Books in Browsing: Biographies (sorted alphabetically by author)
Victor Hugo, son oeuvre poétique (French) Ernest Dupuy
Trois Héros de la colonie de Montréal (French) Paul Dupuy
Quatre mois de l'expédition de Garibaldi en Sicilie et Italie (French) Durand-Brager
Albert Durer a Venise et dans les Pays-Bas (French) Albrecht Dürer
Epistles from Pap: Letters from the man known as 'The Will Rogers of Indiana' Andrew Everett Durham
George Borrow in East Anglia William A. Dutt
Un frère de Nicolas Foucquet: François, Archevêque de Narbonne; Exilé à Alençon (French) Louis François Marin Duval
Edison: His Life and Inventions Frank Lewis Dyer and Thomas Commerford Martin
20 hrs., 40 min. : our flight in the Friendship : the American girl, first across the Atlantic by air, tells her story Amelia Earhart
Colonial dames and good wives Alice Morse Earle
- Intiaanipoika Pohjois-Amerikan aarniometsissä (Finnish) Charles A. Eastman
Indian Boyhood Charles A. Eastman
Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains Charles A. Eastman
Seven and Nine years Among the Camanches and Apaches: An Autobiography Edwin Eastman
Sir Isaac Brock Hugh S. Eayrs
Isabelle Eberhardt, ou, la Bonne nomade: d'après des documents inédits (French) Isabelle Eberhardt and Paul Vigné d'Octon
The Story of My Life — Complete Georg Ebers
The Story of My Life — Volume 06 Georg Ebers
The Story of My Life — Volume 05 Georg Ebers
The Story of My Life — Volume 04 Georg Ebers
The Story of My Life — Volume 03 Georg Ebers
The Story of My Life — Volume 02 Georg Ebers
The Story of My Life — Volume 01 Georg Ebers
Cleopatra — Complete Georg Ebers
Cleopatra — Volume 09 Georg Ebers