Books in Browsing: History - European (sorted alphabetically)
- Diplomatists of Europe M. Capefigue
- Diplomat's Memoir of 1870 Frederic Reitlinger
- Discours Civiques de Danton (French) Georges Jacques Danton
- Discours par Maximilien Robespierre — 17 Avril 1792-27 Juillet 1794 (French) Maximilien Robespierre
- Discours par Maximilien Robespierre — 21 octobre 1789-1er juillet 1794 (French) Maximilien Robespierre
- Discours par Maximilien Robespierre — 5 Fevrier 1791-11 Janvier 1792 (French) Maximilien Robespierre
- Discoveries in Egypt, Ethiopia and the peninsula of Sinai, in the years 1842-1845, during the mission sent out by his majesty, Frederick William IV of Prussia. Richard Lepsius
- Discovery and Conquest of the Molucco and Philippine Islands. Bartolomé Leonardo de Argensola
- Discovery of Witches active 1612-1618 Thomas Potts
- Disturbed Ireland : being the letters written during the winter of 1880-81 Bernard H. Becker
- Diversions in Sicily Henry Festing Jones
- Divine Comedy by Dante, Illustrated, Paradise, Complete Dante Alighieri
- Divine Comedy by Dante, Illustrated, Purgatory, Complete Dante Alighieri
- Divine Comedy, Cary's Translation, Hell Dante Alighieri
- Divine Comedy, Cary's Translation, Purgatory Dante Alighieri
- Divine Comedy, Longfellow's Translation, Hell Dante Alighieri
- Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri: The Inferno Dante Alighieri
- Divine Comedy, Volume 3, Paradise Dante Alighieri
- Dix-huit Brumaire (French) Jacques Bainville
- Dixmude: The epic of the French marines (October 17-November 10, 1914) Charles Le Goffic
- D. Joanna de Portugal (A Princesa Santa) (Portuguese) Marques Gomes
- Dock and the Scaffold T. D. Sullivan
- Doctor Centeno (novela completa) (Spanish) Benito Pérez Galdós
- Documenti Umani (Italian) Federico De Roberto
- Documento che invita i mercanti ebrei a stabilirsi in Livorno e Pisa (Costituzione Livornina) (Italian) Grand-Duke of Tuscany Ferdinando I