture, Geo., Beaumont | Q Couture, Wilbrod, St. Paul du Buton | Q Covert, Henry, Crofton | O Cowan, James, Ronson | O Cowan, David, Rossway, W. O. |N S Cowie, John W., Balderson | O Cowie, Robert, Springbank | O Cowie, Thomas, Hannon | O Cown, L., St. Dominique des Cedres | Q Cox, John, Upper Stewiacke, W. O. |N B Cox, C. B., South Branch, W. O. |N S Cox, William, Norton Dale, W. O. |N B Cozzens, R. H., Washago | O Craig, Murdoch, Craigsholme | O Craig, Thomas, Craighurst | O Craig, Leslie M., Pleasant Valley, W. O. |N S Craig, George, East side of Ragged Island |N S Craig, Samuel, Back Bay, W. O. |N B Crandal, Joseph, Moncton |N B Crawford, John, Brockville | O Crawford, John, Gravel Hill | O Crawford, J., Glammis | O Creed, E. S., Upper Newport, W. O. |N S Creed, George, South Rawdon, W. O. |N S Creelman, James, Newton Mills, W. O. |N S Creelman, William, Lower Selmah, W. O. |N S Crepeau, Guillaume, St. Camille | Q Crepeau, Max., St. Félix de Valois | Q Crinkley, Wm. B., Gad’s Hill | O Crocker, James, Elimville | O Croft, William, Middleville | O Crombie, E. R., Brandy Creek | O Cronan, Mrs. M. A., La Have River, W. O. |N S Crooks, W., Peggy’s Cove, W. O. |N S Crosby, Moses, Gordonsville, W. O. |N B Crosby, Charles, Lake George, W. O. |N S Crosby, Richard, Deerfield, W. O. |N S Cross, George, Jasper | O Cross Thomas, South Zorra | O Cross, Henry, jun., Maple Grove | Q Crossfield, O., Abbotsford | Q Croswell, George, Upsalquitch, W. O. |N B Crothers, Thomas, Upper Gagetown, W. O. |N B Crowdis, J. G., Middle Section of N. E. Margaree, W. O. |N S Crowell, R. H., Barrington |N S Crowell, William, Highfield, W. O. |N S Crozier, S., Topping | O Cruickshank, James, Cruickshank | O Cryan, William J., Fafard | Q Cuddahee, Timothy, Rathburn | O Cully, W. R., Forest City, W. O. |N B Cummer, W. W., Newton Brook | O Cumming, James, Trenton | O Cumming, John, Fergusonvale | O Cumming, George, Rosemont | O Cumming, George, Garden Island | O Cumminger, Jesse, Goldenville |N S Cummins, Charles, Milford |N B Cummins. S., Carlow, W. O. |N B Cumner, Jacob, Willowdale | O Cunningham, Charlotte, Canso |N S Cunningham, E. J., Guysborough |N S Cunningham, James, Gourock | O Cunningham, W., Cape Sable Island, W. O. |N S Curran, Patrick, Milltown |N B Curran, T., West Branch Nicholas River, W. O. |N B Currie, Hugh, Camilla | O Currie, Thomas, New Ross | O Currie, R. B., West Dublin, W. O. |N S Curry, John, Farmington | O Curry, Frederick G., Horton Landing, W. O. |N S Curtis, James, Alderville | O Curtis, Robert, Mongolia | O Curtis, Edward, Oak Ridges | O Cushing, J. P., Lennoxville | Q Cushing, James B., Cushing | Q Cutting, Horace, Coaticook | Q Cyr, François S., Maria | Q | | Dafoe, Jacob, Utica | O Dafoe, Manuel, Zephyr | O Dagget, E., Grand Manan |N B Dagnault, Rev. J. A., St. Michel des Saints | Q Dalpé dit Pariseau, St. Esprit | Q Dalton, John, Mayfair | O Dalton, Mrs. E. J., Barnaby River, W. O. |N B Daly, Joseph, Hopefield | O D’Amour, Marceline, Ste. Philomêne | Q D’Aoust, L. B., Point Claire | Q Darche, E. S., South Ham | Q Darling, J. S., Penetanguishene | O Darling, Thomas, Moisic | Q Darlington, Robert, Brooklin | O Dart, Daniel, Green Creek, W. O. |N S Dauphin, Edouard, Sault au Récollet | Q Dauth, George, Bulstrode | Q David, F. X., Valcourt | Q Davidson, Alexander, Oak Point, W. O. |N B Davidson, David, Lefroy | O Davidson, Bryce T., Lake Opinicon | O Davidson, William, Tidnish Bridge, W. O. |N B Davidson, John, Galt | O Davis, Joseph, Zealand | O Davis, Josiah, Blayney Ridge, W. O. |N B Davis, John, Davisville | O Davis, Thomas, Bellisle Bay, W. O. |N B Davis, George, Ivy | O Davison, William, Hantsport |N S Davison, Robert, Portapique, W. O. |N S Davison, John D., Fenwick, W. O. |N S Davy, Michael, Murvale | O Dawson, Thomas, Wolverton | O Dawson, Isaac, Dawson Settlement, W. O. |N B Dawson, Thomas, Utopia | O Dawson, William, Luther | O Dawson, John, Sylvan | O Deacon, Robert, Kingston | O Dean, Charles, Ship Harbor, W. O. |N S Dean, Marcus S., Bridgenorth | O Deacon, W. G., Warminster | O Decelle, Paul, St. Théodore | Q Deguire, Gédéon, Côteau du Lac | Q Delany, John, Lower Newcastle, W. O. |N B De Lagorgendière, L. C. A. T., Katevale | Q Delfausse, M., Mascouche Rapids | Q Delmage, Adam, Rothsay | O Delisle, Joachim, Thiers | Q De Lorimer, W., Caughnawaga | Q Demer George, St. Henri Station | Q Denaut, W. H., Delta | O Denison, Joseph R., Denison’s Mills | Q Dennis, Dennis L., Tuscarora | O Densmore, R. T., Densmore’s Mills, W. O. |N S Densmore, Mrs. L., Kennetcook Corner, W. O. |N S Dépot, J., Egypte | Q Derenzy, Edward, Sand Point | O Derham, P. H., Tuam | O Derick, T. B., Noyan | Q Derome, I. J. L., St. Jean Chrysostôme, Chateauguay | Q Desaulniers, Joseph, Shawenegan | Q Desautel, S., Augustin, Rochelle | Q Des Brisay, A. C., Madisco |N B Deschamps, C. A., Natashquan | Q Deschéne, François, St. Philippe de Néry | Q Deschénes, Jean, St. Cyriac | Q Deselet, Olivier, Ste. Angèle de Laval | Q Deséve, A. Tannery, West | Q Désilets, Ludger, St. Leonard | Q Desjardins, H., Stony Point | O Desparais dit Champagne, Antoine, Charlemagne | Q Desforges, Clovis, Newport | Q Despocas, Marc C., Valleyfield | Q Després, E. L. R. C., St. Hyacinthe | Q Desroches, David, St. Janvier | Q Deveber, N. H., Westfield, W. O. |N B Devitt, Isaac, Flora | O Devine, Solomon, Petawawa | O Dewar, David, North Keppel | O De Wolfe, George H., Three Mile Plains, W. O. |N S Déziel, L. I., Daillebout | Q Dibb, William, Derwent | O Dick, James, Maple Valley | O Dick, George, sen., L’Etete, W. O. |N B Dickens, William, Upper Bay du Vin, W. O. |N B Dickenson, Edward, North Glanford | O Dickey, Mrs. Agnes, Bass River, W. O. |N S Dickey, H. L., Cornwallis, East, W. O. |N S Dickey, John, Middle Stewiacke, W. O. |N S Dickinson, Samuel Coldstream, W. O. |N B Dickinson, G. L., Manotick | O Dickson, Hugh, Central Onslow, W. O. |N S Dickson, John, Paudash | O Dickson, Samuel, Seaforth | O Dickson, William, Henry | O Dickson, A., Goderich | O Dickson, Robert, Peepabun | O Dieudonné, D. Brulé, Vaudreuil | Q Dier, T. B., De Cewsville | O Dier, R., Forest | O Digdon, John, Half Island Cove, W. O. |N S Dillon, D., Calabogie | O Dillman, Daniel, Meagher’s Grant, W. O. |N S Dillon, T. H., High Falls | O Dinby, John, Hurley | O Dinnigan, William, Norton Creek | Q Dinnin, William, Lumley | O Dionne, Paschal, St. Denis de la Bouteillerie | Q Dionne, Joseph, Ste. Anne la Pocatière | Q Dirstein, J., Elmwood | O Disher, Ralph, Point Abino | O Ditchburn, William, Rosseau | O Ditz, Adam, Dorking | O Dixon, Mary C., Middleton, W. O. |N B Dixon, Joseph, Sackville |N B Doan, Charles, Aurora | O Doane, Mrs. Mary, Gunning Cove, W. O. |N S Dobbin, James, Dobbinton | O Dobson, William, Head of Tatamagouche Bay, W. O. |N S Dobson, James, Yorkville | O Dodds, George, Primrose | O Dodge, Enoch, jun., Bridgetown |N S Dodge, William W., Hammond River, W. O. |N B Doering, G. C., Philipsburg, West | O Doherty, John, Uffington | O Doherty, Michael, Poquiock, W. O. |N B Donahue, William, West Farnham | Q Donald, Alexander, Burnbrae | O Donaldson, Robert, Reading | O Donaldson, Henry F., Enfield |N S Donkin, F. A., Athol |N S Donolly, William, Kertch | O Donovan, Thomas, South Bay, W. O. |N S Dorais, Onésime, St. Stanislas de Kostka | Q Doran, William, Doran | O Dorron, John, Shippigan |N B Douglas, A., Middle St. Francis, W. O. |N B Douglas, Thomas, Cambray | O Douglas, Mrs. Anne, Bradford | O Douglas, Alexander, Norham | O Douglas, Mary, Manilla | O Douglas, James, Londonderry, W. O. |N B Downie, John, Jordan Bay, W. O. |N S Dowsley, John, Prescott | O Dowsley, Joseph L., Escott | O Doyle, William, Back Lands, W. O. |N S Doyle, Michael, Maynooth | O Doyle, J. W., Guysborough | O Drake, P. Edward, Bell Ewart | O Drakin, William, Rankin’s Mills, W. O. |N B Drapeau, Rev. J. O., Ste. Françoise | Q Dreany, Robert, Crumlin | O Drolet, Pierre A., St. Pierre d’Orléans | Q Drope, R., Harwood | O Drouillard, Louis, Canard River | O Dryden, Robert, Eramosa | O Drysdale, John, Tatamagouche Mountain, W. O. |N S Duaine, J. B. L., St. Barnabé, St. Maurice | Q Dubé, Lucien, Napierville | Q Dubois, L. E., Brentwood | O Duboyce, Martin, West Bolton | Q Dubuque, Joseph, St. Boniface | M Ducket, Rodger, Côteau Station | Q Duffus, Adam, Widder | O Dufour, Rev. E., St. Lazare | Q Dufresne, George, Ancienne Lorette (sub) | Q Dugal, Adelme, M.D., St. Anne, Bout de l’Isle | Q Duggan, Henry A., York | O Duguay, Nestor, St. Zephirin | Q Duignan, Thomas, Nenagh | O Dukeshire, W. H., Maitland, W. O. |N S Dumouchelle, P., Rochester | O Dunbar, William, West Branch, East River of Pictou, W. O. |N S Dunbar, Alexander, Elmsdale |N S Dunham, Henry, Ompah | O Dunham, C. F., Kaladar | O Dunn, William, Washington | O Dunning, G. G., Cumberland | O Dunning, Levi E., East Templeton | Q Duncan, George, Melrose | O Duncan, James, Thamesville | O Dumphy, Edward, Douglas, W. O. |N B Dumphy, George, Dumphy, W. O. |N B Duplessis, J. O., Sorel | Q Duplisea, D. S., Tracey Station |N B Dupré, Olivier, St. Robert | Q Dupuis, A., Village des Aulnaies | Q Dupuis, Calixte, St. Hermenegilde | Q Duquet, Napoléon, Lachine | Q Dutchburn, H., Highfield | O Dyer, Richard, St. Patrick, W. O. |N B Dyer, G. C., Sutton | Q Dyer, James, Garden Hill | O Dynes, John, Verschoyle | O | | Eadie, William, Mohawk | O Eaken, George, Unionville | O Eakens, John A., Sparta | O Easson, William, Kintore | O East, C., St. Augustin, Portneuf | Q Eastabrook, H. A., Swan Creek, W. O. |N B Estabrooks, Joel F., Brigg’s Corner, W. O. |N B Easterbrook, Elias, Nassagiweya | O Eastey, Charles W., Royal Road, W. O. |N B Eastman, Benjamin, Carsonby | O Eastman, D. H., Eastman’s Springs | O Easton, H. S., Easton’s Corners | O Eastwood, Anthony, Lloydtown | O Eaton, C., Canada Creek, W. O. |N S Eaton, Geo. W., Palmer’s Road, W. O. |N S Eby, Elias, Bridgeport | O Echlin, D. C., Buxton | O Ecrement, J. F., St. Jacques | Q Ecrement, Joseph A., St. Damien de Brandon | Q Eden, Francis, Varney | O Edgar, John, Newbliss | O Edgett, Hiram, River Side, W. O. |N B Edgett, Ward, Edgett’s Landing, W. O. |N B Edmonstone, James, Grant | O Edwards, George, Thurso | Q Edward, James, Barrie | O Edwards, John, Hemmingford | Q Edwards, T. S., Lobo | O Edwards, W. P, Rankin | O Edwards, Wm. C., Rockland | O Edwards, William, Maritana | Q Egan, Denis, Powell | O Egan, Francis L., Kingsbridge | O Ehler, John, Crow Harbor, W. O. |N S Eisenheur, Jos., Chester Basin, W. O. |N S Elderkin, Mrs. Jane, Port Greville, W. O. |N S Elderkin, W. R., Apple River, W. O. |N S Elders, R., Perry Settlement, W. O. |N B Eldridge, J. W., Long Island |N S Elkins, M. L., West Potton | Q Ellard, Joshua, Wright | Q Elliott, H, Hampton | O Elliott, Isaac M., Mount Elgin | O Elliott, John, Port Elmsley | O Elliott, George, Trout Lake | O Elliott, W. C., Still Water, W. O. |N S Elliott, John, Cæsarea | O Ellis, George, Melocheville | Q Ellis, James R., Eastville, W. O. |N S Ells, A. C., Scott’s Bay, W. O. |N S Ells, Watson, Sheffield Mills, W. O. |N S Elmsley, R., Baddeck |N S Elsmlie, James, Barnett | O Elsworth, James, Fisherville | O Emery, George, Marble Rock | O Emo, Thomas, Ivanhoe | O Empey, M. P., Hawkesville | O England, Philo, Fulford | Q Eplett, Samuel D., Coldwater | O Erb, John L., Erbsville | O Ermatinger, F. E., St. Thomas, West | O Ernst, Christian, New Hamburg | O Ernst, Louis, Point Edward | O Ernst, John, Petersburg | O Erskine, Wm., Bocabec, W. O. |N B Esnouf, Charles, Grande Grève | Q Estabrook, C. L., St. Mary’s Ferry, W. O. |N B Estabrooks, Charles, Canning, W. O. |N B Estey, Charles W., Royal Road, W. O. |N B Estey, W. E., Farmerston, W. O. |N B Esty, Thomas H., Wicklow, W. O. |N B Ethier, Daniel, St. Joseph, W. O. |N B Evans, Richard J., Sleswick | O Evans, Miss E. M., Rock Village | O Evans, George, Albion | O Evans, Zerah, Dudswell | Q Everett, Edward, St. Mary’s Bay, W. O. |N S Everett, William, jun., Riley Brook, W. O. |N B Ewart, Thos., Carnegie | O Ewing, C. E., Wicklow | O | | Fafard, Pierre, Ste. Hélène de Bagot | Q Fair, Thomas, Clinton | O Fairbairn, J. B., Bowmanville | O Falconbridge, S., Aberfoyle | O Falconer, Daniel, Newry | O Fanjoy, C. H., Waterborough, W. O. |N B Faragher, Mrs. E. P., Hillsdale | O Farnsworth, Thomas, Morden, W. O. |N S Farquharson, Wm., Fordyce | O Farran, John R., Farran’s Point | O Farrell, Patrick, Indiana | O Farrell, Patrick, Upper Wakefield | Q Farrow, Wm., Botsford Portage, W. O. |N B Fauteux, J. St., Barthélemi | Q Faulkner, James, Poodiac, W. O. |N B Faulkner, Robt., Burntcoat, W. O. |N S Fayle, J. R., Vogler’s Cove, W. O. |N S Featherstone, W. J., Carp | O Feigehan, J. G., Fennells | O Fell, John, Bury’s Green | O Feltmate, J. H., White Head, W. O. |N S Fenwick, J. A., Millstream, W. O. |N B Ferguson, John, jun., Bathurst Village, W. O. |N B Ferguson, John, Cookstown | O Ferguson, Isaac G., Rosehall | O Ferguson, Duncan, Douglas | O Ferguson, D., Killean | O Ferguson, Robert, Stowe | O Ferris, Jas. M., Campbellford | O Fetherston, George, Kinburn | O Fiddes, Alexander, Corbin | Q Fieldhouse, H., Rosa | O Fillmore, Wm., Germantown, W. O. |N B Fillmore, G. A., Lower Turtle Creek, W. O. |N B Finlay, Ephraim, Head of Amherst, W. O. |N S Finlayson, Edward, Merigonish, W. O. |N S Finley, Isaac, Scugog | O Fish, Robert Y., Linwood | O Fisher, William, Halfway Brook, W. O. |N S Fisher, C., St. David’s | O Fisher, M. A., Athol | O Fisher, Lewis, New Maryland |N B Fisher, Peter, Wingham | O Fisher, Lemuel, Folly Mountain, W. O. |N S Fitzgerald, James, Baillieboro’ | O Fitzgerald, M., Frampton | Q Flanagan, Mrs. Anne, Spencer Cove | Q Flannigan, M., Lake Settlement, W. O. |N B Fleming, John, Mill Haven | O Fleming, John, Berkeley | O Fleming, A. G., Craigleith | O Fletcher, John L., Nashwaak Village, W. O. |N B Fletcher, George, Alliston | O Fletcher, William, Carillon | Q Flewelling, J. L., Oak Point, W. O. |N B Flewelling, G. H., Clifton, W. O. |N B Flewelling, John, Hampton, W. O. |N B Flint, George, junr., Greenbank | O Flood, H., Sweaburg | O Flood, Richard, Roach’s Point | O Floyd, J. A., Fairfield, W. O. |N B Foisy, Louis, Arthabaska Station | Q Foley, B. H., Buctouche |N B Foley, Jas., P. Brechin | O Follis, George, Ashley | O Folmsbee, John, Canboro’ | O Fontaine, Siméon, Weedon | Q Foot, W. G., Pointe aux Pins | O Foot, J., Richmond Terminus, W. O. |N S Forbes, John, Bridgeville, W. O. |N S Forbes, John, North Sydney |N S Forbes, John, Forbes, W. O. |N S Ford, George, Pentland | O Ford, C. R., Colborne | O Forman, Robert, Acadia Mines |N S Forest, Frederick, Bonaventure River | Q Forester, Oliver, Forester’s Falls | O Forrest, Richard, Fairview | O Forrestall, John, Forrestall’s, W. O. |N S Forshner, G. H. D., Head of Wallace Bay, W. O. |N S Forsyth, Hezekiah C., Princeton | O Forsyth, Enoch A., Port William Station |N S Forsyth, Elijah, Fairfield Plain | O Fortier, Narcisse, St. Raphaël, East | Q Fortier, A., Ste. Scholastique | Q Fortier, Pierre, St. Anselme | Q Fortin, F., St. Pierre d’Orléans | Q Fortune, James, Lake Law, W. O. |N S Foss, Samuel J., Sherbrooke | Q Foster, Edward H., Salmon River, W. O. |N S Foster, H. M., Chutes Cove, W. O. |N S Foster, G. K., Richmond East | Q Foster, George N., Kingsley, W. O. |N B Foster, William, North Lake |N B Foster, James P., Marshall’s Cove, W. O. |N S Foster, Henry, Foster’s, W. O. |N S Foster, Samuel, Kingston |N B Fougère, Jos., Larry’s River, W. O. |N S Fournier, Marie, St. Jean Port Joli | Q Fournier, Joseph, Méthot’s Mills | Q Fournier, Louis, Grande Vallée | Q Fowlds, H. M., Hastings | O Fowler, Alex., Pakenham | O Fowler, James, Salmon Creek, W. O. |N B Fowler, W. E., Head of Ridge, W. O. |N B Fowler, W., Hammondvale |N B Fowlie, Mrs. Milcha, Brookvale, W. O. |N B Fox, Alex. J., Sand Point, W. O. |N S Fox, S. D., Overton | O Fox, John C., Olinda | O Frame, H. M., Glen Huron | O Frame, Archibald, Selmah, W. O. |N S Frame, M., Gay’s River, W. O. |N S Francis, William, Willowgrove, W. O. |N B Francis, John G., Owen Sound | O Frayney, Robert, Dalhousie Road, W. O. |N S Franklin, Job., Alberton | O Franks, Thos., Frank Hill | O Fraser, Alex., Westmeath | O Fraser, J. A., Big Bras d’Or, W. O. |N S Fraser, Robert, Rocklin, W. O. |N S Fraser, James, South Bar of Sydney River, W. O. |N S Fraser, John, Kildonan | M Fraser, John, Densmores, W. O. |N S Fraser, John, Harrington Cove, W. O. |N S Fraser, Jessie McG., Head of St. Margaret’s Bay, | (Middle District), W. O. |N S Fraser, William, West McGillivray | O Fraser, Angus, Hyde Park Corner | O Fraser, Thos., Cedar Hall | Q Fraser, John, Lancaster | O Fraser, Daniel, Lower Settlement, South River, W. O. |N S Fraser, D., Matapedia | Q Fraser, James, Maple Green, W. O. |N B Fraser, Charles, Cross Roads, Lake Ainslie, W. O. |N S Fraser, William, New Glasgow |N S Fraser, George M., North Brookfield, W. O. |N S Fraser, John, Crosspoint | Q Fraser, Donald, Dumblane | O Fraser, Alexander, McLennan’s Brook, W. O. |N S Fraser, James, Loch Garry | O Fraser, David, Grandigue Ferry, W. O. |N S Fraser, A. D., Hamburg | O Fraser, John, Glengarry Station |N S Fraser, R., Fontenoy | Q Fraser, John, Fraser’s Grant, W. O. |N S Fraser, Simon, Lochinvar | O Fraser, Thomas A., Pugwash River, W. O. |N S Fréchette, Louis J., St. Ferdinand | Q Fréchette, Nazaire, Craigs Road Station | Q Freeman, Nath., Greenfield, W. O. |N S Freeman, B. C., Deniston | O Freeman, Jos. M., Pleasant River, W. O. |N S Freeman, Samuel E., Nappan, W. O. |N S Frier, E. S., Montreal | Q Freney, John, Perkins | Q Freeze, Hiram, Doaktown, W. O. |N B Freid Noah, Dashwood | Q Frigon, Joseph, St. Prosper | Q Frommhagen, E., Wartburg | O Frost, P. W., Little River, W. O. |N S Fry, Isaac, South Cayuga | O Fry, Henry, Hunsdon | O Fugère, Narcisse, Batiscan Bridge | Q Fullerton, G. D., Halfway River, W. O. |N S Fulmer, W. A., Economy |N S Fulmore, Philip, River Debert, W. O. |N S Fulton, Thomas, Knoxford, W. O. |N B Furse, James, New Glasgow | Q | | Gabetis, Sarah, Gore’s Landing | O Gage, W. J., Bartonville | O Gagné, Virginie, Viger | Q Gagnier, Frs. X., Neigette | Q Gagnon, H., Upper St. Bazil, W. O. |N B Gagnon, C., L’Avenir | Q Gairdner, James, Bayfield | O Gallagher, Dennis, Vigo | Q Gallagher, Ann, Salmon River, W. O. |N S Gallagher, Paul, Perm | O Gallang, Thos., Barachois, W. O. |N B Gallant, Athanase, Shediac Bridge, W. O. |N B Galloway, James, Harrisburg | O Gamsby, J. W., Huntingville | Q Gairner, Wm., Minden | O Garrault, Thomas, St. Lin | Q Garbut, William, Oxford Centre | O Gardiner, John, Dartmoor | O Gardner, Alex., Armow | O Gardner, James, Musquodoboit Harbor, W. O. |N S Garriock, Peter, White Mud River | M Garrison, W. A., Upper Sheffield, W. O. |N B Gates, John, Vyner | O Gatien, G. H., Ste. Marie de Monnoir | Q Gaudry, Charles A., Rivière du Loup (en bas) | Q Gauld, John D., River John |N S Gaulin, Charles, Portneuf | Q Gauthier, dit Landerville, A., St. Pie | Q Gauthier, Onézime, St. Urbain | Q Gauthier, Philias, St. Eustache | Q Gauvin, Louis C., St. Charles de Stanbridge | Q Gavaza, Thomas A., Annapolis |N S Gawler, Henry, Cainsville | O Gebbie, Thomas, Howick | Q Geer, M., Herbert | Q Gélinas, C., St. Clothilde | Q Gendreau, Philias, West Ditton | Q Gendron, Joseph P., St. Barnabé, River Yamaska | Q Généreux, J. E., Tessierville | Q Genest, F. E., St. Marguerite | Q Genoir, William, Big Tracadie, W. O. |N S Genong, F. D., Sprague’s Point |N B George, J. C., York River | O Germain, C., jun., St. Vincent de Paul | Q Germain, Elzéar, St. Didace | Q Germain, George, Gosport | O Getchell, John J., Lynnfield, W. O. |N B Ghent, D. A., Priceville | O Giasson, G. F., L’Anse à Giles | Q Gibbon, J. A., Wilmot |N S Gibbon, James, Collina, W. O. |N B Gibbs, Chas., Cannington | O Gibson, Robert, Glenvale | O Giddens, Daniel, Portapique Mountain, W. O. |N S Gifford, Henry C., Silver Hill | O Gigault, G. A., St. Césaire | Q Gilbault, Joseph, St. Paul d’Industrie | Q Gilbert, William, Mansfield | O Gilbert, William, Frankford | O Gilbert, John D., Gilbert’s Mills | O Gilbraith, Thos., Pisarinco, W. O. |N B Gilchrist, James, Keady | O Gilchrist, John C., Woodville | O Gilchrist. R. D., Belyea’s Cove, W. O. |N B Gill, H. W., Ufford | O Gillard, J., Grafton | O Gillespie, Alex., Creemore | O Gillespie, Alexander, Sunnidale | O Gillespie, George, Round Plains | O Gillespie, George M., Glenarm | O Gillespie, Charles, Milton, East | Q Gillies, Colin, Margaree, W. O. |N S Gilliott, Wm., Churchstreet, W. O. |N S Gillis, Niel, Point Clear, W. O. |N S Gillis, Wm., Arisaig, W. O. |N S Gillis, Donald, Lewis Bay, W. O. |N S Gillis, Donald, Big Intervale, (Grand Narrows), W. O. |N S Gilman, Francis, Parker’s Creek | M Gingras, François X., St. Casimir | Q Gingrich, Moses, Roseville | O Girardin, R. A., Grande Ligne | Q Glass, Matthew, Elginfield | O Gleeson, William, Langside | O Glendinning, Arch., Ellesmere | O Glendinning, David, Harvey Station |N B Glenn, William, Lochartville, W. O. |N S Glover, George, Ravenshoe | O Glover, William, Gamesbridge | O Goble, Frederick, Harrow | O Goble, Wm. L., Goble’s Corners | O Godard, Daniel, South Branch (Kent) |N B Godfrey, E. L., Mountain Grove | O Golborne, Jas., Burleigh | O Golding, G. N., Wickham, W. O. |N B Good, Archibald, Good Corner, W. O. |N B Goodenow, Lafayette, Georgetown | O Gooderham, A. L., Pine Grove | O Gooderham, C. H., Meadowvale | O Goodeve, Chas. F., Allan Park | O Goodfellow, A., Springville | O Goodhue, James, St. Christophe d’Arthabaska | Q Goodhue, Saml., Barnston | Q Gordanier, J. L. P., Morven | O Gordon, William, St. Helen’s | O Gordon, John, Goldstone | O Gordon, James, Genoa | Q Gordon, William, North Williamsburg | O Gordon, Thomas, Longwood | O Gordon, H., Port Perry | O Gordon, Thomas, Everett | O Gorman, George, Metaghan, W. O. |N S Gormley, James, Gormley | O Gorvell, Wm. O., Spanish River | O Gorvett, W., Milliken | O Gosselin, François, junr., St. Victor de Tring | Q Gosselin, Louis, St. Jean Chrysostôme, Lévis | Q Gosselin, Joseph, St. Irénée | Q Gould, Lorenzo T., Wooler | O Gould, Edward N., Plainfield | O Goulet, L. G. E., St. Jean Baptiste de Rouville | Q Goulet, Joseph, Ange Gardien | Q Goulet, E., St. Hilaire Village | Q Goulette, William, Belœil Station | Q Graham, W. M., Bethany | O Graham, Andrew K., Five Islands |N S Graham, Robert, Enterprise | O Graham, W. S., West River Station |N S Graham, Hugh, Rouge Hill | O Graham, James, Brookfield |N S Graham, James, Creek Bank | O Graham, John, Lifford | O Graham, Wm., Auburn | O Graham, William, Dunsford | O Grandpré, P. S., St. Valérien | Q Grandy, Robert, Omemee | O Granger, Hector, Ste. Anne des Plaines | Q Granger, Charles, Chantelle | Q Grant, Alexander, Verona | O Grant, Alex., Fraser’s Mills, W. O. |N B Grant, James, Coverley | O Grant, A. W., Shulie, W. O. |N S Grant, James A., St. Stephen |N B Grant, William, Parrsborough Shore, W. O. |N S Grant, William, Kintail | O Grant, William, Mabou |N S Grant, John R., Dingle | O Grant, James, Hardwood Lands, W. O. |N S Grass, George, Waasis Station, W. O. |N B Grassie, John, Fulton | O Graveline, David U., Castlebar | Q Graves, W. H., Springfield | O Graves, Hector, Dempsey’s Corner, W. O. |N S Gray, George, Lynedoch | O Gray, William, Fleurant (sub) | Q Gray, A. S., Ponds, W. O. |N S Gray, Daniel B., Foreston, W. O. |N B Graydon, Robert, Streetsville | O Graystock, Mark, Graystock | O Green, Joseph, Davenport | O Green, P. F., Charleston | O Green, Caleb, Fairhaven, W. O. |N B Greenshields, James, Nevis | O Greensides, Edward, Monkton | O Grenier, David, Garthby | Q Greenway, William, Devon | O Greenwood, A. R., North East Harbor, W. O. |N S Greenwood, William, Lyle’s Bridge, W. O. |N B Greer, James, Winchester Springs | O Grier, Brock, Bear Brook | O Grier, James, Iroquois | O Griffin, J. S., Preston Road, W. O. |N S Griffin, Samuel, Westwood | O Griffith, David, Parma | O Griffith, John, Parham | O Grimm, C., Springfield, W. O. |N S Grindley, W. H., Blackville, W. O. |N B Grono, Elias, Hackett’s Cove, W. O. |N S Grosvenor, C. E., Canterbury |N B Grouchey, David Discoose, W. O. |N B Grover, James, Woodstock |N B Guay, John, Chicoutimi | Q Guernon dit Belleville, T., St. Liguori | Q Guilbauldt, J, L’Assomption | Q Guild, Julius, Bentley | O Guimond, Baptiste, Silver Stream, W. O. |N B Gunn, Donald, Lower Fort Garry | M Gunn, Donald, Cross Roads, Country Harbor |N S Gunn, John, Hopwell, W. O. |N S Guthrie, Peter, Tatlock |N S | | Hackett, Alexander, Colchester | O Hackett, John, Chambly Canton | Q Hacking, W. H., Listowell | O Hackwell, William, Boscobel | Q Haddock, James, McAdam Junction, W. O. |N B Hadley, G. B., Port Mulgrave |N S Hagan, James, Templeton | Q Hagar, Elijah, Roseway, W. O. |N S Hagar, Charles, Hagersville | O Hagerman, H., Moray | O Hagyard, E. T., Campbell’s Cross | O Haines, E. J., Marshall’s Town, W. O. |N S Hales, Richard, Forfar | O Hall, C. H. J., Broughton | Q Hall, Asa, Stoketon | Q Hall, Edward, Darrell | O Hall, Henry, Binbrook | O Hall, J. H., Brooklyn, W. O. |N S Hall, W., Sheet Harbor, W. O. |N S Hall, Henry G., Hall’s Bridge | O Hall, Charles, Burlington, W. O. |N S Hall, Wm., Skipness | O Hallamore, S. E., New Cornwall, W. O. |N S Halley, James L., Ponsonby | O Hallisay, Daniel, Beaver Bank, W. O. |N S Hambly, John, Winfield | O Hamel, J., St. Croix | Q Hamelin, D., St. Narcisse | Q Hamelin, A., Damase, Deschambault | Q Hames, William, Vennachar | O Hamilton, James, Singhampton | O Hamilton, Mrs. S. J., Springford | O Hamilton, Samuel, St. Luc | Q Hamilton, W. B., Collingwood | O Hamilton, James, Carlingford | O Hamilton, James, Staffa | O Hamilton, George, Britonville | Q Hamilton, A., Petersville Church, W. O. |N B Hamilton, James, Port Elgin |N B Hamilton, J. H., Kempt, W. O. |N S Hamm, David, Grand Bay, W. O. |N B Hammond, W. D., Wardsville | O Hammond, James, jun., Hammond | O Hammond, J. A., Kingsclear, W. O. |N B Hancock, L. S., Ridgetown | O Hancock, John, Bruce Mines | O Handron, Henry, Hanford Brook, W. O. |N B Handy, Edward, Mount Brydges | O Hanes, Erastus, Utterson | O Hanly, J. C., Reed | O Hanna, Hugh, Brookvale, W. O. |N S Hannegar, Jacob, Upper Kennetcook, W. O. |N S Hannington, W. J. M., Pointe du Chêne, W. O. |N B Hannington, W., Smith’s, W. O. |N B Hamon, Philip, Newport Point | Q Hanrahan, Thos., South Douro | O Hanson, Robert V., Mace’s Bay |N B Hardwicke, V. F., Bear River, (West side) |N S Hardy, J. N., Dorchester Station | O Hardy, N., Champlain | Q Hargrave, Joseph, Eglinton | O Hargrave, John, Glen Tay | O Harigan, John, Moneymore | O Harmon, Charles A., Peel, W. O. |N B Harnett, John, Kingston |N B Harper, Lewis, Sonya | O Harper, George, Fenella | O Harrison, J. H., Rockville, W. O. |N B Harrison, Isabella, Drum | O Harrington, H. H., Tracadie |N S Harris, Thos. A., Tabucintac River, W. O. |N B Harris, Richardson, Saw Mill Creek, W. O. |N S Harris, Mrs. Jas., Myrehall | O Harris, C. S., Courtland | O Harris, S. G., Tapleyton | O Harris, Merritt D., Boundary Creek, W. O. |N B Harris, T. R., Aylesford |N S Harris, John L., Albert Mines, W. O. |N B Harrison, John, Kinloss | O Harrison, Thomas, Thorndale | O Harrison, Charles, Kingston Mills | O Harrison, W. H., Maccan Intervale, W. O. |N S Harron, Alexander, Debec Station, W. O. |N B Hartley, Jonathan, Pirate Harbor |N S Hartt, William, Derby, W. O. |N B Harvey, James, Nanaimo |B C Harvey, William, Elmvale | O Hase, Thomas, Haseville | Q Hastings, Adam, Lemonville | O Hatfield, J. A., Brookville, W. O. |N S Hatfield, J. L., Fox River, W. O. |N S Hattee, John, New Caledonia, W. O. |N S Hawkins, Ephraim, Canton | O Hawley, J. S., Aird | Q Hawthorne, A., Upper Kent, W. O. |N B Hay, Shackleton, Ailsa Craig | O Hayes, John, Norton, W. O. |N B Hayes, Michael, Hayesland | O Hayter, Thos. N., Harpley | O Hayward, Robert, Kenilworth | O Hazen, J. W., Spring Arbor | O Healey, Maurice, Harewood, W. O. |N B Heard, William, Kemble | O Heath, Samuel, Tyrrell | O Heath, William, Clarendon Front (sub) | Q Hébert, Antoine, St. Martine | Q Hébert, C., Labarre | Q Hébert, J. T., Larochelle | Q Heckman, Reuben, Petite Rivière Bridge, W. O. |N S Heckman, Isaac, La Have Cross Roads, W. O. |N S Heffernan, Jane, Carroll’s Corners, W. O. |N S Heise, Daniel V., Victoria Square | O Helps, Mrs., Westfield | O Hemlow, James, Liscombe, W. O. |N S Hemphill, James, Ferryville, W. O. |N B Hendershot, A., Jerseyville | O Henderson, David, West Essa | O Henderson, James W., Vandeleur | O Henderson, Henry, Newark | O Henderson, Archibald, Marston | O Hendry, Charles, Conestogo | O Hendry, James, Porter’s Hill | O Hendry, W., Brookfield, W. O. |N S Henesey, Wm., Chepstow | O Heney, Henry, Danford Lake | Q Henry, S. L., Upper Musquodoboit |N S Henry, P. D., Whitfield | O Henry, James, Magundy, W. O. |N S Herkins, William, Lewis Head, W. O. |N S Heron, Agnes, Dollar | O Héroux, Moise, Mekinac | Q Herring, Noah, Belfountain | O Hewitt, J., Spring Hill, W. O. |N S Hewton, John, Bourg Louis | Q Heyrock, Henry, Johnson’s Mills | O Hicks, John, Mitchell | O Hicks, James L., Violet | O Hicks, John, Killerby | O Hicks, Mariner, Midgic, W. O. |N B Hicks, Ira, McLaughlan Road, W. O. |N B Higgins, W. H., North River, W. O. |N S Higginson, James G., Hawkesbury | O Hillaker, George, Mount Salem | O Hill, Wm., Sandhurst | O Hill, Robert, Ballantrae | O Hill, Alexander, Cross Roads, Saint George’s Channel, | W. O. |N S Hill, Joseph, Thornby | Q Hill, H. P., Antigonishe |N S Hill, Alexander, Cotswold | O Hill, Thomas L., Hillsborough | O Hiltz, Samuel, Lawrencetown, W. O. |N S Hines, Byron, East side of Pubnico Harbor, W. O. |N S Hingley, A. S., Kemptown, W. O. |N S Hipwell, J. R., Newton Robinson | O Hirst, James, Freelton | O Hislop, John, Marmion | O Hitchin, John, Emerald | O Hoath, R., Hoath Head | O Hoare, John S., Adelaide | O Hodge, George N., Birchton | Q Hodges, Hiram, Newcastle | O Hodgkinson, Philip, Aylmer West | O Hodgson, John, Como | Q Hodgson, J. T., Edmundston |N B Hoeg, David, Lower Maccan, W. O. |N S Hogan, M., Point Bruley, W. O. |N S Hogarth, Henry, Danforth | O Hogg, William, York Mills | O Hogg, John, Don | O Holbert, John, Reaboro’ | O Holbrooke, J., Helena | Q Holden, James, Morrisburg | O Holden, Hiram, Shannonville | O Holden Thomas, Head of Jordan River, W. O. |N S Holden, William, Rob-Roy | O Holesworth, F. H., Lower Stewiacke |N S Holmden, Thomas, D., Girvan Settlement, W. O. |N B Holmes, Richard, Blyth | O Holmes, Andrew, Oxford Station | O Holmes, Samuel, Welland Port | O Holmes, C. A., Springville, W. O. |N S Holmes, Richard, Blyth | O Holterman, C. F., Vanbrugh | O Honsberger, Isaac, Rainham | O Hood, A. T., Yarmouth |N S Hooker, D’Arcy, Teeterville | O Hooker, G. A., Geneva | Q Hooper, Albert B., Fourche, W. O. |N S Hope, Robert, Newburgh | O Hope, Charles, Abbott’s Corners | Q Hopkins, James P., Halloway | O Hopkins, Patrick, North River Platform, W. O. |N B Hopper, E. B., Merivale | O Horan, Edward, West Huntley | O Hord, Robert, Komoka | O Horseman, David, Intervale, W. O. |N B Hossie, D., Logierait | O Houde, C. E., St. Célestin | Q House, William T., Stevensville | O House, J. L., Beebe Plain | Q House, J. M., Pigeon Lake | M House, Louis, Netherby | O House, James W., Lineboro’ | Q Houston, Thomas, Camlachie | O Houston, James, Hawkstone | O How, William sen., Hillsburgh | O Howard, Thomas, St. Ives | O Howard, William, Richby | Q Howe, John, St. John |N B Howes, Richard, Glendower | O Howden, Richard, Mill Brook | O Howes, Joseph, Nissouri | O Howey, William, Massie | Q Howland, F. A., Etobicoke | O Hoyt, Alfred, Lequille, W. O. |N S Hoyt, John Y., McKenzie’s Corner, W. O. |N B Hubbard, B. F., Stanstead | Q Hubley, James, Black Point, W. O. |N S Hubly, Frederick, Indian Harbor, W. O. |N S Huckins, Joseph C., Epsom | O Hudgens, A. P., Lake George, W. O. |N S Hudon, Alexander, St. Pacôme | Q Hudon, dit Beaulieu, St. Elizabeth | Q Huestis, M. B., Wallace |N S Hueston, John, Huntley | O Huff, Lewis, Keith | O Huggard, John, Painswick | O Hughes, W. C., Sandhill | O Hughes, G. P., Keenansville | O Hughes, M., Collfield | Q Hughes, Alexander, Kay Settlement, W. O. |N B Hughes, Hugh, Heckston | O Hughson, John, Thorn Brook, W. O. |N B Hull, John, Hullsville | O Humphrey, A., Rodney | O Humphries, Israel, Warkworth | O Humphries, John, Sussex Corner, W. O. |N B Hungerford, L. N., Mawcook | Q Hungerford, S. L., West Brome | Q Hunter, Thomas, Venice | Q Hunter, Walter, Clarksburg | O Hunter, George, Glenburnie | O Hunter, James, Egerton | O Hunter, John, Hunterville | O Huntingdon, J., Salmon River, W. O. |N S Huntley, Rufus, Thurlow | O Huot, Louis P., St. Roch de Québec | Q Huot, P. G., Québec | Q Hurlburt, Reuben, Myrtle | O Hurly, Thomas, jun., Sanborn | Q Hussey, J. B., Mount St. Louis | O Huston, James, Stanford | Q Hutchins, Rodney, East Farnham | Q Hutchinson, Matthew, Upper Wicklow, W. O. |N B Hutchinson, James, North Esk Boom, W. O. |N B Hutchinson, James, Harwich | O Hutt, Henry, Tancook Islands, W. O. |N S Hutton, Mrs. A. R., Harcourt | O | | Ilsley, John R., Vernon Mines, W. O. |N S Itter, John, Arkwright | O Imrie, Mrs. Mary, Spencerville | O Ingles, Joseph, Strathnairn | O Ingles, George, junr., Maple Hill | O Ingraham, George, Lower Canterbury, W. O. |N B Irish, Levi, Little River, W. O. |N B Irons, John, Tower Hill, W. O. |N B Ironside, A. McGregor, Manitowaning | O Ironside, John, Grand Bend | O Irvine, William, Desmond | O Irving, J. B., West Flamboro’ | O Irving, Andrew, St. Lambert, Montreal | Q Irving, James, Kerrwood | O Irwin, John, Perch Station | O Irwin, Christopher, Mount Irwin | O Ivison, Robert, Oxley | O | | Jack, James, Lorne | O Jackson, James, Kerby | O Jackson, James H., Severn Bridge | O Jackson, Geo. E., Egmondville | O Jacques, Thomas, Waterville, W. O. |N S Jaffray, Wm., Berlin | O Jakes, Samuel, Merrickville | O James, Edwin, Bridgewater | O James, J. W., Laurencetown |N S Jameson, Robert B., Fenleon Falls | O Jamieson, Geo., Cole Harbor, W. O. |N S Jamieson, James, Granton | O Jardine, R., Renous Bridge, W. O. |N B Jardine, Ferguson, Newington | O Jarmain, J. P., Matlock | O Jarmin, James, Lime Lake | O Jarratt, Charles, Jarratt’s Corners | O Jarvis, Paul, Ravenswood | O Jarvis, William, Peterson | O Jean, George M., Petite de Grat, W. O. |N S Jeffers, Henry, Maccan, W. O. |N S Jelly, Wm. R., Bowling Green | O Jenkins, Joel, Jenkins, W. O. |N B Jenkins, David, Waldemar | O Jenkins, Edward, Hibernia, W. O. |N B Jenks, John W., Parrsborough |N S Jerway, Samuel, Upper Buctouche, W. O. |N B Jewett, S. C., Lower Wakefield, W. O. |N B Jiggens, Sarah, Leeds | Q Jimerson, Ira, South Ely | Q Jobin, G., St. Bazile | Q Jobin, Marie S., Isle Perrot | Q Johnson, Robert, Nile | O Johnson, David W., Powers Court | Q Johnson, Benjamin, Marmora | O Johnson, Caleb, Melville | O Johnson, J. D., Wyandot | O Johnson, Lionel H., Wallaceburg | O Johnson, Carby, Ventry | O Johnson, H. A., Dalhousie |N B Johnson, T. Stewart, Tweedside | O Johnson, Daniel, Combermere | O Johnson, George, Pefferlaw | O Johnson, C., L’Orignal | O Johnson, T. W., Ballymote | O Johnson, Anne, Kinlough | O Johnston, S., Clapham | Q Johnston, Hugh, Crysler | O Johnston, J. H., Croton | O Johnston, Robert, Weston | O Johnston, Richard, Dryden | O Johnston, Richard, Thistletown | O Johnston, B. H., Port Carling | O Johnston, John, Farnham Centre | Q Johnston, Samuel, Newcastle |N B Johnstone, Adam, Linton’s, W. O. |N B Johnstone, William, Johnson | O Jollimore, J. W., Mill Cove, W. O. |N S Joncas, P. S., Berthier (en bas) | Q Jones, Maxon, Bloomington | O Jones, C. H., Bromemere | Q Jones, J. M., Stanbridge, East | Q Jones, Charles, junr., Oxford Mills | O Jones, Chas, K., Bronte | O Jones, Thomas, Sabrevois | Q Jones, D. A., Tecumseth | O Jones, John, Sunderland | O Jones, Alva G., Stony Creek | O Jones, Francis F., Union | O Jones, Peter, Cranworth | O Jordan, J. A., Upper Cross Roads, St. Mary’s, W. O. |N S Jordan, M., Leinster | O Jordine, Ferguson, Newington | O Joyce, James, Greenville | O Judd, Agnes, Stirling | O Judge, John, Mono Road Station | O Jury, Thomas, Napperton | O Jutras, Joseph, East Chester | Q Jutras, H., Somerset | Q | | Kain, John, South Nelson, W. O. |N B Kaiser, Anthony, Ste. Agathe | Q Kaiser, John, Copenhagen | O Kane, J. A. J., Murray Bay | Q Kaulback, R. A., Middle Musquodoboit |N S Kavanagh, Michael, Creighton | O Kavanagh, D., Umfraville | O Kavanagh, J. J., Gaspé Basin | Q Kay, W. F., Otterville | O Kaye, Charles, Point Kaye | O Kean, John, Victoria Harbour | O Kearney, W. D., St. Leonards, W. O. |N B Keating, James, Oil Springs | O Keating, J. H., Warburton | O Kedy, H., Chelsea, W. O. |N S Keefer, Jacob, Thorold | O Keirstead, G. Forks, W. O. |N B Keirsteed, George, Salmon River, W. O. |N B Keith, Ariel, Cornhill, W. O. |N B Keith, Lewis, New Canaan, W. O. |N B Keith, Murray B., Butternut Ridge, W. O. |N B Kelley, George, Lambeth | O Kelly, John, Spruce Lake, W. O. |N B Kelly, Edward, Baby’s Point | O Kelly, John, Roxborough, W. O. |N B Kelly, Edward, Holmesville | O Kelly, P. D., Loretto | O Kelly, W. S., Bingham Road | O Kimball, Warren, Leamington | O Kemp, Thomas, Chandos | O Kempton, E., Milton |N S Kincaid, William, Harlem | O Kendrick, A. W., Campbellton |N B Kendrick, A. W., Compton | Q Kennedy, Peter, Notfield | O Kennedy, Alex., Atherley | O Kennedy, Alexander, Cathcart | O Kennedy, James, Monument Settlement, W. O. |N B Kennedy, Patrick, Bagot | O Kennedy, John, Dixie | O Kennedy, Joseph, Louisburg, W. O. |N S Kennedy, James, Monument Settlement, W. O. |N B Kennedy, William, Hartington | O Kenny, Charles, Erinville, W. O. |N S Kent, Hugh, Hiawatha | O Keough, John, Laval | Q Kerr, Samuel, Antrim, W. O. |N S Kerr, James, New Baudon, W. O. |N B Kerr, Archibald, Nouvelle, (sub.) | Q Kerr, James, Summer Hill, W. O. |N B Kerr, David, Caplin | Q Ketchum, Morgan L., Waupoos | O Key, Samuel, Wickwire Station, W. O. |N S Key, William, New Aberdeen | O Keys, Robert, Bornholm | O Kidd, John, Athlone | O Kidd, George J., Carronbrook | O Kidd, Thomas, Arlington | O Kidd, Thos. A., Burritt’s Rapids | O Kilbank, William, Codrington | O Kilborne, P. S., Winterbourne | O Killam, A. E., Wheaton Settlement, W. O. |N B Killam, Hiram, Little River, (Elgin), W. O. |N B Killen, Andrew, S. St. Martin’s |N B Killoan, M., Belledune River, W. O. |N B Kimball, Warren, Leamington | O Kimball, William, Wilkesport | O Kimball, Albert, Knowlton | Q Kimpton, R. A., Roxton Pond | Q Kincaid, William, Harlem | O King, Chas. H., Cheltenham | O King, George G., Chipman, W. O. |N B King, John, Lyster | Q King, Joshua, Great Bridge, W. O. |N S King, Oliver, Tidnish, W. O. |N S King, Samuel A., Pinkerton | O King, Wm., Bristol | Q Kingsmill, Wm., Guelph | O Kingston, C. H., Enniskillen Station, W. O. |N B Kinnear, James, Kinnear’s Mills | Q Kinny, Thomas, Oungah | O Kinsman, Benjamin, Kinsman’s Corners |N S Kinsman, Danson, Fonthill | O Kipling, John, Mapleton | M Kirby, Daniel, New Harbor, W. O. |N S Kirk, John, Kirk’s Ferry | Q Kirkpatrick, Andrew, Shubenacadie |N S Kirkpatrick, B., Quaco Road, W. O. |N B Kirkpatrick, Samuel, Aldboro | O Kirkpatrick, Thomas, Widder Station | O Kirkpatrick, F., Lunenburg | O Kirkwood, D., Rockside | O Kitchen, Harriet L., St. Williams | O Kitchen, L. W., Bloomsburg | O Kittson, Annie, Berthier, (en haut) | Q Knack, A., Upper Branch, W. O. |N S Knaut, Lewis, Mahone Bay |N S Knechtel, Jacob, Carlsruhe | O Knight, Alfred, Petworth | O Knight, William, Smith’s Mills | Q Knight, J. E., New River, W. O. |N B Knight, Richard, Bowmanton | O Knowles, Leonard, Barrington Passage, W. O. |N S Knox, G. W., Upper Caverhill, W. O. |N B Korry, John, Bolingbroke | O Krassler, John, Heidelburgh | O Kumpf, C., Waterloo | O Kyle, Joseph S., North Winchester | O Kyte, David, Richwood | O | | Laberge, Revd. F. X., Ste. Hippolyte de Kilkenny | Q Labrèque, Dr. Louis, Lambton | Q Labrosse, Simon, St. Eugène | Q Lacerte, Arthur, Yamachiche | Q Lachaine, dit Jolicœur, B. G., Isle Aux Grues | Q Lacourcière, A. Jos., St. Stanislas | Q Lacourcière, P., Vincennes | Q Lacourcière, D., Batiscan | Q Ladell, Henry G., Mary Lake | O Ladd, C. J., Delaware | O Laflèche, T., Domaine de Gentilly | Q Lafleur, Odile, Ste. Adèle | Q Lafleur, L. H., Yamaska | Q Lafleur, A., Aubrey | Q Lafontaine, Emery, St. Hugues | Q Lainesse, Prudent, St. Albert | Q Laing, G., Bayham | O Laing, Alexander, Dundee, W. O. |N B Laird, Richard, Shetland | O Lajeunesse, C. C., Lac Masson | Q Lake, W., Purdy | O Lake, Benjamin, Ranelagh | O Lalonde, E. H., St. Marthe | Q Lalonde, Camille, Mountjoy | Q Lalonde, Joseph, Embrun | O Lalumière, Eusèbe, St. Bazile le Grand | Q Lamarche, J. O., Mascouche | Q Lamb, William, Wendover | O Lamb, Thomas, St. Andrews, East | Q Lambert dit Champagne, Jean, Grand Coudées | Q Lambert, Henry, West Lake | O Lambert, Isaac, Dealtown | O Lambkin, Simon, Riceburg | Q Lamontagne, O. A., Dalibair | Q Lamothe, Guillaume, Viger Mines | Q Lamoureux, Antoine, Pointe aux Trembles | Q Lamoureux, Luc, St. Sébastien | Q Lamoureux, Olivier, Contrecœur | Q Lamphier, Peter, Grahamsville | O Lamy, Adolphe, St. Sévère | Q Lance, Richard, Beatrice | O Landon, John, Waltham | Q Landon, Horace, Chichester | Q Landry, Honoré, Palmerston, W. O. |N B Lane, Samuel, Denbigh | O Lang, Robert, Chateauguay Basin | Q Langin, Chas, E., Gaspereaux, W. O. |N B Langevin, F. T., St. Isidore, Laprairie | Q Langstaff, John, Langstaff (sub.) | O Lanthier, A., Malmaison | Q Lantz, Harvey, Lantz, W. O. |N S Lapalme, Tréflé, St. Dominique | Q La Pinotière, W. H., Elora | O Lapointe, C. F., Ste. Flavie | Q Lapointe, Léandre, Mount Oscar | Q Lapointe, Jos., Robin, Mile End | Q Lapp, Samuel, Oak Hill | O Largie, Edward, Fletcher’s Station |N S Larivière, Thomas, Pont Rouge | Q Larocque, Telesphore, Henryville | Q Larouche, E., Clairvaux, (sub.) | Q Larracey, John, Irish Town, W. O. |N B Larue, Edmond, St. Antoine, Lotbinière | Q Larue, Miss H. C., Cap St. Ignace | O Lasalle, F. X., St. Jean de Matha | Q Latour, dit Forget, Joseph, St. Thomas, East | Q Latour, Edmond, Côte St. Paul | Q Laugill, J. S., Laugill’s, W. O. |N S Laurie, Francis, Oakfield, W. O. |N S Laurier, J. O., Lachenaie | Q Lanthier, A., Malmaison | Q Lavett, Agnes, Adare | O Lavoie, R., Mount Carmel | Q Lawler, D., Salmon River, W. O. |N S Lawless, Lawrence, London | O Lawlor, Wm., Burnley | O Lawrence, George, Honeywood | O Lawrence, Erastus, Lawrenceville | Q Lawrence, W. Eastern Harbor, W. O. |N S Lawder, R. H., Whitby | O Lawson, James, Farley’s Mills, W. O. |N S Lawson, George, Dalston | O Lawson, David, Cole’s Island, W. O. |N B Laymen, Robert S., Fintona | O Layton. D. L., Meaford | O Leake, James R., Morton | O Learn, P., senr., Mulgrave | O Learned, E., Learned Plain | Q Leary, Bridget, Ledge, W. O. |N S Leask, George, Leaskdale | O Leavitt, John, Bloomfield, W. O. |N B Le Baron, B., North Hatley | Q Le Baron, J. B., Hatley | Q Le Bau, Léandre, St. Alexis | Q Lebel, Maxime, Baker’s Creek, W. O. |N S LeBel, J. B., St. Félicité | Q Lebel, Paschal, Armand | Q LeBlanc, J. B., Eel Brook |N S LeBlanc, J. E., St. Charles, River Richelieu | Q LeBlanc, M., Tusket Wedge, W. O. |N S LeBlanc, F., L’Epiphanie | Q LeBlanc, J. M. A., Port Royal, W. O. |N S LeBlanc, Olivier, St. Mary’s, W. O. |N B LeBlanc, Sylvain, Cocaigne River, W. O. |N B Lebourveau, Moses, Eaton | Q Lecavallier, J. J., St. Laurent, Montreal | Q Leckie, John, Grey | O Leclair, Charles, North Lancaster | O Lederman, Chas., Mannheim | O Leduc, Joseph, Vinoy | Q Lee, Thomas, Saugeen | O Lee, Horatio, Tabucintac, W. O. |N B Lee, Frederick F., Mallorytown | O Lee, Edward, Marshville | O Lee, Robert, Connor | O LeFrenière, A. J., Pont de Maskinongé | Q Lee, George B., Airlie | O Legendre, L. G. A., St. Frederick | Q Legère, Fidèle, Grandigue, W. O. |N B Le Gresly, Francis, Grand Aunce, W. O. |N B Le Hane, Thos. S., Ennismore | O Leighton, John S., Woodstock Road Station, W. O. |N B Leishman, Alex., Bennie’s Corners | O Leith, Smith, Kingsey Falls | Q Lellis, Jacob, Salmon Hole, W. O. |N S Lemaire, Ernest, St. Benoit | Q Lemay, Joseph, St. Norbert | M Lemay, A., Rivière Bois Clair | Q Lemay, François, St. Paulin | Q Lemay, V., Bord à Plouffe | Q Lemay, M., Lotbinière | Q Lemay, Hubert, St. Jude | Q Lemieux, Antoine, Chaudière Mills | Q Lemieux, Joseph, Mont Louis | Q Lemire dit Marsolait, G., Ste. Béatrix | Q Lemon, James, Morley | O Lennox, Isaac, Lennox | O Lent, J. M., Tusket |N S Leonard, M., Leonard’s Hill | Q Leonard, Adelard E., Ste. Rose | Q Leonard, Damase, St. Monique des deux Montagnes | Q Lépine, Marcel, St. Théodore | Q LeRoy, W. G., Hargrave | Q Leroy, John, Coboconk | O Leslie, Henry, Spry Bay, W. O. |N B Leslie, Guy, Orangeville | O Leslie, William, Puslinch | O Leslie, W. D., Rupert | Q Leslie, George, junr., Leslie | O Leslie, Robert, Kemptville | O Leslie, W. T., Port Matoon, W. O. |N S Lespérance, P., Longueuil | Q Lessard, Eugène, St. Ephrem de Tring | Q Lesslie, Joseph, Toronto | O Letts, John, Dunraven | Q Levasseur, P. C. St. Jean des Chaillons | Q Lévêque, Ulric, Ste. Sophie de Lacorne | Q Lévêque, Théophile, St. Mathieu | Q Lévêque, E., St. Alexandre | Q Lévêque, E., Bagotville | Q Lévis, Jos. E., St. André Avelin | Q Lewis, Coleman, Addison | O Lewis, George, Fort Erie | O Leybourne, Samuel, Kinglake | O Lightbody, Andrew, Garafraxa | O Lindabury, John, Windham Centre | O Linden, H., Charlo’s Cove, W. O. |N S Lindsay, Alex., Lindsay, W. O. |N B Lindsay, Alex., East side of Chezzetcook, W. O. |N S Lindsay, Thomas, Williamstown, W. O. |N B Lindsay, W. S., Woodslee | O Lindsay, Thos., Chigonaise River, W. O. |N S Lingley, John, Waverley | O Linton, John, Humber | O Lipset, John Charlestown, W. O. |N B Lister, George, Manners Sutton, W. O. |N B Little, Peter, Moffatt | O Little, Thomas, Omagh | O Little, J., Head of Mill Stream, W. O. |N B Little, J., Aylwin | Q Livingston, Donald, Upper Settlement of West River, W. O. |N S Livingston, James, Purpleville | O Livingston, John, Livingstone’s Cove, W. O. |N S Livingston, Oliver, Carlisle | O Lloyd, Jared, White Rose | O Lloyd, Benjamin, King | O Lock, William, McDonald’s Corners | O Lockhart, D., Leicester, W. O. |N S Lockhart, John, Donegal, W. O. |N B Lockhart, James, Clarke | O Lockwood, J. E., Canard, W. O. |N S Lockwood, Joseph, Brighton | O Lodge, W. B., Maccan Mountain, W. O. |N S Logan, Dougal, Loganville, W. O. |N S Long, Wm., l’Amaroux | O Long, Wesley, Maxwell | O Longheed, Samuel, Molesworth | O Longley, George C., Maitland |N S Loranger, L. L. J., St. Sauveur | Q Lord, Joseph, Leclercville | Q Lord, Donald M., Newbridge, W. O. |N S Losie, Joseph, Collins Bay | O Lothrop, Allan, Westbury | Q Lothrop, F. H., North Stoke | Q Loucy, Thomas, Grand Pabos | Q Loughrey, Owen, Beaurivage | Q Loughrin, James, Speedside | O Loucks, H. L., Hull | Q Lounsbury, James, Lewis Mountain, W. O. |N B Lount, Hiram, Bondhead | O Love, Hugh, senr., Hill’s Green | O Love, Richard, Elm Grove | O Love, Margt., Basswood Ridge, W. O. |N B Lovely, John, Florenceville East |N B Lowrie, James, Veighton | O Lucas, Jas., Cocaigne, W. O. |N B Luke, Philip, West Huntingdon | O Lundy, George B., Balmoral | O Lupien, L., St. Ursule | Q Lussier, Trefflé, Verchères | Q Lussier, Revd. L., Ste. Emilie de l’Energie | Q Luttis, David, Indian Harbor, W. O. |N S Lyman, H., Scotland | O Lyman, Horace, Granby | Q Lynch, John, Green River, W. O. |N B Lynch, John, Allumette Island | Q Lynn, James, Bushfield | O Lynn, Joseph, Linton | O Lyttle, James, Newboyne | O Lyttle, Oliver, Barrington | Q | | McAfee, Andrew, Seeley’s Mills, W. O. |N B McAfee, Henry, Walkerville | O McAlister, Donald, New Mills |N B McAlister, D., Comber | O McAllister, James, Chute à Blondeau | O McAlpine, Nevin, Washademoak, W. O. |N B McArdle, Joseph, Ronaldsay | O McArthur, John, Amiens | O McArthur, Crosbie, Beauharnois | Q McArthur, Peter, Dalesville | Q McAskill, Hugh, Little Narrows, W. O. |N S McAulay, T. H., Centreton | O McAulay, John, Ventnor | O McAulay, Angus, False Bay Beach, W. O. |N S McAulay, M., South Side Basin of River Denis, W. O. |N S McBain, Thomas, New Town |N S McBain, James W., Bensfort | O McBean, D., Aberarder | O McBeath, J. T., Wexford | O McBrady, Daniel, Audley | O McBrayne, C., Botany | O McBride, John, Sunbury | O McBurney, R., Erie | O McCabe, Edward, Wheatland | Q McCabe, Charles, Cannonville, W. O. |N B McCaffery, John, Box Grove | O McCall, D. W., Walsh | O McCall, George D., Victoria | O McCall, Mrs. T., Scotch Block | O McCallum, John, Avoca | Q McCann, William, Oak Hill, W. O. |N B McCarrol, North Bruce | O McCarron, Charles, Assametquagan | Q McCarthy, Joseph, Lower River Inhabitants, W. O. |N S McCarty, N. C., Thamesford | O McCoul, John, Durham |N S McCaw, H. H., Prince Albert | O McLellan, W., Elliott | O McLellan, A. W., Great Village, |N S McLelland, John, Parry Sound | O McColl, Duncan, jun., Clachan | O McColl, John, St. Joseph du Lac | O McCollam, Thos., Derry West | O McCollum, Peter T., Claude | O McConnell, W., Condon Settlement, W. O. |N S McConnisky, John, Pubnico Beach, W. O. |N S McCool, James, Fort William | Q McCoppen, James, Port Robinson | O McCordie, James, Jura | O McCormack, Samuel, Saulmerville, W. O. |N S McCormick, J. D., St. Alban | Q McCormick, Robert, Vivian | O McCormick, J. M., Macton | O McCracken, N., Valentia | O McCrea, Alex., Hallerton | Q McCready, John E., Avondale, W. O. |N B McCrindle, James, Lurgan | O McCubbin, William, Belle Rivière |N S McCulloch, Alonzo, Folly Lake, W. O. |N S McCullough, John, Kingsford | O McCully, William, Truro |N S McCully, Samuel, Mast Town, W. O. |N S McCurdy, John, Kirkton | O McCutcheon, John, Clarendon Settlement |N B McCutcheon, Hugh, Leeds Village | Q McCutcheon, James, Sonora, W. O. |N S McCutcheon, James, Crosshill | O McDermid, D., Pine River | O McDermitt, Alexander, Portage River, W. O. |N B McDiarmid, Kenneth, Candasville | O McDonald, Donald, Ripley | O McDonald, Chas, Baddeck Bay, W. O. |N S McDonald, Mrs. C., French River, W. O. |N S McDonald, Murdoch, Groves Point, W. O. |N S McDonald, John, La Guerre | Q McDonald, J., Lake Megantic | Q McDonald, Alex., Leitch’s Creek, W. O. |N S McDonald, Mrs. Mary, Lime Rock, W. O. |N S McDonald, Daniel, Little Glace Bay |N S McDonald, Joseph, Little Lorraine, W. O. |N S McDonald, Donald, Mabou Harbor, W. O. |N S McDonald, Robert, Malagash, W. O. |N S McDonald, L., Malagawatch, W. O. |N S McDonald, Angus, Caledonia St. Mary’s, W. O. |N S McDonald, Allan, McDonald’s Corner, W. O. |N S McDonald, James, West Bay |N S McDonald, Peter, Whycocomah |N S Macdonald, D. D., Bailey’s Brook, W. O. |N S McDonald, Duncan, Vernon | O McDonald, Archibald, Cape North, W. O. |N S McDonald, William, Blue Mountain, W. O. |N S McDonald, Alexander, Shea’s River, W. O. |N S McDonald, S. W., Sheenboro’ | Q McDonald, James H., Sherbrooke |N S McDonald, A., Sable | O McDonald, Donald, North Shore, W. O. |N S McDonald, John, Ohio, W. O. |N S McDonald, George, Northfield | O McDonald, John, Niel’s Harbor, W. O. |N S McDonald, Donald, Middle Settlement, River Inhabitants, | W. O. |N S McDonald, James, Piedmont Valley, W. O. |N S McDonald, Colin, Black River, W. O. |N S McDonald, Michael, Upper Settlement of River Dennis, W. O.|N S McDonald, Angus, Upper Washabuck, W. O. |N S McDonald, J. R., Clontarf | O McDonald, John R., Cobden | O McDonald, Allan, Catalone, W. O. |N S McDonald, Robert, Cape George |N S McDonald, Donald, Cape George (North side), W. O. |N S McDonald, Chas., Lake Ainslie (East side) |N S McDonald, C., Sumerville, W. O. |N S McDonald, James, Brookville, W. O. |N S McDonald, Michael, Irish Cove, W. O. |N S McDonald, D., Elmsville, W. O. |N S McDonnell, Allan, South West Mabou, W. O. |N S McDonnell, Duncan, Vancleek Hill | O McDonnell, Duncan, Long Point, W. O. |N S McDonnell, Hugh, Judique, W. O. |N S McDonnell, Mrs. Mary, St. Raphaël, West | O McDonnell, George, Cornwall | O McDonnell, J. R., Brompton Falls | Q McDonnell, James, Middle Settlement of South River, W. O. |N S McDonnell, Robert, Clearview | O McDonough, Peter, North Onslow | Q McDougall, D., Lockside, W. O. |N S McDougall, Col., McDougall Settlement, W. O. |N B McDougall, Rod., Hay’s River, W. O. |N B McDougall, James, Marshy Hope, W. O. |N S McDougall, W., Brewster | O McDougall, Niel, Scotch Settlement, W. O. |N B McDougall, M., Christmas Island, W. O. |N S McEachan, D., Sight Point, W. O. |N S McEachern, John, South side of Wycocomah Bay, W. O. |N S McEachern, Archibald, Moulie’s River, W. O. |N B McEachern, Angus, Islay | O McEachern, Alex., Boom, W. O. |N S McElroy, Wm. Joseph, Alma | O McElroy, Henry, Concord | O McEwan, George, Salt Springs, W. O. |N B McEwan, M., Chockfish, W. O. |N B McEwen, E., Franktown | O McFadden, M., New Ireland Road, W. O. |N B McFarland, Henry, Campbell Settlement, W. O. |N B McFarland, W. J., Markdale | O McFarlane, Peter, Nashwaaksis, W. O. |N B McFarlane, Robert, Rosetta | O McFarlane, James, Conquerall Bank, W. O. |N S MacFarlane, Peter, Kelso | Q McGauvran, James, Treadwell | O McGibbon, Alex., Brownsburg | Q McGie, D. B., Esquimaux Point | Q McGill, David, Janetville | O McGill, J., Rusagornis Station, W. O. |N B McGill, James, Burton | O McGillis, Angus D., Harrisons Corners | O McGillavray, C., Glen Road, W. O. |N S McGillivray, Archibald, Lake Vale, W. O. |N S McGillivray, Hugh, Harbor Road, W. O. |N S McGillivray, Hugh, East Bay, W. O. |N S McGilleroy, John, Knoydart, W. O. |N S McGinnis, Donald, Schomberg | O McGowen, W., Little Lepreaux, W. O. |N B McGrath, Dennis, Plymouth, W. O. |N S McGregor, Mrs. D., Garden of Eden, W. O. |N S McGregor, Daniel, Wyebridge | O McGregor, David, South Gower | O McGregor, John, Matawatchan | O McGregor, D., Tennyson | O McGregor, Alex., Big Island, W. O. |N S McHardy, John, Belfast | O McHaffey, Wm., North Joggins, W. O. |N B McHarry, H., Orleans | O McHenny, J., Victoria, W. O. |N S McInnes, Charles, Aros | O McInnes, N., Tiverton | O McInnes, Archibald, Stewartville | O McInnes, Hugh, Point of Cape, W. O. |N S McInnes, Angus, Lake Ainslie, W. O. |N S McIntosh, B., Westover | O McIntosh, P. N., Bookton | O McIntosh, Donald, Bay St. Lawrence, W. O. |N S McIntosh, D., Coldsprings | O McIntyre, Nichol, Bervie | O McIntyre, A., River Dennis, W. O. |N S McIntyre, W. H., Rockliffe (sub) | O McIntyre, D., Crinan | O McIsaac, Donald, Mull River, W. O. |N S McJanet, Robert, Yarm | Q McKay, George W., Middle Southampton, W. O. |N B McKay, F. S. Papineauville | O McKay, George, Mount Thom, W. O. |N S McKay, A., Morewood | O McKay, James, St. James | M McKay, John, Millsville, W. O. |N S McKay, D., Big Harbor, W. O. |N S McKay, Robert, Guysborough Intervale, W. O. |N S McKay, Angus, Roger’s Hill, W. O. |N S McKay, Cornelieus, Rosedene | O McKay, John, Six Mile Brook, W. O. |N S McKay, Anna M., Ancaster | O McKay, Mrs. J., West Branch, River John, W. O. |N S McKay, John, Upper Settlement of Barney’s River, W. O. |N S McKay, George Ulster | O McKay, L., Speitches Cove, W. O. |N S McKay, Donald, Saintfield | O McKay, John, Argyle | O McKay, John, Cape Spear, W. O. |N B McKay, W. J., Earltown, W. O. |N S McKee, William, Coventry | O McKechnie, R., Sharpton | O McKeen, Abraham, Keswick Ridge, W. O. |N B McKeen, J., Central Kingsclear, W. O. |N B McKeen, J. G., Port Hastings |N S McKeen, George, Getson’s Point, W. O. |N S McKeggie, James H., Stayner | O McKellar, D., Kilmartin | O McKendrick, M., Kincardine | O McKenney, Cyrus B., Pemberton Ridge, W. O. |N B McKenny, Thomas, Thornbury | O McKenzie, George, Laterrière | Q McKenzie, William, Gowland Mountain, W. O. |N B McKenzie, N. D., Holstein | O McKenzie, Alex., Red Islands, W. O. |N S McKenzie, M. St. Ann’s, W. O. |N S McKenzie, A. M., Terrebonne | Q McKenzie, Mrs. Jessie, Green Hill, W. O. |N S McKenzie, K., Kempt Head, W. O. |N S McKenzie, Wm. L., Algonquin | O McKenzie, John, Sarawak | O McKenzie, J. R., Skye | O McKenzie, K., South side of Boulardorie, W. O. |N S McKenzie, Mary, North River Bridge, W. O. |N S McKenzie, Archibald, Flatlands |N B McKenzie, H., Stellerton |N S McKenzie, Arthur M., Terrebonne | Q McKenzie, William, St. George’s Channel, W. O. |N S McKenzie, F., Birkhall | O McKenzie, Archibald, Durham | O McKenzie, Allan, Chimney Corner |N S McKenzie, Kenneth, Burnside | M McKeown, James W., Sutherland’s Corners | O McKeune, J., Aughrim | O McKie, Thomas, West Arran | O McKiel, Albert, Greenwich Hill, W. O. |N B McKillican, B., jun., Thanet | O McKillican, Wm., Moose Creek | O McKillop, John, Wallacetown | O McKim, Robert, South Middleton | O McKinney, Richard, Newburgh, W. O. |N B McKinnon, John, Glenedale, W. O. |N S McKinnon, John, Lake Ainslie, South Side, W. O. |N S McKinnon, John, Cadmus | O McKinnon, John, Inverness | Q McKinnon, Duncan, North Shore, W. O. |N S McKinnon, Donald, Bute | Q McKinnon, J. P., East Bay, North side, W. O. |N S McKnight, F. H., Burnt Church, W. O. |N B McLachlan, Donald, East Scotch Settlement, W. O. |N B McLachlin, H. F., Palmer Rapids | O McLaren, Wm., Port au Persil | Q McLaren, Alex., Osceola | O McLaren, John, Villanova | O McLaren, James, Wakefield | Q McLaren, Donald, Cape Rich | O McLaren, Donald, Chezzetcook, W. O. |N S McLatchey, E., Lower Horton |N S McLaughlan, Duncan, Calton | O McLaughlin, A. A., Norland | O McLaughlin, C., Apto | O McLauren, P., Riceville | O McLean, Donald, Malignant Cove, W. O. |N S McLean, W., Marsh Settlement, McLellan’s Mountain, W. O. |N S McLean, Donald, Big Bank, W. O. |N S McLean, Malcolm, McKay’s Point, W. O. |N S McLean, W. H., Eardley | Q McLean, Allan, Grand Anse, W. O. |N S McLean, Alexander Henry, Kimberley | O McLean, Richard, Mount Uniacke |N S McLean, Archibald, Point à Pic (sub) | Q McLean, Hector, Dunvegan | O McLean, Hector, Knapdale | O McLean, James, Escuminac, W. O. |N B McLean, A., Cheviot | O McLean, Malcolm, Walkerton | O McLean, Mrs. C. A., Toledo | O McLean, Donald, Scarboro’ | O McLearn, Joseph, Five Mile River, W. O. |N S McLeay, Murdo, Watford | O McLeish, Robert, Branchton | O McLellan, Alex., Broad Cove Chapel, W. O. |N S McLellan, Samuel, Noel Shore, W. O. |N S McLellan, A. W., Great Village |N S McLellan, Miss Margaret, Port Rowan | O McLellan, Hugh, Big Pond, W. O. |N S McLennan, John, Upper Settlement of Middle River, W. O. |N S McLennan, Duncan, Williamstown | O McLennan, A. S., Fournier | O McLennan, John, Upper Margaree, W. O. |N S McLeod, Charles L., Middle River, W. O. |N S McLeod, Robert, Mount Charles | O McLeod, Robert, New Larig, W. O. |N S McLeod, William, Kirkhill | O McLeod, Donald, Broad Cove (Marsh), W. O. |N S McLeod, George, Middle River, W. O. |N S McLeod, Hugh, Cape John, W. O. |N S McLeod, George, Portsmouth | O McLeod, William, Round Hill, W. O. |N B McLeod, George, McLeod’s Mills, W. O. |N B McLeod, Isaac, Broad Cove (Intervale), W. O. |N S McLeod, D. W., Enniskillen | O McLeod, Malcolm, Big Brook, W. O. |N S McLeod, C. F., Belleisle Creek, W. O. |N B McLeod, Malcolm, Big Intervale (Margaree), W. O. |N S McLeod, Donald, Newbridge, W. O. |N S McMannis, John, South Bolton | Q McManus, Mark, Chesley | O McMaster, Angus, Low Point, W. O. |N S McMasters, D. J., Queensville, W. O. |N S McMillan, D., Glen, W. O. |N S McMillan, John, Harriettsville | O McMillan, Patrick, Grand Falls |N B McMillan, Duncan G., South Finch | O McMillan, Donald, Upper Settlement of Baddeck River, W. O.|N S McMillan, Allan, jun., Isaac’s Harbor |N S McMillan, A., King Creek | O McMillan, William, Kirkwall | O McMillan, John, Avonbank | O McMillen, John, Hornby | O McMillen, Miles, Boiestown, W. O. |N B McMonagle, H., Sussex Vale |N B McMurchy, M., Tarbert | O McMurray, L., Gladstone | O McNab, J. McM., Claremont | O McNaught, G., Stewiacke Cross Road, W. O. |N S McNaughton, John, St. Patrick’s Channel, W. O. |N S McNaughton, D., Black River, W. O. |N B McNeil, Stephen, Boisdale, W. O. |N S McNeil, Hector, Marion Bridge, W. O. |N S McNeil, J. S., Grand Narrows, W. O. |N S McNeil, John, Giant’s Lake, W. O. |N S McNeil, Malcolm, Hillsborough, C. B., W. O. |N S McNeil, Hugh, Head of South River Lake, W. O. |N S McNeill, Charles, North Range Corner, W. O. |N S McNichol, Allen, Allensville | O McNiel, John, Wallace Ridge, W. O. |N S McNiel, Michael, L’Ardoise, W. O. |N S McNiel, Peter, Sillery Cove | Q McNiel, Malcolm, North Side of Basin, River Dennis, W. O. |N S McNiel, Moses, Rosedale | O McPhail, Alex., Pictou |N S McPhail, Hugh, Cartwright | O McPhee, Donald, Whitevale | O McPherson, James, Rama | O McPherson, Colin, River Baudette | Q McPherson, Alexander, River Charlo, W. O. |N B McPherson, James, Rivière Raisin | O McPherson, J. R., Oromocto |N B McPherson, G. S., Ossian | O McPherson, John, New Gairloch, W. O. |N S McPherson, John, Cross Roads, Ohio, W. O. |N S McPherson, Wm., Clyde | O McPhillips, John, Ayton | O McQuaid, J. C., Hastings, W. O. |N B McQuain, Alexander, Kewstoke |N S McQuarrie. A., Cape Mabou, W. O. |N S McQueen, Mrs. M. A., North Pelham | O McQueen, James, Fergus | O McRae, Mrs., Sandfield | O McRae, Hugh, Strathburn | O McRae, Alex. E., Glennevis | O McRea, Donald, Burnstown | O McRae, Duncan, Bolsover | O McRae, Finlay, Lower Settlement, Middle River, W. O. |N S McRae, Hector, Crawford | O McRae, William, Duncan | O McRae, Peter, Inverhuron | O McRea, C. J., Sierra | O McRea, Alex., Baddeck Bridge, W. O. |N S McSwain, Duncan, Frenchvale, W. O. |N S McTaggart, John, Kirkfield | O McVey, John, Dungiven, W. O. |N B McVicar, Miss C., Fort William | O McVicar, Morris, Wanstead | O McWilliam, Alex., Scovill’s Mills, W. O. |N B McWilliams, Albert, Harold | O Macaulay, John, Venosta | Q Macdonald, John, Vellore | O Macdonald, A. S., Alexandria | O Macdonald, Norman, Addington Forks, W. O. |N S Macfadden, Uriah, Edgecombe | O Machell, John, St. Sylvester | Q Mack, I. N., Mill’s Village |N S Mackay, William, Renfrew | O Mackey, Levi, Kinsale | O Mackclean, G. J., Brisbane | O Mackereth, John, St. Canute | Q Mackey, Heli, Northfield, W. O. |N S Mackintosh, Henry B., Strathroy | O Macklem, J. S., Chippewa | O MacNider, John, Petit Métis | Q Maconchy, Thos., Gilford | O Macrea, George, St. Sylvester, East | Q Macready, A., Harriston | O Maddon, Hugh, Loughborough | O Mader, Jeremiah, New Canada, W. O. |N S Magoon, Aaron, Magoon’s Point | Q Maguire, A., Steep Creek, W. O. |N S Maguire, William, Franklin | O Maher, Philip, Richmond Station | Q Mahew, Robert, Renforth | O Mahood, Samuel, New Jerusalem, W. O. |N B Main, William, Canterbury Station |N B Main, William, Cherry Creek | O Mair, Charles, Portage la Prairie | M Major, Charles, jun., Monte Bello | Q Maher, Thos., Pockmouche, W. O. |N B Malbœuf, Odile, Côte des Neiges | Q Malcolm, John, jun., Cariboo Cove, W. O. |N S Mallet, H. S., Gilbert Cove |N S Mallet, N., Chateauguay | Q Malone, Timothy, Petersville, W. O. |N B Malone, George, Wolfe Island | O Maloney, Ernest V., Fitch Bay | Q Mallory, Simeon, Linda | Q Mann, William, Yarmouth Centre | O Mansfield, Geo., Cashmere | O Manson, David A., Mansonville Potton | Q Manuel, C., Upper Haynesville, W. O. |N B Marchand, Edouard, St. Jérome | Q Marchant, Emelie, West Arichat, W. O. |N S March, David, Port Granby | O Marcotte, Joseph U., Ste. Anne de la Pérade | Q Marcoux, Isidore, Versailles | Q Marcoux, T., Cedars | Q Margeson, T. A., Margaretsville, W. O. |N S Marion, Joseph, St. Paul l’Hermite | Q Markham, Alfred, Markhamville, W. O. |N B Marks, Robert, Brucefield | O Marquis, P. C., St. André | Q Marsh, Jacob, Coldstream |N B Marsh, A., Censecon | O Marshall, James, Trout River | Q Marshall, W., Huntingdon | Q Martel, Anthony, Cow Bay |N S Martell, Charles, Mira Gut, W. O. |N S Martin, Amasa, Martinville | Q Martin, Robert, Sydney |N S Martin, James, Belleville, W. O. |N B Martin, E. D., Warden | Q Martin, N. C., Upper Bedford | Q Martin, Octave, Avignon | Q Martin, Elie, St. Arsène | Q Martin, Thomas, Hockley | O Martineau, J. E., St. Alphonse | Q Martyn, William, Enfield | O Mason, Mary, Donegal | O Mason, George, Beaulac | Q Mason, Charles, Beachville | O Mason, James, Drumquin | O Mason, Thomas, Johnston, W. O. |N B Masters, Wm., Upper Rawdon, W. O. |N S Masterson, Lackey, St. Andrew’s, West | O Mastin, I. B., Lavender | O Mather, James, Menie | O Mather, John, Otter Lake | Q Matheson, George, Tavistock | O Matheson, D., Embro | O Matheson, J., St. Esprit, W. O. |N S Matheson, James, Lower L’Ardoise, W. O. |N S Matheson, W. H., Upper Woods Harbor, W. O. |N S Matthews, E. J., Flinton | O Matthews, J., Acton | O Matthieu, J. B., St. Urbain | Q Maxwell, W. A., Head Lake | O May, James, Dundalk | O Mayberry, Richard, Maberly | O Mayrand, Z., St. Phillipe | Q Meacham, J. H., Belleville | O Meadows, Samuel, Eden Mills | O Meagher, Joseph, Carleton | Q Meagher, John C., Chatillon | Q Meecham, Eli, Elginburg | O Meek, Agnes, Alton | O Meen, Frederick, Greenwood | O Meikle, G. L., Lachute | Q Melançon, M., Port Acadie, W. O. |N S Melick, Jonas R., Warner | O Mellis, Robert, Kippen | O Mellow, W. J., Gretna | O Melville, Andrew, Nottawa | O Menhennick, John, Putnam | O Mercier, H., St. Guillaume d’Upton | Q Mercier, Joseph, Ste. Hénédine | O Mercer, H. M., Lawrence Station, W. O. |N B Merritt, John, Pelham Union | O Mesner, F. X., Formosa | O Messenger, G. A., Cayuga | O Messer, John, Bluevale | O Metcalfe, Alfred, Roseneath | O Meunier, C., Starnesboro’ | Q Meunier, François, Canrobert | Q Meyer, George E., Glenmeyer | O Michaud, B., Ste. Hélène | Q Michaud, Miss Adée, Notre Dame du Portage | Q Michener, Isaac, Lowbanks | O Middlemas, George, Caledonia Corner |N S Middleton, George, Wheatley | O Middleton, Robert, Winchelsea | O Mignault, Joseph E., St. Dennis, River Richelieu | Q Milburn, John, Peabody | O Miles, George, Mouth of Keswick, W. O. |N B Milette, Benjamin, Wotton | Q Millar, James, Magnetawan | O Millar, Miss C. M., Drummondville, East | Q Miller, Hugh, Glassville, W. O. |N B Miller, B. B., Wiarton | O Miller, Robert, Zimmerman | O Miller, M. G., Teviotdale | O Miller, James, Ulverton | Q Miller, James, St. Luce | Q Miller, John P., Carleton, W. O. |N S Miller, William, Peninsula, Gaspé | Q Miller, H. J. Corunna | Q Miller, Hiram, Miller’s Creek, W. O. |N S Miller, Caleb, Mount Hanly, W. O. |N S Miller, Jonathan, Benmiller | O Miller, John, Blytheswood | O Miller, W. H., Byng Inlet | O Millett, Benjamin, Marriott’s Cove, W. O. |N S Millet, Alexis, La Présentation | Q Milligan, Thos. J., Baltimore | O Millington, Joseph, Sydenham Place | Q Milloy, Colin, Newport | O Mills, Stephen, Lewisville, W. O. |N B Mills, Wm. B., Arden | O Mills, George E., Tedish, W. O. |N B Mills, George, Armstrong’s Corner, W. O. |N B Mills, G. C., Playfair | O Mills, John, Lorraine | O Milne, Alexander, Langford | O Milne, Thos., Copetown | O Milne, John, Agincourt | O Milner, Thomas, Parker’s Cove, W. O. |N S Milson, J. H., Whalen | O Milward, Thomas F., Stormont, W. O. |N S Miscampbell, Andrew, Allendale | O Mitchell, Mrs. M., Cook’s Brook, W. O. |N S Mitchell, Arthur, Lisadel | O Mitchell, David, Marie Joseph, W. O. |N S Mitchell, James, Mactaquack, W. O. |N B Mitchell, John, Metz | O Miville, Narcisse, Ste. Modeste | Q Moffatt, Alexander, Pembroke | O Moffatt, Henry, Pendleton | O Molleur, Joseph, jun., St. Valentin | Q Moncion, L., Angers | Q Monkhouse, Joseph, Altona | O Monkman, John, Eagles Nest | M Monteith, Robert, Farquhar | O Montgomery, Hugh, Greenock | O Montminy, T. St. Charles, River Boyer | O Mood, S. K., Lower Wood Harbor, W. O. |N S Moon, Robert J., Medonte | O Moore, Gilbert, Norwich | O Moore, P. C., Moore’s Station | Q Moore, Alexander, Mechanic’s Settlement, W. O. |N B Moore, John, Shinemicas Bridge |N S Moore, J. S., Upper Economy, W. O. |N S Moore, Mathias, Falkenburg | O Moore, Alfred, Carnarvon | O Moore, Thomas, Waubuno | O Moorehouse, Adonijah, New Zealand, W. O. |N B Morehouse, James, Trout Cove, W. O. |N S Moran, Thomas, Maidstone | O Morden, W. H., North Port | O Morgan, William, Pleasant Hill | O Morgan, Ira, Ormond | O Moriarty, James, Kinkora | O Morin, B., St. Isidore, Dorchester | Q Morin, A., St. Roch des Aulnais | Q Morin, P., Bienville | Q Morris, John H. Warwick | O Morris, David, Ste. Thérèse de Blainville | Q Morris, J. K., Rondeau | O Morris, R., Avening | O Morris, Nathan B., Advocate Harbor |N S Morrison, John, Wreck Cove, W. O. |N S Morrison, R. G., St. Peter’s |N S Morrison, John, Rear of Black River, W. O. |N S Morrison, John, South Gut of Ste. Ann’s, W. O. |N S Morrison, Alexander, Peveril | Q Morison, R. B., Moriston | O Morrison, John, Moore | O Morrow, James, Fleetwood | O Morrow, John, Dacre | O Morrow, John, South Mountain | O Morse, John G., Sandy Cove |N S Morton, E., Middlefield, W. O. |N S Morton, George, Penobsquis |N B Morton, James, Morton’s Corner, W. O. |N S Morwood, John, Nilestown | O Mosa, James, Indian Point, W. O. |N S Mosey, Robert, Old Montrose | O Mosher, Daniel, St. Croix, W. O. |N S Mosher, Joseph, Mosherville, W. O. |N S Moss, James, Port Maitland | O Mossip, John, Union Hill | O Mott, Isaac, Blessington | O Mott, Amos, Central Cambridge, W. O. |N B Mowat, Andrew, St. Andrews | M Mowat, John, Deeside | Q Moyer, Moses, Breslaw | O Moyer, H. W., Campden | O Moyer, J. G., Bloomingdale | O Moxon, Thomas, Rawdon, W. O. |N S Muir, Joseph, Britannia | O Mulkins, Henry, Simcoe | O Mulrine, Chas., Emigrant Road, W. O. |N B Munro, John, Watson’s Corners | O Munro, William, West River |N S Munro, A., Boulardorie |N S Munro, William, Kilmaurs | O Munro, John C., Grantley | O Munro, M., Munro’s, W. O. |N S Munsie, William, Nobleton | O Munsie, James, Caledon, East | O Murchie, Alex., Winthrop | O Murchie, Donald, Doyle Settlement, W. O. |N B Murchison, Hector, Grand River, W. O. |N S Murner, G., Berne | O Murphy, John, Mulmur | O Murphy, Patrick, Stoco | O Murphy, William, Sarnia | O Murphy, J., Waugh’s River, W. O. |N S Murphy, Patrick, Caldwell | O Murphy, Thos., Chipman’s Brook, W. O. |N S Murray, William G., Arnott | O Murray, John, Esquesing | O Murray, James, Hay | O Murray, John, Glen Murray | Q Murray, William, Ste. Brigide | Q Murray, John G., Port Richmond, W. O. |N S Murray, Joseph, Murray’s Corner, W. O. |N B Musson, Thomas, Islington | O Mustard, John, Ashworth | O Mutchmore, J. T., Oneida | O | | Nagle, G. J., Rock Forest | Q Naise, J. M., Mouth of Nerepis |N B Naubert, Fernandez, Muddy Branch | Q Nauffts, John, Kent’s Island, W. O. |N S Neckerson, James A., Lower Ward, Ste. Marguerite’s | Bay, W. O. |N S Neelands, Abraham, Invermay | O Neff, John R., Troy | O Neiley, John C., Cambridge Station, W. O. |N S Neilans, Thomas, Harlock | O Nelles, H. E., Grimsby | O Nelson, N., North Salem, W. O. |N S Nelson, G. W., Dickson’s Store, W. O. |N S Nelson, John, Trafalgar, W. O. |N S Nelson, John, Ludlow, W. O. |N B Nethercott, John, Eden | O Newcomb, R. A., Bridgewater |N S Newcomb, W. F., Avonport Station, W. O. |N S Newell, John, Black Bank | O Newhall, Wilbert, Hunterstown | Q Newman, W. J., Morganston | O Newsome, George, Kilmarnock | O Newton, John, Limehouse | O Nickerson, E., Wood Harbor, W. O. |N S Nichol, Alexander, Jackson Road, W. O. |N S Nichol, Peter M., St. Mary’s | O Nicholls, D., Nicholl’s Corner, W. O. |N S Nicholls, William, New Germany, W. O. |N S Nicholson, Donald, Barney’s River, W. O. |N S Nickerson, S. W., Shag Harbor, W. O. |N S Nicholson, A., Concord, W. O. |N S Nicklin, J., Morningdale Mills | O Nicol, John, Nicolston | O Nispel, Conrad, Preston | O Niven, Revd. Hugh, Herdman’s Corners | Q Noble, John, Park Hill | O Noble, Colin, Stornoway | Q Noble, Robert, Hardwicke, W. O. |N B Noonan, Daniel, North-West Cove, W. O. |N S Norman, R. M., Mill Bridge | O Normandin, A., St. Jean Baptiste de Montréal | Q Normandin, Louis, Boucherville | Q Northey, Richard, Selwyn | O Northy, William, Wilmur | O Northmore, Joseph, Cataraqui | O Noxen, Richard, Hillier | O Nugent, Miss D., Grand Baie | Q Nugent, Mrs. C., West Quaco |N B Nutt, David, Nutt’s Corners | Q Nye, D. T. R., Philipsburg, East | Q | | Oaks, Albert, New Albany, W. O. |N S O’Brien, E. R., St. George |N B O’Brien, F. X., Repentigny | Q O’Brien, William, Summerville | O O’Brien, Osmond, Noel, W. O. |N S O’Brien, Margaret, Beauport | Q Odell, W. H., Belmont | O O’Donell, R. Ferris, W. O. |N B O’Flynn, E. D., Madoc | O Ogden, C. K., Three Rivers | Q Ogilvie, Henry, Long Point, W. O. |N S O’Heir, M., St. Gabriel de Brandon | Q Oliver, A., Rockburn | Q Oliver, Edward, Ashburn | O Oliver, John, Dewitville | Q Olivier, Louis, Black River Station | Q Olmstead, Albert D., Aroostook, W. O. |N B O’Loane, L. T., Stratford | O O’Mara, James, South Elmsley | O O’Meara, M., Navan | O O’Meara, P., Fallowfield | O O’Niel, Samuel, Grosvenor, W. O. |N S O’Neill, Michael, Downerville | O O’Neill, Thomas, Salmon River (Lake Settlement), W. O. |N S Orchard, John C., Orchard | O Ord, George, Ilderton | O Orman, George, Porter’s Lake, W. O. |N S Orr, Allen, Seaton | O Orr, James, Morrisbank | O Orr, James E., Lynden | O Osborne, Sydney, Renton | O Osbornes, J. B., Beamsville | O Osgood, W. A., St. John’s, East | Q Ostrander, G. A., Point Traverse | O Ostrom, Henry, Moira | O O’Sullivan, Cornelius, Meyersburg | O Ouellet, L., St. Onézime | Q Ouellet, Louis, Shoolbred | Q Oulton, Thomas E., Westmoreland Point |N B Oulton, Thomas, Little Shemogue, W. O. |N B Outhouse, S., Wood Point, W. O. |N B Owen, Jenkins, Fernhill | O Owens, William, Stonefield | Q Oxner, Joseph, Lower La Have, W. O. |N S | | Pacaud, P. N., East Arthabaska | Q Packwood, George, Point St. Peter | Q Page, W. E., Métis | Q Pagé, Pierre, Les Ecureuils | Q Painchaud, F., Hochelaga | Q Pain, James N., Mountsberg | O Palmer, M. B., Hopewell Cape |N B Palmer, John Morristown, W. O. |N S Palmer, F. L., Jacksontown, W. O. |N B Palmer, Ira, Balsam | O Palmer, Hanford, Anagance |N B Paquette, J. B., St. Roch de Richelieu | Q Paquette, Louis, St. Augustin, Two Mountains | Q Paquette, F., Paquette | Q Paquet, Edward D., House Harbor (sub) | Q Paradis, Joseph E., St. Constant | Q Paradis, Louis, junr., Valetort | Q Paradis, C., Ruisseau des Chénes | Q Paré, A. P., St. Bruno | Q Paré, H. P., St. Germain de Grantham | Q Parent David C., Upper Queensbury, W. O. |N B Parent, J. C. Fox River | Q Parent, Isaiah, Bear Island, W. O. |N B Parent, Magloire, Kerry | O Parish, Arza, Farmersville | O Park, Alexander, Cromarty | O Park, Ernest G., Amherstburgh | O Parker, John S., Ten Mile Creek, W. O. |N B Parker, Benjamin, Glasgow | O Parker, Robert, Kilbride | O Parker, Thomas K., Lord’s Cove, W. O. |N B Parker, J. M., Berwick |N S Parker, Nelson, Dexter | O Parker, Robert, Walmer | O Parker, John, Dunbarton | O Parker, Shutnel, Woodville, W. O. |N S Parkinson, Adam, Lockton | O Parry, H. H., Copleston | O Parsons, John, Crediton | O Passmore, Robert, Rockwood | O Paton, P., New Lowell | O Pattenoude, M., Stockwell | Q Patterson, W. C., Patterson | O Patterson, Thomas B., Smithurst | O Patterson, H., Steam Mill Village, W. O. |N S Patterson, David, Goose River |N S Patterson, David, Lower Barney’s River, W. O. |N S Patterson, Jane, Admaston | O Patterson, Samuel, Carthage | O Patterson, Ira H., Au Lac, W. O. |N B Patterson, James C. Blantyre | O Pattison, Robert, Walton | O Pattison, W. M., Frelighsburg | Q Paul, W. M., Roblin | O Payne, Manuel, Port Stanley | O Payne, Mrs. M., Charing Cross | O Peaker, John, Cooksville | O Pearce, J. B., Newton, W. O. |N B Pearce, Josiah W., Havelock | O Pearson, Thomas, Abingdon | O Peck, James H., Albury | O Peebles, Matthew, Strabane | O Pelletier, J. A., East Broughton | Q Pelletier, T. P., Trois Pistoles | Q Pelletier, J. B., Lac Noir | Q Pelletier, O., St. Roch l’Achigan | Q Pennock, Philemon, Elgin | O Pennock, John C., Castleton | O Pepin, dit Lachance, Emilien, St. François d’Orléans | Q Percy, John, Bangor | O Pernette, C. R., Middle La Have Ferry, W. O. |N S Perré, J., Ste. Anne des Monts | Q Perrett, H. W., Perretton | O Perrin, William, Mount Vernon | O Perrott, Nathaniel, Shannonvale, W. O. |N B Perry, Calvin, Perryboro’ | Q Perry, Robert E., Bracebridge | O Petit, P. H., St. Damase | O Petitclerc, Mrs. C., Bergerville | Q Petrey, W. B., Russell | O Petrie, David, Neguac, W. O. |N B Petty, Charles, Cherry Wood | O Phair, James, Victoria Corners | O Phair, A. S., Fredericton |N B Phelan, M. J., St. Columbin | Q Phelps, C. J., Mystic | Q Phelps, Linius W., Dickens | O Phillips, Edwin, Shiktehawk Bridge |N S Phillipps, Thomas, St. Pierre les Becquets | Q Phillipps, Mrs. Grace, River Philip |N S Phillips, Oran, Burns | O Philpott, Edward, Foxboro’ | O Philpott, John A., Iona | O Picotte, Chas., Lafontaine | Q Pierce, W. J., Malakoff | O Pierson, John, Milverton | O Pilcher, Thomas, Port Burwell | O Pim, Mrs., Sault Ste. Marie | O Pineo, J. P., Pineo Village |N S Pinkney, W. R., Sand Beach, W. O. |N S Pipes, Jonathan, Amherst Point, W. O. |N S Pipes, William C., Hopewell Corner, W. O. |N B Pitt, H., Pierreville | Q Pitt, William, senr., Pittson | O Plamondon, Edouard, St. Raymond | Q Plamondon, Anselme, St. Marcel | Q Planch, William G., Maple Leaf | Q Plant, William, Stanley, W. O. |N B Plante, Pierre, St. Bernard | Q Playfair, Elisha, Buckshot | O Plews, Simon, Salmonville | O Plinguet, Revd, V., Isle Dupas | Q Poal, Moses, Poland | O Poaps, Jacob J., Oznabruck Centre | O Pointer, James E., Churchville | O Poirier, Joseph O., St. Jacques le Mineur | Q Poirier, J. A., St. Grégoire | Q Pollock, Solomon, Mille Isles | Q Pomeroy, William, Bellrock | O Poole, Ambrose, Cedar Lake, W. O. |N S Ponds, Hazer, Marysville, W. O. |N B Ponton, F. N. J., St. Angèle | Q Pope, Lemuel, Robinson | Q Porte, William, Lucan | O Porter, Richard C., New Ireland | Q Porter, Henry, Cold Brook Station, W. O. |N S Porterfield, P., Marnoch | O Pothier, François, French Village | Q Potter, E. W., Smith’s Cove, W. O. |N S Potts, Edward, McIntyre | O Potvin, P., L’Anse au Foin | Q Polin, Hilaire, St. François Beauce | Q Poulin, Louis, St. Etienne de Boulton | Q Powell, Henry, Wallenstein | O Powell, George A., Wroxeter | O Powley, Charles, Marchmont | O Pratt, John, New Ross |N S Prefontain, Fulgence, South Durham | Q Prémont, Joseph, Ste. Famille | Q Prentiss, H. B., Chelsea | Q Prescott, Jesse, Pennfield, W. O. |N B Prescott, John, Goose Creek, W. O. |N B Price, W. W., Peticodiac |N B Pridham, Edward, Grenville | Q Prieur, O. F., St. Zotique | Q Priestly, James, Falkirk | O Prior, F. B., Wallbridge | O Pritchard, A., North Wakefield | Q Proctor, J. W., New Edinburgh | O Prosser, Daniel, Belhaven | O Proudfoot, James, junr., Fenaghvale | O Prudhomme, Alex., Cantley | Q Ptolemy, William, Woodburn | O Pugsley, Michael, River Hébert, W. O. |N S Pugsley, William, Cheapside | O Purdy, Allan G., Greenville, W. O. |N S Purdy, C., Deep Brook, W. O. |N S Purdy, William, Pomona | O Purdy, Joseph, Lawrence, Little River, W. O. |N S Purdy, David, Wallace River, W. O. |N S Purdy, Mrs. Mary J., West Chester, W. O. |N S Purdy, R. McLean, Eugenia | O Purkiss, Josiah, Thornhill | O Purney, John, Sandy Point, W. O. |N S Purington, Elijah, East Hereford | Q Purves, Robert, junr., Tatamagouche |N S Purvis, ----, Kossuth | O | | Quance, Robert, Gravelotte | O Quarry, John G., Offa | O Quealy, John, Eganville | O Queeneville, O., Cazaville | Q Quibell, John, Holt | O Quigley, Edmund, Beech Hill, W. O. |N S Quintin, dit Dubois, A., Acton Vale | Q Quirk, Dennis, Glascott | O | | Racette, Jos., Ste. Julienne | Q Radford, Joseph, Tadousac | Q Raiche, S. G. A., Clarence Creek | O Rand, George V., Wolfville |N S Randall, Cornely, Pine Orchard | O Randall, E. W., Bayfield, W. O. |N S Rankin, D., Sutherland’s River, W. O. |N S Rannie, John, Allanburg | O Ranson, Robert, Deux Rivières | Q Ranson, Mrs. Madeline, Buckhorn | O Ratter, John, Ratter’s Corner, W. O. |N B Ray, David, Hudson | Q Ray, Andrew. Upper Magaguadavic, W. O. |N B Ray, John, Glanmire | O Ray, Robert R., Factory Dale, W. O. |N S Raymond, S. P., Beaver River, W. O. |N S Raymond, Wm. S., Beaver River Corner |N S Raymond, David N., Middle Simonds, W. O. |N B Raymond, George, Kouchibouguac |N B Raymond, Mrs. E., Lapum | O Raymond, Silas, Central Norton, W. O. |N B Read, H. H., Milnesville | O Read, James, De Ramsey | Q Reardon, P., Pockshaw, W. O. |N B Redman, Edward, Lower Ireland | Q Redner, James, Rednersville | O Redpath, Geo., Effingham | O Redy, Benjamin, Gold River, W. O. |N S Reed, Nathaniel, Mimosa | O Reed, William, Knatchbull | O Reed, James R., Carleton |N B Reed, James, Reedsdale | Q Reeve, George, Hornsey, W. O. |N S Regnier, P., St. Athanase | Q Reid, Donald, Harrington, West | O Reid, Robert, Waubaumik | O Reid, Thomas M., Moose Brook, W. O. |N S Reid, William, Ravenna | O Reid, G. B., Port George, W. O. |N S Reid, Minor, Upper New Horton, W. O. |N B Reid, James, Caledonia Settlement, W. O. |N B Reid, Thomas, Cascades | Q Reid, W. A., Avonport, W. O. |N S Remey, A., Tempo | O Rennells, William, Windsor Junction, W. O. |N S Renshaw, J., Blair | O Renwick, John, Inkerman | O Reynolds, William, Sarepta | O Reynolds, William, Mount Horeb | O Rhodes, William, Rhodes, W. O. |N S Richard, Lewis, Belliveaux Village, W. O. |N B Richards, Christopher, Frankville | O Richards, Geo. E., North Seneca | O Richardson, John, Little Rocher |N B Richardson, George, Malone | O Richardson, Henry, Trudel | O Richardson, J., Valetta | O Richardson, Thos., Big Port le Bear, W. O. |N B Ricker, R., Knowlesville |N B Riddell, James, Hubbell’s Falls | O Rigby, D. G., Sydney Mines |N S Rigby, Clara, Mainadieu, W. O. |N S Rigney, Henry, Devizes | O Rimington, John, Rimington, | O Ring, James, Panmure | O Riordon, John, Lower Woodstock, W. O. |N B Risteen, George, Lower French Village, W. O. |N B Ritchie, Frederick, Hamilton | O Rivard, F. X. A., St. Léon | Q Rivard, B., Bécancour | Q Rivet, Narcisse, St. Brigitte des Saults | Q Roach, W., Grand Falls, Portage, W. O. |N B Roch, N., St. Norbert | Q Roberge, Louis, Ste. Julie de Somerset | Q Roberge, Damase, New Liverpool | Q Robert, Raymond, Sherrington | Q Robert, François, St. Hubert | Q Roberts, J., Robert’s Island, W. O. |N S Robertson, Arch., Fox Harbor, W. O. |N S Robertson, John, Thomasburg | O Robertson, L., Port Jolly, W. O. |N S Robertson, S., Hollen | O Robertson, Daniel, Loch Lomond, W. O. |N B Robertson, William, Lanark | O Robertson, William, Dalkeith | O Robbins, Ansell, Chebouge, W. O. |N S Robicheau, P., Lower Pockmouche, W. O. |N B Robinson, James, Upper Loch Lomond, W. O. |N B Robinson, W. S., Baillie, W. O. |N B Robinson, James, Selton | O Robinson, W. J., Tullamore | O Robinson, E. A., Goshen, W. O. |N B Robinson, Thomas, Newbury | O Robinson, R. D., Elgin |N B Robitaille, Louis, Ancienne Lorette | Q Roblin, Owen, Ameliasburgh | O Robson, John W., Vanneck | O Rockingham, Joseph, Glenloyd | Q Rockwell, Aaron, Rockwell Settlement, W. O. |N S Roddick, John, Lyndhurst | O Rodgers, Robert, D., Ashburnham | O Rodgerson, James, Shediac Road, W. O. |N B Roe, Frederic A., Woodbridge | O Roe, William, New Market | O Rogers, George, Lakefield | Q Rogers, H. C., Peterborough | O Rogers, James, Lower Coverdale, W. O. |N B Rogers, Patrick, Romans Valley, W. O. |N S Rogers, Thomas, Cedarville | O Rombach, Ferdinand, Freigburg | O Ronald, J. R., West Glassville, W. O. |N B Ronald, Andrew, Minesing | O Roop, Jas. P., Clementsport |N S Root, Daniel, Pittsferry | O Rorke, Thomas J., Heathcote | O Ross, Alexander, Turtle Lake | O Ross, Benjamin, Innisfil | Q Ross, Alexander, Gould | Q Ross, Alexander C., Victoria Mines, W. O. |N S Ross, D. G., Ross’ Corner, W. O. |N S Ross, Seth W., Farndon | Q Ross, James G., Maryvale, W. O. |N S Ross, James, Leith | O Ross, Thomas, Little Rideau | O Ross, Revd. D., Dundee Centre | Q Ross, M. G., Mill Brook, W. O. |N S Ross, John, North-East Branch Margaree, W. O. |N S Ross, John, Tangier |N S Ross, W. Dalhousie Settlement, W. O. |N S Rosser, B. H., Denfield | O Rouleau, Pierre D., Father Point | Q Rouse, Oliver C., Boston | O Rousseau, Godfroi, St. Monique | Q Rousseau, Onésime, St. Perpetue | Q Rousseau, Mdme. L. B., Château Richer | Q Rousseau, Mdme. M., La Baie | Q Rowe, R., Brookbury | Q Roy, Norbert, Wolfstown | Q Roy, Adam, Maitland |N S Roy, Mrs. Mary, Normanton | O Roy, dit Lauzon, Vital, St. Fabien | Q Roy, Moyse, St. Malo | Q Roy, C., Armagh | Q Roy, M. E., Settrington | Q Roy, Telesphore, Cap Chat | Q Royal, Jacques, St. Sulpice | Q Royer, L. V., St. Claire | Q Ruddick, Margaret, Waiweig, W. O. |N S Rudolf, Josiah, Upper La Have, W. O. |N S Rudolph, Mrs. A. M., Lunenburg |N S Rupert, J. P., Maple | O Ruscoe, C. W., Hall’s Harbour, W. O. |N S Rusco, J. M., Centreville, W. O. |N S Rusk, Robert, Stockdale | O Russell, John R., Hopewell Hill, W. O. |N B Russell, James, Duntroon | O Russell, James, Whitney, W. O. |N B Russell, Wm., Mount Healey | O Russell, Wm., junr., Douglastown, W. O. | O Rutherford, John, Tweedside, W. O. |N B Rutherford, William, Millbank | O Ruthven, Hugh, Ruthven | O Ryan, James, Middle Coverdale, W. O. |N B Ryder, N. S., Argyle, W. O. |N S Ryerse, Wm. H., Port Ryerse | O | | Sabeans, Charleton, New Tusket, W. O. |N S Sadler, Robert, Byron | O Sager, Noah, Pigeon Hill | Q Salois, O., St. Bonaventure | Q Sanders, William, Exeter | O Sanderson, Joseph, Stirton | O Sandford, Richard, Clementsvale, W. O. |N S Sandford, B., Summerville, W. O. |N S Sandford, I. S., Kennetcook, W. O. |N S Sanson, William, senr., Tay Mills, W. O. |N B Sargent, Alex., East Bolton | Q Saucier, J. L., St. Sauveur de Québec | Q Saucier, F., Macnider | Q Saunders, T. W., Prince William, W. O. |N B Saunders, Jas., Paisley | O Sauriol, Léon, St. Martin | Q Savageau, Revd., G. E., St. Tite des Caps (sub-office) | Q Savage, A. H., Savage’s Mill | Q Savage, Edmund, Otter Creek | O Savage, Geo., Burnhamthorpe | O Savard, Joseph, Cap a l’Aigle (sub) | Q Savard, O., Pointe au Bouleau | Q Saxby, William, Shefford Mountain | Q Schnell, John, Cedar Grove | O Schofield, William, S., Sawyerville | Q Schmietendorf, J. T., Thompsonville | O Schooley, E. F., New Durham | O Schooley, Louisa, Arkona | O Schwedfeger, Lewis, Hoasic | O Scidmore, R. P., Acacia | O Scisson, Samuel, South March | O Scott, Benjamin, Mingan | Q Scott, Hiram, North Gower | O Scott, Robert, Oustic | O Scott, James, Point Petre | O Scott, George, Mimico | O Scott, John, Stony Creek, W. O. |N B Scott, John, Thornton | O Scott, Richard, Wallace Bridge, W. O. |N S Scott, Mrs., Caistorville | O Scott, Morris, St. Nicholas | Q Scott, J. B., St. Timothée | Q Scott, John, Seneca | O Scott, W. J., junr., Batchewana | O Scovil, S. S., Portland | O Scribner, Elias, Mouth of Jemseg, W. O. |N B Seaman, Guilbert, Minadie, W. O. |N S Seaman, Amos, Lower Cove, W. O. |N S Seaman, A. J., Clifton, W. O. |N B Sears, Mrs. M., Lochaber, W. O. |N B Seaton, Benjamin, Abercorn | Q Secord, Josiah, B., Varna | O Secord, John, junr., Long Creek |N B Selby, Benjamin, Stanbridge Station | Q Seely, J. H., Waterville, W. O. |N B Seely, Obadiah, Seely | O Segsworth, Wm., Monck | O Sellis, Jacob, Salmon Hole, W. O. |N S Sellus, Daniel, Lepreaux |N B Sewell, J. H., Port Lambton | O Shackleton, John, Colpoy’s Bay | O Shaffner, J. C., Lower Granville, W. O. |N S Shanklin, S. J., Shanklin, W. O. |N B Sharp, Mrs. C. M., Sharp’s Bridge, W. O. |N S Sharp, William, Allenford | O Sharp, George, J., Lower Hayneville, W. O. |N B Sharp, James, Ravenscliffe | O Shatford, Samuel, Head of St. Margaret’s Bay, W. O. |N S Shaver, E. N., Avonmore | O Shaver, F. C, Port Hoover | O Shaw, James, junr., Smith’s Falls | O Shaw, S. H., Hartland |N B Shaw, Mrs. J. E., Mount Denison, W. O. |N S Shaw, William, Shawbridge | Q Shaw, James, Clarendon Centre | Q Shaw, John, B., Kent Bridge | O Shaw, John, junr., Lake Doré | O Shaw, Daniel, East side of West Branch, East River | of Pictou, W. O. |N S Shaw, John, Eastwood | O Shaw, John, Nipissingan | O Shawnwhite, James, W., Terence Bay, W. O. |N S Shearer, George, Musselburg | O Shears, J., Clifton House, (sub) | O Shehan, Terence, Salmon River, W. O. |N S Sheldon, E. J., South Bay, W. O. |N B Shell, Alfred, Burgoyne | O Shell, Colin, Cashel | O Sheppard, John, W., Normandale | O Shephard, Joseph, Lansing | O Shepherd, S., Uttoxeter | O Sherman, Andrew, Wellman’s Corners | O Sherwood, Charles, M., Lakefield, W. O. |N B Shibley, J. A., Yarker | O Shields, A., Avonton | O Shields, James, Trecastle | O Shields, Archibald, Upper Maugerville, W. O. |N B Shields, Thomas, Galway | O Shier, Jonathan, Woodham | O Shirreff, Wm. Alex., Fitzroy Harbor | O Shirley, William, North Bristol | Q Shoff, D., McGillivray | O Short, Richard, senr., Lang | O Shufelt, J. D., Iron Hill | Q Sicart, J., Mongenais | Q Sidey, John, Bewdley | O Silcox, Grant, Corral | O Silcox, William, Frome | O Sill, Robert, Jarvis | O Sills, Donavan, Sillsville | O Sills, G. B., Conway | O Silverthorn, Mahlon, Alloa | O Silvester, G. H., Ringwood | O Simard, Isaïe, St. Joachim | Q Simmons, A., Lake Beauport | Q Simonson, James, Jacksonville, W. O. |N B Simpson, William, Park Head | O Simpson, Isaac, Mount Pleasant, W. O. |N S Simpson, William, East Oro | O Simpson, Alexander, Titusville, W. O. |N B Simpson, Edward, Gagetown |N B Simpson, Richard, Vine | O Simpson, Alexr., Black Heath | O Sinclair, Donald, Goshen, W. O. |N S Sinclair, Edward, North West Bridge, W. O. |N B Sirois, Joseph, O., Grand River | Q Sisson, William, H., Upper Woodstock, W. O. |N B Skelly, Michael, Rawdon | Q Skelton, Peter, Magpie | Q Skuce, Richard, senr., Bark Lake | O Slaght, Israel, Townsend Centre | O Slee, Thomas, Doon | O Slevin, Edward, Les Eboulemens | Q Slipp, Edward, W., Hampstead, W. O. |N B Sloan, Thomas, Kilsyth | O Sloan, W. H., South Bay | O Sloane, H., Churchill | O Sloane, Miss E. B., Holland Landing | O Small, Janet, Arthur | O Small, John, Massie | O Smart, Robert, W., Port Hope | O Smart, James, Pleasant Ridge, W. O. |N B Smart, Jas. H., Kingsville | O Smart, John, Plattsville | O Smeath, George, Midhurst | O Smith, Albert, H., Ongley | O Smith, Alexander, Lieury | O Smith, Thomas, Elm | O Smith, Andrew H., French Lake, W. O. |N B Smith, J. H., Green River | O Smith, Richard, Ingoldsby | O Smith, Charles, Johnville | Q Smith, William, Kirkhill, W. O. |N S Smith, D. A., McDonald’s Point, W. O. |N B Smith, Nathan, Hampton, W. O. |N B Smith, T. H., Sky, Glen, W. O. |N S Smith, S. D., Smithfield | O Smith, David, Smith Town, W. O. |N B Smith, James, McPherson’s Ferry, W. O. |N S Smith, James, M., Long Reach, W. O. |N B Smith, Josiah, Mortonville, W. O. |N S Smith, George, Desboro’ | O Smith, Beverly, Clark’s Harbor, W. O. |N S Smith, Josiah, Cape Negro, W. O. |N S Smith, J. E., Blissville, W. O. |N B Smith, David, Bear Point, W. O. |N B Smith, G. C., Avon | O Smith, William, Billing’s Bridge | O Smith, William, Fallbrook | O Smith, John, Edgar | O Smith, Thomas, Egremont | O Smith, Mrs. Mary, Eig Mountain, W. O. |N S Smith, James, Tilbury, East | O Smith, James E., Upper Keswick, W. O. |N B Smith, Henry S., Oxford, W. O. |N S Smith, David, Outram | O Smith, David, East Glassville, W. O. |N B Smith, E., Sambro, W. O. |N S Smith, Chas., Elba | O Smith, Thomas, Dublin Shore, W. O. |N S Smith, John, Petite Passage, W. O. |N S Smith, Henry, Plantagenet | O Smith, C. A., Thorne Centre | Q Smith, Samuel, Dunany | Q Smith, Peter, St. Armand Station | Q Smith, Peter, Conroy | O Smith, Walton, Onslow | Q Smith, William, Necum Tench, W. O. |N S Smith, George, Milton, West | O Smith, T. G., Mount Forest | O Smith, Thos. E., Apohaqui |N B Smith, Mrs. Joshua, Port Hood Island, W. O. |N S Smith, James, Norway | O Smith, David, Oshawa | O Smith, Holland, Rusagornis |N B Smith, David, Coverdale, W. O. |N B Smith, B., Demorestville | O Smith, William, Cumberland Point, W. O. |N B Smuck, R. W., Straffordville | O Smyth, Robert, Ashgrove | O Smyth, William J., East Magdala | Q Smyth, James, senr., Hebron, W. O. |N B Snell, Robert, The Range, W. O. |N B Snodgrass, R., Young’s Cove, W. O. |N B Snook, John M., Desert Lake | O Snow, Nancy H., Port la Tour, W. O. |N S Snure, Clark, Jordan | O Snyder, Elias B., Freeport | O Snyder, Herbert E., East Williamsburg | O Somers, Noah, Lyttleton, W. O. |N B Somerville, Margaret, Haysville | O Soper, Clinton D., Soperton | O Southmayd, E. S., Way’s Mills | Q Southwick, George, Hawtrey | O Sparks, Mrs. Nancy, Mill Cove, W. O. |N B Speedie, William, Speedie | O Speer, William, South Dummer | O Spence, William, Rapides des Joachims | Q Spence, James, Ethel | O Spencer, W. H., Ziska | O Spiers, William, Mayfield | O Spinney, Austin, Harmony, W. O. |N S Spinney, B., Melvern Square |N S Springer, D. W., Nelson | O Sproul, Mary, Feversham | O Sproul, James, Long Settlement, W. O. |N B Sproule, John, Six Portages | Q Sproul, R. J., Flesherton | O Stacy, John, Talbotville Royal | Q Spurr, C. E., Round Hill, W. O. |N S Stacey, Fred. G., Ascot Corner | Q Stalker, James, Gemley | O Stally, M., Falkland | O Stanfield, John, Bryanston | O Stanley, Michael, Hamlet | O Stanley, Thomas, South Gloucester | O Stanton, George, Paris | O Stapleford, A., Ward’s Creek Road, W. O. |N B Staples, Silas, Collin’s Inlet | O Starkey, S. M., Starkey’s, W. O. |N B Starrat, Handley, Cambridge, W. O. |N S Steele, John C., Steele | O Steele, Jonas, Ridgeville | O Steele, Charles, Maitland, W. O. |N S Stephens, J. W., Walton |N S Stephens, William, Tenecape, W. O. |N S Stephens, S., Meritton | O Stephens, M. N., Glencairn | O Steeves, John, Salem, W. O. |N B Steeves, William, Dover, W. O. |N B Stennett, Henry, Keswick | O Sterns, Luther, Dartmouth |N S Stevens, John, Rose Vale, W. O. |N B Stevens, J. M., Harvey |N B Stevens, Simon, Trenholm | Q Stevens, Wm., Bedford Basin, W. O. |N S Stevens, J. H., Turtle Creek, W. O. |N B Steeves, R. E., Hillsborough |N B Steeves, Millidge, Bridgedale, W. O. |N B Sterratt, Melessa, Dalhousie East, W. O. |N S Stewart, C. R., Haliburton | O Stewart, Peter, Point la Nim, W. O. |N B Stewart, Samuel F., Harrowsmith | O Stewart, James, Little Harbor, W. O. |N S Stewart, James, Epping | O Stewart, James, Melrose |N S Stewart, Alexander, West side of Lochaber, W. O. |N S Stewart, Hugh, Willowgrove | O Stewart, Donald, River Louison, W. O. |N B Stewart, R. H., Woodlands | O Stewart, Chas., Clarenceville | Q Stewart, Robert, Black River, W. O. |N B Stewart, David, Roslin, W. O. |N S Still, Mrs. Mary, Raglan | O Stirling, Alexander, White Lake | O Stockwell, J. W., Danville | Q Stoddart, John, Stoddarts, W. O. |N S Stokes, John J., Sharon | O Stone, A. M., North Stanbridge | Q Stone, Giles, Haultain | O Stone, John, Maquapit Lake, W. O. |N B Stonehouse, John, Armadale | O Strachan, Kenneth, Framboise, W. O. |N S Strange, Edwin L., Causapscal | Q Stratford, John E., Hubbard’s Cove, W. O. |N S Striker, Jonathan, Bloomfield | O Stroh, John, St. Clements | O Stronach, George, Stronach Mountain |N S Strong, George E., New Minas, W. O. |N S Strum, Joseph, Martin’s River, W. O. |N S Struthers, R. C., Louisville |N S Struthers, P., Carleton Place | O Stuart, Charles, Lake Temiscamingue | Q Stuart, James, Epping | O Stuart, Wm., Cambria | Q Stukney, George, Lower Brighton, W. O. |N B Suffern, Anthony, Raymond | O Sullivan, Patrick, Merlin | O Sullivan, J. O., Fredericton Road, W. O. |N B Sullivan, Daniel, Malcolm | O Sullivan, T., Portuguese Cove, W. O. |N S Sullivan, John, Corinth | O Sumner, John, Ashton | O Surtees, George, Beachburg | O Sutherland, E., West Chester Lake, W. O. |N S Sutherland, D., Orwell | O Sutherland, A., Plainfield, W. O. |N S Sutherland, A. W., East River, St. Mary’s, W. O. |N S Sutherland, John, Pleasant Bay, W. O. |N S Sweet, S., North Sutton | Q Sweet, J. L., Newport Station |N S Sweet, Stubbard, Billtown, W. O. |N S Sweetman, Patrick, Port Daniel | Q Swetman, J. McD., High Bluff | M Switzer, Ralph, Kinmount | O Switzer, H. M., Palermo | O Symon, William, Ospringe | O Symons, Joseph, Little Tracadie, W. O. |N S Syphers, Jacob, Syphers’ Cove, W. O. |N B St. Antoine, Louis, St. Justin | Q St. Denis, A., Point Fortune | Q St. Germain, F. H., Maddington | Q St. Jacques, Revd. J. H., St. Côme | Q St. John, Mary, Coleraine | O St. Louis, C., Sandwich | O St. Pierre, Paschal G., Rimouski | Q St. Pierre, Richard, Bécancour Station | Q | | Taggart, James, Wallace | O Tait, David, Poplar Point | M Tait, George, West Shefford | Q Tait, Peter N., Mille Roches | O Tait, John R., L’Amable | O Tait, James, Duart | O Tarlington, John, Lakehurst | O Tanguay, Pierre, St. Magloire | Q Tapp, Thomas, Barachois de Malbay | Q Tapping, Thos., Hardinge | O Taun, Richard, Brougham | O Taylor, Andrew, Williamsdale, W. O. |N S Taylor, Isaac S., Lincoln, W. O. |N B Taylor, James W., Fenwick | O Taylor, John, Manchester | O Taylor, John, St. James Park (sub.) | O Taylor, John, Headingly | M Taylor, Joseph, Lower Cape, W. O. |N B Taylor, Robert B., Gay’s River Road, W. O. |N S Taylor, J., North River, W. O. |N B Taylor, A. L., Pike River | Q Taylor, Edward, Sandford | O Taylor, John, St. Polycarpe | Q Taylor, Emerson, Credit | O Taylor, Alexander, Dromore | O Taylor, John F., Adderly | Q Taylor, John, Bothwell | O Taylor, W. H., Alport | O Taylor, Charles, Taylor Village, W. O. |N B Taylor, Geo., Burtch | O Teakles, William, Sussex Portage, W. O. |N B Teefy, Matthew, Richmond Hill | O Teel, Elkanah, Broad Cove, Lunenburg, W. O. |N S Telfer, Adam, Telfer | O Tellier, P., St. Cuthbert | Q Tennant, W., junr., Caintown | O Terriff, Peter, Belmore | O Terry, Henry, Vernonville | O Terry, D., Hartman | O Teskey, John, Vroomanton | O Teskey, Albert, Appleton | O Teskey, Daniel, Lisburn | O Tessier, Onézime, Warwick East | Q Tétu, Nazaire, Rivière Trois Pistoles | Q Theriault, Jacques, St. Eloi | Q Thérien, Ferdinand, St. Wenceslas | Q Thibaudeau, F. X., Grondines | Q Thibeault, J. B., St. François Xavier | M Third, George, Strangford | O Thirkell, Joseph, Ingersoll | O Thomas, B., Hartford | O Thomas, Charles, Cogmagun River, W. O. |N S Thomas, Edward, St. Peters | M Thompson, Thomas, Port Bruce | O Thompson, Daniel, Gore, W. O. |N S Thompson, John, Humberstone | O Thompson, Evan, Nine Mile River, W. O. |N S Thompson, George, Clyde River, W. O. |N S Thompson, James B., Waterdown | O Thompson, Thomas, Howe Island | O Thompson, Jas. M., Eel River, W. O. |N B Thompson, R., Smithville | O Thompson, William, St. Paul’s, W. O. |N S Thompson, Archibald, Montrose | O Thompson, W. J., Rainham Centre | O Thompson, Daniel, Queensborough | O Thompson, A., Mortlake | O Thompson, R., Constance | O Thompson, Jas., Lakeville Corner, W. O. |N B Thompson, W. C., Rockford | O Thomson, Smith, Malvern | O Thomson, Joseph, Marlow | Q Thomson, Robert, Cumminsville | O Thomson, T., Buttonville | O Thomson, Jas. M., Byng | O Thomson, R. R., Shelburne |N S Thomson, John, Woodford | O Thomson, James, English Corner, W. O. |N S Thomson, William, Arundel | Q Thorne, Butler, Thorn Town, W. O. |N B Thornton, J. M., Dundas | O Thorpe, Thomas, Ironside | Q Thouin, Damase, Kilkenny | Q Throop, Samuel, Charleville | O Thurber, S. B., Irvine | Q Tilley, William, Olinville, W. O. |N B Tilley, Leveret S., Lake George, W. O. |N B Tillson, E. D., Tilsonburg | O Tilly, William, Cape Cove | Q Tilton, C. F., Fairville |N B Tingley, S. W., Dorchester |N B Tinline, James, Eversley | O Timmerman, P. S., Odessa | O Tisdale, James, Attercliffe | O Titémore, Abram, St. Armand Centre | O Titus, Benjamin, Allisonville | O Tobey, John, Tara | O Tobin, John J., Milledgeville, W. O. |N B Tobin, Richard, Upper St. Francis, W. O. |N B Todd, Henry, Narrows |N B Tom, John C., Welcome | O Tomalty, William, Edina | Q Tomkins, W. B., Upper Peel, W. O. |N B Tompkins, Thomas, Emerald, W. O. |N S Tompkins, Aaron, Northampton, W. O. |N B Tomlinson, W., Tay Settlement, W. O. |N B Tomlinson, Wm., Marsh Hill | O Torey, Joseph, Milford Haven Bridge, W. O. |N S Touse, Robert, Aboushagan Road, W. O. |N B Tovell, J., Everton | O Toyne, John, Oakland | O Tracy, S. W., Granboro’ | Q Trask, Samuel, Central Chebogue, W. O. |N S Travers, John, Traverston | O Travis, Allan McN., Ossekeag |N B Travis, Elkanah, Kempt Bridge, W. O. |N S Tredway, William, Highland Creek | O Tremaine, F. D., Port Hood |N S Tremblay, M., Charlesbourg | Q Trenholm, James, Dumbarton R. R. Station, W. O. |N B Troop, W. B., Granville Centre, W. O. |N S Troop, W. H., Paradise Lane, W. O. |N S Troop, Alfred, Granville Ferry |N S Trott, Thomas, Gaspereaux Station, W. O. |N B Trudeau, Félix M., St. Zénon | Q Trumm, Christian, Bismarck | O Tubby, Samuel, Fingal | O Tubman, Thomas, Munster | O Tuck, J. F., Knowlton Landing | Q Tucker, Joseph L., Orono | O Tupper, James, Medford, W. O. |N S Tupper, J. H., Lower Line, Queensbury, W. O. |N B Tupper, R. La T., Bobcaygeon | O Turcot, Joseph, North Georgetown | Q Turcotte, F. X., St. Jean d’Orléans | Q Turcotte, Cyrille, Russeltown | Q Turnbull, John, Glanworth | O Turner, Donald, West Magdala | O Turner, Edward T., Penville | O Turner, Frank, Bealton | O Tuttle, J. E., Dundela | O Tuzo, J. E., Percé | Q Tuzo, John D., Magdalen Islands | Q Twohey, Wm., Brittania Mills | Q Tyre, Robert, St. Regis | Q Tyrell, L. R., Luton | O Tyrrell, Thos. B., Cookshire | Q | | Umphrey, J., Big Cove, W. O. |N B Upham, N. H., Upham, W. O. |N B Upper, Mrs. Phœbe E., St. Anns | O Urquhart, Nathaniel, Urquharts, W. O. |N B Unquhart, William, Rear Lands, Sporting Mountain, W. O. |N B | | Vachon, Edward, Rivière la Madeleine | Q Vachon, Léandre, St. Louis de Gonzague | Q Vachon, Antoine, Aston Station | Q Vail, Solomon, Magaguadavic, W. O. |N B Valiquet, Thomas, St. Hilaire Station | Q Vaillancourt, W. F., Vaillancourt | Q Vallée, Cyrille, West Broughton | Q Vallée, J. S., Montmagny | Q Vallée, Wm., Chambly Basin | Q Vanatter, W. H., Vanatter | O Van Buskirk, C., Bayfield, W. O. |N B Vanluven, Zara, Moscow | O Vanvlack, John, Vanvlack | O Van Vliet, T., Lacolle | Q Vasey, Mark, Vasey | O Vassal, Henry, Pierreville Mills | Q Vatour, Jean C., Richibucto |N B Vaughan, Joseph, Vaughan’s, W. O. |N S Veit, Charles, Douglastown | Q Vermette, E., St. Malachie | Q Vermette, Louis, Langevin | Q Verner, T., St. Etienne de Beauharnois | Q Vernon, Gédéon, Point Wolf, W. O. |N B Vigneault, O., Kildare | Q Vincent dit Maheux, F., St. Flore | Q Vincent, J. G., Lorette | Q Vondy, Thos., junr., Chatham |N B Vizard, Chas. J., Apsley | O | | Waddell, Robert, South Monaghan | O Wagner, Alex. H., Windsor | O Wagner, Chas., Dickinson’s Landing | O Wagstaff, William E., North Ridge | O Wait, David W., Harlowe | O Waitt, Helen, Bathurst |N B Wakem, Thomas, Greenfield, W. O. |N B Waldo, Samuel, Teeswater | O Wales, Robert A., East Dunham | Q Walford, W. M., Locksley | O Walker, Chas., Coal Branch, W. O. |N B Walker, David, Cavan | O Walker, R., jun., Diamond | O Walker, D. J., Inverary | O Walker, Samuel, Deerhurst | O Walker, Thomas, Parkhurst | Q Wall, George, Ragged Island, W. O. |N S Wall, Robert, Bartibog, W. O. |N B Wallace, Hugh, Londesborough | O Wallace, M., West Gore, W. O. |N S Wallace, Joseph, Shepody Road, W. O. |N B Wallace, John, Mount Hurst | O Wallace, John J., Gardner’s Creek, W. O. |N B Wallace, Patrick, Indian Cove | Q Wallis, Thomas, Roxham | Q Walsh, John, Railton | O Walsh, Patrick, Erinsville | O Walsh, R. N., Ormstown | Q Walter, F., Bamberg | O Walter, Thomas P., Walter’s Falls | O Walton, Jacob, Kettleby | O Wanless, James, Wanstead | O Wannamake, N. P., Hillsdale, W. O. |N B Ward, Rufus, Rockport |N B Ward, Thomas, Woodhill | O Ward, W. A., Dawn Mills | O Warner, Sydney, Wilton | O Warner, S. B., St. Ephrem d’Upton | Q Warner, Charles, Colebrook | O Warnock, John, Castleford | O Warren, Joseph, Harper | O Warren, Robert, Niagara | O Warren, John, Deerdock | O Wartman, David, Selby | O Wasson, John, Lower Prince William, W. O. |N B Watkins, Bramwell, Ardoch | O Watson, Alex. L., Undine, W. O. |N B Watson, C. P., Dresden | O Watson, David R., Fairfield | O Watson, J. S. J., Rockingham | O Watson, John, Watson Settlement, W. O. |N B Watson, A. R., Forks Baddeck, W. O. |N S Watson, Henry, Clearville | O Watson, Wm., Arkell | O Watson, J. J., Adolphustown | O Watt, Thomas W., Fermoy | O Watt, William, Pembina | M Waugh, William, Gulf Shore, W. O. |N S Way, W. H., Mountain View | O Weaver, Michael, Weaver, W. O. |N S Webber, William, Torbay, W. O. |N S Webber, Mrs. S. A., Webber’s, W. O. |N S Webber, David, East Jeddore, W. O. |N S Webster, M., Sheldon | O Webster, Marion, South McLellan’s Mountain, W. O. |N S Webster, Thomas, Newborough | O Weiland, John F., Gowanstown | O Weir, Allan, Churchville, W. O. |N S Wellard, William, Taunton | O Wells, William, Ryckman’s Corners | O Wells, Leonard, Farnboro’ | Q Welch, John T., Tyrone | O Welton, Jonathan, Northfield, W. O. |N B Wensley, Susan Anne, South Quebec | Q West, David, Rowanton | Q West, E., Pereaux, W. O. |N S West, George, Palestine | M Weston, Robert, Rockville, W. O. |N S Wetmore, Susannah, Cromwell, W. O. |N B Whalen, John, Centreville | O Whalan, Peter, Cap des Rosiers | Q Wheelock, John, Kingston Village, W. O. |N S Wheeler, George, Uxbridge | O Wheeler, Mrs. Barbara, Runnymede | Q Wheeler, Edward, Stouffville | O Whelan, John H., Westport | O Wheldon, A. R., Shediac |N B White C. A., Forestville | O White, W. H., Springfield |N B White, William H., Cambridge, W. O. |N B White, Edward, Mar | O White, Thomas, Klineburg | O White, John, jun., Hopetown | O White, S. V., White’s Cove, W. O. |N B White, Nelson, Patterson Settlement, W. O. |N B White, Mrs. J. A., Longwood Station | O White, Humphrey, Anderson | O White, Thompson, Shanty Bay | O Whitehead, Thomas, Dunkeld | O Whitehead, W., Dumfries, W. O. |N B Whitfield, A. M., Holbrook | O Whiting, R. E., Muncey | O Whiting, George, Erroll | O Whitman James M., Manchester, W. O. |N S Whitney, Mrs. Eliza, Pickering | O Whitsides, James, Delhi | O Widderfield, Samuel Siloam | O Widman, John L., St Jacob’s | O Widman, Richard, Lonsdale | O Wilkin, John, Lemesurier | Q Wiley, Joseph, Fenwick, W. O. |N B Willett, W. F., Tupperville, W. O. |N S Wilton, Samuel, New Sarum | O Williams, Charles, Glen Williams | O Williams, Joseph, Ratho | O Williams, Allen, Brinkworth | O Williams, R. T., Culloden | O Williams, Mrs. L., South East Passage, W. O. |N S Williams, John, Frost Village | Q Williams, Ira, Croydon | O Williams, Henry R., Brome | Q Williamson, J. C., Ballyduff | O Williamson, George, Kingsbury | Q Williamson, Thos., Foley | O Williger, Jas., Black Rock, W. O. |N S Williscroft, George, Williscroft | O Williston, Alexander, Baie du Vin, W. O. |N B Wilson, G. C., Atherton | O Wilson, George, Teston | O Wilson, Amos, Steeve’s Mountain, W. O. |N B Wilson, John, Tottenham | O Wilson, Robert, Relessey | O Wilson, Seth, Macville | O Wilson, W. H., Bannockburn | O Wilson, John, English Settlement, W. O. |N B Wilson, Revd. Edward, Garden River | O Wilson, Mary, Little Shippigan, W. O. |N B Wilson, Mrs. E., Mount Albert | O Wilson, Thos., Clarence | O Wilson, James, Vicars | Q Wilson, David, Waterford | O Wilson, John, Autrim | O Wilson, John, Mono Centre | O Wilson, John, Canfield | O Wilson, James, Buckingham | Q Wilson, James, senr., Boulter | O Wilson, Samuel H., Arthur Gold Mines |N S Winder, Thomas, Lyons | O Winkler, D., Neustadt | O Winger, Jacob, Winger | O Winger, Peter, Elmira | O Winyard, Robt. J., Selkirk | O Wissler, John R., Salem | O Wolfe, John, junr., Mount Wolfe | O Wolf, James, Falmouth, W. O. |N S Wolff, Charles S., Valcartier | Q Wood, Thomas, Woodside | Q Wood, Richard, Port Dalhousie | O Wood, W. J., Kars | O Wood, William, Dixon’s Corners | O Woodburn, Richard F., Melbourne | Q Woodbury, Egbert S., Spa Springs, W. O. |N S Woodruff, W. W., Clifton | O Woods, F., Welsford |N B Woods J. R., Aylmer (East) | Q Woodworth, William, Centreville, W. O. |N B Wooster, Turner, Grand Harbor, W. O. |N B Wootton, Henry, Victoria |B C Worden, James G., Tennant’s Cove, W. O. |N B Worden, Wm., Kars, W. O. |N B Workman, Aaron, Hereford | Q Wortley, W. C., Drayton | O Wright, George, Wareham | O Wright, George, Stella | O Wright, H. M., Napanee Mills | O Wright, G. R., Jackson | O Wry, Rufus C., Jolicure, W. O. |N B Wurtele, C. E., Windsor Mills | Q Wylie, James H., junr., Almonte | O Wylie, Robert, Ayr | O Wyman, L. W., Waterville | Q Wynn, James, Queenston | O | | Yeomans, R. P., Newcastle Bridge, W. O. |N B Young, James, Nashwaak, W. O. |N B Young, Myles, Lakelet | O Young, William, Head of St. Mary’s Bay, W. O. |N S Young, Joseph, Birr | O Young, Patrick, Young’s Point | O Young, John A., Florence | O Young, James, Doncaster | O Young, Andrew, Shigawake | Q Young, John, Tracadie, W. O. |N B Young, David, Stanhope | Q Young, John B., Pennfield Ridge, W. O. |N B Younghusband, Henry, Dunrobin | O | | Zavitz, H. B., Sherkston | O Zinkann, John, Lisbon | O Zinger, Wm., Ambleside | O Zoeger, John, Wellesley | O TABLES OF RATES OF POSTAGE IN CANADA AND ALSO BETWEEN CANADA AND THE UNITED KINGDOM, BRITISH COLONIES, AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES. TABLE NO. 1.--Rates of Postage on Letters within the Dominion of Canada, (including the Provinces of Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Manitoba and British Columbia), and between Canada and Prince Edward’s Island. TABLE NO. 2.--By mails sent to England in Mail Steam Packets, sailing weekly (every Saturday), from Quebec in Summer, and from Portland in Winter; and fortnightly, from Halifax, Nova Scotia. TABLE NO. 3.--By Cunard or other Steamers sailing from New York for England, (closed mail.) TABLE NO. 4.--To Bermuda and West Indies, by British Mail Packet, sailing monthly from Halifax to Bermuda, and St. Thomas. TABLE NO. 5.--To certain British Colonies and foreign Countries, to be included in the United States Mails for Steamers sailing from New York for the West Indies, Panama, and South America. TABLE NO. 6.--Rates on matters transmissible by post, within Canada, and to Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, the United Kingdom, France, and the United States. Table 1. RATES OF POSTAGE on letters within the Dominion of Canada, (including the Provinces of Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Manitoba and British Columbia), and between Canada and Prince Edward’s Island. ---------------------------------------------------+---------+--------- |POSTED. |POSTED. |PREPAID. |UNPAID. ---------------------------------------------------+---------+--------- On a letter weighing not more than ½ an oz. | 3 Cents.| 5 Cents. On a letter weighing more than ½ an oz., but not | | more than 1 oz. | 6 ” |10 ” On a letter weighing more than 1 oz., but not more | | than 1½ oz. | 9 ” |15 ” On a letter weighing more than 1½ oz., but not | | more than 2 oz. |12 ” |20 ” On a letter weighing more than 2 oz., but not more | | than 2½ oz. |15 ” |25 ” and so on, 3 cents or 5 cents, (according as the letter is paid or unpaid), being charged for every additional ½ oz., or fraction of a ½ oz. Letters addressed as above which are only partially prepaid, are to be rated as if _wholly_ unpaid, credit being given, however, for the amount prepaid thereon. Thus, if a letter weighing more than ½ an oz. but less than 1 oz. and liable to two rates (equal to 10 cents) is prepaid only 3 cents, it is subject to a further charge of 7 cents. The charge on local or drop letters is one cent for each letter, which must be pre-paid by stamp. The charge for the Registration of a letter is 2 cents to be pre-paid by stamp. CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLAND. Letters for Newfoundland are charged at the rate of six cents per half ounce, and must in all cases be _prepaid_. The Registration fee to Newfoundland is the same as to places within the Dominion, viz.: 2 cents. TABLE No. 2. BRITISH AND FOREIGN POSTAGE TABLE. [_VIA ENGLAND._] TABLE showing the amount of Postage, to be collected in the Dominion of Canada, upon Letters, Newspapers, and Book Packets, forwarded by Canadian Mail Steamers, to the United Kingdom, and through the United Kingdom to the Undermentioned Colonies and Foreign Countries. _Mem._ 1.--In all cases the postage must be prepaid. Letters for the United Kingdom, if posted unpaid, or insufficiently prepaid, will be forwarded,--but they will be charged on delivery with the amount of deficient postage, and a fine of threepence sterling each letter. 2.--Letters may be registered to all places, except those the names of which are followed by the letters _n r_, indicating that no registration can be effected. 3.--The Registration Fee on letters addressed to the United Kingdom is 8 cents each. In all other cases the Registration Fee is 16 cents from Canada to the place of destination; except to places marked _a_, in which cases a registration fee of 8 cents each letter, and a postage of 4 cents per ½ oz. must be collected; and in addition double the ordinary rates of postage, as given in this table. (See note at foot of table marked A.) 4.--No Book Packet addressed to Portugal, Madeira, the Azores, or Cape de Verds, must exceed 1 lb. in weight; to Russia and Poland no such packet must exceed 8 oz. A Packet of Patterns for Germany or Belgium or any country, _viâ_ Belgium, must not exceed 8 oz. A Book Packet for Greece must not exceed 3 lbs. in weight nor must it exceed 2 ft. in length by 1 ft. in width or depth. 5.--Upon Letters, Newspapers, and Book Packets, forwarded through the United States, the following additional rates must be collected, viz., 2 cents per ½ oz. on Letters, 2 cents each on Newspapers, and 2 cents per 4 oz. on Book Packets. 6.--An additional postage of 6 cents per half ounce must be collected on Letters, 2 cents each on Newspapers, and 6 cents per 4 ounces on Book Packets and Patterns for places marked thus * when addressed to be sent _viâ_ Brindisi. 7.--On Book Packets for the United Kingdom, not exceeding one oz. in weight, the postage is 2 cents. On Book Packets, weighing more than one oz., the progressive rates of postage will be found in the table below. --------------+--------------------------------------------------- | FOR A LETTER. --------------+--------------------------------------------------- |Not exceeding ¼ oz. | +-------------------------------------------- | |Above ¼ oz. and not exceeding ½ oz. | | +------------------------------------- | | |Above ½ oz. and not exceeding ¾ oz. | | | +------------------------------ | | | |For every additional ¼ oz. COUNTRIES, &c.| | | | | | | | +----------------------- | | | | |For every additional | | | | |½ oz. | | | | | +---------------- | | | | | |FOR EACH | | | | | |NEWSPAPER. --------------+------+------+------+------+------+---------------- |$ cts.|$ cts.|$ cts.|$ cts.|$ cts.| * Aden |0 22 |0 22 |0 44 | -- |0 22 | 6 cents. Africa, West | | | | | | Coast of | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 16 |0 16 |0 32 | -- |0 16 | 4 cents. _a_ Algeria |0 10 |0 16 |0 26 |0 06 |0 04 | Book Rate. Ascension | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 28 |0 28 |0 56 | -- |0 28 | 4 cents. * Australia, | | | | | | South |0 16 |0 16 |0 32 | -- |0 16 | 6 cents. * Australia, | | | | | | Western |0 16 |0 16 |0 32 | -- |0 16 | 6 cents. Austria |0 10 |0 10 |0 20 | -- |0 10 | Book Rate. Azores |0 16 |0 28 |0 44 |0 12 |0 04 | do. Baden |0 10 |0 10 |0 20 | -- |0 10 | Book Rate. Bavaria |0 10 |0 10 |0 20 | -- |0 10 | do Belgium |0 10 |0 10 |0 20 | -- |0 10 | do Bolivia | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 40 |0 40 |0 80 | -- |0 40 | 6 cents. * Borneo | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 28 |0 28 |0 56 | -- |0 28 | 6 cents. _a_ Bourbon |0 24 |0 24 |0 20 | -- |0 24 | 8 cents. Brazil | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 28 |0 28 |0 56 | -- |0 28 | 4 cents. Bremen |0 10 |0 10 |0 20 | -- |0 10 | Book rate. Brunswick |0 10 |0 10 |0 20 | -- |0 10 | do Buenos Ayres | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 28 |0 28 |0 56 | -- |0 28 | 4 cents. Canary Islands|0 16 |0 28 |0 44 |0 12 |0 04 | Book rate. Cape de Verds |0 16 |0 16 |0 32 | -- |0 16 | do Cape of Good | | | | | | Hope |0 28 |0 28 |0 56 | -- |0 28 | 4 cents. * Ceylon |0 22 |0 22 |0 44 | -- |0 22 | 6 cents. Chili | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 40 |0 40 |0 80 | -- |0 40 | 6 cents. * China | | | | | | (except | | | | | | Hong Kong) | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 28 |0 28 |0 56 | -- |0 28 | 6 cents. Constantinople|0 16 |0 16 |0 32 | -- |0 16 | Book rate. Costa Rica | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 28 |0 28 |0 56 | -- |0 28 | 4 cents. Cuba (_n r_) |0 28 |0 28 |0 56 | -- |0 28 | 4 cents. _a_ | | | | | | Dardanelles |0 16 |0 28 |0 44 |0 12 |0 04 | Book rate. Denmark |0 12 |0 12 |0 24 | -- |0 12 | do Ecuador | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 40 |0 40 |0 80 | -- |0 40 | 6 cents. Egypt | | | | | | (Alexandria,| | | | | | Cairo, and | | | | | | Suez) |0 16 |0 16 |0 32 | -- |0 16 | 4 cents. England |0 06 |0 06 |0 12 | -- |0 04 | 2 cents. Falkland | | | | | | Islands |0 16 |0 16 |0 32 | -- |0 10 | 4 cents. Fernando Po | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 16 |0 16 |0 32 | -- |0 04 | 4 cents. _a_ France |0 10 |0 16 |0 26 |0 06 |0 04 | Book rate. Frankfort |0 16 |0 10 |0 20 | -- |0 10 | do _a_ Galatz |0 16 |0 28 |0 44 |0 12 |0 04 | do Gallipoli | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 16 |0 28 |0 44 |0 12 |0 04 | do Gambia |0 16 |0 16 |0 32 | -- |0 16 | 4 cents. Gibraltar |0 10 |0 16 |0 32 | -- |0 16 | 4 cents. Gold Coast |0 16 |0 16 |0 32 | -- |0 16 | 4 cents. Greece |0 20 |0 20 |0 40 | -- |0 20 | Book rate. Grey Town | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 28 |0 28 |0 56 | -- |0 28 | 4 cents. Guatemala | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 28 |0 28 |0 56 | -- |0 28 | 4 cents. Hamburg |0 10 |0 10 |0 20 | -- |0 10 | Book rate. Hanover |0 10 |0 10 |0 20 | -- |0 10 | do Hayti (_n r_) |0 28 |0 28 |0 56 | -- |0 28 | 4 cents. Hesse |0 10 |0 10 |0 20 | -- |0 10 | Book rate. Hesse Homburg |0 10 |0 10 |0 20 | -- |0 10 | do Holland |0 10 |0 10 |0 20 | -- |0 10 | Book rate. * Hong Kong |0 28 |0 28 |0 56 | -- |0 28 | 6 cents. * India |0 22 |0 22 |0 44 | -- |0 22 | 6 cents. Ionian Islands|0 20 |0 28 |0 40 | -- |0 20 | Book rate. Ireland |0 06 |0 06 |0 12 | -- |0 06 | 2 cents. Italy |0 14 |0 14 |0 28 | -- |0 14 | Book rate. * Labuan |0 28 |0 28 |0 56 | -- |0 28 | 6 cents. Larnaca |0 16 |0 16 |0 32 | -- |0 16 | Book rate. Lauenburg |0 10 |0 10 |0 20 | -- |0 10 | do Liberia |0 16 |0 16 |0 32 | -- |0 16 | 4 cents. Lippe Detmold |0 10 |0 10 |0 20 | -- |0 10 | Book rate. Lubeck |0 10 |0 10 |0 20 | -- |0 10 | do Madeira |0 16 |0 16 |0 32 | -- |0 16 | Book rate. Malta |0 16 |0 16 |0 32 | -- |0 16 | 4 cents. Mauritius |0 24 |0 24 |0 48 | -- |0 24 | 8 cents. Mecklenburg |0 10 |0 10 |0 20 | -- |0 10 | Book rate. Mexico (_n r_)|0 28 |0 28 |0 56 | -- |0 28 | 4 cents. Moldavia |0 14 |0 14 |0 28 | -- |0 14 | Book rate. Monte Video | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 28 |0 28 |0 56 | -- |0 28 | 4 cents. Mytelene | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 16 |0 28 |0 44 |0 12 |0 04 | Book rate. Nassau, | | | | | | Duchy of |0 10 |0 10 |0 20 | -- |0 10 | do Natal |0 28 |0 28 |0 56 | -- |0 28 | 4 cents. New Grenada | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 28 |0 28 |0 56 | -- |0 28 | 4 cents. * New South | | | | | | Wales |0 16 |0 16 |0 32 | -- |0 16 | 6 cents. * New Zealand |0 16 |0 16 |0 32 | -- |0 16 | 6 cents. Norway |0 16 |0 16 |0 32 | -- |0 16 | Book rate. Oldenburg |0 10 |0 10 |0 20 | -- |0 10 | do * Penang |0 28 |0 28 |0 56 | -- |0 28 | 6 cents. Peru (_n r_) |0 40 |0 40 |0 80 | -- |0 40 | 6 cents. Poland |0 16 |0 16 |0 32 | -- |0 16 | Book rate. Porto Rico | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 28 |0 28 |0 56 | -- |0 28 | 4 cents. Portugal |0 16 |0 28 |0 44 |0 12 |0 04 | Book rate. Prussia |0 10 |0 10 |0 20 | -- |0 10 | do * Queensland |0 16 |0 16 |0 32 | -- |0 16 | 6 cents. Réunion |0 24 |0 24 |0 48 | -- |0 24 | 8 cents. Reuss |0 10 |0 10 |0 20 | -- |0 10 | Book rate. _a_ Rhodes |0 16 |0 28 |0 44 |0 12 |0 04 | do Russia |0 14 |0 14 |0 28 | -- |0 14 | do St. Helena |0 28 |0 28 |0 56 | -- |0 28 | 4 cents. _a_ Salonica |0 16 |0 28 |0 44 |0 12 |0 04 | Book rate. _a_ Samsoun |0 16 |0 28 |0 44 |0 12 |0 04 | do Saxe }| | | | | | Altenburg }| | | | | | Saxe Coburg }| | | | | | Gotha }| | | | | | Saxe }| | | | | | Meiningen }| | | | | | Saxe Weimar }| | | | | | Saxony }|0 10 |0 10 |0 20 | -- |0 10 | Book Rate. Schaumburg }| | | | | | Lippe }| | | | | | Schwartzburg }| | | | | | Rudolstadt }| | | | | | Schwartzburg }| | | | | | Sonderhausen}| | | | | | Scotland |0 06 |0 06 |0 12 | -- |0 06 | 2 cents. Scutari |0 16 |0 16 |0 32 | -- |0 16 | Book rate. Seres |0 16 |0 16 |0 32 | -- |0 16 | do Sierra Leone |0 16 |0 16 |0 32 | -- |0 16 | 4 cents. * Singapore |0 28 |0 28 |0 56 | -- |0 28 | 6 cents. _a_ Smyrna |0 16 |0 28 |0 44 |0 12 |0 04 | Book rate. Spain |0 16 |0 28 |0 44 |0 12 |0 04 | do Surinam |0 28 |0 28 |0 56 | -- |0 28 | 4 cents. Sweden |0 14 |0 14 |0 28 | -- |0 14 | Book rate. Switzerland, | | | | | | _viâ_ | | | | | | Belgium |0 10 |0 10 |0 20 | -- |0 10 | do _a_ | | | | | | Switzerland,| | | | | | _viâ_ France|0 14 |0 24 |0 38 |0 10 |0 04 | do Syria (_n r_) |0 16 |0 28 |0 44 |0 12 |0 04 | do * Tasmania |0 16 |0 16 |0 32 | -- |0 16 | 6 cents. Tchesme }| | | | | {| }|0 16 |0 16 |0 32 | -- |0 16 {| Book rate. Tenedos }| | | | | {| do _a_ Trebizond |0 16 |0 28 |0 44 |0 12 |0 04 | do _a_ Tultcha |0 16 |0 28 |0 44 |0 12 |0 04 | do _a_ Tunis |0 16 |0 28 |0 44 |0 12 |0 04 | do _a_ Varna |0 16 |0 28 |0 44 |0 12 |0 04 | do Venezuela | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 28 |0 28 |0 56 | -- |0 28 | 4 cents. * Victoria |0 16 |0 16 |0 32 | -- |0 16 | 6 cents. Wallachia |0 14 |0 14 |0 28 | -- |0 14 | Book rate. West Indies, | | | | | | British |0 28 |0 28 |0 56 | -- |0 28 | 4 cents. West Indies, | | | | | | Foreign | | | | | | (_n r_), | | | | | | except | | | | | | places | | | | | | specified |0 28 |0 28 |0 56 | -- |0 28 | 4 cents. Wurtemburg |0 10 |0 10 |0 20 | -- |0 10 | Book rate. --------------+------+------+------+------+------+---------- --------------+----------------------------------------------- | FOR A BOOK PACKET. +----------------------------------------------- |Not exceeding 2 ozs. | +---------------------------------------- | |2 ozs. to 4 ozs. | | +--------------------------------- COUNTRIES, &c.| | |4 ozs. to 8 ozs. | | | +-------------------------- | | | |8 ozs. to 12 oz. | | | | +------------------- | | | | |12 ozs. to 1 lb. | | | | | +------------ | | | | | |For every | | | | | |additional | | | | | |4 oz. --------------+------+------+------+------+------+------------ |$ cts.|$ cts.|$ cts.|$ cts.|$ cts.|$ cts. * Aden |0 10 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 Africa, West | | | | | | Coast of | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 _a_ Algeria |0 06 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 Ascension | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 * Australia, | | | | | | South |0 10 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 * Australia, | | | | | | Western |0 10 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 Austria |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Azores |0 06 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |_see mem. 4_ Baden |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Bavaria |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Belgium |0 06 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 Bolivia | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 10 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 * Borneo | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 10 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 _a_ Bourbon |0 14 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Brazil | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 Bremen |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Brunswick |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Buenos Ayres | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 Canary Islands|0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Cape de Verds |0 06 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |_see mem. 4_ Cape of Good | | | | | | Hope |0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 * Ceylon |0 10 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 Chili | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 10 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 * China | | | | | | (except | | | | | | Hong Kong) | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 10 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 Constantinople|0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Costa Rica | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 Cuba (_n r_) |0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 _a_ | | | | | | Dardanelles |0 06 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 Denmark |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Ecuador | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 10 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 Egypt | | | | | | (Alexandria,| | | | | | Cairo, and | | | | | | Suez) |0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 England |0 04 |0 06 |0 12 |0 18 |0 24 |0 06 Falkland | | | | | | Islands |0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 Fernando Po | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 _a_ France |0 04 |0 08 |0 16 |0 24 |0 32 |0 08 Frankfort |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 _a_ Galatz |0 06 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 Gallipoli | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 06 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 Gambia |0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 Gibraltar |0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 Gold Coast |0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 Greece |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Grey Town | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 Guatemala | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 Hamburg |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Hanover |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Hayti (_n r_) |0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 Hesse |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Hesse Homburg |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Holland |0 06 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 * Hong Kong |0 10 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 10 * India |0 10 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 Ionian Islands|0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Ireland |0 04 |0 06 |0 12 |0 18 |0 24 |0 06 Italy |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 * Labuan |0 10 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 Larnaca |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Lauenburg |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Liberia |0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 Lippe Detmold |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Lubeck |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Madeira |0 08 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |_see mem. 4_ Malta |0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 Mauritius |0 14 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Mecklenburg |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Mexico (_n r_)|0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 Moldavia |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Monte Video | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 Mytelene | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 06 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 Nassau, | | | | | | Duchy of |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Natal |0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 New Grenada | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 * New South | | | | | | Wales |0 10 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 * New Zealand |0 10 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 Norway |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Oldenburg |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 * Penang |0 10 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 Peru (_n r_) |0 10 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 Poland |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 | _See mem. 4_ Porto Rico | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 Portugal |0 06 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |_see mem. 4_ Prussia |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 * Queensland |0 10 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 Réunion |0 14 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Reuss |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 _a_ Rhodes |0 06 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 Russia |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 | _See mem. 4_ St. Helena |0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 _a_ Salonica |0 06 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 _a_ Samsoun |0 06 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 Saxe }| | | | | | Altenburg }| | | | | | Saxe Coburg }| | | | | | Gotha }| | | | | | Saxe }| | | | | | Meiningen }| | | | | | Saxe Weimar }| | | | | | Saxony }|0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Schaumburg }| | | | | | Lippe }| | | | | | Schwartzburg }| | | | | | Rudolstadt }| | | | | | Schwartzburg }| | | | | | Sonderhausen}| | | | | | Scotland |0 04 |0 06 |0 12 |0 18 |0 24 |0 06 Scutari |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Seres |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Sierra Leone |0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 * Singapore |0 10 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 _a_ Smyrna |0 06 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 Spain |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Surinam |0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 Sweden |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Switzerland, | | | | | | _viâ_ | | | | | | Belgium |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 _a_ | | | | | | Switzerland,| | | | | | _viâ_ France|0 06 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 Syria (_n r_) |0 06 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 * Tasmania |0 10 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 Tchesme }|0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 Tenedos }|0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 _a_ Trebizond |0 06 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 _a_ Tultcha |0 06 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 _a_ Tunis |0 06 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 _a_ Varna |0 06 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 Venezuela | | | | | | (_n r_) |0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 * Victoria |0 10 |0 12 |0 24 |0 36 |0 48 |0 12 Wallachia |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 West Indies, | | | | | | British |0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 West Indies, | | | | | | Foreign | | | | | | (_n r_), | | | | | | except | | | | | | places | | | | | | specified |0 08 |0 10 |0 20 |0 30 |0 40 |0 10 Wurtemburg |0 08 |0 16 |0 32 |0 48 |0 64 |0 16 --------------+------+------+------+------+------+------------ A REGISTERED LETTERS. TABLE shewing the Postage, including Registration Fee, to be collected on Registered Letters sent from Canada to the undermentioned Countries. ----------+----------------------------------------------------- | Not exceeding ¼ oz. | +---------------------------------------------- | | Over ¼ and not exceeding ½ oz. | | +--------------------------------------- | | | Over ½ and not exceeding ¾ oz. | | | +-------------------------------- | | | | Over ¾ and not exceeding 1 oz. COUNTRIES.| | | | | | | | +------------------------- | | | | | Over 1 and not exceeding | | | | | 1¼ oz. | | | | | +------------------ | | | | | | Over 1¼ and not | | | | | | exceeding 1½ oz. ----------+------+------+------+------+------+------------------ |$ cts.|$ cts.|$ cts.|$ cts.|$ cts.|$ cts. Belgium |0 26 |0 26 |0 36 |0 36 |0 46 |0 46 France |0 32 |0 44 |0 68 |0 80 |1 04 |1 16 Hamburg |0 26 |0 26 |0 36 |0 36 |0 46 |0 46 India |0 38 |0 38 |0 60 |0 60 |0 82 |0 82 Italy |0 30 |0 30 |0 44 |0 44 |0 58 |0 58 Norway |0 32 |0 32 |0 48 |0 48 |0 64 |0 64 Prussia |0 26 |0 26 |0 36 |0 36 |0 46 |0 46 ----------+------+------+------+------+------+------------------ TABLE No. 3. RATES OF POSTAGE From Canada to the United Kingdom, British Colonies, and Foreign Countries, by Cunard or other Steamers, sailing from New York, for England. _On Letters._--If addressed to the United Kingdom, 8 cents per ½ oz. If addressed to British Colonies, or Foreign Countries, add to the rates, in Table No. 1, 2 cents per ½ oz. _Newspapers._--Addressed to the United Kingdom must be prepaid at the ordinary commuted rate, and _two cents_ each paper in addition, if from office of publication,--and 4 cents each, if _transient_. Newspapers addressed to British Colonies and Foreign Countries are not forwarded by the above Steamers. _On Book Packets_ and Packets of Patterns and Samples addressed to the United Kingdom, 8 cents per 4 ounces (see Table of Rates, page 234), which must be prepaid. Book Packets, and Packets of Patterns and Samples addressed to British Colonies and Foreign Countries are not forwarded by the above Steamers. _The Registration Fees_ are the same as by Canadian Steamers in Table No. 2. _Letters, &c., intended for despatch by the Packets sailing from New York should be specially so addressed._ TABLE No. 4. RATES of Postage to Bermuda and West Indies, by British Mail Packet, sailing from Halifax to Bermuda and St. Thomas, monthly. ----------------+------------------+----------+------------------------ COUNTRY. | Letters. |For each |On Printed Matter. | |Newspaper.| ----------------+------------------+----------+------------------------ Bermuda | 6 cents per ½ oz.|2 cents |6 cents per 4 oz. weight West Indies, | | | British and | | | Foreign |12 cents ” | ” | ” These Rates should in all cases be prepaid by Postage Stamps. Unpaid correspondence cannot be forwarded by this route. TABLE No. 5.--Shewing the rates of Postage to be collected in Canada on Letters, Newspapers, Pamphlets, Magazines, Printed Matter and Books sent by way of the United States to the undermentioned Colonies and Foreign Countries. ------------------------+--------------------------------------------- | Letters, per ½ oz. | +-------------------------------------- | | Newspapers, each. | | +------------------------------- | | | Pamphlets, Magazines and | | | Printed Matter per 4 oz. COUNTRIES, &c. | | | +------------------------ | | | | Books, per 4 oz. | | | | +----------------- | | | | | Registration | | | | | Fee. ------------------------+------+------+------+------+----------------- | cts. | cts. | cts. | cts. | Acapulco | 13 | 5 | 10 | 12 | Aspinwall (Colon), | | | | | ” ” Registered Letters| 18 | | | |10c. each letter ” ” Unregistered ” | 13 | 4 | 8 | | additional. Australian Colonies | 10 | 4 | 8 | | Bahamas | 3 | 4 | 8 | | Bolivia | 25 | 6 | 14 | |10c. each letter. Brazil | 18 | 5 | 10 | 12 | Buenos Ayres | 21 | 6 | 14 | | | | | | | {Belize | 21 | 4 | 10 | | {Costa Rica | 13 | 4 | 8 | | Central {Guatemala | 13 | 4 | 8 | | America {Honduras | 13 | 4 | 8 | | {Nicaragua | 13 | 4 | 8 | | {San Salvador | 13 | 4 | 8 | | | | | | | Chili | 25 | 6 | 14 | |10c. each. China (except Hong Kong}| | | | | and dependant ports) }| 10 | 4 | 8 | |(_a_) 10c. each Ecuador | 23 | 4 | 8 | | | | | | | Hong Kong and dependant}| | | | | ports of Canton, Amoy,}| 13 | 4 | 14 | | Swatow and Foo Chow }| | | | | | | | | | Japan | 10 | 4 | 8 | |(_a_) 10c. each Mexico | 13 | 5 | 10 | 12 |12c. each. New Grenada (except }| | | | | Aspinwall and Panama) }| 21 | 6 | 14 | |10c. each. New Zealand | 15 | 4 | 8 | |12c. each. Panama | 13 | 4 | 8 | |10c. each. Paraguay | 21 | 6 | 14 | | Peru | 25 | 6 | 14 | |10c. each. Sandwich Islands | 9 | 4 | 8 | | Uruguay | 21 | 6 | 14 | | Venezuela | 13 | 5 | 12 | |10c. each. | | | | | West Indies, viz:-- | | | | | | | | | | Angada } |regist|ered | | | Anguilla } | | | | | Antigua } | | | | | Barbadoes } | 18 | | | |10c. each letter Barbuda } | | | | |additional. Cayman } | | | | | (Great and } | | | | | Little) } | | | | | Caymanbrack } | | | | | Cuba } | | | | | Dominica } | unre|gister|ed | | Granada } _viâ_ | 10 |(_b_)4| 8 | 12 | Grenadines } St. | | | | | Jamaica } Thomas | | | | | Montserrat } or | | | | | Nevis } Havana.| | | | | St. Christopher} | | | | | St. Eustatius } | | | | | St. Lucia } | | | | | St. Vincent } | | | | | Tobago } | | | | | Tortola } | | | | | Trinidad } | | | | | Vieque } | | | | | | | | | | St. Thomas, St. John and| | | | | Santa Cruz, | | | | | _viâ_ Havana | 18 |(_b_)6| | |10c. each letter. _viâ_ St. Thomas | 10 | 4 | 8 | 12 | | | | | | Buen Ayre } | | | | | Cache } | | | | | Caugua } | | | | | Culebra } | | | | | Curacoa } | | | | | Descado } | | | | | Guadeloupe }_viâ_ | | | | | Les Saintes }St. | | | | | Margarita }Thomas | | | | | Marie Galante } or | 18 |(_b_)6| | 12 |10c. each letter. Martinique }Havana. | | | | | Oruba } | | | | | Porto Rico } | | | | | St. Bartholomew} | | | | | St. Martin } | | | | | Tortuga } | | | | | Demerara | 13 | 4 | 8 | | Hayti | 21 | 6 | 14 | | ------------------------+------+------+------+------+----------------- (_a_) Letters can be Registered to Shanghae, in China, and Yokohama, in Japan, by way of the United States, but to no other places in either country. (_b_) Printed Prices Current and Mercantile Circulars can, where this letter is prefixed, be forwarded as Newspapers. Books are transmitted as such only where the rate is given; in all other cases they pass as Printed Matter, at the rates specified for that class of matter. Registration can be effected on correspondence for those places only to which the fee is given. TABLE No. 6 RATES of Postage on all matter transmissible by Post--not of the character of a Letter--within Canada, to Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, Great Britain, France, and the United States. -----------------+------------------------------------------------------- |Between any place in Canada and to Prince Edward |Island and Newfoundland. | +---------------------------------------------- | |To Great Britain, Mail Steam Packets | |sailing from Quebec or Portland and | |Halifax. | | +---------------------------------- DESCRIPTION | | |To Great Britain by Cunard OF MATTER. | | |and other Steamers sailing | | |from New York. | | | +----------------------- | | | |To France by Mail | | | |Steam Packets | | | |sailing from | | | |Quebec, &c. | | | | +------------ | | | | |To United | | | | |States. -----------------+--------+-----------+----------+----------+------------ _Books_ |1 cent |Canadian |Cunard |French |1ct. per |per oz. |Pkt. Book |Pkt. Book |Book |oz., | |Post (_a_) |Post (_b_)|Post (_c_)|subject on | | | | |delivery to | | | | |U.S. postage | | | | | _Cartes de | do | do | do | do | do visite_ | | | | | | | | | | _Circulars_ |1 cent | do | do | do | do --Printed |each | | | | |when | | | | |sent | | | | |singly, | | | | |or 1 | | | | |cent per| | | | |oz. | | | | | | | | | _Handbills_ |1 cent | do | do | do | do |per oz. | | | | | | | | | _Lithographed |1 cent | do | do | do | do Letters_ and |each | | | | Circulars |when | | | | |sent | | | | |singly, | | | | |or 1 | | | | |cent per| | | | |oz. | | | | | | | | | _Newspapers_, |Once a |At |As by Can.| do | do Canadian |week, 5 |commuted |Str., with| | |cts. per|rate, if |2 cents | | |quarter |prepaid |additional| | |[13] |from office|on each | | |Twice ” |of |paper | | | 10 ” |publication| | | |Thrice ”| | | | | 15 ” | | | | |Daily | | | | | 30 ” | | | | | | | | | _Newspapers, |2 cents |2 cents |4 cents | do | do transient_ |each |each |each | | | | | | | _Pamphlets and |1 cent |Canadian |Cunard | do |1 ct. per occasional |per oz. |Pkt. Book |Pkt. Book | |oz. as Publications_ | |Post (_a_) |Post (_b_)| |above | | | | | _“Parcel Post” |Parcels cannot be sent by post beyond the Dominion Packages_ |of Canada. For rates, see margin (_d_) | | | | | _Patterns_ of |1 cent |Canadian |Cunard |French |Cannot Merchandize for |per oz. |Pkt. Book |Pkt. Book |Pkt. Book |be sent sale | |Post (_a_) |Post (_b_)|Post (_c_)| | | | | | _Periodicals_ |1 cent |2 cents | do | do |Same as |per 4 |each No. if| | |between |oz., |published | | |places in |whether |in Canada; | | |Canada, |package |Canadian | | |subject on |contains|Pkt. Book | | |delivery |one or |Post, if | | |to U.S. |more |foreign | | |postage |Nos. | | | | | | | | | [14]_Photographs |Parcel |Canadian | do | do | do in Cases_ |Post |Pkt. Book | | | |(_b_) |Post (_a_) | | | | | | | | | | | | | ” on card, | | | | | _see Cartes de | | | | | visite_ | | | | | | | | | | ” Albums | do | do | do | do | do | | | | | _Prices Current_ |1 cent |2 cents |4 cents | do | do |per oz. |each, or in|each | | | |bulk at | | | | |Canadian | | | | |Packet Book| | | | |Post (_a_) | | | | | | | | _Book and | do |Canadian |Cunard | do |1 cent Newspaper | |Pkt. Book |Pkt. Book | |per oz., Manuscript, | |Post (_a_) |Post (_b_)| |as above Printers’ Proof,| | | | | Maps, &c._ | | | | | | | | | | _Printed | do | do | do | do | do Matter_--of the | | | | | same character | | | | | as Circulars, | | | | | Handbills, &c. | | | | | | | | | | _Sample of | | | | | Merchandize_ | | | | | --See Patterns. | | | | | | | | | | _School Returns_ | do | do | do | do | do --Half-yearly | | | | | | | | | | _School Returns_ |1 cent | do | do | do | do --by School |each or | | | | Trustees to |1 cent | | | | Superintendent, |per oz. | | | | even although | | | | | filled up in | | | | | writing | | | | | | | | | | _Seeds, &c._, |1 cent | do | do | do | do --samples of |per oz. | | | | (including | | | | | Cuttings, Bulbs,| | | | | Roots, Scions, | | | | | or Grafts) | | | | | | | | | | _Parliamentary |Free | do | do | do | do Papers_ | | | | | | | | | | _Petitions_ and |Free to | | | | Addresses to |and from| | | | Provincial |places | | | | Legislatures, |where | | | | Votes and |Session | | | | Proceedings, and|is held | | | | other papers, | | | | | printed by | | | | | order of said | | | | | Legislatures | | | | | -----------------+--------+-----------+----------+----------+------------ [13] Commuted Rate prepayable by Subscriber or Publisher. [14] Photographs in cases containing glass cannot be sent by Post. (_a_)--CANADIAN PACKET BOOK POST. Not exceeding 1 oz. 2 cents. 1 to 2 ozs. 4 ” 2 to 4 ozs. 6 ” 4 to 8 ozs. 12 ” 8 to 12 ozs. 18 ” 12 ozs. to 1 lb. 24 ” and so on. (_b_)--CUNARD PACKET BOOK POST. Not exceeding 1 oz. 4 cents. 1 to 2 ozs. 6 ” 2 to 4 ozs. 8 ” 4 to 8 ozs. 16 ” 8 to 12 ozs. 24 ” 12 ozs. to 1 lb. 32 ” and so on. (_c_)--FRENCH BOOK POST. Not exceeding 2 ozs. 4 cents. 2 to 4 ozs. 8 ” 4 to 8 ozs. 16 ” 8 to 12 ozs. 24 ” 8 ozs. to 1 lb. 32 ” and so on. A Book Packet may contain any number of separate books, publications, works of literature and art, maps or prints, photographs, daguereotypes, when not on glass, or in frames containing glass; any quantity of paper, vellum, or parchment (to the exclusion of letters); and the books, maps, papers, &c., may be either written, printed, or plain, or any mixture of the three; and may be either British, colonial, or foreign. Book Packages must be open at _both ends or both sides_. (_d_)--PARCEL POST. Not exceeding ½ lb. 12½ cents. ½ lb. to 1 lb. 25 ” 1 lb. to 1½ lb. 37½ ” 1½ lb. to 2 lbs. 50 ” 2 lbs. to 2½ lbs. 62½ ” 2½ lbs. to 3 lbs. 75 ” 3 lbs. to 3½ lbs. 87½ ” 3½ lbs. to 4 lbs. $1.00. _Registration Fee, 5 cents._ Parcels can only be sent by Post to places in Canada, and may contain books, daguereotypes, photographs, printers’ proof and copy, military returns, states and rolls containing written figures and signatures, returns, deeds, legal papers, and all transmissions of a like character, not being strictly letters. REGISTRATION. No letter, book, newspaper, parcel or packet of any kind whatever, can in future be received for registration unless both postage and registration fee are fully prepaid; prepayment should, if possible, be by postage stamps. End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of List of Post Offices in Canada 1872, by Postmaster General of Canada *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 55673 ***