Books in Browsing: Encyclopedias/Dictionaries/Reference (sorted alphabetically)
Budget of Paradoxes, Volume I Augustus De Morgan
Building of a Book
Burgess Unabridged: A new dictionary of words you have always needed Gelett Burgess
Burlington magazine : for connoisseurs. vol. II—June to August
Business Library: What it is and what it does Louise B. Krause
Camilleana (Portuguese) João Xavier da Mota
Canadian Druggist, Vol., 1, No. 2; August, 1889
Canadian Entomologist, Vol. XII., No. 2, February 1880 Various
Canadian Postal Guide Canada. Post Office Department
Capitals Frederick W. Hamilton
Care of Books John Willis Clark
Carey & Hart's Catalog (1852) Carey & Hart
Carleton's Condensed Classical Dictionary
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Debate Index Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Catálogo Instructivo de las Colecciones Mineralógicas (Spanish) Enrique Martín Hermitte and Guillermo Bodenbender
catalogue des livres censurez par la faculté de theologie de Paris (Latin) Université de Paris. Faculté de théologie
Catalogue d'ouvrages sur l'histoire de l'Amérique et en particulier sur celle du Canada (French) G.-B. Faribault
Catalogue of Books and Announcements of Methuen and Company, March 1897 Methuen & Co.
Catalogue of Books and Announcements of Methuen and Company, October 1902 Methuen & Co.
Catalogue of Books for the Young E.P. Dutton and Okeden & Welsh Farran Griffith
Catalogue of Books in English Later than 1700, Vol. 1
Catalogue of Books in English Later than 1700, Vol. 2
Catalogue of Books in English Later than 1700, Vol. 3
Catalogue of books on philately in the Public Library of the city of Boston Boston Public Library and Boston Philatelic Society
Catalogue of Books Published by Chapman & Hall, Limited, August, 1888 Chapman and Hall