Web Server Statistics for ftp.ibiblio.org

Program started at Sat-21-Feb-2009 09:02.
Analysed requests from Fri-20-Feb-2009 00:00 to Fri-20-Feb-2009 23:49 (0.99 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report contains overall statistics.

Successful requests: 1,168,182
Average successful requests per day: 1,177,173
Successful requests for pages: 453,342
Average successful requests for pages per day: 456,830
Failed requests: 22,852
Redirected requests: 38,971
Distinct files requested: 309,179
Distinct hosts served: 33,506
Corrupt logfile lines: 331
Unwanted logfile entries: 1,804,961
Data transferred: 555.27 gigabytes
Average data transferred per day: 559.55 gigabytes

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the total activity for each hour of the day, summed over all the days in the report.

Each unit (+) represents 600 requests for pages or part thereof.


Host Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the computers which requested files.

Listing hosts with at least 1000 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

45374 3.88%4532610.00%38.27 6.89%ec2-174-129-182-2.compute-1.amazonaws.com ( block
28531 2.44%28531 6.29%3.59 0.65%pcpro44.imm.dtu.dk ( block
21076 1.80%3117 0.69%0.98 0.18%palmyra.csail.mit.edu ( block
15753 1.35%18 0.00 slovo7.yandex.ru ( block
15342 1.31%15342 3.38%1.91 0.34%indexer41.aport.ru ( block
13836 1.18%13836 3.05%21.51 3.87%spider44.yandex.ru ( block
11848 1.01%11833 2.61%6.97 1.26%llf520060.crawl.yahoo.net ( block
10861 0.93%10858 2.40%1.37 0.25%sputnik.donapex.net ( block
9730 0.83%9730 2.15%0.00 brndmb02dc1-88-91.dynamic.mts.net ( block
9295 0.80%9295 2.05%28.66 5.16%spider27.yandex.ru ( block
8989 0.77%8989 1.98%1.54 0.28%msnbot-65-55-51-16.msn.com ( block
8936 0.76%8936 1.97%1.16 0.21%msnbot-65-55-4-146.search.msn.com ( block
8574 0.73%10 0.00 slovo10.yandex.ru ( block
8437 0.72%3393 0.75%2.16 0.39%unknown host ( block
8229 0.70%8229 1.82%0.00 unknown host ( block
8099 0.69%14 0.00 slovo3.yandex.ru ( block
7727 0.66%8 0.00 slovo6.yandex.ru ( block
7596 0.65%5887 1.30%3.24 0.58%crawl-66-249-71-152.googlebot.com ( block
7448 0.64%5871 1.30%2.91 0.52%crawl-66-249-71-150.googlebot.com ( block
7309 0.63%5721 1.26%3.19 0.57%crawl-66-249-71-151.googlebot.com ( block
6621 0.57%6621 1.46%0.77 0.14%c-76-122-171-90.hsd1.mi.comcast.net ( block
6590 0.56%6578 1.45%3.56 0.64%host1.farview-hosting.co.uk ( block
6578 0.56%6578 1.45%0.86 0.15%ool-18be096e.dyn.optonline.net ( block
5833 0.50%5833 1.29%0.00 brndmb02dc1-220-63.dynamic.mts.net ( block
5506 0.47%5506 1.21%49.65 8.94%118-166-228-240.dynamic.hinet.net ( block
5391 0.46%5391 1.19%7.83 1.41%c-69-254-154-223.hsd1.nm.comcast.net ( block
4952 0.42%4952 1.09%6.26 1.13%cpc2-cmbg7-0-0-cust157.cmbg.cable.ntl.com ( block
4479 0.38%4479 0.99%0.02 php14.nasza-klasa.pl ( block
3695 0.32%3695 0.82%2.31 0.42%net64-17-2-164.static-customer.corenap.com ( block
3638 0.31%3638 0.80%43.74 7.88%adsl195.dyn229.pacific.net.sg ( block
3498 0.30%3498 0.77%6.22 1.12%unknown host ( block
3331 0.29%3331 0.73%0.51 0.09%unknown host ( block
3270 0.28%623 0.14%0.40 0.07%144.97-64-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be ( block
3234 0.28%3234 0.71%1.30 0.23%crawler5001.ask.com ( block
3108 0.27%3107 0.69%0.00 unknown host ( block
3031 0.26%80 0.02%0.12 0.02%unknown host ( block
3021 0.26%3020 0.67%0.00 unknown host ( block
2920 0.25%2919 0.64%0.00 unknown host ( block
2868 0.25%2865 0.63%0.00 unknown host ( block
2798 0.24%2796 0.62%0.00 unknown host ( block
2763 0.24%1022 0.23%2.22 0.40%localhost.localdomain ( block
2745 0.23%2745 0.61%0.00 unknown host ( block
2721 0.23%2721 0.60%2.50 0.45% ( block
2712 0.23%2712 0.60%0.00 unknown host ( block
2704 0.23%2699 0.60%0.00 unknown host ( block
2688 0.23%2685 0.59%0.00 unknown host ( block
2610 0.22%257 0.06%0.17 0.03%crawler6132.ask.com ( block
2389 0.20%29 0.01%0.16 0.03%ip72-220-29-138.sd.sd.cox.net ( block
2160 0.18%2160 0.48%17.18 3.09%rtag.dsl.xmission.com ( block
2153 0.18%2153 0.47%0.00 unknown host ( block
2148 0.18%2148 0.47%18.82 3.39%dedeagac.nat.uludag.edu.tr ( block
2114 0.18%2113 0.47%5.15 0.93%adsl-69-148-248-30.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net ( block
2106 0.18%6 0.09 0.02%guruji.com ( block
1882 0.16%2 0.01 CPE001a704e2936-CM001ac315290c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com ( block
1746 0.15%1746 0.39%0.82 0.15%ec2-174-129-173-70.compute-1.amazonaws.com ( block
1739 0.15%70 0.02%0.05 0.01% ( block
1714 0.15%1714 0.38%0.00 unknown host ( block
1654 0.14%1654 0.36%8.68 1.56%pool-72-80-222-98.nycmny.east.verizon.net ( block
1625 0.14%1623 0.36%0.04 0.01%crawl1.nat.svl.searchme.com ( block
1595 0.14%1595 0.35%0.76 0.14%ec2-75-101-202-153.compute-1.amazonaws.com ( block
1567 0.13%109 0.02%0.22 0.04%93-136-5-175.adsl.net.t-com.hr ( block
1549 0.13%1549 0.34%0.01 crawl2.nat.svl.searchme.com ( block
1537 0.13%211 0.05%0.15 0.03%ip-78-137-163-133.dedi.digiweb.ie ( block
1524 0.13%6 0.03 0.01%5acc2b9b.bb.sky.com ( block
1518 0.13%1518 0.33%0.74 0.13%ec2-174-129-104-125.compute-1.amazonaws.com ( block
1508 0.13%1 0.05 0.01%201-211-160-4.genericrev.cantv.net ( block
1466 0.13%7 0.03 0.01%ip24-255-58-127.tc.ph.cox.net ( block
1421 0.12%206 0.05%0.35 0.06%203-214-107-30.dyn.iinet.net.au ( block
1420 0.12%437 0.10%0.20 0.04%static73-227.dsl-chn.eth.net ( block
1404 0.12%1404 0.31%6.84 1.23%nat146-41.primor.tvoe.tv ( block
1372 0.12%1372 0.30%0.21 0.04%rrcs-71-41-201-38.sw.biz.rr.com ( block
1349 0.12%1349 0.30%1.51 0.27%unknown host ( block
1326 0.11%1326 0.29%0.00 lb.driverguide.net ( block
1272 0.11%1271 0.28%0.62 0.11%msnbot-65-55-208-124.search.msn.com ( block
1268 0.11%1268 0.28%0.66 0.12%ec2-174-129-178-92.compute-1.amazonaws.com ( block
1225 0.10%40 0.01%0.06 0.01%ixolite.demon.co.uk ( block
1181 0.10%3 0.02 bl5-201-26.dsl.telepac.pt ( block
1150 0.10%1150 0.25%9.96 1.79%ppp89-110-16-187.pppoe.avangarddsl.ru ( block
1143 0.10%1143 0.25%0.34 0.06%cust-65-98-224-3.static.o1.com ( block
1138 0.10%2 0.01 216-67-53-81-rb1.sol.dsl.dynamic.acsalaska.net ( block
1117 0.10%1117 0.25%0.84 0.15%adsl-dynamic-pool-xxx.fpt.vn ( block
1080 0.09%1080 0.24%0.09 0.02%unknown host ( block
1064 0.09%1064 0.23%0.00 brndmb02dc1-218-175.dynamic.mts.net ( block
1063 0.09%16 0.03 host-153-086.consiagnet.it ( block
1057 0.09%1057 0.23%0.01 crawl11.exabot.com ( block
1022 0.09%13 0.01 c-98-226-50-111.hsd1.in.comcast.net ( block
1009 0.09%29 0.01%0.04 0.01%bas3-toronto12-1177559415.dsl.bell.ca ( block
74211263.53%12905228.47%234.5642.24%[not listed: 33,419 hosts]

User Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the users who requested files, if users have been authenticated or can be identified by cookies.

Listing users with at least 1% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

3270 6.64%623 1.35%0.40 1.74%wsftp65@
2127 4.32%2123 4.59%0.82 3.56%googlebot@google.com
1326 2.69%1326 2.86%0.00 c@c.com
1178 2.39%1171 2.53%1.37 5.91%tcp_hit
1232 2.50%1102 2.38%17.0373.59%[not listed: 30 users]

Referrer Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the referrers (where people followed links from, or pages which included this site's images).

Listing the top 50 referring URLs by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

2416 7.04%http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup
44 0.13%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=15143
43 0.13%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=21530
40 0.12%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=20912
37 0.11%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=24920
30 0.09%  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=26176
2230 6.50%http://images.google.co.uk/imgres
1425 4.15%http://images.google.ca/imgres
992 2.89%http://images.google.de/imgres
985 2.87%http://images.google.co.in/imgres
938 2.73%
873 2.54%http://images.google.fr/imgres
579 1.69%http://images.google.com.au/imgres
404 1.18%http://images.google.es/imgres
379 1.10%http://images.google.it/imgres
354 1.03%http://www.google.com/imgres
349 1.02%http://images.google.nl/imgres
321 0.94%
284 0.83%http://images.google.com.ph/imgres
256 0.75%http://images.google.com.br/imgres
233 0.68%http://mp3.sogou.com/down.so
216 0.63%  http://mp3.sogou.com/down.so?gid=1435828688A906DA&globalId=141ad5e9e11d0a8f&query=Hallelujah+chorus+Messiah&debug=0&tgid=1ccd314181cc10a4&pf=mp3&t=Hallelujah+chorus+Messiah&size=2677240&ac=0&w=02020900&dr=1
17 0.05%  http://mp3.sogou.com/down.so?gid=1435828688A906DA&globalId=1fd4a5e010f54287&w=02030600
233 0.68%http://images.google.com.mx/imgres
211 0.61%http://images.google.ro/imgres
200 0.58%http://www.stumbleupon.com/refer.php
195 0.57%
185 0.54%http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup
12 0.03%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=851
9 0.03%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=1232
9 0.03%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=3074
5 0.01%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=1337
4 0.01%  http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=964
179 0.52%http://images.google.pl/imgres
176 0.51%http://images.google.co.id/imgres
173 0.50%http://images.google.ie/imgres
167 0.49%http://images.google.com.tr/imgres
167 0.49%http://images.google.co.za/imgres
166 0.48%
162 0.47%http://images.google.com/url
158 0.46%http://images.google.gr/imgres
157 0.46%http://images.google.se/imgres
153 0.45%http://images.google.be/imgres
142 0.41%http://images.google.cz/imgres
141 0.41%http://images.google.com.pk/imgres
138 0.40%http://images.google.com.my/imgres
127 0.37%http://images.google.ch/imgres
112 0.33%http://images.google.hu/imgres
111 0.32%http://images.google.pt/imgres
106 0.31%http://images.google.ru/imgres
101 0.29%http://images.google.co.th/imgres
99 0.29%http://music.soso.com/
96 0.28%http://images.google.at/imgres
95 0.28%http://images.google.bg/imgres
89 0.26%http://images.google.co.nz/imgres
85 0.25%
85 0.25%http://images.google.hr/imgres
85 0.25%http://images.google.com.eg/imgres
84 0.24%http://images.google.it/url
82 0.24%http://images.google.com.ar/imgres
81 0.24%http://images.google.co.jp/imgres
366110.67%[not listed: 477 URLs]

Referring Site Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists which servers people followed links from.

Listing the top 30 referring sites by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

2416 7.04%http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/
2237 6.52%http://images.google.co.uk/
1426 4.15%http://images.google.ca/
994 2.90%http://images.google.de/
985 2.87%http://images.google.co.in/
938 2.73%
873 2.54%http://images.google.fr/
579 1.69%http://images.google.com.au/
463 1.35%http://images.google.it/
407 1.19%http://www.google.com/
404 1.18%http://images.google.es/
355 1.03%http://images.google.nl/
331 0.96%
300 0.87%ftp://ibiblio.org/
284 0.83%http://images.google.com.ph/
256 0.75%http://images.google.com.br/
241 0.70%
234 0.68%http://images.google.com.mx/
233 0.68%http://mp3.sogou.com/
233 0.68%http://www.ibiblio.org/
211 0.61%http://images.google.ro/
202 0.59%http://www.stumbleupon.com/
185 0.54%http://digital.library.upenn.edu/
179 0.52%http://images.google.pl/
176 0.51%http://images.google.co.id/
173 0.50%http://images.google.ie/
167 0.49%http://images.google.com.tr/
167 0.49%http://images.google.co.za/
166 0.48%
524215.27%[not listed: 346 sites]

Browser Summary

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the vendors of visitors' browsers.

Listing browsers with at least 0.1% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

23783920.55%26318 5.88%53.4110.05%  MSIE/7
23783220.55%26311 5.88%53.4110.05%    MSIE/7.0
112177 9.69%17457 3.90%29.79 5.60%  MSIE/6
112162 9.69%17450 3.90%29.78 5.60%    MSIE/6.0
20391 1.76%19558 4.37%139.3526.22%  MSIE/5
16997 1.47%16660 3.72%131.0424.65%    MSIE/5.00
1818 0.16%1807 0.40%7.93 1.49%    MSIE/5.0
9008 0.78%8964 2.00%1.18 0.22%  MSIE/4
8997 0.78%8955 2.00%1.17 0.22%    MSIE/4.01
6014 0.52%853 0.19%0.88 0.17%  MSIE/8
6014 0.52%853 0.19%0.88 0.17%    MSIE/8.0
26510722.90%31995 7.15%78.2414.72%  Mozilla/1
19860317.16%23118 5.17%58.7411.05%    Mozilla/
12792 1.11%1549 0.35%3.03 0.57%    Mozilla/
10398 0.90%1291 0.29%1.78 0.34%    Mozilla/
6704 0.58%751 0.17%1.28 0.24%    Mozilla/
4332 0.37%462 0.10%0.84 0.16%    Mozilla/
4147 0.36%468 0.10%0.33 0.06%    Mozilla/1.9a1
3147 0.27%816 0.18%7.26 1.37%    Mozilla/
2416 0.21%655 0.15%0.27 0.05%    Mozilla/
2331 0.20%240 0.05%0.35 0.07%    Mozilla/
2118 0.18%231 0.05%0.41 0.08%    Mozilla/1.9
1739 0.15%90 0.02%0.11 0.02%    Mozilla/
1537 0.13%73 0.02%0.11 0.02%    Mozilla/1.5
1421 0.12%163 0.04%0.12 0.02%    Mozilla/
15074513.02%13262629.64%70.1813.20%  Wget/1
67917 5.87%4991411.15%15.30 2.88%    Wget/1.10.2
45383 3.92%4533510.13%38.32 7.21%    Wget/1.11.1
37442 3.23%37374 8.35%16.56 3.12%    Wget/1.11.4
71096 6.14%6183313.82%22.35 4.21%Netscape (compatible)
67762 5.85%5749 1.28%8.89 1.67%Safari
59242 5.12%5074 1.13%7.81 1.47%  Safari/525
30504 2.64%2143 0.48%3.05 0.57%    Safari/525.27.1
10657 0.92%559 0.12%0.73 0.14%    Safari/525.20.1
10362 0.90%1673 0.37%2.74 0.52%    Safari/525.19
3161 0.27%191 0.04%0.25 0.05%    Safari/525.22
1760 0.15%283 0.06%0.78 0.15%    Safari/525.20
5418 0.47%250 0.06%0.33 0.06%  Safari/523
1899 0.16%61 0.01%0.07 0.01%    Safari/523.15
1795 0.16%78 0.02%0.09 0.02%    Safari/523.12
1285 0.11%67 0.01%0.14 0.03%    Safari/523.12.2
1606 0.14%149 0.03%0.16 0.03%  Safari/419
1606 0.14%149 0.03%0.16 0.03%    Safari/419.3
63722 5.50%23186 5.18%50.18 9.44%Yandex
63720 5.50%23184 5.18%50.18 9.44%  Yandex/1
63720 5.50%23184 5.18%50.18 9.44%    Yandex/1.01.001
44931 3.88%4493110.04%0.03 0.01%LimeWire
44822 3.87%4482210.02%0.03 0.01%  LimeWire/4
27241 2.35%27241 6.09%0.00     LimeWire/4.18.8
17021 1.47%17021 3.80%0.00     LimeWire/4.18.3
11914 1.03%1492 0.33%3.60 0.68%Opera
11487 0.99%1365 0.31%3.47 0.65%  Opera/9
3676 0.32%585 0.13%1.70 0.32%    Opera/9.63
2443 0.21%219 0.05%0.19 0.04%    Opera/9.62
1394 0.12%67 0.01%0.09 0.02%    Opera/9.51
8989 0.78%8989 2.01%1.54 0.29%MSMOBOT
8989 0.78%8989 2.01%1.54 0.29%  MSMOBOT/1
8989 0.78%8989 2.01%1.54 0.29%    MSMOBOT/1.1
8457 0.73%3398 0.76%2.16 0.41%Yanga WorldSearch Bot v1.1
8457 0.73%3398 0.76%2.16 0.41%  Yanga WorldSearch Bot v1.1/beta
6167 0.53%737 0.16%1.47 0.28%msnbot-media
6167 0.53%737 0.16%1.47 0.28%  msnbot-media/1
6167 0.53%737 0.16%1.47 0.28%    msnbot-media/1.1
6127 0.53%6127 1.37%2.98 0.56%AISearchBot (Email: aisearchbot@gmail.com; If your web site doesn't want to be crawled, please send us a email.)
6116 0.53%6111 1.37%3.81 0.72%msnbot
6047 0.52%6042 1.35%3.76 0.71%  msnbot/1
6047 0.52%6042 1.35%3.76 0.71%    msnbot/1.1
5067 0.44%5067 1.13%2.53 0.48%MLBot (www.metadatalabs.com
5067 0.44%5067 1.13%2.53 0.48%  MLBot (www.metadatalabs.com/mlbot)
4929 0.43%36 0.01%0.01 Googlebot-Image
4929 0.43%36 0.01%0.01   Googlebot-Image/1
4929 0.43%36 0.01%0.01     Googlebot-Image/1.0
4518 0.39%4518 1.01%0.05 0.01%libwww-perl
4518 0.39%4518 1.01%0.05 0.01%  libwww-perl/5
4479 0.39%4479 1.00%0.02     libwww-perl/5.823
2872 0.25%2872 0.64%2.60 0.49%OnlineBooks
2766 0.24%1025 0.23%2.22 0.42%Plucker
2766 0.24%1025 0.23%2.22 0.42%  Plucker/Py-1
2763 0.24%1022 0.23%2.22 0.42%    Plucker/Py-1.8
2395 0.21%2371 0.53%0.10 0.02%Java
2395 0.21%2371 0.53%0.10 0.02%  Java/1
2172 0.19%2153 0.48%0.00     Java/1.6.0_01
2106 0.18%6 0.09 0.02%GurujiImageBot
2106 0.18%6 0.09 0.02%  GurujiImageBot/1
2106 0.18%6 0.09 0.02%    GurujiImageBot/1.0
1704 0.15%1704 0.38%8.47 1.59%Apple iPhone OS v2.2.1 CoreMedia v1.0.0.5H11
1701 0.15%1701 0.38%14.16 2.66%Download Master
1252 0.11%1252 0.28%6.95 1.31%NSPlayer
13452 1.16%9309 2.08%21.61 4.07%[not listed: 277 browsers]

Operating System Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the operating systems used by visitors.

Listing operating systems with at least 1% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

44758438.67%5971513.34%115.0121.64%  Windows XP
12975011.21%14525 3.25%35.64 6.71%  Unknown Windows
23112 2.00%19511 4.36%139.5726.26%  Windows 98
21393218.48%15145733.85%125.3223.58%OS unknown
19311916.68%16416336.68%84.4915.90%Known robots
90022 7.78%7702 1.72%17.79 3.35%Macintosh
34431 2.97%18172 4.06%5.95 1.12%Unix
34302 2.96%18159 4.06%5.93 1.12%  Linux
26 2 0.00 [not listed: 2 OS's]

File Size Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the sizes of files.

1B- 10B83 0.01%0.00 
11B- 100B625 0.05%0.00 
101B- 1kB47326 4.05%0.03 0.01%
1kB- 10kB18580315.91%0.80 0.14%
10kB-100kB52154644.65%19.16 3.45%
100kB- 1MB19101016.35%60.9410.97%
1MB- 10MB46178 3.95%156.4428.17%
10MB-100MB15767 1.35%269.7748.58%
100MB- 1GB236 0.02%37.38 6.73%
> 1GB4 10.75 1.94%

File Type Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the extensions of files.

Listing extensions, sorted by the number of requests.

42838636.67%18.43 3.32%.jpg [JPEG graphics]
26753322.90%6.13 1.10%.png [PNG graphics]
100588 8.61%46.38 8.35%.txt [Plain text]
100174 8.58%70.2412.65%.zip [Zip archives]
87374 7.48%25.99 4.68%.htm [Hypertext Markup Language]
74631 6.39%0.17 0.03%[directories]
52040 4.45%271.8748.96%.mp3 [MP3 sound files]
18122 1.55%0.31 0.06%.gif [GIF graphics]
8950 0.77%5.49 0.99%.spx
8327 0.71%19.00 3.42%.m4b
5583 0.48%25.30 4.56%.ogg
2601 0.22%1.10 0.20%.html [Hypertext Markup Language]
1713 0.15%3.51 0.63%.pdf [Adobe Portable Document Format]
1507 0.13%0.05 0.01%.tiff
899 0.08%0.00 .midi
799 0.07%0.00 .css [Cascading Style Sheets]
768 0.07%0.02 .JPG
473 0.04%0.00 .ly
362 0.03%0.47 0.08%.m4a
316 0.03%0.00 .mid [MIDI sound files]
262 0.02%0.27 0.05%.rtf [Rich Text Format]
188 0.02%0.02 .tif
177 0.02%0.11 0.02%.xml
174 0.01%0.08 0.01%.tei
122 0.01%0.00 .sib
102 0.01%0.20 0.04%.mpg [MPEG movie]
100 0.01%0.00 .GIF
97 0.01%0.51 0.09%.rar
97 0.01%0.00 .PNG
89 0.01%0.82 0.15%.doc [Microsoft Word document]
82 0.01%0.89 0.16%.aacc
77 0.01%0.80 0.14%.aaaf
73 0.01%0.64 0.12%.aabr
72 0.01%0.00 .jpeg [JPEG graphics]
70 0.01%11.87 2.14%.iso [CD image]
66 0.01%0.61 0.11%.aabj
65 0.01%0.53 0.09%.aaaa
65 0.01%0.62 0.11%.aabi
64 0.01%0.55 0.10%.aabo
63 0.01%0.61 0.11%.aabe
63 0.01%0.47 0.08%.aabn
63 0.01%0.61 0.11%.aaca
60 0.01%0.55 0.10%.aaap
60 0.01%0.46 0.08%.aaaz
59 0.01%0.43 0.08%.aaao
57 0.54 0.10%.aaat
56 0.63 0.11%.aaag
56 0.42 0.08%.aaau
56 0.55 0.10%.aaav
56 0.50 0.09%.aabq
56 0.46 0.08%.aabz
55 0.47 0.08%.aabm
55 0.53 0.10%.aabp
55 0.46 0.08%.aabx
54 0.53 0.10%.aaam
54 0.46 0.08%.aabc
54 0.49 0.09%.aabf
54 0.46 0.08%.aabl
54 0.57 0.10%.aabw
54 0.58 0.10%.aaby
53 0.50 0.09%.aaac
53 0.47 0.08%.aabt
52 0.54 0.10%.aaaj
52 0.47 0.08%.aaal
52 0.46 0.08%.aaas
52 0.48 0.09%.aabv
51 0.44 0.08%.aacb
50 0.47 0.09%.aaan
50 0.39 0.07%.aaar
50 0.45 0.08%.aaay
49 0.43 0.08%.aaae
49 0.44 0.08%.aabu
48 0.42 0.08%.aaaw
46 0.42 0.08%.aabd
45 0.01 .tex
44 0.01 [no extension]
44 0.39 0.07%.aaak
40 0.00 .lit
40 0.35 0.06%.aabh
36 0.30 0.05%.aaba
36 0.09 0.02%.aalw
33 0.00 .mus
29 0.00 .prc
27 0.25 0.04%.aaad
22 0.14 0.03%.MP3
22 0.19 0.03%.aaai
21 0.03 0.01%.ALL
19 0.16 0.03%.aacd
19 0.16 0.03%.aace
19 0.00 .bmp
18 0.00 .TXT
17 0.00 .eps
14 0.10 0.02%.aaaq
14 0.15 0.03%.aajx
13 0.14 0.02%.aaab
13 0.14 0.02%.aabs
13 0.14 0.02%.aade
12 0.11 0.02%.aaah
12 0.10 0.02%.aabk
12 0.12 0.02%.aacs
12 0.12 0.02%.aadx
11 0.00 .GUT
11 0.11 0.02%.aach
11 0.12 0.02%.aacn
11 0.11 0.02%.aacp
11 0.11 0.02%.aacw
11 0.11 0.02%.aadw
11 0.11 0.02%.aaem
11 0.11 0.02%.aafi
11 0.11 0.02%.aaix
11 0.11 0.02%.aakl
11 0.00 .db
10 0.10 0.02%.aabb
10 0.09 0.02%.aabg
10 0.10 0.02%.aacf
10 0.09 0.02%.aacg
10 0.09 0.02%.aack
10 0.09 0.02%.aacl
10 0.10 0.02%.aaco
10 0.10 0.02%.aacq
10 0.09 0.02%.aact
10 0.09 0.02%.aacu
10 0.09 0.02%.aacv
10 0.10 0.02%.aacx
10 0.10 0.02%.aacy
10 0.09 0.02%.aacz
10 0.09 0.02%.aada
10 0.09 0.02%.aadb
10 0.10 0.02%.aadc
10 0.10 0.02%.aadd
10 0.10 0.02%.aadf
10 0.09 0.02%.aadg
10 0.10 0.02%.aadh
10 0.10 0.02%.aadi
10 0.10 0.02%.aadj
10 0.10 0.02%.aadl
10 0.10 0.02%.aadq
10 0.10 0.02%.aadt
10 0.10 0.02%.aaeg
10 0.09 0.02%.aaek
10 0.10 0.02%.aael
10 0.10 0.02%.aaeq
10 0.09 0.02%.aaey
10 0.09 0.02%.aafd
10 0.10 0.02%.aafm
10 0.10 0.02%.aafn
10 0.09 0.02%.aafo
10 0.10 0.02%.aafv
10 0.10 0.02%.aagb
10 0.09 0.02%.aagd
10 0.10 0.02%.aagh
10 0.10 0.02%.aagp
10 0.10 0.02%.aagq
10 0.10 0.02%.aagr
10 0.10 0.02%.aagt
10 0.10 0.02%.aagw
10 0.10 0.02%.aahb
10 0.10 0.02%.aahc
10 0.10 0.02%.aahf
10 0.10 0.02%.aahi
10 0.10 0.02%.aaho
10 0.09 0.02%.aahp
10 0.10 0.02%.aaig
10 0.10 0.02%.aaiq
10 0.10 0.02%.aaiv
10 0.10 0.02%.aaiz
10 0.10 0.02%.aaja
10 0.10 0.02%.aajc
10 0.09 0.02%.aajd
10 0.09 0.02%.aajq
10 0.09 0.02%.aajz
10 0.10 0.02%.aake
10 0.10 0.02%.aakf
10 0.09 0.02%.aaki
10 0.10 0.02%.aakj
10 0.10 0.02%.aala
10 0.10 0.02%.aale
10 0.09 0.02%.aalf
10 0.09 0.02%.aali
10 0.10 0.02%.aalo
10 0.10 0.02%.aalt
10 0.10 0.02%.aalv
9 0.08 0.02%.aaax
9 0.09 0.02%.aaci
9 0.09 0.02%.aacj
9 0.08 0.02%.aacm
9 0.08 0.01%.aacr
9 0.08 0.01%.aadk
9 0.09 0.02%.aadm
9 0.09 0.02%.aadn
9 0.08 0.02%.aadp
9 0.08 0.01%.aads
9 0.09 0.02%.aadu
9 0.09 0.02%.aadv
9 0.09 0.02%.aady
9 0.09 0.02%.aadz
9 0.09 0.02%.aaea
9 0.08 0.02%.aaeb
9 0.08 0.02%.aaee
9 0.08 0.01%.aaef
9 0.09 0.02%.aaei
9 0.08 0.01%.aaej
9 0.09 0.02%.aaen
9 0.08 0.01%.aaeo
9 0.08 0.02%.aaep
9 0.08 0.02%.aaes
9 0.08 0.02%.aaet
9 0.09 0.02%.aaeu
9 0.08 0.02%.aaev
9 0.08 0.01%.aaex
9 0.08 0.02%.aafb
9 0.08 0.02%.aafe
9 0.09 0.02%.aaff
9 0.08 0.02%.aafg
9 0.09 0.02%.aafj
9 0.09 0.02%.aafk
9 0.08 0.02%.aafl
9 0.08 0.01%.aafp
9 0.09 0.02%.aafq
9 0.08 0.02%.aafr
9 0.09 0.02%.aafs
9 0.08 0.01%.aaft
9 0.08 0.01%.aafu
9 0.09 0.02%.aafw
9 0.09 0.02%.aafx
9 0.09 0.02%.aafy
9 0.08 0.02%.aaga
9 0.08 0.02%.aagc
9 0.08 0.02%.aage
9 0.09 0.02%.aagf
9 0.08 0.02%.aagi
9 0.08 0.02%.aagk
9 0.09 0.02%.aagl
9 0.09 0.02%.aagm
9 0.08 0.02%.aagn
9 0.08 0.01%.aags
9 0.09 0.02%.aagv
9 0.08 0.02%.aagx
9 0.08 0.01%.aagy
9 0.09 0.02%.aaha
9 0.08 0.02%.aahd
9 0.08 0.02%.aahe
9 0.09 0.02%.aahg
9 0.08 0.02%.aahh
9 0.09 0.02%.aahk
9 0.08 0.01%.aahl
9 0.08 0.01%.aahm
9 0.08 0.01%.aahn
9 0.08 0.02%.aahq
9 0.09 0.02%.aahr
9 0.09 0.02%.aahs
9 0.08 0.01%.aaht
9 0.09 0.02%.aahu
9 0.08 0.01%.aahw
9 0.08 0.02%.aahx
9 0.08 0.01%.aahy
9 0.09 0.02%.aahz
9 0.08 0.01%.aaia
9 0.08 0.01%.aaic
9 0.08 0.02%.aaie
9 0.09 0.02%.aaif
9 0.08 0.02%.aaih
9 0.09 0.02%.aaij
9 0.08 0.02%.aaik
9 0.08 0.01%.aail
9 0.08 0.01%.aaim
9 0.08 0.02%.aain
9 0.08 0.02%.aaip
9 0.09 0.02%.aais
9 0.09 0.02%.aait
9 0.08 0.02%.aaiu
9 0.08 0.02%.aaiw
9 0.08 0.01%.aaiy
9 0.08 0.02%.aajb
9 0.09 0.02%.aaje
9 0.08 0.02%.aajg
9 0.08 0.02%.aajh
9 0.08 0.02%.aaji
9 0.08 0.02%.aajj
9 0.08 0.01%.aajk
9 0.08 0.02%.aajl
9 0.08 0.01%.aajn
9 0.08 0.02%.aajo
9 0.08 0.02%.aajp
9 0.08 0.01%.aajr
9 0.08 0.01%.aajs
9 0.08 0.02%.aajt
9 0.08 0.01%.aaju
9 0.08 0.01%.aajv
9 0.09 0.02%.aajw
9 0.08 0.01%.aaka
9 0.08 0.01%.aakc
9 0.08 0.02%.aakg
9 0.09 0.02%.aakh
9 0.08 0.01%.aakn
9 0.08 0.01%.aakp
9 0.08 0.02%.aakq
9 0.09 0.02%.aaks
9 0.08 0.02%.aakt
9 0.09 0.02%.aaku
9 0.08 0.02%.aakw
9 0.08 0.02%.aaky
9 0.08 0.01%.aakz
9 0.09 0.02%.aalb
9 0.09 0.02%.aalc
9 0.08 0.02%.aalg
9 0.09 0.02%.aalh
9 0.08 0.02%.aalj
9 0.09 0.02%.aalk
9 0.08 0.02%.aall
9 0.08 0.02%.aalm
9 0.08 0.02%.aaln
9 0.09 0.02%.aalp
9 0.00 .ps [PostScript]
9 0.00 .AUS
8 0.07 0.01%.aado
8 0.07 0.01%.aadr
8 0.07 0.01%.aaec
8 0.07 0.01%.aaed
8 0.07 0.01%.aaeh
8 0.07 0.01%.aaer
8 0.07 0.01%.aaew
8 0.07 0.01%.aaez
8 0.07 0.01%.aafa
8 0.08 0.01%.aafc
8 0.07 0.01%.aafh
8 0.07 0.01%.aafz
8 0.07 0.01%.aagg
8 0.08 0.01%.aagj
8 0.07 0.01%.aago
8 0.07 0.01%.aagu
8 0.07 0.01%.aagz
8 0.08 0.01%.aahj
8 0.07 0.01%.aahv
8 0.07 0.01%.aaib
8 0.07 0.01%.aaid
8 0.07 0.01%.aaii
8 0.07 0.01%.aaio
8 0.07 0.01%.aair
8 0.07 0.01%.aajf
8 0.07 0.01%.aajm
8 0.07 0.01%.aajy
8 0.07 0.01%.aakb
8 0.07 0.01%.aakd
8 0.07 0.01%.aakk
8 0.07 0.01%.aakm
8 0.07 0.01%.aako
8 0.07 0.01%.aakr
8 0.08 0.01%.aakv
8 0.07 0.01%.aakx
8 0.07 0.01%.aald
8 0.07 0.01%.aalq
8 0.07 0.01%.aalr
8 0.07 0.01%.aals
8 0.07 0.01%.aalu
7 0.00 .xsl
7 0.00 .03
6 0.00 .svg
6 0.00 .04
6 0.05 0.01%.wav [WAV sound files]
6 0.00 .98
5 0.00 .md5
5 0.00 .01
4 0.00 .20090118
4 0.00 .00
4 0.03 0.01%.fen
4 0.00 .97
3 0.00 .20090104
3 0.00 .eng
3 0.00 .99
2 0.00 .brl
2 0.01 .nfo
2 0.00 .htm"
2 0.00 .2005-04-11
2 0.00 .ini
2 0.00 .gut
2 0.00 .txtURL
2 0.00 .20041109
2 0.00 .02
2 0.00 .05
1 0.18 0.03%.flv
1 0.00 .new
1 0.00 .799
1 0.00 .htm#chap00
1 0.00 .20050327
1 0.00 .n99
1 0.00 .20090106
1 0.00 .20090107
1 0.00 .20090111
1 0.00 .20090112
1 0.00 .txt,sumptuous
1 0.00 .699
1 0.00 .20040627
1 0.00 .COM
1 0.00 .96
1 0.00 .jbf

Directory Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Hourly Summary | Host Report | User Report | Referrer Report | Referring Site Report | Browser Summary | Operating System Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Request Report)

This report lists the directories from which files were requested. (The figures for each directory include all of its subdirectories.)

Listing directories with at least 0.2% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

60150 5.15%34617 7.64%24.89 4.48%/2/
9571 0.82%7252 1.60%4.10 0.74%  /2/0/
9351 0.80%4080 0.90%3.41 0.61%  /2/2/
8103 0.69%5313 1.17%6.01 1.08%  /2/6/
8001 0.68%4810 1.06%6.14 1.11%  /2/1/
6515 0.56%3868 0.85%3.50 0.63%  /2/3/
5895 0.50%2149 0.47%0.37 0.07%  /2/5/
5115 0.44%3335 0.74%0.47 0.08%  /2/4/
4761 0.41%1660 0.37%0.57 0.10%  /2/8/
2458 0.21%1774 0.39%0.28 0.05%  /2/7/
58885 5.04%44554 9.83%45.10 8.12%/1/
12654 1.08%11563 2.55%32.37 5.83%  /1/9/
11889 1.02%7390 1.63%5.25 0.95%  /1/0/
7420 0.64%6399 1.41%0.91 0.16%  /1/8/
4375 0.37%2786 0.61%0.59 0.11%  /1/3/
4103 0.35%2727 0.60%0.64 0.12%  /1/4/
4087 0.35%3082 0.68%0.44 0.08%  /1/6/
3812 0.33%2798 0.62%0.88 0.16%  /1/7/
3516 0.30%2485 0.55%0.57 0.10%  /1/5/
3488 0.30%2531 0.56%2.78 0.50%  /1/1/
3467 0.30%2719 0.60%0.65 0.12%  /1/2/
36186 3.10%36184 7.98%86.0915.50%/etext05/
28851 2.47%28847 6.36%25.18 4.53%/etext04/
28457 2.44%390 0.09%0.94 0.17%/18467/
28412 2.43%345 0.08%0.87 0.16%  /18467/18467-h/
25565 2.19%25565 5.64%0.01 /1468/
25551 2.19%25551 5.64%0.00   /1468/1468-h/
24879 2.13%456 0.10%0.84 0.15%/13444/
24865 2.13%442 0.10%0.82 0.15%  /13444/13444-h/
21041 1.80%327 0.07%0.67 0.12%/16713/
20859 1.79%145 0.03%0.38 0.07%  /16713/16713-h/
16687 1.43%16687 3.68%0.68 0.12%/21438/
15311 1.31%323 0.07%0.39 0.07%/16593/
15233 1.30%245 0.05%0.33 0.06%  /16593/16593-h/
13851 1.19%93 0.02%0.66 0.12%/15147/
13828 1.18%70 0.02%0.47 0.08%  /15147/15147-h/
13210 1.13%264 0.06%0.50 0.09%/18127/
13178 1.13%232 0.05%0.43 0.08%  /18127/18127-h/
10620 0.91%10620 2.34%1.85 0.33%/etext03/
10615 0.91%10615 2.34%6.80 1.23%/etext06/
10369 0.89%61 0.01%0.10 0.02%/23186/
10341 0.89%42 0.01%0.09 0.02%  /23186/23186-h/
9837 0.84%245 0.05%0.54 0.10%/17921/
9808 0.84%216 0.05%0.51 0.09%  /17921/17921-h/
9083 0.78%438 0.10%0.82 0.15%/14264/
8863 0.76%218 0.05%0.40 0.07%  /14264/14264-h/
8504 0.73%154 0.03%0.37 0.07%/27713/
8478 0.73%128 0.03%0.33 0.06%  /27713/27713-h/
8133 0.70%196 0.04%0.61 0.11%/22483/
8121 0.70%184 0.04%0.35 0.06%  /22483/22483-h/
7938 0.68%240 0.05%0.57 0.10%/19699/
7848 0.67%150 0.03%0.47 0.08%  /19699/19699-h/
7247 0.62%190 0.04%0.34 0.06%/17582/
7233 0.62%176 0.04%0.33 0.06%  /17582/17582-h/
6949 0.59%66 0.01%0.08 0.01%/21531/
6925 0.59%51 0.01%0.06 0.01%  /21531/21531-h/
6879 0.59%148 0.03%0.28 0.05%/19499/
6847 0.59%116 0.03%0.14 0.02%  /19499/19499-h/
6471 0.55%168 0.04%0.64 0.11%/24855/
6426 0.55%136 0.03%0.52 0.09%  /24855/24855-h/
6423 0.55%6423 1.42%57.3010.32%/19839/
6372 0.55%6372 1.41%57.1710.30%  /19839/mp3/
5672 0.49%311 0.07%0.27 0.05%/22381/
5548 0.47%202 0.04%0.21 0.04%  /22381/22381-h/
5333 0.46%117 0.03%0.20 0.04%/27367/
5327 0.46%111 0.02%0.19 0.03%  /27367/27367-h/
5273 0.45%115 0.03%0.20 0.04%/16277/
5265 0.45%107 0.02%0.18 0.03%  /16277/16277-h/
5195 0.44%572 0.13%1.46 0.26%/12254/
5098 0.44%475 0.10%0.38 0.07%  /12254/12254-h/
5134 0.44%155 0.03%0.23 0.04%/14742/
5119 0.44%140 0.03%0.21 0.04%  /14742/14742-h/
4514 0.39%49 0.01%0.11 0.02%/13499/
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Request Report

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This report lists the files on the site.

Listing files with at least 0.02% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

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