Books in World War I (sorted alphabetically)
- Kitchener's Mob: Adventures of an American in the British Army James Norman Hall
- Kut Prisoner Harry Coghill Watson Bishop
- Leicestershires beyond Baghdad Edward John Thompson
- Letters from France C. E. W. Bean
- Letters from Mesopotamia in 1915 and January, 1916 Robert Stafford Arthur Palmer
- Letters of a Soldier, 1914-1915 Eugène Emmanuel Lemercier
- Letters of Lt.-Col. George Brenton Laurie G. B. Laurie
- Letters to Helen: Impressions of an Artist on the Western Front Keith Henderson
- Letters to "The Times" upon War and Neutrality (1881-1920) Thomas Erskine Holland
- Liége on the line of march : an American girl's experiences when the Germans came through Belgium Glenna Lindsley Bigelow
- Lively Bit of the Front: A Tale of the New Zealand Rifles on the Western Front Percy F. Westerman
- Log of a Noncombatant Horace Green
- L.P.M. : The End of the Great War J. Stewart Barney
- Luck of Thirteen: Wanderings and Flight through Montenegro and Serbia Jan Gordon and Cora Gordon
- Many Fronts Lewis R. Freeman
- Meaning of the War: Life & Matter in Conflict Henri Bergson
- Men in War Andreas Latzko
- Military Instructors Manual J. P. Cole and Oliver Schoonmaker
- Mille et un jours en prison à Berlin (French) Henri Béland
- Minstrel in France Sir Harry Lauder
- Missing Mrs. Humphry Ward
- Mobilizing Woman-Power Harriot Stanton Blatch
- motor-bus in war : being the impressions of an A.S.C. officer during two and a half years at the front A. M. Beatson
- Moving Picture Boys on the War Front Victor Appleton
- Mr. Britling Sees It Through H. G. Wells