Books in Browsing: Biographies (sorted by popularity)
Some Jewish Witnesses For Christ Aaron Bernstein 2396 downloads
The Letters of Jane Austen Jane Austen 2366 downloads
Autobiography of a Yogi Paramahansa Yogananda 2266 downloads
My Bondage and My Freedom Frederick Douglass 2219 downloads
Lineage, Life and Labors of José Rizal, Philippine Patriot Austin Craig 2176 downloads
Plutarch's Lives, Volume 1 (of 4) Plutarch 2070 downloads
Chesterton, as seen by his contemporaries Cyril Clemens 2005 downloads
Soeur Thérèse de l'Enfant-Jésus et de la Sainte Face (French) Saint de Lisieux Thérèse 1951 downloads
The Germany and the Agricola of Tacitus Cornelius Tacitus 1859 downloads
The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt, 1725-1798. Complete Giacomo Casanova 1859 downloads
The Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart — Volume 01 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1844 downloads
Plutarch: Lives of the noble Grecians and Romans Plutarch 1736 downloads
Memoirs of General William T. Sherman — Complete William T. Sherman 1619 downloads
The History of Mary Prince, a West Indian Slave Mary Prince 1614 downloads
There was once a slave ... : The heroic story of Frederick Douglass Shirley Graham Du Bois 1604 downloads
Boswell's Life of Johnson James Boswell 1507 downloads
Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects, Vol. 01 (of 10) Giorgio Vasari 1488 downloads
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater Thomas De Quincey 1488 downloads
The Education of Henry Adams Henry Adams 1418 downloads
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin 1403 downloads
The Underground Railroad William Still 1394 downloads
The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers Diogenes Laertius 1392 downloads
Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte — Complete Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne 1301 downloads
The girlhood of Queen Victoria, vol. 1 (of 2) : A selection from Her Majesty's diaries between the years 1832 and 1840 Queen of Great Britain Victoria 1294 downloads
The cradle of the deep Joan Lowell 1285 downloads