Web Server Statistics for ftp.ibiblio.org

Program started at Mon-10-Mar-2008 09:02.
Analysed requests from Sun-09-Mar-2008 00:00 to Sun-09-Mar-2008 23:49 (0.99 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report contains overall statistics.

Successful requests: 1,101,279
Average successful requests per day: 1,109,755
Successful requests for pages: 281,733
Average successful requests for pages per day: 283,900
Failed requests: 3,116
Redirected requests: 37,356
Distinct files requested: 194,238
Distinct hosts served: 43,947
Corrupt logfile lines: 35
Unwanted logfile entries: 1,519,424
Data transferred: 861.53 gigabytes
Average data transferred per day: 868.16 gigabytes

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the total activity for each hour of the day, summed over all the days in the report.

Each unit (+) represents 400 requests for pages or part thereof.


Host Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the computers which requested files.

Listing hosts with at least 1000 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

14819 1.35%2431 0.86%1.49 0.17% ( block
10742 0.98%10742 3.81%4.42 0.51%lns-bzn-56-82-255-213-254.adsl.proxad.net ( block
10577 0.96%4271 1.52%39.94 4.64%moonspace.net ( block
9598 0.87%9596 3.41%7.27 0.84%crawl-66-249-66-143.googlebot.com ( block
7631 0.69%7631 2.71%17.97 2.09%unknown host ( block
7379 0.67%7379 2.62%3.63 0.42%crawler4008.ask.com ( block
6565 0.60%6565 2.33%114.1413.25%133-31-113-92.pool.ukrtel.net ( block
6350 0.58%6350 2.25%15.26 1.77%unknown host ( block
6154 0.56%5089 1.81%3.09 0.36%rrcs-71-41-200-74.sw.biz.rr.com ( block
6121 0.56%5049 1.79%4.45 0.52%rrcs-71-41-200-78.sw.biz.rr.com ( block
6048 0.55%5027 1.78%2.49 0.29%rrcs-71-41-200-82.sw.biz.rr.com ( block
5391 0.49%5387 1.91%11.61 1.35%unknown host ( block
5294 0.48%5294 1.88%12.67 1.47%unknown host ( block
5147 0.47%5147 1.83%12.04 1.40%unknown host ( block
4877 0.44%4877 1.73%61.48 7.14%106-55-113-92.pool.ukrtel.net ( block
4474 0.41%4474 1.59%0.02 unknown host ( block
4463 0.41%3695 1.31%10.03 1.16%unknown host ( block
4419 0.40%4419 1.57%77.54 9.00%227-26-113-92.pool.ukrtel.net ( block
3759 0.34%3759 1.33%9.13 1.06%unknown host ( block
3715 0.34%3715 1.32%16.21 1.88%spider25.yandex.ru ( block
3519 0.32%3519 1.25%8.79 1.02%unknown host ( block
3083 0.28%3083 1.09%30.94 3.59%localhost ( block
2962 0.27%2962 1.05%45.43 5.27%141-51-113-92.pool.ukrtel.net ( block
2874 0.26%2874 1.02%42.71 4.96%176-51-113-92.pool.ukrtel.net ( block
2674 0.24%2674 0.95%0.15 0.02%crawl-66-249-65-163.googlebot.com ( block
2621 0.24%69 0.02%0.17 0.02% ( block
2504 0.23%5 0.01 246-84.customer.cloud9.net ( block
2453 0.22%833 0.30%0.50 0.06%pool-71-103-215-105.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net ( block
2306 0.21%2306 0.82%11.65 1.35%unknown host ( block
2292 0.21%2292 0.81%24.11 2.80%240-7-113-92.pool.ukrtel.net ( block
2218 0.20%34 0.01%0.06 0.01%user-12ldnif.cable.mindspring.com ( block
1890 0.17%1890 0.67%3.69 0.43%triband-mum- ( block
1839 0.17%1839 0.65%11.04 1.28%unknown host ( block
1835 0.17%701 0.25%0.44 0.05%localhost.localdomain ( block
1747 0.16%122 0.04%0.20 0.02%d154-20-68-61.bchsia.telus.net ( block
1597 0.15%2 0.01 88-106-17-40.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com ( block
1469 0.13%86 0.03%0.08 0.01%host-static-92-114-193-150.moldtelecom.md ( block
1450 0.13%1450 0.51%1.77 0.21%unknown host ( block
1445 0.13%1445 0.51%0.62 0.07%crawler101.ask.com ( block
1407 0.13%198 0.07%0.64 0.07%dsl-67-212-23-193.acanac.net ( block
1387 0.13%1385 0.49%0.48 0.06%livebot-65-55-208-68.search.live.com ( block
1338 0.12%1337 0.47%0.31 0.04%msnbot-65-55-208-64.msn.com ( block
1319 0.12%48 0.02%0.06 0.01%71-90-235-170.dhcp.gnvl.sc.charter.com ( block
1309 0.12%37 0.01%0.09 0.01%user-10lf021.cable.mindspring.com ( block
1300 0.12%38 0.01%0.11 0.01% ( block
1295 0.12%86 0.03%0.11 0.01%host-84-9-170-92.dslgb.com ( block
1273 0.12%1272 0.45%0.52 0.06%livebot-65-55-208-63.search.live.com ( block
1259 0.11%65 0.02%0.05 0.01%adsl-68-93-66-38.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net ( block
1216 0.11%3 0.02 74-142-168-85.dhcp.insightbb.com ( block
1214 0.11%1214 0.43%0.33 0.04%msnbot-65-55-208-66.msn.com ( block
1210 0.11%739 0.26%0.18 0.02%livebot-65-55-212-47.search.live.com ( block
1204 0.11%215 0.08%0.14 0.02%crawler.bloglines.com ( block
1169 0.11%1167 0.41%0.20 0.02%livebot-65-55-208-65.search.live.com ( block
1157 0.11%159 0.06%0.10 0.01%ip-78-137-163-133.dedi.digiweb.ie ( block
1130 0.10%1129 0.40%0.44 0.05%livebot-65-55-208-69.search.live.com ( block
1091 0.10%1091 0.39%7.37 0.86%dsl.dynamic212156185158.ttnet.net.tr ( block
1087 0.10%1087 0.39%4.61 0.54%49.60.in-addr.arpa.tm.net.my ( block
1049 0.10%59 0.02%0.09 0.01%c-71-232-30-107.hsd1.ma.comcast.net ( block
1033 0.09%1033 0.37%1.67 0.19%unknown host ( block
1008 0.09%68 0.02%0.14 0.02%adsl-75-21-22-104.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net ( block
89952381.68%13022046.22%236.5627.46%[not listed: 43,887 hosts]

User Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the users who requested files, if users have been authenticated or can be identified by cookies.

Listing users with at least 1% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

1981638.69%1714062.21%1.20 2.45%tcp_miss
1642 3.21%642 2.33%0.33 0.66%-wget@
1568 3.06%1568 5.69%1.59 3.24%tcp_hit
811 1.58%191 0.69%0.17 0.35%anon@localhost
771 1.51%542 1.97%2.24 4.55%ieuser@
1217 2.38%766 2.78%2.13 4.33%[not listed: 28 users]

Referrer Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the referrers (where people followed links from, or pages which included this site's images).

Listing the top 50 referring URLs by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

5073 9.43%http://www.stumbleupon.com/refer.php
3762 6.99%http://images.google.co.uk/imgres
2799 5.20%http://www.stumbleupon.com//refer.php
1966 3.65%http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup
19 0.04%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=9304
18 0.03%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=4300
16 0.03%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=3567
15 0.03%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=7088
15 0.03%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=2226
1733 3.22%http://images.google.ca/imgres
1331 2.47%http://images.google.fr/imgres
1278 2.38%http://images.google.de/imgres
1001 1.86%http://images.google.com.au/imgres
882 1.64%http://images.google.com.ph/imgres
653 1.21%http://images.google.co.in/imgres
631 1.17%http://images.google.nl/imgres
458 0.85%http://images.google.es/imgres
447 0.83%http://images.google.it/imgres
439 0.82%http://www.google.com/imgres
411 0.76%http://images.google.com.br/imgres
408 0.76%http://ibiblio.org/pub/docs/books/gutenberg/1/0/8/0/10802/10802-rar/
400 0.74%
3 0.01%
398 0.74%http://images.google.be/imgres
347 0.65%http://images.google.com.mx/imgres
315 0.59%
308 0.57%http://images.google.pl/imgres
290 0.54%http://images.google.com.tr/imgres
276 0.51%
222 0.41%http://images.google.ro/imgres
222 0.41%http://images.google.ch/imgres
222 0.41%http://images.google.se/imgres
216 0.40%
205 0.38%http://images.google.pt/imgres
197 0.37%http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup
12 0.02%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=1254
8 0.01%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=3074
6 0.01%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=4094
5 0.01%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=851
3 0.01%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=674
195 0.36%http://images.google.co.za/imgres
187 0.35%http://images.google.hu/imgres
187 0.35%http://images.google.co.nz/imgres
174 0.32%http://images.google.at/imgres
161 0.30%
147 0.27%http://images.google.com.eg/imgres
146 0.27%http://images.google.ie/imgres
132 0.25%http://images.google.dk/imgres
129 0.24%http://images.google.co.id/imgres
125 0.23%
125 0.23%http://search.aol.com/aol/imageDetails
123 0.23%http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images/view
123 0.23%http://images.google.fi/imgres
119 0.22%http://images.google.com.pe/imgres
117 0.22%
116 0.22%http://images.google.bg/imgres
113 0.21%http://images.google.com.my/imgres
106 0.20%http://images.google.no/imgres
104 0.19%http://images.google.cz/imgres
99 0.18%http://images.google.com.pk/imgres
3512 6.53%[not listed: 346 URLs]

Referring Site Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists which servers people followed links from.

Listing the top 30 referring sites by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

3762 6.99%http://images.google.co.uk/
1966 3.65%http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/
1733 3.22%http://images.google.ca/
1331 2.47%http://images.google.fr/
1278 2.38%http://images.google.de/
1001 1.86%http://images.google.com.au/
882 1.64%http://images.google.com.ph/
653 1.21%http://images.google.co.in/
631 1.17%http://images.google.nl/
550 1.02%http://www.google.com/
458 0.85%http://images.google.es/
447 0.83%http://images.google.it/
446 0.83%
411 0.76%http://images.google.com.br/
408 0.76%http://ibiblio.org/
398 0.74%http://images.google.be/
347 0.64%http://images.google.com.mx/
315 0.59%
308 0.57%http://images.google.pl/
290 0.54%http://images.google.com.tr/
276 0.51%
222 0.41%http://images.google.ch/
222 0.41%http://images.google.ro/
222 0.41%http://images.google.se/
216 0.40%
205 0.38%http://images.google.pt/
199 0.37%http://images.search.yahoo.com/
197 0.37%http://digital.library.upenn.edu/
588610.94%[not listed: 305 sites]

Browser Summary

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the vendors of visitors' browsers.

Listing browsers with at least 0.1% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

29714727.82%3021711.13%48.23 5.92%  MSIE/7
29712427.82%3019411.12%48.22 5.92%    MSIE/7.0
19842818.58%6212622.89%132.4216.26%  MSIE/6
19840918.58%6211822.88%132.4216.26%    MSIE/6.0
38325 3.59%3697513.62%435.0353.43%  MSIE/5
36170 3.39%3617013.32%434.5153.37%    MSIE/5.00
33841831.69%3414512.58%60.49 7.43%Mozilla
33277231.16%3057511.26%59.63 7.32%  Mozilla/1
29142027.29%25778 9.50%49.20 6.04%    Mozilla/
8170 0.76%732 0.27%0.99 0.12%    Mozilla/
4313 0.40%335 0.12%0.97 0.12%    Mozilla/1.9b3
3122 0.29%358 0.13%0.65 0.08%    Mozilla/
3047 0.29%294 0.11%0.36 0.04%    Mozilla/
2361 0.22%374 0.14%0.25 0.03%    Mozilla/1.9a1
2195 0.21%215 0.08%1.24 0.15%    Mozilla/
2124 0.20%328 0.12%1.07 0.13%    Mozilla/
1764 0.17%172 0.06%0.72 0.09%    Mozilla/
1513 0.14%161 0.06%0.19 0.02%    Mozilla/1.7.12
1378 0.13%194 0.07%0.19 0.02%    Mozilla/
1221 0.11%245 0.09%0.44 0.05%    Mozilla/
65566 6.14%4272 1.57%6.27 0.77%Safari
51409 4.81%3241 1.19%4.77 0.59%  Safari/523
27471 2.57%1656 0.61%2.38 0.29%    Safari/523.12.2
13336 1.25%974 0.36%1.41 0.17%    Safari/523.15
6376 0.60%320 0.12%0.56 0.07%    Safari/523.12
2263 0.21%110 0.04%0.20 0.02%    Safari/523.10.6
1934 0.18%173 0.06%0.21 0.03%    Safari/523.10
7174 0.67%518 0.19%0.74 0.09%  Safari/419
7174 0.67%518 0.19%0.74 0.09%    Safari/419.3
5077 0.48%314 0.12%0.38 0.05%  Safari/312
4686 0.44%289 0.11%0.36 0.04%    Safari/312.6
39713 3.72%3393012.50%20.94 2.57%Netscape (compatible)
18323 1.72%15165 5.59%10.04 1.23%MLBot (www.metadatalabs.com)
16648 1.56%15879 5.85%17.73 2.18%Wget
16648 1.56%15879 5.85%17.73 2.18%  Wget/1
11553 1.08%11553 4.26%6.68 0.82%    Wget/1.10.1
4982 0.47%4213 1.55%10.24 1.26%    Wget/1.10.2
11513 1.08%2067 0.76%2.63 0.32%Opera
10229 0.96%1719 0.63%2.03 0.25%  Opera/9
3644 0.34%581 0.21%0.98 0.12%    Opera/9.26
2247 0.21%269 0.10%0.29 0.04%    Opera/9.25
9502 0.89%9493 3.50%3.20 0.39%msnbot
9502 0.89%9493 3.50%3.20 0.39%  msnbot/1
9502 0.89%9493 3.50%3.20 0.39%    msnbot/1.1
4480 0.42%4480 1.65%0.02 libwww-perl
4480 0.42%4480 1.65%0.02   libwww-perl/5
4480 0.42%4480 1.65%0.02     libwww-perl/5.805
4041 0.38%4041 1.49%26.76 3.29%FDM
4041 0.38%4041 1.49%26.76 3.29%  FDM/2
4040 0.38%4040 1.49%26.76 3.29%    FDM/2.x
3716 0.35%3716 1.37%16.21 1.99%Yandex
3716 0.35%3716 1.37%16.21 1.99%  Yandex/1
3716 0.35%3716 1.37%16.21 1.99%    Yandex/1.01.001
2605 0.24%380 0.14%0.48 0.06%Netscape
1409 0.13%156 0.06%0.20 0.02%  Netscape/7
1222 0.11%121 0.04%0.18 0.02%    Netscape/7.2
1863 0.17%1769 0.65%3.63 0.45%DA
1848 0.17%1754 0.65%3.59 0.44%  DA/7
1848 0.17%1754 0.65%3.59 0.44%    DA/7.0
1838 0.17%704 0.26%0.44 0.05%Plucker
1838 0.17%704 0.26%0.44 0.05%  Plucker/Py-1
1835 0.17%701 0.26%0.44 0.05%    Plucker/Py-1.8
1701 0.16%1677 0.62%1.94 0.24%Download Master
1673 0.16%1673 0.62%5.93 0.73%NSPlayer
1538 0.14%1486 0.55%8.70 1.07%Java
1538 0.14%1486 0.55%8.70 1.07%  Java/1
1450 0.14%1450 0.53%1.77 0.22%University of Heidelberg
1450 0.14%1450 0.53%1.77 0.22%  University of Heidelberg/Nutch-0
1450 0.14%1450 0.53%1.77 0.22%    University of Heidelberg/Nutch-0.9
1210 0.11%739 0.27%0.18 0.02%msnbot-media
1210 0.11%739 0.27%0.18 0.02%  msnbot-media/1
1210 0.11%739 0.27%0.18 0.02%    msnbot-media/1.0
8063 0.75%5025 1.85%11.07 1.36%[not listed: 394 browsers]

Operating System Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the operating systems used by visitors.

Listing operating systems with at least 1% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

59585055.79%6786525.00%116.1614.27%  Windows XP
12534211.74%11813 4.35%21.56 2.65%  Unknown Windows
52279 4.89%4016214.79%94.2211.57%  Windows 2000
40949 3.83%3728513.73%435.4553.48%  Windows 98
10945010.25%7740 2.85%13.89 1.71%Macintosh
71301 6.68%5728021.10%83.3110.23%OS unknown
47884 4.48%4636717.08%44.47 5.46%Known robots
19185 1.80%2197 0.81%4.05 0.50%Unix
18770 1.76%2143 0.79%4.03 0.49%  Linux
197 0.02%16 0.01%0.02 [not listed: 4 OS's]

File Size Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the sizes of files.

022479 2.04%0.00 
1B- 10B102 0.01%0.00 
11B- 100B106 0.01%0.00 
101B- 1kB27182 2.47%0.02 
1kB- 10kB16338914.84%0.85 0.10%
10kB-100kB63270057.45%24.15 2.80%
100kB- 1MB15811714.36%50.64 5.88%
1MB- 10MB68931 6.26%212.0524.61%
10MB-100MB28103 2.55%521.8660.57%
100MB- 1GB169 0.02%48.11 5.58%
> 1GB1 3.86 0.45%

File Type Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the extensions of files.

Listing extensions, sorted by the number of requests.

54022349.05%24.38 2.83%.jpg [JPEG graphics]
25851323.47%6.47 0.75%.png [PNG graphics]
94274 8.56%667.8977.52%.mp3 [MP3 sound files]
56357 5.12%24.59 2.85%.txt [Plain text]
56145 5.10%25.77 2.99%.htm [Hypertext Markup Language]
36755 3.34%62.68 7.28%.zip [Zip archives]
20744 1.88%0.08 0.01%[directories]
19128 1.74%0.31 0.04%.gif [GIF graphics]
3504 0.32%7.42 0.86%.m4b
2729 0.25%11.81 1.37%.ogg
2679 0.24%1.56 0.18%.spx
2165 0.20%1.25 0.14%.html [Hypertext Markup Language]
1682 0.15%0.00 .css [Cascading Style Sheets]
1554 0.14%3.21 0.37%.pdf [Adobe Portable Document Format]
852 0.08%0.01 .JPG
636 0.06%0.02 .PNG
601 0.05%6.16 0.71%.rar
298 0.03%0.35 0.04%.m4a
280 0.03%0.00 .midi
161 0.01%0.14 0.02%.rtf [Rich Text Format]
121 0.01%0.00 .ly
86 0.01%0.05 0.01%.tei
75 0.01%0.04 .tex
72 0.01%0.01 .lit
66 0.01%0.01 .prc
55 0.00 .mid [MIDI sound files]
51 0.00 .jpeg [JPEG graphics]
40 0.11 0.01%.mpg [MPEG movie]
35 0.25 0.03%.MP3
35 0.01 .TIF
35 0.00 .mus
30 0.00 .TXT
29 0.05 0.01%.xml
28 0.01 [no extension]
28 0.00 .bmp
26 5.08 0.59%.iso [CD image]
25 0.13 0.02%.doc [Microsoft Word document]
22 0.00 .GUT
22 0.04 .ALL
20 0.02 .ps [PostScript]
19 0.00 .99
18 0.00 .sib
18 0.00 .96
17 0.00 .01
17 0.00 .03
16 0.00 .02
16 0.00 .04
16 0.00 .97
15 0.00 .00
13 0.00 .98
12 0.00 .tif
12 0.00 .AUS
9 0.00 .pdb
9 0.02 .20040627
8 0.00 .md5
8 0.00 .db
8 0.11 0.01%.aaaa
7 0.10 0.01%.aaec
6 0.00 .DS_Store
5 0.00 .20041201
5 0.07 0.01%.aabg
5 0.06 0.01%.aabt
5 0.04 .aacz
5 0.07 0.01%.aadf
5 0.06 0.01%.aadp
5 0.07 0.01%.aads
5 0.04 .aagu
5 0.00 .COM
4 0.00 .eng
4 1.33 0.15%.ISO [CD image]
4 0.00 .05
4 0.04 .aabe
4 0.04 .aabf
4 0.06 0.01%.aabm
4 0.04 .aabn
4 0.03 .aabz
4 0.06 0.01%.aacb
4 0.06 0.01%.aacc
4 0.04 .aack
4 0.04 .aacm
4 0.04 .aact
4 0.06 0.01%.aacv
4 0.04 .aacy
4 0.06 0.01%.aadb
4 0.06 0.01%.aadc
4 0.06 0.01%.aadd
4 0.06 0.01%.aade
4 0.06 0.01%.aadg
4 0.06 0.01%.aadh
4 0.04 .aadi
4 0.04 .aadj
4 0.04 .aadk
4 0.04 .aado
4 0.04 .aadw
4 0.03 .aadx
4 0.06 0.01%.aaeg
4 0.00 .sfv
4 0.00 .20050327
4 0.03 .aafr
4 0.04 .aafx
4 0.04 .aagp
4 0.00 .wav [WAV sound files]
4 0.04 .aahk
4 0.04 .aaia
4 0.04 .aaiz
3 0.04 .aaac
3 0.03 .aaad
3 0.03 .aaae
3 0.04 .aaak
3 0.03 .aaam
3 0.04 .aaan
3 0.04 .aaao
3 0.03 .aaav
3 0.04 .aaaz
3 0.04 .aaba
3 0.04 .aabb
3 0.04 .aabc
3 0.04 .aabd
3 0.04 .aabh
3 0.04 .aabi
3 0.04 .aabj
3 0.04 .aabk
3 0.04 .aabl
3 0.04 .aabo
3 0.04 .aabp
3 0.04 .aabq
3 0.04 .aabr
3 0.04 .aabs
3 0.04 .aabu
3 0.04 .aabv
3 0.04 .aabw
3 0.04 .aabx
3 0.04 .aaby
3 0.04 .aaca
3 0.03 .aacd
3 0.04 .aace
3 0.04 .aacf
3 0.04 .aacg
3 0.04 .aach
3 0.04 .aacl
3 0.04 .aacn
3 0.04 .aaco
3 0.04 .aacp
3 0.04 .aacq
3 0.04 .aacr
3 0.04 .aacs
3 0.04 .aacu
3 0.04 .aacw
3 0.04 .aacx
3 0.04 .aada
3 0.04 .aadl
3 0.04 .aadm
3 0.04 .aadn
3 0.04 .aadq
3 0.04 .aadr
3 0.04 .aadt
3 0.04 .aadu
3 0.04 .aadv
3 0.04 .aady
3 0.03 .aaeb
3 0.04 .aaed
3 0.04 .aaeh
3 0.03 .aaei
3 0.03 .aaej
3 0.03 .aaek
3 0.04 .aael
3 0.04 .aaeo
3 0.03 .aaep
3 0.04 .aaer
3 0.03 .aaes
3 0.03 .aaev
3 0.04 .aaez
3 0.04 .aafa
3 0.04 .aafb
3 0.04 .aafg
3 0.03 .aafj
3 0.03 .aafl
3 0.04 .aafm
3 0.03 .aafo
3 0.03 .aafq
3 0.04 .aafu
3 0.04 .aafv
3 0.04 .aafy
3 0.04 .aafz
3 0.03 .aagh
3 0.03 .aagk
3 0.04 .aagm
3 0.03 .aagv
3 0.03 .aaha
3 0.03 .aahb
3 0.04 .aahg
3 0.04 .aahh
3 0.04 .aahi
3 0.04 .aahu
3 0.03 .aahy
3 0.04 .aaiq
3 0.04 .aaiu
3 0.04 .aaix
3 0.04 .aaiy
3 0.04 .aajj
3 0.04 .aajm
3 0.04 .aajo
3 0.04 .aajs
3 0.04 .aaju
3 0.03 .aajx
3 0.03 .aakb
3 0.03 .aakd
3 0.04 .aake
3 0.04 .aakk
3 0.04 .aakn
3 0.03 .aakp
3 0.01 .aakz
3 0.03 .aalm
2 0.00 .brl
2 0.00 .1
2 0.00 .srt
2 0.00 .eps
2 0.00 .svg
2 0.00 .PAR
2 0.00 .NEW
2 0.01 .nfo
2 0.00 .PAR2
2 0.00 .xsl
2 0.00 .20041111
2 0.03 .aaaf
2 0.03 .aaag
2 0.03 .aaah
2 0.03 .aaai
2 0.03 .aaaj
2 0.03 .aaal
2 0.03 .aaar
2 0.03 .aaas
2 0.03 .aaat
2 0.03 .aaau
2 0.03 .aaaw
2 0.03 .aaax
2 0.03 .aaay
2 0.00 .06
2 0.03 .aaci
2 0.03 .aacj
2 0.03 .aadz
2 0.03 .aaea
2 0.03 .aaee
2 0.03 .aaef
2 0.03 .aaem
2 0.03 .aaen
2 0.03 .aaeq
2 0.03 .aaet
2 0.03 .aaeu
2 0.03 .aaew
2 0.03 .aaex
2 0.03 .aaey
2 0.03 .aafc
2 0.03 .aafd
2 0.03 .aafe
2 0.03 .aaff
2 0.03 .aafh
2 0.03 .aafi
2 0.03 .aafk
2 0.03 .aafn
2 0.03 .aafp
2 0.03 .aafs
2 0.03 .aaft
2 0.03 .aafw
2 0.03 .aaga
2 0.03 .aagb
2 0.03 .aagc
2 0.03 .aagd
2 0.03 .aage
2 0.03 .aagf
2 0.03 .aagg
2 0.03 .aagi
2 0.03 .aagj
2 0.03 .aagl
2 0.03 .aagn
2 0.03 .aago
2 0.03 .aagq
2 0.03 .aagr
2 0.03 .aags
2 0.03 .aagt
2 0.03 .aagw
2 0.03 .aagx
2 0.03 .aagy
2 0.03 .aagz
2 0.03 .aahc
2 0.03 .aahd
2 0.03 .aahe
2 0.03 .aahf
2 0.03 .aahj
2 0.03 .aahl
2 0.03 .aahm
2 0.03 .aahn
2 0.03 .aaho
2 0.03 .aahp
2 0.03 .aahq
2 0.03 .aahr
2 0.03 .aahs
2 0.03 .aaht
2 0.03 .aahv
2 0.03 .aahw
2 0.03 .aahx
2 0.03 .aahz
2 0.03 .aaib
2 0.03 .aaic
2 0.03 .aaid
2 0.03 .aaie
2 0.03 .aaif
2 0.03 .aaig
2 0.03 .aaih
2 0.03 .aaii
2 0.03 .aaij
2 0.03 .aaik
2 0.03 .aail
2 0.03 .aaim
2 0.03 .aain
2 0.03 .aaio
2 0.03 .aaip
2 0.03 .aair
2 0.03 .aais
2 0.03 .aait
2 0.03 .aaiv
2 0.03 .aaiw
2 0.03 .aaja
2 0.03 .aajb
2 0.03 .aajc
2 0.03 .aajd
2 0.03 .aaje
2 0.03 .aajf
2 0.03 .aajg
2 0.03 .aajh
2 0.03 .aaji
2 0.03 .aajk
2 0.03 .aajl
2 0.03 .aajn
2 0.03 .aajp
2 0.03 .aajq
2 0.03 .aajr
2 0.03 .aajt
2 0.03 .aajv
2 0.03 .aajw
2 0.03 .aajy
2 0.03 .aajz
2 0.03 .aaka
2 0.03 .aakc
2 0.03 .aakf
2 0.03 .aakg
2 0.03 .aakh
2 0.03 .aaki
2 0.03 .aakj
2 0.03 .aakl
2 0.03 .aakm
2 0.03 .aako
2 0.03 .aakt
2 0.03 .aakw
2 0.03 .aaky
2 0.00 .smi
2 0.03 .aald
2 0.03 .aall
2 0.01 .aaln
2 0.03 .aals
2 0.01 .aalv
2 0.01 .aalw
1 0.00 .2
1 0.00 .399
1 0.00 .jigdo
1 0.00 .2005-04-11
1 0.00 .799
1 0.00 .txt)
1 0.00 .20041109
1 0.00 .20041128
1 0.01 .aaab
1 0.00 .20050123
1 0.01 .aaap
1 0.01 .aaaq
1 0.02 .fen
1 0.00 .n99
1 0.01 .aakq
1 0.01 .aakr
1 0.01 .aaks
1 0.01 .aaku
1 0.01 .aakv
1 0.01 .aakx
1 0.01 .aala
1 0.01 .aalb
1 0.01 .aalc
1 0.01 .aale
1 0.01 .aalf
1 0.01 .aalg
1 0.01 .aalh
1 0.01 .aali
1 0.01 .aalj
1 0.01 .aalk
1 0.01 .aalo
1 0.01 .aalp
1 0.01 .aalq
1 0.01 .aalr
1 0.00 .o99
1 0.01 .aalt
1 0.00 .aalu
1 0.00 .template
1 0.00 .jfif

Directory Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the directories from which files were requested. (The figures for each directory include all of its subdirectories.)

Listing directories with at least 0.2% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

12005510.90%4490 1.59%7.45 0.86%/24737/
11988810.89%4323 1.53%7.32 0.85%  /24737/24737-h/
56501 5.13%5650120.05%140.1516.27%/etext05/
39708 3.61%26154 9.28%54.49 6.33%/1/
11230 1.02%6315 2.24%18.58 2.16%  /1/0/
6567 0.60%3484 1.24%28.19 3.27%  /1/1/
3423 0.31%2252 0.80%0.64 0.07%  /1/5/
3235 0.29%2167 0.77%0.52 0.06%  /1/3/
2869 0.26%2604 0.92%4.19 0.49%  /1/9/
2641 0.24%1823 0.65%0.37 0.04%  /1/8/
2562 0.23%1761 0.63%0.40 0.05%  /1/4/
2549 0.23%1942 0.69%0.52 0.06%  /1/2/
2374 0.22%1905 0.68%0.75 0.09%  /1/7/
34243 3.11%500 0.18%1.37 0.16%/18467/
34215 3.11%472 0.17%1.23 0.14%  /18467/18467-h/
33742 3.06%1123 0.40%2.29 0.27%/17921/
33682 3.06%1063 0.38%2.15 0.25%  /17921/17921-h/
32518 2.95%802 0.28%1.27 0.15%/13444/
32511 2.95%795 0.28%1.26 0.15%  /13444/13444-h/
30608 2.78%12316 4.37%7.05 0.82%/2/
16192 1.47%4818 1.71%2.23 0.26%  /2/1/
7214 0.66%2552 0.91%2.31 0.27%  /2/0/
3484 0.32%1737 0.62%0.52 0.06%  /2/4/
24657 2.24%24657 8.75%368.1342.73%/21519/
24613 2.23%24613 8.74%367.9642.71%  /21519/mp3/
23857 2.17%275 0.10%0.62 0.07%/16713/
23796 2.16%214 0.08%0.50 0.06%  /16713/16713-h/
12945 1.18%302 0.11%0.35 0.04%/16593/
12928 1.17%285 0.10%0.32 0.04%  /16593/16593-h/
10996 1.00%10996 3.90%10.72 1.24%/etext04/
9457 0.86%282 0.10%1.09 0.13%/24778/
9268 0.84%93 0.03%0.47 0.05%  /24778/24778-h/
9240 0.84%282 0.10%0.27 0.03%/18274/
9224 0.84%266 0.09%0.25 0.03%  /18274/18274-h/
8412 0.76%250 0.09%0.44 0.05%/16277/
8366 0.76%204 0.07%0.29 0.03%  /16277/16277-h/
8176 0.74%371 0.13%0.78 0.09%/14264/
8083 0.73%278 0.10%0.41 0.05%  /14264/14264-h/
8075 0.73%114 0.04%0.54 0.06%/15147/
8040 0.73%79 0.03%0.30 0.03%  /15147/15147-h/
8013 0.73%340 0.12%0.14 0.02%/24783/
7829 0.71%156 0.06%0.10 0.01%  /24783/24783-h/
7740 0.70%55 0.02%0.09 0.01%/23186/
7734 0.70%49 0.02%0.08 0.01%  /23186/23186-h/
7642 0.69%309 0.11%1.48 0.17%/22483/
7609 0.69%276 0.10%0.41 0.05%  /22483/22483-h/
7286 0.66%220 0.08%0.36 0.04%/17582/
7281 0.66%215 0.08%0.35 0.04%  /17582/17582-h/
7277 0.66%7277 2.58%5.51 0.64%/etext06/
6757 0.61%259 0.09%0.38 0.04%/22117/
6753 0.61%255 0.09%0.31 0.04%  /22117/22117-h/
6725 0.61%262 0.09%0.26 0.03%/6867/
6701 0.61%238 0.08%0.24 0.03%  /6867/6867-h/
6616 0.60%158 0.06%0.22 0.03%/17451/
6604 0.60%146 0.05%0.21 0.02%  /17451/17451-h/
6604 0.60%167 0.06%0.20 0.02%/21254/
6594 0.60%157 0.06%0.16 0.02%  /21254/21254-h/
6474 0.59%680 0.24%0.84 0.10%/12254/
6434 0.58%640 0.23%0.50 0.06%  /12254/12254-h/
6014 0.55%204 0.07%0.50 0.06%/22153/
5987 0.54%177 0.06%0.45 0.05%  /22153/22153-h/
5793 0.53%428 0.15%0.35 0.04%/22381/
5686 0.52%323 0.11%0.29 0.03%  /22381/22381-h/
5682 0.52%180 0.06%0.26 0.03%/19499/
5652 0.51%150 0.05%0.13 0.01%  /19499/19499-h/
5586 0.51%341 0.12%0.79 0.09%/19699/
5539 0.50%294 0.10%0.73 0.08%  /19699/19699-h/
5439 0.49%152 0.05%0.24 0.03%/14742/
5431 0.49%144 0.05%0.23 0.03%  /14742/14742-h/
5352 0.49%460 0.16%0.76 0.09%/76/
5229 0.47%337 0.12%0.43 0.05%  /76/76-h/
4995 0.45%77 0.03%0.13 0.02%/15617/
4992 0.45%74 0.03%0.11 0.01%  /15617/15617-h/
4995 0.45%194 0.07%0.31 0.04%/16426/
4988 0.45%187 0.07%0.30 0.04%  /16426/16426-h/
4520 0.41%21 0.01%0.03 /19132/
4519 0.41%20 0.01%0.03   /19132/19132-h/
4450 0.40%240 0.09%0.44 0.05%/15595/
4436 0.40%226 0.08%0.39 0.05%  /15595/15595-h/
4279 0.39%247 0.09%0.49 0.06%/19694/
4264 0.39%232 0.08%0.45 0.05%  /19694/19694-h/
4122 0.37%147 0.05%0.12 0.01%/16316/
4113 0.37%138 0.05%0.12 0.01%  /16316/16316-h/
3835 0.35%206 0.07%0.26 0.03%/18757/
3830 0.35%201 0.07%0.24 0.03%  /18757/18757-h/
3826 0.35%131 0.05%0.18 0.02%/15884/
3821 0.35%126 0.04%0.17 0.02%  /15884/15884-h/
3786 0.34%123 0.04%0.11 0.01%/13854/
3774 0.34%111 0.04%0.09 0.01%  /13854/13854-h/
3681 0.33%158 0.06%0.31 0.04%/18525/
3675 0.33%152 0.05%0.30 0.03%  /18525/18525-h/
3635 0.33%3635 1.29%1.22 0.14%/etext03/
3633 0.33%135 0.05%0.25 0.03%/11571/
3632 0.33%134 0.05%0.24 0.03%  /11571/11571-h/
3609 0.33%117 0.04%0.09 0.01%/17186/
3605 0.33%113 0.04%0.08 0.01%  /17186/17186-h/
3536 0.32%85 0.03%0.20 0.02%/14279/
3533 0.32%82 0.03%0.19 0.02%  /14279/14279-h/
3454 0.31%186 0.07%0.47 0.05%/17379/
3444 0.31%176 0.06%0.44 0.05%  /17379/17379-h/
3452 0.31%56 0.02%0.11 0.01%/18732/
3446 0.31%50 0.02%0.11 0.01%  /18732/18732-h/
3350 0.30%164 0.06%0.21 0.02%/12849/
3348 0.30%162 0.06%0.21 0.02%  /12849/12849-h/
3320 0.30%162 0.06%0.19 0.02%/16598/
3313 0.30%155 0.06%0.18 0.02%  /16598/16598-h/
3305 0.30%266 0.09%0.26 0.03%/18559/
3298 0.30%259 0.09%0.25 0.03%  /18559/18559-h/
3285 0.30%50 0.02%0.03 /13155/
3285 0.30%50 0.02%0.03   /13155/13155-h/
3144 0.29%113 0.04%0.12 0.01%/19329/
3144 0.29%113 0.04%0.12 0.01%  /19329/19329-h/
3054 0.28%85 0.03%0.12 0.01%/15526/
3051 0.28%82 0.03%0.11 0.01%  /15526/15526-h/
2851 0.26%107 0.04%0.18 0.02%/14836/
2845 0.26%101 0.04%0.16 0.02%  /14836/14836-h/
2835 0.26%26 0.01%0.04 /23319/
2829 0.26%20 0.01%0.03   /23319/23319-h/
2813 0.26%181 0.06%0.22 0.03%/18333/
2805 0.25%173 0.06%0.20 0.02%  /18333/18333-h/
2684 0.24%2684 0.95%1.16 0.13%/etext98/
2666 0.24%79 0.03%0.07 0.01%/18436/
2660 0.24%73 0.03%0.06 0.01%  /18436/18436-h/
2661 0.24%180 0.06%0.21 0.02%/15479/
2656 0.24%175 0.06%0.21 0.02%  /15479/15479-h/
2627 0.24%2627 0.93%0.64 0.07%/etext97/
2607 0.24%57 0.02%0.08 0.01%/13499/
2603 0.24%53 0.02%0.07 0.01%  /13499/13499-h/
2599 0.24%153 0.05%1.35 0.16%/24777/
2475 0.22%29 0.01%0.44 0.05%  /24777/24777-h/
2407 0.22%74 0.03%0.12 0.01%/17569/
2399 0.22%66 0.02%0.11 0.01%  /17569/17569-h/
2351 0.21%2351 0.83%1.03 0.12%/etext00/
2290 0.21%100 0.04%0.24 0.03%/17322/
2286 0.21%96 0.03%0.22 0.03%  /17322/17322-h/
2277 0.21%78 0.03%0.10 0.01%/17513/
2274 0.21%75 0.03%0.08 0.01%  /17513/17513-h/
41615537.79%11553141.01%241.0327.98%[not listed: 9,955 directories]

Request Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the files on the site.

Listing files with at least 0.02% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

5490 0.50%109.8812.75%/21519/mp3/21519-04.mp3
4318 0.39%1.52 0.18%/24737/24737-h/24737-h.htm
3546 0.32%0.18 0.02%/24737/24737-h/images/fig1.jpg
3373 0.31%0.14 0.02%/24737/24737-h/images/fig2t.jpg
3356 0.30%0.21 0.02%/24737/24737-h/images/fig4t.jpg
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