Summary |
"The Illustrious Prince" by E. Phillips Oppenheim is a suspenseful novel written during the early 20th century. The book focuses on the enigmatic character of Mr. Hamilton Fynes, whose sudden arrival in London following a tumultuous journey on the Lusitania sets a chain of mysterious events in motion, ultimately leading to his untimely death under suspicious circumstances. At the start of the story, we are introduced to Hamilton Fynes aboard the Lusitania as he prepares for an urgent mission. After missing the evening's tide, Fynes receives a note that prompts him to leave the ship in a clandestine manner. Upon arriving in London, he seeks a special train to the city, clearly desperate to reach a destination quickly. However, his journey culminates in tragedy when he is discovered dead inside a train carriage, a victim of what appears to be a calculated murder. The initial investigation raises more questions than answers, particularly concerning Fynes' secretive nature, the mysterious papers he was carrying, and the implications of his death on the international stage. Penelope Morse, a character with connections to Fynes, becomes crucial in deciphering the complexities surrounding the case, as she grapples with her unexpected ties to the victim. (This is an automatically generated summary.)