Web Server Statistics for ftp.ibiblio.org

Program started at Tue-30-Sep-2008 09:02.
Analysed requests from Mon-29-Sep-2008 00:00 to Mon-29-Sep-2008 23:49 (0.99 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report contains overall statistics.

Successful requests: 1,225,450
Average successful requests per day: 1,234,882
Successful requests for pages: 348,313
Average successful requests for pages per day: 350,993
Failed requests: 2,806
Redirected requests: 37,763
Distinct files requested: 293,337
Distinct hosts served: 38,065
Corrupt logfile lines: 15
Unwanted logfile entries: 1,797,817
Data transferred: 328.48 gigabytes
Average data transferred per day: 331.01 gigabytes

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the total activity for each hour of the day, summed over all the days in the report.

Each unit (+) represents 800 requests for pages or part thereof.


Host Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the computers which requested files.

Listing hosts with at least 1000 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

37914 3.09%32 0.01%2.04 0.62%slovo13.yandex.ru ( block
36725 3.00%3672510.54%0.21 0.06%unknown host ( block
35402 2.89%21 0.01%1.95 0.59%slovo4.yandex.ru ( block
31489 2.57%31 0.01%1.72 0.52%slovo3.yandex.ru ( block
27462 2.24%27462 7.88%1.54 0.47%crawl-66-249-65-195.googlebot.com ( block
25911 2.11%25911 7.44%8.19 2.49%cpe-24-160-195-77.ma.res.rr.com ( block
20554 1.68%13 1.14 0.35%slovo1.yandex.ru ( block
11732 0.96%8931 2.56%3.16 0.96%crawl-66-249-72-42.googlebot.com ( block
10718 0.87%10718 3.08%0.14 0.04%net64-17-2-164.customer.corenap.com ( block
9940 0.81%9939 2.85%11.14 3.39%unknown host ( block
7946 0.65%7943 2.28%6.01 1.83%llf520108.crawl.yahoo.net ( block
7806 0.64%5159 1.48%3.46 1.05% ( block
7673 0.63%7665 2.20%6.61 2.01%llf520075.crawl.yahoo.net ( block
7041 0.57%7041 2.02%0.00 81-178-72-1.dsl.pipex.com ( block
5019 0.41%5014 1.44%2.26 0.69%llf320022.crawl.yahoo.net ( block
5007 0.41%5007 1.44%0.00 p5098d5bd.dip0.t-ipconnect.de ( block
4852 0.40%4852 1.39%0.00 user-24-236-74-29.knology.net ( block
4673 0.38%4673 1.34%0.02 0.01%unknown host ( block
4668 0.38%4668 1.34%1.09 0.33%rrcs-71-41-201-38.sw.biz.rr.com ( block
4429 0.36%3541 1.02%0.09 0.03%88-96-76-182.dsl.zen.co.uk ( block
4168 0.34%4168 1.20%0.00 81-178-71-229.dsl.pipex.com ( block
4103 0.33%2455 0.70%2.59 0.79%ip-67-205-112-91.static.privatedns.com ( block
3973 0.32%3973 1.14%0.00 81-178-84-170.dsl.pipex.com ( block
3625 0.30%3625 1.04%0.43 0.13%S0106001c101ad59f.wp.shawcable.net ( block
3595 0.29%432 0.12%0.25 0.08%unknown host ( block
3575 0.29%3575 1.03%0.00 unknown host ( block
3180 0.26%3180 0.91%15.58 4.74%unknown host ( block
2796 0.23%832 0.24%0.55 0.17%localhost.localdomain ( block
2580 0.21%2580 0.74%0.00 unknown host ( block
2338 0.19%60 0.02%0.11 0.03%pool-151-204-159-111.ny325.east.verizon.net ( block
2317 0.19%2316 0.66%1.27 0.39%crawl7.dotnetdotcom.org ( block
2151 0.18%2151 0.62%8.47 2.58%cpc4-york2-0-0-cust512.leed.cable.ntl.com ( block
2132 0.17%2132 0.61%7.67 2.34%cpc3-york2-0-0-cust149.leed.cable.ntl.com ( block
1926 0.16%8 0.06 0.02%CPE-121-221-222-9.wa.bigpond.net.au ( block
1834 0.15%3 0.06 0.02%66-17-143-45.static.mesanetworks.net ( block
1703 0.14%1703 0.49%2.87 0.87%cache01.omnilec.com ( block
1659 0.14%404 0.12%0.13 0.04%unknown host ( block
1561 0.13%1561 0.45%8.97 2.73%unknown host ( block
1558 0.13%98 0.03%0.07 0.02%93-96-101-171.zone4.bethere.co.uk ( block
1442 0.12%35 0.01%0.05 0.01%c-76-116-241-127.hsd1.pa.comcast.net ( block
1436 0.12%38 0.01%0.08 0.02%unknown host ( block
1366 0.11%1362 0.39%0.84 0.26%msnbot-65-55-208-122.search.msn.com ( block
1334 0.11%210 0.06%0.18 0.06%unknown host ( block
1314 0.11%4 0.05 0.02%d193-96-242.home3.cgocable.net ( block
1308 0.11%1 0.04 0.01%c-67-191-159-25.hsd1.ga.comcast.net ( block
1296 0.11%1296 0.37%0.96 0.29%spider08.yandex.ru ( block
1293 0.11%29 0.01%0.36 0.11%unknown host ( block
1284 0.10%52 0.01%0.07 0.02%adsl-76-247-110-0.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net ( block
1279 0.10%1279 0.37%0.51 0.15%crawler4056.ask.com ( block
1267 0.10%3 0.03 0.01%U162.N182.QueensU.CA ( block
1197 0.10%27 0.01%0.05 0.02%dsl-69-50-55-26.pivot.net ( block
1182 0.10%1182 0.34%0.45 0.14%msnbot-65-55-208-130.search.msn.com ( block
1146 0.09%1144 0.33%0.71 0.21%msnbot-65-55-208-121.search.msn.com ( block
1134 0.09%4 0.03 0.01%tensi.fruehgesch.unibas.ch ( block
1133 0.09%1133 0.33%0.13 0.04%msnbot-65-55-208-132.search.msn.com ( block
1128 0.09%1125 0.32%0.28 0.08%msnbot-65-55-208-133.search.msn.com ( block
1074 0.09%71 0.02%0.09 0.03%unknown host ( block
1041 0.08%1040 0.30%0.32 0.10%msnbot-65-55-208-135.search.msn.com ( block
1038 0.08%51 0.01%0.42 0.13%unknown host ( block
1033 0.08%1031 0.30%0.28 0.08%msnbot-65-55-208-137.search.msn.com ( block
1021 0.08%5 0.02 0.01%unknown host ( block
1017 0.08%131 0.04%0.09 0.03%ip-78-137-163-133.dedi.digiweb.ie ( block
83995268.54%12645836.31%222.5667.75%[not listed: 38,003 hosts]

User Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the users who requested files, if users have been authenticated or can be identified by cookies.

Listing users with at least 1% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

4306 5.79%2658 3.71%2.8516.75%flashfxp-user@flashfxp.com
1610 2.17%1604 2.24%0.00 0.01%tcp_mem_hit
1147 1.54%1083 1.51%1.40 8.25%tcp_hit
978 1.32%750 1.05%2.7115.91%ieuser@
891 1.20%891 1.24%5.4431.98%fetch@
1058 1.42%704 0.98%2.5314.88%[not listed: 40 users]

Referrer Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the referrers (where people followed links from, or pages which included this site's images).

Listing the top 50 referring URLs by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

3419 8.51%http://images.google.co.uk/imgres
2082 5.18%http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup
46 0.11%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=6304
43 0.11%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=17434
32 0.08%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=11451
24 0.06%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=4300
15 0.04%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=5725
1700 4.23%http://images.google.ca/imgres
1072 2.67%http://images.google.de/imgres
893 2.22%http://images.google.co.in/imgres
881 2.19%http://images.google.fr/imgres
836 2.08%http://images.google.com.ph/imgres
536 1.33%http://images.google.com.au/imgres
471 1.17%http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/docs/books/gutenberg/1/2/8/4/12849/12849-h/12849-h.htm
447 1.11%http://www.stumbleupon.com/refer.php
438 1.09%http://images.google.nl/imgres
369 0.92%http://images.google.com.mx/imgres
360 0.90%http://images.google.es/imgres
344 0.86%http://images.google.it/imgres
326 0.81%http://images.google.com.br/imgres
326 0.81%
270 0.67%
264 0.66%http://images.google.be/imgres
256 0.64%http://www.google.com/imgres
249 0.62%http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup
19 0.05%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=1575
13 0.03%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=851
9 0.02%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=926
9 0.02%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=1051
8 0.02%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=4094
202 0.50%
197 0.49%http://images.google.se/imgres
193 0.48%
193 0.48%http://images.google.pl/imgres
178 0.44%http://www.stumbleupon.com//refer.php
165 0.41%http://images.google.com.pe/imgres
164 0.41%http://images.google.ie/imgres
160 0.40%http://images.google.ch/imgres
152 0.38%
151 0.38%http://images.google.com/images
146 0.36%http://images.google.gr/imgres
142 0.35%http://images.google.com.ar/imgres
141 0.35%http://images.google.ro/imgres
137 0.34%http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images/view
137 0.34%
135 0.34%http://images.google.co.th/imgres
133 0.33%http://images.google.hu/imgres
131 0.33%http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view
128 0.32%http://images.google.cl/imgres
128 0.32%http://images.google.pt/imgres
127 0.32%http://images.google.ru/imgres
125 0.31%http://images.google.co.za/imgres
119 0.30%http://images.google.fi/imgres
107 0.27%http://images.google.dk/imgres
102 0.25%http://images.google.com.tr/imgres
93 0.23%http://images.google.co.kr/imgres
91 0.23%http://search.yahoo.com/search
3 0.01%  http://search.yahoo.com/search?ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-501&p=I+want++to++listen+to+the++sojer+boy++song
2   http://search.yahoo.com/search?fr=ytff1-yff3k&p=Crisostomo Ibarra's family tree&ei=UTF-8&type=
2   http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=1569+cebu+moro&fr=yfp-t-501&ei=UTF-8&fp_ip=PH&rd=r1&meta=vc%3Dph
2   http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=the+comparative,+study+of+preserved++fruits+and+the+fresh+fruits+in+making+fruit+salad&fr=my-myy&toggle=1&cop=&ei=UTF-8
1   http://search.yahoo.com/search?ei=UTF-8&fr=moz2&p=a+montibus+ad+maria+una+cum+sediment+is
90 0.22%http://images.google.co.nz/imgres
89 0.22%http://images.google.no/imgres
3631 9.04%[not listed: 612 URLs]

Referring Site Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists which servers people followed links from.

Listing the top 30 referring sites by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

3419 8.51%http://images.google.co.uk/
2082 5.18%http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/
1700 4.23%http://images.google.ca/
1072 2.67%http://images.google.de/
893 2.22%http://images.google.co.in/
881 2.19%http://images.google.fr/
836 2.08%http://images.google.com.ph/
775 1.93%http://www.ibiblio.org/
625 1.56%http://www.stumbleupon.com/
536 1.33%http://images.google.com.au/
438 1.09%http://images.google.nl/
369 0.92%http://images.google.com.mx/
366 0.91%
360 0.90%http://images.google.es/
344 0.86%http://images.google.it/
326 0.81%http://images.google.com.br/
307 0.76%http://www.google.com/
270 0.67%
268 0.67%http://images.search.yahoo.com/
264 0.66%http://images.google.be/
249 0.62%http://digital.library.upenn.edu/
224 0.56%ftp://ibiblio.org/
202 0.50%
197 0.49%http://images.google.se/
193 0.48%
193 0.48%http://images.google.pl/
165 0.41%http://images.google.com.pe/
164 0.41%http://images.google.ie/
160 0.40%http://images.google.ch/
519712.94%[not listed: 331 sites]

Browser Summary

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the vendors of visitors' browsers.

Listing browsers with at least 0.1% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

29050023.86%31438 9.17%53.5217.05%  MSIE/7
29047623.86%31414 9.16%53.5117.05%    MSIE/7.0
16645213.67%23441 6.84%44.5414.20%  MSIE/6
16644813.67%23437 6.84%44.4714.17%    MSIE/6.0
47916 3.94%4697313.70%47.4015.11%  MSIE/5
36944 3.03%3685210.75%0.26 0.08%    MSIE/5.01
9221 0.76%9221 2.69%45.3914.46%    MSIE/5.00
3649 0.30%242 0.07%0.26 0.08%  MSIE/8
3649 0.30%242 0.07%0.26 0.08%    MSIE/8.0
25826021.21%28336 8.27%52.3516.68%  Mozilla/1
112933 9.28%11559 3.37%22.03 7.02%    Mozilla/
43805 3.60%4332 1.26%9.59 3.06%    Mozilla/
32480 2.67%3195 0.93%6.99 2.23%    Mozilla/
27359 2.25%3396 0.99%7.03 2.24%    Mozilla/
13126 1.08%1271 0.37%1.35 0.43%    Mozilla/
4856 0.40%557 0.16%0.73 0.23%    Mozilla/1.9
2759 0.23%276 0.08%0.71 0.23%    Mozilla/
2707 0.22%388 0.11%0.26 0.08%    Mozilla/
2617 0.21%393 0.11%0.44 0.14%    Mozilla/
2448 0.20%363 0.11%0.28 0.09%    Mozilla/1.9a1
2006 0.16%659 0.19%0.38 0.12%    Mozilla/
1324 0.11%135 0.04%0.14 0.04%    Mozilla/
12678010.41%1518 0.44%8.18 2.61%Yandex
12678010.41%1518 0.44%8.18 2.61%  Yandex/1
12678010.41%1518 0.44%8.18 2.61%    Yandex/1.01.001
82909 6.81%6938620.24%22.65 7.22%Netscape (compatible)
73022 6.00%5411 1.58%8.59 2.74%Safari
57439 4.72%4305 1.26%6.77 2.16%  Safari/525
25105 2.06%1573 0.46%2.34 0.74%    Safari/525.20.1
17109 1.41%1113 0.32%1.53 0.49%    Safari/525.22
8994 0.74%924 0.27%1.50 0.48%    Safari/525.13
2844 0.23%252 0.07%0.94 0.30%    Safari/525.21
1576 0.13%137 0.04%0.15 0.05%    Safari/525.18
1526 0.13%258 0.08%0.25 0.08%    Safari/525.20
8160 0.67%559 0.16%0.61 0.19%  Safari/523
2491 0.20%161 0.05%0.15 0.05%    Safari/523.12
2390 0.20%123 0.04%0.16 0.05%    Safari/523.15
1704 0.14%125 0.04%0.13 0.04%    Safari/523.12.2
1485 0.12%135 0.04%0.15 0.05%    Safari/523.10
3250 0.27%105 0.03%0.17 0.05%  Safari/312
3240 0.27%99 0.03%0.17 0.05%    Safari/312.6
2853 0.23%193 0.06%0.24 0.08%  Safari/419
2853 0.23%193 0.06%0.24 0.08%    Safari/419.3
43430 3.57%4077511.89%28.44 9.06%Wget
43430 3.57%4077511.89%28.44 9.06%  Wget/1
25911 2.13%25911 7.56%8.19 2.61%    Wget/
7806 0.64%5159 1.50%3.46 1.10%    Wget/1.7
5007 0.41%5007 1.46%0.00     Wget/1.8.2
4483 0.37%4475 1.31%16.65 5.31%    Wget/1.10.2
28527 2.34%28527 8.32%0.52 0.17%LimeWire
28527 2.34%28527 8.32%0.52 0.17%  LimeWire/4
15356 1.26%15356 4.48%0.00     LimeWire/4.18.6
4860 0.40%4860 1.42%0.00     LimeWire/4.18.5
3743 0.31%3743 1.09%0.00     LimeWire/4.18.3
3691 0.30%3691 1.08%0.44 0.14%    LimeWire/4.16.6
15386 1.26%15386 4.49%1.23 0.39%MLBot (www.metadatalabs.com
15386 1.26%15386 4.49%1.23 0.39%  MLBot (www.metadatalabs.com/mlbot)
14871 1.22%14847 4.33%6.21 1.98%msnbot
14871 1.22%14847 4.33%6.21 1.98%  msnbot/1
14871 1.22%14847 4.33%6.21 1.98%    msnbot/1.1
13215 1.09%1394 0.41%3.54 1.13%Opera
13084 1.07%1330 0.39%3.47 1.11%  Opera/9
4676 0.38%397 0.12%0.58 0.18%    Opera/9.52
2139 0.18%209 0.06%0.92 0.29%    Opera/9.50
2108 0.17%241 0.07%0.53 0.17%    Opera/9.51
9235 0.76%2026 0.59%3.76 1.20%msnbot-media
9235 0.76%2026 0.59%3.76 1.20%  msnbot-media/1
5632 0.46%1593 0.46%3.51 1.12%    msnbot-media/1.1
3603 0.30%433 0.13%0.25 0.08%    msnbot-media/1.0
4944 0.41%4920 1.44%0.14 0.04%libwww-perl
4944 0.41%4920 1.44%0.14 0.04%  libwww-perl/5
4673 0.38%4673 1.36%0.02 0.01%    libwww-perl/5.812
4429 0.36%3541 1.03%0.09 0.03%PicselSpider
4429 0.36%3541 1.03%0.09 0.03%  PicselSpider/1
4429 0.36%3541 1.03%0.09 0.03%    PicselSpider/1.0
2845 0.23%42 0.01%0.02 0.01%Googlebot-Image
2845 0.23%42 0.01%0.02 0.01%  Googlebot-Image/1
2845 0.23%42 0.01%0.02 0.01%    Googlebot-Image/1.0
2798 0.23%834 0.24%0.55 0.18%Plucker
2798 0.23%834 0.24%0.55 0.18%  Plucker/Py-1
2796 0.23%832 0.24%0.55 0.18%    Plucker/Py-1.8
2715 0.22%2680 0.78%0.09 0.03%Java
2715 0.22%2680 0.78%0.09 0.03%  Java/1
2593 0.21%2581 0.75%0.01     Java/1.6.0_01
1785 0.15%1785 0.52%8.20 2.61%NSPlayer
1330 0.11%241 0.07%0.42 0.13%Netscape
9602 0.79%7734 2.26%11.23 3.58%[not listed: 323 browsers]

Operating System Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the operating systems used by visitors.

Listing operating systems with at least 1% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

54011344.36%6436218.78%107.5734.28%  Windows XP
13266810.90%13698 4.00%26.61 8.48%  Unknown Windows
53575 4.40%3944811.51%11.40 3.63%  Windows 2000
25063320.58%10762631.40%45.2814.43%OS unknown
109770 9.02%9579327.94%56.6918.07%Known robots
102094 8.39%8269 2.41%11.73 3.74%Macintosh
11433 0.94%2545 0.74%5.43 1.73%[not listed: 3 OS's]

File Size Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the sizes of files.

1B- 10B478 0.04%0.00 
11B- 100B160 0.01%0.00 
101B- 1kB67158 5.48%0.03 0.01%
1kB- 10kB19440715.86%0.87 0.27%
10kB-100kB60766849.59%21.43 6.52%
100kB- 1MB16069013.11%48.7914.85%
1MB- 10MB36525 2.98%106.4732.41%
10MB-100MB6532 0.53%126.4538.49%
100MB- 1GB123 0.01%24.44 7.44%

File Type Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the extensions of files.

Listing extensions, sorted by the number of requests.

50481241.19%23.19 7.06%.jpg [JPEG graphics]
35159928.69%9.51 2.90%.png [PNG graphics]
74891 6.11%29.94 9.11%.txt [Plain text]
62477 5.10%36.3311.06%.zip [Zip archives]
61273 5.00%164.7650.16%.mp3 [MP3 sound files]
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15379 1.25%8.78 2.67%.m4b
8476 0.69%14.61 4.45%.ogg
8161 0.67%2.14 0.65%.spx
2466 0.20%1.36 0.41%.html [Hypertext Markup Language]
1502 0.12%3.14 0.96%.pdf [Adobe Portable Document Format]
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820 0.07%0.03 0.01%.JPG
342 0.03%0.28 0.09%.rtf [Rich Text Format]
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292 0.02%0.00 .midi
270 0.02%0.62 0.19%.aaan
265 0.02%0.64 0.20%.aaal
260 0.02%0.21 0.06%.m4a
197 0.02%0.00 .mid [MIDI sound files]
154 0.01%0.00 .tiff
152 0.01%2.65 0.81%.iso [CD image]
137 0.01%0.00 .ly
123 0.01%0.04 0.01%.tei
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92 0.01%0.11 0.03%.xml
65 0.01%0.02 0.01%.tex
61 0.00 .GIF
59 0.00 .jpeg [JPEG graphics]
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52 0.23 0.07%.MP3
51 0.01 .prc
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3 0.03 0.01%.aagv
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2 0.00 .aacb
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2 0.00 .aagl
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2 0.00 .aagz
2 0.00 .aahk
2 0.00 .aahn
2 0.01 .aahp
2 0.01 .aahr
2 0.01 .aahu
2 0.00 .aahy
2 0.00 .aaib
2 0.01 .aaic
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1 0.61 0.19%.ISO [CD image]
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1 0.00 .aaaw
1 0.00 .aaay
1 0.00 .aaaz
1 0.00 .aabd
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1 0.00 .aabt
1 0.00 .aabu
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1 0.00 .aadq
1 0.00 .aadr
1 0.00 .aads
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1 0.00 .aadx
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1 0.00 .aaep
1 0.00 .aaer
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1 0.00 .aafc
1 0.00 .aafd
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1 0.00 .aagr
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1 0.00 .aagw
1 0.00 .aagx
1 0.00 .aagy
1 0.00 .aaha
1 0.00 .aahb
1 0.00 .aahc
1 0.00 .aahd
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1 0.00 .aahg
1 0.00 .aahh
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1 0.00 .aahj
1 0.00 .aahl
1 0.00 .aahm
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1 0.00 .aahs
1 0.00 .aahv
1 0.00 .aahz
1 0.00 .aaia
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1 0.00 .aaij
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1 0.00 .aaiq
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1 0.00 .aajq
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1 0.00 .aakj
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1 0.00 .20041107
1 0.00 .DS_Store
1 0.00 .o99
1 0.00 .jbf
1 0.00 .template

Directory Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the directories from which files were requested. (The figures for each directory include all of its subdirectories.)

Listing directories with at least 0.2% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

13740111.21%7019520.15%21.11 6.43%/2/
39371 3.21%20195 5.80%3.96 1.21%  /2/2/
27893 2.28%25611 7.35%2.81 0.86%  /2/6/
20222 1.65%8574 2.46%5.46 1.66%  /2/1/
14661 1.20%2579 0.74%1.30 0.40%  /2/5/
14268 1.16%4621 1.33%2.61 0.80%  /2/3/
11766 0.96%4926 1.41%4.27 1.30%  /2/0/
8265 0.67%2761 0.79%0.60 0.18%  /2/4/
59989 4.90%1899 0.55%3.84 1.17%/17921/
59799 4.88%1709 0.49%3.62 1.10%  /17921/17921-h/
59636 4.87%3701310.63%15.96 4.86%/1/
9338 0.76%6774 1.94%5.31 1.62%  /1/0/
9182 0.75%6902 1.98%5.50 1.67%  /1/9/
5793 0.47%2861 0.82%0.71 0.22%  /1/7/
5506 0.45%3422 0.98%0.45 0.14%  /1/2/
5181 0.42%2979 0.86%0.35 0.11%  /1/8/
5034 0.41%2779 0.80%0.37 0.11%  /1/6/
4980 0.41%2880 0.83%1.95 0.59%  /1/1/
4930 0.40%2921 0.84%0.36 0.11%  /1/5/
4885 0.40%2672 0.77%0.50 0.15%  /1/3/
4628 0.38%2644 0.76%0.43 0.13%  /1/4/
44206 3.61%569 0.16%1.70 0.52%/18467/
44130 3.60%493 0.14%1.44 0.44%  /18467/18467-h/
29137 2.38%29137 8.37%54.2516.51%/etext05/
25942 2.12%257 0.07%0.58 0.18%/16713/
25875 2.11%190 0.05%0.47 0.14%  /16713/16713-h/
21088 1.72%21086 6.05%22.59 6.88%/etext04/
20463 1.67%466 0.13%0.80 0.24%/13444/
20442 1.67%445 0.13%0.74 0.23%  /13444/13444-h/
19896 1.62%120 0.03%0.85 0.26%/15147/
19875 1.62%99 0.03%0.69 0.21%  /15147/15147-h/
15556 1.27%15556 4.47%0.17 0.05%/etext92/
15494 1.26%136 0.04%0.16 0.05%/21531/
15389 1.26%101 0.03%0.13 0.04%  /21531/21531-h/
15483 1.26%420 0.12%0.77 0.24%/18127/
15397 1.26%334 0.10%0.55 0.17%  /18127/18127-h/
12448 1.02%61 0.02%0.14 0.04%/23186/
12326 1.01%56 0.02%0.11 0.03%  /23186/23186-h/
11793 0.96%293 0.08%0.32 0.10%/16593/
11774 0.96%274 0.08%0.31 0.09%  /16593/16593-h/
10095 0.82%205 0.06%0.86 0.26%/24855/
9859 0.80%199 0.06%0.80 0.24%  /24855/24855-h/
9923 0.81%237 0.07%0.24 0.07%/18274/
9910 0.81%224 0.06%0.23 0.07%  /18274/18274-h/
9850 0.80%517 0.15%1.25 0.38%/14264/
9597 0.78%264 0.08%0.45 0.14%  /14264/14264-h/
8672 0.71%8672 2.49%2.22 0.68%/etext06/
7977 0.65%152 0.04%0.30 0.09%/14742/
7965 0.65%140 0.04%0.29 0.09%  /14742/14742-h/
7880 0.64%7880 2.26%1.66 0.51%/etext03/
7660 0.63%273 0.08%0.31 0.10%/26715/
7493 0.61%106 0.03%0.17 0.05%  /26715/26715-h/
6948 0.57%246 0.07%0.27 0.08%/6867/
6931 0.57%229 0.07%0.25 0.08%  /6867/6867-h/
6909 0.56%708 0.20%0.82 0.25%/12254/
6866 0.56%665 0.19%0.50 0.15%  /12254/12254-h/
6784 0.55%204 0.06%0.49 0.15%/22483/
6768 0.55%188 0.05%0.31 0.09%  /22483/22483-h/
6728 0.55%231 0.07%0.63 0.19%/19699/
6678 0.54%181 0.05%0.53 0.16%  /19699/19699-h/
6695 0.55%110 0.03%0.37 0.11%/14279/
6682 0.55%97 0.03%0.31 0.09%  /14279/14279-h/
6682 0.55%250 0.07%0.18 0.05%/19499/
6670 0.54%238 0.07%0.14 0.04%  /19499/19499-h/
5877 0.48%181 0.05%0.33 0.10%/12849/
5869 0.48%173 0.05%0.32 0.10%  /12849/12849-h/
5806 0.47%186 0.05%0.30 0.09%/16277/
5793 0.47%173 0.05%0.21 0.06%  /16277/16277-h/
5790 0.47%213 0.06%0.48 0.15%/18525/
5779 0.47%202 0.06%0.46 0.14%  /18525/18525-h/
5780 0.47%188 0.05%0.29 0.09%/17582/
5770 0.47%178 0.05%0.28 0.08%  /17582/17582-h/
5615 0.46%124 0.04%0.28 0.08%/11921/
5604 0.46%113 0.03%0.26 0.08%  /11921/11921-h/
5562 0.45%84 0.02%0.18 0.06%/18732/
5552 0.45%74 0.02%0.17 0.05%  /18732/18732-h/
5238 0.43%165 0.05%0.40 0.12%/22153/
5137 0.42%151 0.04%0.38 0.11%  /22153/22153-h/
5098 0.42%328 0.09%0.85 0.26%/17823/
4896 0.40%126 0.04%0.24 0.07%  /17823/17823-h/
4986 0.41%213 0.06%0.26 0.08%/19849/
4966 0.41%193 0.06%0.25 0.07%  /19849/19849-h/
4946 0.40%363 0.10%0.48 0.15%/22116/
4933 0.40%350 0.10%0.47 0.14%  /22116/22116-h/
4866 0.40%4866 1.40%0.02 0.01%/22448/
4862 0.40%4862 1.40%0.01   /22448/m4b/
4681 0.38%266 0.08%0.24 0.07%/22381/
4579 0.37%212 0.06%0.20 0.06%  /22381/22381-h/
4534 0.37%189 0.05%0.42 0.13%/19694/
4525 0.37%180 0.05%0.40 0.12%  /19694/19694-h/
4429 0.36%175 0.05%0.39 0.12%/15595/
4423 0.36%169 0.05%0.37 0.11%  /15595/15595-h/
4336 0.35%70 0.02%0.08 0.03%/21254/
4328 0.35%62 0.02%0.08 0.02%  /21254/21254-h/
4315 0.35%4315 1.24%4.30 1.31%/19513/
4127 0.34%4127 1.18%3.84 1.17%  /19513/mp3/
4155 0.34%182 0.05%0.21 0.06%/22117/
4146 0.34%173 0.05%0.20 0.06%  /22117/22117-h/
3988 0.33%152 0.04%0.25 0.08%/16426/
3984 0.33%148 0.04%0.24 0.07%  /16426/16426-h/
3949 0.32%169 0.05%0.50 0.15%/26716/
3847 0.31%67 0.02%0.29 0.09%  /26716/26716-h/
3908 0.32%3908 1.12%1.67 0.51%/etext00/
3895 0.32%3895 1.12%1.36 0.42%/etext01/
3634 0.30%173 0.05%0.30 0.09%/18333/
3608 0.29%147 0.04%0.25 0.08%  /18333/18333-h/
3599 0.29%340 0.10%0.55 0.17%/16653/
3532 0.29%273 0.08%0.49 0.15%  /16653/16653-h/
3519 0.29%3519 1.01%6.90 2.10%/etext02/
3476 0.28%91 0.03%0.15 0.05%/16598/
3473 0.28%88 0.03%0.14 0.04%  /16598/16598-h/
3409 0.28%158 0.05%0.22 0.07%/24519/
3403 0.28%152 0.04%0.21 0.07%  /24519/24519-h/
3388 0.28%32 0.01%0.07 0.02%/15617/
3385 0.28%29 0.01%0.06 0.02%  /15617/15617-h/
3334 0.27%37 0.01%0.04 0.01%/23319/
3266 0.27%33 0.01%0.03 0.01%  /23319/23319-h/
3246 0.26%20 0.01%0.02 0.01%/19132/
3245 0.26%19 0.01%0.02 0.01%  /19132/19132-h/
3218 0.26%67 0.02%0.10 0.03%/17451/
3212 0.26%61 0.02%0.09 0.03%  /17451/17451-h/
3155 0.26%163 0.05%0.20 0.06%/18757/
3141 0.26%149 0.04%0.18 0.06%  /18757/18757-h/
3115 0.25%102 0.03%0.24 0.07%/11571/
3103 0.25%90 0.03%0.19 0.06%  /11571/11571-h/
3063 0.25%86 0.02%0.14 0.04%/17569/
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Request Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the files on the site.

Listing files with at least 0.02% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

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