Books in Browsing: Children & Young Adult Reading (sorted alphabetically)
Beacon Lights of History, Volume 10: European Leaders John Lord
Beacon Lights of History, Volume 13: Great Writers John Lord
Beacon Lights of History, Volume 14: The New Era John Lord
Beacon Second Reader James H. Fassett
Bear Family at Home, and How the Circus Came to Visit Them Curtis Dwight Wilbur
Bears of Blue River Charles Major
Beatrice Leigh at College: A Story for Girls Julia Augusta Schwartz
Beaufort Chums Edwin L. Sabin
Beautiful Birds Edmund Selous
beautiful garment, and other stories A. L. O. E.
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare William Shakespeare and E. Nesbit
Beauty and the beast : An old tale new-told, with pictures
Bébée; Or, Two Little Wooden Shoes Ouida
Bee-Man of Orn and Other Fanciful Tales Frank R. Stockton
Bees, Shown to the Children Ellison Hawks
Bee: The Princess of the Dwarfs Anatole France
Beethoven : The story of a little boy who was forced to practice Thomas Tapper
Begegnisse eines jungen Thierquälers oder »Der Gerechte erbarmt sich auch seines Thieres.« (German) J. Alois Meier
Beginner's American History D. H. Montgomery
Behind the Green Door Mildred A. Wirt
Behind the Line: A Story of College Life and Football Ralph Henry Barbour
Be Kind to One Another Anonymous
Belgian Fairy Tales William Elliot Griffis
Belgians to the Front James Fiske
Belgian Twins Lucy Fitch Perkins