Books in Browsing: History - European (sorted alphabetically)
- Magnificent Montez: From Courtesan to Convert Horace Wyndham
- Magyar alakok (Hungarian) Károly Eötvös
- Magyarhon szépségei; A legvitézebb huszár (Hungarian) Mór Jókai
- Magyarország története. Az ifjuság használatára (Hungarian) Elek Peregriny
- Magyar titkok: Regény (3. kötet) (Hungarian) Ignácz Nagy
- Maid of Honour: A Tale of the Dark Days of France. Vol. 1 (of 3) Lewis Wingfield
- Maid of Honour: A Tale of the Dark Days of France. Vol. 2 (of 3) Lewis Wingfield
- Maid of Orleans Friedrich Henning
- Maison-Rougen ritari (Finnish) Alexandre Dumas and Auguste Maquet
- Makers of Modern Rome, in Four Books Mrs. Oliphant
- Malmedy und die preußische Wallonie : Skizzen und Studien (German) Tony Kellen
- Malplaquet Hilaire Belloc
- Malta en de Maltezer Orde (Dutch) Gaston Vuillier
- Manchester and Glasgow Road, Volume 2 (of 2) Charles G. Harper
- Man Farthest Down: A Record of Observation and Study in Europe Booker T. Washington and Robert Ezra Park
- Manfredo Palavicino, o, I Francesi e gli Sforzeschi: Storia Italiana (Italian) Giuseppe Rovani
- Manhãs de Cascaes (Portuguese) Alberto Pimentel
- Manifesto da Serenissima Sra. Rainha de Hungria, e Bohemia, Arquiduqueza de Austria, &c. mandado publicar e divulgar pelas provincias, que França domina, fronteiras ao Imperio (Portuguese) Johann Daniel von Menzel
- Manifesto dos Estudantes da Universidade de Coimbra á opinião illustrada do paiz (Portuguese) Antero de Quental
- Man in the Iron Mask Alexandre Dumas
- Manners, Customs, and Dress During the Middle Ages and During the Renaissance Period P. L. Jacob
- Manuel da Maya e os engenheiros militares portugueses no Terramoto de 1755 (Portuguese) Christóvam Ayres de Magalhães Sepúlveda
- Manuel de politique musulmane (French) Georges Aimel
- Manuscrit de mil huit cent quatorze, trouvé dans les voitures impériales prises à Waterloo, contenant l'histoire des six derniers mois du règne de Napoléon (French) baron Agathon-Jean-François Fain
- man with the iron mask Marius Topin