The Project Gutenberg eBook of Valuation of Real Estate in the Town of Acton, by Abraham Conant
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Title: Valuation of Real Estate in the Town of Acton

November 2, 1850

Author: Abraham Conant, Nathan Brooks and Jonathan B. Davis
Release Date: November 10, 2021 [eBook #66705]
Language: English
Character set encoding: UTF-8
Produced by: SF2001, and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive)


NOVEMBER 2, 1850.


[Pg 1]


NAMES. Buildings. Improved Land. Unimproved Land.
Value in
Acres. Val. in
Acres. Val. in
Samuel T. Adams, 625 10 187 57 1,188
Nathaniel S. Adams, 125 6 218 3 31
Nathan Brooks, 750 50 1,250 36 625
Joseph Brabrook, 375 30 562 60 1,000
Lucy Barnard,   10 312 69 812
Jonathan Barker, 187 18 312 22 250
Heirs of William Billings, 375 7 250 7 63
Sally Bright, 375 16 300 17 200
Elizabeth Brooks, 562 1 125    
James A. Balch, 687 ¼ 25    
Nathaniel G. Brown, 687 19 437 10 250
Peletiah Brooks, 187 18 337 17 232
Isaac Barker, 562 28 625 12 150
John P. Buttrick, 1,125 3 125 24 187
James H. Brown, 1,062 14 562    
Isaac Bullard, 437 36 1,000 12 125
Jonas Blodget, 875 7 416    
Simon Blanchard, 500 12 343 23 468
Sumner Blood, 875 50 1,050 60 875
Hyram Butters, 500 ¼ 31    
Amos Brooks, 300        
Charles R. Bowers, 725 1 75 12 375
Joseph Barker, 437 20 531 35 562
Luther Billings, 500 20 375 60 625
Reuben Barker, 312 4 250    
Elijah C. Brown, 125 2 75 10 272
John C. Burbeck, 2,750 87 2,250 16 312
William P. Brigham, 100        
Heirs of Daniel Brooks,       7 200
John Chaffin, 437 28 625 24 437
Robert Chaffin, 875 20 750 20 437
Samuel Chaffin, 600 1 166    
Aaron Chaffin, 343 14 437    
Harris Cowdrey, 1,125 4 275 16 300
[Pg 2] Abraham Conant, 937 40 812 30 562
Winthrop F. Conant, 437 30 562 15 187
George Coffin, 625 54 1,350 76 950
Simeon Conant, 468 44 1,100 36 681
Luther Conant, 750 95 1,900 95 1,062
Joel Conant, 1,250 80 1,562 84 1,312
William Chaplin, 218 37 688 8 100
Eliza Cole,       5 125
Alfred Chaffin, 187 26 625 2 31
Luther Davis, 750 45 750 25 437
Ebenezer Davis, 1,125 64 1,250 76 2,375
Ebenezer Davis, Jr., 1,625 100 1,875 115 1,875
Harriet Davis, 312 ½ 125 45 750
Cyrus Dole, 937 10 625 9 125
Herzina Dole, 666 ½ 67    
Silas Davis, 812 ½ 100    
Jonathan B. Davis, 750 16 750 6 225
Asa P. Dudley, 593 2 125    
Solomon L. Dutton, 625 11 462 3 63
Joseph Dole, 463 88    
Joseph Estabrook, 375 30 500 60 687
Tristram Edmonds, 343        
Aaron Fletcher, 63     2 62
Alden Fuller, 1,000 40 1,000 69 750
Winthrop E. Faulkner, 4,000 49 1,218 49 1,218
Lucy Fletcher, 344 20 369 7 188
Cyrus Fletcher, 344 26 687    
Calvis Fletcher, 225 3 75    
John Fletcher, 2d, 312 32 593 13 250
Abel Farrer, 187 10 125 15 125
John Fletcher, 1,250 3 375 32 1,125
Isaac T. Flagg, 500 12 500 16 500
James C. Graham, 625 30 812 35 437
William M. Gilmore, 750 1 125    
John Grimes, 375 2 166    
Reuben Green, 937        
William H. Gray, 375 ½ 63    
Israel H. Giles, 250 25 437 11 125
Eleazer S. Handley, 187 4 187    
David M. Handley, 437 41 875 103 2,750
Abraham B. Handley, 875 50 1,625 74 750
Amos Handley, 300 15 437 30 437
Aaron Hosmer, 437 27 625 23 687
Nathan D. Hosmer, 437 27 625 23 687
Rufus Holden, 1,000        
Daniel Harris, 425 15 375 20 458
Timothy Hartwell, 812 7 375 3 [TN]11
[Pg 3] Stevens Hayward, 2,125 6 750    
John Harris, Jr., 500 5 125 20 437
Ward S. Haskell, 687 45 1,000 35 687
Simon Hosmer, 687 40 1,000 35 437
James Harris, 437 7 187 23 375
David W. Hosmer, 812        
Silas Hosmer, 812 44 813 50 1,000
Andrew Hapgood, 718 56 1,125 25 687
Nathaniel Hapgood, 375 50 687 50 1,000
James Hapgood, 750 50 1,000 44 500
Moses Hayward, 1,250 16 500 8 188
Benjamin F. Hapgood, 750 75 1,875 27 500
Simon Hapgood, 750 50 1,125 50 625
Henry Holden, 625 50 1,375 50 625
Levi Houghton, 375 28 562 32 1,163
Henry Haynes, 250 30 437 7 93
Sally Haynes, 60 9 187 4 38
John Harris, 125 8 150 17 218
Samuel Hosmer, 625 20 437 40 587
Ephraim Hosmer, 750 375    
Silas Holden, 1,000 88 1,625 88 1,375
William Hosmer, 250 3 125 2 33
Jeremiah Hosmer, 250 7 125 13 62
Jonathan Hosmer, 500 30 625 20 562
James R. Harvey, 437        
Ebenezer W. Hayward, 750 35 562 42 562
Eri Huggins, 125 10 250    
Aaron C. Handley, 500        
Lemuel Hildreth, 687 ½ 62    
John Hapgood, 531 34 906 20 437
Calvin Harris, 437 10 375 26 250
Ebenezer Hayward, 875 46 750 55 626
Albert Hayward, 812 40 750 60 1,625
James W. Hayward, 875 ½ 125    
Simeon Ingalls,       20 200
Abel Jones, 2,150 60 1,750 30 875
Elnathan Jones, 1,063 41 1,375 20 375
Luther B. Jones, 791 13 531    
Nathaniel Jones, 310 ½ 50    
Thomas G. F. Jones, 500        
Silas Jones, 500 20 375 17 437
Ivory Keyes, 938 50 1,250 50 1,250
Simeon Knight, 312 ½ 50    
Newell A. Knight, 312        
Elijah Knapp, 625 ½ 62    
Thomas Kinsley, 250 3 187    
Francis Kinsley, 302 115    
[Pg 4] Thomas F. Lawrence, 187 15 188 10 100
Eli Litchfield, 1,000 24 625 40 625
Charles D. Lothrop, 450        
John J. Lothrop, 187 ½ 62    
William R. Lothrop, 1,750 ½ 125    
Ralph Lawrence, 150 1 50    
Edwin C. Lesslie, 562 ¼ 38    
Heirs of Amos Law, 250 20 362 2 25
James Lentell, 1,250 45 1,250 41 500
Jesse V. Lentell, 625 20 375 8 125
Maynard & Lentell, 718 ¼ 25    
West Acton Steam Mill Co.,       2 100
A. & O. W. Mead, 1,625 ½ 50    
John Nickless, 375 28 375 50 380
Joseph Noyes, 437 20 531 22 363
Cyrus Noyes, 437 ¼ 20    
Ephraim Oliver, 375 40 563 20 375
George B. Piper, 593 27 687 23 375
Josiah Piper, 162 10 250 5 94
Jonathan A. Piper, 687 40 812 30 437
Davis Parlin, 875 50 1,250 40 750
Cyrus Putnam, 218 9 312    
Nathaniel Peck, 312 1 62 1 25
Heirs of Dolly Putman,       25 750
Dexter F. Parker,   ¼ 63    
Elbridge G. Parker, 500 40 500 26 312
Asa Parker, 1,063 100 2,188 80 1,750
William Phillips, 62 1 25 4 75
Luther W. Piper, 156 2 187    
Tilly Robbins, 500 38 625 38 437
Tilly Robbins, Jr., 312 10 112 3 42
Heirs of Eben Robbins, 287 20 500 20 313
Isaac Reed, 1,000 80 2,000 80 1,250
Isaiah Reed, 500 35 875 38 370
William Reed, 500 45 1,125 35 900
William Reed, 2d, 750 48 906 87 906
Ithamer Robbins,       ¾ 65
Charles Robbins, 563 15 281 20 375
Elbridge Robbins, 1,750 73 1,500 200 3,375
Lewis Rouillard, 750 ½ 63    
Frederick Rouillard, 363 41 1,250 24 500
Charles F. Richardson, 363 16 400 4 100
George Robbins, 100 15 188 13 162
Benjamin Reed, 375 12 500 8 125
Horace Richardson, 625 6 250    
Francis Robbins, 375 38 688 40 438
Henderson Rowell & Co., 1,438 ½ 63    
[Pg 5] Benjamin Robbins, 469 30 563 10 156
John H. Robbins, 188 50 500 50 813
Ira Stockwell, 625 ½ 63    
Solomon Smith, 625 11 250 17 250
Ebben Smith, 750 40 625 40 875
Obed A. Symond, Haynes Place, 406 28 420 27 249
O. A. Symons,   2 63 10 125
Bradley Stone, 688 3 313    
Mary Skinner, 688 12 280 40 1,000
Heirs of Nathaniel Stearns, 825 60 1,250 40 625
Horatio Stearns, 813 2 187    
George W. Sawyer, 438        
William Shattuck, 150        
William R. Shattuck, 250 9 218    
Levi W. Stevens, 1,250 1 65    
John Sanders, 250 22 312 20 200
Heirs of Henry C. Shapley, 812 ¼ 31    
George C. Wright, 656 ¼ 30    
Silas Taylor, 1,250 100 2,500 109 2,500
Silas Taylor, Hosmer Place, 1,250 2 250    
Silas Taylor, Wheeler, 500 20 300 55 500
Silas Taylor, Fairbank Place, 250 25 500 21 187
Tuttle & Taylor,   43 875 30 125
Francis Tuttle, 1,600 44 1,475 44 438
Daniel Tuttle, 1,250 30 791 18 250
Heirs of Thomas Thorp, 125 5 125 15 150
Elliot Tarbell, 625 21 531 21 406
Joseph W. Tuttle, 1,000 ½ 50    
William D. Tuttle,   2 250    
Jedediah Tuttle, 625 40 750 30 625
Peter Tenney, 938 41 937 40 1,875
Simon Tuttle, 1,250 72 2,250 150 2,500
Charles Tuttle, 875 67 1,500 73 1,105
Horace Tuttle, 1,375 22 1,250 33 416
James Tuttle, 875 25 625 11 312
Varnum Tuttle, 438        
Edward Tuttle, 750 7 875    
George W. Todd, 1,250 1 188    
Jonathan W. Teel, 1,000 45 1,250 61 666
Francis Tuttle,
 Guardian of Horatio Law,
250 10 187 19 938
Daniel L. Veazey, 125 ½ 25    
Joseph Wild, 438 50 750 31 437
Josiah D. Wheeler, 750 9 250 26 312
Edward Wetherbee, 1,500 48 875 63 1,667
Daniel Wetherbee, 2d, 3,150        
Edward Wetherbee, Jun.,   8 187 16 313
[Pg 6] Ebenezer Wood, 750 8 313    
John White, 1,000 20 626 15 313
Eunice Weston, 313 9 271 12 187
Joseph C. Wheeler,   15 200    
William Wheeler, 375 39 750 44 437
Franklin Wheeler, 250 18 350 16 125
Jonathan Wheeler, 250 22 562 88 1,375
Loel Wood, 750 22 625 40 500
Lewis Wood, [A]1,125 18 375 12 187
James T. Woodbury, 1,250 37 1,063 53 1,187
Nathan Wright, 375 50 1,063 50 1,125
Daniel Wetherbee, 625 10 312 10 187
Cyrus Wheeler, 563 16 300 41 1,656
James W. Wheeler, 500 36 400 40 725
Catherine Wheeler, 150 20 250 18 362
Aaron Wood, 187 10 200 15 312
Samuel Woodbury, 625 2 125    
John Woodbury,   150    
Luther Wilkins, 375 38    
Samuel W. Walker, 625        
Aaron Wheeler, ¾ 140    
John Whitney, 93 ½ 25    
Levi Wetherbee, 875 3 125    
Nathan H. Wheeler, 150        
Thomas B. Wiggin, 687 30 750 20 250
Mary Worster, 469 ½ 31    


Alfred Barker, 166 1 60 . .
Heirs of Roger Brown, . 25 1,000   .
Stedman Buttrick, . . . 15 687
Prescott Barrett, . . . 5 125
Heirs of Samuel Barrett, . . . 10 250
Joseph D. Brown, . . . 13 281
Abel J. Barrett, . . . 2 125
William Brown, . 2 125 13 187
James Brown, . . . 22 250
Albert Boynton, . . . 8 125
John Burbeck, . 2 62 . .
Ephraim H. Bellows, . . . 5 125
George Brooks, . 2 62 20 312
James C. Crumby, . . . 7 600
Charles A. Conant, . . . 22 387
Samuel Conant, . 4 125 . .
[Pg 7] Mariah Conant, . 2 93 7 348
John M. Cheny, . . . 14 250
American Powder Co., [A]20,000 20 1,250 12 375
Fitchburg Railroad Co., . 8 625 . .
William Dupee, . . . 5 125
Joseph Derby, . . . 17 562
Betsey Davis, . . . 28 437
Calvin C. Damon, . . . 15 187
Stephen Farrer, . . . 2 62
John Fletcher, . 7 250 . .
Heirs of Joseph Fletcher, . . . 16 750
Charles Goddard, . . . 4 294
Lewis Graham, 812 16 500 9 188
Elbridge Gates, Stow, . . . 45 656
Aaron S. Hayward, . . . 12½ 400
Samuel Hosmer, . . . 14 250
Joseph Harrington, . . . 3 62
Cyrus Heald, . . . 25 550
Heirs of Cyrus Hosmer, . . . 15 291
Joseph Heald, . . . 3 62
Ephraim Hosmer, . 11 250 . .
Abner Hosmer, 500 . . . .
William G. Heald, . . . 30 875
Levi Hutchinson, . . . 7 63
Lucy Hubbard, . . . 5 125
Ebenezer Hayward, Boxboro’, 1,375 8 250 40 1,750
Lyman Haynes, Billerica, . . . 8 125
Samuel Hayward, Boxboro’, 562 ½ 62 . .
Andrew J. Harlow, New York, . . . 5 63
Abel Hosmer, Concord, . . . 20 375
Stephen Johnson, 363 18 400 22 300
Joseph B. Keyes, . . . 41 625
Davis Litchfield, . . . 5 200
Samuel Lees, . . . 7 250
John Lagross, . . . 8 156
David Loring, . . . 30 563
Heirs of Abel Moore,       5 62
William Melvin, . 12 500 32 375
Heirs of Charles Melvin, . . . 14 187
Hannah Permenter, . . . 8 250
Orpha S. Perham, 562 . . . .
Dennis Putnam, . . . 13 312
Lewis Rouillard, Littleton, . 2 125 .  
S. S. Richardson, [A]4,375 5 250    
Prescott Reed, . . . 4 100
[Pg 8] Susan Robbins, . 3 50 .
John D. Robbins, California, . . . 13 218
William Rhoads, . 7 125 . .
Andrew I. Sawyer, . 4 156 . .
Eleazer Sawtell, . . . 16 156
Elias Sweetser, . . . 7 187
Marshall Stearns, . 20 562 . .
William Smith, . 8 250 . .
William Schouler, [A]1,125 . . . .
Sargent & Tuttle, Stow, 1,375 1 125 . .
Francis Tuttle, Stow, . 12 225 100 1,250
Jeremiah Tuttle, Littleton, . 30 1,125 . .
Oliver B. Trask, . . . 1 25
A person unknown, . . . 1 25
James Wood, Concord, . . . 8 281
Daniel Wood, Concord, . . . 8 219
Eunice Wyman, . . . 3 125
John Wadleigh, . 6 187 9 188
Lewis Wetherbee, . . . 6 100
John Wood, . . . 15 437
Oliver M. Whipple, 150 5 250 10 250
Isaac Whitney, Stow, . 2 63 11 375
Almon Wright, Troy, N. H., 375 . . . .
James & Isaac Wellington, . 30 875 . .
John H. Wheeler, . 2 32 . .
Benjamin O. Wellington,   4 63 . .
John Wetherbee, Boxboro’, 625 ½ 62 . .
Daniel Whitney, . . . 7 312
Nathan M. Wright, . . . 7 125
Jesse Willis, . . . 15 250
Jabez Walcott, [A]4,250 3 187 4 187

The foregoing is a valuation of the real estate of the inhabitants of Acton, and non-resident owners of real estate in said town, taken by us the subscribers, Assessors of said Acton, and published by a vote of the inhabitants of said Acton.

Abraham Conant, } Assessors of Acton.
Nathan Brooks, }
Jonathan B. Davis. }

November 2, 1850.

[TN] Transcriber’s Note: Unclear in scan.

[A] Including water privilege.

Transcriber’s Notes

A number of typographical errors were corrected silently.

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