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Abou Ben Butler, by Paul -- The Advertiser, by Field -- After the Funeral, by Bailey -- The Apostasy of William Dodge, by Waterloo -- The Ballad of Grizzly Gulch, by Irwin -- Banty Tim, by Hay -- The Bear Story, by Riley -- The Book-Canvasser, by Anonymous -- A Bully Boat and a Brag Captain, by Smith -- The Bumblebeaver, by Cox -- Casey at the Bat, by Thayer -- Chad's Story of the Goose, by Smith -- Colonel Carter's Story of the Postmaster, by Smith -- Comic Miseries, by Saxe -- The Coquette, by Saxe -- De Gradual Commence, by Amsbary -- Evening, by Holmes -- The Fairport Art Museum, by Thanet -- The Famous Mulligan Ball, by Stanton -- The Genial Idiot Discusses the Music Cure, by Bangs -- Grains of Truth, by Nye -- Her Valentine, by Hovey -- It Pays to be Happy, by Masson -- James and Reginald, by Field -- Jones, by Osbourne -- Latter-Day Warnings, by Holmes -- Lost Chords, by Field -- Love Sonnets of an Office Boy, by Kiser -- The Martyrdom of Mr. Stevens, by Quick -- The Merchant and the Book-Agent, by Anonymous -- The Modern Farmer, by Appleton -- The Mosquito, by Bryant -- Mr. Dooley on the Game of Football, by Dunne -- My First Cigar, by Burdette -- My Philosofy, by Riley -- The Octopussycat, by Cox -- The Old Settler, by Mott -- The Owl-Critic, by Fields -- The Paintermine, by Cox -- Shonny Schwartz, by Adams -- The Society Upon the Stanislaus, by Harte -- So Wags the World, by Warner -- A Spring Feeling, by Carman -- The Talking Horse, by McIntyre -- The Thompson Street Poker Club, by Carleton -- Thoughts fer the Discuraged Farmer, by Riley -- "Tiddle-iddle-iddle-iddle-bum! bum!", by Nesbit -- Unconscious Humor, by Wetherell -- Up and Down Old Brandywine, by Riley -- Verre Definite, by Amsbary -- Wasted Opportunities, by Greene -- The Weddin', by Hartswick -- The Welsh Rabbittern, by Cox -- When the Allegash Drive Goes Through, by Day -- The Wild Boarder, by Cox.