Books by Besant, Walter (sorted alphabetically)
London Walter Besant
London City Walter Besant
London in the Time of the Stuarts Walter Besant
London in the Time of the Tudors Walter Besant
Mayfair, Belgravia, and Bayswater G. E. Mitton
Mediæval London, Volume 1: Historical & Social Walter Besant
Mediæval London, Volume 2: Ecclesiastical Walter Besant
Orange Girl Walter Besant
Queen's Reign and Its Commemoration Walter Besant
Revolt of Man Walter Besant
South London Walter Besant
Stories by English Authors: The Sea
Strand District Walter Besant and G. E. Mitton
Victorian Short Stories: Stories of Successful Marriages
Westminster Walter Besant, G. E. Mitton, and Mrs. A. Murray Smith
Westminster Walter Besant