Transcriber's Note:

Obvious typographic errors have been corrected.


Your Friend Chas. Smedley

Your Friend Chas. Smedley

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Of Company G, 90th Regiment Penn'a Volunteers,






"If it is never to be my lot to return to you, remember me only as one who
went to do his duty."—C. Smedley. Letter to parents, dated 8th mo. 14th, 1862.


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April 7th, 1865. At a regular meeting of the Fulton Aid Society, "New Business" being in order, the following resolutions were offered and unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That the "Fulton Aid Society" request of the friends of the late Charles Smedley, that a copy of his diary, kept while a prisoner at Andersonville, Georgia, be furnished for the purpose of publication.

Resolved, That a Committee consisting of four members of the association be appointed to receive the manuscript, prepare it for publication, and that it be authorized to have printed an edition of four hundred copies for the use of the Society.

In conformity with the above resolutions, the following were appointed the Committee:

CHAS. H. STUBBS, M. D., Chairman.

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The following pages contain a plain, unvarnished statement of facts that occurred under the notice of one who was so unfortunate as to be taken prisoner by those who sought to destroy and dissever our glorious country. As will be perceived, it is written with great care, hence its reliability.

It was thought best to print the author's diary, just as it was received, without any amplification, save that absolutely necessary for the press. To the reader we will say that Dr. Buckley was one of our surgeons who fell into the hands of the Confederates. Corporal Wm. Griffith, of Company G, 90th Regiment P. V., was taken prisoner along with Charles Smedley. He is spoken of as "Griffith."

With these few explanations we offer this little book to our citizens, feeling confident that it will be purchased and read by many of them.

In purchasing this work you contribute your mite towards alleviating the condition of those whose sufferings are so well set forth in its pages.


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By Chas. H. Stubbs, M. D.

Charles Smedley, eldest son of Joel and Martha Smedley, was born in Fulton Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, on the first day of November, 1836. Until his nineteenth year he remained at home, assisting his father in farming during the Summer seasons, and in the Winter attending the public school of the district. Having mastered the elementary branches usually taught in the district schools, and desiring to acquire a knowledge of the higher scientific studies, he entered as a student in the celebrated Friends' School at Westtown, on the seventh of May, 1855. While at this institution, he pursued the studies he had chosen with great diligence and success. By close application he attained an honorable standing in his class; and his strict deportment merited the high approbation of his preceptors and the confidence of all his companions.

On the eleventh of April, 1856, after spending nearly a year at Westtown, he returned home and again assisted his father in superintending the mills and managing the farm. This engaged his attention for the next two years.

In the Spring of 1858 he concluded to commence business for himself. That of a merchant suggested itself; but feeling deficient in knowledge necessary to success if he engaged in this business, he resolved to prepare himself by taking a mercantile course. With this object in view, on the fifth of May, 1858, he entered the Lancaster County Normal School at[Pg 6] Millersville. While at Millersville he became an active an influential member of the Page Society—a noted literary association connected with the Normal School.

Having remained one term at the Normal School, he returned to his native place in the Fall, and on the thirteenth of October, 1858, entered into an agreement with his father to take the grist and saw mills "on the shares." He continued to have charge of the mills for two year, and met with good success. During these two years he took an active interest in every movement that would have a tendency to improve the moral condition of society.

Believing strongly in the influence to be exerted by example, he joined several associations, whose object was of a reformatory character. Uniting himself with the Odd Fellows and Good Templars, he took an active part in the business of both of these orders. In these associations he was among the first to see that the rules were implicitly obeyed and kept inviolate. On one occasion a fellow member of the order of Odd Fellows was on trial for violating one of the sworn conditions on which he entered the lodge, by persisting in getting intoxicated whenever he felt disposed. The member who was most opposed to continuing this habitual drunkard in the lodge was Charles Smedley. In his little speech made in opposition, he boldly and fearlessly asserted that it was immaterial what position the person on trial might occupy—by his late actions the accused had unfitted himself to be continued any longer in the association, and in his opinion should be expelled.

In the Order of Good Templars Chas. Smedley attained the highest position in the Lodge of which he was a member. Through his influence many other young men were induced to join and forever eschew that accursed evil which has led to the ruin of many noble youths and caused them to fill premature graves.

On the twenty-first of April, 1862, he gave up his interest[Pg 7] in the mills, having in contemplation a visit to some of the northern cities. After traveling several weeks in central New York, and spending a few days in the great Eastern Metropolis, young Smedley returned to Pennsylvania on the twenty-first of May.

The great rebellion had now been in progress for a year. Throughout the sections of country visited by him, the young men of the North were rapidly volunteering for their country's defense. Thinking it was not right for him to travel now and spend his time, he came home with the determination of serving his country in her hour of peril.

Well knowing that the consent of his parents could not be obtained, (they being members of the Society of Friends, one of the most important tenets of which is "a testimony against war,") he bid them adieu and started for Philadelphia, where, on the 29th of May, 1862, he enlisted as a member of Company G, 90th Regiment Penna. Volunteers.

For some the life of a soldier has its attractions. The sound of martial music, the gay uniform, the novelty of camp life, and the desire for fame—all contribute to allure many into the military service. None of these inducements had any weight with Charles Smedley. No one had a greater hatred of war; but like many others, he felt that this war was prosecuted on the part of the North for National existence, and as such differed from wars of aggression. Hence he thought it was his duty, as it was the duty of every man, to assist in putting down the rebellion. Maintaining these views, and from motives of the highest patriotism, Chas. Smedley joined the army "for three years or the war."

In a letter written to the author of this sketch, soon after he enlisted, dated "Front Royal, 6th mo. 16th, 1862," he says: "After traveling through the different parts of the country and witnessing the state of things caused by this rebellion, I, by degrees, made up my mind that the larger the force that[Pg 8] we could put in the field, the sooner would this rebellion be crushed, and it was the duty of every person, who could, to volunteer. Having no business to require my attention, that I liked, and believing that if ever I lent my aid in suppressing this rebellion, now was the time, hence my present situation."

In a letter dated "6th mo. 19th, 1862," addressed to one of his relatives, in answer to the question, "how he liked soldiering?" he replied: "If I were at home, perhaps I would find more pleasure; but to take everything into consideration, it is every man's duty to try and put down this rebellion. I did not expect to like a soldier's life when I left home, but can honestly say that I like it better than I expected to."

From a letter written to his parents, dated "7th mo. 4th, 1862," we take the following beautiful and patriotic sentiments: "I am sorry to hear that you cannot help being uneasy about me. This regiment, as yet, has not been in any dangerous positions, and may not during the war. As far as myself is concerned, I have no fears and feel it my duty to go wherever the regiment is ordered. The question often comes into my mind, "have I done right?" To this my conscience answers that I have, and must continue to do my duty. The longer I remain the more firmly I am impressed that I am doing nothing but my simple duty and all will come out right in the end. And being thus impressed I move along with a light heart and nothing to fear. To be frank, I put my trust in the Almighty ruler above, and believe whatever my fate shall be, will be in accordance with His will. I know that my course is very inconsistent with our discipline,[1] but I believe that at present I owe a higher duty to my country. I hope that it may be restored to us, more peaceful and prosperous than ever; and if it is my fortune to get back safely home, I can congratulate myself upon having done my duty."

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From Philadelphia, after enlisting, Charles Smedley was sent to Washington, and from thence to Front Royal, a small town west of the Blue Ridge, where the 90th Regiment was then encamped. He joined it just previous to the advance of our forces sent to intercept "Stonewall" Jackson, in his progress down the Shenandoah Valley. He continued with the regiment, and was with it up to the time of the second battle of Bull Run. For more than a week previous to this engagement, he had made application to be sent to the hospital, being weak and exhausted from disease. On the morning of the battle,[2] he declared he would not send in his application to be sent to the rear, because the impression might exist that he was trying to evade his duty in time of danger. By almost superhuman exertion he managed to go into the fight, but in the retreat of our forces, becoming fatigued and prostrated, he was compelled to remain in the rear, and the consequence was he fell into the hands of the enemy.

In a few days he was paroled and forwarded to our lines, and then sent by the Federal authorities to Annapolis, Maryland. He arrived home on the 29th of October, 1862, and remained until the 18th of February, 1863, when he was regularly exchanged.

Joining the regiment a second time, he continued with it over thirteen months. While in the service he participated in the battles of Cedar Mountain, second Bull Run, Rappahannock Station, Chancellorsville, Thoroughfare Gap, Gettysburg, and the Wilderness. In all these battles young Smedley performed his duty nobly. In the first day's fight at Gettysburg he narrowly escaped with his life—a ball grazing him on the neck and another on the hip. In the second and third day's fights the 90th Regiment was engaged on the memorable Cemetery ridge. After the defeat of the rebel hordes on the[Pg 10] heights of Gettysburg, our army followed the remainder of the enemy's forces to the banks of the Rapidan. While encamped on this stream, the subject of our sketch received the sad news of affliction among "the loved ones at home." His mother, brother and sister being dangerously ill—the two former dying soon afterwards.

From a letter written to his sister on the reception of the sad intelligence, we copy the following: "It is a great trial to me to have to be separated from you when I think of the present state of things. Perhaps all is for the best, and we should not complain. We are but poor creatures and must submit to the Almighty Ruler who holds our fate in the "hollow of his hand." In the language of the christian, "why should we not put our trust in Him, and pray for Him to bring us out of all our trials and afflictions?" Perhaps we have not been thankful enough for all the blessings we enjoy. Give my love to all my old friends. I often think of the many pleasant times we have had at home. I hope I may again have the pleasure of meeting you all there, and not say, as Byron, of home,

'Fare thee well, and if forever,
Still, forever fare thee well.'"

At the battle of the Wilderness, on the 5th of May, 1864, Charles Smedley was captured a second time, and, as we are informed in his diary, was taken by the Confederates to Gordonsville, thence to Danville, from Danville to the prisoners' pen at Andersonville, Georgia, and lastly to Florence, South Carolina. At Andersonville he remained nearly four months in a stockade filled with thousands of Northern patriots. Here he suffered untold hardships, being exposed to the scorching rays of the sun, the cold atmosphere of the night, and to frequent storms of rain. The premeditated, gradual starvation process of his vile captors, together with the constant exposure to all kinds of weather, did its work effectually. His health at last became impaired and his physical [Pg 11]constitution forever shattered. On the thirteenth of September, along with many others, he reached the town of Florence, where he was placed in another pen, in every respect similar to the one he had left at Andersonville. Here his sufferings increased. Being much reduced, and possessing hardly sufficient strength to assist himself, he was at last admitted into what was termed a hospital. In this hospital he lingered along for a few weeks, when his system gradually succumbed from the effects of hunger and exposure.

During the night of the sixteenth of November, 1864, the spirit of Charles Smedley left its mortal tenement for other realms. His body was prepared for burial by a few of his fellow soldiers, and was interred in the burying ground a short distance north-northwest of the stockade, in Florence, South Carolina.

In the person of Charles Smedley there were nicely blended many of the noblest traits of human character. As a religious and moral young man he had few equals. From his early youth he had a strong aversion to all those evil habits which have so often been the stepping stones to vice in its most hideous forms. Profanity and the use of that filthy narcotic weed, proved harmless as tempters to him. Still less powerful was that subtle enemy of mankind, which "quickeneth and giveth color to the cup, and stingeth like an adder."[3]

In all his transactions his rule was to do that only which his conscience told him was right. His goodness of heart, his amiable disposition, gained him many friends, and wherever known, whether at home in his native township, or in the army of his country, none knew him other than the noble young man and soldier.

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To-day the remains of Charles Smedley, along with those of thousands of other patriotic martyrs, lie in the trenches near Florence. No marble pile or grass covered mound will, in all probability, ever mark his last resting place, but his name will be ever cherished and held in remembrance by his friends, as one who was willing to offer up his life that his country might live.


[1] Reference is here made to the Friends' discipline—he being a member by birthright.

[2] I think it was the 29th of August, 1862, the second battle of Bull Run occurred, and he was made prisoner.

[3] In a letter to his father, dated 8th mo. 16th, 1863, written while the army was at Rappahannock Station, we find the following extract: "When I enlisted, I made a resolution that I, as long as I was in the service, would neither use profane language, smoke or chew tobacco, or drink intoxicating liquors. This resolution I have strictly adhered to, and I believe I am a happier man for it."

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1st day, 5th mo. 1st, 1864. Camp near Mitchell's Station, Va. Had regimental inspection this morning at ten o'clock by Capt. W. Davis. The parade was formed, then moved to the rear into columns, and as we were critically inspected yesterday, we were dismissed. I was busy the rest of the day helping Johnson to fix up the clothing books, and as the pay rolls were not right, we had to go to work and make out three more, leaving out ten deserters, which were taken up wrong on them at first. J. C. Kimball wrote one while Johnson and I wrote the others. Received my Baltimore American.

2d day, 5th mo. 2d. Done nothing of any account all day. Was nice weather.

3d day, 5th mo. 3d. This was a nice warm day. Each company was out at target practice one or two hours this afternoon. Each of us shot five rounds. Some talk of us moving.

4th day, 5th mo. 4th. We were told at nine last evening to have everything packed, as we would likely have to move. Drew six days' rations of coffee, sugar and crackers and two days' rations of pork. We were called up at twelve o'clock last night, packed up, and by three o'clock were on the march. Marched towards Piney Mountain, where we arrived about sunrise, and made a short halt. We were in the rear of the first brigade. Marched past Stephensburg, thence crossed the Rapidan at twelve o'clock on a pontoon bridge. There were two bridges of canvas-covered boats at Germania ford. After stopping a short time, took up the march and followed the[Pg 14] plank road, and after going five or eight miles, halted and bivouacked for the night on a high hill near the right of the road. The day was very warm after the sun rose. We were forced as fast as it was possible for us to go—stragglers fell out by hundreds—no brigade or regiment seemed to be together in the after part of the day. I had to fall out, and threw away my mess kettle, some of my clothes, pork, and several other things, and then could no more than keep up. Halted with the little part of the regiment, took a good bath, and made supper of bread, pork and coffee. We seemed to be in the rear and with the General's headquarters. Went to bed on the ground about 8 P. M.

5th day, 5th mo. 5th. Five o'clock A. M. Slept well last night. Were called up at three this morning, got our breakfasts and made ready to move. Are now awaiting orders. The birds are playing around us and the day promises to be a pleasant one. Seven A. M. Have moved out and halted to the right of the road—are six miles from Mine Run and fifteen from Fredericksburg. Gen'l Warren's headquarters are near us. We appear to be pretty well in the rear. Col. —— commands the first brigade. Have not heard of any rebels yet in front. Gen'l Burnside is said to be in the rear guarding fifteen hundred wagons. The sun is coming out hot—the weather clear and sultry. Twelve M. Have been laying down since six o'clock. The Sixth Corps has passed down the plank road to take position on our left. Heard some heavy musketry firing towards our left. It is said to be all cavalry fighting. From what I know we are in the reserve. Gen'l Robinson's headquarters are within a hundred yards of us. There is also a signal station near the headquarters. This is near the Wilderness tavern. There is a house on the hill near here where "Stonewall" Jackson was taken after he was wounded at Chancellorsville. The sun is burning hot.

6th day, 5th mo. 6th. Nine o'clock A. M. At one o'clock[Pg 15] yesterday we advanced as a forward guard centre, we being the third regiment in line from the position we occupied at 12 M. Kept on through woods for a half mile, then the other regiment halted and deployed, and helped us on the second line, with our right resting on the turnpike. The front line was busily engaged as we advanced—the bullets flew thick and fast around us, mostly high. About two o'clock we advanced the second time, about two hundred yards, and lay down under a heavy fire where we remained until six o'clock. All the time we lay under a fire from the rebels, who were less than a quarter of a mile off. They had a battery on the left of the pike which occasionally threw shells and solid shot in good range over us, cutting off the limbs of the trees; only a few were low enough to come near us. One solid shot lit in the centre of our company, and plowed the ground up under Audenreid's feet, bursting his canteen and throwing the dirt over the men around him, without doing any more damage. At six o'clock P. M., an officer, I do not know who, came up and gave us the order to "advance with the 39th Massachusetts." After the order was repeated twice, we started, going over dead and wounded who had been slaughtered by hundreds, and lay thick on the ground we went over. The rebels did not fire a shot until after we got out into the open plain, and then they opened with grape and canister and volleys of musketry. After going to the bottom of the hill and up halfway towards the enemy's battery, the Colonel gave the order to "about face." I had stopped to cap my piece, and before I got it done the regiment was going back on a double-quick. I followed in the rear, and coming to a ditch, fell into it, and on looking up saw our fellows going up the hill towards our line. The bullets flew so thick that I thought it next thing to getting shot to get out of the ditch, and after a few moments concluded I had better stay where I was until after dark, and then get up the hill into our lines. I soon noticed that the[Pg 16] ditch was full of men. After hallooing to those above and below me, I found that Griffith, Edwards and Fry of our company, and one of company B's men were near us. We all thought we had better stay where we were until after dark. I went to Edwards and there found a man who told us to lay still and he would take us off after a while. Edwards asked him who he was. He said he was a Confederate officer. On looking up the ditch, which was deep above us, I saw some of the enemy's sharp shooters and skirmishers, and it was plain to be seen that we were in their power. The officer ordered us to disarm ourselves and it would be all right. We were taken about half-past seven o'clock into the Confederate lines, to the pike, then to the rear for about half a mile and kept under guard. As we were going off I found Sergeant M., of company —; picked him up and took him with us. He had been knocked down but was not hurt. Sergeant Riley I also picked up. I told him how we were situated. Griffith gave him a canteen of water, and then we were ordered to come on. He was trying to play it, I thought. I am certain half our regiment was lost. Griffith and I went to work and made some coffee in a pot that I picked up in the morning. About nine P. M., twelve of our company and some more of the 90th were brought in. Everything, while I was awake, was quiet. Griffith and I made a bed and slept together. I did not get to sleep until after twelve o'clock. At day-break this morning I was awakened by artillery firing. I got up and went to the creek, got a pot of water and made some coffee, and then awakened Griffith and we took our breakfast. At six A. M. we were ordered to fall in; we got our things, and were marched to Robertson's Tavern, where we are at present. From seven to half-past eight there was some very sharp musketry up the pike. The guards are busy trading with the boys; there are about fifty of us here. Ten A. M. All seems to be quiet in front. Night—Lay under guard all day; heard no [Pg 17]fighting of any account to-day. Things appear to be quiet in front. The ambulances brought in a great many wounded men all day.

7th day, 5th mo. 7th. Were marched, some two hundred and seventy of us, to Orange Court House, then put aboard the cars and taken to Gordonsville.

1st day, 5th mo. 8th. Kept here all day. Where we were last night we drew one day's rations of corn meal, beef and salt. I was commissary for a squad of twenty-five men. Sent a letter home. The sun was burning hot.

2d day, 5th mo. 9th. We were put into a house forty by fifty feet square last night and came near smothering. We were taken out this morning. Made mush for breakfast. Had to stay out in the sun all day. Part of us were sent to Lynchburg yesterday—some more came last night. Griffith and I laid down after supper to rest for the night. Drew one ration of corn meal and herring—three of the latter to each man.

3d day, 5th mo., 10th. Soon after we got to bed last night we were ordered to pack up. Left Gordonsville in a train of cars at eleven o'clock at night, and after a hard night's travel got to this place (Lynchburg) about ten this morning. Were put in a deep ravine with a stream of water running through it. A heavy guard of citizens, consisting of old men, "played out" soldiers, and boys were around us. Two pieces of artillery are planted in range of us. I was with the first one hundred of our squad that came in to-day. We were put in charge of a Sergeant-Major, who drew rations for us. There was about one thousand came here yesterday. I got seven "hard tack" and some bacon for one day's rations. There are about 2500 of us here. To-day was burning hot.

4th day, 5th mo. 11th. Had a good sleep last night. This was a very warm day. There were seventy-five loaves of soft rye bread, half a peck of rice, and a little salt issued to a squad to-day. There were one thousand men sent away to-day.

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5th day, 5th mo. 12th. It commenced to rain about nine o'clock last night. Griffith and I had a rough night of it—had to sit up a good part of the time, till the after-part of the night, when we laid down under the woollen blanket. About daylight it commenced to rain rapidly. The water ran on us and caused us to get up and sit with the gum blanket over our shoulders. It rained pretty much all day; we had to sit most of the time with the gum blanket over us. With hard work we made some coffee for breakfast and some mush for supper. Carried some flat stones to lay on to-night. Drew seventy-five loaves of bread for the balance of yesterday's rations; also for to-day, six "hard tack," pork and rice, to a man, for two days' rations.

6th day, 5th mo. 13th. Had a rough night of it. Slept under our woollen blankets until daylight. It rained a great deal all night—got considerably wet. Showery all day. About ten o'clock A. M. we were moved out of the ravine to the cars and got aboard at twelve, and were off for Danville. We were stowed as closely as possible in burden cars. Passed through Fairville before dark. There are rebel hospitals at this place.

7th day, 5th mo. 14th. Traveling all night and until ten o'clock this forenoon, when we arrived at Danville. Here we were put into large houses. The house I am in is one hundred by forty-seven feet, three stories high. The two upper stories are only occupied by us, some five hundred in number. Here we were divided into messes of twenty each, and drawing two square inches of boiled bacon and a loaf of corn bread for two men.

1st day, 5th mo. 15th. Had roll-call at nine A. M. and were counted. Drew corn bread at ten o'clock and rice soup at four P. M., and soon after boiled bacon. Got a pint of soup to a man. Can do nothing but lay down, or walk, or stand, after going to wash. There are five hundred in this building. We hear no news.

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2d day, 5th mo. 16th. Spent the day as yesterday. Drew some of our hard bread, Confederate bacon and rice soup. There was a fellow selling toilet soap at the rate of one dollar and fifty cents Confederate scrip, or two cakes for a one dollar greenback.

3d day, 5th mo. 17th. Lay about all day. In the morning darned the toe of one of my stockings and mended my pantaloons. Sent a letter home to father. We are to be sent to Georgia to-morrow. Drew a day's rations for to-day of corn bread, boiled bacon and black bean soup at three o'clock. At six drew a ration of corn bread and boiled bacon for to-morrow.

4th day, 5th mo. 14th. Got up at daybreak, left the prison at six, got on the cars at half-past eight and started at nine. At twelve came as far as the railroad was finished, (the Danville and Greensboro' road) then had to march six miles to where it commenced again, and then lay for an hour for three trains to come. After they arrived it took until long after dark to load them. I was among the last to get aboard.

5th day, 5th mo. 19th. Had a bad time of it last night—could not sit or stand with comfort. The rain came through the car so bad that I had to get out my "gum." We had only thirteen miles to go, and it was near daylight before we got to Greensborough, which was about six in the morning. Here we stopped about two hours, then went on, bound for Charlotte, North Carolina, where we arrived at half-past six. The train went very slow all night, but after we left Greensborough, very fast. The country along the road was very, very poor. The only places of much note were High Point Station, Thomasville and Lexington. Greensborough is a manufacturing town, but like in all other towns and villages, business was at a stand still. Thomasville was the prettiest place. There is a seminary there. Some ladies came out to the train and threw two ginger cakes at us, also some bouquets. Crossed[Pg 20] the Yadkin River. After we got to Charlotte, were taken off the cars and marched to the railroad crossing. Drew rations of crackers and pork; I got six crackers and a chunk of pork for two days. A thunder-gust came up which continued until ten o'clock. Griffith and I made out to kindle a little fire and make a pot of coffee. I was taken with a chill and fever of a bilious nature—can eat no supper. By eleven o'clock it cleared up and the moon shone out. Made our bed on the ground and were soon asleep.

6th day, 5th mo. 20th. Slept well last night, and got up at 6 o'clock A. M.; felt very bad and very bilious; got some hot water to make coffee, but could not find the coffee. The sun came out bright and hot this morning. At twelve M. were put aboard the cars. The cars moved past the town, backed, and moved forward and back, &c., until about six o'clock, when we were backed to the southeast end of the town. Each car load was taken off in separate squads of nineteen or twenty—drew rations for one day, three hard tack and a chunk of pork. I was sick all day with the chills and fever—no appetite; ate some souse, well peppered, but had to force it down. The day was very hot.

7th day, 5th mo. 21st. Slept well last night on the ground. The moon was full and the sky clear. We were ordered to pack up about six o'clock, and get on the same cars we got off. Griffith and I were so lucky as to get our old places in the stock cars; rode all day, and arrived at Columbia, South Carolina at sunset. After stopping there over an hour, we changed cars. We got larger cars but less of them. They crowded seventy-five men inside and on top, which nearly smothered us. The guard had orders not to let a man out, and to shoot the first person that attempted it. Our car is a close burden car, which was closed all around except one door. I was so lucky as to get near the door and have plenty of fresh air. By doubling up, made out to lie down, with my head[Pg 21] next the door. This was a warm day, but we, being in such a good car, rode comfortably. The country for two days' journey was poorer than any yet passed. Did not see much of Columbia. I felt very well all day; my disease is better. Took two doses of "composition" in cold water.

1st day, 5th mo. 22d. I made out with difficulty to lay on my back all night. The guard, "the first half," sat on my head, and then laid down with his head on my breast for a pillow—could not sleep. My feet and legs were doubled up, and I was laying on them part of the time, while others piled theirs on top of mine. This morning got a good seat by the door; rode there until we stopped at Augusta. Changed cars at this place at 12 o'clock M. Did not pass any place of importance after Charlotte. Stopped at dusk and had a loaf of bread and a chunk of pork issued to us. I had been rather bad with the diarrhœa—was very weak and dizzy, with no appetite; but after drawing rations, felt like eating, and ate a bit of bread and pork; the bread is rye. When we changed cars I got a seat in the middle of the door. My door was shut at dark, so I had to set with my back against it.

2d day, 5th mo. 23d. Did not sleep much in the night, had to sit all the time. There were sixty-five men inside the box and some on top. At daylight the door was opened. I then rode with my legs out. Get to Marion about the middle of the day. Three trains were made of two, and we went at the rate of twenty-five miles an hour. Arrived at Andersonville, Georgia, at five o'clock P. M., when we were taken off the cars, counted off into squads with a sergeant, who took our names on a piece of paper which a rebel officer gave him. Then we were ordered into a large stockade and halted in the northeast corner of it. There we had the ground for our quarters. We concluded that it was hard to move about. Made our bed on the ground. Weather clear and hot. [Pg 22]Yesterday passed Wanesville. To-day passed Fort Valley after leaving Marion.

3d day, 5th mo. 24th. Slept very well on the ground last night; arose at daylight, went to the run and took a good wash. Had roll-call and were counted by a rebel sergeant, whose name is warmer. There were ninety men in our mess. Drew rations at 5 o'clock P. M. Half a loaf of corn bread and half a square inch of bacon to each man. The bacon is excellent. There were three or four hundred more men put in here to-day. The place was too much crowded before. They brought them in on the main street and told them to go and find places wherever they could. Griffith and I having but fifteen cents in money, and that being mine, we are bad off. Bought two split pieces of pine, six feet long and two and a half inches square, to put up a shelter. These I purchased for my fifteen cents. These not being enough, I traded my looking glass for two more. Put up my woollen blanket over our ridge pole and now have a good place to stay in. This place contains about fifteen or twenty acres of ground, enclosed with a stockade twenty feet high, with a sentry stand every one hundred and fifty feet. There is a stream of water running through it with a hill extending up from each side of it. For thirty or more yards from the run the ground is swampy and has a bad smell coming from it.

4th day, 5th mo. 25th. Spent this day about the same as yesterday, laying in our tent, &c., &c. Drew the same kind of rations. More prisoners were put in to-day.

5th day, 5th mo. 26th. This was a very hot day. There are men here just like skeletons, they are so far gone with the chronic diarrhœa. The boys caught some of the raiders and punished them by shaving their heads. There are plenty of "sweat" boards in operation, and other kinds of gaming. Drew a loaf of corn bread, two-thirds of a pint of mush, and four square inches of bacon for two of us. The cornmeal is[Pg 23] of the roughest description, not being sifted. Went to the run this morning and washed a pair of drawers and a shirt, and then took a bath myself.

6th day, 5th mo. 27th. Spent this day like yesterday, doing nothing. Drew a loaf of corn bread, three bits of meat, and nearly a pint of boiled rice. The pork to-day was all boiled jowls. The sun was scorching hot. Sent a few lines home to father.

7th day, 5th mo. 28th. Was a very warm day. One hundred and eighty more prisoners were put in here to-day from Sherman's army, making in all sixteen thousand six hundred and fifty (16,650). There are sixty-one detachments of two hundred and seventy each, not including what came to-day. Drew the usual quantity of corn bread, bacon and mush to a man.

1st day, 5th mo. 29th. Was extremely warm. Lay in the house[4] most of the time. There were about fifteen hundred more men put in here to-day. Did not draw rations until sundown, when we got pork and corn bread.

2d day, 5th mo. 30th. This day is very oppressive. More prisoners came in to-day.

3d day, 5th mo. 31st. Weather as hot as ever. Was at the stockade where the rebels throw over their produce. Greenbacks are worth twice as much as "scrip." Peas, beans, tobacco, onions, turnips, eggs, cakes, groundnuts, &c., &c., are passed over in large quantities and sold at enormous prices. My disease seems worse and I am getting weak.

4th day, 6th mo. 1st. Was cloudy until the middle of the day, then had a heavy thunder-storm, and a little rain now and then until evening. I lay in the house most of the day—was very weak. We made some burnt corn bread crust coffee this morning. There were about four hundred more prisoners put in here to-day; none of them from the Potomac Army.

[Pg 24]

5th day, 6th mo. 2d. This was the same kind of a day as yesterday, with more rain. Borrowed the "Banner of Light" from Dr. Buckley this afternoon.

6th day, 6th mo. 3d. Was cloudy until towards sundown, when there came up a heavy wind, followed by rain. The day was very warm. More prisoners put in to-day, mostly sick and wounded, captured when we were. The place is getting crowded full. Diarrhœa no better.

7th day, 6th mo. 4th. Had a good deal of rain. I lay in the house. Two hundred more men came in to-day. There were a great many rumors about us being paroled or exchanged on the sixth. We split up the last of our wood with a musket screw-driver, and traded some corn bread for another stick.

1st day, 6th mo. 5th. Had a great deal of rain. Drew one and a half pints of corn meal and a half teaspoonful of salt instead of bread.

2d day, 6th mo. 6th. I am very weak. Same rations as yesterday. Cloudy all day with some rain. Made souse of the last of our crackers. More prisoners put in to-day—the place is over crowded.

3d day, 6th mo. 7th. Had considerable rain. Made a pot of mush which we ate with our meat to-day. About five hundred more prisoners were put in to-day.

4th day, 6th mo. 8th. Rain to-day, same as yesterday. A few more prisoners put in here. I undertook to make a pot of mush this morning; got it about done, when the jaw bone of a hog, which I had the pot resting on, gave way, and upset the half of it. We made a small breakfast on the remainder. This evening we mixed up some meal and baked some cakes on my plate. Our wood is nearly out. We get corn meal and pork, but are not allowed to go out for wood, and as yet have had none sent to us. My complaint gets no worse, but still sticks to me. Can get no news that can be relied upon.

[Pg 25]

5th day, 6th mo. 9th. Drew corn bread and had a heavy shower.

6th day, 6th mo. 10th. Was rather warm. Drew bread, meat and wood. Made coffee for breakfast and supper. Commenced making a bone ring.

7th day, 6th mo. 11th. Was warm, with a thunder-gust in the evening. We got to work and finished the bone ring.

1st day, 6th mo. 12th. Cloudy, rain in the afternoon. I am as unwell as ever. Received corn bread and pork. There are many rumors of us being paroled and sent to Savannah. The news is that the officers at Macon are being sent away.

2d day, 6th mo. 13th. Was very damp and cold, with showers of rain; last night it was also raining. Griffith got sick yesterday and was very ill all last night and to-day. Had roll-call. All the sick and wounded were taken out for medical treatment. All the rumors about the parole proved untrue. Have suffered very much with the chronic diarrhœa, which gets no better.

3d day, 6th mo. 14th. This was a cold, drizzly day.

4th day, 6th mo. 15th. Took down our blanket and had it for a cover. It rained all night, and until towards the middle of the day, when it became much warmer. There were over twelve hundred more prisoners put in to-day from the Army of the Potomac. Sold a loaf of bread and meat for twenty-five cents, and bought an onion and made some soup with it. Had corn meal and pork for supper. Griffith is a little better. An old shoemaker, who had taken the oath of allegiance to the Confederate States, came in to-day to try to raise one thousand shoemakers, to go out and do as he has, and work for the rebel government. Some of the boys caught him, shaved his head and marched him around camp.

5th day, 6th mo. 16th. There is as much rain as usual. Am getting along in the same old style. Sold a loaf of bread for fifteen cents and bought an onion. Drew boiled rice and meat.[Pg 26] The rice is so dirty and gritty that it is not fit to eat. About one thousand more men were put in to-day, mostly from the Army of the Potomac.

6th day, 6th mo. 17th. Rained all day—lay in the house most of the time. I made some thick corn meal soup for supper. One thousand more prisoners put in to-day.

7th day, 6th mo. 18th. It rained all night and was showery most of the day. My disease is some better—am very weak and losing flesh. The number of petty hucksters seems to increase in the main street. Cucumbers are from 37 to 50 cents; onions from 25 cents to $1.00; turnips from 12 to 20 cents; rutabagas, same price as turnips; squashes 25 to 50 cents; peanuts from 20 to 25 cents per half pint; beans 20 to 50 cents per half pint; flour at the rate of $1 per pound; four ginger cakes 75 cents to $1; rice 30 to 40 cents per pint; salt 75 cents per quart; soda 25 cents per spoonful; rations of meal for 20 and 25 cents; molasses, of the poorest quality, for $2.75 per quart; tobacco, 50 cents for a small plug. These are offered for sale on the main street at the above prices. A good many have got to making corn beer, at 10 to 25 cents per drink of half a pint. There are rumors that General Winder is here, and that three detachments and all the sick are to be sent away to-morrow.

1st day, 6th mo. 19th. Was up early this morning and went to the spring and got some good water, and washed myself. Took a walk up and down the street,[5] and then lay down and took a good sleep. It was cloudy most of the time. The sun came out hot occasionally. Had a heavy shower in the evening. Five hundred more men were put in the stockade to-day. Three men were shot and wounded by one of the guards. A man was on the dead line; the guard shot at this one, and missing him, shot the others.

[Pg 27]

2d day, 6th mo. 20th. Had the usual quantity of rain; was up early and got some spring water.

3d day, 6th mo. 21st. Was very warm and cloudy. I made some coffee and fried some meat on my plate for breakfast—had some gravy also. We did not eat more than half the extra bread we drew last night, and had half a loaf left, which I traded for some wood. A few more prisoners were put in to-day. The place is so crowded that it is impossible to travel without difficulty.

4th day, 6th mo. 22d. Was rather cloudy and warm. Drew mush and meat; the mush, like it always has been, was only half cooked; we did not get it until dark, and then went to work and baked it on my plate. To-day one hundred men had to fill up a tunnel which they had dug. It was eight to fifteen feet deep and commenced twenty yards inside, and run more than the same distance on the outside, and was ready for them to go out. Some of the crowd had informed on them.

5th day, 6th mo. 23d. Flying clouds and very hot. There seems to be a good breeze going, but it cannot get to us here. Over seven hundred more prisoners were crowded in to-day. Drew corn bread and bacon, and would have drawn fresh beef, but some objected to it on account of not having wood.

6th day, 6th mo. 24th. The weather was similar to yesterday, only hotter. Done nothing of any account.

7th day, 6th mo. 25th. Very warm. Drew mush and meat at dark and fried the mush into cakes.

1st day, 6th mo. 26th. The weather like yesterday. Drew the same kind of rations, and fried the mush, because it is never more than half done.

2d day, 6th mo. 27th. The weather seems to be getting warmer. My diarrhœa gets no better—am so weak that I can hardly walk about. There has been enough prisoners put in the last few days to make nearly twenty-five thousand. (25,000).

[Pg 28]

3d day, 6th mo. 28th. Had a fine shower this afternoon and night. I am very low and weak with the diarrhœa.

4th day, 6th mo. 29th. Was very warm, had a thunder storm in the evening. Am weaker than ever and can hardly get along. Did not get any rations, because some of the men took the "raiders"[6] in hand, and after knocking down, and I guess killed some, arrested sixty and gave them over to the old captain. It is said he shot one. Last night they killed a man, and an Indian killed one of them. I took two bacon rinds, and after roasting them by the fire, ate them.

5th day, 6th mo. 29th. Was very warm; lay in the tent most of the time; so weak with the chronic diarrhœa that it was as much as I could do to take care of myself.

6th day, 17th mo. 1st. Was as hot as ever. I suffered as much as yesterday; am weaker, and still very ill; my head is so dizzy; could hardly walk. The new stockade was opened this forenoon, and all above the forty-ninth detachment were moved in and crowded as close together as we were before. All of us could not put up our shelters in the place allotted to us. Griffith and I made our bed in the street, which is only six feet wide. The new place is on good high ground with plenty of wood. The rumor is that we are to draw raw rations; drew fresh beef and corn meal, of which I ate heartily.

7th day, 7th mo. 2d. There was a good breeze all day. After I got up, went to the creek and took a wash, got a canteen and coffee pot full of water, and then a little wood. Made the same kind of breakfast as we did supper last night. About eight o'clock moved down with Clark and Strong, and then crowded nearer the old stockade and towards the lower end of the detachment, and put up our blanket at the end of Strong's tent. All the wood is gathered up by the men, which[Pg 29] leaves us with scarcely any. There have been prisoners put in here from all parts this week. Twenty-five thousand is a low estimate. I feel stouter to-day than I have for two weeks; my complaint hardly troubles me. Drew salt for yesterday and meal, beef and salt for to-day. The rumor now is that we will be paroled or exchanged soon, to commence on the seventh, &c., &c. Captain Moore, of the 72d Ohio, was in here to-day and gave this piece of news to us. He has been a prisoner at Macon, was lately exchanged, and came here to see some of the boys of his regiment.

1st day, 7th mo. 3d. Griffith and I went to the creek to wash this morning at five o'clock. The creek was dirty and full of black mud, so much so that I would not go in. I took the coffee pot and washed out of it. Got some water and prepared breakfast of beef soup, thickened with corn meal. Had roll-call this forenoon, the first time for three weeks; it was difficult to get the men together, and was eleven o'clock before they got through. Drew no rations to-day, why I know not.

2d day, 7th mo. 4th. Was very hot until three o'clock P. M., when we had a heavy thunder storm. Our house let the rain in almost like a riddle. The numbers of the detachments were changed to-day; all that were not full were filled up to two hundred and seventy; our detachment is now number thirty-two, and my mess is the second mess. We got no rations until this evening, when we received meal, boiled and raw beef, and pork. Bread and salt were issued; we got raw beef and miserable bread, with a pinch of salt. We made a pot of mush for our breakfast, coffee and stewed meat for supper; we eat only twice a day. My disease has left me and I am stouter. Was down to the creek this morning at four o'clock and took a good wash.

3d day, 7th mo. 5th. To-day was very hot, with a good breeze and flying clouds. Got up this morning at four o'clock, and went to the run and washed my grey shirt and a pair of[Pg 30] drawers, without soap. We made a pot of soup with corn meal dumplings. Had roll-call at ten o'clock. Drew meal, fresh beef and a pinch of salt. Made flap-jacks for supper, and fried some of our beef on my plate. Traded some corn meal for a piece of pork to grease the plate with.

4th day, 7th mo. 6th. Hot as ever. Over two hundred more men put in to-day. According to rumor, to-morrow is the day to commence paroling. A new rumor says seven thousand are to be taken out to-morrow. Got breakfast of soup off our beef, with corn meal dumplings, and supper of flap-jacks and fried pork. Drew mush, bacon and salt. I am very well indeed.

5th day, 7th mo. 7th. Spent the day as yesterday. No signs of paroling. Very hot to-day. Fred. Smith, who was taken prisoner at Mine Run, came to see me to-day. Drew rotten bacon, corn meal and salt.

6th day, 7th mo. 8th. The heat in the afternoon was almost scorching. I borrowed a book of Hatfield, which I read half through. This is the first reading I have done since we have been here. There were one hundred more men put in to-day, all of whom were captured at the James and Morris Island.

7th day, 7th mo. 9th. This day was hotter than any day we have had. At four o'clock P. M. had a heavy thunder-shower which lasted until sunset. Spent the day in reading, sleeping, and walking about camp. Two hundred and fifty more prisoners put in to-day. They were mostly from the Potomac Army.

1st day, 7th mo. 10th. Drew rations as usual, consisting of meal, pork and salt. Cooked flapjacks and made gravy for supper. Our wood is almost out and I know not where the rest will come from; there is plenty in the place, but it is claimed by others. There were six hundred more prisoners put in to-day from Grant's army.

[Pg 31]

2d day, 7th mo. 11th. Hot, with a little shower in the afternoon. Drew meal, salt and bacon. I had a hard time cooking cakes for breakfast and mush for supper; the wood and roots were too wet. Six of the "raiders" were hung, inside the stockade, by our own men, at five o'clock this evening. The rope of Moseby broke when the drop fell, and let him to the ground; they made him mount the scaffold and try it the second time. One broke loose before he mounted the scaffold and ran through the crowd, but was arrested. I was down helping to draw rations and saw the execution. A large number of prisoners put in to-day.

3d day, 7th mo. 12th. Was busy most of the day getting wood out of the run, but could not get much. We are out of wood. I made a small furnace to put my plate on. Was running about a good deal—am as well as I could wish to be. There were two hundred more men put in to-day. I was determined to get an axe to cut some wood, but did not quite get it. I got on the right side of a rebel sergeant, who is a mason, but he could do no more than ask for me of the one who had charge of the shovels and axes.

4th day, 7th mo. 13th. Very warm. Could get no axe to-day, but got the promise of one in the morning. Our furnace works first rate. We gathered some roots out of the run, and both of us went down to-night and worked and fished for roots until after ten o'clock. Have got the floor of our tent raised so that the water will not flood us.

5th day, 7th mo. 14th. Very hot day. I was up early this morning and down at the run and spring. Got a pot of mush made before roll-call. Got the axe for an hour; we cut enough good pitch pine off a large stump to last us nearly three weeks. Could do little else but lay in the tent after cutting the wood, I was so tired. The diarrhœa shows signs of coming on me again. General Winder had the three sergeants of each detachment taken out, and he told them that he[Pg 32] knew of an organized gang of six thousand who were going to get out, &c., and that the men must not get in crowds within one hundred yards of the gate, or he would fire on them with shot and shell; that they had tried to get us exchanged, but could not, and were compelled to keep us; and that they had plenty to keep us with. I noticed plenty of good-looking pies in market for one dollar and fifty cents, watermelons for two and three dollars, and apples for twenty-five and thirty-five cents each.

6th day, 7th mo. 15th. Suffered very much with the diarrhœa, which has come back on me as bad as ever.

7th day, 7th mo. 16th. The weather continues to grow hotter. I am some better to-day; made gruel by soaking corn meal and boiling the water of it. Yesterday drew a ration of wood which was only half enough to cook a meal.

1st day, 7th mo. 17th. The hottest day we have had. I lay in the tent, very weak from the diarrhœa, which is getting better. Made some corn meal gruel for my breakfast. Drew meat, salt and molasses, six spoonsful of the latter as a ration. Had flapjacks for supper.

2d day, 7th mo. 18th. Cloudy and cool all day, with rain in the afternoon. The diarrhœa has left me, but I am very weak yet. Had a pot of mush for breakfast. Drew nothing but corn meal to-day; they issued bacon to some of the detachments, but it did not get to us. Some of the men are trying to get up a petition to be sent to the United States, asking its influence towards getting us released.

3d day, 7th mo. 19th. Cloudy and pleasant; last night was very cold. Am getting over the diarrhœa again. Drew yesterday's pork at nine this forenoon; then got a breakfast of flapjacks, fried pork and gravy. There was a meeting held to-day in reference to the petition to our Government for our release. The committee appointed at yesterday's meeting reported. General Winder gives his hearty co-operation to the[Pg 33] movement, and suggests that six instead of three be sent to our Government with these petitions, which the meeting took steps to appoint. Last evening I got a pint of beans for five postage stamps, and this morning got a dagger for five more.

4th day, 7th mo. 20th. Was up soon after four this morning. Cooked G. Hatfield a pot of gruel before roll-call; got our own breakfast after roll-call. Washed a pair of drawers and stockings this morning. The rebels threw up some earthworks as if they expected to be attacked. They appear to be getting reinforcements here. The rumor is that the railroad between here and Macon is cut, and that they are expecting a raid by our cavalry, and that Atlanta is ours.

5th day, 7th mo. 21st. Got breakfast after roll-call—had "corn dodgers" and gravy. Drew meal and molasses; got wood for three days. Traded a ration of pork for twenty-five cents worth of wood, and traded a ration of pork for tobacco for Griffith. The rebels seem to be busy fortifying outside. They put a few prisoners in every day.

6th day, 7th mo. 22d. Very cloudy and hot. Lay in the house most all the time. Have contracted a cold. More prisoners put in to-day. The rebels are still busy at their earthworks. They find out a tunnel every day and fill it up. Drew meat, salt and meal.

7th day, 7th mo. 23d. I caught a bad cold last night, and suffered considerably all day from it. To-day the weather was rather cold.

1st day, 7th mo. 24th. Last night was the coldest we have had for some time. My attack of bronchitis has extended far into the chest, and is going to bring on that terrible "army scourge" again. The day was very warm with a good breeze. Drew fresh beef and rice only.

2d day, 7th mo. 25th. Suffered last night very much with the cold. This night was the coldest yet. The diarrhœa has returned and is very bad. The day was warm with a good[Pg 34] breeze. Drew rice, raw bacon and no salt. I sold a ration of pork and bought two spoonsful of salt.

3d day, 7th mo. 26th. Was a pleasant day. Made corn meal gruel for breakfast and supper. Borrowed Clark's infantry tactics and read and slept all day. Drew meal, salt and bacon.

4th day, 7th mo. 27th. Was rather pleasant all day. Spent the day as yesterday and drew the same kind of rations. There are a great many rumors about our going to be paroled about the fifth or sixth of next month. There were over two hundred prisoners, mostly one hundred days' men, from the Shenandoah valley, put in to-day.

5th day, 7th mo. 28th. To-day is pretty warm. Eat nothing but gruel and boiled rice. About two hundred prisoners put in to-day from Sherman's army. Just as they were ready to enter, the rebels fired a shot across the camp.

6th day, 7th mo. 29th. To-day some of the detachments drew molasses; I traded a ration of pork for molasses for supper. Had gruel for breakfast, and boiled rice with the molasses for supper. To-day was warm, with a heavy shower in the evening.

7th day, 7th mo. 30th. Was warm. I sold two rations of my meat for twenty-five cents worth of soap, and after roll-call, washed my red shirt. Sold a piece of meat, which Griffith and I had a dispute about, for five cents, and got him a chunk of tobacco.

1st day, 7th mo. 31st. Eat my breakfast and lay in the tent most all day. Am very weak from the diarrhœa which I cannot get rid of. J. Matthews is a prisoner here and has come to see me.

2d day, 8th mo. 1st. Lay in the tent most of the time. Took a pill which "Gad" got for me to-night; he got one opium and two other pills.

3d day, 8th mo. 2d. Took the rest of my medicine to-day,[Pg 35] and think I am better. They commenced taking the sick out and away this morning—suppose they have gone to Macon. During fifteen minutes this evening, we had the heaviest shower I ever saw; Griffith was at the spring and got caught in it. Have been drawing rice, salt and bacon this week.

4th day, 8th mo. 3d. They have been busy taking the sick away. Drew meal instead of rice to-day. Borrowed Roberts' Bible and read some. Took an opium pill last night which made me sleep until roll-call this morning.

5th day, 8th mo. 4th. Was in the shade under the tent most of the day reading the Bible and getting to sleep. Helped to wash Dr. Buckley this evening; he has been very sick all day. Drew pork and rice. Had no roll-call for the first time since we have been in the new stockade. Some sick were sent out to-day—rumor says they are being sent into our lines. To-day was a warm one.

6th day, 8th mo. 5th. Spent most of the time in the house. Dr. Buckley is some better; we were going to carry him out. The sick of the first eleven detachments were taken out this afternoon. Drew fresh beef, salt and rice. The diarrhœa has left me again; am pretty stout. Ate only rice soup. Occupied in reading the Bible to-day.

7th day, 8th mo. 6th. Was very hot; lay in the house, slept and read. Drew fresh beef, salt and a pint of meal.

1st day, 8th mo. 7th. Lay in the tent most of the day, slept and read. Dr. Buckley still keeps poorly.

2d day, 8th mo. 8th. Had a heavy shower this afternoon. Spent the day as I do most of them. Read almost through Deuteronomy to-day. Dr. Buckley is no better, but gets worse. Have been drawing fresh beef, meal and salt. We make soup. Reports are favorable to our being paroled, but as yet we know nothing certain about it. The Quartermaster came in yesterday, and told it around among us, that a parole[Pg 36] or exchange was to take place soon, and they were going to commence in a few days.

3d day, 8th mo. 9th. Was cloudy until about four o'clock this afternoon, when there came up one of the heaviest showers of rain we have had since we came here; it flooded the run and washed some of the stockade above and below, and moved it in several places. They fired off two guns as a signal and out came a large guard. Drew no rations to-day for our detachment; they ceased to issue after getting up to the twentieth. Tried to sell my red shirt, but could not get more than half I asked for it, so I kept it. They have got the frame of a large barracks, large enough for a detachment, at the upper end of the stockade.

4th day, 8th mo. 10th. Rather warm. From 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. had a very hard rain, which did not stop until midnight. We got wet, the tent leaking very badly. Did not draw rations until this morning, when we got beans and half a ration of bread. This evening drew half a ration of bread, salt, and a very small ration of beef. Had beef and bean soup for supper; nothing to eat before of any account. I was detailed to draw rations. I carried up a hind quarter of beef. Went and gave Dr. Buckley a sponge bath and washed his shirt in the run.

5th day, 8th mo. 11th. George Hatfield died last night or early this morning. Dr. Buckley is getting better. The "Rebs" have got the stockade almost repaired; they are busy putting up a stockade outside of ours. They have some of our boys putting up barracks near our detachment. Had a heavy rain this afternoon. Did not get our rations until very late; got fresh beef and half a ration of bread, but no salt.

6th day, 8th mo. 12th. Spent the day reading the Bible and sleeping; it was warm and pleasant. Gave Buckley a sponge bath this afternoon; he is improving rapidly. Have had roll-call the last two mornings. Drew a little meal, a ration of[Pg 37] beans, a small ration of beef and a half ration of salt. They are cutting down the rations. The committee of six which were to go into our lines with the petition, went last First day.

7th day, 8th mo. 13th. Was cloudy most of the time and pleasant. After roll-call, got five others to help to carry Dr. Buckley to the gate to sick call. The person that Gad sent to attend to his man, ran off, and we did not get him out. Dr. Buckley fainted twice in our hands; carried him part of the way, and helped him the rest. I washed him this evening—he is better. I am busy reading the Bible. There are many rumors about the parole commencing on the 15th. Drew a ration of beans and half a ration of bread and fresh beef. We ate only two pots of bean soup. Sold a ration of beef for ten cents and bought two spoonsful of salt.

1st day, 8th mo. 14th. Was a very hot day. Buckley was much worse during the day, but seemed to get better in the evening. I wrote a note to Dr. White, on the outside, asking relief for Buckley, and took it to the Doctor outside, at Doctor's call. Some one told me to put it in the letter box, which I did, after consulting two Masons I had found; one belongs to Ohio and the other is a sergeant in the ninety-eighth detachment. I washed Buckley this evening. Drew beans, half a ration of beef and bread, with a little salt. Ate bean soup for breakfast and rice soup for supper. Have the diarrhœa.

2d day, 8th mo. 15th. Spent the day as we did yesterday.

3d day, 8th mo. 16th. Was very warm, like yesterday. No signs of a parole yet—rumors are all false about it. Have given Buckley a washing every day; he seems to grow better.

4th day, 8th mo. 17th. The weather has been extremely warm. Have been drawing half a ration of bread, fresh beef, salt and beans. I have quit eating beans.

5th day, 8th mo. 18th. Was out and got prescribed for. After roll-call got six pills; am very weak; am busy reading[Pg 38] the Bible. Still give the Doctor a washing every day; he continues to improve.

6th day, 8th mo. 19th. Suffered very much with the diarrhœa. Am getting weaker. Went to the Doctor's and got my medicine continued. Did not get any medicine to-day. Sold my ration of bread and Griffith's for twenty cents, and two and a half rations and one of my own for twenty-five cents, which made me twenty cents in cash. Had a heavy rain this evening.

7th day, 8th mo. 20th. Was very warm, with a heavy rain in the evening. Was so weak that I only got out of the tent four times. Buckley was worse. I was not able to bathe him to-day.

1st day, 8th mo. 21st. Was in the tent most of the day. Went to the run in the evening and took a bath; gave Dr. Buckley a washing. Had some rain. The Doctor gave me his photograph.

2d day, 5th mo. 22d. Very warm. Diarrhœa no better—am very weak—lay in the tent most of the day. Buckley is worse, and has a prospect of getting out to the hospital, through the influence of his friend Rickers.

3d day, 8th mo. 23d. Drew rice, molasses and a little pork yesterday, and an old ration of beef, beans and bread, with a little salt to-day. Carried Buckley out of the gate at seven o'clock this morning; got him out among the first, but could not get him in the hospital on account of too many being admitted yesterday.

4th day, 8th mo. 24th. About as hot as ever. Went to the Doctor's call and saw Rickers, but there was no chance for Buckley, except by his own surgeon. Have got no medicine for three days. Drew fresh beef, a mouthful of bacon, corn meal, beans and salt. Ate two rations of beans to-day, which is going to make me worse. Some of the commissioned officers, who have been passing off for privates, were taken out[Pg 39] to-day, it is said, to be exchanged. Rumors are favorable to a speedy parole.

5th day, 8th mo. 25th. Did not go to the Doctor's to-day. Diarrhœa something better. Lay in the house most of the day. Bathed Buckley, who is still very low. Drew one-half ration of bread, salt pork, boiled beef and rice; they are going to give us cooked rations now, and some other detachments raw ones.

6th day, 8th mo. 26th. Very warm. Changed our sergeant of mess by putting out Warner and electing George Suson. Went out to the Doctor's and got prescriptions for Buckley, who has the scurvy. My complaint is almost well. The cooked rations agree with me very well. Drew one-half ration of bread and salt, about a pint of boiled beans, and a ration of molasses. Took a walk over to see Mathews this evening.

7th day, 8th mo. 27th. Was out to the Doctor's call for Buckley. Spent the day in the old way. Drew some extra molasses this forenoon, and boiled rice, beef, pork and salt for our rations this evening. There was only a mouthful of bacon and the rice only half cooked.

1st day, 8th mo. 28th. Was extremely warm. Spent the day as usual.

2d day, 8th mo. 29th. Was not well the fore-part of the day and did not get out to the Doctor's. Repeated the vote again for Suson, which elected him, as before. Put Warner in for sergeant of detachment, in place of the sergeant-major, who went out on parole to take charge of ration wagons.

3d day, 8th mo. 30th. No Doctor's call. Buckley was worse; I bathed him and washed a shirt for him.

4th day, 8th mo. 31st. Washed my drawers this forenoon, and lay about most of the day afterwards. Drew bread, boiled beans, beef, salt and a bit of bacon. Traded my beef for a ration of beans; ate my beans and pork for supper; traded Griffith's bread for tobacco. Was a warm day.

[Pg 40]

5th day, 9th mo. 1st. Was out to the Doctor's call—no medicine—no prescription. Lay in the house most of the day reading the Bible—have got through Jeremiah. The news in the Macon papers is favorable to a speedy exchange. Buckley gets no better. Traded half my bread and beef for beans; ate nothing but a ration and a half of beans for breakfast. Drew the same kind of rations except beans—rice only partly cooked. Last night was so cold that I could not sleep.

6th day, 9th mo. 2d. Lay in the house—slept and read most all day. Drew the same rations as yesterday—got a piece of pork as large as my fist for a mess of thirty.

7th day, 9th mo. 3d. Was cloudy and pleasant to-day. I am rather bad yet. No news about the exchange to be relied on. Griffith has a lame back; complains of the rheumatism.

1st day, 9th mo. 4th. I am very ill indeed; lay quiet all day.

2d day, 9th mo. 5th. Seemed to be the warmest day; suffered terribly from the heat; lay in the tent most all day; am very weak. Drew bread, pork, a large ration of molasses, and boiled rice.

3d day, 9th mo. 6th. My disease is better. Lay in the tent most all day. Eighteen detachments were ordered to be ready to leave at any moment—commencing at the first, going up to the eighteenth.

4th day, 9th mo. 7th. Lay in the tent most of the day and am better. They commenced at the first detachment at seven o'clock this morning and by night got as many as six, and gave orders up as high as eighteen to be ready to leave at a short notice. They ordered at first eighteen detachments to be ready, but could not find transportation for all to-day. They say they are ordered to Charleston to be exchanged.

5th day, 9th mo. 8th. Lay in the house most of the day. Helped Dr. Buckley all I could. Drew beans, boiled beef, salt and corn meal. They send off prisoners as fast as they[Pg 41] can get transportation; have not got more than twenty detachments away yet; they took some of the higher detachments after getting up to the eighteenth—seventy-six to eighty. Mathews got off.

6th day, 9th mo. 9th. Was extremely warm to-day. Helped to carry Buckley up to the barracks; was busy waiting on him until near noon; he is very ill; at noon he was admitted to the hospital; I went outside the gate with him; the rebel sergeant would not allow me to stay out with him. The barracks were vacated and filled up with the sick of the detachments which have left. The Drs. commenced and admitted large numbers into the hospital. I have the diarrhœa very bad. About two thousand more were taken away; they ship them off as fast as they can.

7th day, 9th mo. 10th. Had a severe spell of chills and fever last night; being so bad the day before, was the cause of it; drank plenty of water, which soon stopped the chills, and threw me into a fever. Was so weak to-day, could hardly go about. About the same number as yesterday were sent off; they mostly started in the night. Drew bread, boiled rice, molasses and salt.

1st day, 9th mo. 11th. This was a very warm day. There was not so many got away except this morning. About all the old prisoners are gone. Yesterday evening, all from 19 to 23 were ordered to be ready. About three, o'clock this afternoon, all from 23 to 33 were ordered to be ready. No sooner was the order given than the "boys" packed up and moved off to the gate. Each detachment took up its position, ready to go. Here we lay, anxiously waiting for the cars to come, which were expected at five o'clock, but they did not come. We lay down on the ground. Drew boiled rice this forenoon. After getting to the gate, got boiled beef. I am some better, but so weak and thin, I can just get along. Griffith has such a lame back, he cannot get along much better than I.

[Pg 42]

2d day, 9th mo. 12th. We lay ready to go until almost five o'clock. Drew rice, molasses, and bread, for two days rations. I am very weak, hardly able to walk. At five the trains began to come in; we moved out and got in the cars; sixty to a car. About six o'clock they gave us two days rations of corn bread and pork; started about dusk and arrived at Macon about the middle of the night.

3d day, 9th mo. 13th. Lay in the cars until daylight; then started and got to Augusta by evening; stopped there about two hours, then changed cars and started again about dusk.

4th day, 9th mo. 14th. Kept on all night, going on the Columbia road, and came to a junction which went to Charleston; and, at noon, came to another junction, one leading towards Wilmington, which we took, after changing cars, and started about five o'clock, and continued going on pretty steady all night.

5th day, 9th mo. 15th. Arrived at a village called Florence, South Carolina, and encamped here. Arrived here about two o'clock last night; lay in the cars until eleven o'clock to-day, then were moved out about a mile from the place. Clark, Joice, Griffith, and I, put up a snug tent of two blankets. The day, and, in fact, the weather, has been very warm since we started; we are almost worn out.

6th day, 9th mo. 16th. Slept very cold last night; have the diarrhœa very bad, and am so weak that I can hardly go about; did not get any rations until twelve o'clock at night, and then only a pint of meal and a little piece of pork. The rebel Captain called the roll this evening. The camp is divided into messes of one hundred, and detachments of three thousands. I am in mess sixth of our detachment.

7th day, 9th mo. 17th. Was a very warm day; I got no better; am so weak, can hardly help myself. Last night was so cold I could not sleep until we took down the blankets and put them over us. Drew a pint of rice for two days' rations.

[Pg 43]

1st day, 9th mo. 18th. Drew a pint of beans, pork and salt. Had roll call; all that were sick and not able to go, were excused; and, after roll call, were ordered to the hospital. I was put on the sick list. About noon we were taken outside of the camp for the purpose of drawing better rations. In the evening drew a good ration of sweet potatoes, a leaf of cabbage, a little beef and salt. I have Griffith's overcoat, which is the only shelter I have. Close, Roberts, Clark and I are together.

2d day, 9th mo. 19th. Lay under our tree, and sit by the fire all night; it was very cool. Drew same rations as yesterday, excepting the cabbage; got a square inch of pumpkin. About noon got orders to move to the opposite side of the camp, when the most able men, the nurses, and those who wished, were sent back to camp; the rest put in detachments of one hundred. I am in the seventh detachment; are in the woods, with water handy.

3d day, 9th mo. 20th. Had a cool night of it last night; lay in the woods until five o'clock; then were taken up to the shedding, in the field. Clark and I went back to the woods to sleep. It was cloudy all night, and in the evening rained. Drew same rations as yesterday.

4th day, 9th mo. 21st. Lay under our tree all night and were up at daylight; had a cold night of it. The nurses put up some boughs over poles for us, but they made poor shelter, excepting from the sun. We were worse off here excepting the rations. Drew a sweet potato, five spoonfuls of flour, the same of rice, and half a tablespoonful of salt. My diarrhœa is almost checked, but my strength is poor yet.

5th day, 9th mo. 22d. It rained last night, but I lay in my overcoat and kept dry. Drew the same rations of flour as yesterday, two spoonsful of corn meal, rice, salt and a mouthful of bacon. Make gruel and rice soup mostly for Close and I. Am decidedly better to-day. Had a good deal of rain this evening.

[Pg 44]

6th day, 9th mo. 23d. Was cloudy all day; rained in the fore-part of the night; made out to sleep a little. Got some dead pine leaves and spread on the ground for my bed. My overcoat kept me from getting "wringing wet." Got everything dry to day, and went to the creek and took a bath. All who were able were sent to the creek to bathe, and before they got back the doctor sent three hundred and fifty of them back to camp. I cannot gain strength. Drew hominy, rice, flour and a pinch of salt.

7th day, 9th mo. 24th. Lay about all day and cooked. Had a heavy rain in the evening. Drew corn meal, rice, fresh beef, and a pinch of salt. My old complaint is back on me as bad as ever.

1st day, 9th mo. 25th. Was a clear, warm and windy day. My diarrhœa gets no better. Drew fresh beef, a good ration, and salt only. Made soup of rice. I cook for Close. All who could walk were sent back to camp; I was left out, being able to walk only a little. Clark was sent in. Had a cool night.

2d day, 9th mo. 26th. Last night was very cold—cold enough for frost. To-day was fine and clear, but rather cool. Am very weak and prostrated. There are some rumors of an exchange going on.

3d day, 9th mo. 21th. Was warm; last night was cold. All excepting the worst cases were sent to camp. I got some medicine this evening—a pill of camphor and opium; some with dysentery got oleum ricini and spirits of turpentine. The scurvy cases, a decoction of Sumac berries, which was pleasant to drink. Some kind citizens sent some boiled sweet potatoes, ham, cabbage and bread for the worst cases. The steward, who seems to notice me considerably, gave Close and I some of all the above named articles, so we wanted no supper. Drew corn meal, fresh beef and salt. I cooked beans until eleven o'clock at night for our breakfast. Am no better, but have a good appetite.

[Pg 45]

4th day, 9th mo. 28th. Was very warm all day; spent the day as yesterday. Drew meal, beans and salt.

5th day, 9th mo. 29th. Was a warm night; I slept well. My complaint is no better; am very weak. Drew meal, rice, salt, molasses, and some sweet potatoes; the molasses is of the worst sorghum. They give us medicine once per day.

6th day, 9th mo. 30th. Spent the day laying in my shed. My disease is on the mend. Got to the creek and took a bath this forenoon. Drew fresh beef, rice, meal and salt. Got medicine to-day. The men die pretty fast.

7th day, 10th mo. 1st. Lay quiet as possible. Drew one-half of a large hard tack, eight spoonsful of molasses, and salt.

1st day, 10th mo. 2d. Was busy pottering around all day. Drew one half of hard tack, eight spoonsful of molasses, salt, corn meal and flour. The men are dying off very fast all around me. Griffith was put in the third Ward. Got my cap and gum blanket.

2d day, 10th mo. 3d. Spent the day as yesterday. Had some rain in the evening. Drew fresh beef, beans, flour and salt. My health is better.

3d day, 10th mo. 4th. Lay quiet; my complaint is some better. Drew molasses, rice, flour and salt—a good ration.

4th day, 10th mo. 5th. Lay quiet. Took a dose of olium vicini last night. Did not eat much to-day; am getting stouter. Drew meal, beans and salt. Was a warm and pleasant day. Edward Roberts died in the afternoon. I went down to see how he was, and found him only breathing.

5th day, 10th mo. 6th. Am getting better; walked around a good deal to-day. Sold my knife for six dollars in Confederate money; also, five pearl buttons for fifty cents. Partly cooked some beans after ten o'clock this evening. Had a heavy rain.

6th day, 10th mo. 7th. Am better to-day than I have been for some time. Bought seven sweet potatoes for fifty cents[Pg 46] and ate the half of them. Drew fifteen small crackers, sent to us by the Sanitary Commission, and some flour and salt. Wrote a letter for Close to his father; he has given up all hopes of recovery.

7th day, 10th mo. 8th. Was clear and cold all day. Drew fifteen small crackers, a small spoonful of beef tea, some condensed milk and coffee. Two rations made only a pint of coffee; I gave all to Close—he seemed to relish them. Shirts and drawers were issued to those who needed them; they were sent by the Sanitary Commission. I feel better and stouter to-day, and made out to draw three buckets of water and carry it. Sold a knife for Close for one dollar, and bought one dollar's worth of sweet potatoes.

1st day, 10th mo. 9th. Was very cool all day. Drew the usual rations. The men are dying off very fast.

2d day, 10th mo. 10th. Last night it was so cold that it was as much as I could do to keep from freezing. It was clear and cool all day. Drew thin half-blankets for those who had none, also socks, hats and drawers, from the Sanitary Commission.

3d day, 10th mo. 11th. Spent the day, which was very cool, as yesterday. Drew same kind of rations.

4th day, 10th mo. 12th. Was warm to-day. Have been troubled with a sore mouth, arising from a bad cold. Medicine does no good. Drew medicine, got drowsy and went to bed.

5th day, 10th mo. 13th. Have had a worse attack of that "terrible scourge" to-day than I have had for a long time. Took medicine to no purpose.

6th day, 10th mo. 14th. I am no better; worse if anything. Drew "Sanitary stuff" for the worst cases, and fresh beef, flour and corn meal.

7th day, 10th mo. 15th. Was a fine day; lay quiet most of the time. Sanitary stuff for Close, and the worst cases, were[Pg 47] issued. Drew some crackers with a ration. Put Close's and mine in soup. My complaint seems to be better.

1st day, 10th mo. 16th. A pleasant day. Close about the same. Drank concentrated coffee and sconce. I feel better, but cannot get my disease checked. Took three cathartic pills this evening. Drew no rations.

2d day, 10th mo. 17th. Was the same kind of day to me as others. Close was worse all day; the ward-master got him an egg, some beef tea and coffee, which he ate and yet seemed hungry. We think he cannot live over night.

3d day, 10th mo. 18th. Covered Close up with all the blankets, and got permission to sleep by the nurse's fire. The night was cool. Close kept sinking until four o'clock this morning, when he died. It looks like rain again this morning. Burns, one of the nurses, and I, put up a tent of my gum blanket and one of the new blankets. I am not much better.

4th day, 10th mo. 19th. Warm and pleasant; was busy most of the time, but did not do much. The Sanitary Commission has been sending clothing here, but it is rather light stuff, such as red pants, gray drawers, and red and gray shirts.

5th day, 10th mo. 20th. Lay as quiet as possible all day. Am better.

6th day, 10th mo. 21st. Lay as quiet as possible all day. The nights are very cool.

7th day, 10th mo. 22d. Last night was very cool, but I got a good night's rest. To-day was blustery and cold, but clear. At ten o'clock the hospital was moved inside of the stockade, and to the northwest corner of it. All who were able to walk were sent ahead, and after getting in were taken across the creek and put in charge of a corporal. I took a walk around and bought two Confederate dollars worth of sweet potatoes for my dinner; traded all my beans for salt; then took a walk to the hospital grounds, and found our steward and nurses, who told me to bring my things. Burns and[Pg 48] I put up a tent as before and prepared for a cold night; ate a little boiled rice. The steward gave me four spoonsful of canned tomatoes and a biscuit for my supper.

1st day, 10th mo. 23d. Was cool; lay about, and kept warm in the sun and tent.

2d day, 10th mo. 24th. Lay in the tent most of the time. A Mason, ward-master, came to see me. A rebel Lieutenant was looking around for us. The backs of my hands are so badly chapped I can hardly do any thing.

It appears that from inability or some other cause, Charles Smedley was unable to give us any further account of his trials and sufferings; and that the 24th of the 10th month, 1864, was the last day he was able to write. I have deemed it appropriate to add the following account of his last days, (obtained from Richard Dobbins, who was the steward or ward-master, referred to by Charles, and who attended him until near his last moments,) as a finale to his own history, as given in his diary.

Joel Smedley.

Having had some acquaintance with Charles Smedley—the writer of the foregoing diary—for some time previous to his decease, at the request of his father, I shall endeavor to give some account, from memory, of the last days of his existence; also, a brief account of my own experience while in the hands of the rebels, as their prisoner.

My name is Richard Dobbins, a native of western Missouri. I belonged to Company H, 18th Regiment Iowa Volunteers—was taken prisoner at the battle of Missionary Ridge, Nov. 25th, 1863—was sent to the Libby prison, in Richmond, Va., where I remained a short time—Then I was sent to Belle Island, where I suffered very much from cold and starvation. I often thought of death, which stared me in the face daily; though I was not worse off than the majority of the other[Pg 49] prisoners. I remained there until the 16th of March, 1864, when I was sent with others to Andersonville, in Georgia, where I suffered very much; not so much from starvation as on the island, but from the rain and cold; also from smoke, from the burning of pine wood. We were of course thinly clad, some destitute of blankets, some of shoes, some of pants, while others had scarcely any clothes on them. The majority of us had been searched and robbed of all our good clothing, money, watches, boots, &c. It seemed as though we could expect nothing but death to relieve us from our sufferings. Over twelve thousand of the prisoners died at Andersonville.

On the 8th of September, I, with others, was sent from there, and in due time arrived at Savannah. From thence we were moved to Charleston, South Carolina, where the rebels made a kind of military display of us, by marching us through the city, and putting us in the prison, near the officers who were under the fire of our own guns.

We remained there only one day and night, and then were marched to the rear of the city on the race-course track, where we staid but a short time; then I was sent to Florence, South Carolina. Shortly after I arrived there, I was taken out on "parole of honor," and sent to the Federal hospital by the rebel surgeons, as master of one of the wards there.

It was there I became acquainted with Corporal Charles Smedley, of Company G, Ninetieth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, (although I had frequently seen him at sick call, while at Andersonville, but did not make his acquaintance,) who was a patient in my ward.

A little incident occurred there that manifested his kind and generous disposition, which attracted my attention, and caused me to feel a deep interest in his welfare. I had prepared some food for him, the best I could get, and took it to him. He immediately gave it all to David Close, (who was a fellow prisoner with him, and very sick,) saying, "you need it worse than I."

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When he first came to the hospital, he complained of chronic diarrhœa and dysentery. After a few days the dysentery left him, though he was very weak. He kindly waited on David Close, and seemed willing to do all he could for him, as he considered Close worse than himself. I think he hurt himself by over exertion. He waited on Close all he could, until he died, which appears to have occurred on the morning of the 18th of October.

A few days after the death of David Close, the hospital was moved inside of the stockade, to the North-west corner. Charles, with others, walked in. In the evening Charles came over to the hospital. We told him he had better get his things, and come back to the hospital and stay, which he did. Shortly after he came, his hands became very sore, apparently from a dropsical affection, and were bandaged up.

His walk, from the hospital to the inside of the stockade, appeared to have been too much for his strength. From that day he became worse, though he was able to walk about, almost every day, until the day before he died.

He gave me his watch some time before, saying, "he might drop off any time," and requested me, if it should so happen, to take it home to his father, and tell him all, which I promised him I would do, if it was possible. He seemed cheerful, and manifested no fears of death. In fact, he always appeared cheerful and in good spirits, and seemed confident that he would get home again. He certainly had a very hard and trying time while in prison, but was seldom heard to complain or find fault. He was a good soldier and a true patriot.

He died on the night of the 16th of November, 1864. He was washed, shaved, and clean clothes put on him, but no coffin was provided for him. His body was wrapped in a sheet and buried in the burial ground, a short distance north of north-west of the stockade. The number of his grave was probably recorded at the rebel headquarters, as is their [Pg 51]custom, but I do not know the number. I tried to get the number, but could not, for reasons best known to the rebel officers.

After his death I secured his Bible, diary, a small book in which he kept the photographs of his family, and a few little tools, with which he used to while away the time in making bone rings, &c.; all of which, with the watch, according to my promise, I have succeeded in delivering to his father.

I was paroled on the 29th of November, 1864, and sent from Florence, South Carolina, to Savannah, Georgia, where I was put on shipboard, and brought, with many others, to Annapolis, Maryland, where I arrived on the morning of the 5th of December, and immediately informed Charles Smedley's father of his sad fate.

Richard Dobbins,    
Co. H, 17th Regiment Iowa Volunteers


[4] His little tent as described under date of "3d day, 5th mo. 24th."

[5] The term street must be applied to the road in the centre of the stockade. It cannot possibly be a street in the town.

[6] By the term "raiders," the writer designates a set of thieves and cut-throats among the prisoners, who made a practice of robbing newly arrived Union soldiers.

[Pg 52]


On the march into Maryland, 5th day, 6th mo. 25th, 1863, were called in from picket about nine o'clock; went to the old camp, and joined, or followed the division, which has been on the march for some time. Should have remained on picket, as the column passed the right of the picket line. Followed the road to Edward's Ferry, where we crossed on one of the pontoons; went on, and passed through Poolsville, and then on to Barnesville, where we encamped in a clump of thick, low pines, on the north side of the town; had a difficult time getting into the woods. It had been raining all day, and still continued; Jos. and I put up Clay's tent, and took Chaplin in with us; we were almost "wringing wet" from perspiration and rain. Had a hard march, and were almost worn out.

6th day, 6th mo. 26th. Were called up at daylight by the Adjutant, but did not get out until all the other regiments were off. We got ready, and were off by five o'clock, and went on as fast as possible, but did not catch up to the brigade until we had gone several miles. All of our things were wet, which made our load heavy to carry. We crossed the Monocacy river, went through Adamstown, and came to Jeffersonville, where we took up our camp for the night. I gave out about the middle of the day, and fell down; got a pass from the Captain, signed by the Doctor, as I could not keep up, and took my time; got to within a mile of Jeffersonville by the time the division halted. Made some coffee, and went to[Pg 53] a cherry tree and got some cherries, which was the most I had to eat to-day. We put up our tent, and went to a stack of straw and got an armful for our bed; took the sergeant in with us. It rained some all night; our clothes were very wet—could almost wring them.

7th day, 6th mo. 27th. The bugle sounded about four o'clock, we got up about five, and were packed up by eight. Went to a house near by to get water and wash; then went to a cherry tree and got some cherries. Made some tea for breakfast. By half past eight were in line, and started. Went through the town, and followed the road leading towards Middletown. We made an easy march of it, a distance of eight miles. The roads were hard, which made the marching good. We got to Middletown by one o'clock, passed on through towards the mountains, and encamped. We appear to be in a valley. All of the First and Twelfth Corps are encamped around here. The country we have passed through the last two days is of the best farming land.

1st day, 6th mo. 28th. Last night we got one day's rations of sugar, coffee, crackers, beef and pork. The Adjutant said we would be likely to move at three o'clock this morning. Had inspection of arms and accoutrements about twelve; at one I was out on guard; about two the bugle sounded to pack up, and at three the Corps was off. The guards acted as rear guards. Took the Frederick City pike, and got within a mile of the city by night, when the Corps encamped. The rear guard had to go on guard on arriving.

2d day, 6th mo. 29th. The bugles began to sound the reveille about three o'clock. The third relief went oh at four, when the bugle sounded "pack up;" by five the Corps was off. The sergeant of the third relief took charge of us, and we staid behind to get breakfast. I took three hard-tacks and a piece of pork and ate them on post for my breakfast. Our camp is in a meadow, with a fine run of water in it. We[Pg 54] passed over a very mountainous country yesterday, but very beautiful. The marching was easy, on good pike; weather cloudy and misty. We soon started, in charge of the sergeant, who had a few lines from the officer of the day. When we came to the pike, we joined the middle of the First Division, which was in the rear. After going one-fourth of a mile, the road branched off, one leading towards Frederick City and the other to Pennsylvania. We followed on, and caught up to the Second Brigade by noon. Passed the Second and Fifth Maryland Battalions. Had very muddy roads, the mist turning into rain at times. Followed a pike leading towards Hagerstown; passed through as far as Cotocton Furnace, halted half an hour, after going three or four miles past the furnace, and ate our little dinner. After the half-hour was up the column started. I joined the regiment, and kept with it past Mechanicstown, when the roads were so muddy and wet I could no more than keep up. We followed the pike, passing through Emmettsburg, amid the waving of flags and handkerchiefs by the ladies. After going one-half a mile past the town, we encamped in a field.

3d day, 6th mo. 30th. Slept pretty well—it rained some in the night. Got up at five o'clock, and started at eight; went back through the town, then across the Pennsylvania line, and halted and encamped. We met the Eleventh Corps coming through Emmettsburg, going the road we came. Just before we started, an old gentleman and lady came into camp, bringing bread, butter, biscuits and doughnuts, and gave them to us, saying, "poor fellows, we'll give you all we have, if you will drive the rebels off, and hope you'll not get killed." As soon as we crossed the line, we gave nine cheers. After stopping, we were told to put up our tents. My feet are very sore and blistered.

4th day, 7th mo. 1st. Sergeant and I slept together, the other mate was on guard. Got up at five. Had fresh beef[Pg 55] for breakfast. The bugle sounded "pack up," and about seven o'clock we started on the road towards Gettysburg; at nine were within three miles of Gettysburg; halted to rest; heard something like cannonading ahead. About the middle of the day got to Gettysburg, and halted. There was pretty sharp fighting to the left and ahead of us. We have halted in a piece of woods; can see the firing plainly, and may soon be in it. After stopping for half an hour, we advanced by the left of the town, and halted a few minutes, then went on and formed in line of battle. I threw away everything but a few envelopes and paper, which I put in my note book. We first threw out skirmishers, and after manœuvering around for some time, got into the thickest of the fight. I could not get my musket to work right, but fired something like twenty rounds. After near an hour's hard fighting, we were compelled to fall back; and, after manœuvering, our brigade went up to the top of a hill and supported a battery, which did good service. After near an hour, were compelled to fall back to the town. The rebels had flanked us. We lost a great many, the most when we fell back the first time. A bullet grazed the right side of my neck, and another my right hip. We retreated through the town in great confusion, and all the time the rebels were shelling it, and some shooting from the houses. We got into some kind of order after getting out of the town, and by sundown, what was left of us, are in line of battle. Sent out skirmishers. When we were first under fire, a piece of shell struck the ground between Captain and I, throwing the sand in our faces. The whole number of killed and wounded of the Ninetieth Regiment is near fifty—of our company four or five wounded.

5th day, 7th mo. 2d. Slept last night behind the stacks, on two rails, under my gum blanket. All was quiet. Captain gave me five crackers and some coffee for my breakfast. There is some firing out among the pickets, and skirmishing going[Pg 56] on all the time. Several other Corps came up yesterday and last night; we are stronger now. The Eleventh, Twelfth and Third Corps are here, that I know of, besides our own. Ours and the Eleventh appear to be the only forces engaged. At twelve o'clock all was quiet. All the forenoon there was firing among the skirmishers, and some artillery firing, and a great deal of manœuvering in the different parts of the army. Large numbers of the enemy came over and gave themselves up, and we took some prisoners. The great mistake yesterday was in not having reinforcements near at hand. To-day we are very strong, but as yet nothing has been done. General Reynolds was killed yesterday. About three o'clock the cannonading opened on the left, and then all along the line. In less than an hour the musketry opened on the left, and kept up a continued fire until dark. We (the First Corps) were supporting batteries, in the centre, for the first hour or so; then we were taken more to the right, where most of the Corps seemed to be; here we were for more than an hour; we lay close to the ground to get out of the way of shells. About seven o'clock we were taken to near the extreme left, formed in line and advanced some distance, then halted and sent out skirmishers, (twenty from our Regiment.) By this time, except the artillery, all was quiet, but occasional firing among the skirmishers. While laying here, I went back with canteens to get water, and when I returned, found the Brigade moving towards the right. We held our ground all day, and on the left, where the fight was the hottest, we drove the enemy, taking a large number of prisoners. Large numbers of dead and wounded lay all over the field. One of our skirmishers came to a man with both legs shot off, who gave him his watch, and offered him five dollars to shoot him. Our Captain came across the rebel General Barksdale, who was mortally wounded. We were put into different positions during the night, and at last halted along a road running towards the south end of the town, behind a stone fence.

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6th day, 7th mo. 3d. The battle opened with the skirmishers on the left and cannonading all along our lines, at daylight. The batteries behind us shot over our heads. The musketry was sharp on the right. We were first taken from the position we occupied last night to the rear of the battery near the Cemetery, where we remained for half an hour; then were moved to the right a little more, where we lay behind the batteries until near eleven o'clock. The firing was very hot on all sides—sharp musketry on the right. About eleven the rebels concentrated their fire on the centre, when we formed in line, and under a heavy fire of shot and shell, moved to the right, or north of the Cemetery, and lay in front of the battery. Here the fire was very hot, the rebels having batteries playing on us from all sides; many of our men were struck by the shells; we lay flat and escaped many bullets, &c., from the skirmishers and sharpshooters. The sun came out very warm and many of our men were sun-struck. We lay here some three hours. The First Division of the Eleventh Corps was in front, all along the road. About three o'clock we had to get up, under the heaviest fire I ever saw, and form in line of battle behind some batteries in the Cemetery. Just as we started, Colonel Coulter, of the Eleventh Corps, who had command of the First Brigade, was struck in the arm by a sharpshooter; Colonel Lyle took his place, and Major Sellers took command of the Ninetieth Regiment. We were taken towards the left of the centre and put in the front line of battle. Here General Hayes rode along the lines with a rebel battle flag. We advanced to within one hundred yards of the road, and formed in line, and sent out a large force of skirmishers. As we lay here, we had the fire of the rebel sharpshooters and skirmishers in our front, and a large Whitworth gun, which the rebels had planted on our flank, over two miles off, which was constantly letting the missiles fly directly over or near us. Four fell near the right of our line, but did no damage. We put up a few[Pg 58] rails and lay as low as possible. About seven o'clock in the evening, all of the Ninetieth who were not skirmishing, had to support a company of sharpshooters; I was among them; we went to the road and lay behind the bank until dark, and then came in, carrying Miller with us in a blanket to the hospital; then went back to the line, and made a strong barricade of rails and stones, three feet high, where we lay all night. All have run out of rations. This has been a warm day all around. We still hold the field. General Longstreet was wounded and is in our hands. Just as we came here, there had been a charge made in front of us, which drove the rebels. Large numbers came into our lines, holding up their hands, hats, and white rags.

7th day, 7th mo. 4th. Six o'clock A. M. Still hold our position. All is quiet except the skirmishing. Had rations of pork, crackers, sugar and coffee. Night. We lay in the position we took up last. This morning we made a barricade strong enough to turn bullets. This evening some of us were put on detail for burying the dead, but when we got out to where we were ordered, found that we were not wanted. We took a look at the large numbers of wounded prisoners in the barns and the field, southeast of the Cemetery, which was covered with everything almost belonging to a soldier. Most of the dead have been buried. All day there were details sent out to gather up muskets, cartridge boxes, &c. There was no fighting, except amongst the skirmishers and pickets, all day, but we did not know how soon we might be called on. I tried to get liberty to go and look for Wheaton, who was wounded, but could not. The news is this evening that the rebels have left. We had a very heavy rain this afternoon. Got rations of pork, crackers, coffee and sugar, for four days, this evening.

1st day, 7th mo. 5th. Had a hard night last night; made a bed on three rails, with gum blanket for cover; it rained very hard all night. Soon after we got to bed, orders came[Pg 59] for every man to have his accoutrements on, and gun by his side. About three o'clock there was a general alarm along our lines; we were up and in our places in a moment, but after waiting half an hour, when all was quiet, General Baxter said we might go to bed again. The alarm was false. I tried again to get liberty to look for Wheaton, but could not. We were sent out to gather up the dead and wounded rebels who lay in front of us. They could not be got off any earlier on account of the sharpshooters. We went out this morning to look at the field where we had not been before; it was a horrible sight, the ground being literally strewed with dead and a few wounded. The dead were so putrified that it would be difficult for a friend to recognize one. The mail came in this morning; received letters and sent some home. About nine o'clock we were taken out to relieve the Sixth Corps, which had been stationed to the left one-fourth of a mile, behind some rifle-pits. We remained until sundown, when we were moved farther to the front, and encamped for the night. This afternoon I went up to see some who were in Company B, Ninety-ninth Regiment, which was encamped farther up towards the left. Saw a citizen from Lancaster. There are a great many citizens on the field. This has been a cloudy, dull, damp day.

2d day, 7th mo. 6th. Moved from near the left of the battle-field this morning, and encamped within a mile of Emmettsburg; was put on guard. This has been a damp day, and the ground is very muddy.

3d day, 7th mo. 7th. We were called up early this morning, and started on the Frederick City pike; went through Emmettsburg. Instead of going to Frederick City, took a cut across the mountains, and got within six miles of Middletown, and encamped in the mountains near Belmont. This was one of the hardest marches we have had yet; distance, twenty-two miles. The mountains were so steep and the roads so muddy.

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4th day, 7th mo. 8th. Were called up at four o'clock, ordered to pack up, and get in line immediately, which we did, and were on the road. We took the direct road to, and went through Middletown, and encamped half a mile north of the town. We were almost worn out by the time we got to camp. It rains most of the time, making the roads muddy and traveling difficult. At two o'clock we had orders to move, and by half-past two were off. Took the Hagerstown pike and followed it partly over the mountain; then turned to the left, and up a high mountain, and formed in line of battle along the road at sundown. After getting supper we built breastworks until dark. Part of the Eleventh Corps is here with us. Met large numbers of cavalry. Most of the army is here. The rebels are not far off.

5th day, 7th mo. 9th. Were up at daylight and got our breakfast; then all hands went to work and put up our breastworks near three feet high. By six heard something like skirmishing in front of us, and a band playing. By seven o'clock we were under arms. Yesterday afternoon we heard some cannonading, which, we were told, was our cavalry and the rebel cavalry, with some artillery. We have a strong stone wall before us. We lay all day behind our works. All the rest of the army, or nearly so, has gone by; we, the First Corps, are in the rear and will not go until morning.