Books in Browsing: Biographies (sorted alphabetically by author)
Two Years Before the Mast Richard Henry Dana
Contemplazione della morte (Italian) Gabriele D'Annunzio
Histoire de Jane Grey (French) Jean-Marie Dargaud
Cabezas: Pensadores y Artistas, Políticos (Spanish) Rubén Darío
Autobiografía (Spanish) Rubén Darío
Farmington Clarence Darrow
Life and Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 2 Charles Darwin
Life and Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 1 Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin: His Life Told in an Autobiographical Chapter, and in a Selected Series of His Published Letters Charles Darwin
The Autobiography of Charles Darwin Charles Darwin
More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 2 Charles Darwin
More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 1 Charles Darwin
Chitta Ranjan Sukumar Ranjan Das
Mon frère et moi; souvenirs d'enfance et de jeunesse (French) Ernest Daudet
Gedankengut aus meinen Wanderjahren. Erster Band (German) Max Dauthendey
Gedankengut aus meinen Wanderjahren. Zweiter Band (German) Max Dauthendey
Thomas Berthelet, Royal Printer and Bookbinder to Henry VIII., King of England Cyril Davenport
The Nine Days' Queen, Lady Jane Grey, and Her Times Richard Davey
The Sisters of Lady Jane Grey and Their Wicked Grandfather Richard Davey
Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy Charles W. David
Le Héros de Châteauguay (French) L.-O. David
Reynolds Randall Davies
Romney Randall Davies
The Autobiography of a Super-Tramp W. H. Davies
Sketches of Fifteen Members of Worcester Fire Society Isaac Davis