*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 74187 *** [Illustration: PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR FOR THE UNION] PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR FOR THE UNION. A COMPLETE AND RELIABLE =History of the War= FROM ITS COMMENCEMENT TO ITS CLOSE: GIVING A GRAPHIC PICTURE OF ITS ENCOUNTERS, THRILLING INCIDENTS, FRIGHTFUL SCENES, HAIR BREADTH ESCAPES, INDIVIDUAL DARING, DESPERATE CHARGES, PERSONAL ANECDOTES, ETC., GLEANED FROM EYE-WITNESSES OF, AND PARTICIPANTS IN, THE TERRIBLE SCENES DESCRIBED—A TRUTHFUL LIVING REFLEX OF ALL MATTERS OF INTEREST CONNECTED WITH THIS THE MOST GIGANTIC OF HUMAN STRUGGLES. TOGETHER WITH A COMPLETE CHRONOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THE WAR. BY MRS. ANN S. STEPHENS. EMBELLISHED WITH OVER TWO HUNDRED ILLUSTRATIONS. TWO VOLUMES. VOL II. NEW YORK: BENJAMIN W. HITCHCOCK, No. 14 CHAMBERS STREET, PUBLISHER Of SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS. 1867. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1866, BY BENJAMIN W. HITCHCOCK, In the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. TO MAJOR-GENERAL WILLIAM T. SHERMAN, ONE OF THE BEST MEN AND BRAVEST PATRIOTS THAT EVER FOUGHT FOR A GRATEFUL COUNTRY, THESE VOLUMES ARE RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED. ANN S. STEPHENS. NEW YORK, _January, 1886_. CONTENTS PAGE The Position of the Contending Forces in May, 1862 15 The March of the Army of the Potomac to White House, Va. 16 General McClellan and the Government 17 Stonewall Jackson’s Raid in the Shenandoah: Retreat of Gen. Banks 19 The Investment and Occupation of Corinth, Miss., May, 1862 21 Occupation of Norfolk, Va., by General Wool’s troops 27 Destruction of the rebel iron-clad Merrimac 28 Battle of Hanover Court House, Va., May 28, 1862 29 „ Fair Oaks, Va., May 31 and June 1, 1862 33 „ Seven Pines, Va., June 1, 1862 36 „ Cross-Keys, Va., June 8, 1862 38 The Seven Days’ Battles—Battle of Oak Grove, Va. 40 Battle of Gaines’ Mill, Va., June 26, 1862 41 Change of Base of the Army of the Potomac 45 Battles of Allen’s Farm and Savage’s Station, Va. 46 Battle of Nelson’s Farm, Va., June 30, 1862 48 „ Malvern Hill, July 1, 1862 49 Evacuation of Pensacola, May 9, 1862 52 Capture of Forts Pillow and Randolph—Occupation of Memphis, June 4–6, 1862 55 New Combinations—Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va. 58 Battle of Manassas, or Bull Run 61 „ Chantilly 63 Movements of McClellan 64 Battle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14, 1862 65 Surrender of Harper’s Ferry, Sept. 15, 1862 69 Battle of Antietam, Sept, 17, 1862 70 McClellan’s Army on the Potomac, October, 1862 82 Operations in Kentucky, June to September, 1862 87 Battle of Richmond, Ky., Aug. 30, 1862 90 Bragg’s Invasion—Battle of Munfordsville, Ky., Sept. 14–16, 1862 93 Battle of Perryville, Ky., Oct. 8, 1862 94 „ Iuka, Miss., Sept. 19, 1862 96 „ Corinth, Miss., Oct. 3–4, 1862 99 Gen. Burnside takes command of the Army of the Potomac, Nov. 10, 1862 104 Advance of the Army of the Potomac, Nov. 20, 1862 106 Burnside’s Army before Fredericksburg 107 Battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862 109 Operations in Tennessee—Battle of Murfreesboro’, Dec. 31, 1862 111 North Carolina at the close of 1862 119 Battle of Pocotaligo Bridge, S. C., Oct. 22, 1862 122 Battle of Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 6, 1862 123 Operations in Missouri in 1862 123 Naval Operations in 1862 126 Battle of Drury’s Bluff, Va., May 15, 1862 126 Naval Operations on the Mississippi, May to December, 1862 127 Hooker’s Campaign in Virginia, Jan. 26, 1863 130 General Stoneman’s Cavalry Raid, May 1, 1863 131 Hooker’s Advance to Kelly’s Ford, on the Rapidan 134 Battle of Chancellorsville, Va., May 1–4, 1863 136 The Second Day’s Fight, May 2 139 The Third Day’s Fight, Sunday, May 3 144 Sketch of the Life of Stonewall Jackson 146 The Rebel Invasion in Maryland and Pennsylvania 149 Capture of General Milroy’s Army at Winchester, Va., June 14, 1863 152 Capture of Martinsburg, Va., June 14, 1863 153 Attack on Carlisle, Pa., July 1, 1863 154 Battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1–3, 1863 156 The Vicksburg Campaign, December, 1862-July, 1863 166 Repulse of General Sherman’s Army, Jan. 3, 1863 171 Capture of Fort Hindman, Ark., Jan. 10–11, 1863 173 Sketch of the Life of Rear-Admiral D. D. Porter 176 Sketch of the Life of Major-General John A. McClernand 179 Expedition of the ram “Queen of the West” 181 The Vicksburg Canal 182 Expedition down the Coldwater, April 2, 1863 184 Passing the Vicksburg Batteries, April 16–22, 1863 186 Capture of Grand Gulf, Miss., April 29-May 3 187 Bombardment of Haines’ Bluff, April 29, 1863 189 Capture of Fort Gibson, Miss., May 1, 1863 190 Grierson’s Raid from Mississippi to Louisiana, April 17-May 2, 1863 192 Battle of Raymond, Miss., May 12, 1863 196 Capture of Jackson, Miss., May 14, 1863 199 Battle of Baker’s Creek, or Champion Hill, Miss. 202 Battle of Big Black Bridge, Miss., May 17, 1863 205 Capture of Haines’ Bluff, May 18, 1863 207 Bombardment and Assault of Vicksburg, May 19–23, 1863 209 Capture of Vicksburg, July 4, 1863 221 Battle at Helena, Ark., July 4, 1863 222 Morgan’s Raid in Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio, July 3–26, 1863 226 The Draft Riots in New York City, July 13–15, 1863 232 Operations in Tennessee in 1863 249 Battle of Fort Donelson, Tenn., Feb. 3, 1863 249 Battle near Franklin, Tenn., March 5, 1863 251 Colonel Streight’s Expedition into Georgia, May 3, 1863 254 Capture of Hoover’s Gap by Colonel Wilder’s Brigade 255 Colonel Wilder’s Expedition from Manchester to Anderson, Tenn. 258 Advance of General Rosecrans against Chattanooga 260 The Battle of Chickamauga, Tenn., Sept. 19, 1863 261 Sketch of Major-General George H. Thomas 267 Operations in North Carolina in 1863 268 Expedition against Rocky Mount, N. C., July 24, 1863 271 Operations in South Carolina in 1863 272 Attack on Fort Sumter, April 7, 1863 273 Capture of the rebel iron-clad Atlanta, June 17, 1863 276 Siege of Charleston, S. C., commenced July 3, 1863 277 Attack on Morris Island, S. C., July 10, 1863 278 Assault on Fort Wagner, S. C., July 11, 1863 279 Bombardment of Fort Sumter, S. C., August 17–23, 1863 280 The “Swamp Angel” 281 Operations in Arkansas—Capture of Little Rock, July 1, 1863 286 Operations in Southern Virginia in 1863 290 The Siege of Suffolk, April 11-May 3, 1863 290 The Siege of Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 17-Dec. 6, 1863 294 Operations in Tennessee, Sept. 20-Dec. 31, 1863 297 Battle of Lookout Mountain, Nov. 24, 1863 301 Sherman’s Advance against Mission Ridge, Nov. 24, 1863 303 Battle of Missionary Ridge. Nov. 25, 1863 305 Battle of Ringgold, Ga, Nov. 28, 1863 309 Department of the Gulf in 1863 310 Operations on the Teche and Atchafalaya rivers, Fla. 315 Battle of Irish Bend, La., Apr. 13, 1863 315 Attack on Port Hudson, La., May 27, 1863 319 Assault of Port Hudson, La., June 14, 1863 321 Surrender of Port Hudson, July 9, 1863 327 Miscellaneous Naval Operations in 1863 329 The Field of Operations in January, 1864 331 Sherman’s Expedition against Meridian, Miss. 332 General Smith’s Expedition from Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 11, 1864 333 The Red River Expedition, March 10-May 16, 1864 334 Battle of Sabine Cross-Roads, April 8, 1864 337 Battle of Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, 1864 340 Operations in Georgia: Battle of Tunnel Hill, Feb. 22, 1864 348 Reconnoissance and Battle at Rocky Face Ridge, Feb. 25, 1864 350 Capture of Union City. Tenn., March 25, 1864 350 Attack on Paducah, Ky., March 26, 1864 351 Capture of Fort Pillow, Tenn., April 12, 1864 353 Operations in Florida in 1864 355 Battle of Olustee. Feb. 20, 1864 357 Battle at Bachelor’s Creek, N. C., Feb. 1, 1864 359 Capture of Plymouth, N. C., Apr. 19, 1864 359 Destruction of the rebel iron-clad Albemarle 362 Capture of Fort Fisher and Wilmington, N. C. 363 Kilpatrick’s Cavalry Raid toward Richmond, Feb. 28-March 5, 1864 374 Operations in Arkansas in 1864 377 Invasion of Missouri, September, 1864 379 Operations in Georgia: General Sherman’s March to Atlanta 381 Capture of Rome, Ga., May 19, 1864 384 Battle of Kenesaw Mountain June 14, 1864 389 Battle of Little Kenesaw, June 24, 1864 392 Battle before Atlanta, July 22, 1864 394 Stoneman’s Cavalry Expeditions in July, 1864 396 The Siege of Atlanta, and its Capture 398 Hood’s Campaign in Alabama and Tennessee 404 Battle of Allatoona, Ga., October 5, 1864 407 Preparations for Sherman’s Grand March 408 The Burning of Rome, Ga., November 11, 1864 408 The Destruction of Atlanta, November, 1864 409 The Battle of Franklin, Tenn., November 30, 1864 411 The Battle of Nashville, Tenn., December 15–17, 1864 413 Continuation of the Siege of Charleston in 1864 418 Operations in Middle and Western Virginia in 1864 419 Battle of Piedmont, Va., June 5, 1864 421 Battle of Opequan Creek, Va., Sept. 19, 1864 428 Battle of Fisher’s Hill, Va., Sept. 21, 1864 430 Battle of Cedar Creek, Va., Oct 19, 1864 431 Sketch of the Life of Major-General Sheridan 432 Battle of Morristown, Tenn., Nov. 13, 1864 434 Stoneman’s Raid into Western Virginia, Dec. 12–20, 1864 434 Expeditions at the close of 1864 440 Rebel Privateers—the Alabama, the Florida, and the Shenandoah 442 The St. Albans Raid, Oct. 19, 1864 446 Advance of the Army of the Potomac, May 3, 1864 449 Battle of the Wilderness, Va., May 5–7, 1864 451 Battle of Spottsylvania, May 8–12, 1864 456 Sketch of the Life of General Sedgwick 457 Battle of Coal Harbor, Va., June 1–3, 1864 464 General Grant’s Change of Base, June 12–15, 1864 468 Operations on James River, Va., May 4–10, 1864 469 Battle of Fort Darling, Va., May 12–16, 1864 473 Assaults on the Intrenchments at Petersburg, Va., June 8–18, 1864 475 Engagement on the Weldon Railroad, near Petersburg, Va. 478 Engagements at Reams’s Station, Stony Creek, etc., June 22–29, 1864 479 Sherman’s March from Atlanta to Savannah, Nov. 16—Dec. 22, 1864 480 Capture of Fort McAllister, Ga., Dec. 13, 1864 488 Capture of Savannah, Ga., Dec. 21, 1864 489 Grand Naval Combat in Mobile Bay—Capture of Forts Morgan, Powell and Gaines 490 Sherman’s March from Savannah to Goldsboro’, N. C., Jan.-March, 1865 493 Battle of Averasboro’, March 15–16, 1865 494 Battle of Bentonsville, March 20, 1865 495 Capture of Charleston, S. C., Feb. 18, 1865 496 Gen. Schofield’s March to Goldsboro’: Battles at Kingston, N. C., Mch. 7–10, 1865 499 The Siege of Petersburg, Va., June 15, 1864 501 Explosion of Pleasants’ Mine, and Battle before Petersburg, July 29, 1864 503 The “Dutch Gap Canal” projected by General Butler 504 The War Summer of 1865 505 Battles on the Weldon Railroad, Va., August, 1864 505 Battle of Reams’s Station, Va., Aug. 28, 1864 506 Battle of Chapin’s Bluff, Va., Sept. 28, 1864 509 Army of the James: Battle before Richmond, Oct. 7, 1864 511 Battle of Hatcher’s Run, Oct. 27, 1864 512 Close of the Campaign: Battle of Five Forks, Va., April 1–3, 1865 517 Sheridan’s Expedition in the Shenandoah Valley, Feb. 27-March 19, 1865 519 Expedition against St. Mark’s, Fla., March 4–12, 1865 521 Stoneman’s Expedition in North Carolina, March 20-Apr. 13, 1865 523 General Wilson’s Expedition in Alabama, March 22-Apr. 20, 1865 525 Capture of Mobile and the Rebel Fleet, April 12-May 4, 1865 526 Evacuation of Richmond and Petersburg, April 3, 1865 532 Surrender of General Lee and his Army, April 9, 1865 534 Sketch of the rebel General Lee 538 Assassination of President Lincoln, April 14, 1865 541 Sketch of the Life of Abraham Lincoln 547 The Attempt to Assassinate Secretary Seward, April 14, 1865 548 The Inauguration of President Johnson, Apr. 15, 1865 549 The Close of Sherman’s Campaign. Surrender of General Johnston 552 Farewell Address of General Sherman to his Army 554 History of the Birkenhead Rams, built for the Pacha of Egypt 556 The Emancipation Proclamation of President Lincoln, Jan. 1, 1863 558 Proclamation of Secretary Seward announcing the Adoption of the Constitutional Amendment Abolishing Slavery 560 List of Vessels captured by the Confederate Navy during the War 561 INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS. VOLUME II. PAGE ILLUSTRATED TITLE, 1 UNION HEROES, 53 UNION HEROES, 77 BATTLE OF MURFREESBORO’, 117 CAPTURE OF A BATTERY BY GENERAL ROUSSEAU, 117 HOUSE USED FOR CONFINEMENT OF REBEL SYMPATHIZERS AT ST. LOUIS, 177 UNION HEROES, 197 UNION HEROES, 219 ANDREWS LEADING THE RIOTERS, 235 PROVOST GUARD ATTACKING THE RIOTERS, 269 CONFEDERATE GENERALS, 287 BATTLE OF MISSIONARY RIDGE, 307 PURSUIT TO RINGGOLD, GA., 307 CAMP SCENE.—ASSORTING THE MAIL, 325 CAMP SCENE.—THE NEWS DEPOT, 325 CONFEDERATE GENERALS, 345 VIEW OF PARROTT GUN BURST ON BOARD THE SUSQUEHANNA AT THE ATTACK ON FORT FISHER, 367 CONFEDERATE GENERALS, 385 GENERAL HOSPITAL AT SAVANNAH, GA., 405 CONFEDERATE GENERALS, 425 CONFEDERATE GENERALS, 447 BATTLE OF COAL HARBOR, VA., 465 HOOD’S HEADQUARTERS AT ATLANTA, 485 SHERMAN’S HEADQUARTERS AT ATLANTA, 485 CHARGING A BATTERY ON THE WELDON RAILROAD, 507 CAPTURE OF A RAILROAD TRAIN, 507 CONFEDERATE PORTRAITS, 527 PORTRAITS. UNION. PAGE ANDREWS, GEO. L., Brig.-Gen., 219 AUGUR, C. C., Maj.-Gen., 197 GRANT, U. S., Lieut.-Gen., 13 GRAHAM, LAWRENCE P., Brig.-Gen. 77 GILLMORE, Q. A., Maj.-Gen., 53 HARNEY, W. S., Brig.-Gen., 197 JOHNSON, ANDREW, President U. S., 550 KEITH, Brig.-Gen., 77 MARCY, R. B., Inspector-Gen., 197 MEADE, GEO. G., Maj.-Gen., 53 MEAGHER, T. F., Brig.-Gen., 77 MEIGS, M. C., Maj.-Gen., 219 MILROY, ROBT. H., Maj.-Gen., 197 MITCHELL, O. M., Maj.-Gen., 197 RICKETTS, JAMES B., Brig.-Gen., 77 ROUSSEAU, L. N., Maj.-Gen., 53 SHERMAN, W. T., Maj.-Gen., 43 SHERIDAN, PHILIP H., Maj.-Gen., 433 SHEPLEY, GEO. F., Brig.-Gen., 219 SLOCUM, H. W., Maj.-Gen., 53 STONE, CHAS. P., Brig.-Gen., 219 STONEMAN, GEO., Maj.-Gen., 53 THOMAS, GEO. H., Maj.-Gen., 267 WARD, J. H. H., Brig.-Gen., 77 WHITE, JULIUS, Brig.-Gen., 219 CONFEDERATE. BEAUREGARD, P. G. T., Maj.-Gen., 345 BRAGG, BRAXTON, Maj.-Gen., 287 BOWEN, Maj.-Gen., 425 BRANCH, L. O’B., Brig.-Gen., 385 BUCKNER, SIMON B., Maj.-Gen., 447 BORHAM, L., Brig.-Gen., 527 CHEATHAM, B. F., Maj.-Gen., 447 COLQUET, Brig.-Gen., 385 CRITTENDEN, G. B., Brig.-Gen., 385 COOPER, SAMUEL, Brig.-Gen., 527 DAVIS, JEFFERSON, 97 EWELL, RICHARD S., Lieut.-Gen., 287 FLOYD, JOHN B., Maj.-Gen., 385 GARNETT, RICH. B., Brig.-Gen., 287 HARDEE, WM. J., Lieut.-Gen., 447 HOOD, Maj.-Gen., 447 HAMPTON, WADE, Maj.-Gen., 425 HANSOM, ROGER, Brig.-Gen., 425 HILL, A. P., Maj.-Gen., 287 JOHNSON, B. T., Brig.-Gen., 385 JOHNSTON, JOS. E., Lieut.-Gen., 287 JACKSON, “STONEWALL,” Lt.-Gen., 137 JOHNSTON, A. S., Maj.-Gen., 447 LEE, FITZHUGH, Maj.-Gen., 287 LONGSTREET, JAMES, Lieut.-Gen., 287 LEE, ROBERT E., General, 539 LOVELL, MANSFIELD, Maj.-Gen., 385 MAFFITT, J. N., Capt., 527 MAGRUDER, J. B., Maj.-Gen., 287 MARSHALL, H., Maj.-Gen., 425 MASON, JAMES M., 527 MORGAN, JOHN H., Maj.-Gen., 345 MCCULLOCH, BENJ., Maj.-Gen., 345 POLK, L. K., Maj.-Gen., 345 PILLOW, G. J., Maj.-Gen., 425 PRICE, STERLING, Maj.-Gen., 345 RAINS, G. J., Brig.-Gen., 385 RHETT, THOS. S., Brig.-Gen., 385 STEPHENS, ALEXANDER H., 157 STUART, J. E. B., Maj.-Gen., 345 STEWART, GEORGE, Gen., 425 SMITH, G. W., Maj.-Gen., 425 SEMMES, RAPHAEL, Capt., 527 SLIDELL, JOHN, 527 SMITH, E. KIRBY, Lieut.-Gen., 345 TOOMBS, ROBERT, Maj.-Gen., 447 TWIGGS, DAVID E., Maj.-Gen., 447 VAN DORN, EARL, Maj.-Gen., 425 ZOLLICOFFER, F. K., Maj.-Gen., 345 [Illustration: LIEUTENANT-GENERAL U.S. GRANT.] THE WAR FOR THE UNION. The month of May, 1862, found the great armies of the Union threatening the forces of the rebellion at all points. A firm determination filled every northern bosom. Many a glorious battle field had taught the soldiers on both sides how to fight and how to endure. Unbounded heroism filled the whole nation. Never on this earth had so broad and glorious a country groaned under a harvest of iron. The defeat of Bull Run, instead of disheartening the people, fired them with new courage and that unconquerable resolution, which is the best part of National heroism. New Orleans had been captured by the invincible Farragut, by a series of brilliant naval victories. He was then a commodore, but has since been raised by these really wonderful exploits to the highest rank in the navy. The sea coast had been blockaded from Fortress Monroe to the Rio Grande. Generals Butler and Burnside had carried their fleets in safety to Hatteras Inlet, and had set up the old flag upon the shores of the Carolinas. General Hunter had established himself in Florida. The Army of the West, moving southward along the banks of the Mississippi, aided by the gunboat flotilla of Commodore Foote, had captured Island Number Ten, fought and won the great battle of Pittsburg Landing, and led by General Halleck, had invested Corinth. In the East, General McClellan, at the head of the Army of the Potomac, was moving up the Peninsula, in the advance upon Richmond. The whole nation watched his movements with anxious hopefulness, inspired by his successes in the West, backed by General Scott’s high recommendation. This history has already recorded the siege and capture of Yorktown, and the victory of Williamsburg, and has touched upon the engagement of West Point. The latter took place on the 7th of May, and was but one of the many lesser battles, which formed a stormy prelude to the terrible Seven Days’ Fights, among the swamps before the city of Richmond. Its purpose was the establishment of the Union arms at West Point, which would necessarily force the Rebels to abandon all their works on the Peninsula, between Yorktown and that place. Its success crowned the triumph that had meanwhile been achieved at Williamsburgh. It lasted from about ten o’clock in the morning, till about three o’clock in the afternoon, and ended in the repulse of the Rebels, who were thus, at all points, retiring before the gallant soldiers of the Union. The losses at the battle of West Point, as reported by General Franklin, were forty-nine killed, one hundred and four wounded, and forty-one missing. THE MARCH TO WHITE HOUSE. The narrative, terminating at the close of the first volume of this history, with the battle of West Point, now concerns itself with the onward march of the Army of the Potomac. On the 9th of May, General McClellan effected a junction with the forces under the command of General Franklin, at West Point; and hence, partly by land and partly by water, the whole army moved up the Pamunkey river towards a place called White House, twelve miles distant. The roads at this time were in a bad condition for travel, owing to heavy rains; and therefore the advance was made but slowly. It was not until the 16th inst., that General McClellan established his headquarters at White House, where he organized a permanent depot for supplies. These coming up the York river by water, could be landed at West Point and brought hence by railroad. From White House the march continued toward the Chickahominy river. No material opposition was anywhere encountered. The rebels were massing their forces beyond the Chickahominy, in front of Richmond, and preparing for the desperate, decisive struggle. On the 20th of May the left wing of the Union Army reached the Chickahominy, at a point called Bottom’s Bridge. The bridge had been destroyed by the enemy, but the stream was immediately forded by General Casey’s troops, and the bridge was rebuilt. In the mean while the centre and the right wing were advanced to the river above, driving the rebels out of the village of Mechanicsville. The lines now extended from Mechanicsville, on the right, to Seven Pines, on the left, the latter being a strong position on the Bottom’s Bridge road, on the further side of the Chickahominy. GENERAL M’CLELLAN AND THE GOVERNMENT. Here the advance was stayed. As early as the 10th of May, General McClellan, well assured of the strength of his foe, and of the nature and place of the opposition that would be made by the rebels, had represented to the War Department the comparative numerical weakness of his army, and the necessity for its reinforcement. Much correspondence now ensued, between him and the President, on this subject. It was General McClellan’s desire to rest his army on the James river, to receive his reinforcements by that channel, and to move on Richmond from that quarter. On the other hand, it was the opinion of the President, and the Secretary-of-War, that his army ought to rest upon the Pamunkey, receive reinforcements by land, if at all, and move on Richmond by means of bridges across the Chickahominy. General McDowell, at the head of between 35,000 and 40,000 men, was, at this time, in the neighborhood of Fredericksburg. The proper disposition of this force was also a point in controversy between General McClellan and the authorities at the capital. The former requested that McDowell’s troops might be sent to him, and sent by water. The latter dreaded to send them, lest, by so doing, they might uncover the City of Washington, and expose it to a rebel raid. On the part of General McClellan it was urged that no such apprehension need be entertained; that the bulk of the enemy’s forces were massed for the defence of Richmond; that to conquer the rebels there, would be the surest method of securing the safety of Washington; that the presence of McDowell’s corps would so strengthen his hands as to make victory certain; that, should the rebels attempt a raid on Washington, their route would be by way of Gordonsville and Manassas, on which they could readily be checked; and, finally, that the coming of McDowell’s troops by land would render their timely arrival less certain than it would be in the event of their coming by water, while it would equally render them unavailable for the defense of Washington. The opinion of the Government, however, prevailed; and, in the end, the plan of General McClellan’s campaign was materially changed. He had designed to approach Richmond by the east and south. Resting on the Pamunkey, his purpose was now to approach it by the north. This change in the plan of the campaign necessitated the division of his army by the Chickahominy river, and the bridging of that river in many places. On the 18th of May the Secretary-of-War notified him that General McDowell’s corps would be sent forward by land from Fredericksburg, to form a junction with the right wing of the Array of the Potomac. Awaiting this reinforcement, General McClellan employed himself in strengthening his position, and in building the necessary bridges across the Chickahominy. On the 24th of May he was notified that the critical position of General Banks’ troops, consequent upon a sudden raid, by Stonewall Jackson, up the Valley of the Shenandoah river, had occasioned the recall of General McDowell, and that the Army of the Potomac must proceed without reinforcements. General McClellan has been bitterly censured for his alleged slothfulness and hesitation, at this juncture; nor can it be denied that his advance towards Richmond was made slowly and with extreme caution. It must be remembered, however, that to march through sloughs of mire, in the face of a powerful and well intrenched foe, is far less easy than to advance on paper, and conquer enemies with printers’ ink. This is not a partisan history—its design is simply to record facts and to do justice. Subsequent events have shed much light upon General McClellan’s Peninsular Campaign. That he had not over-estimated the power of the rebel forces, was conclusively shown in the bloody and terrible seven days’ battles. That he was obliged to deviate from his own chosen plan is evident, and is not denied: yet that plan was the same which was ultimately adopted by General Grant, in the final campaign of the war. Richmond when finally taken, was approached from the east and south, and not from the north. General McClellan may have been overcautious; but his tactics were wise, and his patriotism stainless. The following is the language of General McClellan’s Report, as to several essential points: “The land movement obliged me to expose my right in order to secure the junction; and as the order for General McDowell’s march was soon countermanded, I incurred great risk, of which the enemy finally took advantage, and frustrated the plan of my campaign. Had General McDowell joined me by water, I could have approached Richmond by the James, and thus avoided the delays and losses incurred in bridging the Chickahominy, and would have had the army massed in one body, instead of being necessarily divided by that stream.... “In view of the peculiar character of the Chickahominy, and the liability of its bottom land to sudden inundations, it became necessary to construct between Bottom’s Bridge and Mechanicsville, eleven new bridges, all new and difficult, with extensive by-way approaches. “The entire army could, probably, have been thrown across the Chickahominy immediately after our arrival, but this would have left no force on the left bank to guard our communications or to protect our right and rear. If the communication with our supply depot had been cut by the enemy, with our army concentrated upon the right bank of the Chickahominy, and the stage of water as it was for many days after our arrival, the bridges carried away, and our means of transportation not furnishing a single day’s supplies in advance, the troops must have gone without rations, and the animals without forage, and the army would have been paralyzed. “It is true I might have abandoned my communications and pushed forward toward Richmond, trusting to the speedy defeat of the enemy and the consequent fall of the city, for a renewal of supplies; but the approaches were fortified, and the town itself was surrounded with a strong line of intrenchments, requiring a greater length of time to reduce than our troops could have dispensed with rations. “Under these circumstances, I decided to retain a portion of the army on the left bank of the river until our bridges were completed.” STONEWALL JACKSON’S RAID: RETREAT OF GEN. BANKS. While the Army of the Potomac was thus occupied in bridging the Chickahominy, and while General McClellan and the President were in correspondence, the rebels did not remain idle. On the 23rd of May commenced the well-remembered raid, up the valley of the Shenandoah, which was the occasion of a serious panic at Washington, and even further north than New York; which prevented the junction of McDowell’s and McClellan’s forces; and which involved the splendid retreat of General Banks from Strasburgh to Winchester, and thence to Williamsport on the Potomac river. The distance is fifty-three miles, and the retreat was accomplished in forty-eight hours. The Army of the Shenandoah, commanded by General Banks, consisted of about six thousand men, while the forces of the rebel raiders numbered upwards of twenty thousand, and were led by the brilliant and dashing Stonewall Jackson. The advance of the rebels was made up the valley, to the westward of the Blue Ridge, and the first point attacked was Front Royal. Here the enemy encountered the First Maryland Regiment, Col. Kenly, which was attacked with great fury, and driven back towards Strasburgh. Col. Kenly fought with wonderful valor, and was heartily sustained by his men. The fighting, indeed, was of almost unexampled severity, but the regiment was soon overpowered by numbers. Colonel Kenly, when asked to surrender, shot the rebel who thus summoned him to yield: and finally, when overpowered, broke his sword in halves, to avoid surrendering it. He was shot, but only wounded, and was placed in an ambulance. In that ambulance he was subjected to much suffering, for want of surgical aid. As soon as General Banks received news of this disaster at Front Royal, and knew that General Jackson was advancing in force, he perceived his danger and ordered a retreat. And now commenced a race between the two armies, for the town of Winchester. Had Jackson reached that point first, he would have intercepted the little band of Union soldiers, cut off their supplies, and forced their surrender. But the celerity and courage of General Banks’s forces proved their salvation. They retired, indeed, in the face of superior numbers; but they retired fighting. At Newtown, at Kernstown, and at Winchester they were closely pushed by the pursuing foe; but, at every point of attack, the enemy was checked and held at bay. The severest encounter took place at Winchester. General Gordon’s brigade was here engaged, and gained great honor by its gallantry and coolness. The regiments constituting it were the Second Massachusetts, Lieut-Col. Andrews; the Third Wisconsin, Col. Ruger; the Twenty-seventh Indiana, Col. Colgrove; and the Twenty-ninth Pennsylvania, Col. Murphy. The stability with which this brigade opposed itself to overwhelming numbers undoubtedly saved General Banks’ Army. General Gordon thus describes its final retreat: “I fell back slowly, but generally in good order. The Second Massachusetts in column of companies moving by flank, the Third Wisconsin in line of battle moving to the rear. On every side above the surrounding crest surged the rebel forces. A sharp and withering fire of musketry was opened by the enemy from the crest upon our centre, left and right. The yells of a victorious and merciless foe were heard above the din of battle, but my command was not dismayed. The Second Massachusetts halted in a street of the town to reform its line, then pushed on with the column, which, with its long train of baggage-wagons, division, brigade, and regimental, was making its way in good order towards Martinsburgh. “My retreating column suffered serious loss in the streets of Winchester: males and females vied with each other in increasing the number of their victims by firing from the houses, throwing hand-grenades, hot water, and missiles of every description. The hellish spirit of murder was carried on by the enemy’s cavalry, who followed to butcher, and who struck down with sabre and pistol the helpless soldier sinking from fatigue, unheeding his cries for mercy, indifferent to his claims as a prisoner of war. “This record of infamy is preserved for the females of Winchester. But this is not all: our wounded in hospital, necessarily left to the mercies of our enemies, I am credibly informed were bayoneted by the rebel infantry. In the same town, in the same apartments, where we, when victors on the field of Winchester, so tenderly nursed the rebel wounded, we were even so more than barbarously rewarded.” THE INVESTMENT AND OCCUPATION OF CORINTH. MAY 12–30, 1862. The decisive battle of Pittsburgh, on Monday, April 7th, terminated in the retreat of the vast army of rebels, which fell back to Corinth. During the latter part of the same week, Gen. Halleck arrived on the field to assume the chief command of the Federal Army. The success of Gen. Pope’s division at New Madrid, and at Island No. 10, placed his superb army of about twenty thousand strong, at Halleck’s disposal; and they were now ordered to join the grand army under the commander-in-chief. They were assigned position at Hamburgh, four miles above Pittsburgh Landing, fronting on the extreme left of the Federal lines. Several changes were now made in the organization of the Federal army. The divisions of Sherman and Crittenden were added to Grant’s _corps d’armée_. This gave Grant eight divisions. The reserve of Grant’s forces were composed of the divisions of Gen. Lew. Wallace, Crittenden, and McClernand; the former command of the latter being conferred upon Brig.-Gen. John A. Logan. While McClernand was placed in command of this reserve, Gen. Thomas was placed in chief command of the remaining divisions of Grant’s forces. In the field position, Grant’s forces constituted the right, Buell’s the centre, and Pope’s the left. The first advance was ordered on April 29, the entire army moving toward the common centre, Corinth. Wallace held the extreme right. McClernand moved along the lower Corinth road, to a point one and a half miles west of Monterey. Sherman moved directly for a hill commanding Monterey, and occupied it on the morning of the 30th of April. Every thing on the route indicated the haste with which the enemy had retreated, after his defeat. Gun carriages, caissons, wheels, tents, and all the apparatus of war, broken or burned, strewed the whole line of march. On the same day Gen. Wallace dispatched a force to cut the Ohio and Mobile railroad at Bethel, south of Purdy, in order to sever the rebel communication to the northward. Three battalions of cavalry, and one of infantry, under command of Col. Morgan L. Smith, executed this commission. They found the rebels in position near Purdy, in a piece of woods. While the infantry and a detachment of cavalry engaged the enemy, Colonel Dickey, with two battalions of cavalry moved to the railroad. They destroyed a bridge a hundred and twenty feet in length, and the conductor, engineer, and four others were taken prisoners. Buell struck direct from Pittsburgh Landing toward Corinth, while Pope’s division pushed forward from Hamburgh towards the lower point. On the 3d of May, a reconnoissance in force toward Farmington was ordered. The country is uneven and difficult to penetrate, and both time and caution were necessary. Generals Paine and Palmer of Pope’s command, were detailed for this important duty. The regiments selected were the Tenth, Sixteenth, Twenty-second, Twenty-seventh, Forty-second and Fifty-first Illinois Volunteers, Tenth and Sixteenth Michigan Volunteers, Yates’ Illinois Sharpshooters, Houghtaling’s and Hercock’s batteries, and the Second Michigan cavalry. The column proceeded about five miles on the Farmington road, where they encountered the enemy’s cavalry pickets. A skirmish ensued, in which the rebels lost eight killed, and the same number of their wounded, were made prisoners. The enemy was compelled to fall back, after a second skirmish, and at 3 o’clock, p. m., the vanguard came up from a swamp they had crossed, and the fight commenced in earnest. The enemy was strongly posted on an elevated piece of ground which was flanked by a part of the force, and the rebels were obliged to fall back half a mile, yielding their former position to the Federals, who pressed them closely. The two regiments of infantry having secured a position commanding the left flank of the rebels, poured upon them such a destructive fire, that their infantry abandoned their artillerists. The latter, finding themselves forsaken, hastily withdrew their guns to a new position, from which they were soon dislodged, and fled with all speed to Corinth. General Pope’s advance was thus put in possession of Farmington. This successful movement of General Pope’s advance was a cause of great annoyance to the rebels, and on the 9th of May they came out in overwhelming force to drive him back. The enemy numbered about thirty-five thousand, under command of Bragg, Price, Van Dorn, and Ruggles. General Pope had been specially directed not to engage the enemy in force. Under these circumstances he was obliged to encounter the shock of this large body, with only a single brigade, which, however, was advantageously posted. The enemy threw forward five or six regiments, with artillery, to engage this brigade, holding their immense reserve in readiness to attack the Federal reinforcements, which they supposed would be brought on the field. After five hours of desperate resistance, General Pope withdrew his advance, with a loss of forty killed, and about one hundred and twenty wounded. The rebels, surprised by the obstinate resistance of this small force, and their sudden retreat, made no pursuit, but fell back to their own intrenchments, after having suffered a much greater loss. Three different “parallels” were constructed along the Federal lines, from the time of the first investment to the occupation of Corinth. The construction of these works compelled the rebels to fall back further upon their centre, until the last was completed. On the 17th of May a brilliant engagement took place, under the command of General W. T. Sherman which resulted in the capture of a position known as Russell’s house, the place being owned and occupied by a gentleman of that name. The possession of this ground being important to the Federal advance, General Sherman directed General Hurlbut to take two regiments and a battery of artillery up the road to Russell’s house. General Denver with an equal force, composed of the Seventieth and Seventy-second Ohio, and Barrett’s battery, took a different road, so as to arrive on the enemy’s left, while his front was engaged. General Morgan L. Smith, with his brigade, and Bouton’s battery, were directed to follow the main road, and drive back a brigade of the enemy that held the position at Russell’s. General Smith conducted his advance in a very handsome manner, the chief work as well as the loss falling upon his two leading regiments, the Eighth Missouri and the Fifty-fifth Illinois. The firing was very brisk, but the enemy’s pickets were driven steadily back till they reached their main position at Russell’s, where they made an obstinate resistance. At first the Union artillery worked to a disadvantage, owing to the nature of the ground, but then finally succeeded in gaining an elevation whence they shelled the house, when the enemy immediately retired in confusion, leaving the field in possession of the victors. The Federal loss was ten killed, and thirty-one wounded. The enemy left twelve dead on the ground. Preparations were constantly progressing for the final assault, which was appointed for the 28th of May. Occasional skirmishes took place in which the rebels always lost ground, as the great body of the Federal forces slowly but surely closed around them. On the morning of the 28th, General Pope sent Colonel Elliott to cut the line of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad. This was accomplished with great skill. On the same day the whole army slowly advanced to the point of attack. On the left, the division under General Pope approached so near the rebel lines as to discover that the retreat of the enemy had begun. It was nine o’clock on the morning of Wednesday the 28th, before Pope opened on the left and began the reconnoissance, which soon became general, as was evinced by rapid firing in McKeon’s division, and further to the right in Sherman’s. The right and center had encountered no enemy until they had reached the swamp and pushed through it toward the creek. Pope, on the contrary, met a determined resistance, and at night his line was but little further advanced than the third parallel of the center and right. Operating in an open space of some miles in extent he had not been able to advance his lines with the rapidity of Buell and Thomas. But the engagement began when the right and center reached the swamp, and while yet the left was striving to obtain the same position. There was no distinguishing anything. Along the whole line where the fight was raging, sharp reports, shouts, commands, and cheers, were heard, but nothing could be seen, save occasionally the white smoke rising from the leveled weapons which had just been discharged. The ambulances were slowly filled. The wounded soldiers were brought from the swamps, and the surgeons gathered around them. Cries of pain, curses, and groans, mingling with the wilder shouts of the excited combatants, who were hidden by the woods, arose distinctly. This style of skirmishing was kept up during the whole day. The combatants on the right and center maintained their original position, and Thomas and Buell bivouacked where they had fought—in the damp, miry swamps. The night was spent in preparations for an advance in the morning. The resistance of the rebels to Pope’s advance was more stubborn, and the conflict during the day was more determined, more exciting, and resulted in greater loss than in both the other corps. He was opposed both by infantry and artillery. The crossing at the creek was defended by a battery of rifled guns, which Pope had found exceedingly effective, and he was content, when night came, to rest in the plain, and make his preparations for reducing the battery at early dawn. The troops of the three divisions bivouacked on the field, where they had stood mostly inactive the whole day, Hamilton’s left resting on the Farmington road. The position obtained at Russell’s House on the 17th, had been strongly intrenched as a base for the operations of W. T. Sherman’s division on the 28th. On that day he was ordered to advance and secure a log-house standing on a ridge, giving a near and commanding position. The place was then held by the enemy—supposed to be in strong force. The house was a double log-building standing on a high ridge on the southern end of the large field to which the Union pickets had advanced. The enemy had taken out the chinks and removed the roof, making it an excellent block house, from which he could annoy the Union pickets, in security. The large field was perfectly overlooked by this house, and by the ridge along its southern line of fence, which was covered by a dense grove of heavy oaks and underbrush. The main Corinth road runs along the eastern fence, while the field itself, three hundred yards wide, by five hundred long, extended far to the right into the low land of Phillip’s creek, densely wooded and impassable to troops or artillery. On the eastern side of the field, the woods were more open. The enemy could be seen at all times, in and about the house and the ridge beyond, but the Federal pickets could not appear on that side of the field without attracting a shot. General J. W. Denver, with his brigade and the Morton battery of four guns, was ordered to march from the Union lines at eight A. M., keeping well under cover as he approached the field; General Morgan L. Smith’s brigade, with Barrett’s and Waterhouse’s batteries, was ordered by Sherman to move along the main road, keeping his force well masked in the woods to the left; Brigadier-General Veatch’s brigade moved from General Hurlbut’s lines through the woods on the left of and connecting with General Morgan L. Smith’s, and General John A. Logan’s brigade moved down to Bowie Hill Cut of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, and thence forward and to the left, connecting with General Denver’s brigade on the extreme right. Two twenty-pound rifled guns of Silfversparre’s battery, under the immediate supervision of Major Taylor, chief of artillery, were moved silently through the forest to a point behind a hill, from the top of which could be seen the house and ground to be contested. The guns were unlimbered, loaded with shell and moved by hand to the crest. The house was soon demolished by Major Taylor’s battery, when the troops dashed forward in splendid style, crossed the field, drove the enemy from the ridge and field beyond, into another dense and seemingly impenetrable forest. When the enemy reached the ridge, he opened with a two-gun battery on the right, and another from the front and left, killing three of General Veatch’s men. The Union artillery soon silenced his, and by ten A. M. the Federals were masters of the position. Generals Grant and Thomas were present during the affair and witnessed the movement, which was admirably executed both by the officers and men. The enemy, evidently annoyed at this unexpected repulse, sallied out in some force to regain the lost position, but they were repulsed after a brisk fire of musketry and artillery. The new position won was near Corinth, and the work of intrenching went on during the night of the 28th. On the morning of the 29th, a line of defences was constructed, which gave the Federals a powerful foothold within thirteen hundred yards of the enemy’s main works. The whole division of Sherman lay in a slightly curved line, facing south; his right resting on the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, near a deep cut known as Bowie Hill Cut, and his left resting on the main Corinth road, at the crest of the ridge, there connecting with General Hurlbut, who, in turn, on his left, connected with General Davies, and so on down the whole line to its extremity. So near was the enemy, that the sound of his drums and sometimes of voices in command could be heard, while the rumble of the railroad cars, coming and going to and from Corinth was easily distinguished. For some days and nights, cars had been arriving and departing frequently. On the night of the 29th, they had been more active than usual, and Sherman’s suspicions were aroused. Before daybreak on the 30th, he instructed the brigade commanders and the field officer of the day, to feel forward as far as possible, but all reported the enemy’s pickets still in force in the dense woods to his front. About six A. M., a curious explosion, sounding like a volley of large siege pieces, followed by others singly, and in twos and threes, arrested attention. Soon after a dense smoke arose from the direction of Corinth. Sherman immediately put in motion two regiments of each brigade by different roads, and soon after followed with the whole division, infantry, artillery and cavalry. To his surprise, the enemy’s chief redoubt was found within thirteen hundred yards of the inner line of intrenchments, but completely masked by the dense forest and undergrowth. Instead of a continuous line of intrenchments encircling Corinth, his defenses consisted of separate redoubts, connected in part by a parapet and ditch, and in part by shallow rifle-pits; the trees being felled to afford a good field of fire to and beyond the main road. General Morgan L. Smith’s brigade moved rapidly down the main road, entering the first redoubt of the enemy at seven A. M., May 30th. It was completely evacuated, and he pushed on into Corinth and beyond, to College Hill, there awaiting Thomas’ orders and arrival. General Denver entered the enemy’s lines at the same time, seven A. M., at a point midway between the wagon and railroads, and proceeded on to Corinth, about three miles from his camp; and Colonel McDowell kept further to the right, near the Mobile and Ohio Railroad. By eight A. M., all Sherman’s division was at and beyond Corinth. On the whole ridge extending from Sherman’s into Corinth, and to the right and left could be seen the abandoned camps of the enemy; flour and provisions were scattered about, everything indicating a speedy and confused retreat. In the town itself, many houses were still burning, and the ruins of warehouses and buildings containing commissary and other stores were yet smouldering; but there still remained piles of cannon balls, shells and shot, sugar, molasses, beans, rice, and other property, which the enemy had failed to carry off or destroy. The enemy had for some days been removing their sick, and their valuable stores, and had sent away on railroad cars a part of their effective force on the night of the 28th. But, of course, even the vast amount of their rolling stock could not carry away an army of a hundred thousand men. The rebels were, therefore, compelled to evacuate the place, and began the march by ten o’clock on the night of the 29th—the columns filling the roads leading south and west all night; the rear-guard firing the train which led to the explosion and conflagration, that gave the first intimation that Corinth was evacuated. OCCUPATION OF NORFOLK, VA. While these events were happening, before Richmond and in the valley of the Shenandoah, the rebels were not idle elsewhere. On the evening of the 10th of May, General Wool verified his opinion as to the easy capture of Norfolk, by landing his troops at Ocean View, under the direction of Captain Cram, and commenced his march upon the city. The route lay through pine woods and over roads in only tolerable condition. The infantry regiments being first landed, started at once upon their march, the principal object being to secure the bridge across Tanner’s Creek, which would be a shortening of the route by several miles. The leading regiments under General Weber, reached the bridge about one o’clock, and found it burning, it having been fired by a small force of rebels then on the opposite bank. They had also planted a couple of small guns, with which they now opened fire upon our advance. General Mansfield considered that this effort to beat back our approach could not be resisted without artillery and a larger force; and started on a return to hurry forward the batteries and a reinforcement. General Wool in the mean time decided to push forward, and led the column by a roundabout route toward Norfolk. In spite of the heat of the day, the Union troops reached the entrenched camp at about half past four o’clock, and were in possession at twenty minutes before five. The entrenchments were strongly fortified with earthworks, on the top of which were found twenty-nine pieces of artillery. When just about to enter the city the troops were met by a flag of truce. The Mayor of the city, who had come out under the flag, was met by General Wool and Secretary Chase. They entered a cottage by the road side, for the purpose of conferring together, and there the Mayor of Norfolk informed General Wool of the purport of his visit, explaining that he had come to surrender the city into the hands of the United States, and to ask protection for the persons and property of the citizens. General Wool’s reply was that the request was granted in advance. He then immediately took possession of the city, and appointed Brigadier-General Egbert L. Viele to be Military Governor, with directions to see that the citizens were protected in all their civil rights. At this point it is necessary to look backward for a few days at the doings of the rebels, in order to explain the burning of the Merrimac. DESTRUCTION OF THE MERRIMAC. Commodore Tatnall, early in May, received orders to take up his position upon the James river, in such a way as would entirely prevent the Union forces from ascending it. On the next day he was ordered to endeavor to protect Norfolk, too, which placed him in his original position. On the day following, Commodore Hollins reached Norfolk with orders from the rebel Secretary of the Navy, Honorable S. R. Mallory, to communicate with Commodore Tatnall and such officers as he might select, in regard to the best disposition to be made of the rebel steamer Virginia—better known at the North as the Merrimac. On the 8th of May the Union forces attacked the Sewell’s Point battery; and Commodore Tatnall immediately undertook its defence, with the Merrimac. Six of our vessels, including the Monitor and Naugatuck, were actively engaged in the bombardment of the rebel batteries on Sewell’s Point and Craney Island. The Merrimac evinced a decided disinclination to come out into the roadstead; and, as the National vessels were equally disinclined to go up to her, the combat ceased. The Monitor had orders to engage the Merrimac, in only such a position as would enable the Union iron-clad, and other vessels engaged, to run her down. The demonstration had one good effect; that of ascertaining the fact that the number of guns, at the principal work on Sewell’s Point, was greatly reduced, and the force of men posted there comparatively small. On the 10th of May the rebels learned that a large force of Union men were marching rapidly upon Norfolk, and later in the day that the Union troops occupied the city. They at once endeavored to put in force a design to get up the river, and aid in the defence of Richmond, trusting to be able to do this before the Union officers should learn of their intention. Before daybreak the next morning, however, it was found that the Merrimac was not fit for action; and the rebel flag-officer in command determined, with the concurrence of the first and flag-lieutenants, to land the crew at Craney Island, the only means of retreat left open to them; and, as it was otherwise impossible to prevent the Merrimac from falling into our hands, to destroy her before we could capture her. The vessel was accordingly put ashore, near the main land, the crew was landed, and in a few minutes sheets of flame rose into the air fore and aft of the proud rebel iron-clad. For more than an hour she burned fiercely; tongues of fire licked her sides and shot up livid streams of light through the dense smoke, and at 5 o’clock on the morning of May 11th, with a loud report, like a roar of baffled rage, agony, and mortification, she blew up, scattering her ruins far and wide; and the morning sun shone down on nothing of the Merrimac save wreck and smoke. THE BATTLE OF HANOVER COURT-HOUSE. MAY 23, 1862. On Wednesday, May 28th, one of the most brilliant achievements was consummated which distinguished the great, patriotic war for the Union. For several days previously to the above date, the rebels, returning from their raid up the Shenandoah valley, had been extending their pickets towards Old Church, throwing forces upon McClellan’s right flank, and otherwise indicating that they meant mischief. These threats of battle were answered by his suddenly throwing out a heavy Union force, between Hanover and Richmond, which cut off their communications by the Virginia Central, and the Richmond and Petersburg railroads. By this means the Union army totally dispersed the enemy, in two short, sharp engagements, cleared its flank, and disabled the rebel railroad operations. But a more important work was ahead; and the force selected for it was General G. W. Morrell’s division, of General F. J. Porter’s Fifth Provisional Army Corps. At midnight of Monday, orders were given to each regiment to be in light marching trim, for the morning. The reveille beat at 3 A. M. A drenching rain was pouring down, so that not so much as a cup of coffee could be heated; and there was nothing but cold rations to give the required strength for the prospective march. The soldiers marched in silence for some six or eight miles; and then the whisper gathered breath, and passed from man to man, “Where are we going?” Pocket compasses were consulted, and it was discovered that slowly, though gradually, the division was bearing more and more to the right. Few in the column had any idea of the object in view; but no questions were asked. At 10 o’clock, the dismal, overhanging clouds had disappeared almost entirely, and through their broken masses poured down the rays of a brilliant sun, that soon became almost tropical in its intense heat. The head of the column was suddenly turned to the right; a course due north was pursued for a short time; and then, where the roads intersected each other, a battery was planted, a regiment being detailed to support it. Again the brigades moved rapidly onward. At the halt, the Virginia railroad was reported to be but a mile and a half westward; and, in obedience to orders received, the Twenty-second Massachusetts, Colonel Gore, marched northward to disable the railroad, and subsequently joined the main body a few miles above. The design in view was to capture a large body of rebels, known to have been at Hanover Court House on the Sunday before, and which had then consisted of the Seventh, Twelfth, Eighteenth, Twenty-third, Thirty-third, and Thirty-eighth, North Carolina troops. Each regiment was represented as numbering one thousand men: and it was further stated that the enemy intended to strongly reinforce the position. The Union division reached a point about two miles north of the intersection of the roads, when the advance guard, composed of cavalry; the Twenty-fifth New York Infantry, Colonel Johnson, and a section of artillery, discovered the pickets of the enemy. Without an instant’s delay the skirmishers opened fire, when the enemy slowly withdrew for two miles—the Twenty-fifth in rapid pursuit, keeping ahead even of Benson’s Light Battery, which was in front. It was in an open field, near the house of Doctor King, that the rebels drew up in line of battle. Colonel Johnson pressed boldly forward, engaged them at close range, and for fifteen minutes, before any support arrived, made hot work for both sides. The rebels had sheltered themselves behind the house, and in support of two of their own field pieces; but they were speedily driven from that protection. A force of the enemy which approached on the right of the Twenty-fifth, coming from the woods, succeeded in taking prisoners a portion of company G, which they immediately carried to their rear. A section of Manin’s Massachusetts Battery, followed by a portion of Griffin’s Regular Battery now came to the Assistance of Colonel Johnson, and speedily fixed the attention of the rebels, who continued to pour in a sharp shower of grape and shell from their twelve-pound howitzers. But now a turn in affairs took place which was as great a surprise as it was a disaster to the rebels. From their determined stand it was clearly perceived that they supposed the force before them to be our only strength; and they evidently considered that it would be short work to repulse and capture the small body of men so heroically attacking them. But General Butterfield had already ordered the Eighty-third Pennsylvania, Colonel McLane and the Seventeenth New York, Colonel Lansing, to the timber on the left of the enemy’s flank; and before they could suspect the blow that threatened them, our reinforcements appeared in the wheat field on their left. The vitality of the movement was clear to them as soon as perceived; and surprised, then confused, they wavered at the first well-directed volley poured in on them. Their ranks broke; and, turning, they fled confusedly, in every direction. A second volley picked off their men at the guns. Forward, at the double-quick, and with a loud, hearty yell, went the brave Seventeenth. The cannon were abandoned without spiking them, and our victorious troops pursued the retreating enemy to Hanover Court-House. Within an hour sixty prisoners were brought in. Beyond this point the enemy still fled; and the cavalry continued in hot pursuit. At the Court-House the regiments stopped, as the enemy had abandoned it just in time to escape the net so skilfully set for his capture. At Peake’s Station orders were received from General Porter for the Twenty-second Massachusetts to move up the railroad, several hundred feet of which they had previously torn up. All other regiments, including the Forty-fourth and the battery below, were ordered to move with all possible rapidity, as it was expected that much more sharp fighting remained to be done ahead. They had but just moved forward when a mounted cavalry picket in hot haste rode up and informed General Martindale that a large force of rebels had arrived by rail, and was already hurrying on for an attack upon the rear, evidently hoping to get us between two fires. The Second Maine regiment, in the rear, was faced about, and stationed at the point where the rebel attack was expected. But they advanced under shelter of the timber. The Forty-fourth New York, Colonel Stryker, was ordered to the left of Martin’s battery; the Twenty-fifth regiment, attending on the wounded, having been sent for, arrived and took up a position on the left of the battery, before which the rebels had already appeared. The Forty-fourth started to deploy in the woods to the left, with a view to protect one of the hospitals which was in that direction; but the enemy attacking our right flank made it necessary to have them recalled. They returned to their former position; and engaged their opponents vigorously. The fight waxed hot and furious. Six rebel infantry regiments were in plain sight. Colonel Johnson was severely wounded, and soon after had his horse shot under him; Adjutant Houghton received a flesh wound in the leg, and Major Chapin of the Forty-fourth was severely wounded in the chest, and the leg. Adjutant Knox, and Lieutenant Fox were both wounded. The enemy pressed fiercely upon the Union lines; their fire was poured in with relentless fury, and their whole strength was put out to crush the patriotic force. But in vain, for though losing severely at every onslaught, the three heroic columns stood their ground with an unflinching bravery that has won for them the highest meed of praise. They would not yield an inch. Finally the Second Maine was out of ammunition, and Colonel Roberts appealed for a chance to charge with the bayonet. During all the time this furious fight was raging the brigades in the advance were returning on the double-quick. The Eighty-third Pennsylvania and Sixteenth Michigan were thrown in on the left. The Sixty-second Pennsylvania, Colonel Black, was sent into the timber on the left; the Ninth Massachusetts, Colonel Cass, was placed on the left of the Eighty-third. The Fourteenth New York relieved the Second Maine, and was joined by the Thirteenth New Jersey, from Colonel Warren’s brigade. Griffin’s battery, which now came thundering in, commenced throwing shell and shrapnell, on the instant after taking position. The fresh regiments pressed forward. On the enemy’s left, the Sixty-second was doing such execution as forced the rebels to fall back before its destructive fire. The whole advancing columns came on with a steady rush; the enemy was thrown into confusion, and under cover of the forest, beat a disordered and precipitate retreat. The victory was won, hardly, bravely, and nobly won; and the results were more than the victors had hoped for. The spoils were over six hundred men; a large number of guns; and a railway train, captured by General Stoneman. It is worthy of remark that in this engagement the flag of the Forty-fourth New York was pierced by forty-four bullets. The regiment behaved nobly—as did every one engaged. Too much praise cannot be awarded to both officers and men. The following is from a newspaper account of the day. “General McClellan came up the next morning and was most enthusiastically received by the men. He grasped General Porter by the hand most cordially and congratulated him. Turning to General Butterfield, who was near, he put one hand on his shoulder and said some words that we on the outside could not hear. That they were well merited compliments for brave and gallant deeds, the faces of both showed most plainly. Our brigade was satisfied and confident that under fire, as well as elsewhere, we have the right man in the right place.” The result of this fight was the firm establishment in position of the right wring of McClellan’s army, which took position without waiting the cooperation of McDowell, and entered upon that scene of bloody days which ended in the retreat to Harrison’s Landing. BATTLE OF FAIR OAKS, VA. MAY 31 AND JUNE 1. On the 29th and 30th of May the National pickets were many times fiercely attacked by detachments of the rebels, endeavoring to ascertain the precise situation of the Federal troops. They were repulsed with considerable loss. There were indications that the enemy was approaching in great force, for the cars coming out from Richmond had been running all the previous night. On the morning of the 30th, General Keyes, stationed at Seven Pines, was informed of the threatening aspect of affairs; and together with Gen. Casey, at once made every possible preparation to repel all sudden attacks, well knowing that the enemy could assail with double or treble the numbers of the Union forces. General Keyes in his official report, says: “The camp I selected, and which was the next day approved by Major-Gen. McClellan, stretches across the Williamsburgh road between Bottom’s Bridge and Seven Pines, and is distant about a mile from the latter. I caused that camp to be fortified with rifle-pits and breastworks extending to the left about eight hundred yards, and terminating in a crotchet to the rear. Similar works, about three hundred yards further in advance, were constructed on the right, extending towards the Richmond and West Point Railroad. “Having been ordered by Gen. McClellan to hold the Seven Pines strongly, I designed to throw forward to that neighborhood two brigades of Casey’s division, and to establish my picket-line considerably in advance, and far to the right.” In the mean time the rebel preparations were of the most powerful description, and seemed to promise to them undoubted success. General Hill, with a force of 16,000 men, was to march from Richmond, along the Williamsburg road, towards Seven Pines. General Longstreet, with 16,000 more, was to support his right wing; and General Huger with a third 16,000, was appointed to protect his left flank, prepared to fall upon the right wing of the Federal troops. General Smith, with still another 16,000 men, was to make a detour through the woods, for the purpose of cutting off the retreat of Casey’s division. Such was the generalship of the rebel officers that often with really inferior numbers, they so massed their troops as to be superior in numbers upon the battle-field. Throughout the night of the 30th of May, there was a raging storm, the like of which few who listened to its roar and fury could remember ever to have experienced. The thunder roared without intermission; torrents of rain drenched the earth; while the whole sky was on fire with an unceasing blaze of lightning. It was from the peltings of this storm, saturated with rain, which had penetrated the camps, and turned their hard field-beds into pools of mud, that the Federal troops rose, to face an advancing army of six or seven times their own number. The tempest had gradually died away, toward daybreak, but a lowering sky seemed to increase the gloom of the dreary landscape. Nor were the men, after a night of unrest, any brighter than the aspect of surrounding nature. The roads flooded by rain, were almost impassable; and the waters of the Chickahominy, overflowing its banks, were encroaching upon the swamps. About an hour before noon it was announced that a large body of the rebels had been seen approaching, on the Richmond road. Picket-firing commenced almost immediately, and was instantly followed by the shriek of several shells from the enemy’s artillery, which came tearing through the air, in the neighborhood of General Peck’s headquarters—proving that the enemy was advancing on General Casey’s division. The troops were, on the instant, summoned to arms. Every man at work on the intrenchments was dispatched to his regiment; the artillery was harnessed up, the batteries placed in position; and the One Hundred and First Pennsylvania Volunteers, was sent down the road, to check the advancing foe and to support the pickets. Up to this moment it was supposed that nothing more was impending than one of those sharp skirmishes in which the troops had so often engaged. The Pennsylvania troops marched briskly onward, little imagining that they were throwing themselves on the bayonets of an army of 16,000 men; till, to their horror and consternation, as they emerged from the forest, they found themselves face to face with an overwhelming force. A volley of bullets swept, with devastating effect, upon their ranks dealing death on every side, and scattering one-fifth of their number dead or wounded upon the field. It was a moment in which flight was valor; for in fifteen minutes they would inevitably have been surrounded, and every man cut down or made a prisoner. General McClellan was, at the time, severely criticised for that sentence in his dispatch to Secretary Stanton which read, “Casey’s division, which was the first line, gave way, unaccountably and discreditably.” The retreat of this handful of men, after first losing one-fifth of their number, does not reflect upon their heroism. General Casey says in his official report,— “In my humble opinion, from what I witnessed on the 31st, I am convinced that the stubborn and desperate resistance of my division saved the army on the right of the Chickahominy from a severe repulse, which might have resulted in a disastrous defeat. The blood of the gallant dead would cry to me from the ground on which they fell, fighting for their country, had I not said what I have to vindicate them from the unmerited aspersions which have been cast upon them.” It is gratifying to be able to add that General McClellan subsequently owned that he had been mistaken in this particular, and did justice to those brave soldiers. Five thousand men in an almost open field could do but little to repel the advance of two divisions of the enemy, each numbering 16,000 men. Onward the rebels marched, till within a few yards of Stuart’s battery, when the brave artillerists delivered their last fire, before, at their commander’s order, they retired. The Federals now retreated about a quarter of a mile, toward their second line; and the rebels having paused to secure the captured cannon, again advanced, still pouring in, upon the retreating Union troops, volley after volley of bullets and shells. But the latter maintained their ground for upwards of three hours, without a single regiment arriving to their assistance. After a short conflict, of awful fierceness, the rebels succeeded in taking the redoubt; and General Casey’s devoted little band, fearfully mutilated, exhausted and bleeding, retreated through General Couch’s troops drawn up in line half a mile behind them; and thus sheltered, once more reformed their wasted, broken ranks. The rebels resumed their march on General Couch’s line, at four o’clock, having halted a moment at the deserted camp. General Couch having formed his line, already eight thousand strong, was at this moment being reinforced by General Heintzelman’s corps of 16,000 men, with which he advanced to meet in front the combined forces of Generals Hill and Longstreet, numbering together 32,000, and a division of 16,000 under General Smith, which was marching upon his flank. The ground was rather favorable than otherwise; a few slight intrenchments had been hastily thrown up, and General Couch’s line was formed to the north of the Williamsburg road. The design of the rebels was to make their strongest assault upon General Couch’s right wing, which intent, as soon as perceived, was partly frustrated by his sending troops to strengthen the point of attack. Again the roar of battle thundered forth upon the hot, heavy air; dense clouds of smoke shut out the sky from friend and foe; the ground was literally red with blood, and the field was covered with the dead, dying, and wounded. The whiz of bullets and the appalling, horrible scream of shells kept up a shrill accompaniment to the uninterrupted roar of cannon. General Peck, with two Pennsylvania regiments, passed through an open space, swept with a shower of balls, and poured in a destructive fire on the enemy. It was impossible to resist the advance of the rebels, who greatly outnumbered the Federals; but the courage displayed on both sides was equal. The brave soldiers of the Union slowly retired, in good order, stubbornly contesting every foot of ground they passed over. At about 5 o’clock they were joined by General Birney, with a brigade of General Kearney’s division. General Sumner was on the other side of the Chickahominy, encamped at New Bridge. He had, at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, received orders to cross and march to the aid of the troops, which were in imminent peril of being overwhelmed. But it required a long time to cross the river, swollen to overflowing by recent rains; and it was five miles to the scene of conflict. But, pressing through rain and mud, with indefatigable energy they struggled forward, till the heroes at Seven Pines were gladdened by the sight of them, and all along the lines ran the shout, “It is General Sumner!” Almost at the same moment the rebels were thrown into great confusion, on seeing their Commander-in-Chief, General J. E. Johnston struck by a fragment of shell, and hurled from his horse. Taking advantage of a moment so disastrous to the rebels, General Sumner’s men advanced on the double-quick. They had succeeded in bringing up a battery, which was instantly planted; and they carried real fighting guns, 12-pound howitzers. With these they poured in a rapid and destructive fire upon the enemy. General Sumner, his gray hair streaming on the wind, a picture to inspire heroism, reverence and admiration, rode up and down the lines, shouting encouragement to his brave soldiers. The rebels charged twice, well and bravely; and twice they were repulsed. A third charge was feebly attempted, but overwhelmed by the destruction dealt upon their ranks by the Union men, they broke, turned, and fled wildly, leaving their dead and wounded on the field. The Federals, bayonet in hand, and led by General Sumner, pursued the routed foe, driving them as far as Fair Oaks Station. THE BATTLE OF SEVEN PINES. JUNE 1, 1862. During the night all the Union artillery was brought safely through the marshes and swamps; and was posted for duty, it being well understood that the enemy would, on the following day, throw out all his remaining force, to drive back the Federal troops, and compel them to cross the Chickahominy. Throughout the night was heard the sound of axes, felling trees to protect the rebels from the advance of their foes; and the words of command from the rebel officers were distinctly heard by our soldiers. The attack was not made at so early an hour as had been anticipated by our officers; it was six o’clock when the enemy first gave signs of their intended movement, and our pickets were driven in. They halted in our front and taunted our line to advance. General French, whose brigade was in front, declined the challenge, and the rebels rushed forward. The battle opened at once, furiously. The enemy fought rapidly and skilfully, adopting tactics which General French construed into a feint to draw him on. At intervals they suspended fire, appeared to be driven back, but continued to send forward new forces—their capacity for reinforcements, as on the previous day, appearing to be inexhaustible. As upon Saturday, both sides fought with equal and determined bravery. When the contest had lasted two hours and a half, with still increasing fury, General Richardson ordered Howard’s brigade to the front; the enemy also again reinforced, and the volume of his fire increased. Meantime our batteries were shelling the forests furiously; and a vigorous bayonet charge, by the Fifth New Hampshire, scattered the enemy, who had appeared in a skirt of the woods, like dry leaves before the autumn wind. General Howard, who had cheered on his brave men in the thickest of the fray, was at length disabled, and carried to the rear; his brother, Lieutenant Howard, also fell wounded; and Colonel Cross of the Fifth New Hampshire took command. The enemy having begun to fall back, Colonel Miller, of the Eighty-first Pennsylvania, and Lieutenant-Colonel Masset, a talented young man, and a brave officer, of the Sixty-first New York, were killed instantly. The Fifth New Hampshire charged again. Colonel Cross at their head was wounded in the forehead with a fragment of shell, but bravely resisted its effect till he was ham-strung by a musket ball, when he allowed himself to be carried to the rear. As he was borne away he was cheered by hearing a shout of triumph that rent the air; and he knew that the Federals had won the day. Colonel Parker then took command of the brigade, and fought till the enemy were completely repulsed. The battle was at an end; the rebels did not again appear that day, nor did they even venture to post their pickets within view of the Federal line. Major W. W. Cook, of the Fifth New Hampshire was disabled in the same manner as his Colonel. All the officers engaged, both in the fight of Sunday and of Saturday, bore themselves with unflinching bravery. Sedgwick displayed a coolness and courage invaluable in keeping up the spirits of his men; the firmness of Gorman filled the soldiers in his command with enthusiasm, and the quick judgment of General Burns at a most critical moment of the action, had a decidedly inspiriting effect upon his troops. When the balls were flying around them like hail, several horses and three battery teams stampeded, and for an instant the whole line of battle seemed to waver; when General Burns, comprehending the situation at a glance, called out with admirable coolness, “Steady, men, steady!” The effect was like magic. The Zouaves uttered a long loud, hearty series of yells that might have been heard at Richmond; and before they had realized that they had even wavered, the entire lines had dressed up compactly, and were dealing murderous discharges on the enemy. Captain Sedgwick, Assistant Adjutant-General to General Sedgwick, and Lieutenant Stone, his Aid-de-Camp; Captain G. H. Wicks, Assistant Adjutant-General to General Burns; and Lieutenants Blakeney and Camblos are entitled to honorable mention. Colonel Cochrane, Colonel Neill, Colonel Sully, and Colonel Senter showed themselves to be brave soldiers and efficient officers. The loss of men on both sides was very great. Capt. Achnuff, of the One Hundred and Sixth Pennsylvania, Capt. Marke, First California, Lieut. Camblos and Gen. Burns, and Lieut. Donelson of the First California, were wounded. General McClellan was wherever duty called him; in the fight of Sunday he was in the field, and rode along the entire battle line, greeted with enthusiastic cheers from every mouth. In the battle of Sunday, Gen. Pettigrew and Col. Champ Davis of South Carolina, and Col. Long of the regular army, were taken prisoners. On Sunday night, the gallant troops of the Union army again slept on the battle-field; while around them lay the mangled, stiff, and gory dead, with upturned, pallid faces, on which the heavens smiled down in mute approval of the dauntless courage that had dared death and won the victory in a noble cause! THE BATTLE OF CROSS-KEYS. JUNE 8, 1862. At six o’clock on the morning of the 8th of June, the Virginia forces, under General Fremont, commanding the mountain department in West Virginia, left Harrisonburgh, and advanced about seven miles, attacking the rebels near a place called Union Church. The advance was led by General Cluseret, his brigade consisting of the Sixtieth Ohio and Eighth Virginia, afterwards supported by the Garibaldi Guard. The battle commenced at about nine o’clock, and was prosecuted with great fury on both sides. The rebels, consisting of Stonewall Jackson’s command, had the advantage of position. General Fremont was early on the ground, and was often exposed to the fire of the enemy. On one occasion, a shell from a rebel battery struck the ground within a few feet of the spot on which he stood. The Union line of battle was a mile and a half in length. General Schenck led the right wing. His forces were disposed as follows: at his left was the Eighty-second Ohio, Colonel Cantwell; next came the Fifty-fifth Ohio, Colonel Lee; Seventy-third, Colonel Smith; Seventy-fifth, Colonel McLean, while the Thirty-second Ohio, Colonel Ford, held the extreme right. The centre, under the command of the intrepid Milroy, had the Third Virginia, Lieutenant-Colonel Thompson commanding, on the left; next the Fifth Virginia, Colonel Zeigler; the Second Virginia, Major J. D. Owens commanding; while the Twenty-fifth Ohio, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Richardson, formed the right. Between Milroy’s right and Schenck’s left lay the Sixtieth Ohio, Colonel Trimble, and Eighth Virginia, Colonel Loeser, commanded by Colonel Cluseret, in addition to the Garibaldi Guards, of Blenker’s division. General Stahl’s brigade, consisting of the Eighth, Forty-first, and Forty-fifth New York, and Twenty-seventh Pennsylvania, with the invincible band of Bucktails, that survived the slaughter of Friday previous, formed the left. General Bohlen’s brigade was to support Stahl, while the remainder of Blenker’s division was a reserve. The battle lasted until about three o’clock in the afternoon, when, by the misinterpretation of an order, the left wing of the Union forces fell back, exposing the centre, and necessitating a retrograde movement along the whole line. The enemy, intent only upon getting off, made no further advance; and the worn and wasted ranks of the patriots reposed at night upon the field of combat. Early next morning the Union line of battle was reformed, Schenck taking the centre, and Milroy the right, and an advance was commenced, in the direction of Port Republic. As the National forces approached this point, which is on the Shenandoah river, a dense smoke was seen rising ahead, and it was soon found that the rebels had retired across the river, and burned the only bridge by which it was possible to pursue them. Thus did Stonewall Jackson, after a successful raid up the Valley, slip through the fingers of the Union commanders, and make good his escape—though not without severe loss. The Union losses were upwards of six hundred in killed, wounded, and missing. The men behaved with great gallantry in this fight. Generals Milroy and Cluseret especially distinguished themselves. THE SEVEN DAYS’ BATTLES. BATTLE OF OAK GROVE. JUNE 25, 1862. Time passed on, days lengthening into weeks, and no decisive step was taken, that is, no engagement of great moment with the enemy took place, for circumstances rendered it impossible. The Chickahominy, already so high as to render crossing it impracticable, was still further swollen by heavy rains on the nights of June 3d, 4th and 7th, till finally it flooded all the bottoms to the height of four or five feet, rendering the country, for the time, impassable for either artillery or cavalry. General McClellan meanwhile continued to urge upon the War Department at Washington the necessity for reinforcing his army; and continued to push on the construction of bridges across the river. It was his wish to place the two wings of the army, separated only by the river, in the most direct communication with each other. On the 10th and 11th June, General McCall’s troops commenced landing at the White House. On the 25th, the bridges and intrenchments being at last completed, an advance of the picket lines was ordered, preparatory to a general movement forward. The advance was begun by Heintzelman’s corps, at about 9 o’clock on the morning of the 25th, the object in view being to gain possession of a spot called Oak Grove, which had long been disputed ground. The enemy was in strong force all along the line, and stubbornly resisted the advance of the Union regiments, obliged at first to push forward cautiously, and with great difficulty through the heavy swamps. The rebel pickets were routed, and a brisk engagement opened with their supports. The battle soon became general, and it was impossible to distinguish any thing but smoke, and mounted officers dashing to and fro along the line. It was as easy to distinguish the firing of the enemy from our own, as it is to distinguish the sound of two voices from each other: for they were armed with Harper’s Ferry muskets, we carried Springfield and Enfield guns. The firing of our soldiers was sharp and ringing, that of the enemy slow and dull; but on both sides heavy. In this fight, General Sickles commanded in turn each regiment of his brigade, encouraging his men, and leading, and inspiring them with his own fiery ardor. The fire rapidly extended over Hooker’s entire line to Hinks’s flanking regiment, ever increasing in intensity, as reinforcements of the enemy joined those already engaged. The Union men behaved splendidly. General Hooker’s division merited and obtained great praise. At 5 o’clock the fighting was over; the enemy was entirely driven from their camps in front of redoubt No. 3; and the brave soldiers rested on their laurels, having achieved a dearly bought victory. Our loss was very heavy. The rebel loss was not so severe. BATTLE OF GAINES’ MILL. JUNE 26, 1862. During the night information was received that Stonewall Jackson, having returned from his raid down the Valley of the Shenandoah, was rapidly moving down the peninsula between the Pamunkey and the Chickahominy with the intention of attacking McClellan’s right flank. This alarming intelligence put a stop, for a time, to any idea of an immediate advance toward Richmond. Our right wing consisted of the divisions of McCall, Morrell, and Sykes. At 12 o’clock on the morning of the 26th of June, the approach of the enemy was perceived. The position of the Union troops was a strong one; extending along the left bank of Beaver Dam Creek, the left resting on the Chickahominy, and the right in thick woods beyond the upper road from Mechanicsville to Coal Harbor. Seymour’s brigade held the left of the line; and Reynolds’ the right; the artillery occupied positions commanding the roads, and the open ground across the creek. At three o’clock in the afternoon the rebels advanced impetuously, but were bravely resisted by General Reynolds; and after a severe struggle forced back with heavy loss. A rapid artillery fire, with skirmishing, was maintained along the front, while the enemy about two hours later massed his troops for another effort, but was again repulsed with severe slaughter, by General Seymour. At nine o’clock, p. m., the engagement was at an end, with entire success to the Union arms, while the enemy retired slowly and humbled by defeat. During the night General Porter led a portion of the Union troops across the Chickahominy, Seymour’s brigade covering the movement; and in the darkness it was successfully accomplished. The enemy appeared in front of our new line about noon of the 27th, at which time we were prepared to receive him. In this engagement the rebels were two to one of the Union army; their force numbered seventy thousand; and that of the Federals thirty-five thousand. The loss of the latter under the tremendous fire of the enemy was appalling. At three o’clock in the afternoon the engagement had become so general and so severe that the whole second line and all the reserves were moved forward to meet the overwhelming number of the enemy, and to sustain the first line under the desperate assaults on the front. Slocum’s division was brought into action to guard the weak points of our line, the moment it arrived on the field. On the left the rebels were repulsed with heavy loss; while on the right Sykes’ regulars did signal service in repelling many severe attacks. The position of the Union troops was becoming very critical; and, most of them under arms for two days, and greatly exhausted, were being severely harassed by the masses of fresh troops constantly brought against them. To have the line pressed at any one point now, would have been fatal; and it was absolutely necessary, General Porter being required to hold his position till nightfall, to divide Slocum’s division, and send even single regiments if no more could be spared, to protect the points in the most danger from the enemy. The peril of the army was hourly becoming more imminent. At five o’clock the brigades of French and Meagher, Richardson’s division, third corps, were ordered to the support of General Porter. At six o’clock the enemy again attacked in great force, but failed to break the unwavering line of Union soldiers. At seven o’clock they rushed forward with increased fury, and finally gained the woods held by Porter’s left. A general confusion followed, with more determined assaults from the enemy, forcing Porter’s men from the position they had so nobly held, to a hill in the rear overlooking the bridge. It was now approaching night, and the hearts of the Union troops were heavy with dire apprehension, when the French and Meagher brigades appeared, sternly driving before them the stragglers who were thronging in disorder toward the bridge. They advanced boldly to the front, and by their steady bearing and their brave example so animated the sinking troops that they rallied, reformed behind the welcome reinforcement, and again advanced up the hill prepared to repulse any attack of the enemy. But what had renewed their courage had filled the rebels with dismay; having been many times in the course of the engagement repulsed with severe slaughter, and now hearing the shouts of the fresh troops, the enemy failed to follow up his advantage; and in the gathering gloom of night the rescued regiments made good their retreat, crossed the bridge in safety, and destroyed it behind them. In this battle the rebels captured twenty-two guns, three of which were lost by being run off the bridges in the final withdrawal. It is due to the artillery to say that not until the last successful charge of the rebels were the cannoneers driven from their pieces, or struck down, and their guns captured. The batteries of Diedrich, Ranahan, and Grimm took position in front of General Smith’s line and aided by the First Connecticut artillery, with a battery of siege guns, drove back the rebels in front of General Porter. [Illustration: MAJOR-GENERAL W. T. SHERMAN.] THE CHANGE OF BASE. The weary hours of the sultry night following the battle of Gaines’ Mill were heavy laden to the soldiers of the army of the Potomac.—While the rear guard was taking positions to beat back the advance of the foe on the next day, the main body of the army continued a retreat which every man felt to be ignominious; and rolled backward, like a mighty stream turned from its source, toward the James river. On the evening of June 27th General McClellan assembled his corps commanders at his headquarters, and informed them of the proposed change in his base of operations, his reasons, his choice of route and method of execution. General Keyes was directed to move his corps across White Oak swamp, and to seize strong positions on the opposite side, in order to cover the passage of the troops and trains—a movement which he executed the following morning. General McClellan spent the day at Savage’s Station, directing the withdrawal of the trains and supplies of the army. Orders were given to load the wagons with all the ammunition, provisions, and necessary baggage of officers and men that could be placed on them, and to destroy all property which could not be transported with the army. A proper number of surgeons and attendants, with a bountiful supply of rations and medical stores were left with the sick and wounded who could not be removed. A herd of beef cattle numbering twenty-five hundred head was transferred in safety to the James river, by the Chief Commissary, Colonel Clark. The enemy opened on General Smiths’ division from Garnett’s Hill, from the valley above, and from Gaines’ Hill on the opposite side of the Chickahominy, while General Franklin was in the act of withdrawing his command from Golding’s farm. A short time after, a Georgia regiment made an attempt to carry the works about to be vacated, but were instantly repulsed by the Twenty-third New Jersey and Forty-ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers, on picket duty, aided by a section of Mott’s battery. General Porter’s corps was moved across White Oak swamp, and was so placed as to strengthen General Keyes’ right. McCall’s division, on the night of the 28th, was conveyed across the swamp to aid in covering the remaining trains and troops. During the same night General Sumner withdrew his troops to a point on the railroad near Savage’s Station; and Heintzelman and Smith took up positions in his close vicinity. The divisions of Sedgwick and Richardson were already there on the railroad facing Richmond; the first line of Richardson’s division being held by General French, and the second supported by General Caldwell. General Slocum’s division of Franklin’s corps was ordered to Savage’s Station, to be held in reserve. BATTLES OF ALLEN’S FARM AND SAVAGE’S STATION. Early on the morning of Sunday, June 29, it was observed by the keen and watchful eye of General Franklin that the enemy had reconstructed the bridges across the Chickahominy, and were advancing in large force on Savage’s Station. He instantly communicated the fact to General Sumner. At 9 A. M. the enemy furiously attacked General Sedgwick’s right, but was signally repulsed. They next attacked General Richardson on the left, attempting to carry the position of Colonel Brooks. Hazzard’s battery, afterwards replaced by Pettit’s, was served with disastrous effect on the enemy. The Fifty-third Pennsylvania poured in a steady fire on the enemy, compelling them to retreat in disorder. Three times the enemy renewed the attack, and three times they were completely repulsed. At half past 12 A. M., General Sumner, having united his forces with those of General Franklin, assumed command. It was about eleven o’clock when the rebels first made their appearance, and commenced their attack by throwing shells into General Sumner’s lines. Orders had been given to Generals Sumner, Franklin, and Heintzelman to hold their position until dark: the latter was ordered to hold himself in readiness to retreat as soon as night fell. Sumner’s and Franklin’s commands were drawn up in line of battle in a large open field to the left of the railroad. General Brooks with his brigade held the wood to the left of the field, bearing himself with true soldierly heroism, and though wounded he retained his command. At 4 P. M., the rebels attacked on the Williamsburg road, but were gallantly met by the brigade of the brave General Burns, supported and reinforced by two lines in reserve and by the New York Sixty-ninth, Hazzard’s and Pettit’s batteries again doing most valuable service. The conflict continued to rage with unabated fury till eight o’clock at night. The enemy deeming their force irresistible, came dashing down now upon this portion of the line, and then upon that, but were invariably repulsed at every point, often with severe slaughter. When night closed upon the combatants the Union soldiers remained unshaken at their posts, and the rebels were driven from the field, with broken, disordered lines, from their unsuccessful conflict. Under cover of the darkness these indomitable men, after their hard day’s fight, from which they had gained only the ability to retreat, fell back, resuming their unsatisfactory march, and crossed the White Oak Swamp in good marching order before the morning’s dawn. By the morning of the 30th they had crossed White Oak Bridge and burnt the bridge after them, General French, with his brigade acting as rear-guard. The scene along the line of this precipitate, and apparently unnecessary retreat beggars all description. Notwithstanding every effort made by General McClellan, and his personal staff, the roads were blocked with wagons, and the greatest difficulty was found in keeping the trains in motion. The following is an extract from General McClellan’s official report, and gives in few words an accurate description of the state of affairs in his army at this point: “The engineer officers whom I had sent forward on the twenty-eighth to reconnoitre the roads had neither returned nor sent me any reports or guides. Generals Keyes and Porter had been delayed—one by losing the road, and the other by repairing an old road—and had not been able to send any information. We then knew of but one road for the movement of the troops and our immense trains. “It was, therefore, necessary to post the troops in advance of this road as well as our limited knowledge of the ground permitted, so as to cover the movement of the trains in the rear. “I then examined the whole line from the swamp to the left, giving final instructions for the posting of the troops and the obstructions of the roads toward Richmond, and all corps commanders were directed to hold their positions until the trains had passed, after which a more concentrated position was to be taken up near James river. “Our force was too small to occupy and hold the entire line from the White Oak swamp to the river, exposed as it was to be taken in reverse by a movement across the lower part of the swamp, or across the Chickahominy below the swamp. Moreover, the troops were then greatly exhausted and required rest in a more secure position. “I extended my examinations of the country as far as Haxall’s, looking at all the approaches to Malvern, which position I perceived to be the key to our operations in this quarter, and was thus enabled to expedite very considerably the passage of the trains, and to rectify the positions of the troops. “Every thing being then quiet, I sent aids to the different corps commanders to inform them what I had done on the left, and to bring me in formation of the condition of affairs on the right. I returned from Malvern to Haxall’s, and having made arrangements for instant communication from Malvern by signals, went on board of Captain Rodgers’s gunboat, lying near, to confer with him in reference to the condition of our supply vessels, and the state of things on the river. It was his opinion that it would be necessary for the army to fall back to a position below City Point, as the channel there was so near the southern shore that it would not be possible to bring up the transports, should the enemy occupy it. Harrison’s Landing was, in his opinion, the nearest suitable point. Upon the termination of this interview I returned to Malvern Hill, and remained there until shortly before daylight.” BATTLE OF NELSON’S FARM. JUNE 30, 1862. Up to this time the rebels had felt no doubt of their ability utterly to destroy the Army of the Potomac, lying, as they supposed, at their mercy. Greatly to their surprise and disgust they now awoke to the fact that their prey was escaping them, and would soon be marshalled on the banks of the James, safe under the protection of the Federal gunboats. Maddened with rage and disappointment, they pursued hotly, and it soon became evident that another battle was inevitable. On the morning of the 30th, General Heintzelman ordered the bridge at Brackett’s Ford to be destroyed, and trees to be felled across that road and the Charles City road. General Sumner had been ordered to take position at a place known as Glendale, and sometimes as “Nelson’s Farm.” A line of battle was formed, with Meade’s brigade on the right; Seymour’s on the left, while Reynolds’ was held in reserve, commanded by Colonel S. G. Simmons of the Fifth Pennsylvania. Randall’s regular battery was placed on the right; Kernis’ and Cooper’s batteries opposite the centre, and Diedrich’s and Kannahan’s batteries of the artillery reserve on the left—all in front of the infantry line. A little before one o’clock the rebels opened a fierce fire upon the divisions of Smith and Richardson and Naglee’s brigade at White Oak swamp bridge. Under cover of this fire, which continued throughout the day, they sent an infantry force across the creek. The Federal artillery, under Captain Ayers, was directed with deadly effect, but the Union forces in return suffered great loss, especially Richardson’s division. Hazzard’s battery was forced to retire, but not till it had lost many gunners, and Captain Hazzard himself was mortally wounded. At two o’clock a large force of rebels was reported advancing by the Charles City road; and in half an hour afterward the attack was made on General Slocum’s left, and the thunder of war heralded the enemy’s advance as he pressed boldly on in the face of a heavy fire. The battle raged without interruption for two hours; but at length the rebels were compelled to fall back before the dreadful storm of death poured in upon them by both artillery and infantry. Having formed a dense column, in large force, comprising the divisions of Longstreet and Hill, the enemy made a furious charge upon General McCall’s division, which was received with a shower of canister that tore its way through their ranks, leaving gaps on every side. They unhesitatingly closed up, and with desperate fury rushed forward again, forcing the devoted band who had so bravely withstood them, to fall back before their overwhelming numbers. There was no running; the patriot troops retired slowly in good order, boldly disputing the ground as they fell back. The rebels numbered three to one of the Federals. It was now considerably past sundown, and the darkness of night was rapidly succeeding twilight. Reinforcements from the retreating line were sent back, to aid in presenting a successful resistance to the advancing enemy, and our gallant heroes, weary, worn, sleepless and hungry, awaited the next attack from the powerful and exultant foe. Generals Sedgwick, Sumner, and Hooker, added new laurels to their well-won fame, in this battle. The latter being on McCall’s left, by moving to his right, repulsed the rebels bravely, and with great slaughter to their well-filled ranks. Generals Sumner and Sedgwick, in the rear, drove back the enemy with artillery and infantry. The rebels then vigorously renewed the attack on Kearney’s left, but were repulsed with severe loss. General Sumner says of this battle, that it was the most severe action since the battle of Fair Oaks, and adds, “The enemy was routed at all points, and driven from the field.” THE BATTLE OF MALVERN HILL. JULY 1, 1862. Led by General Franklin, the Union troops, during the night succeeding the battle of Nelson’s Farm, retreated toward a point called Malvern Hill. The dawn of the morning of July 1st saw the army massed on this hill, engaged in selecting positions for their batteries. The point selected for resisting the further advance of the rebels on this day was on the left and centre of our lines, resting on Malvern Hill; the right meanwhile curving backward through a wooded country toward a point below Haxall’s, on the James river. A heavy swell of pasture land, about a mile and a half by three-fourths of a mile in area, was the spot called Malvern Hill. It was well cleared of timber; and several intersecting and converging roads ran across it. The ground sloped gradually toward the north and east, leaving clear ranges for artillery in those directions, and in front were many defensible ravines. It was evident from the enemy’s position that the attack would come from the direction of Richmond and White Oak swamp; and of necessity strike the left wing of the Union troops. For this reason the lines at that point were strengthened by massing the troops, and collecting the principal part of the artillery. The left of the lines was held by Porter’s corps, with the division of Sykes on the left and Morrell on the right; the artillery of the divisions and the artillery of the reserve being disposed in such a manner that a concentrated fire of some sixty guns could, be brought to bear on any point on the front or left. After much praiseworthy exertion, Colonel Tyler had succeeded in getting ten of his siege guns in position on the highest point of the hill. To the right of General Porter was placed General Couch’s division, and next to him came Kearney and Hooker; then Smith and Slocum, and further to the right, the remainder of Keyes’ corps, extending backward in a curved line that reached almost to the river. The flank was well protected; a Pennsylvania corps was held in reserve. Along the entire front the line was very strong; and by slashing the timber plentifully and barricading the roads, the right was held as secure as possible. The flotilla on James river, in command of Commodore Rogers, was so placed that the gunboats protected the army’s flank, and commanded the approach from Richmond. It was about ten o’clock in the morning when the enemy made his first appearance, attracting the attention of the Union troops by light skirmishing and occasional artillery as far to the right as General Hooker’s division. It was an hour of deep anxiety to the Union troops, and the heart of every man beat eagerly and anxiously, but fearlessly, when, at two o’clock in the afternoon a large body of rebels was seen approaching directly in front of Heintzelman’s corps, but beyond the reach of our guns. The preparations made at once to meet its advance proved unnecessary, for it disappeared; and it was generally supposed that it retired by the rear, and, later in the day, participated in the attack made on our left. About three o’clock the battle began in earnest; a heavy fire of artillery was poured in on Kearney’s left and Couch’s division, which was speedily followed up by a sharp attack of infantry on Couch’s front. The heroic Unionists were prompt to answer, and a roar of artillery replied to that of the enemy. The infantry of Couch’s division remained lying on the ground till the advancing column of rebels was within short musket range, and then, springing to their feet, sent a death-dealing volley into their ranks, that broke the attacking force and drove them in disorder back over their own ground. The Union army availed themselves of the opportunity by following up the advantage; and they pursued the enemy till the right of its line had advanced some seven or eight hundred yards, and rested upon a thick clump of trees that gave them a stronger and more effective position. The whole line was now carefully surveyed during the lull of a few minutes that followed, while the Union soldiers waited eagerly for the next attack. The rebels now gathered their utmost strength to strike their heaviest blow. At six o’clock they suddenly opened a destructive fire upon Couch’s and Richardson’s divisions; and at the same time followed column after column of infantry from the woods, charging desperately, and evidently intending to take the field. General McClellan’s report, in describing this part of the battle is as follows: “Brigade after brigade, formed under cover of the woods, started at a run to cross the open space and charge our batteries, but the heavy fire of our guns, with the cool and steady volleys of our infantry, in every case sent them reeling back to shelter, and covered the ground with their dead and wounded. In several instances our infantry withheld their fire until the attacking column, which rushed through the storm of canister and shell from our artillery, had reached within a few yards of our lines. They then poured in a single volley, and dashed forward with the bayonet, capturing prisoners and colors, and driving the routed columns in confusion from the field.” The position of Porter and Couch was every moment becoming more critical, as everything depended upon the successful resistance of what was felt to be the enemy’s final assault. Sickles and Meagher were ordered to withdraw their brigades, as soon as it was considered prudent, and to reinforce the part of the line which was being so hardly pressed. Certain regiments of Porter’s and Couch’s division had entirely expended their ammunition, and their places were at once filled from the Sickles and Meagher brigades; and batteries from the rear were pushed forward to supply the place of those who were exhausted. The enemy was slow to acknowledge himself beaten, and, until dark, persisted in unwearied efforts to take the position so tenaciously held by the patriots. Despite his vastly superior numbers, however, he was continually repulsed as often as he attacked, till darkness ended the battle of Malvern Hill, though artillery firing continued up to nine o’clock. The loss sustained by General McClellan’s army, in the course of those bloody engagements that marked the retreat from the Chickahominy to Harrison’s Landing was very heavy. McClellan himself computed the loss at upwards of 15,000 men. The stubborn resistance and gallant courage of the Union soldiers, at Malvern Hill, preserved the army from sad discomfiture, if not destruction. The withdrawal to Harrison’s Landing was, however, regarded with great disfavor by many Union officers, and to the people of the North was the occasion of much criticism and regret. Gloom succeeded cheerful hope, in the bosoms of many patriots, at this juncture, and it was not until good news arrived from the west and southwest, that confidence in the success of the Union arms was again revived. The Army of the Potomac, meanwhile, took a short season of rest, preparatory to new movements. EVACUATION OF PENSACOLA. MAY 9, 1862. On the night of the 9th of May, the rebels, believing that an attack was about to be made by the Union fleet, under Captain, now Commodore Porter, set fire to the Pensacola Navy Yard, Fort McRea, the Naval Hospital, Warrington, and Pensacola itself. General Arnold, divining their destructive object, immediately opened fire from Fort Pickens, and kept up a heavy bombardment, for five hours, thus preventing the rebels from fulfilling their plan, which contemplated the destruction of the entire town. A demand was then made for the surrender of Pensacola, and, Mayor Bode complying, the Union forces took possession of the place, capturing a quantity of valuable lumber, many thousand dollars’ worth of oil, and rebel arms and equipments. The enemy, however, had succeeded in destroying a good deal of property, and had then retired, about one thousand strong, led by General Bragg, to a camp, five miles outside of Mobile. On the 12th of May, immediately following the occupation of this point, President Lincoln issued a proclamation, announcing the ports of Beaufort, Port Royal, and New Orleans, to be open to commerce under the laws of the United States. [Illustration: UNION HEROES ROUSSEAU. MEADE. GILLMORE. SLOCUM. STONEMAN.] CAPTURE OF FORTS PILLOW AND RANDOLPH: OCCUPATION OF MEMPHIS. JUNE 4–6, 1862. During the time that Major-General McClellan was conducting his army in its retreat towards the James river, much, that was of great moment to the country, was taking place in other directions. The rebels had fled from Corinth, leaving it in the possession of the Federal troops, under General Halleck. Forts Pillow and Randolph now became an easy prey, having been flanked, and, to a great degree, surrounded, by National troops, and having already had a large portion of their garrisons withdrawn, to aid General Beauregard in his unsuccessful defence of Corinth. In this condition the rebels speedily decided that flight was the only safe course left to them, and, on the 4th of June, having previously destroyed every thing that could not be removed, they evacuated the two forts. All obstructions to the navigation of the river having been now removed, the National fleet, on the morning after the Federals had taken possession of the heights, descended the river to Memphis, and cast anchor, about two miles above the city. The fleet consisted of the five gunboats, Benson, Saint Louis, Carondelet, Cairo, and Louisville; and the four rams, Lancaster, Monarch, Number Three, and Queen of the West—the rams being under command of Colonel Charles Ellet, Jr. The rebel gunboats had also assembled at that point, from above and below—to dispute the further passage of the stream—making a formidable fleet, which consisted of the iron-clads, Little Rebel, Jeff Thompson, Sumter, Beauregard, Bragg, Price, Lovell, and Van Dorn. The rebel fleet was under the command of Commodore E. Montgomery. It was late in the evening when the Federal fleet anchored for the night; and some of the most eager of the officers, seeing there were no batteries to pass, were anxious to push on to Memphis at once, and were clamorous in asking why they must remain simply within view of the wished-for haven during the whole night. But the prudence of Captain Davis (in command of the whole National fleet) was amply justified, when the morning came. The whole rebel fleet, under full head of steam, was then discovered by two Federal vessels which were lying close to the shore. These two Union gunboats had steamed cautiously down the river, to reconnoitre the enemy’s position; and having been satisfied with regard to it, had, as cautiously, but with all possible speed, steamed back again to rejoin the fleet. The rebels having seen them, and perceived the haste they made to return, supposed them fleeing in terror, and sent some shots after them, which passed harmlessly, falling into the water beyond. Captain Davis lost no time in preparing his advance to meet the foe. He immediately signalled all his gunboats. In such a case as this transports and mortar-boats were utterly useless. The rams, ready, of course, to render all possible assistance, constituted an independent fleet; and were, therefore, left solely to the command of Colonel Ellet, who was in no way subject to orders from Captain Davis, but was required to report himself only to the Navy Department. Then began one of the most exciting as well as fearful fights that can be witnessed in warfare. Majestically the Union and the rebel fleets approached in line of battle. When within a mile of each other, the combatants opened fire; and for an hour, the thunder of cannon, the flash of fire, and clouds of smoke filled the air. Each moment the two fleets approached nearer and nearer, till, in a brief time they were but a few hundred yards apart, while broadside after broadside, following in rapid succession, was poured in from the black-mouthed cannon upon either side. The combat had begun at a very early hour of the morning, and while it continued to rage the sun of a glorious day in June broke slowly through the crimson splendor of the eastern sky, and looked warmly down upon a scene, the like of which had long been too familiar to his gaze. The river, like a sheet of molten silver, lay smiling beneath the summer sky, placidly reflecting its hues and colors and changes, while the sweet morning air rapidly grew thick, dense, and sulphurous with the smoke that hung like a great dark cloud, growing darker and darker, and shutting out the sun. An incessant roar of cannon, with flash and smoke, followed in rapid succession, and with deafening effect, while the shot and shell that rattled and clattered against the armed ships’ sides rebounded again, and breaking the face of the smooth river sank beneath its quiet waters. The guns had long since awakened the people of the city, who now crowded in a vast throng down to the edge of the bluffs, upon which Memphis is built. The levee was literally swarming, and black with human beings, straining their sight to peer through the dense overhanging clouds of smoke that was shutting the combatants out of view. A momentary lull now occurred in the fierce thunder of the battle. Intense anxiety was felt, on both sides, the Union men being hopeful in the strength of their own heroism, as they always were. In this case even from the first, they had been encouraged, by seeing the rebel gunboats, gradually, and almost imperceptibly, fall back, as the Union vessels closely pressed upon them. Suddenly, a strange looking craft steamed around a bend in the river, and with extraordinary speed came up to the assistance of the Union gunboats. Soon another similar looking vessel followed, and as the rebels caught sight of them, alarm and surprise seem to paralyze their efforts. For a moment they hesitated. Then turning slowly they began to fall back on the current of the river. Onward, with almost lightning-like rapidity, steamed the Monarch and the Queen of the West. Their gallant commanders had needed no stronger summons than the booming of the cannon to bring them into the heart of the combat. With extraordinary speed the Queen of the West plunged between the National gunboats, and having previously selected her victim, rushed into the midst of the rebel rams, and drove furiously upon the Beauregard. The pilot of the Beauregard adroitly avoided the coming foe, swung round, and so escaped the collision. But the Queen, determined not to lose the power she had crowded on for the destruction of the Beauregard, plunged forward upon the rebel ram Price, which received the advance with a well-directed fire. But the apparently invulnerable Union vessel, which shook shot and shell from her armed sides as though they had been drops of water, struck her opponent amidships with such a crushing, fatal blow as immediately stove in the Price’s wheel-house, splintered her ribs of iron and oak, like glass, and crushed her side. All was thus over with the Price, which, barely able to reach the margin of the shore, sunk beneath the waves, a complete wreck. Again the Queen of the West challenged the Beauregard; and, head to head, these tremendous iron-clads drove furiously against each other. Again the rebel avoided the death-stroke, and avenged himself by a heavy blow against the Queen’s side, which stove in a gaping hole, that speedily disabled the brave ship for further contest. But, scorning to draw away, the dismantled Queen still held her place, to view the combat, and to watch the avenger of her injuries. She had not long to wait. The Monarch, furious at the disaster of her consort, plunged directly into the Beauregard, and stove in the rebel’s bows. The rushing flood of the mighty river poured in; and, in another moment, the crushed vessel sank beneath the waters of the Mississippi. In the mean time the gunboat Benton had dealt destruction upon the rebel vessel Lovell: as the wreck settled down, the waters opened to receive their prey, and then rolled calmly over the spot where it had disappeared forever. Many of the wretched crew sank in the wreck; some fifty or more, wounded and scalded, plunged into the river; and a few of them were rescued by boats sent by the Union flotilla to their relief, as they struggled in the waters. The greater number of the unfortunate beings were swept by the rapid current to the same watery grave which had engulfed so many of their fellows. One after another the enemy’s boats were crippled. The Jeff. Thompson was forced to run ashore; and her crew escaping over her bows disappeared in the woods. Hardly had they escaped, when a shell was thrown on board, and exploding, set the ship on fire. For the wounded there was no escape; and they writhed in maddening agony, till a spark at length reached the magazine, and the ship, with a terrific explosion, was blown into innumerable fragments. The Bragg and the Sumter were also forced ashore, crippled and disabled. Their crews escaped into the woods. Of all the rebel fleet the Van Dorn alone escaped, being so swift in her speed down the river, that the fastest runners could not overtake her and so relinquished the hopeless pursuit. The Union fleet now came to anchor in front of the city of Memphis, and sent in a demand for its surrender. The city, having no means of defense, was at once occupied by the Federal troops. Immediately upon the surrender of the city, the stars and stripes were placed over the post-office by order of Colonel Ellet. Colonel G. N. Fitch was appointed Provost-marshal of the city; and the Mayor showed his natural good sense by cooperating with him in every way to maintain peace and good order. The only loss to the Union fleet, in this fierce naval encounter, was the injury to the Queen of the West, and a wound to her brave commander, Colonel Ellet. This wound, at the time it was received, had not prevented Colonel Ellet from continuing at his duties, and it was hoped that it would prove slight; but it grew more and more serious until it resulted in the death of one of the most brilliant and heroic men—to whom the nation owes the capture of the city of Memphis. Colonel Ellet died at Cairo, on the 21st of June, 1862. Memphis, of course, became one of the most important Union posts on the Mississippi river. NEW COMBINATIONS. BATTLE OF CEDAR MOUNTAIN, VA. AUGUST 7, 1862. On the 23rd of July, 1862, Major-General H. W. Halleck arrived at Washington, whither he had been summoned from the west, to assume the chief command of all the armies of the United States. It was felt by the government that there ought now to be a military head of affairs. McClellan was still on the James river. On assuming command, General Halleck visited General McClellan at Harrison’s Landing, and took counsel with him, as to future movements. But the respective plans of the two generals did not coincide; and, of course, the policy of General Halleck prevailed. McClellan wished for reinforcements, and desired once more to advance against Richmond, by way of the Peninsula. General Halleck, however, ordered him to evacuate the Peninsula, and join his forces to those of the Army of Virginia. The latter had, meantime, been formed, by the consolidation of the forces under Banks, McDowell, and Fremont, its command being intrusted to General Pope. This officer took the field on the 27th of July, being charged to protect the city of Washington, guard the valley of the Shenandoah against further rebel raids, and, by bold advances against Richmond from the north, to distract the attention of the foe from the projected movement of McClellan’s forces, from Harrison’s Landing to Acquia Creek. The Army of Virginia consisted, at this time, of twenty-eight thousand men, and was stationed in the vicinity of Culpepper and Fredericksburg, on the northern bank of the Rapidan river. It was the 7th of August when General Pope learned that the rebels were crossing the Rapidan, in great force. Those of his troops which had been dispersed for the sake of observation, received orders to rally immediately at Culpepper. Crawford’s brigade of Banks’s corps was, during the forenoon of the next day, dispatched towards Cedar Mountain, in order that it might, so far as possible, retard the movements of the enemy. General Banks, on the evening of the 8th, had arrived from Hazel river; and early on Saturday morning he was sent forward with his corps of seven thousand men to join General Crawford. The rebels had already, on Thursday, the 7th of August, stationed themselves on an eminence near Culpepper Court House, called Cedar Mountain; having crossed the Rapidan under command of General Stonewall Jackson. General Sigel, by forced marches, was hastening to the support of General Banks. About five o’clock in the afternoon the rebels assailed General Banks with a destructive fire of both artillery and infantry. General Crawford’s brigade was conspicuous in the battle. It consisted of the Tenth Maine, Twenty-eighth New York, Forty-sixth Pennsylvania, and Fifth Connecticut. The enemy’s batteries were stationed on Cedar Mountain, considerably above the positions occupied by the Union troops. The two forces were about a mile from each other: and the battle was waged by artillery alone. The rebels rapidly increased the number of their batteries, and concentrated a fire of terrible severity upon the Union troops. At last, at six o’clock, the order was given to charge, and the troops sprang forward, at the full run, with bayonets ready for a desperate charge. Before they had proceeded far the enemy opened a most destructive fire upon them, from his batteries. A wake of the dead and the wounded was left in their track as they pressed heroically forward under the terrific fire of the rebels. But at length retreat became inevitable, and the brave patriots reluctantly retired. Night terminated a most unequal conflict. General Pope’s official account gave the number of General Banks’ troops at seven thousand; while the rebel accounts stated that the enemy on this occasion were fifteen thousand strong. Both parties claimed the victory; but assuredly it did not belong to the Union troops, though they might well feel satisfied with their own conduct. They had held at bay a force outnumbering their own two to one. Generals Banks, Pope, and Sigel held a conference at about midnight. They had selected for the night bivouac a hill which overlooked the battle-field. Suddenly, while they conferred as to their future movements, the party were put to a flight by an unexpected shower of bullets from some rebel pickets, who had, unawares, crept quite near them. Sunday morning dawned upon the two armies, and saw each one in the same position which it had occupied on the previous night; but both the Union and rebel army had suffered too severely to renew the fight immediately. Monday was a melancholy day; and was spent in the sad duty of bringing in the dead and wounded. The rebels were slowly retreating, and left many of their dead upon the field. They were pursued, as far as the banks of the Rapidan, by General Buford with a column of cavalry. The National loss on Saturday was fifteen hundred; that of the rebels was much less. Dispatches of General Lee had been captured by the Federals, and it was ascertained by these documents that the rebel general proposed to destroy General Pope’s small army before he could get reinforcements; and the great strength of Lee’s army, as compared with that of the Union, was indeed appalling. Already that immense army was crossing the Rapidan, and by the 18th of August its whole line confronted the forces under General Pope. General Pope was obliged to retreat as far as the Rappahannock, where his army took a position beyond the north fork of the river. The enemy continued to advance, and on the morning of the 20th, drove in the Union pickets and made an effort to cross the river at Kelly’s Ford. It was of the greatest importance to General Pope to retain communication with Fredericksburg, for by that way he was eagerly looking for reinforcements; and, therefore, his army bravely resisted the efforts of the rebels to cross the river, keeping up the resistance for two days. But the rebels slowly began to gain their object; and ascending the river, endeavored to turn the right of the Union army under General Sigel. At Sulphur Springs, they effected a crossing. The position of the Union army at this time was very perilous. General Sigel had orders to resist the rebels at every point below Sulphur Springs, and was at the same time expected to extend his line toward Warrenton. General Lee sent a large detachment of his men up the river, keeping the great ranks of the rebel army in front of General Pope’s line. There remained one of three things for General Pope to do; to retire by Fredericksburg, and thus lose direct communication with Washington; to abandon the line of the Rappahannock, by falling back on Warrenton; or to bring his whole force to bear upon the rebel flank and rear, then marching up the river. He chose to fight. The attack was made on the 23rd, in the morning, after a heavy rain, which had raised the Rappahannock several feet, carrying away the bridges, and rendering the fords impassable. General Sigel was ordered to attack the rebels at Sulphur Springs; and he did so, driving them back over the river. They destroyed the bridges behind them. He then moved down to Waterloo Bridge, whence General Pope’s line extended to Warrenton. Further advances of the enemy were perceived on the afternoon of this day. A large force of infantry, cavalry, and artillery, belonging to Stonewall Jackson’s command, were seen in the valley between Blue Ridge and Bull Run mountains, steadily marching toward Rectortown. General Pope now abandoned his line of communication with Fredericksburg, and made no attempt to oppose the rebels crossing at the Rappahannock Station. General Pope, however, deserves great praise for having, during eight days, resisted this advance of an overwhelmingly large army, But finding it impossible to withstand it on that line any longer, he chose a new position, well adapted for defence, extending his army from Warrenton to Gainesville. Reinforcements for General Pope’s army had by this time arrived, so that his numbers were increased to fifty-five thousand. But the rebel army numbered one hundred thousand. Day after day, for about a week, raids, skirmishes, battles, surprises, marches and counter-marches rapidly followed each other; and the rebels succeeded in seizing Manassas Junction, where they captured a large amount of stores. A junction was now effected by the strong forces of the rebel Generals Jackson and Longstreet, at a point east of the Bull Run mountains. Just before this junction General Pope had attacked Jackson at Manassas; and the engagement was a very fierce one. The conflict raged desperately, and it was difficult to decide which side would win the day; but after a long and deadly fight the patriots were beaten back towards Gainesville. The rebel loss in this battle was very severe—more so than that of the Union army: but the exact numbers cannot be stated, for no official report of the disasters was allowed to be published. The National troops lost six thousand men. During this time General Halleck had sent many dispatches to General McClellan ordering reinforcements to be sent to General Pope: which orders could not, at first, be obeyed, for the reason that General McClellan’s troops, after their long fighting during the retreat, were not in a suitable condition to go into battle. General McClellan, however, used all possible diligence in sending on reinforcements, and telegraphed General Halleck on the morning of the 29th, “Franklin’s corps is in motion; started about six o’clock, A. M. I can give him but two squadrons of cavalry. I should not have moved him but for your pressing orders of last night.” Quick dispatches passed between General Halleck and General McClellan till the 30th; by which it appeared clearly that General McClellan’s army was in no condition to send reinforcements to the aid of General Pope; and that he deserved neither the accusations of tardiness, cowardice, or treason, which were hurled against him. On the 29th and 30th the main body of the rebel army, under General Lee, was pressing forward through the mountains, elated with what they claimed as victories, strengthened by strong supports under Longstreet, and confident that they were pursuing a resistless march for the invasion of the North. And they had good right to feel elated; for the men who pushed forward, while they were poorly fed, half-starved, scantily clothed, with bare feet, torn and bleeding, were not made of stuff to anticipate defeat. The corps of Generals Sumner and Franklin had now arrived to the assistance of General Pope, who could not refrain from bitter complaints that they had not reached him sooner; but he was prompt in preparations to resist the enemy’s advance upon Washington. The rebel army rapidly gathered all its force before the forces of General Pope. The centre was commanded by Colonel Lee; the right by Longstreet; and the left by Jackson. The Union troops spread out in a line that confronted the enemy; the Union batteries crowned the hill which they had occupied in the disastrous battle of Bull Run. The more advanced portion of the line at Grovetown was composed of the corps of Generals Porter, Sigel, and Reno; General Heintzelman held the right, and General McDowell the left. Already the pickets of the combatants, so close as to almost blend with each other, had engaged in a brisk skirmish; but this was lost sight of in the destructive, murderous fire of artillery which, from opposite heights, hurled forward missiles dealing swift death upon the infantry alike of patriots and rebels. The Union forces on both right and left advanced in small numbers, at about one o’clock, to dislodge the enemy’s sharpshooters, who were gradually forced to fall back; but at the same time the Federal army was driven back by the enemy’s artillery. Porter, who supported King’s division, was ordered to advance by the road, and attack the enemy on the left. He took a position which covered the front of Reno and Sigel—the latter being near the centre, and next to Heintzelman. Rickett’s division was detached from McDowell’s corps to aid in the movement of General Porter, but when the rebel column pressed upon the Union left he was speedily returned to his former position. Porter advanced upon the enemy, who was behind breast works, at about four o’clock, and a furious fire from the rebels was immediately opened upon him. Pressing forward till they came within musket range, they fought fifteen minutes with the utmost desperation. A second and third line advanced from the woods, endeavoring with all their strength to press back the enemy, but the efforts of the patriots proved ineffectual. The rebels were plainly getting the advantage, and as the smoke from the continuous firing died away, the Union soldiers in ever increasing numbers could be seen scattering away toward the woods. Sigel received the men of Porter’s repulsed columns, and they were reformed in the rear. It was about five o’clock, and the rebels were exultantly advancing along the whole line. Jackson, notwithstanding he had suffered much from Porter’s advance, came down heavily on Sigel’s left. Milroy’s brigade received him bravely, and he was boldly repulsed. Supports were being continually pushed forward to the assistance of both sides, and the battle raged furiously. But the rebels continued to gain the advantage, and pressed forward in concentrated masses. The Federals were mowed down as grass before the scythe: but they still dealt dreadful destruction upon the enemy, till they were finally compelled to retreat, which they did slowly and in good order. It was eight o’clock before the guns ceased to thunder forth from their fearful mouths, but the groans of the wounded and dying still continued, and made the air alive with a noise far more terrible than the thunder of war. It was a most complete victory to the rebels, and a bloody battle to all. The loss on both sides was very heavy; but that of the Union much greater than the enemy. Shortly after midnight the whole Federal army had crossed Bull Run. No time was lost in posting batteries to command the bridge; and the rear guard bivouacked till daylight at a point two miles before reaching Centreville. Jackson at the same time led his troops to the north of Centreville, endeavoring to turn the Federals’ right, that their connection with Washington might thus be cut off. General Pope, anticipating such a movement, had drawn back his troops to Germantown, where, on September 1st, he fought a sharp engagement with the rebels, fiercely repulsing them. General Kearney was repelled in this engagement. As the darkness gathered around the combatants, he rode forward to reconnoitre, and passing the Union pickets, approached so close to the enemy that a rifleman’s bullet pierced his body, and he fell to the earth, dead. Here, also, fell Colonel George W. Pratt, of New York, while leading his regiment of Ulster county boys in its first charge. A more accomplished mind, or braver spirit, never yet was given to a country. The Army of Virginia was ordered to withdraw to Alexandria on the 2nd of September, a movement which made it necessary for General Burnside to evacuate Fredericksburg. Falmouth Station, containing large quantities of commissary stores, was destroyed. Three bridges across the Rappahannock met a similar fate; and Acquia Creek was shortly afterward abandoned, when the forces removed to Alexandria. At Alexandria, also, were concentrated the shattered divisions of the splendid Army of the Potomac, awaiting the arrival of Pope’s Army of Virginia. MOVEMENTS OF M’CLELLAN. On the 3rd of August, General Halleck issued an order to General McClellan, directing him to remove his army from Harrison’s Landing to Acquia creek. This order was received by McClellan on the 4th inst., and though protesting against this change of plan as impolitic and sacrificial, that officer took immediate measures to obey the unwelcome command. To retire under the eyes of a vigilant foe, was not, however, either a safe or an easy task; and it was not until the 14th of August that the general movement of the Army of the Potomac commenced. The occasion was, to the last degree, critical. Lee, as we have seen, had been imperiling the Army of Virginia, under Pope, since the 7th of August. Step by step that commander had yielded ground. The Capital of the Republic was considered to be in jeopardy. Party feeling ran high. Congress was divided. General Pope, on assuming command had issued a very spirited address to his soldiers, giving them the assurance of certain victory, and reflecting, with unmistakable sarcasm, upon McClellan’s campaign. Then came the discomfiture of Pope, which, of course, gave assurance to the partisans of McClellan. The tardiness of the latter in reaching Acquia creek, and reinforcing the army of Pope, was, in some quarters, confidently ascribed to a desire for that general’s defeat. Danger and difficulty of transportation were in some measure the causes of this tardiness. The movement which commenced at Harrison’s Landing on the 14th of August, continued during ten days. On the 24th inst., McClellan’s headquarters were established at Acquia creek. From that point he held frequent communication with General Halleck at Washington, and thence, also, he detached the corps of Generals Franklin and Sumner to cooperate with General Pope—the latter receiving these reinforcements on the 30th of August. At this juncture, McClellan was detached from the remains of his army, and transferred to the command of the defences of Washington. He arrived at the Capital on the 1st of September. On the following day, the Army of Virginia, led by Pope, was ordered to fall back upon the defences of Washington. This it did, closely pursued by the bold and reckless enemy. The rebels disappeared, however, on the following day, and it soon became evident that they were operating in another direction,—that, in fact, they were making up towards Leesburgh, on the south side of the Potomac. On the 7th of September, General Pope having been relieved of his command, General McClellan left Washington, leading an army to oppose whatever movement against that city might be intended by the rebel General Lee. His advance was made along the north bank of the Potomac, his left wing resting upon that river, his right upon the Baltimore and Ohio railroad. General Banks, meanwhile, was left in command of the defences around Washington. On the 8th, the rebels, who had crossed the Potomac into Maryland, were in the vicinity of Frederick, the main body being in front of McClellan’s advancing forces. Skirmishes now became frequent; but it was not till the 14th of September, that any serious collision occurred. That day, however, witnessed the desperate and important. BATTLE OF SOUTH MOUNTAIN, MD. SEPTEMBER 14, 1862. At the point known as Turner’s Gap, the South mountain is about one thousand feet in height, its general direction being from northeast to southwest. At a depression of about four hundred feet in depth the national road from Frederick to Hagerstown crosses the South mountain at right angles, through Turner’s Gap. On the north side of this road, the mountain is divided into two crests or ridges by a narrow valley, which is quite deep at the pass, but becomes only a slight depression at about a mile to the north. There are two country roads, overlooking the principal road, the one on the right, the other on the left; the latter is known as the old Sharpsburgh road, and is nearly parallel to the principal road, and about a half mile distant from it. When it reaches the crest of the mountain it bends off to the left. The other road, which is called the “Hagerstown road” passes up a ravine in the mountains about a mile from the direct road, and heading toward the left along the first crest, enters the turnpike near the summit of the pass. There it was that General McClellan’s army encountered the enemy, and contested the pass called Turner’s gap, where the rebels in very strong force resisted them bravely. The following is General McClellan’s account of his army’s position, when about to fight the battle of South mountain. On the night of the 13th the positions of the different corps were as follows: Reno’s corps at Middletown, except Rodman’s division at Frederick, Hooker’s corps on the Monocacy, two miles from Frederick. Sumner’s corps near Frederick. Banks’ corps near Frederick. Sykes’s division near Frederick. Franklin’s corps at Buckeystown. Couch’s division at Licksville. The orders from headquarters for the march on the 14th were as follows: Thirteenth, half past eleven, P. M.—Hooker to march at daylight to Middletown. Sykes to move at six, A. M. after Hooker, on the Middletown and Hagerstown road. Fourteenth, one, A. M.—Artillery reserve to follow Sykes, closely. Thirteenth, forty-five minutes past eight, P. M.—Turner to move at seven, A. M. Fourteenth, nine, A. M.—Sumner ordered to take the Shookstown road to Middletown. Thirteenth, forty-five minutes past six, P. M.—Couch ordered to move to Jefferson with his whole division. On the fourteenth, General Pleasanton continued his reconnoissance. Gibson’s battery and afterward Benjamin’s battery (of Reno’s corps) were placed on high ground to the left of the turnpike, and obtained a direct fire on the enemy’s position in the gap. General Cox’s division, which had been ordered up to support General Pleasanton, left its bivouac, near Middletown, at six, A. M. The First brigade reached the scene of action about nine, A. M. and was sent up the old Sharpsburgh road, by General Pleasanton, to feel the enemy and ascertain if he held the crest on that side in strong force. This was soon found to be the case; and General Cox having arrived with the other brigade, and information having been received from General Reno that the column would be supported by the whole corps, the division was ordered to assault the position. Two twenty-pounder Parrotts of Simmons’ battery and two sections of McMullen’s battery were left in the rear in position near the turnpike, where they did good service during the day against the enemy’s batteries in the gap. Colonel Scammon’s brigade was deployed, and, well covered by skirmishers, moved up the slope to the left of the road with the object of turning the enemy’s right, if possible. It succeeded in gaining the crest and establishing itself there, in spite of the vigorous efforts of the enemy, who was posted behind stone walls and in the edges of timber, and the fire of a battery which poured in canister and case-shot on the regiment on the right of the brigade. Colonel Crooke’s brigade marched in columns at supporting distance. A section of McMullan’s battery, under Lieutenant Croome, (killed while serving one of his guns,) was moved up with great difficulty, and opened with canister at a very short range on the enemy’s infantry, by whom (after having done considerable execution) it was soon silenced and forced to withdraw. One regiment of Crooke’s brigade was now deployed on Scammon’s left, and the other two in his rear, and they several times entered the first line and relieved the regiments in front of them when hard pressed. A section of Sumner’s battery was brought up and placed in the open space in the woods, where it did good service during the rest of the day. The rebels made several ineffectual attempts to retake the crest, advancing with great boldness, but were on each occasion completely repulsed. Pretty hot fighting had now been going on for about six hours—the battle having began at six o’clock in the morning. About noon, a lull occurred in the contest, lasting nearly two hours; during which the rebels had withdrawn their batteries considerably to the right, and formed columns on both the Union army’s flanks; while the rest of the Union forces were coming up. General Wilcox’s division was the first to arrive, and took position on the right, having, however, sent one regiment to the extreme left to assist that point against the rebels, who were moving against it. The division of General Sturgis supported General Wilcox; that of General Rodman was divided, the brigade of Colonel Fairchild being posted on the extreme left; and that of Colonel Hanlan (under General Rodman’s own supervision), on the right. The enemy continued to make strong efforts to regain the crest; attacking, chiefly, the right of the Union column under General Cox. This division was exposed to a fire directly in front, and also to the rebel batteries on the other side, through which runs the Hagerstown main road. At four o’clock all the reinforcements were in position, and the order was given to either silence or take the rebel batteries, by advancing the whole line upon them. The advance was made with loud shouts and cheers, and the enemy’s desperate resistance was met with fierce assaults on the part of the Federals. The rebels charged on the advancing lines with yells of rage, but meeting such determination from the opposing ranks, they retreated, and fell back in wild confusion. Wilson’s division suffered the greatest loss; the General gives the highest praise to the conduct of the Seventeenth Michigan in this advance. That regiment had been organized less than a month; but every man met the enemy like a veteran warrior. The Forty-fifth Pennsylvania also signalized themselves by their bravery in the same noble charge. The batteries across the gap still kept up a constant shower of shot and shell upon the Union lines. General Sturgis’ division, at about twilight, was moved forward to the front of General Wilcox’s position; and about dark the enemy made a sudden, sharp attack upon it; but was almost instantly driven back. Again, at seven o’clock, the rebels made another effort to regain their lost ground; and for an hour sharp firing was kept up between the two sides. They were finally repulsed, and retreated under cover of the night. In this engagement Major-General Reno was killed, and General Cox was placed in command. In General Reno, the country lost one of its very best general officers. In recording the sad occurrence, General McClellan says, “He was a skillful soldier, and a brave and honest man.” The firing ceased entirely about ten o’clock, while the troops slept on their arms, ready to renew the fight when the morning of another day should dawn upon the battle-field. During the night the enemy retired from the front of the Union army, leaving their dead strewn over the field, and abandoning the wounded to their fate. The right of the column had been actively engaged under General Hooker, while these operations were going forward on the left. Hooker’s corps left the Monocacy early in the morning, and at one o’clock reached the Catoctin creek. As it approached the battle-ground, the greatest enthusiasm was manifested for its gallant commander. General Cox, in his report, gives the following list of his casualties in this well-fought and bravely-won battle; and bestows merited commendation on both officers and men: “Early in the engagement Lieutenant-Colonel R. B. Hayes, commanding the Twenty-third Ohio, was severely wounded in the arm whilst leading his regiment forward. He refused to leave the field for some time, however, till weakness from loss of blood compelled him. Major E. M. Carey of the Twelfth Ohio, was shot through the thigh late in the action, in which he had greatly distinguished himself by his gallantry and cool courage. Captains Skiles and Hunter, and Lieutenants Hood, Smith, Naughton and Ritter of the Twenty-third Ohio, and Captains Ligget and Wilson of the Twelfth Ohio, were also wounded in the engagement. “Lieutenant Croome, commanding a section of McMullen’s battery, was killed whilst serving a piece in the place of the gunner who had been killed. “In the Kanawha division the casualties were five hundred and twenty-eight, of which one hundred and six were killed, three hundred and thirty-six wounded, and eighty-six missing, of all of which a full list will be immediately forwarded. “I take pleasure in calling attention to the gallantry and efficiency displayed in the action by Colonels Scammon and Crooks, commanding the brigades of the division. The manner in which their commands were handled reflected great credit on them, and entitles them to the highest praise. I beg leave, also, to mention my indebtedness to Captain E. P. Fitch, Captain G. M. Barcom, and Lieutenants J. W. Conine, and S. L. Christie, of my personal staff, for the devotion and courage displayed by them in the laborious and hazardous duties of the day; also to Brigade-Surgeon W. W. Holmes, medical director of the division, for his tireless activity and efficiency in his department. The conduct of both officers and men was every thing that could be desired, and every one seemed stimulated with the determination not to be excelled in any soldierly quality. “I cannot close this report without speaking of the meritorious conduct of First Lieutenant H. Belcher, of the Eighth Michigan, a regiment belonging to another division. His regiment having suffered severely on the right, and being partly thrown into confusion, he rallied about one hundred men and led them to the front. Being separated from the brigade to which he belonged, he reported to me for duty, and asked a position where he might be of use till his proper place could be ascertained. He was assigned a post on the left, and subsequently in support of the advanced section of Simmons’s battery, in both of which places he and his men performed their duty admirably.” SURRENDER OF HARPER’S FERRY. SEPTEMBER 15, 1862. Every patriot in the land was filled with astonishment when he read of the surrender of Harper’s Ferry. This surrender was made by Colonel D. T. Miles, an officer who had received imperative orders to hold this important post, to the last extremity. A natural desire to show all possible gentleness, in judging the act of one no longer living, forbids us to criticise motives, or censure an act which proved a great loss to the country, and which was one that history cannot well defend. The position of Harper’s Ferry, at the junction of the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers, and on the Ohio and Baltimore railroad, gave it great military importance. General Wool had directed Colonel Miles to fortify Maryland Heights, which is the key to Harper’s Ferry, and to hold the post till McClellan’s arrival. The Heights, however, were left unfortified, and Colonel Thomas H. Ford, of the Thirty-second Ohio, was entrusted by Colonel Miles with discretionary power, for the abandonment of that important position. As soon as he was attacked, therefore, which occurred on the 13th of September, Colonel Ford withdrew from the Heights, and retreated to the Ferry. This movement rendered the position at the Ferry untenable. The Heights were immediately occupied by the enemy, who, on the 14th, commenced cannonading the works at Harper’s Ferry. General McClellan was, at this time, rapidly approaching to the relief of the garrison, which he had been assured by a messenger from Colonel Miles, could hold out two days longer. But though the victory at South Mountain had assured the coming of reinforcements, on the morning of the 15th, after withstanding an attack which lasted from daybreak till seven o’clock, he caused the white flag to be hoisted in token of the surrender of his position. But the firing did not immediately cease, and within the next half hour Colonel Miles was shot, and mortally wounded. The reasons, whatever they may have been, for thus needlessly yielding to his country’s foes the possession of so important a post, went with him to the grave. Eleven thousand five hundred and eighty-three men were thus captured by the enemy. At eight o’clock on the 15th of September, the rebels took possession of Harper’s Ferry. A military commission, held long afterwards at Washington, to inquire into the conduct of the war, exempted all Colonel Miles’ subordinate officers from blame, excepting Colonel T. H. Ford, and Major Baird of the One hundred and Twenty-sixth New York regiment, who were severely censured. The gallantry of General Julius White, in such defence of Harper’s Ferry as was made, deserves to be recorded and honorably remembered. BATTLE OF ANTIETAM. SEPTEMBER 17, 1862. The victors of South Mountain slept upon the field of battle, on the night of September 14th. On the morning of the 15th, at early dawn, the Union pickets were pressed forward, and it was found that the dejected rebels had retired under cover of the night. An immediate pursuit was ordered. The army moved forward at once, in three columns. The first, containing the main force of cavalry, and led by Generals Pleasanton, Sumner, Hooker and Mansfield, advanced along the national turnpike road, by way of Boonsboro’. The second, led by Generals Burnside and Porter, moved by the old Sharpsburgh road. The third, led by General Franklin, went by Pleasant Valley, to occupy Robersville, and relieve Harper’s Ferry. The latter had not gone far, however, when the cessation of firing in the direction of the Ferry, gave notice that Colonel Miles had yielded his post. Still, in all directions, the advance pressed onward. It soon became evident that the rebels were taking up a strong position in front, and that a general battle was impending. General McClellan immediately went forward, examined the ground, to direct the formation of the Union line of battle. The rebels had fortified themselves on the west bank of Antietam creek, where they displayed their infantry, cavalry and artillery, in large force. The Union corps were massed on and near the Sharpsburgh road. During the 15th and 16th, both armies manœuvred for advantages of position; but the general battle—one of the most important that was fought during the war—did not commence until daybreak of the 17th. At this time, the relative positions of the combatants were as follows: Hooker, with his corps, consisting of General Rickett’s, Meade’s and Doubleday’s divisions, had crossed Antietam creek on the afternoon of the previous day; and, after some sharp skirmishing with the enemy, had gained the desired position, and bivouacked for the night. General Mansfield’s corps consisting of the divisions of William and Green, had crossed the creek during the night, and taken up position, a mile in rear of General Hooker. On the right of the turnpike, near the creek, was posted a division of General Sumner’s corps, under command of General Richardson; and, on the left, in line with Richardson, a division of General Porter’s corps, under command of General Sykes. The batteries of Captain Taft, Langrel, Von Kleiner, and of Lieutenant Weaver, each of twenty-pounder Parrott guns, were placed in front of the Sharpsburgh turnpike. Captain Weed’s three-inch, and Lieutenant Benjamin’s twenty-pounder batteries were on the crest of the hill, in the rear and right of bridge number three that crossed the creek; and the division of General Couch with General Franklin’s corps, in front of Brownsville, in Pleasant Valley,—with a large force of the enemy directly in front. The position of the enemy was a very favorable one. It is thus described by General McClellan: “The masses of his troops were still concealed behind the opposite heights. Their left and centre were upon and in front of the Sharpsburgh and Hagerstown turnpike, hidden by woods and irregularities of the ground; their extreme left resting upon a wooded eminence near the cross roads to the north of J. Miller’s farm: their left resting upon the Potomac. Their line extended south, the right resting upon the hills to the south of Sharpsburgh, near Shaveley’s farm. “The bridge over the Antietam, described as No. 3, near this point, was strongly covered by riflemen protected by rifle-pits, stone fences, etc., and enfiladed by artillery. The ground in front of this line consisted of undulating hills, their crests in turn commanded by others in the rear. On all favorable points the enemy’s artillery was posted, and their reserves, hidden from view by the hills, on which their line of battle was formed, could manœuvre unobserved by our army, and from the shortness of their line could rapidly reinforce any point threatened by our attack. Their position, stretching across the angle formed by the Potomac and Antietam, their flanks and rear protected by these streams, was one of the strongest to be found in this region of country, which is well adapted to defensive warfare.” At dawn of the 17th, skirmishing by the Pennsylvania reserves opened the battle for the day. General Hooker’s entire corps was soon engaged. The right of General Pickett’s line, and the left of General Meade’s reserve, opened fire at about the same moment. A battery was pushed forward into the middle of an open field, where some of the deadliest struggles of the bloody battle subsequently took place. For half an hour, the line did not swerve a hair’s-breadth from the right to the left. At the close of the half hour, the enemy began to fall slowly back. Their first receding movement inspired the brave patriots before them. Forward! was the cry; and the whole line moved forward, with a cheer and a rush; while the rebels in full retreat, running over corn-fields, crossing roads and leaping fences, fled before them. Close upon the footsteps of the foe, passing over the dead and wounded—for these the rebels were compelled to leave in their wake—followed the soldiers of the Union, till at length the enemy disappeared within a wood. Still the Federals pressed on, and gallantly threw themselves upon the cover; when suddenly, from out the gloom and shadow of the trees, was hurled a fearful volley of fire, that caused their undaunted front to waver, bend and break, and sent them, panic-stricken, many yards back. But, almost instantly closing up their shattered lines, they quickly recovered from this temporary confusion; and, though they could not attempt another advance, their ammunition being expended, those who were left to oppose the advancing masses of the enemy retreated in good order, very slowly, their ranks so thinned that, where brigades had been, scarcely regiments remained—little more than a brigade, where had been a whole victorious division. A contemporary account of the battle speaks as follows of the unexpected reverse, there and then encountered by the gallant patriots. “In ten minutes, the fortune of the day seemed to have changed; it was the rebels now who were advancing, pouring out of the woods in endless lines, sweeping through the corn-field from which their comrades had just fled. Hooker sent in his nearest brigade to meet them, but it could not do the work. He called for another. There was nothing close enough, unless he took it from his right. His right might be in danger if it was weakened, but his centre was already threatened with annihilation. Not hesitating one moment, he sent orders to Doubleday: ‘Give me your best brigade instantly.’ “The best brigade came down the hill to the right on a run, went through the timber in front swept by a storm of shot and bursting shell and crashing limbs, over the open field beyond and straight into the open corn-field, passing as they went the fragments of three brigades shattered by the rebel fire and streaming to the rear. They passed by Hooker, whose eyes lighted as he saw these veteran troops, led by a soldier whom he knew he could trust. ‘I think they will hold it,’ he said. “General Hartsuff took his troops very steadily, but, now that they were under fire, not hurriedly, up the hill from which the corn-field begins to descend, and formed them on the crest. Not a man who was not in full view—not one who bent before the storm. Firing at first in volleys, they fired then at will with wonderful rapidity and effect. The whole line crowned the hill and stood out darkly against the sky, but lighted and shrouded ever in flame and smoke. They were the Twelfth and Thirteenth Massachusetts and another regiment—old troops all of them. “There, for half an hour, they held the ridge, unyielding in purpose, exhaustless in courage. There were gaps in the line, but it nowhere bent. Their General was severely wounded, early in the fight, but they fought on. Their supports did not come—they determined to win without them. They began to go down the hill and into the corn; they did not stop to think that their ammunition was nearly gone; they were there to win that field, and they won it. The rebel line for the second time fled through the corn and into the woods. I cannot tell how few of Hartsuff’s brigade were left when the work was done; but it was done. There was no more gallant, determined, heroic fighting, in all this desperate day. General Hartsuff is very severely wounded, but I do not believe he counts his success too dearly purchased. “The crisis of the fight at this point had arrived. Rickett’s division, vainly endeavoring to advance and exhausted by the effort, had fallen back. Part of Mansfield’s corps was ordered to their relief, but Mansfield’s troops came back again, and their General was mortally wounded. The left nevertheless was too extended to be turned, and too strong to be broken. Rickett sent word he could not advance, but could hold his ground. Doubleday had kept his guns at work on the right, and had finally silenced a rebel battery that for half an hour had poured in a galling enfilading fire along Hooker’s central line. There were woods in front of Doubleday’s hill which the rebels held, but so long as those guns pointed toward them they did not care to attack. “With his left, then, able to take care of itself, with his right impregnable, with two brigades of Mansfield still fresh and coming rapidly up, and with his centre a second time victorious, General Hooker determined to advance. Orders were sent to Crawford and Gordon—the two Mansfield brigades—to move forward at once, the batteries in the centre were ordered to advance, the whole line was called on, and the General himself went forward. “To the right of the corn-field and beyond it was a point of woods. Once carried and firmly held, it was the key of the position. Hooker determined to take it. He rode out in front of his furthest troops on a hill, to examine the ground for a battery. At the top he dismounted and went forward on foot, completed his reconnoissance, returned, and remounted. The musketry fire from the point of woods was all the while extremely hot. As he put his foot in the stirrup a fresh volley of rifle bullets came whizzing by. The tall, soldierly figure of the General, the white horse which he rode, the elevated place where he was, all made him a dangerously conspicuous mark. So he had been all day, riding often without a staff-officer or an orderly near him—all sent off on urgent duty—visible everywhere on the field. The rebel bullets had followed him all day, but they had not hit him, and he would not regard them. “Remounting on this hill, he had not ridden five steps when he was struck in the foot by a ball. Three men were shot down at the same moment by his side. The air was alive with bullets. He kept on his horse a few minutes, though the wound was severe and excessively painful, and would not dismount till he had given his last order to advance. He was himself in the very front. Swaying unsteadily on his horse, he turned in his seat to look about him. “There is a regiment to the right. Order it forward! Crawford and Gordon are coming up. Tell them to carry those woods and hold them—and it is our fight!” “It was found that the bullet had passed completely through his foot.” General Hooker being disabled, General Meade was placed in command of Hooker’s Corps. Gordon and Crawford were sent to the woods, where they fought slowly against a rebel force far outnumbering their own; General Sedgwick’s division was rapidly moving to the aid of Crawford and Gordon, who required the coming assistance, for rebel reinforcements were constantly arriving. Observing that the struggle for the works was about to recommence, General Sumner sent the divisions of French and Richardson to the left of Crawford. General Sedgwick, with the eye of practiced generalship, quickly saw, as he moved his troops in column through the rear of the woods, that, with so broad a space as was between him and the nearest division, he stood in danger of being outflanked, if the rebel line were completed. Under a dreadful fire he was obliged to order the Thirty-fourth New York to move by the left flank, and the consequence was that the regiment broke. The enemy, not slow to perceive his advantage, came round on the weak point, and obliged Crawford to give way on the right. The routed troops poured through the ranks of Sedgwick’s advance brigade, causing great confusion, and forcing it back on the second and third lines; still the enemy’s fire grew hotter, while they steadily advanced upon the disordered Union forces. General Sedgwick, wounded in the shoulder, the leg, and the wrist, still bravely kept his seat, nor thought of leaving the field while any chance remained of saving it. But the position could not be held; and General Sumner, having in vain attempted to stop the confusion and disorder, himself withdrew the division to the rear, abandoning the field to the enemy. While the conflict to the right was hotly raging, General French was pushing the rebels severely on the left. This division crossed Antietam creek, in three columns, and marched a mile, to the ford. Then, facing to the left, it moved direct upon the enemy. The division was assailed by a brisk artillery fire, but it steadily advanced, driving back the rebel skirmishers, to a group of houses on a piece of land called Roulette’s farm, where the Federals encountered the rebel infantry in large force, but soon drove them from their position. The brigade of General Kimball was next pushed forward, by General French, in obedience to orders received from his corps commander. This brigade drove the enemy before it, to the crest of the hill; but the rebels were there encountered in much stronger force, protected in a natural rifle-pit formed by a sunken road running in a northwesterly direction. Beyond this, in a corn-field, there was yet another body of rebels; and, as the Union line came forward, a severe fire was poured upon them from the corn-field and from the rifle-pit. When the Federals reached the crest of the hill, volleys of musketry burst from both lines, and the fight raged hotly, and with dreadful carnage. An effort of the enemy to turn the left of the line was met and signally repulsed by the Seventh Virginia, and One Hundred and Thirty-second Pennsylvania Volunteers: on being foiled in this effort, the rebels assaulted the Union front, but were again driven back with severe loss, the Unionists capturing three hundred men and several stands of colors. Another attack was made on the right of French’s division, but was met by the Fourteenth Indiana and Eighth Ohio Volunteers, and by a storm of canister from Captain Tompkins’ battery, First Rhode Island Artillery. The enemy now gave up all attempts to regain this ground; and the division, which had been under very hot fire for more than four hours, and had expended nearly all its ammunition, took position below the crest of the heights which they had so nobly won. During this time, Richardson’s division had been engaged on the left. General Richardson was badly wounded in the shoulder. General Meagher’s brigade fought so as to increase its well deserved reputation for courage, and strewed the ground with the foe, till its ammunition gave out, and its brave leader was disabled by a wound, and by having his horse shot under him. The Irish brigade was then ordered to give place to that of General Caldwell; and the second line was formed by General Brooks’ brigade. The ground over which Generals Richardson’s and French’s divisions were fighting was very irregular, intersected by numerous ravines, hills covered with growing corn, inclosed by stone walls, behind which the enemy could advance unobserved upon any exposed point of our lines, Taking advantage of this, the enemy attempted to gain the right of Richardson’s position in a corn-field near Roulette’s house, where the division had become separated from that of General French’s. A change of front by the Fifty-second New York and Second Delaware volunteers, of Colonel Brooks’s brigade, under Colonel Frank, and the attack made by the Fifty-third Pennsylvania volunteers, sent further to the right by Colonel Brooks to close this gap in the line, and the movement of the One Hundred and Thirty-second Pennsylvania and Seventh Virginia volunteers of General French’s division before referred to, drove the enemy from the corn-field and restored the line. The brigade of General Caldwell, with determined gallantry, pushed the enemy back opposite the left and centre of this division, but sheltered in the sunken road, they still held our forces on the right of Caldwell in check. Colonel Barlow, commanding the Sixty-first and Sixty-fourth New York regiments of Caldwell’s brigade, seeing a favorable opportunity, advanced the regiments on the left, taking the line in the sunken road in flank, and compelled them to surrender, capturing over three hundred prisoners and three stands of colors. The whole of the brigade, with the Fifty-seventh and Sixty-sixth New York regiments of Colonel Brooks’s brigade, who had moved these regiments into the first line, now advanced with gallantry, driving the enemy before them in confusion into the corn-field beyond the sunken road. The left of the division was now well advanced, when the enemy, concealed by an intervening ridge, endeavored to turn its left and rear. [Illustration: UNION HEROES GRAHAM. WARD. MEAGHER. RICKETTS. KEITH.] Colonel Cross, Fifth New Hampshire, by a change of front to the left and rear, brought his regiment facing the advancing line. Here a spirited contest arose to gain a commanding height, the two opposing forces moving parallel to each other, giving and receiving fire. The Fifth gaining the advantage, faced to the right and delivered its volley. The enemy staggered, but rallied and advanced desperately at a charge. Being reinforced by the Eighty-first Pennsylvania, these regiments met the advance by a counter charge. The enemy fled, leaving many killed, wounded, and prisoners, and the colors of the Fourth North Carolina, in the victors’ hands. Another column of the enemy, advancing under shelter of a stone wall and corn-field, pressed down on the right of the division; but Colonel Barlow again advanced the Sixty-first and Sixty-fourth New York against these troops, and with the attack of Kimball’s brigade on the right, drove them from this position. On the left of this part of the line, the Union troops having driven back a determined attack of the enemy, the rebels made a rush upon the front, but were fiercely repulsed by two regiments under Colonel Barlow, who followed them through the corn-field and into the orchard beyond. A building called Riper’s house was a strong point here; and Colonel Barlow’s advance gave the Union men possession of it, and they at once occupied it. A section of Robertson’s horse battery now arrived, and in good time, for Richardson’s division up to that juncture had been without artillery; and subsequently Captain Graham, First Artillery, commanding a battery of brass guns, arrived, and taking a position on the crest of the hill, soon silenced the enemy’s guns in the orchard. Heavy firing began immediately; and while directing the firing of Captain Graham’s battery, the gallant Richardson was mortally wounded. The place of General Richardson was supplied by General Hancock. Colonel Bunke, of the Sixty-third New York, commanding General Meagher’s brigade, was ordered to the centre. The battle raged with uninterrupted fury; and on right and left, rebels and Unionists strewed the ground with gory corpses. The groans and cries of the wounded and dying filling up every interval of the battle’s roar. Dark and darker grew the aspect of affairs. The different battle-fields were shut out from each other’s view, but all were visible from a centre hill, from which General McClellan, during the whole day, with his field-glass held to his eyes, watched eagerly and anxiously the fighting of the several brave corps under his command. The afternoon was waning; and things looked very black for the Army of the Union. At three o’clock General McClellan issued an order to General Burnside to push forward his troops with all possible vigor, and carry the enemy’s position on the heights. General Burnside replied that he would advance up the hill as far as he could, before being stopped by a battery, placed directly in his path. Upon hearing this, General McClellan ordered Burnside to flank the battery, storm it, and carry the heights. The advance was made most gallantly, the enemy utterly routed, and the heights carried triumphantly. Night was now approaching, and the enemy was receiving strong reinforcements from Harper’s Ferry. General Burnside’s troops were attacked on the left flank, and obliged to retire to a lower line of hills, near the bridge and the question as to whether the well-won position on the heights could be maintained, became a problem of vital importance. Burnside’s brigades were in close columns, and would not give way before a bayonet charge; and the enemy hesitated to dash in on the dense masses of Union soldiers. Then suddenly the rebel left gave way, scattering over the field, but the rest stood firm, and poured forth a heavy fire upon the Federals. More infantry came up, and General Burnside found himself outnumbered, outflanked, and compelled to yield up the position he fought so bravely to win. He no longer attacked; but, with unfaltering firmness, defended himself, and sent to General McClellan for help. McClellan already knew of the sore strait to which Burnside was reduced, for his glass had not been turned away from the hard-pressed left of the field; but to send assistance was out of his power. In the valley, Porter’s fifteen thousand troops were impatient to join the fight; but when the two Generals, McClellan and Porter, looked into each other’s faces, each read in the other’s eyes, “They are the only reserves of the army—they cannot be spared.” As an answer to General Burnside’s desire for reinforcements, the Commander-in-Chief was obliged to reply: “Tell General Burnside this is the battle of the war. He must hold his ground till dark at any cost. I will send him Miller’s battery. I can do nothing more. I have no infantry.” Then as the messenger was riding away he called him back. “Tell him if he _cannot_ hold his ground, then the bridge, to the last man!—always the bridge! If the bridge is lost, all is lost.” Till Burnside’s message reached McClellan, no one anticipated that the battle could be concluded on that day; and few expected how near was the peril of total defeat. But suddenly and unexpectedly, the rebels halted, instead of pushing forward, and following up the advantage gained in recapturing the hill. As the twilight deepened into darkness, the fierce, wrathful cannonading ceased, and the long, desperately-contested battle of Antietam was over. For fourteen hours nearly two hundred thousand men, and five hundred pieces of artillery had been engaged in this memorable battle. The Army of the Potomac, notwithstanding the moral depression consequent upon its late severe reverses, had achieved a great victory over an army elated by recent successes; and, on the night of September 17th, the soldiers of the Union slept in peace and triumph on a field won by dauntless bravery, and covered with the dead and wounded, friends and foes, patriots and rebels. On both sides the casualties among officers in the battle of Antietam was unusually numerous. Among the rebel killed were Brigadier-Generals Starke and Branche, and among their wounded were Major-General Anderson, Brigadier-Generals Anderson, Lawton, Wright, Ripley, Amistead and Ransome. The Union army was called upon to mourn the loss, among many other valuable officers, of Brigadier-General Isaac P. Rodman, of Rhode Island. He had left the quiet pursuits of business, and volunteered in defence of the Government. He entered the service in one of the regiments of his native State as Captain, and was quickly promoted to a Colonelcy, and led his regiment in General Burnside’s North Carolina expedition. He was made a Brigadier for services at Roanoke and Newbern, and was mortally wounded while acting as division commander at Antietam. The loss of the Federal army in this terrible battle bears ample testimony to its courage and endurance. From the official records the total loss in killed was two thousand and ten; missing, one thousand and forty-three; total, twelve thousand and sixty-nine. The combined loss at South Mountain, Antietam and Harper’s Ferry, was twenty-six thousand three hundred and ninety-four. The report of General McClellan estimates the rebel loss in Maryland at thirty thousand men. General Burnside, whose corps was stationed on the left of the Federal lines, testified before the investigating committee of Congress, that at half-past eight o’clock in the evening of the 17th, he went over to McClellan’s headquarters, and urged the renewal of the attack, saying that with five thousand fresh troops to place beside his own, he was willing to commence the attack in the morning. As his corps had maintained the most critical position during the battle, and had defended the salient points with remarkable bravery and endurance, while suffering heavy loss, it may not be amiss to record his testimony in this place. General Franklin, whose corps occupied a position on the right of the Federal lines, also gave testimony before the Commission in the following terms: “When General McClellan visited the right in the afternoon, I showed him a position on the right of this wood, which I have already mentioned, in which was the Dunker church, which I thought commanded the wood; and that if it could be taken, we could drive the enemy from the wood, by merely holding this point. I advised that we should make the attack on that place the next morning from General Sumner’s position. I thought there was no doubt about our being able to carry it. We had plenty of artillery bearing upon it. We drove the enemy from there that afternoon, and I had no doubt we could take the place the next morning, and I thought that would uncover the whole left of the enemy.” No advance was made by the Federal forces on the 18th, which passed away without any engagement. General McClellan was waiting for reinforcements under Generals Couch and Humphreys, then on their way, and in the mean time, had ordered an attack on the 19th. A reconnoissance of the Federal cavalry advanced to the Maryland shore of the Potomac on the evening of the 19th, where they skirmished with the rear guard of the rebels, and captured six guns. General Lee had safely withdrawn his army to the Virginia shore, and was slowly conducting his retreat to the banks of the Rappahannock. Though the battle of Antietam can hardly be classed as a decisive victory on the part of the Federal forces, in a strictly military point of view, it was conclusive in its results; and General Lee retreated into Virginia with a full conviction of his inability to cope successfully on that ground with the army opposed to him, and thoroughly dispossessed of the confident expectation he had entertained, that the inhabitants would flock by thousands to his standard, when his forces should appear in their midst. Restricted as he had ever been in his commissariat, he had discovered that no dependence could be placed on obtaining supplies in a hostile territory, surrounded by a numerous and vigilant foe, whose well-disciplined and eager cavalry would surely cut off any supplies from the Shenandoah Valley, long before they reached the banks of the Potomac. With a loss of thirty thousand men, in killed, wounded and prisoners, he was compelled therefore to retrace his steps, which he was allowed to do, deliberately and securely. M’CLELLAN’S ARMY ON THE POTOMAC. OCTOBER 1–26, 1862. At this juncture in military affairs, the cautious policy of General McClellan once more came into conflict with that of the United States Government, at Washington. It was McClellan’s desire to reorganize the army, which had suffered much under the command of General Pope, and which had just passed through two severe battles. Maryland Heights and Harper’s Ferry had been occupied and fortified, and, as the Potomac was low, and easily fordable by rebel raiders, McClellan designed to stretch his forces along that river, from near Washington, to Cumberland, a distance of about one hundred and fifty miles, to prevent further incursions, and to make occasional sallies for reconnaissance or offensive operations, while the work of reorganization should be in progress. General Halleck, on the other hand, representing the President and the War Department, denied the necessity for any delay and urged an immediate onset. No onward movement was made until the 26th of October. In the meanwhile, President Lincoln, visiting the Army of McClellan on the first of the month, had discussed the whole campaign with that officer, and had personally inspected the battle-field of Antietam; then, returning to Washington, he had, through General Halleck, issued an order to General McClellan, directing him to cross the Potomac and attack General Lee. It was in pursuance of this order that the advance was commenced on the 26th—the intermediate days having been spent in the work of reorganization. But this work had not been accomplished without difficulty. On the 10th of October, the rebel General Stuart crossed the Potomac, at McCoy’s Ferry, leading a force of two thousand cavalry and a battery of horse artillery, and made a raid into Maryland and Pennsylvania. Means were immediately taken to cut off and capture those forces. All the fords of the river were ordered to be guarded, and Generals Pleasanton and Stoneman started in pursuit. General Stuart, by his raid of the 13th of June, into the rear of the Union armies between the Pamunkey and the Chickahominy, had acquired great credit for boldness and celerity of movement. Hence the desire to capture him was all the more eager, on the part of the National troops. But the failure of a subordinate officer of General Stoneman’s to seasonably occupy White’s Ford, a point about three miles below the mouth of the Monocacy, unfortunately left open a chance of retreat, through which, on the 12th of October Stuart succeeded in making his escape, after a conflict with the Union forces, which lasted upwards of four hours. The fight took place near the mouth of the river Monocacy, and, on the Union side, was conducted by General Pleasanton. The losses were slight, upon both sides. The plan of General McClellan’s new campaign, commencing on the 26th of October, may best be stated in his own language: “The plan of campaign I adopted during this advantage was to move the army, well in hand, parallel to the Blue Ridge, taking Warrenton as the point of direction for the main army; seizing each pass on the Blue Ridge by detachments, as we approached it, and guarding them after we had passed as long as they would enable the enemy to trouble our communications with the Potomac. It was expected that we would unite with the Eleventh corps and Sickles’s division near Thoroughfare Gap. We depended upon Harper’s Ferry and Berlin for supplies until the Manassas Gap Railway was reached; when that occurred, the passes in the rear were to be abandoned, and the army massed ready for action or movement in any direction. “It was my intention if upon reaching Ashby’s or any other pass, I found that the enemy were in force between it and the Potomac in the valley of the Shenandoah, to move into the valley and endeavor to gain their rear. “I hardly hoped to accomplish this, but did expect that by striking in between Culpeper Court-House and Little Washington I could either separate their army and beat them in detail, or else force them to concentrate as far back as Gordonsville, and thus place the army of the Potomac in position either to adopt the Fredericksburgh line of advance upon Richmond, or to be removed to the Peninsula, if, as I apprehended, it were found impossible to supply it by the Orange and Alexandria Railroad beyond Culpeper.” On the night of November 7th, General McClellan received an order from Washington, relieving him from the command of the Army of the Potomac, and appointing General Burnside to be his successor. This change was immediately consummated. The army, at this time, was in fine condition and spirits, and was strongly posted near Warrenton, its right wing being across the Rappahannock, and its left resting on Manassas Junction, the front extending along the line of the Orange and Alexandria Railroad. The rebels, under Longstreet, were massed near Culpeper, and it was apparent that a great battle could not long be deferred. Such was the posture of affairs, when General Burnside assumed command of the Army of the Potomac. The impressive and affecting words of General McClellan, in reference to this passage in our national history, ought here to find a place. They render a merited tribute to the noble army of patriots, which he had led through so many perils. “I am devoutly grateful to God that my last campaign with this brave army was crowned with a victory which saved the nation from the greatest peril it had then undergone. I have not accomplished my purpose if, by this report, the army of the Potomac is not placed high on the roll of the historic armies of the world. Its deeds ennoble the nation to which it belongs. Always ready for battle, always firm, steadfast and trustworthy, I never called on it in vain; nor will the nation ever have cause to attribute its want of success, under myself, or under other commanders, to any failure of patriotism or bravery in that noble body of American soldiers. “No man can justly charge upon any portion of that army, from the Commanding General to the private, any lack of devotion to the service of the United States’ Government, and to the cause of the Constitution and the Union. They have proved their fealty in much sorrow, suffering, danger, and through the very shadow of death. Their comrades dead on all the fields where we fought, have scarcely more claim to the honor of a nation’s reverence than their survivors to the justice of a nation’s gratitude.” The situation of the respective forces was then as follows: The Federal army, reinforced by the divisions of Generals Sigel and Sickles, who had advanced from Washington, occupied all the region east of the Blue Ridge, with the right resting on Harper’s Ferry, and the left extending nearly to Paris, on the road from Aldie to Winchester. The centre was at Snickersville; with Snicker’s Gap in its possession. The Confederate line was on the south side of the Blue Ridge, with the Shenandoah river immediately in its front, extending from Front Royal down to Charlestown, with the great body of their troops massed between Berryville and Winchester. On November 4th Ashby’s Gap was occupied without opposition by the Federal troops. The cavalry corps, under Colonel Pleasanton, pushed on from Piedmont, and occupied Marguette, holding the approaches to Manassas and Chester Gap, on the left side of the Blue Ridge. The condition and spirit of the army at this time were unequalled by that of any force before organized. On the 6th General McClellan’s headquarters were at Rectortown near Front Royal. The army was steadily advancing and the Confederate force falling back, with some skirmishing. Warrenton was occupied by the Federal troops on the same day. On the 7th a severe snow storm commenced, and continued throughout the day. On the 8th the bridge at Rappahannock Station was taken and held by General Bayard. The next day was devoted by General McClellan to the transfer of his command to General Burnside. The most cordial feelings existed between the two officers, the latter of whom accepted a promotion which he had before twice declined, only upon the peremptory order of the War Department. On Sunday evening his officers assembled at his tent, for a final parting of commander and officers. It was such a scene of deep feeling as could occur only where officers reposed the highest confidence in their commander, who had led them successfully through some of the most fearful battles of modern wars. Monday was occupied in passing among the various camps, reviewing the troops, and taking a final leave of both officers and men. A spectator of these scenes has summed them up in these words: “As General McClellan, mounted upon a fine horse, attended by a retinue of fine-looking military men, riding rapidly through the ranks, gracefully recognized and bid a farewell to the army, the cries and demonstrations of the men were beyond bounds—wild, impassioned, and unrestrained. Disregarding all military forms they rushed from their ranks and thronged around him with the bitterest complaints against those who had removed from command their beloved leader.” On the next day, the 10th, he withdrew, taking the railroad cars at Warrenton. On reaching Warrenton Junction a salute was fired. The troops, which had been drawn up in line, afterward broke ranks, when the soldiers crowded around him and many eagerly called for a few parting words. He said in response, while on the platform of the railroad depot, “I wish you to stand by General Burnside as you have stood by me, and all will be well. Good-bye.” To this there was a spontaneous and enthusiastic response. The troops were also drawn up in line at Bristow’s Station and Manassas Junction, where salutes were fired and he was complimented with enthusiastic cheers. On reaching Washington he proceeded immediately to the depot, and passed on to Philadelphia and Trenton, where he arrived early on the 12th. What was now the military aspect? The movement of General McClellan’s army, after crossing the Potomac, was towards Gordonsville. This made a movement on the part of the Confederate general Lee necessary in order to prevent the Federal army from getting between him and Richmond. For this purpose he attempted to move from Winchester through the gaps of the Blue Ridge to Culpeper. The larger part of his force had passed through, when the gaps were taken and held by General McClellan. At the same time General Sigel had advanced from Washington, and lay near the Blue Ridge, covering at once Washington, observing the gaps to the Rappahannock, and protecting the railroad communication to that river. The bridge at Rappahannock Station had already been seized by the cavalry, under General Bayard. The available force of General McClellan was about one hundred and twenty thousand men; that of General Lee consisted of about sixty thousand able men at Culpepper and Gordonsville, and thirty thousand in the Shenandoah Valley, near Strasburg. The distance from Warrenton to Gordonsville is about fifty miles, and from Warrenton to the Rapidan, thirty-five miles; from Strasburg to Gordonsville, by Staunton and Charlottesville, one hundred and thirty-five miles; and by the only other practicable route, one northwest of Gordonsville, and perpendicular to General McClellan’s line of advance, about one hundred miles. In his position it was necessary for General Lee to defend the line of the Rapidan, or endeavor to effect a junction with the force in the Shenandoah Valley, under General Jackson, or fall back upon Richmond, in a country without a line of defence, with General McClellan close upon him, leaving General Jackson to shift for himself. The defence of the Rapidan was impracticable from the course of the river from the Alexandria railroad to the Blue Ridge. The efforts to join General Jackson would have uncovered Richmond, and the attempt to fall back on Richmond would have at least hazarded the demoralization of his army, and enabled General McClellan to turn the defensible parts of the Rappahannock, and the line of the North Anna. The appointment of General Burnside was followed by the organization of a portion of the army into divisions, and a movement to concentrate it at Fredericksburg. OPERATIONS IN KENTUCKY. JUNE TO SEPTEMBER, 1862. Never in the history of the world has there been a war of such magnitude as that waged by the loyal Unionists against the Southern insurgents in the American Republic, and never have the divisions of military forces stretched over so wide a field of operations. While the Army of the Potomac was fighting in Virginia, the struggle of loyalty and treason was going on in Kentucky. The masses of the people there were in favor of the Union; but their feeling was so cold, and had been operated on so strongly by Secession-sympathizing slaveholders, that as a body, they desired to remain simply neutral. The Governor of Kentucky, Beriah Magoffin, adopted a position of strict neutrality, and in accordance with this unpatriotic spirit, the slaveholding Senate of the State passed a decree that the State “will not sever her relations with the National Government, nor take up arms for either belligerent party.” At the same time, while refusing to lend the National cause any assistance, the slaveholding aristocracy of Kentucky entreated the people of the loyal North to yield to the rebels and win them back by amending the Constitution, in such a way as to make it a bulwark of negro slavery. But all this manœuvering was finally terminated, and the men of Kentucky were driven either to the protection of the national flag, or to the camps of the rebels. The battles before Richmond, Virginia, having paved the way for a general rebel advance, the enemy resolved on an effort to transfer the field of battle to northern soil; and it was in pursuance of this plan that General Lee had invaded Pennsylvania; but having been signally repulsed, he had, as we have seen, been obliged to abandon the attempt. Early in June guerrilla operations became troublesome in some of the lower counties of Kentucky. At Madisonville, in Hopkins county, a descent was made by a small body of them at night. The county clerk’s office was broken open and the records of the court carried off or destroyed. In other places horses and other property were taken. Their own friends, equally with Union citizens, were robbed. In Jessamine, Mercer, Boyle, and Garrard counties bridges over the streams were burned. On the 5th of July Lebanon was taken. It is at the termination of the Lebanon branch of the Louisville and Nashville road. About the same time Murfreesboro’, in Tennessee, was captured by a strong guerrilla force under Colonel Forrest. Vigorous opposition was, however, made by the small body of Federal troops stationed there. The Ninth Michigan regiment, however, was captured entirely by surprise, with Brigadier-Generals Duffield and Crittenden, of Indiana. At about this time the rebel Generals Bragg, Smith, Kirby and Van Dorn, had combined to invade Kentucky, their object being to capture Louisville, and then push forward and take possession of Cincinnati. It was the prosecution of this movement that led to the battles of Richmond, Tazewell, Mumfordsville, Perryville, Iuka, and Corinth. In name, as we have seen, the State of Kentucky was still attached to the Union. She had contributed her full quota to the national army, and her whole territory was unoccupied by Confederate forces; but the State was full of guerrilla bands, which, under cover of serving the rebels, plundered in all directions, on their own account. The chief of these guerrilla marauders, John Morgan, with his gang, took possession of the town of Lebanon, on the 12th of July, 1862. His troops continually increased till at last with a large force he advanced upon Cynthiana, which he attacked on the 18th. There a home guard of three hundred and forty men, entirely undisciplined, made a desperate resistance, and were not overpowered till they had slaughtered many of the rebel invaders. This little band of patriots was commanded by Colonel J. J. Landrum, whose coolness and bravery deserves every commendation. A series of guerrilla attacks now succeeded each other, giving indications of hostile movements of a more serious character. About the middle of August, it was reported that Frankfort, the State capital, was in danger from the approach of Morgan, and that the rebel General E. Kirby Smith was advancing with a well organized force, into Kentucky, from Knoxville, Tennessee. Morgan’s force was subsequently overtaken near Paris, by General Green C. Smith, and defeated. About the same time Henderson was occupied by citizens from Kentucky and other States, acting the part of guerrillas, and the hospital and other stores carried off. Farther to the north, Newburg, in Indiana, on the Ohio river, was occupied by a band from Kentucky. They soon, however, left. The activity of the bands under Colonel Morgan produced a great excitement in the interior of the State. Many towns were visited and much plunder obtained. It had been his conviction that large numbers of the citizens would flock to his standard. In this he was greatly mistaken, and the indifference and hostility of the people, together with the preparations to resist him, checked his movements. Active operations continued in Tennessee, whither Colonel Morgan retired. Clarksville was captured with large military stores, and about the 22nd of August a considerable body of Confederate cavalry attacked the Federal force at Gallatin, and after a severe contest repulsed the latter. At the same time, Governor James F. Robinson, who had succeeded Magoffin, appealed to the people in a stirring proclamation, dated August 31st, to rally in defence of the State, against the rebel invaders. His language is that of a whole-souled patriot. “I appeal to you as Kentuckians, as worthy sons of those who rescued the dark and bloody ground from savage barbarity, by the memories of the past of your history, and by the future of your fame, if you are but true to yourselves, to rise in the majesty of your strength and drive the insolent invaders of your soil from your midst. Now is the time for Kentuckians to defend themselves. Each man must constitute himself a soldier, arm himself as best he can, and meet the foe at every step of his advance. The day and the hour, the safety of your homes and firesides, patriotism and duty, alike demand that you rush to the rescue. I call upon the people, then, to rise up as one man, and strike a blow for the defence of their native land, their property, and their homes. Rally to the standard, wherever it may be nearest, place yourselves under the commanders, obey orders, trust to your own right arm and the God of battle, and the foe will be driven back, discomfited and annihilated. To arms! to arms!! and never lay them down till the stars and stripes float in triumph throughout Kentucky. I but perform my duty in thus summoning you to the defence of your State, and I am assured that it will be promptly responded to. I promise that I will share with you the glory of the triumph which surely awaits you.” Cumberland Gap, Tenn., was at this time in possession of the national troops, under command of General G. W. Morgan; and an attack of the rebels was made to drive General Morgan from his position; but, being fiercely repulsed by his advance at Tazewell, they turned toward the west, and proceeded over a difficult mountain road to a point known as Big Creek Gap. On the 9th of August, Governor Johnson, of Tennessee, received intelligence of this rebel invasion. Preparations were at once made, to withstand these combined armies. The United States government had no troops to spare for the defence of Kentucky, save undisciplined recruits, raised under the President’s call for three hundred thousand men, made on the first of July. Pope’s campaign was at this moment in progress. Altogether, the time was full of danger, and trouble, and doubt. Happily Governor Tod of Ohio, and Morton, of Indiana, were loyal and energetic men, and to their efforts at this juncture the State of Kentucky was mainly indebted for protection against her foes and the foes of the nation. Troops were immediately despatched into Kentucky from those States. General Boyle was in command at Louisville. General Wallace, volunteering to serve in the capacity of a Colonel, was put in command at Lexington, which point was directly fortified. J. J. Crittenden, Leslie Coombs, and Garrett Davis, assuming positions on General Wallace’s staff, rendered valuable aid, through their large popularity and influence, in bringing in recruits. General Wallace also organized a regiment of negroes, and employed them on the fortifications. All the while the rebels were steadily advancing. Before the armies met, however, General Wallace had been relieved of his command. Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, and eastern Kentucky were organized into a military district, entitled the Department of the Ohio, General U. S. Wright being appointed to its chief command, and Major-General Nelson transferred to the command of the Army of Kentucky. The latter officer adopted tactics very different from those of his predecessor, and, as events presently demonstrated, far less prudent. Casting aside the spade, he at once advanced beyond his intrenchments, to meet the enemy and give him battle. The result was a defeat at the BATTLE OF RICHMOND, KY. AUGUST 30, 1862. Richmond, Kentucky, is a small village south of the Kentucky river, southeast of Frankfort, and about twenty-five miles from Lexington. Richmond is the capital of Madison county, situated about fifty miles south-southeast of Frankfort, the capital of the State. The Federal force there consisted of one Ohio regiment, five Indiana regiments and part of a sixth, two Kentucky regiments, all raw troops, and a squadron of Kentucky cavalry, under the command of Brigadier-Generals Mahlon D. Manson and Crufts, with nine field-pieces, making in all six thousand five hundred men. The number of the enemy’s forces, known to be in front, could not be ascertained. Information was brought to General Manson, Friday, August 29th, that the enemy were approaching in large force. General Manson at once sent a dispatch to Colonel Munday, commanding a small detachment of cavalry in the neighborhood of Kingston, directing him to hold the enemy in check; and, if possible to ascertain his strength and position. The first brigade was then ordered to stand to arms, and hold themselves in readiness to act at a moment’s notice. Four additional companies were sent forward, to strengthen the pickets at the fort of Big Hill, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Wolfe, of the Sixteenth Indiana. At two o’clock, General Manson received intelligence that the infantry picket, the cavalry of Lieutenant-Colonel Munday, and a similar force under command of Colonel Metcalf, were retreating with all speed toward the camps, hard pressed by a rebel force numbering four or five thousand men. Without loss of time, General Manson ordered out the First brigade, consisting of the Fifteenth, Fifty-fifth, Sixty-ninth and Seventy-first Indiana regiments; and the artillery under command of Lieutenant Lamphere. After an advance of three-quarters of a mile, General Manson descried a heavy column of rebel cavalry, hardly a mile east of the road, and ordered a section of the artillery into position, to fire upon the enemy. The firing was commenced with such excellent effect, as to scatter the enemy in every direction. General Manson then continued his advance, bivouacking for the night at Rogersville. On the morning of the 30th he met the enemy. By this movement he had placed a distance of four miles between himself and General Cruft’s brigade. The din of battle at once began, Kirby Smith attacking the National troops, with the whole rebel force. General Cruft, hearing the cannonading, moved to General Manson’s support, without waiting for orders; and found the battle already raging with fierceness and fury. The new troops were hastily formed in line, under heavy fire, and they fought bravely, against a foe of almost double their own numbers. But the slight confusion of forming them into line had already been taken advantage of by the enemy, who pressed forward in heavy force, and outflanked the Union troops, by gaining the cover of a large corn-field and the woods; and making a dash upon the left wing, it gave way, and fell back in the utmost confusion. General Manson had maintained his position for upward of three hours; and the artillery had kept up an almost unceasing fire. The Sixteenth, Fifty-fifth, Sixty-ninth, and Seventy-first Indiana regiments, under command of, respectively, Colonel Lucas, Colonel Mahan, Lieutenant-Colonel Korff, and Lieutenant-Colonel Topping, occupied prominent positions during the engagement, and were constantly exposed to the enemy’s fire. As the rout of the Union forces became general, three regiments of General Cruft’s brigade, with the Eighteenth Kentucky, Colonel Warner, in advance, came up, and made a determined and desperate effort to check the advancing enemy. For twenty minutes they contended manfully with an overpowering rebel force, but were at last obliged to fall back before overwhelming numbers. But the Union forces were not yet defeated; they retreated about three-quarters of a mile, and once more formed into line of battle. General Cruft’s brigade was ordered to the right, to take position on an elevated part of the ground; two regiments were placed on the extreme right, within cover of a piece of wood; and two behind a fence, fronting a field of corn. The First brigade was placed on the left of the road, and formed in line behind fences. The rebels, secure in numbers, and triumphant from recent victory, came dashing forward exultantly and with loud cheers, and threw themselves upon the left flank of General Manson’s little army. This movement occasioned an immediate change of front; in the attempt to effect it the Union troops were again thrown into confusion, and completely routed. General Manson and General Cruft rode forward, and made a last effort to rally the scattered remnants of their twice defeated troops; and General Nelson at this moment coming up, a third time the line was formed, under the combined efforts of these officers: but the day was against the Union soldiers. After a short, sharp contest, lasting but a few minutes, the patriot line was repulsed, defeated, and scattered in confusion. The archives of the State and about one million of treasure from the banks of Richmond, Lexington, and Frankfort were transferred during the night to Louisville. The increase of guerrilla operations in Kentucky about the 1st of September, with the manifestations of the existence of a Confederate force, indicated some hostile movements. It was soon known that the Confederate General E. Kirby Smith was approaching from Knoxville in Tennessee. On the 22d of August he left Jacksborough with a train of one hundred and fifty wagons, and passed through Big Creek Gap. So difficult were some parts of the route in Tennessee that for two or three days the rear of the trains was only able to reach at night the point from which the advance started in the morning. Rations failed, and the men were obliged for several days to subsist on green corn. Hungry, thirsty, footsore, and choking with dust, his men marched steadily on to a land of plenty. The ordnance stores were brought safely through without the loss of a wagon. There was now no obstacle in the way of the rebel advance. On the 2nd of September, General Kirby Smith led his victorious followers into Lexington, and on the 6th he took possession of Frankfort. His successes, of course, occasioned great consternation, but they did not paralyze the preparations of the Unionists, to resist his advance and drive him back. General Nelson had withdrawn to Louisville. General Wallace was once more called into active service and put in command at Cincinnati. Both these points were liable to attack, and both accordingly were as strongly fortified as time and circumstances would permit. The prompt and effective action of General Wallace, at this time, was mainly instrumental in stemming the tide of invasion. Troops flocked to his standard, from all directions. Confidence was restored. The rebels under Kirby Smith reconnoitred Cincinnati, but found it too strong for attack, and after a brief time, slowly and sullenly withdrew. BRAGG’S INVASION—BATTLE OF MUNFORDSVILLE, KY. SEPTEMBER 14–16, 1862. The advance of the rebels under General Bragg, into the State of Kentucky, commenced shortly after that of Kirby Smith. General Bragg had been opposed by General Buell, in Tennessee. But, slipping away from the Union commander—never a very active officer—General Bragg had, on the 23rd of July, surprised and captured Murfreesboro, and had then passed around Nashville, and pushed on into Kentucky, intending to cooperate with Kirby Smith. How the latter fared we have seen. Our attention is now due the operations of the former. That he was immediately followed by General Buell, may be premised. On the 13th of September the rebel advance reached Munfordsville, where it was met by Colonel J. T. Wilder. Again the Sabbath sun looked down on one of the fearful contests of this dreadful war; and it may here be mentioned, how frequent during the war for the Union, battles of great moment to the country were fought upon the Sabbath day. With the first light of Sunday morning, the advance of Bragg’s army, under General Chalmers, made a fierce attack on Munfordsville. The rebels had conceived an idea that the Federals had fled, and came rushing on to what they anticipated as certain victory, when the patriots, making no sign till the enemy was close upon them, opened a sudden and furious fire from their well-aimed guns. Utterly confounded, the rebels reeled back before the unlooked-for shower of death, and fled to the woods in great confusion. A similarly fierce attack had been made on the right, while the above was made on the left; and under the dreadful fire of the rebels, the Union flag was pierced with one hundred and forty bullets. The enemy was completely repulsed, and, at a little before ten, they ceased firing. No more fighting ensued during that day. In the mean time, a reinforcement of six companies had been sent to Colonel Wilder; and dispatches for more had been sent to Louisville and Bowling Green. But Louisville was in great trouble, and could spare no troops; and for reasons utterly inexplicable, General Buell did not send any assistance, though his entire army was stationed at Bowling Green. On Monday the battle was renewed fiercely, and kept up during the day. Evening came, and with it General Bragg and the bulk of his army. On Wednesday morning, the place was surrendered by Colonel C. L. Dunham, who had arrived with his regiment, and then had command. The troops surrendered consisted of the Seventeenth, Sixtieth, Sixty-seventh, Sixty-eighth, Sixty-ninth Indiana, a company of Louisville cavalry, a part of the Fourth Ohio, and a section of the Thirteenth Indiana battery; amounting in all to about four thousand five hundred men, and ten guns. Both officers and men were at once paroled. General Bragg, unmolested by General Buell, continued his march northward, and before reaching Louisville, turned his troops toward the centre of Kentucky. General Buell marched straight to Louisville, where, having encamped, he left Bragg in the heart of the State, to despoil it, and pick up everything in the way of supplies that could in the future be of value to him. BATTLE OF PERRYVILLE, KY. OCTOBER 8, 1862. After a long period of extraordinary inaction, and after General Bragg had commenced his retreat from Kentucky, General Buell suddenly roused to the necessity of doing something, and moved from Louisville. His army was divided into three corps: the first, under command of Major-General A. McDowell McCook; the second under Major-General Crittenden; the third under Major-General Gilbert. Major-General Thomas being second in command, moved with the second corps; and General Buell himself with the third. The army advanced in pursuit of the enemy, and it was thought that the rebels would concentrate at Danville—but instead of doing so, finding themselves hard pressed, they made a stand at Perryville; where on the evening of the 7th they stubbornly resisted General Buell’s advance. This point became the field of a bloody battle, which took its name from the spot on which it was fought. General McCook did not receive orders to march to Perryville, till three hours after midnight; and though his troops began to advance before dawn they did not reach the battle-field till ten o’clock on the 8th. General McCook formed a junction with General Gilbert’s corps; and in person reported to General Buell for orders. General Buell, appearing to anticipate no serious fighting, gave no orders for immediate attack; and the rebels, taking instant advantage of his indisposition for opening the engagement, resolved to take the initiative before the remaining corps under General Crittenden could arrive. General Bragg drew together his entire force and impetuously hurled them on General McCook’s corps, who met the unexpected assault with the greatest bravery, and stood like adamant before the furious enemy. From two o’clock till nightfall the battle continued to rage with unexampled violence; and both generals—Union and rebel—have recorded it as one of the bloodiest of the war. At General Buell’s headquarters the cannonading was distinctly heard; and he proved himself a most inefficient officer, in not sending the other two divisions to the immediate assistance of General McCook; whose solitary corps of fifteen thousand men was withstanding a force of at least three times their own number. There can be no doubt that the cooperation of the three corps would have insured certain victory; instead of which the brave division, fearfully cut up, after a superhuman contest of many hours was compelled to retire before the superior numbers of the enemy. Having completely overcome the troops under General McCook the rebels followed up their advantage by falling with all their strength on the corps of General Gilbert, which was still waiting orders from the commander-in-chief to hasten to the assistance of General McCook. The battle was instantly renewed with trebly increased fury; the large numbers of the enemy, like a great ocean sweeping on to what they considered an easy victory. But the flood was met and momentarily checked by a brigade under Colonel Gooding; and the Union forces rallying, the rebels retreated across the valley, never pausing till they had reached the protection of their batteries. Then began the carnage to the patriot band, who charged bravely upon the rebel batteries: but being unsupported, and flanked on either side, they were obliged to fall back and take up a position near the town—when night ended the conflict. On both sides the loss of officers was heavy; the loss of men on the Union side far outnumbered that of the rebels. In the morning it was found that the rebel force, with their leader, fearing a renewal of the battle, had taken flight during the night; and pursuit was ordered; but was abandoned after a chase of about ten miles. And thus the invasion of Kentucky by General Bragg was ended, with results by no means wholly satisfactory to the rebels. General Buell’s extraordinary tactics during the battles of Munfordsville and Perryville had entirely lost him the confidence of his army; and as the murmurs against his generalship grew louder, and deeper, he was on the 30th October again relieved of command; and Major-General V. S. Rosecrans was appointed to the position of commander-in-chief of the Army of the Ohio, subsequently known as the Army of the Cumberland. BATTLE OF IUKA, MISS. SEPTEMBER 19, 1862. A brief backward glance is here necessary at the operations of the Army of the Mississippi, immediately preceding the transfer of General Rosecrans from that army to the command of the Army of the Ohio. Corinth, as we have seen, had been captured by the national forces on the 30th of May, 1862. Its importance as a military position, (early recognized by the rebel General Beauregard) continually tempted the rebels to undertake its recapture. Many endeavors to effect this had been made, during the summer of 1862. One of these occasioned severe engagements at Bolivar Station, on the 30th and 31st of August, and at Britton’s Lane, on the 1st of September. The rebels lost heavily in these fights. The rebel strategy at this time contemplated severing the railroad communication between Memphis and Corinth. To prevent that disaster, and effectually to check the advance of the insurgents, General Rosecrans, on the 19th of September, gave battle to the rebels under General Price, attacking them near the village of Iuka. The battle commenced toward evening, the attack being made by two brigades of Missouri cavalry, commanded by General Stanley and General Hamilton, supported by the Fifth Ohio, Colonel Matthias—an excellent officer and a brave man—and the Eleventh Ohio battery. The latter, placed in position on the brow of a hill, commanded the road in front, and did great service. The Fifth Ohio and the Twenty-sixth Missouri occupied a position on the right under cover of woods. On the left of the road and slightly in advance of the battery, was stationed the Forty-eighth Indiana. The rebel forces, comprising eighteen regiments, were commanded by General Price, in person. The rebels, largely outnumbering the Unionists, hurled themselves, at the outset, in a dense mass upon the front of the National line, and strove to break it. To bring up new troops to its support was impossible. At first, it appeared that the Federals would give way; great confusion prevailed; but just at the critical moment General Stanley pushed to the front, to aid General Hamilton in reforming the disordered troops. His presence had a magical effect; and when at length the Eleventh Missouri, a part of his division, was pushed to the right, where it united with the Twenty-sixth Missouri and the Fifth Iowa, a gallant and successful stand was made against the enemy, who was finally driven back with great loss. From this time, until darkness put an end to the battle, the rebels, confident in their great numerical strength, made repeated and desperate attacks upon the National forces—attacks which, in every instance, were bravely met, and successfully repulsed. [Illustration: JEFFERSON DAVIS.] The brunt of the battle was borne by General Hamilton’s regiments, who well deserve the honor due to dauntless bravery. General Stanley’s division, being in the rear, was, with the exception of the Eleventh Missouri, before named—which rendered signal service—prevented from taking an active part in the conflict. On the morning of the 20th, it was found that the rebels had fled—in a southerly direction. General Hamilton and General Stanley immediately started in pursuit with cavalry, following the foe for fifteen miles. Then, worn out with labor and fighting, and famished for want of food, they discontinued the pursuit and returned to camp. BATTLE OF CORINTH, MISS. OCTOBER 3 AND 4, 1862. Immediately after the battle of Iuka, the rebel forces of Price and Van Dorn formed a junction, for the purpose of making another attempt upon Corinth. General Rosecrans, meanwhile, always watchful and energetic, speedily divined their plans, and at once made the requisite preparations to check their advance. Nor was the collision long deferred. On the morning of the 3rd of October, the Union forces were attacked by a body of insurgents, largely superior in numbers, (officially stated at thirty-eight thousand,) and on that day and the next was fought one of the bloodiest battles of the war, which is known as the battle of Corinth. The rebel force was commanded by Generals Price, Van Dorn, Lovell, Villipigue and Rusk. The following was the disposition of the Union troops, on the 3rd of October: General McKean with his division occupied Chewalla; General Davis with his division, occupied the line between the Memphis and Columbus road: General Hamilton, with his division, had taken position between the rebel works, on the Purdy and Hamburgh roads; and General Stanley held his division in reserve, near the old headquarters of General Grant. This disposition of the troops placed General Hamilton on the right, General McKean on the left, and General Davis in the centre. McKean had an advance of three regiments of infantry, and a section of artillery under Colonel Oliver, on the Chewalla road, beyond the enemy’s breastworks. On the morning of the 3rd, the advance under Colonel Oliver, took a strong position on a hill, near an angle in these breastworks: and at about nine o’clock they were strongly pressed by the enemy, who manœuvred to outflank them. At ten o’clock General Rosecrans was informed that Colonel Oliver was imperatively in need of reinforcements, and must yield his position unless they were furnished. The hill would be of great value to the enemy; and it was therefore necessary that the Union forces should hold possession of it; and two regiments of Colonel Davies’ brigade were sent to Colonel Oliver’s assistance. It was presently demonstrated that Brigadier-General Arthur had taken up four more regiments from McKean’s division; and Colonel Oliver’s position upon the hill was being strongly contested. An advance, leaving an interval between McArthur’s and Davies’ left, was now made upon the enemy’s breastworks; but the rebels cleverly pushed on behind Davies’ left, and, after a fierce and determined resistance, forced the brigade to a rapid retreat of nearly a thousand yards, in which movement it lost two heavy guns. Of the fighting, in this engagement, on the 3rd of October, General Rosecrans speaks thus: “Our troops fought with the most determined courage, firing very low. At one P. M. Davies having resumed the same position he had occupied in the morning, and McArthur’s brigade having fought a heavy force, it became evident that the enemy were in full strength, and meant mischief. McKean with Crocker’s brigade had seen only skirmishers; there were no signs of any movement on our left, and only a few cavalry skirmishers on our right. It was pretty clear that we were to expect the weight of the attack to fall on our centre, where hopes had been given of our falling back. “Orders were accordingly given to McKean to fall back to the next ridge beyond our intrenchments, to touch his right on Davies’ left, for Stanley to move northward and eastward, to stand in close echelon, but nearer town. General Hamilton was ordered to face toward Chewalla and move down until his left reached Davies’ right. Davies was informed of these dispositions, told to hold his ground obstinately, and then, when he had drawn them in strongly, Hamilton would swing in on their front and rear and close the day. Hamilton was carefully instructed on this point, and entered into the spirit of it.” The result of this day’s battle was not favorable to the National troops; the fighting of each and every division engaged was superb, but the number of the enemy so far exceeded that of the Union army that when the engagement for the day was closed by the approach of night, the whole National force was driven back, and had lost a great many men. General Oglesby was wounded, and General Hackleman was killed. Very early on the following morning the opening of fire from the enemy’s artillery gave indications of a very hard fight to come. At seven o’clock the heads of the rebel column were seen, emerging from the woods in front of the Union forces, and slowly bearing down upon their centre—first on Davis, next on Stanley, and last on Hamilton. The rebel force was so overpowering that the jaded and worn troops of the Union fell back before it. A contemporary correspondent describing this portion of the battle on the 4th, writes as follows: “It was perhaps half-past nine o’clock when the bitter tragedy began to develop in earnest. A prodigious mass, with gleaming bayonets, suddenly loomed out, dark and threatening on the east of the railroad, moving sternly up the Bolivar road in column by divisions. Directly it opened out in the shape of a monstrous wedge, and drove forward impetuously toward the heart of Corinth. It was a splendid target for our batteries, and it was soon perforated. Hideous gaps were rent in it, but those massive lines were closed almost as soon as they were torn open. At this period the skilful management of General Rosecrans began to develop. It was discovered that the enemy had been enticed to attack precisely at the point where the artillery could sweep them with direct, cross and enfilading fire. He had prepared for such an occasion. Our shell swept through the mass with awful effect, but the brave rebels pressed onward inflexibly. Directly the wedge opened and spread out magnificently, right and left, like great wings, seeming to swoop over the whole field before them. But there was a fearful march in front. A broad turfy glacis, sloping upward at an angle of thirty degrees to a crest fringed with determined, disciplined soldiers, and clad with terrible batteries, frowned upon them. There were a few obstructions—fallen timber—which disordered their lines a little. But every break was instantly welded. Our whole line opened fire, but the enemy, seemingly insensible to fear, or infuriated by passion, bent their necks downward and marched steadily to death, _with their faces averted like men striving to protect themselves against a driving storm of hail_. The Yates and Burgess sharpshooters, lying snugly behind their rude breastworks, poured in a destructive fire, but it seemed no more effectual than if they had been firing potato-balls, excepting that somebody was killed. The enemy still pressed onward undismayed. At last they reached the crest of the hill in front and to the right of Fort Richardson, and General Davies’s division gave way. It began to fall back in disorder. General Rosecrans, who had been watching the conflict with eagle eye, and who is described as having expressed his delight at the trap into which General Price was blindly plunging, discovered the break and dashed to the front, inflamed with indignation. He rallied the men by his splendid example in the thickest of the fight. Before the line was demoralized he succeeded in restoring it, and the men, brave when bravely led, fought again. But they had yielded much space, and the loss of Fort Richardson was certain. Price’s right moved swiftly to the headquarters of General Rosecrans, took possession of it, and posted themselves under cover of the portico of the house, and behind its corners, whence they opened fire upon our troops on the opposite side of the public square. Seven rebels were killed within the little inclosure in front of the General’s cottage. The structure is a sort of sieve now—bullets have punctured it so numerously. But the desperate men got no further into town. “Battle was raging about Fort Richardson. Gallant Richardson, for whom it was named, fought his battery well. Had his supports fought, as his artillerymen did, the record would have been different. The rebels gained the crest of the hill, swarmed around the little redoubt, and were swept away from it as a breath will dissipate smoke. Again they swarmed like infuriated tigers. At last a desperate dash with a yell. Richardson goes down to rise no more. His supports are not at hand. The foe shouts triumphantly and seizes the guns. The horses are fifty yards down the hill toward Corinth. A score of rebels seize them. The Fifty-sixth Illinois suddenly rises from cover in the ravine. One terrible volley, and there are sixteen dead artillery horses, a dozen dead rebels. Illinois shouts, and charges up the hill, across the plateau into the battery. The rebels fly out through embrasures and around the wings. The Fifty-sixth yells again and pursues. “The rebels do not stop. Hamilton’s veterans, meantime, have been working quietly—no lung-work, but gun-work enough. A steady stream of fire tore the rebel ranks to pieces. When Davies broke it was necessary for all to fall back. General Rosecrans thought it well enough to get Price in deeply. A rebel soldier says Van Dorn sat on his horse grimly and saw it all. ‘That’s Rosecrans’s trick,’ said he; ‘he’s got Price where he must suffer.’ Maybe this is one of the apocrypha of battle. A rebel soldier says it’s true. But Hamilton’s division receded under orders—at backward step, slowly, grimly, face to the foe, and firing. But when the Fifty-sixth Illinois charged, this was changed. Davies’ misfortune had been remedied. The whole line advanced. The rebel host was broken. A destroying Nemesis pursued them. Arms were flung away wildly. They ran to the woods. They fled into the forests. Oh! what a shout of triumph and what a gleaming line of steel followed them. It is strange, but true. Our men do not often shout before battle. Heavens! what thunder there is in their throats after victory. ‘They’’ report that such a shout was never before heard in Corinth. Price’s _once_ ‘invincible’’ now invisible legions were broken, demoralized, fugitive, and remorselessly pursued down the hill, into the swamps, through the thickets, into the forests. Newly disturbed earth shows where they fell and how very thickly.” During this hot fighting on the right, General Van Dorn, with his corps arranged in four dense columns, made an attack on the Union left, advancing on Battery Robinette. As the rebels came on they were received with a volley of grape and canister; and as they drew nearer, a murderous fire of musketry, from the Ohio brigade, met them directly in the front, and caused them to reel back in confusion to the woods in their rear. But the enemy were not yet defeated; they reformed immediately, and boldly advanced to the charge again, led on by Colonel Rogers, of the Second Texas; but a second time the dread musketry of the Ohio brigade broke over them in a perfect shower of death. The rebels held their ground with a front of desperate bravery, but when the Twenty-seventh Ohio and the Eleventh Missouri, at the order to charge, rushed forward upon them, their thinned ranks broke into fragments, and they fled wildly back to the shelter of the woods pursued by the Union soldiers, and the battle of Corinth was over—an entire and triumphant victory to the National arms. The enemy’s loss in killed was one thousand four hundred and twenty-three officers and men; their loss in wounded amounted to five thousand six hundred and ninety-two. The Unionists took two thousand two hundred and forty-eight prisoners, among whom were one hundred and thirty-seven field-officers, captains, and subalterns, representing fifty-three regiments of infantry, sixteen regiments of cavalry, thirteen batteries of artillery, and seven battalions, making sixty-nine regiments, six battalions, and thirteen batteries, beside separate companies. The National troops took also fourteen stands of colors, two pieces of artillery, three thousand three hundred stand of arms, four thousand five hundred rounds of ammunition, and a large lot of accoutrements. The enemy blew up several wagons between Corinth and Chewalla, and beyond Chewalla many ammunition wagons and carriages were destroyed, and the ground was strewn with tents, officers’ mess-chests, and small arms. When it was finally ascertained that the enemy, utterly routed, were in full retreat, General Rosecrans ordered preparations for an immediate pursuit. General Grant also sent a force under General Ord and General Hurlbut to intercept and cut off the enemy’s retreat; and thus, when the rebels reached Hatchie river, they found themselves completely hemmed in—caught between two rivers—the Hatchie in front of them, the Tuscumbia behind them. For a time the capture of the entire rebel army seemed inevitable, pursued as they were by General Rosecrans, and assailed in front by the reinforcements from General Grant. Unfortunately, the Union army was too much exhausted by its recent severe efforts, to follow up the advantage; and General Price, always accomplished in carrying out a retreat, made a successful attempt to cross the Hatchie a few miles above the point where his first effort had been disputed, and so escaped with his imperilled army. GENERAL BURNSIDE TAKES COMMAND OF THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. NOVEMBER 10, 1862. On the 12th of November General Burnside issued the following address to the army: HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF THE POTOMAC, _Nov. 10, 1862_. In accordance with General Orders, No. 182, issued by the President of the United States, I hereby assume command of the Army of the Potomac. Patriotism, and the exercise of every energy in the direction of this army, aided by the full and hearty cooperation of its officers and men, will, I hope, under the blessing of God, insure its success. Having been a sharer of the privations, and a witness of the bravery of the old Army of the Potomac in the Maryland campaign, and fully identified with them in their feelings of respect and esteem for General McClellan, entertained through a long and most friendly association with him, I feel that it is not as a stranger I assume command. To the Ninth army corps, so long and intimately associated with me, I need say nothing. Our histories are identical. With diffidence for myself, but with a proud confidence in the unswerving loyalty and determination of the gallant army now intrusted to my care, I accept its control, with the steadfast assurance that the just cause must prevail. [Signed] A. E. BURNSIDE, Major-General Commanding. This was a position that was by no means coveted by General Burnside. He well knew the difficulties and responsibilities of the office, and expressed his misgivings of his ability to perform its duties. But he was a brave and gallant soldier, and had already won the confidence of the Government, and the admiration of his companions in-arms. It was only after mature deliberation, and the consultation and advice of the principal corps commanders that he consented to take upon himself the chief command. In this determination he recognized the soldier’s duty of obedience as a paramount consideration. On the 12th the general-in-chief, (Halleck) and General Meigs proceeded from Washington to the headquarters to confer with General Burnside. On the same day the advance of the army was across the Rappahannock and fifteen miles south of Warrenton. On the 14th General Burnside issued the following order reorganizing a portion of army: HEADQUARTERS, ARMY OF THE POTOMAC, } WARRENTON, VA., _Nov. 14, 1862_. } _General Order, No. 184._ First. The organization of a part of this array in three grand divisions is hereby announced. These grand divisions will be formed and commanded as follows: The Second and Ninth Corps will form the right grand division, and will be commanded by Major-General E. V. Sumner. The First and Sixth Corps will form the left grand division, and will be commanded by Major-General W. B. Franklin. The Third and Fifth Corps will form the centre grand division, and will be commanded by Major-General Joseph Hooker. The Eleventh Corps, with such others as may hereby be assigned to it, will constitute a reserve force, under the command of Major-General F. Sigel. Assignments of cavalry and further details will be announced in future orders. By command of Major-General BURNSIDE. S. WILLIAMS, A. A.-G. Meanwhile the mass of General Lee’s forces retired to Gordonsville. On the 16th the forces of General Burnside began to move for Fredericksburg, as had been previously determined in consultation on the 12th between Generals Halleck and Burnside. On the 15th the evacuation of Warrenton and the adjacent places was commenced, and by the morning of the 18th it was entirely completed. The advance was led by General Sumner. At the same time supplies were sent to Acquia Creek, and the repairs of the railroad track to Fredericksburg commenced, and the army concentrated at Falmouth, opposite Fredericksburg. The march to Richmond was to be made by the route from Fredericksburg. This city is on the south bank of the Rappahannock, and sixty-five miles distant from Richmond. It is connected with the latter place by a railroad, of which there is a double line nearly to Hanover Junction, twenty-three miles from Richmond. The railroad crosses the Matapony river at Milford, thirty-seven miles from Fredericksburg, and the Pamunkey, twenty-five miles from Richmond, besides a number of smaller streams. Between Falmouth, where the Federal army concentrated, and Richmond, there are two main and two minor lines of defence. The first that of the Rappahannock river. Above Falmouth its abrupt banks, which are lined with high hills, difficult of access, and its narrow fords and rocky bottom render a rapid crossing for a large force almost impossible. Below, the valley of the river expands, spreading often into spacious plains, while the winding course of the stream forms numerous necks of land, easily commanded from the north side, and giving secure crossing places, and ample ground for the formation of troops. At Fredericksburg the north commands the south bank, and much of the distance, which is a mile and a half, to the frowning hills or table land beyond. But these heights equally command this intermediate plain, and are unassailable in front except by infantry. Next in the rear, and twelve miles distant, is the line of the Po river and Stannard’s Marsh, which is hardly available except to hold a pursuing foe in check. The North Anna is about forty miles from the Rappahannock, and affords another principal line of defence. It is a deep and rapid stream, with a narrow valley. The table-land on its north bank is about one hundred feet above the bed of the river, and about one hundred and fifty feet on the south bank. The extension of its line after it turns to join the South Anna, and becomes the Pamunkey, presents scarcely less obstacles than the river itself, so well is the ground guarded by swamps and flanked by streams. The last and a minor line of defence is the South Anna river, with the southern commanded by the northern bank, and too near the North Anna for a second formation by a force that has been badly defeated. Numerous small streams parallel to the line of advance present suitable points for resistance, and protect foes attacking the line communication, while the bridges over them are weak points necessary to be securely guarded. By the 20th a considerable force had reached Falmouth. General Sumner on the next day sent a summons to surrender, which elicited a correspondence from Mayor Slaughter, showing that the town was at the mercy of the combatants, and beyond the control of the city authorities. As General Burnside’s army concentrated on the north bank, General Lee’s forces concentrated on the heights in the rear of Fredericksburg. Had the pontoon bridges been at hand when the advance reached Falmouth, the line of the Rappahannock would have been taken without opposition. Then, with proper supplies and bridges, thirty of the sixty miles to Richmond would have been placed within the reach of General Burnside, and perhaps a lodgment have been effected on the banks of the North Anna. Nearly thirty days elapsed before the pontoons arrived and the bridges were completed. It was the design of General Burnside that the pontoons should leave Alexandria on November 11, and arrive at Falmouth at the same time with the advance of his army. The right grand division reached Falmouth on November 17. The pontoons left Alexandria on November 19, and arrived at Fredericksburgh after the movements of General Burnside had not only become known, but after General Lee had advanced his forces from Gordonsville to the heights in the rear of Fredericksburg, and had fortified them. They were not used until the night of December 10, owing to material changes in the plan of the commander-in-chief, necessitated by new movements of the enemy. During the night of the 10th of December, therefore, the pontoons were conveyed to the river, and the artillery to the number of one hundred and forty-three pieces was placed in position opposite the city. Between four and five o’clock on the morning of the 11th, the work of building four bridges was commenced. One was to be made at the point where the railroad bridge formerly crossed, and two others opposite the city but nearer Falmouth, and the fourth nearly two miles below for the crossing of the left wing under General Franklin. A dull haze so obscured the movement, that it was not discovered for some time by the Confederate pickets. The bridges were thus partly constructed, when a brisk and deadly fire of musketry from along the banks of the river and windows of the houses was opened, which compelled the workmen to stop. They fled to the cover of the surrounding hills where they formed again, and about six o’clock the work was recommenced. The Confederates had now become aroused to a sense of what was going forward, and with reinforcements of sharpshooters swarmed the opposite bank and houses. The pontonniers, nothing daunted by the hot fire poured upon them, went bravely to work. A storm of bullets covered them. The planks and boats were riddled by every volley. Once more they were compelled to withdraw, and again fell back to the cover of the ridge of hills running parallel with the river. Orders were now given to the artillery to open fire on the city. The Federal batteries commenced an almost simultaneous bombardment, directing their fire chiefly at the houses in which the sharpshooters had concealed themselves. At the first fire they became untenable, and the riflemen retreated to the rear of the town, and took shelter behind the buildings unharmed. The fire of the artillery, which commenced at seven o’clock, was continued incessantly until one o’clock. The fog somewhat obscured its results, but bodies of the Confederates with great stubbornness still kept within the city. The Confederate batteries on the heights in the rear continued silent. Not a gun was fired. About ten o’clock, the workmen were again formed for a third attempt to build the bridges. Volunteers joined them from the Eighth Connecticut. Some planks were seized and carried out to the end of a string of boats and placed in position, when a galling fire from sharpshooters in rifle pits near the edge of the water again interrupted them, and they were recalled. Meantime the bombardment was continued, and several houses in the city had taken fire. In the afternoon, several pontoon boats, loaded with volunteers from the Seventh Michigan and Nineteenth Massachusetts, were sent over. They chased the Confederate sharpshooters from their hiding places, and the bridges were finished without further interruption. On the other side a scene of destruction presented itself. The walls of houses were breached, roofs had fallen in, and the interiors were destroyed. No sooner were the bridges completed than the troops began to cross, and before dusk General Sumner’s grand division had gone over, and a section of General Hooker’s. All had rations for three days, and blankets for a bivouac. The grand division of General Franklin, consisting of the corps of General Reynolds and Smith, crossed over at the lower bridge, which was built earlier in the day, without interruption, as there was a plain before it which the artillery could have easily swept. The troops commenced crossing again early on the morning of the 12th without molestation. Some sharp resistance had been made by the Confederate soldiers to those who crossed on the previous day, but those were driven out of the city, or killed. During the afternoon fire was opened upon the city by the Confederate batteries on the nearest heights, which was replied to by the Federal batteries, and soon ceased. The occupation of Fredericksburg had now been successfully made. No greater opposition had been presented by the forces of General Lee than was sufficient to tempt the Federal troops to press forward with greater ardor. The next movement was to drive the Confederate forces from their positions on the heights. These positions consisted of two lines of batteries, one a mile in rear of the other, and both overlooking the city. They extended, in the form of a semicircle, from Port Royal to a point about six miles above Fredericksburg. Their right wing, under General Jackson, extended from Port Royal to Guinney’s Station on the Richmond and Fredericksburg railroad; the centre, under General Longstreet, extended to the telegraph road; the left, under General Stuart, was west of Massaponax creek. A reserve corps was commanded by General A. P. Hill. This was the force which had fought at Richmond and in Maryland. Friday night and Saturday morning, the 13th, were spent by General Burnside in making a proper disposition of his forces. The left was occupied by General Franklin with his grand division, the centre by General Hooker, and the right by General Sumner. The right of General Franklin rested on the outskirts of the city, his centre was advanced about a mile from the river, and his left was on the Rappahannock, about three miles below. The action commenced on the extreme left by an annoying fire from a rebel battery, which the Ninth New York was ordered to charge and capture. In this attempt they were repulsed. A brigade was brought to their aid by General Tyler, and another attempt made, but the fire was so deadly that it failed of success. The battle now became more general, and another attempt was made to capture the battery. No advantage was gained at this time, but a severe loss was suffered. The conflict now extended along the whole line of the left, and a desperate effort was made to drive the Confederates across the Massaponax creek by turning their position. The ground was contested most obstinately, but the Confederates gradually fell back, occasionally making a most desperate stand, until night, when General Franklin had succeeded in gaining nearly a mile, and his troops occupied the field. The right of General Franklin’s division, under General Reynolds, encountered the fire of the Confederate artillery on the heights, and although the conflict was most deadly, no advantage was gained. On the right, under command of General Sumner, the action commenced about ten o’clock and was furious during the rest of the day. The Confederate forces occupied the woods and hills in the rear of the city, from which it soon became evident they could not be driven except at the point of the bayonet. The charge was ordered to be made by the division of General French supported by that of General Howard. Steadily the troops moved across the plain, until they were within a dozen yards of the ridge, when they were suddenly met by a galling fire from the Confederate infantry posted behind a stone wall. For a few minutes the head of the column exhibited some confusion; but quickly forming into line it retired back to a ravine within musket shot of the rebels. Here they were reinforced by fresh troops who fearlessly advanced to their aid under a most destructive fire of artillery. The line of assault was now formed again, and with bayonets fixed and a double quick step, they rushed forward to seize the Confederate artillery. From the first step they encountered a terrific fire of infantry and artillery. No veterans could face that shock. They were thrown into confusion and brought to a sudden halt. At this juncture the centre quivered, faltered, and fled in disorder, but was afterwards rallied and brought back. Three times was the attack thus made to dislodge those batteries. But each time it was in vain. The ranks of the storming party, shrunk to small limits, retired. The entire force of his artillery was now brought by General Sumner to bear upon the enemy, and thus the contest was kept up until dark. At night the Confederate force occupied their original position, and the wounded and the dead remained where they had fallen. Every attempt to remove them by the Federal troops was defeated by the rebel infantry. In the centre under the command of General Hooker, skirmishing commenced early in the morning; and during the forenoon, while the fog prevailed, a terrific contest, chiefly with artillery, was kept up on both sides. The Confederate position appeared to be invulnerable to artillery, and about noon preparations were made for storming it. The troops marched steadily up within musket shot of the batteries, and were there met by such a destructive fire of artillery and rifles as drove them back with a heavy loss. Reinforcements were obtained, and the attempt to take the batteries was repeated in the afternoon, but without success. The contest continued with great fierceness until night. About half past five the firing of the musketry ceased, but that of the artillery continued until long after dark. On the next day, Sunday the 14th, both armies remained comparatively quiet. Some skirmishing and artillery fire took place for a short time. On Monday, both armies continued in the same position. The Confederates had strengthened some of their works. During the ensuing night, the army evacuated Fredericksburg and retired across the river to its former position. The artillery crossed first, followed by the infantry, the last of whom left about daylight. The pontoon bridges were then removed and all communication cut off. The movement was not perceived by the Confederates until it was too late to do any injury to the retreating force. The following is the despatch of General Burnside announcing this movement: HEADQUARTERS ARMY POTOMAC, } SIX O’CLOCK, P. M., _December 16, 1862_. } Major-General HALLECK: The army was withdrawn to this side of the river because I felt the position in front could not be carried, and it was a military necessity either to attack or retire. A repulse would have been disastrous to us. The army was withdrawn at night, without the knowledge of the enemy, and without loss either of property or men. A. E. BURNSIDE, Major-General Commanding. The Federal loss was as follows: General Sumner’s division on the right, killed, four hundred and seventy-three; wounded, four thousand and ninety; missing, seven hundred and forty-eight. Total, five thousand three hundred and eleven. General Hooker’s division on the centre, killed, three hundred and twenty-six; wounded, two thousand four hundred and sixty-eight; missing, seven hundred and fifty-four. Total, three thousand five hundred and forty-eight. General Franklin’s division on the left, killed, three hundred and thirty-nine; wounded, two thousand five hundred and forty-seven; missing, five hundred and seventy-six. Total, three thousand four hundred and sixty-two. Grand total, killed, one thousand one hundred and thirty-eight; wounded, nine thousand one hundred and five; missing, two thousand and seventy-eight. Total, twelve thousand three hundred and twenty-one. The Confederate loss was comparatively small, having been sheltered by their works. General Burnside in his report to the general-in-chief, thus explains his defeat: “How near we came to the accomplishment of our object future reports will show. But for the fog, and the unexpected and unavoidable delay in building the bridges, which gave the enemy twenty-four hours to concentrate his forces in his strong position, we would almost certainly have succeeded, in which case the battle would have been, in my opinion, far more decisive than if we had crossed at the places first selected. As it was, we came very near success. Failing in the accomplishment of the main object, we remained in order of battle two days, long enough to decide that the enemy would not come out of his strongholds to fight me with his infantry, after which we recrossed to this side of the river unmolested, without the loss of men or property. “As the day broke our long lines of troops were seen marching to their different positions as if going on parade—not the least demoralization or disorganization existed. “To the brave officers and soldiers who accomplished the feat of thus recrossing in the face of the enemy, I owe everything. For the failure in the attack, I am responsible, as the extreme gallantry, courage, and endurance shown by them were never exceeded, and would have carried the points had it been possible. “To the families and friends of the dead I can only offer my heartfelt sympathies, but for the wounded I can offer my earnest prayer for their comfort and final recovery. “The fact that I decided to move from Warrenton on this line rather against the opinion of the President, Secretary of War, and yourself, and that you have left the whole movement in my hands, without giving me orders, makes me the more responsible.” Thus closed the third campaign against Richmond. No further hostile demonstrations were made by either army during the year. OPERATIONS IN TENNESSEE. BATTLE OF MURFREESBORO’. DECEMBER 31, 1862. On the 25th of October General Rosecrans was ordered to Cincinnati to take command of the Army of the Ohio, which consisted of what remained of the splendid army formerly commanded by General Buell. The Army of the Ohio was at this time—October 30, 1862—concentrated at Bowling Green, Kentucky; and there General Rosecrans took up his headquarters. This General’s first step was to organize and discipline the army, which had been, in a measure, demoralized by its reverses, under the command of General Buell. This was a task of magnitude, requiring both time and energy. It was accomplished, however, and on the 10th of November, General Rosecrans transferred his headquarters from Bowling Green to Nashville, Tennessee. Six weeks of unavoidable delay occurred, during which time the Army of the Ohio did nothing to retrieve its past disasters. General Rosecrans was one hundred and eighty-three miles from Louisville, his base of supplies; and the only communication between his present headquarters and the capital of Kentucky was a single line of railroad, not yet completed from Mitchellsville to Nashville, a distance of fifty miles. The completion of this piece of railroad occupied three weeks; and after it was in perfect running order, it required still another three weeks to collect supplies, sufficient to make it safe for the army to attempt any movement in advance. Much skirmishing between the patriot troops and the rebels meanwhile occurred; in most of which the former were victorious. The only disaster of any moment, that occurred to the Union army, at this period, was the capture of Colonel Moore’s brigade, at Hartsville, by the rebel guerrilla, General John A. Morgan, with a cavalry force, and mounted infantry, numbering about five thousand men. General Rosecrans proceeded with indefatigable energy in his preparations to meet the enemy; but, with the utmost dispatch and patience combined, it was almost the end of December before he was in condition to offer battle to the rebel Bragg, who was stationed at Murfreesboro’, having made his headquarters there, after his escape from Kentucky. The army under General Rosecrans bore no comparison in numbers with that of Bragg; but its organization was perfect. Being compelled to leave a large force at Nashville, for the protection of that city, General Rosecrans’ force, when he advanced, was less than forty-seven thousand men; while that of General Bragg numbered sixty-five thousand. General Rosecrans divided his army into three corps; one under command of General McD. McCook; another under command of General George H. Thomas; and a third under command of General Thomas L. Crittenden. The corps of General McCook consisted of three divisions under Generals Johnson, Davis and Sheridan; General Thomas’ corps consisted of two divisions, under Generals Rousseau and Negley. The corps of General Crittenden was composed of three divisions, under Generals Van Cleve, Wood and Palmer. General D. S. Stanley was chief of cavalry. The rebel forces under Bragg were also divided into three corps, commanded respectively by Generals Hardee, Polk and E. Kirby Smith. In addition General Bragg had two cavalry brigades, under command of General Forrest and General Morgan; each of these brigades contained five thousand men. The moment for attack had come, in the judgment of General Rosecrans. The rebel cavalry force had been sent north, on a raid, in consequence of incorrect information received by Bragg, concerning the movements of Rosecrans. General McCook received orders to advance upon General Hardee, who occupied a position on the Nolensville road. General Thomas was ordered to the Franklin road, so as to threaten Hardee’s flank; and, by a crossroad, to form a junction with McCook. And General Crittenden was ordered to advance on the Murfreesboro’ road, as far as Lavergne. These movements being carried out caused the retreat of Hardee toward Murfreesboro’. Encountering considerable opposition from the rebels, and being compelled to feel their way over a totally unknown and wooded country, the National force had all crossed over to the Murfreesboro’ road. On the night of Tuesday, the 30th of December, General Rosecrans had his line formed. The relative positions of the armies were then as follows: The rebels were intrenched in a thick wood about two miles in front of Murfreesboro’; their lines extending along both sides of a stream, the right under command of General Polk, the left commanded by General Hardee, and the centre by General Smith. The line of battle of the National troops was drawn up directly opposite that of the rebels, with General Crittenden holding the left, which rested on Stone River; General McCook the right, and General Thomas the centre. While General Rosecrans was deciding the method of attack, and explaining it to his corps commanders, the rebel General had decided to take the aggressive. The rebel attack was cleverly managed. Without any demonstration, the enemy suddenly emerged from the woods in which they had been concealed, at about seven o’clock on the morning of the 31st of December, and steadily and noiselessly advanced toward the National line. The troops had fallen in line on the first news of the enemy’s approach, and quietly awaited their coming; but notwithstanding this, however, the unexpected nature of the attack threw the Union troops into confusion, in a very short time the infantry breaking and retreating without a single shot. There was much brave but fruitless fighting. The dense masses of the enemy bore down upon the enfeebled National line, and were bravely met; but continued resistance was impossible. A large part of McCook’s ammunition and subsistence trains were captured by the enemy. The day was plainly against the Federals; and, for the time, it might have been said that General Rosecrans was defeated even before his attack had begun. Unless the battle-field was at once given up to the rebels, it became evident that a complete and immediate change of plan was essential to the maintenance of even a show of resistance to the enemy. General McCook’s army was almost broken up; and upon the centre the firing only increased in fury. General Rosecrans, with the energy, bravery, and promptness that ever characterized him, saw the danger of defeat, and instantly determined on a means of retrieving his fortunes. Having sent his staff along the lines, he dashed right into the furious fire upon the centre, and sent forward Beatty’s brigade. Immediately a scorching fire was opened from six batteries at once; and as a loud, prolonged cheer burst from the Union troops, it was plain that the rebels were falling back before them. This so encouraged the patriots that every man bent with renewed vigor and enthusiasm to the work before him. A large force of cavalry, which had been sent down the Murfreesboro’ road, had arrested the flying men of McCook’s division, and sent them back to their regiments. General Rosecrans continued to urge his encouraged troops forward, and the rebels fled before them for nearly a mile. The foe now prepared to fall upon the left of the Union line; and although that portion of the army had already received orders to charge upon the enemy, before the advance could be made, the rebels had meanwhile again burst upon the centre, which had begun to break. The breech was instantly filled by the gallant General Rousseau, at the head of his division, and the enemy was beaten back into the cedar thicket in their rear. Once more the rebels fell upon the Union right, driving it back; and, as the men, fled in disorder before the attack, the sight was very discouraging: but happily no panic ensued. General Rosecrans now massed his divisions against the rebel left, crossed the river, and gave them desperate battle for the space of two hours, during which time the rebels had all the advantage of position and attack till they were at last checked by a terribly destructive fire of musketry and artillery. “The scene at this point,” says a correspondent of the day, “was magnificently terrible.” The whole battle was in full view, the enemy deploying right and left, bringing up their batteries in fine style—our own vomiting smoke and iron missiles upon them with awful fury, and our gallant fellows moving to the front with unflinching courage, and lying flat upon their faces to escape the rebel fire until the moment for action. Shell and shot fell around like rain. General Rosecrans was himself incessantly exposed. It is wonderful that he escaped. His chief-of-staff, the noble Lieutenant-Colonel Garesché, had his head taken off by a round shot, and the blood bespattered the General and some of the staff. Lieutenant Lylam Kirk, just behind him, was thrown out of his saddle by a bullet which shattered his left arm. The enemy at about six o’clock took up a position not assailable except by artillery; and being evidently exhausted by the repeated and rapid assaults, the firing on both sides gradually slackened, and ceased entirely as the darkness deepened,—the battle having continued almost without intermission for eleven hours. The losses on both sides were heavy. Major Rosengarten and Major Ward were both killed, during a cavalry charge: General Rousseau at the head of his splendid division, was wounded, after having made two bayonet charges, and fought during five hours. General Stanley and General Palmer were also wounded. At dawn of the following morning, General Rosecrans opened fire furiously upon the enemy, with his left endeavoring to beat him back from the right. The enemy met the attack bravely, holding their ground; and the battle continued in that direction for several hours. Matters did not look favorable for the National army; but at twelve o’clock new supplies of ammunition were received, the batteries were replenished and massed, and a murderous fire was opened upon the rebel line. It began to give way: and, with General Thomas pressing on its centre, and General Crittenden on its left, was handsomely repulsed. For the remainder of the day, the battle changing from one point to another, continued to rage with varied success—now the Unionists were victors, and now the rebels; till night again closed the conflict, and no decisive victory had been gained on either side. The next day, Friday, began quiet along both lines: the dead lay unburied on the field, already become objects of loathing and horror, nor could their comrades of yesterday spare the time to lay them beneath the moist, and blood-stained earth. The day wore slowly away, both Unionists and Confederates making preparations for more fighting but up to three o’clock in the afternoon there seemed no prospect of the battle being resumed during that day. At half past three the rebels made a furious and sudden attack upon the left wing of the National army, Colonel Beatty’s division, (in command since General Van Clere had been wounded) with the evident intention of cutting it off from the rest of the line. But Beatty was not wholly unprepared, and met the overwhelming force hurled against him, with skill and gallantry. The rebels were three columns deep, and consisted of the divisions of Breckinridge, Claiborne, and Anderson. Beatty’s three brigades defended themselves with desperate bravery; and in return for the flood of shot, shell, and Minnie sent into their ranks, they sent back a perfect storm of lead that caused the first rebel column Breckinridge’s division, to fall back instantly, mowed down by the fierce fire of the Union brigades. The place of the retreating column was instantly filled by another formed of Claiborne’s division; which met with better success than its predecessor; as Beatty’s division, after the severe treatment it had just received could not hope to stand before an entirely fresh column of the enemy. The Union brigades fell slowly back, and recrossed the river, pursued to the very banks by the rebels, pouring in upon them a steady fire, and then immediately forming their line in the deserted position. The rebel artillery was moved, and from both sides of the stream a heavy fire was poured into each force by its opponents. There was still a Union reserve; for a wise purpose of his own, General Rosecrans had not yet permitted Negley’s men to be sent forward; but by the General’s order they were now ordered to come up, which they did, closely followed by General J. C. Davis’s division. With shouts of enthusiasm they pressed forward toward the aid of Beatty’s left; and having reached the banks of Lytle’s creek, they opened a furious and destructive fire upon the rebel force beyond. Two batteries were set to work, and a severe volley of grape and shrapnel poured in on the enemy’s line. The effect was perceived at once—they fell back slowly; and Davis’s division was ordered to cross the stream in pursuit. The Seventy eighth Pennsylvania sprang forward, plunged in, and were the first to cross, led by the gallant Colonel Sirwell. Immediately the Nineteenth Illinois and the rest of the two brigades followed, Davis also crossed, speedily followed by Beatty; and one of the most brilliant and desperate charges of the day was executed. Davis pressed through his ranks, and taking off his hat placed it on his sword, and with a loud hearty shout to his men to _Charge!_ led them himself to the top of the hill. The rebel line broke before the gallant charge, and fled in the greatest confusion. Negley perceiving the advantage gained by the troops across the stream, followed it up without an instant’s loss of time, by ordering his batteries to cross, which, together with a captured rebel battery were put to work, pouring death into the enemy’s retreating line. General Negley now sent word to General Rosecrans that he was driving the rebels before him, and that they were almost compelled to a complete and disgraceful rout. “Drive ’em!” was the enthusiastic response of the Union General; and he immediately ordered the whole of the National line to be advanced; and on the instant after one sheet of flame burst from right to left along the entire front, and the shouts of victory rose high above every other sound. The rebel resistance was desperate, but useless; and Polk’s entire division fled before Negley, who never slackened in pursuit till the enemy was driven far beyond their outer works, when the coming on of night saved them from utter destruction. General Negley now ordered a halt, and sent a dispatch to General Rosecrans that darkness had overtaken him within three-quarters of a mile of Murfreesboro’, but he would advance no further till he had received orders from the General in command. [Illustration: BATTLE OF MURFREESBORO’, DEC. 31, 1862.] [Illustration: REBEL BATTERY CARRIED BY ASSAULT BY GENERAL ROUSSEAU’S COMMAND.] The order for advance was not sent; and the tired soldiers bivouacked within sight of Murfreesboro’. It was evident that the battle was over, and the morning would prove the enemy completely defeated. On Saturday it rained; and General Rosecrans determined to keep his powder dry. Knowing that success was certain, he permitted nothing to be done except shelling the enemy, and this was kept up during the day. About two o’clock, at night, the rebel redoubt in front of Rousseau gave considerable trouble by opening an artillery fire. General Rousseau sent to General Rosecrans for permission to take the works, and having received it, he detailed the Third Ohio and Eighty-eighth Indiana for the duty. In the face of a heavy fire they advanced and took the works at the point of the bayonet. They also captured fifty prisoners. During the night came reports that the rebels were already evacuating Murfreesboro’; and although the intelligence was scarcely credited at first, morning proved its correctness, for the enemy was gone! It now, only remained to take possession of Murfreesboro’, and at eleven o’clock on Sunday morning, General Rosecrans entered the village, with the main army. NORTH CAROLINA AT THE CLOSE OF 1862. Notwithstanding the brilliant victories by the army and navy of the Union in the early part of this year over the Confederate forces in North Carolina, but little, if any impression had been made on the stern spirit of opposition and defiance which was here as everywhere else manifested by the leaders of the rebellion. The brave and indomitable army led by Burnside, and the no less valiant and victorious naval forces under Commodore Goldsborough, had unitedly subdued and captured all the defensible positions on the coast; and the capture of Roanoke Island and the Confederate navy in those waters, had opened the Albemarle sound and its tributaries to the unmolested passage of the Federal fleet, and placed Newbern, Edenton, Winton, Beaufort, Elizabeth city, and many other towns in possession of the Union forces. The magnitude of the operations on the Peninsula of Virginia, at a later period of the year, overshadowed these earlier movements, which were only designed as supplementary by the Federal government. The military operations for the remainder of the year were not therefore of a character demanding an extended notice in this history. Colonel Vance was elected Governor of the State in August by a large majority; and in his message in November, urged a vigorous prosecution of the war. In this he was seconded by the Legislature, who by resolution declared the separation of the State from the Federal Union as final, and pledged all the power and resources of the commonwealth to maintain the Confederate government. As an important part of the State had now come under Federal control by conquest, the authorities at Washington determined to appoint a Provisional or military Governor, as had previously been done in Tennessee by the appointment of Andrew Johnson. Edward Stanley, formerly a distinguished citizen of North Carolina, was tendered that office by President Lincoln, and accepted the trust. He arrived at Newbern on the 26th of May, and entered upon his duties. On the 17th of June he made an address to the people of Washington, N. C., which citizens from all parts of the State were permitted to pass through the Federal lines to attend. Men were present from seventeen counties to hear him; but the result showed that so long as the Confederate Government retained its organization and power, the citizens were powerless, and dare not oppose it. Governor Stanley endeavored by wise and conciliatory measures to win the confidence of the people, and thus restore peace to the State. To that end he proposed a conference with Governor Vance; but that functionary refused to meet him, and referred Stanley to the Confederate Government at Richmond. Thousands of slaves flocked within the Federal lines, five thousand having collected in Newbern alone within three months after its occupation by the Union army. Simultaneous with the campaign against Richmond undertaken by General Burnside, efforts were made to cut the rebel lines of communication between Richmond and the southwestern states. There are three lines of railroad running south and southwest. One running southwest, passes through southwestern Virginia, eastern Tennessee, northern Alabama, and connects with roads to western Tennessee, and to New Orleans. A southerly line connects Richmond with Wilmington, Charleston, Savannah, and parts of Alabama; while another southerly line passes through North and South Carolina. By cutting the former of these roads at Cumberland Gap, reinforcements and supplies could not be brought from the southwest for General Lee; neither could Lee aid General Bragg’s army at Murfreesboro’. By cutting the second the most direct communication between Richmond and the principal cities of the Confederate States was destroyed. When General Rosecrans was preparing to move from Nashville to attack the Confederate army at Murfreesboro’, an expedition was sent into East Tennessee to destroy the railroad, and so prevent reinforcements from Richmond from reaching General Bragg. General Carter with a force of one thousand cavalry left London in Kentucky, December 21st, and entering Virginia between Cumberland Gap and Pound Gap, advanced within six miles of Bristol, burned the bridges across the Halston and Wataugo rivers, and took up portions of the track, destroying the rails for a distance of one hundred miles, almost to Jonesboro’. They captured five hundred prisoners, seven hundred stand of arms, and a large amount of stores. They reached Manchester, Kentucky, on the 6th of January, having lost only ten men in their hazardous but successful enterprise. The expedition against the second line of railroads was undertaken in North Carolina, and forms the only subsequent military movement of importance in addition to those hitherto described in the department during the year. It was a march against Goldsborough and the destruction of the railroad at that place, which is the line connecting Charleston and Savannah with Richmond. General J. G. Foster, who commanded the department after the departure of General Burnside, took charge of the expedition. The force consisted of four brigades under Colonels Wessels, Amory, Stevenson and Lee; the Third New York and First Rhode Island batteries; also sections of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth New York Independent batteries, and the Third New York cavalry. It left Newbern on the morning of December 11, and moved on the Kingston road fourteen miles. Some parts of the road were obstructed by felled trees. On the next morning it advanced to the Vine Swamp road, having some sharp skirmishing with a small Confederate force. At this point three companies of cavalry were sent up the Kingston road as a demonstration, and the main force took the Vine Swamp road, thereby avoiding the obstructions and the Confederate forces. It was delayed to build the bridge over Beaver creek, where the Fifty-first Massachusetts and a section of artillery were left to hold it, and support the cavalry on the main road, and halted at a distance of four miles. The next morning the main column advanced, turning to the left, and leaving the road it was upon to the right. At the intersection the Forty-sixth Massachusetts and a section of a battery were left as a feint and to hold the position. On reaching Southwest creek a Confederate force was found posted on the opposite bank, about four hundred strong, and with three pieces of artillery. The creek was not fordable, and ran at the foot of a deep ravine. Under the protection of a battery the Ninth New Jersey effected a passage and formed on the opposite bank, where it was afterward supported by the Eighty-fifth Pennsylvania. This caused the Confederate force to retire with some skirmishing. On the next day an advance upon Kinston was made, and the Confederate force found posted in a strong position about one mile from the place. An attack was at once made with the Ninth New Jersey in advance, and the position taken. The Confederate force retired across the Neuse river, with a loss of four hundred prisoners. On crossing, the bridge was set on fire, but soon extinguished by the advance of General Foster. The bridge was immediately repaired, and the column crossed, and occupied the town of Kinston. With constant skirmishing, the force of General Foster continued to advance until the 17th, when it reached Goldsborough. Here it burned two trestle-work culverts, destroyed a train of four railroad cars, water station, depot, etc., and some small arms which it was unable to carry off. After destroying other bridges, and capturing some small positions that had been occupied by a Confederate force, the expedition successfully returned to Newbern. These expeditions, although successful, secured no important advantages, as the great movement on Richmond had, in the mean time, been suspended. They were useful reconnoissances, and the former may have delayed the arrival of reinforcements from General Lee to General Bragg before the battle of Murfreesbero’. On the 6th of September a body of Confederate troops surprised the garrison at Washington in the department of North Carolina. A vigorous resistance was made, and the attacking party was repulsed with a loss of thirty-three killed, and nearly one hundred wounded. The Federal loss was eight killed, and thirty-three wounded. BATTLE OF POCOTALICO BRIDGE, S. C. OCTOBER 23, 1862. A severe engagement occurred on this day in the Department of the South, where the military operations of the year, not previously detailed, had been unimportant. General Mitchel, the renowned man of science and brilliant commander, whose untimely death at a short subsequent period, filled the whole country with sorrow, was at that time commander of the department. An expedition was sent out from Port Royal to destroy the trestle work bridges of the Charleston and Savannah railroad across the Pocotalico, Tullifinny, and Coosawhatchie, tributaries of the Broad river, and to make a reconnoissance of these streams. The expedition was under the command of Generals Brannan and Terry. The main body of the troops was landed at Mackey’s Point, about fifteen miles from the railroad, and marched seven miles inland, where the Confederates were met in force. After a sharp fight of an hour they retired to a point two miles distant, and made a second stand. From this point they again fell back to the village of Pocotalico, and having burned the long bridge across the stream, they were inaccessible. Meanwhile Colonel Barton, with three hundred and fifty men, penetrated to the railroad at Coosawhatchie, and destroyed some of the rails, cut the telegraph wires, and fired upon a train containing troops. The engagement by the main force was severe, and the Federal loss was thirty-two killed, and one hundred and eighty wounded. The Union force retired on the next day, having failed in the object of the expedition, except the reconnoissance. BATTLE OF BATON ROUGE, LA. AUGUST 5, 1862. Another important engagement took place on the above date, which our general plan will not permit us to engross in its historical connection. On the 5th of August an attack was made on Baton Rouge, in the Department of the Gulf, which was under the government of General Butler. The Federal force at this city was under command of Brigadier-General Williams. The Confederate army making the attack was under the command of General John C. Breckinridge. The contest was sharp and bloody, and the attack was successfully repulsed. The Federal loss was ninety killed, and two hundred and fifty wounded. Among the killed was General Williams. Three hundred of the Confederates were reported to have been killed and buried by the force of General Williams. The city was subsequently evacuated on August 16, by command of General Butler. General Williams was a graduate of West Point, and an officer of great merit and promise. He was a native of Connecticut, but received his appointment in the army from Michigan. OPERATIONS IN MISSOURI. Early in April, 1862, General Halleck having departed for Corinth, Miss., General Schofield was left in command of the largest portion of the State of Missouri, General Price having been driven, after his disastrous defeat at Pea Ridge, to a point south of the Boston Mountains, where he remained, no longer pursued by the troops of General Curtis, in the hope of obtaining reinforcements, and recovering from his losses. On the 5th of April a rumor that General Price was moving upon Springfield, Missouri, caused General Curtis to march in that direction. During a march of two days his army accomplished thirty-eight miles, and reached the junction of Flat Rock with the James River. The river could not be crossed at that point; but a crossing was subsequently effected at Galena. In another march of two days, after a heavy rain storm, twenty-nine miles were accomplished; and the rebels, under General Price were found to be encamped on the other side of the river about five miles farther south. No engagement took place between the two armies. All remained quiet in Missouri for some weeks. On June 3d the State Convention met: the financial condition of the State was found to be in a very unsettled condition; and the civil condition not much better. Although in many parts of the State courts of justice were open and the laws properly administered, in many other parts every species of disturbance and crime was perpetrated under the name of guerrilla warfare. From this time till the middle of the month the Convention was variously occupied in receiving and passing bills, in repealing ordinances, &c. On the 16th a Mass Convention of emancipationists assembled at Jefferson City. Immediately after the dissolution of the two Conventions the State was threatened by an unusually terrible guerrilla outbreak. The largest part of the National forces being absent, the guerrillas, consisting in most part of the returned troops of General Price, felt themselves safe in repeating the raids of the previous year. General Schofield on June 22d issued an order holding rebels and rebel sympathizers responsible in their property, and, if need be, in their persons, for damages thereafter committed by guerrillas or marauding parties. This order produced no lasting effect. About the middle of July the entire northern and western parts of Missouri were constantly disturbed by intelligence of guerrilla raids and outrages. Colonel Porter and Colonel Quantrell had already began to gather followers about them; but the former had been defeated at Cherry Grove in Schuyler County, and his band dispersed. The increasing rumors of raids, and a general fear that the guerrilla uprising would be followed by another invasion from the south made vigorous measures necessary for defence. On the 22d July the Governor of the State, H. R. Gamble, issued an order authorizing Brigadier-General Schofield “to organize the entire militia of the State into companies, regiments, and brigades; and to order into active service such portions of the force thus organized as he might judge necessary for the purpose of putting down all marauders and defending peaceable citizens of the State.” On the same day General Schofield issued the necessary orders; and the militia was organized rapidly and energetically; so that the State was soon prepared at all points for a vigorous opposition to guerrilla attacks. Colonels Porter and Cobb, rebel commanders, attempting a raid, were defeated, July 28th, in Calloway County; but on the 31st Colonel Porter captured Newark in Knox County, and took prisoners two companies of National troops. About the same time, and during the first week in August a new guerrilla leader, Colonel Poindexter, sprang into notice in the central Missouri Counties, and, together with Quantrell in the West, caused the National commanders to take additional precautions to repel the daring marauders. On the 6th of August, Colonel Porter was defeated with great loss by Colonel McNeill at Kinksville, in Adair county. The warfare was now shifted to the central and western portions of Missouri; and Colonel Coffee and Colonel McBride went to the assistance of Quantrell. On the 13th, an attack was made by three guerrilla bands; in which the National troops were severely defeated. On the 15th, eight hundred men of the State militia were drawn into an ambush by Colonels Quantrell and Coffee, but were rescued by reinforcements from Kansas, under General Blunt. No sooner was the southwest cleared of guerrillas, than their raids upon the north were renewed with great activity. The town of Palmyra was plundered by a gang of these marauders on the 12th of August, the Union garrison there being overpowered. It was at this time that the rebels seized the person of Andrew Allsman, a Unionist, and an old and much respected resident of Palmyra. Subsequently, when the Unionists again occupied Palmyra, General McNeill demanded the return of Allsman, within ten days from the 8th of October, on peril of the lives of ten rebel prisoners. The man was not returned, and, on the 18th of October, ten rebel prisoners were publicly shot at Palmyra. Long before this the State had been cleared of guerrillas. Quantrell made some trouble, in the month of September, but he was speedily defeated and chased across the border. An election took place in Missouri, in November, resulting in victory to the emancipation wing of the Union party. The State was thus pledged to the Government. The war-cloud drifted away from it, and from that time to this it has been loyal and free. NAVAL OPERATIONS IN 1862. A general review of the naval operations to the close of the year 1862, not heretofore described in the first volume of this work, will now be given, which we will preface by a description, and the names of the commanders of the several squadrons. The North Atlantic squadron was under command of Rear-Admiral L. M. Goldsborough until September 5th, at which time he was succeeded by Acting Rear-Admiral S. P. Lee. The Virginia and North Carolina coasts were assigned to this squadron. The South Atlantic squadron, blockading the coasts of South Carolina, Georgia, and the northeast coast of Florida, was commanded by Rear-Admiral S. F. Dupont. The Eastern Gulf squadron was under Acting Rear-Admirals Lardner and Bailey, and the Western Gulf squadron was commanded by Rear-Admiral Farragut. The western flotilla on the Mississippi, was under command of Rear-Admiral A. H. Foote from May 9th to October 15th, at which date Rear-Admiral D. D. Porter succeeded him. The Potomac flotilla was commanded by Commodore Harwood, and the James river flotilla was under Commodore Wilkes. BATTLE OF DRURY’S BLUFF. MAY 15, 1862. The destruction of the rebel iron-clad Merrimac threw open the James river to the gunboats of Commodore Goldsborough; and on the 15th of May, the iron-clads Galena, Monitor and Naugatuck, ascended to Ward’s, on Drury’s Bluff, about eight miles below Richmond, where they encountered a heavy battery and two separate barriers formed of piles and sunken vessels. The banks of the river were lined with sharpshooters, who effectually prevented any attempt to remove the obstructions. The Galena ran within about six hundred yards of the battery, and opened fire; the Monitor attempted to pass ahead of her, but found her heavy guns ineffective at close range, as they would not admit of sufficient elevation to bear on the position of the enemy. The Aroostook and Port Royal, wooden vessels, were attached to the flotilla, but, of course were not adapted to an attack on fortifications of this nature, though they bravely took part in the distance. After an engagement of over three hours, the Federal vessels were compelled to relinquish the attack, without having produced any apparent effect upon the battery. The Naugatuck was disabled by the bursting of her 100-pound Parrott gun, and the Monitor was struck several times but received no injury. The Galena was not so fortunate. Thirteen shot penetrated her iron sides, starting the knees, planks, and timbers, and killing or wounding about twenty-five of her crew. Commodore Morris of the Port Royal was wounded in the engagement. The gunboat Ellis, Lieutenant W. P. Cushing, captured the town of Onslow, on New River Inlet, N. C., on November 23rd, destroying the salt works and securing three schooners and ten whale boats. The Ellis ran aground and was blown up by her commander, who secured his prizes without loss. NAVAL OPERATIONS ON THE MISSISSIPPI. MAY TO DECEMBER, 1862. Commander Palmer of the Iroquois, took possession of Baton Rouge on May 7th, which place was subsequently occupied by the military forces under General Williams. After the brilliant operations of the United States naval forces under Commodore Farragut which resulted in the capture of New Orleans, immediate steps were taken by that commander to ascend the river, and occupy such positions as would enable him to cooperate with important army movements then in contemplation. Seven vessels were sent up the Mississippi under Captain Craven, while the smaller steamers under Captain Lee were ordered to ascend as high as Vicksburg. Commander S. P. Lee, with the advance of the squadron, arrived near Vicksburg, May 18, and in reply to his demand for surrender, received a defiant refusal. Flag-Officer Farragut arrived a few days afterwards, accompanied by a column of troops under General Williams. Additional naval forces soon afterwards arrived, including Commodore Porter’s mortar fleet, which had done much effective service in the reduction of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, at the mouths of the river. Porter opened the bombardment on the night of June 26–27, directing fire partly against the town and partly against some formidable batteries on the heights. On the morning of the 27th, the Owasco, Lieutenant Guest, ran up abreast of the town and threw in some incendiary shells, which failed to explode. At three o’clock on the morning of the 28th the squadron made a move to pass the batteries, the mortar fleet supporting them as at the battle of Forts Jackson and St. Philip. The Hartford and several other vessels succeeded in passing the range of batteries, which extended full three miles, and did this too in the face of a strong current, but as there was not a sufficient land force to cooperate in the attack, no substantial benefit resulted from the movement. The enemy were several times driven from their batteries, but returned to their guns as soon as the ships had passed. Forming a junction with the western gunboat flotilla of Flag-Officer C. H. Davis, Farragut concerted with that officer and General Williams an expedition up the Yazoo River, consisting of the gunboats Carondelet and Tyler, and the ram Queen of the West, strengthened by sharpshooters from the army. They started on the morning of July 15, and near the mouth of the river encountered the Confederate ram Arkansas. A severe fight ensued, in which both the Carondelet and the Tyler were partially disabled, and the Arkansas then entered the Mississippi and passing boldly through the surprised fleets of Farragut and Davis, took refuge under the guns of Vicksburg. Farragut now determined to repass the batteries for the double purpose of supporting the rest of his squadron and destroying the Arkansas in passing; to assist in which Flag-Officer Davis added to his force the ram Sumter, Lieutenant Commanding Erben. Toward evening, Davis opened a bombardment, for the purpose of covering the movement, and Captain Farragut succeeded in getting below Vicksburg again with little loss of life, but his designs against the Arkansas were defeated by the darkness of the night. On the 22d, Commander W. D. Porter, with the iron-clad gunboat Essex, and Lieutenant-Colonel Ellet, with the ram Queen of the West, made another attempt to destroy the Confederate vessel, but the attack though executed with great gallantry under the fire of the batteries, did not succeed. The Essex ran down to Farragut’s fleet, and Farragut having been instructed by the navy department to drop down the river before the water got too low, it was arranged that Commander W. D. Porter should remain below Vicksburg with the Essex and Sumter. On the 28th of July, Farragut arrived at New Orleans, leaving the Katahdin and Kineo at Baton Rouge. On the 5th of August, the Confederates made a vigorous land attack upon the latter place, which was repulsed after a severe contest. The gunboats were not able to assist until toward the close of the action, when they threw their shells directly into the midst of the enemy with great effect. The Arkansas had dropped down the river to take part in the attack, but was not brought into action, one of her engines having broken down. The next morning, Porter, who was then at Baton Rouge with the Essex, moved up to attack her, but before the fight had fairly begun her other engine gave way, and she was run ashore, abandoned, and set on fire by the crew. About an hour afterward she blew up. On the 11th, Farragut sailed for Ship Island and Pensacola, which latter place, having been evacuated by the Confederates, was now made the depot of the Western Gulf Squadron. Commander W. D. Porter remained at Baton Rouge until August 23, when, the town having been evacuated by the Federal troops, he proceeded up the river to reconnoitre batteries reported in progress at Port Hudson, and thence ascended to Bayou Sara to obtain coal, where his boat’s crew was fired upon by guerrillas. Some of the buildings were thereupon burned, and a few days afterward, as the firing was repeated, the rest of the place was destroyed. Afterwards a boat’s crew from the Essex, sent ashore at Natchez to procure ice for the sick, was attacked, by some two hundred armed citizens, one of the sailors being killed, and an officer and five men wounded. Commander Porter immediately opened fire on the town, set a number of houses in flames, and continued the bombardment for an hour, after which the mayor surrendered. On her way down to New Orleans, the Essex had a brisk engagement, on September 7th, with the Port Hudson batteries. In the mean time, several vessels of Captain Farragut’s squadron had been employed on the coast of Texas, where acting volunteer Lieutenant J. W. Kittredge, with the bark Arthur, the little steamer Sachem, and a launch, captured Corpus Christi, after several spirited engagements with the enemy’s batteries, but was unable to hold the town, and was himself made prisoner, September 14, while on shore exploring. On September 26, Acting Master Crocker, with the steamer Kensington and schooner Rachel Seaman, and Acting Master Pennington, with the mortar schooner Henry Janes, captured Sabine Pass, taking a battery of four guns without loss. On the 4th of October, Commander W. B. Renshaw, with the steamers Westfield, Harriet Lane, Owasco, and Clifton, and the mortar schooner Henry Janes, captured the defences of the harbor and city of Galveston without the loss of a man. The resistance was feeble: the first shell from the Owasco burst immediately over a heavy 10-inch Columbiad mounted on Fort Point, causing a panic in the fort, and depriving the defenders of their main reliance. Toward the end of October, Lieutenant Commander T. McKean Buchanan, with the steamers Calhoun, Estrella, Kinsman, and Diana, and the transport St. Mary’s, having on board the Twenty-first Indiana regiment, was sent to the Atchafalaya river, La., to cooperate with a land force under General Weitzel. On Nov. 1, near Brashear City, he captured the Confederate despatch boat A. B. Seger, and the next day had an engagement with an iron-clad gunboat and some land batteries on the Bayou Teche. The batteries were silenced, but the gunboat, being behind a row of obstructions across the channel, escaped up the river. Lieutenant Commander Buchanan then returned to Brashear City to repair damages. On the 6th, the Kinsman discovered and burned two steamers in one of the small bayous in the neighborhood. Early in August, an expedition was concerted between Flag-Officer Davis and General Curtis, which moved up the Yazoo, and captured a battery of heavy guns, field pieces, munitions of war, &c., besides taking the Confederate transport Fairplay, loaded with one thousand two hundred Enfield rifles, four thousand new muskets, four field guns, mounted howitzers, small arms, a quantity of fixed ammunition, &c. On the 26th of September, the ram Queen of the West and two transports having been fired into by the Confederates at Prentiss, Miss., the town was shelled and burned. On December 13th the gunboat Cairo, while ascending the Yazoo, was blown up by a torpedo, and sank in fifteen minutes after the explosion. It is remarkable that none of the crew were killed, or even seriously hurt. HOOKER’S CAMPAIGN IN VIRGINIA. JANUARY 26, 1863. After the disastrous battle of Fredericksburg, General Burnside’s army remained inactive at Falmouth for several weeks. The Army of the Potomac was then as strong in numbers as it had ever been. An important movement on the 26th of January was frustrated by a severe storm, and the army after marching fifteen miles, was compelled to return to its original position. General Burnside then tendered the resignation of his command to the President, which was accepted. On the 26th of January, 1863, the command of the Army of the Potomac was transferred from General Burnside to General Hooker. On the same day, Generals Sumner and Franklin were removed from the command of the right and left divisions of the army. At this period the extreme cold rendered it impossible for any movement to be made either by the Army of the Potomac or by its opponent, at Fredericksburg. Occasional rebel raids, and cavalry movements were the only operations taking place on either side. The cavalry of the enemy made a raid, marked with considerable success, as far inside the Union lines as Fairfax Court-House, in Virginia. This occurred about March 12th, and the rebels carried off Brigadier-General Stoughton, whom they surprised in bed, besides capturing a detachment from his brigade, with horses and other property. Five days later, a sharp fight took place between a body of cavalry, under General Averill, and a force of the enemy’s cavalry, near Kelly’s ford. Nothing more of special interest transpired until April 13th, when an expedition of cavalry, artillery and infantry, from the Federal army proceeded in detachments to Bealton, Warrenton, Rappahannock, and Liberty, with Major-General Stoneman in command. Thence, General Stoneman moved to the Rapidan fords, and took possession of them; these operations being in advance of a grand movement to cross the Rappahannock, and attack General Lee on the opposite side. GENERAL STONEMAN’S CAVALRY RAID. MAY 1, 1863. The storms which ensued prevented active movements by General Stoneman until the 29th of April. On that day he crossed at Kelly’s Ford. The division of General Averill moved to the Orange and Alexandria railroad, and encountered two regiments of the enemy, who retired towards Gordonsville. Thence he proceeded to Culpeper, and dispersed a force of the rebels there, capturing their rear guard, and seizing a large amount of flour, salt, and bacon. The enemy were pursued by way of Cedar Mountain toward the Rapidan. Here he received a dispatch from General Stoneman, desiring him to push the enemy as vigorously as possible, and keep him occupied. On the 1st, scouting parties were sent up and down on both sides of the Rapidan. On the 2d, orders were received by him to join General Hooker at United States Ford, at once. General Stoneman, after crossing at Kelly’s Ford, moved the main body of his command across Fleshman’s creek, and encamped for the night in an open field. On the next day, the 3d, General Buford crossed the Rapidan, two miles below Racoon Ford, and drove a body of infantry from the ford, where General Gregg crossed later in the day. A lieutenant and thirteen privates of an artillery company were captured here. At night, the whole force bivouacked one mile from the river. On the next day the march was commenced, and at Orange Spring, a force of the enemy, approaching by railroad, barely escaped capture. That night, the command encamped at Greenwood, one mile from Louisa Court House, through which the Virginia Central railroad passes, connecting Gordonsville with Richmond. On the next day, the 2d of May, a squadron of the Tenth New York, under Colonel Irwin, was sent five miles above the town, and another of the same regiment, under Major Avery, was sent the same distance below, to destroy the track of the road, while Colonel Kilpatrick took possession of the town. The track was torn up for some distance, the telegraph cut, and some commissary stores seized. In the afternoon, the command moved to Thompson’s Four Corners. From this place, as headquarters, several expeditions were sent out. On the next morning, Colonel Wyndham proceeded to Columbia, on the James river, where the Lynchburg and Richmond Canal crosses the river. An unsuccessful attempt was made to destroy the aqueduct. Five locks were injured, three canal boats, loaded with commissary stores, and five bridges, were burned, and the canal lock cut in several places. A large quantity of commissary stores and medicines in the town were also destroyed. Another detachment, under Captain Drummond, of the Fifth United States Cavalry, destroyed the bridge over the James river, at Centreville. Other small parties were sent out in different directions, and some skirmishing took place with small parties of the enemy. At the same time, a force, consisting of the Tenth New York and First Maine, with two pieces of artillery, was sent out under General Gregg, to destroy the railroad bridge at Ashland, while Colonel Kilpatrick, with the Harris Light, and Twelfth Illinois, Lieutenant-Colonel Davis, were to go between Ashland and Richmond, destroying the railroad, bridges, &c. General Gregg destroyed the railroad bridge across the South Anna, on the road from Columbia to Spottsylvania; thence he moved east, and destroyed the road to Beaver Dam Station. He then turned north to the Richmond and Gordonsville turnpike, sending out a detachment to burn the Ground Squirrel bridge. That night he bivouacked eight miles from Ashland. A detachment sent out to burn the bridge at Ashland found it too strongly defended. Some portions of the railroad track, however, were destroyed. Leaving Colonel Kilpatrick and Lieutenant-Colonel Davis, General Gregg returned on the next day to General Stoneman. On the night of the 4th, General Gregg moved near Yanceyville, and was followed the next day by General Stoneman and General Buford’s command. On the 5th, the retrograde movement commenced, and crossing Racoon Ford, on the Rapidan, the command arrived at Kelley’s Ford on the North Fork. Meantime, the advance of Colonel Kilpatrick was made, and thus subsequently reported by him: “By directions from Major-General Stoneman, I left Louisa Court House on the morning of the 3d instant, with one regiment (the Harris Light Cavalry) of my brigade; reached Hungary, on the Fredericksburg railroad, at daylight on the 4th; destroyed the depot and telegraph wires and railroad for several miles; passed over to Brook turnpike, drove in the rebel pickets; down the pike, across the brook, charged a battery, and forced it to retire within two miles of the city of Richmond; captured Lieutenant Brown, aid-de-camp to General Winder, and eleven men within the fortifications; passed down to the left of the Meadow bridge on the Chickahominy, which I burned; ran a train of cars into the river; retired to Hanovertown on the peninsula; crossed and destroyed the ferry boat just in time to check the advance of a pursuing cavalry force; burned a train of thirty wagons loaded with bacon; captured thirteen prisoners, and encamped for the night five miles from the river. “I resumed my march at 1 P. M. of the 5th; surprised a force of three hundred cavalry at Aylett’s; captured two officers and thirty-three men; burned fifty-six wagons, the depot, containing upwards of twenty thousand bushels of corn and wheat, quantities of clothing and commissary stores, and safely crossed the Mattapony, and destroyed the ferry again just in time to escape the advance of the rebel cavalry pursuit. Late in the evening I destroyed a third wagon train and depot a few miles above and west of the Tappahannock on the Rappahannock, and from that point made a forced march of twenty miles, being closely pursued by a superior force of cavalry, supposed to be a portion of Stuart’s, from the fact that we captured prisoners from the Eighth, First, and Tenth Virginia cavalry. At sundown discovered a force of cavalry drawn up in line of battle about King and Queen Court House. Their strength was unknown, but I at once advanced to the attack, only to discover, however, that they were friends—a portion of the Tenth Illinois cavalry, who had become separated from the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Davis, of the same regiment. “At ten A. M., on the 7th, I found safety and rest under our own brave old flag within our lines at Gloucester Point. This raid and march around the entire rebel army—a march of nearly two hundred miles—has been made in less than five days, with a loss of one officer and thirty-seven men, having captured and paroled upwards of three hundred men.” At the same time, Lieutenant-Colonel Davis, of the Twelfth Illinois, was ordered to penetrate to the Fredericksburg railroad, and, if possible, to the Virginia Central, and destroy communications. If he crossed the Virginia Central he was to make for Williamsburg on the peninsula. Leaving the main body on the South Anna, on Sunday, May 3d, he passed down the bank of that river, burning a bridge, and, dispersing a mounted party of the enemy, struck the railroad at Ashland. Here he cut the telegraph, tore up some rails, and burned the trestle-work bridge south of the town. At the same time a train of cars, filled with sick and wounded, arrived, and was captured. The prisoners were paroled, and the locomotives disabled. Twenty wagons, with horses, were destroyed, and several horses taken. Leaving at 6 P. M., a train of eighteen wagons was met and destroyed, and Hanover Station reached at 8 P. M. Here thirty prisoners were captured, and the railroad line broken. The depot, storehouses, and stables, filled with government property were destroyed, also a culvert and trestle-work south of the station. Among the property destroyed were more than one hundred wagons, a thousand sacks of flour and corn, and a large quantity of clothing and horse equipments. The command then moved down within seven miles of Richmond, and thence marched to Williamsburg, and then proceeded to Gloucester Point, having destroyed property of the enemy valued at a million dollars. Colonel Davis’s loss was thirty-five men. HOOKER’S ADVANCE. The weather now became very inclement; and storms succeeded each other for several days. It was not till the 27th that the movement to cross the Rappahannock was finally effected. General Hooker’s army numbered about one hundred and twenty thousand men, who were divided into seven separate corps. The army of General Lee numbered about seventy thousand men; it held a line running from northwest to southeast, with its right wing extending to Port Hudson on the Rappahannock, and its left resting above Fredericksburg. General Hooker’s plan of attack was as follows: three corps were massed below Fredericksburg, and, crossing the river at West Point, were to make a feint attack upon the enemy; having done this, the two corps were to return instantly, and join the remaining four corps, and with them recross the river at ten or twenty miles above Fredericksburg, thus moving down upon the left of the enemy; and, according to General Hooker’s idea, forcing the rebels to a battle outside their intrenchments, which would compel them to fall back on Richmond. The following description will give a clear idea of the position, at that time, of the Army of the Potomac: Falmouth, the position occupied by General Hooker’s army, is nearly opposite Fredericksburg on the north bank of the Rappahannock. About twelve miles above, the Rapidan, a small river, unites with a stream hitherto called the North Fork, to form the Rappahannock. Lately, however, the North Fork had been called the Rappahannock, and the Rapidan had been spoken of as a tributary. The United States Ford is about one mile below the mouth of the Rapidan. Banks’s Ford is about midway between the United States Ford and Falmouth. Kelly’s Ford, where the four corps crossed the North Fork, or the Rapidan, as it was now called, is about twenty miles above Falmouth. Germania Ford, where the same force crossed the Rapidan, is about twelve miles south of Kelly’s Ford, at a place called Germania Mills. On Monday morning, April 27th, three corps under Major-General Howard, Major-General Slocum, and Major-General Meade, marched to Kelly’s Ford, which was reached on the afternoon of the following day, by General Howard, who was in advance. Portions of the Seventy-third Pennsylvania, and One Hundred and Fifty-fourth New York, amounting to two hundred and fifty men, crossed in boats, and took position on the opposite side of the river. No enemy was to be found, except a few pickets, who retired before the skirmishers sent out to reconnoitre. During the evening the remainder of General Howard’s corps crossed the river; General Slocum’s bivouacked on the shore, and General Meade’s crossed the river some miles further down. On Wednesday morning General Slocum’s corps also crossed over; and on Thursday the last day of April, the three corps advanced to Chancellorsville, and were massed at night at the point where the Culpeper road joins the Orange Court-House road. General Hooker arrived there at nightfall, and made the place his headquarters. On the 29th the second corps under command of General Couch, had taken up a position five miles above Fredericksburg, at Banks’s Ford. General Sherman’s cavalry was sent to cut off the railway communication between General Lee’s army and Richmond. Meanwhile, the remaining three corps of the army under Major-Generals Sickles, Sedgwick, and Reynolds, had left camps on Monday night, and taken up a position two miles below Fredericksburg. On Tuesday morning, one division of General Sedgwick’s corps crossed the river at this point; and one division of General Reynolds’ corps crossed about a mile further down. General Sickles’ corps was detached from the remaining two on Wednesday, and ordered to join General Hooker at Chancellorsville. This was the position of General Hooker’s army on Friday, May 1st. With the exception of some slight skirmishing, which took place at the seizure of the Fords, there was, up to this time, no fighting. It was impossible to judge at what time, or from what direction, the enemy would first advance; but every possible preparation was made to guard against a surprise. At two o’clock in the afternoon, a large force of the enemy was discovered approaching from an easterly direction, and coming along what had been a turnpike road; and also along a planked road. Both these roads entered Chancellorsville at right angles; and joining, form one direct road from a building called Tabernacle Church. General Hooker, who had himself headed a cavalry party for the purpose of reconnoitring, immediately on learning of the enemy’s approach returned to his headquarters at Chancellorsville, and made ready to meet them. It being uncertain from which of two points, the south and east, the enemy’s attack would be made, both points were intrenched against them. General Meade’s corps was formed on the front, facing the east; the division of regulars occupying a point north of the old turnpike road, and the other two divisions placed to the left of this on the line of Bank’s Ford road. A division of General Sickles’ corps, under General Berry, supported the left wing of this line; and General Couch’s corps supported the right wing. General Howard’s and General Slocum’s corps were placed in front, at the side facing the south, General Slocum’s corps being formed in double column, with its left resting on the plank road; and General Howard formed in line on the right of it. As supports for this line, the two remaining divisions of General Sickles’ corps were ordered up, under General Whipple, and General Birney. BATTLE OF CHANCELLORSVILLE, VA. MAY 1–4, 1863. The moment of attack had come. Soon the brisk cracking of rifles and muskets announced the rebel proximity, and the Union skirmishers, in compliance with orders, gradually fell back upon the main line of battle. This manœuvre had the desired effect, and drew forth the enemy in pursuit, yelling and shouting like fiends broken loose. Matters soon began to look serious, for as rebel column followed column, and they advanced directly upon General Meade’s second division, under General Sykes, it seemed as if the small body of Union men would be instantly overwhelmed by the large Confederate force. General Lee was always distinguished for his skill in hurling a large force upon his opponents; and the present manœuvre bade fair to be one of his many successes of the kind. The rebel force, as it charged out of the woods, was certainly three times as large as that of General Sykes; yet the latter showed no disposition to quail; but, after giving a moment’s glance to satisfy their curiosity, every soldier brought his musket to his shoulder, and five thousand bullets were sent into the rebel line. Such steadiness appalled them. They were unprepared for it. Their front rank quailed before it. The sudden thinning of their numbers amazed and frightened them. They discharged their pieces recklessly and broke in confusion. But there was no flight for them. The heavy bodies behind them, to whom the front ranks had been a bulwark, protecting them from the murderous volley of the Union regulars, were steady and determined. They, absorbed the front rank in the second, and still moved forward—firm, unshaken, confident. Meantime the Union men reloaded their pieces, and simultaneously a volley was fired from both sides; and then, from the brow above, the Union artillery opened with canister and grape, shooting over the heads of the National troops and dealing destruction and confusion to the enemy. And as the loud cannon continued its work with fearful rapidity the order was given to “fire at will”—an order that was copied by the enemy—and the continuous roar of musketry that followed almost deadened the reports of the artillery. It was the first fight of the great battle, and for nearly twenty minutes both parties stood firm, as though nothing could lead them to give the prestige of a first success to the other. But, although outnumbered, General Sykes’ division had an advantage in the support of artillery, which, while his infantry held the rebels in check, made huge gaps in their ranks. Still they yelled and shouted defiance, and attempted charges and continued their firing, rank after rank of them being broken and thrown back in confusion, while their officers shouted, and ordered, and stormed, and cursed, in the vain effort to rally them to a persistent, determined charge. They fought well. They fought as none but Americans can fight. But with musketry alone they could not contend against both artillery and musketry. It was simply murder on the part of their officers to attempt to hold them to it; and their officers began to appreciate the fact when nearly half their column had been placed _hors de combat_; and then the order was given to retire. [Illustration: “STONEWALL” JACKSON.] Shouts and cheers from the Union column proclaimed the enemy’s retreat; and even the wounded staggered to their feet, leaning against their comrades, and joined in the triumphant cry. But the triumph must be followed up, and pursuit was ordered—an order that was quickly and gladly obeyed. For upwards of a mile the victorious troops followed closely on the heels of the vanquished rebels; till, coming upon a second line of the enemy, in very strong force, General Sykes deemed it imprudent to contend against new and fresh troops, and gave his men orders to retire. The rebels immediately prepared to give chase; but instead of flying before the overwhelming numbers of the enemy, General Sykes’ men wheeled and sent a heavy volley into their ranks, which determined them not to follow up the chase; and the much shattered division was quietly permitted to retire. Immediately upon the termination of the rebel engagement with Sykes’ division, General Lee massed a large body of his troops in the woods opposite Slocum’s division; and with great suddenness came down like an avalanche upon it; but the troops met it bravely, and with a half dozen volleys sent the rebels back. General Howard’s corps was also engaged on the left with some light skirmishing which did not amount to anything serious, although the rebels unmasked one battery, and discharged a few shells upon the artillery men at work some distance below it. The Union artillery opened in reply; and the enemy immediately withdrew their pieces; and no further demonstrations were made on either side during the remainder of the day. THE SECOND DAY’S FIGHT. SATURDAY, MAY 2ND. Many changes were made in the position of the national forces during Friday night. The Second corps was thrown down the Banks’s Ford road, holding the extreme left of the line, and, with a portion of the Fifth, completed the line on the east up to the plank road supported by the Second division of the third corps (General Sickles) which was resting on the direct road to the United States Ford. The Second division, General Geary’s, of the Twelfth (General Slocum) held the left of the Union centre, its left resting on the plank road in front of the general headquarters, and extending along the entire front of the field. General Williams’ division of the same corps was formed on the right of this line, facing to the southwest, its extreme right resting in the edge of the woods facing a little cleared field, situated about two miles southwest from headquarters. The Eleventh corps (General Howard) was originally directed to take position on the right of General Williams, with its right extending as far down towards the Wilderness road as consistent with a proper strengthening of the position. Birney’s division of the third corps was ordered to take position on the plank road as a reserve both to the Eleventh and Twelfth; but General Sickles, discovering an advantageous opening in a cleared field about a quarter of a mile south of the plank road, and a mile and a half west of general headquarters, obtained permission to advance Birney to this place, which brought him between the Eleventh and Twelfth corps. At this point he deployed off to the right around the field, General Williams occupying the other side in the opening. In the general disposition of the forces for Saturday, both Berry’s and Whipple’s divisions of the Third corps were held in reserve, though Bordan’s sharpshooters were detached from the latter’s division, for special duty with Birney. The First corps (General Sedgwick) had arrived from the left, and were placed on the extreme right, bringing the national lines down in that direction, almost to the Rappahannock river. Nor had the enemy been idle during this time; about midnight it was observed by the advanced pickets of the Third and Twelfth corps, that large masses of the rebels were being moved in front of the Union line, with a view to get a position on the right, and flank it. At the earliest dawn of morning on Saturday, 2nd of May, the enemy executed a manœuvre to lead the Union generals to the belief that they were evacuating, and deceived some of the corps commanders; but General Hooker, perceiving that the movement of their wagon trains was nothing more than a blind, directed General Sickles to plant a battery at a point commanding the moving train, and shell it. This being done, the train was thrown into complete disorder, and obliged to move back. To obtain the road over which the wagon trains had been moving, General Sickles ordered General Birney to advance his troops and take possession of a hill opposite the road. This was done after much difficulty. Captain Seely’s battery, of the Fourth United States artillery was charged up the hill in such haste as did not leave it even time to procure a supply of ammunition. It, however, worked brilliantly, till obliged to retire to replenish its caissons. A charge upon the rebel rifle-pits was now ordered, which resulted in the stoppage of their musketry firing, and gave about a hundred of their occupants into the hands of General Birney. With much skirmishing, and now and then severe shelling, the advance was continued till Birney’s division occupied the extreme brow of the hill. The rebels had been driven back over a mile, and the Federals held a most commanding position. After sending to headquarters many times for reinforcements, General Sickles at last obtained permission to advance General Whipple’s division to the aid of General Birney. Later, the Eleventh corps was directed to advance, and join its flank to Birney’s right; the Twelfth was to the left; and a general advance was ordered. The skirmishers of both armies immediately became engaged; the rebels gradually falling back. The soldiers of the Union charged boldly upon the rebels, and the engagement immediately became general. The enemy held their ground obstinately, fighting with most determined bravery; as usual, owing to the skillful generalship of the rebel generals, the enemy were in greater force than the Unionists wherever they met, although the number of Lee’s army was greatly inferior to that of Hooker. Borne down with heat and fatigue, the national troops began to show evidences of faltering. To carry the heights in their present condition was impossible, and General Williams ordered the retreat of his division. But the most painful part of the defeat was yet to come. The Eleventh corps, which had been ordered to the right of Birney, had moved forward to the position assigned them on his flank. One brigade succeeded in getting up the hill, and reported by its commander to Generals Sickles and Birney. The rest of the corps met the enemy under command of General Stonewall Jackson, when about two-thirds of the distance up. Here they had a short engagement, in which it does not appear they had even so large a force to contend against as that which Williams, with his single division, had fought so bravely. Headed by their commander the gallant Howard, the German corps charged boldly up to the rebel lines. Here they were met, as the rebels often met their foe, with shouts of defiance and derision, a determined front, and a heavy fire of musketry. The German regiments returned the fire for a short time with spirit, manifesting a disposition to fight valiantly. But at the time when all encouragement to the men was needed that could be given, some officers of the division fell back to the rear, leaving their men to fight alone. At the same time General Devens, commanding the First division, was unhorsed and badly wounded in the foot by a musket ball. Thus losing at a critical moment the inspiriting influence of the immediate presence of their commanders, the men began to falter, then to fall back, and finally broke in a complete route. General Howard boldly threw himself into the breach and attempted to rally the shattered columns; but his efforts were perfectly futile. The men were panic-stricken, and no power on earth could rally them in the face of the enemy. Information of the catastrophe was promptly communicated to General Sickles, who thus had a moment given him to prepare for the shock he instantly apprehended his column would suffer. The high land of the little farm that formed the base of his operations was parked full of artillery and cavalry, nearly all the artillery of the Third corps, together with Pleasanton’s cavalry, being crowded into that little fifty-acre inclosure. But Sickles was not to be thrown off his guard by a trifle, and anything short of a complete defeat seemed to be considered by him in the light of a trifle. With the coolness and skillfulness of a veteran of a hundred campaigns he set to work making his dispositions. He had not a single regiment within his reach to support his artillery; Whipple was falling back, and must meet the approaching stampede with his own force in retreat; Birney was far out in the advance, in imminent danger of being completely surrounded and annihilated; the rebel forces were pressing hard upon the flying Germans, who could only escape by rushing across his lines, with every prospect of communicating the panic to them. It was a critical moment indeed, and one that might well stagger even the bravest-hearted. But it did not stagger the citizen soldier. Calling to the members of his staff, he sent them all off, one after the other, lest any one should fail of getting through, to warn Birney of his danger and order him to fall back. Then, turning to General Pleasanton, he directed him to take charge of the artillery, and train it upon all the woods encircling the field, and support it with his cavalry, to hold the rebels in check should they come on him, and himself dashed off to meet Whipple, then just emerging from the woods in the bottom land. He had scarcely turned his horse about when the men of Howard’s corps came flying over the field in crowds, meeting the head of Whipple’s column, and stampeding through its lines, running as only men do run when convinced that sure destruction is awaiting them. At the same moment large masses of the rebel infantry came dashing through the woods on the north and west close up to the field, and opened a tremendous fire of musketry into the confused mass of men and animals. To add to the confusion and terror of the occasion, night was rapidly approaching, and darkness was already beginning to obscure the scene. That which followed cannot be justly portrayed by the poor aid of words. On one hand was a solid column of infantry retreating at double quick from the face of the enemy, who were already crowding their rear; on the other was a dense mass of beings who had lost their reasoning faculties, and were flying from a thousand fancied dangers as well as from the real danger that crowded so close upon them, aggravating the fearfulness of their situation by the very precipitancy with which they were seeking to escape from it. On the hill were ten thousand of the enemy, pouring their murderous volleys in upon the National troops, yelling and hooting, to increase the alarm and confusion; hundreds of cavalry horses left riderless at the first discharge from the rebels, were dashing frantically about in all directions; a score of batteries of artillery were thrown into disorder, some properly manned, seeking to gain positions for effective duty, and others flying from the field; battery wagons, ambulances, horses, men, cannon, caissons, all jumbled and tumbled together in an apparently inextricable mass, and that murderous fire still pouring in upon them. To add to the terror of the occasion there was but one means of escape from the field, and that through a little narrow neck or ravine washed out by Scott’s Creek. Toward this the confused mass plunged headlong. For a moment it seemed as if no power could avert the frightful calamity that threatened the entire army. That neck passed, and this panic-stricken, disordered body of men and animals permitted to pass down through the other corps of the army, destruction was sure. But in the midst of that wildest alarm there was a cool head. That calamity was averted by the determined self-possession of Major-General Daniel E. Sickles. The disastrous flight of the Eleventh corps may here be concluded. They did not all fly across Sickles’s line. They dispersed and ran in all directions, regardless of the order of their going. They seemed possessed with an instinctive idea of the shortest and most direct line from the point whence they started to the United States Ford, and the majority of them did not stop until they had reached it. General Birney first learned of the shameful stampede of the German corps by the flight of their troops across his lines; and seeing that retreat was inevitable he prepared for it, but found that the rebels had gained possession of the road by which he had advanced. He was, therefore, obliged to make a road out, which he did by moving quietly down into the ravine. This movement was successfully accomplished with no further trouble than a slight skirmish with the rebels in the ravine; after which General Birney moved his column out in perfect order. General Whipple, with much difficulty, saved his command, which was attacked in rear by the rebels, and broken in upon on the flank by the demoralized men of the Eleventh. He brought off his troops, however, in comparatively good order, and bivouacked for the night with Birney and Pleasanton on a little farm in the woods. Thus ended the battle of the second day. THE THIRD DAY’S BATTLE. SUNDAY, MAY 3. Once more General Hooker formed a new line of battle, which placed General Reynolds on the extreme right, with his right flank resting on the Rappahannock. General Slocum’s corps held the centre, and that of General Sickles the left, with its left resting on the stream called Scott’s creek. Couch and Meade were left to look after the front towards Fredericksburg, while the remnant of the Eleventh was to be used, if it could be reorganized, wherever it could be most effective. On the previous night, during the confusion of the stampede, General Berry, of Sickles’ corps, had moved up the plank road and taken a position just at the edge of the woods, where he met the enemy as they were advancing to complete the discomfiture of the right wing, and had hurled them back most effectually. He was then ordered to retain the ground he had thus defended, which he did most gallantly, and lost his life at the post of duty. Precisely at sunrise the rebels advanced with characteristic promptness and courage, upon the two divisions commanded by General Sickles. At the same moment, another body pushed down the road towards Berry’s division, and fell upon it with great violence. Never, on any battle field, have men of any nation fought with more determined bravery than did the rebel force on this occasion. It was evident that this battle must decide the contest of the campaign between the National and the rebel troops. The opposing force of Union men was very small; but they fought with most determined bravery. Although they were assailed by a force of twenty thousand men, against whom they could oppose only the remains of two brigades under Williams and Whipple, numbering not over five thousand in all, there was no faltering. On the occasion of this Sunday morning attack the colors of the corps were still upon the field, as also the corps commander. Their brigade colors were also there, and he is but a poor soldier who deserts his flag when it is in danger, and there was danger now. But it was impossible that they could hold their ground against the overwhelming numbers of the enemy; and after hardly an hour’s gallant fighting, they were forced to fall back to the shelter of a stone wall, some distance in the rear. Here they made another bold stand, and soon mowed down from the enemy’s ranks tenfold the number which they had lost from their own. Regiment after regiment were completely swept away by their musketry and the grape and canister of their artillery, and yet fresh regiments were as often pushed forward to take their places. At last, gaining possession of the woods on the right of the stone wall, the foe got an enfilading fire on the heroic patriots, who were compelled to abandon their position. But if the enemy had driven them back, it had cost him dearly. That little field was strewn all over with the mangled corpses of the slain rebels, telling the silent story of the desperation of the struggle. For more than an hour these men had held the rebels in check; and had thus given General Hooker an opportunity to perfect his main line of battle. The battle had by this time become general, and raged fiercely in all directions. In the mean time the Sixth corps, General Sedgwick, had crossed the Rappahannock, and were moving upon Fredericksburg. They carried the first line of the rebel intrenchments, and thus obtained a position about six miles from General Hooker. On the following morning, Monday the 4th, the rebels appeared in strong force upon General Sedgwick’s front, and upon the hills to the left. About four in the afternoon they moved up to attack; and although the Union artillery opened upon them from every point, their slow and steady advance could not be checked; and General Sedgwick, after a hot and fierce engagement of five hours, was compelled to fall slowly back to Banks’ Ford, and that same night he recrossed the Rappahannock. Up to this time, from five o’clock in the morning, the deafening roar of musketry, and the booming of a hundred cannon had known hardly any cessation from any point of the bloody field. And yet the brave patriots held their position. Could human endurance do more? They too, were suffering; not slain so lavishly as the enemy, because sheltered; but their ranks were sensibly thinning. Half past nine o’clock—the column was growing weak; ten o’clock—the work of death still went on. Ten thousand brave men had closed their eyes in death within the past five hours. Two thousand an hour slain! Ten thousand more had been mangled and crippled for life. The ratio of deaths to the simply wounded, was never equalled in war. One to one. The Unionists mowed the enemy down by brigades; they wounded only by dozens and scores. Could the Union men endure the exertion long enough? Even though the rebels did so greatly outnumber them, they should finally be destroyed. But the Federal troops were exhausted. Half past ten o’clock. The ranks were broken. From sheer fatigue the men had given way. One entrance into their rifle pits and the still dense masses of the enemy made but short work of clearing them. But though repulsed, the Union troops were not disordered. Like veterans, every column fell back in order; and the line was re-established at the old brick house, Chancellorsville, General Hooker’s headquarters. While standing upon the porch of the house General Hooker narrowly escaped death from a shell which struck a pillar of the house close beside him, and threw him down, completely stunning him for the time. A short time afterwards, another shell, striking against the house, entered, and exploded. The building was almost instantly in flames; and great numbers of the unfortunate wounded men within it perished in the fire. That the rebels had won the day could no longer be denied; already the necessity of a retreat began to be whispered about, and the position of the National troops, as well as General Hooker’s condition of mind, was far from enviable. The night was a dreary and melancholy one; and the day that followed was anxious and busy. Many fierce skirmishes took place; although no decisive battle was fought throughout the day. On Tuesday the recrossing of the river was definitely fixed upon; and the night proving dark and rainy, the humiliating retreat began, at ten o’clock, in the midst of gloom and universal despondency. The river had risen very much owing to the recent rains. The troops reached their old camping ground on the left bank of the Rappahannock, without much difficulty, and without being pursued by Lee. SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF STONEWALL JACKSON. BORN JANUARY 24, 1824—DIED MAY 10, 1863. A noteworthy incident of the sanguinary battle of Chancellorsville was the accidental shooting of the rebel General Stonewall Jackson, by his own troops. This casualty occurred on the evening of May 2d, 1863. It may be interesting—since Stonewall Jackson, if not the ablest, was the most brilliant officer in the service of the rebellion—to preface the narrative of his death with some account of his civil and military career. Thomas Jefferson Jackson—who, as we have seen, acquired the soubriquet of “Stonewall,” was born at Clarksburg, Harrison Co., Va., January 21, 1824. The first years of his life were spent on his uncle’s farm. In 1842 he became a cadet at West Point, from which military school he graduated in 1846, in the same class with McClellan and other students, subsequently distinguished in the Civil War. As a boy and as a young man, Jackson was noted for gravity of manners and reticence of nature; quiet, studious, and thoughtful at all times, he was also deeply religious in temperament and in faith. In the Mexican War, in 1848, he served under General Taylor and under General Scott, and distinguished himself at Contreras, Churubusco, and Chepultepec. In 1852, he resigned his commission, being in ill health, and was afterwards appointed Professor of Mathematics, in the Military Institute of Virginia. The breaking out of the Rebellion found him there, and entering the rebel service, he received a Lieutenant’s commission from Governor Letcher of Virginia. His participation in the war was brief, but was marked by daring exploits and many successes. He bore a conspicuous part in the first battle of Bull Run, and as we have seen, made a dashing and successful raid up the valley of the Shenandoah, pursuing Banks to the Potomac, and getting away unscathed. He also took part in the battle of Malvern, and he greatly harassed General Pope, during the campaign of that officer. The capture of Harper’s Ferry was, in part, due to his strategy; and he was engaged in the bloody battle of Antietam. He also participated in the battle of Fredericksburg, and defeated Burnside’s left wing, commanded by General Franklin. At the battle of Chancellorsville his rank was that of Lieutenant-General, equivalent to that of a corps commander, in the United States Army. His operations in the latter fight have already been described. The manner of his death was peculiar, and is worthy of minute description. Late in the afternoon of the 2d of May, he had attacked and routed the Eleventh United States Army Corps, under General Howard, forming part of the rear of the Federal right wing. At about 8 o’clock in the evening, when returning from this attack, attended by his staff, the cavalcade was mistaken, by the rebels, for a body of Union cavalry, and was fired upon, in the darkness. Jackson was struck by three balls. One passed through the left arm, two inches below the shoulder joint, shattering the bone and severing the chief artery; another ball passed through the same arm between the elbow and wrist, making its exit through the palm of the hand; a third ball entered the palm of the right hand about its middle, passing through, and broke two bones. He was wounded on the plank road, about fifty yards in advance of the enemy. He fell from his horse, and was caught by Captain Wormley, to whom he remarked, “All my wounds are by my own men.” He had given orders for his men to fire at any one coming Up the road, before he left the lines. The Union skirmishers appeared ahead of him, and he turned to ride back. Just then some one cried out, “Cavalry charge!” and immediately the regiment fired. The whole party then broke forward to ride through the rebel line to escape the fire. Captain Boswell was killed, and carried through the line by his horse, and fell among his own men. Colonel Couchfield, Chief-of-Staff, was wounded by his side. Two couriers were killed. Major Pendleton, Lieutenants Morrison and Smith, escaped uninjured. General Jackson was immediately placed on a litter and started for the rear; but the firing had attracted the attention of the Unionists, and it was resumed by both lines. One litter-bearer was shot down, and Jackson fell from the shoulders of the men, receiving a severe contusion, adding to the injury of the arm, and severely injuring his side. At this point the Unionists swept the field with artillery, and the wounded man was left for five minutes, until the fire slackened, when he was placed in an ambulance, and carried to the field hospital at Wilderness Run. He lost a large amount of blood, and at one time told Doctor M’Guire he thought he was dying, and would have bled to death, but that a tourniquet was immediately applied. For two hours he was almost pulseless. As he was being carried from the field, frequent inquiries were made by the soldiers, “Who have you there?” He told the doctor, “Do not tell the troops I am wounded.” At the hospital his arm was amputated, while he was under the influence of chloroform. He slept on Sunday morning, was cheerful, and was doing well. On Monday he was carried to Chancellor’s house, near Guiney’s depot. During the ride to Guiney’s he complained greatly of heat, and begged that a wet cloth be applied to his stomach, which was done, greatly to his relief, as he expressed it. He slept well on Monday night, and ate with relish the next morning. On Tuesday his wounds were doing very well. He asked, “Can you tell me, from the appearance of my wounds, how long I shall be kept from the field?” He was greatly satisfied when he was told they were doing remarkably well. He did not complain of any pain in the side, and wanted to see the members of his staff, but was advised not to do so. On Wednesday night, while his surgeon, who had not slept for three nights, was asleep, he complained of nausea, and ordered his boy, Jim, to place a wet towel over his stomach. This was done. About daylight the surgeon was awakened by the boy saying, “The General is in great pain.” The pain was in his right side, and due to incipient pneumonia and some nervousness, which he himself attributed to the fall from the litter. On Thursday his wife arrived, greatly to his joy and satisfaction, and she faithfully nursed him to the end. On Sunday morning, when it was apparent that he was rapidly sinking, Mrs. Jackson told him he was going to die. He said: “Very good: very good. It is all right.” He had previously said: “I consider these wounds a blessing. They were given me for some good and wise purpose. I would not part with them if I could.” He expressed a wish to be buried in Lexington, in the valley of Virginia. During delirium his mind reverted to the battle-field, and he sent orders to General A. P. Hill to prepare for action, and to Major Hawks, his Commissary, and to the surgeons. He frequently expressed to his aids his wish that Major-General Ewell should be ordered to command his corps. This wish was subsequently fulfilled. He died on the afternoon of Sunday May 10th, and on the 12th, was honored with a public funeral in Richmond. The press, at the North as well as the South, rendered eulogiums upon his character and achievements. Posterity will remember him as a kind of Cromwellian soldier, an enthusiastic devotee of religion, and a man who fought bravely in a bad cause. THE REBEL INVASION. The battle of Chancellorsville resulted, as we have seen, in a substantial reverse to the Army of the Potomac. The Unionists did, indeed, capture many rebel prisoners and standards, and munitions of war, besides covering themselves with glory by their dauntless courage, and their heroic achievements. But the generalship of Lee, and the desperate fighting of the rebels, ultimately resulted in checking the advance of the Union army. This advantage, however, as we shall presently see, was soon lost to the Confederates at the great battle of Gettysburg, fought in the early part of the following month of July. General Lee, meantime, projected a descent upon the rich soil of Pennsylvania, hoping to replenish his wasted stores, and to smite the North with panic. His policy in this respect was very bold, and in some sense it was successful. He commenced his movement on the 3rd of June, advancing in the direction of Culpepper Court-House. The troops were led by General Longstreet, General Hood, and General Ewell. General A. P. Hill was left in command of the rebel forces confronting General Hooker at Chancellorsville. By the 9th of June, the design of Lee became apparent to General Hooker, who put his army in motion on the 14th, on parallel lines with the rebel advance, and arrived by forced marches on the banks of the Potomac. The intense heat of the weather, and the rapid march of the army, was extremely exhausting. Hundreds of men fell daily in the ranks, overcome by the severe task imposed upon them, and many lives were thus lost. At Culpepper the rebel advance formed a junction with General Stuart’s cavalry; and thence the whole force advanced up the valley of the Shenandoah, in the direction of Winchester. A reconnoissance made toward Culpepper by the Union General Buford, on the 9th of June, resulted in an engagement, in which the Federals lost upwards of three hundred and fifty men, including Colonel B. F. Davis, who had led the cavalry force from Harper’s Ferry, at the time of its surrender in 1862. The enemy’s loss was somewhat larger. Other skirmishes marked the rebel advance. Great excitement resulted from it in Pennsylvania, and generally throughout the North, and measures to check the rebels and to drive them back, were immediately taken by the Government and General Hooker. On the evening of the 14th, and the morning of the 15th, a large body of rebel troops crossed the Potomac in the vicinity of Nolan’s Ford, and moved on Hagerstown, which was evacuated by our troops on the 15th. At nine P. M. on that day, the rebel advance guard entered Chambersburg. On the 16th the rebel advance, consisting mainly of cavalry, was at Chambersburg and Scotland. The forces assembled for the protection of the State were at Shippensburg, Pennsylvania. Two new military departments were organized by the Secretary-of-War on the 9th of June:—that of the Monongahela, and that of the Susquehanna. The former comprised parts of Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Ohio; the latter comprised the whole eastern part of the State of Pennsylvania. Major-General W. T. H. Brooks commanded the one; Major-General D. N. Couch commanded the other. He established his headquarters at Harrisburg, and there took command of the militia, which were called out from the several States, by the President, on the 15th of June. From this date until the battle of Gettysburg, July 3rd, the current of events was marked by frequent alarms, by many disturbances, and continual excitement. Mosby’s guerrillas at this time again appeared in Loudon county, and committed many depredations. The town of McConnelsburg, Pennsylvania, was overrun and pillaged by the rebels on the 19th, and all the bridges on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, between Harper’s Ferry and Cumberland, which are a hundred miles apart, were destroyed. Hagerstown and Frederick were pillaged, and the rebels took possession of Winchester and Martinsburg. A large portion of the beautiful town of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, was laid in ashes by the incendiary fires of a relentless foe, in retaliation for the devastation wrought by General Hunter in the Valley of the Shenandoah. The alarm occasioned by all these movements, caused the militia of several states to be called out, and sent to the protection of Pennsylvania. Troops were also raised in that State to the number of twenty-five thousand. The cities of Harrisburg, Baltimore, Pittsburg, and Philadelphia, were fortified. Many of the inhabitants of these cities and of other points that were threatened by the rebels, becoming panic-stricken, fled northward. A contemporary account thus describes the state of feeling at Harrisburg at this juncture: “The morning broke upon a populace all astir, who had been called out of bed by the ‘beat of the alarm drum,’ the blast of the bugle and the clanging of bells. The streets were lively with men, who were either returning from a night’s work on the fortifications, or going over to relieve those who were toiling there. As the sun rose higher the excitement gathered head. All along the streets were omnibuses, wagons, and wheelbarrows, taking in trunks and valuables, and rushing them down to the depot, to be shipped out of rebel range. The stores, the female seminaries, and almost every private residence, were busy all the forenoon in swelling the mountain of freight that lay at the depot. Every horse was impressed into service, and every porter groaned beneath the weight of his responsibilities. “The scene at noon at the depots was indescribable, if not disgraceful. A sweltering mass of humanity thronged the platform, all furious to escape from the doomed city. “At the bridge and across the river the scene was equally exciting. All through the day, a steady stream of people on foot and in wagons, young and old, black and white, was pouring across it from the Cumberland valley, bearing with them their household goods, and all manner of goods and stock. Endless trains, laden with flour, grain, and merchandise, hourly emerged from the valley, and thundered across the bridge and through the city. Miles of retreating baggage-wagons, filled with calves and sheep tied together, and great old-fashioned furnace wagons, loaded with tons of trunks and boxes, defiled in continuous procession down the pike and across the river, raising a dust that marked the outline of the road as far as the eye could see.” Among the lesser engagements of this period a spirited cavalry engagement near Aldie is worthy of note. At 3 o’clock on the 17th of June, a division of the Union cavalry encountered a rebel force, consisting of General Fitzhugh Lee’s cavalry brigade and a battery of artillery, about one mile from Aldie, on the road to Unionstown. As soon as General Lee was apprised of the approach of the National troops he made preparations to oppose their advance, and to maintain his position. The rebel Captains Boston and White, with a command of thirty men, were sent forward as sharpshooters, but not receiving any support they were compelled to fall back before the first charge of the advancing Unionists. Close behind the rebel advance the Fifth and the Third Virginia cavalry were stationed; and as the National troops charged upon them a fierce hand-to-hand encounter took place, and in the course of the fight many rebel prisoners were captured. After a brave resistance the rebels were overcome, and the order was given to fall back. Seventy-seven privates were taken prisoners, together with the following officers:—Major Carrington of the Third Virginia regiment; Captain E. B. Boston of the Fifth Virginia; Captain F. R. Winser and Captain Jones of the Third Virginia; and Captain L. B. White; Lieutenant Boston; Lieutenant Turnell; and Lieutenant Douglass of the Fifth Virginia. The loss upon the Union side was very trifling; the men fought with the greatest bravery. It was dark before the fight was finally at an end, light artillery firing being kept up on both sides, without any material injury to either; and when night fell it saw the Union troops entirely victorious, and the rebels slowly retiring. BATTLE OF WINCHESTER. JUNE 14, 1863. On Saturday, the 13th of June, an attack was made by the advance of the enemy’s forces moving up the Shenandoah valley, upon Berryville, then held by General McReynolds. The position was midway between Winchester and Snicker’s gap; and, as an outpost of Winchester, it was valuable. The force under General McReynolds, numbering about three thousand men, made a gallant defence; but finding themselves overwhelmed by numbers they retreated toward Winchester. In the mean time a portion of the rebel advance, consisting of two divisions commanded by Generals Early and Johnson, under General Ewell, had attacked Winchester, which was held by Major-General Milroy. The firing was continuous during the day, and the fighting was severe on both sides. During the whole of the following day the fighting continued at short intervals. At about half past four o’clock the skirmishers of the enemy charged up the Berryville and Front Royal roads, but were received by a hot fire from the Union troops, which dispersed them in confusion. General Milroy now ordered a charge upon the enemy, which was gallantly made, but his men, finding the rebels very strongly encamped in a wood behind them, were forced to return as quickly as possible to the protection of the town. A road running directly west from Winchester, called the Romney road, now became the point from which the enemy attacked. About 5 o’clock the rebels appeared in strong force in front of the main fort situated north of this road, and a sharp engagement took place between them and the National troops. The rebel general, Ewell, got his batteries into position and opened a heavy fire upon the Union men; he then massed his infantry and charged upon them in the face of their hottest firing. Without an instant’s pause the rebels leaped over the breast works, driving off the Ohio regiment at the point of the bayonet, and planted their colors on the embankment. Of the Ohio regiment a few escaped back to the main fort, but the greater number were either killed or taken prisoners. The Union forces were now completely hemmed in, but not defeated. Sharp and deadly firing continued between the rebels and Unionists until dark. The First brigade, under General Elliott, at this time occupied the main fort; the Second, under Colonel Ely, occupied the town and the space to the main fort on the northwest; and the Third, under General McReynolds, was posted to the north of the main fort. The final charge of the day occurred soon after dark; the rebels crossed a ravine between their main position and the front, but were received by a hot and murderous fire from the Union artillery, which hurled them back again, and the fighting was over for the night. At midnight, after a council held by the brigade commanders, General Milroy ordered a retreat to Harper’s Ferry. The troops marched straight on the road to Martinsburg for about four miles, when they were met by a large body of rebels. They attempted an advance, but were violently repulsed; and two regiments, the Eighteenth Connecticut, and Fifth Maryland, were captured entire. Of the whole force, about four hundred reached Hancock and Cumberland; one thousand six hundred reached Maryland Heights; and one thousand seven hundred reached Bloody Run; while the remainder of the division of twelve thousand men, with a large quantity of artillery and military stores, were captured by the rebel forces. CAPTURE OF MARTINSBURG. JUNE 14, 1863. While the fight just described was taking place at Winchester, the rebel General Rhodes appeared in front of Martinsburg, a town some miles to the north of Winchester, and demanded its surrender from General Tyler, then in command. The surrender was proudly refused; and the rebels immediately opened an attack, which was gallantly resisted until night came on. Perceiving that he could not hold his position, General Tyler, under cover of the darkness, prepared to evacuate the city. The movement was discovered by the enemy, who at once renewed the attack, and a most bloody contest began, which was kept up till the Union troops reached the Potomac river. General Tyler, after a hard struggle, and the loss of two hundred men, many pieces of artillery and a large quantity of ammunition and grain, succeeded in crossing the river at Shepherdstown, and moving on, to Harper’s Ferry. The rebels instantly took possession of Martinsburg; their losses in the capture of it having been only one killed and two wounded. * * * * * During this time it was impossible to determine correctly where General Lee was moving with his main army; but on Monday, the 29th, it became evident that he had selected Gettysburg for his field of operations and on that night the flame of his army’s camp-fires shone luridly against the sky—a warning of the bloody battle to come. During the entire period of this bold invasion of the North the skirmishes, raids, and minor battles consequent upon the continual meetings of the rebel and Union forces were almost daily, but the great battle was that which will ever be remembered at the sound of the word, Gettysburg, and must always bring a glow of pride to the cheek of every loyal American who hears it named. ATTACK ON CARLISLE, PA. JULY 1, 1863. As we have seen, the advance of Lee’s army began on June 27th, a large rebel force occupied the city of Carlisle; and on the 30th they removed all their infantry and stores to Gettysburg. On the evening of July 1st, a severe engagement took place between the rebels under General Fitzhugh Lee (who had not been apprised of the withdrawal of the enemy, under General Ewell, from Carlisle) and the Union forces under command of General W. F. Smith, who were just entering the deserted town. Being unable to comprehend the state of affairs before him General F. H. Lee commenced skirmishing with the Union troops; but finding them much stronger than was supposed, he sent in a flag of truce demanding the surrender of the town. General Smith promptly refused to surrender, and at once made preparations for sending away the women and children. The work of shelling the town was at once commenced; and a perfect shower of grape, canister and shell was poured in upon it for three hours; at the end of that time the enemy’s fire slackened a little, and once more, at midnight, General Lee sent in a flag of truce, with a demand for surrender. General Smith indignantly refused; and the fire of the enemy recommenced, and was carried on without intermission for three hours. During this time severe skirmishing was kept up by the Union infantry, though no heavy reply of artillery was made to the enemy’s fire. Finally the rebels fired the cavalry barracks, and accidentally set on fire several buildings with shells. The town was very much injured and many people were killed, but the rebels were defeated in their object, and obliged to fall back the next day. * * * * * As the month of June drew towards its close all the movements that were made by both armies tended directly towards a great battle. On the 27th June, a skirmish took place at Skerrett’s Gap, in which the Union pickets were driven in, many of them being captured. On the 25th the town of McConnellsburg, a short time before pillaged by the enemy, and occupied by a body of rebels five thousand strong, under command of General Stuart, was attacked by a detachment of the First New York Cavalry. The Unionists drove in the rebel pickets, causing much alarm. The rebels made but very little resistance; and at nine o’clock of the following morning they evacuated the place, retiring towards Chambersburg, with the intention of reinforcing the rebel force which threatened Harrisburg. During the same day a destructive raid was made by a large body of Imboden’s men, through the lower part of Pennsylvania, in which they carried away with them every available article of every description of property. They were not, however, at all points successful. A small body of cavalry—numbering forty or fifty men—under Captain Jones, entered McConnelsburg (which had been in possession of the National troops but a day or two), on a reconnoissance. Captain Jones had but just dismounted his horse, when one of his pickets hastened to him with the news that a body of the enemy were advancing, and close upon the town. “How many are there?” asked Captain Jones. “About a hundred,” was the reply. “Very well. I will fight them!” returned the intrepid officer. “Men, take your places!” The men mounted and leisurely rode down the street. The enemy, supposing it to be a retreat, were getting ready for pursuit, when the Unionists suddenly halted, turned, and faced them. The rebel leader sang out to his men,—“Charge—charge the damned Yankees!” But the rebels never moved. Captain Jones called out in a clear, firm voice, to his noble little band, “Charge!” and the order required no repetition. With a wild, triumphant cry, they sprang forward, sabre in hand, and drove the enemy like chaff before them. The sharp ring of carbines, the clang of sabres, and the ringing shouts of the triumphant pursuers, filled the air with the enthusiasm of the scene. At the edge of the town, the Union cavalry overtook the flying rebels, and dashing into their midst, a hand-to-hand struggle took place, in which the rebels were compelled to fight for their lives. The result was soon seen to be in favor of the Unionists; and when they returned to the town, they drove before them more prisoners than their own number. Two rebels were killed, one dangerously wounded, and three escaped; the rest were taken prisoners. By this time the Union army, in readiness for the great fight, was impatient for it to begin. On the 28th sharp skirmishing took place at Wrightsville between the rebels and a small force of Union troops under Colonel Frick. The rebels attacked the Unionists in their rifle-pits, and were fiercely repulsed, until, overpowered by numbers, the Federals fled across the bridge over the Susquehanna river, near Columbia, which they set on fire in order to prevent the rebels from crossing in pursuit of them. On the same day the enemy took possession of the town of York, Pa. From all the cities threatened by the rebels the citizens were rapidly fleeing toward Philadelphia; although a very large number rallied bravely to the defence of their homes. The publication of many newspapers was suspended, the employees having all entered the ranks. The excitement increased every hour. BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. JULY 1–3, 1863. General Meade, as soon as it was ascertained that the rebels were encamped within full view of Gettysburg, set about making the required changes in the positions of his own troops. On Tuesday, June 30th, General Buford was sent, with a cavalry force numbering six thousand, to make a reconnoissance on the Chambersburg road. They encamped there for the night. Two corps were sent towards the southwest, to a point about four miles from Gettysburg, where they also encamped for the night. These corps were the First, numbering about eight thousand men, under command of General Reynolds; and the Eleventh, numbering nearly fifteen thousand, under command of General Howard. Two corps of the rebel forces, under Generals Hill and Longstreet, and two divisions of Ewell’s corps, were encamped quite near to the town of Gettysburg. The town of Gettysburg, itself, lies at the head of a gently sloping valley, and forms the centre for roads running north, south, east, and west. The Catoctin and the South Mountain run on either sides of the valley; and a short distance to the east of the town runs the stream of water called Rock creek. Near the town are two hills, known respectively as Round Top, and Little Round Top, and on the former General Meade posted the extreme left of his line. To the northwest of this position, also on a slight eminence, General Lee had posted his men, forming a circular line of several miles in extent, and almost hemming in the patriot troops. On the morning of the following day a body of cavalry, under General Buford, was sent forward for reconnoitring purposes, and became engaged with the rebel advance immediately. General Reynolds followed, with his entire corps, and plunged into the thickest of the fight at the first sound of battle; the odds, however, were fearful—eight thousand against twenty thousand—and General Reynolds sent an urgent message to General Howard, to send forward reinforcements. But not till one o’clock did the Eleventh corps arrive to the assistance of the hard-pressed men, who still stood their ground like a rock, and fiercely drove back the advancing rebel hosts. General Reynolds riding up and down the line in front of his men, urging them on with look and word, fell a victim to his own dauntless bravery, being shot through the head by a rebel sharpshooter. At last came two divisions of the Eleventh corps, under Schurtz and Barlow. Eager to retrieve their reputation, so tarnished at Chancellorsville, they formed bravely on the right, and stayed the faltering line, for the first time beginning to waver. The remaining division of the Eleventh corps, under General Steinwehr, was sent to occupy a point called Cemetery Hill, on the south side of the town. [Illustration: ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS.] For three hours longer the brave line continued to hold its ground against the ever increasing numbers of the enemy; but human endurance could bear no more, and at last the right wing slowly yielded, and then the whole line fell gradually back, in good order, to the town of Gettysburg. Here they fell a prey to the pursuing rebels, who overtook them in the turnings and twistings of the streets, and in a few minutes one thousand and twenty men became prisoners to the enemy. Now, indeed, the day looked dark for the Union soldiers; but at the very moment that all seemed lost, the artillery of the troops which had been sent to Cemetery Hill blazed forth a most unexpected check to the triumphant rebels. This saved the battle of Gettysburg from being lost to the National arms; the effect of the sudden firing was magical, and night, which now began to darken down around both friend and foe, put an end to the day’s battle. The night following this day was one of anxious thought to the generals commanding the Union army; and in the Cemetery, among the monuments of the dead, many a prayer for reinforcements passed the lips of those who knew that certain destruction awaited them on the morrow, if more troops did not in the mean time arrive to their assistance. But midnight brought relief and joy to those anxious waiting hearts. At about twelve o’clock the Twelfth corps, under General Slocum, and the Third, under General Sickles, arrived, fresh and eager for the battle. And soon after daylight came further reinforcements of the Second and Fifth corps; and the sun of the next day shone down on an almost entirely new army, which struck consternation to the hearts of the astonished rebels, who had already made up their minds to an easy and certain victory. On this day the position of General Meade’s forces was as follows: General Howard, with the Eleventh corps, held the centre; the remaining portion of the First corps, and the Twelfth, under General Slocum, formed the right wing, and were placed on the right of the Baltimore road; the Second corps,—General Hancock,—and the Third,—General Sickles,—formed the army’s left wing, between the Taneytown and Emmetsburg roads. On Thursday morning, the enemy, apparently surprised by the formidable Union army which they found ready to oppose them, remained strangely quiet during the most of the day; and it was four o’clock before they attacked the waiting and immovable line of Federal troops. Then indeed the crisis of the battle began. General Longstreet hurled his whole division upon the left wing of General Meade’s army, and the storm of artillery that plowed through the ranks, dealt swift and terrible destruction. But the brave Third corps, not even wavering before the dreadful fire, beat back the rebels again and again. On their left flank, danger now menaced them. Already one of Longstreet’s divisions was manœuvering to cut them off from Round Top Hill, on which were placed but three or four batteries. The position would be of incalculable value to the rebels, who, by placing their batteries on the hill, could hurl shell upon the whole Union line. To save Round Top Hill was of the greatest moment to the National forces, who put forth almost superhuman efforts to beat back the approach of the enemy. Bravely, with unflinching front, the rebels marched up to the very mouths of the guns, to be blown into atoms, and hurled in horrible burnt, blackened, bleeding fragments through the air, their places instantly filled up by scores of others equally daring and reckless of life. Captain Bigelow, commanding the battery at the extreme left, held the hill, after losing many of his men, several artillerists, two sergeants, four of his guns, and being himself severely wounded in the thigh, until McGilway’s two batteries arrived to his assistance, and poured in an unflinching fire upon the enemy’s lines. Below, at the base of the hill, the battle raged with even greater violence; but feeling that it would be lost if Round Top Hill were yielded, the brave Union men determined to die in its defence, or hold it to the end. On came the rebels with their dreadful battle yell, as deafening as the roar of their artillery, and with fixed bayonets charged forward, a sea of gleaming, death-dealing, blood-stained steel, upon the noble, patriotic band, who met their attacks with unfaltering courage, and hand to hand fought them to the death, while the artillery rained a perfect torrent of shot and shell along the whole line. While this noble division, composed of Maine, Michigan, New York, and Pennsylvania regiments, all under command of General Barnes, were thus heroically resisting the rebels, the First division stood in danger of being completely swept away by the enemy’s advance. But now came General Ayres’ division, steadily marching forward, and with that indomitable bravery for which it was famed, and which had been displayed on previous battle-fields, poured down in resistless force upon the rebels, and saved the First division. Still harder pressed on the fight to obtain the coveted position on Round Top Hill; but the rebels were destined to defeat. General Meade sent orders to the Fourth and Fifth brigades of the Pennsylvania reserves to clear the hill of the enemy, and the movement began at once, superintended by General Crawford in person. Hastily forming his line General Crawford ordered a dash to be made, and the enemy was immediately driven back. One rebel brigade, under General Anderson, made a stand in a gap of the woods, but was fallen upon by a brigade under Colonel McCandless, and completely routed or taken prisoners. The Union men pressed on after the retreating rebels, and drove them back headlong and in wild confusion through the valley and into the woods beyond. Returning then to the hill so bravely fought for, and won with the blood of heroes, the Fourth and Fifth brigades took up their position there and held it to the close of the fight. Great credit is given to General Crawford for his management of this affair. The honor of the army was saved by the brilliant action of the reserves. The loss of so many arms was entirely regained by this dash, and the ground upon which so many of the Union wounded lay without assistance, rescued from the enemy. Not one of the wounded had received the least assistance, and the groans of the suffering and dying men were terrible. Ambulances were immediately sent for, under orders of General Crawford, and the wounded were cared for. In the mean time sharp and deadly fighting was going forward between the Eleventh corps, situated northeast of Cemetery Hill, and General Early’s division. As at Round Top on the day before, it was a hand-to-hand fight; the guns were so hot from the continuous shower of destruction that had thundered from their dreadful throats, that they could not be worked; but the rebels advanced over the cemetery wall, and leaped to the very mouths of the guns, but were beaten off with clubbed muskets. Before this unexpected resistance, they were compelled to fall suddenly back. The Twelfth corps was not so successful in beating off a similar attack made upon them, and the rebels gained a slight foothold, which would every hour become more valuable to them. But night had again fallen upon the combatants, and nothing further could be done to beat the enemy back. In the battle of Thursday, the losses on both sides were heavy. Of general officers, Brigadier-General Paul, and Brigadier-General Zook, were killed; and Generals Sickles, Barlow, Graham, and Warren, were wounded. At earliest dawn of the following day, the battle was opened by a murderous fire from the National guns; and the fighting spread rapidly along the line. On the right, the Twelfth corps was already preparing to regain its losses of the previous evening; its rifle-pits bristled with rebel muskets, which were presently pouring out a deadly fire in return for the fierce attack of General Slocum’s men. But the brave Twelfth met the fire courageously, and their renewed strength was too much for the rebels, who, reluctantly began to fall back before them. The Union men pushed forward their advance, pressed back the rebels from their breastworks, and triumphantly taking up their lost position, the National line was again perfectly unbroken from end to end. From this time till about eleven o’clock, the battle continued to rage with equal intensity and equal advantages or disadvantages to both sides; and then for a time a short, general quiet prevailed. It had already been proven by the battle of the previous day, that the final issue of the contest turned upon the occupation of Cemetery Hill; and, therefore, all General Lee’s ingenuity was exercised to obtain a clue to its capture, as all General Meade’s military skill was put in force to retain his valuable position. The rebel general had made preparations early in the morning for an attack upon Meade’s entire line; and he had also concentrated a large body of his troops against the Union centre, with the design of taking the ground it occupied. In other respects, as well, the rebel forces were skillfully and powerfully placed. The Union artillery on Cemetery Hill was subjected to a half-circle of cross fires, from the skillful arrangement of the enemy’s troops; General Longstreet having massed fifty-five guns of long range upon the brow of a slight eminence in front of General Hill’s extreme right, and General Hill had massed sixty guns along the hill, in front of the heights held by the National troops. At one o’clock the signal gun was fired, and the cannonading commenced. The fire of the enemy was thus concentrated on the position held by the Eleventh and Second corps. It drew a most terrific response from the Federal batteries. It is thus described by a spectator in the Union army: “The storm broke upon us so suddenly that soldiers and officers—who leaped, as it began, from their tents, or from lazy siestas on the grass—were stricken in their rising with mortal wounds, and died, some with cigars between their teeth, some with pieces of food in their fingers, and one at least—a pale young German, from Pennsylvania—with a miniature of his sister in his hands. Horses fell, shrieking such awful cries as Cooper told of, and writhing themselves about in hopeless agony. The boards of fences, scattered by explosion, flew in splinters through the air. The earth, torn up in clouds, blinded the eyes of hurrying men; and through the branches of the trees and among the gravestones of the cemetery a shower of destruction crashed ceaselessly. As, with hundreds of others, I groped through this tempest of death for the shelter of the bluff, an old man, a private in a company belonging to the Twenty-fourth Michigan, was struck, scarcely ten feet away, by a cannon ball, which tore through him, extorting such a low, intense cry of mortal pain as I pray God I may never again hear. The hill, which seemed alone devoted to this rain of death, was clear in nearly all its unsheltered places within five minutes after the fire began.” The same contest is thus described by an eye-witness in the Confederate army: “I have never yet heard such tremendous artillery firing. The enemy must have had over one hundred guns, which, in addition to our one hundred and fifteen, made the air hideous with most discordant noise. The very earth shook beneath our feet, and the hills and rocks seemed to reel like a drunken man. For one hour and a half this most terrific fire was continued, during which time the shrieking of shell, the crash of fallen timbers, the fragments of rocks flying through the air, shattered from the cliffs by solid shot, the heavy mutterings from the valley between the opposing armies, the splash of bursting shrapnell, and the fierce neighing of wounded artillery horses, made a picture terribly grand and sublime, but which my pen utterly fails to describe. After the firing had continued for little more than an hour, the enemy’s guns began to slacken, and finally all were silenced save some six or eight, which were in a clump of woods a little to the left of the stone fence.” For three hours the firing had continued steadily; suddenly the Union fire was slackened for a moment to allow the guns to cool, when the enemy, supposing they had been silenced, prepared to make a final and irresistible attack. Their storming party was moved up. The division of General Pickett, which had arrived since the previous day, led the advance, supported on the right by General Wilcox’s brigade of General Anderson’s division, and on the left by Heath’s division, commanded by General Pettigrew. The troops of General Pickett’s division advanced in splendid order. On his left, the command of General Pettigrew emerged from the woods, and swept down the slope of the hill to the valley beneath, and some two or three hundred yards in the rear of General Pickett. The Union line met the advance bravely. As they came under the fire of the First and Second Corps, the enemy’s batteries became suddenly silent. Their ammunition was exhausted. But still the rebel advance pressed boldly forward, never wavering, even when a fire of grape and shell was opened upon them. Steadily they crossed the Emmetsburg road, and with undaunted front approached the Union infantry, who quietly awaited their advance. General Gibbon, in command of the Second Corps, walking composedly along the front of his line, encouraged his men with his calm and steady voice: “Hold your fire, boys—they are not near enough yet,” he called out almost loud enough for the advancing rebels to hear, who, still coming steadily onward, suddenly charged bayonets, and rushed forward on the rifle pits. Then from the Union line flashed a blaze of fire before which hundreds fell to the earth; but their comrades filled up the vacant spaces, and charged over the pits. Now General Gibbon called to his men to fall to the rear of the batteries, and without any sign of confusion, the order was obeyed. But General Pettigrew’s brave division no longer remained steady and unbroken; the artillery pouring in upon them a blasting and destroying fire, had scattered their ranks in wild confusion; and completely panic-stricken they fled over the plain, and far to the rear. General Pickett was now left to bear the whole strength of the Union forces alone, his officers wounded and falling around him on every side. Further resistance was worse than useless, and the rebel general gave the order to fall back. The Unionists pressed them strongly, but their retreat was successfully effected under cover of a brigade commanded by General Wright, and sent forward for that purpose by General Lee. While this fierce attack was being resisted, and utterly repulsed by General Gibbon’s corps, the extreme right and left had been severely tried by the rebels under Generals Ewell and Longstreet; but on every side they were beaten back, and the night ended in the complete success of the National arms, and the glorious victory of Gettysburg. During the whole of the next day, both armies were engaged in the mournful duty of burying their dead, and caring for their wounded. The losses upon both sides during these three days were very heavy. That of the National army in killed was two thousand eight hundred and thirty-four; in wounded, thirteen thousand seven hundred and ninety; in missing, six thousand, six hundred and forty-three. That of the rebels in killed, wounded, and prisoners, was much greater. The Union soldiers buried four thousand five hundred of the rebel dead. They estimated their entire killed at about one thousand more; their wounded numbered twenty-one thousand; and their loss in prisoners, stragglers, and deserters numbered thirteen thousand. During all day of the 4th of July, General Lee sent forward such of his wounded as would bear removal, to Hagerstown; and when night fell the entire remnant of his army was put in motion on the road to Fairfield. On the 6th General Lee reached Hagerstown, and took up position there with his army. On the following day General Meade’s advance in hot pursuit of the rebel army, reached Funktown, a place six miles south of Hagerstown. On the 8th a sharp conflict took place at Boonsboro’ between the retreating rebels and the pursuing Federal troops. The opposing forces were the Union cavalry under General Buford and General Kilpatrick; and the divisions under Generals Stuart, Hampton, and Jones, together with a division of infantry. General Kilpatrick’s division was encamped in the immediate vicinity of the town. General Buford, who was posted about two miles in advance, was attacked by the enemy about eleven o’clock in the morning. General Kilpatrick immediately moved out to the front, and, relieving the brigades of Merritt and Devin, engaged the rebels. The Union horse artillery was planted upon a very commanding position, and was served with great effectiveness. The enemy’s infantry pressed the National line so closely that it was compelled to fall back, though the retrograde movement was made very slowly, and the ground disputed inch by inch. The cavalry repeatedly charged the enemy, breaking his line and routing his cavalry; but the rebel infantry pressed so hard that it was at length determined to fall back upon Boonsboro’. About night the Third division of the Eleventh corps arrived, when the Union cavalry dashed impetuously upon the enemy, and drove him three miles. Day after day, the rebels continued to retreat, and were closely pursued by the Union soldiers; skirmishing, and occasionally sharp fighting, marked the whole line of retreat; and there was every appearance of a long, pitched battle, between the Union array and that of General Lee, before the latter could succeed in escaping with his troops across the Potomac, and back into Virginia. At daybreak on the 10th, a fight was opened at Sharpsburg, between the Union and rebel armies, which lasted till six o’clock in the evening, and resulted in a victory to the Union arms. During the night, the town was evacuated by the rebels; Generals Lee, Longstreet, and Ewell, being the last of the rebels to leave the place. The enemy fell back toward Williamsport, and were pursued for several miles by the Federal troops. The Army of the Potomac marched steadily on, till it was in sight of Lee’s entire army, which occupied a strong position on the heights, near a marsh, in front of Williamsport. During this, and many previous and subsequent days, there was continual skirmishing in all directions; and the great battle that now seemed imminent was most anxiously waited for by the Union forces, who were eager to be at work again. On the morning of the 14th of July, to the unbounded astonishment of the whole of Meade’s army, it was ascertained that the rebels under General Lee had effected a most skillful retreat. Under cover of the darkness, they had withdrawn from Williamsport, and the whole force, together with all its trains, plunder, &c., had escaped across the Potomac. On the same day the Union troops occupied Williamsport and Falling Waters; capturing at the latter place, a brigade of infantry, fifteen hundred strong, two guns, two caissons, two battle flags, and a large number of small arms. A vigorous pursuit of the rebel army was immediately ordered; and on the 15th, Meade’s army pursued, overtook, and engaged the rear of the rebel army; but the enemy continued to make good his retreat, while the Unionists continued to follow closely, till on the 24th, the Union army again overtook the fugitives; and a battle on the north side of the Rappahannock appeared to be inevitable. But again the wily rebel general disappointed the brave Unionists, so eagerly awaiting an opportunity to engage and defeat his troops. During the night, General Lee again effected his escape from his pursuers, and reached Culpepper Court-House, before his movements were detected. Active operations were now, for a time, at an end, with the Army of the Potomac. It occupied the same line on the Rappahannock, which it had held two months previous, and the wearied soldiers rested from the labors of their long and tiresome march, still wearing upon their brows the laurels they had won in General Meade’s successful if not brilliant campaign. THE VICKSBURG CAMPAIGN. For more than a year the possession of Vicksburg had been the ultimate object of the military and naval operations of the principal forces of the United States in the west, before that object was attained. After the unsuccessful naval and military operations in July, 1862, repeated expeditions had been set on foot, at immense expense to the Government, accompanied with great labor and privation on the part of the patriots engaged in the enterprises, only to be met in turn with disaster and reverse. These operations were under the direction of Major-General Grant, commander-in-chief of the army of West Tennessee, and may take their date about December 1, 1862, at which time the principal forces of General Grant were at La Grange, three miles east of Grand Junction, on the Cairo and New Orleans railroad. General Grant was placed in command of the Department of Tennessee, embracing all the country west of the Tennessee river, and on both shores of the Mississippi river, from Corinth to Louisiana. He was in command of the Thirteenth Army Corps, and his troops fought the famous battles of Iuka and Corinth, although General Grant did not command in person, being at Jackson, Tennessee, his headquarters. In December, 1862, he removed his headquarters to Holly Springs; and on the 22d of that month, his forces having greatly increased, he divided them into four corps, viz.: the Thirteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and Seventeenth Corps of the United States Army. The first expedition, under General Grant, was started in December, 1862. The plan of General Grant was—that General Sherman should take command of the forces in Memphis in Tennessee, and Helena in Arkansas, and descend the river on transports with the gunboat fleet, and make an attack on Vicksburg by the 29th of December; and that General McClernand should take the forces at Cairo and move down to Vicksburg, thus reinforcing General Sherman soon after his attack on the town. Meanwhile, General Grant was to advance rapidly upon the Confederate troops in Mississippi north and east of Vicksburg, which formed the main body of their army, and keep them fully employed, and, if they retreated to Vicksburg, arrive there with them, ready to cooperate with General Sherman. The Confederate force, now under the command of General Pemberton, retired to the river, and finally fell back beyond Granada. Meanwhile General Grant advanced to Oxford, and on the 20th of December an attack was suddenly made in his rear, by a Confederate force under General Van Dorn, on the garrison under Colonel Murphy at Holly Springs, which surrendered. The prisoners were paroled and the supplies collected there for General Grant’s army were destroyed; also a large quantity of cotton which had been purchased of the people in the vicinity. The surrender of Holly Springs was a severe blow to General Grant, and the officers in command were severely censured by him. Colonel Murphy, the commander, allowed himself to be taken by surprise, and surrendered all of his command, and an immense quantity of supplies, which had been gathered there for the use of the advancing army. While General Grant was moving his columns toward the objective point, the enemy were by no means idle. On the same day on which Colonel Murphy surrendered Holly Springs, an attack was made on Davis’s Mills, a post a little farther north, which was bravely repulsed. On the next day, Humboldt was captured, and an attack made on Trenton, while several important stations on the railroad were, in turn, visited by the Confederate raiders, who demolished the equipments of the roads, cut the telegraph lines, and inflicted serious injury, by destroying the communications of General Grant’s army, which compelled him to make a retrograde movement, or fall back on Holly Springs. This left General Pemberton at liberty to concentrate his forces at Vicksburgh against General Sherman, who was then advancing on that place in accordance with General Grant’s plan, while the cooperating forces were removed so far from the scene of action, that there was no hope of their being able to afford any assistance, either by participation or by the diversion of any portion of the enemy’s forces. Meanwhile General W. T. Sherman, who had been stationed at Memphis, embarked with one division on the 20th of December, and dropped down to Friar’s Point, the place of rendezvous, where he was joined by Admiral Porter with his flagship and two consorts. The arrangements were completed by the military and naval commanders during the next forenoon, the 22d, and the fleet got under way, and moved down just below the mouth of White river, where it came to, at sunset. On the next day it descended to Gaines’s Landing, and at two P. M. came to anchor, to await the arrival of the transports in the rear, and also a division of troops from Memphis. Half of the town of Gaines’s Landing was destroyed by fire while the army was there. Similar destruction had also been made at Friar’s Point. These acts led to stringent measures on the part of General Sherman. On the morning of the 25th, the fleet arrived at the mouth of the Yazoo river. The fleet consisted of more than sixty transports, with a number of iron-clad and other gunboats, and several mortar boats. The Yazoo is a deep, narrow, and sluggish stream, formed by the Tallahatchie and Yallobusha rivers, which unite in Carroll county, Mississippi. It runs through an alluvial plain of extreme fertility, about two hundred and ninety miles, and empties into the Mississippi river twelve miles above Vicksburg. On the 26th, the expedition, under convoy of the gunboats, moved up the Yazoo, and the troops were landed at various points from the junction of Old River with the Yazoo to Johnson’s Farm, a distance of about three miles, without opposition. The distance from Vicksburg was about eight miles. A strong position, known as Haines’s Bluff, some distance above on the river, was held by the Confederate forces, and in the mean while attacked by the gunboats De Kalb, Cincinnati, Louisville, Benton and Lexington. It was the plan of General Sherman to attack Vicksburg in the rear. For this purpose he was engaged, on the 28th, in getting his forces in position. Vicksburg is situated upon a high bluff, rising nearly a hundred feet above the water. This bluff faces very nearly to the west. The Mississippi in front of Vicksburg runs in a southwesterly course. These bluffs are on its eastern bank, and run off from a point five miles below the city directly inland from the head of the bend in the Mississippi until they strike the Yazoo river, nine miles northeast of Vicksburg in a straight line, and twenty-three miles from the Mississippi by the course of the Yazoo river. The face of this bluff, throughout its length precipitous and high, furnishes a natural defence against any force attempting to get into the rear of the city from the north. Where the bluffs approach the Yazoo river the rebels had constructed formidable batteries, which prevented the passage of all manner of craft. Just above these batteries, and defended by them, they had placed a heavy raft of timber and iron in the stream, making a most effectual blockade. Thus it was impossible to flank this range of bluffs. They must be attacked, if attacked at all, full in front. Against this the enemy had guarded themselves by fortifying the entire range, from Vicksburg to Milldale, its upper extremity. These fortifications consisted of abatis in front of the bluffs to a width on the average of a mile. At the foot of the bluff they had rifle pits the entire way. Above the rifle pits, and in the face of the bluff, they had constructed batteries mounting one gun each, at short intervals all the way along. On the summit of the bluffs they had earthworks thrown up, ready to cover field artillery whenever it should be desirable to bring it into action from any of these points. Thus these entire ranges of hills were one complete, bristling fortification, dangerous to approach and difficult to capture. But, notwithstanding the dangers and difficulties in the way, our brave Western soldiers were not afraid to grapple with them, nor doubtful of their abilities to overcome them. General Sherman’s army consisted of four divisions, the first of which contained three brigades, under Brigadier-General Geo. W. Morgan; the second, three brigades under Brigadier-General A. J. Smith, and the fourth, four brigades, commanded by Brigadier-General Frederick Steele, whose Brigade-Generals were Frank P. Blair, John M. Thayer, C. E. Hovey, and Colonel Hassendurbel. The division of General Steele was the largest one on the ground. Blair’s brigade was detached, and after making a landing, pushed forward inland under General Morgan L. Smith. The rest of the division, under General C. E. Hovey, was sent three miles further up the Yazoo River, to penetrate the rear and get at the railroad near Vicksburg. He landed above Blake’s Bayou, and within two miles, he encountered the heavy guns of the enemy on the high bluffs, in front of a lagoon or bayou which it was impossible to cross without boats or bridges, and he returned to Chickasaw Bayou, where General H. H. Morgan had already landed. In taking position General A. J. Smith took the right, General Morgan L. Smith the right centre, General Steele the left centre, and General G. W. Morgan the extreme left. The Federal line was formed in this order parallel with the bluffs, and in the edge of the timber that skirted the abatis, bringing it about a mile from the rebel lines. To reach this position from the point of debarkation on the Yazoo River, the forces had to cross a series of bayous, or deep ravines, which were then filled and unfordable. These crossings had to be made by pontoon bridges, the building of which was stoutly resisted by the rebels, occasioning a continual skirmishing throughout the day, though with no very serious results. In addition to this difficulty roads had to be cut in most instances; the old roads—where any existed—having been destroyed by the rebels or blockaded with fallen timber, while in most directions no roads existed at all. The Confederate batteries opened fire on General Morgan’s position at an early hour on the 29th, which continued for about an hour, with but slight effect. On Monday morning the great effort was to be made to gain the heights, and all the forces were ordered to move at daylight. The morning dawned with a dense fog upon the face of the country, so thick as to utterly prevent any movement. Lying in the middle of the little narrow Yazoo, it was impossible to distinguish the timber on either shore. Any movement made under such circumstances was, of course, attended with great hazard; any firing was at a venture, and as likely to hit friend as foe. It was eight o’clock before the fog lifted. The gunboats which were to shell the rebel batteries and encampments on the left, at Milldale, having obtained their ranges on the previous day, did not wait for the fog to clear away, but were at work at the appointed time, drawing a brisk response from the enemy. At various points along the lines, too, field batteries engaged the rebel batteries at a venture, and as the morning advanced this firing increased, until from eight to ten o’clock there was nothing to be heard but one continuous roar of artillery. Upwards of one hundred and fifty pieces, embracing all calibers, from the ordinary 6-pounder field piece to the heavy 10-inch Columbiad on the fortifications and the 11-inch Dahlgrens on the gunboats, united to swell the din, making a roar such as the Valley of the Mississippi never before heard. This artillery duel lasted half the forenoon, resulting, as such duels usually result, in no great loss of life. The batteries in the face of the bluff became rather too warm for occupancy, and one after another of them was abandoned, the gunners dragging their guns with them to the top of the hill. This apparently left the coast for the advance of the Federal infantry. As the lines began to emerge from the woods, the broad plain extending from the timber to the base of the hills was found to be cut up with gulleys as well as covered with abatis, and these gulleys were filled with the sharpshooters of the enemy, whose skill was soon found to be of no mean order. Beyond these, at the foot of the bluffs, was the range of rifle-pits, filled with rebel infantry. The right centre division, commanded by General Morgan L. Smith, made an effort to cross the bayou in their front. The Sixth regiment of Missouri Volunteers, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Blood, was detailed for the advance. The enemy’s works were very strong, there being a steep bank of thirty feet high to ascend, fortified with breastworks and rifle-pits, with a heavy force drawn up in line of battle behind them. The only approach was by a road across a sand-bar in the bayou, exposed to a double cross fire from the enemy, and the only way of ascending the bank was by cutting a road. An order was received for two companies to be sent over in advance for the purpose of cutting the road—one with picks and shovels, and the other with muskets to protect the workers from the enemy’s sharpshooters in the rifle-pits over their heads. Company F, Captain Boutell, and Company K, Captain Buck, were the first to volunteer, the peril being so great that Colonel Blood was reluctant to order a detail. Their services were accepted, and the two companies of heroes went across under a most terrific fire, which left more than a tenth of their number stretched upon the sand. On getting across they immediately commenced operations on the bank, and very soon made a large excavation, almost sufficient for the purpose, when the position of the enemy’s forces and batteries were found to be such that the further prosecution of the attempt would be certain destruction to all concerned in it, without accomplishing any thing. In the mean time Lieutenant-Colonel Blood, with the balance of the regiment, had crossed over to their support, but with still greater loss, one-sixth of his force being killed or wounded. The greater part of the division had now been brought under fire, and after vainly struggling to advance amid a storm of destructive missiles from an unseen enemy, the men hesitated, and were on the point of retreating in confusion, when General Smith, seeing the emergency, rushed to the head to lead the column across in person. Scarcely had he taken his position, and called out a cheering word to the men, when a ball struck him in the thigh, tearing the flesh badly, causing a profuse hemorrhage. He soon became weak from the loss of blood, and was carried from the field. His division being left without a commander fell back to its old position, and under cover of the Federal guns, and favored by approaching darkness and a heavy shower of rain, succeeded in returning without further loss. Private McGee of the Sixth Missouri was shot four times, and thirteen bullets penetrated his clothing. As he lay upon the bar, unable to proceed, the enemy’s balls still came whistling around him, and to protect himself he scooped a hole with his hands in the sand and crawled into it. General Steele’s division had no bayou to cross, but had in front of it the same broad plain, covered with abatis and cut up with gulleys, in which were concealed the sharpshooters of the enemy. Notwithstanding these obstacles, the column was crowded forward close up to the bluff, securing one of the enemy’s fortifications and a field battery of six guns. But the ground was too hot for them; and they were compelled to retire, but not without taking their trophies with them. Once again this gallant division was brought up to the work and made a noble charge across the plain, this time making a considerable further advance than on the former occasion. They drove the enemy out of their rifle-pits and pursued them half way up the hill, fighting heroically as they went, receiving galling volleys of musketry at every step, with showers of grape and canister from the field artillery above. Some regiments of this division actually gained a foothold on the summit of the hill in this charge, but, being unsupported, were compelled to retire. The division labored right nobly to maintain their position, but it could not be done, and again they retired across the plain to the cover of the timber, their lines terribly thinned and shattered by the effort, but carrying with them three more guns captured from the enemy. On the extreme left General Morgan made a like effort to break the rebel lines and get into the rear of the batteries at Haines’s Bluffs. But he too, after reaching the foot of the hill, was compelled to abandon the attempt. On the right, General A. J. Smith had a bayou to cross in the midst of the plain, to reach which he had to find his way through a field of abatis, as well as to cross the abatis after reaching the opposite side of the bayou. But these difficulties had but little weight with him. He ordered the Fifty-fourth Ohio to charge across the bridge, which they did most gallantly. They were met on the opposite side by a vastly superior force of the enemy, but were not disposed to surrender or retreat. Most bravely they stood their ground, fighting against vastly superior numbers, until finally they were surrounded and forced to the alternative of surrendering or being annihilated. In this emergency, one of the Union batteries was brought to bear from our side of the bayou, and poured a fire of shell into the contending forces, regardless alike of enemy or friend. The rebels quickly abandoned the field, leaving many of their number upon the spot. The Ohioans then gathered up their killed and wounded and retired across the field. The Federal shell had killed seven of their number, and wounded twenty or thirty others. But it was not a dear price to pay for the salvation of the regiment. They had made a noble stand, and deserved to be rescued. After the Fifty-fourth had retired, the gallant Eighth Missouri—the heroes of a dozen battles, and a regiment that was never known to waver or give way—and the Thirteenth Regulars, led the way. The crossing was effected with safety, when the little column filed off to the right to get possession of the road leading to Vicksburg. At this moment a brigade of rebels came charging down the road at a double quick. The little Union column soon wheeled into line and were ready to meet their assailants. A brisk engagement ensued, lasting nearly half an hour, when the rebels gave way in disorder and fled. This affair terminated the fight for the day. In the edge of the evening the regiments that had maintained themselves across the bayou were recalled, and the entire force rested, after the day’s fight, where they had on the previous night. General Sherman’s repulse at Vicksburg was complete. The entire force, under General McClernand, who at that time was the superior officer in command of the army, though not present during the engagement, reembarked on the third of January, on transports, closely followed by the rebel advance, which coming in range of the gunboats was driven back with severe loss. The Federal loss was six hundred killed, one thousand five hundred wounded, and one thousand missing. A council of war was held on the 4th on board the Tigress, which vessel had been temporarily selected by General McClernand as his headquarters. Admiral Porter, Major-Generals Sherman and McClernand, with the Generals of the divisions of the army in Kentucky were present. It was determined at this council that it would be folly to attempt any thing farther against Vicksburg with the available force. The rebels had means of communication by which they were rapidly and heavily reinforced, while the Unionists had no such opportunity or prospect of receiving reinforcements. It was, therefore, deemed expedient that the campaign should be abandoned. The rebel Generals Pemberton and Price were now in command at Vicksburg, and their army was reinforced to the extent of fifty thousand men. They had an artillery force of one hundred and sixty guns in battery, besides a large number of field-pieces. CAPTURE OF FORT HINDMAN, ARKANSAS. JANUARY 10–11, 1863. Shortly after the defeat of Sherman, the whole rebel force of Tennessee was precipitated upon General Rosecrans. On the 31st of December, the battle of Murfreesboro’ ensued, already fully described in this work, and resulted in the defeat of the rebels at that point, thereby securing the western part of Tennessee, and the region between Nashville and the Mississippi river. A few roving bands still infested the region, but as a whole, the specified space was cleared of the rebel forces. And thus opened the year 1863 in the West. General McClernand, wishing to secure his rear from attack, and knowing that a rebel force existed at Fort Hindman, on the Arkansas river, in conjunction with Rear-Admiral Porter, planned an expedition which resulted in a brilliant success to the Federal arms, and destroyed the hopes of the enemy and their confident anticipations of a victorious campaign—compelling them to assume defensive, instead of offensive operations. A small settlement surrounds the Fort, which for nearly two hundred years has been known as the “Post of Arkansas.” It is the oldest settlement in the State. Nearly two centuries ago, there was a Spanish town in the immediate vicinity, and also a small Spanish fort. Fort Hindman is situated on the right bank of the Arkansas river, about fifty miles from its mouth, and one hundred and seventeen miles from Little Rock, the capital of the State. It was settled in 1685, by the Acadian French, and was the trading-post for furs from the surrounding country, during the winter and spring. It had now a few stores, and at intervals for a dozen miles along the river bank, there was an occasional house. The fort was a regular, square-bastioned work, one hundred yards exterior side, with a deep ditch some fifteen feet wide, and a parapet eighteen feet high. On the 10th of January, the land forces, under command of General McClernand, and the flotilla, under Admiral Porter, ascended the river, and the former disembarked with a view of surrounding the work. During the night, the gunboats fired a few shots at the work, and in the morning, the troops being in position, the work commenced in earnest. The _New York Herald_ correspondent thus describes the attack: THE BOMBARDMENT. It was five minutes past one when the gunboats Baron DeKalb, Cincinnati, and Louisville, all iron-clads, steamed up to within about three hundred yards of the fort, and opened fire upon it. As soon as the gunboats hove in sight, and before they fired a shot, the fort opened on them. On a sort of sandy beach, by the bend in the river, the rebels had erected several targets, which were to assist them in aiming at the gunboats. Barricades had also been placed in the river opposite the fort; but the high water had washed part of them away and left the channel open. The bombardment increased in rapidity as other vessels of the squadron came into position. It took some time to get good range of the casemated guns and the barbette gun on the fort. The Baron DeKalb had orders from the Admiral to fire at the right hand casemate, the Louisville at the middle one, and the Cincinnati at the great 9-inch Dahlgren gun _en barbette_. In half an hour after the bombardment commenced the casemates were struck by the shell from the gunboats. When the range was obtained, the shells from the gunboats struck the guns in the fort almost every shot, until every one was silenced and smashed. The Cincinnati fired shrapnell at first, and cleared the crew away from the 9-inch Dahlgren gun on the parapet, when the Baron De Kalb broke off the muzzle with a 10-inch shot. The Lexington, light draught, Lieutenant-Commander James W. Shirk, moved up at two o’clock, and with her rifled guns replied to the Parrott rifled guns in the fort, while the Rattler, Lieutenant-Commander Walter Smith, and the Gilde, Lieutenant-Commander Woodworth, threw in shrapnell, and in company with the ram Monarch, Colonel Charles E. Ellet, of the army, commanding, pushed up close to the fort. Each of the gunboats silenced the gun it was instructed to fire at about the same time. At twenty minutes past two all the heavy smooth bore and rifled guns in the fort were most effectually silenced. The Black Hawk, Lieutenant-Commander K. R. Breese, the Admiral’s flagship, steamed up and took part in the fight. The Admiral himself, with his secretary, Doctor Heap, was in the little tug which was all the time screaming and dancing about among the gunboats, directing and superintending the fight. THE LAND ATTACK. The first gun from the fleet was the signal for the soldiers to move, and Morgan and Sherman immediately pushed forward their men, and were met by a fierce fire from the rebel works. The troops in front wore now sharply engaging the rebels in their works, while our artillery, and their field-pieces, behind the breastworks near the fort, were blazing away at each other with great rapidity. In one instance, the rebels galloped the horses up to the parapet with a gun, and when the horses wheeled with it, in order that it might be placed in position, the infantry fire killed all the horses in the traces, and the artillerists scampered off in an instant, and left their gun. At a shot from one of our Parrott guns, which knocked one of the timbers from the breastwork, at least a hundred rebels ran away from behind the intrenchment into the bastioned fort. Our caissons were now coming from the front for ammunition. At ten minutes past three, most of Morgan’s men were in line, and the remainder were forming in the rear. In five minutes more they were advancing with vigor. Sharp musketry and artillery firing was kept up all the time. At twenty minutes past three a heavy column of Morgan’s men was seen moving to the left, near the river bank, advancing amid clouds of smoke. It was a body that was moving quickly to the front, to extend the advancing line. The time was now fifteen minutes past three. The fight was quite severe on both sides. Although the heavy guns in the fort were silenced the field-pieces and the infantry behind the parapet with great determination continued to resist our vigorous advance. The Union line extended from the river on the left, round in front of the fort, and to the bayou on the right. The engagement was general along its whole extent. Morgan sent word that his left was advancing steadily, and, as the gunboats commanded the river, he had sent for Lindsay’s brigade to return from the other side. It was now nearly four o’clock. The Admiral’s flagship was coming close to the bank, and, with the other gunboats, was pouring shot into the fort; Lindsay’s brigade, across the river, was also firing into the works, while Morgan’s and Sherman’s men were advancing fast in front. The white flag was seen in several places on the parapet; enthusiastic cheers arose from the troops in front; the firing ceased; the rebels rose from behind the breastwork; and the Federal troops rushed wildly forward with flags flying, into and over the intrenchments. The fort had surrendered. General McClernand and staff dashed off, and were soon in the enemy’s intrenchments, surrounded by thousands of the men. When the flag was shown on the river side, the jolly Jack Tars jumped ashore, and were soon in the fort, followed by Admiral Porter and a number of his officers. Colonel Dunnington, commander of the fort, surrendered his sword to the Admiral in person. General Churchill, commander of the forces, soon appeared with his staff, and surrendered himself and his troops to General McClernand. General Churchill accused his subordinates of treachery. It may be, that the soldiers, seeing that further resistance was useless, concluded to abandon the defence. One thing is certain, there was great unanimity among the rebels in the surrender. ADMIRAL PORTER. The following sketch of Admiral Porter, who commanded the gunboat attack, will inform the reader of his previous history: ACTING REAR-ADMIRAL DAVID D. PORTER, the commander of the Mississippi Flotilla, is the son of the famous Commodore David Porter of the _Essex_, and was born about the year 1814. In 1829 he entered the navy as midshipman on board the _Constellation_, and served six years on that ship and the _United States_. In 1835 he passed his examination, and served six years as passed midshipman on the Coast Survey. In 1841 he was commissioned a lieutenant, and served with that rank on board the _Congress_ for four years. After a brief period of service at the Observatory at Washington, he was placed on active duty under Commodore Tattnall in the Gulf of Mexico, and took a leading part in the naval operations of the Mexican war. In 1849 he took command of one of the Pacific Mail Company’s steamers, and remained several years in the service of that Company. At the beginning of the year 1861 he was under orders to join the Coast Survey on the Pacific, but, fortunately, had not left when the rebellion broke out. His name at that time stood number six on the list of lieutenants. The resignation of several Confederates left room for his advancement, and the “Naval Register” for August 31, 1861, placed him number seventy-seven on the list of commanders. He was placed in command of the steam sloop-of-war _Powhatan_, a vessel of about twenty-five hundred tons, and armed with eleven guns. After doing blockading duty for some time, he left that ship to take special charge of the mortar expedition. The active part he took in the reduction of the forts below New Orleans will make his name ever memorable in connection with the mortar fleet. After the capture of New Orleans he, with his fleet, went up the Mississippi river, and was engaged in several affairs on that river, including that of Vicksburg. From that place he was ordered to the James river, and returned in the _Octorara_. When off Charleston, on his way to Fortress Monroe, he fell in with and captured the Anglorebel steamer _Tubal Cain_. He was then appointed to the supreme control of all the naval forces on the Mississippi river, with the rank of Acting Rear-Admiral. The force under his orders, in vessels, guns, and men, was larger than had ever heretofore been under the command of any United States naval officer. His squadron was distinct in every way from that of Admiral Farragut, who commanded the Western Gulf Blockading Squadron. [Illustration: HOUSE USED FOR CONFINEMENT OF REBEL SYMPATHIZERS, AT ST. LOUIS, MO.] The capture of the Post of Arkansas was the first exploit performed by the Admiral in his new command. MAJOR-GENERAL M’CLERNAND. MAJOR-GENERAL JOHN A. MCCLERNAND was a lawyer by profession, and had figured prominently as a leading Democratic politician from Illinois. He was a leader of the Douglas Democrats, and did battle for them valiantly at Charleston. At the outbreak of the war he took sides manfully for the Union, and shortly afterward was nominated a Brigadier-General of Volunteers. In the Belmont fight he gave evidence that he possessed good military capacity, and during his administration of military affairs at Cairo he secured the good will of the men under his command. In the reconnoissance in the rear of Columbus, during the advance upon Fort Henry, and at the grand battle before Fort Donelson, General McClernand manifested superior military ability. For his gallantry on these occasions he was, on the 21st of March, 1862, made by Congress a Major-General of Volunteers, and accompanied the advance up the Tennessee river toward Savannah. At the battle of Pittsburgh Landing he was highly distinguished. * * * * * After spending two days devoted to the care of the wounded, and the burial of the dead, the fort was blown up and completely destroyed, the rifle pits levelled, and a hundred wagons which had been captured, were burnt. On the 18th, General McClernand embarked with the main body of his troops, and proceeded down the Arkansas river to Napoleon, where a conference was held with General Grant and Admiral Porter, and future operations were planned. Meantime an expedition of light-draught steamers, under Lieutenant-Commander J. G. Walker, and a body of troops led by General Gorman, had proceeded up the White river, and captured the towns of Des Arc and Duval’s Bluff. General McArthur’s corps of General Grant’s army, left Memphis on the 20th of January on transports, and landed at Young’s Point, on the west side of the river, about nine miles above Vicksburg. Here the greater part of the fleet was concentrated; and on the 2d of February, General Grant arrived, and assumed command of the army. At this point a canal had been commenced by General Williams, previous to the unsuccessful attack on Vicksburg the year before, for the purpose of effecting a passage for vessels across the peninsula in front of Vicksburg out of range of the enemy’s guns. The attack on Vicksburg, from up the river, had demonstrated the strength of its defensive works on the north, and convinced General Grant that they were too strong to be carried without a very heavy loss. The first step for him to accomplish, therefore, was the transportation of his army below the city, in order to make an attack from the south. The passage by the river was too hazardous to be attempted. The formidable batteries on the river front at Vicksburg were capable of destroying all the transports. Work was therefore recommenced on the canal. While this work was in progress, the river continued to rise rapidly, and great labor was required to keep the water out of the canal, and also out of the camps of the laborers and soldiers. In addition, the rain was incessant, and the magnitude of the work was, from these causes, greatly increased. The earth taken out of the excavation was placed on the west side, and thus formed an embankment or levee, which it was supposed would prevent the water from flooding the country. While a portion of General Grant’s forces were employed in cutting the canal at Young’s Point, their commander, firmly intent on accomplishing the great enterprise before him, was industriously employed in the prosecution of other plans, which might be consummated in the event of a failure in the canal at the peninsula. A channel was cut from the Mississippi into Lake Providence, on the west side of the Mississippi, and another into the Cold Water river on the eastern bank, by way of the Yazoo Pass. While these operations were in progress, a daring enterprise was undertaken by Colonel Charles E. Ellet, commander of the ram steamer Queen of the West, by which he hoped to destroy a formidable rebel steamer called the City of Vicksburg, then lying under the guns of the fortifications at that place. The Queen of the West had been previously provided with all the arrangements deemed necessary to insure the complete success of the dangerous undertaking. Three hundred bales of cotton had been procured further up the river and placed on board, particularly about the machinery, in order to save her from any serious injury by shot and shell from the rebel batteries. Rear-Admiral Porter had given orders that she should proceed down to Vicksburg, destroy the rebel steamboat City of Vicksburg, lying opposite the city, and then run past the lower rebel batteries. The Colonel was directed to keep close to the right bank going down, to have all his lights on board extinguished—as it was intended that she should run the gauntlet in the darkness—and having safely passed the batteries, to anchor below the mouth of the canal and there wait for further orders. The Colonel started with the ram from above the bend at half past four o’clock in the morning. It was about six o’clock, just as the sun was rising, when the ram rounded the point of land lying opposite Vicksburg. She had only men enough on board to work her, it having been arranged that the remainder of the crew would cross the point of land and get on board of her below after she had passed the batteries. When rounding the point she was distinctly seen by the rebels. They immediately opened a heavy fire from several of their batteries, which crowned the crests of the bluffs about the city. The Queen slowly and steadily proceeded down the river under a heavy fire from those batteries, until she reached a point opposite the spot where the steamboat City of Vicksburg was lying. Colonel Ellet saw that the steamboat was lying in almost the same position as was the rebel ram Arkansas when he ran into her with the Queen of the West. If the rebel steamboat should be struck as the ram was running down the river, the prow, instead of penetrating her, would be inclined to glance, and the full force of the blow would thus be lost. Wishing to make the shock as effective as possible, when the ram had reached the proper position the Colonel turned her partly around, so as to face the city, and then made across the river straight for the fated steamboat. The rebels, who had crowded on the banks, scampered off in the most affrighted manner from the shore, and sought safety in the city. The ram still went steadily on to the execution of her destructive errand. She struck the rebel steamboat forward of the wheel-house; but at the moment of collision the current caught the stern of the ram and swung her round so rapidly that nearly all the momentum of the blow was lost. To set the rebel steamboat on fire was part of the arrangement. That portion of the programme was intrusted to Sergeant J. H. Campbell. He was directed to fire the forward guns, loaded with combustible balls saturated with turpentine. As the ram swung round he was ordered to fire them. Just at that moment a 64-pound shot from one of the rebel batteries came crashing into the barricade of cotton near him; but the brave Sergeant did not hesitate a moment in the execution of the order. The guns were fired, a tremendous blaze was vomited forth from them, and the rebel steamboat was in flames. About the same time the ram was found to be on fire. A shell from shore had set her on fire near the starboard wheel, while the discharge of the guns with the combustible balls had fired the cotton on her bow. Both steamboats were thus ablaze at the same time. The flames spread rapidly on both vessels. The smoke from the front of the ram rushed into her engine-room and threatened to suffocate the engineers. Those on board the rebel steamboat did all they could do to extinguish the flames on their boat. This they soon accomplished. Colonel Ellet had intended to strike the rebel steamboat in the stern, and thus finish the work of demolition; but the spreading flames on the Queen of the West made it necessary for him to attend to the safety of his own vessel. He therefore ran down stream, and set all hands on board at work extinguishing the flames. Though the cotton had been wet before starting, the fire was extending rapidly, and several burning bales were thrown overboard in order to save the ram. She then anchored below the mouth of the canal, where she awaited further orders. All this time, both when approaching the city and leaving it, the rebel batteries were blazing away at the Queen of the West with light and heavy guns. It was a very exciting scene. About one hundred and twenty shots were fired from the batteries; but the ram was struck only twelve times, and sustained no material injury. The Queen of the West now proceeded down the Mississippi, and when below Natchez, burned three small rebel steamers, the Moro, Berwick Bay, and A. W. Baker, laden with stores for the army at Vicksburg. After cruising for two weeks in the Atchafalaya, the Red river, and other tributaries of the Mississippi, inflicting serious injury on the rebel commerce, and capturing several vessels, she finally ventured up the Black river, and captured the rebel steamer Era. She proceeded to Fort Taylor, some fifty miles from the mouth of the river, where she grounded on a bar, exposed to the fire of the guns of the fort, and her crew was compelled to abandon the vessel, which fell into the hands of the enemy. Captain Ellet and most of the men succeeded in reaching the Era, and effected their escape. * * * * * When the work on the canal through the peninsula had approached its completion, and the huge iron scoop of the dredging machine had commenced demolishing the barrier which intervened between the bed of the canal and the “Father of Waters,” an unforeseen occurrence, which could not be guarded against, crushed the enterprise. Owing to heavy rains and the rapid rise of the Mississippi above and opposite Vicksburg, the head of the canal gave way, and the water poured in at a tremendous rate. The force of the current, however, did not break the dam near the mouth of the canal, but caused a crevasse on the western side, through which the water flowed in such profusion as to inundate the lower part of the peninsula to the depth of four or five feet. When the fracture occurred a number of soldiers were on the levee, and were thrown into the torrent, but no lives were lost. All attempts to repair the mischief proved ineffectual, and the troops were removed to Milliken’s Bend, fifteen miles above. * * * * * On the 27th of February, Admiral Porter dispatched what was called a dummy Monitor, to run the Vicksburg batteries, in order to ascertain their exact location. This contrivance was an old flatboat, with flour-barrels for smoke stacks, and a couple of large hogsheads to represent Monitor turrets. It ran the fortifications in gallant style, and drew the fire of the rebel guns, without creating a suspicion of the true character of the vessel. The rebel authorities, fearful of the capture of the Indianola, then in an exposed position undergoing repairs, caused that vessel to be blown up to prevent her from falling into the hands of the Federals, and thus uselessly sacrificed the finest iron-clad they had on the western waters. The prudent forethought of General Grant exhibited by his employing a portion of his men in cutting channels from the Mississippi to Providence lake on the west side, and to Moon lake on the east side, was now made apparent, and those works were progressing rapidly. Lake Providence is a few miles south of the boundary line between Arkansas and Louisiana. It is situated in Carroll parish, Louisiana, about one mile west of the Mississippi river, and about seventy-five miles above Vicksburg. It is about six miles in length. Two streams flow out of the lake to the south, Moon bayou and Tensas river. The former, after running about a hundred miles, unites with the latter. The two continue south, and unite with the Washita, and are called after the junction, Black river. By cutting a channel from the Mississippi to Lake Providence, General Grant thought a communication might be had through that lake down the Tensas and Black into the Red river, and thence through the Atchafalaya, with General Banks at New Orleans. This route avoided the batteries of Vicksburg and Port Hudson. The canal to the lake was finished so as to let in water on the 16th of March. The flood was so great as to inundate a large district of country, some of which was fine land for growing cotton. Some boats passed into Lake Providence, but the uncertainty of the channel of the Tensas river, and the interest which was now excited by the Yazoo Pass expedition, together with the unimportant results to be anticipated by removing a large force to the Red river or below, caused a diversion from this route to others presenting more certain prospects of success against Vicksburg. Eight miles below Helena, in Arkansas, and on the opposite side of the river, is a little lake, known as Moon lake. The passage from the Mississippi across the lake to the mouth of the Yazoo Pass is about eight miles; thence through the Pass proper to the Coldwater river, twelve miles. The Coldwater, a narrow stream, runs south, empties into the Tallahatchie, which continues to flow south, and unites with the Yallobusha, forming the Yazoo river, which empties into the Mississippi a few miles above Vicksburg. Another important operation took place on the 14th of March, which had much to do with the success of General Grant’s movements. Admiral Farragut, with his fleet, attacked Port Hudson, and the flagship succeeded in running past the batteries and arriving before Warrenton, when he communicated with the fleet above. Shortly after this Admiral Porter succeeded in running some of his fleet down to the assistance of Farragut, and the united fleets began operating upon the river between Vicksburg and Port Hudson, cutting off the communications of the rebels with Louisiana, and making important military movements on the Louisiana shore. An attempt to pass the rebel batteries at Vicksburg, was made by the Union rams Lancaster and Switzerland, on the 25th of March, without success. As soon as they came within range, the rebels opened a tremendous fire. The Lancaster was struck thirty times. Her entire bow was shot away, causing her to sink immediately. All the crew except two escaped. The Switzerland was disabled by a 64-pound ball penetrating the steam-drum. She floated down, the batteries still firing, and striking her repeatedly, until finally the Albatross ran alongside and towed her to the lower mouth of the canal. An expedition proceeded down the Coldwater, on the 2nd of April, consisting of a portion of General Sherman’s and General McClernand’s corps, under General L. F. Ross, with eighteen transports and five small gunboats, and arrived at the mouth of the river without obstruction. They proceeded down the Tallahatchie, to its junction with the Yallobusha, which there forms the Yazoo, near which point is the village of Greenwood. On a peninsula near by, the rebels had erected a fortification. It consisted of a single line of breastworks facing westerly, composed of cotton bales and earth, and flanked on the right by a battery of three heavy guns fronting the river. Other field-pieces were in position on the works. On the right flank of the line, a defence or raft of logs had been constructed, to serve as a blockade of the river. Directly in front of the breastworks was a deep slough, extending across the peninsula, and admirably serving the purpose of a ditch. The slough was close to the base of the works at the upper end, but gradually receded from them at the lower, where it was several hundred yards distant. Beyond the slough there was an almost impenetrable canebrake, backed by an extensive forest. The reduction of this fort was an inevitable necessity, before the expedition could proceed further, and the gunboat Chillicothe, Lieutenant Foster, was sent forward on the morning of the 11th of April to reconnoitre. The vessel approached the fortification, and fired several shots, but was soon struck four times by heavy rifle shots. At the same time detachments from the Forty-sixth and Forty-seventh Indiana regiments were sent out to feel the Confederate position on the land side. A considerable body of the enemy’s skirmishers were encountered, who were driven across the slough and into the works, when the detachments were withdrawn. In the afternoon the Chillicothe was ordered to engage the fortification. After she had fired seven rounds, a 64-pound shell from the enemy passed through a half-open port striking upon the muzzle of a gun, in which a shell had been placed preparatory to cutting the fuse. Both shells exploded at once, by which three men were killed and eleven wounded. At this time orders were received to withdraw from the engagement. During the ensuing night a force was sent to throw up a battery facing the enemy’s works, west of the slough, and in the edge of the timber. A single 30-pound Parrott gun was mounted, and the work concealed by brush from the view of the enemy. Subsequently another gun was mounted. No attack was made on the 12th, in consequence of the absence of the mortar boats. After some delay, on the 13th, the engagement was commenced about half past ten A. M. by the land batteries. The gunboats Chillicothe and DeKalb soon after approached and opened their fire. It now appeared that the fortification mounted a rifled 64 Parrott, and three 24-Dahlgrens, and a small field battery. These guns were protected by a parapet composed of seven tiers of cotton bales, covered on the outside with eight feet of earth. The contest was bravely maintained for some time, when the fire of the enemy was suspended, but no disposition to surrender was shown. The gunboats and battery kept up the fire, but without any success in reducing the works. The Chillicothe was struck thirty-four times, but not severely injured. The DeKalb suffered more, in consequence of some shot penetrating her casemates, by which one man was killed and five wounded. The impracticable nature of the land approaches rendered any attempt on the part of the military futile, and the expedition was compelled to retire. An expedition under Admiral Porter, consisting of the heavier gunboats of his flotilla was undertaken about this time accompanied by transports, for the purpose of reaching the Yazoo river below Fort Pemberton, and Greenwood, and above Haines’ Bluff. The route of this expedition was up the Yazoo to Cypress bayou, thence into Steele’s bayou, and through Cypress lake to Little Black Fork and Deer creek. These waters were found to be impenetrable to the Federal vessels, and that expedition also proved a failure. PASSING THE VICKSBURG BATTERIES. APRIL 16–22, 1863. General Grant having now fully determined to transport his army below Vicksburg, the cooperation of the naval commander was obtained: and on the 16th of April, three transports, under cover of the gunboats, were in readiness to descend the river. At half-past ten at night Admiral Porter’s vessels started on their perilous expedition down the river. The vessels comprising the expedition started in the following order, fifty yards apart: Benton, Lieutenant-Commander Green; Lafayette, Captain Walker, with the General Price lashed on the starboard side; Louisville, Lieutenant-Commander Owen; Mound City, Lieutenant Wilson; Pittsburg, Lieutenant Hall; Carondolet, Lieutenant Murphy, and Tuscumbia, Lieutenant Commander Shirk, with the tug Day, which was lashed to the Benton. The three army transports were in the rear of these vessels, and the Tuscumbia was placed astern of all. Two of the transports, when the firing became heavy, attempted to run up stream; but Lieutenant Commander Shirk drove them back, and stayed behind them until the Forest Queen was disabled. He then took her in tow, and placed her out of reach of the enemy’s shot. All the vessels except the Benton took coal barges in tow, and all except the Lafayette brought them safely past the batteries. Having the Price alongside the Lafayette did not manage very well, and the coal barge got adrift, but was picked up at New Carthage. The Louisville, Lieutenant Commander Owen, lost hers in the melee, but picked it up again. The Benton fired over eighty shell, well directed, into the town and batteries. The Pittsburg, Mound City and Tuscumbia were more fortunate than the others in not turning round as they came by, although no ill results happened to those vessels which did turn. The pilots were deceived by a large fire started on the side opposite to Vicksburg by the rebels, for the purpose of showing the vessel more plainly. Fires being started on both sides of the river at once, the vessels had some narrow escapes, but were saved in most instances, by the precautions taken to protect them. They were covered with heavy logs and bales of wet hay, which was found to be an excellent defence. No one on board of the transports was injured; and, encouraged by the success of this enterprise, General Grant ordered six more to be prepared in like manner for running the batteries. On the night of the 22d of April the Tigress, Anglo Saxon, Cheeseman, Empire City, Horizona and Moderator, left Milliken’s Bend, and all passed in safety but the Tigress, which received a shot in her hull below water-line, and sunk on the Louisiana shore. CAPTURE OF GRAND GULF, MISS. APRIL 29-MAY 3, 1863. On Wednesday, the 29th of April, a part of the gunboat fleet under Admiral Porter, consisting of the Benton (flagship), Lafayette, Mound City, Pittsburg, Carondolet, Tuscumbia and Louisville, left Hard Times, and steaming down below Coffee Point, engaged the rebel batteries at Grand Gulf, just at the confluence of the Big Black and the Mississippi. The engagement commenced at eight o’clock and lasted until half-past two. The enemy had four batteries at Grand Gulf, one on the rock around which the waters of the Big Black flow into the Mississippi, and three below, about midway between the water and the summit of the bluffs. In the former they had placed four heavy guns, and in the three latter two and three each, with parapets, embrasures and rifle pits. The upper guns were very large, throwing shot and shell weighing one hundred pounds. The lower guns were mostly thirty-two-pounders. The Benton opened the fight, followed by the other gunboats in rapid succession. At first they stood off at long range, and fired at a distance of a mile or more; but as the fire became warm they pressed closely to the bluff, and passed and repassed the batteries, sending broadsides upon the fort whenever they came in position. For six hours where the gunboats firing and receiving fire, until the gradually ceasing explosions of the enemy indicated their desire to terminate the engagement. The Benton suffered considerably in her upper works, not less than a half dozen shots passing entirely through her. One shell exploded in her porthole, killing five men. The Tuscumbia was disabled. Other gunboats were more or less injured, but not seriously. On the same day Admiral Porter sent the following report to the Secretary of the Navy: HON. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy:— I have the honor to inform you that, by an arrangement with General Grant, I attacked the batteries at Grand Gulf this morning, which were very formidable. After a fight of five hours and thirty minutes we silenced the lower batteries, but failed to silence the upper one, which was high, strongly built, and had guns of very heavy calibre. The vessels were unmanageable in the heavy current. It fired but feebly toward the last, and the vessels all laid by and enfiladed it, while I went up a short distance to communicate with General Grant, who concluded to land the troops and march over to a point two miles below Grand Gulf. I sent the Lafayette back to engage the upper batteries, which she did, and drove the soldiers out of it, as it did not respond after a few fires. At six p. m. we attacked the batteries again, and under cover of the fire all the transports passed by in good condition. The Benton, Tuscumbia, and Pittsburg were much cut up, having twenty-four killed and fifty-six wounded, but they are all ready for service. We land the army in the morning on the other side to march on Vicksburg. DAVID D. PORTER, Acting Rear Admiral. On the 30th of April General Grant, with the three selected _corps de armeé_, viz.:—the Thirteenth, General McClernand; the Fifteenth, General Sherman, and the Seventeenth, General McPherson, crossed from the Louisiana side of the Mississippi river and landed at Boulinsburg. The total number of killed in the fleet was twenty-six, and the wounded fifty-four. The bombardment was terrific, the gunboat men exhibiting a coolness, courage and determination which it seemed nothing could resist. The rebels stood bravely to their guns, but the steady and heavy fire of the iron-clads drove them again and again. All the boats were struck repeatedly; but the Tuscumbia was the only one materially damaged. She had her hogchains cut away, and was otherwise so badly damaged that it was deemed advisable to remove her from the scene of action. Finding it useless to protract the contest when the object to be attained could be reached by another way, the gunboats moved out of range and prepared to run the blockade at night. The usual precautions were taken to prevent casualties, and each gunboat carried all the troops it could conveniently accommodate. The transports were filled with troops, and all the barges crowded—so eager were the soldiers to take part in the exciting scene. The gunboats started first, and were subjected to a severe fire, for it was almost as bright as midday; the moon shining from a cloudless sky. When the transports appeared the concentrated fire of the rebel batteries was directed to them; but none of the vessels were disabled. The Cheeseman had six or seven horses killed by the explosion of a shell; but no lives were lost, as far as heard from. General Grant was aboard a tug during the fight, and directed the movement of troops, under cover of the gunboat fire. The forces landed at Bayou Pierre. BOMBARDMENT OF HAINES’ BLUFF. Simultaneous with the land attack on Grand Gulf, General Sherman made a demonstration on Haines’ Bluff on Wednesday morning, April 29. A considerable force was embarked on the transports, and preceded by the iron-clad Choctaw and all the wooden gunboats in the Yazoo, proceeded up that stream. The bombardment at the Bluff was chiefly carried on by the gunboats Choctaw, DeKalb, Black Hawk, Romeo, Linden and three mortar boats. The former was struck fifty-two times, and had her upper works pretty badly battered. Her pilot house was struck by an eight-inch solid shot, which penetrated the extreme top, but fortunately injured none of the occupants. Her turret was struck repeatedly, but the shot all glanced off. She was also penetrated by three shots below the water line, one shot entering three feet below the surface of the water. Another shot penetrated her casemates and floundered on her deck. It was supposed to be a shell, and all hands beat a hasty retreat, except Chief Engineer Baldwin, who ran up, seized it and threw it overboard. General Sherman landed his forces on the south bank of the Yazoo. The main object of the expedition was to prevent the enemy from sending reinforcements to Port Gibson. The rebels displayed a large force, and anticipated a battle. The expedition returned on the 7th of May. * * * * * On the third of May, Admiral Porter took possession of the forts at Grand Gulf. The details of the occupation are narrated in his report to Secretary Welles, of the same date: FLAGSHIP BENTON, GRAND GULF, Miss., May 8, 1863. Hon. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy: SIR—I have the honor to report that I got under way this morning with the Lafayette, Carondolet, Mound City and Pittsburg, and proceeded up to the forts at Grand Gulf, for the purpose of attacking them if they had not been abandoned. The enemy had left before we got up, blowing up their ammunition, spiking their large guns, and burying or taking away the lighter ones. The armament consisted of thirteen guns in all. The works are of the most extensive kind, and would seem to defy the efforts of a much heavier fleet than the one which silenced them. The forts were literally torn to pieces by the accuracy of our fire. Colonel Wade, the commandant of the batteries, was killed; also his chief of staff. Eleven men were killed that we know of, and our informant says that many were wounded, and that no one was permitted to go inside the forts after the action except those belonging there. We had a hard fight for these forts, and it is with great pleasure that I report that the navy holds the door of Vicksburg. Grand Gulf is the strongest place on the Mississippi. Had the enemy succeeded in finishing the fortifications no fleet could have taken them. I have been all over the works and found them as follows:—One fort on a point of rocks seventy-five feet high, calculated for six or seven guns, mounting two seven inch rifles, and one eight-inch and one Parrott gun on wheels, which was carried off. On the left of this work is a triangular work, calculated to mount one heavy gun. These works are connected with another fort by a covered way and double rifle pits extending one quarter of a mile, constructed with much labor, and showing great skill on the part of the constructor. The third fort commands the river in all directions. It mounted one splendid Blakely one hundred-pounder, one eight-inch and two thirty-pounders. The latter were lying bursted or broken on the ground. The gunboats had so covered up everything with earth that it was impossible to see at first what was there, with the exception of the guns that were dismounted or broken. Every gun that fell into our hands was in good condition, and we found a large quantity of ammunition. These are by far the most extensively built works, with the exception of those at Vicksburg, I have seen yet, and I am happy to say that we hold them. I am dismounting the guns, and getting on board the ammunition. Since making the above examination new forts have been passed nearly finished. They had no guns, but were complete as regards position, and had heavy field pieces in them. DAVID D. PORTER, Acting Rear Admiral, Commanding Mississippi Squadron. CAPTURE OF PORT GIBSON, MISS. MAY 1, 1863. Two days after the bombardment of Grand Gulf by Admiral Porter’s fleet, General Grant’s forces made a successful attack on Port Gibson, a point six miles in the rear of Grand Gulf, which compelled the rebels to evacuate the latter place. General Grant sent the following dispatch to General Halleck, dated May 3: GRAND GULF, Miss., May 3, 1863. Major-General HALLECK, General-in-Chief: We landed at Boulingsburg April 30, moved immediately on Port Gibson, met the enemy eleven thousand strong, four miles north of Port Gibson, at two o’clock A. M. on the 1st inst., and engaged him all day, entirely routing him, with the loss of many killed, and about five hundred prisoners, beside the wounded. Our loss is about one hundred killed, and five hundred wounded. The enemy retreated towards Vicksburg, destroying the bridges over the two forks of the Bayou Pierre. These were rebuilt, and the pursuit has continued until the present time. Besides the heavy artillery at this place, four field pieces were captured and some stores, and the enemy were driven to destroy many more. The country is the most broken and difficult to operate in I ever saw. Our victory has been most complete, and the enemy are thoroughly demoralized. Very respectfully, U. S. GRANT, Major-General Commanding. Governor Yates, of Illinois, writing from Grand Gulf, on the following day, gives a glowing account of the operations of the Federal army: “Our arms are gloriously triumphant. We have succeeded in winning a victory which, in its results, must be the most important of the war. The battle of May 1 lasted from eight o’clock in the morning until night, during all of which time the enemy were driven back on the right, left and centre. All day yesterday our army was in pursuit of the rebels, they giving us battle at almost every defensible point, and fighting with desperate valor. Last night a large force of the enemy was driven across Black river and General McClernand was driving another large force in the direction of Willow Springs. About two o’clock yesterday I left General Logan, with his division in pursuit of the enemy, to join General Grant at Grand Gulf, which the enemy had evacuated in the morning, first blowing up their magazines, spiking their cannon, destroying tents, etc. On my way to Grand Gulf I saw guns scattered all along the road, which the enemy had left in their retreat. The rebels were scattered through the woods in every direction. This army of the rebels was considered, as I now learn, invincible; but it quailed before the irresistible assaults of Northwestern valor.” GRIERSON’S RAID. APRIL 17–MAY 2, 1863. For a long time Colonel Grierson’s ambition had been to lead the cavalry force under his charge into the enemy’s country. At last he received an intimation from General Grant’s headquarters that his desire would be gratified. Colonel Grierson commanded the First brigade of cavalry under General Grant. This force had been for some time occupying Lagrange, Tenn., which is a small town on the Memphis and Charleston railroad, about fifty miles east of the city of Memphis, and four miles west of the junction of the Mississippi and Charleston railroads. When Colonel Grierson first received permission to move with his force into Mississippi, one of the chief objects of the expedition was to cut off the means of communication between the rebel army of the West, and that of General Bragg, then in Middle Tennessee; but when the expedition was once begun, it branched off into many unthought-of directions, and ended in being one of the most brilliant, as well as important feats of the war. On the morning of the 17th of April, Colonel Grierson received orders from General Grant to move his force out on the Ripley road; accordingly, his brigade, consisting of the Sixth Illinois cavalry, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Loomis; the Seventh Illinois cavalry, Colonel Edward Prince; and the Second Iowa cavalry, Colonel Edward Hatch, obeying the directions they had received, bivouacked for the night on a plantation a few miles northwest of the town of Ripley. During the night five guerrillas were captured by the Union men. On the morning of the next day the march began; the main body of Colonel Grierson’s men proceeded in a southerly direction, while one regiment, the Second Iowa, crossed the Tallahatchie, and went in a southeasterly direction. On both sides of the river the enemy’s pickets were posted in all directions, endeavoring to prevent the Union soldiers from crossing, and there was constant skirmishing between them and the rebels. The pickets were constantly driven in; and an attempt to fire the bridge at New Albany was prevented by the rapid movements of Grierson’s men. At the close of the day the Union troops had accomplished their contemplated march, and were stationed as follows: the Sixth and Seventh Illinois regiments were encamped on a plantation a few miles south of New Albany, and the Second Iowa about four miles east of the same place. The Second Iowa, during the night, repulsed a severe attack of the enemy. On the morning of the 19th, Colonel Grierson dispersed his troops in various directions, with a view to mislead the enemy, and cause him to suppose that the main object of the expedition was to break up the various military organizations in that part of the country. Accordingly, one detachment marched to the eastward, another moved back toward New Albany, and a third marched northwest towards King’s Bridge; and the enemy was thus completely puzzled and in total ignorance of the real destination of the Union forces. Colonel Grierson himself, with the main body of his command, marched in a southerly direction, and were subsequently joined by the remainder of the force, when they took the road to Pontotoc. There they met a detachment of the rebels, who fled before them, after the exchange of a few shots, and were hotly pursued, and driven through the town. Their entire camp equipage was captured, and a large store of salt, which was destroyed. The march was then continued till about eight o’clock at night, and the men encamped at a point on the road leading to Houston, a few miles south of the Pontotoc. At an early hour on the following morning the reveille was sounded. Major Lull of the Second Iowa, with about one hundred and fifty picked men, and one piece of artillery, was then sent back to Lagrange in charge of all the prisoners and captured property which had been taken from the rebels, in order that the force might be relieved of all incumbrance, and the enemy made to suppose that Colonel Grierson was retracing his steps. At five o’clock on the morning of the 21st, Colonel Hatch was ordered with his command to proceed up the Columbus road, and destroy as much of the Mobile and Ohio railroad as was possible; and to attack Columbus These orders were successfully carried out; and Colonel Hatch, with the troops under his command returned to Lagrange, and thus aided in still further deceiving General Chalmers (who was in command of the rebels at this point) in regard to the movements of Colonel Grierson. In the mean time the remainder of the Union forces had continued their march, and reached Starkville, where they captured and destroyed a rebel mail which had arrived; and set fire to and utterly destroyed one of the finest tanneries in the country, which they reached after continuing their march for five miles in a southerly direction. On the following day, the 22d, the march was not only disagreeable, as the men were often compelled to swim their horses through streams and lead them over blind marshes, but extremely perilous; for often horse and rider would sink into the marsh together, and though the men escaped with life, the hapless animals often disappeared and were lost. With unparalleled fortitude the men pushed on; and at ten o’clock the next morning they reached Philadelphia, Miss. At this place the mail was taken from the post-office, and destroyed, but nothing else was injured in any way. On the following day the march was vigorously prosecuted. A battalion was sent by the Southern railroad to Decatur and Newton, where they were joined the same night by the main body, under Colonel Grierson. Two trains of cars were captured at Newton, laden with every description of commissary stores, and a large quantity of ammunition and loaded shell. All were destroyed, and the locomotives rendered unfit for any further service. The march was then resumed, and continued till the 25th, when a halt was made at a plantation a few miles west of Montrose, the men having fired every bridge which they passed on the way. From this place the route was slightly changed, and the cavalry pressed on in a more southerly direction. At Raleigh they halted for the night, and a scout who had been sent out to cut the telegraph wires on the Southern railroad between Lake Station and Jackson, was met by the enemy, and questioned as to the whereabouts of Grierson’s men. The rebels were then on the direct road to the camp, and not more than fourteen miles distant; but the scout, with admirable self-possession, parried their questions, and succeeded in misleading them as to the position of the Union troops, and then escaped and hastened back to camp in time to give information of the enemy’s proximity. Colonel Grierson immediately moved his men across Leaf river, and destroyed the bridge to prevent the rebels following and attacking him in the rear. They then marched on to Westville, and swam their horses across Reaul river, at a point ten miles from Westville. The advance, under Colonel Prince, had by this time reached Hazlehurst station, where they captured a train of forty cars,—four of which were filled with shell and ammunition, and the remainder with commissary stores. As the march continued, the cavalry came upon a team carrying a 32-pound Parrot gun, which was then on its way to Fort Gibson. The piece was captured and spiked. Two detachments from the main body had been doing serious damage to the rebels, burning cars, water tanks, and a great deal of other property. At early dawn on the 28th, the advance moved upon Brookhaven, and entered the town so suddenly that two hundred rebels were taken prisoners, before they had recovered from their surprise at finding themselves confronted with Union soldiers. At Gallatin a camp of instruction, said to have been one of the most beautiful and extensive in the State, was utterly destroyed. After leaving Gallatin, the Union cavalry encountered a rebel cavalry force under Colonel Garland, and a skirmish occurred, in which the enemy suffered severely in killed, wounded, and prisoners. Two clever feints, menacing Port Gibson and Natchez, deceived the enemy again, and the main body marched straight forward to Brookhaven, which was already occupied by Colonel Grierson’s advance. On the 30th, the whole force left Brookhaven, and proceeded to Bogue Cluto Station, destroying every bridge on the way. At the station, fifteen freight cars, which were standing on the track, partially loaded, were fired, and utterly destroyed. From that point to Summit a rapid march was performed, and there twenty-five freight cars were reduced to ashes. Information was sent to Colonel Grierson that a regiment of rebel cavalry was rapidly moving toward Wassitta, and they were discovered at Wall’s bridge on the Tickfaw, by a detachment of Union cavalry, who dashed in upon them, and killing and wounding a large number, put the rest to flight. Colonel Grierson’s loss was one killed and five wounded. The march again continued, at first east of the Tickfaw, and then changing again continued directly south, marching through woods, lanes and by-roads, and struck a road which led directly from Clinton to Osyka. There the cavalry came most unexpectedly upon the Ninth Tennessee cavalry regiment, which was posted in a strong defile guarding the bridges across the Tickfaw river. A sharp skirmish ensued, in which the enemy’s pickets were captured, and the regiment driven back with great loss. The cavalry then crossed the river at Edward’s bridge, where they were met by Garland’s rebel cavalry, which they put to flight with a single battalion of the Sixth Illinois, and two guns of the battery, without even halting the column. It was clearly perceived now that the rebels were sending out forces in all directions to intercept the march of Colonel Grierson’s troops. At midnight the Amite river was crossed, over which there was but one bridge; and the National troops were just in time to escape a heavy column of infantry and artillery which had been sent to intercept them. They moved on to Sandy creek, where Hughes’ cavalry, under Lieutenant-Colonel Wilburn, were encamped, and reached that point at dawn of day. The rebel camp, completely surprised, was in no condition to make a successful resistance, and a large number of the enemy were taken prisoners; the camp, consisting of one hundred and fifty tents, was destroyed, together with a great quantity of ammunition, guns, public and private stores, books, papers, and public documents. A large number of horses were captured also; and the cavalry then took the road to Baton Rouge, and on the way surprised Stuart’s cavalry at Commite river, and took prisoner forty men with their arms and horses. On the morning of the 1st of May, the commander at Baton Rouge was startled by the intelligence of the close proximity of Grierson’s cavalry, and sent out two companies under Captain Godfrey, to meet and welcome them. The troops entered the city at three o’clock in the afternoon, amid cheers and shouts of welcome that rent the air, and echoed along the hills toward Port Hudson. Thus in less than sixteen days this heroic cavalry force had marched over six hundred miles, over marshes and rivers, endangering their lives for whole days at every mile they traversed. The last twenty-eight hours’ march was performed without either rest or food to men or horses. The loss to Colonel Grierson’s command during the whole journey was three killed, seven wounded, five sick and left upon the route, and nine men missing. Of the enemy, over one hundred were killed and wounded; five hundred taken prisoners (many of them officers); from fifty to sixty miles of railroad and telegraph wire destroyed, and three thousand stand of arms, together with army stores and government property, captured and destroyed—making in all a loss to the rebels of over three million dollars. BATTLE OF RAYMOND, MISS. MAY 12, 1863. On Thursday, May 7th, General McPherson moved his corps to Rocky Spring, and his camp was occupied next day by General Sherman. On Saturday McPherson again moved to the eastward, to the village of Utica, crossing the road occupied by McClernand, and leaving the latter on his left. On Sunday morning McClernand marched to Five Mile creek, and encamped on the south bank at noon, on account of broken bridges, which were repaired the same day. Monday morning Sherman’s corps came up, passed McClernand’s, and encamped that night at the village of Auburn, about ten miles south of Edwards’ Station, on the railroad from Vicksburg to Jackson. As soon as it passed, McClernand’s corps followed a few miles, and then took a road going obliquely to the left, leading to Hall’s Ferry, on the Big Black river. Thus, on Monday evening General McClernand was at Hall’s Ferry; General Sherman was at Auburn, six or eight miles to the northeast, and General McPherson was about eight miles still further to the northeast, a few miles north of Utica. The whole formed an immense line of battle, Sherman’s corps being in the centre, with those of McPherson and McClernand forming the right and left wings. From Grand Gulf the army marched westward, but, by these last movements, swung on the left as a pivot, and fronted nearly northward. [Illustration: UNION HEROES MARCY. HARNEY. MITCHELL. MILROY. AUGUR.] Up to this the enemy had not appeared on the line of march. On Tuesday morning General McClernand’s advance drove in the enemy’s pickets near Hall’s Ferry, and brisk skirmishing ensued for an hour or two, with little loss to either side. By noon the rebels had disappeared from his front, and seven wounded and none killed was the total Union loss. General Sherman put Steele’s division in motion early in the morning, and came upon the enemy at the crossing of Fourteen Mile creek four miles from Auburn. The cavalry advance was fired into from the thick woods that skirt the stream, but was unable, owing to the nature of the ground, to make a charge or clear the rebels from their position. Landgraber’s battery was thrown to the front, supported by the Seventeenth Missouri and Thirty-first Iowa infantry regiments, and threw a few shell into the bushy undergrowth skirting the stream which gave them cover. Skirmishers were thrown out, and advanced to the creek, driving the enemy slowly. A brigade was thrown to the right and left flanks, when the rebel forces, mainly cavalry, withdrew toward Raymond. The bridge was burned during the skirmish, but a crossing was constructed in two hours, and trains were passing before noon. But the principal opposition to the line of march was in the front of General McPherson. General Logan’s division came upon a body of rebel troops, estimated at about ten thousand, posted on Fondren’s creek, two miles southwest of this, at ten o’clock on Tuesday morning. Brisk skirmishing began at once, and a general engagement was soon brought on. The enemy (as in front of General Sherman), was almost wholly concealed at first by the woods bordering the stream, behind which their forces were posted. Their artillery was on an eminence that commanded our approach. The Federal troops had to cross an open field, exposed to a terrible fire. The First and Second brigades, commanded by General J. E. Smith, and General Fennis (both Illinois regiments), were in the thickest of the fight, and suffered most. After three hours’ hard fighting, the enemy withdrew sullenly in two columns, the principal one taking the road to Jackson. The Federal loss, in killed, wounded, and missing, was about three hundred. The rebel loss was much greater. CAPTURE OF JACKSON, MISS. MAY 14, 1863. On the 13th, General McPherson moved to Clinton, and destroyed the railroads and telegraph. General Sherman moved to a parallel position on the Mississippi Springs and Jackson road, and General McClernand to a point near Raymond. On the 14th General McPherson and General Sherman each advanced from his respective position toward Jackson. The rain had fallen in torrents during the night before, and it continued to fall until about noon, thus making the roads at first slippery and then miry. Nevertheless, the troops marched in excellent order and spirits about fourteen miles, when they came upon the enemy. The main body of their force in Jackson had marched out on the Clinton road, and encountered General McPherson about two and a half miles from the city. A small force of artillery and infantry also took a strong position in front of General Sherman, about the same distance out from Jackson. On the march of General McPherson from Clinton toward Jackson, General Crocker’s division held the advance. All was quiet until he reached a hill overlooking a broad open field, through the centre of which and over the crest of the hill beyond, the road to Jackson passed. On the left of this latter hill the enemy had posted his artillery, and along the crest his line of battle. As the Federal force came within range, the artillery of the enemy opened fire. The battery of the First Missouri was moved to the left of a cotton gin in the open field, and returned the fire for nearly an hour, when the guns of the enemy were withdrawn. Meantime, General Crocker had thrown out two brigades to the right and left of his battery, supported by another brigade at a proper distance, and had also pushed forward a strong line of skirmishers, and posted them in a ravine in front, which protected them from the fire of the enemy. After a little delay they were again advanced out of cover, and a desultory fire ensued between the opposite line of skirmishers, in which the enemy, owing to the nature of the ground, had the advantage. At length General Crocker, seeing the necessity of driving the rebels from the crest of the hill, ordered a charge along the line. With colors flying, and with a step as measured and unbroken as if on dress parade, the movement was executed. Slowly they advanced, crossed the narrow ravine, and, with fixed bayonets, reached the crest of the hill in easy range of the rebel line. Here they received a tremendous volley, which caused painful gaps in their ranks. They held their fire until they were within a distance of thirty paces, when they delivered the returning volley with fearful effect, and, without waiting to reload their muskets, with a terrific yell, they rushed upon the staggered foe. Over the fences, through the brushwood into the enclosure, they worked their way, slaughtering on the right and left without mercy. The enemy, astonished at their impetuosity, wavered and fell back, rallied again, and finally broke in wild confusion. They finally retreated north, but without further damage. When General Sherman encountered the enemy, he discovered their weakness by sending a reconnoitering party to his right, which had the effect of causing them to retreat from that part of their line. A few artillerists, however, remained in their places, firing upon General Sherman’s troops until the last moment. At this time General McClernand occupied Clinton with one division, Mississippi Springs with another, Raymond with a third, and his fourth division and General Blair’s division of General Sherman’s corps were with a wagon train, still in the rear, near Auburn. At the same time General McArthur, with one brigade of his division of General McPherson’s corps, was moving toward Raymond on the Utica road. It was not the intention of General Grant to move these forces any nearer Jackson, but to have them in a position where they could be in supporting distance if the resistance at Jackson should prove more obstinate than there seemed any reason to expect. On the retreat of the enemy, General McPherson followed directly into the city of Jackson. A fine battery of six pieces was found, and around the Deaf and Dumb Institute, which was used as a hospital, tents enough were seized to encamp an entire division. The commissary and quartermaster’s stores were in flames. The Governor and State Treasurer had withdrawn, taking the State funds and papers. All citizens officially connected with the State or Confederate Governments had also left. Many soldiers remained, besides a large number in the hospital. Early on the morning of the day following the occupation of the city of Jackson it was decided to evacuate the position. There were several reasons which induced General Grant to arrive at this decision, prominent among which was the difficulty of keeping intact his long line of communication, and the fear that General Johnston—who was known to be hovering in the region north of Jackson with a force estimated at twenty thousand men—would attack his rear. The force which he encountered just before reaching Jackson, under General Gregg, had divided, one portion going to Canton from the north, and the other from the south. Johnston and Gregg combined might prove altogether too formidable. It was therefore decided to return to Clinton and move upon Vicksburg. The main column of the enemy was at Edwards’ Station, proposing to give battle there. Soon after daylight the column was in motion, General McPherson in advance. They reached Clinton at noon, and after an hour’s delay marched to their camping ground, a short distance from the village of Bolton. The programme of the advance was arranged by General Grant and General McClernand as follows:—Extreme left, General Smith, supported by General Blair; on the right of General Smith, General Osterhaus, supported by General Carr; General Hovey in the centre, with McPherson on the extreme right, and Crocker as reserve. In this order the advance was made; General McClernand’s corps, with the exception of General Hovey’s division, reaching the position by way of the several roads leading from Raymond to Edward’s Station. On the evening of the 15th, General McClernand heard that the enemy was advancing from Edwards’ Station to Raymond, and quickly placed his troops in order of battle to repel the anticipated attack. Extensive reconnoissances revealed the fact, however, that he was merely feeling his position and force, and that no attack need be expected that day. At nine in the morning, General Osterhaus took possession of Bolton, capturing a rebel mail and several prisoners. General McClernand placed his army in camp early in the evening, and by daylight the following day each division occupied the ground selected, and prepared to offer battle. BATTLE OF BAKER’S CREEK, OF CHAMPION HILL, MISS. MAY 16, 1863. Early this morning General McClernand’s corps was put in motion. General Hovey’s division was on the main road from Jackson to Vicksburg, but the balance of the corps was a few miles to the south. General Ward was on a parallel road, and General McPherson’s corps followed Hovey’s division closely. The enemy’s first demonstration was upon the Union extreme left, which they attempted to turn. This attempt was most gallantly repulsed by General Smith, commanding the left wing. At seven o’clock the skirmishers were actively engaged; and as the enemy sought the cover of the forest the Union artillery fire was opened, which continued without intermission for two hours. At this time General Ransom’s brigade marched on the field, and took up a position as reserve behind General Carr. At nine o’clock General Hovey discovered the enemy in front on Champion Hill, to the left of the road, near Baker’s creek, apparently in force. Skirmishers were thrown out, and the division advanced cautiously and slowly to give General McPherson’s advance division under General Logan time to come within supporting distance. General Hovey’s division advanced across the other field at the foot of Champion Hill in line of battle. At eleven o’clock the battle commenced. The hill itself was covered with timber, and is, in fact, but an abrupt terminus of a high ridge, running north and south, flanked on both sides by deep ravines and gulleys, and in many places covered with an impenetrable growth of scrubby white oak brush. The rebels appeared deficient in artillery throughout the battle, but opened with rather a heavy fire from a four-gun battery of rifled six-pounders, planted about four hundred yards back from the brow of the hill. The woods on both sides of the road leading up the face of the hill, and winding back on the ridge a mile or more, were filled with sharpshooters, supported by infantry. Here the battle began just as the Federals entered the edge of the timber, and raged terribly from eleven till between three and four o’clock. The battle raged fearfully along the entire line, the evident intention of the enemy being to mass his forces upon Hovey on the centre. There the fight was most earnest; but General McPherson brought his forces into the field, and after four hours’ hard fighting the tide of battle was turned, and the enemy forced to retire. Disappointed in his movements upon the Union right, he turned his attention to the left of Hovey’s division, where Colonel Slack commanded a brigade of Indianians. Massing his forces here he hurled them against the opposing columns with irresistible impetuosity, and forced them to fall back; not, however, until at least one quarter of the troops comprising the brigade were either killed or wounded. Taking a new position, and receiving fresh reinforcements, the Federals again attempted to stem the tide, this time with eminent success. The enemy were beaten back, and compelled to seek the cover of the forest in their rear. Following up their advantage, without waiting to reform, the soldiers of the Western army fixed their bayonets and charged into the woods after them. The enemy were seized with an uncontrollable panic and thought only of escape. In this terrible charge men were slaughtered without mercy. The ground was literally covered with the dead and dying. The enemy scattered in every direction, and fled through the fields to reach the column now moving to the west along the Vicksburg road. General Hovey’s division carried the heights in gallant style, and, making a dash on the first battery, drove the gunners from their posts, and captured the pieces. The rebels lay thick in the vicinity of the guns. Their horses were more than half killed, their gun carriages and caissons broken, and knapsacks, blankets, small arms and other debris, attested the deadly struggle. The colors of the Thirty-first Alabama regiment were captured there. At this juncture Mitchell’s Ohio battery was opened at about eighty yards from the brow of the hill. The rebels made a dash for it; but the fleetness of the horses prevented its capture. At the same time the rebels appeared with fresh troops on that wing, and redoubled their efforts to hold their position and dislodge the Federals on the hill. Hovey was slowly driven back to the brow; but a brigade from General Quimby was ordered to his support, and the ground was speedily recovered and the rebels finally repulsed. At the commencement of the engagement General Logan’s division marched past the brow of the hill, and, forming in line of battle on the right of Hovey, advanced in grand style, sweeping everything before them. At the edge of the wood in front of Logan the battle was most desperate. Not a man flinched nor a line wavered in this division. All behaved like veterans, and moved to new positions with a conscious tread of victory. Two batteries were captured by this division, and enough hard fighting done to establish its fame. They also captured a large portion of the prisoners, small arms, &c. Between three and four o’clock General Osterhaus and General McArthur’s divisions came into action on the extreme left, and completed what had been so auspiciously carried forward. They were both miles away when the engagement began, but were brought forward with all dispatch possible. The enemy were in full retreat. The battle ended, the left was speedily advanced upon the Vicksburg road, driving the enemy rapidly before them, and picking up as they advanced large numbers of prisoners and guns. On the left of the road were seen large squads of rebel soldiers, cut off from the main column, who engaged at intervals with artillery. One of these was under the command of Major-General Tilghman, who was struck by a shell from a Federal battery and instantly killed while in the act of sighting a gun. The Federal loss in this battle amounted to three thousand in killed and wounded; while that of the rebels approximated two thousand five hundred in killed and wounded and three thousand prisoners. Major-General Lloyd Tilghman, of the rebel army, was a native of Maryland, and nearly fifty years of age. He was appointed to West Point Military Academy as a cadet in 1831, and graduated on the 30th of June, 1836, standing last but three in a class of forty-nine members. On the 1st of July, 1836, he was breveted a second lieutenant of the First dragoons, rather a high brevet for an officer occupying so low a grade in the Academy; but when we consider who were the appointing officers at that time, and the position the same men held in the war, our readers need not wonder at the appointment. Three days after that date he received his full commission and after being in the army for three months he resigned, plainly showing that he merely wished to gain a military education at the expense of the United States government, for which he gave nothing in return but rebellion. During the remainder of 1836 and the subsequent year he was appointed to the lucrative position of division engineer of the Baltimore and Susquehanna Railroad, followed immediately by that of assistant engineer in the survey of the Norfolk and Wilmington Canal of Virginia. He was next appointed (1838–9) assistant engineer of the Eastern Shore Railroad of Maryland, and in 1839–40 of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. During 1840 he was also engaged in the survey of the public improvements of Baltimore. For the next few years he held no important public position; but the Mexican war again brought him into notoriety. He first served as volunteer aid to General Twiggs in the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, Texas, May, 1846, and doubtless here learned some of his early military lessons. Orders were now sent back to General Sherman to turn his corps toward Bridgeport, and General Blair was expected to join him at that place. Bridgeport was on the Black river, and some miles north of the railroad. By crossing the river at that point, General Sherman would be on the flank of the enemy, if they made a stand at the railroad crossing of the river. BATTLE OF BIG BLACK BRIDGE, MISS. MAY 17, 1863. The battle of Big Black Bridge was fought on Sunday, the 17th, the day after the battle of Champion’s Hill. In this spirited engagement only the Thirteenth army corps was engaged. In the morning, after a bivouac on the hill overlooking the village of Edwards’ Station, the column, with McClernand at its head, moved towards Black river bridge. The country between Edwards Station and the bridge loses that hilly and broken character which distinguishes the region further east, and spreads out into a broad and fertile plain. There are no commanding hills, but there are numerous patches of forest, under the cover and from the edge of which the enemy could easily enfilade the open fields by the roadside. There was such a one a mile east of the rebel intrenchments where the main picket guard was stationed. Here determined resistance was first made. General Carr’s division had the extreme advance of the column, and opened and ended the engagement. Hastily deploying a heavy line of skirmishers to the right of the road, backed up by the two brigades of Carr’s division in line of battle behind it, with General Osterhaus’ division on the left of the road similarly disposed, General McClernand gave the order to advance. Soon in the depths of the thick forest the skirmishers of both armies were hotly engaged, while batteries of artillery planted on the right and left of the road poured shot and shell into the fort most furiously. The guns in the intrenchments replied with vigor and spirit. Almost the first shot dropped in the caisson belonging to Foster’s Wisconsin battery, and exploded its contents, slightly wounding General Osterhaus and Captain Foster, of the battery, and very seriously injuring two gunners. General Osterhaus being thus disabled, the command of his division was temporarily given to Brigadier-General A. L. Lee. After skirmishing had continued for an hour, during which the enemy gave way and sought the cover of his intrenchments, the order was given to the several brigade commanders on the right to advance and charge the enemy’s works. The order was received with cheers and shouts, and the Twenty-first, Twenty-second, Twenty-third Iowa and Eleventh Wisconsin, General Lawler’s brigade, were the first to announce themselves in readiness. The order “forward” was given, and steadily and splendidly the brave patriots moved up to the assault. The enemy crouched down behind the breastworks. A portion of them, stationed in a curtain on the right of the fort, whence they were able to get a cross-fire upon the column, reserved their volley until the Federals were within easy range of the intrenchments, when they swept the advancing line with their terrible fire. The brave soldiers lost in that fearful volley one hundred and fifty men; yet they faltered not nor turned their steps backwards. They waded the bayou, delivering their fire as they reached the other bank, and rushed upon the enemy with fixed bayonets. So quickly was all this accomplished, that the rebels had not time to reload their guns, and were forced to surrender. The battle was ended, and the fort, with three thousand prisoners, eighteen pieces of artillery, several thousand stand of arms, and a large supply of corn and commissary stores, fell into the hands of the Federals. The enemy had, earlier in the day, out of the hulls of three steamboats, constructed a bridge, over which he had passed the main body of his army. As the charge was made, and it became evident that the Unionists would capture the position, the rebels burned this bridge, and also the railroad bridge across the river just above. In the afternoon several attempts were made to cross the river, but the rebel sharpshooters lined the bluffs beyond, and entirely prevented it. Later, the main body of sharpshooters were dispersed by the Federal artillery. It was not, however, safe to stand upon the bank, or cross the open field east of the bridge until after dark, when the enemy withdrew altogether. By this time, General Sherman had reached Bridgeport on the Black river, just above. The only pontoon train was with him. By the morning of the 18th he had crossed the river and was ready to march on Vicksburg. Generals McClernand and McPherson caused floating bridges to be constructed during the night, and were ready to cross their troops by eight o’clock on the next morning. General Sherman commenced his march by the Bridgeport and Vicksburg road on the 18th, and, when within three and a half miles of Vicksburg, he turned to the right to get possession of Walnut Hills and the Yazoo river. This was successfully accomplished before night. General McPherson crossed the Black river above the road to Jackson, and came into the same road with General Sherman, but in his rear. His advance arrived after nightfall at the point where General Sherman turned to the right. General McClernand moved by the Jackson and Vicksburg road to Mount Albans, in the rear of Vicksburg, and there turned to the left to get into the Baldwin’s Ferry road. By this disposition the three army corps covered all the ground their strength would admit of, and by the morning of the 19th the investment of Vicksburg was made as complete as could be by the forces under the command of General Grant. Communication was now opened with the fleet above Vicksburg, and General Grant’s supplies were thenceforth received from the Yazoo, instead of from Grand Gulf. CAPTURE OF HAINES’S BLUFF. MAY 18, 1863. The operations of Rear-Admiral Porter, which had an important bearing on the movements of General Grant’s army at that time, are thus detailed in the reports of that officer, and of Lieutenant Walker. FLAG SHIP BLACK HAWK, } HAINES’S BLUFF, YAZOO RIVER, _May 20th_. } To Hon. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy: On the morning of the 16th I came over to the Yazoo to be ready to cooperate with General Grant, leaving two of the iron-clads at Red river, one at Grand Gulf, one at Carthage, three at Warrenton, and two in the Yazoo, which left me a small force. Still I disposed of them to the best advantage. On the 18th, at meridian, firing was heard in the rear of Vicksburg, which assured me that General Grant was approaching the city. The cannonading was kept up furiously for some time, when, by the aid of glasses, I discovered a company of artillery advancing, taking position, and driving the rebels before them. I immediately saw that General Sherman’s division had come on to the left of Snyder’s Bluff, and that the rebels at that place had been cut off from joining the forces in the city. I dispatched the DeKalb, Lieutenant-Commander Walker, the Choctaw, Lieutenant-Commander Ramsay, the Borneo, and Forest Rose, all under command of Lieutenant-Commander Breese, up the Yazoo, to open communication in that way with Generals Grant and Sherman. This I succeeded in doing, and in three hours received letters from Generals Grant, Sherman, and Steele, informing me of this vast success, and asking me to send up provisions, which was at once done. In the mean time, Lieutenant-Commander Walker in the DeKalb pushed on to Haines’s Bluff, which the enemy had commenced evacuating the day before, and a party remained behind in the hopes of destroying or taking away a large amount of ammunition on hand. When they saw the gunboats they ran away and left everything in good order, guns, forts, tents, and equipage of all kinds, which fell into our hands. As soon as the capture of Haines’s Bluff and the fourteen forts was reported to me, I shoved up the gunboats from below to fire on the hill batteries, which fire was kept up for two or three hours. At midnight they moved up to the town and opened on it for about an hour, and continued at intervals during the night to annoy the garrison. On the 19th I placed six mortars in position, with orders to fire night and day as rapidly as they could. The works at Haines’s Bluff are very formidable. There are fourteen of the heaviest kind of mounted eight and ten inch and seven and a half inch rifle guns, with ammunition enough to last a long siege. As the gun carriages might again fall into the hands of the enemy, I had them burned, blew up the magazine, and destroyed the works generally. I also burned up the encampments, which were permanently and remarkably well constructed, looking as though the rebels intended to stay some time. Their works and encampments covered many acres of ground, and the fortifications and rifle pits proper of Haines’s Bluff extend about a mile and a quarter. Such a network of forts I never saw. As soon as I got through with the destruction of the magazines and other works, I started Lieutenant-Commander Walker up the Yazoo river with sufficient force to destroy all the enemy’s property in that direction, with orders to return with all dispatch, and only to proceed as far as Yazoo City, where the rebels have a navy yard and storehouses. In the mean time General Grant has closely invested Vicksburg, and has possession of the best commanding points. In a very short time a general assault will take place, when I hope to announce that Vicksburg has fallen, after a series of the most brilliant successes that ever attended an army. There never has been a case during the war where the rebels have been so successfully beaten at all points, and the patience and endurance shown by our army and navy for so many months is about being rewarded. It is a mere question of a few hours, and then, with the exception of Port Hudson, which will follow Vicksburg, the Mississippi will be open its entire length. [Signed] D. D. PORTER, Commanding Mississippi Squadron. * * * * * U. S. STEAMER BARON DEKALB, } MOUTH YAZOO RIVER, May 23d. } SIR: I have the honor to report that in obedience to your order, I started from Snyder’s Bluff on the 20th, with the DeKalb, Choctaw, Forest Rose, Linden, and Petrel, on an expedition to Yazoo City. Arriving at Haines’s Bluff, I landed a force and spiked an 8-inch gun on the fort there, and burned the carriage. I also burned some forty tents left standing, and a steam sawmill. Arriving at Yazoo City at one P. M., 20th, I was met by a committee of citizens, who informed me that the place had been evacuated by the military authorities, and asking protection. The navy yard and vessels had been fired by the enemy. I sent a working party to insure the destruction of everything valuable to the rebels. The vessels burned were the Mobile, a screw vessel, ready for plating; the Republic, which was being fitted out for a ram; and a vessel on the stocks—a monster, three hundred and ten feet long, seventy-five feet beam. The navy yard contained five saw and planing mills, an extensive machine shop, carpenter and blacksmith shops, and all necessary fixtures for a large building and repairing yard, which, with a very large quantity of lumber, were burned. I also burned a large sawmill above the town. Most of the public stores had been removed; such as I found in town were taken on board the vessels or destroyed. Enclosed I send a list of articles removed or destroyed by Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Brown, the officer detailed for that purpose. In the hospital I found and paroled one thousand five hundred prisoners, a list of whom I enclose. Returning, I left Yazoo City this morning, arriving here at four P. M. At Liverpool Landing, in a sharp bend in the river, we were attacked by some field guns, and about two hundred riflemen concealed in the bushes, and for a few minutes the firing was very sharp. The enemy retreated as soon as the vessels got into position to use their guns with effect. The Petrel, Linden, and Choctaw were struck with shot, but received no particular injury. Sergeant Stockinger, of this vessel, was killed by a rifle shot. The Linden had five wounded, the Petrel two, and the Choctaw one. Most of the wounds are slight. BOMBARDMENT AND ASSAULT OF VICKSBURG. MAY 19–23, 1863. After encompassing Vicksburg as closely as the nature of the locality and the numerical force under his command would permit, General Grant lost no time in preparing for a direct assault on the place, in combination with a grand naval attack by the fleet. During the 19th, there was a continued skirmishing, and General Grant was not without hope of carrying the works. After the storming of the rebel position on the Big Black river, and the enemy had been driven within the fortifications of Vicksburg, their army was reorganized, and placed as follows: General Smith’s division on the extreme left, Major-General Forney in the centre, and Major-General Stephenson on the right. Brigadier-General Bowen’s division or Missourians held the reserve. General Grant ordered an assault at an earlier day than was desirable, as there was danger of General Pemberton being reinforced by an army under General Johnson, which was then gathering strength, and advancing in the rear. A general assault was made at two o’clock on the 19th. This was made by the Fifteenth army corps, which arrived in time before the works on the previous day to get a good position. The Thirteenth and Seventeenth corps succeeded in gaining an advanced position covered from the fire of the enemy. A Confederate report of the action is as follows: “On Tuesday morning, before daylight, they opened fire from their batteries, our guns responding immediately, and at ten o’clock, advanced to the assault in a rather ridiculous manner. They advanced their flags close to the works, their negro troops in front, and lay down. Bowen’s gallant Missourians never fired a shot. The other regiments then marched up, and the whole assaulting column, forlorn hope and all, marched within easy musket range. “At the word ‘forward—charge!’ they received our fire, shattering their ranks frightfully. They rallied, closed up and stood to it for thirty minutes, when they broke and fled. They were rallied to the charge four successive times and met with the same storm of iron hail and leaden rain. The whole field was literally covered for one mile with their dead and wounded, where they were still lying on Thursday night, unburied and without attention.” Another Confederate writes: “The days intervening from the 19th to the 22d were spent in one continued bombarding and sharpshooting during the day; in the night they generally ceased firing. On the morning of the 22d, the enemy opened a terrific fire with their Parrot guns, and continued it till about eleven o’clock, when the bombardment ceased, and heavy columns of the enemy could be seen forming in line of battle. Our forces were all ready for them, and eager for their advance. At about a quarter to twelve, the column of the Federal army advanced all along the lines in splendid order, and with a loud cheer dashed up to the works. They were gallantly responded to by our brave boys, and the first charge repulsed. On the extreme right of our lines, the nature of the ground prevented the enemy from making any heavy attack, but on the right of the centre, the centre, and the left of the centre, the assault was desperately made and gallantly met. But once did our lines break, and that was in Lee’s brigade. The enemy gained a temporary footing on the rifle-pits, but Lee quickly rallied his men, and, after a desperate hand-to-hand fight, drove them out and reoccupied the lines. The engagement at this point, and at the right of the line, held by Brigadier-General L. Herbert, was of a terrible nature, the Federals having thrown their best troops on these works. Five times did they charge, and each time were repulsed. The last charge on the right of Brigadier-General Herbert’s lines was made by an Irish regiment (the Seventeenth Wisconsin), carrying the green flag of Erin. They came at a double-quick up the hill, each man in the front ranks furnished with a ladder to reach the works. Three times they essayed to plant their ladders, but were prevented by the obstinate resistance offered by the consolidated Twenty-first and Twenty-third Louisiana regiments. At the third charge they came within ten yards of the line, but two volleys of buckshot from the shotguns of our forces compelled them to make a precipitate retreat from the front of our works. At about two o’clock they made their last charge, and were again repulsed, when they retired, and did not attempt any further demonstration that day. The loss of the enemy on that day is estimated by competent parties at not less than from eight to ten thousand, while our loss was between eight hundred and one thousand in killed and wounded.” The following dispatch of Rear-Admiral Porter to the Secretary of the Navy, describes the part taken in this conflict by the naval force: MISSISSIPPI SQUADRON, FLAGSHIP BLACK HAWK, } May 23, 1863. } SIR—On the morning of the 21st I received a communication from General Grant, informing me that he intended to attack the whole of the rebel works at ten A. M. the next day, and asking me to shell the batteries from half-past nine until half-past ten, and to annoy the garrison. I kept six mortars playing rapidly on the works and town all night, and sent the Benton, Mound City and Carondolet up to shell the water batteries and other places where troops might be resting during the night. At seven o’clock in the morning, the Mound City proceeded across the river, and made an attack on the hill batteries opposite the canal. At eight o’clock I found her in company with the Benton, Tuscumbia, and Carondolet. All these vessels opened on the hill batteries, and finally silenced them, though the main work on the battery containing the heavy rifled gun was done by the Mound City, Lieutenant Commanding Byron Wilson. I then pushed the Benton, Mound City and Carondolet up to the water batteries, leaving the Tuscumbia, which is still out of repair, to keep the hill batteries from firing on our vessels after they had passed by. The three gunboats passed up slowly, owing to the strong current, the Mound City leading, the Benton following, and the Carondolet astern. The water batteries opened furiously, supported by a hill battery on the starboard beam of the vessels. The vessels advanced to within four hundred and forty yards (by our marks) and returned the fire for two hours without cessation, the enemy’s fire being very accurate and incessant. Finding that the hill batteries behind us were silenced, I ordered up the Tuscumbia to within eight hundred yards of the batteries; but the turret was soon made untenable, not standing the enemy’s shot, and I made her drop down. I had been engaged with the forts an hour longer than General Grant asked. The vessels had all received severe shots under water which we could not stop while in motion, and not knowing what might have delayed the movement of the army, I ordered the vessels to drop out of fire, which they did in a cool, handsome manner. This was the hottest fire the gunboats had ever been under; but, owing to the water batteries being more on a level with them than usual, the gunboats threw in their shell so fast that the aim of the enemy was not very good. The enemy hit our vessels a number of times, but fighting bow on, they did but little damage. Not a man was killed, and only a few wounded. I had only enough ammunition for a few moments longer, and set all hands to work to fill up from our depot below. After dropping back I found that the enemy had taken possession again of one of the lower hill batteries and was endeavoring to mount his guns, and had mounted a 12-pounder field piece to fire at General McArthur’s troops, which had landed a short time before at Warrenton. I sent the Mound City and Carondolet to drive him off, which they did in a few moments. I beg leave to enclose a letter from General McArthur, explaining why he did not (to use his own expression), take advantage of the results gained by the gunboats. I have since learned through General Grant that the army did assault at the right time vigorously. In the noise and smoke we could not see or hear it. The gunboats were, therefore, still fighting when the assault had proved unsuccessful. The army have terrible work before them, and are fighting as well as soldiers ever fought before. But the works are stronger than any of us dreamed of. General Grant and his soldiers are confident that the brave and energetic generals in the army will soon overcome all obstacles and carry the works. DAVID D. PORTER, Acting Rear-Admiral, Commanding Mississippi Squadron Having been repulsed with severe loss in several attempts to storm the rebel works, General Grant now determined to approach the fortifications by regular siege lines. It had been demonstrated that it was impossible to approach any point of attack, with a force equal in numbers to that with which the enemy would be prepared to resist him. General Pemberton deemed it prudent at that time, to forbid all unnecessary waste of ammunition, and thus General Grant was able to commence throwing up works and erecting forts within a short distance of the opposing line of breastworks. The firing upon the town was made only during the day, until the 26th of May, after which it was continued day and night. The mortars on the peninsula opposite Vicksburg opened fire on the 25th, and continued it until the surrender. It was estimated at Vicksburg that as many as six thousand mortar shells were thrown into the town every twenty-four hours, and on the line in the rear of the city, as many as four thousand in the same time. During about five days after the siege commenced, the troops in the city were allowed full rations. At the expiration of that time, they were gradually reduced to four ounces of flour, four ounces of bacon, one and a half ounces of rice, two ounces of peas, not eatable, and three ounces of sugar. The extent of the works, and the limited number of the Confederate troops, required every man to defend the lines, and no time was allowed to rest. Whole companies laid back of their breastworks for three weeks without leaving the line for a moment. Meantime every effort was made to strengthen the force under the command of General Grant. He had already ordered a division under General Lanman, and four regiments at Memphis to join him. He now brought forward the divisions of Generals Smith and Kimball, of the Sixteenth army corps, and placed them under the command of Major-General C. C. Washburn. On the 11th of June, Major-General F. J. Herron’s division, from the department of Missouri, arrived, and on the 14th, two divisions of the Ninth army corps, Major-General J. G. Parke commanding, reached Vicksburg. These two divisions were a part of the forces of General Burnside, commanding in the Department of Ohio. This increase of the forces of General Grant enabled him to make the investment of Vicksburg more complete, and at the same time left him a large reserve with which to watch the movements of General Johnston. These reinforcements were arranged by placing General Herron’s division on the extreme left, south of the city. General Lanman’s division was placed between Generals Herron and McClernand. General Smith’s and General Kimball’s divisions, and the force under General Parke, were sent to Haines’s Bluff. This place was now fortified on the land side, and every preparation made to resist a heavy force. About the 25th of June, General Johnston crossed the Big Black river with a portion of his force, and everything indicated that he would make an attack. About this time Rear-Admiral Porter reported to Secretary Welles, under date of May 27, the loss of one of the finest gunboats in his fleet, in the following dispatch: SIR:—Amidst our successes I regret to report any losses; but we cannot expect to conquer a place like this without some loss. At the urgent request of Generals Grant and Sherman, I sent the Cincinnati to enfilade some rifle pits which barred the progress of the left wing of our army. General Sherman supposed that the enemy had removed his heavy guns to the rear of the city. On the contrary, he seemed to have placed more on the water side than usual. The Cincinnati was sunk in shoal water, with her flag flying. The enemy still continued to fire upon her, but the flag was not hauled down. Twenty-five were killed and wounded, and fifteen are missing. The latter are supposed to be drowned. The vessel can be raised. The pilot was killed early in the action. DAVID D. PORTER, Acting Rear-Admiral, Commanding Mississippi Squadron. A successful naval expedition to Yazoo city, is thus described in the report of Rear Admiral Porter, under date of May 24: SIR—I have the honor to inform you that the expedition sent up the Yazoo river the day after I took possession of the forts on Snyder’s Bluff, has returned, having met with perfect success. As the steamers approached Yazoo city the rebel property was fired by Lieutenant Brown, of the ram Arkansas; and what he began our forces finished. Three powerful rams were burned, the Mobile, a screw vessel, ready for plating; the Republic, being fitted for a ram, with railroad iron plating, and a vessel on the stocks—a monster, three hundred and ten feet long and seventy-five feet beam. This vessel was to have been covered with four and a half inch iron plating, and was to have had six engines, four side wheels and propellers. She would have given us much trouble. The rebels had under construction a fine navy yard, containing fine sawing and planing machines, and an extensive machine shop, carpenter and blacksmiths’ shops, and all the necessary appliances for a large building and repairing yard. Lieutenant-Commander Walker burned all these, with a large quantity of valuable building timber. He also burned a large saw mill that had been used in constructing the monster ram. The material destroyed, at a moderate estimate, would cost more than two millions of dollars. We had one man killed and seven wounded by field pieces from the enemy’s batteries going up the river, but the wounded are doing well. I enclose Lieutenant-Commander Walker’s report in relation to this affair. He deserves much credit for the handsome manner in which he performed the duty assigned him. If he could have obtained pilots he would have succeeded in getting possession of all the rebel rams, instead of having them burned. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant. DAVID D. PORTER, Acting Rear-Admiral, Commanding Mississippi Squadron. HON. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy. From the 22d of May, until the 25th of June, no attempt was made to take the city by direct assault. During all that time, however, the mining operations had been carried on successfully, and on the latter day a fort on the immediate right of the Jackson road was blown up. It was occupied by the Third Louisiana regiment, but the troops had been withdrawn, and only a few were wounded by the explosion. An advance by a small portion of the Federal force, immediately after, was the occasion of a bloody contest, in which the Unionists were defeated, and compelled to retire. Several portions of the enemy’s defences were destroyed by the mining operations of the Federals at this time, but no decisive advantage had thus far been obtained. The condition of affairs in the city is thus described by a Confederate officer: “About the thirty-fifth day provisions began to get very scarce, and the advent of General Johnston’s relieving force was anxiously and momentarily looked for. Mule meat was the common fare of all alike, and even dogs became in request for the table. Bean meal was made into bread, and corn meal into coffee, and in these straits the garrison patiently dragged on the weary length of one day after another, under a scorching sun, the stench from the unburied corpses all around alone causing the strongest minded, firmest nerved to grow impatient for the day of deliverance. The enemy pushed their works: they blew up several forts, and with them the soldiers and attempted to charge; but the meagre and famished yet steadfast garrison still defiantly held the key of the Mississippi. But everything must have an end. General Pemberton learned from General Johnston that he could not afford him relief, and as the garrison was too famished and reduced to cut its way out, he determined to capitulate.” * * * * * After resisting the Federal forces for fifteen months, and enduring a direct siege and bombardment for forty-seven days, Vicksburg was finally surrendered to General Grant, on the 4th of July. The following correspondence between Generals Grant and Pemberton embody the interesting details of that event: HEADQUARTERS, VICKSBURG, July 3, 1863. Major-General Grant, commanding United States forces:— GENERAL—I have the honor to propose to you an armistice for —— hours, with a view to arranging terms for the capitulation of Vicksburg. To this end, if agreeable to you, I will appoint three commissioners, to meet a like number to be named by yourself, at such place and hour to-day, as you may find convenient. I make this proposition to save the farther effusion of blood, which must otherwise be shed to a frightful extent, feeling myself fully able to maintain my position for a yet indefinite period. This communication will be handed you under a flag of truce, by Major-General James Bowen. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. C. PEMBERTON. To this General Grant replied as follows: HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE, } IN THE FIELD, NEAR VICKSBURG, July 3, 1863. } Lieutenant-General J. C. Pemberton, commanding Confederate forces, &c.:— GENERAL—Your note of this date, just received, proposes an armistice of several hours, for the purpose of arranging terms of capitulation through commissioners to be appointed, &c. The effusion of blood you propose stopping by this course, can be ended at any time you may choose, by an unconditional surrender of the city and garrison. Men who have shown so much endurance and courage as those now in Vicksburg, will always challenge the respect of an adversary, and I can assure you will be treated with all the respect due them as prisoners of war. I do not favor the proposition of appointing commissioners to arrange terms of capitulation, because I have no other terms than those indicated above. I am, General, very respectfully, your obedient servant, U. S. GRANT, Major-General. General Bowen, the bearer of General Pemberton’s letter, was received by General A. J. Smith. He expressed a strong desire to converse with General Grant, and accordingly, while declining this, General Grant requested General Smith to say that if General Pemberton desired to see him, an interview would be granted between the lines in McPherson’s front, at any hour in the afternoon which General Pemberton might appoint. A message was soon sent back to General Smith, appointing three o’clock as the hour. General Grant was there with his staff, and with Generals Ord, McPherson, Logan, and A. J. Smith. General Pemberton came late, attended by General Bowen, and Colonel Montgomery. He was much excited and pert in his answers to General Grant. The conversation was held apart between General Pemberton and his officers, and Generals Grant, McPherson, and A. J. Smith. The rebels insisted on being paroled, and allowed to march beyond our lines, officers and men, all with eight days’ rations, drawn from their own stores, the officers to retain their private property and body servants. General Grant heard what they had to say, and left them at the end of an hour and a half, saying that he would send in his ultimatum in writing, to which General Pemberton promised to reply before night, hostilities to cease in the mean time. General Grant then conferred at his headquarters with his corps and division commanders, and sent the following letter to General Pemberton, by the hands of General Logan and Lieutenant-Colonel Wilson. GENERAL GRANT’S OFFER FOR THE SURRENDER. HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE, } NEAR VICKSBURG, July 3, 1863. } Lieutenant-General J. C. PEMBERTON, commanding Confederate forces, Vicksburg, Miss.: GENERAL—In conformity with the agreement of this afternoon, I will submit the following proposition for the surrender of the city of Vicksburg, public stores, &c. On your accepting the terms proposed, I will march in one division, as a guard, and take possession at eight o’clock to-morrow morning. As soon as paroles can be made out and signed by the officers and men, you will be allowed to march out of our lines, the officers taking with them their regimental clothing, and staff, field, and cavalry officers, one horse each. The rank and file will be allowed all their clothing, but no other property. If these conditions are accepted, any amount of rations you may deem necessary can be taken from the stores you now have, and also the necessary cooking utensils for preparing them; thirty wagons also, counting two two-horse or mule teams as one. You will be allowed to transport such articles as cannot be carried along. The same conditions will be allowed to all sick and wounded officers and privates, as fast as they become able to travel. The paroles for these latter must be signed, however, whilst officers are present authorized to sign the roll of prisoners. I am, General, very respectfully, your obedient servant, U. S. GRANT, Major-General. The officer who received this letter, stated that it would be impossible to answer it by night, and it was not till a little before peep of day, that the proposed reply was furnished. While these deliberations were pending, the men of both armies, who simply knew that a surrender was in contemplation, under intense excitement, were anxiously awaiting the result. Groups of soldiers, who a few hours before were engaged in a deathly struggle, now freely engaged in conversation from the edge of the opposing works. REPLY OF GENERAL PEMBERTON, ACCEPTING ALL THE TERMS OFFERED BY GENERAL GRANT. HEADQUARTERS, VICKSBURG, July 3, 1863. Major-General GRANT, commanding United States forces:— GENERAL—I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of this date, proposing terms for the surrender of this garrison and post. In the main your terms are accepted; but in justice both to the honor and spirit of my troops, manifested in the defence of Vicksburg, I have the honor to submit the following amendments, which if acceded to by you, will perfect the agreement between us:—At ten o’clock to-morrow I propose to evacuate the works in and around Vicksburg, and to surrender the city and garrison under my command, by marching out with my colors and arms, and stacking them in front of my present limits, after which you will take possession; officers to retain their side arms and personal property, and the rights and property of citizens to be respected. I am, General, yours very respectfully, J. C. PEMBERTON, Lieutenant-General. To this General Grant immediately replied as follows:— GENERAL GRANT DECLINES TO ACCEDE TO THE AMENDMENTS PROPOSED BY GENERAL PEMBERTON. HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE, } BEFORE VICKSBURG, July 4, 1863. } Lieutenant-General PEMBERTON, commanding forces at Vicksburg:— [Illustration: UNION HEROES STONE. SHIPLEY. ANDREWS. WHITE. MEIGS.] GENERAL—I have the honor to acknowledge your communication of the 3rd of July. The amendments proposed by you cannot be acceded to in full. It will be necessary to furnish every officer and man with a parole signed by himself, which, with the completion of the rolls of prisoners, will necessarily take some time. Again, I can make no stipulation with regard to the treatment of citizens and their private property. While I do not propose to cause any of them any undue annoyance or loss. I cannot consent to leave myself under restraint by stipulations. The property which officers can be allowed to take with them will be as stated in the proposition of last evening—that is, that officers will be allowed their private baggage and side arms, and mounted officers one horse each. If you mean by your proposition for each brigade to march to the front of the lines now occupied by it, and stack their arms at ten o’clock A. M., and then return to the inside and remain as prisoners until properly paroled, I will make no objection to it. Should no modification be made of your acceptance of my terms by nine o’clock, A. M., I shall regard them as having been rejected, and act accordingly. Should these terms be accepted, white flags will be displayed along your lines, to prevent such of my troops as may not have been notified, from firing on your men. I am, General, very respectfully, your obedient servant, U. S. GRANT, Major-General, U. S. A. To this the following was received:— UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE BY GENERAL PEMBERTON OF THE TERMS PROPOSED BY GENERAL GRANT. HEADQUARTERS, VICKSBURG, July 4, 1863. Major-General U. S. GRANT, Commanding United States forces, &c.:— GENERAL—I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of this date, and, in reply, to say that the terms proposed by you are accepted. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. C. PEMBERTON, Lieutenant-General. Of the terms of the surrender, General Grant thus speaks in his report: “These terms I regarded more favorable to the Government than an unconditional surrender. It saved us the transportation of them north, which, at that time, would have been very difficult, owing to the limited amount of river transportation on hand, and the expense of subsisting them. It left our army free to operate against Johnston, who was threatening us from the direction of Jackson; and our river transportation to be used for the movement of troops to any point the exigency of the service might require.” At ten o’clock on the 4th, the Confederate forces marched out and stacked arms in front of their works, while General Pemberton appeared for a moment with his staff upon the parapet of the central front. The city was immediately after occupied by the divisions of Generals Logan, J. E. Smith and Herron. The result of his operations is thus summed up by General Grant: “The result of this campaign has been the defeat of the enemy in five different battles outside of Vicksburg; the occupation of Jackson, the capital of the State of Mississippi, and the capture of Vicksburg and its garrison and munitions of war; a loss to the enemy of thirty-seven thousand prisoners, among whom were fifteen general officers; at least ten thousand killed and wounded, and among the killed, Generals Tracy, Tilghman, and Green; and hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of stragglers, who can never be collected and reorganized. Arms and munitions of war for an army of sixty thousand men have fallen into our hands, besides a large amount of other public property, consisting of railroads, locomotives, cars, steamboats, cotton, etc., and much was destroyed to prevent our capturing it. “Our loss in the series of battles may be summed up as follows: ╔═════════════════════════╤════════╤════════╤════════╗ ║ │ Killed.│Wounded.│Missing.║ ╟─────────────────────────┼────────┼────────┼────────╢ ║Port Gibson │ 130│ 718│ ║ ║Fourteen Mile Creek │ 4│ 24│ 5║ ║Raymond │ 69│ 341│ 32║ ║Jackson │ 40│ 240│ 6║ ║Champion’s Hill │ 426│ 1,842│ 189║ ║Big Black railroad bridge│ 29│ 242│ 2║ ║Vicksburg │ 545│ 3,688│ 303║ ╚═════════════════════════╧════════╧════════╧════════╝ “Of the wounded, many were but slightly wounded, and continued on duty; many more required but a few days or weeks for their recovery. Not more than one-half of the wounded were permanently disabled.” * * * * * We will now turn our attention to a brilliant engagement which occurred simultaneously with the fall of Vicksburg. The town of Helena, in Arkansas, had been garrisoned by a small force under General Prentiss, a gallant officer, who had been captured at Pittsburg Landing with a large portion of his division, after bravely contending for more than half a day with a foe quadruple his own force. THE BATTLE AT HELENA, ARKANSAS. JULY 4, 1863. The town of Helena, in Arkansas, is situated upon the northern bank of the Mississippi river, and lies upon flat ground. Not more than a quarter of a mile from the river the city and its approaches are commanded by high ridges, between which are ravines opening toward the river. The city had been strongly fortified by batteries placed upon these hills and connected in line by rifle-pits. An attack upon Helena had been anticipated for some days, and at four o’clock on the morning of the 4th of July, the attack was opened upon General Prentiss by a rebel force numbering fifteen thousand, under Generals Holmes and Price. The Union forces, who had been two nights under arms and waiting the attack, were in readiness in a few minutes, and infantry, cavalry, and artillery were immediately in the positions assigned them. Between the ridges and the river the low, flat ground was protected by cavalry and rifle-pits and flanking batteries of ten-pounder Parrotts, and six and twelve-pounder brass pieces. Making the city the base of operations, Battery A was placed upon the right, and Batteries B, C, and D, upon the left. The enemy attacked upon the left of the line, and were opposed by a strong force of cavalry, with a brigade of infantry and four pieces of artillery. Presently it was reported that a large force was assaulting Battery A; and close upon the heels of this intelligence came the news that sharpshooters were harassing batteries C and D; behind the sharpshooters came heavy columns of the enemy who were rapidly moving artillery into position. In front of Battery B could be seen a large force of cavalry, showing that the enemy had been disposed by the planning of a master mind. The enemy opened a spirited fire on both flanks of General Prentiss’ troops at once, but without producing any effect; evidently no great result was expected by the rebels in regard to this movement, and it was merely intended as a diversion while they were throwing their whole strength against the Union centre. This plan would, if successfully carried out, have given them possession of Fort Curtis, a point which was centrally located, and commanded all the ridges surrounding the city. But the rebels were not aware of the presence at the city’s landing of the gunboat Tyler, commanded by Lieutenant James M. Pritchett, and they were equally astonished and disconcerted when, at a critical moment, the Tyler made them aware of her presence. The enemy were unable to open batteries upon the centre from being disappointed in finding ravines in which to place them, and therefore relied upon their infantry for the work. The attack upon Battery D was personally superintended by Lieutenant General Holmes, and Major-General Price directed that made upon Battery C. Half an hour after the battle first opened a regiment moved out to attack Battery D; but as they advanced in line upon a bridge within range of the guns of Battery C, the latter opened upon them a furious fire of shell, which was imitated by the guns of Battery D, with such effect as to create a perfect panic in their ranks which rapidly increased to a rout, and the rebels retired in great disorder. They were immediately reinforced, however, and their sharpshooters pressed close upon the guns of Battery C, so that they were turned upon them, vomiting forth canister, and so effectually checking their advance that they retreated again, and took refuge under cover of the ravines and fallen timber. About this time operations on both sides ceased for a brief while owing to a dense fog which had fallen, and continued to hang heavily in the air for about three-quarters of an hour. When it was light again the force in front of Battery D appeared to be much weakened, while a brigade of three regiments was seen crossing the ridges between that work and Battery C. Before any of the guns could be used against the approaching force the first line of pits in front of the battery was flanked, and the company forced back upon the battery, where they stood bravely. The guns of Battery D opened furiously upon the rebels, but notwithstanding the fierce fire they pressed forward upon the company of Battery C, swarming like locusts, and causing a sudden panic to fall upon the Union men. Two companies upon the left of the battery broke and fled in the wildest confusion; but two more with the guns, and two in the pits to the right of them held their ground bravely, pouring in a heavy fire of canister and minnie balls into the ranks of the enemy. But the guns could not be saved; seeing which the captain of the battery spiked one just as the enemy reached the piece, while the gunners, determined that the battery should be useless to its captors, secured all the friction-primers. At the foot of the hill the retreating Unionists made another stand, and being promptly supported by portions of two regiments they proved to the rebels that they were not yet beaten. It was now that the services of the Tyler became of such value to the National forces; and as the enemy, flushed with success, gathered together his scattered companies and charged down the hill toward Fort Curtis, a broadside from the gunboat poured death and destruction down the slopes of the hillside and enfiladed the ravines, while the stern guns silenced the rebel battery below, and the bow guns at the same moment played upon the upper one. And yet the rebels bore the fire, nor once turned to flee, although it seemed worse than madness to go on. But in the language of a correspondent of the day, “With the howl of demons, the last mad, defiant impotent howl of baffled but still determined traitors, exposed to history, to nations, and to themselves, whipped, naked, and hungry, on they came cursing, firing, riding like the ‘Light Brigade’ ‘into the gates of death, into the mouth of hell.’ No hurrying, no excitement, and yet no hesitation in the fort and batteries, but steadily the shell, case, grape, and canister flew, with the swiftness of lightning and the precision of fate straight in the faces of the infuriate mob. Heads, trunks, and limbs hurled asunder by bursting iron, flew into the air, nauseating and sickening all who witnessed the horrible sight. No body of men on earth could long endure such a tornado of iron as was hurled on them, while their shots all fell short or passed harmlessly over the gunners of the fort. Not a man was even wounded. Slow to receive conviction, but at last satisfied of the hopelessness of their assault, the mob turned about as if by common consent and broke into squads of twenty, ten, two, and at last, every man for himself.” The rebels, who fought like madmen, made still another stand, and tried an approach through a ravine; but one particular point which the line must pass was exposed to the fire of the Union troops; and very soon the guns succeeded in getting such excellent range of this point that not a man could pass it. One regiment which had passed into the ravine could not return, nor could the brigade pass in to its support. At the mouth of the ravine one of General Prentiss’ regiments was so placed as to rake the entire length of the rebel line, while another immediately took position on a ridge on the right flank of the rebel brigade, and both regiments poured in their fire at once; and cross fires from the Fort and batteries, aided by the gunboat, completely scattered the regiments left upon the ridges. In haste and confusion they abandoned the guns which they had captured, uninjured, and left the brave regiment which had passed into the ravine, with all their arms, officers, and colors, prisoners of war. About three hundred of the rebel killed and wounded, besides four hundred prisoners, were lost by the enemy in this charge. A similar attack had been made on Battery D while this was going on against Battery C, and with much the same result to the enemy, who was driven back by a murderous fire from the battery’s guns and from the sharpshooters. A few who succeeded in getting through the Union lines took position in a ravine to the left of the battery, but they made only a short fight, when they threw down their guns and formally surrendered. The following anecdote is related of a Lieutenant-Colonel who commanded the rebels. While they were still fighting he sprang upon a log and waved his sword, lustily cheering on his men. The captain of Battery D called out to him: “What in thunder do you keep swinging that sword for? Why don’t you surrender?” “By what authority do you demand my surrender?” returned the rebel officer. “By the authority of my 12-pound howitzer,” replied the captain. The rebel looked sharply around, and seeing no chance of escape passed his sabre-blade into his right hand and holding it out said, “Very well, sir, I surrender.” At Battery D the enemy lost almost as heavily as at Battery C. Nearly two hundred and fifty men were killed and wounded; and between three and four hundred were taken prisoners, with arms, officers, and colors. This fight raged with almost unparalleled fury for six hours; but it was still comparatively early in the day when it was at an end. At half past ten A. M. the firing had quite ceased, and the enemy had completely retired. The white flag was at the same moment hoisted at Vicksburg. The total loss in killed, wounded, and missing to the National troops in this engagement was two hundred and thirty, while that of the enemy was not less than two thousand. MORGAN’S RAID IN INDIANA, KENTUCKY, AND OHIO. JULY 3 TO JULY 26, 1863. While the advance of Lee into Pennsylvania was agitating the whole north, the rebels were making good use of their time elsewhere. A raid by a guerrilla band under their chieftain, John Morgan, was made into the three States of Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio. He designed to sweep everything before him, and by attracting public attention to himself, give the rebel General Lee more opportunity to carry out his plans for the invasion of the North. His first attempt was to break off the railroad communications by which reinforcements could be sent to the defence of Louisville; having done this, General Buckner, from Tennessee, with the whole rebel force under his command, was to dash into Kentucky, capture Louisville, and in cooperation with Morgan, make an attack upon Cincinnati. But General Buckner was prevented from participating in this movement. General Rosecrans’s advance upon the army of General Bragg, which took place about this time, made it necessary that the rebel Buckner should remain where he was. At this time Morgan, with a force of four thousand men, was in Tennessee; he had made a feint of attacking the town of Tompkinsville, the capital of Monroe county, in the State of Kentucky. Brigadier-General Hobson was ordered to Tompkinsville on the 20th of June. General Morgan immediately crossed the Cumberland river, made a rapid advance on Columbia, where a brilliant defence was made against them by a small force under Captain Carter, consisting of only one hundred and fifty men of Colonel Wolford’s regiment. They were, however, forced to retire before the guerrilla general, having first lost their brave commander. On July 4th, Morgan attacked Colonel Moore with two or three hundred men, at Green river bridge. There a fierce resistance was made to the rebel advance; but it was ineffectual, and Morgan marched onward to Lebanon, which he reached the next day. His demand for the surrender of the city was refused by the Union commander, Colonel Hanson, and the attack which was immediately made upon it was gallantly repelled for seven hours. At the end of that time Colonel Hanson, to save his men from utter destruction, was compelled to surrender. Many of the public buildings, and the whole northern part of the town was burnt by the guerrillas; and the men who had surrendered were forced to march with the rebels to Springfield, keeping pace with the cavalry, and in such haste that the march was performed by the wearied Union men in one hour and a half, the distance being ten miles. From Springfield, the rebels marched to Shepherdsville, and then to Bardstown. On the 7th they reached Brandenburg, on the Ohio river, where they seized a steamer which had stopped to take in passengers; having appropriated everything of value to them which the vessel contained, it was run out into the river, and anchored. A short time after, another vessel was decoyed into their possession by hoisting signals of distress on board the McCombs, the vessel which had already been taken. The Alice Dean, the second vessel, went alongside the McCombs, without any suspicion, and was immediately boarded and seized. On the following day, Morgan’s entire force, which consisted of more than four thousand, eleven regiments, and ten pieces of artillery, including two howitzers, were taken across the river. The rebels then gave up the steamer McCombs, but burned the Alice Dean, and also the bridge at Brandenburg. By this time the pursuit of the victorious guerrilla band had begun, but the march was very slow. On the night of July 7th, the whole Union force in pursuit, which consisted of troops under General Hobson, artillery and cavalry under Brigadier-General Shackelford, Colonel Wolford and his brigade, all under command of General Hobson (who had received orders to that effect from General Burnside), had reached a point within nine miles of Brandenburg; and on the next day they reached the river just as the last boat had crossed with the enemy. The rebels, still marching onwards, reached Corrydon in Indiana, on the 8th, where considerable resistance was made to them by the inhabitants. From Corrydon Morgan marched his men to Salem, where they took prisoners a force of three hundred and fifty men who had fallen back before the rebels from Palmyra; subsequently these prisoners were paroled. At Salem, the depot of the Louisville and Chicago railroad was burned, and General Morgan had issued orders to burn all the mills and factories in the town, but these were spared from destruction on the payment of one thousand dollars for each of them. Much other damage was done in breaking, destroying and burning; and every good horse in the town was taken out, and appropriated to the use of the guerrilla invaders. From Salem they went to Canton, where they took over one hundred horses; at this place General Morgan’s right column entered the town by way of Harristown, and his whole force was joined together, and marched in the direction of Vienna in Scott county, which they reached at two o’clock on the morning of the next day. There much public property was burned; but private property was respected. The force of the guerrilla General was again divided into two columns, one of which was sent off in the direction of Madison, while the other under General Morgan marched in a northerly direction, and reached Old Vernon in Jennings county on the 11th of July. A surrender of the place was demanded by General Morgan; and on the refusal of it, the town was threatened, and half an hour allowed for the women and children to leave the place; but when, at the end of that time, the Union forces went out to meet the rebels they found that they were gone. The Unionists pursued, and many of Morgan’s band were captured. The rebels moved southward, tearing up the tracks of the Madison and Indianapolis railroads on their way, and cutting the telegraph wires. Changing their course to the eastward, they reached Versailles on the 12th; they then divided into several parties, and advanced in various directions. On Sunday night a large body proceeded to Harrison; another party of them reached Harrison on Monday. As they proceeded, on all sides, they helped themselves to the best horses in the towns they passed through, and leaving their own disabled animals behind, continued on their way. On the morning of the 14th they reached Miamiville, having passed through Glendale, Springdale, Camp Monroe, Sharon, Reading, and Montgomery. At Miamiville a body of guerrillas crossed the Little Miami railroad, and at a point known as Dangerous Crossing they placed some ties and rails across the track near a declivity, so that when the morning train came by the locomotive was thrown from the track, causing the death of the fireman, and seriously injuring the engineer. The rebels then rushed out from the woods in which they had been concealed and took prisoners a number of Union recruits, amounting to two hundred. The prisoners were paroled. Arrangements being now made by the National troops to cut off the progress of the rebels by means of gunboats, General Morgan hastened his movements, until having passed through Williamsburg, Brown county, Sardinia, and Piketown, he reached Jackson on the evening of Thursday, the 16th, where he remained until joined by his whole force. From Jackson he started for the Ohio river. During all this time the Union forces were in hot pursuit of the rebels, but owing to all the best horses having been seized by Morgan he had necessarily the advantage of his pursuers. So soon as it became evident that Morgan was endeavoring to reach Gallipolis or Pomeroy on the Ohio, the inhabitants began felling trees across the roads, and throwing in his way every obstacle they could to interrupt and delay his progress. Morgan’s men were much harassed in this way, and as in the course of their raid they had lost many of their numbers by exhaustion and by captivity the original force was greatly diminished. On Sunday, the 19th, the main body of Morgan’s guerrillas reached Buffington island, which lies in the Ohio river, close to the Ohio shore, about thirty-five miles above Pomeroy, and was chosen by the rebels as a place of crossing into Virginia on account of the shoals between it and Blannerhasset’s Island, twenty miles above. They had doubtless been well advised of the movements of the Union forces sent from all points, to either head them off or to keep them confined to the only route eastward for them, until they reached the mountainous region and the eastern frontier. The National forces were fully prepared and, indeed, expected a fight with the rebels at this point; and it very shortly became manifest that a severe battle was pending. On the evening of the 16th, General Judah in command of a large Union force, started from Portsmouth, and it was even then expected that an engagement would take place; for trustworthy information had been received at the headquarters of Colonel P. Kinny, commander of the post, during the afternoon, that the rebels were at Miamiville, about eleven miles out, and as it was not the design to either court or bring on an engagement, it being well known that the rebels were scattered over fifty or sixty miles of country, the necessary concentration which they must make was rather humored than otherwise, so that the result might culminate in the complete capture or destruction of the entire force. General Judah kept as close as possible to the rebels, but between them and the river, when the doing so was practicable, until Morgan reached Jackson. Judah then pushed for Centreville, thinking that the enemy would take that route for the river; but he avoided it, and went through Winchester and Vinton toward Pomeroy, and thence north of that to the scene of action. So soon as it had been definitely ascertained that Morgan was pushing eastward, the Union gunboats, Moose, Reindeer, Springfield, Naumkeag and Victory, under command of Lieutenant-Commander Le Roy Fitch, were prepared to do service in the coming engagement. These boats had been patroling the river from an accessible point below Ripsey to Portsmouth, but as soon as they were required upon the scene of action the Moose, towed by the Imperial, started up the stream, and was followed at regular distances by the rest of the boats. The Moose made the foot of Buffington Island on Saturday night, and remained until next morning, without changing position, on account of a dense fog. The rebel force upon the opposite side of the shore took position under cover of artillery, in an extensive corn and wheat field, skirted by hills and woods on its north and east sides. The rebels had their artillery placed on the highest elevation on the east and completely commanded the Pomeroy road, over which General Judah’s force came filing along unaware of the close proximity of the enemy. It should be noted here that the old stage road to Pomeroy, over which Morgan came, and the lower road traveled by Judah meet in an acute angle three-quarters of a mile from the battle-field. General Judah’s column came along the lower road within range at six o’clock, after marching all night, having started from Pomeroy, and not being as fresh, by five or six hours’ rest, as the enemy. The rebels met the National troops in solid column, and moved in battalions, and at the first fire repulsed the advance, which was too far ahead to be assisted by the Union artillery. Although the rebels had here their best opportunity, they did not follow it up; and the Union troops having fallen back to bring up their artillery, the fighting continued in a desultory manner until General Judah got his artillery into position and drew the lines of his army completely around the enemy. His troops then made a furious onset upon the rebels, and drove them back over the field to the shelter of the woods beyond. By a fortunate circumstance Commodore Fitch learned the exact position of the enemy, and was enabled so to direct his guns as to shower shell into the midst of their ranks, and render very signal service to the Union troops on the field. Unfortunately the dense fog which prevailed, prevented Colonel Fitch doing as great execution in the rebel works as he desired, but his shots from the larboard and forward guns were effective, and a quick scattering took place. The Moose opened at seven o’clock, and as the rebels were driven she kept steadily moving up the stream, throwing shell and shrapnel over the heads of the Union soldiers into the ranks of the enemy. It was soon plainly perceived that Morgan’s men were being pressed hard in all directions, and were evidently in dread of total discomfiture. An attempt to cross into Virginia was made by a simultaneous rush toward the river, the rebels throwing away arms and even clothing in their fear and consternation at finding themselves hemmed in by the Union forces. The point chosen to effect the crossing was one mile and a half above the head of Buffington Island, and the movement would undoubtedly have been attended with considerable success, but for the presence and performance of the gunboats. The crossing was covered by a 20-pounder Parrott and a 12-pounder howitzer, dragged into position by the rebels in their hasty retreat, but before the guns could be loaded and sighted, the bow guns of the Moose opened on the rebel guns and drove the gunners away, after which the pieces were captured. Some twenty or thirty men only succeeded in crossing into Virginia at this point. Several were killed in the water, and many returned to the shore. While this was transpiring on the river, the roar of battle was still raging on the shore and back in the country. Basil Duke, under whose generalship the fight was conducted, was evidently getting the worst of it, and his wearied band of horse-thieves, raiders, and nondescripts, began to bethink them only of escape. Many threw down their arms, were taken prisoners, and sent to the rear. Others sought the shelter of trees, or ran wildly from one point to another, and thus exposed themselves far more to the deadly chances of the field than if they had displayed courage, and stood up to the fight. A running fight next ensued, as the main force of the enemy retreated up stream toward a point on the Ohio shore opposite Belleville, Va. The retreat was made as rapidly as possible, but considerable confusion was apparent. The gunboat kept almost ahead of the retreating column, and when practicable, threw shell over the river bank toward it. The rebels next attempted to cross at Belleville; but the Moose, which had reached that point, fired upon the first party which tried to land. They then pushed further along the shore, and made an effort to cross at Hawkinsport, but were again foiled in their attempt by the gunboat. While the Moose was winning her laurels, the other boats of the fleet were not failing to enact their regularly assigned part of the programme, which was to guard the fords below the island, and prevent any roaming squads of the rebels crossing to the much-wished-for Virginia shore. It is said that some of Morgan’s men sang, “Oh! carry me back to Ole Virginny,” with a pathos and sincerity of tone quite suggestive, not, to say touching, and it certainly cannot be denied that Captain Fitch “went for them” with a degree of alacrity which proved his entire willingness to assist them as far as he could. The engagement was kept up pretty briskly, and the rebels, as a body, effectually prevented from crossing into Virginia; the entire force was most gallantly fought, defeated, and utterly routed. A large number of the rebels were captured, with all of their arms, guns, and accoutrements; and a great many of their horses, and the plunder they had carried away from the towns they passed through. Over one thousand and seven hundred of the guerrilla band was computed to have fallen into the hands of the Union soldiers; and they admitted a loss of two hundred killed and wounded on the field. The Union loss was not more than one fourth of that number. The chief source of regret to the National troops was, of course, that the guerrilla general had effected his escape: but they had one and all fully determined that he should not be allowed to roam at large for any length of time, nor have any opportunity of collecting together another band from the remnants of his scattered army. Accordingly, the pursuit was kept up vigorously, until on the 26th of July, the daring guerrilla leader was made prisoner near New Lisbon, where, with a small remnant of his men, he had tried to cross the river. The event was announced in the following way by General Shackelford, in a dispatch sent to General Burnside: “By the blessing of Almighty God, I have succeeded in capturing General John H. Morgan, Colonel Clicke, and the remainder of the command, amounting to about four hundred prisoners.” THE DRAFT RIOTS IN NEW YORK CITY. JULY 13–15, 1863. Upon the 15th day of June, President Lincoln issued a proclamation calling for a draft of three hundred thousand men to fill the ranks of the Union army. The proclamation was received with murmurs of discontent from large masses of the populace in every city of the North; and the murmurs proved to be only the foreshadowings of very serious disturbances in New York, Boston, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Troy, Buffalo, and in short, every city of importance. In New York, the draft commenced on Saturday, July 11th. It had previously been announced through the press, that on this day the ballots for one district would be publicly counted at the corner of Forty-sixth street and Third avenue, and that immediately afterward the wheel would be turned, and the draft begin. Quite a large crowd was assembled at an early hour at the office of the Provost-Marshal of the Ninth Congressional District; and at about nine o’clock Assistant Provost-Marshal Charles E. Jenkins stepped upon the table and read out his orders in relation to the draft, and the manner in which it was to be conducted. Upon the table was a large wheel, containing the ballots, on which were inscribed the names of all those who had been enrolled; one of the enrolling clerks, having been blindfolded, then proceeded to make the drawings of the names. The business began and proceeded pleasantly, and with no demonstrations even of ill-humor; and at the close of the day, there was no cause for apprehending a disturbance growing out of the draft. But so severe were the apprehensions of many of the working classes, lest they should be forced from their homes, that secret associations had been formed to resist the draft, even at the cost of bloodshed. The next day being Sunday, these parties took occasion to meet, and to make resolutions to resist upon Monday, to the utmost extremity. Accordingly, upon the morning of the 13th, a very large crowd had gathered about the corner of Forty-sixth street and Third avenue, and for a short time the business of the day proceeded quietly, and without any sign of disturbance; from seventy-five to one hundred names had been drawn from the wheel and announced, when suddenly the report of a pistol was heard in the street. This seemed to be the signal for an attack upon the office, for almost upon the instant a perfect shower of brickbats, paving stones, and other missiles, were hurled from the street into the building, a proceeding which took everybody by surprise. Following the shower of stones came an immense crowd, who poured into the office, carrying everything before them. The wheel containing the remaining ballots of the Twenty-second Ward was carried by two of the clerks to the top story of the house, and placed in a room, the inmates of which refused to have it there, when it was placed in the hall. The Provost-Marshal, Commissioner, Surgeon, engrossing clerks, with the members of the press, effected their escape, by a back door. Captain Jenkins clambering a fence, and secreting himself in the next house until a favorable moment arrived, when he made his way home. One of the clerks who endeavored to save some of the papers, was seized by the crowd, the papers taken from him by force, and torn in pieces. The mob now had possession of the building. In a few moments afterward, a man appeared with a can of turpentine, which he poured on the floor of the office, and, setting fire to it, the room was soon in a blaze. All this time the mob were breaking up the pavement and assaulting the police and men attached to the office with stones. The fire which had been kindled in the back office, spread rapidly to the upper part of the house, the flames in a little time communicating to the three houses on the north side, which were of equal size with the one occupied by the Provost-Marshal. Around the bell-tower in Fifty-first street, the mob had sent their friends to stop the bell from ringing. When engine Number Thirty-three, and Hose Fifty-three were coming down Third avenue, they were cheered by the mob, but not allowed to work. The corner building having been nearly destroyed, one of the engineers now mounted the engine and appealed to the crowd for permission to throw water upon the fire, telling them that they had accomplished their purpose in burning the Marshal’s office. About one o’clock Chief-Engineer Decker arrived at the scene of conflagration, and seeing how matters stood, he ordered the firemen to go to work and extinguish the flames, and thus prevented the conflagration from extending to the neighboring buildings. But a great deal of damage had already been done; and not less than six families were turned houseless into the streets. Shortly after eleven o’clock a detachment of the Provost Guard, numbering fifteen and a half files, belonging to the Invalid Corps, left the Park Barracks and reached the ground about noon. Upon reaching Thirty-fourth street, the mob began to surround them, hooting, yelling, and groaning. The guard formed in line between Forty-fourth and Forty-fifth streets, but were so closely pressed upon all sides, that they were unable to “order arms.” The mob now commenced pushing and jolting the soldiers, and throwing stones at them, when Lieutenant Reed, who was in command of the guard, ordered his men to load, and immediately after gave the order to “fire.” The soldiers poured a blank volley into the crowd, and no one was hurt. The crowd, who had retreated a short distance when the firing occurred, quickly rallied, and closing upon the guard, wrested arms from their hands, and discharged several of the pieces which had been reloaded. The soldiers, thus attacked, retreated quickly, but were pursued by the infuriated throng. The pursuit was kept up as far as Twentieth street, when it was abandoned, and a majority of the men escaped. One of the soldiers was pursued up Forty-first street to First avenue, where a crowd of some twenty men surrounded him, knocked him down, and beat him until he was insensible. A number of women joined in, and one of them endeavored to stab him with a bayonet, but another woman took the weapon out of her hand, and carried it off. The soldier was left dead on the walk. It was impossible to tell whence the first steps of this movement proceeded; for in twenty or thirty different places men ceased labor as if at some mysterious signal, and poured pell-mell into the streets to join the rioters. The streets from Forty-first to Sixty-third and the avenues were full of knots and throngs of laboring men, some counseling violence at once, others discussing their power to effect anything, many drowning bitter judgment in frequent potations of ardent spirits. The telegraph poles were cut down, and thrown across the track of the street cars; which were not allowed to run on the Third and Fourth avenue railroads. The rioters were composed of the employees of the several railroad companies; the employees of Brown’s iron factory, in Sixty-first street; Taylor’s factory, in Forty-first street; Cummins’, street contractor, and numerous manufactories in the upper part of the city. The crowd marched through many of the streets in the upper part of the city, compelling laborers in every quarter to knock off work and fall in. A few demurred, but were brought into the ranks by furious threats. Thus compelling all whom it met to swell its ranks the crowd soon reached vast proportions, every moment increasing in boldness. Well dressed men appeared to be specially obnoxious to it. The general cry was, “Down with the rich men.” Three gentlemen talking together on Lexington avenue were set upon and knocked down, narrowly escaping with their lives. One of the Guard endeavored to make his escape by climbing the rocks near Forty-second street. No sooner, however, was his intention discovered, than another portion of the rioters seized him, and taking him to the top of the rock stripped his uniform off him, and after beating him almost to a jelly, threw him over a precipice some twenty feet high on the hard rocks beneath. Not contented with this, stones and dirt were thrown at him as he lay helpless until he was half buried. [Illustration: DRAFT RIOTS AT NEW YORK CITY—ANDREWS LEADING THE RIOTERS.] Soon after the defeat of the soldiers a strong squad of police made their appearance in line of battle. As soon as the mob caught sight of them they fired a volley of stones, knocking down two of the officers. The police drew their clubs and revolvers, but after a contest of a few minutes they were also forced to retreat, which they did in good order until near Fortieth street, when one of them discharged his revolver four times into the midst of the throng, shooting a horse that was attached to a wagon standing on the corner. A rush was made at once for the officer, who immediately retreated into a store near by, the people of which at once barred the door and endeavored to give him protection. The crowd, however, went to the back of the house, tore down the fence, and rushed into the building, seized the policeman, knocked him down, and beat him in a fearful manner. Police Superintendent Kennedy, through in citizen’s dress, was observed by the mob, who made a rush at him and knocked him headlong into the gutter, when several of the rioters kicked him and beat him dreadfully about the head, face, and body. Some one of his friends who chanced to be near by, recognizing Mr. Kennedy, went to his assistance and succeeded in rescuing him. Mr. Kennedy was taken into a store and thence removed to his residence in a carriage. His injuries, though severe, did not prove fatal, as was at first feared by his friends. Growing more violent every instant the mob continued to hoot and yell through the streets; stopping before some of the handsomest dwellings they passed, attacking them with violence, and breaking in the doors and windows; then entering they pillaged and destroyed at will. Those who were disposed to theft carried away every available article they could lay hands upon, and threw into the streets everything they could not conveniently carry with them—as handsome, marble-topped furniture, sofas, arm-chairs, pier-glasses, pictures, &c. The chief objects of their rage were the unfortunate negro population, and after them all who sought in any way to protect them, or to quell the riot. The crowd divided into gangs, with their leaders bearing pieces of board for banners on which were written “Independent,” “No Draft,” &c., and it was unsafe to express a single word in dissent from the proceeding. Hundreds of mere boys, from fifteen to eighteen years of age, were armed with clubs, or pickets, and marching in the ranks. The mob now began firing all the buildings they had sacked; and in a dozen streets at once the incendiary flames shot up, and seemed to threaten a general conflagration. The fire engines were brought out: but they were set upon by the frantic, yelling mob, which was rapidly swelling to dangerous proportions, and prevented from being set to work. About 2 o’clock P. M. a gentleman connected with the Press, while standing on the corner of Forty-sixth street and Third avenue, was attacked by the crowd, crying out, “here’s a d—d Abolitionist; let’s hang him.” He was seized by the hair and dragged toward an awning post, but fortunately something else diverting the attention of the crowd, he escaped up Third avenue—but only for a short time, for a blow with a paving stone on the back of the head and another one in the face, stunned him so that he lost all consciousness, and while in this state, he was robbed of his gold watch and chain, diamond breast-pin and thirty-three dollars in money. At three o’clock a procession of about five thousand, people marched up First avenue, all armed with bars, pistols, &c., threatening vengeance on all persons connected with the draft. They halted in front of the Eighteenth ward Station-House in Twenty-second street, yelling in a demoniacal manner. About four o’clock P. M. the rioters, perfectly frenzied with liquor, roamed about in every direction attacking people miscellaneously, and burning every building in which they saw a policeman take refuge. The police suffered severely in these attacks of the first day, seventeen of them having been badly wounded; many of them so much injured that they were carried to hospitals. The city was particularly unsuited to resist a riot at the time when the ringleaders of this one chose to begin it, as nearly every regiment in New York had been sent to the defence of Pennsylvania. The militia, however, were called out, by order of General Wool. The First and Third cavalry, which had been ordered to parade at the funeral of Colonel Zook, were sent forthwith to the Seventh avenue arsenal. Lieutenant-Colonel Missing, with a portion of his force, was ordered to the upper arsenal. One hundred citizens of the Sixth ward reported themselves in readiness to General Sandford, for such duty as he might assign them to, and were sent by him to the arsenal in White street. The authorities at the Brooklyn Navy Yard were notified of the disturbances, and a large force of United States Marines, besides a considerable number of soldiers of the regular army, were ordered into instant service. General Sandford issued the following order, calling a meeting at the Seventh regiment armory, at eight o’clock in the evening of the 13th, to concert measures for the protection of the city: HEADQUARTERS, FIRST DIVISION N. Y. S. M., } NEW YORK, July 13, 1863. } The ex-officers of this division, and of the United States Volunteers now in this city, who are disposed to assist in preserving the peace of the city, are requested to meet at the Seventh regiment drill-rooms, over Tompkins Market, this evening at eight o’clock. CHARLES W. SANDFORD, Major-General. In answer to the call of General Sandford, the ex-officers then in the city met at the Seventh regiment armory on the same evening, and took steps toward the formation of one or more regiments to assist in protecting New York. One of the greatest outrages perpetrated during the four days’ riot, was the burning of THE COLORED ORPHAN ASYLUM. This building was fired about five o’clock in the afternoon. The infuriated mob, eager for any violence, were turned that way by the simple suggestion that it was full of colored children. They clamored around the house like demons, filling the air with yells. A few policemen, who attempted to make a stand, were instantly overpowered—several being severely or fatally injured. While this was going on, a few of the less evil disposed gave notice to the inmates to quit the building. The sight of the helpless creatures stayed for a moment, even the insensate mob; but the orphans were no sooner out, than the work of demolition commenced. First the main building was gutted, and then set on fire. While it was burning, the large wing adjoining—used as a dormitory—was stripped, inside and out. Several hundred iron bedsteads were carried off—such an exodus of this article was probably never witnessed before. They radiated in every direction for half a mile. Carpets were dragged away at length; desks, stools, chairs, tables, books of all kinds—everything moveable—was carried off. Even the caps and bonnets of the poor children were stolen. While the rioters stripped the building of its furniture, their wives and children, and hundreds who were too cowardly to assist the work of demolition, carried it off. The wing, while burning, swarmed with rioters, who seemed endowed with a demoniacal energy to rend in pieces, rob and destroy. Shutters and doors were torn off and tumbled into the streets. These were seized and torn to pieces almost before they touched the ground, and, with everything else, carried off with surprising celerity. Several persons were injured, and one killed, by the falling of shutters and furniture from the windows. What was very marked as the destruction proceeded, was the absence of excitement. Things were done as coolly by the rioters, as if they were saving instead of destroying property. In the early part of the day the building occupied by the Provost-Marshal, corner of Twenty-eighth street and Broadway, was attacked by a mob, fired, and together with the adjoining buildings, laid in ashes. Mr. John Decker, Chief-engineer of the Fire Department, now made an effort to stay the devouring flames, by addressing himself to the insane mob, and counselling them, as a matter of common sense, to allow the engines to work, and so save the property of those who were entirely innocent of bringing on the draft. At first there seemed a disposition to listen to him, and the engines were got ready, but before they could be set to work, the largest portion of the mob, which had gone tearing down Broadway, learning the firemen’s intentions, came rushing back—howling, cursing, swearing, and vowing vengeance. In less than a minute they cleared the streets, drove the firemen from their engines, stoned the police from the sidewalks, and again took possession of the engines, hose-carriages, etc., which, however, they did not damage. Half an hour later, Chief Decker got his engines at work, and succeeded in eventually saving a part of the building on the corner of Forty-seventh street, the whole of the rest of the block having been destroyed. About eight o’clock in the evening, the frenzied rioters having reached Printing House Square, commenced an attack on the Tribune office, hurling bricks and stones into its windows, and utterly destroying them. An entrance to the counting-room was next effected, and an attempt made to set the building on fire. At this instant a strong police force came upon the full run across the Park, scattering the rioters. A heavy rain soon set in, and the mob dispersed in every direction; though a great deal of petty mischief continued to be done during the night by those who did not seek their homes, or had none to seek. Whole blocks of buildings were burned during this one day’s riot; and the damage to government property alone was estimated at two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. THE SECOND DAY. At an early hour on Tuesday morning, after a night of sleepless anxiety to the inhabitants of the city, demonstrations of violence began, and the outrages of the previous day were renewed. At about half-past eight o’clock, it was reported at the Police Headquarters that a large body of rioters were gathering along the Second avenue, threatening every house along the thoroughfare. A police force of three hundred men was immediately detailed under Inspector Carpenter, for the purpose of breaking up the crowd; finding the railroad track obstructed, they left the street cars, and marched in solid column toward Second avenue, where the mob received them with ominous silence. When the whole force had reached the block between Thirty-fourth and Thirty fifth streets, they were closed in upon by the mob, and assailed by a thick shower of bricks and stones, which rained from the houses and windows in the neighborhood. For some moments the men wavered, and the peril was imminent, when the reassuring voices of the officers in command recalled them, and they returned the shower of stones with a volley of bullets from their revolvers. The order was then given to charge, and a most furious onset was made upon the rioters—the police driving them into the houses, chasing them all over the buildings and again into the street, where they were scattered by a most vigorous application of clubs. All the side streets were then cleared, and the police marched over the battle-ground victorious. The men behaved bravely, hunting every rioter, and clubbing him if he made any resistance. The police then marched through the Avenue, and were met by a detachment of the Eleventh regiment of the N. Y. S. V., headed by Colonel O’Brien and a couple of field-pieces, under command of Lieutenant Eagleson. The forces united, and countermarched down the avenue. The mob had in the mean time rallied, when the military formed a line of battle, and fired upon the crowd. Bullets whistled through the air in every direction, shattering shutters and doors. Many of the rioters fell, and some were killed; two children were killed also, and a woman wounded. At this point no further hostile demonstrations occurred on the part of the mob; and the police and military force marched to the Central office. About noon, however, the riot was resumed on Second avenue. About five hundred of the mob entered the Union Steam works at the corner of Twenty-second street and Second avenue, and commenced carrying away the muskets which had been deposited there the day previous, the arms having been taken from Mr. Opdyke’s armory in Second avenue before the building was fired by the mob. During the morning all the factories and shops in the neighborhood were visited, and threats made to burn each establishment to the ground unless it was closed. As a consequence, every factory for a mile around the Union Steam Works was shut up, and the streets swarmed with infuriated men. The mob had taken possession of the latter building for the purpose of using it as a fortification from which to resist the police. About two o’clock, a force of two hundred police, under command of Inspector Dilks, arrived on the ground. Some of the rioters, becoming alarmed at being thus caged, endeavored to escape, but were too late, for upon the moment Inspector Dilks gave the order to charge. In an instant four of the rioters were stretched upon the pavement. The men, with all the pluck of veterans, rushed into the building upon the mob, and after a desperate fight of a few moments, during which some of the policemen as well as the rioters, were injured, succeeded in conquering the crowd, causing them to leap from the windows, and rush to every other avenue of escape. A large number of women at this moment attacked the police, cursing them in a fearful manner, and in some instances stoning them. Having cleared the building of the rioters, the police came into the street again, each man holding a musket, and charged upon the mob, which scattered in every direction. At this same place the mob subsequently augmented so greatly that they stormed the place and notwithstanding the resistance of the small force of police left for protection, took possession of it. Reinforcements speedily arrived, and again the building was emptied of the mob; the police then marched through the district, the military bringing up in the rear; and again the crowd rallied, following them, and sent into their ranks a shower of every sort of missile they could lay hands upon. Quick as thought Captain Franklin gave the order “’bout face,” which brought the soldiers face to face with the crowd. In an instant thereafter the order to “fire” was given, and a volley was poured into the mob. Fifteen were reported killed and wounded. A charge was made with fixed bayonets, when the mob broke and scattered like sheep. The force then returned to their rendezvous with about two hundred carbines which they had captured. The crowd was being constantly reinforced as the day wore on. A number of gentlemen attacked one gang of the ruffians, and succeeded in capturing two of them. About five o’clock a large squad of rioters attacked a building on Twenty-ninth street, because it was alleged that “Horace Greeley lived there.” While engaged in the destruction of the house and its contents a detail of about fifty soldiers and thirty policemen appeared on the ground and marched through the street clearing it of all obstructions. A short time afterwards, in another portion of the street a gang of rioters raised a cry against a gentleman passing by “that he was a Tribune reporter,” and instantly he was set upon by the infuriated mob, who pursued, knocked him down, and beat and kicked him about the body, face and head in such a way as to leave him nearly dead. A gentleman present interfered and succeeded in saving the young man’s life. He was taken to his residence near, and it was found on examination that he had received no mortal wound. This same mob while in the vicinity set upon a man against whom they had conceived some fancied antipathy, and beat him to death. The riot was now increasing in all parts of the city notwithstanding the vigorous measures adopted for quelling it. An attack was made upon the residence of Mayor Opdyke by a comparatively small body of men and a party of boys, who threw stones and brickbats at the windows. Not more than half of the rioters, however, entered the building, their object evidently being plunder. About twenty gentlemen living in the neighborhood, having anticipated the attack, assembled at a given place, and, with such weapons as were at hand, rushed upon the crowd and drove them from the door. They then entered the Mayor’s house and speedily expelled the rioters. Meantime the mob was increasing and the cry was “Burn the building!” The front steps were then occupied by the small party of gentlemen whose determined looks the crowd did not seem to relish. Happily, a body of police appeared, and charging upon the rioters put them to flight. The policemen were relieved by a detachment of two hundred soldiers. One of the most atrocious and bloodthirsty acts of the second day’s riot was the murder of Colonel O’Brien, who had command of a portion of the military troops. The mob having been in great measure dispersed, a temporary quiet ensued toward evening, and Colonel O’Brien took advantage of this circumstance to return to his residence, and remove his family to a place of safety, fearing the violence of the rioters against them, for he had heard many threats to that effect. He alighted from his carriage in Thirty-fifth street, and had just entered his house when a part of the mob, who had apparently been watching for him, made their appearance, and pouncing upon him dragged him into the yard, where they beat and kicked him in the most brutal manner. Several women who were among the crowd also kicked the unfortunate man. Yelling like so many devils, three or four men seized the Colonel by his hair, and dragged him into the street, where they again kicked and beat him. A man keeping a drug store on the corner, carried out a glass of water to give the Colonel, whereupon the mob turned about and completely gutted his store. After beating Colonel O’Brien until he was insensible, they again dragged him into the yard and threw him into a corner, where every now and then they visited him and renewed their attack upon him. Several persons witnessed this outrage from their near windows, and protested against it, when the mob cried out “kill them too, don’t let’s have any witnesses.” The ringleaders notified the neighbors that they intended burning the block at night, and were going to burn the body of the Colonel. The brutal murderers watched over his body until life was extinct, refusing to allow any one to approach to give him the slightest assistance. Two Roman Catholic priests finally came up and conveyed his body in a hand-cart to the Bellevue Hospital Dead-House. He was terribly mangled, and his body was almost naked and covered with gore. Among the acts of the rioters during Tuesday, were the following: The main track of the Hudson River railroad from Fifty-ninth to Fifty-third streets was torn up by the insurgents about ten o’clock in the morning, the Albany express train which left at that hour being compelled to back out of town on one of the turn outs. The crowd was armed with cart-rungs, small clubs, and other weapons. After damaging the railroad they proceeded down the avenue, amusing themselves by applying the torch to the house of any person whom they considered opposed to them. The Western Hotel, the Western Drove-Yards, and other buildings, were in this manner destroyed. At the corner of Twenty-sixth street and Eleventh avenue, the Hudson River cars were stopped and threatened with destruction, but were eventually allowed to proceed on their way. The residence of Colonel Nugent, Eighty-sixth street, was utterly destroyed; and an adjoining building was burned to the ground. A large factory in Harlem was fired, and completely consumed. Post-Master Wakeman’s residence in Yorkville was pillaged of everything it contained, and then reduced to ashes; an attack was made on the clothing store of Mr. Brooks, Catherine street, the rioters carrying away articles of clothing of great value. The robbery was interrupted, and the probable subsequent destruction of the building prevented, by the arrival of a police force, who fell upon the mob with great fierceness, capturing many, and scattering the remainder in confusion. Thieves, garroters, rowdies and ruffians of all descriptions took this opportunity of joining the mob and robbing and plundering at their pleasure. Many of the rioters arrested by the police were recognized as old offenders. Another assault upon the Tribune Office was attempted, but did not amount to anything. A large crowd was collected in the Park, and around the City Hall. Governor Seymour made his appearance upon the front steps of the building, and addressed the crowd in the following manner: “MY FRIENDS: I have come down here from the quiet of the country to see what was the difficulty, to learn what all this trouble was concerning the Draft. Let me assure you that I am your friend. [Uproarious cheering] You have been my friends—[cries of “Yes,” “Yes,” “That’s so”—“We are and will be again”]—and now I assure you, my fellow-citizens, that, I am here to show you a test of my friendship. [Cheers.] I wish to inform you that I have sent my Adjutant-General to Washington to confer with the authorities there, and to have this Draft suspended and stopped. [Vociferous cheers.] I now ask you as good citizens to wait for his return, and I assure you that I will do all that I can to see that there is no inequality, and no wrong done to any one. I wish you to take good care of all property as good citizens, and see that every person is safe. The safe keeping of property and persons rests with you, and I charge you to disturb neither. It is your duty to maintain the good order of the city, and I know you will do it. I wish you now to separate as good citizens, and you can assemble again whenever you wish to do so. I ask you to leave all to me now, and I will see to your rights. Wait until my adjutant returns from Washington, and you shall be satisfied. Listen to me, and see that no harm is done to either persons or property, but retire peaceably.” [Cheers.] Some of the crowd here shouted, “Send away those bayonets,” referring to a company of soldiers who were drawn up in front of the City Hall, but the Governor declined to interfere with the military, and bowing to the crowd, retired. A person named Andrews, formerly of Virginia, then introduced himself and asked the crowd to disperse, and await the reply from Washington, which he was certain would come by telegraph this afternoon, and which he knew would be, that no draft would take place. [Cries of “Send these soldiers away, then we’ll go.”] Upon the suggestion of some person, Mr. Perrin told the crowd that the soldiers present were subject to the command of Governor Seymour, and could not go unless he ordered them away. The speaker then retired, as did also the crowd, after many mutterings against the troops. Those of the mob who had gathered solely with a view to oppose the draft, gradually dispersed; but the crowd had attracted to itself too many who were only anxious to pillage and destroy, to be so readily broken up; and the rioters only left the City Hall to assemble elsewhere. Again night, but not quiet, descended upon the scene. From end to end of the city the feeling of anxious fear was increased rather than diminished. Violence, theft and bloodshed reigned in all directions, and the sky was lurid with the lights of the still burning buildings. THE THIRD DAY. The Seventh regiment had been sent for, and were hourly expected on this day, the 15th; but the expected arrival of a body of military fresh from the seat of war did not, apparently, in the least intimidate the rioters, who went about threatening the houses, property, and lives of all who came under their displeasure, and boasting that they were so well organized as to fear nothing. One of the first acts of the rioters upon this day was a cowardly and brutal outrage upon an unfortunate negro, whom it was alleged had shot one of their number in self-defence. Immediately a crowd of two or three hundred rioters surrounded the unfortunate wretch, and seized him as he was endeavoring to enter his house. Dragging him into the middle of the street, they jumped upon him and pounded him with their fists and with stones, until life was extinct. “Hang him”—“hang him,” was the cry, and procuring a piece of clothes line, the crowd suspended the lifeless body from the limb of a tree, where he remained hanging several hours. This fiendish act accomplished, the insurgents cried, “burn his house,” when a rush was made upon the building, and the door burst open. After emptying it they set fire to and destroyed it. The firemen arriving upon the ground in response to the alarm, saved the adjoining property from injury. Meantime a woman told the mob that a row of tenement houses in the rear were occupied by colored people, when the ringleader, armed with a cudgel, led to the place in search of the inmates, but they had effected their escape, having been apprised of their danger by some friendly neighbors at the commencement of the outbreak. Incensed at the escape of their prey, the mob burned the buildings, and fled on the arrival of the police. The body of the unfortunate negro was cut down, and removed to the dead-house. At a later hour, the mob, strongly reinforced, again appeared in the neighborhood, when they were fired upon by a company of military who had been ordered to the spot. Several of the rioters were killed, but their names were never ascertained. About half past two o’clock a large force of the mob stopped at a lumber-yard on Fourteenth street, fired it, and burnt it to the ground, causing the luckless owner a loss of ten thousand dollars. The rage of the bloodthirsty rioters continued to expend itself upon the colored population, and upon all who had the reputation of being abolitionists. Many beautiful buildings were laid in ashes, for no other reason than because some maliciously disposed person volunteered the information that “an abolitionist lived in the pile somewhere.” It was certain death not only to any negro to be seen upon the streets but to any white person who expressed pity for the bad treatment to which the poor wretches were subjected. The telegraph wires were cut in many directions; and much inconvenience as well as a great deal of damage caused thereby. All the principal hotels in the city were organized for defence, and the male boarders armed themselves in case of attack; while in private families there was an almost universal compulsory fast, both because the markets were closed up, and because it was dangerous to go into the streets even for the purpose of purchasing the necessaries of life. Nearly all day there were demonstrations by the rioters in Seventh avenue, in the vicinity of the arsenal. Cannon had been placed so as to command all the approaches to the arsenal, and a strong force of cavalry was on the ground. These preparations had the effect of keeping the mob at a respectful distance, but the spirit of turbulence manifested itself occasionally, and was often met by a terrible retribution from the military. Cannon were held in readiness, and the conflicts during the day, resulted in the killing and wounding of between forty and fifty men, women, and children. Toward night the mob found a negro man, and, having expended their rage by nearly killing him, they then hung him to a lamp post at the corner of Twenty-eighth street and Seventh avenue. An attack upon the gas-house was made, but before it resulted in anything disastrous, a detachment of infantry came up, and immediately put the rioters to flight. To protect the works from any further damage the military kept guard upon them all night. Late in the afternoon a consultation was held by Governor Seymour, General Sandford, General Wool and General Brown on the propriety of proclaiming martial law; but Governor Seymour was averse to such an extreme measure, depending upon the military forces then in the city and those expected to arrive to quell the disturbances. In the course of the day the mob increased to the number of eight hundred persons. A large body of them attacked a shoe store on Grand street, and having appropriated every article of property it contained they set the building on fire, and reduced it to ashes. The citizens of the Tenth, Eleventh, Fifteenth, Seventeenth, and Nineteenth Wards having organized themselves into Committees of Safety, patrolled the streets carrying arms. Toward evening the Tenth, and Sixty-fifth regiments returned to the city, and were loudly cheered as they walked up Broadway. This somewhat sobered the rioters, but robbery and pillaging continued during the succeeding night, although both the military and police were on the alert. On this day the excitement had spread on the one side of the city to Brooklyn; and on the other to Hoboken; fires occurring in both cities ignited by the incendiaries, who profited by their wicked acts. Boston, Troy, Buffalo, and very many other cities of the North suffered by the riot during the fifteenth, and for several days succeeding. THE FOURTH DAY. The morning of the fourth day of the riot opened under auspicious circumstances. People awoke to find the cars and omnibuses running, and they never were so glad to see them before. The railroads and stage lines were assured ample protection by an order of Governor Seymour requiring General Sandford to furnish the Police Commissioners such force as they might require to protect their depots and stables. The public confidence was still further increased by the arrival of the Seventh, and Seventy-fourth Regiments, and the battery of the Eighth. The Sixty-fifth, Colonel Burns, of Buffalo, was placed by Governor Seymour under the orders of General Wool, and at an early hour three companies of it were assigned to the sub-treasury building. The other four companies were retained for street service at General Brown’s headquarters. The battery of the Eighth regiment, Captain Brown, which arrived with the Sixty-fifth, was threatened by a mob at the Battery, but the two negro servants accompanying it were firmly protected. The expectation of the other regiments, five of New York and five of Brooklyn, whose return Governor Seymour had requested, tended to increase the feeling of safety which was growing with the citizens. A Michigan regiment, whose term of service had nearly expired, was also expected to return home by way of the metropolis. The appropriation, moreover, of two million five hundred thousand dollars by the Common Council to satisfy the three hundred dollar exemption clause, withdrew most of those who feared the draft from the mob; and few but the thieves were left. About noon a large gang of rioters fired upon a company of soldiers from a house on the Seventh avenue. The soldiers returned the fire, and immediately ten or a dozen desperate fellows, armed with clubs and guns, rushed out of the house, and pursued the soldiers, who wheeled about and poured the contents of their muskets into them. In an incredibly short space of time, the streets became thronged with rioters, who made the most violent demonstrations against the soldiers, but were soon driven from the vicinity. When the military were out of sight, the mob finished sacking some houses they had broken into, and threatened to use the torch forthwith for the balance of the block. Very fortunately the mob was foiled in all its efforts to obtain possession of the Arsenal, the lower floor of which was filled with artillery and equipments, and the second floor with muskets, swords, sabres, pistols, and all kinds of infantry and cavalry equipments. Had the rioters gained possession of the building, there would have been no lack of arms for any number they could have mustered. The third floor, of the size of the entire building, is the drill-room, now used for barracks and guard-house. In the centre and around the sides muskets were stacked, and soldiers lying, with knapsacks under their heads, asleep. It looked almost like a battle-field; coats, equipments, arms, soldiers lying indiscriminately together. “Here,” said Major Kiernan, of the Sixth Missouri, to a gentleman present, “you have a glimpse of war as it is.” The military being present in large force, the rioters became hourly less demonstrative. Notwithstanding this, however, a great deal of damage was done in various parts of the city. The most violent demonstrations of the rioters were now subdued; and on the following day business was resumed throughout the city, and all the stores which had been obliged to be closed, were again opened. As the disturbance in New York city subsided, the rioting in adjacent towns, and all other places affected by it, gradually decreased; and quiet again succeeded the short, but bloody “reign of terror.” OPERATIONS IN TENNESSEE, IN 1863. The headquarters of the Army of the Cumberland was established at Murfreesboro’ on the fifth of January, 1863, the army itself occupying a position in front of the town which was completely encircled by extensive earthworks, constructed with the view of rendering it a depot of supplies and the base of prospective operations. The rainy season set in and a suspension of activity on the part of the Federals ensued, but the cavalry of the enemy was as lively and ubiquitous as ever, and not only often succeeded in capturing many men and wagons, but also in burning a number of steamers on the Cumberland, with the view of cutting off the communications of the Union army, and of stopping its supplies. On the 31st, Brigadier-General Jefferson C. Davis with three brigades, made a bold dash in the direction of Rover and Franklin. During an absence of thirteen days the two brigades of cavalry he had with him visited eight towns and secured one hundred and forty-one prisoners, including two colonels and several other officers, without the loss of a man. BATTLE OF FORT DONELSON, TENN. On the 3rd of February, 1863, Major-General Wheeler, Brigadier-General Wharton and Colonel Forrest, with five thousand Confederates and twelve cannon, marched on Fort Donelson. They were met half a mile from the fort by a skirmishing party, under Captain McClanahan, sent out by Colonel A. C. Harding, commanding the garrison, which consisted of nine companies of the Eighty-third Illinois, one company of the Fifth Iowa cavalry, and two sections of Flood’s battery, in all about six hundred effective men. The battery consisted of four rifled brass pieces, in addition to which there was one siege gun, a rifled thirty-two pounder, in position. The skirmishers fell inward slowly, firing upon the enemy as they retired, until they were called in. The Confederates now displayed a white flag and demanded the surrender of the fort and garrison. Colonel Harding replied that he “would fight while he had a man left.” He had formed his line of battle, (in the shape of a crescent,) one flank on the river and the other extending to a brick building near the intrenchments; he had sent for gunboats, and was content to abide the issue. The enemy completely encompassed the town; and the fire of artillery opened on both sides. His men were all mounted; and made charge after charge upon the gallant defenders, whose Springfield rifles emptied scores of saddles at each assault. The rebel General Wharton dismounted his men, gained the rear of the town, and they then forced their way into it. Colonel Forrest, who had fired his troops with daring emulation, led his brigade, in line more than a mile long, to the attack. It was met by a perfect storm of lead. The troops pressed on through the fatal hail, driving the Federals from their rifle-pits and chasing them into the town, but here the pursuers were greeted with a deadly shower that threatened them with annihilation, and they wavered, turned and fled. But they were soon rallied, reformed, and again urged into the mouth of destruction; and, in this spirit, was the contest kept up from noon till half past seven o’clock, when another flag of truce was sent in with a second demand for an unconditional surrender. Flood’s battery had lost forty-eight out of sixty-four horses; one piece, had every gun dismounted, and had fired its last cartridge. The rebels assured Colonel Harding that he had done all that could be expected of a brave man, and that further resistance on his part would only lead to a useless effusion of blood. The hero replied, “I have no orders to surrender, I cannot think of such a thing—I’ll take the consequences.” The struggle was renewed. It appeared a hopeless one for the Unionists, till a cheering sight appeared on the river. It was the sable Lexington, followed by her consorts moving majestically into the rear of the position. The gunboat, always the rebels’ terror, began to speak in her tones of thunder. The enemy had posted his main body in line of battle in the graveyard at the westerly extremity of the town, with his left wing exposed to a raking fire in a ravine which led down to the river; and the fire of the gunboats Lexington, Fairplay, Brilliant, St. Clair, Robb and Silver Lake, which fairly rocked the Post with the force of the concussion, did frightful execution among the terror-stricken and fleeing masses of rebels that filled the surrounding valleys and ravines. In this gallant defence, the Federal loss was sixteen killed and sixty wounded. The cavalry, which had been sent to reconnoitre four hours before the commencement of the engagement, were all captured except four, making the loss in prisoners about fifty. The rebels had fully one hundred and fifty killed, four hundred wounded, and left one hundred and fifty prisoners with the Unionists. BATTLE NEAR FRANKLIN, TENN. MARCH 5, 1863. On the fourth of March, an expedition composed of the Thirty-third Indiana, Twenty-second Wisconsin, Nineteenth Michigan, Eighty-fifth Indiana, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Ohio infantry, with detachments of the Second Michigan, Ninth Pennsylvania, and Fourth Kentucky cavalry, left Franklin, Tenn., under the command of Colonel John Coburn, to meet a force which General Rosecrans was to send from Murfreesboro’ at a point some twelve miles from Franklin. The column had proceeded about three miles when it encountered the enemy, and a slight artillery engagement ensued, in which he was defeated with the loss of ten killed, left on the field. Here the train, which consisted of about one hundred wagons, proving too cumbersome, was, with the exception of the baggage-wagons, sent back, and the army went into camp. The next morning information was brought by two negroes that the enemy under Colonel Forrest was reinforced by Major-General Van Dorn, and now numbered ten thousand men. The negroes were dispatched, under guard, to General Gilbert to whom Colonel Colburn had already sent a letter informing him of the probable number of the enemy and asking for reinforcements. “The Colonel must be scared,” observed the General, as he wrote this laconic order: “your force is sufficient, move forward.” At eight o’clock A. M. the column resumed its march, throwing out skirmishers; and when it had advanced about four miles, fire was opened from a battery immediately in front. Colonel Colburn drew up his command in line of battle, placed three pieces on its right and two on the left, so that the battery might bear simultaneously on two points. Another of the enemy’s batteries immediately revealed itself on the right, but no force was visible. The Eighty-fifth and Thirty-third Indiana were ordered to take it. They started down the hill, and were received with a murderous volley from infantry behind a stone wall and around the depot, where they disclosed overwhelming numbers. At the same moment another rebel battery opened on the left. The two regiments were ordered to retire. The Eighteenth Ohio battery on the left failed to stand the scathing fire of the enemy’s guns, and being out of ammunition, had also without orders moved down to the pike. The enemy now advanced on the left in line of battle, and Colonel Colburn was leading the Thirty-third and the Eighty-fifth Indiana into the fiery snare laid for them. The Twenty-second Wisconsin and Nineteenth Michigan, on the summit of a hill, held their positions against overwhelming odds. The section of the battery on its right had also kept up a constant fire, but that on the pike was retreating in double quick time, and was only too soon followed by the other section, which had hitherto behaved so well. Lieutenant-Colonel Bloodgood of the Twenty-second Wisconsin, seeing the enemy closing round the hill to cut him off, gave the order to move the regiment in that direction by the flank: one hundred and fifty obeyed the command, and, with that number, he escaped. The cavalry had already retired half a mile from the scene of action. The Union brigade was now driven into a hollow, the enemy closing in upon it on every side, shell and round shot pouring upon it, thick and fast, and bullets raining so rapidly, that further resistance appeared like a useless immolation of hundreds of lives. Colonel Colburn therefore surrendered. The Union loss in this disastrous engagement was one hundred killed, three hundred wounded, besides many prisoners, and a valuable train. The rebel loss in killed and wounded was much less than that sustained by the Federal forces. * * * * * On the tenth of March a detachment of Federal troops, comprising the Sixth and Seventh Illinois cavalry, commanded by Colonel Grierson, surprised Colonel Richardson’s guerrilla band, four hundred strong, near Covington, Tenn, killed twenty-five, captured a number of them, and dispersed the rest. On the twelfth Major-General Gordon Granger with his division, supported by Colonel Minty, returned to Franklin from an expedition which had been attended with a success so brilliant as to efface in great measure the disgrace of the failure of Colonel Colburn’s expedition. General Van Dorn and his command, flushed with their recent victory over Colonel Colburn, were met by this expeditionary force, and “sent flying” over the Duck river. On the eighteenth, fourteen hundred men, consisting of the One hundred and fifth Ohio, the Eightieth, and One Hundred and Twenty-third Illinois, an Indiana battery, and one company of Tennessee cavalry, under the command of Colonel A. S. Hall, left Murfreesboro’ and started in the direction of Liberty. On the next morning the enemy was encountered, but in numbers so overwhelming that Colonel Hall was compelled to return. He was attacked the next day at Milton by the rebel forces under General John Morgan. A fierce fight, lasting three hours and a half, ensued, but the enemy were finally repulsed with the loss of four captains and sixty men left on the field, dead or mortally wounded, besides nearly three hundred placed _hors du combat_. Colonel Hall had six killed, forty wounded, and seven missing. * * * * * From this time, a great many expeditions of the above description were sent out from time to time with more or less success. A force of rebels, under Major-General Van Dorn, on the 10th of April, attacked the National force under Major-General G. Granger, at Franklin. The rebel force was estimated at nine thousand cavalry, besides two regiments of infantry, and was greatly superior to the Union force, which consisted of only two regiments, under Generals Baird and Gilbert, numbering about sixteen hundred men, and sixteen guns; and two cavalry brigades under General Smith and Colonel Stanley, numbering about twenty-seven hundred men, and two guns. The only natural defence of the place was a fort, not yet completed, and which mounted two siege, and two three-inch rifled guns. This fort was elevated some forty feet above the surrounding country, and commanded most of the approaches to the town. General Granger’s camp was situated on the north side of the river, and about two-thirds of a mile from Franklin. General Baird received orders to check any force of the enemy attempting to cross the fords below, and General Gilbert was so placed as to meet any attack made upon the front, with orders to reinforce either flank if required. About four miles on the road to Murfreesboro’, Colonel Stanley was stationed, and General Smith’s cavalry was held in reserve to reinforce Colonel Stanley. The attack was opened by General Van Dorn on General Granger’s front, which was instantly repulsed. The attack was then renewed on Colonel Stanley, who was driven back before reinforcements could reach him. The enemy pressed close upon them; when they had advanced into an open field, they halted, and the Unionists suddenly faced about, and delivered such a hot fire into their ranks that they fell back in confusion. Speedily recovering, however, the enemy charged again, and were again repulsed with loss. They fell back again; and the Unionists not wishing to follow up the advantage they had gained, continued to retreat till they had neared the town, and there they were charged upon by the whole force of the enemy’s cavalry. The Unionists kept up a continuous firing upon the advancing rebels, but the enemy’s column came steadily onward. The National troops now executed a brilliant, and very skillful movement—each front company delivered its fire, and then retreated to the rear, leaving the next one behind in front, and so succeeding until the one in rear was again in front. In this way the retreating Unionists, still under a hot fire from the rebels, held them in check till the town was gained in safety. Once there, the National troops concealed themselves within the shelter of the houses, yard-fences, hedges, &c., and from this cover they poured into the enemy’s ranks a constant and murderous fire. The siege guns and batteries now opened upon them, also, and succeeded in driving them discomfited from the field. In this engagement, the National loss was very much less than that of the rebels, notwithstanding the latter had so far outnumbered the former. On the 20th, a skirmish occurred between a Union force, part of Major-General Reynolds’s division, Colonel Wilder’s mounted brigade, and a cavalry force under Colonel Minty, and the enemy, who were stationed at a place called McMinnsville. The rebels formed a line, and charged upon the Unionists as the latter approached the city, where they had been sent from Murfreesboro’, to scatter any Confederate force which might be found at McMinnsville. The National troops encountered the rebel line, breaking through it at once, and drove the whole force, consisting of seven hundred men, from the town. Many men were taken prisoners by this Union force, and much destruction of rebel property accomplished. On the 29th, a small body of Union men, under Colonel Watkins, captured one of the enemy’s camps, taking prisoners one hundred and thirty-eight men. COLONEL STREIGHT’S EXPEDITION INTO GEORGIA. MAY 3, 1863. About the 20th of April, an expedition was fitted out to proceed into Northern Georgia, in charge of Colonel A. D. Streight, under whose command was placed the Fifty-first Indiana and Eightieth Illinois, together with portions of two Ohio regiments. Colonel Streight was officially notified that the chief object of his expedition was to push into Western Georgia, and cut the railroads which supplied the rebel army, by way of Chattanooga; and that in pursuance of this plan, he was not to allow incidental schemes, however promising as to results, to involve him in such delays, as would endanger his safe return. In order in deceive the enemy, he was to march long enough in company with the army of General Dodge, to give rise to the belief that he was a part of the expedition of the latter. He was further commanded to refrain from pillage and marauding, but to destroy all depots of supplies for the rebel army, all manufactories of guns, ammunition, equipment, and clothing for their use, which could be done without endangering their return. In obedience to these instructions, Colonel Streight embarked his soldiers from Nashville, and landed near Fort Donelson. From there he crossed the country to the Tennessee river, thence proceeded to Eastport, and conjointly with the forces of General Dodge, at the time marching upon Tuscumbia, gave battle to the Confederate troops, and defeated them with considerable loss. At this point, Colonel Streight parted company with General Dodge, and pursued his course toward Rome and Atlanta. General Forrest and Colonel Rody, with a Confederate force, happening to be in the neighborhood of Colonel Streight’s proposed route, were at once apprised of his movements, and falling upon his rear, engaged in a running fight, which lasted full four days, and comprised several sharp skirmishes, and two battles. The Federal troops, however, managed to advance over a hundred miles into the interior of the State, destroying on their way some bridges, a large quantity of meal, and a foundry for the manufacture of shot and cannon. But as the Confederate forces continually increased, and both the ammunition and the men of Colonel Streight finally became exhausted, he was obliged at a point some fifteen miles from Rome, (Ga.) to make a complete surrender. His men, to the number of thirteen hundred, were, according to custom, at once paroled, but his officers were held and imprisoned, on the charge of having incurred the penalty fixed by a statute of the State of Georgia, for inciting slaves to rebellion. In substantiation of this claim, it was stated that black men, uniformed, and bearing arms, were found in the command of Colonel Streight. On the other hand, it was declared that these negroes had marched from Nashville with the raiders. In consequence of this refusal to parole Colonel Streight, the Government suspended the exchange of Confederate officers, and General Morgan and his officers were thrown into the penitentiary of Ohio. Colonel Streight was subsequently released from imprisonment. * * * * * It was toward the end of June that General Rosecrans commenced a series of movements, which were designed to bring on a conflict between the forces under his command, and the rebels under General Bragg. His purpose was to march small portions of his army on Shelbyville, and by feints give an idea that a serious movement was intended in that direction; while his really decisive blow was aimed at Tullahoma. Accordingly the Twentieth corps, under General McCook, was selected to make the advance on the right; and about seven o’clock General Sheridan’s division, preceded by five companies of mounted infantry, under Lieutenant-Colonel Jones, proceeded on the way to Shelbyville. During the night, this division bivouacked on each side of the wood, and the divisions of General Johnson and Davis advanced six miles on the road, and on the left turned to Liberty Gap. The following day was very stormy—notwithstanding which the mounted infantry under Colonel Wilder, marched along the road leading to Manchester, and were closely followed by General Reynolds, with the remainder of his division. At about nine o’clock in the morning, Colonel Wilder met the enemy’s pickets eight miles from Murfreesboro’, and drove them, together with all their reserves, on a quick run before him, to beyond Hoover’s Gap, which is a long winding hollow through a chain of hills which divide the Stone and Duck rivers. For about two-thirds the distance through the gaps the rebels had fortified a strong position, but were driven so closely by the men under Colonel Wilder, that before they had time to deploy into their works, the Union soldiers were inside also. The rebels fled instantly, leaving behind the battle-flag of the First Kentucky cavalry regiment, and also forty-two prisoners. For full four miles beyond Hoover’s Gap, Colonel Wilder’s men drove them on a sharp run; when he heard the long-roll sounded in the enemy’s infantry camp two miles beyond the Garrison Fork, down Duck river toward the right. Immediately the proper dispositions were made for an expected fight, for Colonel Wilder determined to hold the gap until General Reynolds with his force should come up to his assistance. Almost on the instant, two brigades of rebel infantry came up on the double-quick, and formed in line of battle; the Unionists poured a volley into their ranks, which caused them to hastily turn about and beat a retreat; upon the right of Colonel Wilder’s column five regiments of rebels had charged, and outflanked the Seventeenth. The Ninety-eighth Illinois, Colonel Fernhouser, hastened to their relief, before whom the rebels did not stand more than five minutes. Wheeling about, the enemy, despite the cries and entreaties of their officers, beat a hasty retreat, and with great noise and clatter carried their batteries away with them, and posted them behind some hills in their rear. General Reynolds’ division held possession of the gap. During these and subsequent preliminary movements, the rebel position was as follows: Bragg’s main army occupied a strong position north of Duck river, with their cavalry on the right toward McMinnville, and their infantry extending from Shelbyville to Wantrace; on the left, toward Columbia and Spring Hill, Forrest was concentrating and threatening Franklin. Their main base of supplies was, of course, at Chattanooga; but their superior and efficient cavalry force had enabled them to command all the resources of Duck river valley, and the country toward the south. Tullahoma, the large intrenched camp of the rebels, was situated on the “barrens” at the intersection of the Nashville and Chattanooga railroad with the McMinnville branch, and was their main depot. The rebel infantry was well protected by a high range of rough and rocky hills; the principal routes passed southward from Murfreesboro’ toward Tullahoma, and the enemy’s line of communications. By the way of McMinnville, Tullahoma is distant seventy-five miles from Chattanooga; the Manchester pike passes the hills above referred to, goes through Hoover’s Gap, and ascends to the “barrens,” through a long and difficult cañon called Matt’s Hollow. The Wantrace road passes through Liberty Gap, and into a road which runs parallel with the railroad at Bellbuckle Gap. The Shelbyville road runs through a defile called Guy’s Gap. A road called the Middleton dirt road, is also situated near here; and the road along Versailles runs into the Shelbyville and Triune roads, neither of which have any passes, and but few defiles. The enemy held all these passes, his main position being in front of Shelbyville, and strengthened by a redan line which extended from Horse Mountain on the east, to Duck river on the west, and was covered by a line of abattis. It being still uncertain whether the enemy would advance to test the strength of the whole Union force, the following disposition of the latter was made for the 25th: Major-General Crittenden was ordered to advance on Lannon’s Stand, and from thence open communication with General Thomas, who was then to drive the rebels toward Fairfield, where the Fourteenth corps was stationed to receive them; and General McCook, with that portion of his corps under his own immediate command was to make a feint along the Wantrace road by the way of Liberty Gap. General Stanley, with the cavalry under his command, was to occupy the attention of the rebels at Fosterville; while General Granger with the infantry, was to support Stanley at Christiana. If General Thomas succeeded in his manœuvre, and found the rebels retreating towards Wartrace, he was to cover that road with a division, and thus move on to Manchester with the remainder of his command, while General McCook, moving in on Beech Grove, was to hold Liberty Gap with one division, and after a time to withdraw quietly, leaving a force sufficient to protect it, and move on to Manchester. During this day it rained heavily and continuously; and General Brannan was, in consequence, prevented from joining the Fourteenth corps as soon as was necessary. Finally everything was in position; General Reynolds’ division advanced upon the heights toward Fairfield, but made no demonstration against the enemy. At Liberty Gap the enemy endeavored to regain possession, but were utterly routed, and compelled to leave it in possession of the Unionists. The greater part of the movements ordered on the 25th were completed on the 26th, notwithstanding the drenching rain which had continued day and night. The divisions of Generals Reynolds, Rousseau and Brannan, made a combined advance upon the enemy, and forced him to retreat toward Fairfield; Wilder’s cavalry seized Matt’s Hollow, and held it, thus securing the passage toward Manchester for Reynolds to move forward with his division, which the gallant General did during the same night. Headquarters were established in Manchester during the 27th; and in the course of the night all the remaining portion of General Thomas’ corps came in from the different directions in which they had been posted. All was now in readiness to prepare for the coming contest; rations were distributed to the troops, and the column was closed up around Manchester. While these preparations were going forward, General Rosecrans saw an opportunity for cutting off the railroad in the rebel rear, and thus accomplishing one of his main objects. He therefore sent forward Wilder’s brigade to burn the bridges across Elk river, and to destroy the railroad between Deckhard and Cowan. Brigadier-General John Beatty was sent to Hillsboro’ with a brigade of infantry, to cover, and if necessary, support the movements of Colonel Wilder. Upon reaching Elk river it was found to be so swollen, in consequence of the recent rains, that it was impossible to ford it. Nothing daunted, the brave Colonel proceeded upstream along the banks, till he came to a place where there seemed a possibility of swimming his horse across. A raft was hastily constructed from the ruins of an old sawmill, and he thus floated his mountain howitzer over, by towing it with ropes. The One hundred and twenty-third Illinois, Colonel Monroe, had been sent on to destroy the bridge, but on arriving there found that he was late by about ten minutes, as three regiments of the rebel Withers’ division of infantry had arrived there and were protecting the bridge. Colonel Monroe, therefore, returned from his fruitless errand; and with the rest of Wilder’s command, moved on to Deckhard during the same night. There they had a sharp skirmish with about eighty men of the garrison, but finally drove them out, and in the darkness the rebels effected their escape. Colonel Wilder then destroyed the telegraph wires, captured the instruments, set fire to the depot, and tore up about three hundred yards of the Chattanooga railroad track. From there Colonel Wilder took the road across the mountains to Chattanooga intending to strike the bridges at Cow’s creek, near Stevenson, but was prevented on finding three trains loaded with rebel infantry awaiting him, while the enemy’s cavalry was in hot pursuit of him. Unwilling to give up his object, he next attempted to attack Anderson, ten miles further on, and destroy all the bridges in that direction, but there, also, he found a rebel brigade awaiting him. Being thus threatened on every hand, he was obliged to make his escape in order to save his troops from capture; and, with Buckner’s brigade close upon his heels, made all possible speed to return to Manchester. His men were utterly exhausted; they were out of rations, and the horses, which had scarcely been unsaddled for seven days, were nearly starved. But men and animals exhibited alike great powers of endurance; and by his admirable management, Colonel Wilder got his troops back to Manchester in safety, and without the loss of a single man, at about one o’clock on the afternoon of the 30th, having marched one hundred and twenty-six miles, swam four streams, and tore up three railroad tracks. In the mean time a force of the enemy’s artillery and cavalry at Guy’s Gap had been attacked by General Stanley’s cavalry, and the infantry under General Granger. The enemy was completely routed, driven from stand to stand, till they reached their intrenchments, where the Unionists made an impetuous charge upon them, and drove them out, capturing three pieces of artillery. From the intrenchments, the rebels fled back to Shelbyville, and gathering together all their remaining force, made another stand, and for a time withstood the National forces with the courage of desperation. It was in vain. The Union cavalry swept down upon them with resistless strength and fire, and drove them back in dire confusion into the river. Large numbers fell on the field, many were drowned, and a large force were taken prisoners, together with much commissary stores, and a quantity of arms. The Union troops then took possession of Shelbyville, amid the waving of flags, and the cheers of welcome from the inhabitants. Upon the 30th, the whole Union force, in mass, was prepared to move upon Tullahoma; but on the next day a dispatch was received by General Rosecrans from General Thomas, announcing to him that the enemy had evacuated Tullahoma during the night. Pursuit was ordered instantly. The divisions of Brannan, Negley, and Sheridan entered Tullahoma, and took possession. The infantry arrived about noon; and the divisions of Negley and Rousseau pushed on after the retreating rebels, and overtook their rear-guard at Bethpage Bridge, two miles above the railroad crossing. The rebels, in strong force, occupied the heights at this place; and the Unionists engaged in a brisk skirmish with them, in which the National forces entirely routed the rebels. General McCook, in command of two divisions, pursued the enemy, on the next day, along the road which lay west of the railroad. The Elk river was found to be almost unfordable by the cavalry; while the rebel cavalry on the opposite side did everything in their power to resist the attempted crossing by the Union forces. But the rebels were speedily driven away, and the National troops took possession of the ford. General Thomas, with similar difficulty, effected a crossing, the enemy having during the night burned the bridge by which he had expected to cross. The small cavalry force under General Turchin pushed forward to Hillsboro,’ on the Deckhard road; and finding the enemy’s cavalry at Elk Ford, near Morris Ferry, engaged them, and being very soon reinforced by General Mitchell’s troops they forced a passage across the river, after a sharp conflict. Night then closed the pursuit. Upon the 3d July, General Sheridan succeeded in crossing Elk river, and, supported by General J. C. Davis’s division, pushed the enemy to Cowan, where he learned that the rebels, with their artillery and infantry, had crossed the mountains by University and Sweden’s Cove, and that the cavalry alone would be found covering their rear. On the same day General Thomas got his troops across, also; portions of the cavalry from Sheridan’s division, and also from the main column were sent forward, but they only learned that the enemy was gone. The roads were found to be almost impassable from the heavy rains, and the troops being well-nigh out of provisions a halt was ordered until supplies could be forwarded from Murfreesboro’. Thus ended a campaign of nine days’ duration, in which the enemy had been driven from two strongly fortified positions, and which had resulted in giving the Union forces possession of the whole of Middle Tennessee, and preserving Kentucky from the danger of a second invasion. * * * * * The next advance of General Rosecrans was against Chattanooga. General Bragg retreating on the south side of the Tennessee had reached this place, and had there thrown up defensive fortifications. General Rosecrans commenced his movement on the 16th of August; having spent the time from July 3d to the middle of August in making the necessary preparations. The advance was made, of course, across the mountains, its front extending from the head of Sequatchie Valley in East Tennessee to Athens in Alabama, a distance of about one hundred and fifty miles. The army advanced in divisions, availing itself of various gaps in the mountains, and crossing the Tennessee at various points. In the early days of September the army of the Cumberland was threatening the rebels under Bragg, all along that river from Whitesburg to Blythe’s Ferry. General Rosecrans, having become convinced, from evidence gathered from various sources, that General Bragg had commenced on the 6th of September, to move on Rome, directed General Crittenden to hold Chattanooga with one brigade and to pursue the enemy vigorously with the remaining force at his disposal. General Crittenden occupied Ringgold on the 11th, but Wilder’s mounted infantry pushed forward, skirmishing sharply with the enemy as far as Tunnel Hill. Logan having joined Crittenden, the whole corps advanced rapidly, on the twelfth, to Gordon’s Mill. Wilder, while engaged in covering this movement, had a desperate struggle with the enemy at Letts’ Tanyard. Negley, who had, in the mean time, been reconnoitering in the vicinity of Dug Gap, where he found the enemy in heavy force, was joined on the 11th by Baird’s division, and, after a severe skirmish with the rebels, secured a strong position in front of Stevens’ Gap. On the twelfth Reynolds and Brennan closed up to sustain these two advanced positions. General Rosecrans, having now ascertained that Bragg was not retreating on Rome, but concentrating all his forces near La Fayette, behind Pigeon Mountain, where he was receiving reinforcements from Johnston and from Virginia, proceeded at once to concentrate his army. General McCook was ordered to hold Dougherty’s Gap, with two brigades, and to join General Thomas with the remainder of his command, with whom however, he did not close up till the 17th. On the arrival of General McCook’s corps, General Thomas moved down the Chickamauga, toward Gordon’s Mill. A manœuvre was now made to cover the La Fayette road to Chickamauga, but it was retarded by the narrowness of the roads and the disposition of the troops, and, during its progress, Colonel Minty became engaged with the enemy near Reed’s Bridge, and Wilder’s “Lightning Brigade” dashed into a superior force, from which they escaped by the La Fayette road. On the 11th, Minty’s cavalry and Wilder’s mounted brigade, were, after an obstinate struggle, driven by the enemy from Reed’s and Alexander’s bridges, to the Rossville road. General Thomas advanced during the night to Kelly’s House on the La Fayette road, where Baird’s division was posted. Here it was reported to him that a rebel brigade, isolated by the burning of Reed’s bridge, was on his side of the Chickamauga. Brennan, with two brigades, was sent out to capture it, and encountered a strong column of the enemy, bent on turning the left of the Union army, and on getting possession of the road between it and Chattanooga. This movement opened the combat, and on the 19th of September, 1863, was commenced. THE BATTLE OF CHICKAMAUGA. The enemy combined in heavy masses on the extreme left, and Croxton’s brigade of Brennan’s division became engaged with the rebel General Forrest’s cavalry, about ten A. M. General McCook, who had closed up to Crawfish Springs as soon as Thomas’s column was out of his way, now sent Johnson’s division to Thomas’s assistance. General Crittenden had dispatched Palmer’s for the same purpose. The support was afforded most opportunely. Croxton’s brigade, which had driven the cavalry under Forest near half a mile, met at last Ector’s and Wilson’s brigades, which made a resistance so obstinate, that Baird’s whole division was advanced to Croxton’s support. The foe was again pushed back and many prisoners captured. After an hour’s hard fighting against overwhelming numbers, the ammunition of Croxton’s brigade was exhausted, and the men were moved to the rear to enable them to fill their boxes. The united forces of Baird and Brennan had driven the enemy from their immediate front, and Baird was disposing his lines to receive an attack he had reason to apprehend on his right, when Walthall’s and Govan’s rebel brigades, under Liddell, impetuously assaulted Scribner’s and King’s, and put them to flight, making several hundred prisoners, and capturing Loomis’s and other batteries. The regulars, outflanked after the withdrawal of Brannan’s men, fought like tigers, but were rolled back and over Scribner’s brigade—the right of which being too far advanced, was crumpled up and literally surrounded. At this conjuncture, Johnson’s division of McCook’s corps, and Reynolds’ division of Thomas’s arrived, and were placed in position, connecting with the brigades already engaged. The storm rolled upon them, and, as the most desperate valor was displayed by both rebels and Unionists, the fortune of the fight wavered, first on one side and then on the other. A tremendous onslaught of the enemy broke Palmer’s lines, and scattered several of his regiments in wild dismay. General Reynolds threw himself among the brave but broken ranks, shouting, “Boys! are you the soldiers of the Sixth Ohio, who fought so gallantly with me at Cheat Mountain in Virginia? You never turned your backs upon traitors—will you do it now?” “No! no!” they screamed, with frantic enthusiasm. “Lead us back. We will fight it out! Lead us back!” Back came the scattered fragments of regiments; with magic swiftness ranks were formed, and the order was issued for the entire line to advance—and never was a finer charge made than that which followed. But they were Longstreet’s men who opposed, and they rallied and rallied again, maintaining their reputation desperately; but Thomas, Reynolds, and other heroic leaders inspirited their men with their own ardor; the foe was still driven and Longstreet threatened with annihilation. Attacked both in front and in the flank, the enemy was slaughtered mercilessly; the artillery he had captured was, with the exception of three pieces, recovered; and he was finally compelled to fall back, in confusion, on his reserves, posted in a strong position on the west side of Chickamauga creek. While the contest was progressing so gloriously on the left, Polk and Cheatham, with a powerful force, fell upon Palmer and Van Cleve, and upon Reynolds’ right. The assault was made with such suddenness and effect that Palmer’s division was staggered, and Van Cleve’s completely shattered. Prisoners and artillery fell into the hands of the exultant foe, and he was driving everything before him, when General Davis’ division came upon him and restored the fortunes of the day. But the chosen legions of the enemy, and all his available forces, were massed in this quarter, and the unparalleled obstinacy of Davis’s men would have proved unequal to the occasion, had not Brannan’s division arrived on the scene just in time to defeat Cheatham’s efforts to turn Reynolds’ right and rear. General Negley had been ordered to afford succor, and responded readily to the summons. The gallant Wilder was however the first to scatter the enemy in terror before him, but they rallied, and forced him slowly back. General Sheridan now joined in the wavering struggle and led Colonel Bradley’s noble brigade into the midst of it. The rebels opened, from some timber near his flank, an enfilading fire, which rained death into his ranks and compelled him to give way. But Wood and Negley, who had been busied hitherto, repelling feigned attacks, came at last to the rescue, and the tide was stayed. The scattered troops reorganized, and lately broken brigades resumed their places. A weltering fire now blazed along the whole Union front, with such terrible effect that the rebels shrank from it. The Union centre was restored to its integrity, and victory, was snatched from the grasp of the foe. SECOND DAY’S BATTLE. Sunday, the twentieth of September, proved an eventful day to the Army of the Cumberland. The sun rose bright and clear, but an impenetrable mist hung over the field between the two hostile armies. General Rosecrans was anxious and alarmed, from the fact that, at the close of the preceding day, there were only two of his brigades which had not been brought opportunely and squarely into the action. This convinced him that he was greatly outnumbered, and he must now fight, not only for the position of Chattanooga, but for the very existence of his army. The corps commanders met at headquarters, at Widow Glen’s house, and, after participating in long and grave consultation, received orders for the disposition of the troops for the following day. General Thomas, with his reinforcements, was to maintain the line he had assumed, with Brennan in reserve; General McCook, when his pickets were driven in, was to close on Thomas, and enclose the position at Widow Glen’s house. Crittenden with two divisions in reserve, near the junction of Thomas’s and McCook’s lines, was to place himself in position to succor either. But McCook stationed his troops too far on the crest, and the reserve under General Davis was removed to a wooded hill side, west of the Dry Valley road, instead of being placed in close column in a sheltered position more to the left. General Crittenden was in the valley close by, too far to the right, and the indispensable necessity of keeping near to the left where the enemy’s first assault might be expected, was not sufficiently regarded. General Negley withdrew his reserve brigade from the line and joined General Thomas, but General Crittenden failed to relieve him. Wood’s troops were, however, finally moved into the position vacated by Negley’s reserves; but the delay proved of serious consequence, for the battle had already begun, at half past eight A. M., on the extreme left, as was expected. General Thomas sent for Negley’s remaining brigades, and as he continued to be hard pressed. Van Cleve was sent to his assistance. General Reynolds’s right was now found to be exposed, by an opening in the line, to the enemy. General Wood was ordered to close up on Reynolds, and General Davis on General Wood, and General McCook to concentrate his whole command to the left. General Wood, however, withdrew from the line and passed to the west of General Brannan, who was in echelon, thus opening in the line of battle “A gap for ruin’s wasteful entrance,” into which the enemy poured like an avalanche. The keen eyes of the rebel Generals Longstreet and Buckner had seen it. They opened on Wood, Davis, and Brannan with a terrific fire of grape, canister and shrapnel, shivering the woods behind which the timid attempted to take shelter; and Stewart’s division fell furiously upon the left flank of Davis, and sent it to the right in utter disorder. The first rebel torrent, on the other side, struck Van Cleve, and what remained of Palmer’s command, and shivered them as if by a thunderbolt. Rosecrans, sword in hand, expostulating, shouting, and exposing himself and staff to the pelting storm of the missiles of death, strove in vain to check the rout. After this fatal break the line of battle was not again reformed that day. The army was cut in two. Rosecrans attempted to rejoin Thomas, by passing to the rear of the broken portion of his line, but could not make his way through the broken throngs pressing to the left; and the enemy advancing, compelled him to retire to Chattanooga. Davis’s two brigades, one of Van Cleve’s, and Sheridan’s entire division were driven from the field, and the remainder, consisting of the divisions of Baird, Johnson, Reynolds, Palmer, Brannan and Wood, two of Negley’s and one of Van Cleve’s, were left to sustain the conflict against the whole power of the rebel army. Davis’s and Sheridan’s divisions were forced off toward the right, in their retreat, and were fearfully cut up. Men, animals, and vehicles became a mass of struggling, cursing, shouting, frightened life. Everything and everybody appeared to dash headlong through the narrow gaps, and men, horses, mules, ambulances, luggage wagons, ammunition wagons, artillery carriages, and caissons were rolled and tumbled together in a confused, inextricable, and finally motionless mass, completely blocking up the mouth of the gaps. Nearly all this booty subsequently fell into the hands of the enemy. The exultant rebels boasted of the capture of forty-nine pieces of cannon, prisoners amounting to over eight thousand, thirty thousand stand of arms, and forty stands of regimental colors. The boast was an exaggeration, but no doubt General Bragg and his army were elated beyond measure, and their delight and exultation would doubtless have been justified by the event, had not their victorious army encountered a lion, or rather a rock of adamant, in the corps of the invincible General Thomas. During the night, General Thomas’s troops had thrown up temporary breastworks of logs; and he had with the prescience which distinguishes genius in whatever art or science it engages, made every disposition for the impending struggle. General Negley, sent for and promised, did not come in time, for the enemy held him in check; but General Beatty’s brigade arrived and assisted in stemming the furious assault which the enemy were making on Baird’s left. But Beatty was not strong enough for the work, and was obliged to recede before an overwhelming force. Johnson’s reserve was sent to strengthen him, and with a helping hand from Vandeveer’s brigade of Brannan’s division, a portion of Stanley’s and Wood’s forces, drove the foe from Baird’s rear, where he had thrust himself, entirely away from his left. Thomas now directed the massing of artillery on Missionary Ridge, so as to sweep the ground to the left and rear of Baird’s position. Similar assaults to that above described were simultaneously made upon Johnson, Palmer and Reynolds, and renewed again and again with fresh troops, but were met with Roman coolness and deliberation. The rude breastworks of logs and rails, constructed the night before, saved the lives of thousands of Thomas’s troops. The men placed themselves behind these, their artillery in the rear firing over their heads. Their long line of defences appeared like an immense pyrotechnic serpent, instinct with hideous and withering life, which it belched continually, in volumes of smoke and flame, from its ghastly length. Again and again the rebel lines emerged from the cover of the woods, into the open corn-fields, charged with impetuous fury and terrific yells toward this formidable obstacle, but each of the fiery blasts from the Union batteries and battalions met them, and their ranks were swept away as if washed by a rushing flood. But as fast as the line fell off, another appeared, rushing sternly on over the dead and bleeding bodies of their fallen comrades. Thomas fought with his forces of Saturday, weakened by Saturday’s heavy losses. It was an unequal contest. He now learned that the Union right had been turned, and thus the enemy was in his rear, in force. He notified General Reynolds of the fact. General Wood had barely time to dispose his troops, on the left of Brennan, before they were both exposed to a succession of such assaults as are above described. General Gordon Granger, at the head of Steedman’s division of his corps, appeared now on Thomas’s right, and was ordered to push forward and take position on Brennan’s right. Steedman moved his troops into position with almost as much precision as if on drill, and, fighting his way to the crest of the hill on Brennan’s right, moved forward his artillery, driving the enemy down the southern slope, and inflicting on him a most terrible loss in killed and wounded. The opportune arrival of fresh troops revived the flagging spirits of the Federals, and every assault from that time till nightfall was repulsed in the most gallant style by the whole line. Their ammunition, however, ran very low, for the ammunition trains had been by some mistake removed to the rear; and, had it not been for the small supply furnished by General Steedman’s command, Thomas’s men would have had no resource but the bayonet. General Thomas now received General Rosecrans’ despatch from Chattanooga, directing him to take command of all the forces, and assume a threatening attitude at Rossville. Accordingly, at half past five P. M. the retirement of the Union troops commenced, under the direction of General Thomas. Turchin, of General Reynolds’ division, executed a manœuvre, with the view of covering the retreat, by which two hundred prisoners were captured. A brigade commanded by Colonel Robinson of Reynolds’ division, assisted by Turchin and General Willich, were posted on the road leading through the ridge, to hold the ground while the troops passed by to Rossville. The rebel leaders Stoull, Gibson, Helm, Wood, and Polk had all day been hurling their commands against General Thomas’s lines, and now prepared to make a final effort. The signal was given and forward they pressed, with their wonted wild yell. Johnson’s and Baird’s division, which were preparing to retire, saluted them with several volleys as they advanced, but nothing could stay the tide and the exhausted veterans began to waver in the face of the charging, shouting, thundering host which confronted them; the next moment, wave after wave of the rebel sea came surging upon the breastworks, dashing madly against and over the barrier, and greedily swallowing up many of its defenders, with their ammunition and material. Never was resistance more stubborn and determined, and never was attack prosecuted with more devilish pertinacity. “But all too late the advantage came To turn the odds of deadly game;” for night had come on; the enemy’s forces were moving undisturbed toward Rossville; and the Army of the Cumberland, after having had the narrowest possible escape from annihilation, was saved by the masterly generalship and intrepidity of General Thomas. Major-General George H. Thomas was born in Virginia, July 31, 1816. He graduated at West Point in 1840, and served with distinction in the war with Mexico. He was subsequently stationed in Texas and in the Indian territories. When the rebellion broke out, he was a Major in the regular cavalry. A sincere patriot, he remained true to the flag which he had so long and so honorably served, and he soon rose to the rank of Colonel. In August, 1861, he was made Brigadier-General of Volunteers in the Department of the Cumberland. After much active service, and after thoroughly beating the rebels at Mill Spring, he, with his division, joined General Buell, at Nashville. In April, 1862, he was constituted Major-General of Volunteers. When General Rosecrans assumed command of the Army of the Cumberland, he was assigned to the command of the centre. [Illustration: MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE H. THOMAS.] In personal appearance General Thomas is dignified and manly; in habit temperate, and distinguished alike for wisdom in council and courage in battle, “George H. Thomas,” said General Rosecrans, “is a man of extraordinary character. Years ago, at the Military Academy, I conceived that there were points of strong resemblance between his character and that of Washington; and I was in the habit of calling him General Washington.” General Thomas is singularly modest and unobtrusive in his demeanor. He was a brigadier-general for some months before he put on the uniform of that office. He did not assume the double star till after the battle of Stone river, though made a major-general more than six months before. OPERATIONS IN NORTH CAROLINA IN 1863. The National force in North Carolina was comparatively small during the year 1863, as it was the purpose of the Government only to occupy the important posts already gained there, and act merely on the defensive. On Saturday, the 14th of March, a demonstration was made against Newbern by the rebel forces under General Pettigru. At about daybreak sixteen guns were placed in position near a small fort just opposite the town on the north, and across the river Neuse. The enemy’s artillery was supported by about three hundred infantry. Even while placing the guns in position they commenced a fire of shell and canister against the fort; but after firing a few rounds they sent in a flag of truce, demanding a surrender, with information that further resistance was useless, and they threatened a combined attack by the whole command under General Longstreet. Colonel Anderson, in command of the Union forces, with a view of gaining time for the National gunboats to get into position, asked for a half hour’s time for consideration and opportunity to consult with General Foster. The half hour was granted, and at the end of that time Colonel Anderson’s answer was ready—“My orders are to hold this place, and I shall never surrender it.” The rebels in the mean time having got everything in readiness in the event of such a reply, immediately opened a rapid and furious fire. Inside the fort the Unionists, desiring to conceal their real strength until a charge should be made, lay close back against the sand wall, and got themselves in readiness by biting off cartridges, and putting them up before them on the logs, that they might be able to open a quick fire upon the enemy when they advanced to the assault. Soon one of the gunboats was in position; and a schooner with one gun, and manned by negroes, was the first to enter the contest. The firing raged incessantly for upwards of four hours, though very ineffective, and the rebels were apparently gaining ground, when there came a favorable change to the Federals in the tide of battle. The gunboats came round from the Trent river, with strains of music floating on the air, and the batteries and gunboats poured forth a storm of shells, weighing from six to one hundred pounds; the rebels were compelled to retreat toward the bushes in great disorder. About fifteen was the enemy’s loss in killed, and thirty wounded. The Union loss was two killed and four wounded. * * * * * [Illustration: PROVOST GUARD ATTACKING THE RIOTERS.—SEE PAGE 235.] In April the town of Washington, on the Tar river, was laid siege to by General Hill. The town had but a very small garrison, and was but slightly fortified; but General Foster caused the works to be strengthened so that the Union force was enabled to hold the city till reinforcements arrived from Newbern, and the siege was raised. * * * * * ATTACK ON GUM SWAMP.—The next movement was made on the 22nd of May. General Foster sent Colonel Lee’s brigade, consisting of the Fifth, Twenty-fifth, and Forty-sixth Massachusetts regiments, a battalion of cavalry, and three pieces of Bogg’s battery, to report to Colonel Jones, who had declared his belief that the enemy’s outpost regiments at Gum Swamp could be captured. Colonel Jones ordered a portion of the brigade to attack the enemy in front, while the rest should close up on his rear. At daylight of the 22nd, the main body of Colonel Lee’s command drove in the enemy’s pickets, and commenced an attack upon their front. Upon the rear, some of the Union batteries had been deployed, and immediately opened fire. The enemy made but faint resistance, and then scattered in confusion in every direction. One hundred and sixty-five prisoners were captured by the Unionists, and the rebel works were completely demolished. Colonel Jones then made a demonstration towards Kinston, a few miles distant; but the same evening his pickets were driven in, and he was attacked by the enemy in such strong force, that he was obliged to beat a hasty retreat, pursued by the rebels to the very edge of the Union outpost line. On the afternoon of the following day, the enemy again attacked the Unionists, but were severely repulsed at every point. In this second attack of the enemy, Colonel Jones was shot through the heart; and the army lost in him a gallant leader and efficient officer. THE EXPEDITION AGAINST ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. JULY 24, 1863. The last, and indeed the most important movement of the year in North Carolina, was made on the above date. General Foster sent a force consisting of the Third New York cavalry, and a squadron of the Twelfth, and one company of a North Carolina regiment, under command of Brigadier-General Edward E. Potter, to destroy the railroad bridge at Rocky Mount. This bridge, which was three hundred and fifty feet in length, was completely demolished. Besides this valuable bridge, a cotton mill filled with cotton; a flour mill, containing one thousand barrels of flour, and large quantities of hard bread; a machine shop, filled with shells, gunpowder, and munitions of war; a large depot, with all its offices and outbuildings; an engine and a train of cars; a wagon train of twenty-five wagons, filled with stores and munitions; an armory and machine shop, with all the machinery and materials, and eight hundred bales of cotton, were destroyed in the same expedition. Further on, at Tarboro’, on Tar river, two steamboats, and a large iron-clad, in process of construction, were destroyed; and a saw mill, a train of cars, one hundred bales of cotton, and a very large quantity of subsistence and ordinary stores were destroyed, and about one hundred prisoners, and three hundred head of horses and mules, captured. The expedition was followed on its return to Newbern by about three hundred negroes. During the entire time from its leaving Newbern till its return, the force was engaged in constant skirmishing with the enemy, particularly on the return, the rebels making every effort to impede their way, but being in every instance compelled to retire, frequently with loss. The Union loss in killed, wounded and missing, did not exceed twenty-five men. For the next few months the Department of North Carolina was transferred from General Foster, and united with that of Virginia, under General Dix, who was subsequently transferred to the Department of the East, when General Foster was reinstated in his former position. Later in the year General Foster was transferred to the command of the Department of the Ohio, and General B. F. Butler was placed in the vacant position, as commander of the combined armies of the Departments of Southern Virginia and North Carolina. OPERATIONS IN SOUTH CAROLINA IN 1863. Active operations in South Carolina were until the month of March as dull as in North Carolina, and for the same reason. Up to this time the only events that broke the strict monotony of inactivity were the occasional running of the blockade by English and by rebel vessels; and rare skirmishing with the enemy. But heavy work was soon to come. An attack upon Fort Sumter and Charleston had long been contemplated by the Navy Department, and success was regarded as certain, as it had been arranged that the operations of the iron-clads were to be assisted by a large land force prepared to join in the attack. The rebels were not unaware of the measures that were in contemplation against one of their strongest positions, and were busily preparing to resist them. General Beauregard issued a proclamation in Charleston in March, in which he declared it to be his duty to inform the “citizens of Charleston and Savannah, that a land and naval attack on one or both cities, might be expected at a very early date.” He conjured the citizens of Charleston to arm themselves, adding, “Be not too exacting in the choice of weapons. Picks and scythes will do for exterminating your enemies, spades and shovels for protecting your firesides.” The citizens of Charleston and Savannah reported promptly, and the preparations for the attack, and for resisting the attack went on simultaneously. THE ATTACK ON FORT SUMTER. APRIL 7, 1863. The defences of Charleston harbor were now somewhat changed in their character, since the memorable attack on Fort Sumter, in 1861, and require a new description from that furnished in the first volume of this work. The chief works of the enemy for the defence of Charleston at this time may be thus briefly described: On the upper or north end of Sullivan’s Island a powerful sand battery guarding Maffit’s Channel; another large sand battery, called Fort Beauregard, between this and the Moultrie House; Fort Moultrie, which had been greatly strengthened since the commencement of the war; Fort Sumter, built upon an artificial island in the middle to the channel, near the entrance of the inner harbor, and about one and a half miles west of Fort Moultrie; Battery B, adjoining Fort Moultrie, on the western extremity of Sullivan’s Island; the Mount Pleasant battery on the mainland between Sullivan’s Island and Cooper river; Castle Pinckney, built on an island about a mile distant from Charleston; all, with the exception of Sumter, being on the right or northerly side of the harbor. On the other side of the harbor, in the immediate vicinity of the city, was the Wappoo battery on James island, commanding the embouchure of Ashley river; next to which was Fort Johnson, and between it and Castle Pinckney, Fort Ripley, a work erected on an artificial island in what was known as the “Middle Ground.” On Cummings’ Point, Morris Island, opposite Fort Moultrie, was Battery Gregg, and a mile south of this Fort Wagner, an extensive sand battery of the most powerful construction. Finally, at Light-house Inlet, which divides Morris Island from Folly Island, was another fortification covering the landing at that place. Within a few days of the attack the enemy also erected a new sand work between the two last mentioned. The number of guns mounted on these works was estimated at several hundred, comprising the heaviest smooth bore ordnance, and many rifled pieces of English manufacture; and as an additional means of protection, the channel between Fort Sumter and Sullivan’s Island was obstructed by rows of floating casks supporting torpedoes and other submarine obstacles, and in that between Sumter and Cummings’ Point were no less than four rows of piles extending nearly up to Charleston. Upon the 6th of April the whole National fleet crossed the Charleston Harbor bar, intending to reduce Fort Sumter at once, and proceed thence direct to the city; but the day turned out to be particularly foggy, and the attack was necessarily deferred until the following day. About noon, upon the 7th, the signal was given by Admiral Dupont from his flagship for the vessels to weigh anchor. According to the plan of attack the vessels were to form in the following order ahead, at intervals of one cable’s length: 1. Weehawken, Captain John Rogers; 2. Passaic, Captain Percival Drayton; 3. Montauk, Commander John L. Worden; 4. Patapsco, Commander Daniel Ammen; 5. New Ironsides, Commodore Thomas Turner; 6. Catskill, Commander George W. Rodgers; 7. Nantucket, Commander Donald McN. Fairfax; 8. Nahant, Commander John Downes; 9. Keokuk, Lieutenant-Commander Alexander C. Rhind. The squadron was then to pass up the main ship channel without returning the fire of the batteries on Morris Island, unless signalized to do so, and was to take up a position to the northward and westward of Fort Sumter, and engage its northwest face at a distance of from one thousand to eight hundred yards. A squadron of reserve, consisting of the Canandaigua, Unadilla, Housatonic, Wissahickon, and Huron, under the command of Captain Joseph H. Green, of the Canandaigua, was ordered to remain outside the bar, and be in readiness to support the iron-clads, when they should attack the batteries on Morris Island, which would be subsequent to the reduction of Fort Sumter. At half past twelve the whole fleet was in motion; but almost immediately a raft attached to the Weehawken became disarranged, and nearly an hour was consumed in putting it to rights. The fleet then moved forward again, and passed the works on Morris Island which remained perfectly silent. In stately majesty the fleet moved on, till within range of the fire of Fort Sumter and the batteries upon Sullivan’s Island, but still the same ominous silence continued; not a sound broke the stillness of the listening air, and the unbroken quiet was growing into suspense that was painful. But scarcely had that feeling of suspense time to manifest itself, when all around was clamor, and a noise that equalled the loudest thunder, burst with a deafening uproar on the ear. At precisely four minutes past three o’clock, a terrific fire burst from Fort Sumter upon the Union fleet. The Weehawken, being the leading vessel, was of course the first to receive the enemy’s fire, but instead of moving forward as the rest of the fleet moved up toward her, she was seen to come to a dead halt, just between Sumter and Moultrie! It was impossible to those who were eagerly, anxiously looking on, to assign any reason for such a halt. But very soon the cause became startlingly apparent. The enemy had thrown a strong hawser, floating on beer casks, across the river; upon this hawser, nets, lines, and catlets, strung with torpedoes, were hung, and should the vessel run into it, she would immediately become entangled, be deprived of her motive power, and so be left at the mercy of the current, to drift straight into the hands of the rebels. To attempt this danger was not to be thought of, and all attention was turned toward the left hand channel, to see what could be done between Sumter and Cummings’ Point. But this was found to be still more impassable. A row of piles, rising ten feet above the water, and extending the whole distance across the channel, blockaded the passage; and on further observation, it was discovered that another row of piles stretched across the middle ground between Forts Ripley and Johnson. This did not compass the whole passage, but left an opening for the fleet, which was the most dangerous of all the entanglements for its destruction. Beneath the water in that passage was a torpedo of enormous size, containing five thousand pounds of gunpowder. Beyond this the three rebel iron-clads were drawn up in line of battle. Thus again did the enemy display his wonderful tact and ability in protecting the northwest face of Sumter, which they well knew to be its weakest point. It was impossible to carry out the first intentions with regard to the action of the National fleet; and it only remained to put the vessels in the most advantageous positions which circumstances would admit. To add to all the other embarrassments attending the movements of the Union iron-clads, the flagship caught in the tideway, and became, for the moment, unmanageable; while the steamers Catskill and Nantucket, who kept in the Ironsides’ wake, fell a-foul of her. Accordingly, Admiral Dupont was obliged to signal to the rest of the fleet to disregard the movements of the flagship; and shortly before four o’clock the remaining eight vessels were ranged opposite the northeast front of Sumter, at distances varying from five hundred and fifty to eight hundred yards. The enemy during this time had not been idle, and from Forts Beauregard, Moultrie and Sumter, Battery Bee and Fort Wagner, the concentrated fire of three hundred guns was poured upon the devoted fleet, exceeding probably in rapidity and power any cannonade previously known in warfare. To this the eight iron-clads could oppose but sixteen guns. During the climax of the fire one hundred and sixty shots were counted in a single minute; and projectiles struck the vessels at every moment. It has been estimated that during that brief engagement the enemy fired three thousand five hundred round of ammunition. The whole fury of the fight was comprised within the space of thirty minutes, during which time it is impossible by the use of words to give even a faint idea of the perpetual roar of the guns, and the unceasing glare and flash of the fire. During this terrible fight it is not to be supposed that the Union vessels were merely receiving the enemy’s fire. At the order to disregard the movements of the Ironsides, Captain Rhind ran the Keokuk up through the others, and laid it, apparently, under the very walls of Fort Sumter, and scarcely more than five hundred yards distant from it. Close behind the Keokuk came the Catskill, and close upon this vessel the Montauk, the Passaic, the Patapsco, the Nahant, the Nantucket, the Weehawken, and the Ironsides. The last named vessel poured forth its whole strength upon Fort Moultrie, while the remainder of the fleet directed all its fire against Fort Sumter. The face of Sumter soon began to show the marks of the severe treatment it was receiving from the heavy projectiles; and the brave men on board the Union iron-clads were eagerly and hopefully looking forward to the breach they expected to make, if their vessels could but remain under the storm of rebel fire long enough to effect it. But on this occasion the National cause was doomed to disappointment, and the bombardment of Fort Sumter was a crushing failure. Already the Keokuk was utterly disabled, and twelve of her men wounded; among whom was her gallant commander, Captain Rhind. The Nahant received thirty gaping wounds; six of her men were wounded, and the Quartermaster, Edward Cobb of Massachusetts, received his death blow. The Passaic was struck in twenty-five places: the Nantucket was badly injured; and the Catskill and Ironsides slightly damaged. The remainder of the vessels, though often struck, received no serious injury; but in the opinion of Admiral Dupont another half hour would have placed them, also, _hors du combat_, and accordingly, at five o’clock the signal was given to retire. During the night following this disastrous fight it was confidently expected that the attack would be renewed in the morning; but when the morrow came Admiral Dupont had decided that, for the time, the bombardment of Fort Sumter was at an end. On the 12th of April, then, the whole fleet—with the exception of the Keokuk, which had sunk, and the Ironsides, which was left outside of Charleston Harbor Bay—returned to Port Royal. CAPTURE OF THE REBEL IRONCLAD ATLANTA. JUNE 17. About the middle of June, Admiral Dupont, learning that the Atlanta and other rebel vessels at Savannah, meditated an attack upon the blockading vessels in Warsaw Sound, despatched the Weehawken (Capt. Rogers) and the Nahant (Commander J. Downes), to prevent any disaster to the fleet. The Atlanta, originally a swift and powerful British steamer called the Fingal, had early in the war run the blockade of Savannah, and been converted by the enemy into an iron-clad at a great expense. She was one hundred and ninety-one feet in length, and forty feet beam, somewhat over one thousand tons in measurement, and had a low deck with a casement or covered iron-plated house in the centre, with sloping sides and ends, in which was her battery, consisting of two six-inch and two eight-inch rifled guns. Of these the former were broadside guns, and the latter worked on a pivot, either as broadside or bow or stern guns. She was further armed with a powerful ram, and had attached to her bow a submarine torpedo, charged with about fifty pounds of powder. No efforts had been spared to render her formidable, and it was believed by the enemy that her speed, her heavy armament, and her ram, would render her more than a match for any two vessels of the monitor type. Accordingly at dawn of June 17th, she steamed down the sound; followed by several small steamers containing pleasure parties who were to be the witnesses of the confidently expected triumph of the rebel vessel. At 4 A. M. she was perceived by the Union iron-clads,—lying at anchor near the north of the Wilmington river—and they at once prepared for action. The Weehawken was nearest to the enemy, and getting under way stood up the sound, the Nahant following in her wake. The Atlanta lay across the channel and quietly awaited the attack from the National vessels; but at five o’clock she took the initiative and fired a single shot at the Nahant, which, however, failed to have any effect. The Weehawken steamed toward the Atlanta; and when within three hundred yards opened upon her with a fifteen-inch gun. She then approached still nearer, and when within two hundred yards she suddenly poured in upon the rebel vessel the full contents of her two guns. The effect was disastrous to the Atlanta, who immediately hauled down her colors, and ran up the white flag in token of surrender. Another discharge from the Union iron-clad was poured in upon her before the signal was understood, after which all firing ceased, and the Weehawken, having done all the fighting, took possession of her prize after a contest that lasted barely fifteen minutes. In this engagement one hundred and forty-five prisoners were captured. SIEGE OF CHARLESTON. COMMENCED JULY 3, 1863. It was felt by the U. S. Government that the attack on Fort Sumter, of April 7th, was a somewhat humiliating failure; but, notwithstanding this, the original intention of redeeming Charleston was not abandoned. It was understood, from the tone of Admiral Porter’s letters, that he was opposed to a renewal of the attack on Charleston; and he was, accordingly, relieved of command, and Rear-Admiral Foote was appointed in his place. Before the period fixed for taking command of his squadron had expired, Admiral Foote died in New York, and a second appointment was made in the person of Admiral Dahlgreen, who entered upon his duties on July 6th. About this time General Gilmore was constituted commander-in-chief of the military department of the south, and arrangements were entered into for combined operations by land and sea. THE ATTACK ON MORRIS ISLAND. On July 10th, an attack was made upon Morris island by the land forces under General Gilmore, and the iron-clads Catskill, Montauk, Nahant, and Weehawken, under command of Admiral Dahlgren. On Morris island, on the opposite side of Light-house Inlet, the rebels had erected, after the naval attack upon Fort Sumter, several batteries, in all mounting nine heavy columbiads, and three 10-inch mortars, all bearing upon Folly island, and the mouth of Light-house inlet, and the approach to the island by way of Folly river. At five A. M. the Union fire opened upon the batteries on Morris Island, being directed from the entire line of works recently erected on Folly Island. The rebels were taken by surprise, and as the fire from the Union ranks poured in upon them, they sprang to the tops of the sand-hills, eagerly looking whence it came, but speedily dropped back again, and remained concealed till they were taken prisoners by the Union troops. The fleet, with Admiral Dahlgren on board the Catskill, had, at an early hour in the morning, crossed the southern channel, and had drawn up in line of battle along the southern end of Morris island, in order to deliver an enfilading fire and harass the enemy on his left and rear. A vigorous fire was also kept up, during the greater part of the day, upon Fort Wagner. For three hours the cannonading continued against the Morris island works, and when at length it began to slacken, General Gilmore signalled to General Strong, who with his little boat fleet lay concealed in Folly river, to land his forces, and assault and carry the batteries at the point of the bayonet. The order was no sooner given than executed. With shouts and cheers the troops sprang ashore, formed in line of battle, with the Sixth and Seventh Connecticut on the right, the Ninth Maine and Seventy-sixth Pennsylvania in the centre, and the Third New Hampshire and the Forty-eighth New York on the left. In less than ten minutes the right and centre had carried all the batteries, and left all the rifle-pits—capturing ten Columbiads, two 10-inch mortars, one Whitworth gun, together with nearly the entire garrison, consisting of the First South Carolina Artillery, and ten companies of the Twenty-first South Carolina Volunteers, in all numbering one hundred and eighty-five men. This unexpectedly quick and brilliant success in capturing these strong works, and obtaining so important a footing upon the island, filled the troops with the greatest enthusiasm. Cheer after cheer rent the air. In a few moments General Gillmore and staff crossed to the island, and, under a burning sun, examined the works, and ascertained the extent of the victory. The batteries had been in command of Captain Mitchell, son of the Irish orator, John Mitchell. With the exception of Fort Wagner and Cummings’ point, all the works on Morris island had been taken by this time; and during the whole afternoon the monitors continued to throw shell into the fort. It was determined that at daylight on the following morning, an attempt should be made to carry Fort Wagner at the point of the bayonet. THE ASSAULT ON FORT WAGNER. JULY 11, 1863. At three o’clock, A. M. the attack was made. General Strong led the Seventh Connecticut, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Rodman; the Seventy-sixth Pennsylvania, Major Henks, and the Ninth Maine, Colonel Eng, boldly to the attack, drove in the first line of the enemy’s pickets, thrown out about half a mile from the fort, received a vigorous fire from three platoons of infantry in rifle-pits, advanced upon and drove all not brought down by the Union rifles up to and through the gates of the fort, while the Seventh Connecticut pushed aside the abattis, waded through the ditch, took the southeast bastion, bayoneted all who offered any resistance, and ran their first line all along the parapet facing the sea, and in five minutes more would have had possession of the whole fort if the Seventy-sixth Pennsylvania and the Ninth Maine had supported them as gallantly as the Seventh Connecticut led. The garrison of the fort, which was about seven hundred strong, now belched forth from their howitzers both grape and canister, against an advancing force of only one hundred and eighty men; for the Seventy-sixth Pennsylvania and Ninth Maine regiments were so completely demoralized by the heavy fire of the enemy, that they instantly fell on their faces, and rose only to retire beyond range. Slowly the gallant little detachment from the Seventh Connecticut were compelled to fall back, but not until they had left two-thirds of their number in the ditches, on the parapet, and within the walls of the fort. Lieutenant-Colonel Rodman and nearly all his captains were wounded. Colonel Rodman behaved with the greatest gallantry, and received two severe wounds. During the rest of the day, nothing more was done by the land force; but the monitors kept up a constant fire against Fort Wagner and Cummings’ point. The enemy made strong efforts to reinforce the garrison at Fort Wagner, but without success. * * * * * From this time nothing of importance transpired as regarded the taking of Charleston, for upwards of a month. General Gillmore was engaged in pushing his intrenchments toward Fort Wagner, and the navy was comparatively inactive until such time as the land forces would be ready to cooperate. Almost every day two or three of the iron-clads bombarded Fort Wagner and Battery Gregg on Cummings’ point, without receiving any injury in return, while at the same time the firing served to divert the enemy’s attention from the siege works in progress. BOMBARDMENT OF FORT SUMTER. AUGUST 17–23, 1863. At early morning on the 17th August, General Gillmore opened all his batteries on Fort Sumter, firing directly over Fort Wagner. Admiral Dahlgren, during the same time, was making good use of the five iron-clads, Ironsides, Weehawken, Nahant, Montauk and Catskill; he brought these vessels abreast of Fort Wagner, and effectually silenced that troublesome work for the remainder of the day. About two thousand yards from Fort Sumter, the Passaic and Patapsco had taken up position, and cooperated with the batteries on shore in the attack upon it. No material injury was done to any of the vessels, but the service lost a valuable officer in the person of General Dahlgren’s chief-of-staff, Captain George W. Rodgers. Captain Rodgers was in the pilot house when he met his death by a flying piece of fractured plating, which killed him instantly. Paymaster Woodbury was also killed at the same time. Within the city of Charleston, during this long siege, much fear and dread troubled the hearts of the inhabitants. The future loomed up dark and terrible before their affrighted minds, although the chroniclers of the time declared that there was no panic, nor any prospect of one. Business of all kinds was, however, almost entirely suspended; and the cannonading without Fort Sumter, the storm of shot and shell continually hurled against its walls, brought anxiety to every mind, and a deathlike pallor to very many cheeks. At about 2 o’clock in the afternoon all the fleet had retired, with the exception of the Weehawken and the Nahant, which remained to keep Fort Wagner silent, and to prevent the remounting of her guns. During the whole afternoon and night the shore batteries continued firing upon Fort Sumter with such effect that the shore damage done to it was visible to the Union men without the aid of a glass. The enemy had erected a false wall outside of Sumter, which was completely battered and crushed to pieces; the inner wall was perforated in many places; and the northwest corner hacked and cracked down almost to the edge of the water. Upon the next morning the batteries were all briskly at work at an early hour, the siege guns hurling shell at Sumter at the rate of five shells to the minute. The masonry of the fort was gradually but surely crumbling to pieces; but still the rebel flag floated above it, although it had been twice shot away. Often as it was riddled and torn, a fresh one was run up, while the determined band within seemed little inclined to surrender. Since the previous day a severe storm was raging with a high wind, which prevented the monitors from being of any marked assistance; but during its utmost violence the land batteries continued to pour in a deliberate and destructive fire, doing great damage to the gorge wall, which had been strengthened in every possible way. Before the close of the day the parapet was utterly demolished, and great breaches were to be seen in the main wall, through which the projectiles hurled against it entered, and struck the wall upon the other side, killing any that came within their deadly path. During the day a new flagship, the Philadelphia, arrived from Hampton Roads, having been refitted for the use of Admiral Dahlgren, who transferred his flag to her, as she was a much more roomy vessel than the one he had been occupying. During the long day’s engagement, the cannonading from the National guns was terrific; and the shriek and scream of shells made the very air alive with turmoil, while the enemy’s fire was very feeble; Wagner, owing to the close watch kept upon her, being unable to get even an occasional shot at the Unionists, and Sumter being too thoroughly disarmed to attempt a full-voiced return to the countless thundering defiances sent to her. By way of proving that life was not entirely extinct within her, she did, however, at long intervals, hurl forth an occasional shell. * * * * * THE “SWAMP ANGEL.”—On the evening of the 18th, the enemy discovered that a battery was being constructed on the Union left, in a marsh which lay in that direction, and they immediately, from their guns on James Island, began firing upon the men who were at work there. The erection of that battery was of considerable importance, for it was nearer to Charleston than any of the others. The men stood boldly against the enemy’s fire, and bravely continued their work. One man was killed, and two wounded. From the time that the enemy first discovered this battery until the evening of the 20th, they devoted most particular attention to the work, and within that time one hundred and sixteen shells were hurled at it from the James Island batteries. Only one struck it, and there were no farther casualties than those named above. The men christened the battery in the marsh “The Swamp Angel,” from the great service it did in concentrating the enemy’s attention upon itself. * * * * * CONTINUATION OF THE BOMBARDMENT.—Upon the morning of the 20th, Fort Sumter still stood, notwithstanding its fall had been confidently and speedily anticipated on the night of the 18th; but it was an obstinate and very strong work, and from every flagstaff visible upon it, the blood-red battle-flag of the “Confederate States Army” still floated proudly and defiantly on the breeze. The gorge wall still stood obstinately upright, notwithstanding the fearful fire directed against it from end to end of the Union lines; although the effect of the projectiles was plainly visible. Fort Wagner, too, in defiance of the severe treatment it had received, remained as strong as ever, although its walls showed the bruises of the many and formidable blows which had been levelled against it; and it had now the farther advantage of having been strongly reinforced. Before Sumter could be occupied by the Union troops, it was absolutely necessary to reduce Forts Gregg and Wagner; and active operations to this end were constantly going forward. The storm, which still continued, and at times raged with great violence, rendered it impossible for the monitors to be of any immediate service, although the whole fleet moved up abreast of Fort Sumter on the evening of the 19th, but were obliged to retire without firing a single shot. When the port-holes were opened the heavy ocean swell washed in, and effectually prevented the accurate elevation of the guns. The troops still continued in excellent spirits; though from their confidence of ultimate success, and the monotony of the long continued bombardment, some of them showed a slight disposition to carelessness. But this was speedily put an end to, and the hottest fighting since the opening of the bombardment, began in terrible earnest. The firing increased so rapidly that the loud and continuous roar was absolutely deafening; every battery was at work. At six o’clock in the evening, the entire top of the fort was completely gone, and every parapet gun was dismounted, most of them having fallen into the sea. The flags were of course shot away; the garrison no longer making any effort to return the Union fire, which hardly ceased during the whole day. The southwest side presented a mere mass of ruins, when at length the guns were silenced for the night; and on the next day, nine enormous breaches were visible in the strongest portion of the fort. The firing was again resumed; and, upon rebel authority, “kept up heavier than ever during the 21st.” From five o’clock in the morning, till seven in the evening, nine hundred and twenty-three shots were fired, of which no less than seven hundred and four struck the fort. The Ironsides, on this morning, also opened fire, and Sumter occasionally replied. Fort Wagner fired briskly on the Union advanced works, too, but without doing much damage. The National fire upon Wagner was, however, very destructive, and with every hour continued to grow more so. At eleven P. M., a demand for the surrender of Fort Sumter was sent to General Beauregard, with a threat that, if the demand was not complied with, the city of Charleston should be shelled within four hours. The demand was refused, although the fort was a ruin; and the paper containing the demand was returned at seven o’clock on the morning of the 22d to General Gilmore. The flag of truce which had been hoisted during the sending of and return of the demand, was now lowered, and the firing recommenced in all its fury, passing from end to end of the Union line, and continuing with unabated fierceness for the remainder of the day. General Gilmore, (after allowing time for the removal of the women and children,) gave orders to Lieutenant Sellmer, commanding the “Swamp Angel,” to open with his heavy rifled gun upon the city of Charleston; and accordingly, fifteen shells (of Birney’s invention), were thrown across the James Island batteries into the town. The arrival of these projectiles caused the utmost terror and dismay to the inhabitants, who rushed blindly to and fro in indescribable confusion, while the light of burning buildings and the ringing of alarm bells, gave proof to the Unionists of the consternation caused by the unexpected arrival of the messengers from the “Swamp Angel.” Fort Wagner now gathered up her whole strength to throw against the Union forces, and her firing, directed exclusively against the right, became really terrific. The Ironsides and two other monitors came up, and for four hours poured a torrent of shells into the Confederate fort, which finally silenced her. Another flag of truce was hoisted during the day to receive a message from General Beauregard, which turned out to be an indignant protest against what he was pleased to call General Gilmore’s “unchristian and uncivilized mode of warfare” in shelling the city of Charleston. The dispatches were instantly replied to, and in a manner not calculated to quiet Beauregard’s indignation. Again there was a suspension of hostilities while the message was being carried, but the firing recommenced as soon as the dispatch had been delivered. During the night only a few shots were exchanged by the combatants; and on the next morning such a dense fog hung over the bay that operations were temporarily suspended. The “Swamp Angel” was again trained on Charleston; and the shelling of the city continued with great violence for a good part of the night, while the rebel batteries on James island continued playing away on the “Swamp Angel,” but without doing it any great damage. Fort Sumter itself was by this time so utterly ruined that no further damage could be done to it by continued firing, in rendering it useless as a defence to Charleston; and as it was not deemed necessary to absolutely level it with the earth, firing upon it was discontinued after the 23d August. Fort Wagner was found to be very difficult to overcome. Day after day the bombardment had been continued against the place, which was evidently one of the strongest of the enemy’s forts. It was commanded by Colonel Keith, of South Carolina, and garrisoned by fourteen hundred effective men; but notwithstanding its brave defence and its strength, it could not much longer hold out against the Union forces. On the 26th General Gilmore succeeded in running a parallel very close to Wagner. A ridge of sand which interposed, could, he perceived, be made useful, as it was constantly occupied by a body of the enemy’s pickets, and at night by a large force protected by rifle-pits. To push the rebels from this sand ridge and take possession of it himself was the intention of General Gilmore; and just before dark the position was assaulted, and carried by the Twenty-fourth Massachusetts regiment. The bombardment of the fort itself then continued more actively than ever, while from Fort Johnson and all the other works on James island, the booming of cannon continued to make itself heard loud and furious. On the 30th of August the bombardment of Fort Sumter was resumed. For seven days the firing had ceased against it, but as that was quite long enough for the enemy to make necessary repairs, and in some degree fit it up again, firing was recommenced in order to prevent the rebels from making any important advance in their work of reconstruction, supposing them to have begun it. No reply came from the fort in answer to the firing directed against it, which only increased its battered and helpless appearance. On September 1st a general engagement took place between Forts Wagner, Moultrie, and Sumter, and the Union iron-clads, in which two of the forts suffered severely, but the apparently invincible Wagner was but slightly injured. To mine the work was impossible, because of its low position. The men who attempted to lay a train, discovered water at the depth of only two feet. But the sappers succeeded, on the night of the 6th September, in mining the outerscrap, after long and tedious work; and in this way all its guns were unmasked, and an order was issued to carry the place by assault at nine o’clock on the following morning, that being the hour of low tide. It was then discovered that the enemy had commenced evacuating the fort late on the previous night, and with the exception of seventy-five men, had escaped. The National troops invested the fort, and took possession of Cummings’ point. A large supply of excellent ammunition was captured, and nineteen pieces of artillery; and thus the city and harbor of Charleston were completely covered by the Union guns. An assault upon Fort Sumter was made during the same night, by a flotilla of twenty-five boats, manned by one hundred sailors, under Lieutenant-Commander Williams, and about one hundred marines under Captain McCauley. The entire force was under the command of Commander Stephens, of the Patapsco. The boats landed, and the men attempted to run up the parapet, but were repulsed. At a signal from Fort Sumter, all the batteries bearing on it opened at once on the boats, and a rebel ram coming up engaged them at close quarter. Three boats were completely demolished and forty or fifty sailors and marines were killed and wounded. Lieutenant Bayard was mortally wounded and captured. The other officers captured were Commander Williams, Lieutenant Renny, Lieutenant Hueston, Lieutenant Rowell, Lieutenant Bunce, Doctor Wheeler, and Ensign Porter. The entire list of casualties numbered about eighty; and the remainder of the command retired in safety. After this ineffectual attempt to take possession of Fort Sumter by the navy, little progress in the siege of Charleston was made during the remainder of the year. All the captured forts on Morris island were enlarged and strengthened; and new batteries, which effectually commanded Fort Sumter, were erected by order of General Gilmore, which could also be made most valuable in aiding any further naval attack against Charleston. The next event of marked importance was an attempt on the part of the enemy to blow up the frigate Ironsides, on the 5th October. The shelling of the city was continued at intervals; and occasionally the forts were severely bombarded. The portion of Charleston which was within reach of the shells, was greatly injured, and had been quite abandoned by its inhabitants at an early stage of the proceedings against the city. Fort Sumter was furiously bombarded late in October, with severe damage to the sea wall, but its devoted garrison still clung to it, and the return fire was, at times, very severe. The year drew to its close, and the rebels had lost their strongest forts—the National troops occupied Wagner; Sumter was a ruin; and the city of Charleston, already severely shelled, lay under the guns of the Union. OPERATIONS IN ARKANSAS—CAPTURE OF LITTLE ROCK. On the 1st of July 1863, General Steele arrived at Helena, and reported to General Hurlbut, the commander of the Sixteenth Army corps, in order to receive instructions as to an expedition planned by General Grant, against Little Rock, in that State. All of the troops then in Helena, together with a cavalry division, operating in various parts of the State at that time, and led by Brigadier-General Davidson, were immediately placed under General Steele’s command. But the climate of Helena, which was unfavorable to the troops, had weakened a large number who were either sick or convalescent from sickness. The number mustered at this point for the expedition, was about six thousand. The artillery consisted of three six-gun batteries, one four-gun battery, and six ten-pound Parrot guns. The cavalry numbered less than five hundred men fit for duty, and consisted of the First Indiana and the Fifth Kansas regiments. General Davidson’s cavalry division consisted of six thousand men. On taking command at Helena, General Steele proceeded to organize his forces, and to establish camps for the sick. This done, he commenced an advance movement. General Davidson pushed on to Clarendon, a point on White river, where corduroying two miles of bottom, he threw a bridge over Rock Roe Bayou. Another division advanced toward the same point, under command of General Rice, and still another under command of Colonel W. E. McClean. The entire force was congregated, on the 17th of August, at Clarendon. Beyond the river lay the enemy. General Steele’s design, now, was to establish an Hospital at Duvall’s Bluff, a healthy point on the river, and thence to advance against Little Rock, the capital of the State, and the headquarters of the rebels, situated on the west bank of the Arkansas river. This plan was pursued with equal energy and success. As early as the 23rd July, the Hospital was established; and, on the 25th, General Davidson, still advancing, skirmished with the rebel General Marmaduke’s cavalry, which he finally drove into their intrenchments at Bayou Meton. On the 27th he again attacked the enemy, and drove them from their intrenchments; but the rebels burned their bridges in returning, and thus, for a time, succeeded in checking the Union advance. General Davidson then concentrated his forces at Brownsville, where he remained until the end of the month. On the 30th of August General Steele was reinforced, by True’s brigade, from Memphis, and on the 14th of September he commenced a general advance against the rebels beyond Bayou Meton. At first he resolved to endeavor to turn the left flank of the rebel forces, and for this purpose he sent out General Davidson to reconnoitre. This reconnoissance, made by way of Austin, lasted two days. At the end of that time, however, General Steele was in possession of such information concerning the roads and the disposition of the foe, as determined him to advance on the right. On the 6th of September, therefore, the general advance was resumed, True’s brigade, and Ritter’s cavalry being left to guard the sick at Brownsville. On the 7th the advance reached the Arkansas river, at or near Ashley’s Mills, a point above Little Rock. General Steele’s plans were now laid with equal boldness and skill. General Davidson was directed to cross the Arkansas with a considerable force, and to move down the south bank of the river directly against the capital. General Steele meantime marched down the south bank, and threatened the city in front. The passage of the river was effected by means of a pontoon bridge, on the 10th, and General Davidson advanced to Bayou Fourche before encountering any opposition. At this place, however, he was met by a Confederate force, in regular line of battle, consisting of Fagan’s and Tappan’s brigades and Marmaduke’s cavalry. A brisk engagement ensued, but the rebels, galled by artillery fire from the other side of the river, and steadily pushed by the gallant troops of Davidson, were speedily compelled to retreat. The Union advance meanwhile was continued—simultaneously upon both sides of the stream. In a short time, volumes of smoke and clouds of dust, in the direction of Little Rock, made it evident that the rebels were retreating from the city, burning the bridges as they passed over. Marmaduke’s cavalry was thus found to be the only obstacle to the Union occupation of the capital. A bold push soon swept that foe away, and on the night of September 10th, Little Rock was formally surrendered. The forces, however, were too weary to continue the pursuit, until the next day, when Merrill’s and Clayton’s cavalry followed the flying foe for twenty miles, taking a number of prisoners and causing the destruction of a part of the rebel baggage train. The Union loss in this battle did not exceed one hundred; the rebel loss was at least five times as great, including prisoners. So ended a campaign of forty-five days, which resulted in substantially freeing the State of Arkansas from the clutches of rebellion. [Illustration: CONFEDERATE GENERALS. EWELL. JOSEPH E. JOHNSTON. LONGSTREET. GARNETT. FITZHUGH LEE. A. P. HILL. MAGRUDER. BRAGG.] The capture of Little Rock, however, was succeeded by a variety of incidents, which deserve to be summed up in a brief statement, as marking the close of the war in Arkansas. On the 28th of October a portion of the retreating troops of the discomfited rebel General Price, having eluded pursuit, attacked Pine Bluff, hoping, if successful, to recapture Little Rock, and enfeeble the Union troops by cutting off their line of communication with the Mississippi. But the Unionists repulsed this attack, and on the same day captured Arkadelphia, forcing the Confederates to retreat towards the Red river. Thus, at the close of the year 1863, the entire State of Arkansas, excepting a small part in the Southwest, and another small part in the Northwest, infested by guerrillas, was restored to the authority of the United States Government. OPERATIONS IN SOUTHERN VIRGINIA, DURING 1863. In the early part of 1863, there were no important military events transpiring in Southern Virginia. There were three important positions which the rebels were desirous of obtaining, and these were Suffolk, Norfolk, and Portsmouth. The Union troops in that Department were, at the time, under the immediate command of General Dix. The garrison occupying Suffolk numbered thirteen thousand men, and was commanded by General Peck, who, as events proved, was eminently capable of maintaining the position he held. The intention of the enemy appeared to be to reduce Suffolk, and then to march directly into Norfolk and Portsmouth, which places were both weakly garrisoned by small and raw regiments. General Longstreet was in command of the rebel force which had for its object the capture of Suffolk; and the intention of that able commander was either to descend suddenly upon the city and overpower its garrison by superior numbers; or to cut off all the roads by which it received supplies, and thus be enabled to carry it after a short fight. The town of Suffolk is situated at the head of Nansemond Creek, about twelve miles from its confluence with the James river. In the town, two railroads unite, by which General Peck received all his supplies. These roads, passing through Suffolk, proceeded the one from Norfolk to Petersburgh, and the other from Portsmouth to Weldon. THE SIEGE OF SUFFOLK. APRIL 11-MAY 3, 1863. General Longstreet was well aware that Suffolk was strongly garrisoned, and he did not open the attack upon it rashly. In order to make his undertaking thoroughly successful, he perceived that several preliminary movements were necessary, and he set about carefully executing them. The first of these was a manœuvre by which the Suffolk garrison might be materially weakened. Accordingly, General Hill was sent to attack Little Washington, North Carolina; a subject which has been elsewhere treated; and, as anticipated by the skillful rebel General, this movement against Little Washington made it necessary for General Peck to send a reinforcement to the assistance of the imperilled Union position. Three thousand men were ordered forward to aid General Foster in his defence of Little Washington. General Longstreet had already collected several pontoon and siege trains at various convenient points, which were held in readiness for an immediate move as soon as it should be deemed necessary. Having been informed by his spies of the removal of three thousand of General Peck’s men, the rebel General instantly put his army in motion, and crossed the Blackwater on several bridges, with the divisions of Hood, French, Pickett, and Henderson, numbering in all thirty thousand men. This comparatively large army, moving forward in three distinct columns, was, by means of a forced march, placed in front of the Union camps in a few hours. The cavalry pickets, utterly surprised, were quietly captured by the rebels as they advanced. But here terminated the easy success which the rebel General had anticipated. General Peck had not been idle while Longstreet was making his preparations and watching for a good opportunity to advance. The Union General was aware of the movements of the rebel, and had fathomed his designs sufficiently well to be prepared for him. Besides which General Longstreet had frustrated one of his best laid plans; for at the moment that his troops captured the Union pickets, the trains containing the reinforcements for General Foster were about to be set in motion. The trains were delayed of course; and the three thousand men were retained to aid in the defence of Suffolk. The enemy, making the best of their mistake, advanced boldly on the works, but found them strongly garrisoned and bristling with steel. It required but a few moments to convince them that their surprise was an utter failure; and that nothing remained for them but to fall back on their superior numbers, and capture the town, if at all, by hard fighting. The rebel General then directed his attention toward the Nansemond—in which were stationed several army gunboats, sent there by Admiral Lee—having first left a large force in front of the main defences of the town, to engage the Union troops and divert attention from the real rebel designs. Again General Longstreet was disappointed in what he had regarded as a sure and easy success. The gunboats did not apparently, to him, present a formidable resistance; nor yet the two army gunboats, Smith Briggs, and West End, which were commanded by two youthful officers—Captain Rowe, and Captain Lee—whose skill and bravery put them on a level with veterans in the service. Strong batteries of the enemy engaged the gunboats at early dawn of the 12th of April, after having spent the entire night in constructing battery after battery; and although the frail boats were completely riddled, and their men were shot down so fast that the decks were strewn with the killed and wounded, the staunch little vessels, with their brave crews, obstinately refused to leave the river. The Nansemond, which was so small a stream that a moderately sized steamer could not turn round in it, was defended by this small flotilla against a force thirty thousand strong, eager and determined to cross, and having opposed to them six navy gunboats, two army gunboats, a force, in all numbering but five thousand men, to hold a line eight miles in length. Brigadier-General Getty, who had been entrusted with the arduous task of defending the Nansemond river, was eminently suited to defend it successfully. The Nansemond had the further disadvantage of being surrounded with various swamps and creeks, so that it was absolutely impossible for troops to pass, as reinforcements, from one point to another, without great loss of time. To remedy this inconvenience, General Getty had undertaken the construction of a military road several miles in length, which should include many bridges and long spaces of corduroy; and by extraordinary exertions the troops had completed this road in the space of three days. While the enemy’s batteries were brought into play upon the gunboats, General Getty was putting into service all his skill as an artillerist. Aided by Colonel Dutton, who commanded the Third brigade, he at once began selecting positions for rifle-pits and batteries, which, on the next morning, were in working order, and thundered forth a storm of shell upon the astonished enemy. For several days this warfare continued, the rebels persistently endeavoring to gain a foothold on the shore, and being as persistently driven back by the Union fire from batteries, rifle-pits and gunboats. Not until the 18th day of the month did the rebels at all advance in their efforts: but on that day they succeeded in establishing on Hill’s Point, six miles from Suffolk, an earthwork which mounted five heavy rifled guns. Against this formidable work the Union fire was powerless; the missiles for the most part harmlessly burying themselves in its parapet, while from this strong position the enemy maintained a constant and destructive fire upon the National gunboats. Beneath this severe fire the Mount Washington grounded directly under the rebel guns, and her brave companions refused to leave her in such a strait. The Commodore Barney received fifty-eight holes in her hull and machinery; and while the gallant captain of the Mount Washington stood over the guns of his shattered vessel, still hoping to save her, a severe contest raged for six long hours. At last came the rising tide, and floated off the boats in safety. Admiral Lee now ordered the gunboats out of the Upper Nansemond; and affairs began to wear a discouraging aspect. But already the dawn that succeeds the darkest hour was slowly breaking through its blackness, soon to shine forth in the noontide glory of success. It was proposed by Lieutenant Lansom to capture the Hill’s Point battery, and the proposal was received with favor by General Peck. The following, which is an extract from a description by an eye-witness does not over-color this brilliant feat: “Shortly before sunset the gunboats on the river, and the four rifled guns at and near battery Stevens, opened a terrific fire upon the rebel battery. Meantime, detachments from the Eighty-ninth New York Volunteers, Lieutenant-Colonel England, and the Eighth Connecticut, Colonel Ward, in all two hundred and eighty men, embarked on board the gunboat Stepping Stones, Lieutenant Lansom, at a point about a mile above the battery. Protected by the artillery fire, the gunboat boldly steamed down the river about two hundred yards above the rebel works, the shore at that point being an abrupt bluff. Immediately the troops disembarked, wading to their waists in water, ascended the bluff, and with loud cheers charged on the rear of the fort. Meantime, the gunboat’s crew had landed four boat howitzers, placed them in position, and opened on the fort. The enemy, taken completely by surprise, were only able to deliver two or three volleys of musketry, and fire one gun, when our troops entered the work, and captured the entire party of seven officers and one hundred and thirty men, with five brass guns, and a large supply of ammunition.” The capture of this battery so alarmed the rebels that they at once turned all their attention to their own position, and the most earnest preparations were made in all haste to resist the terrible artillery fire of the Union batteries, which was now turned with all their strength against their front. Perpetually on the look-out for any change in the plans or position of the enemy, General Peck was constantly sending out reconnoitering parties, who, getting into skirmishes with the enemy’s outposts, would drive them back to the rebel main line, and were then in turn forced back themselves by formidable numbers. The work of fortifying continued to go on during the whole three weeks of the siege; the labor of erecting batteries, building roads and bridges, and cutting timber, went briskly forward during the night, after days of severe fighting. Nothing could exceed, nor no praise do justice to the constant patience, courage, and devotion to duty manifested by the brave troops who defended Suffolk. Rebel reinforcements began to arrive about the 20th of April, returning from their unsuccessful attack on Fort Washington. Day by day the enemy grew stronger. But no fear of defeat troubled the brave Unionists, nor did the thought of surrender occur to them. By the 30th of April a rebel reinforcement, consisting of General D. H. Hill’s troops, and numbering ten thousand, arrived and joined the already strong army of General Longstreet; and such was Longstreet’s opinion of the town’s fortifications and inner strength, that notwithstanding his own very superior numbers, he began to feel that after all he would be compelled to forego his plan of capturing Suffolk. He would not retire, however, without a final effort; and new batteries were constantly constructed, but no sooner unmasked, than they were silenced by the deadly fire of the gunboats, and Parrotts from the Union works. Victory had spread her wings above the Union forces, and was waiting to fold them and settle down upon the National banner. General Longstreet was soon compelled to acknowledge his attack a failure; and the approaching conflict between the armies of Hooker and Lee (elsewhere described), gave him a good excuse for raising the siege of Suffolk. On the 3rd of May General Longstreet drew off his men, and commenced his retreat. They were pursued by a strong Union force under General Getty and General Harland; the enemy was overtaken, and some sharp skirmishing took place between him and his pursuers, which was at length ended by darkness. Under cover of the night the rebels retreated. The next day a rebel cavalry force, numbering four hundred, was encountered at Chuckatuck by small Union force, who routed them with musketry and artillery. A short distance from Hill’s Point, the rebels were encountered by another Union force under Colonel Dutton, and caused them considerable annoyance for the remainder of the day. At midnight on the 3rd of May, the Union troops under Corcoran, Dodge and Foster, started in pursuit of the flying rebels; but without any result except the capture of a few hundred stragglers. This ended the siege of Suffolk; during which the National loss was forty-four killed, two hundred and one wounded and fourteen missing. Four hundred rebel prisoners were captured in all; and the enemy had gained absolutely nothing, with a loss of one thousand five hundred men in killed wounded and prisoners; five guns, and a very large quantity of stores and small arms. SIEGE OF KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE. NOVEMBER 17-DECEMBER 6, 1863. From the commencement of hostilities until the fall of 1863, no successful measures had been adopted to relieve the inhabitants of East Tennessee from the iron rule of rebellion. More than three-fourths of the population were unconditionally loyal, and her brave soldiers fought side by side with the men of the North and West in defence of the Government, while their homes were being desolated by a stern and vindictive foe. Hundreds of her citizens had suffered death from imprisonment and privations, while thousands were unwillingly conscripted in the rebel armies. Much had been hoped for, when General Buell led a gallant army through Kentucky, almost to her border, but the day of her emancipation had not yet arrived. In the fall of 1863, a determined effort was made by the Government to occupy East Tennessee. General Burnside had been called to the command of the Department of the Ohio, in the month of March, but the exigencies of the Vicksburg campaign had deprived him of his troops, and he had subsequently remained inactive. The surrender of that stronghold had placed an army again at his disposal, and by the latter part of August he was in condition to attempt the occupation of East Tennessee, and thus cooperate with General Rosecrans, who was then in the midst of his heavy campaign bearing on Chattanooga. It was feared that reinforcements would reach Bragg at Chattanooga, through East Tennessee from Virginia, and to General Burnside was assigned the duty of destroying the communications between these points. He entered the State late in August, about midway between the eastern and western boundaries, and immediately occupied Knoxville, which was evacuated by the rebel General Buckner, without a struggle. His retreat was so precipitate, and his surprise so great, that he had no opportunity to notify the garrison at Cumberland Gap of their danger, consequently the rebel forces at that point, numbering some two thousand men, were environed by the Union army, and compelled to surrender. Knoxville was now delivered from the rebel rule; and the inhabitants hailed the presence of their deliverers with the warmest tokens of joy. Recruits flocked to the Union army by hundreds, from all the surrounding country, much faster than they could be either armed or clad. Though the capture of Knoxville was an easy enterprise on the part of General Burnside, its retention promised to be a work of great difficulty. He was two hundred and fifty miles from the base of his supplies in Kentucky, and on either side of him were the two great armies of the rebellion—Lee on the east, and Bragg on the south. The country in the neighborhood swarmed with guerrillas, and important posts in the vicinity were liable to, and subjected to frequented attacks from the Confederate forces, yet too feeble to attack the main Union army. Clothes and shoes began to fail, and economy became necessary in all means of subsistence. The disastrous battle of Chickamauga, which imperilled the existence of General Rosecrans’ army, tended to increase the difficulties of General Burnside. During the month of November it became certain that General Longstreet had been detached from the army of General Bragg, with the design of attacking General Burnside, at Knoxville. After fortifying the city in such manner as to insure confidence in his ability to maintain it, General Burnside advanced to meet his antagonist, cautiously luring him on, to invite his withdrawal from the support of Bragg, and finally falling back within the defences of Knoxville, on the 17th of November, with the rebel army pressing close upon his rear. The Union army was informed that there was now to be no more retreating. The old defences were strengthened and new ones erected, rifle-pits dug, and trees felled to resist the approach of the besiegers. The city lies on the north bank of the Holston river, and a range of hills protects it on the west. The rebels, therefore, prepared to attack the defences from the north and east. Their line extended in a circular form, with their right touching the river, thus cutting off all water communication, and the supplies of the army were thenceforward to be obtained by forage trains alone. A long siege was not feared by General Burnside, as he had the promise of assistance from General Grant, who had just been called to the command of the army confronting Bragg. The brilliant victories of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge now enabled General Grant to hasten forward the expected succor. Of this fact Longstreet soon became informed, but as he had confidently anticipated the capture of the city and its defenders, he was loth to leave his anticipated prey without a desperate and hasty effort for its seizure. He would try to carry Knoxville by storm. One of the principal defences of the place was called Fort Sanders, in honor of a brave general who had fallen in the early part of the siege. It was situated on a high hill on the northeast corner of the town, and was composed of well-planned earthworks. This fort commanded the approaches to the city both from the north and east, and its capture was a necessity before the assailants could enter Knoxville. The sides of the hill had been covered with a dense forest of pine, which had been felled, and now presented an abattis or network of brush or timber, almost impassable, to within two or three hundred yards of the fort, where a cleared space intervened, affording free range for grape or canister. The works consisted of a ditch and parapet. Three picked regiments were assigned the duty of storming this fort by General Longstreet. On the night of the twenty-eighth of November these regiments succeeded in pushing their way through the pine abattis, reaching the edge of the clearing, after a short interval of skirmishing with the defenders, and lay on their arms at the edge of the abattis until daybreak on the morning of the twenty-ninth, when a charge was ordered. A scene of carnage and desperate valor now ensued, which had many parallels during this fratricidal war. As the rebels advanced across the open space, a furious storm of grape and canister met them, and decimated their ranks. A network of unseen wires, which had been interlaced across the approach, now entangled their ranks, and threw many of the men to the ground, who were trampled under feet by their comrades. The air was filled with the whiz of minie balls. Yet still the intrepid assailants rushed on, over the bodies of their dead and wounded comrades, until they reached the ditch, where they encountered a continuous storm of hand-grenades thrown into the midst of the struggling mass, and exploding with horrible effect. One of the assailants reached the parapet, and waved a Confederate flag, only to be hurled into the ditch the next instant, a mangled corpse. None of the rebels entered the fort, while scores lay dead before it. The whole force of the garrison was but three hundred—far less than the dead and dying who strewed the ground around it. The Federal loss was four killed and eleven wounded. General Longstreet, now despairing of success, abandoned the siege, and retreated southward. On the sixth of December General Sherman entered the city with reinforcements, and railroad communication with Chattanooga was opened. OPERATIONS IN TENNESSEE. SEPTEMBER 20-DECEMBER 31, 1863. The great battle of Chickamauga, ending on the 20th of September, 1863, resulted, as we have seen, in no material advantage to the rebels and in no additional success to the arms of the Union. It was substantially an equal and a fruitless contest—“a drawn battle.” Upon both sides the losses were very heavy. General Rosecrans lost sixteen thousand eight hundred and fifty-one men, all told, and a large quantity of material of war. General Bragg, on the other hand, lost eighteen thousand. Upward of two thousand rebels were captured by the National troops. On the 2d of October, General Rosecrans issued the following order, dated at the Headquarters of the Department of the Cumberland, at Chattanooga. “_Army of the Cumberland_: You have made a grand and successful campaign; you have driven the rebels from Middle Tennessee. You crossed a great mountain range, placed yourselves on the banks of a broad river, crossed it in the face of a powerful opposing army, and crossed two other great mountain ranges at the only practicable passes, some forty miles between extremes. You concentrated in the face of superior numbers; fought the combined armies of Bragg, which you drove from Shelbyville to Tullahoma, of Johnston’s army from Mississippi, and the tried veterans of Longstreet’s corps, and for two days held them at bay, giving them blow for blow, with heavy interest. When the day closed, you held the field, from which you withdrew, in the face of overpowering numbers, to occupy the point for which you set out—Chattanooga. “You have accomplished the great work of the campaign; you hold the key of East Tennessee, of Northern Georgia, and of the enemy’s mines of coal and nitre. Let these achievements console you for the regret you experience that arrivals of fresh hostile troops forbade your remaining on the field to renew the battle; for the right of burying your gallant dead, and caring for your brave companions who lay wounded on the field. The losses you have sustained, though heavy, are slight, considering the odds against you, and the stake you have won. “You hold in your hands the substantial fruits of a victory, and deserve and will receive the honors and plaudits of a grateful nation, which asks nothing of even those who have been fighting us, but obedience to the Constitution and laws established for our own common benefit. “The General commanding earnestly begs every officer and soldier of this army to unite with him in thanking Almighty God for His favors to us. He presents his hearty thanks and congratulations to all the officers and soldiers of this command, for their energy, patience, and perseverance, and the undaunted courage displayed by those who fought with such unflinching resolution. “Neither the history of this war, nor probably the annals of any battle, furnish a loftier example of obstinate bravery and enduring resistance to superior numbers—when troops, having exhausted their ammunition, resorted to the bayonet, many times, to hold their positions, against such odds—as did our left and centre, comprising troops from all the corps, on the afternoon of the 20th of September, at the battle of Chickamauga. (Signed) W. S. ROSECRANS, Major-General Commanding.” After the battle of Chickamauga, the Union army fell back to Chattanooga, and assumed a strong position in front of that place, abandoning, however, the passes of Lookout Mountain, which were immediately occupied by the rebels. The Army of the Cumberland at this time received its supplies, by way of Stevenson, and Bridgeport, from depots at Louisville and Nashville. To cut railroad communication with those points, and thus to paralyze the Union forces, was now the aim of the Confederate commander; and to this labor he addressed his efforts, with promptitude and with courage. But the line of railroad was well defended. On the 23d of September, General Hooker was sent to Tennessee, in command of the Eleventh and Twelfth corps of the Army of the Potomac, and was assigned to the protection of the line of communication between Bridgeport and Nashville. The rebels, in their vain endeavors to intercept the Union communications, brought about several small engagements, in which the Unionists were invariably victorious. Thus, on the 2d of October a rebel force, four thousand strong, under Wheeler, was defeated, at Anderson’s Cross Roads, by the First Missouri and Second Indiana cavalry, under Colonel Edward McCook. The enemy lost one hundred and twenty men, killed and wounded, eighty-seven prisoners, and upwards of eight hundred mules; and was completely routed, and driven back for miles. Thus, also, on the 6th of October, General Mitchell attacked the enemy, in strong force, at Shelbyville, and put them to flight, with heavy loss. They were, likewise, defeated at Farrington, on the 8th of October, by the National troops under General Crook, who captured on this occasion two hundred and forty prisoners, four pieces of artillery, and one hundred stand of arms. But other and more important movements were in contemplation at this time. The Government at Washington, hearing that Bragg was to receive reinforcements, and feeling that the crisis demanded an infallible commander, determined to relieve General Rosecrans, and entirely to reorganize the conduct of the war in the west. With this view General Grant was directed to advance with his forces from Vicksburg, and to assume command of the Departments of Tennessee, Cumberland, and Ohio. On the 18th of October, General Grant arrived at Louisville, and entered upon his new duties. The immediate direction of affairs in the Department of the Cumberland was committed to Major-General G. H. Thomas. The Department of Tennessee was assigned to Major-General W. T. Sherman. The corps of Generals McCook and Crittenden were consolidated, and stationed at Cincinnati. General Burnside, commanding the Department of Ohio, was, at this time, with a considerable Union force, in the vicinity of Knoxville, in the eastern part of the State. Such was the position of affairs, when General Grant took command of these important operations. His first movement was to open a shorter land communication between the Army of the Cumberland and its base of supplies. This was necessary, because the rebels were, substantially, investing Chattanooga; and to lose communication with its base of supplies, would be to lose the army there intrenched. The movement was effected in a very skillful manner, and at considerable peril, by throwing a pontoon bridge across the river Tennessee, at a place called Brown’s Ferry, about one mile and a half by land, and eight miles by water, below the bridge at Chattanooga. The boats for this bridge were floated down from Chattanooga, under cover of the night, and filled with soldiers. More soldiers were then brought across the river at Brown’s Ferry, the enemy was driven back on the hills on the shore, and the bridge was constructed. It was nine hundred feet long, and the work of building it occupied five hours. As soon as this step had been successfully taken, General Hooker moved over from Bridgeport, crossed the river at Brown’s Ferry, and so effected a junction with the forces at Chattanooga. This opened the direct road to Kelly’s Ferry and so to Bridgeport, and effectually baffled the enemy’s hopes of cutting off the Union line of communication. General Grant now pursued, with comparative freedom his campaign for clearing East Tennessee of the armed forces of the Rebellion. The rebel line at this time extended from Lookout Mountain, on the left, to Fort Buckner, the extreme point of Missionary Ridge, on the right. The position was, of course, on the south side of the Tennessee river. The base of supplies was Atlanta. As soon as General Sherman arrived, with his command, from Memphis, General Grant proceeded to carry out his plan of the campaign. The rebel General Longstreet, with a considerable force was now absent from Bragg’s army, having been detached to proceed against the Union troops under General Burnside, at Knoxville. Bragg’s army was, therefore, materially weakened. General Grant was not slow to avail himself of this advantage. The plan upon which he proceeded involved the following detail. A division of General Sherman’s troops was to be sent to Trenton, threatening the enemy’s left flank. Under cover of this movement, General Sherman’s main body was to cross the Brown’s Ferry bridge at night and pass thence into a concealed camp of the north side of the river, opposite South Chickamauga creek. One division was to encamp on the North Chickamauga; about one hundred and twenty pontoons were to be taken under cover of hills and woods, and launched into the North Chickamauga; these were to be filled with men, to be floated out into the Tennessee and down it, until opposite the South Chickamauga (about three miles below), to effect a landing on the bank, and throw up works; the remainder of the command was to be taken across in the same boats, or a portion of them; the Tennessee and South Chickamauga were to be bridged, and then the artillery crossed and moved at once to seize a foothold on the bridge, taking up a line facing the enemy’s right flank, near the tunnel. General Howard’s corps of General Hooker’s command was to cross into the town by the two bridges, and fill the gap between General Sherman’s proposed position and the main body of General Thomas’s army. General Hooker, with the remainder of his force and a division sent to Trenton, which should return, were to carry the point of Lookout, and then threaten the enemy’s left, which would thus be thrown back, being forced to evacuate the mountain and take position on the ridge; and then the Federal troops, being on both flanks, and upon one flank threatening the enemy’s communications, were to advance the whole line or turn the other flank, as the chances might dictate. Then a part of the force was to follow as far as possible, while General Sherman destroyed the railroad from Cleveland to Dalton, and then pushed on to relieve Knoxville, and capture, disperse, or drive off General Longstreet from before it. BATTLE OF LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN. NOVEMBER 24, 1863. General Grant’s forward movement against the rebel position on Lookout Mountain commenced on the 24th. The preliminary movements had been successfully carried out, the Tennessee having been bridged on the 23d, and General Sherman’s troops pushed across the river. The ascent to Lookout Mountain is very difficult, and was, of course, rendered all the more arduous and perilous, by the enemy’s fortifications. But difficulty was no bar, either to the gallant Army of the Cumberland or to its brave leaders. Early on the morning of the 24th, General Hooker’s forces commenced to move along the valley, greatly to the astonishment of the rebels, who were watching the movement, from their vantage ground upon the mountain, and who made no immediate opposition to the attempted ascent of Lookout. About twenty-five feet from the summit of the mountain is a line of perpendicular rocks, known as “Palisades.” General Hooker’s division, having reached these palisades, formed into line of battle, so as to face the north, the right wing resting against the palisades and stretching down the slope of the mountain. General Hooker’s army advanced in three distinct lines. The front consisted of General Geary’s division, with a brigade of New York troops, under Colonel Ireland, on the right: the Sixtieth New York held the extreme right of the line, while the extreme left and front were held by the One hundred and second, the One hundred and thirty-seventh, and the One hundred and forty-ninth New York. The second line was formed of the two brigades of Grove and Whittaker. The third was formed by General Osterhaus’ division, which held itself in readiness to aid either of the other lines. These dispositions having been made, the entire corps, with a strong line of skirmishers thrown out, was ordered forward. After a short march they came upon a detachment of the enemy, which totally unsuspicious of the movements of the Union forces, was taken by surprise. The enemy, outnumbered and outmanœvred, attempted to escape by running up the hill; but they were instantly assaulted by the Union soldiers from above, and finding themselves thus between two fires, were compelled to make a stand and to fight. The rebel batteries on Lookout Mountain, and the Union batteries on Mocassin Point, now opened a heavy fire upon each other. The rebels, attacked on both rear and flank, were not capable of making a steady resistance, although their skirmishers, sheltering themselves behind trees and rocks, poured in a heavy fire upon the Union line, but were at length driven back by General Geary’s skirmishers. The enemy on the point of the mountain being severely pressed, gradually gave way, and fell back, in disorder, till they reached the line of breastworks on the eastern slope of the mountain. General Geary here drew his line parallel with that of the enemy, and boldly advanced; but finding himself met by strongly organized troops, he was obliged, for the time, to retire. In the mean while very large numbers of the enemy had been captured—for, whenever the Union troops succeeded in bringing in the rebels, they secured them by hundreds; and in this manner, over a thousand prisoners were taken, in a short space of time. A pause in the battle occurred after the repulse of Geary’s second attack on the rebel line; and, as the enemy was found to be in a very strong position behind his breastworks, General Hooker—after a careful reconnoissance, in which he incurred great personal danger—decided on a change in the disposition of his forces, for an attack on the enemy’s works. The rebels had every natural advantage on their side, and were also expecting reinforcements; but the latter failed to arrive, and Hooker’s next attack caused the enemy to contract his line, and expose his left flank. This attack began at two o’clock in the afternoon and resulted in the severest fighting of the day, which lasted, in undiminished fury, for the next two hours. Hooker’s dispositions were made as follows. The Eighty-fourth Illinois, Colonel Waters, and the Seventy-fifth Illinois, Colonel Burnett, were sent to hold the road which crosses the mountain on the east. The line of battle, moving against the rebel works in part, consisted of the command of Geary on the right, that of Osterhaus on the left, and that of Whittaker and Grove in the centre. Colonel Ireland’s force clung close to the palisades. From all quarters, a destructive fire was poured in upon the enemy. Those who, from Chattanooga and Orchard Knob—the latter point, captured on the 23d, was still held by the troops of the gallant General Wood—watched the battle, saw only clouds of smoke mingling with the mist that enveloped the mountain. But the troops engaged could see each other, and beneath the pall of mist they fought, on both sides, with desperate valor. At four o’clock, General Hooker ordered a general charge of his whole line. It was made, with the utmost gallantry—the Union forces dashing onward, through a terribly heavy and continuous fire—and carrying all before them. In five minutes the left flank of the rebels had been turned, and, falling back upon the Summerton road, they abandoned their position, artillery, works, and all, which were immediately seized by the victorious troops of Hooker. But, though flanked and driven back the rebels manifested no disposition to yield their redoubts without a final struggle. Rapidly reforming, they soon advanced to the assault of Geary, in their own former position. The fight that ensued was bitter and furious. The Union soldiers were nearly out of ammunition, and were already, for this reason, evincing a disposition to straggle out of line. The enemy perceived their advantage and tried to make use of it. General Hooker had twice sent to Chattanooga for ammunition. The moment was exceedingly critical. But, at the very moment when further delay must have proved fatal to the success of the Union arms, the ammunition train of General Thomas’s soldiers deployed across Chattanooga creek, and marched up the hill, bringing an ample supply to their comrades in the fight. These men consisted of General Carlin’s brigade of Johnston’s division, Fourteenth corps, and upon them devolved the work of concluding the battle. Night was now coming on, yet the outline of the contending masses could be seen from Chattanooga, while the flashes of musketry were distinctly visible in the gathering darkness. The pageant, as witnessed from the town, was exceedingly gorgeous. The mountain was all ablaze with intermittent fire, and all vocal with strange, unearthly sounds, as of a giant groaning in pain. The great guns on its summit answered the lesser ones on Moccasin point, and all was commotion, and bloody strife, and ghastly pageantry of terror. The result of this final charge was the complete defeat of the rebels. They fell back along the Summerton road, guarding a convenient point to check pursuit, and employed the long hours of the night in evacuating the mountain. There was some skirmishing during the night, but with no important results. General Hooker had gained a splendid victory. SHERMAN’S ADVANCE AGAINST MISSION RIDGE. NOVEMBER 24, 1863. While the Union forces under Hooker were thus advancing against the enemy’s left, General Sherman’s command, which had crossed the Tennessee at Brown’s Ferry, and advanced along the north bank of the river, to a point opposite Chickamauga creek, was threatening the enemy’s right. The crossing, commenced at early morning, was not completed till noon, at which time also a junction was effected, at Chickamauga creek, between General Sherman’s command, and reinforcements under General Howard, sent forward from Chattanooga. At about one o’clock, and just as General Sherman gave orders for an advance against Missionary Ridge, a drizzly rain began to fall, which soon hid from view the object of assault. There are several small hills clustered at the end of Missionary Ridge, being separated from it by a valley, through which runs the Chattanooga and Cleveland railroad. To take these hills was Sherman’s first design. His line of battle was formed thus: General Ewing’s division occupied the right, General J. E. Smith’s division the centre, and General Morgan L. Smith’s division the left. General Jeff. C. Davis’s division of the Fourteenth corps, artillery, had crossed the river and taken up position in the works. The order for the advance was given by General Sherman, as follows: “I see Davis is up. I guess you may as well go in, and take the hill.” The advance was made in perfect silence. The men looked very serious; and, if they spoke to each other, spoke in undertones. The prospect before them was a very serious one, and it was evident that they realized it to the fullest extent. But, as the sequel made manifest, the enemy did not propose to contest these hills, and, steadily continuing his advance, General Sherman was in possession of them as early as four o’clock in the afternoon. A few shells, thrown by the rebels from Tunnel Hill, had passed over his forces, carrying consternation to the camp followers in the rear; but there had been no serious fighting. On inspecting the ground thus captured, General Sherman determined to occupy the semi-circular ridge of the hills with his right and centre, and deploy his left toward Meyers’s mill, on Chickamauga creek. General M. L. Smith, commanding the left, executed the latter movement, capturing about a hundred rebels, who were building rafts on the creek, with which to destroy General Sherman’s pontoon bridges. At night on the 24th, therefore, General Sherman was strongly posted, and prepared for a grand assault of the enemy’s works, on the following day. Several new dispositions had been made along the Union centre, on the 24th, in anticipation of a great battle on the following day. Wood’s forces, strengthened by those of General Baird, had been appointed to storm the rebel heights at Blackford, which is a gap in the centre of Missionary Ridge. Sheridan’s command, strengthened by General King’s brigade—of regulars and volunteers—had been deputed to assault at Thurman’s House, a point further toward the enemy’s left. General Gordon Granger assumed command of the divisions of Wood and Baird, and General Palmer took command of those of Sheridan and King. The object of these movements was to cut the rebel army in two, in the centre, while Hooker on its left, and Sherman on its right, should flank it, and cut it to pieces. BATTLE OF MISSIONARY RIDGE. NOVEMBER 25, 1863. Such was the position of affairs on the morning of the 25th of November. At ten o’clock General Sherman commenced the battle of Missionary Ridge, by pushing forward Colonel Loomis’s brigade of Ewing’s division, on the right, against the enemy posted at Glass Station, back of the railroad. This attack was promptly repulsed. General Corse then made a direct assault upon Tunnel Hill, mounting the hill without difficulty, and in gallant style. But it was only on reaching the crest of this eminence, and coming upon the plateau, that the Union troops came under fire of the guns of Fort Buckner, the strongest rebel fortification at this point. They gained the plateau at precisely eleven o’clock, and, at once, were greeted with a tremendous fire from the guns of the fort, under which they retreated to the crest of the hill, leaving their dead and wounded in the enemy’s rifle-pits. At this juncture, Colonel Loomis’s brigade made a second charge from the right, driving the rebels from their fortifications along the railroad track, and forcing them up the hill to the right of Fort Buckner. General Corse was reinforced, while his movement was going on, and, with fresh troops, he now proceeded to make a second charge against the fort. A bloody conflict ensued. The Union soldiers, swept by a continuous and merciless fire, advanced to within twelve yards of the rebel works—then wavered, then again fell back to their original position, once more leaving their dead and wounded in possession of the enemy. This repulse took place at a quarter past twelve, and from that time until half past one, no further movement was made in Sherman’s front. At this hour, however, a third assault of the hill was made by the combined force of Colonel Loomis and Mathias, supported by two regiments of Colonel Raum’s brigade, the Eightieth Ohio, and the Seventeenth Iowa. The charge of the Union forces on this occasion has been described by an eye-witness as the most magnificent act of gallantry that it is possible to imagine. It was made in the face of a destructive fire, from six pieces of artillery, and a long line of musketry, and—a somewhat navel expedient in modern warfare—a fire of rocks and stones, which the rebels hurled down from their fastness, in great abundance. Meanwhile, the hill flashed and flared with flame, and echoed with the terrible roar of artillery. For half an hour the strife continued. Then the column of Mathias broke and fled—but only to the line of Raum’s reserves, where it was rallied as if by magic. At precisely a quarter past two o’clock, a last grand charge was made, all along the line. Fifty yards in front lay the rebel works. The rebel cannon, double-shotted with canister, belched out death upon the advancing patriots. The men drew their blue cloth caps over their eyes, and pressed stubbornly onward. It was a very critical moment for the rebels—and they knew it, for their commander suddenly called up reserves from his centre, and so, under the combined sweep of a front, flank, and cross fire, the gallant troops of Sherman were finally obliged to fall back from Tunnel Hill. Such advantages as he had gained, however, General Sherman held,—ordering his line into position, and intrenching himself to secure the ground for new operations. But that is not always failure which seems so at the moment. The disaster to Sherman proved, in fact, the main-spring of victory to General Grant. That commander, posted at Orchard Knob, and narrowly watching the contest on his left, was not slow to observe that General Bragg had been obliged to weaken the rebel centre in order to save Tunnel Hill; and, with General Grant, to see an advantage was to improve it. The moment Bragg’s reserves had been drawn away, General Grant ordered a charge upon the rebel centre. At the same moment an artillery fire was opened on the enemy from Orchard Knob and Fort Wood. The men went forward in fine style, charging at the point of the bayonet, across Citico Creek and up the hillside. For a little while, as it toiled upward, the line looked broken and ragged; but the moment it reached the crest of Missionary Ridge, it formed in perfect order, and rushed on like the wind. Astonished and dismayed, the rebels fled before the determined valor of the patriots. Through Fort Hindman danced the rebel flag, borne along by the frightened hordes of Confederates, and after it, streaming grandly in the stormy air, floated onward the flag of the Union. At four o’ clock the ridge was won. General Grant himself, following in the wake of the advancing columns, appeared among his troops, and, by his presence, inspired them with new courage and intrepid resolution. In the mean while General Hooker, following up his victory of the 24th, had completely possessed himself of Lookout Mountain, had descended into the valley, crossed the Chattanooga creek, passed through Rossville, and advanced northward along Missionary Ridge, to cooperate with General Grant. His advance drove the rebels out of Fort Breckinridge, and captured many prisoners. He came up late in the afternoon of the 25th. A final effort, made by Bragg, to retake Fort Hindman, was successfully repulsed, and then the rout of the Confederates was complete. They fled in great disorder towards Ringgold, leaving hundreds of killed and wounded in their track. A few vollies of grape and canister converted their retreat into a wild rout. [Illustration: BATTLE OF MISSIONARY RIDGE.] [Illustration: PURSUIT TOWARDS RINGGOLD, GA.] Though utterly defeated and disorganized, the rebel army was still powerful in numbers and material, and the Federal commander, fully sensible of the importance of following up his advantage, ordered a vigorous pursuit. By daylight the next morning the Union forces were pressing close upon the dispirited and fleeing enemy. So disheartened were the rebels that hundreds threw away their arms and surrendered, soon as the victorious Union columns came within range. All day the pursuit continued, and, when night came on, the country for miles around was lighted with huge fires, where the rebels were compelled to destroy their stores, to prevent them from falling into patriot hands. The road was strewed with commissary stores, and broken-down caissons and wagons. The line of retreat was mostly along the railroad by the valley of Ringgold. The entire Federal loss in these combined battles did not exceed four thousand in killed and wounded; while that of the enemy, in killed, wounded, prisoners, and deserters, has been estimated at fifteen thousand. Between sixty and seventy cannon, and seven thousand stand of small arms were among the trophies of the victors. By this brilliant success, the Federal power was firmly established in East Tennessee, and no serious attempts were afterwards made by the rebels to invade that portion of the State. BATTLE OF RINGGOLD, GA. NOVEMBER 28, 1863. The dingy little town of Ringgold—the county town of Catoosa County, Georgia—is situated at the base of the White Oak mountain range, only a few miles from the State line between Georgia and Tennessee. It was here that the routed forces of General Bragg first made a stand, after the battle of Missionary Ridge, to oppose the pursuit of the victorious soldiers of Hooker. A brief, but desperate and bloody battle, ensued, on the 28th of November. Generals Osterhaus and Geary led the Unionists, while the opposing rebels were Hardee’s command. The fight lasted about five hours, and was attended with heavy loss upon both sides. Three hundred rebel prisoners were captured, and the enemy was driven back, beyond the town, to Tunnel Hill. Colonel Creighton and Lieutenant-Colonel Crane were killed in this engagement, and the Seventh Ohio regiment lost all of its officers excepting one—Captain Creighton. This regiment was treacherously led into an ambuscade by a portion of Hardee’s corps, who displayed Federal flags. The Union soldiers behaved with the utmost gallantry. From Ringgold the rebels fell back upon Dalton. DEPARTMENT OF THE GULF IN 1863. General N. P. Banks arrived in New Orleans on December 14, 1862, having been appointed to supersede General Butler in command of the Department of the Gulf. The news of this change created much surprise among all classes of citizens; and not a few of those who were opposed to the restoration of the national supremacy were sorry to part with an officer who, though obnoxious for his zeal in the discharge of his duties, had succeeded in establishing unexampled order and security in the city. General Butler tendered a cordial welcome to his successor, assuring him that the army would render a cheerful obedience to his orders. On the 15th General Butler took leave of the troops under his command, and paid a well-merited tribute to their patriotism, valor, and soldierly bearing; and on the following day he issued a lengthy address to the citizens, in which he recapitulated the leading measures of his administration, demonstrated the many great advantages which had resulted from the reestablishment of the Federal authority, and exhorted them all to return fully to their allegiance as the only means of obtaining peace and lasting prosperity to their city. On the same day a proclamation was issued by General Banks of a patriotic and conciliatory tone. The commencement of General Banks’s administration was marked by a leniency which seemed to indicate that the severity which General Butler had thought it necessary to exercise was either distasteful to the new commander, or contrary to the policy of the Government. Many political prisoners were released, and other lenient measures adopted towards obstinate rebels, which only resulted in the abuse of his clemency, and the manifestation of a turbulent spirit and disloyal conduct on the part of rebellious citizens. It soon became evident that General Banks did not possess the ability to govern a conquered city with that ease and tact which had been evinced by his predecessor; and during his whole administration he was subjected to opposition and constant annoyance from a class of civilians upon whom the more bold and energetic measures of his predecessor had always been sufficiently potent to restrain them from direct conflict with him. Previous to the arrival of General Banks at New Orleans, he had been for two months engaged in organizing a military and naval force to accompany him, which was designed, in the first place, to cooperate with the forces of General Grant and Admiral Porter in the reduction of Port Hudson and Vicksburg, in order to open the Mississippi river to the free passage of the Federal gunboats. This accomplished, a movement on Texas was contemplated, which State was now contributing largely by her trade on the Mexican border, and her contributions of army subsistence, to sustain the rebellion. No military events of importance occurred in Louisiana until the middle of March, 1863, excepting a small expedition up the Teche river by the gunboats, in which Commander Buchanan of the Calhoun was killed. During the first weeks in March General Banks had concentrated his army at Baton Rouge, amounting to nearly twenty-five thousand men. The naval forces on the lower Mississippi were under the command of Admiral Farragut. Port Hudson, or Hickey’s Landing, as it was called some years ago, is situated on a bend in the Mississippi river, about twenty-two miles above Baton Rouge, and one hundred and forty-seven above New Orleans. Approaching Port Hudson by water from below, the first batteries were situated on a bluff about forty feet above high water mark. On the night of 14–15th March, Admiral Farragut passed the rebel batteries at Port Hudson with his flagship, the Hartford, and the Albatross. He attacked the forts with his entire fleet, but all but the two vessels above named were repulsed, and the Mississippi, having grounded, was set on fire and abandoned. A graphic description of this event is given by a correspondent of the New York Herald, on board the Richmond, from which we subjoin the following condensed account, written at the time: “The rebel batteries extend about four miles in length, with a gap here and there between. Below, just before the high bluff begins, a very large number of field batteries were placed in position. These batteries are by no means to be despised; for in such a narrow part of the river they are just as effective as siege guns, especially as they can be handled with far greater facility than ordnance of larger size. Proceeding upward, the regular fortifications commence. They seem to consist of three distinct ranges of batteries, numbering several in each range. It does not seem, however, that either of them mounts guns of very large calibre. The river now begins to trend to the west, forming a faint representation of a horseshoe, in the hollow of which the town of Port Hudson is situated. It is right in that hollow, and just below the town, that the most formidable battery—the central one—is situated, on the highest bluff. Four heavy guns appear to be mounted there in casemates. I say appear, because the flashes from these guns revealed nothing; but the flame from the muzzles showed that all beyond was in obscurity—precisely as would be the case with guns in casemate. The other guns, _en barbette_, or peering through open embrasures, revealed, when fired, something of the lay of the land behind and around, though but for a moment. Above the town are other batteries, only less formidable than those just below. Beyond these the high bluffs gradually subside into the general level of the surrounding country. Right opposite the principal batteries, on the right bank of the river, is the point of land on which the Mississippi grounded, in consequence of which she had to be set on fire and destroyed.” After describing the first shots from the Hartford, which were promptly returned by the rebel batteries, the correspondent thus describes the mortars opening fire: “And now was heard a thundering roar, equal in volume to a whole park of artillery. This was followed by a rushing sound, accompanied by a howling noise that beggars description. Again and again was the sound repeated, till the vast expanse of heaven rang with the awful minstrelsy. It was apparent that the mortar-boats had opened fire. Of this I was soon convinced on casting my eyes aloft. Never shall I forget the sight that then met my astonished vision. Shooting upward at an angle of forty-five degrees, with the rapidity of lightning, small globes of golden flame were seen sailing through the pure ether—not a steady, unfading flame, but corruscating, like the fitful gleam of a fire-fly, now visible, and anon invisible. Like a flying star of the sixth magnitude, the terrible missile—a 13-inch shell—nears its zenith, up and still up—higher and still higher. Its flight now becomes much slower, till, on reaching its utmost altitude, its centrifugal force becomes counteracted by the earth’s attraction; it describes a parabolic curve, and down, down it comes, bursting, it may be, ere it reaches _terra firma_, but probably alighting in the rebel works ere it explodes, where it scatters death and destruction around. “The Richmond had by this time got within range of the rebel field batteries, which opened fire on her. I had all along thought that we would open fire from our bow guns, on the topgallant forecastle, and that, after discharging a few broadsides from the starboard side, the action would be wound up by a parting compliment from our stern chasers. To my surprise, however, we opened at once from our broadside guns. The effect was startling, as the sound was unexpected; but beyond this I really experienced no inconvenience from the concussion. There was nothing unpleasant to the ear, and the jar to the ship was really quite unappreciable. It may interest the uninitiated to be informed how a broadside is fired from a vessel-of-war. I was told on board the Richmond that all the guns were sometimes fired off simultaneously, though it is not a very usual course, as it strains the ship. Last night the broadsides were fired by commencing at the forward gun, and firing all the rest off in rapid succession, as fast almost as the ticking of a watch. The effect was grand and terrific; and, if the guns were rightly pointed—a difficult thing in the dark, by the way—they could not fail in carrying death and destruction among the enemy. “Of course we did not have everything our own way; for the enemy poured in his shot and shell as thick as hail. Over, ahead, astern, all around us, flew the death-dealing missiles, the hissing, screaming, whistling, shrieking, and howling of which rivaled Pandemonium. It must not be supposed, however, that because our broadside guns were the tools we principally worked with, our bow and stern chasers were idle. We soon opened with our bow eighty-pounder Dahlgren, which was followed up not long after by the guns astern, giving evidence to the fact that we had passed some of the batteries. “Soon after firing was heard astern of us, and it was soon ascertained that the Monongahela, with her consort, the Kineo, and the Mississippi were in action. The Monongahela carries a couple of two-hundred-pounder rifled Parrot guns. The roar of cannon was incessant, and the flashes from the guns, together with the flight of the shells from the mortar boats, made up a combination of sound and sight impossible to describe. To add to the horrors of the night, while it contributed toward the enhancement of a certain terrible beauty, dense clouds of smoke began to envelop the river, shutting out from view the several vessels and confounding them with the batteries. It was very difficult to know how to steer to prevent running ashore, perhaps right under a rebel battery or into a consort. Upward and upward rolled the smoke, shutting out of view the beautiful stars and obscuring the vision on every side. Then it was that the order was passed, ‘Boys, don’t fire till you see the flash from the enemy’s guns.’ That was our only guide through the ‘palpable obscurity.’ Intermingled with the boom of the cannonade arose the cries of the wounded and the shouts of their friends, suggesting that they should be taken below for treatment. So thick was the smoke that we had to cease firing several times, and to add to the horrors of the night, it was next to impossible to tell whether we were running into the Hartford or going ashore, and, if the latter, on which bank, or whether some of the other vessels were about to run into us or into each other. All this time the fire was kept up on both sides incessantly. “‘Muzzle to muzzle.’ This phrase is familiar to most persons who have read accounts of sea-fights that took place about fifty years ago; but it is difficult for the uninitiated to realize all the horrors conveyed in these three words. For the first time I had, last night, an opportunity of knowing what the phrase really meant. The central battery is situated about the middle of the segment of a circle I have already compared to a horseshoe in shape, though it may be better understood by the term ‘crescent.’ This battery stands on a bluff so high that a vessel in passing immediately underneath cannot elevate her guns sufficiently to reach those on the battery; neither can the guns on the battery be sufficiently depressed to bear on the passing ship. In this position the rebel batteries on the two horns of the crescent can enfilade the passing vessel, pouring in a terrible cross-fire, which the vessel can return, though at a great disadvantage, from her bow and stern chasers. We fully realized this last night; for, as we got within short range, the enemy poured into us a terrible fire of grape and canister, which we were not slow to return—our guns being double-shotted, each with a stand of both grape and canister. Every vessel in its turn was exposed to the same fiery ordeal on nearing the centre battery, and right promptly did their gallant tars return the compliment. This was the hottest part of the engagement. We were literally muzzle to muzzle, the distance between us and the enemy’s guns being not more than twenty yards, though to me it seemed to be only as many feet. “Matters had gone on in this way for nearly an hour and a half—the first gun having been fired at about half past eleven o’clock—when, to my astonishment, I heard some shells whistling over our port side. Did the rebels have batteries on the right bank of the river? was the query that naturally suggested itself to me. To this the response was given that we had turned back. I soon discovered that it was too true. Our return was, of course, more rapid than our passage up. The rebels did not molest us much, and I do not believe one of their shots took effect while we were running down rapidly with the current. It was a melancholy affair, for we did not know but what the whole expedition was a failure; neither could we tell whether any of our vessels had been destroyed, nor how many. We had the satisfaction of learning soon afterward, however, that the Hartford and Albatross had succeeded in rounding the point above the batteries. All the rest were compelled to return. As I passed the machinery of the vessel, on my way forward, I was shown a large hole that had been made by an eighty-pounder solid conical shell, which had passed through the hull of the ship, damaging the machinery so as to compel us to return.” During the naval combat, General Banks marched three divisions of his army from Baton Rouge, to a point within seven miles of Port Hudson, where after engaging in a skirmish with the enemy, with trifling loss, they returned to their starting point. Being unprepared as yet to undertake the capture of Port Hudson, General Banks now turned his attention to that portion of the State west of New Orleans, and bordering on the Teche river. This diversion, it was afterward discovered, would have been made unnecessary, had General Banks possessed the means of learning the exact force of the rebels at Port Hudson, which was by no means so formidable as he had reason for believing. The Teche river is a tortuous stream rising in St. Landry parish, and flowing southwardly. On its bank are the towns of Franklin, Martinsville, and Opelousas. General Weitzel had previously made an unsuccessful expedition up that river, and to guard against further invasion a considerable rebel force was now posted in that region, and heavy earthworks were thrown up in the vicinity of Patersonville. The district of country bordering on the Teche, comprised the parishes of Terrebonne, Lafourche, Assumption, St. Mary, and St. Martin, rich in agricultural wealth, and having a large slave population. This district had furnished valuable supplies to the rebel army. OPERATIONS ON THE TECHE AND ATCHAFALAYA RIVERS, LA. APRIL 13–20, 1863. General Banks having concentrated his forces at Brashear, General Weitzel’s brigade was crossed over to Berwick on the 10th of April, without opposition, followed on the succeeding day by General Emory’s division, and both commands advanced upon the fortified position a few miles above Pattersonville. On the 13th, there was considerable artillery firing, in which the gunboat Diana, a late Federal capture, took active part. On the 12th, the division of General Grover left Brashear on the gunboats Clifton, Estrella, Arizona, and Calhoun, and transports, and proceeded up the Atchafalaya river, which joins the Teche at Berwick City, into Lake Chetimacha. The object was to get into the rear of the enemy, and if possible cut off his retreat if he evacuated his position, or to assail him in rear at the time of the attack in front. The expedition effected a landing early the next morning, about three miles west of Franklin, near a spot called Irish Bend. At this time, the gunboat Queen of the West, which had been captured previously by the enemy, was blown up and destroyed on the lake. Skirmishing immediately ensued with a small force of the enemy, that fell back as General Grover advanced. His position was about eleven miles distant from General Banks. BATTLE OF IRISH BEND, LA. APRIL 13, 1863. A correspondent in the army thus describes this battle: “About seven o’clock A. M., the advance reached the edge of a dense line of woods near what is known as Irish Bend (a sharp bend of the Teche), about eleven miles distant from the rebel earthworks, where General Banks was engaging the enemy. Here our force was met by a strong one of the rebels, in position, from the banks of the Teche, across the front and right flank of General Grover’s division. The enemy was strongly posted at this point, their right flank supported by artillery, and their left extending round into another wood, in such a manner as to completely encircle any force which should simply attack their position in the wood first spoken of. “Colonel Birge, of the Third Brigade, of General Grover’s division, at this time in command of the advance, and supported by two sections of Rogers’s battery, now skirmished with the rebels in front for about an hour, our skirmishers and their supports engaging the infantry and dismounted cavalry of the enemy. Colonel Birge then ordered the Twenty-fifth Connecticut and One Hundred and Fifty-ninth New York in front of the first skirt of woods. He had no sooner done this than the enemy commenced a flank attack, endeavoring to take the section of Rogers’s battery which was on the right. These two regiments, assailed by a fire on their front and right from an enemy very perfectly concealed, replied ineffectually to the fire, became shaken, and finally commenced to fall back, when General Grover rode up to the front and rallied them, at the same time ordering General Dwight to hasten up with his brigade. The section of Rogers’s battery was compelled to limber up and go to the rear, the fire of the enemy being so lively as to pick off nine cannoneers at their guns. “At this time General Dwight moved on the field with his brigade, and placed the Sixth New York on his right, in such a manner as to outflank the enemy’s left, in a similar way that the enemy had outflanked our right. The Ninety-first New York was ordered in front to advance against the woods, with the First Louisiana supporting the Sixth New York, and the Twenty-second Maine and One Hundred and Thirty-first New York in support of the Ninety-first New York. “The order to advance was given, and like veterans they moved forward across the field, through the woods, and over another field, the enemy slowly but surely falling back before them; sweeping on, taking from him all his positions, and finally compelling him to so hasty a retreat that he left over one hundred prisoners in our hands. Then the position which Colonel Birge’s brigade failed to take, with a loss of something over three hundred men, was taken by General Dwight, with a loss of only seven killed and twenty-one wounded. “General Dwight was now ordered to halt, take a favorable position, and hold it. This was done, the enemy continuing to manœuvre in front of General Dwight’s and Colonel Birge’s commands, for two or three hours. “Our troops in the mean time, had been ordered by General Grover to rest in their places until further orders, which they did until about three P. M., when an order was given to feel the enemy on the front and flank, with a view to our attacking their position in force. “Before any considerable advance further was made the enemy evacuated, retreating to the woods and canes, having previously set fire to the gunboat Diana, and transports Gossamer, Newsboy, and Era No. 2. They were signally repulsed, with a loss of from three to four hundred. On the field of battle, one hundred and fifty prisoners were taken, and thirty wounded. “Among the killed is General Riley, and among the wounded, Colonel Gray.” This success of General Grover was followed by the evacuation of the works before General Banks. Early on Tuesday, the 15th, the cavalry and artillery, followed by General Weitzel’s brigade, with Colonel Ingram’s force of General Emory’s division, as a support, followed the enemy. So rapid was the pursuit that the enemy was unable to remove their transports at New Iberia, and five, with all the commissary stores and ammunition with which they were loaded, were destroyed at that place, together with an incomplete iron-clad gunboat. On Thursday the army reached New Iberia. A foundry for the manufacture of cannon and other munitions of war was immediately taken possession of, and a similar one had been seized two days before at Franklin. Two regiments were also sent to destroy the tools and machinery at the celebrated salt mine of the town. Thus far about fifteen hundred prisoners had been captured, and more than five hundred horses, mules, and beef cattle taken from the plantations. The Federal loss was small. The entire force of the enemy was about ten thousand men. On the next day, the 17th, the army moved forward, but General Grover, who had marched from New Iberia by a shorter road, and thus gained the advance, met the enemy at Bayou Vermilion. Their force consisted of a considerable number of cavalry, one thousand infantry and six pieces of artillery, massed in a strong position on the opposite bank. They were immediately attacked and driven from their position but not until they had succeeded in destroying by fire the bridge across the river. The night of the 17th and the next day was passed in rebuilding the bridge. On the 19th, the march was resumed, and continued to the vicinity of Grand Coteau; and on the next day the main force of General Banks occupied Opelousas. At the same time, the cavalry, supported by a regiment of infantry and a section of artillery, were thrown forward six miles to Washington, on the Courtableau. On the 21st, no movement was made, but on the next day, Brigadier-General Dwight, of General Grover’s division, with detachments of artillery and cavalry, was pushed forward through Washington toward Alexandria. He found the bridges over the Cocodrie and Bœuf destroyed, and during the evening and night replaced them by a single bridge at the junction of the bayous. Orders were also found there from General Moore to General Taylor, in command of the Confederate force, directing him to retreat slowly to Alexandria, and, if pressed, to retire to Texas. Bute a la Rose, with its garrison of sixty men, two heavy guns, and a large quantity of ammunition, was captured by General Banks. The result of the expedition thus far is thus stated by General Banks: “We have destroyed the enemy’s army and navy, and made their reorganization impossible by destroying or removing the material. We hold the key of the position. Among the evidences of our victory are two thousand prisoners, two transports, and twenty guns taken, and three gunboats and eight transports destroyed.” The Federal loss in the land battle was six or seven hundred. Admiral Porter took possession of Alexandria on the 6th of May, without opposition, and General Banks established his headquarters at that place on the day following. This town is situated on the Red river, one hundred and fifty miles from its mouth. Admiral Porter thus describes his operations at this time in a dispatch to Secretary Welles, dated May 13: “SIR: I had the honor to inform you from Alexandria of the capture of that place, and the forts defending the approaches to the city, by the naval forces under my command. Twenty-four hours after we arrived the advance guard of United States troops came into the city. General Banks arriving soon after, I turned the place over to his keeping. The water beginning to fall, I deemed it prudent to return with the largest vessels to the mouth of the Red river. I dropped down to Fort de Russe in the Benton, and undertook to destroy these works. I only succeeded however, in destroying the three heavy casemates commanding the channel and a small water battery for two guns. About six hundred yards below it I destroyed by bursting one heavy thirty-two pounder and some gun carriages left in their hurry by the enemy. “The main fort, on a hill some nine hundred yards from the water, I was unable to attend to. It is quite an extensive work, new and incomplete, but built with much labor and pains. It will take two or three vessels to pull it to pieces. I have not the powder to spare to blow it up. The vessels will be ordered to work on it occasionally, and it will be soon destroyed. In this last-mentioned fort was mounted the 11-inch gun, which I am led to believe lies in the middle of the river, near the fort, the rebels throwing it overboard in their panic at the approach of our gunboats. The raft which closed the entrance I have blown up, sawed in two, and presented to the poor of the neighborhood. I sent Commander Woodworth in the Price, with the Switzerland, Pittsburg, and Arizona, up Black river to make a reconnoissance, and he destroyed a large amount of stores, valued at three hundred thousand dollars, consisting of salt, sugar, rum, molasses, tobacco, and bacon. (Signed) DAVID D. PORTER, Acting Rear-Admiral, Commanding Mississippi Squadron. General Banks now concentrated his troops at Simmesport, preparatory to an advance on Port Hudson. Minor expeditions were meanwhile taking place in other districts of the department. A brigade under General Nickerson advanced to the neighborhood of Lake Pontchartrain, destroying some valuable property, and capturing a few prisoners. A portion of General Auger’s division penetrated to a point on the railroad between Clinton and Port Hudson, where they encountered and routed a Confederate force, killing five and capturing twenty-five. Colonel Grierson was also successful in an expedition near Port Hudson, capturing three hundred head of cattle. Admiral Farragut now in command of the fleet, was preparing to assist in the attack on Port Hudson. General Banks’s army advanced about the middle of May from Baton Rouge to Port Hudson, portions of his army on either bank of the Mississippi, and a part being forwarded on transports. On the 21st of May General Banks landed, and on the next day a junction was effected with the advance of Major-General Augur and Brigadier-General Sherman. His line occupied the Bayou Sara road. On this road General Augur had an encounter with a force of the enemy, which resulted in their repulse with heavy loss. On the 25th the enemy was compelled to abandon his first line of works. On the next day General Weitzel’s brigade, which had covered the rear in the march from Alexandria, arrived, and on the morning of the 27th a general assault was made on the fortifications. Three series of batteries extended along the river above Port Hudson to a point on Thompson’s creek, making a continuous line about three and a half miles in extent. Above Thompson’s creek is an impassable marsh, forming a natural defence. From the lower battery began a line of land fortifications, of semi-circular form, about ten miles in extent, with Thompson’s Creek for its natural terminus above. ATTACK ON PORT HUDSON, LA. MAY 27, 1863. It having been understood that a grand and simultaneous attack from every part of the lines encircling Port Hudson was to be made on Wednesday, the 27th, General Augur, as early as 6 A. M. of that day, commenced a heavy cannonade upon the works, which continued incessantly until 2 o’clock, P. M. At 10 o’clock, General Weitzel’s brigade, with the division of General Grover—reduced to about two brigades—and the division of General Emory, temporarily reduced by detachments to about a brigade, under command of Colonel Paine, with two regiments of colored troops, made an assault upon the right of the enemy’s works, crossing Sandy creek, and driving them through the woods into their fortifications. The fight lasted on this line until 4 o’clock, and was very severely contested. Brigadier-General Sherman, who intended to commence his assault at the same time on the left, had his troops in readiness. General Augur’s assaulting forces consisted only of Colonel E. P. Chapin’s brigade, viz., the Forty-eighth Massachusetts, led by Lieutenant-colonel O’Brien; the Forty-ninth Massachusetts, by Colonel F. W. Bartlett; the One Hundred and Sixteenth New York, led by Major Love; and the Twenty-first Maine, by Colonel Johnson; also two regiments of Colonel Dudley’s brigade, called up from the right, viz., the Second Louisiana, under Colonel Paine; and parts of the Fiftieth Massachusetts, under Colonel Messer. Before commencing the assault Captain Holcomb’s Vermont battery played upon the works to draw their fire, which he did very effectively; and then the order for the assault was given. A number of brave fellows from each regiment had volunteered to go in advance with the fascines, for the purpose of making a roadway through the moat; these were immediately followed by others who had volunteered to form the assaulting party; and after them the various regiments with their colonels, all under the immediate direction of Major-General Augur. The scene that presented itself to the view as the devoted men emerged from the wood was really appalling. Between them and the fortifications to be assaulted lay an immense open space, at least a mile in length, from right to left, and at least half a mile in depth from the edge of the wood. This space was originally a dense forest, but the rebels had ingeniously felled the trees, leaving the huge branches to interlace each other, and forming, with the thick brushwood underneath, a barrier all but impassable. It was enough to daunt the stoutest hearts; but the order had been given that Port Hudson must be taken that day, and the brave men advanced. In so horrible a place, where men could scarcely keep their footing, and were sinking at every step up to their arm-pits, and tumbling along as best they could with their muskets and fascines through the impenetrable rubbish—the enemy all the while blazing away at them with grape, shell, and canister—the result may easily be imagined. It was wholesale slaughter. But it was cheering to see the heroism and endurance of the men. Onward they went—the old flag streaming proudly above them (the fascine-bearers falling in every direction)—until they actually, many of them, fought their way through the half mile of tangled rubbish to the narrow open space between it and the breastworks, where, as a matter of course, the gallant fellows perished. The unequal contest lasted from 3 P. M. to 5 P. M., when General Augur, finding it utterly impossible to carry out the instructions he had received, withdrew his men in perfect order—returning shot for shot as they got back to the wood. A vigorous bombardment of the position had been made by Admiral Farragut for a week previous to this assault; and reconnoissances had discovered pretty accurately the nature of these formidable defences. ASSAULT ON PORT HUDSON, LA. JUNE 14, 1863. After a bombardment of several days, another assault on Port Hudson was made on the above date. General Banks deemed it necessary on this occasion to change the position of his troops, and they now formed a right and left wing, without the customary centre, and were joined in the form of a right angle. The division of General Grover, on the upper side of Port Hudson, extended a distance of nearly four miles from the river, toward the interior, within supporting distance of General Augur’s division, which was on the west side of the fortifications, and extended a distance of three miles to the river, within hailing distance of the fleet. The defences of the enemy formed nearly a right angle, both lines of which extended to the river, and enclosed a sharp bend. The point of attack was the extreme northeastern angle of the enemy’s position. Several of their pieces had been dismounted at this point by the incessant bombardment of the previous days, while the Federal sharpshooters were able to render dangerous any attempt to work the artillery in position. Two regiments of sharpshooters were detailed to creep up to and lie on the exterior slope of the enemy’s breastworks, while another regiment, each soldier having a hand-grenade besides his musket, followed. Another regiment followed with bags filled with cotton, which were to be used to fill up the ditch in front of the breastworks. The remaining regiments of General Weitzel’s brigade succeeded, supported by the brigades of Colonel Kimball and Colonel Morgan. These forces, all under General Weitzel, constituted the right of attack. On the left General Paine’s division constituted a separate column. The whole command was under General Grover, who planned the attack. It was expected that General Weitzel’s command would make a lodgment within the enemy’s works, and thus prepare the way for General Paine’s division. The advance was made about daylight, through a covered way, to within three hundred yards of the enemy’s position; then their progress was retarded by deep gulleys, covered with bush and creeping vines. Under an incessant fire from the enemy, a part of the skirmishers reached the ditch, where they were met with an enfilading fire, and hurled back, while their hand-grenades were caught up by the enemy and thrown back again into the Union ranks. The assaulting column moved on as rapidly as possible, and made several gallant and desperate attempts on the enemy’s works, but found them fully prepared at all points, and every part of their fortifications lined with dense masses of infantry. At length the assaulting columns were compelled to fall back under the deadly fire of the enemy, and the fighting finally ceased at eleven o’clock in the morning. General Banks’s loss was nearly seven hundred in killed and wounded. Meantime the first parallel encircling the outer line of the rebel defences was pushed forward, and the skirmishers were posted in rifle-pits so near that skirmishes were of constant occurrence at night. * * * * * The withdrawal of General Banks’s force from the west side of the Mississippi was followed by great activity on the part of the enemy, for the purpose of recovering the places held by small bodies of Federal troops, and to cause a diversion from Port Hudson. Opelousas was reoccupied by a considerable Confederate force; and the west bank of the Mississippi was lined with squads of the rebels, who fired on every boat which passed. On the 17th of June, an attack was made on the Federal pickets at La Fourche, which was repulsed. On the 23d, Brashear City was captured by a Confederate force under Generals Green and Morton. A camp of contrabands was attacked by the enemy, and large numbers killed. Immense quantities of ammunition, several pieces of artillery, three hundred thousand dollars’ worth of sutler’s goods, sugar, flour, pork, beef, and medical stores, of vast amount, were also captured. On the 28th, an attack was made on Donaldsonville, and the storming party succeeded in getting into the fort. But the gunboats opened a flanking fire above and below the fort, and drove back the supporting party, so that the enemy broke and fled. Of those who had entered the fort, one hundred and twenty were captured and nearly one hundred killed. Other movements on the part of the enemy were made at this time, which indicated great activity, and enabled them to destroy much Federal property. No embarrassment however was caused to the position of General Banks. The enemy, in short, recovered the La Fourche, Teche, Attakapas, and Opelousas country, and captured Brashear, with fifteen hundred prisoners, a large number of slaves, and nearly all the confiscated cotton. * * * * * After the two attempts to reduce Port Hudson by a land assault, on the 27th of May and the 14th of June, the purpose to make another was given up General Banks, until he had fully invested the place by a series of irresistible approaches. He was thus engaged in pushing forward his works when Vicksburg was surrendered. Information of this surrender was sent to General Banks, and it was the occasion for firing salutes and a general excitement in his camp, which attracted the attention of the enemy, to whom the surrender was communicated. General Gardner, upon receiving the information, sent by flag of truce, about midnight of the 7th, the following note to General Banks: “HEADQUARTERS, PORT HUDSON, LA., JULY 7th, 1863. “To Major-General BANKS, commanding United States forces near Port Hudson: “GENERAL: Having received information from your troops that Vicksburg has been surrendered, I make this communication to request you to give me the official assurance whether this is true or not, and if true, I ask for a cessation of hostilities, with a view to the consideration of terms for surrendering this position. “I am, General, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, FRANK GARDNER, Major-General.” To which General Banks thus replied “HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE GULF, } BEFORE PORT HUDSON, JULY 8th, 1863. } “To Major-General FRANK GARDNER, commanding C. S. forces, Port Hudson: “GENERAL: In reply to your communication, dated the 7th instant, by flag of truce, received a few moments since, I have the honor to inform you that I received, yesterday morning, July 7th, at 10.45, by the gunboat General Price, an official despatch from Major-General Ulysses S. Grant, United States Army, whereof the following is a true extract: “‘HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE TENNESSEE, } NEAR VICKSBURG, JULY 4th, 1863. } “‘Major-General N. P. BANKS, commanding Department of the Gulf: “‘GENERAL: The garrison of Vicksburg surrendered this morning. The number of prisoners, as given by the officer, is twenty-seven thousand, field artillery one hundred and twenty-eight pieces, and a large number of siege guns, probably not less than eighty. “‘Your obedient servant, U. S. Grant, Major-General.’” “I regret to say, that under present circumstances, I cannot, consistently with my duty, consent to a cessation of hostilities for the purpose you indicate. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, N. P. BANKS.” The following further correspondence then took place: “PORT HUDSON, JULY 8th, 1863. “GENERAL: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of this date, giving a copy of an official communication from Major-General U. S. Grant, United States Army, announcing the surrender of Vicksburg. “Having defended this position as long as I deem my duty requires, I am willing to surrender to you, and will appoint a commission of three officers to meet a similar commission appointed by yourself, at nine o’clock this morning, for the purpose of agreeing upon and drawing up the terms of the surrender, and for that purpose I ask for a cessation of hostilities. “Will you please to designate a point outside of my breastworks, where the meeting shall be held for this purpose? “I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, FRANK GARDNER, Commanding C. S. Forces.” “HEADQUARTERS, U. S. FORCES, BEFORE } PORT HUDSON, JULY 8th, 1863. } “To Major-General FRANK GARDNER, commanding Confederate States forces, Port Hudson: “GENERAL: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of this date, stating that you are willing to surrender the garrison under your command to the forces under my command, and that you will appoint a commission of three officers to meet a similar commission appointed by me, at nine o’clock this morning, for the purpose of agreeing upon and drawing up the terms of the surrender. “In reply, I have the honor to state that I have designated Brigadier-General Charles P. Stone, Colonel Henry W. Birge, and Lieutenant-Colonel Richard B. Irwin, as the officers to meet the commission appointed by you. “They will meet your officers at the hour designated, at a point where the flag of truce was received this morning. I will direct that active hostilities shall entirely cease on my part until further notice, for the purpose stated. “Very respectfully, your most obedient servant, “N. P. BANKS, Major-General Commanding.” CAMP SCENES. [Illustration: ASSORTING THE MAIL.] [Illustration: THE NEWS DEPOT.] The following are the articles of capitulation mutually agreed upon and adopted: ART. 1. Major-General Frank Gardner surrenders to the United States forces under Major-General Banks, the place of Port Hudson and its dependencies, with its garrison, armaments, munitions, public funds, and materials of war, in the condition, as nearly as may be, in which they were at the hour of cessation of hostilities, namely, 6 o’clock A. M., July 8, 1863. ART. 2. The surrender stipulated in article one is qualified by no condition, save that the officers and enlisted men comprising the garrison shall receive the treatment due to prisoners of war, according to the usages of civilized warfare. ART. 3. All private property of officers and enlisted men shall be respected, and left to their respective owners. ART. 4. The position of Port Hudson shall be occupied to-morrow, at 7 o’clock A. M., by the forces of the United States, and its garrison received as prisoners of war by such general officers of the United States service as may be designated by Major-General Banks, with the ordinary formalities of rendition. The Confederate troops will be drawn up in line, officers in their positions, the right of the line resting on the edge of the prairie south of the railroad depot; the left extending in the direction of the village of Port Hudson. The arms and colors will be piled conveniently, and will be received by the officers of the United States. ART. 5. The sick and wounded of the garrison will be cared for by the authorities of the United States, assisted if desired by either party, by the medical officers of the garrison. The formal surrender was made on the 9th of July. General Andrews, Chief-of-Staff of General Banks, with Colonel Birge leading his column, followed by two picked regiments from each division, with Holcombe’s and Rowle’s batteries of light artillery, and the gunners of the naval battery, entered the fortifications. The enemy were drawn up in line, with their officers in front of them, on one side of the road, with their backs to the river. The Federal troops were drawn up in two lines on the opposite side of the road, with their officers in front of them. General Gardner then advanced, and offered to surrender his sword with Port Hudson. In appreciation of his bravery, he was desired to retain it. He then said: “General, I will now formally surrender my command to you, and for that purpose will give the order to ground arms.” The order was given, and the arms grounded. The surrender comprised, besides the position, more than six thousand two hundred and thirty-three prisoners, fifty-one pieces of artillery, two steamers, four thousand four hundred pounds of canon powder, five thousand small arms, and one hundred and fifty thousand rounds of ammunition. The loss of General Banks from the twenty-third to the thirtieth of May was about one thousand. The village of Port Hudson consisted of a few houses and a small church, which had been nearly destroyed by the cannonade. The wounded and sick of the garrison suffered most from want of medical stores. The provisions of the garrison were nearly exhausted. * * * * * A short period of inactivity succeeded the heavy campaign of General Banks’s army, which culminated in the capture of Port Hudson, on the 9th of July, 1863. But the plans of the commanding officers were maturing for new expeditions, in more remote regions, where the flag of rebellion was still floating defiantly, and where the machinations of European powers were striving covertly to give aid to the Confederate cause, and to establish an unfriendly Government on the Federal confines, if not on American soil. Rear-Admiral David D. Porter arrived at New Orleans on the 1st of August, 1863, and resumed command of the gunboats on the Mississippi. About the same time Major-General Franklin, formerly a corps commander in the Army of the Potomac, arrived at the same place, and reported for duty. A naval expedition to the mouth of the Sabine river, in Texas, was undertaken by General Banks, who dispatched General Franklin with four thousand men in four army transports, to capture the forts at Sabine Pass, at the mouth of the river, which forms the boundary line between Texas and Louisiana. The armed steamers employed were the Clifton, Sachem, Arizona, and Granite City, and the naval forces were commanded by Lieutenant Crocker. Early on the morning of September 8th, the Clifton stood in the bay and opened on the fort, to which no reply was made. At 9 A. M. the Sachem, Arizona, and Granite City, followed by the transports, stood over the bar, and, with much difficulty, owing to the low water, reached an anchorage about two miles from the fort at 11 A. M. About the middle of the afternoon the Sachem, followed by the Arizona, advanced up the eastern channel to draw the fire of the forts, while the Clifton advanced up the western channel. The Granite City remained to cover the landing of a division of troops under General Weitzel. No reply was made to the fire of the gunboats until they were abreast of the forts, when eight guns opened fire upon them. Three of these were rifled. Almost at the same moment the Clifton and Sachem were struck in their boilers and both vessels enveloped in steam. The Arizona, not having room to pass the Sachem, then backed down the channel until she grounded by the stern, when the ebb-tide caught her bows and swung her across the channel. White flags were raised on the Clifton and Sachem, and within twenty minutes they were taken in tow by the enemy. The naval force of the expedition being thus disabled, the transports moved out of the bay. The Arizona was got afloat during the night, and followed. The expedition then returned to Brashear City. The officers and crews of the Clifton and Sachem, and about ninety sharpshooters who were on board were captured, and the loss in killed and wounded was about thirty. After remaining at Brashear City some time, the military force moved to Franklin and Vermillionville. On the 27th of October an expedition under General Banks put to sea from New Orleans. It consisted of about twenty vessels, accompanied by the gunboats Owasco, Virginia, and Monongahela, which sailed to the mouth of the Rio Grande river, the boundary between Texas and Mexico. Brownsville was occupied by Federal troops, which did much to check the designs of the French Emperor. An American army was now placed on the frontier, prepared to check any open demonstration of sympathy between the armies of Davis and Napoleon. Western Louisiana was again the scene of military operations in the Teche district, where General Washburn’s command was attacked on the 5th of November, and after a severe struggle, he succeeded in beating off the enemy with a loss of one hundred killed and two hundred prisoners. The Federal loss was forty killed. NAVAL OPERATIONS IN 1863. The most important operations of the navy during the year were those on the Mississippi river, and before Charleston, which have been already described in connection with army movements. The work of building vessels for naval purposes was carried on vigorously during the year, and, inclusive of vessels purchased, and those captured from the enemy, fifty-eight vessels, mounting four hundred and fifty-two guns, with a tonnage of fifty thousand tons, were added; while the loss for the same period was thirty-four vessels of about sixteen thousand tons, including the iron-clads Monitor and Weehawken, which foundered in stormy weather. The number of seamen on the register was about thirty-four thousand. At daylight on January 29, an iron propeller named Princess Royal attempted to enter Charleston harbor, but was captured by the gunboat Unadilla. This was one of the most valuable prizes taken during the war. The cargo would have been of great service to the enemy, who immediately set on foot a daring scheme to recover her. Accordingly, before daylight on the 31st, two rebel rams, the Palmetto State and the Chicora, under Commodore Ingraham, came down the channel, and surprised the smaller vessels of the blockading squadron, which lay close in shore. The Mercedita was the first vessel attacked, which was rendered helpless by the explosion of a 7-inch shell from the Palmetto State in her port boiler, and surrendered. The Keystone State was then attacked by both rams, and made a most gallant defence, but being disabled, she was compelled to pull down her flag, but re-hoisted it when she found the enemy did not discontinue his fire. Other vessels making their appearance, the rams soon after discontinued the attack, and both the disabled Federal vessels were taken in tow by their consorts. It was claimed by General Beauregard and Flag-officer Ingraham that the blockade had been raised in accordance with the laws of war, as there were no Federal vessels in sight from Charleston at daylight on the 1st of February; and the foreign consular agents in Charleston were induced to indorse this claim, but the assumption remained unnoticed by foreign governments. On January 30, the Federal gunboat Isaac Smith, Lieutenant Conover, was captured on Stono river, S. C., by masked shore batteries, after losing twenty-four men in killed and wounded. On the 27th of February, the Montauk monitor destroyed the rebel steamer Nashville, under the guns of Fort McAllister. On December 17th, the steamer Chesapeake, plying between New York and Portland, was seized on her passage to the latter place, when about twenty miles northeast of Cape Cod, by sixteen of her passengers, who represented themselves as belonging to the Confederate States. The captain was put in irons, one of the engineers killed and thrown overboard, and the first mate wounded. The crew and passengers, with the exception of the first engineer, retained to manage the steamer, were subsequently put ashore in a boat, and the Chesapeake sailed to the eastward. Upon the reception of the news in the United States, a fleet of cruisers started in pursuit, and on the 17th the Chesapeake was captured by the Ella and Anna, in Sambro harbor, Nova Scotia, and, with a portion of her crew, was carried to Halifax and delivered to the authorities. The prisoners were released by a mob, but the Chesapeake was subsequently restored to her American owners by an order of the chief colonial tribunal. The number of vessels captured by the several squadrons, from the commencement of the war to November 1, 1863, was one thousand and forty-five, valued at thirteen millions of dollars. During the same period the rebels had destroyed or captured one hundred and eighty-four Federal vessels, valued at fifteen millions of dollars. THE FIELD OF OPERATIONS IN 1864. At the beginning of the year 1864, the authority of the United States Government—established by the dauntless courage and determined valor of the armies of the Union—extended over a very large portion of the territory which had been controlled by the rebellion. The capture of Vicksburg and Port Hudson had opened the navigation of the Mississippi river. The State of Missouri had been redeemed, and the rebel power had been broken in Arkansas. From Kentucky and Tennessee the rebel flag had been driven out, by the victorious banner of the Republic. In Florida, in the Carolinas, and in Southern Virginia, the arms of the Union had effected a permanent lodgment. The mouth of the Rio Grande had been closed, thus cutting off an important channel of rebel communication with foreign markets, and with disloyal traders at the North. In Louisiana the power of the Government was growing stronger, day by day. Victory, moreover, had strengthened the hands and hearts of the patriots at the North, soldiers as well as civilians. The army and the navy were in excellent condition, and the War Department felt justified in making a reduction of upwards of two millions of dollars, in its estimate of military and naval expenditure for the next year. Thus, in every particular, the condition of the country seemed much improved, while the prospects for the future were full of comfort and promise. Important work yet remained to be done: sacrifices were yet to be made. But the work was enjoined by a sacred sense of duty, and the loyal people of the United Slates were ready to make any and every sacrifice that might be required for its suitable and thorough performance. The positions of the various armies, at the beginning of 1864, should here be noted. General Meade, commanding the Army of the Potomac, was posted near Culpepper Court House, in Virginia, whither he had arrived, after a variety of manœuvres, in the latter part of 1863. General Lee confronted him with the finest army of the rebellion. The Union forces occupied Winchester, Martinsburg, and Harper’s Ferry, and held the line of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, thus blocking all possible advance of the rebels up the Shenandoah valley. A rebel force, however, was in the valley, led on by General Jubal Early, whose headquarters were at Staunton. General Bragg’s rebel forces were massed in the vicinity of Dalton, Georgia, opposed by the Union armies under General Grant, in front of Chattanooga, Tennessee. General Burnside—whose resignation had not yet been given in—was at Knoxville, and not far to the eastward of that point was General Longstreet’s division of the rebel army. General Banks held command in New Orleans, and had detachments of troops in Texas. General Rosecrans was at the head of a small force in Missouri. General Steele commanded the Union troops at Little Rock, in Arkansas. Military fortifications were established, all along the Mississippi river. The United States had about six hundred thousand men in the field: the Confederates about four hundred thousand. General Lee’s forces, in Virginia and North Carolina, numbered at least one hundred and ten thousand. The other great army of the Confederacy was commanded by General J. C. Johnston, whose department included Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi. The rebel troops at Mobile were commanded by Generals Maury and Clairborne. The great operations of the year 1864 were, Sherman’s march from Atlanta to Savannah—including, of course, the preliminary manœuvres and battles, which prepared his way—and General Grant’s advance on Richmond, by way of the Wilderness. Before describing these, however, a considerable space must be devoted to miscellaneous operations in various parts of the country. SHERMAN’S EXPEDITION AGAINST MERIDIAN, MISS. FEBRUARY 3, 1864. After participating in the battles around Chattanooga, and raising the siege of Knoxville to relieve General Burnside, General Sherman withdrew to Vicksburg, to take command of an expedition which left that city on the 3rd of February, 1864, and proceeded in the direction of Meridian, in Alabama. The force under General Sherman numbered about thirty thousand men, and consisted of the two corps under General McPherson and General Hurlbut, with sixty pieces of light artillery. After much skirmishing by the way, in which the enemy was constantly overcome. General Sherman reached Meridian on the 7th of February. The object of this expedition was the destruction of several railroads which are specified in the following order, issued after the Union force had been one week in Meridian. HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE TENNESSEE, } MERIDIAN, Miss., February, 15, 1864. } 1. The destruction of the railroads intersecting at Meridian is of great importance, and should be done most effectually. Every tie and rail for many miles in each direction should be absolutely destroyed or injured, and every bridge and culvert should be completely destroyed. To insure this end, to General Hurlbut is entrusted the destruction east and north, and to General McPherson the roads west and south. The troops should be impressed with the importance of this work, and also that time is material, and therefore it should be begun at once, and prosecuted with all the energy possible. Working parties should be composed of about one-half the command, and they should move by regiments, provided with their arms and haversacks, ready to repel attacks of cavalry. The other half in reserve will be able to watch the enemy retreating eastward. 2. Colonel E. F. Winslow, commanding cavalry, will keep his cavalry in advance of the party working eastward, and will act as though this army were slowly pursuing the enemy. 3. Special instructions will be given as to the general supply train; and the troops now in Meridian will, under proper brigade parties, collect meal, meat and supplies. The destruction of buildings must be deferred till the last moment, when a special detail will be made for that purpose. By order of W. T. SHERMAN, Major-General commanding. These directions being faithfully carried out, General Sherman with justice declared that he had made the most complete destruction of railroads ever beheld. Supplies now beginning to fall short, the Union forces fell back toward Vicksburg, returning by the way of Canton, and reached their original position on the 26th of February. In this expedition the National loss in killed and wounded amounted to one hundred and seventy men. GENERAL SMITH’S EXPEDITION FROM MEMPHIS, TENN. FEBRUARY 11, 1864. General M. L. Smith, who had been ordered to report to General Sherman at Meridian, had in the mean time, left Memphis on the 11th of February. On the 13th the National forces reached the Tallahatchie, and on the same day crossed the river at New Albany, without encountering any opposition from the enemy. Pushing forward with all possible speed, General Smith encountered the enemy, in force, near Houston. The Unionists, not being strong enough to engage the rebels, then moved eastward, and surprised and entered Okalona. Advancing along the railroad, and tearing up the track as he went, General Smith next reached West Point, having destroyed on the way two thousand bales of cotton, and one million bushels of corn. Two miles north of West Point Station, the enemy was encountered, and a short skirmish ensued, in which the rebels were driven back. The enemy were next discovered to be in strong force in front, holding all the crossings over a swamp to the right of the town, and also on the line of the Octibbieha in front, and that of the Tombigbee river on the left. An attack was necessary; and General Smith, encumbered with pack trains and captured cattle, determined to make his demonstration for battle in front, in order to give his main body and trains an opportunity to fall back on Okalona. This movement was successfully accomplished, notwithstanding that the enemy, under the command of Generals Lee, Forrest and Chalmers, pressed very hard upon the retreating Union line. Subsequently, on the 22nd, General Smith was attacked at Okalona, and defeated with severe loss. That night he retreated, with all possible secrecy and speed. A correspondent thus describes his retreat: “Picture to yourself, if you can, a living, moving mass of men, negroes, mules, and horses, of four thousand or five thousand, all _en masse_, literally jammed, huddled, and crowded into the smallest possible space; night setting in; artillery and small arms booming behind us; cavalry all around and ahead, moving on, on, on, over fences, through fields and brush, over hills and across mud-holes, streams, and bridges, and still on, on into the night, until the moon rises on the scene and shows us some of the outlines of this living panorama. I forgot to say that in this crowd were a lot of prisoners, too, once or twice attempting to escape, followed by the swift report of the revolver, once with bitter consequences to the escaping prisoners.” On the night of the 23d General Smith succeeded in crossing the Tallahatchie at New Albany, and on the 25th, at about noon, his forces reached Memphis, with all their trains and spoils of war. The loss was less than two hundred killed and captured. Thus it happened that the expedition failed to make a junction with General Sherman, at Meridian. THE RED RIVER EXPEDITION. MARCH 10-MAY 16, 1864. An extensive trade had been carried on for two years between the Confederate States, and the Mexican border. The occupation of Brownsville had checked in a measure this intercourse, and it was determined by the Federal authorities to attempt the capture of Shreveport, an important trading town in the extreme northwestern border of Louisiana, near the boundaries of Arkansas and Texas. This place is at the head of steamboat navigation on the Red river, in the midst of the largest and richest cotton district in the trans-Mississippi department. It was the rebel capital of Louisiana, the headquarters of Gen. Kirby Smith, and the general depot for rebel supplies in that section. The Government desired Shreveport, and the undisturbed possession of the Mississippi, and General Banks was charged with the duty of taking it. His army consisted of a part of the Nineteenth army corps, which he formerly commanded in person; a portion of the Thirteenth army corps, under General Ransom; and a portion of the Sixteenth army corps, under the command of General Smith. A large naval force under Admiral Porter, constituted an important part of the expedition. The Red river cannot be navigated with safety for any distance above Alexandria by large vessels, except during the months of March and April; and arrangements were accordingly made for the grand naval and army expedition to start as early in the month of March as practicable. On the second of the month, Admiral Porter concentrated his fleet off the mouth of Red river, awaiting army movements, while some of his gunboats were engaged in destroying bridges on the Atchafalaya and Black rivers, and rebel property collected at Sicily Island. Admiral Porter’s fleet comprised the following vessels: The Essex, Commander Robert Townsend; Benton, Lieutenant-Commander James A. Greer; La Fayette, Lieutenant-Commander J. P. Foster; Choctaw, Lieutenant-Commander F. M. Ramsey; Chilicothe, Acting Volunteer Lieutenant S. P. Couthouy; Ozark, Acting Volunteer Lieutenant George W. Browne; Louisville, Lieutenant-Commander E. K. Owen; Carondolet, Lieutenant-Commander J. G. Mitchell; Eastport, Lieutenant-Commander S. L. Phelps; Pittsburgh, Acting Volunteer Lieutenant W. R. Hoel; Mound City, Acting Volunteer Lieutenant A. R. Langthorne; Osage, Lieutenant-Commander T. O. Selfridge; Neosho, Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Samuel Howard; Ouachita, Lieutenant-Commander Byron Wilson; Fort Hindman, Acting Volunteer Lieutenant John Pearce. And the lighter boats: Lexington, Lieutenant George M. Bache; Cricket, Acting Master H. H. Gorringe; Gazelle, Acting Master Charles Thatcher; Black Hawk, Lieutenant-Commander K. R. Breese. General A. J. Smith embarked from Vicksburg with his command, of about ten thousand troops, on twenty transports, on the 10th of March. His corps consisted of two divisions from the Sixteenth and two of the Seventeenth army corps. He arrived at the mouth of the Red river on the 12th. On the same day the transports moved up to the Atchafalaya, and the troops were landed at Semmesport, where they disembarked and marched overland, a distance of thirty miles, to Fort De Russy, on the Red river, skirmishing throughout the route with the enemy’s cavalry. On the afternoon of the 14th they were in sight of the fort. It consisted of two distinct and formidable earthworks, connected by a covered way; the upper work, facing the road, mounted four guns, two field and two siege; the lower work, commanding the river, was a casemated battery of three guns. Only two guns were in position in it, one an eleven-inch columbiad, and an eight-inch smooth bore. On each side were batteries of two guns each, making in all eight siege and two field-pieces. As the line moved up to the edge of the timber, the upper work opened with shell and shrapnel, against which two batteries were brought to bear. The cannonading continued for two hours. A charge was then ordered, and as the men reached the ditch, the garrison surrendered. The Federal loss was four killed and thirty wounded; that of the enemy, five killed and four wounded. The prisoners taken were twenty-four officers and two hundred men. Considerable ammunition and stores were found, besides a thousand muskets. The fleet met with many obstructions on its passage up the river, which were removed without serious damage to the vessels; and after constant skirmishing with the river batteries, arrived in front of the fort just before the close of the action, and rendered effective service. General Smith ordered the works to be destroyed. A portion of his troops then embarked on the transports, and reached Alexandria, one hundred and forty miles from the Mississippi river, on the evening of the 16th. They were followed by the remainder of the forces and the fleet. The enemy retired before the advance, destroying two steamboats and considerable cotton. During the first week, the gunboats rescued upwards of four thousand bales of cotton, and large quantities were brought in by the negroes. The fleet was detained by the low water on the falls above Alexandria, its depth being only six feet, whereas nine feet were required to float the largest gunboats. On the 20th, the cavalry force under General Lee, attached to the command of General Banks, reached Alexandria, after marching from Franklin across the Teche country. Meantime detachments from General Smith’s command had been sent forward, and captured several small bodies of the enemy. On the 21st, Natchitoches was taken, with two hundred prisoners and four pieces of artillery. It is about eighty miles from Alexandria. About four miles from Natchitoches, is a small settlement of dingy houses, called Grand Ecore. General Banks arrived at this place on the 4th of April, and it was then made the headquarters of both the army and navy commanders, and the entire force of the expedition was located in that vicinity. The army numbered about twenty thousand men. The cavalry was under General Lee, formerly of Grant’s army; the artillery was commanded by Brigadier-General Richard Arnold. General Franklin was second in command. He had one division of his corps with him, under General Emory. That of General Green remained at Alexandria, to garrison the post. General Ransom’s force consisted of two divisions. General Smith’s command remained at Natchitoches. With the rest of the army General Bank’s moved from Natchitoches for Shreveport on the 6th of April. The country is a dense, interminable forest, with a few narrow roads, with no signs of life or civilization, but a few log houses and half-cleared plantations. Into this country General Banks was compelled to march. He found, in the beginning, that two arms of his service would be almost worthless. So long as he marched, his cavalry might picket the woods and skirmish along the advance; but in action they would be as helpless as so many wagon trains. His artillery would be of no use unless he could manage to get the enemy into an open clearing. The region was little more than a great masked battery. It was an unproductive, barren country, and it became necessary for permanent military operations to carry along everything that an army could use. On the evening of the seventh, they reached Pleasant Hill, a small village, thirty-five miles from Natchitoches, the cavalry advance skirmishing nearly all the way through the woods. They had a severe fight, on that morning, two miles beyond Pleasant Hill, in which the Eighty-seventh Illinois (mounted infantry) lost quite heavily. On the morning of the eighth they resumed their march. A severe skirmish occurred at an old sawmill, ten miles beyond Pleasant Hill, in which Lieutenant-Colonel Webb, of the Seventy-seventh Illinois, was killed; but the enemy kept falling back, and were pursued by the cavalry and infantry about eight miles further, to Sabine Cross-Roads, three miles from Mansfield. Here the enemy was met in force, and a check made to further progress. BATTLE OF SABINE CROSS-ROADS. APRIL 8, 1864. The position of the Union army at 3 o’clock was as follows: In front, and on the ground where a most terrible battle was soon to be fought, was General Lee with Colonels Dudley and Lucas’s cavalry brigades with Nim’s battery of six guns and one section (two guns) of Battery G, Fifth United States regulars. United to this force there was now the Fourth division, Thirteenth army corps, with the Chicago Mercantile battery, (six guns.) Next, in the rear and completely blocking up the road, was General Lee’s train of some two hundred and fifty wagons, to the presence of which the subsequent disaster of the day is largely attributable. Back of these was the Third division, Thirteenth army corps, under General Cameron, moving up to the front as rapidly as possible. Next to the Third division was General Emory with the First division, Nineteenth army corps, seven miles from the extreme front, while General Smith was back of Pleasant Hill, one day’s march in the rear. The battle-ground was a large, open, irregular-shaped field, through about one-half of which on the right of the road a narrow belt of timber ran, encircling inward as it extended to the right until its base rested around upon the woods in the rear. The road passed through the centre of the field in a northwesterly direction toward Mansfield. Meandering diagonally through the field and across the road was a small creek or bayou, from the banks of which the ground rose gradually along the line of the road, terminating in a considerable ridge on each side. The ridge at the entrance to the field on the side of the advance was close up to the woods, and commanded the whole battle-field, while the ridge on the opposite side ran through the open field on the left to the belt of timber dividing the field on the right, along which it sloped gradually until it reached the level of the hollow on the bayou. The outer line of the field beyond the belt of timber on the right was an irregular semicircle, the extremities drawing inward, so as to correspond somewhat to the outline of the dividing wood. The outer line of the field on the left was very nearly at a right angle with the road. The rebel forces, occupying a front of about one mile, were stationed under cover of the woods along the further line of these fields. Their front, therefore, extended from their right flank in a straight line to the road, and then, following the shape of the field, circled inward until their left flank reached a point that would be intersected by a line drawn across the road at a right angle near the middle of the first field on the right. The main body of the rebels was evidently on the right of the roads. A battery was seen in position near the road, but it was not brought into action. On the right, and in the belt of timber which separated the first from the second field, was Lucas’s cavalry brigade, mostly dismounted and deployed as skirmishers, while beyond and supporting this brigade was the Fourth division, Thirteenth army corps. About four o’clock, the Fourth division was moved forward through the belt of timber, and took position in line of battle behind the fence that inclosed the field beyond. At half-past four, General Ransom and staff passed on foot along the outer infantry line, who were firing very briskly across the field into the woods where the enemy was posted, but as the fire was of little effect the general directed it to be withheld until the rebels came out into the field. For half or three-quarters of an hour, everything remained quiet along the lines, when all at once a heavy and continuous discharge of musketry was heard on the right, from rebel forces marching steadily in close ranks across the open field to the attack; while at the same moment a heavy column was moving across the road upon the left, where the cavalry brigade under Colonel Dudley was posted, aided by Nim’s battery, the two howitzers, and one small regiment of infantry (the Twenty-third Wisconsin.) Every regiment now coolly but rapidly poured its destructive fire upon the advancing foe, opening at every discharge great gaps in the rebel ranks, and strewing the field with a continuous line of killed and wounded. Under this terrific and well-directed fire, the rebel line was checked, broken, and driven back, the only considerable body remaining together being a mass of some three hundred or four hundred directly opposite the Thirteenth Illinois, which was badly cut up, but held its position without breaking. Four guns of Nim’s battery were captured, not having horses to drag them from the field. This movement on the left, however, was simply a ruse on the part of the enemy to induce General Banks to weaken his right wing, and it was successful. At the commencement of the action General Franklin’s divisions were in camp nine miles in the rear, but he hastened forward in advance of his command, and, in conjunction with the commander-in-chief, passed through the midst of the engagement, encouraging by his presence, and leading on the men. The right now became fiercely engaged, and the centre being pressed, fell back, when the right also gave way. The loss of the Chicago battery and the First Indiana soon followed. General Cameron then advanced to the front with a brigade of Indiana troops of the Thirteenth corps, but was unable to check the superior force of the enemy. The line continued to fall back slowly until the baggage-trains blocked up the roads in the rear so that the troops could not easily pass, when a panic ensued. The enemy now pursued for three and a half miles, when their advance was checked and driven back by General Emory’s division. Here the conflict ended for the day. Six guns of the Chicago battery, two of Battery G, four of the First Indiana, and six of Nim’s battery were left on the field, with two howitzers of the Sixth Missouri. The loss of General Banks was estimated at two thousand killed, wounded, and missing. His force on the field was about eight thousand. The force of the enemy was much larger. General Mouton was among the badly wounded of the enemy. As it was now known that General Smith with his force had marched to Pleasant Hill and halted, General Banks determined to withdraw to that place for the sake of concentrating his forces, and of the advantageous position which he could there occupy. The movement commenced at ten o’clock at night, and before daylight the rear of the army was well on the road. The enemy during the night had pressed his pickets down on General Banks’ front, but was not aware of the retreat of the troops until the morning, when a pursuit commenced, the cavalry of the enemy in advance, but General Emory had succeeded in bringing up the rear to Pleasant Hill at seven o’clock on the morning of the 9th, where the new line of battle was formed, the entire Federal force having reached that place. BATTLE OF PLEASANT HILL, LA. APRIL 9, 1864. The battle-ground was an open field on the outside of the town of Pleasant Hill on the Shreveport road. It was open and rolling, and ascended both from the side of the town and from the side on which the enemy were approaching. A belt of timber extended almost entirely around it. The division of General Emory was drawn up in line of battle on the sloping side, with the right resting across the Shreveport road. General McMillen’s brigade formed the extreme right of the line, with his right resting near the woods, which extended along the whole base of the slope and through which the enemy would advance. General Dwight’s brigade was formed next, with his left resting on the road, Colonel Benedict’s brigade formed next, with his right resting on the road and a little in the rear of General Dwight’s left. Two pieces of Taylor’s battery were placed in the rear of General Dwight’s left, on the road, and four pieces were in position on an eminence on the left of the road and in rear of Colonel Benedict. Hibbard’s Vermont battery was in the rear of the division. General Smith’s division, under command of General Mower, was massed in two lines of battle fifty yards apart with artillery in rear of General Emory’s division. The right of the first line rested on the road, and was composed of two brigades, the First brigade on the right, commanded by Colonel Lynch, the Second brigade on the left, commanded by Colonel Shaw. The Third Indiana battery (Crawford’s) was posted in the first line of battle, on the right of the Eighty-ninth Indiana. The Ninth Indiana battery (Brown’s) was in position on the right of the First brigade. The Missouri battery occupied ground on the right of the Eighty-ninth Indiana. General Smith’s second line of battle was fifty yards in rear of the first, and was composed of two brigades, one on the right of the line, and that on the left commanded by Colonel Hill. General Mower commanded the Second brigade, and was temporarily in command of the whole force. The skirmishing, which had continued all day, became lively towards its close; and at ten minutes past five, General Emory sent word to General Franklin that the skirmishers were driven in and the enemy marching down upon him in three lines of battle. At twenty minutes past five, the enemy appeared on the plain at the edge of the woods, and the battle commenced, the Union batteries opening with case shell as the rebels marched at a double-quick across the field to the attack. On the left, Colonel Benedict’s brigade came into action first, and soon after the right and centre were engaged. The battle now raged fiercely, the air was full of lead and iron, and the roar of artillery incessant. The carnage on both sides was fearful, the men fighting almost hand to hand, and with great desperation. Nothing could exceed the determined bravery of the troops. The contest now became fierce on both sides, when General Emory’s division, pressed by overwhelming numbers, fell back up the hill to the Sixteenth corps, which was just behind the crest. The enemy rushed forward and were met by General Smith with a discharge from all his guns, which was followed by an immediate charge of the infantry, by which the enemy were driven rapidly back to the woods, where they broke in confusion. Night put an end to the pursuit. The Taylor battery, lost on the advance of the enemy, was recovered, and also two guns of Nim’s battery. Five hundred prisoners were also taken. Early on the next morning, leaving the dead unburied and the muskets thrown on the field, the army commenced its march back to Grand Ecore, thirty-five miles from Pleasant Hill, to obtain rest and rations. The entire losses of the campaign thus far were stated to be twenty pieces of artillery, three thousand men, one hundred and thirty wagons, twelve hundred horses and mules, including many that died of disease. The gains were the capture of Fort De Russy, Alexandria, Grand Ecore, and Natchitoches, the opening of Red river, the capture of three thousand bales of cotton, twenty-three hundred prisoners, twenty-five pieces of artillery, chiefly captured by the fleet, and small arms and considerable stores. A large number of citizens enlisted in the service in Alexandria, and the material for two colored regiments was gathered; and five thousand negroes, male and female, abandoned their homes and followed the army. * * * * * Meanwhile Rear-Admiral Porter passed the falls with twelve gunboats and thirty transports, and reached Grand Ecore when the army was at Natchitoches preparing for an immediate march. As the river was rising slowly the advance was continued with six smaller gunboats and twenty transports, having army stores and a part of General Smith’s division on board. Starting on the 7th of April, Springfield landing was reached on the third day. Here a large steamer sunk in the river obstructed further progress; and information was received that the army had met with a reverse. Orders also came to General Smith’s troops to return to Grand Ecore with the transports. The fleet, therefore, turned back, but was constantly annoyed by the enemy on the bank of the river. Two of the fleet at Grand Ecore were found above the bar, and not likely to get away until there was a rise of water in the river. The continued low water in the Red river, and the difficulty of keeping up a line of supplies, caused the army to fall back to Alexandria. The march commenced in the afternoon of April 21st, by starting the baggage train with a suitable guard. At 2 o’clock the next morning the army began silently to evacuate its position, General Smith’s force forming the rear guard. Soon after daylight, the enemy observing the movement, began his pursuit, but with so small a force that only slight skirmishing took place. The army reached Alexandria without serious fighting, on the 27th of April. * * * * * The difficulties and dangers which the naval commander was called upon to meet and overcome are worthy of more than a passing notice. During the return of the vessels through the narrow and snaggy river, they were assailed continually by rebel batteries on the shore, and were followed and attacked at all favorable points by thousands of infantry and horse artillery. On the 12th of April a severe engagement occurred, owing to an attempt, by a rebel force of two thousand men, to capture the iron-clad Osage and the transport Black Hawk, which had grounded. Flushed with their recent victory over Banks’s army, the rebels displayed unwonted courage, and soon drove all the men from the transport to the safe casemates of the monitor; but a destructive cross-fire from the Osage and Lexington quickly put them to flight with severe loss. Every day difficulties of this character occurred, as the vessels were constantly grounding, until they arrived at Grand Ecore, when greater and more serious obstacles presented themselves, which threatened the loss of the most valuable vessels of the fleet. The rebels were industriously employed in cutting off the supply of water from various channels up the river, in the hope of preventing the passage of the vessels over the bar at Grand Ecore, and the result appeared to promise success to their plans. The heavy vessels were constantly grounding, and, on the 26th of April, the commander of the Eastport, after laboring night and day for a week to carry his vessel over the sand-bars and logs by which she was clogged, was compelled to blow her up, after removing all her stores and available equipments. On the 4th of May the steamers Covington, Warner, and Signal were captured by about two thousand rebels, who attacked them from the banks of the river, killing or capturing forty of their crew. The crowning act of heroism and of engineering skill in this unfortunate campaign, is described in the report of Admiral Porter, in detailing the passage of the Falls of Alexandria by the fleet: “MISSISSIPPI SQUADRON, FLAGSHIP BLACK HAWK, } “MOUTH RED RIVER, May 16th, 1864. } “SIR: I have the honor to inform you that the vessels lately caught by low water above the Falls of Alexandria, have been released from their unpleasant position. The water had fallen so low that I had no hope or expectation of getting the vessels out this season, and, as the army had made arrangements to evacuate the country, I saw nothing before me but the destruction of the best part of the Mississippi squadron. “There seems to have been an especial Providence in providing a man equal to the emergency. Lieutenant-Colonel Bailey, Acting Engineer of the Nineteenth army corps, proposed a plan of building a series of dams across the rocks at the falls, and raising the water high enough to let the vessels pass over. This proposition looked like madness, and the best engineers ridiculed it; but Colonel Bailey was so sanguine of success that I requested to have it done, and he entered heartily into the work. Provisions were short and forage was almost out, and the dam was promised to be finished in ten days or the army would have to leave us. I was doubtful about the time, but I had no doubt about the ultimate success, if time would only permit. General Banks placed at the disposal of Colonel Bailey all the forces he required, consisting of some three thousand men and two or three hundred wagons. All the neighboring steam-mills were torn down for material; two or three regiments of Maine men were set at work felling trees, and on the second day after my arrival in Alexandria, from Grand Ecore, the work had fairly begun. “Trees were falling with great rapidity; teams were moving in all directions, bringing in brick and stone; quarries were opened; flatboats were built to bring stone down from above, and every man seemed to be working with a vigor I have seldom seen equalled, while perhaps not one in fifty believed in the undertaking. These fails are about a mile in length, filled with rugged rocks, over which, at the present stage of water, it seemed to be impossible to make a channel. “The work was commenced by running out from the left bank of the river a tree dam, made of the bodies of very large trees, brush, brick, and stone, cross-tied with heavy timber, and strengthened in every way which ingenuity could devise. This was run out about three hundred feet into the river; four large coal barges were then filled with brick and sunk at the end of it. From the right bank of the river, cribs filled with stone were built out to meet the barges, all of which was successfully accomplished, notwithstanding there was a current running of nine miles an hour, which threatened to sweep every thing before it. “It will take too much time to enter into the details of this truly wonderful work; suffice it to say that the dam had nearly reached completion in eight days’ working time, and the water had risen sufficiently on the upper falls to allow the Fort Hindman, Osage, and Neosho, to get down and be ready to pass the dam. In another day it would have been high enough to enable all the other vessels to pass the upper falls. Unfortunately, on the morning of the 9th instant, the pressure of water became so great that it swept away two of the stone-barges, which swung in below the dam on one side. Seeing this unfortunate accident, I jumped on a horse and rode up to where the upper vessels were anchored, and ordered the Lexington to pass the upper falls, if possible, and immediately attempt to go through the dam. I thought I might be able to save the four vessels below, not knowing whether the persons employed on the work would ever have the heart to renew the enterprise. “The Lexington succeeded in getting over the upper falls just in time, the water rapidly falling as she was passing over. She then steered directly for the opening in the dam, through which the water was rushing so furiously that it seemed as if nothing but destruction awaited her. Thousands of beating hearts looked on, anxious for the result. “The silence was so great as the Lexington approached the dam that a pin might almost have been heard to fall. She entered the gap with a full head of steam on, pitched down the roaring torrent, made two or three spasmodic rolls, hung for a moment on the rocks below, was then swept into deep water by the current, and rounded to safely into the bank. “Thousands of voices rose in one deafening cheer, and universal joy seemed to pervade the face of every man present. The Neosho followed next—all her hatches battened down, and every precaution taken against accident. She did not fare as well as the Lexington, her pilot having become frightened as he approached the abyss, and stopped her engine when I particularly ordered a full head of steam to be carried. The result was that for a moment her hull disappeared from sight, under the water. Every one thought she was lost. She rose, however, swept along over the rocks with the current, and fortunately escaped with only one hole in her bottom, which was stopped in the course of an hour. The Hindman and Osage both came through beautifully without touching a thing, and I thought if I was only fortunate enough to get my large vessels as well over the falls, my fleet once more would do good service on the Mississippi. [Illustration: CONFEDERATE GENERALS. BEAUREGARD. E. KIRBY SMITH. BEN. M’CULLOCH. LEONIDAS POLK. F. K. ZOLLICOFFER. J. E. B. STUART. STERLING PRICE. JOHN H. MORGAN.] “The accident to the dam, instead of disheartening Colonel Bailey, only induced him to renew his exertions, after he had seen the success of getting four vessels through. The noble-hearted soldiers, seeing their labor of the last eight days swept away in a moment, cheerfully went to work to repair damages, being confident now that all the gunboats would be finally brought over. The men had been working for eight days and nights, up to their necks in water, in the broiling sun, cutting trees and wheeling bricks, and nothing but good humor prevailed among them. On the whole, it was very fortunate the dam was carried away, as the two barges that were swept away from the centre swung around against some rocks on the left and made a fine cushion for the vessels, and prevented them, as it afterward appeared, from running on certain destruction. “The force of the water and the current being too great to construct a continuous dam of six hundred feet across the river in so short a time, Colonel Bailey determined to leave a gap of fifty-five feet in the dam, and build a series of wing dams on the upper falls. This was accomplished in three days’ time, and on the 11th instant the Mound City, the Carondolet, and Pittsburgh came over the upper falls, a good deal of labor having been expended in hauling them through, the channel being very crooked, scarcely wide enough for them. Next day the Ozark, Louisville, Chillicothe, and two tugs also succeeded in crossing the upper falls. “Immediately afterward, the Mound City, Carondolet, and Pittsburgh started in succession to pass the dam, all their hatches battened down and every precaution being taken to prevent accident. “The passage of these vessels was a most beautiful sight, only to be realized when seen. They passed over without an accident except the unshipping of one or two rudders. This was witnessed by all the troops, and the vessels were heartily cheered when they passed over. Next morning at ten o’clock, the Louisville, Chillicothe, Ozark, and two tugs passed over without an accident, except the loss of a man, who was swept off the deck of one of the tugs. By three o’clock that afternoon, the vessels were all coaled, ammunition replaced, and all steamed down the river with the convoy of transports in company. A good deal of difficulty was anticipated in getting over the bars in lower Red river—the depth of water reported only five feet; gunboats were drawing six. Providentially, we had a rise from the back-water of the Mississippi—that river being very high at that time—the back-water extending to Alexandria, one hundred and fifty miles distant, enabling us to pass all the bars and obstructions with safety. “Words are inadequate to express the admiration I feel for the abilities of Lieutenant-Colonel Bailey. This is, without doubt, the best engineering feat ever performed. Under the best circumstances, a private company would not have completed this work under one year, and to an ordinary mind the whole thing would have appeared an impossibility. Leaving out his abilities as an engineer, and the credit he has conferred upon the country, he has saved to the Union a valuable fleet, worth nearly two million of dollars. More, he has deprived the enemy of a triumph which would have emboldened them to carry on the war a year or two longer; for the intended departure of the army was a fixed fact, and there was nothing left for me to do, in case that event occurred, but to destroy every part of the vessels, so that the rebels could make nothing of them. The highest honors the Government can bestow on Colonel Bailey can never repay him for the service he has rendered the country. “To General Banks, personally, I am much indebted for the happy manner in which he has forwarded this enterprise, giving it his whole attention, night and day, scarcely sleeping while the work was going on; tending personally to see that all the requirements of Colonel Bailey were complied with on the instant. “I do not believe there ever was a case where such difficulties were overcome in such a short space of time, and without any preparation. * * * * * “DAVID D. PORTER, Rear-Admiral. “HON. GIDEON WELLES, Sec’y of the Navy, Washington, D. C.” * * * * * The last of the gunboats passed the falls on the 12th of May, and on the next day Alexandria was evacuated. The town was fired in several places by some evil-disposed persons connected with the army, and most of the inhabitants thus reduced to suffering and want. OPERATIONS IN GEORGIA—BATTLE OF TUNNEL HILL. FEBRUARY 22, 1864. While Sherman’s expedition was marching on Meridian, a force of rebels detached from the army of Johnston—who had superseded Bragg—near Dalton, was sent out to reinforce Polk, in Alabama. This caused General Grant to direct a forward movement upon Dalton, which commenced February 22d, and led to severe fighting. On the day specified, a strong column of infantry, preceded by Colonel Harrison’s cavalry, set out from Chattanooga on the road to Tunnel Hill and Dalton. The expedition was under the direction of General Palmer, whose able coadjutors were Generals Johnson, Davis, Baird and Carlin. No opposition was encountered east of the Chickamauga. Colonel Harrison, however, caught sight of some rebel cavalry and chased them through Ringgold’s Gap and Taylor’s Ridge. The enemy’s mounted force, consisting of Tennessee cavalry, had at first fled in confusion, but finally took heart and skirmished with considerable spirit. About four o’clock, P. M., the Union troops came in sight of Tunnel Hill, and here the enemy made a determined stand. Colonel Harrison, who, as was his wont, had kept close upon the heels of the foe, now found himself confronted by vastly superior numbers; but no sooner did he perceive the infantry advancing to his support, than he dashed at the rebels and drove them in wild dismay out of the town of Tunnel Hill. The rebel General Wheeler, with an entire brigade of cavalry and four pieces of artillery, now checked the career of the daring patriot Colonel. Their cannon opened furiously and effectively upon the assailants, to which the Union artillery replied with resonant thunder, compelling Colonel Brown’s rebel cavalry, who were assailing Colonel Harrison’s right, to shrink from the contest. The fight continued, however, till night descended upon the field of battle, and parted the combatants. The Union forces, for the purpose of procuring supplies, had retired about four miles in the direction of Dalton. General Stanley’s command, with the Fourth Ohio cavalry under Colonel Long, had, in the mean time, approached from the neighborhood of Cleveland; and, on the following morning, the advance of the whole expedition was resumed at ten o’clock. It arrived at half-past eleven in immediate proximity to the town of Tunnel Hill. The skirmishing became very brisk, and the cavalry were compelled to await the support of the infantry, which they no sooner received than they advanced in column upon the enemy’s position. The rebels, who had hitherto remained concealed, now disclosed a battery, planted on a hill to the right of the tunnel, from which shell were thrown with fatal accuracy into the midst of the Union ranks. This occasioned a precipitate but orderly withdrawal. Captain Hotchkiss now trained two ten-pound Parrotts of the Second Minnesota battery upon this noisy rebel eyrie, but his shells failed to explode, and Captain Harris, of the Nineteenth Indiana battery, was obliged to send his compliments to the rebels from two pieces on the left of the road, before they would vacate their commanding position. General Morgan, with equal wisdom and daring, now marched his troops along the crest of Tunnel Hill, caught the enemy on the right flank, and turned his works without opposition. General Wainwright was, at the same time, advancing with the view of performing the same feat on the enemy’s left. The rebels fled without firing a gun, and Tunnel Hill was captured. THE RECONNAISSANCE AND BATTLE AT ROCKY FACE RIDGE. FEBRUARY 25, 1864. The enemy was pursued along the road to Dalton to a gorge about three miles from the town. The railroad runs through this gorge, formed in Rocky Face Ridge or Buzzard’s Roost, and the position occupied here by the rebels appeared to be almost impregnable. An advance on the 24th had driven the enemy from all the ridge north of the creek, but on the retirement of the Union troops at night, it was reoccupied by the rebels, who, being now thoroughly aroused to their danger, recalled Claiborne’s, Stevenson’s, and other divisions to aid in repelling their assailants. At about eleven o’clock, A. M., on the 25th, soon after all the forces comprising the expedition had arrived, the Union troops, in long blue lines, moved in splendid order upon the enemy’s works. The skirmishers became at once closely engaged in the woodland. The advance was steady and rapid, clearing the enemy from the ridge as it proceeded. The object of the reconnoissance was accomplished; the enemy, in overwhelming force, was found to be strongly posted in the gorge, and, accordingly after much heavy skirmishing, the Union forces were ordered to retire. Some rebel cavalry attempted to pursue them, but were soon driven out of sight. The capture of Tunnel Hill, and the other important operations of the expedition, had been accomplished with a loss of about seventy-five killed and two hundred and fifty wounded. The rebels suffered much more severely. THE CAPTURE OF UNION CITY, TENN. MARCH 25, 1864. The Federal posts in West Tennessee and Kentucky, were, in consequence of the withdrawal of the forces under Generals Sherman and A. J. Smith from Vicksburg, left much exposed, and General Forrest did not hesitate to avail himself of the opportunity thus presented of successfully attacking them. He accordingly concentrated and reinforced his command, and, on the 23d of March, started, with about five thousand men, from Jackson, Tenn., and reached Union City on the twenty-fourth. Here he found Colonel Hawkins with the Eleventh Tennessee Union cavalry, consisting of about four hundred and fifty men. At first Colonel Hawkins refused to surrender. His subordinate officers were confident of their ability to hold out till succor arrived, which they believed would soon reach them. Colonel Hawkins was, however, less sanguine, and finally surrendered to the enemy after a slight assault, who captured beside the garrison, two hundred horses and five hundred small arms. Hardly had the place been surrendered, when General Brayman, from Cairo, advanced to its relief. When within six miles from the post, he learned that its surrender had just taken place, and marched back with the shameful tidings to Cairo. THE ATTACK OF PADUCAH, KY. MARCH 26, 1864. General Forrest, after taking possession of Hickman, moved north with Buford’s division, marching direct from Jackson to Paducah, in fifty hours. The veteran Colonel Hicks, who commanded at Paducah, was, however, apprised of his approach in time to notify the inhabitants by special order, and to provide for their safety by removing them to the other side of the river. The pell-mell rush to the wharf of men, women, and children, was, in itself, tumultuous, but fortunately means were at hand to transfer them, so that few were remaining when the attack was made on the city. Colonel Hicks, conscious of the great numerical superiority of the enemy, estimated at from ten to fifteen thousand, ordered his entire command into Fort Anderson, consisting of five companies of the Sixteenth Kentucky, three companies of the One Hundred and Forty-second Illinois, and a detachment of the First Kentucky artillery, (colored) in all six hundred and eighty-five, exclusive of the Union citizens of Paducah for whom arms could be found. The fort mounted six guns, and contained ammunition and rations barely sufficient for one day. It was a good earthwork defence, with a ditch around it, standing about five hundred yards down the river from the centre of the town. The enemy’s advance came in sight at one o’clock, and shortly after the main body appeared, forming a line which was little less than two miles long. Forrest pushed his line rapidly and steadily forward. A detachment of several hundred rebels dashed into and through the deserted city till they came within rifle-range of the fort, where they took possession of the neighboring houses, from which they could look into it and pick off the garrison. The rebel and Union artillery had already exchanged shots, and the two gunboats in the river, the Paw-Paw and the Piosta, began to play upon the rebel sharpshooters ranging through the city. The enemy now prepared to make a charge upon the fort. The assaulting force was greeted on its first appearance with a heavy and well-directed fire, which caused a portion of it to veer to the right and seek the cover of the uneven ground and the suburban buildings, but still the advance was continued. When within a good rifle-range, it was received with a fire that caused the men to fall to the ground by scores. The gunboat Piosta at the same time poured a steady stream of shells upon the attacking party. A number of them gave way, and though some of them charged up to the ditch, disorder prevailed, and presently the whole force broke and fled in confusion, leaving two hundred killed and wounded upon the field. The railroad depot, and the city, in several places, were on fire. The fight, between the rebel sharpshooters and the gunboats was still spiritedly sustained. So fatal was the Confederate fire, that the upper guns of the boats could not be worked, and even those behind the casemates were loaded in peril. The ill-starred city was exposed to destruction from friend and foe. The rebels allowed the buildings they occupied to begin to crumble and fall before they slackened their fire. Forrest’s aid, under a flag of truce, now presented a note from the rebel leader to Colonel Hicks, demanding the immediate and unconditional surrender of the fort and garrison, and threatening, in case of refusal, to take it by storm, and grant no quarter. The war-worn Colonel Hicks promptly replied that he would not fail to do his duty in defending the post to the last. This refusal to surrender was quickly followed by another impetuous assault upon the fort. The daring Brigadier-General A. P. Thompson, formerly a citizen of Paducah, led the Kentucky rebels against the Union fort. A fire, more galling than ever, was opened by the rebel sharpshooters upon the garrison as the main column rushed upon the fort. Murderous discharges from the small arms and cannon of the fort, and the raining shell of the gunboats, made fearful havoc in the rebel ranks as they advanced. Still the rebel general persevered, setting his men an example which would have insured the capture of the position, had he not, when but forty feet from the fort, been instantly killed by the explosion of a shell from the Piosta. His fall struck dismay into the hearts of his followers, and they consequently suffered a disastrous repulse. A shout of victory now rose from the fort, which was echoed back from the gunboats and the opposite shore. The city was thoroughly sacked by the rebels, who carried away more than half a million dollars worth of plunder. The gunboats and the fort continued to fire upon the town till nearly every building in it was riddled by schrapnel and solid shot. All the government buildings, the gas works, and the elegant residences about the fort were destroyed, and the sun rose the next morning upon the smouldering ruins of the once beautiful city of Paducah. To the great relief of the garrison, who were out of ammunition, and who had been told that they must now rely on their bayonets, the rebels left the town about midnight, but hung about it for several days. The rebel killed numbered three hundred, and his wounded at least a thousand. The Unionists had fourteen killed and forty-four wounded. THE CAPTURE OF FORT PILLOW, TENN. APRIL 12, 1864. Fort Pillow was an earthwork, crescent-shaped, eight feet in height, surrounded by a ditch six feet deep and twelve feet in width. It was situated on a high bluff which descended precipitately to the river’s edge and on the other sides sloped to a deep ravine. On the twelfth of April, just before sunrise, General Forrest’s command, consisting of McCulloch’s brigade of Chalmers’ division and Bell’s brigade of Buford’s division, under the command of Brigadier-General Chalmers, appeared in the neighborhood of Fort Pillow. The garrison of this fort comprised nineteen officers and five hundred and thirty-eight enlisted men, of whom two hundred and sixty-two were colored troops, including one battalion of the Sixth United States heavy artillery, commanded by Major L. F. Booth, and one section of the Second United States light artillery, together with one battalion of the Thirteenth Tennessee cavalry (white), under the command of Major W. F. Bradford. The pickets of the garrison were driven in and the fighting became general, about nine o’clock, A. M. Major Bradford, who commanded, withdrew all the forces, a portion of which had previously occupied exterior entrenchments, within the fort, and, as both the black and the white troops fought gallantly, he was sanguine of making a successful defence. General Forrest having assumed the command, he ordered General Chalmers to advance his line so as to gain a position on the slope against which the cannon in the fort could not be directed, and where the garrison with small arms could not reach them without exposing themselves to the sharpshooters, who, under cover of stumps and logs, forced them to keep inside the works. This position, within one hundred yards of the fort, was, after much hard fighting and a severe loss to the rebels, gained by the assailants. The gunboat New Era shelled the latter continually but with little effect, although constantly instructed by signals from the fort of the whereabouts of the enemy. Her guns finally became overheated, her ammunition almost exhausted, and she was compelled to cease firing. Forrest now demanded the unconditional surrender of the fort. Major Bradford asked to be allowed an hour to consult with his officers and those of the gunboat. Forrest, perceiving two Union gunboats approaching, the foremost apparently crowded with troops, refused to grant more than twenty minutes for the deliberation. There was some equivocal parleying in the interim, and the rebels are accused of unfairly gaining some approaches to the fort during the brief truce. The twenty minutes expired, and it was understood that Major Bradford refused to surrender. Forrest, after exciting the rivalry and emulation of the rebel Missourians, Mississippians and Tennesseeans who surrounded the fort, ordered the bugle to sound the charge, which was made with a fierce yell, and the works were carried without a halt in the Confederate line. The rebels declare that the colored troops retreated toward the river, with their arms in their hands, firing back, and their colors flying. This assertion is stoutly denied by the few survivors of the massacre which followed. The latter affirm that the Federal troops, black and white, threw down their arms and sought to escape by running down the steep bank to the river. Some hid themselves behind trees and bushes, and others leaped into the river leaving only their heads above water, and were fired upon and slain by the victors as soon as discovered. The Committee of Congress who made this slaughter the subject of special investigation, report many acts of barbarity on the part of the rebels, including the shooting in cold blood of Major Bradford, of entire groups and lines of prisoners, of the sick and wounded in the hospital, and even of women and children; the burning of the sick and the wounded in huts and tents from which escape had been rendered impossible—in a word, that “no cruelty which the most fiendish malignity could devise was omitted by them.” General Forrest himself, Lieutenant-General S. D. Lee, and other rebel officers who were implicated, denied these horrible charges. General Forrest admits a loss in the engagement of twenty killed and sixty wounded. He captured two ten-pound Parrott guns, two howitzers, two brass cannon, three hundred and fifty stand of small arms, one hundred and sixty white and seventy-three negro troops and forty negro women and children. The rest of the garrison was slaughtered, and how many refugee citizens and negroes besides will perhaps never be known. OPERATIONS IN FLORIDA IN 1864. On the fifth of February, in accordance with general instructions from the War Department, and in pursuance of a plan previously submitted by him, General Gilmore, commander of the Department of the South, set on foot an expedition designed to penetrate to the interior of Florida, for the purpose of procuring an outlet for large quantities of cotton, lumber and timber, which were stored in that region, and to cut off one of the most fertile sources of the enemy’s supplies. A further object which the Federal commander had in view was to obtain recruits for his colored regiments from the increased negro population then congregated in that part of the State. The Confederate force in the State of Florida at that time was much larger in proportion to the population, than in other Southern States, as in addition to eight or ten thousand regular troops, the Governor had enrolled most of the arms-bearing population in a home organization for self-defence, and thus evaded the sweeping conscription of the Davis administration which had been so unsparing in other quarters. On the eighth of February, Brigadier-General Truman Seymour, under instructions of General Gilmore, landed at Jacksonville, and occupied the town. His force consisted of seven thousand men, and was conveyed from the Department headquarters in twenty steamers and eight schooners. On the afternoon of the eighth he commenced his march for the interior of the State, his army moving in three columns, which were commanded by Colonels Barton, Hawley, and Henry. Colonel Barton moved on the main road, while the commands of Colonels Hawley and Henry marched on parallel roads to the right of Colonel Barton, which united, at a distance of only three miles, where the infantry camps were spread for the night; while a battalion of cavalry, Elder’s horse Battery B, First artillery, and the Fourth Massachusetts infantry, under Colonel Guy V. Henry, pushed forward on a reconnoissance toward Lake City, through a dense pine forest, and over a low, marshy soil. After riding a distance of eight miles, they surprised and captured an artillery camp of the rebels, containing four guns, with the camp equipage and officers’ baggage. Only three prisoners were taken, the rest of the force effecting their escape. The advance of the army reached Baldwin the next morning, capturing some army stores, and Generals Gilmore and Seymour arrived at that place in the evening. Colonel Henry’s command still continued in advance, and on the tenth captured one thousand barrels of turpentine and a quantity of bacon. A reconnoitering party was then advanced to ascertain whether the enemy purposed to defend the south fork of the St. Mary’s river, while the main body followed with due caution. A skirmish ensued at the fork, in which four of the Federals were killed and thirteen wounded, when the enemy retired, losing five of their men. Colonel Henry reached Sanderson, forty miles from Jacksonville, at six P. M. The place had been abandoned by the enemy, and a large amount of stores committed to the flames. On the eleventh the command encamped five miles from Lake City, which was held by the enemy but evacuated during the night. This was unknown to Colonel Henry, and, as he was without infantry, he retraced his steps to Sanderson. The most important property captured was as follows: Two twelve-pounder rifled guns, two six-pounder guns, one three-inch gun, two other guns, five caissons, a large quantity of ammunition, an immense supply of camp and garrison equipage, four railroad cars, one hundred and thirteen bales of cotton, four army wagons, one hundred and five horses and mules, a large stock of saddlery, tanning machinery, three thousand and eighty-three barrels turpentine, and six thousand bushels corn. Three large warehouses were destroyed. On the eleventh telegraphic communication was established between Jacksonville and Baldwin, and on that day General Gilmore sent instructions to General Seymour not to risk a repulse in advancing upon Lake City, and also in case his advance met with serious opposition to concentrate at Sanderson and the south fork of the St. Mary’s. On the thirteenth General Seymour was further instructed to concentrate at Baldwin without delay. This was done at once. Meantime, Colonel Henry was sent toward the left to capture some railroad trains on the Fernandina and Cedar Keys railroad, which resulted in a skirmish with a battalion of cavalry from East Florida, who were repulsed. A reconnoissance was made at that time by Colonel Scammon along the Georgia State line, and several small works of the enemy were destroyed. General Gilmore now departed for Hilton Head, after admonishing General Seymour to avoid a general engagement with the enemy until he should receive further instructions, and until the defences at Jacksonville, Baldwin, and the south fork of the St. Mary’s should be further advanced. On the eighteenth of February, however, General Seymour again took the field, and marched from Jacksonville with a force of five thousand men, with ten days’ rations, and advanced sixteen miles on the line of the railroad the first day. On the second day he moved seventeen miles, and reached Barber’s Station, his men much exhausted by marching over bad roads. The twentieth proved to be a beautiful day, and the army started at an early hour, with the cavalry in advance. The line of march was now across the south fork of the St. Mary’s and towards Sanderson, nine miles distant, which place they reached without halting. The sky was clear, and the savannahs, stretching on either side of the sandy road winding through the pine woods were warm with the sunshine. The infantry now made a short halt, but the cavalry kept its position about two miles in advance. The march was resumed at midday toward Lake City. General Seymour’s force moved in three columns, Colonel Hawley’s brigade on the left, Colonel Barton’s in the centre, and Colonel Scammon’s regiment on the extreme right. The cavalry in advance were led by Colonel Henry with Elder’s battery. In the rear was the colored brigade led by Colonel Montgomery. BATTLE OF OLUSTEE. FEBRUARY 20, 1864. About six miles from Sanderson the enemy’s mounted pickets, thirty or forty in number, were met and driven in after exchanging shots. The main body hurried forward a distance of two miles, when three or four cannon shot of the enemy fell among the head of the column. Skirmishing commenced immediately. The artillery dashed into position on the gallop, the infantry on the double-quick step, and in a brief period of time a severe battle was progressing. Elder’s battery unlimbered at the head of the road, Hamilton’s to the left, and Langdon’s on the extreme left, opening at short range with canister shot. The artillery of the enemy consisted of four or five guns, and was badly served at first, being fired too high to do injury. General Seymour’s line of infantry was well formed for the position. With the exception of a small field of a few acres, it was in the woods, amid a heavy growth of pine timber, and with swampy ground intervening between it and the enemy, of whose position nothing was known. The battle lasted for three hours. Two of the Federal batteries were disabled early in the action. The Seventh New Hampshire broke, but was rallied again. The Eighth United States colored fought well until the loss of their leader, when they fled. The contest closed at dusk, when General Seymour, finding his force repulsed with some loss, and the colored reserve unequal to the emergency, retired from the field, leaving his dead and wounded. The retreat, for a short distance, was conducted in successive lines of battle, but finding the enemy were not disposed to follow, the line was changed, and the force retired in column, Barton’s brigade bringing up the rear, covered by the cavalry and Elder’s battery. A halt was made at Sanderson, where coffee was cooked, and some attention given to the wounded. From Sanderson to Barber’s Station, says a writer, “ten miles, we wended or crawled along, the wounded filling the night air with lamentations, the crippled horses neighing in pain, and a full moon kissing the cold, clammy lips of the dying.” On the next morning the retreat was continued to Baldwin, where the cavalry of the enemy made their appearance. Many of the wounded were here sent on cars drawn by mules to Jacksonville, and General Seymour, knowing that the enemy was following in force, ordered the commissary stores, worth about sixty thousand dollars, to be destroyed, and resumed his march to Jacksonville. His loss in killed, wounded, and missing, in this disastrous and ill-advised expedition, was about twelve hundred. The following dispatch from the Governor of Florida presents the enemy’s account of the battle: “TALLAHASSEE, FLA., February 21. “TO PRESIDENT DAVIS: I have just received the following dispatch from General Finegan, dated yesterday: “‘I met the enemy in full force to-day, under General Seymour, and defeated him with great loss. I captured five pieces of artillery, hold possession of the battle-field, and the killed and wounded of the enemy. My cavalry are in pursuit. I don’t know precisely the number of prisoners, as they are being brought in constantly. My whole loss, I think, will not exceed two hundred and fifty killed and wounded. Among them I mourn the loss of many brave officers and men.’ “I understand that General Finegan also captured many small arms. (Signed) JOHN MILTON, Governor.” General Seymour was allowed to occupy Jacksonville unmolested, and that place remained in undisputed possession of the Federals for the remainder of the year, while the rebel commander went into winter quarters at Camp Finegan, eight miles distant towards Baldwin. * * * * * General Seymour was relieved from command of the Federal forces in the State, and shortly after, Major-General Foster was assigned to command the Department of the South, in place of General Gilmore, who was appointed to the command of the Tenth army corps, in Virginia. On the 20th of July General Birney was dispatched from Jacksonville with a small force to the mouth of the Trent creek, where he destroyed two bridges, and then advancing to Callohan station on the Fernandina railroad, he destroyed a telegraph office, some cars, and other property. Returning to Jacksonville, a few days thereafter, he embarked on transports to Whitesville, on the north fork of the Black Creek, where a slight skirmish ensued. Baldwin and Camp Milton were afterwards occupied by Federal troops, but no military movements of importance occurred in Florida during the remainder of the year. BATTLE AT BACHELOR’S CREEK, N. C. FEBRUARY 1, 1864. Before daylight on the 1st of February, a Federal outpost at Bachelor’s Creek, eight miles from Newbern, was attacked by a Confederate force under General Picket, consisting of a portion of Hoke’s, Corse’s and Clingman’s brigades. The Federal force was surprised by a superior force, and after a gallant resistance were defeated, with a loss of about one hundred in killed, wounded and missing, and three hundred taken prisoners. The Confederate loss was about forty in killed and wounded. While it was yet dark, the same force of rebels descended the creek in barges, and captured and burned the United States gunboat Underwriter, which was aground between Forts Anderson and Stephen, within a mile and a half of Newbern. CAPTURE OF PLYMOUTH, N. C. APRIL 19, 1864. A serious misfortune befell the Federal arms on the above date in the capture of Plymouth, an important town on the Roanoke river, eight miles from its mouth. This town had been in possession of the Union forces for about two years, by whom it had been almost destroyed at the time of its capture. It had since been strongly fortified, and placed in charge of a brave and competent officer, who added new lustre to his well earned reputation, by a skillful and soldierly defence. The town was on the south bank of the river. A breastwork, with several strong forts along its line, had been constructed, while about a mile up the river, another defence, called Fort Gray, had been built, which was protected on the water front by a triple row of piles, with a number of torpedoes attached. The rebels had constructed a powerful iron-clad ram, called the Albemarle, in the river above, which had been equipped for some time, and was now only waiting the cooperation of land forces to join in assailing the Federal defences. Two Union gunboats, the Southfield and Miami, were anchored in the river opposite the town. General Wessels’ garrison consisted of two thousand five hundred men, and was composed of the One Hundred and First, and the One Hundred and Third Pennsylvania infantry, the Eighty-fifth New York, the Sixteenth Connecticut, two companies of Massachusetts heavy artillery, two companies of North Carolina volunteers, and the Twelfth New York cavalry. About three P. M. on the 17th, the enemy made known his presence by a fierce artillery fire upon Fort Gray, which continued till midnight, and was commenced with increased force at daylight the next morning. Before noon two charges were made on the works, which were repulsed. The gunboats took position on either side of the town, and did effective service in driving back the enemy. But now a formidable opponent was approaching to attack them on their own element. A picket boat stationed up the river gave warning that the ram was coming down, and preparations were made to meet the dreaded enemy. The two boats were lashed together, and thus awaited the onset. When within one hundred yards the gunboats opened fire, but made no impression on the iron-clad. The ram now bore down on the Miami, upon whom she inflicted a slight blow, and gliding off, struck the Southfield on her left side, crushing in her timbers for a space of six or eight feet square. A shell thrown from the Miami now struck the ram on her invulnerable sides, and rebounding to the deck of the gunboat, killed her captain, Flusser, and wounded eight persons. The boats were torn asunder by their concussion with the ram, and as the Southfield was rapidly sinking, her crew escaped in the boats; while the Miami, swinging round with the current, was glad to make her escape from the unequal contest. The Albemarle now came down to the mouth of the river, and in that position held complete command of the town and its approaches, and effectually shut off all hope of reinforcements or supplies to the beleaguered garrison, who surrendered to Brigadier-General Hoke, commander of the Confederate forces, on the ensuing day. General Peck, the commander of the department, thus eloquently conveyed the intelligence to his companions in-arms. “HEADQUARTERS OF THE ARMY AND DISTRICT OF } NORTH CAROLINA, NEWBERN, N. C., APRIL 21, 1864. } “With feelings of the deepest sorrow the commanding general announces the fall of Plymouth, N. C., and the capture of its gallant commander, Brigadier-General H. W. Wessels, and his command. This result, however, did not obtain until after the most gallant and determined resistance had been made. Five times the enemy stormed the lines of the general, and as many times were they repulsed with great slaughter; and but for the powerful assistance of the rebel iron-clad ram, and the floating sharpshooter battery, the Cotton Plant, Plymouth would still have been in our hands. For their noble defence the gallant General Wessels and his brave band have, and deserve the warmest thanks of the whole country, while all will sympathize with them in their misfortune. “To the officers and men of the navy the commanding general tenders his thanks for their hearty cooperation with the army, and the bravery, determination, and courage that marked their part of the unequal contest. With sorrow he records the death of the noble sailor and gallant patriot, Lieutenant-Commander C. W. Flusser, U. S. Navy, who in the heat of battle fell dead on the deck of his ship, with the lanyard of his gun in his hand. “The commanding general believes that these misfortunes will tend, not to discourage, but to nerve the army of North Carolina to equal deeds of bravery and gallantry hereafter.” Sixteen hundred men, and twenty-five pieces of artillery were captured. The rebel loss in the attack nearly equalled the number of prisoners taken. * * * * * The town of Washington, on the Tar river, was burned in the month of April, at the time it was evacuated by the Federal forces, by unknown persons. This act of vandalism, uncalled for and inhuman, was condemned in unmeasured terms by General Palmer, the Federal commander. The majority of the inhabitants were loyal in their sentiments, and many had enlisted in the Federal army. Captain Melancthon Smith, who was shortly afterwards appointed to command the navy in the waters of the Sound, adopted vigorous measures of preparation to meet and subdue the Albemarle, which for the space of one month had held undisputed possession of the inner waters. On the 5th of May, with the Sassacus, the Wyalusing, and four other vessels, he appeared at the mouth of the Roanoke river, when the Albemarle, followed by a small tender, named the Bombshell, came out to attack the Union gunboats. It was the design of Captain Smith that the larger gunboats should get alongside their antagonist, and fire upon her ports or roof, which were her most vulnerable parts; but the eagerness of the smaller vessels to engage rendered a near approach dangerous for some time, despite the signals of the commander; and for half an hour the contest was without result. The gunboats eluded the efforts of the Albemarle to ram them, while their fire in turn was harmless to the enemy. But the Sassacus, watching a favorable opportunity, struck the ram squarely across her starboard beam, which caused her to careen until the water washed over her deck and casemates, while from the close proximity of the vessels, the crew of the Sassacus were enabled to throw hand-grenades down the deck-hatch of the ram, while they also made fruitless efforts to get powder into her smoke-stack. But the Albemarle soon swung clear of her opponent, and in parting sent a hundred-pounder rifle shot through her starboard boiler, enveloping the Federal vessel in clouds of steam, and compelling her to withdraw from the contest. The Bombshell was captured by the Federal vessels, and the engagement closed without further result, and with no serious injury. DESTRUCTION OF THE ALBEMARLE. On the night of the 27th of October, Lieutenant W. B. Cushing, a young naval officer who had already evinced great coolness and daring in hazardous enterprises, was selected to take charge of a small launch to which was attached a torpedo, and sent on the dangerous mission of attempting the destruction of the Albemarle. Selecting a crew of thirteen officers and men who volunteered for the service, he passed several miles of the enemy’s pickets unobserved, and arrived within twenty yards of the Albemarle before being hailed by her lookouts. The torpedo boat was then steered under a full head of steam direct for the ram, which lay at her wharf at Plymouth, protected by a raft of logs extending outwards about thirty feet. Upon the alarm being given by the lookouts, a confused fire of musketry was opened by the rebels, which had little effect. “Passing her closely,” says Lieutenant Cushing, “we made a complete circle, so as to strike her fairly, and went into her bows on. By this time the enemy’s fire was very severe, but a dose of canister at short range served to moderate their zeal, and disturb their aim. In a moment we had struck the logs, just abreast of the quarter-port, breasting them in some feet, and our bows resting on them. The torpedo boom was then lowered, and by a vigorous pull I succeeded in driving the torpedo under the overhang, and exploded it at the same time the Albemarle’s gun was fired. A shot seemed to go crashing through my boat, and a dense mass of water rushed in from the torpedo, filling the launch, and completely disabling her. The enemy then continued to fire at fifteen feet range and demanded our surrender, which I twice refused, ordering the men to save themselves, and removing my own coat and shoes. Springing into the river, I swam with others into the middle of the stream, the rebels failing to hit us.” Lieutenant Cushing succeeded in reaching the opposite shore, and during the next day made his way by stealth through the surrounding swamps to a creek some distance below Plymouth, where he found a skiff belonging to a rebel picket, in which he effected his escape to the fleet. Only one other of his party succeeded in escaping, the rest being either captured, killed, or drowned. The Albemarle was completely submerged by the explosion of the torpedo, and so remained long subsequent to the evacuation of Plymouth by the rebels. This daring feat excited the admiration of the rebel no less than of the Federal authorities, and obtained for Lieutenant Cushing the thanks of Congress, and promotion to the next highest grade in the service. CAPTURE OF PLYMOUTH—The main rebel defence of Plymouth being thus removed, Commander Macomb, the senior naval officer in the Sounds, with the vessels under his command immediately pushed up the river to Plymouth, drove the rebels from their rifle-pits and batteries, and on October 31st retook the town, capturing a few prisoners, besides cannon, small arms, and ammunition. CAPTURE OF FORT FISHER, AND WILMINGTON, N. C. DECEMBER 24, 1864-JANUARY 22, 1865. During the earlier years of the rebellion, an extensive trade was carried on through the port of Wilmington, N. C., and her merchants were growing rich through a traffic with foreign nations, which the most vigilant efforts of the numerous vessels employed on the blockade were insufficient to prevent. The many shoals and inlets which traversed and intersected her coast, the foggy and dark nights, and the experienced eyes of the native pilots, combined to enable the fleet steamers of light draught, which were employed in the trade, to make many successful voyages, with but little risk; while the State government was in receipt of handsome revenues, her perquisites in a commerce of vast profit and extent. Wilmington was the most important sea-coast port left to the enemy, and besides was a point of great strategic value for army movements, which had been long coveted by the Federal Government. The navy had been making strenuous exertions to seal the harbor of Wilmington, but with only partial effect. The nature of the outlet of Cape Fear river was such that it required watching for so great a distance, that, without possession of the land north of New Inlet, or Fort Fisher, it was impossible for the navy to entirely close the harbor against the entrance of blockade-runners. The Federal Government had long sought an opportunity to break up this trade, but it was not until September, 1864, that the exigencies of the war permitted the equipment of an expedition adapted to the capture and occupation of Fort Fisher and Wilmington. A large fleet was collected in Hampton Roads, in the earlier part of that month, under the command of Admiral D. D. Porter, but it was late in December before all the vessels and transports connected with the enterprise were prepared to sail for their destination. General Grant, in his report of this campaign, gives the following details of the preliminary operation: “To secure the possession of these places required the cooperation of a land force, which I agreed to furnish. Immediately commenced the assemblage in Hampton Roads, under Admiral D. D. Porter, of the most formidable armada ever collected for concentration upon one given point. This necessarily attracted the attention of the enemy, as well as that of the loyal North; and through the imprudence of the public press, and very likely of officers of both branches of service, the exact object of the expedition became a common subject of discussion in the newspapers both north and south. The enemy, thus warned, prepared to meet it. This caused a postponement of the expedition until the latter part of November, when being again called upon by Honorable G. V. Fox, Assistant-Secretary of the Navy, I agreed to furnish the men required at once, and went myself, in company with Major-General Butler, to Hampton Roads, where we had a conference with Admiral Porter as to the force required and the time of starting. A force of six thousand five hundred men was regarded as sufficient. The time of starting was not definitely arranged, but it was thought all would be ready by the 6th December, if not before. Learning on the 30th November that Bragg had gone to Georgia, taking with him most of the forces about Wilmington, I deemed it of the utmost importance that the expedition should reach its destination before the return of Bragg, and directed General Butler to make all arrangements for the departure of Major-General Weitzel, who had been designated to command the land forces, so that the navy might not be detained one moment. “On the 6th of December the following instructions were given: “‘CITY POINT, VA., December 6, 1864. “‘GENERAL: The first object of the expedition under General Weitzel is to close to the enemy the port of Wilmington. If successful in this, the second will be to capture Wilmington itself. There are reasonable grounds to hope for success, if advantage can be taken of the absence of the greater part of the enemy’s forces now looking after Sherman in Georgia. The directions you have given for the numbers and equipment of the expedition are all right, except in the unimportant matter of where they embark and the amount of intrenchment tools to be taken. The object of the expedition will be gained by effecting a landing on the main land between Cape Fear river and the Atlantic, north of the north entrance to the river. Should such landing be effected while the enemy still holds Fort Fisher, and the batteries guarding the entrance to the river, then the troops should entrench themselves, and, by cooperating with the navy, effect the reduction and capture of those places. These in our hands, the navy could enter the harbor, and the port of Wilmington would be scaled. Should Fort Fisher and the point of land on which it is built fall into the hands of our troops immediately on landing, then it will be worth the attempt to capture Wilmington by a forced march and surprise. If time is consumed in gaining the first object of the expedition, the second will become a matter of after consideration. “‘The details for execution are intrusted to you and the officer immediately in command of the troops. “‘Should the troops under General Weitzel fail to effect a landing at or near Fort Fisher, they will be returned to the armies operating against Richmond without delay. “‘U. S. GRANT, Lieutenant-General. “‘Major-General B. F. BUTLER.’” “General Butler commanding the army from which the troops were taken for this enterprise, and the territory within which they were to operate, military courtesy required that all orders and instructions should go through him. They were so sent; but General Weitzel has since officially informed me that he never received the foregoing instructions, nor was he aware of their existence until he read General Butler’s published official report of the Fort Fisher failure, with my endorsement and papers accompanying it. I had no idea of General Butler’s accompanying the expedition until the evening before it got off from Bermuda Hundreds, and then did not dream but that General Weitzel had received all the instructions, and would be in command. I rather formed the idea that General Butler was actuated by a desire to witness the effect of the explosion of the powder-boat. The expedition was detained several days at Hampton Roads, awaiting the loading of the powder-boat. “The importance of getting the Wilmington expedition off without any delay, with or without the powder-boat, had been urged upon General Butler, and he advised to so notify Admiral Porter. “The expedition finally got off on the 13th of December, and arrived at the place of rendezvous, off New Inlet, near Fort Fisher, on the evening of the 15th. Admiral Porter arrived on the evening of the 18th, having put in at Beaufort to get ammunition for the monitors. The sea becoming rough, making it difficult to land troops, and the supply of water and coal being about exhausted, the transport fleet put back to Beaufort to replenish; this, with the state of the weather, delayed the return to the place of rendezvous until the 24th.” On the 25th a landing was effected without opposition, and a reconnoissance, under Brevet Brigadier-General Curtis, pushed up toward the fort. The army consisted of General Ames’s division of the Twenty-fourth corps, and of General Paine’s colored division of the Twenty-fifth corps, numbering together six thousand five hundred effective men. The attacking force of Admiral Porter consisted of thirty-seven vessels, five of which were iron-clads, with a reserve of thirteen vessels, while the transports and smaller vessels were seventy in number. Colonel Comstock, chief military engineer of the expedition, thus describes the defences of the inlet and Fort Fisher: “The land front consists of a half bastion on the left or Cape Fear river side, connected by a curtain with a bastion on the ocean side. The parapet is twenty-five feet thick, averages twenty feet in height, with traverses rising ten feet above it and running back on their tops, which are from eight to twelve feet in thickness, to a distance of from thirty to forty feet from the interior crest. The traverses on the left half bastion are about twenty-five feet in length on top. The earth for this heavy parapet and the enormous traverses at their inner ends, more than thirty feet in height, was obtained partly from a shallow exterior ditch, but mainly from the interior of the work. Between each pair of traverses there was one or two guns. The traverses on the right of this front were only partially completed. A palisade, which is loopholed and has a banquette, runs in front of this face, at a distance of fifty feet in front of the exterior slope, from the Cape Fear river to the ocean, with a position for a gun between the left of the front and the river, and another between the right of the front and the ocean. Through the middle traverse on the curtain is a bomb-proof postern whose exterior opening is covered by a small redan for two field-pieces, to give flank fire along the curtain. The traverses are generally bomb-proofed for men or magazines. The slopes of the work appear to have been revetted with marsh sod or covered with grass, and have an inclination of forty-five degrees or a little less. * * * There were originally on this front twenty-one guns and three mortars. * * * The sea front consists of a series of batteries, mounting in all twenty-four guns, the different batteries being connected by a strong infantry parapet so as to form a continuous line. The same system of heavy traverses for the protection of the guns is used as on the land front, and these traverses are also generally bomb-proofed.” There was also a rebel battery, commanding the channel, on Zeeke’s island, two miles southeast of Fort Fisher, and several miles north of the latter were the Flag Pond Hill and Half Moon batteries, serving as outworks to it. * * * * * The expedition was delayed two days waiting for the equipment of a powder-boat, on which two hundred and fifteen tons of powder were stored, with the hope of destroying the face of Fort Fisher, by its explosion on the edge of the beach opposite the works. The gunboat Louisiana was selected for the purpose, and disguised as a blockade-runner, she approached the fort before daylight on the morning of December 24th, was anchored four hundred yards from the works without observation, and there exploded, producing no sensible effect on the works. The rebels were not aware of the object of this expedition, until informed through the northern papers. [Illustration: VIEW OF A PARROTT GUN BURST ON BOARD THE SUSQUEHANNA AT THE ATTACK ON FORT FISHER.] At noon on the same day, the fleet got into position, and bombarded the fort until dark. They renewed fire on the next morning, and continued it without intermission all day. More than twenty thousand shots were thrown from fifty vessels of war, while the rebel response numbered only about twelve hundred shots. Under cover of this tremendous fire, a body of troops was landed, on the afternoon of the 25th, with the intention of storming the fort. The ground in front and rear of the fort was torn up with shells, and some of the guns dismounted; but a careful reconnoissance, under the eyes of General Weitzel, revealed the fact that the fort was uninjured, and that an attempt to storm the place with the force and material then at the disposal of the commander-in-chief, could not be undertaken with any probability of success. This view was sustained by other engineer officers attached to the expedition, and was confirmed by the evidence of the rebel commander of the fort. The troops were accordingly reembarked on the transports, and returned to their former position in the army of the James. The Committee on the Conduct of the War, after a rigid examination of General Butler’s conduct in this affair, acquitted him of all blame in the matter. Almost from the first inception of the enterprise, there was a want of harmony between General Butler and Admiral Porter, which destroyed all unity of action, and contributed in great measure, to the failure of the expedition. General Butler also incurred the severe displeasure of General Grant, first in accompanying the expedition as its commander, and finally by his conduct in withdrawing the troops, which General Grant regarded as a breach of orders, for which General Butler was immediately relieved from command. The embarkation was accomplished on the morning of the 27th. General Grant thus details the preliminaries of a subsequent expedition in which Major-General A. H. Terry was appointed to command the land forces: “Soon after the return of the expedition, I received a dispatch from the Secretary of the Navy, and a letter from Admiral Porter, informing me that the fleet was still off Fort Fisher, and expressing the conviction that, under a proper leader, the place could be taken. The natural supposition with me was that, when the troops abandoned the expedition, the navy would do so also. Finding it had not, however, I answered on the 30th of December, advising Admiral Porter to hold on, and that I would send a force, and make another attempt to take the place. This time I selected Brevet Major-General (now Major-General) A. H. Terry to command the expedition. The troops composing it consisted of the same that composed the former, with the addition of a small brigade, numbering about fifteen hundred, and a small siege train. The latter it was never found necessary to land. I communicated direct to the commander of the expedition, the following instructions: “CITY POINT, VA., January 3, 1865. “GENERAL: The expedition entrusted to your command has been fitted out to renew the attempt to capture Fort Fisher, N. C., and Wilmington ultimately, if the fort falls. You will, then, proceed with as little delay as possible to the naval fleet lying off Cape Fear river, and report the arrival of yourself and command to Admiral D. D. Porter, commanding North Atlantic blockading Squadron. “It is exceedingly desirable that the most complete understanding should exist between yourself and the naval commander. I suggest, therefore, that you consult with Admiral Porter freely and get from him the part to be performed by each branch of the public service, so that there may be unity of action. It would be well to have the whole programme laid down in writing. I have served with Admiral Porter, and know that you can rely on his judgment and his nerve to undertake what he proposes. I would, therefore, defer to him as much as is consistent with your own responsibilities. The first object to be attained is to get a firm position on the spit of land on which Fort Fisher is built, from which you can operate against that fort. You want to look to the practicability of receiving your supplies, and to defending yourself against superior forces sent against you by any of the avenues left open to the enemy. If such a position can be obtained, the siege of Fort Fisher will not be abandoned until its reduction is accomplished, or another plan of campaign is ordered from these headquarters. “My own views are that, if you effect a landing, the navy ought to run a portion of their fleet into Cape Fear river, while the balance of it operates on the outside. Land forces cannot invest Fort Fisher or cut it off from supplies or reinforcements, while the river is in possession of the enemy. “A siege train will be loaded on vessels and sent to Fort Monroe, in readiness to be sent to you if required. All other supplies can be drawn from Beaufort as you need them. “Keep the fleet of vessels with you until your position is assured. When you find they can be spared, order them back, or such of them as you can spare, to Fort Monroe, to report for orders. “In case of failure to effect a lauding, bring your command back to Beaufort, and report to these headquarters for further instructions. You will not debark at Beaufort until so directed. “General Sheridan has been ordered to send a division of troops to Baltimore, and place them on sea-going vessels. These troops will be brought to Fort Monroe and kept there on the vessels until you are heard from. Should you require them they will be sent to you. “U. S. GRANT, Lieutenant-General. “Brevet Major-General A. H. TERRY.” “Lieutenant-Colonel C. B. Comstock, aide-de-camp (now brevet brigadier general), who accompanied the former expedition, was assigned in orders as chief engineer to this. “It will be seen that these instructions did not differ materially from those given for the first expedition; and that in neither instance was there an order to assault Fort Fisher. This was a matter left entirely to the discretion of the commanding officer.” The expedition sailed from Fort Monroe on the morning of the 6th, arriving on the rendezvous, off Beaufort, on the 8th, where, owing to the difficulties of the weather, it lay until the morning of the 12th, when it got under way and reached its destination that evening. The severity of the storm had scattered the vessels of the fleet, as well as the transports, but on the 12th, the combined force was slowly wending its way up the widely-expanded mouth of Cape Fear river. Admiral Porter, in his flagship, the Malvern, took his station at the head of the gunboat fleet, while the flag of General Terry was waving from the McClellan. The ships in the long line were lost to view beneath the roll of the waves, while the whole surface of the water, far as the eye could reach, was dotted at short intervals by the transports, in regular order, preceded and flanked by the guardian gunboats. Signal lights were rapidly interchanged between the squadron and the blockade vessels near the shore, while an immense bonfire in the rear of Fort Fisher, gave warning to the inhabitants of Wilmington of the approach of the fleet. On the morning of the 13th, the frigate Brooklyn, followed by other vessels, skirted the shore, at the distance of a mile, throwing enormous shells into the forest at intervals, and into every spot where it was possible a rebel force or battery might be concealed. After this effectual reconnoissance, preparations were made to land the troops, and at three P. M. it was completed without loss. While this was in progress, the New Ironsides, accompanied by the monitors, took position within point-blank range of Fort Fisher, and opened a terrific fire. The landing was effected upon a strip of hard beach about two hundred feet in width, five miles above Fort Fisher. Early in the afternoon the rebel fleet came down to Fort Fisher from Wilmington, bringing reinforcements and supplies. At half past four Admiral Porter signaled for the rest of the fleet to come forward and take part in the bombardment. The fire of the ships was so incessant that they soon became enveloped in their own smoke, and beneath the power of the immense missiles hurled into the fort and against its walls, the solid embankment began to crumble, and the garrison to forsake their guns. The troops had, meantime, slowly advanced towards the works, hoping that a breach might soon be effected, sufficient to warrant an assault. All night long a slow but constant fire was kept up by the monitors, affording the garrison no opportunity of repose. At daylight it was discovered that the flagstaff had been shot away, but at eight o’clock it was replaced by another, showing the determination of the garrison still to resist the tremendous force that was arrayed against them. The troops had now thrown up two lines of breastworks across the peninsula, extending from the ocean to Cape Fear river, and had advanced their line to within a mile of the fort. During the morning of Sunday, the 15th, the bombardment still continued, eliciting but feeble and occasional response from the enemy, while the immense shots from the fleet were striking the fort, for some time, at the rate of three or four a minute. By noon the sea face of the fort was so battered that it was thought a successful charge might be made. Under cover of the fire of the fleet, one thousand six hundred sailors, armed with cutlasses, revolvers, and carbines, and four hundred marines, the whole commanded by Fleet Captain K. R. Breese, were landed on the beach, and by digging rifle-pits worked their way up within two hundred yards of the fort. The troops selected for the assault were Ames’s division, comprising the brigades of Curtis, Pennypacker and Bell, while Paine’s division of colored troops and Abbott’s brigade held the intrenchments facing Wilmington, against which Hoke’s troops, estimated at five thousand strong, had begun to demonstrate. At 3.30 P. M. signal was made from the shore to the fleet to change the direction of the fire, in order that the troops might assault; and soon afterwards the sailors rushed with reckless energy toward the parapet of the fort, which at once swarmed with rebel soldiers, who poured in upon them a murderous fire of musketry. The marines, who were to have covered the assaulting party, for some unexplained reason failed to fire upon the rebels on the parapet, all of whom, in the opinion of Admiral Porter, might have been killed. “I saw,” he said, “how recklessly the rebels exposed themselves, and what an advantage they gave our sharpshooters, whose guns were scarcely fired, or fired with no precision. Notwithstanding the hot fire, officers and sailors in the lead rushed on, and some even reached the parapet, a large number having entered the ditch. The advance was swept from the parapet like chaff, and, notwithstanding all the efforts made by the commanders of companies to stay them, the men in the rear, seeing the slaughter in front, and that they were not covered by the marines, commenced to retreat; and, as there is no stopping a sailor, if he fails on such an occasion on the first rush, I saw the whole thing had to be given up.” The attack on this part of the fort, though a failure, diverted a part of the enemy’s attention, and rendered the work laid out for the main storming column of troops much easier. At the word of command, the division of General Ames, which had been gradually drawn forward under the shelter of hastily formed breastworks, rushed toward the fort, the brigade of Curtis taking the lead. The palisades had been so much injured by the fire of the fleet that a few vigorous strokes from the axemen sufficed to clear gaps for the passage of the troops, and, in the face of a severe enfilading fire, a lodgment was soon effected on the west end of the land front. Pennypacker’s and Bell’s brigades followed in rapid succession, the latter moving between the work and the river. “On this side,” says General Terry, “there was no regular parapet, but there was an abundance of cover afforded to the enemy by cavities, from which sand had been taken for the parapet, the ruins of barracks and storehouses, the large magazine, and by traverses behind which they stubbornly resisted our advance. Hand-to-hand fighting of the most desperate character ensued. The first brigade dashed forward with a run, and reaching the parapet near the western extremity of the north face, gained a foothold within the enclosed space of the fort, by entering within through the gaps of the palisades. They had now not only to maintain the position they had obtained, but to advance, in the face of a determined foe, to the succeeding traverses, over thirty feet in height, and were compelled to capture nine or ten in succession before the rebel forces yielded to the repeated assaults. Each traverse was in reality an independent fort, enclosing within its dense walls, a room entered by a passage so narrow that two men could easily defend it against a large force. During the assault, General Ames’ men were exposed to a galling fire of artillery and musketry, while Fort Buchanan on the southwest also opened fire on the Federal columns. Abbott’s brigade and a regiment of colored troops, dispatched by General Terry, reinforced General Ames before dark, followed soon after by the general-in-chief and his staff. Generals Curtis and Pennybacker were badly wounded in the assault, and Colonel Bell received mortal injuries. It was not until after ten o’clock at night that all resistance ceased, and the star-spangled banner floated out in the bright moonlight unchallenged over the crumbled ramparts. When General Terry telegraphed to Admiral Porter the final result, “we stopped fire,” says the Admiral, “and gave them three of the heartiest cheers I ever heard. It was the most terrific struggle I ever saw. The troops have covered themselves with glory; and General Terry is my beau-ideal of a general.” The garrison consisted of two thousand three hundred men, of whom one thousand nine hundred and seventy-one, with one hundred and twelve officers, were captured. The rest were killed and wounded. Their commanders, General Whiting and Colonel Lamb, were both captured, badly wounded. The loss of the Federal army was one hundred and ten killed, and five hundred and thirty-six wounded. That of the navy was between two and three hundred in killed and wounded, principally in the assaulting, column of sailors, and by the explosion of two fifteen-inch guns on board the monitors. The ships sustained but trifling damage. The greater part of the guns of the fort were dismounted, or otherwise injured by the fire of the fleet, but the work itself received no damage which was not susceptible of immediate repair, its strength being about the same as before the bombardment. According to Admiral Porter, who had visited the Malakoff during the siege of Sebastopol, Fort Fisher was a much more formidable work than that celebrated stronghold. Its capture caused an almost unprecedented rejoicing throughout the United States. The capture of the fort sealed the fate of the rebel supremacy in Cape Fear river. On the 16th and 17th the enemy abandoned and blew up Fort Caswell and the works on Smith’s island, which were immediately occupied by the Federal forces. The advance up the river was a continuous battle. On the night of the 21st, the rebels commenced destroying their materials and stores in Wilmington. Fifteen thousand barrels of resin, and one thousand bales of cotton were destroyed, and extensive cotton sheds, steam-mills and turpentine works were consumed. At daylight on the morning of the 22d, General Terry’s troops entered the city, and the reign of the rebellion in that important city was at an end. KILPATRICK’S CAVALRY RAID TOWARD RICHMOND. FEBRUARY 28-MARCH 5, 1864. A very daring and successful expedition was undertaken by this intrepid leader on the 28th of February, in which much damage was inflicted on the two principal railroads on which General Lee received supplies for his army, and a great deal of public property was destroyed. The command left Stevensburgh, Virginia, on Sunday night, March 28, and crossing Fly’s Ford, on the Rapidan, proceeded thence by rapid marches to Spottsylvania, Beaver Dam Station, on the Virginia Central railroad, to the fortifications of Richmond, crossing the Virginia Central railroad and the Chickahominy river near the Meadows, and the White House railroad, a little east of Tunstall’s Station, thence to New Kent Court-House and Williamsburgh Court-House. General Kilpatrick was not without hopes of entering Richmond by a surprise movement, and also of liberating many Federal prisoners, who were confined in that city and its environs. In order to divert the attention of the rebel commanders from the proposed raid, and also to attract the bulk of their cavalry in other directions, fifteen hundred cavalry, led by General Custer, under cover of an advance by the Sixth and Third corps to Madison Court-House, left Culpepper Court-House simultaneously with the departure of Kilpatrick from Stevensburgh. General Custer, after advancing to within a few miles of Charlottesville, found the Confederates in very heavy force, and hopeful of cutting off his command, which had now advanced twenty miles beyond infantry support. In order to avoid the enemy, he led his men through Luray Valley, by one of the gaps of the Blue Ridge, thus avoiding a very formidable force that was waiting to intercept him at the road by which he went out. Several small bodies of the enemy were encountered, and sixty prisoners taken. Ten or twelve of the Federals were wounded in these encounters, but no lives were lost, and General Custer reached the infantry lines at Madison, in safety. General Kilpatrick’s force consisted of his own division, a portion of Merritt’s and Gregg’s divisions, and a light battery of six guns, in all nearly eight thousand men. The troops reached Spottsylvania late at night, and a detachment headed by Captain Estes, of Kilpatrick’s staff, one of the bravest men in the army, moved rapidly forward to Beaver Dam on the Virginia Central railroad, reaching that place at five p. m on Monday, when the work of destruction commenced. Small parties were sent up and down the railroad to tear up the track, burn the bridges, and destroy the rails by heating and bending them; this was comparatively an easy task, for there were thousands of cords of pine wood piled along the track. A large new brick freight-house, the telegraph office, passenger-depot, engine-house, water-tank, several cars, and a number of outbuildings, were all set on fire. While engaged in this work, a train loaded with troops appeared, and a portion of them disembarked. A charge was made by the cavalry, in which thirty-two of the rebels were captured. At Frederickshall, a “court martial” was captured, consisting of a colonel, five captains and two lieutenants. Detachments were now sent out in various directions, in order to destroy the railroad at other points, while the main body moved forward, and on Monday night crossed the South Anna river. The detached parties encountered small bodies of the enemy in all directions, and skirmished with varied success. Tuesday morning, at half-past ten, found the command passing the outer earthworks on the Brook turnpike, within three and a half miles of Richmond. Several citizen soldiers were here captured, and many of the inhabitants encountered, who were unsuspicious of the character of the Federal cavalry. When within the second line of defences, the skirmishers encountered the first shots from Battery No. 9, near the third line. Skirmishing was here kept up until between four and five o’clock, General Kilpatrick anxiously awaiting some tidings from Colonel Dahlgren’s command; when relinquishing hopes of the success of that officer in his attempt to reach Richmond by way of the James river canal, General Kilpatrick withdrew in the direction of Mechanicsville, burning the trestle-work of the railroad across the Chickahominy on his route. Colonel Dahlgren, with five hundred men, was detached at Frederickshall, with instructions to move to the right of Richmond, and destroy as much of the James river canal as possible, and attempt the deliverance of the prisoners at Belle Isle. Colonel Dahlgren had taken a negro to pilot him to Richmond. His detachment had rapidly moved across the country, destroying barns, forage and everything which could possibly be of service to the enemy. He soon discovered that his negro guide had betrayed him, and led him toward Goochland instead of to Richmond, and on Tuesday night he found himself miles in the opposite direction from that which he wished to take. Exasperated by this treachery, the men burned the barns and outbuildings of John A. Seddons, the rebel Secretary-of-War. Retracing his steps, Colonel Dahlgren marched down the river road, destroying the Dover flour mills, and several flouring establishments and saw mills. His force also did considerable injury to the James river canal, burning canal boats and seriously damaging one or two locks. They did not reach the immediate vicinity of Richmond till afternoon, when everybody was on the alert, Kilpatrick having already made his attack. Colonel Dahlgren’s detachment was divided into several parties for the accomplishment of different objects, keeping together, however. One party attempted to cross the river, but were repulsed. A very sharp fight ensued, and, finding the enemy in superior numbers and confronting them on every road, the force was compelled to fall back. In attempting to cut their way out, Colonel Dahlgren and Major Cook of the Second New York, with about one hundred and fifty men were separated from the rest, and Colonel Cook was taken prisoner. The other detachments succeeded in rejoining General Kilpatrick. A Confederate correspondent thus describes the tragic close of Colonel Dahlgren’s expedition: “Lieutenant Pollard had been watching the movements of the enemy all day on Wednesday, in King William, and ascertained that night that Dahlgren, with about two hundred of his followers, had crossed the Mattapony at Aylett’s. With his own men he crossed over and followed the retreating raiders. On reaching the forks of the road, a few miles above Walkertown, Lieutenant Pollard learned that the enemy had taken the river road, leading to that place. Leaving a few men to follow on after them, he quitted the main road with the larger portion of the force at his disposal, and by a circuitous route and forced march, he succeeded in throwing himself in front of the enemy and awaited his approach. In the mean time he had been joined by the home guards of King and Queen County, and a few men of Robbins’s battalion. A little before eleven o’clock at night the enemy approached on the road in which they were posted. A fire was at once opened upon them; but their leader, Colonel Dahlgren, relying, perhaps, upon their numbers, or stung by chagrin at his failure to capture Richmond, determined to force his way through, and at once forming his men, ordered a charge, which he led himself. It proved, however, a fatal charge to him; for, in the onset, he was pierced with a ball and fell dead. After his fall, the command could not be rallied, but were soon thrown into confusion inextricable. Our boys, noticing this, availed themselves of the opportunity it afforded, and used it to the best advantage. Dashing in among the discomfited foe, they succeeded in capturing ninety prisoners, thirty-five negroes, and one hundred and fifty horses. The body of Dahlgren also fell into their hands.” A cavalry force from General Butler’s command had been sent out from Williamsburg, to render assistance, if needed, to General Kilpatrick. A junction was effected at Tunstall’s Station, and the whole body, accompanied by the balance of Colonel Dahlgren’s cavalry, proceeded to Williamsburg. The entire loss of the expedition was about one hundred and fifty in killed and wounded, and one hundred and sixty in prisoners and missing. OPERATIONS IN ARKANSAS IN 1864. In January, 1864, a Convention of Delegates, representing the people of Arkansas, met at Little Rock, and remodelled the State Constitution, so as forever to abolish slavery. The Convention also elected a Provisional Government, under which efforts were made to restore quiet throughout the State. But the Confederates were still powerful in Arkansas, and the current of affairs was frequently vexed by rebel demonstrations, throughout the year. Engagements between the Unionists and roving squads of rebels were numerous, and sometimes disastrous. The organized forces of the Confederacy, stationed at various points in the State, numbered upwards of twenty-one thousand, and they were rarely idle. Among the many minor battles which were fought at this time may be mentioned that of Cotton Plant, which happened on the twenty-second of April, and which may stand as a type of all the rest. It was incidental to the progress of an expedition, which had been sent out from Little Rock, to relieve the town of Batesville, on White river, from a threatened attack by the rebels under General McRae. The National force consisted of the Eighth Missouri cavalry, and was commanded by Colonel, afterwards General Andrews. The battle lasted four hours, and was hotly contested. The Unionists lost twenty-seven men, killed and wounded, while the rebel loss was upwards of one hundred. Colonel Andrews’s horse was shot beneath him. The expedition resulted successfully. The most important military movement, however, which took place in Arkansas, this year, was an expedition from Little Rock, that set forth on the twenty-third of March, moving in a southwesterly direction, and designed to cooperate with General Banks, in his advance on Shreveport, Louisiana. The National force consisted of the Seventh Army Corps. The expedition was not successful in its ultimate design, but it led to one important battle, and it enabled the Unionists, in several encounters with the enemy, to display great courage and endurance and to win distinction. On the fifteenth of April, after frequent fights with detachments of the rebels, under Marmaduke, Shelby, Cabell, and Dockery, General Steele took possession of Camden, an important point on the Washita river. Here he remained eleven days, when he received intelligence of disaster to Banks, such as would preclude the proposed attack on Shreveport, and learned, also, that Kirby Smith was advancing, with eight thousand troops, to reinforce Price. Under those circumstances General Steele resolved to abandon Camden and retire towards Little Rock. This movement was begun on the night of April twenty-eighth. On the thirtieth the enemy was encountered, near Jenkins’s Ferry, on the river Sabine, where occurred the important fight which we have mentioned above. The enemy’s force was found to be large, and consisted of all his troops in southwestern Arkansas, and also some from Louisiana, and was commanded by General Smith, General Price, General Walker, and General Churchill. The forces under General Steele consisted of the commands of Generals Salomon, Rice, Thayer, Ingleman, and Colonel Benton. It was found impossible to cross the Sabine on the night when the troops reached it, in consequence of a heavy rainstorm and intense darkness, but the pontoon bridge was laid, and a small force of the Unionists crossed over. On the morning of the battle the rain poured in torrents, and in the midst of the storm the artillery trains and men were obliged to cross the river. Skirmishing had commenced in the rear with the first dawn of day, and a general and fierce engagement speedily succeeded, which continued for seven hours. The enemy fought with the wild desperation which characterized all their pitched battles, but were finally repulsed with very heavy loss. General Steele lost seven hundred men in killed and wounded, but secured a safe retreat to Little Rock, which he reached on the second day of May; and also redeemed, for the time, that portion of Arkansas and the State of Missouri from the hands of the rebels. The conduct of the troops under General Steele was of the most noble description throughout the whole campaign, as will be seen by the following address to his men: HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF ARKANSAS, } LITTLE ROCK, May 9. } “To you, troops of the Seventh Army Corps, who participated in the recent campaign designed to cooperate with General Banks’s movement against Shreveport, the Major-General commanding tenders his earnest and grateful thanks. Although you were compelled to fall back without seeing the main object of the expedition accomplished, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you have beaten the enemy wherever he has met you in force, and extricated yourselves from the perilous position in which you were placed by the reverses of the cooperating column. This let loose upon you a superior force of the enemy, under one of their best generals, causing the loss of your trains and the total interruption of your communications, rendering it impossible for you to obtain supplies. You have fallen back over rivers and swamps, while pressed by a superior force of the enemy. This you have done successfully, punishing the enemy severely at the same time. “The patience with which you have endured hardships and privations, and your heroic conduct on the battle-field, have been brought to the notice of the Government, and will furnish a page in the history of this war of which you may well be proud. “F. STEELE, Major-General Commanding.” The rebel force subsequently became still more formidable in the State of Arkansas, owing to the failure of Banks’s Red river expedition. Large forces of Confederates, relieved from the necessity of opposing Banks, were enabled to concentrate in Arkansas, and keep General Steele at bay, in Little Rock. So completely, indeed, did the rebels overrun the State, that, by the close of the year 1864, Little Rock, Fort Smith, Pine Bluff, Duval’s Bluff, and a few other points, were all that the National arms preserved. The State was, likewise, furnished with a rebel State government; and, altogether its affairs seemed anything but promising to the hopes of the Unionists within its borders. Having ample troops in Arkansas, and desiring to work as much mischief as possible, the rebel General Price projected an INVASION OF MISSOURI. SEPTEMBER, 1864. This movement, as may well be imagined, created no small excitement. It led, moreover, to several lively encounters between the Unionists and the Confederates, but it ended in utter discomfiture to the rebel arms. General Price’s forces consisted of between fifteen and twenty thousand men, while, at the time his invasion commenced—September 21st, 1864—the Union troops in Missouri, commanded by General Rosecrans, numbered less than seven thousand. At the first note of danger, however, reinforcements were hurried forward to the aid of that gallant commander. It appeared, at first, as if the rebels proposed moving on Springfield; but, eventually, they turned in the direction of St. Louis. They were first encountered at Pilot Knob, which was bravely and successfully defended by the Union forces under General Ewing, consisting of the Fourteenth Iowa and the Forty-seventh Missouri, with detachments of the State militia. A severe fight took place at Pilot Knob, on September 27th, in which the rebels were discomfited. Meanwhile, St. Louis was rapidly put into condition to meet and repel any possible rebel attack, and a large force of State troops, under Generals Brown and Fisk, was concentrated at Jefferson City, the capital of Missouri. Toward this point the rebel chieftain finally led his army. His advance was successfully withstood, however, by the Union Generals, who succeeded in saving the State capital, and destroying the hopes of the rebels. Upon the 8th of October, General Pleasanton assumed command at Jefferson City, and his first step was to send General Sanborn, with a mounted force of four thousand men in pursuit of the enemy, with the view of harassing and hindering them, until the remaining Union cavalry and infantry supports should arrive at the State capital. The enemy’s rear-guard was by this movement forced back upon their main body at Bruenville, and so kept between the Missouri river and the National force, until the 19th of the month, when the Unionists were joined by Wilson’s command, fifteen thousand strong, making the National force in all forty-five thousand men, exclusive of escort-guards. A small force attacked the rebels under General Fagan at Independence on the 22d, and routed them with loss, capturing two valuable guns. A contest with the enemy’s main force took place on the following day, in which the rebels were driven beyond the Little Santa Fe; and, on the 24th, after marching sixty miles, the Unionists overtook a party of rebels, about midnight, at a place called Marais des Cygnes. At four o’clock on the ensuing morning, sharp skirmishing began, and the enemy was driven from the field with a heavy loss of horses, mules, ammunition, &c. Still fighting, they retreated to Little Osage Crossing, where the pursuing Unionists, under Colonels Benteen and Phillips, made a charge upon them, capturing eight pieces of artillery, and more than one thousand prisoners, among whom were General Marmaduke and General Cabell. The National troops, under General Sanborn, kept up the pursuit, with many and always successful charges, until the enemy had been driven to Marinton; where, under cover of the night, the rebels effected their escape towards Arkansas. But they had not yet got rid of their pursuers. A force of Kansas troops, and Colonel Benteen’s brigade, followed close upon them, and on the 28th, they were overtaken at Newtonia, where they made their last stand. Again they were routed, and the final blow was struck at the unsuccessful invasion of the State. All General Price’s schemes were signally defeated, and he inflicted no serious injury except upon the narrow belt of country over which his army moved. His loss was ten pieces of artillery; a very large quantity of small arms; the greater number of his trains and plunder; one thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight prisoners, and a long list of killed, wounded, and deserters. The National loss amounted to three hundred and forty-six in officers and men. OPERATIONS IN GEORGIA. GENERAL SHERMAN’S MARCH TO ATLANTA. On the 14th of March, 1864, General Sherman, then at Memphis, Tenn., was officially informed that he had been appointed to succeed General Grant, as commander of the Department of the Mississippi. Upon the same day General Sherman set out for Nashville, there to hold a conference with General Grant. That conference took place on the 17th, and having discussed at length the steps to be taken, and the policy for the ensuing campaign, General Sherman accompanied General Grant as far eastward as Cincinnati, where they parted. The former then returned to Nashville, and undertook a tour of inspection, visiting, in Alabama, the cities of Athens, Decatur, and Huntsville, and Larkin’s Ferry; and in Tennessee, Chattanooga, Loudon, and Knoxville. General Sherman had personal interviews with each of the following generals, in command in that section of the country;—Major-General Thomas, commanding the Army of the Cumberland, at Chattanooga; Major-General McPherson, commanding the Army of the Tennessee, at Huntsville; and Major-General Schofield, commanding the Army of the Ohio, at Knoxville. In these several interviews, the 1st of May was agreed upon as the time for a general movement. General Sherman next turned his attention to the question of supplies for the army, which at first necessitated a temporary stoppage of provisions for many of the people in Tennessee, who had been receiving their food from the supplies intended for the army. Fortunately no positive suffering resulted from this step, which General Sherman was compelled to take in duty to the soldiers under his command; and in a short time all hardships were done away with, as the rich soil sent forth an early vegetation, and meat and grain were brought from Kentucky in large quantities by the ox-wagons constantly plying to and fro between that State and Chattanooga. On the 27th of April, General Sherman put all the troops under his command in motion for Chattanooga; and on the next day he followed them there in person. It was his aim to make the Army of the Cumberland number fifty thousand men; that of the Tennessee, thirty-five thousand; and that of the Ohio, fifteen thousand; but this he never was enabled to do, as the Army of the Tennessee failed to receive General A. J. Smith’s divisions from the Mississippi, which were unable to join the other forces at the time designated, in consequence of the failure of the Red river expedition. The effective strength of the several armies was, on the 21st of May, as follows: Army of the Cumberland, sixty thousand seven hundred and seventy-three men, and one hundred and thirty guns; Army of the Tennessee, twenty-four thousand four hundred and sixty-five men, and ninety-six guns; and the Army of the Ohio, thirteen thousand five hundred and fifty nine men, and twenty-eight guns. On the morning of May 6th, these armies were grouped thus:—The Cumberland, at and about Ringgold; the Tennessee, at Gordon’s Mills, on the Chickamauga; and Ohio, close by Red Clay, on the Georgia line, north of Dalton. The enemy, under the rebel general, Joseph Johnston, was in and around Dalton; the force numbering in all about sixty thousand men—the cavalry numbering ten thousand under General Wheeler; and the infantry and artillery—three corps—numbering fifty thousand, under command of Generals Hardee, Hood, and Polk. The city of Dalton was covered in front with an inaccessible ridge, known as the Rocky Face, which rendered it impracticable to strike at it from that direction; and on the north front the enemy was further protected by a strong line of works along Mill Creek. General Sherman finding these two points guarded, next turned his attention to the south, and found, through Snake Creek Gap, a good way to reach Resaca, an important point on the rebel line of communication, about eighteen miles below Dalton. General McPherson was ordered to move directly on Resaca, through Snake Gap, while, to occupy the enemy’s attention, General Thomas was ordered to make a strong feint in front, and General Schofield on the north of the city. These movements were successfully carried out; General McPherson reached the gap on the 8th, and took by surprise a whole cavalry brigade, while General Thomas pushed his demonstration against Buzzard’s Roost and Rocky Face ridge till it almost amounted to a battle; and General Schofield pressed down close upon Dalton. General McPherson advanced within a mile of Resaca, without meeting opposition, but on nearing the place he perceived that it was too strongly held by the rebels for him to carry it by assault, whereupon he was obliged to fall back, and take position at the west end of Snake Creek Gap. On the next day two corps from General Thomas’s army were sent forward to the support of General McPherson, leaving the Fourth corps, under General Howard, to continue to threaten Dalton on the front. General Schofield was also ordered forward to Snake Creek Gap, and on the 11th of May, the entire army, with the exception of General Howard’s corps, and a small force of cavalry left to watch Dalton, was in motion for Resaca, and, on the next day moved against it in full force. Two miles from Resaca the enemy’s cavalry was driven by Kilpatrick’s cavalry from a cross road which they occupied, and in the engagement that brave officer was so severely wounded that he was compelled to give up his command for the time to Colonel Murray, who wheeled out of the road, and allowed General McPherson to pass. The enemy’s infantry pickets were driven in and General McPherson took possession of a ridge of hills which placed the right of his army on the Oostanaula,—two miles below the railroad bridge—and his left directly west of the town. General Thomas came up on his left, and General Schofield followed on the left of Thomas. It was now ascertained that the rebel General Johnston had left Dalton; and General Howard entered the town and pressed close upon the enemy’s rear, but owing to the rugged and hilly nature of the country, the rebel general succeeded in reaching Resaca in safety; and on the 14th of May the Unionists found the rebel army occupying a strong position behind Camp Creek, and in possession of several forts at Resaca, with its right on a ridge of high chestnut hills to the north of the town. General Sherman immediately made demonstrations against the enemy. A pontoon bridge was placed across the Oostanaula, and a division of the Sixteenth corps, commanded by General Sweeney, crossed and threatened Calhoun. The cavalry division of General Gerrard was sent to break the railroad below Calhoun and above Kingston, while General Sherman pressed the main body of the army against Resaca, at all points. General McPherson succeeded in making a lodgment close upon the rebel works, while General Thomas pushed along Camp Creek Valley, and threw General Hooker’s corps across the head of the creek to the main Dalton road, close on Resaca; and General Schofield came up on his left. A severe battle commenced about noon of the 15th, which continued during the whole afternoon and evening. The fighting on both sides was very severe: and when night put an end to the conflict, the rebels took advantage of the darkness to make their escape; and in the morning the town was entered and taken possession of by the National troops. The whole Union army then started in pursuit of the retreating rebels, but found no token of their whereabouts until, the evening of the 17th, near a place called Adairsville, a brigade of the enemy was overtaken. The advance, consisting of General Newton’s division, engaged the rebel rear-guard, and a sharp encounter ensued. Night again put a stop to the conflict; and upon the following morning the enemy was gone, and was not afterwards overtaken till the National army had advanced four miles below Kingston, where he was again discovered on open ground, well adapted for a heavy battle. The proper dispositions for a fight were promptly made; but as the Union troops were getting in readiness, and preparing to hem in the rebels, they once more took advantage of the mantle of darkness, and escaped in the night-time across the Etowah river, burning the road and bridges which they passed over, but leaving the National troops in undisputed possession of the whole valuable country about the Etowah river. General Sherman now gave his army a brief rest of a few days, as well for the purpose of recruiting their strength as to allow time for bringing forward supplies for the next stage of the campaign. CAPTURE OF ROME, GA. MAY 19, 1864. In the mean time a detachment of the Fourteenth corps (General Palmer) under command of General Jeff. C. Davis had been ordered on the 17th of May, along the west bank of the Oostanaula, toward Rome, a place fifteen miles west of Kingston. General Davis reached Rome upon the following day, and met with a determined resistance from the enemy. A sharp fight ensued, which resulted in the rebels being completely routed; General Davis took several forts, eight or ten guns of heavy calibre, a great many valuable mills and foundries then doing duty in the service of the Confederate government; and large quantities of stores. On the 19th, General Davis with his troops took possession of the city of Rome. * * * * * On the 23d of May, the march was resumed. Feeling assured that the enemy had the power, and would therefore use it, to hold the Union army in check at a place called the Allatoona Pass, General Sherman determined to turn it by a circuit to the right, instead of attempting it in front, and on that day ordered the whole army, with the exception of the garrisons at Rome and Kingston, forward upon Dallas. [Illustration: CONFEDERATE GENERALS. COLQUET. RHETT. LOVELL. B. S. JOHNSON. RAINS. FLOYD. CRITTENDEN. BRANCH.] Upon the march a letter from the rebel General Johnston was captured, showing that he had discovered General Sherman’s movement, and was concentrating at Dallas to meet him. General Geary’s division, of Hooker’s corps, encountered the enemy’s line of battle, after crossing Pumpkin Vine creek, and advancing about three miles along the Dallas road; the result was a severe fight of several hours. The remaining troops of General Hooker’s corps were advancing along different roads, but they were quickly brought in to the assistance of Geary, and by order of General Sherman the entire corps made a bold push to obtain a point called New Hope Church, which lay at the intersection of three roads leading from Ackworth, Marietta, and Dallas. A very heavy battle was fought at this point, which resulted in defeat to the rebels, who were beaten back, but saved themselves from being driven from the road by throwing up hastily constructed fortifications. A severe storm, which set in about the close of the day, also proved of great assistance to them, inasmuch as it prevented General Hooker from making any further demonstration against them. In the morning the enemy was discovered strongly intrenched in front of the road which led from Dallas to Marietta. Consequently, preparations against them were made in large force. General McPherson was stationed at Dallas; General Thomas was deployed against New Hope Church; and General Schofield was directed to hold the left. The cavalry under General Garrard operated with McPherson, that under General Stoneman with Schofield, and General McCook’s division brought up the rear. During all these movements, constant skirmishing occurred between the opposing armies. The heaviest attack took place on the 28th, and was made by a strong rebel force upon General McPherson’s troops, when they were in the act of closing up to General Thomas in front of New Hope Church. The Federal troops being strongly protected by breastworks, repulsed the enemy bravely, and succeeded in driving him back with heavy loss. A brief pause succeeded this demonstration, which was at times broken by a renewal of skirmishing; after which the movements against the enemy were continued, and on the 1st of June General McPherson moved to the left, and occupied the position of General Thomas in front of New Hope Church, while that general and Schofield were ordered to move five miles farther to the left, thus giving the Union troops the occupation of the roads leading to Allatoona and Ackworth. General Stoneman’s cavalry was next pushed into Allatoona, at the east end, and General Garrard’s at the west end, of the Pass, thus accomplishing the real intention to turn Allatoona. The bridge across the Etowah which had been destroyed by the rebels was immediately rebuilt; and General Sherman moved his army upon Ackworth on the 4th, thus compelling Johnston to leave his intrenchments at New Hope Church, and to move westward to cover Marietta. The National troops reached Ackworth on the 6th, and rested there for a few days. Allatoona Pass, being considered by General Sherman as specially suited to the purpose, was chosen by him as a secondary base of operations, and was, according to his orders, made suitable for defence. On the 9th of June, the army moved forward to Big Shanty, having been on the previous day strengthened by two divisions of the Seventeenth corps, and one brigade of cavalry, which had been absent on furlough. Between Big Shanty and Marietta a mountainous district intervenes, which has three separate and well-defined summits, the most easterly of which is called the Kenesaw Mountain, and lies directly north and northwest of Marietta, and west of the railroad; it has a spur, called the Little Kenesaw, which juts out for a considerable distance in a northeasterly direction. The second of the highest summits, known as Lost Mountain, lies directly west of Marietta, and midway between these two lies Pine Mountain. These three mountains are connected by ranges of smaller eminences, upon all of which the rebels had erected signal stations, from which they could observe all the operations of the National troops. A great battle was impending; and the rebels, swarming about the summits of the hills, “thick as leaves in Vallambrosa,” made the place alive with moving figures, and the air vocal with the hum of voices, the noise of felling timber, and the many hundred sounds of hurried preparations for the coming struggle. General Sherman describes the scene as “enchanting—too beautiful to be disturbed by the harsh clamors of war;” but beyond him lay the Chattahoochie, which must be reached; and no way to reach it lay before him except to cut his way through the rebel army, that stood between him and the goal to which all his motions then tended. The moment for attack approached. General McPherson was ordered toward Marietta; General Thomas to Kenesaw and Pine Mountain; and General Schofield toward Lost Mountain. The rebel front extended westward, and was upwards of two miles in length; and was so drawn that Kenesaw Mountain, the controlling point of the whole region, formed a sort of citadel for the enemy. General Johnston’s force was estimated at sixty-three thousand, besides a force numbering fifteen thousand of Georgia militia, which was placed at his service. The preparations for attack had been going on for five days, and on the 14th, the battle for the possession of the mountains began. THE BATTLES OF KENESAW MOUNTAIN. JUNE 14, 1864. Heavy skirmishing had continued from the opening of this battle till the day on which the great fight occurred which ended in giving the Unionists possession of the enemy’s position on Kenesaw Mountain. Upon the 14th, the rebel general, Bishop Leonidas Polk was killed, while commanding on Pine Mountain, during a heavy cannonading by the Fourth corps. During the same night the enemy, having discovered that General Hooker was moving to cut off their retreat, abandoned their works, which were quickly occupied by Stanley’s division of the Fourth corps. A paper was found affixed to a stake near the rebel works on Pine Mountain, on which was written, “Here General Polk was killed by a Yankee shell.” It was subsequently ascertained that the rebel generals Johnston and Hardee, who were standing near Polk, narrowly escaped being killed at the same time. General Johnston now drew back his centre to the chain of hills which connected Kenesaw and Lost Mountain, still keeping his right and left flank respectively on these mountains. During the 15th, 16th, and 17th, heavy skirmishing continued from morning till night; which told upon the endurance of the troops almost as much as a pitched battle would have done. Late in the evening of the 17th, severe skirmishing opened in front of Stanley’s division. At the same time the enemy engaged Harkens’ brigade, of Newton’s division, and a regiment—the Ninety-third Ohio—of Hazen’s brigade; and toward nightfall a heavy fire was opened all along the front of General Howard’s line. The batteries of Bridge and Bradery were speedily brought to bear upon the rebels, and with telling effect; while upon the left the batteries of Logan and Blair were making themselves heard in most formidable manner. Night drew on, and a brief silence ensued, but the rebels had not yet abandoned the attack. A correspondent of the day thus describes the renewal of the battle: “It was a beautiful night. The soft moonlight beaming from the clear southern sky, floated through the forest trees, lighting them with a bewitching kind of beauty. The air was calm and balmy, the sky without a cloud. Fireflies, sparkling like diamonds, were flitting around. The cry of the whip-poor-will resounded through the forest, and the plaint cry of the croaking frogs rose from the marshes like the tinkling of sleigh-bells. Smoke and flames shot up from buildings that had been fired by shells. Soon a dropping shot along the line, followed by rapid musketry firing, roused us from our solemn kind of torpor. The rebels had opened on our skirmish line, and a brisk fight ensued. Our batteries soon opened, hurling shell and canister into their ranks. The attack also extended to our left, where they vainly strove to regain their lost position, but were again repulsed by Logan’s command. The rebels were foiled in their attack at all points, and the horrid din of battle soon gave way to the placid stillness of night.” A sudden rain storm came on in a perfect deluge, during the night, and the enemy abandoned his front line of works. Early in the morning General Howard ordered his whole line to push forward sharply. General Harkens’ brigade led the advance, and, having come up with the enemy, and being reinforced with Wagner’s brigade, charged forward, driving them from their first line of works. On this day the possession of the Dallas and Marietta roads was secured; and the Unionists continued to press the enemy so close and hard that at dusk the Twentieth corps was in a line perpendicular with the rebel line. During the operations of the 18th, the loss to the National troops was very heavy; the rebel loss in killed and wounded was also severe, besides which the Unionists took prisoner several hundred of the enemy. General Johnston took advantage of the night, and a heavy rain storm, to withdraw his left flank from its position on Lost Mountain, which he saw could not be maintained, making his strong point of resistance on Kenesaw Mountain. The National forces immediately took possession of the abandoned works on Lost Mountain. On the next morning, Stanley’s division followed up the enemy to their new position, and threw out two brigades as skirmishers. Newton’s division formed on Stanley’s left, and sent out the Thirty-sixth and Eighty-eighth Illinois as skirmishers. Wood’s division then formed on the right, and fierce skirmishing began all along the line. General Harkens’ brigade signally distinguished itself in this encounter, and aided by Kimball’s brigade developed the enemy’s lines and works. Generals Sherman, Thomas, Howard, and other officers, were now occupying the house of a Mr. Wallace, on the Marietta road, eagerly watching the effect of the Union batteries upon the rebel works. Together with the batteries named above, those of Goodspeed and Spencer were now got into position, and all opened at once on the rebels, who promptly replied with a couple of batteries from the slope of the hill, and a section of heavy guns from the crest. A regular duel now opened between the opposing artillery, and all along the intervening valley the clouds of dense smoke hung midway in the air. The whole line was soon engaged, and from early morning till late night the crash and flash, the roar and scream of battle never ceased; and when at length the night interrupted the fierce fight, it but served to recruit the strength with which both sides renewed it in the morning. A slight, forked ridge which jutted out in front of General Wood’s division was selected, and at once made use of, as a position for a battery; and two heavy guns were dragged forward, and placed so as to bear heavily upon the rebel line, and set to work immediately. Shortly after this it was ascertained from rebel prisoners that a portion of Hood’s and Hardee’s corps were massing against Sherman’s centre; the attack was made, and gallantly repulsed, the rebels being driven back with loss. They next assailed Kirby’s division, but met with similar misfortune, being fiercely repulsed, but not beaten. They again attacked, and were stubbornly resisted for one hour; at the end of that time they gained a slight temporary advantage, taking possession of a prominent knoll in Kirby’s front, which they continued to occupy, although severely attacked by the brigades of Gross and Whittaker. Again night temporarily put a stop to the battle. The divisions of Newton and Wood had perceptibly advanced—that of Stanley, having been most severely pressed, had succeeded in keeping its ground, with the exception of the knoll lost to the enemy. Just as night fell intense anxiety was felt by all, for the rebels were seen pressing heavily upon Stanley’s front; but after a few minutes’ suspense a loud ringing cheer from the brave Unionists proclaimed the rebel repulse, and indicated that nothing had been gained by them. Early on the 21st, the fight opened with heavy skirmishing in all directions, which continued during the whole day. On the 22d, the enemy made a sudden attack upon portions of Generals Hooker’s and Schofield’s troops on the Federal right, near what is known as the “Kulp House,” and was handsomely repulsed, leaving his dead, wounded, and many prisoners behind him. The Federal centre was now established squarely in front of Kenesaw, but it required so many men to hold the railroad and the line running along the base of the mountain, that but a small force was left with which to attempt a flank movement to the right. So small was it that General Sherman hesitated to push it vigorously toward the railroad, in the rear of Marietta, for fear that it might be altogether detached from the army, and exposed to disaster. He therefore contented himself with extending his right along the enemy’s flank, hoping that General Johnston would thereby be induced to weaken his centre sufficiently to render an assault in that direction practicable. “Although inviting the enemy at all times,” says General Sherman in his official report, “to make such mistakes, I could not hope for him to repeat them after the examples of Dallas and the ‘Kulp House;’ and upon studying the ground, I had no alternative but to assail his lines or turn his position. Either course had its difficulties and dangers. And I perceived that the enemy and our own officers had settled down into a conviction that I would not assault fortified lines. All looked to me to ‘outflank.’ An army to be efficient must not settle down to one single mode of offence, but must be prepared to execute any plan which promises success. I waited, therefore, for the moral effect, to make a successful assault against the enemy behind his breastworks, and resolved to attempt it at that point where success would give the largest fruits of victory.” BATTLE OF LITTLE KENESAW. JUNE 24, 1864. On the twenty-fourth of June General Sherman ordered an attack to be made at two points south of Kenesaw—the one to be made upon Little Kenesaw, by General McPherson, and the other, about a mile south of that point, by General Thomas. At six A. M. of the twenty-seventh—the appointed day—the Seventeenth corps, commanded by General Blair, moved upon the eastern point of the mountain, threatening the enemy’s right; while the Fifteenth (General Logan), and the Sixteenth (General Dodge), attacked the northern slope. The three brigades forming the Fifteenth corps scattered the enemy’s skirmishers, and pushing up the slope with daring impetuosity, carried a large part of the rebel rifle-pits. Rushing forward, the troops found themselves at the foot of a precipitous cliff not less than thirty feet high, which they attempted to scale, but from which they were beaten back by the fire of the enemy formed in line of battle at its summit, and by a shower of heavy stones, which were hurled down upon them. A second attack was ordered, and, for the purpose, a portion of General Newton’s division of the Fourth corps, and General Davis’s, of the Fourteenth, were selected. Buoyant with courage, the troops rushed forward, charged up the mountain in the midst of a murderous fire, and gallantly carrying the line of rifle-pits, reached the works beyond. Many of them scaled the ramparts, but the fire of musketry and artillery was so overpowering that the men were hastily recalled. General Newton’s troops returned to their original line, but the Second brigade of General Davis threw up works between those they had carried, and the enemy’s main line, and there they held their position. Brief as this fight was, it cost General Sherman a loss of three thousand men in killed and wounded, while that of the rebels, intrenched behind strong works, was comparatively trifling. Referring to this defeat General Sherman says, “Failure as it was, and for which I assume the entire responsibility, I yet claim it produced good fruits, as it demonstrated to General Johnston that I would assault, and that boldly, and we also gained and held ground so close to the enemy’s parapets that he could not show a head above them.” It would have been wholly out of character in General Sherman to have rested under the imputation of defeat; and, accordingly, immediate preparations were made to turn the rebel left. On July 1st, General McPherson was relieved by Garrard’s cavalry in front of Kenesaw, and was in that way enabled to threaten Nickajack creek and Turner’s Ferry across the Chattahoochie, Stoneman’s cavalry being pushed down below the ferry. The effect of this movement was instantaneous, and on the morning of the 3d, Kenesaw was utterly abandoned by the rebels, and its summit covered by Union soldiers before the sun had risen. General Thomas’s line was then moved toward the Chattahoochie, in pursuit of the rebels, and at half past eight o’clock General Sherman entered Marietta, and took possession of the city. During the rebel retreat upwards of two thousand prisoners were captured by the Union soldiers. General Thomas overtook the enemy at the Smyrna camp-meeting ground, about five miles from Marietta, protected in front with a strong parapet; and in rear by the Nickajack and Rottenwood creeks. General Sherman assigned a garrison for Marietta, and joined General Thomas at Smyrna. On the 4th, the whole line of rebel pits was captured, and on the next morning the enemy was gone. The army of General Sherman then moved directly on the Chattahoochie, beyond which the enemy was found behind a very strong line. Heavy skirmishing opened at once, which served to show the strength of the rebels, and to prove to General Sherman that the line could be turned only in one way—namely, by crossing the main river. On the 7th, General Schofield having been ordered to cross the Chattahoochie, did so with success, surprised the enemy, and effected a lodgment on high ground, from which the rebels fled to the eastward. General Garrard next secured the fort at Rosswell, which he was ordered to hold till relieved by infantry; which was done, while General Schofield crossed the river two miles below Powens’ Ferry, and took a strong position on the right. Thus three safe points of passage across the river were secured. Each position obtained had good roads leading direct to Atlanta, and at daylight on the tenth of July, the enemy had fled, leaving the Unionists in full possession of all they had won. One of the most important objects of the campaign was now accomplished; and beyond—only eight miles distant—lay the city of Atlanta, to obtain possession of which was the next object of General Sherman’s march. Without an hour’s delay the first step was taken. An expedition, commanded by General Rousseau, in command of the district of Tennessee, was sent out at that time to break the railroad between Montgomery and Opelika, by which Johnston received his supplies. General Rousseau, as his commanding general states, “fulfilled his orders and instructions to the very letter;” and on his route encountered and defeated the rebel General Canton, returning safely to Marietta on the twenty-second; having sustained a loss of not more than thirty men. During this period the main army had spent some days in rest and collecting supplies, and had advanced on the seventeenth along the road called the Old Peachtree. All the armies had closed in and were converging towards Atlanta on the twentieth. In the afternoon the enemy emerged from his works along the road and attacked the Union right centre, composed of General Newton’s division of General Hooker’s corps, and of General Johnson’s division. This attack, though entirely unexpected, was handsomely repulsed by all three generals against whom it was aimed, with a loss to the enemy of five hundred killed, one thousand wounded, many stand of colors, and over three thousand prisoners. The National loss did not exceed fifteen hundred in all, killed, wounded and missing. During the 21st the enemy’s position was examined and found to be strong—his right resting below the Augusta road to the east, and his left on the Chattahoochie, about four miles from Atlanta. On the 22d this whole line was found to have been abandoned during the night, which singular movement was subsequently explained to the astonished Unionists by learning that General Johnston had been superseded in command by General Hood, and an entirely new line of policy determined on by the rebels. BATTLE BEFORE ATLANTA, GA. JULY 22, 1864. By a show of retreating to the city, the rebel general hoped to draw General Sherman on, and, while he was in motion, to strike at the Union army on all available points. This decoy was not wholly without effect, for General Sherman pushed on beyond the abandoned rebel works, and found the enemy, in strong force, occupying a line of redoubts which entirely covered the approach to Atlanta. This showed an evident intention to fight, on the part of General Hood; and General Sherman at once sent orders to all points of the centre and right of his army to press forward and engage the enemy, while General Schofield held as large a force as possible in reserve. General McPherson engaged the enemy at about noon, on the left, where they were making a cavalry demonstration. The fighting had now become very severe; the loud crash of musketry was followed in quick succession by the rapid firing of artillery, and while a roar as of continuous thunder pealed all along the line, the flash of fire streamed out in vivid sheets of flame upon the noonday air. Just as General McPherson reached the left, the enemy advanced upon the Sixteenth corps, but were three times determinedly and desperately repulsed by General Dodge. Perceiving that the attempt to break the line of the Sixteenth had failed, General McPherson took advantage of a momentary lull to ride up to the Seventeenth corps, which was reported severely threatened by the enemy. Every member of his staff, except one, had been sent on various errands; and he now directed that one to obtain a brigade from General Logan to throw across the gap between the Sixteenth and Seventeenth corps; and then, with a single orderly, struck into the road that led direct to General Smith’s position. Almost immediately he found himself hemmed within the enemy’s skirmish line; the rebel officer commanding called out to him to surrender, which order he replied to by dashing his horse to the front of the road, but before he could effect his escape a volley fired by the skirmishers unhorsed him, mortally wounded. For a time his body remained within the enemy’s line, but was subsequently recovered and brought within the line of the Union army. His death was a severe loss, and he was deeply regretted, both as an officer and as a man. General Sherman in chronicling this event says of General McPherson: “He was a noble youth, of striking personal appearance, of the highest professional capacity, and with a heart abounding in kindness, that drew to him the affections of all men.” By his death the command of the Army of the Tennessee devolved temporarily upon the brave and gallant General John A. Logan, who sustained his already brilliant reputation, and that of the veteran army placed under his command. The battle continued to rage with still increasing fury. The brigade that had been ordered from Logan’s corps arrived just in time to check the farther progress of the enemy in that direction, but was not able to keep a portion of the rebel force from getting in the rear of the Seventeenth corps; while a strong detachment pushed up against the Union position on the hill beyond, determined to obtain possession of it. But the brave troops held firmly to their post, and presented so determined a resistance, that the rebels recoiled before them, leaving the ground strewn with the dead and dying that fell from their ranks. A portion of the enemy, which had pushed for the gaps between the Sixteenth and Seventeenth corps—now bridged over with Wangelin’s brigade—made another attack on the right flank of the Sixteenth, and captured a six-gun battery, surprising the Unionists, but were promptly driven back in confusion, and with heavy loss. The enemy’s attack upon the Union left flank was quite abandoned by three o’clock, the rebels having gained absolutely nothing except the capture of a few guns, while they had suffered enormous losses in every way. At about four o’clock in the afternoon, General Hood massed a large force of troops for the purpose of assaulting the Fifteenth corps—lately commanded by General Logan, and then temporarily under General Morgan L. Smith. The corps was stationed behind substantial breastworks, and held the right of the Army of the Tennessee. The first rebel column marched against the Union line, and were handsomely repulsed and kept at bay for more than half an hour; when a second column approached steadily, and without flinching, beneath the furious Union fire. Close behind them came a third column, before which the Unionists were compelled to give way, losing their position, and two important batteries. This gain to the rebels was such a serious loss to General Sherman, that General Logan was ordered to regain the lost position at any cost. Several batteries from General Schofield were so placed that the enemy’s works could be shelled, and reinforcements for him rendered impossible; and just as the rebels were making ready to turn the captured battery upon the National line, the Fifteenth corps, reinforced by General Schofield, pressed forward, and after a desperate struggle, in which the combatants fought hand-to-hand, the Unionists regained their lost position, and retook their guns. The rebels retreated before them in the wildest confusion, and the battle terminated with this defeat of the enemy’s last effort. In this battle the total loss to the Union army was estimated at three thousand seven hundred and twenty-two men, of whom the larger portion were killed and wounded. In front of the National line the enemy’s dead was counted at two thousand and two hundred, of whom eight hundred were delivered under flag of truce; their total loss in killed amounted to three thousand two hundred and forty. Upwards of three thousand prisoners were taken by the Unionists, including one thousand wounded, among whom were many officers of high rank. Besides these severe losses in men, eighteen stands of colors, and five thousand small arms were taken from the rebels. THE CAVALRY EXPEDITIONS. The next important movement was fixed for the 28th of July, the preparations for which were as follows: General Rousseau’s troops, fatigued with their long march, were not expected to do active service immediately: and were, therefore, ordered to relieve General Stoneman, who was sent to the left flank, there to remain in readiness to strike at the Macon road, at the same time that the Army of the Tennessee, which had been shifted below Proctor’s Creek, was to move toward East Point. In order to make General Stoneman’s movement sure of success, an effective cavalry force of five thousand men was placed under his command. This force, and that of General McCook, numbering four thousand, were ordered to move at the same time, the latter, by the right, on Fayetteville, and the former, by the left, skirting Atlanta, round to McDonough. In the evening of the day appointed, these two strong bodies of Union cavalry were to meet on the Macon road, at a point known as Lovejoy’s, with orders to utterly destroy the railroad. These orders were not carried out. The two expeditions set forth; General Stoneman taking the direction to McDonough, after sending General Garrard to Flat Rock to cover his movement. General McCook took his way along the right bank of the Chattahoochie. General Stoneman, after proceeding a very short distance on the road he had taken, turned to the Georgia railroad, along which he advanced to Covington. There he altered his course again, going due south for Macon, the neighborhood of which he reached on the 30th. A detachment which he sent east to Loudon, destroyed eleven locomotives and several trains loaded with stores, and a great many bridges between that place and Macon. It had been the intention of General Stoneman, as a part of the expedition—having received the necessary permission from his general commanding—to proceed to Macon and Andersonville, and release the Union prisoners confined at those two places; but having received information at Gordon that the prisoners at Macon had been sent forward to Charleston, the movements upon Macon and Andersonville were both abandoned. On the evening of the 30th General Stoneman turned northward (having so far accomplished nothing of especial value), skirmishing with the enemy as often as he was encountered on the way till on the morning of the 31st he was met by a strong rebel force. The country at this point was particularly unsuited for cavalry movements; accordingly, General Stoneman determined to escape without fighting, if possible. He sent a portion of his command forward as skirmishers, but quickly discovered that he was surrounded. Everything that ready wit and ingenuity could suggest was done with the hope of outwitting the enemy; but escape was impossible. As a last resource, General Stoneman ordered the larger portion of his command to break through the opposing lines, and effect their escape in the readiest manner possible, while he, himself, with a few hundred men and a section of artillery, drew off the enemy’s attention from the movement of the other troops. He was speedily overpowered, and obliged to surrender; and together with all those who were with him, became prisoners to the enemy. Of the remainder of his command, one brigade returned in safety to the main army, and another was attacked and considerably broken up on its way back. General Garrard, in the mean time, after remaining at Flat Rock two days, awaiting further orders, moved toward Covington on the 29th, where he learned that General Stoneman had gone south; and having no further orders to obey, he returned to his position on the left flank of the army. General McCook was more fortunate in his expedition than his brother officer. Having reached a place called Rivertown, on the Chattahoochie, he crossed the river, and directed his way toward Palmetto Station; at this place he destroyed a portion of the Atlanta and West Point railroad. From there he proceeded to Fayetteville, dealing destruction by burning public and private property along the whole line of his journey. He destroyed an important part of the Macon and Western railroad. There he was disappointed by not meeting General Stoneman; and being constantly met by large and ever increasing numbers of the enemy, he turned to the southwest, and proceeded in that direction. At a place called Newman, on the Atlanta and West Point railroad, he encountered a strong rebel force, through which he cut his way with hard fighting, and considerable loss. After losing all his prisoners, he reached the Chattahoochie, and from thence arrived in safety within the Union lines. THE SIEGE OF ATLANTA. General Howard, who, upon the 27th of July, according to the President’s appointment, assumed command of the Army of the Tennessee, vacant by General McPherson’s death, had put his army in motion while the events above detailed were taking place. The Army of the Tennessee was placed on the extreme right of General Sherman’s army, its right flank being held by General Logan. By this movement the whole lino was drawn out directly south, with its face to the eastward, and gradually winding around to the Macon road. The enemy perceiving this, massed his troops in the same direction. On the 28th, General Stewart’s corps advanced from Atlanta upon the Union right flank, and for several hours kept up a succession of fierce assaults upon General Logan’s troops. The assaults were as fiercely repelled, causing the rebels to retire again and again, with constantly lessening ranks, till compelled to retire entirely at four P. M., leaving their dead and wounded on the ground, after sustaining a loss of five thousand men. In this conflict the Union loss did not exceed six hundred. About this time General Hooker resigned command of his corps, and was succeeded by General Slocum—whose place in turn, was temporarily filled by General H. S. Williams—General Slocum being absent in Vicksburg General Palmer also resigned command of his corps, and was succeeded by General Jeff. C. Davis; and General D. S. Stanley was placed in command of the Fourth corps, left vacant by the promotion of General Howard. With his customary promptitude, General Sherman soon perceived that his last movement would not effect the dislodgment of Hood from Atlanta, and he accordingly changed his tactics. He still further extended the right wing of his army, with the view of outflanking Hood in that manner. The Twenty-third and Fourteenth were, therefore, during the 5th and 6th of August, transferred from their position on the left to the extreme right, where they joined the Fifteenth corps, and formed the army’s right flank. While this movement was in progress, occasional demonstrations were made against the enemy, which only served to show that he was protected by defences of the strongest description, and was in a condition to maintain his position for a long period, unless dislodged by some master-piece of generalship on the part of the Union commander. The Union army was now very much changed from its first position for the siege of Atlanta. Instead of threatening the city north and east, General Sherman’s left now covered the northern approaches to it, while his extreme right lay southwest and ran parallel to the railroad. The lines of his army were drawn about two and a half miles from the city, and between them and the enemy’s works lay a narrow strip of wooded country, which had been the scene of almost perpetual skirmishing between the opposing forces. A movement against the enemy had now become of the first importance, as nothing could be gained to the National troops by delay, while Hood was every day strengthening the city’s defences, and adding to his army by organizing all the laborers, teamsters, and quartermasters’ men within Atlanta, and filling their places by negroes. Without haste, and after mature consideration as to the safest course to pursue, General Sherman, having satisfied himself that the rebel lines could not be taken except by a fearful sacrifice of life, determined upon the capture of Atlanta by a bold strategic movement. A new movement by the right flank was ordered, which would require the participation of nearly the whole army. One corps was withdrawn and sent to the intrenched position across the Chattahoochie, in order to preserve, in any event, communication with the base. The whole of the remaining army was ordered to move upon the south and southwest sides of the city, destroy the railroad communications, and thus place Atlanta beyond the possibility of obtaining supplies. Preparations for these operations were entered upon at once, and by the 16th General Sherman’s plans were virtually completed. On the 18th, General Kilpatrick, with five thousand men, made a raid, and struck the Macon railroad at Jonesboro’ and Lovejoy’s, and the Atlanta and West Point road at Fairburn. But the enemy resisted him at all points and he failed to inflict permanent injury upon the roads. Retreating, therefore, on the 22d instant, by way of Decatur, he brought in one hundred prisoners, and a piece of artillery. General Sherman now made no further delay in executing his plan to force Hood to abandon Atlanta. That plan, as already noted, consisted in changing the position of his lines, getting in between Atlanta and Macon, and thus cutting off Hood’s supplies. The scheme was brilliant, and was cleverly executed. A brisk engagement took place near Jonesboro’, on the 31st of August, in which the rebels under Hardee were severely defeated, which was accomplished with little loss to the Union arms. Finding himself thus dangerously situated, General Hood, on the 1st of September, ordered the evacuation of Atlanta—first taking care to burn the railroad rolling stock and all other material that would have been useful to the National army. On leaving the city he retreated to McDonough, whence, moving westward, he was able to join his forces to those of Hardee and S. D. Lee. Meanwhile, at daybreak on the 2d of September, the Union troops marched into Atlanta. “We have,” says General Sherman, announcing the capture of the city, “as the result of this quick, and, as I think, well-executed movement, twenty-seven guns, over three thousand prisoners, and have buried over four hundred rebel dead, and left as many wounded that could not be removed. The rebels have lost, besides the important city of Atlanta and their stores, about five hundred killed, twenty-five hundred wounded, and three thousand prisoners; whereas our aggregate loss will not foot up fifteen hundred. If that is not success I don’t know what is.” To lose no time in the improvement of his victory, General Sherman, on the 4th of September, issued an order to the effect that the city of Atlanta being exclusively required for warlike purposes, all citizens must remove from it; and to expedite such removal, he entered into a truce with General Hood, and made arrangements with him for forwarding the citizens and their effects beyond the Federal lines. In connection with this event the following correspondence took place between the authorities of Atlanta and General Sherman. “ATLANTA, GA., Sept. 11, 1864. “Major-General WILLIAM T. SHERMAN: “SIR: The undersigned, Mayor and two members of Council for the city of Atlanta, for the time being the only legal organ of the people of the said city to express their wants and wishes, ask leave most earnestly but respectfully to petition you to reconsider the order requiring them to leave Atlanta. At first view it struck us that the measure would involve extraordinary hardship and loss, but since we have seen the practical execution of it, so far as it has progressed, and the individual condition of many of the people, and heard the statements as to the inconvenience, loss and suffering attending it, we are satisfied that the amount of it will involve in the aggregate consequences appalling and heart-rending. “Many poor women are in an advanced state of pregnancy; others have young children, whose husbands, for the greater part, are either in the army, prisoners, or dead. Some say: ‘I have such a one sick at my house; who will wait on them when I am gone?’ Others say: ‘What are we to do? we have no houses to go to, and no means to buy, build, or rent any; no parents, relatives, or friends to go to.’ Another says: ‘I will try and take this or that article of property; but such and such things I must leave behind, though I need them much.’ We reply to them: ‘General Sherman will carry your property to Rough and Ready, and then General Hood will take it thence on:’ and they will reply to that: ‘But I want to leave the railroad at such a place, and cannot get conveyance from thence on.’ “We only refer to a few facts to illustrate, in part, how this measure will operate in practice. As you advanced, the people north of us fell back, and before your arrival here a large portion of the people here had retired south; so that the country south of this is already crowded, and without sufficient houses to accommodate the people, and we are informed that many are now staying in churches and other outbuildings. This being so, how is it possible for the people still here (mostly women and children) to find shelter, and how can they live through the winter in the woods? no shelter or subsistence; in the midst of strangers who know them not, and without the power to assist them much if they were willing to do so. “This is but a feeble picture of the consequences of this measure. You know the woe, the horror, and the suffering cannot be described by words. Imagination can only conceive of it, and we ask you to take these things into consideration. We know your mind and time are continually occupied with the duties of your command, which almost deters us from asking your attention to the matter, but we thought it might be that you had not considered the subject in all of its awful consequences, and that, on reflection, you, we hope, would not make this people an exception to mankind, for we know of no such instance ever having occurred—surely not in the United States. And what has this helpless people done, that they should be driven from their homes, to wander as strangers, outcasts, and exiles, and to subsist on charity? “We do not know as yet the number of people still here. Of those who are here, a respectable number, if allowed to remain at home, could subsist for several months without assistance; and a respectable number for a much longer time, and who might not need assistance at any time. “In conclusion, we most earnestly and solemnly petition you to reconsider this order, or modify it, and suffer this unfortunate people to remain at home and enjoy what little means they have. “Respectfully submitted, JAMES M. CALHOUN, Mayor. “E. E. RAWSON, } S. C. WELLS, } Councilmen.” GENERAL SHERMAN’S REPLY. “HEADQUARTERS MILITARY DIVISION OF THE MISSISSIPPI, IN THE FIELD, } ATLANTA, GA., September 12, 1864. } “JAMES M. CALHOUN, Mayor, E. E. RAWSON, and S. C. WELLS, representing City Council of Atlanta: “GENTLEMEN: I have your letter of the 11th, in the nature of a petition, to revoke my orders removing all the inhabitants from Atlanta. I have read it carefully, and give full credit to your statements of the distress that will be occasioned by it, and yet shall not revoke my order, simply because my orders are not designed to meet the humanities of the case, but to prepare for the future struggles in which millions, yea, hundreds of millions of good people outside of Atlanta have a deep interest. We must have Peace, not only at Atlanta, but in all America. To secure this we must stop the war that now desolates our once happy and favored country. To stop war we must defeat the rebel armies that are arrayed against the laws and Constitution, which all must respect and obey. To defeat these armies we must prepare the way to reach them in their recesses provided with the arms and instruments which enable us to accomplish our purpose. “Now, I know the vindictive nature of our enemy, and that we may have many years of military operations from this quarter, and therefore deem it wise and prudent to prepare in time. The use of Atlanta for warlike purposes is inconsistent with its character as a home for families. There will be no manufactures, commerce, or agriculture here for the maintenance of families, and sooner or later want will compel the inhabitants to go. Why not go now, when all the arrangements are completed for the transfer, instead of waiting till the plunging shot of contending armies will renew the scene of the past month? Of course, I do not apprehend any such thing at this moment, but you do not suppose that this army will be here till the war is over. I cannot discuss this subject with you fairly, because I cannot impart to you what I propose to do, but I assert that my military plans make it necessary for the inhabitants to go away, and I can only renew my offer of services to make their exodus in any direction as easy and comfortable as possible. You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I will. “War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it; and those who brought war on our country deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out. I know I had no hand in making this war, and I know I will make more sacrifices to-day than any of you to secure peace. But you cannot have peace and a division of our country. If the United States submits to a division now, it will not stop, but go on till we reap the fate of Mexico, which is eternal war. The United States does and must assert its authority wherever it has the power; if it relaxes one bit to pressure it is gone, and I know that such is not the national feeling. This feeling assumes various shapes, but always comes back to that of Union. Once admit the Union, once more acknowledge the authority of the National Government, and instead of devoting your houses, and streets, and roads, to the dread uses of war, I, and this army become at once your protectors and supporters, shielding you from danger, let it come from what quarter it may. I know that a few individuals cannot resist a torrent of error and passion such as has swept the South into rebellion; but you can point out, so that we may know those who desire a Government and those who insist on war and its desolation. “You might as well appeal against the thunderstorm as against these terrible hardships of war. They are inevitable, and the only way the people of Atlanta can hope once more to live in peace and quiet at home is to stop this war, which can alone be done by admitting that it began in error, and is perpetuated in pride. We don’t want your negroes, or your horses, or your land, or anything you have, but we do want and will have a just obedience to the laws of the United States. That we will have, and if it involves the destruction of your improvements, we cannot help it. You have heretofore read public sentiment in your newspapers, that live by falsehood and excitement, and the quicker you seek for truth in other quarters, the better for you. “I repeat, then, that, by the original compact of government, the United States had certain rights in Georgia which have never been relinquished and never will be; that the South began war by seizing forts, arsenals, mints, custom-houses, &c., &c., long before Mr. Lincoln was installed, and before the South had one jot or tittle of provocation. I myself have seen in Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi hundreds and thousands of women and children fleeing from your armies and desperadoes, hungry and with bleeding feet. In Memphis, Vicksburg, and Mississippi, we fed thousands upon thousands of the families of rebel soldiers left on our hands, and whom we could not see starve. Now that war comes home to you, you feel very different; you deprecate its horrors, but did not feel them when you sent car-loads of soldiers and ammunition, and molded shell and shot, to carry war into Kentucky and Tennessee, and desolate the homes of hundreds and thousands of good people, who only asked to live in peace at their old homes, and under the Government of their inheritance. “But these comparisons are idle. I want peace, and believe it can only be reached through Union and war; and I will ever conduct war purely with a view to perfect and early success. “But, my dear sirs, when that peace does come, you may call on me for anything. Then I will share with you the last cracker, and watch with you to shield your homes and families against danger from every quarter. Now you must go, and take with you the old and feeble, feed and nurse them, and build for them in more quiet places proper habitations to shield them against the weather until the mad passions of men cool down, and allow the Union and peace once more to settle on your old homes at Atlanta. Yours in haste, “W. T. SHERMAN, Major-General.” HOOD’S CAMPAIGN IN ALABAMA AND TENNESSEE. The capture of Atlanta occasioned, as well it might, a panic among the rebel chieftains at Richmond. They saw, and saw clearly, that unless Sherman could be defeated, their confederacy would be shorn of half its territory and more than half its strength. In this emergency, Mr. Jefferson Davis left the rebel capital, on a tour of inspection in Georgia. In the course of this tour Mr. Davis exerted his well-known talents as an orator, to fire once more the Southern heart and to strengthen the Southern cause. His most important speech was delivered at Macon, on the twenty-third of September. But the only effect of his eloquence was to disclose the increasing weakness of the Confederacy. Yet it must be admitted that the expedient, undoubtedly suggested by Mr. Davis’s military experience and ability, which the rebels now adopted to recover their lost ground, was extremely ingenious. They determined that Hood’s army should move rapidly to the rear of Atlanta, cut off all communications between that city and Chattanooga, subsequently isolate the latter city from Nashville, and thus leave Sherman’s army, destitute of supplies, in an enemy’s country, from which it would, necessarily, be compelled to retire with all expedient haste. The prosecution of this scheme was not long delayed. On the second of October General Hood was across the Chattahoochee, leading his forces toward Dallas. This was to be the point of rebel concentration. On the fourth the rebels captured Ackworth and Big Shanty, and destroyed the railroad between the two places. Then they advanced on Allatoona Pass, which is five miles north of Big Shanty, and about thirty miles from Atlanta. That position was one of great strength, and its possession was most important to Sherman. Moreover, it was a storehouse of Federal supplies. The rebels were aware of its value, and confident of its capture. But in this instance they were not dealing with a blind foe. General Sherman had already divined the entire plan of the rebel campaign, and had taken measures, not only to frustrate the designs of the foe, but to turn their temerity to his own advantage. The work of interrupting National communication between Chattanooga and Nashville had been committed to the rebel General Forrest. It was arranged that General Thomas, operating before Nashville, should oppose this movement. General Corse, who was at Rome, was directed to reinforce the garrison of Allatoona Pass, and to hold it until the arrival of the main body of the Union army. In obedience to this command General Corse immediately threw in a force of nine hundred men, increasing the garrison to seventeen hundred. [Illustration: GENERAL HOSPITAL AT SAVANNAH, GA.] BATTLE OF ALLATOONA, GA. On the morning of October 5th, the rebels, seven thousand strong, and led by General French, attacked Allatoona. A stubborn fight ensued, lasting about six hours. General Sherman, pushing on from Atlanta, reached Kenesaw Mountain while the battle was in progress. The National troops holding Allatoona, though largely outnumbered, fought with the greatest desperation, and successfully maintained their position, until, on the approach of reinforcements, the rebels fell back, entirely discomfited. Their loss in this spirited engagement was upwards of one thousand men, killed, wounded and prisoners. The Union loss was about five hundred. THE GREAT REBEL BLUNDER. General Sherman occupied the Pass, after the battle, and from that point kept watch upon Hood, secretly hoping—while pretending anxious pursuit—that the rebel general would be lured away into Northern Alabama and Tennessee. The sequel satisfied the hopes of the Union commander. Passing by Rome and Kingston, the rebels moved north, and next threatened Resaca, which was held by Colonel Weaver, with a garrison of six hundred men. Colonel Weaver’s reply, on being summoned to surrender, is memorable: “In my opinion,” he said, “I can hold the fort. If you want it, come and take it.” But Hood was burning with bolder designs, and the determined little garrison of Resaca was passed by unmolested. On the fourteenth of October, General Sherman’s forces arrived there, slowly pursuing Hood. On the same day Hood captured Dalton, continuing there the work of destruction which had marked his entire advance. Thence, closely pushed by Sherman, he passed, by way of Lafayette, into Alabama, halting at last at Gadsdens, on the Coosa river, seventy-five miles from the latter city. But the halt lasted only for a few days. Early in November, having received reinforcements from Beauregard—then at Charleston—Hood resumed his march, and entered Tennessee. The pursuing army of Sherman was now at Gaylesville; and here the pursuit ceased. The enemy had fallen into the snare, and it only now remained for the invincible General Thomas to deal him his deathblow. That blow was struck, within a very brief period of time, at Nashville. It will be proper, however, before describing those memorable battles, to recount the more immediate movements of General Sherman, and the destruction of Atlanta. PREPARATIONS FOR SHERMAN’S GRAND MARCH. General Thomas, at the head of a considerable body of Union troops, was at this time in readiness to confront the advancing rebels south of Nashville. On hearing that Hood had started to invade Tennessee, General Sherman immediately withdrew his army to Rome, and sent forward two corps, the Fourth and the Twenty-third, one commanded by General Stanley, the other by General Schofield, to reinforce Thomas. These troops went by way of Chattanooga, and safely reached their destination. General Sherman’s remaining force consisted of five corps—the Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Twentieth—the latter constituting the garrison of Atlanta. With this force, subsequently condensed into four corps, and amply sufficient for the purpose, he was prepared for his great march across the rebel territory, from Atlanta to the sea. Full details of the plan had been given to General Thomas, who, on his part, felt confident of being able to dispose of Hood. To cut off all communication between Atlanta and Chattanooga, to destroy every possible facility of transportation in that vicinity, which an enemy might chance to find serviceable, and lastly, to render Atlanta itself entirely useless, were now imperative incidents of Sherman’s campaign. This work was accomplished within the first twelve days of the month of November. In the course of that time, all the wounded and the sick, together with all prisoners, stores and machinery, and surplus artillery that had accumulated at Rome, Atlanta, and other neighboring places were conveyed by railroad to Chattanooga. The road was then destroyed. The hand of destruction was also laid, though lightly, upon Rome, everything being demolished in that city which might chance to become useful to the rebels in future. A contemporary correspondent gives the following account of THE BURNING OF ROME, GA. NOVEMBER 11, 1864. “Rome was evacuated at ten o’clock this forenoon by our (U. S.) forces; but not until the Etowah House, a respectable three-story brick hotel was consumed by fire. Stragglers managed to ignite a lot of straw in the building, and, there being no engines in the town, it was impossible to subdue the flames. A block of fine brick stores was also wantonly destroyed by skulking stragglers. All the barracks were laid in ashes, and a black veil of dark smoke hung over the war-desolated city all day, arising from the smouldering ruins. Owing to the great lack of railroad transportation, General Corse was obliged to destroy nearly a million of dollars’ worth of property, among which was a few thousand dollars’ worth of condemned and unserviceable government stores. Nine rebel guns, captured at Rome by our troops, were burst, it being deemed unsafe to use them. One thousand bales of fine cotton, two flour mills, two rolling mills, two tanneries, one salt mill, an extensive foundry, several machine shops, together with the railroad depots and storehouses, four pontoon bridges, built by General Corse’s pioneer corps, for use on the Coosa and Etowah rivers, and a substantial trestle bridge nearly completed for use, were completely destroyed. This trestle, constructed by the engineer corps, I am told, would have cost fifty thousand dollars north. Recollecting the outrages perpetrated upon Colonel Streight by the ‘Romans,’ our troops, as soon as they learned that the town was to be abandoned, and a portion of it burned, resolved to lay Rome in ashes in revenge. The roaring of the flames, as they leaped from window to window, their savage tongues of fire darting high up into the heavens, and then licking the sides of the buildings, presented an awful but grand spectacle, while then mounted patrol and the infantry men glided along through the brilliant light, like the ghostly spectres of horrid war.” THE DESTRUCTION OF ATLANTA. NOVEMBER, 1864. Atlanta, popularly called the Gate City, is situated seven miles southeast of the Chattahoochie river, and on the line of railroads leading from Savannah to Chattanooga and Nashville, and to Macon, Augusta, Milledgeville, Savannah, and Charleston, in the southeast direction. It is one hundred and one miles from Macon, one hundred and seventy-one miles from Augusta, three hundred and seven miles from Charleston, and two hundred and ninety-two miles from Savannah. Four of the principal railroads of the State terminate at this point. The Georgia railroad extends from Atlanta to Augusta; the Western railroad to Macon; the Atlantic and Western railroad to Chattanooga; and the Lagrange railroad to West Point, seventy-two miles distant. Atlanta was laid out in 1845, and has grown with great rapidity, its population being, in 1850, two thousand five hundred and seventy; in 1853, four thousand two hundred and eighty; and in 1860, nine thousand eight hundred and seventy. Its destruction by General Sherman has sometimes been condemned as an act of vandalism, whereas it was—as subsequent events sufficiently demonstrated—a timely and unavoidable military act, dictated by the most imperative prudential reasons. The following narrative of the burning of Atlanta is furnished by an eye-witness: “Atlanta was of strategic value only so long as it remained a great railroad centre; it had now no longer any value to our troops, as every railroad leading to it was destroyed—the railways gutted, torn up, and the very iron of which they were composed, put beyond use. For miles the country round about it had been made a complete waste, so that there was no possibility of the rebels again occupying it. But had we remained there all winter, Hood and the rebel cavalry would also have remained hanging about the place, and whenever opportunity offered, harassing our men, though they would have, at any time, fled before our army. The ever-active mind of General Sherman scorned such petty warfare; he therefore determined to render the city itself as unfit for rebel habitation as he had already rendered the country around it unfit for the movements of an army. “In the month of November, the once proud Atlanta—the beautiful Gate City, was laid in ashes. A harrowing scene of confusion and fright was presented when the city was first set in flames. Those of the citizens who had not left with the first exodus, were now afraid of being abandoned to the tender mercy of the rebels. The depot presented a scene of confusion and suffering impossible to describe. Women and children were huddled together, with the sole remaining wealth they possessed in the world clutched closely to their bosoms. The cry of young infants rose upon the air, and mingled dismally with the roar and crackle of the flames not a hundred yards distant—flames which licked up it their devouring fury the last remaining property of hundreds, and gave in return only a thick, but sickening smoke, and a blood-red glare streaming up against the clear sky. From house to house the destroying element sped, thrusting out forked tongues of fire in a thousand different directions—from street to street the dread demon of flame trailed his hideous and scorching length along, leaving in his wake desolate, grimy, smoking ruin. Men who were millionaires but a few months before, fled from their homes and the scene of their wealth, roofless in the wide world, and without a dollar in their pockets. On, on, on, always onward, till nothing more remained, spread the fire-fiend, with still increasing appetite for plunder, till every factory, railroad depot, hotel, mill, government buildings of all descriptions—everything, in short, save a few churches and some private dwellings, were reduced to blackened, ghastly, horrible ruin. “The Tyre of southern trade was laid level with the dust; her grace, splendor, wealth and beauty, were things of the past, and the mere charred skeleton of Atlanta alone remained, to prove that ever she had been—to prove, also, one more dreadful monument of the waste and desolation that must ever follow in the footsteps of rebellion.” THE BATTLE OF FRANKLIN, TENN. NOVEMBER 30, 1864. Our narrative left the rebel army under General Hood—whose movements were now superintended by the redoubtable Beauregard—advancing into the State of Tennessee, in the early part of the month of November. His design was to defeat the Union forces under General Thomas, and capture the city of Nashville. On the twenty-third of November his army took Pulaski, and on the twentieth, after a little skirmishing, entered Columbia. All this while, as the rebels advanced, the National troops retired; but, on the thirtieth, when the forces of Hood appeared before the town of Franklin, where the Federal troops were fortified, General Schofield felt it to be necessary to make a stand. The original plan had been, to lure the rebels nearer to Nashville, and fight the final battle there, with the aid of heavy reinforcements that were expected to arrive at that point. But the foe pressed on somewhat too precipitately, and it became necessary to check his advance. The National force here, under General Schofield’s command, numbered fifteen thousand men. The right wing was commanded by General Stanley, the left by General Cox. At about half-past three, in the afternoon of the twentieth, the assault was commenced by the rebels. Cheatham’s corps was on the right, Stewart’s on the left, and S. D. Lee’s in reserve, on the centre. Cheatham threw his whole corps on Wagner’s division with great impetuosity, and after an hour’s desperate fighting pushed Wagner back on the second Union line, where Wagner’s men became mingled with those of Cox and Huger, on the left and centre. The rebels, encouraged by their success in driving back Wagner, with loud cheers advanced on the second line. Their order of advance was very peculiar—a semicircle of two regiments deep, extending all around the lines, and behind each alternate regiment was placed four others, so that the assaulting columns were six regiments deep. General Hood appeared about four o’clock P. M. at the head of his command, and, pointing towards the Federal lines, said:—“Break those lines, boys, and you have finished the war in Tennessee. Break them, and there is nothing to oppose your march from Nashville to the Ohio river.” Loud and ringing cheers answered the words of the rebel leader, and the whole space in front of the National troops was crowded with the advancing enemy. Captain Lyman, commanding an artillery brigade in the Fourth corps, had placed his batteries in most favorable positions, and from these storms of shot and shell were hurled into the charging rebel ranks. With the most reckless bravery the rebels rushed on. When within a few hundred yards of the National works, the Unionists opened upon them a terrible fire of musketry. It seemed impossible for anything to live before it. But no wavering was perceived in the advancing rebel lines. On they came, to the very parapets of the Unionists’ works, and stuck their bayonets under the logs on the opposing battlements. On the Columbus pike the pressure was so great that some of Cox’s and Wagner’s men temporarily gave way. Up to this time the brigade commanded by Colonel Opdyke, of the One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Ohio, had been held in reserve; and now Colonel Opdyke, by orders of General Stanley, came forward, with his brigade, to restore the broken line. The rebels, who had crawled over the works, had not time to retire, and Cox’s and Wagner’s men, who had broken away but a moment before, rallied and attacked the enemy on the flank, while Opdyke charged on the front. A desperate hand to hand fight ensued with bayonets and the butt ends of muskets. A hundred rebels were captured here, and the line was restored. For two hours and a half the battle now raged all along the lines. The men of the Fourth and Twenty-third corps vied with each other in bravery. Riley’s brigade, of the Twenty-third corps, fairly covered the ground in front of it with rebel dead. The rebel General Adams was killed. He and his horse fell into the ditch in front of the One Hundred and Fourth Ohio. Seventeen distinct attacks of the enemy were repelled. At dusk the rebels were repulsed at all points, but the firing did not cease until nine o’clock at night. At least five thousand rebels were killed, wounded and captured. The National loss was about fifteen hundred. General Schofield directed the battle from the fort on the north bank of the stream, where some heavy guns and the batteries of the Twenty-third corps were placed, which did great service in damaging the enemy’s right wing. The following dispatch from General Schofield apprised General Thomas of the leading facts of this battle: “FRANKLIN, TENN., NOV. 30, 1864. “Major-General THOMAS:— “The enemy made a heavy and persistent attack with two corps, commencing at four P. M. and lasting till after dark. He was repulsed at all points with heavy loss—probably five or six thousand men. Our loss is probably not more than one-fourth of that number. We have captured about one thousand prisoners, including one brigadier-general. “JOHN M. SCHOFIELD, Major-General.” General Stanley greatly distinguished himself by his personal intrepidity in this battle. When a part of his command had retired before the charge of the rebels, he rushed to the front, had a horse shot under him, and was himself wounded; yet he led on the charge, waving his hat in the air and calling on his men to follow. By this means he succeeded in rallying his faltering troops, and repelling seven successive charges made by the rebels. Colonel Schofield, a brother of General Schofield, and his chief of artillery, won great credit for his admirable management of the guns. The result of the battle of Franklin was to stay the advance of Hood, and enable General Thomas to complete his preparations for the last and decisive struggle. During the night of the thirtieth, General Schofield’s forces fell back on Nashville. The rebels followed, next day, and cautiously reconnoitered the Union lines; but, deeming it unsafe to assault, they determined to beleaguer the city. Thus began the siege of Nashville. It lasted two weeks. At the end of that time General Thomas, having received his reinforcements and completed his preparations, sallied out and fought the decisive battle of Nashville. THE BATTLE OF NASHVILLE, TENN. DECEMBER 15–17, 1864. On the evening of the 14th of December, a council of war was held at the St. Cloud Hotel, in Nashville, at which the plan of the battle was thus arranged: The artillery from the forts and advanced batteries to open all along the line. Major-General Steadman, who commanded on the extreme left, was to make a heavy demonstration, so as to attract the enemy’s attention to that point. Schofield, who connected with Steadman’s right, was to hold himself in readiness to move if necessary. Wood’s corps, the Fourth, was to move on the Hillsboro’ pike, keeping up a connection with A. J. Smith’s, and pierce the centre, while A. J. Smith was to attack the extreme left. Hatch’s division of cavalry connected with Smith’s right. Some of Major-General Wilson’s cavalry had wheeled on the enemy’s rear, towards Brentwood, so as to cut off the rebel retreat. FIRST DAY’S BATTLE. The booming of guns from Forts Negley and Cassino and several batteries awakened the inhabitants of Nashville, on the morning of November 15th, to the terrible reality that a battle was raging outside their city. There was great anxiety and hurrying to and fro, for the fate of thousands hung upon the issue. Defeat would be ruin, for it meant the fall of Nashville. Thomas knew this, and therefore decided on attacking Hood before he had time to fortify his new position. At early dawn Steadman’s troops were in motion. The First and Second brigades—colored troops, commanded by Colonels Thompson and Morgan—took up position to the right and left of the Chattanooga line. These were supported by an Indiana battery. Colonel Grosvenor, commanding a brigade formed of detachments of the Fourteenth corps, took up a position on their left. The colored troops drove back the enemy’s skirmishers to their main lines, but wavered under the assault. Grosvenor’s brigade charged, taking the advance line of works; but, as it was not Thomas’s intention to bring on a general engagement at this point, General Steadman ordered them to fall back to their original position, still keeping up a brisk skirmish fire. About six o’clock in the morning the Fourth corps broke camp, moving on the Hillsboro’ pike in the following order, _en echelon_ on the left; the Second division in front, the First division next, and the Third division in the rear. The corps moved forward, regulating its movements by those of General Smith, who was to attack the rebel left flank, it being intended to make the main assault on this part of the rebel line. The Fourth corps took up the following position. General Samuel Beatty, commanding the Third division, on the left, held the front line, the division of General Nathan Kimball in the centre, came second, and the division of General Elliot, in the rear, connecting with Garrard’s division, of Smith’s corps; then came McArthur’s division. There was heavy cannonading all the morning. About noon Smith’s and Wood’s skirmishers became engaged. General Wood ordered General Beatty to charge a hill in his front, held by a strong force of the enemy, heavily intrenched. The Second brigade of Beatty’s division, commanded by Colonel Post, was ordered to make the charge. The First brigade, Colonel Straight, moved _en echelon_ on the left, and in support, while the Third brigade of Colonel Kneppler (Seventy-ninth Ohio) was held in reserve. The order was no sooner given for the charge than the Second brigade rushed forward with a yell. The First brigade supported it by a spirited fire, and on the order to charge being given, sprang forward in a spirit of emulation. The rebels occupied a strong position around Montgomery’s house, near the Granny White pike, which now became the central point of the battle. The defence of the rebels at this point was of the most stubborn character. The Unionists fired volley upon volley, charged them repeatedly, and at last drove them in great confusion through the grounds of the mansion. Though ordered to halt on dislodging the rebels from this position, the National troops charged on them as they fled, capturing over two hundred, and securing their entire line of works in front of Wood. In the mean time the First and Second divisions were sharply engaged, pressing back the rebels, and advancing slowly. The batteries were moved forward to the hills abandoned by the rebels, and the fight was carried on heavily all the while by Smith’s corps. About two o’clock General Schofield, who had been in the rear of the Fourth corps, took up a position on the right of Smith, thus extending the Union line without weakening it, and soon became engaged. The roar of artillery and musketry continued fierce along the whole line. About three o’clock Post’s and Straight’s brigades, abandoning their _echelon_ formation, formed in line with the First brigade of Beatty’s division and the Second division of Wood’s corps, and the whole line again advanced, protected by a fierce artillery fire from Battery H, Fifth regular, the Second Pennsylvania, the First Illinois, the Fourth regular, First and Sixth Ohio batteries. The advance of this line was magnificent, the columns extending in one long line of battle, marching steadily and strongly forward over a clear plateau and driving the enemy before it, Post and Straight moving in simple line of battle, with Kimball’s and Ellicott’s divisions, in column of brigade front. Smith and Schofield continued to press back the rebel left flank to the hills in rear of their first position. Garrard’s and McArthur’s divisions captured the rebel works, and succeeded in turning their left flank and driving them from hill to hill. The line of the Fourth corps for a moment halted and laid down to allow batteries to rake the rebel line. The fire grew nearer and nearer on the right. Soon the rebel lines and columns were seen to be breaking up in mad panic and confusion. A wild cheer ran along the lines. The Fourth corps rose and again advanced at a double quick. The batteries poured shot and shell on the panic-stricken fugitives. So wild was the enthusiasm that civilians rushed to the batteries to help the gunners. Union columns now appeared on the right and connected with the centre, thus forming a V out of their lines. A deafening cheer went up when Smith’s and Schofield’s columns emerged with flaunting flags, the rebels flying in confusion before them. A gallant charge followed the wild cheering, and accompanied by the roar of artillery, the enemy was pressed back on the centre in confusion, and only night ended the pursuit. SECOND DAY’S BATTLE. During the night of the 15th, Hood withdrew both his wings from the river, contracted his lines everywhere, and, on the morning of the 16th, was holding a strong position along Granny White Hills, with his centre protected by two lines of intrenchments. The Union troops were disposed in the following order:—Wilson’s cavalry was on the extreme right. Schofield’s Twenty-third corps, consisting of Couch’s and Cox’s divisions, was at first held in reserve, but before the main battle opened it had to take a position on the left of the cavalry, thus forming the right of the infantry line. A. J. Smith’s Sixteenth corps, consisting of the divisions of McArthur, Garrard and Moore, came next on the left of Schofield. On the left of Smith, the magnificent Fourth corps, General T. J. Wood commanding, comprising the divisions of Kimball, Elliott, and Beatty, was formed in close order of battle; and, partially massed, Steadman, with Croft’s division and two brigades of colored troops, held the left. The Union plan of battle was to press the advantage gained on the enemy’s left. At about half-past eight o’clock a hundred pieces opened fire simultaneously along the Union line. The rebel artillery replied feebly. Schofield, marching down Granny White pike, carefully concealing his strength, placed his corps directly upon the enemy’s left flank. Steadman at the same time worked his force forward. The enemy in the mean time strengthened his advance line. It was determined to carry this line without delay. Kimball’s First division moved forward to the charge, firing volley after volley, but still steadily pressing on until within half a pistol shot, when the enemy’s fire became so deadly that the patriots, in order to return it more effectually, came to the “halt.” They remained here, perhaps, longer than any troops ever remained in such a position. They stood and fired fast and furious at the enemy, but they could not remain and live. A few gave way and fled in disorder, and the whole line staggered. Had the rebels done nothing more than keep up their deadly fire, the Federals would have been driven back; but the enemy shifted their artillery, which was received as an indication that they were about to abandon their lines and retire. Raising a loud shout, the division, with fixed bayonets, rushed impetuously forward, and swarming over the works captured such rebels as had not fled, and all the guns except two. As soon as this preliminary success was achieved, General Thomas, who was seen during the day in the very front of the line of battle, ordered a charge along the entire line. Schofield moved upon the left flank of the enemy, and before his veterans the rebel lines gave way like frostwork. The assailed flank crumbled to pieces as Schofield advanced, and rolled back upon that portion of the line which was just then attacked by A. J. Smith’s troops with a weight and energy nothing could withstand. McMillan’s brigade, foremost in the battle, as on the previous day, rushed right up in the face of three powerful rebel batteries, and carried at the point of the bayonet the salient point of the enemy’s works. In a few moments their works were everywhere overwhelmed, their forces utterly routed, their soldiers captured by thousands, and every piece of their artillery taken. Such as escaped death or capture fled towards Franklin pike, to a refuge behind A. D. Lee’s corps, which held the gap in the hills. Wood and Steadman had now united on the left, and prepared to assault the rebel right, which was still unbroken. Under cover of a tremendous fire from the national guns, Colonel Post’s brigade moved forward. Straight’s brigade, of Beatty’s division, formed on his right. In support, immediately on Post’s left, Thomas’ colored brigade was drawn up, and Morgan’s colored brigade was next on the left. The enemy reserved his fire until Post’s brigade commenced climbing the hill, when a perfect hurricane of shot, shell and canister tore through his ranks. In the face of this fire the men steadily advanced. Thompson’s men, in endeavoring to pass around to the left, met a terrible flank fire, which confused their ranks. The troops on the right, torn in pieces by the fire, paused an instant, and at this juncture the brave Colonel Post was mortally wounded. In a moment all order was lost, and the men, whose conduct had ennobled them, rushed back, confused and scattering, to the line from which they started. Wood soon reformed his broken battalions and issued orders for the renewal of the assault, while Post’s veterans again assailed the hill directly, and Thompson’s Africans moved on the rebel right. Elliott’s and Kimball’s divisions were hurled like a thunderbolt against the rebel left. Wood himself, accompanied by all his staff, followed and directed the charge. The rebel force blazed forth anew, and the patriots, without hesitation or panic, carried the entire works with all their guns, and drove the rebels in dismay from the hill. This was the last stand that the rebels made, and their whole army was now fleeing in rout and panic. The results of the battle were five thousand prisoners, thirty guns, and seven thousand small arms. THIRD DAY.—PURSUIT. During the night of the 16th, Hood’s army duly improved the opportunity of retreat, falling back in the direction whence they had advanced. At eight o’clock, on the morning of the 17th, the pursuit was commenced, the fighting, of course, being chiefly done by the cavalry, and was continued beyond Franklin. Many prisoners were captured. The pursuit thus commenced went on from day to day, till before the close of the year, the rebels had been fairly chased out of Tennessee. The loss of the enemy, in prisoners, at the battle of Nashville, was thirteen thousand one hundred and eighty-nine, including numerous officers of various grades, and seventy-two pieces of artillery. The National loss was about ten thousand. Hood retreated into Alabama. CONTINUATION OF THE SIEGE OF CHARLESTON IN 1864. The siege of Charleston was prosecuted with intermittent activity, during many months of this year. On the third of January, the besiegers threw a large number of shells into the city, loaded with Greek fire. This is one of the most dangerous and deadly agencies of war, and its use, on this occasion, has been condemned, as barbarous. But, as said by General Sherman, “war is cruelty, and you cannot refine it.” A conflagration of considerable violence and extent, was the result of this bombardment. Its scene was the southern part of the city. The shelling was continued at intervals, for several weeks. On the sixteenth of January the Union headquarters were removed from Folly Island to Hilton Head, General A. H. Terry being left in command at the former place. Port Royal was all along held as the basis of military operations on the coast of the State. From this time forward no event of magnitude occurred in the vicinity of Charleston. The guns and mortars of the Union rained on it, now and then, from Morris Island, and from the blockading gunboats, and the rebels responded with occasional shells. The harbor had been filled with insurmountable obstacles, and the city was well fortified and bravely defended. Looked at in the light of succeeding events, it would almost seem as if the capture of Charleston, at this time, were not especially desired by the United States Government. But, however that might have been, the city held out against such assaults as were made, and was only abandoned at last, on the approach of General Sherman from Savannah, after his great march from Atlanta, which will be presently described. The Secession State Government of South Carolina held control of the greater part of the State throughout the year. OPERATIONS IN MIDDLE AND WESTERN VIRGINIA IN 1864. At the opening of the campaign for this year, a force of thirty-one thousand men, under command of Major-General Sigel, was held for the protection of West Virginia, and the frontiers of Maryland and Pennsylvania. While these troops could not be withdrawn to distant fields without exposing the North to invasion by comparatively small bodies of the enemy, they could act directly to their front and thus give better protection than if lying idle in garrison. By such movements they could compel the enemy to detach largely for the protection of his supplies and lines of communication. General Sigel was directed by General Grant to organize all his available force into two expeditions, to move from Beverly and Charleston, under command of Generals Ord and Crook, against the East Tennessee and Virginia railroad. Subsequently, General Ord having been relieved at his own request, General Sigel was instructed to give up the expedition by Beverly and to form two columns, one under General Crook, on the Kanawha, numbering about ten thousand men, and one on the Shenandoah, numbering about seven thousand men. The one on the Shenandoah to assemble between Cumberland and the Shenandoah, and the infantry and artillery to advance to Cedar creek with such cavalry as could be made available at that moment, to threaten the enemy in the Shenandoah valley, and advance as far as possible; while General Crook would take possession of Lewisburg with part of his force and move down the Tennessee railroad, doing as much damage as he could, destroying the New river bridge and the salt-works at Saltville, Va. These movements of the Kanawha and Shenandoah valleys, under General Sigel, commenced on the 1st of May. General Crook, who had the immediate command of the Kanawha expedition, divided his forces into two columns, giving one, composed of cavalry, to General Averill. They crossed the mountains by separate routes. General Averill’s force comprised two thousand cavalry. He started on the 1st of May, with three days’ rations and two days’ forage, and moved day and night over mountain paths until the evening of the 8th, when a cavalry force of the enemy was encountered near Jeffersonville, Va. After a slight engagement with the enemy, General Averill made a detour by way of Princeton. On the 9th he left Tazewell Court House for Wytheville, in order to cut the railroad thirty miles lower down than the point where General Crook’s command was to strike. Averill reached Cove Mountain Gap, near Wytheville, on the 10th, where he learned that the enemy were then in possession of the latter place. A conflict ensued, in which General Averill sustained a heavy loss and was prevented from forming a junction with General Crook at Dublin Station, as first proposed. He however accomplished the main object of his expedition, and proceeding to New river and Christiansburg, he destroyed the railroad, several important bridges and depots, including New river bridge, and formed a junction with Crook at Union on the 15th. The rebel General Morgan commanded the troops encountered by General Averill. General Morgan had made a forced march from Saltville, on learning of Averill’s expedition, and arrived at Wytheville in advance of the latter commander, and thus saved that town and its valuable lead mines from destruction. The division under General Crook, which started from Charleston simultaneously with General Averill’s command, consisted of the Twenty-third, Thirty-fourth, and Thirty-sixth Ohio, forming the first brigade; the Twelfth and Ninety-first Ohio, Ninth and Fourteenth Virginia, forming the second brigade; the third and Fourth Pennsylvania Reserves, Eleventh and Fifteenth Virginia, forming the third brigade. General Crook’s first object was to strike the Virginia and Tennessee railroad at Dublin Station, where, forming a junction with Averill, he hoped to be able to march to Lynchburg, and capture that important town, the possession of which was vital to the sustenance of Lee’s army. He proceeded without opposition nearly to Princeton, where two companies of the enemy, one of cavalry and one of infantry, were encountered and driven off. Near the southwestern base of Lloyd’s Mountain, about four miles from Dublin depot, a more considerable force of the enemy was found. These were under the command of General Jenkins. In the engagement which ensued, that officer was killed, and the command of the rebel forces was then assumed by General McCausland. After some skirmishing, the enemy were attacked in front and flank and driven through Dublin to New river bridge. The Federal loss was one hundred and twenty-six killed, and five hundred and eighty-five wounded; and that of the enemy was severe, but unknown. On the next day an attack was made on the enemy’s position near the bridge, which was destroyed. The expedition proceeded as far as Newberne, on the Virginia and Tennessee railroad, ninety-nine miles from Bristol, destroying the railroad for some distance. The resistance of the enemy, with the approach of a strong force under General Morgan, caused General Crook to withdraw to Meadow Bluff, in Greenbrier county. General Sigel, with fifteen thousand men, moved up the Shenandoah valley to New Market, about fifty miles from Winchester. This movement, like that of the Kanawha valley, was designed to occupy Gordonsville and Lynchburg, thus destroying the western communication of Lee’s army. The Confederate authorities were early apprised of General Sigel’s movements, and General Breckinridge was dispatched in great haste with all the troops he could muster, to meet Sigel’s army. The advance forces of the two armies encountered each other on the 13th of May, and skirmishing ensued, which continued throughout the following day, Saturday, and also on Sunday. General Sigel had not yet been able to bring up all his force, but took position at three P. M., on the 15th, when the enemy immediately moved to the attack. A severe engagement now ensued, which resulted in the defeat and discomfiture of Sigel’s army, who fell back in great disorder, abandoning his hospitals and destroying a portion of his train, and retreated to Cedar Creek, near Strasburg. The Federals lost seven hundred men, one thousand stand of arms, and six pieces of artillery. By the result of this movement the Union commander incurred the displeasure of General Grant, who asked the removal of General Sigel from command, which was done, and Major-General Hunter was appointed to supersede him. General Hunter’s instructions were embraced in the following dispatches to Major-General H. W. Halleck, Chief of staff of the army: “NEAR SPOTTSYLVANIA COURT HOUSE, VA., May 20, 1864. “The enemy are evidently relying for supplies greatly on such as are brought over the branch road running through Staunton. On the whole, therefore, I think it would be better for General Hunter to move in that direction, and reach Staunton and Gordonsville or Charlottesville, if he does not meet too much opposition. If he can hold at bay a force equal to his own, he will be doing good service. “If Hunter can possibly get to Charlottesville and Lynchburg, he should do so, living on the country. The railroads and canal should be destroyed beyond possibility of repairs for weeks. Completing this, he could find his way back to his original base, or from about Gordonsville join this army. “U. S. GRANT, Lieutenant-General. “Major-General H. W. HALLECK.” BATTLE OF PIEDMONT, VA. JUNE 5, 1864. General Hunter immediately took up the offensive, and moving up the Shenandoah valley, met the enemy on the 5th of June at Piedmont, and after a well-contested battle of ten hours, routed and defeated him, capturing on the field of battle one thousand five hundred men, three pieces of artillery, and three hundred stand of small arms. On the 8th of the same month Hunter formed a junction with Crook and Averill at Staunton, from which place he moved direct on Lynchburg, via Lexington, which place he reached and invested on the 16th day of June. Up to this time he was very successful, and but for the difficulty of taking with him sufficient ordnance stores over so long a march, through a hostile country, he would no doubt have captured that, to the enemy, important point. The destruction of the enemy’s supplies and manufactories was very great. To meet this movement under General Hunter, General Lee sent a force, perhaps equal to a corps, a part of which reached Lynchburg a short time before Hunter. After some skirmishing on the 17th and 18th, General Hunter, owing to a want of ammunition to give battle, retired from before the place. Unfortunately, this want of ammunition left him no choice of route for his return but by way of Kanawha. This lost to the country the use of his troops for several weeks from the defence of the north; at a period, too, when they were urgently needed. Had General Hunter moved by way of Charlottesville, instead of Lexington, as his instructions contemplated, he would have been in a position to have covered the Shenandoah valley against the enemy, should the force he met have seemed to endanger it. If it did not, he would have been within easy distance of the James river canal, on the main line of communication between Lynchburg and the force sent for its defence. General Grant says: “I have never taken exception to the operations of General Hunter and I am not now disposed to find fault with him, for I have no doubt he acted within what he conceived to be the spirit of his instructions and the interest of the service. The promptitude of his movements and his gallantry should entitle him to the commendation of his country.” As soon as it was ascertained by the enemy that General Hunter was retreating from Lynchburg by way of the Kanawha river, thus laying the Shenandoah valley open for raids into Maryland and Pennsylvania, he returned northward, and moved down that valley. When this movement of the rebels was ascertained, General Hunter, who had reached the Kanawha river, was directed to move his troops without delay, by river and railroad, to Harper’s Ferry; but owing to the difficulty of navigation by reason of low water and breaks in the railroad, great delay was experienced in getting there. It became necessary, therefore, to find other troops to check this movement of the enemy. For this purpose General Grant detailed the Sixth corps, taken from the armies operating against Richmond, to which was added the Nineteenth corps, then fortunately beginning to arrive in Hampton Roads from the Gulf department, under orders issued immediately after the result of the Red river expedition had become known. The garrisons of Baltimore and Washington were at this time made up of heavy artillery regiments, hundred-days’ men, and detachments from the invalid corps. One division under command of General Ricketts, of the Sixth corps, was sent to Baltimore, and the remaining two divisions of the Sixth corps, under General Wright, were subsequently sent to Washington. On the 3d of July the enemy approached Martinsburg. General Sigel, who was in command of the Federal forces there, retreated across the Potomac at Shepardstown; and General Weber, commanding at Harper’s Ferry, crossed the river and occupied Maryland heights. On the sixth, the enemy occupied Hagerstown, moving a strong column towards Frederick city. General Wallace, with Rickett’s division and his own command, the latter mostly new and undisciplined troops, pushed out from Baltimore with great promptness, and met the enemy in force on the Monocacy, near the crossing of the railroad bridge. A spirited engagement took place, but owing to the inferiority of General Wallace’s command in numbers and discipline, he was unable to withstand the rebel army, and the Federal arms suffered defeat. An important result was gained, however, for the rebel army was checked in its onward march, and sufficient time gained to enable General Wright, with two divisions of the Sixth corps, and the advance of the Nineteenth corps to reach Washington, and guard the national capital from the peril which was threatening it. General Wallace was warmly commended by the commander-in-chief, for his courage and promptness in meeting the enemy at that important crisis. Great alarm was now manifested in Baltimore and Washington, which was heightened by the daring and success of numerous raiding parties from Early’s command, who spread themselves in all directions, carrying off horses and cattle, and levying contributions from the inhabitants. Darnestown, in Maryland, was visited by one party, and Brestown, sixteen miles from Baltimore, by another. A third party swept round Baltimore, inflicting damage on the Northern Central railroad, while a fourth reached the Baltimore and Philadelphia railroad, stopped the train, and robbed the passengers, capturing Major-General Franklin, who was a traveller in citizen’s dress. The house of Governor Bradford, of Maryland, within five miles of Washington, was burned by Early’s soldiers. From Monocacy, General Early, the Confederate chief, marched direct for Washington, his cavalry advance reaching Rockville on the evening of the 10th. General Wright, who had now reached the outer defences of Washington, was placed in command of all the forces that could be made available to operate against the enemy in the field, and made preparations to advance and meet Early, with the design of forcing him to battle, or of pursuing him as far as prudence would warrant. A reconnoissance was thrown out from Fort Stevens on the 12th of July, and the enemy was soon discovered in force. A short but severe engagement ensued in which only a small portion of the Union forces were engaged; but the enemy were soon put to flight, and Early commenced a retreat, vigorously pursued by the Federal troops. The Union loss in this engagement was about two hundred and eighty in killed and wounded; while the rebel loss was probably somewhat greater. On the 13th a portion of Early’s forces were overtaken at Snicker’s Gap, where a sharp skirmish occurred. On the 20th, another portion of the rebel army was confronted at Winchester, by General Averill’s command, in which the enemy was engaged and defeated, with the loss of several hundred prisoners and four pieces of artillery. The protracted absence of General Hunter’s corps on his unsuccessful expedition to Lynchburg, encouraged the rebel forces in the valley to attempt another raid into Maryland and Pennsylvania. The enemy moved down the valley, and on the 30th of July, a raiding party burned Chambersburg in Pennsylvania, and then retreated towards Cumberland, pursued by the Federal cavalry. Near that point they were met and defeated by General Kelly, and then, with diminished numbers, they made their escape into the mountains of Western Virginia. During the whole of these movements in the months of June and July, in the department of Western Virginia, Washington, Susquehannah, and the Middle Department, much confusion arose from the rebel forces invading so many points where they were brought in conflict alternately with different, and independent Federal commanders, who all received their instructions and reported to the General-in-chief, or through General Halleck at Washington. From the time of the first raid the telegraph wires were frequently down between Washington and City Point, making it necessary to transmit messages a part of the way by boat. It took from twenty-four to thirty-six hours to get dispatches through and return answers back; so that often orders would be given, and then information would be received showing a different state of facts from those on which they were based, causing a confusion and apparent contradiction of orders that must have considerably embarrassed those who had to execute them, and rendered operations against the enemy less effective than they otherwise would have been. To remedy this evil, it was recommended by General Grant that one general should be appointed to have supreme command of all the forces actively engaged in the field in those departments. On the 2d of August, General Grant ordered General Sheridan to report in person to Major-General Halleck, chief-of-staff, at Washington, with a view to his assignment to the command of all the forces against Early. [Illustration: CONFEDERATE GENERALS. GUST. W. SMITH. PILLOW. BOWEN. MARSHALL. HAMPTON. EARL VAN DORN. STEWART. HANSON.] At this time the enemy was concentrated in the neighborhood of Winchester. General Hunter’s forces at that time were posted on the Monocacy, at the crossing of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad. Before any definite orders were given in relation to army movements, General Grant paid a visit to General Hunter at his headquarters, and gave definite written instructions for the coming campaign. General Hunter having expressed a willingness to be relieved of command, General Sheridan was telegraphed to join General Grant at Monocacy. On the 7th of August the middle department and the departments of West Virginia, Washington, and Susquehanna were constituted into the “Middle military division,” and Major-General Sheridan was assigned to command of the same. Two divisions of cavalry, commanded by Generals Torbert and Wilson, were sent to Sheridan from the Army of the Potomac. The first reached him at Harper’s Ferry about the 11th of August. General Sheridan was confronted by a rebel force of about twenty thousand men. Although a much larger force than this was at his disposal, yet the numerous points that lay exposed to the incursions of the enemy prevented the Federal commander from concentrating his army for offensive operations, and the movements of the campaign for the first month were of a desultory character. On the 11th of August a detachment of Federal cavalry encountered the enemy a few miles beyond Winchester, and engaged him for two hours, with a loss to the Unionists of thirty men. Some infantry supports coming up, the contest was continued from eleven o’clock till two, when the rebels were driven from their position, but not until they had inflicted severe loss on the Federals. The enemy were followed the next day to Cedar creek, a few miles from Strasburg, where, from a strong position, they resisted the Union advance throughout the day, but retreated at nightfall, when the Federals pursued, and entered Strasburg. On the 15th, Colonel Mosby, the noted rebel guerrilla, made a foray through Snicker’s Gap, and succeeded in capturing a Federal supply train, which he carried off in safety, securing seventy-five wagons, two hundred prisoners, six hundred horses, and two hundred beeves. Not knowing the extent or character of the rebel forces in their rear, the Federals became alarmed, and beat a hasty retreat to Winchester, destroying many of their stores, which they were unable to remove in their flight. Being closely followed by the rebels, the Unionists continued their retreat to Harper’s Ferry, fearful that Longstreet’s army had reinforced Early. On the 21st of August, General Sheridan had posted his army on an important eminence called Summit Point, two miles out from Charlestown, where he was attacked by General Early on that day, the fight lasting from ten o’clock till dark, when the Federals were defeated, losing three hundred men. They were compelled to retreat to Bolivar Heights. During all this time, General Sheridan was restrained from inaugurating any decisive movement against the enemy, owing to the important points which it was necessary for him to cover, and which would be jeopardized, should any serious misfortune befall his army. At a conference held on the 15th of September, at Charleston, between Generals Grant and Sheridan, it was determined that an immediate advance should be made on the enemy. General Sheridan, always noted for the celerity of his movements, took the field in less time than General Grant thought it possible for him to be in readiness, and at 3 o’clock on Monday, the 18th, the troops marched to meet the foe. BATTLE OF OPEQUAN CREEK, VA. SEPTEMBER 19, 1864. The rebel army was intrenched from the Opequan Creek to Winchester, in the vicinity of Bunker Hill. The Federal troops advanced rapidly up the valley through a narrow defile, designing to deploy beyond the gorge before attacking the rebels, who were stationed in force in a ravine whose sides were thickly wooded and steep, and bordered on the south by a ridge of high hills. Early’s plan was to allow a portion of the Unionists to pass along the ravine, and then attack before the remainder could march through the narrow defile and take part in the conflict. At ten o’clock in the morning, the Sixth corps emerged through the ravine, and filing to the left in two columns, occupied some rifle-pits and a wood on the enemy’s right, without opposition. A portion of the Nineteenth corps and Rickett’s division now advanced and occupied the centre, where they met a most determined resistance from the enemy, but maintained their position against several furious charges of the rebels, in which severe loss was suffered on both sides. Grover’s division passed through the defile at eleven o’clock, and pressing immediately into action, afforded welcome assistance to their exhausted comrades-in-arms. An immense body of the rebels, hitherto lying concealed, now advanced with loud shouts against the Union columns, and for a time there was great danger that Sheridan would suffer defeat before he could bring the whole of his force into action. The rebel columns bore down on Grover and Ricketts, and poured volley after volley into their unflinching ranks, until finally Rickett’s division wavered, and was driven back along the Berryville and Winchester road towards the mouth of the gorge. Many regiments for the time lost their organization, and Early’s stern veterans pursued vigorously their advantage, already confident of the overthrow of the Federal forces. The patriot commanders exerted themselves to the utmost to stay the retreat of the panic-stricken troops. A section of the First Maine battery availed itself of a favorable position, and finally General Grover, assisted by his officers and others of Emery’s command succeeded in opposing an unbroken front to the advancing Confederates, and very soon the First division of the Nineteenth corps, emerged from the defile, and again the entire army was rallied and valorously contesting the field with their opponents. The undulating nature of the ground, and the dense woods which obstructed the view on all sides, shut out the scene of conflict from all the participants, who could only take cognizance of what was transpiring in their immediate vicinity, and remained in ignorance of the destiny of the battle in other portions of the field. It was a wild, chaotic scene. The battle was now raging with the greatest fury, and was urged with great desperation by both parties. One regiment, the One Hundred and Fourteenth New York, suffered a loss of one hundred and eighty-eight men in killed and wounded, more than half their effective force brought into the field. The battle raged over many miles of rugged country—of steep hills and stony ravines, dense groves and tall grass. Crook’s division executed a brilliant flank movement about three o’clock in the afternoon, from the extreme right of the Federal lines, for which the enemy seemed to be fully prepared. The battle at that point was for a time of the most desperate character; and the prolonged and heavy firing from that quarter, which appeared to deaden the noise from the many lesser points of attack and defence, excited much anxiety in the minds of all for the issue. But the gallant charge of Crook’s troops upon the very stronghold of the enemy, became the signal for the advance of the whole Federal line; and an impetuous charge now took place, which the rebels found it impossible to resist, and they were soon routed with great slaughter, and driven back into the woods. The Federal cavalry now came forward, and dashing upon Early’s disordered regiments, scattered them wildly in all directions, and drove in their prisoners in large numbers. The Federals captured five thousand prisoners, five cannon, and six thousand small arms. The entire rebel loss must have exceeded seven thousand men. BATTLE OF FISHER’S HILL, VA. SEPTEMBER 21, 1864. Though badly defeated, the strength of General Early’s army was not broken. He retreated up the valley beyond Strasburg, and on the succeeding day, the Federal advance found the rebels confronting them on a strong position known as Fisher’s Hill. After a thorough reconnoissance General Sheridan at once determined to attack the enemy in his intrenchments. Early’s forces lay on the north fork of the Shenandoah river, with his left on North Mountain, his line extending across the Strasburg Valley. The attack was made by Sheridan on the 21st of September, and the combat lasted with varying success until evening, when the Confederates were driven from their intrenchments in great confusion, leaving the line of their retreat strewed with the debris of a routed army. Eleven hundred prisoners and sixteen cannon were the fruits of this victory, besides an immense quantity of wagons, caissons, horses and camp stores. Sheridan pursued him with great energy through Harrisonburg, Staunton, and the gaps of the Blue Ridge. After stripping the upper valley of most of the supplies and provisions for the rebel army, he returned to Strasburg, and took position on the north side of Cedar Creek. * * * * * Having received considerable reinforcements, General Early again returned to the valley, and on the 9th of October his cavalry encountered General Sheridan’s near Strasburg, where the rebels were defeated with the loss of eleven pieces of artillery, and three hundred and fifty prisoners. During the interim of the defeat of the rebels and the return of Early, with reinforcements, General Sheridan, not anticipating important movements, had gone to Washington, and was on his return to the army at the time of Early’s advance. The Union army was posted on Cedar Creek, behind breastworks, in a line of four or five miles in extent, while the rebel camp was about four miles distant. Custer’s cavalry on the right, was assailed on the 16th, but after a severe skirmish the enemy were driven back. BATTLE OF CEDAR CREEK, VA. OCTOBER 19, 1864. On the night of the eighteenth, General Kershaw, of the rebel army, crossed the mountains which separated the branches of the Shenandoah, forded the north fork, and early on the morning of the nineteenth, under cover of the darkness and the fog, surprised and turned the left flank of General Sheridan’s army, and captured the batteries which enfiladed the whole line. At the same time the rest of Early’s forces marched down the turnpike from Strasburg to Cedar Creek, and before the Union army was fairly awake, the rebels had penetrated within the intrenchments of the Eighth corps, and the left division of Crook was thoroughly broken up. The Federals were driven in confusion and many taken prisoners. The Nineteenth corps now gave way and the entire left and centre were routed, while the artillery and musketry of the rebels, playing upon the disordered ranks of the Federals, increased momentarily the terror and confusion. The full light of day exposed the extent of the disaster, and showed the greater part of the army in a state of confusion. The rebels had already captured eighteen cannon, which were turned upon the Federal troops. The Sixth corps, under General Getty, by a gallant and rapid movement, succeeded in turning the flank of Emory’s army, and attacking him boldly, soon checked the onward movement of the enemy, for a time, and enabled the Federal army to retreat in some degree of order to Middletown, a village about five miles from Strasburg. They were closely followed by the enemy, however, when the Federals continued their retreat towards Newtown, a village five miles further in the rear. The troops fell back with heavy loss and in much confusion, but were finally rallied between Middletown and Newtown. At this juncture General Sheridan, who was at Winchester when the battle commenced, arrived on the field, arranged his lines just in time to repulse a heavy attack of the enemy, and immediately assuming the offensive, attacked in turn with great vigor. His arrival inspired the soldiers with new courage and energy, and entirely changed the fortunes of the day. The enemy was defeated with great slaughter and the loss of most of his artillery and trains, and the trophies he had captured in the morning. The Federal loss, in this battle, was between five and six thousand men, which was much greater than that of the enemy. Three thousand rebels were captured. The wreck of Early’s army escaped during the night, and fled in the direction of Staunton and Lynchburg. Pursuit was made to Mount Jackson. Thus ended this, the enemy’s last attempt to invade the North, via the Shenandoah valley. General Sheridan’s army now retired to Winchester, in order to be near their supplies; while the Shenandoah valley was laid waste for miles in order that no subsistence might be obtained by the enemy, who had, from the first of the war, made that section a base of supplies, from which numerous bands of guerrillas were provided, and who were thus enabled to make frequent damaging raids on the Federal borders. Merritt’s cavalry crossed the Blue Ridge in December and carried desolation through Loudon and Fauquier counties, destroying property valued at two and a half millions of dollars. Neither commander seemed desirous of carrying on hostilities longer in that devastated district, and a large portion of either army was detached early in the winter, to take part in the grand contest then centering around Richmond. On the twenty-seventh of February, 1865, General Sheridan left Winchester with a large cavalry force, in three days marching eighty miles. He drove Early from Stanton and pursued him to Waynesboro, where thirteen hundred rebels and eleven guns were captured. Charlottesville was next entered by Sheridan’s victorious troops, where three more guns were taken from the enemy. The line of the James river canal was now followed by the cavalry, and much damage done on the route. From the north side of the James river, Sheridan struck across the country to the Virginia Central railroad, carrying the desolation of war in his path. On the tenth of March the north bank of the Pamunkey was reached, from whence he crossed to the White House, where his troops were incorporated into the army of General Grant. * * * * * Major-General Phillip Henry Sheridan was born in Perry County, Ohio, in the year 1831, and was appointed a cadet at West Point in 1848. He graduated on the thirtieth of June, 1853, and entered the United States Regular Army on July 1st, as a brevet second lieutenant of Infantry. He was attached to the First regiment, and joined his company at Fort Duncan, Texas, during the autumn of that year. He fought against the Indians of this region until the Spring of 1855, when he was transferred to the Fourth regiment of United States Infantry, with the full rank of Second Lieutenant, dated from November 22d, 1854. During the months of May and June, 1855, Lieutenant Sheridan held command of Fort Wood, New York Harbor, and in July, 1855, embarked for California with a large body of recruits. He was next engaged in the survey for the Pacific railroad from San Francisco, California, to Columbia river, Oregon. During September, 1855, he was detached from the survey at Vancouver, Washington Territory, and ordered to join Major Raines’ expedition against the Indians. He was specially mentioned for distinguished conduct in an engagement with the Indians at the Cascades of the Columbia, April 28th, 1856. He occupied posts in this region and was complimented by General Scott during 1857, for meritorious conduct in the settlement of the Indian difficulty. [Illustration: MAJOR-GENERAL PHILIP H. SHERIDAN.] During the early part of 1861 Lieutenant Sheridan was promoted one grade, and on the 14th of May, 1861, became captain of one of the companies of the Thirteenth regiment of United States Infantry. He joined his regiment at St. Louis, Mo., during the following September, and was made President of the Military Commission for the settlement of claims against the Government of that State. On December 24th, 1861, he was appointed Chief Quartermaster and Commissary of “the Army of the Southwest,” remaining with it until after the battle of Pea Ridge. He was afterwards appointed Chief Quartermaster on the staff of General Halleck before Corinth. Captain Sheridan was appointed Colonel of the Second Michigan cavalry on May 27th, 1862, and participated in the movement under Colonel Elliott to cut the railroad at Booneville, below Corinth. On May 30th he repulsed and defeated McMaury’s rebel cavalry near that place. Colonel Sheridan assumed command of a cavalry brigade on June 11th, 1862, and on July 1st, defeated a cavalry force of nine regiments under General Chalmers by a brilliant _coup de main_. For this dashing operation he was promoted to a brigadier-general of volunteers, dating July 1, 1862. General Sheridan assumed command of the Third division of the army of the Ohio on September 20th, 1862, and fought at the battles of Perryville, October 8th, and Murfreesboro’, December 31st, 1862. For his gallant services in the battle of Stone river, he rose to the rank of Major-General; and his brilliant subsequent career on the Peninsula, in Western Virginia, and the final struggle with Lee’s army, was the occasion of his appointment as Major-General in the United States army. BATTLE OF MORRISTOWN, TENNESSEE. NOVEMBER 13, 1864. While the armies of Generals Thomas and Hood were engaged in their campaign before Nashville, a large force of rebels under General Breckinridge, entered East Tennessee. On the 12th of November he attacked General Gillem’s command, which was entrenched near Morristown, and drove them from their defences. General Gillem retreated with his forces toward Morristown, where he was overtaken the next day by Breckinridge, and again defeated with the loss of his artillery and several hundred prisoners. He also suffered severely in killed and wounded. General Gillem gradually fell back with the balance of his command towards Knoxville, and was pursued by his inexorable opponent as far as Strawberry Plains; here, anticipating trouble from the proximity of heavy Union forces, General Breckinridge deemed it prudent to withdraw. Foreseeing Hood’s intention of surging round before Knoxville, and of rebuilding the Virginia railroad from Greenville to Strawberry Plains, under the directions of General Thomas, General Stoneman concentrated the commands of Generals Burbridge and Gillem near Beans’ Station, to operate against Breckinridge, and destroy or drive him into Virginia—destroy the salt-works at Saltville, and the railroad in Virginia as far as he could go without endangering his command. STONEMAN’S RAID INTO WESTERN VIRGINIA. DECEMBER 12–20, 1864. General Gillem remounted his command, and General Burbridge gathered his cavalry, scattered over Kentucky, and in less than five days mounted and equipped four thousand men. The forces rendezvoused at Bean Station, General Burbridge arriving at that place on Friday, December 2, having made forced marches from Lexington. The expedition was detained at Bean Station, in organizing the forces, obtaining supplies, munitions, &c., until December 12, during which time General Burbridge manœuvred so as to effectually deceive Vaughn, who was laying at Greenville, with sixteen hundred men. On the night of December 3, Burbridge advanced rapidly in the direction of Rogersville, as far as Mooresburg, and then fell back to Bean Station, leaving the enemy to suppose that he was about to return to Kentucky with the stock he had gathered. On the 11th General Stoneman, with General Gillem and his brigade, sixteen hundred strong, arrived at Bean Station, and early on the morning of the 12th the troops broke camp and the march began, General Gillem leading the advance and General Burbridge following with three brigades, commanded respectively by Colonels Brown, Buckley and Wade, the whole force amounting to fifty-five hundred men. THE FIGHT AT KINGSTON.—Marching all night, Stoneman came upon Duke’s brigade, under Colonel Morgan, at Kingsport, about daylight on Friday, December 13, where it was drawn up to oppose the crossing of the north branch of the Holston river. Skirmishing at once began, General Gillem, with the Eighth Tennessee, engaging the enemy’s attention in front while General Stoneman sent two regiments—the Thirtieth Kentucky mounted infantry and Thirteenth Tennessee—two miles up the river to cross at Opossum ford and flank the enemy, which was successfully done. Morgan was completely surprised, not being aware of the approach of the Union forces on his flank until they charged him with a shout, routing his men in confusion, killing and wounding fifteen, and capturing eighty-five prisoners, among whom was Morgan himself. The rebels retreated in the direction of Bristol, closely pursued by General Burbridge, who marched until nightfall, when he halted, and built large fires, as if he meant to encamp for the night; but, suddenly breaking camp, he moved rapidly on Bristol, and at three o’clock in the morning the Eleventh Kentucky cavalry charged into the place with drawn sabres, surprising the garrison, and captured three hundred prisoners and a train of cars that was just starting to Richmond with the mails. The remnant of Duke’s brigade, which was encamped just out of the town, got together and joined the home guards, who were put under arms; but before either party could form the troopers were among them with their sabres, and, after some small show of resistance and a few straggling shots, Duke’s men broke, and the home guards threw down their arms and fled into the houses. The telegraph was found all right, and communication open with Richmond, Jonesboro’ and intermediate points. It was ascertained that Vaughn had not learned of the movements of the Federals until they reached Rogersville, when he had put off with his forces for Bristol, and was then at Zollicoffer, twelve miles from Bristol. General Burbridge marched immediately for Zollicoffer. When day broke Vaughn was amazed to find himself cut off and confronted by a force larger than his own. A dense fog prevented General Burbridge from attacking Vaughn, who crossed the river and pushed rapidly for Abingdon, hoping to reach that place before Burbridge, and get between him and the salt works. The latter marched on a parallel road, and reached the crossroads two miles from Abingdon at ten o’clock at night, two hours before Vaughn, who, finding himself headed again, turned off on the North Carolina road and struck out for Wytheville. General Stoneman came up at daylight the next morning with General Gillem, and sent him, with his brigade, to pursue Vaughn, and if possible cut him off from Wytheville. THE ATTACK ON GLADE SPRINGS.—At the same time General Burbridge was ordered to send three hundred light cavalry, with picked horses, to cut the Virginia railroad at Glade Springs, nine miles from Saltville, and thus prevent any reinforcements from being sent to that place from above. Major Harrison, Twelfth Kentucky cavalry, was assigned to the execution of the order, and successfully accomplished his task, cutting the road only some twenty minutes after Breckinridge had passed up to Saltville from Wytheville with a train of cars and some two hundred militia from Lynchburg. Harrison then waited for the down train, which was due, and captured and burned it, and also another train just behind it, after which he dashed up the road towards Wytheville, burning all the large bridges and depots along the way. At Seven Mile ford Vaughn struck Harrison’s trail and followed him as fast as his jaded stock could travel; but Harrison, being by far the best mounted, easily kept out of his way. Vaughn passed the ford, following Harrison, at five o’clock on the morning of December 16; and at six o’clock General Gillem passed the same place in pursuit of Vaughn. The race now became intensely exciting, Harrison trying to keep out of Vaughn’s way, but burning right and left as he went, and Gillem straining every nerve to come up with and keep him from overwhelming Harrison. About noon Gillem came upon Vaughn’s rear guard near Marion, captured most of it and soon after found part of Vaughn’s forces, under Colonel Gillespie, drawn up in line of battle just beyond the town, Vaughn having continued the chase of Harrison with a small body. Gillem immediately commenced a spirited fight, charges being made on both sides. In the mean time General Burbridge and his command were rapidly closing up on Gillem, and, hearing the fighting, General Stoneman sent Burbridge’s First brigade forward to support Gillem; but before it reached him that general had driven the enemy from the field, killing and wounding fifteen, and capturing seventy-five of the enemy. Gillespie retreated in the direction of Wytheville, hotly pursued by Gillem, who harassed his rear so severely that the former found it necessary to make another stand near Mount Airy, when Gillem fell upon him with fury, being now supported by Colonel Brown, who had come up with him. The rebels were soon forced from the field in confusion leaving a number of prisoners and seven pieces of artillery, among which were two of the guns captured from General Gillem by Vaughn a short time before at Morristown. The joy of the General and his men at the recapture of their favorite pieces was inexpressible. Gillespie continued to push towards Wytheville; but his retreat soon degenerated into a rout, Gillem following him hotly with his own and Brown’s brigade. At Wytheville the home guard was got out, with four pieces of artillery, and Gillespie rallied his men and made a desperate stand; but Gillem charged with his whole command, capturing the home guard, with their battery and all of Vaughn’s wagon train, which had just come in by another road. Gillespie fell back into the town, where he was immediately surrounded, Vaughn being reported to be in the place. Gillem charged through the town; but Gillespie made his escape with about one hundred men, which was all he had left of his sixteen hundred, the rest having straggled, been killed, wounded, captured or deserted and gone to their homes in Tennessee. In the mean time Major Harrison had swung around Wytheville and rode down Rye valley for Bean Station. Generals Stoneman and Burbridge, having reached Marion with the balance of the command, Colonel H. M. Buckley was dispatched with the Second brigade to destroy the lead mines. General Stoneman ordered Gillem to destroy the railroad for ten miles above Wytheville and then return; which destruction was accomplished most completely by Colonel Brown’s brigade, who also burned the immense bridge four miles from Wytheville. After burning three large rebel storehouses filled with supplies of all kinds, and two arsenals, General Gillem returned and joined Generals Stoneman and Burbridge twelve miles from Marion. PURSUIT OF COLONEL WITCHER.—Soon after the junction of the two forces General Stoneman found a force of rebels, counting three hundred strong, under Witcher, in his front, and the General at once halted the head of his column, endeavoring to hold Witcher in view, while General Gillem, with his brigade, would go round him and get in his rear. But Witcher made off, when Burbridge, with Brown’s brigade, pursued him for seven miles, to Staley’s creek, where it was ascertained that Breckinridge was close behind Witcher with a considerable force of mounted infantry. Just as Burbridge was closing up on him with his sabres, Witcher ran violently into the head of Breckinridge’s column, almost stampeding it, and mixing for a time blue jackets and gray together. FIGHT AT STALEY’S CREEK.—The rebels were confused, and a rout seemed imminent; but Breckinridge and Echols restored order, drove back the Federals beyond the mouth of the bridge over Staley’s creek, and held it until their men could be formed. Burbridge at once commenced the engagement with the Eleventh Michigan and Twelfth Ohio cavalry, endeavoring to get possession of the bridge, but in vain, the rebels holding it firmly. The whole of Burbridge’s command soon became engaged, the Thirty-ninth Kentucky mounted infantry (Wade’s brigade) fording the stream above and going into action on the right of the bridge, and the Fifty-third Kentucky, and Forty-fifth Kentucky regiments mounted infantry, with the Fifth and Sixth regiments United States colored cavalry, fighting on the left. The Eleventh Kentucky, Eleventh Michigan and Twelfth Ohio regiments cavalry (Brown’s brigade) held the centre; opposite the bridge, the Fifth Kentucky battery, Lieutenant Judd commanding, being posted in their rear. The rebels held their position until night, when darkness put an end to the fight. Soon after dark General Stoneman with General Gillem and his command came up, and Stoneman directed that the centre should be forced. The Fifty-third Kentucky infantry, Eleventh Kentucky cavalry and part of the Eleventh Michigan cavalry were accordingly formed on the pike, near the bridge, and Major Keogh, of General Stoneman’s staff, and Colonel Brisbin, of General Burbridge’s staff, sent with them to drive the rebels from the pike. The command advanced up the road about fifty yards, when the rebels opened a severe fire and compelled them to fall back to the bridge. This closed the fighting for the night. Early in the morning General Stoneman sent General Gillem to the right, with orders to go round Breckinridge, and if the fight was severe to attack him in the rear; but, if not, to go into Saltville and attack that place before Breckinridge could fall back to the works. General Burbridge, as soon as it was light, recommenced the fight, and soon after General Gillem had marched, it was ascertained that Breckinridge had a much larger force than was supposed. General Gillem was sent for and he joined Burbridge a little before dark, but too late to take part in the operations of the day. In the mean time Generals Stoneman and Burbridge had continued to engage the enemy from early dawn, and the battle had now lasted nearly thirty-six hours, the fight being particularly severe on the left and centre. The colored troops made a magnificent charge in the afternoon, driving back in confusion Duke’s rebel brigade from a hill near the bridge. On this hill Colonel Boyle lost his life, while gallantly leading his regiment against the enemy. Early in the morning it was determined to renew the battle, but when day broke it was discovered that Breckinridge had retreated in the direction of Saltville. THE PURSUIT TO SALTVILLE.—Stoneman, with the whole command, started in pursuit. Breckinridge had started in the direction of Saltville, but his column had come back in great confusion, and took the North Carolina road. The cause of this was soon apparent. Colonel Buckley, with his brigade had been sent to destroy the lead mines. He completed the work, and hearing the firing, had come down to the Seven Mile ford, in rear of Breckinridge, charged his pickets, stampeding them and capturing his advance guard. Breckinridge, finding a force in his rear, became alarmed, and put back in haste to Marion, where he took the road to North Carolina. Lieutenant-Colonel Bentley, with the Twelfth Ohio cavalry, was sent in pursuit of him, and about six miles from Marion came upon his rear guard, drawn up in line of battle, which Bentley charged with the sabre, when it broke and fled, leaving in the hands of the gallant Twelfth two wagons and an artillery caisson. Colonel Bentley continued the pursuit until night, when, finding that Breckinridge had blockaded the road in his rear by felling timber, he returned and joined his command at midnight, near the Seven Mile ford. THE CAPTURE OF SALTVILLE.—At three o’clock in the morning the whole force moved towards the salt works, twelve miles distant, and at daylight began driving in the rebel pickets. General Burbridge moved to the right and attacked the works, while General Gillem closed in upon those on the left. The garrison was found to consist of eight hundred reserves, under Colonel Preston, and were posted in three forts. General Gillem attacked the fort on the left with his whole force, under charge of Colonel Stacey; while General Burbridge divided his troops, sending detachments of Brown’s and Wade’s brigades, the Eleventh Michigan cavalry, Fifth and Sixth United States colored cavalry, under charge of Colonel Brisbin, to attack the main fort, immediately in front of and commanding the road. Colonel Coates, with detachments of the Thirty-ninth, Thirty-seventh and Forty-fifth Kentucky infantry, of Wade’s brigade, and the Thirtieth, of Buckley’s brigade, was sent to attack a fort on the right, while Buckley, with the balance of his brigade, the Fifty-third and Fifty-fourth Kentucky, was dispatched to hold the gaps and guard the rear. The rebels opened with shell, grape and canister, but were soon forced into their works, and by night the skirmishers had advanced so close to the works that the rebel gunners could with difficulty work their guns. The Federal skirmishers crept up close to the rebels, and then commenced noiselessly to drag the cannon on hills overlooking the works, while an assaulting column was formed, and all made in readiness to charge the forts as soon as it was light. General Gillem ordered the assault on the left, and the Eighth Tennessee cavalry, with loud cheers, charged into the fort, taking it without much resistance and capturing one commissioned officer and a number of prisoners. Soon after the forts on the centre and right were occupied by the Eleventh Michigan cavalry and the Thirty-ninth Kentucky mounted infantry, having been evacuated by the enemy, the guns being left standing, unspiked. Colonel Stacey, with the Thirteenth Tennessee, of General Gillem’s command, and Colonel Coates, with the Eleventh Kentucky cavalry, of General Burbridge’s command, charged into the town, the one on the right and the other on the left, and occupied the place. The salt works were at last in the hands of the Union troops, and joy filled every breast. DESTRUCTION OF THE SALT WORKS.—Soon the ringing of the heavy sledge hammers which for days had been carried patiently by the troops were heard in every direction, breaking the metal kettles to pieces. The South Carolina block was first demolished, Virginia next, then Georgia, and so on until all the property of States represented were destroyed. When the thousands of kettles were thoroughly broken the torch was applied, and soon the great pile was a mass of smouldering ruins, so that, by night, scarcely a vestige of what were the great salt works remained to mark where they once stood. The wells were all destroyed by dropping shot and shell into them, and the engines and pipes torn to pieces. The raid being now ended, Generals Burbridge and Gillem parted, General Stoneman accompanying Gillem’s command to East Tennessee, while Burbridge marched for Kentucky. THE IRON WORKS DESTROYED—were, perhaps, the largest works of the kind in Virginia, and had been worked by the rebel government ever since the war began with success. Among other valuable machinery destroyed in them was a percussion cap manufactory, one of the most difficult articles to get in the Southern confederacy. The cap manufactory and works were laid in ruins. THE LEAD MINES—in Wythe county, Virginia, seventeen miles from Wytheville, were considered invaluable to the rebel confederacy, as from these mines General Lee obtained nearly all the lead used by his army. The engines, smelting furnaces and entire works were destroyed. Colonel Buckley captured at the mines one hundred prisoners. Over fifty bridges were burned on the railroad between Richmond and Saltville. At Kingsport Gillem captured Duke’s train, and at Bristol Burbridge captured another large train, loaded with supplies. In the fight on the 16th, Gillem captured all of Vaughn’s train, about seventy-five wagons; and on the 20th Colonel Wade captured, near Saltville, a supply train of fifteen wagons, with ninety mules and seventy-five negroes. EXPEDITIONS AT THE CLOSE OF 1864. Several expeditions of importance were undertaken at this period, which had important bearings on the movements of the grand armies, but our limits will not permit extended details. DESTRUCTION OF FEDERAL DEPOT AT JOHNSONVILLE, TENN.—On the 28th of October, General Forrest reached the Tennessee at Fort Hieman, and captured a gunboat and three transports. On the 2d of November, he planted batteries above and below Johnsonville, on the opposite side of the river, isolating three gunboats and eight transports. On the 4th he opened his batteries on the place, and was replied to from the gunboats and the garrison. The gunboats became disabled, and were set on fire, as also were the transports, to prevent them from falling into the hands of the enemy. The fire extended to the levee and the storehouses, and property to the value of one and a half million dollars was consumed. The place was not occupied by the enemy, who withdrew on the following day, crossing to the north side of the Tennessee river, above Johnsonville, moving towards Clifton, and subsequently joined Hood’s army, near Franklin. DESTRUCTION ON THE MISSISSIPPI CENTRAL RAILROAD.—Soon after General Sherman commenced his march from Atlanta, two expeditions, one from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and one from Vicksburg, Mississippi, were started by General Canby to cut the enemy’s line of communication with Mobile and retain troops in that field. The expedition from Vicksburg was under the command of Brevet Brigadier-General E. D. Osband (Colonel Third United States colored cavalry). He reached the Mississippi Central railroad on the 27th of November, and, after an obstinate engagement, destroyed the bridge and trestle work over Big Black river, near Canton, thirty miles of the road, and two locomotives, two thousand six hundred bales of cotton and one hundred and sixty thousand dollars worth of stores at Vaughan station. About the same time an expedition organized under the direction of General Canby, consisting of a cavalry force under General Davidson, left Baton Rouge. Thence it marched to Tanghipiho and destroyed the railroad to Jackson, burning bridges and railroad buildings. Thence it moved to Franklinville, capturing a mail and prisoners. Thence it moved to West Pascagoula. These movements caused a great panic in Mississippi, and created alarm for the safety of Mobile, thus effectively cooperating with General Sherman. * * * * * A cavalry expedition, under Brevet Major-General Grierson, started from Memphis on the 21st of December. On the 25th he surprised and captured Forrest’s dismounted camp at Verona, Mississippi, on the Mobile and Ohio railroad, destroyed the railroad, sixteen cars loaded with wagons and pontoons for Hood’s army, four thousand new English carbines, and a large amount of public stores. On the morning of the 28th he attacked and captured a force of the army at Egypt, and destroyed a train of fourteen cars; thence turning to the southwest he struck the Mississippi Central railroad at Winona, destroyed the factories and large amounts of stores at Bankston, and the machine shops and public property at Grenada, arriving at Vicksburg January 5. * * * * * FOSTER’S EXPEDITION UP BROAD RIVER, S. C.—On the 29th of November, 1864, General Foster, commanding Department of the South, also sent an expedition, _via_ Broad river, to destroy the railroad between Charleston and Savannah. The troops were commanded by Brigadier-General J. P. Hatch, and a naval force under Commander G. H. Preble formed a part of the expedition. The transports arrived at Boyd’s Point a little after daylight on Tuesday morning, the 29th, and in a short time men, horses, artillery and supplies were on shore. On the next day the enemy were encountered in force on the Grahamsville road, at a place called Honey Hill. The batteries of the rebels were intrenched in the woods, and great bravery was evinced by the naval brigade and by colored troops in several charges which were made, in which they suffered severe loss. The musketry fire was terrific. For seven hours the din was kept up, almost drowning the artillery discharges. The position of the rebels at Honey Hill proved too strong to be carried by General Foster’s command, and the Federals were compelled to retire. The total casualties of the Union force numbered eight hundred and ten. REBEL PRIVATEERS—THE ALABAMA, THE FLORIDA, AND THE SHENANDOAH. On the 19th of June, 1864, the steamship Alabama, a rebel privateer, built, equipped, and manned in Great Britain, but commanded by a Confederate officer, was brought to bay in the harbor of Cherbourg, France, by the United States sloop-of-war Kearsarge, Captain Winslow. For nearly two years the Alabama had been roaming the seas unmolested, avoiding a conflict with United States vessels of war on numerous occasions where opportunities were offered to meet an antagonist on equal terms, but committing serious depredations among merchant vessels, destroying property of the value of nearly ten millions of dollars. For these acts her commander, Captain Semmes, was feted and lauded by leading English journals and merchants as a hero. The Alabama was launched, armed and delivered to her Confederate commander in British waters, with the full knowledge of the government authorities, and in face of the protest of Mr. Adams, the American Minister at the Court of St. James. Her crew were nearly to a man British subjects, recruited in British ports, and her gunners were trained in Her Majesty’s practice-ship Excellent. Her battery consisted of eight guns—one one-hundred-pounder rifle, one sixty-eight-pounder rifle, and six thirty-two-pounders. She was rated as a third-class sloop-of-war, and was considered a model of beauty and speed. Her commander and crew were received with warm welcome and flattering honors at numerous British and French ports, and every facility afforded the vessel for supplies and repairs. Great anxiety was felt and expressed among naval officers of England and France, that Captain Semmes should avail himself of one of the many opportunities afforded of meeting a Federal cruiser of equal power in fair and honorable combat. This test of skill and courage was carefully avoided by the Confederate commander, till on the date above named, after submitting to a blockade of five days in the harbor of Cherbourg by the United States sloop-of-war Kearsage, a vessel of equal armament and tonnage, Captain Semmes, seeing there was no escape, reluctantly assented to the combat. The battery of the Kearsarge consisted of seven guns—two eleven-inch Dahlgrens, throwing shell or shot of one hundred and thirty-eight pounds, four thirty-two-pounders, and one twenty-eight-pounder rifle. The conflict took place within sight of the harbor of Cherbourg, and was witnessed by thousands of the inhabitants. At twenty minutes past ten A. M., Sunday, June 19, the Alabama was discovered standing out, accompanied by a French iron-clad steamer. When the Alabama was descried the Kearsarge was about three miles from the entrance of the harbor, and to avoid any question as to the line of jurisdiction, as well as to draw the Alabama off shore, so that if disabled she could not flee in for protection, the Kearsarge stood to seaward until she had attained the distance of about seven miles from the shore. At fifty minutes past ten she came quick about and approached the Alabama, and at fifty-seven minutes past ten the Alabama commenced the action with her starboard broadside at one thousand yards’ range. At eleven the fire was returned by the Kearsarge, and the vessels came fairly into action at about nine hundred yards’ distance. Captain Winslow says it was soon apparent that Semmes did not seek close action, and fears were entertained that after some fighting he would make for the shore. To defeat this Captain Winslow determined to keep full steam on, run under the stern of the Alabama, and rake; but the Alabama, by sheering and keeping her broadside to the Kearsarge, was forced with a full head of steam into a circular track. On the seventh rotation the Alabama headed for the shore, disabled and at the mercy of the Kearsarge. A few well directed shots brought down her flag, a white one was displayed, and the fire of the Kearsarge was reserved. In about two minutes the Alabama again opened fire. The Kearsarge replied, steamed ahead and laid across the bows of the Alabama for raking. The fire of the Kearsarge being again reserved, boats were lowered and an officer in one of them came alongside at ten minutes past twelve o’clock and surrendered the Alabama. Six officers and sixty-four men were brought on board the Kearsarge. At ten minutes past three o’clock the Kearsarge let go her anchor in seven fathoms water. In an engagement of one hour and ten minutes, the great superiority of the American vessel and gunnery was evinced, and the British corsair struck her colors while in a sinking condition, and went down in the waves of the British channel. The crew of the Alabama had suffered serious loss in the combat, and the wounded were engulfed with the vessel, while some eighty or ninety of the survivors, among whom was Captain Semmes, were left struggling in the waves. The Alabama was accompanied from Cherbourg by an English private yacht, the Deerhound, owned and sailed by Mr. John Lancaster, a warm friend and sympathizer with Semmes. When the Alabama lowered her flag the boats of the Kearsarge were immediately put out to save the survivors, and Captain Winslow signalled to the yacht and two French pilot boats to assist in this work of humanity. Lancaster picked up Semmes and several others of the officers and crew, and, regardless of the neutrality of his country, steamed off to Cowes, and set them at liberty. One hundred and fifteen of the crew reached the shores of England and France. The Alabama is reported to have discharged three hundred and seventy or more shot and shell in this engagement, but inflicted no serious damage on the Kearsarge. Thirteen or fourteen took effect in and about the hull, and sixteen or seventeen about the masts and rigging. The Kearsarge fired one hundred and seventy-three projectiles, of which one alone killed and wounded eighteen of the crew of the Alabama, and disabled one of her guns. Three persons were wounded on the Kearsarge. * * * * * The rebel privateer Florida was captured in the port of Bahia, Brazil, on the 7th of October, 1864, by the United States war-steamer Wachusett, Captain N. Collins. The particulars of that capture may be briefly detailed. The Florida arrived at Bahia on the night of the 6th of October. Bahia is in the bay of San Salvador, on the Atlantic coast of Brazil, eight hundred miles northeast from Rio Janeiro. The Florida came there to get coal and provisions, and to repair her engine. Mr. Wilson, U. S. Consul at Bahia, protested to the Brazilian Government against the Florida’s admission to the port, and asked that a penalty should be exacted from her for burning a United States vessel within Brazilian waters, near the Island of Fernando de Norenha. The Government answered the protest respectfully, but decreed that the Florida was rightfully in a neutral port. The Wachusett was also in port at that time. Captain Collins challenged the Florida to go out and fight, but the challenge was declined. Thereupon he determined to capture the rebel steamer and carry her away. This design was put into execution on the night of October 7th, at which time Captain Morris, of the Florida, and many of the crew were on shore. The Wachusett ran into the Florida, striking her on the quarter, and at the same time carrying away her mizen-mast and mainyard. Little or no resistance was offered to the capture. A hawser from the Wachusett was made fast to the Florida, and so the latter was towed to sea. Twelve officers and fifty-eight seamen were captured with her. From Bahia she was taken to St. Thomas, where several of the prisoners were transferred to the U. S. sloop-of-war Kearsarge, Captain Winslow, for transportation to Boston. The Florida, meanwhile, furnished with a crew of loyal Americans, sailed from St. Thomas to Fortress Monroe, where, on the 28th of the same month, she was accidentally run into by an army transport, and sunk in nine fathoms of water. The Florida was built in England for the Italian Government—it was said—but was purchased by rebel agents in Liverpool, and surreptitiously sent to sea in the rebel service in March, 1862. She was about seven hundred and fifty tons burthen, carrying three masts and two smoke stacks. * * * * * The most formidable, and also the most destructive of all the rebel privateers during the rebellion, was an iron-clad steamer of great speed, known as the Shenandoah, built and fitted out for the rebels in a British port. She was more than a match for the majority of American war-vessels, and roamed the ocean undisputed, at one time destroying the whaling and fishing vessels by scores in the North Atlantic, and again intercepting the richly laden China and India merchant vessels, carrying on her devastation for months after the surrender of the rebel armies, and the destruction of all semblance of a Confederate government. She was finally surrendered by her commander to the British authorities and delivered to the United States Consul at Liverpool in November, 1865. THE ST. ALBANS RAID. OCTOBER 19, 1864. During the whole course of the rebellion Canada was a place of refuge for numerous rebels of all grades, from the special minister and envoy to foreign powers, or the quasi general, to the lowest incendiary, who by a certain party were all well treated, and allowed social privileges. Many plots were there formed, for the purpose of inflicting injury on the American cause, all of which found warm sympathizers and abettors among the anti Federal Canadians. Early in October a party of Confederates was organized by Bennet H. Young, an officer holding a commission from Jefferson Davis, who appointed a rendezvous on the Canada line, for the purpose of crossing to Vermont and robbing the banks at St. Albans. St. Albans is a flourishing town, situated three miles east of Lake Champlain, twenty-three miles from Rouse’s point—where the railroads converge, going north—and sixteen miles from the Canada line. The raid was made upon it on the afternoon of Wednesday, the 19th October. Business hours had not passed and the banks were still open. The attacking party numbered twenty-five or thirty persons. These men had come over from Canada and quietly congregated at the various hotels in St. Albans, holding no noticeable communication and awakening no suspicion. Their plan was a bold one, and was successfully executed. On the day mentioned, at about three o’clock in the afternoon, they suddenly congregated, in squads, and made a simultaneous attack on the St. Albans, the Franklin county, and the First National Banks. At each bank they drew their revolvers, threatening instant death to all the officers present if any resistance was made. They then robbed the drawers and vaults of all specie, bills, and other valuable articles that they could lay their hands upon. At the St. Albans bank these ruffians compelled the tellers to take the oath of allegiance to the Confederate Government. At the Franklin bank they thrust the cashier, Mr. Beardsley, together with a Mr. Clark, into the safe, and left them, where they must infallibly have suffocated, but for the timely arrival of assistance, after the robbers had decamped. At the First National bank some resistance was made to them, by Mr. Blaisdell, one of the bank officers. But, in general, they met with no opposition. The attack was so sudden and unexpected that at first the citizens were panic-stricken, and the utmost confusion prevailed in the town. [Illustration: CONFEDERATE GENERALS. HOOD. HARDEE. TOOMBS. TWIGGS. SIMMONS. CHEATHAM. BUCKNER. A. S. JOHNSTON.] Parties of the raiders rushed about, from place to place, discharging their pistols in every direction. Their weapons were seven-shooters, and each man carried several of them. A number of citizens were killed—the first victim being Mr. E. J. Morrison, who was shot down at the door of Mrs. Beattie’s millinery store. Among the killed were a woman and a little girl. Having completely pillaged the banks, and murdered a number of the citizens of St. Albans, they closed their foul work by seizing horses from the farmers’ wagons and from livery stables, and so made good their escape. Within half an hour from the beginning of the raid they galloped away from the town. The raiders were promptly pursued by a party of armed citizens of St. Albans, under Captain Conger. The pursuit lay in the direction of Sheldon Creek, at which point the flying robbers set fire to the bridge, in order to protect their retreat. They were, however, followed into Canada, where fourteen of them were captured by the pursuing party, and surrendered to the Canadian authorities. These men were claimed by the United States, under the extradition treaty, as burglars and robbers. Their examination was commenced at St. Johns, before an ordinary magistrate, who set them at liberty, and restored to the robbers the plunder which had been taken from them. This unwarrantable decision was overruled by higher colonial authorities, and some of the raiders were again arrested and a new trial instituted. The men were released, however, and the only concession made was the surrender of that portion of the money which had been obtained from the robbers, and lodged in the Canada banks. ADVANCE OF THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. MAY 3, 1864. General Grant was called to the command of all the armies of the United States on the 13th of March, 1864, at which time the Army of the Potomac, numbering over one hundred thousand men, was encamped on the north side of the Rapidan. General Lee, with an opposing Confederate army of nearly equal force, was posted in a series of earthworks on the southern bank of the upper Rapidan. His position was a very strong one, and the construction of his defences had called forth the skill of an able body of engineers, and was the product of several months’ labor. During the months of March and April General Grant visited the several commanders in person of the various departments contiguous to Washington, and imparted to them his general plan of the campaign, giving each department commander written instructions to guide him in the part assigned to him in the eventful movements which were soon to take place. He also communicated by letter to the heads of each department throughout the country, giving such definite information and instructions to all, as their peculiar position and circumstances called for. His headquarters he declared to be with the Army of the Potomac in the field. General Meade was retained as commander of that army, and through him General Grant gave orders for its evolutions—General Meade exercising all the responsibilities which were common to chief commanders in the field. General Butler, with about thirty thousand troops, was then in the vicinity of Fortress Monroe, preparing to ascend the James, and cooperate with the Army of the Potomac, by a demonstration towards Richmond. Major-General Meade was instructed that Lee’s army would be his objective point; that wherever Lee went he would go also. For his movement two plans presented themselves: One to cross the Rapidan below Lee, moving by his right flank; the other above, moving by his left. Each presented advantages over the other, with corresponding objections. By crossing above, Lee would be cut off from all chance of ignoring Richmond or going North on a raid. But if Meade took this route all he did would have to be done while the rations he started with held out; besides, it separated him from Butler, so that he could not be directed how to cooperate. If he took the other route, Brandy Station could be used as a base of supplies until another was secured on the York or James river. Of these, however, it was decided to take the lower route. It was designed that all the armies throughout the country which were placed in antagonism with opposing rebel forces, should assume the offensive about the 1st of May. The movement of the army of the Potomac commenced early on the morning of the 4th of May, under the immediate direction and orders of Major-General Meade. Before night the whole army was across the Rapidan, (the Fifth and Sixth corps crossing at Germania Ford, and the Second in advance,) with the greater part of its trains, numbering about four thousand wagons, meeting with but slight opposition. The average distance travelled by the troops that day was about twelve miles. General Grant had anticipated a bold opposition from the rebels while crossing the river, and was much relieved when that result was obtained without opposition. Toward night there was severe skirmishing along the line and some loss was suffered on both sides. That night the army encamped along a line some seven or eight miles in extent. The Second corps occupied the old battle-ground at Chancellorsville. The Fifth, under General G. K. Warren, was at the Wilderness Tavern, and the Sixth, under General Sedgwick, at Germania Ford, where Generals Grant and Meade established their headquarters. On Thursday morning, before the dawn of day, the Federal troops prepared to resume their march. They advanced in three columns, by roads leading to the south. General Warren was on the right, General Hancock occupied the centre, and General Sheridan with his cavalry covered the extreme left. The troops had not proceeded far before there were indications of the approach of the enemy from the west, advancing in great force, bearing on the centre of the Federal lines. The rattling and irregular fire of the skirmish line gave premonition of the approaching contest, which became serious at noon. THE BATTLE OF THE WILDERNESS. MAY 5–7, 1864. When the battle began the rebels were disposed in the following manner: General Longstreet’s corps was opposed to General Hancock’s; General A. P. Hill’s to Warren’s; and Ewell’s to Sedgwick’s. General Griffin’s division was the first to engage the enemy. His troops advanced about a mile across the turnpike, and encountered the rebels under General Ewell, and for the space of one hour the fighting continued with great spirit, and severe loss. General Griffin’s division was at length driven back; but the Fourth and Second divisions, under Generals Wadsworth and Robinson, advancing to his aid, held the enemy in check and drove him back. In this brief engagement the Federal loss was one thousand men. The enemy’s next movement was to endeavor to gain a position between the corps of Generals Warren and Hancock on the left centre. The fighting at this point began about three o’clock. The carnage here was indescribably frightful; the battle raged with terrible fury; and the well-tried and brave soldiers on the extreme left—Hancock’s corps—were probably never so hard pressed. A correspondent thus describes the battle at this point: “Getty’s division, Sixth corps, was at the right of the Orange Plank-road, fronting toward Mine Run, where Carr’s division, Second corps, joined him on his left. The other divisions of Hancock’s corps were pushing up; in the twinkling of an eye the rebels were upon him in great force, with the evident purpose of turning our left. The ground was closely overgrown with shrub trees, thick as sprouting shoots from the same root. In a few minutes urgent requests came back for reinforcements. The enemy was repeating his tactics of Chancellorsville by falling with tremendous force and impetuosity upon one wing. This time he was not repulsed, but foiled. The battle raged for three hours precisely where it began, along a line of not more than half a mile. Fast as our men came up they were sent in—still no ground gained, none lost. It was all musketry, roll surging upon roll—not the least cessation. We were fighting twenty thousand men, and such was the nature of the country that but two guns could be planted bearing upon the enemy. Hayes’s brigade of Birney’s division became warmly engaged soon after the battle commenced. A little while and he asked for reinforcements. Hancock sent back word: ‘I will send a brigade within twenty minutes. Tell General Alex. Hayes to hold his ground. He can do it. I know him to be a powerful man.’ Within that time General Hayes was killed, and his body brought to the rear. The work was at close range. No room in that jungle for manœuvering; no possibility of a bayonet charge; no help from artillery; no help from cavalry; nothing but close, square, severe, face-to-face volleys of fatal musketry. The wounded stagger out, and fresh troops pour in. Stretchers pass out with ghastly burdens, and go back reeking with blood for more. Word is brought that the ammunition is failing. Sixty rounds fired in one steady stand-up fight, and that fight not fought out. Boxes of cartridges are placed on the returning stretchers, and the struggle shall not cease for want of ball and powder. Do the volleys grow nearer, or do one’s fears make them seem so? It must be so, for a second line is rapidly formed just where we stand, and the bullets slip singing by as they have not done before, while now and then a limb drops from the tree-tops. The bullets are flying high. General Hancock rides along the new line, is recognized by the men, and cheered with a will and a tiger. But we stay them. The Second corps is all up, and it must be that troops will come up from Warren or Sedgwick, or else they will divert the enemy’s attention by an attack upon another quarter. Yes, we hold them, and the fresh men going in will drive them. I ride back to general headquarters, and learn that an advance has been ordered an hour ago along the whole line. General Meade is in front with Warren, and Grant is even now listening for Wadsworth’s division of Warren’s corps to open on Hill’s flank, for it is Hill’s corps that is battling with Hancock. The latter reports that he shall be able to maintain his ground. The severe fighting for the day is over, and it is sunset.” During this time the right had also been hotly engaged. The fighting began with an attack by General Sedgwick upon the line opposing him; and the result was a furious battle. Two divisions, only, of Sedgwick’s corps were engaged—the third had not taken position. A desperate effort was made by the enemy to turn Sedgwick’s right, and the enemy bore so hard upon him that he was obliged to send to General Burnside, whose corps from Fredericksburg had now joined the army, for assistance. A brief lull occurred at this moment, just long enough to give an opportunity for the reinforcements to come up. Rickett’s division came into line and supported Sedgwick’s now almost exhausted troops. Again the enemy advanced, and the fight recommenced with increased fury; volley after volley succeeded each other in regular succession and with deafening roar. At this time, and throughout the whole battle of the Wilderness, the musketry firing far exceeded that of any other battle during the war. Hour succeeded hour, and the heat of the conflict never seemed to abate, but ever and anon to rage more furiously than before; till at length, two hours after it had become so dark that the combatants could no longer distinguish each other, the battle terminated for the night. The enemy was driven back with very heavy loss, nor was that of the Federals much less severe. Many gallant officers fell upon the ground they fought for. Though the battle resulted in heavy loss of men, it was a great gain, and terminated in a decided victory to the Union troops, the enemy having been completely repulsed at every point which he had attempted throughout the day. SECOND DAY’S FIGHT OF THE WILDERNESS. At five o’clock upon the following morning, while the sun was slowly breaking though the light mist that hung above the earth, the battle was resumed. At first slow and far between, the shots rapidly increased, until at six o’clock the fight had become furious all along the line, and so continued during the entire day. Both armies were intrenched behind their hastily formed works—those of the rebels being much the stronger; and in the space between, the battle was contested with all the desperation of men putting forth their whole strength in a last effort—with all the determined valor of soldiers who fought upon the side of right, and already felt themselves the victors. In some places the ground was fought over and over again, four, five, even six times during the day. General Hancock’s position was furiously assailed by an overwhelming force of the enemy, who, after overcoming a gallant and desperate resistance, drove back his troops, and repossessed the ground which the Unionists had gained upon the previous day. General Seymour’s division was thrown into dire confusion by an attack from General Longstreet’s troops, and driven back for some distance. General Warren was furiously pressed along his whole line, but his brave men resisted every attack with incomparable gallantry, and held their position without losing ground an inch, until darkness put an end to the battle. Toward evening General Hancock attacked the rebels in the position they had won from him, and fought them with such unconquerable bravery and determination, that he succeeded in driving them from their ground, and pursued them for nearly a mile. When night had come, General Hancock again occupied his breastworks, to the admiration of all who had beheld his brave conduct during the heat and fury of the battle. The ground between the two armies was covered with the dying and the dead. The rebel loss, especially, was appalling, but they had also gained something; for in the confusion that followed the retreat of the division holding the extreme right, the enemy had succeeded in effectually turning the Union right flank. The Union loss during the two days’ fighting was estimated at fifteen thousand men. On both sides there was a serious loss of brave general officers. Of General Grant’s army, General Hayes and General Wadsworth were killed. Of Lee’s army, Generals Jones, Jenkins, and Pickett were killed; and Generals Pegram, Hunter, and Longstreet severely wounded. The latter was struck in the throat, and, at the time, was believed mortally injured. He was unable to take the field for many months. The death of General Wadsworth was to the Union cause an almost irreparable loss. No man made greater sacrifices for his country; and none will be held in more honorable recollection. * * * * * General Wadsworth was born at Geneseo, in the State of New York, on the 30th day of October, 1807; and was, at the time of his death, in the fifty-seventh year of his age. He was educated at Harvard and at Yale colleges, from both of which institutions he graduated with honors. He entered the office of a lawyer in Albany, began the study of the legal profession, and completed his legal studies under the tuition of Daniel Webster; and was, at the age of twenty-six, admitted to the bar. A few years later, Wadsworth began to devote himself to local politics, and was known as a free-soil democrat; but in 1856 he took strong sides with the republican party in the State of New York. During 1859–60 he was named as republican nominee for Governor of the State, but was on that occasion unsuccessful. In the early part of the war Wadsworth offered his services to the government, and in 1861 was appointed by Governor Morgan as one of the major-generals of the State troops in the field. This appointment was, however, revoked, as the appointment of generals in the field was vested solely in the United States Government. At the period of Wadsworth’s recall the communications with Washington were broken by destruction of the railroad bridges in Maryland. In this emergency Mr. Wadsworth chartered a vessel, furnished it with supplies, and set sail for Annapolis. Mr. Wadsworth was appointed a volunteer aid with the rank of major on the staff of General McDowell when that officer’s army took the field preparatory to the battle of Bull Run, and thus participated in that campaign. Major Wadsworth was next appointed brigadier-general of volunteers, the rank dating from August 9, 1861, and he was afterward placed in command of a brigade of the Army of the Potomac, then being organized in Virginia, in front of Washington. In March, 1862, when the army advanced upon Manassas Gap, Wadsworth was placed in command of the District of Columbia, including the National capital, as military governor. On the removal of the main army to the peninsula he was appointed commander of the military district in Washington, which included the District of Columbia, the City of Alexandria, the defensive works south of the Potomac from the Occoquan to Difficult creek, and the forts at Washington. General Wadsworth held this command till near the end of the year. In September he was nominated as candidate against Horatio Seymour, as governor of the State of New York, but was defeated at the election. From this time General Wadsworth devoted himself exclusively to the military service. He took the field and was engaged in the battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. He was then placed in command of the first division of General King’s army corps. He was engaged in the battle of Chancellorsville in May, 1863, and commanded the extreme left division; he conducted the expedition which crossed the Rappahannock four miles below Fredericksburg. When the Army of the Potomac was reorganized for its grand campaign under Grant, General Wadsworth was assigned to the command of the fourth division of the Fifth corps, under General Warren, at the head of which, he bravely met his death. THE THIRD DAY’S BATTLE. On Saturday brisk skirmishing between the two armies was kept up all along the line for the greater part of the day. A brigade of the enemy, commanded by General Gordon, cut off communication between General Sedgwick and Germania Ford, and obliged Sedgwick to withdraw toward Wilderness Tavern. In the course of the afternoon, it became evident that General Lee was withdrawing his main force toward Spottsylvania Court House, and General Burnside moved his corps out on the road leading to the same point. In the course of the night orders were issued to the surgeons in charge of the hospitals to remove their sick and wounded to Ely’s Ford, and the supply trains were ordered to move in the direction of Todd’s tavern. Subsequent to these changes, Fredericksburg became a depot for the sick and wounded, and was also made a basis for supplies. In the course of the afternoon of Saturday, a sharp engagement took place between the Union and rebel cavalry—the loss on both sides being about equal, and not exceeding two hundred and fifty on either side. In the shadow of the darkness, Generals Burnside and Sedgwick moved along the old Chancellorsville road, and arrived at a field near Spottsylvania about noon of the following day. In the mean time General Warren, having marched the whole of Saturday night, also reached a place within three miles of Spottsylvania Court House, at an early hour in the morning. Here he encountered the troops of General Ewell, together with a portion of Longstreet’s command, who had also reached the same place, about the same time. In fact, the two armies had raced from the Wilderness battle-ground, in order to gain the choice of position at Spottsylvania; but the rebels had arrived first, and had thus gained the advantage. On Sunday morning the National troops were formed in line of battle two and a half miles north of Spottsylvania Court House. The rebels opposed them, defiant and formidable. Then began the terrible BATTLE OF SPOTTSYLVANIA. MAY 8–12, 1864. While the advance troops of Warren’s corps pressed down the road, shells were thrown into their ranks with great rapidity, but the enemy fell back before them, making but feeble resistance. A short distance further on—at a place called Alsop’s farm—the artillery of the enemy was found to be stationed. The Union batteries were speedily placed in position to command those of the enemy. The Union battle line was hastily formed, and comprised General Griffin’s division on the right, and General Robinson’s on the left. Firing began immediately on both sides. The Unionists advanced in a strong line upon the enemy, driving him back into a clearing in the woods at his rear, and then began the serious work of the day. The National troops rushed forward upon the enemy with all the impetuosity of dauntless bravery, and the fight became general in all directions. The remaining two divisions of Warren’s corps, commanded by Generals Crawford and Cutter—the latter in command of the lamented General Wadsworth’s troops—were hurried forward with all possible haste. The slaughter was horrible—men fell not by twos, or threes, or dozens, but by scores and hundreds, till the very earth seemed to sicken with the deluge of blood poured out upon its bosom. For four hours a battle raged, which, for the bravery displayed by the participants, the fury with which it was carried on, and the carnage it created, was not exceeded by any fight during the war. It will be understood, of course, that all this fighting took place before the arrival of the remaining corps of the army. The troops of General Warren, opposed as they were to three times their own number, felt how much depended on their holding their ground, and they fought with almost unexampled desperation. At the close of four hours one brigade of the Sixth corps came to the assistance of General Warren’s troops, which thus reinforced, not only held the enemy at bay, but drove him back. This closing struggle lasted for a considerable time, and was by far the fiercest of the day. The enemy threw his entire strength upon the Union line, but was nobly repulsed at every point, and compelled to fall back. With the exception of the single brigade alluded to above, the Fifth corps did the whole of the fighting of this hard-fought, well-won, and bravely contested day’s battle. Many officers were wounded, among whom were General Robinson, Colonel Dennison, and Captain Martin. Major Stark and Colonel Ryan were killed. The regiments suffered terribly, especially the First Michigan, which went into the fight two hundred strong, and came out with a remnant of twenty-three. The Union loss in killed, wounded, and missing was estimated at thirteen hundred. No great battle took place on Monday, the 8th. The time was occupied for the most part in skirmishing, followed at intervals by heavy cannonading. Toward evening General Grant ordered an advance on the enemy, which was made by the divisions of Generals Birney and Gibbon, followed by General Carroll’s brigade. This force crossed over to the south bank of a branch of the Po river, where a severe battle with infantry and artillery took place, both sides charging alternately. The Unionists were finally obliged to retire, and the enemy held Spottsylvania Court House. Upon this day the National cause suffered one of its greatest losses in the death of an officer whose place could not easily be filled. One of the most gloomy and saddening calamities of the disastrous battles of Spottsylvania Court House, was the death of General John Sedgwick, commanding the sixth corps. General Sedgwick was an almost recklessly brave man, and constantly exposed to the enemy’s bullets a life too precious to have been held lightly. He was killed on Monday morning, by a sharpshooter, while superintending the placing of a section of artillery. The ball entered his head one inch below the left eye, and passed out at the back of the right ear, causing instant death. No general of the United States service was more highly respected or more sincerely beloved. General Sedgwick was a native of Cornwall, Litchfield County, Connecticut, to which place his ancestors removed from West Hartford one hundred and twenty years ago, and he resided on the old homestead, which has been in possession of the family during all these years. His grandfather, General John Sedgwick, was an officer in the Revolutionary War, and transmitted an honored name to the distinguished Sedgwick families of Connecticut, Massachusetts and New York. General Sedgwick was born in 1811, and graduated at West Point in 1837. He was always warmly attached to the Litchfield home, and in all his active military life looked forward to the time he might retire to it in his declining years. Just before the rebellion broke out he had seriously contemplated such retirement, and on the first demonstration of treason he told a relative that his hope had been to leave public life, but added that it could not be now, for his country needed his services. In private life General Sedgwick was an unassuming, retiring man, possessing strong feelings and attachments. He was never married, but kept up his ancestral estate under the care of an unmarried sister, who was devotedly attached to him. The remains of General Sedgwick were brought to New York city, where they lay in state at the City Hall, and were subsequently taken to his native home, where he was buried with military honors. * * * * * Terrible as had been the fighting of the previous days, it did but serve as a prelude to that of Tuesday, the 10th. The belligerents still occupied substantially the same positions which they had held upon the previous day. The Union army faced the rebels in a crescent-shaped line, extending, from end to end, about six miles. The enemy was protected by a line of forest and underbrush along his whole centre; and at other points by strong breastworks. At an early hour preparations were made for the grand assault, but the attack did not take place until a late hour in the afternoon. From time to time severe skirmishing occurred between the combatants, becoming with every hour more severe, till at last it merged into a general and most desperate engagement. General Grant had given orders for the decisive attack upon the enemy to be made precisely at five o’clock. As the hour drew near the anxiety and excitement became intense. At that time the enemy were discovered in force upon the right flank, and immediate preparations to meet this onslaught became necessary, which delayed the preconcerted attack. General Grant, however, was equal to that emergency, and the enemy was met and held in check. The assault upon the rebel lines was then fixed for half past six o’clock; and the enormous columns of the whole army rapidly gathered together for the coming struggle. At the precise time a discharge burst at the same instant from the mouths of twelve signal guns, and put the whole mass of men in motion. Cheer after cheer burst from the patriot ranks as they swept resistlessly onward, which was answered back by savage yells from the defiant foe. The enemy were driven into their intrenchments in gallant style, and Upton’s brigade of Wright’s division, Sixth corps, got into the rebel rifle-pits, capturing twelve guns and about one thousand prisoners. Not being supported by other portions of the line, who were unable to gain the tier of works in their front, this brigade was forced to evacuate its advanced position, leaving the captured guns after spiking them, but bringing off all the prisoners. The enemy suffered heavy losses during the fight, from shells falling into their works, and the destructive infantry fire, which was delivered with remarkable precision. In writing of this battle a correspondent of the daily press speaks in the following language: “The woods between the contending armies were all on fire from shells, and the wind blowing strong to the northward, gave the enemy a decided advantage over our troops, who were stifled and blinded by the heat and smoke. Numbers of the wounded of both sides must have been burned to death by the devouring element. “At dusk the scene was one of awful sublimity. A battery of thirty-two-pounders posted on the right of the Spottsylvania road, kept up an incessant fire until half-past eight, when quiet was restored.” The National loss in this most terrible battle was estimated at ten thousand men; the rebel loss was not less severe. The loss in Federal officers was very heavy. Among the killed were Brigadier-Generals Stevenson and Rice. The enemy’s position was, unquestionably, very strong; but the favorable results of the fighting were all on the Union side. It was at this time that General Grant sent to Major-General Dix his celebrated dispatch, couched in the following words: “We have now ended the sixth day of very heavy fighting. The result to this time is much in our favor. Our losses have been heavy, as well as those of the enemy. I think the loss of the enemy must be greater. We have taken over five thousand prisoners in battle, while he has taken from us but few except stragglers. _I propose to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer._” On Wednesday, the 11th, the fighting of the day consisted of sharp skirmishing, which at no time emerged into a battle. During the afternoon a refreshing rainstorm visited the thirsty earth—the first rain which had fallen during the campaign. It was indeed welcome, cooling the atmosphere and laying the dust which had, together with the excessive heat, almost stifled the soldiers. Upon the following day, the 12th, the battle was again resumed with great violence. A dense fog succeeded the rain of the previous day, veiling the earth in mist, through which the armies could with difficulty distinguish each other. The first movement was made by the Second corps, which moved up to the enemy’s lines at the dawn of day. The first line was formed by the divisions of General Birney and General Barlow; and the second line by the divisions of Generals Gibbon and Mott. General Barlow’s division, moving in battalions, advanced boldly across the rugged and woody space separating the two armies; and soon with a loud cheer rushed forward upon the enemy’s intrenchments. With louder and more exultant cries the brave fellows leaped over the intrenchments, and dashed upon the astonished enemy, compelling their surrender in a body. An entire division of the rebels was completely surrounded, and officers and men obliged to surrender. Three thousand prisoners—including two general officers—General Edward Johnson, and J. H. Stewart—were captured. Immediately after this very brilliant feat General Hancock dispatched the following report: “I have captured from thirty to forty guns. I have finished up Johnson, and am now going into Early.” The next assault was made upon the second line of rebel rifle-pits, which were taken possession of after a long and desperate resistance. Immediately following this the whole line became engaged. Like all great battles, the scene was one of appalling grandeur. Hour after hour passes by, but no one takes any note of time—the roar of battle—with all the varied cries, shrill and hoarse, shrieks and groans—is all that is heard; and the clouds of smoke, the flash of fire, and the reeling and falling of the dead and wounded is all that is seen. At times, while the shrill and appalling battle cry which leads on each assault of the columns is silent, the stifled groans of the wounded are heard, and trains of litter bearers and ambulances follow each other, bearing away the wounded. The entire line had moved up to assist the brave Second corps (General Hancock), which, up to this time, had borne the whole brunt of the fighting. The Ninth corps, now rushing into the extreme left, joined its weight to that point. The Sixth corps had advanced against Ewell’s troops, and General Warren’s corps had moved up on the extreme right. All were now hotly engaged, and pressed the enemy severely. The rebels soon made a desperate effort to regain the lost works, but the charge was nobly met by the Second and Ninth corps, and, after a furious and bloody battle of three hours, the enemy was forced to fall back. During this time the Union right and centre had charged the enemy’s position with all the gallantry inseparable from such thoroughly brave men, but without success; the rebels were found to be, for the time at least, impregnable behind their powerful works, in force strong enough to hold their ground against twice the number of the Unionists; besides which every avenue of approach was guarded by most formidable artillery. After a temporary lull in the fight, about midday, General Meade made an effort to turn the enemy’s right; and crowded his troops down toward his own left, still keeping up a severe artillery and infantry fire. At this time the rain again began to fall, and continued to become heavier during the whole afternoon, till night. But the battle, instead of slackening, became, if possible, still more terrible. The enemy rapidly concentrated on the right, charged the Unionists, and again the ground was fought over with desperation. Night at length closed one of the most dreadful contests on record, after a duration of fourteen hours, and darkness settled down upon the wet, gloomy, blood-stained battle-field. The first decided and important success of this series of movements was that of General Hancock, on the morning of the 12th, which secured an advance of a mile to the line at that point. The courage, skill, and determined bravery exhibited upon the part of all the troops engaged is deserving of the very highest commendation; and so admirably did every division, brigade, and regiment behave, that it is not possible to name any in particular as more highly deserving of praise than the rest. The loss in killed and wounded numbered ten thousand men; that of the enemy was estimated as being equally severe. About three thousand prisoners were captured. Upon the next day—Friday the 13th—it was discovered that the enemy had fallen into a new position of defence, and had withdrawn his main force on the left. The rain still fell heavily, so that the roads were rendered very difficult. Artillery firing, and occasionally brisk skirmishing, were kept up from time to time throughout the day, between small bodies of the troops. It was at noon this day that General Meade issued the following address to his army: “SOLDIERS! The moment has arrived when your commanding officer feels authorized to address you in terms of congratulation. “For eight days and nights, without almost any intermission, through rain and sunshine, you have been fighting a desperate foe in positions naturally strong, and rendered doubly so by intrenchments. You have compelled him to abandon his fortifications on the Rapidan, to retire and to attempt to stop your progress, and now he has abandoned the last intrenched position, so tenaciously held, suffering in all a loss of eighteen guns, twenty-two colors, eight thousand prisoners, including two general officers. “Your heroic deeds, noble endurance of fatigue and privation, will ever be memorable. Let us return thanks to God for the mercy thus shown us, and ask earnestly for its continuance. “Soldiers! Your work is not over. The enemy must be pursued, and, if possible, overcome. The courage and fortitude you have displayed renders your commanding general confident that your future efforts will result in success. * * * “We shall soon receive reenforcements, which he cannot expect. Let us determine, then, to continue vigorously the work so well begun, and, under God’s blessing, in a short time the object of our labors will be accomplished.” Upon the next day—the 14th—the enemy, although he had fallen back, still held tenaciously to the Court House. By this time General Meade’s line stretched at right angles across the Fredericksburg and Spottsylvania roads, leaving on its right the corps of General Hancock, and on the right centre the Ninth corps of General Burnside. General Warren held the left, and General Wright the left centre. The position of the enemy was now that of a semi-circular line of earthworks, with rifle-pits here and there. These works were well established, on commanding heights, the entire position being flanked on right and left by dense woods. The enemy was still busily engaged in strengthening his breastworks; and General Grant’s troops were speedily armed with spades, so that on both sides the work of intrenching went forward diligently. During this time much severe fighting was done on the extreme left. The next day was the Sabbath—the 15th of May—and one of the few Sabbaths which passed without a battle when the opposing armies confronted each other. Reconnoissances were made by both Unionists and rebels, and positions in every direction were still further strengthened, for all felt that a momentous movement was close at hand. The pickets exchanged occasional shots, and the dense woods flanking the enemy’s strong defences were shelled severely, for the purpose of driving out any lurking foes who might be concealed there. Late in the afternoon a brief but sharp engagement took place between a force of the enemy and Birney’s division, in which the rebels were defeated and suffered considerable loss. On the 16th the roads were found to be in such a condition from the recent rains that any movement against the enemy was impracticable. During the afternoon a fresh breeze sprang up, and the sun shone down with almost tropical intensity. The roads dried up rapidly, and on the 17th they were found to be in good condition. The sun still shining brightly, continued to dry them up so well that a movement was decided on for Wednesday. These days of rest had greatly refreshed the army; the troops were in fine health and spirits, and eager for work. It had all along been General Grant’s desire to outflank the enemy, and force him to abandon his strong works, rather than to compel his retreat by falling upon him, and, in order to do this, all his movements had been made against the enemy’s right. He now determined to change his mode of operations, and to make a bold assault upon the enemy’s left. With this view, preparations were made on Tuesday night, under cover of the darkness, and batteries and troops were moved up for the assault. The new Union line was formed before morning, and ran direct from right to left. This line was composed of four divisions, commanded respectively by Hancock, Burnside, Warren, and Wright. With the first dawn of day, on the morning of the 18th, the assault was made. The enemy’s skirmishers were driven back at the first onset, and again the loud, reverberating roar of cannon echoed back from the surrounding hills. The air was filled with splinters of shell and whistling shot, flying along on the wings of destruction. The rebel left was found to be much strengthened to meet the attack against it, for General Lee, suspecting Grant’s movement, had made preparations to receive him. Charge upon charge was made upon the rebels, and first one and then another of their lines of rifle-pits were captured, together with many prisoners. With cheer upon cheer, the Union troops pressed on, until suddenly they came upon a dense, impregnable abattis, behind which lay concealed a long line of riflemen; while behind these again were stationed a heavy, frowning array of batteries. To advance was to bring certain, inevitable death upon a countless number of the brave Unionists, while, at the same time, the prospect of success in the charge was very dim. The troops were therefore ordered to retreat, and fell back in good order, under a destructive fire opened on them by the enemy. Brigadier-General Barlow, commanding the First division of the Second corps, is entitled to honor as a brave man and a thoroughly competent officer, for the admirable behavior of his troops under severe fire. It was now clear that the enemy’s position at this point could not be carried except by an incalculable loss of life, and the attempt was, therefore, for the time abandoned. The Union loss during this short but sanguinary conflict numbered twelve hundred. Both armies remained quiet for the remainder of the day, but kept a constant watch upon each other’s movements. During the night, General Grant, having ascertained the enemy’s strength and precise position, sent off a detachment of troops, in command of General Torbert, to a point on the Richmond and Fredericksburg road, called Guinea’s Station, situated about ten miles southeast of Spottsylvania. By this movement the Unionists gained a position in the enemy’s rear, and destroyed much valuable rebel property along the railroad. During the next day reinforcements for Grant’s army arrived from Belle Plains, and a considerable portion of the day was occupied in receiving and arranging the newly arrived troops. A portion of the National troops moved toward Guinea Station, but no fighting took place between the hostile armies, who were at that time within artillery range of each other, but remained so quiet that not even a gun was fired. Between four and five in the afternoon, however, firing was heard upon the Fredericksburg road, which turned out to be from a strong division of the rebel General Ewell’s corps. The enemy had fallen upon the Union baggage train as it filed along in rear of the right flank, but were gallantly met and repulsed by General Tyler’s division of heavy artillery, armed as infantry. These troops were mostly new recruits, and, though thus unexpectedly called into action by this sudden irruption of the rebel raiders, they acquitted themselves with great credit, and succeeded in checking the enemy’s advance. They were warmly commended by General Meade. Before the rebels could make a second charge, or follow up any advantage they might have gained by dint of superior numbers, Colonel Tannatt’s brigade came to the assistance of Tyler, and Ewell’s men were effectually brought to a halt. Another brigade came forward at this point, and the enemy was driven in great confusion back into the forest. Again, at five o’clock, the rebels, with the desperation of starving men, made a second attack on the baggage-trains, but were speedily driven back. During these brisk, but deadly conflicts, the Unionists lost upwards of six hundred men; the rebel loss was not so heavy. For the remainder of the day, and during the night, the baggage-trains were closely watched, but no further attempts were made upon them. From the 20th of May onward, the movements of General Grant contemplated forcing General Lee to abandon his position at Spottsylvania, and fall back towards Richmond. Continued efforts were, therefore, made to flank the rebel army. Nor were these efforts unsuccessful. On May 23, General Grant’s army was in a position facing westward, extending from Guinea Station to Milford, while the enemy had fallen back beyond the North Anna river. A fight took place at Taylor’s Bridge Ford, on the 23d, in which General Birney’s division behaved with great gallantry. The bridge, of course, was the point at issue, and both parties contested the prize with desperate valor—the rebels striving to hold, and the Unionists to take it. About five hundred men were killed on each side. The National troops succeeded in obtaining possession of the bridge, but it was repossessed by the rebels during the night, and again taken by the Unionists in the morning. On the 24th, the whole army crossed the North Anna; and on the 29th it had crossed the Pamunkey, its base being White House. The rebels continued to fall back. There was some fighting on the 30th and the 31st of May, but no serious engagement until the BATTLE OF COAL HARBOR. JUNE 1–3, 1864. At the time this battle was fought, the Eighteenth Army Corps (General Smith) which was detached from the Army of the James, had reinforced the army of General Meade. The first charge was made by this corps, which took and held the first line of the enemy’s rifle-pits, capturing six hundred prisoners. Finding himself thus attacked on his right wing, the enemy retaliated by a severe assault upon the National right, thinking it had been weakened to sustain the charge by the left. Longstreet’s corps, on the rebel side, did most of the fighting. Warren’s and Hancock’s divisions were, on the Union side, especially assailed. The enemy made repeated charges, which were as repeatedly repulsed. Artillery was freely employed in this fight, and the losses on both sides were very heavy. The rebels being intrenched, their loss was not so severe as otherwise it would have been. The Union loss was about two thousand. [Illustration: BATTLE OF COAL HARBOR, VA., JUNE 3, 1864.] Thursday, the 2d of May, proved rainy, and General Grant, for this reason, delayed a further attack of the enemy, although he permitted one or two charges, which resulted in no positive success. Skirmishing, of course, was frequent, owing to the close contiguity of the lines of battle. The first day’s operations had put the Union army in possession of Coal Harbor, and General Grant’s design now was to push the rebels across the Chickahominy river—his ultimate object being to hem in the army of Lee within the cities of Petersburg and Richmond, isolate those places on all sides, and then compel the surrender of the rebels, either through starvation or in one general and desperate battle. The rebel commander penetrated this design, and, naturally, opposed it at every point; and so skillful and successful was his resistance, that—as will presently be seen—he was enabled to prolong this contest through a period of ten months, holding Petersburg and Richmond all the while, and keeping open his communications with the south and southwest, by way of Weldon and of Lynchburg. His defenses, it is true, were of the most formidable character, and so extensive, that it was impossible for General Grant to concentrate sufficient force for successful assault, at any one point, without weakening his own lines, which were far more extended than the rebel defenses, and thus expose himself to an attack from General Lee. The battle of the second day at Coal Harbor—being the 3d of June—was desperate and bloody. The assault was commenced by the National forces at half-past four o’clock in the morning. The brigades of Generals Gibbons and Barlow, of General Hancock’s division, made the first attack on the rebel lines. It was a dark and cloudy morning, and, at intervals, rain poured down upon the battle-field. Barlow’s and Gibbons’ brigades took a portion of the rebel works, but were not able to hold their prize. They captured many prisoners, however, and then, falling back, took up an advanced position and intrenched themselves. The Eighteenth and Sixth corps met with about the same success, capturing works which they were subsequently obliged to resign, and finally intrenching themselves in a new position close to the enemy’s line. On the Union right the battle was less severe than upon the left. Far to the left General Wilson’s cavalry fought that of Wade Hampton. All day long the battle raged furiously, and even encroached upon the night—a fierce assault being made by the rebels at nine o’clock in the evening, which was repulsed by the soldiers of Hancock, Smith, and Wright. But the results were scarcely commensurate with the sacrifices made for their attainment. On the morning of the 5th, the National troops held their advanced position, and it was found that the enemy’s left wing, in front of the forces of General Burnside, had been drawn in during the night. The Union losses, during the three days operations around Coal Harbor, are set down at not less than seven thousand five hundred. For several days succeeding this battle, both armies occupied themselves in strengthening their respective lines of battle. A truce of two hours, declared on the 6th, enabled the belligerents to bury their dead and relieve their wounded. GENERAL GRANT’S CHANGE OF BASE. From the 5th till the 14th of June, General Grant occupied himself in building defensive works, receiving and placing reinforcements, distributing supplies, and preparing for a movement across the Chickahominy and the James rivers, in pursuance of his design of extending his lines of circumvallation around Petersburg, and of pushing Lee nearer and nearer to the interior rebel works. On the 12th of June the enemy’s line extended from Bottom’s Bridge along the Chickahominy, confronting that of Grant at every point. That night the National forces began to move, crossing the Chickahominy at Long’s Bridge and at Jones’s Bridge, and marching for Wilcox’s wharf on the James river. A portion of the troops went by transports from White House to Bermuda Hundred, General Butler’s headquarters. On Wednesday, the 15th, the entire army was on the south side of the James river, having lost, in the skirmishing incident to this important movement, only about four hundred men. White House had been abandoned as a base, the railroad leading thither being taken up and all the supplies there accumulated brought safely away. The distance traversed was fifty-five miles. By this change of base General Grant’s army was augmented by a junction with General Butler’s, and by alliance with the United States naval forces on the James river. He had possessed himself, moreover, with a healthier tract of country in which to operate, and he had narrowed the scene of his operations. His dispositions for other and cooperative campaigns had been wisely made—as shown in other chapters of this narrative—so that he had now nothing to fear from rebel invasion of the North. Lee’s attention would now be concentrated on Petersburg and Richmond, and it was evident that the close of the struggle could not long be deferred. OPERATIONS ON JAMES RIVER, VA. MAY 4–10, 1864. When General Grant assumed command of the armies of the United States, the headquarters of General Butler was at Fortress Monroe, from whence he exercised jurisdiction over the Department of Southern Virginia and North Carolina. The part assigned him in the coming campaign was an important one, and is thus fully described in the report of the Lieutenant-General: “My first object being to break the military power of the rebellion and capture the enemy’s important strongholds, made me desirous that General Butler should succeed in his movement against Richmond, as that would tend more than anything else, unless it were the capture of Lee’s army, to accomplish this desired result in the east. If he failed, it was my determination, by hard fighting, either to compel Lee to retreat, or so to cripple him that he could not detach a large force to go north and still retain enough for the defence of Richmond. It was well understood, by both Generals Butler and Meade, before starting on the campaign, that it was my intention to put both their armies south of the James river, in case of failure to destroy Lee without it. “Before giving General Butler his instructions, I visited him at Fort Monroe, and in conversation pointed out the apparent importance of getting possession of Petersburg and destroying railroad communications as far south as possible. Believing, however, in the practicability of capturing Richmond unless it was reinforced, I made that the objective point of his operations. As the army of the Potomac was to move simultaneously with him, Lee could not detach from his army with safety, and the enemy did not have troops elsewhere to bring to the defence of the city in time to meet a rapid movement from the north of James river.” Under date of April 2d, General Grant gave written instructions to General Butler, in which were more specially detailed his plans for the opening of the campaign: “GENERAL: In the spring campaign, which it is desirable shall commence at as early a day as practicable, it is proposed to have cooperative action of all the armies in the field, as far as this object can be accomplished. “It will not be possible to unite our armies into two or three large ones to act as so many units, owing to the absolute necessity of holding on to the territory already taken from the enemy. But, generally speaking, concentration can be practically effected by armies moving to the interior of the enemy’s country from the territory they have to guard. By such movements they interpose themselves between the enemy and the country to be guarded, thereby reducing the number necessary to guard important points, or at least occupy the attention of a part of the enemy’s force, if no greater object is gained. Lee’s army and Richmond being the greater objects towards which our attention must be directed in the next campaign, it is desirable to unite all the force we can against them. The necessity of covering Washington with the army of the Potomac, and of covering your department with your army, makes it impossible to unite these forces at the beginning of a movement. I propose, therefore, what comes nearest this of anything that seems practicable. The army of the Potomac will act from its present base, Lee’s army being the objective point. You will collect all the forces from your command that can be spared from garrison duty, I should say not less than twenty thousand effective men to operate on the south side of James river, Richmond being your objective point. To the force you already have will be added about ten thousand men from South Carolina, under Major-General Gillmore, who will command them in person. Major-General W. F. Smith is ordered to report to you, to command the troops sent into the field from your own department. “General Gillmore will be ordered to report to you at Fortress Monroe, with all the troops on transports, by the 18th instant, or as soon thereafter as practicable. Should you not receive notice by that time to move, you will make such disposition of them and your other forces as you may deem best calculated to deceive the enemy as to the real move to be made. “When you are notified to move, take City Point with as much force as possible. Fortify, or rather entrench, at once, and concentrate all your troops for the field there as rapidly as you can. From City Point directions cannot be given at this time for your further movements. “The fact that has already been stated—that is, that Richmond is to be your objective point, and that there is to be cooperation between your forces and the army of the Potomac—must be your guide. This indicates the necessity of your holding close to the south bank of the James river as you advance. Then, should the enemy be forced into his intrenchments in Richmond, the army of the Potomac would follow, and by means of transports the two armies would become a unit. “All the minor details of your advance are left entirely at your discretion. If, however, you think it practicable to use your cavalry south of you so as to cut the railroad about Hicks’ Ford about the time of the general advance, it would be of immense advantage. “You will please forward for my information at the earliest practicable day, all orders, details, and instructions you may give for the execution of this order. “U. S. GRANT, Lieutenant-General. “Major-General B. F. BUTLER.” * * * * * On the 19th of the same month General Butler was informed that he was expected to move from Fort Monroe on the same day that General Meade moved from Culpepper. The exact time of course could not at that time be designated; but, says General Grant: “It was my intention to fight Lee between Culpepper and Richmond if he would stand. Should he, however, fall back into Richmond, I would follow up and make a junction with his (General Butler’s) army on the James river; that, could I be certain he would be able to invest Richmond on the south side so as to have his left resting on the James, above the city, I would form the junction there; that circumstances might make this course advisable any how; that he should use every exertion to secure a footing as far up the south side of the river as he could, and as soon as possible after the receipt of orders to move; that if he could not carry the city, he should at least detain as large a force as possible.” The military force under General Butler comprised the Eighteenth corps under General W. F. Smith, and the Tenth corps, under General Q. A. Gillmore. In order to mislead the enemy, these forces, on the 2d of May, were massed at Yorktown and Gloucester as if designed for a movement up the York river. At the same time a brigade under Colonel S. F. Alford, Third New York, landed at West Point, up the York river, and commenced building the wharves, &c. On the 4th of May orders to move were issued, and the troops embarked on board the transports. After dark on the 4th the vessels began to move down the York river, and up the James river, preceded by three army gunboats under command of Brigadier-General Graham; by the double-enders Eutaw, Mackinaw, and Osceola; four monitors, the Tecumseh, Canonicus, Saugus, Onondaga, and the iron-clad Atlanta, and by the smaller gunboats, Commodore Morris, Hunchback, Commodore Jones, Dawn, Delaware, Putnam, and Sheshonee. General Butler thus describes the result of his first movement, in a dispatch to General Grant, from City Point: “We have seized Wilson’s Wharf Landing. A brigade of Wild’s colored troops are there. At Fort Powhatan Landing two regiments of the same brigade have landed. At City Point, Hink’s division, with the remaining troops and battery, have landed. The remainder of both the Eighteenth and Tenth Army Corps are being landed at Bermuda Hundred, above the Appomattox. “No opposition experienced thus far. The movement was apparently a complete surprise. Both army corps left Yorktown during last night. The monitors are all over the bar at Harrison’s Landing and above City Point. The operations of the fleet have been conducted to-day with energy and success. Generals Smith and Gillmore are pushing the landing of the men. General Graham with the army gunboats, led the advance during the night, capturing the signal stations of the rebels.” Simultaneous with the departure of the transports, in order to embarrass the enemy, a party of nineteen hundred cavalry, led by Colonel West, started from Williamsburgh, to proceed up the Peninsula by land—supported by infantry—who drove the rebels before them, whenever encountered. At the same time, also, another expedition, consisting of the Eleventh Pennsylvania cavalry, Third New York cavalry, and First Delaware cavalry, and led by General Kautz, started up the James river. The design of this three-fold movement was to cut railroad communications between Richmond and Petersburg, and between Petersburg and Weldon, and thus to prevent reinforcements and supplies from coming to Lee’s army. In this they were partially successful. Within twenty hours after the transports sailed, the National forces were at City Point, with not a rebel behind them. Colonel West was completely successful in his Peninsula advance. On the 5th he dashed across the Chickahominy, and attacked the camp of the Fourth Virginia cavalry, in which thirty of the enemy were killed and wounded and thirty-five horses captured. General Kautz’s party, proceeding up the south bank of the James, as if to cover the movement of the transports, wheeled off at Surrey Court-House, on the road for Sussex Court-House. Thence they proceeded to Hicksford, forty-five miles below Petersburg, where they cut the Petersburg road by destroying the bridge over the Meherrin river. Colonel Spear, with a detachment of Kautz’s cavalry, pushed on to Jarrett’s Station, by the county road, where he destroyed the depot and a quantity of grain and supplies, after having put to flight a body of the enemy who opposed him. Meantime General Kautz proceeded to Nottaway river, with the main body of his command, where he encountered fifteen hundred of the enemy entrenched in a square redoubt. After a spirited contest the rebels were hemmed up in the fort by a portion of the Federal force, while the remainder proceeded to destroy the public stores and burn the bridge. After advancing to Sussex Court House, they encamped until Monday following, the 8th, when they went on to Littleton, and taking the Petersburg plank-road, they marched within seven miles of that place. Reaching the Norfolk and Petersburg railroad, they burnt several bridges and destroyed the telegraph and railroad, advancing thirteen miles on that road. The next morning they returned to City Point. About three hundred prisoners were captured on this expedition. On the 7th of May five brigades, under General Brooks, advanced toward the Petersburg and Richmond railroad, where they encountered a large force of the enemy, and engaged them at intervals for six hours. The railroad bridge across one of the tributaries of the Appomattox, seven miles from Petersburg, was destroyed, when the troops were withdrawn to their former position. On the 9th there was a general advance of General Butler’s troops in the same direction. The enemy were discovered near Bakeman’s Creek, where severe skirmishing ensued, the brunt of which was borne by General Heckman’s brigade. A furious charge of the rebels was met and bravely repelled by the 27th Massachusetts. The rebel rifle-pits were finally carried by a simultaneous charge of the brigade; but the Federal[ were checked by a strong earthwork near Swift creek, that commanded the forks of the road. General Terry with the right of the Union forces, destroyed the railroad track about Chester Court House Junction, when the troops were withdrawn. The Federal loss was about four hundred and fifty in killed and wounded, principally in Heckman’s brigade. Many rebel prisoners were taken, chiefly from South Carolina regiments. They were a portion of Beauregard’s troops, who had just arrived in Virginia. BATTLE AT FORT DARLING, VA. MAY 12–16, 1864. On the 12th of May, a heavy force under General Gilmore advanced up the railroad toward Chester and Richmond, while a corresponding force, under General Smith, proceeded up the Petersburg and Richmond road between James river and the railroad. The object of this combined expedition was to cover the movements of General Kautz’s cavalry, then operating on the Nottaway river. After a series of skirmishes throughout the day, General Smith’s troops reached Proctor’s Run towards night, within three miles of Fort Darling. Meantime General Gilmore’s troops on the left, had approached the neighborhood of Half-way House, unopposed by the enemy, at which place he baited his command for the night. On the following morning the rebels were found to have withdrawn themselves within an extensive range of earthworks, which constituted the outer line of defences of Fort Darling. After consultation, General Butler determined to dislodge them from their position by turning their works on the left. While heavy skirmishing along the whole line was in progress, the Union left was ordered to swing around upon the centre and right, while a large body of troops advanced to turn the right flank of the rebel works. The flanking column moved round stealthily through the woods, slightly to the left, till they reached the outer edge of the fortifications. Here, under cover, they charged up a steep hill, and then across an open space, only twenty or thirty rods in width, in the face of a destructive fire of musketry. Before the rebels could reload the Federals troops had carried the position, capturing thirty of the enemy. Their own loss was about one hundred and thirty. The enemy abandoned the whole of the outer line on the next morning, and withdrew to their second tier of works. The parapet of these outer defences was in some places ten feet thick, having many embrasures for artillery. The Federal artillery was now brought to bear on the rebels in their new position, and aided by the sharpshooters, the enemy’s batteries were soon silenced, and the combat for the remainder of the day was confined to the sharpshooters. One of the magazines of Fort Darling exploded during the afternoon, which was the occasion of much cheering in the Union lines. A night attack was made on the Federals near the Petersburg turnpike, but being on the alert, the enemy was repulsed without much difficulty. At noon on the 15th, the rebels came out of their intrenchments in great force, and attacked Heckman’s brigade. The combat was with musketry alone, and lasted until four o’clock, when the enemy were discomfited, and retired within their works. At daylight on the 16th the rebels again hurled a strong force on the weakest point of the Federal lines, upon Heckman’s brigade on the right wing, the same troops who had suffered so heavily in previous contests. Under cover of a dense fog the rebels bore down in overwhelming numbers, and Heckman’s brave troops were compelled to yield their position. Colonel Drake’s brigade was fortunately thrown forward at this juncture, and for a time stayed the advancing enemy. Two brigades of Weitzel’s division were also attacked at the same time, but repulsed the enemy with great slaughter. Meantime, with courageous pertinacity, the rebels attacked Terry’s division on the Union left, and two of the Union brigades of that commander suffered heavy loss. General Gilmore was soon compelled to yield his favorable position on the left, and the whole Federal force was then withdrawn, without confusion or serious loss in retreating. An attempt of the enemy to get in the rear of the Union forces was repulsed; but General Butler was compelled to cut new roads for the retreat of his army, as the rebels held control, of both the roads by which the Federals had advanced. General Butler was then compelled to retire within his intrenchments between the forks of the James and Appomattox rivers, at Bermuda Hundred, a strong position, in which he was perfectly secure against the whole rebel army. The total loss of the Federals in this battle was five thousand men, mostly in prisoners. * * * * * On the 19th of May the rebels, under Beauregard, encouraged by their successful resistance of Butler’s troops, resolved to attack that officer in his intrenchments at Bermuda Hundred. After two assaults, in which they met with only temporary success, the rebels retired with severe loss. The loss of the Unionists was about three hundred. The result of the line of strategy thus far adopted by General Butler in this campaign did not meet with the approbation of General Grant, who considered that a good opportunity to capture Petersburg, if not Richmond, had been allowed to pass by, between the 6th and 13th of May, before Beauregard could collect his dispersed forces in North and South Carolina, and concentrate them in front of Butler’s forces, for the defence of Petersburg. That General was now in a position of great security, but completely shut off from further operations against Richmond; and it required but a comparatively small force of the enemy to hold him there, while a large portion of the troops opposed to him were sent out to assist in opposing the advance of General Grant’s army north of Richmond. To compensate for this strengthening of Lee’s army, General Grant directed that General W. F. Smith’s corps should join the Army of the Potomac. ASSAULTS OF PETERSBURG, VA. JUNE 8–18, 1864. On the first occasion the city of Petersburg was actually in possession of the Federal forces, but the failure of a prominent commander to perceive and take advantage of the opportunity, was the cause of heavy losses to the Federal army in after battles for the same object. On the night of June 8, an expedition under General Gilmore was sent out from Bermuda Hundred for the capture of Petersburg. The cavalry force was under General Kautz, who carried the works on the south side of the town, with but slight resistance, and penetrated to the suburbs of the city, where they remained for some time, awaiting the advance of the infantry from the north. General Gilmore, finding the works which he approached very strong, and deeming an assault impracticable, returned to Bermuda Hundred without attempting one. The cavalry being unsupported, were obliged to yield the advantage gained, and retire. It was well known by General Grant that the enemy held but a small garrison at that time in Petersburg. Attaching great importance to the possession of that place before the return of the troops that had been sent from there to reinforce Lee, he immediately detached General Smith’s command by water, via the White House, to reach Bermuda Hundred in advance of the Army of the Potomac. The design of this was to secure Petersburg before the enemy, becoming aware of the intention of the Federal chief, could reinforce the place. The importance attached by General Grant to this movement, induced him to seek a personal interview with General Butler, at that time, which is thus alluded to in the report of the Lieutenant-General. “The instructions to General Butler were verbal, and were for him to send General Smith immediately, that night, with all the troops he could give him without sacrificing the position he then held. I told him that I would return to the Army of the Potomac, hasten its crossing, and throw it forward to Petersburg by divisions as rapidly as it could be done; that we could reinforce our armies more rapidly there than the enemy could bring troops against us. General Smith got off as directed, and confronted the enemy’s pickets near Petersburg before daylight next morning, but for some reason, that I have never been able to satisfactory understand, did not get ready to assault his main lines until near sundown. Then, with a part of his command only, he made the assault, and carried the lines northeast of Petersburg from the Appomattox river, for a distance of over two [and a half miles, capturing fifteen pieces of artillery and three hundred prisoners. This was about seven P. M. Between the line thus captured and Petersburg there were no other works, and there was no evidence that the enemy had reinforced Petersburg with a single brigade from any source. The night was clear—the moon shining brightly—and favorable to further operations. General Hancock, with two divisions of the Second corps, reached General Smith, just after dark, and offered the services of these troops as he (Smith) might wish, waiving rank to the named commander, who he naturally supposed knew best the position of affairs, and what to do with the troops. But instead of taking these troops, and pushing at once into Petersburg, he requested General Hancock to relieve a part of his line in the captured works, which was done before midnight. “By the time I arrived the next morning, the enemy was in force. An attack was ordered to be made at six o’clock that evening by the troops under Smith and the Second and Ninth corps. It required until that time for the Ninth corps to get up and into position. The attack was made as ordered, and the fighting continued with but little intermission until six o’clock the next morning, and resulted in our carrying the advance and some of the main works of the enemy to the right (our left) of those previously captured by General Smith, several pieces of artillery, and over four hundred prisoners. “The Fifth corps having got up, the attacks were renewed and persisted in with great vigor on the 17th and 18th, but only resulted in forcing the enemy to an interior line from which he could not be dislodged. The advantages in position gained by us were very great. The army then proceeded to envelop Petersburg toward the Southside railroad, as far as possible, without attacking fortifications.” The severe and continued fighting of the four days resulted in a loss to the Federal army of about ten thousand men; the casualties of the Second corps alone were estimated at fifteen hundred men. * * * * * General Grant thus alludes to the operations near Bermuda Hundred, General Butler’s headquarters, which transpired simultaneously with the transactions thus described: “On the 6th, the enemy, to reinforce Petersburg, withdrew from a part of his intrenchment in front of Bermuda Hundred, expecting no doubt to get troops from north of the James to take the place of those withdrawn before we could discover it. General Butler, taking advantage of this, at once moved a force on the railroad between Petersburg and Richmond. As soon as I was apprised of the advantage thus gained, to retain it I ordered two divisions of the Sixth corps, General Wright commanding, that were embarking at Wilcox landing, under orders for City Point, to report to General Butler, at Bermuda Hundred, of which General Butler was notified, and the importance of holding a position in advance of his present line urged upon him. “About two o’clock in the afternoon General Butler was forced back to the line the enemy had withdrawn from in the morning. General Wright, with his two divisions, joined General Butler on the afternoon of the 17th, the latter still holding with a strong picket line the enemy’s works. But instead of putting these divisions into the enemy’s works to hold them, he permitted them to halt and rest some distance in the rear of his own line. Between four and five o’clock in the forenoon the enemy attacked and drove in his pickets, and reoccupied his old line. “On the night of the 20th, and morning of the 21st, a lodgment was effected by General Butler, with one brigade of infantry, on the north bank of the James, at Deep Bottom, and connected the pontoon bridge with Bermuda Hundred.” WELDON RAILROAD, NEAR PETERSBURG VA. JUNE 22–23, 1864. An attempt was made on the 22d of June, to cut the Weldon railroad below Petersburg, in order to cut off the rebel supplies through that important line of communication. The expedition was simultaneous in departure with a cavalry force under General Wilson, whose design was to also cut the railroad at a point several miles below. The Sixth corps, in conjunction with the Second, were dispatched early in the morning, but had not advanced far before they were discovered by the rebels, who boldly came out to meet them, in order to check the movement on the railroad. Great advantage occurred to the rebel forces from a more accurate knowledge of the topography of the country. Hill’s rebel corps first made their appearance on the flank of Barlow’s division, gradually worked round towards his rear, and he eventually succeeded in throwing a division of his troops between the Second and Sixth corps, thus creating confusion in the Union ranks. A desultory combat ensued for a short time, in which the Federals were driven some distance, and several hundred of Barlow’s men were captured. The left flank of Mott’s division now became involved in a similar misfortune, when he too was compelled to retire with the loss of three or four hundred prisoners. The rebel troops following up their advantage, soon became strongly reinforced, and assailed Gibbon’s division in front and rear. His brigades on the right boldly withstood the enemy; while those on the left, though slightly entrenched, were obliged to yield ground under pressure of the immense force which was brought against them. A four-gun battery now opened on the enemy, but being without infantry supports, it was soon captured, and the rebel troops pressed forward in dense masses, throwing the Federal lines into inextricable confusion. Several regiments were captured at this time, which had become so disorganized as to be able to oppose little if any resistance. At this point a change of front was effected by a small force, the centre of which was the Twentieth Massachusetts, and the enemy were soon checked by a determined resistance. A want of good discipline and generalship, exposed the Federals to a heavy loss and severe defeat on this occasion by an inferior force of the enemy. The ground was partly recovered on the succeeding day by an advance of the Sixth and Second corps; but it soon became apparent that the main object of the expedition was unattainable, as the enemy were strongly intrenched on the northern side of the Weldon railroad and an assault was not deemed advisable. The Union loss was five hundred in killed and wounded, and two thousand prisoners. ENGAGEMENTS AT REAMS’S STATION, STONY CREEK, ETC. JUNE 22–29, 1864. The cavalry expedition which left the Federal camps at the same time with the infantry force described in the previous section, was successful in its results. It was composed of General Wilson’s division of the Army of the Potomac, and General Kautz’s division of the Army of the James, both under the command of the former officer. The entire force comprised about seven thousand men, and was accompanied by three batteries of four guns each. This force was also designed to operate on the railroads south of Petersburg, and the results of their raid were such as to deprive the rebels of their accustomed supplies for several weeks by the ordinary roads, which occasioned them great inconvenience and actual want. They first struck the Weldon railroad at Reams’s Station, where they destroyed all the public buildings, and several miles of the road. They then struck boldly across the country by way of Dinwiddie Court House to Sutherland’s Station, destroying several miles of the Sutherland railroad, fifteen miles from Petersburg; also at Ford’s Station on the Lynchburg railroad, twenty-two miles from Petersburg, Kautz’s troops being in advance, where sixteen cars, two locomotives, and the depot were destroyed, and several miles of the track rendered useless. On the morning of the 23rd, Kautz’s troops again pursued their march, and on reaching Nottoway Station a rebel force of two brigades made their appearance, and an engagement ensued, in which the enemy were defeated. General Kautz’s troops moved on to Burkesville in the afternoon, where the work of destruction was continued. General Wilson’s command proceeded from Nottoway Court House to Medler’s Station, and destroyed the Danville railroad to Roanoke bridge, a distance of twenty-five miles, where he found the enemy in force, and in a position from which he could not dislodge him. The entire force then moved in a southeasterly direction toward Williamsburg, which they reached on the morning of the 26th. General Wilson then commenced his return march, and on the 28th he met the enemy’s cavalry in force at the Weldon railroad crossing of Stony creek. The rebels made some show of resistance while the Federals were crossing the bridge, but were speedily driven back, and the crossing effected. The enemy were soon encountered in force and a fierce contest ensued. Under a severe fire a portion of the Federal cavalry dismounted and formed a slight breastwork, where they resisted several charges of the rebels. After five hours’ fighting, General Wilson relinquished the design of forcing a passage at that point, and sent General Kautz’s force up a left-hand road to Reams’s Station, supposing that place to be in the possession of Federal troops. General Kautz there encountered a body of Confederate cavalry, supported by infantry, and after a short engagement was compelled to retire, with the loss of his artillery and trains. In this encounter General Kautz and a part of his force became separated from the body of the Federal cavalry, but succeeded in making his way into the Union lines. General Wilson, with the remainder of the force, succeeding in crossing the Nottoway river, and coming in safely on the left and rear. SHERMAN’S MARCH FROM ATLANTA TO SAVANNAH NOVEMBER 16 TO DECEMBER 22, 1804. “On the 12th of November,” says General Sherman’s report, “my army stood detached and cut off from all communication with the rear.” On the 16th, General Sherman himself left Atlanta, and the march may be said to have fairly commenced. It covered a period of five weeks, and terminated in the capture of Savannah. In many respects this was the most brilliant operation of the entire war. The sensation which the great march occasioned throughout the North and in Europe, is almost unexampled in history. One effective element was its mystery. In leaving Atlanta, Sherman cut himself off from all communication with the North, and utterly disappeared—no one knew whither, except such as enjoyed the confidence of the government. The rebel authorities and press were uncommonly reticent of all information of his movements. Rumors were hunted up from day to day, but it was not until the army emerged upon the Atlantic coast, that its history became known, and the importance and the brilliancy of Sherman’s campaign was adequately realized. The story of the great march has been many times told—very curtly and concisely by General Sherman himself, in his report; very profusely by war-correspondents who accompanied the army, and have since put forth their narratives of its adventures. It was not attended by any important battles, but was, of course, marked by a great variety of lively and picturesque incidents. The army, consisting of sixty thousand infantry and five thousand five hundred cavalry, with one cannon to each thousand men, was divided into two wings, the right being entrusted to Major-General O. O. Howard, commanding the Fifteenth and Seventeenth corps, and the left to Major-General H. W. Slocum, commanding the Fourteenth and Twentieth corps. The right wing, under General Howard, preceded by Brigadier-General J. Kilpatrick’s cavalry division, was put in motion in the direction of Jonesboro’ and McDonough, with orders to make an imposing feint on Macon, “to cross the Ocmulgee about Planter’s Mills, and rendezvous in the neighborhood of Gordon in seven days, exclusive of the day of march.” The cavalry moved out in columns of fours, filing past the right wing, their splendid appearance eliciting shouts of applause from the infantry. The latter suspected rightly that to Kilpatrick was assigned the glorious task of releasing the Union prisoners confined at Millen, and they consequently wished him God-speed with all their hearts. On the same day, General Slocum moved by Decatur and Stone Mountain. The progress of the corps was at first slow, but the spirits of the men were buoyant. They had been told all it was necessary for them to know, that the base was to be changed, that a long and difficult march was before them, and that a fatal blow was, by such means, to be dealt the rebel Confederacy. The ensuing night proved pleasant; the road was broad and good, and brilliantly illuminated by the conflagration of Atlanta. The army was to move in four columns. The two constituting the left wing, under General Slocum, were to take the more northerly route, and the two forming the right, under Howard, were to pursue the more southerly one, but all were to keep within supporting distance of each other, with the cavalry operating on the flanks. The troops were provided with good wagon trains, loaded with ammunition and forty days’ edible supplies, and were instructed to maintain this order of things as long as possible by foraging liberally, and “living chiefly, if not solely, upon the country.” Orders were issued to prevent the infliction of any unnecessary loss and suffering upon the inhabitants, and “to leave each family a reasonable portion for its maintenance but of course such instructions were often disregarded and too frequently converted into a license for indiscriminate plunder, so that the Georgians were at last compelled to endure the full penalty of the fratricidal war they had assisted in provoking. As the left wing, under General Slocum, moved forward, the railroad from Social Circle to Madison was torn up. On reaching Rutledge, the railroad depot, engine-house, &c., were destroyed, and large quantities of cotton were burned, three hundred bales being often destroyed by one corps in a day’s march. Foraging, too, began to be richly recompensed. Madison, one of the loveliest villages in Georgia, was next partially shorn of its beauty. Its stores were sacked and its slave calaboose burned to the ground. On Sunday the troops arrived at Eatonville, a terminus of the branch railroad from Milledgeville, where they suffered much from cold rains and the worst and most slippery roads they had yet traversed. General Geary had, in the mean time, made a detour, for the purpose of destroying the Oconee railroad bridge, a splendid structure, twelve hundred feet in length. Several wagon bridges, tanneries, shoe-factories, and four hundred bales of cotton in the neighborhood shared its fate before he joined the main column. Supplies were now found on every hand in abundance, including stacks of corn fodder, numerous ground beds, containing about one hundred bushels of sweet potatoes in each; also, cattle, sheep, hogs, and poultry. Fine horses and sleek mules were hidden in thickets, but they were almost invariably discovered by the men and appropriated to government use. Negroes willingly assisted the soldiers in their search for hidden treasures, and left their homes at a moment’s preparation to go they knew not whither, in search of freedom, which they too often imagined to be “an eternal Christmas—a life-long holiday.” Old and young, strong and weak, men, women, and children, of all shades, some dressed in their master’s or mistress’ best, and others almost naked, joined Sherman’s march, some of them declaring that “Mars’r Sherman was a great man, but dis am de work ob de Lord.” On the twenty-second of November, Captain Duncan, with ten scouts, dashed into Milledgeville, the capital of the State, and captured it. The mayor came forth, and made a formal surrender of the town to General Slocum, deprecating the destruction of private property. Governor Brown, after vainly endeavoring to infuse into the hearts of the legislators the courage which he himself could not muster, had fled precipitately, as they had done, leaving the capital without defenders. Two thousand stand of arms, a ton and a half of powder, and much other valuable public property, was here captured. The penitentiary was burned by some disorderly soldiers, after the convicts had been released. Millions of Georgia paper money was found in the Treasurer’s office. Private property was here protected, and only that belonging to the rebel government, including two thousand bales of cotton, arsenals, machinery, depots, &c., was burned. General Kilpatrick’s cavalry had been—as, indeed, they were during the whole march—busy covering the movements of the infantry columns, protecting flanks, lighting up the country with burning cotton, guarding against rebel dashes in the rear, and fighting splendidly in front. After crossing Mud Creek, near Jonesboro’, the advance encountered the enemy in force, provided with artillery. The rebel cannon opened fiercely, but the enemy no sooner witnessed the imposing display of cavalry which confronted them, than they lost heart, and retreated to Lovejoy’s Station, where Wheeler had taken refuge behind a line of earthworks, with artillery in position, and a large force of militia and one brigade of his old command, under Iverson, numbering in all perhaps four thousand men. Colonel Murray’s gallant brigade, consisting of four regiments, was formed for the assault, while the artillery on both sides thundered heavily. The open country was favorable for a charge, which was quickly sounded, and a brilliant dash upon the rebel works was made, which resulted in the recapture of two of Rodman’s guns, which were lost by Stoneman in his unfortunate raid, and the complete rout of the enemy, with the loss on his part of ten killed and forty taken prisoners. General Howard was now approaching Planter’s Mills with the view of laying his pontoons and crossing the Ocmulgee, which purpose he accomplished undisturbed. Kilpatrick was at the same time menacing Macon from the west side of the stream. His cavalry passed Clinton on the 20th and advanced upon Macon in three columns, the brigade under Colonel Atkins taking the right, that under Colonel Murray the left, while the Third Kentucky held the central road. Colonel Murray went dashing for miles over a succession of barricades with little loss till he came within reach of the guns of the enemy’s works, which opened a furious discharge upon him. Without flinching, the Tenth Ohio advanced in the face of this fire up the hill, and when the signal charge was given, rushed forward with irresistible impetuosity. The works were surmounted, artillerymen and infantry supports scattered, and the fort captured with a celerity that surprised the victors themselves. But while busying themselves with the eight siege guns they had taken but could neither spike nor remove, the enemy rallied, other guns were turned upon the Federals, and they were compelled to retire. The cavalry now destroyed the Central railroad as far as Griswoldsville, where Walcott’s brigade of infantry joined them in order to cover that flank, while Howard’s trains were closing up and his men scattered and engaged in the destruction of the railroad toward Gordon. The enemy had made a reconnoissance in force and captured an entire picket post. He was approaching in considerable strength, and scarcely had the Union cavalry thrown up some hasty works, before they were assaulted by the rebels, who advanced with a deafening yell. Walcott’s infantry, regarding the Confederate militia with supreme contempt, swept down upon them; but they did not prove such contemptible foes after all, and were content with nothing short of a thorough defeat. They were commanded by General Phillips, who displayed much gallantry in rallying them when they shrank under a heavy fire of musketry and artillery; but his efforts were finally unavailing, and his men fled panic-stricken, leaving their brave commander and several hundred men prisoners in the hands of the Union troops. Kilpatrick crossed the Oconee river and joined Sherman at Milledgeville. Slocum’s column left the capital on the 24th, crossed the Oconee, and plunged into an extensive pine forest. The Oconee bridge was burned on the following morning. The road traversed a wide swamp formed by a winding creek, over which nine bridges had been built. The enemy had destroyed these, and pontoons and corduroy had to supply their place. Skirmishing with the enemy now grew lively. A dash of Colonel Hughes into Sandersville nearly proved fatal to him, and the infantry of the second column advanced to undisturbed possession of the town. Louisville was reached on the 30th, and on the 2d and 3d of December, both men and mules suffered much from the heat. On the march, the plantation of a violent secessionist, Dr. W. Jones, was completely devastated, and that of widow Jones, who had shown sympathy to Union captives, was spared for the sake of her charitable deeds. The Milieu stockade, which had been the prison of many thousand Union captives, was passed, but the prisoners had been removed before even the swift and dashing Kilpatrick could reach it. It consisted of a high log fence, enclosing fifteen acres, in a thick pine forest, and was a melancholy and dreary spectacle. The right wing, under General Howard, had encountered little opposition, except at Oconee Bridge, where Major Hartridge, of Wheeler’s cavalry, made a stout but unavailing resistance. The Fourteenth and Twentieth corps arrived at Millen with punctuality, which tended to ensure the accomplishment of Sherman’s masterly plans. Kilpatrick had, in the mean time, been raiding in advance. Two hundred of his men under Captain Hayes, had struck out sixty miles from the main command. They ventured within eight miles of Augusta, destroying a train of cars, the bridge over Brier creek on the Augusta Branch railroad, and committed other devastations calculated to weaken and confound the enemy. Kilpatrick took special pains while Hayes was thus engaged, to keep Wheeler’s attention fixed upon him, in the vicinity of Louisville. Colonel Murray’s detachment was thrice vigorously assailed by the rebel cavalry, and though driven off at last by the aid of artillery. Kilpatrick’s command continued to be harassed with sharp skirmishing, which culminated in a hard fight, at Turkey creek, where the narrow and difficult passage over the bridge afforded the enemy an opportunity to check his progress. [Illustration: HOOD’S HEADQUARTERS AT ATLANTA.] [Illustration: SHERMAN’S HEADQUARTERS AT ATLANTA.] On the 28th of November, a foggy morning, Wheeler’s cavalry suddenly assaulted Kilpatrick’s rear, drove him behind his second barricade, and followed up the advantage with so much vigor, that nothing but hard fighting and swift running saved that commander from capture. At Buck Head creek the cavalry had another sharp conflict. The enemy charged Kilpatrick on the flank, but his men were advantageously posted behind timber, and the rebels exposed in an open field to a fire which drove them back with the loss of two hundred left dead and wounded upon the field. On the first of December Kilpatrick had the good fortune to strike Wheeler’s cavalry in turn on the flank, and an encounter ensued in which the rebels were defeated. On the 4th, Kilpatrick was again in search of the enemy, and found him eight miles from Waynesboro’, where he was ensconced behind rail barricades. These defences were found obstinate, but Kilpatrick led his men in person, when the three lines were successfully carried in a hand-to-hand fight, and Wheeler was chased through Waynesboro’. The cavalry now moved toward Savannah, exchanging a few shots with the rebel infantry at Sister’s ferry, when, passing to the right wing again, they moved through Cypress Swamps; and, on December 10th, they were shelled by the rebel batteries at Savannah, in plain view, while picking their way through the rice fields which the rebels had flooded to prevent their approach to the city. As all the columns had reached their rendezvous about Millen in time, they were ordered to continue their march on Savannah by several roads, according to their position in line; General Davis following the Savannah railroad, General Slocum the middle road, by the way of Springfield, General Blair the railroad, and General Howard continuing still south and west of the Ogeechee, with instructions to cross to the east bank opposite Eden Station. On approaching Savannah, the country became more marshy and difficult, and the pioneer companies were constantly employed removing felled trees and other obstructions, so placed as to impede the advance of the army. When the heads of the columns were within fifteen miles of Savannah, all the avenues to the city were found to be thus obstructed, with the addition of extended earthworks and artillery. “But these,” says General Sherman, “were easily turned, and the enemy driven away, so that by the 10th of December the rebels were driven within their lines at Savannah, which followed two swampy streams, bordered by flooded ricefields.” The only approaches to the city were by two railroads and three dirt-roads, all of which were commanded by heavy ordnance, too strong for an attack by the artillery which Sherman’s army had brought with it. General Slocum had struck the Charleston railroad near the bridge, and thus severed the connection between Charleston and Savannah. He invested the latter city on the right and front, the left of the Twentieth corps extending to the river. Here some of the foragers discovered the steamer Water Witch, captured from the Union fleet, moving up, which was soon recaptured and burned. Howard now swung into line, bringing the Seventeenth corps on the right centre, and placing the Fifteenth in reserve, to open communication with the Union fleet, which purpose was effected by Captain Duncan, chief of Howard’s scouts. Major-General Kilpatrick had reconnoitred Fort McAllister, and, by a rapid movement to Kilkenny Bluff, also succeeded in communicating with the fleet. He solicited permission to attack the fort, which was very prudently refused. THE CAPTURE OF FORT MC ALLISTER, GA. DECEMBER 13, 1864. The railroad bridge called King’s Bridge, across the Ogeechee, leading to the fort, had been burned by the rebels, and was now reconstructed in an incredibly short time. On the 13th of December the Second division of the Fifteenth corps, under the command of Brigadier-General Hazen, crossed the bridge to the west bank, with orders to carry Fort McAllister by assault. This work was a strong enclosed redoubt, manned by two companies of artillery and three of infantry, in all about two hundred men, and mounting twenty-three guns, _en barbette_, and one mortar. General Hazen deployed his division about the fort, with both flanks resting upon the river, posted his skirmishers behind the trunks of trees whose branches had been used for abattis, and, about five P. M., assaulted the place with nine regiments at three points. General Sherman witnessed the assault from a rice-mill on the opposite side of the river, and had the satisfaction of perceiving, at the same moment, a United States gunboat in the distance, which, shortly afterward, responded to his signal from the mill. Hazen had brought no artillery, for the ground was too swampy to sustain it, and he placed his reliance on the dash and bayonets of his men. All the guns of the fort opened upon his single line as it advanced. At the same time, the torpedoes, which had been buried plentifully in all the approaches to the position, began to explode, killing and Wounding more than the guns. The assailants had first to surmount the thick abattis, which they had no sooner done than they poured into the fort a fire so deadly as to silence its guns. A ditch, bristling with spikes, was the next fearful obstacle to overcome. The Union soldiers scrambled out of this, and clambered into the fort in swarms. A terrible, close, crowded conflict now ensued. The garrison fought desperately; many of the men were bayoneted at their guns, and the officers for a time refused to surrender. But the Union troops continued to pour in on all sides, and the fort was soon after surrendered to the victors. On the following day the rebel prisoners were compelled to remove all the torpedoes about the fort. The Union loss in this gallant affair was twenty-three killed and eighty-two wounded; that of the enemy fourteen killed, twenty-one wounded, and one hundred and ninety-eight soldiers and thirteen officers made prisoners. An important advantage gained by the capture of Fort McAllister was the opening of communication with the supply ships which the government had prudently held in readiness for the wants of Sherman’s army. THE CAPTURE OF SAVANNAH. DECEMBER 21, 1864. The Union lines now closely encircled Savannah. Its supplies were cut off, and the Federals were night and day working themselves closer to the city. Some thirty-pound Parrott guns were landed from the fleet, and placed in position, and preparations were made for assaulting the enemy’s works on all sides. On the 17th of December General Sherman demanded of Lieutenant-General W. J. Hardee the surrender of Savannah, and, on the following day, an answer was returned by Hardee refusing this demand, coupled with an assertion of his ability to hold his position for an indefinite time. He sustained this boast by opening a wasteful and furious bombardment, with shot and shell, on the Union lines. The next night, the 20th of December, Hardee evacuated Savannah. He ferried his men quietly across the river, and escaped by the Union causeway, carrying with him all the able-bodied negroes, under guard, into South Carolina. General Geary was the first to discover the movement, and to enter the deserted works. Mayor Arnold rode out and surrendered the city to him. General Geary was afterward entrusted with the command of Savannah, and afforded general satisfaction to its citizens, who were well pleased with the moderation and equity of his administration. General Hardee had burned the shipyard and a rebel ram there which was nearly completed. The iron-clad floating battery, Georgia, was sunk by her commander, and the iron-clad Savannah, after indulging in some wanton firing upon the captured city, was blown up, the explosion visiting the city like an earthquake. The Union loss during the siege of Savannah did not exceed six hundred. One hundred and forty-five cannon, one thousand prisoners, thirty thousand bales of cotton, and immense quantities of ammunition and supplies, and much valuable property were captured, which, as the city was virtually taken before it was surrendered, were regarded by General Sherman as the undoubted prizes of the government for which he and his army had toiled and fought so long. * * * * * Sherman’s grand march to the sea was accomplished. Its mysterious strategy and alarming boldness were now elucidated and justified by the event. The rebels had been perplexed and distracted by the movement. The feint on Macon first misled the enemy, and, afterward, Sherman’s constant menace against Augusta divided the forces which might have been united against him, and kept the Georgians in the most demoralizing suspense and terror, which allowed the Union army to sever and burn at its leisure the enemy’s only remaining railroad communications eastward and westward, for hundreds of miles—namely, the Georgia State railroad and the Central railroad from Gordon to Savannah, with numerous other portions of it. The army passed over forty-two of the finest grain-growing counties of the State, consuming their corn and fodder, sweet potatoes, cattle, sheep, hogs, and poultry, appropriating ten thousand or more horses and mules, burning all their bridges, cotton gins, all public buildings of service to the enemy, and bringing away a countless number of slaves. “I estimate,” says General Sherman, “the damage done to the State of Georgia and its military resources at one hundred million dollars, at least twenty million dollars of which has inured to our advantage, and the remainder is simple waste and destruction. This may seem a hard species of warfare, but it brings the sad realities of war home to those who have been directly or indirectly instrumental in involving us in its calamities.” GRAND NAVAL COMBAT IN MOBILE BAY. CAPTURE OF FORTS MORGAN, POWELL, AND GAINES. AUGUST 5–23, 1864. Admiral Farragut, who had anchored off Mobile Bay for more than a month, awaiting reinforcements and military cooperation, at length saw the day approach on which he was prepared to undertake the most dangerous if not formidable naval combat that history has ever recorded. At the head of Mobile Bay, nearly thirty miles from the Gulf of Mexico, lies the city of Mobile. Dauphin’s Island lies at the mouth of the bay, and almost closes the entrance, having a narrow strait on either side. The western channel affords but five feet of water, and is therefore not navigable for heavy vessels. The eastern strait channel has a depth of twenty feet. The entrance to the bay is guarded by two strong forts. The principal defence is Fort Morgan, which is built on a low, sandy point opposite Dauphin’s Island, and four miles from it. The rebels had blockaded the whole passage between Fort Morgan and Dauphin Island with tiers of piles, chains, and torpedoes, leaving a channel of fifteen hundred yards in width for the blockade-runners, which flowed directly under the guns of the fort. Opposite Fort Morgan, on Dauphin Island, is Fort Gaines; and about a mile distant from the latter structure was Fort Powell. Early in August, Admiral Farragut’s fleet was reinforced by two iron-clads from James river, and two from the Mississippi. Soon after sunrise on the morning of the 5th of August, signals were given to all the fleet, and at twenty minutes to six the gunboats and monitors were underweigh, moving up the bay. The vessels were lashed side by side in couples, for better protection, and in order to assist each other when any became disabled. Chains and sand bags were laid on the decks over the machinery, to resist a plunging fire; while sheet chains and other protective material were hung on the sides of the vessels. The first object of the Admiral was to pass the forts, inflicting as much damage to them as possible in the transit, and then to engage and overcome the rebel gunboats, and the formidable ram which lay in the inner waters. The attacking fleet comprised fourteen wooden vessels, and four iron-clad monitors. About seven o’clock the leading vessels came under fire from Fort Morgan, and the rebel gunboats anchored under the guns of the fort; while the Federal vessels, advancing in as close order as safety permitted, replied with their rifled bow guns, and as soon as the range permitted, with their formidable broadsides, driving the rebels from their guns, and breaching the walls of their defences. The Admiral was lashed in the main-top of his flagship, the Hartford, from which exposed situation he had a good view of the battle, and communicated his orders through speaking tubes. At half-past seven the leading Monitor, the Tecumseh, struck a torpedo, which exploded with terrific and fatal force, and the staunch vessel, overcome by the terrible concussion, sank in the vortex, engulfing her brave commander, Captain T. A. M. Craven, and all but ten of her crew. This remnant was picked up while struggling in the water by a boat from the Metacomet, under a storm of shot and shell. The fate of the Tecumseh did not check the advance of the fleet, for all the brave sailors in the squadron well knew that they were exposed to the same frightful fate, and had entered the combat prepared to encounter the danger. The flagship Hartford, with the Metacomet lashed to her port side, now took the lead, and, boldly followed by the remainder of the squadron, passed the forts without serious damage, and were out of range in an hour’s time. The Hartford was now assailed by the rebel ram Tennessee; a most formidable vessel upon which the rebels confidently relied for the destruction of the whole Federal fleet, should they succeed in passing the forts, and avoiding the dangerous obstructions. The Confederate gunboats Morgan, Gaines, and Selma, also courageously took part in the combat, but were soon disposed of by the Union vessels as they came up. In half an hour the Selma was a prize to the Metacomet, and the Gaines had ran ashore under the guns of Fort Morgan, while the Morgan had escaped to the city docks. The iron-clad Tennessee, bearing the flag of Admiral Buchanan, maintained a fierce and sanguinary combat with the heavier Union vessels for nearly two hours. This vessel was one hundred and eighty feet in length, sheathed with iron plates, five inches in thickness, of narrow plates, strongly bolted, and backed by two feet of solid oak. She was armed with a powerful ram, and had two ports on either side, closed by iron shutters turning upon a pivot. The wooden ships defiantly encountered the Tennessee, although her armor was impervious to their guns, while the iron-clads grappled fiercely with their formidable antagonist. The Manhattan, with one of her fifteen-inch shot, broke through the armor of the Tennessee, and a monitor shot disabled the steering gear, and thus rendered her helpless. At ten o’clock she surrendered. Twenty officers and about one hundred and seventy men were captured in this vessel, and ninety officers and men in the Selma. The capture of these two vessels terminated the glorious battle of the 5th of August. On the following day one of the iron-clads shelled Fort Gaines with such effect that Colonel Anderson the commander sent a communication to Admiral Farragut offering to surrender. General Granger, commanding the United States military forces then investing Mobile, was sent for, and the terms of capitulation were signed by the respective parties on board the Hartford. On the night of the 5th of August, Fort Powell was attacked, and blown up, the guns falling into the hands of the naval commander. From this time onward movements were in preparation for attacking Fort Morgan, and on the 22nd of August, with day-dawn, a bombardment was opened from the shore batteries, the Monitors and ships inside, and the vessels outside the bar. At six A. M. on the 23d, a white flag was displayed by the rebels, and at two o’clock the fort was unconditionally surrendered to the navy and army of the United States by General Page, the commander. The capture of Forts Powell, Gaines and Morgan, and the destruction of the rebel fleet, gave the navy possession of the bay, and closed the port to all ingress or egress of blockade runners. This was all that was contemplated. Possession of the city of Mobile could not make the blockade more effectual, and without a sufficient cooperating land force, which could not then be spared to take and hold the place, further demonstration was not advisable. To obstruct naval operations, the bay had been strewn with torpedoes, and as late as the 13th of September, Rear Admiral Farragut wrote the department that he was still engaged in removing them. One hundred, it was reported, had been placed in the bay by the rebels. SHERMAN’S MARCH FROM SAVANNAH TO GOLDSBORO’, N. C. JANUARY TO MARCH, 1865. The city of Savannah, and the forts around it, were, on the 18th of January, 1865, transferred to General Foster, who commanded the Department of the South, and General Sherman once more pushed forward—this time to reach Goldsboro’, in North Carolina, and open communication with cooperating forces from that point. The capture of Charleston was incidental to this campaign; but was left to General Foster’s command. The order to march was given on the 19th of January. Savannah was garrisoned by a division of the 19th Army corps, under General Grover, while General Schofield’s corps, the Twenty-third, was sent to reinforce Generals Terry and Palmer, who were operating on the coast of North Carolina. Sherman’s march lasted about two months, and was attended by skirmishes and small battles, but was never checked; and, in the end, was thoroughly successful in accomplishing its intended purpose. The condition of the rivers, swollen by thaws and rains, at first caused the army some trouble. But all obstacles were speedily overcome. An engagement at Rivers’ Bridge, on the 3d of February, was the earliest fighting of moment. The point was carried with the loss of one officer and seventeen men. The troops engaged were a division of the Seventeenth corps, under Generals Thomas and Smith. Heavy skirmishing took place, at Blackville, Williston and Aiken, between General Kilpatrick’s cavalry, and the rebel cavalry of Wheeler. On the 12th of February, General Sherman was at Orangeburg, where there was some fighting. By this time he had isolated Branchville and Charleston, so that the rebels would probably be obliged to evacuate those places. His next blow was aimed at Columbia. This beautiful city is one hundred and twenty-eight miles from Charleston. The rebels, under Hampton, abandoned it on the 16th, having first fired a large quantity of cotton which was there accumulated. On the 17th it was surrendered to General Sherman, who, in anticipation of the occupation of the city, had issued to General Howard orders concerning the conduct of the troops. These were to destroy absolutely all arsenals and public property not needed for his own use, as well as all railroads, depots, and machinery useful in war to an enemy, but to spare all dwellings, colleges, schools, asylums, and harmless private property. But, as it turned out, before one single public building had been fired by order, the smoldering fires, set by Hampton’s orders, were kindled by the wind, and communicated to the buildings around. About dark they began to spread, and got beyond the control of the troops, and raged until about four A. M., when the wind subsiding, the flames wore subdued. “I was up nearly all night,” says General Sherman, “and saw Generals Howard, Logan, Woods, and others, laboring to save houses and protect families thus suddenly deprived of shelter, and of bedding and wearing apparel. I disclaim on the part of my army any agency in this fire, but on the contrary claim that we saved what of Columbia remains unconsumed. And without hesitation I charge General Wade Hampton with having burned his own city of Columbia, not with a malicious intent, but from folly and want of sense in filling it with lint, cotton, and tinder.” During the 18th and 19th, the arsenal, railroad depots, machine shops, foundries, and other buildings were destroyed by detailed working parties, and the railroad track torn up down to Kingsville and the Wateree bridge, and up in the direction of Winnsboro’. The next principal point was Cheraw, which was entered, after a toilsome march, on the 3d of March. Charleston had, meanwhile, been evacuated by General Hardee, on the 18th of February, and many guns and much ammunition had been conveyed thence to Cheraw. These were now captured by General Sherman, who also broke up the railroad as far as Darlington, and the branch road from Florence to Cheraw. He then pushed on to Fayetteville, which he occupied on the 11th of March. The enemy, broken into small detachments, were all the while retiring before Sherman’s advance, but at the same time were harassing him by occasional dashes. One of these, made by Hampton, on the 9th, led to a brisk engagement between his forces and Kilpatrick’s cavalry, in which the latter were victorious. But the rebels, fearing for Raleigh, now endeavored to concentrate in Sherman’s front. Beauregard’s troops, from Columbia, Cheatham’s from the West, the garrison of Augusta, and Hardee’s from Charleston, were to be speedily massed together, under the command of General J. E. Johnston. General Sherman’s plan was to feign an attack on Raleigh, but really to push on to Goldsboro’. One obstacle in his path was Hardee, who, with twenty thousand men, had made a stand between Cape Fear river and South river. General Williams, with the Twentieth corps, was thereupon ordered to dislodge Hardee and capture the position. The result was the BATTLE OF AVERASBORO’. MARCH 15–16, 1865. This fight commenced about noon, and lasted till night. Skirmishing continued all night, and on the morning of the 16th, the battle was renewed, with great fury. Severe fighting took place during the day, without satisfactory results. The enemy held his position, although suffering heavy loss. Everything indicated the presence of Hardee’s whole army corps. He evacuated the line, during the night of the 16th, however, and fell back to Averasboro’, pursued by Ward’s division of the Twentieth corps. His dead and wounded were left on the field, and abandoned along the road to Averasboro’. General Ward pressed up to Averasboro’, holding the plank road in front, while the balance of the command moved off to the right, across Black river, on the Goldsboro’ road, now uncovered. The National loss in this fight was four hundred and forty-six in the Twentieth corps, one hundred and eight in the Fourteenth, and one hundred and seventy-one in Kilpatrick’s command—total, seven hundred and thirty-seven. The number of rebels, buried on the field, and paroled wounded, was three hundred and twenty-seven—exclusive of those they carried off, and the unhurt prisoners captured by the Unionists. The advance of General Sherman was immediately continued, in an easterly direction from Averasboro’, along the Goldsboro’ road. General Johnston had suddenly moved from Raleigh, and concentrated his entire force at a village called Bentonsville, on this road, eighteen miles from Averasboro’, intending to fall on Sherman’s left flank and overwhelm it, before the arrival of its cooperating column. But the Union commander, anticipating such a movement, was wholly prepared for it. A battle ensued at Bentonsville, the Union line being complete and strong, and the rebels on the defensive, in intrenchments. BATTLE OF BENTONSVILLE. MARCH 20, 1864. At noon the enemy left his works and advanced on Jeff. C. Davis’ two divisions. Buell and Hobart were overwhelmed, and pressed back through the woods more than a mile and a half. Vandeveer’s, Mitchell’s, Fering’s and Cogswell’s brigades, on the right, fought stubbornly and desperately, and lost but little ground. There was temporary confusion, and a rout was imminent. Five batteries of artillery were massed at a point where a hospital had been established in the morning, the balance of Jackson’s division, Twentieth corps, were placed on the left, and a new line formed. During the day five grand charges were made by the enemy, massed, but each was repulsed. They succeeded in capturing three guns of the Nineteenth Indiana battery, but only two were taken off. There was desperate fighting all day, the musketry firing being very heavy. Although they gained considerable ground on the left during the day, the rebels retired to their main line, when night fell, leaving the greater part of their dead and wounded on the field. The rebel loss was twenty-five hundred in killed and wounded. Seven hundred were captured. The Twenty-sixth Tennessee regiment was captured entire, colors and all, with a large part of the Twelfth Louisiana. The National loss was quite severe, being estimated at sixteen hundred and forty-three. During the temporary confusion caused by the furious charge on Carlin’s division, the Unionists lost about two hundred and fifty prisoners. This was the last important battle in which General Sherman was engaged. General Schofield had entered Goldsboro’ on the 21st, and General Sherman’s forces, immediately after the fight at Bentonsville, advanced to that place. On the 25th the Newbern railroad was completed, and the army was receiving its supplies from that base. Between the 27th and 30th General Sherman had visited City Point, and conversed with the President and General Grant, for the arrangement of the final campaign of the war, and had returned to Goldsboro’. THE OCCUPATION OF CHARLESTON, S. C. FEBRUARY 18, 1865. General Sherman’s advance, as has already been noted, isolated Charleston, and caused its evacuation by General Hardee. The rebels abandoned the city on the night of the 17th of February, and the National forces occupied it next day. General Foster, suffering from wounds and ill health, had, meantime, been relieved by General Gilmore, and it was by the forces of this officer and of Admiral Dahlgren, that the far-famed cradle of the rebellion was finally occupied. The following was General Gilmore’s dispatch, announcing the capture of the city: “CHARLESTON, S. C., February 18, 1865. “Major-General HALLECK, Chief of Staff:— “GENERAL—The city of Charleston and all its defences came into our possession this morning, with about two hundred pieces of good artillery and a supply of fine ammunition. “The enemy commenced evacuating all the works last night, and Mayor Macbeth surrendered the city to General Schemmelfinnig at nine o’clock this morning, at which time it was occupied by our forces. “The cotton warehouses, arsenals, quartermaster’s stores, railroad bridges and two iron clads were burned by the enemy. Some vessels in the ship yard were also burned. “Nearly all the inhabitants remaining behind belong to the poorer class. “Very respectfully, “Q. A. GILMORE, General Commanding.” * * * * * The rebel movement of evacuation commenced on the night of Friday, the 17th, the garrison of Sullivan’s Island and Point Pleasant quietly withdrawing and retreating over the road by Christ’s Church, just in time to escape Potter’s advance cutting them off. The troops in the city moved out on the northeastern railroad, as did the garrison on James Island, which was finally evacuated on Saturday morning. Shortly after daylight on Saturday, it was discovered that there were no troops in and about Sumter, or Moultrie, or in the works on James Island. Lieutenant-Colonel Bennett, of the Twenty-first United States colored troops, commanding Morris Island, immediately dispatched Major Hennessy, of the Fifty-second Pennsylvania volunteers, to Fort Sumter, in a small boat, to ascertain whether the fort was evacuated. Major Hennessy proceeded to Sumter, and soon waved the Stars and Stripes over the battered battlements of the work, from which they had been torn down in April, 1861. The sight of the old flag on Sumter was an assurance that the enemy had evacuated all their works, and it was hailed by every demonstration of joy on ship and shore. Another boat, in charge of Lieutenant Hackett, of the Third Rhode Island artillery, was immediately sent to Fort Moultrie to take possession of that work, and raise again the National colors upon its parapet. The navy, anxious to share in the honors of the day, also launched a boat, and strove to gain the beach of Sullivan’s Island before the army, and an exciting race ensued between the boats of the different branches of the service. The army boat, under Lieutenant Hackett, reached the shore in advance. As she touched, the officer and crew sprang off on the beach, through the surf, and rushed for the goal. The parapet was soon gained, and the flag given to the breeze, amid the cheers of the soldiers and sailors, who had come up a moment or two behind him. The guns were all spiked, and the carriages somewhat damaged. A large quantity of munitions was found in the magazines, which the enemy had not time to destroy. When the flag floated over Moultrie, Lieutenant-Colonel Bennett, Major Hennessy, and Lieutenant Burr, of the Fifty-second Pennsylvania, started for the city, giving orders to have troops follow. They pulled up the bay, while the rebel iron-clads and vessels were in flames and the city itself was burning at various points. Reaching Fort Ripley, or what is known as the Middle Ground battery, the Federal flag was displayed over the work. The party then pushed on to Castle Pinckney, when the same ceremony of taking possession was observed, and then the boat was pulled cautiously, but directly, toward the city. No hostile force was seen, although a large number of negroes and some whites were congregated on the docks, watching the approach of the “Yankee boat.” Colonel Bennett immediately landed, and the United States flag was displayed again in the city of Charleston, amid the cheers and cries of joy of the crowd assembled about it. It was a perfect storm of applause and outbursts of unfeigned joy and satisfaction. Colonel Bennett, on landing, immediately demanded the surrender of the city, which was formally yielded by the mayor, Charles Macbeth, who asked protection for the firemen, who were being impressed by the retreating rebels, who had fired the city in several places. Colonel Bennett promptly promised the assistance of his troops, to save the city from conflagration. His first step was to rescue the arsenal, which the rebels had prepared for blowing up. The firemen got out their apparatus, and devoted themselves to the extinguishment of the fires now raging with violence at various points in the city. They were aided by the Union troops, who now began to arrive in numbers, and, after a long struggle, the flames were checked, but not until many buildings had been destroyed. A large quantity of cotton, probably two thousand bales, was destroyed, together with a considerable amount of supplies. The worst feature of the conflagration had, however, occurred in the morning—being the blowing up of the Northeastern railroad depot. In this building a quantity of cartridges and kegs of powder had been stored by the rebels, and, as they had not time to remove it, they left it unprotected. A number of men, women, and children had collected to watch the burning of a quantity of cotton in the railroad yard, which the rebels had fired, and, during the conflagration, a number of boys, while running about the depot, had discovered the powder. Without realizing the danger they incurred, they began to take up handfuls of loose powder and cartridges, and bear them from the depot to the mass of burning cotton, on which they flung them, enjoying the dangerous amusement of watching the flashes of the powder and the strange effects on the cotton, as it was blown hither and thither. A spark ignited the powder in the train, there was a leaping, running line of fire along the ground, and then an explosion that shook the city to its very foundations. The building was, in a second, a whirling mass of ruins, in a tremendous volume of flame and smoke. The cause of the terrific explosion soon became known, and a rush was made for the scene of the catastrophe. Such a sight is rarely witnessed. The building was in ruins, and from the burning mass arose the agonizing cries of the wounded, to whom little or no assistance could be rendered by the paralyzed spectators. Over one hundred and fifty are said to have been charred in that fiery furnace, and a hundred men were wounded more or less by the explosion or were burned by the fire. From the depot the fire spread rapidly, and, communicating with the adjoining buildings, threatened destruction to that part of the town. Four squares, embraced in the area bounded by Chapel, Alexander, Charlotte, and Washington streets, were consumed before the conflagration was subdued. Everything in the houses was destroyed with them. Another fire on Meeting street, near the Court House, destroyed five buildings. This was set on fire by the rebels, with a view of burning Hibernian Hall and the Mills House. It did not succeed, although it destroyed the five buildings alluded to. One or two other fires also occurred, destroying several buildings each. A large number of smaller conflagrations occurred, burning government storehouses, &c. A large quantity of rebel property and material of war was captured at Charleston. The city was immediately put under martial law, and, in a very short time, under the energetic administration of General Gilmore, was restored to order, and, to some extent, favored with the blessings of peace. The poor people here were found to be in a very destitute and mournful condition; but they were speedily relieved by the United States authorities. GENERAL SCHOFIELD’S MARCH TO GOLDSBORO’. BATTLES OF KINSTON, N. C. MARCH 7–10, 1865. While General Sherman was marching from Fayetteville toward Goldsboro’, General Schofield was approaching the same point, from the direction of Newbern and Wilmington. The rebels, under Hoke, attempted to dispute his passage, however, and made a stand near Kinston. Skirmishing began between the armies on the 7th of March, which resulted in the rebels being driven, by Colonel Classen’s command, to their intrenchments at Jackson’s Mills, four miles east of Kinston. General Cox was in command of the National forces, under supervision of General Schofield, whose headquarters were at Newbern; but General Schofield was in the field in person, during most of the time of these Kinston battles. On the morning of the 8th, the enemy made a sudden charge upon the left wing of the Union line, and captured the Fifteenth Connecticut and the Twenty-seventh Massachusetts. The men, however, fought with great bravery, and only yielded to overpowering numbers, when their ammunition was exhausted. Lieutenant-Colonel Bartholomew and Major Osborne, commanding the regiments above mentioned, were captured by the rebels. To partially compensate for these losses, Colonel Savage, of the Twelfth New York cavalry, afterwards made a detour toward the rear of the enemy with a portion of his command, capturing between fifty and one hundred rebels. The same afternoon, also, an attack was made upon the Union right, occupied by the First division, commanded by General Innes N. Palmer; but it was repulsed without difficulty and without serious loss of life. The National line on the 8th was in front of Jackson’s creek, at one point on which (Jackson’s Mills,) the rebels had their strongest position. Colonel Malloy with the First brigade, Second division, successfully opposed the enemy in the afternoon. No communication existed at this time between the First and Second divisions. Between three and four o’clock, General Ruger came up and filled the interstice between the First and Second divisions. This gave a new life to the entire line, and Colonel Malloy made a charge upon the rebel rifle pits, partially regaining the ground he had formerly occupied. At this, night came on and the action ceased. Thursday morning, the 9th, Malloy fully regained his original position and continued to hold it. The enemy charged upon him three times in the forenoon, and were each time easily repulsed, with some loss of life and a small loss of prisoners to them. The afternoon was mostly occupied with light skirmishing along the whole line. About two hundred rebel prisoners were taken during the day. All through the evening of the 9th, and the night and morning of the 9th and 10th, the enemy were persistent in their attacks. They had evidently learned that Couch was coming up overland to join Cox. This, of course, necessitated a furious and speedy onset upon Cox, in order to annihilate him before Couch should arrive. But the wave was sent bounding back, time after time, and finally, on the morning of the 10th, as they attempted another flank movement, the Unionists took a large number of prisoners, which discouraged the enemy from further assaults. On the morning of the 11th, General Couch’s troops came up and formed a junction with those of General Cox. The rebel troops then retired across the Neuse river. On the 15th the Mayor of Kinston, with a delegation, came out and formally surrendered the city. The National troops immediately took possession of the place, and fortified themselves within and around it. The rebels had destroyed their ram Neuse, and as much material of war as they could, prior to their hasty retreat: but valuable captures of guns and ammunition were made by the National forces. The losses, on the Union side, in these engagements has been stated at about two thousand. The rebel loss was heavier. Two thousand rebel prisoners were captured. From Kinston, the rebels having fallen back, and concentrated to oppose Sherman at Bentonsville, General Schofield pushed on to Goldsboro’, which he entered on the 21st. Here the junction was effected between his troops and those of Sherman—as already stated—and from this point the advance was made, which ended the campaign in the Carolinas. THE SIEGE OF PETERSBURG, VA. The siege of Petersburg began with a desperate assault, on the evening of the 15th of June, made by Major-General Smith’s troops, against the first line of the rebel works, two miles from the city. This assault was followed up on the 16th, 17th and 18th, and resulted in the capture of the enemy’s outer line of works. The Ninth, Eighteenth, and Second corps were engaged, and the Union loss was very heavy—not far, indeed, from ten thousand men. The charge on the afternoon of the 15th was made with great gallantry, by the troops under General Smith, many of whom were negroes. The Thirteenth New Hampshire, the Eighth Connecticut, and the Ninety-second and One hundred and eighteenth New York, also participated in this formidable action, which, prosecuted in the face of artillery fire, was excessively difficult and perilous. On the 16th, the assault commenced at daybreak, General Birney taking the initiative, by driving the rebels out of two lines of rifle pits, and taking many prisoners. Colonel Eagan, of General Birney’s division, was wounded in this charge, as also were Lieutenant-Colonel Lewis, of the One hundred and tenth Pennsylvania regiment, and Lieutenant-Colonel Warner, of the Fortieth New York. About half-past five o’clock in the afternoon, the assault was followed up by a tremendous charge of Hancock’s men. The battle lasted three hours and was desperate and destructive. The Union line was formed thus: General Smith’s corps, the Eighteenth, was on the right; General Hancock’s, the Second, was in the centre, and General Burnside’s, the Ninth, on the left. All the troops fought well. Miller’s brigade, of the central division, especially distinguished itself. The Union loss was about two thousand, killed and wounded. At about eight o’clock the assault was suspended, the National forces holding the advanced position which they had conquered. General Hancock, suffering much from a wound received at Gettysburg, was now relieved of duty, and General Birney assumed command of the Second corps. The Eighteenth corps, General Smith, was removed to Bermuda Hundred, and its place supplied by the 5th, General Warren. General Burnside directed the assault, on the morning of the 17th, and it was commenced by General Griffin’s brigade, who made an impetuous dash forward, capturing six guns and four hundred prisoners, including sixteen officers. General Ledlie’s division made another charge in the afternoon, capturing a portion of the rebel fortifications. General Burnside then began to shell Petersburg, being distant about a mile and a half from the city, but did not long continue the bombardment. About nine o’clock in the evening of the 17th, the rebels made a sally, to recover the position they had lost, and a severe hand-to-hand fight ensued. The First Michigan regiment, sharpshooters, sustained the brunt of the attack, and, at the outset, captured two hundred and forty prisoners. But the flank column of the enemy, pushing out to the left, suddenly charged into the Union works, which the enemy at the same time shelled from the front, and so drove out the brave Michiganders. The color-sergeant of this regiment, dreading capture, buried his flag in the intrenchments. The rebels held the line they had taken, until about two o’clock at night, when they abandoned it. On the morning of the 18th, the Michigan regiment marched in and took possession, the color-sergeant disinterring his flag. The National loss was about one thousand. The operations of the 18th were particularly directed against a rebel line of works near the railroad from Petersburg to Suffolk. Wilcox’s division was assigned the duty of taking these fortifications, and was supported by Colonel Curtin’s brigade of Potter’s division, General Ledlie’s troops acting as a reserve. There was a good deal of skirmishing in the morning, but the general advance was not ordered till noon. Portions of the Eighteenth corps, together with the Sixth, Second, Ninth, and Fifth, were engaged in this day’s assault. The fighting was of the most desperate character in all parts of the field. Up and down ravines, over ditches, and breastworks, under a destructive fire of artillery and musketry, the brave soldiers of the Union forced and fought their way. Desperate and continued charges were made throughout the afternoon and evening; but with no material success. The slaughter, on both sides, was tremendous. “The scenes in our hospitals,” says a contemporary correspondent, in closing an account of these four bloody days before Petersburg, “during the past few nights, have been of the most ghastly character. Day and night our surgeons have been engaged in the sad duties of their profession. There are not tents enough for the wounded; and numbers of the poor fellows are stretched beneath the trees, awaiting their turn upon the operating tables.” Sunday, the 19th of June, witnessed a lull in this bloody strife. The enemy’s artillery did, indeed, belch forth now and then—meeting with prompt response—and there was some skirmishing. A rebel charge made at nightfall, on the Union centre, was repulsed. General Butler’s forces also repulsed an attack, made by Longstreet, at Bermuda Hundred. The rebels had, by this time, reached a clear understanding of General Grant’s position and design, and were actively opposing him at every practicable point. The Siege of Petersburg and of Richmond now began in good earnest—the quiet, steady circumvallation, that is, of the rebel citadels and armies—and it was never relaxed, until the rebellion had fallen. Many important incidents marked its continuance and progress—battles, skirmishes, success and failure, brave deeds and sad losses. It will be the province of this narrative, within a brief compass, to touch upon the most important of these incidents. An effort to destroy the railroad between Petersburg and Weldon was made on the 21st of June, and resulted in a battle at Davis Farm, in which the Unionists, under General Barlow, were defeated, with a loss of about a hundred men. On the 22d the same effort was repeated, in a more formidable manner, and a yet fiercer battle ensued, in which the rebels made many prisoners, while the National troops gained no material advantage. More fighting took place on the 23d, the 24th and the 25th. EXPLOSION OF PLEASANTS’ MINE, AND BATTLE BEFORE PETERSBURG. JULY 29, 1864. On the 25th of June, at the suggestion of Lieutenant-Colonel Pleasants, work was commenced with a view to the destruction of one of the most important of the rebel works before Petersburg, by mining. The work to be blown up was situated about two thousand yards from Petersburg. The mine was started in the side of a ravine, and was constructed of the customary shape—about four feet wide at the base, between four and five feet high, and sloping towards the top. Near the entrance was a ventilating shaft. Many of Lieutenant-Colonel Pleasants’ men, the Forty-eighth Pennsylvania, were accustomed to mining, and so the labor was prosecuted with skill and ease, as well as energy. As it advanced, the tunnel was sloped upwards. At length, when the desired point was reached, the miners were twenty feet beneath the rebels. Wings were then constructed, so that the fort might be subterraneously encircled. Eight chambers, separated from each other by sand-bags, and charged with four hundred tons of powder, completed this device for blowing up the enemy. Wooden pipes and hose connected the mine with the besiegers without. Soon after midnight, on the 29th of July, the assaulting force—the Ninth and Eighteenth corps, the Second and Fifth being held in reserve—were massed and ready. Generals Ledlie, Wilcox, Potter, and Ferrero were to lead the charge. At half-past three o’clock, A. M., on the morning of the 30th, the fuse was lighted. But the dampness of the gallery extinguished it. Much delay ensued. Daylight came; then sunrise. At last, at a few minutes before five o’clock, the fuse was successfully lit, and the mine exploded. The scene was awfully exciting and impressive. At first the earth heaved and trembled; then the whole mass, fort, guns, caissons, soldiers, and all surged upward like a tornado into the air. The next moment there was a yawning pit, a hundred feet long and half as wide, in which ruins were commingled, ghastly and terrible; and, all along the line, the guns from the National works simultaneously brayed out the fury of war. A charge was immediately made by a brigade of General Ledlie’s division, which rushed through the gap, and then paused to form for an assault on the enemy’s interior line. But the rebels, recovering from their dismay and consternation, immediately rallied, and now poured in an enfilading fire upon the captured fort. Presently, however, the divisions of Potter, Ledlie, and Wilcox charged together, in the face of a most terrific fire, which was no less severe on their flanks than in their front. Their effort was grandly made, but the fire was too severe, and they finally wavered and fell. The colored division, under General Ferrero, was next hurled forward, but only to meet the fate of its predecessors. Ultimately, the National troops were penned up in the fort which they had taken, and were obliged to endure the concentrated fire of the enemy. Squads of them, however, succeeded in making their escape. The rebels made several charges upon the fort, but were bravely repulsed. In this plight the soldiers of the Union remained until noon, a steady cross fire being kept up over every yard of the space between the fort and the Federal lines. At noon a general retreat was ordered, in which many contrived to get away; but, at two o’clock, being destitute of ammunition, those who remained surrendered to the enemy. The National loss was five thousand; that of the rebels, who fought in intrenchments, was, of course, much smaller. THE DUTCH GAP CANAL. There is, in the James river, a large bend, forming a peninsula, the connecting neck of which is less than half a mile wide. This land is known as Farrar’s Island. General Butler, on the 10th of August, 1864, commenced the work of severing this projection from the main land by constructing what is memorable as the Dutch Gap Canal. The object of the canal was to enable the Unionists to save a circuit of six miles of the river, filled with obstructions, and to flank the enemy’s batteries at Howlett House. General Butler’s troops worked at this canal, with continued pertinacity and skill, for many months, being frequently subjected to the danger of rebel shells, and obliged to take frequent refuge in holes in the ground. But, in the end, the work proved a failure. It afforded much material for criticism, however, at the time, and for not a little merriment, among the Unionists as well as the rebels. Had it succeeded, it would have materially strengthened General Grant’s lines, and lessened the tediousness and toil of the siege. THE WAR SUMMER OF 1864. During the continuance of the siege of Petersburg and Richmond, a call was made by the President of the United States, for five hundred thousand additional troops. The call was dated July 18th. A draft was subsequently ordered, and was made. Later in the summer, General Grant wrote the following letter, which concisely sums up what was then the true condition of affairs in the country: “HEADQUARTERS ARMIES OF THE UNITED STATES, } CITY POINT, VA., August 16th, 1864. } “To Hon. E. B. WASHBURNE: “DEAR SIR—I state to all citizens who visit me that all we want now to insure an early restoration of the Union is a determined unity of sentiment North. The rebels have now in their ranks their last man. The little boys and old men are guarding prisoners, guarding railroad bridges, and forming a good part of their garrisons for intrenched positions. A man lost by them cannot be replaced. They have robbed the cradle and the grave equally to get their present force. Besides what they lose in frequent skirmishes and battles, they are now losing from desertions and other causes at least one regiment per day. “With this drain upon them the end is not far distant, if we will only be true to ourselves. Their only hope now is in a divided North. This might give them reinforcements from Tennessee, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri, while it would weaken us. With the draft quickly enforced the enemy would become despondent, and would make but little resistance. I have no doubt but the enemy are exceedingly anxious to hold out until after the Presidential election. They have many hopes from its effects. “They hope a counter revolution; they hope the election of the Peace candidate. In fact, like ‘Micawber,’ they hope for something to ‘turn up.’ Our Peace friends, if they expect peace from separation, are much mistaken. It would but be the beginning of war, with thousands of Northern men joining the South because of our disgrace in allowing a separation. To have ‘peace on any terms,’ the South would demand the restoration of their slaves already freed; they would demand indemnity for losses sustained, and they would demand a treaty which would make the North slave-hunters for the South. They would demand pay for the restoration of every slave escaping to the North. “Yours, truly, U. S. GRANT.” BATTLES ALONG THE WELDON RAILROAD. The summer of 1864 was exceedingly hot; and, for that reason, the enterprise of military life somewhat flagged with the besiegers of the rebel citadel. Yet many skirmishes, and several heavy engagements, took place; and the rebels were watched with unceasing vigilance, and were pressed wherever a point of attack seemed to offer the chance of gaining desirable advantage. On the 14th, 15th, and 16th of August there was some fighting in the vicinity of Deep Bottom, the Union loss being between four and five hundred men. This engagement was brought on for the purpose of distracting the enemy’s attention from the other extreme of operations and to draw his forces partially away from Petersburg. The feint succeeded; and, the Weldon railroad being left exposed, the Fifth corps advanced, on the 18th of August, and took possession of Reams’s Station, surprising a body of the enemy that was guarding it, but losing, in the incidental fight, about three hundred men. The track was torn up for about one mile. Next day, the 19th, the rebels made a furious attack upon the National forces holding Reams’s Station, and a bloody battle ensued. The Union line, being extended to a great length, was quite thin in the centre. It had been hoped that the rebels would not discover this weakness; but they did, and their first charge broke through and divided the Union forces. The conflict that followed was characterized by the most desperate bravery. Reinforcements arriving—the First and Second divisions of the Ninth corps—the rebels were finally repulsed. The most notable feature of this fight was, that, in the course of events, it became necessary to train the Union artillery upon a struggling mass of patriots and rebels, and sacrifice friends as well as foes, in order to hold the position originally taken by the Fifth corps. This position was held; but the rebels recovered the railroad as far as Yellow Springs. The loss, on the Union side, including prisoners, was three thousand seven hundred and sixty-nine. [Illustration: CHARGING A BATTERY ON THE WELDON RAIL ROAD.] [Illustration: CAPTURE OF A RAILROAD TRAIN.] THE BATTLE OF REAMS’S STATION. AUGUST 28, 1864. A desperate battle was next fought, on the 28th of August, a little southward of Reams’s Station. It was brought on by an effort, on the part of the enemy, to break and disperse the Second corps, under General Hancock, posted at that point. The attack was made at about half past five in the afternoon, against Hancock’s centre, by the rebels under Wilcox: and against his left, by the rebels under Heth. It was met with great bravery, and vigorously resisted; but at length the enemy succeeded in breaking the line opposed to them. Happily, no permanent advantage was gained by this turn of fortune to the rebels. A portion of General Gibbon’s division was brought forward to repair the damage done to the National line. The enemy then fell upon General Hancock’s extreme left, but were severely repulsed by a dismounted cavalry force, under General Gregg, who handled his men with great skill—the cavalry, on their part, behaving with the utmost gallantry. At different points along the line the fighting continued briskly until dark, when the battle ended in the enemy’s signal defeat. The rebels then withdrew, leaving their dead and wounded on the field. Many prisoners were captured from the divisions of both Heth and Wilcox, and the enemy’s loss was very heavy. The National loss in killed and wounded did not exceed twelve hundred. Few battles of this war have been more determined or sanguinary than this one. In his official report, General Hancock says: “This has been one of the most desperate fights of the war, resembling Spottsylvania in its character, though the numbers engaged gave less importance to it.” The field of battle, when the conflict was over, has been described as hideously and repulsively awful to look upon. Such scenes as these, throughout the whole civil war, bore eloquent testimony to the bravery and noble self-sacrifice of the gallant men who laid down their lives in defence of their country. BATTLE OF CHAPIN’S BLUFF. SEPTEMBER 28, 1864. If not very successful, the movement which led to this battle was very bold, and was executed with remarkable courage and endurance by the soldiers of the Union. It began from two points, and was designed to capture Richmond by a bold push. General Ord, with the Eighteenth corps, crossed the James river at Aiken’s Landing, which is eight miles above Deep Bottom, and advanced against the works on Chapin’s Farm. At the same time, General Birney, with the Tenth corps, moved against the enemy’s works in front of Deep Bottom, which he captured, thence moving along the Newmarket road toward Richmond, and, at an early hour, establishing communication with General Ord. The latter had already captured the first line of the rebel intrenchments at Chapin’s Bluff, and with it fifteen pieces of artillery. When General Birney came up, an assaulting column was organized, of both corps, to carry the heavy interior line of rebel works. By this time, however, the rebels had received reinforcements, and hence were enabled—the works being of great strength—to repel the charge of the Unionists. The attack began early in the afternoon, the men rushing forward impetuously, and cheering loudly. A storm of grape and canister was hurled into their faces, which wrought terrible destruction in their ranks. But they neither flinched nor halted, but steadily held on their way. Soon a fearful enfilading fire of artillery swept in upon them, mowing down their ranks like grass; but still they pressed forward till they found themselves in front of the enemy’s redoubts, which proved to be of a much more formidable character than had been supposed. A perfect abattis held them completely at bay, while the enemy’s infantry leveled their ranks with the ground to the right and to the left. The few who succeeded in gaining the rebel lines found them to be utterly unassailable. They were completely surrounded by a ditch eight feet in depth, and twelve feet in width; and could only be reached by means of a drawbridge, which, of course, was now drawn up. The Union men still determined to make an assault if an attack was within the bounds of possibility, and leaped into the ditch, in hope of finding a passage to the forts beyond, but found themselves penned in, and unable to either advance or retreat. The conduct of the colored troops, under General Birney, deserves the highest praise. Many of them, by climbing on each other’s shoulders, succeeded in reaching the parapet, but in numbers far too small to make an attack on the fort. They therefore, as many as could, effected a retreat; those who could not, as well as those in the ditch, being compelled to surrender. This assault, though a failure, is worthy of commendation for its exceeding boldness; but it cost the Union troops a heavy price. Over five hundred men in killed and wounded were lost. The negro troops suffered very severely; and in General Foster’s division the loss in field-officers was so great that scarcely a regiment escaped losing its leader. ARMY OF THE JAMES. BATTLE BEFORE RICHMOND. OCTOBER 7, 1864. The enemy under General Anderson, on this day, attacked the extreme right of the army of the James, their object being to distract the attention of General Grant from his intended operations against the rebel left. The attack was made at about daylight, and lasted till noon. Kautz’s cavalry, posted on the Central road, was first assailed, and a simultaneous charge was made against the line of the Tenth corps, commanded by General Birney, who took the field on this occasion, although ill, and suffering severely from malarious fever. The rebel divisions engaged were those of Field and Hoke. Their first movement was, in a measure, successful. They succeeded in almost surrounding Kautz’s cavalry, and driving it back, in a sort of panic, to the rear, where however, it was immediately rallied. The artillery in this fight,—Battery B of the First United States, and the Fifth Wisconsin Battery,—did efficient service, and was handled with great skill and courage. Colonel Sumner’s New York Mounted Rifles also distinguished themselves by a bold stand, to cover the confusion of Kautz’s retreat, and enable General Birney to seasonably perfect his line of battle. At ten o’clock the rebels made a determined assault on Birney’s line, and the battle became general. Artillery was employed with great effect, and the loss in this branch of the service was uncommonly severe, attesting the fury of the rebel attack. Battery E of the Third United States Artillery, lost three men killed, and nine wounded, and fourteen horses killed. Battery D of the First United States lost one man killed, and four wounded, and ten horses killed. Battery C of the Third Rhode Island, and the Fifth New Jersey Battery also suffered severe losses. But the brunt of the battle was borne by the Second Brigade—in the centre—upon which the rebels made their most desperate and pertinacious attack. They were met by a destructive fire from a line of carbineers, which, falling back, gave place to another line, from which the fire was even more deadly. Still the enemy pressed over piles of his own dead and wounded, and still the fire of the carbineers continued, the woods being resonant with the continuous rattle and roar of musketry. At last, baffled and utterly routed, the rebels gave up their enterprise, and retreated—only stopping when safe within their works along the James river, and in Richmond. General Grant computed the Union loss in this engagement at about three hundred; and the rebel loss at upwards of one thousand. In effect, the Union forces repulsed a formidable attack, which, had it succeeded, would have cost them the loss of very strong and important works, and an advanced position beyond Deep Bottom. But the rebel movement utterly failed, nor was General Grant for a moment deterred in his proposed operations against the rebel left. The Confederate General Gregg was killed in this battle, and several other rebel officers of distinction were wounded. About one hundred and fifty prisoners were captured by the Union forces. THE BATTLES OF HATCHER’S RUN. OCTOBER 27, 1864-FEBRUARY 5–7, 1865. Operations against the rebel position at Hatcher’s Run were among the most important incidents of the siege of Petersburg. Their object was to extend the National lines on the left, and, of course, to sever railway communication with the beleaguered city. An attack on the enemy’s works at this point was made on the 27th of October, 1864, the Second and Fifth corps participating. But the battle was comparatively trivial in extent and in attendant losses. The rebel pickets and cavalry were driven inside of the main work, and the National forces captured seven loaded teams, and between seventy-five and one hundred prisoners. Each party lost about two hundred men. The result of this engagement was to extend the Union line from Armstrong’s Mill, along the south bank of Hatcher’s Creek, to a point where Hatcher’s Creek intersects the Boydton plank road. To beat the rebels back from this position, and to destroy the Southside railroad, was an object with General Grant throughout this campaign. That railroad was, as it were, the main artery of Lee’s army. Many attempts were made to destroy it, some of which, as has been heretofore shown, resulted in doing it temporary injury. A further attempt to carry the rebel works at Hatcher’s Run was made on Sunday, the 5th of February, 1865. The Fifth and Second corps, as before, were engaged, the entire movement being led by General Warren. Early on the morning of the 5th, being Sunday, the march began. General Gregg’s cavalry led the way, followed by the troops of the Fifth corps, along the Halifax road, in the direction of Reams’s Station. At the same time a covering movement was commenced, to blind the enemy as to the advance of the Fifth corps. This consisted in an advance of the Second corps, preceded by the Third Pennsylvania cavalry, Major Hess, along the Vaughn road towards Hatcher’s Run. It was an uncommonly bright and beautiful day, and the spirits of the soldiers seemed correspondingly cheerful. The first object of the march of the Second corps by the Vaughn road was to cover the movement of the Fifth corps. About midday the head of the Second corps column reached Hatcher’s Run. Finding the enemy intrenched, the Third Pennsylvania cavalry essayed to carry the ford, but found the enemy too strong, and was driven back. The First brigade, Third division, was next ordered up and deployed, facing the ford. The Ninety-ninth Pennsylvania, Colonel Biles commanding, immediately advanced across the Run, scattering the enemy and driving him back under cover of the wood. The cavalry now gave pursuit, followed by the infantry, and the line of the Third division was advanced about a mile, occupying the summit of a hill, upon which they commenced the erection of fieldworks. During the progress of these demonstrative operations on the part of the Third division, the Second division struck off through an untravelled road to the right, towards Armstrong’s ford. The head of the column, composed of the Nineteenth Massachusetts, encountered the enemy near the run, and, with the assistance of the Tenth New York, compelled them to withdraw across the stream. This success effected a junction of the two divisions, and the whole line of the Second corps was arrayed in order of battle to meet any offensive movement on the part of the enemy. Late in the afternoon the rebels opened a brisk fire of artillery, without, however, eliciting a reply. Emboldened by this silence, their infantry, preceded by a heavy skirmish line, advanced in line of battle. The National troops permitted them to come within easy range, when they opened a severe fire of musketry, which caused the line to fall back in considerable disorder. The enemy, not disheartened, repeated his attempt to dislodge the Federals, and met with a similar repulse. The flank movement was then attempted, with no better success. Colonel Matthew Murphy, of the Sixty-ninth New York, commanding the Second brigade, held the right of the line, his own right flank resting on a swamp. As the enemy approached he greeted him with an effective shower of bullets, which caused him to break and retreat out of range. Soon after dark, having been thwarted in every effort to break the continuity of the lines, the enemy withdrew to his fortifications. The Second brigade of the Second division and the Third brigade of the Third division bore the brunt of the day’s fighting. The officers and men throughout bore themselves nobly. General Humphreys in person superintended the operations of the corps. Among the wounded was Colonel Murphy, commanding the Second brigade, Third division. The sum of the day’s losses, in the Second corps, was about ninety. While the Second corps was thus engaging the attention of the rebels, on the Vaughn road, the Fifth corps pressed on toward Reams’s Station. After a march of six miles the advance reached Rowanty creek. Videttes and flying parties could be seen hovering mysteriously on the front, taking observations, and then suddenly disappearing. The troops, however, had, thus far encountered no opposition. The Rowanty creek is about twenty feet wide, and not conveniently fordable. The old bridge was no longer in existence. The column was accordingly delayed for a short time, while the pioneers constructed a temporary bridge. The men worked with difficulty, and, though covered by a detachment of light infantry, the sharpshooters of the enemy harassed them from the cover of the wooded banks. Their impromptu bridge having been completed, in order to secure a lodgment beyond the stream and protect the construction of bridges for the passage of the whole force, the Third brigade, Second division, Brevet Brigadier-General Gwynn commanding, advanced in column, on a trot, across the bridge. The opposite bank was steep and difficult of ascent, and, a short distance beyond, rifle pits obscured a line of riflemen. Undaunted by these uncertainties, Gwynn urged his men forward. A scattering fire ensued, and, in a few minutes after, the patriots occupied the rifle pits of the enemy, and quiet was restored. General Gwynn lost but one man. The enemy lost several, besides twenty-two prisoners. In the mean time, the cavalry of General Gregg, piloted by a negro, had ridden onward, and entered Dinwiddie, capturing a rebel train and mail. From Dinwiddie the cavalry returned and took position in the rear of Warren’s forces, two miles from Hatcher’s Run. The losses, on the first day, were about two hundred. Both corps had secured a position beyond Hatcher’s Run. Thus affairs stood, on the 6th inst., when the conflict was renewed. The positions were: Second corps on the right, Fifth corps on the left, cavalry parties in front. The lines were covered by hasty breastworks, timber, and the roads filled with mud. The morning was spent in strengthening the defences and corduroying roads. Generals De Trobriand and McAllister, of the Second corps, made a reconnoissance and developed the fact that there was no force between the new lines and the old works below Petersburg. The Fifth corps passed the morning in taking positions of attack. General Meade was on the field. Early in the afternoon the enemy disclosed a column moving towards the right. At noon the Third division, Fifth corps, moved to the right from the Duncan road toward the Boydton plank road. The skirmishers were soon engaged, and a running fight ensued, the main body following up closely as the enemy retired. In the vicinity of Dabney’s mill the enemy took position under cover of temporary works. From these he was soon dislodged. The two lines now engaged in an irregular interchange of bullets through the timber in front. On the part of the enemy the fire gradually grew more continuous and heavy. It now became evident that he was strengthening his lines for a determined stand, and an offensive strike at the proper moment. It was five o’clock, P. M. To prepare for emergencies, Ayres’ division was ordered up to the support of Crawford, and while moving in column was suddenly assailed, in large force, and driven back. At the same time a brigade of Griffin’s division moved to the support of Gregg’s cavalry. Subsequent movements of the enemy developed an intention to cut off Crawford. A column of the enemy was swung around to envelop him. Crawford, simultaneously, was heavily engaged on his front. At six P. M. comparative order prevailed, and preparations were made to receive the enemy, who, it was evident, felt no disposition to abandon a slight advantage he had secured. Gregg, during this time, was fighting his cavalry on foot, and held his own on the Vaughn road against Mahone’s division. The enemy had already engaged Pegram’s, Gordon’s and Heth’s divisions. Mahone, unable to gain any advantage over Gregg, suddenly withdrew in a northwesterly direction, and fell upon the left of the Fifth corps. The flank resisted for a moment, but to no avail. It was crumbled on the centre. The ammunition of part of Crawford’s division at this critical moment became exhausted. This portion of the line broke off, and in a few minutes the entire line became a wreck. The Third division (Wheaton’s) of the Sixth corps, which left its camp that morning, crossed Hatcher’s run during the height of Crawford’s confusion, and also lost its self-possession. The fighting now became desultory but desperate, and both forces entered into the work in earnest—as a matter of life or death. The country between Hatcher’s run and the mill is covered with a heavy wood, the ground softened by numerous swamps and cut up by ravines. The road upon which the columns and trains were obliged to move was narrow, filled with stumps, and, above all, knee-deep with mud. A slight crust of frozen surface only multiplied the difficulties. The column moved forward with the most exhausting exertions, and, instead of being fresh for battle, was used up by its conflict with the mud. The men lost their shoes, their clothing was dampened, and their arms in many instances were rendered unfit for immediate use. The artillery and trains suffered more than the men. Animals tossed about in their useless exertions to extricate themselves and their burdens. This being the case, the operations of the troops off the road were infinitely worse. The ground was fresh. The timber was thick and netted with a web of undergrowth. As the men advanced through this maze many were laid low by the deliberate fire of an unseen musketeer or rifleman. When they retired the roads and the woods were alive with disorder. The lines were much broken in the advance; it would be impossible to convey the formations on the retreat. The men fought single-handed through the timber from tree to tree. Their alarm was greatly increased by fear of being intercepted on their rear. No efforts on the part of officers could stay the men. They were unmanageable. They were determined to abandon the wood, and only upon reaching the open country on the Vaughn road and finding the bridges all entire and the guards perfectly calm, did they recover their presence of mind. The lines were hastily reformed, and, under protection of the temporary works thrown up by the Third division of the Second corps the day before, the men awaited the onslaught of the enemy. A few minutes of suspense and their anticipations were realized. The skirmishers fell back hastily. The woods in front were soon bristling with bayonets, and the enemy dashed undaunted upon the cleared space in front. From their works the Fifth corps met him with a terrible fire. The opposition was trifling. The enemy made no persistent effort to carry the works. He soon withdrew, and was lost in the obscurity of the wood. During the action of the Fifth corps the left of the Second corps sustained and repelled an attack near the Armstrong House, on the Duncan road. The Union losses, on the second day, were upwards of eleven hundred men, killed, wounded, and missing. The enemy’s loss was equally heavy. One hundred and eighty rebel prisoners were taken. * * * * * On the 7th, a reconnoissance of Crawford’s division encountered the rebels, about half a mile from the Union bivouac. The division now deployed in line, the right on Hatcher’s run and the left supported by Wheaton’s division of the Sixth corps. The whole line felt its way carefully. The enemy soon discovered himself in force. The conflict which ensued was spirited, but brief. The enemy gave way, though contesting his ground with vigor, and finally took up his position in the works at Dabney’s mill. The two forces indulged in a spirited exchange of musketry. The enemy evinced no desire to repeat the assault of the day before, and at night Crawford rejoined the main body on the Vaughn road. During the next few days the National lines were greatly strengthened throughout the territory of Hatcher’s Run, which had thus been gained and occupied. The dense woods were converted into hostile defences, and the Union line was extended, in safety and strength, over a distance of five miles. CLOSE OF THE CAMPAIGN. BATTLE OF FIVE FORKS, VA. APRIL 1–3, 1865. In March, 1865, General Canby was moving an adequate force against Mobile and the army defending it, under General Dick Taylor; Thomas was pushing out two large and well appointed cavalry expeditions—one from Middle Tennessee under Brevet Major-General Wilson against the enemy’s vital points in Alabama, the other from East Tennessee under Major-General Stoneman towards Lynchburg—and assembling the remainder of his available forces, preparatory to offensive operations from East Tennessee; General Sheridan’s cavalry was at White House; the armies of the Potomac and James were confronting the enemy under Lee in his defences of Richmond and Petersburg; General Sherman with his armies reinforced by that of General Schofield, was at Goldsboro’; General Pope was making preparations for a spring campaign against the enemy under Kirby Smith and Price, west of the Mississippi; and General Hancock was concentrating a force in the vicinity of Winchester, Virginia, to guard against invasion or to operate offensively, as might prove necessary. The progress and results of the various movements are elsewhere described. This narrative now concerns itself with the final blow—the battle and Union victory of Five Forks. General Grant commenced his final operations on the 29th of March. Sheridan’s cavalry, from White House, had joined the army of the Potomac on the 27th. This force was immediately pushed up to Dinwiddie Court House, and the Union line, on the left, was extended to the Quaker road, near its intersection with the Boydton plank road. The position of the troops, from left to right, was as follows: Sheridan, Warren, Humphreys, Ord, Wright, Parke. From the night of the 29th to the morning of the 31st the rain fell in such torrents as to make it impossible to move wheeled vehicles, except as corduroy roads were laid in front of them. During the 30th Sheridan advanced from Dinwiddie Court House towards Five Forks, where he found the enemy in force. General Warren advanced and extended his line across the Boydton plank road to near the White Oak road, with a view of getting across the latter; but finding the enemy strong in his front and extending beyond his left, was directed to hold on where he was and fortify. General Humphreys drove the enemy from his front into his main line on the Hatcher, near Burgess’s mills. Generals Ord, Wright, and Parke made examinations in their fronts to determine the feasibility of an assault on the enemy’s lines. The two latter reported favorably. General Grant now determined to extend his line no further, but to reinforce General Sheridan’s cavalry with an infantry force, enable him to cut loose and turn the enemy’s right flank, and with the other corps assault the enemy’s lines. The proximity of the belligerent lines particularly favored this movement. The lines, indeed, were so close together at some points that it was but a moment’s run from one to the other. Preparations were at once made to relieve General Humphrey’s corps, to report to General Sheridan; but the condition of the roads prevented immediate movement. On the morning of the 31st General Warren reported favorably to getting possession of the White Oak road, and was directed to do so. To accomplish this he moved with one division, instead of his whole corps, which was attacked by the enemy in superior force and driven back on the second division before it had time to form, and it, in turn was forced back upon the third division, when the enemy was checked. A division of the Second corps was immediately sent to his support, the enemy driven back with heavy loss, and possession of the White Oak road gained. The Union losses were about one thousand. Sheridan, meantime, had advanced from Dinwiddie, and got possession of the Five Forks, but the enemy after the affair with the Fifth corps, reinforced the rebel cavalry, defending that point with infantry, and forced him back towards Dinwiddie Court House. Here General Sheridan displayed great generalship. Instead of retreating with his whole command on the main army, to tell the story of superior forces encountered, he deployed his cavalry on foot, leaving only mounted men enough to take charge of the horses. This compelled the enemy to deploy over a vast extent of woods and broken country, and made his progress slow. General Grant was immediately notified respecting the position of affairs, and he at once sent General McKenzie’s cavalry and one division of the Fifth corps to Sheridan’s assistance. Two other divisions of the Fifth corps were subsequently sent forward to swell that officer’s force. On the morning of the 1st of April, General Sheridan, thus reinforced, drove the enemy back on Five Forks, where, late in the evening, he assaulted and carried his strongly fortified position, capturing all his artillery and between five thousand and six thousand prisoners. During the night of the 14th of April a steady bombardment of the enemy’s lines was kept up by General Sheridan, whose troops were further reinforced by General Miles’s division of Humphrey’s corps. At four o’clock on the morning of the 2nd of April, an assault was ordered on the rebel line. General Wright led the charge, and, with his whole corps, broke through the enemy’s defences, sweeping everything before him and to his left towards Hatcher’s Run, capturing many guns and several thousand prisoners. He was closely followed by two divisions of General Ord’s command, until he met the other division of General Ord’s that had succeeded in forcing the enemy’s lines near Hatcher’s Run. Generals Wright and Ord immediately swung to the right, and closed all of the enemy on that side of them in Petersburg, while General Humphreys pushed forward with two divisions and joined General Wright on the left. General Parke succeeded in carrying the enemy’s main line, capturing guns and prisoners, but was unable to carry his inner line. General Sheridan being advised of the condition of affairs, returned General Miles to his proper command. On reaching the enemy’s lines immediately surrounding Petersburg, a portion of General Gibbon’s corps, by a most gallant charge, captured two strong, enclosed works—the most salient and commanding south of Petersburg—thus materially shortening the line of investment necessary for taking in the city. The enemy south of Hatcher’s Run retreated westward to Sutherland’s Station, where they were overtaken by Miles’s division. A severe engagement ensued and lasted until both right and left rebel flanks were threatened by the approach of General Sheridan, who was moving from Ford’s Station towards Petersburg, and a division sent by General Meade from the front of Petersburg. Then the enemy broke, in the utmost confusion, leaving his guns and many prisoners in the hands of the Unionists, and retreated by the main road along the Appomattox river. Thus the rout of the rebels was complete, and nothing now remained to the National forces but to reap the fruits of their glorious victory. SHERIDAN’S EXPEDITION IN THE SHENANDOAH VALLEY, VA. FEBRUARY 27-MARCH 19, 1865. In the month of February, 1865, before any important movement of the armies operating against Richmond had taken place, General Grant deemed it essential that all railroad communication with the city north of James river should be cut off. At that time the enemy had withdrawn the bulk of his troops from the Shenandoah valley, to strengthen the forces then in opposition to Sherman. The cavalry force of that commander was then far inferior to that of Johnson; and in order to assist Sherman as well as to destroy the lines of communication and supplies of Lee’s army, General Sheridan, then at Winchester, was instructed to undertake an expedition, for the double purpose contemplated. On the 20th of February General Grant telegraphed to him as follows: “CITY POINT, VA., February 20, 1865—1 P. M. “GENERAL: As soon as it is possible to travel I think you will have no difficulty about reaching Lynchburg with a cavalry force alone. From there you could destroy the railroad and canal in every direction, so as to be of no further use to the rebellion. Sufficient cavalry should be left behind to look after Mosby’s gang. From Lynchburg, if information you might get there would justify it, you could strike south, heading the streams in Virginia to the westward of Danville, and push on and join General Sherman. This additional raid, with one about starting from East Tennessee under Stoneman, numbering four or five thousand cavalry, one from Vicksburg, numbering about seven or eight thousand cavalry, one from Eastport, Mississippi, ten thousand cavalry, Canby from Mobile bay with about thirty-eight thousand mixed troops, these three latter pushing for Tuscaloosa, Selma, and Montgomery, and Sherman with a large army eating out the vitals of South Carolina, is all that will be wanted to leave nothing for the rebellion to stand upon. I would advise you to overcome great obstacles to accomplish this. Charleston was evacuated on Tuesday last. U. S. GRANT, Lieutenant-General.” General Sheridan moved from Winchester on the 27th of February with two divisions of cavalry numbering about five thousand each. On the 1st of March, he secured the bridge, which the enemy attempted to destroy across the middle fork of the Shenandoah, at Mount Crawford, and entered Staunton on the 2d, the enemy having retreated on Waynesboro’. Thence he pushed on to Waynesboro’, where he found the enemy in force in an intrenched position, under General Early. Without stopping to make a reconnoissance, an immediate attack was made, the position was carried, and sixteen hundred prisoners, eleven pieces of artillery, with horses and caissons complete, two hundred and ninety wagons and teams loaded with subsistence, and seventeen battle flags, were captured. The prisoners, under an escort of fifteen hundred men, were sent back to Winchester. Thence he marched on Charlottesville, destroying effectually the railroad and bridges as he went, which place he reached on the 3d. Here he remained two days, destroying the railroad toward Richmond, and Lynchburg, including the large iron bridges over the north and south forks of the Rivanna river, and awaiting the arrival of his trains. This necessary delay caused him to abandon the idea of capturing Lynchburg. On the morning of the 6th, dividing his forces into two columns, he sent one to Scottsville, whence it marched up the James river canal to New Market, destroying every lock, and in many places the banks of the canal. From here a force was pushed out from this column to Duiguldsville, to obtain possession of the bridge across the James river at that place, but failed. The enemy burned it as the Union troops approached. The rebels also burned the bridge across the river at Hardwicksville. The other column moved down the railroad toward Lynchburg, destroying it, as far as Amherst Court House, sixteen miles from Lynchburg; thence across the country, uniting with the column at New Market. The river being very high, Sheridan’s pontoons would not reach across it; and the enemy having destroyed the bridge by which he had hoped to cross the river and get on the South Side railroad about Farmville, and destroy it to Appomattox Court House, the only thing left for him was to return to Winchester or strike a base at the White House. Fortunately he chose the latter. From New Market he took up his line of march, following the canal towards Richmond, destroying every lock upon it and cutting the banks wherever practicable, to a point eight miles east of Goochland, concentrating the whole force at Columbia on the 10th. Here he rested one day, and sent through by scouts information of his whereabouts and purposes, and a request for supplies to meet him at White House, which communication reached General Grant on the night of the 12th. An infantry force was immediately sent to get possession of White House, and supplies were forwarded. Moving from Columbia in a direction to threaten Richmond to near Ashland station, he crossed the Annas, and after having destroyed all the bridges and many miles of the railroad, he proceeded down the north bank of the Pamunkey to White House, which place he reached on the 19th. EXPEDITION AGAINST ST. MARKS, FLA. MARCH 4–12, 1865. An expedition set out from Key West about the 1st of March, under General Newton, having for its main object the occupation of St. Marks. The troops were landed from Appalachee Bay, near the light house at the mouth of St. Marks river, and encamped about two and a half miles from that spot, in order to await the landing of the artillery, and the cooperation of the gunboats, which were to ascend the river, and assist in the assault. A dense fog unfortunately occurring at the time, several of the gunboats went ashore, and none were able to ascend the river. The enemy, by this delay, received timely information of the movement, and were prepared to meet it. Previous to landing the troops an expedition was sent to cut the railroad bridge and two turnpike bridges over the Oclokony river, and to destroy the trestle work over the Ocilla river. Another expedition was sent to cut the railroad between St. Marks and Tallahassee. These enterprises were unsuccessful. On the following morning an advance was made along the road towards the bridge over the East river, where it was found that the planking had been torn up by the enemy, who was posted on the opposite side, with one piece of artillery, prepared to dispute the passage. Two companies of a colored regiment, commanded by Major Lincoln, made a gallant charge towards the bridge over the open space intervening, before whom the enemy fled with great rapidity. They were followed by the two companies, who acted as skirmishers, capturing the piece of artillery, which was immediately turned on the flying rebels. The bridge was promptly repaired by the soldiers of the Ninty-ninth colored regiment, and, crossing, the line of march was commenced towards Newport. On reaching Newport a dense column of smoke indicated that the bridge which it was necessary to cross, was destroyed. Leaving Major Weeks at Newport bridge to guard against any attempt of the enemy to cross and get in the rear of the Union troops, a service that he gallantly performed under an incessant fire from the enemy, the column pushed on towards the Natural bridge, some eight miles above, with the design of crossing there. Here it was discovered that the enemy was strongly posted on the opposite side, determined to oppose its passage. At daylight on the following morning, Major Lincoln, with two companies of the Second cavalry, commenced the attack, and succeeded in driving the advanced posts of the rebels over the bridge; but his further progress was checked by a superior force, who were strongly intrenched, besides being protected by marshes, thickets, and other natural defences. Reconnoissances were made with the view of ascertaining the practicability of crossing at some other place, but without success, and it was determined to attempt to force a passage over the bridge. Accordingly Colonel Townsend, in command of the Second colored, was ordered to turn the enemy’s flank, and Major Lincoln to make the direct assault, supported by Colonel Piersoll, commanding the Ninety-ninth colored. Advancing gallantly to the charge, Colonel Townsend drove the enemy before him. They fled precipitately, abandoning their breastworks; but, unfortunately, the Union soldiers encountered, right in their way, a wide deep ditch, impassable to troops, and were compelled to return. Finding that the enemy were too strong in numbers and position, while the Union troops were posted in a low, marshy position, it was determined to withdraw about three hundred yards in the rear, in an open pine barren, which had been previously selected. This was done in good order. The rebels, now supposing that the Federal force were in full retreat, advanced in force, with artillery and infantry; but, to their surprise, they were received by a perfect line of infantry supported by artillery. Two desperate charges were made by the enemy, but they were repulsed with heavy loss on the part of the assailants, and the Union troops remained masters of the field. The Federal loss was about one hundred and fifty in killed, wounded and prisoners. No further advance was deemed prudent by General Newton, and he accordingly reembarked his troops, and returned to Key West. STONEMAN’S EXPEDITION IN NORTH CAROLINA. MARCH 20-APRIL 13, 1865. On the 14th of February, General Grant sent the following communication to General Thomas, containing instructions for a proposed cavalry expedition, under General Stoneman, from General Thomas’s army. It was the design of General Grant that this expedition should have started early in February, and have penetrated as far as Columbia, South Carolina, in cooperation with General Sherman’s forces in that State at that time. As General Stoneman’s troops did not move at the time appointed, it now became necessary to change the plan and route of the expedition: “CITY POINT, VA., February 14, 1865. “General Canby is preparing a movement from Mobile bay against Mobile and the interior of Alabama. His force will consist of about twenty thousand men, besides A. J. Smith’s command. The cavalry you have sent to Canby will be debarked at Vicksburg. It, with the available cavalry already in that section, will move from there eastward, in cooperation. Hood’s army has been terribly reduced by the severe punishment you gave it in Tennessee, by desertion consequent upon its defeat, and now by the withdrawal of many of his men to oppose Sherman. Canby’s movement will attract all the attention of the enemy, and leave the advance from your stand-point easy. I think it advisable, therefore, that you prepare as much of a cavalry force as you can spare, and hold it in readiness to go south. The object would be three-fold: first, to attract as much of the enemy’s force as possible to insure success to Canby; second, to destroy the enemy’s line of communications and military resources; third, to destroy or capture their forces brought into the field. Tuscaloosa and Selma would probably be the points to direct the expedition against. This, however, would not be so important as the mere fact of penetrating deep into Alabama. Discretion should be left to the officer commanding the expedition to go where, according to the information he may receive, he will best secure the objects named above. “Now that your force has been so much depleted, I do not know what number of men you can put into the field. If not more than five thousand men, however, all cavalry, I think it will be sufficient. It is not desirable that you should start this expedition until the one leaving Vicksburg has been three or four days out, or even a week. “U. S. GRANT, Lieutenant-General. “Major-General G. H. THOMAS.” General Stoneman’s expedition started from East Tennessee on the 20th of March, moving by way of Boone, North Carolina, and struck the railroad at Wytheville, Chambersburg, and Big Lick. The force striking it at Big Lick pushed on to within a few miles of Lynchburg, destroying the important bridges, while with the main force he effectually destroyed the road between New river and Big Lick, and then turned for Greensboro’, on the North Carolina railroad; struck that road and destroyed the bridges between Danville and Greensboro’, and between Greensboro’ and the Yadkin, together with the depots and supplies along it, and captured four hundred prisoners. General Stoneman, in his dispatch to General Thomas, gives the following account of his operations after leaving Boone:— “SLATERVILLE, N. C., April 13, 1865. “From Boone it became necessary to cross the Blue Ridge into the Yadkin river bottom, in order to obtain supplies for men and horses. There we were detained three days by freshets. From thence we struck for Christiansburg. On the route I detached Colonel Miller, with a portion of his brigade, to Wytheville, and Major Wagner, with a portion of the Fifteenth Pennsylvania, Palmer’s brigade, to Big Lick. These three points were struck almost simultaneously. Colonel Palmer attacked, and, after some fighting, captured Wytheville, destroyed the depot of supplies at that point, and also at Mair’s Meadow. Major Wagner, after striking the railroad at Big Lick, pushed on towards Lynchburg, destroying, on his way, the important bridges over the Big and Little Otter, and got to within four miles of Lynchburg with the main body, and effectually destroyed the road between New river and Big Lick, and then struck for Greensboro’, on the North Carolina railroad. “Arrived near Salem, N. C., I detailed Palmer’s brigade to destroy the bridges between Danville and Greensboro’, and between Greensboro’ and Yadkin river, and the large depots of supplies along the road. This duty was performed with considerable fighting, the capture of four hundred prisoners, and to my entire satisfaction. With the other two brigades, Brown’s and Miller’s, and the artillery under the command of Lieutenant Reagon, we pushed for Salisbury, where we found about three thousand troops, under the command of Major-General W. M. Gardiner, formed behind Grant’s creek, about two miles and a half from Salisbury. As soon as a proper disposition could be made, I ordered a general charge along the entire line, and the result was the capture of fourteen pieces of artillery, and one thousand three hundred and sixty-four prisoners, including fifty-three officers. “We remained at Salisbury two days, during which time we destroyed fifteen miles of railroad track and the bridges towards Charlotte, and then moved to this point. From here we shall move to the south side of the Catawba river, and be in a position to operate towards Charlotte and Columbia, or upon the flank of an army moving south. “The following is a partial list of the public property captured north of Salisbury, and destroyed by us: Four large cotton factories and seven thousand bales of cotton; four large magazines, containing ten thousand stand of small arms and accoutrements, one million rounds of small arm ammunition, one thousand rounds of fixed artillery ammunition, and seven thousand pounds of powder, thirty-five thousand bushels of corn, fifty thousand bushels of wheat, one hundred and sixty thousand pounds of cured bacon, one hundred thousand suits of gray uniforms and clothing, two hundred and fifty thousand army blankets, twenty thousand pounds of harness leather, ten thousand pounds of saltpetre; also a very large amount of sugar, salt, rice, and other stores and medical supplies. In addition to the arsenals at Salisbury, the military workshop was being fitted up, and was filled with machinery sent from Raleigh and Richmond, all of which was destroyed.” GENERAL WILSON’S EXPEDITION IN ALABAMA. MARCH 22-APRIL 20, 1865. When General Canby received orders in January to advance from the forts in Mobile Bay, and attack Mobile, he was also instructed to dispatch an expedition under General Wilson into the interior of Alabama, where the rebels maintained several important towns, which were garrisoned by forces of some magnitude. The expedition under command of Brevet Major-General Wilson consisted of twelve thousand five hundred mounted men. It was delayed by rains until March 22, when it moved from Chickasaw, Alabama. On the 1st of April General Wilson encountered the enemy in force under Forrest near Ebenezer Church, drove him in confusion, captured three hundred prisoners and three guns, and destroyed the central bridge over the Catawba river. On the 2d he attacked and captured the fortified city of Selma, defended by Forrest with seven thousand men and thirty-two guns, destroyed the arsenal, armory, naval foundry, machine shops, vast quantities of stores, and captured three thousand prisoners. On the 4th he captured and destroyed Tuscaloosa. On the 10th he crossed the Alabama river, and after sending information of his operations to General Canby, marched on Montgomery, which place he occupied on the 14th, the enemy having abandoned it. At this place many stores and five steamboats fell into Federal hands. Thence a force marched direct on Columbus, and another on West Point, both of which places were assaulted and captured on the 16th. At the former place General Wilson captured fifteen hundred prisoners and fifty-two field guns, destroyed two gunboats, the navy yard, foundries, arsenal, many factories, and much other public property. At the latter place General Wilson took three hundred prisoners, four guns, and destroyed nineteen locomotives and three hundred cars. On the 20th he took possession of Macon, Georgia, with sixty field guns, twelve hundred militia, and five generals, surrendered by General Howell Cobb. General Wilson, hearing that Jeff Davis was trying to make his escape, sent forces in pursuit, and succeeded in capturing him on the morning of May 11. * * * * * On the 4th day of May, General Dick Taylor surrendered to General Canby all the remaining rebel forces east of the Mississippi. A force sufficient to insure an easy triumph over the enemy under Kirby Smith, west of the Mississippi, was at once put in motion for Texas, and Major-General Sheridan designated for its immediate command; but on the 26th day of May, and before they reached their destination, General Kirby Smith surrendered his entire command to Major-General Canby. This surrender did not take place, however, until after the capture of the rebel President and Vice-President; and not till after General Smith had disbanded a large portion of his army, and permitted an indiscriminate plunder of public property. Owing to the fact that many of those lately in arms against the government had taken refuge upon the soil of Mexico, carrying with them arms rightfully belonging to the United States, which had been surrendered by agreement to the Federal commanders, General Grant deemed it essential that a large army should be maintained in Texas. The unsettled state of the Mexican country on the Rio Grande at that time, also rendered this course necessary. Many of the leaders in the late rebel armies, who had surrendered and given their parole, had also taken refuge in Mexican territory, feeling distrustful of their personal safety at the hands of the Federal authorities. CAPTURE OF MOBILE AND THE REBEL FLEET. APRIL 12-MAY 4, 1865. When Vice-Admiral Farragut left the West Gulf squadron in the autumn of 1864, the command devolved on Commodore James S. Palmer, senior officer on the station. That officer continued operations until the arrival of Admiral Farragut’s successor, Acting-Rear-Admiral Thatcher. The resumption of offensive operations against the city of Mobile, under the direction of Major-General Canby, was not determined upon until early in January, when Acting-Rear-Admiral Thatcher was ordered to proceed immediately to New Orleans, in order to cooperate with the military commander. [Illustration: CONFEDERATE PORTRAITS. COOPER. BORHAM. MAFFITT. SEMMES. JOHN SLIDELL. JAMES M. MASON.] The force placed under Acting-Rear-Admiral Thatcher was increased by light-draught iron-clads detached from the Mississippi squadron for service in Mobile Bay. A joint movement by land and water was arranged and carried into execution. Indications that the rebels were about to evacuate the city led to a naval reconnoissance in force, to ascertain the facts, on the 11th of March, with five monitors, in as close proximity as the shallow water and obstructions would permit. This movement drew from the insurgents such a fire as to place beyond doubt that those defences were still intact. The principal defence of Mobile was Spanish Fort, an irregular bastioned work of very ancient structure, connected with fortifications five miles in length commencing at D’Olive’s creek, and running to Minetta bay. Beyond Spanish Fort, to the left, on the opposite shore of Minetta bay, is Fort Alexis, mounting heavy guns. Forts Huger, Bradley, Tracy, Battery Gladden, Spanish River battery, Blakely, and other rebel defences frowned defiantly on the Federal army from the land side. From September, 1864, to March, 1865, important movements of the armies of the Nation in distant States deterred the Government from sending a sufficient military force for the reduction of Mobile, which was garrisoned during that time by about fifteen thousand troops under General Maury. After the breaking up of Hood’s army by Thomas, and the successful march of Sherman through South Carolina, the corps of A. J. Smith and General Steele were sent to reinforce General Canby, and steps were taken to insure the capture of Mobile. An army of forty thousand men soon invested the city on the land side, while the powerful fleet closed up the waters, and prepared for the perilous attack. The Sixteenth corps, Major-General A. J. Smith commanding, moved from Fort Gaines by water to Fisher’s river; the Thirteenth corps, under Major-General Gordon Granger, moved from Fort Morgan and joined the Sixteenth corps on Fisher’s river. The troops were landed on the 21st of March on the left bank of Fisher’s river, about seventeen miles from its junction with the bay, and advanced as rapidly as the condition of the road would permit, while the naval vessels shelled the woods and kept open communication by signals with General Canby for cooperation. On the 27th of March, an assault on Spanish Fort was made by General Canby’s troops, and simultaneously a portion of the fleet crossed Blakely river bar, an extremely dangerous undertaking, owing to shallow water, and the number of torpedoes with which that portion of the bay was filled. The rebels doubtless believed that the naval vessels were not able to cross the bar of Blakely river; and even if successful in crossing, that it was in their power to destroy the fleet by their marsh batteries and the innumerable torpedoes with which the river was filled. They did succeed in sinking two of the monitors, the Milwaukee and the Osage, and four wooden gunboats at the entrance of Blakely river, by these submarine implements of destruction, although the river had been thoroughly dragged, and many torpedoes were removed before the vessels went over the bar. By the 3rd of April, Spanish Fort and Fort Alexis had been completely invested by the troops, and during the night of the 8th and morning of the 9th they were, after a short but severe bombardment, captured, and with them from sixteen hundred to two thousand men, with sixteen heavy guns. With the key to Mobile thus secured, the other works of importance, Batteries Tracy and Huger, were within easy reach, and on the evening of the 11th they were evacuated. At two o’clock on the morning of April 9th, General Canby’s troops entered the intrenchments. General Canby’s report, the next morning, said: “Spanish Fort and its dependencies were captured last night. We have twenty-five officers, and five hundred and twenty-eight enlisted men prisoners, and have taken five mortars, and twenty-five guns. The major part of the garrison escaped by water. Blakely is already invested and will be assaulted to-day.” On the 12th, the troops were convoyed to the west side of the city for the purpose of an attack, and the fleet gained a suitable position for performing its share of this work, but it was soon ascertained that the city was at the mercy of the Union arms, all the remaining defences having been abandoned. A formal surrender was, therefore, demanded by General Granger, and Acting-Rear-Admiral Thatcher, which was complied with, and possession was taken of the city. The works which environed Mobile were of immense strength and extent. Nearly four hundred guns were captured, some of them new and of the heaviest calibre. The rebel army, on evacuating the city, retreated up the Tombigbee. Preparations to follow and capture them were far advanced, when, on the 4th of May, propositions were received from Commander Farrand, commanding the rebel naval forces in the waters of Alabama, to surrender all the vessels, officers, men, and property yet afloat and under blockade on the Tombigbee. The basis of the terms of surrender, being the same as those of General Lee, were accepted. On the 10th of May the formal surrender took place, and the insurgent navy ceased to be an organization. Four vessels were surrendered, and one hundred and twelve officers, two hundred and eighty-five men and twenty-four marines were paroled and permitted to return to their homes. Sabine Pass and Galveston, the only remaining rebel fortified points on the Gulf coast, soon capitulated. EVACUATION OF RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG, VA. SURRENDER OF GENERAL LEE. The great Union victory achieved at the battle of Five Forks, on the 1st and 2d of April, 1865, decided the fate of the city of Richmond and the city of Petersburg. Both places were immediately evacuated by the rebels, and were entered and occupied by the National forces on the 3d of April. Immense excitement and rejoicing was occasioned throughout the North by the dispatches which announced this news to the country. The newspapers were filled with letters, descriptive of the great victory and the great triumph, and, on every hand, salutes and bonfires, and all manner of demonstrations of gladness announced the conviction of the people that the civil war was substantially ended. The cities of the North were gaily decked with the glorious banner of the Republic. All was enthusiasm and gratitude. PETERSBURG. SURRENDERED APRIL 3, 1865. Petersburg before the war numbered a population of twenty thousand people, and was the second city, in size and importance, in the State of Virginia; but, during the war, its population was greatly reduced, there not being more than five thousand whites left in the place at the time of its capture. General Ely’s brigade, of the Ninth army corps, was the first to enter the city, on the morning of the 3d of April. This was at daylight; but, at a quarter past six o’clock the city was formally surrendered to Brigadier-General Edwards, of the Sixth corps. The retiring rebels had burned some property in their flight. A good deal of tobacco had been thus destroyed, together with some railroad rolling stock. By six o’clock the town was awake and alive. Troops were pouring in from all directions, shouting, singing, and cheering, but otherwise preserving the most orderly and commendable bearing. There was no straggling, no pillaging, no destruction of property or intrusion on private residences. Guards were stationed thickly in all directions, with imperative orders to keep the soldiers out of all buildings, public or private, and protect all property from destruction. The citizens were showing themselves in large numbers upon the door steps, in the doors and at the windows of the houses, indicating that but few, if any, had run away, while most of them manifested, in the expression of their faces, a gladness at the National success. They seemed, indeed, to be starved out. While there was plenty of food for the rebel army, it had been carefully hoarded, and the resident population left to shift for themselves as best they could. Perhaps it was on this account more than any other that the citizens were so ready to abandon the rebel cause. On the main business streets there was every appearance of thrift. An army correspondent, who entered Petersburg with the Union forces, alludes thus to the damage which the city had sustained from the National bombardment: “I had much curiosity to see the effect of the numerous shellings to which the town had been subjected, and rode through that portion of the city most exposed. It was certainly wonderful that so little damage had been done. Nearly every other building in some localities had been struck; but, with the exception of now and then a chimney knocked down, or a hole through the building that a few dollars would repair, the injuries were scarcely perceptible. I found the people living in the exposed localities, and was told that they had been there throughout all the siege. But few people had been killed by the cannonading in the town.” In the course of the day General Grant entered Petersburg, and established his headquarters there. But no halt was made by the army. All day long, with banners flying and “music on the wind,” the soldiers of the Union marched through Petersburg, in pursuit of the flying forces of General Lee. The First division of the Ninth corps was, however, left in the captured city, to do provost duty. RICHMOND. SURRENDERED APRIL 3, 1865. Meanwhile, on the same memorable morning, the Mayor of Richmond, Mr. Mayo, had surrendered the capital of the Confederacy to General Weitzel, whose troops immediately marched in and took possession of the city. A portion of it was found to be in flames, General Early having caused it to be fired, on retreating during the night of the 2d instant. Major Stevens directed the alarm bells to be sounded, and at once assumed direction of the Fire Department of the city, consisting of a few men, two steam fire engines, four worthless hand-engines, and a large amount of hose, ruined by the retreating rebels. The efforts to subdue the flames were arduous, but finally successful, and before night the city was exceedingly quiet in all respects. On personally arriving in the city, General Weitzel issued the following order:— “HEADQUARTERS, DETACHMENT ARMY OF THE JAMES, } “RICHMOND, Va., April 3, 1865. } “Major-General Godfrey Weitzel, commanding Detachment of the Army of the James, announces the occupation of the city of Richmond, by the armies of the United States, under command of Lieutenant-General Grant. The people of Richmond are assured that we come to restore to them the blessings of peace, prosperity and freedom, under the flag of the Union. “The citizens of Richmond are requested to remain for the present quietly within their houses, and to avoid all public assemblages or meetings in the public streets. An efficient provost guard will immediately re-establish order and tranquillity within the city. “Martial law is, for the present, proclaimed. “Brigadier-General George F. Shepley, United States Volunteers, is hereby appointed Military Governor of Richmond. “Lieutenant-Colonel Fred. L. Manning, Provost-Marshal-General, Army of the James, will act as Provost-Marshal of Richmond. Commanders of detachments doing guard duty in the city will report to him for instructions. By command of “Major-General WEITZEL. “D. D. WHEELER, Assistant Adjutant-General.” The works in front of Richmond which were occupied by the rebels; and wholly evacuated previous to the Union occupancy of the city, were found to consist of three strong lines, strictly enveloping Richmond. The outer ones were continuous lines; the inner one consisted of a series of strong redoubts and bastion forts. These works mounted upwards of three hundred heavy guns, all of which were captured. General Weitzel also took one thousand prisoners, besides the wounded. These numbered five thousand, in nine hospitals. He captured cannon, to the number of at least five hundred pieces. Five thousand muskets were found in one lot. Thirty locomotives and three hundred cars were also seized. The rebels had succeeded in destroying all their vessels of war; but the well known Tredegar iron works were found to be unharmed. Libby Prison and Castle Thunder were also captured, and were speedily filled with rebel prisoners. It was ascertained that the rebels began the work of destroying the city, by firing the Shockoe warehouse, filled with tobacco, as well as the large granary establishment on Carey street, near Twenty-third street. The fire was very destructive; and in addition to destroying the War Department, the general Post Office, the Treasury building, several churches, and many stores, likewise destroyed the offices of the Richmond _Enquirer_, _Dispatch_ and _Examiner_; the Virginia Bank, the Farmers’ Bank, and the Bank of Richmond. The United States Custom House was saved, by reason of its being fireproof. On the 4th of April President Lincoln visited Richmond, where he was received with great enthusiasm. During his stay in the city, he occupied, with General Weitzel, quarters in the house which, only a little while before, had been the residence of the rebel President Jefferson Davis. SURRENDER OF GENERAL LEE, AND HIS ENTIRE ARMY. APRIL 9, 1865. On abandoning Petersburg and Richmond, General Lee betook himself in the direction of Danville, which is just upon the border of the State of Virginia, close to the North Carolina line. Here—or earlier, at Burkesville—it was designed to make another stand. General Sheridan was already in full pursuit, and aimed to cut off Lee’s army at Burkesville. On the 6th of April, he sent the following dispatch: “APRIL 6—11:15 P. M. “Lieutenant-General GRANT:— “I have the honor to report that the enemy made a stand at the intersection of the Burkesville station road with the road upon which they were retreating. “I attacked them with two divisions of the Sixth army corps and routed them handsomely, making a connection with the cavalry. I am still pressing on with both cavalry and infantry. Up to the present time we have captured Generals Ewell, Kershaw, Barton, Corse, De Bose and Custis Lee, several thousand prisoners, fourteen pieces of artillery, with caissons and a large number of wagons. If the thing is pressed, I think Lee will surrender. P. H. SHERIDAN, “Major-General Commanding.” On the receipt of this message, General Grant was already pushing on in person, with his whole army, to join Sheridan and strike the deathblow to the rebellion. But there was no need of further fighting. Sheridan had captured a large part of the rebel army, and the rest was demoralized. Lee’s headquarters at this time were near Amelia Court House. On the afternoon of the 9th of April, finding all hope of success to the rebel arms to be utterly empty and vain, the rebel commander finally surrendered to General Grant the entire Army of Northern Virginia. The letters which passed between the two commanders, upon this occasion, and which telegraphed to the Northern press, created the wildest enthusiasm throughout the land, are well worthy of preservation in the pages of any History of the War for the Union—so graphic and thorough in their narrative of the closing scene of rebel discomfiture and national triumph. GENERAL GRANT TO GENERAL LEE. “April 7, 1865. “General R. E. LEE, Commanding Confederate States Army:— “GENERAL—The result of the last week must convince you of the hopelessness of further resistance on the part of the Army of Northern Virginia in this struggle. I feel that it is so, and regard it as my duty to shift from myself the responsibility of any further effusion of blood, by asking of you the surrender of that portion of the Confederate States army, known as the Army of Northern Virginia. “Very respectfully, your obedient servant, “U. S. GRANT, Lieutenant-General, U. S. A.” GENERAL LEE TO GENERAL GRANT. “April 7, 1865. “GENERAL—I have received your note of this date. “Though not entirely of the opinion you express of the hopelessness of further resistance on the part of the Army of Northern Virginia, I reciprocate your desire to avoid useless effusion of blood, and therefore, before considering your proposition, ask the terms you will offer on condition of its surrender. “R. E. LEE, General Commanding.” GENERAL GRANT TO GENERAL LEE. “April 8, 1865. “GENERAL—Your note of last evening, in reply to mine of same date, asking the conditions on which I will accept the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia is just received. “In reply, I would say that, peace being my first desire, there is but one condition that I insist upon, viz.:— “That the men surrendered shall be disqualified for taking up arms again, against the Government of the United States, until properly exchanged. “I will meet you or designate officers to meet any officers you may name for the same purpose at any point agreeable to you, for the purpose of arranging definitely the terms upon which the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia will be received. “Very respectfully, your obedient servant, “U. S. GRANT, Lieutenant-General, U. S. A.” GENERAL LEE TO GENERAL GRANT. “April 8, 1865. “GENERAL—I received at a late hour your note of to-day in answer to mine of yesterday. “I did not intend to propose the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia, but to ask the terms of your proposition. To be frank, I do not think the emergency has arisen to call for the surrender. “But as the restoration of peace should be the sole object of all, I desire to know whether your proposals would tend to that end. “I cannot, therefore, meet you with a view to surrender the army of Northern Virginia; but as far as your proposition may affect the Confederate States’ forces under my command and tend to the restoration of peace, I should be pleased to meet you at ten A. M. to-morrow, on the old stage road to Richmond, between the picket lines of the two armies. “Very respectfully, your obedient servant, “R. E. LEE, General C. S. A.” GENERAL GRANT TO GENERAL LEE. “April 9, 1865. “GENERAL—Your note of yesterday is received. As I have no authority to treat on the subject of peace, the meeting proposed for ten A. M. to-day, could lead to no good. I will state, however, General, that I am equally anxious for peace with yourself; and the whole North entertain the same feeling. The terms upon which peace can be had are well understood. By the South laying down their arms they will hasten that most desirable event, save thousands of human lives, and hundreds of millions of property not yet destroyed. “Sincerely hoping that all our difficulties may be settled without the loss of another life, I subscribe myself, “Very respectfully, your obedient servant, “U. S. GRANT, Lieutenant-General, U. S. A.” GENERAL LEE TO GENERAL GRANT. “April 9, 1865. “GENERAL—I received your note of this morning on the picket line, whither I had come to meet you and ascertain definitely what terms were embraced in your proposition of yesterday with reference to the surrender of this army. “I now request an interview in accordance with the offer contained in your letter of yesterday for that purpose. “Very respectfully, your obedient servant, “R. E. LEE, General. “To Lieutenant-General GRANT, commanding United States armies.” GENERAL GRANT TO GENERAL LEE. “April 9, 1865. “GENERAL—Your note of this date is but this moment (fifty minutes past eleven A. M.) received. “In consequence of my having passed from the Richmond and Lynchburg road to the Farmville and Lynchburg road, I am, at this writing, about four miles west of Walter’s Church, and will push forward to the front for the purpose of meeting you. “Notice sent to me, on this road, where you wish the interview to take place, will meet me. “Very respectfully, your obedient servant, “U. S. GRANT, Lieutenant-General.” GENERAL GRANT TO GENERAL LEE. “APPOMATTOX COURT HOUSE, } APRIL 9, 1865. } “In accordance with the substance of my letter to you of the 8th inst., I propose to receive the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia on the following terms, to wit:— “Rolls of all the officers and men to be made in duplicate; one copy to be given to an officer designated by me, the other to be retained by such officers as you may designate. “The officers to give their individual paroles not to take arms against the government of the United States until properly exchanged, and each company or regimental commander to sign a like parole for the men of his command. “The arms, artillery and public property to be parked and stacked and turned over to the officers appointed by me to receive them. “This will not embrace the side arms of the officers, nor their private horses or baggage. “This done, each officer and man will be allowed to return to their homes, not to be disturbed by United States authority so long as they observe their parole and the laws in force where they may reside. “Very respectfully, U. S. GRANT, Lieutenant-General.” GENERAL LEE TO GENERAL GRANT. “HEADQUARTERS, ARMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA, } APRIL 9, 1865. } “GENERAL—I have received your letter of this date, containing the terms of surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia as proposed by you. As they are substantially the same as those expressed in your letter of the 8th inst., they are accepted. I will proceed to designate the proper officers to carry the stipulations into effect. “Very respectfully, your obedient servant, “R. E. LEE, General.” * * * * * The national rejoicing over the capture of Lee’s army was, as may well be imagined, deep and general. Throughout the length and breadth of the land, thanksgiving to the God of battles—as of Peace—went up from the hearts of a whole people, happy in the rescue of the American Republic from division, and from the plague of human slavery. The following documents were issued from the war office, at Washington, immediately after the great victory: “WAR DEPARTMENT, } “WASHINGTON, D. C., April 9—9:30 P. M. } “Lieutenant-General GRANT:— “Thanks be to Almighty God for the great victory with which he has this day crowned you and the gallant armies under your command. “The thanks of this Department, and of the government, and of the people of the United States—their reverence and honor have been deserved—will be rendered to you and the brave and gallant officers and soldiers of your army for all time. “EDWIN M. STANTON, “Secretary of War.” “WAR DEPARTMENT, } WASHINGTON, D. C., April 9—10 P. M. } “Ordered—That a salute of two hundred guns be fired at the headquarters of every army and department, and at every post and arsenal in the United States, and at the Military Academy at West Point, on the day of the receipt of this order, in commemoration of the surrender of General R. E. Lee and the army of Northern Virginia to Lieutenant-General Grant and the army under his command; report of the receipt and execution of this order to be made to the Adjutant-General, Washington. “EDWIN M. STANTON, “Secretary of War.” SKETCH OF THE REBEL GENERAL LEE. Robert E. Lee was born in Virginia about the year 1808. He entered West Point, where he received the usual military education. He graduated honorably in 1829, and received an appointment as Second Lieutenant of Engineers. For eighteen years he served in the army, drawing the usual pay from the government, and rising to the rank of Major and Lieutenant-Colonel of cavalry. In the Mexican war he was further honored by a brevet of Colonel, and on the appointment of Albert S. Johnston to the command of the Utah expedition Lee succeeded him in command of the Second cavalry. After filling this honorable and agreeable post in the military service of his country for several years, he was tempted with others, to desert his flag at the moment of his country’s sorest need. When the Richmond politicians passed their Ordinance of Secession, Robert E. Lee threw up his commission, and accepted the rank of General in the rebel army. [Illustration: ROBERT E. LEE.] In Mexico, Lee had been Chief of General Scott’s Staff, and won high praise for his skill. It was a common remark in our army, before the war, that “Bob Lee” was the ablest strategist we had. His first performances in the rebel array did not increase his reputation; he was eclipsed for a time by both Beauregard and Johnston. After the latter was wounded, however, at Fair Oaks, Lee took the whole command of the rebel army in Virginia, and directed its operations during the seven days’ battles before Richmond. He likewise led the rebels into Maryland, and commanded them at Antietam, and subsequently at Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, and all the other battles incident to the closing campaign in Virginia. ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN. NIGHT OF APRIL 14, 1865. A glorious sunburst parted the clouds over Abraham Lincoln’s head just as he took the inauguration oath which made him President for a second term—and from that period his life was one series of cheering events. Was it a promise of redemption to the Nation, or the _halo_ of martyrdom? The rebellion melted away like snow from that hour. Richmond was taken; Lee surrendered his grand army. The brave blood which had crimsoned the wilderness with a terrible rain, bore quick and glorious fruit all over the land. Lincoln was a good man. Even his enemies said this, when they found themselves a mere handful among millions that loved him for his honesty, his simple truthfulness, and that genuine patriotism which no man doubted and all men revered. Triumphant as a President, happy in the bosom of a family that adored him, blessed with an attached wife, a son of fine promise and faultless character, another son whom he loved with intense affection, and who returned it with all the touching ardor of early childhood, worshiped by many and respected by all, the 14th of April found him a happy and triumphant man. A box had been taken that night for the President and a select party at Ford’s Theatre, a fashionable place of amusement in Washington, where Thomas Taylor’s comedy of Our American Cousin was to be performed by Miss Laura Keene and her company. A private box in the upper tier, on the right of the audience, had been all that season so frequently used by the President, that it was generally known as the “President’s box.” That evening it was richly draped for his reception. The Stars and Stripes glowed brightly above it, and easy chairs were placed for the President’s occupancy. It had been announced that General Grant would accompany the Presidential party and a brilliant audience had assembled, eager to greet the two most popular men of The Nation. The first act of the American Cousin had commenced, when President Lincoln, Mrs. Lincoln, Miss Harris, and Major Rathbon entered the theatre. General Grant was not of the party; he had left Washington a few hours before. They seated themselves, with the National flags draped above them, and the eyes of a brilliant audience turned that way. The President was always deeply interested in the dramatic performances before him, and sometimes, doubtless, sought the theatre as a refuge from political cares. That night no premonition seemed to haunt him. He was tranquil, silent, and interested. Usually, when he visited any place of amusement, his youngest son might have been seen hanging about his chair, whispering his observations in childish confidence, and sometimes leaning for half an hour together upon his father’s knee. The devotion and companionship which existed between Lincoln and this warm-hearted lad was touching in its simple tenderness. No frown was ever seen on that kindly face when the boy, in his ardent affection claimed what might have been deemed untimely notice. Whatever thought harassed his mind, those connected with the boy always brought smiles with them. But, in mercy, this most ardently loving of sons was spared the horrors of a scene that soon sent an awful shock through the audience, and threw the whole nation into bitter mourning. The play went pleasantly on, and nothing happened to disturb the cheerfulness of the occasion, till, close on ten o’clock. Then John Wilkes Booth was first seen in the audience. This young man was a member of the profession, and had a free entrance to all parts of the theatre, where he was a great favorite. The son of perhaps the most talented tragedian known to our country, belonging to a family of young men all rich in genius, accomplished and endowed with wonderful physical beauty, he had found a respectable place even in the best social life of Washington, during the three months that he had spent in apparent idleness at one of the most fashionable hotels of the city. When this man entered the theatre that night, many people knew him, and some remarked the intense pallor of his face. He was remarked, at this time, to be slowly working his way through the crowd towards the door of the President’s box. For a moment he was observed leaning against the wall, pale, and with a startling wildness of the eyes, looking over the audience. Then he attempted to enter the box, but was challenged by the sentry stationed there. Booth answered that he was a senator of the United States, and that the President had sent for him. He was admitted; the door closed behind him, which he immediately fastened by placing a wooden bar, arranged in advance, across it. He moved toward the President, and stood for an instant behind his chair. The stage was almost deserted. Asa Trenchard, represented by Mr. Hawk, was its sole occupant. Mr. Lincoln was watching the scene with his eyes bent on the stage, quiet, calm, almost smiling. Booth crept closer to his victim, drew his pistol, and fired. A spring toward the front of the box, a backward lunge with the bowie-knife, held in one hand, which pierced Major Rathbon’s arm, wounding him severely; then a wild dangerous leap over. His spur entangled itself with the flags, and the impetus flung him forward on the stage, where he fell upon one knee. An instant, and he leaped up, brandishing the naked bowie-knife in his hand, which was red with the blood of Major Rathbon. In a strong, clear voice, thrillingly dramatic, he cried out the old Latin motto of the State of Virginia, “_Sic semper tyrannis_.” With these defiant words on his lips, Booth rushed across the stage, down a side passage, where his red hand almost brushed against Laura Keene, and out of a rear door which opened to a lane back of the theatre. There a horse stood ready, held by an accomplice, on which he leaped, and dashed down the lane. The audience for one awful minute were struck dumb. The smoke from the President’s box, the excited shrieks of Mrs. Lincoln, which rang with awful meaning over the crowd, threw the whole multitude into bewildering confusion. Only one man had presence of mind enough to understand the awful truth, and pursue the assassin. Colonel J. B. Stewart, a tall, powerful man, full of cool courage, leaped upon the stage from the orchestra seats, and rushed after Booth across the stage to the rear of the theatre. Once his hand almost grasped the assassin’s garments, but the door which was flung open fell to with violent force, and Stewart lost a precious moment in attempting to open it. It swung back at last, but Booth had already leaped to his horse, and, in an instant, was engulfed in the murky darkness of the lane. Meantime the crowd swayed wildly to and fro; shrieks of anguish from distracted wife rang through the multitude with maddening effect. The President had fallen forward, with his head on his breast, breathing, but senseless. The ball had entered his head just back of the left ear, passed completely through the brain, and lodged above the right eye. Laura Keene rushed to the box, calling for help, and aided Miss Harris to support the murdered man in his seat. There, pale with terror, one pleading for help, the other crying out for water, those two frightened ladies kept him from falling forward with their trembling hands. The crowd understood the awful catastrophe now, and a mad rush was made for the stage—all too late. By that time Booth was galloping through the stormy night, on a horse whose swiftness defied pursuit. Then the inner bar was forced away from its rude sockets, and there was a rush to the box where President Lincoln was still supported by those feeble women, who stood by him firmly, their hands red with his blood, and their garments wet with the crimson rain which never came from a more thoroughly kind heart. On the back of the cushioned chair, on the partition, and on the floor, that martyr blood had fallen. On the carpet lay a single-barreled pistol. They lifted the dying man, carried him through the heaving surges of the crowd, to the house of Mr. Peterson, in Tenth street, close by the theatre. Then the multitude swayed doorward, and filled the street, packing it with white, anxious faces. A guard was placed at the door, who in vain strove to answer the questions urged upon him. All he could say was, that the President was dying; a few minutes or hours, at least, must close his life. Then a dreadful stillness fell upon the crowd; some went away in painful silence; others—stout, strong men, too—turned away weeping like little children. At five o’clock on Saturday morning, the President lay in his death agonies. He was lying upon the bed, apparently breathing with great difficulty. He was entirely unconscious, and had been ever since his assassination. His eyes were protruding from their sockets and suffused with blood. In other respects, his countenance was unchanged. At his bedside were the Secretary of War, Secretary of the Navy, Secretary of the Interior, Postmaster-General, and the Attorney-General; Senator Sumner, General Farnsworth, General Todd, cousin to Mrs. Lincoln; Major Hay, M. B. Field, General Halleck, Major-General Meigs, Rev. Dr. Gurley, George Oglesby, of Illinois; Drs. E. N. Abbott, R. K. Stone, C. D. Hatch, Neal, Hall, and Lieberman. In the adjoining room was Mrs. Lincoln, her son, Captain Robert Lincoln; Miss Harris, who was with Mrs. Lincoln at the time of the assassination of the President; Rufus F. Andrews, and two lady friends of Mrs. Lincoln. Mrs. Lincoln was under great excitement and agony, wringing her hands and exclaiming, “Why did he not shoot me instead of my husband? I have tried to be so careful of him, fearing something would happen, and his life seemed to be more precious now than ever. I must go with him,” and other expressions of the intense agony of her coming widowhood. She was constantly going back and forth to the bedside of the President, exclaiming in great anguish, “How can it be so!” The scene was heart-rending, and it is impossible to portray it in its living light. When General Farnsworth went in, hoping to comfort her, she seized him by the arm and with touching appeal besought him to save her husband, as if any human help could avail then. Captain Robert Lincoln bore himself with great firmness, and while quivering with anguish himself endeavored to assuage the grief of his mother by telling her to put her trust in God and all would be well. Occasionally, being entirely overcome, he would retire into the hall and give way to most heart-rending lamentations. In his affliction, as in the sunshine of the greatest prosperity, this young man proved worthy of the father who was dying—worthy of the nation with whom his after fortune should be held as a sacred inheritance. Let what will come in the hereafter, the orphaned sons of Abraham Lincoln have a right to claim adoption from the American people. About a quarter of an hour before the President died, his breathing became very difficult, and in many instances seemed to have entirely ceased. The surgeons who were holding his pulse supposed him to be dead, but he would again rally and breathe with so great difficulty as to be heard in almost every part of the house. Mrs. Lincoln took her last leave of him about twenty minutes before he expired—she could not endure to await the awful footsteps of death. The surgeons and the members of the Cabinet, Senator Sumner, Captain Robert Lincoln and Rufus Andrews stood leaning over the headboard of the bed watching every motion of the heaving breast of the dying President. Robert Lincoln was supporting himself upon the arm of Senator Sumner. The members of the Cabinet were standing by the side of the bed—Secretary Stanton at the left of Mr. Andrews—Mr. Andrews near Mr. Lincoln’s head. Next to him was Mr. Dennison, and the others arranged along at his left, and the surgeons were sitting upon the side and foot of the bed, holding the President’s hands, and with their watches observing the slow declension of the pulse, and watching the faint ebb of that noble spirit. Such was the solemn stillness for the duration of five minutes that the ticking of many watches could be heard in the room. At twenty-two minutes past seven, A. M., the soul of Abraham Lincoln fled from its earthly tabernacle “to that bourne from which no traveler returns.” As he drew his last breath the Rev. Dr. Gurley addressed the Throne of Grace with a fervent prayer for his heart-broken family and his mourning country. Mrs. Lincoln sat in an adjoining room, hushing her tears and waiting solemnly. When they told her in such tender words as pity finds for grief, that her husband was dead, the growing stillness of her heart gave way and she cried out in sudden anguish, “Oh, why did you not tell me that he was dying?” Abraham Lincoln was dead, but scarcely had the cold hand touched his features when over them dawned that gentle smile which those who have seen him in his happiest moments will never forget. Except the blackness of his eyes his face appeared perfectly natural. He died without a struggle, or even a perceptible motion of the limbs. The morning was calm, and the rain was dropping gently upon the roof of the humble apartment where they had laid him down to die. Guards had been stationed to keep the people from the house, and no sound could be heard in the streets save the footsteps of the sentry passing to and fro, as he guarded all that remained of Abraham Lincoln. NATIONAL LAMENTATION. FUNERAL OF THE PRESIDENT. The following dispatch, received in New York city on the morning of the 15th of April, announced to the country and to the world the death of the President of the United States:— “WAR DEPARTMENT, } WASHINGTON, April 15, 1865. } “To Major-General DIX, New York:— “Abraham Lincoln died this morning at twenty-two minutes after seven o’clock. “EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War.” This grievous intelligence fell upon the heart of the Nation like the storm which follows the thunderbolt. The fierce, mad excitement and indignation which had fired the bosoms of all Americans at the news of their beloved President having been struck down by the hand of an assassin, was instantly followed by passionate grief and lamentation at the speedy news of his death. A deep gloom hung over the whole North—a gloom which might be compared to the dark clouds from whose bosoms flash forth vivid streams of destroying fire. In every heart arose a stern demand for retribution against the man who had bereaved a great nation in destroying its leader. This feeling gave force and depth to the mournfulness which fell solemnly on the land. In every city throughout the North, in every village,—in every place where men dwelt, strangers grasped each other by the hand, and with tear-wet eyes bewailed their country’s loss; for the universal grief made all men feel their universal fraternity. The whole country was draped in mourning. No man was so poor that his sorrow did not show itself in some touching acknowledgment of his country’s bereavement and his own sorrow. For thirty days the emblems of mourning remained on every public building; while flags heavily draped with crape were hung in the windows, or streamed from the flagstaffs of thousands on thousands of private dwellings. The body of the martyred President lay in state at the White House for four days, where, upon the 19th of April, the funeral services were celebrated in every church throughout the North, and in most of the Canadian cities. The ceremony at the White House being over, the President’s remains were removed to the Capitol, where they lay in state for two days. On the 21st they were placed within a handsome and grandly imposing funeral car, and proceeded on their melancholy journey, stopping a certain length of time at each of the following cities: Baltimore, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, New York, Albany, Buffalo, Cleveland, Columbus, Indianapolis, and Chicago; arriving in Springfield, Illinois, at eight o’clock on the morning of May 3d. There—amid the scenes that had witnessed his manly labors, his successful career, his prosperity, his home affections, and his honorable progress in the esteem of his fellow-workers and fellow-citizens, the good President was laid down to his last earthly sleep. The love and the prayers of a whole people followed him to his grave, and the veneration of posterity will hallow it forever. And there his countrymen shall come, With memory proud, with pity dumb, And strangers far and near, For many and many a year. For many a year and many an age, While History on her ample page The virtues shall enroll Of that Paternal Soul. SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. BORN FEBRUARY 12, 1809. DIED APRIL 15, 1865. Abraham Lincoln was born at Hodginville, Kentucky, on the 12th of February, 1809. His parents were poor, and his youth was thus a youth of labor. From the age of seven to that of nineteen, he worked on his father’s farm—his parents having removed to Indiana, and subsequently into Illinois. When nineteen years of age he left home and sought labor on the Mississippi river, as a hired hand on a flatboat plying between St. Louis and New Orleans. He subsequently built a similar vessel, which he personally managed, in the river traffic. Until 1832 his life was a continual struggle against adverse fortune, but it was prosecuted with a strong heart and firm hand. In 1832 the Indian war with Black Hawk broke out. Mr. Lincoln raised a company of volunteers in Menard county, Ill., and served through the war under General Samuel Whiteside. The early career of Mr. Lincoln as a pioneer and in camp, had gradually trained and formed his character for more active life. His prominence in his county, as the former captain of a company, naturally gave him additional influence at home, on his return from the war, and, after beginning life as a lawyer, he soon became, also, a politician. In 1834, at the age of twenty-five, he was elected on the whig ticket, to the Illinois Legislature. In 1836, he was re-elected for a second term, during which he avowed conservative principles on the subject of slavery, and added much to his popularity by efforts to make Springfield the capital of the State. He also won credit by his action as Chairman of the Finance Committee in the Legislature. In 1846, after several years of retirement from political life, during which he had established himself as a highly successful lawyer, Mr. Lincoln was nominated for Congress, and was elected by the largest vote ever given to a whig candidate in his district. He served until 1849, and was active—in connection with Seward, Chase and Giddings—in the agitation of the Wilmot proviso, and in opposition to the Mexican war. From 1849 to 1854 he remained secluded at Springfield, taking, however, an active, though not prominent part, in the organization of the republican party, and in 1856 he ardently supported its first candidates, Fremont and Dayton. He had just been defeated in the Illinois Legislature for United States Senator, and, except during the Presidential canvass for 1856, when he was brought frequently in contact on the stump with Stephen A. Douglas, he remained quiet in his office at Springfield until 1858, when he became a candidate for Senator. During this canvass he made some of the most remarkable speeches of his life. In 1860 he was elected President of the United States. On January 1st, 1863, President Lincoln declared in accordance with a previous proclamation, the freedom of all the slaves in the rebellious territory, a work which has since been consummated throughout all the Union by act of the States and the Federal Congress. In 1864, Mr. Lincoln was re-elected to the Presidency, and was duly inaugurated, on the 4th of March, 1865. He will be remembered as long as the history of the American Republic endures, as a good man, who labored to do his duty, who bore the honors of a high station with meekness and humility, and who guided his country through dreadful perils to a happy and secure peace, upon the safe basis of democratic institutions. THE ATTEMPT TO ASSASSINATE SECRETARY SEWARD. APRIL 14, 1865. While the murder of Abraham Lincoln was in progress at Ford’s Theatre, another scene in the bloody tragedy was being enacted at the house of the Secretary of State. Mr. Seward, suffering from severe injuries, received shortly before by an accidental fall from his carriage, was lying in his bed, sick, suffering, and helpless. Within the invalid’s chamber all was sadness and gloom; for Mr. Seward’s life was the subject of much uncertainty and anxious fear. About nine o’clock in the evening the chamber of the Secretary was forcibly entered by a tall, muscular man, whose face could hardly be distinguished beneath the broad and drooping brim of his slouched hat, which was drawn over his brow. This man was Lewis Payne,—who had been procured to murder the Secretary of State, and who had effected his entrance into the house by stratagem, and had forced his way from the street-door to Mr. Seward’s chamber, pretending to be a messenger from the physician with medicine for Mr. Seward. Payne had pushed past the servant who had admitted him, and met with no opposition till he reached the Secretary’s door. There he was confronted by Mr. Frederick Seward, with whom he had a moment’s parley regarding his message to Mr. Seward; but finding that he could effect nothing in that way he struck the Secretary’s son on the head with a pistol, felling him to the floor, and crushing in his skull. Upon the instant he burst into the Secretary’s room, rushed up to the bed, and attacked the helpless, sick old man with a knife. Mr. Seward succeeded in rolling out on the floor; but not until he had received many and severe cuts about the throat and face. All this had passed in so brief a time that not even a cry for help had been raised. The terrified nurses raised screams of distress about half a minute after the assassin’s entrance to the room, and a soldier, followed by Major Seward, rushed into the apartment. The soldier at once leaped upon the assassin, and tried to pull him backward; but Payne turned upon him, and stabbing him in the side, contrived to break away. He also struck and wounded Major Seward, and one of the attendants, who precipitated themselves upon him, and in the dreadful confusion following he succeeded in making his escape from the house. THE INAUGURATION OF PRESIDENT JOHNSON. On Saturday morning, April 15th, immediately after the death of President Lincoln, the following communication was addressed to Hon. Andrew Johnson, hitherto Vice-President of the Republic: WASHINGTON CITY, April 15, 1865. “SIR:—Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, was shot by an assassin last evening at Ford’s Theatre, in this city, and died at the hour of twenty-two minutes after seven o’clock. About the same time at which the President was shot, an assassin entered the sick chamber of the Hon. W. H. Seward, Secretary of State, and stabbed him in several places in the throat, neck and face, severely if not mortally wounding him.—Other members of the Secretary’s family were also dangerously wounded by the assassin while making his escape. By the death of President Lincoln the office of President has devolved under the Constitution upon you. The emergency of the Government demands that you should immediately qualify according to the requirements of the Constitution, and enter upon the duties of President of the United States. If you will please make known your pleasure, such arrangements as you deem proper will be made. Your obedient servants, HUGH MCCULLOCH, Secretary of the Treasury. EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy. WILLIAM DENNISON, Postmaster-General. J. P. USHER, Secretary of the Interior. JAMES SPEED, Attorney-General. To ANDREW JOHNSON, Vice-President of the United States.” [Illustration: ANDREW JOHNSON.] Mr. Johnson requested that the ceremonies should take place at his rooms at the Kirkwood House, in Washington, at ten o’clock on the morning of the 15th. The Hon. Salmon P. Chase, Chief-Justice, of the United States, was notified of the fact, and desired to be in attendance to administer the oath of office. At the above-named hour the following gentlemen assembled in the Vice-President’s room to participate in the ceremony: Hon. Salmon P. Chase, the Hon. Hugh McCulloch, Secretary of the Treasury; Mr. Attorney-General Speed; F. P. Blair, sr.; Montgomery Blair; Senators Foot of Vermont, Yates of Illinois, Ramsay of Minnesota, Stewart of Nevada, Hale of New Hampshire, and General Farnsworth, of Illinois. After the presentation of the above letter, the Chief-Justice administered the following oath to Mr. Johnson: “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” After receiving the oath and being declared President of the United States, Mr. Johnson remarked: “Gentlemen: I must be permitted to say that I have been almost overwhelmed by the announcement of the sad event which has so recently occurred. I feel incompetent to perform duties so important and responsible as those which have been so unexpectedly thrown upon me. As to an indication of any policy which may be pursued by me in the administration of the Government, I have to say that must be left for development as the Administration progresses. The message or declaration must be made by the acts as they transpire. The only assurance that I can now give of the future is reference to the past. The course which I have taken in the past in connection with this rebellion must be regarded as a guarantee of the future. My past public life, which has been long and laborious, has been founded, as I in good conscience believe, upon a great principle of right, which lies at the basis of all things. The best energies of my life have been spent in endeavoring to establish and perpetuate the principles of free government, and I believe that the government, in passing through its present perils, will settle down upon principles consonant with popular rights, more permanent and enduring than heretofore. I must be permitted to say, if I understand the feelings of my own heart, I have long labored to ameliorate and elevate the condition of the great mass of the American people. Toil and an honest advocacy of the great principles of free government have been my lot. The duties have been mine—the consequences are God’s. This has been the foundation of my political creed. I feel that in the end the government will triumph, and that these great principles will be permanently established. In conclusion, gentlemen, let me say that I want your encouragement and countenance. I shall ask and rely upon you and others in carrying the government through its present perils. I feel in making this request that it will be heartily responded to by you and all other patriots and lovers of the rights and interests of a free people.” At the conclusion of the above remarks the President received the kind wishes of the friends by whom he was surrounded. A few moments were devoted to conversation. All were deeply impressed with the solemnity of the occasion. THE CLOSE OF SHERMAN’S CAMPAIGN. SURRENDER OF GENERAL JOHNSTON. In the latter part of March and the first days of April, 1865, the rebel army under General J. E. Johnston was encamped in the neighborhood of Smithfield, North Carolina, and was protecting Raleigh. General Sherman’s forces were at Goldsboro’, and in that vicinity. On the 6th of April the news of the Virginia victories reached General Sherman. Four days later, on the 10th inst., at daybreak, his army commenced its final advance against the enemy. Major-General H. W. Slocum took the two direct roads for Smithfield; Major-General O. O. Howard made a circuit by the right, and feigned up the Weldon road, to disconcert the enemy’s cavalry; Generals Terry and Kilpatrick moved on the west side of the Neuse river, and aimed to reach the rear of the enemy between Smithfield and Raleigh. General Schofield followed General Slocum, in support. All the columns met, within six miles of Goldsboro’, more or less cavalry, with the usual rail barricades, which were swept away as chaff; and by 10 A. M. of the 11th, the Fourteenth corps entered Smithfield, the Twentieth corps close at hand. Johnston had rapidly retreated across the Neuse river, and, having his railroad to lighten up his trains, could retreat faster than the National forces could pursue. The rains had also set in, making the resort to corduroy absolutely necessary to pass even ambulances. The enemy had burned the bridge at Smithfield, but, as soon as possible, Major-General Slocum got up his pontoons, and crossed over a division of the Fourteenth corps. News of the surrender of Lee’s army, at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, was here received, and was announced to the armies in orders, creating universal joy. “Not an officer or soldier of my armies,” says General Sherman, “but expressed a pride and satisfaction that it fell to the lot of the armies of the Potomac and James so gloriously to overwhelm and capture the entire army that had held them so long in check; and their success gave us new impulse to finish up our task.” Marching still onward in rapid pursuit, General Sherman’s soldiers passed through Raleigh, on the 13th. Johnston was at Greensboro’, and his army was retreating from Hillsboro’, on all the roads leading to the former point. Such was the position of affairs, when General Sherman received the first communication from his adversary, in reference to terms of capitulation. At noon, on the 17th, the two commanders met. Says General Sherman: “Our interview was frank and soldier-like, and he gave me to understand that further war on the part of the Confederate troops was folly; that the ‘cause’ was lost, and that every life sacrificed after the surrender of Lee’s army was the highest possible crime. He admitted that the terms conceded to General Lee were magnanimous, and all he could ask; but he did want some general concessions that would enable him to allay the natural fears and anxieties of his followers, and enable him to maintain his control over them until they could be got back to the neighborhood of their homes, thereby saving the State of North Carolina the devastation which would result from turning his men loose and unprovided on the spot, and our pursuit across the State. “He also wanted to embrace in the same general proposition the fate of all the Confederate armies that remained in existence. I never made any concession as to his own army, or assumed to deal finally and authoritatively in regard to any other; but it did seem to me that there was presented a chance for peace that might be deemed valuable to the government of the United States, and was at least worth the few days that would be consumed in reference. To push an enemy whose commander had so frankly and honestly confessed his inability to cope with me, were cowardly, and unworthy the brave men I led.” On the 18th, the two Generals again met, and agreed upon a basis of terms for capitulation of the rebel army, to be referred to the President of the United States; and, in the mean time, a truce was declared between the belligerents. General Sherman improved the delay by rushing on the work on the railroad to Raleigh, and thus strengthening himself for battle—if battle should come. On the 23d, General Sherman learned that the government—President Lincoln being dead—disapproved of his basis for Johnston’s capitulation, and ordered the truce to end. He immediately notified his opponent, to that effect, and that the truce would end at noon on the 26th. On the night of the 25th, General Sherman received a letter from General Johnston, asking for another interview. By this time General Grant had arrived at Raleigh, and was in communication with General Sherman. The interview was granted; and, on the 26th of April, at 2 o’clock, Generals Sherman and Johnston met, and signed the articles of capitulation, by which the latter surrendered his whole army to the former. General Sherman’s conduct, at this stage of the war, has been made the subject of adverse criticism by official persons of high station. These pages, however, have not space enough for the details of this controversy. Yet it should be said, in justice to one of the greatest warriors of history, that, throughout all his negotiations, and down to the close of his connection with the war, General Sherman’s conduct was that of a patriot, a soldier, and a gentleman. The terms finally allowed to General Johnston were the same that had previously been allowed to General Lee. The following is General Sherman’s farewell address to his army:— “HEADQUARTERS MILITARY DIVISION OF THE MISSISSIPPI, } “In the Field, Washington, D. C., May 30, 1865. } “The general commanding announces to the Armies of the Tennessee and Georgia that the time has come for us to part. Our work is done, and armed enemies no longer defy us. Some of you will be retained in service until further orders. And now that we are about to separate, to mingle with the civil world, it becomes a pleasing duty to recall to mind the situation of National affairs when, but a little more than a year ago, we were gathered about the twining cliffs of Lookout Mountain, and all the future was wrapped in doubt and uncertainty. Three armies had come together from distant fields, with separate histories, yet bound by one common cause—the union of our country and the perpetuation of the government of our inheritance. There is no need to recall to your memories Tunnel Hill, with its Rocky Face Mountain, and Buzzard Roost Gap, with the ugly forts of Dalton behind. We were in earnest, and paused not for danger and difficulty, but dashed through Snake Creek Gap, and fell on Resaca, then on to the Etowah, to Dallas, Kenesaw; and the heats of summer found us on the banks of the Chattahoochie, far from home and dependent on a single road for supplies. Again we were not to be held back by any obstacle, and crossed over and fought four heavy battles for the possession of the citadel of Atlanta. That was the crisis of our history. A doubt still clouded our future; but we solved the problem, and destroyed Atlanta, struck boldly across the State of Georgia, secured all the main arteries of life to our enemy, and Christmas found us at Savannah. Waiting there only long enough to fill our wagons, we again began a march, which for peril, labor, and results, will compare with any ever made by an organized army. The floods of the Savannah, the swamps of the Combahee and Edisto, the high hills and rocks of the Santee, the flat quagmires of the Pedee and Cape Fear rivers, were all passed in midwinter, with its floods and rains, in the face of an accumulating enemy; and, after the battles of Averasboro’ and Bentonville, we once more came out of the wilderness to meet our friends at Goldsboro’. Even then we paused only long enough to get new clothing, to reload our wagons, and again pushed on to Raleigh, and beyond, until we met our enemy, sueing for peace instead of war, and offering to submit to the injured laws of his and our country. As long as that enemy was defiant, nor mountains, nor rivers, nor swamps, nor hunger, nor cold had checked us; but when he who had fought us hard and persistently offered submission, your general thought it wrong to pursue him further, and negotiations followed which resulted, as you all know, in his surrender. How far the operations of the army have contributed to the overthrow of the Confederacy, of the peace which now dawns on us, must be judged by others, not by us. But that you have done all that men could do has been admitted by those in authority; and we have a right to join in the universal joy that fills our land because the war is over, and our government stands vindicated before the world by the joint action of the volunteer armies of the United States. “To such as remain in the military service, your general need only remind you that successes in the past are due to hard work and discipline, and that the same work and discipline are equally important in the future. To such as go home, he will only say, that our favored country is so grand, so extensive, so diversified in climate, soil, and productions, that every man may surely find a home and occupation suited to his taste; and none should yield to the natural impotence sure to result from our past life of excitement and adventure. You will be invited to seek new adventure abroad; but do not yield to the temptation, for it will lead only to death and disappointment. “Your general now bids you all farewell, with the full belief that, as in war you have been good soldiers, so in peace you will make good citizens; and if, unfortunately, new war should arise in our country, Sherman’s army will be the first to buckle on the old armor and come forth to defend and maintain the government of our inheritance and choice. “By order of “Major-General W. T. SHERMAN. “L. M. DAYTON, Assistant Adjutant-General.” THE BIRKENHEAD RAMS. During the war the United States consuls in various parts of the world often rendered important services to the country by detecting the ungenerous attempts made by European nations to aid the Confederacy by blockade runners, and by secretly fitting out iron-clads and other efficient craft for the use of the rebels. Mr. Hammond, Consul to Dublin in the early part of the war, rendered efficient service in this respect, having prevented several vessels from being sent out as blockaders. But perhaps the most important service rendered by any consul was that which prevented the Birkenhead rams, two formidable iron-clads, from performing the rebel work for which they were intended. These rams were supposed for a long time to have been building in Egypt, for the Pacha of Egypt. That they were not completed and allowed to depredate on our commerce, is owing exclusively to the tact and energy of our Consul-General of Egypt, at the time residing in Alexandria. The history of this unwritten and hitherto unacknowledged service is this: Said Pacha, late Viceroy of Egypt, during his European trip in 1862, visited the shipyard of Messrs. Laird & Co., Birkenhead, England, and being highly pleased with the works of these great ship-builders, gave an order on his return home to Mr. Broway, a French merchant widely known in the East for his extensive business connections with the Egyptian government, for two iron clads, which were to be constructed by the Messrs. Laird. Broway conveyed the order, as directed, and the rams were commenced. While the building of these iron-clads was in progress the Viceroy died, and his successor, Ismael Pacha, the present ruler of Egypt, was called upon by Monsieur Broway for the necessary payments, which that potentate declined giving. But Monsieur Broway being strongly backed by the Count De Morney, a near relative of the French Emperor, compelled Ismael Pacha to come to terms. Through this powerful influence, an arrangement was made, by which the Pacha was released from all further obligations regarding the same by a payment of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to Broway, who for that sum took the contract on his own shoulders. It was, however, understood between the Viceroy and Monsieur Broway that this arrangement should be kept secret, and the same continue to be known as the Viceroy’s property until the vessels were completed and disposed of. Early in September, 1863, telegrams from the Federal Minister at London and the Consul at Liverpool were sent to the United States Consul-General at Alexandria, stating that the two iron clads were ready for sea and would sail as Egyptian property unless satisfactory evidence of their real ownership and destination could be produced, as this alone would enable the United States Minister at London to stop them. To procure that evidence was a delicate and difficult task, as it could only be obtained from the Viceroy himself. Great tact and a refinement of diplomacy was necessary even in approaching the Viceroy, who was bound to secrecy by his agreement with Broway. Still the evidence could be obtained from no other source. The Consul-General, Mr. Thayers, had previously sailed for Europe on leave, entrusting the affairs of his mission to Francis Dainese, Esq., of Washington City, a gentleman of fine capacity, who possessed great experience in the language and customs of the Orient. The diplomatic talent of this gentleman had been tested in various responsible positions which he had held under the government, and being placed on terms of easy communication with the Viceroy, both by position and a thorough knowledge of the Turkish language, he was, perhaps, the only person at that time in Egypt who could have approached that potentate with any hope of success. With quiet tact Mr. Dainese obtained an interview with the Pacha, and enlightened him regarding the subtle and skilful designs which were carried on against the United States under his name. For the first time Ismael Pacha understood clearly that these rams were to be delivered under his name, and as his property, to the enemies of the United States. So vividly and earnestly did Mr. Dainese represent to His Highness the dangerous position in which this fraud would place himself and his government, that he obtained from the Pacha an official denial of his ownership in these rams, or that the Egyptian government was in any way connected with them. On the 11th of September, 1863, Mr. Dainese telegraphed to Mr. Adams in London, that the Egyptian Government officially denied having any ownership, or being in any way concerned with the iron-clads of Birkenhead. By the steamer of the 13th of September, a certified copy of the document itself was forwarded to Mr. Adams. The telegram reached London on the 12th of September, 1863, and the two rams were shortly after seized by the British Government, at the urgent request of our Minister, founded entirely on the intelligence obtained by Mr. Dainese. This transaction made a good deal of excitement at the time, both in England and this country, and great credit was certainly deserved by Mr. Dainese for his timely interference, which saved our commerce from fresh depredations. There was a degree of boldness in his action worthy of all praise, for he promptly undertook and accomplished this important affair, without instructions from Washington, and the result was communicated by him to the Secretary of State, in whose department the diplomatic correspondence is now on file. Perhaps this record will be the first ever made of a transaction so important to the country, but in a war like that which has swept over our land, all events bearing upon it should be matters of public history, and the man who serves his country as a diplomat can be no more overlooked, in strict justice, than the general who leads its armies to the field. THE EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. JANUARY 1, 1863. Whereas, on the twenty-second day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, a Proclamation was issued by the President of the United States, containing among other things the following, to wit: “That on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any State, or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforth and forever free, and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom. “That the Executive will, on the first day of January aforesaid, by proclamation, designate the States and parts of States, if any, in which the people thereof respectively shall then be in rebellion against the United States; and the fact that any State, or the people thereof, shall on that day be in good faith represented in the Congress of the United States by members chosen thereto at elections wherein a majority of the qualified voters of such State shall have participated, shall, in the absence of strong countervailing testimony, be deemed conclusive evidence that such State and the people thereof are not then in rebellion against the United States.” Now, therefore, I, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, President of the United States, by virtue of the power in me vested as Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States in time of actual armed Rebellion against the authority and government of the United States, and as a fit and necessary war measure for suppressing said Rebellion, do, on this first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and in accordance with my purpose so to do, publicly proclaimed for the full period of one hundred days from the day first above mentioned, order and designate as the States and parts of States wherein the people thereof respectively are this day in rebellion against the United States, the following, to wit: ARKANSAS, TEXAS, LOUISIANA (except the Parishes of St. Bernard, Plaquemines, Jefferson, St. John, St. Charles, St. James, Ascension, Assumption, Terre Bonne, Lafourche, St. Marie, St. Martin, and Orleans, including the City of New Orleans), MISSISSIPPI, ALABAMA, FLORIDA, GEORGIA, SOUTH CAROLINA, NORTH CAROLINA, and VIRGINIA (except the forty-eight counties designated as West Virginia, and also the counties of Berkeley, Accomac, Northampton, Elizabeth City, York, Princess Ann, and Norfolk, including the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth), and which excepted parts are, for the present, left precisely as if this Proclamation were not issued. And by virtue of the power and for the purpose aforesaid, I do order and declare that ALL PERSONS HELD AS SLAVES within said designated States and parts of States ARE, AND HENCEFORWARD SHALL BE FREE: and that the Executive Government of the United States, including the Military and Naval Authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of said persons. And I hereby enjoin upon the people so declared to be free, to abstain from all violence, unless in necessary self-defence, and I recommend to them that in all cases, when allowed, they labor faithfully for reasonable wages. And I further declare and make known that such persons of suitable condition will be received into the armed service of the United States to garrison forts, positions, stations and other places, and to man vessels of all sorts in said service. And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the Constitution, upon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind and the gracious favor of Almighty God. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my name, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. [Sidenote: [L. S.]] Done at the City of Washington, this first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the Independence of the United States the eighty-seventh. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By the President—WILLIAM H. SEWARD, _Secretary of State_. PROCLAMATION. WILLIAM H. SEWARD, SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE UNITED STATES, _To All to Whom these Presents May Come, Greeting_: _Know ye_, that, whereas, the Congress of the United States, on the 1st of February last, passed a resolution, which is in the words following, namely: “A resolution submitting to the Legislatures of the several States a proposition to amend the Constitution of the United States: “_Resolved_, By the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, two-thirds of both Houses concurring, that the following article be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which, when ratified by three-fourths of said Legislatures, shall be valid to all intents and purposes as a part of said Constitution, namely: “ARTICLE XIII. “SECTION 1. _Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States or any place subject to their jurisdiction._ “SECTION 2. _Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation._” And, whereas, it appears from official documents on file in this department that the Amendment to the Constitution of the United States proposed as aforesaid has been ratified by the Legislatures of the States of Illinois, Rhode Island, Michigan, Maryland, New York, West Virginia, Maine, Kansas, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, Missouri, Nevada, Indiana, Louisiana, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Vermont, Tennessee, Arkansas, Connecticut, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Alabama, North Carolina, and Georgia, in all twenty-seven States; And whereas, the whole number of States in the United States is thirty-six; And whereas, the before specially named States, whose Legislatures have ratified the said proposed amendment, constitute three-fourths of the whole number of States in the United States; Now, therefore, be it known that I, WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of State of the United States, by virtue and in pursuance of the second section of the act of Congress approved the 20th of April, 1818, entitled “An Act to provide for the publication of the laws of the United States and for other purposes,” do hereby certify that the amendment aforesaid HAS BECOME VALID TO ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES AS A PART OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Department of State to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington, this 18th day of December, in the year of our Lord 1865, and of the Independence of the United States of America the 90th. WM. H. SEWARD, Secretary of State. LIST OF FEDERAL VESSELS CAPTURED BY THE CONFEDERATE NAVY. BY THE ALABAMA. _Name of Vessels._ _Where from._ _Date of Capture._ _Tonnage._ Alert, bark New London Sept. 9, 1862 391 Altamaha, brig Sippican Sept. 13, 1862 300 Amanda, bark Manilla Oct. 6, 1863 595 Amazonian, bark New York June 2, 1863 481 A. F. Schmidt, ship St. Thomas July 2, 1863 784 Ariel, steamer New York Dec. 7, 1862 1295 Avon, ship Houland’s Island Mar. 29, 1864 930 B’n de Castine, brig Castine Oct. 29, 1862 267 Benj. Tucker, ship New Bedford Sept. 14, 1862 800 B. Thayer, ship Callao Mar. 1, 1863 896 Brilliant, ship New York Oct. 3, 1862 839 Charles Hill, ship Liverpool Nov. 25, 1863 699 Chastelain, brig Guadaloupe Jan. 27, 1863 240 Conrad, bark Montevideo June 20, 1863 347 Contest, ship Yokahama Nov. 11, 1863 1098 Corsair, schr. Provincetown Sept. 13, 1862 200 Crenshaw, schr. New York Oct. 23, 1862 278 Dorcas Prince, ship New York April 26, 1863 699 Dunkirk, brig New York Oct. —— 1863 298 E. Dunbar, bark New Bedford Sept. 18, 1862 300 E. Farnham, ship Portsmouth Oct. 3, 1862 1119 Emma Jane, ship Bombay Jan. 14, 1864 1096 Express, ship Callao July 6, 1863 1072 Golden Eagle, ship Howland’s Isl. Feb. 21, 1863 1273 Golden Rule, bark New York Jan. 26, 1863 250 Har’t Spaulding, bark New York Nov. 18, 1863 299 Hatteras, gunboat Galveston Jan. 13, 1863 800 Henrietta, bark Baltimore —— 1863 439 Highlander, ship Singapore Dec. 26, 1863 1149 Jabez Snow, ship New York Mar. 25, 1863 1070 John A. Park, ship New York Mar. 2, 1863 1050 Justina, bark Rio Janeiro May 25, 1863 400 Kate Cory, brig Westport April 15, 1863 125 Kingfisher, schr. Fairhaven Mar. 23, 1863 125 Lafayette, ship New York Oct. 23, 1862 945 Lafayette, bark New Bedford April 15, 1863 300 Lamplighter, bark New York Oct. 15, 1862 279 Loretta, bark New York Oct. 28, 1862 284 Levi Starbuck, ship New Bedford Nov. 2, 1862 376 Louisa Hatch, ship Cardiff —— 1863 835 Manchester, ship New York Oct. 11, 1862 1075 Martha Wenzell, bark Akyab Aug. 9, 1863 578 Martaban, ship Maulmain Dec. 24, 1863 807 Morning Star, ship Calcutta Mar. 23, 1863 1105 Nora, ship Liverpool Mar. 25, 1863 800 Nye, bark New Bedford April 24, 1863 300 Ocean Rover, bark Mattapoisett Sept. 8, 1862 766 Ocmulgee, ship Edgartown Sept. 6, 1862 300 Olive Jane, bark Bordeaux Feb. 21, 1863 300 Oneida, ship Shanghae April 24, 1863 420 Palmetto, schr. New York Feb. 3, 1863 172 Parker Cook, bark Boston Nov. 30, 1862 130 Punjaub, ship Calcutta Mar. 15, 1863 769 Rockingham, ship Callao April 23, 1864 976 Sea Bride, bark New York Aug. 5, 1863 447 Sea Lark, ship Boston May 3, 1863 974 S. Gildersleeve, ship Sunderland May 25, 1863 847 Sonora, ship Singapore Dec. 26, 1863 707 Starlight, schr. Fayal Sept. 7, 1862 205 Talisman, ship New York June 5, 1863 1239 T. R. Wood, ship Calcutta Nov. 8, 1863 599 Tonawanda, ship Philadelphia Oct. 9, 1862 1300 Tycoon, bark New York 735 Union Jack, bark New York May 3, 1863 300 Virginia, bark New Bedford Sept. 17, 1863 300 Washington, ship Callao Feb. 27, 1863 1655 Wave Crest, bark New York Oct. 7, 1862 409 Weather Gauge, schr. Provincetown Sept. 4, 1862 200 Winged Racer, ship Manila Nov. 10, 1863 1767 BY THE SHENANDOAH. Abigail, bark New Bedford May 25, 1865 375 Adelaide, bark Boston Oct. 13, 1864 437 Alina, bark Newport, Eng. Oct. ——, 1864 470 Brunswick, bark New Bedford June ——, 1865 226 Catherine, bark New Bedford June 26, 1865 226 Charter Oak, schr. Boston Oct. ——, 1864 140 Congress 2d, bark New Bedford June 28, 1865 375 Covington, bark Warren, R. I. June 28, 1865 300 Delphine, bark London Jan. 13, 1865 698 D. Godfrey, bark Boston Dec. ——, 1864 299 Edward, bark New Bedford Dec. 4, 1864 420 Edward Cary, bark San Francisco April 1, 1865 370 Euphrates, ship New Bedford June 21, 1865 597 Favorite, bark Fairhaven June 28, 1865 360 Gen. Pike, bark New Bedford June 22, 1865 425 Gen. Williams, ship New London June 25, 1865 469 Gipsy, bark New Bedford June 26, 1865 390 Harvest, bark Honelulu April 1, 1865 350 Hector, ship New Bedford April 1, 1865 —— Hillman, ship New Bedford June 27, 1865 600 Isabella, bark New Bedford June 27, 1865 394 I. Howland, ship New Bedford June 28, 1865 900 James Maury, bark New Bedford June 28, 1865 400 Jireh Swift, bark New Bedford June 23, 1865 360 Kate Prince, ship Cardiff Nov. 12, 1864 997 Lizzie M. Stacy, schr. Boston Nov. 13, 1864 140 Martha 2nd, bark New Bedford June 28, 1865 298 Milo, ship New Bedford June 28, 1865 500 Nassau, ship New Bedford June 28, 1865 450 Nile, bark New London June 22, 1865 380 Nimrod, bark New Bedford June 25, 1865 340 Pearl, bark New London April 1, 1865 275 Sophia Thornton, ship New Bedford June 23, 1865 400 Susan Abigail, bark San Francisco June 23, 1865 159 Susan, brig San Francisco June 4, 1865 —— Waverley, bark New Bedford June 28, 1865 450 W. Thompson, ship New Bedford June 22, 1865 600 Wm. C. Nye, bark San Francisco June 26, 1865 388 BY THE FLORIDA. Aldebaran, schr. New York Mar. 13, 1863 187 Anglo Saxon, ship Liverpool Aug. 21, 1863 868 Arabella, brig Aspinwall Jan. 12, 1863 291 B. F. Hoxie, ship Mazatlan June 16, 1863 1387 Clarence, brig Bahia —— 1863 253 Commonwealth, ship New York April 17, 1863 1245 Corris Ann, brig Philadelphia Jan. 22, 1863 235 David Lapsley, bark Sombrero —— 289 Electric Spark, str. New York July 10, 1864 1400 Estella, brig Manzanilla Jan. 17, 1863 300 F. B. Cutting, ship Liverpool Aug. 6, 1863 796 Geo. Latimer, schr. Baltimore May 18, —— 198 Gen. Berry, bark New York July 10, —— 469 Golconda, bark Talcahuana July 8, 1864 331 Greenland, bark Philadelphia July 9, 1864 549 Har’t Stephens, bark Portland —— 500 J. Jacob Bell, ship Foochow Feb. 12, 1863 1382 Kate Stewart, schr. Philadelphia June ——, 1863 387 Lapwing, bark Boston Mar. 27, 1863 590 Mary Alvina, brig Boston June ——, 1863 266 M. A. Schinler, schr. Port Royal June 12, 1863 299 Mary Y. Davis, schr. Port Royal July 9, 1864 270 M. J. Colcord, bark New York Mar. 30, 1863 374 Mondamin, bark Rio Janeiro Sept., 1864 386 Red Gauntlet, ship Buena Vista May 26, 1863 1038 Rienzi, schr. Provincetown July 7, 1863 95 Southern Rights, ship Rangoon Aug. 22, 1863 830 Southern Cross Boston June 6, 1863 938 Star of Peace, ship Calcutta Mar. 6, 1863 941 Sunrise, ship New York July ——, 1863 1174 Tacony, bark Port Royal June 12, 1863 296 Varnum H. Hill, schr. Provincetown June 27, 1862 90 Wm. B. Nash, brig New York July 8, 1863 299 Wm. C. Clark, brig Machias, Me. June 17, —— 338 Windward, brig Matanzas Jan. 22, 1863 199 Zealand, bark New Orleans June 10, 1864 380 BY THE SUMTER. Abbie Bradford, schr. —— July 25, 1861 180 Albert Adams, brig Cuba July 5, 1861 192 Alvarado, bark Cape Town June ——, 1861 299 Arcade, schr. Portland Nov. 20, 1861 122 Benj. Dunning, brig Cuba July 5, 1861 284 B. F. Martin, brig Philadelphia June 16, 1861 293 California, bark St. Thomas 1861 299 Cuba, brig New York July 4, 1861 199 D. Trowbridge, schr. New York Oct. 27, 1861 200 Eben Dodge, bark New Bedford Dec. 8, 1861 1222 Glen, bark Philadelphia July, 1861 287 Golden Rocket, ship Havana July 13, 1861 608 Henry Nutt, schr. Key West Aug., 1861 235 Jos. Maxwell, bark Philadelphia July 27, 1861 295 Joseph Parks, brig Pernambuco Dec. 25, 1861 300 J. S. Harris, ship Cuba — 1861 800 Louisa Kilham, bark Cienfuegos July 6, 1861 468 Machias, brig —— July 4, 1862 250 Naiad, brig —— July 6, 1861 390 N. Chase, schr. New York Sept., 1861 150 Neapolitan, bark Messina Feb., 1862 322 Ocean Eagle Rockland Feb., 1861 290 Santa Clara, brig Porto Rico Feb., 1861 189 Sebasticock, ship Liverpool Feb., 1861 549 Vigilant, ship New York Dec. 3, 1861 650 West Wind, bark New York July 6, 1861 429 W. S. Robbins, bark Arroya June, 1861 460 BY THE TALLAHASSEE. Adriatic, ship London Aug. 12, 1863 998 A. Richards, brig Glace Bay, C. B. Aug. 11, 1863 240 Arcole, ship New Orleans Nov. 3, 1863 663 Atlantic, schr. Addison, Me. 240 Bay State, bark Alexandria, Va. Aug. 11, 1863 199 Billow, brig Calais, Me. Aug. 10, 1863 173 Carrie Estelle, brig Machias, Me. Aug. 11, 1864 200 Castine, ship Callao Jan. 25, 1863 962 Coral Wreath, brig —— Aug. 11, 1863 260 Etta Caroline, str. —— Aug. 10, 1863 175 Flora Reed, schr. —— Aug. 15, 1863 150 Glenavon, bark Glasgow Aug. 13, 1863 795 Goodspeed, schr. Boston Nov. 2, 1864 280 Howard, bark —— Aug. 15, 1864 598 Jas. Littlefield, ship Cardiff Aug. 14, 1864 599 J. H. Howen, schr. Gloucester Aug. 14, 1864 81 L. Dupont, schr. Wilmington, Del. Aug. 13, 1864 194 Magnolia, schr. —— Aug. 15, 1864 170 Mercy Howe, schr. Chatham Aug. 15, 1864 143 N. America, schr. Connecticut — 1864 95 P. C. Alexander, bark New York — 1864 284 Pearl, schr. —— Aug. 16, —— 183 Rasselas, schr. Boothbay, Me. Aug. 23, 1863 90 Roan, brig Salisbury Aug. 20, 1864 127 S. A. Boyce, schr. Boston Aug. 11, 1864 220 Sarah Louisa, schr. —— 1864 61 Spokane, schr. Calais, Me. Aug. 12, 1864 126 BY THE TACONY. Ada, schr. Gloucester June 23, 1863 90 Arabella, brig Gloucester June 12, 1863 200 Archer, schr. Gloucester June 24, 1863 100 Byzantium, ship London June 16, 1863 1048 Elizabeth Ann, schr. Gloucester June 22, 1863 100 Florence, schr. Gloucester June 22, 1863 200 Goodspeed, bark Londonderry June 23, 1863 629 Isaac Webb, ship Liverpool June 20, 1863 1300 L. A. Macomber, schr. Noank June 20, 1863 100 Marengo, schr. Gloucester June 22, 1863 200 Ripple, schr. Gloucester June 22, 1863 150 Rufus Choate, Gloucester June 22, 1863 100 Shattemuc, ship Liverpool June 24, 1863 849 Umpire, brig Laguna June 15, 1863 196 Wanderer, schr. Gloucester June 22, 1863 125 BY THE CLARENCE. A. H. Partridge, schr. Gloucester June 7, 1863 100 C. Cushing, cutter Portland June 24, 1863 150 Whistling Wind, bark Philadelphia June 6, 1863 349 BY THE SALLIE. Betsey Ames, brig Cuba Oct. — 1861 265 Grenada, brig Neuvitas Oct. 13, 1861 255 BY THE GEORGIA. Bold Hunter, ship Dundee Dec. 9, 1863 797 City of Bath, ship Callao June 28, 1863 79 Constitution, ship Philadelphia June 25, 1863 97 Crown Point, ship New York May 15, 1863 1053 Dictator, ship Liverpool April 25, 1863 1293 Geo. Griswold, ship Cardiff June 18, 1863 1280 Good Hope, bark Boston June 22, 1863 436 John Watt, ship Maulmain Oct. 1863 947 J. W. Seaver, bark Boston June 22, 1863 340 Prince of Wales, ship Callao July 16, 1863 960 BY THE JEFF. DAVIS. D. C. Pierce, bark Remedios June, 1861 306 Ella, schr. Tampico 1861 92 Enchantress, schr. Boston July 16, 1861 200 Jno. Crawford, ship Philadelphia Aug., 1861 John Welsh, brig Trinidad July 16, 1861 275 Rowena, bark Laguayra June, 1861 340 S. J. Waring, schr. New York July 16, 1861 372 W. McGilvery, brig Cardenas July, 1861 198 BY THE WINSLOW. Herbert, schr. June 18, 1861 100 Itasca, brig Neuvitas Aug. 4, 1861 300 Mary Alice, schr. Porto Rico July, 1861 181 Priscilla, schr. Curacoa July, 1861 144 Transit, schr. New London July 15, 1861 195 BY THE CHICKAMAUGA. Albion Lincoln, bark Portland Oct. 29, 1864 237 Emma L. Hall, bark Cardenas Oct. 31, 1864 492 Mark L. Potter, bark Bangor Oct. 30, 1864 400 Shooting Star, ship New York Oct. 31, 1864 947 BY THE OLUSTEE. A. J. Bird, schr. Rockland Nov. 3, 1864 178 Empress Teresa, bark Rio Janeiro Nov. 1, 1864 316 E. F. Lewis, schr. Portland Nov. 3, 1864 197 T. D. Wagner, brig Fort Monroe Nov. 3, 1864 390 BY THE RETRIBUTION. Emily Fisher, brig St. Jago Mar. 1863 230 Hanover, schr. Boston Jan. 31, 1863 200 J. P. Ellicott, brig Boston Jan. 10, 1863 231 BY THE ST. NICHOLAS. Mary Pierce, schr. Boston July 1, 1862 192 Margaret, schr. June 29, 1862 206 Monticello, brig Rio Janeiro July 1, 1862 300 BY THE CALHOUN. John Adams, schr. Provincetown May, 1861 100 Mermaid, schr. Provincetown May, 1861 200 Panama, brig Provincetown May 29, 1861 153 BY THE NASHVILLE. Harvey Birch, ship Havre Nov. 19, 1862 800 R. Gilfillan, schr. Philadelphia Feb. 26, 1862 240 BY THE BOSTON. Lenox, bark New York June 12, 1863 370 Texana, bark New York June 12, 1863 588 BY THE SAVANNAH. Joseph, brig Cardenas June 15, 1861 171 BY THE LAPWING. Kate Dywer, ship Callao June 17, 1863 1278 BY THE ECHO. M. E. Thompson, brig July 9, 1862 210 Mary Goodell, schr. July 9, 1862 200 BY THE YORK. G. V. Boker, schr. Galveston Aug. 9, 1861 100 BY THE CONRAD. Santee, ship Akyab Aug. 5, 1863 898 BY THE TUSCARORA. Living Age, ship Akyab Sept. 13, 1863 1193 MISCELLANEOUS. A. B. Thompson, ship Savannah May. 19, 1861 800 Alleghanian, ship Baltimore Oct. 21, 1862 1142 Alliance, schr. Philadelphia Sept. 1863 190 Boston, tug June 9, 1863 100 Chesapeake, steamer New York Dec. 7, 1863 460 Golden Rod, schr. Holmes’ Hole Sept. 1863 130 Hannah Balch, brig Cardenas July 6, 1862 149 Harriet Lane, gunbt. Galveston Jan. 11, 1863 325 James L. Gerity, Matamoros Oct. 1863 90 J. R. Watson, schr. New York July 13, 1861 200 Lydia Francis, brig June 15, 1862 262 Pearl, schr. Moriches 1862 183 Protector, schr. Cuba June, 1861 200 Sea Bird, schr. Philadelphia 1863 200 Sea Witch, schr. Baracoa 1861 95 Union, schr. Baltimore Dec. 5, 1862 115 —_From the Commercial and Financial Chronicle._ CHRONOLOGY. 1862. =May 7.= A detachment of the 13th Ind., Col. Foster, was led into an ambush at Somerville Heights, Va., by a superior force of rebels of the 7th Louisiana. After a severe skirmish, Col. Foster made an orderly retreat, with the loss of 29 men, inflicting equal loss to the enemy. 7. The 23d Ohio, Maj. Canley, drove a rebel force from Giles’s Court House, and the narrows of New river, W. Va., and captured 20 prisoners and some stores. 8. Skirmish near Corinth, Miss., by the 7th Ill. cavalry, Maj. Arlington, in which their commander was killed. 4 Federals wounded. Rebel loss 30. 8. The iron-clad steamer Galena, assisted by the gunboats Aroostook and Port Royal, attacked and silenced two rebel batteries a short distance from the mouth of the James river, Va., called the Upper and Lower shoal batteries. But trifling damage was experienced by the Federal vessels, and no casualties. 8. A reconnoissance in force was made by the united forces of Gens. Schenck and Milroy, near McDowell, W. Va., with 2,300 men, to check the advance of a superior force of rebels then threatening to attack them. An engagement of 5 hours’ duration ensued, in which 30 of the Feds. were killed and 200 wounded. The loss of the enemy is computed to have been greater. The movement was successful in checking the advance of the rebs., and the Fed. force was safely withdrawn to Franklin, the rebels showing no disposition to renew the combat. 8. An address was issued to the democracy of the U. S. setting forth party organization as essential to the preservation of public liberty. It was signed by Messrs. Richardson, Knapp, and Robinson, of Ill.; Law and Voorhees of Ind.; White, Allen Noble, Morris, Pendleton, and Vallandigham, of Ohio; Ancona and Johnson, of Penn., and Shields, of Oregon. 8. A bill passed by the U. S. Senate, establishing Beaufort, S. C., as a port of entry. 9. Two guerrillas were hung at Chester, W. Va., in conformity with orders based on a proclamat’n of Gen. Fremont. 9. Gen. Hunter proclaimed the persons in the States of Ga., Fa., and S. C., heretofore held as slaves, “forever free.” 9. Burning Springs, W. Va., was burned by rebel guerrillas. 9. Pensacola, Fla., evacuated by the rebs. after setting fire to forts, navy yard barracks and Marine hospital. 9. Capt. Connet and 48 men of the 27th Ind., were captured 12 miles from Athens, Ala., by a superior cavalry force under Col. Woodward. 13 rebs. and 5 Feds. were killed. 9. At Farmington, 5 miles N. W. of Corinth, Miss., the rebs. in great force under Ruggles, Price and Van Dorn, attacked Plummer’s and Palmer’s brigades, attached to Maj.-Gen. Pope’s division, and compelled them to retreat. A brilliant cavalry charge was made by the 2d Iowa, who lost 90 horses, 2 men killed and 40 wounded. The entire Fed. loss was about 40 killed and 120 wounded. The reb. loss was much greater. 9. The prize steamer P. C. Wallis, while on the way from Ship Isl. to N. O., with a battery of artillery on board, sprung a leak and sunk. The crew were saved by the gunboat Saxon. 9. Two recruits for the Fed. army at Washington, N. C., assassinated by rebs. 9. A company of rebs. under Capt. Walker, attempted to surprise Fed. officers at Washington, N. C. Capt. Redding’s company of 24th Mass., acting as pickets, killed Capt. Walker and 5 men. No Feds. were injured. 10. A spirited naval engagement occurred on the Miss. above Fort Wright. The Fed. gunboats besieging that place, under the command of Acting-Flag-Officer Davis, were attacked by the rebel gunboats and rams then stationed at that post, who after a half hour’s contest were forced to retire. The Fed. gunboats Cincinnati and Mound City were badly injured in the contest, and the reb. vessels also were considerably cut up, though the casualties on either side were small. 10. White House, on the Pamunkey river, Va., occupied by Federal cavalry, 7,000 bushels of wheat and 4,000 of corn captured. 10. $800,000 in specie seized by Gen. Butler in New Orleans, at the office of the Consul for the Netherlands. =May 10.= New Kent C. H., Va., occupied by Gen. Stoneman’s Fed. cavalry. 10. The iron-clad steamer Ironsides was launched at Philadelphia. 10. The reb. schooner Maria Theresa, was captured by the U. S. gunboat Unadilla. 10. Norfolk, Va., was occupied by Fed. troops under Gen. Wool. 10. A plot discovered in Paducah, Ky. by which the town was to be handed over to the rebs. within a week. Information was given by one of the conspirators. 11. The fortifications of Craney I., Va., taken possession of by the Nat’l forces. 11. 48 freight and 4 passenger cars, and 2 locomotives were captured by 140 reb. cavalry under Col. Morgan, at Cave City, Ky. 11. Col. Phelan’s reb. camp at Bloomfield, Mo., was broken up by the 1st Wis. cavalry. 11. A reb. lieutenant and 10 men were captured by Maj. Duffie’s command, Harris’ Light cavalry, near Fredericksburg, Va. 11. The reb. iron-plated steamer Merrimac was abandoned by her crew and blown up off Craney Island, Va., the retreat of the rebel forces from Yorktown and Norfolk isolating her from the Confederate forces. 12. The reb. steamer Governor Morton captured. 13. General Fremont, with his command, reached Franklin, W. Va., advancing by forced marches. Maj.-Gen. Halleck issued an order expelling newspaper correspondents from his lines. 13. Martial law enforced in Charleston, S. C. 13. Reb. Gen. Jackson made an unsuccessful attack on Gens. Milroy and Schenck’s brigades near McDowell, Va., Fed. loss 20 killed and 177 wounded. Reb. loss 40 killed, 200 wounded. Feds. lost their camps, baggage, and stores. 13. Reb. armed steamer Planter, was run out of Charleston, S. C., by a negro crew, and surrendered to Commander Parrott, of the steamer Augusta. 13. Suffolk, Va., occupied by Federal troops under Maj. Dodge. 13. Gen. Butler forbid the opening of churches on the 15th inst. in N. O., for the purpose of observing a fast day prescribed by Jeff. Davis. 13. Attack on Fort Wright, Miss. river, by reb. mortar and gunboats. 13. Slight skirmish near Monterey, Tenn., by Gen. Smith’s troops. Reb. loss 10; Union 2. 13. Natchez, Miss., surrendered to flag-officer Farragut. 14. A skirmish near Trenton Bridge, N. C. Col. Amory with 17th and 25th Mass. defeated a reb. force, killing 10 of them. 14. Rebel steamer Alice captured in Roanoke river by U. S. steamers Ceres and Lockwood. 14. A party consisting of four officers’ servants and several convalescent soldiers, in charge of Surgeon Charles Newham, 29th N. Y. V., when on the road to Moorfield, were attacked while passing through a gap on Lost river, near Wartonsville. With the exception of Dr. Newham, who, though severely wounded succeeded in cutting his way through, the whole party were either killed or taken prisoners. 15. The Fed. iron battery Monitor, together with the mailed gunboats Galena and E. A. Stevens, attacked Fort Darling, on Watches Bluff, 6 miles below Richmond, on the James river. The fight continued for four hours, when the ammunition of the Galena having become exhausted, the Fed. vessels retired. The Galena was badly damaged, and lost 17 men killed and about 20 wounded. The large rifled gun of the E. A. Stevens burst early in the action. All the vessels engaged under great disadvantage in not being able to obtain sufficient elevation of their guns to bear on the high bluffs occupied by the enemy. 15. A company of infantry from Gen. Geary’s command were attacked by a body of rebel cavalry. Fed. loss 17. 15. Slight skirmish near Batesville, Ark., by 5th Ill. cavalry, Lieut. Smith. 16. U. S. steamer Oriental wrecked near Cape Hatteras, N. C. 16. Reb. newspapers suppressed in N. Orleans by Gen. Butler, and the circulation of Confederate notes prohibited. 16. Skirmish near Trenton, N. C. U. S. cavalry attacked a detachment of rebs. in ambush, and scattered them, killing 6 or 8, and wounding a larger number. Maj. Fitzsimmons of the cavalry wounded, and Lieut. Mayes and four men taken prisoners. 17. A successful movement was made by a portion of Gen. W. T. Sherman’s division of the army investing Corinth, by which the rebs. were driven from their position at Russell’s House, two miles from Corinth. 12 of the rebel dead were left on the field, but all their wounded were removed. Gen. M. L. Smith’s brigade, of the Fed. army, lost 10 killed and 31 wounded. 17. Gen. Carleton’s brigade entered Arizona; Col. West’s regiment arrived at Luczon; and raised the National flag over the ruins of Fort Breckinridge. 17. The advance of the Army of the Potomac reached Bottom’s Bridge on the Chickahominy river. 18. Engagement near Searey, on Little Red river, Ark. 150 men of Gen. Osterhaus’s troops engaged and defeated a superior force of the enemy, in which the latter lost about 100 men. 18. A fight near Princeton, Va., in which Gen. Cox’s troops were defeated, with a loss of 30 killed and 70 wounded, by a rebel force under Humphrey Marshall. 18. Suffolk, Va., occupied by Feds. 19. The Army of the Potomac resumed its march from Cumberland across the Peninsula towards Richmond. 19. White House, on the Pamunkey, selected as the general depot of supplies for the Army of the Potomac. 19. Gens. Heintzelman and Keys, with 40,000 men, marched for Bottom’s Bridge, on the Chickahominy. 19. Gen. McClellan, with his main army, reached Tunstall’s Station. 19. A skirmish near Newbern, N. C. Fed. loss 5; reb. 11. 19. Lieut. Whitesides and 8 men of the 6th cavalry, captured a train of reb. Gen. Whiting’s, with 100 mules and 8 negroes. 19. John T. Monroe, Mayor of N. Orleans, and other city officers, arrested by Gen. Butler and sent to Fort Jackson. 19. Pres. Lincoln, by proclamation, declared null and void general order No. 11 of Maj.-Gen. Hunter, commanding at Hilton Head, S. C., and dated May 9, in which he pronounced the slaves of the States of Georgia, Florida and South Carolina “forever free.” The President asked the serious consideration of the States interested, to the resolution of Congress of May 6, 1862, offering to aid any State which should adopt a gradual abolition of slavery. 19. Typhoid and bilious fevers raging among the Fed. soldiers at Norfolk, Va. Deaths about 10 daily. The steamer Vanderbilt took 500 of the sick from Yorktown to Baltimore. 19. A boat from the Wachusett, manned by 6 officers and 12 men, with a flag of truce conveying a surgeon on shore, who had been sent a short distance above City Point, on the James river, Va., was fired on by a party of 20 or 30 rebs. while the surgeon and other officers were on shore. Three of the men in the boat were killed, and 2 wounded; while the party who had landed were made prisoners, and sent to Richmond. 20. Edward Stanley, of N. C., received a Fed. commission as Military Governor of that State. 20. Skirmish near Moorfield, Va. A party of soldiers under Lieut.-Col. Downey, captured 12 and killed 4 guerrillas. 20. 17 wagons and 86 mules with government stores were captured 20 miles from Rolla, Mo. 20. Reb. works on Cole’s Island, S. C., burned. 20. The advance of Gen. McClellan’s army under Gen. Stoneman, reached New Bridge, on the Chickahominy creek, 8 miles from Richmond, driving in the enemy’s outposts. The enemy had then no forces south of the Chickahominy. Gen. Stoneman lost 1 killed and 3 wounded. 20. Lieut.-Cols. McIlhanny, Rawlings, Thursman, and Davis, four rebel officers, were captured by Brig.-Gen. Totten, while they were about to cross the Missouri river, above Jefferson City, on a mission to stir up rebellion in Missouri. 21. Skirmish near Corinth, Miss., by troops from the 1st and 20th Ky., under Fed. Col. Sedgewick. Union loss 25. 22. Lieut. E. R. Colbarn of the Fed. gunboat Hunchback, commander of the U. S. Naval forces in North Carolina waters, in company with the gunboats Shansun and Whitehead, destroyed several rebel fortifications on the Mehirun and Chowan rivers, and captured 3 or 4 vessels laden with valuable cargoes. 23. The reb. steamer Daniel E. Miller, with military stores and 60 recruits, for Memphis, was captured on the St. Francis river, by the 1st Wis. cavalry, Capt. Daniels, he having a 6-pounder on shore. 23. Col. J. R. Kenly, with the 1st Md. regiment, part of the 29th Penn. reg’t, and a small force of N. Y. cavalry, was attacked at Front Royal, Va., by a large force of rebs. under Gen. Jackson. After brave resistance the Feds. were defeated, and Col. Kenly, with the larger part of the Md. reg’t taken prisoners. 23. Gen. Heath, with 3,000 men, attacked the Fed. force under Col. Crook, at Lewisburg, Va.: after a severe fight the rebs. were routed. Crook’s force numbered 1,300. Fed. loss 10 killed, 40 wounded, and 8 missing. The loss of the enemy much greater. 4 cannon, 200 stands of arms, and 100 prisoners were captured. =May 23.= A portion of the 4th Mich. and 5th U. S. cavalry succeeded in crossing the Chickahominy, and getting, unperceived in the rear of four companies of the 5th Louisiana reg’t, which had been drawn toward the creek by the sight of a portion of the Fed. forces on the opposite bank. Many of the rebs. were killed, 15 wounded, and 31 taken prisoners. One Union soldier killed, and 6 wounded. 23. Grand Gulf, Miss., shelled by Fed. gunboats in retaliation for the firing on Fed. transports by a masked battery near that place. 23. Gen. McClellan’s army crossed Bottom’s Bridge on the Chickahominy, and his advance was within 7 miles of Richmond. 24. Two Ga. reg’ts under Gen. Cobb, were attacked near Williamsville, by portions of 4 reg’ts belonging to Gen. Davidson’s brigades, attached to Gen. McClellan’s army before Richmond. The Fed. soldiers drove the rebs. from the town, with considerable loss. Fed. casualties 2 killed and 4 wounded. 24. The 4th Mich. encountered the 5th Louisiana a short distance above New Bridge, on the Chickahominy. 37 rebs. captured, and about 50 killed and wounded. Fed. loss 10. 24. All the railroads in the U. S. claimed by the government for military purposes. 24. The steamer Swan, with 1,000 bales of cotton and 800 bbls. rosin, captured off Cuba by U. S. brig Bainbridge and bark Amanda. 25. Gen. N. P. Banks, with 4,000 men, was attacked at Winchester, at daylight, by about 15,000 rebs. under Gens. Ewell and Johnson. After a spirited resistance Gen. Banks made good his retreat to Martinsburg. 25. A riot in Baltimore, created by the excitement caused on hearing of the defeat and capture of a large part of Col. Kenly’s Md. regiment. Many secessionists who expressed joy at hearing of the misfortune, were roughly handled by the friends of the regiment. 26. After a five hours’ chase the English iron steamer Cambria, with a cargo of stores for the rebs., was captured off Charleston, S. C., by the Fed. gunboat Huron. 26. Col. Cluseret, with the advance brigade of Gen. Fremont’s army, overtook the rebel Gen. Jackson’s forces, in full retreat, on the road from Winchester to Strasburg, Va. 25 of the rebs. were captured. Their killed and wounded unknown. 7 Fed. soldiers wounded. 26. British steamer Patras captured off Charleston, S. C., by U. S. gunboat Bienville. 26. N. Y. and Mass. militia left home for Washington at one day’s notice. 27. The English steamer Gordon, captured off Wilmington, N. C., by the gunboats State of Georgia and Victoria. 27. Gens. Martindale and Butterfield’s brigades engaged and defeated a rebel force of 8,000 near Hanover C. H., Va. Fed. loss 54 killed and 194 wounded and missing. Rebel loss between 2 and 300 killed and wounded, and 500 prisoners. 28. Engagement on the Corinth road, Miss. A reconnoissance by the 10th Iowa, Col. Purcell, of Gen. Halleck’s forces, met and fought a rebel force. Federal loss 25 killed and wounded; 30 reb. dead left on the field. 28. Gens. Denver and Smith of Sherman’s division, and Gen. Veatch, obtained possession of a strong position within 1,300 yards of the rebel lines at Corinth, Miss., giving the Federal army command of the enemy’s lines. Union loss 6 killed, 12 wounded. 29. Capt. Frisbee, commanding a detachment of the 38th Ill. infantry, and the 1st Mo. cavalry, captured, near Neosho, Mo., 2 colonels, 1 lieutenant, a number of guns and revolvers, 15 horses, and a large train of forage and provisions. 29. English steamer Elizabeth, captured off Charleston, S. C., by U. S. gunboat Keystone State. 29. Ashland, Va., occupied by Federal troops, and a large number of cars with valuable rebel stores were captured. 29. Skirmish at Pocotaligo, S. C. Reb. loss about 20 killed and wounded; Union loss 11. 30. Booneville, 24 miles S. of Corinth, Miss., occupied by 2 regiments of Fed. cavalry under Col. Elliott, a large amount of stores destroyed, with depot, engines, and cars, and 200 rebel sick captured and paroled. 30. Capture of Corinth, Miss., by Gen. Halleck’s army. 2,000 rebel prisoners, and large supplies taken. 30. Col. Elliott, with the 2nd Iowa cavalry, by forced marches from Corinth Miss., penetrated the enemy’s lines to Booneville, on the Ohio and Mobile railway. They tore up the track in many places north and south of that point, destroyed the locomotives, and 26 cars laden with supplies for the rebel army. They also took 10,000 stand of arms, 3 pieces of artillery, large quantities of clothing and ammunition, and paroled 2,000 prisoners. 30. On the Winchester road, six miles from Front Royal, Va., a body of Fed. troops attacked a body of rebels, who fled at the first fire, leaving six of their number prisoners, but bearing away their killed and wounded. 1 English 12-pdr., and 12 wagons were captured; and 6 of the 1st Maryland regiment, who were captured in a previous battle at Front Royal, were released. 30. A brigade of National troops, with 4 companies of R. I. cavalry, entered Front Royal, Va., and surprised the 8th La., and 12th Ga. troops, capturing 6 officers and 150 men, killing and wounding 20, and securing 2 engines, 11 cars, and various stores. Fed. loss 8 killed 5 wounded. 30. 13 of the 11th Pa. cavalry captured near Zuni, Va. 31. Skirmish at Neosho, Mo. The 10th Ill. cavalry and 300 militia, under Capt. Richardson, were driven from the town by rebs. and Indians, under Maj. Wright after a slight resistance, and a quantity of plunder obtained by the enemy. 31. Baton Rouge, La., occupied by Federal troops under Gen. Williams. 31. Skirmish near Washington, N. C., by a party of the 3rd N. Y. cavalry, in which reb. cavalry were defeated with a loss of 11. Federal loss, 22 wounded. 31. Six reb. prisoners ordered to be executed by Gen. Butler, at N. O., for violating their parole. 31. Battle of Fair Oaks, Va. General Casey’s division, after a gallant resistance were overwhelmed by the reb. army. At night the rebs. occupied the camps of the 4th corps, but their advance was broken. Gens. Couch, Heintzelman, Kearney, Richardson, and Sedgwick, arrived on the field at night with reinforcements. =June 1.= Col. Elliott with the 2d Ohio cavalry, returned to Corinth, Miss., from a successful raid on the Mobile and Ohio railroad. He burned 2 locomotives and 20 cars loaded with supplies, destroyed 10,000 muskets, and captured 2,000 prisoners. 1. Gen. Dix assigned to command Fortress Monroe and vicinity. 1. Rebel fortification at Pig Point, Va., destroyed. 1. Skirmish between Strasburg and Staunton, Va., between Gen. Fremont and Gen. Jackson’s troops, with but slight results. Fed. loss about 12, mostly woun’d. 1. The reb. army renew the attack on the Fed. forces at Fair Oaks, Va., when the enemy were defeated and driven from the field, with a loss of 8,000 killed and wounded. Fed. loss 5,739. 1. Gen. Wool promoted to a Maj. Generalship U. S. army. 1. Two boats’ crews from the U. S. bark Kingfisher captured on the Ocilla river, Florida. 1. Skirmish near Strasburg, Va., by Col. Cluseret’s Fed. troops and Ashby’s cavalry. 3. Maj.-Gen. Robert E. Lee assigned to the command of the rebel army in front of Richmond. 4. Skirmish near Jasper, Tenn. Gen. Negley’s troops routed a large force of reb. cavalry under Gen. Adams, capturing 25, with a large quantity of arms, and killing and wounding 12. 4. Sixteen hundred of Gen. Prentiss’s troops captured at Pittsburg Landing, arrived at Nashville, on parole. 4. Forts Pillow and Randolph, on the Mississippi, were evacuated by the rebs. and occupied by Fed. forces on the ensuing day. 5. The 24th Mass. were attacked from an ambush, near Washington, N. C. 7 men were killed and several wounded. 5. Skirmish at New Bridge, on the Chickahominy, by Gen. M’Clellan’s forces. 5. Sharp skirmish on James Island, S. C., by the “Roundhead” Pa. reg’t and the 8th Michigan with rebels. 6. The 1st N. J. cavalry were caught in an ambush near Harrisonburg, Va., and sustained considerable loss. Col. Windham was captured. Gen. Bayard’s brigade engaged the rebels at that point and defeated them. 6. Engagement between the Fed. gunboats and rams and a reb. fleet in front of Memphis, in which 4 of the latter were sunk or captured, and one escaped. 100 reb. prisoners taken. Fed. loss none. Memphis occupied by Federals. 7. Wm. Mumford, a citizen of New Orleans, was hung for pulling down the American flag from the mint. 7. Bombardment of rebel batteries at Chattanooga, Tenn., by Gen. Negley’s command. 7. Schooner Rowena captured in Stono river by the Pawnee. 8. Lieut. John G. Sprotsden, executive officer of the U. S. gunboat Seneca, was killed by a reb. named George Huston, captain of a band of marauders near Black Creek, Fla. The lieutenant had been despatched with a force of 70 men to arrest Huston and his gang, and had surrounded his house and demanded a surrender, when he was shot by Huston, who was in turn desperately wounded and captured. =June 8.= Battle of Cross-Keys, Va., near Port Republic. Gen. Fremont drove Gen. Stonewall Jackson with considerable loss. 8. Skirmish on James Island, S. C., by Col. Morrow’s Federal troops. 9. Battle of Port Republic, Va. Gen. Shields with 3,500 men was attacked by 12,000 rebs. under Jackson. Union troops retreated after severe loss on both sides. 10. Skirmish on James Island, S. C. About 500 rebs. advanced on the Federal lines for the purpose of captur’g pickets, when they encountered the 97th Pa. regiment, and 2 companies of the 45th Pa. The rebs. were defeated, leaving 15 dead and 2 wounded on the field. Fed. loss, 4 killed and 13 wounded. 10. Fed. expedit’n up the White river, when near St. Charles was fired into from mask’d batteries, and the gunboat Mound City received a shot in her boiler which occasioned the destruction of 100 of her crew by scalding, 23 only escaping. The reb. works were captured by the land forces under Col. Fitch, who took 30 prisoners. 10. Baldwin and Guntown, Miss., 24 miles from Corinth, occupied by Federal forces under Gen. Granger, at which places the pursuit of Beauregard’s army from Corinth terminated. 11. Skirmish near Montgomery, Ky. Feds. under Capts. Nicklin and Blood engaged a force of guerrillas, and captured 25 of them, several of their number being killed or wounded. 2 Feds. were killed. 11. A rebel battery of 4 guns captured at James Island, S. C. 12. A rebel cavalry force of 1,400 men, under Gen. J. E. B. Stuart, left Richmond before daylight, by the Charlottesville turnpike, and penetrated the Fed. lines to Hanover C. H., and the White House on the Pamunkey, and then by the way of New Kent C. H., crossed the Chickahominy near Blind Ford, returning to Richmond by the Charles City road. In their foray they were eminently successful. In an engagement with a small force of U. S. cavalry 3 or 4 of the Feds. were killed, and also 2 teamsters. The rebs. captured about 50 prisoners, burned 2 schooners and 40 wagons laden with supplies, destroyed the tents of the U. S. cavalry regiment, and also some hospital stores. The mules attached to the wagons were driven off by the rebs. in their retreat. 12. A fight near Village Creek, Ark. The 9th Ill. cavalry, Col. Brackett, engaged Hooker’s reb. company, and defeated them with the loss of 28 killed, wounded and prisoners. Fed. loss 13 w. 12. A daring but unsuccessful attack was made on a reb. fort on James Island, S. C., by the 79th N. Y., 8th Mich., and 28th Mass., in which the Feds. were defeated with considerable loss. 12. Forty farmers from Conway Co., Ark., came into the Fed. lines at Batesville, and enlisted in the army. 13. A negro settlement on Hutchinson’s Island, S. C., was broken up by a raiding party of 300 rebs. from Fort Chapman. 13. Severe skirmishes in front of Gen. M’Clellan’s lines, from Old Church to Fair Oaks. 13. The reb. transport Clara Dolsen captured on the White river, Ark., by the tug Spitfire. 13. Skirmish on James Isl., S. C. Reb. loss, 17 killed, 8 wounded. Union, 3 killed, 19 wounded. 14. Capt. Atkinson’s company of 50th Ind. captured 6,200 pounds of powder at Sycamore mills, 30 miles below Nashville, Tenn. 15. The battle of Secessionville on James Isl., S. C. The Fed. forces under Gen. Benham, defeated with a loss of 685 men killed, wounded, and prisoners. 15. Skirmish near Fair Oaks, Va., in which an attempt of the rebs. to flank the Fed. lines during a thunderstorm was frustrated. 15. U. S. gunboats Tahoma and Somerset, Lieuts. Howell and English, commanders, crossed the bar of St. Mark’s river, Fla., and destroyed a reb. fort and barracks, driving out the reb. artillerists with 4 or 5 pieces. 17. The U. S. steamers Bienville, Somerset, and Montgomery, have captured several vessels recently on the Fla. coast, laden with stores and munitions for the rebs. 17. An act of Congress passed, forever prohibiting slavery in the territories of the U. S. 18. A reconnoissance of the 16th Mass. from the Potomac army, engaged the enemy in a severe fight with great credit, and a loss of about 25 men in killed and wounded. 18. Maj. Zeley’s troops attacked a band of rebs. near Smithville, Ark., capturing their leader, Capt. Jones, and 14 of his men. 4 rebs. wounded; Feds., 2 killed, 4 wounded. 18. Cumberland Gap, Tenn., occupied by Gen. Morgan’s Fed. troops. 19. Skirmish by the 20th Ind. of the Army of the Potomac, in which great gallantry was shown, and slight loss suffered by the Fed. troops. 19. Reb. schooner Louisa, and two boats laden with rice captured on the Santee river, S. C., by U. S. steamer Albatross. 20. An attack was made by some of Com. Farragut’s fleet on the reb. batteries at Ellis’ Cliffs, on the Miss. river. The enemy’s guns were silenced after a shot from one of them had severely wounded two of the crew of the Sarah Bruin. 20. Pres. Lincoln signed the bill prohibiting slavery forever in the U. S. territories. 21. A series of skirmishes took place at the mouth of Battle Creek, Tenn. Col. Lill’s Fed. troops defeated a body of the enemy with slight loss. 21. Death of Col. Charles Ellet, of the Miss. ram squadron, at Cairo, Ill., of wounds. 21. Skirmish at Fair Oaks, Va. 22. Part of the 16th Ill. cavalry captured a train, 25 prisoners, and 10,000 lbs. bacon, near Coldwater, on the Miss. and Tenn. R. R. 22. 3 men killed and 8 wounded of the 8th Vt., at Algiers, near N. O., by a party of guerrillas who surprised them. 23. Pres. Lincoln made a hurried visit to Gen. Scott, at West Point, N. Y., to confer with him in reference to some important changes in the military departments. 25. Battle of Oak Grove, Va. General Hooker’s forces with a loss of 200 men, defeated the rebs., who suffered more severely. 25. Gen. Pope arrived in Washington, to take command of the Army of Va. 25. Gen. Fremont resigned his command in the U. S. Army. 25. A train of cars on the Memphis and Ohio railroad, with a company of Fed. troops, 80 mule teams, &c., was captured by the rebs. 10 Fed. soldiers were killed, and the cars and engine destroyed. 25. Col. George Crook, with 1,750 men from the 36th, 44th, and 47th Ohio, and the 2d Va. cavalry regiment, returned to his headquarters at Meadow Bluff, Greenbriar Co., Va., after driving 2,000 rebels under Gen. Heth, out of Monroe Co., retaking a large supply of provisions, grain, and forage, which had been seized by the rebs., capturing a number of the enemy, and restoring 100 refugees to their homes. 26. Skirmish on the Appomattox river, Va. 6 of Capt. Rogers’ gunboat fleet engaged reb. batteries, 6 miles from the mouth of the river. 26. 3 reb. gunboats burned on the Yazoo river by their officers, to prevent their capture by the Union ram-flotilla, Lieut.-Col. Ellet, then in pursuit of them. 26. The great series of battles on the Chickahominy, before Richmond, commenced at 2 P. M. by the attack by a large force of rebels on McCall’s division, on the extreme right of McClellan’s army at Mechanicsville. After losing more than 1000 men, the rebels retreated. Fed. loss, 80 killed, 150 wounded. 26. Severe losses had occurred in picket skirmishing on the Chickahominy creek for two weeks previous. 9 Federals were killed on this day. 27. Skirmish on the Amite river, La. 21st Ind. Col. Keith, defeated 2 parties of rebels, after slight skirmishing. 27. Skirmish near Swift Creek bridge, N. C. 27. Battle of Gaines’s Mill, near Richmond, Va. The Federals successfully resisted an attack by the rebel army and made good their retreat. 27. Severe fight near Village Creek, Ark. 9th Ill. cavalry, under Col. Brackett. Fed. loss 2 k. and 31 wounded. 27. The Vicksburg “canal” commenced, intended to isolate that place from the Mississippi river. 28. 5 clergymen imprisoned at Nashville, Tenn. by Gov. Johnson, for refusing to swear allegiance to the U. S. Government. 28. Battle of the Chickahominy, Va. Gen. Porter’s troops bore the brunt of the fighting, the Feds. still successfully retreating. 28. 100 of the Maryland Home Guard were captured at Moorfield, Hardy Co., Va. by rebel troops under Col. Harness, formerly of Ashby’s cavalry. The prisoners were paroled. 28. About $100,000 value of Government stores were destroyed by Federal troops at the White House landing on the Pamunkey river, Va., previous to evacuating that place, to prevent the rebels from seizing the same. 28. Flag-officer Farragut with nine vessels of his fleet ran by the rebel batteries at Vicksburg, through a severe fire, losing 4 men killed and 13 wounded. =June 29.= The steamship Ann, of London, with a valuable cargo, was captured in the act of unloading by the U. S. steamer Kanawha, at the mouth of the Mobile Bay, under the guns of Fort Morgan. 29. Battle of Peach Orchard, Va., in which the rebels were repulsed. 29. Battle of Savage’s Station, Va. The Union troops continuing their retreat were attacked. A sanguinary engagement ensued which resulted in heavy loss to both sides. 29. Fight at Henderson, Ky. Andrews’ Mich. battery and Louisville Provost Guard routed a body of rebel guerrillas. 29. Heavy bombardment at Vicksburg, Miss. 30. Bridges at Harrodsburg and Nicholasville, Ky. burned by rebel guerrillas. 30. Battle of White Oak Swamp, Va. which lasted the entire day. =July 1.= In response to a proposition from the loyal Governors of the States suggesting the employment of additional military force, President Lincoln called into service 300,000 men, to be apportioned from the several States. 1. Battle of Malvern Hills, the last of the 7 days’ contests, lasting 2 hours. The rebels repulsed at all points. As the Fed. forces neared James river, the Fed. gunboats opened fire, and did great execution. The rebels were driven back discomfitted. 1. Com. Porter’s ram fleet skirmished with the rebel batteries at Vicksburg, Miss. 1. Col. Sheridan, of the 2d Michigan cavalry, commanding 728 men, was attacked by a force of over 4,000 rebs. near Booneville, Miss. An engagement of seven hours’ duration ensued resulting in the total defeat of the rebels, leaving 65 dead on the field. The Federal loss was 41 in killed, wounded and missing. 2. Gen M’Clellan’s army reached Harrison’s Bar on the James river, Va. 2. Gen. Halleck left St. Louis to take position as Gen.-in-chief at Washington. 2. Flag-officer Farragut, with nine vessels of his fleet, passed above the reb. batteries at Vicksburg, Miss., through a severe fire, thus forming a junction with the Fed. fleet of the Upper Mississippi. His loss in the engagement was 4 killed and 13 wounded. 3. The brig Delilah captured by U. S. steamer Quaker City off Hole-in-the-Wall. 3. Skirmish on the James river, Va. Gen. Davidson’s brigade captured 6 reb. guns and a number of prisoners. 3. Commencement of the bombardment of Vicksburgh, Miss. by the combined fleets of Coms. Farragut and Porter. 4. The United States flag waving in every State of the Union. 4. Successful skirmish near Little Red river, Ark. by Fed. troops under Lieut.-Col. Wood. 4. Union pickets defeated in a skirmish at Port Royal Ferry, S. C. 4. The steamers State of Maine and Kennebec left Fortress Monroe with 559 wounded soldiers for New York. 4. 553 reb. prisoners, arrived at Fortress Monroe taken in the late battles near Richmond. 4. 4,600 Fed. prisoners were confined in Richmond, one-fourth of whom were wounded or sick. 4. Skirmish near Grand Haze, on the White river, Ark. by 13th Ill. 4. Reb. gunboat Teazer captured on James river by U. S. steamer Maratanza. 6. A fight at Grand Prairie, near Aberdeen, Ark. Col. Spicely’s infantry defeated reb. cavalry, routing them with great loss. 7. Steamer Emilie captured off Bull’s Bay, S. C. by U. S. steamer Flag and bark Restless. 7. Col. Hovey, with 4 companies of his 53d Ill. regiment, 4 of the 11th Missouri, and a battalion of Ind. cavalry, attached to Gen. Curtis’s army in Ark., routed 2 Texan regiments at a point between Cotton Plant and Bayou Coache. Rebel loss 110 killed, left on the field. Fed. 8 killed, 47 wounded. 8. Pres. Lincoln reviewed the army of the Potomac at Harrison’s Landing, Va. 9. A detachment of 9th Pa. cavalry, 250 strong, under Maj. Jordan, were attacked at Tompkinsville, Monroe Co., Ky., by about 1,200 rebs. under Cols. John Morgan and Hunt. The Pennsylvanians were routed after a fight of 20 minutes, with a loss of 4 killed, 6 wounded and 20 prisoners, including Maj. Jordan. 10 rebs. were killed, and Col. Hunt mortally wounded. 9. Hamilton, N. C., captured by Fed. gunboats and 9th N. Y. volunteers. 9. Gold coin commanded a premium of 17 per cent. in New York, silver 10, and nickel 3 per cent. 10. Ninety rebs. while drilling in an old field between Gallatin and Heartsville, Tenn., were surprised and captured by Col. Boone’s regiment, and taken to Nashville as prisoners. 11. Maj.-Gen. H. W. Halleck appoint’d commander-in-chief of the U. S. army. 11. Skirmish near New Hope, Ky. Fed. troops under Lieut.-Col. Moore, defeated rebel cavalry. 11. Capt. Cohl, with a company of Mo. State Militia, defeated a band of rebels commanded by Col. Quantrell, at Pleasant Hill, in which 6 rebs. were killed and 5 badly wounded. The Fed. loss was 9 killed and 15 wounded; Capt. Cohl being among the wounded. 12. Gen. Curtis’ army arrived in safety at Helena, Ark., on the Mississippi river, having defeated the rebs. in every encounter during a five months’ campaign, and frustrated their attempts to impede his march and cut off his supplies. 12. Fight at Lebanon, Ky. Union troops under Col. Johnson defeated by Morgan’s cavalry, and the town captured by the rebels. 12. Fairmont, Mo., plundered by rebel guerrillas. 13. Skirmish at Rapidan Station, Va., by Fed. troops under Maj. Deems, who destroyed the bridge and defeated a party of rebels. 13. Memphis, Mo. robbed by rebel guerrillas. 13. A reb. force of 2,000 cavalry under Cols. Morgan and Forrest, attacked the 9th Mich., 3d Minn., and Hewitt’s battery under Gen. T. A. Crittenden, at Murfreesborough, Tenn., capturing the entire force. Reb. loss, 30 killed and 100 wounded. Fed. loss, 33 killed, 62 wounded. 14. Cynthiana, Ky., captured by Morgan’s rebel troops, and a small force of Feds., under Capt. Arthur, taken prisoners. 15. Maj. Miller, with 600 men from 10th Ill., 2d Wis., and 3d Mo., attacked a superior force of rebs. under Rains and Coffee, at Fayetteville, Ark., routing them with great loss. 15. Gen. David E. Twiggs died at Augusta, Ga. 15. The reb. iron-clad ram Arkansas, came down the Yazoo river and engaged the Fed. gunboats Carondelet and Tyler, and ram Lancaster. The ram succeeded in escaping to Vicksburg with a loss of 10 killed and 15 wounded, including the commander, Capt. Brown. 22 Federals were killed, and 55 wounded and missing. 15. A large and enthusiastic Union meeting was held in N. Y. city, in which all classes of citizens were fully represented, and a unanimity of purpose expressed to sustain the Government to the fullest extent in putting down the rebellion, and restoring the integrity of the Union. 16. Lieut. Rogers, of the U. S. steamer Huntsville, of the S. Atlantic blockading squadron, reported capturing the British schooner Agnes, with 60 bales cotton and 40 barrels rosin. Also the rebel steamer Reliance, from Dobay bar, Ga., bound for Nassau, with 243 bales Sea Island cotton. 17. Skirmish at Cynthiana, Ky., Capt. Glass’ troops. 17. Gordonsville, Va., occupied by Gen. Pope’s Fed. troops. 17. Adjournment of Congress. 17. Confiscation bill signed by the President. 17. Skirmish near Columbia, Tenn. Lieut. Roberts, of 1st Ky. Union cavalry, kept at bay a superior reb. force in a fight of 6 hours. 18. Twenty-eight men of company A., N. Y. cavalry, were captured at Orange C. H., on the Orange and Alexandria railway, by rebel cavalry under Gen. Ewell. 18. Severe fight near Memphis, Mo. 400 Feds. under Maj. Clopper, defeated a reb. force under Col. Porter. Fed. loss, 15 killed and 30 wounded. Reb. loss, 23 killed besides wounded. 18. The town of Newburg, Ind., robbed by reb. troops under Capt. Johnson. 19. Fifty-three men of 3d Mich. cavalry captured near Booneville, Miss. 19. The reb. Col. Morgan was attacked on Garret Davis’ farm, near Paris, Ky., by Gen. Green Clay and Col. Metcalf, with 1,600 cavalry, and routed with loss. 19. A band of 32 reb. guerrillas crossed the Ohio river from Kentucky to Newburg, Ind., and plundered the hospital and other buildings, recrossing the river before the armed forces in the neighborhood could intercept them. 19. A down train on the Columbia railway, Tenn., when 12 miles below Reynolds Station, was thrown from the track, and Capt. J. Fatrem of the 6th Ohio, and four others killed, and about 30 wounded. 20. Skirmish on James river, Va., by 8th Pa. cavalry, Capt. Keenan. 20. One hundred and forty men of the Harris Light Cavalry, under Col. Davis, penetrated the reb. lines on the Virginia Central railway, 12 miles west of Hanover Junction, destroying the military stores and the railway at Beaver Dam Creek, and returned to Fredericksburg in safety, marching 80 miles in 30 hours. 21. All the militia in the State of Mo. were ordered to be enrolled by Gov. Gamble, subject to the call of Gen. Schofield, for the purpose of destroying the guerrilla bands in the State. =July 21.= A band of guerrillas under Capt. Reeves surprised a body of State militia commanded by Capt. Leeper, at Greenville, Wayne county, Mo., many of whom were killed and wounded and the remainder driven from the town. 22. A band of 40 rebels attacked a wagon train at Pittsburgh Landing, Tenn., and captured 60 wagons with army stores. 22. A Union cavalry company fired, by mistake, on a Confederate detachment with a flag of truce returning under a Union escort from Cumberland Gap, Tenn. A lieutenant was killed, and 6 privates wounded. Lieut.-Col. Kregan, commanding the Union escort, and Capt. Lyons, of Gen. Morgan’s staff, were severely wounded. Several Union soldiers were killed and wounded. 22. Reb. steamer Reliance captured by U. S. steamer Huntsville. 22. Maj.-Gen. Sherman took command at Memphis, Tenn. 400 citizens took the oath, and 130 were sent south. 23. Florence, Ala. entered by rebel troops, who burned a large supply of Fed. stores. 23. 60 wagons, laden with commissary stores, were captured by rebels near Pittsburg Landing, Tenn. 23. An unsuccessful attempt was made to sink the reb. ram Arkansas, at Vicksburg, by Col. Ellet, with the Union ram Queen of the West. 23. Fight near Florida, Mo. Fed. cavalry under Maj. Caldwell attacked by rebs. under Col. Porter. Feds. defeated with a loss of 26. 23. An attempt was made by a portion of the rebel prisoners confined at Chicago, Ill., to escape from their guards, who rallied and drove them back, a few only escaping. Several of the prisoners were killed and wounded. 23. A detachment of four companies of Fed. troops, under Maj. Lippert, sent out from Rivas Station by Col. Boyd to intercept the guerrillas who made the raid on Greenville, Mo., met the enemy, and dispersed the band, taking 16 prisoners, and recovered the booty taken at Greenville. 23. Lieut.-Col. Kilpatrick, with part of the N. Y. Harris Light Cavalry, left Fredericksburg, Va., on the 22d, and encountered and defeated a body of rebel cavalry near Carmel Church, on the road to Richmond, whom they defeated, burned their camps and six cars loaded with corn, and broke up the telegraph to Gordonsville. An hour later they routed a large body of Stuart’s cavalry, captured several prisoners and a large number of horses. 23. Gen. James H. Lane, of Kansas, was authorized by the Government to organize an independent brigade in Kansas. 24. Ex-President Martin Van Buren died at his residence at Lindenwold, N. Y., in the 80th year of his age. 24. Rebel raid into Gloucester Point, Va. Citizens impressed, and much property destroyed. 24. Steamer Tubal Cain captured by U. S. gunboat Octarora. 24. Skirmish at Malvern Hill, Va. 24. Skirmish at Coldwater, Miss. 24. Skirmish near Decatur, Ala. Part of 31st Ohio, under Capt. Harman, defeated a rebel force, who lost 10 killed and 30 wounded. 24. Lieut.-Col. Starr, with 80 of 9th Va. cavalry, surprised and captured at Summerville, Va., by rebel cavalry under Maj. Bailey. 25. The steamer S. R. Spaulding arrived at Philadelphia, Pa., with 240 wounded and sick soldiers released from Richmond. 25. 900 paroled wounded prisoners arrived at Fortress Monroe from Richmond. 25. Col. Magoffin, and 35 other rebel prisoners escaped from the military prison at Alton, Ill., by digging a tunnel under the wall. 3 or 4 gave themselves up next day, and several were recaptured. 25. A fight on the Hatchie river, near Brownsville, Tenn., between rebs. under Capt. Faulkner, and cavalry led by Maj. Wallace. 25. 2 companies of Fed. troops under Capt. Davidson, were surprised and captured at Courtland, Ala. 25. Skirmish near Orange C. H., Va. A skirmish party from Gen. Gibson’s Fed. command defeated with a loss of 5 killed, and 12 wounded and prisoners. 26. Dispatch boat Sallie Wood captured by rebels 150 miles above Vicksburg. 26. Attack on Ft. James, on the Ogeeche river, Ga. by Fed. gunboats, repulsed. 27. Richmond, Ky., plundered by rebs. under Col. Morgan. 27. Battle near Bayou Bernard, Cherokee nation, between Col. Phillips’ troops, and rebels under Col. Taylor. The latter defeated with the loss of 125 men and their commander. 28. The office of _The St. Croix Herald_ in St. Stephens, N. B., was visited by a mob and destroyed. It was the only newspaper in New Brunswick that advocated the Union cause. 28. Three rebel clergymen, Messrs. Elliot, Ford, and Baldwin, of Nashville, were committed to jail by order of Gov. Johnson. 28. Col. Guitar of the 9th Missouri Regiment, reinforced by Lieut.-Col. Shaffer and Maj. Clopper of Merrill’s Horse, and Maj. Caldwell of the 3d Iowa cavalry, 650 strong, were attacked at Moore’s Mills, seven miles east of Fulton, Mo., by Cols. Porter and Cobb, with 800 strong. Fed. loss 10 killed, and 30 wounded. The rebs. left 52 dead on the field, and had 100 wounded. 29. Russellville, Ky., attacked by rebs. under Col. Gano, and the Home Guards defeated. 29. Skirmish at Brownsville, Tenn. by Union cavalry under Capt. Dollin, and reb. troops. Feds. captured 11, and lost 4 killed, and 6 wounded. Rebs. lost 10 killed and wounded. 30. Between 400 and 500 rebel prisoners confined in Fort Delaware, Del., took the oath of allegiance. 30. Hon. John S. Phelps, of Mo., the newly appointed military Governor of Arkansas, arrived at St. Louis. 30. Reb. raid into Paris, Ky., under Col. Jo. Thompson. 31. Steamer Memphis captured by U. S. gunboat Magnolia, off Charleston, S. C. 31. 5 men killed, and 4 wounded by shells thrown by the rebs. from the left bank of the James river into the Fed. camp at Harrison’s Landing. 31. Steamer Ocean Queen sailed from Fort Warren, Mass., for James river, with 200 released rebel prisoners. 31. A scouting party seven miles from Luray, in the direction of Shenandoah river, encountered a body of rebel horse, who fled, leaving 5 of their number prisoners, and 1 dead. 31. 250 citizens of Woodville, Rappahannock Co., Va., took the oath of allegiance before Capt. Baird, of Gen. Milroy’s staff. Five refusing to affirm were arrested and sent to Gen. Sigel’s headquarters. =Aug. 1.= Artillery skirmishing on James river, Va., near Harrison’s Landing, by reb. batteries and Union gunboat fleet. 1. All the buildings opposite Harrison’s landing, Va., were destroyed by Union troops. 1. Skirmish at Newark, Mo. A company of State troops, under Capt. Lair, were captured by a superior force of rebs. under Col. Porter. 1. Skirmishing near Orange C. H., Va., by Fed. troops under Gen. Bayard. 2. Skirmish at Ozark, Mo. 75 Nationals under Capt. Birch engaged and defeated a rebel party. 2. Skirmish at Orange C. H., Va., by Gen. Crawford’s Fed. troops, who lost 4 killed and 12 wounded. 3. The British propeller Columbia, with a cargo of 12 Armstrong guns, and several thousand Enfield rifles, was captured off the Bahamas by the U. S. gunboat Santiago de Cuba. 3. Alexandria, Mo., pillaged by rebel guerrillas. 3. Skirmish near Cox’s river, Va. The 13th Va. cavalry were attacked by Col. Averill’s Federal troops, and put to flight. 4. Col. Wynkoop’s Fed. troops were defeated in a skirmish near Sparta, Tenn. 4. Skirmish on White river, 40 miles from Forsyth. Capt. Birch’s company of 14th Mo. engaged Col. Lawther’s reb. band. Fed. loss 3 killed 7 wounded. 4. An immediate draft of 300,000 men was ordered by Pres. Lincoln from the militia of the States, for nine months. Also an additional quota by special draft to fill up the ranks of the 300,000 volunteers previously called for, should the same not be enlisted by the 15th of August. 5. Reb. Gen. J. C. Breckinridge, with 5,000 men, attacked Gen. Williams, with 2,500 men at Baton Rouge, La. Rebels defeated. Gen. Williams killed. Fed. loss 250 killed, wounded, and missing. Reb. loss 600. 5. Skirmish at Malvern Hills, Va. Gen. Hooker’s Fed. troops engaged. 5. Skirmish at Point Pleasant, Mo. 6. Skirmish at Monteralla, Mo. Maj. Montgomery’s troops defeated guerrillas. 6. Destruction of rebel ram Arkansas by U. S. gunboat Essex, Capt. Porter, near Vicksburg, Miss. 6. Brig.-Gen. R. L. McCook died in the Fed. camp near Deckard, Tenn., from wounds received from guerrillas while in an ambulance. 6. Fed. troops under Gens. Gibbon and Cutler encountered Stuart’s reb. cavalry 7 miles beyond Mattapony river, Va. 72 Feds. taken prisoners. The Union forces destroyed several bridges and considerable reb. stores. =Aug. 6.= Skirmishes near Tazewell, Tenn. Col. De Courcey’s Union troops repulsed a reb. force. 7. Battle near Fort Fillmore, N. Mex. Col. Sibley’s reb. troops were defeated by Unionists under Col. Canby. 7. Reb. cavalry under Capt. Faulkner, surprised near Trenton, Tenn., by 2d Ill. cavalry. Reb. loss 20 killed and 30 wounded. 7. Reb. Col. Porter defeated near Kirkville, Mo., by 1,000 Feds, under Col. McNeill. 7. Fight in Dodd Co., Mo. Maj. Montgomery’s Feds. defeated rebs. under Col. Coffin. Reb. loss, 11 killed, 4 wounded, and 17 prisoners. 7. Skirmish at Wolftown, near Madison C. H., Va. 7. Malvern Hills, Va., abandoned by Gen. Hooker’s Fed. troops. 9. 26 reb. prisoners shot at Macon City, Mo., for violating their parole. 9. Porter’s guerrillas routed by Col. McNeill’s Fed. troops at Stockton, Macon Co., Mo. 9. Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va. Gen. Banks’ corps attacked near the Rapidan river by reb. Gen. Jackson, with superior force. Rebs. repulsed. Fed. loss, 1500, k., w. and pris. 9. U. S. steam frigate Lackawanna launched at Brooklyn, L. I. 9–10. Recruiting very brisk throughout the country. Many fled to Canada and other remote places to avoid being drafted. Traveling restricted, by order of Government, to prevent fugitives from escaping. 10. U. S. steamer Freeborn brought 25 prisoners and 5 sailboats to Washington, D. C. captured while engaged in contraband trade on the Chesapeake. 10. Donaldsonville, La., partially destroyed by men from U. S. sloop Brooklyn. 11. Bayou Sara, La., seized by national troops. 11. Col. Buell, with 7th Mo. cavalry, was defeated at Independence, Mo., by rebels under Col. Hughes, who captured the town. 11. Skirmish 11 miles E. of Helena, Ark. 3d Wis. defeated reb. cavalry under Jeff. Thompson. 11. Part of 11th Ill. cavalry defeated rebs. at Salisbury, 5 miles E. of Grand Junction, Tenn. capturing a captain and 27 horses. 11. Skirmishes near Williamsport, Tenn. Maj. Kennedy’s Fed. troops defeated rebels. 11. Fight near Compton’s Ferry, on Grand river, Mo. Col. Guitar’s Union cavalry defeated rebs. under Col. Poindexter, who lost 100 k. and w. and 200 pris. 11. A skirmish near Reelsville, Calloway Co., Mo. Col. Smart’s Mo. State cavalry routed Cobb’s guerrillas. 11. Skirmish near Kinderhook, Tenn. Col. McGowan’s Union troops defeated Anderson’s rebels, who lost 7 k. and 27 prisoners. 11. Battle at Clarendon, Monroe Co., Ark. Gen. Hovey’s Fed. troops defeated rebels, and took 600 prisoners. 12. The Fed. garrison at Gallatin, Tenn. captured by, Col. J. H. Morgan’s cavalry, who in turn were driven out by Col. Miller’s Fed. troops, who killed 6 rebs. and wounded a number in the charge. 13. Collision on the Potomac river, Va. by steamers Peabody and West Point. 73 lives were lost. 13. Col. Guitar overtook Poindexter’s reb. troops at Yellow Creek, Clinton Co., Mo. and scattered them, taking 60 prisoners. 13. 24th Mass., Gen. Stevenson, with gunboats Wilson and Ellis proceeded from Newbern, N. C., to Swansboro’, and destroyed rebel salt works. 14. Slight skirmish near Helena, Ark. 15. 10 rebel recruits captured in St. Mary’s Co., Md., by Fed. cavalry. 15. Skirmish on the Obion river, Tenn., at Merriwether’s Landing, Col. T. W. Harris’s Fed. troops routed rebs. under Capt. Binfield, who lost 20 k. and 9 prisoners. 16. Cols. Corcoran and Wilcox, Lieut.-Col. Brown and Maj. Rogers, late prisoners, reached Fort Monroe, having been exchanged by the rebels. 16. Lieut. Black and 5 men captured by the rebs. on the Rapidan river, Va. 16. 8 gunboats and rams, under Col. Ellet, with the 57th Ohio and 33d Ind., in transports, left Helena, Ark., this day, sailed down the Mississippi to Milliken’s Bend, where they captured the steamer Fairplay, with arms, &c. for 6000 men. Further captures were made at Haines’ Bluff and at Richmond, La., and property destroyed. 16. Gen. McClellan’s army evacuated Harrison’s Landing, Va., and removed to Williamsburg. 16. Fight at Lone Jack, Mo. 800 State militia under Maj. Foster, engaged a superior rebel force under Col. Coffee. Feds. defeated with loss of 60 k. and 100 wounded. Reb. loss 110 k. and w. 18. The steamers Skylark and Sallie were burned by rebels, and their crews captured, at the mouth of Duck creek, 50 miles above Fort Henry, Tenn. river. 19. Union garrison at Clarksville, Tenn., the 71st Ohio, under Col. Mason, surrendered to a rebel force, under Col. Woodward. 19. Steamer Swallow burned by rebels, 25 miles below Memphis, Tenn. 19. Skirmish near Rienzi, Miss. 19. Maj.-Gen. Wright assigned to command Department of Ohio. 19. Skirmish near Hickman, Mo. Rebs. defeated by cavalry under Capt. Moore. Fed. loss 2 w. Reb. loss 4 k. 19 prisoners. 19. Sioux Indians destroyed U. S. agencies at Yellow Medicine, and Red Wood, and partly destroyed New Ulm, Minn., killing and wounding more than 100 persons. 20. Skirmish at Brandy station, Va. Gen. Pope’s army, retreating to the Rappahannock river, were overtaken by Lee’s forces, and a fight ensued, chiefly an artillery duel. 20. Skirmish at Edgefield Junction, Tenn. Part of 50th Ind. and Col. J. H. Morgan’s reb. cavalry. The latter retreated with a loss of 7 killed and 20 wounded. 20. Skirmish near Union Mills, Mo. A small force of Feds. under Maj. Price were ambushed by rebs. but defeated them, capturing 4 men and 16 horses, and killing one man. Fed. loss 4 killed and 3 wounded. 21. Gen. Pope and Gen. Lee’s armies facing each other on the Rappahannock river. An attempt by the rebs. to cross at Kelly’s Ford was foiled by Gen. Reno’s troops, who attacked them with artillery and cavalry. 21. Reb. schooner Eliza captured off Charleston, S. C., by U. S. steamer Bienville. 21. Union pickets on Pinckney Island, Hilton Head, S. C., were attacked by rebs. who captured 32, killed 3 and wounded 3. 22. Defeat of Gen. Johnson near Gallatin, Tenn. by Morgan’s Confed. cavalry. Fed. loss, 64 killed, 100 wounded, and 200 prisoners, including Gen. Johnson and his staff. 22. Death of Rear-Adm. George Campbell Read, at Philadelphia. 22. Skirmishes near Crab Orchard, Ky. 9th Pa. cavalry, under Gen. G. C. Smith defeated reb. cavalry under Col. Scott. 22. Gen. Stuart’s reb. cavalry penetrated in the rear of Gen. Pope’s army, at Catlett’s Station, Va., destroyed sutler’s stores, sacked the hospital, and captured the wagons and papers of Gen. Pope. 22. Fort Ridgely, Minn. was attacked by a large body of Indians, who were repulsed with great loss. Fed. loss, 3 killed and 30 wounded. 22. Artillery skirmishing along the Rappahannock river, Va., by the armies of Pope and Lee. Gen. Sigel’s corps engaged the enemy with spirit, and inflicted severe loss on the rebs. before they were permitted to cross the river. 23. The U. S. sloop-of-war Adirondack was wrecked on a coral reef near Little Abaco, W. I. The crew saved. 23. The schooner Louisa was captured by the U. S. steamer Bienville, at Charleston, S. C. 23. A train of cars on the Memphis and Charleston railroad attacked by 400 guerrillas 3 miles from Courtland, Tenn., who destroyed the cars. Part of the 42d Ill. was on board. 8 rebs. killed. Fed. loss 2 wounded and 2 missing. 23. Mutiny in Spinola’s Empire Brigade at E. New York. 1 man killed and several wounded. 23. A passenger train was destroyed on the Winchester Va. railroad near Harper’s Ferry. 4 of the 1st Mich. captured. 24. Continuation of artillery battle on the banks of the Rappahannock river, Va., between Pope’s and Lee’s armies. Gen. Milroy’s Fed. brigade suffered severe loss. 24. Skirmish near Lamar, Kansas. Quantrell and Hays’ reb. troops attacked Kansas troops under Maj. Campbell and Capt. Grund. Fed. loss 2 killed and 21 wounded. 24. Reb. schooner Water-witch, captured off Aransas, Texas, by U. S. schooner Corypheus. 24. Skirmish near Dallas, Mo. 12th Mo. cavalry, Maj. B. F. Lazear, defeated Col. Jeffries’ reb. troops with loss. 25. 18 rebs. captured near Mount Sterling, Ky. by Capt. Warren’s Bath County Guards. 25. Maj. Lippert, with 3 companies of 13th Ill. cavalry was attacked by 300 reb. cavalry under Col. Hicks, 36 miles beyond Bloomfield, Mo. Rebs. defeated, 20 killed and many wounded and taken prisoners. 25. Col. Woodward, with a strong force of rebs. attacked Fort Donelson, Tenn. and was repulsed with heavy loss. 25. New Ulm, Minn. was evacuated by the entire population and garrison under Capt. Flaudrau, after fighting the Sioux Indians for two days. =Aug. 25.= Skirmish with guerrillas near Danville, Ky., by Danville and Harrodsburgh Home Guards. 26. Skirmish near Madisonville, Ky. A Union force under Col. Foster defeated reb. guerrillas. 26. Fifth Iowa cavalry, Col. Lowe, defeated rebs. under Col. Woodward near Fort Donelson, Tenn. Fed. loss 2 killed and 18 wounded. 26. A large quantity of Government stores were destroyed at Manassas, Va., by reb. cavalry under Fitz-Hugh Lee, who drove the Fed. forces towards Alexandria. 26. Gen. Burnside relinquished command of Department of N. Carolina. He was succeeded by Gen. Foster. 27. Schooner Anna Sophia captured by the gunboat R. R. Cuyler off Wilmington, N. C. 27. Rebs. under Col. Coffee defeated on the Osage river, near Lone Jack, Mo., by Gen. Blunt’s troops. 27. At Waterford, Va., part of Capt. Means’ company of Fed. cavalry was captured by rebs. under Capt. White. 27. Gen Hooker’s division engaged rebs. under Gen. Ewell at Kettle Run, Va., near Bristow’s station, and drove them from the field; loss about 300 on each side. 28. Fight at Readyville, Tenn. The 23d Ky., Col. Murphy, defeated reb. cavalry under Gen. Forrest. 28. $500,000 was assessed on wealthy secessionists at St. Louis, Mo., by Gen. Schofield, for the relief of destitute Unionists. 28. Severe fight six miles west of Centreville, Va. Gens. M’Dowell and Sigel’s troops defeated rebs. under Gen. Jackson, who was driven back with loss, including many prisoners. 28. City Point on the James river, Va., destroyed by Fed. gunboats under Com. Wilkes. 28. Skirmish at Shady Springs, 10 miles from Raleigh C. H., Va. 2d Va. Fed. cavalry, Lieut. Montgomery, defeated reb. cavalry, taking 5 prisoners. 29. Battle at Groveton, Va. The troops of Gens. Hooker, Sigel, Kearney, Reno, and King defeated rebs. under Jackson and Longstreet, with great loss. The fight lasted from dawn till dark. 29. Twelve officers of 71st Ohio dismissed the service for publishing a card stating they had advised Col. Mason to surrender Clarksville, Tenn., to the rebs. 29. Eighteen guerrillas captured 12 miles S. E. of Memphis, Tenn. 29. Skirmish near Manchester, Tenn. 18th Ohio, Capt. Miller, defeated rebel cavalry with loss. 29. Skirmish at Bonnet Carré, La. 8th Vt., Col. Thomas, defeated guerrillas and captured army stores. 29–30. Battles at Richmond, Ky. Feds. under Gens. Manson and Cruft compelled to retreat before rebs. under Gen. E. Kirby Smith, after losing 200 killed, 700 wounded and 2,000 prisoners. 30. Fight at Bolivar, Tenn. 78th Ohio, Col. Leggett, routed a superior force of rebs. under Gen. Armstrong. Fed. loss, 5 killed, 18 wounded, 64 missing. 30. Buckhannon, Va., captured by rebs., and Government military stores seized. 30. Fight at M’Minnville, Tenn. 26th Ohio, Col. Fyffe, defeated Gen. Forrest’s rebel cavalry. 30. Gen. Pope’s forces, consisting of the corps of Gen. Heintzelman, Porter, M’Dowell and Banks, engaged Lee’s army at the old battle ground of Bull Run, Va. After severe loss the Federals fell back to Centreville, where they were supported by Sumner’s and Franklin’s corps. 31. Fredericksburg, Va., evacuated by Gen. Burnside. The three bridges, foundry and military storehouses burned. 31. Huntsville, Ala., evacuated by Gen. Buell. 31. Great excitement in the north, on hearing of the disaster to Gen. Pope’s army. Immense quantities of hospital and other stores, contributed and forwarded this day. 31. Skirmish at Medor Station on Mississippi Central R.R., Tenn. Armstrong’s reb. cavalry attacked the place, but were driven off with loss. 31. Stevenson, Ala., captured by rebel troops under Col. McKinstry, and a large amount of ammunition and stores seized. 31. Reb. steamer Emma, with 740 bales of cotton, grounded and burned on the Savannah river. 31. Bayou Sara, La., burned by the crew of U. S. gunboat Essex. =Sep. 1.= Battle at Britton’s Lane, near Denmark, Tenn. 30th Illinois, Col. Dennis, defeated a superior force of rebs. under Gen. Armstrong. Reb. loss, 180 killed, 220 wounded. Fed. loss, 200 killed and wounded. 1. Lexington, Ky., occupied by Gen. E. K. Smith’s rebel troops. 1. Natchez, Miss., shelled by Federal gunboats. 1. Severe fight at Stevenson, Ala. Rebs. retire with great loss. Feds. engaged: Simonton’s Ohio, and Loomis’ Mich. batteries, and 10th Wis. and 13th Mich. regiments. 1. Severe engagement at Chantilly, near Fairfax C. H., Va. Gen. Pope’s army defeated Jackson, Ewell, and Hill. Heavy loss on both sides. Death of Gens. Kearney and Stevens. 1. The spirit ration in the U. S. navy discontinued on this day by act of Congress. 2. Great excitement in Cincinnati, O., and Covington and Newport, Ky., in consequence of the approach of Kirby Smith’s reb. army. Business suspended, and citizens of all classes in the field drilling. 2. A train of 100 wagons, with army stores, captured by rebs. between Fairfax and Centreville, Va., which necessitated the retreat of the Union army to Munson’s Hill. 2. Versailles, Ky., occupied by rebel cavalry under Gen. Scott. 2. Fight at Morgansfield, Ky. 8th Ky. cavalry, Col. Shackleford, defeated guerrillas under Col. A. R. Johnson. 2. Fight near Plymouth, N. C. A party of loyal inhabitants led by Serg’t Green, of Hawkins’ Zouaves, and some of his men defeated Col. Garret’s rebel force, who lost 30 killed and 40 taken prisoners. 2. Hutchinson and Forest City, Minn., attacked by hostile Indians, who were defeated at both places. 2. Winchester, Va., evacuated by Gen. Pope’s army, who retreated to Harper’s Ferry. 2. The U. S. steamer W. B. Terry captured by rebs. on the Tenn. river, while aground at Duck Shoals. 2. Skirmish near Slaughterville, Ky. Fed. troops, under Lieut.-Col. Foster, defeated reb. cavalry, the latter losing 3 killed, 2 wounded and 25 prisoners. 2. Fight near Grieger’s Lake, Ky. Col. Shackelford’s Fed. troops defeated Col. Johnson with 600 rebels. 3. Gen. Pope asked to be relieved from command of the army of the Potomac, and was transferred to the Northwest. 4. Gov. Curtin, of Pa., called out the whole of the State militia to repel an expected invasion. 4. Fed. troops, near Fort Ridgely, Minn., attacked by Indians, 13 soldiers killed and 47 wounded. 4. The Confed. army crossed the Potomac near Poolesville, Md., and invaded that State. 4. Maj. Wheeler with a detachment of Dodge’s N. Y. Mounted Rifles, returned to Suffolk, Va., from a scout 12 miles west of South Mills, where they captured 113 rebs. and 38 negroes, who were prisoners. 4. Three bridges burnt by rebels on Benson Creek, 60 miles east of Louisville, Ky. 4. Jeff. Davis appointed the 18th inst. as a day of thanksgiving for Confederate victories. 4. Skirmish near Cumberland Gap, Tenn., in which rebs. were defeated with loss. 4. Frederick City, Md., evacuated by Feds. after burning hospital and commissary stores. 4. Joseph Holt, of Ky., appointed Judge Advocate General of the U. S. army. 4. Ravenswood, Va., sacked by rebels. 4. The ship Ocmulgee burned at sea by rebel privateer “290.” 5. The Fed. army under M’Clellan had advanced from the Capital to the upper Potomac, Md. side. 6. Washington, N. C., attacked by rebs., who were repulsed with loss of 33 killed and 100 wounded. Fed. loss 8 killed, 36 wounded. 6. Col. W. W. Lowe retook Clarksville, Tenn., driving out the reb. garrison. 6. The town of Platte, Johnson Co., Kansas, was sacked by rebel guerrillas, under Quantrell, and several of the inhabitants murdered. 6. Skirmish near Cacapon Bridge, 17 miles from Winchester, Va. Union troops under Col. M’Reynolds defeated Imboden’s rebel cavalry. 6. Four hundred reb. cavalry attacked an outpost of Gen. Julius White’s troops near Martinsburg, Va. Reb. loss 50 prisoners, besides killed and wounded. Fed. loss, 2 killed and 10 wounded. 6. Frederick, Md., occupied by Gen. Lee’s troops. 6. Three hundred Indians attacked Fort Abercrombie, Minn., and were driven off with loss. Fed. loss, 1 killed and 3 wounded. 6. Washington, N. C., attacked by rebs., who were repulsed with a loss of 30 killed and 36 taken prisoners. The Fed. gunboat Picket exploded her magazine during the engagement, killing and wounding 18 men. 6. Forty of the Fed. 4th Va., Maj. Hall, surprised near Chapmansville, Va., by 300 rebs. under Col. Stratton. Maj. Hall wounded, and Col. Stratton killed, when Feds. escape with slight loss. =Sept. 6.= Pikeville, Va., captured and sacked by rebel cavalry. 7. Gen. Banks assigned to command fortifications around Washington. 7. Great excitement on the Pa. border towns by the influx of refugees from Maryland, and the dread of reb. invasion. 7. Shepherdsville, Ky., captured, and 85 Fed. soldiers taken prisoners. 8. Gens. Lee and Johnson issued proclamations to the people of Md., endeavoring to incite them to rebellion. The inhabitants received them coldly. 8. Skirmish near Poolesville, Md. Maj. Chapman, with 3d Ind. and 8th Ill. cavalry, defeated rebels, who lost 7 killed. Federal loss 1 killed, 8 wounded. 8. Fight on the Miss. river, 25 miles above N. Orleans. 25th Ind. dispersed 500 Texans, with slight loss. 9. Schr. Rambler captured by U. S. steamer Connecticut, in lat. 28°, long. 94° 10′. 9. Skirmish 5 miles N. of Pleasant Hill, Mo. Col. Burris defeated Quantrell’s reb. troops, with slight loss, capturing most of their plunder and stores. 9. Middletown, Md., occupied by rebs. 9. Skirmish at Williamsburg, Va. Rebs. under Col. Shingles surprise 5th Pa. cavalry, Col. Campbell, and capture the town. Col. Campbell, 5 captains, 4 lieutenants, and a few privates taken prisoners. Col. Shingles and 8 rebs. killed. 9. Gen. Stuart’s reb. cavalry repulsed in an attempt to cross the Potomac at Edward’s Ferry, with a loss of 90 men, by Gen. Keyes. 9. Gen. O. M. Mitchell appointed to command the Department of the South, relieving Gen. Hunter. 9. The Fed. garrison at Fayette C. H., Va., surrounded by a large rebel force. They cut their way out, losing 100 in killed and wounded. 10. Col. Grierson with 300 men defeated rebs. near Coldwater, Miss. Reb. loss, 4 killed and 30 wounded. 10. The 34th and 37th Ohio, Col. Siber, were defeated at Fayette, Va., by 5,000 rebs. under Gen. Loring. Fed. loss over 100 in killed and wounded. 10. 6th U. S. cavalry, under Captain Saunders, defeated at Sugar Loaf Mountain, near Barnesville, Md., with slight loss. 11. Hagerstown, Md., occupied by rebs. who seized 1200 bbls. of flour. 11. The Gov. of Pa. called for 50,000 men to repel rebel invasion. 11. Westminster, Md., occupied by reb. cavalry, who robbed all the stores in the place. 11. Fed. forces under Col. Lightburn retreated from Gauley, Va., after destroying government stores. 11. Reb. troops under E. K. Smith, advanced within 7 miles of Cincinnati, O., and skirmished with the Fed. pickets. 11. Bloomfield, Mo., defended by 1,500 State militia, captured by rebs. after a fight of 2 hours. 12. The reb. army retreated from before Cincinnati, pursued by Gen. Wallace as far as Florence, Ky. 12. Gen. McClellan’s army entered Frederick, Md. 12. Fight on the Elk river, near Charleston, Va., by Feds. under Col. Lightburn, and a reb. force, without result. 12. Capt. Harry Gilmore, and 7 other rebs. arrested near Baltimore, Md., and sent to Fort McHenry. 12. Frankfort, Ky., occupied by rebel cavalry, under Gen. E. K. Smith. 12. Fight at Middletown, Md. Fed. loss, 80 killed and wounded. 13. 500 rebs. under Col. Porter, released 40 reb. prisoners at Palmyra, Mo. 14. A fort at Bacon creek, Ky., with 30 men of the 54th Ind., captured by rebs. under Col. J. J. Morrison. 14. Battle of South Mountain, Md. Fed. troops under Gens. Hooker and Reno, defeated Lee’s army. Fed. loss 443 killed, 1,806 wounded and 76 missing. Gen. Reno killed. 14. Fight at Munfordsville, Ky. 17th Ind., Col. Wilder, defeated rebs., under Gen. Duncan, with severe loss. 14. 2,000 Fed. cavalry, cut their way out of Harper’s Ferry, Va., which was besieged by rebs., and captured Gen. Longstreet’s train and 100 prisoners. 15. Surrender of Harper’s Ferry, Va., with a large supply of military stores, and 11,000 men to the rebs. after 3 days’ siege. Col. Miles, the Fed. commander, killed. 15. Col. M’Neill defeated reb. guerrillas under Col. Porter, near Shelburne, Mo., taking 20 wagons and other spoils, with slight loss. 15. Fight at Green river, Ky., on the line of the Louisville and Nashville railroad. Rebs. defeated. 16. Capture of the Fed. garrison at Munfordsville, Ky., under Col. Dunham, 4,000 strong, with 10 pieces of artillery, by rebs. under Gen. Bragg. 50 Feds. killed and wounded. 17. Fight near Durhamville, Tenn. 150 of 52nd Ind., Lt. R. Griflin, defeated rebs. under Lieut.-Col. Faulkner. Reb. loss, 8 killed and 20 wounded. Fed. loss, 2 killed and 10 wounded. 17. Fight at Falmouth, on Kentucky Central R. R. Col. Berry with 10 men defeated a larger force of Texan rangers, of whom 2 were killed, 4 wounded and 1 prisoner. 1 Fed. wounded. 17. Ship Virginia, of Mass., burned by Alabama, Capt. Semmes. 17. Skirmish near Florence, Ky. 53 of 10th Ky. cavalry, Maj. Foley, defeated 100 rebs., who lost 5 killed and 7 wounded. Fed. loss, 1 killed and 1 wounded. 17. Battle of Antietam, Md. The entire Fed. army of Gen. McClellan, and reb. army of Gen. Lee engaged. Defeat of rebs. with loss of 15,000 men. Fed. loss, 12,500. 17. Fight at Leesburg, Va. The Ira Harris cavalry, Col. Kilpatrick, defeated a reb. infantry regiment, capturing several guns and a number of prisoners. 17. The U. S. gunboats Paul Jones, Cimerone, and 3 other vessels attacked reb. batteries on St. John’s river, Florida. 17. Cumberland Gap, Tenn., evacuated by Gen. Morgan’s Fed. troops. 18. Ship Elisha Dunbar, of Mass., burned by the Alabama. 18. Rebs. evacuated Harper’s Ferry, Va. 19. Gen. Lee’s army crossed the Potomac river to Va., pursued by Gen. Pleasanton’s cavalry. 19–20. Battle of Iuka, Miss. General Rosecrans’ army defeated rebs., who lost 233 killed, 400 wounded, and 600 prisoners. Fed. loss, 135 killed, and 527 wounded. 19–20. Skirmishes at Owensboro’, Ky. Fed. Col. Netter killed. 1st Ind. cavalry, Lieut.-Col. Wood, routed rebs. with severe loss. Fed. loss, 2 killed, 18 wounded. 20. Fight near Shirley’s Ford, Spring river, Mo. 3rd Ind., Col. Ritchie, defeated 600 rebs. and Indians, who lost 60 or 70 killed and wounded. 21. Col. Barnes, with a Fed. cavalry brigade, defeated in an attempt to cross the Potomac from Md., losing 150 men, in killed, wounded and prisoners. 21. The town of Prentiss, Miss., burned by Col. Lippincott of the ram Queen of the West, in retaliation for reb. batteries there firing on transports. 21. Skirmish at Munfordsville, Ky. Reb. cavalry defeated with loss by Feds. under Col. E. McCook. 21. 100 reb. troops routed at Cassville, Mo., by part of 1st Ark. cavalry, Captain Gilstray, who captured 19 rebs. 21. Citizens of San Francisco, Cal. contributed $100,000 in gold to the U. S. Sanitary Commission. 21. Rebs. defeated at Shepherdsville, Ky., by Feds. under Col. Granger. Reb. loss 5 killed and 28 prisoners. 22. Skirmish near Sturgeon, Mo. Rebs. under Capt. Cunningham defeated by Maj. Hunt’s force. 22. Fight at Ashby’s Gap, Va. Col. R. B. Price with 2d Pa. cavalry, defeated rebs. under Lieut.-Col. Green, capturing the latter officer and 2 lieuts. 22. Pres. Lincoln proclaimed, that on the 1st day of Jan. 1863 “all slaves in States or parts of States in rebellion” should be forever free. 23. Col. Sibley defeated a band of 300 Sioux Indians who attacked his encampment on Yellow Medicine river, Minn. 30 Indians killed and many wounded. 4 whites killed and 30 wounded. 23. Fight at Sutton, Va. Maj. Withers, with 10th Va., (Fed.) driven from Sutton to Bulltown, after a gallant resistance. 23. A large quantity of English arms captured at Reynolds’ Ford, Va., by 62d Pa., Col. Switzer. 23. Randolph, Tenn., on the Miss. river, burned by steamers Ohio Belle and Eugene, in retaliation for firing on transports from that place. 24. Proclamation of Pres. Lincoln ordering the enforcement of martial law, against all persons discouraging enlistments or giving aid to the rebellion, and suspending the habeas corpus with reference to all persons arrested by military authority. 24. The office of the “American Volunteer,” at Carlisle, Pa. was destroyed by citizens and soldiers for severe reflections on the Government. 24. A Convention of Governors from 14 loyal States, and 3 proxies from others met at Altoona, Pa., who endorsed the Emancipation Proclamation, and advised the Pres. to organize a reserve force of 100,000 men. 24. Gen. Beauregard appointed to command reb. forces in S. C. and Georgia. 24. Gen. Butler at New Orleans, ordered all Americans in his Department to renew their oath of allegiance to the Government, and to furnish returns of their real and personal property, under penalty of fine and imprisonment. 25. Sabine Pass, Texas, captured by U. S. steamers Kensington, and Henry Crocker, and schr. Rachel Seaman. 26. Skirmish near Warrenton Junction, Va. Reb. cavalry defeated by Col. McClean’s troops, who captured rebel commissary stores. =Sept. 26.= An unsuccessful attempt to capture steamer Forest Queen at Ashport, Tenn., by rebs. under Capt. Faulkner. 26. Prentiss, Miss., burned by U. S. ram Queen of the West, in retaliation for firing on that vessel and transports. 27. 34th Ohio, Col. Toland, attacked Col. Jenkins’s reb. cavalry at Buffalo, on the Kanawha river, Va., but were driven off, after killing 7, capturing 9, and destroying the camp, without loss to themselves. 27. Home Guards at Augusta, Ky., captured by rebs. under Basil Duke, after a brave resistance, with loss to the enemy. 27. 91 women and children rescued from Indians by Col. Sibley on Chippeway river, Minn.; 16 Indians captured. 28. Reb. steamer Sunbeam captured by U. S. gunboats State of Georgia and Mystic, off Wilmington, N. C. 28. Skirmish on Blackwater river, 25 miles from Suffolk, Va. Col. C. C. Dodge, with Fed. cavalry and artillery, defeated reb. infantry. 28. Augusta, Georgia, captured by 600 reb. cavalry. 29. Gen. Jeff. C. Davis shot Gen. Wm. Nelson, at the Galt House, in Louisville, Ky., killing him almost instantly. 29. A brigade of Fed. cavalry, under Lieut.-Col. Karge, on a reconnoissance from Centreville, Va., to Warrenton, captured and paroled 1,650 rebels. 29. Brig.-Gen. Rodman died near Hagerstown, Md., of a wound received at the battle of Antietam. 29. A spirited cavalry skirmish near Sharpsburgh, Md. Rebs. dispersed, and a squad of them captured. 29. 363 disloyal citizens of Carroll Co., Mo., were assessed by the Federal authorities in aid of loyal citizens and soldiers who had been robbed in that Co. 30. Fight at Newtonia, Mo. A Fed. brigade under Gen. Salomon, attacked a body of rebs. under Col. Cooper, and were defeated by them, losing 50 in killed and wounded, and 100 prisoners. 30. Reb. bomb-proof magazines at Lower Shipping Point, Va., destroyed by sailors under Lieut.-Com. M’Graw. 30. Fight at Russelville, Ky. 17th Ky., Col. Harrison, defeated 350 rebs., who lost 35 killed, and 10 prisoners. 30. Grayson, Ky., occupied by rebel troops. 30. Salt works at Bluffton, S. C., destroyed by 48th N. Y., Col. Barton. =Oct. 1.= The U. S. gunboat fleet on the western waters turned over from the War to the Navy Department. 1. Fight on Floyd’s Fork, Ky. A Fed. brigade under Col. E. N. Kirk, encountered and overcame a rebel force after a slight engagement. 1. Shelbyville, Ky., evacuated by the rebels. 1. Fight near Gallatin, Tenn. 1st Tenn. cavalry, Col. Stokes, defeated rebs. under Col. Bennett, who lost 40 killed, many wounded, and 39 prisoners. 1. 9 National pickets dispersed some rebs. at Newbern, N. C. 1. Gen. Pleasanton’s cavalry engaged reb. forces under Gen. Hampton at Martinsburg and at Shepherdstown, Va. Reb. loss 60 killed and wounded, and 9 prisoners. Fed. loss 12 wounded and 3 prisoners. 2. Fight near Olive Hill, Ky. Carter Co. Home Guards repulsed a portion of reb. Gen. Morgan’s command. Morgan retreated to the Licking river, destroying 35 houses on his route. 2. Gen. Foster’s Union troops accompanied by gunboats, left Washington, N. C., taking possession of Hamilton, and driving the rebels towards Tarboro’. 2. Skirmishing near Mount Washington, Ky., on the Bardstown turnpike, by Gen. Buell’s army and rebels under Gen. E. Kirby Smith. 3. Rebel fortifications at St. John’s Bluff, on St. John’s river, Fla., captured by 1500 Feds. under Gen. Brannan, assisted by 7 gunb’s from Hilton Head, S. C. 3. Fight on the Blackwater river, near Franklin, Va. 3 Fed. gunboats, Commodore Perry, Hunchback, and Whitehead, under Capt. Flusser, engaged a large force of rebs. 6 hours. Fed. loss 19 k. and wounded. 3. 11th Pa. cavalry, Col. Spears, engaged reb. forces at Franklin, on Blackwater river, Va. Rebs. retreated with loss of 30 or 40 killed and wounded. 3–5. A series of battles near Corinth, Miss. A reb. army of 38,000 men under Price, Van Dorn, and Lovell, attacked Rosecrans’ army, under Gens. Ord, Hurlbut, and Veatch. Rebs. routed with heavy loss of k. and w., and 1,000 pris. National loss also heavy. 4. Richard Howes, inaugurated rebel governor of Kentucky, at Frankfort. 4. A fight near Bardstown, Ky. Fed. advance guard under Maj. Foster, defeated by rear-guard of Polk’s army. 4. A company of the 54th Pa. captured at Paw-Paw, on the Balt. and Ohio railroad. 4. Fed. cavalry under Col. M’Reynolds, captured a rebel camp near the above place, with 2 guns, 10 wagons and 60 horses. 5. Gen. Price’s rebel army, retreating from Corinth, Miss., were overtaken by Gens. Old and Hurlbut at the Hatchie river, where, after 6 hours’ fighting, the rebels broke in disorder, leaving their dead and wounded, 400 prisoners, and 2 batteries. 5. Skirmish 6 miles north of Glasgow, Ky. Feds. under Col. Bruce, routed a rebel force, taking a number of horses and cattle. 5. Jacksonville, Fla., occupied by Union forces under Gen. Brannan. 6. A mob in Blackford Co., Ind., destroyed the enrolling papers and draft boxes. 6. A rebel battery at Cockpit Point, Va., on the Potomac, destroyed by a Fed. gunboat. 6. Skirmish near Charlestown, Va. 6th U. S. cavalry and Robertson’s battery engaged a rebel force with slight results. 6. Fight at Lavergne, near Nashville, Tenn. Gen. Palmer’s Union brigade, 2,500 men, were attacked by rebels under Gen. Anderson, who were defeated with a loss of 10 killed and wounded. Fed. loss, 18 in killed and wounded. 7. Lexington, Ky., evacuated by rebels under E. Kirby Smith, who retreated towards Cumberland Gap. 7. The monitor Nahant launched at Boston. 7. Skirmish near Sibley’s Landing, Mo. 5th Mo. cavalry defeated rebels under Quantrell and Childs. 7. Gen. Morgan’s Union troops reached Frankfort, Ky. 7. The bark Wave, and brig Dunkirk, were destroyed by the rebel privateer, Alabama. 8. Battle at Chaplin Hills, Perryville, Ky., by the armies of Gens. Buell and Bragg. Rebs. retreated across Chaplin river. Fed. loss, 3,200 in killed, wounded and missing. Rebel loss fully as great. 8. 550 Feds. under Major Bradford, 17 government wagons, and a number of sutler’s wagons, were captured by rebels under E. Kirby Smith, near Frankfort, Ky. 9. Galveston, Texas, occupied by Feds. under Commander Renshaw. 9. Skirmish near Laurenceburg, Ky. 1st Ohio, Col. Parrott, defeated part of Gen. Smith’s troops with considerable loss. Union loss, 6 killed, 8 wounded. 9. Gen. Sigel’s cavalry captured 40 rebs. and several wagons at Aldie, Va. 9. The monitor Montauk launched at Greenpoint, L. I. 9. The rebel steamer Gov. Milton captured on St. Johns river, Fla., by gunboat Darlington. 10. 1,800 reb. cavalry, under J. E. B. Stuart, crossed the Potomac at McCoy’s creek, and penetrated to Mercersburg and Chambersburg, Pa., and after capturing and destroying much property, made good their retreat with slight loss. 10. Gen. Schofield drove the Confederate forces across the Mo. line into Ark. 10. 1,600 rebs., the rear-guard of Bragg’s army, captured at Harrodsburg, Ky., by Lieut.-Col. Boyle, with 9th Ky. cavalry. 10. 100 reb. guerrillas entered Hawesville, Ind., but were driven out by the Connelton Home Guard. 11. Skirmish near Helena, Ark. 4th Iowa cavalry, Major Rector, defeated Texan rangers under Col. Giddings, capturing 9 of them. 3 Feds. killed and 9 wounded. 11. Ship Manchester, of N. Y., captured and burned by the Alabama. 11. 27 rebs. of Col. Imboden’s command, with all their camp equipage, captured by 300 of Col. McReynolds’ cavalry 17 miles from Winchester, Va. 11. The U. S. gunboat Maratanza lying off Cape Fear river, N. C., had 2 men killed and 5 wounded by a reb. battery. 11. Gen. Dumont’s Fed. troops captured 350 rebs., a wagon train, and 2 pieces of artillery at Versailles, Ky. 12. Skirmishing on the Potomac river, at the mouth of the Monocacy, near White’s Ford, by Gen. Pleasanton’s cavalry with rebs. under Gen. Stuart. 12. 29 persons arrested and 2 hung at Gainesville, Texas, who were accused of Union sentiments. 13. More than 100 prisoners taken by Union troops under Gen. Stahel, in the vicinity of Paris, Snicker’s Gap, and Leesburg, Va. 13. The 6th Mo., Col. Catherwood, returned to camp at Sedalia, Mo., after a successful scout, in which several bands of guerrillas were broken up, and 50 of them killed and wounded. 14. The English propeller Ouachita, captured in the Gulf Stream by U. S. gunboat Memphis. 14. Skirmish at Stanford, Ky., by scouts of Gens. Buell’s and Bragg’s armies. 14 rebs. captured, and several killed. =Oct. 15.= The bark Lamplighter, of Boston, captured by the Alabama. 15. Drafting in Boston and Baltimore. 15. Steamer Hazel Dell captured at Caseyville, Ky., by rebs. under Cols. Anderson and Johnson. 15. Skirmish near Carrsville, Va. Part of 7th Pa. cavalry, Lieut. Williams, defeated by rebs., losing several of their number. 15. U. S. Steamer Kensington, Master Crocker, destroyed a railroad bridge and burned 2 vessels at Taylor’s Bayou, Tex. 16. The sloop-of-war Ticonderoga was launched at Brooklyn, N. Y. 16. Gen. Humphrey’s troops driven from Shepherdstown, Va., by rebs., with slight loss. 16. Skirmish near Charlestown, Va. Gen. Hancock’s troops successfully engaged rebs. Union loss, 1 killed and 8 wounded. Reb. loss, 9 wounded and taken prisoners. 17. The Fed. garrison on the Tenn. shore, opposite island No. 10 attacked by reb. forces, who were defeated with loss. 17. Morgan’s Confed. cavalry dashed into Lexington, Ky., and attacked 350 Fed. cavalry, under Major Seidel, 3rd O. Fed. loss, 4 killed, 24 wounded, and 120 prisoners. 17. Quantrell’s guerrillas entered Shawnee, Kansas, sacked the town, burned 13 houses and killed 4 men. 17. Skirmish at Thoroughfare Gap, Va. Gen. Stahel’s troops drove rebs. toward Haymarket, and captured 100 prisoners. 17. The draft resisted in Berkley, Luzerne co., Pa. 4 insurgents killed. Resistance also in Carbondale, Scranton, and other towns in the mining district. 18. Pickets of the 43rd Ind. dispersed by rebs. at Helena, Ark., losing several of their number. 18. 350 of the 4th Ohio cavalry, Capt. Robey, captured at Lexington, Ky., by reb. cavalry under Gen. Morgan. 18. 10 guerrillas were shot at Palmyra, Mo., by order of Gen. McNeill, in retaliation for the murder of Andrew Allsman, an aged Union citizen. 18. Nine Union pickets were shot on the Mississippi, opposite Helena, Ark. 18. A lieut. with 26 men and a supply train for Gen. Stahel were captured by rebs. at Haymarket, and taken to Warrenton, Va. 19. A train of 82 wagons was captured by Morgan’s reb. cavalry at Bardstown, Ky. 19. Fight on the Cumberland river 7 miles from Nashville, Tenn. Col. Miller’s brigade of Fed. troops routed a force of Confederate cavalry, and captured a large store of army supplies. 20. 500 cases of yellow fever reported at Wilmington, N. C., 30 or 40 dying daily. 20. Skirmish on the Auxvois river, Mo. Major Woodson, with 10th Mo. militia dispersed rebel guerrillas with slight loss, capturing their camp stores and horses. 20. The 10th Illinois cavalry, Lieut.-Col. Stuart, defeated 250 reb. cavalry, near Marshfield, Mo., taking 27 prisoners. 21. Skirmishing in Loudon co., Va., by Gen. Geary’s Union troops, who took 75 prisoners. 21. Skirmish at Woodville, Tenn. 2nd Illinois cavalry, Major J. J. Mudd, defeated guerrillas under Haywood, capturing 40 with their arms, and 100 horses and mules. 21. Fight at Fort Cobb, Indian Terr. Loyal Indians from 6 tribes defeated rebs. of the Tongkawa tribe, under Col. Leper, with great slaughter. Col. Leper killed. 22. Gen. Blunt’s army defeated 5,000 rebs. at old Fort Wayne, Marysville, N. W. Ark., capturing all their artillery and transportation equipage. 22. Rebs. under Gen. Hindman driven from Huntsville, Ark., by Gen. Schofield. 22. Battle at Pocotaligo, S. C. Gen. Brannan’s Fed. troops defeated with a loss of 30 killed and 180 wounded, by rebels under Gen. Beauregard. 22. Skirmish near Van Buren, Ark. Union cavalry under Major Lazear defeated 450 rebels under Col. Boone, with considerable loss. 22. 30 wagons of the 5th and 9th Ill. cavalry captured by Texan troops near Helena, Ark. 22. Union pickets defeated in a skirmish near Nashville, Tenn. 22. Brig Robert Bruce, captured off Shallotte inlet, N. C., by U. S. gunboat Penobscot. 22. Skirmish near Hedgesville, Va. 4th Pa. cavalry, Capt. Duncan, defeated rebels, capturing 19 prisoners. 23. 200 of the 83d Ill., Major Blott, defeated rebels at Waverly, Tenn. Rebel loss, 40 killed and wounded, and 30 prisoners. Union loss, 1 killed, 5 wounded. 23. Skirmish near Shelby Depot, Tenn. 55th Illinois, Col. Stuart, defeated rebels, who lost 8 or 10 men. 23. 500 Fed. cavalry, Col. E. M’Cook, defeated Morgan’s cavalry at Point Lick, Big Hill, and Richmond, Ky., taking 33 wagons and 200 prisoners. 23. Ship Lafayette, of Conn., burned by the Alabama. 24. A Fed. force of 80 was defeated at Manassas Junction, Va., losing 17 prisoners. 24. Skirmish at Grand Prairie, Mo. Maj. F. G. White’s cavalry defeated a reb. force, who lost 8 killed and 20 wounded. Fed. loss, 3 wounded. 24. Skirmish on the Blackwater, near Suffolk, Va. Gen. Perry’s troops defeated rebs. who lost 6 men. One Unionist killed. 24. Sixteen of Gen. Morgan’s men captured by a Federal force at Morgantown, Ky. 24. Steamer Scotia capt’ed off Charleston, S. C., by U. S. bark Restless. 25. Gen. Buell removed from the Department of Ky., and Gen. Rosecrans appointed commander. 25. Part of 43d Ind., on a scout near Helena, Ark., 3 of them killed and 2 wounded by guerrillas in ambush. 27. Steamer Anglia capt’d off Charleston, S. C., by U. S. bark Restless and steamer Flag. 27. Skirmish near Fayetteville, Ark. Gen. Herron’s Fed. troops defeated guerrillas, killing 8, and capturing their wagons. 27. Skirmish at Putnam’s Ferry, Mo. 23d Iowa, Col. Lewis, defeated a large force of rebs., who lost several killed and 40 prisoners. 27. Fight near Donaldsonville, La. Gen. Weitzel’s troops defeated rebs., who lost 6 killed, 15 wounded and 208 prisoners. Fed. loss, 18 killed, 74 wounded. 27. Gen. Pleasanton’s cavalry drove the rebs. from Snicker’s Gap, Va. 28. Capt. Partridge’s Fed. pickets were captured near Pensacola, Fla. 28. The steamer Caroline captured off Mobile, Ala., by U. S. steamer Montgomery. 28. Gen. Herron, with 1,000 men attacked a Confederate camp near Fayetteville, Ark., under Col. Craven, routing them with a loss of 8 killed and their camp equipage. 28. A company of reb. cavalry captured near Cotton Creek, Fla., by Union troops. 28. The bark Lauretta, of N. Y., captured and burned by the Alabama. 29. Skirmish 5 miles from Petersburg, Va. Lieut.-Col. Quirk routed a detachment of Stuart’s reb. cavalry, capturing 16 men and 200 cattle. 29. Fight near Butler, Bates Co., Mo. 1st Kansas (colored), Col. Seaman, defeated reb. guerrillas under Cockerill, with a loss of 30 killed and wounded. Union loss, 8 killed, 10 wounded. 29. Maj. Keenan, 8th Pa. cavalry captured 100 rebs. while on a scout in the Shenandoah valley, Va. 29. Ship Alleghanian, of New York, burned on the Rappahannock river, Va., by rebels. 30. Maj.-Gen. O. M. Mitchell, Commander of Department of the South, died at Beaufort, S. C. 30. Skirmish at Thoroughfare Gap, Va. 1st N. J. cavalry, Col. Wyndham, engaged a rebel force with slight loss. 31. The town of Franklin, on the Blackwater river, Va., partially destroyed by Union batteries, a reb. force stationed there being driven out with loss. 31. The Wilmington, N. C. salt-works destroyed by Capt. Cushing, gunboat Ellis. =Nov. 1.= The U. S. steamer Northerner, and gunboat States of the North, with a detachment of 3d N. Y. cavalry and 2 pieces of Allen’s artillery, under Maj. Garrard, captured 2 rebel schooners on Pungo Creek, N. C. Disembarking at Montgomery, the troops marched to Germantown, Swanquarter, and Middletown, capturing in those places 25 prisoners and 130 horses and mules. 1. The town of Lavacca, on Matagorda Bay, Texas, bombarded by U. S. gunboats Clifton and Westfield. 1. Skirmish at Franklin, Va. Gen. Wessell’s brigade, 11th Pa. cavalry, and other troops, drove the rebels from the town with some loss. 2. Skirmishes near Philomont, Va. by Gen. Pleasanton’s cavalry with Stuart’s rebel forces. 2. Snicker’s Gap, Va. occupied by Gen. Hancock’s troops after a slight skirmish with the enemy. 2. Col. Dewey’s troops returned to Patterson, Wayne Co., Mo., from an expedition to Pittman’s ferry, Currant river, where they captured 13 rebels. 2. A skirmish near Williamstown, N. C. between part of the 20th N. C. rebels under Col. Burgwyn, and some Federal troops. 2. Col. Lee, of Hamilton’s National cavalry, returned to Grand Junction, Miss. after a three days’ expedition towards Ripley and 10 miles south, having captured 65 of the enemy with slight resistance. 2. The ship Levi Starbuck captured and burned by the Alabama. 3. A fight in Bayou Teche, La., 5 Union gunboats engaged a large rebel force and the gunboat Cotton. The rebels retreated after burning 75 cars and engines, and 1000 hogsheads of sugar. Fed. loss about 14 killed and wounded. =Nov. 3.= Tampa, Fla. was bombarded by the Union forces. 3. 300 rebs. under Quantrell attacked a wagon train of 13 wagons, escorted by 22 of the 6th Mo. cavalry, Lieut. Newby, near Harrisonville, Mo., killing 8 of the escort, wounding 4 and taking 5 prisoners, and burning the wagons. The rebel troops were shortly after overtaken by the 5th and 6th Mo. cavalry and defeated with severe loss. 3. The steamer Darlington, with col’d troops under Col. O. T. Beard, proceeded up Bell river, Fla., to Cooper’s, where they destroyed the salt works, and all stores that could not be carried off. From thence they went up Jolly river, destroying salt works, with a large amount of corn and salt. 3. Skirmish near New Baltimore, Va. Capt. Flint, with pickets from 1st Vt. cavalry, defeated a reb. party. 3. Piedmont, Va., occupied by Union cavalry under Pleasanton and Averill. 3. Fight in Webster Co., Ky. Col. Foster captured 3 lieutenants, 22 men, 40 horses, &c. 3. Horatio Seymour elected Governor of New York. 4. 3 Union pickets captured near Bolivar Heights, Va. 4. La Grange, Miss. occupied by Gen. Grant’s forces. 4. Bark Sophia captured off N. C. coast by U. S. steamers Daylight and Mount Vernon. 4. The U. S. steamer Darlington, with Col. O. T. Beard’s colored troops destroyed rebel salt works at King’s Bay, Ga., after slight skirmishing with the enemy. 5. Skirmish at Lamar, Mo. 80 State militia driven from the place by Quantrell’s rebel troop. 5. Skirmish at Barber’s Cross-Roads, Va. Gen. Pleasanton’s cavalry defeated a detachment of Gen. Stuart’s reb. troops. 5. Maj. Holloway’s Federal cavalry defeated a party of guerrillas under Col. Fowler, between Henderson and Bowling Green, Ky. Reb. loss 8 killed, including the commander, besides a large number of wounded prisoners. 5. Skirmish at New Baltimore, Va. Col. Wyndham’s Fed. cavalry defeated rebels. 5. Skirmish near Nashville, Tenn. Gen. Negley’s Fed. troops defeated Gen. J. H. Morgan’s forces, capturing 23 Union loss 5 killed, 19 wounded. 5. Gen. McClellan relieved from command of the Army of the Potomac, and Gen. Burnside appointed his successor. 6. Warrenton, Va., captured by Gen. Reynolds, who took 7 Confed. prisoners. 6. Fight at Piketon, Ky. Col. Dills routed Confederates, capturing 80, and securing 150 muskets, 40 horses, wagons, &c. 6. Skirmish near Leatherwood, Ky. Capt. Powell’s Fed. company routed guerrillas, who fled, leaving 6 of their number dead, and their captain mortally wounded. 7. At Beaver Creek, Mo., Capt. Barstow’s company of 10th Ill. cavalry, and 2 militia companies, defended a block house for 5 hours against a superior force, when he surrendered. 7. Expedition up the Sapelo river, Ga., by U. S. steamers Potomska and Darlington, and 48th N. Y., Col. O. T. Beard. A valuable salt work destroyed, and a number of rebs. and slaves captured. 7. Skirmish at Lamar, Mo. State militia successfully resist an attack from Quantrell’s band. 7. 300 Indians, who were engaged in the massacres in Minnesota, were sentenced to be hung—most of whom were afterwards pardoned. 8. Skirmish at Rappahannock bridge, Va. Gen. Bayard’s troops captured 12 of Longstreet’s rebels. 8. Skirmish at Hudsonville, Miss. 7th Kansas, Col. Lee, defeated rebels, who lost 16 killed, and 175 captured. 8. Ship T. B. Wales burned by the Alabama. 8. Skirmish near Marianna, Ark. Part of 3d and 4th Iowa cavalry, Capt. M. L. Perkins, defeated rebels, who lost 5 killed and several wounded. 1 Fed. wounded. 9. Skirmish at Fredericksburg, Va. Capt. Dahlgren’s troops drove off a Confed. party, after a sharp skirmish, capturing 39 prisoners and stores. 9. Gen. Kelley’s Fed. cavalry defeated Imboden’s troops 18 miles S.W. of Moorefield, Va. 9. St. Mary’s, Fla., burned by U. S. gunboat Mohawk in retaliation for the treachery of the inhabitants. 9. Skirmish in Perry Co., Ky., on the Kentucky river. Capts. Morgan and Eversod’s troops defeated guerrillas. 10. Lieut. Ash, 2d U. S. dragoons, defeated part of 5th Va. cavalry, 10 miles south of Warrenton, Va. 10. Capt. G. W. Gilmore captured two wagons and several rebels near Williamsburg, Greenbrier Co., Va. 11. Skirmish near Huntsville, Tenn. Capt. Duncan’s Home Guards routed a small band of rebs. who lost 6 killed and several wounded. 11. A fight near Lebanon, Tenn. National cavalry under Capts. Kennett and Wolford defeated Morgan’s men, who lost 7 killed and 125 prisoners. 11. National pickets driven in with slight loss at Newbern, N. C. 11. 134 prisoners taken and 16 rebs. killed by Col. Lee’s Kansas cavalry near La Grange, Tenn. 11. Gen. Ransom defeated Confederate forces near Garretsburg, Ky. 12. Gen. Hooker appointed to relieve Gen. Fitz John Porter in command of the 5th Army Corps. 12. Cavalry engagement near Lamar, Miss. Detachments of 2nd Ill. and 27th Kansas, Maj. J. J. Mudd, routed a force of rebs. with severe loss. 13. Slight skirmish at Holly Springs, Miss. Col. Lee’s cavalry killed 4 rebs. and captured several. 13. Expedition to the Doboy river, Ga., by U. S. steamers Ben Deford and Darlington, with Col. Beard’s colored troops, who seized a large quantity of reb. property. 13. A reb. camp near Calhoun, Green river, Ky. was surprised by Col. Shanks, with 400 men, who captured their arms and camp equipage. 15. Fight near Fayetteville, Va., by Fed. troops under Gen. Sturgis and a large body of rebs., who were defeated. 16. The remaining corps of the army of the Potomac, excepting the 5th and Gen. Pleasanton’s cavalry, left Warrenton, and proceeded towards Fredericksburg. 17. Pickets of the 104th Pa. surprised at Gloucester Point, Pa. and 1 killed, 3 wounded, and 2 captured. 18. Skirmish at Rural Hills, Tenn. Col. Hawkins’ troops defeated reb. cavalry, who left 16 of their number dead on the field. 18. At Cove Creek, near Kinston, N. C., Lieut.-Col. Mix with part of 3d N. Y. cavalry and Allis’s artillery, defeated the 10th N. C. infantry and some of the 2d N. C. cavalry, who retreated with the loss of arms and equipments. 18. Falmouth, Va. occupied by Gen. Sumner’s Fed. troops. 18. The English schooners Ariel and Ann Marie captured off Little Run, S. C. by U. S. gunboat Monticello. 19. James A. Seddons appointed reb. Sec. of War, in place of G. W. Randolph, resigned. 19. The 1st Gen. Council of the Epis. Church in the reb. States met at Augusta, Ga. 20. Col. Carlin’s expedition returned to Nashville, Tenn., from Clarksville, having captured 43 rebs., 40 horses, &c. 20. Fed. pickets surprised at Bull Run bridge, Va., and 3 captured. 20. Warrenton and Leesburg, Va., occupied by reb. cavalry. 21. Gen. Sumner, commanding right wing of army of the Potomac, in front of Fredericksburg, Va. 21. Skirmish at Bayou Bontouca, near Fort Pike, La. Capt. Darling’s company of 31st Mass. defeated rebs. under Capt. Evans, who lost 4 killed and several wounded. Union loss 1 wounded. 22. All political State prisoners held by military authority in the U. S. released by order of the Sec. of War. 22. Part of 1st N. Y. cavalry, Capt. Harkins, defeated rebs. near Winchester, Va., who lost 4 men and 30 horses. 22. An expedition into Matthew Co., Va., by steamer Mahaska, Capt. F. A. Parker, with land forces under Gen. Naglee, destroyed 12 salt works, and 20 or 30 vessels and other reb. property. 22. Skirmish near Halltown, Va., by Gen. Geary’s troops. 23. Lieut. Cushing, U. S. steamer Ellis, captured 2 schrs. on New river, N. C., but lost his own vessel on the shoals in returning. 24. A reb. picket of 12 men captured by Gen. Kelley’s cavalry 4 miles from Winchester, Va. 24. A Fed. supply train of 47 wagons, escorted by 50 3d Mo. cavalry, was attacked by rebs. about 30 miles south of Lebanon, Texas Co., Mo. 5 of the escort were killed and 20 wagons captured. 25. The U. S. gunboat Lexington, J. W. Shirk, attacked 20 miles below Helena, Ark. The enemy were repelled, leaving several of their number killed. Capt. Shirk landed a party of sailors, who carried off 20 negroes and 16 bales of cotton. 25. A slight skirmish at Zuni, on the Blackwater river, Va., by mounted rifles under Col. Dodge, and a reb. force. 25. A company of Fed. troops captured at Henderson, Tenn., by reb. cavalry. 25. In Crawford Co., Mo., a company of reb. guerrillas carried off horses, firearms, clothing, &c., from farmers. Returning, near Huzza river, Iron Co., they were overtaken by Capt. N. B. Reeve’s company, who killed 2 of their party and recovered the plunder. =Nov. 25.= Col. Paxton’s loyal Va. cavalry captured 118 prisoners, 300 stand of arms, 100 horses, and other property, near Sinking Creek, W. Va. 26. Fight at Cold Knob Mountain, Va. 2d Va. cavalry, Col. J. C. Paxton, defeated reb. troops, of whom over 100 were taken prisoners. 26. 25 guerrillas, under Evan Dorsey, crossed the Potomac, and robbed the stores and stables in Urbanna, 7 miles above Frederic, Md. killing a man named Harris. 26. 7th Ill. cavalry attacked rebs. near Summerville, Miss., and captured 28 of their number. 27. Indiana troops, under Cols. Hurd and Dodge, defeated rebels near La Vergne, Tenn., several of whom were killed. National loss 10 wounded. 28. Gen. Blunt defeated Gen. Marmaduke’s Confederate forces _en route_ for Missouri, at Kane Hill, Ark. The battle raged over 12 miles. The rebels retreated to Van Buren, Ark. 28. At Hartwood Church, 15 miles from Falmouth, Va., 2 squadrons of 3d Pa. cavalry, Gen. Averill’s brigade, captured by the enemy, after a brief resistance, in which they lost 4 killed and 9 wounded. 28. A large Fed. expedition, under Gen. A. P. Hovey, left Helena, Ark., and arrived at Delta, Miss., cutting the Tenn. and Mississippi railroad, and destroying 2 engines and 30 cars. Gen. Washburne’s cavalry encountered the rear of Price’s rebel army, and captured 50 men, near the Big Black river. 29. The U. S. steamer Star was burned by rebs. 2 miles below Plaqeumine, La. 29. Gen. Stahl, with 300 cavalry, attacked rebs. at Snicker’s Gap, Va., killing 45, capturing 40. 30. A skirmish near Abbeville, Miss., by Col. Lee’s troops with a rebel force. 30. The schooner Levi Rowe captured off N. Carolina by U. S. steamer Mount Vernon. 30. The bark Parker Cook destroyed by reb. steamer Alabama in the Mona Passage. =Dec. 1.= U. S. Congress convened at Washington. 1. Col. Lee’s cavalry took possession of rebel forts on the Tallahatchie river. He also captured a battery of 6 guns on the north side of the river. 1. Skirmish near Horse Creek, Dade Co., Mo. Maj. Kelley’s 4th Mo. cavalry routed a band of rebs., capturing 5. 1. Skirmish near Charlestown, Va. Gen. Slocum’s Fed. troops defeated rebel cavalry under White and Henderson, killing 5, and wounding 18. 1. At Franklin, Va., Gen. Peck recaptured the Pittsburg battery, taken from the Fed. forces on the Peninsula. 2. A fight near Franklin, Va. 11th Pa. cavalry, Col. Spear, with artillery supports, defeated reb. cavalry with severe loss. 2. Lieut. Hoffman and 6 men of 1st N. J. cavalry, captured while on picket duty 3 miles from Dumfries, Va. 2. Two companies of 8th Pa. cavalry, Capt. Wilson, defeated with severe loss at King George Court House, Va. 2. Part of Gen. Banks’ expedition to New Orleans sailed from New York. 2. Gen. Geary defeated rebels near Charlestown, Va., killing and wounding 70, and capturing 145. 3. Princeton, Ky., occupied by Federal troops, 91st Ind. and 15th Ky., under Maj. A. P. Henry, who captured a number of rebels. 3. Skirmishes near Oxford, Miss. Col. Hatch’s brigade captured 92 rebs. Fed. loss in killed and wounded, 20. 4. Skirmish near Tuscumbia, Ala. Rebs. abandoned their camps, losing 70 men prisoners, and their horses. 4. Winchester, Va., occupied by Gen. Geary’s troops, the rebel garrison leaving on his approach. 4. A sharp fight at Watervalley, Miss. Col. Hatch and Lee’s Fed. brigades defeated a rebel force, capturing 300 men and 50 horses. 5. Fed. cavalry under Cols. Dickey and Lee defeated by rebel infantry after two hours’ fight. Union loss, 100 killed, wounded, and missing. 5. The 30th Iowa and 29th Wis. attacked by rebs. at Helena, Ark., whom they repulsed, killing 8, and capturing 30. 6. The schr. Medora, with rebel army stores, was captured at Hackett’s Point Md., by Capt. Kearney’s company. 6. A forage train, in charge of 93d Ohio, Col. Anderson, was attacked by rebs. near Lebanon, Tenn., who were driven off. 6. Gen. Banks’ expedition sailed from New York to New Orleans. 7. U. S. mail steamer Ariel captured off Cuba by rebel steamer Alabama, but released on bond for $228,000. 7. Gens. Blunt and Herron defeated 15,000 rebels under Gens. Hindman, Marmaduke, Parsons, and Frost, at Prairie Grove, N.W. Ark. Federal loss, 495 killed, 600 wounded. Confed. loss, 1,500 killed and wounded. 7. The 106th and 108th Ohio, and 104th Ill., under Col. A. B. Moore, were attacked by a rebel force under Gen. J. H. Morgan, at Hartsville, Tenn. After a fight in which 55 of the Feds. were killed, and over 100 wounded, the entire force surrendered to the rebels, who lost about the same number in killed and wounded. 7. 60 of the 8th Pa. cavalry defeated at King George’s C. H., Va. Loss 20. 9. A body of rebels attacked a forage train, under escort, near LaVergne, Tenn., but were repulsed with considerable loss. 9. U. S. steamer Lake City was burned by rebels at Concordia, Ark. In retaliation, the steamer De Soto went to Concordia, and burned 42 houses. 9. Skirmish near Brentville, Tenn. Federals under Col. John A. Martin, defeated a rebel force. 10. Congress passed a bill admitting to the Union the State of Western Va. 10. Plymouth, N. C., captured and burned by the Confederates. 11. The U. S. gunboat Cairo sunk in the Yazoo river by a torpedo. The crew saved. 11. The city of Fredericksburg, Va., bombarded and occupied by Fed. troops. 12. Skirmish near Corinth, Miss. 52d Ill., Col. Sweeney, engaged a rebel force led by Col. Roddy. Rebel loss, 11 killed, 80 wounded; Union loss, 1 killed, and 2 prisoners. 12. 1,750 paroled Union prisoners, who had been captured by Gen. Morgan, arrived at Nashville. 12. Artillery skirmish by Gen. Terry’s Federal troops, near Zuni, on the Blackwater river, Va. 12. At Dumfries, Va., 35 National pickets and sutlers were captured by Gen. Stuart’s cavalry. 12. Gen. Foster engaged and defeated Confederates near Kingston, N. C., capturing 400 prisoners, 13 pieces of artillery, &c. 12. Rebel salt works at Yellville, Ark., destroyed by Federal troops under Capt. M. Birch. 12. Rebs. attacked at Franklin, Tenn., by cavalry under Gen. D. S. Stanley, who drove them from the town, and destroyed mills and other property. Reb. loss, 5 killed, 10 wounded. One Fed. killed. 13. Battle of Fredericksburg, Va. The reb. works were attacked by the National army under Gen. Burnside. It consisted of three grand divisions led by Gens. Sumner, Hooker and Franklin. The Fed. army was repulsed, losing 1,512 killed, 6,000 wounded, and 460 prisoners. The rebels lost 1,800 men. 13. Jeff. Davis reviewed the reb. forces under Bragg at Murfreesboro’. 13. Two regiments of Union infantry and one of cavalry surprised a rebel force at Tuscumbia, Ala., completely routing them and capturing 70 prisoners, their horses and baggage. Federal loss, 4 killed, 14 wounded. 13. Gov. Johnson, of Tenn., assessed disloyal citizens of Nashville in various amounts to be paid in 5 monthly instalments, in behalf of widows and orphans of that city who had been reduced to want in consequence of their husbands and fathers being forced into the rebel armies. 13. Skirmish at Southwest Creek, N. C. Gen. Foster’s troops routed rebels, who lost a number of prisoners and guns. 13. Unsuccessful attack on reb. works on the river, at Kinston, N. C., by small boats under Capt. Murray. 14. Two hundred Feds. under Capt. Thornberry, of 39th Ky., were defeated by 800 rebels at Wireman’s Shoals, 5 miles below Prestonsburg, Ky. Rebs. captured 700 muskets, as many uniforms, and 40,000 rounds of cartridges. 14. The _True Presbyterian_ and the _Baptist Recorder_, of Louisville, Ky., were suppressed, and the editor of the _Recorder_ sent to prison. 14. Coffeeville, Miss., occupied by Fed. forces under Cols. Mizner and Lee. 14. Gen. Foster’s troops engaged and defeated the Confeds. near Kingston, N. C., capturing 400 prisoners, 13 pieces of artillery, &c. Reb. loss, 71 killed, 268 wounded. Fed. loss, 90 killed, 478 w. 14. A Confed. cavalry force crossed the Potomac at Poolesville, Md., and captured 13 Fed. soldiers of the Scott cavalry, killing or wounding about 20 more. 14. Gen. Banks’ expedition arrived at New Orleans. 14. A picket guard of 24 men of the 6th Mo., were captured by rebs. at Helena, Ark. 14. Slight skirmish at Woodsonville, Tenn. 14. A wagon train laden with provisions and clothing for Fed. troops at Ringgold Barracks, Texas, on its way from Fort Brown, under escort, was attacked by Mexicans and captured, and the escort killed, excepting one man. =Dec. 15.= Gen. Hovey’s expedition returned to Helena, Ark. 15. Gen. Butler superseded in command of the Department of the Gulf by Gen. Banks. 16. Rebs. under Gen. Evans defeated in an artillery duel on the banks of the river Neuse, near Whitehall, N. C., by Gen. Foster’s troops. 16. Three hundred Ga., Texas and Ky. cavalry captured near New Haven, Ky., by a detachment of Walford’s cavalry, under Capt. Adams. 16. The army of the Potomac withdrawn to the north side of the Rappahannock, from Fredericksburg, Va. 17. Baton Rouge, La., occupied by Fed. troops under Gen. Grover. 17. Fight at Goldsboro’, N. C. Gen. Foster’s troops destroyed a valuable bridge, and defeated rebels under Gen. Evans. 18. Lexington, Ky., occupied by rebs. under Gen. Forrest, after defeating the 11th Ill. cavalry, Col. R. G. Ingersoll, who fought 2 hours, and lost 40 men and 2 cannon. 18. The steamer Mill Boy, at Commerce, Miss., was fired on by reb. cavalry and 3 men killed. The U. S. gunboat Juliet and City Belle with 11th and 47th Ind. were dispatched to Commerce and burnt the town and plantations in the neighborhood. 19. Holly Springs, Miss., surrendered to rebs. with 1,800 men and 150 officers. $1,000,000 worth of commissary stores, &c., destroyed. 19. A lieutenant and 30 men of 10th N. Y. cavalry, with 14 wagons, captured at Occoquan, Va., by reb. cavalry, who were overtaken by Col. Rush’s cavalry and compelled to destroy their plunder. 19. Col. Dickey’s Fed. cavalry returned to camp, near Oxford, Miss., from a 6 days’ scout, with 150 prisoners. 34 miles of the Ohio and Mobile railroad were destroyed, with a large amount of rebel stores. 20. Skirmish near Halltown, Va. Capt. Vernon’s Fed. cavalry defeated rebs., capturing 3. 19–20. A body of reb. cavalry under Col. Forrest attacked a Fed. force at Davis’s Mills, Tenn., and were repulsed by them. On the succeeding day, Humboldt, Trenton, Dyers, Rutherton, and Keaton were visited by them, and telegraph lines and railroad bridges destroyed, thus severing Gen. Grant’s communication between Columbus and Corinth. 20. Gen. W. T. Sherman’s expeditionary army against Vicksburg embarked at Memphis, Tenn., in over 100 transports. 21. Gen. Carter, with 1000 cavalry, entered E. Tenn., and captured 550 rebels and 700 stand of arms. 21. Skirmish near Nashville, Tenn. Gen. Van Cleve’s troops with reb. artil’y. 21. Secretaries Seward and Chase tendered their resignation to Pres. Lincoln, who informed them that the acceptance of them would be incompatible with the public welfare; when the resignations were withdrawn. 21. The 25th Ind., Col. W. H. Morgan, in garrison at Davis’s Mills, Wolf river, Miss., were attacked by a large cavalry force of rebs. under Gen. Van. After 3 hours’ contest the rebels withdrew, leaving 22 dead, 30 wounded, 20 prisoners, and 100 stand of arms. 22. Skirmish at Isle of Wight Court House, Va. Lieut. Onderdonk’s N. Y. mounted rifles defeated by Gen. Pryor’s troops. Rebs. lost 2 men. 22. Maj.-Gen. R. C. Schenck assumed command of the Middle Department and 8th Army corps, headquarters at Baltimore, Md. 23. A proclamation from Jeff. Davis, threatening to hang Gen. Butler, or any of his officers who should be captured, in retaliation for the hanging of W. B. Mumford at N. Orleans. 23. Gen. Sigel’s troops attacked at Dumfries, Va. by reb. cavalry, who were repulsed. 24. Skirmish near Munfordsville, Ky. Capt. Dickey’s company of 2d Mich. were defeated by rebs. of Gen. Morgan’s army, losing 23 men prisoners. 24. Skirmish on the Blackwater river, Va., 4 miles above Franklin. 11th Pa. cavalry, Col. Spears, dispersed rebel troops, capturing 4. 24. Gen. M. L. Smith’s Fed. troops destroyed Vicksburg and Texas railroad 10 miles W. of Vicksburg, and burned stations at Delhi and Dallas. 25. Skirmish at Green’s Chapel, near Munfordville, Ky. Col. Gray’s Fed. troops defeated rebs. of Morgan’s army, who lost 9 killed, 22 wounded and 5 prisoners. 25. Col. Shanks with 12th Ky. cavalry attacked rebs. near Bear Wallow, Ky. killing 1, wounding 2 and capturing 10. 26. 38 Indians hung at Mankato, Minn, for participating in the late massacres in that State. 26. Maj. Stevens, with 150 of 4th Ky. attacked a reb. camp in Powell Co., Ky. capturing 12 men, with most of the camp equipage. 27. A company of Pa. cavalry, under Capt. Johnson, captured at Occoquan, Va. 27. Elizabethtown, Ky. with a garrison of nearly 500 men under Col. H. S. Smith, was captured by Gen. Morgan’s reb. army, after a short resistance. An immense amount of public and private stores were carried off by the rebs. 27. Fight at Dumfries, Va. Col. C. Candy’s troops were attacked by rebs. under Gens. Stuart and Fitz Hugh Lee, who were driven off with the loss of 30 or 40 men in killed and wounded. Fed. loss about 10 killed and wounded. 27–29. Attack on Vicksburg, Miss. by Gen. Sherman’s army and Fed. gunboats. Gen. Sherman’s army ascended the Yazoo river on transports, landed and attacked the reb. works in the rear of Vicksburg, while the gunboats assailed the batteries at Haines’ Bluff. The Feds., after sanguinary conflicts, carried the first and second lines of defence and advanced within 2½ miles of the city, where they were defeated and compelled to withdraw, with a loss of 600 killed, 1,500 wounded and 1,000 missing. 28. The trestle-work at Muldraugh’s Hill, defended by the 71st Ind., captured and destroyed by rebels under Gen. Morgan after 6 hours’ fight. 28. New Madrid, Mo., evacuated by Unionists, after destroying the barracks and magazine. 28. Skirmish near Suffolk, Va. Col. Gibbs’ troops routed rebel cavalry. 28. Van Buren, Ark., with a rebel garrison of 120 men, 6 steamboats, and a large amount of ammunition and stores was captured by Gen. Blunt’s army, with slight loss. 28. Major Foley with 250 of the 6th and 10th Ky. cavalry, surprised a rebel camp at Elkford, Campbell Co., Ky. 30 rebels killed, 176 wounded, 51 prisoners, and 80 horses taken. 28. Skirmish near Clinton, La. Stuart’s reb. cavalry defeated by a National force. 30. The Union and Watauga bridges on the E. Tenn. and Va. railroad destroyed by Gen. Carter’s Fed. troops, who defeated a rebel force, of whom 400 were taken prisoners, and 150 k. and w. with slight loss to the Unionists. 30. The iron-clad steamer Monitor, Commander Bankhead, foundered near Cape Hatteras, N. C. 4 officers and 12 of the crew, and also 8 R. I. soldiers were lost with her. 30. Battle at Parker’s Cross Roads, Tenn. A desperate conflict of several hours’ duration between Gen. Sullivan’s troops, and Gen. Forrest’s rebel cavalry, in which the latter were defeated with a loss of 600 in killed, wounded and prisoners. Fed. loss, about 200. 31. Beginning of the Battle of Stone river, or Murfreesboro’. 10 hours continuous fighting without result. 31. Gen. McClernand succeeded Gen. Sherman at Vicksburg and the Fed. army retired to Milliken’s Bend. 1863. =Jan. 1.= Pres. Lincoln issued his Emancipation Proclamation, declaring all the slaves then held in rebellious territory to be forever free. 1. Galveston, Tex., recaptured by rebs. under Gen. Magruder, with its garrison of 300 men. 6 Fed. gunboats were in the harbor. The Harriet Lane was captured after a severe fight, in which Capt. Wainwright was killed, and many of his crew. The Fed. flagship Westfield was blown up by Commander Renshaw, to avoid capture, by which he lost his life, with many of the crew. 2. The battle of Stone river, or Murfreesboro’, Tenn., between Gen. Rosecrans’ army and Gen. Bragg’s rebel troops, which commenced two days before, was resumed, and after an obstinate and bloody contest, which lasted all day, the rebels were defeated with great slaughter. Fed. loss, 1,533 killed, 6,000 wounded, 2,000 prisoners; rebel loss, over 10,000, of whom 9,000 were killed and wounded. 2. Reb. cavalry under Major Herring, captured 10 sutlers’ wagons and their attendants at Dumfries, Va., belonging to Maine and New York regiments. 3. A rebel camp near La Grange, Ark., was surprised by Gen. Washburne’s cavalry. 10 of the rebels were captured, and 10 killed or wounded. 3. Rebs. under Gen. Jones attacked Col. Washburne’s troops at Moorfield, near New Creek, Va., and captured 65 of them. 5. Fed. troops in Hardy Co., Va., attacked by rebels under Capt. J. H. McNeill, who captured 33 men, 61 horses and camp stores. 5. The Fed. schr. Home, Capt. Cushing, destroyed a small rebel fort on Little river, N. C. 6. The iron steamer Antona, laden with arms and medicine, was captured off Mobile, by U. S. steamer Pocahontas. 7. 450 women and children left Washington, D. C., for Richmond and other points south, by special permit. =Jan. 8.= A rebel force of 5,000, under Gens. Marmaduke and Burbridge, attacked the garrison at Springfield, Mo. They were repulsed by the Feds. under Gen. Brown and Col. Crabb. Fed. loss 17 killed and 50 wounded. Reb. loss 200. 8. Union force from Yorktown, Va., under Major W. P. Hall, made a raid to the Pamunkey river, and destroyed a ferryboat, steamers, sloops, railroad and depots, and large warehouses containing rebel stores. 8. The 20th Ill. cavalry, Capt. Moore, attacked a rebel camp near Ripley, Tenn., held by Lieut.-Col. Dawson, killing 8, wounding 20, and capturing 46 prisoners. Fed. loss, 3 wounded. 9. Reb. troops under Gen. Pryor crossed the Blackwater, near Suffolk, Va., and attacked Gen. Corcoran’s brigade of Gen. Peck’s troops. Enemy defeated. Fed. loss, 104. 9. Col. Ludlow effected an exchange of prisoners at City Point, Va., by which 20,000 men were restored to the National army. 10. Skirmish at Catlett’s Station, Va. Col. Schimmelfennig’s troops, and Hampton’s rebel cavalry. 10. 21st Iowa, Col. Merritt, attacked by Marmaduke’s troops at Hartsville, Mo. Rebs. defeated. Fed. loss, 35 killed and wounded. Reb. loss, 150 killed and wounded, and 150 prisoners. 11. U. S. steamer Hatteras, Lieut. R. G. Blake, sunk off Texas, by rebel steamer Alabama. 100 of the Fed. crew captured. 11. Steamer Grampus, No. 2, at the mouth of Wolf river, Tenn., captured and burned by 13 rebels. 11. Arkansas Post, Fort Hindman, on the Ark. river, captured by Admiral Porter’s squadron and Gen. McClernand’s army. Fed. loss, nearly 1,000 in killed, wounded and missing. Reb. loss, 550 killed and wounded, and 5,000 prisoners. 12. The brig J. P. Ellicott captured by rebel privateer Retribution, and put in charge of a prize crew. The wife of the mate of the Ellicott succeeded in getting the rebels intoxicated, put them in irons, piloted the vessel to St. Thomas, and delivered her and the prisoners to the U. S. Consul. 12. A rebel raid upon Holly Springs, Miss. 13. Gunboat Major Slidell and 3 boats with wounded troops captured by guerrillas on the Cumberland river, the wounded robbed, and all but one of the boats burned. 14. Four Union gunboats under Com. Buchanan, assisted by Gen. Weitzel’s troops, engaged the rebel iron-clad gunboat Cotton, aided by Col. Gray’s soldiers, on the Bayou Teche, La. The Cotton was destroyed after several hours’ combat. Commodore Buchanan was killed. 14. The steamer Forest Queen was burned by guerrillas at Commerce, Miss. 14. The Fed. gunboat Queen of the West, Col. Charles E. Ellet, was captured on the Red river near Gordon’s Landing. 15. Mound City, Ark., burned by Fed. troops. 15. 17 of the 22d Wis. captured near Clarendon, Ark. 7 rebels killed and wounded. 16. U. S. steamer Columbia stranded at Masonboro’ Inlet, N. C. Her officers surrendered to the rebels, under Col. Lamb. 16. Duvall’s Bluff, Ark., captured by Fed. gunboat Baron de Kalb, and others of Porter’s flotilla, and Gen. Gorman’s troops. 100 prisoners taken. Lieut. J. G. Walker, 7 prisoners and a large supply of arms taken. 16. Reb. privateer Oreto escaped from Mobile. 16. U. S. transport ship Planter, with troops, wrecked near Stranger’s Key, Bahama. 17. Des Arc, Ark., captured by Fed. troops, without opposition. 17. Skirmish at Pollocksville, N. C., the rebels fleeing from the town. 19. Skirmish near Barnesville, Va. Lieut. Vezin and 112 men charged a large party of reb. cavalry, rescuing 6 of their company who were prisoners and capturing 4 rebels. 19. The brig Estelle captured by the reb. privateer Oreto, or Florida, Capt. Maffit. 19. The army of the Potomac, Gen. Burnside, moved down the Rappahannock. 21. The National ship Morning Light and the schooner Velocity were captured by reb. steamers Josiah Bell and Uncle Ben, near Sabine Pass, Texas. 21. Reb. camp broken up near Columbia, Mo., by 61st Mo., Col. Douglass, and 6 prisoners taken. 2 Feds. wounded. 21. Gen. Fitz John Porter dismissed from the U. S. service. 21. Col. Hutchinson, with 100 rebel cavalry, captured a company of U. S. troops and 30 wagons, at Murfreesboro’, Tenn. 22. Gen. Burnside’s second attempt to cross the Rappahannock foiled by a rain storm, which made the roads impassable. 22. The brig Windward captured by the reb. privateer Florida, off Cuba. 23. A company of Feds., under Capt. Taylor, was attacked in Johnson Co., E. Tenn., by rebs., under Col. Folk. 4 Feds, killed and several wounded and captured, some of whom were hung. 23. Arkansas Post, Ark., evacuated by Fed. troops, and the fort blown up. 24. Maj.-Gen. Burnside transferred the command of the army of the Potomac to Gen. Jos. Hooker. Maj.-Gens. Sumner and Franklin commanding right and left wings, relieved from their commands. 25. Attack by rebs. on the railroad near Nashville, Tenn. They were repulsed. 25. Reb. pickets near Kinston, N. C., captured. 26. The bark Golden Rule was captured and burnt by the Alabama, 50 miles south of St. Domingo. 26. A fight near Woodbury, Tenn. Gen. Palmer’s Fed. troops defeated a reb. force, who lost 35 killed and over 100 prisoners. Fed. loss 2 killed and 9 wounded. 27. Attack on rebs. at Bloomfield, Mo., by 68th Mo. militia, Col. Lindsay, who drove the enemy from the town, capturing 52 prisoners, 70 horses and 100 stand of arms. 27. Bombardment of Fort McAllister, Ga., by monitor Montauk, Capt. Worden, and 3 gunboats. 27. Skirmish at Indian Village, on Bayou Plaquemine, La., by Gen. Weitzel’s Fed. brigade, who defeated a rebel force. 27. Col. Wyndham’s Fed. troops attacked Stuart’s cavalry near Middleburg, Va., defeating them, and capturing 26 men and 40 head of cattle. 28. The reb. steamer Julia Roan, with 300 men, was captured by Col. Harrison’s Fed. troops, 130 of 1st Ark. cavalry, near Van Buren, Mo. 29. The British iron steamer Princess Royal, laden with arms, was captured off Charleston, S. C. 29. A fight near Bear river, Washington Territory. Union troops under Col. Connor defeated Indians with severe loss, after 4 hours’ battle. 29. Gen. McClernand’s troops landed 5 miles from the mouth of the Yazoo river, in view of Vicksburg. 30. U. S. gunboat Isaac Smith captured in Stono river, S. C. 30. A reb. camp at Trenton, Tenn., in charge of Capt. Dawson, was attacked by 22d Ohio, Col. Wood, and 34 rebels captured, or killed. 30. 300 rebel conscript soldiers surrendered at Murfreesboro’, Tenn., and took the oath of allegiance to the U. S. government. 30. A fight at Deserted House, 9 miles from Suffolk, Va., between Feds. under Gen. Corcoran, and Gen. Pryor’s troops. Loss in killed and wounded about 60 on each side. 31. Two rebel gunboats and rams, and 3 steamers, under Com. Ingraham, came down the Charleston, S. C., harbor, and attacked 3 vessels of the blockading squadron, the Mercedita, the Keystone State, and the Quaker City, damaging them severely, and capturing and paroling the crew of the Mercedita. 30 Feds. killed and 50 wounded. 31. Kennett’s National cavalry attacked Wheeler’s brigade, near Nashville, Tenn. Reb. loss 12 killed and 12 wounded, and 300 prisoners. 5 Feds, wounded. 31. Attack on Fed. soldiers by deserters and mob in Morgan Co., Ind. The mob dispersed, and 8 of them captured. 31. Shelbyville, Ky., entered by Fed. troops under Gen. J. C. Davis. =Feb. 1.= Second attack on Fort McAllister, Ga. Reb. commander Maj. Galbè, killed. Fed. vessels retire without loss. 1. Franklin, Tenn., occupied by Fed. forces under Col. R. Johnson, with slight loss. 1. Unsuccessful attack on Island No. 10, in the Miss. river, by a large force of rebs., with slight loss. 1. Col. Stokes, with loyal Tenn. and Ky. troops, attacked a reb. camp at Middleton, Tenn., capturing Maj. Douglass and 100 of his men. 2. The Union ram Queen of the West ran by the rebel batteries at Vicksburg, Miss. 3. Skirmish at Mingo Swamp, Mo. Fed. troops under Maj. Reeder defeated rebs. under D. McGee, who was killed, with 8 of his men, and 20 wounded. 3. Fort Donelson, Tenn., garrisoned by 83 Ill., Col. Harding, was attacked by a large force under Wheeler and Forrest, Rebs. repulsed with a loss of 100 killed, 400 wounded and 300 prisoners. Fed. loss 12 killed and 30 wounded. 4. Skirmish near Lake Providence, La., in which 30 rebs. were killed and wounded, and 90 horses taken. 4. Cavalry dash upon Batesville, Ark., under Col. G. E. Waring, driving rebels under Marmaduke out of the town, with severe loss, and capturing Col. Adams and other rebels. =Feb. 5.= Skirmish on Bear Creek, Johnson Co., Mo. Capt. Ranney, of 40th Mo. militia drove a small rebel force. 5. Skirmish near Stafford’s, Va. 6. Union raid upon Middleburgh, by 5th N. Y. cavalry. Several rebs. captured. 6. Skirmish between Winchester and Martinsburg, Va. 1st N. Y. cavalry, Capt. Jones, defeated a small reb. force. 7. A squadron of the 5th Pa. cavalry were led into ambush 9 miles from Williamsburg, Va., and 35 of their number killed, wounded, or captured. 7. Reb. Capt. Dawson and several of his men were captured by Col. Wood, 22d Ohio, near Dyersburg, Va. 7. Reb. Sec. of State declared Galveston and Sabine Pass, Texas, open to commerce. 8. A reb. camp attacked near Independence, Mo., by Lieut. Coburn, 5th Mo. cavalry. 8 rebs. killed, 2 wounded, and all their arms captured. 8. Ram Queen of the West returned from an expedition down the Mississippi, near Port Hudson, having sunk 3 steamers loaded with provisions for rebs., and captured 56 prisoners. 8. Gens. Davis’ and Morgan’s troops returned to Nashville, Tenn., from the pursuit of Forrest. They captured 30 rebs. 7 miles E. of Charlotte, including Col. Carroll. 8. Lebanon, Tenn., occupied by Fed. troops, who captured 600 rebels. 9. Skirmish near Summerville, Va. Maj. Knox’s Fed. cavalry defeated rebs. 9. Gen. Rosecrans, in Tenn., ordered the execution of all rebs. caught in Fed. uniform or carrying the national flag. 10. Fight at Old river, La. Capt. Tucker, 1st Kansas, defeated 3d La. reb. cavalry, who lost 25 prisoners, and 11 killed or wounded. Union loss, 8. 10. The 14th Wis. and 11th Ill. attacked near Lake Providence, on the Miss., by rebs., who were repulsed. 32 taken prisoners. 12. N. Y. ship Jacob Bell burnt by the Florida. 12. Skirmish near Smithfield, Va. 12th Pa cavalry engaged Capt. Baylor’s reb. troops. 12. Skirmish near Bolivar, Tenn. 4 rebs. killed, 5 wounded, by Fed. cavalry, who were defeated. 14. Barge New Era, No. 5, captured by Fed. ram Queen of the West, near Fort Taylor, Red river. The ram was then run ashore by a treacherous pilot, and captured by the rebels. 14. 5th Mich. cavalry surprised near Annandale, Va., with loss of 15 men. 15. Fight near Canesville, Tenn. The 123d Ill., Col. Monroe, defeated some of Gen. Morgan’s cavalry, of whom 20 were killed, many wounded, and 6 captured. Also 50 horses and 300 stand of arms. 3 Federals wounded. 15. Serg’t Holmes, with 14 of 2d Minn., escorting a wagon train near Nolensville, Tenn., repulsed a superior force of rebel cavalry, of whom 8 were killed, 20 wounded, and 4 prisoners. 15. Fight near Arkadelphia, Ark. Feds. under Capt. Brown defeated the enemy, who lost 14 killed and 12 wounded. Fed. loss, 2 killed, 12 wounded. 17. A forage train in charge of some of 116th and 123d Ohio captured by rebs. near Romney, Va. 17. U. S. steamer Hercules burnt by rebels near Memphis, Tenn. 18. Mortar boats opened fire on Vicksburg. 18. Clifton, Tenn., burnt by 3d Mich. cavalry. 18. Disloyal State Convent. at Frankfort, Ky., dispersed by military. 19. A party of 1st Ind. cavalry, Lt.-Col. Wood, routed by reb. cavalry near Coldwater, Miss. Federal loss, 6 killed, 3 wounded, and 15 captured. 19. Hopefield, Ark., opposite Memphis, Tenn., burnt by order of Gen. Hurlbut. 20. Skirmish near the Yazoo Pass. 5th Ill. cavalry dispersed rebel troops, killing 6 and capturing 26. Fed. loss 5 wounded. 21. The ship Golden Eagle and bark Olive Jane burnt by rebel steamer Alabama. 21. Union gunboats Freeborn and Dragon engaged a rebel battery on the Rappahannock river, Va. Three Feds. wounded. 21. A guerrilla raid upon Shakertown, Ky. Government property and cars destroyed. 4 rebels captured by Col. Briston. 22. Capt. Cornyn, 10th Mo. cavalry, visited Florence and Tuscumbia, Ala., and captured horses, mules, negroes, and 100 rebs. 22. At Gatesville, Va., 9 of the 57th rebel Va. were captured by Federal troops. 22. The Yazoo Pass exped’n reached Moon Lake. 23. Fight near Greenville, Miss. Gen. Ferguson’s rebel troops engaged Nationals under Gen. Burbridge. Maj. Mudd, 22d Ill., killed. 23. Skirmish near Athens, Ky., with Morgan’s guerrillas. 23. Rebel force of 700 devastating E. Kentucky. A large amount of government property destroyed at Paris, Ky. 23. An attempt by rebels to capture the steamer Belle at Cottonwood Landing, Tenn., was repulsed. 1 killed on each side. 24. Gunboat Indianola captured near Grand Gulf, Miss., by 4 rebel steamers. 25. Skirmish at Hartwood Church, Va., near Kelly’s Ford. Gen. Averill’s troops defeated Stuart’s rebel cavalry. 25. Rebel troops under Clarke dispersed at Licktown, Ky. 25. The steamer Peterhoff captured off St. Thomas by U. S. gunboat Vanderbilt. 25. Skirmish 5 miles from Falmouth, Va. 6th U. S. cavalry defeated Stuart’s cavalry, of whom 40 were captured. 26. Cavalry fight near Woodstock, Va. The 13th Pa. and 1st N.Y. were defeated by the enemy, who killed and captured 200. 26. Cherokee National Council repealed the ordinance of secession, and abolished slavery. 26. A government freight train captured by rebels near Woodburn, Tenn. 27. Destruction of rebel steamer Nashville in Ogeechee river, near Fort McAllister, Fla., by gunboat Montauk, Capt. Worden. 27. Skirmish 15 miles from Newbern, N. C. Capt. Jacobs’ N. Y. cavalry defeated rebels, who lost 3 killed and 48 prisoners. 1 Fed. wounded. =March 1.= Union dash into Bloomfield, Mo. Provost-marshal and 20 prisoners taken. 1. Fight at Bradyville, Tenn. 2,500 of Rosecrans’ army drove Morgan’s reb. division from the town, killing 8, wounding 30, and capturing 89. Fed. loss, 15 in killed and wounded. 1. English steamer Queen of the Wave captured near Georgetown, S. C., by U. S. gunboat Connemaugh. 1. Rebs. captured 50 of 1st Vt. cavalry, Capts. Wood and Huntoon, at Aldie, Va. 2. Sharp contest on the Salem pike, 16 miles from Murfreesboro’, between the regulars of Rosecrans’ army and a large force from Bragg’s. The rebs. defeated. 2. Four guerrillas captured 3 miles from Russelville, Ky. 2. Slight cavalry fight near Petersburg, Tenn. Rebels routed with 12 killed and 20 wounded. 2. Capt. Schultze’s Fed. cavalry defeated Mosby’s troops near Aldie, Va., capturing 30. 3. Fort McAllister, Ga., bombarded without success. 3. The Enrolment and Conscription act passed by Congress, approved. All arms-bearing men with certain exceptions were to be enrolled by April 1st ensuing, and the President was authorized to call for quotas from the enrolled names. 4. Fight on Harpeth river, near Chapel Hill, Tenn. Col. Johnson’s Tenn. Fed. cavalry engaged Col. Roger’s troops, killing 12 and capturing 72. 4. Adjournment of 37th Congress. 4. Skirmishes at Skeet and Swan Quarter, N. C. Rebels beaten, 28 killed and wounded. Unionists, 3 killed and 15 wounded. 5. U. S. Senate met in extra session. 5. Fight at Thompson’s Station, near Franklin, Tenn. A Fed. force under Col. Colburn was attacked by a large army under Van Dorn, and defeated in battle, after which the entire Union brigade was captured, excepting 150 men. Fed. loss, 100 killed, 300 wounded, and 1,200 prisoners. Rebel loss, 120 killed and 300 wounded. 5. The _Crisis_ newspaper office, at Columbus, O., was destroyed by soldiers. 6. Successful foray of Fed. troops under Col. Phelps in Northumberland Co., Va. 6. Ship Star of Peace captured and burnt by rebel privateer Florida. 6. Gen. Hunter ordered the drafting of negroes in the Department of the South. 7. A scouting expedition from Belle Plain, Va., returned with several prisoners and much property. 7. A brigade of cavalry under Gen. Manly attacked rebel cavalry of Gen. Russell at Unionville, Tenn. Rebel loss, 50 killed, 180 wounded, and all their stores. 8. Mosby (reb.) dashed into Fairfax, Va., and captured Brig.-Gen. Stoughton and 30 men and 58 horses. 8. 43d Mass., Col. Holbrook, captured a rebel cavalry company near Newbern, N. C. 9. A small rebel force captured, six miles below Port Hudson, on the Mississippi. 9. The screw-steamer Douro captured by U. S. gunboat Quaker City. =March 9.= Guerrillas defeated near Bolivar, Tenn., with the loss of 18 captured. 9. Skirmish at Blackwater Bridge, Va., by Feds. under Col. Chickering. 9. Skirmish on Amite river, La. Rebs. dispersed. 10. Rebel steamer Parallel burnt on the Mississippi with 3,000 bales of cotton. 10. Several rebels captured at Rutherford’s creek, Tenn., by Gen. Granger’s troops. 10. Jacksonville, Fla., captured by 1st S. C. (colored) regiment. 10. Skirmish near Covington, Tenn. Col. Grierson’s cavalry attacked Col. Richardson’s rebel camp, killing 25 and capturing a large number. 11. A skirmish 12 miles E. of Paris, Ky. Guerrillas attacked a Fed. forage train, and were repulsed. 12. Gen. Gordon’s troops returned to Franklin, Tenn., from pursuing Van Dorn’s troops beyond Duck river. Fed. loss in skirmishes, 9. 13. Unsuccessful assault on Fort Greenwood, on the Tallahatchie, Miss., by Union gunboats Chillicothe and DeKalb, and a land battery. 13. Skirmish at Berwick City, La. 13. The signal station at Spanish Wells, S. C., burnt by a party of rebels. A lieut. and 8 men captured. 13. Rebel troops under Gen. Pettigrew attacked Gen. Foster’s troops at Newbern, N. C., but were repulsed. 14. Admiral Farragut, with 7 of his fleet, attacked the rebel batteries at Vicksburg, Miss. The Hartford (flagship) and the Albatross passed the batteries and went up the river. The Mississippi was destroyed, and part of her crew captured. 14. Col. Minty’s Fed. cavalry returned to Murfreesboro’, Tenn., after 11 days’ absence, with 50 rebel prisoners and a large amount of stores. 15. Schooner Chapman, fitted out and manned as a rebel privateer in San Francisco, was captured while attempting to leave that port. 20 rebels and 6 brass Dahlgren guns were taken. 15. The _Jeffersonian_ newspaper office at Richmond, Ind., was destroyed by Union soldiers. 17. A sharp conflict at Kelly’s Ford, Va., between a body of Gen. Averill’s Fed. cavalry and a rebel force. Gen. Averill’s troops were defeated, but 86 of the enemy were captured. 17. Attack on rebel works near Franklin, Va. Fed. troops under Col. Spear driven off, with 1 man killed and 16 wounded. 17. Col. J. B. Fry detailed as Provost-Marshal-General of the U. S. 18. Skirmishing at Berwick Bay, La. Capt. Perkins, 1st Louisiana cavalry, defeated rebs., who lost 10 killed and 20 wounded. 19. Steamer Georgiana, with arms for the rebels, destroyed off Charleston. 19. Skirmish on Duck river, near Franklin, Tenn. 20. Col. Hall’s brigade, of Rosecrans’s army, attacked at Vaught’s Hill, near Milton, Tenn., by Morgan’s and Breckinridge’s cavalry. The rebels defeated, losing 40 killed, 140 wounded, and 12 prisoners. Fed. loss 7 killed and 31 wounded. 21. Fight at Cottage Grove, Tenn. Rebels defeated with severe loss. 21. Capture of British steamer Nicholas I. while attempting to enter Wilmington harbor, N. C., by U. S. steamship Victoria. She had 16 tons of powder and 50,000 Enfield rifles. 21. Skirmish near Seneca, Pendleton Co., Va. A party of loyal men called “swampers” defeated by rebels. 21. An expedition up the bayous returned to the Yazoo river, after defeating the rebels at Deer Creek, and destroying 2,000 bales of cotton, 50,000 bushels of corn, and all the houses on the route. 22. 50 of the 5th Mo. cavalry defeated by Quantrell’s guerrillas, near Blue Spring, Mo. Fed. loss, 9 killed, 5 missing, and several wounded. 22. Mount Sterling, Ky., attacked by rebels under Col. Cluke. The Fed. garrison of 200, under Capt. Radcliff, captured, and the town burned. 22. Steamer Granite City captured by U. S. gunboat Tioga, off the Bahamas. 16–24. Bread riots at Atlanta, Ga., Salisbury, N. C., Richmond, Va., Raleigh, N. C., and Petersburg, Va. 24. Pontchatoula, La., captured by Fed. troops under Col. Clark. 24. The schooners Mary Jane and Rising Dawn captured by U. S. gunboats State of Georgia and Mount Vernon, off Wilmington, N. C. 25. The Fed. gunboats Lancaster and Switzerland attempted to pass the rebel batteries at Vicksburg. The Lancaster was sunk, and the Switzerland escaped, much damaged. 25. At Brentwood, Tenn., 300 Federal troops, under Lieut.-Col. Bloodgood, were captured by rebel forces under Wheeler and Forrest, and the town sacked. A Federal cavalry force, under Gen. Smith, overtook the rebels in their retreat, and defeated them, capturing 42 prisoners, and recovering part of their booty. Loss, about 15 on each side in k. and w. 25. Steamer Dolphin captu’d off Porto Rico by U. S. gunboat Wachusett. 26. Expedition returned to Carthage, Tenn., with 28 rebel prisoners. 26. Gen. Burnside took command of the Department of the Ohio. 27. Fast day in the rebel States. 27. Jacksonville, Fla., burned by Fed. troops. 27. U. S. steamer Hartford passed below the rebel batteries at Warrenton, Miss. 28. Gunboat Diana captured by rebels at Pattersonville, La. 31 of the crew killed or wounded, and 170 prisoners. 28. Cole’s Island, S. C., occupied by N. Y. troops, under Col. G. F. B. Dandy. 28. Steamer Sam. Gaty plundered by rebels at Sibley, Mo. 28. The rebels attacked Williamsburg, Va., and were repulsed by the 5th Pa. cavalry, Col. Lewis. 29. A party of blockade runners taken at Poplar creek, Md. 29. Sixth Ill. cavalry, Col. Loomis, surprised by rebs. under Col. Richardson, near Somerville, Tenn. Fed. loss 40 in k. or w. Rebs. driven off. 30. Battle near Somerset, Ky. Fed. troops under Gen. Gillmore defeated Pegram’s army of 2600, after a battle of 4 hours. Reb. loss 350. 400 cattle taken. 30. Washington, N. C., was attacked by rebels under Hill and Pettigrew. The Fed. pickets and skirmishers driven in with loss, and the rebels driven out of range afterwards by Fed. gunboats. 30. 700 rebels, under Gen. Jenkins, captured Point Pleasant, W. Va., but were subsequently driven out, losing 12 killed and 14 prisoners. Fed. loss 1 killed and 1 wounded. 30. Richmond, Miss., occupied by Gen. McClernand’s Fed. troops, after sharp skirmishing. 31. Gen. Herron appointed to command the army of the frontier. =April 1.= Admiral Farragut, with the National gunboats Hartford, Switzerland and Albatross, engaged the rebel batteries at Grand Gulf, Miss., and passed them without serious loss. 1. Severe fight at Dranesville, Va., between 1st Vt. cavalry, and Capt. Mosby’s rebel troops. Feds. defeated with a loss of 60 in killed, wounded, and pris. 1. The town of Palmyra, Tenn., burned by a Fed. gunboat, Capt. Fitz. 2. Women’s bread riot at Richmond, Va. 2. Skirmish at Woodbury, Tenn. Gen. Hazen’s Fed. troops engaged and defeated rebels, killing 12 and capturing and wounding 30. 2. Admiral Farragut’s vessels proceeded to the mouth of the Red river, destroying rebel boats. 2. Gunboat St. Clair disabled by rebs. above Fort Donelson, on the Cumberland river. She was rescued by the steamer Luminous. 2. Hicks’ rebel guerrillas, in Jackson Co., Mo., were attacked by Maj. Ransom with the 6th Ks. 17 rebels killed, and considerable property captured. 2. Fight at Snow Hill, Tenn. Gen. Stanley engaged Morton and Wharton’s rebel regiments, who were defeated, and 15 or 20 killed, and 50 captured. 3. Arrests of Knights of the Golden Circle, at Reading, Pa. 3. Steamer Tampico captured off Sabine Pass, Texas, by U. S. gunboat New London. 3. Capt. Worthington’s loyal Ark. cavalry returned to Fayetteville, Ark., after four skirmishes, in which two rebel captains were k., 1 w., 22 men k. and 7 taken. 4. Unionists under Gen. Potter repulsed with loss of 5 men in attempt to capture rebel battery on Pamlico river, N. C. 4. Palmyra, Tenn., burned by the gunboat Lexington. 4. U. S. steamer Sylvan Shore fired on near Washington, N. C., and several of her crew killed or wounded. 5. Ship Louisa Hatch captured by the Alabama. 5. Troops sent from Newbern to rescue Gen. Foster, besieged in Washington, N. C. 5. Skirmish in Black Bayou, La. 6. Col. Wilder’s Fed. command on an expedition within the rebel lines in Tenn. destroyed much provision, and brought in 350 negroes. 6. Rebel camp at Green Hill, Tenn., broken up; 5 killed and 15 taken. 7. Bombardment of Fort Sumter by Admiral Dupont; the fleet driven off; fort little injured. 7. U. S. gunboat Barataria lost in Amite river, La. 7. Successful foray into Gloucester Co., Va. 8. Gunboat George Washington, stranded in Broad river, S. C., attacked by rebs. and blown up. =April 8.= The Tallahatchie fleet returned to Helena, Ark., after an absence of 43 days, with the divisions of Gens. Ross and Quimby. 30 soldiers were killed and a number wounded. 8. 60 rebels captured in Loudon Co., Va., by Gen. Copeland’s brigade. 8. U. S. steamer Lovell and propeller Saxonia captured 15 miles below Clarksville, Tenn. 9. Pascagoula, Miss., taken by a Union force from Ship Island, but abandoned the same day. 9. Fight at Blount’s Mills, N. C. Unionists driven off with small loss. 10. Battle at Franklin, Tenn. Van Dorn’s attack repulsed. Union loss about 100. Rebel, 300 k. and w. 10. Rebels routed near Germantown, Ky. 10. Skirmish near Waverly, Tenn. 21 Unionists taken prisoners. 11. Col. Streight’s raiding force left Nashville for Georgia. 11. Union cavalry camp near Williamsburg, Va., broken up by rebel attack. 12. Ironclad fleet leaves Charleston harbor. 12. Skirmish near Gloucester Point, Va. 12. Lieut.-Col. Kimball killed by Gen. Corcoran. 13. Transport Escort ran the batteries below Washington, N. C., bringing aid for Gen. Foster. 13. Skirmish near Suffolk, Va. 13. Gen. Stoneman’s cavalry advanced in detachments to Warrenton, Bealton, Rappahannock bridge, Liberty, and all the fords of the Rapidan, Va., preparatory to a general advance of the army of the Potomac against General Lee. 14. Battle at Bayou Teche, La. Rebs. defeated and their three gunboats, Diana, Hart, and Queen of the West, destroyed. Union loss about 350. Reb. much larger. 14. Gen. Foster escaped from Washington, N. C., by running the rebel blockade in the steamer Escort. 14. Rebel battery on Nansemond river silenced by gunboats. 14. U. S. gunboat West End attacked by a reb. battery near Suffolk, Va., and considerably damaged. 5 of her crew killed and 18 wounded. 15. Col. Evans routed 200 Indians, 75 miles south of Daybreak, in Utah, killing 30. Fed. loss, 8. 15. Franklin, La., occupied by Union troops. 15. Rebs. raise the siege of Washington, N. C. 15. Fighting continued on the Nansemond river. 15. Dash upon Pikeville, Ky., by 39th Ky., Col. Dills. 17 reb. officers and 61 privates captured. 15. Destruction of reb. steamer Queen of the West, in Berwick’s Bay, La., by U. S. gunboat Estella. 90 rebs. captured, and 30 lost. 16. Admiral Porter’s fleet of 8 gunboats and several transports ran pass the Vicksburg batteries, losing only 1 transport and no men. 16. Fight with Indians at Medalia, Minn. 16. Steamer Gertrude captured off Harbor Islands, W. I., by U. S. steamer Vanderbilt. 17. The 99th and 130th N. Y. engaged reb. troops near Suffolk, Va. 2 Feds. killed and 3 wounded. 17. Gen. Donelson (reb.), nephew of Andrew Jackson, died at Knoxville. 17. Col. Grierson’s famous cavalry raiding force started from La Grange, Tenn. 17. Skirmish at Bear Creek. Rebs. defeated by Gen. Dodge’s troops. 17. Skirmish at Vermillion Bayou, La. Rebs. driven off by Gen. Grover’s troops, who took 1,000 prisoners. 18. Gen. Getty’s troops, in conjunction with gunboats on Nansemond river, N. C., under Lieut. Lamson, captured a reb. battery of 8 pieces and 200 prisoners, at the West Branch. 18. The siege of Washington, N. C., raised, after an investment of 3 weeks by a large Confederate force. 18. Fayetteville, Ark., attacked by a reb. army under Gen. Cabell, who were repulsed by 2,000 Feds, under Col. Harrison. 18. Reconnoitering party at Sabine Pass captured by concealed rebs. Capt. McDermott, of gunboat Cayuga, killed. 18–19. Cols. Graham and Riley defeated reb. forces in several skirmishes on Cumberland river, Tenn., killing and wounding 40. 19. Cavalry skirmishing near Hernando, Miss., with varying success. 19. Severe fight on the Coldwater, near Hernando, Tenn. A Fed. brigade under Col. Bryant defeated rebel troops in a series of skirmishes. Reb. loss, 20 killed, 40 wounded. Fed. 10 killed, 20 w. 20. Opelousas, La., occupied by Union forces. 20. Cavalry skirmish near Helena, Arkansas. 20. Fight at Patterson, Mo. Feds. under Col. Smart defeated with loss of 50 in killed and wounded. 20. Bute a la Rose, La., captured by Union gunboats. 60 prisoners taken. 21. Skirmish and capture of a few rebs. near Berryville, Va., by Capt. Laypole, of 6th Va. 21. An expedition under Gen. Graham returned to Louisville, Ky., after proceeding to Celina on the Cumberland, and destroying a large amount of rebel stores and 40 boats. 60 rebs. killed and wounded. 22. Reb. raid on Tompkinsville, Ky. The Court house burned, and 5 Union men killed. 22. Reb. steamer Ellen captured near Courtableau, La. 22. Seven of the 8th Mo. cavalry, and a Baptist minister shot by guerrillas in Cedar Co., Mo. 22. Occupation of McMinnville, Tenn., by Union troops under Gen. Reynolds and Col. Wilder. 22. Majs. McGee and White’s troops encountered 300 rebs. near Strasburg, Va., and defeated them. Rebel loss 5 killed, 9 wounded, and 25 prisoners. Union loss, 2. 22. Six gunboats and 12 barges passed the rebel batteries at Vicksburg. 23. Lieut. Cushing, with a party of men from the gunboat Commodore Barney, had a skirmish with rebel cavalry near Chuckatuck, Va., with small loss. 23. Skirmish at Beverly, Va. Loyalists under Col. Latham. 24. Tuscumbia, Ala., occupied by Federal forces under Col. Dodge. 24. 4 rebel schooners captured off Mobile, Ala., by gunboat De Soto. 24. Two rebel schooners captured near New Inlet, N. C., by U. S. steamer State of Georgia. 24. Rebels defeated at Weber Falls, Ark., by Col. Phillips’ troops. 23–27. Gen. Ellet’s Maine Brigade made a successful expedition up the Tennessee river, destroying the towns of Hamburg and Eastport, and a large stock of war material. The rebels were defeated in an attack on the vessels while returning, losing 10 killed and 20 wounded. Federal loss, 2 killed, 4 wounded. 24. Skirmishing near Suffolk, Va. 24. Unionists defeated at Beverly, Va. 25. Rebel shore batteries at Duck river shoals, Tenn. river, silenced by gunboats. 25 rebels killed and wounded. 25. Fight at Greenland Gap, Va. Rebels severely punished by 23d Illinois, Capt. Wallace. 26. 30 rebel cotton-gins and mills and 350,000 bushels of corn destroyed by a raid to Deer Creek, Miss. 26. Cape Girardeau, Mo., attacked by Marmaduke’s rebels, who were defeated with heavy loss by Gen. McNeil’s troops. Rebel loss 40 killed and 200 wounded. 26. Gen. Burnside assumed command of the Department of Ohio. 27. A body of Texan Rangers were attacked 8 miles from Franklin Tenn., by 700 Federal cavalry under Col. Watkins, of the 6th Kentucky, who defeated them, capturing 200 prisoners. 27. The steamship Anglo Saxon, from Liverpool, wrecked 4 miles off Cape Race, with 360 passengers, and a crew of 84. Only 190 persons saved. 27. Fight at Philippa, West Virginia, by Col. Mulligan’s Federal troops. 27. Gen. Hooker’s army began its march towards Fredericksburg, Va. 28. Hooker’s army crossed the Rappahannock. 28. Capture of 4 companies of Federals at Morgantown, West Virginia. 28. A rebel regiment surprised and captured near Jackson, Missouri, by artillery and 1st Iowa cavalry. 28. Skirmish near Mill Spring, Kentucky, by Col. Adams’ Federal cavalry. 29. Two companies of the 106th New York, in garrison at Fairmount, W. Va., were captured by rebels under Jackson and Imboden, after a brave resistance in which the rebels suffered severely. 29. Gen. Jackson destroyed the railroad bridges on the Monongahela river. 29. Bombardment of Grand Gulf, Miss., by Porter’s fleet. Rebel works greatly damaged. Fleet considerably injured. 20 killed and many wounded. 30. Gen. Grant’s army lands near Port Gibson, Miss. 30. Rebel battery on the Nansemond river silenced. 30. 52 Union cavalry, the 6th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. McVicar, captured near Spotsylvania, Va. 58 others cut their way out. Col. McVicar was killed. 30. Skirmish near Williamsburg, Va. Rebels defeated by Col. R. M. West’s troops. 30. A portion of Gen. Hooker’s army crossed the Rappanannock at Fredericksburg, Va., and after slight resistance took possession of the rifle-pits below the city and captured 500 prisoners. =May 1.= Attack on Van Dorn’s rebel pickets by Fed. cavalry under Col. Campbell, near Franklin, Tenn. 30 of the enemy killed and wounded, and 11 captured. 1. Skirmish on the Nansemond river, near Suffolk, Va, The 99th N. Y., Col. Nixon, defeated rebs. with severe loss. Union loss 41 in killed and wounded. 1. Battle of Port Gibson, Miss. Gen. Grant’s army defeated the troops of Gen. J. S. Bowen. Reb. loss 1,500 in killed, wounded and prisoners. 1. Fight at Monticello, Ky. 5,000 Feds. under Gen. Carter defeated Col. Morrison’s troops, with small loss on either side. 1. Heavy artillery skirmishing between the armies of Gen. Hooker and Gen. Lee, at Chancellorsville, Va. 1. Skirmish near La Grange, Ark. 3rd Iowa cavalry, Capt. De Huff, defeated, with loss of 41 killed, wounded, and missing. 2. Gen. Sedgwick’s corps of the Army of Va. attacked the reb. works on the heights, in the rear of Fredericksburg, and carried them after a desperate struggle, in which the Fed. loss was over 2,000 in killed and wounded. 2. Marmaduke’s reb. army overtaken by Gen. McNeill at Chalk Bluff, on the Ark., and driven into Ark. 2. Col. Grierson’s cavalry arrived at Baton Rouge, La., after a raid of 15 days through Miss., defeating the rebs. in several encounters. 2. Artillery skirmish on the Nansemond river, Va., by Gen. Getty’s troops and reb. forces. 2–3. Battle of Chancellorsville, Va. The army of Gen. Lee attacked the Fed. forces under Gen. Hooker, and after a series of sanguinary contests, the Union army was compelled to retire, and recrossed the Rappahannock. Very heavy loss on both sides. 2–7. Great Fed. cavalry raid within the rebel lines, from Gloucester Point, Va., on the south, and the Alleghany ridge on the west. Many bridges, and an immense quantity of telegraph lines throughout the route, were destroyed, and many prisoners, and 1,000 horses taken. 3. Col. Streight, with 1,500 Fed. troops, after inflicting serious loss to the enemy, by a raid of 20 days through Georgia, and Alabama, was captured near Gadsder, Ala. 3. Skirmish near Suffolk, Va. 13th N. H., and 89th N. Y., captured reb. rifle pits. 3. Gen. Mosby’s reb. cavalry attacked Col. de Forest’s cavalry at Warrentown Junction, and were defeated by the latter with heavy loss. 3. Fed. gunboats repulsed in an attack on Haines’s Bluff, on the Miss. Several of the vessels badly damaged, and 80 of their men killed and wounded. 3. Reb. batteries at Grand Gulf, Miss., evacuated by the enemy, and taken possession of by Admiral Porter. 3. The ship Sea Lark burned by the Alabama. 3. Col. Montgomery’s colored troops returned to Beaufort, S. C., from a raid up the Combahee river, having captured 800 slaves, and destroyed $1,500,000 of property. 4. Capt. H. Dwight killed by rebels after surrendering, near Washington, La. 4. The battle near Fredericksburg, Va., continued, the rebs. recovering nearly all the defences back of the town. 5. Riot at Dayton, Ohio, consequent on the arrest of C. L. Vallandigham, by military authority. 5. A rebel company captured at Pettie’s Mills, N. C., by 3d N. Y. cavalry. 5. Fort de Russy, on the Red river, captured by Admiral Porter. 6. All of Gen. Hooker’s army retreated to the north bank of the Rappahannock river. 6. Alexandria, Miss., occupied by National forces under Admiral Porter. 6. Fight near Tupelo, Miss., between Gen. Ruggles’ reb. cavalry, and Col. Cornyn’s troops. Rebs. defeated, losing 90 prisoners. 6. Steamer Eugenia captured by Fed. gunboat Cuyler, off Mobile, Ala. 7. Steamer Cherokee captured off Charleston, S. C., by U. S. gunboat Canandaigua. 7. Col. Kilpatrick’s cavalry, after marching around Lee’s army, arrived at Gloucester Point, Va. 7. Reconnoissance from the Peninsula to White House: some prisoners retaken from the rebs. 8. The ship Crazy Jane captured in Tampa Bay, Fla., by U. S. gunboat Tahoma. 8. Rebel Gen. Earl Van Dorn was killed by Dr. Peters, of Maury Co., Tenn. 8. An attack on Port Hudson commenced by Fed. fleet. 9. Col. McCook’s 2d Ind. cavalry captured 8 rebels scouting near Stone river, Tenn. 10. Death of rebel Gen. “Stonewall” Jackson, from wounds received at the battle of Chancellorsville. 10. Port Hudson assault renewed; rebel batteries silenced. 11. Fight at Greasy Creek, Ky. Col. Jacobs’ Fed. troops defeated by Morgan’s cavalry. Union loss, 25 killed and wounded. Rebel loss greater. 11. Crystal Springs, Miss., burned by Fed. cavalry. 12. Raymond, Miss., captured by Gen. McPherson’s Fed. troops. Union loss, 51 killed, 181 wounded. Rebel loss, 75 killed, 250 wounded, 186 prisoners. 12. Skirmish near Franklin, Ky. Rebs. defeated. 12. Col. Breckinridge’s Fed. Tenn. cavalry defeated rebels at Linden, on Tenn. river, capturing 40 and killing 3. 13. Rebel guerrillas and Indians attacked at Pontchatoula, La., by Col. Davis, who destroyed their camp, and took 17 prisoners. 13. Skirmish at South Union, Ky. Rebels attack a train, and are worsted. 13. Yazoo City, Miss., was captured by Fed. gunboats under Lieut. Walker, and $2,000,000 of property destroyed. 14. Gen. Johnston’s army defeated near Jackson, Miss., by Gen. Grant’s Fed. army. Rebel loss, 400 men, 17 pieces of artillery. 14. Skirmish at Fairfax Court House, Va., by Fed. troops with Black Horse cavalry. 14. Hammond Station, La., destroyed by Fed. troops. 15. Jackson, Miss., occupied by Fed. troops. 15. Rebels defeated at Camp Moore, La., by Col. Davis’s Fed. troops. 15. Wm. Corbin and T. P. Graw hung at Johnson’s Island, O.; found guilty of recruiting for the rebel service within the Union lines. 15. Fed. dispatch boats Emily and Arrow captured by rebels on the Albemarle and Chesapeake canal. 15. The ship Crown Point burnt by the privateer Florida. 15. Several severe cavalry skirmishes near Carrsville and Suffolk, Va., by Gen. Peck’s troops with rebels. 15. A detachment of U. S. cavalry captured at Charleston, Va., who were afterwards rescued by a force from Gen. Milroy’s command, who also took 40 rebel prisoners. 16. A skirmish at Bradyville Pike, near Cripple creek, Tenn. Gen. Palmer’s Union Tenn. cavalry attacked part of 3d Georgia, under Col. Thompson, killing several, and taking 18 prisoners. 16. Skirmish at Berry’s Ferry, Va. 16 of 1st N. Y. cavalry, Lieut. Vermillion, defeated 22 rebels, killing 2, wounding 5, and capturing 10. 16. The 1st N. Y. mounted rifles routed with considerable loss near Suffolk, Va. 16. Rebel steamer Cuba destroyed by gunboat De Soto in the Gulf of Mexico. 16. The battle of Champion Hill, or Baker’s creek, Miss. Gen. Grant’s troops defeated rebel army under Gen. Pemberton, who lost 4,000 men and 29 cannon, and retreated behind Big Black river. 16. Battle at Big Black river, Miss. Gen. Pemberton’s army defeated with loss of 2,600 men and 17 cannon and driven within the intrenchments at Vicksburg, by Gen. Grant’s army. 16. Jackson, Miss., evacuated by Fed. troops. 16. Rebel schooner Isabel seized off Mobile, and 16 men captured, by U. S. steamer R. R. Cuyler. 16. Rebel guerrillas destroyed oil springs and other property at Burning Springs, Wirt Co., Va. 16. Col. Breckinridge, with 55 loyal W. Tenn. cavalry, attacked a rebel force at Linden, on the Tenn. river, capturing 35 prisoners, and destroying their camp and stores. 17. Richmond, Clay Co., Mo., was attacked by rebel troops, who captured 2 companies of the 25th Mo. 18. Vicksburg invested by the Union army. 18. Two companies of 2d Kansas artillery, Maj. Ward, defeated by rebels near Sherwood, Mo., and 26 of the soldiers killed, wounded, or taken prisoners. 18. Haines’ Bluff, on the Yazoo river, captured by Admiral Porter. 18. National troops fired into each other by mistake near Deserted House, Va. 3 killed and 4 wounded of the 170th N. Y. 19. Skirmish near Winchester, Va. Gen. Milroy’s Fed. cavalry killed 6 and captured 7 of the enemy. 19. Spanish steamer Union captured by U. S. gunboat Nashville. 20. Rebel rifle-pits on the north side of Vicksburg captured by Gen. Steele. 20. Skirmish by pickets between Fayetteville and Raleigh, Va. 20. Skirmish near Fort Gibson, Ark. Price’s troops defeated by Feds. under Col. Phillips. 20. Steamer Eagle captured near Nassau, N. P., by gunboat Octorora. 20. Two rebel regiments attacked at Middletown, Tenn., by Fed. cavalry under Gen. Stanley. The enemy routed, losing 8 killed, 90 pris. and 200 horses. 21. Richmond and Plattsburg, Mo., plundered by rebels. 21. Vicksburg fully invested by Union troops. 21. A rebel camp broken up near Middletown, Tenn., by 103d Ill. 11 rebels captured. 21. Port Hudson, Miss., besieged by Fed. troops under Gen. Banks, after sharp skirmishing with the enemy while marching from Baton Rouge. 22. Gen. Grant’s army repulsed with heavy loss in an attempt to storm the fortifications at Vicksburg. 22. Col. Kilpatrick’s Fed. cavalry returned to Gloucester Point, after a successful raid into Gloucester and Matthew counties, Va., destroying much property. 22–23. Col. Jones, 58th Pa., engaged and defeated the rebels at Gum Swamp, N. C., capturing 165 prisoners with military stores. Fed. loss, 2 killed, 6 wounded. 24. Austin, Miss., burned by Union forces under Gen. Ellet. 24. A Fed. wagon train with 30 colored troops was captured near Shawnee creek, Kansas. 24. Gen. Schofield appointed to supersede Gen. Curtis in command of the Department of the West. 24. Skirmish on the Mississippi river, 6 miles above Austria. Gen. Ellet’s marine brigade defeated a rebel force, who lost 5 killed, 3 prisoners. Union loss 2 killed, 19 wounded. 25. Skirmish near Hartford, Ky. 25. Skirmish at Senatobia, Miss. Col. McCrellis defeated a rebel force, who lost 6 killed and 3 wounded. 26. Col. Wilder’s Fed. regiment defeated Breckinridge’s cavalry near McMinnville, Tenn., and captured a number of prisoners. 25–27. Fed. gunboats under Lt. Walker, after capturing Haines’ Bluff, ascended to Yazoo City, Miss., and destroyed 3 rebel steamers and a large ram, not finished. Also the navy yard and naval stores. 26. Destruction of the U. S. gunboat Cincinnati by rebel batteries at Vicksburg. 35 of her crew killed and w. 27. Gen. Banks’ army defeated in an assault on the reb. works at Port Hudson. 27. Col. Cornyn’s Fed. command defeated Gen. Roddy’s troops at Florence, Ala., capturing 100 soldiers, 300 negroes, 400 mules, and destroying reb. property. 28. First colored regiment from the North left Boston. 28. The 8th Ill., Col. Clendenin, returned to the army of the Potomac from an expedition on the banks of the Rappahannock and Potomac rivers, below Fredericksburg, Va., having destroyed one million dollars of property, and brought into camp 810 negroes. 28. Wolford’s Fed. cavalry defeated near Somerset, Ky. 28. Skirmish near Doniphan, Mo. 13th Ill. cavalry, Major Lippert, defeated with loss of 80 of their number in killed, wounded, and missing. 29. Skirmish by 1st Vt. cavalry with Stuart’s cavalry, near Thoroughfare Gap, Va. 30. Rebel Col. Mosby, with 200 cavalry, after destroying a Government train at Catlett’s Station, Va., was overtaken near Greenwich by Col. Maur, of the 7th Mich. cavalry with N. Y. and Vt. troops, and dispersed with the loss of their cannon. Fed. loss, 17 killed and wounded. 30. A train of 16 cars from Alexandria, Va., was destroyed by rebel guerrillas near Warrenton Junction. 30. A rebel camp near Carthage, Tenn., surprised by the 26th Ohio, who captured 22 prisoners and 35 horses. 30. The town of Tappahannock, Va., captured by Fed. gunboats, who destroyed rebel stores. 31. Guerrillas defeated with the loss of 10 men by militia in Lincoln Co., Mo. 31. Fed. gunboat Alert exploded and sunk at Norfolk, Va. 31. Cavalry expedition captured 16 rebels near Monticello, Ky. 31. Successful raid of Col. Kilpatrick’s Fed. cavalry from Yorktown to Urbana, Va., bringing in 1000 negroes and 300 horses. =June 1.= Blair’s reconnaissance in search of Joe Johnston returns, having been unsuccessful. 1. Skirmishing in Howard Co., Mo. 2. 3,000 rebel prisoners arrive at Indianapolis, Ind. 2. Gen. Burnside prohibited the circulation in his Department of the _N. Y. World_ and the _Chicago Times_. 2. West Point, Va., evacuated by the Union troops. 3. Indian (rebel) prisoners arrive in New York. 3. New York Supreme Court decide against legal tender notes. 3. Mass convention of Peace Democrats at New York. 3. Admiral Foote ordered to relieve Admiral Dupont at Charleston. 3. Skirmish near Manchester, Tenn. 3. Bombardment of Port Hudson continued. 4. Rebel guerrillas defeated near Fairfax, Va. 4. Bluffton, S. C., burned by Union troops. 4. Fight at Satartia, Miss. 100 rebels taken by Gen. Kimball. 4. Simmonsport, La., destroyed by Federal gunboats. 4. Simultaneous attacks on the Federal garrisons at Franklin and Triune, Tenn., which were repulsed in both instances with severe loss to the rebels. 4. Col. Wilder’s mounted infantry broke up a rebel camp at Liberty, Tenn., capturing 62 men and their horses. 5. A division of Hooker’s army cross the Rappahannock and captured 96 prisoners. Fed. loss 35 in k. and w. 5. Raid to Warwick river, Va. Rebel boats destroyed. 6. Fight at Milliken’s Bend, Miss. Reb. Gen. McCullough, with 2,500 men, attacked 3 negro regiments and 23d Iowa. Heavy loss on both sides. Rebs. defeated. 8. District of the Frontier set off and given to Gen. Blunt. 8. 2 reb. spies shot at Franklin, Tenn. 8. Reconnoissance on the Chickahominy. 9. Explosion in Fort Lyon, near Alexandria, Va. 30 men killed. 9. Skirmish at Triune, Tenn. Rebels repulsed. 9. Severe cavalry fight at Beverly Ford, on the Rappahannock river, Va., in which Gen. Buford’s Fed. troops defeated Gen. Stuart’s command with heavy loss on both sides. 9. Gen. Carter’s Fed. troops defeated Gen. Pegram’s army at Monticello, Tenn. 10. An enrolling officer murdered at Manville, Ind. 10. Rebs. repulsed at Lake Providence by negro troops. 11. Preparations in Pa. to repel rebel invasion. 11. Rebel cavalry crossed the Potomac at Poolesville, Md., but were driven back. 11. Peace Democratic meeting in Brooklyn. 11. Vallandigham nominated for Governor of Ohio. 11. Lee’s army began to move up the Rappahannock. 11. Rebels attack Triune, Tenn., and are repulsed. 11. Steamer Maple Leaf, while conveying rebel officers as prisoners from Fortress Monroe to Fort Delaware, was seized, and 64 effected their escape. 11–16. Gen. Lee’s army crossed the Potomac, and invaded Md. and Pa. 13–20. Forced march of the army of the Potomac from the Rappahannock to Frederick, Md., in which many lives were lost from heat and exhaustion. 12. Union gunboats shell the shores of James river. 12. Darien, Ga., burned by Federalists. 12. Union cavalry captured near Port Hudson. 12. Skirmish near Middletown, Va. Rebels defeated. 12. Rebel privateer Clarence captured 6 vessels off the Chesapeake. 12. Attack on Morris Island by Fed. gunboats. 12. Rebels attack Fed. troops on Folly Island. 13. Rebels plunder a railroad train at Elizabethtown, Ky. 13. Skirmish on Slate creek, Ky. Union defeat. 13. Skirmish and rebel defeat near Boston, Ky. 14. Assault on Port Hudson by Gen. Banks’ troops, in which they were repulsed with heavy loss. 14. Capture of Winchester, Va., by reb. troops. Defeat of Gen. Milroy’s army, who lost 2,000 men, and all his artillery and stores. 14. English and Austrian consuls sent away from Richmond, Va. 14. Rebel raid upon Maysville, Ky. 15. President Lincoln calls for 100,000 men for six months from Pa., Md., W. Va., and Ohio, to resist invasion, which were promptly furnished. 15. Enrollment resisted in Boone Co., Ind. 15. The rebel troops who attacked Maysville were overtaken; their plunder and one hundred prisoners taken. 15. Rebel troops entered Chambersburg, Pa. 17. Severe cavalry skirmish near Aldie, Loudon Co., Va., in which the rebels were defeated with loss, and eighty-five taken prisoners. 17. Capture of rebel iron-clad ram Fingal, or Atlanta, by monitors Weehawken and Patapsco, in Warsaw Sound, S. C., 180 prisoners taken. 17. Cavalry fight at Thoroughfare Gap, Va. 17. Skirmish on the Blackwater. 17. Rioters in Holmes Co., Ohio, resist the enrollment. 17. Skirmish near Big Black Bridge, Miss. 17. Fight with guerrillas near Westport, Mo. 18. 1700 of Milroy’s men arrive safely at Bedford, Pa. 18. Skirmishing near Aldie. 18. Rebels burn canal boats at Hancock, Md. 18. Small skirmishes with Lee’s invaders in Maryland. 18. Union defeat near Hernando, Miss. 19. Rebel cavalry cross the Ohio into Harrison Co., Ind.; 50 of them captured. 20. Gen. Schenck suppresses disloyal papers in Baltimore. 20. Vicksburg bombarded. 20. N. Y. packet ship Isaac Webb captured by rebel steamer Tacony, and released on bond. 21. Gen. Pleasanton’s cavalry engaged rebel cavalry near Middleburg, Va. Feds. victorious, capturing 80, and killing or wounding 150 of the enemy. 21. Brilliant cavalry fight, and rebels whipped at Aldie Gap. 21. Skirmish near New Baltimore. Union repulse. 21. Skirmish at Low Creek, W. Va. Rebels beaten. 21. Rebs. defeated at Lafourche crossing, La. 22. Skirmish at Frederick, Md. Rebs. driven out. 22–23. Twelve fishing vessels destroyed off Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., by rebel steamer Tacony. 23. Col. S. H. Saunders arrived at Boston, Ky., with his command, after a successful raid into E. Tenn., having destroyed the railroads and bridges in many places, and captured several cannon, 1,000 stand of arms, and 500 prisoners. 23. Skirmish near Gettysburg. 23. Gunboat Sumter sunk by accident off Cape Henry. 24. Rebels advance to Shippensburg and Hagerstown. 24. Union raid force returned from N. Miss., after much success. 24. Gen. Rosecrans’ army in motion. Skirmishes at Guy’s Gap and Liberty Pike. 24. Col. Hoover’s mounted infantry defeated the rebels at Hoover’s Gap, Tenn., routing them with heavy loss. Fed. loss, 45 killed and wounded. 24. Gen. Willich’s Fed. brigade defeated rebels at Liberty Gap, Tenn. Fed. loss, 50. The fight renewed next day, and rebs. defeated with severe loss. Fed. loss, 40 killed, 100 wounded. 25. Rebels near Carlisle, Pa. 26. Rebels occupy Gettysburg. 26. Unionists evacuate Carlisle. 26. Skirmish at South Anna, Va. Gen. W. F. Lee (rebel) and 110 men, 300 horses, and 35 wagons captured by Col. Spear, 11th Pa. cavalry. 26. Death of Admiral Foote. 26. Rebels occupy York and threaten Harrisburg. 26. The inhabitants of York, Pa., were levied on by rebel Gen. Ewell for large sums of money, clothing, and provisions. 26. Gen. Meade superseded General Hooker in command of the army of the Potomac. 27. The Potomac army northwest of Baltimore. 27. Cavalry fight at Fairfax. Union defeat. 27. Rosecrans’ army occupy Manchester, Tenn., after slight resistance. Also, Shelbyville. 28. Rebels capture a train near Rockville, Va., with 150 wagons and 900 mules. Also, sutler’s stores at Annandale, Va. 28. Skirmish at Columbia bridge, on the Susquehannah, Pa. 200 of Col. Frick’s Fed. troops captured. 28. Enrollment in Indiana enforced by military. 28. Rebels defeated at Donaldsville, La. 29. Rebels driven from Decherd, Tenn. 30. Mines exploded and rebel outworks breached at Vicksburg. 30. Cavalry fight at Hanover. =July 1.= Rebels repulsed in attack on Carlisle, Pa. 1. First conflict at Gettysburg. Rebel advance checked. Gen. Reynolds k. 1. Bragg retreats before Rosecrans. Tullahoma occupied by Fed. advance. 1. Engagement at Hanover Junction, Pa., between Gen. Pleasanton’s Fed. cavalry and Gen. Stuart’s forces. Rebs. defeated. 2. Skirmish at Bottom’s Bridge, Va. 2–3. Defeat of rebel Gen. Lee’s army, near Gettysburg, Pa., by Gen. Meade’s army, after a sanguinary conflict, in which 40,000 men were k. or w. 4. Surrender of Vicksburg, Miss., to Gen. Grant, with 30,000 men, under Gen. Pemberton, and a large supply of arms and ammunition. The rebel army was paroled. 4. Assault on Helena, Ark., by rebel Gens. Marmaduke, Price and Holmes, with 6,000 men, who were signally defeated by Gen. Prentiss’s garrison, who took 1,000 prisoners, and killed or wounded 500 of the enemy. 3–10. Raid of Gen. Morgan into Ind., destroying a large amount of property. 5. Rear-guard of Gen. Johnston’s army, numbering 4,000 men, captured by Gen. Grant’s forces, near Bolton, Miss. 5. Vallandigham arrives at Halifax. 5. Raid from Newbern to Warsaw, N.C. 7. Great excitement in Louisville. Morgan said to be coming. 7. Two steamboats captured by rebels at Brandenburg, Ky. 7. Bragg retreats across the Tennessee, destroying the Bridgeport bridge. 8. Surrender of Port Hudson, Miss., with its garrison of 5,500 men, under Gen. Gardner, to Gen. Banks. 8. Cavalry skirmish near Boonsboro, Md. 10. Gilmore lands on Morris Island, taking all the rebel works except Forts Wagner and Gregg, which are shelled by the monitors. 10. Union forces occupy Jackson, Miss. 10. Rebels defeated at Big creek, Ark. 10. Cavalry fight on the old Antietam field. 10. Lee in fortifications opposite Williamsport. 10. Morgan burns depot at Salem, Ind. 11. Morgan burns railroad bridge at Vienna, Ind. 11. Repulse of Gen. Gilmore’s forces assaulting Fort Wagner, S. C. 12. Col. Hatch’s 2d Iowa cavalry defeated a body of rebel cavalry near Jackson, Miss. Fed. loss, 13 killed and wounded. Rebel loss, 175 killed and wounded, and 400 conscripts released. 12. Morgan gets into Ohio. 12. Martial law in Cincinnati, Newport and Covington. 12. Fight at Jackson, Miss. 13–17. Great Draft Riot in New York. 25 or 30 buildings destroyed. The _Tribune_ office assailed. Colored Orphan Asylum burned, several negroes killed, and 120 stores and dwellings were sacked by the mob. The city railroads were stopped, and all the principal factories and shops compelled to suspend work for several days. The disturbance was quelled by the military and police, after 25 of the military and officers were killed or seriously wounded, and 150 of the rioters. 12. Gen. Laumann’s division of Gen. Sherman’s army corps incautiously advanced to an exposed position in front of the rebel works at Jackson, Miss., and lost 300 men in killed and wounded. 12. Yazoo City taken by Fed. troops. 12. Union defeat at Bayou Lafourche, La. 210 taken prisoners. 12. Lee’s army crosses the Potomac. 14. Fight at Falling Waters, Va. Gen. Kilpatrick’s cavalry attacked a reb. force of infantry, artillery, and horse, defeating them, and capturing 1,300 prisoners, and killing and wounding 130. Fed. loss, 29 killed, 36 wounded. 15. Cav. skirmish near Charlestown, Va. 15. Draft riots in Troy and Boston. 15. A universal conscription of all the white men in the Confederate States between the ages of 18 and 45, subject to military duty, ordered by Jeff. Davis. 16. Rebels defeated near Fort Gibson, Ark. 16. Rebel dash upon Hickman, Ky. 17. Orders given to enforce the draft at all hazards. 17. Huntsville, Ala., taken by Union troops. 17. Rebels evacuate Jackson, Miss., which was occupied by Gen. Sherman’s forces after severe fighting for 4 days with Johnston’s army. 17. Defeat of rebel Gen. Cooper’s army at Elk creek, Ark., by Gen. Blunt’s forces. Rebel loss, 400 killed or wounded, 60 prisoners. Federal loss, 10 killed and 25 wounded. 18. Raid from Newbern into N. C. 18. 400 rebels captured at Rienzi, Miss. 18–19. Bombardment and assault on Fort Wagner, S. C., in which Gen. Gilmore’s troops were repulsed, with the loss of 700 men, k., w. and missing. 19. Engagement at Wytheville, W. Va., by Fed. cavalry under Cols. Tolland and Powell, who destroyed the Va. and Tenn. railroad and defeated the rebel force. Fed. loss, 65 killed and wounded. Rebel loss, 75 killed, and 150 prisoners. 19. Fighting with Morgan at Buffington Island. 300 of his men taken. 20. Basil Duke and a portion of Morgan’s force taken near Pomeroy, O. 21. Joe Johnston retreats to Brandon, Miss. 21. Union raid to Tar river and Rocky Mount, N. C. 22. Skirmish near Nolan’s Ferry on the Potomac. 22. Skirmish at Chester Gap, Va. by Gen. Spinola’s Fed. brigade. 22. Brashear City, La., recaptured by Union gunboats. 23. Engagement at Manassas Gap, Va. 300 rebels killed or wounded, 60 pris. 24. Skirmish with Morgans men at Washington, O. 25. The furloughs granted to the majority of rebel paroled prisoners at Vicksburg, rescinded by Gen. Pemberton, and the men ordered to report at headquarters within 15 or 20 days. 26. Rebs. defeated at Lexington, Tenn. 26. Capture of Gen. Morgan with the remainder of his cavalry (400) near New Lisbon, O., by Col. Shackleford. 27. Rebels drive Union forces out of Richmond, Ky. 28. Death of Senator W. L. Yancey, near Montgomery, Ala. 29. Capture of 29 wagons with sutlers’ stores at Fairfax Court House, Va., by Mosby’s guerrillas, which were recaptured by 2d Mass. cavalry on the next day. 29. Defeat of Gens. Pegram’s and Scott’s rebel forces while attacking Fed. troops at Paris, Ky. 30. Death of Brig.-Gen. Strong, in New York, from wounds received in the attack on Fort Wagner, S. C., July 19. 30. Pres. Lincoln by proclamation, ordered the imprisonment at hard labor of rebel prisoners, in retaliation for violation of the laws of war toward colored soldiers. 31. Lee’s and Meade’s armies again on the Rappahannock. 31. Rebels take Stanford, Ky., but are quickly driven out. =Aug. 1.= Severe engagement near Culpepper, Va., by Fed. cavalry, infantry, and artillery, under Gen. Buford, with a similar reb. force, in which the loss was heavy on both sides. 1. 60 wagons loaded with forage were burned by rebs. at Stamford, Ky. 1. Reb. Col. Ashby and 350 men were captured near the Cumberland river, Ky., by Col. Sanders. 2. The Enfans Perdus, of N. Y., capture 500 rebs. at Folly Island. 3. Skirmish near Kelly’s Ford. 4. Steamer Ruth accidentally burned below Cairo. 4. Skirmish near Brandy Station. 4. Reconnoissance up the James river, Va., by monitor Sangamon, gunboat Com. Barney, and tug Cohasset. The vessels met with a severe fire from the enemy’s troops lining the banks, but returned with slight loss of life; the Barney badly injured. 5. Union raid upon Woodville, Miss. 6. Gen. Sibley reported 3 battles, and defeat of hostile Indians in Minnesota. 6. A day appointed by Pres. Lincoln for National thanksgiving and praise, in gratitude for signal victories obtained by the Fed. armies. 10. Admiral Farragut arrived with his flagship at N. Y. 12. Robert Toombs publishes a letter of this date exposing the bankruptcy of the Confederacy. 14. Several Union signal officers captured near Warrenton, Va. 14. Gen. Gilmore tried the range of his heavy guns toward Fort Sumter. 15. Union cavalry returned to Corinth, Miss., with 250 prisoners just conscripted by Forrest. 16. Explosion of the “City of Madison,” ammunition boat at Vicksburg; about 150 men killed. 16. Severe bombardment of Fort Sumter by the monitors and Fed. batteries on Morris Isl. Com. Rogers killed on board the Catskill. 17. Great destruction of railroad property and ordnance stores at Granada, Miss., by Federal troops under Col. Phillips. 18. Union raid in North Carolina. 30 rebs. killed near Pasquotank. 19. Union raid upon Grenada, Miss. Great destruction of railroad property. 19. Recommencement of the draft in the city of N. Y., which had been suspended owing to the riot a month previous. 10,000 Fed. troops were stationed in the vicinity of the city, during the drawing, which was completed Aug. 28. 20. The town of Lawrence, Kansas, was sacked by rebs. under Quantrell. 130 citizens murdered, and a large portion of the town burned. Quantrell’s band was pursued by Fed. troops, and over 100 of them killed. 21. Brig Bainbridge foundered. Only 1 man saved. 21. Chattanooga, Ala., besieged by Gen. Rosecrans’ army. 22. A raid to Pocahontas, Ark. 100 rebs. captured, including Gen. Jeff. C. Thompson and staff. 22. Charleston, S. C., shelled by rebel batteries on Morris Isl. 23. Gen. Blunt crosses Ark. river. Rebs. fall back without fighting. 24. Cavalry skirmish below Fredericksburg, Va. 24. A squad of Union cavalry captur’d near Annandale. 24. Cavalry skirmish near Fairfax, Va. 25. U. S. gunboats Satellite and Reliance captured by rebs. at the mouth of the Rappahannock, Va. 25. Rebs. under Price and Marmaduke defeated at Bayou Metiare, Ark. 26. Union expedition to Bottom’s Bridge, Va.; rebs. defeated and bridge destroyed. 27. John B. Floyd died at Abingdon, Va. 27. Belle Boyd, a reb. spy, arrested in Va. 27. An army train captured near Philippi, W. Va., by rebs. 28. Union camp captured at Edwards’ Ferry, Va. 28. Fight near Warm Springs, Va. Reb. loss 200. 29. 5 deserters shot in the Army of the Potomac. 30. Rosecrans’ army crossed the Tennessee near Chattanooga. 31. Swarms of guerrillas in Western Tenn., and on both sides of the Miss. riv’r, down to Baton Rouge. 31. Fort Smith, Ark., taken by Gen. Blunt. =Sept. 1.= Union expedition in W. Va., under Gen. Averill, returns after general success. 1. Knoxville, Tenn., occupied by the advance of Gen. Burnside’s army. 1. Rebel raid upon Brownsville, Tenn. The place plundered. 2. Skirmish at the Holston river bridge on the E. Tenn. and Ga. railroad. The bridge burnt by Gen. Burnside’s troops. 2. Gunboats Satellite and Reliance, lately taken by the rebels, destroyed by a Union force. 3. Kingston, Tenn., taken by Burnside. 3. Gen. Sully’s Fed. troops defeated Indians at Whitestone Hall, on the upper Missouri, many of whom were killed, and 156 taken prisoners. Fed. loss, 20 killed, and 38 wounded. 4. Enthusiastic reception of General Burnside and his army by the inhabitants of Knoxville, Tenn. 5. Skirmish near Moorfield, W. Va. No loss. 5. Woman’s bread riot in Mobile. 7. Gen. Burnside tendered his resignation, which was not accepted. 7. A magazine exploded in Fort Moultrie by Union shells. 7. Morris Island was evacuated by reb. forces, and Fort Wagner and Battery Gregg were seized by Gen. Gilmore, who took 75 prisoners, and 19 pieces of artillery. 7. An assault was made on Fort Sumter by 450 men in 20 boats from the Fed. fleet, under Commander T. H. Stevens. The sailors were defeated with the loss of 114 men. 8. The gunboats Clifton and Sachem attached to an expedition under General Franklin, grounded on the bar at Sabine Pass, Texas, and were captured by the enemy. 8. Skirmish at Bath, Va. 8. Rebels defeated near Arkadelphia, Ark. 9. Union defeat at Tilford, Tenn. 300 captured. 9. Surrender of Cumberland Gap, Tenn., to Gen. Burnside, with 2,000 prisoners, and a large supply of army stores. 9. Cavalry skirmish at Alpines, near Chattanooga, Tenn. 4 Feds. killed, and 12 wounded. 9. Chattanooga occupied by Gen. Crittenden’s corps of Rosecrans’ army. 10. Little Rock, Ark., captured by Fed. troops under Gen. Steele, and Gen. Davidson appointed military commander. 12. Gen. Negley’s division was attacked and driven through one of the gaps of Pidgeon Mountain, Tenn., by the troops of Witters and Stuart, of Bragg’s army. Fed. loss in killed and wounded, 40. 12. Union cavalry raid into Miss’ppi. 12. Sabine Pass expedition returns to N. O., having utterly failed. 13. Cavalry fight beyond Culpepper. 40 rebels and 2 guns taken. Gen. Pleasanton advanced to the Rapidan. 13. Rebel works at Grant’s Pass, near Mobile, shelled. 14. Arkansas being rapidly cleared of rebels by Gen. Blunt. 15. The President suspended the writ of habeas corpus. 16. Skirmish along Rosecrans’ lines. Little damage. 17. Cavalry fight at Raccoon Ford. Union repulse. 18. White’s rebel cavalry routed at Warrenton, Va. 18. Fight at Reid’s bridge on the Chickamauga creek, Tenn. Cols. Minty and Wilder’s troops were driven back by rebel infantry. 19. Battle of Chickamauga commences. 20. Battle of Chickamauga rages furiously. Union army defeated. 20. Fight at Zollicoffer, Tenn. 21. At night Rosecrans’ army withdrew from Chickamauga to Chattanooga. Bragg did not follow. 21. Madison C. H., Va., occupied by Gen. Meade’s cavalry. 21. The rebels seized a steam-tug at Southwest Pass, but it was rescued by Union troops. 22. Cavalry fight and Union victory at Madison C. H., Va. 22. Confederate cavalry crossed the Potomac near Rockville, but were driven back. 23. Meade’s army reached the Rapidan. 23. 1,200 rebel prisoners who were captured at Cumberland Gap, arrived at Louisville. 25. Mosby breaks the railroad near Fairfax. 25. Rebels driven out of Donaldsonville, La. 27. Steamer Robert Campbell burned by rebels at Milliken’s Bend. 25 lives lost. 28. Rebels attack Burnside’s right wing near Knoxville, but are repulsed. 20. Gen. Hooker arrives in Cincinnati. 29. Two Union regiments defeated above Port Hudson, La, 30. Delegation from Missouri visit the President to ask a change of commander in the Western Department, 30. Rebel cavalry repulsed in trying to cross the Tennessee near Harrison’s Landing. =Oct. 1.= Frequent skirmishes with guerrillas south of the Potomac. 2. Battle at Anderson’s Cross-roads, Ky. Rebel cavalry whipped. 2. Explosion of an ammunition train near Bridgeport, Tenn. 2. Gen. Gillmore moves his headquarters to Folly Island. 3. Fight at McMinnville, Tenn. 3. Greek fire thrown into Charleston. 3. Guerrillas active near Glasgow, Ky. 4. Four steamers burned at St. Louis by rebel incendiaries. 4. Expedition from Fortress Monroe to break up guerrilla bands. 4. Rebels attempt to destroy Shelbyville, Tenn. 5. Rebels destroy a large railroad bridge south of Murfreesboro’ 5. The rebels bombard Chattanooga from Lookout Mountain. 5. Cavalry fight near New Albany, Ala. 5. Rebels repulsed in an attack on Murfreesboro’. 6. Rebels whipped near Shelbyville, Tenn. 6. Skirmish at Como, Tenn. 6. Rebels attempt to destroy the New Ironsides with a torpedo. They fail; their men taken. 7. Federal cavalry ambuscaded near Harper’s Ferry by Imboden. 7. Part of Gen. Blunt’s escort whipped by the rebels near Fort Scott. All who surrendered were murdered. 7. Rebel steamers destroyed on Red river. 8. Coffee and Shelby, with rebel guerrillas, plundering in Central Missouri. 8. Fight near Farmingham, Ky. Rebs. defeated. 8. Fight at Salem, Miss. Rebels driven off. 9. Rebels make great efforts to cut Rosecrans’ communications, but fail. 9. The overland Texas expedition from New Orleans reaches Vermillionville. 10. Skirmish near Madison Court House, Va. 10. Fight at Blue Springs, near Knoxville. 10. Union raiding expedition, under Col. S. H. Mix, leave Newbern, N. C. Return in a few days entirely successful. 11. About this time much fighting along the Memphis and Charleston railroad. Rebels generally defeated. 12. Skirmishing along the lines on the Rappahannock. Gen. Meade withdraws all his army to the north bank. 12. Skirmish at Blackwater, Mo. 12. Fight at White Sulphur Springs, Va. 13. Skirmish at Arrow Rock, Mo. 13. Brisk fight from Catlett’s Station to Manassas. 13. Rebels under Shelby, in Missouri, defeated by Gen. Brown. 13. Skirmish on the Big Black, below Vicksburg. 14. Fight at Bristow Station. Rebels defeated. 450 taken prisoners. 15. Skirmishing on the Bull Run battle-field. 15. 300,000 volunteers were called for by the President, the men to receive all government bounties. A draft was ordered, at the same time, for the deficiency in any State quota on January 5, 1864. 16. Rebel raid upon Brownsville, Mo. 16. The Department of the Tennessee, the Cumberland, and the Ohio were formed into the Military Division of the Mississippi, and Maj.-Gen. U. S. Grant appointed the commander. 17. Active volunteering for the Union army in Arkansas. 18. Skirmishing near Stone Bridge and Manassas Junction. 18. Jim Keller, a noted guerrilla, taken near Sharpsburg, Ky., and shot. 19. Lee recrosses the Rappahannock, and marches southward. 19. Secret meetings in New Orleans to revive the rebel State government. 20. Gen. Rosecrans relieved. Gen. Grant takes command. 20. Gen. Blunt relieved of Army of the Frontier, Gen. McNeil taking his place. 20. Kilpatrick’s cavalry on a raid toward Warrenton. 21. Fight near Philadelphia, East Tennessee. 21. Fight at Cherokee Station, near Corinth, Miss. Rebels defeated. 22. Skirmishes at Columbia and Kingston Spring, Tenn. 22. Gen. Averill’s Union cavalry near Covington, Va. 23. Rebel raid upon Danville, Tenn. 23. Fighting at Beverly Ford, on the Rappahannock. 23. Unionists land at Bay St. Louis, Miss., and recapture some prisoners. 24. Guerrillas driven out of S. Mo. 25. Whole of 1st Ala. cavalry said to have been captured near Tolanda, Miss., about this date. 26. Grant starts his movement upon Lookout Mountain. A flanking force crosses the river. 27. Hooker defeats the rebels at Brown’s Ferry. 27. Arkadelphia, Ark., occupied by Union forces about this date. 28. Flanking and capture of Lookout Mountain. It is soon after abandoned, and reoccupied by the rebels. 29. Union prisoners from Richmond, in a state of starvation, arrive at Annapolis. Some die on the trip from Fortress Monroe. 29. 60 rebels taken near Columbia, Tenn. 30. Charleston, Mo., robbed by guerrillas. 30. Guerrillas routed near Piney Factory, Tenn. 30. Burnside’s forces cross the river at Knoxville, and occupy Loudon Heights. 30. Heavy bombardment of Charleston, S. C. 31. Banks’ expedition lands at Brazos Island. 31. Plot in Ohio to overthrow the government comes to light. 31. Rebel cavalry repulsed at Warrenton. 31. Gen. Hooker wins an important victory at Shell Mound, Tenn. 31. Fight at Leiper’s Ferry, Tenn. =Nov. 1.= Much anxiety in Richmond about food. 1. Union raid in N. Ala. They reach Florence. 1. Skirmish near Washington, N. C. 1. Collision on Opelousas railroad. 16 soldiers killed and 65 wounded. 2. Rebels routed at Roan Springs, Tenn. 2. Rebels capture 2 trains and destroy railroad, near Mayfield, Ky. 2. Unsuccessful attempt upon Sumter by a boat expedition. 3. Rebel cavalry defeated near Columbia, Tenn. 3. Rebels defeated at Colliersville, Tenn. Their Brig.-Gen. Geary captured. 3. Gen. Washburne’s advance attacked. 4. Banks’ expedition take peaceable possession of Brownsville, on the Rio Grande. 4. E. Tenn. said to be clear of rebs. 5. Rebels continue to shell Chattanooga. 5. Skirmish at Motley’s Ford, E. Tenn. 5. Union camp at Rogersville, E. Tenn., surprised, and 4 guns and nearly 800 men taken. 6. Guerrillas plunder Blandville, Ky. 6. Much excitement about the starvation of Union prisoners at Richmond. 7. Meade’s army begins an advance. Sharp fighting at Kelly’s Ford and Rappahannock Station. The rebels driven across the river. 7. Rebels break up the Memphis and Charleston railroad near Salisbury. 7. Rebels defeated at Lewisburg, W. Va. 8. Meade advances, the rebels retiring toward Gordonsville. 8. Successful reconnoissance returns from Chowan river, N. C. 8. Banks’ expedition in possession of Brazos, Bienville, and Point Isabel. 9. Skirmish near Culpepper. Meade’s army in line of battle all day. Lee declines a fight. 9. Rebel dash upon Bayou Sara, La. 9. Fight on the Little Tenn. A rebel regiment repulsed with 50 killed and 40 prisoners. 10. Skirmishing near Culpepper. 10. Rebels concentrate along the south bank of the Rapidan. 10. Supposed conspiracy in Canada to set free rebel prisoners on Johnson’s Island. 11. Charleston and Fort Sumter regularly shelled day by day. 12. Union meeting held in Arkansas. Rebellion dying out. 13. Rebel foray across the Potomac at Edward’s Ferry. 14. Longstreet crosses the Tenn., and attacks Burnside, who retires toward his works at Knoxville. 14. Banks captures Corpus Christi Pass. 15. Reconnoissance and skirmish on the Rapidan. 15. Skirmish near Holston, Tenn. Burnside falls back to Lenoir. 16. Gen. Sherman’s corps forms a junction with Thomas at Chattanooga. 16. Fighting near Mount Jackson, Va. 16. Burnside falls back to Bell’s Sta’n. 17. Seabrook Island occupied by Gillmore. 17. Charleston again shelled. 17. Burnside reaches Knoxville. 18. Skirmish at Germania Ford, Va. 18. Capture of Mustang Island by Gen. Banks. 19. Gettysburg Cemetery dedicated. 19. Fighting at Knoxville. 20. Mosby’s guerrillas, in Union uniform, attempt to capture Fed. forces at Bealton, Va. The trick discovered in time. 21. Skirmishing along Burnside’s and Longstreet’s lines. 22. A portion of Knoxville burned. The city closely invested by Longstreet. 22. Successful scouting by negro troops at Pocotaligo, S. C. A grandson of John C. Calhoun killed. 23. Reconnoissance in force by Gen. Thomas. Rebels driven back. 23. Guerrillas whipped in Loudon Co., Va. 24. Storming and capture of Lookout Mountain. Hooker’s “fight above the clouds.” Defeat of Bragg. 24. Skirmishing near Knoxville. 25. Capture of Missionary Ridge. Bragg’s army routed and driven back toward Ringgold. 25. Colored troops doing good service in N. C. 25. Rebel cavalry repulsed at Kingston, Tenn. 26. Bragg’s army pursued by Fed. victorious troops. 26. Meade’s army crosses the Rapidan with no serious opposition. 27. Brisk skirmishing between Meade and Lee. Heavy fighting on the left. 27. Wheeler’s rebel cavalry whipped at Cleveland, Tenn. 27. Mosby captures part of one of Meade’s trains. 28. John Morgan and 6 of his officers escape from the Ohio penitentiary. 28. A rebel battery discovered, built behind the Moultrie House while they kept a hospital flag flying from the roof. 29. Siege of Charleston progresses regularly. 29. Longstreet attacks Knoxville, and is beaten after a heavy battle. =Dec. 1.= Hooker retires from Ringgold, and Army of the Cumberland again concentrates at Chattanooga. 1. Meade recrosses the Rapidan. 2. Bragg superseded by Hardee in command of the rebel army in Georgia. 3. Union cavalry make a foray toward Canton, Miss. 3. Sherman’s cavalry near Knoxville. 4. Longstreet raises the siege of Knoxville, Tenn., and retreats toward Va. 6. Chesapeake, steamer, seized by reb. pirates on board, engineer shot, and crew landed at St. Johns. 6. The monitor Weehawken founders at Charleston harbor, with all on board. 7. Jefferson Davis issues his annual message. 7. U. S. Congress reassembles. 8. Pres. Lincoln issues his Message and Proclamation of Amnesty. 11. Fort Sumter vigorously bombarded and partly set on fire. 14. Bean Station, Va. Longstreet attacks Union cavalry under Shackleford. Rebels lose 800 killed and wounded. Union loss, 200. 15–20. Extensive destruction of salt-works by vessels from the Eastern Gulf Squadron in West Bay, St. Andrews Sound, Fla. Property of the value of $3,000,000 destroyed. 16. Maj.-Gen. John Buford died at Washington. 16. Averill destroys 15 miles of Va. and Tenn. railroad. 17. Rebel cavalry attack Meade’s communications at Sangster’s, and are repulsed. 17. Com. G. J. Van Brunt died at Dedham, Mass., aged 64. 17. The Chesapeake recaptured in Sambro Harbor by the Ella and Annie. All of the crew but 3 escape. 18. Col. Phillips, with Indian brigade beats and scatters Quantrell’s force near Fort Gibson, killing 50. 19. Fort Gibson, Ark., attacked by Standthwaite with 1,600 men. Standthwaite repulsed. 22. Gen. Corcoran killed by a fall from his horse. 22. An expedition from Beaufort starts inland under Gen. Seymour. 22. An expedition of 1 white and 3 colored regiments, starts for Red river from Port Hudson, under Gen. Ullman. 23. Longstreet’s soldiers are deserting 20 to 50 per day. 23. Union raid on Luray. Large quantities of leather, bacon, &c., captured. 23. Ferryboat at Memphis attacked by guerrillas who killed the captain. The boat escaped. 24. Choctaw Indians and their Chief abandon the rebel cause. 24. Reeves, with 150 guerrillas, surprises Centreville, Mo., and captures garrison of 50 men, 3d M. S. M. 24. Legareville, S. C., attacked by rebs., who are driven off. 25. Fight between the gunboat Marblehead, and rebel batteries on Stone river, S. C. Rebels defeated. Fed. loss, 3 killed, 4 wounded. 25. At Pulaski, Tenn., 50 of Forrest’s guerrillas captured by Gen. Dodge. 25. Gen. Sullivan’s expedition from Harper’s Ferry returns with 100 prisoners and 100 horses. 25. Gen. Banks establishes Department of the Frontier on the Rio Grande. 25. British bark Circassian seized in North river by U. S. Marshal. 26. Dr. Segar, Mr. Perez, and Mr. Carter sent to Fort Lafayette for smuggling arms to rebels. 26. The Dictator, turreted iron-clad, launched at New York. 26. At Charleston, Tenn., rebel Gen. Wheeler, with 1,500 men attacks Colonel Liebert and supply train; captures the latter. Col. Long reinforces Liebert and rebels are beaten, losing 121 prisoners. 29. Part of Union train captured by rebels at Williamsport, Va. 30. Great naval expedition leaves N. O., supposed for Mobile. 31. McChesney’s expedition meets rebels near Washington, N. C., routs them, kills a lieut. and 5 men, captures 1 cannon and 10 men. =1864.—Jan. 1.= ARMY CORPS COMMANDERS—GENERALS. 1st. John Newton. 2d. W. S. Hancock. 3d. W. H. French. 4th. Gordon Granger. 5th. George Sykes. 6th. John Sedgwick. 7th. Consolidated with others. 8th. H. H. Lockwood. 9th. A. E. Burnside. 10th. Q. A. Gilmore. 11th. O. O. Howard. 12th. H. W. Slocum. 13th. E. O. C. Ord. 14th. John M. Palmer. 15th. John A. Logan. 16th. S. A. Hurlbut. 17th. J. B. McPherson. 18th. B. F. Butler. 19th. W. B. Franklin. 20th. } Consolidated to 21st. } form the 4th. 22d. S. P. Heintzelman. 23d. G. L. Hartsuff. Cavalry Corps—George Stoneman. DEPARTMENT COMMANDERS. Dep’tm’t of the Tenn.—Maj.-Gen. W. T. Sherman. „ the Cumberland—Maj.-Gen. Geo. H. Thomas. „ the Ohio—Maj.-Gen. J. T. Foster. „ the East—Maj.-Gen. John A. Dix. „ the Gulf—Maj.-Gen. N. P. Banks. „ N. C. and Va.—Maj.-Gen. B. F. Butler. „ the Northwest—Maj.-Gen. John Pope. „ Washington—Maj.-Gen. S. P. Heintzelman. „ the Monongahela—Maj.-Gen. W. T. Brooks. „ the Susquehanna—Maj.-Gen. D. N. Couch. „ Western Virginia—Brig.-Gen. B. F. Kelly. „ New Mexico—Brig.-Gen. J. H. Carleton. „ the Pacific—Brig.-Gen. George Wright. „ Kansas—Maj.-Gen. James G. Blunt. „ Middle Department—Brig.-Gen. Lockwood. „ the South—Maj.-Gen. Q. A. Gilmore. „ Missouri—Maj.-Gen. John M. Schofield. 1. Gov. Bramlette of Ky., ordered the arrest of 5 rebel sympathizers for every loyal man captured by rebel guerrillas. 1. Arrest of a contractor of the Confederate government in New York who was engaged in manufacturing notes and bonds. The plates and engraving tools seized, and $7,000,000 in notes and bonds. 1. Departure of a Fed. cavalry reconnoissance to Front Royal, Va. 1. Fed. pickets driven in at Winchester, Va. 2. Gen. Curtis took command of Kansas Military Department. 2. A Fed. train attacked near Moorfield, Va. Rebels defeated, losing 13 killed, and 20 wounded. 3. Fight at Jonesville, Va. 60 Fed. troops killed or wounded, and 300 captured. 3. Death of Archbishop Hughes, in New York. 4. Gen. Grierson pursuing Forrest’s rebel troops south of Coldwater, Miss. 4. Trial of the crew of the Chesapeake for piracy. 5. Gen. Stoneman made Chief of cavalry under Gen. Grant. 6. Marmaduke and Price at Arkadelphia, Ark., with 7,000 men. 6. Skirmish at Newtown, W. Va. 6. Gen. Kirby Smith takes command of rebels west of Mississippi river. 7. Death of Caleb B. Smith, U. S. Secretary of the Interior. 7. Gen. Grant made Maj.-Gen. in the regular army. 7. Gen. Thomas made Brigadier in the regular army. 8. Gens. Meade and Sherman made Brigadiers in the regular army. 8. Petersburg, Va., attacked by rebels under Fitz Hugh Lee, who were driven off. 8. Chase and destruction of the Anglorebel steamer Dare. 8. Death of Com. Stover, U. S. navy. 9. Madisonville and St. Francisburg, La., occupied by Fed. troops. 9. Gen. Wild’s colored troops made a raid into N. C., releasing 3,000 slaves, and capturing or destroying an immense quantity of stores. 10. Gen. Rousseau left Decatur, Ala., for a raid in the rear of Gen. Hood’s reb. army. 10. A severe fight at Strawberry Plains, E. Tenn. Rebels repulsed with severe loss. 10. A battalion of Cole’s Md. cavalry attacked by rebels under Mosby, in Loudon Co., Va. Rebels defeated. 11. Madisonville, La., captured by Fed. troops. 11. Longstreet’s rebel army fortifying Bull Gap, Tenn. 11. Capture of rebel salt-works at Tampa Bay, Fla. 11. Battle at Smithfield, Va. Federal troops defeated. 11. Gunboat Iron Age aground and under reb. fire in Wilmington Harbor. 12. Raid by Fed. troops under Gen. Marston in Westmoreland Co., Va. Much property destroyed. 12. Rebel cavalry defeated at Mossy Creek, Tenn., by Gen. McCook’s troops, who killed 14 and took 49 prisoners. 13. Gen. Herron’s troops crossed the Rio Grande into Mexico, and escorted the American Consul to Brownsville with $2,000,000, belonging to Americans and the Government. 14. Fed. pickets at Three Mile Station, Va., attacked by rebel cavalry, who were repulsed. 14. A Fed. train of 23 wagons captured near Tenisville, Tenn., by rebels under Gen. Vance, who are pursued by Col. Palmer, who retook the wagons, and captured the rebel general, and a portion of his force. 14. Rebel steamer Mayflower captured in Sarasote Pass, Fla. 14. Skirmish at Bainbridge, Tenn. 14. The American ship Emma Jane captured by the Alabama, off Trivandrum, while on her way from Bombay to Mouhnein. 17. Fight near Dandridge, Tenn. National troops defeated, losing 150 killed or wounded. 17. Longstreet’s force moving towards Knoxville, Tenn. 17. Rebels attack Union lines at Bainbridge, Tenn., but are defeated with heavy loss. 18. Gen. Butler pronounced an outlaw by rebel Congress. 19. Gen. Sturgis’ Fed. troops retreated from Strawberry Plains to Knoxville. 19. Mosby defeated at Thoroughfare Gap, Va., by 1st Mass. cavalry. 20. Guerrillas attacked Col. Sweitzer’s brigade of 5th Corps, and were repulsed, leaving 8 dead on the field. 21. Extensive conflagration of hospital buildings at Camp Winder, near Richmond, Va. 21. A large number of rebel deserters arrive at Chattanooga. 23. Brandon, Va., on the James river, destroyed by Fed. troops, who captured 100 negroes, and much rebel property. 23. Union raid to Lake Phelps, N. C. 200,000 lbs. of pork destroyed. 23. Rebel Gen. Rhoddy driven south of Tenn. river, by Col. Phillips, with loss of his train, 200 cattle, 600 sheep and 100 horses and mules. 25. Athens, Ala., attacked by 600 rebs. under Col. Harrison, who were defeated. 20. Successful Fed. raid in Onslow and Jones Co., N. C., by Col. Palmer’s troops. 27. Rebel cavalry under Armstrong and Morgan defeated near Seviervillle, Tenn., by Gen. Sturgis. 27. Rebels defeated in an attack on Florence, Ala. 28. A meeting at Nashville, Tenn., to restore the State Government. 28. Destruction of rebel salt works at St. Andrews Bay. 28. Rebels defeated at Tunnel Hill, Ga. 32 killed and 1 company captured. 29. Skirmish 13 miles from Cumberland Gap, Tenn. Fed. cavalry with reb. troops under Gen. Jones. 29. Bridges and other property destroyed by Union troops at Windsor, N. C. 29. Major Johnson’s Ky. troops drove rebels out of Scottville, Ky., killing 40 and taking 20 prisoners. 30. A Fed. supply train of 80 wagons, guarded by Col. Snyder’s troops, captured near Petersburg, W. Va., after a 4 hours’ fight. Fed. loss, 80 killed or wounded. The Fed. garrison evacuated the place that night. 30. Skirmish near Cumberland Gap, Tenn. Rebels defeated by Col. Love. 30. Fight at Smithfield, Va. FEB. 1. Union repulse at Bachelor’s Creek, near Newbern, N. C. Steamer Underwriter destroyed. 1. President Lincoln calls for 500,000 men for 3 years. Draft for deficiency to be made March 10. 1. Burlington, W. Va., occupied by rebels. 1. Fighting in the New Creek (Va.) valley. 1. Fed. outposts at Bachelor’s Creek driven in by a rebel force threatening Newbern, N. C. 1. Fighting at Smithfield, Va. 2. Fight at Mechanicsburg Gap, near Romney, W. Va. Rebels retreat. 2 Rebel troops burn a bridge at Patterson’s Creek, Va., and were next day driven off by the guard. 2. Union reinforcements arrive at Newbern, N. C., and rebels are driven back to Kinston. 2. U. S. steamer Levi burned in Kanawha river, W. Va., and Gen. Scammon and staff captured by rebels. 3. Sherman’s advance defeated rebels in a skirmish at Bolton, Miss. Union loss, 12 killed, 35 wounded. Rebel loss larger. 3. Gen. Smith’s cavalry expedition starts from Corinth, Miss. 4. Col. Mulligan drove rebels from Morefield, W. Va., after 6 hours’ fighting. 4. A party of rebels captured near White Oak river. 4. Gen. Sherman’s troops skirmish near Champion Hill, Miss. 4. Cavalry skirmish at Canton, Miss. 4. Gen. Averill defeats rebels at Woodfield, W. Va. 4. Rebel battery defeated at Clinton, Miss. Union killed 15, wounded 30. 4. Gen. Seymour’s expedition left Port Royal, S. C., for Jacksonville, Fla. 5. Engagement between Gen. Sherman’s troops and rebels, at Bear Creek, near Clinton, Miss. 5. Navajo Indians defeated near Fort Sumner, with loss of 50 killed and 25 wounded. 6. Col. Kit Carson brings 280 Indian prisoners to Santa Fe. 6. Skirmish at Bottom’s Bridge, W. Va., by Gen. Butler’s troops. 7. Rebels driven across the Rapidan by the army of the Potomac. 7. A Federal expedition returned to Knoxville, Tenn., having defeated a reb. force, killing and wounding 215, and taking 50 prisoners. 8. Rebel regiments at Dalton, and at Decatur, Ala., mutiny when required to re-enlist. Several soldiers are killed. 8. Gen. Seymour’s expedition arrived at Jacksonville, Fla. 9. Rebels abandon Jacksonville, Fla., losing 100 men prisoners, and 8 guns. 9. Union gunboats arrive at Sartartia, on the Yazoo river. 10. Col. Streight, and 110 other officers, escaped from Libby prison by tunnelling. 11. Guerrillas rob a train on Balt. and O. railroad, near Harper’s Ferry. 11. Gens. Grierson and Smith’s Fed. troops start on a raid through Miss. 11. Gen. W. L. Smith’s cavalry expedition started in the direction of Colliersville, Tenn. 11. First 20-inch gun cast at Pittsb’g, Pa. 12. Fed. pickets at Manassas attacked by Mosby. 12. Smith’s Fed. expedition reaches Okolona, Miss. 12. Passage of the Enrollment bill by the House of Representatives. 13. The line of the Memphis and Ohio railroad evacuated by the Fed. forces. 14. Negro garrison of 400 at Waterproof, La., was attacked by a large rebel force, which was repulsed 3 times, and retired. 14. Rebel Col. Ferguson surprised in Wayne Co., W. Va., losing 60 prisoners, with arms and supplies, and releasing 500 Union captives. 14. Meridian evacuated by the rebels. 14. Guerrilla attack at Tecumseh Landing, Miss. 14. A company of colored troops, save 2, surprised and murdered at Grand Lake, Miss. 14. Gainesville, Fla., attacked by 40th Mass., Capt. Roberts. Rebels routed with loss of 100. 14. Meridian, Miss., occupied by Gen. Sherman’s Union forces, who destroyed the State arsenal, and great quantities of ammunition. 15. Chesapeake steamer surrendered to her owners by colonial authorities at St. John’s. 16. Rebel Gen. Pickett captured at Newbern, N. C. 14–20. Sherman sends various expeditions from Meridian, Miss., who destroy adjacent towns, and immense quantities of stores. 18. Sherman’s army reaches Quitman, Ga., without opposition. 18. Gen. Seymour left Jacksonville, Fla., with 5,000 troops, and established a depot of supplies at Baldwin. 18. Gen. Smith’s Union expedition reached Okolona, 75 miles south of Corinth, Miss. 18. Sloop-of-war Housatonic sunk at Port Royal by a rebel torpedo. 20. Longstreet retreats from Bull’s Gap to Strawberry Plains. 20. Rebels hang Rev. Dr. Cox, chaplain of Corps de Afrique, near Donaldsonville. 20. Skirmish with Mosby’s rebel cavalry, at Piedmont Station, Va. 17 of his men taken. 20. Gen. Smith defeated by Forrest at West Point, Ga., and driven back towards Memphis. 20. Battle of Olustee, Fla. Gen. Seymour’s troops encountered a superior force of rebels 55 miles beyond Jacksonville, Fla. After a severe contest of 3 hours, the Union troops were defeated, and retreated to Sanderson. Union loss, 1,500. Rebel loss about the same. 21. A force of Fed. troops left Hilton Head, and proceeded up the Savannah river, without result. 21. Heavy fighting at Pontotoc, Miss. 21. Ringgold, Ga., occupied by Gen. Palmer. 22. Mosby defeats 150 Fed. cavalry near Drainsville, Va., who lose 8 killed, 7 wounded, and 75 missing. 22. 28 of Mosby’s men captured near Warrenton by Major Cole. 22. A “Border State Convention,” convened at Louisville, Ky., for the purpose of adopting harmonious action on important issues then pending in National affairs. Representatives from six States were present. 22. Rebel train destroyed near Poplar Bluffs, Mo. 22. Louisiana State election. Michael Hahn elected Governor, by 6,830 votes, against Fellows, 2,720, and B. F. Flanders, 1,847. 23. Rebel Gen. Forrest repulsed in an attack on Smith, near Memphis, Tenn. 23. Bombardment of Fort Powell, Mobile Bay, by Fed. mortars. 23. Skirmish near Tunnel Hill, Ga. 24. Passage of a bill by Congress authorizing the appointment of a Lieut.-Gen. 25. Skirmish at Bean Station. 25. Rebel raid on Maysville, Ky. 26. Grierson and Smith’s forces return to Memphis. Results of expedition are 200 rebel prisoners, 1,500 negroes, 300 horses taken; 3,000,000 bushels corn, 4,000 bales cotton, 2,000 hides, and 40 miles of Mobile and O. railroad destroyed. 26. Tunnel Hill occupied by column from Chattanooga, after heavy skirmishing. 26. Fire opened upon Fort Powell by Admiral Farragut. 27. Col. Jourdan makes another dash into Jones and Onslow Cos., N. C., captures 3 prisoners, and destroys stores and ammunition. 27. Fed. troops withdrew from Tunnel Hill, Ga., to Ringgold. 27. Sherman’s expedition returns to Vicksburg, after 22 days’ raid, devastating many towns, burning bridges, seizing or destroying vast quantities of stores, liberating 10,000 negroes, breaking up many miles of railways, and taking 600 prisoners. Union loss, 170 k. and w. 27. Gov. Goodman, of Arizona, with exploring party, fights with Indians, killing 5, and wounding many. 28. Colonel Richardson, a notorious guerrilla, captured near Cumberland river. 28. Seymour’s retreating army reaches Baldwin, Fla., which it evacuates, burning stores. 28. Gen. Kilpatrick, with 5,000 picked men, leaves Culpepper for a raid on Richmond, crosses the Rapidan at Ely’s Ford, surprising rebel pickets at Spottsylvania Court House, and capturing 15 men and 2 officers. 29. Kilpatrick’s exped. passed through Louisa C. H., to Pamunkey Bridge, destroying as he went. A force is sent by Butler to reinforce him. 29. Expedition of Custar’s cav. crosses Rapidan and Rivanna, destroys an artillery camp, burns caissons, &c., and recrosses Rivanna bridge, burning it. Reb. cavalry charged and scattered at Burton’s Ford and Stannardsville roads, and Custar safely returns with 60 prisoners, horses, &c. 29. Rebels in force attack Newbern, N. C., and were repulsed. Garrison ultimately relieved by reinforcements. =March 1.= A lieut. and 15 men of the 5th Pa. cavalry captured while reconnoitering in the Dismal Swamp, Va. 1. A force under Gen. Kilpatrick and Col. Onderdonk, left Yorktown, Va., on an expedition to King and Queens C. H. Near Carlton’s store the troops encountered 2 regiments of Virginia cavalry and a body of citizens. The enemy was routed and driven from the town. After penetrating to the inner fortifications of Richmond, Kilpatrick’s troops were repulsed. 1. Reb. Government salt works at St. Marks, Fla., destroyed by expeditions from gunboat Tahoma. 1. Gen. Thomas, reinforced, marching against Dalton, from Tunnel Hill. 2. Reinforcements reaching Gen. Seymour at Jacksonville. 3. Kilpatrick’s expedition moves to Williamsburg to rest. Many prisoners and stores captured and destroyed during this raid. 4. Kilpatrick returns within Union lines, having destroyed large portions of the Va. Central R. R., and burned several mills on James river. Loss 150, including Col. Dahlgren. 4. Gen. Custer, with 500 men, made a reconnoissance to Ely’s Ford, on the Rapidan. 5. Reb. cavalry still scouring country E. of Knoxville. 5. Reb. cavalry, in force, attack 93 of 3d Tenn. at Panther Springs. Union loss 2 k. 8 wounded, 22 prisoners. Rebel, 30 k. and wounded. 5. Battle in Yazoo City, between 11th Ill. and 8th La., and 4 reb. brigades. Rebs. defeated with considerable loss. Union, killed 6; wounded 20. 6. Gunboat Peterholf sunk off Wilmington, N. C. 6. 23 Union soldiers, captured from Gen. Foster’s command, hung by rebs. at Kinston, N. C. 6. Sherman’s main army at Jackson, commencing to cross Pearl river. 7. Sherman’s cavalry enter Brandon after skirmishing, and camp two miles east. 8. Reb. cavalry driven from camp near Carrolton. Grain mills and stores burned. 9. Sherman at Hillsboro’, N. C. 9. 40 of 30th Pa. cavalry captured by guerrillas at Bristow Station, Va. 9. An outpost of national troops near Suffolk, Va., was attacked by 4 regiments of infantry, a squadron of cavalry, and 2 batteries of artillery, and driven to Baner’s Hill. A column of national troops arrived to the support, and the enemy in turn was attacked, driven back and pursued. Fed. loss 200. 10. Suffolk, Va., captured. Reb. loss 25 killed. Union, 10 k. 10. A body of 10,000 troops under Gens. A. J. Smith and Thomas Kilby Smith, left Vicksburg on transports, destined for the mouth of Red river, at which point a force under Gen. Banks was being rendezvoused, in view of a campaign in the Red river region. 10. A naval expedition from Brashear City captures camp, arms, flag at Atchafalaya river. 10. Pilatka occupied by Union forces. 12. Gen. Grant appointed Commander-in-Chief of the armies of the U. S. 13. Indianola evacuated by Union troops. 13. Gen. Smith’s army at Semmesport. 13. Alexandria, La., captured by Fed. fleet. 14. Capture of Fort de Russy, on the Red river, by 1st and 3d divisions of 16th corps, under Gen. Mower. The fort was blown up at night. 15. President calls for 200,000 men, and a draft ordered for the deficiency on the 15th of April. 15. Reb. plot to assassinate Pres. Lincoln discovered. 15. Sherman repulses rebs. near Chunky Creek. 16. Gov. Bramlette of Ky., remonstrates against employment of slaves as soldiers. 16. Battle near Fort Pillow. Rebs. defeated, loss of 50 k. and w. 16. Arkansas votes herself a free State. 16. Gens. Smith and Banks at Alexandria. Rebs. retreat to Shreveport and burn 2 steamers with 3,000 bales of cotton. 16. Rebs. attack a train from Nashville near Estelle Springs, Tenn. 17. Reb. raid on Magnolia, Fla. 19. Reb. attack on Port Royal, S. C., fails. 21. Gen. Mower captures reb. camp at Henderson’s Hill, 282 prisoners, guns, &c. 21. Banks captures 306 rebs. near Alexandria. 21. Engagement at Natchitoches, La., between Gen. Mower’s troops of A. J. Smith’s command, and reb. cavalry under Gen. Lee. 200 rebs. captured, with but small loss in killed or wounded on either side. 22. The gunboat Petrel captured by rebs. on the Yazoo river. 22. Gen. Thayer, with an army of 5,500 men left Fort Smith, Ark., to aid Gen. Steele’s army. 23. Union City, Ky., captured by reb. Gen. Forrest. Col. Hawkins, with the 7th Tenn. cavalry, 400 men, surrendered after repulsing 2,000 rebs. 3 times. 25. Reb. Gen. Forrest, with 7,000 men, attacked the Fed. fort at Paducah, Ky., defended by Col. Hicks, with 500 men. Aided by 2 gunboats, Col. Hicks defeated Forrest, who retired with a loss of 1,000 killed and wounded. Fed. loss 14 killed and 46 wounded. The town was nearly destroyed by the bombardment. 26. Col. Clayton captured 370 rebs., 35 wagons, and 300 horses, at Longview, Ark. 29. Battle of Cane river, La. Rebs. defeated. 30. Fight in Arkansas with 1,200 rebs., who are defeated. 30. Riots by disloyalists at Charleston and Mattoon, Ill. 31. Rebs. defeated at Crump’s Hill (Piney Woods). =April 1.= Fight near Snyder’s Bluff, on the Yazoo. 1. S. S. Maple Leaf blown up by torpedo in St. Johns river. 1. Rebel ram Tennessee sunk near Grant’s Pass. 2. Shelby defeated by Steele near Camden, in Ark. 2. Grierson’s cavalry engages Forrest near Summerville, and falls back. 4. Fight at Roseville, in Ark. 4. Col. Gooding engages Harrison’s guerrillas at Compti, and withdraws with loss. 4. Marmaduke defeated by Steele on Little Missouri river, Ark. 4. N. Y. Metropolitan Sanitary Fair opened. 5. Fight between gunboats and guerrillas at Hickman, Ky. 5. Banks’ Texas expedition at Grand Ecore. 5. Gen. W. P. White, reb., of Georgetown, S. C., assassinated by his own men. 6. Fort Halleck, Columbus, Ky., attacked by rebel Gen. Buford. Surrender refused by Col. Lawrence. 6. Maryland Constitutional Convention on Slavery met. 7. U. S. Senate pass the resolution to submit to States’ Legislatures the Constitution amendment abolishing slavery. 8. Gen. Franklin’s command of Banks’ expedition defeated at Mansfield, La., by Gen. Taylor’s army, losing 24 guns and nearly 2,000 men, and falling back to Grand Ecore. Gen. Smith, next day, relieved Franklin, defeated the rebels, and captured 36 guns and 2,000 prisoners. 8. Shelbyville entered by 40 guerrillas. 9. Battle of Pleasant Hill, La. After severe fighting the Union troops retreated at night in good order. 10. Cape Lookout lighthouse seized by 40 rebels. 11. Banks retires to Grand Ecore. 11. Rebels repulsed in an attack on Roseville, Ark. 12. Capture of Fort Pillow and massacre of garrison. 12. Admiral Porter’s Red river fleet attacked by 2,000 rebel infantry on shore, who are beaten off. 12. Horrible murder of a farmer by guerrillas at Osage river, Mo. 13. A portion of Banks’ army attacked near Blair’s Landing, La. Rebs. repulsed with loss. 13. New York Soldiers’ Voting Bill passed New York Senate. Yeas 29, nays none. 14. Gunboat expedition from Butler’s army capture prisoners and stores at Smithfield, Va. 14. Nebraska Constitution and State Government Bill passed by U. S. Senate. 15. Chenango, gunboat, exploded. 16. Gunboat Eastport sunk by snag above Grand Ecore. 17. Bread riot by women in Savannah, Ga. 18. Rebel attack on Fort Wessell, near Plymouth, N. C. Gunboat Southfield sunk. Com. Flusser killed and most of crew drowned. Ram also destroys the gunboat Bombshell. 18. Baltimore Sanitary Fair opened. 19. Guerrillas driven from Burksville. 19. Transports and gunboats aground above Grand Ecore, Red river. 19. Fort Wessells, N. C., evacuated by Feds. 20. Plymouth, N. C., surrendered to rebels by Gen. Wessels, after severe loss by rebels. Gen. Wessells and 2,500 men surrendered. 21. North Carolina salt works, worth $100,000, near Wilmington, destroyed. 22. Rebels captured gunboat Petrel on the Yazoo river, and burnt her. 22. Forrest moving toward Alabama, followed by Grierson. 22. Banks’ army left Grand Ecore for Alexandria, La., by land. 23. Brisk engagement near Camden, Ark. Feds. defeated. 23. Rebels capture and murder Union pickets at Nickajack. 23. N. Y. Metropolitan Sanitary Fair closed. Sword voted to Grant by 30,291, against 14,509 for McClellan. 24. Battle at Cane river, La. Rebels losing 1,000 men and 9 guns. 25. A supply train of 240 wagons, and the 26th Iowa, 73d Ohio, and 43d Ind. regiments, under Col. Drake, 2,000 men, were captured after a brave resistance on their return to Pine Bluff, Ark., after an unsuccessful effort to reach General Steele’s army. 26. Gen. Steele’s army left Camden for Little Rock, Ark. 26. Rebels in strong force attack Admiral Porter’s gunboats on the Red river, and were defeated with severe loss. 28. Little Washington, N. C., evacuated by Fed. troops. 28. A detachment of Fed. cavalry under Col. Lowell, encountered a portion of Mosby’s command near Upperville, Va., and defeated them, capturing 23, killing 2 and wounding 4. Fed. loss, 3 killed, 4 wounded. 30. Gen. Steele’s army in Ark. crossed the Sabine river after a fight with rebs. 30. Madison Court House, Va., was burned by a Union expeditionary force while engaged in a skirmish with a rebel company at that place. =May 1.= Death of Commodore W. D. Porter. 1. Gen. Steele’s army 40 miles from Little Rock, Ark. His cavalry reached that city. 2. Advance of the Army of the Potomac across the Rapidan towards Chancellorsville and the Wilderness. 2. West Point, Va., occupied by Feds. 2. Gen. Sturgis’ cavalry encountered a band of the rebel Forrest’s men, near Bolivar, Tenn., and, after a severe fight, defeated them. 3. The crossing of the Rapidan by the army of the Potomac effected, without opposition, at Culpepper, Germania, and Ely’s Fords. 3. The Sec. of the Navy sentenced Ad. Wilkes to be reprimanded and suspended for three years, for insubordination, &c. 4. The crossing of the Rapidan by the army of the Potomac continued. 4 Gen. Warren’s headquarters at the Wilderness. 4. A fleet of transports on Hampton Roads commenced embarking troops. 4. Rebel raid into Princeton, Ky. 5. Battle of the Wilderness commenced. A day of terrific fighting, on most difficult ground, in the Wilderness, near Chancellorsville, Va. Night closed in without any definite result. Gen. Hayes killed. 5. Gen. Butler’s army passed Fortress Monroe in transports, on their way up the James river. 5. Gen. Kautz forced the Blackwater, and burnt the railroad bridge at Stony Creek. 5. Naval engagement between the reb. ram Albemarle and Fed. fleet, near the mouth of the Roanoke river. 5. Skirmish at Thoroughfare Gap, Va. Burnside’s cavalry attacked the enemy on their passage through the Gap. 6. Battle of the Wilderness continued. Another day of terrible fighting, resulting in the falling back of Lee’s army. Gen. Wadsworth killed. Loss of both armies about 15,000 each in the 2 days fighting. The rebel Gen. Longstreet wounded. Fed. wounded, who had been removed to Fredericksburg, fired on by citizens. 6. Gen. Butler’s forces effected a successful landing near Fort Fisher, N. C., without resistance. 6. Gunboat Com. Jones blown up by rebel torpedo on James river. 7. Gen. Grant’s army in pursuit of Lee, having marched 15 miles on the night of the 6th. 7. Tunnel Hill, Ga., taken by Gen. Thomas. 7. Severe fight at Todd’s Tavern, between Custar’s and rebel cavalry. Loss, 250 on each side. 7. Battle near Petersburg, Va., between Gen. Butler’s army and the rebels. 7. Tazewell salt-works destroyed by Gen. Averill. 8. General Hancock’s corps passed through Spottsylvania C. H. at daylight, and, at noon, his headquarters were 20 miles south of the battle-field of the 6th. 8. Battle of Spottsylvania C. H., Va., commenced. The armies near Spottsylvania C. H. engaged from 8 to 12 M., at which time Fed. forces gained the point for which they contended. At 6 P. M., 2 fresh divisions were thrown in, and, after a severe engagement of an hour and a half, the rebel position was carried, and their first line of breastworks occupied. 8. General engagement at Mill Creek Gap, Ga. 8. Union troops held possession of Fredericksburg, Va. 9. Battle of Spottsylvania C. H., Va., continued. Lee’s army made a stand, but no general engagement occurred in the morning. Maj.-Gen. Sedgwick killed. The fight in the evening was brought on by Hancock, who crossed the river Po, and established himself on the south bank. 9. Gen. Butler at Bermuda Landing, in a strong position. His forces defeated a portion of Beauregard’s army under Gen. Hill. The fight commenced at noon, and continued till night. The rebels driven back 3 miles. 9. Night attack on Gen. Butler’s lines. The rebels repulsed. 9. Gen. Sherman marched around the rebel right flank, and reached the North Anna river in safety in the evening. In the night he destroyed a great quantity of rebel stores, and recaptured 378 Feds. 9. Battle of Cloyd Mountain. Rebels defeated. 9. U. S. transport H. A. Weed blown up by torpedo near Jacksonville, Fla. 10. Gen. Sheridan crossed the South Anna river. 10. Battle of Spottsylvania C. H. continued. A general advance of Fed. army ordered at 5 A. M. A tremendous conflict ensued. In the afternoon an attack was made on the rebel batteries. After the assault had continued some time it was found that the rebel batteries could not be carried without great loss, and the effort was abandoned. The battle ceased about 9 P. M., and was one of the most terrible and bloody of the war. The 6th corps carried the enemy’s works, and captured 1,000 prisoners. Loss, 10,000 on each side on this day. 10. Gen. Sheridan reported that he had turned the rebel right, reached their rear, and destroyed from 8 to 10 miles of railroad and other property. 10. Gen. Averill’s force fought a battle near Wytheville, Va., defeating Gen. Jones and destroying railroad. 10. Crooke defeated rebels near Newbern, capturing 7 guns and many pris. 10. Sec. Stanton reported that Gen. McPherson was within 7 miles of Resaca, Ga. 10. Gen. Sherman in front of Buzzard Roost Gap, Ga. 11. The armies under Grant and Lee engaged with varied success until 11 A. M., when Fed. line was somewhat advanced. Gen. Grant reported to the War Department, that, after 6 days’ fighting, the result was much in favor of the Union arms. 11. After 3 days of skirmishing Feds. drove the rebels back to Rocky Ridge and Buzzard Roost Mountain, Ga. 11. Gen. Sheridan captured Ashland Station, destroying a large amount of stores. He attacked Gen. Stewart at Yellow Tavern, near Richmond, and penetrated the 1st and 2d lines of the rebel defences. 12. The battle between Grant?s and Lee’s army renewed 5 miles below Spottsylvania C. H., Va. Gen. Hancock opened the battle, and made a brilliant assault on A. P. Hill’s division, which he routed. Gen. Grant reported that the day closed leaving between 3,000 and 4,000 prisoners in his hands, including 2 general officers, and over 30 pieces of artillery. In the night Lee abandoned his position. 12. Gen. Sheridan’s army encamped at Walnut Grove and Gaines’ Mills. 12. Gen. Butler’s army engaged. 12. Rebel position at Dalton, Ga., carried and held by Sherman. 13. Gen. Butler’s army advanced toward Petersburg, Va. Skirmishing with the rebels in the afternoon. 13. Gen. Sheridan’s forces encamped at Bottom’s Bridge. 13. Gen. Sherman’s army in line of battle in Sugar Valley. 13. Gen. McPherson captured 9 trains, with rebel military stores, at Dalton. 14. Gen. Smith carried the 1st line of rebel works at Petersburg, Va. The rebels attacked the 5th corps, army of the Potomac, but were finally driven back with severe loss, after a furious cannonade. 14. Gen. Sherman’s forces actively engaged. Gen. Hooker’s corps attacked by the rebel Gen. Hood’s division. The rebels repulsed. General battle, which lasted till midnight, each party holding its respective position. 15. Battle of Resaca, Ga. An all day battle, in which Feds. were successful. The rebels forced to evacuate Resaca. Gen. Johnston retreats from Fed. front in the night. 15. Rocky Faced Ridge taken by Sherman. 15. Gen. Sigel fought a battle at Newmarket, Va. The rebels successful. Union forces fell back to Strasburg, Va. 15. Gen. Banks’ gunboats arrived at Fort de Russey, La. 16. The rebel army encamped around Spottsylvania C. H., Va. 16. The rebels in force attacked Gen. Smith’s lines in Va., and forced them back with considerable loss. 16. Gen. Butler’s force attacked by troops from Petersburg. Furious fighting. The rebels made a desperate onslaught in a fog, but were repulsed. 16. Resaca, Ga., occupied by Gen. Sherman. 16. Admiral Porter’s fleet above Alexandria Falls, released by Col. Bailey’s dam. 17. Gen. Kautz reached City Point, Va., returning from his raid on the Danville railroad. 17. Gen. Sherman’s army at Colburn, Ga. 17. General Banks’ forces reached Semmesport, La. 18. Ewell attacked Union baggage train in rear of Grant’s right flank, but was repulsed. 18. Heavy engagement between the armies in Va. Gen. Hancock charged the enemy, and carried the first line of rebel intrenchments. 18. Gen. Sherman reached Adairsville. Ga., where he was engaged in skirmishes. 18. Sec. Stanton announced that a draft would be ordered, to take place July 1. 18. A pretended proclamation of the President calling for 400,000 men, and announcing the Spring campaign closed, published in the Journal of Commerce and the World. The 2 papers suppressed for 3 days, and the author of the forgery, Jos. Howard, of Brooklyn, arrested. 19. Gen. Ewell attempted to turn Grant’s right, but was repulsed. 19. Gen. Sherman advanced on the enemy, who retreated. Kingston, Ga., reached. General Sherman pushed a column as far as Cassville, Ga. 20. Torpedoes explode at Bachelor’s Creek. Many N. Y. soldiers killed and wounded. 20. Sherman in possession of Kingston and Rome, Ga. 20. Rebels attack Ames’ division of Butler’s army. Heavy losses on both sides. 20. Arrest of Howard, the forger. 21. Gen. Hancock’s troops entered Bowling Green, Va. 23. U. S. tugboat Columbine captured on St. John’s river by rebs. 24. Rebels destroy bridge over North Anna. Grant’s headquarters at Jericho Mills. Sheridan destroyed Danville railroad near Richmond, Va. 24. Fitzhugh Lee repulsed at Wilson’s Wharf by Federal negroes under Gen. Wild. 24. Sherman flanks Johnston at Altoona. 24. 1,000 rebels captured by General Grant’s army at Mt. Carmel Church, Va. 25. Battle near Dallas, Ga. Hooker drives rebels 2 miles. Union loss, 1,500. Reb. about same. 25. Gen. Birney ascends the Ashepoo river. 26. Grant’s army moves toward Hanovertown. 26. La. State Convention abolishes slavery. 27. Eight steamers and several river craft burned at New Orleans Levee, by incendiaries. 27. Lee evacuates position on South Anna, and retreats toward Richmond. 27. Sheridan captures and holds Hanovertown and Ferry. 28. Longstreet attacks Sherman at Dallas, and is driven toward Marietta. Rebel loss, 2,500 killed and wounded, and 300 prisoners. Union loss, 300. 29. Grant’s army crosses the Pamunkey river, Va. 30. Trains of refugees attacked near Salem, Ark. 60 men and several women killed. 30. Lee attacks Grant north of Chickahominy, and is repulsed. Hancock drives him out of intrenched line of rifle-pits and holds it. 31. Grant’s and Lee’s armies confronting each other from Hanover C. H. to Cold Harbor. 31. Gen. Fremont nominated for President and Gen. Cochrane for Vice-Pres. of U. S. =June 1.= Expedition under Gen. Sturgis in Miss., defeated, with loss of wagon train, artillery, and ammunition. 1. Reb. attacks at Cold Harbor, Va., repulsed. 1. Rebs. twice attack Butler, and are repulsed. 2. Schofield and Hooker at Marietta. Cavalry take Allatoona Pass. 3. Battle of Cold Harbor. 4. Reb. night attack on Hancock repulsed. 4. Grant’s cavalry defeated Hampton’s cavalry at Howes’ Store, Va. 5. Reb. attack on left (Hancock’s) repulsed. 5. Sherman’s army fall back toward the Chattahoochie and Atlanta. 5. Marmaduke, with 3,000 men, defeated at Columbia, Ark. 5. Battle of Piedmont, Va. Reb. loss 1,500 prisoners, 3 guns, 3,000 stand of arms, and stores, and a large number k. and w. 5. Gens. Crook and Averill entered Lexington, Va. 5. Rebs. driven through Ripley, Miss., by Gen. Sturgis’ troops. 6. Reb. midnight attack on Burnside repulsed. 6. Sherman’s headquarters at Acworth. 7. Rebs. defeated at Lake Chicot on the Miss. river, by Gen. A. J. Smith’s troops. 7. The 9th corps, on Grant’s right, attacked briskly, and rebs. driven back. 7. Morgan, with 3,000 men, commences a raid into Kentucky. 7. Philadelphia Sanitary Fair opens. 7. Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson nominated President and Vice-President of the U. S. 8. U. S. troops defeated at Mount Sterling, Ky., by Gen. Morgan’s forces. 8. Paris, Ky., taken by a portion of Morgan’s forces. 8. Sherman’s whole army moves forward toward the Kenesaw range. McPherson occupies Big Shanty, and rebels fall back with left on Lost Mountain, and right on Kenesaw. 8. Gilmore’s raid on Richmond fortifications. 9. Gen. Burbridge defeats rebels at Mount Sterling, and captures 700 pris. 10. Gen. Sturgis’ Fed. troops defeated at Guntown, Miss., and again at Ripley, by Gen. Forrest. Feds. destroy their supply train, and 10 cannon, and retreat towards Memphis, after spirited contest and severe loss. 10. Lexington, Ky., robbed by Morgan. 10. Rebel guerrillas repulsed at Princeton, Ky. 10. Frankfort, Ky., unsuccessfully attacked by 1,200 rebels. 10. Gen. Hunter, with Crook and Averill, moves from Staunton, Va., after destroying over $3,000,000 worth of rebel property. 10. Reb. Congress adjourned. 11. Fed. troops defeated near Cynthiana, Ky., and the town burnt by Gen. Morgan. 11. Gen. Hobson’s Ohio militia captured by Morgan, after a short combat near Cynthiana. 11. Battle of Trevillian Station, Va. Rebs. badly beaten by Sheridan. 12. Gen. Burbridge defeats and scatters Morgan at Cynthiana, with great loss. 12. Grant crosses the Chickahominy. 13. Grant’s headquarters at Wilcox’s Landing. 13. The Fugitive Slave Law repealed in the House of Representatives. 13. Gen. Hobson and staff recaptured. 13. Sheridan recrosses the North Anna. 14. Destruction of reb. canal boats and stores at Buchanan, Va., by Gen. Averill. 14. Grant’s army crossed to south of the James. 14. Reb. Gen. Polk killed. 14. Sherman advancing toward Kenesaw. 15. Battle of Baylor’s Farm. 16 rebel guns, 300 prisoners taken. 16. Gen. Hunter entered Liberty, Va., and destroyed a long bridge. Also 7 miles of railway. 17. Gens. Crook and Averill routed Imboden’s rebel cavalry between Quaker Church and Lynchburg, Va. 16. A portion of the southern defences of Petersburg, Va., carried by Hancock and Smith’s corps. 17. Burnside captured 2 redoubts in the Petersburg works, 450 prisoners, and 4 guns. 17. Severe fighting by Gen. Hunter’s army, 7 miles from Lynchburg, Va. No decisive result. 18. Simultaneous and desperate assault on the rebel works at Petersburg, by the Armies of the Potomac and the James. 18. Gen. Wilson’s Federal cavalry took position on the extreme left of the Union lines at Petersburg. 18. The battle at Lynchburg, Va., renewed. The rebels driven into their works, and Gen. Hunter retreated. 19. The Army of the James reoccupy Bermuda Hundred, and repair the railroad. 19. The rebel privateer Alabama was sunk near the Harbor of Cherbourg, France, after an engagement of over an hour with the U. S. sloop-of-war Kearsarge, Capt. Winslow. 70 of the rebel crew were taken on board the Kearsarge, and 115 reached England and France. 3 persons only were wounded on the Kearsarge. 20. Reb. cavalry defeated at the White House, Va. 21. Rebs. assault Gen. Sherman’s army in Ga. several times, and lose 800 men. 21. Gen. Foster crossed the James river, and intrenched near Aiken’s Landing. 21. Gen. Hunter’s artillery train retreating from Lynchburg, Va., attacked by rebs. He destroys a portion of the guns and caissons, Gen. Hunter retreats to the Ohio river. 22. A sudden attack on the Union lines at Petersburg, which are broken by the enemy with severe loss to both sides. 22. Wilson and Kautz’s cavalry destroy 4 miles of the railroad north of Petersburg, Va. 23. Severe battle on the Weldon R. R., Va. 2 rebel trains captured. 23. Railroad junction at Burksville, Va., destroyed by Feds. 24. Battle of Staunton Bridge, Va. Wilson and Kautz’s Federal cavalry repulsed. 24. Rebs. attack Gen. Sheridan at White House, Va., and are beaten. 24. Maryland State Convention abolishes slavery. 24. Rebs. attack Feds. at Lafayette, Ga. and are beaten. 25. Reb. night attack on Gen. Burnside’s troops on the James river repulsed. 27. Fight near Kenesaw Mountain, Ga. Union loss 1,500. 28. Sherman flanks Johnston at Kenesaw Mountain, Ga. 28. Fight at Stoney Creek, Va. Wilson and Kautz’s Fed. cavalry retreat to Reams’s Station. 29. Battle at Reams’s Station. Fed. cavalry defeated. 30. Johnston evacuates Kenesaw Mountain, Va. =July 1.= Gen. Wilson’s force reaches Grant’s lines, having lost all their guns and wagons. 1. An expedition left Hilton Head, S. C., in direction of North Edisto river. 1. The southern side of James Island, S. C., occupied by Gen. Foster’s troops. 1. Col. Hoyt and 137 men captured on Johnson’s Island. 2. The expedition from Hilton Head disembark at Seabrook Island. 2. An unsuccessful attempt to take the rebel Fort Johnson on the north end of James Island. 1. W. P. Fessenden accepts Secretaryship of U. S. Treasury. 2. Rebel Gen. Ewell invades Shenandoah valley in 3 columns. 2. Martinsburg, Va., evacuated by Feds. 3. Sherman’s army entered Marietta, Ga. 3. A part of the expedition from Hilton Head repulsed. 3. Rebels defeated by Sherman, 2 miles south of Marietta, Ga. 3. Winchester, Va., taken by rebs. and Gen. Sigel falls back to Harper’s Ferry. 4. The rebels took possession of Bolivar Heights, half a mile from Harper’s Ferry, on their advance into Md., where they were attacked. 4. Sigel arrived at Sandy Hook. 4. Gen. Mulligan evacuated Bolivar Heights. 4. The rebels make a raid to Point of Rocks, Md. 4. Naval operations in Stono river. 5. Slocum’s expedition routed rebels east of Jackson, Miss. 5. Ellicott’s marine colored brigade attacked by rebels near Port Hudson. Rebels defeated with loss of 150. 5. Martial law declared in Ky. by the President, and the writ of habeas corpus suspended. 6. Hagerstown, Md., evacuated by Union troops. 6. Gen. Wallace’s troops repulsed near Middletown, Md. 6. Hagerstown, Md., plundered by rebels. 7. Rebel Gen. Johnston crossed the Chattahoochie. 7. Gen. Sigel’s Union forces evacuate Harper’s Ferry. 7. Rebel raiders near Frederick, Md. 7. The rebels checked at Monocacy Bridge. 7. Proclamation issued by President Lincoln appointing the first Thursday in August as a Fast Day. 8. Harper’s Ferry reoccupied by Fed. forces. 8. The rebel cruiser Florida captured the bark Golconda. 8. Capture of Platte City, Mo., by guerrillas. 8. Rebels enter Fredericksburg, Md. 8. Parksville, Mo., sacked by rebels. 9. Battle at Monocacy, Md., lasting from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Fed. forces overpowered and forced to retreat in disorder, losing 1,000 men. 9. Fed. forces on John’s Island, S. C., twice repelled a rebel assault. 9. Gen. Sherman reached the Chattahoochee. 9. Gov. Brown, of Georgia, ordered all the militia of the State into active service. 9. Rebels capture Westminster, Md. Couch reoccupies Hagerstown, and Hunter, Frederick. 10. Gen. Rousseau leaves Decatur with 2,700 men on an expedition in rebel Gen. Hood’s rear. 10. Gen. Johnston retreats to fortifications around Atlanta. 11. The rebels near Washington, D. C. They capture a railroad train at Magnolia Station, between Philadelphia and Baltimore, and Maj.-Gen. Franklin, who was on the train. 11. Burning of Gunpowder bridge, Md., by the rebels. 11. Rebel salt works at Tampa Bay destroyed. 12. Engagement near Fort Stevens, one of the defences of Washington. The rebels driven off with severe loss. 13. Gen. Rousseau defeated 4,000 rebs. under Clanton, near Coosaw river. 13–15. Gens. Smith and Slocum defeat Forrest in 5 battles in Tenn., driving him from Pontotoc to Tupelo. Rebel loss, 2,000. Union loss, 300. 15. Rebels drive 1,000 horses and 5,000 cattle from Montgomery Co., Md., into Va. 16. A rebel force captured the Fed. stockade at Brownsboro’, on the Memphis and Charleston railroad. 17. Gen. Sherman’s command moved forward to within 5 miles of Atlanta, Ga. His advance crossed the Chattahoochee river. 17. Gen. Joseph E. Johnston turned over the command of the rebel army at Atlanta to Gen. J. B. Hood. 17. Severe fight near Grand Gulf. 17. Indian raid on Fed. post at Fort Larned. 17. Col. Jacques and Mr. Gilmore visited Jeff. Davis at Richmond, by permission of Fed. authorities. 17. Wirt Adams defeated at Grand Gulf, by Fed. Gen. Slocum, with heavy loss. 17. Gen. Rousseau defeated 1,500 rebs. under Clanton, at Chewa Station. =July 18.= Crook defeated by Breckinridge at Island Ford, Va. Loss, 300. 18. Gen. Duffie defeated at Ashby’s Gap, Va., losing 200 wagons and many prisoners. 18. Gen. Crook defeats Early at Snicker’s Gap, capt’g 300 wagons and many pris. 18. Decatur, Ga., occupied by Federal forces. 18. President Lincoln issued an order for a draft of 500,000 men to take place immediately after Sept. 5, the term of service to be one year. 18. The President sent his famous “To whom it may concern,” dispatch. 19. Sherman’s forces reached Peachtree creek, 4 miles north of Atlanta, Ga. They were attacked by Hood’s troops, who were defeated. Rebel loss, 6,000, including 3 generals. Fed. loss, 1,713. 20. Gen. Smith’s forces reached La Grange, Tenn. 20. Gen. “Baldy” Smith took leave of his command before Petersburg, Va., and Gen. Martindale assumed command. 20. Gen. Averill attacked and defeated the rebel Early in front of Winchester, Va. Rebel loss, 300 killed and wounded, and 200 prisoners. Early was reinforced and repulsed the Union troops. 21. Henderson, Ky., attacked by 700 rebels. 21. The rebel lines contracted close to Atlanta. 21. Skirmishing on the James river. 22. Great battle before Atlanta. The rebels assaulted Sherman’s lines near Atlanta with great fury seven times, and were as often repulsed after a terrible struggle. Fed. loss was 3,521; the rebel loss estimated at 10,000. Gen. McPherson was killed. 22. Skirmishing in front of Burnside’s corps of the Army of the Potomac. 23. Louisiana State Convention abolish slavery. 23. Burial of the dead before Atlanta. 23. Atlanta shelled. 23. Heavy fighting in the Shenandoah Valley. 23. Averill defeated at Winchester. 24. The cavalry expedition which left Decatur, July 10, arrived at Marietta, Ga., having been completely successful in a raid on the Montgomery and West Point railroad. 25. The rebels again occupied Martinsburg, Va. 26. Battle near Helena, Ark. Federal forces at first were unsuccessful, but afterward repulsed the enemy and charged through their lines. 26. Engagement at Point of Rocks, Md. 26. The rebels made an attempt to flank Gen. Butler’s position. 26. Gen. Stoneman dispatched a cavalry force to destroy the Macon and Western railroad. They succeeded in destroying 18 miles of track, and in capturing 500 rebels, when they were in turn attacked, the prisoners released, and 1,000 of Gen. McCook’s troops captured. 27. Fed. army attacked while crossing James river. A spirited engagement in which the rebels were driven back. 27. Gen. O. O. Howard assumed command of the Department and Army of the Tennessee, lately commanded by Gen. McPherson. 21. The siege of Atlanta commenced. The 15th corps of Sherman’s army assaulted the rebels in force and defeated them. The rebel army under Hood was repeatedly hurled against Sherman’s army, but as often rolled back and cut to pieces. The rebels suffered severely without gaining any advantage. 28. An expedition sent into N. C. 28. Gen. Hooker relieved of his command at his own request. 28. Fed. gunboats in Louisiana destroyed a large amount of rebel lumber and 2 saw mills. 29. The rebels crossed the Potomac on a raid into Maryland and Pennsylvania. 29. Fed. cavalry occupy Fayetteville, Ga. They cut the Atlanta and Macon railroad. 29. Fights with the rebels near Morganzia, La. 30. Explosion of an immense mine by Union troops in front of Burnside’s position before Petersburg. Its explosion was the signal for the discharge of every piece of artillery on the line from the Appomattox to the extreme left. After the discharge of the artillery the army advanced and assaulted the rebel works, but after a desperate attempt to carry them was repulsed, with a loss of over 4,000 men. 30. The rebels entered Chambersburg, Pa., where the rebel commander demanded $500,000 under threat of burning the city. His demand not being complied with, the city was burned. 31. Gen. Stoneman and part of his command captured by the rebels in Georgia. 31. The rebels occupied Frederick, Md. =Aug. 1.= Bradley Johnson and McCausland defeated at Cumberland, losing part of their plunder from Pennsylvania. 2. Fed. Col. Stout, with 500 men, posted to intercept the retreat of McCausland and Johnson, was captured by them, losing 90 men. 3. Return to Norfolk, Va., of a cavalry expedition sent into N. C., July 28, after having visited 5 counties and captured considerable property. 4. Fast day in the U. S. 4. Exchange of the Union and rebel officers, under fire, at Charleston, S. C. 4. Gen. Kelley repulsed rebels under Johnson and McCausland at New Creek Md. The fight continued until after dark, the rebels retiring in the night. 5. Great battle at the entrance of Mobile Bay. Fort Gaines opened on Fed. fleet at about 7 A. M., the monitor Tecumseh having opened the attack a short time before. The rebel ram Tennessee captured after one of the fiercest naval battles on record. In the night the rebs. evacuated and blew up Fort Powell. The monitor Tecumseh was blown up by a rebel torpedo. 5. Explosion of a rebel mine near Petersburg, Va. But little damage done. A terrific fight in front of Petersburg, lasting from 5:30 to 7:30 P. M. It commenced by a charge of the enemy, which was repulsed with slaughter. 6. Com. Farragut shelled Fort Gaines, Mobile Harbor. 6. Battle of Atlanta. The rebels made a demonstration on the 16th corps, and were heavily punished, and driven back. The 23d corps were driven from the reb. lines, losing 500 men. 6. Indian massacre near Beaver Creek. 7. Gen. Averill overtook rebels under McCausland, Gilmore, and McNeil, near Moorefield, in the Shenandoah Valley, and attacked them with great success, routing the rebels, capturing their artillery, a large number of prisoners, horses, and arms. 7. Gen. Sheridan assumed command of Middle Military Division. 8. Surrender of Fort Gaines, Mobile Bay, to Com. Farragut. 8. Steamboat Vanderbilt sunk in the Hudson. 8. Indians capture 9 wagons at Plumb Creek, and kill the teamsters. They also burn 21 wagons at Point Ranche. 8. Gen. Burris returns to New Madrid after 17 days’ scout in S. E. Mo. and N. E. Ark. 50 rebs. killed, 40 wounded, 57 prisoners. 9. Dutch Gap Canal, Va., commenced by Gen. Butler. 9. Terrible explosion of a boat loaded with ammunition at City Point, Va. 9. Heavy shelling of Atlanta. 10. Gen. Sheridan’s army skirmishing near Winchester, Va. Sharp fight near Martinsburg. 10. Steamer Empress fired into by reb. batteries on the banks of the Mississippi. 10. Sharp skirmish near Abbeyvale, Miss. 11. The Tallahassee scuttled the sch’r S. A. Boyce, burnt the pilot-boat James Funk, brig Carrie Estelle, bark Bay State, brig A. Richards, and bonded the schooner Carrol for $10,000; burnt the pilot-boat Wm. Bell and the schooner Atlantic. 11. Battle of Sulphur Springs Bridge. 12. The Tallahassee bonded the bark Suliote, burnt the schooner Spokelane and ship Adriatic, scuttled the brig Billow, bonded for $30,000 the schooner Robert E. Pecker. 12. Attack of guerrillas on the gunboat Reliance in Northumberland Co., Va. 13. Gen. Grant threw a powerful force, under Gen. Hancock, across the river at Deep Bottom. Hancock took position 10 miles from Richmond. Gen. Birne assaulted the rebel works in his front. 13. Gen. Burnside relieved. 13. Guerrillas attacked Selma, Ky. 13. Gen. Smith attacked the rebels at Hurricane Creek, Miss., and defeated them. 13. The Tallahassee scuttled the bark Glavomore, and burned the sch’r Lamot Dupont. 13. Mosby attacks Sheridan’s supply train near Snicker’s Gap, Va. 13. Rebel cavalry captured 5 steamers with governm’t cattle at Shawneetown. 14. The rebel Gen. Wheeler demanded the surrender of Dalton, Ga., which was refused by Col. Siebold. The rebels entered the town, but were kept at bay by the garrison. 14. The Tallahassee scuttled the ship James Littlefield. 14. Battle of Strawberry Plains, Va. 10th corps take rebel line of breastworks, 4 guns, and 100 prisoners. 15. Gen. Sheridan falls back toward Charlestown, Va. 15. Fighting near Richmond. 15. The Tallahassee scuttled schooners M. A. Howe, Howard, Floral Wreath, Restless, Etta Caroline, and bonded sch’r S. K. Harris. 15. Gen. Steadman reinforces Dalton, and rebels are driven out of town in confusion. 15. Kilpatrick cut West Point, Ga., road at Fairburn, and burned depot. 15. 10th corps threaten Malvern Hill. 16. Fighting on the north bank of the James at Deep Run. The engagement resulted favorably, though not decisively, for the Feds. The enemy somewhat driven back from their position. 16. Cavalry fight between a division of Sheridan’s army and the rebels, near Front Royal, Va. 16. Fight near Chattanooga. 16. The Tallahassee scuttled the bark P. C. Alexander, and burned the sch’rs Leopold, Pearl, Sarah Louisa, and Magnolia. 17. The Tallahassee scuttled the sch’r North American, and bonded the brig Neva for $17,500. 18. A furious attack on Burnside’s corps at Six Mile Station, on the Weldon railroad, near Petersburg, which was repulsed with great loss to the rebels. 18. General Warren moved his corps across the Weldon railroad, in doing which he was engaged in considerable fighting. 18. The Tallahassee arrived at Halifax, after having burned the schooners Josiah, Acorn, Diadem, Sea Flower, and brig Roan. 19. The rebels drove in Warren’s pickets and forced back 2 divisions of Fed. army at Six Mile Station. A heavy fight took place, resulting in re-establishing Union lines and capturing 1,500 prisoners. Fed. loss, 3,000. 19. Martinsburg robbed by rebels. 20. Guerrillas raid on Woodburn, and set fire to depot. 21. Rebels attack Union position on Weldon road, and after great loss (over 2,000) withdraw. Union loss about 600. 21. Battle of Summit Point, Va. Early driven 2 miles. 21. Memphis entered by Forrest with 9 regiments and 4 guns; took 250 prisoners. Union forces arriving, Forrest left; was overtaken near Lanes’, and severely punished in a 2 hours’ battle. 22. Cannonade of Fed. works near Petersburg. The rebels charged, but finding themselves in a trap, retreated in confusion. 22. Rebel force on Weldon road withdrawn from front of 5th and 9th corps, and intrenches 3 miles from Petersburg. 22. Rebel Johnson’s forces whipped at Canton, Ky., by Col. Johnson, and himself killed. 22. Action at Rogersville, Tenn. 23. Rebels fall back to their lines 2 miles from Petersburg, and Gen. Warren’s lines advanced. 23. Shelby captures nearly all 54th Ill. near Duval’s Bluff. 23. Fort Morgan, Mobile Bay, surrendered unconditionally. By its surrender Feds. captured 200 prisoners, 60 pieces of artillery. 24. Skirmish on Sheridan’s left. 24. Reconnoissance of Gen. Crook’s command in the Shenandoah Valley. 24 Clinton, Miss., taken by Generals Herron and Lee. 25. Severe battle on the Weldon railroad near Reams’ Station. A desperate attempt of the rebels to retake the road. Hancock’s corps was several times attacked, the enemy being each time repulsed. At 5:30 P. M., a combined attack on his centre and left was repulsed, the enemy withdrawing, leaving their dead and wounded on the field. Union forces afterward fell back. Fed. loss, 1,000 killed and wounded, 3,000 prisoners and 9 guns. Rebel killed and wounded 1,500. 25. Gen. Butler’s picket-line driven in, but re-established. 25. Torbert encounters Early’s forces at Leetown, narrowly escaping flanking. He falls back to near Shepardstown. 26. The rebel Gen. Early attempted to cross the Potomac, but was driven back by Averill. 26. Kilpatrick destroyed 14 miles of Macon railroad, and stores, capturing 6 guns, 4 flags, and 200 prisoners; afterwards forced to abandon most of his captures. 26. Rebels fall back from Sheridan’s front toward Smithfield. 27. Guerrillas defeated at Shelbyville, Ky. 28. Early driven through Smithfield. 28. Gen. Sherman’s army reached the West Point railroad at Red Oak, 13 miles from Atlanta, and began the destruction of the road from that point. 29. McClellan nominated for President and Geo. H. Pendleton for Vice. 30. Sherman interposed his whole army between Atlanta and Hood’s army intrenched at Jonesboro’. 31. Great battle near Atlanta. During the afternoon, Fed. artillery kept up a cannonade to provoke the rebels to an assault. In the afternoon the rebels assaulted Union lines, but were repulsed with great loss. The rebel loss in the attack on Ransom’s and Logan’s lines estimated at 3,000. In the evening the 14th corps struck the railroad, 5 miles south of Jonesboro’. The work of destruction commenced immediately. =Sept 1.= The battle of Atlanta continued. A brilliant charge was made at 5 P. M. by Gen. Davis’ force, resulting in the discomfiture of the rebels and surrender of a large number. Great destruction by the rebs. of large magazines of stores accumulated at Atlanta. They blew up, in addition to other things, 80 car-loads of ammunition. Gen. Slocum’s corps assaulted the enemy’s works around the city, in the afternoon. 1. Panic and evacuation of the city. 1. Rebels driven from Jonesboro’ to Lovejoy’s Station, losing 1,000 prisoners and 10 guns. 1. Gen. Rousseau drives 10,000 rebels, near Murfreesboro’ pike 3 miles. 2. Atlanta, Ga., occupied by Sherman’s army at 11 A. M. 2. Sharp fighting near Martinsburg, Va. 3. Milroy attacks 3,000 rebel cavalry near Murfreesboro’, and drives them toward Triune. 3. Sheridan’s army again moves forward from Charlestown. Battles of Darkesville and Perryville, Va. Rebels were repulsed, losing 70 pris. Union loss, 300. Mosby captured an ambulance train which had left the field. 4. John Morgan’s forces routed, and Morgan killed by Gen. Gillem, at Greenville, Tenn. Killed, 100; prisoners, 75, including Morgan’s staff. 5. Steamer Elsie captured in running the blockade at Wilmington. 5. The President issued a proclamation, recommending that Sunday, Sept. 11, be observed as a day of Thanksgiving. 6. Battle of Matamoras. 7. Dibbel’s rebel brigade surprised at Readyville, Tenn., by 220 of 9th Pa. cavalry, losing 130 prisoners. 8. Rebel Col. Jessie and 100 men captured near Ghent, Ky. 8. Brownsville, Texas, attacked by Cortinas, and the rebels driven from the town. 8. Gen. McClellan accepted the nomination for the Presidency. 8. Gen. Sherman ordered the removal of the inhabitants of Atlanta, and proposed a truce of ten days. 9. Spirited attack on the rebel pickets near Petersburg, in the night. 10. Gen. Sheridan’s forces in the Shenandoah Valley attacked at Darksville, Va. 10. Grant drives picket line across Plank Road, and advances his permanent line half a mile. 10. Steamer Fawn burned by rebels on Dismal Swamp Canal. 11. An expedition left Fort Morgan, near Mobile, and proceeded up White river, destroying a large amount of lumber at Smith’s Mills. 13. Attack on the rebels near Occoquan creek by some of Sheridan’s forces. A South Carolina regiment captured. 14. Secretary Stanton ordered the draft to be commenced Sept. 19. 14. Price, with about 10,000 men, crosses White river, en route for Mo. 14. Gov. Brown, of Ga., withdraws 15,000 Ga. militia from Hood’s army. 16. 2,500 cattle, the 13th Pa. regiment, with arms, wagons and camp, captured at Sycamore Church, Va. 18. Averill drives rebels out of Martinsburg. 19. Battle at Powder Mill, on Little Rock river. 19. Steamer Island Queen captured and sunk on Lake Erie, and the Philo Parsons burned by rebels on British soil. 19. Battle of Bunker Hill, near Winchester, Va. A great battle fought by Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley. Sheridan made the attack and won a splendid victory, capturing over 2,500 prisoners, together with 9 battle flags, and 5 pieces of artillery. The reb. Gens. Gordon and Rhodes were killed, and 3 other general officers wounded. All of the rebel killed and most of the wounded fell into Fed. hands. 20. Gen. Sheridan crossed Cedar creek, having pursued the enemy 30 miles. 20. Athens, Ala., captured by Forrest. 500 Union soldiers forced to surrender. 21. Fremont and Cochrane withdrew their names as candidates for President and Vice-President. 21. Battle of Fisher’s Hill, Va. Sheridan’s army defeated the rebels. Early loses 1,100 prisoners and 16 guns. 21. Torbert’s cavalry defeats Wickham at Luray, capturing some prisoners. 23. Rebel Gen. Price occupies Bloomfield, Mo. 23. Montgomery Blair resigned his office of Postmaster-General. 23. A part of the rebel Gen. Forrest’s force, about 400 strong, crossed the Tennessee river, at Bates’ Landing. 25. Gen. Sheridan’s advance passed beyond New Market. His forces drove the enemy from Mount Jackson. 25. Athens, Ala., occupied by the rebel Gen. Forrest’s troops. 25. The rebels at Luray attacked. 25. A force of rebel cavalry occupied Frederickstown, Mo., 20 miles east of Pilot Knob. 26. Battle at Pilot Knob. 26. Gen. Sheridan’s headquarters at Harrisonburg, Va. His cavalry entered Stanton, Va., and destroyed a large quantity of rebel government property. They then proceeded to Waynesboro’, destroying an iron bridge over the Shenandoah and a large amount of property. Gen. Early’s reb. army routed and demoralized, fled through Brown’s Gap toward Gordonsville. Gens. Merritt and Powel were driven back when they attacked Early at Brown’s Gap. 27. Skirmish with Forrest’s troops in Tenn. 27. The rebels attacked Fed. forces at Mineral Point, Mo. 27. Gen. Ewing arrives at Rolla, Mo., after being surrounded at Harrison by Price’s forces. 28. Rebel night attack on Hancock’s front, on Jerusalem Plank Road repulsed. 29. Gen. Ord’s corps of Grant’s army advanced and carried a very strong fortification and line of intrenchments below Chapin’s Farm, taking 15 pieces of artillery and 200 or 300 prisoners. 29. Gen. Barney advanced from Deep Bottom and carried the Newmarket road. 30. Gen. Butler’s forces assaulted the rebels in 8 columns near Chapin’s Farm. 30. Warren captures first line of rebel works at Preble’s Farm, capturing 50 men, and 1 gun. Rebels retired half a mile back to strong positions, and repulsed an attack thereon, capturing 1,500 prisoners, and killed and wounded 500. 30. The 10th and 18th corps concentrated at Newmarket Heights, furiously attacked by rebels, and swept back with terrible loss 3 times, losing 1,000, beside 200 prisoners and 2 flags. =Oct. 2.= The rebels attacked at Saltville, Va., and were driven into their works. 2. Rebels in front of Warren fell back to their main lines, from Petersburg lead works, to Southside Road. 3. Lieut. Meigs murdered by guerrillas in Shenandoah valley. 3. Sherman’s forces crossed the Chattahoochie with 15 days’ rations, moving toward Marietta. 3. Gen. Thomas ordered to Chattanooga after Forrest, and Gen. Corse to Rome. 5. Hood captured small garrisons at Big Shanty and Ackworth, and burned 7 miles of railway; then moving on Allatoona. 6. Gen. Sheridan commenced moving back from Port Republic, Mount Crawford and Harrisonburg, Va., previous to which the whole country from the Blue Ridge to the North Mountain was made untenable for the rebel army by destroying an immense quantity of stores, grain, &c. 6. Allatoona unsuccessfully attacked by Hood. 6. Fed. Gen. Lee captures Clinton, La., and 30 prisoners. 7. Battle at Darleytown Road and New Market Heights. Rebel loss 1,000; Union 500. Gen. Kautz’s cavalry attacked by rebels, who suffered considerably. They afterwards attacked Birney’s division, who also repulsed them with very heavy loss. In the afternoon Gen. Butler took the offensive and recaptured some of the intrenchments which had been taken from Kautz. 7. Reb. privateer Florida captured at Bahia, Bay of San Salvador, by U. S. S. Wachusett, Commander Collins. 7. The advance of the rebels from Osage river, Mo., spiritedly contested by Union cavalry. 7. Gen. Sheridan’s forces reached Woodstock, Va. 7. A band of 200 rebels captured a steamboat and crossed into Ky. 8. Rebels at Woodville attacked by expedition from Gen. Dana, killing 40, and capturing 3 guns and 56 men. 8. The Fifth and Ninth Corps, Army of the Potomac, advanced their lines half a mile, driving the rebel skirmishers into their breastworks. 8. The rebels drew up in line of battle near Jefferson City, Mo., but afterwards moved off toward the west. 9. An engagement took place near Fisher’s Hill, Va., in which the rebels were defeated, leaving 11 pieces of artillery and other munitions of war. 10. Engagement with the rebel Gen. Forrest at East Point, Tenn. 11. Gen. Curtis drove the rebels out of Independence, Mo. 11. Bloody fight with guerrillas near Winchester, Va. 11. Successful reconnoissance from the Army of the Potomac to Stony Creek. 11. Reb. Gen. Buford, with 1,200 cavalry, crosses Cumberland River, Tenn., at Harpeth Shoals. 11. Col. Weaver, with 90 colored troops, attacked by 200 rebels near Fort Nelson, Tenn. Defeats them, and kills and wounds 27. 12. Death of Chief-Justice Roger B. Taney. 13. Reconnoissance in force from the Army of the James. 13. Attack on Resaca, Ga., by rebel Gen. Hood. The rebs. repulsed. 13. Engagement at Greenville, East Tenn. 15. The rebel army under Longstreet having appeared near Strasburg, Va., Gen. Sheridan advanced and found them drawn up in four lines of battle, but, on charging, the rebels fled. 16. Hood’s army at Lafayette. 16. Gen. Sherman took Ship’s Gap. 18. Maj.-Gen. Birney died at Philadelphia. 18. Gen. Blunt, with 2,000 cavalry and 4 howitzers, entered Lexington, Mo. 19. Battle of Cedar Creek, Shenandoah Valley. Gen. Sheridan’s army was attacked before daylight and its left turned and driven in confusion, with a loss of 20 pieces of artillery. Gen. Sheridan afterward arrived on the field and drove the rebels, taking 48 pieces of artillery and many prisoners, gaining a great victory. Sheridan pursued the rebels to Mount Jackson, which he reached in the night. 19. The rebel Gen. Price attacked Gen. Blunt at Lexington, Mo., with an overwhelming force, and after a sharp fight drove him from the city. Gen. Blunt fell back to the Little Blue river, fighting desperately, and retarding the advance of the enemy. 19. The rebels entered Mayfield, Ky. 20. Capture of 10 of the St. Albans robbers. 20. Skirmishing between the Little and Big Blue river, Mo. 21. A very gallant fight between Little Blue river and Independence, Mo. Fed. troops fought Price’s army 5 hours. The Union forces evacuated Independence, falling back on the Big Blue. 22. Col. Emmerson was attacked at Bryan Ford, Mo., by a heavy column of rebels, at 10 A. M. At 3 P. M. the rebs forced the ford. Fed. troops fought the rebels until after dark, driving them 4 miles. Gen. Pleasanton pursued Price with 2,000 men, fought him on the battle-field of the day before, drove him from Independence, and pursued him sharply. Pleasanton captured a large number of prisoners and 3 pieces of artillery. 25. Price defeated at Fort Scott Road, losing camp equipage, 20 wagons of plunder, 1 gun, and cattle. 26. Price driven from Mine Creek by Pleasanton, and loses 1,000 prisoners, and 1,500 stand of arms. Gens. Marmaduke and Cabell captured. 27. An advance in force on a reconnaissance, made by Warren’s corps of Grant’s army. In the evening the enemy attacked Hancock’s corps vigorously, but were repulsed. Feds. retire. Union loss 3,000. Reb. loss 1,500. 27. The reb. ram Albemarle sunk by Lieut. Cushing, in the Roanoke river. 27. Arrest of Col. North on charges of fraud in the matter of soldiers’ votes. 27. Price forced to retreat from Marais des Cygnes, Ark. 28. Reb. Gen. Forrest captured a Fed. gunboat and 3 transports at Fort Hieman, on the Tennessee river. 28. Price again defeated at Newtonia, destroying more wagons, and losing 250 men. 28–30. Rhoddy’s cavalry attack Col. Morgan’s colored troops at Decatur, and lose 400 prisoners and many killed and wounded. Union loss 100. 28. Gen. Gillem had a fight with the rebels under Vaughn at Norristown, East Tenn., completely routing them, and capturing 200 prisoners and 8 pieces of artillery. 28. A reb. force of 2,500 attacked Fayetteville, Ark., but was repulsed with heavy loss. 29. Maryland proclaimed a Free State by Gov. Bradford. 30. Fed. fleet shelled Plymouth, N. C. 31. Nevada admitted as a State by proclamation of the President. 31. Capture of reb. batteries and their ordnance and ordnance stores, at Plymouth, N. C. =Nov. 3.= The rebel army under Hood attempted to cross the Tennessee, near the mouth of the Blue Water, and were repulsed by Gen. Sherman. 3. The rebels bombarded Fayetteville, Ark. 4 Johnsonville, Tenn., a depot for Fed. supplies on the Tennessee river, was attacked and destroyed by rebels under Col. Forrest, and $1,500,000 value of property destroyed. 3 “tin-clad” gunboats and 7 transports were destroyed by the rebels. 4. The siege of Fayetteville, Ark., by the rebels, raised. 4. Revelation by one of the conspirators of a plot to overthrow the Government, release and arm the rebel prisoners, and kill Gov. Morton, of Ind. 5. Gen. Butler assumed command of the troops arrived and to arrive in New York city to protect the city during election. 5. Rebels unsuccessfully attack Fort Sedgwick, on Jerusalem Plank Road, southeast end of Petersburg, Va. Union loss, 70. Rebel, 120. 6. Rebels attack Mott’s and Gibson’s pickets; capture 30 and a mile of intrenchments, but are driven out and lose 47 prisoners. Several such attacks and repulses at this time. 7. A rebel attack on Fed. pickets south of Atlanta. 8. Atlanta attacked by the rebs. under Gen. Iverson. 8. President Lincoln re-elected, and Andrew Johnson elected Vice-President of United States. Hon. Reuben E. Fenton elected Governor of New York, over Seymour. 8. Gen. McClellan resigns his commission in the U. S. army. 8. Sheridan created Major-General of regular army. 9. Sheridan moved all his army back to Newtown from Cedar Creek. 9. Advance and repulse of a small reb. force near Fort Steadman, army of the Potomac. 10. Arrest on board of the vessel, of a party of rebels, conspiring to seize the Panama Railroad Co.’s steamship Salvador, on the Pacific. 10. Rebels engaged 2d corps’ pickets all night, without success, on this and 2 next nights. 11. U. S. S. Tulip destroyed by boiler explosion off Ragged Point. 49 officers and men killed (all of crew but 10). 11. Reconnoissance by the rebels in the Shenandoah Valley. 11. Commencement of the burning of Atlanta, Ga. 12. Burning of Atlanta continued. The public buildings destroyed. 12. About 10,000 prisoners exchanged near Fort Pulaski. 12–16. Several unimportant skirmishes between Gen. Sheridan and rebel Gen. Early. Both armies looking for winter quarters. 12. Rebel Gen. Lomax defeated near Nineveh, Va. by Powell, losing 150 prisoners and 2 guns. 12. Custer captures 150 and Merritt about 200 prisoners on reconnoissance from Cedar creek. 13. Battle of Bull’s Gap. Gen. Gillem defeated with loss of baggage train, and all his artillery. 13. Gen. Sherman’s right wing, under Gen. Howard, moved out of Atlanta and began its march through Ga. 14. Gen. Sherman’s left wing left Atlanta. 14. A division of Price’s rebel army assaulted the works at Fayetteville, Ark., but were repulsed. 15. The last of Sherman’s army left Atlanta. 16. Gen. Sherman’s right wing passed through Jonesboro’, Ga. 16. The rebel cavalry under Wheeler, engaged Fed. cavalry at Bear Creek Station, Ga. 16. Jackson, Ga., reached by Sherman’s right wing. 16. Howard drives rebel Gen. Iverson at Rough and Ready. 17. Part of Butler’s picket line captured, at night, near Chester’s Station, Va. 17. A column of Sherman’s army occupied McDonough, Ga. 17. Fed. cavalry occupied Griffin, Ga. 17. Sherman’s left wing reached Covington, Ga., the cavalry pushing on to Social Circle. 18. Sherman’s cavalry drove Wheeler out of Barnesville, Ga. 18. Gov. Brown and the Georgia Legislature fled from Milledgeville, Ga. 18. Exchange of prisoners at Savannah. 18. Macon railroad cut by Slocum at Forsyth. 19. Gov. Brown, of Georgia, issued a proclamation, ordering a levy _en masse_ to oppose Sherman. 19. The advance of Beauregard’s army at Waynesboro’, Tenn. Beauregard’s headquarters at Corinth, Miss., and Hood’s at Florence. 19. Mosby’s force captured a party of Union cavalry in Va. 19. Madison captured by Sherman. Depots, &c., burned. 20. Gen. Giliem’s retreating force arrives at Knoxville. 20. Sherman crossed the Oconee, arriving at Greensboro’. 20. Gen. Sherman attacked East Macon, Ga. His troops crossed the Ocmulgee river, and his cavalry advanced to Griswoldsville, 8 miles E. of Macon, Ga. 21. Thomas’ army at Pulaski. 21. Rebels badly whipped at Liberty, La., losing 3 guns and 200 prisoners. 21. Heavy skirmishing near Cumberland Gap. 21. Gen. Sherman’s right wing captured Milledgeville, Ga. Gordon, Ga., occupied. Slocum’s column reached Etonville, Ga. 22. Battle of Rood’s Hill, Va., between Sheridan’s and Early’s forces. Union troops retreated. 22. The rebel armies under Hood and Beauregard, having been reinforced by 9,000 men, advanced and encamped 20 miles from Pulaski, Tenn. Gen. Thomas fell back to Franklin. 22. Sherman’s rear guard at Griswoldville attacked. Gen. Slocum’s column reached Milledgeville, Ga., where both wings united. 22. Sheridan reconnoiters towards Rood’s Hill, where rebels are found in force. Rest of Early’s army at Mt. Jackson and Newmarket. 23. Fed. forces withdrew from Pulaski, Tenn. 23. Gen. Sherman’s cavalry occupied Toomsboro’, on the Georgia Central railroad. 23. Fight near Griswoldville, Ga. 23. Hood’s infantry at Waynesboro’ and Lawrenceburg. 23. Fight at the Oconee river, Ga. 24. Second day of fighting up the Oconee river, Ga. 24. Severe skirmishing near Columbia, Tenn. 24. Sherman’s rear guard left Milledgeville, Ga. 24. Slocum’s column at Devereaux, Ga. 24. Fed. troops made a flank movement on Jackson, Miss. 24. Potomac, James, and Valley armies celebrate Thanksgiving with aid of thousands of turkeys and other delicacies from New York, &c. 25. Severe fighting west of Columbia, Tenn., between Hood’s and Thomas’ armies. Thomas falls back to Franklin. 25. A large number of Fed. prisoners confined at Salisbury, N. C., attempted to escape, but were overpowered by the guard, who opened upon them with grape and canister. 25. Cavalry battle at Sandersville, Ga. 25. Rebel attempt to burn New York. 15 hotels, Barnum’s Museum, and shipping fired. 26–29. Decatur besieged by Beauregard, who is repulsed, losing 500 men. 26. Columbia, Tenn., evacuated by Gen. Thomas’ army. 26. Gen. Slocum’s column of Sherman’s army at Warrenton, Ga. 26. Gen. Howard’s column reached Sandersville, Ga., and cut the railroad. 27. Fed. stores and sick and wounded removed from Columbia, Tenn., to Nashville. 27. Capture of Roger A. Pryor near Petersburg, Va. 27. Gen. Canby’s troops reached and destroyed Big Black bridge on the Mississippi Central railroad. 27. Steamer Greyhound burned on James river. 28. Rosser captures Fed. Fort Kelly, at New Creek, Va., with guns and prisoners. 28. Fed. forces evacuate Columbia, Tenn. 29. Sharp fight at Spring Hill, 12 miles south of Franklin, Tenn. Fed. cavalry were driven back on the infantry, who checked the progress of the rebels. 29. Gen. Foster’s expedition, cooperating with Sherman, landed at Broad river. 30. Battle of Franklin, Tenn. The rebels under Hood attacked Thomas’ army at Franklin, but were repulsed at all points. The rebels commenced advancing on Fed. lines at 4 P. M. They charged furiously on the lines, but were driven back and a great victory gained. Rebel loss, 5,000 killed and wounded, and 1,000 prisoners. Fed. loss, 1,000. Gen. A. J. Smith’s army passed through Nashville and reinforced Thomas. 30. Battle of Grahamsville, on the Charleston and Savannah railroad. 30. Howard’s column of Sherman’s army passed through Louisville, Ga. 30. A cavalry expedition arrived at Tangipahoe, La. 30. Hon. Joseph Holt appointed Attorney-General U. S. =Dec. 1.= The army near Nashville engaged in heavy skirmishes. 1. Death of Hon. Wm. L. Dayton, U. S. Minister to France. 1. Blockade of Norfolk, Fernandina, and Pensacola ceased. 1. Gen. Banks resumes command of Department of the Gulf. 1. Creek Station, Va., captured by Gen. Gregg. 2 guns, 190 prisoners, depot burned, &c. 2. Sherman’s army passed through Millen, Ga. 3. Sherman attacked by Wheeler near Haynesborough, Ga. 3. Portions of Hood’s army cross the Tenn., between Florence and Decatur. 3. An expedition sent from Roanoke Island, N. C., which met with perfect success in destroying rebel property. 3. Heavy skirmishing before Nashville, Tenn. 4. Merritt’s expedition in Loudon Valley, Va., returns with 2,000 cattle and 1,000 sheep. The Valley stripped of stock and forage. 4. Lieut.-Com. Fitch defeated and drove the left wing of Hood’s army on the Cumberland river, with heavy loss to the rebels. He also recaptured 2 transports. 4. Capture of rebel works and cannon near Pocotaligo, S. C., by Gen. Foster’s troops. 4. Cavalry battle in Ga. Sherman’s army started for Savannah. 5. U. S. Houses of Congress meet in 2d Session, 38th Congress. 5. Blockhouses at Murfreesboro’ unsuccessfully attacked by rebels. 5. Brig Lizzie Freeman captured by pirates off Warwick river. Passengers robbed; 1 murdered. 6. Ex-Secretary Chase appointed Chief Justice Supreme Court. 6. Hood skirmishing 5 miles from Nashville. 6. Rebels defeated near the Charleston and Savannah railroad. 7. Rosseau routs Forrest near Murfreesboro’, capturing 207 prisoners and 14 cannon. 8. Rebels establish a battery on Cumberland river. Gunboats fail to dislodge it. 8. Five divisions, under Maj.-Gen. Warren, made a raid on the Weldon (N. C.) railroad. The Nottoway was reached about midday, Dec. 8th, and destroyed; thence the railroad track was destroyed nearly to Bellfield Station, 20 miles south. 9. 500 Indians killed near Fort Lyon by Col. Chivington’s force. 9. 4,000 rebels, under Gen. Lyon, cross the Cumberland river, 20 miles above Fort Donelson. 9. Reconnoissance of Gen. Miles to Hatcher’s Run, on the right of the rebel forces defending Petersburg. He captures the rebel works and holds them during the night. 9. Direct communication with Sherman re-established. His army in the vicinity of Savannah. 9. A reconnoitering expedition, under Col. Frencle, leaves Plymouth, N. C. 10. Gen. Sherman’s troops 5 miles from Savannah. 10. Rebel reconnoissance toward the army of the Potomac. 10. Gen. Warren commences starting homeward, and in the evening reaches Sussex C. H. Destroyed, during the trip, over 20 miles of the Weldon railroad, all the stations and depots along the line of march, numerous mills, barns, and dwellings. Entire loss in the expedition about 40 killed and wounded, and a few missing. 10. Gen. Miles returns to his camp. The rebels attack him, but are repulsed. 10. The gunboat Otsego sunk by a rebel torpedo in the Roanoke river. 12. Arrival of Gen. Howard’s messengers at Hilton Head, S. C. 12. Skirmishing between the National and rebel forces before Nashville. The rebels fall back to their main line. 12. Expedition under Gen. Burbridge starts from Bean’s Station, E. Tenn. 12. Fight at Kingston, E. Tenn. The rebel Col. Morgan and 85 of his men captured. 13. The St. Albans robbers released by the Canadian Judge Coursol. 13. The rebels before Nashville reoccupy their advance works. 13. Gen. Burbridge routs the rebel brigade under Basil Duke, at Kingsport, E. Tenn. Rebel loss, 150 men and the train. 13. Gen. Hazen’s division, of the 15th corps, captures Fort McAllister, commanding the entrance of the Ogeechee river, 15 miles southwest of Savannah. 13. Sherman’s report on his great march. “Not a wagon lost on the trip.” 200 miles of railroad destroyed. Total loss during the march about 1,000. 13. Departure from Hampton Roads of land and naval forces under Gen. Butler and Ad. Porter. 13. A raiding expedition under Gen. Robinson leaves New Orleans for Ala. 14. An expedition threatening Mobile reached Pascagoula. 14. Gen. Thomas assumes the offensive. 14. Capture of Bristol by Gen. Burbridge. 300 rebels captured. 15. The St. Albans raiders ordered by the Attorney-Gen. of Canada to be rearrested. 15. Raid of Gen. Stoneman in Southwest Va. Surprise and capture of Glade Springs, 13 miles from Abingdon. 15. Defeat of Forrest near Murfreesboro’. Loss, 1,500 killed and wounded. 15. Raiding expedition of General Granger into Alabama starts from East Pensacola, Fla. 15. Battle of Nashville commenced. Gen. Thomas attacked Hood’s army at 2 A. M. Fed. lines advanced on the right 5 miles. The rebels were driven from the river, from their intrenchments, from a range of hills, on which their left rested, and forced back upon the right and centre. The rebels lost 17 cannon and 1,500 prisoners, and a whole line of earthworks. In the night Hood withdrew his right from the river. 16. Another battle near Nashville. Hood completely routed. Prisoners and cannon captured on every part of the field. Hood’s loss before Nashville, 13,189 prisoners, 2,207 deserters, 30 guns, 7,000 small arms. An entire rebel division (Ed. Johnson’s) captured. Union loss, about 6,500. Total loss of the rebs. about 23,000. 17. Gen. McCook defeated rebel Gen. Lyon in a sharp fight at Ashbyville, Ky. 17. Fed. troops entered Wytheville, S. W. Va., destroyed the depot and other buildings, and injured the lead mines in the vicinity. 17. A detachment of Union artillery cut up near Millwood, Va. 17. The rebel army of Hood driven through and beyond Franklin. 1,500 wounded rebels captured in the hospital of Franklin. 18. Hood’s army driven as far as Spring Hill, 30 miles from Nashville. The rebel Gen. Quarles captured. 18. The rebel raiders in Ky. defeated at Hopkinsville by Gen. McCook. All their cannon captured. 19. Gen. Custer’s cavalry started on an expedition up the Shenandoah Valley. 19. A call and draft for 300,000 men. All soldiers fit for duty ordered to join their regiments. 19. Hood driven to Duck river. 9,000 rebels captured from Dec. 15 to Dec. 19, and 61 (out of 66) pieces of artillery. 20. Gen. Sherman demanded the surrender of Savannah. The city was evacuated by Hardee’s army in the night. The rebels blew up their rams at Savannah. 20. Capture of rebel salt-works at Saltville, Va. 21. Admiral Farragut appointed Vice-Admiral. 21. Gen. Custer’s force in the Shenandoah Valley engaged with rebel cavalry. 21. Occupation of Savannah by Sherman. He captures 800 prisoners, 150 pieces of artillery, 33,000 bales of cotton, 3 steamers. 21. Madison C. H., Va., occupied by Gens. Torbert and Powell. 21. Gen. Grierson starts from Memphis for a raid on the Mobile and Ohio R. R. 22. Loss of the U. S. transport North American, by foundering, at sea. 194 lives lost. 23. Fight near Gordonsville, Va. 24. The fleet of Ad. Porter before Fort Fisher, N. C. Furious attack on the fort. 25. Attack on Fort Fisher renewed. 3 brigades of Union infantry landed 2 and a half miles above the fort. They are repulsed, and reembark. 26. Heavy cannonading on Broad riv., between Sherman’s and Hardee’s forces. 26. Ensign Blume cuts loose and takes out from Galveston harbor the blockade running schooner Sallie. 26. The blockade-runner Julia, with 450 bales of cotton, captured by the gunboat Accacia. 26. A dispatch from Hood reports his army south of the Tenn. 27. Destruction of a fort and artillery at Chickasaw, Ala. 28. Hood’s rear guard crosses the Tenn. river at Bainbridge. 1865. =Jan. 1.= The head of Dutch Gap Canal, Va., blown out, but without effect. 1. Admiral Farragut commissioned Vice-Admiral. 1. San Jacinto, sloop-of-war, wrecked on Bahama Banks. 2. Passport system established on U. S. frontier. 2. Steamship George Washington burned at New York. Loss $500,000. 3. Hood’s pontoon train captured. 4. Rebel powder and torpedoes destroyed on the Rappahannock. 5. John Thompson expelled, for disloyalty, from the Missouri Legislature. 5. Gen. Grierson arrives at Vicksburg, having destroyed on his raid 70 miles of the Mobile and Ohio railroad, and 30 miles of the Miss. Central, and captured 600 prisoners and 1,000 negroes. 5. “Sue Munday,” a guerrilla, murders 5 soldiers near Lebanon, Ky. 6. Owensboro’, Ky., evacuated by the rebels. 6. Magruder’s guerrillas burn the Lebanon train, and murder 4 discharged soldiers. 6. Gen. Sherman and his army crossed the Savannah river. 6. Missouri Constitutional Convention organized. 6. Steamship Knickerbocker, of N. Y., sunk on the Chesapeake. 6. Steamer Potomac, of N. Y., burned off Cape Elizabeth. 6. Gen. Terry’s expedition sailed for Wilmington from Fortress Monroe. 7. Gen. Thomas appointed Maj.-Gen. U. S. A., vice Fremont, resigned. 7. Julesburg, Colorado Territory, attacked by Indians, who were defeated, after killing 19 soldiers and citizens, and destroying much property. 7. Hon. F. P. Blair left for Richmond, on a self-constituted Peace mission. 8. Gen. Butler relieved from command of the Army of the James. 8. Steamer Venango captured and burned by guerrillas on the Mississippi river. 8. The steamship Melville foundered at sea; over 6O drowned. 8. Gen. Terry’s expedition arrived off Beaufort, N. C. 9. Picket line of Second Division A. C. Potomac army attacked. 10. Rebel storehouses, &c., at Charlotte, N. C. burned. 11. Foraging party on Jerusalem Plank Road, Va., repulsed by bushwhackers. 11. Beverley, W. Va., captured and partially burned by Gen. Rosser. 200 Fed. soldiers captured. 11. Gov. Thomas Swan, of Md., inaugurated. 11. H. S. Foote arrested by rebel authorities while attempting to escape from Richmond. 12. Missouri declared a Free State. 18. Disembarkation of troops to attack Fort Fisher. 14. A reconnoissance pushed within 500 yards of Fort Fisher, and small work captured. 14. Gen. Sherman recommences movement from Savannah. 14. Pocotaligo, S. C., captured by Fed. Gen. Blair. 14. Slavery abolished by Tenn. State Convention. 14. Steamship Rebecca Clyde sent from N. Y. with relief for Savannah. 15. Gens. Sherman, Sheridan, and Thomas confirmed Maj.-Gens. U. S. A. and Gen. Hancock, Brig.-Gen. U. S. A. 15. Rebs. defeated at Dardanelle, Ark. 15. Grand assault on Fort Fisher, which is captured with entire garrison. Union loss 110 killed, 536 wounded. Reb. loss 2,500 prisoners, 72 guns. 16. Fort Fisher magazine explodes, with great loss of life. 16. Rebels blow up and abandon Fort Caswell and works on Smith’s Isl., N. C. 16. S. S. Cox’s Peace Resolution tabled by House. 16. Reb. Congress debate question of Peace. 16. Mr. Blair returns from Richmond. 16. The monitor Patapsco sunk by a rebel torpedo in Charleston Harbor. 60 of the officers and crew were lost. 17. Steamers Chickamauga and Patapsco blown up by rebels. 18. Gen. Ord placed in command of the Army of the James. 18. Smithville, N. C., captured. 18. The Harriet Lane, rebel vessel, destroyed at Havana. 18. 200 of rebel Gen. Forrest’s cavalry defeated, 10 miles from Columbus, Ky. 18. Gen. Terry appointed Maj.-Gen. 19. Fatal explosion at Hazard Powder Mills. 19. Gen. Schofield captured Fort Anderson, the main defence of Wilmington. 20. Rebel Secretary Seddon resigns. 20. Gen. Schofield fighting on this and next day at Wilmington. 21. Rebel Gen. Roddy pardoned by Pres. Lincoln. 22. Wilmington captured by Gen. Schofield; rebels retreat towards Goldsboro’. 23. Rebel Gen. Hood superseded by Dick Taylor. 23. Charles A. Dana appointed Assistant-Secretary of War. 24. Rebel iron-clads attempt descent of the James; are driven back, and the Virginia blown up. 24. H. S. Foote expelled by the rebel Congress. 24. The Smithsonian Institution destroyed by fire. 25. Mr. Blair returns from Richmond, his Peace Mission having failed. 25. Reb. Gen. Lee appointed General-in-Chief by Jeff. Davis. 26. Steamer Eclipse explodes her boiler on the Tennessee, killing 140 persons. 26. The steamer Dai Ching attacked by rebels on the Combahee river; gets aground, is abandoned and burned. 26. Emancipation Acts of Missouri and Tennessee celebrated in New Orleans. 26. Part of the 75th Ohio captured by treachery. 27. Gen. Robert E. Breckinridge appointed rebel Secretary of War. 28. Rebel House resolves to arm negroes. 28. Valley Station, Omaha, attacked by Indians; 12 men killed and 650 head of cattle stolen. 30. Messrs. Stephens, Campell and Hunter enter Union lines as Peace Commissioners. 30. Jackson Burroughs, a Treasury clerk, shot by Miss Mary Harris. 31. The Anti-Slavery Constitutional Amendment passed by House, 19 to 56. =Feb. 1.= Secretary Seward leaves for Fortress Monroe to meet rebel Commissioners. 1. Sherman’s whole army in motion for Savannah. 1. Constitutional Amendment ratified by Maryland House and Illinois. 2. President Lincoln proceeds to meet rebel Commissioners. 2. Constitutional Amendment ratified by Michigan and Rhode Island; also by New York Senate. 2. Julesburg, Omaha, fort attacked by Indians, and station burned. 2. Midway, Ky., robbed and partially burned by guerrillas. 3. Sherman’s advance crosses the Salkehatchie river. 3. Constitutional Amendment ratified by Massachusetts, West Virginia and Pennsylvania; also by New York Assembly and Maryland Senate. 4. Failure of the peace negotiations. President Lincoln and Secretary Seward return to Washington. 4. Rebels flanked at Branchville by Gen. Sherman. 4. Lieut. Cushing with 4 boats and 50 men takes possession of All Saints, on Little river, S. C., capturing a large amount of cotton. 4. Great battle at Mud Springs, Mo., between Col. Livingstone and 2,000 Indians, who are defeated with loss. 5. The New York pilot-boat Favorita sunk by collision at sea. 5. Rebels driven from rifle-pits at Rowanty creek, Va., by 5th Corps; and the 2d Corps advance to Hatcher’s Run. Severe fighting at both places. Repulse of rebels. 6. Harry Gilmer, the notorious guerrilla, captured near Moorfield, Va. 6. Constitutional Amendment ratified by Missouri. 6. Severe fight at Dabney’s Mills. The rebels driven back, but in their turn force back Crawford’s division, to be again finally driven back. Casualties in 5th Corps, in 2 days, 500. In the 2d Corps, 750. 6. Jefferson Davis makes a great war speech at Richmond. 6. Gen. Ord assigned to command Department of Virginia. 6. 2 blockade runners captured at Galveston by Ensign French. 7. Rebels attack the 5th Corps, and are repulsed. 7. Kilpatrick’s cavalry drives rebels from Blackville, S. C. 7. Constitutional Amendment ratified by Maine. 7. Rebel Senate votes against arming negroes. 7. 225 rebel prisoners at Camp Chase refuse to be returned to the rebel army by exchange. 8. Occupation of Branchville, S. C. 8. Lieut. Cushing, with 15 men, captures Shallotte, N. C. 8. Ohio, Minnesota and Kansas ratify Constitutional Amendment. Delaware refuses. 8. The electoral vote for President and Vice-President counted in the House of Representatives, the result being 212 votes for Lincoln and Johnson, and 21 for McClellan and Pendleton. 8. Great fire in Philadelphia, commencing in petroleum oil warehouse. 47 buildings destroyed, and about 15 persons burned. 9. A large force of Indians at Mud Springs again defeated by Col. Livingston. 10. Constitutional Amendment ratified by Indiana. 10. Rebels repulsed from Fort Meyer, Fla. 10. Gen. Gillmore resumes command Department of the South. 10. Gen. Grierson confirmed Major-General by Senate. 10. Gen. Sherman’s troops occupy James Island, 2 miles from Charleston. 11. Gen. Terry advances towards Wilmington, N. C., and engages rebel works. Rebel loss, 100. Fed., 60. 11. Wheeler defeated by Kilpatrick at Aiken, S. C. Feds. occupy the town. 11. Gen. Lee assumes command of the rebel armies. 11. Gen. Terry commences his advance toward Wilmington. 13. Louisiana House ratified the Constitutional Amendment. 15. Destruction of Charlotte Iron Furnace, on Water Lick creek, by 1st and 6th Michigan cavalry. 15. F. W. Smith, a Boston merchant, fined $25,000 for frauds on government. 16. Slavery Constitutional Amendment ratified by Nevada. 17. Charleston evacuated by rebels who burned vast quantities of stores, &c.; an explosion of powder kills 200 persons. 2 rebel iron-clads blown up. 17. Columbia, S. C., captured by Gen. Sherman. 17. Rebel flag of truce boat, William Ashson, blown up by rebel torpedo on the James river. 17. Charlotte, N. C., crowded by rebel refugees and placed under martial law. 17. Pres. Lincoln ordered an extra session of Congress, to commence March 4. 17. Louisiana Senate ratifies the Constitutional Amendment. 18. Charleston occupied by Union forces. 200 pieces of artillery and much ammunition captured. 18. Gen. Lee calls upon rebel House for negro soldiers. 19. Gen. Schofield and Admiral Porter capture Fort Anderson, N. C., after severe bombardment. Fed. loss, 30. 20. Gen. Cox routs rebels 4 miles from Wilmington, N. C. 20. Repulse of rebel attack on Fort Myers, Fla. 21. The rebels evacuate Wilmington at night, after burning cotton, resin, &c. 21. Gens. Crook and Kelly captured in their beds at Cumberland, Va. 21. Wisconsin ratifies the Constitutional Amendment. 21. Bridgeport, Ky., almost destroyed by fire. 22. Gen. Schofield occupies Wilmington. 22. Constitutional Amendment rejected by Kentucky. 22. Georgetown, S. C., surrenders. 23. Capture of Camden, S. C. 23. Gen. Johnston appointed to command troops operating against Sherman. 23. A passenger train from Nashville captured by guerrillas. 24. Columbia, S. C., burned. 25. Fatal explosion at Dupont’s Powder Mills, at Wilmington, Del. 26. 20 guerrillas captured in Ky., tried by drum-head court martial, and shot about this date. 27. Sheridan moved from Winchester with 10,000 men. 27. Hickman, Ky., robbed and partly burned by guerrillas. 27. Flagship Arizona burned at New Orleans. 28. Six hundred million loan bill passed by House. 28. Lord Lyons resigns as British Minister to Washington, and is succeeded by Sir Frederick Bruce. 28. Admiral Thatcher takes command of the West Gulf Squadron. =March 1.= Sheridan secures the bridge over the Shenandoah at Mt. Crawford. 1. The 600,000,000 loan bill passed by Senate. 1. The Constitutional Amendment rejected by N. J. House. 1. Lovelaceville, Ky., robbed by guerrillas. 1. Gen. Bailey starts on a cavalry raid from Baton Rouge. 2. Sheridan captures nearly the whole force of Early, consisting of 1,800 men and 11 guns, between Charlottesville and Staunton. 2. Steamer James Watson sunk with government stores on the Miss. 30 lives lost. 3. Skirmish between Sherman’s cavalry and that of Wade Hampton. The rebel Col. Aiken killed. 3. Occupation of Cheraw, S. C., by Sherman’s advance. 3. Close of the 38th Congress. 3. Charlottesville, Va., captured by Sheridan. 3. Ten soldiers killed by train on the Opelousas railroad. 40 wounded. 4. Reinauguration of Pres. Lincoln. 4. U. S. transport steamer Thorne blown up by a torpedo in Cape Fear riv. 4. Parson Brownlow elected Governor of Tenn. 4. Rebels worsted at Natural Bridge, Fla. 6. Expedition up the Rappahannock. Capture of 400 prisoners and 95 tons of tobacco at Fredericksburg. Extensive contraband trade broken up. 7. Hugh McCulloch confirmed Secretary of the Treasury, succeeding Hon. W. P. Fessenden. 7. Five persons killed by collision on the Camden & Amboy R. R. 8. Sherman at Laurel Hill, N. C. 8. The rebel Senate passes the negro enlistment bill. 8. Engagement between Cox and Bragg 4 miles from Kinston, N. C. Bragg captures a large number of prisoners and 3 pieces of artillery, but is ultimately driven back. 8. The passport restrictions to Canada removed. 9. A transport, with 2,000 Union troops, enters Mobile Bay through Grant’s Pass. 9. Steamboat Munroe captured by rebels on the Big Black river. 9. Senator Harlan confirmed Sec. of the Interior, vice Mr. Usher, resigned. 10. Jefferson Davis’ fast day celebrated by the rebels. 10. Gen. Sheridan at Columbia, Fluvanna Co., Va., 50 miles west of Richmond. He reports having destroyed all the locks for a considerable distance on the James river canal, an immense number of bridges, many miles of railroad, mills, factories, and vast quantities of merchandise; also, having captured 12 canal boats, 14 pieces of artillery, and an abundance of provisions. 10. Desperate attempt of Bragg to break the National lines at Kinston, N. C. The rebels lose 1,200 killed and wounded, and 400 prisoners. 2,000 rebs. captured from March 8 to 10. The entire Union losses about 1,000. 10. Gen. Lee urges the work of raising and organizing negro troops. 10. Gen. Stoneman, with 4,000 men, starts on a cavalry raid from Knoxville, Tenn. 10. Engagement between the cavalry forces of Wade Hampton and Kilpatrick near Fayetteville, N. C. Nearly all the members of Kilpatrick’s staff captured. The rebels finally beaten back, and most of the officers recaptured. 11. Extra sessions of the U. S. Senate closed. 11. Sheridan at Beaver Mills Aqueduct, 20 miles north of Richmond. 11. Hoke’s division of rebels repulsed at Kinston. Loss, over 2,000. Union loss, 300. 11. 21 Union vessels in sight of Mobile, Ala. 11. Sherman arrives at Fayetteville. Reports having captured at Columbia, S. C., 43 pieces of artillery; at Cheraw, S. C., 25 pieces, and 3,600 barrels of gunpowder; at Fayetteville, N. C., 20 pieces, and large quantities of ammunition. 12. Occupation of Kinston by Schofield. The rebels throw many pieces of artillery into the river, and burn the ram Neuse. 12. Gen. Stoneman at Wytheville, Chriansburg, and Salem, Va. 13. Sheridan tears up the railroad between Richmond and Hanover. 15. Fight at Brandenburg, Ky., between a small Union garrison and a party of rebels. 15. Sheridan reports having rendered useless the James river canal as far as Goochland. 16. Rebels blow up Fort Hell at Petersburg, with little effect. 16. Sue Monday (Jerome Clark), the notorious guerrilla, hung at Louisville. 16. Lieut.-Com. Eastman destroys 3 rebel schooners in Mattox Creek, Va.; large stocks of tobacco, guns, ammunition captured. 16. Fight at Averasboro’, N. C., (20 miles north of Fayetteville), between a portion of Sherman’s army and the rebs. under Hardee. Union loss, 74 killed, 477 wounded. Rebel loss, 327 killed and wounded, and 373 prisoners. 17. Mr. Bigelow succeeds Mr. Dayton as Minister to France. 17. Mohawk Valley inundated. Immense damage to property. 17. Formal notice of the termination of the Reciprocity Treaty given by Mr. Adams to the British government. 17. Gen. Canby’s movement against Mobile commences. Portions of the 13th and 23d corps in motion. 17. Gen. Wilson leaves Nashville with 15,000 men on a cavalry expedition into Central Ala. and Ga. 18. Joe Johnston attacks Sherman’s advance at Bentonville, captures 3 guns, and drives it back on main body. 18. Reb. Congress adjourns in a panic. 18. Gen. Sheridan’s advance reaches White House, on the Pamunkey river. His entire loss during the raid 50 men and 2 officers. 19. The rebel Congress issue a despairing appeal to the people. 19. Engagement at Bentonville, N. C., between Gen. Sherman and Gen. Johnston. Repulse of the rebels. Union loss, 1,646. Rebel loss, 167 dead, 1,625 prisoners. 19. The rebel schooner Anna Dale, in Matagorda Bay, cut loose from under 2 rebel batteries and burned. 20. Gen. Stoneman’s expedition moves from E. Tenn., and pushing to Salisbury, defeats Gardiner, capturing 14 guns and 1,364 prisoners. 20. Gen. Steele’s forces leave Pensacola, Florida. 21. Goldsboro’, N. C., occupied by part of Schofield’s army. 21. Johnston retreats at night from Bentonville, leaving his wounded. 21. The rebels flanked and overpowered at Mount Olive, N. C. 21. Roddy’s division of Forrest’s cavalry routed by Gen. Wilson’s forces at Marion and Plantersville. 22. Sherman forms junction with Schofield at Goldsboro’. 22. McDougal’s gang of Ky. guerrillas broken up west of Paducah. He and 20 others killed. 22. Gen. Wilson moves from Chickasaw, Ala., toward rebel Gen. Forrest. 22. Passenger train on Nashville railroad burned by Harper’s guerrillas. 16 persons wounded. 24. Sheridan moved from White House toward Petersburg. 25. Capture of the Union Fort Stedman, of Gen. McLaughlin and 500 men, in front of Petersburg, by 3 reb. divisions under Gordon. They are driven out again by Gen. Hartrauft, with a loss of 1,758 prisoners, and total loss of 2,500. Total Union loss about 1,500. 25. Assault on the rebel lines by the 2d and 6th corps. The first line of the rebel works captured and held. 25. Engagement between the Union cavalry and the 6th and 8th Ala. cavalry at Mitchell’s Creek. The rebel General Canton, with 275 men, captured. 25. Robert C. Kennedy, the rebel spy and incendiary, hung at Fort Lafayette. 26. Judge Radcliffe, of Madison Co., Ark., hung by rebels near his own home. 26. Sheridan’s cavalry reaches City Point. 27. Sherman visits Grant at City Pt. 27. Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely, Mobile, invested by Union troops. 27. Boone, N. C., captured by General Stoneman. 27. Gen. Getty’s division, of the 6th corps, attacked by 400 reb. sharpshooters. Repulse of the rebels. 27. Sheridan’s cavalry takes position in Gregg’s old cavalry camp, on the left and rear of Grant’s army. 27. Portions of the 24th and 25th corps cross the James to join Meade’s army. 28. The monitors Milwaukee and Osage sunk by torpedoes in Mobile Bay. 29. The St. Albans raiders are released at Montreal. 29. Grant’s army in motion. 29. Sheridan’s command makes a detour to Dinwiddie C. H. Occupation of the town. Further advance on the Boydton Road. 2 corps of the infantry (2d and 5th) thrown across Hatcher’s Run, the former on the Vaughan road, the latter on the Halifax road. Battle of Quaker road, near Gravelly Run, between Bushrod Johnson’s rebels and the 5th corps. Rebels retire. Loss, 500 on each side. 30. The 2 armies before Petersburg, after severe skirmishing, confront each other their whole length. 30. A railway train robbed and burned by guerrillas near Cumberland, Va. 31. Gen. Warren attacked the enemy at White Oak road, but, after severe fighting, is forced back to his 3d division. The rebels are driven back with heavy loss, and White Oak road gained. Sheridan captures Five Forks, but is forced back to Dinwiddie C. H. Fed. loss, 2,500; rebs. less. 31. The transport Gen. Lyon burned off Hatteras, over 500 lives being lost. =April 1.= Sheridan, reinforced by Warren, drives rebels to Five Forks, carries the position and captures over 5,000 prisoners and all their artillery. Fed. loss, 3,000. This night Davis flies from Richmond. 1. Forrest defeated by Gen. Wilson at Ebenezer Church, Ala., losing 300 prisoners and 3 guns. 1. Boone, N. C., captured by Stoneman’s advance. 1. Hazard Powder Mills, at Canton, Conn., blew up. 2. Rebel lines assaulted at Five Forks, and forced near Hatcher’s Run; then the main line carried, and two strong works commanding south of Petersburg, were captured. The rebels south of Petersburg were severely beaten, and fled toward the Appomattox. At night, Lee evacuated Petersburg and Richmond, retreating toward Danville. Many thousands of prisoners were captured by the Union forces on this day. 2. Selma, defended by Forrest, captured by Gen. Wilson, with 3,000 prisoners, stores, &c. Forrest and Roddy taken prisoners. 3. Gen. Weitzel, with his colored troops, enters Richmond. 3. Richmond fired by rebels, and one-fourth of the city destroyed. 3. Fed. cavalry pursue rebels 20 miles from Richmond, Va. 2,000 prisoners taken. 4. Skirmishing by McKenzie’s division with rebels at Bethany, Va. 4. Tuscaloosa captured and destroyed by Gen. Wilson. 4. The Harriet Deford captured by rebels on the Pawtuxet. 4. President Lincoln holds a levee in Jeff. Davis’ house at Richmond. 5. Secretary Seward thrown from his carriage at Washington, breaking his arm and jaw. 5. Lee is intercepted by Sheridan at Burkesville, Va. 6. Lee is struck near Farmville, and gains partial success, but Sheridan defeats him at Sailors’ creek, capturing over 6,000 prisoners, 16 guns, 400 wagons, &c. Rebel Gens. Ewell, Kershaw, Corse, and Custis Lee captured. 6. H. S. Foote returns to New York by the Etna. 6. Hedges and Downes, guerrillas, executed at Louisville. 6. J. L. Clinton, of Texas, robbed of $54,000 in gold by highwaymen. 7. Pursuit of Lee continued; he crossed to the north of the Appomattox, and is constantly harassed. He is attacked by the 2d corps at Farmville. Gen. Grant writes him that escape is impossible, and proposes to receive his surrender. 8. Lee replies, inquiring terms of surrender. Sheridan makes more captures at Appomattox Station. 8. Spanish Fort, Mobile, bombarded. The rebels evacuate at night. 9. Gens. Grant and Lee meet at Appomattox Court House, and the rebel army of Northern Virginia, numbering 26,115 men, is surrendered, with its arms and material of war, and the officers and men paroled. 11. Mobile evacuated by the rebels. 11. Engagement at Sumter, S. C., between guerrillas and Union troops. 11. Fort Blakely, at Mobile, taken by assault, with 300 prisoners, and 32 cannon. Rebel loss in siege of Mobile, 500 in killed and wounded. Union loss, 2,000. 11. Lynchburg, Va., captured by Union scouting party. 12. Mobile occupied by Union forces. 12. Montgomery, Ala., surrenders to Gen. Wilson, with 2,700 prisoners and 100 guns. 12. A rebel force defeated at Grant’s creek, near Salisbury, N. C., by General Stoneman. 1,400 rebels, and 14 cannon taken. 13. Sherman pushes forward against Johnston and occupies Raleigh. 13. The draft and recruiting ordered to cease. 14. President Lincoln shot at Ford’s Theatre, by John Wilkes Booth, an actor. Secretary Seward attacked at his house, while in bed, and seriously wounded by another assassin, who also dangerously wounded Mr. Frederick Seward. 14. Correspondence opened between Sherman and Johnston on the latter’s surrender. 14. Wilberforce University, Green Co., Ohio, burned. 14. The anniversary of the capture of Fort Sumter celebrated by imposing ceremonies at the fort, and replacing the flag by Gen. Anderson. 15. President Lincoln died at 7:20 o’clock, A. M., having remained insensible since his wound. 15. Vice-President Andrew Johnson becomes 17th President of the U. S. 16. Columbus and West Point, Ala., captured by assault of Gen. Wilson. 1,500 prisoners and 100,000 bales of cotton taken. 16. 1,500 prisoners, 52 guns, 2 gunboats and vast stores taken at Selma, and much railroad stock, &c. 17. Capture of Mrs. Surratt and Lewis Payne. Edward Spangler arrested, implicated in the murder of Pres. Lincoln. 18. Sherman agrees to suspension of hostilities with Johnston. 19. A. G. Atzeroth arrested near Germantown, Md. 19. Steamship blown up by torpedo in Dog river. 19. Funeral of President Lincoln in Washington. 20. Occupation of Macon, Ga., by Gen. Wilson. Gens. Howell Cobb, Gustavus W. Smith, Robertson, Mercer, and McCall, made prisoners. 132 guns in position, and 100 in arsenals, with immense amounts of ordnance and stores captured. 20. The War Department offers $50,000 for the arrest of Booth, and $25,000 each for the arrest of Atzeroth and Harold. 20. Rebel Secretary Mallory surrendered to the navy at Pensacola. 21. Sherman’s agreement with Johnston disapproved by the President. 21. Proclamation of Gen. E. Kirby Smith. He asserts his ability to continue the rebellion. 22. Gen. Banks resumes command of the Gulf Department. 22. The Constitutional Amendment ratified by the New York Assembly. 22. The Mississippi Squadron flagship Black Hawk burned at Mound City. 22. Reception of the remains of President Lincoln at Philadelphia. 23. Jeff. Davis leaves Charlotte, N. C., for Georgia. 23. The rebel ram Webb escapes past the Union fleet on the Red river; is run ashore, deserted and blown up. 25. A collision on the Potomac, occurring between the steamer Massachusetts and a barge; many soldiers jump overboard in a panic, and 50 are drowned. 25. R. B. Hamilton, steamer, sunk by torpedo near Mobile. 15 persons killed. 26. Surrender of Gen. Johnston and his army, numbering about 27,500 men. 26. Funeral ceremonies of Pres. Lincoln in N. Y., and departure of his remains. 26. John Wilkes Booth and David C. Harrold, discovered in a barn of Garrett’s farm, near Fredericksburg, Va. Booth refuses to surrender, and is killed by Sergt. Boston Corbett, of the 16th N. Y. cavalry; Harrold surrenders. 27. Railroad track near Charleston, S. C., torn up by guerrillas. 28. Danville, Va., occupied by Gen. Wright. 13 locomotives, 117 box cars, ironwork, machinery, etc., were captured. 28. The boilers of the steamship Sultana, with 2,000 paroled soldiers, burst near Memphis; she then took fire; over 1,500 persons were burned to death or drowned. 29. Pres. Johnson removes trade restrictions over most of the south. 29. Armistice agreed upon between Gens. Dana and Dick Taylor. 30. The paroling of Gen Johnston’s troops commenced at Greensboro’. =May 1.= Reception of the remains of President Lincoln at Chicago. 1. Surrender of 1,200 of Morgan’s old command to Gen. Hobson, at Mt. Sterling, Ky. 1. Tenn. Senate offer $5,000 reward for Ex-Gov. I. G. Harris. 2. Surrender of Jeff. Thompson to Capt. Mitchell, U. S. N. 2. Reward offered for the arrest of Jeff. Davis, J. Thompson, C. C. Clay, B. Tucker, G. N. Sanders and W. C. Cleary. 4. Burial of Abraham Lincoln in Oak Ridge Cemetery, near Springfield, Ill. 4. Rebel Gen. Dick Taylor surrendered to Gen. Canby all the remaining forces west of the Miss. 5. A train on the Ohio and Miss. railroad, 14 miles from Cincinnati, captured by 20 guerrillas. 9. The Confederate Com. Farrand surrenders 12 vessels, and all his command to Commander Edward Simpson, fleet Captain of the West Gulf squadron, at Nanna Hubba Bluff. 9. Pres. Johnson announces the war at an end, and rebel belligerent rights ceased. 9. Rebel Gen. Forrest disbands his troops, advising them to go home peaceably. 10. The trial of Pres. Lincoln’s assassins commenced. 10. Jeff. Davis and the Confederate Postmaster, Gen. Reagan, captured at Irwinville, Ga., by Lieut.-Col. Pritchard, commanding the 4th Mich. cavalry. 10. The Confed. Gen. Sam. Jones surrenders his forces to a division of Gen. Wilson’s cavalry. 10. Surrender of Capt. Mayberry, commanding the irregular bands of Confederates in Arkansas and Monroe Cos., Ark., at Pine Bluff. 11. A rebel camp at Palmetto Branch, Texas (15 miles above Brazos), captured and burned by Col. Barrett. 12. Engagement near Boco Chico between 400 Union troops under Col. Barrett and 500 Confed. cavalry under Gen. Slaughter. This was the last engagement of the war. Union loss, 70 men. 12. Surrender of the rebel forces under Gen. Wofford, in N. Ga., at Kingston. 13. R. M. T. Hunter, Ex-U. S. Senator, arrested for treason. 13. Over 30,000,000 of the Seven-Thirty Loan subscribed for on this day. 18. Dr. Luke P. Blackburn arrested at Montreal for plotting to infect N. Y. and other cities with yellow fever. 19. Jeff. Davis and his fellow prisoners arrived at Fortress Monroe. 20. Surrender of the ram Stonewall to the Spanish authorities in Cuba. 22. Belligerent rights withdrawn, and all ports opened, but Texas, by President’s proclamation. 23. The army of the Potomac, nearly 100,000, passed in review at Washington, before the President. 24. Capt. Mayburn, commanding all irregular bands of Confeds. in Jackson, Prairie, and White Cos., Ark., surrenders at Duvall’s Bluff. 24. The main ordnance department at Mobile exploded, killing about 300 persons and wounding many others. The whole city injured by the explosion. 25. Forts Mannahasset and Griffin, and the defences of Labone Pass, occupied by Rear-Admiral Thatcher. 26. Surrender of Gen. E. Kirby Smith and his army (about 20,000). 27. Military prisoners ordered released by the President. 27. Sabine Pass forts surrendered to U. S. troops. 29. Amnesty proclamation issued by President Johnson. 31. Brazil withdraws belligerent rights from the rebels. 31. Rebel Gen. Hood and staff surrendered. 31. Gen. Sherman bade farewell to his army. =June 1.= Occupation of Brownsville, Texas. 1. Day of humiliation and prayer on account of the murder of Pres. Lincoln. 2. Kirby Smith and Magruder formally surrender their forces at Galveston. 2. The British Government officially withdraws belligerent rights from the rebels. 2. Occupation of Alexandria, La. Capture of 22 pieces of artillery. 3. The rebel iron-clad Missouri, in Red river, surrenders to Com. W. E. Fitzhugh. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TRANSCRIBER’S NOTES Page Changed from Changed to 105 and 00 in arsenals, with and 100 in arsenals, with immense immense ● Typos fixed; non-standard spelling and dialect retained. ● Enclosed italics font in _underscores_. ● Enclosed bold or blackletter font in =equals=. *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 74187 ***