Web Server Statistics for ftp.ibiblio.org

Program started at Sat-22-Nov-2008 09:02.
Analysed requests from Fri-21-Nov-2008 00:00 to Fri-21-Nov-2008 23:50 (0.99 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report contains overall statistics.

Successful requests: 1,025,307
Average successful requests per day: 1,032,475
Successful requests for pages: 285,489
Average successful requests for pages per day: 287,484
Failed requests: 6,567
Redirected requests: 37,910
Distinct files requested: 297,213
Distinct hosts served: 32,066
Corrupt logfile lines: 35
Unwanted logfile entries: 1,640,355
Data transferred: 438.84 gigabytes
Average data transferred per day: 441.91 gigabytes

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the total activity for each hour of the day, summed over all the days in the report.

Each unit (+) represents 400 requests for pages or part thereof.


Host Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the computers which requested files.

Listing hosts with at least 1000 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

35301 3.44%11106 3.89%3.98 0.91%war.isi.jhu.edu ( block
31533 3.08%18 0.01%1.36 0.31%slovo1.yandex.ru ( block
18706 1.82%18706 6.55%0.00 ip5452feca.speed.planet.nl ( block
18265 1.78%18265 6.40%2.18 0.50%ppp-70-245-133-233.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net ( block
16584 1.62%8 0.97 0.22%slovo13.yandex.ru ( block
13544 1.32%9 0.32 0.07%slovo3.yandex.ru ( block
13344 1.30%13344 4.67%85.3719.45%spider44.yandex.ru ( block
11445 1.12%5 0.00 slovo4.yandex.ru ( block
7410 0.72%809 0.28%1.53 0.35%155-a-usw.rb1.blv.nwnexus.net ( block
6834 0.67%1941 0.68%1.89 0.43%pool-71-103-196-56.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net ( block
6811 0.66%6811 2.39%2.74 0.62% ( block
5891 0.57%1 0.20 0.04%66-197-149-213.hostnoc.net ( block
5743 0.56%5743 2.01%1.56 0.35%net64-17-2-164.customer.corenap.com ( block
5237 0.51%5233 1.83%3.27 0.74%llf531154.crawl.yahoo.net ( block
4778 0.47%3303 1.16%2.35 0.54%crawl-66-249-71-237.googlebot.com ( block
4768 0.47%3341 1.17%2.35 0.54%crawl-66-249-71-239.googlebot.com ( block
4693 0.46%3278 1.15%2.25 0.51%crawl-66-249-71-238.googlebot.com ( block
4178 0.41%1496 0.52%1.38 0.31%localhost.localdomain ( block
3963 0.39%3963 1.39%19.18 4.37%lansky.dreamhost.com ( block
3958 0.39%3958 1.39%0.05 0.01%crawl2.nat.svl.searchme.com ( block
3787 0.37%3787 1.33%4.39 1.00%adsl-76-194-245-243.dsl.lsan03.sbcglobal.net ( block
3282 0.32%92 0.03%0.15 0.03%CPE-124-179-42-254.nsw.bigpond.net.au ( block
3201 0.31%468 0.16%0.45 0.10%crawler5120.ask.com ( block
2844 0.28%2844 1.00%16.42 3.74%host-92-124-170-176.pppoe.omsknet.ru ( block
2655 0.26%2655 0.93%0.95 0.22%bzq-79-176-238-106.red.bezeqint.net ( block
2576 0.25%2576 0.90%0.69 0.16%rrcs-71-41-201-38.sw.biz.rr.com ( block
2533 0.25%4 0.06 0.01%unknown host ( block
2414 0.24%2414 0.85%0.06 0.01%crawl1.nat.svl.searchme.com ( block
2393 0.23%2393 0.84%1.27 0.29%crawler5001.ask.com ( block
2265 0.22%2258 0.79%1.29 0.29%llf531111.crawl.yahoo.net ( block
2147 0.21%2147 0.75%20.09 4.58%78-36-1-174.dynamic.murmansk.dslavangard.ru ( block
2021 0.20%3 0.03 0.01%unknown host ( block
1967 0.19%248 0.09%0.18 0.04%crawler6132.ask.com ( block
1919 0.19%179 0.06%0.13 0.03%unknown host ( block
1864 0.18%1857 0.65%1.28 0.29%llf531144.crawl.yahoo.net ( block
1842 0.18%1842 0.65%0.47 0.11%unknown host ( block
1759 0.17%1751 0.61%1.26 0.29%llf531095.crawl.yahoo.net ( block
1740 0.17%1740 0.61%1.23 0.28%unknown host ( block
1729 0.17%31 0.01%0.10 0.02%dslb-082-083-102-162.pools.arcor-ip.net ( block
1709 0.17%1709 0.60%0.00 89.subnet125-160-150.speedy.telkom.net.id ( block
1691 0.16%1690 0.59%0.61 0.14%CPE0048541e045a-CM000f9f7f1690.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com ( block
1674 0.16%356 0.12%0.49 0.11%168-103-208-12.hlrn.qwest.net ( block
1652 0.16%1652 0.58%0.00 unknown host ( block
1651 0.16%1650 0.58%0.97 0.22%cust-65-98-224-3.static.o1.com ( block
1649 0.16%1649 0.58%10.18 2.32%h248-011.tippnet.co.rs ( block
1648 0.16%1638 0.57%0.85 0.19%unknown host ( block
1504 0.15%95 0.03%0.07 0.02%97-118-27-120.hlrn.qwest.net ( block
1473 0.14%3 0.02 c-75-65-0-218.hsd1.tn.comcast.net ( block
1473 0.14%1013 0.35%12.24 2.79%91-67-217-100-dynip.superkabel.de ( block
1463 0.14%1463 0.51%0.84 0.19%llf531047.crawl.yahoo.net ( block
1427 0.14%155 0.05%0.14 0.03%ip-78-137-163-133.dedi.digiweb.ie ( block
1383 0.13%1 0.02 0.01%adsl-074-166-081-223.sip.asm.bellsouth.net ( block
1361 0.13%82 0.03%0.10 0.02%cpe-98-14-66-40.nyc.res.rr.com ( block
1305 0.13%0 0.10 0.02%rrcs-71-42-73-178.sw.biz.rr.com ( block
1301 0.13%470 0.16%0.47 0.11%p7007-adsan10honb5-acca.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp ( block
1284 0.13%4 0.10 0.02%rrcs-71-42-73-181.sw.biz.rr.com ( block
1245 0.12%218 0.08%0.05 0.01% ( block
1243 0.12%8 0.04 0.01%adsl-070-145-115-093.sip.pns.bellsouth.net ( block
1230 0.12%1230 0.43%0.00 unknown host ( block
1225 0.12%4 0.00 unknown host ( block
1171 0.11%1171 0.41%0.69 0.16%llf531098.crawl.yahoo.net ( block
1169 0.11%1169 0.41%6.02 1.37%unknown host ( block
1164 0.11%3 0.01 adsl-074-182-034-138.sip.owb.bellsouth.net ( block
1144 0.11%106 0.04%0.14 0.03%rrdhcp160-59.redrover.cornell.edu ( block
1137 0.11%2 0.01 107-moc-2.acn.waw.pl ( block
1129 0.11%4 0.02 87-126-120-213.btc-net.bg ( block
1129 0.11%3 0.01 unknown host ( block
1124 0.11%16 0.01%0.07 0.02%dhcp-077-251-068-017.chello.nl ( block
1121 0.11%118 0.04%0.19 0.04%82-170-184-178.ip.telfort.nl ( block
1114 0.11%72 0.03%0.06 0.01%unknown host ( block
1110 0.11%701 0.25%0.14 0.03%86-46-205-34-dynamic.b-ras1.pgs.portlaoise.eircom.net ( block
1110 0.11%3 0.06 0.01%p05-10.opera-mini.net ( block
1083 0.11%88 0.03%0.04 0.01%spider.troxbrasil.com.br ( block
1077 0.11%36 0.01%0.13 0.03%75-134-118-80.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com ( block
1073 0.10%22 0.01%0.06 0.01%cpc2-brig10-0-0-cust643.brig.cable.ntl.com ( block
1062 0.10%260 0.09%0.34 0.08%unknown host ( block
1046 0.10%1045 0.37%0.66 0.15%llf531048.crawl.yahoo.net ( block
1043 0.10%0 0.01 adsl-152-91-225.asm.bellsouth.net ( block
1017 0.10%6 0.01 unknown host ( block
70576968.83%13494747.27%219.4550.01%[not listed: 31,987 hosts]

User Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the users who requested files, if users have been authenticated or can be identified by cookies.

Listing users with at least 1% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

741013.05%809 1.83%1.53 5.27%fetch@
683412.04%1941 4.40%1.89 6.51%anon@localhost
2655 4.68%2655 6.02%0.95 3.29%-wget@
1301 2.29%470 1.06%0.47 1.61%uichi.noda@nifty.com
888 1.56%886 2.01%1.28 4.40%tcp_hit
862 1.52%862 1.95%2.9810.29%yourname@yourcompany.com
636 1.12%464 1.05%4.6115.88%ieuser@
568 1.00%568 1.29%0.65 2.24%anonymous@xxx.net
575 1.01%476 1.08%7.9027.26%[not listed: 29 users]

Referrer Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the referrers (where people followed links from, or pages which included this site's images).

Listing the top 50 referring URLs by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

3502 9.93%http://ftp.ibiblio.org/pub/docs/books/gutenberg/etext06/
2529 7.17%http://images.google.co.uk/imgres
2222 6.30%http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup
39 0.11%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=2055
38 0.11%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=14969
27 0.08%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=345
25 0.07%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=15489
24 0.07%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=4300
1324 3.75%http://images.google.ca/imgres
1101 3.12%http://images.google.de/imgres
931 2.64%http://images.google.co.in/imgres
846 2.40%http://images.google.fr/imgres
367 1.04%http://images.google.com.au/imgres
345 0.98%http://images.google.es/imgres
335 0.95%http://images.google.it/imgres
335 0.95%http://images.google.nl/imgres
312 0.88%http://images.google.com.ph/imgres
292 0.83%
285 0.81%http://ftp.ibiblio.org/pub/docs/books/gutenberg/etext05/
271 0.77%http://images.google.com.br/imgres
250 0.71%http://images.google.com.mx/imgres
229 0.65%http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup
49 0.14%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=964
10 0.03%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=674
9 0.03%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=3623
5 0.01%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=1091
4 0.01%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=316
228 0.65%http://www.google.com/imgres
193 0.55%http://images.google.be/imgres
182 0.52%http://www.ibiblio.org/
177 0.50%http://images.google.ie/imgres
172 0.49%http://images.google.co.id/imgres
168 0.48%http://images.google.com.tr/imgres
164 0.46%http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch
163 0.46%http://images.google.pl/imgres
157 0.45%http://images.google.ch/imgres
146 0.41%http://images.google.ro/imgres
146 0.41%http://images.google.com.eg/imgres
133 0.38%http://images.google.se/imgres
125 0.35%http://images.google.at/imgres
123 0.35%
123 0.35%http://images.google.gr/imgres
122 0.35%http://images.google.com.pk/imgres
109 0.31%http://images.google.pt/imgres
104 0.29%http://images.google.hu/imgres
98 0.28%http://images.google.co.za/imgres
98 0.28%
97 0.28%http://music.soso.com/
94 0.27%http://images.google.dk/imgres
94 0.27%http://images.google.cz/imgres
93 0.26%http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view
93 0.26%http://images.google.com.pe/imgres
88 0.25%http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images/view
85 0.24%http://images.google.no/imgres
80 0.23%http://images.google.lt/imgres
80 0.23%http://images.google.fi/imgres
79 0.22%http://images.google.com.my/imgres
77 0.22%http://images.google.ru/imgres
74 0.21%http://images.google.com.ar/imgres
3367 9.55%[not listed: 677 URLs]

Referring Site Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists which servers people followed links from.

Listing the top 30 referring sites by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

2529 7.17%http://images.google.co.uk/
2222 6.30%http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/
1324 3.75%http://images.google.ca/
1101 3.12%http://images.google.de/
931 2.64%http://images.google.co.in/
846 2.40%http://images.google.fr/
780 2.21%http://www.ibiblio.org/
367 1.04%http://images.google.com.au/
345 0.98%http://images.google.es/
335 0.95%http://images.google.it/
335 0.95%http://images.google.nl/
313 0.89%http://www.google.com/
312 0.88%http://images.google.com.ph/
292 0.83%
271 0.77%http://images.google.com.br/
250 0.71%http://images.google.com.mx/
229 0.65%http://digital.library.upenn.edu/
193 0.55%http://images.google.be/
181 0.51%http://images.search.yahoo.com/
177 0.50%http://images.google.ie/
172 0.49%http://images.google.co.id/
168 0.48%http://images.google.com.tr/
164 0.46%http://images.yandex.ru/
163 0.46%http://images.google.pl/
157 0.45%http://images.google.ch/
146 0.41%http://images.google.ro/
146 0.41%http://images.google.com.eg/
133 0.38%http://images.google.se/
439612.46%[not listed: 318 sites]

Browser Summary

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the vendors of visitors' browsers.

Listing browsers with at least 0.1% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

23839123.88%26234 9.49%52.3412.60%  MSIE/7
23833323.88%26176 9.47%52.3112.59%    MSIE/7.0
13991314.02%27609 9.99%66.1715.93%  MSIE/6
13982414.01%27603 9.99%66.1715.93%    MSIE/6.0
5686 0.57%5023 1.82%7.26 1.75%  MSIE/5
3678 0.37%3678 1.33%4.79 1.15%    MSIE/5.00
1114 0.11%785 0.28%2.17 0.52%    MSIE/5.0
3745 0.38%360 0.13%0.83 0.20%  MSIE/8
3745 0.38%360 0.13%0.83 0.20%    MSIE/8.0
23324723.37%2910010.53%66.0515.90%  Mozilla/1
14496714.52%17391 6.29%46.3811.17%    Mozilla/
28315 2.84%4216 1.53%7.72 1.86%    Mozilla/
11486 1.15%1378 0.50%2.98 0.72%    Mozilla/
10334 1.04%1110 0.40%2.08 0.50%    Mozilla/
5533 0.55%617 0.22%0.47 0.11%    Mozilla/1.9a1
4459 0.45%451 0.16%0.55 0.13%    Mozilla/
3556 0.36%525 0.19%0.65 0.16%    Mozilla/1.9
2364 0.24%302 0.11%0.53 0.13%    Mozilla/
2345 0.23%40 0.01%0.06 0.02%    Mozilla/1.9.1b1
2017 0.20%226 0.08%0.17 0.04%    Mozilla/
1943 0.19%117 0.04%0.15 0.04%    Mozilla/1.7.12
1406 0.14%248 0.09%0.46 0.11%    Mozilla/
1331 0.13%152 0.06%0.42 0.10%    Mozilla/
1278 0.13%162 0.06%0.15 0.04%    Mozilla/
1180 0.12%1011 0.37%1.08 0.26%    Mozilla/
1080 0.11%61 0.02%0.10 0.03%    Mozilla/
87113 8.73%14047 5.08%88.6321.34%Yandex
87113 8.73%14047 5.08%88.6321.34%  Yandex/1
87113 8.73%14047 5.08%88.6321.34%    Yandex/1.01.001
82537 8.27%5814321.04%35.14 8.46%Wget
78748 7.89%5435419.67%30.75 7.40%  Wget/1
58610 5.87%3422812.39%26.61 6.41%    Wget/1.10.2
18265 1.83%18265 6.61%2.18 0.53%    Wget/1.11.1
1740 0.17%1740 0.63%1.23 0.30%    Wget/1.11.3
3787 0.38%3787 1.37%4.39 1.06%  Wget/0
3787 0.38%3787 1.37%4.39 1.06%    Wget/0.1.3
78872 7.90%6908025.00%25.07 6.03%Netscape (compatible)
59109 5.92%4631 1.68%7.01 1.69%Safari
50950 5.10%3842 1.39%5.90 1.42%  Safari/525
14199 1.42%925 0.33%1.18 0.28%    Safari/525.20.1
13218 1.32%757 0.27%1.14 0.27%    Safari/525.22
12221 1.22%783 0.28%1.17 0.28%    Safari/525.26.12
6617 0.66%873 0.32%1.62 0.39%    Safari/525.19
1512 0.15%217 0.08%0.22 0.05%    Safari/525.20
3657 0.37%276 0.10%0.28 0.07%  Safari/523
1482 0.15%95 0.03%0.10 0.02%    Safari/523.12
1073 0.11%43 0.02%0.07 0.02%    Safari/523.12.2
2299 0.23%227 0.08%0.26 0.06%  Safari/419
2299 0.23%227 0.08%0.26 0.06%    Safari/419.3
1545 0.15%86 0.03%0.13 0.03%  Safari/312
1224 0.12%81 0.03%0.12 0.03%    Safari/312.6
13346 1.34%1895 0.69%3.85 0.93%Opera
11982 1.20%1842 0.67%3.73 0.90%  Opera/9
4677 0.47%591 0.21%0.61 0.15%    Opera/9.62
1653 0.17%205 0.07%0.25 0.06%    Opera/9.60
1259 0.13%178 0.06%1.56 0.37%    Opera/9.52
999 0.10%136 0.05%0.05 0.01%    Opera/9.50
1349 0.14%40 0.01%0.11 0.03%  Opera/8
1130 0.11%11 0.07 0.02%    Opera/8.01
8319 0.83%8319 3.01%2.25 0.54%MLBot (www.metadatalabs.com
8319 0.83%8319 3.01%2.25 0.54%  MLBot (www.metadatalabs.com/mlbot)
6127 0.61%1444 0.52%1.64 0.40%msnbot-media
6127 0.61%1444 0.52%1.64 0.40%  msnbot-media/1
6127 0.61%1444 0.52%1.64 0.40%    msnbot-media/1.1
4409 0.44%88 0.03%0.06 0.01%Googlebot-Image
4409 0.44%88 0.03%0.06 0.01%  Googlebot-Image/1
4409 0.44%88 0.03%0.06 0.01%    Googlebot-Image/1.0
4178 0.42%1496 0.54%1.38 0.33%Plucker
4178 0.42%1496 0.54%1.38 0.33%  Plucker/Py-1
4178 0.42%1496 0.54%1.38 0.33%    Plucker/Py-1.8
3495 0.35%3495 1.26%0.08 0.02%LimeWire
3495 0.35%3495 1.26%0.08 0.02%  LimeWire/4
3081 0.31%3081 1.12%0.00     LimeWire/4.18.3
2801 0.28%2795 1.01%1.97 0.47%msnbot
2801 0.28%2795 1.01%1.97 0.47%  msnbot/1
2801 0.28%2795 1.01%1.97 0.47%    msnbot/1.1
2539 0.25%2539 0.92%23.17 5.58%Download Master
1927 0.19%1926 0.70%1.03 0.25%TurnitinBot
1927 0.19%1926 0.70%1.03 0.25%  TurnitinBot/2
1927 0.19%1926 0.70%1.03 0.25%    TurnitinBot/2.1
1915 0.19%1880 0.68%1.33 0.32%Java
1915 0.19%1880 0.68%1.33 0.32%  Java/1
1686 0.17%1652 0.60%0.00     Java/1.6.0_01
1648 0.17%1638 0.59%0.85 0.20%MSR-ISRCCrawler
1275 0.13%271 0.10%0.13 0.03%Netscape
1217 0.12%1216 0.44%6.76 1.63%NSPlayer
1181 0.12%44 0.02%0.07 0.02%Camino
1181 0.12%44 0.02%0.07 0.02%  Camino/1
10608 1.06%9085 3.29%20.43 4.92%[not listed: 300 browsers]

Operating System Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the operating systems used by visitors.

Listing operating systems with at least 1% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

43336443.42%6182222.38%132.3931.87%  Windows XP
12222712.25%13259 4.80%22.58 5.44%  Unknown Windows
19284 1.93%7972 2.89%28.77 6.93%  Windows 2000
11585 1.16%722 0.26%1.00 0.24%  Windows Server 2003
16977617.01%8018429.02%149.1235.90%OS unknown
12896712.92%9534434.51%59.5214.33%Known robots
86931 8.71%7056 2.55%9.62 2.32%Macintosh
18382 1.84%4581 1.66%4.55 1.10%Unix
18226 1.83%4512 1.63%4.52 1.09%  Linux
2 2 0.00 [not listed: 1 OS]

File Size Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the sizes of files.

1B- 10B127 0.01%0.00 
11B- 100B109 0.01%0.00 
101B- 1kB42186 4.11%0.03 0.01%
1kB- 10kB16424116.02%0.75 0.17%
10kB-100kB50746549.49%18.86 4.30%
100kB- 1MB14574114.21%46.0910.50%
1MB- 10MB40757 3.98%137.2031.26%
10MB-100MB12159 1.19%213.1748.57%
100MB- 1GB63 0.01%12.31 2.80%
> 1GB3 10.43 2.38%

File Type Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the extensions of files.

Listing extensions, sorted by the number of requests.

43386442.32%19.11 4.35%.jpg [JPEG graphics]
28755928.05%9.43 2.15%.png [PNG graphics]
63018 6.15%39.46 8.99%.zip [Zip archives]
57640 5.62%25.87 5.89%.txt [Plain text]
48095 4.69%272.2262.03%.mp3 [MP3 sound files]
47992 4.68%0.13 0.03%[directories]
47542 4.64%20.92 4.77%.htm [Hypertext Markup Language]
17500 1.71%0.33 0.07%.gif [GIF graphics]
5017 0.49%9.29 2.12%.m4b
4032 0.39%2.45 0.56%.spx
3148 0.31%13.61 3.10%.ogg
2288 0.22%1.20 0.27%.html [Hypertext Markup Language]
1618 0.16%14.77 3.37%.iso [CD image]
1557 0.15%3.28 0.75%.pdf [Adobe Portable Document Format]
895 0.09%0.00 .css [Cascading Style Sheets]
643 0.06%0.02 .JPG
611 0.06%0.00 .midi
262 0.03%0.00 .GIF
235 0.02%0.26 0.06%.rtf [Rich Text Format]
209 0.02%0.00 .ly
125 0.01%0.00 .mid [MIDI sound files]
118 0.01%0.00 .tiff
113 0.01%0.06 0.01%.tei
83 0.01%0.03 0.01%.xml
82 0.01%0.14 0.03%.m4a
72 0.01%0.00 .jpeg [JPEG graphics]
61 0.01%0.48 0.11%.doc [Microsoft Word document]
58 0.01%0.01 .lit
57 0.01%0.02 .tex
45 0.00 .eps
42 0.00 .sib
42 0.01 .prc
36 0.20 0.05%.MP3
32 0.00 .bmp
32 0.00 .tif
29 0.00 [no extension]
27 0.00 .PNG
25 0.06 0.01%.ALL
18 0.01 .ps [PostScript]
13 0.03 0.01%.mpg [MPEG movie]
11 0.00 .AUS
10 0.00 .TXT
10 0.00 .04
9 0.00 .mus
9 0.00 .97
8 0.00 .db
8 0.00 .00
8 0.00 .02
8 0.00 .wav [WAV sound files]
8 0.00 .96
8 0.00 .98
8 0.00 .99
7 0.73 0.17%.rar
6 0.00 .GUT
5 0.00 .xsl
5 0.00 .01
5 0.00 .03
5 0.01 .fen
4 0.00 .md5
4 0.00 .05
3 0.04 0.01%.aabv
3 0.03 0.01%.aacl
3 0.04 0.01%.aaew
3 0.04 0.01%.aafx
3 0.04 0.01%.aagb
3 0.04 0.01%.aail
3 0.04 0.01%.aair
2 0.00 .1
2 0.00 .eng
2 0.00 .ini
2 0.03 0.01%.aaah
2 0.03 0.01%.aaai
2 0.03 0.01%.aaaj
2 0.03 0.01%.aaaq
2 0.03 0.01%.aaar
2 0.01 .aaay
2 0.03 0.01%.aabc
2 0.03 0.01%.aabj
2 0.03 0.01%.aabl
2 0.03 0.01%.aabn
2 0.03 0.01%.aabr
2 0.01 .aacn
2 0.03 0.01%.aacw
2 0.03 0.01%.aada
2 0.03 0.01%.aade
2 0.03 0.01%.aadk
2 0.03 0.01%.aady
2 0.01 .aaeb
2 0.03 0.01%.aafa
2 0.01 .aafc
2 0.03 0.01%.aaff
2 0.03 0.01%.aafg
2 0.03 0.01%.aago
2 0.03 0.01%.aagq
2 0.03 0.01%.aagx
2 0.03 0.01%.aahe
2 0.03 0.01%.aahi
2 0.03 0.01%.aahj
2 0.03 0.01%.aahn
2 0.03 0.01%.aahx
2 0.03 0.01%.aahy
2 0.03 0.01%.aaic
2 0.01 .aaid
2 0.03 0.01%.aaie
2 0.03 0.01%.aaii
2 0.03 0.01%.aaio
2 0.03 0.01%.aaix
2 0.03 0.01%.aaiy
2 0.03 0.01%.aaja
2 0.03 0.01%.aajb
2 0.03 0.01%.aajf
2 0.00 .ps2
2 0.03 0.01%.aajk
2 0.03 0.01%.aajt
2 0.03 0.01%.aajy
2 0.03 0.01%.aakb
2 0.01 .aakn
2 0.03 0.01%.aakx
2 0.03 0.01%.aale
1 0.00 .brl
1 0.00 .299
1 0.00 .srt
1 0.00 .jigdo
1 0.00 .d99
1 0.00 .new
1 0.00 .nfo
1 0.66 0.15%.ISO [CD image]
1 0.00 .gut
1 0.00 .pdb
1 0.00 .raw
1 0.00 .20041107
1 0.00 .20041111
1 0.00 .999
1 0.00 .20041119
1 0.00 .pgw
1 0.01 .aaaa
1 0.00 .aaad
1 0.00 .20050123
1 0.01 .aaak
1 0.01 .aaal
1 0.01 .aaam
1 0.01 .aaan
1 0.01 .aaao
1 0.01 .aaas
1 0.01 .aaat
1 0.01 .aaav
1 0.01 .aaaz
1 0.01 .aaba
1 0.01 .aabb
1 0.00 .06
1 0.01 .aabd
1 0.01 .aabe
1 0.01 .aabf
1 0.01 .aabg
1 0.01 .aabi
1 0.01 .aabk
1 0.01 .aabo
1 0.01 .aabp
1 0.01 .aabq
1 0.01 .aabs
1 0.01 .aabu
1 0.01 .aabw
1 0.01 .aaca
1 0.01 .aacc
1 0.01 .aacd
1 0.01 .aace
1 0.01 .aacf
1 0.01 .aacg
1 0.01 .aach
1 0.01 .aacp
1 0.01 .aacq
1 0.01 .aact
1 0.01 .aacu
1 0.01 .aacv
1 0.01 .aacx
1 0.01 .aacy
1 0.01 .aadb
1 0.01 .aadc
1 0.01 .aadd
1 0.01 .aadf
1 0.01 .aadg
1 0.01 .aadh
1 0.01 .aadi
1 0.01 .aadj
1 0.01 .aadl
1 0.01 .aadm
1 0.01 .aado
1 0.01 .aadq
1 0.01 .aadt
1 0.01 .aadu
1 0.01 .aadv
1 0.01 .aadw
1 0.01 .aadx
1 0.01 .aadz
1 0.01 .aaec
1 0.01 .aaee
1 0.01 .aaef
1 0.01 .aaeg
1 0.01 .aaeh
1 0.01 .aaei
1 0.01 .aaej
1 0.01 .aaek
1 0.01 .aael
1 0.01 .aaem
1 0.01 .aaen
1 0.01 .aaeo
1 0.01 .aaeq
1 0.01 .aaes
1 0.01 .aaet
1 0.01 .aaeu
1 0.01 .aaev
1 0.01 .aaex
1 0.01 .aaey
1 0.01 .aaez
1 0.01 .aafb
1 0.01 .aafd
1 0.01 .aafe
1 0.01 .aafi
1 0.01 .aafj
1 0.01 .aafk
1 0.01 .aafl
1 0.01 .aafm
1 0.01 .aafo
1 0.01 .aafp
1 0.01 .aafq
1 0.01 .aafr
1 0.01 .aafs
1 0.01 .aaft
1 0.01 .aafu
1 0.01 .aafw
1 0.01 .aafy
1 0.01 .aafz
1 0.01 .aaga
1 0.01 .aagc
1 0.01 .aagd
1 0.01 .aagf
1 0.01 .aagi
1 0.01 .aagj
1 0.01 .aagk
1 0.00 .20040627
1 0.01 .aagm
1 0.01 .aagn
1 0.01 .aagr
1 0.01 .aagt
1 0.01 .aagu
1 0.01 .aagv
1 0.01 .aagy
1 0.01 .aagz
1 0.01 .aahb
1 0.01 .aahf
1 0.01 .aahm
1 0.01 .aahp
1 0.01 .aahq
1 0.01 .aahr
1 0.01 .aaht
1 0.01 .aahu
1 0.01 .aahw
1 0.01 .aahz
1 0.01 .aaia
1 0.01 .aaib
1 0.01 .aaig
1 0.01 .aaih
1 0.01 .aaij
1 0.01 .aaim
1 0.01 .aaiq
1 0.01 .aais
1 0.01 .aait
1 0.01 .aaiu
1 0.01 .aaiv
1 0.01 .aaiw
1 0.01 .aaiz
1 0.01 .aajd
1 0.01 .aaje
1 0.01 .aajg
1 0.01 .aaji
1 0.01 .aajl
1 0.01 .aajn
1 0.01 .aajo
1 0.01 .aajp
1 0.01 .aajq
1 0.01 .aajr
1 0.00 .COM
1 0.01 .aajs
1 0.01 .aaju
1 0.01 .aajv
1 0.01 .aajw
1 0.01 .aajx
1 0.01 .aajz
1 0.01 .aakc
1 0.01 .aakd
1 0.01 .aake
1 0.01 .aakf
1 0.01 .aakh
1 0.01 .aaki
1 0.01 .aakk
1 0.01 .aakl
1 0.01 .aako
1 0.01 .aakp
1 0.01 .aakr
1 0.01 .aakt
1 0.01 .aaku
1 0.01 .aakv
1 0.01 .aakw
1 0.01 .aaky
1 0.01 .aalb
1 0.01 .aald
1 0.01 .aalf
1 0.01 .aalg
1 0.01 .aalh
1 0.01 .aali
1 0.01 .aalk
1 0.01 .aaln
1 0.01 .aalo
1 0.01 .aalp
1 0.01 .aalq
1 0.00 .o99
1 0.01 .aalt
1 0.01 .aalu
1 0.00 .jbf
1 0.00 .jfif

Directory Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the directories from which files were requested. (The figures for each directory include all of its subdirectories.)

Listing directories with at least 0.2% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

90865 8.86%28498 9.98%36.95 8.42%/2/
24503 2.39%4899 1.72%9.56 2.18%  /2/2/
17077 1.67%2206 0.77%2.02 0.46%  /2/5/
12017 1.17%5691 1.99%7.87 1.79%  /2/1/
10590 1.03%3309 1.16%4.18 0.95%  /2/3/
9839 0.96%3926 1.38%6.56 1.49%  /2/6/
8487 0.83%4872 1.71%6.14 1.40%  /2/0/
5571 0.54%2256 0.79%0.32 0.07%  /2/4/
2170 0.21%801 0.28%0.23 0.05%  /2/7/
42898 4.18%3187711.17%31.08 7.08%/1/
7734 0.75%6795 2.38%19.21 4.38%  /1/9/
4958 0.48%3346 1.17%0.84 0.19%  /1/5/
4469 0.44%3305 1.16%6.41 1.46%  /1/0/
4453 0.43%2593 0.91%0.50 0.11%  /1/3/
4052 0.40%2743 0.96%0.40 0.09%  /1/4/
3680 0.36%2990 1.05%0.53 0.12%  /1/8/
3577 0.35%2612 0.91%0.73 0.17%  /1/7/
3426 0.33%2592 0.91%0.45 0.10%  /1/6/
3393 0.33%2780 0.97%0.65 0.15%  /1/2/
3025 0.30%1990 0.70%1.33 0.30%  /1/1/
31774 3.10%151 0.05%1.49 0.34%/15147/
31732 3.09%109 0.04%1.07 0.24%  /15147/15147-h/
28555 2.79%2855510.00%69.9815.95%/etext05/
27097 2.64%382 0.13%1.17 0.27%/18467/
27054 2.64%339 0.12%0.97 0.22%  /18467/18467-h/
24113 2.35%215 0.08%0.53 0.12%/16713/
24051 2.35%153 0.05%0.43 0.10%  /16713/16713-h/
19636 1.92%398 0.14%0.71 0.16%/13444/
19623 1.91%385 0.13%0.68 0.16%  /13444/13444-h/
14226 1.39%14226 4.98%14.75 3.36%/etext06/
13706 1.34%13704 4.80%13.87 3.16%/etext04/
13594 1.33%105 0.04%0.13 0.03%/21531/
13579 1.32%90 0.03%0.11 0.03%  /21531/21531-h/
13116 1.28%285 0.10%0.36 0.08%/16593/
13079 1.28%248 0.09%0.30 0.07%  /16593/16593-h/
12426 1.21%299 0.10%0.51 0.12%/18127/
12389 1.21%262 0.09%0.45 0.10%  /18127/18127-h/
12081 1.18%61 0.02%0.11 0.03%/23186/
12019 1.17%53 0.02%0.10 0.02%  /23186/23186-h/
10170 0.99%242 0.08%0.57 0.13%/17921/
10101 0.99%173 0.06%0.46 0.11%  /17921/17921-h/
9457 0.92%9457 3.31%1.32 0.30%/etext03/
9186 0.90%252 0.09%1.00 0.23%/24855/
9100 0.89%167 0.06%0.71 0.16%  /24855/24855-h/
8613 0.84%364 0.13%0.75 0.17%/14264/
8476 0.83%227 0.08%0.38 0.09%  /14264/14264-h/
7407 0.72%229 0.08%0.59 0.14%/22483/
7391 0.72%213 0.07%0.34 0.08%  /22483/22483-h/
6942 0.68%140 0.05%0.27 0.06%/14742/
6934 0.68%132 0.05%0.26 0.06%  /14742/14742-h/
6743 0.66%585 0.20%1.90 0.43%/19499/
6320 0.62%162 0.06%0.12 0.03%  /19499/19499-h/
6303 0.61%139 0.05%0.28 0.06%/17582/
6295 0.61%131 0.05%0.28 0.06%  /17582/17582-h/
6207 0.61%287 0.10%0.58 0.13%/19699/
6092 0.59%172 0.06%0.49 0.11%  /19699/19699-h/
5736 0.56%911 0.32%5.01 1.14%/12254/
5360 0.52%535 0.19%0.38 0.09%  /12254/12254-h/
5571 0.54%87 0.03%0.26 0.06%/14279/
5568 0.54%84 0.03%0.26 0.06%  /14279/14279-h/
5211 0.51%2966 1.04%1.50 0.34%/7/
4978 0.49%147 0.05%0.27 0.06%/11921/
4934 0.48%103 0.04%0.23 0.05%  /11921/11921-h/
4808 0.47%58 0.02%0.10 0.02%/17451/
4798 0.47%48 0.02%0.10 0.02%  /17451/17451-h/
4598 0.45%137 0.05%0.06 0.01%/23319/
4464 0.44%27 0.01%0.04 0.01%  /23319/23319-h/
4482 0.44%211 0.07%0.22 0.05%/26319/
4385 0.43%114 0.04%0.13 0.03%  /26319/26319-h/
4187 0.41%1512 0.53%0.92 0.21%/8/
4067 0.40%115 0.04%0.17 0.04%/16277/
4059 0.40%107 0.04%0.13 0.03%  /16277/16277-h/
4064 0.40%155 0.05%0.39 0.09%/22117/
4053 0.40%144 0.05%0.19 0.04%  /22117/22117-h/
3985 0.39%135 0.05%0.26 0.06%/16426/
3968 0.39%118 0.04%0.22 0.05%  /16426/16426-h/
3875 0.38%312 0.11%0.22 0.05%/22381/
3720 0.36%157 0.05%0.16 0.04%  /22381/22381-h/
3847 0.38%132 0.05%0.21 0.05%/12849/
3841 0.37%126 0.04%0.21 0.05%  /12849/12849-h/
3650 0.36%51 0.02%0.09 0.02%/13499/
3647 0.36%48 0.02%0.09 0.02%  /13499/13499-h/
3541 0.35%128 0.04%0.29 0.07%/22153/
3516 0.34%103 0.04%0.26 0.06%  /22153/22153-h/
3522 0.34%85 0.03%0.08 0.02%/17186/
3514 0.34%77 0.03%0.07 0.02%  /17186/17186-h/
3324 0.32%81 0.03%0.14 0.03%/17569/
3322 0.32%79 0.03%0.14 0.03%  /17569/17569-h/
3289 0.32%421 0.15%0.77 0.18%/76/
3100 0.30%232 0.08%0.24 0.05%  /76/76-h/
3288 0.32%227 0.08%0.37 0.08%/19694/
3212 0.31%151 0.05%0.30 0.07%  /19694/19694-h/
3229 0.31%205 0.07%0.47 0.11%/17379/
3222 0.31%198 0.07%0.46 0.11%  /17379/17379-h/
3227 0.31%169 0.06%0.27 0.06%/18525/
3222 0.31%164 0.06%0.27 0.06%  /18525/18525-h/
3162 0.31%163 0.06%0.23 0.05%/18333/
3144 0.31%145 0.05%0.21 0.05%  /18333/18333-h/
3129 0.31%139 0.05%0.28 0.06%/15595/
3118 0.30%128 0.04%0.25 0.06%  /15595/15595-h/
3101 0.30%38 0.01%0.03 0.01%/18884/
3091 0.30%28 0.01%0.02 0.01%  /18884/18884-h/
3001 0.29%3001 1.05%1.16 0.27%/etext01/
2958 0.29%64 0.02%0.09 0.02%/21254/
2954 0.29%60 0.02%0.07 0.02%  /21254/21254-h/
2892 0.28%89 0.03%0.13 0.03%/15884/
2882 0.28%79 0.03%0.12 0.03%  /15884/15884-h/
2866 0.28%289 0.10%0.79 0.18%/18732/
2640 0.26%63 0.02%0.08 0.02%  /18732/18732-h/
2865 0.28%100 0.04%0.17 0.04%/16598/
2856 0.28%91 0.03%0.13 0.03%  /16598/16598-h/
2854 0.28%129 0.05%0.17 0.04%/18757/
2845 0.28%120 0.04%0.16 0.04%  /18757/18757-h/
2807 0.27%60 0.02%0.14 0.03%/26378/
2802 0.27%55 0.02%0.13 0.03%  /26378/26378-h/
2682 0.26%19 0.01%0.02 /19132/
2681 0.26%18 0.01%0.02   /19132/19132-h/
2654 0.26%2654 0.93%3.01 0.69%/etext02/
2646 0.26%87 0.03%0.18 0.04%/11571/
2632 0.26%73 0.03%0.14 0.03%  /11571/11571-h/
2639 0.26%46 0.02%0.14 0.03%/14754/
2636 0.26%43 0.02%0.14 0.03%  /14754/14754-h/
2631 0.26%105 0.04%0.17 0.04%/24519/
2619 0.26%93 0.03%0.15 0.03%  /24519/24519-h/
2493 0.24%208 0.07%0.27 0.06%/22116/
2473 0.24%188 0.07%0.23 0.05%  /22116/22116-h/
2455 0.24%2455 0.86%0.61 0.14%/etext97/
2427 0.24%55 0.02%0.04 0.01%/18436/
2420 0.24%48 0.02%0.03 0.01%  /18436/18436-h/
2336 0.23%93 0.03%0.20 0.04%/24518/
2305 0.22%62 0.02%0.09 0.02%  /24518/24518-h/
2320 0.23%1448 0.51%0.35 0.08%/6/
2308 0.23%84 0.03%0.33 0.08%/15617/
2277 0.22%53 0.02%0.07 0.02%  /15617/15617-h/
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Request Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the files on the site.

Listing files with at least 0.02% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

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