By Gregory B. Newby
CEO Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation
Project Gutenberg creates and freely distributes electronic books (eBooks). This document offers elements of the story of Project Gutenberg’s methods and practices for creating those eBooks, and the surrounding procedures for making them as widely available as possible. Project Gutenberg seeks to make the world’s great literature enjoyable and accessible.
The first Project Gutenberg eBook was created on July 4, 1971. Michael S. Hart had been granted access to a powerful mainframe computer at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and realized that his greatest impact would be by digitizing and distributing free literature (for more history, see: The eBook is 40 (1971-2011), by Marie Lebert).
Michael took a printed copy of United States Declaration of Independence to the computer laboratory, where he sat at the teletype terminal and typed this first eBook. He distributed it via email to the people he knew about via the Internet’s predecessor, ARPAnet, which was available at UIUC. At that moment, the first eBook had been freely distributed to the online community of the day.
Digitization and production techniques, at the time of this first eBook, were ad hoc and informal. A single eBook producer would edit a single file, from a single source. The first eBook’s printed source was a single sheet of paper, without hyphenation, a book cover, images, or other characteristics of book-length sources. In 1971, capitalization was not an issue, as only upper case letters were available in the character set used by the system.
Figure 1: Top view of a Model 33 Teletype, salvaged from the computer laboratory where Michael Hart typed the first eBook. The paper roll was where output would be printed.
During the next twenty years, from approximately 1971-1991, techniques of digitization would be dramatically improved, and regularized. Ongoing developments since then have tracked the available technologies for eBook creation and use, as well as preferences and interests of the many volunteers who would produce those eBooks. Throughout the history of Project Gutenberg, these techniques, while refined and clearly articulated, have remained flexible (see the Volunteers’ FAQ)
Project Gutenberg’s founder, Michael Hart, was motivated by completely free and unencumbered redistribution of literary works. Access to literary works enables literacy, which in turn opens the door to education and, it is hoped, opportunity. Interest in literary works that could be freely redistributed led to an emphasis on books and other items that are in the public domain.
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Figure 2: Michael Hart’s sunroom workspace in his Urbana home
There are over one million published works from 1923 and earlier, and these are the main items that Project Gutenberg continues to digitize and distribute. In addition, there were approximately one million works published in the United States from 1923-1964 but not renewed. Those items entered the public domain when their first copyright term ended, 28 years after publication. The copyright procedures utilized are online at Copyright procedures
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It took over two decades to release the first 100 eBooks, with #100 being published in 1994. Most of those first eBooks were collected through personal interaction with Hart. He would guide or participate in the digitization process, often developing procedures to deal with new characteristics. Footnotes and endnotes, italics and underscores, bold text, and different fonts all presented challenges for representation as plain text. Primitive markup techniques were developed, such as using an underscore character to surround underscored text, _like this_.
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By the early 1990s, scanning and optical character recognition (OCR) started to become widely available. Hart received a full scanning station via a grant from a computer manufacturer, which was used to produce several of the first 100 eBooks. The scanner was a flatbed model, which required the user to hold the book open, scan a page (or pair of pages) for ingest to the OCR software, then flip to the next page.
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Figure 3: Image from the DorĂ© illustrations of Dante’s Inferno
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From approximately 1994-2004, procedures for digitization became more clearly articulated. This included the notion that a copyright “clearance” was the necessary first step for starting any new eBook for contribution to Project Gutenberg. The “copyright how-to” mentioned above was developed and refined, with guidance from a number of lawyers with expertise in US copyright law.
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Project Gutenberg is, arguably, the oldest continuously operating online content project in the world. From 1971 until the mid-1990s, there were relatively few online resources for literary content. For this reason, and also due to a general willingness to experiment and reach out to broader audiences, Project Gutenberg has a great variety in the content types offered.
Among the first 100 items, there are mathematical constants and a musical performance. Government publications, notably the 1990 US Census and the CIA World Factbook from 1990 onward, were also included. The next few hundred items include movies, photographs of ancient cave paintings, and the first non-English items (Virgil’s Aeneid, Cicero’s Orations, and Caesar’s Commentaries, all in Latin).
Hundreds of audio eBooks are in the collection. Many were automatically generated via text-to-speech software. There are also a number of readings/performances by human readers, including from Project Gutenberg’s partner, Librivox. Today, automated text-to-speech is accessible by most people with a computer or mobile phone, so there is less emphasis on that format. Human readings/performances continue to be of interest, especially when the performance, as well as the original Project Gutenberg source eBook, is granted to the public domain.
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Table 1: Language counts as of August 1, 2016, for 52615 eBooks.
# of eBooks Language code Language or dialect 43095 en English 2711 fr French 1469 de German 1421 fi Finnish 739 nl Dutch 678 it Italian 540 pt Portuguese 504 es Spanish 427 zh Chinese 219 el Greek 128 sv Swedish 112 hu Hungarian 112 eo Esperanto 102 la Latin 66 da Danish 60 tl Tagalog 31 pl Polish 31 ca Catalan 22 ja Japanese 17 no Norwegian 11 cy Welsh 10 cs Czech 9 ru Russian 7 is Icelandic 7 fur Friulian 6 te Telugu 6 he Hebrew 6 enm Middle English 6 bg Bulgarian 4 sr Serbian 4 ang Old English 4 af Afrikaans 3 nai North American Indian 3 nah Nahuatl 3 ilo Iloko 3 ceb Cebuano 2 ro Romanian 2 nav Navajo 2 myn Mayan Languages 2 mi Maori 2 grc Greek, Ancient 2 gla Gaelic, Scottish 2 ga Irish 2 fy Frisian 2 arp Arapaho 1 yi Yiddish 1 sl Slovenian 1 sa Sanskrit 1 rmr Calo 1 oji Ojibwa 1 oc Occitan 1 nap Napoletano- Calabrese 1 lt Lithuanian 1 ko Korean 1 kld Gamilaraay 1 kha Khasi 1 iu Inuktitut 1 ia Interlingua 1 gl Galician 1 fa Farsi 1 et Estonian 1 csb Kashubian 1 br Breton 1 bgi Giangan 1 ar Arabic 1 ale Aleut
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Within the first few hundred Project Gutenberg eBooks, some encoding was offered which seemed promising, but did not withstand the test of time. An early PostScript file was rendered unusable due to insertion of the Project Gutenberg standard header; a dictionary included markup that, today, might be reminiscent of XML or ReStructured Text, but without any sort of codebook for proper presentation; a few word processor native formats, including WordStar and WordPerfect, were used but are no longer readable with modern computers.
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Figure 3: Typical text view, showing fixed-length lines and spacing among components.
by MARK TWAIN (Samuel L. Clemens) PREFACE The ungentle laws and customs touched upon in this tale are historical, and the episodes which are used to illustrate them are also historical. It is not pretended that these laws and customs existed in England in the sixth century; no, it is only pretended that inasmuch as they existed in the English and other civilizations of far later times, it is safe to consider that it is no libel upon the sixth century to suppose them to have been in practice in that day also. One is quite justified in inferring that whatever one of these laws or customs was lacking in that remote time, its place was competently filled by a worse one.
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Project Gutenberg has over 50,000 eBooks in its collection. This is far fewer than Google Books, or The Internet Archive, or other large-scale digitization projects of historical items. An important distinction is that Project Gutenberg engages in the proofreading, formatting, markup/encoding, and other activities described above. Those other very large projects are primarily devoted to scanning, and then provide raw OCR output with a few automatically generated formats.
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