Project Gutenberg Principle of Minimal Regulation/ Administration, by Michael Hart and Greg Newby

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The Project Gutenberg organization consists of many individuals, all of whom have different motivations and interests. We are working to achieve a common mission: to create and distribute eBooks. Since no single organization or effort can be “just right” for everyone, even with a shared mission, Project Gutenberg works hard to remove all of the barriers that might stand between motivated individuals, groups, or other like minded organizations: these have created standards of their own to work on particular authors, formats, languages, etc. so we can provide you either with the freedom to create your eBooks for your own purposes and standards or to use prearranged standards. We recognize that our volunteers ARE volunteers, and that you should be given as much help or as much leeway, or both, as possible.

The only barrier that Project Gutenberg seeks to maintain is the one that keeps notions such as dogmatism, perfectionism, elitism, format restrictions, content restrictions and so forth from restricting the freedom of people to create, read and distribute the eBooks they are interested in. This leads to a one of the Project Gutenberg mottos:

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Written by Michael S. Hart and Gregory B. Newby June 25, 2004. Updated October 23, 2004.