Books in Browsing: History - British (sorted alphabetically)
English Villages P. H. Ditchfield
Enquiry into the Causes of the Frequent Executions at Tyburn (1725) Bernard Mandeville
Erään rikoksen varjo (Finnish) Sir Hall Caine
Essay on the Antient and Modern State of Ireland Henry Brooke
Essay on the Encroachments of the German Ocean Along the Norfolk Coast William Hewitt
Essay on the Evils of Popular Ignorance John Foster
essay on the government of children, under three general heads, viz. health, manners, and education James Nelson
Essay on the Life and Institutions of Offa, King of Mercia, A.D. 755-794 Henry Mackenzie
Essay on the State of England John Cary
Essay on the Trial by Jury Lysander Spooner
Essay on the Trial By Jury Lysander Spooner
Essays Arthur Christopher Benson
Essays from 'The Guardian' Walter Pater
Essays in Liberalism Various
Essays of Douglas Jerrold Douglas William Jerrold
Essay to the Restoring of our Decayed Trade. Joseph Trevers
Essay Towards Regulating the Trade, and Employing the Poor of This Kingdom John Cary
Essay Upon Projects Daniel Defoe
Essay Upon Projects Daniel Defoe
Ethnology of the British Islands R. G. Latham
Eve of the Reformation Francis Aidan Gasquet
Eve's Ransom George Gissing
Evolution of an Empire: A Brief Historical Sketch of England Mary Platt Parmele
Evolution of an English Town Gordon Home
Excursions in the County of Cornwall Frederick Wilton Litchfield Stockdale