Books in Browsing: Children & Young Adult Reading (sorted alphabetically by author)
The Magician's Show Box, and Other Stories Lydia Maria Child and Caroline Sturgis Tappan
Budd Boyd's Triumph; or, The Boy-Firm of Fox Island William P. Chipman
Celtic Tales, Told to the Children Louey Chisholm
What Two Children Did Charlotte E. Chittenden
Fairy Tales of the Slav Peasants and Herdsmen Alexander Chodzko
Shen of the Sea: A Book for Children Arthur Bowie Chrisman
The Historical Child Oscar Chrisman
De La Salle Fifth Reader Christian Brothers
The Byzantines Thomas Caldecot Chubb
Stories from Livy Alfred John Church
Stories of the Old World Alfred John Church
The Faery Queen and Her Knights: Stories Retold from Edmund Spenser Alfred John Church and Edmund Spenser
Among the Trees at Elmridge Ella Rodman Church
A Grandmother's Recollections Ella Rodman Church
Little Pilgrim at Aunt Lou's Ella Rodman Church
Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus Francis Pharcellus Church
The Little Navajo Herder Ann Nolan Clark
A Guide to Mythology Helen A. Clarke
The Bushranger's Secret Mrs. Henry Clarke
Miss Merivale's Mistake Mrs. Henry Clarke
Dick Randall, the Young Athlete Ellery H. Clark
Hunter's Marjory Margaret Bruce Clarke
Santa Claus' Sweetheart Imogen Clark
Connie Carl at Rainbow Ranch Joan Clark
Penny Nichols and the Knob Hill Mystery Joan Clark