Web Server Statistics for ftp.ibiblio.org

Program started at Thu-31-Jul-2008 09:01.
Analysed requests from Wed-30-Jul-2008 00:00 to Wed-30-Jul-2008 23:47 (0.99 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report contains overall statistics.

Successful requests: 926,511
Average successful requests per day: 934,950
Successful requests for pages: 368,752
Average successful requests for pages per day: 372,110
Failed requests: 32,690
Redirected requests: 35,325
Distinct files requested: 253,011
Distinct hosts served: 30,104
Corrupt logfile lines: 13
Unwanted logfile entries: 1,359,769
Data transferred: 330.41 gigabytes
Average data transferred per day: 333.42 gigabytes

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the total activity for each hour of the day, summed over all the days in the report.

Each unit (+) represents 800 requests for pages or part thereof.


Host Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the computers which requested files.

Listing hosts with at least 1000 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

45312 4.89%4528412.28%37.3111.29%llf520141.crawl.yahoo.net ( block
31171 3.36%31090 8.43%1.09 0.33%unknown host ( block
19050 2.06%19050 5.17%6.04 1.83% ( block
18578 2.01%18578 5.04%17.45 5.28%carnot.dartmouth.edu ( block
18160 1.96%18160 4.92%0.00 75-171-45-226.phnx.qwest.net ( block
13317 1.44%13317 3.61%12.52 3.79%spider08.yandex.ru ( block
11492 1.24%9672 2.62%4.03 1.22%crawl-66-249-66-1.googlebot.com ( block
10196 1.10%10196 2.77%0.33 0.10%unknown host ( block
8915 0.96%8915 2.42%2.26 0.68%Davies-Linguistics.byu.edu ( block
7711 0.83%7711 2.09%3.20 0.97%crawler4008.ask.com ( block
7066 0.76%7066 1.92%1.70 0.52%242.subnet222-124-13.astinet.telkom.net.id ( block
6055 0.65%6055 1.64%3.42 1.04%AMontpellier-256-1-15-237.w90-14.abo.wanadoo.fr ( block
5668 0.61%5668 1.54%0.48 0.14%crawl-66-249-70-120.googlebot.com ( block
4493 0.48%4493 1.22%0.02 0.01%unknown host ( block
4255 0.46%4255 1.15%0.00 adsl-35-240-37.msy.bellsouth.net ( block
3899 0.42%11 0.17 0.05%slovo1.yandex.ru ( block
3526 0.38%3526 0.96%0.00 unknown host ( block
3398 0.37%3398 0.92%6.81 2.06%206-161-124-210.pccwbtn.net ( block
2995 0.32%2995 0.81%8.52 2.58%pisang.tds.net.id ( block
2951 0.32%1033 0.28%0.53 0.16%localhost.localdomain ( block
2832 0.31%1430 0.39%0.41 0.13% ( block
2584 0.28%7 0.10 0.03%slovo3.yandex.ru ( block
2306 0.25%2 0.17 0.05%infong744.lxa.perfora.net ( block
2298 0.25%2298 0.62%0.64 0.19%unknown host ( block
2155 0.23%190 0.05%0.16 0.05%etch.fei.tuke.sk ( block
1935 0.21%1834 0.50%12.48 3.78%unknown host ( block
1910 0.21%1910 0.52%1.06 0.32%unknown host ( block
1674 0.18%1674 0.45%0.00 75-171-52-65.phnx.qwest.net ( block
1652 0.18%4 0.06 0.02%adsl-71-142-76-45.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net ( block
1629 0.18%5 0.08 0.03%slovo10.yandex.ru ( block
1619 0.17%488 0.13%0.24 0.07%aayb14.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl ( block
1562 0.17%1562 0.42%3.82 1.15%3953_acl1.gw.smartbro.net ( block
1542 0.17%54 0.01%0.05 0.01%72-58-241-81.area1.spcsdns.net ( block
1516 0.16%15 0.04 0.01%c-75-74-238-62.hsd1.fl.comcast.net ( block
1493 0.16%167 0.05%0.13 0.04%ip-78-137-163-133.dedi.digiweb.ie ( block
1492 0.16%862 0.23%0.20 0.06%unknown host ( block
1489 0.16%17 0.04 0.01%unknown host ( block
1452 0.16%1452 0.39%1.10 0.33%triband-del- ( block
1382 0.15%244 0.07%0.17 0.05%unknown host ( block
1233 0.13%1233 0.33%0.52 0.16%crawler4056.ask.com ( block
1226 0.13%200 0.05%0.78 0.23%unknown host ( block
1184 0.13%4 0.03 0.01%adsl-074-232-161-150.sip.asm.bellsouth.net ( block
1167 0.13%1158 0.31%1.58 0.48%llf320014.crawl.yahoo.net ( block
1161 0.13%726 0.20%1.85 0.56%nc6-rba-e0-2.cache.isnet.net ( block
1138 0.12%2 0.01 host86-156-8-25.range86-156.btcentralplus.com ( block
1092 0.12%246 0.07%0.16 0.05%unknown host ( block
1079 0.12%2 0.02 0.01%unknown host ( block
1070 0.12%1070 0.29%0.00 anonymisierungsdienst.foebud.org ( block
1069 0.12%1069 0.29%0.08 0.02%rrcs-71-41-200-78.sw.biz.rr.com ( block
1063 0.11%1063 0.29%0.08 0.02%rrcs-71-41-200-74.sw.biz.rr.com ( block
1063 0.11%1063 0.29%0.83 0.25%unknown host ( block
1037 0.11%1033 0.28%0.83 0.25%msnbot-65-55-208-132.search.msn.com ( block
1024 0.11%1024 0.28%0.06 0.02%rrcs-71-41-200-82.sw.biz.rr.com ( block
1023 0.11%1023 0.28%3.13 0.95%c-76-102-152-211.hsd1.ca.comcast.net ( block
1005 0.11%2 0.03 0.01%cdm-75-109-135-223.asbnva.dh.suddenlink.net ( block
64614769.74%12314633.40%193.6358.60%[not listed: 30,049 hosts]

User Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the users who requested files, if users have been authenticated or can be identified by cookies.

Listing users with at least 1% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

1409 4.25%1366 4.21%1.2310.78%tcp_hit
432 1.30%330 1.02%1.4412.54%ieuser@
1010 3.05%967 2.98%4.8642.40%[not listed: 30 users]

Referrer Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the referrers (where people followed links from, or pages which included this site's images).

Listing the top 50 referring URLs by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

2728 5.86%http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/docs/books/gutenberg/etext04/
2593 5.57%http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup
93 0.20%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=15592
53 0.11%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=16381
41 0.09%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=19360
38 0.08%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=26027
31 0.07%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=23163
1840 3.95%http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/docs/books/gutenberg/etext05/
1660 3.57%http://images.google.co.uk/imgres
1141 2.45%http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/docs/books/gutenberg/etext03/
1088 2.34%http://images.google.co.in/imgres
1019 2.19%http://images.google.com.au/imgres
962 2.07%http://images.google.com.ph/imgres
851 1.83%http://images.google.ca/imgres
772 1.66%http://images.google.de/imgres
532 1.14%
515 1.11%http://images.google.fr/imgres
473 1.02%http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/docs/books/gutenberg/etext02/
425 0.91%http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/docs/books/gutenberg/etext00/
402 0.86%http://images.google.it/imgres
378 0.81%http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/docs/books/gutenberg/etext01/
329 0.71%http://images.google.es/imgres
327 0.70%http://images.google.com.br/imgres
301 0.65%http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup
118 0.25%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=6539
15 0.03%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=2441
7 0.02%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=4925
6 0.01%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=3074
5 0.01%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=1256
251 0.54%http://images.google.nl/imgres
250 0.54%http://www.google.com/imgres
232 0.50%http://ftp1.us.proftpd.org/
221 0.47%http://images.google.co.za/imgres
216 0.46%
200 0.43%http://images.google.com.mx/imgres
191 0.41%http://images.google.co.nz/imgres
168 0.36%http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/docs/books/gutenberg/1/6/3/4/16342/16342-h/16342-h.htm
163 0.35%http://images.google.co.th/imgres
152 0.33%
144 0.31%http://images.google.be/imgres
140 0.30%http://images.google.pl/imgres
130 0.28%http://search.yahoo.com/search
2   http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=quien+fue+el+primer+director+general+de+aduana+en+honduras&fr=yfp-t-501&ei=UTF-8
2   http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=the+lake+district+of+central+luzon&vc=&fr=yfp-t-501&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fp_ip=PH
1   http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=cumbres+mas+elevadas+de+centro+america&y=Search&fr=yfp-t-501&ei=UTF-8
1   http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=victorian+brocade+kitchen+curtains&ei=UTF-8&y=Search&fr=yfp-t-203&xargs=12KPjg1ipSroGmmvmnEOOIMLrcmUsOkZ7Fo5h7DOV5CtdY6hNdE-IfXpP0xZg6WO8T7xvSy7HBreVFdJGu277WVk0qfeK_GKvH7c6Vk9B1AvOQWX13s-J_0-mdn4ZvDE8.&pstart=6&b=101
1   http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=tik+tok+just+a+road+side+attraction&ei=UTF-8&iscqry=&fr=sfp
126 0.27%http://images.google.hu/imgres
124 0.27%http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/docs/books/gutenberg/1/2/8/4/12849/12849-h/12849-h.htm
124 0.27%http://images.google.co.id/imgres
121 0.26%http://images.google.com.tr/imgres
121 0.26%http://images.google.gr/imgres
121 0.26%
115 0.25%http://images.google.ro/imgres
114 0.24%http://images.google.com.my/imgres
111 0.24%http://images.google.com.ar/imgres
96 0.21%http://www.ibiblio.net/pub/docs/books/gutenberg/2/3/7/5/23759/23759-h/23759-h.htm
95 0.20%http://images.google.com.co/imgres
95 0.20%http://images.google.ie/imgres
94 0.20%
94 0.20%http://images.google.se/imgres
91 0.20%http://images.google.ch/imgres
83 0.18%http://images.google.com.pk/imgres
80 0.17%http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view
1384929.76%[not listed: 1,442 URLs]

Referring Site Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists which servers people followed links from.

Listing the top 30 referring sites by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

2593 5.57%http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/
1660 3.57%http://images.google.co.uk/
1088 2.34%http://images.google.co.in/
1019 2.19%http://images.google.com.au/
962 2.07%http://images.google.com.ph/
851 1.83%http://images.google.ca/
772 1.66%http://images.google.de/
532 1.14%
515 1.11%http://images.google.fr/
402 0.86%http://images.google.it/
329 0.71%http://images.google.es/
327 0.70%http://images.google.com.br/
301 0.65%http://digital.library.upenn.edu/
296 0.64%http://www.google.com/
251 0.54%http://images.google.nl/
242 0.52%
236 0.51%http://ftp1.us.proftpd.org/
221 0.47%http://images.google.co.za/
200 0.43%http://images.google.com.mx/
191 0.41%http://images.google.co.nz/
163 0.35%http://images.google.co.th/
157 0.34%http://images.search.yahoo.com/
152 0.33%
144 0.31%http://images.google.be/
140 0.30%http://images.google.pl/
130 0.28%http://search.yahoo.com/
126 0.27%http://images.google.hu/
124 0.27%http://images.google.co.id/
4582 9.85%[not listed: 333 sites]

Browser Summary

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the vendors of visitors' browsers.

Listing browsers with at least 0.1% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

20160221.88%24169 6.61%39.3412.25%  MSIE/7
20158021.87%24147 6.61%39.3312.24%    MSIE/7.0
15020216.30%28406 7.77%47.2714.72%  MSIE/6
15019516.30%28401 7.77%47.2714.71%    MSIE/6.0
38096 4.13%3654710.00%54.0716.83%  MSIE/5
26761 2.90%26501 7.25%8.02 2.50%    MSIE/5.0
9498 1.03%9498 2.60%45.7014.23%    MSIE/5.00
20414822.15%27416 7.50%43.5013.54%Mozilla
20294122.02%27087 7.41%43.3213.49%  Mozilla/1
91290 9.91%10276 2.81%20.03 6.24%    Mozilla/
64936 7.05%7908 2.16%13.66 4.25%    Mozilla/
11167 1.21%1292 0.35%1.69 0.52%    Mozilla/1.9
7785 0.84%683 0.19%0.81 0.25%    Mozilla/
4562 0.50%3319 0.91%1.21 0.38%    Mozilla/
2881 0.31%416 0.11%0.30 0.09%    Mozilla/1.9a1
2548 0.28%196 0.05%0.24 0.07%    Mozilla/
2512 0.27%186 0.05%0.19 0.06%    Mozilla/
2430 0.26%202 0.06%0.40 0.12%    Mozilla/
1319 0.14%399 0.11%0.28 0.09%    Mozilla/
1142 0.12%481 0.13%0.86 0.27%    Mozilla/
1115 0.12%61 0.02%0.06 0.02%    Mozilla/
992 0.11%111 0.03%0.18 0.05%    Mozilla/
9644410.47%9057324.79%52.0416.20%Netscape (compatible)
43049 4.67%3942510.79%21.77 6.78%Wget
43049 4.67%3942510.79%21.77 6.78%  Wget/1
29143 3.16%28886 7.90%18.94 5.90%    Wget/1.10.2
8919 0.97%8919 2.44%2.26 0.70%    Wget/1.11.4
2832 0.31%1430 0.39%0.41 0.13%    Wget/1.7
2155 0.23%190 0.05%0.16 0.05%    Wget/
41564 4.51%3272 0.90%4.21 1.31%Safari
31364 3.40%2231 0.61%3.16 0.98%  Safari/525
11573 1.26%871 0.24%1.22 0.38%    Safari/525.20.1
11290 1.23%748 0.20%1.08 0.34%    Safari/525.22
3960 0.43%187 0.05%0.31 0.10%    Safari/525.18
2422 0.26%226 0.06%0.32 0.10%    Safari/525.20
1184 0.13%112 0.03%0.16 0.05%    Safari/525.21
4878 0.53%346 0.09%0.36 0.11%  Safari/523
1654 0.18%47 0.01%0.09 0.03%    Safari/523.12.2
1215 0.13%103 0.03%0.09 0.03%    Safari/523.15
1108 0.12%112 0.03%0.09 0.03%    Safari/523.12
3373 0.37%212 0.06%0.26 0.08%  Safari/419
3373 0.37%212 0.06%0.26 0.08%    Safari/419.3
1520 0.16%412 0.11%0.29 0.09%  Safari/312
1454 0.16%395 0.11%0.28 0.09%    Safari/312.6
31075 3.37%31075 8.50%1.08 0.34%PageNest Free Edition
31075 3.37%31075 8.50%1.08 0.34%  PageNest Free Edition/3
31075 3.37%31075 8.50%1.08 0.34%    PageNest Free Edition/3.10
28985 3.15%28985 7.93%0.08 0.02%LimeWire
28985 3.15%28985 7.93%0.08 0.02%  LimeWire/4
24003 2.60%24003 6.57%0.00     LimeWire/4.18.3
4300 0.47%4300 1.18%0.00     LimeWire/4.18.1
21893 2.38%13366 3.66%12.88 4.01%Yandex
21883 2.37%13356 3.65%12.88 4.01%  Yandex/1
21883 2.37%13356 3.65%12.88 4.01%    Yandex/1.01.001
11746 1.27%1340 0.37%3.06 0.95%Opera
11534 1.25%1282 0.35%3.01 0.94%  Opera/9
4996 0.54%472 0.13%0.57 0.18%    Opera/9.51
1543 0.17%229 0.06%0.59 0.18%    Opera/9.50
1399 0.15%145 0.04%1.01 0.31%    Opera/9.26
7689 0.83%7667 2.10%5.30 1.65%msnbot
7689 0.83%7667 2.10%5.30 1.65%  msnbot/1
7689 0.83%7667 2.10%5.30 1.65%    msnbot/1.1
6045 0.66%6045 1.65%3.42 1.07%LWP::Simple
6045 0.66%6045 1.65%3.42 1.07%  LWP::Simple/5
6045 0.66%6045 1.65%3.42 1.07%    LWP::Simple/5.806
4524 0.49%4523 1.24%0.02 0.01%libwww-perl
4524 0.49%4523 1.24%0.02 0.01%  libwww-perl/5
4495 0.49%4495 1.23%0.02 0.01%    libwww-perl/5.812
3625 0.39%3601 0.99%0.03 0.01%Java
3625 0.39%3601 0.99%0.03 0.01%  Java/1
3550 0.39%3526 0.96%0.00     Java/1.6.0_01
3232 0.35%1972 0.54%6.34 1.97%FDM
3154 0.34%1894 0.52%6.29 1.96%  FDM/2
3154 0.34%1894 0.52%6.29 1.96%    FDM/2.x
3158 0.34%3158 0.86%0.22 0.07%MLBot (www.metadatalabs.com
3158 0.34%3158 0.86%0.22 0.07%  MLBot (www.metadatalabs.com/mlbot)
2984 0.32%1041 0.28%0.54 0.17%Plucker
2984 0.32%1041 0.28%0.54 0.17%  Plucker/Py-1
2951 0.32%1033 0.28%0.53 0.17%    Plucker/Py-1.8
2636 0.29%908 0.25%0.26 0.08%msnbot-media
2636 0.29%908 0.25%0.26 0.08%  msnbot-media/1
1493 0.16%863 0.24%0.21 0.06%    msnbot-media/1.0
1143 0.12%45 0.01%0.06 0.02%    msnbot-media/1.1
2396 0.26%220 0.06%0.24 0.08%Netscape
1611 0.17%57 0.02%0.13 0.04%  Netscape/7
1019 0.11%8 0.03 0.01%    Netscape/7.02
1910 0.21%1910 0.52%1.06 0.33%MSR-ISRCCrawler
1828 0.20%8 0.00 Googlebot-Image
1828 0.20%8 0.00   Googlebot-Image/1
1828 0.20%8 0.00     Googlebot-Image/1.0
1312 0.14%1312 0.36%6.82 2.12%NSPlayer
1102 0.12%40 0.01%0.05 0.01%Camino
1102 0.12%40 0.01%0.05 0.01%  Camino/1
1083 0.12%1082 0.30%3.13 0.98%CFNetwork
959 0.10%959 0.26%2.64 0.82%  CFNetwork/330
959 0.10%959 0.26%2.64 0.82%    CFNetwork/330.4
944 0.10%944 0.26%0.54 0.17%nutch
944 0.10%944 0.26%0.54 0.17%  nutch/Nutch-1
944 0.10%944 0.26%0.54 0.17%    nutch/Nutch-1.0-dev
931 0.10%931 0.25%0.30 0.09%TurnitinBot
931 0.10%931 0.25%0.30 0.09%  TurnitinBot/2
931 0.10%931 0.25%0.30 0.09%    TurnitinBot/2.1
7065 0.77%5432 1.49%13.61 4.24%[not listed: 277 browsers]

Operating System Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the operating systems used by visitors.

Listing operating systems with at least 1% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

42323245.92%5845216.00%96.5030.04%  Windows XP
76718 8.32%9413 2.58%16.47 5.13%  Unknown Windows
31808 3.45%29543 8.08%52.4716.33%  Windows 98
20631 2.24%4036 1.10%10.82 3.37%  Windows 2000
14431615.66%12445334.06%53.2116.57%OS unknown
12729013.81%11980532.79%75.6623.55%Known robots
67657 7.34%5646 1.55%7.90 2.46%Macintosh
15851 1.72%5858 1.60%4.36 1.36%Unix
15758 1.71%5810 1.59%4.29 1.34%  Linux
11 4 0.00 [not listed: 2 OS's]

File Size Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the sizes of files.

068148 7.36%0.00 
1B- 10B318 0.03%0.00 
11B- 100B117 0.01%0.00 
101B- 1kB69229 7.47%0.05 0.01%
1kB- 10kB14796915.97%0.66 0.20%
10kB-100kB44004447.49%15.25 4.62%
100kB- 1MB15738116.99%51.3715.55%
1MB- 10MB36333 3.92%105.5531.95%
10MB-100MB6855 0.74%133.4640.39%
100MB- 1GB116 0.01%19.77 5.98%
> 1GB1 4.31 1.30%

File Type Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the extensions of files.

Listing extensions, sorted by the number of requests.

33961336.66%13.54 4.10%.jpg [JPEG graphics]
20218121.82%4.78 1.45%.png [PNG graphics]
11019411.89%44.6313.51%.txt [Plain text]
74382 8.03%0.18 0.06%[directories]
61510 6.64%48.1314.57%.zip [Zip archives]
51477 5.56%140.1342.41%.mp3 [MP3 sound files]
48986 5.29%21.59 6.53%.htm [Hypertext Markup Language]
14704 1.59%0.25 0.07%.gif [GIF graphics]
4589 0.50%10.02 3.03%.m4b
3726 0.40%2.50 0.76%.spx
3503 0.38%16.76 5.07%.ogg
2409 0.26%1.02 0.31%.html [Hypertext Markup Language]
2293 0.25%3.71 1.12%.pdf [Adobe Portable Document Format]
1261 0.14%0.00 .css [Cascading Style Sheets]
474 0.05%0.01 .JPG
433 0.05%0.00 .midi
383 0.04%0.00 .ly
243 0.03%0.34 0.10%.m4a
235 0.03%0.16 0.05%.rtf [Rich Text Format]
132 0.01%0.06 0.02%.tei
122 0.01%0.10 0.03%.xml
121 0.01%0.01 .lit
106 0.01%0.01 .prc
101 0.01%4.73 1.43%.iso [CD image]
85 0.01%0.00 .mid [MIDI sound files]
82 0.01%0.59 0.18%.doc [Microsoft Word document]
82 0.01%0.13 0.04%.ALL
80 0.01%0.00 .tiff
72 0.01%0.03 0.01%.tex
70 0.01%0.00 [no extension]
58 0.01%0.12 0.04%.nfo
46 0.19 0.06%.mpg [MPEG movie]
44 0.03 0.01%.ps [PostScript]
42 0.24 0.07%.MP3
42 0.29 0.09%.aaaa
40 0.00 .tif
38 0.23 0.07%.aaab
36 0.00 .GIF
34 0.00 .jpeg [JPEG graphics]
34 0.31 0.09%.aaam
33 0.00 .mus
30 0.23 0.07%.aaan
28 0.18 0.06%.aabk
27 0.17 0.05%.aabm
26 0.20 0.06%.aaah
26 0.17 0.05%.aach
26 0.00 .PNG
26 0.00 .sib
25 0.18 0.05%.aabn
25 0.19 0.06%.aabp
24 0.16 0.05%.aadl
23 0.15 0.05%.aaar
23 0.10 0.03%.aack
23 0.19 0.06%.aaco
23 0.16 0.05%.aadb
23 0.16 0.05%.aadf
22 0.18 0.05%.aabe
22 0.09 0.03%.aads
21 0.13 0.04%.aaaj
21 0.16 0.05%.aaap
21 0.20 0.06%.aaas
21 0.10 0.03%.aaat
21 0.18 0.06%.aaaz
21 0.00 .04
21 0.18 0.05%.aaba
21 0.10 0.03%.aabl
21 0.18 0.05%.aabo
21 0.17 0.05%.aacd
21 0.17 0.05%.aacr
21 0.17 0.05%.aacx
21 0.00 .bmp
20 0.00 .TXT
20 0.14 0.04%.aabc
20 0.18 0.06%.aabi
20 0.13 0.04%.aabt
20 0.14 0.04%.aabu
20 0.11 0.03%.aabw
20 0.12 0.04%.aacb
20 0.17 0.05%.aace
20 0.15 0.04%.aacq
20 0.10 0.03%.aadr
19 0.15 0.05%.aaac
19 0.08 0.02%.aaal
19 0.09 0.03%.aaao
19 0.14 0.04%.aaay
19 0.13 0.04%.aabg
19 0.16 0.05%.aabz
19 0.13 0.04%.aacs
19 0.12 0.04%.aact
19 0.14 0.04%.aacv
19 0.13 0.04%.aadc
19 0.00 .AUS
18 0.14 0.04%.aaag
18 0.13 0.04%.aaai
18 0.08 0.02%.aaav
18 0.12 0.04%.aaax
18 0.11 0.03%.aabf
18 0.12 0.04%.aabq
18 0.14 0.04%.aacc
18 0.13 0.04%.aacf
18 0.12 0.04%.aacj
18 0.15 0.05%.aadg
17 0.12 0.04%.aaad
17 0.12 0.04%.aaaw
17 0.00 .00
17 0.15 0.04%.aabb
17 0.10 0.03%.aabh
17 0.11 0.03%.aabr
17 0.14 0.04%.aaca
17 0.13 0.04%.aacn
17 0.13 0.04%.aada
17 0.15 0.04%.aadt
17 0.13 0.04%.aadu
17 0.00 .97
16 0.13 0.04%.aaae
16 0.11 0.03%.aaak
16 0.09 0.03%.aaau
16 0.12 0.04%.aacg
16 0.12 0.04%.aaci
16 0.09 0.03%.aacl
16 0.11 0.03%.aacm
16 0.12 0.04%.aacu
16 0.13 0.04%.aacw
16 0.11 0.03%.aacy
16 0.13 0.04%.aadd
16 0.15 0.05%.aade
16 0.10 0.03%.aadn
16 0.14 0.04%.aadp
16 0.11 0.03%.aadq
16 0.08 0.02%.aadv
16 0.00 .98
15 0.00 .01
15 0.13 0.04%.aabd
15 0.11 0.03%.aabj
15 0.13 0.04%.aadi
15 0.13 0.04%.aadm
15 0.00 .99
14 0.00 .eps
14 0.00 .GUT
14 0.11 0.03%.aaaf
14 0.00 .02
14 0.10 0.03%.aabv
14 0.12 0.04%.aabx
14 0.07 0.02%.aacz
14 0.10 0.03%.aadk
14 0.00 .96
13 0.07 0.02%.aaby
13 0.07 0.02%.aadh
13 0.09 0.03%.aadj
13 0.09 0.03%.aado
12 0.07 0.02%.aacp
11 0.00 .03
11 0.05 0.02%.wav [WAV sound files]
9 0.00 .2005-04-11
9 0.00 .db
9 0.00 .xsl
9 0.30 0.09%.rar
8 0.08 0.02%.aabs
7 0.00 .20050123
7 0.05 0.01%.aadw
6 0.00 .eng
6 0.00 .md5
6 0.05 0.02%.aaaq
6 0.04 0.01%.aady
6 0.02 0.01%.fen
5 0.00 .599
4 0.00 .1
4 0.00 .299
4 0.00 .699
4 0.00 .new
4 0.04 0.01%.aadx
4 0.02 0.01%.aadz
4 0.04 0.01%.aaed
4 0.06 0.02%.aaff
4 0.00 .099
3 0.00 .199
3 0.00 .399
3 0.00 .499
3 0.00 .d99
3 0.00 .ini
3 0.00 .799
3 0.00 .899
3 0.00 .999
3 0.00 .05
3 0.04 0.01%.aafb
3 0.04 0.01%.aage
3 0.01 .20040627
3 0.04 0.01%.aagr
3 0.04 0.01%.aahm
3 0.04 0.01%.aaid
3 0.04 0.01%.aaij
3 0.04 0.01%.aajc
3 0.00 .n99
3 0.04 0.01%.aakn
3 0.00 .smi
3 0.00 .o99
3 0.00 .jfif
2 0.00 .20041119
2 0.00 .20041201
2 0.33 0.10%.mp4
2 0.03 0.01%.aaeb
2 0.03 0.01%.aaee
2 0.03 0.01%.aaeo
2 0.03 0.01%.aafk
2 0.01 .aafl
2 0.03 0.01%.aafq
2 0.01 .aaft
2 0.03 0.01%.aafu
2 0.03 0.01%.aagh
2 0.00 .DS_Store
2 0.03 0.01%.aahj
2 0.01 .aahl
2 0.03 0.01%.aahz
2 0.03 0.01%.aaia
2 0.03 0.01%.aaig
2 0.03 0.01%.aain
2 0.01 .aaje
2 0.03 0.01%.aajf
2 0.03 0.01%.aajp
2 0.00 .COM
2 0.03 0.01%.aaju
2 0.03 0.01%.aajw
2 0.01 .aakd
2 0.01 .aakp
2 0.01 .aakv
2 0.01 .aaky
2 0.01 .aalc
2 0.03 0.01%.aali
1 0.00 .brl
1 0.00 .srt
1 0.00 .svg
1 0.00 .ISO [CD image]
1 0.00 .PAR2
1 0.00 .20041109
1 0.00 .20050116
1 0.00 .mov [Quick Time movie]
1 0.00 .aaeg
1 0.01 .aaeh
1 0.01 .aaei
1 0.01 .aaej
1 0.00 .20050327
1 0.01 .aaen
1 0.01 .aaep
1 0.01 .aaer
1 0.01 .aaes
1 0.01 .aaeu
1 0.01 .aafa
1 0.01 .aafm
1 0.01 .aafn
1 0.01 .aafv
1 0.01 .aafw
1 0.01 .aafz
1 0.01 .aaga
1 0.00 .aagd
1 0.01 .aagf
1 0.00 .aagg
1 0.01 .aagj
1 0.01 .aagk
1 0.01 .aagl
1 0.01 .aagn
1 0.01 .aagp
1 0.01 .aagq
1 0.01 .aags
1 0.01 .aagt
1 0.00 .aagu
1 0.01 .aagv
1 0.01 .aagw
1 0.01 .aagy
1 0.01 .aaha
1 0.01 .aahc
1 0.01 .aahe
1 0.01 .aahh
1 0.01 .aahp
1 0.01 .aahq
1 0.00 .aahr
1 0.00 .aaht
1 0.01 .aahu
1 0.01 .aahy
1 0.01 .aaic
1 0.01 .aaie
1 0.01 .aaif
1 0.01 .aaih
1 0.01 .aaik
1 0.01 .aaiq
1 0.01 .aait
1 0.00 .dir
1 0.00 .aaiu
1 0.01 .aaix
1 0.01 .aaiy
1 0.01 .aaja
1 0.01 .aajd
1 0.01 .aajh
1 0.00 .ps2
1 0.01 .aaji
1 0.01 .aajj
1 0.00 .aajl
1 0.01 .aajm
1 0.01 .aajn
1 0.00 .aajo
1 0.01 .aajr
1 0.01 .aajx
1 0.01 .aajz
1 0.01 .aaka
1 0.01 .aakb
1 0.01 .aake
1 0.01 .aakg
1 0.01 .aakh
1 0.01 .aaki
1 0.01 .aakk
1 0.01 .aakl
1 0.01 .aako
1 0.01 .aakq
1 0.01 .aaks
1 0.00 .aaku
1 0.01 .aakw
1 0.01 .aakx
1 0.01 .aakz
1 0.01 .aalg
1 0.01 .aalo
1 0.01 .aalq
1 0.01 .aalr
1 0.01 .aalu
1 0.00 .aalw
1 0.00 .template

Directory Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the directories from which files were requested. (The figures for each directory include all of its subdirectories.)

Listing directories with at least 0.2% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

58963 6.36%1648 0.45%3.52 1.07%/17921/
58790 6.35%1475 0.40%3.29 0.99%  /17921/17921-h/
55799 6.02%4697712.74%35.2610.67%/1/
7820 0.84%6497 1.76%1.84 0.56%  /1/6/
7601 0.82%4995 1.35%1.53 0.46%  /1/3/
6972 0.75%6338 1.72%18.10 5.48%  /1/9/
5537 0.60%4906 1.33%1.29 0.39%  /1/5/
5330 0.58%4733 1.28%1.06 0.32%  /1/4/
5104 0.55%4733 1.28%3.27 0.99%  /1/2/
4717 0.51%3229 0.88%4.16 1.26%  /1/1/
4638 0.50%3920 1.06%0.94 0.28%  /1/8/
4315 0.47%4049 1.10%1.07 0.32%  /1/7/
3622 0.39%3434 0.93%1.95 0.59%  /1/0/
32489 3.51%23020 6.24%20.68 6.26%/2/
7890 0.85%5473 1.48%5.31 1.61%  /2/1/
5838 0.63%4485 1.22%7.43 2.25%  /2/0/
5775 0.62%2888 0.78%0.48 0.15%  /2/5/
5282 0.57%3615 0.98%3.97 1.20%  /2/2/
3253 0.35%2822 0.77%2.63 0.80%  /2/3/
2573 0.28%2155 0.58%0.47 0.14%  /2/4/
31229 3.37%31228 8.47%34.6710.49%/etext05/
28656 3.09%313 0.08%0.73 0.22%/16713/
28502 3.08%159 0.04%0.48 0.14%  /16713/16713-h/
28020 3.02%469 0.13%1.03 0.31%/18467/
27999 3.02%448 0.12%0.95 0.29%  /18467/18467-h/
25811 2.79%24066 6.53%2.27 0.69%/76/
1903 0.21%158 0.04%0.15 0.05%  /76/76-h/
22782 2.46%470 0.13%0.82 0.25%/13444/
22767 2.46%455 0.12%0.80 0.24%  /13444/13444-h/
18723 2.02%18723 5.08%5.21 1.58%/21522/
18693 2.02%18693 5.07%5.02 1.52%  /21522/mp3/
16712 1.80%126 0.03%0.80 0.24%/15147/
16688 1.80%102 0.03%0.60 0.18%  /15147/15147-h/
14750 1.59%14750 4.00%19.86 6.01%/etext04/
11780 1.27%11633 3.15%0.73 0.22%/3/
2088 0.23%2073 0.56%0.13 0.04%  /3/1/
1910 0.21%1910 0.52%0.08 0.03%  /3/3/
1863 0.20%1851 0.50%0.08 0.02%  /3/8/
8766 0.95%8766 2.38%1.91 0.58%/etext03/
8400 0.91%8400 2.28%11.51 3.48%/etext06/
7654 0.83%156 0.04%0.19 0.06%/16593/
7627 0.82%129 0.03%0.17 0.05%  /16593/16593-h/
7238 0.78%394 0.11%0.41 0.13%/18274/
7017 0.76%173 0.05%0.17 0.05%  /18274/18274-h/
6878 0.74%277 0.08%0.66 0.20%/19699/
6775 0.73%174 0.05%0.52 0.16%  /19699/19699-h/
6867 0.74%895 0.24%1.70 0.51%/14264/
6370 0.69%398 0.11%0.29 0.09%  /14264/14264-h/
6602 0.71%238 0.06%0.51 0.16%/22483/
6580 0.71%216 0.06%0.34 0.10%  /22483/22483-h/
6434 0.69%59 0.02%0.10 0.03%/23186/
6419 0.69%44 0.01%0.07 0.02%  /23186/23186-h/
6199 0.67%6199 1.68%3.12 0.95%/etext00/
5961 0.64%149 0.04%0.29 0.09%/17582/
5943 0.64%131 0.04%0.25 0.08%  /17582/17582-h/
5644 0.61%57 0.02%0.06 0.02%/21531/
5626 0.61%45 0.01%0.05 0.02%  /21531/21531-h/
5405 0.58%5405 1.47%4.74 1.43%/etext01/
5182 0.56%77 0.02%0.13 0.04%/17451/
5175 0.56%70 0.02%0.12 0.04%  /17451/17451-h/
5167 0.56%117 0.03%0.21 0.06%/14742/
5153 0.56%103 0.03%0.20 0.06%  /14742/14742-h/
4710 0.51%125 0.03%0.31 0.09%/21254/
4687 0.51%102 0.03%0.11 0.03%  /21254/21254-h/
4436 0.48%144 0.04%0.37 0.11%/16277/
4411 0.48%119 0.03%0.15 0.05%  /16277/16277-h/
4332 0.47%211 0.06%0.30 0.09%/12849/
4318 0.47%197 0.05%0.27 0.08%  /12849/12849-h/
4313 0.47%4313 1.17%0.07 0.02%/12718/
4310 0.47%4310 1.17%0.07 0.02%  /12718/12718-m/
4205 0.45%167 0.05%0.55 0.17%/22117/
4194 0.45%156 0.04%0.20 0.06%  /22117/22117-h/
4128 0.45%88 0.02%0.20 0.06%/16426/
4119 0.44%79 0.02%0.18 0.05%  /16426/16426-h/
4075 0.44%576 0.16%2.68 0.81%/12254/
3876 0.42%377 0.10%0.31 0.09%  /12254/12254-h/
4064 0.44%162 0.04%0.14 0.04%/16316/
4039 0.44%137 0.04%0.11 0.03%  /16316/16316-h/
4054 0.44%144 0.04%0.22 0.07%/11921/
4016 0.43%106 0.03%0.21 0.06%  /11921/11921-h/
4037 0.44%120 0.03%0.40 0.12%/24855/
3985 0.43%103 0.03%0.35 0.11%  /24855/24855-h/
3903 0.42%3903 1.06%4.79 1.45%/etext02/
3840 0.41%324 0.09%0.12 0.04%/19499/
3829 0.41%313 0.08%0.09 0.03%  /19499/19499-h/
3715 0.40%3715 1.01%8.16 2.47%/etext96/
3669 0.40%3669 0.99%1.59 0.48%/etext98/
3406 0.37%3406 0.92%0.89 0.27%/etext97/
3400 0.37%83 0.02%0.16 0.05%/18732/
3368 0.36%51 0.01%0.10 0.03%  /18732/18732-h/
3290 0.36%60 0.02%0.11 0.03%/15617/
3284 0.35%54 0.01%0.08 0.02%  /15617/15617-h/
3248 0.35%167 0.05%0.29 0.09%/18525/
3225 0.35%144 0.04%0.27 0.08%  /18525/18525-h/
3222 0.35%194 0.05%0.16 0.05%/6867/
3169 0.34%141 0.04%0.13 0.04%  /6867/6867-h/
3190 0.34%3190 0.87%0.87 0.26%/etext99/
3105 0.34%166 0.05%0.27 0.08%/18333/
3083 0.33%144 0.04%0.22 0.07%  /18333/18333-h/
2961 0.32%327 0.09%0.23 0.07%/22381/
2738 0.30%113 0.03%0.11 0.03%  /22381/22381-h/
2902 0.31%73 0.02%0.21 0.06%/22153/
2879 0.31%66 0.02%0.20 0.06%  /22153/22153-h/
2549 0.28%51 0.01%0.05 0.01%/17186/
2545 0.27%47 0.01%0.05 0.01%  /17186/17186-h/
2536 0.27%141 0.04%0.18 0.05%/18757/
2522 0.27%127 0.03%0.16 0.05%  /18757/18757-h/
2378 0.26%71 0.02%0.15 0.05%/11571/
2366 0.26%59 0.02%0.14 0.04%  /11571/11571-h/
2321 0.25%85 0.02%0.13 0.04%/16598/
2314 0.25%78 0.02%0.11 0.03%  /16598/16598-h/
2278 0.25%34 0.01%0.04 0.01%/16273/
2264 0.24%20 0.01%0.03 0.01%  /16273/16273-h/
2256 0.24%1609 0.44%0.24 0.07%/5/
2106 0.23%76 0.02%0.10 0.03%/17569/
2099 0.23%69 0.02%0.10 0.03%  /17569/17569-h/
2098 0.23%168 0.05%0.28 0.08%/16653/
2044 0.22%114 0.03%0.23 0.07%  /16653/16653-h/
2068 0.22%256 0.07%0.19 0.06%/17216/
2051 0.22%239 0.06%0.10 0.03%  /17216/17216-h/
2042 0.22%31 0.01%0.03 0.01%/23319/
2026 0.22%20 0.01%0.02 0.01%  /23319/23319-h/
2017 0.22%117 0.03%0.26 0.08%/17379/
1999 0.22%99 0.03%0.25 0.07%  /17379/17379-h/
1959 0.21%1959 0.53%14.05 4.25%/19159/
1955 0.21%1955 0.53%14.05 4.25%  /19159/parts/
1885 0.20%90 0.02%0.12 0.04%/24519/
1880 0.20%85 0.02%0.12 0.04%  /24519/24519-h/
1877 0.20%67 0.02%0.07 0.02%/19329/
1863 0.20%53 0.01%0.07 0.02%  /19329/19329-h/
37182540.13%13405836.35%140.3142.47%[not listed: 12,048 directories]

Request Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the files on the site.

Listing files with at least 0.02% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

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