Web Server Statistics for ftp.ibiblio.org

Program started at Mon-21-Apr-2008 09:02.
Analysed requests from Sun-20-Apr-2008 00:00 to Sun-20-Apr-2008 23:50 (0.99 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report contains overall statistics.

Successful requests: 974,602
Average successful requests per day: 981,416
Successful requests for pages: 296,343
Average successful requests for pages per day: 298,414
Failed requests: 4,294
Redirected requests: 32,408
Distinct files requested: 209,629
Distinct hosts served: 40,385
Corrupt logfile lines: 19
Unwanted logfile entries: 1,561,552
Data transferred: 637.56 gigabytes
Average data transferred per day: 642.02 gigabytes

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the total activity for each hour of the day, summed over all the days in the report.

Each unit (+) represents 400 requests for pages or part thereof.


Host Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the computers which requested files.

Listing hosts with at least 1000 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

44423 4.56%4442314.99%2.97 0.47%crawl-66-249-65-242.googlebot.com ( block
11131 1.14%11131 3.76%135.8421.31%unknown host ( block
8638 0.89%8635 2.91%6.07 0.95%crawl-66-249-66-11.googlebot.com ( block
8539 0.88%8539 2.88%5.60 0.88%unknown host ( block
7501 0.77%7501 2.53%5.06 0.79%spider27.yandex.ru ( block
4845 0.50%4845 1.63%30.62 4.80%ppps0840.hakata.bbiq.jp ( block
4696 0.48%4696 1.58%0.02 unknown host ( block
4325 0.44%4318 1.46%1.27 0.20%unknown host ( block
4090 0.42%3152 1.06%1.96 0.31%dns.ptopa.com ( block
3959 0.41%3959 1.34%93.4414.66%unknown host ( block
3454 0.35%3454 1.17%1.64 0.26%unknown host ( block
3278 0.34%3278 1.11%2.58 0.40%Xc927.x.pppool.de ( block
3134 0.32%1000 0.34%0.50 0.08%localhost.localdomain ( block
2585 0.27%6 0.13 0.02% ( block
2328 0.24%2327 0.79%10.71 1.68%unknown host ( block
2266 0.23%2266 0.76%0.37 0.06%livebot-65-55-208-68.search.live.com ( block
2219 0.23%2217 0.75%0.63 0.10%msnbot-65-55-208-65.search.msn.com ( block
2211 0.23%2211 0.75%2.33 0.37%unknown host ( block
2204 0.23%2204 0.74%1.13 0.18%crawler4008.ask.com ( block
2139 0.22%332 0.11%0.76 0.12%218-186-11-4.cache.maxonline.com.sg ( block
2126 0.22%2126 0.72%0.01 crawl-12.cuill.com ( block
2125 0.22%2123 0.72%0.27 0.04%msnbot-65-55-208-66.search.msn.com ( block
2099 0.22%2098 0.71%0.65 0.10%adsl-213-249-162-116.karoo.KCOM.COM ( block
2081 0.21%2081 0.70%0.05 0.01%unknown host ( block
1975 0.20%1974 0.67%0.39 0.06%msnbot-65-55-208-67.search.msn.com ( block
1956 0.20%1956 0.66%1.05 0.17%cust-65-98-224-3.static.o1.com ( block
1925 0.20%1925 0.65%3.07 0.48%unknown host ( block
1918 0.20%1918 0.65%1.99 0.31%www-gw2.credit-suisse.com ( block
1800 0.18%1800 0.61%36.18 5.68%unknown host ( block
1773 0.18%1771 0.60%0.46 0.07%msnbot-65-55-208-64.search.msn.com ( block
1620 0.17%1618 0.55%0.61 0.10%msnbot-65-55-208-69.search.msn.com ( block
1536 0.16%1534 0.52%0.36 0.06%livebot-65-55-208-63.search.live.com ( block
1510 0.15%204 0.07%0.13 0.02%crawler.bloglines.com ( block
1498 0.15%1498 0.51%2.29 0.36%host. ( block
1445 0.15%11 0.04 0.01%p5B3A3B40.dip0.t-ipconnect.de ( block
1384 0.14%1378 0.47%1.89 0.30%llf520146.crawl.yahoo.net ( block
1364 0.14%1364 0.46%12.42 1.95%77-9.net.td.net.ua ( block
1335 0.14%1335 0.45%0.57 0.09%crawler4056.ask.com ( block
1328 0.14%1328 0.45%14.27 2.24%pool-71-106-9-26.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net ( block
1311 0.13%1311 0.44%0.02 crawl-7.cuill.com ( block
1265 0.13%2 0.03 cpe-071-076-041-097.sc.res.rr.com ( block
1240 0.13%11 0.05 0.01%168.244.194-77.rev.gaoland.net ( block
1235 0.13%1235 0.42%0.40 0.06%132.pool80-102-1.dynamic.orange.es ( block
1235 0.13%1235 0.42%9.03 1.42%unknown host ( block
1209 0.12%1209 0.41%0.04 0.01%22.pool80-102-1.dynamic.orange.es ( block
1184 0.12%1184 0.40%4.88 0.77%hagalaz.fttp.xmission.com ( block
1178 0.12%1178 0.40%0.01 crawl-1.cuill.com ( block
1169 0.12%83 0.03%0.20 0.03%20179085133.user.veloxzone.com.br ( block
1164 0.12%15 0.01%0.05 0.01%cpc2-cmbg10-0-0-cust51.cmbg.cable.ntl.com ( block
1155 0.12%1 0.01 unknown host ( block
1150 0.12%6 0.02 unknown host ( block
1123 0.12%68 0.02%0.10 0.02%CRS8492-A.STUDENT.TCU.EDU ( block
1073 0.11%1073 0.36%0.02 crawl-2.cuill.com ( block
1063 0.11%75 0.03%0.05 0.01%28.248.194-77.rev.gaoland.net ( block
79608581.68%13712146.27%242.3138.01%[not listed: 40,331 hosts]

User Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the users who requested files, if users have been authenticated or can be identified by cookies.

Listing users with at least 1% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

5429684.59%5408387.17%3.29 9.24%tcp_miss
4095 6.38%3157 5.09%1.96 5.51%yourname@yourcompany.com
1530 2.38%764 1.23%0.26 0.74%ftpuser@
1184 1.84%1184 1.91%4.8813.71%anon@
947 1.48%945 1.52%1.19 3.34%tcp_hit
760 1.18%760 1.22%0.31 0.86%googlebot@google.com
1379 2.15%1148 1.85%23.7466.61%[not listed: 35 users]

Referrer Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the referrers (where people followed links from, or pages which included this site's images).

Listing the top 50 referring URLs by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

3790 8.36%http://images.google.co.uk/imgres
2295 5.06%http://images.google.ca/imgres
1857 4.10%http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup
21 0.05%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=4256
13 0.03%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=12461
12 0.03%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=10556
12 0.03%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=5200
11 0.02%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=421
1393 3.07%http://images.google.de/imgres
983 2.17%http://images.google.fr/imgres
951 2.10%http://images.google.com.au/imgres
894 1.97%
635 1.40%http://images.google.co.in/imgres
631 1.39%http://images.google.es/imgres
490 1.08%http://images.google.nl/imgres
451 0.99%http://www.google.com/imgres
440 0.97%http://images.google.it/imgres
374 0.83%http://images.google.be/imgres
355 0.78%http://images.google.com.mx/imgres
329 0.73%http://images.google.com.br/imgres
328 0.72%http://images.google.pl/imgres
248 0.55%http://images.google.com.tr/imgres
242 0.53%
219 0.48%http://images.google.com.ph/imgres
206 0.45%http://images.google.ro/imgres
205 0.45%http://images.google.pt/imgres
196 0.43%http://images.google.ch/imgres
179 0.39%
175 0.39%http://images.google.se/imgres
174 0.38%http://images.google.co.za/imgres
169 0.37%http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup
9 0.02%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=874
8 0.02%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=1254
7 0.02%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=674
6 0.01%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=2527
5 0.01%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=964
168 0.37%http://images.google.com.co/imgres
166 0.37%
165 0.36%http://images.google.com.pe/imgres
163 0.36%http://images.google.hu/imgres
161 0.36%http://images.google.cl/imgres
160 0.35%http://images.google.at/imgres
159 0.35%http://images.google.ie/imgres
157 0.35%http://images.google.com.eg/imgres
141 0.31%http://images.google.ru/imgres
135 0.30%http://images.google.co.nz/imgres
129 0.28%http://images.google.cz/imgres
127 0.28%http://images.google.com.pk/imgres
118 0.26%http://images.google.gr/imgres
114 0.25%http://search.yahoo.com/search
2   http://search.yahoo.com/search?ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-501&p=W.K+Kellogg's+grave+stone&SpellState=n-361433929_q-KHTbYQWTJctxOxS5f90vxgAAAA@@&fr2=sp-top
2   http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=cuantos+tipos+de+chocolate+existe&fr=yfp-t-357&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8
1   http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=Don+Sinibaldo+de+Mas%E2%80%99+recommendations+in+the+Philippine+in+year+1842&y=Search&fr=yfp-t-501-s&ei=UTF-8
1   http://search.yahoo.com/search?ei=utf-8&fr=slv8-acer&p=Can you think of any good, service, or activity which does not eventually exhibit diminishing marginal utility per unit of time%3f&type=
1   http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=constantine+kanaris&ei=utf-8&fr=slv8-&xargs=0&pstart=1&b=31
109 0.24%http://images.google.dk/imgres
109 0.24%http://www.google.com/search
2   http://www.google.com/search?q=love+songs&hl=en&start=10&sa=N
2   http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=le+rouge+et+le+noir
1   http://www.google.com/search?q=the+republic&hl=en&rls=GGLR,GGLR:2006-38,GGLR:en&start=10&sa=N
1   http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=ru&q=Le+Rouge+et+le+Noir&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
1   http://www.google.com/search?q="The+Underdogs"+summary&hl=en&start=10&sa=N
105 0.23%http://aolsearch.aol.com/aol/imageDetails
104 0.23%http://images.google.com.ar/imgres
100 0.22%http://images.google.sk/imgres
99 0.22%http://images.google.co.kr/imgres
97 0.21%http://images.google.no/imgres
95 0.21%http://search.aol.com/aol/imageDetails
94 0.21%http://images.google.fi/imgres
3526 7.78%[not listed: 382 URLs]

Referring Site Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists which servers people followed links from.

Listing the top 30 referring sites by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

3790 8.36%http://images.google.co.uk/
2295 5.06%http://images.google.ca/
1857 4.10%http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/
1393 3.07%http://images.google.de/
983 2.17%http://images.google.fr/
951 2.10%http://images.google.com.au/
924 2.04%
635 1.40%http://images.google.co.in/
631 1.39%http://images.google.es/
570 1.26%http://www.google.com/
490 1.08%http://images.google.nl/
440 0.97%http://images.google.it/
374 0.82%http://images.google.be/
355 0.78%http://images.google.com.mx/
329 0.73%http://images.google.com.br/
328 0.72%http://images.google.pl/
320 0.71%http://www.ibiblio.org/
248 0.55%http://images.google.com.tr/
242 0.53%
219 0.48%http://images.google.com.ph/
206 0.45%http://images.google.ro/
205 0.45%http://images.google.pt/
196 0.43%http://images.google.ch/
180 0.40%http://images.search.yahoo.com/
179 0.39%
175 0.39%http://images.google.se/
174 0.38%http://images.google.co.za/
169 0.37%http://digital.library.upenn.edu/
168 0.37%http://images.google.com.co/
568612.54%[not listed: 327 sites]

Browser Summary

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the vendors of visitors' browsers.

Listing browsers with at least 0.1% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

29943931.48%3387412.16%66.9311.19%  MSIE/7
29942331.48%3386012.16%66.9211.19%    MSIE/7.0
15685616.49%24516 8.80%48.60 8.13%  MSIE/6
15684516.49%24513 8.80%48.60 8.13%    MSIE/6.0
29039 3.05%2860110.27%307.0151.35%  MSIE/5
25840 2.72%25780 9.26%304.3950.92%    MSIE/5.00
2371 0.25%2260 0.81%2.22 0.37%    MSIE/5.5
22459623.61%3344412.01%56.56 9.46%Mozilla
21415922.51%24571 8.82%55.88 9.35%  Mozilla/1
15777516.59%17732 6.37%44.55 7.45%    Mozilla/
21894 2.30%2521 0.91%5.52 0.92%    Mozilla/
5661 0.60%621 0.22%1.01 0.17%    Mozilla/
5366 0.56%544 0.20%0.93 0.16%    Mozilla/1.9b5
4909 0.52%498 0.18%0.58 0.10%    Mozilla/
3157 0.33%239 0.09%0.51 0.09%    Mozilla/
2183 0.23%373 0.13%0.28 0.05%    Mozilla/1.9a1
1951 0.21%148 0.05%0.28 0.05%    Mozilla/
1607 0.17%169 0.06%0.28 0.05%    Mozilla/
1260 0.13%204 0.07%0.35 0.06%    Mozilla/
1151 0.12%198 0.07%0.18 0.03%    Mozilla/1.7.12
1148 0.12%107 0.04%0.10 0.02%    Mozilla/
87501 9.20%8024428.81%23.65 3.96%Netscape (compatible)
63973 6.72%4707 1.69%8.08 1.35%Safari
39639 4.17%2734 0.98%3.83 0.64%  Safari/525
26852 2.82%1591 0.57%1.99 0.33%    Safari/525.13
11750 1.24%999 0.36%1.68 0.28%    Safari/525.18
16036 1.69%963 0.35%1.30 0.22%  Safari/523
4472 0.47%293 0.11%0.41 0.07%    Safari/523.12.2
4331 0.46%228 0.08%0.26 0.04%    Safari/523.12
4259 0.45%217 0.08%0.36 0.06%    Safari/523.15
2476 0.26%178 0.06%0.22 0.04%    Safari/523.10
5015 0.53%612 0.22%1.01 0.17%  Safari/419
5015 0.53%612 0.22%1.01 0.17%    Safari/419.3
2141 0.23%146 0.05%0.19 0.03%  Safari/312
1970 0.21%128 0.05%0.18 0.03%    Safari/312.6
15087 1.59%15074 5.41%3.50 0.59%msnbot
15086 1.59%15073 5.41%3.50 0.59%  msnbot/1
15086 1.59%15073 5.41%3.50 0.59%    msnbot/1.1
12593 1.32%12590 4.52%3.36 0.56%Wget
12593 1.32%12590 4.52%3.36 0.56%  Wget/1
12580 1.32%12577 4.52%3.36 0.56%    Wget/1.10.2
11040 1.16%2044 0.73%5.06 0.85%Opera
10184 1.07%1775 0.64%4.76 0.80%  Opera/9
3292 0.35%836 0.30%2.70 0.45%    Opera/9.27
2018 0.21%262 0.09%0.97 0.16%    Opera/9.26
1386 0.15%175 0.06%0.23 0.04%    Opera/9.25
1188 0.12%130 0.05%0.19 0.03%    Opera/9.24
7501 0.79%7501 2.69%5.06 0.85%Yandex
7501 0.79%7501 2.69%5.06 0.85%  Yandex/1
7501 0.79%7501 2.69%5.06 0.85%    Yandex/1.01.001
4700 0.49%4700 1.69%0.02 libwww-perl
4700 0.49%4700 1.69%0.02   libwww-perl/5
4699 0.49%4699 1.69%0.02     libwww-perl/5.805
4563 0.48%4563 1.64%4.20 0.70%DA
4535 0.48%4535 1.63%4.09 0.68%  DA/7
4535 0.48%4535 1.63%4.09 0.68%    DA/7.0
4325 0.45%4318 1.55%1.27 0.21%Nigma.ru
4325 0.45%4318 1.55%1.27 0.21%  Nigma.ru/2
4325 0.45%4318 1.55%1.27 0.21%    Nigma.ru/2.2
3830 0.40%3830 1.38%25.84 4.32%Download Master
3454 0.36%3454 1.24%1.64 0.28%NetPumper
3454 0.36%3454 1.24%1.64 0.28%  NetPumper/1
3454 0.36%3454 1.24%1.64 0.28%    NetPumper/1.26
3134 0.33%1000 0.36%0.50 0.08%Plucker
3134 0.33%1000 0.36%0.50 0.08%  Plucker/Py-1
3134 0.33%1000 0.36%0.50 0.08%    Plucker/Py-1.8
2559 0.27%2470 0.89%0.39 0.07%Java
2559 0.27%2470 0.89%0.39 0.07%  Java/1
2125 0.22%2081 0.75%0.05 0.01%    Java/1.6.0_01
2266 0.24%392 0.14%0.48 0.08%Netscape
2227 0.23%2199 0.79%3.56 0.59%CFNetwork
1726 0.18%1725 0.62%0.90 0.15%  CFNetwork/221
1726 0.18%1725 0.62%0.90 0.15%    CFNetwork/221.5
2199 0.23%3 0.12 0.02%Teleport Pro
2199 0.23%3 0.12 0.02%  Teleport Pro/1
2199 0.23%3 0.12 0.02%    Teleport Pro/1.29
1956 0.21%1956 0.70%1.05 0.18%TurnitinBot
1956 0.21%1956 0.70%1.05 0.18%  TurnitinBot/2
1956 0.21%1956 0.70%1.05 0.18%    TurnitinBot/2.1
1679 0.18%1679 0.60%14.99 2.51%FDM
1679 0.18%1679 0.60%14.99 2.51%  FDM/2
1679 0.18%1679 0.60%14.99 2.51%    FDM/2.x
1218 0.13%1218 0.44%5.89 0.98%NSPlayer
5462 0.57%4037 1.45%9.97 1.67%[not listed: 272 browsers]

Operating System Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the operating systems used by visitors.

Listing operating systems with at least 1% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

51420954.05%6638523.84%122.9420.56%  Windows XP
11095011.66%12454 4.47%38.82 6.49%  Unknown Windows
30679 3.23%26947 9.68%305.9751.18%  Windows 98
15586 1.64%4302 1.54%7.31 1.22%  Windows 2000
10495011.03%9117632.74%78.3913.11%OS unknown
91158 9.58%7355 2.64%13.38 2.24%Macintosh
67440 7.09%6727324.16%25.50 4.27%Known robots
12636 1.33%2038 0.73%4.72 0.79%Unix
12451 1.31%2020 0.73%4.59 0.77%  Linux
4 4 0.00 [not listed: 1 OS]

File Size Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the sizes of files.

038291 3.93%0.00 
1B- 10B305 0.03%0.00 
11B- 100B87 0.01%0.00 
101B- 1kB32027 3.29%0.02 
1kB- 10kB19924720.44%0.89 0.14%
10kB-100kB50370051.68%17.34 2.72%
100kB- 1MB14044014.41%45.96 7.21%
1MB- 10MB43052 4.42%143.5922.52%
10MB-100MB17362 1.78%395.0961.97%
100MB- 1GB85 0.01%14.55 2.28%
> 1GB6 20.13 3.16%

File Type Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the extensions of files.

Listing extensions, sorted by the number of requests.

40837541.90%16.69 2.62%.jpg [JPEG graphics]
25090925.74%6.39 1.00%.png [PNG graphics]
78252 8.03%33.61 5.27%.txt [Plain text]
69435 7.12%0.17 0.03%[directories]
51360 5.27%24.02 3.77%.htm [Hypertext Markup Language]
47004 4.82%476.5974.75%.mp3 [MP3 sound files]
30207 3.10%26.73 4.19%.zip [Zip archives]
17627 1.81%0.26 0.04%.gif [GIF graphics]
7665 0.79%9.83 1.54%.m4b
2886 0.30%1.50 0.24%.spx
2228 0.23%1.32 0.21%.html [Hypertext Markup Language]
2205 0.23%7.25 1.14%.ogg
1944 0.20%4.52 0.71%.pdf [Adobe Portable Document Format]
1348 0.14%0.00 .css [Cascading Style Sheets]
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1 0.01 .aajy
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1 0.01 .aalq
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Directory Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the directories from which files were requested. (The figures for each directory include all of its subdirectories.)

Listing directories with at least 0.2% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

74542 7.65%6268221.15%38.08 5.97%/1/
10123 1.04%8148 2.75%9.73 1.53%  /1/0/
9150 0.94%7451 2.51%1.26 0.20%  /1/3/
8930 0.92%6974 2.35%3.44 0.54%  /1/2/
8116 0.83%6261 2.11%0.63 0.10%  /1/4/
7211 0.74%6117 2.06%0.70 0.11%  /1/7/
7162 0.73%6910 2.33%19.87 3.12%  /1/9/
6562 0.67%5861 1.98%0.37 0.06%  /1/8/
6439 0.66%6096 2.06%0.61 0.10%  /1/5/
6354 0.65%5110 1.72%0.98 0.15%  /1/1/
4402 0.45%3661 1.24%0.46 0.07%  /1/6/
44827 4.60%1327 0.45%2.82 0.44%/17921/
44715 4.59%1215 0.41%2.60 0.41%  /17921/17921-h/
34838 3.57%532 0.18%1.52 0.24%/18467/
34803 3.57%497 0.17%1.31 0.21%  /18467/18467-h/
30229 3.10%777 0.26%1.20 0.19%/13444/
30210 3.10%758 0.26%1.17 0.18%  /13444/13444-h/
29240 3.00%27493 9.28%8.82 1.38%/2/
7445 0.76%7064 2.38%4.77 0.75%  /2/0/
5883 0.60%5530 1.87%1.37 0.21%  /2/1/
4970 0.51%4587 1.55%1.02 0.16%  /2/2/
4608 0.47%4556 1.54%1.12 0.18%  /2/3/
3809 0.39%3516 1.19%0.22 0.03%  /2/4/
25073 2.57%290 0.10%0.62 0.10%/16713/
25004 2.57%221 0.07%0.51 0.08%  /16713/16713-h/
25035 2.57%25035 8.45%73.0311.45%/etext05/
15067 1.55%328 0.11%0.38 0.06%/16593/
15046 1.54%307 0.10%0.36 0.06%  /16593/16593-h/
14567 1.49%14567 4.92%267.1541.90%/19574/
14451 1.48%14451 4.88%266.8841.86%  /19574/mp3/
14125 1.45%146 0.05%0.90 0.14%/15147/
14078 1.44%99 0.03%0.52 0.08%  /15147/15147-h/
11406 1.17%414 0.14%0.91 0.14%/22483/
11378 1.17%386 0.13%0.65 0.10%  /22483/22483-h/
10508 1.08%10508 3.55%14.47 2.27%/etext04/
9780 1.00%298 0.10%0.28 0.04%/18274/
9768 1.00%286 0.10%0.27 0.04%  /18274/18274-h/
9435 0.97%382 0.13%0.96 0.15%/19699/
9379 0.96%326 0.11%0.88 0.14%  /19699/19699-h/
9418 0.97%369 0.12%0.77 0.12%/14264/
9327 0.96%278 0.09%0.44 0.07%  /14264/14264-h/
8289 0.85%46 0.02%0.08 0.01%/23186/
8280 0.85%37 0.01%0.07 0.01%  /23186/23186-h/
7319 0.75%7319 2.47%1.65 0.26%/etext03/
7180 0.74%219 0.07%0.35 0.05%/17582/
7169 0.74%208 0.07%0.34 0.05%  /17582/17582-h/
6880 0.71%212 0.07%0.32 0.05%/14742/
6871 0.71%203 0.07%0.30 0.05%  /14742/14742-h/
6289 0.65%161 0.05%0.23 0.04%/19499/
6269 0.64%141 0.05%0.13 0.02%  /19499/19499-h/
5989 0.61%585 0.20%0.39 0.06%/22381/
5879 0.60%475 0.16%0.34 0.05%  /22381/22381-h/
5897 0.61%205 0.07%0.24 0.04%/16277/
5887 0.60%195 0.07%0.22 0.03%  /16277/16277-h/
5873 0.60%630 0.21%0.79 0.12%/12254/
5836 0.60%593 0.20%0.46 0.07%  /12254/12254-h/
5754 0.59%221 0.07%0.45 0.07%/22153/
5721 0.59%188 0.06%0.42 0.07%  /22153/22153-h/
5671 0.58%143 0.05%0.12 0.02%/17186/
5669 0.58%141 0.05%0.12 0.02%  /17186/17186-h/
5292 0.54%279 0.09%0.36 0.06%/22117/
5277 0.54%264 0.09%0.29 0.05%  /22117/22117-h/
5000 0.51%252 0.09%0.44 0.07%/18525/
4997 0.51%249 0.08%0.43 0.07%  /18525/18525-h/
4985 0.51%2231 0.75%2.39 0.37%/21531/
2761 0.28%7 0.02   /21531/21531-h/
4849 0.50%131 0.04%0.18 0.03%/17451/
4845 0.50%127 0.04%0.17 0.03%  /17451/17451-h/
4777 0.49%101 0.03%0.13 0.02%/15617/
4774 0.49%98 0.03%0.13 0.02%  /15617/15617-h/
4681 0.48%4681 1.58%1.05 0.16%/etext00/
4574 0.47%186 0.06%0.14 0.02%/16316/
4562 0.47%174 0.06%0.14 0.02%  /16316/16316-h/
4529 0.46%123 0.04%0.13 0.02%/21254/
4521 0.46%115 0.04%0.11 0.02%  /21254/21254-h/
4387 0.45%181 0.06%0.28 0.04%/16426/
4381 0.45%175 0.06%0.28 0.04%  /16426/16426-h/
4318 0.44%193 0.07%0.22 0.04%/15884/
4312 0.44%187 0.06%0.22 0.03%  /15884/15884-h/
4302 0.44%4300 1.45%2.69 0.42%/etext06/
4202 0.43%36 0.01%0.06 0.01%/16273/
4199 0.43%33 0.01%0.06 0.01%  /16273/16273-h/
4081 0.42%4081 1.38%1.21 0.19%/etext01/
4048 0.42%281 0.09%0.31 0.05%/18559/
4035 0.41%268 0.09%0.30 0.05%  /18559/18559-h/
3889 0.40%144 0.05%0.22 0.04%/12849/
3883 0.40%138 0.05%0.22 0.03%  /12849/12849-h/
3862 0.40%94 0.03%0.21 0.03%/14279/
3857 0.40%89 0.03%0.21 0.03%  /14279/14279-h/
3807 0.39%275 0.09%0.43 0.07%/19694/
3802 0.39%270 0.09%0.43 0.07%  /19694/19694-h/
3703 0.38%197 0.07%0.27 0.04%/18333/
3698 0.38%192 0.06%0.26 0.04%  /18333/18333-h/
3632 0.37%155 0.05%0.20 0.03%/16598/
3622 0.37%145 0.05%0.18 0.03%  /16598/16598-h/
3621 0.37%93 0.03%0.09 0.01%/13854/
3612 0.37%84 0.03%0.07 0.01%  /13854/13854-h/
3431 0.35%49 0.02%0.11 0.02%/18732/
3424 0.35%42 0.01%0.10 0.02%  /18732/18732-h/
3430 0.35%376 0.13%0.84 0.13%/76/
3304 0.34%250 0.08%0.27 0.04%  /76/76-h/
3425 0.35%547 0.18%0.27 0.04%/12933/
3414 0.35%536 0.18%0.26 0.04%  /12933/12933-h/
3362 0.34%141 0.05%0.13 0.02%/6867/
3351 0.34%130 0.04%0.12 0.02%  /6867/6867-h/
3359 0.34%90 0.03%0.13 0.02%/15526/
3357 0.34%88 0.03%0.13 0.02%  /15526/15526-h/
3325 0.34%108 0.04%0.12 0.02%/19329/
3323 0.34%106 0.04%0.12 0.02%  /19329/19329-h/
3289 0.34%3289 1.11%4.87 0.76%/etext02/
3197 0.33%210 0.07%0.30 0.05%/15595/
3188 0.33%201 0.07%0.29 0.05%  /15595/15595-h/
3051 0.31%2541 0.86%0.26 0.04%/3/
3051 0.31%19 0.01%0.02 /19132/
3050 0.31%18 0.01%0.02   /19132/19132-h/
3035 0.31%426 0.14%0.50 0.08%/18757/
2770 0.28%161 0.05%0.18 0.03%  /18757/18757-h/
2993 0.31%218 0.07%0.21 0.03%/15479/
2990 0.31%215 0.07%0.21 0.03%  /15479/15479-h/
2871 0.29%111 0.04%0.22 0.03%/11571/
2863 0.29%103 0.03%0.19 0.03%  /11571/11571-h/
2740 0.28%24 0.01%0.04 0.01%/23319/
2737 0.28%21 0.01%0.03   /23319/23319-h/
2733 0.28%314 0.11%0.17 0.03%/17216/
2726 0.28%307 0.10%0.14 0.02%  /17216/17216-h/
2733 0.28%41 0.01%0.03 /13155/
2732 0.28%40 0.01%0.03   /13155/13155-h/
2703 0.28%2703 0.91%0.72 0.11%/etext97/
2446 0.25%2446 0.83%1.09 0.17%/etext98/
2432 0.25%62 0.02%0.07 0.01%/13499/
2427 0.25%57 0.02%0.07 0.01%  /13499/13499-h/
2389 0.25%40 0.01%0.07 0.01%/22741/
2375 0.24%26 0.01%0.06 0.01%  /22741/22741-h/
2380 0.24%83 0.03%0.10 0.02%/19163/
2368 0.24%71 0.02%0.09 0.01%  /19163/19163-h/
2360 0.24%2360 0.80%2.48 0.39%/etext96/
2349 0.24%127 0.04%0.31 0.05%/17379/
2348 0.24%126 0.04%0.31 0.05%  /17379/17379-h/
2322 0.24%66 0.02%0.10 0.02%/17569/
2321 0.24%65 0.02%0.10 0.02%  /17569/17569-h/
2253 0.23%66 0.02%0.07 0.01%/12874/
2252 0.23%65 0.02%0.07 0.01%  /12874/12874-h/
2225 0.23%136 0.05%0.30 0.05%/21353/
2222 0.23%133 0.04%0.30 0.05%  /21353/21353-h/
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Request Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the files on the site.

Listing files with at least 0.02% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

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