Staffordshire pottery and its history
Josiah C. Wedgwood
Stories of New York
Edith Wharton, Bliss Perry, Annie Eliot Trumbull, George A. Hibbard, and John Seymour Wood
Where the Atlantic meets the land
H. Caldwell Lipsett
Calixte; ou, l'introduction à la vie lyonnaise (French)
Jean Dufourt
Social life in England, 1750-1850
F. J. Foakes-Jackson
Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz — Mitteilungen Band XV, Heft 3-4 : Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz, Volkskunde und Denkmalpflege (German)
Il faut marier Jean! (French)
Henri Ardel
Männyn käpyjä : Saloiltamme poimittuja (Finnish)
Jonas Viktor Leiman
En Asie centrale : De Moscou en Bactriane (French)
Gabriel Bonvalot
La vie secrète (French)
Édouard Estaunié
The evolution of mathematical physics : being the Rouse Ball lecture for 1924
Sir Horace Lamb
Gloria : Kokoelma kansojen pyhiä kertomuksia (Finnish)
Ernst Lampén
La pudique Albion (French)
Hector France
"In Sargasso." Missing, a romance : Narrative of Capt. Austin Clark, of the tramp steamer "Caribas," who, for two years, was a captive among the savage people of the Seaweed Sea
Julius Chambers
Suvun kunnia : ja muita kertomuksia Hawaii-saarilta (Finnish)
Jack London
Aux pays du Soudan : Bogos, Mensah, Souakim (French)
Denis de Rivoyre
L'Auvergne (French)
Jean Ajalbert
People of the veil : being an account of the habits, organisation and history of the wandering Tuareg tribes which inhabit the mountains of Air or Asben in the central Sahara
Baron Francis James Rennell Rodd Rennell of Rodd
The woman of to-morrow
Helen M. Winslow
Kunnon kansalaisia : Viisitoista tarinaa (Finnish)
Kálmán Mikszáth
Lost Gip
Hesba Stretton
In the Tennessee mountains
Charles Egbert Craddock
Anthology of modern Indian poetry
Coming of age in Samoa : A psychological study of primitive youth for western civilisation
Margaret Mead
The weary blues
Langston Hughes