Books in Browsing: History - European (sorted alphabetically)
- Bij ons in Noord-Holland (Dutch) Hendrik Jacobus Heijnes
- Biografia di Giuseppe Garibaldi (Italian) Gian Battista Cuneo
- Birth of Yugoslavia, Volume 1 Henry Baerlein
- Birth of Yugoslavia, Volume 2 Henry Baerlein
- Bismarck : some secret pages of his history (Vol. 1 of 3). Being a diary kept by Dr. Moritz Busch during twenty-five years' official and private intercourse with the great Chancellor Moritz Busch
- Bismarck : some secret pages of his history (Vol. 2 of 3). Being a diary kept by Dr. Moritz Busch during twenty-five years' official and private intercourse with the great Chancellor Moritz Busch
- Bismarck and the Foundation of the German Empire James Wycliffe Headlam
- Bismarck et la France (French) Jacques Bainville
- Bismarck: some secret pages of his history (Vol. 3 of 3). Being a diary kept by Dr. Moritz Busch during twenty-five years' official and private intercourse with the great Chancellor Moritz Busch
- blackest page in modern history: Events in Armenia in 1915 Herbert Adams Gibbons
- Blacksmith's Hammer; or, The Peasant Code: A Tale of the Grand Monarch Eugène Sue
- Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, Vol. 75, No. 462, April 1854 Various
- Bleeding Armenia: Its history and horrors under the curse of Islam Augustus Warner Williams and M. Smbat Gabrielean
- Blockade of Phalsburg: An Episode of the End of the Empire Erckmann-Chatrian
- Blood and Iron John Hubert Greusel
- Blue-beard: A Contribution to History and Folk-lore Thomas Wilson
- Boccaccio (German) Hermann Hesse
- Boche and Bolshevik Hereward Thimbleby Price
- Bohemia, from the earliest times to the fall of national independence in 1620 C. Edmund Maurice
- Bohemian (Cech) Bibliography Thomas Capek and Anna V. Čapek
- Bohemian Paris of To-day W. C. Morrow and Edward Cucuel
- Bohemia under Hapsburg Misrule
- Bollettino del Club Alpino Italiano 1895-96 (Italian) Various
- Bolsheviki and World Peace Leon Trotsky
- Bolshevismi ja olot Venäjällä (Finnish) K. N. Rauhala