Books in Browsing: History - European (sorted alphabetically by author)
- Mr. Belloc still objects to Mr. Wells's "Outline of history" Hilaire Belloc
- The French Revolution Hilaire Belloc
- The Path to Rome Hilaire Belloc
- Marie Antoinette Hilaire Belloc
- Antimachus of Colophon and the Position of Women in Greek Poetry E. F. M. Benecke
- Nagy magyarok élete (2. kötet) (Hungarian) Elek Benedek
- Honszerző Árpád: Elbeszélés a honfoglalás idejéből (Hungarian) Elek Benedek
- The World War and What was Behind It; Or, The Story of the Map of Europe Louis Paul Bénézet
- Old St. Paul's Cathedral William Benham
- The Tower of London William Benham
- Mediæval London William Benham and Charles Welch
- The Vintage: A Romance of the Greek War of Independence E. F. Benson
- Crescent and Iron Cross E. F. Benson
- Our Family Affairs, 1867-1896 E. F. Benson
- Deutschland Über Allah E. F. Benson
- The White Eagle of Poland E. F. Benson
- York George Benson
- Kálozdy Béla: Regény (2. kötet) (Hungarian) Zsolt Beöthy
- La Repubblica di Venezia e la Persia (Italian) Guglielmo Berchet
- Latvia & Russia: One problem of the world-peace considered Arveds Bergs
- Wegweiser durch das sächsisch-böhmische Erzgebirge (German) Bruno Berlet
- A tour through some parts of France, Switzerland, Savoy, Germany and Belgium, during the summer and autumn of 1814 Richard Boyle Bernard
- Mémoires du maréchal Berthier ... Campagne d'Égypte, première partie (French) Louis-Alexandre Berthier and Jean-Louis-Ebenézer Reynier
- Mémoires du comte Reynier ... Campagne d'Égypte, deuxième partie (French) Louis-Alexandre Berthier and Jean-Louis-Ebenézer Reynier
- Westminster Walter Besant