Summary |
"The Paradise Mystery" by J. S. Fletcher is a mystery novel written during the early 20th century. The story unfolds in the picturesque cathedral town of Wrychester, where the protagonist, Dr. Mark Ransford, navigates the complexities of his life as a guardian to two young wards, Mary and Richard Bewery. The narrative begins with an ominous incident that sets the tone for a tale steeped in intrigue, personal relationships, and the quest for truth, as it explores the dark undercurrents that threaten the serene facade of this historic setting. The opening of "The Paradise Mystery" introduces the idyllic beauty of Wrychester, contrasted sharply by the tension that soon arises. Breakfast at the home of Ransford with his wards is interrupted by the arrival of a mysterious stranger, who later becomes the center of a tragic event. After being seen entering the cathedral, he is found dead, having seemingly been thrown from the clerestory gallery, leading to questions about his identity and his connection to Ransford. As layers of secrecy and interaction between the characters unfold, the reader is drawn into a web of potential motives and hidden truths, foreshadowing a gripping mystery that intertwines the past with the present. (This is an automatically generated summary.)