Books in Browsing: Gender & Sexuality Studies (sorted by popularity)
Lyö sinä, minä venytän (Finnish) Eva Hirn 98 downloads
Our Changing Morality: A Symposium 97 downloads
The unpretenders Ruth Cranston 96 downloads
Stop in Time: A word in season, from a faithful friend, on a very serious subject Anonymous 95 downloads
A Plea for Monogamy Wilfrid Lay 95 downloads
The New Woman: An Original Comedy, in Four Acts Sydney Grundy 95 downloads
Plaidoyer de M. Freydier contre l'introduction des cadenas et ceintures de chasteté, précédé d'une notice historique. (French) Monsieur Freydier 94 downloads
3½ Monate Fabrik-Arbeiterin (German) Minna Wettstein-Adelt 94 downloads
Die Hochzeit der Esther Franzenius: Roman (German) Toni Schwabe 94 downloads
Running to Waste: The Story of a Tomboy George M. Baker 94 downloads
La Femme doit-elle voter? (Le pour et le contre) (French) Joseph Ginestou 94 downloads
Secresy; or, Ruin on the Rock E. Fenwick 94 downloads
An American Suffragette Isaac Newton Stevens 94 downloads
One Day At Arle Frances Hodgson Burnett 93 downloads
Divorce versus Democracy G. K. Chesterton 93 downloads
Raphael; Or, Pages of the Book of Life at Twenty Alphonse de Lamartine 93 downloads
Vrouwenbelangen (Dutch) Aletta H. Jacobs 92 downloads
Nequa; or, The Problem of the Ages Alcanoan O. Grigsby and Mary P. Lowe 92 downloads
De moedige vrouw (Dutch) Ellen Key 92 downloads
The Man Who Was Good Leonard Merrick 92 downloads
Huhtikuun-Manta (Finnish) Maila Talvio 92 downloads
Les quinze joyes de mariage (French) Antoine de La Sale 92 downloads
Petty Troubles of Married Life, Second Part Honoré de Balzac 91 downloads
Women Students in the University of North Carolina: 1897-1922 Anonymous 91 downloads
Stray Thoughts for Girls Lucy Helen Muriel Soulsby 91 downloads