Books in Browsing: Health & Medicine (sorted alphabetically)
- Indian operation of couching for cataract Robert Henry Elliot
- Industrial Poisoning from Fumes, Gases and Poisons of Manufacturing Processes Josef Rambousek
- Influenza Provincial Board of Health of Ontario
- Influenza : An epidemiologic study Warren T. Vaughan
- In Mesopotamia Maurice Nicoll
- Inquiry into the Causes and Effects of the Variolae Vaccinae Edward Jenner
- Insanity: Its Causes and Prevention Henry Putnam Stearns
- Insects and Diseases Rennie Wilbur Doane
- Insomnia; and Other Disorders of Sleep Henry M. Lyman
- Intestinal Ills Alcinous B. Jamison
- Intestinal irrigation : why, how and when to flush the colon Alcinous B. Jamison
- Introduction à l'étude de la médecine expérimentale (French) Claude Bernard
- Introductory notes on lying-in institutions : Together with a proposal for organising an institution for training midwives and midwifery nurses Florence Nightingale
- Investigation into the Nature of Black Phthisis Archibald Makellar
- Issues in Population and Bioethics Samuel Vaknin
- Jackson's Gymnastics for the Fingers and Wrist Edwin Ward Jackson
- Jaundice: Its Pathology and Treatment George Harley
- Joseph Rogers, M.D.: Reminiscences of a Workhouse Medical Officer Joseph Rogers
- Journal-Lancet, Vol. XXXV, No. 5, March 1, 1915 Various
- Journal of Ophthalmology, Otology and Laryngology. Vol. XII. July, 1900. Part 3. Various
- Juizo Verdadeiro sobre a carta contra os Medicos, Cirurgioens e Boticarios (Portuguese) Bento Morganti
- Kakomonade (German) Simon Nicolas Henri Linguet
- Keeping Fit All the Way Walter Camp
- Keep-Well Stories for Little Folks May Farinholt Jones
- Kept for the Master's Use Frances Ridley Havergal