The cradle of the deep
Joan Lowell
Aus meinem Leben (German)
Emil Fischer
Brief biographies from American history, for the fifth and sixth grades : Required by the syllabus for elementary schools of New York State Education Department
Edna Henry Lee Turpin
A. A. Strachan
John G. Paton, missionary to the New Hebrides, volume 3 (of 3)
John Gibson Paton
Lives of the early Medici : As told in their correspondence
Lessons from the life of Florence Nightingale
Charlotte A. Aikens
Beethoven (Finnish)
Romain Rolland
Forty-two years amongst the Indians and Eskimo : pictures from the life of the Right Reverend John Horden, first Bishop of Moosonee
Beatrice Batty
Memoranda of art and artists, anecdotal and biographical
Joseph Sandell
Les confessions d'un converti (French)
Robert Hugh Benson
Le soleil intérieur (French)
Adolphe Retté
Richard Lepsius, a biography
Georg Ebers
Adobe days : being the truthful narrative of the events in the life of a California girl on a sheep ranch and in El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora de Los Angeles while it was yet a small and humble town; together with an account of how three young men from Maine in eighteen hundred and fifty-three drove sheep and cattle across the plains, mountains and deserts from Illinois to the Pacific coast; and the strange prophecy of Admiral Thatcher about San Pedro harbor
Sarah Bixby Smith
Goethes Lebenskunst (German)
Wilhelm Bode
A story teller's story : The tale of an American writer's journey through his own imaginative world and through the world of facts, with many of his experiences and impressions among other writers
Sherwood Anderson
When I was a boy in China
Yan Phou Lee
A Yankee doctor in paradise
S. M. Lambert
Portraits of women
Gamaliel Bradford
My autobiography
Benito Mussolini
Sea yarns : The log of a Cape Cod sea captain
Joshua N. Taylor
The president's daughter
Nan Britton
George Bernard Shaw, his life and works : a critical biography (authorized)
Archibald Henderson
Otto Speckter (German)
The Prospector, and The Silver Queen
Cy Warman and Fitz-Mac