The Project Gutenberg eBook of The heathery; vol. 2, by Henry C. Andrews

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Title: The heathery; vol. 2

Author: Henry C. Andrews

Release Date: February 20, 2023 [eBook #70078]

Language: English

Produced by: Chuck Greif and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by Biodiversity Heritage Library.)



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[Pg 3][Pg 2]


The unabating ardour that still prevails in the science of botany, and rather increases than diminishes, renders it almost impossible (from the extreme minutiæ annexed to this elegant tribe) for the pencil of the artist to keep pace with the numerous importations from the Cape (at present the sole emporium of the genus Erica): the limits of the genus it is impossible at present to prescribe, but by the termination of the next Volume we have no doubt of being able to ascertain, in some measure, its extent. The Author’s intention is therefore to figure (first) all the most elegant and desirable of the genus, including many very beautiful varieties, of recent introduction, that far surpass those from which they derive their name; reserving, as a dernier ressort, the most uninteresting and least attractive, to subjoin at the termination of the genus, as necessary links in the chain of this extensive family. The great difficulty attending the cultivation of many of the species, so generally complained of, can only be surmounted by great care and attention to keep them from the partial damps and fogs so prevalent in this island. Among the most tender and difficult to preserve, and which require the most care are the E. obbata, E. retorta, E. ampullacea, E. Aitonia., E. Jasminiflora, E. vestita alba, and E. Massonia; the last of which is perhaps the most tender, owing most likely to the closeness of the leaves, joined with the soft hairs that surround them, which is a great encourager of secreted damps: this, assisted by the great succulence that pervades the upper part of the plant, and its rather abrupt commencement from the wood, renders it so difficult to be preserved. They should by no means be intermixed with other plants, but kept in a house entirely appropriated to them, and so arranged that the air may have as free an egress and regress as possible to them all; as undoubtedly the mixing of them with plants whose foliage is so much larger, although it may produce a pleasing contrast, must exclude the free approach of the atmosphere, to which they are so much exposed in their native clime, and to which the nearest approximation must [Pg 6][Pg 5][Pg 4]certainly be most congenial.

ERICA ardens.


Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ. Flores laterales, sæpe ternati, cernui; pedunculis longissimis. Corolla sub-globosa, ignea, lucida. Folia ternata, subulata, patentia, et reflexa. Caulis fruticosus, sub-pedalis, flexuosus, ramulis erectis, patentibusque.


Tips crested, within the blossom. Flowers lateral, chiefly in threes, nodding; with very long peduncles. Blossom somewhat globular, of a fiery colour, and shining. Leaves by threes, awl-shaped, spreading, and reflexed. Stem shrubby, near a foot high, flexuose, with branches erect and spreading.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from April till June.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. The chives and pointal.
3. A chive magnified.
4. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
5. Seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 7]

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[Pg 10][Pg 9][Pg 8]

ERICA australis.


Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ. Flores terminales in ramulis numerosis, quaterni, pedunculis brevibus. Perianthium duplex. Corolla cylindraceo-urceolata, odorata, pallide purpurea. Folia quaterna, obtusa, curvata, subtus sulcata. Caulis erectus, fruticosus, ramosus, bipedalis. Rami et ramuli filiformes.


Tips crested, within the blossom. Flowers terminate the numerous small branches by fours. The footstalks are short. Cup double. Blossom cylindrically pitcher-shaped, sweet-scented, and of a pale purple. Leaves by fours, blunt, curved, and furrowed beneath. Stem upright, shrubby, and branching, two feet high. The large and smaller branches are thread-shaped.


Native of Portugal.
In bloom from March till July.


1. A leaf magnified.
2. The empalement magnified.
3. A blossom.
4. The chives spread open, one tip magnified.
5. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

[Pg 11]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 14][Pg 13][Pg 12]

ERICA baccans.


Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ. Flores terminales, subquaterni, umbellati, nutantes. Pedunculi longi, purpurei, bracteis tribus instructi. Corolla globosa, purpurea, ima quadrata; laciniis æqualibus, erectis. Folia quaterna, glauca, incurvata, subtus sulcata. Caulis fruticosus, erectus, sesquipedalis, ramosissimus. Rami erecti, torti.


Tips crested, within the blossom. Flowers grow at the ends of the branches, mostly by fours, in bunches, and nodding. The footstalks are long, and purple, having three floral leaves. Blossom globular, purple, and squared at the base: the segments of the border are equal and upright. Leaves by fours, of a whitish green, turned inwards, and furrowed beneath. Stem shrubby, upright, a foot and a half high, very branching. The branches are upright, and twisted.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from April till July.


1. The empalement and floral leaves magnified,
2. The chives spread open, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal magnified.

[Pg 15]

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[Pg 18][Pg 17][Pg 16]

ERICA bicolor.


Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores in ramulis terminales, in fasciculis trifloris. Corolla uncialis, inferne rubra, purpurea, superne viridis. Folia ternata, obtuse subulata, paululum incurvata, villosa. Caulis bipedalis, flexuoso-erectus, ramis paucioribus, ramulis numerosis erectis pubescentibus.


Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers terminate the small branches in three-flowered bunches. Blossom an inch long, the lower part red purple, the upper part green. Leaves in threes, obtusely awl-shaped, a little incurved, and covered with soft hairs. Stem two feet high, flexuosely upright, with few large branches, and numerous erect downy small ones.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from February till April.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
4. Seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 19]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 22][Pg 21][Pg 20]

ERICA campanulata.


Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores terminales, sub-solitarii, cernui. Corolla globosa, campanulata, lutea. Folia quaterna, linearia, angusta, glabra, erecta. Caulis fruticosus, pedalis, ramosus. Rami et ramuli filiformes, virgati, glabri.


Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers grow nearly solitary at the end of the small branches, hanging down. Blossom globularly bell-shaped, and yellow. Leaves by fours, linear, narrow, smooth and upright. Stem shrubby, a foot high, branching. The large and small branches are thread-shaped, twiggy, and smooth.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from June till August.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. A blossom.
3. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
4. Seed-bud and pointal magnified.

[Pg 23]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 26][Pg 25][Pg 24]

ERICA capitata.


Antheræ muticæ, sub-inclusæ. Flores in extremis ramulis terminales, bini vel terni. Calyx hirtus, adpressus, luteo-viridis. Pedunculi brevissimi. Corolla sub-globosa, alba, lanata, in sinu calycis fere recondita. Folia terna, linearia, obtusa, pilosa. Caulis erectus. Rami filiformes, villosi; ramuli numerosi, tomentosi.


Tips beardless, nearly within the blossom. Flowers grow at the extremity of the small branches, by twos or threes. Cup harshly haired, pressed to the blossom, and of a yellow-green colour. Footstalks very short. Blossom nearly globular, white, and woolly, almost hid within the cup. Leaves by threes, linear, blunt, and hairy. Stem upright. Branches thread-shaped and hairy; small branches numerous, and downy.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from July till October.


1. The empalement and blossom.
2. A blossom.
3. The empalement magnified.
4. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.

[Pg 27]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 30][Pg 29][Pg 28]

ERICA coccinea.


Antheræ muticæ, sub-inclusæ. Flores in summitate ramorum verticillati, conferti. Pedunculi brevissimi, bracteis calyciformibus. Corolla clavata, curvata, sanguinea. Folia sena, acuta, sub-glauca. Caulis erectus, pedalis. Rami verticillati, erecto-patentes, raro ramulosi.


Tips beardless, just within the blossom. Flowers grow in close whorls at the top of the branches. The footstalks are very short, the floral leaves appearing like a second cup. Blossom club-shaped, curved, and of a blood colour. Leaves by sixes, sharp-pointed, and of a blueish green. Stem upright, a foot high. The branches grow in whorls, upright and spreading, seldom branching.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from August till December.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. The chives spread open, one tip magnified.
3. The shaft and its summit magnified.

[Pg 31]

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[Pg 34][Pg 33][Pg 32]

ERICA concinna.


Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores in medio ramorum fasciculati, terminales, umbellati, umbellis 3—10-floris. Pedunculi brevissimi. Corolla sub-cylindrica, carnea, pubescens. Folia sub-sena, glabra, linearia, patentia. Caulis erectus, fruticosus, tripedalis, pyramidatus, glaber. Rami pauci, erecti. Ramuli verticillati, sub-simplices, erecto-patentes.


Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers grow bundled about the middle of the branches, terminal, in umbels of 3 to 10 flowers in each umbel. Footstalks very short. Blossom nearly cylindrical, flesh-coloured, and downy. Leaves mostly by sixes, smooth, linear, and spreading. Stem upright, shrubby, three feet high, pyramidical, smooth. Branches few, erect. Small branches whorled, nearly simple, and between upright and spreading.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from October till December.


1. The empalement and floral leaves magnified.
2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
3. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
4. Seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 35]

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[Pg 38][Pg 37][Pg 36]

ERICA conferta.


Antheræ muticæ, sub-inclusæ. Flores terminales in apice ramulorum, confertissimi, capitati, plurimi, sæpe duodecim. Pedunculi brevissimi. Corolla globosa, alba. Folia quaterna, subulata, mucronata; seniora retrofracta; juniora erecta. Caulis erectus, simplex, robustus, bipedalis. Ramuli breves, horizontales, verticillati.


Tips beardless, just within the blossom. Flowers terminal, crowded very close together at the ends of the small branches in heads, numerous, often twelve. The footstalks are short. Blossom globular, smooth, and white. Leaves by fours, awl-shaped, and sharp-pointed; the old ones appearing broken back, the younger ones upright. Stem upright, simple, and stout, two feet high. Branches short, horizontal, and growing in whorls.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from October till February.


1. A blossom.
2. The empalement magnified.
3. The seed-bud, chives, and pointal, magnified.

[Pg 39]

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[Pg 42][Pg 41][Pg 40]

ERICA cylindrica.


Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ. Flores fasciculati, terminales, in ramulis lateralibus, terni et quaterni. Pedunculi brevissimi. Corolla cylindrica, uncialis, læte fusco-aurantia. Folia quaterna, erecta, linearia. Caulis fruticosus, erectus, bipedalis, ramulis sub-simplicibus.


Tips bearded, within the blossom. Flowers bundled in the lateral branches by threes and fours. Footstalks very short. Blossom cylindrical, an inch long, of a bright brown orange colour. Leaves by fours, upright, and linear. Stem shrubby, upright, and two feet high; the small branches nearly simple.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from April till July.


1. The empalement.
2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
4. Seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 43]

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[Pg 46][Pg 45][Pg 44]

ERICA Eriocephala.


Antheræ muticæ, exertæ. Flores, in ramulorum apice, umbellati, seu capitati, copiosi. Corolla urceolata, alba, tenuissime alba lana tecta, foliolis calycis vestita, lanugine albicante densissime obsitis. Folia terna, pubescentia, obtusa. Caulis erectus, spithameus. Rami et ramuli numerosissimi, pilosi.


Tips beardless, without the blossom. Flowers grow at the ends of the small branches in umbels or heads, very abundant. Blossom pitcher-shaped and white, slightly covered with white wool, clothed with the leaflets of the cup, which are thickly covered with a whitish wool. Leaves by threes, covered with soft hair, and obtuse. Stem upright, a span high. The large and small branches are very numerous, and hairy.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from May till August.


1. A leaf magnified.
2. The empalement and floral leaves magnified.
3. The chives spread open, one tip magnified.
4. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
5. Seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 47]

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[Pg 50][Pg 49][Pg 48]

ERICA fastigiata.


Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores terminales, quaterni, fastigiati, subsessiles. Calyx duplex; exterior triphyllus, adpressus, marginibus membranaceis, serrulatis. Corolla alba, pellucida, ad basin inflata. Folia quaterna, linearia, glabra. Caulis fruticosus, pedalis, flexuosus; ramulis numerosis.


Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers terminal, in fours, nearly sessile, forming level-topt bunches. Empalement double; the outer one three-leaved and pressed to the inner; the margins skinny and serrulated. Blossom white, pellucid, and swelled at the base. Leaves by fours, linear, and smooth. Stem shrubby, a foot high, flexuose; the branches numerous.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from December till May.


1. The empalement.
2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
3. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
4. Seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 51]

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[Pg 54][Pg 53][Pg 52]

ERICA fimbriata.


Antheræ basi bicornutæ, inclusæ. Flores in extremis ramulis terminales, terni et ultra, cernuo-patentes; pedunculis brevibus, bracteis tribus fimbriatis, adpressis. Corolla sub-globosa, rubro-purpurea; laciniis semi-orbiculatis, æqualibus, patentibus. Folia terna et quaterna, erecto-patentia, obtusa, carinata, serrulata. Caulis fruticosus, semipedalis; ramis filiformibus, flexuosis.


Tips two-horned at the base, and within. Flowers grow at the extremity of the smaller branches in threes or more, between nodding and spreading. The footstalks are short, with three fringed floral leaves pressed to the cup. Blossom nearly globular, of a red purple: the segments form a half round, are equal and spreading. Leaves by threes and fours, between erect and spreading, obtuse, keeled, and slightly sawed. Stem shrubby, half a foot high. The branches are thread-shaped and pliant.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from March till June.


1. A leaf magnified.
2. The under side of the same magnified.
3. A blossom.
4. Flowers of a white and purple variety.
5. The empalement and floral leaves magnified.
6. Seed-bud, chives and pointal, magnified.

[Pg 55]

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[Pg 58][Pg 57][Pg 56]

ERICA flava.


Antheræ muticæ, sub-inclusæ. Flores numerosi, sub-congesti infra apices ramorum, nutantes. Corolla ovata, costata, læte lutea. Folia ternata, sub-erecta, dein patentia. Caulis fruticosus, sub-erectus, cortice fulvo. Rami distantes, pauci, simplices, sub-erecti.


Tips beardless, just within the blossom. Flowers numerous, rather crowded beneath the tips of the branches, nodding. Blossom egg-shaped, ribbed, and of a bright yellow. Leaves by threes, nearly upright, then spreading. Stem shrubby, nearly upright, with a brown bark. Branches distant, few, simple, and nearly erect.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from Autumn till Spring.


1. The empalement and floral leaves.
2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
3. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
4. Seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 59]

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[Pg 62][Pg 61][Pg 60]

ERICA flexuosa.


Antheræ muticæ, exertæ, rubræ. Flores in ultimis ramulis terminales, sub-terni. Bracteæ albidæ, juxta basin calycis sitæ. Corolla minuta, sub-campanulata, albida; oris laciniis adpressis. Folia terna, linearia, glabra. Caulis fruticosus, pedalis. Rami flexuosi, inferne nudi.


Tips beardless, red, and without the blossom. The flowers terminate the ends of the small branches, mostly by threes. The floral leaves are white, and placed close to the cup. Blossom small, nearly bell-shaped, and white: the segments of the mouth are pressed to the threads. Leaves by threes, linear, and smooth. Stem shrubby, a foot high. The branches grow zigzag, and are naked at the lower part.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from April till July.


1. The empalement and floral leaves magnified.
2. A blossom.
3. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
4. Seed-bud and pointal magnified.

[Pg 63]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 66][Pg 65][Pg 64]

ERICA glutinosa.


Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores horizontales, verticillis confertis. Corolla cylindrica, pollicaris, pallide-lutea, costata, glutinosissima, nitida. Folia sena, linearia, acuminata, glabra, læviter sulcata. Caulis bipedalis. Rami simplices, longi, raro ramulosi.


Tips beardless, within the blossom. The flowers grow horizontally in crowded whorls. Blossom cylindrical, an inch long, of a pale yellow, ribbed, very clammy, and shining. Leaves by sixes, linear, pointed, smooth, and slightly furrowed. Stem two feet high. The branches are simple, long, and seldom branched.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from September till March.


1. The empalement and floral leaves magnified.
2. The chives and pointal.
3. The same spread open, one tip magnified.
4. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

[Pg 67]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 70][Pg 69][Pg 68]

ERICA glutinosa, minor.


Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores sub apicibus ramorum, conferti, verticillato-horizontales. Pedunculi breves, bracteis tribus, viscosis, calyci adpressis. Corolla cylindrica, semiuncialis, pallide viridis, glutinosissima, nitida, et costata. Folia sena, linearia, acuminata, patentia. Caulis erectus, sesquipedalis; rami simplices, longi, verticillati.


Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers grow near the ends of the branches, pressed together in horizontal whorls. The footstalks are short, having three floral leaves, which are clammy, and pressed to the cup. Blossom cylindrical, half an inch long, of a pale green, very clammy, shining, and ribbed. Leaves by sixes, linear, pointed, and spreading. Stalk erect, a foot and a half high. Branches simple, long, whorled.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from November till April.


1. The empalement and floral leaves.
2. The chives detached, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
4. Seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 71]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 74][Pg 73][Pg 72]

ERICA gracilis.


Antheræ basi bicornes, inclusæ. Flores plerumque quaterni, in capitulis terminalibus, pedunculis capillaribus. Corolla parva, sub-globosa, læte purpurea, ore paululum contracta. Folia quaterna, linearia, tenuia, glabra, erecta. Caulis fruticosus, sesquipedalis; ramulis filiformibus, per-gracilibus, numerosis.


Tips two-horned at the base, within the blossom. Flowers chiefly in fours, in terminal heads with capillary foot stalks. Blossom small, rather globose, bright purple, a little contracted at the mouth. Leaves by fours, linear, thin, smooth and erect. Stem shrubby, a foot and a half high. Branches thread-shaped, very slender, and numerous.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from February till May, and again from August till October.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
4. Seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 75]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 78][Pg 77][Pg 76]

ERICA hispida.


Antheræ muticæ, sub-exertæ. Flores in ramulis terminales, racemosi, sub-nutantes. Corolla sub-globosa, incarnata; laciniis limbi erectis, parvulis, obtusis. Folia quaterna, linearia, obtusa, hispidiora. Caulis erectus, pedalis. Rami et ramuli numerosi, rigidi, hispidi.


Tips beardless, just without the blossom. Flowers grow at the ends of the branches in bunches, a little drooping. Blossom nearly globular, and flesh-coloured; the segments of the border upright, very small, and blunt. Leaves by fours, linear, blunt, and harshly hairy. Stem upright, a foot high. The large and small branches are numerous, harsh, and hairy.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from August till November.


1. A leaf magnified.
2. The empalement magnified.
3. The chives spread open, one tip magnified.
4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
5. The seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 79]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 82][Pg 81][Pg 80]

ERICA horizontal.


Antheræ muticæ, exertæ. Flores in ultimis ramulis, plerumque terni, et cernui. Pedunculi breves, bracteis tribus spathulatis, imbricatis. Corolla ovata, basi alba, apice atro-fusca. Folia quaterna, obtusa, linearia, glabra, horizontalia. Caulis erectus, subpedalis, ramosus. Rami et ramuli virgati.


Tips beardless, without the blossom. Flowers grow at the ends of the smaller branches, mostly by threes, and nodding. Footstalks short, and furnished with three spatula-shaped, tiled floral leaves. Blossom egg-shaped, white at the base, and of a dark brown towards the point. Leaves by fours, obtuse, linear and smooth; standing out horizontally. Stem upright, near a foot high, and branching. The large and small branches are twiggy.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from July till November.


1. The Empalement magnified.
2. A blossom, natural size.
3. The same magnified.
4. Seed-bud, chives, and pointal magnified.

[Pg 83]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 86][Pg 85][Pg 84]

ERICA lateralis.


Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ. Flores ad apices ramorum ramulorumque umbellati, cernui, secundi, purpurei. Pedunculi longi, colorati. Corolla sub-campanulata, ad basin plana, purpurea: laciniis limbi obtusis, sub-erectis. Folia quaterna, linearia, obtusa, erecta. Caulis fruticosus, erectus, pedalis, ramosus. Rami et ramuli virgati.


Tips crested, within the blossom. Flowers grow in umbels at the ends of the larger and smaller branches, nodding, all pointing one way, purple. The footstalks are long, and coloured. Blossom nearly bell-shaped, the lower part flat and purple. The segments of the border are obtuse, and nearly erect. Leaves by fours, linear, blunt, and upright. Stem shrubby, upright, a foot high, and branching. The smaller and larger branches are twiggy.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from August till December.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. A blossom.
3. The chives spread open, one tip magnified.
4. Seed-bud and pointal, magnified.

[Pg 87]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 90][Pg 89][Pg 88]

ERICA latifolia.


Antheræ muticæ, exertæ. Flores in medio ramorum, spicati, umbellati sub-terni ex axillis foliorum, cernui. Corolla sub-globosa, glabra, læte-rubra, ore arctata, limbo erecto, minuto. Folia terna, latissima, acuminate ovata, supra pilis vestita, subtus albida, margine revoluta. Caulis fruticosus, flexuosus, pedalis, ramosus.


Tips beardless, without the blossom. Flowers in the middle of the branches, in spikes, from the insertion of the leaves in umbels of threes, hanging down. Blossom nearly globular, smooth, and of a bright red, mouth narrowed, border upright and small. Leaves by threes, very broad, pointedly egg-shaped, clothed on the upper surface with hairs, whitish beneath, and rolled back at the edge. Stem shrubby, flexuose, a foot high, and branching.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from May till August.


1. A leaf shown from the underside.
2. Upper surface of the same, magnified.
3. The empalement magnified.
4. Seed-bud, chives and pointal, magnified.
5. Seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 91]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 94][Pg 93][Pg 92]

ERICA laxa.


Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ. Flores parvi, sæpius ternati, in fasciculis terminalibus et lateralibus. Pedunculi brevissimi. Calyx duplex, coloratus, imbricatus. Corolla urceolata, superne rosea, laciniis patulis. Folia ternata, erecta, obtusa, minutim ciliata, subtus sulcata. Caulis fraticosus, ramosus. Rami obsolete verticillati, graciles, flexuosi, cortice ferrugineo-fusco.


Tips crested, within the blossom. Flowers small, chiefly in threes, in terminal and lateral branches. Footstalks very short. Empalement double, coloured, and tiled. Blossom pitcher-shaped, rose-coloured above, with slightly spreading segments. Leaves in threes, upright, blunt, minutely ciliated, and furrowed beneath. Stem shrubby, branching. Branches obscurely whorled, slender, and flexuose, with a rusty brown bark.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from September till February.


1. A leaf magnified.
2. The empalement magnified.
3. A blossom.
4. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
5. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

[Pg 95]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 98][Pg 97][Pg 96]



Antheræ muticæ, sub-inclusæ. Flores supra medium ramorum, verticillati. Pedunculi breves, bracteis tribus, ad basin calycis, instructi. Corolla quadrata, costata, luteo-aurantia. Folia terna vel sena, rigida, obtusa, subtus sulcata, linearia, crassa. Caulis erectus, scaber, quatuor-vel quinque-pedalis. Rami laxi, simplices, longi.


Tips beardless, and just within the blossom. Flowers grow just above the middle of the branches, in whorls. The footstalks are short, with three floral leaves close to the cup. Blossom four-sided, ribbed, and of a yellowish orange colour. Leaves from three to six, harsh and blunt, furrowed beneath, linear and thick. Stem upright, rough, four or five feet high. Branches are loose, simple, and long.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from August till January.


1. The empalement and floral leaves magnified.
2. The chives spread open, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

[Pg 99]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 102][Pg 101][Pg 100]

ERICA Linnæa.


Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores in ramulis terminales, racemum formantes longum, densissimum. Corolla clavata, alba, diaphana, pilosa, ad basin purpurea; laciniis obtusis, erectis. Folia terna, linearia, villosa, obtusa. Caulis fruticosus, erectus. Ramuli numerosi, brevissimi, pilosi.


Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers terminate the smaller branches, making a long close bunch. Blossom club-shaped, white, transparent, and hairy, of a purple colour at the base; the segments of the mouth are blunt, and upright. Leaves by threes, linear, and villose. Stem shrubby, upright. Small branches numerous, very short, and hairy.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from March till June.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. The chives and pointal.
3. The same spread open, one tip magnified.
4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

[Pg 103]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 106][Pg 105][Pg 104]

ERICA Nivenia.


Antheræ basi bicornutæ, exertæ. Flores terminales, umbellati, pedunculis longissimis. Corolla purpurea, sub-turbinata, costata, fauce parum arctata; laciniis revolutis. Folia terna, lato-linearia, obtusa, margine pilis longissimis obsita, subtus sulcata, patentia. Suffrutex pygmæus, ramosus. Rami et ramuli divaricati, patentes.


Tips two-horned at the base, without the blossom. Flowers terminate the branches in umbels, with very long footstalks. Blossom purple, nearly top-shaped, ribbed, a little contracted at the mouth; the segments rolled back. Leaves by threes, broadly linear, blunt, and beset with long hairs at the edges, furrowed beneath, and spreading. It is a dwarf shrub, and very branching. The large and small branches are straggling and spreading.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from February till June.


1. A leaf shown from the underside magnified.
2. The empalement and floral leaves magnified.
3. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
4. Seed-bud and pointal magnified.

[Pg 107]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 110][Pg 109][Pg 108]

ERICA palustris.


Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores terminales, in ramulis lateralibus, plerumque terni, numerosi. Corolla sub-cylindrica, seu potius angustissime campanulata, pubescens, incarnata; laciniis patulis, albidis. Folia quaterna, linearia, obtusa, et pubescentia. Caulis tenuis. Rami tenues et divaricati, ramulis numerosis brevibus.


Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers terminal, on the small lateral branches, mostly by threes, numerous. Blossom nearly cylindrical, or rather very narrowly bell-shaped, downy, and flesh-coloured; the segments of the border are spreading, and white. Leaves by fours, linear, blunt, and downy. Stem slender. Branches slender and divaricating, with numerous short branches.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from May till October.


1. A Leaf magnified.
2. The empalement magnified.
3. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

[Pg 111]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 114][Pg 113][Pg 112]

ERICA Petiveriana.


Antheræ muticæ, exertæ, longissimæ. Flores, bini vel terni, terminant ramulos in medio ramorum. Pedunculi brevissimi. Bracteæ calyciformes. Corolla clavata, curvata, lutea, ad basin grossa quadrifida. Oris laciniæ incurvæ, adpressæ. Folia terna, linearia, obtusa. Caulis strictissimus, ramulis brevibus frequentissimis.


Tips beardless, without the blossom, and very long. Flowers terminate the small branches about the middle of the large ones, by twos and threes. Foot-stalks very short. The floral leaves seem to form part of the cup. Blossom club-shaped, curved, yellow, swelled and quadrified at the base. The segments of the mouth are bent inwards, and pressed to the filaments. Leaves by threes, linear, and blunt. Stem very upright, with numerous short branches.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from April till June.


1. The empalement and floral leaves magnified.
2. A blossom divested of its empalement.
3. The chives spread, one tip magnified.
4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

[Pg 115]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 118][Pg 117][Pg 116]

ERICA Petiveriana, aurantia.


Antheræ muticæ, exertæ, longissimæ. Flores subterni, ramulos terminantes, incurvati, penduli. Pedunculi brevissimi. Corolla clavata, aurantia; laciniis limbi ovatis, erectis, inflatis, incurvatis. Folia terna, linearia, obtusa, patentia. Caulis erectus, sesquipedalis. Rami tecti ramulis, terni.


Tips beardless, without the blossom, and very long. Flowers mostly by threes, terminating the small branches, turned inwards, and hanging down. Footstalks very short. Blossom club-shaped and orange-coloured. Segments of the border are egg-shaped, upright, swelled out, and incurved. Leaves by threes, linear, blunt, and spreading. Stem upright, a foot and a half high. Branches covered by smaller branches, and growing by threes.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from March till May.


1. The empalement and floral leaves magnified.
2. The chives detached, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

[Pg 119]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 122][Pg 121][Pg 120]

ERICA Petiveriana, hirsuta.


Antheræ muticæ, exertæ, longissimæ. Flores terminales in ramulis lateralibus, sub-terni, penduli, incurvi, pedunculis brevibus. Corolla clavata, incurva, uncialis, læte et lucide rubra, basi tumida, quadrifida. Folia ternata, subulata, hirsuta. Caulis erectus, sesquipedalis, inferne ramulis numerosis instructus.


Tips beardless, without the blossom, and very long. Flowers terminal on the small lateral branches, mostly by threes, pendulous, and incurved, with short footstalks. Blossom club-shaped, incurved, an inch long, of a bright shining red, swelled and quadrifid at the base. Leaves by threes, awl-shaped, and hairy. Stem upright, a foot and a half high, and furnished downwards with numerous small branches.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from January till April.


1. The under-side of a leaf magnified.
2. The empalement and floral leaves magnified.
3. A blossom detached from the empalement.
4. The chives spread open, one tip magnified.
5. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

[Pg 123]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 126][Pg 125][Pg 124]

ERICA purpurea.


Antheræ muticæ, exertæ. Flores verticillati, sub-terminales. Corolla tubulosa, purpurea, nitida, ad basin incurvata, apicem versus sensim dilatata. Folia sena, linearia, patentia, supra plana, subtus revoluta, acuta, rigida. Caulis fruticosus, erectus, bipedalis, ad basin simplicissimus, dein verticillatim ramosus, ramis simplicibus, adscendentibus.


Tips beardless, without the blossom. Flowers grow in whorls, nearly at the top of the branches. Blossom tubular, purple, and shining, incurved at the base, and gradually widening towards the mouth. Leaves by sixes, linear, and spreading, plain on their upper, and rolled back on their under surface, sharp-pointed, and rigid. Stem shrubby, upright, two feet high, quite entire at the base, then throws out a number of simple ascending branches.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from July till December.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
3. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

[Pg 127]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 130][Pg 129][Pg 128]

ERICA rosea.


Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores 2-3-nati, fere laterales, nutantes. Corolla cylindrica, paululum curvata, uncialis, læte rosea; laciniis erectis. Folia plerumque quina vel sena, erecta, setacea, conferta. Caulis fruticosus, bipedalis; ramis ramulisque erectis, et sæpe alternis.


Tips beardless, and within the blossom. Flowers grow in twos and threes, nearly lateral, and nodding. Blossom cylindrical, slightly curved, an inch long, and of a bright rose-colour: the segments are upright. Leaves chiefly in fives or sixes, upright, bristle-shaped, and crowded. Stem shrubby, two feet high. The branches and branchlets are upright, and often alternate.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from June till October.


1. The empalement and floral leaves magnified.
2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

[Pg 131]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 134][Pg 133][Pg 132]

ERICA Sebana, aurantia.


Antheræ muticæ, exertæ, longissimæ. Flores terni, in apice ramulorum, dependentes. Perianthium duplex, imbricatum, membranaceum. Corolla clavata, incurvata, aurea; laciniis limbi obtusis, incurvis. Folia terna, linearia, arcuata, conferta. Caulis robustus, erectus, pedalis. Rami pauci, tecti ramulis confertis brevissimis.


Tips beardless, without the blossom, and very long. Flowers by threes, at the ends of the small branches, hanging down. Cup double, tiled and skinny. Blossom club-shaped, turned inwards, and orange-coloured; segments of the mouth are blunt, and turned inwards. Leaves by threes, linear, arched, and crowded together. Stem sturdy, upright, a foot high. Branches few, covered by little branches crowded together.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from July till November.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
4. Seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 135]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 138][Pg 137][Pg 136]

ERICA Sebana, lutea.


Antheræ muticæ, exertæ, longissimæ. Flores terni, in apice ramulorum, penduli. Pedunculi brevissimi. Corolla conica, lutea, laciniis limbi obtusis, erectis. Folia terna, linearia, curvata. Caulis erectus, bipedalis, laxus. Rami pauci, ramulis numerosis.


Tips beardless, without the blossom, and very long. Flowers by threes, linear, hanging down at the ends of the smaller branches. Footstalks very short. Blossom conical and yellow; segments of the border blunt, and upright. Leaves by threes, linear, and curved. Stem upright, two feet high, and weak. The large branches are few, the smaller ones are numerous.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from August till January.


1. Empalement magnified.
2. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
4. Seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 139]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 142][Pg 141][Pg 140]

ERICA Sebana, viridis.


Antheræ muticæ, exertæ, longissimæ. Flores terni, in apice ramulorum brevissimorum, cernui. Corolla conica, pallide-viridis, laciniis limbi obtusis, rectis. Perianthium duplex, imbricatum, membranaceum. Folia terna, linearia, arcuata, conferta, sub-trigona. Caulis robustus, erectus, pedalis. Rami pauci, ramulis numerosis.


Tips beardless, without the blossom, and very long. Flowers by threes, from the ends of the shorter branches hanging down. Blossom conical, and of a pale green. The segments of the border are blunt, and straight. Cup double, tiled and skinny. Leaves by threes, linear, arched, crowded, and nearly three-sided. Stem sturdy, upright, a foot high. Large branches few, smaller ones numerous.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from March till May.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. The chives and pointal.
3. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
4. The seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 143]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 146][Pg 145][Pg 144]

ERICA sessiliflora.


Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ. Flores sub apice ramorum densissime spicati, sessiles, horizontaliter siti. Perianthium duplex: exterius triphyllum; interius tetraphyllum; foliolis obcordatis, concavis, persistentibus. Corolla clavata, albo-virescens, sesqui-pollicaris. Folia quaterna, subulata, glabra, acuta. Caulis strictissimus, rigidus, bipedalis. Rami pauci. Ramuli verticillati, plurimi.


Tips bearded, within the blossom. Flowers grow near the ends of the branches, in very close spikes, without footstalks, and horizontally. Cup double; the outer one three-leaved, the inner one four-leaved. Leaflets inversely heart-shaped, concave, and remaining. Blossom club-shaped, of a whitish green, an inch and a half long. Leaves by fours, awl-shaped, smooth, and pointed. Stem very upright and stiff, two feet high. Branches few. The smaller branches are numerous, and grow in whorls.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from August till October.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. The chives spread open, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
4. Seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 147]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 150][Pg 149][Pg 148]

ERICA setacea.


Antheræ basi bicornes, inclusæ. Flores in ultimis ramulis terminales, sub-terni, spicati. Corolla urceolata, glabra, sub-albida, parva. Folia terna, linearia, obtusa, supra sub-scabrida, margine setacea, revoluta. Caulis, rami, et ramuli, filiformes, flexuosi, tenuissime scabri, villosi.


Tips two-horned at the base, within the blossom. Flowers grow mostly by threes at the extremity of the small branches, forming a spike. Blossom pitcher-shaped, smooth, whitish, and small. Leaves by threes, linear, blunt, roughish on the upper side, bristly, and rolled back at the edge. Stem, branches and small branches thread-shaped, bending, slightly rough and hairy.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from February till April.


1. The underside of a leaf magnified.
2. The empalement magnified.
3. The chives and pointal.
4. A chive magnified.
5. Seed-bud and pointal magnified.

[Pg 151]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 154][Pg 153][Pg 152]

ERICA sexfaria.


Antheræ basi bicornutæ, exertæ, atro-purpureæ. Flores in ramulorum apice terni, sessiles, nitidi. Perianthium duplex, exterius triphyllum. Corolla ovata, glabra, membranacea, alba. Folia terna, trigona, obtusa, patentiuscula, sexfaria. Caulis erectus, sub-pedalis. Ramuli simplices, sub-verticillati.


Tips two-horned at the base, without the blossom, and of a dark purple. Flowers grow in threes at the ends of the small branches, sitting close, and shining. Cup double, the outer one three-leaved. Blossom egg-shaped, smooth, skinny, and white. Leaves by threes, three-sided, blunt, rather spreading, and forming six angles. Stem upright, near a foot high. The small branches are simple, and grow nearly in whorls.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from March till July.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. A blossom.
3. The chives magnified.
4. Seed-bud and pointal magnified.

[Pg 155]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 158][Pg 157][Pg 156]

ERICA Solandra.


Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ. Flores terminales, capitatim aggregati, parvuli. Corolla parva, obsolete campanulata, incarnata; calyce subulato, hispido. Folia quaterna, parva, obtusa, valde hispida, erecta; seniora patentia, et recurva. Caulis suffrutescens, semipedalis, flexuosus, valde ramosus.


Tips crested, within the blossom. Flowers terminal, in crowded heads, and small. Blossom small, obscurely bell-shaped, and flesh-coloured. The cup is awl-shaped, and hispid. Leaves by fours, small, obtuse, very hispid, and upright. The older ones are spreading and bent back. Stem shrubbyish, half a foot high, flexuose, and very much branched.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom nearly all the year.


1. The under side of a leaf magnified.
2. The empalement magnified.
3. A blossom.
4. The seed-bud, chives and pointal, magnified.

[Pg 159]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 162][Pg 161][Pg 160]

ERICA spuria.


Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores in apicibus ramulorum, sub-quaterni. Pedunculi brevissimi, bracteis tribus minutis instructi. Corolla sub-cylindrica, pollicaris, læte purpurea; laciniis sub-ovatis, acutis, revolutis. Folia quaterna, linearia, sub-ciliata, subtus sulcata. Caulis fruticosus, pedalis, ramosus. Ramuli frequentissimi.


Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers grow at the ends of the small branches, mostly by fours. The footstalks are very short, with three very small floral leaves. Blossom nearly cylindrical, an inch long, and of a bright purple. Segments of the border are nearly egg-shaped, sharp-pointed, and rolled back. Leaves by fours, linear, slightly haired, and furrowed beneath. Stem shrubby, a foot high, and branching. The small branches are numerous.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from April till August.


1. The empalement and floral leaves magnified.
2. The chives detached from the pointal, one tip magnified.
3. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

[Pg 163]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 166][Pg 165][Pg 164]

ERICA squamosa.


Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ. Flores terminales, umbellati, terni vel seni in singulâ umbellâ, cernui. Calyx squamosus, ovatus, carinatus, albicans. Corolla globosa, purpurea; laciniis æqualibus, patentibus. Folia quaterna, glabra, obtusa, subtus sulcata, margine serrulata. Caulis fruticosus, erectus, sesquipedalis, ramosus.


Tips crested, within the blossom. Flowers terminate the branches in umbels of from 3 to 6 in each umbel, nodding. Cup scaly, ovate, keeled, and whitish. Blossom globular, and purple; the segments are equal and spreading. Leaves by fours, smooth, obtuse, furrowed beneath, and slightly sawed at their edges. Stem shrubby, upright, a foot and a half high, and branching.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from April till July.


1. The empalement and floral leaves magnified.
2. A blossom.
3. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
4. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
5. A branch with the involucrum of the flowers.

[Pg 167]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 170][Pg 169][Pg 168]

ERICA stricta.


Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ. Flores terminales, umbellati, cernui: umbellæ 6-ad 12-floræ. Corolla sub-ovata, glabra, purpurea, ore arctata; laciniis minutis, reflexis. Folia quaterna, glabra, obtusa, horizontaliter patentia. Caulis erectus, fruticosus, sesquipedalis. Rami erecti, rigidi; ramulis verticillatis.


Tips crested, and within the blossom. Flowers terminate the branches in umbels, nodding. Umbels from 6 to 12 flowers. Blossom nearly egg-shaped, smooth, and purple; narrowed at the mouth, with the segments small and reflexed. Leaves by fours, smooth, blunt, and horizontally spreading. Stem upright, shrubby, a foot and a half high. Branches upright, and strict; the small branches in whorls.


Native of Portugal.
In bloom from August till November.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
4. Seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 171]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 174][Pg 173][Pg 172]

ERICA taxifolia.


Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores in apicibus ramulorum umbellati, numerosi, erecti. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ovatis, mucronatis, concavis, membranaceis. Corolla ventricosa, ore arctata, carnea, laciniis patentibus. Folia terna, trigona, glabra, rigida, mucronata. Caulis fruticosus, erectus, sub-pedalis, ramosissimus.


Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers grow at the ends of the small branches in umbels, numerous and upright. Cup four-leaved; leaflets egg-shaped, pointed, concave, and skinny. Blossom swelled at the base, narrowed at the mouth, and flesh-coloured; segments spreading. Leaves by threes, three-sided, smooth, harsh, and pointed. Stern shrubby, upright, near a foot high, and very branching.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from August till November.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. A blossom divested of its empalement.
3. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
4. Seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 175]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 178][Pg 177][Pg 176]

ERICA tenella.


Antheræ bicornutæ, inclusæ. Flores in ramulis terminales, congesti, capitati, numerosi, sub-erecti. Corolla ventricosa, parva, pallide-purpurea, ore parum arctata. Folia quaterna, tenuia, linearia, glabra. Caulis spithamæus, erectus, fruticosus. Rami filiformes, virgati, patentes.


Tips two-horned, and within the blossom. Flowers terminate the branches in clustered small heads, are very numerous, and grow nearly upright. Blossom bellied, small, of a pale purple, the mouth a little narrowed. Leaves by fours, are thin, linear, and smooth. Stem a span high, upright and shrubby. The branches, are thread-shaped, and spreading.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from October till March.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal magnified.

[Pg 179]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 182][Pg 181][Pg 180]

ERICA tetragona.


Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores in axillis foliorum, plerumque terni, erecti, conferti, cum odore cucumis. Corolla urceolata, lutea, tetragona, concava, ore arctata; laciniis æqualibus, acuminatis, patentibus, et reflexis. Folia terna, trigona, linearia, glabra. Caulis fruticosus, virgatus, sub-pedalis, ramosus, gracilis. Rami filiformes et patentes.


Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers grow from the axillæ of the leaves, mostly by threes, upright, crowded together, and smell like a cucumber. Blossom pitcher-shaped, yellow, four-sided, and concave, narrowed towards the mouth, the segments of which are equal, sharp-pointed, spreading, and reflexed. Leaves by threes, three-sided, linear and smooth. Stem shrubby, twiggy, and nearly a foot high, branching and slender. The branches are thread-shaped and spreading.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from July till September.


1. An umbel of flowers.
2. The empalement magnified.
3. A blossom magnified.
4. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
5. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

[Pg 183]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 186][Pg 185][Pg 184]

ERICA vestita, fulgida.


Antheræ muticæ, sub-exertæ. Flores supra medium ramorum, conferti, numerosi; pedunculis brevibus. Corolla uncialis et ultra, clavata, læte et saturate rubra. Folia plerumque sena, linearia, deorsum in petiolos capillares attenuata, et inde tremula. Caulis fruticosus, tripedalis, ramosus; ramis plerumque erectis, sub-simplicibus.


Tips beardless, just without the blossom. Flowers above the middle of the branches, crowded and numerous. The footstalks are short. Blossoms above an inch long, club-shaped, and of a deep bright red colour. Leaves mostly by sixes, linear, attenuated downwards into capillary footstalks, and thence tremulous. Stem shrubby, three feet high, branching. The branches are mostly upright, and simple.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from June till September.


1. The empalement and floral leaves magnified.
2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
3. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

[Pg 187]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 190][Pg 189][Pg 188]

ERICA vestita, incarnata.


Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores aggregatim verticillati, supra medium ramulorum. Pedunculi breves, bracteis tribus foliiformibus instructi. Corolla clavata, uncialis, basin versus albicans, superne læte rosea. Folia sena, septena, vel octona, erecta, aggregata, linearia, in petiolos capillares deorsum attenuata, et inde pereleganter tremulosa. Caulis erectus, bipedalis; ramis simplicibus.


Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers grow in crowded whorls, above the middle of the branches. Footstalks short, and furnished with three leaf-shaped floral leaves. Blossom club-shaped, an inch long, whitish towards the base, and upwards of a bright rose colour. Leaves by sixes, sevens, or eights, upright, crowded, linear, attenuated downwards into capillary footstalks, and thence elegantly tremulous. Stem upright, two feet high; with simple branches.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from May till August.


1. The empalement and floral leaves magnified.
2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
3. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
4. Seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 191]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 194][Pg 193][Pg 192]

ERICA vestita, rosea.


Antheræ muticæ, sub-exertæ. Flores aggregatim verticillati apices versus ramorum robustiorum, patentes. Corolla clavata, per-rosea, uncialis et ultra. Folia plerumque octona, conferta, linearia, obtusa, deorsum in petiolos capillares attenuata, et inde eleganter tremula. Caulis erectus, ramis longis, simplicibus, foliosis.


Tips beardless, just without the blossom. Flowers crowdedly whorled near the ends of the stoutest branches, and spreading. Blossom club-shaped, of a deep rose colour, above an inch long. Leaves chiefly in eights, crowded, linear, and blunt, attenuated downwards into capillary footstalks, and thence elegantly tremulous. Stem upright, with the branches long, simple and leafy.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from July till October.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
4. Seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 195]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 198][Pg 197][Pg 196]

ERICA umbellata.


Antheræ muticæ, exertæ. Flores umbellati, terminales, tres ad decem in singulâ umbellâ. Calyx duplex, adpressus; exterior triphyllus, et minor. Corolla globoso-conica, pallide rubro-purpurea, laciniis erectis. Folia ternata, parva, linearia, obtusa. Caulis fruticosus, flexuoso-erectus; ramulis filiformibus, patulis.


Tips beardless, without the blossom. Flowers umbelled and terminal, from three to ten in each umbel. Empalement double, pressed to the blossom; the outer one three-leaved, and smaller. Blossom globosely cone-shaped, of a pale red purple, with the segments erect. Leaves in threes, small, linear, and blunt. Stem shrubby, flexuosely erect; the branches thread-shaped, and a little spreading.


Native of Portugal.
In bloom from April till July.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. The seed-bud, chives, and pointal, magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
4. The seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 199]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 202][Pg 201][Pg 200]

ERICA Walkeria, rubra.


Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores quaterni, ad apices ramulorum terminales, in capitulis sessilibus. Corolla ovato-conica, lævigata, nitida, saturate carnea; laciniis sub-ovatis, patentibus. Folia quaterna, patula, linearia, glabra, nitida. Caulis fruticosus, pedalis, erectus. Rami sæpe sub-fasciculati, patuli.


Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers in fours, terminal on the lesser branches, in little sessile heads. Blossom ovately cone-shaped, smooth, shining, and of a deep flesh-colour. The segments are nearly ovate, and spreading. Leaves by fours, rather spreading, linear, smooth, and shining. Stem shrubby, a foot high, upright. The branches are often a little bundled and spreading.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from February till June.


1. The empalement and floral leaves magnified.
2. The chives detached, one tip magnified.
3. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
4. Seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 203]

[Image unavailable.]

[Pg 205][Pg 204]




51. Erica ardens.
52. australis.
53. baccans.
54. bicolor.
55. campanulata.
56. capitata.
57. coccinea.
58. concinna.
59. conferta.
60. cylindrica.
61. eriocephala.
62. fastigiata.
63. fimbriata.
64. flava.
65. flexuosa.
66. glutinosa.
67. α minor.
68. gracilis.
69. hispida.
70. horizontalis.
71. lateralis.
72. latifolia.
73. laxa.
74. Leea.
75. Linnæa.
76. Nivenia.
77. palustris.
78. Petiveriana,
79. α aurantia.
80. β hirsuta.
81. purpurea.
82. rosea.
83. Sebana, aurantia.
84. β lutea.
85. γ viridis.
86. sessiliflora.
87. setacea.
88. sexfaria.
89. Solandra.
90. spuria.
91. squamosa.
92. stricta.
93. taxifolia.
94. tenella.
95. tetragona.
96. vestita, fulgida.
97. β incarnata.
98. γ rosea.
99. umbellata.
100. Walkeria, rubra.

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