Books in Browsing: History - British (sorted alphabetically)
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, "English History" Various
end of the house of Alard Sheila Kaye-Smith
England Charles Dudley Warner
England and Napoleon (1801-1815)
England, Canada and the Great War L. G. Desjardins
England in the Days of Old William Andrews
England of My Heart : Spring Edward Hutton
England's Antiphon George MacDonald
England's Stewardship Edward Hoare
England under the Angevin Kings, Volume I Kate Norgate
England under the Angevin Kings, Volume II Kate Norgate
England under the Angevin Kings, Volumes I and II Kate Norgate
England under the Tudors Arthur D. Innes
English Cathedrals Illustrated Francis Bond
English Church in the Eighteenth Century Charles J. Abbey and John Henry Overton
English Coast Defences George Clinch
English Constitution Walter Bagehot
English Critical Essays: Nineteenth Century
English Economic History: Select Documents
English Heraldic Book-stamps Cyril Davenport
English Illustration 'The Sixties': 1855-70 Gleeson White
English Industries of the Middle Ages L. F. Salzman
English in the West Indies; Or, The Bow of Ulysses James Anthony Froude
English Lands, Letters and Kings, vol. 1: From Celt to Tudor Donald Grant Mitchell
English Lands, Letters and Kings, vol. 2: From Elizabeth to Anne Donald Grant Mitchell