The most Remarkable Observations of the Greatest Men in Europe concerning it, from the first Knowledge of it, down to this Present Time.
To which is Prefix’d, An Exact Figure of the Tree, Flower, and Fruit, taken from the Life.
By R. Bradley, Fellow of the Royal Society.
Printed by Eman. Matthews, at the Bible in Pater-noster-Row; and W. Mears, at the Lamb without Temple-Bar. M.DCC.XXI.
(Price Six-Pence.)
The Right Honourable
Lords Spiritual and Temporal,
And to the Honourable
The Commons of Great Britain in
Parliament Assembled,
Is most humbly Inscribed,
Your Honours
Most Obedient, and
Most Humble Servant to command,
Richard Bradley.
T this time, when every Nation in Europe is under the melancholy
Apprehension of an approaching Plague or Pestilence, I think it the
Business of every Man to contribute, to the utmost of his Capacity, such
Observations, as may tend to the Service of the Publick. Upon this foot,
I have some Months since published my Thoughts of the Plague in general,
upon an Hypo{6}thesis which many of the Learned concur with, tho’ some few
dissent from it: However, I find, that the Remedies prescribed by the
Physicians of both Opinions, are little different from each other. It is
remark’d by several Learned Men abroad, that Coffee is of excellent Use
in the time of Pestilence, and contributes greatly to prevent the
spreading of Infection: And one of them, in a Letter to me, observes,
that in some Parts of Turkey, where the Plague is almost constant, it
is seldom mortal in those Families, who are rich enough to enjoy the
free Use of Coffee, but that the Poorer Sort, who want that Benefit,
seldom escape. Again, the same Person observes, that Coffee is not
subject to be destroy’d by any Insect, or is subject to rot, as most
other Seeds or{7} Grains will do; and therefore justly concludes, that it
is of great Virtue and Use in all Distempers, which are supposed to be
occasioned by Insects, or unwholesome Air. And it is likely, if the true
Virtue and Use of Coffee had been known in London in the Year 1665,
when the Plague raged there, that Dr. Hodges, and other Learned Men of
that time, would have recommended it. But since it is now become a
Liquor known to most people, I have thought fit to republish its
History, with several Additions and Remarks; especially how far it is
useful in Pestilential Cases, with an Account of the best Method of
roasting the Berries, and preserving them after roasting: And for the
Satisfaction of the Curious, have{8} prefix’d a Figure of the Tree,
Flower, and Fruit, which I delineated from a growing Tree in the
Amsterdam Gardens.
OFFEE, of late Years, is grown so much in request throughout England,
Holland, and other Parts of Europe, that I need say little to
recommend its History to the World: The general Use of it rather seems
to command this Work, that by our having a more familiar Knowledge of
it, we may relish it the better. And again, what yet prompts me further
to this Undertaking, is the{10} Opportunity I have at this time to present
the World with a perfect Figure of the Tree that produces this
celebrated Fruit; which is not done here by any random Guess, or
according to the uncertain Report of others, but drawn by my own Hand
from a growing Tree.
AND that I may observe some sort of Method in the Prosecution of my Discourse, I shall, in the first place, give my Reader the Names and Descriptions of it, from the several Authors who have mentioned it; and then I shall offer a more exact Account, from my own Knowledge, of the Plant, Flower, and Fruit, for the better understanding of the aforesaid Figure: after which, I shall set down the Time and Manner of its first Appearance in England, with its Virtues and Uses. To which I shall add some necessary Observations relating to the Original Place of its Growth, and Manner of Trading for it; and conclude with some Remarks I have made of its Culture in the Amsterdam Garden.
JACOB COTOVICUS, in his Travels to Jerusalem, Anno 1598. mentions the Coffee to have been at that time a{11} Drink much in use amongst the Turks; and tells us, that some of the Arabians called it Cahua, and others Bunnu and Bunchi, but gives us no Description of the Plant. He is the first Author that I find to have mentioned this Liquor.
PROSPER ALPINUS, a Physician of Venice, in his Book of Egyptian Plants, makes mention of the Tree, and gives us an imperfect Cut of it: He tells us, that he first saw it in a Garden belonging to a Captain of the Janizaries at Grand Cairo, brought from Arabia Felix, and planted there as a great Rarity: It is, saith he, like the Euonymus or Prickle-Timber, but with Leaves thicker, harder, and greener. Of the Fruit (called Buna) the Turks and Arabs make a Decoction or Drink, which they use instead of Wine, and is called Coava.
PALUDAMUS, after him, mentions it by the Name of Choava; and Rauwolfius calls it Chaube; but neither of them do make any Remarks upon it, that are worthy to be communicated to my Reader; for these Authors writ near a hundred Years since, when Coffee was little known to the Europeans.{12}
SANDYS, in his Travels through the Turkish Empire, met with this Drink at Constantinople: He says, “It was sold in many publick Places there, which he calls Coffa-Houses, where the Turks sit chatting most of the Day, and sip of a Drink called Coffa, in little China Dishes, as hot as they can suffer it; black as Soot, and tasting not much unlike it.” He believes it to be that black Broth, which was in use amongst the Lacedemonians.
PARKINSON, in his Theatr. Botanic. pag. 1622. gives us a very indifferent Figure of it, calling the Tree, Arbor Bon, and tells us, the Fruit is somewhat larger than a Hazel-Nut, pointed at the Extremities, and of a greyish Ash-Colour; that each Berry contains two white Seeds, which the Turks make Drink of, and is in great Esteem amongst them.
JOHN BAUHINE calls it Bon vel Ban Arbor.
CASPER BAUHINE describes it thus; Euonymo Similis Ægyptica fructu Baccis Lauri simili.{13}
Mr. RAY, in his Histor. Plantar. pag. 1691. calls it Coffee Frutex, ex cujus Fructu fit Potus. He had not seen the Plant, but discourses largely on its Virtues, which I shall give an Account of in the proper Place.
MONSIEUR PONCETT, in his Voyage to Æthiopia, makes it a Native of that Country; it was, as he says, transplanted from thence to Arabia Felix, and at this time the Æthiopians cultivate it only as a Curiosity: he describes it to be like the Myrtle in its Leaves, but larger and tufted; the Fruit like Pistachio Nut, green at first, and of a darker Colour when it is ripe: and this they call Coffee.
MANY others have mentioned the Fruit to be of a Citron Colour, and of a Greyish White: but it appears plain to me, they have never seen it in its Prosperity, as I have done; of which my Reader may be satisfied, when he compares such Accounts with the Description I shall give of it.{14}
Dr. COMELIN, Botanick Professor at Amsterdam, in his Lectures on Plants, places this Tree among the Jessamines, and compares the Leaf to that of our common Chesnut; but as that Gentleman has not yet printed any Account of it, I shall not therefore attempt to publish the Name at large, which he has given it. He is undoubtedly in the right to class it with the Jessamines; but I rather join in Opinion with my learned Friend Mr. Petiver, that the Leaf is more like to that of the Laurus Vulgaris, or common Bay, but larger.
THUS having given a View of what has been mentioned by the several Authors concerning the Name and Description of this Tree, I shall proceed to describe it from the Knowledge I have of it.
IN the Physick-Garden of Amsterdam are two Coffee-Trees above seventeen foot high, which have been for some time in a bearing State, and have, at most Seasons, Fruit upon them; from one of these Trees I design’d the Figure prefix’d to this Treatise, which in every Point re{15}sembles the Branch I took it from, except only the Size, which ought to be one third part bigger to make it equal with the Life.
THE Tree is of very quick Growth, and naturally inclinable to shoot upright; ’tis reported, that in its native Country it generally attains to the height of forty or fifty foot, although the Stem, in the thickest part, does not exceed five Inches in Diameter. The Leaves are Bi-composite (or set in cross Pairs at the Joints) and not unlike those of the common Bay, but curl’d at the Edges, and inclinable to hang down. The Flowers put forth in Clusters at the Joints, towards the Extremities of the Branches; they make their first Appearance in July, and are in Figure, Size, and Colour the same with those of the common Jessamine, with the Addition only of five yellow Apices, which hang loosely on the Top of the Flower, and a Style which projects near half an Inch above it: their Smell is faint, and little worth our Notice.
ABOUT October these Trees have done blowing, and then the Green Fruit{16} appear, which hang on them till the July following before they are ripe; they resemble at that time the Berries of the Lauro-Cerasus, or Bay-Cherry, and are much of the same Shape and Colour (i.e. of a dark Red) but instead of a single Stone, these have two Kernels, which split in the middle like the Bay-berries of the Shops.
THE Fruit being come to its Perfection, is gathered and prepared either for making Drink, or for propagating other Plants. For the first of these Uses they are spread on Mats, in the open Sun, to dry and harden, which requires some time to accomplish; they are afterwards rolled to and fro in rough Baskets to get off the Husks, and then tost in an airy Place to clean them. Being thus ordered, they are ready for the Roaster, who fits them for our Use.
MONSIEUR BERNIER tells us, that in the roasting of the Berries chiefly depends the Goodness of the Liquor; and affirms, that at Grand Cairo, (where there were above a thousand Coffee-Houses) there was but two Persons who rightly understood that Art.{17}
I HAVE taken some pains to experience the best Method of roasting it, and find none so good as by an Iron Vessel made to turn on a Spit, and it may be roasted before a clear Fire, or over a Charcoal Fire: and here every Berry has an equal share of Heat; and I like it roasted in a middle way, not overburnt. I would recommend therefore the roasting of it to every particular Family in England, they being then most secure from having any damaged Berries, or any Art used to increase the Weight, which is very injurious to the Drinkers of Coffee. Most Persons of Distinction in Holland roast their own Berries.
MONSIEUR DU FOUR, a Merchant of Lyons, in his Treatise of this Liquor, recommends to us, that the Decoction be prepared in Earthen or Stone Vessels, as preferable to those of Tin, Copper, or any other Metal; which (says he) take from it much of its Flavour and Goodness. And an ingenious Friend of mine observes, that Boiling of it evaporates too much the fine Spirits; for which reason he advises us to pour boiling Water upon the Powder, and let it{18} stand to infuse four or five Minutes before the Fire: and this Method, in my Judgment, much exceeds the common way of preparing it.
SOME of the most curious Coffee-drinkers have informed me, that as soon as they have reduced the Berries to Powder, ’tis the best way to put the fresh-ground Coffee into the Coffee-Pot, which should be either of Stone or Silver; and let it stand over the Fire a Minute or two, before they pour the Water upon it: Others, who have not the Opportunity of getting their Berries fresh roasted, recommend the drying and warming them before the Fire, immediately before they grind them. And indeed both these ways I find contribute greatly to the good Flavour of the Liquor; but whether we prepare this Liquor by Decoction or Infusion, it commonly remains thick and troubled for some Minutes after it is made, unless we pour into it a Spoonful or two of cold Water, which immediately precipitates the more heavy Parts to the bottom, and renders it clear enough for drinking. In travelling I have often found my Account in packing the Powder of fresh-roasted Coffee in{19} Bottles, which for more than twenty days has preserved its Strength and Goodness; which I mention for the sake of those who have been so much used to drink Coffee in the Morning, that they have not their Health without it, or have been forced to take up with ill-tasted damaged Stuff in some Country Village. I am the more careful to make this Remark, because I have sometimes been a Sufferer on this Account, and I would advance, as much as possible, the Content of Mankind.
THE first Knowledge and Use of Coffee is not certainly known; but, according to Banesius, it was discovered by mere Accident: He tells us, “It is the common Tradition amongst the Eastern People, that a certain Keeper of Camels or Goats in Arabia Felix, complained to the Religious of a Monastery in those Parts, that his Herds, twice or thrice a Week, not only kept awake all Night long, but spent it in frisking and dancing in an unusual manner. The Prior of the Monastery, led by his Curiosity, and weighing the Matter, believed that this must happen from the Food of these{20} Creatures. Marking therefore diligently that very Night, in company with one of his Monks, the very Place where the Goats or Camels pastured, when they danced; found there certain Shrubs or Bushes, on the Fruit of Berries, of which they fed. He resolved to try the Virtues of these Berries himself; thereupon boiling them in Water, and drinking thereof, he found, by Experience, it kept him awake in the Night. Hence it happened that he enjoined those of his Monastery the daily Use of it; for this procuring Watchfulness, made them more readily and surely attend their Devotions, which they were obliged to perform in the Night. When by this frequent use of it, they daily experienced its Wholesomness, and how effectually it conduced to the preserving them in perfect Health, the Drink grew in request throughout the whole Kingdom; and, in progress of time, other Nations and Provinces of the East fell into the use of it.”[A]{21}
THIS Story may very likely have given rise to that Opinion so generally receiv’d amongst the Italians, That the Use of Coffee was first discover’d and brought out of Asia into Europe by some Fryers.
THE same Author mentions, “That some among the Turks, in a sort of Thankfulness to these Monks, have sett and peculiar daily Orisons for Sciadly and Aidrus, which they believe are the Names of the Monks beforemention’d.”
BUT it is a more receiv’d Opinion throughout the Turkish Empire, that an Angel taught the Use of this Coffee-Drink to a Mussel-man, or true Believer: however, of this we are certain, the Use of it was not known in England, till the Year 1657; at which time Mr. Daniel Edwards, a Turkey-Merchant, in his Return from Smyrna to London, brought over with him one Pasqua Rosee, a Ragusean Greek, who was used to prepare this Liquor for him every Morning: The Novelty of it drew so great Resort to his House, that he lost all the Fore-part{22} of the Day by it; insomuch that he thought it expedient to rid himself of this Trouble, by allowing his Greek Servant (in conjunction with his Son-in-law’s Coachman) to make and sell it publickly. They set up their Coffee-House in St. Michael’s Alley in Cornhill, which was the first in London. But some small time after, these Partners fell out and parted; and the Coachman got leave to pitch a Tent in St. Michael’s Church-yard, and there to sell his Coffee in opposition to Pasqua, as appears by a Letter written at that time by a curious Gentleman, who lately communicated it to me.
AND thus was the Use of Coffee first introduced amongst us. The Cheapness of it, with the Conveniencies in this Way of meeting (being preferable to those in Taverns and Ale-Houses) soon increas’d its Drinkers; and other Coffee-Houses were set up in most Parts of the Kingdom: so that, in a few Years, it did not only gain a general Esteem with us, but also became one of the most valuable Commodities imported by the East-India and Turkey Companies.{23}
WE may here observe, That King Charles II. finding the daily Increase of Coffee-Houses, and that at those Places People were apt to talk too freely of the State, endeavour’d the suppressing of them: but the Judges being consulted, they declared it could not be done by Law; and only ended in laying a Tax on them.
OF its Vertues; It is noted, That the Arabs, and others of the Eastern People, in the Summer-Season, use only a Decoction made of the outside Husks of this Fruit; and in the cooler Seasons make use of the Kernels, esteeming the first to be cooling, and the other to be of a hotter Nature. Veslingius seems to be of their opinion, in his Notes on Alpinus, where he tells us, The Husk and Kernel of this Berry have different Qualities; the first he esteems cold and dry, and the latter to be moderately warm: And this Assertion is likewise confirm’d to us, by Peter de la Valle.
Dr. Lemery of Paris, speaking of Coffee, as it is in use amongst the Europeans, tells us, It is of an excellent drying Quality,{24} comforts the Brain, and dries up Crudities in the Stomach. Mr. Ray mentions it to be of singular Use and Efficacy to such as are afflicted with Pains in the Head, Vertigo, Lethargy, and Coughs: it has a good Effect on moist and cold Constitutions; but on the other hand, he disallows the Use of it to such as are Paralytick, and likewise such as are troubled with Melancholy Vapours, or have Hot Brains.
OTHER Authors assert, it cures Consumptions, Swooning Fits, and the Rickets; and that it helps Digestion, rarefies the Blood, suppresses Vapours, gives Life and Gayety to the Spirits, prevents Sleepiness after eating, provokes Urine and the Catamena. The Arabian Women drink this Liquor constantly in their Periodical Visits, and find a good Effect from it. It contracts the Bowels, and confirms the Tone of the Parts, being drank after Victuals, provided it be fresh made; for if it stands but two or three Hours, it loseth much of its Virtue. It is prevalent in such as have Running-Humours, Sores, or King’s-Evil. It is an effectual Remedy against Worms in Children; so that if the Mother drinks fre{25}quently of it when she is With-Child, the Infant will not be troubled with Worms, during its first Years. ’Tis allowed to be a strong Antihypnotick, greatly dissipating sleepy Vapours, and Fumes of Wine. ’Tis likewise useful to such as are afflicted with Rheumatick or Gouty Humours. The Dutch Physicians commend the Use of it in Intermitting Fevers, and hold it to be good against Infection; because of the great Refreshment it gives the nobler Parts of the Body, and its sudden Effect upon the Spirits, which are wonderfully recreated by it. And it is apparently the Opinion of all Physicians who have yet wrote concerning the Plague, That such Bodies whose Spirits are the most overcome by Fear, are the most subject to receive Infections. And again, That the Spirits must be refresh’d only by such Liquors, or Preparations, as will not promote Inflammations. And of this nature, say they, is Coffee, which by a right Use supports the vital Flame, and defends the Body from Pestilential Infection. And as such it is generally recommended, as a necessary Drink, at least twice a day; the first thing in a Morning, and at four in the Afternoon. Now whether the Hypo{26}thesis of venomous Animalcula brought by the Air, or that of Aerial Atoms, poison’d and rendred unwholesom, be the Cause of the Pestilence, will be examin’d in another Work; but at present I shall only say, That most of the Physicians, of both Sects, prescribe the same Methods of Prevention, and of Cure.
IT has been remark’d by several eminent Men, That in the Countries of the East, where this Liquor is drank plentifully, the Inhabitants of those Parts are seldom or never troubled with the Stone, Gout, or Dropsy; which Distempers they imagine to be subdu’d by the powerful Virtue of this Decoction: but whether this Drink be proper for such as are afflicted with the Stone, I shall leave to the Judgment of the Learned, after they have read the following Relation, which I had from a Gentleman of Leyden, and what I believe may be depended upon: A Person of that University prepared two Gallons of Coffee-Drink, after the rate of eight Ounces of Powder to a Gallon of Water, and drew a Spirit from it, and again distilled from{27} that Spirit another, which he set by in his Study, till he could find some Opportunity to try its Effects. About eight Months pass’d before he had any Occasion to make use of it, when, to his great Surprize, he found at the bottom of the Bottle a Crustaceous or Petrified Matter, so very hard, and so strongly cemented together, that, notwithstanding his great Skill in Chymistry, he was not able to dissolve it. And this Case (I think) may well admit of farther Enquiry, and more especially if we consider the Volatile Spirits contain’d in Coffee to be one fourth part of the Weight of it, which appears by so much Loss in the common Way of roasting the Berries.
I SHALL now proceed to give an Account of the Country it comes from, with some Observations relating to the Mercantine Part.
THAT curious Gentleman, Robert Balle Esq; furnish’d me with the following Relation, as he had it from a Person that had been upon the Place, and seen it grow: Coffee, says he, is not known{28} to grow naturally in any Part of the World, but only in Arabia Felix, some few Days Journey Inland from Moco, in the Valleys of the Great Mountains, and near the City Saana, about twenty Degrees North-Latitude: The Prince of which, about eighty Years since, beat the Turks in a Battel near that Place, freed himself from their Yoke under which he was before, and made himself Independent as at this Day, permitting great Freedom of Trade to all Nations.
I SHALL here take occasion to remark, wherein lies the Difference between what we call Turkey and India Coffee, and why the latter has not been esteemed so good as that we receive from Turkey.
THE first of these is bought by the Turks Merchants, who go up into the Country where it grows, and there contract for the Fruit of Gardens, or so many Trees as they have occasion for, (as our Fruit-mongers do for Cherries in Kent.) When it is gathered and prepared, as I have already mentioned, they bring it upon Camels down to Juda, a{29} Port at the bottom of the Red-Sea (which is the Port to Grand Cairo) to be transported to Suez; from thence by Land, about seventy Miles, to Grand Cairo, and so down the Nile to Alexandria, where it is ship’d off for Asia or Europe.
THERE commonly comes thus every Year to Egypt, from sixty to seventy thousand Bales of Coffee; which may contain, one with the other, about three hundred weight each.
THE Bashaw of Cairo sets a Price upon it, according to its Abundance or Scarcity, and the People there make use of it as Money in the Market, counting so many Berries to an [B]Asper, in proportion to the Value or Price settled by the Bashaw.
BUT that Sort, which we have under the Character of India Coffee, is bought at Bettelfukere, where the English, Dutch, and French, of late Years, send up Factors to buy the said Commodity,{30} and bring it on Camels to Moco, from whence it is shipped for Europe. By which means (although it is obliged to pass the Line twice) what we now have that way is little inferiour to Turkey; which was formerly the Refuse, or what the Turks left at Bettlefukere.
THE immense Quantity of this Fruit, which is yearly exported from this one Country to other Parts of the World, is almost incredible; which, as we are informed, is computed to be about a Million of Bushels, one Year with another: and although it may seem unreasonable to believe, that this Country alone should produce it in so great abundance, (considering how small a Quantity can be gathered from each single Tree) yet with as much Surprize we may admire how it is possible, that even the Number of Bushels I have mentioned should be sufficient to answer the vast Demand for it; since it is certain, that besides the general Esteem it has gained all over Europe, it is not less requested throughout Africa and Asia, to their utmost Bounds.{31}
HENCE we may reasonably conjecture what vast Riches must be amass’d by these Arabs, seeing they are the Proprietors of this Commodity, and thereby command so great a Part of the Wealth of the most opulent Countries. This part of Arabia Felix is truly (as Mr. Ray observes) φερώυμος, and merits the most happy Name for its Fertility in rich Produce. I admire, continues that Author, how so great a Treasure has remained so long peculiar to one Country, and that neither the Envy nor Avarice of its Neighbours have tempted them to share in this great Advantage! But so prudent are its Masters, that on no account will they suffer either Plant or Seed of it to come alive out of their Dominions; taking great care to destroy the germinative Faculty of those Berries they send abroad, and inflicting the most severe Punishments on such as shall attempt the Transportation of any Plants of it.
BUT notwithstanding this their extraordinary Care and Caution to preserve this Plant peculiar to themselves, the{32} Hollanders, some Years ago, found means to furnish themselves with it, and have made a Plantation of it about Batavia, in the Island of Java, which has already produced some Tuns of Fruit. From this Plantation they have lately brought two Trees to Amsterdam, which, by the Skill of their ingenious Gardiner, flourish and bear Fruit in such Perfection, that several hundred Plants have been raised there from Seeds, ripened at that Place; and which, from time to time, they transmit to Surinam, and such Places in the West-Indies as are in their possession.
THE Heer Gerbrand Pancrass, Commissary of the Garden, and President of the City of Amsterdam, did me the Honour to accommodate me with this great Curiosity, which I sent into England, and intrusted to the care of Mr. Thomas Fairchild, a most accurate Gardiner at Hoxton.
AND since it has now found its way to England, it may be necessary to offer some proper Directions for its Culture, agreeable with the Method observed in the Amsterdam Garden.{33}
WHEN we have an Opportunity to propagate these Trees from the Berries, we must, immediately after they are gathered, carefully take off the outside Husk, and separate the two Seeds which are found in each; and set them an Inch deep in Pots of fine Earth, which are already warm in a Bed prepared with Horse-litter; keeping the Glasses close covered for six Weeks, and often sprinkling them with Water. From this way of Management we may expect them to come up in less than two Months time after Sowing. And then, for their further Improvement, you are only to remark, they love Warmth, little Air, a light sandy Earth, and much Water. And this last Hint answers to an Observation of that Great Naturalist Sir Hans Sloane; where he tells us, that the Arabians cut artificial Channels from the Rivers, on purpose to nourish these Plants. See Philosophical Transactions, Numb. 208. pag. 64.
THESE Rules being well observed, we may expect them to bear Fruit in five Years time from the putting in of the Seed; but in a hotter Clime,{34} such as South-Carolina, or in the Caribbee-Islands, much sooner.
IF the Plague should ever come into England (which God forbid) I recommend to every Person, when they walk out, that they put in their Mouth a little Piece of Myrrh, as an excellent Preservative from receiving any Infection; which I shall treat of more largely in another Work.
F I N I S.
Books Printed for W. Mears, at the Lamb without Temple-Bar.
1. A Philosophical Account of the Works of Nature; endeavouring to set forth the several Gradations remarkable in the Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal Parts of the Creation; tending to the Composition of a Scale of Life. Containing, I. An Account of the most remarkable Appearances in Earths and Mineral Bodies. II. What is most remarkable in Plants and Super-Plants. III. Of immoveable Shell-Fish, and of such as have local Motion; with curious Observations on the rest of the Fish-kind, in Salt and Fresh-Waters. IV. Of Animals and Insects, more particularly those of the Serpent-kind; with several Observations relating to Climates, Fruit-Trees, &c. with a distinct Account of such Lands in England as are stiled bar{36}ren, and some Remarks relating to Fish-ponds. Also a Description of the most curious Gardens in Europe, especially in Britain; with some Experiments for the improving of Fruit-Trees and Flowers, never before made publick. With Directions for the best Method of pruning Vines, and Instructions for the most expeditious raising of forward Fruits, with many curious Cuts.
2. New Improvements of Planting and Gardening; both Philosophical and Practical; explaining the Motion of the Sap, and Generation of Plants, with other Discoveries never before made publick; for the Improvement of Forest-Trees, Flower-Gardens, or Parterres: with a new Invention, whereby more Designs of Garden-Plats may be made in an Hour, than can be found in all the Books now extant: likewise several rare Secrets for the Improvement of Fruit-Trees, Kitchin-Gardens, and Green House Plants. The Third Edition corrected. By Richard Bradley, Fellow of the Royal Society. {37}
3. The Gentleman’s and Gardiner’s Kalendar; directing what is necessary to be done every Month in the Kitchin-Garden, Fruit-Garden, Nursery, Management of Forest-Trees, Green-House, and Flower-Garden. With Directions for the making and ordering Hop-Grounds. By Richard Bradley, F. R. S. Also the Design of a Garden-House (finely engraved after a new manner) contrived purposely for the Good-keeping of Exotick Plants. Sy Signior Gallilei of Florence. The Third Edition. To which is now added, An Abstract of the several Acts of Parliament, to encourage the Planting of Timber-Trees, Fruit-Trees, and other Trees for Ornament, Shelter, or Profit, and for the better Preservation of the same, and for preventing the burning of Wood, &c. Price 2 s.
4. The History of Succulent Plants; containing the Aloes, Ficoids (or Fig-Marigolds) Torch-Thistles, Melon-Thistles, and such others as are not capable of an Hortus-Siccus. Engraved, from the Originals, on Copper-Plates, with their De{38}scriptions and Manner of Culture. By Richard Bradley, Fellow of the Royal Society.
5. The Plague at Marseilles considered; with Remarks upon the Plague in general, shewing its Cause and Nature of Infection; with necessary Precautions to prevent the spreading of that direful Distemper. Published for the Preservation of the People of Great Britain. Also some Observations taken from an Original Manuscript of a Graduate Physician, who resided in London during the whole time of the late Plague, Anno 1665. By Richard Bradley, F. R. S. 3d Edition. Price 1 s.
A Philosophical Treatise of Agriculture; or, a new Method of cultivating and increasing of all sorts of Trees, Shrubs, and Flowers: being a very curious Work, enriched with useful Secrets in Nature, for helping the Vegetation of{39} all Sorts of Trees and Plants, and for fertilizing the most stubborn Soils. By G. A. Agricola, M.D. and Doctor in Philosophy at Ratisbonne. Translated from the German, with Remarks. Adorned with Cuts. The whole revised and compared with the Original: Together with a Preface, confirming this new Method. By Richard Bradley, F. R. S.
[A] See Discourse on Coffee, p. 4, 5.
[B] A small Turkish Coin, worth about three Farthings.