Summary |
"The Twins: A Domestic Novel" by Martin Farquhar Tupper is a novel written in the mid-19th century. The story unfolds in Burleigh-Singleton, a small seaside town in England, and centers around the contrasting lives of twin brothers, Julian and Charles Tracy, who are raised under the same roof but are starkly different in character. Their upbringing reveals themes of familial duty and personal morality, highlighting the complexities of their relationships, particularly with their mother, Mrs. Tracy, and their father, General Tracy. At the start of the narrative, we are introduced to the idyllic yet staid environment of Burleigh-Singleton, where the twins' mother, Jane Tracy, has been living in anticipation of her husband's return from India after many years of separation. We learn of the twins' contrasting personalities: Julian is impulsive and rebellious, whereas Charles is gentle and kind-hearted, often subjected to Julian's mistreatment. The opening chapters set the stage for impending conflict, revealing long-held family secrets and the profound impact of their upbringing on their lives. The tension escalates as Julian's jealousy towards Charles's relationship with Emily Warren, a girl of considerable beauty and wealth, culminates in tragedy, hinting at a dark turn in their intertwined fates. (This is an automatically generated summary.)