Books in Browsing: Crime/Mystery (sorted alphabetically)
Dead Man's Love Tom Gallon
Dead Men's Money J. S. Fletcher
Dead Men Tell No Tales E. W. Hornung
Dead Reckoning T. W. Speight
Dean Dunham; Or, the Waterford Mystery Jr. Horatio Alger
- Death Points a Finger Will Levinrew
Deaves Affair Hulbert Footner
de Bercy Affair Louis Tracy
December Love Robert Hichens
Decidedly Odd William MacHarg and Edwin Balmer
Deep Lake Mystery Carolyn Wells
Deep Moat Grange S. R. Crockett
dégringolade (French) Emile Gaboriau
Delinquent (Vol. IV, No. 2), February, 1914 Various
Derues Alexandre Dumas
Deserted Yacht Mildred A. Wirt
Destroyer: A Tale of International Intrigue Burton Egbert Stevenson
Destroying Angel Louis Joseph Vance
Detective's Clew: Or, The Tragedy of Elm Grove O. S. Adams
Detectives, Inc.: A Mystery Story for Boys William Heyliger
Devil Doctor Sax Rohmer
Devil's Admiral Frederick Ferdinand Moore
Devil's Dice William Le Queux
Devil's Paw E. Phillips Oppenheim
Devlin the Barber B. L. Farjeon