Books by Strindberg, August (sorted by popularity)
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Contemporary One-Act Plays 741 downloads
Plays: the Father; Countess Julie; the Outlaw; the Stronger August Strindberg 616 downloads
Plays by August Strindberg, First Series August Strindberg 597 downloads
Röda rummet: Skildringar ur artist- och författarlivet (Swedish) August Strindberg 542 downloads
Inferno (Swedish) August Strindberg 416 downloads
Samlade Skrifter #28. Hemsöborna och Skärkarlsliv (Swedish) August Strindberg 335 downloads
The Road to Damascus, a Trilogy August Strindberg 328 downloads
Plays by August Strindberg: Creditors. Pariah. August Strindberg 291 downloads
The Red Room August Strindberg 289 downloads
Plays by August Strindberg, Second series August Strindberg 272 downloads
Married August Strindberg 265 downloads
Master Olof: A Drama in Five Acts August Strindberg 244 downloads
Plays: Comrades; Facing Death; Pariah; Easter August Strindberg 227 downloads
Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of August Strindberg August Strindberg 196 downloads
Zones of the Spirit: A Book of Thoughts August Strindberg 184 downloads
Plays by August Strindberg, Fourth Series August Strindberg 181 downloads
Fräulein Julie: Naturalistisches Trauerspiel (German) August Strindberg 179 downloads
Historical Miniatures August Strindberg 174 downloads
Plays by August Strindberg, Third Series August Strindberg 166 downloads
Inferno; Legenden (German) August Strindberg 165 downloads
The Inferno August Strindberg 163 downloads
Hemsöborna (Swedish) August Strindberg 155 downloads
The Son of a Servant August Strindberg 155 downloads
I Vårbrytningen (Swedish) August Strindberg 154 downloads
The Growth of a Soul August Strindberg 148 downloads
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