Books in Browsing: Biographies (sorted alphabetically)
- Germania and Agricola (Latin) Cornelius Tacitus
- German Pompadour Hon. Marie Hay
- Germany and the Agricola of Tacitus Cornelius Tacitus
- Geronimo's Story of His Life Geronimo
- Geschichte Alexanders des Grossen (German) Johann Gustav Droysen
- Geschichte meines Lebens (German) Helen Keller
- G. F. Watts G. K. Chesterton
- Gibbon James Cotter Morison
- Gilbert Keith Chesterton Maisie Ward
- Gilbert Keith Chesterton Patrick Braybrooke
- Gilbertus Anglicus: Medicine of the Thirteenth Century Henry E. Handerson
- Giotto Harry Quilter
- Giovanni Boccaccio, a Biographical Study Edward Hutton
- giovinezza del secolo XIX (Italian) Neera
- Girls' Book of Famous Queens Lydia Hoyt Farmer
- Give the man room : The story of Gutzon Borglum Robert J. Casey and Mary Montgomery Borglum
- Gladius Dei; Schwere Stunde (German) Thomas Mann
- Gleanings in Buddha-Fields: Studies of Hand and Soul in the Far East Lafcadio Hearn
- Goethe: Een Levensbeschrijving (Dutch) E. D'Oliveira
- Goethes Briefe an Auguste zu Stolberg (German) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Gräfin zu Augusta Louise Stolberg-Stolberg
- Goethes Lebenskunst (German) Wilhelm Bode
- Goethe und Werther: Briefe Goethe's, meistens aus seiner Jugendzeit (German) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- Gold-Headed Cane William Macmichael
- Gold Hunter's Experience Chalkley J. Hambleton
- Goldsmith William Black