Books in Browsing: Cooking & Drinking (sorted alphabetically by author)
10 Cakes Husbands Like Best: From Spry's Recipe Round-up Lever Brothers Company
10 Luscious New Cakes, Made by Spry's Amazing New One-Bowl Method Lever Brothers Company
Butchering and curing meats in China Carl Oscar Levine
Lily Speed-O-Weave: Luncheon Set No. 86 Lily Mills Company
Carving and Serving Mary J. Lincoln
Bright Ideas for Entertaining Mrs. Herbert B. Linscott
The different modes of cultivating the pine-apple J. C. Loudon
The Lady's Country Companion; Or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally Mrs. Loudon
50 Wonderful Ways to Use Lucerne Sour Cream, From Appetizers to Desserts Lucerne Foods and American Dairy Association
Food in War Time Graham Lusk
茶經 (Chinese) Yu Lu
Food and Health Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Company
Cacao Culture in the Philippines William Scrugham Lyon
Vegetable Dyes: Being a Book of Recipes and Other Information Useful to the Dyer Ethel Mairet
A Book on Vegetable Dyes Ethel Mairet
The Business of Being a Housewife Leona A. Malek
Turkey Raising Stanley J. Marsden and Alfred R. Lee
Foods and Culinary Utensils of the Ancients Charles Martyn
The accomplisht cook Robert May
Spices, Their Nature and Growth; The Vanilla Bean; A Talk on Tea Md.) McCormick & Co. (Baltimore
Dishes & Beverages of the Old South Martha McCulloch-Williams
Harper's Household Handbook: A guide to easy ways of doing woman's work Martha McCulloch-Williams
The Practical Distiller Samuel McHarry
Toadstools, mushrooms, fungi, edible and poisonous; one thousand American fungi Charles McIlvaine and Robert K. Macadam
Aunt Caroline's Dixieland recipes Emma McKinney and William McKinney